illlUiMlBlUIIUlUIU iUllliUIIHIIiOn,n;j}„, The person charging this material is re¬ sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN U L161—0-1096 i"en find ink ter-.tions of tlie text h.Hvo not been made. Firections for such alterations ond ail other changes will be found at the end of the last volume. ^ /V. H.O. Pub. No.I ll (FORMERL Y H. 0. 30J PART I Second edition LIST OF LIGHTS AND FOG SIGNALS THE COASTS OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA THE WEST INDIES. AND THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, EXCLUDING CONTINENTAL U. S. A. AND ALASKA August 13, 1960 (Including N. M. 33 of 1960) Published by the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy O' o' (.eO ■ qO'' o' ,'0 : -»v- VO' ..e'-.oO- ,VO<'%ep«#C»€A Hf)rrL)3K)a<)’j lb ,£ . ‘' <• W ,i 8iit>A«J 3D‘*^Atl"' HQ > !Mi« .1 m'iitsiiimi im oi 3orrw y m[rt,kmrro:iH^ho hociswosji c ‘ V- - , ■' -9 “ »/4 &W 1 : J *»«*i¥^D‘Aq 5tvjn’b;T»H.^-lOT^ij r ’Wlff ,T J| r " ^ . (.{»:•* b«tt |JiAH^Mijrr»u;i ai , ftTflOlJ HQTaU ■> ^ -*. ■ m bat ,t wi^i) cl*.'* T| ' .>«•! ' 0 {xa jj?! I ,iif i»*ii, irf oqi Ui /t Htii I^0*rt4 tri (,lC-{ Iwf V rM'lAlKfi ftnuMnila^a^ H.o. in INTRODUCTION This list contains descriptions of lighted navigational aids (except harbor lighted buoys) and of fog signals on the coasts of North and South America, the West Indies, and the Ha¬ waiian Islands, excluding continental U. S. A. and Alaska. Storm signals, signal stations, radio direction-finders, and radiobeacons, located at or near lights are mentioned in this list. Lists of the lighted coastal aids of the United States and Alaska are published by the U. S. Coast Guard. Geographical positions (coordinates) are approximate and are merely intended to facilitate reference to the charts. Longitude is reckoned from the meridian of Greenwich. The various styles of type in the “name and location” column of this list have the following signi&cance: 1. Bold-faced type: Lights (except floating lights) intended for use in making the coast. These are, in general, lights of considerable luminous power. 2. Italics, floating lights other than light vessels. 3. ITALIC CAPITALS, light vessels. 4. Ordinary type, all other lights. ABBREVIATIONS Where the lights of different countries intermingle in the list they are distinguished by the following letters: (A.) Argentina. (H.) Haiti. (B.H.) British Honduras. (Hon.) Honduras. (Br.) British Empire (M.) Mexico. (Can.) Canada. (N.) Netherlands. (C.) Chile. (Nic.) Nicaragua. (Col.) Colombia. (P.) Panama. (C.R.) Costa Rica. (C.Z.) Panama Canal Zone. (D.) Denmark. (Sal.) El Salvador. (D.R.) Dominican Republic (U.S.) United States. (F.) France. (U.) Uruguay. (Gu.) Guatemala. (V.) Venezuela. (U) after the name of a light indicates that it is unwatched and therefore must not be implicitly relied upon. All. —alternating bl.—blast Bu. —blue Cp.—cand lepower ec.—eclipse ev.—every ext.—extinguished F. —fixed FI. —flashing fl.—flash G. —green Gp. —group horiz.—horizontal I. —interrupted Irreg.—irregular It.—light min.—minute obsc.—obscured Occ. —occulting Or. —orange Qk. —quick R. —red rep.—reported •—second si.—silent Sig. Sta.—Signal Station vert.—vertical Vi. —violet vis.—visible W. —white It will be noted that all lights are divided into two general classes; that is, those lights which do not and those which do change color. Both classes have the same characteristic phases. The durations of the light and darkness are computed. In practice they are subject to some degree of fluctuation owing to slight variations in the working speed of the appa¬ ratus. The duration of a flash may also appear to be less than normal when seen from a great distance, or when haze is present. Lights are characterized as flashing or occulting solely according to the relative durations of light and darkness, without reference to the type of illuminating apparatus employed or relative brilliancy. At close range flashing lights may show a faint, continuous light. The period of a flashing or occulting light is the time occupied by an entire cycle of lights and eclipses; thus, in the case of a flashing light, it is the time from the beginning of one flash to the beginning of the next flash. In the case of alternating lights, as with all others, the period of the light will be the elapsed time occupied in dis¬ playing the entire cycle of changes of which the mechanism is capable. The power of a light when known is expressed in English candles. If of variable candlepower, the figure given for the light is the greatest shown at any time or in any direction. The power of a light whose candlepower is not given can be estimated in some cases by noting how much its visibility in clear weather falls short of the range due to the height at which it is placed. Thus a light placed at 200 feet above the sea, and recorded as visible only 10 miles in clear weather, is manifestly of little brilliancy, as its height would permit it to be seen over 20 miles if of sufficient power. The visibility figures given in these columns are taken from the official descriptions published by the governments that maintain the lights and, occasionally in the absence of such official information, from reports of observers. In all cases, however, the assigned visibility is limited to the geo¬ graphic range for a height of eye of 15 feet, the maximum calculated distance at which the curvature of the earth per¬ mits a light to be seen when the height of eye is taken as 15 feet and the height of the light is taken as above mean high water. Under certain atmospheric conditions, and especially with the more powerful lights, the glare or reflected rays of a light may be visible considerably beyond its geographic range. Where the height of the eye of the observer is greater than 15 feet the “Visibility Table” should be consulted to obtain the geographic limit of the visibility of the light. Caution. —The power of a light should always be consid¬ ered when expecting to make it in thick weather. A weak light is easily obscured by haze, and dependence cannot always be placed on its being seen. It should be remembered that lights placed at a great ele¬ vation are more frequently obscured by clouds, mists, and fogs than those near sea level. In countries where ice conditions prevail in winter, the windows of unwatched lights may be covered with ice, which N.M. 33/60 August 13, 1960 PART I Second Edition 9 H. O. Ill Characteristics. —In the table below are defined the different classes of lights. Lights which do not change color F.—Fixed. FI.—Flashing. Gp. FI.—G roup fiashing. Occ.—Occulting. Gp. Occ.— Group occulting. F. FI.—Fixed and fiashing. F. Gp, FI.—Fixed and group flash¬ ing. Qk. FI.—Quick flashing. I. Qk. FI.- Interrupted flashing. Characteristic phases quick A continuous steady light. (o) Showing a single flash at reg¬ ular intervals, the duration of light being always less than that of darkness. (b) A steady light with, at regular intervals, a total eclipse; the duration of light being always less than that of darkness. Showing at regular intervals, a group of two or more flashes. A steady light with, at. regular in¬ tervals, a sudden and total eclipse; the duration of light be¬ ing always greater than, or equal to, that of darkness. ■ Ill i-f-n A steady light with, at regular in¬ tervals, a group of two or more sudden eclipses. 11 II M ~ia A fixed light, varied, at regular in¬ tervals, by a single flash of rela¬ tively greater brilliancy. The flash may, or may not, be pre¬ ceded and followed by an eclipse. A fixed light varied, at regular in¬ tervals, by a group of two or more flashes of relatively greater brilliancy. The group may, or may not, be preceded and fol¬ lowed by an eclipse. Shows not less than 60 flashes per minute. injiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHm Shows quick flashes for about 4 seconds, followed by a dark per¬ iod of about 4 seconds. Lights which do change color Alt.—Alternating. Alt. FI.—Alternating flashing. Alt. Gp. FI.—Alter¬ nating group flash¬ ing. Alt. Occ,—Alternat¬ ing occulting. Alt. Gp. Occ.—Alter¬ nating group oc¬ culting. Alt. F. FI.—Alternat¬ ing fixed and flash¬ ing. Alt. F. Gp. FI.—Alter¬ nating fixed and group flashing. S-L. FI.—Short-long flashing. Shows a short flash of about 0.4 second, and a long flash of 4 times that duration, such groups ref>eated about 8 times. a minute. 10 PART I Second Edition N.M. 33/60 August 13, 1960 H.o. in will greatly reduce the visibility of the light and may also cause colored lights to appear white. The apparent characteristic of a complex light may change with the distance of the observer. For example, a light which actually displays in succession a white flash, an interval of fixed white light, a red flash, and another interval of fixed white light, each phase having a different range of visibility, may, when first picked up in clear weather, show as a simple flashing white light. As the vessel draws nearer the red flash will become visible, and the characteristic will be alter¬ nating flashing. Later the fixed white light will be seen between the flashes and the official characteristic of the light will be recognized—alternating fixed and flashing (Alt. F. FL). Bearings.—All bearings are true and are given in degrees from 0° to 360°. Limits of sectors and arcs of visibility are invariably ar¬ ranged clockwise and from seaward toward the light. Thus, in the diagram below, the sectors of the light are defined as. Obscured from the land to 315°, red thence to 358 , green thence to 50°, white thence to land. These are the bear¬ ings of the light as observed from a vessel crossing the sector lines. In some conditions of the atmosphere white lights may have a reddish hue; the mariner therefore should not trust solely to color where there are sectors, but should verify the position by taking a bearing of the light. On either side of the line of demarcation between white and red there is always a small sector of uncertain color, as the edges of a sector of visibility cannot be cut off sharply. When a light is cut off by adjoining land, and the arc of visibility is given, the bearing on wl\ich the light disappears may vary with the distance of the vessel from which ob¬ served. When the light is cut off by a sloping point of land or hill, the light may be seen over a wider arc by a ship far off than by one close-to. Aviation lights.—Aviation lights are characterized by great luminous power. Their effective range is greater than that of most navigational lights, and in some localities they may be the first landfalls picked up at night by vessels approach¬ ing the coast. Those situated near the coast are accord¬ ingly listed in the Light Lists in order that the navigator may be able to obtain more complete information concerning their characteristics, phases, power, height, visibility, description of structures, and hours of exhibition. These lights are indicated in this list by the designation AVIATION LIGHT and are placed in geographic sequence in the body of the text along with lights for surface navigation. It should be borne in mind that these lights are not de¬ signed or maintained for marine navigation and that they are subject to changes of which the surface navigator may not receive prompt notification. Note.—Wherever the term “stripes” appears in this book, the reference is to vertical stripes. Similarly, horizontal bands are referred to as “bands”. Fog signals.—It has been clearly shown; 1. That fog signals are heard at greatly varying distances. 2. That under certain conditions of atmosphere, when a fog signal is a combination of high and low tones, one of the tones may be inaudible. 3. That there are occasionally areas around a fog signal in which it is wholly inaudible. 4. That a fog may exist at a short distance from a station and not be observed from it, so that the signal may not be sounded. 5. That some fog signals cannot be started immediately, though the endeavor be made to sound them as quickly as possible after signs of fog have been observed. Mariners are therefore warned that fog signals cannot be implicitly relied upon, and that soundings should never be neglected. Submarine oscillators and bells are more reliable. Their effective range far exceeds that of air sound signals, and their bearing can be determined with sufficient accuracy for sate navigation in a fog by a vessel equipped with receivers. N.M. 33/60 August 13, 1960 PART I Second Edition 11 H.o. in Even when receivers are not used the submarine bell can be heard from below the water line for distances well outside the range of air fog signals though the bearing cannot then be so well determined. Radiobeacons and radio direction-finders are mentioned in the List of Lights, but for detailed information, including the synchronization of radio signals and sound signals for distance finding, the navigator should consult H. O. Publica¬ tion No. 117, Radio Navigational Aids. Lightships of the United States.— Lightships under way, or off station, will fly the International Code .signal letters “PC” (signifying “lightship is not at anchor on her station”). All lightships on stations and all vessels relieving station ships will display the International Code signal of the station whenever a vessel is approaching or in the vicinity and there are indications that such vessel is in strange waters or fails to recognize the station, or when the vessel asks for the information. Lightships, where so stated, carry riding lights for the purpose of showing in which direction the ship is heading. Lights on lightships are displayed from 1 hour before sun¬ set until 1 hour after sunrise and at all times when the sound signal is in operation. Caution.— When a vessel is steering a course for a radio¬ beacon aboard a lightship, particular care should be exercised to avoid the possibility of collision, and sole reliance should never be placed on sighting the lightship or hearing her fog signal. A course should be selected that will insure passing the lightship at a safe distance, rather than close aboard. It should be remembered that lightships are liable to be withdrawn for repairs, without notice, and in some cases are not replaced by relief lightships. Relief lightships of the United States may be placed at any of the lightship stations, and, when practicable, will exhibit light, sound, and radiobeacon signals having the character- i.stics of the station. Relief lightships arc painted the same color as the station ships, with the word “RELIEF” in white letters on the sides. Lightships of Uruguay display a secondary light from their sterns. Argentine light vessels display .secondary lights situ¬ ated as follows: A fixed white light, visible all around the horizon, placed forward from 20 to 40 feet above the deck. A fixed white light, also visible all around the horizon, placed aft from 3 to 23 feet above the deck. In the case of pilot light vessels, a fixed red light will be exhibited 8 feet below the fixed white light, forward. Aids to navigation on the charts of the Hydrographic Office are shown by .symbols and by abbreviations, or by such de¬ scriptive text as the scale of the chart may admit. Symboi^s. —To render symbols distinct it is necessary to greatly exaggerate their size, as compared with the scale of the chart; therefore certain parts of the symbols indicate their exact geographic positions. When symbols present a hori¬ zontal line, the center of the base line is taken as the geo¬ graphic position. A small circle at the middle point of the water line indicates the exact geographic positions of mooring buoys and lightships. All buoys other than mooring buoys are repre.sented by diamond shapes and a small dot denoting the anchor ring; this dot indicates the exact geographic posi¬ tion of the symbol. To avoid interference with other features upon the chart it is often necessary to show the buoy symbol at various bear¬ ings to the anchor dot, so that at times the symbol may be upside down. The buoy symbols have distinguishing marks to show whether the buoys have lights, bells, whistles, or such superposed marks as drums, cones, and balls. The symbol surmounted by a crescent (points downward) denotes a whistle buoy; surmounted by a half disk with dot above, it denotes a bell buoy. The buoy symbol is shown “open”—in outline—for buoys of any color other than black; black buoys are shown by “solid” shape. If the buoy system shown upon the chart consists of the black and one other color only, the explanation under the title will ascribe such color to the “open” symbol. Thus, upon one chart it may be found to denote “red buoy” while upon another chart it may be stated as “white” or “green”; the meaning of the “open” symbol varies, the mean¬ ing of the “solid” symbol is always the same—“black.” Upon charts containing buoys of various colors besides black the color will be found stated either by abbreviation or in full alongside each symbol or in the form of a note on the chart. line drawn between the upper and lower points of the symbol (longer axis) denotes “vertical stripes”; a line drawn between the side points (shorter axis) denotes “horizontal bands”; lines ^connectitig the centers of opposite sides of the symbol denote “checkered” buoy. Abbreviations commonly used in presenting on the charts the essential characteristics of lights, fog signals, and radio aids, are as follows; F. , fixed. P'l., flashing. Occ., occulting. Alt., alternating. Gp., group. Qk., quick. Bell, fog bell. I)ia., fog diaphone. Gun, fog gun. R. Bn., radiobeacon. S. -L., short-long. Int., interrupted. R., red. W., white. G. , green. Bu., blue. See H. 0. Chari No. 1 for abbreviations. Horn, fog horn. Nauto., fog nautophone. Siren, fog siren. (U.), unwatched. Ev., every. M., miles, min., minutes, sec., seconds. Vis., visible. Horn, fog trumpet. Whis., fog whistle. SUB-BELL, submarine bell. suB-osc, submarine oscillator R. D. F., radio direction¬ finder. complete list of symbols and Note.—All navigators are requested to inform the Hydro- graphic Office of any errors or omissions they may discover in the Light Lists. 12 PART I Second Edition N.M. 33 60 August 13, 1960 H.O. Ill Table of distances at which objects can be seen VISIBILITY TABLE at sea according to their respective elevations and the elevation of the eye of the observer Height in feet Distance in geographic or nautical miles Height in feet Distance in geographic or nautical miles Height in feet Distance in geographic or nautical miles Height in feet distance in geographic or nautical miles Height in feet Distance in geographic or nautical miles Height in feet Distance in geographic or nautical miles - 1 1 1 23 5. 5 45 7. 7 135 13. 3 340 21. 1 600 i 28. 0 ! 9 1 6 24 5. 6 46 7. 8 140 13. 5 350 21. 4 620 28. 5 *> 2 0 25 5. 7 47 7. 8 145 13. 8 360 21. 7 640 28. 9 A 2 3 26 5. 8 48 7. 9 150 14. 0 370 22. 0 660 29. 4 ti 2 6 27 5. 9 49 8. 0 160 14. 5 380 22. 3 680 29. 8 a 2 8 28 6. 1 50 8. 1 170 14. 9 390 22. 6 700 30. 3 7 3 0 29 6. 2 55 8. 5 180 15. 3 400 22. 9 720 30. 7 Q ^ 9 30 6. 3 60 8. 9 190 15. 8 410 23. 2 740 31. 1 1 Q 31 6. 4 65 9. 2 200 16. 2 420 23. 4 760 31. 5 1 y 1 n 3 6 32 6. 5 70 9. 6 210 16. 6 430 23. 7 780 31. 9 11 3 8 33 6. 6 75 9. 9 220 17. 0 440 24. 0 800 32. 4 1 9 4 0 34 6. 7 80 10. 2 230 17. 3 450 24. 2 820 32. 8 1 4 1 35 6. 8 85 10. 5 240 17. 7 460 24. 5 840 33. 2 xo 14 1 f\ 4. 3 4 4 36 37 6. 9 7. 0 90 95 10. 9 11. 2 250 260 18. 1 18. 4 470 480 24. 8 25. 1 860 880 33. 5 33. 9 1 A 4 6 38 7. 1 100 11. 4 270 18. 8 490 25. 3 900 34. 3 1 7 4 7 39 7. 1 105 11. 7 280 19. 1 500 25. 6 920 34. 7 4 9 40 7. 2 no 12. 0 290 19. 5 520 26. 1 940 35. 1 1 Q ^ 0 41 7. 3 115 12. 3 300 19. 8 540 26. 6 960 35. 4 9n 5 1 42 7. 4 120 12. 5 310 20. 1 560 27. 1 980 35. 8 21 5. 2 43 7. 5 125 12. 8 320 20. 5 580 27. 6 j 1,000 36. 2 22 5. 4 44 7. 6 130 13. 0 330 20. 8 1 ' ! - - Explanation— The line of sight connecting the observer and a distant object is at maximum length tangent with the spherical surface of the sea. It is from this point of tangency that the tabular distances are calculated. The table must accordingly be entered twice to obtain the actual geographic visibility of the object—first with the height of the object, and second with the height of the observer’s eye—and the two figures so obtained must be added. Thus, if it be desired to find the maximum distance at which a powerful light may be seen from the bridge of a vessel where the height of the eye of the observer is 55 feet above the sea, from the table: Nautical miles 55 feet height of observer-visible.- 8. 5 200 feet height of light-visible.. 16. 2 Distance visible_ 24. 7 N.M. 33/60 August 13, 1960 PART I Second Edition 13 H.O. Ill CONVERSION TABLES FEET TO METERS Feet 0 1 2 3 4 0 0. 00 0. 30 0. 61 0. 91 1. 22 10 3. 05 3. 35 3. 66 3. 96 4. 27 20 6. 10 6. 40 6. 71 7. 01 7. 32 30 9. 14 9. 45 9. 75 10. 06 10. 36 40 12. 19 12. 50 12. 80 13. 11 13. 41 50 15. 24 15. 54 15. 85 16. 15 16. 46 SO 18. 29 18. 59 18. 90 19. 20 19. 51 70 21. 34 21. 64 21. 95 22. 25 22. 55 80 24. 38 24. 69 24. 99 25. 30 25. 60 90 27. 43 27. 74 28. 04 28. 35 28. 65 5 6 7 8 9 1. 52 1. 83 2. 13 2. 44 2. 74 4. 57 4. 88 5. 18 5. 49 5. 79 7. 62 7. 92 8. 23 8. 53 8. 84 10. 67 10. 97 11. 28 11. 58 11. 89 13. 72 14. 02 14. 33 14. 63 14. 93 16. 76 17. 07 17. 37 17. 88 17. 98 19. 81 20. 12 20. 42 20. 73 21. 03 22. 86 23. 16 23. 47 23. 77 24. 08 25. 91 26. 21 26. 52 26. 82 27. 13 28. 96 29. 26 29. 57 29. 87 30. 17 FATHOMS TO METERS Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0. 00 1. 83 3. 66 5. 49 7. 32 9. 14 10. 97 12. 80 14. 63 16. 46 10 18. 29 20. 12 21'. 95 23. 77 25. 60 27. 43 29. 26 31. 09 32. 92 34. 75 20 36. 58 38. 40 40. 23 42. 06 43. 89 45. 72 47. 55 49. 38 51. 21 53. 03 30 54. 86 56. 69 58. 52 60. 35 62. 18 64. 01 65. 84 67. 67 69. 49 71. 32 40 73. 15 74. 98 76. 81 78. 64 80. 47 82. 30 84. 12 85. 95 87. 78 89. 61 50 91. 44 93. 27 95. 10 96. 93 98. 75 100. 58 102. 41 104. 24 106. 07 107. 90 60 109. 73 111. 56 113. 39 115. 21 117. 04 118. 87 120. 70 122. 53 124. 36 126. 19 70 128. 02 129. 85 131. 67 133. 50 135. 33 137. 16 138. 99 140. 82 142. 65 144. 47 80 146. 30 148. 13 149. 96 151. 79 153. 62 155. 45 157. 28 159. 11 160. 93 162. 76 90 164. 59 166. 42 168. 25 170. 08 171. 91 173. 74 175. 56 177. 39 179. 22|181. 05 METERS TO FEET Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0. 00 3. 28 6. 56 9. 84 13. 12 16. 40 19. 68 22. 97 26. 25 29. 53 10 32. 81 36. 09 39. 37 42. 65 45. 93 49. 21 52. 49 55. 77 59. 06 62. 34 20 65. 62 65 90 72. 18 75. 46 78. 74 82. 02 85. 30 88. 58 91. 86 95. 14 30 98. 42 101. 71 104. 99 108. 27 111. 55 114. 83 118. 11 121. 39 124. 87 127. 95 40 131. 23 134. 51 137. 80 141. 08 144. 36 147. 34 150. 92 154. 20 157. 48 160. 76 50 164. 04 167. 32 170. 60 173. 88 177. 16 180. 45 183. 73 187. 01 190. 29 193. 57 60 196. 85 200. 13 203. 41 206. 69 209. 97 213. 25 216. 54 219. 82 223. 10 226. 38 70 229. 66 232. 94 236. 22 239. 50 242. 78 246. 06 249. 34 252. 62 255. 90 259. 19 80 262. 47 265. 75 269. 03 272. 31 275. 59 278. 87 282. 15 285. 43 288. 71 291. 99 90 295. 28 298. 56 301. 84 305. 12 308. 40 311. 68 314 96 318. 24 321. 52 324. 80 METERS TO FATHOMS Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0. 00 0. 55 1. 09 1. 64 2. 19 2. 73 3. 28 3. 83 4. 37 4. 92 10 5. 47 6. 01 6. 56 7. 11 7. 66 8. 20 8. 75 9. 30 9. 84 10. 39 20 10. 94 11. 48 12. 03 12. 58 13. 12 13. 67 14. 22 14. 76 15. 31 15. 86 30 16. 40 16. 95 17. 50 18. 04 18. 59 19. 14 19. 68 20. 23 20. 78 21. 33 40 21. 87 22. 42 22. 97 23. 51 24. 06 24. 61 25. 15 25. 70 26. 25 26. 79 50 27. 34 27. 89 28. 43 28. 98 29. 53 30. 07 30. 62 31. 17 31. 71 32. 26 60 32. 81 33. 36 33. 90 34. 4? 35. 00 35. 54 36. 09 36. 64 37. 18 37. 73 70 38. 28 38. 82 39. 37 39. 92 40. 46 41. 01 41. 56 42. 10 42. 65 43. 20 80 43. 74 44. 29 44. 84 45. 38 45. 93 46. 48 47. 03 47. 57 48. 12 48. 67 90 49. 21 49. 76 50. 31 50. 85 51. 40 51. 95 52. 49 53. 04 53. 59 54. 13 N.M. 33/60 August 13, 1960 PART I Second Edition 15 H.o. in INTERNATIONAL NUMBERS OF LIGHTS In accordance with the Resolution adopted at the Fifth International Hydrographic Conference in 1949 by Member Nations of the International Hydrographic Bureau, international numbers of lights are included in this volume. They are shown in italics directly below the numbers assigned by the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office. 16 PART I Second Edition N.M. 33/60 August 13, 1960 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. GREENLAND 2 L 4900 3 L 4904 5 H 0001 5.1 H 0001.1 7.1 ANGMAGSSALIK; — Outer Light... N. W. 65 35 37 34 — Solos Pynt 10 H 000 2 20 H 0003 30 H 0004 30.1 H 0005 40 H 0005 40.1 H 0005 50 H 0005 50.1 H 0005 Frederiksdal Range, front _ Rear, 270 yards 62° from front. Frederiksdal E. Range, front. — Rear, 262 yards 285° from front. JULIANEHAAB AP¬ PROACH; — Pardlit, E. end of island. 59 58 44 39 59 59 44 40 FI. W. R. G. period 3® fl, 0.5^ ec. 2.5® Qk. FI. W.R.G. 60 fl. per min. F.R. F. R Qk. Fl. W. 60 fl. pet min. _Hvide Naes, on point .. Julianehaab Range, front ... _Rear, 47 yards, 353° from front. — NE. Range, front. 60 41 46 12 60 42 46 05 60 43 46 02 Occ. W. period 4® lt.2®,ec.2® F1.,_W.,R. G... period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® Gp. Fl.(2),— W., R., G. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® n.0.5®,ec. 3.0® _Rear, about 40° from front. — W. Range, front _Rear, about 45 yards 281° from front. F. R. F.R H 0006 52.1 H 0006. 1 55 H 0007 55.1 H 0007. 1 52 Narssaq Havn Range, front . — Rear, 350° from front- — Range, front. _Rear, 260° from front. 60 54 46 01 F. Or F. Or F. G .. F. G .. F. G .. F. G. F. G. F. G. 36 56 52 85 66 85 88 26 W. 8 R. 5 G. 5 W. 7 R. 5 G. 5 12 15 Yellow hut, red band; 7 Yellow hut, red band; 7- Red post, yellow band; 10 . Red tripod, yellow band; 26. Red hut, yellow band; 1 ... Red hut, yellow band; 13. W. 308°-44° 30', R.-273°, G. -308°. Seasonal. W. 343°-351°, R.-132°, G. -393*. Seasonal. Unintensified from 307°-058°. Intensified 58°—66 . W. 11 R. G. W. 6 R. 3 G. 3 35 54 23 33 Red tower, yellow band; 23. Red hut, yellow band; 6 . Red beacon, triangular shaped daymark, point up. Red beacon, triangular shaped topmark, point down. Red beacon, oval topmark . Red beacon, oval topmark . G. 221*-260°,W. -267°,R.- 319°, G. -21° 30', W. -36*, R.- 95° , obscured— 221°. G. 180°-62°,W.-67*,R.-180°. Red beacon. 11 Red beacon. Beacon, orange triangular daymark; 20. 11 1 Beacon, orange triangular daymark, point down; 15. 10 10 Beacon, orange triangular daymark; 16. Beacon, orange triangular daymark, point down; 22. Second Edition 13 Aug. I960 Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 17 H. 0. Ill No. Name ond location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic ond power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols GR EENLAh ID 60 ARSUK FJORD: — Kajartalik, SW. part of H 0008 island. N. W. 61 10 48 31 Gp. FI. (2), - period 5® W. R. G. fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3® 85 61 H 0008. 2 — Napasut Island, W. side . 6106 Qk. FI.—W. R. G .. 48 14 60 fl. per min. 62 W.ll Red tower, yellow G.7 R.7 band; 23. G.281°^9°,W. -8r,R. -281°. Appears white on bearing 281°. W. 6 Red beacon, yellow band, R. 3 red can at base; 33. G. 3 R. 89°-165°, G. -209°, W. -216°, R. -266° 30'. 62 H 0008. 2 — Napasut Range, front . . . 61 06 Qk. Fl. W .... 48 09 60 fl. per min. 62 13 Same structures as No. 61. 62.1 H 0008.3 -Rear, about 2.2 miles 86° 30' from front. Occ. W. period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® 63 H 0008.4 — Kinulik Range, front .. . . 61 07 Qk. Fl. W. 48 11 60 fl. per min. 171 34 15 Red hut, yellow band; 7. 9 Red frame beacon, yellow band, red can at base; 23. 63.1 H 0008. 3 -Rear, about 1.9 miles 155° from front. Occ. W. period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® 171 64 H0008.44 — Laxely Range, front 61 08 Qk. Fl. W. 48 10 120 fl. per min. 34 11 Same structure as No. 62.1. 9 Red frame beacon, yellow band, red can at base; 23. 64.1 H0008.43 -Rear, about 600 yards 66° 30' from front. Occ. W. period 2® It. 1®, ec. 1® 121 9 Red hut, yellow band; 7. 67 H0008.46 — Kamigtalik, on point .... 61 12 48 11 Fl. G. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 71 — Ivigtut: -Baadehavnen, N. side F. R. H 0009 entrance. 72 H 0008. 8 61 11 F. G. -Rear, about 33 yards 128° from front light. 48 11 F. G . 72.1 H 0008. 9 81 H 0008. 5 -Harbor range, front .. 61 12 48 11 F. G. 81.1 H 0008. 6 -Rear, about 50 yards 176° from front light. F. G . 82 -East range, front. 61 12 F. W. H 0008. 5 82.1 H 0008. 5 -Rear, about 110 yards 75° from front light. F. W. 4 Red hut, yellow band; 7. Pole. Pole. Pole. Roof of house Beacon, triangular daymark, point up. Beacon, triangular daymark, point down. Occasional. Range lights, indicate anchorage. Occasional. Part I Including N.M. 33 60. 18 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols GREENLAND 90 H 0009.4 ARSUK FJORD; — Gronne Dal, NW. corner of pier. N. W. 61 15 48 06 F. G. 16 Pole. 100 H 0009.1 - Range, about 830 yards 323° from Gronne Dal Light, front. F. R. 30 Red beacon, square-shaped; 12. 100.1 H 0009.2 -Rear, 65 yards 58° from front. F. R. 40 Red beacon, square-shaped; 12. 100.2 H 0009. 3 - front, 41 yards 160' from No. 100.1. F. G. 88 3 Yellow beacon, red and yellow daymark, point down; 15. no H 0010 FREDERIKSHAAB AP¬ PROACH; — Satuarssugssuags, on island in S. channel. 61 58 49 47 Gp. FI. W. (3) . period 7.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4® 60 11 Red tower, yellow band; 23 120 H 0009.8 — Kangerdlunquak, E. entrance point, front. 62 00 49 42 Qk. FI. W. 60 fl. per min. 15 9 Red hut, yellow band; 6 ... 120.1 H 0009. 9 -Rear, 230 yards 38° from front. Occ. W. period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® 35 9 Red hut, yellow band; 6... 127 H 0011 FAERINGERHAVNEN; 63 42 F|.,_W. R. G. 63 W. 9 White hut, red band, 10.... W. 19°-59°, R. -89°, G. -180°, 51 36 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® R. 5 G. 5 W.-192°,R.-279*,G.-19°. 130 H 0012 63 41 Fl.— W. R. G . 54 W. 7 Beacon; 3. G. 0°-71°,W.-81°,R.-180°, 51 33 period 2.5® n.0.3®,ec. 2.2® R. 4 G. 4 W. -0°. Seasonal. 140 H 0015. 9 — Knausen Island Range, front. 63 42 51 33 Qk Fl. W. 36 10 Yellow beacon, red band; 60 fl. per min. 23. 140.1 H 0016 -Rear, 120 yards 003° 30' from front. Occ. W. period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® 66 10 Hut, yellow and red band; 6. Seasonal. 142 H 0016. 4 Angissorssuak Island Range, front, NE. end of island. 63 58 51 43 Qk. Fl. W. 45 9 Yellow tripod, red band; 33. 60 fl. per min. 142.1 H 0016.5 — Rear, 503 yards 207° from front. Occ. W. 93 9 Yellow hut, red band; 6 . . . period 4® it. 2®, ec. 2® 143 H 0016. 7 Tukingassarssuak Island .. . 64 00 51 41 Fl.— W. R. G . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 32 W. 5 R. 3 G. 3 Yellow hut, red band; 6 . . . G. 90°-321°, W.-326°, R.-90°. 150 H oon Godthaabs Fjord, on Agtorssuit Island, Kokoerne. 64 03 52 07 Gp. Fl. (2),- W., R., G. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3® 79 W. 11 R. 7 G. 7 Red tower, yellow band; 23. G. 275°-90°, W. -121°, R. -206°, G.-231°, W.-238°,R.-275°. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 19 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi. biiity No. Name and location lot. long. 0 / and power high woter (feet) (nau‘ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals GREENLAND N. W. GODTHAABS FJORD; 160 — Ships Harbor Approach 64 09 FI. W. 25 9 Yellow hut, red band; 6 .. . H 0018 Range, front. 51 43 period 2® fl. 0.5^ ec. 1 . 5 s 160.1 -Rear, 240 yards 61° Occ. W. 80 10 Yellow hut, red band; 6 ... H 0018.5 from front. period 4* It. 2^ ec. 2= 161 -Entrance East Light . 64 10 Qk. FI. W. 33 6 Yellow hut, red band; 6 ... 51 43 60 fl. per min. 162 -Anchorage Range. . . . F. G. Mast, red triangular day- mark, point up. 162.1 -Rear 312° from F.G. Mast, red triangular day- front. mark, point down. 163 -Anchorage Range. . . 64 10 F. R. ... Mast, red triangular day- 51 43 mark, point up. Range lights, together with Nos. 162, 162.1 marks 163.1 -Rear, 207° from F. R. . Mast, red triangular day- anchorage limits. front. mark, point down. 170 Sukkertoppen Approach, 65 21 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . 64 11 Yellow tower, red band; H 0019 Kitdliaraq Islet. 52 49 period 7.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4® 23. 180 Sukkertoppen, Kirkegaards 65 25 Fl.,—W., R. G. 77 W. 9 Red tower, yellow band; G. 120°-3°, W. -10°, R.-120°. H 0018.7 Naesset. 52 52 period 3® R. 6 13. fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® G. 4 190 Sukkertoppen Havn, W. side 65 24 Qk. Fl..—W., R., G. 38 W. 6 Red hut, yellow band; 6 . . . G. 288°-299°, W.-310*, R.-321* H 0018.9 of harbor. 52 53 60 fl. per min. R. 3 G. 3 194 Sondre Stromfjord S. Range, 66 00 Qk. Fl. W. 18 9 Yellow tank with red band, Directional. H0019.02 front. 53 30 60 fl. per min. orange slatted square day- beacons each side of Radiobeacon: About 6 mi. W. light; 8. 194.1 — Rear, 720 yards 99° from Occ. W. 49 9 Yellow tank with red band. Directional. H0019. 03 front. period 4® orange slatted square day- lt.2®,ec. 2® beacons each side of light; 8. 195 Sondre Stromfjord N. Range, 66 01 Qk. FI.R. 64 6 Yellow hut with red band. Directional. H0019. 07 front. 53 31 60 fl. per min. orange slatted daybea- cons each side of light; 8. 195.1 — Rear, about 600 yards 56* Occ. R. 113 6 Yellow hut with red band. Directional. H0019. 08 from front. period 4® orange slatted daybeacons It.2®,ec. 2® each side of light; 8. 200 Mollers 0 (Anatsusok). 66 55 FI.W . 120 11 Yellow tower, red band; Radiobeacon (about 1.3 miles H 0019. 3 53 45 period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 23. NE.) Port I Including N.M. 33 60. 20 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill Height -1 of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Name and location lot. long. ond power high (nou- Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o / water tical (feet) miles) GREENLAND N. W. 210 Praestefjeld Range, front. . . 66 57 Qk. FI. W . 47 10 Red hut, yellow band; 6 . . . H 0019.1 53 43 60 fl. per min. 210.1 — Rear 545 yards 007° from Occ. W. 93 10 Red hut, yellow band; 6 . . . H 0019. 2 front. period 4® It. 2^ ec. 2^ 220 Holsteinsborg Range, front , 66 57 Qk. FI. W. 57 10 Red tripod beacon, yellow 53 41 60 fl. per min. bands; 23. 220.1 — Rear 170 yards 94° from Occ. W. 87 10 Red hut, yellow band; 6 . . . front. period 4® It. 2 = , ec. 2® EGEDESMINDE AP- PROACH: 230 — Western Island (Vester 68 38 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . 149 11 Red tower, white band; 23 . H 0019. 7 Ejland). 53 32 period 5'’ fl. 0.5®, ec. P fl. 0.5S ec. 35 240 — Susanne Oerne, NW. 68 40 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . 83 9 Red tower, yellow band; Seasonal. H 0019. 9 island. 53 09 period 7.5^ fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 1^ fl. 0.5^, ec. 1^ fl. 0.5S ec. 4^ 1/ 16. 250 — Qarajugtoq Range, front . 68 43 Qk. Fl. W . 25 10 Yellow hut; 6. H 0020.1 52 59 60 fl. per min. 250.1 -Rear, 970 yards 51° Occ. W. 65 10 Yellow tripod beacon; 23 . . H 0020. 2 from front light. period 4^ It. 2^ ec. 2^ 260 — Qarajugtoq . Qk. Fl.— W., R., G 25 W. 6 On same structure with G. 241°-253°, W.-259°, R.-4“. H 0020. 1 60 fl. per min. R. 3 front range light. Same structure as No. 250 G. 3 270 — Zimmers 0. 68 45 Fl.,—W., R., G .. 57 W. 8 Red tower, yellow band; G. 326°-40°, W._56°, R.-109*, H 0020. 4 52 48 period 3® R.4 16. G. -171°, W. -212°,R.-326°. fl.0.5^ec.2.55 G. 4 Seasonal. DISKO ISLAND: 271 H 0020. 8 — Godhavn Range, front ... 69 15 53 32 F. G . 47 4 Beacon . 271.1 -Rear, about 50 yards F. G. 103 4 Beacon, triangular-shaped Seasonal. H 0020. 9 62° from front. daymark, point down. 274 Skibshavn Harbor Entrance 72 47 F. R. Mast with triangle. H 0021. 5 Range, front. 56 08 Seasonal. 274.1 — Rear. F. R. Mast with triangle. H 0021. 6 Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 21 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. O 1 Chorocteri Stic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-HUDSON BAY AND STRAIT 280 H 0054 Resolution Island, SW. point of island. N. W. 61 18 64 53 FI. W. period 6^ fl. 2^ec.4® 129 10 White square lantern on wooden framework base. Obscured NE. of 275° by high land. Radio direction-finder. 300 H 0052 Gipc Hopes Advance . 61 05 69 33 FI. W. period 10* 270 20 Steel tower; 20. Radio direction-finder. 310 H 0050 Ashe Inlet, E. end of Rabbit (Big) Island. U. 62 32 70 33 FI. W. period 10* n. 3*, ec. 7* 191 8 White pole, red tank at base; 33. 320 H 0048 330 H 0044 Woles Island. U. CHARLES ISLAND: — East End. U. 62 52 71 58 62 36 73 56 FI. W. period 10* (1.3*, ec. 7* FI. W. period 5* fl. 1*, ec. 4* 280 200 20 20 Steel tower; 20. Steel tower, painted aluminum; 21. Visible 153*-38°. Radar reflector. Rodiobeocon. 340 H 0042 — West End.. U. 62 43 74 40 FI. W. period 10* 11. 3*, ec. 7* 45 11 Pole; 25. 350 // 0040 Nottingham Island, S. end . . U. 63 06 77 57 FI. W. period 5* fl. l*,ec.4* 86 15 Steel tower painted aluminum; 36. Visible 278*-123°. Radio direction-finder. Radar reflector. 360 H 0038 Digges Islands, NW. Islat . . U. 62 35 78 07 FI. W. period 5* fl. l*,ec.4* 91 15 Steel tower painted aluminum. Visible 6°—256°. Radar reflector. 370 H 0036 Mansel Island, N. extremity. U. 62 25 79 .36 Fl. W. period 5* 46 12 Steel tower painted aluminum; 36. Visible 80°-300°. Radar reflector. 380 H 0032 Cary's Swan Nest, SE. ex¬ tremity of Coats Island. U. 62 10 83 08 Fl. W. period 5* fl. 1*, ec. 4* 41 11 Buff-colored steel tower, white square daymark; 35. Radar reflector. 390 H 0035 Bear Island, E. side of entrance to Coral Harbor. U. 64 01 83 13 Fl. W. period 10* fl.3*,ec.7* 58 8 Red lantern on pole, tripod slatted daymark, white at base; 26. 400 H 0034 Coral Harbor, in Mun Bay, Southhampton Harbor 1'. 64 08 83 15 Fl. W. period 5* fl. 1*, ec. 4* 75 8 Steel tower painted aluminum; 31. Radar reflector. 405 H 0022 410 63 20 90 43 58 50 94 06 FI W 121 17 Steel tower. CHURCHILL HARBOR; period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11* Fl W . Black buoy. Radar reflector. period 4* 420 H 0028 58 47 94 11 Fl. R . 218 20 On grain elevator. period 5* 430 58 46 94 11 F. R. Radiobeacon. — ReilllU IlictSlS. 440 // 00 3C 442 // 003C 58 45 94 04 58 45 94 04 F R Obstruction light. — AVI *1 ION LIGHT . Fl W L59 period 10* I ?ort I Including H.M. j3 60. 22 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Characteristic obove bility Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals No. Name ond location lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-LABRADOR COAST 450 Ford Harbor, N. side of H 0060 entrance. U- 460 Drawbucket Tickle, E. H 0062 extremity of Cairn Island. U. 470 Cope Horriqon, NE. point of H 0064 Nanaksalik Island. U. 480 Napakataktoiik (Manuel H 0068 Island). U- 490 Tikkeasuk Island, Winsor’s H 0070 Harbor Point. U. 500 Sloop Harbor, N. side of H 0072 entrance. U. 510 Cut Throost Point. On Cut H 0074 Throat Island. U. 511 Grappling Island. H 00 74.5 U. 511.5 Herring Islands, on NE. H 0074. 7 island. U. 512 Little Black Island, N. end. H 0075 U. 512.5 Big Island, SE. side of H 0075.5 island. U. 512.7 H 0075. 6 Rigolet Point. 513 Eskimo Island. // 0075.9 U. 513.5 Henrietta Island. H 0075. 8 U. 513.8 Snooks Cove. H 0075.7 U. 514 Green Island. H0075. 9 U. LAKE MELVILLE; 515 — Goose Bay Narrows H 0076 Approach Range, front, on Brule (Woody) Point. U. 515. -Rear, about 97 yards H 0076. 163° 30' from front. U. N. W. 56 28 61 10 FI. W. 16 11. per min. 45 8 Octagonal wooden tower. .. Seasonal. 56 08 60 52 FI. W. 25 fl. per min. 50 10 White octagonal wooden tower, house. Seasonal. 55 51 60 19 FI. W. 9 fl. per min. 140 16 White octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. 55 32 60 14 Fl. W. 18 11. per min. 117 12 White octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. 55 20 59 43 Fl. W. 30 11. per min. 101 10 White octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. 54 34 57 09 Gp. Fl. W(3) . period 12^ fl. 0.5^ec. P n. 0.5^ec. P fl.0.5s,ec.8.5" 67 4 White square wooden tower, red lantern. Seasonal. 54 29 57 07 Fl. W. 15 fl. per min. 92 10 Circular iron tower, red and white stripes. 54 27 56 53 Fl. W. period 6® 106 15 V.'hite square v/ooden tower, open framew'ork top, sloping sides, red lantern, 54 20 57 06 Fl. W. period 6^ 105 15 White square wooden tower, open framework top, sloping sides, red lantern. 54 18 57 50 Fl. W. period 6^ 122 16 Red lantern, mast. 54 17 58 02 Fl. W. period 6^ 44 12 Mast, red lantern. 54 11 58 26 Fl. W. 37 5 Aluminum colored pole, red lantern. 54 03 58 34 PI w 18 9 Mast. period 6^ 54 04 58 34 Fl. W. 30 fl. per min. 18 Mast. 54 05 58 34 Fl. W. period 6® 20 Mast. 53 56 59 00 Fl. W . 58 Skeleton steel tower. period 10^ fl. 2", ec. 8'" 53 27 59 57 F W . 60 Steel tower, fire orange square-shaped daymark. F. W. 75 Steel tower, fire orange square-shaped daymark. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 23 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. Chorocteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nou* water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (leet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-LABRADOR COAST 560 H 0086 Red Island, at entrance to Hawke Bay. U. 570 Double Islond, off Battle H 0092 Harbor. U. 580 H 0090 590 H 0094 600 H 0108 610 H 0096 620 H 0102 630 H 0104 Assizes Horbor, SE. end of Copper Island. U. Camp Island, outer small island, at SE. end Castle Island, SW. end of island, at entrance to Chateau Bay. BELLE ISLE; — North Point. 516 LAKE MELVILLE: — Range, front, W. side N. W. 53 28 H 0077 entrance to Kemanu 59 55 516.1 River. -Rear, about 417 yards 0077. 1 47° 30' from front. 518 Terrington Basin. 53 20 0077 . 5 60 23 520 Pocks Harbor, N. side of 53 52 H 0078 entrance. U. 56 59 530 Cope North, NE. extremity.. 53 47 H 0080 U. 56 29 540 White Point. 53 35 U. 56 02 550 Domino Point. 53 28 H 0084 U. 55 44 — South Point (upper light). — (lower light), 400 yards below the main light. 53 01 55 45 52 15 55 33 52 16 55 40 52 10 55 38 51 58 55 51 52 01 55 17 51 53 55 23 F. W. 50 Steel tower, fire orange square-shaped daymark. F. W. 75 Steel tower, fire orange square-shaped daymark. p n 60 Pole. Gp. FI. W. (3) . period 12® fl.0.5®,ec.2® fl.0.5®,ec.2® n.0.5®,ec.6.5® 108 15 Whit e circular tower. FI. W. 107 15 White circular tower, red period 6® white bands; white lantern. FI. W. 72 14 White wooden framework period 3® fl.0.5®.ec.2.5® Gp FI W.(2) . 127 16 tower, red lantern, white slatted daymark. White octagonal wooden period 12® fl. l®.ec. 1® n. l®,ec.9® tower with rea stripes. Gp. FI.W.(3). period 12® n.0.5®,ec. 2® n.0..5®.ec.2® n.0,5®,ec.6.5® 92 White wooden tower sloping sides. FI. W. period 6® 126 15 Cylindrical iron tower, black and white bands, dwelling; 34. FI. W. 20 fl. per min. 42 15 White octagonal tower, square wooden building. FI. W. 15 fl. per min. White square wooden structure. Fl. W. 10 fl. per min. 70 10 White square wooden tower red lantern. Fl. W . 137 17 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 55. period 11® fl. 0.5®, ec. 10.5® Occ. W. 470 28 White circular stone tower. period 10® it. 5®, ec. 5® white dwelling; 59. Occ. W. 124 17 White circular iron struc- period 10® It. 5®, ec. 5® ture, red roof; 23. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Diaphone; 1 blast ev. 90^. Seasonal. Seasonal. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60^. Horn points 77°. Radiobeacon. Visible 240'30'-110”30'. Diaphone, (2): 2 bl. ev. 90®. midway between the two lights. Radio direction-finder. Ice signals. Telegraph and signal station. Port I Including N. M. 33/60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 24 H. 0. in No. Name and location Position ot. long. 0 f C Characteristic and power Height )f light above high water (ieet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-LABRADOR COA ST 640 H 0110 Saddle Island, W. end, at entrance to Red Bay. N. W. 51 43 56 25 FI. W. period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® 139 8 White iron tower, daymark; 21. 650 H 0111 St. Modeste Island NE. end 51 36 56 41 Gp. Fl. W. (4) . period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® 35 8 Enclosed wooden tower. 660 H 0112 51 31 56 49 Fl. W. 31 10 Skeleton tower, white slatted daymark, red lantern. 670 H 0114 FORTEAU BAY: — Amour Point, E. side of Forteau Bay. 51 27 56 51 Occ. W . 152 18 White circular stone tower. period 20® It. 16®, ec. 4® black band, red roofed white dwelling attached; 104. 680 H 0116 51 28 56 57 Fl. R. 32 9 Red steel skeleton tower. U. red lantern. 690 H 0122 Blanc Sablon, near St. Charles Point, front. 51 25 57 07 F. W. 82 White square wooden tower; 19. 690.1 H 0122.1 — Rear, 763 feet 63° from front. F. W . 192 V/hite skeleton tower, white slatwork on face; 20. 700 H 0123 — Wharf, near outer end . . . 51 25 57 09 F R 12 Red lantern on pole; 9 .. . . CANADA- NEWFOUNDLAND 710 H 0140 Cope Norman, near ex¬ tremity. 51 38 55 54 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 30® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 17.5® 116 16 White octagonal concrete tower, white circular lantern, red roof; 55. 715 H 0138 51 37 55 51 Fl. W. 34 White wooden tower; 14 . . . Schooner Island. u 720 H 013t Quirpon Harbor, NE. point of Jacques Cartier Island. U. 51 36 55 27 Fl. W . 78 10 White square wooden struc- ture, red lantern. 72, H 0135 Quirpon Harbor Range, front on Merchant Island. U , 51 36 55 27 F W . 32 6 Steel skeleton tower, white slatted daymark, red diamond; 12. 725. H 0135. — Rear, about 0.2 mile 109° from front. U F. W. 87 6 Steel skeleton tower, white slatted daymark, red diamond; 12. 73 H 013 0 Cope Bould, N. extremity of 2 Newfoundland. 51 39 55 25 Gp. Fl. W. (2) .... period 15® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 12® 187 2( 1 White octagonal concrete tower, red roof; 63. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 70®. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Diaphone (2): 3 blasts ev. 60®. Horns point 146° and 230*. Telegraph and signal station. Ice signals. Radiobeacon. Seasonal. Diaphone: blast 4^, silent 26®. Horn points 345°. Seasonal. Visible only on axis. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 10°. Radiobeacon. Part 1 Including N. M. 33/60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 25 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position at. long. e / Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 735 H 0134.5 740 H 0134 Partridge Point, on island off point. U- Griguet Harbor, Cove Point U. N. W. 51 35 55 25 51 33 55 27 Gp. FI. W. period 12® FI. W. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® 50 54 8 Red skeleton steel tower, red lantern, white daymark with red diamond on sea¬ ward side. Square wooden tower. Seasonal. 750 H 0728 Egg Point, S. side of entrance to St. Anthony Harbor. 51 22 55 33 F. W . 36 2 White iron tower. Seasonal. 760 H 0726 — Fox Point, W. side of entrance to bay. 51 21 55 33 Occ. W. period 8® It. 5®, ec. 3® 73 10 Circular tower, red and white stripes; white lantern. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 45®. Seasonal. 761 H 0730 51 22 FI. G. 16 3 White square wooden struc- U. 55 34 ture. 770 H 0732 Goose Cove, Mouse Island U. 51 19 55 39 FI W 30 Square white wooden tower; 12. 774 H 0725 „ . T , , 51 15 FI. W . 28 White square wooden tower u. 55 56 period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® sloping sides. 776 H 0724 51 12 Fl. R . 22 White square wooden tower u. 56 00 period 6® n.l®,ec.5® sloping sides. Main Brook Wharf, head of wharf. U. 51 11 56 01 Fl. R . period 4® fl.0.5®,ec.3.5® 14 778 780 H 0722 50 52 Fl. W . 193 9 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. u. 55 54 12 fl. per min. ture; 14. 790 H 0720 Silver Point, S. side of Silver Cove, Conche Harbor. 50 53 55 54 F W . 20 4 White square structure, red Seasonal. band. 800 H 0718 White Point, S. extremity of Grevigneux Island, Aiguillettes Harbor, Canada Bay. 50 43 56 06 F. W . 50 6 White wooden tower . Seasonal. 805 H 0719 Rori Wnnl 50 47 Fl. W . 20 6 White square wooden tower. 56 10 15 fl. per min. sloping sides. 81C H 071t Nid Island, W. entrance to Rocky Bay. U. 50 42 55 38 Fl. W . 41 10 White square framework Seasonal. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® tower, red lantern. 82C H 071. Duckbill Point, entrance to Hooping Harbor. U. 50 36 56 12 FI.W . 71 4 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 20 fl. per min. red lantern. 83( H 0711 Williamsport, on Granite Point. U 50 31 56 16 Fl. W . 81 1C White square wooden frame- Seasonal. period 10® fl. 1® , ec. 9® work structure, red lantern. 84 H 0701 D Orange Bay (Great Harbor Deep), N. side of entrance U 50 23 56 24 Fl. W . 61 1( White square wooden frame- Seasonal. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® work tower, red lantern; 18. Port I Inc luding N.M. 33/60. 26 Socond Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. in < Height )f 1 ight Visi- Characteristic above bility Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals No. Name and location at. long. and power high (nou* Structure, height (feet) o water tical (feet) miles) CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND N. W. 850 H 0706 WHITE BAY; — Jacksons Atm, N. side of entrance. U- 49 52 56 45 F. W. 60 10 white octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. 860 — Westport Cove, on point. 49 47 F. W. 33 10 white hexagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. H 0704 N. side of cove. 5b 37 870 H 0702 Seal Cove, on wharf. 49 56 56 22 FI. R. 15 fl. per min. fl. 0.5^, ec. 3. 5® 14 4 Red skeleton tower, red lantern. Seasonal. 880 H 0698 50 09 FI. W . 150 8 White square wooden Seasonal. U. 56 08 20 fl. per min. structure, red lantern; 14. 890 H 0696 Coachman Harbor, on French Island. U- 50 04 56 04 Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. 37 10 V/hite square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. 900 H 0694 Racquet Harbor, S, side of entrance. U. 49 59 55 51 Fl. W . 99 6 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. 8 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 905 H 0690 Horse (St. Barbe) Island .... U. 50 12 55 43 FI.W . 70 7 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 15 fl. per min. red lantern. 910 La Scie Harbor, La 49 58 Fl. W . 80 10 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. H 0692 Chesnais Point. U. 55 36 period 5® fl. 0.5=, ec. 4.5^ ture, red lantern. 920 H 0686 Gull Island, summit, off Cape St. John. U. 50 00 55 22 F. W . 525 26 Circular iron tower, red and Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60*. white stripes. Radiobeacon. Fl. W. Jan. 1-opening of navigation. 930 NOTRE DAME BAY: — Nippers Islands, Seal 49 47 Fl W . 111 12 Square wooden tower. Seasonal. 30 fl. per min. H 0682 Island, off Nippers Harbor. U- — Middle Arm, head of 55 50 49 42 14 Pole. Seasonal. C D 934 H 0681 public wharf. 56 04 936 49 30 F. R. 13 2 Wooden stand; 7. Seasonal. 56 04 — Kings Point Wharf. 49 35 C D 11 Pole; 5. Seasonal. 937 Pole. Seasonal. 56 10 — Public Wharf, Jackson 49 42 14 938 r. K. H 0681.5 Cove. 55 59 940 H 0680 — Little Bay Island, on Outer Shoal Tickle 49 38 55 46 Fl. W . 77 1C White square wooden struc- Seasonal. 12 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. Island. U 945 49 36 F R . 12 Lantern on wharf. Seasonal. — Little bay wnari. 55 56 95( H 0678 49 41 Fl. W. 62 5 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. U. 55 41 15 fl. per min. ture; 14. %( 1 — Long Island, on Southerr 49 36 Fl W . 103 1 3 Circular iron tower. Seasonal. H 067 Head. U 55 34 8 fl. per min. 97( H 067 ) — Leading Tickles, S. sid( of E. entrance. U ; 49 30 55 24 FI.W . 83 1 0 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. 20 fl. per min. ture, red lantern; 14. Second Edit! Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 13 Aug. 1960 27 H. 0. in No. Nome and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 973 975 H 0671 NOTRE DAME BAY; — Point Leamington Wharf . Cuttle Cove Wharf. U. N. W. 49 21 55 23 49 30 55 17 F. R. FI. R. 10 12 2 Lantern; 5. Red wood framework struc¬ ture, lantern. Seasonal. Seasonal. 980 H 0670 — Fortune Harbor, Bellens Point, W. side of entrance. U. 49 32 55 14 FI. W. 10 fl. per min. 114 11 Wooden tower. Seasonal. 990 H 0656 — Bay of Exploits; - Sirgeon's Cove Heod. 49 31 55 07 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 15^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 3.5* fl. 0.5*. ec. 3.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 6.5* 242 20 Circular iron tower, red and white stripes; 24. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 30*. Seasonal. 1000 H 0658 - Black Island, islet off NW. point. U. 49 25 55 08 Fl. W. 22 fl. per min. 55 6 Red circular iron tower, wooden dome. Seasonal. 1010 H 0660 -Cabbage Harbor Head, W. side of entrance to harbor. U. - Grassy Island, summit. U. 49 20 55 12 Fl. W. 8 fl. per min. 114 14 Red circular iron tower ... Seasonal. 1020 H 0664 49 16 55 14 FI.W . 30 fl. per min. 45 5 White octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. 1030 H 0666 -Lower Sandy Point .. u. 49 13 55 17 Fl. R. 20 3 Seasonal. tower. 1040 H 0668 -Mill Point, E. extremity. U. 49 09 55 20 Fl. R. 40 fl. per min. 18 3 Seasonal. 1045 H 0652 -Knight Island, near NE. tip, on rock islet. 49 25 54 55 FI.W . 44 7 White square wooden tower. sloping sides, red lan¬ tern; 15. -Burnt Bay 49 18 54 49 Fl. W. 25 fl. per min. 175 4 Seasonal. 1050 H 0654 -St. Michaels Island. U. structure. 1070 H 0640 — Toulinguet, Long Point . 49 41 54 48 Fl. W . 331 21 Red square tower, circular Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60* period 20* fl. 1*, ec. 19* lantern; white house. Radiobeacon. 1080 H 0644 -Toulinguet Harbor, government wharf. 49 40 54 46 Fl. R. 15 fl. per min. 15 3 Octagonal wooden struc¬ ture, red and white bands. Seasonal. 1090 H 0646 — Tickle Point (Shoal Tickle) on S. point of N. island. U. 49 40 54 46 Fl. W . 25 fl. per min. 31 5 V/hite square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 1100 H 0648 49 36 Fl. W. 57 5 White octagonal wooden Seasonal. U. 54 43 tower; 16. 1110 H 0650 — Moretons Harbor, on Little Harbor Head. U. 49 35 54 51 Fl. W. 25 fl. per min. 59 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. 1120 H 0636 — Baccholhoo Island, W. side. U 49 41 54 33 FI.W . 357 21 Cylindrical iron tower, red period 9* and white spiral bands. 1130 H 0638 — Hening Neck Harbor Caplin Cove Head. U. 49 39 54 35 Fl. W . 94 i: White square wooden struc- 20 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. Port I Including N. M. 33/60. 28 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. Height of light Visi- No. Name and location Position lat. long. o / Choracteristic and power above high water bility (nau¬ tical Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols (feet) miles) CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 1140 H 0630 Tickle Point, N. side of entrance to Change Island. N. W. 49 40 54 25 F. G. 27 6 White post, white house; 15. Seasoned. 1150 H 0632 Smoker Island, NE. point . .. U. 49 37 54 27 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 35 10 White wooden structure, red lantern. Seasonal. 1155 H 0634 Dram Islet. U. 49 35 54 31 FI. W. 45 7 White square tower, red lantern. Seasonal. 1160 H 0626 Change Island, South End .. U. 49 34 54 24 FI. W. 30 fl. per min. 43 9 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 1170 H 0624 Steering Island, entrance to Dog Bay. U. 49 31 54 27 FI. R. 20 fl. per min. 38 4 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. 1180 H 0628 Ruth Rock, E. entrance to Change Island. U. 49 41 54 22 Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. 35 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. Seal Cove, end of wharf ... 49 43 54 17 F. R. 15 1189 H 0619 1190 H 0618 FOGO ISLAND: — Fogo Harbor, Rag’s Island, summit. U. 49 44 54 16 Fl. W. period 7.5® 82 5 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 1200 H 0617 — loe Batts Arm (on Middle Rock.) U. 49 44 54 10 Fl. R . period 4® 18 2 Red iron mast, lantern .... Seasonal. 1210 H 0616 — Joe Batts Point. U. 49 45 54 09 Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. 97 15 White square wooden tower Seasonal. 1220 H 0620 — Little Fogo Island. u. 49 49 54 05 FI.W . 158 10 White square wooden struc- 15 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 1230 H 0614 — Tilton Harbor, W. side of entrance. U. 49 42 54 04 Fl. R . period 4® 91 5 White square wooden tower. Visible seaward except in line with Pigeon Island. Seasoned. fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 1240 H 0612 — Burnt Point, E. side of entrance to Seldom- Come-By Harbor. 49 36 54 09 F. W . 39 3 White octagonal wooden on roof of fog alarm building. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60®. Seeisonal. 1250 H 0608 Tinker Rock, S. side of entrance to Seldom-Come By. U. 49 35 54 10 Fl. W . 27 7 White square wooden struc- Seeisonal, 15 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 1260 H 0606 49 35 Fl. W . 85 10 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. U. 54 11 9 fl. per min. 1270 H 0602 Blundon’s Island, E. side .. U. 49 33 54 14 Fl. W . 25 fl. per min. 25 10 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Temporarily discontinued (Apr. mo.) Seetsoned. 128( H 060a Seal Rock, Stag Harbor Tickle. U. 49 33 54 17 Fl. W. 25 fl. per min. 21 1 White pyramidal wooden structure, red lantern. Seasonal. 128. H 060 Grass Island, on rock. u. 49 28 54 19 FI.W . 41 i: Square wooden tower, metal 20 fl. per min. cover. 128 H 0601. 7 Hamilton Sound, Frederick- S ton wharf. U. 49 26 54 22 Fl R . 14 Red wooden post, iron period 4® base. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 29 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. « / Chorocteristic end power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 1288 Carmanville V.'harf. N. W. 49 24 54 17 F. R. 14 3 Pole. Seasonal. 1290 H 0600 Green Island, Rocky Bay . . . U. 49 27 54 14 FI. W. 12 fl. per min. 30 10 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. 1300 H 0584 WADHAM ISLANDS: — Offer Wadham Island .... 49 36 53 45 Occ. W. period 10* It. 5*, ec. 5* 100 15 Red circular iron tower. Fl. W. Dec. 15—opening of navigation. 1310 H 0586 — Peckford’s Island, SE. point. U. 49 32 53 51 Occ. R . period 5* It. 2.5*,ec. 2.5* 52 10 Octagonal wooden tower, black and white stripes. Fl. R. Jan. 1-opening of navigation. Diaphone: 2 bl.ev. 60*. 1320 H 0596 Muddy Shag, on islet 2 miles N. of entrance to Musgrave Harbor. U- 49 29 53 56 FI. W. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 37 5 White square framework structure; 14. Seasonal. 1330 H 0592 1330.1 H 0594 Musgrave Harbor, front. — Rear, 100 yards 205° from front. 49 27 53 57 F. R . F. R . 24 30 3 Wooden framework struc¬ ture. Wooden framework struc¬ ture. Seasonal. 1340 H 0588 North Penguin Island, N. end. U. 49 27 53 48 F. W. 62 9 Circular iron tower, red and white stripes. Fl. W. (10 fl. per min.) Dec. 1— opening of navigation. 1350 H 0580 BONAVISTA BAY: — Gull Island, off Cape Freels. LI. 49 15 53 25 Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. 85 10 White wooden structure, red lantern. Seasonal. 1360 H 0578 Kenny Rock . U. 49 12 53 29 Fl. W. 25 fl. per min. 22 4 White wooden structure, red lantern. Seasonal. 1370 A 0576 49 10 Fl. W. 74 10 Circular iron tower on Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60*. 53 21 period 7.5* n. 0.5*,ec. 7* dwelling, red and white 1380 H 0574 — Stevenson’s Islets, on E. islet. U. 49 10 53 24 Fl. W . 33 5 White wooden structure. Seasonal. 25 fl. per min. red lantern. 1390 H 0568 49 10 Fl. R . 33 8 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. U. 53 30 period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* ture, red lantern. 1400 H 0570 — Pound Cove. U. 49 10 53 32 Fl. W . 22 5 White square wooden struc- Seasonal. 20 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 1402 49 10 53 33 F. R . 30 Framework tower. -Rear, 400 yards 306° from front. F. R . Framework tower. Seasonal, 1402.1 40 1410 H 0564 — Black Island. U. 49 08 53 32 FEW . 25 C White square wooden struc- Seasonal. 30 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 142C H 0566 — Wesleyville Harbor, on Bennets High Island, at entrance to harbor. U 49 08 53 34 Fl W . 75 1( White wooden framework Seasonal. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* structure. Port I Including N.M. 33 60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 30 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and locotion Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Charocteristic above bility lot. long. and power high (nou- o t water ticol (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NEWFOUNDLAND 1422 1424 1425 1430 H 0562 1440 H 0556 1450 H 0558 1453 H 0561 1453.1 H 0561.1 1455 H 0560 BON AVISTA BAY: — Wesleyville wharf, about 0.39 mile 0° 45' from Bennet High Island. — Crassy Island Shoal Lighted liuoy. Benhurry Rock Buoy . . . . • South Pound Island, Western Shag. I Puffin Island, near Greenspond Harbor. — Pound Rock, entrance to Greenspond Harbor. U. — Greenspond Range, front. -Rear, 83 yards 278° 30' from front. — Scammels Lookout. 1456 H 0560 1460 H 0554 1465 H 0553.5 1470 H 0552 1475 H 0553 1480 H 0550 1490 // 0548 IJ. N. W. 49 08 53 34 49 06 53 35 49 07 53 36 49 06 53 34 49 04 53 33 49 04 53 34 49 04 53 34 49 04 53 34 — Seine Rock Shoe Point, on S. summit. Grindstone Head. U. u. Gooseberry, on Island, close S. of Inner Goose berry Island. U. — Hare Cut Point. U. Puffin Flat Island, 0.5 mile SF. of Flat Island. U. Little Denier Island, summit. U. 49 02 53 36 48 59 53 42 48 53 53 37 48 53 53 39 48 47 53 36 48 41 53 35 F. R FI. W . . period 4® FI. R ... FI. W. 15 fl. per min. Occ. W. period 5® It. 2.5®, ec. 2.5® FI. W. 40 fl. per min. F. R F.R Gp. FI.R.(6). period 12® fl.0.3®,ec. 1.2® n.0.3®,ec. 1.2® n. 0.3®,ec. 1.2® n. 0.3®,ec. 1.2® n.0.3®,ec. 1.2® fl.0.3®,ec.4.2® Fl. R. period 4® n.0.5®,ec.3.5® Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. Fl. W. period 6® Fl. W. 10 fl. per min. Fl. W. Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. 15 Pole with lantern. Seasonal. Black buoy. Red buoy. 62 8 White wooden structure, red lantern. Seasonal. 78 10 Granite building, tower at corner Fl. W. Ian. 1-opening of navigation. Diaphone: 2 bl. ev. 90®. 26 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. 19 4 Wooden framework tower, white daymark. 26 4 Wooden framework tower, white daymark. Seasonal. 15 On bridge. . 18 3 White wquare wooden tower , Seasonal. 88 10 Square wooden tower. Seasonal. 70 5 Square metal tower. 66 8 White wooden structure, red lantern. Seasonal. 80 White square metal tower .. Square wooden structure. Seasonal. 120 1C Seasonal. 298 15 Circular iron tower, red and white stripes. Seasonal. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 31 H. 0. Ill Height of light Vi si- Position Chorocteristic above bility Name and locotion iot. long. ond power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) o / woter tical (feet) miles) CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 1500 H 0546 BONAVISTA BAY: — Happy Adventure Bay . .. N. W. 48 .38 53 45 F. W. 4 Framework structure. 1520 H 0540 — King’s Cove, on N. head. U. 48 .35 53 19 FI. W. 16 fl. per min. 176 14 White circular iron tower. 1525 H 0540 — King’s Cove, seaward end of public wharf. U. 48 .34 53 19 F. R. 16 Wooden post on wharf. 1530 H 0538 — Squarty Island, entrance to Bonavista. U. 48 .39 53 08 FI. R. period 3* n. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 48 10 Whi te square wooden tower, red lantern. 1535 // 0539 — Bonavista Breakwater.. . 48 .39 53 07 FI. R. 20 fl. per min. 25 Concrete tower; 12 . 1537 — Long Liner Wharf, head of wharf U. 48 .39 53 07 F. R. 12 8 Red steel skeleton tower. 1540 H 0536 — Cape Bonavista . 48 42 53 05 Alt. Fl. (3),— R., W. period 90* . R. , ’V., and W. in succes¬ sion. 150 15 Square wooden tower on center of building, red and white stripes. 1550 H 0526 CATALINA HARBOR: — Green Island, near entrance. 48 30 53 0.3 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . period 12* 86 15 White octagonal concrete tower, red and white lantern dome, two white dwellings at base. 1560 — lirandies W histle Hmry . . 48 30 53 02 Fl. R. Red buoy. 1570 H 0530 — Goodland Point Range, front. U. 48 .31 5.3 04 F. R. 45 Wooden tower, red lantern, white daymark. 1570.1 II 0532 -Rear, 72 yards 297° fror front. U. F. R. 71 Wooden tower, red lantern, white daymark. 1580 H 0528 48 31 F. R. 20 4 White circular iron tower .. 53 04 1585 II 0530 — Catalina Harbor Range, front. U. 48 30 53 05 F. G 33 Black striped yellow day- mark on wooden skeleton tower. 1585.1 H 0532 -Rear, 295 yards 252° from front. U. F. G. 51 Black striped yellow day- mark on wooden skeleton tower. 1587 48 .31 F. R. 12 Red light stand, concrete U. 53 05 base. 1590 H 0526 Melrose Harbor Range, front. U. 48 29 53 04 F R . 20 5 White framework tower, day- mark, red lantern. 1590.1 II 0526 — Rear, 314° .30' from front. U. F. R. 39 5 'Vhite framework tower, day- mark, red lantern. Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals Fishing light. Seasonal. I cmtyorarily discontinued (Apr. mo.) Seasonal. Shown May 1—Dec. 1. Seasonal. Seasonal. Diaphone: 3 bL ev. 90*. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30*. Rodar reflector. Seasonal. Seasonal. Intensified on axis. Part I Including N.M. 33 60. 32 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of fight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou* ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 1600 H 0522 1610 H 0520 1620 H 0518 1630 H 0514 1640 ] 0512 1650 H 0512 1660 H 0506 1670 H 0504 1680 H 0502 1690 H 0498 TRINITY BAY: — Horse Chops, N. side of entrance to Trinity Bay FOG SIGNAL. — Fort Point, at entrance to Trinity Harbor. — Ragged Islands U. • Motion Island, off East Random Head. U. ■ Hopeall Head 1695 H 0500 1700 H 0494 1710 1720 H 0490 1730 H 0492 1740 H 0484 1750 — Hearts Content Harbor Northern Point. — Jeans Head, N. side of entrance to New Perlican. U. — Hants Harbor, NE. head Old Perlican, N. end of Perlican Island. Baccalieu Island, near N. point. CONCEPTION BAY: — SW. point, Baccalieu Island. — Western Bay Head, on point. U. — Carhonear Bay Approach Whistle Buoy. — Carbonear Island, summit. U. — Carbonear Bay, head of Government Wharf. U — Harbor Grace Islands, NE. per of group. U. - Bar Buoy . . N. W. 48 21 53 12 1.53 Two white flat-roofed Diaphone: blast 2.5®, silent buildings. 57.5®. 48 22 FI. W. 75 10 White circular iron tower. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 20®. 53 21 period 4^ 48 14 53 27 FI. W . 118 14 Circular iron tower, red and Seasonal. 15 fl. per min. white bands. 48 06 53 33 FEW . 126 13 Circular iron tower, red and Seasonal. ,30 fl. per min. white in checkers. 47 38 Gp.Fl.W. (3) . 207 10 Vhite square frame- Seasonal 53 34 period 12'’ fl, l\cc.2'‘ fl. P,ec.8" structure, red lantern. 47 53 F. R. 83 8 Cylindrical iron tower, red Seasonal. 53 23 and white spiral bands. 47 56 53 22 FI.W . 159 14 Octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. period 4® white square flat-roofed ^.0.5^ec. 3.5^ building. 48 01 53 15 Fl. W . 65 7 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 9 fl. per min. 48 05 53 02 FI.W . 126 12 Octagonal wooden tower. Seasonal. 25 fl. per min. red and white stripes, white drum and lantern. 48 09 52 48 Gp. Fl. W. (4) . period 45^ fl. 0.6®, ec. 5® 544 24 Red circular iron tower Often obscured by fog when the two white houses. lower part of the island is clear. International Code signals. fl. 0.6®, ec. 5® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5® fl. 0.7®, ec. 27.5® 48 06 Fl. W. 175 9 White square wooden tower Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 45®. 52 48 period 4® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 47 53 53 03 F W . 96 8 Octagonal wood tower, red Seasonal. and white bands. 47 45 53 10 Fl W . Black and white striped Radar reflector. buoy. 47 44 53 10 Fl W . 178 15 White square wooden tower. 10 fl. per min. red roof. 47 44 53 14 P P 19 3 Iron Post. Seasonal. 47 43 53 09 Fl W . 120 12 White wooden structure, 15 fl. per min. red lantern. 47 42 53 12 Fl W Black boat type buoy . Seasonal. Part I Including N.M. 33/60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 33 H. 0. Ill Height ol light Visi- Charocteri Stic above bil ity No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols o t water tical (feet) miles) CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND N. W. 1760 H 0486 CONCEPTION BAY: — Harbor Grace, Point of Beach. U. 47 41 53 13 F. R . .39 8 White hexagonal wooden tower. 1762 H 0486. 1 — Ship Head. U. 47 41 53 14 F. R. 115 16 Framework tower with white slatted daymark. Seasonal. 1765 H 0483. 5 — Spaniards Bay, public wharf. U. 47 37 53 17 F. R. 15 9 Iron lamp stand on wharf . . Seasonal. — SE. end Government wharf, Roberts Harbor. 47 36 53 16 F. R . 15 Seasonal. 1770 H 0483 1774 II 0482.5 — Bait Rocks, off Coldeast Point. 47 35 53 15 FI. W . period 4^ 20 Square wooden tower, concrete base. Seasonal. 1780 H 0482 — Green Point, entrance to Bay Roberts, S. side. U. 47 36 53 10 F. W . 56 8 Circular iron tower, red and white bands. Three lights are shown below the main light, the two outer lights show W., and the center light R. over Southern Rocks. 1790 H 0478 — Brigus North Head, entrance to Brigus Bay. U. 47 33 53 11 FI W . 113 12 Circular iron tower, red and white stripes. 1800 H 0474 — Salmon Cove Point, E. point of entrance to Castries Bay. U. 47 28 53 09 F. W . 89 10 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 1810 H 0476 47 27 FI. W . 34 8 White square wooden Seasonal. 53 12 period 6^ fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® building, octagonal tower. 1813 H 0473 — Long, Pond, Wanuels, head of breakwater. U. 47 31 52 59 FI. W. 21 White square tower Seasonal. 1815 N 0472 — Portugal Cove; outer end of breakwater. U. Range, front. 47 .38 52 52 FI. W. P P 15 33 5 Iron mast, concrete base .. Seasonal. 1817 H 0473 - Rear, 68 yards 93'45' from front. P P 33 Seasonal. 1817.1 H 0473. 5 1820 H 0470 — Bell Island, NE. end. ... 47 39 52 55 Fl W . 167 10 White wooden octagonal Diaphone: 2 bl. ev. 60® . period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® tower, red lantern. Whistle: 1 bl.ev.30®. 1822 — BELL ISLAND FERRY FOG SIGNAL 47 38 52 56 Private aid occasional. 1830 H 0468 47 49 52 47 Occ. W . 123 12 Small tower on roof of Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. period 60® it. 54®, ec. 6® dwelling. 1840 H 045S ST. JOHNS HARBOR: — Fort Amherst, S. side of entrance. 47 .34 52 41 132 \: White wooden tower . Typhoo; 2 bl. ev. 60® . period 10® It. 7®, ec. 3® 1850 II 0460 — Chain Rock, N. side of entrance. U. 47 34 52 41 Fl. R . 19 5 White octagonal wooden 25 fl. per min. fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.1® structure, red lantern. Part I Including N.M. 33 60. 34 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 f Characteristic and power Height ol light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors CANADA-NEWFO UNDLAND Remarks. Fog signals 1860 H 0464 ST. JOHNS HARBOR; _Range, front, on breast¬ work between Queen and King wharves. U. N. W. 47 34 52 42 1860.1 — H 0466 1870 H 0454 _Rear, about 476 yards 276° 10' from front. Cape Spoor 1880 Bay Bulls, on Bull Head ... H 0452 I 1890 H 0450 Ferryland Head 1900 Northern Head H 0449 1910 H 0448 1920 H 0444 Bear Cove Point (Fermuse). Cape Race 1930 H 0442 1940 H 0440 1945 H 0438 1950 H 0436 1960 H 0434 Powles Head, Trepassey Harbor. Cape Pine. F. G, 98 F. G. 47 31 52 37 47 19 52 45 47 01 52 52 46 58 52 54 46 56 52 54 46 39 53 04 Gp. Fl.W. (3). period 15* fl. 0.4*, ec. 2.6* fl. 0.4*, ec. 2.6* fl. 0.4*, ec. 8.6* F. W. 10 fl. per min. Gp. Occ. W. (2) peri od 30* It. 4*, ec. 4* It. 18*,ec.4* 203 233 197 190 Fl.W. 20 fl. per min. Occ. W. period 5* It. 2.5*, ec. 2.5* Fl.W. period 7.5* fl. 0.2*, ec. 7.3* 90 98 170 1963 EASTERN HEAD FOG SIGNAL. ST. MARY’S BAY: _Point la Hoye, entrance to St. Mary’s Harbor. Great Colinet Island, on Dalton Point, N. end of island. U- — Branch Range. 46 37 53 36 46 54 53 37 47 01 53 41 56 53 53 57 fl. 1*, ec. 1* fl. 1®, ec. 6* Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 12* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7.5* Fl. W. 40 fl. per min. 62 46 41 Fl. W. 101 14 53 25 period 4* 46 37 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 314 25 53 32 period 9* 2 F. R. 100 15 20 Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 1 Steel framework tower, concrete base on wooden piles, white slatwork day- mark with red diamond center; 85. 17 1 White octagonal concrete tower, sloping sides, aluminum lantern; 45- 17 1 White circular iron tower, dwelling. 14 I Red circular iron tower, red and white lantern. Diaphona; 1 bl. ev. 60*. Radioboocon. Iron pole; 10. Octagonal wooden tower. 19 I White circular concrete tower, red lantern, white dwelling with red roof; 100 . 14 White circular iron tower Circular iron tower, red and white bands. 17 Circular iron tower, red and white bands. Diaphone: 3 bl. ev. 60*. Diaphone: Blast 3*, silent 27*. Signal station. Telegraph. Radiobeacon and direction¬ finder. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 30*. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60*. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60* . Diophone: 3 blasts ev. 60*. Square wooden tower. 2 Wooden framework towers 2 Range lights, moved to suit channel. Seasonal. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 35 H. 0. Ill Height of ight Visi- Position Choracteristic above bil ity No. Name ond iocotion iat. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) CANADA- NEWFOUNDLAND N. W. 1970 Cope St. Mary's. 46 49 Gp. FI. W. (3). 390 23 White octagonal concrete // 0432 54 12 period 30® tower, red lantern, white fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® n. 0.4®, ec. 23.6® dwellings. 1980 PLACENTIA BAY: — Placentia Harbor -Point Verde. 47 14 F. W 98 11 Square open framework Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60®. H 0422 54 01 steel tower, painted white, red lantern. 1990 -Range Front. 47 15 F. R. 19 White square wooden tower. H 0424 53 58 1990.1 -Rear, 66 yards F. R. 29 White square wooden tower. H 0426 93° from front. — Fox Harbor: 1992 -Entrance range, front. 47 19 53 54 F. G. 15 Pole. Visible on range line. 1992.1 -Rear, 133 yards F. G. 40 Pole. 92° from front. 1994 -Harbor range, front .. F. R. 16 Pole. Visible on range line. 1994.1 -Rear, 116 yards F. R. 35 Pole . 122° from front. 2000 — Latine Point . 47 19 Qk. FI. W. 49 8 Structure painted in black Maintained by U.S. Navy. H 0412 u. .54 01 Cp. 120 and white 6-foot squares; 32. 2010 — whistle Buoy "A" . 47 20 S_L. FI. W . 16 Buoy, black and white stripes. Radar reflector. Maintained by U. S. Navy. — Little Placentia Harbor 54 02 2020 -AVIATION LIGHT . . . 47 19 Alt. Gp. FI.,— 181 Tank . 53 59 W., G. period 10® 2 w. n., 1 G. fl. 2030 -Low Room Point .... 47 19 FI. R .. 23 9 Red wooden tower, battery Maintained by U.S. Navy. 11 0406 U. 53 58 period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® house. Cp. 170 2040 -Broad Cove Point . . . 47 18 Fl. W . 44 8 White wooden tower, battery Maintained by U. S. Navy. H 0408 U. 53 58 period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® house. Cp. 130 2050 -Newfoundland R. R. 47 18 F. G . 20 6 Maintained by U.S. Navy // 0410 Dock, NE. corner. 53 59 2060 — Isaac Head, Argentia Bay. 47 19 F. R . 425 Obstruction light. II 0407 53 57 2070 — Isaac Point, Argentia Bay. Fl. R . 335 Obstruction light. H 040 7 period 2® 2075 — Pearce Peak. 47 18 F. R . 502 3 F.R. obstruction lights are shown southward. 53 58 Part I Includinq N . M. 33/60. 36 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. ni No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND N. W. 2080 H 0404 PLACENTIA BAY: — Fox Island . U. 47 21 54 00 FI W . period 6^ fl. 1®, ec. 5® Cp. 400 2090 H 0396 — North Harbor Point, W. side of entrance to North Harbor. U. 47 49 54 06 FI W . 30 fl. per min. 2100 H 0394 — Bar Haven Harbor, S. side of entrance. U. 47 43 54 12 FI. W . 25 fl. per min. 2110 H 039S 47 31 54 03 FI. W. U. 20 fl. per min. 2120 H 0400 — Red Island Harbor, N. side of entrance. U. 47 24 54 09 Fl. W . 35 fl. per min. 2130 H 0390 — Merasheen Harbor, on West Head. U. 47 24 54 22 Fl W . 15 fl. per min. 2140 H 0388 — Presque Harbor, on Middle Rock. U. 47 24 54 28 Fl. W . 25 fl. per min. 2150 H 0386 — Marticot Island, SE. side. 47 20 54 35 Occ. W . period 10® It. 7®, ec. 3® 2160 H 0382 — Petit Forte Harbor, on E. side of entrance. U. 47 23 54 40 Fl. W . 18 fl. per min. 2170 H 0380 — Long Island, S. point . . . U. 47 18 54 42 Fl W . period 6.7® 2175 H 0374 — Orderin Island . U. 47 18 54 49 Fl W . period 6® fl. 0. 5® , ec. 5. 5® 2180 H 03 78 — Jude Island, E. point FOG SIGNAL. 47 16 54 47 2190 H 0376 — Flat Island, S. side . U. 47 16 54 56 Fl W . 20 fl. per min. 2195 H 0377 — Collins Island, off the NW. side of Davis Island. U. 47 16 54 55 Fl. W . 2198 H 0375 — Go By Point . U. 47 08 55 05 Fl. W . 220C H 0374 — Tides Cove Point . 47 06 55 04 F W . 221C H 0370 — Iron Island, off entrance to Burin Inlet. U. 47 02 55 07 Fl. R . 15 fl.per min. 222 C H 036i — Dodding Head, Burin Island. U. 47 00 55 09 Fl. W . period 6® fl. 1® , ec. 5® Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 60 12 White wooden octagonal tower, black roof, white building. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 20^. Maintained by U.S. Navy. 41 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture. 23 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 48 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, black band. 49 8 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 62 5 Red square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 40 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red band, red lantern 93 15 Octagonal wooden tower, red and white bands. Diaphane; 1 blast ev. 60®. 39 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 237 18 White circular iron tower. 26 10 White square wooden tower, red lantern. Building, red and white bands. Diaphane: 3 blasts ev. 60 67 6 Square wooden tower, red and white bands. 37 White square wooden tower. 85 7 Square white wooden tower. no i: Aluminum tower, white flat-roofed building, red stripes. Diaphane: 2 bl. ev. 60®. 118 White square wooden tower 320 2‘ 1 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 37 H. 0. Ill No. Height of light Visi- Position Choracteristic above bility Name and location lot. long. and power high (nou* Structure, height (feet) 0 t water tical (feet) miles) Sectors, Remarks. Fog sigttols CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 2225 H 0366 2230 H 0364 2240 H 0362 2250 H 0360 2260 H 0356 2270 H 0350 2280 H 0352 2280.1 H 0354 2290 H 0348 2300 H 0332 2310 2320 2330 H 0344 N. W. PLACENTIA BAY: — Shalloway Island, nearN. 47 00 FI. R. 89 Square wooden tower. end of island. U. 55 10 — Little Burin Island, NE. 46 59 F. W. 85 5 Aluminum tower, gray build- end. 55 11 ing attached to white flat- roofed building, black bands. — Corbin Harbor, Long 46 57 FI. W. 85 5 Wooden tower. Point, N. side of entrance to harbor. U. 55 14 26 fl. per min. — Middle Head, on point 46 54 Occ. W . 70 12 White octagonal tower, red separating Little and 55 21 period 10* lantern. Great St. Lawrence Harbors. It. 7.5*, ec. 2.5* — Lawn (Black Head), W. 46 54 FI W . White square wooden struc- side of harbor. U. 55 33 20 fl. per min. ture. — Lamaline Harbor: -Allan Island, Bluff 46 51 F. W. 64 9 White square wooden tower. Head. 55 48 dwellings; 20. -Range, N. side of harbor, front. U. 46 51 F. R . 12 1 Whit e square tower. 55 48 F. R . Square tower. -Rear, 160 yards from front. U. 20 1 Green Island, E. end, summit. 46 53 56 05 Fl. W. 149 16 Square framework steel tower with sloping sides, period 12* fl. 2*, ec. 10* red lantern; 20 ST. PIERRE ISLAND (F): — Galantry Head, S. end of 46 46 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . 219 20 Whit e square tower, square Island. 56 10 period 15* fl. 0.7*, ec. 4.3* fl. 0.7*, ec. 9.3* dwelling; 38. Cp. 1,500,000 — NE. Entrance 46 48 Gp. Occ. W. (2). 8 Buoy, red and white Whistle Buoy. 56 08 period 9* verticle stripes, red X lt.4.5*,ec. 1.5* It. 1.5*, ec. 1.5* topmark. Cp. 500 — Grande Basse Whistle Buoy. 46 47 56 06 FI.R . 6 Buoy, red and white bands, topmark 2 red cones base period 6* fl. 1.5*,ec.4.5* Cp. 100 to base. — Little St. Piene Islet 46 48 Fl. W.R. 59 W. 6 White beacon, red (Rocber St. Pierre). 56 09 period 4* n. 1*, ec. 3* R. 8 lantern, 23. Cp. W. 500 R. 300 — St. Pierre Harbor -Chien Island (He aux 46 47 Occ.,— W., R. 59 W. 9 Tower, red and white bands Chiens) SW. end. 56 09 period 6* It. 4.5*, ec. 1.5* Cp. W. 1,500 R. 7 R. 300 H 0336 Port I Includino N. M. 33/60. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30*. Diaphone: 3 bl. ev. 60*. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30*. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60*. Siren: 2 bl. ev. 60*. Auxiliary gun, one report ev. 30 min. Radiobeacon. Radar reflector. W. 189*-59*, R.-189* W. 296°-336%R.-10‘' Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 38 H. 0. Ill No. Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bil ity Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) 0 ! water tical (feet) miles) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 2350 H 0338 2360 H 0340 2360.1 H 0342 2370 H 0343 2380 2390 2400 2450 N. W. ST. PIERRE ISLAND (F): — St. Pierre Harbor — Bertrand Rocks. U. 46 46 56 10 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 9® It. 4.5®, ec. 1.5* It. 1.5®, ec. 1.5= Cp. 500 33 8 White beacon, black lantern - Canon Point Range, front. U. 46 47 56 10 Qk. FI. W . 60 fl. per min. Cp. 2,000 36 9 White octagonal tower, black bands, green lantern ; 33. - Rear, 0.4 mile 287° from front. - Outer end of S. breakwater. 46 46 56 10 FI. R. period 1.5® Cp. 4,000 Occ. W . period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® Cp. 500 62 23 8 8 Square tower with red and white stripes; 36. White concrete pylon . — Marne Shoal Whistle Buoy. 46 44 56 14 Gp. FI. R. (2) . period 9® fl. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 100 6 Buoy, red and white bands; topmark 2 cones, points down. Savoyard Shoal '<^^histle Buoy, SW. of shoal. 46 45 56 15 Gp. Occ. W. (2) . period 9® It. 4.5®, ec. 1.5® It. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® Cp. 500 8 Buoy, black above and white below, topmark 2 black cones, point to point. MIQUELON (F): Red buoy, white bands, topmark 2 cones, points down. 1 — Cape Coupe Whistle Ih/oy. 46 45 .56 21 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 9® fl. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 500 8 — Plate Point, SVV. point of Little Miquelon Island. 46 49 56 24 FL—W., R . period 5® n.0.7®,ec. 4.3® Cp. W. 1,500,000 R. 300,000 154 W. 18 R. 17 White tower, red lantern, 127. 3 — Cape Blanc, NW. point of Great Miquelon Island. 47 06 56 24 Gp. Fl. (3)— W. R .. period 15® fl. 0.6®, ec. 2.4® fl. 0.6®, ec. 2.4® fl. 0.6®, ec. 8.4® Cp. W. 600,000 R. 120,000 103 16 Circular tower, lower part white, upper part red; 49. 3 — Miquelon Roads. 9 U. 47 06 56 23 Qk. Fl. W. Cp. 200 26 7 Tower, red and white bands; 10. ) — Miquelon Rocks Whistle Buoy. 47 03 56 13 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . period 12® n. 1.5®,ec.4.5® n. 1.5®,ec. 1.5® n. 1. 5®, ec. 1. 5® Cp. 500 White buoy, upper part red, two cones base to base topmark. Part 1 Including N. M. Radar reflector. Radar reflector. Radar reflector. (Temporarily discontinued 1959). R. 155°-163°. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30®. If siren is disabled, a gun will be fired ev. 20 min. R. over Seal Rocks from 40°—57° W. —205° partly obscured—252°, W.-270°, obscured-330°, W.- elsewhere. 33/60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 39 H. 0. ni No. Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Characteristic obove bility Nome and location iat. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) o / water tical (feet) miles) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 2457 H 0325 FORTUNE BAY: — Fortune Head. N. W. 47 04 55 52 FI. W. 78 7 Skeleton steel tower with sloping sides, red lan¬ tern; 20. 2459 — Buoy, E. side entrance to channel. 47 05 55 50 FI. W. 15 fl. per min. Black buoy . 2460 H 0324 — Fortune Harbor, head of E. pier. 47 05 55 50 F. G. 24 Pole. 2462 H 0323 Head of W. pier. 47 05 55 50 FI. R. 15 fl. per min. 22 3 Red lantern on lamppost. . . 2470 H 0322 — Grand Bank, near head of breakwater. 47 06 55 45 Fl. W. R . 15 fl. per min. 27 10 Concrete tower . 2475 H 0320 - West Pier, on head . . 47 06 55 45 Fl. R. period 4® 16 Iron lamppost on battery box. 2480 H 0318 — Garnish, S. side of entrance, head of breakwater. 47 14 55 22 Occ. W. period 10® It. 5®, ec. 5® 28 5 Square wooden tower . 2490 H 0314 — Ragged Point, N. side of entrance to Bay I’Argent. U. 47 33 54 53 Fl. W. 22 fl. per min. 204 5 Square wooden structure, red and white alternate sides. 2500 H 0316 — Terrenceville, end of public wharf. U. 47 40 54 44 Fl. R. 14 4 Steel skeleton tower. 2510 H 0312 Long Harbor Point. U. 47 35 55 08 Fl '.V . 200 8 Circular iron tower, red and period 6® white stripes, white lantern. 2520 H 0310 — Rencontre East, Mai Bay Island, E. end. U. 47 37 55 12 Fl. W . 52 5 White square wooden struc- 25 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 253C H 0308 — Belloram Harbor, on Beach Point. U. 47 31 55 25 Fl. W. 30 fl. per min. 25 7 White circular iron tower . . 2540 H 0304 — St. Jacques Island, S. hill. 47 28 55 25 F. W. 131 15 White circular iron tower . . 2550 H 0302 — English Harbor West, on E. side of entrance. U. 47 27 55 30 FI.W . 45 10 White square wooden tower, 16 fl. per min. red lantern. 2560 H 0300 47 24 Fl. R. 57 8 White square wooden tower, U. 55 35 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® red lantern. 2570 H 0298 — Bull Point, Coomb’s Cove, N. side of en¬ trance. u. 47 27 55 38 Fl. W . 35 4 White square wooden struc- 35 fl. per min. ture, red lantern. 2580 H 0292 — Sagona Island NW. extremity FOG SIG¬ NAL. 47 22 55 48 White square building. red bands. — Brunette Island ,Mercer Head, SE. side of island. U. 47 15 55 52 Fl. W. 15 fl. per min. 408 23 259C H 0 29t Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. (Destroyed 1960. ) Temporarily F. G. 120 ft SW. W. 129°-259°,R.-shore. Entrance range front light shows F. Bu., rear F. Amber. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. Diaphone; 1 bl. ev. 20®. Part I Includinq N. M. 33'60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 40 H. 0. Ill No. Name ond location Position lot. long, o t Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water Visi- bil ity (nau¬ tical Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals (feet) mi les) CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND N. W. 2600 H 0294 FORTUNE BAY: — Harbor Breton, NF,. end of Rocky Point, W. side entrance. U. 47 29 55 48 FI. W. 9 fl. per min. 69 9 Circular iron tower, red and white bands. Obscured over Harbor Rock. 2610 H 0286 Pass Islond, summit of island, entrance to Hermitage Bay. U. 47 29 56 12 FI. W. period 3® fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 2 . 5 s 281 19 White octagonal wooden tower, sloping sides, white keeper’s dwelling with black band. Diapbone; 1 blast ev. 30". H 0288 FI. R. 267 4 Same tower. period 3* fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 2 . 5 s 2620 H 0282 HERMITAGE BAY: Fox Island . U. 47 34 55 58 Fl. W. 12 fl. per piin. 74 10 W'hite square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 2630 H 0280 — Gaultois Harbor, on rock W. side of entrance. U. 47 36 55 54 Fl ',V . 14 Iron column. 40 fl. per min. 2635 H 0 279 — Tinker Rock. U. 47 37 56 03 Fl. W . period 4^ 48 5 Square white iron tower . .. 2640 H 0 278 Bay d’Espoir, on E. head of Roti Point. U. 47 47 55 51 Fl. W. 32 fl. per min. 26 4 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 2650 // 0276 Great Jervis Harbor, near SE. extremity of Dawson Point. U. 47 38 56 09 Fl. W. 20 fl. per min. 55 10 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 15. Diaphone; 2 bl. ev. 60". 2660 H 0274 New Harbor Island, S. side of entrance to Rencontre Bay. U. 47 36 56 39 Fl. W. 12 fl. per min. 91 10 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 2670 H 0270 Francois {Fransway) Bay, W. side of entrance. U. 47 33 56 45 Fl. W. period 6^ ^.0.5^ ec. 5.5^ 125 17 Square wooden tower. Diapbone: 1 bl. ev. 60". 2680 H 0268 Cape la Hune, SW. point. . 47 32 56 52 Fl. W. period 6^ fl. P, ec. 5" 79 12 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 2690 // 0266 Penguin Islands, summit of Harbor Island. 47 23 56 59 Fl. W. period 4® fl. 0.5^ ec. 3.5^ 72 14 V/hite one-story building, black stripes. Diapbone; 2 bl. ev. 90" 2700 H 0264 Ramea Islands, SV/. head of Northwest Island. U. 47 31 57 25 Fl. W. period 3^ fl. 0.5^ec. 2.55 125 16 Cylindrical iron tower, red and white spiral bands; 35. Obscured by Eastern Head Rame Island. Diapbone: 1 bl. ev. 30". 2710 H 0260 BURGEO ISLANDS: — Boar Island, summit .... u. 47 36 57 35 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 12^ fl. 0.5s,ec. 1® fl. 0.5S ec. 10" 207 11 Whit e tower, red lantern .. . Diapbone: 3 bl. ev. 60". 2720 H 0258 — West Flat Island. U. 47 35 57 42 Fl. W. 16 fl. per min. 35 5 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. 2730 H 0254 Offer Island, approach to Grand Bruit Harbor. U. 47 38 58 14 Fl. W. 19 fl. per min. 36 White octagonal wooden tower, red band. Part I Includinq N.M. 33/60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 41 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA- NEWFO LINDLAND N. 'V. LA POILE BAY: 2740 — Ireland Island, E. side of 47 38 FI. W. 67 13 White circular iron tower. H 0252 entrance to bay. U. 58 22 15 n. per min. red bands, dwelling. 2750 — Christmas Head, S. of 47 40 FI. W. 40 10 White square wooden tower. H 0250 entrance to Little Harbor. U. 58 24 22 fl. per min. red lantern. ROSE BLANCHE HARBOR: 2780 47 36 FI. V/. 95 11 White square wooden tower and daymark on corner of H 0242 U. 58 42 period 5^ ^.0.5^ec. 4.5" building. 2790 — Cains Island, SW. point . 47 36 F. R. 40 6 White wooden tower on roof Diaphone; 3 bl. ev. 60". H 0244 BURNT ISLANDS: 58 42 of engine house, black and white bands. 2800 — Great Burnt Island front . 47 36 F. R . 60 White square wooden tower. H 0234 58 53 red in center. 2800 1 -Rear, 40 yards 35° from front. F. R . 75 White square wooden tower, red in center. H 0236 2810 — Bi^ Columbier Island FOG SIGNAL. 47 35 White dwelling and engine house. Diaphone: 2 bl. ev. 60". H 0238 58 54 2820 lie aux Morts Whistle Buoy 47 34 FI. R . Buoy. 58 58 12 fl. per min. 2830 He aux Morts Harbor, W. 47 35 FI. W. 26 4 White hexagonal wooden H 0232 end of Pitman Island. U. 58 59 15 fl. per min. tower. 2838 Pikes Island Lightfloat .... 47 35 59 08 Fl. R. Red boat type float. PORT AUX BASQUES: 2840 — Channel Head Whistle 47 34 Fl. '.V. Black buoy . Buoy. 59 07 2850 — Channel Head, S. side of 47 34 Gp. Occ. W. (2) ... 95 15 White circular iron tower. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 60". // 0 222 entrance. 59 07 period 30" Radiobeacon. It. 15", ec. 5" It. 5", ec. 5" International Code signals. 2860 — Vardys (Rhode) Island, 47 35 Fl. W. 25 9 White wooden tower and H 0224 SW. point. U. 59 08 period 2.5" daymark. 2870 — Entrance Range, front. . . 47 35 F. G. 123 15 White skeleton tower, day- H 0224.1 59 09 mark; 20. 2870.1 -Rear, about 224 yards F. G. 198 15 White skeleton tower, day- // 0224. 2 300° 30' from front. mark; 26. 2880 Cape Ray, on west 47 37 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . 96 15 Lantern atop round mast .. Temporary li^ht replacing regular H 0220 extremity. 59 18 period 12" lighthouse. fl. l",ec. 2" Diaphone: 3 bl. ev. 60" H. l",ec. 2" Telegraph, signal, and ice report n. l",ec. 5" station. 2890 Codroy, edge of shoal, S. end of island. U. 47 52 Fl. R . 24 10 White tower. Seasonal. H 0219 59 24 period 6" fl. 1", ec. 5" Port I Including N. M. 33/ 60. 42 Socond Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above biiity lot. long. and power high (nau- o / water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND 2900 H 0218 Cape Anguille, 1 mile S. of cape. N. W. 47 54 59 25 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® n. 0.5®,ec. 1.5® n. 0.5®,ec. 7.5® 115 16 Octagonal concrete tower, red lantern, white rect¬ angular wooden double dwelling, red roof; 97. 2920 Fishels Range, front. 48 19 58 42 F. W. 90 10 Red pole. 2920.1 — Rear. F. W. no 10 Red pole. 2930 H 0 208 ST. GEORGE HARBOR: — Harbor Point, N. side of harbor. U. 48 27 58 29 FI W . 35 9 Cylindrical iron tower, red 10 fl. per min. and white bands. 2940 H 0210 — Turf Point, SE. side of harbor. U. 48 26 58 29 FI G .... 31 Steel skeleton tower. and white checkered day- mark; 12. 2945 H 0214 — Head of public wharf. ... 48 26 58 29 F. G. 12 White pole. 2950 H 0212 — St. George, S. side of harbor, W. of wharf. 48 26 58 29 F. R . 12 White wooden tower; 10 . . 2950.1 -Rear, about 333 yards 176°45' from front. F. R. 52 White wooden tower; 10 .. . 2960 H 0204 Indian Head, N. side of entrance to St. George Bay. U. 48 30 58 32 Gp. FI. W. (2) . period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 2® fl. 1.5®, ec. 7® no 13 White wooden tower; 16 . .. 2965 „ „ „ 48 30 58 33 Fl W Red buoy. Stephenville, AVIATION LIGHT. period 4® Alt. Fl.,—W. G period 10® 2970 48 33 58 34 2980 H 0202 Red Island, NW. side. 48 34 59 14 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.0® 210 16 White square wooden struc ture, red lantern. 2990 H 0196 PORT AU PORT BAY: — Long Point, near ex¬ tremity. 48 47 58 46 Fl. W. 49 11 Steel skeleton tower, 2 da 10 fl. per min. marks, shed; 30. 3000 H 0200 Brood Cove Point. U. 48 46 58 38 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 2® fl. 1.5®, ec. 7® 135 18 White wooden tower, red lantern. 3002 H 0198 48 45 F. W. 63 5 White square wood frame- 58 39 work structure; red roof. 3002.1 H 0193.1 -Rear, about 367 yards 137° 15' from front. U. F. W . 106 6 Red skeleton steel tower upper part enclosed, painted white. 3005 H 0195 48 52 Fl. W. 104 Skeleton tower, white day U. 58 35 period 4® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® mark red diamond center Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Shown from opening of navigation until Jan. 31. Visible on range line. Lights moved, as channel changes. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Visible 272°-208“ 30'. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 43 H. 0. in \ Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols woter tical (feet) miles) CANADA- NEWFOUNDLAND N. W. BAY OF ISLANDS; 3010 — Little Port Head, S side 49 07 FI. W. 221 12 White octagonal wooden Radiobeacon (Devils Head). H 0194 of entrance. U. 58 25 period 6* sloping sides, red stripes. Seasonal. 3020 — South Heed, S. side of 49 09 Gp. FI. W. (3) . 116 12 White octagonal concrete Diaphone; 1 bl. ev. 60*. // 0192 entrance. 58 22 period 24* fl. 0.3*, ec. 3.7* fl. 0.3*, ec. 3.7* fl. 0.3*, ec. 15.7* tower and building. Seasonal. 3030 — ttliite Point. 49 09 Fl. W. 100 10 WTiite square wooden tower, red band; 12. Seasonal. H 0190 U. 58 21 10 fl. per min. 3035 — Tortoise Point .... 49 06 Fl. G. 61 8 Steel skeleton tower, white H 0189 U. 58 21 daymark, red diamond in center; 12. 3(M0 — Eaele Island. S. end .... 49 10 Gp. FI. W. (2). 109 10 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. H 0178 U. 58 09 period 12* fl. 1.5*, ec. 2* fl. 1.5*, ec. 7* 3045 — Middle Arm Point. . 49 08 Fl. V/. 72 5 Steel skeleton tower, white daymarks, red diamond H 0179 U. 58 09 centers. 3050 — Woods Island, SW. side. 49 06 Fl. R. 35 6 White triangular wooden Seasonal. H 0188 58 13 period 6* structure. 3060 — Frenchman Head, S of 49 03 Fl. W. 271 8 Steel skeleton tower, white slatted daymark. Seasonal. H 0186 old tower. u. 58 09 10 fl. per min. fl. 1*, ec. 5* 3070 — Meadow’s Point, on 49 00 Gp. Fl. W. (4) . 67 5 Steel skeleton tower, red Seasonal. H 0180 Humber Arm. u. 58 03 period 12* n.0.5*,ec. 1.0* fl.0.5*,ec. 1.0* fl.0.5*,ec. 1.0* n.0.5*,ec.7.0* lantern. 3090 Trout River. W. entrance 49 29 Fl. W. 83 6 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern. Seasonal. H 0172 point. u. 58 08 10 fl. per min. 3100 Lobster Cove Head, N. side 49 36 Occ. W . 115 16 Steel tower attached white International Code signals. H 0164 of entrance to Bonne Bay. 57 57 period 4* It. 2*, ec. 2* passageway and dwelling. Seasonal. BONNE BAY: 3110 — Woody Point. 49 30 Fl. R. 45 6 White square wooden tower, daymark. Seasonal. H 0168 U. 57 54 period 6* n. 1.5*,ec.4.5* 3120 — Gadds Point. 49 31 Fl. W . 45 5 White square wooden tower, red lantern. Seasonal. H 0170 U. 57 52 15 n. per min. 3130 — Tuckers Head. 49 28 Fl. W. 40 5 Enclosed wooden tower... Seasonal. H 0176 u. 57 46 15 fl. per min. 3140 Cow Head. 49 55 Fl. W. 141 14 H 0162 u. 57 49 period 6* n. l*,ec.5* Part I Including N.M. 33. 60. 44 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960. H. 0. in No. Nome and location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA- NEWFOUNDLAND 3150 H 0161 Parsons Pond, S. side of brook. U. N. W. 50 02 57 43 FI. R. 10 fl. per min. 33 steel skeleton tower, wooden daymark, red lan¬ tern; 12. Seasonal. 3160 H 0160 50 14 FI. W. 54 6 Enclosed wooden tower; 12 Seasonal. 57 35 15 fl. per min. 3170 H 0156 Keppel Island, NW. point. . . U. 50 38 57 20 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 12® fl.l®,ec.2® n. l",ec.2® fl.l®,ec.5® 108 5 White square wooden tower, red bands, octag¬ onal lantern. Seasonal. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 3180 H 0154 Rich Point. 50 42 57 25 Gp. Fl. W.(2). period 5® fl.0.2®,ec.0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 3.8® 96 15 White octagonal wooden tower, red lantern and dwelling; 64. Seasonal. 3190 H 0152 Querre (Grassy) Island, N. end of Port aux Choix. U. 50 43 57 20 Fl. W. 26 6 Square white building, red lantern. Seasonal. 3200 H 0148 Ferolle Point, near ex¬ tremity. 51 01 57 06 Gp. Fl. W. (4). 91 15 White hexagonal concrete tower, red lantern, white dwelling; 64. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. period 7.5® fl. 0.2®, ec. 0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 4.3® 3205 H 0147 3205.1 H 0147. 1 — Brig Bay Range, front... U. -Rear, about 92 yards 90° from front. U. 51 04 56 54 F. W . 15 Steel skeleton tower, white F. W . 25 daymark. Steel skeleton tower, white Visible on range line. Seasonal. daymark. 3210 H 0146 St. Barbe Point, S. side of St. Barbe Bay. 51 12 Fl. W. 17 4 White square wooden Seasonal. 56 47 10 fl. per min. tower, red lantern. 3220 H 0144 Flowers Cove, on Harbor Rock (Rocky Islet). 51 17 Fl. W. 23 5 White square wooden tower. Seasonal. 56 44 20 fl. per min. 3230 H 0142 Flower Island, W. point of island, S. side of W. en¬ trance to Strait of Belle Isle. 51 19 56 44 Fl. W. 51 12 White square wooden build- Radiobeocon. period 7® ing, attached square tower, red lantern; 50. Part I Including N.M. 33/60. 45 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill Lights and fog signals in the Bay of Fundy (except on the New Brunswick shore east of Quaco Head and those on the Nova Scotia shore east of Margaret- ville with the exception of He Haute), those on the southern and eastern coiSts of Nova Scotia, those required for the winter passage of vessels to Prince Edward Island, and the light on the southwest point of St. Paul Island, are exhibited or sounded all the year around. All other lights under the control of the Department of Transport are main¬ tained m operation whenever the navigation in the vicinity is open. Lights used solely as harbor lights are not exhibited when the harbor is closed, although the general navigation may remain open. Fishing lights are maintained only during the fishmg season. In any case where there is reasonable doubt as to whether the light IS required, it is k^t in operation. All the lightships in the St. Lawrence River below Quebec leave Quebec each spring for their stations as early as ice permits and are kept out as late as is consistent with safety. In the St. Lawrence River and Gulf, except as otherwise stated, all lights will be maintained while general navigation is in operation. If for any exceptional reason it is found desirable to continue certain lights in operation after the close of general navigation arrangements may be made through the agency of the Departaent at Quebec and Charlottetown for notifying such stations as can be reached by telegraph, telephone, or radio. Lights at remote and island sUtions where communication is not available, will be closed after the night of December ^^The lights on Brion Island and Bird Rocks arc kept in operation till December ^^The light at Cape Anguille, Newfoundland, is kept in operation until January iui lighted buoys in the lower part of the Bay of Fundy and on the south coast of Nova Scotia west of Sheet Harbor are maintained throughout the vear Buoys in the upper part of the Bay of Fundy and on the Nova Scotia coast east of Sheet Harbor, in the Northumberland Strait, and on the St. Lawrence River are ^t out each spring as early as ice conditions will permit and are maintained until ice conditions necessitate their removal in the fall. No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog slgnols 4 CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 3240 Greenly Island, W. part. 51 23 FI. W. 111 16 Steel skeleton tower sur- Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. H 0120 57 11 period 14® mounted by revolving beacon; 75. 4 3250 Bradore Bay, on bluff. 51 29 F. W. 18 White shed; 10. H 0124 front. 57 15 3250.1 — Rear, 320 feet 5° from F. W. 93 White shed; 10. H 0124. 1 front. 3260 — Pigeon Island. 51 28 F. G. 25 Pole; 12. H 0126 57 16 4 3270 Whale Islond, summit. 51 21 FI. W. 70 14 Skeleton steel tower. H 1890 U. 57 41 3280 Baie de Bonne Esperance, 51 25 F. W. 29 10 White wooden tower; 21 ... H 1888 S. end of House Island, 57 40 front. Rear range light common to both 3280.1 — Rear, 330 yards 336° 25' F. W. 46 11 White wooden tower; 21 ... front lights. H 1888.1 from front. 3280.2 — House Island Range, 92 51 25 F. R. 21 1 White shed; 11. H 1888. 2 yards, 220° from rear. 57 40 front. 3290 — NW. Channel Range, on 51 25 F. W. 51 3 Wooden lantern on white # H 1889 Eskimo Island, front. 57 42 tower; 21. 3290.1 -Rear, 151 yards 296° F. W. 104 3 Wooden lantern, white H 1889. 1 30' from front. tower; 11. 3300 — Champlain Passage, E. 51 25 F. R. 14 Red lantern on pole; 12 ... H 1889. 5 side of S. entrance. 57 42 3310 Flot Island, S. summit. 50 45 Gp. FI. W. (3). 72 14 White hexagonal concrete H 1894 58 45 period 9® tower, red lantern, white fi. 0.2®, ec. 1.3® wooden dwelling, red roof; fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.3® 34. fl. 0.2®, ec. 5.8® Cp. 15,U(X) 3320 La Boule, summit of island . 