// gift from Received Hew Colleqe %&''\^^^$,%?''". ! '/-<^~ :}$$ -^v^" '.'fc^-tf/-*? ^rt/K'fsfc *. g" ^^^.'^ V i*^^F^ ,.<- ,\^ \ it "* , ' f vV/ ; -> ; *^~^ s :\ r %-'.- ^ff A/ ^ sN V; N '^ [ '^.f^n Kjfe : " : ?^^^ ^:^S^*^^^^ JISP^^^^fK 1 flfcwV. ""; ^sgf^ftK^W? W^^^' 'A^^ ^' Sf^/'J N^-v^L-^'V M v- y . r >^l ; '^ '\ b 7 M - A - Scovell, of Ken- tucky blue grass [fCy. Agri. Exp't Sta., Bull. No. jj, p. 23]; by C. A. Goessmann, of orchard grass and meadow fescue [Fifth Rep't Mass. State Agri. Exp't Sta., 1887, p. i25\\ by \Vm. Frear, of medium red clover [Rep't Pa. State Coll., i88"j, Pt. 2, p. nz\, an average of 55 American analyses of timothy and an average of 33 American analyses of medium red clover, both compiled by E. H. Jenkins [Rep't Conn. Exp't Sta. 1888, P-9]- Table 2. This table gives for each plat the yield per acre of field-cured hay, of water-free substance, and of each of its constituents; and the average of these is given for each set of plats bearing the same variety of grass or clover which were cut at the same time. The yields are also given for the blue grass pasture. To this are added yields per acre, as ascertained by W. H. Jordan, for timothy and medium red clover [Pa. State Coll. Reft t886, p. 271]; by W. O. Atwater, for timothy and medium red i88 9 .] TIME OF CUTTING GRASSES AND CLOVERS. 153 clover [Reft Conn. fi'd Agri. and Exp't Sta., 1878 g, p. 322]; by A. Voelcker, for medium red clover [Jour. Koyal Agri. Soc., 1867, p. 41}. In Nos. 11-13 tnc weight of fresh substance was taken after five months drying; and in samples (a)-(l), the weight is calculated on the basis of the fresh substance containing 16.7 per cent, of water. Table 3. This table gives the yield of digestible substance calculated from the data given in Table 2, using for timothy, Kentucky blue grass hay, and meadow fescue, the co-efficients of digestion of timothy as determined by W. H. Jordan in four trials: Crude protein, .49; crude fat, .49; crude fibre, .50; nitrogen-free extract, .63 [Me. Exp't Sta., Bull. No. 26, p. //] ; for the blue grass from the pasture, the co-efficients of pasture as given by Julius Kuhn: Crude protein, .75; crude fat, .66; crude fibre, .73; nitrogen-free extract, .79 [Armsby's Manual Cat lie Feeding, p. 487} ; for orchard grass, the average of the co-efficients of digestion, as determined by E. F. Ladd [Proceedings Ann. Meet. Soc. for Promotion Agri. Science, 1888, p. 96] and W. H. Jordan [Me. Exp't Sta. Bull. No. 26, p. //]: Crude protein, .59; crude fat, .54; crude fibre, .60; nitrogen-free extract, .55; for medium red clover and mammoth red clover, co-efficients of digestion determined by Julius Kuhn [Armsby's Manual Cattle Feeding, p. 487], for Nos. 1-8, 12, and 5-7: Crude protein, .67; crude fat, .63; crude fibre, .48; nitrogen-free extract,. .70; for Nos. n, 13, and 8-10: Crude protein, .59; crude fat, .45; crude fibre, .39; nitrogen-free extract, .71; for Nos. 1-4: Crude protein, .74; crude fat, .71; crude fibre, .56; nitrogen-free extract, .77. To this are added yields of timothy as ascertained by Jordan [Pa. State Coll., kep't i88b, pp. 271-3], and by Atwater [Rep't Conn. B'd Agri. and Exp't Sta., 1878-9, p. 322.