UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIG.M U»»v.r.|^ ,,CMO,, — "*y re,„,» , n °dl,r T^— * tcucu, -'. '" "«ni«*ol from "••ft, * or Ascipiino, ^S^-r- Feb 2 1 KC0 72010 ^en renewing by Dhnn. P<**ous due ^^^"^^due date below L162 UIUCDCS-R-79-983 3 10, S^ JLJtCr no. 9X3 MccVVt UILU-ENG 79 1731 COO-2383-0061 October 1979 ODEs: Is there anything left to do? by C. W. Gear • •; z*i 1*2*1 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Or H MPQANA-^Hy-- UIUCDCS-R-79-983 ODEs: Is there anything left to do? by C. W. Gear October 1979 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 Supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under grant ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ODEs : Is there anything left to do ? C. W. Gear Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 J.. INTRODUCTION In 1962 Gene Golub questioned why I was starting to work on the numerical ODE problem. "Haven't all the important problems been solved?" he asked. Indeed, it seemed at the time that they had. Dahlquist's important paper [8] had appeared 6 years earlier and solved what seemed to be all of the important and interesting theoretical questions; most numerical analysts were unaware of any major classes of ordinary differential equations that could not be solved by computer at speeds that seemed to be reasonable for the difficulty of the problem; and the available computer codes seemed to perform fairly well. At the most it appeared that there were a few "clean-up" questions to take care of. However, at that time, the problem of stiffness was already known to some people. It appears to have first appeared in 1952 (Curtiss and Hirschfelder [7]) and Dahlquist was about to publish his classic 1963 paper [9] on it. Ten years later, reasonably robust software began to appear, but even today there are still several important theoretical questions waiting to be answered that may have significant practical implications for stiff problems. - 2 Apart from these questions, is there anything else to do in the field? This paper examines the steps in the development of a typical problem from the time it is first identified by the "user" (that is, by the scientist/engineer who runs into an intractable computational problem) to the time that robust software is developed for classes of problems. This process may initially take 20 years; during the early years very few will be aware of the problem, and, even at the end after robust software has appeared, development may continue. After examination of the development process, the paper looks at a number of problems that are in various stages of development and reviews recent results in these areas . We will see that there are a number of problems of great interest at all stages of development and that not only have there been a number of important new results recently, but that there are many open problems. _1 ._1. The Development Staircase The progress from problem identification to robust software can be broken into six levels. These are: 1 Identification of problem by a user. 2 Development of a method and preliminary codes. 3 Mathematical analysis of the problem and method. 4 Preparation of initial production codes. 5 Analysis of software for classes of problems. 6 General purpose, robust software development. - 3 - In the case of stiff ODEs, these developments took two decades from the early 1950's. Today, the solution of most stiff problems is relatively routine unless additional problems (such as very large systems or many discontinuities) are present. However, the development has not stopped. New methods and new analyses continue to appear, giving rise to the "staircase" picture shown in Figure 1. Each level of the staircase continues to spawn new developments at higher levels. The stiff problem has already reached the top of this staircase, so, once again, we might ask "Is there anything left to do?" besides a few clean-up questions. This paper examines a number of problems, some of which are at or near the top of the staircase, but others of which are only on the first step. Variable-order, variable-step methods, for example (or, more precisely, problems for which variable-order, variable-step methods are essential for efficient integration) are also on the top level, but problems which require low accuracy methods are at the first step: they have been identified but little has been done for their solution. The problem areas we will examine are : Stiff problems Variable-order, variable-step methods Problems with eigenvalues near the imaginary axis Oscillating problems Very large stiff problems - 4 - Problems with frequent discontinuities Multirate methods Low accuracy methods The approximate status of these problems is shown in Figure 2. This figure does not include any of the problems in ODEs arising from PDEs such as variable-sized systems that occur when the method of lines is used with a varying space discretization, and the special structure of the Jacobian that arises from the method of lines which may make very large problems more tractable than in the general case. If we had a crystal ball, we could extend Figure 2 to see what problems we will be facing in the future — but that would automatically put those problems on step 1 by virtue of their having been identified! However, the fact that there are problems at all levels suggests that there will no shortage of problems in the future. _2. Problems showing recent progress This section examines some results of the last few years that have contributed to our understanding of some of the problems and methods for solving them. The results mentioned are frequently applicable to several of the problems; in the space available we will discuss their application only to one problem. 