50 50 FI. W. 227 Red steel tower; 10. _ H 1892 U. 58 53 w Part I Including N,M. 33/60. 46 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. Chorocteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high Visi¬ bility (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o / water (feet) tical miles) CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 3330 H 1891 He Cormandiere, summit.... N. W. 50 52 58 .56 FI. R. 47 11 Red lantern, steel tower. . . 3340 H 1891. 2 Baie de la Tabatiere, Outer Range, front. 50 51 58 58 F. W. 104 Red steel skeleton struc¬ ture, white shed; 77. 3340.1 H 1891. 3 — Rear, about 171 yards 233° from front. F. W. 165 Small wooden lighthouse; 14 3350 H 1891.5 — Inner Range, front. 50 50 58 58 F. R . 37 Red skeleton steel tower, white lantern, red roof; 32. 3350.1 H 1891. 6 -Rear, about 90 yards 190° from front. F. R . 59 Small wooden lighthouse; 14 3360 H 1898 Entrance Island, summit of island, SW. side of en¬ trance to Mutton Bay. U. 50 44 59 00 FI. W. 62 12 Steel tower, red lantern; 23. 3370 H 1896 Mutton Bay Range, front, W. side of entrance. 50 46 59 02 F. G. 64 11 Mast, white slatted triangular-shaped daymark, white shed. 3370.1 H 1896.1 — Rear, about 367 yards 322° 30' from front. F. G. 88 14 Mast, white slatted triangular-shaped daymark, white shed. 3380 H 1899 Whale Head Anchorage Range, NW. side of Vatcher Island, front. IJ. 50 40 59 12 F. W . 25 White tower, wooden lan¬ tern; 21. 3380.1 H 1899. 1 — Rear, 123 yards, 1° from front. U. F. W. 41 White tower, wooden lan¬ tern, 14. 3390 H 1900 Entry lsland,S. side of island, N. side of channel to Harrington Harbor. 50 29 59 28 FI. W . period 6® 150 18 Wooden tower.. lantern on S. end. 3400 11 1902 Harrington Harbor, Entry Passage Range, front. 50 30 59 29 F. R . 33 White tov/er, red roof; 21 . . 3400.1 H 1902.1 -Rear, about 208 yards 289° from front. F. R . 48 White tower, red roof; 14 .. 3410 H 1904 St. Mary Islands, summit of S. island. 50 18 59 39 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15® fl. 0.4®, ec. 1 . 9 s fl. 0.4®, ec. 12.3® 114 16 White hexagonal concrete tower, red lantern, white dwelling; 29. 3420 H 1906 Cape Whittle, Cormorant Rocks. 50 10 60 04 FI. W. period 7® 63 13 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern. 3430 H 1909 Gethsemani (Romaine) Harbor, Channel Range, E. of Treble Island, front. U. -Rear, about 93 yards, 357° from front. U. 50 12 60 41 F. W . 18 10 White tower; 14. 3430.1 H 1909.1 F. W . 34 11 Vhite tower, wooden lan¬ tern; 14. 3440 H 1909. 5 — SE. part of island form¬ ing harbor. U. .50 12 60 40 Fl. R. 34 Skeleton steel tower; 10. .. Obscured 244°—15°. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. Diophone: 1 blast ev. 60®. Diophone; 2 blasts ev. 60®. Radiobeacon. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 47 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. in No. Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic obove b i 1 i t y Nome and location lot. long. ond power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) water tical (feet) miles) Sectors, Remarks, Fog signals CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 3450 H 1908 3459 II 1911 3460 H 1910 3460.1 H 1910.1 3470 H 1912 3480 H 1914 3490 H 1918 II 1920 3500 H 1922 3500.1 H 1924 3510.1 II 1930 3530 H 1936 3530.1 H 1938 N. W. Treble Island, S. side. U. 50 10 60 42 FI. W. 55 12 Skeleton wooden tower and hut. Kegaska Point. IJ. 50 11 61 16 FI. W. period 6® fl. l®,ec. 5® 42 11 Red steel skeleton tower, white daymark, red dia¬ mond center, red lantern. Kegaska Bay Range, on bank N. side of bay, front. 50 12 61 16 F. W. 49 12 A'hite pole, white shed, red lantern. — Rear, 100 yards 0° 30' from front. F. W. 64 13 White pole, daymark, red lantern. Notashquon Point. 50 05 61 44 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 20® fl., ec. 5® fl., ec. 15® 66 13 White hexagonal concrete tower, six buttresses, red lantern, white dwelling; 46. LITTLE NATASHOUAN HARBOR: Little Notashquon Hnrbor, W. end of island at en- 50 11 61 51 F. W. 33 11 White square wooden tower, red roof; 29. trance to harbor. — Range, 433 yards N. of Government wharf, front. 50 12 61 50 F. W. 26 10 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped slatwork daymark with red stripe, white shed; 17. -Rear, 102 yards 11° from front. F. W. 47 12 Mast, white square-shaped slatwork daymark with red stripe, white shed; 25. Aguanish (Goynish), E. side of river entrance, front. 50 13 62 05 F. G. 36 11 Mast with white diamond¬ shaped slatwork daymark, white shed; 17. — Rear, 513 yards 331° from front. F. G. 66 13 Aluminum colored steel square skeleton tower, square-shaped daymark; 25. Johan Bettez (Johan Beetz) Bay, N. side of Piashti j Bay, front. 50 17 62 49 F. R. 21 9 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped slatwork daymark with red stripe; 15. — Rear, 138 yards 355° from front. F. R. 37 11 Mast, white square-shaped slatwork daymark with red vertical stripe; 28. lie ou Morteou (Walrus Islond) S. end. 50 12 63 34 F. W. period 8® 54 13 White octagonal concrete tower, aluminum lantern, red roof; 47. ESKIMO HARBOR; — Eskimo Point, front. U. .40 14 63 36 F. R. 44 12 Red square steel skeleton tower, white slatted day- mark; 37. -Rear, 140 yards 339° from front. U. F. R. 75 13 Red square steel skeleton tower, white square¬ shaped slatted daymark; 52. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 20®. Radiobeacon. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ siitnals. Visible on range line. Obscured by high land and Sea Cow Island. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 40®. points 160°. Range lights. Port I Including N. M. 33,'60. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 48 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position iat. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height o( light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 3532 ESKIMO HARBOR: — Eskimo Island Buoy 1 IB . N. W. 50 14 63 36 FI. W. Black buoy . 3540 — Fright Island Channel Buoy lO'AB. 50 12 63 40 FI. R. Red buoy. 3550 - Buoy IOV 2 B . 50 13 63 40 FI R .... Red buoy “B”. 3560 - InneT Buoy lOWi .... 50 14 63 39 FI. R. Red buoy. 3570 — Bell Buoy, off N. end of Quin Island. 50 15 63 41 FI. R. Red buoy. Radar reflector. 3580 H 1943 — Fright Island channel Range, front. U. 50 15 63 39 F. W. 23 9 White mast, slatted day- mark, red stripe; 19. 3580.1 H 1943.1 -Rear, 317 yards 10° from front. U. F. W. 52 12 Aluminum-colored steel skeleton structure, diamond-shaped daymark, red stripe; 48. 3590 H 1940 — Havre St. Pierre, near W. extremity of Eskimo Point, front. 50 14 63 37 F. G. 54 12 Red square steel skeleton tower, orange daymark with black stripe; 41. A F. G. light is shown from W. end of wharf shed. 3590.1 H 1942 -Rear, 240 yards 96° from front. F. G. 83 14 Red square steel skeleton tower, fire orange day- mark with black stripe; 67. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signal. 3592 F. G . 34 11 Steel structure, gable end U. wharf shed. 3595 Whistle Buoy 9B, S. of Niapisca Island. 50 09 FI. W . Black and white striped buoy. Radar reflector. 63 45 3600 H 1944 50 12 63 41 FI.W 40 11 Mast; 25 . U. H 1946 MINGAN HARBOR: front. U. 64 01 daymark with black stripe; 50. 3610.1 U 1948 -Rear, about 206 yards 288’ from front. U. F. G. 77 13 Red skeleton tower, orange daymark with black stripe; 70 Private lights. 3620 H 1950 — Western Entrance, front . 50 17 64 01 F. G. 23 9 Red square steel skeleton tower, orange square¬ shaped daymark; black stripe; 20. 3620.1 H 1952 -Rear, 487 yards 66° from front light. F. G . 71 10 Red square steel skeleton tower, orange square¬ shaped daymark; black stripe; 40. 3630 H 1956 Long Point of Mingan, S. extremity of point. 50 16 64 08 F. R . 33 10 Mast, white shed; 30. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Part I Including N. M. 33/60. 49 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. 1 1 Nome and location 1 Position lot. long. e / Chofocteristic ond power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- ticai miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 3640 Pefroquet Islana, on .\’\V. 50 13 Gp. FI. W. (2). 79 13 Concrete tower, dwellings; Obscured by Mingan Island H 1958 islet of group. 64 12 period 24® 47. 269°-292'. fl., ec. 6® Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. fl., ec. 18® Typhon: Sounds alternately with diaphone. Typhon horn points 358". Dia- phone points 216". Rodiobeocon. 3650 River St. John, about 0.5 50 17 F. W. 34 11 White wooden framework H I960 mile W. of mouth of river, 64 20 structure, slatted diamond; 15. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 3650.1 — Rear, 121 yards 13° 30' F. W. 55 11 White wooden framework Visible on axis. H 1962 from front. structure, slatted rectang- Lights may be moved as channel ular daymark; 35. changes. 3660 Magpie Bay, in Rambler 50 18 F. R. 58 9 Mast, white diamond-shaped H 1966 Cove, W. side of mouth of 64 30 slatted daymark, shed; 21. Magpie River, front. 3660.1 — Rear, 107 yards 305° F. R. 117 9 Mast, white slatted day- H 1968 from front. mark, shed; 25. ANTICOSTI ISLAND: 3670 — Heath Point, E. end of 49 05 Fl. W. 130 17 White circular tower, red Visible 202 " 30'-77" 30'. H 1862 island. 61 42 period 9® band, red lantern; 133. Signal, ice report, and telegraph fl. 0.2®, ec. 8.8® station. Rodiobeocon. 3680 — Bagot Bluff, 0.7 mile W. 49 04 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 86 15 White hexagonal concrete Diaphone; 2 blasts ev. 60®. H 1864 of South Point. 62 16 period 20® tower, red lantern, white fl., ec. 5® dwelling; 93. fl., ec. 15® 3690 — Southv/est Point, on. 49 23 Fl. W . 96 15 Aluminum painted steel Radiotelephone. H 1866 extremity. U. 63 36 period 6® skeleton tower; 88. fl. IS, ec. 5® — Ellis Bay: 3700 - Entrance Hell Buoy 49 46 Fl. W . Black buoy . Radar reflector. 3B. 64 22 3710 -Main range, NW. side 49 50 F. G. 58 12 White cylindrical steel Range lights. // J870 of bay, front. 64 23 tower, red roof; 32. Privately maintained. Lighted upon request to Ellis 3710.1 -Rear, 1,000 yards F. G. 113 16 White cylindrical steel Bay office of the Consolidated H 1872 336" 15' from tower, red roof; 49. Paper Corp. front. 3720 -West range, E. side 49 49 F. G. 66 10 Lantern on daymark. H 1874 of bay, front. 64 21 Privately maintained. 3720.1 - Rear, 164 yards F. G. 84 10 Lantern on daymark. Lighted upon request. H 1876 9° from front. 3730 — West Point, W. extremity 49 52 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 106 16 White circular stone tower. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. Horn H 1878 of island. 64 32 period 18® two red stripes, fire-brick points 270". fl.,ec. 4.5® dwelling. Signal, ice report, and telegraph fl., ec. 13.5® station. Rodiobeocon. Part 1 Second Edition ncluding M.M. 33/60. 13 Aug. 1960 50 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 3740 H 1882 3750 H 1884 ANTICOSTI ISLAND: _Cap de Rabast, on point — Carleton Point 3750 — Table Head . H 1886 N. W. 49 57 64 09 49 44 62 57 49 21 61 54 Gp. FI. W. (3) period 24® fl., ec. 4® fl., ec. 4® fi., ec. 16® Gp. FI. W. (4). period 32® fl., ec. 4® tl., ec. 4® fl., ec. 4® fl., ec. 20® Gp. Fl. W. (2) period 20® fl., ec. 5® fl., ec. 15® 78 14 126 112 17 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 72. White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; d2 . 16 White octagonal tower, red lantern; 52. Diaphone; 2 blasts ev. 75®. Horn points 352°. Diaphone; 1 blast ev. 60®. Horn points 24°. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 75®. Horn points 46°. CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, NORTH SIDE 3770 ' H 1974 Thunder River, head of har¬ bor, front. U. 50 17 64 47 1 F. G. — Rear, 131 yards 356° from front. U. F G . 3770.1 H 1974.1 3780 H 1976 — Government Wharf, front . 50 16 64 47 F. R. 3780.1 H 1976. 1 _Rear, 33 yards 356° from front. F R . 50 16 64 55 F R . Sheldrake, about 1 mile E. of Sheldrake River. 3790 H 1972 3810 H 1990 Seven Islands, on Carousel Island. 50 05 66 23 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 18® (1., ec. 4® fl., ec. 14® BAY OF SEVEN ISLANDS; — Head of Seven Islands Wharf. U. 50 12 66 24 Fl G . 3820 H 1994 50 07 Fl. R. ooZo H 1991 U. — Pointe a la Chasse. u. 66 26 50 08 66 27 Fl W . 3830 H 1992 period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® — Pointe au Corbeau. U 50 09 66 26 Fl G . 3831 H 1992.5 3832 H 1993 — Great Basque Island . . .. U. 50 09 66 23 Fl. W. Part 1 Includin g N.M. 33/60. 47 70 16 21 65 190 12 14 Square steel skeleton tower with white diamond- shaped daymark; 21. Square steel skeleton tower with white square slatwork daymark; 31. White pole; 10 White pole; 15 13 20 Mast, white shed; 20. White octagonal concrete tower, red roof; 47. 24 47 47 74 58 10 12 Mast; 15 Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Visible on axis. Visible on axis only. Shown only when Clurh Steam¬ ship vessels are expected. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Diaphone; 1 blast ev. 30®. Horn points 143°. signal. Radiobeacon. Aluminum painted steel post, red lantern. 12 Pole, white hut; 24 12 Aluminum-colored pole, red lantern; 33. Aluminum steel pole, red lantern. Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 51 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. o / Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals \ CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, NORTH SIDE N. W. BAY OF SEVEN ISLANDS: 3834 — Basmie Reef Bell Buoy 50 11 FI. R. Red buoy . Radar reflector. 12B. 66 23 V 3840 — Pointe Noire, head of 50 10 F. R. 23 9 Pole, white shed, red roof; Horn (hand): answers vessels’ // 1996 wharf. 66 28 20. signals. 3850 Riviere Ste. Marguerite, SW. 50 08 F. G. 23 9 Mast, white shed; 15. U 1998 side of entrance, front. 66 37 Range lights. Moved to meet 3850.1 — Rear, 216 yards 2° 45' F. G. 48 12 White wooden framework changes in channel. ^ II 2000 from front. tower, white square- shaped slatted daymark; 30. 3860 Shelter Bay Harbor Entrance 50 00 FI. W. Black buoy . Radar reflector. Bell Buoy 15B. 66 51 .J 3870 Shelter Bay, head of wharf 50 00 F. R. AX II 2004 on island, front. 66 52 ' . I Privately maintained. 3870.1 — Rear, 733 yards 351 ”30' F. R. II 2006 from front. 3880 Cawee (Great Cawee) Island, 49 50 FI. W. 148 18 Octagonal concrete tower; Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. II 2010 near S. point of island. n 67 00 period 21® 47. V 3890 Pentecote River, at en- 49 47 F. G. 33 10 Mast, white diamond-shaped II 2014 trance, front. 67 10 slatwork daymark; 30. Private lights. 3890.1 — Rear, 372 yards 324” 15' F. G. 145 10 Mast, white square-shaped H 2016 from front. slatwork daymark, white shed; 17. 3900 Egg Island, 200 yards from 49 37 Gp. FI. (2),-W., R. 64 13 White octagonal concrete Obscured to northward by the ^ H 2018 S. end of island. 67 11 period 24® tower; 47. island. fl., ec. 6® R. 10”-60” and 180”-200”,W. fl., ec. 18® elsewhere. 3910 Tnnitv Bay Bell Buoy Vo. 49 24 FI. W. Black buoy . Radar reflector. m, entance to harbor. 69 17 3915 49 25 F.R . Private liehts. ^ II 2019 67 17 *301 C 1 F R .... i 0" A H 2019. 1 yards 0” from front. 3920 Trinity Bay, E. extremity of 49 24 F. W. 35 10 Mast, white shed; 20. H 2020 point, Trinity West. 67 19 X 3930 Pointe des Monts, about 0.8 49 20 Gp. Fl. W. (3). 93 15 White circular stone tower. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn II 2026 mile NE. of point. 67 22 period 20® rectangular wooden points 155°. j fl., ec. 3.5® dwelling with red roof; 90. Signal and telegraph station. n., ec. 3.5® Radiobeacon. | fl., ec. 13.0® 3933 49 18 Fl R . Red buoy. Radar reflector. | 67 36 X f Port I Including N.M. 33/60. 52 Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. ni No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols c ANADA-ST. LAWRE NCE ES TUARY , NORTH SIDE 3935 H 2048. 5 Cape St. Nicolas. U. N. W. 49 16 67 49 FI. W. 72 Aluminum-colored pile, red lantern; 32. 3940 3940.1 St. Nicholas Harbor Outer Range, NE. side of mouth, front. — Rear, 133 yards north¬ ward from front. 49 18 67 46 F. W . F. W. Privately maintained. Two F. W. range lights are shown in river. 3950 H 2049 Franklin Wharf Range, front. 49 17 67 56 F. R. 44 White triangular-shaped daymark, red lantern. 3950.1 H 2049. 1 — Rear, about 210 yards 17° from front. F. R. 122 White triangular-shaped daymark, red lantern. 3960 H 2050' St. Pancras Point, extremity of point, E. side of en¬ trance to English Bay. U. 49 15 68 05 FI. W. 82 10 White square wooden build¬ ing, octagonal wooden lantern; 35. 3965 H 2052 3965.1 Port du Moulin Range, front — Rear, 308 yards 265° from front. 49 15 68 08 Qk. FI. R. Occ. R. ".... period 12^ It. 6^, ec. 6® 73 99 Steel tower, square fire to orange daymark. stripe. Steel tower, square fire to orange daymark. stripe. Whistle: 4 bl. ev. 30^, head pier 1 , occasional. Range lights, private aids. 3970 H 2054 Baie Comeau, head of wharf. 49 14 68 08 Ccc. G. period 6® It. 4=, ec. 2^ 47 10 Aluminum-colored skeleton tower, red lantern; 35. Whistle: 1 blast ev. 30®. 3980 Mnnikua^an River Bell Buoy, No. 20 B. 49 12 68 03 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy. Radar reflector. 3990 Manikt/agcin Shoal Bell Buoy, No. 22 B. 49 04 68 08 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy. Radar reflector. 4010 OUTARDES BAY: — Outardes Bay Buoy 22'hli E. side of channel leading to Riviere aux Vases. 49 00 68 33 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy. 4020 H 2056 — Ragueneau, East range, front. 1'. 49 04 68 32 F. P. 30 Square aluminum skeleton tower, white square day- mark with red stripe; 25. 4020.1 H 2056. i -Rear about 300 yards 9° from front. U. F. R. 60 Square aluminum skeleton tower, white square day- mark with red stripe; 50. 4030 II 2056. J — Ragueneau, West range, front. U. 49 03 68 33 F. G. 23 9 Aluminum steel skeleton tower, white diamond slatted daymark; 15. 4030.1 H 2056. 1 -Rear, about 345 yards 348° from front. U. F. G. 40 11 Aluminum steel skeleton tower, white square day- mark; 35. Part 1 Including N. M. 33/60. 52a Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals c (^NADA-ST. LAWRE NCE ES TUARY , NORTH SIDE 4040 OUTARDES BAY; — Buoy No. 23 B, edge of shoal off Bersimis Point. N. W. 48 55 68 36 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 4050 H 2058 — Bersimis River Range, N. bank U. 48 56 68 38 F. W. 30 5 Aluminum-colored skeleton tower, red lantern; 20. 4050.1 H 2058.1 -Rear, about 70 yards 297° 15' from front. U. F. W. 50 5 Aluminum square steel skeleton tower, white slatted rectangular¬ shaped daymark; 40. Reporting station. 4060 H 2062 Anse Noire Range, near head of bay, front. 48 52 68 50 F. W. 95 11 Mast, white slatted diamond-shaped shelter; 15. 4060.1 // 2062. 1 — Rear, 80 yards 323° from front. F. W. 114 12 Mast, white slatted dia¬ mond-shaped, shelter; 25. 4065 H 2063 Cape Colombier. U. 48 49 68 53 FI. W. 72 Aluminum-colored pole, red lantern; 32. 4070 Bell Buoy No. 23'/2 B, off en¬ trance to Laval Bay. 48 44 68 58 FI W Black buoy . Radar reflector. I Part I Including N.M. 33/60. 52b Second Edition 13 Aug. 1960 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height Viai- of light bility 1 above (nau- 1 high tical 1 water miles) 1 (feet) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals 4080 4085 moei 4090 Htoee 4090. 1 Htoee.t 4110 4120 H t07e forrestville : — Rocky Point, head of breakwater. — Baie Verte, on hill, E. of port. tf. Baie Verte Main Channel range, front. N. W. 48 44 69 03 48 44 69 03 48 44 69 04 ^ 4130 ^ H mo 4130.1 Hmo.i 4140 HW78 4140. 1 Ht078.1 4150 H ms 4170 H torn 4180 H mi 4180.1 Hmi.i Rear, 260 yards 262° from front. Portneuf: — Partneuf Lighted Bell Buoy, about 1.3 miles 76° from Portneuf-en-Bas Light. — Portneuf-en-Bas, near S. end of spit. Hamilton Cove, n. side of mouth of Portneuf River, front. — Rear, 180 yards 336° from front. -Hamilton Cove Western Range, front. -Rear, 337 yards 302° from front. ESCOUMAINS: — Head of wharf. — Range, head of bay, front. -Rear, 133 yards 269° from front. Cap Bon D4sir, SE. extremity. U. Grandes Bergeronnes, E. side of river en¬ trance, front. — Rear, 57 yards 339° 30' from front. 48 37 69 04 48 37 69 05 48 39 69 06 F. Amber. Occ. W_ period 4“ It. 3», ec. 1“ V F.G- F. G- 76 106 Orange steel skeleton tower. White square pyramidal slatwork structure. White 0 slatted day- mark with black stripe; 30. White 0 slatted day- mark with black stripe; 21. 48 38 69 06 48 21 69 23 Privately maintained. Whistle: 1 blast every minute. 48 16 69 28 48 14 69 33 FI. W- — Black buoy- ^ F. G _ 58 13 Gray square skeleton steel tower, white slat- work daymark, white watch room, red oc¬ tagonal lantern; 64. F. R _ 39 11 Mast, white 0 day- mark, shed; 26. Il F. R - - -- 84 14 Lantern on white 0 daymark; 6. F. G _ 47 10 White daymark, black stripes; 25. j F. G_ 62 10 r White daymark, black stripes; 25. F. G --- _ 40 11 Mast; 30- F. R _ 30 10 Mast, white kite-shaped daymark. F. R _ 47 11 Mast, white kite-shaped daymark. FI. W _ 62 13 White square skelelon F. W - --- 31 10 steel tower, slatwork daymark. White triangular wooden structure, white 0 ; 15. F. W _ . 77 13 White wooden skeleton structure, white slat¬ ted □ with black stripe; 15. 1 Range lights. Bell. Radar reflector. axis only. channel. Range lights. Privately maintained. Visible on axis only. Nov. 1958 p ^ ~ ir\ p PART II First Edition a r (cJ 53 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANAE )A—ST. LAWRE :nce ESTl JARY, NORTH SIDE 4182 4190 4200 4210 H tioo 4220 4230 II ttOi 4240 Him 4245 4248 4249 4250 H tm 4255 H tll6 Grandes Bergeronnes Lighted Buoy 26 B. Vaches Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy No. 94B, S. side of Vaches Shoal Bar Reef Lighted Gong Buoy No. 95B. RED ISLET LIGHT¬ SHIP NO. 3, off NE. edge of bank. Red Islet Bank Lighted Buoy 36 B. Red Islet, center of islet near S. end of shoal. PRINCE SHOAL LIGHTSHIP NO. 20, NE. of Shoal. Prince Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy 91)4 B., NE. edge of shoal about 3.25 miles 320° 30' from Red Islet Light. Pointe Vaches Reef Buoy “94y2 B,” SW. edge of reef. Lark Reef Lighted Buoy “95H B.” Baie Ste. Catherine, head of government wharf. Pointe Hot. 48 05 69 31 48 04 69 33 48 07 69 36 N. W. 48 14 Fl. R... 69 33 48 07 FI. R... 69 38 48 07 F . W.. 69 39 48 06 Occ. W 69 29 period 48 07 69 36 it. lO", ec. 2“ FI. R. Gp. FI. W. (4) period 24‘ fl., ec. 3* “ “ 3- “ “ 3“ “ “ 15- Fl. W_ period 10“ £1. 4“, ec. 6“ Fl. W- 48 08 Fl. R. 69 40 48 07 FI. W. 69 41 48 07 F. G. 69 43 48 08 Fl. W 69 42 34 65 42 30 48 10 Red boat type buoy- Red cylindrical buoy.. Black buoy_ 12 10 Red hull, ‘‘red islet NO. 3” on sides; two masts. Red ball on stay between masts. Red buoy. Gray circular stone tower, red lantern, white dwelling with brown roof; 64. Red hull “prince shoal NO. 2o” in white on sides, two masts, red ball at mainmast head. Black buoy. Red buov. Black buoy 6 Mast, white shed; 27. Aluminum-colored post, red lantern; 30. Bell. Radar reflector. Gong. Cluster of lights encircle the foremast. Tyfon: blast 10*, silent 50“. Red ball is lowered when vessel is off station. Radar reflector Diaphone: 2 blasts every 60-. Replaced by an unwatched Occ. W. light about Dec. 23. Radiobeacon. On axis of Pointe Noire range lights. One W. light on each masthead, R. on jumper stay. If vessel is off station the ball or light at the main will not be showm. Leaves station every autumn, usuallv about Nov. 28. Diaphragm horn: 1 blast every 60". Bell. 54 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power [Height 'Of light I above 1 high j water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, NORTH SIDE 4260 mm SAGUEWAY river: — Pointe Noire Range, front. N. W. 48 07 69 43 F. W_ 76 10 Aluminum colored steel • skeleton tower, □ fire orange daymark with black stripe; 40. 4260. 1 mm - 527 yards 275° 45' from front. F. W_ 176 15 Aluminum colored steel skeleton tower with □ fire orange day- mark with black stripe; 20. 4270 miw — Tadoussac, on tvharf. 48 08 F. R_ -- 28 6 Steel skeleton tower. • 69 42 painted aluminum, red lantern; 23. 4280 Hills -L’Anse a I’Eau, head of wharf. U. 48 08 F. G_ 33 7 Steel skeleton tower, painted aluminum, red lantern; 23. 69 43 A 4290 H tut — Pointe la Boule, N. side of river. U. 48 09 69 48 FI. W . 60 12 Red steel skeleton tower, white shed; 22. 4300 H tin — Passe Pierre, W. side of river. U. 48 09 69 51 FI. W 40 11 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower; 23. 4310 H tltO — Crosse Roche, E. side of river, about 1 mile above Crosse Roche. U. 48 14 69 54 FI. W 3G 6 Lantern on red roof of white square dwelling; 35. • 4320 H ties — Sacr6 Coeur, on wharf, N. side of 48 13 69 52 F. W 30 10 Lantern on freight shed; 19. river. 4330 H me — Pointe aux Crepes..- 48 13 69 54 FI. G 38 White mast; 26- 4340 H tlS! — lie St. Louis, N. side of island. U. 48 15 70 01 FI. W.. - 124 6 Lantern on red steel skeleton tower; 18. • 4350 — Little Saguenay, near W. side of government wharf, front. 48 14 70 06 F. R _ 22 9 Pole, white 0 ! 7- 4350.1 -Rear, 38 yards 178° from front. F. W 64 Pole, white 0 i 8- 4355 H 21 SS 48 16 70 07 FI. W_ 52 Steel pole, red lantern; w U. 30. 4360 H tiu — Anse St. Jean, head of pier S. side of bay. U. 48 15 70 11 F. R_ 23 5 Square lantern on roof of freight shed; 16. 4370 H tise — Pointe au Boeuf, near point, S. side of river. U. 48 16 FI. W _ 63 13 White mast, red Ian- » 70 12 tern; 25- 4380 — Trinity Bay, N. side of river opposite La Niche. U. 48 21 FI. W_ 59 13 Lantern on red square H tiss 70 21 skeleton tower, shed at base; 30. 4390 — Cap Roiipe 48 22 FI. W_ 65 White pole; 32_ H 21 io u. 70 32 4395 H tut — Anse-aux-Erables_ U. 48 21 70 34 FI. G_ 45 — Aluminum pole, red lantern; 32. Tyfon: 1 bl. ev. 30». Range lights. Visible on axis only. Siren: 1 blast every 20*, privately maintained. Siren: blast 3“ silent 27“, (privately maintained). Obscured on bearings less than 283°30'. Range lights. Nov. 1958 PART 11 First Edition 55 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 0 ' Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals CANAI )A—ST. LAWRI DNCE ESTl JARY, NORTH SIDE 4400 H ens 4410 H tm 4420 4430 H ties 4440 H ties 4450 mist 4460 H tlSi 4470 misn 4480 4490 4500 miss 4500. 1 mi9o 4510 Htise 4520 H tm SAGUENAY RIVER; ■ Cape East, S. ex¬ tremity. u. St. Alphonse, head of pier in Ha Ha Bav. Lark Reef Lighted Bell Buoy No. 96 B, off SE'i. extremity of reef. Cape Dogs_ N. W. 48 23 70 42 48 21 70 53 St. Simeon, head of government wharf. Cape Salmon, NE. extremity. Port au Saumon, head of government wharf. Cap h r.Vigle, head of pier. MURRAY bay; — Lighted Gong 100 B. Buoy Pointe an Pic, head of pier. ^ Range, head of wharf, front. U. — Rear, 203 yards 300° 30' from front. U. St. Irdne4, near outer end of government wharf. Goose Cape (Cap aux Oies). 48 03 69 39 47 55 69 48 47 50 69 52 47 46 69 54 47 45 69 57 47 40 70 05 47 38 70 08 47 37 70 08 47 39 70 09 47 34 70 12 47 29 70 14 FI. W F. R. FI. R. Gp. FI. W. (2). period 5' fl. 0.2’, ec. 0.8' “ 0.2«, “ 3.8' F. W. Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 20* fl., ec. 3.5“ “ “ 3.5“ “ “ 13.0“ F. R. F. G. Fl. R. F. R. F. G. F. G_ F. G. Gp. Fl. W. (2) period 15’ fl., ec. 4’ “ " 11 “ 76 39 207 40 82 30 38 42 26 57 30 50 14 21 11 14 11 10 8 11 White octagonal con¬ crete tower, red roof; 33. Square lantern on roof of freight shed; 40. Red cylindrical buoy, slatted daVmark. White octagonal con¬ crete tower, white lan¬ tern with red roof, white dwelling with red roof; 38. White square wooden lantern on freight shed, red roof; 35. Octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 46. Mast, shed; 21 12 Visible 279°-125° F. G. range lights are shown at Poste St. Mar¬ tin, Valin, Simard, and Caribou Rivers. Two pairs of F. G. range lights are shown at Riviere du Moulin and a pair of F. R. range lights at Chicoutimi. F". G. range lights are shown at Price \lonument Range. Bell. Radar reflector. Diaphone: blast 5“, silent 45*. Horn points 127°. Visible 196°-9°. Whistle: 1 blast every 30“. Privately maintained. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60“. Signal and telegraph sta¬ tion. Mast; 30- Mast; 25. Red buov Lantern on roof of freight shed; 37. White diamond day- mark on mast; 20. Rectangular slatted day- mark, on square steel skeleton tower; 45. Gong: 4 distinct notes. Whistle (privately main¬ tained); 1 blast every 15“. Unreliable. White square wooden dwelling, red lantern. (Range lights. Diaphone: 2 blasts every 60“. 56 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANA] DA—ST. LAWRENCE EST UARY, NORTH SIDE N. W. Les Eboulements, head of pier at Cape St. Joseph. 47 27 Qk. FI. G_ 22 9 Lantern on roof of 70 22 freight shed; 28. CAP AU CORBEAU: — Range, 1.4 miles E. of Cap au Corbeau Wharf, front. 47 26 F. W_ 96 15 Red skeleton steel tow- 70 25 er, white watch room, red lantern; upper face covered with white , wooden slats; 81. -Rear, 562 yards 26° 37' from front. — Foot of government wharf. F. W_ 309 15 Similar to front tower; 47 26 F. W 24 9 64. Mast; 21__ _ 70 27 Bale St. Paul, off wharf. 47 26 FI. W_ Black steel barrel bea- 70 29 con on poles. — Range, inside mouth of Riviere du Gouffre, government wharf, front. U. 47 26 70 29 F. G_ 27 7 Square steel skeleton tower, white 0 > 21. -Rear. 301 yards 307° from front. U. — F. G_ 41 10 Square steel skeleton tower; 35. Ile aux coudres: — Head of wharf at 47 25 F. W 27 5 Mast, shed; 27_ Cap a I’Aigle. 70 24 — lie aux Coudres, near NW. edge of Prairie Shoal, NW. side of island. 47 25 FI. W_ 44 12 White octagonal con¬ crete dwelling, red lan¬ tern. 70 26 period 5’ — lie aux Coudres Lighted Bell Buoy No. 103 B, off NW. edge of Prairie Shoal. 47 25 70 26 FI. W_ . _ Black buoy; “No. 103B” in white on sides. period 5* — Near SW. end of island. 47 22 F. R _ 30 10 Pole, white shed; 20- 70 26 — St. Louis Range on head of government wharf, front. 47 22 F. R_ 18 9 White mast, white hut; 70 24 14. -Rear, 2,500 feet 50° from front. P. R_ 31 10 White mast, white hut; 31. Claude Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy No. 104 B, off Cap de la Bale. 47 22 70 30 FI. R Red cylindrical buoy_ 4530 H tiOi 4540 H ttis 4540.1 H tttO 4550 H tttt 4560 H ttn 4570 H tttn 4570.1 HttW.t 4580 H tm 4590 H tm 4600 4610 Httto 4620 4620.1 HttIt.I 4630 Range lights. )Range lights. ing upstream, the other downstream, sound alter¬ nately; each sounds a blast, 3", silent 12'. Bell. Range lights. Bell. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 57 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O ! Characteristic and power Height of light above high water f (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, NORTH SIDE 4640 imsi 4640. 1 mm 4650 4660 // tUt 4670 4680 4690 li me 4690.1 H ms 4700 4710 H me 4710.1 H ms N. W. ' St. Francois River, off government wharf, front. U. 47 18 70 34 F. G_ 49 Aluminum colored steel skeleton tower, white 0 daymark. Range lights. — Rear, 647 yards 281 ° from front. U. F. G_ 140 Aluminum colored steel skeleton tower, white 0 topmark. Grande Pointe Lighted 47 15 FI. R Red buoy_ Radar reflector. Buoy No. 106 B, off Cape Maillard. 70 34 Sault ail Cochon, about 47 12 FI. W_ 53 12 Mast, white shed; 28— 600 yards SW. of the ] wharf. U. 70 38 Longue Pointe Lighted 47 08 FI. R Red cylindrical buoy.. Buoy, No. 108 B, near SE. side of Longue 70 41 Pointe Shoal. Lighted Buoy No. 109 B, 47 08 FI. W .. ... . . _ - - Black cylindrical buoy. Radar reflector. SE. side of channel, S. of Longue Pointe Ledge. 70 41 North Channel Range, 47 06 F. W_ 32 10 On dwelling- Same structure 4720.1. on Brill6 Bank, S. end of North Channel, 70 42 Range lights. front. — Rear, 1,100 yards F. W_ 59 12 White mast on dwell- Same structure 4720. ing; 45. 213° from front. Lighted Buoy No. lOSYi 47 05 v\ w Black buoy. B. 70 43 Cap Br(ll4, S. extremity of cape, front. 47 07 70 43 F. W _ 134 12 White hexagonal wood- en structure, black stripe on skeleton steel substructure; 17. Range lights. — Rear, 154 yards 17° from front. F. W_ 161 17 Square steel skeleton tower, white watch room with black stripe red roof; 58. a.s No. a.s No. CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Lighted Buoy No. HOB. N. W. 4715 4/ Uo 70 44 4720 H mt BrCll^ Bank, S. side of N. entrance to North Traverse Channel, front. 47 05 70 43 F. W.... 32 10 Lantern on white square concrete dwelling; 21. 4720.1 n mi — Rear, about 1,100 yards 33° from front. F. W__ 96 15 White square concrete Range lights. dwelling, steel skele¬ ton tower, red lan¬ tern, white wooden slat work on upper face of tower; 118 . 58 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height Visi- of light bility above (nau- ) high ticai water (feet) miles) 1 Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA— ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 4730 Eastern Narrows Lighted Buoy No. Ill B, E. side of narrows of N. Traverse. N. W. 47 04 FI. W Black cylindrical buoy.. • 70 44 4740 Lighted Bell Buoy No. 112 B. W. side of nar¬ rows of N. Traverse. 47 04 FI. R . _ Red cylindrical buoy.. 70 44 • 4750 West Sand Spit Lighted Buoy No. 113 B, E. side of channel. 47 03 70 45 FI. W_ — — Black cylindrical buoy.. 4760 Lighted Buoy No. 114 B, W. side of channel, off NE. end of Trav¬ erse Spit opposite No. 113 B. FI. R_ Red cylindrical buoy.. • 4770 Lighted Buoy No. 114y* B, N. edge of channel, near Traverse Spit. 47 03 70 45 FI. R_ — — Red cylindrical buoy — 4780 Lighted Buoy No. 113}^ B, E. side of channel. 47 02 FI. W Black cylindrical buoy.. 70 46 4790 Lighted Buoy No. 114^/2 B, W. side of channel opposite No. 113}^ B. FI. R - - Red cylindrical buoy — t 4800 Lighted Buoy No. 115 B, E. side of channel. 47 01 70 47 FI. W_ - - - — Black cylindrical buoy. 4810 Lighted Buoy No. 116 B, W. side of channel opposite No. 115 B. FI. R_ Red cylindrical buoy_ 4820 H tt78 St. Frangois, head of wharf, Orleans Island. 47 00 70 49 FI. G_ 37 10 Aluminum - colored tow¬ er, red lantern; 30. • period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 4830 Lighted Buoy No. 117 B, E. side of channel. 46 58 FI. W Black cylindrical buoy.. 70 50 4840 Lighted Buoy No. 118 B, W. side of channel opposite No. 117 B. — FI. R . ----- — Red cylindrical buoy_ • 4850 Lighted Buoy No. 119 B, E. side of channel. 46 56 70 51 FI. W_ — — Black cylindrical buoy. 4860 4870 H Lighted Buoy No. II 8 Y 2 B, W. side of channel opposite No. 119B. St. Michel, about 0.4 mile W. of St. Michel Wharf, front. U. 46 56 FI. R Red cylindrical buoy — White square steel skel¬ eton tower, white wooden slatwork with red stripe; 77. % 70 52 46 53 70 55 F. G_ 100 5 4870.1 If trie — Rear, 1,899 yards 213° from front. F. G_ 179 5 White square steel skel- eton tower, white wooden slatwork with red stripe; 77. % 4880 Madame Island Reef Lighted Buoy No. 86 B, W. end of reef. 46 56 70 51 FI. R_ 10 8 Red cylindrical buoy_ Bell. Radar reflector. Radar reflector. Radar reflector. Range lights. Nov. 1958 500297 0 - 59-5 PART II First Edition 59 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ■ N. W. 4890 H mt ORI.EANS island; — St. Jeane, near head of wharf. U. 46 55 70 54 34 11 Red square wood Ian- ^ tern on brown roof of yellow building; 36. period ti’ It. 4', ec. 2' 4900 H ttSi — St. Laurent, near head of wharf. XJ. 46 52 71 00 FI. W . 44 12 Red square skeleton period 7' steel tower, red octag¬ onal lantern; 46. 4910 — Beaumont Reefs Lighted Buoy No. 87, B, off N. edge of reeL 46 51 71 00 FI. W _ 9 4 Black cylindrical buoy with conical slatwork top mark. 4920 mm — Ste. P4tronille, W. end of Orleans Island, head of government wharf. U. 46 51 71 08 Gp.Occ. W.(2)- period 7“ It. 2", ec. 0.5” “ 2”, “ 2.5“ 53 8 Aluminum pointed square steel tower; 48. — Lighted Buoy No. 122 -B. 47 03 70 47 I?l P Red buoy - 4925 4930 Ht‘80 ORLEANS channel; — Domaine, NE. end of Orleans Island, front. 47 01 70 50 F. W .- 38 11 Square skeleton steel tower, aluminum color, white 0 slatted daymark; 32. 4930. 1 iittst -Rear, 858 yards 227°30' from front. — F. W _ 122 17 Square skeleton steel tower, aluminum color, white Cl slatted daymark; 32. 4935 — Lighted Buoy I25B.. 47 02 70 54 FI. W... — — Buoy, black and white.. 4940 II tm — Ste. Anne de Beau- pr6, near center of wharf, front. 47 01 F. G .. 33 11 White square wooden 70 56 structure, red roof; 32. 4940.1 11 t.m -Rear, 1,403 yards 254° from front. F. G ..- 107 16 White square wooden structure, red roof; 32. 4942 — Ste. Anne de Beau- pre. 47 01 70 56 F. R . ..40 11 Steel tower painted al- uminum, red lantern, 30. 4945 — Chateau Richer Wharf. P- 46 58 71 oi F. G _ 37 Aluminum - colored tow- er, red lantern; 30. 4950 msoo — St. Pierre, Orleans Island, S. side of channel, front. 46 56 71 03 F. G _ . 22 7 White square wooden structure, red roof; 21 . 4950. 1 msot - Rear, 217 yards 218° 15' from front. F. G .. . 62 7 Red skeleton steel tow- ' er, white watch room and lantern, red roof; 64. Reporting station. Range lights. Range lights. Range Lights. 60 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O > Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA— ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 4960 H tm ORLE.\NS channel: — Ste. Famille, on beach N. side of Orleans Island, front. N. W. 46 58 70 59 F. G_ 81 10 4960.1 -Rear, 658 yards 53° from front. F. G.. 244 10 H ttm 4970 — Ange Gardien, on beach, front. 46 54 F. G_ 20 4 u tsio 71 07 4970.1 H tstt -Rear, 462 yards 25° from front. — F. G_ 33 4 4972 — Lujhted Buoy No. 133 B. 46 53 FI. W_ 71 08 4975 — Lighted Buoy 136B. 46 52 71 09 FI. R — 4980 — Beauport, W. side of river entrance, head of wharf. 46 51 F. W_ 16 4 H tsw 71 12 4990 46 50 FI. W_ 5000 QUEBEC: — Point Levis, Lauzon 71 09 46 50 FI. G_ 17 Wharf, N. extrem¬ ity. -Lauzon Wharf, outer corner of elbow. 71 10 FI. G_ 5010 17 5020 — Beauport Bank Lighted Buoy, No. 138 B, SE. side of bank. 46 50 FI. R_ .. 71 11 5030 — Point Levis Shoal 46 50 FI. W Lighted Buoy, No. 89 B, NW. edge of shoal. 71 10 5040 — St. Charles River 46 50 FI. R .. _ Lighted Buoy, No. 140 B, off mouth of St. Charles River. 71 12 5050 — St. Charles River En- FI. R_ trance Lighted Buoy, N 0 .I 42 B, edge of dredged basin at mouth of river. Square steel framework tower, white wooden watch room, red roof; 82. Aluminum colored square steel skeleton tower, red 0, white stripe. White square wooden structure, red roof; 23. White square wooden structure, red roof; 21. Black buoy. Red buoy Mast Black buoy Gray iron post; 11 Gray iron post; 11- Red cylindrical buoy_ Black cylindrical buoy.. Red buoy Red cylindrical buoy_ iRange lights. Range lights. Privately maintained. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 61 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O • Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals . ^ T t xirvk IT'VT/^r.^ r>T\7T?T> CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5060 QUEBEC: — NE. corner of Prin¬ cess Louise Em¬ bankment, near immigration offices, front. N. W. 46 49 71 12 F. G_ 80 4 060.1 — Rear, 979 yards 228° from front. — Quebec Ferrv Slii)... U. F. G_ 131 35 5 5062 46 49 71 11 ri. - Fl. W _ — Levis Ferry Slip- U. 35 5063 5070 — King’s Wharf, about 900 yards 159° from rear range light. 46 49 71 12 F. Bu 60 5080 — Wolfe Cove Lighted Buoy, No. 10 Q, off Brown Corp. wharf. 46 48 71 13 FI. R 5090 — Wolfe Cove Lighted Buoy No. 12 Q. 46 47 71 13 FI R 5100 — Sillery, Pointe Pi- zeau, head of gov¬ ernment wharf. 46 46 71 15 F. G_ 31 10 5110 Quebec Bridge, at “The Sault.” 46 45 71 17 2 F. W_ 2 F. R_ 150 88 11 8 5120 Pointe k Ba.sile Range, front. 46 44 71 20 F. G .. 93 14 5130 — Rear, 1,427 yards 77° 38' from front. — F. G.. 200 14 5135 46 42 71 27 F. W_ . 155 U. 5140 Pointe Nicolas Lighted Buoy No. 15 Q, off Pointe Nicolas. 46 43 71 27 FI. W. 10 ! steel tower, sur¬ mounted by red iron box;74. Square iron skeleton tower; 50., white 0 > red anchor. Red buoy. Two F. Bu. lights mark the north end of the pier on the south side of the entrance to St. Charles / River Basin and a F. Bu. \ light marks the south end of the pier on the north side of the entrance to Princess I.ouise Tidal Basin. Range lights. Visible over small arc on each side of / axis. ' Privately maintained. Privately maintained. Marks north limit of an- ( chorage. Mark entrance to dredged channel. Red buoy- White; 25. White square wooden structure, red stripe; 49. White square steel skel¬ eton tower, white slats on face, red lan¬ tern; 32. Skeleton steel tower, red lantern; 4. F. G. lights are shown on each side of central span. Visible 5r-238°30'. Range lights, intensified on axis. Black buoy. 62 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H. O. 30 No. 5150 5160 5170 5180 5190 5200 5210 5210.1 5220 5220.1 5221 Name and location Position, lat. long. O • Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. Sf. A ugustin Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 18 46 71 43 28 FI. R Red buoy_ _ Q, N. side of dredged channel, near E. end of shoal. St. Augustin Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 18 46 42 FI. R Red buov_ _ 71 29 Q, N. side of dredged channel, W. end. St. Augustin Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 19 FI. W Black buoy__ Q, S. side of dredged channel, W. end. St. Antoine Middle Ground Lighted Buoy, 46 41 FI. W Black buoy. - - _ 71 33 No. 23 Q, NW. ex¬ tremity of middle ground. Trembles Shoal Lighted Buoy, No. 2^ Q, off 46 71 41 FI. R 10' 8 Red buoy. _ 33 SE. extremity of shoal Pointe aux Trembles- 46 42 F. G_ 34 10 White square wooden en-bas, head of wharf. 71 34 structure, red roof, on top of drab wooden shed with red roof. St. Antoine Traverse 46 40 F. G_ 68 10 Brown square skeleton Range, E. side of 71 35 steel tower on black Pointe St. Antoine, cribwork, white wood- front. en enclosed upper part; red roof; 65. — Rear, 351 yards 228° 19' from front. F. G_ 203 5 Brown square skeleton steel tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part; red roof; 65. St. Antoine Upper Range, W. side of F. G_ 36 6 White square wooden structure, red stripe. Pointe St. Antoine, front. red roof; 30. — Rear, 273 yards 72° 15' from front. F. G_ 68 10 Brown square skeleton steel tower on black cribwork, white wood¬ en enclosed upper part, red roof; 65. Lighted Buoy No. 26Q, 46 40 FI. R_ Red buov-__ - N. of St. Antoine Upper Range. 71 35 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Visible 231°-29°. A strong beam of light shows downstream directly to¬ ward St. Augustin Bar Lighted Buoy No. 15 Q. Rear light of St. Antoine Upper Range. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Front light of St. Antoine Traverse Range. Visible on axis only. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 63 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power HeiKhJl Visi- oflight biiity above high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals C.\NADA— ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5230 5240 5250 Poinle St. Antoine Lighted Buoy No. 28 Q, N. side of channel off Pointe St. Antoine. St. Antoine, about 2.8 miles S\\. of Pointe St. Antoine. C. Ste. Croix Range, edge of bank, 1.2 miles be¬ low Ste. Croix Wharf, N. W. 46 40 71 37 46 38 71 38 46 38 71 43 FI. R- F. G. F. W. 10 31 194 1 front. ' 5250.1 — Rear, 825 yards 117° from front. — F. W. 266 1 Les Ecureuils Bank Lighted Buoy No. S2Q, S. side of bank. 1 AO. \ Vi R 5260 ' 71 41 5270 [ Ste. Croix Lighted Buoy •'32}iQ”. 46 38 71 43 FI. R_ — 5280 Ste. Croix Lighted Buoy No. 34 Q, off W. ex¬ tremity of Paget Bank (Ecureuils Shoal). 46 38 ! 71 44 FI. R - --- - 10 period 2* 5290 Ste. Croix, W of wharf F. W.. 41 5300 Ste. Croix Bar Lighted Buoy No. 36 Q, W. end of Ste. Croix Bar Dredged Channel. 46 39 71 45 j FI. W _ 1 5310 Cap Santt Traverse Lighted Buoy No. 4'2 j Q, N. side of channel. 46 39 71 46 FI. R_ 1 Cap Santi Traverse 1 Lighted Buoy No. 44 Q- 46 40 71 48 FI R _ 5320 FI W \ Cap Santi Traverse Lighted Buoy No. 4^ 1 Q, S. side of channel. 5330 71 49 5340 ' Platon Point Lighted Buoy No. 48 Q, off ' head of Platon Wharf. 46 41 71 51 I FI W _ ( Red buoy- White pole 4 -sided yellow daymark, black stripe . White square wooden tower, red stripes; red lantern; 29. Square skeleton steel tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slatwork with red stripe on face, red roof. 63 Red buoy- Red buoy. Red buoy. White square wooden structure; 41. Black buoy.. Red cylindrical buoy... Red buoy. Black buoy. 4 Black buoy. Front light visible in line of range and also down¬ stream; rear light visible on axis only. Visible 009°-82' 64 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 0 Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5350 5360 5360.1 5370 5370. 1 5380 5385 5390 5390.1 5400 5400.1 N. W. Roche d VOiseau Lighted 46 41 Buoy No. 61 Q. 71 52 Cap Sant6 Traverse, E. 46 41 of entrance to Port- 71 53 neuf River, front. — Rear, about 674 yards 297° from front. Portneuf-en-haut Range, 46 41 front. 71 52 — Rear, about 660 yards 28° from front. Portneuf Lighted Buoy 46 40 No. 62 Q, W. side of 71 54 channel. Lighted Buoy, 66 Q, E. 46 40 of intersection Latbi- 71 54 nere and Portneuf ranges. Lotbiniere Range, 46 37 about 0.9 mile above 71 57 5403 5405 5410 church, front. — Rear, 948 yards 222°30' from front. Barre 4 Boulard, on Richelieu Island, — Rear, 3462 yards 53°43' from front. Lighted buoy 56Q, 261° 0.37 miles from Barre & Boulard. Lighted Buoy 68Q- Barre a Boulard Lighted Buoy No. 61 Q aX up¬ per end of bar. 46 39 71 55 FI. W_ F. Amber_ F. Amber. F. G. F. G. 29 76 68 110 FI. R. FI. W_ F. G. F. G. F. W. 46 39 71 55 46 38 71 55 46 38 71 56 F. W. 51 161 40 160 FI. R. FI. R- Fl. W. 10 10 Black buoy. White wooden tower, white square wooden lantern. Pole, white 0. black stripe, white shed. Red square skeleton tower, white day- mark; 48. Square steel skeleton tower; 30. Range lights. Range lights. Red buoy. Black buoy. 10 White square steel skel¬ eton tower, wooden watch room and lan¬ tern; white slatwork daymark on face; 55. Steel skeleton tower; white slatted day- mark. Red square skeleton steel tower, white wooden upper part, slatwork on face; 61. White octagonal wooden structure, red brown circular base, red iron lantern; 42. Red boat-type buoy... Red boat-type buoy... Range lights. Black buoy. Front light visible from all points of approach, rear light over small arc on each side of axis. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 65 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O f 1 Characteristic and power Height )f light, above 1 high water (feet) 1 Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) C.\N.\DA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5420 Vieille Eglise, near head of wharf, front. N. W. 46 37 71 58 F. R_ 13 2 White mast, white 0. red lantern. 5420.1 — Rear, 250 yards 145° from front. F. R.. 28 2 White mast, white 0 red lantern. 5425 Lighted Buoy No. 6^ Q off May rand Islet. 46 37 71 58 FI. R _ — — Red boat-type buoy- 5430 Ilet Mayrand Lighted Buoy No. 63 Q, S. of Ilet Mayrand. 46 37 71 59 FI W Black buoy__ 5440 Langlois Point, on S. shore 0.6 mile below Great Chene River. 46 35 71 59 F. W_ 47 5 White square woodei tower. 5450 Batture Simon Lighted Buoy No. 66 Q, S. side of bank. 46 36 72 00 PI R Red buov- - 5460 Batture du Chene Lighted Buoy No. 71 Q. 46 35 72 02 FI W Black buoy- — 5470 Batture a. Cadieux Lighted Buoy No. 73 Q. 46 34 72 03 FI. W_ Black buoy .. _ - 5480 Calvaire (Calvary), W. of Cap Charles, front. 46 33 72 05 F. G -_ 135 8 White square wooden F. G_ 181 8 structure, red roof; 29. Red skeleton steel tower, white watch room, red roof, white slatwork with black stripe on face. 5480. 1 — Rear, 728 yards 238°30' from front. 5490 Ste. E:mm61ie Range, W. of village, front. 46 34 72 01 F. G _ 128 6 Red skeleton steel tower, white watch room, red roof, white slatwork with black stripe on face; 47. 5490.1 — Rear 1,218 yards 92°30' from front. F. G_ 183 6 Tower similar to above 47. Cap Charles Coursi Lighted Buoy No. 76 Q, lower end of Cap Charles Course. 46 34 72 04 Red buov-. 5500 Red buov. Lighted Buoy No. 78 Q uppier end of Ca| Charles Curve. , 46 34 ) 72 05 5510 Sectors. Remarks. For signals Range lights. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. 66 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O f Characteristic and power Height oflight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANAD.d—ST. LAW] LENC E RIVER 5520 La Parade, on lie d la Batture, front. N. W. 46 34 72 10 F. W 61 6 White skeleton steel tower, white watch room and lantern, white slats on face; 63. 5520.1 Hear, 1,324 yards 272°30' from front. F. W 105 6 Skeleton steel tower, aluminum colored watch room and lan¬ tern, aluminum color¬ ed slatwork daymark on face; 85. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 5530 Grondines Point Range, front. 46 35 72 04 F. G 5530.1 — Rear, 2,704 yards 67° 15' from front. F. G 24 66 7 8 Red square skeleton steel tower, enclosed white upper part, red roof; 23. White square wooden structure; 61. Range lights. Visible or axis only. 5540 Grondines Upper Range, front. 46 35 72 06 F. G 5540.1 — Rear, 2,391 yards 46°50' from front. F. G 5550 Cap d la Roche Curve Lighted Buoy No. 86 Q, lower end of curve. 46 34 72 06 FI. W 21 72 5 6 White square wooden structure, red roof; red octagonal lantern; 27. Black square skeleton steel tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part white slats; 48. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Black buoy 5560 5570 5580 Cap a la Roche Curve Lighted Buoy No. 89 Q, S. side of channel at intersection of Cap Charles Channel and Cap k la Roche Curve. Cap a la Roche Curve Lighted Buoy No. 90 Q, N. side of channel at intersection of Cap Charles Channel and Cap d la Roche Curve. Cap a la Roche Lighted Buoy No. 91 Q, S. side of channel. 46 34 72 07 46 34 72 07 46 34 72 07 FI. W. FI. R- Fl. W Black buoy Red buoy Black buoy 5590 Cap d la Roche Lighted 46 34 Buoy No. 92 Q, N. side 72 07 of channel. FI. R Red buoy Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 67 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. e / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. For signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. 5600 Cap d la Roche Lighted 46 34 FI. W..... Buoy No. 96 Q, S. side 72 08 of channel. 5610 Cap a la Roche Lighted 46 34 FI. R_ Buoy N 0 . 96 (J, N. side 72 08 of channel. 5620 Cap d la Roche Lighted 46 34 FI. R_ Buoy No. 100 Q. 72 09 5630 Cap Livrard Lighted 46 33 FI. W_ Buoy No. 103 Q. 72 09 5640 Cap Livrard Lighted 46 32 FI. W_ Buoy No. 107 Q. 72 10 5650 Cap Livrard Lighted 46 32 FI. R_ Buoy No. 110 Q. 72 11 5660 Batiscan Range, S. of 46 31 F. G_ 31 3 Batiscan Riyer en- 72 14 trance, front. 660.1 — Rear, 538 yards F. G_ 81 3 242° 14' from front. 5670 Batiscan Course Lighted 46 31 FI. W_ Buoy No. 116 Q, upper 76 12 end of course. 5680 St. Pierre les Becqtiets, 46 30 F. W_ 13 7 root of wharf, front. 72 12 )680.1 — Rear, 100 yards 81° F. W_ 54 2 from front. 5690 Batture St. Pierre Light- 46 31 FI. W_ ed Buoy No. 117 Q, at 72 13 curve above Batiscan Traverse. 5700 Batture St. Pierre Light- 46 31 FI. W_ ed Buoy No. 119 Q. 72 13 5705 Batture St. Pierre Light- 46 31 FI. R_ ed Buoy No. 120Q. 72 13 5710 Batture St. Pierre Light- 46 30 FI. W.. ed Buoy No. 123 Q. 72 14 5720 Batture Perron Lighted 46 29 FI. W _ Buoy No. 129 Q. 72 14 5730 Batture Perron Lighted 46 29 FI. R_ Buoy No. 132 Q., E. 72 14 Black buoy_ Red buoy_ Red buoy_ Black buoy_ Black buoy_ Red buoy_ White octagonal lati- terii, red roof, on white square concrete base; 35. Brown .'•quare steel skel¬ eton lower; white wooden enclosed up¬ per part with white slats, red roof; 62. Black buoy.. Range lights. Visible on axis only. White square wooden building, white 0 on roof; 15. Pole, white 0:11 Black buoy- Black buoy. Red buoy-- Black buoy.. Black buoy-- Red buoy. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 68 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N._W • 5740 Gentilly Range, on flats N. of C.entilly, front. U, 46 26 72 16 F. G.- 5740.1 — Rear, 2,839 yards 197°42' from front. .... . F. G. U. • 5750 Pointe Citrouille, on beach. 46 27 72 16 F. G - 5760 Poinle Citrouille Lighted Buoy No. 139 Q. 46 27 72 16 FI. W. 5770 Pointe Citrouille Lighted Buoy No. 2 C. 46 27 72 16 FI. R. • 5780 Champlain Traverse Lighted Buoy Jt C, N. side of channel. 46 27 72 17 FI. R. 5790 Champlain Traverse Lighted Buoy 7 C, off Poulier Turcotte, S. side of channel. 46 26 72 18 FI. W. • 5800 Champlain Traverse Lighted Buoy IS C, S. of Carpentier Shoal. 46 26 72 20 FI. W. 5810 Poulier Carpentier Lighted Buoy No. 15 C, lower end of Cham¬ plain Curve. 46 26 72 21 FI. W. • 5820 Champlain Upper Range, about 0.6 mile above Champlain vil¬ lage church, front. 46 26 72 21 F. G.. 5820.1 — Rear, 606 yards 264° from front. F. G.. • 5830 Poulier Dubord Lighted Buoy No. 17 C, at up¬ per end of Champlain Curve. 46 26 72 21 FI. W. 26 7 101 8 51 11 — — — — 40 6 109 6 r Square concrete watch room and lantern on square concrete base, with sloping sides; 32. Brown square steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work, white octagonal lantern, red roof; 81. White steel tower; 51 . Black buoy_ Red buoy_ Red buoy_ _ Black buoy. Black buoy. Black buoy. Red steel tower Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work, red roof; 95. Black buoy. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Reporting station. Reserve light directly un¬ der main light. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 69 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. 5840 Champlain Lower Range, about 0.1 mile above village church, front. 46 26 72 21 F. G_ 60 4 5840.1 — Rear, 805 yards 40° 30' from front. — F. G..... 123 4 5850 tie Bigot Lighted Buoy No. 20 C, E. of lie Bigot. 46 25 72 22 FI. R 5860 Bicancour Course Lighted Buoy No. 23 C. opposite Batture it Bigot. 46 24 72 24 FI. W _ 5870 Bicancour Bend Lighted Buoy No. SO C. 46 23 72 26 FI. R -- - 5880 Bicancour Range, on flats, off W. mouth of Bdcancour River, front. 46 23 72 27 F. G _ - 34 6 F. G_ 79 7 5880.1 — Rear, on mainland, 2,208 yards 230°05' from front. 5890 Bicancour Traverse Lighted Buoy No. 33 C. 46 23 72 27 FI. W 5900 Bicancour Traverse Lighted Buoy No. 37 C. 46 23 72 27 FI. W 5910 Cap Madeleine Village Range, front. 46 22 F. G_ 59 4 72 30 5910.1 — Rear, 624 yards 259° from front. — F. G_ 122 4 5920 Cap Madeleine Lighted Buoy No. 41 C, NE. of Veaux Bank. 46 22 72 28 FI. W 1 FI. W Cap Madeleine Lighted Buoy No. 43 C. 46 22 72 29 Steel tower on concrete pier, white slatted dayinark; 45. Brown square steel skeleton tower, while woodwork, reel roof; 92. Red buoy. Black buoy. Red buoy... White hexagonal wood¬ en lantern on square concrete with sloping sides; 84. Red square steel skele¬ ton tower on concrete base, white wooden slatwork on upper por¬ tion; red roof; 63. Black buoy_ Black buoy. White square wooden structure; 26. Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work, red roof; 86 . Black buoy.. Black buoy. Range lights. Visible on ^ axis only. I Range lights, axis only. Visible on Range lights, axis only. Visible on 70 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 Height Visi- No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic of light above bility (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o / and power high tical water (feet) miles) CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5940 5940.1 5950 5950.1 5960 5970 5980 5990 6000 6010 6020 6020.1 6030 Cap Madeleine Wharf Range, SW. corner of wharf, front. U. — Rear, 290 yards 242°30' from front. U. Cap Madeleine Lower Range, front. U. — Rear, 1,150 yards 37° 30' from front, Lighted Buoy No. 45 C, at turn in channel. Lighted Buoy No. 47 C_ Lighted Buoy No. 49 C, at turn in channel. Lighted Buoy No. 50 C, at intersection of Three Rivers and South Channels. Lighted Buoy No. 54 C, N. side of South Chan¬ nel. Lighted Buoy No. 61 C, S. side of upper end of New South Channel. Ste. Angele Range, about 2 miles above Three Rivers, front. Rear, 500 yards 228° 30' from front. Lighted Buoy No. 57 C, S. side of S. channel. 46 22 72 29 46 22 72 30 46 22 72 30 46 21 72 31 46 20 72 32 46 20 72 32 46 19 72 34 N. W. 46 22 F. G_ 28 72 30 F. G_ 61 46 24 F. G_ 51 46 20 72 32 F. G. FI. W. FI. W. FI. W FI. W. FI. R- FI. W F. G. F. G. FI. W. 108 33 88 Steel pole, white 0 slatwork day mark. Steel pole, white 0 slatwork day mark. White square wooden structure, white oc¬ tagonal lantern, red roof; 30. Brown square steel skeleton tower; white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat¬ work, red roof; 87. Black buoy_ Black buoy- Black buov_ Cylindrical buoy, red and black bands. Red cylindrical buoy-. Black buoy. Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white lan¬ tern, red roof; 25. Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white lan¬ tern, red roof; 75. Black buoy_ (Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 71 H. O. 30 No. Name and location Poaition, lat. long, o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Viai- [ bility 1 (nau- 1 Structure, height (feet) ticai 1 miles)! I Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAW BENCE RIVER N. W. 6040 Three Rivers Range, about 0.9 mile above mouth of St. Maurice River, front. U. 46 20 72 33 F. G .. 6040.1 — Rear, 400 yards 235° 45' from front, u. — F. G... 6050 Three Rivers Course Range, front. U. 46 21 72 32 F. G-... 6050. 1 — Rear, about 530 yards 23° from front. U. — F. G... 6060 Three Rivers Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 69 C at upper end of shoal. 46 20 72 32 FI. W_. 6063 Lighted Buoy No. 62C. . 46 18 72 34 FI. R... 6067 Lighted Buoy No. 64C .. 46 18 72 35 FI. R... 6065 — Lighted Buoy No. 6S C 46 18 72 34 FI. W„. 6070 Lighted Buoy No. 65 C, S. side of channel, about 2 miles below Port St. Francis. 46 17 72 35 FI. W.. 6072 Lighted Buoy No. 2L - 46 17 72 36 FI. R... 6080 Port St. Francis Range, front, on pier. 46 16 72 37 F. G.... 6080. 1 — Rear, 1,502 yards 68° from front. F. G... 6090 Poulier Laforce Lighted Buoy No. Jf L. 46 16 72 38 FI. R... 64 107 64 117 33 54 11 11 11 14 Brown square steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work ; 47. Brown square steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work ; 81. White mast_ Steel skeleton stand on roof of mill. Black buoy.. Red buoy_ Red buoy__ Black buoy.. Black buoy.. Red buoy_ White octagonal lantern, red roof, on white square concrete base; 42. Red skeleton steel tower. Red buoy. Range lights. Visible on axis onlv. A FI. W. light is exhibited 3 ft. below F. (1. front light. Range lights. Range lights. 72 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Hefght visi- bility 1 (nau- tical miles) (feet) I Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 6100 6100.1 6108 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6170,1 6180 6190 LAKE ST. peter; — Nicolet Range, E. side of mouth of Nicolet River, front. N. W. 46 15 72 39 F. W_ 29 4 White square iron 1 tower. -Rear, 1,414 yards 108° from front. F. W_ 100 5 Red square steel R skeleton tower, white wooden watch room, square wooden lan¬ tern, red roof; 94. — Lighted buoy 8L - 46 17 72 39 PI P Red buoy. - — English Bank Lighted Buoy No. 9 L, lower end of Nicolet Traverse. — Lighted Buoy No. 12L. 46 16 72 40 46 16 72 40 PI w Black buoy- FI. R_ PpH hnoy — Lighted Buoy No. I3L, upper end of Nicolet Traverse. 46 16 72 41 PI w Black buoy-- - — Lighted Buoy No. 17 L. 46 16 72 41 FI W Black buoy-- - -- — Lighted Buoy No. 21 L. 46 16 72 42 PI W Black buoy- - — Lighted Buoy No. 22 L, at Curve No. 3. 46 16 72 42 PI R Red buoy- — Pointe du Lac Range, N. side of Curve No. 3, front. U. 46 16 F. W_ 19 8 Red square steel skel- 72 42 eton tower; 28 -Rear, 2,517 vards 56°13' from front. U. 46 17 72 40 F. W _ 146 17 Brown square steel skel- eton tower; surmount¬ ed by white wooden watch room, and red octagonal iron lantern; 102. ! — Lighted Buoy No. 25 L, at upper end of Curve No. 3. 46 16 72 43 PI w Black buoy. - — Lighted Buoy No. 32 L, S. side of chan¬ nel. 46 15 72 45 PI R Red buoy_ 1 — LightedBuoy No. 37 L. 46 14 72 45 PI W Black buoy- - ) — Lighted Buoy No. JtJi L. 46 14 72 47 FI R Red buoy- - Visible on axis only. Visible 281°-19r, inten¬ sified 3° each side of axis. Range lights. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 73 H.O. 30 Height Visi- 1 No. Name and location Position, lat. long, o / Characteristic and power of light above high bility (nau- i Structure, height (feet) tical j Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water (feet) miles) 1 1 CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER LAKE ST. peter: N. W. — Y amachiche Bend 46 13 Fl.W__ Black buoy_ Lighted Buoy No. 51 L. 72 48 - Lighted Buoy No. 58 L. 46 13 FI. R_ Red buov... 72 49 - Lighted Buoy No. 63 L. 46 12 FI. W_ Black buoy__ 72 50 — Lighted Buoy No. 69 L, between Yama- chiche Bend and Curve No. 2. 46 12 FI. W_ Black buov_ 72 51 — Lighted Buoy No. 79 L, lower end of Curve No. 2. 46 12 FI. W.. Black buoy __ 72 54 — Lighted Buoy No. 81 L, middle of Curve No. 3. 46 11 FI. W_ Black buoy 72 54 — Curve No. 2 Upper Range, about 2 miles SSE. of mouth of Riviere du Loup, front. U. 46 11 F. W_ 23 9 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, orange 72 54 -Rear, 667 yards 249'’51' from front. U. — F. W_ 94 11 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, red octag¬ onal lantern on white building; 73. — Curve No. 2 Lower Range front. U. 46 11 F. W_ 19 6 Red square steel skele- 72 54 ton tower, orange □; 22. -Rear, 665 yards 43°56' from front. U. F. W_ 94 6 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, red octag¬ onal lantern; 73. — Lighted Buoy No. 85 L, upper end of Curve No. 2. 46 11 FI. W Black buov... 72 55 — Louisville Range, on W. side of Riviere du Loup, about 0.2 mile above its mouth, front. 46 13 F. G.. 22 6 Mast, white 0 slatwork daymark; 20. 72 56 -Rear, 907 vards 335°34' from front. F. G__ 45 6 Steel skeleton tower. 6220 6240 6250 6260 6270 6280 6290 6290.1 6300 6300.1 6310 6320 6320.1 Range lights. Light shown from dormer window of same building as the front light of Curve No. 2 Upper Range. ’Range lights. Range lights. Visible on axis onlv. 74 PART 11 First Edition Nov. 1958 H. O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height Visi- of light bility above (nau- high tical water (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER LAKE ST. peter; N. W. — Lighted Buoy No. 91 L, between Curve No. 2 and Curve No. 1. 46 10 72 55 FI. W Black buoy_ — Lighted Buoy No. 97 L, lower end of Curve No. 1. 46 10 72 56 FI. W_ Black buoy - - _ — Lighted Buoy No. 100 L, at Curve No. 1. 46 09 72 57 FI. R Red buov_ — Lighted Buoy No. 101 L. 46 09 72 57 FI. W_ Black buoy _ — Lighted Buoy No. 103 L, upper end of Curve No. 1. 46 09 72 57 FI. W Black buoy__ — St. Francis River Lighted Buoy, en¬ trance to river. 46 08 72 56 FI. R_ — — Red buov- - — Lighted Buoy No. Ill L, lower end of curve above tie aux Raisin Tra¬ verse. 46 08 72 57 FI. W_ Black buoy _ _ — He aux Rasins Range, in marsh, N. side of island, front. U. 46 06 F. G_ 36 7 White square wooden structure, red roof; 22. 72 58 F. G_ 7 -Rear, 664 yards 191° from front. U. 86 Brown square steel skeleton tower, white wooden watch room, white octagonal wood¬ en lantern; 85. Lighted Buoy No. 117 L. 46 06 72 58 FI. W_ — — Black cylindrical buoy.. Lighted Buoy, at outlet of tie aux Raisins Canal. 46 06 FI. R_ Red buoy_ _ 72 58 Isle des Barques Range, front. U. 46 05 73 00 F. G_ 41 10 White square wooden structure 19 feet high on square concrete base 24 feet high, red roof. — Rear, on He du Moine, 3,228 yards 218°30' from front. U. F. G.. 108 . 11 Brown square steel skeleton tower 86 feet high on white concrete base 19 feet high, white enclosed upper part with slat- work; octagonal lan- 1 tern. 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6400.1 6410 6415 6420 6420. 1 Visible on axis only. •Range lights. Visible on axis; it may also be seen dimly from other parts of the chan¬ nel. Range lights. Also serves as rear light of He du Moine Range. Nov. 1958 PART 11 First Edition 75 500297 0 - 59-6 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, 1st. long. CharacWristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENC :e river lie Lapierre Lighted Buoy No. ISO L. N. W. 46 06 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy.. 72 59 Pointe au Soldat Lighted Buoy No. 12S L. 46 05 73 00 FI. W... — — Black buoy_ Gallia Bay, Upper Range, S. side of lie Lapierre, near center of island, front. 46 05 73 01 F. W... 41 2 White square wooden structure, red roof; 19. — Rear, 217 yards 248° 37' from front. F. W_ 73 2 White cylindrical steel tower, red square wooden lantern; 52. Gallia Bay Lower Range, S. side of lie Lapierre, near E. end, front. 46 06 73 00 F. W_ 38 2 White square wooden structure, red roof; 19. — Rear, 200 yards 29° 42' from front. — F. W_ 71 2 White cylindrical steel tower, red square wooden lantern; .52. Ste. Anne de Sorel Range, front. U. 46 04 73 03 F. G. 37 8 White square wooden structure, red roof. — rear, 843 vds. 232° F. G_ 93 4 Red square steel skel¬ eton tower, red roof, white slat daymark. from front. U. tie de Grdce Lighted Buoy No. 136 L. 46 04 FI. R_ Red buov_ 73 03 He du Moine Range, W. end of island, front. U. 46 04 F. G.. 43 5 Square steel skeleton 73 01 F. G.... 5 tower. Steel skeleton tower_ — Rear, 534 yards 82° 35' from front. U. 108 Nepigon Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 146 L. 46 04 Fi. R Red buoy_ 73 06 He de Grace Range, S. side of island front. U. 46 04 F. G_ 32 5 White square wooden building, sloping sides, white square lantern. 73 03 F. G.. 5 — Rear, SE. end of island, 645 yards 72° 15' from front. U. 64 Square steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, red roof. 6430 6440 6450 6450.1 6460 6460.1 ()470 6470. 1 6480 6490 6490. 1 6500 6510 6510. 1 Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights, visible on axis only. Range lights. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Also serves as rear light of He des Barques Range. 'Range lights, axis onlv. Visible on 76 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, tot. lonp. Characteristic, and power Height >r light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Se CANADA—ST. LAWRENCJ E RIVER N. \V, 6520 Sorel Basin Range, front. 46 03 73 07 F. R_ 22 — Lantern on pole.. 1 6520. 1 — Rear, about 83 yards 167°15 ' F. R_ 38 Lantern on roof of ^ storehouse. from front. 6540 — Near NVV. corner of pier No. 1. F. G _ Lantern on roof of 46 02 73 10 Qk. FI. W freight shed. Black buoy... . . 6550 lie aux Foins Lighted Buoy A’o. I 4/, upper end of curve at lie aux Foins. 6560 Tie Dupas Range, E. side of Tie Dorvilliers, front. U. 46 03 73 09 F. G_ 39 6 White square wooden structure 19 feet high on square concrete base 22 feet high. 6560.1 — Rear, on S. end of Tie Dupas, 682 yards 14°50' from front. U. F. G_ 71 6 Rpf] square steel skel- eton tower; white wooden enclosed up¬ per part with white slatwork, red roof; 69. 6570 he St. Ours Course Lighted Buoy No. 5 M, lower end of 45 57 73 13 FI. W_ Black buoy _ _ course. 6580 Lighted Buoy No. 21 R, opposite lower end of Tie St. Ours. 45 56 73 14 FI. W_ — — Black buov--- -- - - 6590 Tie St. Ours Course Range, front. 45 53 73 13 F. G_ 28 4 Aluminum colored square wooden build¬ ing and lantern, red roof. 6590.1 — Rear, 785 yards 181° 31' from front. F. G_ 81 4 RpH square steel skel- eton tower; white wooden enclosed up¬ per part with white slatwork, red roof. 6595 — He St. Ours Lighted Buoy No. 16M. 45 55 73 13 FI. R Red buoy- 6600 Bellmouth Curve Lighted Buoy No. 20 M, middle of curve. 45 54 73 13 FI R Red buoy.- _ . - - - - FI. W_ Black buov_ . - - 6610 Bellmouth Curve Lighted Buoy No. 19 M. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Range lights. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Range lights, axis only. Visible on Nov. 1958 PART 11 First Edition 77 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. For signals CANADA—ST. LAW RENC :e river 6630 Petite Traverse Range, front. U. N. W. 45 55 73 12 F. G_ 62 5 6630.1 — Rear, 577 yards 47° from front. U. F. G_ 117 5 6640 — Lighted Buoy No. 26, N. side of range line. 45 54 FI. R_ 73 14 6650 — About 583 yards 168° 30' from Pe¬ tite Traverse Range front. 45 54 F. G _ 73 12 6660 Contrecceur Bend Lighted Buoy No. 31 M. 45 53 FI. W_ 73 14 6670 Contrecceur Course 45 55 F. G_ 63 5 Range, front. 73 13 6670.1 — Rear 776 yards 33° from front. — F. G_ 127 5 6680 Lighted Buoy No. 41 - 45 52 FI. W_ 73 16 6685 I. a V a 1 i r i p C! h n n n p 1 45 54 FI. W . . _ Lighted Buoy 41 R. 73 15 6690 Lavaltrie Range SE. side of Lavaltrie Is¬ land, front. 45 53 F. G_ 33 7 73 16 F. G_ 7 6690 1 — Rear, on pier, 613 yards 208° 40' from front. 62 White square wooden structure, red roof; 33. Browui square steel skel¬ eton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work, red roof; 64. Red buoy_ Pole, white 0 , Black buoy. White square wooden structure, red roof; 33. Brown square steel skel¬ eton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part with white slatwork, red roof; 64. Black spar buoy_ Black buov- Red square steel skele¬ ton structure. Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white en¬ closed upper part; 49. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Exhibited for 1 month after the opening of nav¬ igation and 1 month be¬ fore closing of naviga- before the light buoys have been placed in the spring and after they have been removed in the fall. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Front light structure re¬ moved in winter, and lantern on pole used in spring while base is sub¬ merged. Range lights. 78 PART 11 First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. 6700 Mousseau Range, N. side of lie Bouchard front. 45 50 73 18 F. W 6700.1 — Rear, 674 yards 219° 45' from front. — F. W 6710 Buchard Peninsula Range, N. side of Bou- chard Peninsula, front. 45 49 73 21 F. W 6710.1 — Rear, 853 yards, 230° 45' from front. F. W 6720 St. Sulpice Traverse Range, front. 45 49 73 22 F. W 6720.1 — Rear, 643 yards 249° 30' from front. F. W 6730 St. Sulpice Course Range, front. 45 50 73 21 F. W 6730.1 — Rear, 642 yards 33° from front. F. W 6740 Lighted Buoy No. 88 R, junction of St. Sulpice and Lebel Courses. 45 46 73 24 FI. R 6750 lie Lebel Range, front.. U. 45 44 73 26 F. W 6750.1 — Rear, 721 yards 218°50' from front. U. F. W 18 6 Red steel triangular framework structure, white square slatwork on upper part of face, white shed; 19. Range lights. 57 6 Red square steel skele- ton tower, white square slatwork on upper part of face, white shed with red axis only. roof; 49. 23 6 Red steel triangular framework, white square slatwork on upper part of face, white shed; 19. Range lights. 70 7 Red square steel skele- axis only. ton tower, white wooden enclosed up- per part, white slat¬ work, red roof; 61. 34 2 Red tower; 27 . 77 3 Red square steel skele- Range lights. ton tower; white wooden enclosed up- axis only. per part, with white slatwork, red roof; 61. 41 7 White square wooden structure. 79 7 Red square steel skele- Range lights. ton tower; white wood¬ en enclosed upper part, white slatwork, red roof; 61. axis only. Red buoy. __ 17 5 Red square steel skele- tower. Range lights. 49 5 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white square slatwork on axis only. upper face, white shed with red roof, 49. Visible on Visible on Visible on Visible on Visible on Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 79 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals _ CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. 6760 Repentigny Range, N. of village, front. 45 45 73 26 F. G- _ 19 5 F. G_ 45 5 6760.1 — Rear, 600 yards 12°45' fron front. 6770 Contrecoeur Traverse Range, about 2 miles above Contrecoeur Vil¬ lage, front. 45 50 73 17 F. G-... 35 6 6770.1 — Rear, 700 yards 194°40' from front. F. G-. 95 6 6780 Verch^res-Contrecceur Channel Range, on flats off Contrecoeur Village, front. 45 52 73 15 F. G_ 26 6 6780.1 — Rear, on islet 3,042 yards 40°30' from front. F. G_ 80 7 6790 V erchkres-Contrecoeur Channel Buoy No. 52 M, N. side of turn in channel. 45 51 73 17 FI. R . _ VERCHEHES - CONTRE- 6792 COEUR channel: — Lighted Buoy No. 57 M, E. side of chan¬ nel. FI. W.. . . .. 6794 — Lighted Buoy No. 76M, W. side of channel. FI. R - --- 6795 Ore Transfer Dock Range, front. 45 50 73 17 F. AMBER_ 28 1 6795. 1 — Rear, about 541 yards 186°28' from front. F. AMBER_ 58 1 6796 — Lighted Buoy No. 77M, E. side of channel. FI. W..._. 6800 Tie au Bceuf Lighted Buoy No. 79 M, S. side of channel, S. of lie au Beouf. 45 48 FI. W_ 73 19 6810 Verch^res Village Range on pier, front. 45 47 F. G_ 17 8 72 31 F. G.. 57 8 6810.1 — Rear, 645 yards 220°30' from front. White square wooden structure, red roof; 21. Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, red roof; 45. White square wooden structure; 12. Brown square steel skel¬ eton tower; white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work ; 64 White octagonal iron lantern, red roof, on white concrete base; 21 . Brown steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slat work; 65. Red buoy.. Black buov. Red buoy. White wooden post, slat¬ ted 0 daymark. White wooden post, slat ted <0 daymark. Black buoy. Black buoy. Steel skeleton tower.. Steel skeleton tower, aluminum painted watchroom and lan¬ tern. Range lights. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Range lights, axis only. V^isible on Range lights, 'Privately maintained. Range lights. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 80 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H. O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O e Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. 6820 Tie aux Prunes Lighted Buoy No. 82 M, oppo¬ site W. end of island. 45 47 Fi. R_ Red buoy_ _ 73 21 6830 Verch^res Traverse Range, front. 45 48 73 20 F. G_ 43 3 White stone tower, white octagonal wood¬ en lantern, red roof; 41 Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 6830.1 — Rear, 533 yards 55° 20' from front. F. G _ 71 3 6840 Vercheres Course Lighted Buoy No. 89 M. 45 46 73 22 FI. W_ — ... Black buoy_ 6850 He Bouchard Range, off E. extremity of He Marie, front. U. — Rear, on He Bouch¬ ard, SE. side, 2,694 yards 37°40' from front. U. 45 47 F. G__ 39 6 White square wooden structure on wdiite cribwork, red roof; 28. Browui square steel skeleton tower; white, wooden enclosed upper part, lantern, red roof; 65. 6850. 1 73 21 F. G_ 75 7 Visible over a small arc ' each side of axis. 6860 Poulier des Trois Bouies 45 45 FI. W_ I Black buoy Lighted Buoy No. 103 M, 0.3 mile below lie Hertel. 73 24 6870 lie Deslauriers Range, E. side of lie Deslau¬ riers, front. — Rear, E. side of lie Ste. Thdrese, 3,114 yards 217°30' from front. 45 43 F. G_ . 40 6 Aluminum colored square watchroom, lantern, red roof, w'hite square concrete base. Brown square steel skel¬ eton tower, white wooden enclosed up¬ per part, white slat- work; red roof; 82. 6870.1 73 26 F. G_ 89 7 Range lights. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 6880 Cap St. Michel Lighted 45 43 FI. W_ Black buoy Buoy No. 117 M. 73 26 6885 He Deslauriers Lighted Buoy No. 118 M. 45 43 FI. R__ Red buov 73 26 6890 tie Deslauriers Lighted 45 42 FI. R_ Red buoy. Buoy No. 124 M. 73 27 6900 lie Ste. Th^rfese Lower 45 41 F. G_ 30 2 White square wooden tower, white lantern, red roof; 21. White square wooden structure, red roof; 42. 6900.1 Range, NE. side of is¬ land, front. — Rear, 179 yards 218°30' from front. 73 28 F. G. - - 48 2 Range lights. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 6910 Varennes Curve Lighted 45 42 FI. W_ Black buoy Buoy No. 129 M, lower end of curve. 73 27 6920 Varennes Curve Lighted 45 41 FI. W_ Black buoy Buoy No. 133 M, mid¬ dle of curve. 73 27 Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 81 H. O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals 0 CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER N. W. fi930 Varennes Village _ 45 40 F. G. _ 80 3 Red steel skeleton 73 27 tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slatwork; 61. 6940 tie 4 I’Aigle Range, W. side of island near N. end, front. 45 40 73 27 F. G. 30 2 W'hite pentagonal wood¬ en lantern on white rectangular concrete base; 30. 6940.1 — Rear, E. side of is¬ land, 514 yards 183°40' from front. F. W_ 52 2 White square wooden structure on white rec¬ tangular wooden base; 52. 6950 //e d I'Aigle Lighted Buou No. t4t M. 4^ 41 FI. W_ Black buoy_ . 73 27 6960 tie Ste. Th6r6se Upper Range, S. side tie aux Vaches, front. U. 45 40 73 28 F. G_ 20 4 White octagonal wood¬ en lantern on concrete base; 17. 6960.1 — Rear, SE. shore of tie Ste. Th^r^se, 1,438 yards 24°35' front. U. F. G_ 84 5 Red steel skeleton tower on concrete base, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slatwork; 71. 6970 Pointe aux Trembles Bend Lighted Buoy No. 151 M. 45 39 FI. W Black buoy_ 73 29 6980 Pointe aux Trembles Lighted Buoy No. 157 M'. 45 38 FI. W Black buoy_ 73 29 6990 Imperial Oil Wharf, front. 45 37 F. G. -- . 35 Pole, white 0_ 73 30 F. G. Pole, white C>_ 6990.1 — Rear, 250 yards 252° from front. 50 7000 T^treaii ville Range, front. 45 36 73 31 F. G_ 28 4 White square wooden structure, red roof; 2^. 7000.1 — Rear, 723 yards 204°35' from front. F. G. 94 4 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wood¬ en enclosed upper part, white slatwork on face, red roof; 82. 7010 Lighted Buoy No. 163 M. 45 37 FI. W Black buoy_ 73 30 7020 Pointe aux Trembles Curve Lighted Buoy No. 167 45 36 FI. W. Black buov_ 73 30 In range with front light of tie a I’Aigle Range forms tie aux Vaches Traverse Range. Range lights. V^isible on axis only. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 0 # 82 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 7030 Longue Pointe Traverse Range, front. N. W 45 37 F. G _ 64 3 S1 73 31 7030.1 Rear, 228 vards 350° from front. F. G_ 84 3 V 7040 Longue Pointe Lighted Buoy No. 17M, off Longue Pointe. 45 35 73 30 FI. R_ — _ E 7050 Poulier d Gagnon Light¬ ed Buoy No. 175 M. 45 34 73 30 FI. W _ B 7060 MONTREAL HARBOR'. — Poulier a Gagnon Lighted Buoy No. 177 M. 45 34 73 31 FI. W _ E 7070 — He Ronde Range, NE. end of tie Ronde, front. 45 31 73 32 F. G _ 42 8 ^ 7070.1 -Rear, W. side of tie Ste. Helfene, 719 vards, 202°30' from front. F. G _ 78 8 7080 — Dry Dock Range, front. 45 34 73 31 F. G _ 50 1 7080.1 -Rear, 221 yards 249°45' from front. F. G _ 65 1 7090 — Longueuil Lighted Buoy No. 187 M, off Longueuil. 45 33 73 31 FI. W 7100 — Lighted Buoy No. 193 M, SE. side of channel, opposite Laurier Pier. 45 32 73 32 FI. W 7110 — fie Ronde Lighted Buoy No. 195 M, 0.2 mile below tie Ronde. 45 32 73 32 FI. W 7120 — Lighted Buoy No. 199 M, E. side of chan- 1 nel S. of bridge. 45 31 73 33 FI. W _ skeleton tower, aluminum painted up¬ per part, aluminum painted slatwork, red roof. ton tower, white lan¬ tern with red roof, white daymark, shed. Red buoy- Black buoy. Black buoy. VV lllltJ squait; structure on white square concrete base; 39. structure, white wood¬ en lantern, red roof; 48. center. center. Black buoy. Black buoy. Black buov. Black buoy. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Range lights, axis onlv. Visible on Range lights. Privately maintained. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 83 H.O. 30 No. Name and location 1 Position, lat. lODK. O ' Characteristic and power Height' of light above 1 high 1 water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau- 1 tical 1 miles) 1 structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 7130 MONTREAL harbor; — Bellerive Park Range, front, on wharf. N. VV. 45 32 73 33 F Cl 53 50 3 Mast; 35_ PI w Same structure; 47- Range lights. 7130. 1 -Rear, 212 yards 217° from front. p n 90 3 Mast; 47-- 7140 — Lighted Buoy No. 201 M, about 2.'i0 yards 39° from Sailors Memorial Clock Tower. 45 31 73 33 Fl. w_ - - - - Black buoy_ CANADA—ST. LAVVRKNCP: ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE The 7150 Hit7i, tiear E. end of island, on summit. 46 56 70 46 Occ. W_ period 17" it. 10“, ec. 7* 54 12 White square wooden structure, red roof; dwelling attached; 40. 7160 St. Thomas Channel Lighted Buoy No. 73 B. 47 02 70 35 FI. W Black buov - 7170 mm Montmagny, head of the S. government wharf, front. U. 46 59 70 33 F R 24 3 Pole_ P R 3 Pole-- 7170. 1 Hmi — Rear, 200 yards 170° from front. U. 57 7180 Raymond Shoal Lighted Buoy. 47 02 70 33 PI. W Black buoy.. 7201 HltiO Crane Island, E. side, on government wharf. U. 47 03 70 32 Occ. W_ period 10“ it. 7“, ec. 3“ 65 10 Aluminum-colored skel¬ eton tower; 60. 7210 H ttSS Beaujeu Channel NW. of Narrows, Beau¬ jeu Channel. U. 47 04 70 31 Fl. W.... 27 10 Red skeleton steel frame on red steel cylindrical structure on square white concrete base. 7220 n nu Hospital Rock Range, on Hospital Rock, front. U. 47 08 70 28 F. W.. 28 9 Square white wooden building, octagonal white lantern; 22. 7220.1 — Rear, Goose Island, 1,987 yards 25° 20' from front. U. F. W.. 65 10 Brown square steel H tus skeleton tower, white wooden slat work, white wooden watch- room, red stripe on face, white lantern, red roof; 64. VRange lights. Range lights. 4 84 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 Height Visi¬ Position, Characteristic of light above bility (nau¬ Structure, height (feet) Name and location lat. long. and power high tical water miles) (feet) ITAUV COTTTH SinF. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Bell. Radar reflector. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 85 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau- ticai miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANA] DA—ST. LAWR ENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE N W 7380 Httoo Rivifere Ouelle U. 47 26 70 03 FI. R_ period 12' fl. 2*, ec. 10’ 24 9 Aluminum-colored tower, red lantern; 22. 7389 7390 mm Point aux Ortgnaux, Lighted Buoy No. BP/i B. Pointe aux Originaux, on wharf. U. 47 29 70 02 FI. W Black buoy 47 29 70 02 F. W 27 10 Pole 7400 7405 7420 H tm 7430 H tl78 7440 Hint 7450 Morin Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy No. 102 B, SW. end of shoal. Kemouraska Wharf, outer end. U. Grande lie, Kamour- aska Islands, near NE. end of island. St. Andre de Kamour- aska, head of wharf. Long Pilgrim, near center of island U. Pilgrim Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy, W. side of shoal. 7460 Hare Island Pass Lighted Bell Buoy, No. 50 B. 7470 K eisi 7480 miet '490 7501 7502 Brandypot, E. end of Brandypot Island. Riviere du Loup, head of government wharf. U Barrett Ledge Lighted Bell Buoy No. 38 B E. side of ledge. While Island Reef Lighted Bell Buoy No. 37 B. White Island Reef- 47 36 70 02 47 34 69 53 47 37 69 52 47 41 69 44 47 43 69 45 47 46 69 44 47 47 69 47 47 52 69 41 Fl. W. FI. G. Fl. W_ period 7’ F. R. Fl. W_ period 5“ Fl. W. Fl. W. F. W. 47 51 69 34 47 53 69 37 47 59 69 37 47 58 69 38 F. G. Fl. R. Fl. W Fl. W_ period 10' 35 105 22 136 71 35 73 16 9 12 10 14 Cylindrical buoy with red and black bands. Horizontal slats on superstructure. Aluminum skeleton tower, red lantern. White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached, lantern and red roof; 39. Mast, white shed; 15. White circular brick tower rising from center of white square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 39. Black buov.. Buoy, black and white stripes. White circular brick tower rising from cen¬ ter of red roof of white square wooden dwell¬ ing; 39. Aluminum skeleton tower, red lantern. Red cylindrical buoy.^ Buoy, red and black bands. White square structure on inverted conical shaped steel base. Beil. Radar reflector. Bell. Bell. .4bout Xov. 25 the F. W. light is replaced by an unwatched Occ. W. light. Whistle: answers ves¬ sel’s signals. Bell. Bell. Radar reflector. Two Diaphones: Sound alternately, 2 bl. ev. 30 sec. 86 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 Height No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power of light above high bility (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals water (feet) miles) # $) CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE i) t) 4 ) 7510 H tlSO Cacouna East, head of wharf. N. W. 48 00 69 26 F. W _ 17 — Mast, white shed; 15 - 7520 GREEN island: — Head of wharf, SE. side of island. U. 48 00 69 28 F. W_ 17 Mast, white shed; 15.. 7530 H tIiS — Green Island, NW. point of island. 48 03 69 25 Occ. W_ period 20’ It. 10’, ec. 10’ 54 13 White circular stone tower, clapboarded; brown wooden dwell¬ ing attached; 56. 7540 — Head of wharf, NE side of island. U. 48 02 69 24 FI. G 18 Mast, white shed; 15. 7550 H tI6t — lie Verte, near head of wharf, front. 48 01 69 21 F. R _ 13 8 Mast, white 0 ; 15. 7550.1 H gISi -Rear, 116 yards 146° 40' from front. F. R _ 26 10 White wooden frame- work structure, square wooden day mark; 28. 7560 Ht098 Trois Pistoles, head of government wharf U. 48 08 69 11 FI. G _ 31 9 Mast; 22..... period 12’ fl. 2’, ec. 10’ 7570 Alcide Rock Lighted Bell Buoy No. 31 B. 48 20 68 56 FI. W Hack buov-.- - — 7580 H 1086 Bic Island, SW. ex¬ tremity. u. 48 23 68 53 Fl. W _ 35 7 White mast; 25- 7590 H t08i Bicquette Island, N. side of island. 48 25 68 54 Fl.,—W., R.. period 3’ fl. 0.2’, ec. 2.8 112 17 White circular stone tower, red lantern; 74. 7600 Northwest Reef Lighted Bell Buoy. 48 24 68 57 PI W Black buoy _ RiMOUSKi road: 7610 HtOTt — Outer end of wharf.. 48 29 68 31 F. R 37 Aluminum-colored skel- eton tower, red lan¬ tern; 28. 7620 mo70 — Range, about 1 mile S. of the govern¬ ment wharf, front. u. 48 28 68 31 F. G _ 35 10 Orange wooden skele- ton structure, fire orange 0 daymark with black stripe; 35. 7620. 1 morii -Rear, 900 yards 179° 30' from front. U. — . F. G_ 75 12 Steel mast, fire orange □ daymark with with black stripe; 80 7630 7635 — Rimouski Road Lighted Bell Buoy No. 29 B. 48 30 68 31 d Q OO Fl. W_ Fl P Black cylindrical buo slatted topmark. ■—■ Rimouski Road lighted Buoy No. SOB. 68 31 Tyfon: 3 blasts every 60'. Bell (hand); for benefit of local small boats; pri¬ vately operated. Range lights. Rear light visible on axis onlv. Bell. R 250°-289°. Line of de¬ marcation between white and red sectors not clearly defined. Diaphone: blast 8’, silent 52». Radiobeacon. Bell. Whistle: 1 blast ev. 30’ (privately maintained). Range lights. Bell. Radar reflector. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 87 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. o r Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANAL )A—ST. LAWRI :NCE ESTl JARY, SOUTH SIDE 7640 n mo Father Point __ N. W. 48 31 68 28 Gp. FI. W. (4).. period 7.5" 4fl.3.2’,ec.4.3’ 91 15 Octagonal concrete tow¬ er, red lantern; 97. 7650 F other Point Lighted Bell Buoy No. 27 B, off point. 48 31 FI. G. Black buoy__ 68 29 7660 Cock Point Lighted Buoy No. 25 B. 48 34 FI. W_ Black buoy_ -. . 68 24 7670 H tOiS Little Metis, on M4tis Point. 48 41 68 02 Gp. FI. W. (3)-. period 7.5" fl. 0.25", ec. 1" “ 0.25", “ 1" “ 0.25", “4.75" 79 14 Cylindrical concrete tower, red lantern; 82. 7680 Sandy Bay (Baie des Sables), outer end of new W. wing of wharf. U. St. Ulric, head of wharf, W. corner. U. 48 44 FI. R _ 28 10 Pole, white shed _ H me 7690 nmi 67 54 48 47 67 42 FI. W., R_ 20 6 Pole, white shed; 16_ 7700 matane: — Lighted Bell Buoy No. 21 B, outer edge of shoal off mouth of river. 48 52 FI. W _ Black cylindrical buoy.. 1 67 33 7710 H mo — Range, on hill W. side of entrance, front. 48 51 67 32 F. G_ 78 13 White woodeii frame¬ work tower, black Q slatwork daymark, red lantern, shed; 15. 7710.1 -Rear, on main chimney of Ma¬ tane Hospital. F. G_ 107 15 Chimney__ Hmo.i 7720 — W'. Breakwater, FI. G_ 23 10 // mt outer end. U. period 5" 7730 Ste. F'(51icit6, near head of w'harf. 48 54 F. G ... 19 6 Mast; 15_ H toss 67 21 7740 H tOSO M^chins, near head of wharf. 49 00 66 59 F. G_ 28 7 Square steel "skeleton tower, painted alumi¬ num; red lantern; 27. Pilot station. Sigtial and telegraph station. Diaphone: 2 bla.sts every 60». Bell. Radar reflector. Signal and telegraph sta¬ tion. Diaphone: 3 blasts every 60“. R. over foul ground NE. of wharf. Bell. Radar reflector. [Range lights for dredged channel. Whistle: 1 blast every 30’. Privately operated. Diaphone: blast 3.5*, silent 56.5*. Located at Long Point, 1.5 miles W. of Ste. F61icit6 Church. Whistle: blast 3’, silent 27’. 86 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE 7750 H I860 Cape Chat, NE. ex¬ tremity of Cape. N. W. 49 05 66 45 FI. W_ period 3“ fl. 0.2", ec. 2.8" 120 17 7760 H 1856 Chat River, near outer end of W. wharf. 49 06 66 41 F. R__ _ 26 9 7770 H I86t Ste. Anne des Monts, head of government wharf. 49 08 66 29 F. R _ 31 6 7780 H 1846 St. Joachim (Tourelle) Range, on beach, front. 49 09 66 25 F. R -- _ 27 9 F. R --- _ 62 12 7780.1 H 1848 — Rear, on cliff, 93 yards 157° from front. 7790 H IS4t Riviere a la Martre - 49 12 66 10 Gp. Fl. W. (4)_- period 30’ fl. 0.5", ec. 4.5" “ 0.5", “ 4.5" “ 0.5", “ 4.5* “ 0.5", “ 14.5" 130 17 7800 H 1844 Ste. Martre de Gasp6, head of government wharf. F. R __ 28 9 7810 H 1840 Marsoui, head of wharf, E. side of river en¬ trance. 49 13 66 04 F. R 29 10 7820 H 1834 RivRre au Claude, front. 49 13 65 54 F. R _ 28 10 7820.1 H 1836 — Rear, 75 yards 167° 30' from front. F. R _ 46 12 7830 H 1830 Mont Louis, on shore, front. 49 14 65 44 F. R - _ 24 5 F. R _ 36 5 7830.1 H I83t — Rear, 117 yards 177°20' from front. 7840 — Head of Government Wharf, W. side of bay. 49 14 65 44 Fl. G_ 35 10 7850 H I8ts Capp Magdalen __ 49 15 Gp. Fl. W. (3). 146 18 65 20 1 period 30" fl. 0.5", ec. 5.5 “ 0.5", “ 5.5 “ 0.5", “ 17.5 • 8 e 7856 Madeleine River, outer end of government wharf. U. 49 15 65 21 Fl W - - . 33 Square concrete tower, red lantern; 33. 9 White mast; 20- Pole; 25_ White mast; 24- Mast, white shed; 16- Red octagonal wooden tower, white stripe, dwelling; 63. Diaphone: 3 blasts every 60". Horn points 340°. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Telegraph station. Re¬ porting station. Diaphone: blast 5”, silent 55*. Horn points 350°. Mast, white shed; 25-.. Red lantern, skeleton steel tower. Mast, white shed; 20- Mast, white shed; 25. White mast, white 0 slatwork daymark; 15. White mast, white 0 slatwork daymark; 25. White pole, red lan¬ tern; 25. Cylindrical concrete tower, white circular lantern with red roof; 55. Aluminum -colored square skeleton tower, red lantern. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Telegraph station. Report¬ ing station. Diaphone: 2 blasts every 60-. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 89 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, at. long. e / I 0 Characteristic and power leightl f light ibove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE Grand Vallee, on outer end of the wharf. N. W. 49 14 65 08 f?\ n 31 Red lantern on an alu- minum skeleton tower; 26. 7859 7860 HlStl Grande Vall6e, on shore, front. 49 14 65 08 F. R . 21 5 White mast, white 0 slatwork day mark; 15. 7860. 1 mm — Rear, 89 yards 191° from front. — F. R .- 27 5 White mast, white 0 slatwork day mark; 25. 7870 H 1818 Petite Vall6e, near head of government wharf, front. 49 13 F. W_ 21 9 Mast, white shed; 15— 65 02 7870.1 H I8tO — Rear, 175 feet 169° from front. — F. W_ 24 11 Mast, white shed; 15-.- 7880 Frigate Point, near edge of cliff, front. 49 12 F, R_ 36 10 Mast, white shed; 25... t{ I8It 64 55 7880.1 — Rear, 30 yards 180° from front. F. R_ 48 12 Mast, white shed; 22_ H 18 H 789 0 Cloridorrne, near edge of cliff, front. 49 11 F. R_ 32 5 White mast, white 0 H 1808 64 51 slatted day mark; 10 7890.1 — Rear, 82 yards 201° from front. F. R_ 69 5 White mast, white 0 // 18 to slatted daymark; 21. 7891 — Cloridorrne wharf, outer end. U. 49 11 64 51 FI. G_ 26 10 Aluminum skeleton tower, red lantern. 7892 7900 — Lighted Buoy, 7 B, close W. of govern¬ ment wharf. Fame Point _ _ 49 11 64 51 49 06 FI. W_ Gp. FI. W. (2). Black buoy _ 190 20 Red cylindrical iron H I80t 64 36 period 10’ fl. 0.5’,ec. 1.5’ “ 0.5’, “ 7.5’ tower, white stripe, red lantern; 49. 7910 111798 .\nse au Vallon Range, front. 49 05 64 33 F. W 25 10 Mast; 18__ F. W_ 13 Mast; 18_ 7910.1 HI 800 — Rear, 93 yard.s 255° from front. 56 7915 St. Maurice de I’Echourie Wharf. U. 49 03 Fl. G..... 25 10 Square skeleton steel tower, painted alumi¬ num, red lantern; 21. 64 29 7920 H 1791, St. Maurice de I’Echou- rie, on cliff, front. 49 03 64 28 F. R .--- 46 11 White mast, 0 daymark ; 30. 7920.1 H 1798 — Rear, 162 yards 285° 30' from front. F. R_ 84 13 White mast; 24. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Range lights. ^Range lights. Visible on axis only. Signal and telegraph sta¬ tion. Diaphone: blast 4’, silent 56". ■ Range lights. Range lights. Front light visible from all points of approach; rear light visi¬ ble on axis only. 90 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE N. W. 7930 H 1788 Petit Cap, on shore, front. 49 02 F. W_ 36 10 White mast, white shed; 1 64 27 20. I 7930.1 H 1790 — Rear, 62 yards 265° from front. F. W_ 45 11 White mast, white shed; 1 35. 7940 H 1788 Little Fox River, at shore end of N. jettv. 49 01 64 25 F. R 28 10 Pole; 23__ U. 7949 l''o.r liivcr Liijhtcd Bell Buoij 6B. 49 00 64 23 FI. R Buov, red-- _ -- CANADA—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 7950 Great Fox River Range, 49 00 F. R_ 27 6 Square steel tower. II1780 front, on outer end 64 23 aluminum with white of Gov'ernment wharf. 0 slatted daymark; U. 20. 7950. 1 — Rear, 405 yards 178° from front. F. R_ 53 8 Square steel tower, aluminum with white 111782 U. 0 slatted daymark; 40. 7960 Fox River, head of pier, W. side of bay. F. G_ 30 7 Pole_ -_- 7970 Griffin Cove, on shore. 48 56 F. R_ 25 5 Mast, white 0 slatted H 1778 front. 64 19 daymark; 15. 7970.1 — Rear, 133 yards 238° from front. F. R_ 43 11 Mast, white 0 slatted daymark; 32. H 1778 7980 Jersey Cove, on shore, front. 48 54 F. R_ 20 5 Pole, white shed; 16_ H 1770 64 14 7980.1 — Rear, 77 yards 270° from front. F. R_ 34 5 Pole, white shed; 20_ H I77t 7990 Cap des Rosiers-. _ 48 51 Occ. W_ 136 17 W'hite circular tower; H 1788 64 12 period 20“ It. 15', ec. 5' 112. 8000 — Cap des Rosiers East, 48 50 F. R_ 23 10 Aluminum -colored H1768 head of jetty. U. 64 13 square skeleton tower, red lantern. 8010 Cape Gaspe, near ex- 48 45 Gp. FI. W. (2)._ 351 26 White octagonal H 178t tremity. 64 10 period 24’ fl., ec. 6’ tower; 42. “ “ 18’ gasp6 bay; 8020 — Grande Greve, front 48 48 F. W_ 34 10 Mast, white .shed 25_ iinss side of bay, front on shoreward end of crosswall. 64 14 8020. 1 - Rear, 88 yards 106° from front. F. W_ 85 14 Mast, white shod; 20_ 111760 [Range lights. Beil. iRange lights. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Signal and telegraph sta¬ tion. Diaphone: 3 blasts every 60“. Radiobeacon. Diaphone: 2 blasts every 60-. Range lights. Nov. 1958 500297 0 - 59-7 PART II First Edition 91 H.O. 30 No. Height Position, Characteristic of light above Name and location lat. long. and power high 0 1 water (feet) Structure, height (feet) y] Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCK 8030 Ht756 8030. 1 8040 H I75i 8045 8060 // t7i8 8060.1 H 171,8.1 8070 8080 H 17 iO 8080.1 H I7it 8085 HI7S6 8085. 1 HI7S6.I 8090 H 17 38 8100 // 1734 8110 8120 H 1738 8125 8130 H I7t« GASPt BAY: — Little Gaspe Range, front. -Rear, about 246 yards 353° from front. — Sandy Beach Point, N. extremity, en¬ trance to Gaspd Basin. U. — Outer end of Government wharf. U. — Anse a Brilliant, head of pier. -Rear, 88 yards, 233° from front. — Bois BrCll6, root of wharf. — St. George de Mal- baie, front. -Rear, 83 yards 245°40' from front. — Pointe St. Pierre Range, Front. U — Rear, about 123 yards 185° from front. Tie Plate (Flat Rock), off Point Peter, N. en¬ trance to Bay. MAL bay: — Malbaie, outer end of government wharf. - Govern ment wharf outer end. PERCfc; — Root of Laurier Wharf, at North Beach. U. U. Perce, on White Head. vr. w. 48 48 64 15 F G . 29 6 1 Vhite wooden pole-i F. G_ 61 8 ‘ square steel tower, F painted aluminum, rectangular slatted daymark. / 48 51 FI. G_ 32 10 White square building 64 25 period 12’ fl. 2», ec. 10’ on cribwork, red roof. 48 50 64 26 FI. W _ 33 Aluminum painted mast, red lantern. 48 43 F. R_ 21 12 Mast, white shed; 15. 64 17 F. R_ 28 11 — 48 42 64 16 F. W_ 30 6 Mast, white shed; 25. 48 39 64 13 F. R _ 39 10 Mast, white shed; 15.. F. R_ 54 12 Mast, white shed; 30... 48 38 64 10 F. R.. 33 6 Square iron tower, painted aluminum, white slatted 0 day- mark, red stripe; 16. F R 58 12 Square iron tower, painted aluminum, white slatted 0 mark, red stripe; 21. 48 38 Fl. W _ . 81 10 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, 3 white 64 09 daymarks on face; 42. 48 38 64 14 F. G _ 25 7 Mast-. 48 37 64 16 F R . 28 6 Structure; 22.- F. R.. A Mast- 20 . 48 .32 64 12 48 31 64 13 25 White wooden pole, red lantern; 20. Fl R . 48 30 64 13 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20’ fl., ec. 5* 154 18 White octagonal con¬ crete tower, white lan¬ tern, red roof; 38. “ “ 15’ iRange lights. Horn (hand); answers ves¬ sels’ signals; also operates when vessel is expected. Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. Horn (hand); answers vessels signal. 92 part 11 First Edition Horn (hand) ; answers ves sels’ signals. Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals c lANADA—GULI " OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 8135 Bonaventure Island 48 30 FL W. 18 White wooden mast_ Wharf. U. 64 11 8140 Ansc it Beaufils, head of 48 29 F. R . 27 7 Mast; 25 // nn wharf. 64 18 8150 Cape Cove, near head 48 27 F. R_ 32 7 Pole '.22_ H 17 to of wharf. 64 19 8160 Cap d’Espoir, near ex- 48 26 Gp. FI. W. (4). 90 15 Concrete tower ; 48_ // 1718 t remit y 64 19 period 25' fl., ec. 3' “ “ 3' “ “ 3' “ “ 16' 8170 Little River, head of E. 48 25 F. W_ 25 9 Mast; 19 // 1716 jetty, front. 64 23 8170.1 — Rear, 108 yards 322° F. W. . 52 12 Mast, white shed; 30.. H 1716.1 from front. 8180 Grand River break- 48 24 F. R_ 31 White pole 2.3 water, head. 64 30 8190 — E. side of entrance. _ 48 25 F. —W. R_ 53 10 Aluminum-col or ed // 1710 64 30 square skeleton, tower, red lantern; 41 . 8200 — Robin Point, head of 48 24 F. G_ . 38 5 Whiffy mast,; H nit wharf. 64 28 8210 Ste. Adelaide de Pabos, 48 23 F. R_ 52 5 White mast, white shed with red roof; 35. li 1708 on edge of cliff. 64 35 8216 Dupuis (Hemlock) Islet, 48 21 Fl. W_ 41 11 Aluminum-colored Chandler Harbor. 64 39 square skeleton, tower. U. red lantern; 31. 8219 Chandler, Government 48 21 F. R_ 35 10 Steel pole; 27. . Wharf. U. 64 40 8220 Chandler Range, front.. U. 48 21 F. G_ 45 Square steel skeleton tower, painted alumi- Hnoi 64 40 num, white rectangu¬ lar slatwork daymark, red stripe; 37. 8220. 1 — Rear, 750 feet F. G_ 65 Square steel skeleton tower painted alumi- H17011 320°30' from front. U. num, white rectangu¬ lar slatwork daymark, red stripe; 47. 8240 Pabos Point, E. side of Anse aux Canards. 48 19 F. W_ 45 7 Mast, white shed; 22... H not 64 41 8250 Hnoo Newport Point, on island off the point. U. 48 64 17 43 Fl. W 38 Aluminum-colored skeleton steel tower, red lantern; 25 Horn (hand); answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Diaphone: 2 blasts every 60’. Horn points 150° Horn (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals; also operates when vessel is expected. Range lights. R. 249°-9°, W.-249°. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Bell (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Range lights. A F. G. light is shown on pole on breakwater extremity. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 93 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—GULF OP ST. LAWRENCE 8260 }{ 1698 8260.1 }{ I698.t 8270 8280 H 1688 8290 H 1686 8300 H 168!, 8300.1 Hl86i.t 8310 H mt 8320 H 1680 8330 H1676 8340 H 167U 8350 H 167t 8360 H 1666 8370 // 1661, 8380 n 1661 8390 If ,660 8400 // 1668 N. W. Newport, head of wharf, front. 48 16 64 45 F. R_ 22 6 Mast; 23_j ( — Rear, 125 yards 289° from front F. G__ 40 11 White mast; 15_- - - 1 Maquereau Point, on extremity. 48 12 64 46 Gp. FI. W. (3).. period 15‘ fl., ec. 2.5' “ “ 9 Rb “ “ ib.O' 62 13 White octagonal wood¬ en structure, red cir¬ cular lantern; rectan¬ gular dw'elling; 51. CHALEUR bay: — Anse aux Gascons, near head of break¬ water. 48 12 64 50 F. R 29 7 Pole; 23..... — Ruisseau Chapados, head of west jetty. 48 12 64 52 P Cl 30 7 Pipe standard. - — Anse h la Barbe, head of govern¬ ment wharf, front. 48 11 64 53 F. G _ 22 5 Pole, white shed; 24- -Rear, 100 yards 338° 15' from front. F. W_ 28 7 Pole, white shed; 24- — Port Daniel, near head of govern¬ ment wharf on White Point. 48 11 64 57 F. R _ - 27 7 White square wooden structure; 29. 48 09 F. W_ 76 15 White octagonal con- 64 50 Crete tower, red lan¬ tern; 34. — Shigawake, head of wharf. 48 06 65 04 I? w 25 7 Pole; 21_ _ — St. Godfroy, head of wharf. 48 04 65 07 V P 28 7 Pole; 20_ — Rivifere Nouvelle, head of breakwater at river mouth. 48 04 65 07 F. W.... 25 6 Pole, white shed; 19 — — Paspebiac Point, near S. extremity. 48 01 65 14 Gp. Fl.(2),—W., R. period 15' fl., ec. 4' “ “ 11' 65 15 Red square skeleton tower, w'hite watch room, slatted day- mark, red lantern; 66. — Paspebiac, at head of government wharf. 48 02 68 15 P P 29 10 Mast. .. — New Carlisle, head of wharf. 48 01 65 18 F. R ..- 32 7 Mast at S. side of freight shed; 19. — Fauvel, head of wharf. 48 00 65 22 P w 22 10 Mast; 20. — Bonaventure Point, on extremity. 48 01 65 27 Occ. G.- 52 12 White square wooden period 20* It. 15*, ec. 5* structure, red octag¬ onal lantern; 34. Horn (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Range lights. Reporting station. Horn (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Horn (hand): operates at 5 min. intervals. Range lights. Horn (hand); answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Horn (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Horn (hand): answers ves sels’ signals. Horn (hand); answers ves sels’ signals. R. 89°-lll°, VV.-89°. Horn (hand); answers ves sels’ signals. 94 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height oflight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE CHALEUR bay: N. W. 8410 — Bonaventure River, head of wharf, W. side of river mouth. 48 02 FI. R_ 25 7 Mast, shed; 20-_ H ies6 65 29 8420 H lest — Little Bonaventure River. 48 04 65 32 F. R_ 30 7 Mast, white shed; 28.- 8430 HIG50 — Ruisseau le Blanc, head of interior section of break¬ water. U. 48 05 FI. W 37 10 Mast; 30. . __ 65 36 period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 8440 HlGiS — Howatson (Black) Point, head of government pier. 48 08 65 49 FI. R_ 31 7 Square skeleton steel tower painted alumi¬ num, red lantern; 26. 8450 H 1648 — St. Charles de Cap- lan, near head of wharf. 48 06 65 41 F. R_ 23 6 Mast, white shed with red roof; 20. 8460 H I6S» — Tracadigash Point-.- 48 05 FI. R _ 38 11 White square wooden structure, red octag¬ onal lantern; 32. Horn (hand) : answers ves sels’ signals. 