v' ot m - Hb r «py LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION First Supplement TO THE CATALOG OF THE Free Public Library OF TOPEKA, KANSAS. 1880-86. -V* FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOG OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF TOPEKA, KANSAS, CONTAINING Entries for all books added to the Library from 1 Janu- ary 1880 to 1 January 1887, including the accession numbers 4120-6826. 1 JANUARY, 1887. TOPEKA, KANSAS: THE GEO. W. CRANE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1888. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Preface 3 • System of classification 6 Directions 8 Abbreviations 8 Classified catalog 9 Series list 57 Author index 61 Periodicals 87 ( 2 ) PREFACE. \J IS- C'S This catalog was prepared as a supplement to that published in May, 1880, and con- tains the titles of all books added to the Library from 1 January, 1880, to 1 January, 1887, except those that have since been worn out or lost. The accession numbers of these books are 4120 to 6826, inclusive. A manuscript catalog had been prepared, on the plan of that of 1880, by several, individuals who had devoted to it such time as they could spare from their regular employment. This had been arranged and partly revised, and was turned over to the present Librarian when he took charge of the Library. He supposed that it could be copied and given to the printer at once ; but he soon found that it would be necessary to compare all the entries with the books on the shelves. As he proceeded with this work he became aware of the peculiar difficulties attending the preparation of a satisfactory catalog of this Library, and the present catalog was prepared on a plan that gradually developed as the work progressed, and is therefore inconsistent and very faulty in some particulars. The principal difficulty arose from the fact that the books are arranged on the shelves and must be called for by author and title, as they have no call-numbers. This fact made a short call-title very desirable; but a comparatively full entry for each book was neces- sary, as there was no card catalog to be consulted, and readers could not be permitted to go to the shelves owing to the danger of confusion. The plan on which the manuscript catalog had been prepared was abandoned because it was thought a full entry would be more useful to one who was seeking books on a special topic than to one desiring books by a given author. The plan finally adopted was to prepare a classified catalog of all the books, with en- tries as full as seemed desirable to show the scope and character of the book, and to pro- vide an author index for this which should give the full name of every author, compiler, editor, or translator mentioned in the classified catalog. Considerable effort w r as made to ascertain the full and correct name of every one mentioned ; but this was not always pos- sible, with the limited resources of the Library. In the index a very brief call-title is given, which is printed in italics in the classified catalog. This is intended to be used on the book-lists and in calling for books. A series list is also given to show what works in each series mentioned are to be found in the Library. ( 3 ) PREFACE. Abbreviations have been freely used where their meaning would be evident to the gen- eral reader, and a full list of these, with their meaning in this catalog, is given on page 8. What are known as the “colon abbreviations” for Christian names, as recommended by the American Library Association, are used for the English form of the name only. The French and German forms are printed in full. By this means a single letter, with a colon instead of a period, is made equivalent to the most common name beginning with that letter. W: stands for William, J: for John, H: for Henry, C: for Charles, S: for Samuel, G: for George, etc. The name of the author by which the book is arranged and should be called for is printed in antique type wherever found. The maiden name of a married woman, or the initial standing for the same, is always inclosed in brackets whenever it is known to be such. The name of the series in which the book was printed is inclosed in parentheses. The date of the last copyright or of the preface is given, when known, except in classes 16 and 17 (and subdivisions). The dates given in the entries of works translated from foreign languages are the dates of the translations. The approximate date of publication is some- times given with “ Abt ” The date of publication as indicated by the title page is given in parentheses when the date of issue is not known. The period covered by the work is given in brackets. In class 32b, the years of the birth and death of each subject of biog- raphy are given in brackets immediately after the name of the subject, when known. An interrogation point shows that the correctness of the date is doubted. Blank space in place of either date indicates that the date could not be ascertained or that the party is still living. In the classified catalog the entries in each class are arranged by the names of the au- thors, except in classes 16, 17 (and subdivisions), and 32b. The entries in “Prose Fiction” (class 16), and in “Juvenile Literature” (class 17, and subdivisions), are arranged by titles. The articles and the word “ history”, however, are disregarded in the arrangement. In “ Indi- vidual Lives” (class 32b), the entries are arranged by subjects. Cross references are not made for pseudonyms that do not appear on the title-page. Cross references refer to the author index or to other entries in the same class, unless the class number is given, in which case the reference is to the classified catalog and to the class mentioned ; but when more than one reference is made to the same class under the same heading, the class number is not repeated for each cross reference. Anonymous works are entered only in the classified catalog. Correspondence is to be found in class 32 with biographies. Where the name of the subject of the biography is the only title given on the title-page of the book, this is not repeated in the entry ; but it should be used as the call-title in preparing lists of books wanted. The vernacular form of an author’s name is used when known ; but it was not possible to ascertain this in many instances, and in others authorities differ in regard to it. It was thought best not to attempt any revision of the classification, as this would de- lay the publication of the catalog and involve a large increase in the labor of preparation. (4) PREFACE. Even the most obvious errors were allowed to stand, as it would be difficult to draw the line if any changes were to be made. It is hoped that the card catalog, which is to be pre- pared, will partly remedy these defects. Any one finding an error of any sort in this supplement will confer a favor upon the Librarian by reporting the same to him. Additional information in regard to anonyms, pseudonyms, full names of authors, dates of publication, etc., will be highly appreciated. The Librarian takes pleasure in acknowledging his obligation to Mr. William E. Foster, Librarian of the Providence (R. I.) Public Library, and several individuals who have kindly assisted him in ascertaining the full name or the correct form of the name of many of the authors mentioned herein. Grateful acknowledgment is also made to the Nevins family, and to Mrs. J. B. Crocker, Librarian of the Nevins Memorial Library ( Methuen, Mass.), for the gift of the valuable catalog of that library, which has been the principal authority consulted in the preparation of this supplement. The table of Abbre- viations and the Series List were compiled from the catalog while in manuscript by Miss Fanny C. Rodgers. OLIN S. DAVIS, Librarian. Topeka, Kansas, 9 August, 1888. ( 5 ) SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION, MAIN DIVISIONS. SCIENCE . ART . HISTORY . APPENDIX Philosophy. Theology. Superstition. j Jurisprudence. Social and Political Sciences , -1 f 0LITICS ' j Social Science. I Philology. f Mathematics. Physics. Natural Sciences and Useful Arts , -J Natural History. I Medicine. L Useful Arts. f Fine Arts. j Poetry. -j Prose Fiction. j Juveniles. I Literary Miscellany. . f Geography and Travels. ■{ Civil History. [ Biography. Cyclopaedias. Periodicals. Public Documents. Catalogs. CLASSES AND SUB-CLASSES. class. SCIENCE. page. 1. Philosophy 9 2. Theology. 9 3. Superstition, Magic, Delusions, etc.. 10 4. Jurisprudence. 5. Politics... 10 6. Social Science 10 a. Political Economy 11 b . Education 11 7. Philology 11 (Grammar and Dictionaries.) 8. Natural Sciences 12 ( 6 ) CLASS. PAGE. 9. Mathematics, Engineering, Naviga- tion, etc. 10. Physics, Natural Philosophy, Chem- istry, Astronomy, etc 12 11. Natural History 12 a. Physical Geography 12 b . Meteorology 12 c. Geology and Mineralogy 12 d . Botany 12 e. Zoology 13 /. Ethnology 13 SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION. CLASS. PAGE. 12. Medicine, covering Anatomy, Physi- ology, Hygiene, Exercises and Rec- reations, Veterinary Art, etc 13 13. Useful Arts 14 a. Military and Naval Arts. b. Mechanic Arts and Trades. c. Commercial Arts, etc 14 d. Productive Arts, Mining, Metal- lurgy, Agriculture, etc 14 e. Preparation of food, etc 14 ART. 14. Fine Arts, Architecture, Painting, Music, etc 15 15. Poetry 16 a. Drama 16 16. Prose Fiction 17 17. Juvenile Literature 25 a. Travels 25 b. Histories..... 25 c. Biographies 26 d. Scientific 26 e. Religious 26 /. Poetry 26 g. Fiction 26 L8. Literary Miscellany 29 а. Fables, Anecdotes, Facetiae, etc... 31 б. Rhetoric and Elocution 31 c. Orations and Speeches 31 d. Essays and Criticism 31 e. Collective Literary Works 32 j. Literary History 33 CLASS. HISTORY. PAGE. 19. Geography. 20. Voyages 33 21. Travels in America 33 22. Travels in Europe 34 23. Travels in Asia 35 24. Travels in Africa 35 25. Travels in Several Quarters 36 26. Civil History (Collections and Com- pends) 36 27. Ancient History 36 28. American History 36 29. History of Modern Europe 37 30. History of Asia 38 31. Historical Miscellany 38 32. Biography and Correspondence 38 a. Collected Lives, Anecdotes, &c... 3S b. Individual Lives 39 APPENDIX. 34. Cyclopaedias and Collections 55 35. Periodicals (bound volumes) 55 36. Public Documents 56 37. Catalogs and Library Reports 56 DIRECTIONS In calling for books or preparing lists of books wanted, give the author as indicated by antique type, and the brief call-title used in the author index or printed in italics in the classified catalog, and also, in every case, the class number. Anonymous books should be called for by the short call-title only. In class 32b give the subject of the biography as the title, except in cross references where the author, title and class num- ber follow, or may be found in the entry to which the reference is made. Underscore titles of books that are specially desired, and these will be sought for you first. The books wanted cannot be found, in most instances, unless these directions are closely followed. A small pamphlet containing the rules and regulations of the library can be obtained by applying for the same at the loan desk. Ignorance of the rules excuses no one. ABBREVIATIONS. &c and so forth. ( corrected. A America. I corrections. A: Augustus. Abraham. Ctte.... Charlotte. Ab D: David. abt about. Dan .... Daniel. add additions. Dec December. Alb Albert. dept... department. Alex Alexander. Dr Doctor. Alf Alfred. E: Edward. / America. ( edited. Am ed edition. I American. (editor. And Andrew. Edg Edgar. Ant Anthony. Edm... Edmund. app appendix. Edn.... Edwin. arr arranged. eds editors. Art Arthur. Eliz Elizabeth. Aug August. embr... embracing. aug augmented. Eng.... English. B: Benjamin. enl enlarged. biog f biographical. Ern Ernest. -< biographies. etc and so forth. (.biography. Eug Eugene. Bro Brother. F: Frederick. C: Charles. Caroline. Fes Fs Frances. Francis. Caro Cath Catherine. G:. George. Chris.... Christopher. Gen General. comp.... f compiled. H: Henry. I compiler. Ha Hannah. hist history. Hor Horace. I: Isaac. il illustrated. incl including. Inter. .. International. in trod. introduction. J: John. Ja James. Jac Jacob. Jos Joseph. J* r junior. K: Karl. L: Lewis. Leis Leisure. Ma Mary. Marg... Margaret. Mme... Madame. Mr Mister. Mrs Mistress. N: Nicholas. 0 Ohio. 0: Otto. 01 Oliver. P: Peter. Ph Philip. PP pages. pseud .. pseudonym. Pt part. pub f published. 1 publisher. R: Richard. Reb Rebecca. Rev Reverend. rev f revised. Rob \ reviser. Robert. S: Samuel. Sa Sarah. sci scientific. Seb Sebastian. sel selected. ser series. St Saint. Ste Stephen. T : Thomas. Thdr. .. Theodore. Tim. ... Timothy. tr f translated. \ translator. U. S.... United States. Y: Victor. v ( von. ■1 volume. vol ( volumes, volume. W: William. Wa Walter. ( 8 ) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. SCIENCE. Class 1. PHILOSOPHY. Bain, A. Logic: deductive and inductive. (1874). Mental science; a compendium of psychol- ogy, and the history of philosophy. 1868. Moral science : a compendium of ethics. 1869. Blavatsky, H. P. Isis unveiled: a master- key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. 1877. Contents: Yol. 1. Science. 2. Theology. Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith. [1723-90]. (Eng. philosophers). 1880. Gray, A. Natural science and religion: two lectures. 1880. Hamilton, E: J: Human mind, The: a trea- tise in mental philosophy. 1882. Kedney, J: S. Beautiful {The) and the sub- lime. 1880. Le Conte, J. Religion and science: Sunday lectures. 1873. Mayor, J. B. Sketch (A) of ancient philoso- phy from Thales to Cicero. 1881. Monck, W. H. S. Sir William Hamilton. ( Eng. philosophers). 1880. Morris, G: S. British thought and thinkers: introductory studies, critical, biograph- ical and philosophical. 1880. Porter, N. Human intellect, The; with an introduction upon psychology and the soul. 1868. Sewall, F. New ethics , The: an essay on the moral law of use. 1881. Spencer, H. Data ( The) of ethics. 1879. Stephen, L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1876. Science ( The) of ethics. 1882. Class 2. THEOLOGY. Adams, R. C. Travels in faith from tradition to reason. 1884. Allen, A.Y. G. Continuity ( The) of Christian thought: a study of modern theology in the light of its history. 1884. Baring-Gould, S. Legends of the patriarchs and prophets and other Old Testament characters. Barrett, B: F. Question, The: “What are the doctrines of the New-ChurctiV 1 an- swered. 1883. Brooks, P. Candle of the Lord (The), and other sermons. 1881. Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in religious history: twelve lectures. 1881. Legend (The) of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. 1881. Ten great religions: an essay in compara- tive theology. 1871. Cobbe, F. P. Religious duty. 1857. Collyer, R. Nature and life : sermons. 1867. Conybeare, W: J:, and Howson, J: S. Life (The) and epistles of the apostle Paul. Aht. 1865. Drummond, H: Natural law in the spiritual world. Aht. 1883. Ellis, J: New Church, The: its ministry, laity and ordinances; with an app. on intoxicants and our New Church peri- odicals. ( 1886). Wine question ( The) in the light of the new dispensation. 1881. Farrar, F: W : Early days of Christianity , The. (Cyclopedia of religious literature, Y. 3). 1882. Life of Christ, The. 1874. Seekers after God. 1869. Fiske, J: Destiny of man ( The) viewed in the light of his origin. 1884. Idea of God ( The) as affected by modern knowledge. 1885. Giles, C. Discourses on prayer. Grote, A: R. New infidelity, The. 1881. Hitchcock, R. D., and Brown, F., eds. Teach- ing of the twelve apostles; ed. with a translation, introd. and notes. 1884. Hughes, T: Manliness of Christ , The. 1870. Johnson, S: Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion. Persia. With an introd. by O. B. Frothingham. 1884. Kingsley, C: Hermits, The. Aht. 1868. Lewis, T. Six days (The) of creation; or, the scriptural cosmology. 1855. Lillie, A. Buddha and early Buddhism. Class 2. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Madeley, E: Science (The) of correspond- ences elucidated: the key to the Scrip- tures. Ed. by his son: rev. and enl. by B: F. Barrett. 1883. Maurice, J: F: D. Prayer-book (The) con- sidered in reference to the Romish sys- tem; and the Lord’s prayer. Abt. 1852. Unity (The) of the New Testament: a syn- opsis of the first three gospels and of the epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, St. Paul, with a commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews. 1854. Merrill, G: E. Story (The) of the manu- scripts . 1881. Mohammed. Koran , The. Tr. from the Arabic by G: Sale. (1883). Mueller, F. M. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religions of India. 1878. Mulford, E. Republic of God , The: an in- stitute of theology. 1881. Munger, T. T. Freedom (The) of faith. 1883. Pentecost, G: F. “ Out of Egypt ” .• bible read- ings on Exodus. 1884. RSville, A. Native religions ( The) of Mexico and Peru. Tr. by P. H. Wicksteed. ( The Hibbert lectures. 1884). Robertson, F: W: Sermons preached at Brighton. Abt. 1851. Smith, W: R. Prophets of Israel (The) and their place in history to the close of the eighth century B. C. Eight lect- ures. 1882. Smithson, J. H. Letters on the theology of the New Church signified by the New Jerusalem. Spurgeon, C: H. Clew of the maze ( The) and the spare half-hour. (1884). Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. 1861. Swing, D: Truths for to-day. 2 v. 1874-6. Trench, R: C. Notes on the parables of our Lord. 1841. Watson, S: Clock (The) struck three : a re- view of Clock struck one, and reply to it. Pt. II. Showing the harmony be- tween Christianity, science, and spir- itualism. 1874. Wendling, G: R. Ingersollism ; from a secu- lar point of view : a lecture. 1882. Class 3. SUPERSTITION, MAGIC, DELUSIONS, &c. Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the mid- dle ages. ■ Bulfinch, T: Age of fable, The ; or, beauties of mythology. A new enl. and il. ed., ed. by E: E. Hale. 1881. Cox, G: W: Introduction (An) to the sci- ence of comparative mythology and folk- lore. 1881. Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman mythol- ogy. 1882. Lee, F: G: Glimpses in the twilight: notes, records and examples of the supernat- ural. (1885). Lewis, A. J. Modern magic: a practical treatise on the art of conjuring by Pro- fessor Hoffmann. Thorpe, B:, ed. Yule-tide stories: Scandina- vian and North German popular tales and traditions, from the Swedish, Dan- ish, and German. 1853. Class 5. POLITICS. Bancroft, G: History of the formation of the constitution of the United States of America. 1882. Cooper, T: V., and Fenton, H. T. American politics (non-partisan) from the begin- ning to date. 1882. Davidson, J. M. New book (The) of kings. (1884). Harwood, G: Coming democracy, The. (1882). Lamphere, G: N. United States government, The: its organization and practical workings. 1880. Mallock, W: H. Social equality: a short study in a missing science. 1882. Mueller, W. Political history of recent times, 1816-1875, w r ith special reference to Germany; rev. and enl.; tr. with app. covering the period from 1876 to 1881, by J: P. Peters. 1882. Mulford, E. Nation, The: the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. 1870. Sage, B. J. Republic (The) of republics; or, American federal liberty. 1881. Spencer, H. Political institutions. ( Pt. V. of The principles of sociology). 1882. Stickney, A. True republic, A. 1879. Walpole, S. Foreign relations. 1882. Class 6. SOCIAL SCIENCE. Beecher, C. E., and Stowe, Mrs. H. [B.] Principles of domestic science; as applied to the duties and pleasures of home. 1870. Brown, S. A. Home topics: papers on house and home matters. 1881. Chaney, G: L. Every-day life and every-day morals. 1884. Dewing, M. R. [O.] Beauty in dress. 1881. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Domestic problem, A : work and culture in the household. 1875. Ellis, J: Intoxicants, prohibition, and our New- Church periodicals in 1884-5. 1885. Harrison, J. B. Certain dangerous tendencies in Am. life, and other papers. 1880. Higginson, T: W. Common sense about wo- men. 1881. Dippold, G: T. Great epics of mediaeval Ger- many, The: outline and history. 1882. ( 10 ) 2673 Topeka, Kansas. Free public library. First supplement to the catalog of the free public library of Topeka, Kansas. Topeka, Crane, 1888. CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 7. Knox, J: D. Paths to wealth. 1883. Longstreet, A. B. Social etiquette of New York. 1878. Louis, S. L., ed. Decorum: etiquette and dress of the best Am. society. 1881. Manners that win, The. (1882). Moore, C. [J.], comp. Sensible etiquette of the best society; customs, manners, morals, and home culture. 1878. Payne, A. G. What girls can do: a book for mothers and daughters. Abt. 1880. Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state: the problem of law as applied to the liquor traffic. 1877. Pope, J. J. Number one and how to take care of him : popular talks on social and sanitary science. 1884. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Manners and so- cial usages. 1884. Spencer, H. Social statics; or, the condi- tions essential to human happiness spec- ified, and the first of them developed. 1 865. Spofford, Mrs. H. E. [P.] Servant girl ques- tion, The. 1881. Sumner, W: G. What social classes owe to each other. 1883. Warner, C: D. American newspaper, The: an essay. 1881. Woolsey, T. D. Communism and socialism in their history and theory: a sketch. 1880. Wright, Mrs. J. M. Complete home, The: an encyclopaedia of domestic life and affairs. 1879. Youmans, E: L. Hand-book ( The) of house- hold science: an account of heat, light, air, aliment, and cleansing in their sci- entific principles and domestic applica- tions. 1857. Class 6a. Political Economy. Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain : a history of abuses and reforms and their bearing upon American politics. 1879. George, H: Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth : the remedy. 1879. Hamilton, A., and others. Federalist, The: a commentary on the constitution of the United States: essays by Hamilton, Jay and Madison: also, the Continentalist and other papers by Hamilton. Ed. by J: C. Hamilton. 1864. Mallock, W: H. Property and progress; or, a brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. 1884. Shinn, C: H. Mining camps: study in Am. frontier government. 1884. Smith, F. W. Hard times, The; agricul- tural development the true remedy. 1877. Stanton, T., ed. Woman question (The) in Europe: essays; with introd. by F. P. Cobbe. 1884. Class 6b. Education. Bain, A. Education asascience. (Inter, sci. ser.) 1878. Baldwin, J. Art (The) of school manage- ment. 1881. Bentley, R. Pictorial reader, The. 1847. Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation and other typo- graphical matters. 1881. Blackwell, E. Counsel to parents on th e moral educa.ion of their children. 1879. Browning, 0. Introduction (An) to the history of educational theories. ( 1882). Fletcher, A. B., ed. Advanced readings and recitations. 1881. Hailmann,W.N. Kindergarten culture: Froe- bel’s system adapted to Am. institutions. 1873. Hale, A. M. Management ( The) of children in sickness and in health. 1880. Hodgson, W: B. Errors in the use of En- glish. 1882. Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of teaching. 1878. Lilienthal, M. E., and Allyn, R. Object les- sons: things taught: systematic instruc- tion in composition and object lessons. 1862. Mahaffy, J: P. Old Greek education. 1879. Peabody, A. P., comp. Conversation: its faults and its graces. 1867. Peabody, E. P. Lectures on the nursery and kindergarten: No. 1. Education of the kindergartner. 1874. Also Kinder- garten Messenger, ed. by E. P. P. July, 1873 — Dec. 1875. Also The kindergarten : an address by Miss S. E. Blow. 3 April 1875. Smart, J. H. Manual (A) of free gymnastic and dumb-bell exercises for the school room and parlor. 1864. Stetson, C: B. Technical education: what it is, and what Am. public schools should teach. 1873. Swett, J: Methods of teaching: principles, directions, and working models for com- mon-school teachers. 1880. Swinton, W:, and Cathcart, G: R., eds. Read- ings in nature’s book. 1880. Trench, R: C. On the study of words: lect- ures. With add. by T: D. Supine. 1877. Wickersham, J. P. Methods of instruction. 1865. School economy. 1864. Class 7. PHILOLOGY. White, R: G. Every-day English. Sequel to “Words and their uses.” 1880. (11) Class 8. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Class 8. NATURAL SCIENCES. Buckley, A. B. Fairy-land (The) of science. 1878. > Short history (A) of natural science and of the progress of discovery. 1875. Helmholtz, H. L. F. Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects. Tr. by E. Atkinson. 1873. Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism : treatise on terrestrial and aerial locomotion. (In- ter. sci. ser.) (1879). Winchell, A. Sparks from a geologist’s hammer. 1881. Class 10. PHYSICS, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEM- ISTRY, ASTRONOMY. Du Moncel, T. A. L. Telephone , microphone and phonograph. 1879. Ganot, A. Natural philosophy. Tr. and ed. from Ganot’s ‘‘Cours elementaire de physique,” by E. Atkinson. 1872. Guiilemin, A. Forces of nature: introd. to the study of physical phenomena; tr. by Mrs. N. Lockyer and ed. with add. by J. N. Lockyer. ( 1872). Kirkwood, D. Comets and meteors. 1873. Meteoric astronomy. 1867. Mayer, A. M. Sound: simple, entertaining, and inexpensive experiments in the phenomena of sound. 1878. Mayhew, H: Wonders of science ; or, young Humphry Davy. 1854. Peirce, B: Ideality in the physical sciences. 1881. Pilkington, J. Artist's guide and mechanic’s own book. 1841. Proctor, R: A. Flowers of the sky. 1880. Moon, The. 1878. Poetry of astronomy, The. 1880. Transits of Venus. 1874. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge. Natural philosophy. III. 1842-44. Contents: Astronomy, by B: H. Malkin; History of astronomy, by R: W. Rothman; Mathematical geogra- phy, by E: Lloyd ; Physical geography, by H. J. Lloyd ; Navigation, by J: Wrottesley ; Explanation of scien- tific terms; Index. Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in physics. 1878. Tyndall, J: Heat a mode of motion. 