} Table 4. In Table 6 are brought together, for purposes of comparison, the facts as to composition, yield per acre of field-cured hay, and yield of digestible substance, devel- oped in the experiment conducted here with the four grasses and two clovers named. Tablt j. This table gives the proximate composition, as determined by A. Voelcker [Jour. Royal Agri. Soc. 1867, p. 41], of fresh medium red clover cut at twelve dates, from April I5th to July 28th. Voelcker's report gives nothing in regard to the maturity of the plant at the different cuttings. Evidently the cutting was begun soon after the clover started in the spring, and it must have been entirely ripe at the last cutting. Table 6. See Weight of Green Substance, p. 149. DIAGRAMS OK PLATS. IO 12 13 H 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 (f) 44 46 48 5 52 5i 54 56 43 45 47 49 53 55 (e) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (a) Kentucky blue grass. (b) Orchard grass. (c) Meadow fescue, (d) Medium red clover. (e) Timothy. (f) Mammoth red clover. 154 BULLETIN NO. 5. [May, TABLE i. PROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF HAYS FROM GRASSES AND CLOVERS; STAGE OF GROWTH WHEN CUT; DATE OK CUTTING; PERCENTAGE OF WATER; COMPOSI- TION OF WATER-FREE SUBSTANCE; NITROGEN. * p 2 P X p r P cr ^ p Stage of growth. y Eh cr ~t P cr c . 5' o_ 5J I 2 3 4 27 3' 35 39 51 52 53 54 Timothy. Full bloom. Has been in full bloom 2 days. Av. 1st cutting. . . . June 25 23.61 25.58 28.03 28.88 26.53 6-99 6.84 6.14 7.27 6.81 5-07 4-59 4-77 5-58 5 7 7-43 7.87 7-33 6.56 7 6.56 6.12 6.56 5-25 6.56 6.12 6.56 6.12 3I-I 32.37 33-9 1 31.08 32.11 49.84 48.77 48.18 48.2 48.75 I. 12 1. 1 9 I. 12 1.26 I.I7 .98 .98 .98 ' 9 1 .96 6 7 8 28 32 36 40 61 62 63 64 One-half anthers shed. Pollen shed. Av. 2d cutting July 2 20.86 21.59 20.03 20.53 20.75 6.79 6.49 6.79 6-54 6.65 4-59 4.28 4-37 4-58 4-46 35-21 3507 32-31 32.37 33-74 46.85 47.16 49-97 50.39 48.59 1.05 I .12 1.05 . 9 8 1-05 i. 02 i-5 i .02 .98 1.02 9 10 ii 12 29 33 37 4i 72 73 74 75 Seed in dough, lower leaves partly brown. Av. 3d cutting July II 23-32 23-9 23-I7 23-24 23.41 6.14 8.19 5-79 6-79 6-73 344 4.15 4.07 3-6i 3-8i 33-66 33-i 33.48 37-55 34-45 Si-Si 48 50.54 45-49 48.89 -84 1.05 .98 1-05 .98 .84 .98 .98 .98 95 13 14 15 16 3" 34 39 42 85 86 87 88 Seeds in ^ to % of the heads ripe. % leaves brown. Av. 4th cutting. . . . July 23 22.72 22.48 22.72 18.63 21.64 6.19 5-69 5-84 5-89 5-9 3-36 3-36 3.58 3.21 3.38 6.12 6.12 6.56 6.12 6.23 32.08 34-19 34-89 34-i 33-82 52.25 5064 49-13 50.68 50.67 .98 .98 I .05 .98 I .98 .84 .91 .91 .91 17 18 AT. AT. Jordan. Av. 4 Anal., in bloom. Av. 4 Anal., nearly