66 07 period 16" It. 12", ec. 4" 8470 111640 — Carleton, near head of wharf. U. 48 06 Fl. G _ 32 Skeleton steel tower, painted aluminum, red lantern, 26. 66 08 8480 H 1654 8490 H16t4 — St. Omer, head of wharf. — Restigouche River: - Maguasha, head of wharf. 48 06 F. R_ 30 7 White square wooden 66 12 48 06 66 21 F. G _ 36 10 structure, supported on four steel columns, red lantern and roof; 30. Mast, shed; 20_ Whistle: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 8500 H 1616 -Oak Point, near W. extremity, front. 48 02 F. W_ 52 3 White square wooden tower, 22. ' 66 37 8500.1 H lets - Rear, 744 F. W_ 168 3 Red square steel skele¬ ton tower, red lantern, orange Q slatted day- mark; 68. Range lights. yards'44° 20' from front. CANADA—NEW BRUNSWICK—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 8510 H I6Si 8510.1 Hiess.i CHALEUR bay: — Restigouche River: -Cambellton, on pier, beside rail- w a y wharf, front. 48 01 F. R _ 26 7 Red skeleton steel 66 40 structure, o orange daymark, red stripes. F. R_ 48 7 Red skeleton steel yards 242° from front. structure, o orange daymark, red stripes. Range lights. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 95 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long, o / Characteriatic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) --- Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals —---- __ CHALEUR bat; N. W. 8520 H I6tt - Dalhousie, S. side of wharf, 100 yards fro m head. 48 04 66 23 Gp. Occ. (2), — G.. R. period 30' It. 17", ec. 5“ “ 3", “ 5" 34 11 8530 n leso - Douglas (Dal¬ housie) Island, N. point. 48 04 66 22 FI. W_ 63 13 period 7.5’ 8540 // i6ie - Bon Ami Point, S. side of en¬ trance to river. 48 04 66 21 F. R _ 49 13 8550 imn — Heron Island, NE. side. U. 48 00 66 08 FI. W_ 69 14 period 5" fl. 1", ec. 4" 8560 H leit — Durham, head of wharf. 47 55 F. W_ 28 10 65 56 8570 H 1610 — Little Belledune Point. 47 55 65 53 Fl. W.. 62 13 period 30’ 8580 H 1608 -— Green Point, head of breakwater. 47 52 F. R.. . - 35 10 65 45 8590 H 1606 — Petit Rocher, at bend in breakwa¬ ter, near head. 47 47 F. R_ 29 10 65 42 8600 H 1600 — Bathurst Harbor, extremity of Car- ron Point, front. 47 39 F. R__ 22 6 65 37 8600.1 H 160t - Rear, on shoal, 578 yards 208° from front. U. — F. R- 60 13 8610 H 1698 — Belloni Point, E. of entrance to harbor. 47 40 F. W__ 30 10 65 33 8620 H 1696 — Stonehaven (Grind¬ stone Point), on wharf. 47 46 F. W_ 29 10 65 21 8630 H 169t — Grande Arise Range, on pier, front. 47 49 F. G.. 25 6 65 10 8630.1 11 169i -Rear, 178 yards 205° from front. F. G__ 45 8 8640 H 1690 — Maisonnette Point, N. extremity. U. 47 50 65 00 Fl. W. 47 12 8650 H1688 — Caraquet Harbor: -Caraquet Island, W. end. 47 49 64 54 Fl. W- period 4* 1 fl. 1’, ec. 3’ 73 14 White square wooden structure on brown steel framework; 35. White octagonal wooden structure, red octag¬ onal iron lantern . G 113°-262°, R.-llS” White square wooden structure; 33. Square white wooden tower, red octagonal lantern; 39. Mast, white shed; li White octagonol wooden structure, red circular iron lantern; 55. Mast; white shed; 29.. Mast, white shed; 22.. White square wooden tower; 23. White steel pole on white pyramidal con Crete base; 62. White square wooden structure; 22. Mast, red shed; 25- White mast; 20. White square wooden structure; 27. White post Steel skeleton tower, four white slatted day- marks; 60 . Range lights. Range lights. 96 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O f Characteristio and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CAh fADA—NEW BRUNSWl [CK— GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE CHALEUR bay: N. W. 8660 H 1580 - Range, below Stoke Point, front. 47 49 F. G _ 31 10 White square wooden structure, red lan¬ tern; 30. 64 50 F. G _ 8660.1 H 1581 -- Rear, 1,210 yards 226°55 from front. 70 10 White square wooden structure, red lan¬ tern; 45 8670 H 1578 -Low'er Caraquet, head of wharf. 47 49 F. R - _ . 33 10 Mast, white shed; 28_ 64 50 8680 H158S -Young’s Wharf, SW. corner. U. 47 48 F. G. 32 10 Steel post painted aluminum, red lan¬ tern, small shed at base; 27. 64 55 8700 — Shippigan Sound: -Pokesudi Island, 47 49 F. W_ 35 11 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 34. II 1556 NE. point of is¬ land. 64 45 8710 -Marcelle Point. 47 47 F. G_ 31 4 White square wooden tower, red lantern; 28. H 1568 SE. end of Poke¬ sudi Island. 64 45 8720 -St. Simon Inlet, 47 45 F. W. 33 10 Mast, white shed; 27_ H 1576 head of govern¬ ment wharf. 64 49 8730 -— -— Lamek Range, head of S. pier, front. 47 47 F. W_ 22 9 White pole with □ slat¬ ted day mark; 18. H1570 64 40 873a 1 -- — Rear, about 487 yards 50° from front. F. W... 33 11 White pole, Q slatted daymark; 29. m670.1 8740 II 157e -T i i t, t, 1 f* T i n. rn p k 47 48 F. W_ 14 4 White pole, white shed; 11. Range, head of wharf, N. side of bay, front. -- Rear, 2,10a yards, 55° from front. 64 41 F. W_ _ 4 8740.1 H I57S.I 37 White pole, white ; 32. 8750 H 1564 — Island River Range, front. 47 52 F. W_ 23 9 White pole, white 0; 21. 64 39 F. W_ 11 8750.1 H 1564.1 - Rear, 76 yards 142° from front. 30 White pole, white 0 ; 27. 8755 Miscou harbor: Miscov Lighted Buoy _ 47 55 FL R_ Red buoy_ 64 41 8760 — Pecten Point, N. end 47 53 F. W._. 22 9 White square wooden structure on cribwork pier; 24. H 1558 of Shippigan Is¬ land, front. 64 35 8760.1 - Rear, 553 yards 121° from front. F. W. 35 11 Mast, white shed.wdiite 0 ; 37. H 1560 8770 — Miscou Wharf, N. side of harbor. 47 54 F. W_ . 22 9 Pole, white shed; 17... H 156t 64 35 Range lights. Rear light visible on axis only. Horn (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Range light.s, Range lights. \Range lights. Range lights. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 97 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. e / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—NEW BRUNSWICK—GULl 7 OF ST. LAWRENCE 8780 II 1556 8785 8790 // I55t 8800 fl I5i8 8805 8810 8820 H 1530 8830 // 1536 8830.1 // 1538 8840 H ItU 8840.1 H I5i6 8850 If 1531 8850.1 // 1534 8860 H 1640 8860.1 H 1540.1 8870 CHALEUR bay: — Goose Lake, W. side of Miscoii Islatul. U. — Miscou Island Lighted Bell Buoy 1-G- Miscou Island, Birch Point, NE. side of island. — Sandy Point (Miscou Gully), SE. end of Miscou Island. Ste-Marie-Sur-Mer, SE. end of break¬ water. u. SHIPPIGAN gully: — Shippigan Lighted Bell Buoy, S. en¬ trance to gully. — Big Shippigan, on sand bar, E. side of S. entrance. Entrance range, near head of W. break¬ water, front. — Rear, 58 yards 351° from front. Caribou Cove Range front. — Rear, 167 yards 353° from front. Shippigan Harbor Range, E. side of the entrance to gully front. -Rear, 147 yards 153°30' from front. - Head of government wharf, front. -Rear, about 475 yards 154° from front. North Tracadie, on sand flat, N. side of Old Gully. N. W. 47 56 64 36 48 02 64 32 48 01 64 29 47 55 64 30 47 48 64 37 47 42 67 40 47 43 64 40 47 43 64 40 47 45 64 42 47 31 64 52 Occ. W_ period 15“ It. 10“, ec. 5“ Fl. W_ Gp. Fl. W. (2)-. period 7.5’ fl. 0.5’, ec. 1’ “ 0.5», “ 5.5 F. W. Fl. G- Fl. R- Fl. W_ period 5’ F. R. F. R- F. W. F. W. F. W. F. W. F. G. F. G. F. R. 45 82 54 36 54 25 37 13 33 15 22 26 41 10 14 11 Red iron skeleton tower, white slatted day- mark, white lantern, red roof. Black buoy. 12 White octagonal wooden structure, red circular lantern; 80. Mast, white shed, crib- work foundation; 34. Aluminum post, red lantern. Bell. Diaphone: blast 3’, silent 57’. Red buoy. Bell. 11 White octagonal wood¬ en structure, square cribwork base, red cir¬ cular lantern; 54. Mast, white shed; 19... Mast, white shed- Pole, white shed; 16.. Mast, white shed; 31. Pole, white shed; 17.. Mast, white 0 ; 23... Mast, white shed; 22. Aluminum-colored skel¬ eton tower, white C daymark, red lantern. Pole. Range lights. Moved as necessary. Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. Additional lights may be shown to mark channel. Liable to be shifted with¬ out notice. 98 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA— NEW BRUNSWICK— GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE SHIPPIGAN gully; N. W. 8880 South Tracadie Gully N. side, near en¬ trance. . U. 47 30 FI. W_ 24 White mast_ NE. of old tower. Hiest 64 52 period 6“ fl. 1“, ec. 5“ 888') MiR.\Mic’iii bay: — Porlaqe Gulli/ Fair¬ way Lighted Buoy. 47 12 FI. W_ Black and white 65 00 stripped buoy. 8901 Lower Neguac Wharf Range, front, outer end of new wharf. U. — Rear, 556 yards 0°30' from front. U. 47 15 F. R_ 19 5 Steel tower, white w’ooden slatwork day- mark with a red 0 • White square wooden tower, red lantern. 8901. 1 65 03 F. R_ 37 6 Range lights. 8905 H 1518 — Neguac Wharf, SE. corner. U. 47 14 65 04 FI. W_ period 4" fl. 0.5», ec. 3.5» 15 8 Skeleton tower, red lan¬ tern; 12. 8910 — Burnt Church, E. 47 12 F. R_ 18 7 Mast, white shed side of wharf. 65 08 8920 — Escumiriac Range, edge of bank in¬ side breakwater, front. 47. 05 F. G_ 32 5 Pole, white shed H list 64 53 Range lights. 8920.1 - Rear, 228 yards 125 °iu' from front. F. G_ 42 7 Polftj .«;hpH 8930 — Preston Beach, on S. side of Mira- michi Bay, front. 47 05 F. W_ 37 7 Tower; 36_ Intensified on axis. Radar reflector. Him 64 55 8930. 1 mm -Rear, 228 yards 140° from front. F. W_ 58 7 Red steel framework tower, white enclosed upper part, red lan¬ tern; 59. Range lights. 8940 — Huckleberry Gully, on beach at Bale Ste. Anne, front. -Rear, 153 yards 212°30' from front. 47 03 F. W 15 4 Pole, white shed_ H use 8940.1 64 58 F. W.. 30 6 Pole, white shed _ - _ Range lights. Moyed to ) suit shifting channel. H use 8950 — Bar Lighted Bell 47 06 Fl. W _ Black and white striped buoy. Bell. Buoy, S. extremity of bar. 64 57 8960 — Swashwav, E. side of 47 07 F. W_.. 35 11 Square white wooden tower; 33. H mo Fox Island, front. 65 00 8960.1 -Rear, 400 yards F. W_ 62 13 Red square skeleton steel tower, white slats on upper face. Range lights. Visible on axis only. H mt 260° from front. 8970 — Portage Island, S. 47 10 F. W_ 31 W'hite square wooden structure. H use end of island, front. 65 02 8970.1 -Rear, 670 yards Occ. W 45 12 Square white wooden tower, red octagonal lantern; dwelling; 42. iRange lights. H HB8 312° 45' from front. period 9’ it. 7‘, ec. 2» Horn (hand): answers ves¬ sels’ signals. Nov. 1958 PART II 99 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, at. long. 0 > c Characteristic and power height flight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) structure, height (feet) CAN.^DA—NEW BRUNSWICK—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 8980 HH16 MIRAMICHI bay; — Portage Island Channel Range, on Fox Island, No. 1, front. i N. W. 47 08 65 02 1 F. W_ 47 10 White mast, white day- mark, white shed; 40. 8980. 1 HH50 - Rear No. 3, 433 yards 242*^30' from front. F. W. (upper).. 67 13 Red skeleton tower, enclosed wooden watch room, white octagonal wooden lantern; 64. 8990 — Horseshoe Shoal Range, on Fox Is¬ land, No. 3, front. 47 07 65 03 F. W. (lower)... 32 10 Square wooden lantern on same tower as Portage Island Chan¬ nel Range, rear. 9000 n ms - Rear, No. 2, 350 yards 117° from “No. 1. F. W.... 46 10 White mast, white day- mark, white shed; 38. 9010 H lies — Bale du Vin, head of public wharf. 47 03 65 08 P w 20 9 White pole... 9020 n U6i — lie du Vin, S. side of island, front. 47 05 65 06 P w 29 3 White pole _ F. W ... 3 Mast, white shed - 9020.1 H nee - Rear, 169 yards 42° 30' from front. — Hardw'ick, near head of public wharf, at Mills. — Grand Dune Flats, front. 39 9030 // neo 47 05 65 01 F. W _ 27 7 Mast, white shed; 25_ F. W_ 47 7 Red steel'tower, white 9040. 1 nun 47 08 65 14 FI. W_ wood watch room, red roof. White daymark with red <0 on front of tower. Same tower as above. 47 period 6“ h. D, ec. 5" 9040. 2 - Rear, 678 yards 282° from front. F. W_ 71 8 Red steel tower, white wood watch room, red roof, white daymark with red 0 on front of tower. 9050 H HSi — Moody Point Range, front, on N. bank of riyer. 47 06 F. W_ 33 10 White square wooden 65 20 structure; 64. 9050.1 H use - Rear, about 515 yards 254° from front. F. W.. 63 12 Red square steel skel- ton structure, white enclosed upper part. 9060 — Napan Bay Range, front. 47 04 F. W _ 29 Skeleton tower, white 65 19 daymark; 15. 9060.1 - Rear, 433 yards 216° 30' from front. F. W _ . 51 Skeleton tower, white daymark; 35. 9070 — Murdock Point Range, front. 47 04 F. W 25 Wooden tower, white 65 20 daymark; 17. 9070.1 - Rear, about 680 feet 248° from front. F. W. 40 W'ooden tower, white daymark; 25. Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals Range lights. Range lights, 81° 15'. (Range lights. Range lights. Range lights, axis only. Visible on Range lights. Range lights. 100 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 Height V|«i. No, Name and location Position, lat. long. O • Characteristic and power oflight above high bility (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water 1 (feet) miles) CANADA— NEW BRUNSWICK— GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. MIRAMICHI river: 9080 — Grant Beach Range, 47 05 F. W_ 69 4 White square wooden ) H im front. 65 23 structure; 37. (Range lights. Front light 9080.1 -Rear, 433 yards 274° from front. F. W_ 107 4 White square wooden structure; 37. 1 visible all around. H H9g 1 9090 — St. Andrew Bank 47 04 F. W_. _ 33 10 Pole, white shed 26_ H im Range, N. side of river above Legget Shoal, front. 65 25 Range lights. 9090.1 -Rear, 184 yards 251° from front. F. W.__ 40 10 Pole, white shed 29_ H 1600 9100 — Legget Shoal Range, 0.3 mile W. of Gor- 47 05 F. W_ 43 4, white shed 65 25 don Point Wharf, front. Range lights. (Same light as rear light of Grant Beach Range. 9100.1 -Rear, about 833 yards 43° 30' F. W.. _ 107 4 White square wooden structure; 37. H im from front. 9110 — Millbank Range, 47 03 F. W_ 50 Mast, white shed H I60t front. U. 65 28 Range lights. 9110.1 -Rear, 391 yards 249° from front. F. W_ 120 Mast, white shed 9120 — Wright Bank Range (Newcastle), N. 47 01 F. R_ 55 Mast, white A slatted daymark; 27. H 1608 65 33 Range lights. side of river, front. 9120.1 -Rear, 142 yards F. R_ 100 Mast, white A slatted H 1610 265° from front. daymark. 9130 — Goodfellow Bar, Northwest Branch, 46 57 F. W..._ 44 1 Mast, white wooden shed; 25. H 161t 65 46 Range lights. at Cassilis, front. 9130.1 -Rear, 101 yards 211° 30' from F. W. 55 1 White pole; wooden shed; 35. Visible on axis only. H 1614 front. 9140 Escuminac Point_ 47 05 F. W 66 14 White octagonal wood- Signal and telegraph sta- H 14U 64 48 en structure; dwelling; tion. 69. Diaphone: blast 3% silent 27'. 9150 — Lighted Bell Buoy, 47 07 FI. W.. RlAck himv Bell. N. end of Escumi¬ nac Reef. 64 47 period 6* 9160 Sapin Point, near root 46 58 F. W_ 20 9 PoIp, fpH iRnt.prn H ms of E. breakwater, front. 64 49 Range lights. 9160.1 H 14 t 0 — Rear, 72 yards 3° from front. — F. W_ 33 10 White square wooden tower; 27. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 101 H. O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- I bility j (nau- i Structure, height (feet) tical j miles) I Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—NEW BRUNSWICK—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 9170 HUlt Kouchibouguac Bar, on east side of S. beach. U. 46 50 64 55 FI. W. 9170. 1 HUH — Rear, 70 yards 285° from front. U. FI. W. 9190 RICHIBUCTO harbor: — Richibuclo Bar Lighted Buoy. 46 43 64 44 FI. W 9200 HlSSi — Richibucto Bar Range, front. 46 43 64 50 F. W 9200. 1 -Rear, 90 yards 229°46' from front. F. W. HtS90 9210 II IS88 — Richibucto Channel Range, N. side of harbor, front. U. 46 43 64 50 F. R. 9210.1 H 1S90 -Rear, 447 yards 267° from front. F. R. 9220 iiisH — North Beach Range, on shore behind breakwater, front. U. 46 43 64 48 F. W. 9220.1 HI896 -Rear, 96 yards 292°25' from front. U. F. W 9230 — Pile Sheet Range, Front. 46 43 64 48 F. W 9230. 1 iitm -Rear, 273 yards 45°30' from front. F. W 9240 H HOO — Fagan Point Range, W. side of South Beach, front. 46 43 64 48 F. R 9240.1 H HOO. I -Rear, 333 yards 64° 30' from front. — F. R 9250 HIJ,0t 9250. 1 Iluot.l — Town Range, front. -Rear, 312 yards, 228° from front. 46 41 64 52 F. G F. G. 20 ~ -r White pole, white day- mark with red Oi 17. Range lights. Moved without notice to 28 White pole, white day- mark with red 0 i 27. suit shifting channel. ... — Black buoy.. On Richibucto Channel Range. 27 ... . White slatted 0 day- mark, white pole. Range lights. Visible c 38 White slatted 0 day- mark, white pole. axis only. 16 O Small headlight lantern on white A davmark, 16. Range lights 32 7 Small headlight lantern on white A davmark: 32. 25 Steel tower, white slatted wood daymaik with red 0 on two sides; 23. Range lights. 44 Steel tower, white 12 ft. square slatted day- mark with a red 0 ; 45. 25 Steel tower, white slat¬ ted wood daymnrk with red 0 i 23. Same light as North Beach Range, Front. iRange lights. 44 26 — Steel tower, white 12 ft. square slatted day- mark with a red 0; 34. Mast, white shed- mange lights. 36 • Mast, white A slatwork daymark, white shed; 35 50 Skeleton steel tower, red lantern, white square slatted day- mark, red 0 > 43. Range lights. Visible on range line on 73 Skeleton steel tower, red lantern, white square slatted day- mark, red 0; 63. 102 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 Height Vigi- 1 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic of light above bility j (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals O f and power high tical water (feet) miles) i 1 CANADA— NEW BRUNSWICK— GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 9260 Cape Richibucto, on 46 40 F. R_ 25 5 Mast, white shed; 25. H IS7» 9260.1 H ISSO beach, N. side of breakwater, front. — Rear, 38 yards 291° 45' from front. 64 43 F. R_ 36 7 Mast, white shed; 19_ Range lights. 9270 Richibucto Head-. _ 46 40 FI. W_ 50 12 White square wooden Radiobeacon. H IS76 64 42 period 20 ' tower, red iron lan¬ tern; 34. 9280 Chockfish, near head of 46 35 F. W 26 10 Mast; 25---_ H lS7i S. breakwater. 64 43 9285 46 32 FI. R_ 17 8 Skeleton steel tower. White slatted daymark. U. 64 42 period 4' fl. 0.5", ec. 3.5" BUCTOUCHE river: 9290 — Buctouche Bar, S. 46 28 FI. W_ 37 11 White square wooden H ISSt extremity of sand 64 37 period 6 * building; 35. bar, at entrance to harbor. fl. 1", ec. 5' 9300 — Dixon Point Range, 46 27 F. W_ 36 11 White square wooden If im front. 64 39 structure; 30. Range lights. 9300.1 - Rear, 343 yards 279° 30' from F. W ... _ 50 12 White square wooden structure; 34. H ISM front. 9310 — Inner Range on In- 46 29 F. R_ 21 6 White square wooden H IS6S dian (Church) Point, front. 64 41 structure, red roof; 23. 9310.1 - Rear, 408 yards 317° 25' from F. R . - - _ 58 8 Red skeleton steel Range lights. H IS70 tower, enclosed white front. wooden watch room, white slats on upper face; 47. 9320 Cocagne River, S. side 46 20 F. G_ 26 6 White square wooden H IS64 of mouth, front. 64 37 building; 28. Range lights. 9320.1 — Rear, 288 yards 219° 30' from front. F. G_ 47 8 Mast, 0 -- - _ H ISS« 9330 C 6 te d’Or, Cocagne River, head of gov- 46 21 Fl. W_ 31 Mast, white shed; 24.. H issa 64 36 ernment wharf. U. 9335 Cocagne Cape Wharf, SW. corner of wharf. 46 22 Fl. R_ 17 Skeleton steel tower, 64 34 white slatted daymark red diamond in center U. and lantern on top; 12 . 9340 Cassie Point. — — 46 19 Gp. Fl. W. (3). 47 12 White square wooden Horn (hand) : answers ves sels’ signals. H ISSO 64 31 period 24' fl. ec. 4’ “ “ de structure, red lantern; dwelling attached; 39 . “ “ 16' 9345 — Head of break- 46 19 Fl. G_ 18 Skeleton steel tower water. 64 31 period 4" red iron lantern. fl. 0.5", ec. 3.5“ slatted white wooden daymark red 0 seaward side; 14. 9350 Grandigue, head of 46 17 Fl. W. 22 <) Mast, white shed; 20. wharf. 64 34 Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 103 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 9 • Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—NEW BRUNSWICK—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 1 9360 SHEDIAC harbor; — Lighted Bell Buoy, northward of Zephyr Rock. N. W. 46 17 FI. W _ 64 30 9370 // /Sf« — North Channel Range, on Pointe du Chene, front. 46 15 64 31 F. W_ 9370.1 H ISSO - Rear, 200 yards 190° from front. — F. W.... 9380 H tSS8 — Shediac Island, near S. end, front. 46 15 F. W_ 64 32 F. W_ 9380.1 H mo - Rear, 206 yards 263° 30' from front. 9390 H tfSt — Range, Pointe du Chene, N W. corner of g 0 V e r m e n t wharf, front. 46 15 F. G_ 64 32 9390.1 H ISOi - Rear, SW. corner of railway wharf, 135 yards 196° from front. *-- F. G_ 9400 R a b i s h a u d Wharf Range, front. 46 14 64 22 F. W_ 9400.1 — Rear, about 132 yards 204° from front. F. W_ 9410 Hf.ti Cape Bald, on edge of bank. 46 14 64 15 F. G_ 9420 /{ isto Shemogue, Dugay Point, front. 46 10 64 08 F. W__ 9420.1 H txtt — Rear, 150 yards 213° from front. — F. W.. 9430 n ISIS Jourimain, E. end of island. U. 46 09 63 48 Occ. W_ period 10’ It. 7’, ec. 3’ 9438 Indian Point Range, front. 46 06 F. G. 63 46 F. G... 9438. 1 --rear, 523 yds. 218° from front. 9440 (Jape Tormentine Lighted Bell Buoy, off SE. point of Jourimain Shoals. 46 09 63 45 FI. R . 9450 Cape Tormentine Har¬ bor, N E. end of new outer breakwater. U. 46 08 63 47 FI. W. :i5 4(3 4;? 59 30 43 19 29 40 17 25 72 32 77 25 12 Black cylindrical buoy.. White square wooden structure, red lantern; 27. White square wooden structure, red lantern; 39. White square tower, red lantern; 37. Skeleton tower upper part enclosed; 50. 7 Mast, white shed. Mast, white shed 7 9 10 14 Pole___ Pole, shed... Red lantern on pole_ White pole, white A. white shed. White pole, white A. white shed. White octagonal wooden structure; 51 ■ White wooden struc¬ ture, red roof, red diamond daymark; 27. White wooden struc¬ ture, red diamond day mark; 40. Bell. Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. Red buoy. Pole i Range lights. V isible on / axis only. Visible 103°-333‘>. Range lights. Bell. Radar Reflector. 104 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals L— CANADA— NEW BRUNSW ICK- -GULl F OF ST. LAWRENCE 9460 H1S08 9460. 1 HtSlO 9470 H ISIl 9470.1 H ISH 9480 H ISOJ, — Cape Tormentine, on spur projecting from S. Side of railroad and ferry wharf, front. -Rear, on shore 1,233 yards 249° from front. Cape Tormentine En¬ trance Range, front. — Rear, 295 yards 230° from front. Fort Monckton (Old Fort Point), head of Bay Verte. N. W. 46 08 63 47 F. R. F. R. 46 07 63 47 46 03 64 04 F. W. F. W. F. W. 38 72 28 43 39 10 15 5 11 Skeleton steel tower enclosed and shingled. Skeleton steel tower enclosed and shingled; 72. Post; A day mark Post; A day mark White square wooden structure on cribwork; 33. Range lights. Diaphone; Bell. [Range lights. Visible on axis only. CANADA—PRICE EDWARD ISLAND—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9490 H 1076 North Point, N. extrem¬ ity of island. 47 04 63 59 FI. W_ period 7’ 80 14 9500 H 1080 Tignish Harbor, head of N. breakwater, front. F. R_ 18 5 9500.1 H ]08t — Rear, Big Tignish, in¬ ner end of N. break¬ water, 207 yards 286° from front. 46 58 F. W_ 35 11 63 59 9510 H 1086 CASCUMPEQUE HARBOR! — S. side of entrance_ 46 48 F. W _ 48 12 64 02 9520 H 1088 — Alberton, near Roman Catholic Church, front. 46 48 F. G _ 20 64 02 F. G _ 9520.1 H 1090 -Rear, 162 yards 111 ° from front. 32 9530 H 1091, — Northport Range, W. of railway wharf, front. 46 48 64 03 F. R _ 31 3 9530.1 H 1096 -Rear, 375 yards 250° from front. F. R_ 42 3 9540 H 1100 Little Channel Range, Conway Inlet, N. side of entrance, front. 46 40 F. W. _ 16 8 63 53 9540.1 H not — Rear, 67 yards from front. — F. W_ 26 10 White octagonal wood¬ en structure, red iron lantern, dwelling; 82. Mast, white shed; 14 — White square wooden structure, black band; 33. White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 46. Mast, white A day- mark; 10. Mast, white A day- mark; 32. White square wooden tower; 29. White square wooden tower; 41. Skeleton tower, white lantern; 20. White square wooden structure; cottage at¬ tached; 30. Range lights. Range lights. Moved to suit shifting channel. Range lights. Shifted to 1 suit channel. Range lights. Moved to suit changes in channel. Nov. 1958 PART II First Edition 105 H.O. 30 Name and location Position, lat. long. e t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) No. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9550 II 1116 9550.1 u ins 9560 H 1106 9560.1 // 1108 9570 II 1110 9570.1 II lilt 9575 9575. 1 9580 n iite 9580.1 II iiti 9590 II iits 9600 HUSO 9600. 1 mist 9610 II im 9630 Him MALPEQUE harbor: — D a r n 1 e y Point Range, front. -Rear, 357 vard.s 232° 30' from front. — Outer Range, near E. end of Fish Is¬ land, front. -Rear, Fish Island (Bill Hook Is¬ land), about 665 yards, 278° 15' from front. — Inner Range, on in¬ ner shore of h'ish Island, E end, front -Rear, 142 yards 39° from front. — Darnley Basin entrance range, front. U. -Rear about 123 yards, 229° from front. U. — Darnley Basin Range, W. side of basin, front. -Rear, 165 yards 179 ° 30' from front. Cape Tryon, on extrem¬ ity. New London, N\y. side of entrance to Gren ville Harbor, front. — Rear, 333yards 210° 55' from front. .\ORTM RUSTIOO HARBOR — .North Rustico . SE. end of inner breakwater. N. W. 46 34 63 39 F. R_ 40 7 White square wooden L tower; 25. 1 F. R... 65 7 White square wooden tower; 25. ' F. W_ 18 6 White skeleton tower. square lantern; 22. 46 35 63 43 F. W.... 50 12 White square wooden structure, tlwelling at¬ tached; 46. F. R 16 4 Mast, white shod_ 63 42 F. R 25 4 Pole_ _ 46 34 63 42 F. G 26 White pole_ F. G_ F. W .... 47 White pole_ 46 33 20 3 Pole, white shed. _ 63 42 F. W_ 30 3 White pole.— 46 32 63 30 FI. W_ 106 16 White rectangular period 5" fl. 0.5" ec. 4.5* wooden building, red lantern on roof; 37. 46 31 63 29 F. R _ 25 10 Skeleton steel tower, white daymark, red 0; 19. Fl. R_ 43 7 White square wooden structure; white dwelling with red roof; red iron lan¬ tern; 46. 46 27 6318 F. W_ 36 8 White square wooden structure; dwelling at¬ tached; 37. 46 28 63 18 F —W. R. G... 22 5 White mast, red lantern; 18. 22° 30' either side of axis, and NW. along the bar. Range lights. 'Range light. Range lights. Moved to suit changes in channel. ^ Range lights. Visible over small arc each side of axis. Range lights. Moved to suit shifting channel. Horn (hand): sounded in 4^ answer to ve.s.sels’ signals. ' G. 45°30'-224°, W.-227°, R.-45°30'. White sector marks best approach. 106 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 H.O. 30 Name and location Position, lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9640 If ms Cove Head, on point on E. side of entrance, front. N. W. 46 26 63 09 F. W_ 18 3 Mast; 17_ __1 9640.1 [{ IISO — Rear, 54 yards 186° 30° from front. — F. W_ 25 3 Mast; 27 - 9650 II mil Tracadie Harbor, W. side of entrance, front. 46 25 63 03 F. R _ 19 7 White square frame¬ work tow'er, white lan¬ tern; 22. 9650.1 11 ns6 — Rear, 100 yards 192° from front. — F. R _ 25 7 Pole, white shed, white A. 9660 Him Savage Harbor Range, front. 46 26 F. W_ 21 5 Mast, white A day mark 62 50 F. W_ 5 9660. 1 Him -— Rear, 175 yards 187° 30' from front. 30 Mast, white A daymark 9670 St. Peters Harbor, on breakwater. 46 27 FI. W_ 32 6 White square wooden structure; 36. H116i 62 45 period 6" 9680 Shipwreck Point _ 46 28 Gp. FI. W. (3) . 86 15 Red octagonal iron H lies 62 25 period 15“ fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.1® “ 0.4®, “ 2.1® “ 0.4®, “ 9.6® lantern on square white wooden build¬ ing; 36. 9690 Him Naufrage Harbor, E. side of W. break¬ water, at entrance. 46 28 62 24 F. R- --- --- 24 9 Mast, small white shed; 24. 9700 H 1174 North Lake Harbor (Surveyor’s Inlet), head of E. breakwater. 46 28 62 04 F. W 36 10 Mast, white shed- 9710 H 0910 East Point, near ex¬ tremity. 46 27 61 58 Fl. W_ period 5® 100 15 White octagonal wooden streuture, white dwelling; 64 . 9717 SOURIS harbor: — Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy, about 1.1 miles 185° from breakwater. 46 20 62 15 Fl. W_ — — Black and white striped buoy. 9720 HOOtt — Souris East, Knights Point 46 21 62 14 Gp. Fl. W. (2)_- period 5® fl. 0.2®, ec 0.8® “0.2®, ‘ 3.8® 86 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling attached, red iron lantern; 47. 9730 H0924 — Head of E. break¬ water. 46 21 Occ R 40 7 Red square skeleton 62 15 period 3® It. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® steel tower, white wooden watch room and red iron lantern; 41. Range lights. Moved to suit changes in channel. Range lights. Moved to suit changes in channel. Range lights. Moved to • suit changes in chan¬ nel. One or more lights in ad¬ dition may mark the channel. Visible 122°-49°. Tele¬ phone. Diaphone: 2 blasts every 80». Radiobeacon. Whistle. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 20®. Nov. 1958 500297 0 - 59-8 PART II First Edition 107 H. O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. long. O / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarkj. Fog signals CANADA—PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE <.)740 mm 9740. 1 jrnso 9750 li oast 9760 // 0946 9760.1 // 094S 9770 H om 9770.1 H oast 9780 9790 H 0941 9790.1 H 0941 9800 H 094i 9805 9810 H 09Si 9810.1 H 0951 9815 N. W. ■Annandale, N. side of B o n g h t 0 n R i v' e r, front. 46 16 62 25 F. W_. 35 10 White square wooden tower, red slatted day- mark, white 0 ; 13. — Rear, 1,520 yards 303° from front. F. W'.. . 78 12 White scjuare wooden tower; 65. | CARDIGAN bay: — Panmure Head, SE. extremity of Cardi¬ gan bay. 46 09 62 28 FI. W . 96 15 White octagonal period 20 " wooden structure, dwelling; 48. — Cardigan River, on ferry wharf, S. side of river, front. F. W_ 21 6 White mast, white shed; 20 . -Rear, 280 yards 290°30' from front. 46 13 F. W.... 43 6 White square wooden 62 32 structure; 32. — St. Andrew Point, SW. side of en¬ trance to George- town Harbor, front. 46 08 F. W_ 50 8 White square wooden structure; black stripe; red lantern; 30. 62 32 -Rear, 675 yards 278°30' from front. F. W.... 62 12 White square wooden structure; black stripe; 44. — Outer end of wharf.. 46 10 62 32 F. G 18 5 Shed _ _- — Georgetown wharf range, W. side of railroad wharf, front. 46 11 62 32 F. R 35 2 White mast _ F. R .. 2 Mast, white shed _ -Rear, 88 yards 321°30' from front. 42 Graham Pond, on S. breakwater. U. 46 06 62 28 FI. W 26 9 Pole .. . Murray Harbor Ap¬ proach Lighted Bell Buoy. 46 03 62 26 FI. W Black and white can type. Murray Harbor, Range, front, on Beach Point. 46 01 62 29 F. R. 23 8 White square wooden | structure; 20 . — Rear, about 1 mile 234°30' from front. — F. R _ 57 10 White square wooden structure; 43- ’ Bear Reef Lighted H’fiis- tle Buoy, about 2.4 miles 77° from Cape Bear Light. 46 01 62 24 FI R Red buov_ _ Range liglits. Diaphone: blast 5', silent 70". Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. iRange lights. Whistle. 108 PART II First Edition Nov. 1958 U'v73SA H.O. Pub. No.I ll (FORMERL Y H. 0. 30) PART 11 Second Edition LIST OF LIGHTS AND FOG SIGNALS THE COASTS OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA THE WEST INDIES. AND THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. EXCLUDING CONTINENTAL U. S. A. AND ALASKA January 14. 1961 (Including N.M. 2 of 1961) Published by the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy O' V Jo* asR iy v' A' o' •«»' C® . ..o® .‘■LX-.-*'’ .V* fco ^ o' vo’^'*’ N**” vC*’ o' 1* e' sS rfNY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1961 Parts for sale by authorized Sales Agents of the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office. Pri<» 40 centa lirt liBaRV OF THE MAY 31 1961 UKIVFP^ITT Of lili LIMITS OF LIGHT LISTS U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE H. O. Ill LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES H.O. PUB. NO. Ill (formerly H.0. 30) LIST OF LIGHTS This volume with Parts I and U (Second Edition) and Parts m through VIE (First Edition) in¬ serted, consists of the pages listed below: TITLE PAGE 2 INDEX CHARTLET (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 3 NOTICE OF CORRECTION AND MAINTENANCE (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 4 RECORD OF CHANGE PAGES (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 5 RECORD OF CORRECTIONS PUBLISHED IN WEEKLY NOTICE TO MARINERS (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 6 (blank) 7 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (PartH, 2nd Ed.) 8 (bleink) 9-12 INTRODUCTION (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 13 VISIBLITY TABLE (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 14 (blank) 15 CONVERSION TABLE (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 16 INTERNATIONAL NUMBERS OF LIGHTS (Part I, 2nd Ed.) LIST OF LIGHTS 17 through 52b (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 53 through 108b (Part H, 2nd Ed.) 109 through 172 (Part HI, 1st. Ed.) 173 through 204 (Part IV, 1st. Ed.) 205 through 254 (Part V, 1st. Ed.) 255 through 299 (rev. blank)(Part VI, 1st Ed.) 301 through 355 (rev. blank)(Part VH, 1st Ed.) 357 through 386 (Part VIH, 1st. Ed.) 387 through 405 (INDEX) (April, 1960, 1st. Ed.) Including N.M. 2/61 January 14, 1961. PART II Second Edition 7 Height of light Visi- No. Name and location Position lot. long. « / Choracteristic and power obove high woter bility (nau* tical Structure, height ((eet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals (feet) miles) _ CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY. NORTH SIDE N. W. 4080 H 20 6 5 FORRESTVILLE; — Bale Verte Rocky Point, head of breakwater. 48 44 69 03 F. R . 21 6 Orange steel skeleton tower. Privately maintained. Visible from all points of approac 4085 H 2064 - , on hill, E. of harbor. 48 44 69 03 Dec. W. 1 period 4® It. 3®, ec. 1® 108 White shed. Whistle: 1 bl. ev. 60®. Privately maintained. 4090 H 2066 — Bale Verte Main Channel range, front. 48 44 69 04 F. G. 76 Mast, diamond-shaped slatted daymark, black stripe; 30. 4090.1 H 2066. 1 - Rear, 270 yards 262° from front. F. G. 106 White diamond-shaped slatted daymark; black stripe; 21. 4110 PORTNEUF; — Portneuf Bell Buoy No. 76° from Portneuf-en- bas Light. 48 37 69 04 FI.W . Black buoy . Radar reflector. 4120 H 2076 — Portneuf-en-bas, S. end of Spit. U. 38 37 69 05 FI. W . period 5® fl. 15,00.4=^ 58 13 Gray square steel skeleton tower, white wooden slats and enclosed upper portion, red lantern; 64. 4130 H 2080 — Hamilton Cove, N. side of mouth of Portneuf River, Range, front. U. 48 39 69 06 F. R . 50 12 Square steel skeleton tower, painted aluminum, white diamond-shaped daymark, red lantern; 41. Visible on axis only. Moved with shifting channel. 4130.1 H 2080. 1 - Rear, 210 yards 344° 30' from front. U. F. R . 100 16 Square steel skeleton tower, painted aluminum, white square daymark, red lantern; 7 . Visible on axis only. Moved with shifting channel. 4140 H 2078 — Hamilton Cove Western Range, front. U. 48 38 69 06 F. G. 43 12 Square steel skeleton tower, painted aluminum, white diamond-shaped daymark, black stripe; 21. Moved with shifting channel. 4140.1 H 2078. J -Rear 358 yards 297° 30' from front. U. F. G. 82 14 Square steel skeleton tower, painted aluminum, white square daymark, black stripe; 31. Moved with shifting channel. 4145 ESCOUMAINS; — Buoy No. 30 B . 48 21 69 23 Fl. R . period 12^ fl.2Sec. 10® ... Red buoy . Radar reflector. 415C ■ H 2088 — Head of wharf. u. 48 21 69 23 Fl. G. 1 fl. ev. 5® 30 1C Pole; 25 . Whistle: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 417 H 209 ) Cap Bon Desir, SE. 0 extremity. U 48 16 69 28 Fl. W. period 5® n.P, ec.4® 146 1 8 White octagonal concrete tower, aluminum lantern; 35. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 40®. X Part II Including N. M. 2/61. 53 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic obove bility No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nou* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o f woter tical (feet) miles) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, NORTH SIDE 4180 H 2094 Grandes Bergeronnes, E. side of river entrance, front. U. N. W. 48 14 69 33 F. W. 31 10 White triangular wooden structure, white diamond¬ shaped daymark, black stripe, red shed; 15. Visible on axis only. 4180.1 H 2094.1 — Rear, 57 yards 339°30' from front. F. W. 77 14 White wooden skeleton structure, white slatted square-shaped daymark with black stripe, red shed; 15. Visible on axis only. 4182 Crandes liergerormes Buoy . 48 14 69 33 FI. R. Red boat type buoy. 4190 Vaches Shoal Bell Buoy No. 94 B, S. side of Vaches Shoal. 48 07 69 38 FI R . Red cylindrical buoy. Radar reflectar. 4200 Bar Reef Cong Buoy No. 95 B. 48 07 69 39 FI. W. ... Black buoy . 4210 H 2100 RED ISLET LIGHT¬ SHIP NO. 3. off NE. edge of bank. 48 06 69 29 Occ. W. period 12® It. 10®,ec.2® 34 10 Red hull, “RED ISLET NO. 3” on sides; two masts. Red ball on stay between masts. Cluster of lights encircle the foremast. Typhon: 1 bl. ev. 60®. Red ball is lowered when vessel is off station. 4220 Red Islet Bank Buoy No. 36B. 48 04 69 31 FI. R. ... Red buoy. Radar reflector. 4230 H 2104 Red Islet, center of islet near S. end of shoal. 48 04 69 33 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 24® fl., ec. 3® fl., ec. 3® fl., ec. 3® fl., ec. 15® 65 13 Gray circular stone tower, red lantern, white dwelling with brown roof; 64. Seasonally replaced by unwatched Occ. W. Diaphone; 2 bl. ev. 60®. Radiobeacon: synchronized with fog signal for distance finding. r 4240 H 2106 PRINCE SHOAL LIGHTSHIP NO. 4, NE. of Shoal. 48 07 69 36 Fl. W. period 5® fl. l®,ec.4® 60 15 Red hull "PRINCE SHOAL” in white on sides, lantern on tripod mast. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. 4245 Prince Shoal Bell Buoy 91B, NE. edge of shoal about 3. 25 miles 320° from Red Islet Light. 48 07 69 36 Fl W Black buoy . 4248 Pointe aux Vaches Reef Buoy No. 94/2B, SW. edge of reef. 48 08 69 41 Fl P Red buoy. 4249 Lark Reef Buoy No. 9SI6B. . 48 07 69 41 Fl W Black buoy . 4250 H 2108 Baie Ste. Catherine, head of government wharf. 48 07 69 43 F. G . 30 6 Mast, white shed; 27. 4255 H 2115 48 08 69 43 Fl. W. 48 Aluminum-colored post, red U. lantern; 30. Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 54 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Including N.M. 2/61. H. 0. in No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CA NADA-ST. LAWREh ICE ES TUARY , NORTH SIDE 4400 H 2142 SAGUENAY RIVER; — Cap East, S. extremity . . U. N. W. 48 23 70 42 FI. W. 76 14 White octagonal concrete tower, red roof; 33. Visible 279°-125°. 4410 H 2143 — St. Alphonse, head of pier in Ha Ha Bay. U. 48 21 70 53 F. R. 39 Square lantern on roof of freight shed; 40. F.G. range lights are shown at Poste St. Martin, Valin, Simard, and Caribou Rivers. Two pairs of F.G. reinge lights are shown at Riviere du Moulin. F. G. range lights are shown at Price Monument Range. 4420 Lark Reef Bell Buoy No. 96 B, off SE. extremity of reef. 48 03 69 39 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy, slatted daymark. Radar reflector. 4430 H 2166 Cope Dogs . 47 55 69 48 Gl. FI. W. (2). period 5* fl. 0.2*, ec. 0.8* fl. 0.2*, ec. 3.8* 207 21 White octagonal concrete tower, white lantern with red roof, white dwelling with red roof; 38. Diaphone; 1 bl. ev. 50*. Horn points 127°. 4440 H 2168 St. Simeon, head of govern¬ ment wharf. U. 47 50 69 52 F. W. 40 11 White square wooden lantern on freight shed, red roof; 35. Visible l%°-9°. Whistle: Answers vessel’s signal: Privately maintained. 4450 H 2182 Cape Salmon, NE. extremity. 47 46 69 54 Gp. FI.W. (3). period 20* (1., ec. 3.5* fl., ec. 3.5* fl., ec. 13.0* 82 14 Octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 46. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60*. Unwatched during winter months. 4460 H 2184 Port au Saumoo, head of government wharf. 47 45 69 57 F. R. 30 10 Mast, 30 4470 H 2186 Cap a I’Aigle, head of pier. U. 47 40 70 06 F. G. 38 11 Wooden post; 25. 4480 MURRAY BAY: — Cong Buoy No. 100 B ... 47 37 70 08 Fl. R. Red buoy. Gong: 4 distinct notes. 4490 H 2194 — Pointe au Pic, head of pier. U. 47 37 70 08 F. R. 42 11 Lantern on roof of freight shed; 37. Whistle (privately main¬ tained); 1 bl. ev. 15*. 4500 H 2188 — Range, head of wharf, front. U. 47 39 70 09 F. G. 26 10 Mast, white diamond daymark; 20. 4500.1 H 2190 - Rear, 203 yards 300° 30' from front. U. F. G. 57 12 Mast, white daymark; 45... 4510 H 2196 St. Irenee, near outer end of government wharf. 47 34 70 12 F. G. 30 10 Mast, shed; 21. 4520 H 2202 Goose Cape (Cap aux Dies). 47 29 70 14 Gp. FI.W. (2). period 15* fl., ec. 4* fl., ec. 11* 37 12 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 38. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60*. Unwatched during winter months. 4530 H 2204 Les Eboulements, head of pier at Cape St. Joseph. U. 47 27 70 22 Oh. Fl. G . 60 fl. per min. 22 9 Lantern on roof of freight shed; 28. Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 56 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Including N.M. 2/61. 57 H. 0. Ill Position Chorocteristic Height of light above Visi- bility No. Nome and location lot. long. o f and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, NORTH SIDE 4660 Sault au Cochon, about 600 N. W. 47 12 FI. W. 53 12 Aluminum post, two slat- work rectangular daymarks painted fire orange; 28. H 2254 yards SW. of the wharf. U. 70 38 period 6* n. y 4670 Longue Pointe Buoy No. 47 08 FI. R. 108 B, near SE. side of Longue Pointe Shoal. 70 41 4680 Buoy No. 109 B, SE. side of 47 08 FI. W. Radar reflector. channel, S. of Longue Pointe Ledge. 70 41 4690 North Channel Range, on 47 06 F. W. 32 10 Same structure as No. 4720.1. H 2261 Brule Bank, S. end of North Channel, front. 70 42 4690. 1 — Rear, 1,100 yards 213° from front. F. W. 59 12 Lantern on steel tower; 45. Same structure as No. 4720. H 2261. 1 4700 Buoy No. IO9V2 B . 47 05 FI. W. 70 43 4710 H 2256 Cop Brule, S. extremity of cape, front. 47 07 70 43 F. W. 134 17 White hexagonal wooden structure, black stripe on skeleton steel sub¬ structure; 17. 4710.1 — Rear, 154 yards 17° from front. F. W. 161 19 Square steel skeleton tower, white watch room with black stripe, red roof; 58. H 2258 CANADA-ST . LAWRENCE RIVER 4720 Brule Bank. S. side of N. 47 05 F. W. 32 10 Lantern on white square concrete dwelling; 21. Visible on axis only. H 2262 entrance to North Traverse Channel, front. 70 43 4720.1 — Rear, about 1,100 yards 33* from front. F. W. % 15 White square concrete dwelling, steel skeleton tower, white wooden slatwork on upper face of tower; 118. Visible on axis only. H 2262. 1 4730 Eastern Narrows Buoy No. Ill B, E. side narrows of N. Traverse. 47 04 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 70 44 4740 Bell Buoy No. 112 B, W. 47 04 FI. R. Radar reflector. side of narrows of N. Traverse. 70 44 4750 West Sand Spit Buoy No. 113 B, E. side of channel. 47 03 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 70 45 4760 Buoy No. 114 B, W. side of FI. R. channel, off NE. end of Traverse Spit opposite No. 113 B. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 58 H. 0. m No. Nome and locotlon Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 4770 Buoy No. 114‘/4 B, N. edge of channel, near Traverse Spit. N. W. 47 03 70 45 FI. R. 4780 Buoy No. Uy /2 B, E. side of channel. 47 02 70 46 FI. W. 4790 Buoy No. IHVi B, W. side of channel opposite No. iiy/2 B. FI. R. 4800 Buoy No. 115 B, E. side of channel. 47 01 70 47 FI. W. 4810 Buoy No. 116 B. W. side of channel opposite No. 115 B FI. R. 4820 H 2278 St. Francois, head of wharf, Orleans Island. U. 47 00 70 49 Occ. G. period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® 4830 Buoy No. 1 17 B, E. side of side of channel. 46 58 70 50 FI. W. 4840 Buoy No. 118 B, W. side of channel opposite No. 117 B FI. R. 4850 Buoy No. 119 B, E. side of channel. 46 56 70 51 FI. W. 4860 Buoy No. 118‘/2 B. W. side of channel opposite No. II9B. 46 56 70 52 FI. R. 4870 H 2274 St. Michel, about 0.4 mile W. side of St. Michel Wharf, front. U- 46 53 70 55 F. G. 4870.1 H 2274. J — Rear, 1,899 yards 213° from front. U. F. G. 488C Madame Island Reef Buoy Nc 86 B, W. end of reef. . 46 56 70 51 FI. R. 4890 H 2282 4900 H 2284 4910 4920 H 2286 ORLEANS ISLAND: — St. Jeane, neat head of wharf. U. — St. Laurent, near head of wharf. U. Beaumont Reefs Buoy No. 87 B, off N. edge of reef. • Ste. Petronille, W. end of Orleans Island, head of government wharf. U. 46 55 70 54 46 52 71 00 46 51 71 00 46 51 71 08 Occ. G. period 6® It. 4®, ec. 2® FI. G. period 7® FI. W Gp. Occ. W. (2) . period 7® It. 2®, ec. 0.5® It. 2®, ec. 2.5® Port II Inclixling N. M. 2/61. 37 100 179 10 34 44 53 Red cylindrical buoy. Black cylindrical buoy... Red cylindrical buoy.... 11 Black cylindrical buoy.... Red cylindrical buoy. Radar reflector. Aluminum-colored skeleton tower, ted lantern. Black cylindrical buoy.... Red cylindrical buoy. Black cylindrical buoy.... Red cylindrical buoy. 15 16 Radar reflector. 11 12 White square steel skel¬ eton tower, fire orange daymark with red stripe; 77. White square steel skel¬ eton tower, fire orange daymark with red stripe; 77. Red cylindrical buoy. Red square wooden lantern on roof of yellow building; 36. Red square skeleton steel tower, red octagonal lantern; 46. Black cylindrical buoy with conical slatwork topmark. Aluminum painted square skeleton steel tower; 48. Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 59 H. 0. in No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Choracteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 4925 ORLEA'IS ISLAND: — Buoy No. 122 B, off N. W. 47 03 FI. R. Seminaire Spit. 70 47 4930 ORLEANS CHANNEL: — Domaine, NE: end of 47 01 F. W. 38 11 Square skeleton steel tower, aluminum color, white diamond-shaped slatted daymark; 32. H 2290 Orleans Island, front. u. 70 50 4930.1 H 2292 - Rear, 858 yards 227° 30' from front. U. F. W. 122 17 Square skeleton steel tower, aluminum color, white rectangular-shaped slatted daymark; 32. 4935 — Buoy No. 125 B . 47 02 FI. W. 70 54 4940 — Ste. Anne de Beaupre, 47 01 F. G. 33 11 White square wooden structure, red stripe, red roof; 32. U 2304 near center of wharf, front. U. 70 56 4940.1 - Rear, 1,403 yards F. G. 107 16 White square wooden structure, red roof; 32. U 2304. 1 254° from front. U. 4942 — Ste. Anne de Beaupre.. . . 47 01 F. R. 40 11 Steel tower painted al¬ uminum, red lantern; 30. H 2306 U. 70 56 4945 H 2308 — Chateau Richer Wharf ... U. 46 58 71 01 F. G. 37 11 Aluminum-colored tower, red lantern; 30. 4947 — Buoy No. 177 B . 46 57 71 00 FI. W. period 6^ Black buoy . 4948 — Buoy No. 130 B . 46 57 FI. R. Red buoy. 71 01 period 6® 4950 H 2300 — St. Pierre, Orleans Island, S. side of chan¬ nel, front. U. 46 56 71 03 F. G. 22 9 Aluminum-colored skeleton steel tower, white dia¬ mond-shaped daymark; 21. 4950.1 -Rear, 213 yards 218° 15' from front. U. F. G. 62 9 Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden upper part, red roof; 64. H 2300. 1 4960 H 2294 — Ste. Famille, on beach N. side of Orleans Island, front. U. 46 58 70 59 F. G. 81 10 Square steel framework tower, white wooden watch room, red roof; 82. 4%0.1 H 2296 -Rear, 658 yards 53° from front. U. F. G. 244 10 Aluminum colored square steel skeleton tower, red diamond-shaped day- mark, white stripe; 52. Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals Radar reflector. Radar reflector. Visible on range line only. Visible on range line only. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 60 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility lat. long. and power high (nau* o / water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Including N.M. 2/61. 61 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. o Charocteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi- bility (nou* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5062 QUEBEC: — Quebec Ferry Slip. N. W. FI. W. 35 Privately maintained. H 2321 U. 5063 — Levis Ferry Slip. 46 49 FI. W. 35 Privately maintained. H 2320 u. 71 11 5070 H 2322 — King’s Wharf, about 900 yards 159° from rear range light. 46 49 71 12 F. Bu. 60 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped daymark, red anchor. Marks north limit of anchorage. 5080 — Wolfe Cove Buoy No. 46 48 FI. R. Marks entrance to dredged chan¬ nel. 10 Q, off Brown Corp. wharf. 71 13 5090 — Wolfe Cove Buoy No. 46 47 FI. R. Marks entrance to dredged chan¬ nel. 12 Q. 71 13 5100 — Sillery (Pointe Pizeau), 46 46 F. G. 37 10 Steel post, painted aluminum; 26. H 2324 head of government wharf. U. 71 15 5110 Quebec Bridge, at “The 46 25 2 F. W. 150 11 F. G. lights are shown on each side of central span. H 2326 Sault. ” 71 17 2 F. R. 88 8 5120 H 2330 Pointe a Basiie Range, front. 46 44 71 20 F. G. 93 14 White square wooden structure, red lantern, red stripe; 49. Visible 5r-238° 30'. Intensified on axis. 5130 — Rear, 1,427 yards 77° 38' from front. F. G . 200 14 White square steel skel¬ eton tower, white slats on face, red lantern; 32. Intensified on axis. H 2330. 1 5135 H 2332 St. Nicolas Point. U. 46 42 71 27 F. W. 155 Skeleton steel tower, red lantern. 5140 Pointe Nicolas Buoy No. 15 Q, off Pointe Nicolas. 46 43 71 27 FI. W. 10 Black buoy . 5150 Su Augustin Shoal Buoy No. 16 Q, N. side of dredged channel, near E. end of shoal. 46 43 71 28 FI. R. Red buoy. 5160 St. Augustin Shoal Buoy No. 18 Q, N. side of dredged channel, W. end. 46 43 71 29 FI. R . Red buoy. 5170 SL Augustin Shoal Buoy No. 19 0 S. side of dredged channel, W. end. FI. W . Black buoy . 5180 St. Antoine SMddle CrounJ Buoy No. 23 Q, NW. ex¬ tremity of middle ground. 46 41 71 33 FI. W . Black buoy . 5190 Trembles Shoal Buoy No. 24 Q, off SE. extremity of shoal. 46 41 71 33 FI. R . 10 8 Red buoy. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 62 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. in No. P Name and location la C osition t. long. t h 0 Characteristic c and power leight light bove nigh water feet) Visi- sility (nau- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE Rl VER 5200 P H 2334 ointe aux Trembles- en-bas, head of wharf. N. W. 46 42 71 34 F. G . 34 10 ^ost on shed. 1 5210 St. Antoine Traverse Range, E. side of Pointe St. Antoine, front. U. — Rear, 351 yards 228° 19' from front. U- 46 40 71 35 F. G. F G . 68 203 5 5 Aluminum colored square skeleton tower on black cribwork, white wooden enclosed upper part, red roof; 65. Aluminum colored square 5210.1 H 2336. 2 skeleton steel tower, white wooden, enclosed upper part; red roof; 65. 5220 H 2336. 4 5t. Antoine Upper Range, W. side of Pointe St. Antoine, front. U. F. G . 36 6 White square wooden structure, red stripe, red roof; 30. 5220.1 — Rear, 273 yards 72° 15' from front. U. F. G . 68 5 Aluminum colored square skeleton steel tower on cribwork, white wooden enclosed upper part, red roof; 65. Buoy No. 26 Q, N. of St. Antoine Upper Range. 46 40 71 35 Red buoy . 5221 rl. K. 5230 Pointe St. Antoine Buoy No. 28 0, N. side of channel off Pointe St. Antoine. 46 40 71 37 FI. R . • 10 Red buoy . 5240 H 2338 At. Antoine, about 2.8 miles SW. of Pointe St. Antoine. U. 46 38 71 38 F G . 31 7 White pole, 4-sided yellow daymark, black stripe; 30. 5250 H 2340 Ste. Croix Range, edge of bank, 1.2 miles below Ste. Croix Wharf, front. 46 38 71 42 F. W. 194 8 White square wooden tower, red stripes; red lantern; 29. 5250.1 H 2340. J — Rear, 825 yards 117° from front. F W . 266 8 Square skeleton steel tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white slatwork with red stripe on face, red roof; 63. 5260 Les Ecureuils Bank Buoy No. 32 Q, S. side of bank. 46 39 71 41 FI. R. Red buoy. 527( 1 Ste. Croix Buoy "32'^ Q". 46 38 71 43 FI R .... Red buoy. 5280 Ste. Croix Buoy No. 34 Q, off W. extremity of Paget Bank (Ecureuils Shoal). 46 38 71 44 FI. R. period 2® 10 Red buoy. 5290 H 2342 Ste. Croix, W. of wharf- U. 46 38 71 44 F W. 48 1 D Red steel skeleton tower. white slatted daymark. 530C Ste. Croix Bar Buoy No. 35 Q. W. end of Ste. Croix B Dredged Channel. 46 39 ar 71 45 Pi w . Black buoy . Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols beam of light shows down¬ stream directly toward St. Augustin Bar Buoy No. 15 Q. Visible on axis only. Same light as No. 5220.1. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only Visible on axis only. Same light as No. 5210. Front light visible in line of range and also downstream. Rear light visible on axis only. Visible 189°-262'‘ Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 63 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. tong. e t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-ST LAWRENCE RIVER 5310 Cap Sante Traverse Buoy No. 42 Q, N. side of channel. N. W. 46 39 71 46 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy. 5320 Cap Sante Traverse Buoy No. 44 Q. 46 40 71 48 FI. R. Red buoy. 5330 Cap Sante Traverse 46 40 FI. W. Buoy No. 4S Q, S. side of channel. 71 49 5340 Platon Point Buoy No. 49 Q, off head of Platon Wharf. 46 41 FI. W. 9 4 71 51 5350 Roche e TOiseau Buoy No. 51 Q. 46 41 71 52 FI. W. Black buoy. 5360 H 2344 Cap Sante Traverse, E. of entrance to Portneuf River, front. 46 41 71 53 F. Amber. 29 10 White square wooden tower. 5360.1 U 2344. 1 — Rear, about 674 yards 297° from front. F. Amber. 76 10 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped daymark, black stripe, white shed. 5370 H 2346 Portneuf-en-haut Range, front. 46 41 71 52 F. G. 68 5 Red square skeleton tower, white daymark; 48. 5370.1 H 2346. 1 — Rear, about 660 yards 28* from front. F. G. no 5 Square steel skeleton tower; 30. 53S0 Portneuf Buoy No. 52 Q, W. side of channel. 46 40 71 54 FI. R. Red buoy. 5385 Buoy, close E. of inter¬ section of Lotbinere and Portneuf ranges. 46 40 71 54 FI. W. Black buoy . 5390 H 2348 Lotbiniere Range, about 0.9 mile above church, front. 46 37 71 57 F. G. 51 6 White square steel skeleton tower, wooden watch room and lantern; white slatwork daymark on face; 55. 5390.1 H 2348. I — Rear, 948 yards 222° 30' from front. F. G. 161 6 Steel skeleton tower; white slatted daymark; 85 5400 U 2350 Barre a Boulard, on Richelieu island. U. 46 39 71 55 F. G. 40 9 White octagonal wooden structure, red-brown ci^ cular base, red lantern; 42. Visible from all points of ap¬ proach. 5400.1 H 2350. I — Rear, 3,462 yards 54° from front. U. F. G. 160 10 Red square skeleton steel tower, white wooden upper part, slatwork on face; 61. Visible over small arc on each side of axis. 5403 Buoy No. 56 Q. 261°, 0.37 mile from Bane a Boulard. 46 39 71 55 FI. R. Red boat-type buoy. 5405 Buoy No. 58 Q . 46 38 71 55 FI. R. Red boat-type buoy. Pan II Including N.M. 2/61. 64 Sucond Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Part II Including N. M. 2/61. Bane a Boulard Buoy No. 61 Q, at upper end of bar. N. W. 46 38 71 56 Cl w . . 3U 5410 5420 H 2352 Vieille Eglise, near head of wharf, front. 46 37 71 58 F. R . 13 2 Wh s 1 5420.1 H 2352. I — Rear, 250 yards 145° from front. Buoy No. 64 0, off Mayrand Islet. Ilet Mayrand Buoy No. 630, S. of Mayrand Islet. F. R . 28 2 Wh 46 37 71 58 46 37 71 59 Cl p . s la . Re 5425 Ft W . . B1 5430 5440 H 2354 Langlois Point, on S. shore 0. 6 mile below Great Chene River. 46 35 71 59 F.W . 47 5 Wh 5450 Batture Simon Buoy ^o. 66 Q, S. side of bank. 46 36 72 00 46 35 72 02 46 34 72 03 FI. R . Cl w . 4 R . B 5460 Batture du Chene Buoy No. 11 Q. Batture a Cadieux Buoy No. 73 Q. Cl w . . E 5470 5480 H 2356 Calvaire (Calvary), W. of Cap Charles, front. 46 33 72 05 F G . 135 8 V F. G . 181 8 1 5480.1 H 2356. J — Rear, 728 yards 238° 30' from front. 5490 H 2358 Ste. Emmelie Range, W. of village, front. 46 34 72 01 F G . 128 6 F. G. 183 6 5490.1 H 2358. 1 — Rear, 1,218 yards 92° 30' from front. 5500 Cap Charles Course Buoy No. 16 0, lower end of Cap Charles Course. Buoy No. 18 Q, upper end o Cap Charles Curve. 46 34 72 04 46 34 72 05 FI. R. Cl P . . 1 551C 552( H 2360 3 La Perade, on lie a la Batture, front. 46 34 72 10 F G . 61 6 F. G. . 105 6 5520. H 2360. 1 — Rear, 1,324 yards 272° 30' from front. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Red boat-type buoy. Black buoy . White square wooden tower. Red buoy... Black buoy . Black buoy structure, red roof. Visible on axis only. white watch room, red roof, white slatwork with black stripe on face; 47. 6 Tower similar to above; 47. Visible on axis only Red buoy. Visible on axis only. Red buoy. White skeleton steel tower, white watch room and lantern, white slats on face; 63. Skeleton steel tower, aluminum-colored watch room and lantern, aluminum colored slat- work daymark on face; 85. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 65 H. 0. Ill No. Name and locotion Position lots long, o / Chorocteristic ond power Height of light obove high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5530 Grondines Point Range, N. W. 46 35 F. G. 24 7 Square skeleton steel tower, enclosed white upper part, red roof; 23. 11 2362 front. 72 04 5530.1 — Rear, 2,704 yards 67° 1.5' F. G. 66 8 White square wooden structure; 61. H 2362. 1 from front. 5540 Grondines Upper Range, 46 35 F. G. 21 5 White square wooden structure, red roof; red octagonal lantern; 27. H 2364 front. 72 06 5540.1 H 2364. I — Rear, 2,391 yards 46° from front. F. G. 72 6 Black square skeleton steel tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slats; 48. 5550 Cap a la Roche Curve 46 34 FI. W. Black buov .... Buoy No. 85 (J, lower end of curve. 72 06 5560 Cap a la Roche Cunte 46 34 FI. W . Black buoy . Buoy No. 89 Q, S. side of channel at intersection of Cap Charles Channel and Cap a la Roche Curve. 72 07 5570 Cap a la Roche Curve 46 34 rl. R. Buoy No. 90 g, N. side of channel at intersection of Cap Charles Channel and Cap a la Roche Curve. 72 02 5580 Cap a la Roche Buoy No. 46 34 FI. W. 91 Q S. side of channel. 72 07 5590 Cap a la Roche Buoy No. 46 34 FI. R. 92 0, N. side of channel. 72 07 5600 Cap a la Roche Btwy No. 46 34 FI. W. 95 0, S. side of channel. 72 08 %10 Cap a la Roche Buoy No. 46 34 FI. R. 96 0, N. side of channel. 72 08 5620 Cap a la Roche Buoy No. 46 33 FI. R. 100 Q 72 09 5630 Cap Levrard Buoy No. 103Q 46 33 FI. W. 72 09 5640 Cap Levrard Buoy No. 107 Q 46 32 72 10 FI. W. Black buoy . 5650 Cap Levrard Buoy No. IIOQ. 46 32 FI. R. 72 11 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Patl II Including N. M. 2/61. 66 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position at. long. 0 Characteristic ond power deight f light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nao* tical mites) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5660 H 2366 Batiscan Range, S. of Batiscan River entrance, front. N. W. 46 31 72 14 F. G. 31 3 White octagonal lantern, red roof, on white square concrete base; 35. Visible on axis only. 5660.1 H 2366. I — Rear, 538 yards 242° 14' from front. F. G. 81 3 Brown square steel skel¬ eton tower; white wooden enclosed upper part with white slats, red roof; 62. Visible on axis only. 5670 Batiscan Course Buoy No. 113 Q, upper end of course. 46 31 76 12 PI w Black buoy . 5680 H 2368 St. Pierre Les Becquets, root of wharf. 46 30 72 12 F. G. 13 7 White square wooden building, white dia¬ mond daymark; 15. 5690 Batture SL Pierre Buoy No. 117 Q, at curve above Batiscan Traverse. 46 31 72 13 PI w Black buoy . 5700 Batture St. Pierre Buoy No. 119 Q. 46 31 72 13 PI w Black buoy . 5705 Batiscan SL Pierre Buoy No. 120 Q. 46 31 72 13 PI p Red buoy. 5710 Batture SL Pierre Buoy No. 123 Q. 46 30 72 14 FI. W. Black buoy . 5720 Batture Perron Buoy No. 129 a. 46 29 72 14 FI. W. 5730 Batture Perron Buoy No. 132 Q., E. side. 46 29 72 14 PI P Red buoy. 5740 H 2370 Gentilly Range, on flats N. of Gentilly, front. U. 46 26 72 16 F. G . 26 7 Square concrete watch room and lantern on square concrete base, with sloping sides; 32. Visible on axis only. 5740.1 H 2370. 1 — Rear, 2,839 yards 197° 42' from front. U. F. G . 101 8 Square steel skeleton Visible on axis only. tower; 81. 5750 H 2372 Pointe Citrouille, on beach . u. 46 27 72 16 F. G . 51 11 White steel tower; 151. 5760 Pointe Citrouille Buoy No. 139 Q. 46 27 72 16 FI. W . Black buoy . 5770 Pointe Citrouille Buoy No. 2 C 46 27 72 16 FI. R . Red buoy. 5780 Champlain Traverse Buoy 4 C, N. side of channel. 46 27 72 17 FI. R . Red buoy. 5790 Champlain Traverse Buoy 7 C, off Poulier Turcotte, S. side of channel. 46 26 72 18 FI. W . Black buoy. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 67 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. in No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Choracteristic and power Height of light obove high wafer (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 68 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. ni No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 5910 H 2386 Cap Madeleine Village Range, front. N. W. 46 22 72 30 F. G. 59 4 White square wooden structure; 26. Visible on axis only. 5910.1 H 2386. 1 — Rear, 624 yards 259° from front. F. G. 122 4 Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white slatwork, red roof; 86. Visible on axis only. 5920 Cap Madeleine Buoy No. 41 C, NE. of Veaux Bank. 46 22 72 28 FI. W. Black buoy . 5930 Cap Madeleine Buoy No. 43 C. 46 22 72 29 FI. W. Black buoy . 5940 H 2388 Cap Madeleine Wharf Range, SW. corner of wharf, front. U. 46 22 72 30 F. G. 28 Steel pole, white diamond¬ shaped slatwork day mark. 5940.1 H 2388. 1 — Rear, 290 yards 242° 30' from front. U. F. G. 61 Steel pole, white diamond¬ shaped slatwork daymark. 5950 H 2390 Cap Madeleine Lower Range, front. 46 24 72 28 F. G. 51 9 White square wooden structure, white octag¬ onal lantern, red roof; 30. Visible on axis only. 5950.1 H 2390. I — Rear, 1,150 yards 37° 30' from front. F. G. 108 9 Brown square steel skel¬ eton tower; white wooden enclosed upper part, white slatwork, red roof; 87. Visible on axis only. 5960 Buoy No. 43 C, at turn in channel. 46 22 72 29 FI W . Black buoy . 5970 46 22 FI. W. Black buoy . 72 30 5980 Buoy No. 49 C, at turn in channel. 46 22 72 30 FI. W. Black buoy . 5990 Buoy No. 50 C, at inter¬ section of Three Rivers and South Channels. 46 21 72 31 FI.W. Cylindrical buoy, red and black bands. 6000 Buoy No. 34 C, N. side of South Channel. 46 20 72 32 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy. 6010 Buoy No. 61 C, S. side of upper end of New South Channel. 46 20 72 32 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 6020 H 2392 Ste. Angele Range, about 2 miles above Three Rivers, front. 46 19 72 34 F. G. 33 Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white lantern, red roof; 25. 6020.1 H 2392. I — Rear, 500 yards 228° 30' from front. F. G. 88 Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white lantern, red roof; 75. 6030 Buoy No. 37 C, S. side of S. channel. 46 20 72 32 FI W . Black buoy. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 69 No. Name and location Position lat. long. Charocteristic ond power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi. bility (noo tical miles) Structure, height (feet) 604C H 2394 Three Rivers Range, about 0.9 mile above mouth of St. Maurice River, front. U. N. W. 46 20 72 33 F. G 6040.1 — Rear, 400 yards 235° F. G. H 2394. 1 45' from front. U. 6050 ff 2396 Three Rivers Course Range, front. U. 46 21 72 32 F. G 6050.1 ff 2396.i — Rear, about 530 yards 23° from front. U. . F. G. 6060 Three Rivers Shoal Buoy No. 59 C, at upper end of shoal. 46 20 72 32 FI. W 6063 Buoy No. 62 C. 46 18 72 34 FI. R 6065 — Buoy No. 6 3 C .. 46 18 72 34 FI. W 6067 Buoy No. 64 C. 46 18 72 35 FI. R . 6070 Buoy No. 65 C, S. side of channel, about 2 miles below Port St. Francis. 46 17 72 35 FI. W. 6072 Buoy No. 2L . 46 17 72 36 PI P 6078 Port St. Francis Wharf . . u. 46 16 72 37 F.G .. 6080 W 2398 Port St. Francis Range, front, on pier. 46 16 72 37 F. G CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 6oao.i H 2398. 1 6090 6100 H 2400 6100.1 H 2400. 1 6108 6110 — Rear, 1,502 yards 68° from front. Poulier Laforce Buoy So. 4L. LAKE ST. PETER: — Nicolet Range, E. side of mouth of Nicolet River, front. -Rear, 1,414 yards 108° from front. 46 16 72 38 46 15 F. W. 72 39 F. G FI. R — Buoy 8 L . English Bank Buoy No. 9 L, lower end of Nicolet Traverse. 46 17 72 39 46 16 72 40 F. W. FI. R FI. W. 64 107 64 117 27 33 54 29 100 11 I Square steel skeleton tower; 47. 11 I Square steel skeleton tower; 81. White mast. Steel skeleton stand on roof of mill. Black buoy Red buoy. .. Black buoy. Red buoy... Black buoy . Red buoy. 6 I Square steel skeleton tower, enclosed, white daymark. 11 I White octagonal lantern, red roof, on white square concrete base; 42. 14 I Red skeleton steel tower Red buoy. 4 White square tower 5 I Red steel skeleton tower, white wooden watch room, white wooden lantern, red roof; 94. Red buoy.. Black buoy . Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. A FI. W. light is exhibited 3 ft. below F. G. front light. Seasonal. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 70 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) 0 / water tical (feet) miles) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 6120 LAKE ST. PETER: — Buoy No. 12 L . N. W. 46 16 72 40 FI. R. 6130 — Buoy No. 13 L, upper end of Nicolet Traverse. 46 16 72 41 FI. W. 6140 — Buoy No. 17 L . 46 16 72 41 FI. W. 6150 46 16 FI. W. 72 42 6160 — Buoy No. 22 L, at Curve No. 3. 46 16 72 42 FI. R . 6170 H 2402 — Pointe du Lac Range, N. side of Curve No. 3, front. U. 46 16 72 42 F. W. 6170.1 H 2402. 1 -Rear, 2,517 yards 56° 13' from front. U. 46 17 72 40 F. W . 6180 — Buoy No. 25 L, at upper end of Curve No. 3. 46 16 72 43 FI. W . 6190 — Buoy No. 32 L, S. side of channel. 46 15 72 45 FI. R. 6200 46 14 FI. W . 72 45 6210 46 14 72 47 FI. R . 6220 — Yamachiche Bend Buoy No. 51 L. 46 13 72 48 FI. W . 6240 - Buoy No. 58 L . 46-13 72 49 FI. R. 6250 - Buoy No. 63 L . 46 12 72 50 FI. W. 6260 — Buoy No. 69 L, between Yamachiche Bend and Curve No. 2. 46 12 72 51 FI. W. 6270 — Buoy No. 79 L, lower end of Curve No. 2. 46 12 72 54 FI. W. 6280 — Buoy No. 81 L, middle of Curve No. 3. 46 11 72 54 FI. W. Buoy. Black buoy Black buoy Black buoy Red buoy.. 19 147 8 Red square steel skeleton tower; 28. Visible 281°-191°, intensified 3° each side of axis. 17 Brown square steel skel¬ eton tower; surmounted by white wooden watch room, and red octagonal iron lantern; 102. Black buoy Red buoy.., Black buoy Red buoy.. Black buoy . Red buoy.. Black buoy Black buoy Black buoy Black buoy Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 71 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. « / Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi. bility (nou* ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog st 9 nals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 6290 H 2408 LAKE ST. PETER: — Curve No. 2 Upper Range, about 2 miles SSE. of mouth of Riviere du Loup, front. U. N. W. 46 11 72 54 F. W. 23 1 9 Red square steel skeleton tower, orange square¬ shaped daymark; 22. 6290.1 H 2408. I -Rear, 667 yards 249°51' from front. U. F. W. 94 11 Red square steel skeleton tower, red octagonal lantern on white build¬ ing; 73. 6300 H 2409 — Curve No. 2 Lower Range front. U. 46 11 72 54 F. W. 19 6 Red square steel skeleton tower, orange square¬ shaped daymark; 22. Light shown from dormer window of same building as the front light of Curve No. 2 Upper Range. 6300.1 H 2409. 1 -Rear, 665 yards 43° 56' from front. U. F. W. 94 6 Red square steel skeleton tower, red octagonal lantern; 73. 6310 — Buoy No. 85 L, upper end 46 11 FI. W. of Curve No. 2. 72 55 6320 H 2412 — Louiseville Range, on W. side of Riviere du Loup, front. U. 46 13 72 56 F. G . 18 6 Mast, white diamond slat- work daymark; 20. Visible on axis only. 6320.1 -Rear, 833 yards 334° F. G . 43 ft Steel skeleton tower. Visible on axis only. H 2412. 1 30' from front. U. 6330 — Buoy No. 91 L, between 46 10 FI. W. Black buoy . Curve No. 2 and Curve No. 1. 72 55 6340 — Buoy No. 97 L, lower end of Curve No. 1 46 10 72 56 FI. W. Black buoy . 6350 — Buoy No. 100 L, at 46 09 FI. R. Curve No. 1. 72 57 6360 — Buoy No. 101 L . 46 09 FI. W. Black buoy . 72 57 6370 — Buoy No. 103 L, upper end of Curve No. 1. 46 09 72 57 FI. W. Black buoy . 6380 — St. Francis River Buoy, 46 08 FI. R. entrance to river. 72 56 6390 — Buoy No. Ill L, lower end of curve above He aux Raisin Traverse. 46 08 72 57 FI. W. Black buoy . 6400 H 2414 — lie aux Raisin Range, in marsh, N. side of island, front. U. 46 06 72 58 F. G. 36 7 White square wooden structure, red roof; 22. Visible on axis only. 6400.1 H 2414. 1 -Rear, 664 yards 191° from front. U. F. G. 86 7 Brown square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden watch room, white octag¬ onal wooden lantern; 85. Visible on axis; it may also be seen dimly from other parts of the channel. Pari II IncUing N.M. 2/61. 72 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. in No. Name ond location Position lot. long. ® t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRI ENCE R .IVER 6410 Buoy No. 117 L . N. W. 46 06 72 58 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 6415 Buoy, at outlet of He aux Raisins Canal. 46 06 72 58 FI. R. Red buoy. 6420 H 3416 Isle des Barques Range, front. U. 46 05 73 00 F. G. 41 10 White square wooden structure 19 feet high on square concrete base 24 feet high, red roof. 6420.1 H 2416. 1 — Rear, on lie du Moine, 3,228 yards 218° 30' from front. U. F. G. 108 11 Brown square steel skele¬ ton tower 86 feet high on white concrete base 19 feet high, white en¬ closed upper part with slatwork; octagonal lantern. Also serves as rear light of He du Moine Range. 6430 lie Lapiene Buoy No. 120 L. 46 06 72 59 FI. R . Red cylindrical buoy. 6440 Pointe au Soldat Buoy No. 123 L. 46 05 73 00 FI. W . Black buoy . 6450 H 3418 Gallia Bay, Upper Range, S. side of He Lapierre, near center of island, front. 46 05 73 01 F. W . 41 2 White square wooden structure, red roof; 19. Visible on axis only. 6450.1 H 2418. 1 — Rear, 217 yards 248° 37' from front. F. W . 73 2 White cylindrical steel tower, red square wooden lantern; 52. Visible on axis only. 6460 H 2420 GaUia Bay Lower Range, S. side of He Lapierre, near E. end, front. 46 06 73 00 F. W . 38 2 White square wooden structure, red roof; 19. Visible on axis only. 6460.1 H 2420.1 — Rear, 200 yards 29° 42' from front. F. W. 71 2 White cylindrical steel tower, red square wooden lantern; 52. Visible on axis only. 6470 H 2422 Ste. Anne de Sorel Range, front. U. 46 04 73 03 F. G. 37 8 White square wooden structure, red roof; 19. Visible on axis only. 6470.1 H 2422. 1 — Rear, 843 yards 232° from front. U. F. G. 93 8 Red square steel skeleton tower, red roof, white slat day mark; 80. Visible on axis only. 6480 lie de Grace Buoy No. 136 L. 46 04 73 03 FI. R. ... Red buoy. 6490 H 2424 He du Moine Range, W. end of island, front. U. 46 (M 73 01 F. G. 43 5 Skeleton steel tower. Visible on axis only. 6490.1 H 2424. 1 — Rear, 534 yards 82° 35' from front. U. F. G. 108 5 Square steel skeleton tower. Also serves as rear light of He des Barques Range. Visible on axis only. 6500 Nepigon Shoal Buoy No. 146 L. 46 04 FI. R. Red buoy. 73 06 Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 73 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. in No. Name ond locotion Position lot. long. o t Charocteristlc and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles] Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 6510 He de Grace Range, S. side N. W. 46 04 F. G. 32 c White square wooden building, sloping sides, white square lantern. Visible on axis only H 2426 of island front. U. 73 03 6510.1 H 2426. 1 — Rear, SE. end of island, 645 yards 72" 15' from front. U. F. G. 64 5 Square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, red roof. Visible on axis only. 6520 Sorel Basin Range, front ... 46 03 F. R. H 2428 73 07 6520.1 — Rear, about 83 yards F. R. Lantern on roof of store¬ house. H 2428. 1 167° 15' from front. 6540 — Near NW. comer of pier F. G. Lantern on roof of freight shed. H 2430 No. 1. 6550 fie awe Foins Buoy No. IM, 46 02 FI. W. upper end of curve at He aux Foins. 73 10 6560 He Dupas Range, E. side of 46 03 F, G. 39 5 White square wooden structure 19 feet high on square concrete base 22 feet high. Visible on axis only H 2450 He Dorvilliers, front. U. 73 09 6560.1 — Rear, on S. end of He F. G. 71 (i Red square steel skeleton tower; white wooden en¬ closed upper part with white slatwork, red roof; 69. Visible on axis only. H 2450. I Dupas, 682 yards 14° 50' from front. U. 6570 lie SL Ours Course Buoy 45 57 FI. W... Black buoy . No, 5 M, lower end of course. 73 13 < 6580 Buoy No. 21 R. opposite 45 56 FI. W. lower end of He St. Ours. 73 14 6590 He St. Ours Course Range, 45 53 F. G. 28 4 Aluminum colored square wooden building and lantern, red roof. Visible on axis only. H 2452 front. U. 73 13 6590.1 — Rear, 785 yards 181° 30' F. G. 81 4 Red square steel skeleton tower; white wooden en¬ closed upper part with white slatwork, red roof. Visible on axis only. H 2452. 1 from front- U. 6595 — lie St, Ours Buoy No. 45 55 FI. R. 16 M. 73 13 6600 Bellmouth Curve Buoy No. 45 54 FI. R. 20 M, middle of curve. 73 13 6610 Bellmouth Curve Buoy No. 19 M. FI. W . ... Black buoy . Port II liKluding N.M. 2/61. 74 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. m No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRI ENCE f 1IVER 6630 H 2454 Petite Traverse Range, front. U. N. W. 45 55 73 12 F. G. 62 5 White square wooden structure, red roof; 33. Visible on axis only. 6630.1 H 2454. I — Rear, 577 yards 47° from front. U. F. G. 117 5 Square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white slatwork, red roof; 64. Visible on axis only. 6640 — Buoy No. 26 M, N. side of range line. 45 54 73 14 FI. R. ... Red buoy. 6650 H 2456 — Bellmouth Curve, about 583 yards 168°30' from Petite Traverse Range front. 45 54 73 12 F. G. Pole, white diamond¬ shaped day mark. Exhibited for 1 month after the opening of navigation and 1 month before closing of naviga¬ tion before the light buoys have been placed in the spring and after they have been re¬ moved in the Fall. 6660 Contrecoeur Bend Buoy No. 31 M. 45 53 73 14 FI. W. Black buoy . 6670 H 2458 Contrecoeur Course Range, front. U. 45 55 73 13 F. G. 63 5 Brown steel skeleton tower. Visible on axis only. 6670.1 H 2458. 1 — Rear 776 yards 33° from front. U. F. G. 127 5 Brown square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden enclosed upper part with white slatwork, red roof; 64. Visible on axis only. 6680 Contrecoeur Buoy No. 41 M . 45 52 73 16 FI. W. Black buoy . 6685 Lavaltrie Charnel Buoy 41 R. 45 54 73 15 FI. W. Black buoy . 6690 H 2460 Lavaltrie Range SE. side of Lavaltrie Island, front. 45 53 73 16 F. G. 33 7 Red square steel skeleton structure. Front light structure removed in winter, and lantern on pole used in spring while base is submerged. 6690.1 ' 2460. 1 — Rear, on pier, 613 yards 208° 40' from front. F. G. 62 7 Red square steel skeleton tower, white enclosed upper part; 49. 6700 Mousseau Range, N. side of lie Bouchard, front. U. 45 50 73 18 F. G. 18 6 Red steel triangular frame¬ work structure, white square slatwork on upper part of face, white shed; 19. Visible on axis only. 6700.1 — Rear, 674 yards 219° 30' from front. U. F. G. 57 6 Red square steel skeleton tower, white square slat¬ work on upper part of face, white shed with red roof; 49. Visible on axis only. Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 75 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi. bility (ncu* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals 671 0 Bouchard Peninsula Range, N. W. 45 49 F. G . N. side of Bouchard Peninsula, front. U 73 21 6710. — Rear, 853 yards, 230°20' F. G . 70 from front. U. 672C 1 St. Sulpice Traverse Range, 45 49 F. G . 34 front. u_ 73 22 6720.1 — Rear, 643 yards 249° 05' F. G . 77 from front, U. 6730 St. Sulpice Course Range, 45 50 F. G. 41 front. u. 73 21 6730.1 — Rear, about 642 yards F. G. 79 32°50'from front. U. 6740 Buoy No. 88 R, junction of 45 46 FI. R. St. Sulpice and Lebel Courses. 73 24 6750 lie Lebel Range, front .. 45 44 F. W. 17 U. 73 26 6750.1 — Rear, 721 yards 219° F. W. 49 from front. (j. 6760 Repentigny Range, N. of 45 45 F. G . 19 village, front. 73 26 6760.1 — Rear, 613 yards 12°40' F. G . 45 from front. 6770 Contrecoeur Traverse Range, about 2 miles above Contrecoeur Village, front. u. 45 50 F. G . 30 H 3470 73 17 6770.1 — Rear, about 696 yards F. G . 77 194° 15'from front. U. Red Steel triangular frame- work, white square slat- work on upper part of face, white shed; 19 , Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white slatwork, red roof; 61. Red square steel skeleton tower; 27. Red square steel skeleton tower; white wooden en¬ closed upper part, with white slatworK,ieu luui, 61 . White square wooden structure. Red square, steel skeleton tower, upper portion enclosed with white wooden slatwork; 61. Red buoy. Red square steel skeleton tower. Red square steel skeleton tower, white square slat¬ work on upper face, white shed with red roof, 49. White square wooden structure, red roof; 21. Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, red roof; 45. White square wooden structure; 12. Square steel skeleton tower, upper part en¬ closed by white slat¬ work, lantern and roof red; 64. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on range line only. Visible on range line only. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on range line only. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 76 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. in No. Name ond location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi. biiity (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWR ENCE ?1VER 6780 H 2472 Vercheres-Contrecoeur Channel Range, on flats off Contrecoeur Village, front. U. N. W. 45 52 73 15 F. G . 13 Tower, white slatwork panel, red diamond¬ shaped day mark. Visible on axis only. 6780.1 H 2472. I — Rear, on islet 1,885 yards 40°25' from front. U. F.G. 54 Red steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white slatwork, red roof; 65. Visible on axis only. 6790 Vercheres-Contrecoeur Channel Buoy No. 52 M, N. side of turn in channel. 45 51 73 17 FI. R. Red buoy . mi VERCHERES-CONTRE¬ COEUR CHANNEL: — Buoy No. 57 M, E. side of channel. 45 50 73 17 FI. W. Black buoy . 6794 — Buoy No. 76 Al, W. side of channel. 45 50 73 18 FI. R. Red buoy. 6795 H 2474 Ore Transfer Dock Range, front. 45 50 73 17 F. Amber. 28 1 White wooden post, slat¬ ted diamond-shaped day- mark. Privately maintained. 6795.1 H 2474. 1 — Rear, about 541 yards 186° 28' from front. F. Amber. 58 1 White wooden post, slat¬ ted diamond-shaped day- mark. Privately maintained. 6796 — Buoy No. 77 M, E. side of channel. FI. W . Black buoy . 6800 lie au Boeuf Buoy No. 79 M, S. side of channel, S. of He au Beouf. 45 48 73 19 FI. W . Black buoy . 6810 H 2476 Vercheres Village Range, on pier, front. U. 45 47 73 21 F. G . Red steel skeleton tower, white lantern, red roof. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 6810.1 H 2476. 1 — Rear, 700 yards 220°25' from front. U. F. G. Red steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slat¬ work, red roof. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 6820 lie aux Prunes Buoy No. 82 iM, opposite W. end of island. 45 47 73 21 FI. R. Red buoy. 6830 H 2478 Vercheres Traverse Range, front. U. 45 48 73 20 F. G. 43 3 White stone tower, white octagonal wooden lan¬ tern, red roof; 41. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 6830.1 — Rear, 533 yards 55° 20' from front. U. F. G. 71 3 Visible over a small arc each aide of axis. H 2478. i 6840 Vercheres Course Buoy No. 89 Ni 45 46 73 22 FI.W. Black buoy . Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 77 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. Charocteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nou- water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols 6850 H 2480 He Bouchard Range, off E. extremity of He Marie, front. N. W. 45 47 73 21 F. G. 39 6 white square wooden structure on white crib- work , red roof; 28. 6850.1 H 2480. 1 — Rear, on lie Bouchard, SE. side, 2,694 yards 37° 30' from front. U. F. G. 75 7 Brown square steel ekele- ton tower; white, wooden enclosed upper part, lantern, red roof; 65. 6860 Poulier des Trois Bouees 45 45 FI. W. Buoy No. 103 M, 0.3 mile below He Hertel. 73 24 6870 lie Deslauriers Range, E. 45 43 F. G. 40 A Aluminum colored square watchroom, lantern, red roof, white square con¬ crete base. H 2482 side of He Deslauriers, front. U. 73 26 6870.1 — Rear, E. side of He Ste. F. G. 89 7 Brown square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slatwork; red roof; H 2482. 1 Therese, 3,114 yards 217° 30' from front. U. If V • 6880 Cap St. Michel Buoy No. 45 43 FI. W . Black buoy . in U , 73 26 6885 He Deslauriers Buoy No. 45 43 FI. R. Red buoy. 118 Al. 73 26 6890 He Deslauriers Buoy .Vo. 45 42 FI. R. 124 M. 73 27 6900 lie Ste. Therese Lower 45 41 F. G. 30 2j White square wooden tower, white lantern, red roof. H 2484 Range, NE. side of island, front. U. 73 28 6900.1 — Rear, 179 yards 218°05' F. G. 48 9 White square wooden structure, red roof. H 2484. i from front. U. 6910 Varennes Cun e Buoy No. 45 42 FI. W . 129 .'1, lower end of curve. 73 27 6920 Varennes Curve Buoy No. 45 41 FI. W. 133 A), middle of curve. 73 27 6930 Varennes Village. 45 40 F. G.... 80 30 7 Red steel skeleton tower, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slat- work; 61. White pentagonal wooden lantern on white rec¬ tangular concrete pier; 30. H 2486 6940 H 2488 U. le a I’Aigle Range, W. side of island near N. end, front. U. 73 27 45 40 73 27 F. G. 2 6940.1 — Rear, E. side of island. F. W. 52 2 White square wooden structure on white rec¬ tangular wooden pier; 52. H 2488. I 514 yards 183°30' from front. U. 6950 He a r Aigle Buoy No. 141M 45 40 FI. W. 73 27 Visible over a small arc each side of axis. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. Visible from all points of ap¬ proach. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. In range with front light of He a I’Aigle Range forms He aux Vaches Traverse Range. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Part II Including N. M. 78 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and locotion Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 6960 H 2490 He Ste. Therese Upper Range, S. side He aux Vaches, front. U. N. W. 45 41 73 28 F. G . 20 4 White octagonal wooden lantern on concrete base; 17. Visible on axis only. 6960.1 H 2490. I — Rear, SE. shore of He Ste. Therese, 1,438 yards 24° 35' front. U. F. G. 84 5 Red steel skeleton tower on concrete base, white wooden enclosed upper part, white slatwork; 71. Visible on axis only. 6970 Pointe aux Trembles Bend Buoy .No. 151 A1. 45 39 73 29 FI. W. Black buoy . 6980 Pointe aux Trembles Buoy No. I 57 .41. 45 38 73 29 FI. W. Black buoy . 6990 II 2492 Imperial Oil Wharf, front.... 45 37 73 30 F. G . 35 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. 6990.1 H 2492. 1 — Rear, 250 yards 252° from front. F. G . 50 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. 7000 H 2496 Tetreaultville Range, front . U. 45 36 73 31 F. G . 28 4 White square wooden structure, red roof; 22. Visible on axis only. 7000.1 H 2496. 1 — Rear, 723 yards 204° 35' from front. U. F. G . 94 4 Red square steel skeleton tower, white wooden en¬ closed upper part, white slatwork on face, red roof; 82. Visible on axis only . 7010 Buoy No. 163 M, 45 37 73 30 FI. W . Black buoy . 7015 Buoy No. 166 U . 45 36 FI. R. 73 30 7020 Pointe aux Trembles Curve Buoy No. 16" M. 45 36 73 30 FI. W. Black buoy . 7025 Buoy No. 168 R . 45 36 73 31 FI. R. Red buoy. 7030 H 2498 Lx)ngue Pointe Traverse Range, front. U. 45 37 73 30 F. G. 64 3 Steel skeleton tower, white day beacon; shed. Visible on axis only. 7030.1 H 2498. 1 — Rear, 228 yards 350° from front. U. F. G. 84 3 White square steel skeleton tower, white daymark, shed. Visible on axis only. 7040 Longue Pointe Buoy No. 174 M, off Longue Pointe. 45 35 73 30 FI. R. Red buoy. 7050 Poulier a iiciffion Buoy No. 175 M. 45 34 73 30 FI. W. Black buoy . 7060 MONTREAL HARBOR: — Poulier a Gagnon 45 34 FI. W. Buoy Vo. 177 M. 73 31 Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 79 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name ond location Position lot. long. 0 / Charocteristic and power Height of light obove high woter (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles' Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 7070 MONTREAL HARBOR: — He Ronde Range, NE. N. W. 45 31 F. G. 42 8 Visible on axis only. H 2502 end of He Ronde, front. 73 32 structure on white square concrete base; 39. 7070.1 H 2502. 1 - Rear, W. side of He Ste. Helene, 719 yards, 202° 30' from front. F. G. 78 8 White square concrete structure, white wooden lantern, red roof; 48. Visible on axis only. 7080 H 2500 — Dry Dock Range, front . 45 34 73 31 F. G. 50 1 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped day mark, black center. Privately maintained. 7080.1 H 2500. i -- Rear, 221 yards 250° 20' from front. F. G. 65 1 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped daymark, black center. Privately maintained. 7090 — Longueuil Buoy No. 45 33 FI. W. 187 M, off Longueuil. 73 31 7100 — Buoy 193M, junction of Harbor and Lambert Lock approach channels. 45 32 73 32 FI. W. Red and black banded buoy. Radar reflector. 7110 — lie Ronde Buoy No. FI. W. 195M, off NW. side of island. 7120 — Buoy No. 199 M, E. side 45 31 FI. W. Black buoy. of channel S. of bridge. 73 33 7130 — Bellerive Park Range, 45 32 F. G. 53 3 Visible on axis only. H 2504 on the wharf, front. 73 33 FI W 50 Same structure; 47. 7130.1 -Rear, 212 yards 217* F. G. 90 3 Mast; 47. Visible on axis only. H 2504. 1 from front. 7140 — Buoy \o. 201 M, about 45 31 FI. W. Black buoy . 250 yards 39° from Sailors Memorial Clock Tower. 73 33 . CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY i 7140.2 Buoy No. 191 Al, on He 45 32 FI. W. Ronde range, E. side en¬ trance channel. 73 32 7140.4 H 2510 Jacques Cartier Bridge. 45 31 73 32 4 F. W. Bridge footings. Marks ends of bridge spaa. 7140.6 Turning Basin No. 1. 45 27 4F.G. One at each comer. H 2512 73 30 7140.8 — No. 2. 45 24 4 F.G. One at each comer. H 2514 73 33 1 For ath*r ll(ht> along the St. Lawrenca Seaway anc the Great Lakee aee U 8. C. G. Llet ot Lights and Other Marine Aids, Great L ak ea. Port II Including N. M, 2/61. 80 Socond Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and locotion Position lot. long. 0 f Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY i 7141 H 2SI6 Honore Mercier Bridge. N. W. 45 25 73 40 2 F.W . Bridge piers. One each side span. 2 similar F. W. lights are shown from C. P. R. R. bridge W. 7141.2 LAKE ST. LOUIS: — Buoy lA, S. side of channel. 45 24 73 44 FI. G. Black buoy . S. side of channel marked by FI. G. black buoys. 7141.4 — Buoy 2A, N. side of channel. FI. R. Red buoy. 7141.6 — Beauharnois Range, front, SE. of St. Louis Point. U. 45 19 73 53 F. R . 14 4 Lantern on white dia¬ mond daymark. 7141.61 -Rear 415 feet 175“ from front. U. F. R . 30 12 Lantern on white dia¬ mond daymark. 7141.8 — Soulanges Canal Lower Entrance Range, front F, pnH N nier. 45 20 73 57 F.R . 37 2 White cylindrical tower, red roof; 29. Visible on range line only. 7141.81 -Rear, about 608 yards 244“ from front. F. R . 59 2 White cylindrical tower, red roof; 45. Visible on range line only. 7142 BEAUHARNOIS CANAL: — Buoy No. 5B, E. side of channel. 45 18 73 56 FI. G. Black buoy . Portside channel (W. bound) marked by FI. G., black buoys. 7142.2 — Buoy No. 8B, W. side of channel. 45 17 73 56 FI. R . Red buoy. Starboard side of channel (W. bound) marked by FI. R., red buoys. 7142.4 H 2S24 — W. Entrance Range front. U. 45 14 74 08 F. G. 50 6 Steel tower, orange daymark. 7142.41 U 2524. 1 -Rear about 1660 yards 83“ 36' from front. U. F, G. 70 Steel tower, orange daymark. 7142.6 LAKE ST. FRANCIS: — Pte. Ronsson (Knight Point,) Old Beauharnois Canal. U. 45 15 74 10 FI. W . 10 Lantern on steel structure. 7142.8 — Soulanges Canal, W. entrance approach. U. 45 15 74 12 FI. R . 17 8 Steel tank. 7143 -W. Entrance Range front. U. F. R . 31 6 White circnilar tower green roof; 35. Visible on axis only. 7143.1 -Rear about 530 yards 37“ from front. U. F.R . 46 6 White circular metal tower and lantern, green roof. Indicates W. edge of dredged approach channel. Visible on axis only. 7143.2 — Buoy No. 24 F, N. side of channel. 45 15 74 10 FI. R . Red buoy. Starboard side of channel (W. bound) marked by FI. R, red buoys. Buoys 24F to 142F are equipped with radar reflectors. 1 For other lights along the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes see U. S. C. G. List of Lights and Other Marine Aids. Great Lakes. Part II Including N. M. 2/61. 81 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. ni No. Nome and locotion Position lot. tong. « t Characteristic ond power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA—ST. LAWRE NCE SE AWAY i 7143.4 LAKE ST. FRANCIS: — Buoy 25 F, S. side of channel. N. W. FI. G. ... Black buoy . Port side of channel (W. bound) marked by FI. G., black buoys. 7143.8 H 2528 — Pte. au Baudet (McKies Point). U. 45 12 74 19 F.W.. 36 12 White square wooden tower; 30. 7144.6 H 2548 — Point Dupuis Range, Front. U. 45 08 74 25 F. Amber . 30 Steel tower, orange daymark. 7144.61 H 2548. 1 -Rear 433 yards 86° from front. U. F. Amber . 45 Steel tower, orange daymark. Visible 46°-126°. 7144.8 H 2552 — Lancaster Bar, Light No. 79F. U. 45 07 74 27 FI. W . 30 9 White circular concrete structure. 7145 ff 2556 — — Range, Front. 45 06 Occ. W . 34 White square tower. W. 180°-240°, R.-90. u. 74 30 Occ. R . 33 7145.1 H 2556. I -Rear, 930 yards 228° 30'from front. U. F.W . 56 Steel skeleton tower, orange daymark. 7145.2 H 2560 — Butternut Island Range, front. U. 45 06 74 29 F.W. 30 Steel tower, orange daymark. Visible 5°45'-85°45'. 7145.21 H 2560. J -Rear, 783 yards 45*45' from front. U. F. W . 56 Steel tower, orange daymark. Visible 5°45'-85°45'. 7145.4 H 2558 — Thompson Island Lower Range, front U. 45 05 74 30 F. W. 30 Steel skeleton tower, orange daymark. Visible 167°-247°15'. 7145.41 H 2558. 1 -Rear, about 810 yards 207° 15' from front. U. F.W. 56 Steel skeleton tower, orange daymark. Visible 167°15'-247°15'. 7145.6 H 2568 -Upper Range, front U. 45 04 74 31 F. W. 32 Steel tower, orange daymark. Visible 19°-99°. 7145.61 H 2568. I -Rear, 841 yards 59° from front. U. F.W. 56 Steel skeleton tower orange daymark. Visible 19°-99°. 7145.8 H 2564 — St. Francis Middle Ground, Light No. 99F. U. 45 04 74 31 FI. W. 24 4 White cylindrical steel column red box and lantern. 7146 H 2566 — Hamilton Island, SE. point. Light 102F. U. 45 04 74 32 F. R. 42 12 White square wooden tower with red pyramidal frame surmounted by lantern. 7146.2 H 2570 — Renshaw Island, SE. end of island. Light 108F. U. 45 03 74 33 FI. R. 30 9 Circular concrete tower. 7146.4 H 2572 — Stanley Island, NW. side of island. Light lllF. U. 45 03 74 33 FI. W. 30 4 Steel skeleton tower. 1 For oth*r light! along the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakea aee U. 8. C. Gk Llet of Lights and Other Marine Alda, Great Lakea. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 82 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Name and location late long. and power high (nou* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals o t water tical (feet) miles) CANADA—ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY i 7146.6 H 2574 LAKE ST. FRANCIS: — Clark Island, E. end, Light 116F. U. N. W. 45 03 74 34 FI. R. 30 . Steel skeleton tower. 7146^ H 2576 — Glengarry Point steering light. U. 45 02 74 37 F. W. ... White steel tower, orange bands. Visible on bearing 262°48' only. 7147 H 2582 — St. Lawrence River. - Third Crab Island. U. 45 01 74 39 F. W. 41 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark. 7147. 2 H 2578 — Cornwall Island Range, front. U. 45 01 74 40 F. W. 58 Steel skeleton tower, orange daymark. Visible 201°-281°. 7147.21 H 2578. 1 - Rear, 666 yards 241‘ from front. U. F. W. 82 Steel skeleton tower, orange daymark. Visible 201°-281°. 7147.4 H 2584 — Pilon Island, W. end. U. 45 02 74 40 F. W. 30 9 Mast, white diamond daymark. A. F. R. light is shown each side of lock entrance at Cornwall. 7147.6 H 2589 — Cornwall Island, SE. point, light 2. 45 00 74 40 F. R. Circular conaete struc¬ ture. 7148 H 2600 — Raquette River Range, E. side river, front. (U.S.) 45 00 74 41 F. G . Cp. 3,500 28 White skeleton tower, orange triangular daymark point up, black stripe. 7148.1 H 2600. I - Rear 330 yards 209° from front. F. G. Cp. 3,500 43 Steel skeleton tower, orange triangular daymark point down, black stripe. 7148.2 H 2602 — St. Regis Range, W. of St. Regis, front (U.S.). 45 00 74 40 F. G. Cp. 3, 500 28 White skeleton tower, orange triangular daymark point up, black stripe. 7148.21 H 2602.1 - Rear, 400 yards 98° from front. F. G. Cp. 3,500 45 White skeleton tower, orange triangular day- mark, point down, black stripe. 7148.8 H 2604 — Light No. 10, Cornwall island. U. 45 00 74 43 F. W. 51 Steel tower on steel pile pier. Directional — shows only on center line of channel. UNITED STATES— ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAYi 7148.9 H 2606 ST. REGIS ISLAND TO CROIL ISLANDS: — Raguette Point Light No. 11 (U.S.). 45 00 74 43 FI. G . period 2. 5® fl. 0.5S ec. 2s Cp. 30 28 White pile, square daymark with black border. 7149 tf 2608 — Light No. 13 (U.S.) .... 45 00 74 43 FI. G . period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6^ Cp. 25 28 White pile, square daymark with black border. 1 For other lights along the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great L ak ee eee U. S. C. G. Llet ol Lights and Other Marine Alda, Great Lakes. Including N.M. 2/61. 83 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou. tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols UNITED STATES— ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY 1 7149.1 H 2610 ST. REGIS ISLAND TO CROIL ISLANDS: — Light No. 14, Cornwall Island. 45 00 74 44 FI. R. period 4® fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6® Circular concrete struc¬ ture. 7149.2 H 2616 — Polly’s Gut Training Dyke, E. end of Light “A”. Qk. FI. R. Cp. 20 15 White pile. 7149.3 H 2616. 2 -West end Light “B” (U.S.). 45 00 74 46 Qk. FI. R . Cp. 20 15 White pile. 7149.4 H 2620 — Snell Lock, Light No. 20 (U. S.), NE. guide wall. F. R. Cp. 200 28 White pile, white triangular daymark with red border. Maximum Cp. on 266°. 7149.5 H 2621 -Lock, Light No. 21 (U. S.), SE. guide wall. 44 59 74 47 F. G. Cp. 190 28 White pile, white square daymark, black border. Maximum Cp. on 255°. 7149.7 H 26 22 -SW. guide wall, Light No. 23(U. S.). 45 00 74 47 F. G. Cp. 190 28 White pile, white square daymark with black border. Maximum Cp. on 77°. 7149.8 H 2623 -NE. guide wall, Light No. 24. 44 59 74 47 F. R. Cp. 200 28 White pile, white triangular daymark red border. Maximum Cp. on 73°. CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE The lights on the south side of the St. Lawrence estuary are given in order for a vessel proceeding seaward. 7150 H 2272 Bellechasse, near E. end of island, on summit. 46 56 70 46 Occ. W . period 17* It. 10*, ec. 7* 54 12 White square wooden structure, red roof; dwelling attached; 40. Unwatched Fl. W. light shown during winter months. 7155 Berthier, head of wharf. 46 56 F. G. 32 70 44 7160 St. Thomas Channel Buoy No. 73 a 47 02 70 35 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy.... 7170 H 2250 Montmagny, head of the S. government wharf, front. U. 46 59 70 33 F. G. 24 3 Pole, diamond daymark; 20. 7170.1 H 2252 — Rear, 200 yards 170° from front. U. F.G. 57 3 Pole, square daymark; 35. 7180 Raymond Shoal Buoy No. 69‘'} B. 47 02 70 33 FI. W . Black cylindrical buoy .... 7201 H 2240 Cron* Island, E. side, on government wharf. U. 47 03 70 32 Occ. W . period 10* It. 7*, ec. 3* 65 13 Aluminum painted steel skeleton tower, red lantern; 60. 7210 H 2233 Beaujeu Channel NW. of W. Narrows, Beaujeu Channel. U. 47 04 70 31 FI. W . 27 10 Red skeleton steel frame on red steel cylindrical structure on square white concrete base. 1 For oth»r llfhta alonf the 8t. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakea aee U. S. C. O. List of Llfhta and Other Marine Alda, Great Lakea. Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 84 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bil ity lat. long. and power high (nou* o / water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE 7220 H 2244 7220.1 H 2246 7230 7240 7250 7255 H 2248 7255.1 H 2248. 1 7260 H 2230 7270 H 2228 Hospital Kock Range, on Hospital Rock, front. — Rear, Goose Island, 1,987 yards 25° 20' from front. Beaujeu Bank Bell Buoy No. 70 B, N. side of dredged channel. Beaujeu Bank Vlest End Buoy No. 69 B Goose Island Reef Buoy No. 66 B, S. of reef. L’lslet Wharf Range, front, outer end. U. — Rear, 347 yards 130° 30' from front. U. Algernon Rock, in channel, SE. of Stone Pillar. U. Stone Pillar, 100 yards from S. point of islet. u. 7280 7290 7310 7320 7330 7340 7350 7360 Port Joli Shoal Buoy, No. 65 B. Channel Patch Bell Buoy No. 64 B, SE. end of patch. SL Roch Shoal Buoy No. 61 B. Upper Traverse Bell Buoy No. 57‘/2 B. Upper Traverse Buoy No. 60 B. Lower Traverse Buoy No. 57 B, near N. end of St. Roch Shoal. Buoy No. 5614 B, W. side of St. Roch Traverse. Bucry No. 55 B . N. W. 47 08 70 28 47 04 70 31 47 04 70 31 47 09 70 25 47 08 70 22 47 12 70 21 47 12 70 22 47 13 70 20 47 14 70 20 47 17 70 18 47 20 70 16 47 20 70 17 47 21 70 15 47 23 70 15 47 24 70 13 F. W. F. W. FI. R . FI. G FI.R . F. G .. F. G.. FI. W FI. W. period 5® fl.P,ec.4® FI. W. FI. R . FI. W. FI. W. FI. R . FI. W . FI. R . FI. W 28 65 25 52 24 83 10 14 10 10 10 14 Square white wooden building, octagonal white lantern; 22. Brown square steel skele¬ ton tower, white wooden slatwork, white wooden watchroom, red stripe on face, white lantern, red roof; 64. Red cylindrical buoy. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Black cylindrical buoy ... Red cylindrical buoy. Square aluminum-colored skeleton tower; 17. Square skeleton aluminum- colored tower; 42. Aluminum-colored skeleton tower, white slatwork beacon on upper E. and W. sides; 20. Gray circular stone struc¬ ture, lantern with red roof; white building nearby; 52. Black cylindrical buoy ... . Red conical buoy. Black cylindrical buoy .. . . Black cylindrical buoy ... . Red cylindrical buoy. Black cylindrical buoy ... Red cylindrical buoy. Black buoy . Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 85 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. in No. Name and location Position tat. long. • / Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi. bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY. SOUTH SIDE 7370 Middle Ground Bell Buoy No. N. W. 47 25 FI. R. 10 Radar reflector. 56 B, near E. end of South Traverse. U. 70 13 7375 H 2201 Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, head of wharf. U. 47 23 70 03 FI. R. period 12^ fl. 2^ ec. 10® 32 10 Red and white steel tower; 27. 7380 H 2200 Riviere Ouelle. U. 47 26 70 03 FI. R. period 12® 11. 2®, ec. 10® 24 9 Red and white tower, red lantern; 22. 7389 Point aux Orignaux Buoy No. 47 29 FI. W. Black buoy . 51'/2 B. 70 02 7390 Pointe aux Originaux, on 47 29 F. W. 27 10 Pole; 21. H 2198 wharf. U. 70 02 7400 Morin Shoal Bell Buoy No. 102 B. SW. end of shoal. 47 36 70 02 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy with red and black bands. Hori¬ zontal slats on super¬ structure. Radar reflector. 7405 H 2176 Kemouraska Wharf, outer end. U. 47 34 69 53 FI. G. 35 11 Red and white skeleton tower. 7420 H 2174 Grande He, Kamouraska Islands, near NE. end of island. 47 37 69 52 FI. W. period 7® 105 16 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached, lantern and red roof; 39. Unwatched FL W. light shown during winter months. 7430 St. Andre de Kamouraska, 47 41 F. R. 22 9 Mast, white shed; 15. H 2178 head of wharf. 69 44 7440 H 2172 Long Pilgrim, near center of island. U. 47 43 69 45 FI. W. period 5® 136 12 White circular brick tower rising from center of white square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 39. 7450 Pilgrim Shoal Bell Buoy No. 51 B, W. side of shoal. 47 46 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy.... 69 44 7460 Hare Island Pass Bell Buoy No. 50 B. 47 47 69 47 FI. W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Radar reflector. 7470 H 2164 Brandypot, E. end of island. 47 52 69 41 F. W. 71 14 White circular tower on white dwelling with red roof, red lantern; 39. Replaced seasonally by unwatched Fl. W. light of less intensity. 7480 H 2162 Riviere du Loup, head of government wharf. U. 47 51 69 34 F. G. 35 7 Red and white steel skele¬ ton tower, red lantern. Whistle: Answers vessels signals. 7490 Barrett Ledge Bell Buoy No. 38 B, E. side of ledge. 47 53 69 37 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy. 7501 White Island Reej Bell Buoy No. 37 B. 47 59 69 37 FI. W. Buoy, red and black bands. Radar reflector. 7502 H 2158 White Island Reef. 47 58 69 38 FI. W. period 10® 73 14 WTiite square structure on inverted conical shaped steel base, orange stripe on N, and E. sides. Two Diaphones: alternately, 2 bl.ev. 30®. Radiotelephone. Port II Including N. M. 2 /' 6 \. Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 86 H. 0. Ill No. Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Nome and locotion lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o t water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE m 7510 H 2150 Cacouna East, head of wharf. N. W. 48 00 69 26 F. W. 17 8 Mast, white shed; 15. 7520 H 2149 GREEN ISLAND; — Head of W. wharf. u. 48 00 69 28 F. W. 17 8 Mast, white shed; 15. m 7530 H 2146 7535 H 2147 — Green Island, NW. point of island. U. 48 03 69 25 48 04 Occ. W. period 20^ It. 10^, ec. 10® FI. W. 54 50 13 12 White circular stone tower, clapboarded; brown wooden dwelling at¬ tached; 56. Red and white iron post... Typhon: 3 blasts ev. 60®. U. 69 23 7540 H 2148 48 02 69 24 FI. W. 18 8 Mast, white shed; 15. u. • 7550 H 2152 — He Verte, near head of wharf, front. 48 01 69 21 F. R. 13 8 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped daymark; 15. Bell (hand): for benefit of local small boats; privately operated 7550.1 H 2154 -Rear, 116 yards 146° 40' from front. F. R. 26 10 White wooden framework structure, square wooden daymark; 28. Rear light visible on axis only. • 7560 H 20 9 8 Trois Pistoles, head of government wharf. U. 48 08 69 11 F. G. 31 10 Steel pole with red lantern on top; 23. 7570 Alcide Rock Bell Buoy No. 31 B. 48 20 68 56 FI.W. Black buoy . 7580 H 2086 Bic Island, SW. extremity. .. U. 48 23 68 53 FI. W. 35 11 Red and white pole. • 7590 H 2084 Bicquette Island, N. side of island. 48 25 68 54 Fl.,-W., R . period 3® fl. 0.2S ec. 2.8^ 112 17 White circular stone tower, ted lantern; 74. R 250°-289°. Line of demarca¬ tion between white and red sectors not clearly defined. Diapbone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. Radiobeacon. 7600 Northu est Reef Bell Buoy No. 29 B. 48 24 68 57 FI. W. Black buoy . • 7610 H 2072 RIMOUSKl ROAD: 48 29 68 31 F. R. 37 11 Aluminum colored skeleton u. tower, red lantern; 28. 