1 I B RAHY OF THE U N IVLR.SITY Of ILLINOIS 69 7 no- 1-3 Cop- 2. The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN FEB BQ i : i!)80 MAR \ 5 *■ MAR 3 1 \m L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/smallpipehydroni02harr £NG»NEc*;N3 LIBR I I bONitRENuk ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT | = B=R STEAM AND WATER HEATING RESEARCH SERIES | = B = R-2 KCOCMK\.n JCIMCJ ■ — O — H — M. ENGINEERING LIBRAE SMALL PIPE HYDRONIC SYSTEM i« By WARREN S. HARRIS Sponsored by INSTITUTE OF BOILER AND RADIATOR MANUFACTURERS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS MAY, 1959 • Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. -••-.- --■•--- - ■ --> "I »liriivergity of Illiaois Library k-T-fr/ L161 — H41 6f7 ENGINEERING LIBRARY PREFACE The following is intended as a report of the pipe sizing procedures used in designing the small-pipe, hot-water system tested in the Research Home during the winter of 1958=59 <= It also contains a description of installation procedures and a discussion of test results ° This report neither replaces nor obsoletes present I=B=R Installation Guides , but rather it should suppliment them<> There is no change in the method of calculating heating loads, as given in I=B=R Installation Guide H-20, nor in the methods of selecting the heat distributing units, boiler size, air cushion tank size and pump as directed in I=B=R Installation Guide 500° The pipe sizing tables in Guide No 500 limit the minimum pipe size in the main to 3/4- in« and in branches to l/2 in = In many instances these are larger than required.- In the design of the small pipe system these pipe size limitations were disregarded;, SMALL PIPE HYDRONIC SYSTEM Introductio n The broad objectives of the research program conducted at the University of Illinois for the Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers are to find ways to further improve performance of hydronic systems and to reduce the operating and installation costs. The heating project for the winter of 1958-59 was aimed at reductions in the cost of installation. Today quiet pumps are available which will operate at heads of more than 10 ft. of water. The system installed in the I=B=R Research Home during the summer of 1958 was designed to take full advantage of the high head of the modern pump. Furthermore, soft copper tube was used throughout. This is readily bent, eliminating the need of many fittings required in systems installed in more conventional ways. These practices resulted in a reduction of about $150.00 in the cost of installing the piping system for a one-pipe, hot-water system in a two-story, six-room house having a calculated heat loss of 4-3,300 Btuh at 70 F indoors and -10 F outdoors. System Design The operating conditions for which the system was designed were as follows: Average water temperature 215 F Temperature drop through the system 20 F Temperature drop through each room heating unit 20 F Total water circulation rate 4.3 GFM Pump head at above flow rate L4 Ft. of water Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the system with the design water flow rates for each section of piping indicated. This system was designed by adding the equivalent length of the fittings to the measured length of the piping to determine the equivalent length of the pipe. Knowing the rate of water circulation through each section of the piping and the pressure head available ,. it was possible to make a suitable selection of copper tube sizes from a standard friction pressure loss chart. It was necessary to extrapo- late the chart down to nominal l/U in. tube as no chart could be found con- taining tube sizes smaller than 3/8 in. A preliminary study indicated that pipe sizes for this system would be too small to permit the use of present makes of one-pipe fittings. Therefore, the fitting illustrated in Fig c 2 was improvised. The diameter of the ori- fice was such that the resistance to water flow through the orifice was equal to the resistance offered by 12 ft. of straight tube of the same diameter as the main. In selecting the pipe sizes for the main? the length of main was taken as the measured length plus 12 ft. for each orifice in the circuit* Since the resistance offered by the return tee was equivalent to about 2 ft. of tube and at least 1 ft. of tube was located between the supply and return tee, the head available to circulate water through the Pushing riser through stud space to basement. When end of tube reaches basement second man pulls the