2«_1. Stiff problems The major outstanding problem of the last few years bas been the error and stability analysis of stiff, non-linear systems. Burrage and Butcher - 5 - [4] and Burrage [3] have examined the stability of non-linear, non- autonomous systems for Runge-Kutta methods. They have derived a sufficient algebraic condition (i.e., a condition on the coefficients of the method) for stability of the numerical solution to problems which satisfy (2.1) Re < Note that this condition implies the stability of the differential system. Stability of the method is defined to be the condition (2.2) Hy - z || < ||y - z || n n n— 1 n-l This condition implies that the difference between numerical solutions reduces at each step. A similar approach is now being used for multistep method analysis by Dahlquist [10], [11], and Nevalinna and Liniger [19] who use eq. (2.2) with y and z interpreted as vectors of all past values used in computing the forward solution. This is a much stronger condition than absolute stability which only requires that | |y - z | be bounded as n n n goes to infinity. The former condition is called contractivity . The advantage of working with contractivity is that it is possible to examine each step independently. The difficulty with the analysis of stability of multistep methods is that adjacent steps interact, so that non-linearities in the problem or variable stepsizes give rise to products of changing operators for which there may not be a single fixed norm in which they are all bounded by one although the product may be bounded . When we have contractivity in some fixed norm for the range of problems and methods used, it automatically becomes a global property. The analysis has been greatly aided by the introduction of one-leg - 6 - methods by Dahlquist (see [10]). These are intimately related to multistep methods, taking the form k k (2.3) I ay + hf( I By ) - 1-0 x n ' i i=0 x n_i In fact, for fixed-step methods, these methods are equivalent to multistep methods with the same coefficients. However, they differ for variable-step methods. The one-leg methods are easier to analyse and probably have better stability properties. The ease of analysis arises from the fact that each step is governed by a difference formula in which only one value of the function f is computed. Contractivity can be studied by local linearization of the problem and there is only one Jacobian to deal with in a linearization of a one-leg method. For example, if we apply the trapezoidal rule to stepsize h , . /0 = t , . - t , namely, n+l/z n+1 n y .i = y +h ,, ,„(f ,. + f )/2, we find that contractivity requires n+1 nn+l/2n+ln II" -k + l/2 J n + l 1 "' tI+ i t, n + l/2 J n ] ll ' l where J and J ., are the Jacobians at T and t ,, respectively. Since J n n+1 n n+1 may change over the interval, this bound may be very difficult to establish; indeed it may not be true. On the other hand, the equivalent one-leg method, namely y ,, = y + h ,, y „f((y ., + y x /0 \ leads to a n+1 n n+1/2 n+1 n)/2) requirement that i |[I --k + i/2 jrl(I+ i\, + i/2 J! " * > where J is evaluated at t . . ,_ in both instances in the last equation. n+1/2 Dahlquist [10] has shown that if the problem satisfies eq. (2.1), a - 7 - fixed step, constant coefficient, A-stahle multistep method is such that tbere exists a norm in which the method is contractive and conversely, ''ence, A-stahility is an attractive property for multistep methods. Unfortunately, A stability limits the order to two so there is considerable interest in generating similar results for less stringent stability conditions such as A(a) and stiff stability. Somewhat surprisingly, the algebraic stability condition of Burrage and Butcher [4] is stronger than A-stabilitv, meaning that an A-stable PK method may not be contractive for a problem satisfying eq. (2.1). Since contractivity and stability of one- step methods are essentially identical (a method that is not contractive in any steps is hound to he unstable), an A-stable RK method may not be suitable for a non-linear stiff equation. _?._?. Problems with imaginary eigenvalues If the system Jacohian has eigenvalues near the imaginary axis and the corresponding components are known to be absent from the solution, one is interested in a method which damps such components numerically, independently of the stepsize used. Since absolute stability is desired for eigenvalues with more negative real parts, one is forced to ask for A- stability (unless a special nethod that does exponential fitting is used). 'Hie limitation on order of multistep methods that are A-stahle forces consideration of other methods. Two sets of recent results are particularly significant here. A charminp paper by banner, w a irer, and Norsett f?5] answers many open questions about the maximum order of a variety of A-stable methods and gives simple proofs for many Vnown results. In narticular, it is shown that the maximum order of an A-stable method - 8 - cannot exceed 2q, where q is the number of derivatives or stages used. This means that the choice for higher-order A-stable methods is restricted to highly implicit methods such as implicit Runge-Kutta methods and multi- derivative methods. The latter are not very attractive because the Jacobian must be computed exactly. (They may be suitable for problems in which the Jacobian is known explicitly or is fixed.) Implicit Runge-Kutta methods are potential candidates, but the size of the non-linear problem that has to be solved is a problem. For systems of s equations using a q- stage method, a simultaneous