7620 H 2074 — Range, about 1 mile S. of the government wharf, front. U. 48 28 68 31 F. G. 35 11 Orange wooden skeleton structure, fire orange diamond-shaped daymark with black stripe; 35. • 7620.1 H 2074. 1 -Rear, 900 yards 179° 30'from front. U. F. G. 75 14 Steel lattice mast, fire- orange rectangular day- mark with black stripe; 80. A F. R. light is shown from radio mast about 2.7 miles SW. 7630 — Rimouski Roads Bell Buoy No. 27 16 B. 48 30 68 31 FI. W. Black buoy conical slatted topmark. Radar reflector. • 7635 — Rimouski Buoy No. 28 B 48 30 68 31 FI. R. Red buoy. Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 87 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome ond location Position lot, long o t Chorocteristic » and power Heigh of ligh above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau‘ tical miles] Structure, height (feet) 1 Sectors. Remarks, Fog signols CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE 7640 H 20 70 Pother Point. N. W. 48 31 68 28 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 7.5® 4fl. 3.2®, ec. 4.3® 91 15 Octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 97. Pilot station. Diaphone: 2 bl. ev. 60®. 7660 Cock Point Buoy No. 25 B 48 34 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 68 24 7670 H 2048 Little Metis, on Metis Point 48 41 68 02 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 7.5® fl. 0.25®, ec. 1® fl. 0.25®, ec. IS fl. 0.25®, ec. 4.75® 79 14 Cylindrical concrete tower, red lantern; 82. Diaphone: 3 bl. ev. 60®. 7680 Sandy Bay (Baie des 48 44 FI. R. 28 10 H 2046 Sables), outer end of new W. wing of wharf. U. 67 54 7690 St. Ulric, head of wharf, W. 48 47 Fl. W., R. 20 5 Pole, white shed; 16. R. over foul ground NE. of wharf. H 2044 comer. U. 67 42 7700 MATANE: — Bell Buoy No. 21 B, 48 52 Fl. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... Radar reflector. outer edge of shoal off mouth of river. 67 33 7710 — Range, on hill W. side 48 51 F. G. 78 13 Steel post, black diamond- shaped slatwork daymark, red lantern; 15. For dredged channel. H 2040 of entrance, front. 67 32 7710.1 -Rear, 200 yards 148° from front, on main chimney of Matane Hospital. F. G. 107 15 Chimney. H 2040.1 7720 — W. Breakwater, outer 48 51 Fl. G. 23 10 Steel tower; 18. Whistle: 1 blast ev. 30®. Privately operated. H 2042 end. U. 67 32 period 5® ins -, NE. corner. F. W. 23 8 White pole, red lantern .... H 20 4 2. 2 U. 7730 Ste. Felicite, near head of 48 54 F. G. 19 6 Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. Located at Long Point, 1.5 miles W. of Ste. Felicite Church. H 2056 wharf. 67 21 7740 H 2030 Mechins, near head of wharf. 49 00 66 59 F. G. 32 10 Square steel skeleton tower, painted aluminum; red lantern; 27. Whistle: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 7750 H 2880 Cope Chat, NE. extremity of Cape. 49 05 66 45 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.8® 120 17 White square concrete tower red lantern; 33. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 340°. 7760 H 1856 Chat River, near outer end of W. wharf. U. 49 06 66 41 F. R. 26 10 White mast; 20. 7770 H 1852 Ste. Anne des Monts, head of government wharf. U. 49 08 66 29 F. R. 31 10 Red and white steel post, 25. 7780 H 1846 St. Joachim (Tourelle) Range, on beach, front. 49 09 66 25 F. R. 27 9 Aluminum-colored mast; 24. Visible on axis only. 7780.1 H 1848 — Rear, oji cliff, 93 yards 157* from front. F. R. 62 12 Hast, white shed; 16. Visible on axis only. *art II ncluding N M. 2^61. 88 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi. bility (nou* ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols C ANADA-ST. LAWRE NCE ES TUARl r, SOUTH SIDE N. W. 7790 Riviere o lo Mortre . 49 12 Gp. FI. W. ( 4 ) 130 17 Red octagonal wooden Telegraph station. Reporting H 1842 66 10 period 30® tower, white stripe. station. fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® red dwelling; 63. Diapbone: 1 bl. ev. 6U®. fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Horn points 350°. fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 14.5® 7800 Ste. Marthe de Gaspe, head Fl. R. 34 11 Aluminum-colored pole. H 1844 of government wharf. U. red lantern; 29. 7810 Marsoui, outer end of 49 13 Fl. G. 29 10 Red lantern, skeleton H 1840 wharf. U. 66 04 steel tower; 24. 7820 Riviere au Claude, front 49 13 F. R. 27 10 Square steel skeleton Visible from all points of H 1834 u. 65 54 tower, painted aluminum, white diamond-shaped daymark; 22. approach. 7820.1 — Rear, about 73 yards F. R. 32 10 Square steel skeleton Visible on range Hoe only. H 1836 167°30'from front. U. tower, painted aluminum, white diamond-shaped daymark; 22. 7830 H 1830 Mont Louis, on shore, front. 49 14 F. R. 25 10 Red and white square steel skeleton tower, white Visible on axis only. 65 44 slatted diamond-shaped daymark with black stripe; 17. 7830.1 — Rear, about 130 yards F. R . 41 11 Red and white square steel Visible on axis only. H 1832 177*20' from front. U. skeleton tower, white slatted square-shaped daymark with black stripes; 31. 7840 — Head of Government 49 14 Fl. G. 35 10 White pole, red lantern; 25. H 1833 Wharf, W. side of bay. U. 65 44 7850 H 1828 49 15 Gn. Fl. W. f31. 146 18 Cylindrical concrete tower, white circular Telegraph station. Reporting station. 65 20 period 30® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® lantern with red roof; 55. Diaphone; 2 blasts ev. 60®. fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 17.5® 7856 Madeleine River, outer end 49 15 Fl. W. 33 Aluminum-colored square H 1829 of government wharf. U. 65 21 skeleton tower, red lantern; 26. 7859 Grand Vallee, on outer end 49 14 Fl, G. 31 12 Aluminum-colored steel H 1826 of the wharf. U. 65 08 skeleton tower; 26. 7860 Grand Vallee, on shore. 49 13 F. R. 23 5 White mast, white diamond- Visible on axis only. H 1822 front. 65 08 shaped slatwork daymark; 15. 7860.1 — Rear, 89 yards 191° from F. R. 32 5 White mast, white diamond- Visible on axis only. H 1824 front. shaped slatwork daymark; 21. Part II IncliKling N. M. 2/61. 89 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility High (nou- water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY, SOUTH SIDE Sectors. Remarks. Fog sigrtols 7870 Petite Vallee, near head of H ISIS government wharf, front. U. 7870.1 — Rear, 175 feet 169° H 1S20 from front. U. 7880 Frigate Point, near edge of H 1S12 cliff, front. 7880.1 — Rear, 35 yards 180° H 1814 from front. 7890 Cloridorme, near edge of W 1808 cliff, front. 7890.1 — Rear, 82 yards 201° H 1810 from front. 7891 — Cloridorme wharf, outer H 1811 end. U. 7892 — Buoy, 7 B, close W. of government wharf. 7900 Fame Point. H 1802 7910 Anse au Vallon Range, H 1798 front. 7910.1 — Rear, 93 yards 255° from H 1800 front 7915 St. Maurice de I’Echourie H 1797 Wharf. U. 7920 St. Maurice de I’Echourie, H 1794 on cliff, front. U. 7920.1 — Rear, about 163 yards H 1796 285*30'from front. U. 7930 Petit Cap, on shore, front... H 1788 N. W. 49 13 65 02 49 12 64 55 49 11 64 51 F. W. F. W. 7930.1 H 1790 7940 H 1786 7949 — Rear, 62 yards 265° from front. Little Fox River, at shore end of N. jetty. U. Fox River Bell Buoy 6 B . . . 49 11 FI. G. 64 51 49 11 FI. W. 64 51 49 06 Gp. FI. W. (2). 64 36 period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® 49 05 F. W. 64 33 F. W. 49 03 Fl. G. 64 29 49 03 64 28 49 02 64 27 49 01 64 25 49 00 64 23 F. R. F. R. F. R. F. R. F. W F. W. F. R FI. R Part II Including N. M. 2/61. 21 Q 24 11 10 12 5 .. 69 5 . 26 10 . 190 20 . 25 10 \ . 56 13 N . 25 10 S 47 12 A 77 14 A 36 10 WI 45 11 Wl 28 10 Pc . Re 9 Mast, white shed; 15. Visible on axis only. ; on axis only. shaped slatted daymark; 10 . shaped slatted daymark; 21 . steel tower, red lantern. Black buoy . white stripe, red lantern; 49. tower, painted aluminum, red lantern. skeleton tower, white slatted diamond-shaped daymark; 32. square-shaped daymark, battery box at base; 17. 10 I White mast, white shed; 20. 11 White mast, white shed; 35. Visible from all points of ap¬ proach. Visible on range line only. Red buoy. 90 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. o t Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 7950 H 1780 Great Fox River Range, front, on outer end of Government wharf. U. N. W. 49 00 64 23 F. R . 27 Square steel tower, aluminum with white diamond-shaped slatted daymark; 20. Visible on axis only. 7950.1 H 1782 — Rear, 405 yards 178° from front. U. F. R. 53 Square steel tower, aluminum with white square-shaped slatted daymark; 40. Visible on axis only. 7960 Fox River, head of pier, W. side of bay. F. G. 30 7 Pole; 18. Reporting station. 7970 H 1776 Griffon Cove, on shore, front. 48 56 64 19 F. R. 25 5 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped slatted daymark; 15. Visible on axis only. 7970.1 H 1776. 1 — Rear, 133 yards 238° from front. F. R. 43 11 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped slatted daymark; 32. Visible on axis only. 7975 H 1777 FI. G. 28 10 Red and white pole, red U. period 12® fl. 2®,ec. 10® lantern; 22. 7980 H 1770 Jersey Cove, on shore, front. 48 54 64 14 F. R. 20 5 Pole, white shed; 17. 7980.1 H 1772 — Rear, 77 yards 270° from front. F R ... 34 5 Pole, white shed; 20 . 7990 H J768 48 51 Occ. W . 136 17 White circular tower; 112. Signal and telegraph station. 64 12 period 20® It. 15®, ec. 5® Diaphone; 3 blasts ev. 60®. Synchronized for distance- findin g. Radiobeacon. 8000 H 1766 — Cap des Rosiers East, head of jetty. U. 48 50 64 13 F. R . 23 10 Red and white skeleton steel tower; 16. 8010 U IKO Cope Gaspe, near extremity . 48 45 64 10 Gp. FI. W. (2) . period 24® fl. ec. 6® fl. ec. 18® 351 26 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 46. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. 8015 H 1759 GASPE BAY: — Indian Cove, outer end of wharf. U. 48 46 64 12 Fl. W . 27 10 Red and white steel period 12® fl.2®,ec. 10® pole; 22. 8020 H 1758 — Grande Greve, front side of bay, front on shore¬ ward end of crosswall. 48 48 64 14 F. W . 30 10 Mast, white shed; 25 . 8020.1 H 1758. 1 - Rear, 88 yards 106° from front. F. W . 85 14 Mast, white shed; 20 . 8030 H 1756 — Little Gaspe Range, front. 48 48 64 15 F G 29 10 White wooden pole . 8030.1 H 1756. i - Rear, about 246 yards 353° from front. F. G . 61 13 Square steel tower-, painted aluminum, rec¬ tangular slatted daymark. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 91 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 No. Nome and cation Position lat. long. O ! Choracteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signols CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE Including N.M. 2/61. Second Edifioo 14 Jan. 1961 92 H. 0. in No. Nome and location Position tot. long. Charocteristic ond power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nau* water ticol (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 8160 Zap d’Espoir, near extremity. 48 26 Gp. FI. W H 1718 64 19 period 2 fl. ec. fl. ec. fl. ec. fl. ec. 1 8170 Little River, head of E. 48 25 F. W.... H 1716 jetty, front. 64 23 8170.1 — Rear, 108 yards 322° F. W.... 1716.1 from front. 8180 Grand River Breakwater, 48 24 F. R .... head. U. 64 30 8190 — E. side of entrance. 48 25 F.—W. H 1710 U. 64 30 8200 — Robin Point, head of 48 24 F.G... H 1712 wharf. 64 28 8210 Ste. Adelaide de Pabos, on 48 23 F. R . H 1708 edge of cliff. 64 35 8216 Dupuis (Hemlock) Islet, 48 20 Fl. R .. H 1706 Chandler Harbor. U. 64 40 8219 Chandler, Government 48 21 Fl. G .. H 2704 Wharf. U. 64 40 period n. 2®, 8220 Chandler Range, front. 48 21 F.G... H 1704 U. 64 40 8220.1 — Rear, 202 yards 320° 30' F. G.. H 170 4. 1 from front. U. 8240 Pabos Point, E. side of 48 19 F. W. H 1702 Anse aux Canards. 64 41 8250 Newport Point, on island 48 17 Fl. W. H 1700 off the point. U. 64 43 8260 Newport, head of wharf. 48 16 F. R.. H 1698 front. U. 64 45 8260.1 — Rear, 142 yards 2%° F. G .. H 1698. J from front. U. 827C Maquereau Point, on 48 12 Fl. W. H 169 extremity. U. 64 46 perio fl. 1® Part II Including N. M. 2/61. 90 15 Cc 25 9 M 52 12 M 31 . P 53 10 A 38 5 fl 52 5 V 41 11 35 10 45 12 62 13 45 7 38 12 22 6 37 10 62 13 Diaphone; 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 150*. Mast; 19. Mast, white shed; 30. Pole; 23. skeleton, tower, red lantern. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals; also operates when vessel is expected. White mast; 33 with red roof; 35. skeleton tower, red lantern; 31. R.249“-9°,W.-249°. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Bell (hand): answers vessels’ signals. pole; 27. skeleton tower, orange diamond-shaped slatted daymark, black stripe; 37. Red and white square steel skeleton tower, orange square-shaped slatted daymark, black stripe; 47. Mast, white shed; 22 . . . Aluminum-colored skeleton A F. G. light is shown on pole steel tower, red lantern; on breakwater extremity. 26. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Steel post; 22. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Steel post; 37. White octagonal wooden structure, red round lantern, rectangular dwelling; 51 Reporting station. Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 93 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Chofocteristic above No. Name and locotion lot. long. 0 / and power high (nou* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals water tied (feet) miles ) CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. CHALEUR BAY: 8280 H 1688 — Anse aux Gascons, near head of breakwater. 48 12 F. R. 29 7 Pole; 23 .... Horn (hand): operates at 5 min. 64 50 intervals. 8290 H 1686 — Ruisseau Chapados, outer end of wharf. U. 48 12 64 52 FI. G. period 12^ 29 1C Red and white pole; 22. .. . fl. 2^, ec. 10* 8300 — Anse a la Barbe, head 48 11 F. W. 22 5 Pole, white shed; 24 . H 1684 of government wharf, front. 64 53 8300.1 H 1864.1 - Rear, 100 yards 338° 15' from front. F. W 28 7 Pole, white shed; 24 . . . . 8310 H 1682 — Port Daniel, near head of government wharf on White Point. 48 11 64 56 F. R. 27 7 White square wooden structure; 29. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 8320 H 1680 - West Point. 48 09 64 56 F. W. 76 15 White octagonal concrete Horn (hand); answers vessels’ tower, red lantern; 34. signals. 8325 — Pointe au Loup Marin, 48 06 FI. W. 29 10 H 1678 head of wharf. U. 65 01 period 12* n.2*,ec. 10* white steel pole; 23. 8330 H 1676 — Shigawake, outer end of wharf. 48 06 65 03 FI. W. period 12* 28 10 Red and white steel pole; 22. fl. 2*,ec. 10* 8340 H 1674 — St. Godfroy, head of wharf. 48 05 65 06 F. R. 28 7 Pole; 20. Horn (hand): answers vessel signals. 8350 H 1672 — Riviere Nouvelle, head of breakwater at river 48 04 65 08 F. W. 25 6 Pole, white shed, 19 . Horn (hand): answers vessels’ mouth. signals. 8360 H 1666 — Paspebioc Point, near S. extremity. 48 01 65 14 Gp. Fl. (2)— W. R .. period 15* fl. ec. 4* fl. ec. 11* 65 15 Red square skeleton tower, white watch room, slatted R. 89°-lll*,W. -89°. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ daymark, red lantern; 66. signals. 8370 — Paspebiac, W. wharf. 48 02 Fl. G. 36 11 Red and white square steel H 1664 outer end. 68 15 period 12* fl. 2*, ec. 10* tower, red lantern; 27. 8380 — New Carlisle, head of 48 01 F. R. 32 7 Mast at S. side of freight shed; 19. H 1662 wharf. 65 18 8390 — Fauvel, head of wharf. . . 48 00 F. W. 22 10 Mast; 20. H 1660 65 22 8400 // 1658 — Bonaventure Point, on extremity. 48 01 65 27 Occ. G. period 20* 52 12 White square wooden structure, red octagonal It. 15*, ec. 5* lantern; 34. 8410 — Bonaventure River, head 48 02 Fl. R . 25 7 Mast, shed; 20 . . . H 1656 of wharf, W. side of river mouth. U. 65 29 8420 — Little Bonaventure River 48 04 F. R . 30 7 Mast; 25. « 1652 65 32 Port II Including N. M. 2/61. 94 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Chorocteristic above bil ity No. Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) 0 ! water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. •) 8430 H 1650 CHALF.UR BAY: — Kiiisseau Le Blanc, head of interior section of breakwater. U. 48 05 65 36 FI.. W. period 12^ fl. 2®, ec. 10^ 37 10 Steel post, red lantern, aluminum shed; 37. 8440 H 2646 — Ilowatson (Black Cape) Point, head of govern¬ ment pier. U. 48 08 65 49 FI. R. 31 Square skeleton steel tower painted aluminum, red lantern; 26. • 8450 H 1648 — St. Charles de Caplan, near head of wharf. 48 06 65 41 F. R. 23 6 Mast, white shed with red roof; 20. 8460 H 1638 Tracadigash Point. 48 05 66 07 FI. R. period 16^ fl. 4^, ec. 12 = 38 11 White square wooden structure, red octagonal lantern; 32. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 8470 H 1640 — Carleton, near head of wharf. U. 48 06 66 08 FI. G. 32 6 Skeleton steel tower, painted aluminum, red lantern; 26. • 8480 H 1634 — St. Omer, head of wharf . 48 06 66 12 F. R. 30 7 White square wooden structure, supported on four steel columns, red lantern; 30. • 8490 H 1624 — Restigouche River: -Maguasha, head of wharf. U. 48 06 66 21 F. G. 36 10 Red and white skeleton steel tower, shed, red lantern; 24. Whistle: 1 H. ev. 30^ 8500 H 1626 -Oak Point, near W. extremity, front. 48 02 66 37 F. W. 52 3 White square wooden tower, 22. •) 8500.1 H 1626. 1 -Rear, 744 yards 44° 20' from - front. F.W. 168 3 Aluminum-colored square steel skeleton tower, red lantern, orange square¬ shaped slatted day mark, black stripe; 68. CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE • 8510 H 1632 CHALEUR BAY: — Restigouche River: -Cambellton, on pier, beside railway wharf, front. 48 01 66 40 F. R. 26 7 Red steel skeleton tower rectangular-shaped orange slatted daymark, red stripes, red lantern. • 8510.1 H 1632. 1 -Rear, 395 yards 242° from front. F. R. 48 7 Red steel skeleton tower, rectangular-shaped orange slatted daymark, red stripes, red lantern. 8520 H 1622 -Dalhousie, S. side of wharf, 100 yards from head. 48 04 66 23 Gp. Occ. (2)—G. R period 30^ It. 17^ ec. 5^ It. 3^, ec. 5® 34 11 White square wooden structure on red steel framework; 35. G. 113°-262°,R.-113°. • 8530 H 1620 -Douglas (Dalhousie) Island, N. point. 48 04 66 22 Fl. W. period 7.5* 63 13 White octagonal wooden structure, red iron lantern. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 95 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. in Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 96 Second Edition UJan. 1961 H. 0. in < Height )f light ^isi* Characteristic above )llity Structure, height (feet) No. Name and location at. long. 0 t and power high water [nau¬ tical (feet) Tiiles) CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. CHALEUR BAY: 8660 — Caraquet Harbor: _Range, below Stoke 47 49 F. G . 31 10 White square wooden 1 structure, red lantern; 30. H 1580 Point, front. 64 50 8660.1 _ Rear, 1,210 yards F. G. 70 10 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 45. H 1580. I 226°55' from ' front. 1 8670 _Lower Caraquet, head 47 49 PR . 33 10 Mast, white shed; 28 . H 1578 of wharf. 64 50 8675 H 1582 -Middle Caraquet Wharf. U. 47 48 64 52 F R . 31 Steel tower painted aluminum, red lantern; 27. 8680 -Young’s Wharf, SE. corner. U. 47 48 64 56 F G . 32 10 Steel post painted aluminum red lantern, small shed at H 158 3 base; 27. 8700 — Shippegan Sound: -Pokesudi Island, NE. 47 49 F W . 35 11 Square wooden structure; 34. H 1566 point of island. 64 45 8710 -Marcelle Point, SE. 47 47 F G . 32 4 Aluminum-colored square steel skeleton tower, 2 H 1568 end of Pokesudi Island. U. 64 45 square white slatted day- marks; 27. 8720 _St. Simon Inlet, head 47 45 F W . 33 10 Mast, white shed; 27. H 1576 of government wharf. 64 49 8730 H 1570 -Lamek Range, head of S. pier, front. 47 47 64 40 F. W . 22 9 White pole with square- shaped slatted daymark; 18. 8730.1 H 1570.1 _Rear, about 487 yards 50“' from F. W. 33 11 White pole, square-shaped slatted daymark; 29. front. 874C -Little Lamek Range, 47 48 F W . 14 Pole, diamond-shaped day- mark; 11. H 157 8740. H 1572. head of wharf, N. side of bay, front. -Rear, 2,100 yards, 55° from 64 41 F. W . 37 1 Pole, white diamond- shaped daymark; 32. front. 875C H 156 ) — Island River Range, fron 4 t. 47 52 64 39 F W . 23 ( White pole, white diamond- shaped slatted daymark; 21. 8750. H 1564. 1 -Rear, 76 yards 142° j from front. F. W. 30 1 3 White pole, white diamond- shaped slatted daymark, shed; 27. MISCOU HARBOR: 47 55 Cl D . Red buoy . 875 5 — Miscou Buoy No. 2—C 64 41 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals of approach. Rear light visible on axis only. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Second Edition Port II 14 Jon. 1961 Including N. M. 2/61. H. 0. Ill Position Heigh of light Vi si. No. Nome and location Characteristic bilit (nou- lot. long, o f and power high Structure, height (feet) water tica' (feet) miles ) CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK-G ULF 0 F ST. LAWRENCE N. W. MISCOU HARBOR: 8760 — Pecten Point, N. end of 47 53 F. W. 22 White square wooden H iSSS Shippegan Island, front. 64 35 Structure on cribwork pier. 8760.1 -Rear, 428 yards 121° F. W. 35 Mast, white diamond- H 1SS8. i from front. shaped daymark, white shed at base; 37. 8770 — Miscou WTiarf, N. side of 47 54 F. G. 22 G Pole, white shed; 17.. H 1562 harbor. 64 35 CHALEUR BAY: 1 8780 — Goose Lake, W. side of 47 56 Occ. W. 45 10 Red iron skeleton tower, white slatted daymark. H 1556 Miscou Island. 64 36 period 15* It. 10*, ec. 5* white lantern, red roof; 40. 8785 — Miscou Island Bell Buoy 48 02 FI. W. Black buov . 1-G. 64 32 8790 H 1552 Miscou Island, Birch Point, NE. side of island. 48 01 64 30 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 7.5* 82 14 White octagonal wooden structure, red circular fl. 0.5*, ec. 1* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* lantern; 80. 8800 — Sandy Point (Miscou 47 55 F. W. 54 11 Mast, white shed, cribwork H 1548 Gully), SE. end of 64 30 Miscou Island. foundation; 34. SHIPPEGAN GULLY: 8805 Ste-Marie-sur-Mer, SE. end 47 47 FI. G. 36 11 Steel post aluminum- H 1547 of breakwater. IJ. 64 34 colored. 8810 — Shippegan Bell Buoy No. 47 42 FI. R. Red buov. 52—C, S. entrance to gully. 64 39 8820 — Big Shippigan, on sand 47 43 FI. W. 54 White octagonal wooden structure, square crib- H 1530 bar, E. side of S. en¬ trance. 64 40 period 6* n. l*,ec. 5* LZ work base, red circular lantern; 54. 8830 H 1536 — Entrance range, near head of W. breakwater. 47 43 64 40 F. R. 18 5 Mast, shed; 12. w front. U. 8830.1 -Rear, 52 yards 007° F. R. 36 Mast, white shed; 30... H 1536. 1 from front. 8840 H 1544 — Caribou Cove Range, front. 47 45 64 40 F. W. 13 3 Pole, white shed. 8840.1 -Rear, 167 yards 353° F. W. 33 Mast, white shed; 31 H 1544. 1 from front. 3 8850 « 1532 — Shippegan Harbor Range, E. side of the entrance 47 43 64 40 F. W. 15 3 Pole, white shed; 17. to gully, front. 8850.1 - -Rear, 147 yards 153° F. W . 22 last, white diamond- tf 1532. 1 30' from front. 3 fl shaped daymark, shed; 22 Perf II Including N.M. 2/61. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60*. shifting channel. 98 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power H. 0.111 Height of light Visi- above bility high (nou* water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 8860 H 1540 8860.1 H 1540.1 8865 H 1527 8870 H 1523 8880 H 1522 8885 SHIPPEGAN GULLY: _Head of government wharf, front. -Rear, about 475 yards 154° from front. Little Pokemouche Gully . •. U. North Tracadie, on sand flat, N. side of Old Gully. South Trocadie Gully, N. side, near entrance. U. MIRAMICHI BAY: — Portage Gully Fairuay Buoy. N. W. 47 45 64 42 47 42 64 44 47 31 64 52 47 30 64 52 47 12 65 00 Fl.W. period 6^ n. 1^, ec. 5^ FI. W 26 41 16 28 8901 H 1518 Lx)wer Neguac Wharf Range, front, outer end of new wharf. U. 47 15 65 03 F. R. 19 8901.1 1518. 1 — Rear, 556 yards 0° 30' from front. U. F. R. 37 8905 H 1516 — Neguac Wharf, SE. comer. U- 47 14 65 04 Fl.W. period 4® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 15 8910 H 1514 — Burnt Church, E. side of wharf. 47 12 65 08 F. R. 18 8920 H 1432 _Escuminac Range, edge of bank inside break¬ water, front. 47 05 64 53 F. G. 32 8920.1 H 1434 -Rear, 228 yards 125° 10' from front. F. G 42 8925 H 1431 _Outer S. corner of breakwater. u. Occ. R. period 2® It. 1®, ec. 1® 18 8930 H 1426 — Preston Beach, on S. side of Miramichi Bay, front. 47 05 64 55 F. W. 37 8930.1 H 1428 -Rear, 228 yards 139° 30' from front. F. W. 58 Mast, white shed; 22. 11 Aluminum-colored skeleton tower, white rectangular¬ shaped daymark, red lantern; 36. 5 Steel skeleton tower; 14... Pole. Steel skeleton tower, rectangular daymark with red diamond center. Black and white striped buoy. Steel tower, white wooden slatwork daymark with a red diamond-shape in center. White square wooden tower, red lantern. Skeleton tower, red lan¬ tern; 12. Mast, white shed . Pole, white shed Pole, white shed Red steel skeleton tower, white square¬ shaped daymark with red diamond shaped center; 12. White square wooden structure, red lantern; 36. Red steel framework tower, white enclosed upper part, red lantern; 59. R. 237°-23° 30', W. -26° 30', G.-57°. Additional lights may be shown to mark channel and liable to be shifted without notice. Intensified on axis. Intensified on axis. Part II Including N. M. 2/61. 99 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long o t Characteristic and power Heigh of ligh above high woter (feet) Visi. bilit) (nau* tical miles Structure, height (feet) CANADA-NEW BRUNSW ICK-G ULF 0 F ST. LAWRENCE 8940 H 1436 MIRAMICHI BAY: — Huckleberry Gully, on beach at Bale Ste. Anne, front. N. W. 47 03 64 58 F. W. 15 £ Pole, white shed. 8940.1 H 1438 -Rear, about 153 yards 212°30' from front. F. W. 30 6 Pole, white shed. 8950 — Bar Bell Buoy, S. ex- 47 06 FI. W. Black and white striped buoy. tremity of bar. 64 57 8%0 H 1440 — Swashway, E. side of Fox Island, front. U. 47 07 65 00 F. W. 35 11 Square white wooden tower; 33. 8960.1 H 1440. 1 -Rear, 400 yards 260° from front. U. F. W. 62 13 Red skeleton steel tower, white slats on upper face white wooden enclosed upper part; 64. 8970 // 1444 — Portage Island, S. end of island, front. 47 10 65 02 F. W. 31 7 White square wooden structure; 27. 8970.1 H 1444. 1 -Rear, 670 yards 312° 45' from front. Occ. W. period 9® It. 7®, ec. 2® 45 12 Square white wooden tower, red octagonal lantern; dwelling; 42. 8980 H 1447 — Portage Island Channel Range, on Fox Island, No. 1, front. 47 08 65 02 F. W. 47 10 White mast, white daymark, white shed; 40. 8980.1 H 1448 -Rear, No. 3, 433 yards 242°30' from front. F. W. (upper). 67 13 Red skeleton tower, en¬ closed wooden watch room, white octagonal wooden lantern; 64. 8990 H 1448 — Horseshoe Shoal Range, on Fox Island, No. 3, front. F. W. (lower). 32 10 Square wooden lantern on same tower as Portage Island Channel Range, rear. 9000 H 1449 -Rear, No. 2, 350 yards 130° from No. 1. F. W. 46 10 White mast, white daymark, white shed; 38. 9010 H 1468 — Bale du Vin, head of public wharf. 47 03 65 08 F. W. 20 9 White pole. 9020 H 1464 — lie du Vin, S. side of island, front. U. 47 05 65 06 F. W. 29 3 White pole. 9020.1 H 1464. 1 -Rear, 169 yards 42° 30' from front. U. F. W. 39 3 Mast, white shed. 9030 H 1460 — Hardwick, near head of public wharf, at Mills Point. 47 05 65 01 F. W 27 7 Mast, white shed; 25 ... . Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Lights moved to suit shifting channel. channel. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Range lights, 81° 15' Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 100 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position at. long. o C Characteristic and power Height f light obove high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nau* tical miles) CANADA-NEW BRUNSWIG K-GUL .F OF SI 9040.1 H 1472 MlRAMlClll BAY: — Grand Dune Flats, S. end of Grand Dune Island, front. U. N. W. 47 08 65 14 F. W . 47 7 St 1 FI. W. 47 . S 1 i period 6® fl. 1^, ec. 5® 9040.2 H 1472. I -Rear, 678 yards 282° from front. U. F. W . 71 8 R 9050 H 1476 — Moody Point Range, front, on N. bank of river. U. 47 06 65 20 F W .... 33 . W F W . . R 9050.1 H 1476. 1 -Rear, about 515 yards 254° from front. U. 63 9060 H 1480 — Napan Bay Range, front . U. 47 04 65 19 F W . 29 . S F W . . S 9060.1 H 1480. J -Rear, 433 yards 216° 30' from front. U. 51 907C H 1488 — Murdock Point Range, front. 47 04 65 20 F W . 25 9070.1 H 1488. . -Rear, about 230 yards 247° 44' from front. F W . 40 9080 H 1491. 9 MlRAMICIII RIVFIR: — Grant Beach Range, front. 47 05 65 23 F W . 69 4 F. W. 107 4 9080.1 H 1492 -Rear, 433 yards 274° from front. 9090 H 1498 — St. Andrew Bank Range, N. side of river above Legget Shoal, front. U. 47 04 65 25 F W . 27 10 F. W. 43 10 9090.1 H 1498. J -Rear 380 yards 251° from front. U. 9100 H 1492 — Legget Shoal Range, 600 yards W. of Gordon Wharf, front. U. 47 05 65 25 F. W. 43 4 F. W. 107 4 9100.1 H 1492. -Rear, about 833 yards 43°30' from front. 911( H 150 — Millbank Range, front . . U. 47 03 65 28 F W . 50 9110. H 1502. -Rear, 391 yards 249° jj from front. U. F W . 120 Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols mark with red diamond on front face of tower. Same tower as above. Visible on axis only. Visible from all points of approach. white wood watch room, white daymark on front of tower; 64. structure. structure, white en¬ closed upper part. mark. ikeleton tower, white daymark. IVooden tower, white day' mark; 17. IVooden tower, white day mark; 25. iVhite square wooden structure; 37. IVhite square wooden structure; 37. Skeleton tower, white day- mark with red diamond center. Skeleton tower, white day- mark with red diamond center. Skeleton steel tower, white daymark with red dia¬ mond center. White square wooden structure; 37. Skeleton steel tower, white daymark, red diamond on face. Mast, white hut. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. Visible from all point of approach. Visible on axis and upstream. Same light as rear light of Grant Beach Range. Part II Ittcluding N. M. 2/61. Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 101 H. 0. in No. Nome ond Iccotion Position lot. long. Choracteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nau- water tied (leet) miles) Structure, height (feet) 912C H ISOB MlKAMICHl RIVER: — Wright Bank Range (Newcastle), N. side of river, front. N. W. 47 01 65 33 F. R. 9120.1 H 1508. i -Rear, 142 yards 265° from front. F. R. 9130 H 1512 — Goodfellow Bar, North¬ west Branch, at Cassilis, front. 46 57 65 46 F. W. 9130.1 H 1512. 1 -Rear, 101 yards 211° 30' from front. F. W. 9140 Escuminac Point 47 05 64 48 F. W. H 1424 9150 — Bell Buoy, N. end of of Escuminac Reef. 47 07 64 47 FI. W. period 6^ 9160 H 1418 Sapin Point, near root of E. breakwater, front. U. 46 58 64 49 F. G. 9160.1 — Rear, 72 yards 3° from FI. W. H 1418. 1 front. period 2® n.0.5Sec. 1.55 9165 H 1416 Portage River, N. breakwater U. 46 56 64 53 FI. R. period 3* fl. ISec. 2= 9170 H 1412 Kouchibouguac Bar, on east side of S. beach. U. 46 50 64 55 FI. W. 9170.1 — Rear, 80 yards 285°27' FI. W. H 1412. 1 from front. U. 9190 RICHIBUCTO HARBOR: — Richibucto Bar Buoy .... 46 43 64 44 FI. W. 9200 II 1384 — Richibucto Bar Range, front. U. 46 43 64 46 F. W. 9200.1 H 1384. 1 -Rear, 90 yards 229° 46' from front. U. F.W. 9210 H 1388 — Richibucto Channel Range, N. side of harbor, front. U. 46 43 64 50 F. R. 9210.1 H 1388. I -Rear, 447 yards 267° 30' from front. F. R. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals 55 100 44 20 33 15 20 28 27 38 16 32 Mast, white triangular¬ shaped slatted daymark; 27. Mast, white triangular¬ shaped slatted daymark. 1 Mast, white wooden shed; 25. Visible on axis only. 1 I Mast, white shed; 35. | Visible on axis only. 14 I White octagonal wooden I Signal and telegraph station, structure; dwelling. Diaphone; 1 bl. ev. 30^ Black buoy . 9 I Steel tower, white slatted daymark with red dia¬ mond center. 10 White square wooden tower. Red skeleton steel tower; 10 . White pole, white daymark Lights moved to suit shifting with red diamond in | channel, center; 17. White pole, white daymark I Lights moved to suit shifting with red diamond in | channel, center; 27. Black buoy 10 I White slatted diamond¬ shaped daymark, white pole; 16. 11 I White slatted diamond¬ shaped daymark, white pole; 26. 5 I Mast, white triangular¬ shaped daymark; 12. 7 I Mast, white triangular¬ shaped daymark; 32. On Richibucto Channel Range. Visible on axis only. Visible on axis only. 102 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. tong. 0 / Choracterlstic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remorks. Fog signals CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9220 H 1394 RICHIBUCTO HARBOR; — North Beach Range, on shore behind break¬ water, front. U. N. W. 46 43 64 48 F. W. 25 steel tower, white square¬ shaped daymark with red diamond in center; 23. 9220.1 H 1394. 1 - Rear, 96 yards 292° 25' from front. U. F. W. 44 Steel tower, white square¬ shaped daymark with red diamond in center; 45. 9230 H 1394 — Pile Sheet Range, front u. 46 43 64 48 F. W. 25 Steel tower, white square¬ shaped daymark with red diamond in center; 23. Same light as North Beach Range, front. 9230.1 H 1398 - Rear, 273 yards 45° 30' from front. U. F. W. 44 Steel tower, white square¬ shaped, slatted daymark with red diamond in center; 34. 9240 H 1400 — Fagan Point Range, W. side of South Beach, front. 46 43 64 48 F. R. 26 Mast, white shed. 9240.1 H 1400. 1 - Rear, 333 yards 64° 50' from front. F. R. 36 7 Mast, white triangular¬ shaped slatwork daymark, white shed; 35. 9250 H 1402 Town Range, front. 46 41 64 52 F. G. 50 9 Skeleton steel tower, white square slatted day- mark, red diamond in center; 43. 9250.1 H 1402. 1 -Rear, 312 yards, 228° from front. F. G. 73 9 Skeleton steel tower, white square slatted daymark, red diamond in center; 63. 9260 H 1378 Cape Richibucto, on beach, N. side of breakwater, front. 46 40 64 43 F. R. 25 5 Mast, white shed; 25. 9260.1 H 1378. 1 — Rear, 38 yards 291° 45' from front. F. R. 36 7 Mast, white shed; 19. 9270 H 1376 Richibucto Head . 46 40 64 43 FI. W. period 20® 50 12 White square wooden tower, red iron lantern; 34. Radiobeacon. 9280 H 1374 Chock fish, near head of S. breakwater. 46 35 64 43 F. W. 26 10 Mast, shed; 25. 9285 H 1372 St. Edward wharf. U. 46 32 64 42 FI. R. period 4® n.l.5®,ec.2.5® 17 8 White steel skeleton tower, red diamond shaped daymark. 9267 H 1359 Cocagne Bar wharf, SE. comer. U. 46 25 64 37 FI. R. period 3® fl. l®,ec.2® 14 Red steel skeleton tower; 10 . 9290 H 1362 BUCTOUCHE RIVER: — Buctouche Bar, S. extremity of sand bar, at entrance to harbor. U. 46 28 64 37 FI. W. period 6® fl.l®,ec.5® 36 6 White square skeleton tower, red lantern; 35. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 103 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of 1 ight Visi* Position Characteristic above bil ity No. Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9300 BUTOUCHE RIVER: — Dixon Point Range, N. W. 46 27 F. W. 36 11 White square wooden structure, 30. H 1364 front. 64 39 9300.1 -Rear, 343 yards 279° F. W. 50 12 White square wooden structure; 34. H 1364. 1 30' from front. 9310 — Inner Range on Indian 46 29 F. R. 21 5 White square wooden structure, red roof; 23. Visible on axis only. H 136B (Church) Point, front. 64 41 9310.1 -Rear, 408 yards 317° F. R. 58 8 Red skeleton steel tower, enclosed white wooden watch room, white slats on upper face; 47. H 136B. 1 25' from front. 9315 H 1360 — Crossman Point Wharf. .. u. 46 27 64 38 FI. G. period 3® fl. P,ec. 2^ 15 Red skeleton steel tower; 10 . 9320 H 1354 Cocagne River, S. side of mouth, front. 46 20 64 37 F. G. 26 6 White square wooden building; 28. Visible from all point of approach. 9320.1 H 1354. 1 — Rear, 288 yards 219°30' from front. F. G. 47 8 Mast, diamond-shaped day- mark. Visible on axis only. 9330 H 1358 Cote d’Or, Cocagne River, head of government wharf. U. 46 21 64 36 FI. W. period 4* fl. P,ec. 3^ 17 Red steel skeleton tower; 12 . 9335 H 1352 Cocagne Cape Wharf, SW. comer of wharf. U. 46 22 64 34 FI.R. 17 Skeleton steel tower, white slatted daymark red diamond in center; 12. 9340 Caissie Point. 46 19 Go. FI. W (3) 47 12 White square wooden structure, red lantern; dwelling attached; 27. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. W 1350 64 31 period 24® fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 16® 9345 W JJ48 — Head of breakwater .... 46 19 64 31 Fl. G. period 4® fl. 0.5®. ec. 3.5® 18 4 Skeleton steel tower, red iron lantern, slatted white wooden daymark red diamond on sea¬ ward side; 14. 9360 SHEDIAC HARBOR: — Be// Buoy, northward of 46 17 Fl. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... Zephyr Rock. 64 30 9370 — North Channel Range, on 46 15 F. R. 35 7 White souare wooden structure, red lantern; 27. // 1328 Pointe du Chene, front. 64 31 9370.1 - Rear, 200 yards 190° F. R. 46 8 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 39. « 1328. 1 from front. 9380 — Shediac Island, near S. 46 15 F. W. 43 7 White square tower, red lantern; 37. W 1338 end, front. U. 64 32 r 9380.1 - Rear, 206 yards 263° F. W. 59 12 White steel skeleton tower, enclosed upper part; 50. W 1330. 1 30' from front. U. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 104 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. in No. Nome and location 1 Position at. long. 0 t 0 Characteristic and power Height f light ' above high water (feet) r /isi- 5ility nau¬ tical niles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANAE )A-NEW BRUNSWICK-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 9390 H 1332 SHEDIAC HAR30R; — Range, Pointe du Chene, N. end of government wharf, front. 46 15 64 32 F G . 30 7 Pole with daymark, small white shed at base. 9390.1 H 1332. 1 94001 -Rear, SW. comer of railway wharf 105 yards 194° from front. 46 14 64 22 j F. G . c yf 43 19 7 Pole with daymark, small white shed at base. Pole. H 1326\ 9400.ll H 1326.1 1 Robichaud Wharf Ranee, front. — Rear, about 132 yards 204“ from front. F W . 29 Pole, shed at base . [ 9405] H 1325 Hatshmans Brook. NW. comer of E. breakwater. U. 46 14 64 18 FI. W.1 period 3® fl.P,ec.25 16 • I Red steel skeleton tower; 10. 9410 H 1324 Cape Bald, on edge of bank . U. 46 14 64 15 F G . 40 11 Red lantern on pole. 9415 H 1323 Little Cape Breakwater, NE. comer. 46 12 64 10 FI R . 16 Red steel skeleton tower; period 3^ fl. ISec. 2^ 10 . 9420 H 1320 Shemogue, Dugay Point front. 46 10 64 08 F W . 17 9 White pole, white Visible on axis only. triangular-shaped daymark, white shed. 9420.1 H 1320. 1 — Rear, 150 yards 213°45' from front. F. W . 25 10 White pole, white triangular-shaped day- mark, white shed. Visible on axis only. 9425 H 1319 1 Botsford Breakwater, SE. corner. 46 10 63 56 FI n . 20 Red skeleton steel tower; period 3® n.^ 10 . 9430 H 1318 Jourimain, E. end of island . 46 10 63 48 Occ. W. period 10^ It. 7\ ec. 3® 72 14 White octagonal wooden structure; 51. Visible 103°-333°. 9438 H 1306 Indian Point Range, front. . 46 06 63 46 F. G . 32 White wooden structure, red roof, red diamond daymark on face; 27. 9438.1 H 1306. 1 — Rear, 523 yards 218° from front. F. G . 77 White wooden structure, ted diamond daymark on face. 9440 Cape Tormentine Bell Buoy, off SE. point of Jourimain Shoals. 46 09 63 44 FI R . Red buoy . Radar reflector. 9450 H 1316 Cape Tormentine Harbor, NE. end of new outer breakwater. U. 46 08 63 47 FI W . 23 Red steel skeleton tower; period 3® a.0.5Sec. 2.5^ 10 .. ^ Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 105 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- No. Nome and iocotion Position lot. long* O / Chorocteristics and power above high water bility (nou- ticoi Structure, height (teet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals (feet) miles) CANADA—NEW BRUNSWICK—GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. CAPE TORMENTINE HARBOR: 9460 H 1308 — Cape Tormentine, on spur projecting from S. side of railroad and 46 08 63 46 F. R. 38 10 Skeleton steel tower en¬ closed and shingled. Diophone, Bell. ferry wharf, front. 9460.1 -Rear, on shore 1,233 F. R. 72 10 Skeleton steel tower en¬ closed and shingled. H 1308. 1 yards 249° from front. 9470 H 1312 Cape Tormentine Entrance Range, front. 46 08 63 47 F. W. 28 5 Post; triangula>shaped daymark, shed; 25. Visible on axis only. 9470.1 H 1312. 1 — Rear, 295 yards 230° from front. F. W. 43 5 Post; triangular-shaped daymark, shed; 33. Visible on axis only . 9480 H 1304 Fort Monckton (Old Fort Point), head of Bay Verte. 46 03 64 04 F. W. 39 11 White square wooden structure on cribwork; 33. CANADA-PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE Note-The harbors on the north shore of Prince Edward Island have sand bora by storms. Ranges of lights leading In may be changed without special to cro SB the bars. «t their mouth*, the channels through which are liable to be blocked or shifted notice being given, and It Is never safe for mariners without local knowledge 9490 North Point, N. extremity of 47 04 FI. W. 80 14 White octagonal wooden structure, red iron lan¬ tern, dwelling; 82. « 1076 island. 63 59 period 7® 9500 Tignish Harbor, head of N. F. R. 18 C Mast, white shed; 14. H 1080 breakwater, front. D 9500.1 — Rear, Big Tignish, inner 46 58 F. W. 35 11 White square wooden structure, black band; 35. H 1080. 1 end of N. breakwater, 207 yards 286° from front. 63 59 9505 CASCUMPEQUE HARBOR: — Approach Bell Buoy .... 46 49 FI. R. • 63 59 period 6® fl. 15,60.5=* 9510 — S. side of entrance . 46 48 F. W. 48 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 46. H 1086 64 02 9520 H 1088 — Alberton, front. 46 49 64 02 F. G. 20 Mast, white triangular shaped daymark; 10. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. 9520.1 H 1088. 1 -Rear, 162 yards 291° from front. F. G. 32 Mast, white triangular¬ shaped daymark; 32. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. 9530 H 1094 — Northport Range, W. of railway wharf, front. 46 48 64 03 F. R. 31 3 White square wooden tower; 29. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. 9530.1 H 109 4. 1 -Rear, 375 yards 250° from front. F. R. 42 3 White square wooden tower; 45. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 106 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. m Height of light Visi- No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristics end power above high water bility (nau‘ tical Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals (feet) miles) _--— CANADA-PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9540 H 1100 kittle Channel Range, Conway Inlet, N. side of entrance, front. U. N. W. 46 40 63 53 F. W. 16 8 Skeleton tower, white lantern; 20. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. 9540.1 H 1100. 1 — Rear, 67 yards from front. U. F. W. 26 10 White square wooden structure; cottage at¬ tached; 30. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. • 9550 H 1116 MALPEQUE HARBOR: — Damley Point Range, front. 46 34 63 39 F. R. 40 7 White square wooden tower; 25. Visible 22°30' either side of axis and NW. along the bar. 9550.1 H 1116. 1 -Rear, 357 yards 232° 30' from front. F. R. 65 7 White square wooden tower; 25. 9560 H 1106 — Outer Range, near E. end of Fish Island, front. F. W. 18 6 White skeleton tower, square lantern; 22. % 9560.1 H 1106. 1 _Rear, Fish Island (Bill Hook Island), about 665 yards 278° 15' from front. 46 35 63 43 FI. W. period 2® fl. 0.8S, ec. 1.2S 50 12 White square wooden tower, dwelling; 46. 9570 H 1110 — Inner Range, on inner shore of Fish Island, E end, front 46 35 63 42 F. R. 16 4 Mast, white shed. Visible on axis only. % 9570.1 H 1110. I -Rear, 142 yards 39° from front. F. R. 25 4 Pole; 23. Visible on axis only. 9575 H 1120 — Darnley Basin entrance range front. U. 46 34 63 42 F. G. 10 White pole. Lights moved to suit changes in channel. 9575.1 -Rear, about 123 yards 229° from front. U. F. G. 20 White pole. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. 9580 H 1122 — Darnley Basin Range, W. side of basin, front. 46 33 63 42 F. G. 39 11 White pole, white shed at base; 12. 9580.1 H 1122. 1 -Rear, 93 yards 187° 18' from front. F. G. 56 13 White pole, white shed at base; 15. % 9590 H 1128 Cope Tryon, on extremity .. . 46 32 63 30 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.5® ec. 4.5® 106 16 White rectangular wooden building, red lantern on roof; 37. 9600 H 1130 New London, NW. side of entrance to Grenville Harbor, front. 46 31 63 29 F. R. 25 10 Sreleton steel tower, white daymark, red diamond on face; 19. Visible over small arc each side of axis. « 9600.1 H 1130. J — Rear, 313 yards 210° 55' from front. Fl. R. 43 7 White square wooden struc¬ ture; white dwelling with red roof; red iron lantern; 46. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. % 961C H 114^ NORTH RUSTICO HARBOF — North Rustico. t . 46 27 63 18 F. W. 32 8 White square wooden structure; dwelling at¬ tached; 37. Horn (hand): sounded in answer to vessels’ signals. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 107 Second Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H. 0. ni No. Nome and locotion Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9630 H 1140 NORTH RUSTICO HARBOR: — SE. end of inner break¬ water. N. W. 46 28 63 17 F. —W. R. G. 22 5 White mast, red lantern; 18 G. 45°05'-223°35',W. -226° 35', R. -45°05' White sector marks best approach. 9640 Cove Head Range, front, on 46 26 F. G. 35 7 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark with red diamond center. Visible on range line only. Moved as channel alters. H 1148 point E. side of entrance. U. 63 09 9640.1 H 1148. 1 — Rear, 54 yards 186° 30' from front. U. F. G.. 46 7 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark with red diamond center. Visible on range line only. Moved as channel alters. 9650 Tracadie Harbor, W. side of 46 25 F. R. 19 7 White square framework tower, white lantern; 22. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. H 1154 entrance, front. 63 03 9650.1 — Rear, 100 yards 192° F. R. 25 7 Pole, white shed, white triangular-shaped daymark. Lights moved to suit shifting channel. W 1154. 1 from front. 9660 Savage Harbor Range, 46 26 F. W. 21 5 Mast, triangula>shaped Lights moved to suit shifting channel H 1160 front. 62 50 9660.1 — Rear, 175 yards 187° F. W. 30 5 Mast, triangular-shaped daymark Lights moved to suit shifting channel. H 1160. 1 30' from front. 9670 St. Peters Harbor, on 46 27 FI. W. 32 5 White square wooden structure; 36. One or more lights in addition may mark the channel. H 1164 break water. 62 45 period 6* 9680 H 1168 Shipwreck Point. 46 28 62 25 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 15® fl.0.4®,ec. 2.1® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.1® fl. 0.4®, ec. 9.6® 86 15 Red octagonal iron lantern on square white wooden building; 36. 9690 Naufrage Harbor, E. side of 46 28 F. R. 24 9 Mast, small white shed; 24. H 1170 W. breakwater, at entrance. 62 24 9700 H 1174 North Lake Harbor (Survey¬ or’s Inlet) head of E. breakwater. U. 46 28 62 04 F.,W. R. G. 28 6 Red lantern, white pole ... R. 19°-194°30',W. 203°30', G.-19*. W. marks safest chan nel into harbor. 9710 H 0920 East Point, near extremity .. 46 27 61 58 FI. W. period 5® 100 15 White octagonal wooden structure, white dwelling; 64. Visible 122-49°. Diophone; 2 blasts ev. 90®. Rodiobeocon. Telephone. 9715 H 0921 Basin Head Harbor, head of breakwater. U. 46 23 62 07 FI. G. period 3® fl.l®,ec.2® 15 Red steel skeleton tower, red lantern; 10. 9717 SOURIS HARBOR: — Entrance Whistle Buoy, about 1.1 miles 185° from breakwater. 46 20 62 15 FI. W. Black and white striped cylindrical buoy. 9720 H 0922 — Souris East, Knights Point 46 21 62 14 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 5® fl. 0.2®, ec. 0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 3.8® 86 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached, red iron lantern; 47. Port II Including N.M. 2/61. 108 Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 H. 0. m No. Name and location 1 Position at. long. 0 f C Characteristic and power Height f light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals c ANADA - PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND- -GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE ■ ■ 9730 H 0924 SOURIS HARBOR; — Head of E. breakwater .. N. W. 46 21 62 15 Occ. R . period 3® fl. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® 40 7 Red square skeleton steel tower, white wooden watch room and red iron lantern; 39. Diaphone; 1 blast in ev. 20®. 97A0 H 0928 Annajidale, N. side of Boughton River, front. 46 16 62 25 F. W . 35 10 White square wooden tower, red slatted day- mark, white diamond- shape; 13. 9740.1 H 0928. 1 — Rear, 1,520 yards 303° from front. Lauching Pond Boat Harbor, head of breakwater. U. F W . 78 12 White square wooden 46 13 62 25 PI P . 16 tower; 65. Red steel tower and 9745 H 0930 period 6® fl. 2®,ec.4® lantern; 12. 9750 H 09 32 CARDIGAN BAY: — Panmure Head, SE. ex¬ tremity of Cardigan bay. — Cardigan Rivet, on ferry wharf, S. side of rivet, front. -Rear, 280 yards 290° 30' from front. — St. Andrew Point, SW. side of entrance to Georgetown Harbor, front. _Rear, about 675 yards 280° 30' from front. 46 09 62 28 46 12 62 32 46 12 62 32 46 10 62 32 Fl. W . 96 16 White octagonal wooden Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 75®. period 20® F W . 21 6 structure, dwelling; 48. White mast, white shed; 21. 9760 H 0946 9760.1 H 0946. I F W . 43 6 White square wooden F G . 50 8 structure; 30. White square wooden 9770 H 0936 9770.1 H 0936. I F. G . 62 12 structure; black stripe; red lantern; 30. White square wooden structure, black stripe; 44. — Outer end of wharf. — Georgetown wharf range, W. side of railroad wharf, front. -Rear, 88 yards 321° 30' from front. Graham Pond, on S. break¬ water. U- 46 10 62 34 46 11 62 32 18 5 Shed . 9780 H 0939 r. .. C D 35 2 White mast; 24 . 9790 H 094t 9790.1 U 0940. F. R. 42 2 Mast, white shed; 18 . 46 06 62 28 Fl W . 16 9 12-foot skeleton steel 9800 H 0949 period 4® fl. l®,ec.3® tower on wharf deck. 980' H 095. Poverty Beach, head of wharf. U 46 03 62 28 Fl. G. period 3® fl. l®,ec. 2® 17 Steel skeleton tower; 12. 980 5 Murray Harbor Approach Bell Buoy. 46 02 62 27 Fl W . Black and white cylindrica 1 Part II Including N. M. 2/61. Second Edition 14 Jon. 1961 Li ni^, No. Name and location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- biiity (nau- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA. -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9810 H 0954 Murray Harbor, Range, front, on Beach Point. N. W. 46 02 62 28 F. R. 23 8 White square wooden structure; 20. 9810.1 H 0954. I — Rear, about 1 mile 234° 30' from front. F. R. 57 10 White square wooden structure; 43. 9815 Bear Reef Whistle Buoy, about 2.4 miles 77° from Cape Bear Light. 46 01 62 24 FI. R. Red buoy. Part II Including N.M. 2/61. 108b Socond Edition 14 Jan. 1961 H.O. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals o / water tical (feet) miles) CANADA -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 9820 Cope Sear, on headland. . . . 46 00 Gp. FI.(4). 74 14 White square wooden H 0950 62 28 period 20^ structure, dwelling at- 2.5® fl. ec. 2.5® fl. ec. 2.5® fl. ec. 12.5® tached; 41. 9830 Little Sands, root of 45 58 F. R. 54 10 White square wooden H 0960 breakwater. 62 39 tower; 11. 9840 Wood Island, S. side of E. 45 57 Occ. W. 80 15 White square wooden struc- H 0962 part of island. 62 44 period 10® It. 5®, ec. 5® ture and dwelling; 50. 9850 Wood Islands Harbor, head F. W. 19 6 White square wooden Diaphone: blast 2®, silent 28®. H 0964 ot E. training pier, front. structure; 19. Range lights. Rear light visible on axis only. 9850.1 — Rear, 187 yards 4° from F. W. 33 7 White square wooden Bell: hand operated. Privately H 0966 front. structure; 33. maintained. 9860 Indian Rocks Lighted 45 55 Fl. R. Red cylindrical buoy Whistle. 'thistle Buoy, SW. of rocks. 62 49 “INDIAN ROCKS” in white on sides. 9870 Belle Creek, near head of 45 58 F.R. 19 6 White mast, white shed; 19 H 0974 W. breakwater. 62 51 9880 Pinette Harbor, outer range, 46 03 F. W. 26 9 White pole, white shed .... H 09 78 Pond Point, front. 62 57 Range lights. 9880.1 — Rear, 333 yards 18° 30' F. W. 36 10 Pole, white shed. H 0980 from front. 9890 — Inner range, on Pinette 46 03 F. W. 26 1 Pole, white shed. Point, front. 62 56 Range lights. 9900 - Rear, 85° from front . F. W. 34 1 Pole, white shed. 9910 Prim Point, SE. extremity of 46 03 Fl. W. 68 12 White circular brick tower. H 0982 Hillsborough Bay. 63 02 period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® white dwelling; 55. 9920 Prim Reefs Lighted Whistle 46 03 Fl. R. Red cylindrical buoy. Whistle. Buoy, W. extremity of reefs. 63 06 ORWELL: 9930 — Birch Point Range, front. 46 07 F. W. 45 12 Mast, white diamond- H 0994 62 53 shaped slatted daymark, white shed; 43. Range lights. 9930.1 - Rear, 287 yards 74° F. W. 100 16 White framework tower. H 0996 from front. diamond-shaped slatted daymark, white lantern, red roof; 21. 9940 — Douse Point Range, E. 46 09 F. R. 16 5 White square wooden H 0984 side of entrance, front. 62 53 structure; 16. Range lights. 9940.1 -Rear, 438 yards 35° F. R. 28 5 White square wooden H 0986 from front. structure, black band; 22. Part III 109 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. e ! Choracteristic ond power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks* Fog signals CANADA -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 9950 St. Peters Island, SE. side . 46 07 Gp. FI. W. (4). 70 14 White square wooden Partially obscured by high land H 1006 63 11 period 12® fl. 0.5, ec. 1® fl. 0.5, ec. 1® fl. 0.5, ec. 1® fl. 0.5, ec. 7® structure; 38. of island. 9%0 FitZTOy Rock Lighted 46 07 Fl. R. Red cylindrical buoy. Removed about Nov. 15; replaced Whistle Buoy, W. side of 63 07 in spring as soon as ice coo- reef. ditions permit. Whistle. CHARLOTTETOWN HAR- BOR: 9970 — Haszard Point, E. side 46 12 F. W . 58 14 White square wooden H 1000 of entrance, front. 63 04 structure, red diamond¬ shaped daymark, red Range lights. lantern; 55. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 9970.1 -Rear, 704 yards 19° F. W . 125 17 White square wooden H 1002 30' from front. structure, red lantern; 47. 9980 — Blockhouse Point, W. 46 11 F. W . 56 12 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ H 1008 side of entrance to 63 08 structure, dwelling at- signals. harbor. tached, octagonal iron lantern; 42. 9990 — Brighton Beach, E. side 46 14 F. G . 41 11 White wooden skeleton H 1012 of North River, front. 63 09 tower, red diamond- Range lights. shaped, daymark, red. Visible over a small arc each lantern; 40. side of axis. 9990.1 -Rear, 425 yards 337° F.G . 72 11 Skeleton steel tower. H 1014 from front. white daymark red dia¬ mond shape. 10000 — Warren Farm Range, W. 46 12 F. R . 39 2 White square wooden H 1016 side of entrance to harbor, front. 63 08 tower; 30. Range lights. 10000.1 -Rear, 368 yards 197' F.R . 57 2 White square wooden tower; 40' from front. 30. 10010 — Head of Transport De- 46 14 F.G . 11 2 Lamp on SW. corner of H 1020 partment Wharf. 63 07 warehouse. 10020 H 1024 Charlottetown AVIATION LIGHT. 46 17 Fl. W . 250 Radiobeacon (46° 20' N. 63-lOW). 63 08 period 10® CRAPAUD: 10030 — Leards Range, W. end of 46 13 F. G . 41 6 White square wooden H 1028 bridge at head of 63 29 structure, diamond- harbor, front. shaped daymark; 38. Range lights. 10030.1 -Rear, 930 yards F. G . 95 8 White square wooden H 1030 339° 15' from front. structure, red diamond¬ shaped daymark; 46. 10040 — Wrights Range, S. side 46 12 F. R . 30 2 White square wooden H 1032 of Paul Bluff, front. 63 30 structure; 12. Range lights. 10040.1 -Rear, 758 yards 297° F. R . 50 2 White square framework H 1034 from front. tower slatted on face, red lantern; 32. Port III no First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals :anada- -PRINCE EDWARD SLAND -GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE CRAPAUD: N. W. 10050 H 1038 — Palmers Wharf, front 135 yards 002° from Leard’s Range front light. F. R. 20 2 Mast; 24 . In range (2°) with Leard’s Range front light. 10060 Tryon Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy, S. of shoal. 46 09 63 32 FI.W. Red buoy. Bell. 10070 H 1040 Port Borden Range, front .. . 46 15 63 42 F. G. 50 9 White square wooden tower, red diamond¬ shaped daymark. Range lights. Visible on range line. 10070.1 H 1042 — Rear, about 167 yards 28° from front. F. G. 76 9 White square wooden tower, red diamond¬ shaped daymark. 10072 — About 40 feet from SW. end of detached break¬ water. 46 15 63 42 FI.R. 18 8 Red skeleton tower; 12.. . . 10080 H 1046 Sea Cow Head, outer ex¬ tremity of low point. 46 19 63 49 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® 88 15 White octagonal wooden structure, red polygonal iron lantern, white dwelling; 60. F. W. during winter months. 10090 Miscouche Shoal Lighted Buoy. SUMMERSIDE HARBOR: 46 20 63 51 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “FAIRWAY BUOY.” 10100 H 1048 — Indian Point, head of breakwater, S. side of entrance. 46 23 63 49 F.,—W., G. 48 13 White octagonal wooden structure on circular stone base; 40. Green 49°—90°. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 10120 H 1050 — Range, on railway wharf, front. 46 23 63 47 F. G. 33 7 Wooden skeleton tower, white daymark, red diamond; 29. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 10120.1 H 1052 -Rear, 0.7 mile 72° from front. F. G. 75 8 White square wooden tower; 64. 10130 H 1056 Cope Egmont. 46 24 64 08 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® 72 10 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 45. 10140 H 1058 Canoe Gully, 3 miles N. of Cape Egmont, front. 46 27 64 06 F. R. 18 8 Pole, white shed; 15. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 10140.1 H 1060 — Rear, 147 yards 89° 30' from front. F. R. 34 10 Pole, white shed; 30. Moved with the shifting channel. 10150 H 1062 West Point, on sand beach .. 46 38 64 23 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 20® fl. ec. 3.5® fl. ec. 3.5® fl. ec. 13.0® 66 13 Square wooden tower, black and white bands, dwelling attached; 67. 10160 H 1066 West Point Wharf Range, near head of wharf, front. 46 37 64 22 F. R. 18 6 White mast, white shed; 17. Range lights. 10160.1 — Rear, 142 yards 11° from front. F. R. 27 6 White mast, white shed; 23. Part III First Edition in H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long, o / Choracteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- bil ity (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA. -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 10170 Wes/ Reef Lighted Whistle 46 40 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy whistle. Buoy, 0.7 mile W. of reef. 64 30 “WEST POINT” in wi.ite on sides. 10180 Miminegash, head of S. 46 53 1 . Ill 23 6 White square wooden R. 56°-134°30', W.-198°. H 1072 breakwater, at entrance to 64 14 tower; 17. pond, front. Range lights. 10180.1 — Rear, 240 yards 168° F. W. 36 10 White square wooden Visible 56°-198° H 1074 from front. tower; 27. CANADA-MAGDALEN ISLANDS- GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10190 Amherst Island, South Cape . 47 13 Gp. FI. W. (3) . 101 16 White hexagonal wooden Visible 262°-100°. H 0906 61 58 period 24^ fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 4^ fl. ec. 16® structure; 54. 10198 Deadman Island Lighted Whistle Buoy, off W. end 47 15 Fl. W. Black buoy. Whistle. 62 13 of island. 10210 Etang du Nord, on Pointe 47 23 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 98 15 White square wooden Horn (hand): in Etang du Nord H 0912 Herissee, W. side of 61 58 period 20® dwelling, red roof, white Cove, about 1 mile S. of Grindstone Island. fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® octagonal lantern with lighthouse; answers vessels’ fl. 0.5®, ec. 14.5® red roof; 38. signals. 10220 — Range, front, head of N. breakwater. U. 47 22 Fl. G . 16 Steel tower, white day- mark. 61 58 Fl. G . Range lights. 10220.1 -Rear, 457 yards 67° from front. U. 31 Steel tower, white daymark. 10225 Hospital Bay Wharf. 47 25 FI.W . 18 5 Red skeleton steel tower. U. 61 54 period 6® white square wood day- fl. 1®, ec. 5® mark with red diamond in center, red lantern; 15. 10230 Brion Island, near W. 47 47 Gp. Fl. W. (4) . 166 19 White octagonal wooden Partially hidden by trees and H 0866 extremity. 61 31 period 30® structure, red iron Ian- high land of the island. fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. IS® tern; 49. 10240 Bird Rocks, summit of 47 50 Occ. W. 159 18 White hexagonal wooden Diaphone: blast 3®, silent 57®. H 0882 Great Bird Rock. 61 09 period 20® structure, white concrete Horn points 35°. It. 15®, ec. 5® base; white dwelling; 51. 10245 East Point Lighted Bell Buoy. 47 37 Fl. R. Red buoy. Beil. 61 20 10250 Grand Entry Harbor, E. side 47 33 F.R. 19 4 Mast, white shed; 30. A black bell buoy showing Fl. H 0888 of entrance, front. 61 34 W. is moored W. of range line about 2)4 miles seaward of the entrance. Range lights. 10250.1 — Rear, 70 yards 25° 15' F.R. 33 4 Mast, white shed; 40. H 0890 from front. Part III 112 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nau- water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-MAGDALEN ISLANDS-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10255 10258 10260 H 0900 10270 H 0902 10280 10280.1 10283 10283.1 Dune Du Sud Wharf, SW. comer. U. Pearl Reef Lighted Bell Buoy. Cape Alright (Echourie) Pointe Basse, Alright Isl and, near head of new wharf. — Cape Meule, E. side of Grindstone Island, head of wharf, front. -Rear, 1201 yards 340' from front. House Harbor Range, front. — Rear, about 192 yards 353° from front. 10290 H 0896 10300 H 0894 10305 10310 H 0908 10320 H 0909 10320.1 H 0910 Entry Island, northeast point, top of cliff. U. Entry Island, south side .... — SW. corner of wharf. U. Amherst, head of wharf. Range, front, about 1,425 yards 171° 30' from Amherst Wharf Light. - — Rear, about 495 yards 214° from front. 10325 Amherst Harbor Lighted Buoy. 10330 H 1302 Cold Spring Head, S. side of Bay Verte. U. N. W. 47 25 61 45 Fl.W . period 4® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 15 5 Red steel skeleton tower, white slatted wood day- mark, red diamond¬ shaped in center; 15. 47 19 61 34 PI R . Red buoy . 47 23 61 46 FI. W. period 30® 79 14 White square wooden tower, red iron lantern; 28. 47 23 61 47 F R . 25 7 Skeleton steel tower, white daymark. 47 23 61 51 F R . 21 6 Mast. F R . 195 Lantern on mast; 10. 47 24 61 52 FI W 17 Steel skeleton tower, red period 2® fl. 0.4®, ec. 1.6® lantern, white daymark; 12. Occ. W . 26 Steel skeleton tower, red period 12® It. 6®, ec. 6® lantern, white daymark; 20. 47 17 61 41 Fl W . 235 20 White mast, white shed .... 47 16 61 42 F W . 92 14 White square wooden building, red lantern; 38. 47 17 61 43 FI G . 17 8 Red skeleton steel tower, white wooden daymark, red diamond in center; 12. 47 14 61 50 F R . 26 7 White square wooden building on four steel columns, red iron lan¬ tern; 30. 47 14 61 50 F W . 15 5 White pole, white shed . . . F W . 26 5 White pole, shite shed . . . 47 14 61 50 Fl R Red buoy. 45 58 63 52 Fl W . 60 i; 1 White square wooden tower period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® red iron lantern; 36. Bell. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Range lights. Range lights. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 164*. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. Range lights. Part III 113 First Edition H. 0. 30 Height of light Visi- obove bility high (nou- water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals 1034 PUGWASH HARBOR: 0 — Fishing Point. . N. W. 45 52 Occ. R H 129 0 63 41 period 10* It. 6*, ec. 4* 1035 1 — Outer Range, midway 45 52 F. G. 50 H 129. between Biglow Point and Fox Point, front. 63 41 10350.1 - Rear, 560 yards 161° F. G 72 H 1294 45' from front. 10360 — Steven Point, front . 45 52 F. R. 33 H 1296 63 40 10360.1 H 1298 - Rear, 583 yards 87* from front. F.R. 96 10365 — Fishing Point Range front, 400 yards 118° from Fishing Point. U. 45 52 63 40 F.G. 28 10365.1 - Rear, 282 yards 350* 30' from front. U. F.G. 38 10370 WALLACE HARBOR: — Mullins Point, N. side of 45 49 F. W. 39 H 1278 entrance, front. 63 25 10370.1 - Rear, 491 yards 284° F. R. 82 H 1280 from front. 10380 — Macfarlane Point, NE. 45 49 F. R. 42 H 1284 extremity, front. 63 28 10380.1 - Rear, 620 yards 257° F. R . 100 ff 1286 from front. 10390 Amet Island, center of 45 50 FI. W. 44 «• 1276 island. u_ 63 11 10400 Gull Rock Lighted Bell Buoy, edge of reef N. of Caribou Point. 45 46 62 41 FI. R. 10410 H 1272 Caribou Point, NE. end of Gull Island. 45 46 62 41 Gp. FI.W. (3). period 24* fl. ec. 4* fl. ec. 4* fl. ec. 16* 44 10420 Caribou Harbor Lighted Bell Buoy, S. side of North entrance channel. 45 45 62 40 Fl. W. 10430 i 'kirmer Reef Lighted Bell Buoy, about lYi mile 84* 30' from reef. 45 45 62 37 Fl. R. 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 44. 12 White square wooden structure; 22. 14 White slatted structure with lantern on top; 29. 2 White square wooden structure; 22. 2 White square wooden structure; 30. Red lantern on white slatted wood daymark with red diamond shape in center on steel skeleton tower; 12. White slatted wood day- mark with red diamond¬ shaped in center, on steel skeleton tower; 25. 11 White square wooden structure; 25. White square wooden tower, attached dwelling; 48. White square wooden structure; 30. White square wooden structure; 45. 10 White square wooden dwelling, lantern on roof; 26. Red buoy, “GULL ROCK’ in white on sides. 11 White square wooden dwelling, red octagonal iron lantern on middle of hip roof; 38. Black cylindrical buoy ..., Red cylindrical buoy. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Visible on axis only. Range lights. Visible on range line only. Range lights. Range lights. Visible over small arc either side of axis. Bell. Radar reflector. Diaphone: blast 2*, silent 28*. Bell. Bell. Port III 114 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 10440 Caribou, W. side of outer end of W. wing of ferry wharf. U. 45 44 62 41 F. G. 27 10450 H 1238 PICTOU ISLAND: — East End, SE. point .... 45 49 62 31 FI. W. period 3.5^ 59 10460 H 1241. 3 — West Wharf Harbor Range, head of E. breakwater front. 45 48 62 35 F. W. 17 10460.1 H 1242 -Rear, about 137 yards 348° from front. F W. 32 10470 H 1244 — Pictou Island, W. end .. . 45 48 62 36 Go FI. W. (2). 68 period 30® fl. ec. 7.5® fl. ec. 22.5® 10480 H 1248 PICTOU HARBOR. — Pictou Bar, on point. S. side entrance, front. 45 41 62 40 FI W . 60 period 3® fl. 1®, ec. 2® F R . 36 10480.1 H 1252 -Rear, 175 miles 250" from front. U. F. R . 97 10490 H 1256 — Harbor Range, N. side of entrance, front. 45 41 62 41 F R . 28 10490.1 H 1258 -Rear, 156 yards 262° from front. F R. 60 10500 H 1262 — Smith (Norway) Point, on extremity, front. 45 40 62 43 F G . 32 10500.1 H 1264 -Rear, 687 yards 324° from front. F G. 102 10510 H 1266 — East River, Trenton, Stonehouse Point, front. 45 37 62 39 Fl R . 30 F R . 10510.1 H 1268 -Rear, 1,000 yards 119° from front. U. 60 1052C H 123t Bailey Brook Range, front, inside E. breakwater. 45 42 62 16 F R . 19 10520. H 1236.1 — Rear, 206 feet 125° from front. F R . 37 1053( H 123 Arisaig Harbor Range, front. 45 46 62 10 F.G . 35 F G. 59 10530. H 1235. — Rear, about 108 yards 90° from front. 2 Pole. Bell; Hand operated. Privately maintained. 12 White wooden dwelling, fed octagonal lantern; 40. 8 Lantern on pole. Range lights. 10 White square wooden structure; 26. 13 W’hite octagonal wooden structure, red iron lan¬ tern; 49. 12 Octagonal wooden struc- Fl. W. visible from all points of ture, red and white approach by water. stripes, red lantern, 48. R. in window on seaward face 6 Same tower. Skeleton steel tower, white daymark with red diamond; 40. of lighthouse visible 224°- 253° 15'. 7 White square wooden structure; 30. Range lights. 9 White square wooden structure; 38 3 Steel skeleton tower, white slatwork daymark on face, black lantern; 22 Range lights. 3 Same as above. 2 White wooden tower, red lantern. Range lights. 2 Pole; 30. 4 Red lantern on pole; 15 .. . Range lights. 2 1 Red lantern on pole; 16 . . . 7 Pole. Range lights. S Pole on pier. Part III 115 First Edition Part III 116 Fir*t Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Charocterlstic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors* Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -CAPE BRETON ISLAND- ■ GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE N. W. 10670 Grand Etang, E. side of 46 33 F. R. 35 6 White pole, headlight Ian- H 1196 harbor front. U. 61 02 tern. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 10670.1 — Rear, 643 feet 131 ‘ F. R 50 6 White pole, headlight Ian- H 1198 from front. U. tern. CHETICAMP ISLAND; 10680 — Head of public wharf, 46 36 F. W. 27 9 White pole. near SW. end of island. 61 03 10690 — Enragee Point, NW. 46 39 Gp. FI.W. (3). 74 12 White octagonal concrete Diaphone: blast 3.5®, silent H 1188 point of island. 61 02 period 24 ® fl. 0.3®, ec. 3.7® tower, red lantern; 47. 26.5®. fl. 0.3®, ec. 3.7® fl. 0.3®, ec. 15.7® 10700 — Caveau Point, entrance 49 39 F. G. 52 8 White square wooden H 1182 to Cheticamp Harbor, front. 61 00 structure; 27. Range lights. 10700.1 -Rear, 247 yards 108° F. G. 97 8 White square wooden H 1184 from front. structure; 27. 10710 — Eastern Harbor Range 46 38 F. R. 27 8 White square wooden struc- Lifeboat station. H 1190 front. 61 01 ture, red lantern; 30. Range lights. 10710.1 -Rear, 280 yards 184° F. R. 60 13 Framework tripod, white H 1192 from front. slatted face. 10720 Cap Rouge, on beach S. of 46 42 F. W. 25 8 Mast, white shed. H 1178 wharf, front. 60 57 Range lights. 10720.1 — Rear, 27 yards 113° F. W . 28 8 White pole. H 1180 from front. 10730 Pleasant Bay, on SE. 46 51 F. G 18 Skeleton steel tower, red comer of wharf, front. 60 47 lantern, white slatted day- mark, red diamond-shaped; 15. Range lights. 10730.1 — Rear, 125 yards 147° F. G . 37 Skeleton steel tower, red Intensified on axis. from front. lantern, white slatted daymark, red diamond¬ shaped; 23. 10740 Cape St. Lawrence, near 47 02 F. W . 123 17 White square concrete Visible 50°-261°. H 0874 extremity. 60 36 tower, dwelling attached, red lantern; 56. 10750 Grpe North, on Money 47 02 Fl. W . 112 16 Red cylindrical iron Visible 109°-359°. H 0872 Point. 60 24 period 5® tower; 47. Diaphone: blast 3.5®, silent 26.5®. Signal and telegraph station. 10760 ST. PAUL ISLAND: 47 11 Gp. Fl. W. (4) 150 18 Red cylindrical iron Obscured 132°-250°. Lighted H 0876 60 10 period 12® fl. ec. 1.6® fl. ec. 1.6® fl. ec. 1.6® fl. ec. 7.2® tower, red lantern; 27. throughout the year. Part III 117 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Heigh of ligh above high water (feet) t f Visi- bit it (nau¬ tical miles Structure, height (feet) ) CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND -GUL F OF ST. LAWRENCE 1077C ST. PAUL ISLAND: — North Point, on rock off N. W. 47 14 F. W. 126 If White octagonal wooden structure; 40. H 087t point. 60 08 10790 White Point on shore N. of 46 53 F. W.' 53 10 White mast, white shed with red roof; 26. H 0868 wharf. 60 21 10800 Neil Harbor, E. side of en- 46 48 F. W. 73 14 White square wooden building, red lantern; 34. H 0866 trance. 60 19 10810 Ingonish Island. 46 41 60 20 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 24* 11. ec. 4* fl. ec. 4* fl. ec. 16* 223 20 White square concrete tower 40. H 0864 10820 INGONISH HARBOR: — Head of breakwater, N. 46 38 F. W. 26 Q White mast, white shed with red roof; 14. H 0860 side of entrance to harbor. 60 23 10830 — On beach, S. side of 46 38 F. R. 20 8 H 0858 entrance to harbor. 60 23 10840 ST. ANN HARBOR: — Beach Point. 46 17 Fl. W. 32 7 White skeleton steel tower red lantern, daymark. H 0850 U. 60 33 10850 — Munro Point, SE. ex- 46 15 Fl. R. 67 c White square wooden structure; 32. H 0852 tremity. U. 60 35 10860 Ciboux Island, near center 46 23 Fl. R. 77 10 White square structure, dwelling; 33. H 0856 of island. U. 60 23 period 12* fl. 2*, ec. 10* 10870 GREAT BRAS D’OR: — Carey Beach Lighted 46 19 Fl. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... Buoy, in entrance to Great Bras d’Or. 60 23 10880 — Blackrock Point, S. side 46 18 F. W. 63 13 White square wooden structure, white cross on red ground; 23. of entrance to Great Bras d’Or. 60 24 10885 — Lighted Buoy, entrance 46 18 Fl. R. to channel. 60 24 period 12* 10890 — Great Bras d’Or Range, 46 18 F. G. 43 11 White square wooden structure; 31. H 0872 Noir Point, front. 60 25 10890.1 - Rear, about 560 F. G. 67 13 F White square wooden I structure; 46. H 0874 yards 212° 30' from front. 10900 H 0788 — McNeil Beach, N. side Boularderie Island. U. 46 14 60 29 Fl. R. 31 5 White square wooden structure; 33. 10904 — Lighted Buoy . 46 14 Fl. R. 7 Red buoy. 60 29 10906 — Lime Rock Lighted 46 14 Fl. W. Black buoy. Buoy. 60 30 period 12* Sectors, Remarks, Fog signals Obscured 351°—41", Diaphone: 2 blasts ev, 60*. Horn points 53°. Radiobeocon. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. signals. Part 118 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -CAPE BRETON ISLAND- GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10910 H 0790 10910.1 H 0792 GREAT BRAS D’OR; — Otter Harbor, on small islet, front. -Rear, 217 yards 281° 30' from front. N. W. 46 13 60 32 F. W. F. W. 15 30 1 1 Pole, white shed. Pole, white shed. Range lights. 10920 H 0794 — Man of War Point, on beach. 46 11 60 33 F. W. 32 11 White square wooden structure. 10930 H 0798 — McKenzie Point, N. side, about 2 miles SW. of Port Bevis. U. 46 07 60 39 FI. R. 80 11 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 33. 10940 H 0810 Point Clear, St. Andrew Channel, 3 miles from Kemp Head, the S. ex¬ tremity of Boularderie Is¬ land. 46 06 60 36 F. W. Post, white shed. 10950 H 0800 ST. PATRICK CHANNEL: — Kidston Island, NE. point of island, at en¬ trance to Baddeck Harbor. 46 06 60 44 FI. G. 48 6 White square wooden structure, red octagonal lantern; 50. 10960 H 0802 — Little Narrows, E. en¬ trance. 46 00 60 58 FI. W. 40 7 White square wooden structure; 35. 10970 H 0804 — Whycocomagh, Fraser Point. 45 58 61 05 F W. 31 4 Mast, white shed; 25. 10980 H 0812 Gillis Point, S. side en¬ trance to Boulaceet Harbor. 46 02 60 46 F. W. 74 14 White square wooden pyramidal tower, red lan¬ tern; dwelling attached; 38. 10990 H 0816 BARRA STRAIT: — Iona, on Uniacke Point. . u. 45 58 60 48 F W 29 10 Mast, white shed. 11000 H 0818 — Grand Narrows Bridge, center of swing. 45 58 60 48 F. W., F. R., F. G Lantern over center of superstructure, white light immediately above colored light. W. always visible. R. up and down channel when swing is closed, G. when open. Main¬ tained by railroad company. 11010 H 0822 — Derby Point, E. side of strait. U. 45 56 60 48 FI. R . 77 9 White square wooden structure; 38. 11020 H 0828 BRAS D’OR LAKE: — MacKinnon Harbor, W. side of entrance. U. 45 55 60 57 FI W 30 10 Mast, white shed. 11040 H 0836 — Red Islands, on Mc¬ Kenzie Point. 45 48 60 45 F. R. 47 8 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 37. 11050 H 0838 — Cape St. George, W. side of entrance to St. Peter Inlet. 45 44 60 49 F. W. 50 10 White square wooden struc¬ ture, dwelling attached; 20. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11060 H 0840 ST. PETER INLET: 45 43 FI. R. 30 7 White square wooden structure; 33. U. 60 48 Part III 119 First Edition H. 0. 30 Heigh of ligh Visi. No. Position Characteristic above Name and location lot. long. 0 f and power high water (nou- tical Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols (feet) miles ) CANADA-CAPE BRETON SLAND N. W. ST. PETER INLET: 11070 — Beaver Island, SE. 45 41 FI. W. 30 c Mast, white shed; 25.... H 0844 point. U 60 50 11080 — Marjorie Island, W. of 45 40 FI. R. 31 Mast, white shed; 25.. H 0846 Sandys Point. 60 51 11090 Point Aconi Lighted Whistle 46 22 FI. W. Whistle. Buoy. 60 15 11100 Little Bras d’Or, N. side of 46 IQ F. R. 32 10 White pole, circular shaped H 0772 entrance, front. 60 17 daymark, small white shed at base. 11100.1 — Rear, about 387 yards F. R 45 11 White pole, diamond- Range lights. H 0774 210° 25' from front. shaped daymark, small white shed at base. 11110 Flat Point Lighted Whistle Buoy. 46 18 FI. W. Buov. Whistle. 60 08 Radar reflector. 11120 H 0758 Flat Point, E. side of en¬ trance to Sydney Harbor. 46 16 60 08 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 5® fl. 0 n ss 78 14 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 58. Diaphragm hom: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Synchronized with radio- fl. 0.2^, ec. 3.8® beacon for distance-finding Radiobeacon. SYDNEY HARBOR; 11130 — Sydney Range, S. side of 46 11 F. G . 59 13 White octagonal wooden H 0762 W. arm of harbor, 1 mile 60 15 W. of Edward Point, structure, red lantern; red front. bands; 53. Range lights. Visible over a small arc each 11130.1 H 0764 - Rear, 0.4 mile 214° from front. F. G. 120 17 White square wooden side of axis. structure; red bands. 11140 H 0760 — Sydney Bar, W. extremity of SE. bar. 46 12 60 13 FI. G. 39 7 Red octagonal iron Ian- 2 Horns: blast 3® silent 17®. tern on white square One hom points seaward the wooden dwelling; 36. other toward the harbor. 11150 — Battery Point, near N. 46 09 F. R. 25 A Wooden pole, diamond¬ shaped daymark E. half H 0768 extremity, front. 60 12 white, W. half red. .11150.1 -Rear 112 yards 165° F. R 50 Lantern on pole; circular Range lights. H 0770 from front. daymark on tank behind light, E. half white, W. half red. 11160 — Glace Bay Lighted Bell Buoy. 46 14 59 56 FI. W . Black and white striped buoy marked “Glace Bell. Radar reflector. Bay”. 11165 — Glace Bay, outer end N. breakwater. 46 12 59 57 F. G . 30 10 White square concrete Horn; 1 blast ev. 20®. tower, on square concrete building. 11170 - H 0 752 — E. side of entrance to Glace Cove, front. 46 12 59 57 F. R . 30 6 White square wooden Range lights. structure. Visible over a small arc each 11170.1 - H 0754 -Rear, 350 yards 208° 20' from front. . F. R. 50 8 White square wooden side of axis. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. structure; 42. Part III 120 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 1 Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND 11180 H 07SO Flint Island, off Cape Percy. N. W. 46 11 59 46 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 7.5^ 4 fl. 3 . 5 s, ec. 4L 74 14 White hexagonal concrete tower, red lantern, dwelling; 62. Diophone: blast 3®, silent 27®. Horn points 46°. 11190 H 0746 Port Morien, SW. end of breakwater. U. 46 08 59 52 FI. W. 18 9 Steel cage. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. 11200 H 0742 SC ATARI ISLAND: — Scotori, NE. point of island. 46 02 59 41 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 24® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 14.1® 80 14 Steel tower, white wooden dwelling with brown roof W. of tower; 73. Telegraph and signal station. Diophone; 3 blasts ev. 60®. 11210 H 0744 — Moinodieu, near W. point of island. 46 00 59 48 Occ. W. period 10® It. 6® ec. 4® 80 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 40. Horn: answers vessels’ signals. Lifeboat station. 11215 Mad Dick Rock Lighted Bell Buoy. 46 00 59 49 Fl. R. Red buoy marked “Mad Dick.” 11220 PoTtnova Lighted Whistle Buoy, about 1.5 miles SSE. of Cape Breton. 45 56 59 46 Fl. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... Whistle. 11225 Baleine Lighted Bell Buoy . . 45 56 59 51 Fl. R. Red buoy. Bell. 11230 H 2342 Little Lorembec, extremity of headland W. side of en¬ trance to harbor. U. 45 57 59 52 Fl. G . 76 9 Red skeleton tower. Shown only from May 1 to Dec. 1. 11240 — Louisburg Lighted Whistle Buoy, about 3 miles SE. of Lighthouse Point. 45 53 59 54 Fl. R . Red cylindrical buoy. Whistle. 11250 H 2344 — Louisburg, N. side of entrance to harbor. 45 54 59 58 Fl. W . period 7® 105 12 White octagonal concrete tower, red octagonal iron lantern; 55. Diophone; 2 blasts ev. 30®. 11260 H 2348 11260.1 H 2350 — Louisburg Range, W. side of harbor, front. -Rear, 382 yards 268° from front. 45 54 59 59 F. R . F. R . 36 56 7 7 White square tower, black stripe, red roof. White square wooden building, black stripe; 28. Range lights. 11270 H 2352 11270.1 H 2354 — Rochefort Point, W. of point, front. -Rear, 180 yards 190° 30' from front. 45 54 59 59 F. W . F. W . 32 44 White square wooden tower, square lantern; 28. White square wooden tower. Range lights. Visible on axis only. 11280 H 2358 Gabarus, on Harbor Point, S. side of bay. 45 51 60 09 F. R . 54 8 White hexagonal wooden tower; red lantern; 32. 11290 Cuion (Guyon) Island Lighted Whistle Buoy. 45 46 60 03 Fl. W . Black cylindrical buoy “GUION ID.” in white on side. Whistle. 11300 H 2360 Guion Island, near W. end . . 45 46 60 07 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 20® fi. ec. 4®. 1 fl. ec. 16®. 61 14 White square wooden structure, two red stripes, dwelling attached; 54. Diophone: blast 4®, silent 56®. Part III Edition 121 H.O. 30 No. Name and locotion — Position lot, long. « / Characteristic ond power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks, Fog signals CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND N. W. 1131( 3 Foutchu Head, near E. ex- 45 43 FI. R. 48 White square wooden structure; 32. Seasonal: Diaphone: blast 2.5*, silent H 236C tremity. 60 14 period 5® fl. 1 ec. 4® 27.5*. 1132C Fourchu Harbor, on pier, NE . 45 43 F. W. 15 Pole, white shed_ H 2364 of Butter Island, front. 60 14 11320.1 H 2366 — Rear, 200 yards 257° from front. F. W. 30 10 Pole, white shed .. Range lights. 11330 H 2368 St. Esprit Island, E. end . . 45 37 60 29 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 36* fl. ec. 6* 78 14 White square wooden structure, two red bands, dwelling attached; 55. Horn (hand). fl. ec. 6* fl. ec. 24* 11340 Lower I’Ardoise, N. of 45 36 F. R. 20 6 White square wooden H 23 72 Martin point, front. 60 45 structure; 22. 11340.1 — Rear, 267 yards 43° F. R. 52 8 White square wooden Range lights. H 23 74 from front. structure; 22. 11350 St, Peter Lighted Bell 45 37 Fl. R Red cylindrical buoy Bell. Buoy, S. entrance to bay, W. side of channel. 60 53 11360 Jerome Point, St. Peter Bay, 45 39 F. R. 56 8 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels H 2380 near entrance to canal. 60 52 structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 40. signals. MADAME ISLAND; 11370 — Cap Rond, W. side of en- 45 35 Fl. W. 70 14 Tower on shed; 10... . H 2378 trance to St. Peter Bay. 60 53 period 12* U. fl. 2*, ec. 10* 11380 — Petit de Grat Inlet, N. 45 31 Fl. R. 18 Q Red steel structure . entrance breakwater, end. U. 60 57 11390 — Orpheus Rock Lighted 45 29 Fl. W. Bell. Bell Buoy. 60 51 11400 H 2376 — Green Island, summit of island. 45 29 60 54 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 15* fl. 0.2*, ec. 3.6* 111 16 White square wooden structure, center of dwelling; 31. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60*. Horn points 110°. fl. 0 .2*, ec. 11.0* 11410 — Petitdegrat Lighted Bell 45 30 Fl. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. Bell. Buoy. 60 59 11420 H 2402 — Petitdegrat, on Mouse Island, E. side of 45 30 60 58 F. R. 38 7 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ Petitdegrat Inlet. structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 31. signals. 11430 — Marache Point, SE. side 45 29 F. W. 34 8 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ H 2404 of entrance to Arichat 61 02 Harbor. structure; 25. signals. 11440 — Beach Point, N. ex- 45 30 F. R. 39 8 Vhite square wooden structure, dwelling at- H 2406 tremity of West Jersey- man Island. 61 04 Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. tached; 28. 11450 — Cerberus Rock Lighted 45 28 Fl. R. ?ed cylindrical buoy. Wiistle. Vhistle Buoy. 61 06 “CERBERUS” in white. Part III 122 Firrt Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND 11460 H 2410 MADAME ISLAND; — Crichton Head, N. ex¬ tremity of Crichton Island. N. W. 45 31 61 06 FI. W. period 8.5® fl. 3.2®, ec. 5.3® 29 10 White square wooden structure; 20. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11470 H 2412 11470.1 H 2414 — West Arichat Range, on beach N. side of harbor, front. -Rear, 600 yards 62° from front. 45 31 61 06 FI.R . F.R. 29 37 7 8 White square wooden structure; 27. White square wooden Range lights. Visible on axis only. structure; 33. 11480 H 2416 — West Arichat, head of government wharf. 45 31 61 06 F W. 38 6 White mast, white shed .... 11490 H 2394 LENNOX PASSAGE; 45 35 F. R. 34 5 Mast, white shed; 25 . Shown from about Apr. 1 to 61 04 Jan. 1. 11500 H 2392 — Grande Digue, on beach near wharf. 45 36 61 01 F R . 29 7 White square wooden tower; 32. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. 11510 H 2388 — Poulamon Bay, summit of Hawk Islet, at en¬ trance to bay. 45 36 61 00 F W. 34 7 Roof of white square Horn (hand): answers vessels’ wooden dwelling; 30. signals. 11520 H 2384 — Ouetique Island, S. point. 45 37 F.R. 82 9 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ 60 58 structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 28. signals. 11530 H 2386 — Bourgeois Inlet, ex¬ tremity of point, E. side of entrance. 45 38 60 57 F.W . 22 10 White square wooden structure; 27. CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA AND CAPE BRETON ISLAND 11540 H 2420 GUT OF CANSO; — Eddy (Sand) Point, W. side of entrance to Gut of Canso. 45 31 61 15 F W . 38 11 White square wooden tower, white square building attached, red square wooden lantern. Diaphone: blast 4® silent 26®. 11550 — Eddy Point Spit Lighted Bell Buoy, NE. ex¬ tremity of spit. 45 31 61 15 FI W . Black cylindrical buoy . . . . Bell. 11560 H 2422 — Bear Island, center of island. U. 45 33 61 18 FI. R. 42 8 White square wooden dwelling, red jpof; 35. period 12® fl. 2® ec. 10® 11570 H 2424 11570.1 H 2426 45 33 61 19 F. W. 27 9 Mast, white diamond- - Rear, 333 yards 145° from front. F W . 52 12 shaped daymark, shed. Mast, white square¬ shaped daymark, shed. Range lights. 11580 H 2428 45 34 61 20 Fl W 44 11 Post . U. 11590 H 2430 — Point Tupper, entrance to Port Hawkesbury. 45 37 61 22 F R 54 8 Post . Signal and telegraph station. Part III 123 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA AND CAPE BRETON ISLAND Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals N. W. GUT OF CANSO: 11600 — Cape Porcupine, about 45 38 FI. W. 43 10 H 2434 0.5 mile S. of Cape, front. U. 61 24 11600.1 -Rear, 183 yards 144° FI. W. 68 12 H 2436 30' from front. U. Pole; 30. Pole; 38 CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA Range lights. 11620 GUYSBOROUGH HARBOR; — Guysborough Lighted 45 22 FI. W. Bell Buoy. 61 28 11630 — W. side of entrance near 45 23 F.,-G. R. 38 11 H 2450 Peart Point. 61 29 11650 Queensport, on Rook Island 45 21 F. W. 50 12 H 2456 61 16 11652 Hsif Island Cove Breakwater 45 21 FI. W. 18 H 2457 u. 61 12 11660 CANSO HARBOR: — Fairway Lighted Bell 45 22 FI. W. Buoy, off N. entrance. 61 00 11670 — False Passage Ledge, 45 21 FI. G. 25 H 2470 N. entrance to harbor. U. 61 00 11680 — Hart Island, front. 45 21 F. R 48 11 H 2466 60 59 11680.1 -Rear, Canso, 0.7 mile 45 20 F. R. 108 10 Ibl” 30' from front. 60 59 11690 — N. end of Grave Island 45 20 FI. W. 40 7 H 2464 breakwater. U. 60 59 11695 — Government Wharf, outer 45 20 F. R. 10 end. U. 61 00 11700 — Lanigan Beach Range, S. 45 20 F. R. 46 8 of beach front. 60 ^ 11700.1 -Canso, rear, 419 F. R 108 10 H 2462 yards 266° from front. 11710 — S\aThof~Wcir Rock Lighted 45 20 FI. W. Buoy. 60 57 11720 H 2458 Oanberry Island, S. side of island off Cape Canso. 45 19 60 56 FI. W. period 10* 49 12 11730 Grime Rock Lighted 45 21 FI. W. 30 Whistle Buoy. 60 51 Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. White square wooden structure, red roof; 35. White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 40. Bell. R. over the Stony Patch at entrance to harbor. Horn: (hand) answers vessels’ signals. Horn: (manually operated). 9 Skeleton structure Buoy, black and white stripes. Mast on square concrete base. White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 42. White square wooden structure; 44. structure; 32. White square wooden structure; 44. Black cylindrical buoy 'hite square tower, red lantern; 50. Black buoy . Bell. Shown only during Nov., Dec. and Ian. Whistle: 1 blast ev. 30*. Range lights. Also the rear light of Lanigan Beach Range (See No. 11700.1) Front light visible on axis only. Range lights. Radio direction-finder. Diophone: 2 blasts ev. 60*. Horn points 134“. Whistle. Part III 124 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o t water tical (feet) miles) CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA N. W. CANSO HARBOR; 11740 Cape Breaker Lighted Bell 45 18 FI. W. Buoy, black and white Bell. Buoy. 60 55 stripes marked “C. BREAKER.” Radar reflector. 11750 Home Shoal Lighted Bell 45 15 FI. R. Red buoy. Bell. Buoy. 61 01 11760 Little Dover Harbor. 45 17 FI.W. 30 10 Mast. H 2472 U. 61 01 11770 Soble Island, West. 43 56 FI. W. 124 17 Radiobeacon. H 2580 60 02 period 15* tower; white topmark. 11780 Sable Island, East. 43 58 Gp. FI. W. (2). 98 15 Black skeleton tower, red lantern, enclosed stair H 2584 59 48 period 15* fl. ec. 3* fl. ec. 12* cylinder. 11790 Vihitehead Lighted V/histle 45 09 FI.W. Cylindrical buoy, black Whistle. Buoy. 61 08 and white stripes; “WHITEHEAD” in black and white letters. 11800 Whitehead Island, SW. ex- 45 12 Gp. Fl. W. (4). 55 11 White rectangular wooden Diaphone: blast 2*, silent 18*. H 2474 tremity. 61 08 period 24 * fl. ec. 3* fl. ec. 3* fl. ec. 3* fl. ec. 15* tower, red lantern. 11810 Three Top Island, E. point 45 13 F. W. 48 11 White square wooden struc- Obscured by Whitehead Island H 2476 of island, entrance to Whitehaven. 61 10 ture, dwelling attached; and to E. of 34° 30' 11815 Flying Point Shoals 45 12 Fl. R. Red buoy. Whistle. Lighted Vlhistle Buoy. 61 13 11820 Port Felix, SE. end of 45 14 F. W. 42 8 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ H 2478 Hog Island. 61 13 dwelling; 37. signals. COLE HARBOR: 11830 — Range, N. side of en- 45 16 F. W . 40 8 Pole, white house; 33 . H 2486 trance, front. 61 17 Range lights. 11830.1 - Rear, 217 yards 11° F. W . 107 10 Pole, white house; 33 . H 2488 from front. 11840 — SE. side of harbor . 45 16 F. R . 25 61 16 11850 Charlo Harbor, extremity of 45 15 F. R . 28 3 White square wooden H 2492 point on W. side harbor. 61 20 structure; 23. Range lights. front. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 11850.1 — Rear, 237 yards 287° F. R . 51 3 White square wooden H 2494 from front. structure; 23. 11860 Larry River, near NE. end 45 13 F. W. 42 6 Pole, white shed. H 2496 of Ram Island, W. side of entrance to river. 61 22 Part III 125 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Positio lot. long o / 1 Characteristic • and power Heigh of ligh above high water (feet) t t Visi¬ bility (nau* ticol miles] Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA 11870 H 2484 11880 H 2500 Tor Bay, E. point of Berry Head, W. side of entrance to bay. New Harbor Cove, head of breakwater. !). N. W. 45 11 61 19 45 10 61 27 F., —W., R . FI. W. 51 20 10 5 White wooden tower with red stripes, black lan¬ tern; 36. Steel structure, surmounted by lantern. R. seaward. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11890 Coddle Harbor, on Thrumcap 45 09 FI. W. 50 10 Black tank, white wooden mast, red lantern. H 2502 Island at entrance to harbor. (J. 61 31 11900 Isaac Harbor Lighted V^'histle Buoy. 45 02 61 33 FI. W. 30 14 Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “ISAAC HAR¬ BOR.” Whistle. 11910 H 2504 Country Island, S. side of island. 45 06 61 33 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 20® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 15® 63 12 White square wooden structure, two red bands, dwelling attached; 37. 11920 Island Harbor, E. end of 45 09 FI. R. 24 10 Skeleton steel tower . H 2508 breakwater. U. 61 36 11930 H 2510 Isaac Harbor, W. side . 45 10 61 39 Fl. W. period 30® 80 14 White square wooden dwelling, red iron lan¬ tern; 42. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11940 Fisherman Harbor, S. side . . 45 07 F. R. 25 f. White square wooden structure; 27. H 2512 61 41 11949 Port Bickerton Entrance 45 05 Fl. W . Black and white stripes ... Bell. Lighted Bell Buoy. 61 42 11950 Port Bickerton, near W. 45 05 F. W. 60 12 White square wooden dwelling, white square lantern. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. H 2514 extremity of Barachois head. 61 42 11960 Wedge Island, mouth of St. 45 00 Fl. W. 81 14 White square wooden structure, dwelling; 44. H 2522 Mary River. (J. 61 52 period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 11970 St. Mary River Range, 45 03 Fl. R. 23 f. White square wooden structure, cribwork base; 23. H 2518 Budget, on extremity of shoal, front. U. 61 54 11970.1 — Rear, 900 yards 321° F. R. 42 11 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped daymark, white shed. Range lights. H 2520 30' from front. 11980 Liscomb Fairway Lighted 44 55 Fl. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, “LISCOMB” on sides. Whistle. thistle Buoy. 61 54 11990 H 2526 Liscomb Island, SW. end . . . 44 59 61 58 Alt. Fl. (3),—W., R. period 21® W. 0.2®, ec. 6.8® W. 0.2®, ec. 6.8® R. 0.2®, ec. 6.8® 72 15 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 45. Diaphone: 1 blast ev. 30®. 12000 H 2524 Redman Head, SW. end of head at entrance of Little Liscomb Harbor. 45 01 61 57 F. W . 35 11 White square wooden building; 22. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Part III 126 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lat. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of ! ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOTlys 12010 H 2530 Thrumcap Islet, E. en¬ trance to Mary-Joseph Harbor. U. N. W. 44 57 62 02 FI. W . 40 11 White square wooden structure, red roof; 36. 12020 Lockwood Rock Lighted V! his tie Buoy. 44 52 FI. R . Red buoy, name on sides .. Whistle. 62 04 12023 Hardwood Island, E. end ... 44 57 FI. W. U. 62 09 12028 BEAVER HARBOR; — Lighted whistle buoy, 132" 2.5 miles from Beaver Island Light. 44 48 FI. W. Whistle. 62 18 12030 — Beaver Island, SE. side 44 50 Gp. FI. W. (3) . 70 12 White structure, red stripes; 35. Diaphone: blast 3®, silent 57®. Horn points 128°. H 2534 of E. Beaver Island. 62 20 period 36^ fi. ec. 6® fl. ec. 6® fl. ec. 24^ 12040 — Beaver Point, E. end .. , 44 52 F. W . 49 12 White square dwelling, red octagonal iron lantern; 38. H 2536 62 24 12050 — Port Dufferin, head of 44 55 F. R . 29 10 H 2538 government wharf, E. side of harbor. *U. 62 23 12060 Sheet Harbor Passage Range, E. of Kirby River, front. 44 52 F. W . 51 12 White square wooden tower; 27. H 2542 62 27 12060.1 H 2544 — Rear, 381 yards 344 ° 20' from front. F. W . 75 14 White square wooden tower; 27. Range lights. 12070 SHEET HARBOR: — Sheet Harbor Lighted 'thistle Buoy. 44 44 62 30 Fl. W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Whistle. 12080 — Sheet Rock, entrance to 44 50 Fl. W. 75 14 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 41. Visible 285°-43°. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. H 2546 harbor. 62 30 period 10® 12090 — Watt Point. 44 54 F. W. 23 9 Shown from about .Apr. 1 to Jan. 15. H 2548 U. 62 29 12100 n 2544 — Church Point, between Northeast Arm and Northwest Arm. U. 44 55 62 31 F. W. 23 2 Mast, white shed; 18. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 15. 12110 H 2556 12110.1 H 2558 Spry Bay, on Tomlees Head, front. — Rear, 312 yards 337° from front. 44 49 62 36 F. W. F. W. 74 no 14 16 White square wooden tower; 27. Black skeleton steel tower, white slats on upper face; 48. Range lights. 12120 Pope Harbor, W. point of Harbor Island. U. 44 48 Fl. R. 45 9 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 37. H 2560 62 39 Part III 127 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi* bil ity (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 12130 H 2564 Ship Harbor, on Wolf Point, NE. point of Nicol Island. W. side of entrance to harbor. N. W. 44 45 62 45 F. W . 87 15 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached, red iron lantern; 35. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12140 H 2566 Owis Head, on extremity. 44 43 62 48 Occ. W. period 15® It. 10®, ec. 5® 88 15 White square wooden dwelling, red octagonal iron lantern; 38. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 12150 Lighted Bell Buoy . 44 41 62 46 FI. W. Black and white striped buoy. Bell. 12160 Egg Island Lighted Whistle Buoy. 44 35 62 49 FI. R. Cylindrical red buoy marked ‘EGG ISLAND'” Whistle. Radar Reflector. 12170 H 2568 Egg Island, center of island. 44 40 62 52 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 12® 82 15 White octagonal wooden structure, black stripes; 45. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12180 H 2570 Jeddore Rock, on summit. . . 44 40 63 01 FI. VV. period 12® n.2®, ec. 10® 86 15 White square wooden struc¬ ture, dwelling attached; 50. 12190 Jeddore Harbor, W. side of 44 43 F. G . 41 9 White pole, red and white diamond-shape daymark. ^ White wooden tower; 28. H 2574 12190.1 H 2576 entrance, front. — Rear, 283 yards 345° 30' from front. 63 01 F. G . 105 16 Range lights. 12200 H 2578 12200.1 H 2580 Musquodoboit Harbor, Shag Ledge, front. U. — Rear, on French Point, about 1,250 yards 10° from front. 44 42 63 05 FI. R. F. R. 19 59 4 4 White square wooden structure on concrete base, red roof, 20. Square white wooden structure, red roof; 54. Range lights. 12210 Three Fathom Harbor Lighted Bell Buoy. 44 37 63 16 FI. W. Buoy, black and white stripes, marked ‘SHUT IN ISLAND.” Bell. 12220 HALIFAX APPROACH: — SAMBRO LIGHT- 44 22 F.— FI. W. 60 13 Red hull and funnel, red gallery at head of foremast. Diophone; 8 blasts ev. 3 minutes. Synchronized with Rodiobeocon (last 5® blast). H 2638 SHIP NO. 1. 63 24 period 10® Cp. F. W. 1,060 Cp. Fl. W. 130,000 12230 — Outer Lighted Whistle Buoy. 44 28 FI. W. 30 10 Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. Whistle. Radar reflector. 63 22 12240 H 2596 — Devil Island, SE. point of island. 44 35 63 28 Alt. Gp. Fl. (3) W., Amber, period 36® Fl. W., ec. 6® Fl. Amber, ec. 6® Fl. W., ec. 24® 59 13 White octagonal wooden structure; 53. Telephone. 12250 H 2600 — Chebucto Head, W. side of entrance. 44 30 63 31 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 15® 165 19 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern. Diophone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Lifeboat station at Duncan Cove. Telephone at Camper- down. Radio direction - finder (Camperdown). Port III 128 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Characteristic above bil ity No. Name ond location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals ' water tical (feet) miles) CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA N. W. HALIFAX APPROACH: 12260 — Herring Cove, S. side of entrance. 44 34 F. R. 49 8 steel frame, white slats red lantern. H 2604 63 33 12270 — Mauger Beach, E. side of 44 36 FI. W. 64 13 White hexagonal concrete Diophone: blast 2®, silent 18®. H 2608 entrance to harbor, 63 32 period 5^ tower, red lantern, white 12270.1 front. dwelling 60. Range lights. -Rear, McNab Island, F. G. 132 17 White square wooden Visible on axis only. H 2610 about 0.9 mile 355° structure, on roof of from front. dwelling; red stripe on seaward face; 49. 12290 — Near head breakwater at 44 38 FI. G. 27 9 H 2612 Halifax terminals. U. 63 34 12300 — SE. corner of Pier B . . . . 2 F. G. (vert). Lights are shown from the heads of piers. H 2622 A fog bell is sounded on the S. pier at Baker Point. HALIFAX HARBOR: 12310 — George Island, W. side 44 38 Gp. Occ. G. (2) .... 62 13 White octagonal concrete Horn: blast 2®, silent 28®. H 2618 12310.1 of island, front. 63 34 period 30® It. 18®, ec. 3® It. 6®, ec. 3® tower, red lantern; 55. Range lights. -Rear, Dartmouth, 1.7 44 40 F-G. 127 10 Black skeleton steel Visible on axis only. H 2620 miles 339° from 63 35 tower, white wooden front. slats on upper face, white watchroom, black diamond-shaped daymark on S, side, white lantern; 65. 12314 — On W. side of bridge. 44 40 F. R On tower pier of bridge .... Bell: 1 stroke ev. 5®. about 840 yards 249° 63 35 Three F. R. (vert.) lights are 30' from Dartmouth Rear displayed from E. tower Light. of bridge. 12330 Ketch Harbor, W. side of 44 29 FI. G. 46 7 White square wooden structure; 32. H 2630 entrance. U. 63 33 12335 Sisters Lighted Bell Buoy. . 44 FI. W. Black buoy. Bell. 63 31 12340 Sambro Island. 44 26 FI. W. 140 17 White octagonal stone and Telephone to Chebucto Head. H 2632 63 34 period 5® concrete tower, 3 red Gun: 1 report ev. min. In case bands, red lantern; 82. of failure of gun, a bomb will be exploded ev. 4 minutes. 12350 Southwest Breaker 44 24 FI. W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Whistle. Radar Reflector. Lighted thistle Buoy. 63 34 12361 Inner Sambro Fairway Lighted Bell Buoy. 43 27 FI. W. Black and white striped buoy. Bell. Radar Reflector. 63 36 12370 Sambro Harbor, extremity of 44 28 F. R. 38 7 Square wooden tower; 33. . . H 2644 Bull Point, SW. side of entrance to inner harbor. 63 36 12380 Pennant Point Lighted Bell 44 26 FI. R. Red buoy. Bell. Buoy. 63 39 Part III 129 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA N. W. 12390 Pennant Harbor, W. side of 44 28 F. W. 37 7 White square wooden H 2646 entrance to Pennant Cove. 63 38 structure; 33. 12400 Terence Bay Lighted Bell 44 27 FI. W. Buoy, black and white Bell. Buoy. 63 41 stripes. 12410 Terence Bay, on Shipley 44 28 F. R. 57 8 White square wooden H 2650 Head. 63 42 structure; 32. 12420 Betty Island, on Brig Point.. 44 26 FI. W. 63 13 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ H 2652 63 46 period 30^ structure, red roof. signals. 12430 Sauls Island, on rock at E. 44 28 FI. W. 28 7 Pole, black tank . H 2654 end of island. Prospect 63 47 Harbor entrance. U. 12440 Port Dover, S. end of 44 29 FI. W. 50 12 Skeleton tower. H 2656 Callaghan Island. U. 63 52 12450 Peggy Point, E. side of 44 30 F. W. 67 13 White octagonal concrete H 2660 entrance to bay. 63 55 tower, ted roof; 44. 12455 Peggy Point Lighted Bell 44 28 FI. W. Buoy, black and white Buoy, about 1 mile 202° 63 56 stripes. from Halibut Rock. 12460 Horsehoe Ledge Lighted 44 28 FI. W . Black buoy . Whistle. Vfhistle Buoy. 63 58 ST. MARGARET BAY: 12470 — Indian Harbor, SE. ex- 44 31 F. W. 36 7 White square wooden H 2662 tremity of island. U. 63 57 tower; 33. 12480 — Croucher Island, near 44 38 FI. G. 90 15 White square wooden H 2664 head of bay. U. 63 58 structure, dwelling at- tached; 40. 12490 — Hubbard Cove, Green 44 37 F. R. 60 9 White square wooden H 2666 Point, W. side of en- 64 03 structure, dwelling at- trance to cove. tached; 42. 12495 Northwest Cove Lighted 44 32 FI. W . Whistle Buoy. 64 00 stripes. "Northwest Cove" painted on buoy. 12500 Pearl Island, S. point. 44 23 Gp. Occ. W. (3) .... 75 13 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels’ H 2670 64 03 period 40® dwelling, red lantern; 38. signals. It. 21®, ec. 3® It. 5®, ec. 3® It. 5®, ec. 3® 12510 East Iranbaund Island, near 44 26 F. W. 146 16 White square wooden Lantern only visible; dwelling H 2672 center of island. 