HISTORICAL SOCIETY of QUINCY, ILLINOIS Organized and Incorporated 1896 REVISED RULES AND MEMBER- SHIP LIST, OCTOBER 22, 1908 'r 'Qt l n/ ®fft«ra, 10na. President — Cicero F. Perry. First Vice-President — Horace S. Brown. Second Vice-President — Joseph Robbins. Recording Secretary — ^Mrs. Anne J. Wood. Corresponding Secretary — Edward J. Parker. Treasurer — George M. Janes. Historiographer — Wm. H. Collins. Auditor — Chauncey H. Castle. Librarian — W. H. Gay. g>tan&ing Committm, 190B. Finance — Mrs. Elizabeth G. Parker, chairman; Mrs. Georgiana Berry, Henry Bornmann, W. S. Flack, W. H. Heid- breder, Fred G. Jansen, Miss Louise Maertz, Mrs. Rebecca K. Perry, Mrs. Frances G. Woodruff, Mrs. Sarah P. Winget. I House and Grounds — Horace S. Brown, chairman; W. S. Flack, George M. Janes, Mrs. Elizabeth G. Parker, Ernest M, Wood. Membership — Miss Louise Maertz, chairman; Edward A Rogers, Mrs. J. Philip Bert, Mrs. Rebecca K. Perry, Miss Anns Kordsiemon, Mrs. Lillian Drude Meyer, Miss Julia L. Sibley. Memorials — Ernest M. Wood, chairman; Miss Louist Maertz, Mrs. Elizabeth G. Parker. HISTORICAI^ BUII^DING Twelfth and State Streets. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/revisedrulesmembOOhist ARTICLE I. Name. This Society shall be known as the Historical Society of Quincy, Illinois. ARTICLE 11. Object. The object of this Society is to gather up all that relates to the history of Quincy and vicinity, perpetuate and preserve the Historical Building and its memorials and to provide a safe 1 place of deposit for all books, pictures, portraits, manuscripts, ^ relics and documents of every sort which illustrate this history. ARTICLE HI. t Membership. The membership of this Society shall be composed of four classes, to-wit: Active, Life, Corresponding, and Honorary. Any person of good moral character may become an active member of this Society upon such conditions as may be pre- scribed in the By-Laws. Any person elected to be an active member may, by the con- tribution of the sum of twenty-five dollars to the treasury of the ^Society for that purpose, become a life member, with all the privileges of an active member, and thenceforth shall be exempt from all annual dues. I Corresponding and Honorary members may be admitted to this Society upon such conditions as shall be prescribed in '' the By-Laws. ARTICLE IV. Officers. The regular officers of this Society shall be a President, : First and Second Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a 3 Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Librarian, a His- toriographer, and an AucLtor. »A11 the above-named officers shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting of the Society, and shall hold their respective offices for one year and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Vacancies occurring from any cause in any of the regular offices of this Society shall be filled by ballot at any regular meeting, notice of such' election having been given by the Sec- retary in calling the meeting at which such election shall take place. ARTICLE V. Board of Directors. The above-named officers shall constitute a Board of Directors. They shall hold, manage, administer and control all the money, property, effects, and affairs of the Society. They shall authorize the disbursement and expenditure of all money belonging to the Society, and no expenditure shall^ be made or ordered except upon their approval, — unless by vote of Society. They shall hold a regular meeting on the evening of the first Thursday following the first Sunday of each month, to act upon bills for fhe previous month and to transact any other business that may properly come before them. They shall also act as a' Committee on Donations, with power to accept or reject proposed gifts of books, pictures, or any material