system of sq equations must be solved. Work by Bickart [2] and Butcher [6] shows how to implement implicit Runge-Kutta methods in a relatively efficient manner but a more promising approach is to use semi-implicit Runge-Kutta methods with equal diagonal elements so that only one LU decomposition is needed along with q back substitutions for a q-stage method. Unfortunately, these q-stage methods are limited to order q+1. Another approach being explored by Butcher [5] is based on iterated defect correction, and also requires the solution of a set of s non-linear equations. Yet another scheme is the blended multistep method of Skeel and Kong [23]. This is a linear combination of two multistep methods, where the combination depends on the Jacobian. The accuracy is derived from the methods and is not dependent on the accuracy of the Jacobian. On the other hand, if the stability for linear problems is analyzed using the true Jacobian, the combined method can have the stability properties of a multiderivative method. The multiderivative and equivalent blended methods require the solution of a linear equation involving a polynomial in the Jacobian. If this polynomial is chosen to have equal roots, an LU factorization of a linear polynomial can be performed, followed by multiple back substitutions. This makes maximum use - 9 - of the sparsity by avoiding powers of the Jacobian. 2.3. Oscillating Problems We distinguish between problems with almost purely imaginary eigenvalues corresponding to components not present in the solution and problems with oscillating solutions. In the former, the problem is to avoid introducing the oscillating components. Since difficulties arise in the former case only when the imaginary parts are very large, these have been viewed in the same category as stiff problems, and this seems to be a reasonable viewpoint. (See Miranker and Wahba [18].) If, however, the true solution exhibits very high frequency oscillations, the problem can be very different. Only if the effect of the oscillations is linear is it reasonable to damp them and seek the average solution. In this restricted case, it is still reasonable to view the problem as a stiff one because the objective of the numerical method is the same, _to ignore components due to large eigenvalues . However, if the effect of the oscillation on the rest of the system is non-linear, it is not possible to damp the oscillation without error. In this more general case, it is not reasonable to view it as a stiff problem; rather we must ask what it is we want to determine about the solution. Some recent work by Petzold and Gear [22] and Petzold [21] addresses this issue. Suppose we want to know the waveform after a very large number of cycles, or the envelope of the solution (see Figure 3). Unfortunately, the waveform is not defined for an initial value problem because the initial value defines a unique solution. However, the "envelope" in Figure 3 is apparent to any engineer! To make the problem mathematically (and - 10 - numerically) tractable, we define a quasi envelope . This is a smooth curve which can be "integrated" using stepsizes which may be very much larger than the period of the oscillation T. The definition of the quasi envelope is illustrated in Figure A. If the period T is specified for an autonomous differential equation, the quasi-envelope z(t) is defined in terms of an arbitrary initial segment for t in [0,T) by integration over single periods. Thus, the value of z at s+t is defined in terms of z(s) by the formula z(s+T) = z(s) + (v(s+T) - v(s)) where v is the solution of the differential equation with initial values (s,z(s)). Clearly, if z(0) = y(0), z agrees with the solution of the initial problem at all integral multiples of T. We will write the above equation in the form (2. A) z(t+T) = z(t) + Tg(t,z(t)) where (2.5) g(t,z) = (v(t+T) - v(t))/T Equation (2. A) looks like the Euler method applied to the differential equation z' = g(t,z), and this idea is exploited in developing interpolation methods. After some manipulation we can devise approximations that look like integration methods in which the coefficients are functions of T/H where H is the stepsize used. As this ratio tends to zero, they tend to standard integration techniques. (Note that equation (2. A) tends to a the N differential equation z' = g(t,z) as T tends to zero.) For example, the multistep methods take the form - 11 - k (2.6) I (a z + H0 g ) = j_n n— 1 1 n— i If this is exact for polynomials z of degree k in t, the coefficients a and 3 are polynomials of degree at most k in T/H. Note that each step of this "multistep method" requires the evaluation of g(z), and this requires the integration of the original differential equation through one cycle. If the period T is unknown, or if it varies slowly, it can be estimated by minimizing t+T / ll(y(s+T) - y(s)irds t with respect to T. In fact, this serves to define T(t) since it is not otherwise defined. The previous formulas were stated for a fixed period T. The same formulas can be used for a variable period by using a change of independent variable to one in which the period is constant . When the equations are expressed in the new independent variable, we get a relationship similar to eq. (2.4) but with a fixed period. In addition, we must add an equation for the real time. It takes the form t(x + u) = t(x) + T(t) where jj is the fixed period in the new independent variable t. The general form of the method consists of a pair of integrators, the inner integrator called from a program which determines g and estimates T, plus the outer integrator which computes z. Each step of the outer integrator