1868. Warren, H: W. Recreations in astronomy with directions for practical experiments and telescopic work. 1879. Young, C: A: Sun, The. (Inter, sci. ser.) 1861. Class 11. NATURAL HISTORY. Agassiz, J. L. R. Contributions to the nat- ural history of the U. S. 4 v. 1857-62. Darwin, C: R. Formation (The) of vegetable mould through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. (1882). Variation (The) of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v. 1868. Donnelly, I. Ragnarok: the age of fire and gravel. 1882. Gosse, P. H: Wonders of the great deep; or, physical, animal, geological, and vegeta- ble curiosities of the ocean. Huxley, T: H: American addresses with a lecture on the study of biology. 1877. Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. 1877. Manual of the anatomy of vertebrated ani- mals. 1871. On the origin of species. ( 1878). LeConte, J. Sight: an exposition of the principles of monocular and binocular vision. (Inter, sci. ser.) 1831. McCosh, J., and Dickie, G: Typical forms and special ends in creation. 1856. O’Neill, T. W. Refutation of Darwinism, and the converse theory of development. 1879. Reclus, J. J. E. History (The) of a moun- tain. Tr. from the French by B. Ness and J: Lillie. 1881. Semper, K. Animal life as affected by the natural conditions of existence. (Inter, sci. ser.) 1879. Wallace, A. R. Island life; or, the phenom- ena and causes of insular faunas and floras. 1880. World of wonders, A ; or, marvels in ani- mate and inanimate nature. 1881. Class 11a. Physical Geography. Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe. Tr. from the German by E. C. Otte. 5 v. 1845-58. Judd, J: W. Volcanoes: what they are and what they teach. (Inter, sci. ser.) 18S1. Class lib. Meteorology. Mann, R. J., and others. Modern meteorology : lectures. 1878. Contents: 1. The physical properties of the atmos- phere, by R. J. Mann. 2. Air temperature, its distri- ' bution and range, by J: K. Laughton. 3. The barometer and its uses, wind and storms, by R: Strachan. 4. Clouds and weather signs, by W. C. Ley. 5. Rain, snow, hail, and atmospheric electricity, by G: J. Sy- mons. 6. The nature, methods, and general ol jects of meteorology, by R. H. Scott. Class 11c. Geology and Mineralogy. Geikie, A. Geological sketches at home and abroad. 1882. Lyell, C: Principles of geology ; or, the mod- ern changes of the earth and its inhab- itants. 2 v. Class lid. Botany. Allen, C: G. Flowers and their pedigrees. Darwin, C: Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. 1877. Effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. 1867. Insectivorous plants. 1875. Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1875. Power of movement in plants. 1880. Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 1862. (12) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 12. Figuier, G. L. Vegetable world: history of plants. With a glossary of botanical terms. [From the French]. Flagg, W. Year (A) among the trees; or, the woods and by-wavs of New England. 1881. Kirby, M. and E. Talks about trees. Robinson, J: Ferns in their homes and ours. 1878. Taylor, J. E. Flowers; their origin, shapes, perfumes, and colors. 1878. Class lie. Zoology. Agassiz, E. C. and A. Seaside studies in nat- ural history. 1865. Badcock, J: Vignettes from invisible life. (1883). Buckley, A. B. Life and her children: glimpses of animal life from the amoeba to the insects. 1880. Winners (The) in life’s race; or, the great backboned family. 1882. Dixon, C: Rural bird life: essays on orni- thology with instructions for preserving objects relating to that science. 1880. Emerton, J. H: Life on the seashore ; or, animals of our coasts and bays. 1880. Figuier, G. L. Insect world, The: account of the orders of insects, with description of habits, etc. Rev. and cor. by P. M. Duncan. [ From the French]. 1872. Ocean world: the sea and some of its in- habitants. Tr. from the French. Rev. by E. P. Wright. Reptiles and birds. Ed. by P. Gillmore. [From the French, 1869]. Flagg, W. Year (A) with the birds; or, the birds and seasons of New England. 1881. Goss, N. S. Catalogue of the birds of Kansas. 1883. Revised catalogue of the birds of Kansas. 1886. Half hours in the tiny world: wonders of in- sect life. [1875]. Ingersoll, E. Friends worth knowing: glimpses of Am. natural history. 1880. Lubbock, J: Ants, bees , and wasps: observa- tions on the habits of the social hyrnen- optera. (Inter, sci. ser.) 1881. Morris, F. 0. Dogs and their doings. 1871. Packard, A. S., jr. Our common insects. 1873. Romanes, G: J: Animal intelligence. (Inter, sci. ser.) (1886). Wilder, B. G., and Gage, S. H. Anatomical technology as applied to the domestic cat : introduction to human, veterinary, and comparative anatomy. 1882. Wilson, A., and Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Am. ornithology. Illustrative notes and life of Wilson bv W: Jardine. 3 v. (1876). (: Class Ilf. Ethnology. Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. 1879. Figuier, G. L. Human race, The. [ Tr. from the French]. (1873). Primitive man. [Tr. from the French.] (1876). Foster, J: W. Pre-historic races of the U. S. 1 873. Geiger, L. Contributions to the history of the development of the human race: lec- tures and dissertations. Tr. from the second German ed. by D: Asher. 1871. Lesley, J: P: Man’s origin and destiny, sketched from the platform of the phys- ical sciences. 2d ed. 1881. Lubbock, J: Origin (The) of civilization and the primitive condition of man: mental and social condition of savages. 1870. Pre-historic times as illustrated by ancient remains, and the manners and customs of modern savages. 1869. MacLean, J. P. Manual of the antiquity of man. 1875. Mound builders, The: with an investiga- tion into the archaeology of Butler Co., O. 1879. Quatrefages de Br6au, J L. A. de. Human species, The. [Tr. from the French]. (Inter, sci. ser.) 1877. Rawlinson, G: Origin of nations, The. 1877. Short, J: T. North Americans (The) of an- tiquity. 1879. Tylor, E: B. Anthropology r: introd. to the study of man and civilization. 1881. WinchelL A. Preadamites: demonstration of the existence of men before Adam. 1880. Class 12. MEDICINE — Covering Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene, Exercises and Recreations, Veterinary Art, &c. Anderson, E. G., and others. Sanitary care and treatment ( The) of children and their diseases: five essays. 1881. Contents: How can children in a city be kept healthy? by E. G. Anderson; The mortality of young children, its causes and prevention, by S: C. Busey ; On the im- provement of the condition of the poor and sick chil- dren, general principles, by A. Jacobi; Observations upon the sanitary care and treatment of children and their diseases, by J. F. Meigs ; Causes of the great mor- tality of young children in cities during the summer months, by J. L. Smith. Baths and bathing . (Health primers). 1879. Blaikie, W: How to get strong and how to stay so. 1879. Bogardus, A. H. Field, cover, and trap shooting. Ed. by C: J. Foster. 1878. Brinton, D. G., and Napheys, G: II. Laws of health (The) in relation to the human form. 1869. Carter, R. B. Good and bad eyesight and the exercise and preservation of vision. 1879. ' Cassell’s book of sports and pastimes. Abt. 1881. ) Class 12. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Cook, M. Wilderness cure, The. Coupland, S. Personal appearances in health and disease. ( Health primers). 1879. Eassie, W: Healthy houses: drainage, ven- tilation, warming, and kindred subjects, with estimates. 1872. Edwards, J. F. Dyspepsia: howto avoid it. 1881. Fothergill, J: M. Maintenance (The) of health: a medical work for lay readers. 1874. Granville, J. M. Common mind-troubles. 1878. How to make the best of life. 1881. Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol: its use and abuse. ( Health primers). 1879. Hall, W: W. Dyspepsia and its kindred dis- eases. 1877. Heart and its function, The. ( Health prim- ers). 1881. Hinton, J., ed. Physiology for practical use. 1874. House and its surroundings, The. (Health primers). 1879. Huxley, T: H:, and Youmans, W: J. Ele- ments of physiology. 1867. Kansas Medical Society. Transactions of the state medical society of Kansas. Yol. 1. [ 1860-77]. Law, J. Farmer’s veterinary adviser, The : a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals. 1876. Maudsley, H: Pathology (The) of mind. 1 807. Nichols, W: R. On the filtration of potable water. 1879. Plunkett, H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors; or, household sanitation. 1884. Premature death: its promotion or preven- tion. ( Health primers). 1879. Ralfe, C:H: Exercise and training. (Health primers). 1879. Richardson, B: W. Diseases of modern life. 1875 Shepherd, P: First aid to the injured: rev. and added to by B. Morton. 1882. Skin and its troubles, The. ( Health primers). 1879. Storer, H. R. Why not? a book for every woman. 1866. Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. 1882. Taylor, G: H. Health by exercise: what ex- ercises to take and how to take them ; embracing account of Swedish methods. 1879. Health for women; showing the causes of feebleness and the local diseases result- ing therefrom; with full directions for sell-treatment. 1883. Class 13. USEFUL ARTS. Leland, E. H. Farm homes, in-doors and out-doors. 1880. Society of Arts. Artisan reports on the Paris universal exhibition of 1878. Class 13c. Commercial Arts, &c. Howe, J: B. Common sense, mathematics, and metaphysics of money. 1881. Kelley, J.D. J. Question (The) of ships: the navy and the merchant marine. 1884. Preble, G: H: Chronological history of the origin and development of steam naviga- tion. [1543-1882]. Scott-Browne, D. L. American standard book of shorthand abbreviations. 1884. Text-book of phonography. Pt. 2. 1884. Class 13(1. Productive Arts, Mining, Metallurgy, Agri- culture, &c. Bement, C. N. Am. poulterer's companion. The: breeding, rearing, and general management of domestic poultry. 1856. Curtiss, D. S. Wheat culture: how to double the yield and increase the profits. 1880. Downing, A. J. Rural essays. Ed. with a memoir of the author bv G: W: Curtis and a letter to his friends* by F. Bremer. 1853. Contents: Horticulture; Landscape gardening; Ru- ral architecture; Trees; Agriculture; Fruit; etc. Fulton, J. A. Peach culture. 1882. Halsted, B. D : Barn plans and outbuildings. 1881. Henderson, P: Gardening for profit: guide to the successful cultivation of the mar- ket and family garden. 1874. Keeping one cow: experience of a number of practical writers. 1880. Roe, E: P. Success with small fruits. 1880. Warington, R. Chemistry of the farm, The. 1882. Willard, X. A. Willard’s practical butter book: a treatise on butter-making. 1875. Class 13e. Preparation of Food, etc. Blot, P. Hand-book of practical cookery, for ladies and professional cooks. 1867. Haskell. Mrs. E. F. Housekeeper's encydo- psedia: useful information in cooking and house keeping. 1860. Murray, R., comp. Modern householder, The : manual of domestic economy. 1872. Parloa, M. Miss Parloa’s new cook book. 1880. Whitney, A. D. [ T.] Just hov:: a key to the cook-books. 1878. (14) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 14. ART. Class 14. FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, PAINTING, MUSIC, &c. Alcock, R. Art and art industries in Japan. (1878). American builder , The: a journal of indus- trial art. Vols. 12, 13. 1870-7. Appleton & Co., D., pub. New gallery ( The) of British art. 2 v. 1883. Architectural review (The) and Am. builders’ journal. Vols. 1-4. May, 1869-Nov., 1870. See also Sloan’s architectural review. Bascom, J: ^Esthetics; or, the science of beauty. Ib7l. Benjamin, S: G. W. Art in America : a crit- ical and historical sketch. 1879. Contemporary art in Europe. 1877. Bicknell & Co., A. J., pub. Bicknell’s Cot- tage ahd villa architecture. 1877. Bicknell’s Public buildings. 1 77. “ School house and church archi- tecture. 1877. “ Stables, out buildings, fences and miscellaneous details. 1877. Street , store and bank fronts. 1877. Blanc, A. A. P. C: Grammar ( The) of paint- ing end engraving. Tr. from the French by K. N. Doggett. 1873. Carter, Mrs. S. N., comp. Art suggestions from the masters. First ser. Sir Joshua Reynolds; Sir C: Bell; W: Hazlitt; B: R. Haydon. 1880. Church, E. R. Artistic embroidery : practical instructions in the ornamental branches of needlework. 1S89. How to furnish a home. (Appletons’ home books). 1881. Cooper, H. J. Art of furnishing. 1879. Cummin js, M. F., and Mi.ler, C. C. Archi- tecture: designs for street fronts, subur- ban houses, and cottages. 18G5. Be Forest, J. B. Short history of art, A. 1881. Dewing, M. R. [0.] Beauty in the household. 188.'. Easblake, C: L. Notes on the principal pict- ures in the Louvre gallery at Paris and in the Brera gallery at Milan. ( 1883). Eaton, D: C. Hand-book of Greek and Ro- man sculpture. 1884. Gardner, E. C. House that Jill built: a book on home architecture. (“Our conti- nent” library). 1882. Harrison, C. C. Woman’s handiwork in mod- ern homes. 1881. Holly, H: H. Modern dwellings in town and country, with treatise on furniture and decoration. 1878. Hunt, H: G. B. Concise history of music , A. [1-1878]. Jameson, A. [M.] Legends of the madonna as represented in the fine arts. 1852. Legends of the monastic orders as repre- sented in the fine arts. 1851. Sacred and legendary art. 2 v. 1848. Jarves, J. J. Art thoughts: experiences and observations of an American amateur in Europe. 1869. Art-idea, The: sculpture, painting, and architecture in America. 1864. Leland, C: G. Minor arts, The: porcelain painting, wood carving, stencilling, modelling, mosaic work, &c. 1880. Mason, G: C. Old house altered, The. 1878. Mitchell, L. M. [ W.] History (A) of ancient sculpture. 1883. Monroe, L. B. Manual of physical and vocal training for schools and private instruc- tion. 1869. Moscheles, I. Recent music and musicians, as described in his diaries and corre- spondence. Ed. by C. Moscheles. From the German, by A. D. Coleridge. (Am- ateur ser.) [1794-1870]. Oakey, A. F. Building a home. (Appletons’ home books). 1881. Home grounds. (Appletons’ home books). 1881. Paget, V. Euphorion: studies of the antique and the mediaeval in the renaissance. 2 v. 1882. Palliser, Palliser & Co., pub. Palliser’s Am. cottage homes. 1878. Palliser’s model homes. 1878. Pattis m, E. F. Renaissance (The) of art in France. 2 v. (1879). Prime, W: C. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations, with tables of factory and artists’ marks. 1877. Rebar, F. v. History of ancient art. Tr. and aug. by J. T. Clarke. 1882. Ruskin, J: Arrows of the chase: a collection of scattered letters published chiefly in the daily newspapers. 1840-1880. 2 v. in 1. Contents: Vol. 1. Letters on art and science. 2. Letters on politics, economy, and miscellaneous matters. Art of England, The: lectures. (1883). Sloan’s architectural review and builders’ jour- nal. Ag. 1868 — Ap. 1869. See also Architectural review, The. Slosson, A. T. China hunters club , The. 1878. Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the fine arts. 1877. Washburn, E. W. Spanish masters, The: history of painting in Spain. 1884. Waters, C. E. [C.] Painters, sculptors, ar- chitects, engravers, and their works: a handbook. 1881. (15) Class 15. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Winckelmann, J. J. History (The) of an- cient art. Tr. from the German by G. H: Lodge. 4 v. in 2. 1872. Class 15. POETRY. Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso, The. Tr. from the Italian by W. S. Rose. 2 v. 1510. Arnold, E. Light of Asia, The ; or, the great renunciation: the life and teaching of Gautama, founder of Buddhism. 1879. Pearls of the faith; or, Islam’s rosary. 1882. Arnold, M. Poems. (1884). Bell, R., ed. Songs from the dramatists. ( 1882 ). Bloede, G. Angelo: a poem. 1877. Giorgio , and other poems. 1881. Bunner, H : C. Airs from Arcady and else- where. 1884. Camoens, L. de. lusiad, The; or, the dis- covery of India. Tr. from the Portu- guese, with life of the poet by W: J. Mickle. 1877. Chaucer, G., and Spenser, E. Canterbury tales (The) and Faerie queene: with other poems of Chaucer and Spenser. (1876). Combe, W: Doctor Syntax: his three tours in search of the picturesque, of conso- lation, of a wife. Cornwall, S. J. Roses and myrtles. 1881. Craik, D. M. [M.] Thirty years: being poems, new and old. Dante Alighieri. Vision, The; or, hell, pur- gatory, and paradise. Tr. by H: F. Cary. 1472. 1814. Dobson, H : A. Vignettes in rhyme and other verses. 1879. Gardner, C. E. Twisted skein, A; or, out of the tempest. (1881). Greenough, S. D. [L.] Mary Magdalene: a poem. 1880. Hayward, E: F. Patrice: her love and work. 1883. Holloway, L. C., comp. Home in poetry, The. 1884. Holmes, 0. W. Iron gate (The), and other poems. 1880. Hood, T: Rhymester, The; or, the rules of rhyme. Ed. with add. by A. Penn. [J. B. Matthews]. 1882. Hopkins, A. Geraldine : a souvenir of the St. Lawrence. 1881. Ingelow, J. Poems. 1863. Poems of the old days and the new. 1885. Joyce, R. D. Blanid. 1879. Lamartine, A. M.L.de. Jocelyn. [French]. 1836. Lang, A. Helen of Troy. 1882. Larcom, L. Wild roses of Cape Ann, and other poems. 1880. Lathrop, G: P., ed. Masque of poets, A: inch Guy Vernon, a novelette in verse. ( No name ser.) 1878. Liddell, C. C. F. [T.] Songs in minor keys. (1881). Longfellow, H: W. Longfellow birthday- book, The. Arr. by C. F. Bates. 1881. Song (The) of Hiawatha. 1855. Ultima Thule. 1880. Main, D: M., ed. Treasury of English son- nets. 1881. Parton, J., ed. Humorous poetry ( The) of the English language from Chaucer to Saxe, with notes explanatory and biograph- ical. 1856. Peacock, T: B. Rhyme (The) of the border war: a historical poem of the Kansas- Missouri guerrilla war. 1880. Peaslee, J: B. Graded selections for mem- orizing. 1880. Phelps, E. S. Songs of the silent world and other poms. 1884. Rogers, S: Poetical works, with a memoir of his life. (1883). Scott, W. Poetical works. Spofford, H. E. [P.] Poems. 1884. Stedman, E. C. Poetical works. 1873. Stoddard, R: H: Poems. 1880. Swinburne, A. C: Songs of the springtides. Taylor, B. Poetical works. 1879. Very, J. Poems, with an introductory mem- oir by W: P. Andrews. 1883. Virgilius Maro, P. Works. Tr. by J: A. Wil- stach. 2 v. 1883. Ward, Mrs. T: H., ed. English poets, The: selections, with critical introductions. 4 v. (1880). Ware, E. Rhymes of Ironquill. 1885. Whitney, A. D. [T.] Pansies: “ . . . for thoughts.” 1872. Whittier, J: G. King's missive (The) and other poems. 1881. Whittier birthday-book, The. Arr. by E. S. Owen. 1881. Wieland, C. M. Oberon: ein Gedicht in zwdlf Gesangen. [German]. (1868). Williams, A. M. Poets ( The) and poetry of Ireland, with historical and critical es- says and notes. 1881. Woolsey, S. C. Verses. 1880. Class 15a. Drama. Kalidasa. Sakoontala; or, the lost ring: an Indian drama. Tr. from the Sanskrit by M. Williams. Schiller, J. C. F. v. Works, historical and dramatic. Tr. from the German. Vol. 2. 1846. Shakespeare, W: Plays and poems, with a life and glossarial notes. Ed. by A. J : Valpy. Vol. 1-4. (1832). Tragedy of Julius Csesar. Ed., with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. 1872. Swinburne, A. C: Mary Stuart: a tragedy. 1882. ( 16 ) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 16. Taylor, H: Philip van Artevelde : a dramatic romance. 1834. Tennyson, A. Becket. 1884. Class 16. PROSE FICTION. / / / G: H. Hep worth. Abbe Constantine. Tr. from the French by E. H. Hazen. L. Halevy. Abbot , The. ( YVaverley novels). W. Scott. Adirondack stories. P. Deming. Adventures (The) of a widow. E. Fawcett. Adventures of an attorney in search of prac- tice. S: Warren. After dark and other stories. W: W. Collins. “Airy fairy Lilian.” M. Argles. Almost a duchess. ( No name ser.) Almost a heroine. E. S. Sheppard. Alton Locke, tailor and poet. C: Kingsley. Alton Thorpe. L. N. Janney. Amber gods (The) and other stories. (Leis. hour ser.) H. E. [P.] Spofford. Ambitious woman, An. E. Fawcett. American politician, An. F. M. Crawford. Andromeda. J. C. Fletcher. Anne. C. F. Woolson. Anne of Geier stein. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Annouchka. Tr. from the French by F. Ab- bott. I. S. Turgenef. Antiquary, The. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Arabian days’ entertainments. Tr. from the German by H. P. Curtis. W. Hauff. Archibald Malmaison. J. Hawthorne. Armourer’s prentices, The. C. M. Yonge. As it was written: a Jewish musician’s story. H: Harland. Aschenbroedel. (No name ser.) K. Carrington. Aspasia: a romance of art and love in an- cient Hellas. From the German by M. J. Safford. 2 v. R. Hamerling. At any cost. I. [F.] Mayo. At daybreak. A. Stirling. At love’s extremes. M. Thompson. At the eleventh hour. A. Edwardes. Aulnay tower. B. W. Howard. Aunt Serena. “ “ Author (The) of Bellra.ffio. H: James, jr. Contents: The author of Beltraffio ; Pandora; Geor- gina’s reasons; The path of duty; Four meetings. Average man, An. R. Grant. Azarian: an episode. (Leis. hour ser.) H. E.[P.] Spofford. Baby Rue. (No name ser.) C. [M.] Clark. Bachelor Bluff; his opinions, sentiments, and disputations. 0. B. Bunce. Bailiff’s maid, The: a romance. From the German by Mrs. A. L. [F.] Wister. H. F. C. E. John. - 2 . ( Balacchi brothers. See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 1. Barrington’s fate. ( No name ser.) M. [R.] Hunt. Bassett claim, The. H: R. Elliot. Bede’s charity. H. Smith. Beleaguered city, A : a story of the seen and the unseen. M. O. [W.] Oliphant. Ben-Hur: a tale of the Christ. L. Wallace. Berber, The; or, the mountaineer of the Atlas: a tale of Morocco. W. S. Mayo. Bessie’s fortune. A novel. M. J. [H.] Holmes. Best of husbands, The. J. Payn. Bethesda. L. B. Halsted. Betrothed, The. Also The highland widow. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Beyond the gates. E. S. Phelps. Black dwarf , The. Also A legend of Mont- rose. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Blessed Saint Certainty. W: M. Baker. Blockade runners, The. See Floating city, A. Bonnyborough. A. D. [T.] Whitney. Book (A) of love stories. N. Perry. Bowsham puzzle, The: a novel. J:Habberton. Bread-winners, The : a social study. Breton mills, The : a romance. C: J. Bellamy. Bricks without straw. A. W. Tourgee. Bride of Lammermoor. ( Waverley novels). W. Scott. Brigitla. Tr. by C. Bell. (Leis. hour ser.) B. Auerbach. Brother Sebastian’s friendship. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Bucliholz family, The: sketches of Berlin life. Tr. from the German by L. D. Schmitz. J. Stinde. Burgomaster’s wife, The: a romance. From the German by M. J. Safford. G. M. Ebers. But yet a woman. A. S. Hardy. By shore and sedge. F. B. Harte. By still waters: a story for quiet hours. I. [F.] Mayo. By the Tiber. M. A. Tincker. Called back. F: J: Fargus. Carola. H. Smith. Carpet knight, A. Mrs. H. [H.] McClellan. Castle and town. F. M. Peard. Castle dangerous. See Surgeon’s daughter. Castle in Spain, A. J. DeMille. Cecilia; or, memoirs of an heiress; with pref- ace and notes by A. R. Ellis. F. B. d’Arblay. Charles O’Malley. C: J. Lever. Chats. G. Hamlen. Christian’s mistake. D. M. [M.] Craik. Christine’s fortune. H. B. Talcott. Christmas eve in war times. See Unex- pected result. 17) Class 16 . FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Christmas in Narragansett. E: E. Hale. Christy Carew. ( Leis. hour ser.) M. Laffan. Citizen Bonaparte: the story of a peasant. [1794-1815]. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. Classic tales. Contents: Rasselas, by S: Johnson; Vicar of Wake- field, by 0. Goldsmith ; Gulliver’s travels, by J. Swift ; Sentimental journey, by L. Sterne. Cobwebs and cables. H. Smith. College days at Oxford. H: C. Adams. Colonel’s daughter, The ; or, winning his spurs. C: King. Colonel’s opera cloak. (No name ser.) C. C. Brush. Commercial trip (A) with an uncommercial ending. G: H. Bartlett. Confessions (The) of a frivolous girl: a story of fashionable life. R. Grant. Diana Carew; or, for a woman’s sake. Mrs. Bridges. Diane Coryval. ( No name ser.) Diary ( The) of a superfluous man. SeeMumu. Dick’s sweetheart. M. Argles. Dick’s wandering. J. Sturgis. Dingy house at Kensington, The. Dinner-party, A. See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 2. Dissolving views. Mrs. A. Lang. Doctor Ben: an episode in the life of a for- tunate unfortunate. ( Round-robin ser.) 0. Witherspoon. Doctor Breen’ s practice. W: D. Howells. Doctor Claudius: a true story. F. M. Crawford. Dr. Gilbert’s daughters: a story for girls. M. H. Matthews. Confidence. H: James, jr. Count Robert of Paris. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Count Silvius: a romance. From the Ger- man by M. J. Safford. G. Horn. Country doctor, A. S. 0. Jewett. Country in danger, The ; or, episodes of the great French revolution. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. Court (The) and the cottage. E. [M.] Marshall. Cousins. (Leis. hour ser.) L. B. Walford. Craque-o’-doom. M. H. Catherwood. Crooked places : astory of struggles and hopes. I. [F.] Mayo. Cupid and the sphinx. Mrs. H. [H.] McClellan. Cupid on crutches; or, one summer at Nar- ragansett Pier. A. B. Wood. Damen’s ghost. ( Round-robin ser.) E. L. Bynner. Dark days. ( Leis. hour ser.) F. J. Fargus. Darryll Gap; or, whether it paid. V. F. Townsend. Daughter (A) of the Philistines. (No name ser.) H. H. Boyesen. Day of fate, A. E. P. Roe. Day spring : a story of the time of William Tyndale. E. [M.] Marshall. Dead sin ( The) and other stories. I. [F.] Mayo. Dearly bought. (Hammock ser.) C. L. Burnham. Death of the laird’s Jock. See Talisman. Delicia. ( Leis. hour ser.) B. M. Butt. Democracy: an American novel. (Leis. hour ser.) Denver express, The. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Desmond hundred, The. ( Round-robin ser.) J. [G.] Austin. Detmold: a romance. W: H: Bishop. Doctor Grattan. W: A. Hammond. Doctor Grimshawe’s secret: a romance. Ed. with preface and notes by J. Hawthorne. N. Hawthorne. Doctor Jacob. M. B. B. Edwards. Dr. Sevier. G: W. Cable. Documents (The) in the case. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 1. Doing and dreaming. I. [F ] Mayo. Don John. (No name ser.) J. Ingelow. Donal Grant. G: MacDonald. Donald and Dorothy. M. [ M.] Dodge. Dorcas: the daughter of Faustina. N. C. Kouns. Doris. M. Argles. Dorothea. (Round-robin ser.) C. H. Pat chin. Dournof: a Russian story. Tr. from the French by M. Stewart. A. M. C. H: [F.] Durand. Down the ravine. M. N. Murfree. Dreamer, A. (Leis. hour ser.) K. Wylde. Driven back to Eden. E: P. Roe. Dust. ( “ Our continent ” library) . J. Hawthorne. Earnest trifler, An. M. A. Sprague. East Angels. C. F. Woolson. Echo of passion, An. G: P. Lathrop. Eleanor Maitland. C. E. [C.] Waters. Elective affinities. See Novels and tales. Elevator, The: farce. W: D. Howells. Eliane. From the French by G. Fullerton. P. Craven. Empty heart, The; or, husks. M. V. [H.] Terhune. End of a coil, The. S. Warner. End (The) of New York. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 5. Endymion. B: Disraeli. Entailed hat , The; or, Patty Cannon’s times: a romance. G: A. Townsend. ( 18 ) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 16. Epic (The) of kings: stories retold from Firdusi by H. Zimmern; with a prefa- tory poem by E. W: Goss. A.-K.-M. Firdousee. Episodes in the lives of men, women and lovers. E. Simcox. Ernestine. From the German by S. Baring- Gould. 2v. W. v. Hillern. Esau Hurdery: a novel of Am. life. W: O. Stoddard. Esau Runswick. K. S. Macquoid. Eunice Lathrop, spinster. A. L. Noble. Europeans , The: a sketch. H: James, jr. Executor, The. A. F. [ T.] Hector. Experiences ( The) of a barrister and confes- sions of an attorney. S: Warren. Fair maid (The) of Perth. ( Waver W nov- els). W. Scott. Fair philosopher, A. ( Kaaterskill ser.) H. H. Hammond. Fairy tale, A. See Novels and tales. Faith and unfaith. M. Argles. Falconberg. H. H. Boyesen. Family fortunes: a domestic story. I. [F.] Mayo. Famous victory, A. Fanchette. ( Round-robin ser.) FarnelVs folly. J. T. Trowbridge. Fashionable sufferer, A; or, chapters from life’s comedy. A: Hoppin. Fate ( The) of Mansfield Humphreys, with the episode of Mr. Washington Adams in England, and an apology. R: G. White. Faustine. Mrs. 0: Booth. Fearful responsibility (A) and other stories. W: D. Howells. Contents: A fearful responsibility ; At the sign of the savage; Tonelli’s marriage. Felicitas: a tale of the German migrations. A. D. 476. Tr. from the German. F. Dahn. Felmeres, The. S. B. Elliott. Fifty years ago : a story of New England life. C. A. Willard. Figs and thistles. A. W. Tourg^s. Flip. Also Found at Blazing Star. F. B. Harte. Floating city, A. Also The blockade run- ners. Tr. from the French. J. Verne. Floyd Grandon’s honor. A. M. Douglas. Fool’s errand, A. A. W. Tourg^e. For the Major : a novelette. C. F. Woolson. Foresters, The. (Appletons’ new handy- volume ser.) B. Auerbach. Forever and a day. E: Fuller. Fortunate island ( The) and other stories. C: H. Clark. Contents: The fortunate island; The city of Bur- lesque; An old fogy. Major Dunwoody’s leg; Jinnie. Fortune’s fool. J. Hawthorne. Fortunes (The) of Nigel. ('Waverley novels). W. Scott. Fortunes of Rachel , The. E: E. Hale. ’49: the gold-seeker of the Sierras. C. H. Miller. Found at Blazing Star. See Flip. Frank Warrington. M. [C.] Harris. Freres, The. (Leis. hour ser.) • A. F. [T.] Hector. Friend Barton’s concern. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Friends: a duet. . E. S. Phelps. From hand to hand. From the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister. B. H. Friedrich. Gayworthys, The: a story of threads and thrums. A. D. [T.] Whitney. Gentle belle, A. F. C. Fisher. George Bailey: a tale of New York mercan- tile life. O. Oldboy. Georgians, The. (Round-robin ser.) H. H. Hammond. Geraldine Hawthorne. ( Leis. hour ser.) B. M. Butt. Giant’s robe, The. F. A. Guthrie. Gideon Fleyce. ( Leis. hour ser.) H: W. Lucy. Godfrey Morgan: a Californian mystery. Tr. by W. J. Gordon. J. Verne. Gold and dross. I. [ F.] Mayo. Golden tress, The. Tr. from the French. F. Du Boisgobey. Good women, The. See Novels and tales. Grandissimes, The: a story of Creole life. G: W. Cable. Graveyard flower, A. From the German by C. Bell. W. v. Hillern. Graziella: a story of Italian love. Tr. from the French by J. B. Runnion. A. M. L. de Lamartine. Guerndale: an old story. F. J. Stimson. Guy Mannering. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Gwendolen : a sequel to George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda. Gypsie. M. E. Kenney. Hand (The) of Ethelberta: a comedy in chap- ters. (Leis. hour ser.) T: Hardy. Happy boy, A. Tr. from the Norse by R. B. Anderson. B. Bjornson. Happy-go-lucky. M. [C.] Harris. Hard heart, A. From the German. B. H. Friedrich. Hartwell farm, The. L. B. Comins. Haworth’s. F. H. Burnett. Head (The) of Medusa. J. C. Fletcher. Heart of Mid-Lothian, The. (Waverley nov- els). W. Scott. Heart-break cameo, The. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Her crime. (No name ser.) (19) Class 16. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Her object in life I. [ F.] Mayo. Her picture. ( No name ser.) P. G. Hamerton. Heritage (The) of Lcingdale. (Leis. hour ser.) A. F. [T.] Hector. Hester Morley’s promise. H. Smith. Highland widow, The. See Betrothed, The. High-lights . C. L. [ W.] Field. Himself again. J. C. Goldsmith. His heart's desire. His little mother, and other tales and sketches. D. M. [M.] Craik. His majesty, myself. (No name ser.) W: M. Baker. His second campaign. (Round-robin ser.) M. Thompson. His two wives. M. [C.] Hudson. Home at Greylock, The. E. [P.] Prentiss. Homoselle. (Round-robin ser.) M. S. Tiernan. Hoosier school-master, The. E : Eggleston. Hope Mills; or, between friend and sweet- heart. A. M. Douglas. Hopeless case, A. E. Fawcett. Hot plowshares. A. W. Tourg^e. House (The) by the works. I. [F.] Mayo. Ida Craven. ( Leis. hour ser.) H. M. Cadell. Ida Vane: a tale of the restoration. A. Reed. In durance vile and other stories. M. Argles. Contents: In durance vile; A week in Killarney; Moonshine and marguerites; Dr. Ball; A fit of the blues. In partnership : studies in story telling. J. B. Matthews and H : C. Bunner. In the distance. G: P. Lathrop. In the east country. E. [M.] Marshall. In the Schilling scourt: a romance. From the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister. H. F. C. E. John. In the Tennessee mountains. M. N. Murfree. In trust; or, Dr. Bertrand’s household. A. M. Douglas. In vjar time. S. W. Mitchell. Indian summer. W: D. Howells. Infelice: a novel. A. J. [ E.] Wilson. Initials, The: a story of modern life. J. [ M.] Tautphoeus. Inspired lobbyist, An. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Invisible lodge, The. From the German by C: T. Brooks. (Leis. hour ser.) J. P. F. Richter. Irene the missionary. Iris. Mrs. Randolph. Italian popular tales. T: F: Crane. Italians, The. F. Elliot. Ivanhoe. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Jan Vedder's wife. A. E. [H.] Barr. Janet's love and service. M. M. Robertson. John Fax. Also Mamelon; or, the South without the shadow. A. W. Tourgge. John Inglesant : a romance. J: H: Shorthouse. John Jerome: his thoughts and ways: a book without beginning. j' Ingelow. John Rantoul. H: L. Nelson. Joseph's coat. D: C. Murray. Joyce Morrell's harvest; or, the annals of Sel- wick hall. A story of the reign of Eliz- abeth. E. S. Holt. Judith: a chronicle of old Virginia. (“Our continent” library.) M.V. [H.] Terhune. Judith S hakespeare : her love affairs and other adventures. W: Black. Julian Karslake’s secret. Mrs. J: H. Needell. Justina. (No name ser.) Katherine. S. S. Vance. Kenilworth. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Kings in exile: a novel of Parisian life. From the French by V. Champlin. A. Daudet. King's men, The: a tale of to-morrow. R. Grant, J: B. O’Reilly, F. J. Stimson, J. T. Wheelwright. Kinley hollow. ( Leis. hour ser.) G. H. Hollister. Kitty's conquest. C: King. Lady with the rubies, The. Tr. from the Ger- man by Mrs. A. L. Wister. H. F. C. E. John. Lai. W: A. Hammond. Land, of gold, The. A tale of ’49, illustra- tive of early pioneer life in California, and founded upon fact. G: G. Spurr. Laodicean, A; or, the castle of the De Stan- cys. A tale of to-day. (Leis. hour ser.) T: Hardy. Last Athenian, The. Tr. from the Swedish by W: W. Thomas. V. Rydberg. Late Mrs. Null, The. F. R. Stockton. Latter day saint, A : the story of the conver- sion of Ethel Jones related by herself. (Am. novel ser.) Lazy man's work, A. ( Leis. hour ser.) F. C. Sparhawk. Leavenworth case, The. A lawyer’s story. A. K. Green. Legend of Montrose, The. See Black dwarf. The. Lenox Dare. V. F. Townsend. Leone. (Round-robin ser.) Lesson in love. (Round-robin ser.) E. W. [0.] Kirk. Letter of credit, The. S. Warner. Light man, A. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 5. Little sister. (No name ser.) J. [ W.] Yardley. CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 16. Look before you leap. ( Leis. hour ser.) A. F. [T.] Hector. Lorna Doone: a romance of Exmoor. R: D. Blackmore. Lost in the fog. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Lottie of the mill. From the German by K. S. Dickey. B. Behrens. Louie’s last term at St. Mary’s. M. [C.] Harris. Louisiana. F. H. Burnett. Loukis Laras: reminiscences of a Chiote mer- chant during the Greek war of inde- pendence. Tr. from the Greek by J. Gennadius. (Appletons’ new handy- volume ser.) D. Bikelas. Love and life: an old story in eighteenth century costume. C. M. Yonge. Love and mirage ; or, the waiting on an island. An out-of-door romance. M. B. B. Edwards. Love in old cloathes. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Loyal Ronins , The: an historical romance. Tr. from the Japanese by Shiuichiro Saitoand E: Greey. Tamenaga Shunsui. Logs, Lord Berresford, and other tales. M. Argles. Macleod of Dare. W: Black. Madam. M. 0. [\Y.] Oliphant. Madame Delphine. G: W. Cable. Madame Lucas. (Round robin ser.) Made or marred. See “ One of three.” Madeline. M. J. [ H.] Holmes. Madelon Lemoine. L. Adams. Mademoiselle Bismarck. From the French by Y. Champlin. H. Rochefort. Magnhild. Tr. from the Norse by R. B. An- derson. B. Bjornson. Magnum bonum; or, Mother Carey’s brood. C. M. Yonge. Maid, wife, or widow? ( L°is. hour ser.) A. F. [ T.] Hector. Making of a man, The. W: M. Baker. Mamelon. See John Eax. Man (The) without a country , and other tales. E: E. Hale. Manuela Paredes. (No name ser.) W: M. Chamberlain. Marjorie Huntingdon . H. P. Belt. Marjory Oraham. I. E. Gray. Mark Dennison’s charge. G. M. Craik. Marquis ( The) of Carabas. H. E. [P.] SpofFord. Marquis (The) of Lossie: a romance. G: MacDonald. Marsh island, A. S. O. Jewett. Martyr (A) to science. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Maruja. F. B. Harte. Mary Anerley: a Yorkshire tale. R: D. Blackmore. Mary Marston. G: MacDonald. Masliallah: a flight into Egypt. (Appletons’ new handy-volume ser.) C: W. Stoddard. Master of the mine, The. R. Buchanan. Mate (The) of the Daylight and friends ashore. S. O. Jewett. Matrimony. (Leis. hour ser.) W: E. Norris. Matter-of-fact girl, A. ( Leis. hour ser.) D. Havers. Matter of taste, A. G: H. Picard. Maude Percy’s secret. M. A. Fleming. May Martin, and other tales of the Green mountains. D. P. Thompson. Memorable murder, A. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Memorie and rime. C. H. Miller. Mere caprice, A. M. [ H.] Bigot. Mingo and other sketches in black and white. J. C. Harris. Miriam Monfort. C. A. Warfield. Misfortunes (The) of bro’ Thomas Wheat- ley. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Miss Eunice’s glove. .See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 6. Miss Grief. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 4 Miss Ludington’s sister: a romance of immor- tality. E: Bellamy. Miss Molly. ( Leis. hour ser.) B. M. Butt Mission flower, A: an Am. novel. G: H. Picard Missy. M. [C.] Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Morton. H. Williams. Mr. Isaacs: a tale of modern India. F. M. Crawford. Mr. Oldmixon. W: A. Hammond. Mr. Phillips ’ goneness. J. M. Bailey. Mr. Smith: a part of his life. (Leis. hour ser.) L. B. Walford. Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. J. [G.] Austin. Mrs. Geoffrey. M. Argles. Mrs. Knollys. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Mrs. Willoughby’s octave. E. [ M.] Marshall. Modern Hagar, The. A drama. 2v. (Kaat- erskill ser.) C. [M.] Clark. Modern instance, A. W: D. Howells. Modern Midas, A. A romance. Tr. from the German by L. C. Bullard and E. Herzog. M. Jokai. Monastery, The. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Money-makers, The. A social parable. H: F. Keenan. Mortal antipathy, A. First opening of the new portfolio. 0. W. Holmes. Mount (The) of sorrow. See stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Mount Verney. See Wensley. (21) Class 16 . FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Mumu. Also The diary of a superfluous man. Tr. from the Russian by H: Ger- soni. I. S. Turgenef. Murphy’s master. J. Payn. My aunt Margaret’s mirror. See Talisman. My desire. S. Warner. My lord and my lady. Mrs. Bridges. My marriage. My wife and I; or, Harry Henderson’s his- tory. H. [B.] Stowe. My wife and my wife’s sister. (No name ser.) Nameless nobleman, A. ( Round-robin ser.) J. [G.] Austin. Nantucket scraps. “ Nellie’s memories. R. N. Carey. Never again. W: S. Mayo. New nobility , The. A story of Europe and America. J: W. Forney. Newport. G: P. Lathrop. Nihilist princess, A. Tr. from the French. M. L. Gagneur. “No gentlemen.” C. L. Burnham. No laggards we. R. Raymond. No new thing. ( Leis. hour ser.) W: E. Norris. No relations. From the French. H. H. Malot. Novels and tales. [Tr. from the German], J. W. Goethe. Contents: Elective affinities; The sorrows of young Werther; The recreations of the German emigrants; A fairy tale; The good women ; A tale. Numa Roumestan. Tr. from the French bv V. Champlin. A. Daudet. No. 13 Rue Marlot. Tr. from the French by Y. Champlin. R. de Pont-Jost. Oakridge: an old-time story. «J. E. Smith. Odd , or even f A. D. [T.] Whitney. Old Boniface. G: H. Picard. Old Creole days. G: W. Cable. Old friends and new. S. 0. Jewett. Old lady Mary: a story of the seen and the unseen. M. 0. [ W.] Oliphant. Old mortality. ( Waverley novels). W. Scott. Old sailor’s yarns, An: tales of many seas. R. F. Coffin. On the borderland. H. A. Keyser. One of the Duanes. A. K. Hamilton. One of the thirty pieces. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 1. “ One of three.” Also Made or marred. (Leis. hour ser.) J. Fothergill. One year; or, a story of three homes. F. M. Peard. Operation (An) in money. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 1. Original belle, An. E. P. Roe. Our Christmas in a palace : a traveller’s stm-v. E: E. Hale. Our Mabel; or, crests upon the waves of thought. E. R. Mason. ( Our saints: a family story. R. Porter. Out of the wilderness. J. D. Chaplin. Parisians, The. E: G: E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Patty’s perversities. (Round-robin ser.) A. Bates. Penniless girl, A. From the German by A. L. Wister. B. Behrens. Pension ( The) of Beaurepas. See Siege of London. Perfect Adonis, A. M. [C.] Harris. Peril. ( Leis. hour ser.) J. Fothergill. Perilous secret, A. C: Reade. Peveril of the Peak. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Phoebe. M. [C.] Harris. Phyllis. M. Argles. Pictures of country life. A. Cary. Pilgrim sorrow: a cycle of tales. Pauline Eliz. Ottillie Louise. Pilot Fortune. M. C. L. Reeves and E. Read. Pirate, The. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Ploughed under: the story of an Indian chief, told by himself; with an introd. by I. Theamba (“Bright Eyes”). Judge Harsha. Point (The) of view. See Siege of London. Poor Ogla-Moga. See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 3. Portia; or, “by passions rocked.” M. Argles. Portrait (The) of a lady. H: James, jr. Posthumous papers (The) of the Pickwick club. C: J: H. Dickens. Premiums paid to experience: incidents in my business life. I. [F.] Mayo. Prime minister, The. A. Trollope. Prince Hal; or, the romance of a rich young man. F. Andrews. Prince Saroni’s wife and the pearl-shell neck- lace. J. Hawthorne. Princess Amelie. (No name ser.) Princess Oghirof, The. From the French. A. M. C. H: [F.] Durand. Probation. (Leis. hour ser.) J. Fothergill. Prodigious adventures (The) of Tartarin of Tarascon. Tr. from the French by R. S. Minot. A. Daudet. Prophet (The) of the Great Smoky moun- tains. M. N. Murfree. Prudence: a story of aesthetic London. L. C. Lillie. Queen Titania. H. H. Boyesen. Quentin Durward. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Question, A: the idyl of a picture by his friend Alma Tadema. From the Ger- man by M. J. Safford. G. M. Ebers. Question (A) of honor. F. C. Fisher. Quicksands. From the German by Mr<. A. L. Wister. A. Streckfuss. 22) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 16. Rachel’s share of the road. (Round-robin ser.) K. W. Hamilton. Ramona. A story. H. M. [F.] Jackson. Rangers, The; or, the torv’s daughter. A tale illustrative of the revolutionary history of Vermont and the northern campaign of 1777. D. P. Thompson. Ranthorpe. G: H: Lewes. Recollections of a policeman. T: Waters. Recreations ( The) of the German emigrants. See novels and tales. Shadow (The) of the war: a story of the South in reconstruction times. S. T. Robinson. Shadows of Shasta. C. H. Miller. Shandon bells. W: Black. Siege ( The) of London; The pension of Beau- repas ; and The point of view. H: James, jr. Signing the contract. M. [ F.] Finley. Sister Silvia. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Rector (The) of St. Bardolph’s; or, superan- nuated. F: W: Shelton. Redgauntlet. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Reisebilder. 2 v. [German]. H. Heine. Return (The) of the princess. From the French. (Appletons’ new handy-vol- ume ser.) J. Vincent. Reverend idol, A. L. Noble. Revolt of man, The. ( Leis. hour ser.) W. Besant. Rise ( The) of Silas Lapham. W: D. Howells. Rob Roy. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Robin. ( Leis. hour ser.) L. Parr. Rochemonts, The: a story of three homes. E. [M.] Marshall. Rodman the keeper: southern sketches. C. F. Woolson. Roman singer , A. F. M. Crawford. Romance (The) of a mummy. Tr. from the French by A. McC. Wright. T. Gautier. Romance (The) of Beauseincourt. C. A. Warfield. Rosecroft: a story of common places and common people. W: M. F. Round. Rosemary and Rue. ( Round-robin ser.) L. [ W.] Champney. Roslyn’s fortune. F. C. Fisher. Roy and Viola. Mrs. Bridges. Royal gentleman, A. A. W. Tourg^e. Rutherford. E. Fawcett. St. Philip’s. M. [C.] Harris. St. Ronan’s well. (Waverley novels). W. Scott. Saints and sinners. From the French by M. N. Sherwood. V: Cherbuliez. Salvage. (No name ser.) Sam Lawson’s Oldtown fireside stories. H. [B.] Stowe. Sarah de Berenger. J. Ingelow. Schoolmaster’s trial, The ; or, old school and new. A. Perry. Sealed orders. E. S. Phelps. Sebastian Strome. J. Hawthorne. Severa. From the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister. E. Hartner. Shadow ( The) of John Wallace. L. Clarkson. Shadow (The) of the sword: a romance. R. Buchanan. Somebody’s neighbors. R. [T.] Cooke. Sorrows (The) of young Werther. See Nov- els and tales. Spider’s eye, The. See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 3. States general ( The), (1789) ; or, the beginning of the great French revolution. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. Stephen Dane. A. M. Douglas. Stillwater tragedy, The. T: B. Aldrich. Stolen white elephant, The. S: L. Clemens. Stories and romances. H. E. Scudder. Stories by Am. authors, v. 1-6. 1884. Contents: 1. Who was she? B. Taylor; The docu- ments in the case, B. Matthews and H: C. Bunner; One of the thirty pieces, W: H: Bishop; Balacchi brothers, R. H. Davis; An operation in money, A. Webster. 2. The transferred ghost, F. R. Stockton ; A martyr to science, M. P. Jacobi; Mrs. Knollys, J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]; A dinner party, J: Eddy; The mount of sorrow, H. P. Spofford; Sister Silvia, M. A. Tincker. 3. The spider’s eye, F. J. O’Brien: A story of the Latin quarter, F. H. Burnett; Two purse-companions, G: P. Lathrop; Poor Ogla-Moga, D: D. Lloyd; A memorable murder, C. Thaxter; Vene- tian glass, B. Matthews. 4. Miss Grief, C. F. Wool- son; Love in old cloathes, H: C. Bunner; Two buckets in a well, N. P. Willis ; Friend Barton’s concern, M. H. Foote; An inspired lobbyist, J. W. De Forest; Lost in the fog, N. Brooks. 5. A light man, H: James; Yatil, F. D. Millet; The end of New York, P. Benjamin; Why Thomas was discharged, G: Ar- nold ; The Tachypomp,E. P. Mitchell. 6. The village convict, C. H. White [ H. W. Chaplin] ; The Denver express, A. A. Hayes ; The misfortunes of bro’ Thomas Wheatley, L. R. Fairfax; The heartbreak cameo, L. W. Champney; Miss Eunice’s glove. A. Webster; Brother Sebastian’s friendship, H. Frederic. Stories from the Greek tragedians. A. J: Church. Stories from Virgil. Story ( The) of a country town. E. W. Howe. Story ( The) of an honest man. E.F.V. About. Story (A) of carnival. (Leis. hour ser.) M. A. M. Hoppus. Story (The) of Helen Troy. C. C. Harris n. Story (The) of Melicent. F. Madoc. Story (A) of the Latin quarter. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Strange disappearance, A. A. K. Green. Stratford-by-the-sea. (Am. novel ser.) Stray pearls : memoirs of Margaret de Ribau- mont, viscountess of Bellaise. C. M. Yonj Stroke (A) of diplomacy. From the French. (Appletons’ new handy-volume soo) V: Cher* (23) Class 16. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Superior woman, A. ( No name ser.) J. [W.] Yardley. Surgeon’s daughter , The. Also Castle danger- ous. ( Waverley novels). W. Scott. Sutherlands, The. M. C. Harris. Sword of Damocles , The: a story of New York life. A. K. Green. Synnove Solbakken. Tr. from the Norse by R. B. Anderson. B. Bjornson. Tachvpomp, The. See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 5. Tales and sketches by the Ettrick shepherd, with memoir of the author. 6 v. J. Hogg. Tales from the Norse grandmother. (The Elda Edda). A. Larned. Tales of three cities. II: James, jr. Talisman ( The) and other tales. ( Waverley novels). W. Scott Contents: The talisman; The two drovers; My aunt Margaret’s mirror; The tapestried chamber ; Death of the laird’s Jock. Tallahassee girl, A. ( Round-robin ser.) M. Thompson. Tapestried chamber, The. See Talisman. Tarantella: a romance. M. Blind. That lass o’ Lowrie’s. F. H. Burnett. That queer girl. V. F. Townsend. Theodora: a home story. P. F. McKeen. There was once a man. (“Our continent” lib.) R. H: Newell. Three Thanksgiving kisses. See Unexpected result. Through a needle’s eye. H. Smith. Tight squeeze, A. W: Staats. Times of Gustaf Adolf. Tr. from the Swed- ish. (The surgeon’s stories). Z. Topelius. Tinkling cymbals. E. Fawcett. To leeward. F. M. Crawford. Tonelli’s marriage. See Fearful responsibil- ity, A. Trafalgar: a tale. From the Spanish by C. Bell. B. Perez Galdus. Tragedy of the unexpected (The), and other stories. N. Perry. Trajan: the history of a sentimental young man. H: F. Keenan. Transferred ghost, The. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Tribulations (The) of a Chinaman. Tr. by E. E. Frewer. J. Verne. Two buckets in a well. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Two Dianas, The: an historical romance. A. D. Dumas. Two drovers, The. See Talisman. Two on a tower. ( Leis. hour ser.) T: Hardy. Two purse-companions. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Uarda: a romance of ancient Egypt. From the German by C. Bell. 2 v. G. M. Ebers. Ugly heroine, An : a novel of domestic life. C. Faber. Uncle Jack’s executors. A. L. Noble. Undiscovered country , The. W: D. Howells. Unexpected result (An), and other stories. E. P. Roe. Contents: An unexpected result; Christmas eve in war times ; Three Thanksgiving kisses. Unfortunate entanglements. J. H. Moss. Unknown to history: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland. C. M. Yonge. Usurper, The: an episode in Japanese his- tory. Tr. from the French by A. L. Al- ger. J. Gautier. Vain forebodings. Tr. from the German by A. L. Wister. E. Oswald. Vale of cedars, The; or, the martyr. G. Aguilar. Venetian glass. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Vestigia. J. C. Fletcher. Vicar’s people, The. G: M. Fenn. Vice versa ; or, a lesson to fathers. F. A. Guthrie. Village convict, The. See Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 6. Virginia Bohemians, The. J: E. Cooke. Virginia comedians, The; or, old days in the Old Dominion. J: E. Cooke. Wane of an ideal, The. From the Italian by C. Bell. Colombi. Warlock o’ Glen warlock : a homely romance. G: MacDonald. Washington square. H: James, jr. Watch and ward. “ “ Waverley. ( Waverley novels). W. Scott. Weighed and wanting. G: MacDonald. Wellfields, The. (LAs. hour ser.) J. Fothergill. Wensley, and other stories. E. Quincy. Contents: Wensley; Mount Verney; Who paid for the prima donna? Troubled waters: a problem of to-day. B. E. Warner. Troublesome daughters. (Leis. hour ser.) L. B. Walford. True, and other stories. G: P. Lathrop. Trumpet-major, The. (Leis. hour ser.) T: Hardy. Tsak’s window, The. (No name ser.) \ L. Hooper. Western side ; or, lights and shadows of a western parish. By a minister’s wife. Where the battle was fought. M. N. Murfree. “ White feathers.” G. I. Cervus. White heather. A novel. W: Black. Who paid for the prima donna? See Wens- ley. Who was she? See Stories by Am. authors, v. 1. (24) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 17b. Why Thomas was discharged. See Stories "by Am. authors, v. 5. Widow Wyse, The. Wind of destiny, The. Winning winds. Within the cap's. Within the shadow. Without a home. Wizard’s son, The. II. M. Bean. A. S. Hardy. W. G. Emerson. H. Pyle. D. Holroyd. E. P. Roe. M. O. [W.] Oliphant. Woman (The) with two words. H. Keddie. Woman’s word, A; and how she k^pt it. V. F. Townsend. Woodstock. ( Waverley novels). W. Scott. World (The) we live in. O. J: F: Crawfurd. Yankee school-teacher (A) in Virginia. A tale of the Old Dominion in the transition state. L. W. Baldwin. Yatil. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 5. Year of wreck, A. A true storv. G: C. Benham. Year one of the republic. 1793. The story of a peasant. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. Yolande. W: Black. Young girl’s wooing , A. E. P. Roe. Young Maugars. From the French. A. Theuriet. Zoroaster. F. M. Crawford. Our young folks abroad: a journey through Europe to Constantinople. J. D. McCabe. Silver city, The. A story of adventures in Mexico. F: A. Ober. Viking Bodleys, The: an excursion into Nor- way and Denmark. H. E. Scudder. Walter’s tour in the east. 6 v. D. C. Eddy. Contents: 1. Walter in Egypt; 2. Walter in Jerusa- lem; 3. Walter in Samaria; 4. Walter in Damascus; 5. Walter in Constantinople; 6. Walter in Athens. Young Americans in Japan; or, the advent- ures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo. E: Greey. Young Nimrods ( The) in North America. A book for boys. T: W. Knox. Zizgag journeys in classic lands; or, Tommy Toby’s trip to Mount Parnassus. H. Butterworth. Zigzag journeys in Europe. Vacation ram- bles in historic lands. H. Butterworth. Zigzag journeys in the Orient. H. Butterworth. Class 17b. Histories. American history. 8 v. J. Abott.. Contents: 1. Aboriginal America; 2. Discovery of America; 3. The southern colonies; 4. The northern colonies; 5. Wars of the colonies; 6. Revolt of the colonies; 7. War of the revolution; 8. Washington. Boys’ and girls’ Herodotus, The ; being parts of the history of Herodotus; ed. for boys and girls, with an introd. by J: S. White. Herodotus. Class 17. JUVENILE LITERATURE. Boy’s workshop, A. With plans and designs. H: A. Craigin. Family flight (A) around home. E: E. Hale and S. Hale. Boys’ Froissart, The. Ed. with an introd. by S. Lanier. J. Froissart. Boys of ’61, The. A record of personal ob- servation with the army and navv. C: C. Coffin. Hints to our boys. With an introd. by L. Abbott. ■ A. J. Symington. Travelling law-school ( The) and famous trials. (Business boys’ library. — II.) B: V. Abbott. Class 17 a. Travels. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Japan and China. (The boy travellers ser.) T: W. Knox. Daring voyage ( A ) across the Atlantic ocean. W: A. Andrews. Drifting round the world: a boy’s advent- ures by sea and land. C: W. Hall. F‘ed Markham in Russia; or, the boy travel- lers in the land of the czar. W: H: G. Kingston. Cavaliers and roundheads; or, stories of the great civil war. J: G. Edgar. Kings, queens and barbarians; or, talks about seven historic ages. A. Gilman. Little Arthur’s hist, of France, from the earliest times to the fall of the second empire. Little duke, The ; Richard the fearless. C. M. Yonge. Stories of the Old Dominion from the settle- ment to the end of the revolution. J: E. Cooke. Story (The) of liberty. C: C. Coffin. Story (The) of the U. S. navy. Fur boys. B. J: Lossing. Tales of a grandfather. 4 v. W. Scott. Contents: 1-3. History of Scotland from the earliest times; 4. Tales from French history. From the Hudson to the Neva. D: Ker. In New Granada; or, heroes and patriots. A tale for boys. W: H: G. Kingston. In the Rocky mountains. A tale of advent- ure. W: H: G. Kingston. Little people of Asia. O. T. Miller. Mr. Bodley abroad. H. E. Scudder. On land and sea; or, California in the years 1843, ’44 and ’45. W: LI. Thornes. Young folks’ history of America. H. Butterworth. “ “ “ Boston. “ “ “ England. C. M. Yonge. “ “ “ France. “ “ “ Germany. “ “ “ “ Greece. “ “ “ Mexico. F: A. Ober. (25) Class 17c. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Class 17c. Biographies. Class 17d. Science. Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch, The. Ed. by J: S. White. Plutarchus. Brant and Bed Jacket. ( Famous Am. Indians). E: Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. Brave men 1 s footsteps. A book of example and anecdote in practical life for young peo- ple. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, History of. J. Abbott. Darius, the great, History of. “ Drake: the sea-king of Devon. (Young folks’ heroes of history). G: M. Towle. Famous boys and famous men. From canal boy to president; or, the boy- hood and manhood of James A. Garfield. 1881. H. Alger, jr. Genghis Khan, History of. J. Abbott. Great composers, The. (Little biographies). H. Butterworth. Henry IV, king of France and Navarre, His- tory of. J: S. C. Abbott. Hernando Cortez, History of. “ Hortense, History of. “ King Alfred of England, History of. J. Abbott. King Charles I of England, History of. J. Abbott. King Charles II of England, History of. J. Abbott. King Philip of the Wampanoags, History of. J: S. C. Abbott. Amongst machines: a description of mechan- ical appliances used in the manufacture of wood, metal, and other substances. J: Lukin. Boy engineers, The. “ Child’s book ( The) of nature. W. Hooker. Easy lessons in popular science. J. Monteith. Ethics of the dust. The. Ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystal- lization. J: Ruskin. Learning to draw; or, the story of a young designer. Tr. from the French by V. Champlin. E. E. Violet-le-Duc. Little folks in feathers and fur and others in neither. O. Thorne. Science ladders. N. [M.] Bell. Contents: 1. Forms of land and water; 2. The story of early exploration; &. Vegetable life; 4. Flower less plants; 5. Lowest forms of water animals; 6. Lowly mantle- and armor-wearers. Tenants of an old farm: leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. H: C. McCook. Tommy Try and what he did in science. C: 0. G. Napier. Young folks ’ cyclopxdia (The) of common things. J: D. Champlin, jr. Young mechanic, The. J: Lukin. Class 17e. Religion. Young folks’ Bible history. C. M. Yonge. Class 17f. Poetry. Children's paradise, The. K. B. Zerega. Posies for children. A. C. Lowell. Louis Philippe, king of the French, History of. J: S. C. Abbott. Magellan; or, the first voyage round the world. ( Young folks’ heroes of history). G: M. Towle. Marco Polo. (Young folks’ heroes of history). G: M. Towle. Margaret of Anjou, History of. J. Abbott. Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. ( Fa- mous Am. Indians). E: Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. Nero , History of. J. Abbott. Pleasant authors for young folks. A. B. Harris. Pocahontas. (Famous Am. Indians). E: Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. Pyrrhus, History of. J. Abbott. Tied Eagle and the wars with the Creek In- dians of Alabama. (Famous Am. In- dians). G: C. Eggleston. Tecumseh. (Famous Am. Indians). E: Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. Wise words and loving deeds. A book of bi- ographies for girls. A. H. Japp. Young folks’ life of Washington. E. E. Brown. Class 17g. Fiction. Aboard the Mavis. R: Markham. Adrift on the sea; or, the children’s escape. E. M. Norris. Adventures in Thule. Three stories for boys. W: Black. Contents: An adventure in Thule; The four Mac- Nic Is ; The black bothy. Adventures (The) of a Brownie, as told to my child. D. M. [M.] Craik. African pets; or, chats about our animal friends in Natal, with a sketch of Kaffir life. F. C. Parry. All for money. M. D. Chellis. Annunciata. See Ilka. Around the yule log. R: Markham. Asgard and the gods. Tales and traditions of our northern ancestors. W. Wagner. Asheldon schoolroom, The. F. M. Peard. Belt and spur. Stories of the knights of the middle ages from the old chronicles. E. L. S. Best fellow ( The) in the world. J. McN. Wright. CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 17g. Black bothy, The. See Adventures in Thule. Bodleys afoot , The. H. E. Scudder. Bonnie Lesley” H. Martin. Book (The) of fables; chosen and phrased by H. E. Sciidder. Aesopus. Bound in honor; or, a harvest of wild oats. J: T. Trowbridge. “ Boy Mill” Captain Rice. Boy with an idea, The. C. J. Eiloart. Boys coastwise; or, all along the shore. W: H. Rideing. Boy’s king Arthur, The: history of king Arthur and his knights of the round table; ed. for boys with an introd. by S. Lanier. * T: Malory. Boy's Mabinogion, The: earliest Welsh tales of king Arthur in the famous red book of Hergest; ed. for boys with an introd. by S. Lanier. Mabinogion. Brewery at Taylorville , The. M. D. Chellis. Browns, The. M. P. W. Smith. Brussels knife-grinder, The. See House on the bridge. Caleb in the country. (Jonas ser.) J. Abbott. “ “ town. (Jonas ser.) Children of the parsonage, The. Christmas at Greycastle. A. D. Field. Chronicles of the Stimpcett family and others. A. M. Diaz. Cousin (The) from India. A book for girls. G. M. Craik. Cousin Lucy among the mountains. (Lucy ser.) " J. Abbott. Cousin Lucy at play. (Lucy ser.) lf Cousin Lucy at study. ( Lucy ser.) “ Cousin Lucy on the sea-shore. (Lucy ser.) “ Cousi n Lucy's conversations. ( Lucy ser.) “ Cross Patch, and other stories. S. C. Woolsev. Cruise of the 11 Ghost”, The. W: L. Aldon. Cruises with captain Bob on sea and land. B: P. Shillaber. Cupid and Chow-chow, and other stories. (Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag). L. M. Alcott. Curse (The) of Mill Valley. S. M. Hartough. Dab Kinzer , W: 0 . Stoddard. Day (The) of wonders. M. Sullivan. Deserted ship, The : a story of the Atlantic. G: Cupples. Dr. Barringford's school; or, the long holiday. H: Ogden. Dog life. Dolly's kettledrum, with other stories for girls. N. Perry, and others. Double-runner club, The; or, the lively boys of Rivertown. B: P. Shillaber. Down south; or, yacht adventures in Flor- ida. (Great western ser.) W:T. Adams. Dream children. H. E. Scudder. Driven to sea; or, the adventures of Norrie Seton. A. J. Cupples. Echo bank: a temperance talc. E. C. Pearson. Edith Vernon's life-work. Elsie at Nantucket. M. [F.] Finley. Elsie's widowhood. Eva's engagement ring. M. E. Wilmer. Eyebright. S. C. Woolsey. Fairport nine, The. N. Brooks. Fairy book, The. The best popular stories selected and rendered anew. D. M. [M.] Craik. Fairy (The) of the moonbeam; or, Karl’s queer stories. E. T. Corbett. Floating prince (The) and other fairy tales. F. R: Stockton. 11 For a dream's sake.” H. Martin. Four MacNicols, The. W: Black. See also Adventures in Thule. From Madge to Margaret. C. G. Curtis. Geoffry's great fault. E. M. Norris. Gladys, the reaper. A. Beale. Going south; or, yacht adventures in Florid*. (Great western ser.) W: T. Adams. Going west; or, the perils of a poor boy. (Great western ser.) W: T. Adams. Green hand, The: adventures of a naval lieu- tenant. G: Cupples. Guernsey lily, A; or, how the feud was healed. S. C. Woolsey. Hard master, The. A temperance story. J. E. McConaughy. Hector. F. L. Shaw. Heidi: her years of wandering and learn- ing. A story for children. Tr. from the German by L. Brooks. J. Spyri. His own master. J: T. Trowbridge. House on the bridge (The) and other tales. C. E. Bowen. Contents: The house on the bridge: Scrags’ mis- sion: A memorable Christmas tree: The Brussels knife-grinder: Mary Raymond’s promise; or, a run- away journey. How Mr. Storm met his destiny. See Ilka. Hunter cats (The) of Connorloa. H. M. [F.] Jackson. Hurricane Hurry ; or, the adventures of a naval officer afloat and on shore. W: H: G. Kingston. Ilka on the hill-top and other stories. H. H. Boyesen. Contents: Ilka on the hill-top; Annunciata; Under the glacier; A knight of Dannebrog; Mabel and I; How ^Ir. Storm met his destiny. Jack and Jill: a village story. L. M. Alcott. Jack Archer. A tale of the Crimea. G: A. Henty. Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore and other stories. (Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag). L. M. Alcott. Joe Lambert's ferry, and other stories. G: C. Eggleston, and others. (27) Ci. ass 17g. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. John Thorn’s folks. A study of western life. A. Teal. Jonas a judge. (Jonas ser.) J. Abbott. “ on a farm in summer. (Jonas ser.) “ “ “ “ “ winter. “ “ Jonas’s stories. “ “ Jug-or-not. J. McN. Wright. Just one day. J: Habberton. Katy’s birthday. S. O. Jewett. Knight of Dannebrog, A. See Ilka. Lake breezes ; or, the cruise of the Sylvania. (Great western ser.) W: T. Adams. Last fairy tales. Tr. by,M. L. Booth. E. R. L. Laboulaye. ' Left alone; or, the fortunes of Puillis Mait- land. ' F. Carr. Letters from a cat. H. M. [F.] Jackson. Little girl (The) in black. M. E. Wilmer. Little lame prince, The. D. M. [M.] Craik. Lost in Pompeii, and other stories of advent- ure. H: H. Clark. Lucy Maria. A. M. Diaz. Mabel and I. See Ilka. “Man ( A ) every inch of him”; or, the story of Frank Fullerton’s school-days. J. J. Wray. Man of the house , The. I. [ M.] Alden. Marion Berkley: a story for girls. L. B. Comins. Mark Seaworth. A tale of the Indian ocean. W: H: G. Kingston. Mary Jane papers, The. A. G. Plympton. Mary Raymond’s promise. See House on the bridge. Memorable Christmas tree, A. See House on the bridge. Merchant vessel, The: a sailor boy’s voyages to see the world. C: Nordhoff. Michaelmas Daisy : a young girl’s story. S. Doudney. Mildred and Elsie. M. [F.] Finley. Mildred at Roselands. “ Millie Lee. A. E. Porter. Miss Moore. A tale for girls. G. M. Craik. Mrs. Overiheway’s remembrances. J. H. Ewing. Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. I. [M.] Alden. Moods. L. M. Alcott. Moonbeam tangle, A. S. Shadbolt. My boys, and other stories. (Aunt Jo’s scrap bag). L. M. Alcott. My girls, and other stories. (Aunt Jo’s scrap bag). L. M. Alcott. My mother’s diamonds. M. J. Greer. My sister’s keeper. A story for girls. L. M. Lane. Nan. L. C. Lillie. National temperance orator, The. L. Penney, ed. Nelly’s heroics. H. [B.] Stowe. New baby, The. K. K. New England bygones. E. C. [ H.] Rollins. New girl, The; or, the rivals. A tale of school life. M. E. Gellie. Nimpo’s troubles. O. T. Miller. Nothing to drink. A temperance sea story. J. McN. Wright. Oak staircase, The; or, the stories of lord and lady Desmond. A narrative of the time of James I. M. and C. Lee. Old caravan days. M. H. Catherwood. Old-fashioned thanksgiving (An) and other stories. (Aunt Jo’s scrap bag). L. M. Alcott. Old-time child-life. E. C. [ H.] Rollins. On the edge of winter. R: Markham. Only sister, An. H. [G.] de Witt. Oar year: a child’s book, in prose and verse. D. M. [M.] Craik. Oat on the pampas ; or, the young settlers. G: A. Henty. Oat west; or, roughing it on the great lakes. (Great western ser.) W: T. Adams. Paul and Persis; or, the revolutionary strug- gle in the Mohawk valley. M. E. Brush. Peace island and other stories for boys. E. McCormick, and others. Peter the whaler; his early life and advent- ures in the Arctic regions. W: H: G. Kingston. Phaeton Rogers. A novel of boy life. R. Johnson. Play days. A book of stories for children. . S. O. Jewett. Pocket-rifle, The. J: T. Trowbridge. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. M. Lakeman. Prince ( The) and the page. A story of the last crusade. C M. Yonge. Quartet, The. A sequel to Dab Kinzer. W: 0. Stoddard. Queen’s body guard, The. A story of Am. life for girls. M. Vandegrift. Queer pets at Marcy’s. O. T. Miller. Queer stories for boys and girls. E: Eggleston. Rachel Noble’s experience. B. Edwards. Red bridge, The. A temperance storv. Rollo at play. “ “ school. “ “ work. “ learning to read. “ “ “ talk. Rollo’ s correspondence. “ experiments. “ museum. “ travels. “ vacation. Room for one more. Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. F. R: Stockton. E. T. H. Putnam. J. Abbott. a a u 6i U C6 CC M. T. Higginson. (28) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 18 . Ruth Eliot’s dream. A story for girls. M. Lakeman. ‘St. Aubyn’s Laddie ’, and the little would-be soldier. E. C. Phillips. Saltillo boys. W: 0. Stoddard. Scamp and I: a story of city by-wavs. L. T. [M.] Smith. Scrags’ mission. See HouSe on the bridge. Serpent-charmer, The. Tr. from the French by M. de Hauteville. L. Rousselet. Shawl-straps: sketches of a European trip. (Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag). L. M. Alcott. Short-comings and long-goings; or, the boys and girls of Glencairn. J. A. Eastman. Sisters at service, The; or, “I am for Jesus ”. H. N. [W.] Baker. Six girls. A home story. F. B. Irving. Snowed up; or, the hut in the forest. E. M. Norris. Spanish fairy tales. C. [B. de F.] Arrom. Spinning-wheel stories. L. M. Alcott. Stephen the schoolmaster. A story without a plot. M. E. Gellie. Stories from old English poetry. A. S. Richardson. Stories told to Rollo’s cousin Lucy, when she was a little girl. ( Lucy ser.) J. Abbott. Story (The) of Siegfried. J. Baldwin Story ( The) of Viteau. F. R: Stockton. Story-book (A) for the children. A.M. Diaz. Summer stories for boys and girls. • M. L. [ S.] Molesworth. Sunny days; or, a month at the Great Stowe. Tales of the caravan, inn, and palace. Tr. from the German by E: L. Stowell. W. Hauff. Tales of the pathfinders. A. Gilman. Talking leaves, The. An Indian story. W: O. Stoddard. Temperance speaker, The. J. N. Stearns. ‘Those unlucky twins!’ A. Lyster. Three commanders ; or, active service afloat in modern days. W: H: G. Kingston. Three midshipmen, The. “ “ Tigers and traitors. (The steam house. Pt. 2). Tr. from the French by A. D. Kingston. J. Verne. Ting-a-ling. F. R: Stockton. Tip Cat. Towhead: the story of a girl. S. P. McLean. Travels and surprising adventures. H. K. F. Munchausen. Treasure island. R. L. Stevenson. Trip eastward, A. A book for boys and girls. E: Abbott. True blue; or, the life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. W: H: G. Kingston. True story ( The) of those dreadful Mouse boys. E. H. Osborn. True tales for my grandsons. S: W. Baker. Two cabin boys, The. L. Rousselet. Two Compton boys. A: Hoppin. Two little waifs. M. L. [S.] Molesworth. Under the glacier. See Ilka. TJp the river; or, yachting on the Mississippi. (Great western ser.) W: T. Adams. Very genteel. Mrs. Hart. Water gipsies: a story of canal life in Eng- land. L. T. [M.] Smith. Ways and tricks of animals, with stories about aunt Mary’s pets. M. Hooper. We and the world. A book for boys. J. H. Ewing. We four. R. Bray. Week by themselves, A. E. M. Norris. What about Fred? P. B. Chamberlain. What became of Tommy. E. M. Norris. Who did it? or, Holmwood priory : a school- boy’s tale. H: C. Adams. Who was Paul Grayson? J: Habberton. Wife’s engagement ring, The. T. S. Arthur. Will Weatherhelm : the yarn of an old sailor. W: H: G. Kingston. William Henry and his friends. A. M. Diaz. William Henry letters. li Wings (The) of courage. Stories adapted from the French. M. E. Field. Worst boy (The) in town. J: Habberton. Young days: plays and ways of little ones at home, with instructive stories. Young franc-tireurs (The) and their advent- ures in the Franco-Prussian war. G: A. Henty. Young Joe and other boys. J: T. Trowbridge. Younq people ( The) of Shakespeare’s dramas. For youthful readers. A. E. [H.] Barr. Class 18. LITERARY MISCELLANY. Abbott, E. A. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions. 1885. Abbott, L., ed. Hints for home reading: a series of chapters on books and their use. With suggestions for libraries. 1880. Adams, W: D. Famous books: sketches in the highways and byways of English literature. Aikman, W: Bachelor’s (A) talks about married life and things adjacent. 1883. Arthur, T. S. Three years in a man-trap. 1872. Ballou, M. M. Notable thoughts about women : a literary mosaic. 1882. Baring-Gould, S. Germany, present and past. 2 v. (1879). Bartlett, J: Shakespeare phrase book, The. 1881. Blackie, J: S. Wisdom (The) of Goethe. 1883. (29) Class 18. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Brown, J: Spare hours. 3 v. 1859. Burroughs, J: Birds and poets, with other papers. 1877. Fresh fields. 1884. Locusts and wild honey. 1879. P( pact on. 1881. Child, L. M. [F.] Looking toward sunset. 1864. Coleridge, S: T. Table talk and omniana. Arr. and ed. by T. Ashe. 1884. Confucius, and Mencius. Chinese classics, The. Tr. by J. Legge. Contents: Pt. 1. Confucius. — Analects; Great learn- ing; Doctrine of the mean. 2. Mencius. — Works. Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. 1884. Deshler, C: D. Afternoons with the poets. 1879. Ebner-Eschenbach, M. Aphorisms. Tr. by A. L. Wister. 1882. Emerson, R. W. Fortunes of the republic: lecture delivered at the Old South Church, March 30, 1878. Fields, J. T. Underbrush. 1881. Flagg, W. Halcyon days. 1881. Fletcher, S. W. Twelve months in an En- glish prison. 1883. Forbes, A. Glimpses through the cannon- smoke : sketches. 1880. Freeman. J . E: Gatherings from an artist’s portfolio. 1877. Gough, J: B. Sunlight and shadow; or, glean- ings from my life work. 1880. Guiney, L. I. Goose-quill papers. 1885. Hamerton, P. G. Landscape. 1885. Haweis, H. R. My musical memories. 1884. Hinton, J. Mystery ( The) of pain. A book for the sorrowful. (1872). Holcombe, J. P., ed. Literature in letters; or, manners, art, criticism, biography, his- tory, and morals. 1865. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Works. Tr. by C. Smart. Hughes, T: True manliness. Selected from his writings by E. E. Brown. 1880. Jackson, M. E. Spy (The) of Osawatomie; or, the mysterious companions of old John Brown. 1881. Jeaffreson, C. Young squire (A) of the sev- enteenth century. Ed. from his papers by J: C. Jeaffreson. [1676-1686]. 2 v. Jefferies, R: Amateur poacher, The. (1879). Jennings, G: PI:, and Johnstone, W. S., comp. Half-hours with Greek and Latin authors. 1881. Jewett, S. O. Country by-ways. 1881. Kingsley, C: Yeast: a problem. 1851. Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Fior d’Aliza. Tr. from the French by G: Perry. 1868. Lanier, S. English novel ( The) and the prin- ciple of its development. 1883. Lawrence, E. English literature primers. 2 v. 1878. Contents: 1. Eomance period. 2. Classical period. Primer (A) of Latin literature. 1877. Linn, S. P., comp. Golden gleams of thought. 1881. Lucanus, M. A. Pharsalia, The. Tr. by H. T. Riley. (1878). Matthews, J. B. Home library, The. 1883. Miller, 0. T. Bird-ways. 1885. Milner, G: Country pleasures : the chronicle of a year, chiefly in a garden. 1881. Mitchell, D. G. Bound together: a sheaf of papers. 1884. Peabody, E. P., ed. Aesthetic papers. 1849. Pole, W: Theory (The) of the modern sci- entific game of whist. 1879. Porter, N. Books and reading; or, what books shall I read and how shall I read them. 1881. Prentiss, E. [P.] Urbane and his friends. 1874. Pryde, D: Highways ( The) of literature. Robinson, P. Under the sun. 1882. Rydberg, V. Magic ( The) of the middle ages. Tr. from the Swedish by A. H. Edgren. 1879. Roman days. Tr. by A. C. Clark, with a sketch of Rydberg by H. A. W. Lindeh n. Scoones, W. B., ed. Four centuries of En- • glish letters. (1880). Sewell, E. M. Note-book of an elderly lady. (1881). Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in New York. 1879. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. [N.] de. Germany. With notes and appendices by O. W. Wight. Taylor, B: F. Summer-savory, gleaned from rural nooks in pleasant weather. 1879. Thoreau, H: D: Early spring in Massachu- setts. 1881. Excursions. 1863. Letters to various persons. 1865. Week (A) on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. 1867. Thwing, C: F. Reading (The) of books: its pleasures, profits, and perils. 1883. Torrey, B. Birds in the bush. 1885. Up de Graff, T.S. Bodines; or, camping on the Lycoming: a complete practical guide to “ camping out.” 1879. Walsh, W: S., ed. Authors and authorship. (1882). Pen pictures of modern authors. (1882). Warner, C: D. In the wilderness. 1878. Wheeler, W: A. Who wrote it? An index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern literature. Ed. by C: G. Wheeler. 1881. Wiglittle, Judge, pseud. Ten years a police court judge. 1884. (30) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 18d. Wilson, J: Nodes ambrosianx. Ed. by J: Skelton. Class 18a. Fables, Anecdotes, Facetiae, &c. Clark, C: H. Elbow-room: a novel without a plot. 1876. Random shots. 1878. Croffut, W: A: Midsummer lark, A. (Leis. hour ser.) (1882). Dodgson,C:L. Rhyme? and reason? (18S4). Enchiridion of wit, The : the best specimens of English conversational wit. Harris, J. C. Uncle Remus: his songs and his sayings. The folk-lore of the old plantation. 1880. Holley, M. My wayward pardner. Jerrold, D. W: Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lect- ures. 1865. Stauffer, F. H. Queer {The), the quaint, the quizzical: a cabinet for the curious. 1882. Woodward, A. A. Echoes from mist-land; or, the Nibelungen lay revealed to lov- ers of romance and chivalry. 1877. Class 18b. Rhetoric and Elocution. Cumnock, R. McL. Choice readings for pub- lic and private entertainment. 1883. Class 18c. Orations and Speeches. Garfield, J. A. Works. Ed. by B. A. Hins- dale. 2 v. 1882. Mathews, W: Oratory and orators. 1878. Class 18d. Essays and Criticisu Alcott, A. B. Tablets. 1868. Alger, W: R. School of life, The. 1881. Solitudes (The) of nature and of man; or, the loneliness of humanlife. 1866. Arnold, M. Irish essays, and others. 1882. Ballantyne, T: Essays in mosaic. (1879). Beecher, H: W. Twelve lectures to young men, on various important subjects. 1879. Besant, W. Art of fiction, The. Also The art of fiction by H: James. (1885). Blackie, J: S. On self-culture, intellectual, physical, and moral : a vade mecum for young men and students. 1874. Bowen, F. Gleanings from a literary life. [1838-80]. Browne, T: Religio medici, a letter to a friend, Christian morals, urn-burial, and other papers. (1878). Bushnell, H. Literary varieties. 3 v. 1881. Contents: 1. Work and play. 2. Moral uses of dark things. 3. Building eras in religion. Carlyle, T: Critical and miscellaneous es- says. 1845. Clarke, J. F. Self -culture, physical, intel- lectual, moral and spiritual: a course of lectures. 1880. Cobbe, F. P. Duties of women, The : a course of lectures. 1880. Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures. 10 v. 1877- 86 . Contents: 1. Biology. 2. Transcendentalism. 3. Orthodoxy. 4. Conscience. 5. Heredity. 6. Marriage. 7. Labor. 8. Socialism. 9. Occident. 10. Orient. Craik, D. M. [M.] Plain-speaking. 1882. Cross, M. A. [ E.] Essays, and leaves from a note-book. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. 1879. Davy, H. Consolations in travel ; or, the last days of a philosopher. 1829. Dowden, E: Shakspere: a critical study of his mind and art. (1881). Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. (1881). Fiske, J: Excursions of an evolutionist. 1883. Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle man- ners for schools and families. 1873. Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. 1881. Hamerton, P. G. Human intercourse. 1884. Haydn, H. C. Amusements, in the light of reason and scripture. 1880. Hayward, A. Selected essays. 2 v. 1878. Herrick, S: E: Some heretics of yesterday. 1884. Huxley, T: H: Critiques and addresses. 1873. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. 