end free of the sill and pulls enough into the basement to make con- nection to the main. Man above then cuts riser from coil, leaving enough tube to make connection to the heating unit. Top end of riser is cleaned and soldered into adaptor in the end of the heating unit. -2- branch circuits was assumed to be equal to the total friction head in 15 ft, of the main. Pipe sizing calculations are summarized in Table A. Nominal 3/4 in. type L copper tube was required in the trunk main. The branch mains consisted of nominal 1/2 in. tube while the radiator runouts and risers were either 3/8 in. or l/U in. tube, depending on the capacity of the room heating unit and the length of the piping connections. Sweat fittings were used throughout the system. While the tube used in this system was smaller than that ordinarily used, it should be pointed out that, at the design water flow rate of \» 3 Gpm, the maximum water velocity in the system would be 3 ft. per sec. This velocity is low enough that there would be no danger of noise resulting from the water flow. Table B shows the estimated installation costs for both a conventional one-pipe and the small pipe heating system for a new six-room, two-story house similar to the I=B=R Research Home, Estimated installation time was based on experience gained from the installation of such systems in the Research Home. The total cost of materials in the conventional iron-pipe system was $104.. 25 as compared to $87.73 for the small pipe system. Labor costs for the conventional, and the small pipe systems were $220.50 and $84.00 respectively. These estimates cover only the costs of pipe, fittings, and the time required to install the piping system. They do not include the cost of the boiler and radiation nor the time required to install these items except for connecting the piping system to them. The total cost of installing the piping system for the small pipe system was approximately $150.00 less than the installation cost of the more conventional piping system. Installation Procedure The real advantage of using small diameter, soft copper tubing for the piping system was in the ease and speed of installation. The following procedure was followed in installing the experimental system in the I=B=R Research Home= The radiation in this system consisted of cast iron base- board. Undoubtedly a detailed study of installation procedures could result in some further short cuts, but even so, the procedure listed below resulted in a saving of about 4.0 man hours as compared to that required to install the same system using the larger size of iron pipe usually employed in systems such as this one. Step 1. Assemble baseboard heating units and locate in rooms where they are to be installed. Two men required „ Step 2. Cut necessary holes for risers. One man required. Step 3« Rough in risers. Two men required. Risers to second story units were pushed down through the stud spaces in the walls from the room to the basement. Risers for first story units were run through floor to basement, Sufficient tube was left on both base- ment and room ends of the risers to make connections to the main and the baseboard. Prior to pushing the tube through the stud space, the end of the tube was crimped with a pair of pilars to prevent insulation or dirt from entering the tube. After both risers are soldered into the adaptors at the ends of the heating unit, the unit is pushed back into place along the wall. Surplus riser slips through stud space to basement. After installation of room heating units is completed the basement ends of the risers are cut to length and soldered into the tees in the main. As the connection to the tee is completed, the main is fastened into place following the chalk line indicating its proper location. •3- Step U> Connect risers to room heating units. One man required. The baseboard unit was laid on the floor just in front of the wall along which it was to be located and iron to copper adaptors were screwed into the ends. Following this the unit was placed in an upright position a few inches from the wall. Fireproof insulating board was placed under the end of the unit to protect the floor* The end of the riser was cut and cleaned and sweat into the fitting at the end of the heating unit. Step 5. Locate unit against wall. Two men required. After soldering the risers to the heating unit, the heating unit was pushed back into place along the wall. The extra length of the riser required to reach the heating unit when in position for