requires one or more evaluations of g in a typical predictor- - 12 - corrector operation. In fact, the outer integration can be done by minor modifications of a conventional integrator, and the step and order selection algorithms can be carried over. Each time the the function g is evaluated for the outer integration, an integration over a full cycle by a conventional integrator is performed. If the period can vary, it is necessary to integrate over two full cycles to compute the term which has to be minimized. Non-autonomous problems in which the t-dependency of the differential equation contains frequencies which determine the period can be handled by the same techniques, but the large stepsizes H must be synchronized with the period. If the t-dependencies are very slow compared to the period, this synchronization is not important. The method is not efficient if the problem also happens to be stiff (meaning that there are rapidly decaying components present also) because it is then necessary to use an implicit outer integration scheme which means that a Jacobian must also be calculated. In this case, the Jacobian is a state transition matrix over one period, and this matrix is never sparse even if the system is sparse. The method is also not effective if the solution is composed of several almost periodic functions with nearby periods. These types of problems remain almost intractable. 2i'J±. Discontinuous problems After each discontinuity, earlier information cannot be used to extrapolate forward so either a single-step method must be used or a restart of a multistep method is necessary. Most current automatic codes for multistep methods use as a first step a first- or second-order one-step - 13 - method that is also one of their multistep methods, and then use the variable-order mechanism to build up the order. This is moderately efficient, and, if it occurs infrequently is an adequate technique. However, frequent restarting is costly. Therefore, we have developed a Runge-Kutta starter for multistep methods that uses a single Runge-Kutta like step to generate all the information needed to switch to a moderately high order multistep method in the second step [16]. The method consists of a single step of the form k = hf(y + I 3k) , 1-1, ..., q, y m = y n + l Y.k , m = 1, ..., s. This is a q-stage R-K method that attempts to generate s new values in one step. These s values can be used to start a multistep method of order s+1 or s+2. It has been shown that for implicit RK starters, it is possible to generate a set of s points of order s using s stages, and for the more promising explicit methods, we can generate a set of fourth-order points using 6 stages. Hence, a non-stiff method can be started at fourth order using six evaluations. In fact, there is a nine-parameter family of such methods. Preliminary tests indicate that it reduces the number of function evaluations to get started by about half. A problem that still remains to be solved is that of detecting the presence of a discontinuity efficiently. If nothing is known about its nature, a code has great difficulty reducing the step until it lands right on the discontinuity with a mesh point. - 14 - 3^, Problems presenting major difficulties This section examines some of the problems which appear to be more difficult to solve. Perhaps the most important of these is the large, stiff problem, both because it is a practical problem, and its solution will have an important impact on the application of ODE methods to PDE problems via the method of lines. The major remaining problems with variable-step, variable-order codes arise from the desire to put them on a firm theoretical basis. In general, they work very well and further advances are unlikely to improve their performance significantly. The last two problems, multirate methods and low accuracy methods, are in their infancy. The latter is very important in real-time simulation in which the integration is time-critical , that is, it is of no interest unless one second of simulated time can be computed in no more than one second of real time! This problem may also be important in the method of lines for PDEs where typical accuracies (two digits) are very low compared to typical accuracies requested in ODE solution (5 to 15 digits) . _3._1. Large stiff problems We can distinguish two categories of "largeness" in stiff problems: those in which an LU decomposition of the Jacobian is possible but a time consuming part of the calculation, and those in which it is impossible to contemplate factoring the Jacobian because of space considerations. In the latter case it may be impossible to store the Jacobian explicitly, even if 3 it is sparse. The former consist of order of 10 equations, while the latter may have as high as 10 equations or larger. The latter usually arise from two- and three-dimensional PDEs treated by the method of lines. - 15 - If the number of large eigenvalues causing stiffness is small, it may be possible to treat the problem efficiently using ideas such as those in the Correction in the Dominant Subspace (CDS) method described in Alfeld and Lambert [1]. The basic idea behind this class of methods can be explained as follows. If a stiff method, such as backward Euler, is applied to the problem y' = Ay we get a difference equation of the form Vl " R(hA)y n where R(hA) = [I - hA] . The effect of large eigenvalues in hA is to remove the corresponding eigenvectors in y ,.. Small eigenvalues cause the n+l corresponding eigenvectors to be multiplied by an order one approximation hA to e . If an explicit method such as Euler is used, we find that R(hA) = [I + hA]. This correctly treats