1870. More criticisms on Darwin. Also Admin- istrative nihilism. (1873). Science and culture, and other essays. 1881. Jameson, A. [ M.] Characteristics of women. 1832. Memoirs of the loves of the poets. 1829. Sketches of art, literature, and character. 1846. Studies, stories, and memoirs. (1879). Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edinburgh review. 1843. King, H: T. Egotist, The: essays of life. 1879. Kingsley, C: Health and education. Laugel, A. A. England, political and social. Tr. by J. M. Hart. 1874. Lea, H: C. Superstition and force: essays. 1878. Leeds, J. W. Theatre, The: an essay upon the non-accordancy of stage-plays with the Christian profession. 1884. Luther, M. Luther’s table-talk: extracts se- lected by Dr. Macaulay. (1882). Also Luther anecdotes: memorable sayings and doings of Martin Luther, by Dr. Macaulay. (1883). Macaulay, T: B. Essays, critical and mis- cellaneous. MacDonald, G: Imagination (The) and other essays. Mackintosh, J. Miscellaneous works. 1846. Mallock, W: H. Is life worth living? 1879. Mann, H. Few thoughts (A) for a young man. 1850. Mathews, A. Bundle of papers, A. 1878. Maurice, J: F: D. Friendship (The) of books, and other lectures. (1880). ( 31 ) Class 18d. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Mead, E. D. Philosophy (The) of Carlyle. 1881. Mill, J: S. On liberty. 1859. Munger, T. T. Lamps and paths. 1884. On the threshold. 1880. Newman, J: P. Christianity triumphant: its defensive and aggressive victories. 1883. Plato. Day (A) in Athens with Socrates. Tr. from the Greek. 1883. Plutarchus. Plutarch’s essays. 1881. Rice, A. T., ed. Essays from the North American review. 1879. Ruskin, J: Fors clavigera: letters to work- men. 1883. Sargent, Mrs. J: T., ed. Sketches and rem- iniscences of the Radical clut of Chest- nut street, Boston. 1880. Savage, M. J. Life questions. 1879. Seneca, L. A. Morals of a happy life, bene- fits, anger and clemency. Tr. by R. L’Estrange. Smiles, S: Duty; with illustrations of courage, patience and endurance. 1880. Thrift; or, how to get on in the world. 1875. Smiley, S. F. Garden graith; or, talks among my flowers. 1880. Swing, D: Club essays. 1880. Motives of life. 1879. Taylor, B. Critical essays and literary notes. 1880. < Studies in German literature. 1879. Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions, international and religious. 1884. Tourgee, A. W. Appeal to Cvesar, An. 1884. Value of life, The: a reply to Mr. Mallock’s essay Is life worth living? 1879. Wells, K. G. About people. 1884. Whipple, E. P. Character and characteris- tic men. 1866. White, R: G. Studies in Shakespeare. 1885. Wilson, J: Recreations ( The) of Christopher North. 1842. Also Miscellaneous es- says by A. Alison. 1844. Class 18e. Collective Literary Works. Bacon, F. Works. 2 v. Contents : 1 . Philosophical writings. 2. Literary and religious works. Brodribb, W: J. Demosthenes. (Ancient classics). Church, A. J: Ovid. (Ancient classics). “ and Brodribb, W: J. Pliny's letters. (Ancient classics). Coleridge, S:T. Complete works. With an in- troductory essay. Ed. by W: G.T.Shedd. Contents: 1. Aids to reflection; Statesman’s man- ual. 2. The friend. 3. Biographia literaria. 4. Lectures upon Shakespeare and other dramatists. 5. The literary remains; Confessions of an inquiring spirit. 6. Church and sTate; A lay sermon; Table talk, &c. 7. Poetical and dramatic works. Collins, C. W. Plato. (Ancient classics). Sophocles. “ “ Collins, W:L. Aristophanes. (Ancient classics). Cicero. “ “ Homer. The Iliad. “ “ “ The Odyssey. “ “ Livy. “ “ Lucian. “ “ Plautus and Terence. “ “ Thucydides. “ “ Virgil. “ “ Copleston, R. S. jEscliylus. “ “ Davies, J. Catullus , Tibullus and Propertius. (Ancient classics). Hesiod and Theognis. (Ancient classics). Donne, W:B. Euripides. " Tacitus. “ “ Gladstone, W: E. Gleanings of past years, 1843-78. 7 v. Contents: 1. The throne, and the prince consort; The cabinet, and the constitution. 2. Personal and literary. 3. Historical and speculative. 4. Foreign. 5, 6. Ecclesiastical. 7. Miscellaneous. Grant, A. Aristotle. (Ancient classics). Xenophon. “ “ Hawthorne, NT., and others. American prose: Hawthorne, Irving, Longfellow, Whit- tier, Holmes, Lowell, Thoreau, Emerson ; with introd. and notes. Herbert, G: Works in prose and verse. Also life by I. Walton. (1883). Johnson, E. R., ed. Little classics, v. 17, 18. Contents: 17. Nature: A-hunting of the deer, by C: D. Warner; Dogs, by P. G. Hamerton ; In the hemlocks, by J: Burroughs; A winter walk, by H: D: Thoreau; Buds and bird voices, by N. Hawthorne; The fens, by C: Kingsley; Ascent of the Matterhorn, by E: Whymper; Ascent of Mount Tyndall, by C. King; The firmament, by J: Ruskin. 18. Human- ity: Chumming with a savage, by C: W. Stoddard; Doctor Marigold, by C: Dickens; A brace of boys, y F. II. Ludlow; George the third, by W: M. Thackeray; Juliet, by A. Janweson; Is life worth living? by W: H. Mallock. Mallock,W:H. Lucretius. (Ancient classics). Martin, T. Horace. “ Modern classics, v. 1-9, 11-16, 28, 32. Contents: 1. Evangeline; Courtship of Miles Stand- ish; Favorite poems; by H: W. Longfellow. 2. Cult- ure, Behavior, Beauty ; Books, Art, Eloquence; Power, Wealth, Illusions; by R. W. Emerson. 3. Nature; Love, Friendship, Domestic life; Success, Greatness, Immortality; by R. W. Emerson. 4. Snow-bound; Tent on the beach ; Favorite poems ; by J: G. Whit- tier. 5. Vision of Sir Launfal; Cathedral; Favorite poems; by J. R. Lowell. 6. Charles Dickens; Barry Cornwall and some of his friends; by J. T. Fields; Christmas carol, by C: Dickens. 7. Favorite poems, by W: Wordsworth and S: T. Coleridge; Ancientmari- ner, by S: T. Coleridge. 8. Undine; Sin tram and his companions; Tr. from the German of La Motte Fou- que ; Paul and Virginia, Tr. from the French of J. B. H. de St. Pierre. 9. Rab, and Marjorie Fleming; John Leech; Thackeray’s literary career; by J: Brown. 11. Princess; Maud; Locksley hall ; Talking oak; by A. Tennyson. 12. Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing, by E. C. Stedman ; Lady Geraldine’s courtship, by E B. Browning; Favorite poems, by R. Browning. 13. Goethe, by T: Carlyle; The tale, and Favorite poems, by J. W. Goethe. 14. Schiller, by T: Carlyle; Lay of the bell and Fridolin, and Favorite poems, by J. C. F. v. Schiller. 15. Burns, by T: C arlyle ; Favorite poems, by R. Burns and W. Scott. 16. Byron, by T: B. Macaulay; Favorite poems, by G: G. N. Byron and T: Hood. 28. Hawthorne, by J. T. Fields; Tales of the White Hills, and Legends of New England, by N. Hawthorne. 32. A day’s pleasure, and other sketches, by W: D. Howells. CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 21 Morice, F. D. Pindar. (Ancient classics). Neaves, C: Greek anthology, The. (Ancient classics). Nettleship, H. Vergil. Also Livy, by W: W. Capes. Swayne, G: C. Herodotus. (Ancient clas- sics). Trollope, A. Commentaries (The) of Cxsar. (Ancient classics). Walford, E: Juvenal. (Ancient classics). Class 18f. Literary History. Botta, A. C. L. Handbook of universal lit- erature. 1884. Chambers, R., ed. Cyclopaedia of English literature : history of British and Ameri- can authors, with specimens of their writings. Third ed. rev. by R. Carruthers. 8 v. 1876. Gosse, E. From Shakespeare to Pope: causes of the rise of classical poetry in Eng- land. 1885. Oliphant, M. O. [ W.] Literary history ( The) of England in the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. 3 v. 1882. Perry, T: S. English literature in the 18th century. 1883. Saintsbury, G: E: B. Short history (A) of French literature. 1882. Symonds, J: A. Studies of the Greek jjoets. 2 v. (1882). Taine, H. A. History of English literature. Abridged and ed. by J: Fiske. 1872. Tuckerman, B. History (A) of English prose fiction from Sir Thomas Malory to George Eliot. 1882. Tyler, M. C. Historv(A)of American litera- ture. [1607-1765]. 2 v. 1878. Van Laun, H. History of French literature. 3 v. (1878-80). HISTORY. Class 20. VOYAGES. Beehler, W. H. Cruise (The) of the Brook- lyn. 1884. Blackwood, F: T. Yacht voyage (A) to Ice- land, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, in 1856. Brassey, A. Around the world in the yacht ‘Sunbeam’. [1876-7]. In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties. 1884. Sunshine and storm in the east; or, cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. [1874- 78]. Kingston, W: H: G. Notable voyages from Columbus to Parry. (1880). Kippis, A. Narrative (A) of the voyages round the world by Captain James Cook. With an account of his life. 1788. Mac Michael, M. Landlubber’s log (A) of his voyage around Cape Horn. 1882. Payer, J. New lands within the Arctic cir- cle. Discoveries of the “Tegetthoff,” 1872-74. From the German. (1877). Schley, W. S., and Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greely, The. 1885. Class 21. TRAVELS IN AMERICA. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch: ranch notes in Kansas, Colorado, the Indian terri- tory, and northern Texas. (1884). —3 Ballou, M. M. Due south ; or, Cuba past and present. 1885. Bates, H: W. Naturalist (The) on the river Amazons. (1875). Bishop, I. L. [B.] Lady’s life (A) in the Rocky mountains. 1879. Blake, M. E. On the wing: rambling notes of a trip to the Pacific. 1883. Carpenter, F. D. Y. Round about Rio. 1883. Catlin, G: Manners, customs and condi- tion of the North American Indians. 2 v. (1876). Clemens, S: L. Life on the Mississippi. 1883. Dahlgren, M. [ V.] South sea sketches. 1881. Dewhurst, W: W. History (The) of Saint Augustine, Florida. 1881. Dixie, F. D. Across Patagonia. (1881). Dodge, R: I. Plains (The) of the great West and their inhabitants. 1876. Dorr, J. C. [R.] Bermuda: an idyl of the summer islands. 18S4. Drake, S: A. Heart (The) of the White mountains: their legends and scenery. 1882. Faithfull, E. Three visits to America. 1884. Gilder, W: H: Schwatka’s search. 1881. Grohman, W: A. B. Camps in the Rockies. 1882. (33) Class 21. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Hardy, I. D. Through cities and prairie lands: sketches of an Am. tour. (1881). Hatton, J. Henry Irving's impressions of America. 1884. Inman, H: Stories of the old Santa Fe trail. 1881. Jackson, S. Alaska , and missions on the North Pacific coast. 1880. Miller, C. H. Life amongst the Modocs. 1873. Ober, F: A. Camps in the Caribbees: ad- ventures of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. 1879. Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches; or, rambles in the backwoods of Mexico and Central America. 1880. Pierrepont, E: Fifth avenue to Alaska. 1884. Rideing, W: H. A-saddle in the wild West. 1879. Saunders, W: Through the light continent; or, the United States in 1877-8. Scudder, H. E. Boston town. 1881. Smith, H. H. Brazil, the Amazons, and the coast. 1879. Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches. Sylvan city, A ; or, quaint corners in Phila- delphia. 1883. Wardman, G: Trip (A) to Alaska: a sum- mer cruise in Alaskan w T aters. 1884. Wilber, C. D. Great valleys (The) and prairies of Nebraska and the northwest. 1881. Willard, E. S. Life in Alaska: letters ed. by Mrs. E. McClintock. 1884. Class 22. TRAVELS IN EUROPE. Aldrich, T: B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1883. Amicis, E. de. Constantinople. Tr. from the Italian by C. Tilton. 1878. Holland and its people. Tr. from the Italian by C. Tilton. 1880. Spain. Tr. from the Italian by W. W. Cady. Studies of Paris. Tr. from the Italian by W. W. Cady. 1879. Arnold, H. P. Gleanings from Pontresina and the upper Engadine. 1880. Bacon, H: Parisian year, A. 1882. Baedeker, K. Northern Germany: hand- book for travellers. 1877. Rhine ( The ) from Rotterdam to Constance : handbook for travellers. (1878). Baker, C. A. Summer (A) in the Azores, with a glimpse of Madeira. 1882. Blackburn, H: Breton folk: an artistic tour in Brittany. (1881). Caton, J: D. Summer (A) in Norway. 1875. Clemens, S: L. Tramp abroad, A. 1879. Crawfurd, 0. J: F: Portugal, old and new. Cumming, C. F. [G.] In the Hebrides. (1883). Davies, W: Pilgrimage (The) of the Tiber. (1873). Day, H: From the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules: Spain, its history, and its people. 1883. Du Chaillu, P. B. Land (The) of the mid- night sun: Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and northern Finland. 2 v. 1881. Dwight, H: O. Turkish life in war time. 1881. Forbes, S. R. Rambles in Rome: an archaeo- logical and historical guide. 1882. Gibbons, P. E. French and Belgians. 1879. Hale, E: E. and S. Family flight (A) through France , Germany, Norway, and Switzer- land. 1881. Hall, S: C. and A. M. [F.] Ireland: its scenery, character, &c. Hare, A: J: C. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. 1882. Florence. Venice. Harrison, J. A. Greek vignettes. A sail in the Greek seas. 1877. Hassard, J: R. G. Pickwickian pilgrimage, A. 1881. Hawthorne, J. Saxon studies. 1875. Hillard, G: S. Six months in Italy. 1853. Howells, W: D. Italian journeys. 1872. James, H:, jr. Little tour (A) in France. 1884. Portraits of places. 1883. Macquoid, K. S. In the Ardennes. 1880. Martin, K. B. Belgian days. 1882. Moulton, L. C. Random rambles. 1881. Nevin, W. W. Vignettes of travel: compara- tive sketches in England and Italy. 1S80. Ninde, M. L. Wetivo alone in Europe. 1885. Norton, C: E. Notes of travel and study in Italy. 1859. Parker, Mrs. W: Wandering thoughts and wandering steps. 1880. Patterson, A. J. Magyars, The : their coun- try and institutions. 2 v. 1869. Pitman, M. J. [D.] European breezes. 1882. Prime, S: I. Alhambra (The) and the Krem- lin: the south and the north of Europe. 1873. Sala, G: A: Paris herself again in 1878-9. Schliemann, H. Mycenee: researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. 1877. Tiryns: the prehistoric palace of the kings of the Tiryns. 1885. Symonds, J: A. Italian by-ways. (1883). Sketches and studies in southern Europe. 2 v. (1880). Taine, H. A. Italy. Florence and Venice. From the French by J. Durand. 1869. Italy. Rome and Naples. From the French by J. Durand. 1868. (34) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 24. Terhune, M. V. [ H.] Loiterings in pleasant paths. 1880. Thacher, S. O. What I saw in Europe. 1883. Tromhoit, S. Under the rays of the Aurora Borealis: in the land of the Lapps and Kvxns. 2 v. (1885). Tyler, K. E. Story (The) of a Scandinavian summer. 1881. Vasili, P. Berlin society. Tr. from the French by J; Loder. 1884. Vincent, F.,jr. Norsk, Lapp, and Finn; or, travel tracings from the far north of Europe. 1881. Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the Pyre- nees. 1883. Waring, G:E.,jr. Farmer's vacation, A. 1875. Tyrol and the skirt of the Alps. 1879. Warner, C: D. Roundabout journey , A. 1883. Saunterings. 1872. Watson, S: Memphian’s trip (A) to Europe. 1874. White, R: G. England without and within. 1881. Wilkie, F. B. Sketches beyond the sea. 1879. Class 23. TRAVELS IN ASIA. Adams, W: H: D. Eastern archipelago. (1880). Bacon, G: B. Siam, as it was and is. 1881. Bishop, I. L. [B.] Hawaiian archipelago, The: six months among the Sandwich islands. 1875. Unbeaten tracks in Japan: travels on horseback in the interior. 2 v. 1880. Blunt, A. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. (1879). Caird, J. India, the land and the people. 1883. Cesnola,. L. P. di. Cyprus : its ancient cities, tombs and temples. 1877. Cumming, C. F. [G.] At home in Fiji. Dostoyefsky, F. M. Buried alive; or, ten years of penal servitude in Siberia. Tr. from the Russian by M. v. Thilo. (1881). Field, H: M. Among the holy hills. 1883. Finn, Mrs. E. A. Home (A) in the Holy Land: a tale illustrating customs and incidents in modern Jerusalem. 1882. Gill, W: J: River of golden sand, The: nar- rative of a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah. Condensed by E: C. Baber. Ed. with memoir and introductory essay by H: Yule. 1883. Gray, J: H: China: a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people. Ed. by W: G. Gregor. 2 v. 1878. Haeckel, E. H. Visit (A) to Ceylon. Tr. by C. Bell. (1883). Half hours in the far east among the people and wonders of India. Lansdell, H: Russian central Asia, includ- ing Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv. 2 v. 1885. Melville, G: W. In the Lena delta. Ed. by M. Philips. 1884. Merrill, S. East of the Jordan: a record of travel and observation. 1881. Schliemann, H. Ilios: researches and dis- coveries on the site of Troy, 1871-79. Including an autobiography of the au- thor. 1880. Stack, E: Six months in Persia. 2 v. (1882). Taylor, B., comp. Japan in our day. 1881. Travels in Arabia. 1881. Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet, and cen- tral Asia. 1881. Thomson, W: M. Land ( The) and the book. Southern Palestine and Jerusalem. 1880. Vincent, F., jr. Land of the white elephant, The: travels in Burma, Siam, Cambo- dia, and Cochin-China. 1882. Wallace A. R. Malay archipelago, The: a narrative of travel. (1883). Wheeler, L. N. Foreigner in China , The. 1881. Williams, S: W. Middle kingdom, The: geography, government, education, so- cial life, arts, religion, &c., of the Chi- nese empire and its inhabitants. 2 v. 1847. Class 24. TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Amicis, E. de. Morocco: its people and places. Tr. by C. Rollin-Tilton. Appleton, T: G. Nile journal, A. 1875. Baker, S: W. In the heart of Africa. 1884. Boddy, A. A. To Kairwdn the holy : scenes in Muhammedan Africa. (1885). De Leon, E. Khedive's Egypt, The. 1877. Geddie, J: Lake regions (The) of central Africa. (1881). Phelps, J: W. Island (The) of Madagascar : a sketch, descriptive and historical. 1883. Pike, N: Sub-tropical rambles in and around Mauritius. 1873. Pinto, A. A. da R. S. How I crossed Africa. Tr. by A. Elwes. 2 v. 1880. Stanley, H: M. Congo ( The) and the found- ing of its free state. 2 v. 1885. Through the dark continent. 2 v. 1878. Taylor, B., comp. Lake regions (The) of central Africa. 1881. Travels in south Africa. 1881. Thomson, J. To the central African lakes and back. [1878-80]. 2 v. Warner, C: D. My winter on the Nile. 1880. Warren, W: W. Life on the Nile and excur- sions on shore. Also a tour in Syria and Palestine in 1866-67. 1883. Watson, R. S. Visit (A) to Wazan, the sa- cred city of Morocco. 18S0. Class 25 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Class *25. TRAVELS IN SEVERAL QUARTERS. Bainbridge, L. S. Round the world letters. 1881. Ballou, M. M. Due west ; or, round the world in ten months. Bartlett, S: C. From Egypt to Palestine. 1879. Cox, S: S. Orient sunbeams; or, from the Porte to the Pyramids by way of Pales- tine. 1882. Field, H: M. From Egypt to Japan. 1877. Gillmore, P. Encounters with wild beasts. (1881). Green, W: S. High Alps (The) of New Zea- land. 1883. Half hours in the far north. Judd, L. F. Honolulu: life, social, political, and religious in the Hawaiian islands. 1880. Remlap, L. T., ed. General U. S. Grant's tour around the world. With sketch of his life. 1879. St. Johnston, A. Camping among cannibals. Wallace, S. E. Storied sea , The. 1883. Warner, C: D. In the Levant. 1876. Wikoff, H: Reminiscences (The) of an idler. 18&0. Class 26. CIVIL HISTORY.— Collections and Com- pends. Labberton, R. H. Historical questions. 1871. Outlines of history from the earliest records to the present time. 1879. Lord, J: Beacon lights of history. 5 v. 1883-5. Contents: 1. Antiquity. 2. The middle ages. 3. Re- naissance and reformation. 4. Warriors and states- men. 5. Great women. Norton, C: E. Historical studies of church- building in the middle ages. Venice, Siena, Florence. 1880. Ploetz, C. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history. Tr. with add. by W: H. Tillinghast. Rosse, J. W. Index of dates, An. 2 v. 1857. Class 27. ANCIENT HISTORY. Beesly, A: H: Gracchi (The), Marius, and Sulla. ( Epochs of ancient hist.) Benjamin, S: G. W. Troy : its legend, his- tory and lit, rature. ( Epochs of ancient hist.) 1810 Church, A. J: Roman life in the days of Cic- ero. 1883. Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian em- pire. [B. C. 700-323] . Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the antediluvian world. 1882. Harrison, J. A. Story (The) of Greece. 1885. Mahaffy, J: P. Social life in Greece from Ho- mer to Menander. 1879. Meiivale, C: History of the Romans under the empire. [B. C. 61-A. D. 180]. 7 v. 1862. Milman, H: H. History (The) of the Jews. 1829. Myers, P, V. N. Outlines of ancient history from the earliest times to A. D. 476. 18«2. Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P. de. Pre-historic America. Tr. by N. D ’Anvers. Ed. bv W. H. Dali. 1884. Ramsay, W: Manual (A) of Roman antiqui- ties. 1859. Rawlins on, G: Five great monarchies (The) of the ancient eastern world; or, the history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldsea. Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia. 3 v. 1862-7. History of ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1880. Sixth great oriental monarchy, The; or, the geography, history, and antiquities of Parthia. 1872. Sayce, A. H: Ancient empires (The) of the east, (1884). Contents: Egypt; Babylonia and Assyria ; The Phoe- nicians; Lydia; The Persian empire; Dynastic tables. Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage: the Punic wars. [B. C. 264-146]. 1880. Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer. 1884. Waters, C. E. [ C.] Egypt. 1880. Wilkinson, J: G. Popular account (A) of the ancient Egyptians. 2 v. 1853. Wilson, E. Egypt (The) of the past. 1881. Class 28. AMERICAN HISTORY. Abbott, C: C. Primitive industry ; or, illus- trations of the handiwork of the native races of the northern Atlantic seaboard of America. 1881. Andreas, A. T., pub. History of the state of Kansas. (1883). Ashton, J: Adventures (The) and dis- courses of captain John Smith, some- time president of Virginia and admiral of New England. Reprinted 1884. Bancroft, G: History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent, v. 7-8. ( The American revo- lution, v. 1-2). 1858. See also class 5. Barrows, W: Oregon: the struggle for pos- session. (Am. commonwealths). 1883. Benton. T: H. Thirty years' view; or, a his- tory of the working of the Am. govern- ment for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850. 2 v. 1854. Blackman, E. C. History of Susquehanna county, Penn. 1873. Blaine, J. G. Twenty years of congress: from Lincoln to Garfield. With a review of the events which led to the political revolution of 1860. 2 v. 1884. (36) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Ct aps 29. Bowen, B: F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170 A. D. 1876. Browne, W: H. Maryland: the history of a palatinate. (Am. commonwealths). 1881. Cable, G: W. Creoles (The) of Louisiana. 1884. Cist, H: M. Army ( The) of the Cumberland. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882. Cooke, J: E. Virginia: a history of the peo- ple. (Am. commonwealths). 1883. Cooley, T: M. Michigan: a history of gov- ernments. (Am. commonwealths). 1885. Cox, J. D. Atlanta. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882. March to the sea (The), Franklin, and Nash- ville. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882. Davis, W: T. Ancient landmarks of Plym- outh. 1883. Dayton, A. C. Last days of Knickerbocker life in New York. 1880. Devens, R. M. National memorial volume, The: great events of our past century. 1877. Dornblaser, T: F. Sabre strokes of the Penn- svlvania dragoons in the war of 1861-65. 1884. Doubleday, A. Chancellor sville and Gettys- burg. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882. Ellis, G: E: Red man (The) and the white man in North America from its discovery to the present time. 1882. Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1881. Giles, F. W. Thirty years in Topeka: a his- torical sketch. 1886. Greeley, H. American conflict , The: a his- torv of the great rebellion in the U. S. of Am, 1860-65. 2 v. 1864-6. Greene, F. V. Mississippi, The. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882. Guernsey, A. H., and Alden H: M. Har- per’s pictorial history of the great rebell- ion. 2 v. 1866-6S. Hildreth, R: History (The) of the United States of Am. 6 v. 1877-80. Howard, O. 0. Nez Perce Joseph. 1881. Jackson, H. M. [ F.] Century of dishonor , A : sketch of the U. S. government’s deal- ings with some of the Indian tribes. 1881. Lodge, H: C. Short history (A) of the En- glish colonies in Am. 1881. Studies in history. 1884. Lossing, B. J: History of the Am. revolu- tion. 3 v. Lowell, E: J. Hessians (The) and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war. 1884. McClellan, G: B. McClellan’s own story. [ Also Life by W. C. Prime]. 1886. Markham, C. R. War ( The) between Peru and Chile, 18.9-1882. Nico 1 ay, J: G. Outbreak (The) of the re- bellion. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1881. Palfrey, F. W. Antietam (The) and Freder- icksburg. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882. Pattee, W: S. History (A) of old Braintree and Quincy, with a sketch of Randolph and Holbrook. 1879. Peabody, S. H., comp. A m.erican patriotism : speeches, letters, and other papers which illustrate the foundation, the develop- ment, the preservation of the United States of Am. 1881. Ropes, J:C. Army under Pope, The. (Cam- paigns of the civil war). 1881. Shaler, N. S. Kentucky: a pioneer com- monwealth. (Am. commonwealths). 1884. Spring, L. W. Kansas: the prelude to the war for the union. (Am. common- wealths). 1885. Webb, A. S. Peninsula, The: McClellan’s campaign of 1862. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1881. Wilder, D. W. Annals of Kansas, The. [1541-1885]. Class 29. HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE. Armitage, E. S. Childhood (The) of the English nation; or, the beginnings of English hist* ry. 1876. Ashton, J: Social life in the reign of queen Anne. (1883). Baird, H: M. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. 2 v. 1879. Blanc, J. J. L. History ( The) of ten years, 1830-1840. 2 v. (1844). Brodribb, W: J., and Besant, W. Constanti- nople: its history from its foundation to its conquest by the Turks in 1453. (1879). Broglie, A. L. V: C: de. King's secret. The: the secret correspondence of Louis XY with his diplomatic agents, from 1752 to 1774. 2 v. Brougham, H: P: History of England and Fra, nee under the house of Lancaster. (1855). Chautauqua library of English history and literature, v. 3. The wars of the roses. 1881. Clark, E. L. Races (The) of European Tur- key: their history, condition, and pros- pects. 