64 05 structure on dwelling; 46. hidden by trees. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12511 East Ironbound Island 44 26 FI. W . 17 Aluminum colored skeleton Wharf. U. 64 06 tower. GREAT TANCOOK ISLAND: 12512 — Government wharf, NW. 44 28 F. G. 16 cove. U. 64 10 Part Hi 130 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position (at. long. 0 t Characteri Stic and power Height of ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 12513 GREAT TANCOOK ISLAND: — Government Wharf, SE. Cove. U. N. W. 44 27 F. R. 20 64 10 12514 Little Tancook Island, Government Wharf, Outer. U. 44 28 64 09 F. W. 16 Pole. 12514.5 — Government Wharf; Inner. F. W. 16 Pole. 12515 — Mahone Bay Lighted Bell Buoy. u. 44 25 64 11 FI.W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Bell. 12520 H 2678 MAHONE BAY: — New Harbor, S. side of entrance. 44 28 64 06 F. R. 32 7 White mast, white shed 25 . Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1 . 12525 — Blandford Wharf, outer end. 44 30 64 07 F. G. 20 Pole. 12530 H 2680 — Quaker Island, off Chester. U. 44 31 64 14 FI.R. 107 11 Mast, white diamond-shaped day mark. 12540 H 2682 12540.1 — Kaulback Island, NE. end, front. -Rear, 123 yards 268° from front. 44 28 64 17 F. W. F. W. 36 68 8 6 White square wooden structure; 22. White square wooden structure; 22. Range lights. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1 . Visible on axis only. 12550 H 2688 — Westhaver Island, summit of island. U. 44 26 64 20 FI. W. 48 12 Steel skeleton tower, white day mark. 12558 — Tarmer Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy. 44 22 64 12 FI. W. Black buoy, “Tanner Pass” Painted in white. Whistle. 12560 H 2694 — Tanner Island. 44 22 64 12 F. W. 29 10 White square wooden structure; 27. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. 12570 H 2696 Eastern Point Harbor, at entrance. U. 44 21 64 12 FI. G. 27 10 White mast, white shed; 20. 12580 LUNENBURG BAY: — Lighted Bell Buoy, in N. entrance to bay. 44 20 64 11 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. Bell. 12590 H 2698 — Cross Island, E. point, in entrance to bay. 44 19 64 10 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 32® fl. 1®, ec. 7® fl. 1®, ec. 23® 100 15 Red octagonal wooden structure; 58. Diaphone: blast 2.5®, silent 57.5®. Radiobeacon. 12600 — Lighted Whistle Buoy . . . 44 17 64 11 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, red and black bands. Whistle. Radar reflector. 12610 H 2700 — Feltz South, near N. end of breakwater. 44 20 64 17 F. W. 26 9 Pole, white shed. 12620 H 2706 — Breakwater, near head . . 44 22 64 18 F. R. White square wooden tower. Horn: 1 blast ev. 20®. 12625 — Lunenburg Harbor Light, outer end of Govern¬ ment wharf. 44 22 64 18 F. G. 20 On shed . Part III 131 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 12630 H 2708 West Ironbound Island, mouth of Lahave River, S. side of island. N. W. 44 14 64 16 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 25® fi. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fi. ec. 16® 72 13 White square wooden dwelling; 29. 12640 Lahave Lighted Vtihistle Buoy. 44 10 64 16 Fl. R. Red cylindrical buoy, marked “LAHAVE.” Whistle. Radar Reflector. 12650 H 2710 LAHAVE RIVER: — Mosher Island, W. side of entrance to river. 44 14 64 19 F. R. 66 8 White square wooden dwelling; 26. Horn: 2 blasts ev. 60®. 12655 — Bush Island Wharf. 44 14 F. R. 20 Pole. U. 64 22 12660 — Dublin shore, govern- 44 16 F. G. 26 9 Pole. H 2711 ment wharf. U. 64 22 12670 H 2712 — Lahave, on Fort Point .. 44 17 64 21 F. R. 48 8 Steel skeleton tower, dwelling attached; 35. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12680 H 2722 Medway Head, W. side of en¬ trance to Port Medway. 44 06 64 32 F.W. 44 10 Window of white square wooden dwelling, black square-shaped on seaward face; 23. Typhon: 1 blast ev. 60®. 12690 H 2724 Medway, E. head of break¬ water. 44 08 64 35 F. R. 31 6 White square wooden tower; 33. Visible 138°-279°. 12700 H 2728 LIVERPOOL BAY: — Coffin Island, S. point, E. side of entrance. 44 02 64 38 Fl. W . period 7® 60 13 Octagonal concrete tower, red roof, white dwelling nearby; 54. 12710 — Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy. 44 00 64 36 Fl. W . Buoy, black and white stripes, marked “LIVER¬ POOL.” Whistle. Radar reflector. 12720 — Western Head, W. side 43 59 34 White square wooden building. Diaphone; 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 124°. Radiobeacon. H 2740 of entrance to bay. FOG SIGNAL. 64 40 12730 H 2730 — Brooklyn Breakwater, head of breakwater. U. 44 03 64 42 Fl. G. 30 j 4 Skeleton steel structure ... 12740 — Herring Cove, head of 44 03 F. R . 45 12740.1 pier, W. side of en¬ trance to cove, front. -Rear, on same pier. 64 42 F. R . 48 Range lights. Privately maintained. 354° from front. 12750 H 2732 — Fort Point . 44 03 64 43 Occ. W . period 10® it. 6®, ec. 4® 39 7 Vhite square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 17. 12760 H 2734 — Barrel Rock Bar, SW. end of bar. 44 03 64 43 F. W. 20 9 Dolphin . 12770 H 2736 — Middle of bridge ... . F. R . 28 Superstructure of bridge; 21. Part III 132 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name ond location Position lot. tong. Characteristic and power Height of i ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOTI) 12780 White Point Rock Lighted Bell Buoy. N. W. 43 56 64 43 FI. R . Red buoy marked “WHITE POINT ROCK'” Bell. 12790 H 2742 Port Mouton, NE. point of Spectacle Island. 43 55 64 48 F. W. 55 11 White square wooden tower; 28. 12801 — Mouton Head Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 51 64 46 FI. W. Black and white striped buoy. Whistle. 12810 H 2744 Little Hope Island, near center of island. U. 43 48 64 47 FI. W. period 12^ fl. P, ec. IP 100 15 Circular concrete tower, red lantern; 98. 12820 Little Hope Shoal Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 47 64 47 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy, marked “LITTLE HOPE”. Whistle. 12825 Port Hebert Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 46 64 55 FI. W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Whistle. 12830 H 2746 Port Hebert, on Shingle Point, E. side of harbor. 43 49 64 55 F. R . 33 7 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 29. 12835 Little Harbor Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 42 65 00 FI. W . Black buoy, “LITTLE HARBOR’’, in white on the deck. W'histle. 12840 LOCKEPORT HARBOR; — Lockeport Lighted Whistle Buoy, off harbor entrance. 43 37 65 01 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy marked “L” in white. Whistle. Radar Reflector. 12850 H 2750 — Gull Rock, entrance to harbor. 43 39 65 06 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 30® It. 17®, ec. 5® It. 3®, ec. 5® 56 10 White square tower on dwelling, red lantern; 44. Diaphone; blast 4®, silent 26®. Horn points 130°. 12860 H 2758 — Carter Island . 43 42 65 06 F. R. 52 8 Square wooden dwelling; 38. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12863 -S. breakwater, about 666 yards 230° from Carter Island Light. FI. W. 21 Black steel structure . 12870 H 2752 12870.1 H 2 754 — Lockeport Range, on wharf, front. -— Rear, on church 253 yards 247° from front. 43 42 65 07 F. R. F. R. 18 64 8 13 On building. In tower of church. Range lights. 12875 Jordan Bay Lighted Wf}istle Buoy. 43 40 65 13 FI. R. Red buoy, “JORDAN BAY” in white on deck. V.liistle. 12880 SHELBURNE HARBOR: — Shelburne Fairway Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 37 65 12 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and v'hite stripes, marked “SHELBURNE.” Whistle. 12890 H 2762 — Cape Roseway, near SE. extremity of McNutt Island. 43 37 65 16 FI. W. period 10® 127 17 Octagonal stone tower, black and white stripes, red lantern; 77. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 116°. Part III 133 First Edition H.O. 30 No. 1 Name and locoficn Position lot. long. •> f -1 Characteristic and power Height of light above high v/oter (feet) Visi- bility (nau* ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NOV.A SCOTI 4 N. W. SHELBURNE HARBOR: 1290 3 1 — Shelburne Fairway 43 39 FI. W. Buoy, black and white Bell. • Lighted Bell Buoy. 65 16 stripes. 1291 H 27b 3 — Sand Spit, near extremity E. side of entrance to 43 42 65 20 F. R. 47 K White square wooden Tyfon; 1 blast ev. 40®. harbor. structure on concrete foundation; 44. 1292( ' j — Head of government 43 45 FI. G. 28 Lantern on freight shed . . H 277C wharf. 65 19 1293C Cape Negro Island, SE. side 43 30 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15^ fl. 0.5 ec. 2^ fl. 0.5 ec. 12® 91 15 White octagonal concrete tower, red roof; white wooden dwelling to west¬ ward; 44. // 2774 1 of island. 1 65 21 Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 12935 — Negro Harbor Fairway Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 31 FI.W. Whistle. 65 19 12940 — Budget Rock Lighted 43 31 FI. W . Black buoy . . Bell Buoy', Negro Harbor. 65 21 Bell. 12950 Salvages Rocks FOG 43 28 White rectangular concrete Diaphone; 3 blasts ev. 60® H 2778 I SlLiNAL- 65 23 building, white dwelling Horn points 116°. attached. 12960 Page Island Lighted Bell 43 29 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy ... Bell. Buoy. 65 27 12965 Port Latour Breakwater U. 43 30 65 28 F. G. 20 Pole. 12970 Latour Fairway Lighted 43 26 FI. W. Buoy, black and white Whistle Buoy. 65 24 Whistle. stripes, marked ‘LA¬ TOUR FAIRWAY". 12975 Cuckold Rock Lighted Bell Buoy. 1 43 27 FI. W. 65 27 129801 Baccaro Point, E. side of 43 27 FI. W. 44 12 White square wooden tower, octagonal iron Horn: 1 blast ev. 30®. H 2782 entrance to Barrington Bay. 65 28 period 45® lantern; 42. 12990 Brazil Rock Lighted Whistle Buoy. 43 21 FI. W Buoy, black and red Whistle. 65 27 bands, marked “BRA¬ ZIL ROCK.” Radar reflector. 13000 Vihite Knoll Ledge Lighted 1 Bell Buoy. 43 25 65 34 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy.... Bell. 13010 Hawk Channel Lighted Bell Buoy. 43 24 65 36 FI. G. Buoy, black and white Bell. stripes. Marked “Hawk Channel”. 13020 Hope Sable . 43 23 FI W White octagonal concrete H 2784 65 37 period 5® 97 15 Diaphone: blast 3®, silent 17* tower, red iron lantern; 101. Radar reflector. 13C30 Ox Eye Rock Lighted Bell Buoy No. 74 S. 43 24 65 39 FI. W. .... Buoy, black and white Bell. .Maintained from June 1 to stripes, “OX EYE ROCK” in white. Jan. 15. Port III 134 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Name and location lot. long. and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) water ticol (feet) miles) CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA 13040 Cape Sable Lighted Vihistle Buoy No. 70 S. N. W. 43 20 65 41 FI. R. 30 Red cylindrical buoy; “CAPE SABLE” in white. 13045 Clarks Harbor, near public wharf. U. 43 26 65 38 F. G. 19 White pole. 13050 West Head, Cape Sable Island. 43 27 F. R . 42 11 White square wooden H 2786 6S :!Q 13060 Stoddart Island, NW. point . . 43 28 F. W. 22 7 Square white wooden tower; 21. H 2792 65 43 13070 Bon Portage Island, S. 43 27 Occ. W. 46 12 1 White square wooden 1 structure, dwelling attached; 28. H 2790 point. 65 45 period 6.5* It. 4.5*, ec. 2* 13072 — Bon Portage Lighted Bell Buoy. 43 26 FI. R. Red buoy, name in white on deck. 65 45 13080 — Falls Point Wharf. 43 32 F. G. 16 H 2796 65 45 13090 Woods Harbor, on Big 43 31 F. W . 27 8 White square wooden building, red octagonal iron lantern; 28. H 2794 Ledge. 65 45 13100 Blonde Rock Lighted Whistel Buoy No. 2 S. 43 18 FI. W . Red cylindrical buoy, “BLONDE ROCK” in white 66 00 13110 H 2812 Seal Island S. end of island. 43 24 66 01 Gp. FI. W. (3) . period 15* fl. ec. 3* fi. ec. 3* fl. ec. 9* 102 16 White octagonal wooden tower, two red bands; red lantern; 67. 13120 Puhnico Lighted V/histle 43 31 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “PUBNICO'” Buoy No. 10 S. 65 52 13130 Pubnico Harbor, off Beach 43 36 Occ. W. 41 11 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached, red octagonal iron lan¬ tern; 40. H 2798 Point, E. side of entrance. 65 47 period 10* It. 6*, ec. 4* 13135 — Dennis Point Wharf, SE. corner. U. 43 37 65 47 F.R. 18 8 Pole. 13140 Abbot Harbor, E. side of 43 40 F. W. 38 8 White square wooden tower; 31. H 2802 harbor. 65 49 13150 H 2800 Argyle, on Whitehead Island. 43 40 65 52 F.—W. R . 112 16 White square wooden tower, red roof. 13160 H 2804 Tusket River, Big Fish Island, SW. part. 43 42 65 57 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 20* It. 11*, ec. 3* It. 3*, ec. 3* 50 12 Roof of white square wooden dwelling; 23. 13170 Lobster Rock Lighted Buoy . 43 39 FI. W. Black buoy . 65 59 Sectois. Remarks. Fog signals Whistle. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Horn: 4 blasts ev. 60*. Bell. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Whistle. Lifeboat station on E. side of Island. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60*. Radiobeacon. Whistle. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. R. 16° 30'-91°, W.-16° 30'. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Part III 135 First Edition H.C. 30 No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. 0 f Characteristic and power Heigh of (igh above high water (feet) t t Visi. bil it) (nau¬ tical miles Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA 13175 Peases Ledge Lighted Pell Buoy No. 92- Y. N. W. 43 37 65 59 FI. W. Black and white stripes .. Bell. 13180 Soldiers Ledge Lighted Whistle Buoy, No. 88. 5 Y. 43 32 66 05 FI. W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Whistle. 13190 H 2806 Pease Island, S. point. . 43 38 66 02 Gp. FI.W.(4) . period 20® fl. ec. 2.5® fl. ec. 2.5® fl. ec. 2.5® fl. ec. 12.5® 48 12 White wooden structure, dwelling separate. Tyfon: 3 blasts ev. 60®. 13200 H 2814 Candlebox Island, N. en¬ trance to Schooner Passage. 43 40 66 03 F. R. 56 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached, red lantern; 37. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 13210 Green Island, W. side FOG 43 41 H 2818 SIGNAL. 66 09 Gun: 1 report ev. 2 min. 13220 Y.4RMOUTH APPROACHES; — Yarmouth Southwest Fairway Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 68 Y. 43 40 66 19 Fl. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “Y’M’TH SW. F’Y.” Whistle. 13230 — Cape Fourchu Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 10 Y. 43 48 66 12 Fl. R. Red cylindrical buoy “Y’M’TH NW. F’Y” in white. Whistle. 13240 — Cat Rock Lighted Bell Buoy No. 11 Y. 43 47 66 09 Fl. W. Black buoy “CAT ROCK” in white. Bell. 13250 H 2832 — Kelly Cove, near head of breakwater. 43 47 F. W. Pole. 66 08 13260 ff 2820 — Cope Fourchu, East Cape near extremity. 43 48 66 09 Fl. W . period 2.5® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.3® 121 17 Octagonal wooden tower, red and white stripes, red lantern, white dwelling; 64. Diophone: blast 4®, silent 26®. Radio direction-finder. 13270 H 2822 YAR.VOUTH HARBOR: — Ships Stern, N. end . . U. 43 48 66 09 Fl. W 31 6 Pole, white shed .... 13280 H 2826 — Edge of shoal, off SW. point of Little Bunker Island. 43 49 66 09 F. R . 32 8 White square wooden structure, red circular steel and concrete base. Tyfon: 1 blast ev. 15® (high, low). 13285 Yarmouth River breakwater . F. G . 19 13290 « 2828 — Battery Point, NW. ex¬ tremity of Bunker island. 43 49 66 08 F. R . 38 6 White square wooden structure; 22. 13300 H 2830 — Corner Beacon. 43 50 66 08 F. R . 14 Mast on dolphin. 13301 3hegogin Point Break¬ water light, 100 feet from end of breakwater. 43 51 66 10 F. V/. 19 Steel pole; 19. Port III 136 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. o f Choracteri Stic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 13310 H 2836 LURCHER SHOAL LIGHTSHIP NO. 2. N. W. 43 49 66 32 Occ. W. period 10® It. 8®, ec. 2® 60 13 Red vessel, 2 masts; “LURCHER” on sides Cluster of lights on foremast. Vessel removed from station annually—usually between Aug. 10 and Sept. 20—when it is replaced by lighted whistle buoy No. 8 Y. Diapbone: 3 blasts ev. 60®; if disabled, a whistle will sound similar signal. Radiobeacon. 13320 H 2838 Sandford Harbor Range, head of public wharf, front. 43 55 66 09 F. R. 25 6 Mast, white shed; 22. 13320.1 — Rear, 167 yards 127° F. G. 42 11 Range lights. from front. 13330 Port Maitland, inner end of 43 59 F. W. 24 6 Shown from Mar. 1 to Dec. 1. Horn; 1 blast ev. 2 min. (Outer end of west breakwater.) H 2840 W. breakwater. 66 09 13340 Trinity Ledge Lighted '^'histle Buoy, No. 2 Y. 43 59 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, red and black bands, “TRINITY LEDGE” in white. Whistle. 66 19 13350 Salmon River, on shore at 44 03 F. W. 26 9 White square wooden structure. Bell; 1 stroke ev. 6®. H 2842 inner end of breakwater. 66 10 13360 H 2848 Cape St. Mary, SE, side of bay 44 05 66 13 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 24® 11., ec. 6® 11., ec. 18® 103 16 White octagonal wooden structure, red lantern; 52. Diaphone; blast 6®, silent 54®. Horn points 252°. 13370 H 2846 Cape St. Maty Breakwater, near head. 44 05 66 12 F. W. 18 5 Mast, white shed 18. 13380 H 2850 ST. MARY BAY: — Meteghan Wharf. 44 12 66 10 F. R. 37 8 Red steel skeleton tower, white wooden lantern, red roof; 35. Whistle; 1 blast ev. 30®. 13390 — Meteghan Rivet, head of 44 13 F. G. 19 4 H 2852 breakwater. 66 09 13400 H 2856 — Church Point, E. side of bay. U. 44 20 66 08 Occ. W. period 10® It. 6®, ec. 4® 36 10 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 20. 13410 — Church Point Wharf. 44 21 F. R. 25 10 H 285 7 U. 66 07 13420 H 2858 — Belliveau Cove, head of E. pier. 44 23 66 04 F. G. 24 4 White square wooden structure; 22. 13428 — Lighted Bell Buoy . 44 27 66 02 FI. W. Black and white striped buoy. 13430 H 2860 — Sissiboo, S. side of en¬ trance to rivet. 44 26 66 01 F. W. 36 8 White square wooden structure; 33. 13440 H 2862 — Gilbert Point, E. ex¬ tremity of point. 44 30 65 57 F. R. 40 7 White square wooden dwelling, red roof; 36. Part III 137 First Edition No. Nome and location Position lot. long 0 / Characteristic and power Heigh of 1 igh above high v/ater (feet) t t Visi¬ bility {nau* tical miles Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA 13450 ST. MARY BAY: — Little River, Head of N. W. 44 27 F. W. White pole, white shed . .. . H 2864 breakwater, S. side of entrance. 66 08 13460 Southwest Ledge Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 18 D. 44 10 66 27 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy “SW. LEDGE” in white. Whistle. 13470 Cull Rock Lighted Bell 44 12 Occ. W. Slack buoy, “GULL ROCK” in white. Bell. Buoy 17 D. 66 23 13480 H 2872 Brier Island. W. point 44 15 66 24 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 12® fl., ec. 2® fl., ec. 2® fl., ec. 8® 95 15 Octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 60. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA -BAY OF FlINDY 13490 Northwest Ledge Lighted 44 18 Fl. W. Red cylindrical buoy “NW. LEDGE” in white. -- Whistle Buoy No. 8 D, W. of Beatson Rocks. 66 26 Whistle. 13500 GRAND PASSAGE: — North Point, Brier 44 17 F. R. 62 8 White square wooden structure, red octagonal iron lantern; 34. Whistle: 1 blast ev. 30®. Reserve fog signal: bell; 1 stroke ev. 5®. H 2874 Island, NW. side of entrance to Grand Pas¬ sage. 66 21 13510 — Cow Ledge Lighted Bell 44 17 FI.R. Bell. Buoy. 66 20 13520 H 2876 — Freeport, head of public wharf, SW. point of Long Island. U. 44 16 F. R. 17 8 66 20 13530 — Westport, E. side of Brier Island, head of public wharf. U. 44 16 F. R. 21 9 H 2880 66 21 13540 — Peter Island, S. en- 44 15 Fl. W. 62 13 White octagonal wooden structure, red lantern; 44. W 2878 trance to passage. 66 20 period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® 13550 H 2884 PETIT PASSAGE: — Boars Head, W. side of entrance to Petit Passage. 44 24 66 13 FI.V/. period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 60 14 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 33. Diaplione: 3 blasts ev. 60^. 13560 — Tiverton, near head of breakwater, W. side of passage. U. 44 24 66 13 F. R. 18 8 Bracket on freight shed ... 13570 - — East Ferry, head of breakwater, E. side of passage. U. 44 24 F. W. 17 8 66 12 13575 - - Petit Passage Lighted Bell Buoy 4 D. 44 22 66 12 Fl. R. . ?ed buoy . Bell. 13580 C H 2868 entreville, W'. side of en¬ trance to harbor. U. 44 33 66 02 Fl. W. 31 9 \ 'hite wooden tower; 8 .. .. Part 138 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. O ! Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA -BAY OF FUNDY 13585 Centerville Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 2.5 D. N. W. 44 33 FI. W. Black and white striped buoy. 66 03 13587 Broad Cove Wharf, inner end. U. 44 40 65 50 F. G. 29 Pole; 25. 13590 Point Prim, W. side of 44 42 FI. W. 80 13 Square wooden structure, red and white stripes, dwelling attached; 22. Diaphone: blast 3.5®, silent 26.5®. Horn points 318°. H 2890 Digby Gut entrance. 65 47 period 7^ 13600 Point Prim Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 2 A. 44 43 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, “PT. PRIM” in white. Whistle. Radar reflector. 65 46 13610 H 2892 ANNAPOLIS BASIN: — Digby Gut, E. side of en¬ trance FOG SIGNAL. 44 41 65 46 F. W. On balcony of white rec¬ tangular wooden building. Bell: 1 stroke ev. 15®. 13620 H 2894 — Victoria Beach, E. side of Digby Gut. U. 44 41 65 45 Occ. G. period 10® It. 6®, ec. 4® 60 12 White square wooden tower; 28. 13630 H 2900 — The Racquette, Digby Harbor, head of wharf. 44 38 65 46 F. G. 15 8 Pole. 13640 H 2898 — Digby, head of pier. U. 44 38 65 45 F. R. 25 7 White square wooden structure; 27. 13650 H 2904 — Winchester Point, W. side of entrance to Bear River. 44 37 65 41 F.R. 69 9 White square wooden structure; 32. 13660 — Port Wade, inner section government wharf. 44 40 65 43 F. R. 24 6 White square wooden tower; 23. 13670 H 2906 — Shafner Point, N. side of river. 44 43 65 37 F. W. 46 8 White square wooden structure; 43. 13680 H 2908 ANNAPOLIS RIVER: — Annapolis, NE. of government pier. 44 45 65 31 F. R. 30 7 White square wooden tower; 28. 13700 — Granville Center, head of wharf, N. side of river. 44 47 65 26 F. R. 29 2 Mast, white shed; 23. 13710 H 2916 Parker Cove, near head of breakwater. 44 49 65 32 F. R. 22 6 Pole. 13720 H 2918 Hampton, on shore. Chute Cove. U. 44 54 65 21 F. W. 69 14 White square wooden tower; 33. 13730 H 2920 Port Lome, inner end of pier. 44 57 65 16 Occ. W. period 8® It. 5®, ec. 3® 92 10 White square wooden tower; 32. 13740 H 2922 Port George, edge of bank; opposite inner end of pier. 45 00 65 09 F. R. 27 7 White square wooden tower; 25. 13750 H 2926 Margaretville, extremity of point, S. of breakwater. 45 03 65 04 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 20® It. 10®, ec. 3® It. 4®, ec. 3® 30 10 Square wooden structure with sloping sides, black and white bands; 31. Visible 95°-236°. Part III 139 First Edition H.O. 30 — Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o / water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA-BAY OF FUNDY 13760 H 2 928 Isle Haute, summit. N. W. 45 15 65 01 FI. W . period 7® fl. 2=, ec. 5* 13770 H 2930 Harbourville, near head of W. pier. U. 45 09 64 49 F. W. 13780 H 2932 Black Rock. 45 10 64 46 F. W . 13790 Cape d’Or, extremity of point. 45 18 64 47 FI. W. period 40® 13800 H 2938 Advocate Harbor. U. 45 20 64 48 Fl. W. period 2® 13810 H 2942 Hall Harbor, head of E. breakwater. 45 12 64 37 F. R. 13820 // 2940 Spencer Island Settlement, on shore. 45 20 64 43 F. W. 13830 Port Creville Lighted Bell Buoy. 45 23 64 34 Fl. W . 13840 H 2948 Port Greville, on face of bank. 45 24 64 33 F. W . 13850 H 2950 MINAS BASIN: — Cape Sharpe, N. side of entrance to basin. 45 22 64 24 Occ. W . period 10® It. 7®, ec. 3® 13860 H 2958 — Kingsport, on Oak Point Pier. 45 10 64 22 F. W . 13870 H 2960 — Porter Point, S. side of entrance to Canning River. 45 09 64 23 F. R . 13880 // 2962 — Wolfville, W. side of channel. 45 06 64 22 F. R . 13890 H 2968 — Horton, Range, froit, on bluff at W. side en¬ trance to Avon River. 45 07 64 13 Fl.W. period 8® fl. 3®, ec. 5® 13890.1 H 2968. 1 -Rear, about 2.32 miles 172“ from front. Occ. W. period 8® It. 5®, ec. 3® 13900 H 2970 — Summerville, E. side of Avon River, head of public wharf. 45 06 64 11 F. W. 13910 H 2972 — Hantsport, head of government wharf. 45 04 64 10 F. W. 13920 H 2974 — Burlington, E. side of river, head of govern¬ ment wharf. 45 03 64 08 t F. W. Steel tower; 40. Provisional. 24 9 Mast; 24 . 45 12 White square wooden dwelling; 35. 62 12 White square tower on red wooden framework structure; 30. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. 36 7 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 27. Seasonal. 33 7 White square wooden structure on four steel columns; 29. Seasonal 34 7 White square wooden structure; 33. Seasonal. Bell: 1 stroke ev. 10®. Black cylindrical buoy .... Bell. 59 12 White square wooden tower; 25. Seasonal. 60 13 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 34. Diaphone; blast 2.5®, silent 57.5®. 27 10 White square wooden building; 23. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 29 5 White square wooden tower on piles; 27. 20 6 White square wooden structure; 22. 100 320 33 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 33. Shown from Apr. 1 to Jan. 1. Bell (hand); answers vessels’ signals. Range lights. 10 Mast, white shed; 31. 22 9 Bay window on outer gable of warehouse. 26 White square wooden lantern on freight shed. First Edition Part III 140 H.O. 30 m No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA -BAY OF FUNDY 13930 H 2978 MINAS BASIN: — Mitchener Point, W. side of Avon River, above Hantsport. N. W. 45 03 64 09 F. W. 42 3 Square wooden structure on cribwork; 42. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 10. A F. R. light shows upstream from a window on S. side of tower. •) 13940 H 2980 — Avondale, E. side of river, head of govern¬ ment wharf. U. 45 01 64 08 F. W. 27 Mast on freight shed. 13950 H 2996 — Dimock Point, junction ^of Avon and Ste. Croix Rivers. 45 00 64 08 3 F. W. 70 5 Mast. 13960 H 2994 — Windsor, near W. end of Moshers Wharf. 45 00 64 09 2 F. W. (vertical). .. 31 10 Mast. #) 13970 — Avon River Bridges, No. 44 59 F. R. 20 H 2988 13980 1, on highway bridge 87 yards from E. end. -No. 2, on Canadian 64 09 F. R. 18 Range lights for river below bridges. H 2990 Pacific Ry. bridge 107 yards from E. end. 13990 — Avon River Bridges, No. F. R. 20 H 2992 3, on Canadian Pacific Ry. bridge 164 yards from E. end. Range lights for river above bridges. 14000 -No. 1. F. R. 20 Same light as No. 13970. •) 14010 H 2966 — Cheverie, head of wharf . 45 10 64 11 FI. W. period 4® 24 9 Steel skeleton tower. Seasoned. 14020 H 2998 — Walton Harbor, E. side of mouth of Walton River. 45 14 64 01 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 20^ It. lOs, ec. 3® It. 4^, ec. 3® 60 13 White square wooden tower; 31. Seasonal. A F.R. light is shown from the head of the breakwater. 14030 H 3000 — Tennycape, head of wharf, W. side of mouth of Tennycape River. 45 16 63 53 F. W. 26 8 White mast, white shed; 25. 14040 H 3006 — Burntcoat, NW. ex¬ tremity of head. 45 19 63 48 F. W. 76 14 White square wooden dwelling, red octagonal lantern; 39. h 14050 ff 3008 — Noel, head of govern¬ ment breakwater. 45 18 63 45 F. R. 27 6 Square wooden structure, upper part white, lower part speckled; 27. 14070 H 3012 — Maitland, on govern¬ ment wharf. 45 19 63 30 F. W. 24 7 Mast; 24. 14080 H 3014 — Spencer Point, mouth of Great Village River. 45 24 63 37 F. W. 35 11 White octagonal lantern on roof of white dwelling; 20. 14090 H 3018 — Highland Village. 45 24 63 39 F. R. 35 7 Mast, white shed; 30. Fishing light. Part I 141 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Choracteristic above bility No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals woter tical (feet) miles) CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA-BAY OF FUNDY 14100 H 3020 MINAS BASIN: — Portapique, E. side of entrance to Portapique River. N. W. 45 24 63 43 F. W. 28 10 White square wooden structure; 28. 14110 H 3022 — Bass River, W. side of river inside entrance. 45 24 63 48 F. R. 39 7 White square wooden tower; 32. 14120 — Carr’s Brook, head of 45 24 F. W. 25 9 Mast, white shed; 20. H 3024 government wharf. 63 57 14130 H 3028 — Five Islands, extremity of Sand Point, W. side of mouth of East River. 45 24 64 04 F. W. 43 11 White wooden tower; 33 . . . Seasonal. 14140 — Parrsboro, W. side of river mouth. 45 23 64 19 Occ.W. period 10^ It. 5S ec. 5® 37 9 White iron skeleton tower, red lantern; 50. Seasonal, Diaphane; blast 2®, silent 28®. Horn points 140°. 14150 H 2954 -Near head of govern¬ ment wharf. 45 23 64 19 F.R. 24 9 Corner tf freight shed .... 14160 H 3032 CHIGNECTO BAY: — Apple River, Cape Cap¬ stan, N. side of en¬ trance. 45 28 64 51 F. W. 75 12 White square wooden tower on dwelling; 45. Seasonal. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 278*. 14170 H 3036 — Joggins, near head of breakwater. 45 42 64 28 F. R. 32 7 White square wooden structure, on 4 steel columns; 31. 14190 H 3042 — Cumberland Basin: -Woody (Barnes) Point. 45 50 64 23 F. W. 40 11 White square wooden tower; 32. 14200 H 3046 — Grindstone Island, W. end, at entrance to Shepody Bay. 45 43 64 37 Occ. W. period 15® It. 12®, ec. 3® 93 15 White hexagonal concrete tower, 6 buttresses, red iron lantern; 59. Seasonal. Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. 14210 H 3050 — Petitcodiac River; -Fort Folly Point, at junction of Petit¬ codiac and Memram- cook Rivers. 45 52 64 34 F. W. 77 14 White square wooden tower, red band, dwelling attached, red lantern; 35. Seasonal. 14220 H 3052 -Hopewell, near wharf. 45 52 64 35 F. W. 20 6 Pole. 14240 H 3060 — Cape Enrage, slope of cape. 45 36 64 47 F. W. 125 15 White square wooden tower, octagonal red iron lantern; 29. Diaphone: blast 4®, silent 26®. 14250 H 3064 — Alma, head of public wharf. U. 45 36 64 57 F. R. 26 6 Mast, white shed; 25. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 10. 14260 H 3070 Martin Head, S. extremity.. . U. 45 29 65 12 FI. W. period 5.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.0® 137 17 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 38. 14270 Quaco Ledge Lighted Bell Buoy No. 78 J. 45 15 65 22 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy, “QUACO LEDGE” in white. Bell. Port III 142 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14280 H 3074 St. Martins, head of W. breakwater. N. W. 45 21 65 32 F. R. 31 7 White mast, white shed; 29. Shown from about Apr. 1 to Jan. 10. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 14290 Quaco Head, on slope of 45 20 FI. W. 110 16 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 49. Diaphone; 2 blasts ev. 60*. H 30 76 cape. 65 32 period 10^ 14295 Black Rivet, head of wharf. 45 16 FI. W. 12 Red steel skeleton tower. . U. 65 49 period 4^ 14300 Cope Spencer. 45 12 65 55 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 20* fl. ec. 5* fl. ec. 15* 186 19 Red octagonal concrete tower, white band, red octagonal lantern; 44. Diaphone; 3 blasts ev. 60*. Horn points 165°. « 30 78 14310 ST. JOHN HARBOR: — Black Point Lighted 45 13 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy .... Whistle. Radar reflector. Vihistle Buoy No. 41 I- 66 03 14320 — Partridge Island, summit. 45 14 Fl. W. 127 17 Octagonal wooden tower; red and white stripes, red iron lantern; 58. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 30*. Telegraph and signal station. Radio direction-finder (on main¬ land 2 miles (NE). Radiobeacon. W 3082 66 03 period 8* 14330 H 3086 — Courtenay Bay, neat head of breakwater. U. 45 15 66 03 FI.R. 70 10 Red and white hexagonal tower, red lantern. 14340 -Range, front. 45 17 F. G 57 8 White skeleton tower on building. H 3087 66 02 14340.1 3087.1 -Rear, about 400 yards 20^ 30' from front. F. G. 74 9 White pole. Range lights. 14350 H 3084 — West St. John, outer cornet of shed No. 14. 45 16 66 04 F. R. 36 5 Brown wooden tower on roof of freight shed. Bell; 1 stroke ev. 5*. 14360 U 3088 — Reed Point, foot of St. James Street. 45 16 66 04 F.—W., R. 42 5 Three-branched post; 21. . . R. 318°-25°30'. 14370 — Marble Cove, SW. comer 45 15 Fl. W. 20 9 of Rowans Wharf, N. side of entrance to 66 05 cove. 14380 « 3092 Lorneville Breakwater, on head. U. 45 12 66 09 Fl. G. 12 3 Steel structure on a wooden base. 14390 Tiner Point FOG SIGNAL .. 45 09 Diaphone; blast 3*, silent 42*. H 3094 66 11 14400 H 3096 Musquash, E. side of en¬ trance. 45 09 66 14 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 30* fl., ec. 4* fl., ec. 4* fl., ec. 4* fl., ec. 18* 112 16 White square wooden structure, red bands, dwelling attached; 40. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 14410 H 3100 Chance Harbor, Reef Point, W. side of entrance. 45 07 66 21 F. W. 36 11 White square wooden tower; 30. Visible 145°-15°. Port III 143 First Edition H.C. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau* ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK -BAY OF FUNDY 14420 Dipper Harbor, public wharf, W. side of harbor. N. W. 45 06 F. W. 27 9 H 3104 66 25 14430 Point Lepreau, near ex¬ tremity. 45 04 Gp.FI.W.(3). H 3108 66 28 period 24® 14440 Point Lepreau Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 198 C. 45 03 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. 66 28 14445 Maces Bay Wharf. U. 45 08 66 32 F. R. 29 Pole. 14450 South West Wolf Island SE. 44 56 FI. W. 111 16 White square wooden structure on dwelling; 35. H 3110 part. 66 44 period 10® 14460 Wolves Lighted 'thistle Buoy, No. 182 C. 45 00 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes “WOLVES” in black and white letters. 66 42 14470 Drews Head, W. side of Beavor Harbor. 45 04 FI. W. 45 10 White square wooden structure; 36. H 3112 66 44 period 14® fl. 6®, ec. 8® 14475 Beaver Harbor, head of F. R. 29 Pole. breakwater. 14480 L’ETANG HARBOR; — Pea Point, on Pea Islet, E. side of entrance to harbor. 45 02 F. W. 51 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 31. H 3114 66 49 14490 — Roaring Bidl Lighted Buoy 45 02 FI. R. Red buoy. 66 49 14500 — Bliss Island, SW. point. 45 01 Dec. W. 55 12 White square wooden tower, red lantern; 40. H 3118 66 51 period 15® It. 10®, ec. 5® ■ 14510 PASSAMAQUODDY BAY: — Letite Passage, W. ex¬ tremity of Mascabin Point. 45 02 F. W. 48 12 White octagonal wooden tower, red lantern; 43. H 3120 66 54 14515 — Morgan Ledge Lighted Whistle Buoy No. 138 — C, at E. entrance. 45 02 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy, “Morgan Ledge 158—C”, in white. 66 54 14520 - Letite Lighted Bell Buoy No. 162 C. 45 03 66 54 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy, “LETITE” in white. 14530 - Head of pier. 45 03 F. R. 16 8 66 54 14540 — Midjik Bluff . 45 07 FI. W. 142 6 Red skeleton steel tower. H 3124 U. 66 55 14550 — Chamcook Channel 45 07 FI. R. Red buoy . Lighted Buoy No. 132 67 03 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Diaphone; 3 blasts ev. 60® . Original light house destroyed by fire, temporary light estab¬ lished 200 feet S. Whistle. Radar reflector. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Whistle. Radar reflector. Obscured to eastward and southwestward by harbor headlands. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Visible 251'’-16r. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Diaphone; blast 3.5®, silent 26.5®. Whistle. Bell. Whistle: 1 blast ev. 30® (on freight shed). C. Part III 144 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lat. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14560 — Tongue Shoal, near ex- N. W. 45 04 FI. W. 48 8 Red skeleton steel tower. H 3126 tremity. U. 67 01 14570 — Navy Bar, near E. ex- 45 04 F. W. 34 7 White rectangular wooden structure on cribwork, red lantern; 36. Bell; 1 stroke ev. 5®. H 3130 tremity of bar off Navy Island. 67 02 14580 — St. Andrews, head of 45 04 F. R. 30 6 White mast. U 3128 railway pier, E. side of harbor. 67 03 14590 ST. CROIX RIVER: — Dochet Island (U.S.), 45 08 F. FI. W. 77 F. 12 FI. 14 White dwelling; 39. Bell: 1 stroke ev. 15®. middle of river about 4 miles above St. Andrews. 67 08 period 30® fl. 3®, fixed 27® Cp. F. 510 FI. 2,400 14600 — Spruce Point. 45 10 F. W 32 9 White square wooden structure; 28. H 3136 67 11 14610 — Marks Point, N. side of 45 10 F. W. 32 3 White square wooden structure; 28. H 3138 river. 67 13 14620 — Whittock’s Mill on 45 10 F. G. 32 11 White conical tower. Maintained only during the season of navigation. Bell: 1 stroke ev. 20®. South Bank (U. S.). 67 10 Cp. 800 14630 DEER ISLAND: — Leonardville Harbor, on 44 58 F. W. 59 8 White square wooden tower; 27. H 3146 cliff, near center of E. side of Deer Island. 66 57 14632 - Lighted Buoy, FI. R. about 200 yards 101° from Leonard¬ ville Light. 14634 — Leonardville Wharf, F. R. 31 near outer end. U. 14640 H 3144 — Pompey Ledge, off E. side of Deer Island. U. 44 59 66 57 FI. W. 17 9 Black steel framework structure. 14650 — Lords Cove, N. side of 45 00 F. G. 55 8 Mast, white shed; 31. H 3142 cove, front. 66 57 14650.1 -Rear, 107 yards F. G. 85 10 Pole- 17 Range lights. H 3142.1 330° 30' from front. 14660 -Government Wharf, outer end. 45 00 66 57 F. R. 24 Bracket on shed. 14670 H 3140 — Stewarton Wharf, near head of wharf, front. 45 01 66 56 F. R. 15 8 White pole. 14670.1 H 3140.1 -Rear, 150 yards 242° from front. F. R. 40 11 White pole. Range lights. 14680 H 3148 — Fairhaven, near head of wharf. 44 58 67 01 F.R. 16 8 White pole. 14685 — Deer Island, on extremity of Deer Point. U. 44 56 66 59 F. R. 35 11 Pole. Part III 145 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. o f Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi. bil ity (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14690 Dog Island (U.S.). U. N. W. 44 55 66 59 FI_W. R. period 5® fl. IS, ec. 4S Cp. W. 400 R. 90 32 w. 11 R. 7 White skeleton tower, small white house. R. 306°-36°. Siren: blast 5®, silent 25®. 14700 H 3152 Cherry Island, 1 mile E. of Dog Island Light FOG SIGNAL. 44 55 Bell: 1 stroke ev. 20®. 66 58 14710 H 3154 CAMPOBELLO ISLAND: — Head Harbor, on rock off East Quoddy Head. 44 57 66 54 F. W. 64 13 White octagonal wooden structure, red cross; dwelling attached; red iron lantern; 50. Diaphone: blast 5®, silent 15®. Horn points 116°. 14720 H 3158 — Wilson Beach, head of government wharf, W. side of island. 44 56 66 56 F. R. 23 9 Mast, white shed; 19. 14730 H 3156 — Mulholland Point, E. side of Lubec Narrows. 44 52 66 59 F. W. 60 4 White octagonal wooden tower; 44. Visible 319°-184°. 14735 — Lubec Channel break¬ water, No. 5A, (U. S.), 535 yards 190'’-30' from Mulholland Pt. 44 52 66 59 FI. G. period 4^ fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6® Cp. 60 23 White skeleton tower with small house; 18. 14740 14750 H 3162 Lubec Channel (U.S.), W. edge. GRAND MANAN: — Long Eddy Point, N. extremity of island FOG SIGNAL. 44 50 66 59 44 48 66 47 Fl. G. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 53 13 White conical tower, black base. Bell: 1 stroke ev. 30®. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn projects from N. face of building. 14760 H 3164 44 46 Occ. W. 148 18 White octagonal wooden tower; dwelling and outbuildings; 50. Visible 153°-349°. island. 66 44 period 6® It. 4®, ec. 2® Horn: blast 2®, silent 18®. 14770 — Net Rock Ledges Lighted Bell Buoy. 44 45 66 44 FI.R. Red buoy, “Net Rock Ledges”, in white. Bell. Radar reflector. 14780 H 3166 — North Head Harbor, head of government wharf, E. side of harbor. U. 44 46 F R _ 22 9 Mast, white shed; 19. 66 45 44 41 66 42 Diaphone: blast 4®, silent 41®. 14790 H 3170 — Great Duck Island, S. end of island FOG SIGNAL. 14800 H 3168 — Half Tide Rock, middle of Cheney Passage between Cheney and Ross Islands. U. 44 39 Fl. W . 12 4 steel structure on con- 66 44 Crete block. 14810 — Prangle Point Lighted Bell Buoy, No. 47 C NE. of the point. 44 39 66 41 Fl. W . Buoy . Bell. 14820 H 3174 — Gull Cove, E. side of White Head Island. 44 38 66 42 F. W . 81 14 White square wooden tower; 49. Visible 169°-33*. Part III 146 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14830 GRAND MANAN: — Long Point, S. ex- N. W. 44 37 Diaphone: 3 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points S. H 3176 tremity of White Head Island FOG SIGNAL. 66 43 14840 — Old Proprietor Shoal 44 32 FI. W. Black cylindrical buoy, “OLD PROPRIETOR” in white. Whistle. Lighted Vihistle Buoy, No. 43 C. off S. side of shoal. 66 39 14850 Gannet Rock, S. of Grand 44 31 Gp. FI. W. (2). 106 16 Octagonal wooden tower, black and white stripes; red lantern and dwelling; 91. Diaphone: blast 2®, silent 28®. H 3188 Manan. 66 47 period 15® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 12® 14860 Outer Wood Island, SW. end . 44 36 FI. W. 93 14 Lantern below cross arms of white signal mast. H 3180 66 49 period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® 14870 Grand Harbor, Fishfluke 44 40 Occ. W. 40 11 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 32. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. H 3178 Point, E. side of harbor on Ross Island. 66 45 period 20® It. 16®, ec. 4® 14880 — Seal Cove, head of W. 44 39 F. R. 18 8 White tower, red roof; 16 . . H 3184 breakwater. 66 50 14890 — Southwest Head, on Gull 44 36 Gp. Fl. W. (3). 200 20 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 43. Horn: blast 2®, silent 28®. H 3186 Cliff. 66 54 period 30® fl., ec. 5® fl., ec. 5® fl., ec. 20® 14900 Mochias Seal Island, 44 30 Fl. W. 82 14 White octagonal concrete tower, iron lantern, red roof; 60. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 60®. Horn points 230° 30'. H 3192 summit. 67 06 period 3® 14910 / 0014 West Quoddy Head,' E. end of head, SW. side of en¬ trance to roads. (U. S.) 44 49 66 57 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 15® fl. 2®, ec. 2® fl. 2®, ec. 9® Cp. 8,000 83 15 Red and white banded tower; 49. Diaphone: 2 blasts ev. 30®. Synchronized with radio¬ beacon for distance finding. If diaphone is disabled, a bell is sounded. Radiobeacon. FLORIDA'-UNITED STATES - ATLANTIC COAST 14920 Lighted Whistle Buoy 30 42 FI.W. 16 9 Black buoy . Whistle. 1 STM. 81 19 period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® Cp. 400 14922 St. Marys, AVIATION 30 45 Fl. W. LIGHT. 81 34 period 5® 14930 Amelia Island, 2 miles from 30 40 Fl—W., R. 107 16 White conical tower; 64 . . . R. 344°-360°. J 2856 N. end of island. 81 27 period 10® fl. 2.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. W. 160,000 R. 48,000 '■For other lights of the U. S., see U. S. Coast Guard Light Lists. Part III 147 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome ond locotion Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals FI -ORIDA*-UNITED S TATES -ATLA NTIC COAST 14941 St. Johns . N. W. 30 23 81 24 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 1.5® fl. 1®, ec. 1.5® fl. 1®, ec. 1.5® fl. 1®, ec. 11.5® Cp.^ 250,000 83 15 White square masonry tower. Visible 174‘'-0°. Radiobeocon. Horn (about 2.7 miles east¬ ward): 2 blasts ev. 30®. F. R. 84 Same structure. Obstruction light. 14950 ] 2866 St. Augustine, N. end of Anastasia Island, S. side of St. Augustine Inlet. 29 53 81 17 F. Fl. W. period 30® fl. 0.3®, fixed 29.7® Cp. F. 20,000 FL 450,000 161 19 Conical tower, white base with black cornice; black and white spirally banded shaft; black below lantern deck, red above; 161. 14980 J 2878 14990 J 2876 Ponce de Leon Inlet, about 1 mile N. and W. of en¬ trance. Daytona Beach AVIATION LIGHT. 29 05 80 56 29 11 81 04 Gp. Fl. W. (6). period 30® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 17® Cp. 220,000 Alt. Fl.,— W., G .. period 10® 159 93 19 Red conical brick tower; 168. 15000 Hetzel Shoal Lighted Whistle Buoy 8. 28 38 80 21 Fl. W . period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 16 9 Red buoy. Whistle. 15010 J 2888 Cape Canaveral . 28 28 80 33 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 1.3®, 13.7® Cp. 430,000 137 18 Conical iron tower, black and white bands; 145. International Code signals. Radiobeacon. 15020 Bethel Shoal Lighted Whistle Buoy 10, off E. side of shoal. 27 44 80 10 Fl. W. period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 400 16 9 Red buoy . Whistle. Radar reflector. . 15030 J 2908 Veto Beach, AVIATION LIGHT. 27 39 80 24 Alt Fl W G 98 period 10® Cp. 1,000,000 15035 Fort Pierce, AVIATION LIGHT. 27 25 80 19 Fl W 88 period 5® Cp. 3,500 15040 St. Lucie Shoal Lighted Whistle Buoy 12, off N. end of shoal. 27 23 80 07 Fl. W . period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 400 16 9 Red buoy. Whistle. 15050 Stuart AVIATION LIGHT . . . 27 11 80 14 Alt Fl W G period 10® *For other li/thts of the U, S.» see V. S. Coast Guard Light Lists. Part III 148 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals FLORIDA* - UNITED STATES-ATLANTIC COAST 15060 Jupiter Inlet, N. side of N. W. 26 57 Gp. FI. W. (2). 146 18 Storm warnings. Radiobeacon. inlet. 80 05 period 30^ fl. 1.2^, ec. 6.6^ fl. 1.2^, ec. 21.0^ Cp. 1,000,000 15065 Palm Beach Airport 26 41 Alt. Gp. Fl.,—W. AVIATION LIGHT. 80 06 G. period 10^ 2 W. fl., G. fl. 15070 Hillsboro Inlet, on N. side 26 16 Fl. W. 136 18 Octagonal pyramidal iron skeleton tower, central stair cylinder, lower third white, upper two- thirds black; 137. Radiobeacon. 1 2934 of inlet. 80 05 period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 19® Cp. 5,500,000 15080 Port Everglades Lighted 26 05 Fl. W. 16 9 Whistle. Vihistle Buoy 1. 80 05 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 400 15090 North Miami Beach Lighted 25 56 Fl. W. 12 7 Buoy 4- 80 06 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 70 15100 Miami Lighted 'thistle 25 46 Fl. W. 16 9 Whistle. Buoy 2. 80 05 period 5® fl. 1 ®, ec. 4® Cp. 400 15110 J 2960 Fowey Rocks, on outer line of reefs. 25 35 80 06 Gp. Fl. (2), — W., P. period 10® fl. 2®, ec. 1.5® fl. 2®, ec. 4.5® Cp. W. 83,000 R. 25,000 no 16 Brown octagonal pyramidal skeleton tower on piles, white stair cylinder, octagonal dwelling. W. 188°-356°,R.-22',W.-180% R.-188°. Storm warnings. Radiobeacon. 15120 Pacific Reef, on outer line 25 22 Fl. W . 45 12 White square pyramidal skeleton tower on piles. J 2968 of reefs. U. 80 08 period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 1,700 15130 ; 2974 Carystort Reef, on outer line of reefs. 25 13 80 13 Gp. Fl. (3)— W., R . period 20® fl. 0.7®, ec. 4.3® fl. 0.7®, ec. 4.3® fl. 0.7®, ec. 9.3® Cp. W. 190,000 R. 60,000 100 16 Brown octagonal pyramidal skeleton tower on piles, enclosed stair cylinder and conical dwelling. W.-2ir-22°, R.-49°, W.-87°, R.-145°, W.-184°, R.-2ir. Storm warnings. 15140 J 2982 Molasses Reef, on outer line of reefs. U. 25 01 80 23 Fl. W . period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 1,700 1 45 12 Brown square pyramidal skeleton tower on piles. For other lights of the U.S., see U.S. Coast Guard Light Lists. Part III 149 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Nome and locotion Position lot. long. 9 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals FLORIDA'-UNITED STATES-ATLANTIC COAST 15150 J 2983 Alligator Reef, on outer line of reefs. N. W. 24 51 80 37 Gp. FI. (4),—W., R. period 40® fl. 1®, ec. 4® fl. 1®, ec. 4® fl. 1®, ec. 4® fl. 1®, ec. 24® Cp. W. 70,000 R. 20,000 136 18 White octagonal pyramidal skeleton tower on black piles, enclosed stair cylinder and square dwelling. R.-223‘'-247“, W.-46°, R. 68”, W.-223°. Storm warnings. 15160 Tenrressee Reef, on outer 24 45 Fl. W. 49 12 Black hexagonal pyramidal skeleton tower on piles. ] 2990 line of reefs. U. 80 47 period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 1,700 15170 J 2998 Sombrero Key, on outer line of reefs. 24 38 81 07 Gp. Fl. (5),-W., R. period 15® fl. 1.4®, ec. 1® fl. 1.4®, ec. 1® fl. 1.4®, ec. 1® fl. 1.4®, ec. 1® fl. 1.4®, ec. 4® Cp. W. 45,000 R. 13,000 142 18 Brown octagonal pyramidal skeleton tower on piles, enclosed stair cylinder and square dwelling. W.-222“-238% R.-263“, W. 67*, R.-94°, W.-163% R.-222*. Storm warnings. 15180 American Shoal, on outer 24 32 Fl.,—W., R . . . 109 16 Brown octagonal pyramidal skeleton tower on piles, enclosed white stair cylinder and brown octagonal dwelling. W.-268‘‘-67% R.-90°, W.-llS*, R.-130°, W.-242°, R.-268°. Storm warnings. ; 3002 line of reefs. 81 31 period 5® fl. 1.2®, ec. 3.8® Cp. W. 120,000 R. 40,000 15190 Pelican Shoal No. 1. 24 30 81 36 FI.W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 36 11 Skeleton tower on piles, white tank house. 15200 J 4570 Sand Key, center of key, seaward side of reef. U. 24 27 81 53 Gp. Fl. (2),—W., R. period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. W. 7,000 R. 2,100 109 16 Brown square pyramidal skeleton tower on piles, enclosed stair cylinder, and square dwelling; 120. W.-199”-231°, R.-270“, W. 72*. R.-85% W.-118% R. 129”, W.-189°, R.-199°. 15210 1 3012 Key West, W. end of Key West Island. U. 24 33 81 48 Occ.,— W., R. period 12® It. 6®, ec. 6® Cp. W. 11,000 R. 3,300 91 15 Buff conical tower, green lantern; 86. W.-l°-55°, R.-69°, W.-134°, R.-140°, W.-32r, R.-r. 15220 Cosgrove Shoal . 24 28 Fl. W 49 12 Red hexagonal skeleton tower on piles, black tankhouse. J 3052 U. 82 11 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 1,300 15230 Tuenty-eight Foot Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy, on SW. side of shoal. 24 26 82 25 1. Qk. Fl. W. Cp. 400 16 9 Buoy, red and black stripes. Bell. ^For other lights of the V. S., see V. S. Coast Guard Light Lists. Part III 150 First Edition H. 0. 30 Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location * lot. long. 0 f and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals FLORIDA*-UNITED STATES - ATLANTIC COAST 15240 ] 3056 Rebecca Shoal, on SW. edge of shoal. U. N. W. 24 35 82 35 Gp. FI. (3),—W., R. period 15^ fl. P, ec. 2® fl. P, ec. 2^ fl. IS, ec. 8s Cp. W. I,4()() R. 420 66 W. 14 R. 11 White square structure on brown iron piles. R.-254‘'-302°. 15250 J 3058 Pulaski Shoal, on E. side of shoal. U. 24 42 82 46 Fl. W. period 4^ fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6S Cp. 1,700 49 12 Black skeleton tower on piles. 15260 J 3060 Dry Tortugas, on Logger- head Key. 24 38 82 55 FI.W. period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 19® Cp. 1,500,000 151 19 Conical tower; lower half white, upper half black; 157. Radiobeacon. 15270 Tortugas Outside Lighted Whistle Buoy 8 A. * 24 34 82 57 FI.W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 400 16 9 Red buoy. V-Tiistle. BERMUDA ISLANDS 15280 J 44 72 St. Davids Island, on Mount Hill. 32 22 64 39 F. W. 15283 — Northeast Breaker Lighted Buoy. 32 30 64 38 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 15286 — Kitchen Shoal Lighted Buoy. 32 26 64 36 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 15® fl. (3) ev. 5®, ec. 10®. 15287 — Mills Breaker Lighted Buoy. 32 24 64 37 Fl. W. period 2.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® 15290 ST. GEORGE ISLAND: — Town Cut A . 32 23 F G . ] 4476 U. 64 40 15300 — Town Cut B. F. G. J 44 78 U. 15310 ] 4484 —Railway bridge between St. George’s and Coney Island. 32 21 64 43 2 F. R. and 2 F. G 15320 y 4474 — St. Catherines Point, NW. corner of fort. 32 23 64 40 F. R. 208 20 White octagonal tower, red band; 55. Visible 135°—44°. Obscured by land about Fort Victoria, St. George Island, when bearing 138°. Black buoy . Black and white vertical striped buoy. Black buoy . 27 5 Wooden post. 23 5 Wooden post. Shown on either side of center of span. Shows R. to seaward when bridge is closed. Two F. W. lights are shown from bridge fenders. 85 10 R. obstruction light at top of flagstaff at Arcadia, about 0.5 mile southward. For other lights of the U. S., see V. S. Coast Guard Light Lists. Part III 151 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o t Characteristic ond power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BERMUDA ISLANDS 15330 J 4482 Kindley Field, Long Bird Island AVIATION LIGHT, about 0.5 mile 146' from Cherrystone Hill beacon. N. W. 32 21 64 40 Gp. FI.W.(2). period 10^ Cp. 2,000,000 80 14 Control tower. Radiobeacon. 15340 HA^LTON ISLAND: — Gibbs Hill, summit. 32 15 FI, W. 354 26 White circular iron tower; 133. Obscured 223°-228°, also 229°—237°. Signal station. Radio direction-finder. ; 4550 64 50 period 10® 15350 — Riddles Bay, N. side of 32 16 FI. R. 12 3 White circular stone tower, black top. J 4546 entrance. 64 50 period 4® fl. 0.6®, ec. 3.4® 15360 J 4490 — Gibbet Island. 32 19 64 45 F.R. 24 2 Post; 11. 15370 — Painter Hill . 32 20 64 42 F. R. Radio mast. Two F.R. lights mark 2 other radio masts. 15380 J 44 70 — North Rock. U. 32 28 64 46 FI. W. period 6® Cp. 800 60 13 Steel framework tower .... 15390 — Hogfish. 32 19 FI. G . 16 White masonry structure .. . An occasional F.R. light is shown at Clarence Cove. J 4494 U. 64 49 period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 15400 — Devonshire Dock, N. 32 18 2 F. G. (ve rt). 30 2 White post. J 4492 side of entrance. U. 64 46 27 15420 IRELAND ISLAND: — Wharf, on point in front F. R. 2 of residence of captain- in-charge, S. of Cock- burn Cut. 15430 — W. corner of South Basin, F. G. 27 2 Visible 322°-350'. J 4522 dockyard gate. 15440 — The Crawl, head of pier . 32 19 F. R. 11 2 Green iron column; 11. ] 4528 64 51 15450 ; 4520 — N. end of S, breakwater, front. FI.R. period 3® 12 3 Iron column; 5. 15452 — NW. side of S. Basin .... F.R. 36 3 Crane. 15460 — Head of N. breakwater . . 32 19 FI. G. 14 2 F. R. lights are shown from tops of 3 radio masts near Com¬ missioner’s house. I 4518 64 50 period 3® 15470 Pearl Island. 32 17 20 5 White concrete; 7 . ; 4514 U. 64 50 period 4® 15480 J 4532 SOMERSET ISLAND: — Gwelly Hole, S. side. .. . 32 18 64 52 F.R. 20 2 Iron column. A F. R. light is shown from center of Watford Bridge. 15490 ; 4534 — Fowles Point. 32 17 64 52 F.G. 20 2 Iron column. F. R. lights are shown from tops of 3 radio masts on Daniels Head. Part III 152 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high Visi¬ bility (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals water (feet) tical miles) BERMUDA ISLANDS 15500 SOMERSET ISLAND; — Evans Bay, W. side of N. W. 32 16 2 F. W. (vert). 24 3 Beacon . ; 4538 Port Royal Bay. 64 52 26 15510 Head of the Lane channel, 32 17 FI. W. 15 4 Black circular stone beacon, white base. Privately maintained. J 4508 N. side. U. 64 49 period 4^ fl. 0.6®, ec. 3.4® 15520 J 4506 Godet Island, NW. point.... 32 17 64 49 F. G. 12 5 Post. 15530 ; 4500 HAMILTON HARBOR: — Watermans Rock, 800 feet 95' from Princess Hotel flagstaff. 32 17 64 47 FI. W. period 3® 9 2 Cylindrical concrete structure. 15540 — Hamilton Harbor, SW. of 32 17 FI. R. 8 3 White circular concrete beacon, red lantern. 1 4502 Albuoy Point. 64 47 period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 15550 Two Rocks Passage, on S. 32 17 F. R. 21 J 4498 extremity of Agars Island, N. side of passage. 64 48 15560 J 4540 Ricketts Island. 32 16 64 50 Qk. FI.R. 60 fl. per min. 18 4 Concrete cylinder sur¬ mounted by battery box, upper half black, lower half white. 15570 } 4542 GRANAWAY DEEP: — About 300 yards NE. of Burgiss Point. 32 16 64 50 FI. W. period 2.5® 11 4 Concrete cylinder sur¬ mounted by battery box, upper half black, lower half white. 15580 — About 200 yards W. of Spithead. 32 16 Fl. W . 7 4 Four pipes surmounted by battery box; all painted white. y 4510 64 49 period 1.7® 15590 Dagger Rock. 32 16 Fl. R 7 4 Post.. F.R. and F. Bu. aviation lights are shown from control tower on Darrell Island, about 3,010 yards 28“ 20' from Gibbs Hill Light. ; 4512 U. 64 49 period 4® fl. 0.6®, ec. 3.4® BAHAMA ISLANDS 15600 LITTLE BAHAMA BANK: — Matanilla Shoal Lighted V/histle Buoy, NW. of shoal. 27 23 Fl. W. 16 9 Black buoy, marked “MS.” . Whistle. Radar reflector. 79 06 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 15605 y 4560 — Little Sayles Cay. 27 03 78 09 Fl. W. period 3® 47 12 Black and white iron pipe; 20. 15606 — Mangrove Cay, W. side .. 26 55 Fl. W. 50 12 Privately maintained by Bahamas Natcon Ltd 78 37 period 4.5® fl. 1®, ec. 3.5® 15607 Crab Cay, Angel Fish 26 55 Fl. W. 33 11 White beacon; 23. y 4562 Point. 77 36 period 5® Part III 153 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals BAHAMA ISLANDS 15610 J 4564 LITTLE BAHAMA BANK: — Green Turtle Cay. U. N. W. 26 45 77 20 F. W. 24 10 White steel framework tower; 18. 15620 ; 4566 — Great Guana Cay. U. 26 41 77 09 F. W. 30 2 White pole; 20. 15630 J 45 70 — Marsh Harbor, N. side, Great Abaco Island. U. 26 33 77 03 F. W. 23 5 Pole; 14 . 15635 — Man of War Cav . 26 35 F. W. 30 10 ] 4580 76 59 15640 J 4572 — Elbow Cay (Little Guano) near NE. ex¬ tremity of Little Bahama Bank. 26 32 76 57 Gp. FI. W. (5). period 15^ R. 0 .1®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0 .1®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0 .1®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0 .1®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0.1®, ec. 7.3® 123 15 Circular stone tower, red and white bands, white lantern; 89. 15650 ] 4576 — Little Harbor, S. side of entrance. Great Abaco. U. 26 20 76 59 Fl. W. period 4® 61 10 White building. 15660 J 4578 — Cherokee Sound, on Duck Cay, Great Abaco Island. U. 26 16 77 04 F. R . 29 6 White square stone building; 22. Visible 229°-94“ except where obscured to the E. by the high land of Cherokee Point. 15670 ; 4582 — Abaco, S. point of Great Abaco Island. 25 51 77 11 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 0.3®, ec. 9.7® Cp. 400,000 172 19 Conical stone tower, lower part white, upper part red, white lantern; 93. 15675 — Rocky Point, Great Abaco Island. U. 26 00 77 23 Fl. W. period 6® 33 6 Black iron structure; 27 . . . 15680 ; 4584 — Sandy Point, near W. ex¬ tremity of Great Abaco Island. U. 26 02 77 24 F. W. 25 5 Pole; 20. 15690 J 4586 — Channel Cay. 26 15 77 37 Fl. W. period 2.4® 39 7 Aluminum colored lattice structure. 15700 J'4588 — Sweetings Cay, off SE. end of Grand Bahama Island. U. 26 37 77 54 F. W. 20 5 White wooden tower. 15710 J 4590 — High Rock, S. side of Grand Bahama Island. U. 26 37 78 18 F. W. 25 6 White pole. 15720 J 4592 — Bell Channel, S. side of Grand Bahama Island. U. 26 33 78 33 Fl. W. period 3® 36 7 Black iron framework tower. 15730 1 4594 — Pinder Point, Grand Bahama Island. U. 26 30 78 46 F. R. 22 2 W'hite concrete tower. Visible 000“-160”. 15740 y 4598 — Settlement Point, W. end of Grand Bahama Island. U. 26 41 79 00 Fl. W. period 4® 44 6 Aluminum colored steel tower; 32. Part III 154 First Edition H.O. 30 ») No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks* Fog signols BAHAMA ISLANDS #) 15750 LITTLE BAHAMA BANK: — Grand Bahama Island AVIATION LIGHT. N. W. 26 41 78 51 r FI. R. Tower, red and white bands; 204. 15760 ] 4596 Little Indian Rock. 26 43 79 00 FI. W. period 6® 40 8 Aluminum colored steel skeleton tower; 32. 15765 — Memory Rock. U. 26 57 79 06 FI. W. period 3® 37 11 Black beacon . 15770 J 4620 GREAT BAHAMA BANK: — Great Isaac, center of island. 26 02 79 05 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15^ fl. 0.4®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.4®, ec. 13.2® Cp. 300,000 152 18 Iron tower, red and white bands, white lantern; 137. #) 15780 J 4616 — North Rock, about 1 mile N. of North Bimini Island. U. 25 48 79 16 Fl. W. period 3® 40 8 Aluminum colored skeleton steel tower; 32. Visible 22‘'-343“. 15790 1 4618 — North Bimini, head of wharf. U. F. W. 20 5 Gray steel framework tower. Two F.R. range lights, visible 2 miles, indicate channel through reef on South Bimini. These lights are un¬ watched and unreliable. p) 15800 J 4610 — Gun Cay, near S. point . . U. 25 34 79 18 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® Cp. 325,000 80 14 Conical stone tower, upper part red, lower part white. Obscured by the Bimini Isles, when 8 miles distant, be¬ tween 176° and 198°. 15810 ; 4608 — North Cat Cay, head of breakwater. U. 25 34 79 18 Fl. W. period 2® 5 Beacon; 12. Not visible W. or SW. of Cat Cay. l) 15820 ; 4604 South Riding Rock. U. 25 14 79 09 Fl. W. period 5® 35 10 Aluminum framework structure. 15830 — Lighted Bell Buoy, about 17 miles SE. of Gun Cay Light. 25 28 79 01 Fl. W. Conical buoy, red and yellow bands, ball top- mark. Bell. 15840 — Lighted Bell Buoy, about 2 miles N. of Mackie Shoal. 25 40 78 41 Fl. W. Can buoy, red and yellow bands, ball topmark. Bell. 0 15848 25 46 Fl. W. 36 7 Iron pyramidal structure; 77 52 period 6® upper half white, lower half black. 0 ) 15850 1 4624 — Great Stirrup Cay, 700 yards from E. end. 25 50 77 53 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 15® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2® fl. 0.3®, ec. 7.8® Cp. 125,000 82 14 Circular tower, 5 red and white bands; 57. Visible 18°-306° 15855 — Little Harbor Cay, Berry Islands. U. 25 34 77 42 Fl. W. period 2® 94 9 Black and white banded pipe; 23. 15860 J 4626 — Whale Point, SW. point of Whale Cay. U. 25 23 77 47 Fl. W. period 4® Cp. 200 70 8 White stone tower, gray steel superstructure. Part III 1-55 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi* Position Characteristic obove bility No. Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) BAHAMA ISLANDS GREAT BAHAMA BANK: N. W. 15870 — Thompson Cay. 25 24 FI.,—W., R. 44 7 Aluminum colored lattice W. 320"-54", R.-320°. U. 77 54 period 10® structure; 32. 15880 — Northwest Channel S. 25 28 FI. W. 33 8 White skeleton tower; 36 .. J 4628 side of E. entrance. U. 78 10 period 2.3® 15891 — Nicols Town, Range, 25 08 F. W. 37 5 White wooden framework J 4636 front. 77 59 tower; 19. Range lights. 15891.1 -Rear, in line 247" F. W. 55 10 White wooden framework ] 4636.1 from front. tower; 27. 15900 -Staniard Rock. 24 51 FI. W. 18 6 Gray structure; 15 . ] 4640 U. 77 53 period 4® — Andros Island: 15910 -Staniard Creek. 24 52 F. R. 26 6 Wooden framework J 4638 U. 77 54 structure; 20. 15920 -Fresh Creek, S. side 24 44 F. W. 27 6 White quadrangular stone J 4642 of entrance. U. 77 48 tower; 24. 15930 -Middle Bight on rock 24 19 FI. W. 17 7 White steel framework / 4644 S. side of channel. 77 40 period 5® tower. 15935 -Sirius Rock. 24 14 FI. W. 29 7 Black and white mast on 77 36 period 3® white cylindrical struc¬ ture. 15940 -Sharp Rock, Point, E. 24 13 FI. W. 19 4 White steel framework J 4646 side of island, S. of Golding Cay. U. 77 36 period 1.5® tower. 15945 — Green Cay, W. end. 24 02 FI. W. 33 7 Black structure, white U. 77 11 period 3® house; 23. 15946 -Tinkers Rock. 23 59 FI. W. 32 8 Black mast on white 77 29 14 fl. per min. cylindrical housing. 15950 — Gold Cay. N. end of 24 40 F. W. 22 5 Mast; 20. Shown from Oct. 15 to July 31. J 4632 Williams Island. U. 78 28 — Coral Harbor: ■ 15955 -Coral Harbor En- 24 59 FI. W. 17 4 Beacon . J 46 70. 5 trance. 77 30 period 5® fi. 1®, ec. 4® 15956 - E. Jetty, outer end .. FI. R. A Fl. R. and Fl. G. light exist close NNE. period 4® period 5® fi. 1®, ec. 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® (privately maintained) 15957 -W. Jetty. FI. G. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® 15%0 — Goulding Cay, off W. 25 02 FI. W. 36 8 Gray structure . J 4650 point of New Provi¬ dence Island. U. 77 36 period 2® Part III 156 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau‘ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BAHAMA ISLANDS N. W. GREAT BAHAMA BANK: — Nassau Harbor: 15970 - Fort Fincastle 25 05 Alt. FI.—W. G. 216 18 Gray concrete tower; 130 . . ; 4656 AVIATION LIGHT. 77 21 period 10® Cp. W. 2,400,000 G. 600,000 15980 - Hog Island, W. 25 06 FI. W. or R. 66 W. 13 White conical stone tower; Shows R. when bar is dangerous. J 4660 point. U. 77 21 period 5® R. 11 63. Obscured 334°—25°. 15990 - Tony Rock. 25 05 FI. G. 22 4 Red composite framework; ] 4658 77 21 period 5® 21. fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.7® 16000 - Range, W. of town. 25 05 F. R. 37 7 White structure, black J 4652 front. U. 77 22 diagonal wooden cross daymark; 38. Range lights. 16000.1 - Rear, 273 yards F. R. 61 7 White structure, black ; 4652.1 151° from front. diagonal wooden cross U. daymark; 36. 16010 — The Nanows, between 25 05 FI. R. 12 2 Red post; 12. J 4664 Hog Island and Athol 77 17 Island. U. 16020 — Athol Island. 25 05 FI. W. 46 6 Gray structure; 17 . Visible 290°-335°. ] 4666 U. 77 17 period 6.5® — New Providence Island: 16030 -Porgee Rocks, SE. 25 04 FI. W. 23 5 Gray structure; 18. 1 4668 rock. U. 77 15 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 16040 -Chub Rock . 25 07 FI. W. 25 4 White framework tower .... ] 4662 77 14 period 5® 16050 -On point, S. of East 25 02 Fl. W. 57 8 White square stone building; Visible 180°-56°. ] 4670 Point. 77 15 period 6® 27. 16060 — Beacon Cay (North 24 52 Fl.,—W., R. 58 8 Gray structure; 30. R. 292°-303°. ParUally ] 4722 Rock), Ship Channel. 76 49 period 3® obscured by neighboring U. islands 319°—6°. 16070 — Elbow Cay, W. end . 24 31 Fl. W. 46 11 Gray structure; 25. ; 4724 U. 76 49 period 2® 16080 — Harvey Cay. 24 09 Fl. W. 49 6 Gray structure; 12. J 4728 U. 76 28 period 15° 16090 — Galliot Cut, N. end of 23 54 Fl. W . 51 7 Aluminum-colored steel ; 4750 Cave Cay. U. 76 14 period 4® framework tower. — Eleuthera Island: 16100 -Tarpum Bay, S. end . . 25 00 F. W . 35 7 Mast; 20. J 4694 U. 76 13 16110 -Powell Point . 24 51 Fl. W. 39 8 Aluminum-colored steel ; 4700 U. 76 21 period 3® framework tower; 32. Part III 157 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position iat. long O f Choracteristic and power Heigh of ligh obove high water (feet] t t Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) BAHi ^MA IS LANDS 16120 J 4696 GREAT BAHAMA BANK: — Eleuthera Island: - Rock Sound Range, front. U. N. W. 24 56 76 15 FI. W. period 6® 23 8 16120.1 J 4696. 1 - Rear, about 4. 2 miles 151°30' from front. U. 24 53 76 13 FI. W. period 15® 29 7 16130 ] 4698 - New Portsmouth settlement. U. 24 54 76 11 F. R. 25 16140 - Deep Creek. 24 48 F. W ... 18 7 J 4706 76 18 16150 - Wemyss Bight. 24 45 76 14 F. W. 27 2 J 4 702 U. 16160 J 4690 - Cupid Cay, NW. end Governors Harbor. U. 25 12 76 16 FI. W. period 4® 40 8 16170 J 4688 - Hatchet Bay W. side of entrance. 25 21 76 29 FI. W. period 15® 57 8 16180 J 4686 - Stafford, Gregory Town. U. 25 21 76 31 F. W. 41 9 16190 J 4674 - Six Shilling Cays .... U. 25 17 76 55 FI. W. period 6® 39 10 16200 -Fleeming Channel, 25 15 FI. R . 21 3 ^ J 4675 about 2.1 miles 205° from Six Shilling Cays Light. 76 55 period 5® 16210 -Current Rock . 25 25 FI. W . .. 41 7 1 1 4676 U. 76 51 period 8.5® 16212 -Current Settlement. . . 25 25 F. W. 12 1 J 4677 76 47 16213 Current Island . 25 24 76 48 F. W. 20 1 • 16220 -Great Egg Island, on 25 30 FI. W. 112 12 f J 4678 summit of island. Northeast Provi¬ dence Channel. U. 76 53 period 3® 16230 ; 4682 -Man Island. U. 25 34 76 38 Gp. FI. VV. (3). period 15® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 11.5® 93 12 V 16240 J 4704 -Eleuthera Point, SE. extremity of island. U. 24 38 76 08 FI. W. period 4.5® 61 6 L Structure, height (feet) Mast; 13 tower; 33. Vhite steel frameworl tower, black base. Framework structure Mast. framework structure; 6, White framework tower; 60. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols Steel mast on concrete pier. White mast. Mast; 20. White pole. White pole; 18. Aluminum-colored steel tower; 32. Tapered cast iron pipe mast; 23. Range lights. structure on white house; 23. 2 F. R. range lights in line on 22° are shown from the E. side of the bay. Part III 158 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot, long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BAHAMA ISLANDS 16250 J 4708 GREAT BAHAMA BANK: — Little Cat Island. U. N. W. 24 34 75 56 FI. W . period 2.4® 69 13 Aluminum colored steel skeleton structure. Visible 240°-110’, obscured- 130°, visible-140°, obscured 170°, visible—190°, obscured— 200°, visible-220°, obscured- 240°. 16260 J 4710 — Cat Island, Arthur Town . U. 24 38 75 43 F. W. 26 5 Pole; 17 . 16270 ] 4712 -Bennett’s Harbor, entrance to Harbor Creek. U. 24 35 75 40 FI. W . period 4® 53 12 Light gray structure; 30. . . Visible 350°-130°. 16280 J 4714 -Knowles Harbor. 24 21 75 28 F. W . 28 10 Mast. 16290 ; 4716 -Smith Town. U. 24 21 75 2 8 FI. W . period 3® 38 7 Pole; 12. 16300 -The Bight. 24 21 75 29 F. W . 24 10 Mast. 16310 J 4718 - Devil Point (Evil Point) on summit 900 yards NW. of point. U. 24 07 75 28 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.2®, ec. 4.8® 131 12 Aluminum-colored steel skeleton structure; 32. 16320 J 4748 — Conception Island. U. 23 49 75 07 FI. W . period 2® 84 6 Gray structure; 27. 16330 J 4734 — Great Exuma Island: -Exuma Harbor, Conche Cay. 23 34 75 48 FI. W . period 5® 40 8 Aluminum, steel framework structure, housing at base. 16340 ] 4732 -Simon Point. U. 23 32 75 48 F. W . 40 5 Mast; 15. 16344 J 4737 -Hawkbill Rocks. U. 23 26 76 06 FI. W . period 3.3® 30 8 Aluminum and black iron mast; 23. 16346 J 4736 -Jew Fish Cut. U. 23 27 75 57 FI. W . period 2.5® 36 8 Aluminum and black iron mast; 23. 16350 J 4 750 — Long Island: -Cape St. Maria, near N. extremity of island. U. 23 40 75 21 FI. W . period 3.3® 99 14 Light-gray iron framework structure; 30. Obscured 240°-340°. 16360 ; 4752 -Simms Settlement. . .. U. 23 29 75 15 F. W . 23 4 Mast. 16370 J 4754 -Clarence Harbor, Harbor Point. U. 23 06 74 58 F. W. 25 3 White pole; 25 . 16380 J 4 760 -Galloway Landing . . . U. 23 04 75 00 F. W. 14 2 White post and lantern; 22 . Marks landing place for small boats. 16390 J 4758 -South Point, Turbot Hill. U. 22 51 74 52 FI. W. period 2.5® 61 12 Gray structure; 32. Partially obscured 140°-245°. Part III 159 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BAHA MA ISL ANDS 16400 J 4744 Rum Cay, Port Nelson, near wharf. U. N. W. 23 38 74 50 F. W. 18 5 Pole; 15. 16410 J 4738 San Salvador (Watling Island) Dixon Hill, near NE. point. 24 06 74 26 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.3® fl. 0.2®, ec. 8.3® Cp. 400,000 163 19 White stone tower, dwelling each side; 80. Partly obscured l'-8°, 10°-68°, and 76°-95“. 16420 — Cock burn Town, near 24 03 F. W. 23 5 ; 4 740 landing. U. 74 31 16430 J 4792 CROOKED ISLAND: — Bird Rock, on summit . . . 22 51 74 22 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.2®, ec. 4.8® Cp. 250,000 112 16 Conical stone tower, faced with blue brick; 109. 16440 J 4 794 — Major’s Cay. 22 45 74 09 F. W. Cp. under 100 30 8 Mast; 20 . 16450 J 4778 Northeast Point (Hell Gate), Acklins Island. U. 22 44 73 51 Fl. W. period 6® 56 10 Aluminum-colored steel tower; 32. 16470 1 4786 — E. side of island. U. 22 37 74 19 F. W. 60 10 White post. 16480 ; 4780 — Spring Point. U. 22 29 73 58 F. W . 18 7 White pole; 17. 16490 ; 4782 Castle Island, near SW. point. 22 07 74 20 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . period 15® fl. 0.3®, ec. 1.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 1.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 10.3® Cp. 400,000 130 17 White cylindrical tower, 3 bands of red brick; 113. Visible seaward over an arc of of 330°. 16500 J 4764 Nuevitas Rocks, on Eastern Jumentos. U. 23 09 75 23 Fl. W. period 4® 38 10 Gray structure; 30. 16510 J 4766 Flamingo Cay, on hill. U. 22 53 75 52 Fl. W. period 6® 138 8 Aluminum-colored steel tower; 6. ■ 16520 J 4768 Great Ragged Island, Duncan Town (Man-O-War HiU). U. 22 11 75 44 Fl. W. period 3® 118 12 Black pipe, platform; 23 .. . Unreliable. A F. W. light is shown from settlement wharf. 16530 ] 4 774 Cay Lobos, near W. end .... 22 23 77 35 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 15® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 8.8® Cp. 100,000 145 18 Circular iron tower, black and white bands white lantern; 148. 16540 J 4800 MAYAGUANA ISLAND: — Guano Point, Abraham Bay. U. 22 21 72 58 Fl. W. period 3® 14 8 Gray structure; 6 . 16550 ] 4798 — Northwest Point. 22 28 73 07 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® 70 12 White framework tower, red lantern. Port III 160 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location (at. long. 0 t and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols BAHM^A ISLANDS 16555 Hogsty Reef, on NW. Cay . . N. W. 21 41 73 51 FI. W. period 4® 29 8 Cylindrical tower with white and red bands; 23 . . 16560 ; 4S04 Greot Inaguo Island, 2 miles from SW. point of island. 20 56 73 41 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10^ fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 0.95 fl. 0.4®, ec. 8.3® Cp. 225,000 120 17 White cylindrical stone tower; 113. Partially obscured 165°-183°. 16570 J 4806 — Mathew Town, in front of the customhouse. U. 20 57 73 40 F. W. 40 6 Skeleton steel tower; 32. 16580 J 4808 South Caicos Island, Cock- bum Harbor, on Government Hill U. 21 30 71 31 F. W. 50 9 White building, flat roof; 15. Visible 180°-90°. Radiobeacon. 16590 J 4812 TURKS ISLANDS: — Grand Turk. 21 31 71 08 FI. W. period 7.5® fl. 1.05®, ec. 6.45® Cp. 58,000 108 16 White cylindrical iron tower; 62. Signal station. 16600 J 4814 -Head of wharf, W. side of island, front. U. 21 29 71 09 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 20 3 Steel skeleton tower; 13. . . Difficult to distinguish. 16600.1 ; 4814.1 -Rear, 100 yards 84° from front. U. Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 33 3 Tower; 33. Range lights. 16610 J 4816 — Salt Cay, near Lookout, NW. point of cay. 21 21 71 1 F. W. 80 8 Beacon; 20. 16620 J 4818 — Sand Cay, North Island . . 21 12 71 15 Fl. W. period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 1,100 85 15 Red steel framework structure; 50. CUBA 16630 Cabo Son Antonio, W. ex- 21 52 F. Fl. W. 103 Fl. 16 F. 14 Yellow tower, marked “Roncali,” masonry house to S.; 77. J 4820 tremity of Cuba. 84 57 period 15® Cp. F. 950; Fl. 15,200 16635 Cahezodel Plumaje Lighted 22 05 Fl. W. Buoy No. 1. 84 30 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 16640 Banco de Sancho Pardo .... 22 10 Fl. W. 34 10 Iron skeleton structure, upper part red, lower part aluminum color, en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe; 34. J 4822 U. 84 45 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 210 16650 Cayo Buenavista. 22 24 Fl. W 107 16 Aluminum-colored skeleton structure, enclosing gray hut with red stripe; 106. J 4826 U. 84 27 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 3,170 16651 Pasa ]ai-Alai Lighted Buoy. 22 26 84 34 Qk. Fl. W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 450 15 8 Black buoy . Part III 161 First Edition H. 0. 30 Position Characteristic Height of light obove Visi¬ bility No. Nome ond location lot. long. 0 t and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA N. W. 16660 Cayo Jutias, NE. point. 22 43 Gp. Occ. W. (3) ... 140 18 Octagonal skeleton steel J 4828 84 01 period 20® tower, yellow and black It. 8®, ec. 1® bands, lower part en- It. 8®, ec. 1® closed, masonry struc- It. 1®, ec. 1® Cp. 5,700 ture to S.; 138. 16670 — Lighted Buoy No. 3, E. 22 44 FI. W. 11 8 Black buoy . side of Pasa Honda en- 83 59 period 5® trance to Bahia Santa fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Lucia. Cp. 120 16680 Punta Bano, offshore on W. 22 41 FI. R. 17 4 Red triangular skeleton side of entrance to channel. 83 58 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® structure on piles. Cp. 10 16690 Cayo Arenas. 22 50 Fl. W. 47 10 Red iron skeleton structure ; 4832 U. 83 39 period 10® enclosing gray hut with fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 210 red stripe; 46. 16693 Pasa San Carlos Lighted 22 53 Fl. W. 10 8 Black buoy. Buoy. E. side of pass. 83 35 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 16694 Pasa San Carlos Light 22 52 Fl. G. 17 6 Black pyramidal skeleton Beacon No. 3. 83 35 period 6® tower on concrete fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® platform of 3—pile Cp. 42 structure. PASA DE LA MULATA; 16700 — Lighted Beacon No. 1, 22 57 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 12 7 Lantern on black iron entrance. 83 23 period 12® column, cylindrical con- fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® Crete base. Cp. 90 16710 — Lighted Beacon No. 2, 22 56 Gp. Fl. R. (2). 12 6 Red iron column on cylin- W. side of channel. 83 23 period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® drical concrete base. 16720 — Lighted Beacon No. 3, E. 22 55 Gp. Fl. G. (2). 10 6 Black iron column on con- side of channel. 83 23 period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® Crete base. Cp. 27 16770 Punta Gobernadora, 3 miles 23 00 Fl. W. 113 16 Red and white banded J 4836 W. of Bahia Honda en- 83 13 period 5® cylindrical conical trance. fl. 0.4®, ec. 4.6® Cp. 420,000 iron tower; 107. 16780 Bahia Honda, N. of old fort 22 59 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 89 10 Iron skeleton structure. J 4838 on Morrillo. U. 83 09 period 10® upper part red, lower part fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® aluminum-colored, en- fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® closing gray hut with red Cp. 215 stripe; 28. 16789 — Bahia Honda. 22 58 2 F. W. (vert). 29 5 Post. 83 10 19 Aero beam elevated 15* above horizon, (same characteristics). Part III 162 First Edition H. 0. 30 Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bil ity No. Name and location lot. long and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) CUBA N. W. BAHIA HONDA: 16790 — Range, off Punta 22 58 FI. W. 17 7 Gray skeleton steel J 4840 16790.1 period 2® fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 1 . 7 s Cp. 90 Range lights. Rear light visible 6° each side Difuntos, W. end of Cayo Largo, front. U. -Rear, head of bay. 83 10 structure on piles. 22 56 Occ. W. 41 11 White iron mast with platform; 30. of axis. J 4840.1 about 2.1 miles. 83 10 period 6® 183° from front. U. It. 35 , ec. 3® Cp. 450 16800 — Bajo Tres Patas, on 22 57 FI. W. 16 7 Black steel skeleton Destroyed (1954). 1 4840.5 shoal. 83 10 period 6® fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 5.55 structure on tripod. Cp. 90 16810 Puerto Cabanas, Frias Hill, 23 00 Fl. W. 174 10 Aluminum-colored skeleton structure en- J 4842 W. side of entrance. U. 82 59 period 3® fl. 0.3=, ec. 2 . 7 s closing gray hut with red Cp. 215 stripe; 29. 16820 — Lighted Buoy No. 2 . 23 00 Fl. R. 82 59 period 6® fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 5.5® 16830 — Punta Arenas, edge of 22 59 Fl. R. 15 5 Pyramidal triangular steel skeleton tower, painted Reported destroyed (May 1957). ; 4843 shoal S. of Punta 82 59 period 6 ® Arenas. fl. 0.5^ ec. 5 . 5 s red, on wooden tripod. Cp. 18 Gray hut at base of tower. 16840 — Punta Africana, NE. 22 59 Fl. R. 16 5 Aluminum-colored py- Numbered No. 6. J 4842.5 point of Cayo Juan 82 58 period 3® ramidal triangular skel- Tomas fl. 0.3^ ec. 2 . 7 s eton tower on concrete Cp. 28 base. 16870 Bahia Dominica, front. 23 01 Qk. Fl. W. 16 9 Triangular iron pyramidal J 4844 82 50 60 fl. per min. skeleton tower on a 3 Cp. 450 concrete pile structure, gray hut at base. 16870.1 — Rear 230 yards 213° 23 01 Occ. W. 25 10 White steel skeleton Range lights. J 4844.1 from front. 82 50 period 6^ tower on concrete col- It. 3^ ec. 3® umn, white diamond- Cp. 450 shaped day mark. PUERTO MARIEL: 16880 — Puerto Muriel Lighted 23 02 Fl. W. Buoy No. 1, E side of 82 45 period 5® entrance. fl. 0.5^ ec. 4.55 16900 — Punta Regal Entrance 23 01 Qk. Fl. Or. 16 6 Gray pyramidal structure. 1 4848 Range, front. 82 46 60 fl. per min. Cp. 200 Occ. R. 22 10 white diamond daymark. Range lights. Same structure. period 6^ It. 35 ,ec. 3= Cp. 180 16900.1 -Rear, about 681 Occ. Or. 29 9 Gray pyramidal structure, Visible 6° each side of axis. yards 183 from period 6® white daymark. front. It. 3^, ec. 3® Cp. 450 Obstruction light. Part III 163 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long, e / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CUBA 16910 J 4849 PUERTO MARIEL: — Bajo Cayo Mason. N. W. 23 00 82 45 FI. G. period 6® fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 5.5* Cp. 27 16 5 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture on wooden platform on piles. 16930 J 4850 Boca de Jaimanitas, E. side of mouth. 23 06 82 29 FI. G. period 4* fl. 1*, ec. 3* Cp. 42 14 6 Yellow round concrete tower. 16934 HABANA (HAVANA): — NW. of Havana-Biltmore Yacht and Country Club. 23 06 82 29 Gp. FI. R (2) . period 12* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 9.5* 18 6 Red skeleton tower on platform on piles, grey house. 16938 J 4853 — Miramar Yacht Club. 23 07 82 27 Fl. G. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* 24 3 Concrete tower, black and white stripes. 16942 — Comodoro Yacht Club . . . 23 07 82 27 Occ. W. period 6* It. 3*, ec. 3* Cp. 90 125 8 White flagstaff rigged as a ships mast. 16946 — Bahia Chorrera, W. side of entrance. 23 08 82 25 Fl. R. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* 17 4 Lantern on triangular structure, square base and platform. 16948 — On mole. 23 08 Qk. Fl. G. 9 4 82 25 16950 — Morro Castle, E. side of 23 09 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 144 18 Yellowish-white masonry truncated cone; marked “O’DONNELL”; 80. Signal station. Storm signals. 5 occasional Fl. W. lights of 60,000 cp. are shown from top of Capitol 0.9 mile S. J 4854 entrance. 82 21 period 15* Cp. 200,000 16960 — S. side of entrance to the 23 09 Fl. R . 36 5 Iron framework structure on concrete base. A F.R. light is exhibited on northeastern corner and a F.G. light on southeastern corner of warehouses on Muelles San Francisco and Machina. A F. R. light is exhibited on north¬ eastern corner and a F. G. light on southeastern comer of warehouse on northern pier of Muelles de Paula. ; 4856 harbor, near inner end. 82 21 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 28 16970 — Lighted Buoy No. 2 . 23 09 82 21 Fl. R . period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 42 12 6 Red pyramidal skeleton buoy. 16980 — Lighted Buoy No. 3. 23 09 Fl. G. 12 5 82 21 period 3* fl. 0.5*, ec. 2.5* Cp. 28 16982 — Pilar de Neptuno. 23 09 82 21 Fl. R . period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 28 36 5 Aluminum colored square skeleton tower. Port 164 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteri stic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location lot. long. 0 t and power high woter (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 17005 J 4862 Bahia Cojimar E. side of entrance. N. W. 23 10 82 17 FI. G . period 6® fl. 0.5S ec. 5.5® 27 7 Aluminum colored square pyramidal tower, gray box, square platform. 17007 Rio Tarara (Condesa), E. side of landing at river mouth. 23 11 82 13 FI. G. period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 31 7 Square iron pyramidal tower, upper part white, lower part black, atop white house. 17010 J 4864 Rio Guanabo, E. side of entrance. 23 10 82 07 FI. G. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® Cp. 240 28 10 Aluminum-colored skeleton structure on concrete hut. 17020 Boca del Jaruco, W. side of river mouth, N. bastion of old fort. U. 23 11 82 01 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 250 46 10 Aluminum-colored frame¬ work tower enclosing gray hut; 32. 17025 Puerto Escondido, on reef, E. side of entrance. 23 09 81 43 Fl. G. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 22 5 Black square iron pyramidal skeleton tower on con¬ crete base; small hut at base of tower. 17026 17026.1 Puerto Escondido Entrance Range, front. — Rear, about 47 yards 150“ 45' from front. 23 09 81 43 Fl. W . period 1® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.7® Occ. W. period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 200 59 63 10 10 White triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower; white diamond-shaped day- mark. White square iron pyramidal skeleton tower; white diamond-shaped day mark. Range lights. 17030 J 4868 Punta Seboruco . U. 23 09 81 36 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 1®, ec. 14® Cp. 1,480 76 14 Iron skeleton structure, upper and lower parts aluminum colored, middle part red, enclosing gray hut; 65. 17040 J 4872 Punta Maya, E. side of en¬ trance to Puerto Matanzas. 23 06 81 28 Fl. W . period 7.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® Cp. 3,200 59 13 White cylindrical iron tower on gray masonry dwelling; 53. A F. W. light is shown from a wharf on N. side of port. 17050 — La Laja Lighted Buoy, N. side of Shoal. 23 03 81 33 Fl. G. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 28 15 5 Black buoy . 17060 — Puerto Matanzas, customs mole. U. 23 03 F. R. 3 F. R. lights are shown from the head of each pier and from both corners of the steamer wharf. 81 34 17065 CANAL PASO MALO: — Kawama West Jetty. 23 08 81 19 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Cp. 150 20 9 Concrete tower, square base. Part III 165 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long O / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- biiity (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals CUBA 17066 CANAL PASO MALO: -East lettv. N. W. FI. G. period 3® fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 2.6® Cp. 270 20 10 Concrete tower, square base. 17067 17067.1 — Range, front. -Rear, 118 yards 148° from front. 23 08 81 19 Qk. FI. W. 60 fl. per min. Occ. W 92 20 8 9 Yellow and black diagonally striped con¬ crete tower, square base. Same marks as front . Range lights. period 6 ® It. 3®, ec. 3® 17070 BAHIA DE CARDENAS: — Cayo Monito Lighted 23 14 FI. R. 26 7 Red square skeleton tower on concrete base on 4 white concrete piles. J 4878 Beacon. 81 08 period 2 ® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® Cp. 50 17090 J 4880 — Cayo Piedras, entrance to bay. 23 15 81 09 Gp. FI. W (2) . period 10 ® Cp. 60,000 79 15 White cylindrical masonry tower, white masonry house with green trim; 63. 17100 — Cabezo del Coral Lighted Buoy. 23 15 81 06 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 140 10 8 Buoy—black and red bands. The dredged channel to Cardenas is marked by lights and buoys showing FL G. on the E. side and FL R. on the W. side. 17110 — Lighted Buoy No. 1 . 23 14 FI. W . 11 8 Black buoy, pyramidal skeleton topmark. 81 05 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 140 17120 — Cayo Diana, S. side .... 23 10 Fl. W. 38 10 Red square pyramidal skeleton tower, gray house. 1 4884 U. 81 06 period 7.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® Cp. 250 17130 — Channel B, Lighted Beacon 4-B. 23 10 Fl. R. 8 4 Brick house on concrete platform on 4 pile structure. J 4884.4 81 10 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 10 17140 -Beacon No. 6 -B .... 23 10 Fl. R . 8 4 Brick house on concrete platform on 4 pile structure. J '4884.6 81 11 period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 10 17145 — Chapelin Range, front. .. 23 11 Qk. Fl. W . 13 5 Apex of a white masonry triangle, black border. 81 12 60 fl. per min. Cp. 20 17145.1 -Rear, about 145 yards 3° from front. Occ. W . 33 10 Black rectangular masonry slab, white triangle on face. Range lights. period 6 ® Cp. 450 17150 — Canal de la Manuy. 23 09 Fl. G 17 5 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture, wooden platform on piles. J 4885 81 01 period 6 ® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® Cp. 42 Part III 166 First Edition H.C. 30 Height of light Visi- Position Charocteristic above bility No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o / water ticol (feet) miles) CUBA 17160 J 4885. 5 BAHIA DE CARDENAS: — Beacon, SE. N. W. 23 05 80 58 Gp. FI. G. (2). period 12 ® fl. 0 . 6 ®, ec. 2 ® fl. 0 . 6 ®, ec. 8 . 8 ® Cp. 42 16 6 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture, wooden platform on piles. 17170 J 4886 Cayo Cruz del Padre, near outer edge of reef ex¬ tending from cay. 23 17 80 54 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 1,465 50 12 Red cylindrical tower on dwelling atop an arti¬ ficial island. 17180 J 4886.5 Canal de los Barcos, North, W. side of N. entrance. 23 12 80 42 FI. R. period 6 ® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® Cp. 28 17 5 Red iron skeleton structure, wooden platform on piles. 17190 J 4887 — South, E, side of S. entrance. 23 10 80 42 FI. G. period 6 ® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® Cp. 42 16 6 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture, wooden platform on piles. 17200 J 4888 Cayo Bahia de Cadiz, N. side of cay. 23 13 80 29 Fl. W. period 10 ® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 3,390 177 18 White iron tower on masonry base, white house attached; 162. 17210 ; 4890 Cayo Megano (Medano de Nicolao). U. 23 14 80 19 Fl. VV. period 5® n.0.5®, ec.4.5® Cp. 250 33 10 Iron skeleton structure, up¬ per part red, lower part aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut with red band; 30. Reported destroyed (1959). 17220 J 4894 SAGUA LA GRANDE: — Cayo Hicacal, on Punta de la Rancheria. U. 23 05 80 05 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 6 ® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 215 38 10 Iron skeleton structure, upper part black, lower part aluminum-colored, enclosing gray hut with red stripe, white house with gray trim; 35. 1723 0 J 4896 — Cayo del Cristo, on Punta de los Practicos. U. 23 02 79 59 Fl. W. period 10 ® fl. 1.0®, ec. 9.0® Cp. 250 50 10 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture enclosing gray hut; 44. 17235 — Pancho Real Lighted Buoy No. 2. 23 02 79 58 Fl. R. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 40 12 6 Red buoy . 17237 — Lighted Buoy No. 3, at channel entrance. 23 02 79 58 Fl. W . period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 140 12 8 Black buoy . 17240 — Entrance Channel Lighted Buoy No. J. 23 01 79 58 Fl. G . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 28 12 5 Black buoy . 17242 — Dredged Charmel Lighted Buoy No. 8. 23 01 79 58 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Red buoy . Port III 167 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of i ight Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Name and location lot. long. and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) 9 f water tical (feet) miles) CUBA 17250 / 4898 Cayo Fragoso, NW. end .... U. N. W. 22 49 79 35 FI. W. period 15^ fl. P, ec. 14* Cp. 1,480 69 14 Iron skeleton structure up¬ per and lower parts aluminum-colored, middle part red, gray hut, red band; 68. 17260 ; 4914 Cayo Frances, W. end, at entrance to Caibarien. U. 22 39 79 14 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7.5* Cp. 250 41 10 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture, enclosing gray hut with red stripe; wooden house, white with blue trim; 36. 17270 — Anchorage Lighted Buoy No. I, W. of Cayo Frances Light. 22 39 79 15 Fl. W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 123 12 8 Black buoy with skeleton superstructure, daymark with black and red bands. 17280 J 4912 Bajo del Medio Beacon No. 2. U. 22 36 79 17 Fl. R 15 6 period 3* fl. 0.3, ec. 2.7* Cp. 40 17290 ; 4902 CanaUzo de los Barcos Entrance Light Beacon No. 1. 22 33 79 19 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* 15 9 White battery box on a wooden tripod. 17300 ; 4910 — Punta Brava Beacon No. 7. 22 32 79 27 Fl. W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* 19 9 Aluminum-colored skeleton structure. 17310 J 4904 — Canalizo de los Barcos Beacon No. 3. 22 31 79 19 Fl. G 18 5 Pile structure . period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 17320 ; 4906 Bajo del Medio, off W. end. . 22 30 79 17 Fl W 18 9 Pile structure . period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* 17330 J 4916 Presidente Batista, S. end Cayo Caiman Grande. 22 41 78 53 Fl. W. period 5* Cp. 480,000 158 19 Iron tower, red and white bands; 107. 17332 Pasa Manuy West Beacon . . . 22 25 78 41 Fl. W . 18 8 White pyramidal iron skeleton tower and plat¬ form on a wooden tripod. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 17334 22 23 Fl. W. 17 8 White pyramidal iron 78 39 period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* skeleton tower and plat¬ form on a wooden tripod. 17336 Boca de Manati E. side Manati Channel entrance. 22 16 78 30 pi w Beacon . period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* 17338 Los Griegos Canal, E. side dredged channel. 22 19 78 26 Fl W . White pyramidal skeleton iron tower on wooden 3 pile structure. period 2* fl. 0.2*, ec. 1.8* 17340 J 4918 Cayo Paredon Grande, N. side. 22 29 78 10 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . period 15* Cp. 158,000 160 19 White tower, black lantern, white masonry base; 134. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Extinguished (Jan. 1959). AVIATION beam 15“ elevation, same flash, vis. 37 miles. Port III 168 Firct Edition H. 0. 30 Height of light V i s i- Position Characteristic above bility No. Name and location -lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals o / water tical (feet) miles) CUBA 17350 J 4922 Cayo Verde . U. N. W. 22 07 77 39 FI. W . period 7.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® Cp. 1,580 69 17360 ; 4926 PUERTO DE NUEVITAS: — Punta de Moterniiios, 4 mi. NW. of entrance to port. 21 40 77 08 F. FI. W . period 60® fl. 10®, ec.50® Cp. Fl. 47,173 F. 2,040 176 17370 J 4908 — Punta Practicos, E. side of entrance. U. 21 37 77 06 Fl W . 38 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 210 17380 J 4930 — Entrance Range, front... 21 36 77 06 Qk. Fl. W . 13 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 17380.1 J 4930.1 -Rear, 191 yards 186° from front. Occ. W . 22 period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 550 17382 — Punta Salteadores Lighted Beacon No. 3. 21 36 77 06 Fl G . 12 period 3® fl. 0.3, ec. 2.7® 17383 — Pena Redonda E. Lighted Beacon to No. 4. U. 21 36 77 06 Fl R . 15 period 2® fl. 0.3, ec. 1.7® 17390 — Cataluna Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 1. 21 37 77 06 Fl W . 11 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 120 17395 — Playa Chuchu Range, front. 21 36 77 07 Qk. Fl. W . 21 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 17395.1 -Rear, about 219 yards 1° 30' from front. Occ. W. 35 period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 550 17400 J 4932 — Los Calabazos Range, front. 21 34 77 07 Qk. Fl. W . 23 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 17400.1 7 4932.1 -Rear 219 yards 181° 30' from front. Occ. W. 38 period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 550 Part III 14 Iron skeleton structure, upper and lower parts aluminum-colored, middle black, gray hut with red band; 64. 19 White conical tower on square base. Name “Colon.” 10 Iron skeleton structure, Obscured to eastward by trees lower part aluminum, upper part red, over gray hut; 35. when bearing more than 204°. 8 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond¬ shaped day mark. Range lights. Visible 6° each side of range 10 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond-shaped daymark. line. White concrete column; battery box at base. Red concrete column on 4 pile structure; battery box at base. 8 Black buoy, skeleton superstructure. Reported missing (1959). 10 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond-shaped daymark. Range lights. 11 White square concrete column, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. 10 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. Range lights. 11 White square concrete col- Visible 6° each side of range umn, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. line. First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 / Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CUBA N. W. 17410 — Bajo del Medio Range, 21 34 Qk. FI. W. 20 9 Black triangular concrete J 4936 front. 77 08 60 fl. per min. structure; white Cp. 550 diamond-shaped daymark. Range lights. 17410.1 -Rear, 290 yards 268° Occ. W . 33 11 White square concrete col- J 4936.2 from front. period 6* umn; white diamond- It. 3^, ec. 3* Cp. 550 shaped daymark. 17420 — Los Cayuelos Range, 21 33 Qk. FI. W. 16 9 Black triangular concrete On same tower as Punta J 4939 front. 77 08 60 fl. per min. structure; white diamond- Sabinal Range front light. Cp. 550 shaped daymark. Range lights. 17420.1 -Rear, 290 yards 179° Occ. W. 22 10 White square concrete Visible 6° each side of range J 4938 from front. period 6^ structure; white line. It. 3®, ec. 3^ Cp. 550 diamond-shaped daymark. 17430 — Punta Sabinal Range 21 33 Qk. FI. W. 16 9 Black triangular concrete front. 77 08 60 fl. per min. structure; white Cp. 550 diamond-shaped daymark. Range lights. 17430.1 -Rear, 252 yards 58° Occ. W. 33 11 White square concrete col- Visible 6° each side of range J 4939.1 from front. period 6® umn; white diamond- line. It. 3S ec. 3 = Cp. 550 shaped daymark. 17435 Bajo del Rio Light Beacon 21 31 Fl. G. 13 5 Black square concrete col- No. 5A. 77 15 period 3® umn on 4 pile concrete fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 2 . 5 s structure; small hut at Cp. 24 base. 17436 La Capitania Light Beacon . 21 32 Occ. W . 28 9 period 2® It. P, ec. 1® 77 16 Cp. 160 17440 Bahia Manati. 21 24 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 43 12 Iron cylindrical conical Reported extinguished (1959). 1 4942 U. 76 49 period 10® tower, aluminum and red fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® bands; 33. Cp. 3,900 174 50 — Lighted Buoy No. I, E. 21 24 Fl. G. Black buoy. side of entrance 76 48 period 3® channel. fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 17470 — Center of N. head of 21 22 Occ. W . White battery box. pier. 76 49 period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® 17480 Puerto Padre, Punta 21 17 Fl. W . 43 11 Red cylindrical iron J 4944 Mastelero, W. side of 76 32 period 8® conical tower. entrance. U. fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. 390 17490 — Puerto Padre Lighted 21 17 Fl. W . 15 9 Black buoy, skeleton Buoy No. 1. 76 32 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® superstructure. Cp. 120 17500 — Railway wharf, on Cayo Juan Claro. F R. 16 4 Part III 170 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lOt. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 17520 ; 4946 Punta Mangle. u. N. W. 21 15 76 19 FI. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 660 76 12 Iron skeleton structure, middle part red, rest aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut; 73. 17530 ; 4950 Puerto Gibara, on Punta Peregrina, E. side of en¬ trance. u. 21 07 76 07 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 250 41 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut. White masonry house SW. of tower; 35. 17540 J 4952 Bahia Vita, Punta Barlovento, E. side of entrance. U. 21 06 75 58 Fl. W. period 10® n.l®, ec.9® Cp. 210 42 12 Red conical tower, cylindrical base. 17550 J 4956 Bahia Sama, on Punta Barlovento, E. side of entrance. U. 21 08 75 46 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 250 50 10 Square iron skeleton tower upper part painted black, lower part aluminum colored, enclosing gray hut. 17560 ; 4958 Punta Lucrecia, near ex¬ tremity. 21 05 75 37 Fl. R. period 60® Cp. 10,078 132 17 Light yellow circular stone tower on octagonal base, white lantern; stone dwelling in rear; 121 . Reported extinguished (Nov. 1958). 17570 J 4960 Bahia Banes, on Cara- colillo Beach, S. side of entrance. U. 20 53 75 40 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. 390 43 11 Red iron conical tower .... 17580 ; 4962 BAHIA DE NIPE: — Punta Mayari, E. side of entrance. U. 20 48 75 31 Fl. W. 38 10 Iron skeleton structure. Obscured by trees on bearings period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 250 upper part red, lower part aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut; gray wooden house; 34. more than 264°. 17590 J 4964 17590.1 J 4964.1 — Entrance Range, front.. . -Rear, about 260 yards 202° from front. 20 47 75 33 Qk Fl. W . 38 6 White skeleton tower en- Cp. 35 Fl. W . 90 12 closing gray box on con¬ crete base. White skeleton tower en- Range lights. Visible 6° on each side of period 4® fl. 1.1®, ec. 2.9® Cp. 450 closing gray box on con¬ crete base. range line. 17600 J 4970 — Entrance Channel Light Beacon No. 4 on N. side channel 20 47 75 34 Fl. R . 14 4 Red triangular pyramidal skeleton tower on a tri¬ angular platform on 3 piles. period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 20 17640 — ANTILLA CHANNEL: - Lengua Tierra Lighted Buoy No. 9. 20 49 75 43 Fl G Black buoy . period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® 17670 J 4086 -Bajo Marbella Light Beacon No. 12. 20 50 75 44 Fl. R . 15 4 Red triangular iron frame- period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 10 work tower on a 3 pile wooden structure with grey hut at base. Part III 171 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. « / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water Visi- biiity (nau* ticol Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals (feet) miles) CUBA 17680 Bahia Levisa Lighted Bell Buoy No. 2. N. W. 20 45 75 28 FI. R . period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 178 12 8 Red buoy. Bell. Reported destroyed (May 19^3). 17690 PUERTO TANAMO: — Punta Barlovento, E. 20 44 FI. W . 39 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut; light yellow house with gray trim; 35. J 4988 point of entrance. U. 75 19 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 250 17700 — Lighted Buoy No. I, E. side of channel entrance. 20 43 Fl. W . 15 8 Black buoy . 75 19 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 17710 ; 4990 — Entrance range, front . . . 20 43 75 20 Qk. Fl. W . 60 fl. per min. Cp. 35 22 6 Iron skeleton structure on wooden tripod. 17710.1 -Rear, 220 yards Fl. W . 41 White iron skeleton structure. Range lights. J 4990.1 180'" from front. period 4® fl. 1.1®, ec. 2.9® Cp. 35 17720 J 4992 — No. 3, West Point . 20 43 75 20 Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Cp. 35 15 6 Triangular pyramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on tripod of steel rails. 17730 — No. 5 Cayo Juanillo .... 20 43 Fl. W . 15 f, White triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on a wooden tripod. J 4996 75 20 period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 35 17740 — No. 6, on shoal E. 20 42 Fl. R . 15 Red triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. J 4998 Cayo Alto. 75 20 period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 7 17750 — No. 7, on shoal W. of 20 41 Fl. W. 15 White triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. J 5000 Cayo .Medio. 75 19 period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 20 17780 — No. 11. 20 41 Fl W 20 Black iron triangular py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. / 5006 75 18 period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 4 5 17790 — No. 12. 20 40 Fl R 15 Red iron triangular py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. J 5008 75 18 period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Cp. 7 0 17800 J 5010 — No. 14. 