the eigenvectors corresponding to the small eigenvalues, but amplifies those corresponding to large eigenvalues. The CDS method consists of applying a simple (probably explicit) method, and then damping the eigenvectors corresponding to the large eigenvalues (the dominant subspace). This requires a knowledge of the dominant subspace but, if its dimension is small, does not involve much storage or calculation. The damping is applied by removing from the solution most of the component in the dominant subspace. Details can be found in the cited paper. The method requires a few inner products and vector operations so that the calculation is proportional to the dimension of the system and the dimension of the dominant subspace; much better than the n or n^ operations required with a full LU handling of the Jacobian. The potential - 16 - difficulties with this sort of approach are that a time varying Jacobian means a relatively costly recalculation of the dominant supspace, and that the vectors spanning a dominant subspace are not sparse even when the matrix is very sparse (except in unusual circumstances) . If a conventional direct method is applied to problems in the intermediate size range, the linear equation subproblem has two important 3 components, the LU decomposition which may be as slow as n operations, and 2 the back substitution which may be as slow as n operations. A new decomposition must be performed under a number of conditions. These are when the actual Jacobian changes and when the order or stepsize changes. The latter occurs because the matrix which must be decomposed has the form [I - h3J] where J is the system Jacobian. Enright [12] suggested one way of avoiding a complete refactorization when only h or 3 changes (the most common case) . It involves factoring the matrix into SHS where S is a suitable similarity or unitary transformation, and H is an easy matrix to work with (for example, an upper Hessenberg matrix). Changes in h and 3 can then be accomodated by adding a multiple of the identity to H. Enright and Kamel [13] have since suggested another scheme in which S is a unitary transformation (a product of Householder transformations for example), and a permutation matrix is also folded into S so that all of the large elements of H appear in the first rows. The reduction to this form can be stopped at an intermediate point when H consists of large elements in the upper rows, zeros in the bottom left-hand part, and small elements in the bottom right hand part. At this point, the small elements can be discarded and the resulting matrix used as an approximation in the iteration. It achieves an effect similar to correction in the dominant subspace since it - 17 - damps the dominant space by applying an implicit method with a quasi-Newton iteration to them. (Of course, the underlying method in this scheme must have appropriate stability properties for stiff problems.) In the case of extremely large systems, it appears that the only way to handle the problem is by iterative methods so that at most the original Jacobian has to be stored. (If the equations are derived by the method of lines, the Jacobian elements often can be generated as needed, so even they need not be stored explicitly.) Examination of the ideas used in the CDS method suggests that the important property of any iterative method is that it must be reasonably accurate for components in the dominant subspace. Warming and Beam [26] explore approximate factorizations by operator splittings that are related to ADI methods. In these, the equivalent of the matrix [I - h(3J] is approximated by the product [I - h3J,] [I - h$J_] where J = J. + J„. The matrices J. and J„ contain the components due to derivatives in the x and y spatial directions, respectively. For rectangular regions, the eigenvalues of J are the sums of eigenvalues of J. and J-. Further, the eigenvectors corresponding to large eigenvalues of either J. or J„ are in the null space of the other. As long as this property is approximately true, the factorization is a reasonably accurate approximation. Since the factors correspond to one-dimensional operators, they are effectively tridiagonal for second-order differences, and suitably banded for higher-order differences. Unfortunately, terms involving 2 3 /9x3y do not permit this factorization, but frequently these terms do not contribute to the stiffness which arises from parabolic terms. Consequently, they can be ignored in the quasi-Newton step. The underlying theme of all of these methods is similar, and can be - 18 - related to the use of one or more predictor-corrector schemes where the corrector iteration is performed using quasi-Newton in which the Jacobian is approximated by another matrix chosen to get a "simpler" factorization. The important property of the approximation is that it must lead to fast convergence, and this is determined by its ability to represent the Jacobian reasonably accurately in the dominant subspace. _3._2. Variable-step , variable-order methods An adequate theory for automatic methods is still lacking. A theory is needed to justify the error estimators used to control the step and order. Most current estimators are based on the asymptotic analysis of fixed-step, fixed-order methods in which a power series in the stepsize h is developed for the error. Higher-order terms are dropped and differences of the solution are used to estimates the derivatives that occur in the leading terms. A variable-order, variable-step method is controlled by a user parameter, say, £, which specifies the error tolerance. If the global error and local error were a smooth function of £, one could consider