1878. Cond6, J. A. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Tr. from the Span- ish by Mrs. J. Foster. 3 v. (1854-5). Coppee, H: History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. 2 v. 18S0. Cory, W: Guide (A) to modern English his- tory, pt. 1. 1815-30. (1880). Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth, The. 1876. Class 29. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Froissart, J. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries from Edward II to Henry IV. Tr. from the French by T: Johnes. With life of the author. Fronde, J. A. English ( The) in Ireland in the 18th century. 3 v. 1871-74. Fyffe, C: A. History (A) of modern Europe, v. 1. [1792-1814]. 1880. Gi'ldely, A. History of the thirty years' war. Tr. by A. Ten Brook. 2 v. 1883-4. Gray, G: Z. Children's crusade , The: an episode of the 13th century. 1870. Green, J: R: Conquest of England, The. 1883. History of the English people. 4 v. (1878). Guizot, F. P. G., and Witt, H. [G.] de. His- tory (The) of France from the earliest times to 1848. Tr. by R. Black. 8 v. Abt. 1869. Harrison, J. A. Spain. 1881. Hervey, J: Memoirs of the reign of George II. [1727-42]. Ed. by J: W. Croker. 3 v. Abt. 1743. Hodgkin, T: Italy and her invaders. 376- 476. 2 v. 1879. Hunnewell, J. F. Historical monuments ( The) of France. 1884. Jackson, C. C. Old Paris: its court and lit- erary salons. (1880). Old regmie, The: court, salons, and theatres. (1882). Jennings, G: H:, comp. Anecdotal history (An) of the British parliament. (1881). Kinglake, A. W: Invasion (The) of the Crimea. [1850-55]. 6 v. 1863-88. Lecky, W: E: H. History (A) of England in the 18th century, v. 1-6. 1877-87. McCarthy, J. Epoch of Reform, The. 1830- 50. 1882. History (A) of our own limes. [1837- 1880]. 2 v. 1880. History ( A) of the four Georges, v. 1. [171 4— 33]. (1885). Macdonell J. France since the first empire. 1879. Mackenzie, H. D. S. Switzerland. [B. C. 113-A. D. 1871]. 1881. Merle d’Aubigne, J. H. History of the reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. [1513-46]. 8 v. 1862-75. Michaud, J. F. History (The) of the cru- sades. [300-1685]. Tr. by W. Robson. 3 v. 1841. Mongredien, A: History of the free-trade movement in England. [1824-81]. 1881. Napier, W: F. P. History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France. [1807-14]. 2 v. (1878). Russell, W: History (The) of modern Eu- rope. [476-1849]. 4 v. 1850. Sergeant, L: New Greece. Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of Westminster abbey. Stevens, J: L. History of Gustavus Adoljohus. [1594-1632]. 1884. Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes (The) of the people of England. (1876). Thierry, J. N. A. History of the conquest of England by the Normans. [B. C. 55 -A. D. 1485]. Tr. by W: ILazlitt. 2 v. (1856-71). Towle, G: M. History of Henry V of Eng- land. 1866. Walpole, C: G: Short history (A) of the kingdom of Ireland. [450-1800]. (1882). Warburton, W: Edward III. [1327-77]. (Epochs of modern history). Class 30. HISTORY OP ASIA. Thornhill, M. Personal adventures and ex- periences (The) of a magistrate during the Indian mutiny. [1857-58]. Class 31. HISTORICAL MISCELLANY. Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah; or, the mys- teries and crimes of Mormonism. 1870. Brand, J: Observations on popular antiqui- ties. (1877). Feudge, F. R. India. 1880. Great Britain. Philadelphia international exhibition, 1876. Official catalogue of the British section. Part I. 1876. Mackenzie, R. 19th century, The. A his- tory. (1880). Nicoll, H: J. Great movements and those who achieved them. 1881. Parton, J. Triumphs of enterprise, ingenuity and public spirit. 1874. Smyth, C: P. Our inheritance in the great pyramid. 1880. Villargennes, A. J. D. de. Reminiscences of army life under Napoleon Bonaparte. 1884. Whelpley, S: Compend (A) of history from the earliest times. 1825. Wilson, Mrs. A:, ed. and comp. Parsons’ memorial and historical library maga- zine. 1885. BIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE. Class 32a. CoUected Lives, Anecdotes, Ac. Bingham, D. A. Marriages ( The) of the Bona- partes. 2 v. (1882). Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals in and out of parliament. 1880. Drake, S: A., ed. Our great benefactors: short biographies of the men and women most eminent in literature, science, philan- thropy, art, etc. 1884. Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world: historical and critical sketches. (1882). Forney, J: W. Anecdotes of public men. 2 v. 1873-81. (38) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Clvss 32b. Gautier, T., and others. Famous French au- thors: biographical portraits. 1879. Contents: Theophile Gautier, by Sainte-Beuve; Sainte-Beuve, by E. de Mirecourt ; Madame Swet chine, by M. de Pontmartin ; Madame de Girardin ( Delphine Gay), by I. Saint-Amand ; Arsfene Houssaye, by E. de Mirecourt; George Sand, by E. de Mirecourt; Alfred de Musset, by P. de Musset; Victor Hugo, by E. de Mirecourt ; Paul de Kock, by T. Gautier ; Alphonse de Lamartine, by T. Gautier; Gavarni, by T. Gautier; Charles Baudelaire, by T. Gautier; Honore de Balzac, by T. Gautier; Beranger, by T. Gautier; Brizeux, by E. de Mirecourt; Henri Monnier, by E. de Mirecourt; Alexandre Dumas, by P. Fitzgerald: Maurice de Guerin, by M. Arnold; Denis Diderot, by J: Morley; Jean de la Fontaine. Gower, R. C: S. L. Figure painters ( The) of Holland. ( II. biog. of the great artists). (1880). Contents: Gerard van Honthorst ; Adriaen Brouwer ; Gerard I'er-Borch- Adriaan Jansz. van Ostade; Ferdi- nand Bol ; Bartholomeus van der Heist ; Gerard Dou ; Philips Wouwerman; Isack Jansz van Ostade; Jan Steen; Gabriel Metsu; Nicdaas Maes; Jan ver Meer, of Delft; Pieter de Hooch ; Frans van Mieris ; Caspar Netscher. Hamerton, P. G. Modem Frenchmen. 1878 Contents: Victor Jacquemont; Henri Perreyve; Frangois Rude; Jean Jacques Ampere; Heuri Regn- ault. Hatfield, E. F. Poets of the church , The : bio- graphical sketches of hy mn-writers, with notes on their hymns. 1884. Hays, F. Women of the day : a biographical dictionary of notable contemporaries. 1884. Hensel, S. Mendelssohn family (The), from letters and journals. Tr. by C. Klinge- mann. [1729-1847]. 2 v. 1881. Higginson, T: W. Short studies of American authors. 1879. Contents: Hawthorne; Poe; Thoreau; Howells; Helen Jackson ; Henry James, jr. Hole, C:, comp. Brief biographical dictionary , A. With add. and cor. by W: A. Wheeler. Rev. by J. W. Abernethy. 1880. James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists. 1878. Contents: Alfred de Musset; Theophile Gautier; Charles Baudelaire ; Honore de Balzac; Balzac’s let- ters; George Sand; Charles de Bernard and Gustave Flaubert; Ivan Turgenieff; The two Amp&res ; Mad- ame de Sabran ; Merimee’s letters ; The Theatre fran- gais. Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of the early Italian painters. 1845. Japp, A. H. Famous men. Contents: J: Coleridge Patteson ; C: Knight; Rob. Chambers; Duncan Matheson ; J: M’Vickar; Art. Tappan; Dr. Cullis; Dr. Judson; Sir Donald Macleod; H: Alford; Ja. Y. Simpson; Sir H: Lawrence; Ja. D. Forbes; T: Adams. Leaders of men. Contents: The prince consort; Rob. Dick; Commo- dore Goodenough; G: Moore; J: Duncan; S: Greg; Dr. J. Wilson; Dr. Andrew Reed; Lord Lawrence. Jeans, W. T. Creators (The) of the age of steel. (1884). Contents: Sir H: Bessemer; Sir W: Siemens; Sir Jos. Whitworth; Sir J: Brown; S. G. Thomas; G: Ja. Snelus. Lancelott, F. Queens ( The) of England and their times. 2 v. (1858). Lossing, B. J: Eminent Americans: brief biographies. 1883. Mason, E: T., ed. Personal traits of British authors. 2 v. 1884. Contents: 1. Byron; Shelley; Moore; Rogers; Keats; Southey; Landor. 2. Wordsworth; Coleridge; Lamb; Hazlitt ; Leigh Hunt ; Proctor. Rees, J. E. R. Horace Vernet. Also Paul De- laroche. Also Brief biographies of the painters, sculptors, and architects repre- sented in the hemicycle of the Palais des Beaux Arts, Paris, by P. Delaroche. (II. biographies of the great artists). Mauris, M. French men of letters. (Apple- tons’ new handy volume ser.) 1880. Contents: Victor Hugo; Alfred de Musset; The- ophile Gautier; Henri Murger; Sainte-Beuve; Ge- rard de Nerval; Alexandre Dumas, fils ; Emile Au- gier; Octave Feuillet; Victorien Sardou: Alphonse Daudet ; Emile Zola. Parton, J. Captains of industry. 1884. S., E. L. Stories of the Italian artists from Vasari. (1885). Scott, W. Royal characters from the works of Sir Walter Scott. Sel.and arr. by W: T. Dobson. (1881). Scott, W: B. Little masters , The. ( II. biog. of the great artists). (1879). Contents: Forerunners of the little masters; Durer, the reputed teacher of the little masters; Albrecht Altdorfer and his works; Hans Sebald Beham and Barthel Beham; The works of the Behams; Heinrich Aldegrever; Georg Pencz; Jacob Binek and Hans Brosamer. Smiles, S: Brief biographies. 1860. Contents: Ja. Watt; Rob. Stephenson ; Dr. Arnold; Hugh Miller; R: Cobden; Sir E: Bulwer Lytton ; Fs. Jeffrey ; Ebenezer Elliott ; G: Borrow ; J: Ja. Audubon ; W: Macgillivray ; Lord J: Russell; B: Disraeli: W: Ewart Gladstone; Nathaniel Hawthorne; T: Carlyle; J: Sterling; Leigh Hunt; Hartley Coleridge; Dr. Kitto; Edg. Allen Poe; Thdr. Hook ; Dr. And. Combe; Rob. Browning; Edn. Chadwick; Rob. Nicoll; S: Bam- ford; J: Clare; Gerald Massey ; Eliz. Barrett Brown- ing; Fes. Brown ; Sa. Marg. Fuller; Sa. Martin ; Har- riet Martineau ; Mrs. Chisholm. Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens (The) of society. (1861). Wits (The) and beaux of society. (1861). Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark: studies of living celebrities. 1880. Contents: Gladstone; Bismarck; Gamhetta; Bea- consfield; Castelar; Victor Hugo; John Bright ; Three emperors ( William I, Alexander II, and Framis Jo- seph); Carlyle. United States biographical dictionary , The. Kansas volume. Waters, C. E. [C.], and Hutton, L. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works: a handbook. 2 v. 1879. Winter, W: Jeff er sons, The. (Am. actor ser.) 1881. Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, The. With a general introd. by RW. Emerson. Class 32b. Individual Lives. Adams, J: [1735-1826]. 1884. (Am. states- men). J: T. Morse, jr. Adams, J: Quincy. [1767-1848]. Memoirs, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. 12 v. 1874-77. C: F. Adams, ed. Life. 1882. (Am. statesmen). J: T. Morse, jr. (39) Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Adams, T: [1807-65]. See class 32a , Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 391-411. Addison, Jos. [1672-1719]. (Eng men of letters). (1884). W. J. Courthope. Adelaide Louisa Theresa Caroline. [1792- 1849]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 1040- 1050. Adelicia, of Louvaine. [ -1151]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 36-43. iE-schylus. [B. C. 525-456]. See class 18e, Copleston, R. S. Also class 32a , Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 10-12. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. [1807-73]. His life and correspondence. 2 v. 1885. E. C. Agassiz. Agnolo di Francesco, Andrea d\ called An- drea del Sarto. [1488-1530]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [ M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 223-227. Albany, Countess of. See Louise Maximil- ienne Caro. Emanueie. Albert Emmanuel, Fs. C: A: [1819-61]. Life (The) of the prince consort. 5 v. 1871-80. T. Martin. See also class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 1-93. Alexander, the great. [B. C. 356-323]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 577-592. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 379-382. Alexander II. [1818-81]. See class 32a, Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 213-242. Alfieri, Vittorio. [1749-1803]. Autobiogra- phy. With an essay by W: D. Howells. (Choice autobiographies). 1^77. Alford, H: [1810-71]. See clans 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 237-271. Alfred, the great. [849-901]. See class 17c, King Alfred. Also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 625-640. Also Wood. W.,ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 398-401. Alice Maud Mary. [1843-78]. Biographical sketch and letters. 1881. Allegri da Corregrio, Antonio. [ 1494-1531]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp 290-301. Also Wood, W.,ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 83-86. A llston, Washington. [1779-1843]. Seeclass 18d, Jameson, A. [ M.] Studies, stories, and memoirs, pp. 329-365. Ampere, Andr6 Marie. [1775-1836]. See class 32a, James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 253-282. Ampere, Jean Jacques. [ 1800-64 ]. See class 32a, Hamerton, P. G. Modern French- men, pp. 234-345. Also James, H:, jr. French poets and nov- elists, pp. 253-282. Andrea del Sarto. See Agnolo di Francesco, Andrea d\ Andrew, J: Albion. [1818-67]. Memoir, with personal reminiscences. ALsoTwo literary discourses and the valedictory address. 1880. P. W. Chandler. Angelo, Michael. See Buonarotti, Michel- angelo. Angier, Guillaume V: Emile. [1820- ]. See class 32a, Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 172-187. Anne. [1664-1714]. See class 32a, Lance- lott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 847-915. Anne, of Bohemia. [ 1367-94 ]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 221-228. Anne, of Cleves. [1516-57]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 40 )-422. Anne, of Denmark. [15747-1619]. See class 32a, Lance’ott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 652-676. Anne, of Neville. See Anne, of Warwick. Anne, of Warwick. [1454-85]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 309-313. Anne Boleyn, or Bullen. [1507-36], See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of Eng- land, v. I, pp. 357-399. Arblay, Fes. [Burney] d\ [1752-1840]. Diary and letters. Rev. and ed. by S. C. Woolsey. 2 v. 1880. Arch, Jos. [1826- ]. See class 32a. Da- vidson, J. M. Eminent English liber- als, pp. 192-203. Archimedes. [ B. C. 287-212]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men pp. 323-326. Aristophanes. [ B. C. 444-3S0]. See class 18e, Collins, W: L. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 19-21. Aristoteles. [ B. C. 384-322]. See class 18e, Grant, A. Also class 32a, Wo id, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 212-216. Arkwright, R: [1732-92]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 48 1-484. Arnold, Benedict. [1741-1801]. Life: his patriotism and his treason. 1879. I: N. Arnold. Arnold, Edn. [1832- ]. Arnold as poet- izer and as paganizer. 1884. W: C. Wilkinson. (40) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 32b. Arnold, T: [1795 1 342]. Life and corre- spondence. 1844. A. P. Stanley. See also class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biog- raphies, pp. 71-83. Arthur, Chester Alan. [1830-80]. See Gar- field, J. A. Audubon, J: Ja. [1780-1851]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 173- 197. Augustine, St. See Augustinus, Aurelius. Augustinus, Aurelius. [354-430]. See class 32a, Wood. W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 159-162. Baccio della Porta, called Fra Bartolommeo, and IlFrate. [1469-1517]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [ M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 159-169. Bach, Johann Sebastian. [1685-1750]. (Great musicians). 1882. R. L. Poole. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 99-102. Bacon, Fs. [1561-1626]. (Eng. men of let- ters). R: W: Church. See also class 32a, Wood. W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 222-227. Ballantine, W: [1812-87]. Some experi- ences of a barrister’s life. 1882. Balzac, Honore de. [1799-1850]. 1884. ' E. E. Saltus. See also cla?s 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 174-251. Also James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 66-148. Bamford, S: [1788-1872]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 413- 431. Barbarelli, Giorgio di Castel franco, called Giorgione. [1478-1511]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [ M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 310-318. Bartolommeo, Fra. See Baccio della Porta. Bassano. See Ponte, Jacopo da. Baudelaire, C: Henri. [1821-67]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 168-173. Also James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 57-65. Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli, B: Beal, Ja. [1829- ]. See class 32a, David- son, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 231-240. Becket, T: &. See Thomas a Becket. Beesly,E: Spencer. [1831- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 204-216. Beethoven, Ludwig van. [1770-1827]. Life. Tr. from the German by J: J. Lalor. (Biographies of musicians). 1880. L. Nohl. Beethoven. Tr. by A. R. Parsons. 1871. R: Wagner. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 111-114. Bellini, Gentile, Giovanni, and Jacopo. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 134-140. Bentley, R: [1662-1742]. (Eng. men of let- ters). 1882. R: C. Jebb. Beranger, Pierre Jean de. [1780-1857]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Fa- mous French authors, pp. 252-256. Berengaria , of Navarre. [ -1238]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 77-89. Berkeley. G: [1681-1753]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 245-249. Bernard, St. See Beinardus. Bernard du Grail, C: de. [1805-50]. See class 32a, James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 186-197. Bernardus. [1091-1153]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 163-166. Bessemer, H: [1813- ]. Seeclass32a j Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 9-130. Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier. [1771-1802]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 360-363. Bismarck-Schonhausen, K: O: Eduard Leo- pold von. [1815- ]. Biography, in- cluding private letters and personal memoranda. 1877. See also class 32a, Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 37-65. Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. Bonaparte, Eliz. [Patterson]. [1785-1879]. Life and letters of madame Bonanarie. 1879. E. L. Didier. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonapartes, The marriages of the. See class 32a, Bingham, D. A. Booth, Edn. See Booth, J. B. Booth, Junius Brutus. [1796-1852], and Booth, Edn. [1833- ]. Elder (The) and the younger Booth. (Am. actor ser.) 1881. Mrs. A. B. Clarke. Borrow, G: [ 1803-81]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 157-172. Bossuet, Jacques Benigne. [1627-1704]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 187-190. Bouflers, or Boufflers, Marquise de. See class 32a, James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 283-306. Bradlaugh, C: [1833- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 149-164. Bright, J: [1811- ]. Life and speeches. 1881. G: B. Smith. See also class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Emi- nent English liberals, pp. 13-24. Also Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 737-752. Also Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 183-212. ( 41 ) Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Brizeux, Julien Auguste Pelage. [1806-58]. See class 32a , Gautier, T., and others. Fa- mous French authors, pp. 257-8. Bronte, Emily Jane. [1818-48]. (Famous women ser.) 1883. A. M. F. Robinson. Brougham, J: [1810-80]. Life, stories and poems. Ed. by W: Winter. 1880. Brown, Fes. [1816- ]. See class 32a. Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 461-469. Brown, J: [1800-59]. Life and letters. 1885. F. B. Sanborn. Brown, J: [1816- ]. See class 32a, Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 269-299. Browning, Eliz. Moulton [Barrett]. [1809- .61]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief bi- ographies, pp. 449-460. Brow nine, Rob. [1812- ]. See class 32a , Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 377- 385. Bruce, Rob. See Robert I. Brummel, G: Bryan. [1778-1840]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 381-403. Bryant, W: Cullen. [1794-1878]. Biography, with extracts from his private corre- spondence. 2 v. 1883. P. Godwin. Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, G: Buddha. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men, pp. 134-140. Budgett, S: [1794-1851]. Successful mer- chant, The. (1857). W: Arthur. Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Lytton. [1803- 73]. Life, letters, and litfrary remains, v. 1. E: R. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Bunsen, Fes. [ Waddington]. [1791-1876]. Life and letters. 1879. A: J: C. Hare. Bunyan, J: [1628-88]. (Eng. men of let- ters). (1880). J. A. Froude. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 177-192. Buonarotti, or Buonarroti, Michelangelo. [1474-1564?]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 191- 222 . Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 75-78. Burke. C: Saint T: [1822-54]. See class 32a, Winter, W. The Jeffersons, pp. 151— 162. Burke, Edm. [1729-97]. (Eng. men of let- ters). (1879). J: Morley. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 33-48. Burney, Fes. See Arblay, F. [B.] d\ Burns, Rob. [1759-96]. ( Eng. men of let- ters). (1879). J: C. Shairp. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 353-368. Burt, T: [1837- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 103-1 14. Byron, G: Gordon Noel. [1788-1824]. ( Eng. men of letters). J. Nichol. See also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. Brit- ish authors, v. 1, pp. 9—71. Caesar, Caius Julius. [B. C. 100-44]. Sketch, A. 1879. J. A. Froude. See also class 18r, Trollope, A. Also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Wor- thies of the world, pp. 417-432. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 389-393. Cagliari, or Caliari. Paolo, called Paolo Vero- nese. [1530-88]. See class 32a, Jame- son, A. [ M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 347-350. Calhoun, J: Caldwell. [1782-1850]. (Am. statesmen). 1882. H. E. von Holst. Calvin, Jean. [1509-64]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 545-560. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 179-182. Calvin, J: See Calvin, Jean. Camoens, Luiz de. [1517, or ’24,-79]. See class 15, Camoens, L. de. Carlyle, Jane Baillie [Welsh]. [1801-66]. Letters and memorials. Prepared by T: Carlyle. Ed. by J. A. Froude. 2 v. 1883. Carlyle, T: [1795-1881]. Correspondence ( The) of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1834-72. 2 v. 1883. Reminiscences. Ed. by J. A. Froude. 1881. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 321-336. Also Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 270- 285. Caro. Amelia Eliz., of Brunswick. [1768-1821]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v.2, pp. 1004-1039. Caro. Wilhelmina Dorothea, of Anspach. [1683-1737]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v.2, pp. 916-954. Castagno, Andrea del. [14087-57]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 102-105. Castelar y Rissoll, Emilio. [1832- ]. See class 32a, Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 124-153. Catherine, of Arragon. [1485-1536]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 328-356. Catherine, of Bragnnza. [1638-1705]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of Eng- land, v.2, pp. 710-742. Catherine, of Valois. [1401-37]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 260-270. Cath. Howard. [15217-42]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 423-437. Cath. Parr. [1509-48]. See class 32a, Lan- celott, F. Queens of England, v. 1 pp. 438-463. Catullus, Quintus, or Caius, Valerius. [B. C. 87-47?]. See class 18e, Davies, J. (42) classified catalog. Class 32b. Cavendish, Georgiana [Spencer]. [1757- 1896]. See class 32a , Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 125-143. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. [1547-1016]. (Foreign classics for Eng. readers). M. O. [W.] Oliphant. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 38-40. Chadwick, Edn. [1801- ]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 386- 398. Chamberlain, Jos. [1836- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 89-102. Chambers, Rob. [1802-71]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 96-126. Charlemagne. See Charles I, the great. Charles I, the great. [742-814]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, yp 394-397. Charles V. [ 1500-58]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 407- 410. Charlotte Sophia. [1744-1818]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 955-1003. Chatham, Lord. See Pitt, W: [1708-78]. Chaucer, Geoffrey. [13287-1400]. (Eng. men of letters). (1880). A. W: Ward. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 241-256. Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, P. D. Chevalier, Sulpice Paul. [1801-66]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 156-167. Child, Lydia Maria [ Fs.] Letters, with a biographical introd. by J: G. Whittier and an app. by W. Phillips. Chisholm, Caro. [Jones]. [1810-77]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 511-517. Choate, Rufus. [1799-1858]. Memories. With some consideration of his studies, methods, and opinions. 1884. J. Neilson. Chrysostomus, Joannes. [347-407]. John, of the golden mouth; preacher of An- tioch, and primate of Constantinople. 1871. W. Macgilvray. Churchill, Sa. [Jennings]. [1660-1744]. S^e class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 13-47. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. [ B. C. 106-43]. Life. 2 v. (1881). A. Trollope. See also class 18e, Coll ; ns, W: L. Also class 32a, Wood, W„ ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 273-277. Cimabue, Giovanni. [1240-1302]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 7-24. Clare, J: [1793-1864]. See class 32 a. Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 432-439. Cobden, R: [1804-65]. Life. 1881. J: Morley. See also class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biogra- phies, pp. 102-116 Coleridge, Hartley. [1796-1849]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 31o— 324. Coleridge, S: Taylor. [ 1 772—1834] . (Eng. men of letters). (1884). H. 1). Traill. See also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 2, pp. rs. Famous French authors, pp. 264-271. Duncan, J: [1794-?] See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 220-263. Edgeworth, Maria. [1767-1849]. (Famous women). 