ripe. 1881-2 1881-2 12.5 12.5 4.06 3-6 2.38 2.49 6.51 5.38 9-57 7.12 7.06 6.81 38.54 35-8 48.51 52-73 I .04 .86 19 20 21 22 W. O. A (water. Well headed out. In full bloom. Out of bloom. Nearly ripe. 1876 1876 1876 1876 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 15-35 15-35 15-35 7.85 8.8 6.8 5-6 6.3 5-95 7-05 6.1 7-5 7 6 7-i 6-5 *Pur *4-6 9 *4-35 *4-i5 *3-65 e ash 1-95 1.96 i-75 1.97 33-03 33-28 33.78 35-43 50.74 53-29 53-26 52.14 i-53 1.14 i-i3 i .09 23 24 25 E. F. Ladd. Av. 3 Anal., full bloom. Av. 3 Anal., late cut. Av. 21 Anal., full bloom 1887 1887 5-14 4-32 4.91 2.95 I'.iS 7.98 6.31 7-79 31.64 35-03 31-75 52-29 51-54 52.37 1.27 I .01 1-25 26 27 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Clifford Richardson. Spike invisible. Spike visible. Before bloom. Early bloom. Full bloom. Early seed. In bloom. Full bloom. Spike invisible. Spike visible. In bloom. After bloom. Early seed. 1880, June I June I June 23 June 23 June 18 June 18 June 4 July i 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 8.68 6.41 9.82 6.04 5-66 10-53 6.56 5-64 5-19 4-73 4-57 3-88 3.02 4.67 4-56 3-4 3-63 3-85 3-58 3-4 3-95 2.98 4.6 4.22 4.2 3-23 2-7 12.54 11.9 10-33 10.2 9-9 12. 1 8.48 7.46 9.66 9.61 5-79 5-25 5-41 19.91 21.03 22.03 22.7 21.93 22.9 23-53 2284 23-46 25-34 28.28 29.92 26.03 54-31 57.26 54-19 57-21 58-93 50.07 57.48 61.08 57-09 56.1 57-16 58.72 62.05 2.01 .86 -65 63 -58 9 l 36 .19 55 54 93 . 04 .87 3i 3i 29 33 .2 .42 .06 83 25 .09 .83 .69 .69 39 E. H. Jenkins. Av m Am. Anal. 10.21 2.36 68q 33-8 ^2.^2 i .1 i88 9 .] TIME OF CUTTING GRASSES AND CLOVERS. TABLE i. CONTINUED. 155 3 p 2 H~ 2 p r- 1 p 0" 1 p Stage of growth. O ST o ft OQ Percentage of water. Water-free substance. Nitrogen n N o. rt 8 O 3 o. n P- sl ID Q. 5' O N Pi a> Eft 0* H-! a> ^v n ^ n S 3 ROT "t n> H ? H E. > cr a . 5' o_ 40 41 42 43 i 3 5 7 22 23 24 25 Kentucky blue Seeds in milk. grass. June 14 22.46 23-43 26.47 25.07 9-5 9.9 7-85 9.8 4.38 4-58 5-53 4-54 8.31 7-87 8.31 8.85 32.14 32.04 32-49 32.61 45-67 45.61 45.82 44-2 i-33 i .26 i-33 1-4 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.19 Av. 1st cutting. . . 24.36 9.26 4.76 8-33 3232 45-33 i-33 1.24 44 45 46 47 2 4 6 8 40 42 43 46 Head yellowish. Seeds ripe. Some timothy in bloom. June 21 June 22 June 21 June 22 23.69 25-36 32.82 29.32 10.17 9.6 7-54 8.09 4-i3 4.49 4.21 3-9i 7-87 8-75 7-87 7-8? 33-72 32.77 30.41 35-16 44.11 44-39 49-97 44-97 1.26 1.4 i .26 1.26 I .12 I. 12 1. 12 1. 12 Av. 2d cutting 27.8 8.85 4.18 8.09 33-02 45-86 i .29 I .12 48 49 "3 128 Summer pasture. Winter pasture. July 30 Sept. 10 F'bg/Sg 47-05 44.18 8-49 10.34 4-74 3-" 3-58 15-55 10.7 28.95 25.06 32-24 42.27 50.79 2.48 1.71 2.17 1.58 50 . ^. Ladd. Hay. 15-35 4.91 7.72 51-55 1.24 Si 52 53 /]/. /?. Scovell. About 5 inches high. Headed, not in bios' m. Ripe about 2 weeks. 11.07 8.78 16.09 9.12 9.12 5-59 5-78 4.01 2.4 26.29 17.88 8.42 21. 