20 40 75 18 Gp. Fl. R. (2). period 4® fl. 0.2®, ec. 0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.8® Cp. 7 15 3 Red iron triangular py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. Port III 172 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position, lat. loDK. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 17320 Jim 17330 J i9l6 17332 17334 17336 17338 17340 J i9l8 17350 J iStt 17360 jjfite 17370 Jim 17380 17380. Jiv.o.i 17382 Bajo del Medio, off W. end. Presidente Batista, S. end Cayo Caiman Grande. Pasa Manuy West Beacon. East Beacon. Boca de Manati E. side Manati Channel en¬ trance. Los Griegos Canal, E. side dredged channel. Cayo Paredon Grande, N. side. Cayo Verde- U. PUERTO DE NUEvitas: — Punta de Maternillos, 4 mi. NW. of en¬ trance to port. Punta Practicos, E. side of entrance. U. Entrance Range, front. Rear, 191 yard.s 186° from front. Punta Salteadores Lighted Beacon No. 3. N. W. 22 30 79 17 22 41 78 53 22 25 78 41 22 23 78 39 22 16 78 30 22 19 78 26 22 29 78 10 22 07 77 39 21 40 77 08 21 37 77 06 21 36 77 06 FI. W_ period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5*1 FI. W_ period 5“ Cp. 480,000 18 158 Fl. W_ period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7' Fl. W_ period 6' fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5' Fl. W_ period 4* fl. 0.4", ec. 3.61 Fl. W_ period 2* fl. 0.2”, ec. 1.8” Gp. Fl. W. (3). jgQ j)eriod 15” Cp. 158.000 Fl. W_ period 7.5” fl. 0.5”, ec. 7” Cp. 1,580 F. Fl. W_ period 60” fl. 10 “ Cp. Fl. 47,173, F. 2,040 Fl. W_ period 10” fl. 1”, ec. 9" Cp. 210 19 Pile structure. Iron tower, red and white bands; 107. 69 176 21 36 77 06 Fl. W_ period 1“ fl. 0.2”, ec. 0.8“ Cp. 550 Occ. W- period 6” It. 3”, ec. 3” Cp. 550 Fl. G_ period 3* fl. 0.3, ec. 2.7* Cp. 6 38 13 22 12 19 14 Beacon, 19 10 10 White pyramidal skele¬ ton iron tower on wooden 3 pile struc¬ ture. White tower, black lan¬ tern, white masonry base; 134. Iron skeleton structure, upper and lower parts aluminum-colored, middle black, gray hut with red band; 64 White conical tower on square base. Name “Colon.” Iron skeleton structure, lower part aluminum, upper part red, over gray hut; 35. Black triangular con¬ crete structure, white 0 daymark. Black triangular con¬ crete structure, while 0 daymark. White concrete column; battery box at base. Aviation beam 15° eleva¬ tion, same flash, vis. 37 miles. Obscured to eastwa'd by trees when bearing more than 204°. Range lights. iVisible 6° each side of range line. 172a (Chg 3) (Including N.M. 30'56) H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 17810 J 5012 Cayo Moa Grande. U. N. W. 20 42 74 54 FI. W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 2,250 108 16 Red pyramidal iron frame¬ work tower, gray hut; 108. 17820 Puerto Cayo Moa Lighted Buoy No. I, E. side of en¬ trance channel. 20 41 74 52 FI.W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 140 10 8 Black buoy . 17830 ; 5016 Puerto Baracoa, S. en¬ trance point. U. 20 21 74 30 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 12* fl. 2*, ec. 2* fl. 2*, ec. 6* Cp. 7,000 55 13 Alt. black and aluminum banded iron conical tower; 33. 17840 ] 5017 Quebrado del Mangle, on reef N. Cape Mays! Light. 20 15 74 09 Fl. G. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 42 17 6 Square iron pyramidal skeleton tower with gray hut on concrete base. 17850 J 5018 Punta May si, on Punta de la Membra. 20 15 74 09 Gp. Occ. W. (4) ... period 20* Cp. 3,790 122 17 Light yellow conical masonry tower with octagonal base; masonry dwelling; 102. A group of 3 eclipses and 1 eclipse alternately. Obscured when bearing E. of 359° 17860 J 5020 Punta Caleta. U. 20 04 74 17 FI.W. period 10* n. 1*, ec.9* Cp. 2,250 149 17 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure, en¬ closing gray hut with red band; 103. Irregular ( 1959) 17870 J 5019 PORT BAITIQUIRI; — Punta Gorda Light Beacon No. 5, W. side entrance. 20 01 74 51 Fl. G. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 30 16 6 Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower with small gray hut at base. 17880 J 5022 Puerto Escondido, on Leeward Point, W. side of entrance. 19 54 75 03 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 215 47 10 Square iron pyramidal tower painted aluminum, concrete base with gray hut. 17890 J 5024 BAHIA DE GUANTANAMO: — Windward Point, on 359- foot peak, E. side of entrance to bay. 19 54 75 10 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 14.5* Cp. 500,000 378 27 Gray building. 17900 J 5024.1 -Reserve Light. Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 15* fl. 1.5*, ec. 4* fl. 1.5*, ec. 8* Cp. 10,000 94 15 White cylindrical steel tower; 55. Exhibited only on failure of VUndward Point Light. Obscured 166°—274°. Part IV 173 First Edition H O. 30 Height of light Visi* Position Characteristic above No. Nome and location ( lot. long. 0 f and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols woter tical (feet) miles! CUBA N. W. BAHIA DE GUANTANAMO: 17910 — Hicacal Beach Range, N. 19 56 Qh. FI. W . 57 13 White skeleton steel tower on pyramidal concrete base; black and white J 5026 side of entrance to bay, front. U. 75 10 60 fl. per min. Cp. 20,500 daymark; 37. 17910.1 -Rear, 406 yards 21° Occ. W. 80 14 White skeleton steel tower; black and white Range lights. } 5026.1 30' from front. U. period 6* It. 3^ ec. 3* daymark; 52. Cp. 20,500 17920 } 5028 — St. Nicholas Point Channel light 6. U. 19 54 75 11 FI. R. period 4® fl. 0.4L ec. 3.6^ Cp. 30 12 Dolphin, red slatted triangular-shaped . 17940 ] 5031 -Channel Directional Light B. 19 54 75 12 Fl.,—R., W., G . . period 3^ fl. 1 ec. 2® Cp. W. 600, R. 140, G. 130 15 White skeleton steel structure. R. west of channel center line. W. on channel center line (207°). G. east of channel center line. 17950 J 5032 — Fisherman Point Range, E. side of entrance to 19 55 75 10 Qk. FI.R. 35 10 Red skeleton steel tower Range lights, visible 15° each bay, front. U. Cp. 250 on pyramidal base; 32. side, mark point for leaving Hicacal Range. 17950.1 J 5032.1 -Rear, Corinaso Point, 0.5 mile 101° from front. U. Occ. G. period 6® It. 3^ ec. 35 Cp. 400 45 10 Red skeleton steel tower; 25. Various lights mark the channel in the cove S. of Deer Point. A F.R. light is shown at each • end of fuel berth N. of Deer Point. 17960 — McCalla Hill .. . U. 19 54 75 09 F.R. 175 Black steel framework Maintained by U.S. Navy. tower; yellow bands. Signal station. 17961 — Radio point, light No. 1 . 19 55 75 09 Fl. G . period 4^ fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6* Cp. 30 14 Black piling. Obscured 240°-310° 17962 -Light No. 2. Qk. Fl. R 14 Red triangular daymark on Cp. 30 piles. 17963 -Light No. 4. Qk. Fl. R 11 6 Red triangular daymark on 60 fl. per min. dolphin. •17964 -Light No. 5. Fl. G . 12 5 Black square daymark on period 4® fl. 0.4L ec. 3.6S piles. 17965 — Deer Point, light No. 1 . . 19 55 Fl. G . 10 Black square daymark on 75 09 period 4^ fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® dolphin. Cp. 140 17966 -Light No. 3. Qk. Fl. G. 12 5 Black square daymark on 60 fl. per min. dolphin. 17%7 -Light No. 5. Fl. G. 14 5 Black square daymark on period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® dolphin. % % m Part IV 174 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteristic Height of 1 ight above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location lot. long. 0 ! and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 17968 BAHIA DE GUANTANAMO; -Light No. 6 . N. W. FI. R . period 4® fl. 0.4^ ec. 3.6^ 13 6 Red triangular daymark on piles. 17969 — Evans Point, Light No. 8. FI. R. period 4^ fl. 0.4^ ec. 3.6* 10 6 Red triangular daymark on piles. 17970 — Marine Sete Two Channel Light No. 3, about 1 mile SE. of Hospital Cay South Light. 19 55 75 08 Fl. G . period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6^ Cp. 7 10 Black battery box on pile dolphin. 17971 — Marine Boat Channel, light No. 2, 500 yards S. of Caravela Pt. 19 56 75 08 Fl. R . period 4* fl. 0.4=, ec. 3.6= 13 7 Red box on dolphin . Channel marked by flashing R. and G. lights. 17972 — Granadilo Point W., No. 10. 19 57 75 08 Fl. R . period 4 = fl. 0.4=, ec. 3.6= Cp. 30 11 Red box on dolphin . A F.G. Aerolight, is located 0.3 miles S. by W. 17975 — Cayo Tomato W., No. 2 .. 19 57 75 08 Occ. W . period 3 = It. 2=, ec. 1 = Cp. 140 14 Red battery box on dolphin. 17980 — Granadillo Bay East End Light No. 1. 19 57 75 07 Fl. G . period 4 = fl. 0.4=, ec. 3.6= Cp. 6 10 Pile structure; 10 . 17990 ; 5038 — Hospital Cay, S. end .... 19 56 75 09 1. Ok. Fl. W . Cp. 140 12 8 Red box on 3-pile struc¬ ture, triangular-shaped with red and black stripes. 18000 J 5036 - N. end . U. 19 57 75 08 Fl. W . period 4 = fl. 0.4=, ec. 3.6 = Cp. 140 11 Red box on pile, red slat¬ ted triangular-shape. 18005 J 5042 — Palma Point Shoal No. 13. 19 58 75 09 Fl. W . period 4 = fl. 0.4=, ec. 3.6 = Cp. 140 14 3-pile cluster, black battery box. 18010 — Punta Deseo Beacon No. 3, on edge of shoal. 19 59 75 08 FI.G . period 6 = fl. 0.5=, ec. 5.5= Cp. 42 16 6 Black iron skeleton tower on a 3 pile structure. 18030 — Boqueron Beacon No. 7, SE. of cay. 19 59 75 08 Fl. G . period 3 = fl. 0.3=, ec. 2.7= Cp. 20 17 5 Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower. 18040 Daiquiri Bay, on cantilever 19 54 F. W . 5 Privately maintained. J 5044 loading bridge. 75 38 Part IV 175 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CUBA 18050 ; 5046 Morro de Cuba, on Punta Morillo, E. side of en¬ trance to Santiago Harbor. N. W. 19 57 75 52 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 10* Cp. 1,500,000 269 23 white cylindrical concrete tower; 44. 18060 Lighted Buoy No. 2. W. of Morro de Cuba Light. 19 57 75 52 FI. R. period 5* ^.0.5^ ec.4.5® Cp. 42 12 6 Red buoy, skeleton super¬ structure. 18070 ; 5046.1 PUERTO DE SANTIAGO DE CUBA: — Cayo Smith Beacon No. 5, on E. extremity. 19 58 75 52 FI. G. period 4* fl. 0.3^ ec. 3.7* Cp. 11 18 4 Black mast on N. corner of house. 18080 ] 5046.2 — Punta Gorda Beacon No. 6, WSW. of the point. 19 59 75 53 FI. R. period 4* fl. 0.3*, ec. 3.7* Cp. 28 16 5 Red iron skeleton structure on 3-pile platform. 18090 J 5046.3 — Cinco Reales Beacon No. 8. 19 59 75 52 Fl. R. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 28 16 5 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18100 ; 5046.5 — Punta Limeta Beacon No. 7, E. of the point. 19 59 75 52 Fl. G. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 20 16 5 Black iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. 18110 J 5046.7 — Cayo Ratones Beacon No. 9. 19 59 75 52 Fl. G . period 4* fl. 0.3*, ec. 3.7* Cp. 28 16 5 Black iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. 18120 J 5046.9 — Bajo los Compadres Beacon No. 10. 20 00 75 51 Fl. R. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 28 16 6 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. Heads of piers at Santiago marked by fixed lights. 18130 J 5050 18130.1 J 5050.1 Chirivico Harbor Range, front. — Rear, on shore 175 yards 337° from front. 19 58 76 24 Qk. Fl. W . 60 fl. per min. Cp. 20 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 1.1*, ec. 2.9* Cp. 450 13 33 4 11 Aluminum painted tri¬ angular skeleton struc¬ ture on ruins of pier. Aluminum painted skeleton structure. Range lights. Visible 6° each side of axis. 18140 J 5050. 4 PUERTO PILON: — Cayo Pajaro, NE. on spit. 19 54 77 17 Fl. G . period 2* 15 8 Aluminum skeleton tower on 3-pile structure. 18150 ] 5050.8 — Bajo La Jaula . 19 54 77 18 Fl. R. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* 15 6 Red pyramidal skeleton tower on 3-pile struc¬ ture. 18160 J 5054 Cabo Cruz, about 0.5 mile E. of SW. extremity of cape. U. 19 51 77 44 FEW . period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 3,170 113 17 Yellow stone tower and dwelling; 107. Obscured by high land to W. when bearing less than 285°. Part IV 176 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot, long. o f Choracteri Stic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bi 1 ity (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 18170 Cabezo del Vapor Lighted N. W. 19 51 FI. R 13 7 Red buoy . Bell. Bell Buoy. No. 2. 77 46 period 6® fl. 0.5^ ec. 5.5^ Cp. 51 18180 ] 5054.1 GULF DE GUACANAYABO: — Palomino Channel: -Borlon de Tierra Beacon No. 13, E. end of reef. 19 58 77 41 FI. G. period 4^ fl. 0.4^, ec. 3.6® Cp. 20 16 5 Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower on 3 pile structure. 18190 -Arriola Bank Beacon 20 00 FI. W. 15 8 Black iron skeleton tower on 3 pile struc¬ ture. ; 5054. 2 No. 15. 77 41 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 90 18195 J 5054.3 Banco Azuaga Beacon No. 1. 20 03 77 39 FI. W. period 12® fl. 0.6®, ec. 11.4® Cp. 95. 16 8 Black iron skeleton tower with gray house on 3- pile platform. 18200 ; 5054.7 -Banco Orejoncito Beacon No. 19, SE. end. 20 04 77 41 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1®, ec. 11® Cp. 42 16 6 Black iron framework tower on 3 pile structure. 18210 J 5054.9 -Banco Orejon Grande Beacon No. 21, SE. end. 20 06 77 40 Fl. G. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 30 16 6 Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower on 3 pile structure. 18215 J 5058 -Cayo Palomino Light Beacon No. 26. 20 09 77 40 FI.R. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 18 7 Red iron pyramidal skeleton tower on wooden plat¬ form on 3-piles. 18270 J 5064 -Banco Fustete, on S. side of bank. 20 11 77 36 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 0.7®, ec. 11.3® Cp. 215 17 9 Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower with small gray hut on 3-pile platform. 18280 J 5068 — Manazanillo Cays: -Cayo Perla, on S. point, approach to Manzanillo. U. 20 22 77 15 Fl. W . period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 250 36 10 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture enclosing gray hut, gray wooden house; 36. 18290 5068.1 -Punta del Socorro .. . 20 21 77 13 Fl. G. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 18 12 5 Square concrete pile . . . 18300 5068. 2 -Cayo Cayita. 20 22 77 09 Fl. G. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® Cp. 18 12 5 Square concrete pile . . 18310 5068.3 — Chinchorro Passage: -Bajo Santa Clara, NE. side of shoal 20 32 77 24 Fl. W . period 12® fl. 1®, ec. 11® Cp. 140 16 8 Black iron tower, gray hut on 3-pile platform. Part IV 177 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O t Charocteristic ond power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CUBA 18320 ; 5068.7 GULF DE GUACANAYABO: — Chinchorro Passage: -Bajo Paticombito Beacon No. 5. N. W. 20 34 77 29 FI.G. period 6® fl.0.5^ ec.5.5s 15 6 Black iron skeleton tower, gray hut on 3-pile platform. 18330 ; 5069 -Banco Vibora, Bea¬ con No. 7. 20 34 77 42 FI. W. period 6* fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 5 . 5 s Cp. 140 15 9 Black iron skeleton tower, gray hut on 3-pile platform. 18340 J 50 70 — Media Luna Channel - Cayo Quisazo, South Lighted Buoy. 20 36 77 50 Fl. R. period 6* fl. 0.5^ ec. 5 . 5 s 12 6 Red buoy. 18350 J 5070.3 -Cayo San Juan, Light Beacon No. 14. 20 37 77 55 Gp. FI.R.(2). period 12^ fl. 0.5^ ec. P fl. 0.5^ ec. 10^ Cp. 28 16 5 Red iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. 18360 J 50 70.7 -Cabezo del Medio, Beacon No. 4, N. of Cayo Largo de Mordazo. 20 41 78 01 Fl. R. period 6^ fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 5.5" Cp. 18 15 5 Black iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. 18370 J 5073 -Cayo Juan Suarez . .. 20 33 78 02 Fl. R. period 12" fl. 0.7", ec. 11.3" 16 6 Red iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. 18380 ; 5078 -Mate de Fuera, on Mate shoal. 20 36 78 07 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 12" fl. 0.3", ec. 0.6" fl. 0.3", ec. 10.8" Cp. 140 15 9 Black iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. 18390 ; 5072 — Cuatro Reales Channe -Cayo Carapacho U. 20 27 78 02 Fl. W. period 10" fl. 1", ec. 9" Cp. 210 47 10 Red iron skeleton structure enclosing gray hut with red band; 45. 18401 - Lighted Buoy No. 2. . 20 25 78 01 FI.R . period 3" fl. 0.3", ec. 2.7" 12 Red buoy . 18410 ; 5072.4 -Beacon No. 8. 20 29 77 59 Fl. R . period 3" fl. 0.3", ec. 2.7" Cp. 27 21 5 Concrete pile beacon. 18420 J 5072.8 -Beacon No. 9. Fl. G . period 4" fl. 0.4", ec. 3.6" Cp. 18 20 4 Concrete pile beacon . 18430 y 5076 Cabeza del Este Channel, W. side of entrance, on Cabeza del Este Cay. U. 20 31 78 20 Fl. W. period 5" fl. 0.5", ec. 4.5" Cp. 250 47 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut with red band; 46. Port IV 178 First Edition H.O. 30 1844C ; 50S1 Canal Del Pingue Lighted Beacon No. 4. N. W. 20 45 78 18 FI. R. period 3^ fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2 . 7 s 16 1 Red iion skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18450 Cayo Manuel Gomez, NW. 21 05 Gp. FI. W. (2). 21 g Black iron skeleton tower on 3-pile platform. ] 5082.1 extremity of reef. 78 51 period 12^ fl. 0.3S ec. 0.6S fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 10.8^ 18460 Cayo Santa Maria, SW. part 21 11 Fl. W. 26 Q Aluminum-colored iron skeleton tower on a 4- pile platform. J 5082.2 of the bank. 78 39 period 4^ fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 3 . 7 s Cp. 90 18470 Santa Maria Cove, SW. 21 17 Fl. W. 28 10 Aluminum-colored skeleton tower. ] 5082 point of the cay. 78 32 period lO® fl. 1®, ec. 9*. Cp. 215 18474 Punta Vertientes Lighted Beacon. 21 25 78 34 Fl. G. period 3® fl.0.3S ec.2.7^ Black quadrangular pyramidal structure. 18480 ] 5082.3 Balandras Channel — Light Beacon No. 1. 21 26 78 45 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1®, ec. 11® Cp. 140 15 9 Black square pyramidal wooden skeleton tower on 3-pile wooden plat¬ form. 18490 J 5082.4 — Light Beacon No. 3. 21 27 78 46 Fl. G. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7 Cp. 42 15 6 Black square pyramidal wooden skeleton tower on 3-pile dolphin; gray hut at base of tower. 18500 J 5082.5 — Cayo Medano Blanco NW. part of the bank. 21 26 78 49 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 140 15 9 Black iron skeleton structure on 3-pile platform. 18510 J 5082.6 — Light Beacon No. 8. 21 28 78 47 FI.R. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 15 5 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18515 J 5082.8 — Light Beacon No. 11 ... . 21 30 78 50 Gp. Fl. G. (2) . period 12® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 10.8® Cp. 27 15 5 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18520 J 5082.7 FUERA CHANNEL: — Light Beacon No. 2. 21 25 78 53 Fl. R. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 43 15 6 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18525 — Lighted Buoy No. 3 .... 21 32 78 53 FI.W. period 4 ® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 35 5 Black buoy . 18540 J 5082. 9 — Light Beacon No. 5_ 21 37 78 51 FI.G. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® 15 5 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-piIe platform. Port IV 179 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name ond location Position lot. long. e / Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 18550 Palo Alto Shoal Light Beacon. N. W. 21 34 78 58 FI. W. period 6^ fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 5.55 16 8 Black square pyramidal wooden skeleton tower on 3-pile dolphin. 18560 J 5083.1 Bajo Charcas, N. part of bank. 21 28 79 04 FI.W. period 12® fl. 0.8®, ec. 11.2® Cp. 140 15 9 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18570 J 5082.45 Boca Grande Inlet, E. side of entrance. 21 33 78 40 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® fl. 0.5®, ec. 10® Cp. 215 30 10 Square iron pyramidal skeleton tower, painted aluminum, gray hut at base. Irregular. Reported Fl. H. ev. 16.5® (1958). 18572 Cayo Campito. 21 31 78 46 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower on 3-pile wooden structure. 18574 Cayo Encantado. 21 34 78 50 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® Black iron pyramidal skeleton tower on 3-pile wooden structure. * 18580 J 5080 Coyo Cachiboca. 20 41 78 45 Fl. W. period 16.5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 15® Cp. 2,000 111 16 Red square pyramidal iron skeleton tower, gray hut at base. 18590 J 5084 Cayo Breton, on W. side .... U. 21 07 79 27 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 2,250 111 16 Iron skeleton structure, painted aluminum, red band, gray hut; 108. 18595 Breton Channel: — Lighted Buoy 6 . 21 14 79 26 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Red buoy . Reported missing (1958). 18600 — Lighted Bell Buoy No. 2. 21 08 79 30 Fl. R. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 13 9 Red buoy. Bell. 18610 — Lighted Buoy No. 3 . 21 11 79 30 FI.G. period 4 ® 12 6 Black buoy . 18620 J 5086 TUNAS CHANNEL: — Boca Estero de Tunas . . 21 38 79 33 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1®, ec. 11® Cp. 215 15 9 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture on 3-pile platform. 18630 J 5088 — Cayo Blanco de unas Tunas 21 36 79 36 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 250 48 10 Square pyramidal iron skeleton tower, painted aluminum, gray hut at base. 18635 — Lighted Buoy 2 . 21 31 79 40 FI.R. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 11 6 Red buoy . 18637 — Lighted Buoy 4 . 21 32 79 38 FI.R. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 11 6 Red buoy . Part IV 180 First Editi H. 0. 30 No, Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) CUBA 18680 Cayo Blanco de Casilda, E. N. W. 21 38 Gp. FI. W. (2). 48 10 Red iron skeleton structure enclosing gray hut with red band, gray wooden house; 43. J 5090 edge of cay. U, 79 53 period 6® fl. 0.3^ ec. 0 . 9 s fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 4 . 5 s Cp. 210 18681 Les Guairos Channel Beacon 21 39 Fl. G. No. 1. 79 52 period 10. 8® fl. 1.2^ ec.8.8^ 18682 — Beacon No. 3. 21 40 Fl. G Black 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 79 53 period 6^ fl. 0. 6®, ec. 5.4® 18683 — Beacon No. 5 . 21 41 FI.W. Black 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 79 54 period 6^ ^.o.6^ ec. 5.45 18684 — Beacon No. 9. 21 41 FI.G. Black 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 79 54 period 3^ fl.0.3^ ec. 1.75 18685 — Beacon No. 10. 21 41 Fl. R Red 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 79 54 period 6^ ^.0.6^ ec.5.4s 18686 Casilda Channel, Beacon 21 42 FI.R. Red 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. No. 12. 79 56 period 12^ fl. 1.2^ ec. 10.85 18710 Mulatas Channel Lighted 21 42 FI.R. 12 6 Buoy. 79 59 period 5^ fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 4.55 Cp. 35 18722 — Beacon No. 15, NE. point Medio Bank. 21 44 79 58 Fl. G. period 6^ fl. 0.65, ec. 5.45 Black 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 18732 — Beacon No. 17. 21 44 79 58 Fl. W. period 65 fl. 0.65, ec. 5. 45 Black 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 18733 — Beacon No. 20. 21 44 79 59 Fl. R. period 65 fl.0.65, ec. 5.45 Red 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 18734 — Beacon No. 22. 21 44 79 59 Fl. R. period 35 fl. 0 . 35 , ec. 2.75 Red 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 18735 — Beacon No. 24. 21 45 79 59 Fl. R. period 65 fl. 0.65, ec. 5.45 Red 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. 18741 — Beacon No. 28. 21 45 79 59 Fl. R. period 35 fl. 0. 6®, ec. 5 .45 Red 4-legged concrete structure with hut and post. Sectors, Remarks, Fog signals Part IV 181 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name ond location Position lot. long. 0 / Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nau¬ tical miles Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 1875( } 5094 Cienfuegos, Punta de los Colorados, E. side of entrance. N. W. 22 02 80 27 FI. W. period 5^ Cp. 9,500 83 15 Yellowish-white cylindrical masonry tower; 67. 18755 — Juragua, Light No. 3 ... 22 04 FI. G. 22 White triangular pyramidal tower, square house. ; 5095 80 28 period 3® fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2.7 Cp. 11 0 18760 J 5096 — Pasa Caballos Light No. 4- U. 22 04 80 28 FI. R. period 5® fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 51 34 7 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure, gray hut with red band; 28. A F.R. light is shown from head of railroad pier. 18770 — Rio Caonao Light No. 4 . 22 06 FI. W. 17 f. Black iron skeleton structure on piles. ] 5097 U. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* 18780 — Head of pipe line W. of 22 08 FI. G. 20 f. Mast on gray hut . . J 5098 Punta de la Majagua. 80 28 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 18790 — Rio Damuji Approach ... 22 10 FI. R. 17 Red iron skeleton structure on piles. 80 32 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 18800 Cayo Piedras, N. side, W. 21 58 FI. W. 40 10 Iron skeleton structure, upper part black, lower aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe; yellow masonry house; 35. J 5104 side of entrance to Bahia Cochinos. U. 81 07 period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 210 18810 J 5102 Cayo Guano, near E. ex¬ tremity of Banco Jardines. 21 40 81 02 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . period 15* Cp. 450,000 157 19 Steel skeleton tower, white and red bands. 18820 Cayo Sigua. 21 53 81 25 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 12* fl. 0.6*, ec. 1.4* fl. 0.6*, ec. 9.4* 28 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure. J 5106 18830 J 5108 Canal Diego Perez, on reef at entrance. U. 22 01 81 31 Fl. W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 210 38 10 Red iron skeleton structure enclosing gray hut with red stripe; 38. 18850 ; 5118 Medano de Don Cristobal . . . 22 08 81 49 Gp. Fl. R. (2). period 12* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1 ^ fl. 0.5*, ec. 10* Cp. 28 18 5 Red skeleton structure.... 18860 Punta de Cristobal .. . 22 13 Fl. R 18 C Red skeleton structure. .. J 5122 81 52 period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 42 18870 Restinga Prieta. 22 16 Fl. G 18 Slack skeleton structure . . J 5124 81 58 period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11* Cp. 42 0 Port IV 182 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lat. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (fee*) Visi- bil ity (nau* ticol miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 18880 ; 5134 Bajode las Gordas. N. W. 22 13 82 09 Gp. FI. R. (2). period 12^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 3® fl. 0.5L ec. 8^ 17 5 Red skeleton structure .... 18890 ; 5126 Bajo El Embar. 22 19 82 09 FI. W. period 6® fl. 0.5^ ec. 5.55 17 7 Black skeleton structure , , 18900 J 5128 Cayos Ballenatos (Los Ballenatos) U. 21 35 81 38 Fl.W. period 3* fl. 0 . 35 , ec. 2.75 Cp. 210 31 10 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture enclosing gray hut with red stripe; 29. 18920 J 5136 Cayo Avalos, S. end. U. 21 32 82 10 Fl.W. period 7® fl.0.5^ ec.6.5® Cp. 210 31 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe; 28. 18930 ; 5138 Caleta de Carapachibey, S. side of Isla de Pinos. 21 27 82 55 Fl. W. period 15^ fl. 1®, ec. 14^ Cp. 11,000 108 16 Cylindrical tower with red and white bands. 18960 J 5172 GOLFO DE BATABANO: — Petatillos Shoals North Light. 22 28 82 40 Fl. R. period 4® fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 43 18 6 Red skeleton structure .... 18970 J 5176 — Punta de las Salinas .... 22 36 82 47 FI.R . period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11* Cp. 43 16 6 Red skeleton structure .... 18980 ; 5156 -La Pipa. 22 10 82 58 Fl. R . period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 43 17 6 Red skeleton structure.... 18990 J 5158 -Cayo Hatnbre. 22 10 82 51 FI.G. period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11* Cp. 42 16 6 Black skeleton structure .. 19000 J 5148 — Punta de los Barcos .... 21 57 83 00 FI.R . period 12* fl. 0.8*, ec. 11.2* 19 7 Red skeleton structure 19010 ] 5144 — Cayos los Indios. 21 43 83 10 Fl. G . period 12* fl. 0.8*, ec. 11.2* Cp. 65 18 7 Black skeleton structure . . 19020 — Bahia Siguanea Lighted Buoy No. 1. 21 41 83 12 Fl. W. period 7.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7* Cp. 170 13 8 Black buoy. 19030 21 39 Gp. Fl. R. (2) . 18 6 Red skeleton structure .... ; 5142 83 11 period 12* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.0* fl. 0.5*, ec. 10.0* Part IV 183 First Edition H.O. 30 Height No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Choracteristic and power of light above high water Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals (feet) miles) CUBA 19051 GOLFO DE BATABANO: — Isla de Pinos: -Nueva Gerona: -Rio los Casas Light Beacon No 1. N. W. 21 55 . 82 48 FI. W. period 5* fl. 0.5^ ec. 4.5* Cp. 140 22 9 Black beacon on 4-pile concrete structure, iron battery box. 19052 -Beacon No. 3 .. .. 21 55 82 48 FI. G. period 3* fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2.75 20 4 Black beacon on 4-pile concrete structure, iron battery box. 19053 -Beacon No. 6 .... 21 55 82 48 FI.R. period 3* fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2.7* Cp. 27 19 5 Red beacon on 4-pile con¬ crete structure, iron battery box. 19054 -Beacon No. 1 ... . 21 55 Fl. W. 19 8 Black beacon on 4-pile con¬ crete structure, iron battery box. 82 48 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 90 19055 -Beacon No. 11 .. . 21 55 Fl. G. 20 4 Black beacon on 4-pile con¬ crete structure, iron battery box. 82 48 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 19056 -Beacon No 15 ... 21 55 82 48 FI.G. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 18 20 4 Black beacon on 4-pile concrete structure, iron battery box. 19057 - Beacon No. 20... 21 54 82 48 FI.R. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 27 20 5 Red beacon on 4-pile con¬ crete structure, iron battery box. 19090 7 5202 -Canal del Ingles .... 21 57 82 36 FI.W. period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11* Cp. 140 17 8 Black skeleton structure . . 19095 — Playa Caimito . 22 41 81 53 Fl. G. period 6* fl. 0.4*, ec. 5.6* Aluminum-colored square iron pyramidal skeleton tower, small wooden hut at base. 19100 J 5166 — Surgidero de Batabano 480 yards inland from inner end of railway pier. U. 22 41 82 18 Fl. W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 500. 69 13 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut with red band, gray wooden house; 68. 19101 J 5168 -Refuge Canal, E. breakwater. 22 41 82 18 Qk. FI.R. 60 fl. per min. 16 5 Concrete pillar on a red square iron pyramidal skeleton tower. 19102 -Sugidero de Batabono, Light Beacon No. 1. 22 41 82 18 Fl. G. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 20 5 Pedestal on black iron box, atop 4-pile black con¬ crete structure. 19103 -Muelle DeEstado Light Beacon No. 1. 22 40 82 17 Fl. W . period 5* fl. 0.3*, ec. 4.7* Black battery box on a concrete platform on 4 concrete piles. Part IV 184 First Edition H. 0. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- No. Position Characteristic above bility Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nou- water tical (feet) miles) CUBA Structure, height (feet) Part IV 185 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Chorocteristic Height of 1 ight obove Visi- bility No. Nome and location lot. long. 0 / ond power high water (feet) (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 19190 Cortes Lighted Buoy . . . N. W. 22 04 83 54 FI. W. period 7.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7* 10 8 Red and black banded buoy. 19200 J 5210 Cabo Frances. U. 21 55 84 02 FI. W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 210 29 10 Iron skeleton structure, lower part aluminum- colored, upper part red, enclosing a gray hut with red bands; 28. 19210 ; 5212 Cabo Corrientes. u. 21 46 84 31 FI. W . period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 1,480 88 15 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut with red band; 76. THE CAYMANS (BR.) 19220 ; 5232 Grand Cayman, George Town, near church. 19 18 81 24 Fl. R. period 2* n.0.7*,ec. 1.3* 25 White steel tower, black base; 20. 19230 J 5222 — Boatswain Point, N. of island end U. 19 23 81 24 FI.W. period 15* fl. 1.8*, ec. 13.2* Cp. 300 90 White steel tower, black base; 20. Partly obscured 241° to 257°, mainly obscured then to land. 19240 1 5226 — Gorling Bluff at SB. of island. end U. 19 18 81 06 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 20* 2 flashes of 1.2* ea. Cp. 300 72 12 White steel tower, black base; 27. 19250 ; 5230 — SW. point of island . U. 19 16 81 23 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 10* 2 flashes of 0.6* ea. 20 White steel tower, black base; 20 19260 J 5236 Little Cayman, Southwest Point. U. 19 40 80 07 FI.W. period 5* fl. 0.6*, ec. 4.4* Cp. 300 30 10 White steel tower, black base; 20. 19270 J 5420 Cayman Brae, Northeast Point. u. 19 45 79 44 Fl. W. period 20* fl. 2.4*, ec. 17.6* Cp. 300 150 12 White steel tower, black base; 20. JAMAICA 19280 ; 5248 Lucea Harbor, on Flagstaff Reef. MONTEGO BAY: 18 28 78 11 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 1*, ec. 3* 13 5 Triangular steel skeleton structure. 19290 ; 5250 — Lower Range, front. 18 29 77 56 Fl. W. period 2* 24 Cylindrical iron structure, triangular-shaped; 16. Range lights. 19290.1 1 5250. 1 -Rear, 400 yards 118° from front. Qk.FI.W. 60 fl. per min. 57 Black structure; 51. Radiobeacon. Part IV 186 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 19300 J 5252 19300.1 1 5252.1 19305 19310 J 5254 19310.1 J 5254.1 19320 1 5258 19320.1 J 5258.1 MONTEGO BAY: — Upper Range, front ■ — Rear, about 85 yards 36° from front. — AVIATION LIGHT Falmouth Harbor, front. 18 31 77 55 18 29 77 39 19323 19326 J 5260 19326.1 — Rear, about 300 yards 224° from front. St. Ann’s Bay, on custom¬ house, front. U. —Rear, about 200 yards 196° from front. (J. OCHO RIOS BAY: — Lighted Buoy . 18 26 77 12 18 25 77 07 Range, front — Rear 421 yards 169° from front. ORACABESSA BAY: 19330 J 5264 — E. side of bay, front . . . U. 19330.1 J 5264.1 -Rear, 94° from front . U. 19340 1 5262 — Front, S. part of bay . . . 19340.1 J 5262. 1 -Rear, 175° from front. 19350 J 5266 Galina Point. U. 19360 ; 5278 PORT ANTONIO: — Folly Point. 19361 J 5280 — Folly Point Range, front. 19361.1 J 5280.1 -Rear, about 160 yards 69° from front. 18 30 76 58 18 30 76 57 Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bii jty (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) JAMAICA N. W. 18 29 77 56 FI. W. period 3^ Qk. FI.W. 60 fl. per min. Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® F.R . F. R FI. W. period 5® Qk. FI.W. 60 fl. per min. FI. G. period 5® 18 25 I Occ. R. 77 07 I period 5® It. 4®, ec. 1® Occ. R. period 5® It. 4®, ec. 1® FI.W. period 2.5® Qk. Fl. W. 100 fl. per min. FI.W. period 5® Qk. Fl. W. 60 n. per min. 18 25 76 55 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 10.5® 18 11 I Fl. W 76 27 I period 10® fl. 2®, ec. 8® 18 11 I F. R. 76 27 F.R 44 116 55 37 48 26 59 42 150 25 44 12 62 54 Cylindrical iron structure, ball top mark; 14. Cylindrical iron structure, ball top mark. White structure, circular¬ shaped. White structure, circular- shaped. Roof of customhouse, 22 7 White iron column; 15 . . . 10 13 12 Red buoy surmounted by triangular-shaped top- mark. Red and white triangular¬ shaped day mark. Steel column, red and white triangular-shaped daymark. White circular iron column white circular-shaped. White circular iron column, white circular-shaped. White circular iron column, white diamond. White circular iron column, white diamond. White concrete tower and hut; 28. Concrete tower, red and white bands. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Beacon Beacon Range lights. Occasional. Range lights. Shown cmly upon request to harbor master. Range lights. Radar reflector. Range lights. Range lights. Range lights. Two F.R. light (Radiomasts) exist about .15 mi. 275°. Obscured by Wood Island Range lights. Part IV 187 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteristic Height of 1 ight above Visi¬ bility No. Nome and location lot. long. O ! and power high water (feet) (nau- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals JAMAICA 19370 1 5272 19370.1 J 5272.1 PORT ANTONIO: — West Harbor, on the shore, front. -Rear, 1390 yards 249° from front. N. W. 18 12 76 27 F R 25 White structure; 25. F R . 277 White structure; 20. Range lights. 19380 J 52 74 — Navy Island, extremity of reef off E. side. U. FI. W. period 4® fl. IS, ec. 3s 31 Iron framework structure, concrete base 19390 J 5282 Morant Point, SE. extremity of Jamaica. 17 55 76 12 FI. W. period 60^ 115 15 White iron tower; 96. Obscured to westward when bearing more than 67°. 19400 J 5286 19400.1 J 5286.1 Port Morant, inner end of new pier, front. U. — Rear, 6° from front . U. 17 53 76 20 FI W 5 White beacon . period 2.5s FI.W. period 1.5^ 95 5 White beacon. Range lights. 19420 J 5288 17 53 FI. W . 244 12 Red framework tower; 44 .. Visible 283°-78°. Only top of ■ U. 76 24 period 14 * n. 2s. ec. 12S tower is visible above trees. 19430 J 5294 KINGSTON APPROACH: — Plum Point. U. 17 56 76 47 FI.,—W., R. period 9^ fl. 1 . 5 s, ec. 7 . 5 s 70 W. 14 R. 12 White tower; 68 . W. 297°-10°, R.-136°, W. unintensified-181°, obscured elsewhere. An occasional F. R. aviation obstruction light is shown on each of 2 radio masts about 720 yards west. 1944 0 J 5292 — Palisadoes AVIATION LIGHT. 17 56 76 47 Alt. Fl.,— W., G . . period 10® W. fl. 1®, ec. 4® G. fl. 1®, ec. 4® 55 Tower . Occasional. 19450 — East Middle Ground Lighted Buoy. 17 55 76 47 Fl W Red buoy . Radar Reflector. 19460 J 5298 PORT ROYAL: — Gun Cay, S. end of shoal. U. 17 56 76 50 Fl. W . 16 5 Black and white tripod structure, “GUN CAY” on sides. Reported destroyed (1959). period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® 19470 J 5296 19470.1 J 5296.1 — Rackum Cay, N. ex¬ tremity of shoal, front. U. -Rear, Lazaretto, about 2.15 miles 284° from front. U 17 56 76 50 17 56 76 53 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Fl W 25 92 8 Red square pile beacon; 23. White cairn; 36. Range lights. Lights mark the boat channel off Gallows Point when period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® required. 194 80 J 5297 — Beacon Shoal, S. ex¬ tremity. U Fl W . 18 White tripod structure. period 2.5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.2® black base. 19490 J 5302 — SW. edge of Harbor Shoal. 17 56 76 51 Fl W . 16 5 Tripod painted black and white. period 3® 19491 17 56 76 51 F R At head of pier. Part IV 188 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lat. long 0 t Chorocteristic and power Heigh of 1 igh above high water (feet) t t Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) JAMAIC :a 1950( PORT ROYAL: — Pelican Spit, N. side of N. W. FI. G 21 J 530i Port Royal Harbor. period 2^ 19505 — Bustamente, SW. of 17 57 Qk. FI. G. 10 Gallows Point. 76 50 60 fl. per min. 1951C — Obstruction Light .... 17 56 F. R. 1 0.3 mile SE. of Bustamente 76 50 19520 KINGSTON HARBOR: — Currey’s Gate . 17 57 Qk.FI W 19 c J 5306 76 51 60 fl. per min. 0 19525 — Bloomfield Light 17 57 Qk. FI. G. Beacon. 76 50 60 fl. per min. 19530 — Two Sisters, near W. ex- 17 57 Fl. W. 22 J 5308 tremity of Middle Ground, E. side of ship channel. 76 51 period 1.5^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 1® 19541 — Burial Ground, W. side 17 58 Qk. Fl. R . 22 J 5312 of channel. 76 51 195 50 — Mammee, NW. side of Fl. W. 18 1 J 5310 Middle Ground. period 1.5^ fl. 0.5^, ec. 1 ^ 19560 — St. Albans, W. side of Fl. R. 22 J 5318 ship channel. period 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® 19570 — East Horseshoe, N. ex- Fl. W. 22 J 5322 tremity of Middle Ground. period 1.5® 19572 J 5323 — Middle Ground Lighted Beacon. 17 58 76 50 Qk. Fl. W. 60 fl. per min. 19578 — Oil berth, NW. dolphin . . 17 58 76 49 Qk. Fl. R . 60 fl. per min. . 19580 — Pond Mouth, S. ex- Fl. R. 22 J 5324 tremity of bank, W. of railway wharf. period 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® 19585 — Waireka. 17 59 F. R 1,480 J 5326 76 45 . J 19586 — Shell pier, on each end 17 58 2 Qk.FI. R. J 5327 of pier. 76 45 19587 PORTLAND BIGHT: — Approach Buoy . 17 46 Qk. Fl. W 77 01 . v_ Structure, height ((eet) 4 I Black pile structure; 19 . . . Black structure, white top . Lattice mast. white. Black and white square pile beacon. 20. Red tripod structure on 3- pile base; 20. Black and white tripod on dolphin. 20. Red square pile beacon 20. Slack and white square pile beacon. !-pile tripod structure, upper part white, lower part black. On dolphin . Red square pile beacon . . . 90. Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals Radiobeacon. In range with No. 194 70.1. white checkered buoy. A Qk. FI, R. light is shown from eastern dolphin. Occasional. Part IV 189 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals JAMAICA N. W. PORTLAND BIGHT: 19590 — Pigeon Island Range, 17 47 FI. W. 29 7 White iron column sur- Rodiobeocon (on Goat Island, J 5328 Front. U. 77 04 period 2.5^ rounded by pyramidal about 5.5 mi N.). framework, white disc. 19590.1 -Rear, on pumping 17 50 Occ. W. 131 16 White steel structure; 40 . . Range lights. ; 5328. 1 station, about 6.1 77 10 period 5® mi. 294° 43' from It. 4^ ec. IS front. 19595 — Range, front. 17 53 FI.R. 25 White conical beacon. Range lights. 1 5330 77 08 period 4® A Fl.W. and Qk.Fl.W. are fl. IS, ec. 3s shown on NE. side, a Fl. R. and a Qk. FL R. on the SW. 19595.1 -Rear, about 700 yards Occ. R. 55 White conical beacon. side of channel. y 5330.1 300° from front. period 3.5s It. 2 . 5 s, ec. IS 19600 — Salt Island, NE. end .... 17 50 FI. W. 21 7 White iron column, white y 5332 U. 77 08 period 5 s disk topmark. 19610 — Salt River, near mouth . . 17 50 QK. FL.W. 31 7 White iron column; 28. y 5334 U. 77 10 period 1.5s 1%20 Portland, summit. 17 44 Gp. FI. W. (2). 665 20 Steel framework tower; 132. y 5338 U. 77 10 period 15 s fl. IS, ec. IS fl. IS, ec. 12 s 19631 Kaiser Pier Range, front. 17 51 F. R. 45 y 5340 outer end of pier. 77 37 Range lights. 1%31.1 — Rear, about 720 yards F. R. 135 Tower; 26. y 5340.1 348° from front. 19640 Savannah la Mar, N. extrem- 18 12 Fl. W. 23 9 Iron column on concrete y 5342 ity at Boat Stag Reef. 78 08 period 5S base; 17. 19650 — SE. Channel Lighted F. W . Black buoy, white bands .. Occasional. Buoy. Savannah la Mar 19660 — Range, o*n S. side of 18 12 F.R . 13 y 5344 ruined fort, front. 78 08 Range lights. 19660.1 -Rear, about 0.55 mile F. R . 40 y 5344. J 32° from front. 19670 South Negri 1 Point, W. end 18 15 Fl.,—W.,R . 100 15 White concrete tower; 89 . . R. 297°-305°, W. 16r-R y 5244 of Jamaica. 78 23 period 2s thence to the coast to the fl. 0.8S, ec. 1 . 2 s north, (partially obscured by Cp. 11,000 trees in this sector). 19675 Pedro Bank, Northeast Cay, 17 03 Fl. W. 35 11 Beacon, square topmark. y 5341 NW. extremity of Cay. 77 45 period 5 s red and white bands. 1%80 Navasso Island, summit of 18 24 Fl. W. y 5362 island, in passage between 75 01 period 15s Jamaica and Hispaniola. fl. 2 . 5 s, ec. 12 . 5 s 395 20 Light gray cylindrical Maintained by the U.S. Coast U. Fl. W. concrete tower; 162. Guard. Both lights are period 2s normally in operation; if one fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 1 . 7 s should be extinguished the 1 Cp. 7,000 each other will continue to function. Part IV 190 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Pos itior lot. lone 0 t Characteristic . and power Heigh of ligh above high water (feet) t t Visi. bility (nau* tical miles' Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals HAITI -HISPANIOLA 19690 Cape Jacmel. N. W. 18 10 FI. W 127 Q White skeleton iron tower, red lantern; 20. ; 5368 72 32 period 6^ fl. 0.6^, ec. 5.4® 19700 Vache Island, E. end. 18 04 FI.W. 54 12 White steel structure, triangular base; 44. y 53 72 73 34 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 19710 Pointe Gravois. 18 01 FI.W 44 Q White square concrete tower; 26. Visible 110°-330° y 53 74 U. 73 54 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 19720 Cape Dame Marie. 18 37 74 26 FI. W. period 18® fl. 3®, ec. 15® 123 White square concrete structure surmounted by skeleton framework. 15. y 53 76 9 Irregular. 19730 Great Cayemites Island, N. 18 39 Fl. W. 54 12 White iron tower, triangular base; 44. y 5380 point. 73 45 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 19740 y 5382 Gonave Island, West Point.. 18 55 73 18 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® 52 9 White iron framework tower, red lantern. 19750 y 5386 Rochelois Bank, in Gonave Channel, on Pirogues Rocks. U. 18 39 73 12 FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 30 9 White framework tower black band, red lantern; hut on S. side. 19755 Lighted Buoy, Miragoane 18 29 Fl. W. 2 Bay. 73 05 period 3® 19756 — Miragoane Lighted 18 29 FI.W. Aluminum can with red top- mark. Approach Buoy. 73 04 period 5® 19760 Point Fantasque, SE. end of 18 42 Fl. W. 50 Q Skeleton tower, black and white bands. y 5384 Gonave Island. U. 72 49 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 19768 PORT AU PRINCE: — Harbor Lighted Buoy .... 18 34 72 22 Fl. W. period 3® 3 Red and black buoy . 19770 y 5390 — Lamentin Point, near shore 0.7 mile E. of point. U. 18 33 72 24 FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 20,000 106 16 White circular iron tower; 93. Obscured by trees 109°-126°. 19780 — Range, N. tower of F. R . 12 F. R. lights (occasional) are shown from 2 radio towers NE. of cathedral. Range lights. y 5396 19780.1 cathedral, front. -Rear, near SW. corner F. R . 12 y 5396.J of Fort Alexander, 900 yards 104° from front. 19790 — Range, head of navy F. R . y 5392 yard dock, front. 19790.1 -Rear, inner end of 18 33 F. G . Range lights. y 5392.1 dock, 130 yards 183° from front. 72 23 Part IV 191 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 9 t Choracteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals HAITI -HISPA NIOLA 19800 J 5402 Arcadians, NW. point. N. W. 18 48 72 39 FI.W. period 5® fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 4.5® 41 9 Circular white iron tower; 31. Obscured 358°-12°. P.xtinnuished March 1959. 19810 J 5404 St. Marc Point. U. 19 02 72 49 FI.W. period 3.8® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.4® 96 9 White framework tower; bull’s-eye on W. side. 19820 ; 5406 Pierre Head, N. side of en¬ trance to Gonaives Bay. U. 19 27 72 46 FI. W. period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® 318 11 White square stone tower, . Irregular. 19830 ] 5408 Cape St. Nicolas Mole, on cliffs. 19 50 73 25 FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 178 15 White iron framework tower, triangular base; 45. 19840 J 5412 TORTUGA ISLAND: — W. point. 20 04 72 58 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 135 9 Buff-colored concrete blocks; 10. Obscured in Tortuga Channel N. of 296°. Irregular (Mar. 1953). 19850 ; 5414 — E. point. 20 01 72 38 Fl. W. period 3® n.0.3®,ec.2.7® 77 15 White iron framework tower, triangular base; 46. Obscured in Tortuga Channel N of 68°. Reported extinguished (March 1959). 19855 Port Paix, W. side of pier... 19 57 72 50 F.R. On second story of building A F.R. light is shown from a post on NW. corner of pier. 19860 J 5420 Picolet Point, W. side of entrance to Cape Haitien Harbor. U. 19 48 72 12 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 140 15 Cylindrical tower, white pyramidal base. Obscured when bearing less than 145° and over the harbor. 19870 1 5422 Cayo Arenas, on Monte Cristi Bank. 19 53 71 52 Fl. W. period 7® fl. 1®, ec. 6® 65 13 Red tower, black lantern . . 19880 J 5424 Puerto Liberatador, on head of steel pier. 19 43 71 45 Occ. R. period 20® Cp. 7,500 50 10 White tower, red lantern ... 19890 J 5426 Cobra Island, NW. side, Monte Cristi Bay. U. 19 54 71 40 Fl. W. period 10® 0. 1®, ec. 9® no 13 White pyramidal concrete tower; 50. 19900 J 5428 Punta Patilla. 19 55 70 50 Fl. W. period 16® fl. 1®, ec. 15® 80 12 Yellow pyramidal steel tower; 30. 19910 ; 5430 Puerto Plato, on hill near signal station. U. 19 49 70 41 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 2.0®, ec. 4.0® Cp. 15,000 137 17 Yellow steel skeleton tower, black lantern. Signal station. 19920 J 5432 19920.1 ; 5432.1 — Puerto Plata Range, front. -Rear, 214' from front. 19 48 70 42 F. R. F. R. White tower, red lantern . . . White tower, red lantern . . . Range lights. F.W. range lights lead to the pier. 19930 Cope Viejo Frances, near edge of cliff. U. 19 41 Fl. W . 163 18 White pyramidal concrete tower; 85. Visible 132°-304°. ' J 5434 69 55 period 10® fl. 2®, ec. 8® Port IV 192 First Edition H. 0. 30 193 First Editioi H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Choracterlstic ond power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi. bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals DOMINICAN REPUBLIC —HISPANIOLA PUERTO DE TRUJILLO: N. W. 20050 J 5460 Ciudad Trujillo, S. side of city. U. 18 28 69 53 Fl.R. period 8* fl. 3^ ec. 5=^ Cp. 19,000 111 16 Yellow pyramidal steel tower; 85. Reiorted discontinued. ( 20060 J 5458 20060.1 J 5458.1 — Entrance Range, E. side of harbor, front. -Rear, 135 yards 45° from front. 18 28 F.G . 69 52 F. G. Range lights. 20070 J 5464 — NW. of city AVIATION LIGHT. 18 28 69 54 FI.,— W G. 20 period 9.5® 20074 ; 5464. 5 Rio Haina, E. breakwater.. . 18 25 70 00 Qk. FI. R . 17 3 Concrete tower . 20075 — W. breakwater. Qk. Fl. G. 17 3 Concrete tower. 20080 J 5466 Point Palenque . 18 13 70 09 FI. W. period 6.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 6® 45 12 White pyramidal tower, red lantern; 35. 20085 J 5468 18 14 F R. 22 Vertically disposed. 70 19 Fl. R. 20090 J 5470 Punta Salinas, Caldera Bay . U. 18 12 70 32 Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 98 10 Red pyramidal steel tower; 40. 20101 Las Calderas Bay Entrance Lighted Buoy. 18 13 70 31 Fl. W 4 Red buoy . period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 20110 J 5474 Azua (Port Tortuguero). U. 18 25 70 40 Fl. W . period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 45 10 Yellow tower, black lan¬ tern; 35. 20120 Barahona Entrance Lighted Buoy. 18 13 71 03 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® 11 6 Black buoy . 20130 ; 5478 20130.1 J 5478. J Barahona Harbor Range, front. — Rear, about 95 yards 243° from front. 18 12 71 05 F. R . F. R . 6 6 White pyramidal tower; 45 . White pyramidal tower; 60 . Range lights, occasional. 20140 ; 5482 Alta Vela, summit 7 miles SW. of Beata Island. U. Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 2® fl. 1®, ec. 6® 535 13 Aluminum-colored pyrami¬ dal steel tower; 35. 20150 } 5480 17 36 Fl. W . 13 Concrete tower. 71 25 period 9® fl. 1®, ec. 8® 20160 J 5366 Pedernales. 18 02 71 44 Fl. W . period 12® fl. 5®, ec. 7® 40 11 White pyramidal steel tower red lantern; 30. Port IV 194 First Edition H.O. 30 No. * Name and location Position lot. long. 0 f Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals PUERTO RICO 20170 Mona Island, on East Cape, N. W. 18 05 Gp. FI.W.(3) . 231 22 Black pyramidal hexagonal skeleton structure en¬ closing stair cylinder, white dwelling with red roof; 59. Obscured 45°-181°. Storm warnings. Radiobeacon. ; 5486 S W. side of Mona Passage. 67 51 period 30^ fl. 2^ec. 3s fl. 2^, ec. 3® fl. 25, ec. 185 Cp. 55,000 20180 Point Jiguero, W. extremity 18 22 Fl. W. 90 292 12 24 Gray cylindrical tower; 69 . Gray cylindrical tower; 60 . ; 5488 ^ 20190 of Puerto Rico. Point Borinquen, NW. side 67 16 18 30 period 15® fl. 25, ec. 135 Cp. 750 Gp. Fl. W. (2). Storm warnings. J 5490 of island. 67 09 period 155 fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 45 fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 105 Cp. 1,100,000 20192 AVIATION LIGHT . 18 30 Alt.— W. G. 297 67 09 period 105 20200 Arecibo AVIATION LIGHT, 18 29 Occ. R. 225 Radio tower . Storm warnings. 2 miles W. of city. 66 45 period 1.5® It. 15, ec. 0.55 Cp. 2,500 20210 Arecibo, on Point Morillos, 18 29 Fl. W. 120 17 White rectangular building, hexagonal tower attached; 46. Storm warnings. ^ J 5492 E. side of entrance to Port Arecibo. 66 42 period 205 fl. 55 , ec. 155 Cp. 13,000 20220 SAN JUAN HARBOR: — Son Juan, on Morro Point. 18 28 Fi: W. 181 20 Buff square brick tower, octagonal base, on Morro Castle; 51. Obscured 281 “-61°. Radiobeacon. J 5518 A 66 07 period 105 fl. 1 . 35 , ec. 8.75 Cp. 110,000 W 20230 — Range, S. end of Bajios 18 27 Qk. Fl. W . 23 10 White square pyramidal house, black diamond- shape, on black pile structure. Visible on axis only. ] 5496 Reef, W. side of harbor, front. U. 66 08 60 fl. per min. Cp. 26,000 Ok Fl W Same structure. Synchronized with main light. Visible around horizon. Range lights. i 60 fl. per min. Cp. 180 20230.1 -Rear, on shore. Occ. W. 56 13 White skeleton tower, slatted daymark, cir¬ cular center. Visible on axis only. } 5497.1 1, 360 yards 188° from front. U. period 35 It. 25, ec. 15 Cp. 120, 000 20240 — Head of sewer extension. 18 20 F.W. 16 White post. Maintained by local authorities. U. 66 07 Cp. 100 20250 — Catano, on sewer outlet. F. R . 10 8 Concrete post . U. Cp. 90 20260 — Isla Grande, NW. end of 18 28 Fl. R. 20 Concrete post . ] 5512 » island. U. 66 06 period 25 fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 1.55 Cp. 60 Part IV 195 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome and location Position lot. long. © t Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau* ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signois PUERTO RICO 20270 20270.1 SAN JUAN HARBOR: — Army Terminal Channel Range, front. U. -Rear, 317 yards 176° 30' from front. U. N. W. 18 26 66 07 Occ. R . period 3® It. 2S ec. 1^ Cp. 3,000 Occ. R. period 3® It. 2^ ec. IS Cp. 6,000 18 33 White pyramidal wooden tower, white slatted day mark. Similar to front structure . . Range lights. 20280 1 5502 20280.1 J 5502.1 — Graving Dock Channel Center Range, front. U. -Rear, 363 yards 111° from front. U. Qk. FI. R . 60 fl. per min. Occ. R. period 3^ It. 2=, ec. IS Cp. 14,000 26 41 White skeleton tower and control house, black diamond-shape on pile structure. White skeleton tower and control house with white daymark with black cir¬ cular center on pile structure. Range lights. Synchronized. The channel leading to the graving dock and the turning basin are marked by several pairs of range lights. 20290 Point Picua Lighted Buoy No. 2. 18 27 65 46 FI. W. period 4s fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6S Cp. no 12 8 Red buoy . 20295 AVIATION LIGHT . 18 26 Alt. FL— W. G . . period 10 s Cp. W. 1,000,000 G. 200,000 185 66 01 20300 J 5528 Cape San Juan, summit of cape NE. side of island. 18 23 65 37 FI.W. period 15 s fl. 0 . 7 s, ec. 14.3 Cp. 1,200,000 260 23 Cylindrical tower in front of white rectangular dwelling, black band around base; 45. Storm warnings. 20310 ; 5524 Cucaracha, 1.2 miles 20° from Cape San Juan Light. U. 18 24 65 37 FI.W. period lOs fl. IS, ec. 9 s Cp. 130 32 11 Gray cylindrical concrete tower, red lantern; 17.... 20320 Palominos Island Shoal Lighted Buoy 2, off NE. side of island. 18 21 65 34 FI.R. period 4 s fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6S Cp. 30 12 5 Red buoy . 20330 Piedra Stevens Lighted Buoy 1, close NW. of rock. 18 22 65 21 FI.W . period 4 s fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6S Cp. 130 12 8 Black buoy . 20340 Culebra Island Restricted Area North Lighted Buoy 2 RA. 18 26 65 17 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6S Cp. 140 12 8 Red buoy . Radar reflector. 20350 Culebra Island Restricted Area Northeast Lighted Buoy 4 RA. 18 25 65 12 Fl. W., period 4 s fl. 0 . 4 s, ec. 3.6S Cp. 140 12 8 Red buoy. Radar reflector. Port IV 196 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characterl stIc Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location iat. long, o / ond power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols PUERTO RICO 20360 ; 5600 Isla Culebrita, summit, W. side of Virgin Passage. N. W. 18 19 65 14 Gp.FI.W. (2) . period 20* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 14.5* Cp. 20,000 305 24 Gray cylindrical tower with red trim on flatroofed dwelling; 43. Obscured 125'-142'. 20370 Grampus Shoal South Lighted Buoy No. 2. 18 14 65 12 Fl. R. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 30 12 5 Red buoy. 20380 J 5604 ISLA DE CULEBRA; — Point Soldado, neat south point of island. 18 17 65 17 FI.W. period 10* fl. 2*, ec. 8* Cp. 140 65 8 White wooden tower; 18 ■ • ■ 20390 J 5606 — Scorpion Point, extremity of point West side of island. 18 18 65 19 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 2*, ec. 4* Cp. 140 45 8 White wooden tower; 18 .... 20400 Largo Shoals Lighted Buoy, No. lA, near middle of W. shoal. 18 19 65 35 FI.G. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 20 12 4 Black buoy . 20410 J 5532 Cabeza de Perro, E. point of island. U. 18 15 65 35 FI.,—W.,R. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* 90 W. 10 R. 7 Red skeleton structure; 30. W. 16'-21',R-161°. 20420 South Chinchorro Shoal, W. side. 18 14 65 31 FI.W. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 90 19 7 Survey marker 20430 Cabeza de Perro Lighted Buoy 7. 18 14 65 33 Fl. W. period 6* Cp. 110 13 8 Black buoy . 20440 J 5536 Cabras Island, E. end of island, NW. side of Vieques Passage. U. 18 13 65 36 Fl. W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 480 77 11 Gray square stone tower; 52. 20450 J 5540 20450.1 J 5540.1 Ensenada Honda Entrance Range, front, on shoal about 0.5 mile from head of bay. U. — Rear, about 1,540 yards 315' from front. U. 18 14 65 38 Qk.FI.W. 60 fl. per min Cp. 5,000 Occ.W . 22 60 Tripod on pile structure. Range lights, visible on axis only. oeriod 6* it.3*,ec. 3* Cp. 5,000 20460 J 5538 18 14 Fl. W. 119 AVIATION LIGHT. 65 38 14 flashes, period 60* Part IV 197 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 y Characteristic ond power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals PUERTO RICO " 20470 VIEQUES ISLAND; — Point Arenas Lighted Buoy 9. on NW. end of Arenas Bank. N. W. 18 10 65 36 FI.G. period 4^ fl. 0.4S ec. 3.6* Cp. 40 13 5 Black buoy 20480 ] 5592 — Point Mulas, E. side of Port Mulas, N. side of island. U. 18 09 65 27 FI.,—W.,R. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. W. 250 R. 105 68 W. 10 R.6 White octagonal tower in front of flat-roofed dwelling; 32. R. 68°-107‘' and 122*-14r. Storm warnings. 20490 J 5594 — East Point, E. extremity of island. U. 18 08 65 16 FI.W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 130 60 8 Red skeleton tower. 20500 y 5596 — Port Ferro, W. side of entrance, S. side of island. (J. 18 06 65 25 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 400 68 11 White octagonal tower, in center of square flat- roofed building; 44. 20505 20510 — Esperanza obstruction light, W. of stack. Parse Shoals Lighted Buoy 18 06 65 28 18 08 Fl. R. period 1.5* Fl. W. 233 11 16 8 Metal Radio tower, near courthouse. Red buoy . 2 F.R. on same tower about 100 ft. below Fl. R. light. No. 4, NW. end of shoal. 65 44 period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 110 20520 y 5542 Point Tuna, E. side of Port Maunabo. 17 59 65 53 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 30* fl. 1*, ec. 4.6* fl. 1*, ec. 23.4* Cp. 170,000 110 16 White octagonal tower, ris¬ ing from square, flat- roofed dwelling; 49. Storm warnings. Rodiobeocon. 20530 y 5546 PORT ARROYO: — Point Fignras, E. side of port. U. 17 57 66 03 Fl.,—W.,R. period 15* fl. 3*, ec. 12* Cp. W. 400, R. 100 43 W.ll' R.7 White pyramidal skeleton tower on piles; 42. R.N. of 81°. 20550 — Port Arroyo Shoal Lighted Buoy No. 3. 17 57 66 04 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 110 13 8 Black buoy . 20560 y 5552 Jabos Harbor, Ratones Islands, E. point of E. island. (J. 17 56 66 17 FI.W . period 3* fl. 0.5*, ec. 2.5* Cp. 130 45 8 White rectangular pyramidal skeleton tower; upper part covered with slats. 20570 y 5556 — Entrance Lighted Buoy No. 2. N. of Morillo Island. Fl. R. period 4 * fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Cp. 30 11 6 Red buoy . 20580 Petrona AVIATION LIGHT . 17 57 Alt. Fl.,—W., G 66 23 period 10* Part IV 198 Pint Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility • No. Nome and location lot. long. 0 t and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols PUERTO RICO N. W. 20590 Muertos Island, on summit. . 17 54 FI.W . 297 24 Gray cylindrical tower; on ; 5SS6 U. 66 31 period 30® center of flat-roofed 11. 3®, ec. 27® Cp. 22,000 dwelling; 63. BAHIA DE PONCE: 20600 — Lighted Buoy I, west 17 56 FI. G . 12 5 Black buoy . side of channel en- 66 38 period 4® trance. 11. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 23 20610 — Lighted Buoy 2, east FI. R . 12 6 Red buoy . side of channel en- period 4® trance. 11. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 30 20620 — Cardona Island, W. side 17 58 FI. W . 46 11 White cylindrical tower J 5560 of entrance. U. 66 38 period 4® on center of front of fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® rectangular flat-roofed Cp. 350 building; 36. 20630 — Harbor range, 200 yards 17 59 Qk. FI. R . 27 White, square pyramidal J 5564 S. of Customs Landing, 66 37 60 11. per min. house on concrete pile Light intensified on axis. front. U. Cp. 900 structure, black diamond¬ shaped on face. Range lights. An Occ. R. light. period 1.5® is shown from 20630.1 -Rear, 235 yards 15° Occ. R . 47 White pyramidal skeleton radio tower NW. of town. / 5564.1 from front. U. period 6® tower, white slatted It. 3®, ec. 3® daymark with black bull’s- Visible 30° each side of axis. Cp. 1,000 eye. 20640 — Anchorage light, N. of F. , -G. , R . 30 white skeleton tower . R.65°—155°, G. elsewhere. J 5566 Penoncillo Point. U. Co. 120 20650 — Sewer extension, foot F. W . 12 White rectangular frame- Maintained locally. J 5568 of Colon St. U. Cp. 100 work on piles. 20660 Guayanilla Harbor Lighted 17 58 FI. W . 11 7 Red buoy . Buoy, No. 2, E. side of en- 66 46 period 4® trance. 11. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 110 20670 Guanica, on Point Meseta, 17 57 FI. W . 132 11 White skeleton tower; 40 . . Obscured by Point Brea W. of J 55 72 E. side entrance. U. 66 54 period 10® 11. 1®, ec. 9® 44°. 20680 — Range, at Playa de 2 F. R. (vert) . 25 White slatted daymark with J 5574 Guanica, front. U. Cp. 1,000, 130 27 black stripe on skeleton tower. Range lights. Lower lights 20680.1 -Rear, 575 yards 2 F. R. (vert) . 48 White sJnscriptos. 42 54 Gp. FI. W. (2). 312 18 Black quadrangular skele- Visible 129°-287°. C 1072 U. 64 42 period 22® fl. 1®, ec. 6® ton structure; 32. fl. 1®, ec. 14® 30170 — Golfo Nuevo, N. end of 42 44 Fl. W. 105 14 White pyramidal quad- C 1064 port. U. 65 02 period 5® rangular skeleton steel fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® tower, red band and red Cp. 800 lantern; 48. 30180 -Puerto Madryn head 42 46 Fl.,-R., W . 23 W. 10 Quadrangular iron frame- W. 180°-270°, R. elsewhere. G 1068 of railroad pier. U. 65 02 period 2.5® R. 9 work tower, red and white n.0.5®,ec.2® bands; 11. 30185 G 1066 — Madryn Range, front .... 42 48 65 01 Qk. Fl. W. 60 fl. per min. 7 Black tripod, 2 seaward sides slatted with black Cp. 20 and white bands; 16. Range lights. 30185.1 C 1066. 1 - Rear, about 800 yards 180° from front. Fl. R. 6 Black tripod, 2 seaward period 3® sides slatted with black fl.0.9®, ec.2.1® and white bands; 16. 30190 — Cerro Gorro Frigio. 42 35 nt PI w 7 Obscured 334° —355°. C 1062 64 18 60 fl. per. min. 30200 Puerto Piramide. 42 34 Fl. W . 279 7 White triangular concrete G 1060 U. 64 17 period 3® framework structure, red fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® bands. 30210 Chubut, Punta del Faro .... 43 22 Fl. W . 114 10 Square iron framework G 1078 U. 65 03 period 9® structure, black and 30215 — Muelle Rawson, N. bank 43 20 Fl.R . 12 4 White iron post red bands; 7 Visible 325*-345°. C 1077 of river. 65 04 period 2® fl. 0.7®, ec. 8.3® white bands; 37. 30220 Punta Lobos . 43 48 Gp.Fl.W.(2) . 468 21 Cylindrical concrete tower. G 1080 65 20 period 15® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® red and white bands; 35. fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® 30230 Cape Raso . 44 21 Gp. Fl. (3),—W., R. 171 W. 17 White, quadrangular iron W. 140°-290°, R.-310°, W.-20° G 1084 ' U. 65 14 period 40® R. 14 framework structure sur- fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® mounted by smaller sim- fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® ilar structure, inverted fl. 0.5®, ec. 24.5® cone topmark; 75. 30240 G 1082 44 20 Fl.R . 45 8 Pyramidal concrete struc- 65 15 period 3® ture, red and white bands; fl. 0.5®,ec.2.5® 23. Range lights. 30240.1 G 1082. 1 — Rear, 218° from front. U. 44 21 65 16 Fl.W . period 3.5® 93 9 White slatted skeleton structure, red band, ball fl. 0.5®, ec. 3® daymark; 26. 30250 San Jose, on San Jose Hill . 44 31 Gp. Fl. (2)—W., R. 296 W. 20 Black octagonal iron frame- R. 216°15'-241°15', W. G 1086 U. 65 18 period 20® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 14.5® R. 17 work tower; 55. elsewhere. Cp. W. 7,400 R. 3,000 W. 322°-297°, R. elsewhere. 30260 Santa Elena Beacon . 44 31 Fl.,-W., R . 60 W. 7 Black skeleton structure; G 1089 65 22 period 8® R. 5 upper part black and 1 fl. 2®, ec. 6® white slats. 1 Port VI 283 First Edition H.O. 30 Positio Heigh of 1 igh t t Visi* No. n Characteristic bi 1 it^ (nau¬ tical Name and location lot. lone O t • and power high water Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks. Fog signals (feet) miles ) ARGENTINA 3027( G lost S. W. Islas Blacas, summit of largest island. U. 44 46 65 39 FI.—W.,R.,G. period 6® 105 w. 7 R. 5 Black quadrangular iron framework tower, 20. R.7°-17°,W.-44°,G.-52° W.-7°. fl. U.b^, ec. 5.5^ G. 4 3028C Camarones, close westward 44 48 FI W p 62 W. 8 R. 6 Black skeleton structure; upper part black and C 1091 of Punta Albatross. 65 43 period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4^ R. 297°30'-314°30'; W. elsewhere. white horizontal slats. 30290 C 1090 Islas Leones . 45 03 65 37 Gp. FI. W. (3). fl. 1.5^ ec. 9^ 282 23 White tower on gray dwell- Signal station. ing; lantern, cupola, and Radiobeacon. n. 1.5^, ec. 9^ fl. 1.5S ec. 22 . 5 s railing black; 36. Cp. 17,500 30300 Isla Rasa. 45 06 65 24 FI. W period 5® 68 8 Black iron column, 20. G 1092 U. fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 100 30310 G 1094 Isla Tova, Golfo San Jorge.. U. 45 06 66 00 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 8* 163 13 Black slatted iron skeleton structure, lower half fl. 0.5*, ec. 2.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* white; 26. 30313 Bustamante Bay. . 45 08 Fl. W 327 Quadrangular iron frame¬ work tower, yellow and 66 32 period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* 7 black bands; 20. 30315 Isla Viana . 45 12 66 24 Gp. Fl. R. (2). period 10* fl. 0.5*, ec. 3* 132 8 Square pyramidal skeleton tower, black slotted upper half; 55. 30316 Punta Ulloa. 45 09 66 29 fl. 0.5*, ec. 6* Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 15* fl. 1*, ec. 4* 108 8 Quadrangular black iron framework tower; 23. fl. 1*, ec. 9* 30320 G 1096 Cabo Aristazabal . U. 45 13 66 32 Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 10* 140 16 Black quadrangular iron framework tower; 50. fl. 0.5*, ec. 2* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7* Cp. 2,200 30330 G 1112 Son Jorge . . U. 45 47 67 23 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 60* 247 21 White quadrangular masonry tower, black lantern; 89. fl. 1.5*, ec. 5* fl. 1.5*. ec. 5* fl. 1.5*, ec. 5* CALETA CORDOVA: fl. 1.5*, ec. 39* 30340 C 1100 — First Range, Astra, front. U. 45 45 67 23 Qk.FI.R. 60 fl. per. min. 122 5 Vhite iron framework structure; 36. Range lights. Visible over an 30340.1 Fl W 171 ^ed iron framework structure; 36. arc of 25°. G 1100.1 about 756 yards 268° from front. U. period 3* fl. 1*, ec. 2* 7 30350 G 1102 — Second Range, Cordova, front. U. 45 43 67 22 Qk. FI.W. 60 fl, per. min. 165 7 \ I'hite iron framework tower, red lantern; 36. 30350.1 C 1102.1 -Rear, Novales, about 284 yards 356° from front. U. Fl. G . period 3* fl. 1*, ec. 2* 250 4 Black iron framework tower, red lantern; .36. Range lights. Part VI 284 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Characteristic above biilty No. Name and location lot. long. ond power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) ARGENTINA s. w. CALETA OLIVARES: White beacon, diamond- 30370 — First Range 1, front .... 45 46 FI. W. 57 8 Visible over an arc of 20°. G 1106 U 67 22 period 1.5^ fl. 0.S^ec. P shaped; 18. Range lights. 30370.1 -Rear, 268 yards Occ.W. 103 16 White beacon, diamond- Visible over an arc of 6°. C 1106.1 290° from front. U. period 6® It. 3^ ec. 3" shaped; 18. 30380 — Second Range 3, front . .. 45 47 Qk.Fl.W. 63 8 White beacon, diamond- Visible over an arc of 10°. C 1110 U. 67 22 60 fl. per. min. shaped; 18. Range lights. 30380.1 -Rear 4,559 yards Occ. W. 97 15 White beacon, diamond- Visible over an arc of 6°. G 1110.1 200 ° from front. U. period 4® It. 2®, ec. 2® shaped; 18. 30390 — Third Range 5, front .... 45 46 F. R. 24 3 Red iron post; 31. 30390.1 U. -Rear, 6 yards 267° 67 22 F. R . 28 3 Red iron post; 27. Range lights. from front. U. 3M00 — Fourth Range 7, front . . . 45 46 F. R . 25 3 Red iron post; 29. F. R . 3 Range lights. 30400.1 U. -Rear, 8, 55 yards 67 22 31 Red iron post; 29. 195° from front. U. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: Maroon quadrangular iron 30410 — Head of Petroleum Pier 45 51 Fl . R . 42 5 framework structure; 36. G Ills front. U. 67 27 period 2^ fl. 0.2S ec. 1.8® Range lights. Shoun only when F. R . 38 8 Same tower. vessels are expected. 30410.1 — Rear, Punta Alta about F R 56 10 1,015 yards 301° from front light. 30420 G 1116 45 52 FI.W. 43 9 Brown iron column, white U. 67 28 period 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® bands; 36. 30422 — Beacon No. 571 . 45 53 F.W.,F.R.(vert.).. W. 97 W. 16 Iron skeleton tower sur- Visible 175*-289°. G 1122 67 30 R. 88 R. 10 mounted by st aff, 3 white bands of horizontal slats; Privately maintained. 72. 30424 — Beacon No. 99. F. W., F. G. (vert.).. W. 103 W. 17 Iron skeleton tower sur- Visible 173*-287°. G 1124 G. 94 G. 8 mounted by staff, 3 red bands of horizontal slats; Privately maintained. 77. 30430 G 1128 46 26 Fl. W. 83 12 Concrete skeleton tower. 67 31 period 5® red lantern; seaward face fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® slatted red and white; 22. 30440 — First Range, Beacon 46 26 Qk. Fl. R . 73 6 Concrete house, upper half G IJ28.5 No. 1, front. U. 67 31 60 fl. per min. Cp. under 100 white, lower half black, number 1 on side; 8. Range lights. 30440.1 C 2228.6 -Rear, Beacon No. 2, 1,210 yards 73° Fl. W . 198 6 Concrete house, upper half period 3® white, lower half black, from front. U. n.0.9®, ec.2.1® Cp. under 100 number 2 on side; 8. Part VI 285 First Edition H.O. 30 Name and location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals ARGENTINA 30450 C 1129 CALETA OLIVIA: — Second Range, Beacon No. 3, front. U. s. w. FI. R. period 1.6* fl. 0.4®, ec. 1.2® Cp. under 100 42 6 Concrete house, upper part white, lower part black, number 3 on side; 8. 30450.1 C 1129. J -Rear, Beacon No. 4, 590 yards 217° from front. U. FI. V/.. period 1.5® Cp. under 100 83 8 Concrete house, upper part white, lower part black, number 4 on side; 8. Range lights. 30460 G 1130 Fondeadero Mazarredo, Golfo San Jorge. U. 47 02 66 44 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 6.5® 176 13 Concrete skeleton tower, black band; 22. 30470 Monte Loayza, S. shore of 47 05 Fl. W . . 500 21 Quadrangular masonry tower; 41. C 1132 Golfo San Jorge. U. 66 22 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 30480 C 1134 Cabo Blanco. 47 12 65 45 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 45® fl.l.5®,ec. 5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 30.5® 213 21 Circular brick tower with black lantern, white dwelling; 79. Signal and telegraph station Radiobeacon. 30490 C 1136 Punta Guzman . U. 47 21 65 44 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9® Cp. 2,000 100 16 Black quadrangular iron structure with platform and balustrade, two sections of sides facing sea covered with hori¬ zontal slats; 56. 30500 C 1140 PUERTO DESEADO: — Outer Range, Estacion, NE. of Punto Cassajo, front. U. 47 45 65 54 Qk. Fl. W 60 fl. per min. Cp. 200 60 9 Iron framework tower upper part black, lower part white; 41. Visible 254°-74°. Intensified 254°-344°. 30500.1 C 1142 -Rear, Alonzo, about 932 yards 284° from front. U. Occ. R . period 2® It. 1®, ec. 1® 104 5 White iron framework tower, red band; 56. Range lights. Visible 222°-042°. 30510 G 1146 30510.1 — Inner Range, Roca Magallanes, front. U. -Rear, De las Bar- 47 46 65 56 Fl. W period 1.2® fl. 0.4®, ec. 0.8® Fl. R. 20 46 7 c Two black rectangular day- marks on black iron frame¬ work structure; 40. Pyramidal iron framework structure, upper part red, lower part white, on black framework platform; 30. Visible 184°—4°. Range lights. Visible 269°-279°. G 1148 rancas, 1,343 yards 274° from front. U. period 3.5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 2® 30520 C iJS2 Isla Penguino, summit . U. 47 55 65 43 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 60® It. 1.5®, ec. 9® It. 1.5®, ec. 9® It. 1.5®, ec. 9® It. 1.5®, ec. 27® Cp. 7,500 187 20 Iron tower, red and white bands, on white stone tower; 72. 30530 C 1154 Punta Medanosa. U. 48 06 65 55 Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 11® fl. 1®, ec. 3® fl. 1®, ec. 6® 89 15 Quadrangular concrete framework tower; black and white bands; gallery and lantern; 39. Part VI 286 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals ARGENTINA 30540 G 1156 Cabo Guardian . U. S. W. 48 21 66 21 FI.,—W., R. period 7.5^ fl. 0.5S ec. V Cp. W. 7,500 R. 3,000 30550 C 1158 Campana, on Punta Mercedes. U. 48 24 66 28 Gp. FI. (2),—W., R. period 16^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 3.55 fl. 0.5^ ec. 11.5® 30560 G 1160 Cabo Danoso. 48 50 67 14 Gp. Fl. W. (4). period 45® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 26® 30570 C 1162 PUERTO SAN JULIAN; — Cabo Curioso, N. side of entrance to port. U. 49 11 67 37 Gp. Fl. W. (3) . period 45® fl. 1.5®, ec. 9® fl.1.5®, ec. 9® fl. 1.5®, ec. 22.5® Cp. 7,500 30580 C 1164 — Outer Range, Asconape, front. U. 49 15 67 39 Qk.FI.R. 60 fl. per. min. 30580.1 G 1166 -Rear, Guijarro, 980 yards 240° from front. U. FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 30590 C 1168 — Second Range, Pena front. U. 49 15 67 40 Qk. Fl.R. 60 n. per. min. 30590.1 C 1170 -Rear, Frigorifico, 980 yards 263°30' from front. U. FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 30600 C 1174 — Third Range, Norte, front. U. 49 15 67 41 Qk. FI.W. 60 fl. per. min. 30600.1 G 1176 -Rear, Auxiliar, 375 yards 232° from front. U. Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 30610 G 1178 — Fourth Range, Justicia, front. U. Qk.FI.R. 60 fl. per. min. 30610.1 C 1180 -Rear, Pueblo, 3, 410 yards 202° from front. U. Fl.—W.R . period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 30620 G 1184 — Fifth Range, Caldera Baja, front. U. 49 18 67 43 Qk. FI.W. 60 fl. per. min. 30620.1 G 1186 -Rear, Caldera Alta, 385 yards 233° from front. U. Fl. R . period 3® 1 fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 147 W. 18 Black quadrangular iron R. 320°-324°, W. elsewhere. R. 17 framework structure, white band, upper part slatted; 116. 152 W. 18 Black quadrangular iron R. 291°30'-300°30' over Roca R. 15 structure, white band; 85. Bellaco. 135 16 Cylindrical tower, red and white bands; 37. 289 21 White quadrangular frame- work tower, black band in center; 76. 26 5 Black iron standard, quad- Visible 235" —245°. rangular black and white slatted topmark, black hut; 20. Range lights. 57 7 White pyramidal iron frame- Visible 208°—245°. work, upper sections covered with horizontal slats; 52. 46 6 Iron standard, lower part Visible 259°-269° and 16*30'- red, upper white, red hut; 26°-30'. Range lights. 167 8 Iron standard, diamond Visible 258" 30' -280°30'. slatted daym.ark, hut, red and white bands; 20. 114 8 White pyramidal slatted Visible 227° 30' -237° 30' . iron framework structure; 30. Range lights. 148 6 White iron standard with Visible 227°30'-237°30'. platform; 41. 28 6 Red quadrangular iron Visible 196° 30'-260° 30' . framev/ork, upper part covered by horizontal slats, white stripes; 34. Range lights. 95 W 8 Quadrangular iron frame- W. 196° 20' -20°30',R. 165° 30'- R 6 work, black and white bands; 69. 175°30'. 59 9 Quadrangular iron frame- Visible 230°—238". work, red and white bands; 20. Range lights. 86 6 Pyramidal iron framework. Visible 228°-258°. enclosed upper section, red and white bands; 23. Part VI 287 First Edition H O. 30 Height of tight Visi- Position Characteristics above bi lity No. Name ond location lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks, Fog signols wotcr ticol (feet) miles) ARGENTINA 30630 C 1190 PUERTO SAN JULIAN: — Sixth Range, Canalize, front. U. S. W. 49 16 67 44 Qk. FI.R. 60 fl. per. min. 57 6 White iron standard; 20 . . . Visible 331°30' -351°30'. 30630.1 C 1192 -Rear, Wood, 1,400 yards 34r30' from front. U. FI. W. period 3® n. 0 . 9 s, ec. 2.P 106 8 White iron standard, red band, circular iron day- mark; hut; 20. Range lights. Visible 331 °30'-35r .30'. 30640 C 1196 Cape San Francisco de Poula. U. 49 44 67 43 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15® fi. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 8.5® 272 21 Black octagonal iron frame¬ work tower, circular plat¬ form; 28. 30650 G 1200 PUERTO SANTA CRUZ: — Santa Cruz, S. side of entrance, 1 mile S. of Entrada Point, rear. U. 50 09 68 21 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 60® fl. 1.5®, ec. 5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 5® fl.l.S®, ec. 5® fl. 1.5®, ec. 39® Cp. 7,500 499 21 Cylindrical iron tower, black and white horizon¬ tal bands; 39. Obscured westward from 18° to the shore. An occasional F. R. light is shown from signal mast. 30660 C 1202 30660.1 C 1204 — Entrada, front. U. — Rear, Quilla, about 2,000 yards 282° from front. U. 50 08 68 23 Qk. FI.W. 60 fl. per. min. Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 108 402 9 8 Red iron framework slatted tower, white band; 84. Black truncated quad¬ rangular iron framework structure; 38. Visible 277°-287°. Range lights. Visible 277°-287°. 30670 C 1208 — Baja, near Punta Cascajo, N. side of entrance, front. U. 50 07 68 18 Qk. Fl. W. 60 fl. per. min. 53 7 Pyramidal quadrangular iron framework, black and white bands; 26. Visible .357°-17'. Range lights. 30670.1 C 1210 — Rear, Alta, 2, 160 yards 12°34' from front. U. FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.9®. ec. 2.1® 107 7 Black pyramidal quad¬ rangular iron framework structure; 100. Visible 318°-88°. 30680 C 1212 — Iribas Range, front . 50 04 68 30 FI.W. period 2® fl. 0.6®, ec. 1.4® 37 9 White column, white slatted daymark; 18. 30680.1 c 1214 -Rear, Canadon, about 2,080 yards 302°45' from front. FI.W. period 6® 11. 1.8®, ec. 4.2® 351 9 White column, black slatted daymark; 18. Range lights. 30685 C 1221 — Morro Quemade. 50 01 68 33 FI.W period 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® 365 7 Iron tripod and platform; 18. 30700 C 1218 — Ojos, front. U. 50 04 68 24 Qk.FI.R. 60 fl. per. min. 28 7 Quadrangular framework daymark on tubular iron column; upper part red. lower part white; 18. Visible 122°-132° and 313°- .343°. Range lights. 30700.1 C 1220 -Rear, 1,420 yards 127° 30' from front. LI. FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® 71 7 Red quadrangular iron framework beacon; 61. Visible 122°-132°. 30710 C 1222 Ria Coig. U. 50 54 69 08 Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 25® fl. 1®, ec. 3® fl. 1®, ec. 20® 246 20 Cylindrical concrete tower; 37. p«ii vt*r 288 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteristics Height of 1 ight above Visi- bi 1 ity No. Name and location lot. long. © / and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals ARGENTINA S. W. 30720 Buen Tiempo. 51 33 Gp. FI.W.(3). 361 21 Black octagonal iron frame- Visible 165’-51°. C 1226 U. 68 57 period 45* fl.l.5*,ec. 5* fl.1.5*, ec. 5* fl. 1.5*, ec. 30.5* work tower; 30. Cp. 7,500 PUERTO GALLEGOS; 30730 — Banco, 3 miles SE. of 51 39 FI. R . 33 11 Red pyramidal slatted iron Visible 221°-231°. G 1230 Punta Loyola, N. 68 57 period 2* framework beacon, white entrance front. U. fl. 0.6*, ec. 1.4* bands; 39. Range lights. 30730.1 -Rear, Pozos, about FI. W. 66 10 Black pyramidal iron frame- Visible 179°-285°. C 1232 2,500 yards 226° period 3* v/ork beacon, upper part from front. U. fl. 1*, ec. 2* slatted; 66. 30740 — Deseada, N. entrance to 51 35 Fl. W. 49 10 White pyramidal iron frame- Visible 272°-92°. C 1236 port, front. U. 69 02 period 1.2* work structure, cylin- ' fl. 0.4*, ec. 0.8* drical top mark; 75. Range lights. 30740.1 -Rear, Rivera, 3,854 51 34 Fl. R. 98 14 Black pyramidal iron Visible 281°-289° and 332°- C 1234 yards 286° from 69 05 period 4* framework tower; 49. 337°. front. U. fl. 1*. ec. 3* 307402 -Rear, Fronton, about 51 34 Occ. W. 204 20 White quadrangular iron Visible 308°—318°, in range C 1238 I'/r miles 313° 30' 69 03 period 4* framework beacon, upper with Deseada Light bearing from Deseada Light. It. 2*, ec. 2* part slatted, lantern and tanks black; 26. 313°30'. 30750 — Loyola. 51 36 FL— R., W. 35 W. 9 Black square iron frame- W. 64°-219°, R. 244°-264°. C 1242 U. 69 01 period 2* fl. 0.4*, ec. 1.6* R. 7 work tower; 24. 30760 — Poblacion. 51 .37 Fl. R . 25 4 Black pyramidal iron C 1244 U. 69 12 period 7.3* framework beacon, upper fl. 0.7*, ec. 6.6* part slatted; 13. 30770 — Prefectura, NE. of town . 51 37 F. R . 56 7 Mast on hotel; 34. Occasional. G 1246 69 13 30780 — Reduccion, W. of town, 51 37 Qk.FI.W . 54 10 Black pyramidal iron frame- Visible 253°-285*. G 1248 front. U. 69 13 60 fl. per. min. work beacon; 44. Range lights. 30780.1 -Rear, Guer Aike, Occ. W . 145 10 Black pyramidal iron frame- Visible 264°-274°. G 1250 3,096 yards 270° period 2* work beacon, upper part from front. U. it. 1®, ec. 1* slatted; 98. 30790 — Anchorage Range, front. . 51 36 Qk.FI.G . 12 4 Black iron skeleton struc- G 1252 U. 69 15 60 fl. per. min. ture; 20. Anchorage range lights. 30790.1 -Rear, U. b mile 288' Fl. R . 15 5 Black iron skeleton struc- G J252 from front. U. period 3* fl. 1*. ec. 2* ture; 26. 30800 — Convento. 51 45 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . 95 9 Black quadrangular iron G J258 U. 68 52 period 11® fl. 0.5*, ec. 3* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7* framework beacon; 82. 30810 Cabo Virgenes. .58 20 Gp. FI.W. (4) . 217 21 Gray steel framework Signal station. G 1260 68 21 period 60* tower, black and white fl.l.5*,ec. 9* bands, red brick dwelling; fl.l.5*,ec. 9* fl.1.5*, ec. 9* fl. 1.5*, ec. 27* 82. Cp. 17,500 Part VI 289 First Edition H.O. 30 1 j Height 1 of light i 1 Visi- Position Choracteristic above ' bility No. Name and location . lot. long. and power 1 high (nao- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals ' ‘ woter ticol \ (feet) miles) ARGENTINA 1 s. w. 30820 Punto Arenas, Paramo, near 53 09 FI.W. 65 14 Black pyramided quad- C 1262 extremity of point. U. 68 13 period 7.5® rangular iron framework fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® Cp. 1,350 structure; 57. 30830 San Sebastian. 53 20 Gp. FI. W. (3) 187 20 Cylindrical concrete tower; C 1264 68 09 period 40® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®. ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 27® 37. 30840 Cabo Domingo . 53 40 FI.W .. 285 11 Iron skeleton structure, two seaward sides hori- G 1266 U. 67 58 period 2.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® zontal slats, white and black bands; 20. 30850 La Mision Bay: Anchorage 53 42 QIc.FI.R. 24 6 Red lantern on black quad- C 1266.2 Entrance Range, front. 67 50 60 fl. per. min. rangular iron skeleton tower, house painted in black and white stripes; 11. 30850.1 -Rear, 672 yards 210° FI.W. 42 8 Red lantern on black quad- G 1266.4 44' from front. period 3® fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® rangular tower, house; upper part of tower white horizontal slats; 25. RIO GRANDE: 30860 — First Range, front. 53 46 Qk.FI.W. 50 7 Black quadrangular iron G 1268 30860.1 u. 67 43 60 n. per. min. framework structure, upper part white; 20. Range lights. - Rear, 1, 040 yards Occ.W . 68 8 Black and white quad- G 1270 281° from front. U. period 4® rangular iron framework It. 2®,ec.2® structure. 30870 — Second Range, front .... 53 47 Fl. R . 50 5 Black and orange quad- . U. 67 42 period 2® rangular iron framework 30870.1 - Rear, 440 yards 245° fl. 0.7®, ec. 1.3® structure with platform; 18. Range lights. FI.W . 63 5 Black and orange quad- from front. U. period 6® rangular iron framework 1 fl.0.6®,ec. 5.4® structure with platform; 43. 30880 — Third Range, front . j 53 47 Qk.FI.G . 33 5 Black quadrangular iron 30880.1 u. 1 67 42 60 fl. per. min. framework structure with platform; 31. Range lights. - Rear, 180 yards 212’ Occ. W. 40 7 Black quadrangular iron from front. U. i period 3® framework structure with It. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® platform; 33. 30890 — Fourth Range, front . 53 48 Qk. FI R . 20 5 H’ooden'hut, upper part 30890.1 67 41 1 . 1 60 fl. per. min. black, lower part white; 8. Range lights. - Rear, 163’ from front. Occ. W . 40 7 White square skeleton period 3® It. 1.5®, ec. 1.5® tower, ball top mark; 26. 30900 — Fifth Range, front. i 53 48 Qk. FI.W. 24 7 Concrete column, red ball Visible 5° each side of axis. U. ' 67 41 60 fl. per min. daymark; 19. 30900.1 -Rear, 90 yards 129° Fl. W. 30 7 Black tubular iron column, Range lights. Occasional. 45' from front. U. period 3® platform and white trian- fl. 0.9®, ec. 2.1® gular topmark; 16- Part VI 290 First Edition H.O. 30 --- No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) 1 1 1 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals ARGENTINA s. w. 30910 30910.1 RIO GRANDE: — Sixth Range, front. U. -Rear, 135 yards 174° from front. U. 53 48 67 41 Qk. FI.R. 60 fl. per min. FI.W. period 2® fl. 0.6*, ec. 1.4* 39 48 5 7 UTiite iron skeleton struc¬ ture; black band; 25. Red iron skeleton structure, white band; 33. Range lights. Occasional. 30920 C 1274 Cabo Penas . U. 53 51 67 35 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20* fl.0.5*, ec. 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 14* 144 17 Black quadrangular iron framework tower; 43- 30930 G 1284 Cabo San Diego. U. 54 40 65 07 Fl. W. period 15* fl. IS, ec. 14* 129 17 White square skeleton concrete tower; 44. Visible 143°-55°. 30940 G 1278 Ano Nuevo . U. 54 39 64 08 Gp.FI.W.(3) . period 40* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 23.5* Cp. 7,500 214 20 Circular iron tower, white and black bands, white concrete base; brick dwelling; 77. 30950 G 1280 Le Maire, Isla de los Estados, on small islet W. side of Bahia Crossley. U. 54 47 64 44 Gp. F1.W.(4) . period 40* fl.0.5*,ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 45* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 24.5* Cp. 2,700 169 18 Red circular hut on piles; 11. Visille 44°-228°. 30960 G 1286 54 49 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 183 19 White iron column, square U. 65 13 period 20* fl. 0.5*, ec. 2.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 16.5* Cp. 4,000 slatted daymark; 18. 54 54 Fl. W. 252 5 Quadrangular iron frame¬ work tower, red and white bands; 10. G 1287 65 55 period 3* fl. 0.5*, ec. 2.5* Cp. 25 30980 G 1287.5 54 56 Fl. W . 29 5 Quadrangular iron fram.e- work tower, red and white bands. 65 58 period 6* fl. 1*, ec. 5* 1 30990 G 1288 San Gonialo, on Punta Kinnaird. U. 54 58 65 58 Fl W . 121 12 Quadrangular iron frame- period 10* fl. 0.5*, ec. 95* Cp. 500 work structure, white and black bands; 22. ARGENTINA AND CHILE 31000 G 1292 BEAGLE CHANNEL; 55 04 Gp. Fl. W. (3). 178 15 White conical stone bea'on. Visible 265°-109°. U. 66 32 period 45* fl. 0.5*,ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 34.5* Cp. 1,300 red bands; 26. Part VI 291 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long, o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE S. W. BEAGLE CHANNEL; 3101C — Punta Wallet (C), Isla 55 11 C 1294 Nueva. II. 66 34 3102C — Gardiner (Jtrdin) Island 55 01 G 1298 (C). u. 66 56 31030 — Davison. 54 57 G 1300 U. 66 55 31(M0 — Becasses IsLnd .. 54 58 C 1302 67 03 31045 — Isla Snipe . 54 58 c 1303 67 10 31050 — Pampa De Lcs Indies .. 54 55 G 1304 67 07 31060 — Ponsati.. 54 54 G 1306 67 19 31070 — Martillo Island . 54 55 G 1308 67 24 31080 — Punta MacKinlat on 54 55 G 1310 Isla Gable. 67 26 31090 — Gable Island, on Espora 54 56 G 1312 Point. 67 30 31100 -West end of islaid 54 54 C 1314 front. 67 33 31100.1 -Rear, 300 yarcB C 1314.1 90° from fron. 31110 — Direccion Beacon .... 54 53 G 1316 67 37 31112 — Punta Gusano, end of 54 56 G 1317 peninsula. (C.). 67 37 31115 — Puerto Williams, head of 54 56 mole. 67 37 FI. W. period 30* fl. 1.5*, ec. 28.5* FI.W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 16* fl. 1*, ec. 4* fl. 1*, ec. 10* Fl. W. period 3* fl. 0.6*, ec. 2.4* Fl. W. period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11^ FI.W. period 5* fl. 0. 5*, ec. 4.5* Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 14* fi. 1*, ec. 4* fl. 1*, ec. 8* FI.W. period 4.5* n. 0.7*,ec. 3.8* Fl. R. period 4 ^ fl. 0.5*, ec. 3.5* Fl. W. period 4* fl. 0.5*, ec. 3.5* Fl. W. period 2. 5* fl. 0.4*, ec. 2.1* FI.W. period 4* fl. 0.8*, ec. 3.2* Gp. FI .W.(2) . period 16* fl. 1*, ec. 3* fl. 1*, ec. 11® FI.W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* F. R., F. Amber 39 i; Iron skeleton tower; black and white bands; 23. Visible 60°-262°. 56 If Iron skeleton tower; black and white bands. Visible 116°-290°. 25 10 Concrete skeleton struc¬ ture with platform, red and white bands; 27. Obscured 93° to coast W. of light. 9 Cylindrical concrete tower with platform, red and white bands; 15. 157 14 Pyramidal beacon, red and white bands; 16. 10 White cylindrical concrete tower; 12. 33 10 Concrete skeleton struc¬ ture with platform, black and white bands; 27. 8 Concrete skeleton struc¬ ture with platform on hut, red and white bands; 25. 23 7 Red and white checked cylindrical concrete structure; 12. 8 Slatted skeleton structure, red and white bands; 20. 157 10 Slatted skeleton structure, lower part black. Visible 360°-250°. 233 10 Slatted skeleton structure, lower part red. Visible 360°-250°. 72 8 Cylindrical iron frame¬ work slatted tower with platform, upper part yellow, lower part red; 20. 15 9 ron tower; 13 . A. F. R. and 2 F. W'. lights exist close WSW. Part VI 292 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- Characteristic above bility Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau- Structure, height (feet) o / water tical (feet) miles) ARGENTINA AND CHILE 31120 C 1320 BEAGLE CHANNEL: Les Eclaireurs. U. s. w. 54 53 68 06 FI.,—W., R . period 5^ fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 4.55 Cp. 700 70 W. 13 R. 10 Red circular stone tower, white bands; 36. R. 81''-115° covering the dangers between Eclaireurs Is. and Ushuaia Peninsula. 31125 C 1322 — Islote Bartlett . u. 54 54 68 15 FI.W. period 15^ fl. 1®, ec. 14^ 46 5 Red iron tripod; 12. 31130 C 1318 — Arrecife Lawrence... u. 54 53 67 53 FI.W. period 3^ fl. 0.3^ ec. 2.7= Cp. 100 27 8 Concrete obelisk . 31135 — Casco Isla. 54 51 68 16 FI.R. period 3= fl.0.5=,ec.2.5= 85 6 Beacon . 31136 31140 G 1324 PI w 55 7 In range 19°4r with Cosco Isla — ues i-omas isia. — Ushuaia, head of Ushuaia Bay. U. 54 4 9 68 19 period 6= fl. 1=, ec. 5= Fl. W. period 2 = fl. 0.2 = , ec. 1.8= 158 8 Radio mast; 65. 31135. 31150 — Muelle Gobernacion, head of extension. 54 49 68 19 Fl. R. period 3 = fl. 0.5=, ec. 2.5= 16 4 Platform on hexagonal skeleton tower, black and yellow bands; 14. 31170 C 1332 — Punta Yama. 54 58 69 01 FI.W. period 15= fl. 0.5=, ec. 14.5= 40 10 Tower, 15. Visible 265°-95°. FALKLAND ISLANDS (B) 31180 G 1352 Cape Pembroke, S. side of entrance to Port William. 51 41 57 42 FI.W . period 10= fl. 1 = , ec. 9= Cp. 105,000 99 15 Black circular iron tower, white band; 70. Visible inshore in Berkley Sound and in Port William and Harriet as far as the land permits. This light is under the control of British Board of Trade. Signal station. Telephone to Stanley. 31190 C 1342 Mengeary (William) Point, N. side of entrance to Port William. U. 51 39 57 42 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 7= fl. 0.5=, ec. 1= fl. 0.5=, ec. 5= 96 10 Black framework structure; white lantern; 50 31200 G 1344 Blanco Bay, W. side of Bay. U. 51 40 57 51 Fl. W . period 2 = fl. 0.5=, ec. 1.5 = 32 7 White iron column; 9. 31210 G 1346 Navy Point, W. entrance to Port Stanley. U. 51 41 57 49 Qk.FI.R . 60 n. per. min. 21 3 White iron column; 9. Visible 175° through S. to shore. 31220 G 1348 Engineer Point, E. entrance to Port Stanley. U. 51 41 57 49 FI.W . period 5 = fl. 2 = , ec. 3 = 24 7 Wfliite steel column, black lantern; 9. 31225 — E. arm Government Jetty. 51 42 57 51 F.W . 14 Iron column. Occasional. Part VI 293 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and locotion Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power --- Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols FALKLAND ISLANDS (B) ---- 31230 0 13S4 Porpoise Point, near S. extremity. U. S. W. 52 20 59 18 FI. W . period 10^ fl. 1®, ec. 9® 30 5 White steel hut, red lantern; 11. SOUTH GEORGIA (R) — 31250 C 1364 Cape Saunders, N. side of entrance to Stromness Bay. U. Stromness Harbor, on coal 54 07 36 38 FI. W period 5^ 60 13 White steel hut: 11 Unreliable. 31259 54 09 F. R., F. G. 36 43 31263 Bar Rocks, Husvik Harbor .. 54 10 F. R . Iron structure Occasional. 31265 — RanRe, front. 0 0 54 10 36 43 F. W. 31265.1 -Rear, about 190 yards 246° from front. CUMBERLAND BAY: F. W . . .. Range lights. 31270 G 1370 54 10 36 30 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 9^ 60 13 Iron hut; 11... . Vmeliahle. Radiobeacon. — Jason Islet, N. of Larsen Point. U. 31280 — KinR Edward Point 54 16 F. R. 12 Black iron structure; 11 . . . G 1372 U. 36 30 5 Unreliable. An occasional F. W 31290 light is shown from a wooden -Cove, on S. shore. F. W. Wooden post ... pier. G 1374 front. U. D 31290.1 -Rear, 70 yards 272° F. W , Wooden post Range lights. G 1374.1 from front. U. 5 31300 Right Whale Rock, W. rock 54 13 FI. W .. 90 White iron hut... G 1376 . U. 36 24 period 10® i.t> Shown from Oct. 1 to Apr. 15. SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS (B) 31307 C 1387 Nelson Island, on Harmony Point. u. 62 19 59 14 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 40® n. 0.5®,ec. 5® fl. 0. 5®, ec. 34® Cp. 500 202 12 Black square iron frame¬ work tower, upper part orange with black dia¬ mond; 21. 31310 C 1386 Roberts Island, on Edwards Point. 62 28 59 30 FI.W. period 10® 82 12 Metal tower: 23 .. Visible 256°-118°. 31320 r. 1 — Cape Morris. U. 62 22 59 48 fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® FI.R. 30 6 period 2® 31330 G 1380 Port Foster, Collins Point, S. point of entrance. U. 63 00 60 33 Fl.—W. R , period 6® 30 10 Red iron hut; 11 R. over Raven Rock. 31333 C 1382 31335 C 1383 — Pendulum Cove (Punta Andresen). U. Half Moon Island, SE. ex¬ tremity. U. 62 56 60 36 62 37 59 56 Cp. 400 FI.W. period 7® fl. 0. 5®, ec. 6. 5® FI.W. period 8® fl. 0. 5®, ec. 7. 5® Cp. 100 1 60 7 7 Red iron tower, white bands; 16. Black tripodal iron beacon, yellow bands; 19. Visible 8°-256°. Part VI 294 First Edition H.O. 30 Position Characteristic Height of 1 ight above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location lot. long. o f and power high water (feet) (nau* ticat miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals PALMER ARCHIPELAGO (B) 31350 C 1389 PALMER PENINSULA: Louis Phillippe (Trinity) Peninsula, S. side Hope Bay. S. W. 63 25 56 57 FI.W. period 4.2® fl. 0.2®,ec.4® 66 7 Black and orange checker¬ ed quadrangular iron tower; 28. 31355 C 1387.5 — Isla Despedida (Fare¬ well) on islet west of Isla Despedida. 63 49 60 58 FI. W. period 13® fl. 0.5®, ec. 12.5® 100 8 Iron tripod, black and yellow slatted daymark. 31357 — Leucoton, extremity of Isolate Guesolaga. 64 14 61 50 FI. W. period 8® fl. 1®, ec. 7® 188 6 Red and white banded wooden tower. Visible 130°-40°. 31360 C 1398 — Cape Anna on W. side of Wilhelmina Bay. U. 64 3 5 62 26 Fl. W. period 16® fl. 0.3®, ec. 15.7® 75 12 Red post; white topmark, diamond-shaped; 12. 31362 C 1391 Yacare, Useful Island. 64 42 62 51 FI.W. period 9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 8.7® Cp. 110 240 8 Iron tripod, upper part of 2 sides enclosed with black and yellow slats; 18. 31365 C 1400 Condell, N. extremity of Isla Lautaro. U. 64 48 62 57 FI.W. period 5® n.0.5®,ec.4.5® 59 10 Truncated conical tower, quadrangular base; 15. Visible 47°-327°. 31370 C 1392 The Waifs Islands, South¬ west Island. U. 64 34 62 44 Fl. W. period 2.4® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.2® 26 7 Red framework beacon, blue hut; 26. 31380 G 1394 31390 C 1396 Lambda Island. U. Melchior Harbor, on North Pabellon Island. U. 64 18 62 55 64 19 62 57 Fl. W. period 8® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® FI.W. period 3.6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 3.3® 87 14 7 Red iron tripod, yellow hut; 36. Red square beacon. and black bands; 26. Visible from northward 145° — 250°, from inside the port 145°—26°, and from southward 354°-7°. 31410 G 1390 Doumer Island. 11. 64 53 63 37 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 0.5®, ec. 14.5® 232 7 Iron triangular skeleton structure red and yellow bands. Unreliable. CHILE 31420 C 1402 MAGELLAN STRAIT: — Punta Dungenes, N. side of entrance to strait. 52 24 68 26 FI.W. period 60® fl. 8®, ec. 52® 93 16 Cylindrical skeleton iron tower, red and white bands; 82. Telephone. Visible 223°-144°. G 1404 31430 G 1408 F. W. 82 8 Same tower. Visible 245°-265°. — Cape Possession, SW of Summit 52 18 68 57 Fl. W. period 20® fl. 2®, ec. 18® 283 15 White quadrangular tower; 68. Visible 295°-104° and 115°- 134°. Telegraph to Magallanes. 31450 — Narrow Bank Lighted Buoy. 52 20 69 19 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 1.5®, ec. 13.5® 11 6 Red buoy. The position of the lights on the Palmer Archipelago are approximate. Part VI 295 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name ond location Position lot. long 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nau* tical miles Structure^ height (feet) ) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 31460 c 1412 MAGELLAN STRAIT: — Cerro Direccion. U. s. w. 52 22 69 30 FI.W. period 5® fi. 1^, ec. 4® 220 14 Circular iron tower, red and white bands; 7. Visible 193°-13°. 31465 Cabo Orange. U. 52 29 69 23 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10^ fl. 0.5®, ec. 1* fl. 0.5®, ec. 8® 208 20 White iron beacon topmark; 66. Visible 77°-328°. 31470 C 1414 — Delgada Point, N. side of E. entrance to First Narrows. 52 28 69 33 fi.,-w.,r. period 10® fl. 2®, ec. 8® 65 12 White cylindrical tower, dwelling; 38. R. 203° -229°, W. -39°, R. -45°. Signal and telegraph station. 31475 31475.1 — Anchorage Approach Range, front, about 957 yards from Punta Delgada. -Rear, about 273 yards 288° from front. F. R. F.G. 10 10 2 2 Skeleton tower, black and white spherical topmark. Skeleton tower, black and white diamond-shaped topmark. Range lights. Occasional. 31480 G 1416 — Mendez Point. U. 52 32 69 35 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® 102 14 Cylindrical tower, red and white bands; 7. Visible 40°-226°. 31490 G 1418 — Satelite Point. U. 52 33 69 40 FI.W. period 15® fl.1.5®, ec. 13.5® 50 10 Red pyramidal tower; 19.. . Visible 223°-78°. 31495 G 1420 Punta Baxa. U. 52 35 69 36 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 79 12 Cylindrical iron tower; 10. Visible 15°-168* and 178°-192°. 31500 — Triton Bank Lighted Buoy. 52 38 69 55 Fl. W ... period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 11 6 Red buoy surmounted by staff. 31510 C 1422 — Port Sara, head of mole . 52 38 70 11 F. R. 36 3 Post. Privately maintained. Occasional. 31520 C 1425 — Segunda Angostura. U. 52 45 70 11 FI.W. period 10® fl. 1.4®, ec. 8.6® 56 8 Wooden tripod; 8. Visible 86°-278°. 31530 c 1424 — Cone Hill. U. 52 40 70 23 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 153 14 Cylindrical iron tower, square wooden fence, red and white bands; 9. Visible 262°-64°. 31540 1425. 5 — Cabo San Vincente. 52 47 70 26 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 204 10 White square concrete tower; 15. Visible 302°-23r. 31560 — Banco Nuevo Lighted Buoy. 52 51 70 26 Fl. W. period 20® fl. 2®, ec. 18® 11 6 Red buov. , 31570 — Santa Magdalena Island . 52 55 70 34 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 4® fl. 1.5®, ec. 14® 157 18 White cylindrical iron tower, dwelling; 44. Port VI 296 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position (at. long. 0 f Charactcri Stic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles] Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks, Fog signols CHILE 31580 C 1426 MAGELLAN STRAIT: — Isla Contromoestre (Quartermaster 1.) Summit. S, W. 52 57 70 22 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 12^ fl. 1.5^ ec. 1.5® fl. 1.5S ec. 7.5® 80 15 Concrete tower. Visible 243°-155°. 31590 — Bahia Gente Grande; - Isla Contramaeslre 52 58 FI.W. 6 Red buoy . SW. Lighted Buoy. 70 23 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 31600 - Este Lighted Buoy .. 52 56 70 21 FI.W. period 7.5 fl. 0.5®, ec. 6.9® 4 Red buoy . 31610 - Ptmta Paulo Lighted 52 58 FI.G. 4 Red buoy. Buoy. 70 20 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 31620 - Banco Perez Norte 52 57 FI.W. 6 Red buoy. Lighted Buoy. 70 22 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 31650 — Punta Arenas, Lighted 53 09 FI.W. 5 Red buoy. Buoy. 70 50 period 3® fl. 03®, ec. 2.7® 31655 — Radio Towers. 53 10 Occ. R. 228 10 Radio Towers. 70 54 period 1.5® It. 1®, ec. 03® 31660 C 1436 31680 -Muelle Prat. -Hulk “Andalucia” ... 53 10 70 54 F. R., F. G. (vert.). Fl. R. 43 5 f, White conical wooden bea¬ con, black bands; 39. Hulk. F. W. lights are shown from Cupola of Don Bosco Church about 0.9 mile N. C 1433 period 10® fl. 0.2®, ec. 9.8® 31682 - Rio Los Ciervos Radio Towers. 53 12 70 56 2 Occ. R. period 1.5® It. 1®, ec. 0.5® 311 302 20 20 Radio towers . Lights in range 268°. 31690 G 1442 — Bahia Porvenir. U. 53 19 70 26 FI.W . period 4® n.0.5®,ec. 3.5® Cp. 140 65 9 Red iron framework structure; 23. 31695 G 1443 — Islote Tesner. 53 50 70 24 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 14 8 Square pyramidal wooden skeleton tower. Visible 314°-278°. 