1883. H. Zimmern. Edward, T: [1814-86]. Life of a Scotch naturalist. 1876. S: Smiles. Eleanor, or Eleanora, of Aquitaine. [1122- 1 04]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 59-76. Eleanor, or Eleanora, of Castile. [1243-90]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 128-151. Eleanor, or Eleanora, of Provence. [1222-91]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v, 1, pp. 98-127. Eliot, G:, pseud. See Cross, M. A. [E.] Elizabeth. [1533-1603]. See class 32a, Lan- celott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 521-651. Class 32b. CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Elizabeth, of York. [1463-1503]. See class 32a, Lancelots, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 314-327. Eliz. Wood ville. [ -1492]. See class 32a , Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 294-308. Elliott, Ebenezer. [1781-1849]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 149- 156. Ellwood, T: [1639-1713]. See Herbert, E: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. [1803-82]. Life, writings, and philosophy. 1881. ° G: W. Cooke. Life. (Am. men of letters). O.W.Holmes. See also Carlyle, T: Correspondence. Erasmus, Desiderius. [1467?-1536]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 171-174. Euripides. [B. C. 480-406]. See class 18e, Donne, W: B. Also clas& 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 16-18. Evelyn, J: [1620-1706]. Diary from 1641 to 1705-6. With memoir. Ed. by W : Bray. 1818. Farragut, D: Glasgow. [1801-70]. Life, embodying his journal and letters. 1879. L Farragut. Fawcett, H: [1833- ]. See class 32a, David- son, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 75-88. Fechter, C: Alb. [1824-79]. (Am. actor ser.) 1882. K. Field. Feuillet, Octave. [1812- ]. See class 32a, Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 187-199. Fielding, H: [1707-54]. ( Eng. men of let- ters). 1883. H: A. Dobson. Fielding, Rob. [ -1712]. See class32a, Thomp- son. K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 85-93. Fields, Ja. T: [1817-81], Biographical notes and personal sketches. With unpub- lished fragments. 1881. A. A. Fields. Fiesole, Giovanni Guido da, or Guido di Pietro, called Fra Angelico. [ 1387-1455]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Mem- oirs of painters, pp. 84-94. Fisher, Eliz. [Jefferson]. [1810- ]. See class 32a, Winter, W: The Jeffersons, pp. 127-136. Flaubert, Gustav. [1821-80]. See class 32a, James, H :,jr. French poets and novel- ists, pp. 197-210. Foote, And. Hull. [1806-63]. Life. 1874. J. M. Hoppin. Forbes, Ja. D: [1809-68]. See class 32a , Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 358-190. Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H: W: Forrest. Edn. [1806-72]. (Am. actor ser.) 1881. L. Barrett. Fox, Caro. [1819-71]. Memories of old friends, 1835-71. Ed. by H. N. Pym. 1881. Fox, C: Ja. [1749-1806]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 465-480. Francesco d’ Assisi, St. [1182-1226]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 167-170. Francia, II. See Raibolini, Francesco. Francis Joseph I. [1830- ]. See class 32a, Towle, G: M. Certain men of mai k, pp. 213-242. Francis of Assisi, St. See Francesco d’Assi-i. Franklin, B: [1706-90]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 469- 472. Franklin, J: [1786-1847]. 1881. A: H: Beesly. Frate, II. See Baccio della Porta. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. [1709-58]. Memoirs. With an essay by W: D. Howells. (Choice autobiographies). 2 v. 1877. Frederick II. [1712-86]. Frederick, the great. (1884). C: B. Brackenbury. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 65-80. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 430-433. Freeman. E: A: [1823- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. INI. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 288-300. Froebel, Friedrich. [1782-1852]. Remi- niscences. Tr. by Mrs. Hor. Mann. 1877. B. v. Marenholz-Biilow. Froissart, Jean. [1337?-1405?]. See class 29, Froissart, J. Fuller, Sa. Marg. See Ossoli, S. M. [ F.] Galenus, Claudius. [130?-200?] See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 327-330. Galilei. Galileo. [ 1564-1642]. See class 32a, Wood, W , ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 339-342. Galileo. See Galilei. Gallatin, Alb. [1761-1849]. Life. 1879. H: Adams. Albert Gallatin. (Am. statesmen). 1883. J: A. Stevens. Gallenga, Antonio Carlo Napoleone. [1810 - ]. Episodes of my second life. (Am. and Eng. experiences). 1884. Gambetta, Leon Michel [1838-82]. See class 32a, Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 66-94. Garfield, Ja. Abram. [1831-81], Life. Also Life of Chester A. Arthur. 1880. C: C. Coffin. President Garfield and education: Hiram college memorial. 1881. B. A. Hinsdale. See also class 17c, From canal boy to presi- dent. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. [1807-82]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. \V., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 561-576. (45) Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Garrison, W: Lloyd. [1805-79]. Garrison and his times. 1881. O. Johnson. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne de. [1810-71]. Tr. from the French. 1879. T: Borel. Gautier, Theophile. [1811-72]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 7-26. Also James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 31-56. Also Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 65-88. Gavarni , pseud. See Chevalier, S. P. Ghiberti, Lorenzo di Cione. [1381-1455]. See class 32a , Jameson, A. [M.] Mem- oirs of painters, pp. 64-74. Ghirlandajo, Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi, called. [1450 ?-95 ? ]. See class 32a, J ame- son, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 106-112. Gibbon, E: [1737-94]. Memoirs. With an essay by W: D. Howells. (Choice auto- biographies). 1877. See also class 32a, Wood,W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 308-311. Gill, W: J: [1843-82]. See class 23, Gill, W: J: Giorgione. See Barbarelli, G. di C. Giotto, Angiolotto, or Ambrogiotto di Bon- done. [1276-1336]. See class 32a, Jame- son, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 25-63. Girardin, Delphine [Gay]. [1804-55]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Fa- mous French authors, pp. 56-69. Gladstone, W: Ewart. [1809- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 1-12. Also Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 193-208. Also Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 240-255. Also Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 7-36. Godwin, Ma. [ Wollstonecraft.] [1759-97]. Life of Mary W'ollstonecraft. ( Famous women). 1884. E. R. Pennell. Goethe, Cath. Eliz. [Textor.] [1731-1808]. Correspondence. Tr. from the German with biographical sketches and notes by A. S. Gibbs. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. [1749-1832]. Life and times. Tr. by S. H. Adams. 1880. H. Grimm. See also class 18, Blackie, J: S. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 50-53. Goldoni, Carlo. [1707-93]. Memoirs. Tr. by J: Black. With an essay by W: D. Howells. (Choice autobiographies). 1887. Goldsmith, 01. [1728-74], See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 145-160. Goodenou^h, J: Graham. [1830-75], See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 140-178. Gordon, C: G: [1833-85]. Chinese Gordon. 1884. A. Forbes. Gordon, Jane [Maxwell]. [ -1812]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 2-9-251. Gottschalk, Louis Moreau. [1829-69]. JSotes of a pianist. With biographical sketch. Ed. by C. Gottschalk. Tr. from the French by R. E. Peterson. 1881. Gozzoli, Benozzo. [1420?-98?]. Seeclass32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of paint- ers, pp. 95-101. Graham, Isabella [Marshall]. [1742-1814]. Power of faith exemplified in her life and writings. 1843. Grammont, Philibert de. [1621-1707]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 49-83. Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Personal memoirs. 2 v. 1885. About Grant. 1880. J: L. Swift. See also class 25, Remlap, L. T., ed. Grav, T: [1716-71]. ( Eng. men of letters). 1882. E. W: Gosse. Greg, S: [1804- ]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 264-277. Guerin, Georges Maurice de. [1810-39]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Fa- mous French authors, pp. 272-306. Guidi, Tommaso, called Masaccio. [1402?- 43]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 75-85. Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. [1787- 1874]. Guizot in private life. Tr. by M. C. M. Simpson. 1880. H. [G.] de Witt. Gustavus Adolphus II. [1594-1632]. See class 29, Stevens, J: L. Also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Wor- thies of the world, pp. 641-656. Gutenberg, Johann. [1400-68]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 457-460. Guthrie, T: [1803-73]. Autobiography. Also Memoir by D: K. and C: J. Guthrie. 1873. Hals, Frans. [1584-1666]. See Van Dyck, A. Hamilton, Alex. [1757-1804]. (Am. states- men). 1882. H: C. Lodge. Life and epoch of Alexander Hamilton: a historical study. D79. G: Shea. Hamilton, W: [1788-1856]. See class 1, Monck, W. H. S. Handel, or Haendel, Georg Friedrich. [1685- 1759]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 103-106. Hannibal. [B. C. 247-183]. See class 32a, Wood, W.. ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 383-388. ( 46 ) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 32b. Haroun-al-Raschid. [766-809]. Caliph (The) Haroun Alraschid and Saracen civiliza- tion. (1881). E: H: Palmer. Harvey, W: [1578-1657]. See class 32a , Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 343-346. Havergal, Fes. Ridley. [1836-79]. Memo- rials. 1880. M. V. G. Havergal. Hawker, Rob. Ste. [1804-75], Vicar (The) of Morwenstow. 1880. S. B .ring-Gould. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. [1804-64]. Nathan- iel Hawthorne and his wife. 2. v. 1884. J. Hawthorne. Hawthorne. (Eng. men of letters). 1879. H: James, jr. See also class 32a, Higginson, T: W. Amer- ican authors, pp.3-11. Also Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 256-269. Hawthorne, Sophia Amelia [Peabody]. [1811-71]. See Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Haydn, Jos. [1732-1809]. Life. Tr. from the German by G: P. Upton. ( Biogra- phies of musicians). L. Nohl. Hazlitt, W: [1778-1830]. See class 32a, Ma- son, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 2, pp. 177-214. Henrietta Maria. [1609-69]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 677-709. Herbert, Auberon E: W: Molvneux. [1838 - ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 275-287. Herbert, E: [1581-1648]. Life. Also Life of T: Ellwood. With essays by W: D. Howells. (Choice autobiographies). 1877. Herbert, G: [1593-1632]. See class 18e, Herbert, G: Herbert, H: W: [1807-58]. Life [by T: Picton] and writings of Frank Forester. Ed. by D: W. Judd. 2 v. 1882. Herbert, Ma. [Sidney]. [1550-1621]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 455-471. Herodotus. [ B. C. 484 ?-424 ?] . See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 264-266. Herschel, W: [1738-1822]. Life and works. 1880. E: S. Holden. Hervey, J: [1696-1743]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 165-202. Hervey, Ma. [ Lepell]. [1700-68]. See class 32a. Thompson, K. [B.] and J:C. Queens of society, pp. 287-306. Hesiodus. See class 18e, Davies, J. Hippocrates. [B. C. 4607-357?]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 319-322. Hogarth, W: [1697-1764]. ( II. biog. of the great artists). 1879. H: A. Dobson. Holbein, Hans. [14957-1543]. (11. biog. of the great artists). 1879. J. Cundall. Homer. See Homerus. Homerus. See class 18e, Collins, W: L. Homer. Also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Wor- thies of the world, pp. 753-768. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 4-6. Hook. Thdr. E: [1788-1841]. See class 32a Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 346 364. Also Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 405-431. Horace. See Horatius. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. [ B. C. 65-8]. See class 18e, Martin, T. Houssaye, Arsene. [1815- ]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 70-84. Howard, J : [1726-90] . See class 32a, W ood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 477- 480. Howard, Katherine. See Catherine How- ard. Howells, W: Dean. [1837- ]. See class 32a, Higginson, T: W. American authors, pp. 32-39. Hugo, V: Marie. [1802-85]. Victor Hugo and his time. Tr. from the French by E. E. Frewer. (1882). A. Barbou. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 721-736. Also Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 119-138. Also Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 5-35. Also Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 154-182. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alex. von. [1769-1859]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W, ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 305- 320. Hume, D: [1711-76]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp.250- 254. Hunt, Ja. H: Leigh. [1784-1859]. See class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 2. pp. 217-258. Also Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 301- 314. Hunt, W: Morris. [1824-79]. Records of W: M. Hunt. 1880. H: C. Angell. Irving, Washington. [1783-1859]. (Am. men of letters). 1881. C: D. Warner. Studies of Irving, by C: D. Warner, W: C. Bryant, G: P. Putnam. 1880. C: D. Warner, and others. Isabella ,of Angoleme. [1185-1246]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 90-97. Isabella, of France. [1295-1358]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 169-202. Isabella, of Valois. [1387-1410]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 229-244. (47) Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Jackson, And. [17(17-1845]. (Am. states- men). 1882. W: G. Sumner. Jackson, Helen Maria [Fiske]. [1831-85]. See class 32a , Higginson, T: W. Amer- ican authors, pp.4U— ‘ >i ». Jacquemont, V: [1801-32]. See class 32a , Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen, pp. 1-108. James, H: [1811-82]. Literary remains. Ed. by W: James. 1884. James, H:, jr. [1843- ]. See class 32a, Higginson, T: W. American authors, pp. 51-60. Jane Seymour. [1504?-37]. See class 32 n, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 400-404. Jefferson, Eliz. See Fisher, E. [J.] Jefferson, Jos. [1774-1832]. See class 32a, Winter, W: The Jetiersons, pp. 49-126. Jefferson, Jos. [1804-42]. See class 32a, Winter, W: The Jeffersons,pp. 137-150. Jefferson, Jo 5 ;. [1829- ]. See class 32a, Winter, W: The Jeffersons,pp. 163-218. Jefferson, T: [172S7-1807]. See class 32a, Winter, W: The Jetiersons, pp. 1-48. Jefferson, T: [1743-1826]. (Am. statesmen). 1883. J: T. Morse, jr. See also class 32a, Wood, W.. ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 438-440. Jeffrey, Fs. [1773-1850]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 137- 148. Jesus Christ. [ B. C. 5-A. D. 30]. See class 2, Farrar, F: W: Joan of Arc. See Dare, J. Joanna, of Navarre. [1367-1437]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 245-259. Johnson, S: [1709-1784]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 97-112. Judas Maccabseus. [ -B. C. 161]. Judas Maccabseus and the Jewish war of in- dependence. 1879. C. R. Conder. Judson, Adoniram. [1788-1850]. See class 32ci, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 201- 224. Juvenal, See Juvenalis, D. J. Juvenalis. Deeimus Junius. [40?-125]. See class 18e, Walford, E: Kant, Immanuel. [1724-1804]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 255-258. Katherine, of Aragon. See Catherine, of Ar- agon. Katherine, of Braganza. See Catherine, of Braganza. Katherine, of France. See Catherine, of Va- lois. Katherine Howard. See Catherine Howard. Katherine Parr. See Catherine Parr. Keary, Annie. [1825-79]. Memoir. (1883). E. Keary. Keat«,J: [1795-1821]. See class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 1, pp. 194- 207. Kemble, Adelaide. See Sartoris, A. [K.] Kemble, Fes. Anne. [1809- ]. Records of later life. 1882. Kepler, or Keppler, Johann. [1571-1630]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 335-338. Kingsley, C: [1819-75]. Letters and mem- ories of his life. Ed. by his wife. 1876. Kitto, J: [1804-54]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 325-333. Knight, C: [1791-1873]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 66-95. Knox,J: [1505-72]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 6^9-704. Kock, C: Paul de. [1794-1871]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 139-144. Kossuth, LJjos. [1802- ]. Memories of my exile. Tr. from the Hungarian by F. Jansz. 1879. Kossuth, Louis. See Kossuth, L&jos. Labrunie, G4rard. [1808-55]. See class 32a, Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 129-151. La Fontaine, Jean de. [1621-95]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 319-323. Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de. [1792-1869]. Lamartine and his friends. Tr. from the French by M. E. Odell. 1880. H. de Lacretelle. See also class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 145-155. Lamb, Caro. [Ponsonby]. [1785-1828]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 369-381. Lamb, C: [1775-1834]. (Eng. men of letters). (1882). A. Ainger. See also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 2, pp. 113-173. Lamb, Ma. Anne. [1764-1847]. (Famous women). 1883. A. Gilchrist. Landon, Letitia Eliz. See MacLean, L. E. [L.] Landor, Wa. Savage. [1775-1864]. (Eng. men of letters). S. Colvin. See also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 1, pp. 251-303. La Rochefoucauld, Frangois de. [1613-80]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 245- 253. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. [1743-94]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 356-359. Lawrence, H: Montgomery. [1806-57]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 301-357. Lawrence, J: Laird Muir. [1811-79]. See class 32a. Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 367-398. CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 32b. Lawrence, T: [1769-1830]. See Romney, G: Lawson, Wilfrid. [1829- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 64-74. Lebrun, Marie Louise Elisabeth [Vigee]. [1755-1842]. Souvenirs. Rev. by M. F. Tyler. 1879. Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm. [1646-1716]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 241-244. Leonardo, or Lionardo da Vinci. See Vinci. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. [1729-81]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 303-307. Lincoln, Ab. [1809-65]. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the United States. 1879. C: G. Leland. Linnaeus, or Linne, Carl von. [1707-78]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 352-355. • Lippi, Fra Filippo. [1412?— 69]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 84-94. Livingstone, D: [1813-73]. Personal life of Livingstone. (1881). W: G. Blailiie. Livius Patavinus, Titus. [B. C. 59- A. D. 17]. See class 18e, Collins, W: L. Livy. Also Nettleship, H. Livy. See Livius Patavinus, T. Locke, J: [1632-1704]. (Eng. men of let- ters). (1880). T: Fowler. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 236-240. Louis XVIII. See Talleyrand-Perigord, C: M. de. Louise Maximilienne Caro. Emanuele. [1752- 1824]. Countess (The) of Albany. (Fa- mous women). 1884. V. Paget. Loyola, Ignatius de. [1491-1556]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 183-186. Lucianus. [120?-200?]. See class 18e, Col- lins, W. L. Lucian. Lucretius Cams, Titus. [B. C. 95-55?]. See class 18e, Mallock, W: H. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 25-27. Luther, Martin. [1483-1546]. Martin Lu- ther: a study of the reformation. 1883. E. D. Mead. Martin Luther and his work. 1881. J: H. Treadwell. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 209-224. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 175-178. Lyell, C: [1797 -1 875] . Life , letters and jour- nals. Ed. by Mrs. Lyell. 2 v. (1881). Lytton, E: Bulwer. See Bulwer-Lytton, E: Macaulay, T- Babington. [1800-59]. (Eng. men of letters). (1883). J. C. Morison. McClellan, G: Brinton. See class 28, Mc- Clellan, G: B. —4 Macgillivray, W: [1796-1852]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 1 98— 211 . MacLean, Letitia Eliz. [Landon]. [1802- 38]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 145-178. Macleod, Donald. [1810-72]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 225-236. M’Vickar, J: [1787-1868]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 155-170. Madison, Ja. [1751-1836]. (Am. statesmen). 1884. S. H. Gay. Mahomet. See Mohammed. Maintenon,Frangoise[d’Aubigne] de. [1635- 1719]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 473- 488. Mann, Hor. [1796-1859]. Life. 1865. M. T. [P.] Mann. Mantegna. Andrea. [1430?-1506]. See class 32a , Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 113-133. Margaret, of Angouleme. [1492-1549]. Fa mous women). 1886. A. M.F. Robinson. Margaret, of Anjou. [1429-81]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 271-293. Margaret, of France. [ -1317]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 152-168. Maria Beatrix. See Mary Beatrice, of Mo- dena. Mariotti, Luigi, pseud. See Gallenga, A. C. N. Marlborough, Duchess of. See Churchill, S. [J.] Marmontel, Jean Francois. [1723-99]. Memoirs. With an essay by W: D. Howells. (Choice autobiographies). 2 v. 1878. Marshall, J: [1755-1835]. (Am. statesmen). 1885. A. B. Magruder. Martin, J: [1847-76]. Legacy, A: life and remains of John Martin. 1878. D. M. [M.] Craik. Martin, Sa. [1791-1843]. See class 32a., Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 489- 498. Martineau, Harriet. [1802-76]. (Famous women). 1884. F. F. Miller. See also class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biogra- phies, pp. 499-510. Mary I. [1516-58]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1 , pp. 464-520. Mary II. [1662-94]. See class 32a, Lance- lott, F. Queens of England, v. 2, pp. 794- 846. Mary Beatrice, of Modena. [1658-1718]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens ol Eng- land, v. 2, pp. 743-793. Masaccio. See Guidi, Tommaso. Massey, Gerald. [1828- ]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 440- 448. (49' Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Matheson, Duncan. [1824-69]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 127-151. Matilda, of Boulogne. [ -1151]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 44-58. Matilda, of Flanders. [ -1083]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 1-23. Matilda, of Scotland. [10797-1118]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 24-35. Maurice, J: F: Denison. [1805-72]. Life, chiefly told in his own letters. Ed. by F: Maurice. 2 v. 1883. Maxse, F: A: [1833- ]. See class 32a , Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 263-274. Mazzola, Girolamo Francesco Maria, called 11 Parmigiano. [1503-40]. be? class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 302-310. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. [18117- ]. (11. biographies of the great artists). 1881. J: W. Mollett. Melito, Andre Francois Miot de. [1762- 1844?]. Memoirs. Ed. by General Fleischmann. From the French by Mrs. C. Hoey and J: Lillie. 1881. Menander. [B. C. 342-291]. See class 32b, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 22-24. Mendelssohn family, The. See class 32a, Hensel, S. Metternich -Winneburg - Ochsenhausen, Clemens W N. L. von. [1773-D59]. Memoirs, 1773-1835. Ed. by R: Metter- nich. Tr. by Mrs. A. Napier. 5 v. 1880. Miller, Hugh. [1802-56]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 84- 101 . Milton, J: [160S-74]. ( Eng. men of letters). 1880. M. Pattison. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 44-46. Miot de Melito, Andre Francois. See Melito, A. F. M. de. Mitford,Ma. Russell. [1786-1855]. Friend- ships (The) of M. R.Mitford,as recorded in letters from her literary correspond- ents. (1882). Ed. by A. G. K. L’Estrange. Mohammed, or Mahomet. [5717-632]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 141-148. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. [1622-73]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Wor- thies of the world, pp. 81-96. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 47-49. Monnier, Henri Bonaventure. [1799-1877]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 259-263. Monroe, Ja. [1758-1831]. (Am. statesmen). 1883. D. C. Gilman. Montagu, Eliz. [Robinson]. [1720-1800]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 433-454. Montagu, Ma. [Pierrepont]. [1690-1762]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 87-124. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. [1533-92]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 285-288. Montefiore, Moses Haim. [1784-1885]. Cen- tennial biography (A), with selections from letters and journals. 1885. L. Wolf. Montesquieu, C: de Secondat de. [1689- 1755]. See class 32a, Wood, W.,ed. Hun- dred greatest men, pp. 289-292. Montfort, Simon de. [12087-65]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 113-128. Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne. [1745-99]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 473-476. Montgolfier, Jos. Michel. [1740-1810.] See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 473-476. Moore, G: [1806-76]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 179-219. Moore, T: [1779-1852]. See class 32a, Ma- son, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 1, pp. 143-166. Morgan, Sydney [Owenson]. [17837-1859]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 207-228. Money, J: [1838- ] See class 32a, David- son, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 167-178. Moses. [B. C. 1571-1451]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 118-124. Mott, Ja. [1788-1868], James and Lucretia Mott. Life and Letters. 