sweating was pushed back into the stud space for second story units and through the floor into the basement for first story units. Step 6. Indicate position of basement heating main by chalk line across the bottom of the studs. Two men required. Step 7. Connect main to the boiler. One man required. Work can start at either the supply or return connection to the boiler. If two men are working, one can start at the boiler supply and the other at the return . Step 8. Run mains. One man required. One end of tubing was cleaned and sweat to the fitting at the boiler supply <> Tubing was bent as required to follow the position indicated by the chalk line. Tube was fastened to bottom of joists with staples or straps as work progressed. Fasteners were located about 3 ft. apart and care was taken to see that they were not tjght on the tube. This permitted freedom of movement without causing expansion and contraction noises. Tubing was cut to length where tees were required and fit- tings were sweat into place before the tube was fastened to the bottom of the joists. The bottom end of radiator risers were cut to length and soldered to the main in turn. The orifice was inserted in all supply tees in the position indicated in Fig. 2. The tubing held the washer in place. If two men were working, they started at opposite ends of the main and worked toward each other, (if there are two or more circuits, they may work on separate circuits.) Performance of small pipe syste m Performance of the small pipe system was observed in the I=B=R Research Home throughout the winter of 1958-59. This was one of the most severe winters in Urbana, Illinois, in recent years . Minimum temperatures were as low as -9 F and these were accompanied by average wind speeds of about 10 miles per hour with gusts up to about 30 miles per hour. All through the winter the operation of the small pipe system was satisfactory in all -k- respects. No difficulty was experienced in maintaining the desired room air temperatures even during the coldest and most incliment weather . Floor to ceiling air temperature differences were the same as those obtained in previous years when testing baseboard heating systems having conventional one-pipe piping systems. Because of restrictions on the use of gas, it was necessary to use oil as the fuel during the tests on the small pipe system , No other base- board heating system has ever been tested in the Research Home using fuel oilj however, the oil consumption obtained with the small pipe system in 1958-59 compared favorably with that obtained with the first heating systems ever installed in the Research Home. These early systems were oil fired and used small tube radiators. According to the design assumptions the rate of water circulation through the trunk main should have been 4<=3 Gpm. By actual measurement it was found to be about 5>8 Gpm. No actual measurement was made of the pump head developed , The high measured water flow rate indicated that either the pump head was well above the catalogued value or else the total resistance of the piping system was less than assumed It is probable that the latter was the principal factor for the following reasons; (l) a large section of the return trunk of the small pipe system was not changed from the 1 inch iron pipe used in previous systems o This was left in as it contained the flow measuring station.- (2) the required water flow rate in some sections of the piping was less than the maximum carrying capacity and (3) in estimating the pipe resistance no allowance was made for the fact that the actual flow rate through the parts of the main located between each pair of risers was at a reduced rate due to diversion of part of the water through the radiator circuit, The calculated friction pressure loss through the main obtained by substituting 1 in.- iron pipe for 3/4- in. copper tube in the trunk and using the observed flow rate of 5°8 Gpm is 20 ft of water = Since this is a greater friction pressure loss than that obtained by using the tube sizes and flow rates indicated in Table A, it is apparent that the pipe sizing procedures for the small pipe system were on the safe side.- Furthermore,, since the calculated friction head for actual conditions of operation exceeded the catalogued pump head by 6 ft of water, it seems probable that the allowance for fittings and orifices was more than actually required .