6l 31.89 31-9 37-2 37-i 51.69 4.21 2.86 i-35 54 55 56 P 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Clifford Richardson. Panicle just visible. Panicle spreading. Full bloom. In seed. Panicle closed. In full bloom. After bloom, brown. Full bloom. In seed, brown. Before bloom. In bloom. After bloom. 1880. April 23 May i May 21 June 5 April 27 May 8 June i May I q June 8 May 10 May 17 May 27 6.65 7-15 6.98 7-55 6-95 6 7-35 6-15 7-45 6.15 5-95 5-15 8.07 5-57 8-3 6.38 6.61 7.02 7-23 7-73 6.21 8.42 7.82 9.07 4.88 4.07 3-9 4-25 3-92 2.85 3-92 3-4i 3-Si 4-99 3-77 3-3 19.88 16.21 12.61 12.49 12.23 7.82 8.88 10.44 7-36 19.38 15.09 12.36 18.43 22.83 23.76 24-34 21.92 25-49 23.85 23.1 24.34 21.87 24.93 22.75 48.74 5 J -32 51.43 52.54 55-32 56-85 56.12 55-32 58.58 45-34 48.39 52.51 3-i8 2.68 2.01 2 I .96 1.28 1.42 1.6 7 1.18 3-i 2.41 1.97 2-7 2 3 8 99 -63 .84 .18 17 -53 03 47 9 .62 66 67 68 9 12 14 26 27 28 Orchard grass. In full bloom. June 14 26.2 28.21 24.81 9.85 4.68 4-84 4-5 4.68 10.06 10.93 10.5 32.86 33.48 36.56 42.55 41.25 39-58 i.6l i-75 1.68 4 .68 .61 6gT 70 7i Av. 1st cutting. 26.41 9-4 10.49 34-3 4LI3 1.68 L56 II 10 3 45 4i 44 Seeds in milk. Heads green in color. Tinged with purple. June 21 June 22 June 22 35-49 33-69 31.62 10.64 10.72 9-49 3-65 4-75 4-03 9.62 8-75 9.62 35,45 3I-78 26.24 40.64 44 50.62 i-54 1-4 1-54 1.26 i-4 1.26 Av. 2d cutting 33-6 10.28 4.14 9-33 31.16 45-09 '49 i 3i 72 73 C. A. Goessmann. In bloom, 2 Anal. In seed, 2 Anal. 1880. June 4 9-13 855 8.28 5.82 2.4 3-4i 10.12 7.86 34-13 35-63 45 -7 47.28 i .62 i .26 '5 BULLETIN NO. 5. TABLE i. CONTINUED. X p 2 JB X p r p p~ 2 p Stage of growth. Date of cutting. Percentage of water. Water-free substance. Nitrogen p 3 (& re 53 n 3 &- O H |l o^ r? 5' n *-t d a re Etl cr 1-1 re *? K> re ^ re 55: re 3 cS 3 n S ? H . > cr | 3' Si 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Orchard grass. Clifford Richardson. Panicle not out. Panicle closed. Full bloom. After bloom. In bloom. Late growth. Late bloom. Seed nearly ripe. Early .bl'm, Av. 2 Anal. Full bloom, Av. 6 Anal. Confd. 1880. April 23 May 4 May 13 June I June 18 June 23 July I 5-75 7-35 6.4 8.84 6.25 6.65 6.4 10.95 15-35 10.29 8.26 8.07 9.01 8.64 6 6-73 8.77 7-38 4.12 3-3 3-24 2.83 3-98 3.62 3-34 3-83 3-33 15-97 10.39 9-53 8.25 12.51 8.62 7-3 11.4 8.91 18.76 23.18 25-4 27.26 24.67 24.42 25.09 24.82 25.19 50.86 55-04 53-76 52.65 50.2 57-34 57-54 51.18 55-17 2-49 1-63 '53 1.32 1.99 i.p 1.16 1.8 1-43 1.48 1.63 i-37 99 1.22 .96 71 I .1 1.07 83 84 W. //. Jordan. 7-10 days past bloom. 7.02 7.24 3-4 4.17 8.42 9.58 37.08 36.79 44.08 42.09 i-35 I.I 9 I.I 9 E. F. Ladd. 6 Analyses. i-53 85 86 1 6 17 33 34 Meadow fescue. ^ in bloom. ]/z in milk. June 14 29-5 28.18 9-35 7-65 4.04 4-34 7.87 8.31 38.34 32-79 40.4 46.91 1.26 i-33 Av. ist cutting. . . . 28.84 8-5 4.19 8.09 35-56 43-65 1.29 I.I9 87 88 15 39 38 Seeds, milk to dough state. Spikeletsy'llow June 21 31-73 32.53 9-94 "39 4.06 4-32 6.56 8-75 33-25 31-55 46.19 43-99 1-05 i-4 1-05 1. 