for the collection of the Society. They shall supervise the printing and distribution of all pub- lications issued by the Society, and nothing shall be published without their approval. They shall secure, if possible, original historical papers for each meeting of the Society. ARTICLE VI. Meetings. The annual meeting of the Society for the election of officers and the transaction of other business relating to the affairs of the Society shall be held on the second Tuesday of January in 4 each year, and the fiscal year of the Society shall begin with each such annual meeting. The regular meetings of the Society shall be held at such times and be conducted in such manner as shall be prescribed in the By-Laws. Special meetings and special business meetings may be called by the President, or, in case of his absence, by one of the Vice-Presidents, of which due notice shall be given at least one day beforehand. ARTICLE VII Quorums. Seven members, having the right to vote, shall constitute a quorum at the annual meetings of the Society. Five members, having the right to vote, shall constitute a quorum at other meetings of the Society, except as hereinafter otherwise provided. ARTICLE VIII. Amendments. This Constitution may be amended or altered or revised, either in whole or in part, by the vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at any regular meeting of the Society, or at any special business meeting; provided, however, that not fewer than seven members, having the right to vote, shall be present when such vote is taken ; and provided, further, that any pro- posed amendment, alteration, or revision shall have been sub- mitted at the last meeting previous to that at which the vote shall be taken. Sjj-ICatBB ARTICLE I. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors, and shall call such special meet- ings and special business meetings as he may deem necessary, or as he may in writing be requested to call by five members of the Society, and shall perform such other duties as usually devolve upon that office. ARTICLE 11. Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents, in the order of their election, shall per- form the duties of the President in the case of the absence of the President from the meetings of the Society or from Quincy. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents any active member of the Society may be elected to perform the duties of the President. ARTICLE III. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all the meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors, which record shall be duly signed by that officer and read at the suc- ceeding meeting for information and revision; shall have charge of the seal, charter, certificates and records of the Society; issue notices of meetings and notify all new members of their elec- tion ; receive all moneys due to the Society, keep a correct de- tailed account thereof in suitable books and pay such moneys to the Treasurer, taking receipts therefor; summarize the year’s work for the Society at the annual meeting and perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of secretary and for the due performance of these duties shall receive such compen- sation as may be decided upon by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE IV. Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall perform all such duties as usually belong to that office. All written communications relating to the Society and its work which may be received by him shall be duly preserved and deposited with the collections of the Society, and a report of the same shall be made by him at the next meeting of the Society. ARTICLE V. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive from the Secretary, receipt therefor and have charge of the funds of the Society, and pay the same out only on orders duly authorized by the Society or the Board of Directors, and signed by the President and Sec- retary. He shall keep regular and faithful accounts in proper books of the Society of all money and securities of the Society that may come into his hands, and of all receipts and ex- penditures connected with the same. He shall present to the Society at its annual meeting a full and accurate report thereof, duly itemized and audited. He shall, at all times, keep his accounts, books, and papers open to the inspection of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI. Librarian. The librarian shall have charge of the library and cabinet, including all manuscripts, papers and documents of the society ; shall prepare a suitable catalogue of the same, and have all papers and manuscripts properly numbered, filed or arranged for security and convenient reference ; shall keep an account of all books taken from the library by the members, or by any person specially authorized to do so by the Society, and by whom taken and mark their return. The librarian shall allow no manuscripts to be taken from his custody, or copies of the 8 same to be made, or articles to be removed from the cabinet, or elsewhere, without express permission from the Board of Direc- tors. The librarian shall keep a record of all donations, in a book for that purpose, giving date of donations, how received, name and residence of donor, full description of books, pictures, manuscripts, pamphlets, antiquities, relics, etc., etc., presented, and the acknowledgment made the donor; shall provide for the full security of all books and collections belonging to the Society, by reporting, as occasion may reciuire, their condition, and shall recommend such steps as the librarian shall deem necessary for ' their perfect preservation. The librarian shall make an annual report in writing to the Society of all dona- tions and the general condition of the collection, cabinet and library. The librarian shall receive for his services a com- pensation which shall be fixed by vote of the Society. ARTICLE VII. Historiographer. The Historiographer shall perform all the duties that are usuall}^ performed by that officer. He shall preserve suitable biographical sketches of de- ceased members in a book kept for that purpose. ARTICLE VIII. Auditor. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to check and prove the respective reports of the Recording Secretary and the Treas- urer before they are submitted to the annual meeting of the Societ}^ It shall be the duty of the Auditor to perform such other w'ork of a similar nature as may be required by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE IX. Board of Directors. d'he Board of Directors may fix their own quorum and adopt such other rules for their own action, not in conflict with 9 the Constitution and By-Laws, as they may find most con- venient or necessary. article X. • Meetings. The regular meetings of this Society shall be held at the Historical building on the second Tuesday evening of January, April, and October — at the hour of eight o’clock, and the Janu- ary meeting shall be the annual meeting. The exercises of the regular and special meetings of the Society shall be under the direction of the Board of Directors, and shall be in general conformity with the objects of the Society. ARTICLE XL Admission of Members. Any person recommended by the Membership Committee through its chairman may become an active member of the Society upon the approval, by ballot, of a majority of the mem- bers present at any regular or special meeting. Corresponding members, not residents of Adams county, and Honorary members may be elected upon the same con- ditions as active members. Such members shall have the right to attend