- Table C shows the measured temperature drops in all parts of the heating system: '' T ith the exception of the drop through the dining room baseboard, all were less than the design value of 20 F which should be expected since the actual water flow rate exceeded the design value There were two factors contributing to the high temperature drop through the dining room baseboard; In the first place the 3/8" tube used in the radiator circuit was slightly undersized, As shown in Table A the allowable friction head in this circuit was 745 milinches per foot while the friction head in a 3/8 in. tube carrying 0.87 Gpm is 762 milinches per foot. In addition to this the main circuit to which this unit was connected was slightly overloaded and furthermore the supply tee and orifice for the dining room baseboard were located just downstream of the supply tee for the S. V. bedroom baseboard , All of these tended to reduce the flow through the dining room baseboard . A high temperature drop through a room heating unit is not as serious as it appears since the mean radiator temperature is decreased only one half as much as the temperature drop is increased and the decrease in output of the heating unit is only about 0.9 percent per degree F c If it is assumed that changes in water flow rate have a negligible effect on the output of a baseboard, the following equation is true. where AT x W = C AT = Temperature drop through the baseboard W = Water flow rate through the baseboard C = a constant The water flow rates through the individual baseboard circuits were not meas- ured. Nevertheless it is true that the ratio of the water flow rate through the radiator circuit to the water flow rate through the main is a constant and therefore, by changing the value of C in the preceeding equation the water flow rate in the main may be substituted for the flow rate through the radiator. In this way it may be shown that reducing the water flow rate in the system from 5.8 Gpm to 4.. 5 Gpm would increase the average temperature drop through the heating units to about 20 F, the design value. This indicates that the sizing of the orifices in the supply tees and the method of sizing the piping for the radiator branch circuits was satisfactory. When the system was first started, a few expansion and contraction noises in the piping system were observed. These were traced to pipe straps which were too tight to permit movement of the main. These were loosened and from that time on no noise in the piping system was observed, either as a result of expansion and contraction or from high water velocity. No unusual venting problems were encountered even though there were places in the piping system where air could be trapped. The water velocity was apparently sufficient to carry the air along with the water until it reached either the boiler or the radiation where the water velocity was low enough to permit separations Summary The use of small diameter, soft, copper tube for the construction of an experimental one-pipe hot-water system for the I=B=R Research Home resulted in a reduction of about -$150.00 in the installation cost with no sacrifice in the overall performance of the system. The design procedures used proved to be on the conservative side and may be incorporated in the I=B=R Installation Guides without introducing an entirely new method of design. All that would be required is an expansion of the pipe sizing table and some comments on the installation techniques of installing the small diameter pipe efficiently. Appendix A, Revisions Required in Installation Guide 500 to Make It Adaptable To Small Pipe Systems A revision of the pipe sizing table (Table 3) in I=B=R Installation Guide No, 500 is required to make this guide applicable to the design of small pipe systems o A suggested revision is shown in Table D. This table is applicable to copper tube only as the friction heads of copper tube and iron pipe are quite different for the same nominal size in the smaller diameters* The carrying capacities of the radiator circuits in Table D are based on the use of an orifice as illustrated in Fig 2 ; or other suitable device which will develop a pressure head in the radiator circuit equi- valent to the friction head in approximately 12 ftc of the main to which the radiator circuit is joined . Table E summarizes the pipe size selection for the system installed in the I=B=R Research Home using Table D and the procedure described on pages 23 through 25 of I=B=R Installation Guide No» 500„ Comparing the pipe sizes shown in Table E with those in Table A it is found that the use of Table D and the simplified