12 Av. 2d cutting 32-13 10.66 4.19 7.65 32.4 45-09 I .22 1. 08 89 90 E. F. Ladd. Full bloom. Full bloom. 1886 1887 15-35 15-35 6.29 8.84 3-63 3-92 7.81 11.13 34-93 33-28 47-34 42.83 I.Og 1.78 9 Clifford Richardson. After bloom. 1880. June I 7-6 7.16 3-3 "37 27.63 50-54 1.82 1-03 92 93 C. A. Goessmann. In seed, fertilized. In seed, unfertilized. 1886. June 28 June 28 7-4 8.03 7.17 8.18 2.17 1.78 7.02 7.27 34-46 34.61 49.18 48.16 I. 12 1.16 94 95 96 97 19 20 21 22 32 30 29 31 Medium red clover Full bloom. I head in 5 brown. Juue 14 31-27 28.67 29.12 29.77 29.71 9-5 8-45 7-95 8.25 8-7 7-38 7.96 7-03 15-75 15-75 16.18 15-75 26.51 25-4 27.19 25-45 3954 43.02 40.72 43-52 2.52 2.52 2.59 2.52 2.17 2.24 2.38 2.17 Av. 1st cutting 8-54 7-77 I5-85 26.14 41.7 2.54 2.24 98 99 IOO 101 23 24 a 47 48 49 50 ^ heads dead. Few lower leaves brown. June 21 June 22 30.4 22.31 22.83 25.86 8.24 7-94 8.29 7.89 5-65 6.31 5-79 7.87 I5-3I 15-75 15-75 15-75 29.96 27.21 25-57 27.61 40.84 42.79 44.6 40.88 2.45 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.1 2.1 2.1 I .96 Av. 2d cutting 25-35 8.09 6.4 ' 15-64 27-59 42.28 25- 2.O6 1889.] TIME OF CUTTING GRASSES AND CLOVERS. 157 TABLE i. CONTINUED. 2 p -: P 2 3 p !B p- X Stage of growth. D p A O **> o fs 5" CT5 Percentage of water. Water-free substance. Nitrogen n E ft. n> 1 A n> P 1 s! n ?' n Ht 3 . D. ft) tft o- n %* H) '-" 3 y ^ God -1 ft E ? H E. > cr a B. *3 O 51 1 02 103 104 105 106 Medium red clover. W, H. Jordan Heads forming. Heads formed. Full bloom. Some heads dead. Heads all dead. -Con^d. 1882. May 24 Junes June 22 'July 3 July 19 ii 9-73 9.82 9-05 10.13 8.42 7-73 7.07 6.6 6.19 4-52 3.58 3 .I6 3.08 2. 7 8 23.31 18.36 14.66 13.69 12.52 17-53 23-37 28.06 3 6 -4 37-5 46.22 46.96 47-05 40.23 41.01 3-23 2.94 2-35 2.19 2 - 107 1 08 109 IIO W, O. Atwater. Just before bloom. Full bloom. Nearly out of bloom. Nearly ripe. i875 14-3 H-3 14-3 14-3 8-34 7-65 7-36 6-5 I.7I 2.38 1.8 2.4 14.27 13.48 13.I3 10-37 27-75 27-79 29.87 31-75 47-93 48.7 47-86 49 ii i 112 113 114 "5 116 117 118 119 1 20 121 122 Clifford Richardson. Head invisible. Head well formed. Full bloom. After bloom. In seed. Head invisible. Head well formed. Full bloom. After bloom. In seed, brown. Full bloom. After bloom. 1880. April 19 May 4 May 10 June i June 8 June 23 June 27 July i July 10 Jiy 15 1881 1881 7.68 945 8-55 8.36 8-15 6 7-35 7-4 7-2 7-3 7-4 5-8 9 29 8.89 8.31 7-25 7-35 11.22 8. 9 8.91 7-43 6.69 7-45 8.17 7.62 5-8 4-79 4.62 3-97 3-96 3-33 3-89 4.72 4.72 7-58 4-23 26.54 25.5I 19.14 18.09 15.24 26.44 2O.O2 20.79 16.22 I5-I 16.8 14-33 io-99 13.09 1 S-9 1 19.91 19.11 13-93 17.16 15.82 15-41 17.86 18.68 19.88 45-56 46.71 51=85 50-13 54-33 44-45 50.59 50.59 56.22 55-63 49-49 53-39 4.25 4.08 3-7 2 72 2.44 4.23 3-21 3-33 2-59 2.42 2.69 2-39 3-43 2.94 i-93 2.51 1.83 2.78 2.23 2.19 2.23 i-75 2.05 i-94 'Vm. Frear. 123 Full bloom. 