any of the meetings of the Society, and to partici- pate in any scientific or historical discussion, but they shall not vote nor hold office, and they shall be exempt from all dues or assessments. ARTICLE XH. Dues. The annual assessment payable by every active member, not a life member, shall be one dollar, falling due on the first day of January. Any active member who shall fail to pay the regular as- sessment before the annual meeting next succeeding shall for- feit his membership, if it be so determined by the Board of Directors, to whom all such cases of delinquency shall be re- ferred. Provided, however, that such delinquent member shall 10 he notified before the matter is reported to the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XIII. Bonds. The Secretary and Treasurer shall each annually file with the President an official bond, in such penal sum as may be prescribed, and in such surety company as may be approved by the Board of Directors, conditioned that they will faithfully dis- charge the duties of their respective offices as prescribed in these By-Laws and at the end of their respective terms, or sooner if lawfully required so to do, pay over and transfer to their respective successors in office all funds, securities, books, records, vouchers or property belonging to the Society which shall have come into their keeping; the expense of such bond to be paid by the Society. article XIV. Memorials. Subject to approval by the Society, any person or persons may, on payment of one hundred dollars cash in advance to the Society, have the name of any pioneer of Quincy, or of any other part of Adams county, Illinois, or the name of any prominent and respected citizen of said county, inscribed on the Memorial Panel, tablet or other design, to be erected in the Historical building. ARTICLE XV, Standing Committees. At the annual meeting the President shall appoint Standing Committees on the following subjects; viz.: Finance; House and Grounds; Memorials; Membership. Each committee to consist of five members, who shall serve for one year, or until their successors are appointed. ARTICLE XVI. Suspension and Amendment. These By-Laws, in whole or in part, may be suspended by a two-thirds vote during any meeting of the Society. These By-Laws may be amended on the same conditions as prescribed for amending the Constitution. 11 ®rJipr of SwHtttPHfl. 1. Reading' the minutes of the last preceding meeting. 2. Reports of Officers. 3. Reports of Committees. 4. Donations. 5. Correspondence. 6. Election of Officers. 7. Election of New Members. 8. Unfinished Business. 9. New Business. Miscellaneous. 10 . (Hlfp ^oriPtg’H 1000 - 1008 . President. Lorenzo Bull 1896-1905 C. F. Perry 1906-1908 First Vice-President. James Woodruff 1896-1897 E. B. Hamilton ! 1898-1903 C. F. Perry 1904-1905 Horace S. Brown .1906-1908 Second Vice-President. E. B. Hamilton 1896-1897 James Woodruff' 1898-1905 J. B. Shawgo 1906-1907 Joseph Robbins 1908 Recording Secretary. T. M. Rogers 1896-1898 Wm. A. Richardson 1899-1900 Louise Maertz 1901-1904 Henry Bornmann 1905 Louise Maertz 1906-1907 Anne Jarrett Wood 1908 Corresponding Secretary. S. H. Emery, Jr 1896-1905 Joseph Robbins 1906-1907 E. J. Parker 1908 Treasurer. Edward C. Wells 1896-1903 George M. Janes 1904-1908 Auditor. Chauncey H. Castle 1896-1908 Librarian. J. G. Moulton 1896 Elizabeth B. Wales 1899-1903 Constance E. Ellis 1904-1908 W. H. Gay 1908 Historiographer. William H. Collins 1896-1908 mptttbpra of tijf I|t2!t0nral ^oriPtg of ((^utnrg. Achelpohl, Chas. H. Adams, James E. Adams, Sallie T. Adams, Ethel. Adams, Effie A. Adams, Josephine. Adams, Mary S. Allen, Victoria. Allen, Edward P. Allard, C. H. Alexander, Katherine. Awerkamp, Bernard. Anderson, W. S. M. Babcock, Cornelia. Baker, Isabel. Bagby, Chas. H. Bagby, Ida