an asymptotic expansion in £ instead of h, but even if a code attempts to adjust parameters so that the local error is exactly equal to the desired multiple of £ at each step, the global error would still not be a reasonable function of £ because the switch from one order to another is a discrete process. In practice, codes do not achieve the desired local error exactly, but accept any step that appears to give an error no larger than desired. Furthermore, they tend to avoid too many changes to stepsize and order in the interest of efficiency, and this tends to make the global error an erratic function of £. As £ is reduced, the global error generated by the code should reduce. Ideally, the reduction should be - 19 - proportional, but this seems to be difficult if not impossible to achieve. See Stetter [24]. An alternative approach could be based on the effectiveness theory of Hull [17]. That is based on showing that a code satisfies the error requirements for any problem from a specified class of problems. However, this is not a trivial task, and it is not usually possible to verify that the problem lies within the given class. It is hard to see any promising directions for this problem. _3._3. Multirate methods A multirate method is a technique to handle each variable with a stepsize appropriate to its behavior. Thus, if the system of equations is dy i the i-th variable should be integrated using a stepsize function h (t). Each f must be capable of being evaluated separately because the t values at which one f must be evaluated may be different from the t values used for another. Since the f.'s depend on the y for other values of j, it is necessary to interpolate for the values of y at the values of t used as mesh points for y. but not for y . The cost of interpolation is non- negligible compared to the cost of an integration step (in fact, it is about the cost of a predictor step) . Hence, multirate methods can only be competitive if one of two conditions is true: either the cost of function evaluations must be very high or the dependency of one function f on other values of y must be sparse. Then there can be considerable savings. In the former case the savings can arise because the total number of f's evaluated will be reduced; in the latter case the savings can arise because - 20 - very few interpolations are needed. The latter case occurs when the ODE's arise from a method of lines treatment of PDE's. Even if the necessary conditions are met, there are many problems to be solved before the method is practical. The first concerns the errors produced by the interpolation process. While it is simple to show that a straightforward scheme has the appropriate order of convergence (see Gear [14]), it is necessary to derive estimation formulas for the errors created by each integration process so that the stepsizes can be controlled automatically. Perhaps the usual estimates of the derivatives will suffice, but there is a danger that interpolation errors from other components may interfere because these errors will have varying signs even over the space of a few steps since they depend on the relationship between the mesh used in one equation and that used in another. When we have error estimation formulas, we have to determine how to structure the software to overcome another serious problem, that of backup. Orailoglu [20], in his masters thesis, created an experimental implementation of a multirate method using a separate integrator for each equation. Each integrator was actually a form of DIFSUB. An "event driven" approach was used. The basic idea is to examine the estimated stepsizes for all equations, and to choose that equation (and corresponding variable) for integration which will progress to the earliest point in time. The variable is then integrated, and the estimated stepsize for the next step in that variable calculated. Each mesh point in each equation can be thought of as an "event" from a simulation viewpoint. The simulation proceeds by advancing to the next event to occur. The problem with this approach is that the stepsizes for subsequent steps can only be - 21 - estimated. If when the step is actually taken it turns out to be too large, it must be reduced. The difficulty arises when one variable is being integrated with a very small stepsize and another with a very large one that turns out too be much too large. For example, suppose that y and z are being integrated with stepsizes h and lOOh repectively. If they are both currently known at time 0, 99 or 100 integrations of y will be performed before one integration of z is attempted. When we attempt to integrate z and find that the estimated stepsize is much too large, we will reduce the stepsize and find ourselves trying to integrate z to a much earlier point in time than the current t value of y. Consequently, we will not have any values of y on which to base an interpolation for the evaluation of the derivative of z. This problem may not be as serious as the fact that y has been integrated using extrapolated values of z over an interval that is too large for an integration step. Since the error bound for interpolation or extrapolation has the same general form as the error bound for integration, there is a danger that the integration of y will have been contaminated with interpolation errors from z. Orailoglu tried various techniques to avoid this problem. One method was to use "pre- integration" where every step was done twice, with the first step used to get a better estimate of the stepsize. Even though this was expensive, the total number of function evaluations was still less than in a conventional method. (Here, a