procedure resulted in the same pipe size selection as the more exact method of using the equivalent length of each circuit (Table A) » The dining room riser size in Table E is l/2 in. while in Table A it is only 3/8 in, However it should be noted that the 3/8 in* tube was actually undersized . It is also suggested that some description of installation methods for small diameter soft copper tube should be included in the revisions as these procedures are not familiar to most contractors » -7- Appendix B Method of developing pipe sizing table, Table D Step 1. Select a unit friction heado Example: Unit friction head taken as 600 milinches per ft, (this represents the third column in Table D) Step 2. For each available head, determine the equivalent length of the circuit by dividing the available head in milinches by the unit friction head selected in step 1. Example: Available head = 8 ft of water Equivalent length s 8 x 12000/600 - 160 Ft. Step 3. For each equivalent lengthy determine the measured length from table F. Round out measured length to nearest 10 ft. and record in upper portion of Table D under total length of circuit. Examples 160/1,63 = 98 fto Record 100 ft. Step U» For selected unit friction head (Step l), determine the carrying capacity of main sizes from an accepted friction pressure loss chart. Record to nearest 0,1 Gpm opposite trunk or circuit in Table D Example: Unit friction head = 600 milinches per ft. Carrying capacity 3/4- in. type L copper tube = 4,0 Gpm, Step 5. Multiply the selected unit friction head (step l) by 15 to determine the available head to overcome friction in the branches. Example: 600 x 15 = 9000 milinches Step 6, Assume the equivalent length of the branch to be 30 ft. This was the average equivalent length of a branch circuit in the I=B=R Research Home, Step 7 o Divide the available h^ad determined in Step 5 by the equivalent length of the branch (Step 6), Example: 9000/30 = 300 milinches per ft. Step 8. For e a ch unit friction head in branch (Step 7) determine the carrying capacity of each branch size from accepted friction pressure loss charts. Record to nearest 0.1 Gpm in Table D, Examples Unit friction head = 300 milinches per ft. Carrying capacity 3/8 in type L c opper tube = 0,5 Gpm, Appendix C Determination of Orifice Size The size of the orifice required to increase the equivalent length of the main by 12 ft. may be determined by the following formula. Q = KA*/2gh or A = Q/K ^'2gh where Q = Flow rate in cu, ft, per sec, A = Orifice area in sq. ftc K = Orifice coefficient (assumed as 0.65) g = Gravitational acceleration, ft. per sec^ (32.2) h = Head Loss through orifice in ft. of water It is apparent that the area of the orifice is a function of the flow rate. However, the changes in flow rate normally encountered in any main of a given size in a conventional heating system are not large enough to have much effect on the orifice size. Sample calcula t i on : Main size = l/2 in. Flow rate =1.0 Gpm Unit pressure loss in main = 330 milinches per ft, (from friction pressure loss chart) h = 12 x 330/12000 = 0,33 ft. of water A = 1.0/450 x 1/0.65 x 1//6TT4 x 0.33 = 0,000738 sq. ft. or ^^^ 0,106 sq, in, Diameter of orifice = */0 o 106/0, 786 = 0.384 in. Using the above procedure and selecting flow rates corresponding to representative carrying capacities of the main the following orifice diameters were found to be required to increase the equivalent length of the main by approximately 12 ft. Main size Orifice diam in. in, 3/8 0,27 1/2 0,38 (13/32 or 0,41 in, was used in the installation in the I=B=R Research Home) 3/4 0.61 (h U 1 c +3 +» o f-. cO ^ O cS ° 9 •H CO !ff\NCf\ vO N0 X H i •» * «« • *-P •» » • «t 4J •H (3 mo «h \d CTNtx, ^rv-4 H rH tn c S -H en CM so injt- ITv nO 6- s 5 • H c> 4» X! • o +s ■- • O C &H ~ H •H •H o o o o O e- CM O t>- m \0 t- CV vO t- O o o o OOMvOiA^ h H fc w m to CO «TN O O \OvOvO -4tOvO En •H CD t- t- rH t-i P\W(\ CNCNin C~-pH H fr\ cr\ t- C^ -s4 CM s a H rH H H « C e-- e- CM toK* vO vO -4 m m t O to »T\ tO CM CM O 1$ -4- CM m ~4|c-- IrH t>- in \0 to H cr\ HntVst cr W •o CD Xi y w 1 1 to c e- O e- |cn t^ s t~- to to vO 0^ Ikn vO r^ m »n CT\ ed m H en IvO CM CM H CM CM Cf\ Js£) CM H(\ir|C> «Q +> G Cm CD O 5j *> X> ~ 1 iH -H fe 3 O tO m tOIrH O^ e— e^ t- t— to U> O cn O c~- e^ e«- c~- W ^ ZEh -4 rH -sHrH sfH v£) CM cr c liH rH W -H I CO CO •P UD c c CD «H «ih > rH 4* o o d -p X) > T\ o -^O O t^ t«- t>- c~- -40 qn e^ t- e^ t>- • H iH &h CM iH CM H £W 3 & CTCl-l w o S ■P • U «H O O O © 4»OB O O O O »r\ CM O (^ CM O O H »f\ cr, o rH c*> O ct) rH\ • • • • • ••••• • • • ••••• *££ en en en en iH iH H H iH O C^ Cn rH rH H H H O * ^ * CM CO tO «0 tO pH ^f,CM CM tO ^0 V < S *^ C CD CD -H rU N <^<*«^ www x. X. N.