31700 G 1444 — Bernardo O’Higgins, Port Famine (Puerto del Hambre), Famine Reach. U. 53 38 70 55 FI.W . period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® 129 9 White quadrangular con¬ crete tower; 16. Visible 151°-94°. 31710 G 1446 — Cope Son Isidro . 53 47 70 58 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 15® fl. 1®, ec. P fl. 1®, ec. 12® 89 15 White cylindrical tower, white dwelling with red roof; 26. Visible 202°-060°. Telephone to Magallanes. 31715 C 1450 — Islotes Anxious. U. 54 07 70 56 FI.W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 29 8 Iron tripod tower; 10. Visible 346*-194°. Part VI 297 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. o t Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CHILE 31720 G 1448 MAGELLAN STRAIT: — Cape Froward. U. s. w. 53 54 71 18 FI. W. period 3* fl. 0.3s, ec. 2.7* 66 10 White concrete tower; 9 . . . Visible 276°-126°. 31730 C 1454 — Rupert Island, English Reach, NE. side. U. 53 40 72 13 FI.W. period 6* fl. 0.6*, ec. 5.4* 62 14 White cylindrical tower; 7 . Visible 135°-315°. 31740 C 1456 — Cohorn Island, Crooked Reach. U. 53 33 72 20 FI. W. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 36 11 White cylindrical tower, steel structure; 27. Visible 317°-127°. 31790 C 1470 — El Morrion. U. 53 34 72 31 Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 6* fl. 0.3*, ec. 0.9* fl. 0.3*, ec. 4.5* 79 14 Cylindrical tower, red and white bands; 7. Visible 92°-288°. 31800 C 1468 — Monte Radford (Radford Hill). U. 53 26 72 57 Fl. W. period 3* fl. 0.4*, ec. 2.6* 69 10 Cylindrical concrete tower, red and white bands; 10. Visible 124°-309°. 31810 C 1474 — Cope Cooper Key. U. 53 15 73 13 Fl. W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* 125 15 Cylindrical iron tower, red and white bands; 7. Visible 312°-135°. 31820 C 1476 — Sentinel Island, off Cape Upright. U. 53 05 73 35 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 6* fl. 0.3*, ec. 0.9* fl. 0.3*, ec. 4.5* 69 10 Cylindrical concrete tower, red and white bands; 20. Visible lll°-37°. 31830 C 1478 — Felix Boy, on largest and easternmost of four islands E. of bay. 52 58 74 04 Fl. W. period 10* fl. 0.4*, ec. 9.6* 95 17 Iron tower, ted and white bands, green cupola; 46. Signal station. Radiotelephone. 31840 G 1480 — Fairway Islands, W. side of S. entrance to Smyth Channel. 52 44 73 47 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 0.6*, ec. 5.4* 125 10 White concrete tower; 16. Obscured 266°-268°. 31850 G 1498 — Evangelistas Islands, largest (W.) islet. 52 24 75 06 F.FI.W . period 30* F.21*,n.9* Cp. 45,000 195 F1.20 F. 15 White cylindrical tower, house; 36. Obscured by islands 186°-194°, 250°-260°,312°30' -318°. Radio station. 31855 G 1482 — Punta Buckley . U. 52 34 73 38 FI.G . period 5* n.0.4*,ec. 4.6* Cp. 100 15 7 Concrete pillar; 7 . Visible 167°-20°. 31860 G 1484 SMYTH CHANNEL: — Sivel Promontory . U. 52 34 73 3 7 FI.W . period 10* fl. 0.5*, ec. 9.5* 33 8 White quadrilateral concrete tower; 12. Visible 5°-120°. 31870 G 1486 — Shoal Island, W. side. . . . U. 52 33 73 38 FI.R . period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 28 5 White quadrangular concrete tower; 14. Visible 348°-209°. 31880 G 1488 — Punta George, Isla Richards. 52 32 73 38 FI.W. period 2* fl. 0.2*, ec. 1.8* 25 9 WTiite quadrangular concrete tower; 10. Visible 168°-24°. Port VI 298 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Charocteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CHILE 31885 C 2490 SMYTH CHANNEL: — Roca Pearse. U. S. W. 52 31 73 37 FI. — W.R. period 6® fl. P,ec. 5" Cp. W. 120 22 W. 8 R. 6 White quadrangular con¬ crete tower; 12. W. 258°-168°, R.-258°. 31890 C 2492 — Islote Bradbury. U. 52 21 73 38 FI.W. period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® 12 8 White cylindrical concrete structure; 10. 31900 — Paso Summer Lighted Buoy, W. side of I/2- fathom shoal. 52 19 73 39 FI.R . period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® 10 4 Red buoy. 31910 G 2494 — Isla Cutler, S. end. U. 52 15 73 39 FI.W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 140 30 7 Square pyramidal skeleton tower, black and white bands; 12. 31920 C 2502 Stanley Promontory . U. 52 04 73 45 FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 39 10 White concrete tower; 20 .. Visible 332°-180°. 31930 C 2504 Cork Point, Isla Brinkley, Brinkley Sound. U. 51 59 73 40 Fl. W. period 7® fl. 0.7®, ec. 6.3® 36 10 White hexagonal iron tower; 33. Visible 335°-204°. 31935 G 2506 Punta Redfern, on islet NW. of point. 51 51 73 44 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 6® fl.0.3®, ec.0.9® fL0.3®,ec.4.5® Cp. 45 25 6 Beacon; 13. Visible 151°-318°. 31940 G 2522 SENO ULTIMA ESPER- ANZA: — Sena Ultima Esperanza, on easternmost of Los Cisnes Islets. U. 51 47 72 32 FI.W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® 36 10 Iron skeleton structure; black and white bands; 23. 31%0 -Head of Muelle Bories. 51 43 72 33 F. R. 16 3 Gray post; 10. Privately maintained. 31970 G 2508 PASO FARQUHAR: — Gregg Bay, N. side of entrance. U. 51 49 73 53 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 10.5® 39 10 White hexagonal tower; 33. Visible 150°-0°. 31975 G 2509 — Isla Piazzi . U. 51 40 74 00 FI.W. period .3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 7® Cp. 50 40 5 Iron tripod; 10. Visible 165°-354°. 31980 G 2524 — Don Pedro Point, Van¬ couver Island. U. 51 26 74 08 FI.W. period 20® fl. 2®, ec. 18® 72 15 Concrete tower; 20. Visible 171°-342°. Port VI 299 First Edition ^ ' Jwrj* ' ^ ' ■'J ■; . ..•. ^,.:. .^.. Y r • ■ *s,:. r Vi -.•7^.- -«r "T. •S . -■'jl • • / , “t ; *v, 'f’ ->-r TcJ«( • 1 '•ujfr- >!iVy>) f*. ^i' a.'.,,*'. ‘ ' ’-'YAr' '■<■<•• ''>' »'■ A.:^\ • ■ .t' ■••'’*,■' K- ’'' ; t. u* f.." M * ^ ■ 's. r |. fijir .>■ . »vv<; ~ . I" ^v " *i'' ' ' ■ '■* •. j* jk* ' '' * iU» ' j , .. :‘ ' w^ I# i v. w-♦ .-‘ ,^iv t.C . (^ •••<’, . ■ ■ - ’ -'j- }n _ i ,-' ,.-, - .«'!« at'.- \ -r^. ■ •' ’i’^- '-(■ ■'i , ..,. *•'?- \ ^ ^ ■*'■ •■'■■, . /■• * . V ; r- -'* . ifiixW .Hiwrt*^VWQj4a j\ljpn W. . Uhj^ * >.'.s.- S . ' ■-. . ; ’;-tv' V^ i , .■ OkmV- . ■ .- . * • ■* ’. ' j* •• '▼\-^l w*> n .< =< ; >^ ■’. •- :■ V . , -' ^ ■■•.I •■ .•- — -. .'Stu 1 •*:: '?j,. Jd* t > - -■ j. t .■» f '#• 1 . v'-> ■* (A HV ^ i Z» vaftr ■'7^ ' , I 4^ ^ .JV - ■ *>' ^ ^ Hag;..-»j.>t>i4 .*-M .'j '. 4^^* „ ■ - . n» ■ r. V. '■ * f V > .1^ - '■* ■ * . *. # i:.* f • '* '•* . 1 '*5 ‘*’ -. (p •* n -^■' ’jiM" .rf * L 7* f r,- ^ -'r.. •> V.. . r i: '. ■ - ' ■ ■■'• ' V • ■ ’ '', '• A-^n ’’"!:'• ■■ •' ■(■ -few" *'?■<<# - •'. ■ ■ %' 4 »«•(! i :.u a ..I , i't-v'ii • ^‘k-■-- i*.-- m'jm ® #•*«*-. i-A yf-l..v,,*i j^' u*,;tiM,r.,«i3jf';0| ■ ff .‘1 t, ♦^9 ^ •,.^>.v-, 1 *■' 'v*' S " f'' ■ ' ■» ”'i ' 1> ; y- '-I .»!T! i, • ■ ..Jii.’ WvV-iV>4.# iAJ '-•j» *>* ^ a l' ♦ 'J « . ■^■' , .> ':r^¥ •• •.',. 'ff ., Iw ■■ ' ; ' -iv -.... I ..r^J -^i iwU.ifr' • A fT^l ' 4 ♦r »•*■?''W.iij fc^ -' ■" ''■ ■> i ■*» ^ I H.O. 30 No. Nome and locotii Pos ition lot. long. Chorocteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bil ity high (nau- water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) CHILE 31990 G 1516 32000 c 1522 32010 G 1518 32020 G 1524 32030 G 1526 32040 G 1530 32050 G 1530.3 PASO FARQUHAR: — Plumper Point, Lucia Island. U. Puerto Bueno, Pound’s Island. U. Bonduca Island ANGOSTURA GUIA: — Ladder Hill Island, Guia Narrows, N. point of island. U. Porpoise Point, Guia Narrows. U. Inocentes Island, E. side. Isla Duke of York, Punta Anunciada. (J. 32070 Isla Entrado Inlet, E. side G 1531 of entrance. U. 32080 G 1531.5 32090 G 1532 32100 G 1534 Bascunan Islet, S. extremity. U. Punta San Miguel, S. extrem¬ ity of Isla Drummond Hay. U. Isla Stratford, W. side of Canal Concepcion. U. S. W. 51 10 74 08 51 00 74 13 50 56 74 16 50 45 74 2 5 50 43 74 32 50 32 74 50 50 29 75 03 50 26 75 19 50 21 75 17 50 17 74 52 50 12 74 48 Gp. FI.W.(2) . period 15® fl. 0.7®, ec. 1® fl. 0.7®, ec. 12.6® Cp. 700 FI. W. period 3® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.8® Cp. 100 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® Cp. 1,350 FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 120 FI.W. period 5^ fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 270 FI.V/ . period 15® fl. 2®, ec. 13® Cp. 1,100 Gp. Fl. W. (2) .... period 6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 100 Fl. W. period 2® fLO.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 66 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® Cp. 35 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 100 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 15® fl.0.7®,ec. IS fl. 0.7®, ec. 12.6® Cp. 1,300 32 49 85 35 48 105 21 56 25 15 80 14 15 10 15 15 White concrete tower; 20 White wooden skeleton tower; 15. White circular tower; 33 .. White octagonal concrete structure; 13. V'hite circular tower; 33 White circular tower, red bands; 33. Quadrangular concrete tower; 14. White quadrangular concrete tower; 14. White quadrangular concrete tower; 14. W'hite square concrete tower; 9. W'hite octagonal concrete tower; 31. Part VII 301 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals Visible 340°-168°. Obscured by Hoskins Island 144°-156°. Visible 315°-170°. Visible 116°-327°. Visible 120°-320°. Visible 142°-348°. Visible 96°-293°. Visible 274°-214°. Visible 240°-95°. Visible 248°-162°. Visible 220°-55°. First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O / Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 32110 C 1535 CANAL WIDE; — Punta Cameron. S, W. 49 55 74 24 FI. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 210 24 10 Square white concrete tower; 15. Visible 187°-32°. 32120 C 1536 — Mason Island, S. end of Icy Reach, Wide Channel. U. 49 40 74 20 FI. W. period 15® fl. 2®, ec. 13® Cp. 1,300 80 15 White octagonal concrete tower; 31. Visible 198°-66°. 32130 GRAPPLER REACH: — Cerro Colorado (Red Cape), S. end of Grappler Reach. U. 49 32 Fl. . 27 10 White concrete tower; 19 . . Visible 338° ,36'-146°. C 1538 74 10 period 5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.7® Cp. 210 32135 C 1539 Canal Grappler. U. 49 28 74 18 FI.R . period 5® n.0.5®,ec.4.5® Cp. 67 15 5 White wooden tower; 13 ... Visible 139°-319°. 32140 c 1540 — Hayman Point, Saumarez Island, N. end of Grappler Reach. U. 49 26 74 25 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 1.5®, ec. 8.5® Cp. 270 30 10 White concrete tower; 19. Visible 122°-307°. 32150 C 1544 INDIAN REACH: — Bouquet Island. U. 49 15 74 22 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 210 27 10 White concrete tower; 20. 32160 C 1546 — Greville Point, Charles Island. U. 49 09 74 24 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 03®, ec. 4.7® Cp. 120 6 7 White concrete structure; 6. Visible 226°-127°. 32170 C 1548 Green Islet, Liberta Bay . .. U. 48 55 74 20 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.7® Cp. 120 15 8 White concrete structure; 6. 32180 c 1552 CANAL MESSIER: — Direction Islet . U. 48 40 74 27 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 1.5®, ec. 13.5® Cp. 600 100 14 White circular concrete tower; 33. 32190 C 1554 — Isla Middle, W. extrem¬ ity. U. 48 27 74 29 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 1,300 68 15 White concrete tower; 10 .. Visible 332°-185°. 32200 C 1556 — Millar Island, E. side . . . U. 47 59 74 43 Fl. W. period 8® fl. 1®, ec. 7® Cp. 120 21 8 Concrete pillar, white stripe, stone base. Visible 162°-342*. 32210 C 1557 — Penguin Island, Baker Inlet, NE. point of Island. U. 47 49 74 4 8 Fl. W. period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® Cp. 120 36 8 Square white concrete tower; 13. Visible 146°-340°. Part Vll 302 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. O f Choracteristic and power Height of I ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectorr*'. Remarks, Fog signols CHILE 32220 C 1558 CANAL MESSIER: — San Pedro Island, Guaianeco Islands, Gulf of Penas. s. w. 47 43 73 53 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15® fl. 1®, ec. 1® fl. 1®, ec. 12® Cp. 1,300 144 15 Radio tower; 49. Visible 121°-328°. Radiobeacon. 32230 Cape Roper. 46 50 Gp. Fl W (3) 197 22 Cylindrical white concrete tower; 46. Visible 331°-175°. c 1562 75 37 period 30® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 17® Cp. 9,000 32240 C 1563 Isla Inchemo. 45 48 74 58 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 20® fl. 1.5®, ec. 1® fl. 1.5®, ec. 16® Cp. 1,100 103 15 White concrete tower; 13 . . Visible 231°-118°. 32250 G 1584 Isla Falsa, E. end of Ascension Island. 43 53 73 45 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® Cp. 210 36 10 White iron skeleton tower, green cupola; 25. Visible 160°-10°. 32260 Port Melinka . 43 55 Fl. W 16 5 White concrete post, 16 ... Visible 253°-105°. C 1582 73 44 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 35 32270 C 1578 Guafo (Huafo) Island, NW, point. 43 34 74 50 F. Fl. W . period 15® fl. 0.8®, fixed 14.2® Cp. 9,000 269 F. 12 F1.22 White conical iron tower; two-storied dwell¬ ing; 23. Visible 0°-216°. Padiobeacon. 32280 G 7592 Queitao Islands . . . U. 43 44 73 3 0 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 10.5® Cp. 1,100 400 15 White concrete tower; 6 . .. Two F. W. lights bearing 235° lead to mooring buoy in Caleta Samuel. 32285 Rada Palena. U. 43 46 72 58 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 40 13 6 Wooden tower; 11. 32290 C 2590 Locos Islands, on largest island. U. 44 00 73 28 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 10® n.0.5®,ec. 1® n.0.5®,ec. 8® Cp. 210 145 10 White conical concrete tower; 33. 32295 C 2 588 — Roca Negra, Canal Perez Norte. 44 06 73 46 Gp. Fl. W.(2) . period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1® n. 0.5®,ec. 8® Cp. 45 12 6 White concrete pillar; 10 . . 32300 C 2587 Isla El Gorro, N. end. U. 44 18 73 28 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 1.5®,ec. 13.5® Tn 1 inn 107 15 White quadrangular hut, pillar; 15. Visible 160°-6°. Part VII 303 First Edition H.O. 30 - 1 Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bii ity No. Name and location (at. long. and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water ticol (feet) miles) CHILE 32310 Penon Blanco. s. w. 44 24 FI. W 48 10 V'hite concrete tower; 13 . . C 1586 U. 73 33 period 5^ n.0.5s,ec. 4.5* Cp. 210 32320 Cayo Blanco, N. side of 44 48 FI. W . 55 10 White conical concrete truncated tower; 33. C 1576 entrance to Port Frances. U. 73 36 period 10^ fl. 1.2\ ec. 8.8^ 32330 0 1 575.5 Puerto Cisnes. U. 44 43 72 43 FI.W. period 3® fl. 0.5^ ec. 2.5® Cp. 100 15 8 Concrete tower . Visible 298°-158°. 32332 Paso Galvarino Light , . 44 23 Fl. W. 33 A Iron tripod; 10. Visible 168°-24°. C 1575.7 u. 72 34 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 40 32340 C 1574 El Morro Islet . u. 45 08 73 41 Fl. W . period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 200 225 13 V'hite conical concrete truncated tower; 23. 32350 CANAL FERRONAVE: — Islote Eugenia. 44 59 Fl. W . 20 9 White pillar, hut. Visible 159°-17°. C 1575 u. 73 2 9 period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 10.5® Cp. 207 32360 C 1573.5 — Islote Precaucion . . . u. 45 09 73 30 Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 117 30 8 White pillar, hut, 16 . Visible 10°-231°. 32370 G 1573 — Islote Boina. u. 45 13 73 31 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 100 52 8 White pillar, hut; 16. Visible 342°-201°. mil G 1571 CANAL PILCOMAYO: — Isla Carvallo, S. end u. 45 16 73 31 Fl. W . period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 36 105 5 White concrete tower; 20 .. Visible 322°-130°. 32374 G 1571.5 — Punta Elisa, NE. side of island. U. 45 18 73 23 Fl. W . period 5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.7® Cp. 36 59 5 Mast, white square-shaped daymark. Visible 95°-274°. 32375 G 1569 Isla Mitahues. u. 45 24 73 4 8 Fl. W . period 10® fl . 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 207 168 10 White concrete column; 20. Visible 246°-%° 30'. 32376 G 1571.7 SENO AYSEN: — Caleta Bluff, N. side of bay. 45 28 72 52 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 16® fl.l.0®,ec. 1.5® fl. 1.0®, ec. 12.5® Cp. 100 46 8 Concrete tower. Visible 76°-237°. Port VII 304 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CHILE 32377 SENO AYSEN: — Banca de Estribor Light Beacon. S. W. 45 25 72 4 9 FI W 10 7 Concrete pillar . Destroyed 1958. period 3® fl. 0.2^ ec. 2.8= 32378 G 1572 -Aysen Light. U. 45 25 72 4 8 Gp. FI. W. (2) . period 10= fl. 0.5=, ec. 1= fl. 0.5=, ec. 8= 10 8 Wooden tripod with cylin¬ drical topmark; 16. zim Puerto Chacabuco Range, N. Muelle, front. 45 28 72 49 F G Occasional. 32379.1 32380 G 1568 — Rear, about 22 yards 55° from front. ARCHIPIELAGO DE CHO¬ NGS: — Isla Quemada, W. end. Canal Darwin. U. F G Occasional. 45 25 74 02 Cp. 100 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 10 = fl. 0.5=, ec. P fl. 0.5=, ec. 8= Cp. 100 22 8 White conical concrete tower; 20. A range F. R., occasional, range line 70° is shown from S. muelle. 32390 C 1566 — On Isla Italia, Canal Darwin. U. 45 22 74 09 Fl. W. period 5= fl. 0.5=, ec. 4.5= Cp. 140 22 8 White conical concrete tower; 20. Visible nr-bi”. 32392 G 1568. 5 — Isla Luz. 45 28 73 55 FI.W. period 5= fl,0.5=,ec. 4.5= Cp. 100 34 8 Concrete column; 10. Visible 191°-33°. 32400 G 1570 — Islote Diego, Canal Errazuriz. U. 45 40 73 52 Fl. W. period 5= fl. 0.5=, ec. 4.5= 34 8 Concrete column; 10. Visible 191°-33°. 32410 G 1564 CANAL DARWIN: — Isla Auchilu, Rada Vallenar. U. 45 20 74 35 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 30= fl.0.5=,ec. 4.5= fl.0.5=, ec. 4.5= fl. 0.5=, ec. 19.5= Cp. 24,000 228 21 Tower; 33. Visible 210°-90°. Radiobeacon. 32450 G 1596 CORCOVADO GULF: — Laitec Island, S. extrem¬ ity. U. 43 17 Fl. W. 82 14 Quadrangular iron skeleton tower; 20. Visible 186°-90°. 73 35 period 5= fl. 0.5=, ec. 4.3= Cp. 700 32460 G 1602 — Port Quellon, S. head of mole. 43 07 F. R. 18 2 Wooden tripod; 10. Shown until midnight. 73 38 32470 — Direccion Point, Cailin Island. 43 11 Fi. W. 23 8 White concrete tower; 20 .. G 1598 73 30 period 3= fl. 0.3=, ec. 2.7= Cp. 120 Part Vll 305 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 32480 C 1600 CORCOVADO GULF: — Canal Chiguao, W. side of Chiguao Point, front. s. w. s. w. 43 08 73 30 FI. R. period 6® fl. 2.3^ ec. 3.7^ Cp. 60 18 6 White conical concrete truncated tower; 16. Visible 322°-130°. 32480.1 C 1600. I -Rear, about 328 yards 0° from front. FI.W. period 2® fl.0.2^ec. 1.8=^ Cp. 100 44 8 White conical truncated tower; 26. Visible 342°-96°. 32490 G 1604 — Istero Huildad, on point, north side of entrance. U. 43 04 73 32 Fl. W. period 3^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 2.5® Cp. 45 26 6 White concrete pillar; 10 .. Visible 231°-311°. 32500 C 1606 — Tranqui Island, on Punta Centinela. U. 43 01 73 20 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® Cp. 330 98 12 White iron skeleton tower; 24. Visible 14r-26°. 32510 -Caleta, S. of Point Alqui. 42 59 F. W. 3 Occasiortal. 73 30 32520 C 1616 — Punta Queilen. U. 42 54 73 30 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 120 20 8 Vtliite concrete tower; 18 .. 32540 C 1608 — Islote Conejos. U. 42 55 73 3 6 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 45 38 6 WTiite concrete tower; 14 . . 32550 C 1618 — Punta Chomio. U. 42 53 73 28 Fl. W. period 11^ fl. 1®, ec. 10® Cp. 120 23 8 Wooden tripod, 17. Visible 165°-32°. 32560 C 1620 — Punta Piedra Blanca, Ensenada Chaiten. 42 55 72 44 Gp. Fl. W. (?). period 17® fl.0.5®, ec. IS fl. 0.5®, ec. 15® Cp. 100 20 8 White wooden tower; 20 . . . Visible 74°-122°. 32570 C 1622 — Punta Chana. 42 46 72 52 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 1.5®, ec. 8.5® Cp. 1,100 21 9 ttfliite concrete tower; 13 .. Visible 344°-180°. 32590 — Vettor Pisani Shoal Lighted Buoy, S. side of shoal. 42 46 73 28 Fl. W. period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 45 6 Red cylindrical buoy. 32600 C 2623 — Roca Narahjo, off N. end ol Isla Talcan. U. 42 41 73 00 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 120 9 8 White concrete tower; 10 .. 32605 Isla Chulin. 42 37 73 04 Fl. W. period 6® n. 0.5®,ec.5.5® 32 5 Wooden tower, 19. Visible 31.5°-176°. Port VII Fifst Edition 306 H.O. 30 Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi- bii ity No. Name and location lot. long. and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 32610 C 1624 Isla Chulin: — Chaulinec Island, near SE. point. U. s. w. 42 40 73 15 FI. W. period 15^ fl. 1 . 5 s, ec. 13.5® Cp. 1,100 72 15 V/hite circular concrete tower; 25. Visible 218°-87°. 32620 — Tres Redes. 42 38 F. W. G 1626 U. 73 19 32630 C 1628 Isla Imelev. U. 42 37 73 25 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 1® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.4® Cp. 270 152 10 White wooden pyramid; 20 . Visible 87°-58°. 32640 G 1630 Quehui Island, SW. point .. . U. 42 39 73 32 FI. W. period 8® fl. 1®, ec. 7® Cp. 270 185 10 White concrete tower; 16 .. Visible 278°-174°. A F. R. occasional light is shown 2 miles 30° from Quehui Island Light. 32650 G 1632 Islote Yal. U. 42 40 73 40 FI.W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 45 20 6 White concrete tower; 14.. . 32660 G 1634 Isla Childe, Puerto Chonchi, head of muelle. 42 37 73 46 FI.R. period 2® fl.0.2®,ec. 1.8® 20 3 Wooden pyramidal skeleton beacon; 10. 32670 G 1636 Isla Linlinao. U. 42 35 73 45 Fl. W. period 7® fl. 0.5®, ec. 6.5® Cp. 120 115 8 White concrete tower; 15 .. Visible 172°-57°. 32680 — Huillo, E. side of en- 42 37 F. R . Occasional. trance to Estero Pindo. 73 31 32690 C 1636. 5 Punta Animo. U. 42 32 73 47 FI.R . period 3® n.0.3®,ec. 2.7® Cp. 40 20 4 Cement post; 10 . Obscured 97°-274°. 32700 c 1637 Punta Pouque, on Isla Chiloe. U. 42 32 73 48 Fl. W . period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 68 7 Concrete post; 10. Visible 18°-225°. 32705 Banco Rio Gamboa Lighted Buoy. 42 29 73 45 Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 6 Buoy, red cylindrical. 32712 Puerto Castro Pier, N. light. 42 29 73 46 F. R . 20 3 Iron post. Occasional. 32714 — S. light. F. G . 20 3 Iron post. Occasional. 32720 G 1640 Punta Aguantao. U. 42 32 73 35 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 15® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. 120 30 8 White concrete tower; 14 .. Visible 171°-81°. Part VII 307 First Edition No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 32730 G 1642 32740 C 1648 Curaco de Velez GOLFO DE COROVADO: — Achao, root of pier.. .. 32750 C 1644 32750.1 C 1644. 1 iim G 1646 32770.1 G 1646. 1 32790 C 1647 32795 C 1647. 5 32800 C J6S2.J 32810 C 1654 32815 32820 G 1662 ANCUD GULF: — Dalcahue Channel: -Chule Quehue Point Range, front. Rear, about 215 yards 159° from front. Bunocuihue Point Range, front. — — Rear, about 328 yards 339* from front. Canal Dalcahue, Caleta Dalcahue, on root of wharf. S. W. 42 26 73 37 42 28 73 30 42 26 73 39 42 23 73 40 — Rada Quetalco U. — Punta Tenaun , Canal Anihue, Isla Mechuque. Punta Lilecura . Port Quemchi, head of mole. U. FI. R. period 5^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 4.5® Cp. 53 Fl.R . period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 36 FI.W. period 6® fl.2®,ec. 4® Cp. 66 FI.W. period 2® n.0.2®,ec.l.8® Cp. 100 FI.W. period 6® fl. 2®,ec. 4® Cp. 66 42 23 73 39 42 21 73 33 42 20 73 22 42 19 73 17 42 16 73 21 42 09 73 2 9 FI.W. period 2^ fl.0.2®,ec. 1.8® Cp. 66 Fl.R. period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 22 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 36 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® Cp. 270 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 36 Fl. W. period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. no Fl. R. period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® 10 29 18 100 37 84 30 12 19 26 17 20 White concrete tower; 33 .. Iron tripod; 13 Vi'ooden beacon; 7 Wooden beacon; 38 Wooden beacon; 20 Wooden beacon; 33 Wooden beacon; 23 10 Wooden tripod on ramp; 10 . Wooden tripod structure; 19. Wooden tripod; 10 White skeleton concrete structure. Wooden tripod; 20 Visible 130°-226° and 262* 320°. Visible 135°-225° and 261° 340°. Visible 220°-225° and 260° 45°. Visible 258°-45°. Visible 294°-30° Visible 4°-73°. Visible 173°-28° Destroyed, 1958. Port Vll 308 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 32830 C 1660 ANCUD GULF; — Punta Teliupta. U. S. W. 42 11 73 24 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15* fi. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 9.5* Cp. 100 20 8 IVbite concrete tower; 35 .. Visible 26r-14r. 32840 G 1658 — Morro Lobos, Caucahue island. 42 06 73 24 Fi. W. period 15* fl. 1.5*, ec. 13.5* Cp. 700 236 13 White circular tower, 6 . ... Visible 74°-87° and 90°-338°. 32845 — Guapalinao. U. 41 57 73 32 Fl. W. period 3* fl. 03*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 100 174 10 Wooden tripod structure; 23. Visible 12°-343°. 32850 C 1692 — Queullin Island, Queullin Pass, on sandy spit extending from Huin Point. U. 41 53 72 57 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 20* fl. 1*, ec. 4* fl. 1*, ec. 14* Cp. 270 36 10 V.fliite cylindrical concrete tower; 28. Visible 326°-232°. 32855 C 1694 — Estero Quildaco, N. side of entrance. 41 51 72 4 8 F. W. 74 5 Wooden tower; 16. 32870 G 1688 — Punta Gualaihue . 42 02 72 42 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 0.3*, ec. 5.7* 39 6 Wooden tripod; 20. Visible 210°-140°. 32875 — Rio Negro. 41 59 72 29 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* 23 6 Wooden tower; 19. Visible 280°-90°. 32880 G 1656 — Punta Chulao. U. 42 18 72 5 0 Fl. W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* 72 14 White concrete tower; 16 . . Visible 0°-220°. 32885 — Caleta Ayacara. 42 20 Fl. W. 21 6 White wooden tower; 13. Visible 10°-202°. G 1625. 5 U. 72 48 period 2* fl.0.3*, ec.1.7* Cp. 30 32890 C 1652 — Caleta Buill. 42 25 72 41 F. W. 52 7 Wooden tripod; 17. 32895 — Poza de Chumilden. 42 31 72 49 Fl. W. period 4* fl, 0.5*, ec. 3.5* 124 6 Wooden tower; 19. Visible 20°-222°. 32900 G 1684 — Isla Tabon, near W. end U. 41 55 73 09 Fl. W. period 10* fl. 1.5*, ec. 8.5* Cp. 330 2.32 11 White concrete tower; 44 . . Obsc. 170'/2°-183‘/2° and 190°- 193'/2° . 32910 G 1682 — Corvio Bank, near Isla Quenu. U. 41 50 73 13 Fl . W. period 5* fl. 0.2*, ec. 4.8* Cp. 225 23 10 Quadrangular iron and con¬ crete beacon; 41. Part VII 309 First Edition H.O. 30 Height of light Visi- No. Position Characteristic above bility Name and location lot. long. and power high (ncu* Structure, height (feet) Sectors, Remarks, Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) CHILE 32920 RELONCAVlSOUND: — Pinto Lighted Buoy, off NW. end of Isla Quenu. s. w. 41 49 73 11 FI. W. period 3® fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2 . 7 s Cp. 53 6 Red cylindrical buoy . 32930 G 1714 — Port Calbuco, N. outer corner of mole. 41 46 73 08 FI. R. period 2® fl. 0.2*, ec. 1.8* 25 5 Gray wooden column; 16... A F. W. light is shown from center part of mole and from S outer corner. 32940 G 1708 — Paso Tautil. U. 41 44 73 04 FI. W. period 2* fl. 0.2*, ec. 1.8* Cp. 145 26 9 White cylindrical concrete tower; 66. 32%0 G 1712 — Punta Metrencue, Canal Calbuco. 41 44 73 06 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 0.5*, ec. 3.5* 25 6 Wooden tripod; 20. 32970 G 1704 — Mallina Island. U. 41 40 73 00 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 15* fl. 0.5*, ec. 3* fl. 0.5*, ec. 11 = 98 10 White cylindrical concrete tower; 26. Visible 12°-270°. 32980 — PUERTO MONTT: - Isla Tenglo Lighted Buoy. 41 29 72 57 Fl. W. period 2* fl. 0.2*, ec. 1.8* Cp. 35 3 Red cylindrical buoy. 32982 G J698 — Cochamo Mole Head .... 41 29 72 18 Fl. R. period 2* n.0.2*,ec. 1.8* 3 Wooden tower; 12. 32990 G 1702 -Canal Tenglo, SW. corner of quay. 41 29 72 58 F. R . 43 3 Bracket on wall of store¬ house; 36. 33000 G 1700 -NE. corner of quay .. 2 F. R., F. G. 44 3 Bracket on wall of store¬ house; 36. 33005 -Pontoon Abtao. 41 29 72 58 Fl. R . period 3* fl.0.3*,ec. 2.7* 23 3 Wooden post on pontoon .. . 33020 G 1666 CHACAO CHANNEL: — Tres Cruces Point, E. entrance to Chacao Narrows. 41 50 73 29 Fl. W . period 4* fl. 1*, ec. 3* Cp. 270 123 10 White iron post, circular hut; 29. Visible 95°-4°. 33030 C 1668 — Puerto Chacao Nuevo . . U. 41 50 73 32 Fl. R. period 5* fl. 0.3*, ec. 4.7* Cp. 26 122 4 Quadrangular skeleton tower; 16. Visible 164°-270°. 33W0 G 1680 — Punta Barranco, N. side of Chacao Narrows. U. 41 47 73 31 Fl. W. period 3* fl. 0.5*, ec. 2.5* Cp. 270 41 10 White concrete tower; 30 . . Visible 300°-122°. 33050 G 1676 — Punta Lenqui. U. 41 45 73 4 0 Fl. W. period 3* fl. 0.7*, ec. 2J* Cp. 230 91 10 White square towers; 15 ... Visible 282°-116°. Port VII 310 First Edition H. 0. 30 No. Name and location Position lat. long. Character! stic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 33 055 CHACAO CHANNEL; — Falsa Picuta . s. w. 41 45 FI.—W. R. G 29 W. 7 R. 5 G. 5 White wooden tower; 13 . . . W. 270°-345“, R.-82°, W.-84°, G.—101°, obsc. elsewhere. 73 44 period 2.4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2® 33070 — Ancud, on passenger 41 52 F. R. 25 4 Iron post; 18. G 1670 mole. 73 50 33080 — Ahui Point, W. side of 41 50 FI. W. 157 8 White iron post near hut; 16. Visible 132°-36°. G 1672 entrance to Ancud Bay. 73 52 period 4® fl. 1®, ec. 3® Cp. 260 33090 — Isla Dona Sebastians, 41 45 Fl. —W. R. 102 W 9 Quadrangular slatted skele¬ ton tower; 41. W.283°-135°,R.-283°. G J675 SW. point. U. 73 50 period 6® R. 5 33100 G 1674 — Punta Corona, N. part. .. 41 47 73 53 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 30® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 17® Cp. 4,500 213 20 White cylindrical concrete tower, white house; 31. Visible 135°-342°. Siren: blast 5®, silent 25®. Rodiobeocon. 33110 Maulin, head of Muelle 41 37 F. R. 27 4 Wooden post; 16. Shown sunset-midnight. C 1718 Fiscal (East Pier). 73 36 33120 Cope Quedol . 40 58 Fl. W 262 16 White concrete tower; 8 . . . Visible 356°-196°. G 1720 U. 73 56 period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 10.5® Cp. 1,300 33130 Point Golero, S. extremity . . 40 00 F. Fl. W . 164 20 White cylindrical masonry tower; 62. Visible 326°-208°. G 1724 73 45 period 60® fl. 9®, fixed 51® Cp. 5,700 33140 POINT G A LERA: — Morro Gonzolo . 39 50 Fl. W ... 140 15 White concrete column, hut; 13. Visible 26°-272°. G 1726 u. 73 28 period 15® fl. 1.5®, ec. 13.5® Cp. 1,300 33150 —Pena Del Conde. 39 51 Fl. R .. 21 White concrete column, hut; 13. G 1730 U. 73 25 period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 35 33160 G 1728 CORRAL BAY: — Morro Niebla, E. side of entrance to bay. 39 51 73 24 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 6® fl. 0.3®, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 700 152 14 White cylindrical iron tower; 15. Visible 320°-226°. Signal station. Telephone to Valdivia and Corral. 33170 — Tres Harmanas Bank Lighted Buoy, NW. edge of bank. 39 52 73 25 Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 62 4 Red cylindrical buoy. 33180 G 1734 — Head of Muelle Altos Hornos. 39 52 73 26 F. Bu . 19 1 Wooden quadrangular post; 7. 33190 G 1732 — Port Corral, head of Meulle de Passajeros. F. R . 26 2 Red post, white circular hut, red roof; 10. Port VII 311 First Edition H. 0. 30 Height of 1 ight Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Name and location lot. long. O t and power high (noo- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols woter tical (feet) miles) CHILE 33195 33195.1 CORRAL BAY: — Port Corral Range, front (Beacon A). -Rear, about 110 yards 190° from front (Beacon B). S. W. 39 52 73 25 F. G. F. G. 2 2 Iron structure, white square daymark; 20. Iron structure, white square daymark; 82. Range lights. Privately maintained. 33200 c 1736 — Mancera Island, N. end. . U. 39 52 73 24 FI. W. period 2® fl. 0.5^ ec. 1.5^ 15 2 Rectangular skeleton tower; 12. 33210 C 1738 — Muelle Niebla, N. side of river mouth, inner end. FI. W. period 3® n. 0.3^ ec. 2.7^ 13 2 Red metal tower; 10 ... A number of lighted beacons mark channel to Valdivia. A Fl. R. light marks the outer end of Muelle Niebla. 33220 c 1744 Morro Bonifacio, on Rocura Point. U. 39 41 73 24 FI. W. period 3^ fl. 0.3^ ec. 2.7^ Cp. 330 128 12 White quadrangular concrete structure; 10. Visible 14°-208°. 33230 ^ 1 746 Caleta Queule, on Punta Ronca. 39 23 73 17 FI. W. period 10^ fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 9.55 Cp. 53 86 6 Wooden post; 16. Visible 65°-320°. 33240 C 1752 ISLA MOCHA: — Morro Torrecillas, W. side of island. U. 38 22 73 58 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 1.5®, ec. 10.5® Cp. 1,300 71 15 White cylindrical masonry tower; 28. Visible 336°-171°. 33250 — Hacienda, near landing 38 21 Fl. R. 38 5 Red mast, white bands, hut. Shown only when vessels are expected Radiobeocon. Radiotelephone. C 1750 mole. 73 56 period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 22 33260 C 1748 — Punta Anegadiga, on hill SW. of point, Isla Mocha Este. 38 23 73 54 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20® fl. 1.6®, ec. 1.8® fl. 1.6®, ec. 15.0® Cp. 1,300 130 15 White cylindrical masonry tower, green cupola; 27. Visible 140°-10°. 33270 G 1756 Morguilla Point. U. 37 47 73 42 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 20® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® fl. 1.7®, ec. 15.3® Cp. 1,300 102 15 WTiite iron tower; 23. Visible 328°-172°. 33280 G 1758 PORT LEBU: — Tucapel Point, N. side of point, W. side of Lebu River mouth. U. 37 37 73 40 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.4®, ec. 4.6® Cp. 250 179 10 White quadrangular iron structure; 21. Visible 90°-270°. 33290 G 1760 — Errazuriz Mole, at mouth of river. F. G. 13 3 Wooden post; 16. 33300 G 1762 Lavapie Point .. .. U. 37 09 73 35 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 4® fl. 1®, ec. 14® Cp. 980 185 14 White cylindrical iron tower; 15. Visible 55°-272°. Port VII 312 First Edi tion H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CHILE 33310 G 1764 Santa Maria Island, summit of hill, N. point of island. s. w. 36 59 73 32 F. FI. W . period 30^ fl. 5®, fixed 25® Cp. FI. 49, 000 F. 13,000 257 FL22 F. 15 White cylindrical tower; 49. Obscured 352°-6°. 33320 C 1768 LOTA; — Punta Lutrin, N. side of entrance to Lota Bay. U. 37 05 73 10 FI. W . period 10® fl. 1.0®, ec. 9.0® Cp. 600 160 12 White cylindrical iron tower; 44. Visible 272°—186°; obscured by the Chambique Bluffs E. of 186°. Horn: 3 blasts every 30®, about 60 yards SW. of light. 33330 C 1770 — Range, front, about 50 yards 80° 30' from Punta Lutrin Light. F. G. 16 3 Iron post, white diamond topmark. 33330.1 C 1770.1 -Rear, about 10 yards 333° from front. F. G. 28 3 Iron post, white diamond topmark. 33360 G 1774 — Range, front. 37 05 73 10 F. G. 44 3 White beacon; 22. 33360.1 G 1774.1 -Rear, about 38 yards 33° from front. F. G. 54 4 Wall of brickyard; 14. 33370 G 1772 — Head of coaling pier .... 37 06 73 10 F. — G. R. G. (vert.) 39 2 Wooden post. Weather signals. 33392 G 1786 — Muelle Mecanico Schwager, E. of Punta Puchoco. 37 01 73 10 F. G. 26 2 Iron post; 6. 33392.1 - Lighted Beacon C, about 460 yards 340°. F. G. White disc. 33393 C 1798 — Arauco Mole. 2 F. G. (vert. ) . 25 2 Gray wooden post. 2 F. G. (vertical) lights are shown from head of Arauco Mole. 33394 — Lighted Beacon A, about 383 yards 37° from Punta Puchoco Light, front. F. G. 2 White disc . 33394.1 - Rear, Lighted Beacon B, 77 yards 300° from front. F. G. 2 White disc. 33400 G 1784 Puchoco Point, Coronel Bay 37 01 73 10 Fl. R. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 250 59 9 Red iron column; 20 . Visible 262°-172°. Horn: blast 2®, silent 13®, points 232°. 33420 G 1794 Gaulpen Point . 36 45 73 11 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 700 108 14 White tower, green cupola; 7. Visible 34°-246°. Siren: blast 4®, silent 26®. 33430 Villa de Burdeos Rock Lighted Buoy. 36 44 73 09 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 55 5 Red cylindrical buoy. \ni 313 First Edition Height No. Name and locotion Position lot. long, 0 / Choracteristic and power of light obove high water Visi- bility (nau* tical Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks, Fog signals (feet) run c miles) 33440 C 1796 BOCA CHICA: Tumbes Point, NW. extrem¬ ity of Tumbes Peninsula. 33450 Islo Quiriquina on N. point C 1798 33460 C 1806 — Punta Arenas 33465 — Caleta Escuela, about C 1800 0.54 mile 341° from Punta Arenas. 33470 G 1802 33480 C 1808 33490 33500 C 1814 33510 C 1826 33520 c 1828 33530 C 1824 33535 — Head of N. mole . — Head of S. mole . Boca Chica Lighted Buoy, W. side of channel. PORT TALCAHUANO: — Belen Shoal, S. extrem¬ ity of shoal. U La Viuda. 33540 c 1822 33550 C 1820 33551 Part VII — Muelle Fiscal. — Naval Station Pier (Apostadero Mole), N. corner. H rec^ lighted buoy — Naval Hospital Quay, S. end. — Repair Basin, head of breakwater, E. side of entrance. -Head of W. break¬ water. S. W. 36 37 73 07 36 36 73 03 FI. W. period 6 * fl. 1 ®, ec. 5 * Alt. Gp. FI. (3)— W. R. period 30^ W. 0.5^ ec. 9.5® W. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® R- 0.5®, ec. 9.5® Cp. 21,000 36 38 73 M 36 38 73 03 FI. W. period 2 ® fl. 0.3®, ec. 1 . 7 s F. R. 36 39 73 04 36 37 73 04 36 42 73 05 36 43 73 06 F. R F. R FI. W. period 2 ® fl. 0 . 2 ®, ec. 1 . 8 ® FI. W. period 4 ® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 36 42 73 07 36 42 73 06 Fl. R. period 2 ® fl. 0 . 2 ®, ec. 1 . 8 ® F. R F. R Fl. IV. period 5 ® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® F. R., F. G. (horiz.). F. R F. R 118 128 24 28 23 23 10 42 44 26 28 16 26 26 17 17 White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; 13. White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; 20 . Red iron post; 21. Wooden post; 15. Iron post; 16 . Unpainted cylindrical iron post; 18. Red buoy. 10 Conical masonry tower, red and white bands, green cupola; 37 . On roof of Custom Pier No. 2 . Hut and white column .... Gray wooden post; 19. Red cylindrical buoy. 3 Red iron post; 13 . 3 White wooden post. Iron post Visible 28°-273°. Telephone to Talcahuano. Signal station. Siren: 1 blast every 60®. Visible 79° 30'-358° 30'. Telephone to Talcahuano. Siren: period 5 min., synchro¬ nized with the radiobeacon for distance finding. In clear weather the siren and radio¬ beacon will operate daily from 0600 to 0800 and from 1600 to 1800. Radiobeacon. Occasional. Occasional. Occasional. Note change in position and structure. Visible 9r-313°. Visible 172°-262°. Visible 270°-90°. 314 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of 1 ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility {nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 33560 PORT TALCAHUANO: — Corner of mole, W. side s. w. F. R., F. G. C 1818 of entrance channel to Dry Dock No. 1. (vert.). 33570 — Marinao Breakwater. 36 42 FI. G. 22 4 White concrete column; 16 . C 1816 U. 73 05 period 2.5® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.1® Cp. 70 33580 — Muelle de Lanzamiento .. 36 41 F. G., F. R. G.46 2 Wooden post. G 1813 73 06 (vert.). R.43 33590 — IWorro Talcahuano, head F. G. 13 3 Square skeleton tower; 12 . Shows 90° each side of the axis of the channel. A F. R. light is shown from Grace Mole further up the channel. of mole, at entrance to shallow channel, SE. of town. 33600 Cerro Verde, Point Elisa .. . 36 43 FI.—W. R. 66 W 9 Iron hut and white column; 21. R. from shore S. of light to 96°, W.-172°, red thence to shore. A F. R. light is shown from mole at Duintero Pt. and western pier at Pence. c 1832 U. 73 00 period 5® fl. 0.4®, ec. 4.6® R. 6 33610 TOME: — Fiscal mole. 36 37 F. R 33 White iron column; 18. Occasional R. lights, in groups, are shown on Guzman Hill in summer. C 1833 72 57 33620 — Head of Hinricksen Mole. F. G. 21 3 Visible 0°—180°. Privately maintained. G 1842 33630 Cobquecura Bay. 36 09 F. W. 10 Several F. W. lights. 72 48 33640 Cape Carranza, on Point 35 34 Fl. W. 170 19 White truncated iron tower, green cupola. Visible 38°-211°. C 1846 Santa Anna (Santos del Mar). 72 3 8 period 20® fl. 23®, ec. 17.7® 33650 c 1850 Topocalma Point . U. 34 08 72 01 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 361 15 White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; 7. Visible 347°-210°. 33660 C 1854 Juan Fernandez Island, at head of Cumberland Bay. 33 38 78 50 Fl. W. period 15® fl. 1.5®, ec. 13.5® 90 10 White iron tower, green lantern; 14. Visible 235°-323°. Radiobeacon. 33670 PORT SAN ANTONIO: — Head of S. mole. 33 35 Fl. R 54 6 White concrete tower; 32 . . Sir«n. Radiobeacon (Santo Domingo Point). C 1856 71 38 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 33680 C J5S8 — Head of N. mole. 33 35 71 38 Gp. FI.G.(2) . period 10® fl. l®,ec. 2® fl. 1®, ec. 6® 40 3 White wooden square beacon; 16. 33690 G I860 — Espigon de Atraque, NE. corner. F. G . 23 2 V/ooden post; 21. 33700 G J862 -of pier, 460 yards SE. of light on north F. G . 2 Wooden post; 10. mole. U. Part VII 315 First Edition No. Nome and location Position lot, long. Characteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nau* water tical (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) CHILE Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals 3371( PORT SAN ANTONIO: 1 — Head of mole, W. side of boat basin. S. W. F. R. 11 2 Wooden post .. . 3373C — Punta Panul , 33 34 71 38 FI. W .. period 6® fl. 1 ®, ec. 5® 290 15 White cylindrical concrete tower; 29. G 1866 33735 Rada Quintay .. . U. 33 12 71 43 FI.—W. R. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 160 83 9 White pyramidal concrete tower; 20. 33750 C 1870 Curaumilla Point, summit .. 33 06 71 45 F. FI.W. period 30® 0.4®. F. 26® Cp. 45,000 272 F1.23 F. 10 White cylindrical tower and dwelling, green cupola; 11. 33760 VALPARAISO: — Punta Anqeles 33 01 71 39 F. W., Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 30® fl. 1®, ec. 5® fl. 1®, ec. 5 s fl. 1®, ec. 17® 184 18 White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; 49. C 1874 33770 G 1878 — Head of breakwater U. 33 02 71 38 Fl. R. period 5® fl. 0.8®, ec. 4.2® 37 7 White skeleton iron tower, red lantern; 26. 33800 G 1882 Los Molles Hill, summit. .. . 32 46 71 33 Fl. W . . . . period 5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.7® 276 23 W'hite conical concrete tower; 52. 33805 Roca Tortuga, on rock 32 46 71 32 F. R. 8 5 Pyramidal concrete tower, square base; 12. 33810 Bahia Quintero, landing 32 46 F. R. 29 3 Post; 21 . 71 32 33820 G 1884 Quintero AVIATION LIGHT . 32 47 71 32 Gp. Fl. G 66 Iron skeleton tower . , 33822 — Pierhead. 32 46 71 30 F. R . F. G(occas.). 5 ron post, white disc day- mark with two black discs superimposed; 34. 33825 — Aero Radiobeacon .... 32 44 71 .30 6 F. R. (vert.). 328 5 ■?ed and white radio tower; 216. 33830 G 1890 Huevos Island, N. side of island. U. 31 55 71 32 Fl. W .. period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® 1 60 10 Vhite cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; 25. A F. R. light is shown from a wooden post, 11 feet high, 820 yards 114” 30' from light on N. mole. Visible 360“-163°. Siren: blast 4^ silent 56^ Visible 344°-244°. Serves as aviation light also. Siren: 1 bl. ev. 30^. Signal station. Radiotelephone. Visible 62°-288°. Signal station. Telephone to Valparaiso. Siren: Morse letter U 9*, silent 24®; blast 5®, silent 24®;blast 5®, silent 24®; blast 5®, silent 24®; Morse letter U 9®, silent 111®. Total = 240®. Synchro¬ nized with radiobeacon for distance finding purposes. Radiobeacon. Visible 20°-236°. Two F. W. lights are located on the mole of the Naval Aviation field, 680 yards 191°, and 680 yards 196°, respectively, from Tortuga Rock beacon. Shows letters ‘RAYAS.’ visible -297° Part VII 316 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name and location Position lat. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of ight above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles] Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CHILE 33840 Los Vilos Road, NW. corner s. w. 31 56 F. R. 30 4 G 1888 of W. end of landing mole. 71 32 33850 Cape Tables, N. side of 31 51 FI. W. 225 15 White cylindrical tower. Visible 284°-170*. C 1892 bay. U. 71 34 period 8^ n.lSec. 7s 33860 Lengua de Vaca Point, 30 15 Gp.FI. W (2). 135 18 3 White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; 16. Black and yellow diagonal striped diamond-shaped daymark on post; 16. Visible 39°-265°. F. R. lights mark radio beacon masts SSW. of main light. Radiobeacon. C 1896 33865 Tongoy Bay. U. BAHIA HERRADURA: — Herradura Approach 71 38 29 59 period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 3® fl. 1®, ec. 15® F. R. Range A, front, No. 1. 71 22 33865.1 -Rear, No. 2, about F. G. 3 Black and yellow diagonal striped diamond-shaped daymark on post; 16. 140 yards 136° 30' from front. 33866 — Mining Pier Range B, front No. 3. 29 58 71 22 F. R. 3 Black and yellow diagonal shaped diamond daymark on post; 16. 33866.1 -Rear, No. 4, about 492 yards 079° from front. F. G. 3 Black and yellow diagonal striped diamond-shaped daymark on post; 16. 33867 — Anchorage Range C, front. No. 5. 29 58 71 22 F. R. 3 Black and yellow diagonal striped diamond-shaped daymark on post; 16. 33867.1 -Rear, No. 6, about 60 F. G. 3 Black and yellow diagonal striped diamond-shaped daymark on post; 16. yards 016° from front. 33870 COQUIMBO: — Tortuga Point. 29 56 FI. W 90 12 White iron post; 20 .... Visible 42°-255°. Telephone to Coquimbo. Siren: blast 7®, silent 68®. Signal station. C 1900 71 22 period 4® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 33880 — La Serena. 29 54 FI. W 96 7 Square concrete tower; 92.. C 1903 U. 71 17 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 33900 -Head of landing pier . F. R. 15 Red post; 10. C 1902 o 33910 C 1904 Pajaros Islets, southern¬ most islet. U. 29 35 71 33 Fl. W. period 20® fl. 2®, ec. 18® 148 14 White cylindrical iron tower; 44. Obscured by N. islet 158°-162°. 33920 C 1908 CRUZ GRANDE COVE: — Mostacilla Point. . U. 29 27 71 19 Fl. W. period 11® fl. 3®, ec. 8® 138 7 White pyramidal iron tower; 44. 33930 — Entrance Range, near F. R. 38 C On building. C 1910 head of cove, front. 33930.1 C 1910.1 -Rear, 270 yards 118° | from front. F. G. 90 On building. Port VII 317 First Edition No. Name and location Position lot. long. Characteristic and power Height of light Visi- above bility high (nau- water ticol (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) 33940 33940.1 33950 c 1912 33955 G 1916 33%0 C 1918 33965 33970 G 1920 33980 C 1924 33985 33990 C 1928 CRUZ GRANDE COVE: — Basin Approach Range, front. -Rear, about 285 yards 183°30' from front. On head of Petroleum pier. S. W, Chanarol Island, W. side F. R F. R F. 8u 29 02 U. 71 36 PUERTO HUASCO: — Isla Guacolda .. . — Santa Barbara Pier, on loading crane. — Huasco, on rocks off landing mole. PUERTO CALDERA: — Punta Caldera. U. — Railway Mole . 28 28 71 16 28 28 71 15 28 28 71 14 27 03 70 52 FI. W. period 12* fl. 1*, ec. 11^ FI. W. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* F. R F. R Fl. W. period 20* fl. 2*, ec. 18* • Head of passenger mole. 34000 G 1932 34010 34020 G 1934 34030 G 1938 34 040 G 1940 34050 G 1946 CHANARAL DE LAS ANIMAS: — Caleta Barquito, head of mole. -Anchorage Ranges, near Piedra Blanca Point. — Head of mole, E. of Piedra Blanca point. Ballenitas Point 27 04 70 50 26 21 70 39 Fl. R. period 5* fl.0.3*, ec.4.7* Cp. 40 F. R . Cp. 40 U. Port Taltal, head of Fiscal Wharf. ANTOFAGASTA: — Head of breakwater. 26 21 70 38 25 45 70 47 25 24 70 29 23 39 70 26 F. G .. 4 F. R F. R Fl. W. period 15* fl. 1.5*, ec. 13.5* F. R Fl. R. period 6* fl. 0. 5*, ec. 5. 5* CHILE Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals 75 46 121 23 32 48 164 26 56 Iron post Iron post. White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola; white dwelling, red roof; 24. White iron skeleton tower; 23. Crane. 2 Post; 23 ... 15 White truncated conical tower; 60. Occasional, Occasional. F. G. lights are shown occasionally from iron posts close south of this light and at each side of entrance to basin. Visible 97°-179°30'. Visible 10°-214°. Visible 30°-327®. Visible 20°-270° 6 Red iron skeleton tower; 13. 6 Red iron skeleton tower; 13. 15 2 pairs of range lights mark anchorage. Concrete post; 26 White skeleton iron tower- 20 . W'ooden post. White conical tower; 43 . .. Visible 8°-!!° and 12°-24r Visible 70°-210°. Part VII 318 First Edition H. 0. 30 Position Characteristic Height of 1 ight above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location lot. long. O ! and power high water (feet) (nou* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CHILE 34055 ANTOFAGASTA: — Mole Este. S. W. 23 39 70 26 FI. —R. G 16 R. 4 G. 5 White rectangular tower; 7. R. 180°-260°,G.263°-180°. C 1947 U. period 3® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.8^ Cp. R. 15 G. 30 34060 — Head of passenger mole, 23 39 F. R. 23 2 Pillar, circular-shaped .... G 1944 front. 70 25 34060.1 -Rear, at root of mole. F. R. 29 2 Pillar, circular-shaped .... C 1944. 1 50 yards 318° from front. 34070 Tetas Point. 23 31 Gp. FI. W. (2) 86 14 White cylindrical iron tower, green cupola. Visible 286°-168°. G 1948 U. 70 38 period 6® fl. 03=, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® 34080 — Mount Moreno. 23 27 Radiobeacon. 70 27 34090 Punta Angomos, on ex- 23 02 Fl. W. 335 14 White cylindrical iron tower and cupola, red roof; 7. Visible 36°-267°. C 1952 tremity. 70 32 period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® 34100 G 1954 San Luciano, harbormaster’s office. 23 07 70 28 F. R. Cp. 100. 5 Tower of building. F. R. lights are shown from the heads of Muelle Salitre and Muelle Carbonero. 34105 34110 C 1958 Printa Algodonales, on Islote Blanco. Tocopilla, Anglo Lautaro Mole No. 1. 22 06 70 15 22 06 70 14 Fl. W. period 10® fl.0.5®, ec.9.5® Cp. 150 F. R. Cp. 500. 72 33 8 2 White framework tower, red bands; 20. Iron column; 22. Visible when bearing more than 75° to vessels approaching from the southward. Mole No. 2 is marked by 3 lights: F.W., F.R. and F. G. Occasionally 2 F. R. lights are shown from Muelle Espigon Chilex. 34130 G 1962 Lobos Cove. U. 21 04 70 11 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 86 8 Dark red square skeleton tower. Visible 32°-177°. 34140 G 1964 Gruesa Point . U. 20 22 70 12 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 20® fl. 1®, ec. 2® fl. 1®, ec. 16® 86 15 Pyramidal concrete structure; 33. Visible 4°-205°. 34160 C 1970 IQUIQUE: — Mole de Abrigo, N. head of mole. U. 20 12 70 10 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® 59 14 White conical tower; 44 . . . 34170 C 1974 — Head of passenger mole . 20 13 70 10 F. R. 39 3 Post; 32. Part VII 319 First Edition H.O. 30 -- Height of light Visi- Position Chorocteristic obove bil ity No. Name ar>d location lot. long. e / and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water ticul (feet) miles) CHILE 34172 IQUIQUE: — Range, head of pas¬ senger mole. s. w. 20 13 70 10 F.G. 3 ttTiite wooden post, black bands, white triangular topmark; 18. 34172.1 -Rear, about 47 yards 208° from front. F.R. 3 White wooden post, black bands, black triangular 34180 C 1972 — Patilliguaje Rock . U. 20 12 70 10 F. R. 21 3 Red cylindrical iron tower; 19. 34190 C 1978 Punta Pichalo. 19 35 70 15 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10^ fl. 0.5^ ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® 180 8 White concrete tower; 14 .. Visible 309°-221°. 34200 C 1980 Pisagua, head of passenger pier. U. 19 36 70 14 F. R. 26 3 Gray iron post; 20. 34210 ARICA: — Alocran Island. 18 29 FI. W. 62 14 White skeleton iron tower, white lantern; 27. G 1984 U. 70 21 period 6® n.0.6®,ec. 5.4® 34220 C 1986 — Head of railway mole . . . U. 18 28 70 20 3 F. R. (vert). 35 3 Square pyramidal iron tower; 27. 34230 — Head of passenger pier.. U. 1 18 29 70 20 F. G. — 2 Pyramidal beacon; 17. PERU 34250 Coles Point. 17 42 FI. W 125 15 White circular tower, cylindrical topmark. C 2002 U. 71 22 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 1,200 34260 C 2003 Ilo, head of mole. 17 38 71 22 F. R. Cp. 100 30 4 Iron framework tower . A F. R. light is shown from end of Mining Co. mole. 34262 — Range, head of new mole. 17 38 Qk. Fl. G. front. 71 22 60 fl. per min. 34262.1 - Rear, about 250 yards Occ. G. 109° from front. period 6® It. 3®,ec. 3® 34270 C 2006 Port Mollendo, summit of promontory. 17 01 72 02 F. W. 89 12 Gray iron framework tower on stone base; 47. Visible over arc of 140° between Islay Point and Mejico Point. Difficult to distinguish from town lights. 34280 C 2008 — Head of pier. F. R. Cp. 100 30 4 Iron post. 34290 C 2010 Islay Point, Flat Rock Point. U. i 17 01 72 07 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 15® fl. 1®, ec. 2® fl. 1®, ec. 2® fl. 1®, ec. 8® Cp. 6,230 214 18 White cylindrical concrete tower. Part VII 320 First Edition H.O. 30 No. Name ond location Position iat. Ior. 9 . 0 f A 1 Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) 1 Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals PERU 34300 G 2011 PORT MATARANI: — Angle of W. mole. s. w. 17 00 72 07 Fl. R. period 2 ® fl. 0.4S ec. 1.6® 23 i 8 i 1 White iron framework tower 34310 G 2012 — Head of W. breakwater .. FI. R . 16 6 Vnite iron framework tower 34320 G 2012. 5 — Head of E. breakwater... Fl. W . period 4® 35 Write iron framework tower. 34330 G 2013 — Pan de Azucar Island ... 16 59 72 07 F. W. period 2 ® fl. 0.4®, ec. 1.6= 32 8 Red iron tower. 34340 C 201* Quilca Cove, on El Castillo HiU. U. 16 42 72 2 7 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 23® Cp. 100 266 8 White concrete tower. Visible over arc of 170°. 34350 16 14 Gp. Fl. W. (2). 285 20 White cylindrical concrete tower. Visible over arc of 200°. G 2018 U. 73 42 period 8 ® fl. 0 . 8 ®, ec. 12 ® fl. 0.8®, ec. 52® Cp. 6,775 ^Unreliable. ) 34360 G 2020 16 13 Fl. R . 25 6 White iron framework tower; U. 73 41 period 2 ® fl. 0.5®, ec. 13® Cp. 90 stone base. 34370 G 2022 Port Chala, Punta Cen- tinela. U. 15 51 74 14 Gp. Fl. W. (4) . period 12 ® fl. 03®, ec. 12® fl. 03®, ec. 12® fl. 03®, ec. 12® fl. 0.3®, ec. 7.2® Cp. 265 469 11 WTiite iron framework . tower, stone base. Visible over arc of 180° . Reported extinguished Feb. (1959). 34380 G 2023 F. R . 25 2 Wooden post . 34390 G 2025 15 33 Fl. W . 89 11 WTiite iron framework . Visible over arc of 180° . U. 74 52 period 3® fl. 0.3®,ec.2.7® Cp. 265 tower, stone base. Reported extinguished >, M>w Tajw oTJiaw.a . V ;■ 'I* s«<^ iVivtKiawAv •I u. !> •- - I ■j^ «U CSI ' t** ' i i’ ^ j ‘is .19/Ku .1 I ‘ ■ > r "• ' V'> ', * ' u ^ar »V <>■*''f * , iV'W •JH. ',S>f, ii*> i» i« oJit* * riai«Q .9WII Dim ‘; » I . tiif I •■‘ ■■ ‘‘’.-iU'Vff' f t . ■•It*** f n- ^ :'''• • • A' *, ■■ ' 't-i' I • * ‘ • • I v»*^ (''3 _ .4Mi11j* 1» lis*»i!9l ttiiSLswTVS C s^HnkuCxi iowjuv'd'.*' ’i . ^, ^ _ jjfoimii ''SI .v-iaji^ti ■'" i r - ' ~ •!•'■•' ■.. * '• ■• I V ’-fW nolfjjf:? 1 I ,. ,, .: a^ithi.’ ‘lAitf ». ir 'Jttti't ^.l iitJli .»9oit(p>*0 J ,j|slun»<4 ■»3bgpW'W;, wJjfV > • W ilinI«]a9tM)jlw44 Et.^Uwvt f/'Mia!' *» •i»fi(. ^55S' o (P »dWi#iJ jki\i ,) r.vt xX~‘m < Sf ,4 r- Zlr-**flS < j *»vj^ ti.'W'V rA*0 I 1*.'fl5iw» ^‘|0 j 'o' .’'f.xirj4 * . *•1 -f4' • W f“ ix f r (t c:i- Tl <;i ;4' 4 ,. JtmO m1»'I — U -A • •** ■ ( * »' F’ \ '• .i f '1 >'■' r ,. 'J?' >* 9-Xr ».«*»>. - S wO ;f: ?:M#‘ ^^ 1)^ Vr*u|dft9 „>(ri1 vK)'! ,'r,ArtQfi{ 0;£8£ • U«9 Xi mM im a (••W’fi io Mlk *> 9lv; 3 ' ‘ Bli .locnl .M'iiiili)f no .{mS •>> -lIMtl * 'Mwumji kT«'<- it (■yu,'K/fi — - ,v ■..» »*1^ '•*» r ^ ( jF*Knmm iffiMi. %t#i » 't. ^ . V ■ I I XfrtZi *1 r.. ,«> .ft i*> T [ *«TSLl:^ir j* •^1 .>« c-rtvTl* rfl^- Mti 9m*-.>AJ3 iM tH 3*1 ft - 'tI ^■- *• •'■ ■" ■^4 i4' ■’Wit . .1 ' '.r ‘i*'* ■ .0.1 ■i f'“.»x •’I" ,l|^ «■• H* •U r,' /I :»t. !*«>,«» —>oe?3te Jl 8 t '> 1 3 ibM| 1 to i>9«l. 38810 Sutley Point. 39567 Swale Rock. 37390 Swallow Head. 40970 Swallowtail. 14760 Swan Islands . 22440 Swashway. 8960 Sweeper Cove. 40975 Sweetings Cay. 15690 Swiftsure Bank Lightship. 36950 Sydney Harbor . 11130 Sydney Inlet. 3725 O T Tablas, Cape. 33850 Table Head. 376 O Taboguilla Island. 35510 Tabon, Isla. 32900 Tadoussac . 4270 Tahsis North Narrows. 37130 Taia. 25807 Taima Taima, Punta. 24520 Talara. 34540 Talara Bay. 34340 Talcahuano, Port. 33500 Talleries. 34930 Taltal, Port. 3404 O Tamandare. 26740 Tampico, N. Point. 21630 Tanamo, Puerto . 17690 Tanner Pass. 12558 Tantalus, Mount. 41430 Tapion Rock. 21410 Tarpum Bay . 16 IOO Tarara, Rio. 17007 Tasu Sound. 40830 Tattenham Ledge. 38671 Tatuoca, Ilha. 25900 Tcenakun Point. 40822 Tehuelche, Punta. 30070 Tela. 23450 Teliupta, Punta. 32830 Telmo, Punta San. 36340 Tenas Island . 39710 Tenaun, Punta. 32800 Tenglo, Isla. 3298 O Tennessee Reef. 15160 Tennycape. 14030 Terence Bay. 12400 Teresa, Santa. 28235 Teresa Panca. 26520 Terron Island. 37160 Tesner, Islote . 31695 Tesoro, Isla. 23910 Tetas Point. 3407 O Teteron Rock. 23130 Tetreauville. 7000 The Bight. 16300 The Narrows. 16010 Therese, He Ste. 6900 Thomas, St. 20767 Thomas Fort, St. 21020 Thome, Cabo Sao. 27400 Thompson Cay. 15870 Three Fathom Bank. 22922 Three Fathom Harbor. 12210 Three Point, Cape. 23415 Three Rivers. 6040 Three Top Island. 11810 403 H.O. 30 Thrumcap Islet. 12010 Thunder River. 3770 Tibbs Islet. 37285 Tickle Point. 1090 Tickle Point. 1140 Tides Cove Point. 2200 Tierra Bomba, Isla. 23940 Tignish Harbor. 9500 Tilton Harbor . 1230 Tiner Point. 14390 Tinker Rock. 1250 Tinker Rock. 2635 Tinkers Rock. 15946 Tiverton. 13560 Tobago. 21587 Tocopilla. 34110 Tocumen. 35570 Todos Santos, Islas. 36830 Tofino. 37330 Tolete, Punta. 25378 Toma, La. 29500 Tomas Point. 34600 Tome. 33610 Tompkinson Point. 39790 Tonala. 21970 Tongue Shoal. 14560 Tony Rock . 15990 Topocalma Point. 33650 Topolobampo. 36449 Tor Bay. 11870 Tormentine, Cape. 9440 Toro, Cape. 23640 Torrecilla, Punta. 20035 Torrecillas, Morro. 33240 Torres . 28440 Tortola Road. 20920 Tortuga, La. 24630 Tortuga Island. 19840 Tortuga Point. 33870 Tortugas Outside Buoy No. 8A. 15270 Toulinguet Harbor. 1080 Tourmaline Reef Buoy No. 8 . 20730 Tova, Isla. 30310 Tracadie Harbor. 9650 Tracadigash Point. 8460 Traicao Bay. 26590 Tramandai. 28455 Tranqui Island. 32500 Tre Cruces Point. 33020 Treble Island. 3450 Tree Bluff. 40260 Tree Point. 40480 Trembles Shoal Buoy 24Q. 5190 Tres Hermanas Bank. 33170 Tres Redes. 32620 Trial Islands. 37770 Triangulo Oeste Arrecife. 22100 Trincheira. 28180 Trinity Bay. 1600 Trinity Bay. 4380 Trinity Bay Buoy 17B. 3910 Trinity Ledge Buoy No. 2Y. 13340 Triple Islands. 40410 Triton Bank . 31500 Trivett Point. 39810 Trois Pistoles. 7560 Trollope Rock. 35455 Trout River. 3090 Trujillo, Ciudad. 20050 Trujllo, Puerto de. 20040 Tryon, Cape. 9590 Try on Shoal. 10060 Tucapel Point. 33280 Tuckers Head. 3130 Tugwell Reef. 40230 Tukingassarssuak Island. 143 Tumbes Point. 33440 Tuna, Point. 20520 Tuna Point. 39130 Tunas Channel. 18620 Tupilco, Laguna. 21980 Tapper, Point. 11590 Turbo Airfied. 23860 Turf Point. 2940 Turks Islands. 16590 Turn Point. 37010 Turn Point. 37840 Turneffe Cays. 23200 Tusket River. 13160 Tutoia. 26240 Tuxpan. 21690 Twenty Eight Foot Shoal. 15230 Two Rocks Passage. 15550 Tyee Point. 38490 u Ubatuba.. . . 27880 Ulakta Head. 40930 Ulric, St. 7690 Umatilla Reef Lightship. 36940 Upolu Point. 41150 Upwood Point. 38700 Umbu, llha do. 27320 Ushuaia. 31140 Utila Island. 23460 Utila Peak . 23460 V Vache Island. 19700 Vaches Reef Buoy 94‘/2B, Pointe. 4248 Vaches Shoal Buoy 94B. 4190 Val de Caes . 25950 Vallarta, Puerto. 36180 Vallon, Anse au. 7910 Valparaiso. 33760 Vancouver. 38298 Vancouver Rock. 39660 Vansittart. 39100 Vardys Island. 2860 Varennes Buoy 129M. 6910 Vela, Cabo de la. 24320 Vela, La. 24510 Vera Cruz. 21730 Vercheres-Contrecoeur. 6780 Verde, Cayo. 17350 Verde, Isla. 21750 Verde, Isla. 35110 Verde, Point. 1980 Verde, Ponta. 26760 Vero Beach. 15030 Verte, Baie. 4085 Verte, He. 7550 Vertientes, Punta. 18474 Vesique. 34640 Vesuvius Bay. 38055 Vettor Pisani Shoal. 32590 Viana, Isla. 30315 Vibora, Banco. 18330 Victoria. 37675 Victoria Beach. 13620 Viejo Frances, Cape. 19930 Vieques Island. 20470 Vierkant Point. 22880 Vieux Fort, Pointe du. 21258 Vigia, Punta. 22010 Vigie. 21400 Villa—see proper name Villa, Rio de la. 35650 Villar, Puerto. 34950 Villedo Shoal. 23380 Villegagnon, Fort. 27510 Vin, Baie du. 9010 Vincent, St. 21460 Vincente, Cabo San. 31540 Virgenes, Cabo. 30810 Virgin Islands. 20767 Vita, Bahia. 17540 Vitoria. 27300 Vitoria, llha da. 27900 Viuda, La. 33510 W Wadham Islands. 1300 Waiakea Creek. 41040 Waialua Bay Buoy No. 2. 41620 Waihee Reef Buoy No. 2. 41210 Waini Point. 25400 Waireka. 19585 Wales Island. 320 Walker Island. 39615 Walker Rock. 38080 Wallace Harbor. 10370 Waller, Punta. 31010 Walton Harbor. 14020 Wana Creek. 25660 Warren Farm. lOOOO Watcher Island. 39430 Watermans Rock. 15530 Watling Island. 16410 Watson Rock. 39970 Watt Point. 12090 Wearing Point. 39570 Wedge Island. 11960 Wedge Island. 39210 Wemyss Bight. 16150 West Arichat. 11470 West Flat Island. 2720 West Ironbound Island. 12630 West Point. 3730 404 H.O. 30 West Point. 8320 West Point. 10150 West Quoddy Head. 14910 West Reef. 10170 West Rocks. 3825 West Sand Spit Buoy 113B. 4750 Western Bay Head. 1700 Western Head. 12720 Western Island. 230 Westhaven Island. 12550 Westport. 13530 Westport Cove. 860 Whale Island. 3270 Whale Point. 15860 White Island Reef. 7502 White Knoll Ledge. 13000 White Point. 540 White Point. 800 White Point. 3030 White Point. 10790 White Point Rock. 12780 White Rocks. 40330 Whitehead. 11790 Whitehead Island. 11800 WhiffinSpit. 37615 Whittle, Cape. 3420 Whittocks Mill. 14620 Whycocomagh. 10970 Wiah Point. Wilbrahm Point. Wilby Shoals. Willapa Bay .. Willevn Stad. William Head. Williamsport. Wilson Beach. Winchester Point. Windsor. Windsor Point. Windward Point. Wingdam. Wizard Islet.. Wolfe Cove Buoy lOQ . Wolfville. Wolves Buoy No. 182C Wood Island. Woods Harbor. Woods Island. Woody Point. Work Island. X Xcalak ... Xicalango 40770 38670 38980 36890 22736 37650 830 14720 13650 13960 40025 17890 38250 37525 5080 13880 14460 9840 13090 3050 3110 39760 Y Yakyak, Cape. 40976 Yal, Islote . 32650 Yalkubu. 22200 Yamana, Punta. 31170 Yarmouth Approaches. 13220 Yarmouth SW. Fairway Buoy No. 68Y.. 13220 Yavaros, Puerta de. 36460 Ylloa, Punta. 30316 York Point. 39776 Z Zacatal, Point. 22020 Zamuro, Punta. 24540 Zapotitlan Point. 21940 Zeballos Arm. 37120 Zero Rock. 39460 Zimmers 0. 270 Zorritos, Puerto. 34%0 22390 22000 405 H.O. PUB. No. Ill (FORMERL y H. 0. 30) SECOND EDITION LIST OF LIGHTS AND FOG SIGNALS THE COASTS OF NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA THE WEST INDIES, AND THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, EXCLUDING CONTINENTAL U.S.A. AND ALASKA July 15,1961 (Including Notice to Mariners No. 28 of 1961) Published by the U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy nN' 1®' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1961 Parts for Sale by authorized Sales Agents of the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office. Price 40 cents \ - ■■■ T ■y *>. . « vm * "Hi ,.P T *v < /.' ri>^ !•«» *■< *• ,‘j* ).»,. If.. kt: V A / M. .(► ' i! 'VJ >.'C ^ » t .u »•/ % M^. *r ^ % » « h'^ ..<1 *’( 7, - J '■Vi v,v v^ jr < r i * N * '•¥y; l-i^ •^» i". ^16- ^ Hj-' V ' -j- r*. . •;,.« ,■ 'jT ■ ' • " t'-Z ■ : ' 'V '' ' -,. -f'^Ts;^ . SI r^.* » jfc ' T« *5*'«i 1* • t*f».i^»*i'n . r t 'j - .V • ■*. ,<41 >1 ;■'. . ■' t ■•. -r"* '** * k“ V " .-.n. t» A . '■ ■ •; . •'•■ • J m ■ ♦/ I H.O. Ill LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES H.O. PUB. NO. Ill formerly H.O. 30) LIST OF LIGHTS This volume with Parts I through HI (Second Edition) and Parts TV through VIII (First Edition) in¬ serted, consists of the pages listed below: , TITLE PAGE 2 INDEX CHARTLET (Part H, 2nd Ed.) 3 NOTICE OF CORRECTION AND MAINTENANCE (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 4 RECORD OF CHANGE PAGES (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 5 RECORD OF CORRECTIONS PUBLISHED IN WEEKLY NOTICE TO MARINERS (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 6 (blank) 7 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (PartHI, 2nd Ed.) 8 (blank) 9-12 INTRODUCTION (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 13 VISIBLITY TABLE (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 14 (blank) 15 CONVERSION TABLE (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 16 INTERNATIONAL NUMBERS OF LIGHTS (Part I, 2nd Ed.) LIST OF LIGHTS 17 through 52b (Part I, 2nd Ed.) 255 through 299 (rev. blank)(Part VI, 1st Ed.) 301 through 355 (rev. blank)(Part VII, 1st Ed.) 357 through 386 (Part VIH, 1st. Ed.) 387 through 405 (INDEX) (April, 1960, 1st. Ed.) 53 through 108b (Part H, 2nd Ed.) 109 through 168B (Part IH, 2nd Ed.) 169 throxigh 170B (Part m, 2nd Ed.) 171 through 172B (Part HI, 2nd Ed.) 173 through 204 (Part IV, 1st. Ed.) 205 through 254 (Part V, 1st. Ed.) Including N.M. 28/61 July 15, 1961. PART m Second Edition 7 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Positio lot. long • / n Characteristic • and power Heigh of ligh above high water (feet] t t Visi. biliti (nou- ticol miles Structure, height (feet) ) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANAD A-PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9820 H 0950 Cop* Boor, on headland.... N. W. 46 00 62 28 Gp.FI.W.(3). period 12® fl. l®,ec. P fl. P,ec. P fl. P,ec.7® 74 14 White square wooden struc¬ ture, dwelling attached; 41. 9830 Little Sands, root of 45 58 F. R. 54 10 White square wooden tower; 11. H 0960 breakwater. 62 39 9840 H 0962 Wood Island, S. side of E. part of island. 45 57 62 44 Occ. W. period 10® It. 5®, ec. 5® 80 15 White square wooden struc¬ ture and dwelling; 50. 9850 Wood Islands Harbor, head F.G. 19 6 Diaphene: 1 bl. ev. 30*. H 0964 of E. training pier, front. structure; 19. 9850.1 — Rear, 187 yards 3*30' F. G. 33 7 Visible on axis only. H 0966 from front. White square wooden structure; 33. 9860 Indian Rocks Whistle Buoy, 45 55 FI. R. Red cylindrical buoy “INDIAN ROCKS” in white on sides. SW. of rocks. 62 49 9870 H 09 74 Belle Creek, near head of W. breakwater. 45 58 62 51 F.R. 19 6 White mast, white shed; 19 9880 H 0978 Pinette Harbor, outer range. Pond Point, front. U. 46 03 62 57 F.W. 20 9 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark, red diamond shaped center; 15. 9880.1 H 0980 — Rear, 333 yards 18*30' from front. U. F.W. 42 11 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark, red diamond shaped center; 30. 9890 — Inner range, on Pinette Point, front. U. 46 03 62 56 F.W. 26 1 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark, red diamond shaped center; 15. 9900 9910 H 0982 -Rear, about 105 yards 85* from front. U. Prim Point, SE. extremity of Hillsborough Bay. 46 03 63 02 F.W. FI. W. period 5® fl. 1®, ec. 4® 44 68 1 12 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark, red diamond shaped center; 30 White circular brick tower, white dwelling; 60. 9920 Prim Reefs Whistle Buoy, W. extremity of reefs. 46 03 63 06 FI.R. ... Red cylindrical buov.... 9930 H 0994 ORWELL; — Birch Point Range, front. 46 07 62 53 F.W . 45 12 Mast, white diamond¬ shaped slatted daymark, white shed; 43. 9930.1 H 0996 -Rear, 287 yards 74* from front. F.W. 100 16 White framework tower, diamond-shaped slatted daymark, white lantern, red roof; 21. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 111 Sacond Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi- bility No. Name and locotion lot. long. 0 f and power high water (feet) (nau« tical mites) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANADA-PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 9940 H 0984 ORWELL: — Douse Point Range, E. side of entrance, front. N. W. 46 09 62 53 F. R. 16 5 White square wooden structure; 16. 9940.1 H 0986 - Rear, 438 yards 35* from front. F. R. 28 5 White square wooden structure, black band; 22. 9950 H 1006 St. Potari Island, SE. side . 46 07 63 11 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 12* fl. 0.5, ec. 1* fl. 0.5, ec. 1* fl. 0.5, ec. 1* fl. 0.5, ec. 7* 70 14 White square wooden structure; 38. Partially obscured by high land of island. 9960 Fitxroy Rock Whistle Buoy, W. side of reef. 46 07 63 07 FI.R. ... Red cylindrical buoy . Seasonal. 9970 H 1000 CHARLOTTETOWN HARBOR; — Haszard Point, E. side of entrance, front. U. 46 12 63 04 F.W. 58 14 White square wooden structure, red diamond- shaped daymark, red lantern; 55. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 9970.1 « 100 2 - Rear, 704 yards 19* 30' from front. U. F.W. 125 17 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 47. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 9980 II 1008 — Blockhouse Point, W. side of entrance to harbor. 46 11 63 08 F. W. 56 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached, octagonal iron lantern; 40. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 9990 H 1012 — Brighton Beach, E. side of North River, front. U. 46 14 63 09 F.G. 41 11 White wooden skeleton tower, red diamond¬ shaped, daymark, red lantern; 40. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 9990.1 II 10 14 - Rear, 425 yards 337* from front. u. F.G. 72 11 Skeleton steel tower, white daymark red diamond shape. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 10000 II 1016 — Warren Farm Range, W. side of entrance to harbor, front. U. 46 12 63 08 F. R. 39 2 White square wooden tower; 30. 10000 1 H 10 16. 1 -Rear, 368 yards 197* 40' from front. F.R. 57 2 White square wooden tower; 30. 10010 H 1020 — Head of Transport De¬ partment Wharf. 46 14 63 07 F.G. 11 2 Lamp on SW. comer of warehouse. 10020 H 10 24 Charlottetown AVIATION LIGHT. 46 17 63 08 FI.W. period 10* 250 Tower; 75. RadlotMocMi (46*20'N.. 63*10'W.). 10030 H 1028 CRAPAUD: — Leards Range, W. end of bridge at head of harbor, front. U. 46 13 63 29 F. G. 41 6 White square wooden structure, diamond¬ shaped daymark; 38. 10030.1 « 10 27. 9 -Rear, 930 yards 339*15' from front. U. F. G. 95 8 White square wooden structure, red diamond- shaped daymark; 46. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 112 Sacond Edition 15 July. 1961 H.0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long» ® f Choracterlstic ond power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10040 II 1032 CRAPAUD: — Wrights Range, S. side of Paul Bluff, front. N. W. 46 12 63 30 F. R. 30 2 White square wooden structure; 12. 10040.1 H 1034 -Rear, 758 yards 297° from front. F. R. 50 2 White square framework tower slatted on face, red lantern; 32. 10050 — Palmers Wharf, front F.R. 20 2 Ma5;t; 7d In range (2°) with Leard’s. H 10 38 about 135 yards 182° from No. 10030. 10050.1 -Palmers Wharf, rear F. R. 41 White square wooden structure, diamond shaped daymark; 38. 135 yards 002° from front. 10060 Tryon Shoal Bell Buoy, S. 46 09 FI.W. of shoal. 63 32 10070 Port Borden Range, front... 46 15 F.G . 50 9 White square wooden tower, red diamond¬ shaped daymark. Visible on range line. H 1040 63 42 10070.1 — Rear, about 167 yards 28° from front. F.G . 76 9 White square wooden tower, red diamond¬ shaped daymark. Visible on range line. II 1042 10072 — About 40 feet from SW. end of detached break¬ water. u. 46 15 63 42 FI.R. 18 8 Red skeleton tower; 12.... 10080 H 1046 Seacow Head, outer extremity of low point. U. 46 19 63 49 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 12* n. 1.5*, ec. 2* fl. 1.5*, ec. 7* 88 15 White octagonal wooden structure and dwelling, red polygonal lantern; 60. 10090 10100 Miscouche Shoal Lighted Buoy. SUMMERSIDE HARBOR: — Indian Point, head of 46 20 63 51 46 23 FI. W. F.,—W.,G. 48 13 Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “FAIRWAY BUOY.’ White octagonal wooden structure on circular stone base; 40. G.49°-90*,W. elsewhere. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. H 1048 breakwater, S. side of entrance. 63 49 10120 H 1050 — Range, on railway wharf, front. 46 23 63 47 F.G. 34 7 Wooden skeleton tower, white daymark, red diamond; 29. Visible on axis only. 10120.1 H 1052 - Rear, 0.7 mile 72° from front. F.G. 84 8 White square wooden tower; 64. Visible on axis only. 10130 Cape Egmont. 46 24 FI. W 72 10 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 45. H 1056 64 08 period 5* fl. 1*, ec. 4* 10140 H 10 58 Canoe Gully, 3 miles N. of Cape Egmont, front. 46 27 64 06 F. R. 18 8 Skeleton tower, white day- mark with red diamond center. Moved with shifting channel. Visible on range line only. 10140.1 II 1060 — Rear, 147 yards 89° 30' from front. F.R. 34 10 Skeleton tower, white day- mark with red diamond in center. Moved with shifting channel. Visible on ranee line onlv. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 113 Sacend Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Nome ond tocotion lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10150 H 1067 West Point, on sand beach . . N. W. 46 38 64 23 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 20® fl. ec. 3.5® fl. ec. 3.5® fl. ec. 13.0® 66 13 Square wooden tower, black and white bands, dwelling attached; 67. 10160 H 1066 West Point Wharf Range, near head of wharf, front. 46 37 64 22 F. R. 18 6 White mast, white shed; 17. 10160.1 — Rear, 142 yards 11° from front. F. R. 27 6 White mast, white shed; 23. 10165 West Point E. breakwater light. FI.G. period 3® fl. 1®, ec. 2®. 15 5 Red skeleton steel tower; 10. Visible 84°-265*. 10170 10175 H esf Reef Whistle Buoy, 0.7 mile W. of reef. Howard Cove Range, front .. U. 46 40 64 30 46 45 64 23 FI.R. Occ. W . period 2® It. 1®, ec. 1® 26 Red cylindrical buov “WEST POINT” in white on sides. Steel skeleton tower, white daymark with red diamond shaped center; 16. 10175.1 — Rear, 184 yards 5r50' from front. U. Occ.W . period 12® It. 6®, ec. 6® 78 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark with red diamond shaped center; 16. 10180 H 1072 Viminegash, head of S. breakwater, at entrance to pond, front. U. 46 53 64 14 F.,— W., R. 23 6 White square wooden tower; 17. R. 56°-134°30', W.-198°. 10180.1 H 10 74 — Rear, 240 yards 168° from front. U. F. W . 36 10 White square wooden tower; 27. Visible 56°-198° CANADA - MAGDALEN ISLANDS-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10190 H 0906 10198 Amherst Island, South Cape . Oeotlmim Island Whistle Buoy, off W. end of island. 47 13 61 58 47 15 62 13 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 24® fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 16® FI.W. 101 16 White hexagonal wooden structure; 54. Black buov . Visible 262°-100°. 10210 « 0912 Etong du Nord, on Pointe Herissee, W. side of Grindstone Island. 47 23 61 58 Gp. Fl. W. (2) period 20® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 14.5® 98 15 White square wooden dwelling, red roof, white octagonal lantern with red roof; 38. Horn (hand): in Etang du Nord Cove, about 1 mile S. of lighthouse; answers vessels’ signals. 10220 — Range, front, head of N. breakwater. U. 47 22 61 58 FI.G. 16 Steel tower, white daymark with red diamond in center. 10220. 1 -Rear, 457 yards 67° from front. U. FI.G. 31 Steel tower, white davmark with red diamond in center. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 114 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light obove Visi¬ bility No. Nome and location lot. long. 0 ! and power high water (feet) (nau- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANADA-MAGDALEN ISLANDS-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCl? 10225 Hospital Bay Wharf U. N. W, 47 25 61 54 FI.W. period 6^ fl. P, ec. 5= 18 5 Red skeleton steel tower, white square wood day- mark with red diamond in center, red lantern; 12. 10230 // 0866 Brion Island, near W. extremity. 47 47 61 31 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 30® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 15® 166 19 White octagonal wooden structure, red iron lan¬ tern; 49. Partially hidden by trees and high land of the island. 10240 Bird Rocks, summit of 47 50 Occ.W. 159 18 White hexagonal wooden structure, wjiite concrete base; white dwelling; 51. Diophone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. Horn points 35°. // 0882 Great Bird Rock. 61 09 period 20® It. 15®, ec. 5® 10245 f'ast Point Bell Buoy . 47 37 FI.R . 61 20 10250 Grand Entry Harbor, E. side 47 33 F. R. 25 4 A black bell buoy showing Fl. W. is moored W of range line about 2)4 miles seaward of the entrance. H 0888 of entrance, front. 61 34 10250. 1 II 0890 — Rear, 70 yards 25° 15' from front. F. R. 36 4 Mast, white shed; 40. 10255 Dune Du Sud Wharf. SW. comer. U. 47 25 61 45 FI.W. period 4® fl. 0.5®, ec. 3.5® 15 5 Red steel skeleton tower, white slatted wood day- mark, red diamond¬ shaped in center; 15. 10258 Pearl Reef Bell Buoy . 47 19 FI.R. Red buoy. 61 34 10260 II 0900 Cape Alright (Echourie) .... 47 23 61 46 Fl. W. period 30® 79 14 White square wooden tower, red iron lantern; 28. 10270 H 0902 Pointe Basse, Alright Island, near bead of new wharf. 47 23 61 47 F. R . 25 7 Pole. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 10280 — Cape Meule, E. side of Grindstone Island, head of wharf, front. 47 23 61 51 F. R . 21 6 Mast. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 10280.1 -Rear, 1201 yards 340° from front. F. R . 195 Lantern on mast; 10. 10283 House Harbor Range, front.. u. 47 24 61 52 Fl. W . period 2® fl. 0.4®, ec. 1.6® 17 Steel skeleton tower, red lantern, white daymark; 15. 10283.1 — Rear, about 192 yards 353° from front. u. Dec. W . period 12® It. 6®, ec. 6® 26 Steel skeleton tower, red lantern, white daymark; 20. 10290 II 0896 Entry Island, northeast point, top of cliff. U. 47 17 61 41 FI.W . 235 20 White mast, white shed .... 10X0 H 0894 Entry Islond, south side.... 47 16 61 42 F.W . 92 14 White square wooden building, red lantern; 38. Diophone: 2 bl. ev. 60®. Horn points 164°. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 115 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long o / Characteristic • and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) •w Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals • CAN> kDA-MAGDALEN ISLANDS* GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10305 Entry Island, SW. comer of wharf. U. N. W. 47 16 61 43 Fl.G. 17 8 Red skeleton steel tower, white wooden daymark, red diamond in center; 12. 10310 H 0901 Amherst, head of wharf. 47 14 61 50 F. R. 26 7 White square wooden building on four steel columns, red iron lan¬ tern; 30. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 10320 M 0909 — Range, front, about 1,425 yards 171*30' from Amherst Wharf Light. 47 14 61 50 F. W. 15 5 White pole, white shed .... 10320,1 H 09J0 - Rear, about 495 yards 214* from front. F.W. 26 5 White pole, shite shed.... 10325 Amherst Harbor Buoy . 47 14 61 50 FI.R. ... Red buoy. 10330 ff 1302 Coldspring Head, S. side of Bay Verte. U. 45 58 63 52 FI.W. period 6® fl. IS, ec. 5* 60 13 White square wooden tower, red iron lantern; 36. CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10340 PUGWASH HARBOR: — Fishing Point. 45 52 Occ. R. 52 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 44. H 1290 U. 63 41 period 6® It. 3^ec.3" 10350 H 1292 — Outer Range, midway between Biglow Point and Fox Point, front. 45 52 63 41 F.G. 50 12 White square wooden structure; 22. Visible on axis only. 10350.1 H 1294 -Rear, 560 yards 161* 45' from front. U. F.G. 72 14 White slatted structure with lantern on top; 29. Visible on axis only. 10360 H 1296 — Steven Point, front. 45 52 63 40 F. R. 33 2 White square wooden structure: 22. Visible on axis onlv. 10360.1 H 1298 -Rear, 583 yards 87* from front. F. R. 96 2 White square wooden structure; 30. Visible on axis only. 10365 — Fishing Point Range front, 400 yards 118° from Fishing Point. U. 45 52 63 40 F.G . 28 6 Red lantern on white slatted wood daymark with red diamond shape in center on steel skeleton tower; 12. Visible on axis only. 10365.1 -Rear, 282 yards 350* 30' from front. U. F.G . 38 7 White slatted wood day- mark with red diamond- shaped in center, on steel skeleton tower; 25. Visible on axis only. 10370 H J278 WALLACE HARBOR: — Mullins Point, N. side of entrance, front. 45 49 63 25 F.W . 42 11 White square wooden structure; 25. 10370. 1 H 1280 -Rear, 491 yards 284* from front. F.R . 79 8 White square wooden tower, attached dwelling; 48. Port III Including N. M. 28/61 116 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome ond locotion Position lot. long. • t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CA NADA-NOVA SC0Ti> k-GUl -F OF ST. LAWRENCE 10380 H 1284 WALLACE HARBOR: — Macfarlane Point, NE. eitiemity, front. N. W. 45 49 63 28 F.R. 42 4 White square wooden structure; 30. Visible over small arc either side of axis. 10380.1 H 1286 -Rear, 620 yards 257* from front. F.R. 100 4 White square wooden structure; 45. Visible over small arc either side of axis. 10390 H 1276 Amet Island, center of island. U. 45 50 63 11 FI. W. 39 10 Red steel skeleton tower; 20. 10400 Gull Rock Buoy, edge of reef N. of Caribou Point. 45 46 62 41 FI.R. ... Red buoy, “GULL ROCK” in white on sides. Radar roflector. 10410 H 1272 Caribou Point, NE. end of Gull Island. 45 46 62 41 Gp. FI.W.(3). period 24® 11. ec. 4® fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 16® 44 11 White square wooden dwelling, red octagoned iron lantern on middle of hip roof; 38. Diapliona: 1 bl. ev. 30*. 10420 Caribou Harbor Bell Buoy, S. side of North entrance channel. 45 45 62 40 FI.W. ... Black cylindrical buoy .... 10430 Skinner Reef Bdl Buoy, about IK miles 84*30' from reef. 45 45 62 37 Fl. R. ... Red cylindrical buoy. 10450 H 1238 PICTOU ISLAND: — East End, SE. point .... 45 49 62 31 Fl. W. period 3.5® 59 12 White wooden dwelling, red octagonal lantern; 40. 10460 H 1241. 3 — West Wharf Harbor Range, head of E. breakwater front. 45 48 62 35 F. W. 17 8 Lantern on pole. 10460.1 H 1242 -Rear, about 137 yards 348* from front. F. W. 32 10 White square wooden structure; 26. 10470 H 1244 — Pictou Island, W. end ... 45 48 62 36 Gp. Fl. W. (2) . period 30® fl. ec. 7.5® fl. ec. 22.5® 68 13 White octagonal wooden structure, red iron lan¬ tern; 49. 10480 H 1248 PICTOU HARBOR: — Pictou Bar Range, front, on Point S. side of entrance. U. 45 41 62 40 FI.W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 60 12 White octagonal wooden structure red stripes and lantern; 48. R. in window on seaward face of lighthouse. 10480.1 H 1248. 1 -Rear, 1.74 miles 249*45' from front. U. Fl. R. 97 Steel skeleton tower, white slatted davmark with red diamond; 40. 10490 H 1256 — Harbor Range, N. side of entrance, front. 45 41 62 41 F. R. 28 7 White square wooden structure; 30. 10490.1 H 1256. 1 -Rear, 156 yards 262° from front. F. R. 60 9 White square wooden structure; 38. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 117 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and (ocotion Position lot. long. O / Chorocteristic end power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- bility (noLh tied miles) Structure, height (feet) S«ctors« Romorks, Fog signals C> kNADA-NOVA SCOTIA-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10500 H 1262 PICTOU HARBOR: — Norway Point, on extremity, front. U. N. W. 45 40 62 43 F. G. 32 3 Steel skeleton tower, white slatwork daymark on face, black lantern; 2Z 10500. 1 H 1264 -Rear, 687 yards 324* from front. U. F.G. 102 3 Steel skeleton tower, white slatwork daymark on face, black lantern; 23. 10510 H 1266 — East River, Trenton, Stonehouse Point, front. U. 45 37 62 39 FI.R. period 2® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® 30 2 White wooden tower, red lantern. 10510.1 II 1268 -Rear, 1,000 yards 119° from front. U. F. R. 60 2 Pole; 30. 10520 n I2J6 Baillie Brook Range, front, inside E. breakwater. U. 45 42 62 16 F.R. 19 4 Red lantern on pole; 15 ... 10520 1 H 1236. 1 — Rear, 206 feet 125° from front. U. F.R. 37 4 Red lantern on pole; 16 . . . 10530 II 1235 Arisaig Harbor Range, front. U. 45 46 62 10 F.G. 35 7 Pole. 10530.1 H 1235. 1 — Rear, about 108 yards 90* from front. U. F. G. 59 8 Pole on pier. 10540 II 1234 Gipe George, near Eachren Point. 45 52 61 54 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 7.5® fl. 0.1®, ec. 1.2® fl. 0.1 s, ec. 1.2® fl. 0.1®, ec. 4.8® 396 26 White octagonal wooden structure, red lantern, 44. 10.550 II 1232. 5 — Ballantvnes Cove Wharf u. 45 52 61 55 F. —W. R.G. 18 5 Red skeleton tower; 9 .... R. 243° 30' -339° 30', W.-342° 30'. G. -shore. 10555 Cribbean Head Wharf, outer W. end of extension. U. 45 45 61 54 FI.G. 15 fl. per min. 18 9 Red steel skeleton tower, white daymark with red diamond; 14. 10560 II 1232 Pomquet Island, NE. end of island. U. 45 39 61 45 Fl. W. period 6® fl. l®,ec. 5® 30 9 White square wooden tower, red roof; 20. 10570 H 1230 Havre Bouche, SW. side of harbor, front. 45 41 61 32 F. R. 43 7 White square wooden structure; 29. 10570 1 H 1230. 1 — Rear, 492 yards 194° from front. F.R. 102 7 White square wooden structure; 34. 10580 H 3440 North Conso, W. side of N. entrance to Gut of Canso. U. 45 42 61 29 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 3®, ec. 9® 110 16 White square wooden structure; 35. Obscured when bearing less than 120*. CANADA -CAPE BRETON ISLAND- GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10590 II 1222 Henry Island, summit of island, entrance to Port Hood. 45 59 61 36 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 30® 2 flashes with 7.5® intervals 200 22 Octagonal wooden struc¬ ture, alternate sides red and white. Red iron lan¬ tern. Port III Including N. M. 28/61 118 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. ni Position Chorocteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Nome ond locotion lot. long. 0 t and power high water (feet) (nou- ticol miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signois CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10600 // 1224 Port Hood (Smith) Island, head of breakwater. N. W. 46 01 61 33 F. R. 20 5 Pole with lantern. 10610 — Range, near head of 46 01 F.G. 26 5 wharf, front. 61 32 10610.1 - Rear, 917 yards 6° 45' from front. F. G. 60 Small wooden tower. 10620 W 1216 Mabou, on McKeens Point SW. side of channel, front. 46 05 61 28 F. W. 26 9 White square wooden structure; 33. 10620.1 H 1218 — Rear, on McFaydens Wharf, 667 yards 108° from front. F. R. 42 7 White square wooden structure; 47. 10640 « 1208 Morgaree, summit of Sea Wolf Island. 46 21 61 16 Gp.Occ.W.(2). period 30* It. 6*, ec. 3* It. 18*, ec. 3* 298 21 White square wooden structure, dwelling attached; 40. Old white dwelling located 50 yards S. 10650 U 120 2 Margaree Harbor, W. side of mouth of river, front. 46 26 61 07 F. R. 75 10 White square wooden structure; 22. 10650.1 H 1204 — Rear, 72 yards 166'30' from front. F. R. 105 10 White square wooden structure; 33. Visible over small arc each side of axis. 10660 H 1200 Friar Head, on cliff 2 miles S. of Friar Head. 46 30 61 05 F. W. 84 7 White pole, red shed; 14. . . 10670 H 1196 Grand Etang, E. side of harbor front. U. 46 33 61 02 F.R. 35 6 White pole, headlight lan¬ tern. Visible on axis onlv. 10670.1 H 1198 — Rear, 643 feet 131° from front. U. F. R. 50 6 White pole, headlight lan¬ tern. Visible on axis onlv. 10680 CHETICAMP ISLAND; — Head of Public Wharf, near SW. end of island u. 46 36 61 03 FI.W. period 6* 18 9 Red skeleton tower. 10690 H 1188 — Enragee Point, NW. point of island. 46 39 61 02 Gp. FI.W.(3). period 24* fl. 0.3*, ec. 3.7* fl. 0.3*, ec. 3.7* fl. 0.3*, ec. 15.7* 74 12 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 47. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30*. 10700 H 1182 — Caveau Point, entrance to Cheticamp Harbor, front. 49 39 61 00 F. G. 52 8 White square wooden structure; 27. 10700.1 H 1184 - Rear, 247 yards 108° from front. F. G. 97 8 White square wooden structure; 27. 10705 Cheticamp Harbor Lighted Buoy 46 39 61 01 Fl. R. period 3* Red buoy. Including N.M. 28/61 Part III 119 15 July. 1961 Sacond Edition H. 0. m Position Choracteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Nome and location lot. long. O t and power high water (feet) (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10710 II 1190 CHETICAMP ISLAND; — Eastern Harbor Range front. U. N. W. 46 38 61 01 F. R . 27 8 White square wooden struc¬ ture, red lantern; 30. 10710.1 H 1192 -Rear, 280 yards 184° from front. U. F. R. 60 13 Framework tripod, white slatted face. 10720 H I 17fl Cap Rouge, on beach S. of wharf, front. 46 42 60 57 F. W. 25 8 Mast, white shed. 10720.1 H IIBO — Rear, 27 yards 113° from front. U. F. W. 28 8 White pole. 10730 Pleasant Bay, on SE. comer of wharf, front. 46 51 60 47 F.G. 18 Skeleton steel tower, red lantern, white slatted day- mark, red diamond-shaped; 15. Intensified on axis. 10730.1 — Rear, 125 yards 147° from front. F. G. 37 Skeleton steel tower, red lantern, white slatted daymark, red diamond¬ shaped; 23. Intensified on axis. 10740 H 0874 Cap* St. Lawrnic*, near extremity. 47 02 60 36 F.W. 102 16 White square concrete tower, dwelling attached, red lantern; 20. Visible S0*-261*. Radiotelephone. 10750 H 0872 Cap* North, on Money Point. 47 02 60 24 FI. W. period 5* 112 16 Red cylindrical iron tower; 47. Visible 109°-359°. Dioplien*: 1 bl. ev. 30*. Signal and telegraph station. 10760 H 0876 ST. PAUL ISLAND: — South Point . 47 11 60 10 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 12® fl. ec. 1.6® fl. ec. 1.6® fl. ec. 1.6® fl. ec. 7.2® 150 18 Red cylindrical iron tower, red lantern; 27. Obscured 132*-250*. Ughted throughout the year. 10770 H 0878 — North Point, on rock off point. 47 14 60 08 F.W. 126 18 White octagonal wooden structure; 40. Obscured 351°-41°. Dfoplicn*: 2 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 53*. Radiobeocon. 10780 Dingwall Harbor Entrance Bdl Buoy. 46 54 60 26 Fl. W. Black buoy, white stripes . 10790 White Point on shore N. of 46 53 F.W. 53 10 White mast, white shed with red roof; 26. Seasonal. H 0868 wharf. 60 21 10800 H 0866 Neil Harbor, E. side of en¬ trance. 46 48 60 19 F.W. 73 14 White square wooden building, red lantern; 34. Ham (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 10810 H 0864 46 41 60 20 Gp. Fl. W. (3). 205 20 White square stone tower, attached dwelling; 20. period 24® L ec. 4® fl. ec. 4® fl. ec. 16® Part III Including N.M. 28/61 120 Sacond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. in Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility No. Name ond location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols water tical (feet) miles) CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10820 H 0860 INGONISH HARBOR: — Head of breakwater, N. side of entrance to harbor. U. N, W. 46 38 60 23 F. W. 26 9 White mast, white shed with red roof; 14. 10830 — On beach, S. side of 46 38 F. R. 20 Pole. Seasonal. H 0858 entrance to harbor. 60 23 10840 H 0850 ST.ANN HARBOR; — Beach Point. U. 46 17 60 33 FI.W. 32 7 White skeleton steel tower red lantern, davmark. Seasonal. 10850 H 0852 — Munro Point, SE. ei- treraity. U. 46 15 60 35 FI.R. 67 5 White square wooden structure; 32. Seasonal. 10860 H 0856 Ciboux Island, near center of island. U. 46 23 60 23 FI. R. period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 77 10 White square structure, dwelling; 33. 10870 GREAT BRAS D’OR: — Carey Beach Buoy. in entrance to Great Bras d’Or. 46 19 60 23 FI. W. ... Black cylindrical buoy .... Radar reflector. 10880 — Blackrock Point, S. side of entrance to Great Bras d’Or. 46 18 60 24 F.W. 63 13 Combined tower end dwelling. Horn: answers vessels’ signals. 10885 — Lighted Buoy, entrance to channel. 46 18 60 24 FI. R. period 12® ... Red buoy. 10887 — Entrance Inner Light Float. 46 18 60 24 FI. R. ... Red hoU . 10890 H 0872 — Great Bras d’Or Range, Noir Point, front. U. 46 18 60 25 F. G. 43 11 White square wooden structure; 31. 10890.1 H 0874 -Rear, about 560 yards 212° 30' from front. U. F. G. 67 13 White square wooden structure; 46. Rear light visible on axis only. 10895 — Point Jane Buoy, about 400 yards SE. of Point. 46 16 60 27 FI.W. ... Black buoy, white stripes . 10900 H 0788 — McNeil Beach, N. side Boularderie Island. U. 46 14 60 29 FI.G. 31 5 White square wooden structure; 33. 10904 — Seal Reef Buoy. 46 14 60 29 FI.R. 3 Red buoy. 10906 — Lime Rock Lighted Buoy. 46 14 60 30 FI. W. period 12® Black buoy . 10910 H 0790 — Otter Harbor, on small islet, front. 46 13 60 32 F. W. 15 1 Pole, white shed. 10910,1 H 0792 -Rear, 217 yards 281° 30' from front. F.W. 30 1 Pole, white shed. 10920 H 0794 — Man of War Point, on beach. 46 11 60 33 F. W. 32 11 White square wooden structure. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 121 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. m No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Chorocferistic ond power Height of light above high Visi¬ bility (nou- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols 0 f water (feet) tical miles) CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND-GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 10930 H 0810 — McKenzie Point, N. side about 2 miles SW. of Port 3evis. U. N. W. 46 07 60 39 FI.R. 78 11 Metal skeleton mast; 31. 10935 — Lighted Buoy, about 800 yards ESE. of Macrae Point. 46 06 60 40 FI. W. Red and black buoy . 10940 H OSIO Point Clear, St. Andrew Channel, 3 miles from Kemp Head, the S. ex¬ tremity of Boularderie Is¬ land. 46 06 60 36 F. W. Post, white shed. 10950 H 0800 ST. PATRICK CHANNEL: — Kidston Island, NE. point of island, at en¬ trance to Baddeck Harbor. 46 06 60 44 FI. G. 48 6 White square wooden structure, red octagonal lantern; 50. 10952 • -Bone Island buoy, about 500 yards N. of island. 46 05 60 45 FI.W. Black buoy . 10955 — Brain Point Buoy, about 500 yards N. of point. 46 04 60 52 FI.W . ... Black buov . 10957 — Deep Ship Channel Range, front, on shore at Oyster Cove. U. 46 01 60 56 F.W . 10 White pole, white tri¬ angular shaped daymark. 10957.1 -Rear, about 770 yards 195*30' from front. U. F.W . 20 Pole, white diamond shaped daymark. 10958 — Mclver Point Range, front. 46 02 60 55 F.W . 14 White pole, white triangular daymark. 10958.1 -Rear, 33 yards 66* 15' from front. F.W . 23 Pole, white diamond daymark. 10960 H 0802 — Little Narrows, E. en¬ trance. 46 00 60 58 FI. W. 40 7 White square wooden structure; 35. \ 10970 H 080 4 — Whycocomagh, on Lovett Point. U. 45 58 61 05 FI W . 23 4 Alumioam tower. period 4* fl. 0.5*, ec. 3.5* 10980 H 0812 Gillis Point, W. side en¬ trance to Boulaceet Harbor. 46 02 60 46 F.W. 74 14 White square wooden pyramidal tower, red lan¬ tern; dwelling attached; 38. 10990 H 0816 BARRA STRAIT: — Iona, on Uniacke Point. . U. 45 58 60 48 F W . 29 10 Mast, white shed. • 11000 H 0818 — Grand Nanows Bridge, center of swing. 45 58 60 48 F. W., F. R., F. G.. Lantern over center of superstructure, white light immediately above colored light. W. always visible. R. up and down channel when swing is closed, G. when open. Main¬ tained by railroad company. Pgrt III second Edition Including N.M. 28/61 '5 July. 1961 122 H. 0. ni No. Nome and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteri Stic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bil ity (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANAD A-CAPE BRETON IS LAND -GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE 11010 H 0822 BARRA STRAIT: — Derby Point, E. side of strait. U. N. W. 45 56 60 48 FI. R. 77 9 White square wooden structure; 38. # 11020 H 0828 BRAS D’OR LAKE: — MacKinnon Harbor, W. side of entrance. U. 45 55 60 57 FI. W. 30 10 Mast, white shed. 11040 H 0836 — Red Islands, on Mc¬ Kenzie Point. 45 48 60 45 F. R. 47 8 White square wooden structure, red lantern; 37. 11050 H 0838 — Cape St. George, W. side of entrance to St. Peter Inlet. 45 44 60 49 F. W. 50 10 White square wooden struc¬ ture, dwelling attached; 20. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11060 H 0840 ST. PETER INLET: — Gregory Island. U. 45 43 60 48 FI. R. 30 7 White square wooden structure; 33. # 11070 H 0844 — Beaver Island, SE. point. U. 45 41 60 50 FI. W. 30 5 Mast, white shed; 25. 11080 H 0846 — Marjorie Island, W. of Sandys Point. 45 40 60 51 FI. R. 31 5 Mast, white shed; 25. 11090 Point Aconi Whistle Buoy . . 46 22 60 15 FI.W. Black buov . Radar reflector. # 11095 I.ittle Bras if Or Entrance Bell Buoy. 46 20 60 16 FI. W. Black buoy . 11097 Alder Point Buoy . 46 19 60 17 FI. R. ... Red buov. A 11100 H 0 772 Little Bras d’Or, W. side of entrance, front. U. 46 19 60 17 F. R. 32 10 White pole, circular shaped daymark, small white shed at base. w 11100.1 H 0772. I — Rear, about 387 yards 210°25' from front. U. F. R. 45 11 White pole, diamond¬ shaped daymark, small white shed at base. 11110 Lour Point Whistle Buoy.... 46 18 60 08 FI.W. Black and white striped buoy marked “Sydney”. Rodar Reflector. # 11120 H 0758 Low Point, E. side of en¬ trance to Sydney Harbor. 46 16 60 08 Gp.FI.W. (2). period 5® fl. 0.2=, ec. 0.8= fl. 0.2=, ec. 3.8= 78 14 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 58. Diaphone: 2 bl. ev. 60*. Synchronized with radio¬ beacon for distance-finding Radiobeacon. # 11130 H 0762 SYDNEY HARBOR: — Sydney Range, S. side of W. arm of harbor, 1 mile W. of Edward Point, front. 46 11 60 15 F.G. 59 13 White octagonal wooden structure, red lantern; red bands; 53. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 11130.1 H 0764 -Rear, 0.4 mile 214* from front. F.G. 120 17 White square wooden structure; red bands; 38. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. # 11140 H 0 760 — Sydney Bar, W. extremity of SE. bar. 46 12 60 13 Fl.G .. 39 7 Red octagonal iron lan¬ tern on white square wooden dwelling; 36. 2 Homs: 1 bl. ev. 20=. One horn points seaward the other toward the harbor. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 123 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position iat. long. « / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-CAP E BRE TON IS LAND 11150 H 0768 SYDNEY HARBOR; — Battery Point, near N. extremity, front. N. W. 46 09 60 12 F. R. 25 4 Wooden pole, diamond¬ shaped daymark E. half white, W. half red. 11150.1 H 0770 -Rear 112 yards 165' from front. F. R. 50 4 Lantern on pole; circular daymark on tank behind light, E. half white, W. half red. 11160 — Glace Bay Bell Buoy ... 46 14 59 56 FI.W. Black and white striped buoy marked “Glace Bay”. Radar reflector. 11165 — Glace Bay, outer end N. breakwater. 46 12 59 57 F.G. 30 10 White square concrete tower, on square concrete building. Horn: 1 bl. ev. 20®. 11170 H 0752 — E. side of entrance to Glace Cove, front. 46 12 59 57 F.R . 30 6 White square wooden structure. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. Seasonal. 11170.1 H 0754 -Rear, 350 yards 208' 20' from front. F.R . 50 8 White square wooden structure; 42. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. Seasonal. 11180 H 0750 Flint Island, off Cape Perce. 46 11 59 46 Gp.FI.W.(4) . period 7.5® 4 fl. 3.5®, ec. 4®. 74 14 White hexagonal concrete tower, red lantern, dwelling; 62. Diaohone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. Horn ooints 46'. 11190 H 0746 Port Morien, SW. end of breakwater. U. 46 08 59 52 FI.W. 18 9 Steel cage. Seasonal. 11200 H 0742 SCATARI ISLAND: — Scotari, NE. point of island. 46 02 59 41 Gp. FI. W. (3) . period 24® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 4.5® fl. 0.3®, ec. 14.1® 80 14 Steel tower, white wooden dwelling with brown roof W. of tower; 73. Telegraph and signal station. Dioolione: 3 bl. ev. 60®. 11210 H 0 744 — Main-a-Diou, near W. point of island. 46 00 59 48 Occ. W. period 10® It. 6® ec. 4® 80 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 40. Horn; answers vessels' signals. Lifeboat station. 11215 MaJ Dick Rock Bell Buoy .. 46 00 59 49 FI.R. ... Red buoy marked “Mad Dick. ” 11220 Portnova Whistle Buoy, about 1.5 miles SSE. of Cape Breton. 45 56 59 46 FI.W. ... Black cylindrical buoy.... 11225 Baleine Bell Buoy . 45 56 59 51 FI.R. Red buoy. 112» H 3342 Little Lorraine (Lorembec), extremity of headland W. side of entrance to harbor. U. 45 57 59 52 FI.G. 76 9 Red skeleton tower. Seasonal. 11240 l.ouisburg Whistle Buoy, about 3 miles SE. of Lighthouse Point. 45 53 59 54 FI.R . Red cylindrical buoy. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 124 S«cond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. ni No. Name and location Position lot. long. o / Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau* tical miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND 11245 LouisbuTg Bell Buoy . N. W. 45 54 59 57 FI.W. • Black buoy . # 11250 H 3344 Louisburg. N. side of en¬ trance to harbor. 45 54 59 58 FI.W. period 7® 105 12 White octagonal concrete tower, red octagonal iron lantern; 55. Diopkon*; 2 bl. ev. 30®. 11260 H 3348 — Louisburg Range, W. side of harbor, front. 45 54 59 59 F. R. 36 7 White square tower, black stripe, red roof. 11260.1 H 3350 -Rear, 382 yards 268° from front. F. R. 56 7 White square wooden building, black stripe; 28. 11270 « 3J52 — Rochefort Point, W. of point, front. 45 54 59 59 F.W. 32 White square wooden tower, square lantern; 28. Visible on axis only. 11270.1 H 3354 -Rear, 180 yards 190' 30' from front. F.W. 44 White square wooden tower. Visible on axis only. # 11280 H 3358 Gabarus, on Harbor Point, S. side of bay. 45 51 60 09 F. R. 54 8 White hexagonal wooden tower; red lantern; 32. 11290 Cuyon Islatd Whistle Buoy . 45 46 60 03 FI.W. ... Black cylindrical buov “GUYON ID.” in white on side. # 11300 H 3360 Guyon Island, near W. end .. 45 46 60 07 Gp.FI.W,(2). period 20® fl. ec. 4®. fl. ec. 16®. 61 14 White square wooden structure, two red stripes, dwelling attached; 54. Diaption*: I bl. ev. 60*. 11310 H 3360 Fourchu Head, near E. ex¬ tremity. 45 43 60 14 Fl. R. period 5® fl. 1®, ec.4® 48 8 White square wooden structure; 31 Seasonal: DiaDhone: 1 bl. ev. X*. # 11320 H 3364 Fourchu Harbor, on pier, NE. of Butter Island, front. 45 43 60 14 F.W. 15 8 Pole, white shed. 11320. 1 H 3366 — Rear, about 233 yards 254*30' from front. F.W. 30 10 Pole, white shed. # 11330 H 3368 11340 H 3372 St. Esprit Island, E. end ... Lower I’Ardoise, N. of Martin point, front. 45 37 60 29 45 36 60 45 Gp. FI.W. (3). period 36® fl. ec. 6® fl. ec. 6® fl. ec. 24® F. R. 78 20 14 6 White square wooden structure, two red bands, dwelling attached; 55. White square wooden structure; 22. Horn (hand). 11340.1 « 3374 — Rear, 267 yards 43° from front. F. R. 52 8 White square wooden structure; 22. # 11350 SL Peter's Bell Buoy, S. entrance to bay, W. side of channel. 45 37 60 53 Fl. R. ... Red cylindrical buoy. 11360 H 3380 Jerome Point, St. Peter Bay, near entrance to canal. U. 45 39 60 52 F. R. 54 8 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 40. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. A Port III Including N.M. 28/61 125 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and locotion Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi. bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-CAf >E BRE TON IS LAND 11370 H 337B MADAME ISLAND: — Cap Roode W. side of en¬ trance to St. Peter Bay. U. N. W. 45 35 60 53 FI.W. period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 79 14 Tower on shed; 10. 11380 — Petitdegrat Inlet, N. en¬ trance breakwater, end. U. 45 31 60 57 FI.R. 18 9 Red steel structure. 