P. Baker, Hester, J. Baker, Wm. H. Ball, Elizabeth B. Barr, E. C. Barker, Effa. Barbour, Sarah. Barlow, Joseph C. Bastert, J. Henry. Bauman, Louisa. Bauman, Gustave A. Beatty, Sarah H. Beckwith, Emily. Beckwith, Emma. Behrens, Aldo F. Behrens, Anna C. Behrensmeyer, C. F. A., Jr. Behrensmeyer, George P. Berger, Louis H. Berghofer, Wm. Bernard, Helen E. *Bert, Fannie S. Bert, John L. Bert, Mary E. Berry, Georgia, H. Best, John H. Best, Sophia. Best, Alberta. Best, Florence. Best, Wm. D. Best, Myrtle G. Best, Mary C. Bierne, Henry P. Binkert, Anton. Binkert, Helen. Blakeslee, Elizabeth M. Blank, Chas. A. Blank, Mary E. Blatchford, E. W., Chicago. Blomer, John G. Boswell, Lewis B. Boswell, Nora R. Bourne, Walter W. Bourne, Augusta A. Bornmann, Henry. Botsford, E. M. Bradford, E. F. Bradford, Emily M. Brackensiek, W. H. Breitstatt, Elsie Ellen. Brennan, Rev. John P. Broemmel, Bernard A. Brockschmdt, Alfred J. Brooker, Annie Ralph. Bragg, Sylvanus I. Bragg, Mina. Brown, Horace S. Brown, Katherine Holland. Brown, John H. Brown, Sarah N. Brown, James N. Brown, James M. Brown, Thomas A. Bryant, Martha A. Bunting, John A. Bunting Fannie M. Bunting, Chas. De Kraft. *Bull, Mary B. Bull, Charles H. Burnian, Amelia. Burman, Wm. G. Burrows, Thomas. Busby, Myrtle S. Buerkin, Joseph. Cadogan, Katherine. Cady, O. H. Calkins, Addison N. Calkins, Anna. Calkins, Ira R. Calkins, Sue. * Castle, Chauncey H. * Castle, Mary E. * Castle, Timothy Parker. Castle, Edith H. Castle, George. Castle Margaret B. 15 Channon, H. O. ■iDhannon, Lida M. Chatten, Enoch. Chatten, Harvey. Chase^ A. L. Chase, Abigail W. Christ, Philip. Christ, Emma. Clarke, Thos. J. Coffield, Harry. Collins, Wm. H. Collins, Emily. Comstock, Charles G. Cover, Dennis F. Cover, May. Cox, Loren C. Crisv/ell, Minnie. Cyrus, Emma A. Cruttenden, J. S. Cruttenden, Sarah Christie, Addie. Cober, Carrie. Crockett, Mae. Cottrell, Charles. Davis, Eward C., La Plata, Mo Davis, G. H., Carrollton, 111. Davidson, Emil. Davidson, Laura. Dayton, Ella Kibbe. Dazey, Chas. T. Daugherty, J. F. Daugherty, Louisa F. DeGroot, W. H. Dick, Margaret. Dick, Emma. Dickson, Maude W. Dick, Anna L. Dickinson, Marietta. Dingledein, George. Donaldson, Amanda J. Dorkenwald, Anna. Dunn, Thos. T., Carthage, 111. Dunn, Sadie, Carthage, 111. Dunn, Susan I. Dunlap, Mary. Durant, Augustus M. Durant, Richard. Durant, Karl. Ebert, Charles E. Edwards, Margaretha. Ellis, William L. Ellis, Alfred S. Ellis, Constance E. *Ellis, Anna M. Ellis, Rose. Emery, .Joseph W. Emmons, Lawrence E. Emmons, Eliza H. Emmons, Eva D. Epler, Carl E. Ericson, Charles E. Ertel, Elizabeth. Everett, Flora. Everett, Mary C. Evers, Marion E. Evers, Mollie. Felt, Lulu M. Fick, Wm. C. Fick, Lizetta E. Fick, .John E. Fisk, Jane. Fischer, George. Flack, William S. Flachs, Henry D. Flachs, Anna M. Flynn, Mary E. Fry, Hervey A. Fry, Maud. Flaisig, J. Edward. Gabriel, George. Gardner, J. Will. Gardner, Helen. Gardner, P. Herbert. Gardner, Bella. Garner, J. Frank. Garner, Cora. *Gatchell, Rosetta. Gay, yyilliam H. Geise, Martin. Genteman, Herman. Genteman, Minnie. Gerry, Margaret. Germann, Malinda. Gearhart, Anna. Gill, George C. Glenn, Adeline. Glenn, Emily. Glindemann. I^ouisa. Gordon, O. B. Gordon, Harriet B. Govert, Rosa. Govert, Agnes A. Grant, John G. Green, George. Gross, Gottfried. Guinan, .John. Guinan, Aimee F. Gunther, Robert C. Grieser, Hattie. Hancock, Frederick Tj. Hackman, Richard E. Hackman, Minnie F. Haggas, Lillian. Hagermann, Wm. H. Halbach, Frederica. 