function evaluation is an evaluation of a single f .) Another mechanism was tried with some success . We monitored the coupling of errors from variable to variable by examining the Jacobian of the system. Unfortunately, this approach required knowledge of the Jacobian even for non-stiff systems. We were able to "predict" when an estimated stepsize had to be reduced by this technique, but the cost was high. We - 22 - have started to investigate a different approach based on the observation that the coupling from a rapidly varying component to a slowly varying component must be weak (or the latter would not be slowly varying) . Therefore, it may be possible to to integrate the slowly changing components over their large stepsizes first, their values at the end of the interval being relatively independent of the fast components. Then, the fast components can be integrated, using more accurate interpolation for the intermediate values of the slow components rather than extrapolation. The process looks like a top-down, successive refinement process because it can be implemented in the following way: (i) Initially, assume all variables are known at the same time value, say t = 0. (ii) Select the set of variables known at the earliest time. (Initially, this is the complete set.) Integrate these equations with the largest of the estimated stepsizes of any of the variables. (iii) Check the error of each variable individually. (iv) Reject the steps on the variables with large errors, and halve their suggested stepsizes. (v) Repeat the whole process from step (ii) • This technique performs a compound step whose length is the largest stepsize for which one equation can be integrated successfully. It does successive halving of other stepsizes, and reintegrates them until the stepsize is small enough. Although this may lead to many wasted steps, the fact that the binary subdivision reaches the stepsize in a logarithmic - 23 - number of subdivisions means that the number of failed steps never exceeds the number of successful steps. While 50% efficiency may seem poor, the name of the game is to reduce the number of integrations in the slow components to such an extent that we are ahead. When applied to equations arising from the method of lines, this approach automatically refines the mesh in regions of rapid transition. There are, however, many unanswered questions with this technique. For example, the choice of the outermost large step is critical, so a theory to guide its selection is needed. Error estimates are also critical. If an estimate is small for a particular variable, its step will not be subdivided further, even though subdivision of steps for other variables may cause so much change that the integration of the first variable was invalid. ^.^_. Low accuracy methods Current ODE methods are based on the concept of polynomial order. This matches the numerical solution to the true solution in an asymptotic sense. Unfortunately, for large stepsizes several problems arise. The first is that error estimates are unreliable because they also are based on asymptotic theory. The second is that the actual methods are inefficient and display poor stability properties. Low accuracy methods are needed in a number of applications, in particular, real-time simulation [15] and the time integration of PDEs. In real-time integration, one of the most important properties is the stability correspondence between the actual system and the numerical model because the simulation is frequently being done to test the "handling properties" of a proposed device. The method - 24 - should be stable or unstable as the actual device Is. The same characteristics are probably desirable for applications to PDEs . Since we are talking about a large stepsize, polynomial accuracy is probably not important. Some form of minimax approximation is more appropriate (as it is in approximation over an interval rather than in the neighborhood of a point). For example, if we consider the class of differential equations y' = x y where X is known to lie in some region D of the complex plane, we can find the Runge-Kutta or multistep method with a given number of stages or steps that gives the best approximation to the class of equations in the minimax sense. The approximation also depends on the stepsize h, so the actual maximum error depends on the stepsize. In fact, it can be seen that this dependency is monotonic, so the step can be chosen when the region D is given and the error tolerance is specified. The general approach would be to assume a form for the class of problems with some parameters. Formally, we would have a class of problems C(p) where the parameters p are assumed to lie in a region D of the parameter space. A class of methods M(h,a) would be considered, where a is a set of method coefficients, and h is the stepsize. For a given stepsize h, the coefficients should be picked to minimize the worst case error of the class of problems. Thus, if the error for problem C(p) using method M(h,a) is E(p,h,a), we would pick a for a given h to minimize the worst case error to get E(h) = min max E(p,h,a) a p in D The stepsize would be picked so that E(h) is sufficiently small, that is, - 25 - so that E(h) < e. An automatic program might function by estimating the regions in which the parameters lie, and using that information to reduce the region over which the minimax approximation is taken. The utility of an approach of this form is dependent on determining some simple approximations to the minimax solutions. Clearly one cannot hope to solve a complex minimization problem at each integration step! 4^. Conclusion This paper has surveyed a number of recent advances, many of which are very important, either offering major advances in the theory or suggesting ways of handling currently very difficult problems. It has also examined some problems that remain very challenging, and these are problems whose solution can have a significant impact on the solution of PDE problems. Some of these problems have appeared very recently, which suggests that there will continue to be new problems to solve in this field for some time, and that continued effort can reap worthwhile rewards. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Alfeld, P., Lambert, J. D. , Correction in the Dominant Space: A Numerical Technique for a Certain Class of Stiff Initial Value Problems, Math. Comp . , _31, # 140, pp 922-938, October, 1977. [2] Bickart, T., An Efficient Solution Process for Implicit Runge Kutta Methods, SIAM J. of Num. 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[10] Dahlquist, G. , G-Stability is Equivalent to A-Stability, BIT, _18, pp 384 - 401, 1978. [11] Dahlquist, G. , Some Properties of Linear Multistep and One-leg Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, in Working Papers for the 1979 SIGNUM Meeting on Numerical ODEs , ed. R. Skeel, Dept. of Computer Science Report # 963 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. pp 1-1 to 1-4. [12] Enright, W. H. , Improving the Efficiency of Matrix Operations in the Numerical Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations, ACM - 27 - Trans, on Math. Software, 4^ #2, pp 127 - 136, June 1978. [13] Enright, W. H., Kamel, M. S., Automatic Partitioning of Stiff Systems and Exploiting the Resulting Structure, in Working Papers for the 1979 SIGNUM Meeting on Numerical ODEs , ed. R. Skeel, Dept. of Computer Science Report # 963 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, pp 12-1 to 12-4. [14] Gear, C. 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Skeel, Dept. of Computer Science Report # 963 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, pp 10-1 to 10-6. [25] Wanner, G. , Hairer, E., and Norsett, S. P., Order Stars and Stability Theorems, BIT, J_8, pp 475 - 489, 1978. [26] Warming, B. F. , Beam, R. M. , Factored, A-Stable, Linear Multistep Methods - An Alternative to the Method of Lines for Mult id imens ions , in Working Papers for the 1979 SIGNUM Meeting on Numerical ODEs, ed. R. Skeel, Dept. of Computer Science Report # 963 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, pp 9-1 to 9-3. cu CO « o u •H n) ■U W ■u C ai e a, o H CU > cu Q cu u 3 M ■H Pn (O UJ -I CO O CC Q. o_ ui h- CO i UJ _J m < CC Q < Z > < CO O O I h- UJ tr UJ Q cc o X * Hi 01 5 UJ _l CD o CC Q. CO UJ _J < > Z UJ o UJ > < z o < 5 01 2 UJ _J m o CC CO CL 2 UJ UJ o O H z cc en < < >■ _J _l O C/1 ERY TIFF o > to CO 2 UJ _J m o tr a. CO O Z Z o a CO CO a O x »- UJ UJ I- < CC I- _l D 2 CO a o x H UJ S >- o < CC o o < o o CO en o CO w Q O en B rH O cu •u CO o n a CN \ \ ■> -^ -^ 01 ex o rH > c w CO OJ >-i 3 60 •H BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-79-983 3. Recipient's Accession No. 4. Title and Subtitle ODEs: Is there anything left to do? 5. Report Date October 1979 6. 7. Author(s) C. W. Gear 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. R-79-983 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois U-C Urbana, IL 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. US ENERGY/ EY-76-S-02-2383 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address U. S. Department of Energy Chicago Operations Office 9800 South Cass Avenue 13. Type of Report & Period Covered presented at SIAM Spring Mtg., June 1979 14. Argonna, IL 6Q/i39 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts Two decades ago many people thought that there was very little left to occupy the researcher in the numerical initial value problem for ordinary differential equations but there has since been an enormous increase in the effort devoted to this problem and related software. Is everything finally done so we can turn to more difficult areas? This paper examines the development of numerical solution techniques from the identification of a problem to the never-final preparation of automatic codes for the solution of classes of similar problems. It discusses a number of ODE problems that are only a part of the way along this path of development. These problems include ones with highly oscillatory solutions, ones with frequent discontinuities, and ones in which very little accuracy is needed (and which should be integrated at low cost). 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors ordinary differential equations numerical software 17b. Identifiers /Open-Ended Terms 17e. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement unlimited FORM NTIS-35 ( 10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 32 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 Form AEC-427 (6/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverie Side ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-2383-0061 2. TITLE ODEs: Is there anything left to do? 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): r%] a. Scientific and technical report I | b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): [">3 a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. ~2 b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. ] c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois U-C Urbana, IL 61801 ^ ^>S i *-- Date October 1979 y FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: Q a- AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. I~) b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. I I c. Patent clearance not required. JUN l 2 1980 FEB 2