11390 — OrpbeuT Rock Bell Buoy. 45 29 60 51 FI.W. Black buoy, "Orpheus Rock” painted on deck. 11400 H 3376 — Grown lalond, summit of island. 45 29 60 54 Gp.FI.W.(2). period 15® fl. 0.2®, ec. 3.6® fl. 0.2®, ec. 11.0® 111 16 White square wooden structure, center of dwelling; 31. Diophon*: 3 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 110* 11410 — Petitdegrat Bell Buoy... 45 30 60 59 n.w. ... Cylindrical black buoy .... 11420 H 3402 — Petitdegrat, on Mouse Island, E. side of Petitdegrat Inlet. U. 45 X F. R. 38 7 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 31. 60 58 11430 H 3404 — Matache Point, SE. side of entrance to Arichat Harbor. 45 29 61 02 F. W. 34 8 White square wooden structure; 25. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11440 H 3406 — Beach Point, N. ex¬ tremity of West Jersey- man Island. 45 30 61 04 F. R. 39 8 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 28. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 11450 — Cerberus Rock Whistle Buoy. 45 28 61 06 FI.R. Red cylindrical buoy, "CEREBUS” in white. 11460 H 3410 MADAME ISLAND: — Crichton Head, N. ex¬ tremity of Crichton Island. 45 31 61 05 FI.W. 29 10 White square wooden period 8.5® fl. 3.2®, ec. 5.3® structure; 20. 11470 H 3412 — West Arichat Range, on beach N. side of harbor, front. U. 45 31 61 06 FI.R. 29 7 White square wooden Visible on axis only. structure; 27. 11470.1 H 3414 -Rear, 600 yards 62" from front. U. F. R. 38 8 White square wooden structure; 33 Visible on axis only. 11480 H 3416 — West Arichat, head of government wharf. 45 31 61 06 F. W. 38 6 White mast, white shed .... 11490 H 3394 LENNOX PASSAGE: Dog Island. 45 35 61 04 F.R. 34 5 Mast, white shed; 25. Seasonal. 11500 H 3392 — Granddigue, on beach near wharf. 45 36 61 01 F. R . 29 7 White square wooden tower; 32. Seasonal. 11510 H 338B — Poulamon Bay, summit of Hawk Island, at en¬ trance to bay. 45 36 61 00 F. W. 34 7 Roof of white square wooden dwelling; 30. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. Part III Including N. M. 28/61 126 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi- bility No. Name and (ocotion lot. long. o t and power high water (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog tignols CANADA-CAPE BRETON ISLAND 11520 H 3384 w 11530 H 3386 LENNOX PASSAGE: — Ouetique Island, S. point. — Bourgeois Inlet, ex¬ tremity of point, E. side of entrance. N. W. 45 37 60 58 45 38 60 57 F.R. F.W. 82 22 9 10 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 28. White square wooden structure; 27. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA AND CAPE BRETON ISLAND w GUT OF CANSO: 11535 — Argos Shoal Whistle 45 29 FI.W. . . Black buoy, “C. Argos” Buoy. 61 13 on side. 115« — Eddy (Sand) Point, W. 45 31 F.W. 42 11 White square wooden Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30®. H 3420 side of entrance to Gut 61 15 tower, white square of Canso. building attached, red square wooden lantern. 11550 — Eddy Point Spit Bell 45 31 FI.W . ... Black cylindrical buoy .... Buoy, NE. extremity of 61 15 spit. 11560 — Bear Island, center of 45 33 FI. R. 42 8 White square wooden H 3422 island. U* 61 18 period 12® dwelling, red roof; 35. 0 fl. 2® ec. 10® ^ 11570 — Park Point, front. 45 33 F.W. 27 9 Mast, white diamond- H 3424 61 19 shaped daymark, shed. 11570.1 -Rear, 333 yards 145' F.W . 52 12 Mast, white square- H 3426 from front. shaped daymark, shed. 11580 — Ship Point. 45 34 FI. W. 44 11 Post. 3428 U. 61 20 11590 — Point Tupper, entrance 45 37 F. R. 54 8 Post. Signal and telegraph station. H 3430 to Port Hawkesbury. U. 61 22 11600 — Cape Porcupine, about 45 38 Oce.W. 53 12 Triangular steel skeleton N 3434 0.5 mile S. of Cape. U. 61 24 period 2® tower; 40. it. 1®, ec. 1® 0 11600.1 -Rear, 183 yards 144* Oce.W . 80 14 Triangular steel skeleton 2 F. Amber lights on lock. ^ H 3434 30' from front. U. period 12® tower; 50. It. 6®, ec. 6® CANADA. -NOVA SCOTIA GUYSBOROUGH HARBOR: ^ 11620 — Cuysborougb Bell Buoy 45 22 FI.W. • « • Cylindrical buoy, black and w 61 28 white stripes, “Guys- borough” painted on deck. 11630 — W. side of entrance near 45 23 F.,-G. R. 38 11 White square wooden R. over the Stony Patch at H 3450 Peart Point. 61 29 structure, red roof; 35. entrance to harbor Horn; (hand) answers vessels’ 0 signals. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 127 Sacend Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long, o / Chorocterlstic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 11650 H 3456 GUYSBOROUGH HARBOR: Queensport, on Rook Island. N. W. 45 21 61 16 F. W. 54 12 White square wooden dwel¬ ling, red lantern; 44. tached; 40. Hem: (hand) answers vessels signals. 11652 « 3457 Half Island Cove Breakwater U. 45 21 61 12 FI. W. 18 9 Skeleton structure. 11660 CANSO HARBOR: — Fainvay Bell Buoy, off N. entrance. 45 22 61 00 n.w. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 11670 H 3470 — False Passage Ledge, N. entrance to harbor. U. 45 21 61 00 FI.G. 25 4 Mast on square concrete base. Seasonal. 11680 H 3466 — Hart Island. 45 21 60 59 F. R. 48 11 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 42. Tvobon: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 11690 H 3464 — N. end of Grave Island breakwater. U. 45 20 60 59 FI. W. 40 7 Mast. 11695 — Government Wharf, outer 45 20 F. R. 10 end. U. 61 00 11700 — Lamigan Beach Range, S. of beech front. 45 20 60 59 F. R. 46 8 White square wooden structure; 32. Front light visible on axis only. 11700.1 H 3467 -Canso, rear, 419 yards 266° from front. F. R. 108 10 White square wooden structure; 44. 11710 — Man-of-Var Rock Buoy .. 45 20 60 57 FI.W. ... Black cylindrical buoy .... 11720 H 3458 Croiborry Island, S. side of island off Cape Canso. 45 19 60 56 FI.W. period 10® 49 12 White square tower, red lantern; 50. Diaphone: 2 bl. ev. 60®. Horn points l34'. 11730 Crime Rodt Whistle Buoy ... 45 21 60 51 FI.W. 30 Black buoy . 11740 Cape Breaker Bell Buoy .... 45 18 60 55 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes marked “C. BREAKER.” Radar rwflactor. 11750 Home Shoal Bell Buoy . 45 15 61 01 FI.R. ... Red buov. 11760 H 3477 Little Dover Harbor. U. 45 17 61 01 FI.W. 30 10 Mast. 11770 H 3580 Sobl* Island, West . 43 56 60 02 FI.W. period 15® 124 17 Black steel skeleton tower; white topmark. Radiobaocon. 11780 H 3584 Sable Islaitd, East . u. 43 58 59 48 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 12® 98 15 Black skeleton tower, red lantern, enclosed stair cylinder. 11785 white Point Ledge Whistle Buoy. 45 14 60 58 FI.W. ... Black buoy, "WHITE POINT” painted on side. Port III Including K.M. 28/61 128 Second Edltloii 15 July, 1961 H. 0. m No. Name and locotion Position lot. long. 0 t Charocteristic ond power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -NOVA SCOTIi 11790 Vihitehead Whistle Buoy .... N. W. 45 09 61 08 FI.W. ... Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes; “WHITEHEAD” in black and white letters. 11800 H 3474 White Head Island, SW. ex¬ tremity. 45 12 61 08 Gp.FI.W.(4). period 24® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 15® 55 11 White rectangular wooden tower, red lantern. Diaphona; 1 bl. ev. 20*. 11810 H 3476 Three Top Island, E. point, of island, entrance to Whitehaven. U. 45 13 61 10 FI.W. 48 11 White square wooden struc¬ ture, dwelling attached; Obscured by Whitehead Island and to E. of 34*30' 11815 Flying Point Shoals Whistle Buoy. 45 12 61 13 FI.R. ... Red buoy. 11820 H 3478 Port Felix, SE. end of Hog Island. 45 14 61 13 F. W. 42 8 White square wooden dwelling; 37. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 11830 H 3486 COLE HARBOR: — Range, N. side of en¬ trance, front. U. 45 16 61 17 F. W. 40 8 Pole, white house; 33. 11830.1 H 3438 -Rear, 217 yards 11* from front. U. F. W. 107 10 Pole, white house; 33. 11840 — SE. side of harbor. U. 45 16 61 16 F. R . 25 7 Pole, white shed. 11850 H 349 2 Chatlo Harbor, extremity of point on W. side harbor, front. U. 45 15 61 20 F. R. 28 3 White square wooden structure; 23. Visible over a smell arc each side of axis. 11850. 1 H 3494 — Rear, 237 yards 287* from front. U. F.R . 51 3 White square wooden structure; 23. Visible over a small arc each side of axis. 11860 H 3496 Larry River, near NE. end of Ram Island, W. side of entrance to river. U. 45 13 61 22 F. W. 42 6 Pole, white shed. 11870 H 2484 Tor Bay, E. point of Berry Head, W. side of entrance to bay. U. 45 11 61 19 Fl. W. R. period 6® fl. 1®, ec. 5® 51 10 White wooden tower with red stripes, black lantern; 36. W. 162°-24S*. R.-71. 11880 H 3500 New Harbor Cove, head of breakwater. U. 45 10 61 27 Fl. W. 20 5 Steel structure, surmounted by lantern. V 11890 H 3502 Coddle Harbor, on Thrumcap Island at entrance to harbor. U. 45 09 61 31 FI.W . 50 10 Black tank, white wooden mast, red lantern. 11900 Isaac Harbor Whistle Buoy .. 45 02 61 33 FI.W . X 14 Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “ISAAC HAR¬ BOR.” • 11905 New Harbor Whistle Buoy ... 45 09 61 26 FI.R . ... Red buoy marked “NEW HARBOR”. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 129 Second Edition - 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 / Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- bility (nou* ticol mites) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOTI A 11910 H 3504 Country Island, S. side of island. N. W. 45 06 61 33 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 20® fl. ec. 5® 11. ec. 15® 63 12 White square wooden structure, two red bands, dwelling attached; 37. 11920 H 3508 Drum Head, E. end of breakwater. U. 45 09 61 37 FI.R. 24 10 Skeleton steel tower. 11930 H 3510 Isaac Harbor, W. side. 45 10 61 39 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 3®, ec. 7® 80 14 White square wooden dwelling, red iron lan¬ tern; 42. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 11940 « 3512 Fisherman Harbor, S. side .. 45 07 61 41 F. R. 25 6 White square wooden structure; 27. 11949 Port Dickerton Entrance Bell Buoy. 45 05 61 42 FI.W. ... Black and white stripes ... 11950 H 3514 Port Bickerton, near W. extremity of Barachois head. 45 05 61 42 F.W. 60 12 White square wooden dwelling, white square lantern. Diophona: 2 bl. ev. 60®. 11960 H 3522 Wedge Island, mouth of St. Mary River. U. 45 00 61 52 Fl. W. period 12® fl. 2®, ec. 10® 81 14 White square wooden structure, dwelling; 44. 11970 H 3518 St. Mary River Range, Budget, on extremity of shoal, front. U. 45 03 61 54 Fl. R. 23 6 White square wooden structure, cribwork base; 23. • 11970.1 H 3520 — Rear, 900 yards 321° 30' from front. U. F. R. 42 11 Pole, white diamond¬ shaped daymark, white shed. 11980 Liscomh Eairway Whistle Buoy. 44 55 61 54 FI.W . ... Cylindrical buov, black and white stripes, “LISCOMB” on sides. 11990 H 3526 Liscomb Island, SW. end ... 44 59 61 58 Alt.FI.(3),—W.,R . period 21® W. 0.2®, ec. 6.8® W. 0.2®, ec. 6.8® R. 0.2®, ec. 6.8® 72 15 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern, 45. Diophona: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 12000 H 3524 Redman Head, SW. end of head at entrance of Little Liscomb Harbor. 45 01 61 57 F. W. 35 11 White square wooden building; 22. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12010 H 3530 Thrumcap Islet, E. en¬ trance to Mary-Joseph Harbor. U. 44 57 62 02 Fl. W. 40 11 White square wooden structure, red roof; 36. 12020 l.ockwood Rock Whistle Buoy. 44 52 62 04 FI.R . Red buoy, name on sides .. 12023 Hardwood Island, E. end ... U. 44 57 62 09 Fl. W . White pole. 12025 Bow 0 t Ledge Bell Buoy .... 44 52 62 11 Qlt. Fl. R . • • • Red buoy, "Bowen Ledge” painted on deck. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 130 Sacend Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. m No. Name and location Position lot. long. 0 t Charocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bilify (nai>- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA. -NOVA SCOTI A 12028 BEAVER HARBOR: — xiirisde buoy, 132*2.5 miles from Beaver Island Light. N. W. 44 48 62 18 FI.W . ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12030 H 3534 — Beaver Island, SE. side of E. Beaver Island. 44 50 62 20 Gp.FI.W.(3). period 36® fl. ec. 6® fl. ec. 6® fl. ec. 24® 70 12 White structure, red stripes; 35. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 128*. 12040 H 3536 — Beaver Point. E. end_ 44 52 62 24 FI.W. period 4® fl.0.5®,ec. 3.5® 49 12 White square dwelling; red octagonal iron lantern; 38. 12050 H 3538 — Port Dufferin, head of government wharf, E. side of harbor. U. 44 55 62 23 F. R . 29 10 Pole, white shed. 12060 H 3542 Sheet Harbor Passage Range, E. of Kirby River, front. U. 44 52 62 27 F. W . 51 12 White square wooden tower; 27. 12060.1 H 3544 — Rear, 381 yards 344 * 20' from front. U. F. W . 75 14 White square wooden tower; 27. 12070 SHEET HARBOR: — Sheet Harbor 'Mhistle Buoy. 44 44 62 30 FI.W . ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12080 H 3546 — Sheet Rock, entrance to harbor. 44 50 62 30 Fl. W . period 10® 75 14 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 41. Visible 285*-43*. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 12090 H 3548 — Watt Point. U. 44 54 62 29 F.W . 23 9 Mast, white shed; 18. Seasonal. 12100 H 3544 — Church Point, between Northeast Arm and Northwest Arm. U. 44 55 62 31 F.W. 23 2 Mast, white shed; 18. Seasonal. 12110 H 3556 Spry Bay, on Tomlees Head, front. U. 44 49 62 36 F.W. 74 14 White square wooden tower; 27. 12110.1 H 3558 — Rear, 312 yards 337* from front. U. F.W. no 16 Black skeleton steel tower, white slats on upper face; 48. 12120 H 3560 Pope Harbor, W. point of Harbor Island. U. 44 48 62 39 Fl. R. 25 9 Steel skeleton tower; 17 ... 12130 H 3564 Ship Harbor, Wolf Point, NE. point of Nichol Island. U. 44 45 62 45 Fl. W . period 12® fl. 2®.ec. 10® 87 15 Lantern on roof of dwelling. 12140 H 3566 Owis Head, on extremity ... U. 44 43 62 48 FI.W . period 5® It. l®,ec. 4® 88 15 White square wooden dwelling, red octagonal iron lantern; 38. 12150 Ou4s Head Bell Buoy . 44 41 62 46 FI.W . • • • Black and white striped buoy, marked “Owls Head”. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 131 Sacend Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. ni No. Name ond locotion Position tat. long, o / Char octeri Stic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau< ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) CANADA- -NOVA SCOTIJ 12160 Egg Islmd Whistle Buoy ... N. W. 44 35 62 49 FI.R. ... Cylindrical red buoy marked “EGG ISLAND”. Radar RoRoctor. 12170 H 3S6S Egg Island, center of island. 44 40 62 52 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 15* fl. ec. 3* fl. ec. 12* 82 15 White octagonal wooden structure, black stripes; 45. Ham (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 12175 Old Man Whistle Buoy . 44 39 62 50 FI.W. ... Black buoy with “Old Man” in white on deck. 12180 H 3570 Joddore Rock, on summit. . . u. 44 40 63 01 FI. W. period 12* n.2*,ec. 10* 86 15 White square wooden struc¬ ture. dwelling attached: 50. 12190 H 3574 Jeddore Harbor, W. side of entrance, front. 44 43 63 01 F.G. 41 9 White pole, fire orange diamond-shape daymark. 12190.1 — Rear, 283 yards 345* 30' from front. F. G. 105 16 White wooden tower; 28. H 3576 12200 Musquodoboit Harbor, Shag Ledge, front. U. •\ 44 42 FI. R. 19 4 White square wooden structure on concrete base, red roof, 20. H J578 63 05 12200.1 — Rear, on French Point, about 1,250 yards 10° from front. U. F. R. 59 4 Square white wooden structure, red roof; 54. H 3580 12210 Three Fathom Harhor Bell 44 37 FI.W. Buoy, black and white stripes, marked “SHUT IN ISLAND.* Buoy. U. 63 16 12220 HALIFAX APPROACH; — SAMBRO LIGHT- 44 22 F._FI.W. 60 13 Red bull and funnel, red gallery at head of foremast. Diaptiona: 8 bl. ev. 3 min. Synchronized with Radioboocon Oast 5* blast). H 3638 SHIP NO. 1. 63 24 period 10* Cp. F. W. 1,060 Cp. Fl. W. 130,000 12225 — Lighted Whistle Buoy ... 44 24 FI.R. RCN in whiter An . Radar RoRoctor. 63 13 12230 — Outer Whistle Buoy . 44 28 FI.W . X 10 Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. Radar Rafloctor. 63 22 12240 H 3596 — Devil Island, SE. point of island. 44 35 63 28 Alt. Gp. Fl. (3) W., Amber, period 36* Fl. W., ec. 6* Fl. Amber, ec. 6* Fl. W., ec. 24* 59 13 White octagonal wooden structure; 53. Telephone. 12245 — Eastern Passage, W. side of entrance on beach. U. 44 35 FI.W . 13 63 28 12250 H 3600 — Q>«bucto Head, W. side of entrance. 44 30 63 31 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 20* fl. ec. 5* fl. ec. 15* 165 19 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern. Diophona: 2 bl. ev. 60*. Lifeboat station at Dtncan Cove. Telephone at Camper- down. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 132 Sacond Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi- bility No. Nome and location lot. long. 0 / and power high water (feet) (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA 12260 H 3604 HALIFAX APPROACH: — Herring Cove, S. side of entrance. N. W. 44 34 63 33 F. R. 49 8 Steel frame, white slats red lantern. 12265 — Lawlor Island. 44 36 FI.W. 13 Skeleton tower. 66 30 12270 H 3608 — Manger Beach, E. side of entrance to harbor, front. 44 36 63 32 F1.W. period 5* 64 13 White hexagonal concrete tower, red lantern, white dwelling 60. Diophon*: 1 bl. ev. 20*. 12270.1 H 3610 -Rear, McNab Island, about 0.9 mile 355* from front. F. G. 132 17 White square wooden stmcture, on roof of dwelling; red stripe on seaward face; 49. Visible on axis only. 12290 H 3613 — Near head breakwater at Halifax terminals. U. 44 38 63 34 FI. G. 27 9 Pole, tank. 12300 — SE. comer of Pier B .... 2 F. G. (vert). Lights are shown from the heads of piers. A fog bell is sounded on the S. « 3633 HALIFAX HARBOR: 12310 H 3618 — George Island, W. side of island, front. 44 38 63 34 Gp.Oec.G.(2). period 30* It. 18*, ec. 3* It. 6*, ec. 3* 62 13 White octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 55- pier at Baker Point. Horn: 1 bl. ev. 30*. 12310. 1 H 3630 -Rear, Dartmouth, 1.7 miles 339* &om front. 44 40 63 35 F.G. 124 17 Tubular steel tripod, red and white banded day- mark. Visible on axis only. 12330 H 3630 Ketch Harbor, W. side of entrance. U. 44 29 63 33 FI. G. 46 7 White square wooden stmcture; 32. 12335 Sisters Lighted Bell Buoy. 44 26 63 31 FI, W. ... Black buoy . Radar rofloctor. 12340 H 3633 Sombro Island. 44 26 63 34 FI.W . period 5* 140 17 White octagonal stone and concrete tower, 3 red bands, red lantern; 82. Telephone to Chebucto Head. Gun; 1 report ev. min. In case of failure of gun, a bomb will be exploded ev. 4 minutes. 12350 Southwest Breaker Whistle Buoy. 44 24 63 34 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. Radar Rofloctor. 12361 Irmer Sambro Fairway Bell Buoy. 43 27 63 36 FI.W. ... Black and white striped buoy. Radar Rofloctor. 12370 H 3644 Sambro Harbor, extremity of Bull Point, SW. side of entrance to inner harbor. 44 28 63 36 F. R. 38 7 Square wooden tower; 33... 12375 — Government wharf, outer end. U. 44 29 63 36 F. G. 20 6 Steel pole. 12377 Pennant Whistle Buoy . 44 24 63 .39 FI.W. ... Black buoy, “Pennant” on deck. 12380 Pennant Point Bell Buoy ... 44 26 63 39 FI.R. ... Red buoy. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 133 Socond Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. in No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. O f Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (leef) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOTI A 12390 H 3646 Pennant Harbor, W. side of entrance to Pennant Cove N. W. 44 28 63 38 F. W. 37 7 White square wooden structure; 33. 12400 Terence Btty Bell Buoy .... 44 27 63 41 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12410 H 3650 Terence Bay, on Shipley Head. 44 28 63 42 F. R. 57 8 White square wooden structure; 32. 12420 H 3652 Betty Island, on Brig Point.. 44 26 63 46 FI. W. period 30* 63 13 White square wooden structure, red roof. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12430 H 3654 Sauls Island, on rock at E. end of island. Prospect Harbor entrance. U. 44 28 63 47 FI.W. 32 7 Wooden pole. 12440 H 3656 Port Dover, S. end of Callaghan Island U. 44 29 63 52 FI. W. 50 12 Skeleton tower. 12450 H 3660 Peggy Point, E. side of entrance to bay. 44 30 63 55 F. W. 67 13 White octagonal concrete tower, red roof; 44. 12455 Peggy Point Bell Buoy, about 1 mile 202* from Halibut Rock. 44 28 63 56 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12460 Horseshoe Ledge Whistle Buoy. 44 28 63 58 FI.W. ... Black buoy . 12470 H 3662 ST. MARGARET BAY: — bdian Harbor, SE. ex¬ tremity of island. U. 44 31 63 57 F. W. 36 7 White square wooden tower; 33. 12480 H 3664 — Croucher Island, near head of bay. U. 44 38 63 58 FI. G. 90 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 40. 12490 H 3666 — Hubbard Cove, Green Point, W. side of en¬ trance to cove. U. 44 37 64 03 F.R. 60 9 Pole. 12495 Northwest Cave Whistle Buoy. 44 32 64 00 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. '^Northwest Cove'' pfinted on buoy. 12498 Pearl Island whistle buoy .. 44 21 64 02 FI.W. ... Black and white striped cylindrical buoy. 12500 H 3670 Pearl Island, S. point. 44 23 64 03 Gp. Occ. W. (3) .... period 40* It. 21*, ec. 3* It. 5®, ec. 3* It. 5*, ec. 3* 75 13 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 38. Ham (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12510 H 3672 East Ironbound Islarrd, near center of island. 44 26 64 05 F. W. 146 16 White square wooden structure on dwelling; 46. Lantern only visible; dwelling hidden by trees. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 12511 H 3672. 2 East Ironbound Island Wharf. U. 44 26 64 06 FI.W. 17 4 Aluminum colored skeleton tower. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 134 S«cond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. O t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog slgnols CANADA- -NOVA SCOTIA 12512 H 3685. 1 GREAT TANCOOK ISLAND; — Government wharf, NW. cove. U. N. W. 44 28 64 10 F.G . 15 4 12513 H 3685. 1 — Government Wharf, SE. Cove. U. 44 27 64 10 F.R . 15 4 12514 H 3685. 2 Little Tancook Island, Government Wharf, Outer. U. 44 28 64 09 F.W. 16 4 Pole. 12514.5 — Government Wharf; Inner. U. F.W. 16 4 Pole. 12515 — Mahone Bay Bell Buoy .. u. 44 25 64 11 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12520 H 3678 MAHONE BAY: — New Harbor, S. side of entrance. U. 44 28 64 06 F. R. 32 7 White mast, white shed; 25. Seasonal. 12525 H 3679 — Blandford Wharf, outer end. U. 44 30 64 07 F. G. 20 Pole. 12530 H 3680 — Quaker Island, off Chester. U. 44 31 64 14 FI.R. 107 11 Mast, white diamond-shaped daymark. 12540 H 3682 — Kaulback Island, NE. end, front. U. 44 28 64 17 QIc.FI.W. 36 8 White square wooden structure; 22. Seasonal. 12540.1 -Rear, 123 yards 268* from front. U. Oce.W. period 6® it. 4®,ec. 2® 68 6 White square wooden structure; 22. Seasonal. Visible on axis only. 12550 H 3688 — Westhaver Island, summit of island. U. 44 26 64 20 FI. W. 48 12 Steel skeleton tower, white daymark. 12558 — Tamer Pass thistle Buoy. 44 22 64 12 FI.W. ... Black buoy, “Tanner Pass” painted in white. 12560 H 369 4 44 22 F.W . 29 10 White square wooden Seasonal. 64 12 structure; 27. 12570 H 3696 Eastern Point Harbor, at entrance. U. 44 21 F.G . 27 10 White mast, white shed; 64 12 20. 12580 LUNENBURG BAY: — Lighted Bell Buoy, in N. entrance to bay. 44 20 64 11 FI.W . Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. 12590 H 3698 — Cross Island, E. point, in entrance to bay. 44 19 64 10 Gp. FI. W. (2) . period 32® fl. l®,ec.7® fl. l®.ec.23® 100 15 Red octagonal wooden structure; 58. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. Radioboacan. Lighthouse destroyed. Temporary replacement lor about (1) year by an Occ. V/. 6® light 72 feet high and Fog signal (1) hi. ev. 60‘. 12600 44 17 FI.W . Cylindrical buoy, red and Rodar Refloctor. 64 11 black bands. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 135 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- bility (nou* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA -NOVA SCOT!) 12610 H 3700 LUNENBURG BAY; — Feltz South, near N. end of breakwater. U. N. W. 44 20 64 17 F. W. 26 9 Pole, white shed. 12620 H 3706 — Breakwater, near head .. 44 22 64 18 F.R. 27 8 White square wooden tower. Horn: 1 bl. ev. 20®. 12625 H 370 7 — Lunenburg Harbor Light, outer end of Govern¬ ment wharf. U. 44 22 64 18 F. G. 20 On shed . 12630 H 3708 West Ironbound Island, mouth of Lahave River, S. side of island. 44 14 64 16 Gp. FI. W. (4). period 25® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 16® 72 13 White square wooden dwelling; 29. 12640 Lahave Vr'hisde Buoy . 44 10 64 16 Fl. R. ... Red cylindrical buoy, marked “LAHAVE.” Radar Reflactor. 12650 H 3710 LAHAVE RIVER: — Mosher Island, W. side of entrance to river. 44 14 64 19 P. R. 66 8 White square wooden dwelling; 26. Horn; 1 bl. ev. 20*. 12655 — Bush Island Wharf . U. 44 14 64 22 F. R. 20 Pole . 12660 H 3711 — Dublin shore, govern¬ ment wharf. U. 44 16 64 22 F. G. 26 9 Pole . 12670 H 3712 — Lahave, on Fort Point .. 44 17 64 21 F.R. 48 8 Steel skeleton tower, dwelling attached; 35. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 12680 H 3722 Medway Head, W. side of en¬ trance to Port Medway. 44 06 64 32 F.W. 44 10 Window of white square wooden dwelling, black square-shaped on seaward face; 23. Tyption: 3 bl. ev. 60*. 12690 H 2724 Medway, E. head of break¬ water. U. 44 08 64 35 F. R. 31 6 White square wooden tower; 33. Visible 138*-279'. 12700 H 3728 LIVERPOOL BAY; — Coffin Island, S. point, E. side of entrance. 44 02 64 38 FI.W. period 7® 65 13 Octagonal concrete tower, red roof, white dwelling nearby; 54. 12710 — Approach Vibistle Buoy. . 44 00 64 36 FI.W. Buoy, black and white stripes, marked “LIVER¬ POOL.* Rodar Rwfloctor. 12720 H 3740 — Western Head, W. side of entrance to bay. FOG SIGNAL. 43 99 34 White square wooden building. Diaptrona: 2 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 124*- Radiobeacon. 64 40 127» H 3730 — Bttx)klyn Pier near head of breakwater. U. 44 0 3 64 42 FI.G. 30 4 Skeleton steel structure... 12750 II 3732 — Fort Point. 44 03 64 43 Occ. W. period 10® it. 6®, ec. 4® 39 7 White square wooden structnre, dwelling at¬ tached; 17. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 136 S«cond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long* o / Chorocteristic and power Height o( light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou. tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog tignoU CANADA- NOVA SCOTI A 12760 H 3734 LIVERPOOL BAY: — Range, front, SW. end Barrel Rock bar. N. W. 44 03 64 43 F. W. 22 9 Dolphin. 12760. 1 « 3736 -Rear, about 708 yards 2X* from front. F. R. 29 1 Lantern on superstructure of bridge; 21. 12780 White Point Rock Bell Buoy. 43 56 64 43 FI.R. ... Red buoy marked “WHITE POINT ROCK.” 12790 H 3742 Port Mouton, NE. point of Spectacle Island. 43 55 64 48 F. W. 55 11 White square wooden tower; 28 12801 — Mouton Head Whistle Buoy. 43 51 64 46 FI.W. ... Black and white striped buoy. 12810 H 3744 Little Hope Island, near center of island. U. 43 48 64 47 FI. W. period 12® fl. 1®, ec. 11® 100 15 Circular concrete tower, red lantern; 98. 12820 Little Hope Shoal Whistle Buoy. 43 47 64 47 FI.R. ... Red cylindrical buoy, marked “LITTLE HOPE’. 12825 Port Hehert Whistle Buoy,.. 43 46 64 55 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12830 H 3746 Port Hebert, on Shingle Point, E. side of harbor. U. 43 49 64 55 F. R. 33 7 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 29. 12835 Little Harhor Whistle Buoy . 43 42 65 00 FI.W. ... Black buoy, “LITTLE HARBOR”, in white on the deck. 128'iO LOCKEPORT HARBOR: — Lockeport Whistle Buoy, off harbor entrance. 43 47 65 01 FI.R. ... Red cylindrical buoy marked “L” in white. Radar Reflocler. 12850 H 3750 — Gull Rock, entrance to harbor. 43 39 65 06 Gp.Oec.W.(2). period 30® It. 17®, ec. 5® It. 3®, ec. 5® 56 10 White square tower on dwelling, red lantern; 44. Diophone: 1 bl. ev. X*. Horn points 130°. 12860 H 3758 — Carter Island . 43 42 65 06 F, R. 52 8 Square wooden dwelling; 38. Ham (hand): answers yessels’ signals. 12863 -S. breakwater, about 666 yards 230” from Carter Island Light. U. FI.W. 12 6 Black steel structure. 12870 H J7S2 — Lockeport Range, on wharf, front. 43 42 65 07 F. R. 18 8 On building. 12870.1 H 3754 -Rear, on church 253 yards 247* from front. \ F.R. 75 13 In tower of church. 1287 2 — Lockeport Wharf South Light, outer end of wharf. 43 42 65 07 F.W. 20 Pole. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 137 Socond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and locotion Position lot. long. 0 f Charocteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi- bility (noo* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signois CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 12873 LOCKEPORT HARBOR: — Lockeport Wharf North N. W. 43 42 F.G. 20 Pole. Light, outer end of finger wharf. 65 06 12875 Jordan Bay Whistle Buoy ... 43 40 FI.R. Red buoy, “JORDAN BAY” in white on deck. 65 13 12877 Bull Rock Bell Buoy . 43 38 FI.W. Black buoy with “Bull Rock” on deck. 65 08 12880 SHELBURNE HARBOR: — Shelburne Fairway Whistle Buoy. 43 37 FI.W. Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked ‘SHELBURNE." 65 12 12890 — Gipe Roseway, near SE. extremity of McNutt Island. 43 47 FI. W. Destroyed by fire. Temporary light same characteristics. H 3762 65 16 period 10* 12900 — Shelburne Fairway Bell 43 39 FI.W. Buoy, black and white stripes. Buoy. 65 16 12910 — Sand Point, near extrem- 43 42 F. R. 47 10 White square wooden structure on concrete foundation; 44. Whittle: 1 bl. ev. 30*. // 376 4 ity, E. side of entrance to harbor. 65 20 12920 « 3770 — Head of government wharf. 43 45 65 19 FI. G. 28 4 Lantern on freight shed ... 12930 H 377< Cope Kegro Island, SE. side of island. 43 30 65 21 Gp. FI.W. (2). period 15* fl. 0.5ec. 2* fl. 0.5 ec. 12* 91 15 White octagonal concrete tower, red roof; white wooden dwelling to west¬ ward; 44. Horn (hand); answers yessels’ signals. 129 35 — Negro Harbor Fairway Whistle Buoy. 43 31 65 19 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 12940 — Budget Rock Bell Buoy. Negro Harbor. 43 31 FI.W. 65 21 12950 Salvages Rocks FOG SIGNAL. 43 28 White rectangular concrete building, white dwelling attached. Diaphette: 3 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 116*. H 3778 65 23 12960 Page Island Bell Buoy . 43 29 FI.W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 65 27 12%5 Port Latour Breakwater U. 43 30 65 28 F. G. 20 Pole. 12970 Latour Fairway Whistle Buoy. 43 26 65 24 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes, marked "LA¬ TOUR FAIRWAY”. 12975 Cuckold Rock Lighted Bell Buoy. 43 27 65 27 FI.W. ... Black buoy . 12980 H 3782 Baccaro Point, E. side of entrance to Barrington Bay. 43 27 65 28 Fl. W. period 45* 54 12 White square wooden tower, octagonal iron lantern; 42. Horn:: 1 bl. ev. 20*. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 138 H. 0. ni No. Name and location Position lot. long. • t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi* bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) .. Sectors. Remarks. Fog slgnolt CANADA. -NOVA SCOTIA 12990 Brazil Rock Wbistie Buoy .. N. W. 43 21 65 27 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and red bands, marked “BRAZIL ROCK. ” Radar Rofloctor. 1X00 V/hite Knoll Ledge Bell Buoy. 43 25 65 34 FI.W. ... Black cylindrical buoy .... 1X10 Hauk Charnel Bell Buoy ... 43 24 65 36 FI.G. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. Marked “Hawk Channel”. IXX H 3784 Cop* Sable. 43 23 65 37 FI.W. period 5^ 97 15 White octagonal concrete tower, red iron lantern; 101. Diaphona: 1 bl. ev. X®. Ra«lar Rofloctor. IXX Ox Eye Rock Bell Buoy No. 74 S. 43 24 65 X FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes, *OX EYE ROCK” in white. Seasonal. 13040 Cape Sable Whistle Buoy No. 70S. 43 20 65 41 FI. R. 30 Red cylindrical buoy, “CAPE SABLE” in white. Radar reflector. 13045 Clarks Harbor, near public wharf. U. 43 26 65 38 F. G. 19 White pole. 13050 H 3786 West Head, Cape Sable Island. 43 27 65 39 F. R. 42 11 White square wooden structure; 36. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 1X60 H 3792 Stoddart Island, NW. point .. 43 28 65 43 FI.W. 22 7 Square white wooden tower; 21. 1X70 H 3790 Boo Portage Island, S. point. 43 27 65 45 Occ.W. period 6. 5® It. 4.5^ ec. 2^ 46 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling attached; 28. Hem: 4 bl. ev. 60®. 1X72 — Bon Portage Bell Buoy.. 43 26 65 45 FI.R. ... Red buoy, name in white on deck. 13080 H 3796 — Falls Point Wharf. U. 43 32 65 45 F. G. 16 Pole. 13090 H 3794 Woods Harbor, on Big Ledge. 43 31 65 45 F.W. 27 8 White square wooden building, red octagonal iron lantern; 28. Horn: 1 bl. ev. X®. 13100 Blonde Rock Whistle Buoy No. 2S. 43 19 66 00 FI. W. Red cylindrical buoy “BLONDE ROCK” in white on deck. Radar reflector. 13110 H 3812 Seal Island S. end of island. 43 24 66 01 Gp. FI. W. (3). period 15® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 3® fl. ec. 9® 102 16 White octagonal wooden tower, two red bands; red lantern; 67. Lifeboat station on E. side of Island. Dianhone: 2 bl. ev. 60 ®. Radiobeacon. 13120 Pubnico Whistle Buoy No. 10 S. 43 31 65 52 n.w. ... Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked ‘PUBNICO. ” 13125 Pubnico Harbor Bell Buoy .. 43 35 65 48 FI.W. Black buoy, “PUBNICO” in white on deck. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 139 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. in No. Name and locotion Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi. bility (nau* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signolt CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA 13130 H 379B Pubnico Harbor, off Beach Point, E. side of entrance. N. W. 43 36 65 47 Occ. W. period 10* It. 6*, ec. 4* 41 11 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached, red octagonal iron lan¬ tern; 40. Horn (hand); answers yessels’ signals. 13135 — Dennis Point Wharf, SE. corner. U. 43 37 65 47 F.R. 18 8 Pole. 13140 H 3B03 Abbot Harbor, E. side of harbor. 43 40 65 49 F. W. 38 8 White square wooden tower; 31. 13145 — Abbot Harbor bell buoy So. 125Y. 43 38 65 51 FI.W. ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 13150 H 3B00 Argyle, on Whitehead Island. 43 40 62 52 F.—W. R . 112 16 White square wooden tower, red roof. R. 16“ 30'-91“, W.-16* 30'. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 13160 H 3B04 Tusket River, Big Fish Island, SW. part 43 42 65 57 Gp.Occ.W.(2). period 20* It. 11*, ec. 3* It. 3*, ec. 3* 50 12 Tower. 13170 Lobster Rock Lighted Buoy . 43 39 65 59 FI. W. Black buoy . 13175 Peases Ledge Bell Buoy So. 92 Y. 43 37 65 59 FI.W. ... Black and white stripes ... 13180 Soldiers Ledge Whistle Buoy. So. 88 .5 Y. 43 32 66 05 FI.W . ... Buoy, black and white stripes. Radar Rofloctor. 13190 H 3806 P*os« Island, S. point. 43 38 66 02 Gp.FI.W.(4). period 20* fl. ec. 2.5* fi. ec. 2.5* fl. ec. 2.5* fl. ec. 12.5* 48 12 White wooden structure, dwelling separate. Tyfcn: 3 bl. ev. 60*. 13192 Peases island Buoy . 43 38 66 01 FI.R. ... Red steel buoy. 13200 » 3814 Candlebox Island, N. en¬ trance to Schooner Passage. 43 40 66 03 F. R . 56 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached, red lantern; 37. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. 13205 Schooner Passage bell buoy So. 78 Y. 43 40 66 04 FI.W . ... Buoy, black and white stripes. 13210 Green Island, W. side FOG 43 41 Gun: 1 report ev. 2 min. H 3818 SIGNAL. 66 09 13220 YARMOUTH APPROACHES: — Yarmouth Southwest Fairway Lighted 'khistle Buoy So. 68 Y. 43 40 66 19 FI.W . Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, marked “Y’m’th SW. F’y.” Radar RaRector. 13225 — Chebogue Point whistle Buoy 64 y. 43 44 66 07 FI.W . ... Black buoy, white vertical stripes. 13230 — Cape Fourchu Whistle Buoy So. 10 Y. 43 48 66 12 FI.R . ... Red cylindrical buoy “Y’m’th NW. F’y’’ in white. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 140 H. 0. m • No. Nome ond focotion Position lot. long. 0 t Characteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA -NOVA SCOTIA # 13240 YARMOUTH APPROACHES: — Cat Rock Bell Buoy No. 11 K N. W. 43 47 66 09 FI.W. Black buoy ‘CAT ROCK* in white. 13250 H 3832 — Kelly Cove, near head of breakwater. 43 47 66 08 F. W. Pole. # 13260 H 38 20 13270 H 3822 — Gipe Fourchu, East Cape near extremity. YARMOUTH HARBOR; — Ships Stern, N. end. U. 43 48 66 09 43 48 66 09 FI.W. period 2.5® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.3® FI. W. 121 31 17 6 Octagonal wooden tower, red and white stripes, red lantern, white dwelling; 64. Pole, white shed. Diophon*: 1 bl. ev. 30®. 13280 H 3826 — Edge of shoal, off SW. point of Little Bunker Island. 43 49 66 09 F.R. 32 8 White square wooden structure, red circular steel and concrete base. Tyfon: 1 bl. ev. 15*. (high, low). 0 13285 Yarmouth River breakwater . F. G. 19 13290 H 3828 U. — Battery Point, NW. ex¬ tremity of Bunker island. U. 43 49 66 08 F. R. 38 6 White square wooden structure; 22. • 13300 H 3830 — Comer Beacon. U. 43 50 66 08 FI. R. period 4® fl.0.5®,ec. 3.5® 16 Red skeleton steel structure. 13301 Chegogin Point Break¬ water light, 100 feet from end of breakwater. U. 43 51 66 10 F.W. 19 Steel pole; 19. • 13310 « 3836 LURCHER SHOAL LIGHTSHIP NO. 2. 43 49 66 32 Occ. W. period 10® It. 8®, ec. 2® 60 13 Red vessel, 2 masts; “LURCHER” on sides Cluster of lights on foremast. Vessel removed from station annually — usually between Aug. 10 and Sept. 20 — when it is replaced by lighted whistle buoy No. 8 Y. Diaphone: 3 bl. ev. 60®. If dis¬ abled. a whistle will sound similar signal. Rodiobeocon. # 13315 Lurcher Shoal Whistle Buoy No. 6—Y. 43 50 66 30 FI. W. Red buoy, black bands “Lurcher Shoal No. 6- Y” in white on deck. 13320 H 3838 Sandford Harbor Range, head of public wharf, front. 43 55 66 09 F. R. 25 6 Mast, white shed; 22. # 13320.1 — Rear, 167 yards 127° from front. F. G. 42 11 White pole. 133* H 3860 Port Maitland, outer end of center breakwater. 43 59 66 09 F.W. 24 6 White pole. Seasonal. Horn: 1 bl. ev. 2 min. # 13340 Trirtity Ledge Lighted Whistle Buoy, No. 2 Y. 43 59 66 19 FI. W. Cylindrical buoy, red and black bands, “TRINITY LEDGE” in white. Whistle. Radar Reflector. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 141 Socend Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. in No. Nome and (ocotion Position lot. long. o t Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectars. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA - NOVA SCOTIA 13350 H 3842 Salmon River, on shore at inner end of breakwater. N. W. 44 03 66 10 F. W. 26 9 White square wooden structure. WhisH*; 2 bl. ev. 60*. 13360 H 3848 Cap* St. Mary, SE. side of bay 44 05 66 13 Gp.FI.W.(3. period 24® fl., ec. 6® fl., ec. 18® 103 16 White octagonal wooden structure, red lantern; 52. Diophon*: 1 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 252*. 13370 // 3846 Cape St. Mary Breakwater, near head. 44 05 66 12 F. W . 18 5 Mast, white shed 18. 13380 « 3850 ST. MARY BAY; 44 12 F. R. 37 8 Red steel skeleton tower. WhIttI*: 1 bl. ev. 30*. 66 10 white wooden lantern, red roof; 35. 13390 H 3852 — Meteghan River, head of breakwater. U. 44 13 66 09 F G . 20 4 Pole. 13400 H 3856 — Church Point, E. side of bay. U. 44 20 66 08 Occ. W. period 10® It. 6®, ec. 4® 36 10 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 20. 13410 H 3857 44 21 66 07 F. R. 25 10 Pole. U. 13420 H 3858 — Belliveau Cove, head of E. pier. U. 44 23 66 04 F. G. 24 4 White square wooden structure; 22. 13430 H 3860 — Sissiboo, S. side of en¬ trance to river. 44 26 66 01 F. W. 36 8 White square wooden structure; 33 13440 H 3862 — Gilbert Point, E. ex¬ tremity of point. 44 30 65 57 F. R. 40 7 White square wooden dwelling, red roof; 36. 13450 H 3864 — Little River, outer end of wharf. U. 44 27 66 08 F.W . 22 9 Pole. 13460 Southwest Ledge Whistle Buoy No. 18 D. 44 10 66 27 FI.R. ... Red cylinder buoy “SW. LEDGE” in white. Radar R*fl*ctor. 13470 Cull Rock Bell Buoy 17 D .. 44 12 66 23 FI.W. Black buoy, "GULL ROCK” in white. 13480 H 3872 Brier Island, W. point. 44 15 66 24 Gp.FI.W.(3). period 12® fl., ec. 2® fl., ec. 2® fl., ec. 8® 95 15 Octagonal concrete tower, red lantern; 60- Diapttoo*: 2 bl. ev. 60*. CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA -BAY DF FUNDY 13490 Northwest Ledge Whistle Buoy No. 8 D, W. of Beat- son Rocks. GRAND PASSAGE: 44 18 66 26 FI.W. Red cylindrical buoy “NW. LEDGE” in white. Radar R*fl*ctor. 13500 H 3874 Part III — North Point, Brier Island, NW. side of entrance to Grand Pas¬ sage. 44 17 66 21 F.R. 62 8 White square wooden structure, red octagonal iron lantern; 34. WhistUt 1 bl. ev. »>. Reserve fog signal: bell; 1 stroke ev. 5®. S*cend Edition Including N. M. 28/61 15 July, 1961 142 H. 0. Ill No. Name and location Position lot. long, o / Characteristic and power Heigh of lighi above high water (feet) Visi. bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA -BAY OF FUNDY 13510 GRAND PASSAGE: — Cow Ledge Bell Buoy No. 10 D. N. W. 44 17 FI.R. Red buoy, marked “Cow Ledge. ” Bell. 66 20 13520 — Freeport, head of public 44 16 F. R. 17 8 H 3876 wharf, SW. point of Long Island. U. 66 20 13530 — Westport, E. side of 44 16 F. R. 21 9 H 3880 Brier Island, head of public wharf. U. 66 21 13540 — Peter Island, S. en- 44 15 FI. W. 62 13 White octagonal wooden structure, red lantern; 44. H 3878 trance to passage. U. 66 20 period 6* fl. ISec. 5^ 13550 PETIT PASSAGE; — Boars Head, W. side of 44 24 FI.W. 60 14 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 33. Dtaphone: 3 bl. ev. 60*. H 3884 entrance to Petit Passage. 66 13 period 12* fl. 2*, ec. 10* 13560 — Tiverton, near head of breakwater, W. side of passage. U. 44 24 66 13 F. R. 18 8 Bracket on freight shed . .. 13570 — East Ferry, head of breakwater, E. side of passage. U. 44 24 66 12 F. W. 17 8 Pole. 13575 — Petit Passage Bell Buoy 4 D. 44 22 FI.R. Red buoy marked “Petit Passage. ” 66 12 13580 H 3868 13585 Centreville, W. side of en¬ trance to harbor. U. Centerville Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy No. Z5D. 44 33 66 02 44 33 66 03 FI. W. FI.W. 31 9 White wooden tower; 8 .... Black and white striped buoy marked “Centerville No. 15 D.” 13587 Deep Cove Wharf, inner end. 44 40 F.G. 29 6 Pole; 25. U. 65 50 13590 Point Prim, W. side of Digby Gut entrance. 44 42 FI.W. 80 13 Square wooden structure, red and white stripes, dwelling attached; 22. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 30*. Horn points 318°. H 3890 65 47 period 7* 13600 Point Prim Approach Whistle Buoy No. 2 A. 44 43 65 46 FI.W. ... Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes, “PT. PRIM” in white. Radar Reflector. 13610 ANNAPOLIS BASIN: — Digby Gut, E. side of en- 44 41 F. W. On balcony of white rec¬ tangular wooden building. Boll: 1 stroke ev. 15*. H 3892 trance FOG SIGNAL. 65 46 13620 — Victoria Beach, E. side 44 41 Occ. G. 60 12 White square wooden tower; 28. H 3894 of Digby Gat. U. 65 45 period 10* it. 6*, ec. 4* 13630 H 3900 — The Racquette, Digby Harbor, head of wharf. U. 44 38 65 46 F. G. 15 8 Pole. 13640 H 3898 — Digby, head of pier. U. 44 38 65 45 F. R . 25 7 Wl. te square wooden structure; 27. Part III Including 1 ^.M. 28/61 143 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. in No. Name ar>d location Position lot. long. 0 / Charocteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi- bility (now ticol mites) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signolt CANADA-NOVA S( :OTIA- -BAY ( )F FUNDY 13650 H 3904 ANNAPOLIS BASIN: — Winchester Point, W. side of entrance to Bear River. N. W. 44 37 65 41 F.R. 69 9 White square wooden structure; 32. 13660 — Port Wade, inner section government wharf. 44 40 65 43 F. R. 24 6 White square wooden tower; 23. 13670 H 3906 — Shafner Point, N. side of river. U. 44 43 65 37 F. W. 46 8 White square wooden structure; 43. 13680 H 3908 ANNAPOLIS RIVER: — Annapolis, NE. of government pier. 44 45 65 31 F. R. 30 7 White square wooden tower; 28. 13710 H 3916 Parker Cove, near head of breakwater. 44 49 65 32 F. R. 22 6 Pole. 13720 H 3918 Hampton, on shore. Chute Cove. 44 54 65 21 F. W. 69 14 White square wooden tower; 33. 13730 H 3920 Port Lome, inner end of pier. U. 44 57 65 16 Occ. W. period 8® It. 5s,ec. 3* 92 10 White square wooden tower; 32. 13740 H 3922 Port George, edge of bank; opposite inner end of pier. U. 45 00 65 09 F.R... . 27 10 White square wooden tower; 25. 13750 H 3926 Margaretville, extremity of point, S. of breakwater. U. 45 03 65 04 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 20* It. 10*, ec. 3* It. 4*, ec. 3* 30 10 Square wooden structure with sloping sides, black and white bands; 31. Visible 95*-236*. 13760 H 39 28 45 15 65 01 FI.W . 362 14 Steel tower; 40. ProvisionaL U. period 7* 11. 2*, ec. 5* 13770 H 3930 Hatbourville, near bead of W. pier. U. 45 09 64 49 F. W. 24 9 Mast; 24 . 13780 H 3932 Black Rock. U. 45 10 64 46 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 12* n. l*,ec.2* fl.l*,ec.8* 45 12 White square wooden dwelling; 35. 13790 Cape d’Ot, extremity of point. 45 18 64 47 FI.W. period 40* 62 12 White square tower on red wooden framework structure; 30. Diaphooe: 2 bl. ev. 60*. 13800 45 20 FI. W. 36 7 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 27. Seasonal un to pCflUU 13810 H 3942 Hall Harbor, bead of E. breakwater. U. 45 12 64 37 F. R. 33 7 White square wooden structure on four steel columns; 29. Seasonal 13820 H 3940 Spencer Island Settlement, on shore. 45 20 64 43 F. W. 34 7 White square wooden structure; 33. Seasonal. Whittle: 1 bl. ev. X*. Reeerve bell. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 144 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome ond locotion Position lot. long. 0 f Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA -BAY OF FUNDY 13830 Port Creville Bell Buoy .... N. W. 45 23 FI.W. Black cylindrical buoy .... 64 34 •) 13840 Port Greville, on face of 45 24 F. W. 59 12 White square wooden tower; 25. Seasonal. H 394B bank. 64 33 13850 MINAS BASIN: — Cape Sharpe, N. side of 45 22 Occ.W. 60 13 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 34. Diaphone: 1 bl. ev. 60®. H 3950 entrance to basin. 64 24 period 10® It. 7®, ec. 3® • 13860 H 3958 — Kingsport, on Oak Point Pier. 45 10 64 22 F. W. 27 10 White square wooden building; 23. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 13880 H 3962 — Wolfville, W. side of channel. U. 45 06 64 22 FI.R. 20 6 White square wooden structure; 22. 13890 — Horton, Range, front, on 45 07 FI.W. 100 15 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 33. m H 3968 bluff at W. side en¬ trance to Avon River. 64 13 period 8® fl. 3®, ec. 5® Bell (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 13890.1 H 3968. 1 - Rear, about 2.32 miles 172° from front. Occ.W. period 8® It. 5®, ec. 3® 320 Pole. m 13900 H 3970 — Summerville, E. side of Avon River, head of public wharf. 45 06 64 11 F. W. 33 10 Mast, white shed; 31. 13910 — Hantsport, head of 45 04 F. W. 22 9 Bay window on outer gable of warehouse. H 3972 government wharf. U. 64 10 13920 — Burlington, E. side of 45 03 F. W. 26 42 White square wooden Square wooden structure on cribwork; 42. lantern on freight shed. 13930 — Mitchener Point, W. side 45 03 F.W. 3 m H 3978 H 3974 of Avon River, above Hantsport. river, head of govern¬ ment wharf. 64 09 64 08 A F. R. light shows upstream from a window on S. side of tower. 13940 — Avondale, E. side of 45 01 F. W. 27 Mast on freight shed. H 3980 river, head of govern¬ ment wharf. U. 64 08 • 13950 H 3996 — Dimock Point, junction of Avon and Ste. Croix Rivers. 45 00 64 08 3 F. W. 70 5 Mast. 13960 H 399 4 — Windsor, near W. end of Moshers Wharf. U. 45 00 64 09 2 F. W. (vertical). .. 31 10 Mast. 13970 — Avon River Bridges, No. 44 59 F. R. 20 Range lights for river below bridges. H 3988 1, on highway bridge 87 yards from E. end. 64 09 13970.1 -No. 2, on Canadian F. R. 18 H 3990 Pacific Ry. bridge 107 yards from E. end. m Port III Including N.M. 28/61 145 Sneend Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. m No. -r Name arid locotion ! 1 Position lot. long. 0 / \ 0 Characteristic ond power height f light above high woter (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA- BAY OF FUNDY 13990 H 39 9 2 MINAS BASIN: — Avon Rivet Bridges, No. 3, on Canadian Pacific Ry. bridge 164 yards from E. end. N. W. F. R . 20 Range lights for river above bridges. 13990.1 14010 H 3966 Mn 1 F, R. 20 Same light as No. 1397D. — Cheverie, head of wharf . 45 10 64 11 FI. W. period 4® 24 9 Steel skeleton tower. Seasonal. 14020 H 399S — Walton Harbor, E. side of month of Walton River. U. 45 14 64 01 Gp. Occ. W. (2) .... period 20® It. 10®, ec. 3® It. 4®, ec. 3® 60 13 White square wooden tower; 31. Seasonal. A F. R. light is shows from the head of the breakwater. 14030 H 4000 — Tennycape, head of wharf, W. side of mouth of Tennycape River. 45 16 63 53 F. W. 26 8 White mast, white shed; 25. 14040 H 4006 — Bumtcoot, NW. ex¬ tremity of head. U. 45 19 63 48 F. W. 76 14 White square wooden dwelling, red octagonal lantern; 39. 14050 H 4008 — Noel, head of govern¬ ment breakwater. 45 18 63 45 F. R. 27 6 Square wooden structure, upper part white, lower part speckled; 27. 14080 H 4014 — Spencer Point, month of Great Village River. U. 45 24 63 37 F.W. 30 10 White pole; 25. Seasonal. 14100 H 4020 — Portapique, E. side of entrance to Portapiqne Rivet. 45 24 63 63 F.W. 43 13 Red steel skeleton tower, white daymark. 14110 H 4022 — Bass River, W. side of river inside entrance. 45 24 63 48 F. W. 39 7 White square wooden tower; 32. 14120 H 4024 — Cart’s Brook, head of government wharf. 45 24 63 57 F.W. 25 9 Mast, white shed; 20. 14130 H 4028 — Five Islands, extremity of Sand Point, W. side of mouth of East River. 45 24 64 04 F.W. 43 11 White wooden tower; 33 ... Seasonal. 14140 H 39S2 — Pansboro, W. side of rivet month. 45 23 64 19 Occ. W. period 10® It. 5®, ec. 5® 65 13 White iron skeleton tower, red lantern; 50. Seasonal. Diapkofta: 1 bl. ev. 30*. Horn points 140*. 14150 H 39S4 -Near head of govern¬ ment wharf. 45 23 64 19 F.R. 24 9 Comer of freight shed .... 14160 H 4032 CHIGNECTO BAY: — Apple River, Cape Cap¬ stan, N. side of en¬ trance. 45 28 64 51 F.W. 75 12 White square wooden tower on dwelling; 45. Seasonal. DIapliena: 3 bl. ev. 60*. Horn points 278*. 14170 H 4036 45 42 64 27 FI.W. 24 9 White steel skeleton tower; 18. 14190 H 4042 — Cumberland Basin: -Woody (Barnes) Point. U. 45 50 64 23 F. W. 40 11 White square wooden tower; 31 Part III Including N.M. 28/61 146 Sacond Edltien 15 July, 1961 H. 0. m Position Chorocteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Name and location lot. long. * t and power high woter (feet) (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY • 14200 H 4046 CHIGNECTO BAY: — Cumberland Basin: — Grindstone Island, W. end, at entrance to Shepody Bay. N. W. 45 43 64 37 Occ. W. period 15® It. 12®, ec. 3® 93 15 White hexagonal concrete tower, 6 buttresses, red iron lantern; 59. Seasonal. DiaptioM: 3 bl. ev. 60®. • 14210 H 4050 — Petitcodiac River: -Fort Folly Point, at junction of Petit¬ codiac and Memram- cook Rivers. 45 52 64 34 FI.W. period 4® 77 14 White -square wooden tower, red band, dwelling attached, red lantern; 35. Seasonal. 14220 H 4052 -Hopewell, near wharf. 45 52 64 35 F. W. 20 6 Pole. « 14240 H 4060 — Cop# Enrcig*, slope of cape. 45 36 64 47 F.W. 125 15 White square wooden tower, octagonal red iron lantern; 29. Diaphofie: 1 bl. ev. 30®. ▼ 14250 H 4064 — Alma, head of public wharf. U. 45 36 64 57 F.R. 26 6 Mast, white shed; 25. Seasonal. 14260 H 4070 Martin Head, S. extremity .. . U. 45 29 65 12 FI. W. period 5. 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.0® 137 17 White square wooden dwelling, red lantern; 38. • 14270 (>uaco Ledge Bell Bvoy No. 78 J. 45 15 65 22 FI. R. ... Red cylindrical buoy, “QUACO LEDGE” in white. 14280 H 40 74 St. Martins, head of W. breakwater. 45 21 65 32 F.R . 31 7 White mast, white shed; 29. Seasonal. Horn (hand): answers vessels* signals. I) 14290 H 4076 Qooco Heod, on slope of cape. 45 20 65 32 FI.W . period 10® no 16 White square wooden tower, dwelling attached; 49. Diophone: 2 bl. ev. 60®. 14295 Black River, head of wharf . U. 45 16 65 49 FI.W . period 4® 12 6 Red steel skeleton tower .. 8 14300 ff 4078 Cape Spencer . 45 12 65 55 Gp.FI.W.(3 . period 20® fl. ec. 5® fl. ec. 15® 186 19 Red octagonal concrete tower, white band, red octagonal lantern; 44. DiopiioM: 3 bl. ev. 60®. Horn points 165*. 14310 ST. JOHN HARBOR: — Black Point Whistle Buoy No. 41 J. 45 13 66 03 FI.W . ... Black cylindrical buoy .... Radar Reflector. 14320 H 4082 — Partridge Island, summit. 45 14 66 03 FI.W . period 7.5® 114 17 White concrete tower, red stripes; 35. Diophone: 2 bl. ev. 30®. Radiobeocon. f r 14330 H 4086 — Courtenay Bay, near head of breakwater. U. 45 15 66 03 Fl. R . 70 10 Red and white hexagonal tower, red lantern. Four lighted dolphins with radar reflector established in Court¬ ney Bay channel: Two on E. side showing Fl. R.; two on W. side showing Fl. G. Part III Uclwding N.M. 28/61 147 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Name and locotion Position lot. long. O f Choracteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14340 H 4087 ST. JOHN HARBOR: — Range, front . N. W. 45 17 66 02 F.G. 57 8 White skeleton tower on building. 14340.1 H 4087. 1 - Rear, about 400 yards 20*30' from front. F.G. 74 9 White pole. 14350 H 4084 — West St. John, outer comer of shed No. 14. 45 16 66 04 F. R. 36 5 Brown wooden tower on roof of freight shed. Bell: 1 stroke ev. 5®. 14360 H 4088 — Reed Point, foot of St. James Street. 45 16 66 04 F.—W., R. 42 5 Three-branched post; 21... R. 318*-25‘30'. 14370 — Marble Cove, SW. comer of Rowans Wharf, N. side of entrance to cove. 45 15 66 05 FI. W. 20 9 Pole . 14380 H 4092 Lorneville Breakwater, on head. U. 45 12 66 09 FI. G. 12 3 Steel structure on a wooden base; 16. 14390 H 4094 Tiner Point FOG SIGNAL .. 45 09 45 09 100 White square wooden Diapkone: 1 bl. ev. 45*. structure. 14400 H 4096 Musquash, E. side of en¬ trance. 45 09 66 14 Gp. FI.W. (4). period 30® fl., ec. 4* fl., ec. 4® fl., ec. 4® fl., ec. 18* 112 16 White square wooden stracture, red bands, dwelling attached; 40. Horn (hand): answers vessels’ signals. 14410 H 4100 Chance Harbor, Reef Point, W. side of entrance. 45 07 66 21 F. W . 36 11 White square wooden tower; 30. Visible 145°-15*. 14420 H 4104 Dipper Harbor, public wharf, W. side of harbor. 45 06 66 25 F W 27 9 Mast; white shed; 25 . 14430 H 4108 Point Loproou, near extrem¬ ity. 45 04 66 28 Gp.FI.W.(3) . period 24® 84 White octagonal concrete tower, red bands, red lantern; 58. Dioptiene: 3 bl. ev. 60®. 14440 Point Lepreau Whistle Buoy So. m C 45 03 66 28 FI.W . ... Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes. Rodor Reflector. 14445 H 4111 Maces Bay Wharf . u. 45 08 66 32 F. R . 29 Pole . 14450 H 4110 South Wolf Island SE. part .. 44 56 66 44 FI.W . 111 16 White square wooden Horn (hand): answers vessels' period 10* structure on dwelling; 35. signals. 14460 Wolves Whistle Buoy, No. 182 C 45 00 66 42 FI.W . Cylindrical buoy, black and white stripes ‘WOLVES* in black and white letters. Radar Reflector. 14470 H 4112 Drews Head, W. side of Beavor Harbor. 45 04 66 44 Fl. W . period 14® fl. 6^ ec. 8® 45 10 White square wooden stracture; 36. Obscured to eastward and southwestward by harbor headlands. Whistle: 1 bl. ev. 60®. 14475 Beaver Harb-'- cc d of breakw-.i.j. '1. P Q 29 Pole . i Part ill Includinq N.M. 28^6 1 148 Second EdIHoa 15 July, 1M1 H. 0. Ill No. Name ond location Position lot. long. » r Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles' Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14480 L'ETANG HARBOR; — Pea Point, on Pea Islet, N. W. 45 02 F. W. 51 12 White square wooden structure, dwelling at¬ tached; 31. Visible 251*-161°. Diapliona; 2 bl. ev. 60®. H4114 E. side of entrance to harbor. 66 49 ' 14490 — Roaring Bull Buoy . 45 02 FI.R. 66 49 14500 — Bliss Island, SW. point. 45 01 Occ. W. 55 12 White square wooden tower, red lantern; 40. Horn (hand); answers vessels’ signals. H 4118 66 51 period 15® It. 10®, ec. 5® 14505 — Back Bay, foot of break- 45 03 F.R. 31 6 Polft. water. U. 66 52 14510 PASSAMAQUODDY BAY: — Letite Passage, W. ei- 45 02 F.W. 48 12 White octagonal wooden tower, red lantern; 43. Diophon*: 1 bl. ev. 30®. H 4120 tremity of Mascabin Point. 66 54 14515 — Morgan Ledge Whistle 45 02 FI.R. Red cylindrical buoy, ‘Morgan Ledge 158-C*, in white. Buoy No. 158 C, at E. entrance. 66 54 14520 - Letite Bell Buoy No. 45 03 FI.R. Red cylindrical buoy, “LETITE’ in white. 162 C 66 54 14530 -Head of pier. 45 03 F.R. 16 8 Wkittia: 1 bl. ev. 30®. H 4119 66 54 14540 — Midjik Bluff. 45 07 FI. W ... 142 £ Red skeleton steel tower. H 4124 U. 66 55 14550 — Chamcx>ok Channel 45 07 FI. R. Lighted Buoy No. 152 C. 67 03 14560 — Tongue Shoal, near ex- 45 04 FI.W. 48 7 Red skeleton steel tower. H 4126 tremity. U. 67 01 14570 — Navy Bar, near E. ex- 45 04 F.W . 34 7 White rectangular wooden structure on cribwork pier, red lantern; 36. Boll: 1 stroke ev. 5®. H 4130 tremity of bar off Navy Island. 67 02 14580 — St. Andrews, head of 45 04 F. R. 30 6 H 4128 railway pier, E. side of harbor. U. 67 03 14590 ST. CRODC RIVER: — St. Croix Island (U. S.).. 45 08 67 08 FI.W . period Z5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2® Cp. 3,500 101 16 White tubular tower, sur¬ mounted by platform. Intensified on bearing 334*. 14600 — Spruce Point. 45 10 F. W ... 32 9 White square wooden structure; 28. H 4136 67 11 14610 H 4138 — Mark Point, N. side of river. 45 10 67 13 F.W . 32 3 White square wooden structure; 28. 14620 — Whittock’s Mill on South Bank (U. S.). 45 10 67 10 F.G . Cp. 800 32 11 White conical tower. Seasonal. Boll: 1 stroke ev. 20®. PwtIII Including ^ .M. 28/61 149 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill Position Charocteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Nome and location lot. long. • t and power high woter (feet) (nou- ticol miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CANADA-NEW BRUNSWICK - BAY OF FUNDY 14630 H 4146 DEER ISLAND: — Leonatdville Harbor, on cliff, near center of E. side of Deer Island. N. W. 44 58 66 57 F. W. 59 8 White square wooden tower; 27. 14632 - Entrance Buoy. about 200 yards 101' from Leonard- ville Light. FI.R. • • . Red buoy. 14634 — Leonardville Wharf, near outer end. U. F. R. 31 PoIp. 14640 H 4144 — Pompey Ledge, off E. side of Deer Island. U. 44 59 66 57 FI. W. 17 9 Black steel framework structure. 14650 — Lords Cove, N. side of cove, front. 45 00 F. G. 55 8 H 4142 66 57 14650.1 -Rear, 107 yards 330*30' from front. F. G. 85 10 Pole; 17. H 4142. 1 14660 -Government Wharf, outer end. 45 00 66 57 F.R. 24 Pole. 14670 — Stewarton Wharf, near head of wharf, front. 45 01 F. R. 15 8 White pole. H 4140 66 56 14670.1 H 4140.1 -Rear, 150 yards 242' from front. F. R. 40 11 White pole. 14680 H 4148 — Fairhaven, near head of wharf. 44 58 67 01 F.R. 16 8 White pole. 14685 — Deorted destnned. 15891.1 ; 4636.1 - Rear, in line 247* from front. F.W. 55 10 White wooden framework tower; 27. Reported extinguisbed 15900 ; 4640 - Staniard Rock. U. 24 51 77 53 FI. W. period 4* 18 6 Gray structure; 15. 15910 J 4638 -Staniard Creek. U. 24 52 77 54 F. R . 26 6 Wooden framework structure; 20. 15920 ; 4642 -Fresh Creek, S. side of entrance. U. 24 44 77 48 F.W . 27 6 White quadrangular stone building; 24. 15930 -Middle Bight on rock 24 19 77 40 FI. W 17 7 White steel framework tower. J 4644 S. side of channel. period 5* 15932 -Mangrove Cay, Peats 24 15 F.R . 20 7 J 4648 Wharf. 77 39 15935 ; 4646 -Sirius Rock. 24 14 77 36 FI. W . period 3* 29 7 Black and white mast on white cylindrical struc¬ ture. 15945 J 4649 — Green Cay, W. end. u. 24 02 77 11 FI. W . period 3* 33 7 Black structure, white house; 23. 15946 y 4646. 5 -Tinkers Rock. 23 59 77 29 FI. W . 14 fl. per min. 32 8 Black mast on white cylindrical housing. 15950 y 4632 — Gold Cay. N. end of Williams Island. U. 24 40 78 28 F. W . 22 5 Mast; 20. Shown from Oct. 15 to July 31. 15955 y 4670. 5 — Coral Harbor: -Coral Harbor En¬ trance. 24 99 77 30 FI.W. period 5* fl. 1*, ec. 4* 17 4 Beacon with rectangular daymark. 15956 -E. Jetty, outer end .. FI. R. A Fl. R. and Fl. G. light exist close NNE. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* (privately maintained) period 5* fl. 1®, ec. 4* 15957 -W. Jetty. Fl. G. period 5* fl. 1*, ec. 4* Port III Including N.M. 28/61 161 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H.0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light above Visi¬ bility No. Nome and location lot. long, o / ond power high wofor (foot) (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BAHAMA ISLANDS GREAT BAHAMA BANK: N. W. 15960 — Colliding Cay, off W. 25 02 FI. W. ; 4650 point of New Provi¬ dence Island. U. — Nassau Harbor: 77 36 period 2* 15970 - Fort Fincastle 25 05 Alt. FI_W.G. J 4656 AVIATION LIGHT. 77 21 period 10* Cp. W. 2,400,000 G. 600,000 15980 - Hog Island, W. 25 06 FI. W. or R. J 4660 point. U. 77 21 period 5* 15990 - Tony Rock. 25 05 FI. G. J 46 56 77 21 period 6* fl. 0.3», ec. 5.7* 16000 - Range, W. of town, 25 05 F. R. J 4652 front. U. 77 22 16000.1 J 4652.1 - Rear, 273 yards 151* from front. U. F. R . 16010 — The Nanows, between 25 05 FI. R . J 4664 Hog Island and Athol Island. U. 77 17 16020 — Athol Island . 25 05 FI. W . J 4666 U. — New Providence Island; 77 17 period 6.6* 160X - Porgee Rocks, SE. 25 04 FI.W . J 4666 ro^. U. 77 15 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 1604) _ _ (Thoh Pnrlr . 25 07 FI.W . J 4662 77 14 period 5* 16050 - On point, S. of Blast 25 02 Fl. W. J 4670 Point. 77 15 period 6* 16060 — Beacon Cay (North 24 52 Fl.,—W., R. J 4722 Rock), Ship Channel. U. 76 49 period 3* 16070 — Elbow Cay, W. end . 24 31 Fl. W. ; 4724 U. 76 49 period 2* 16080 — Harvey Cay. 24 09 FI.W. ; 4726 U. 76 28 period 3. 3* 16090 — Galliot Cut, N. end of 23 54 Fl. W. J 4 730 Cave Cay. U. — Eleuthera Island; 76 14 period 4* 16100 -Tarpum Bay, S. end .. 25 00 F. W. J 4694 U. 76 13 16110 -Powell Point. 24 52 FI.W. J 4700 Port III U. 76 22 period 3* Including N. M. 28/61 36 8 Gray structure. 219 18 Gray concrete tower; 130 .. 66 W. 13 R. 11 White conical stone tower; 63. Shows R. when bar is dangerous. Obscured 334*-25*. 22 4 Red composite framework; 21 . 37 7 White structure, black diagonal wooden cross daymcuk; 38. 61 7 White structure, black diagonal wooden cross daymark; 36. 12 2 Red post; 12. 46 6 Gray structure; 17 . Visible 290*-335*. 25 5 Gray structure; 18. 32 4 White framework tower .... 57 8 White square stone building; 27. Visible 180*-56*. 58 8 Gray structure; 30. R. 292*-303*. PartiaUy obscured by neighboring islands 319*-6*. 46 11 Gray structure; 25. 49 6 Gray beacon; 12. 51 7 Aluminum-colored steel framework tower. 35 7 Mast; 20. 38 8 Aluminum-colored steel framework tower; 32. Second Edition 15 July. 1961 162 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi. Position Characteristic above bility No. Name and location lot. long. and power high (nau* Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog tignolt water tical (feet) miles) BAHAMA ISLANDS N. W. GREAT BAHAMA BANK: — Eleuthera Island: 16120 -Rock Sound Range, 24 56 FI. W. 23 8 Steel mast on concrete 1 4696 front. U. 76 15 period 6® pier. 16120.1 -Rear, about 4.3 24 53 FI.W. 29 7 J 4696. 1 miles 151°30' 76 13 period 15® from front. U. 16130 -New Portsmouth 24 54 F. R. 25 1 4698 settlement. U. 76 11 16140 -Free Town. 24 48 F.W. 18 7 J 4701 76 18 16150 -Wemyss Bight. 24 45 F. W. 27 2 ; 4702 U. 76 14 16160 -Cupid Cay, NW. end 25 12 FI. W. 40 8 Aluminum-colored steel J 4690 Governors Harbor. 76 16 period 4® tower; 32. U. 16170 -Hatchet Bay W. side 25 21 FI. W. 57 8 Tapered cast iron pipe ] 4688 of entrance. 76 29 period 15® o mast; 23. 16180 -Stafford, Gregory 25 21 F. W. 41 9 Mast; 13. J 4686 Town. U. 76 31 16190 -Six Shilling Cays.... 25 17 FI.W. 32 10 Gray steel framework J 4674 U. 76 55 period 8® tower; 33. 16200 - Fleeming Channel, 25 15 FI. R . 21 3 White steel framework J 4675 about 2.1 miles 76 55 period 5® tower, black base. 205° 6om Six Shilling Cays Light. 16210 - Current Rock. 25 25 FI.W. 41 7 Framework structure; 33. .. ; 4676 U. 76 51 period 8® 16212 - Current Settlement. .. 25 25 F. W. 12 1 Mast. J 4677 76 47 16213 Current Island . 25 24 F. W. 20 1 Mast. J 4675. 5 76 48 16220 - Great Egg Island, on 25 30 FI.W . 112 12 Aluminum-colored J 46 78 summit of island, 76 53 period 3® framework structure; 6. Northeast Provi- dence Channel. U. 162X - Man Island. 25 34 Gp.FI.W(3) . 93 12 Aluminum framework tower; J 468 2 U. 76 38 period 15® 60. 11. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.0® fl. 0.5®, ec. 11.5® 16240 -Eleuthera Point, SE. 24 38 FI.W. 61 6 Light-colored framework J 4704 extremity of island. 76 08 period 4. 6® structure on white U. house; 25. Port III M U 00/41 163 2 F. R. range lights in line on 22° are shown from the E. side of the bay. Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H.0. Ill No. Name ond location Position lot. long. o t Characteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BAHAMA ISLANDS 16250 J 4 708 GREAT BAHAMA BANK: — Little Cat Island. U. N. W. 24 34 75 56 Fl. W. period 2.4® 69 13 Aluminum colored steel skeleton structure. Visible 240'—110*, obscured— 130', visible—140', obscured 170', visible—190', obscured— 200 ', visible—220', obscured— 240'. 16260 J 4710 — Cat Island, Arthur Town . U. 24 38 75 43 F. W. 26 5 Pole; 17. 16270 ; 4712 - Bennett’s Harbor, entrance to Harbor Creek. U. 24 35 75 40 FI. W. period 4® 53 12 Light gray structure; 30. .. Visible 350'-130'. 16280 J 4714 - Knowles Harbor. 24 21 75 28 F. W. 28 10 Mast.^. 16200 J 4716 - Smith Town . U. 24 21 75 28 FI.W. period 3. 3® 38 7 Light gray steel structure . 16300 J 4917 - New Bight Harbour . . 24 21 75 29 F.W. 24 10 Mast . 16310 J 4718 - Devil Point (Evil Point) on summit 900 yards NW. of point. U. 24 07 75 28 FI.W. period 5* fl. 0.2®, ec. 4.8® 143 12 Aluminum-colored steel skeleton structure; 30. 16320 J 4748 — Conception Island. U. 23 49 75 07 FI.W. period 2® 84 6 Gray structure; 30 . 16330 J 4 734 — Great Exuma Island: - Exuma Harbor, Conche Cay. 23 34 75 48 Fl. W. period 5® 40 8 Aluminum, steel framework structure, housing at base; 30. 16340 J 4732 - Simon Point. U. 23 32 75 48 F. W. 40 5 Mast; 15 . 16344 J 4737 - Hawkbill Rocks. U. 23 26 76 06 FI.W. period 3. 3® 32 6 White conical metal struc¬ ture, black bands; 23. 16346 J 4736 - Jew Fish Cut. U. 23 27 75 57 FI.W. period Z 5® 38 8 White metal conical struc¬ ture, black bands; 23. 16350 ; 47so — Long Island: - Cape St. Maria, near N. extremity of island. U. 23 40 75 21 FI. W. period 3.3® 99 14 Light-gray iron framework structure; 30. Obscured 240'-340'. 16360 1 47S2 - Simms Settlement. . .. U. 23 29 75 15 F. W. 23 4 Mast. 16370 y 4754 - Clarence Harbor, Harbor Point. U. 23 06 74 58 F.W. 25 3 White mast and hut; 18. 16380 y 4760 - Galloway Landing ... U. 23 04 75 00 F. W. 14 2 Wliite post and lantern; 22 . Marks landing place for small boats. 16390 y 4 758 - South Point, Turbot Hill. U. 22 51 74 52 FI.W. period 2.5® 61 12 Gray structure; X . Partially obscured 140'-245*. Port III Second Edition Including N.M. 28/61 164 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome ond location Position lot. long. O / Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau‘ tical miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals BAHA MA ISL AMDS 16400 Rum Cay, Port Nelson, near J 4744 wharf. U. N. W. 23 38 74 50 F.W 18 5 Pole; 14 16410 Son Salvador (Watling J 4738 Island) Dixon Hill, near NE. point. 24 06 74 26 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® 0. 0.2®, ec. 1.3® 0. 0.2®, ec. 8.3® Cp. 400,000 163 16420 — Cockbum Town, near J 4740 landing. U. 24 03 74 32 F.W 23 16430 ; 4792 CROOKED ISLAND: — Bird Rock, on summit ... 22 51 74 22 FI. W. period 5® 0. 0.2®, ec. 4.8® Cp. 250,000 112 16440 1 4794 16450 ; 4778 16470 ; <786 — Major’s Cay Northeast Point (Hell Gate), Acklins Island. U. — E. side of island. U. 22 45 74 09 22 44 73 51 22 37 74 19 F. W. Cp. under 100 FI. W. period 6® F.W. 30 56 60 19 White stone tower, dwelling each side; 72. Partly obscured 1*—8”, 10*-68'’, and 76*-95*. 5 White mast; 12 16 Conical stone tower, faced with blue brick; 109. 8 Mast; 20 10 Aluminum-colored steel tower; 32. 10 White post. 16480 J 4780 — Spring Point U. 22 29 73 58 F. W 18 7 White pole; 17 16490 J 4782 Gistle Island, near SW. point. 16500 J 4764 16510 J 4766 16520 / <768 16530 ; 4774 16540 J 4800 16550 J 4798 Nuevitas Rocks, on Eastern Jumentos. U. Flamingo Cay, on hill. U. Great Ragged Island, Duncan Town (Man-O-War HUl). U. Cay Lobos, near W. end .... 22 07 74 20 23 09 75 23 22 53 75 52 22 11 75 44 22 23 77 35 MAYAGUANA ISLAND: — Guano Point, Abraham Bay. U. — Northwest Point. 22 21 72 58 22 28 73 07 Gp. FI.W. (3). period 15® 0. 0.3®, ec. 1.9® 0. 0.3®, ec. 1.9® 0. 0.3®, ec. 10.3® Cp. 400,000 FI. W. period 4® FI. W. period 6® FI.W. period 3® Gp. FI. W. (4). period 15® 0 . 0.2®, ec. 1.8® 0 . 0.2®, ec. 1.8® 0 . 0.2®, ec. 1.8® 0 . 0.2®, ec. 8.8® Cp. 100,000 FI. W . period 3® FI.W. period 5® 0. 1®, ec. 4® 130 38 138 118 145 14 70 Part III Including N.M. 28/61 165 17 White cylindrical tower, 3 bands of red brick; 113. Visible seaward over an arc of of 330“. 10 Gray structure; 30 8 Aluminum-colored steel tower; 12. 12 Black pipe, platform; 23... A F. W. light is shown from settlement wharf. Unrdiable. 18 Circular iron tower, black and white bands white lantern; 148. 8 Gray structure; 6 12 White framework tower, red lantern. Sacond Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill Position Characteristic Height of light obove Visi- bility No. Name and locotion lot. long. • f and power high water (feet) (nou* tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals BAHAMA ISLANDS 16555 J 480 2 Hogsty Reef, on NW. Cay .. N. W. 21 41 73 51 FI. W. period 4* 29 8 Cylindrical tower with white and red bands; 23.. 16560 J 4804 Great Inagua Island, 2 miles from SW. point of island. 20 56 73 41 Gp. FI. W. (2). period 10® fl. 0.4®, ec. 0.9® fl. 0.4®, ec. 8.3® Cp. 225,000 120 17 White cylindrical stone tower; 113. Partially obscured 165*—183*. 16570 ; 4806 — Mathew Town, in front of the customhouse. U. 20 57 73 40 F.W. 40 8 Skeleton steel tower; 32... 16572 — N. of Ft. Henrietta, front. 20 57 F.R . 7 73 41 F. R . 15 16572.1 -Rear, about 50 yards 76* from front. 16573 — S. of Louisa Point, front. 20 57 F. R . 7 73 40 F. R . 15 16573.1 -Rear, about 50 yards 112* from front. 16580 J 4808 South Caicos Island, Cock- bum Harbor, on Government HiU U. 21 30 71 31 F. W . 50 9 White building, flat roof; 15. Visible 180’-90*. Radiobeacon. 16590 J 4812 TURKS ISLANDS: — Grand Turk . 21 31 71 08 Fl. W . period 7. 5* fl. 1.1*, ec. 6.4» Cp. 58,000 108 16 White cylindrical iron tower; 60. Signal station. 16600 J 4814 -Head of wharf, W. side of island, front. U. 21 29 71 09 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 20 3 Steel skeleton tower; 13... Difficult to distinguish. 16600. 1 ] 4814.1 -Rear, 100 yards 84° from front. U. FI.W . period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® 33 3 Tower; 35. 16610 J 4816 — Salt Cay, near Lookout, NW. point of cay. 21 21 71 1 F. W. 80 8 Beacon; 20. 16620 J 4818 — Sand Coy, North Island.. 21 12 71 15 FI.W . period 2® fl. 0.2®, ec. 1.8® Cp. 1,100 85 15 Red steel framework structure; 50. CUBA 1 16630 1 4820 Gibo San Antonio, W. ex¬ tremity of Cuba. 21 52 84 57 F.FI.W. period 15® Cp. F. 950 Fl. 15, 200 103 FL 16 F. 14 Yellow tower, marked 'Roncali,* masonry house to S.; 77. Irregular (Oct I960) 16635 Cahezodel Plumaje Lighted Buoy No. I. 22 05 84 30 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Black buoy . 1 Many of Ch« light* on the eoaat of Cuba have been reported to be Irregular or extlngulahed. Part III Including N.M. 28/61 e a 166 Sacond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Chorocteristlc obove bility No. Nome ond location lot. long. and power high (nOLK Structure, height (feet) o t water tical (feet) mites) CUBA 1 16640 J 4822 Banco de Sancho Pardo .... U. N. W. 22 10 84 45 FI. W . period 3® fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 210 34 10 Iron skeleton structure, upper part red, lower part aluminum color, en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe; 34. 16650 J 4826 22 24 FI. W. 107 16 Aluminum-colored skeleton u. 84 27 period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 3,170 structure, enclosing gray hut with red stripe; 106. 16655 Paso Jai-AIai Lighted Buoy. 22 26 84 34 Qk.FI.W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 450 15 8 Black buoy . 16660 J 4828 Cayo Jutias, NE. point. 22 43 84 01 Gp. Occ. W. (3) .... period 20* It. 8*, ec. 1* It. 8*, ec. 1* It. 1*, ec. 1* Cp. 5,700 140 18 Octagonal skeleton steel tower, yellow and black bands, lower part en¬ closed, masonry struc¬ ture to S.; 138. 16670 — Lighted Buoy No. 3. E- side of Pasa Honda en¬ trance to Bahia Santa Lucia. 22 44 83 59 Fl. W . period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 120 11 8 Black buoy . 16680 J 48 30 Punta Bano, offshore on W. side of entrance to channel. 22 41 83 58 Fl. R. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* Cp. 10 17 4 Red triangular skeleton structure on piles. 16690 J 4832 22 50 Fl. W . 47 10 Red iron skeleton structure U. 83 39 period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 210 enclosing gray hut with red stripe; 46. 16693 Paso Scot Carlos Buoy, E. side of pass. 22 53 83 35 FLW ... 10 8 Black buoy . period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* 16694 J 4833 Pasa San Carlos Light Beacon No. 3. 22 52 83 35 Fl. G . 17 6 Black pyramidal skeleton tower on concrete platform of 3—pile structure. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* Cp. 42 16700 J 4334 PASA DE LA MULATA; — Lighted Beacon No. 1, entrance. 22 57 83 23 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 12* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 9.5* Cp. 90 12 7 Lantern on black iron column, cylindrical con¬ crete base. 16710 ; 4834. 2 — Lighted Beacon No. 2, W. side of channel. 22 56 83 23 Gp. Fl. R. (2). period 12* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 9.5* 12 6 Red iron column on cylin¬ drical concrete base. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols Retiorted rmssms ( /959JI I Menjr of the lights on the coast of Cube have been reported to be Irregular or eztingulahed. Part Ml Including N.M. 28/61 167 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H.0.114 No. Name ond locotion Position lot. long. e f Choracteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure^ height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signols CUBA 1 16720 J 48 34. 4 PASA DE LA MULATA: — Lighted Beacon No. 3, E. side of cbanoel. N. W. 22 55 83 23 Gp. FI. G. (2). period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® Cp. 27 10 6 Black iron column on con¬ crete base. 16770 ; 4836 Punto Gobemodoro. 3 miles W. of Bahia Honda en¬ trance. 23 00 83 13 FI. W. period 5® fl. 0.4®, ec. 4.6® Cp. 420,000 113 16 Red and white banded cylindrical conical iron tower; 107. Aero beam elevated 15* above horizon, (same characteristics). 16780 J 48 38 BAHIA HONDA: — Bahia Honda, N. of old fort on Morrillo. U. 22 59 83 09 G»).FI.W.(2). period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. 215 89 10 Iron skeleton structure, upper part red, lower part aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe; 28. 16790 ; 4840 — Range, off Punta Difuntos, W. end of Cayo Largo, front. U. 22 58 83 10 Fl. W. period 2® fl. 0.3®, ec. 1.7® Cp. 90 17 7 Gray skeleton steel structure on piles. 16790.1 J 48 10. I - Rear, head of bay, about 2. 1 miles 183* from front. U. 22 56 83 10 Occ. Or. period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 450 41 11 White iron mast with platform; 30. Visible 6° each side of axis. 16800 J 4840.5 — Bajo Tres Patas, on shoal. 22 57 83 10 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 90 16 7 Black steel skeleton structure on tripod. Destroyed (1954X 16810 J 4842 Puerto Cabanas, Frias Hill, W. side of entrance. U. 23 00 82 59 Fl. W . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 215 174 10 Aluminum-colored skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe; 29. 16820 — flr/oy \'o. 2 . 23 00 82 59 R.R . period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® ... Red buoy. 16830 J 4843 — Punta Arenas, edge of shoal S. of Punta Arenas. 22 59 82 59 Fl. R. period 6® n.0.5®,ec.5.5® Cp. 18 15 5 Red tower on, square con¬ crete platform on piles. 16840 ; 4842.5 — Punta Africana, NE. point of Cayo Juan Tomas 22 59 82 58 Fl. R . period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 28 16 5 Aluminum-colored py¬ ramidal triangular skel¬ eton tower on concrete base. Numbered No. 6. 16850 1 4843. 5 — Piedra Gloria Lighted Beacon No. 8. 23 00 82 57 Fl. R. period 6® n.0.5®,ec.5.5® 17 5 Red tower on square con¬ crete platform on piles. 1 Many of the Itghte on the coeet of Cube heve been reported to be Irreguler or estlngulehed. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 168 Socond Edition 15 July. 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above bility Nome and location lot. long. ond power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) water tical (feet) miles) CUBA 1 16870 Bahia Dominica, front. N. W. 23 01 Qh. FI. W. 16 9 Triangular iron pyramidal skeleton tower on a 3 concrete pile structure, gray hut at base. J 4844 82 50 60 fl. per min. Cp. 450 16870.1 / 4844.1 — Rear 230 yards 213* from front. 23 01 82 50 Occ. W. period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 450 25 10 White steel skeleton tower on concrete col¬ umn, white diamond¬ shaped day mark. 16880 PUERTO MARIEL; — Puerto Mari el Buoy No. 1, E. side of entrance. 23 02 FI.W. 82 45 period 5® fl'. 0.5“, ec. 4.5® 16900 — Punta Regal Entrance Range, front. 23 01 (3k. FI. Or. 16 9 Gray pyramidal structure, white diamond day mark. J 4847 82 46 60 fl. per min. Cp. 200 Occ. R. 22 10 period 6® It. 3®,ec.3® Cp. 180 16900 1 1 4847. 1 -Rear, about 681 yards 183° from front. Occ. Or. period 6® lt.3®,ec.3® Cp. 450 29 9 Gray pyramidal structure, white daymark. 16910 1 4849 — Bajo Cayo Mason. 23 00 82 45 Fl. G . period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 27 16 5 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture on wooden platform on piles. 16930 ; 4850 Boca de Jaimanitas, E. side of mouth. 23 06 82 29 Fl. G . period 4® fl. 1®, ec. 3® Cp. 42 14 6 Yellow round concrete tower. 16934 J 4852 HABANA (HAVANA): — NW. of Havana-Biltmore Yacht and Country Club. 23 06 82 29 Gp. Fl. R (2) . period 12® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 9.5® 18 6 Red skeleton tower on platform on piles, grey house. 16938 ; 48SJ — Miramar Yacht Club. 23 07 82 27 Fl. G. period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 24 3 Concrete tower, black and white stripes. 16942 — Comodoro Yacht Club ... 23 07 82 27 Occ. W. period 6® It. 3®, ec. 3® Cp. 90 125 8 White flagstaff rigged as a ships mast. 16946 — Bahia Chorrera, W. side of entrance. 23 08 82 25 FI.R. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 17 6 Lantern on triangular structure, square base and platform. 16948 J 4860 — On mole. 23 08 82 25 Qk. Fl. G. 9 4 Gray iron structure. Sectors, Remarks. Fog signols Visible 6* each side of axis. 1 Many of the llfhte on the coeot of Cuba have bean reported to be Irregular or extlngulohad. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 USA Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. ni No. Nome and location Positio lot. lone • / n Choracteristic • and power 1695( ] 4854 HABANA (HAVANA): 1 — Morro Costlo, E. side of ^entrance. N. W. 23 09 82 21 Gp. FI. W.(2). period 15® Cp. 200,000 16960 — S. side of entrance to the 23 09 FI. R. 1 4856 harbor, near inner end. 82 21 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 28 16980 — Lighted Buoy No. 3 . 23 09 FI. G. 82 21 period 3 ® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® Cp. 2i 16982 — Pilar de Neptuno. 23 09 Fl. R .... 82 21 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 28 . 16984 — Canal Belot Range, front, on Belot mole. 23 08 82 20 Qk. Fl. Amber. 16984.1 -Rear, 500 yards 100° from front. period 6 ® lt.3®,ec.3® 17005 Bahia Cojimar E. side of 23 10 Fl. G. J 4862 entrance. 82 17 p«iod 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® 17007 Rio Tarara (Condesa), E. 23 11 Fl. G. 1 48 6 3 side of landing at river mouth. 82 13 period 4® fl. 0.4®, ec. 3.6® 17010 Rio Guanabo, E. side of 23 10 Fl. G. ] 4864 entrance. 82 07 period 3® fl. 0.5®, ec. 2.5® Cp. 240 17020 Boca del Jaruco, W. side of 23 11 Fl. W. / 48 66 river mouth, N. bastion of old fort. u. 82 01 period 3* fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 250 17025 Puerto Escondido, on reef. 23 09 Fl. G. J 48 6 7 E. side of entrance. 81 43 period 5* fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Many of t hm llfhtB on th« coast of Cuba hovo boon reported to be irroguler Height of light Vis!- above bility high (nou- water ticol (feet) miles) CUBA 144 36 12 36 27 31 28 46 22 Structure, height (feet) 18 Yellowish-white masonry truncated cone; marked ‘O’DONNELL*; 80. Iron framework structure on concrete base. 10 10 5 Black buoy Aluminum colored square skeleton tower. Square pyramidal frame¬ work tower. Square pyramidal frame¬ work tower. Aluminum colored square pyramidal tower, gray box, square platform. Square iron pyramidal tower, upper part white, lower part black, atop white house. Aluminum-colored skeleton structure on concrete hut. Aluminum-colored frame¬ work tower enclosing gray hut; 32. Black square iron pyramidal skeleton tower on con¬ crete base; small hut at base of tower. Bztlag ul«h«d. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 Snctof*. Raflivks. Fog tignoli I Signal staUoo. Storm signals. 5 occasional FI. W. lights of 60,000 cp. are shown from top of Capitol 0.9 mile S. A F.R. light is exhibited on northeastern comer and a F.G. light on southeastern comer of warehouses on Muelles San Francisco and Macbina. A F. R. light is exhibited on north¬ eastern comer and a F. G. light on southeastern comer of warehouse on northern pier of Muelles de T^ula. 1688 Second Edition 15 July. 1961 H.0. Ill Height o( light Visi- Position Characteristic above bllity No. Nome and location lot. long. and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) • / water tical (feet) miles) CUBA 1 17026 / 4S67.4 Puerto Escondido Entrance Range, front. N. W. 23 09 81 43 FI. W. period 1* fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 0.75 59 10 White triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower; white diamond-shaped day- mark. 17026.1 1 4967. S — Rear, about 47 yards 150 * 45' from front. Occ. W. period 6* It. 3 s, ec. 3^ Cp. 200 63 10 White square iron pyramidal skeleton tower; white diamond-shaped daymark. 17030 J 4868 23 09 81 36 FI. W. 76 14 Iron skeleton structure. U. period 15* fl. 1*, ec. 14* Cp. 1,480 upper and lower parts aluminum colored, middle part red, enclosing gray hut; 65. 17040 J 4872 Punta Maya, E. side of en¬ trance to Puerto Matanzas. 23 06 81 28 Fl. W. period 7.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7* Cp. 3,200 59 13 White cylindrical iron tower on gray masonry dwelling; 53. 17050 — La Laja Lighted Buoy, N. side of Shoal. 23 03 81 33 Fl. G. period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* Cp. 28 15 5 Black buoy . 17060 J 4876 — Puerto Matanzas, customs mole. U. 23 03 81 34 F R. 3 17065 CANAL PASO MALO; — Kawama West Jetty. 23 08 81 19 Fl. R. period 3* fl. 0.4*, ec. 2.6* Cp. 150 20 9 Concrete tower, square base. 17066 Fl. G. 20 10 Concrete tower, square base. period 3* fl. 0.4*, ec. 2.6* Cp. 270 17067 23 08 Qk. Fl. W . 92 8 Yellow and black 81 19 60 fl. per min. diagonally striped con¬ crete tower, square base. 17067.1 -Rear, 118 yards 148° from front. Occ. W. period 6* It. 3*, ec. 3* 20 9 Same marks as front. 17070 J 4878 BAHIA DE CARDENAS: — Cayo Monito Lighted Beacon. 23 14 81 08 Fl. R. period 2* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* Cp. 50 26 7 Red square skeleton tower on concrete base on 4 white concrete piles. 17090 J 4880 — Coye Piodras, entrance to bay. 23 15 • 81 09 Gp. Fl. W (2) . 79 • 15 White cylindrical masonry tower, white masonry house with green trim; 63. period 10* Cp. 60,000 I Many of tho lights on the coast of Cuba hayo boon raportad to ba laragular or aztlngnlahod. Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals A F. ff. light is shown from a whatf on N. side of pott. F. R. lights are shown from the head of each pier and from both coiners of the steamer wharf. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 169 Second Edition 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and locotion Position lot. long. 0 f Chorocteristic and power Height of light obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signoU CUBA 1 17100 BAHIA DE CARDENAS: — (.abezo del Coral l.ighted Buoy. N. W. 23 15 81 06 FI. W. period 5* fl. 0 . 55 , ec. 4.55 Cp. 140 10 8 Buoy — black and red bands. The dredged channel to Cardenas is marked by lights and buoys showing Fl. G. on the E. side and Fl. R. on the W. side. 17110 — Lighted Buoy No. I . 23 14 81 05 FI. W. period 5* fl. 0 . 5 s, ec. 4.5® Cp. 140 11 8 Black buoy, pyramidal skeleton topmark. 17120 1 4884 — Cayo Diana, S. side .... U. 23 10 81 06 FI. W. period 7.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7® Cp. 250 38 10 Red square pyramidal skeleton tower, gray house. 17130 J 4884.4 — Channel B, Lighted Beacon 4-B. 23 10 81 10 Fl. R. period 3® fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2.7® Cp. 10 8 4 Brick house on concrete platform on 4 pile structure. 17140 - Beacon No. 6-B .... 23 10 Fl. R. 8 4 Brick house on concrete platform on 4 pile structure. I 4884.6 81 11 period 6® fl. 0.5®, ec. 5.5® Cp. 10 17145 — Chapelin Range, front. ., 3° from front. 23 11 Qk. Fl. W. 13 5 Apex of a white masonry triangle, black border, slab, white triangle on 81 12 60 fl. per min. period 6® Cp. 20 17145.1 -Rear, about 145 yards Occ. W. Cp. 450 33 10 Black rectangular masonry face. 17150 ; 4885 — Canal de la Manuy. 23 09 81 01 Fl. G. period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® Cp. 42 17 6 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture, wooden platform on piles. 17160 ] 4885. 5 — Beacon, SE. 23 05 80 58 Gp. Fl. G. (2). period 12® fl. 0.6®. ec. 2® n.0.6®, ec.8.8® Cp. 42 16 6 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture, wooden platform on piles. 17170 Cayo Cruz del Padre, near outer edge of reef ex¬ tending from cay. 23 17 Fl. W. 50 12 Red cylindrical tower on dwelling atop an arti¬ ficial island. 1 4886 80 54 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 1,465 17180 Canal de los Barcos, North, W. side of N. entrance. 23 12 Fl. R. 17 5 Red iron skeleton structure, wooden platform on piles. J 4886.5 80 42 period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® Cp. 28 17190 1 4887 — South, E. side of S. entrance. 23 10 80 42 Fl. G . period 6® fl. 0.6®, ec. 5.4® Cp. 42 16 6 Black iron skeleton struc¬ ture, wooden platform on piles. 1 Maajr of tho light! on th* cooit of Cuba have boon roportod to bo Irrogulor or oztlnguiohod. Pan III Including N.M. 28/61 170 Sacond Editian 15 July, 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long, o t Characteristic and power Height of light above high woter (feet) Visi. bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog slgnols c :UBA 1 17200 i 4$88 Coyo Bahia de Cadiz, N. side of cay. N. W. 23 13 80 29 FI. W . period 10^ fl. 1*, ec. 9^ Cp. 3,390 177 18 White iron tower on masonry base, white house attached; 162. 17210 Cayo Megano (Medano de Nicolas). U. 23 14 FI. W . 10 Reported restored I960. / 4890 80 19 period 5® 17212 — Lighted buoy . FI. W . period 5^ fl.0.5^ec.4.5* White buoy, with pyramidal superstructure, yellow stripes. 17220 ; 4894 SAGUA LA GRANDE: — Cavo Hicacal, on Punta de la Rancheria. U. 23 05 80 05 Gp.FI.W.(2) . period 6® fl.0.3Sec. 0.9 = n.0.3 = ,ec.4.5 = Cp. 215 38 10 Iron skeleton structure upper part black, lower part aluminum colored, en¬ closing gray hut with red stripe, white house with gray trim; 35. Reported Gp. Fl. 2 ec. 10 ’. 17230 J 4896 — Cayo del Cristo, on Punta de los Practices. U. 23 02 79 59 FI. W . period 10= fl. 1.0=, ec. 9.0= Cp. 250 50 10 Red iron skeleton struc¬ ture enclosing gray hut; 44. 17237 — Buoy No. I, at channel entrance. 23 02 79 58 F1.G . period 5® fl. 0.5=, ec. 4.5= ... Black buoy . 17240 — ditmel Buoy No. 3 .... 23 01 79 58 F1.G . period^ 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 2= 12 5 Black buoy . 17245 J 4897 — Rio Sagua . 22 57 80 00 FI.G . period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* ... Black tower on platform and concrete piles. 17250 J 4898 Cayo Fragoso, NW. end .... U. 22 49 79 35 Fl. W. period 15= fl.l=, ec. 14= Cp. 1,480 69 14 Iron skeleton structure up¬ per and lower parts aluminum-colored, middle part red, gray hut, red band; 68. Extinguished ( Jan. 1959). 17260 ] 4914 Cayo Frances, W. end, at entrance to Caibarien. U. 22 39 79 14 Gp,FI.W.(2). period 10* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7.5* Cp. 250 41 10 Concrete quadrangular pyramidal structure; 31. 17270 — Anchorage Lighted Buoy No. I, W. of Cayo Frances Light. 22 39 79 15 FI.W. period 5 = fl. 0.5=, ec. 4.5= Cp. 123 12 8 Black buoy with skeleton superstructure, daymark with black and red bands. 172B0 ; 4912 Bajo del Medio Beacon No. 4. U. 22 36 79 17 FI.R. period 3* fl. 0.3, ec. 2.7= Cp. 40 15 6 Red concrete tower, square concrete base. 1 llaajr of th« llghta oa the coaet of Cuba have been reported to be Irregular or extingulahed. Port III locIwllHgN.M. 28/61. 170A Socend Edition 15 Joly 1961 H. 0. in No. Nome and location 1 Position lot. long. « f Characteristic and power Height of liqht obove high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals CUBA 1 17282 Puerto de Caibarien light 6 . N. W. 22 35 FI.R . 5 Red concrete tower, square base. 79 18 period 2* fl. 0.3*, ec. 1.7* Cp. 28 17284 Puerto de Caibarien light 8 . 22 34 FI.R. Red concrete tower, square base. 79 23 period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 1.5* 17290 J 4902 Canalizo de los Baicos Entrance Light Beacon No. 1. 22 33 79 19 FI. W. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* 15 9 White battery box on a wooden tripod. 17300 ; 4908 — Punta Brava Beacon No. 7. 22 32 79 27 Fl. W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* 19 9 Aluminum-colored skeleton structure. 17310 — Canalizo de los Barcos 22 31 Fl. G. 18 5 Pile structure . J 4911 Beacon No. 3. 79 19 period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 17320 Bajo del Medio, off W. end. . 22 30 FI.W. 18 9 J 4910 79 17 period 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 4.5* 17330 J 4916 Presidente Botisto, S. end Cayo Caiman Grande. 22 41 78 53 Fl. w:. period 5* Cp. 480,000 158 19 Iron tower, red and white bands; 107. AVIATION beam 15“ elevation, same flash, vis. 37 miles. 17332 Pasa Manuy West Beacon ... 22 25 78 41 Fl. W. period 3* fl. 0.3*, ec. 2.7* 18 8 White pyramidal iron skeleton tower and plat¬ form on a wooden tripod. 17334 — East Beacon. 22 23 78 39 Fl. W. period 6* fl. 0.5*, ec. 5.5* 17 8 White pyramidal iron skeleton tower and plat¬ form on a wooden tripod. 17336 Boca de Manati E. side Manati Channel entrance. 22 16 78 30 Fl. W. period 4* fl. 0.4*, ec. 3.6* Beacon . 17338 Los Griegos Canal, E. side dredged channel. 22 19 78 26 FI.W. period 2* fl. 0.2*, ec. 1.8* White pyramidal skeleton iron tower on wooden 3 pile structure. 17340 J 4918 Cayo Poredon Grande, N. side. 22 29 78 10 Gp. Fl. W. (3). period 15* Cp. 158,000 160 19 White tower, black lantern, white masonry base; 134. 17350 J 4922 Cayo Verde. U. 22 07 77 39 FI.W. period 7. 5* fl. 0.5*, ec. 7* Cp. 1,580 69 14 Iron skeleton structure, upper and lower parts aluminum-colored, middle black, gray hut with red band; 64. 17360 J 4926 PUERTO DE NUEVITAS: — Punta de Motemillos, 4 mi. NW. of entrance to port. 21 40 77 08 F. Fl. W . period 60* fl. 10*, ec.50* Cp. Fl. 47,173 F. 2,040 176 19 Shite conical tower on square base. Name •Colon.” 1 Many of lha llghta on the coaat of Cuba have been reported to be Irregular or axtlngulahed. Pan III Including N.M. 28/61. 170B Second Edition 16 July 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and locotion Position lot. long. o t Choracteristic and power Height of tight above high water (feet) Visi- bility (nau¬ tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals c UBA 1 17370 J 49 28 PUERTO DE NUEVITAS; — Punta Practicos, E. side of entrance. U. N. W. 21 37 77 06 FI.W. period 10* fl. 1*, ec. 9* Cp. 210 38 10 Iron skeleton structure, lower part aluminum, upper part red, over gray hut; 35. 1 Obscured to eastward by trees when bearine more than 204*. 17380 J 4930 — Entrance Range, front... 21 36 77 06 Qk.FI.W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 13 8 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. Visible 6* each side of range line. 17380.1 / 4930. 1 - Rear, 191 yards 186' from front. Occ.W. period 6* It. 3*, ec. 3* Cp. 550 22 10 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. Visible 6' each side of range line. 17382 / 4930. 5 — Punta Salteadores Lighted Beacon No. 3. 21 36 77 06 Fl. G . period 3* fl. 0.3, ec. 2.7* 12 White concrete column; battery box at base. 17383 ] 4930. 7 — Pena Redonda E. Lighted Beacon to No. 4. U. 21 36 77 06 Fl. R . period 2* fl. 0.3, ec. 1.7* 15 Red concrete column on 4 pile structure; battery box at base. 17390 — Cataluna Shoal Buoy No. 1. 21 37 77 06 FI.W . period 3* n.0.3*,ec.2.7* Cp. 120 11 8 Black buoy . 17395 J 4931 — Playa Chuchu Range, front. 21 36 77 07 Ok. Fl. W . 60 fl. pet min. Cp. 550 21 10 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond-shaped daymark. 17395.1 J 4931. 1 - Rear, about 219 yards I'X' from front. Occ. W . period 6* It. 3*. ec. 3* Cp. 550 35 11 White square concrete column, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. 17400 J 4932 — Los Calabazos Range, front. 21 34 77 07 Qk. FI.W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 23 10 Black triangular concrete structure, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. 17400.1 1 4932.1 - Rear 219 yards 181° 30' from front. Occ. W. period 6* It. 3*, ec. 3* Cp. 550 38 11 White square concrete col¬ umn, white diamond¬ shaped daymark. Visible 6° each side of range line. 17410 J 4936 — Bajo del Medio Range, front. 21 34 77 08 Qk. Fl. W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 20 9 Black triangular concrete structure; white diamond-shaped daymark. 17410.1 J 4936.1 - Rear, 290 yards 268' from front. Occ.W . period 6* It. 3*, ec. 3* Cp. 550 33 11 White square concrete col¬ umn; white diamond¬ shaped daymark. 1 Many of the light* on the coast of Cuba have been reported to be Irregular or extinguished. Part III Including N. M. 28/61. 171 Second Edition 15 July 1961 H. 0. Ill Height of light Visi- Position Characteristic above No. Nome ond locoftion lot. long. O f and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remarks. Fog signals water tical (feet) miles) CUBA 1 17420 ; 4939 PUERTO DE NUEVITAS: — Los Cayuelos Range, front. N. W. 21 33 77 08 Qh. FI. W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 550 16 9 Black triangular concrete structure; white diamond- shaped daymark. On same tower as Punta Sabinal Range front light. 174 20.1 J 4938 -Rear, 290 yards 179' from front. Occ. W. period 6* It. 3 s, ec. 3^ Cp. 550 22 10 White square concrete structure; white diamond-shaped daymark. Visible 6* each side of raoge line. 17420. 2 J 4939. J -Rear, 252 yards 58* from No. 17420. 1. Occ. W. period 6® it. 3*, ec. 3* Cp. 550 33 11 White square concrete col¬ umn; white diamond¬ shaped daymark. Visible 6* each side of range line. 17435 ] 4940 Bajo del Rio Light Beacon No. 5A. 21 31 77 15 FI. G. period 3® fl. 0.5^ ec. 2.55 Cp. 24 13 5 Black square concrete col¬ umn on 4 pile concrete structure; small hut at base. 17436 La Capitania Light Beacon . 21 32 Occ. W. 28 9 J 4941 77 16 period 2® It. P, ec. 1® Cp. 160 17440 Bahia Manati. 21 24 FI.W 43 12 Iron cylindrical conical tower, aluminum and red bands; 33. J 4942 U. 76 49 period 5® 174 50 — Lighted Buoy No. I, E. 21 24 Fl. G. Black buoy. side of entrance channel. 76 48 period 3® fl. 0 . 3 s, ec. 2 . 7 s 17470 — Center of N. head of 21 22 Occ. R. White batterv box. J 4943 pier. 76 49 period 4‘ It. 2*, ec. 2* 17480 J 4944 Puerto Padre, Punta Mastelero, W. side of entrance. U. 21 17 76 32 Fl. W. period 8® fl. 0.5^ ec. 7 . 5 s Cp. 390 43 11 Red cylindrical iron conical tower. 17490 — Puerto Padre Buoy No. 1. 21 17 76 32 Fl. W. period 5* 15 9 Black buoy, skeleton super¬ structure. 17500 — Railway wharf, on Cayo F. R. 16 4 Juan Claro. 17520 ] 4946 Punta Mangle. u. 21 15 76 19 Fl. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 660 76 12 Iron skeleton structure, middle part red, rest aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut; 73. 17530 J 4950 Puerto Gibara, on Punta Peregrina, E. side of en¬ trance. U. 21 07 76 07 Fl. W. period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 250 41 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut. White masonry house SW. of tower; 35. 1 Many of the lights on the coast of Cuba have been reported to be irregular or eztlngulahed. Port III Including N.M. 28/61. 172 Second Edition 15 July 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and locotion Positior lot. long • / Choracteristic * and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nau¬ tical miles] Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals CUBA 1 17540 J 4952 Bahia Vita, Punta Barlovento, E. side of entrance. U. N. W. 21 06 75 58 FI.W. period 10® n.P,ec.9® Cp. 210 42 12 Red conical tower, cylindrical base. Irregular (Jan. 1959). 17550 ] 4956 Bahia Sama, on Punta Barlovento, E. side of entrance. U. 21 08 75 46 FI. W. period 3® fi. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 250 50 10 Square iron skeleton tower upper part painted black, lower part aluminum colored, enclosing gray hut. 17560 Punta Lucrecia, near ex- 21 05 FI.R. 132 17 Light yellow circular stone tower on octagonal base, white lantern; stone dwelling in rear; 121. Irregular (1959). Reported Fl. W. ev. 6® (June mi). J 4958 tremity. 75 37 period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® 17570 J 4960 Bahia Banes, on Cara- colillo Beach, S. side of entrance. U. 20 53 75 40 Gp. Fl. W. (2). period 10® fl. 0.5®, ec. 1.5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 7.5® Cp. 390 43 11 Red iron conical tower .... 17580 BAHIA DE NIPE: — Punta Mayari, E. side of 20 48 Fl. W. 38 10 Iron skeleton structure, upper part red, lower part aluminum-colored, en¬ closing gray hut; gray wooden house; 34. Obscured by trees on bearings more than 264°. ] 4962 entrance. U. 75 31 period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® Cp. 250 17590 — Entrance Range, front . .. 20 47 Qk. Fl. W . 38 5 White skeleton tower en¬ closing gray box on con¬ crete base. J 4964 75 33 Cp. 35 17590.1 - Rear, about 260 Fl. W. 90 12 White skeleton tower en¬ closing gray box on con¬ crete base. Visible 6° on each side of range line. 4964.1 yards 202° from front. period 4® fl. 1.1®, ec. 2.9® Cp. 450 17600 J 4970 — Entrance Channel Light Beacon No. 4 on N. side channel 20 47 75 34 Fl. R. period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 20 14 4 Red triangular pyramidal skeleton tower on a tri¬ angular platform on 3 piles. 17640 — ANTILLA CHANNEL: - Lengua Tiena Buoy No. 9. 20 49 75 43 Fl. G . period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Black buoy . 17670 ; 4086 - Bajo Marbella Light Beacon No. 12. 20 50 75 44 Fl. R . period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 10 15 4 Red triangular iron frame¬ work tower on a 3 pile wooden structure with grey hut at base. 17680 Bahia Levisa Bell Buoy No. 20 45 Fl. R . 12 8 Reported destroyed (Mar 1955). 2. 75 28 period 5® fl. 0.5®, ec. 4.5® Cp. 178 1 of the light, on the coa.t of Cube have been reported to be Irregular or eatlnguiahed. Port III Including N.M. 28/61 172A Second Edition 15 July 1961 H. 0. Ill No. Nome and location Position lot. long. • t Chorocteristic and power Height of light above high water (feet) Visi¬ bility (nou- tical miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols c UBAi 17690 ; 4988 PUERTO TANAMO: — Punta Barlovento, E. point of entrance. U. N. W. 20 44 75 19 FI. W. period 10® fl. 1®, ec. 9® Cp. 250 39 10 Aluminum-colored iron skeleton structure en¬ closing gray hut; light yellow house with gray trim; 35. 17700 — Lighted Buoy So. I. E. side of channel entrance. 20 43 75 19 FI. W. period 3® fl. 0.3®, ec. 2.7® 15 8 Black buoy . 17710 ; 4990 — Entrance range, front .. . 20 43 75 20 Ok. FI. W. 60 fl. per min. Cp. 35 22 6 Iron skeleton structure on wooden tripod. 17710.1 J 4990.1 -Rear, 220 yards 180° from front. Fl. W. period 4® fl. 1.1®, ec. 2.9® Cp. 35 41 6 White iron skeleton structure. 17720 ; 4992 — No. 3, West Point. 20 43 75 20 Fl. W. period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Cp. 35 15 6 Triangular pyramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on tripod of steel rails. 17730 ; 4996 — No. 5 Cayo Juanillo .... 20 43 75 20 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 35 15 6 White triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on a wooden tripod. 17740 ; 4998 — No. 6, on shoal E. Cayo Alto. 20 42 75 20 Fl. R. period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp.7 15 3 Red triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. 17750 J 5000 — No. 7, on shoal W. of Cayo Medio. 20 41 75 19 Fl. W. period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 20 15 5 White triangular iron py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. 17780 ; 5006 _No. 11. 20 41 Fl. W. 20 5 Black iron triangular py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. 75 18 period 6® fl. 0.4®, ec. 5.6® Cp. 4 17790 I 5008 No. 12 . 20 40 Fl. R. 15 3 Red iron triangular py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. 75 18 period 3® fl. 0.4®, ec. 2.6® Cp. 7 17800 ; 5010 _No. 14 . 20 40 Gp. Fl. R. (2). 15 3 Red iron triangular py¬ ramidal skeleton tower enclosing gray hut on platform on wooden tripod. 75 18 period 4® fl. 0.2®, ec. 0.8® fl. 0.2®, ec. 2.8® Cp. 7 I y«ny of th« llthts on the eooat of Cuba hava baan raportad to ba Irratular or aztlngulahad. Part III Including N. M. 28/61. 172B Second Edition 15 July 1961 Name and location Height of light Visi- Position Chorocteristic obove bility lot. long. and power high (nou- Structure, height (feet) water tical (feet) miles) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signals No. Nome and location Position lot. long. Height of light Visi- Charocteristic obove bility and power high (nou- water tied (feet) miles) Structure, height (feet) Sectors. Remorks. Fog signols COVER dNo. R.I29