>v x^^v NwV^ H C^ ® « N W C\ en CM O -«* e- to »rv CM O CM en t-vO rH CM o m to cm en cm O -P 2 rH CO K en en iH H c^ pH • • • • • ••••• • • • ••••• fe tt5 o -4 ^* CM CM rH -4 CM t-i -P 3 X> O * X! e CO "H TJ O •h a +3 co c X O CJ CD «H vOvOvO n£> c<^ PMftO sf ->* vr ^ en m O 0> in to >*H o en \p \D vO 0^ t> s s o O O >* -4- O if\ -^ to to to en e— ~4 ^O en CO CO CD CD • • CD CD • CD O ts tj e CD O tj a H <*H CD CD O •H t-t ri © 9 m o c? »«H rt • • -P • oil T3 G.O '3 • • • I* w • -P • rH h rH + -o p,0 cO • X! u > • Xi O -H •H O &, -p > CO > CD (X -P a 4» 43 CO o> r 4 CO XI U3 3 <* O • • «H CD Cfl to & ^ ^: j •d -o cd CD CD H w 9 A 4> to 1 a Pm M Q> H • 43 c cO •H rH •H N* CO V > H < * * * TABLE B. ESTIMATED INSTALLATION COSTS - NEW CONSTRUCTION Conventional Iron Pipe vs Small Diameter Copper Tube Conventional iron pipe system Small diameter copper tube system Item Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Pipe or Tube 341 Ft $47.90 323 Ft. $64.26 Fittings 159 56o35 85 23.47 Labor $3.50 per hour 63 Hr. 220.50 24 Hr.* 84.00 Total $324.75 $171.73 * = Estimated for new construction by installer of system in I=B=R Research Home TABLE Co WATER TEMPERATURE DROPS, SMALL PIPE SYSTEM Location Temp. Drop F Location Temp. Drop, F Kitch. Rad. 18.3 Bath Rad. 13.5 Din. Baseboard 25.6 S W Bed.Basebd.l7.2 Liv. 10 o 2 N.W. " 14.3 Vest. Rad. 5.3 N.Eo " 12.0 Lav. 17.6 Av . all heating units 15.0 Stair. " 15.8 Boiler 16.4* * temperature rise O o o O o O • • * • CM • • -* H • • r-i st i-i • • C*\ sO CM i-i rH to cm rH 3 rH • • • • • • • • • • • • O O O H O O • O o o O O O o O O • fr, H • in CM i-i • pTi in CM H cm st m to * H to rH H to CM i-i • • • • o O • • o • O • O • • rH • o O • O • • o O o O o O O O O o C^l rH • vO CM rH • vO vO CM H CO CM tr\ in -St m CM vO rH to to * CM i-i i-i • o • O • • o • O • O • • r-i • o • o O • o o Q o O O o O o O o r-i • t— CM r-i • to NO CM r-i cm to m cm rr> m CM (T« vO C_) cm cm o. st st in vO vO e^ cr O o u o (_) o i-i o o O o o O a o o o O O o st I-i • e- o o o CM o O O o O O o o O o O o st rH • to C^l rH • CM to r<\ i-i • H m i-i £ CM to CM c*> to st to -** CM CM EH • o • o • • o • o • o • • CM • o • O • o I-i • o o o o O o O o o O in rH • o «r\ r-i • (^\ to C"\ • -P o c r-i rH c_> cm sr to CM CM rr, 0^ ^ • CM H in t> c\ CM iH CD cd m 3 to rH CM in CM to CM CM 0^ CTN ■st g • O • o 9 o • o • o • O • o • CM • o O ■st O CM • o rH O o O O O O O o o O in CM rH o -4 CM rH v£> o Eh M ED O i-i rH rH 3 CM CM in CM to CM CM ■st ti • o • O • o • o • o • O • O CM • o O st O CM • O H O O O o O O O O O O in CM r-i o ■st CM r-i to o O o 3 4 rH Jm m CM to CM r-i c*> n • o • O • o • • o O • O CM • r-i • O O • O o O o O O 8 CM O O O o \D CM r-i I-i st CM H O r-i st CM H b EC Eh to o f-l H m rH to i-i en CM CM to CM st H M O • o • o • O • I-i • o • O * O • i-i • O O • O m m O O O O O O O o vO CM r-i CM st CM rH rH i-i st CM rH f- O CM H * vO H to H rH CM CM IT\ CM I-i g • o o • O • i-i • o O • O • <■•> • r-i O • O • O 9 o o O o O O O o O o vO CM r-i CM st CM rH CM r-i st CM r-i j c^ o^ rH c\ in C-- (T> rH i-i O O o s g m o O O O O O O O O rH S0 CM r-i CM st CM rH st CM st CM r-i NO to O H CM H 3 m rH to H O CM CM (M CM s 1 O • o • O • • O • O • O • • H • O • O • O O o O O o O O O O O t^ CM r-i CA in CM r-l in CM in CM rH vO e^ O H r-l 3 to rH o CM st CM o • o O • o • I-i • o • O O • c*\ • rH • O • O • O m m o O O O o o O O fc- CM H ■st in CM r-i t- C to O rH t-i r-i r-i rt r-i to rH i-i CM 1-4 • o • O • O • rH O • o • O • • r-l • o O • O o O o O O O o O O O to CM i-i st in CM r-i O St in CM rH m v£> c^ to O H r-i rH CM 4 rH • o • O • o • rH • o O • O • st • r-i • O O • O o O o O O O O o O O o r*\. CM C*- vO c\ CM sO vO sO e> CM st VTN vO e- to O O r-i CM 3 • o • O • o • rH • o • o • O • st • rH • o • O O o m o o V\ m o O IT\ ir\ o r^ CM O t- CM ca C\ st m m vO C-- to to o rH • I-i • o • o • CM • o • o • O in r-i • o O O lable d in f Water ja Si Si CO £. o si Si o S3 Si S3 o CD r^ "t 3 O c M -P o u M -p O u o c H •H 3 p« c 3 § c cd Q *rl 3 E» C cd c c cd to .fl st m vO e— to o o rH H H CM r-i 4 CO £Z M Eh U C& £ CQ Eh U to to to CO CD •H •H a) a> > EC • Eh a. = O ; vO = O £ £ vO s o z s s vO ■H to -st rH CM fa \ > s > c\ o r-\ O^ r-i O r^i rH C\ o •H -H © Jb © J Q. CL D (/} U. o J h 111 G k\\\\\\ \y TT 9 % o 7,f , ^^? / / CM