16 Halligan, J. E. Hamilton, Mary E. Hart, Henry. Heaney, Etta M. Heidbreder, August. Heintz, George F. Heitz, Elizabeth. Heitland, John H. Henion, Louise M. Hearn, Campbell S. Heuer, Helen. Hill, Cecelia. Hill, Henry Root. Hill, Agnes Heidrich. Hinton, N. J. Hoffman, Wm. H. Hollister, Eaward E. Hollister, Bessie. Hapke, Ada B. Hofer, Henry F. Hover, Propina. Hubert, Chas. F., Fowler, 111. Hubert, Mrs. C. F., Fowler, 111 Hubbard, Stephen A. Huck, Oscar P. Hynes, P. B. Inghram, Mary R. Inghram, Lillian Brown. Irwin, Grant. Irwin, Lois. Jackson, George M. *Janes, George M. Janes, Lina B. Jansen, Adelaide. Jansen, Frederick G. Jansen, Amanda. Jarrett, Anna M. Jarrett, Talittia D. Jonas, Edward, New Orleans. Joseph, Martin. Johnston, Otis. Johnston, Maude H. Kanouse, R. E. Kenney, Margaret, Chicago. Kendall, William E. Kespohl, Julius, Kespohl, Fredericka. Kespohl, Julius, Jr. Kimball, Annette P. King, Hugh E. Kipp, William. Kircher, Frank J. Kingsbury, Sarah A. Klipstein, Henry G. Klein, Christian. Klein, May. Klarner, Regina. Knapheide, W. S. Knapheide, Mary E. Kraber, Charles L. Krietemeyer, Emil W. Krietemeyer, Lena. Kreitz, Stella. Konantz, Wm. H. Konantz, Charles Frank. Koch, Charles L. Koch, John A. Kohl, Nicholas, Jr. Kordsiemon, Anna. Knuf, Benjamin. Kespohl, Anna B. Kespohl, Emma. Kurk, Herman. *Laage, Geo. F. Lambert, Martha I. Langdon, Kate. Lange, August C. Landcraft, Sidney P. Landcraft, Marion E. Lancaster, W. Emery. Leachman, Perley. Lesem, Rebecca. Lewis, J. M. Lewis, Julia A, Lewis, Ella. Lewis, Ceylon Smith. Lewis, Lee R. Leitch, Henry. Leitch, Anna. Levi, Edward T. Little, J. R. Liesen, Anna. Linnemeyer, Clara. Linton, Joseph J. Lockwood, W. R. Lockwood, Dora R. Maertz. Loomis, Myra A. Lubbe, Katherine. Lubbe, Prances. Lubbe, Herman J. Lubbe, Cora A. Lubbe, Joseph H. Lubbe, Emma H. Lyford, George H. Macfall, Kate. McAdams, George. McAdams, Blanche K. McAdams, John. McAdams, Mamie. Mcann, P. M. McCann, Mary. McCann, J. W. McCoy, Blatchford A. McCoy, Eva E. McClure, Edward W. McCrory, Chas. B. 17 McFadon, Alice Bull. McKeever, Mollie. McKnight, Elizabeth. McMein, Lydia Warfield. McMein, George B. McQuary, Emma. *Maertz, Louise. Malley, Bertha E. Meyer, Chas. Henry. Meyer, John H. Meyer, Lillian D. Meyer, Jonas. Meyer, Josephine. Merssman, George H. Meisser, Sarah. Mikesell, John P. Miller, Eugene. Miller, George F. Miller, M. Lizetta. Miller, Benjamin H. Miller, Harriet. Miller, Helen M. Mills, Ella. Moller, Frederick E. Moller, Maude B. Montgomery, Edmund B Montgomery, Robert. Montgomery, Catherine. Moore, Alice Rogers. Moore, Katherine F. B. Mohrenstecher, Otto A. Mohrenstecher, Anna K. Monroe, E. N. Monroe, Flora A. Moshage, August G. Moshage, Mary. Morris, Thos. Musselman, Mary. Newcomb, Anna M. Nichols, F. E. Nichols, Ollie A. Nichols, Charles T. Noll, Alice. Obert, Amelia. Oenning, Elizabeth. Oertle, Joseph, Jr. Osborn, Frank W. Osborn, E. Halsey. Orr, Mary C. O’Neil, Charles. * Parker, Edward J. ♦Parker, Elizabeth G. Pape, Theodore B. Parkhurst, Calphernia. Peabody, Anna M. Pease, Nathaniel. Pease, Emily F. Pease, Gertrude S. Penfield, Fannie H. Perry, Cicero F. ♦Perry, Rebecca K. Pfeiffer, Christina. Pieper, John M. Pieper, Henry J. Piggott, Fannie. Pittman, Pauline. Pitney, Lydia. Poling, Theo. C Poling, Ella A. Poling, Otho C. Poling, Mary H. Poling, Chester. Potter, Alicia. Potter, Nellie. Powers, Emma Mary. Prince, Virginia M. Putnam, Fannie L. Putman, Sarah Stone. Randall, Ella. Rankin, Philomela. Reed, Prances. Reynolds, Charles T. Redmond, Thomas. Reder, Ella, St. Louis, Mo, Rice, J. H. Rice, Mary. Richardson, Wm. A. Ricker, H. P. J. Ricker, Katie C. Riggs, Harvey G. Riggs, Agnes. Ringier, Margaret. Roberts, Anne. Robbins, Louisa M. Rodefeld, H. H. Robbins, Joseph. Robbins, Julia D. Rogers, Edward A. Rogers, Elenore P. Rogers, Ella. Rogers, Anna Nance. Rose, Leria. Rotert, Amelia. Rooney, Abigail Fox. Rochester, Robert A. Rochester, Mollie A. Rosenheim, Chas. M. Ruff, Wm. J. Ruff, Bertha A. Ryan, Helen. Savage, Ben S. Schauf, Sarah E. Schermerhorn, F. D. Schlagenhauf, Wm. Schroeder, H. H. Schroer, Duke. Schroer, Mary E. 18 