1881 71.27 7.24 3-73 12.03 29.08 47.92 i-93 i-54 E. 124 F. Ladd. Full bloom, 21 Anal. 15-35 6-5 4.11 14.24 30.7 44-45 2.28 125 K. 43 47 S' 55 //. 33 56 H 59 Jenkins. American Anal. 11.38 7-03 2-75 14.16 30.3 45 76 2.27 126 127 128 129 Mammoth red do About i head in 10 in bloom. Others small and green. ver. June 30 23.72 29.44 24.12 27.96 7-49 8.19 7.89 7-99 6.98 6.65 6.68 6.31 6.65 13-56 H 14 13-75 3i-3 30-63 30.32 29.05 40.67 40-53 41.11 42.9 2.17 2.24 2 24 2.2 1.82 1.82 1.82 2.03 45 49 53 Av. ist cutting. . . . 26.31 7.89 13.84 30-32* 41-3 2.21 1.87 130 131 132 76 ]/z heads in full bloom 77 Some turning brown, 78 lodged. July 1 1 26.7 24.08 26.6 7.09 6-54 6.09 6.22 6-75 4.49 13.12 13.12 12.25 34-21 35-89 34-H 3936 37-7 43-03 2.1 2.1 I .96 1.82 1.82 1.82 46 $0 54 89 90 91 Av. 2d cutting 25-79 6-57 5.82 12.83 3475 40.03 2.05 1.82 i 75 i-75 i-75 133 134 135 ^4 to 4-5 of heads brown. Seeds ripe; lower leaves dead. July 23 19.62 18.34 20.63 6.04 6-99 6.29 5-18 482 5-33 "37 "37 "37 32-36 29-37 37-02 45.05 47-45 39-99 1.82 1.82 1.82 Av. 3d cutting 1953 6.44 5.11 11.37 32.92 44.16 1.82 i-75 BULLETIN NO. 5. [May TABLE 2. YIELD PER ACRE OF HAYS FROM GRASSES AND CLOVERS POUNDS OF FRESH SUBSTANCE; OF DRY SUBSTANCE, AND ITS COMPONENTS. No Stage of growth. Fresh sub- stance. Water- free substance. n -= 5 3 G - S- n> 2_ ?' p cL n P> n H a ET> ft cr *j P Nitrogen- free extract Crude ash. i 2 3 4 Timothy. Full bloom. 4320 4000 4960 4640 3300 2977 3570 33o 231 221 25O 260 I6 7 137 170 184 1026 964 I2IO 1025 1645 145 l 1721 1591 231 204 219 240 Av. 1st cutting 4480 3287 24O 16s 1056 1602 224 6 8 Pollen and y z anthers shed. 4400 4320 4160 4400 3482 3387 3327 3497 228 237 219 2I 4 160 H5 145 160 1226 1188 1075 1131 1632 1597 1662 1763 236 22O 226 229 Av. 2d cutting 43 2O 7,423 22? K2 lice 1663 228 9 10 ii 12 Seed in dough. 4960 6080 4960 4960 3803 4627 3811 3807 200 303 233 250 130 192 155 137 1280 1532 1276 1430 1959 2221 1926 1732 234 379 221 2 5 8 Av. 3d cutting . . . C24O 4OI 2 24.6 JCl 1380 1960 2Ti 13 H 15 16 Seed nearly ripe. 4320 6OOO 4800 5600 3338 4651 3709 4557 204 284 243 279 112 J 5 6 '33 146 1071 '590 1294 1554 1744 2356 1823 2310 207 265 216 268 Av. 4th cutting u8o 4O64. 2Ct 177 1-177 2058 2"?O 17 18 W. H. Jordan. Av. 4 cutti's in bloom. Av. 4 cutti's ner'y ripe 2955-5 3501-5 2586.5 3063-4 i 168.4 164.9 62.4 76 3 996.4 1096 9 1254.4 1615 104.9 II0.3 19 20 21 22 W. O. A (water. Well headed out. In full bloom. When out of bloom. Nearly ripe. 3120 3760 3600 4200 2749 33oi 3 a p- 31 rtl ft ~- n % a P a< n n g = ~> fD cr r p cr ? % p P> 3 o 7 pr Mammoth red clover 126 3440 | 2624 356 183 822 1067 196 127 Beginning to bloom. 5040 3556 498 234 1089 1444 2 9 l 128 5440 4128 578 275 1254 1696 325 129 344 2478 156 720 1063 198 Av. 1st cutting. . 434.0 -2106 4J7 212 O7I 1317 2^2 J 130 5600 4105 538 255 3404 1617 29! i3ilFull bloom. 5600 4252 558 287 1526 1603 2 7 8 132 5120 3758 460 169 1283 1617 229 Av. 2d cutting t44O 4038 CIQ 237 1404 1612 266 133 4560 3665 417 190 1186 1651 221 134 Nearly out of bloom. 4240 3462 393 167 1017 1643 -242 135 3840 3048 347 162 1128 1219 192 Av. 3d cutting. . 4213 33Q2 386 173 i no i";o4 218 i88 9 .] TIME OF CUTTING GRASSES AND CLOVERS. 161 TABLE 3. YIELD PER ACRE OF HAYS FROM GRASSES AND CLOVERS POUNDS OF DIGESTIBLE SUBSTANCE, AND ITS COMPONENTS; NUTRITIVE RATIO; PERCENTAGE OF DIGESTIBLE DRY SUBSTANCE. No Stage of growth. Organic substance. Crude protein. o c ft. n 3 IX n> sn cr 3 5 1 ? 2 ^ M m E O ?r= rt o =- r- :T. IOI Av. ist cutting 1445 268 124 317 736 5-i 57 Heads dead. 1309 1387 1124 1310 226 243 95 231 63 74 293 277 727 793 665 723 6.1 5-2 5-2 5-2 52 53 54 53 Av. 2d cutting 1283 224 70 262 727 5-4 53 104 105 106 Heads in bloom. Some heads dead. Heads all dead. 2143 1790 1760 362 277 248 73 47 42 49 * 1212 979 979 5-2 5-7 6.4 58 52 52 126 127 128 129 Mammoth red clover. Beginning to bloom. 1675 2256 2631 1585 263 369 428 252 130 1 66 95 in 460 610 702 403 822 IIII 1306 819 6.1 S '5 5-6 5-9 64 63 64 64 Av. ist cutting 2036 328 'So 544 1014 5-9 64 O " N ro ro c*> _ _ Full bloom. 2327 2409 2162 360 374 308 161 181 106 674 732 616 1132 1 122 1132 7 6.2 6-5 57 % 133 134 '35 Av. 2d cutting 2299 348 149 674 1128 6.6 57 Nearly out of bloom. 1966 1870 1583 246 232 205 85 75 73 463 397 440 1172 1166 865 7-7 7-5 7-3 53 54 52 Av. 3d cutting. . . 1806 227 78 4.11 1068 T.? M 1889.] TIME OF CUTTING GRASSES AND CLOVERS. 163 TABLE 4. HAYS COMPARISON OF VARIETIES. Proximate Composition of Field- cured Hays. Name of variety. Stage of growth. Water in fresh substance. Water-free substance. Crude ash. n ji Cu n> ? p 3 ft CL a'n T3 3 Crude fibre Nitrogen- free extract Timothy Full bloom 26-53 20.75 2341 21.64 6.81 6.65 6-73 5-90 4.46 3-8i 3-38 7-33 6.56 6.12 6.23 32.11 33-74 3445 33-82 48.75 48.59 48.89 50.67 y z anthers shed. . . . Seed in dough Seeds nearly ripe. . Average 23.68 6.52 4.16 6.56 33-53 49- 2 3 Ky. blue grass. . . Seeds in milk 24.36 27.80 9.26 8.85 4.76 4.18 8-33 8.09 32-32 33-02 45-33 45-86 Seeds ripe Average 26.08 9.05 4-47 8.21 32-67 45.60 Orchard grass. . . . Full bloom 26.41 33-6o 9.40 10.28 4.68 4.14 10.49 933 34-30 31.16 41.14 45-09 Seeds in milk Average 30.00 9.84 4.41 9.91 32.73 43-" Meadow fescue . . Full bloom 28.84 32.13 8.50 10.66 4.19 4.19 8.09 7-65 35-56 32-40 43-65 45-09 Seeds in milk Average 30.48 9-58 4.19 7-87 3368 44-37 Med'm red clover Full bloom 29.71 25-35 8-54 8.09 7-77 6.40 15-85 15.64 26.14 27-59 41.70 42.28 fy heads dead. . . . Average 27-53 8.31 7.08 15-75 26.87 41.99 Mammoth red clover Beginning to bloom Full bloom 26.31 25-79 J 9-53 7-89 6-57 6-44 6.65 5-82 5-" 13.84 12.83 "37 30.32 34-75 32-92 41.30 40.03 44.16 Nearly out of bloom Average 23.88 697 5-86 12.68 32.66 41.83 Comparative Yields per Acre of Hays. en S3 n o n fa; *** sri - 3 5 H d (^ Name of variety. ~ 3 ca n is- n f ftl p n "f? p ft il 2. 