Schullian. O. F. Schott, J. B. Schott, Adolphine. Schachtsiek, Clara. Shontze, David I. ' Shontze, Edith N. Schultheis, Amelia P. Schultheis, Nellie V. Seger, Mary E. Seeley, George H. Seeley, Emily. Selby, Mary G. Selleck, Elizabeth C. Shawgo, J. B. Sholl, Mary E. Shurtleff, Carrie Woodruff. Sibley, Maria E. * Sibley, Julia. Simon, Emma A. Sinnock, J. W. Sinnock, Fannie. * Sinnock, Elizabeth. Smith, Cornelia. * Smith, Frances D. Smith, Fred R. Smith, Edith. Smith, Mamie. Sohm, Edward. Sohm, Mary B. Somerville, William. Somerville, Mary. Soule, Mrs. C. E., St. Albans, Vermont. Sonnett, Frank. Sonnett, Christina. Sprague, W. T. Sprague, Addie M. Sprague, Elizabeth. Starkey, Belle. Starman, George. Stahl, Mary. Steiner, David D. Steiner, Emma I. Steinwedell, William. Stern, David. Stern, Miriam. Stone, Abraham T. Stone, Elbridge K. Stone, Cora E. Stewart, Ellen. Stewart, Ida. Stewart, Rev. William. Sullivan, Mary R. Summers, Mary J. Summers, Lucia. Swimmer, Lena. Swimmer, Louise M. Swope, Homer Milton. Taylor, Emily D. Taylor, Fred P. Taylor, E. J. Tenk, Frank J. Tenk, Adelaide. Treat, Emma. Tuttle, Augusta. Turner, Lucretia.. Turner, Adeline. Turner, Sallie. Turner, Lillian. Utter, Adelaide. Van, Abigail. Van Frank, Abigail. Vandeventer, Annie. Vasen, Benjamin G. Van Tuyl, Corey A. Walton, Henry P. Walton, Sarah E. ' Wallace, Joanna Rice.- Waiker, Eleanor Rice> Walker, James F. Walker, Daisy. Wall, Edmund. Wall, Leonore. Wall, John E. Wall, Isabelle P. Wall, J. Will. Wall, Mary M. Ward, Thaddeus W. Wells, George. Wells, Edward Castle. Weems, Frank H. Weems, Mary Palmer. Webber, Frank B. Wendling, M. F. Wendling, Fannie A. Werner, A. W. Wehmeyer, Meyer. Wessels, John J. * Wheeler, Mary C. Wheeler, Clara. Wheeler, Oliver J. Whiteside, Frank A. Whipple, Henry L. Whipple, Alice C. Wilcox, David F. * Williams, Joel G. Williams, John. Williams, Ethel. Williams, Sallie R. Williams, W. W. Williams, Elizabeth Rice.. Williams, M. Emma. Williamson, Henry A. Williamson, Chas. H. Wilson, Henry. Wilson, Clara. 19 Winget, Sarah E. Wlood, Daniel C. Wood, Mary Skinner. Wbod, John, Jr. Wood, Edith J. Wood, Ernest M. Wood, Clara. Wood, Frank S. Wood, Anne J. Woods, Anna Shepherd. Woods, Samuel. Woodruff, Theresa. ^Life Members. Woodruff, Frances E. ♦Woodruff, Thomas T. Woodruff, Wm. H. Woodruff, Anna H. Worden, Clara A. Wurst, Charles H. Wurst, Lillie. Zimmerman, Aldo. Zimmerman, Catherine F. Zurhonsen, Rev. A. 20 Jfor iWemorial ^anel. Below is a list of names thus far specified for the Memorial Panel in the Historical Building, in accord- ance with Article XIV. of the By-Laws. This list is only partial : William J. Barbour. F. W. Menke. Robert S. Benneson. John W. McFadon. Willis Blakeslee. George A. Miller. Stephen Booth. John Livingston Moore. O. H. Browning. Clement Nance. ' Lforenzo Bull. Richard F. Newcomb. Charles H. Bull. Charles S. Nichols. N. Bushnell. Jonathan Parkhurst. , Timothy Castle. H. F. J. Ricker. Enoch Comstock. Timothy Rogers. Gorham J. Cottrell. Thaddeus M. Rogers. James R. Dayton. Joseph Sibley. Jacob Dick. James W. Singleton. Samuel Hopkins Emery, D. D. E. K. Stone. S. H. Emery, Jr. Harris Swimmer. Robert W. Gardner. Henry Tenk. Amos Green. J. H. Tenk. Frederick W. Jansen. H. A. Williamson. Daniel E. Lynds. Isaac 0. Woodruff. Charles A. Maertz. Daniel C. Wood. Iln iipmomm. James Arthur. William B. Corbyn. Lorenzo Bull. Rev. S. Hopkins, Emery, D. D. Gorham J. Cottrell. Samuel H. Emery, Jr. ■ Robert W. Gardner. John G. Glenn. H Amos Green. Elisha Bentley Hamilton. 1 Henry W. Kendall. Persis Kimball. Isaac Lesem. Raphael E. Letton. Thomas W. Macfall. Anna C. McFadon. James D. Morgan. Richard F. Newcomb. Jonathan Parkhurst. Thomas Pope. Benjamin M. Prentice. Henry F. J. Ricker. Thaddeus M. Rogers. Michael Rooney. Elbridge K. Stone. Mrs. John Tillson. Henry Asbury. James Woodruff. 1 ^