3 B- ft P a. cr n ? li p BT 1 Timothy 4805 ^606 241 152 124.2 1821 241 Kentucky blue grass 3680 2708 222 1 2O 887 1235 244 Orchard grass 4240 2Q17 2QO I2Q Q5Q 1268 2QI Meadow fescue 244" 1689 71 568 165 Medium red clover 141O 2477 2QO 176 666 10^8 2O7 Mammoth red clover. . . . 4632 3508 449 208 "43 1462 246 Comparative Yield per Acre of Digestible Substances of Hays. , p H n n fa ^ B |? Name of variety. 3 o' P* O ui " - II CL ft 31 ft 2 3 FT A 3 S. o' " ifi. p o P "~ 3 3 rt 0-7 3 r 3 ^3 Timothy 1960 118 74 621 1 14.7 16 6 51 Kentucky blue grass 1389 109 3 443 779 12.6 51 Orchard grass I 511 171 60 ^76 60 7 8.5 52 Meadow fescue 857 66 14 284 474 n. I ? Tedium red clover 1808 296 54 AOI 5 8 54 fammnth red clover 20*1*7 10J 126 1070 * 6.7 58 164 TABLE 5. [See Table i. BULLETIN NO. 5. [Afay, 1889. PROXIMATE COMPOSITION FRESH MEDIUM RED CLOVER. [A. Voelcker.] Date of cutting. Fresh substance. Water-free substance. n ji 5 3 H Nitrogenous matter. Non-nitroge- nous matter. y 1 Nitrogenous matter. Non-nitroge- nous matter. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) i) (j) (k) \\\ April 15 82.25 80.8 81.31 78.7 78.8 73-2 74.1 72-5 .65-2 68.7 64.01 so. 8 2.07 1.91 i-59 1.81 1-63 2.03 1.88 2.13 2-44 2.21 2.6l 2 01 2.68 2.88 2.87 2.25 2.06 297 2-94 2.56 2.87 2-5 2-37 i 13 14.41 14.24 17.24 I7-5I 21.8 21.08 22.81 29-49 26.59 31.01 47.. 27 II. 61 9 94 8.1 7.68 7-57 7-25 7-74 7.01 7.06 7-25 <;.a<; 15.12 14-93 15-37 10 56 9.69 8.81 11.31 9.31 8.25 7-94 6.62 6.c6 73-27 73-13 76.13 80.94 82 68 83.62 81.44 82.95 84.74 85 86.13 87.00 April 28 May 12 May 26. June 2 Tune o . June 16. . . Tune 23 . . Tune "?o fuly 7. July 18. . Tulv28.. . TABLE 6. GRASSES AND CLOVERS PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN GREEN SUBSTANCE; YIELD PER ACRE; Loss OF WATER IN CURING. H p cr * a Name of variety. Stage of growth. Date cutting. Pr ct. wat'r in green substance. Calculated y'ld green substance. Water lost in curing. 60 Timothy Anthers ]/% shed.. . July 3 64.. 14 01541; "5221; 67 Seed in dough .... fuly II =57. S 944 4200 83 i'i Seed nearly ripe. . flllv 21 C7.7I 8704 71:24 19 35 Kentucky blue grass Seeds in milk. .... Seeds ripe June 14 June 22 65.08 61.48 7182 7'54 [ ; 3862 71501; 71 Orchard grass. ...... Full bloom Tune 14 67. 2S 8067 4467 3, 6 it Seeds in milk. Jnne 22 6^.21 Q2QO 44 1 70 Medium red clover. . Full bloom Tune 14 76.0*5 10^47 6947 57 f.6 Mammoth red clover Heads % dead. . . . Full bloom . . June 22 lulv ii 72.4 7-3.01 8794 ICA77 5534 IOO"?7 82 tt feM6 ; i *S1 - -*&*! $&:.: ', ^^mmm^ t > "^- j^^-jfe,;^ % -- - , / v ' ?: -fe \ mm V, , ahi*y> ^ ^K^^^^S^K^^ i^^fe- k. P^^^^^^^m^^m^^&< mf^^Mm i-fllfr;-. i^^-^te :5 'mh :-^2i*> p *r,r^^.^R.\ ; -^ ^x M^M^^i^^^JiW^&^M^ 9&*^^v &^w^to^^S^= ^rt : S^trS#w -|^%t^S i^>: %^^'' V'^.'a' x * ? ' ' ^fe? ; v - -'^^t' *^7f^:5 >f/ ^\^- v-s-^ ''-SJ& y ' -^.4 ./ i " "%. -^ \ -- *-&&*' i ' -' ' ~~ f *x ' - , ' -' "i,'-'-