1884. Ed. by A. D Hallowell. Mott, Lucretia. [1793-1880]. See Mott, Ja. Mozart, Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Am- adeus. [1756-91]. Life, including his correspondence. New edition, wfith notes by E. Prout. 1878. E: Holmes. Life. Tr. from the German by J: J. Lalor. ( Biographies of musicians). 1880. L. Nohl. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 107-110. Mundella, Ant. J: [1825- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 139-148. Murger, Henri. [1822-61]. See class 32a, Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 89-108. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. [1618-82]. (11. biographies of the great artists). 1881. E. E. Minor. (50) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 82b. Musset, Louis C: Alf. de. [1810-57]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Fa- mous French authors, pp. 102-118. Also James, H:, jr. French poets and novelists, pp. 1-30. Also Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 35-05. Napier, Macvey. [1776-1847]. Selection from his correspondence. 1879. Ed. by his son Macvey Napier, jr. Napoleon I. [1769-1821]. Napoleon in ex- ile; or, a voice from St. Helena: opin- ions and reflections of Napoleon. 2 v. (1879). B. E: O’Meara. First Napoleon, The: a sketch, political and military. 1885. J: C. Ropes. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W. } ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 17-32. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 445-44^. Nash, R: [1P74-1761]. See class Ma, Thomp- son, K. [ B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 127-144. Nasmyth, Ja. [1808- ]. Autobiography. Ed. by S: Smiles. (1883). Nelson, Horatio. [1758-1805]. See class 32a. Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 225-240. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 441-444. Nerval, Gerard de, pseud. See Labrunie, Gerard. Newton, I: [1642-1727]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 347- 351. Nicoll, Rod. [1814-37]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 399-412. Ossoli, Sa. Marg. [Fuller] d’. [1810-50]. (Am. men of letters). 1884. T: W. Higginson. Life (Famous womenV 1883. J. [W.] Howe. See also class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biogra- phies, pp. 470-488, Ovid. See Ovidius Naso, P. Ovidius Naso, Publius. [B. C. 43-A. D. 18]. See class 18e, Church, A. J: Owen, Rob. Dale, [1804-77]. Threading my way. Autobiography. 1874. Palissy, Bernard. [1509?-89?]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 465-468. Parmigiano, II. See Mazzola, G. F. M. Parr, Katherine. See Catherine Parr. Patteson, J: Coleridge. [1827-71]. See class 32ci, Japp, A. H. Famous mem pp. 1-65. Paul, St. [2?-66?] See class 2, Conybeare, W: J:, and Howson, J: S. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 154-158. Pembroke, Countess of. See Herbert, M. [ S.] Penn,W: [1644-1718]. (Lives of Am. wor- thies). 1882. R. J. Burdette. Pericles. [B. C. 499-429]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 374-378. Perreyve, Henri. [1831-65]. See class 32a, Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen, pp. 109-167 Perugino, Pietro. See Vannucci, Pietro di. Peter I, the great. [1672-1725]. Peter the great, emperor of Russia: a study of his- torical biography. 2 v. 1883. E. Schuyler. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H . W., ed. W or- thies of the world, pp. 385-400. Also Wood. W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 426-429. Phidias. [B. C. 488-432]. See class 32a, Wood W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 63-67. Philippa of Hainault. [1311-69]. See class 32a, Lancelott, F. Queens of England, v. 1, pp. 203-220. Ticton, Ja. Allanson. [1832- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 253-262. Pindar. See Pindarus. Pindarus. [B. C. 5207-442]. See class lSe, Morice, F. D. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 7-9. Piozzi, Hesther Lynch [Salusbury]. [1740- 182i ]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J : C. Queens of society, pp. 31 1-367. Pitt, W: [1708-78]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 257-272. Pitt, W: [1759-1806]. See class 32a, Dulc- ken. H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 5.9-544. Plato. [B. C. 429?-347?]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 207-211. Plautus, Marcus Accius. [B. C. 2547-184]. See class 18 e, Collins, W: L. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Caius. [23-79]. See class 18e, Church, A. J:, and Brodribb, W: J Pliny. See Plinius Caecilius Secundus, C. Plutarchus. [457-1207] See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 282- 284. Pocahontas. [15917-1617]. My lady Poka- hontas: a true relation of Virginia. 1885. J: E. Cooke. See also class 17c. Poe, Edg. Allan. [1811-49]. (Am. m*m of letters). 1885. G: E: Woodberry. See also class 32a, Higginson, T: W. Ameri- can authors, pp. 12-21. Also Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 334-345. Pokahontas. lee Pocahontas. Ponte, Jacopo da, called Bassano. [1510-92]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Mem- oirs of painters, pp. 350-352. Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Pope, Alex. [1688-1744]. (Eng. men of let- ters). (1880). L. Stephen. Praxiteles. [B. C. 3847-314?] . See class 32a , Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, 68-70. Procter, Bryan Waller. [1787-1874]. See class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British au- thors, v. 2, pp. 261-268. Propertius, Sextus Aurelius. [B. C. 507-12?]. See class 18e, Davies, J. Pyrrhus. [B. C. 318-272]. See class 17c. Pythagoras. See class 32a, Wood, W M ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 199-202. Rabelais, Francois. [14837-1553]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 35-37. Racine, Jean. [1639-99]. See Corneille, Pierre. Corneille and Racine. Raibolini, Francesco, called II F rancia. [1450- 1517]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 149-158. Raleigh, Wa. [1552-1618]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 1-16. Randolph, J: [1773-1833]. (Am. states- men). 1882. H: Adams. Raphael. See Santi, or Sanzio da Urbino, Raffaello. Recamier, Jeanne Franchise Julie Adelaide [Bernard]. [1777-1849]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 253-286. Reed, And. [1787-1862]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 321-366. Regnault, Henri. [1843-71]. See class 32a, Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen, pp. 346-422. Rembrandt van Rhyn, Paul. [16067-69]. (II. biographies of the great artists). 1879. J: W. Mollett. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 95-98. R&nusat, Claire Elisabeth Jeanne [Gravier de Vergennes] de. [17b0-1821]. Mem- oirs. 1802-8. With a preface and notes by P. de Remusat. Tr. from the French by Mrs. C. Hoey and J. Lillie. 1879. Reynolds, Joshua. [1723-92]. (II. biogra- phies of the great artists). 1880. F: 8. Pulling. Richard, H: [1812- ]. See class 32a, David- son, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 115-127. Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis de. [1585-1642]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 415-418. Ripley, G: [1802-80]. (Am. men of letters). 1882. O. B. Frothingham. Robert I (Robert Bruce). [1 •.'74-1829]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 673-688. Robertson, F: W: [1816-53]. Life and let- ters. 2 v. 186-5. S. A: Brooke. Robusti, Jacopo, called Tintoretto. [1512— 94]. (11. biographies of the great art- ists). (1879). W: R. Osier. See also class 32a, J ameson, A. [ M.] Mem- oirs of painters, pp. 343-346. Rochester, Lord. See Wilmot, J: Rogers, S: [1763-1855]. See class 15, Rog- ers, S: Also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British authors, v. 1, pp. 168-192. Roland de la Platiere, Marie Jeanne [Phli- pon]. [1754-93]. See class 32a, Thomp- son, K. [ B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 49-86. Romney, G: [1734-l- c 02]. (II. biographies of the great artists). Also T: Lawrence. 1882. R.GS.L. Gower. Rubens, P: Paul. [1577-1640]. (11. biogra- phies of the great artists). 1879. C: W. Kett. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 91-94. Rude, Frangois. [1784-1855]. See class 32a, Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen, pp. 168-233. Russell, J: [1792-1878]. Seeclass32a>, Smiles, 8: Brief biographies, pp 212-221. Rydberg, Viktor. [1829- ]. See class 18, Rydberg, V. Roman days. Sabran, Madame de. See Bonders. Saint-Evremond, C: de St. Denis. [1613— 1703]. See class 32a, Thomp son, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 49-83. Saint Paul. See Paul, St. Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy de. [1675— 1755]. See class 32a, Thompson, K [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 245-253. Sainte-Beuve, C: Augustin. [1804-69]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others Famous French authors, pp. 27-38. Also Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 108-129. Sand, G:, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A [D.] Santi, or Sanzio da Urbino, Raffaello. [ 1 4S3- 1520] Raphael. ( II. biographies of the great artists). (1879) N. [M.]Bell. See also class 32a, Jameson, A. [ M.] Mem- oirs of painters, pp. 228-279. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 79-82. Sarah, duchess of Marlborough. See Churchill, S. [J.] Sardou, Victorien. [1831- ]. See class 32a, Mauris, M. French men of letters, pp. 199-218. Sarto, Andrea del. See Agnolo di Francesco, Andrea d’ Sartoris, Adelaide [Kemble]. See class 18 d, Jameson, A. [M ] studies, stories and memoirs, pp. 366-408. 2) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 32b. Scarron, Paul. [1610-30]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 227-243. Scb i 1 ler, Johann Christoph F riedrich . [1759- 1805] . See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 49-64. Schliemann, Heinrich. [1822- ]. See class 23, Schliemann, H. Scott, Wa. [1771-1832]. See class 32a, Dulc- ken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 401-416. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 54-56. Seevir,Ma. Ann [Dyke]. [1795-1857]. Mrs. Duff. (Am. actor ser.) 1882. J. N. Ireland. Selwyn, G: A: [1719-91]. See class 32a , Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 307-327. Sevigne, Marie [de Rabutin-Chantal ] de. [1626-96]. Madame de Sevig.ne. (For- eign classics for English readers). 1881. A. I. [T.] Ritchie. See also class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 179-206. Seymour, Jane. See Jane Seymour. Shakespeare, W: [1564-1616]. See class 15a, Shakespeare, W: Plays and poems. Also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Wor- thies of the world, pp. 129-144. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 41-43. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. [1792-1822]. See class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. British au- thors, v. 1, pp. 75-140. Sheridan, R: Brinsley. [1751-1816]. (Eng. men of letters). (1883). M. O. [W.] Oliphant. See also class 32a , Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 329-379. Siemens, C: W: [1823-83], See class 32a, Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 131-212. Signorelli, Luca. [1440-1521]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [ M.] Memoirs of paint- ers, pp. 102-105. Simpson, Ja. Young. ['811-70]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 272- 300. Smith, Adam. [1723-90]. See class 1 , Far- rer, J: A. Smith, J: [1579-1631]. Captain John Smith. A study of his life. (Lives of Am. worthies). 1881. C: D. Warner. See also class 28, Ashton, J: Smith, Sydney. [1771-1845]. Lifeand times of the Rev. Sydney Smith. 1884. S. J. Reid. See also class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 433-467. Snelus,G:Ja. [1837- ]. See class 32a, Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 318-336. Socrates. [B. C. 469-399]. Trial (The) and death of Socrates, being the Euthy- phron, Apology, Crito and Phaedo of Plato. Tr. by F. J. Church. 1880. Plato. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 657-672. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 203-208. Sophocles. [B. C. 495-405]. See class 18e, Collins, C. W. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 13-15. Southey, Rob. [1774-1813]. (Eng. men of letters). (1880). E: Dowden. See also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. Brit- ish authors, v. 1, pp. 211-247. Spenser, Edm. [1552-99]. (Eng. men of letters). 1879. R: W: Church. Spinoza, Benedict Baruch. [1632-77]. See class 32a, Wood. W., ed. Hundred great- est men, pp. 232-235. Spurgeon, C: Haddon. [1834- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals, pp. 217-230. Also Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 705-720. Stael-Holstein, Anne Marie Louise Germaine [Necker]. [1766-1817]. Madame de Stael ; her life and times. 2 v. 1880. A. Stevens. See also class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Queens of society, pp. 307-340. Stanhope, Ph. Dormer. [1694-1773]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 203-225. Stanley, Art. Penrhyn. [1815-81]. Recol- lections of Stanley : lectures. 1882. G: G. Bradley. Stephenson, G: [1781-1848]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 449-464. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 488-491. Stephenson, Rob. [1803-59]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 55-70. Sterling, J : [1806-44] . See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 286-299. Sterne, Laurence. [1713-68]. ( Eng. men of letters). (1882). H. D. Traill. Stockmar, Christian Friedrich. [1787-1863]. Memoirs of Baron Stockmar. Ed. by F. M. Muller. 2 v. 1872. E. v. Stockmar. Swetchine, Sophie [Soymonoff]. [1782- 1857]. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Famous French authors, pp. 39- 55. Swift, Jonathan. [1667-1745]. (Eng. men of letters). (1882). L. Stephen. Swisshelm, Jane Grey [Cannon]. [1815— 84]. Half a century. 1880. Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. [55?- 120?] See class 18 e, Donne, W. B. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 278-281 . (53) Class 32b. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Talleyrand-F 6rigord, C: Maurice de. [1754- 1838]. Correspondence of Talleyrand and Louis XVIII during the congress of Vienna. With notes by M. G. Pallain. 1881. Tappan, Art. [1786-1865]. See class 32a , Japp, A. H. Famous men, pp. 171-179. Taylor, Bayard. [1825-78]. Life and letters. Ed. by M. H. Taylor and H. E. Scudder. 2 v. 1884. Taylor, P: Alf. [1819- ]. See class 32a, Davidson, J. M. Eminent English lib- erals, pp. 25-35. Tennyson, Alf. [1809- ]. Biographical sketch. 1884. H: J. Jennings. Terence. See Terentius Afer, P. Terentius Afer, Publius. [ B. C. 195?-158]. See class 18e, Collins, W: L. Plautus and Terence. Thackeray, W: Makepeace. [1811-63]. (Eng. men of letters.) A. Trollope. Theognis. [ -B. C. 485]. See class 18e, Davies, J. Hesiod and Theognis. Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist. [1850- ]. See class 32a, Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 300-317. Thomas a Becket. [1 1187-70 ]. L’fe and times. (1878). J. A. Froude. See also class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 337-352. Thomas Aquinas, St. [1227-74]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 217-221. Thoreau, H: D: [1817-62]. (Am. men of letters). 1882. F. B. Sanborn. See also class 32a, Higginson, T: W. Amer- ican authors, pp. 22-31. Thucydides. [ B. C. 471-402]. See class 18e, Collins, W: L. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 267-269. Tibullus, Albius. [ B. C. 557-18?]. See class 18e, Davies, J. Tintoretto. See Robusti, Jacopo. Titian. See Vecellio da Cadore, T. Toorgenef, Ivan. See Turgenef, I. S. Trollope, Ant. [1815-82]. Autobiography. 1883. Turgenef, Turgenev, or Turg6nieff, Ivan Ser- ghei'evitch. [1818-83]. See class 32a, James, H:, jr. French poets and nov- elists, pp 211-252. Turner, Jos. Mallord W: [1775-1851]. (11. biographies of the great artists). (1879). W. C. Monkhouse. Van Dyck, or Vandyke, Ant. [1599-1641]. Also Frans Hals. ( 11. biographies of the great artists). (1879). P. R. Head Vannucci, Pietro di, called Perugino. [1446- 1524]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 141-148. Vecellio da Cadore, Tiziano. [1477-1576]. (II. biographies of the great artists). (1879). R: F. Heath. See also class 18d, Jameson, A. [ M.] Stud- ies, stories, and memoirs, pp. 277-329. Also class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Mem- oirs of painters, pp. 319-338. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. pp. 87-90. Vernet, Emile Jean Hor. [1789-1833]. See class 32a, Rees, J. E. R. Veronese, Paul. See Cagliari, Paolo. Very, Jones. [1813-80]. See class 15, Very, J. Victor Emmanuel II. [1820-78]. (1882). E: Dicey. Life. 1878. G. S. Godkin. Victoria I. [1819- ]. Queen Victoria: her girlhood and womanhood. ( Exemplary women ser). 1883. S. J. [C.] Lippincott. Villiers, G: [1627-88]. See class 32a, Thomp- son, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 13-47. Vinci, Leonardo da. [1452-1519]. See class 32a, Jameson, A. [M.] Memoirs of painters, pp. 170-190. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 71-74. Virgilius Maro, Publius. [B. C. 70-19]. See class 18e, Collins, W: L. Also Nettleship, H. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de. [1694- 1778]. Life. 2 v. 1881. J. Parton. See also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 293-297. Wagner, R: Wilhelm. [1813-83]. Life. Tr. from the German by G: P. Upton. ( Bi- ographies of musicians). 1883. L. Nohl. Wallace, W: [12707-1305]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 497-512. Walpole, Hor. [1717-97]. Horace Wal- pole and his world: passages from his letters. (1885). Ed. by L. B. Seeley. See also class 32a, Thompson, K. [ B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, ppr. 255-305. Ward, Genevieve. Biographical sketch, A. Z. B. Gustafson. Washington, G: [1732-99]. See class 32a, Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 481-496. Also Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 434-437. Watt, Ja. [1736-1819]. See class 32a, Smiles, S: Brief biographies, pp. 1-54. Also Wood, W , ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 485-487. Weber, Karl Maria. [1786-1826]. (The great musicians). (1881). J. Benedict. Webster, Dan. [1782-1852]. (Am. states- men). 1883. H: C. Lodge. Webster, Noah. [1758-1843]. (Am. men of letters). 1881. H. E. Scudder. (54) CLASSIFIED CATALOG. Class 35. Wellesley, Art. [1769-1852]. Life (The) of the duke of Wellington. J: M. Tucker. See also class 32a, Dulcken. H. W., ed. Wor- thies of the world, pp. 273-288. Also Wood, W. f ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 449-452. Wellington, Duke of. See Wellesley, Art. Wesley, J: [1703-91]. See class 32a, Dulc- ken, H.W., ed. Worthies of the world, pp. 432-448. Also Wood. W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 191-194. Wharton, Ph. [1698-1731]. See class 32a, Thompson, K. [B.] and J: C. Witsand beaux of society, pp. 145-164. Whittington, R: [ A bt. 1358-1423]. Sir Rich- ard Whittington, lord mayor of London. 1881. W. Besant and J. Rice. Whitworth, Jos. [1803-87]. See class 32a, Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel, pp. 213-268. Wilberforce, S: [1805-73]. Life, with se- lections from his diaries and corre- spondence. 18*3. A. R. Ashwell and R. G. Wilberforce. William I, of England. [1027-87]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 402-406. William I, of Germany. [1797-1888]. See class 32a, Towle, G: M. Certain men of mark, pp. 213-242. William, or Willem, prince of Orange. [1533- 84]. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men, pp. 411-414. Wilmot, J: [164S-80]. See class 32a, Thomp- son, K. [B.] and J: C. Wits and beaux of society, pp. 49-83. Wilson, Alex. [1766-1813]. See class lie , Wilson, A., and Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Wilson, J: [1804-75]. See class 32a, Japp, A. H. Leaders of men, pp. 278-320. Winthrop, Thdr. [1828-61], Life and po- ems. Ed. by his sister. 1884. Wollstonecraft, Ma. See Godwin, M. [ W.] Woodville, Eliz. See Elizabeth Woodville. Wordsworth, W: [1770-1850]. (Eng. men of letters). (1881). F: W: II: Myers. William Wordsworth: a biographical sketch, with selections from his poetry and prose. 2v. 1881. A. J. Symington. See also class 32a, Mason, E: T., ed. Brit- ish authors, v. 2, pp. 5-54. WyclifFe, J: [1324?-84]. Biography. 1884. J: L. Wilson. Xenophon . [ B. C. 445 ?-355 ?] . See class 18e , Grant, A. Yates, Edmund Hodgson. [1831- ]. Fifty years of London life: memoirs of a man of the world. (1885). Zola, Emile. [1840- ]. See class 32a, Mau- ris, M. French men of letters, pp. 244- 263. Zoroaster. See class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Hun- dred greatest men, pp. 125-129. APPENDIX. Class 34. CYLOPjEDIAS AND COLLECTIONS. Appletons ’ annual cyclopaedia and register of important events. New ser. v. 1-12. [1876-87]. Chambers, W: and R. Chambers’s encyclo- paedia: a dictionary of universal knowl- edge for the people. Am. rev. ed. 10 v. 1875. Cushing, W: Initials and, pseudonyms: a dictionary of literary disguises. 1885. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts, and phrases : a dictionary of curious, quaint, and out- of-the-way matters. 1881. Gaskell, G. A. Gaskell’s compendium of forms, educational, social, legal and com- mercial. 1882. Kansas state gazetteer and business directory. Also a business directory of Kansas City, Mo. [1886-7]. 1886. King, E. F., ed. Ten thousand wonderful things. Knight, E: H: Knight’s American mechan- ical dictionary. 3 v. 1876. Knight’s new mechanical dictionary. 1883. Ogilvie, J: Imperial dictionary (The) of the English language. New ed. Ed. by C: Annandale. 4 v. 1883. Wheeler, W : A. and C: G. Familiar allusions : a hand-book of miscellaneous inlorma- tion. 1881. World’s cyclopedia of science, The. 4 v. (1883). Class 35. PERIODICALS. (Bound Volumes). American spiritual magazine. S: Watson, ed. v. 2-3. 1876-77. See also Spiritual magazine. Harper's new monthly magazine, v. 2-64. 1850-82. Library journal, v. 1-4. 1876-79. New Jerusalem magazine, The. New ser, v. 1-4. 1877-80. Spiritual magazine, The. S: Watson, ed. v. 1. 1875. See also American spiritual magazine. (55) Class 37. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Class 36. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. Kansas. Board of agriculture. Biennial report. 2 v. [1877-8, 1879-80]. 1878, 1881. United States. Dept, of the interior. Bu- reau of education. Report of the com- missioner. 12 v. [1870, 1874-81, 1882-83 to 1884—85]. Dept, of state. Reports of the commis- sioners to the Paris exposition, 1878. 5 v. 1880. Dept, of the navy. Astronomical and meteorological observations made during 1876 at the U. S. naval observatory. 2 pts. 1880. United States centennial commission. In- ternational exhibition, 1876. Report of the director-general, including the reports of bureaus of administration. 9 v. 1880. Class 37. CATALOGS AND LIBRARY REPORTS. American newspaper catalogue. 1883. Ames free library. ( North Easton, Mass.) Catalogue. Comp, by H. H. Ames. 1883. Dayton public library. (Dayton, Ohio). Catalogue. Authors, subjects, and titles. Comp, by M. I. Dryden and E. C. Doren. 1884. (C6) SERIES LIST. American actor series. Laurence Hutton, editor. Class. Barrett. Forrest. 32b. Clarke. The elder and the younger Booth. Field. Fechter. “ Ireland. Seevir (Mrs. Duff). “ Waters. Cushman. “ Winter. The Jeffersons. 32a. American commonwealths. Hor. Elisha Scudder, editor. Barrows. Oregon. 28. Browne. Maryland. “ Cooke. Virginia. “ Cooley. Michigan. “ Shaler. Kentucky. “ Spring. Kansas. “ American men of letters. C: Dudley Warner, editor. Frothingham. Ripley. 32b. Higginson. Ossoli. “ Holmes. Emerson. “ Lounsbury. Cooper. “ Sanborn. Thoreau. “ Scudder. Webster. “ Warner. Irving. “ Woodberry. Poe. “ American novel series. A latter day saint. 16. Stratford-by-the-sea. “ American statesmen. J: Torrey Morse, jr., editor. Adams. Randolph. 32b. Gay. Madison. “ Gilman. Monroe. “ Holst. Calhoun. “ Lodge. Hamilton. “ Webster. “ Magruder. Marshall. “ Morse. J: Adams. “ J: Q. Adams. “ Jefferson. “ (57 Stevens. Gallatin. 32b. Sumner. Jackson. “ Ancient classics for English readers. W: Lucas Collins, editor. Brodribb. Demosthenes. 18e. Church. Ovid. “ Church and Brodribb. Pliny’s letters. “ Collins. Plato. Sophocles. Collins. Aristophanes. Cicero. “ Homer. The Iliad. “ “ Odyssey. “ Livy. Lucian. “ Plautus and Terence. Thucydides. u Virgil. Copleston. ff^schylus. Davies. Catullus, Tibullus, and Proper- tius. Hesiod and Theognis. Donne. Euripides. “ Tacitus. Grant. Aristotle. Xenophon. ‘ Mallock. Lucretius. Martin. Horace. Morice. Pindar. Neaves. Greek anthology. Swayne. Herodotus. Trollope. Caesar. Walford. Juvenal. Appletons ’ home books. Church. Embroidery. 14 Home. Oakey. Building a home. Homo grounds. Appletons ’ new handy -volume series. Auerbach. The foresters. 16. Bikelas. Loukis Laras. Cherbuliez. Diplomacy. 7) FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Mauris. French men of letters. 32a. Stoddard. Mashallah. 16. Vincent. Princess. “ Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag. By Louisa May Alcott. Class 17g. Cupid. My girls. Jimmy’s cruise. Old-fashioned thanks- Ilj boys. giving. Shawl-straps. Biographies of musicians. By Louis Nohl. Class 32b. Beelhoven. Mozart. Haydn. Wagner. Campaigns of the civil war. Cist. Cumberland. 28. Cox. Atlanta. “ March to the sea. “ Doubleday. Chancellorsville. “ Force. Fort Henry to Corinth. “ Greene. Mississippi. “ Nicolay. Outbreak of the rebellion. “ Palfrey. Antietam. “ Ropes. Army under Pope. “ Webb. Peninsula. “ James. Hawthorne. 32b. Jebb. Bentley. “ Masson. De Quincey. “ Minto. Defoe. “ Morison. Gibbon. “ Macaulay. £ ‘ Morley. Burke. “ Myers. Wordsworth. “ Nichol. Byron. “ Oliphant. Sheridan. “ Pattison. Milton. “ Saintsbury. Dryden. C£ Shairp. Burns. “ Smith. Cowper. “ Stephen. Johnson. “ Pope. “ Swift. “ Symonds. ^helley. “ Traill. Coleridge. “ Sterne. • “ Trollope. Thackeray. “ Ward. Chaucer. “ Dickens. “ English philosophers. Farrer. Adam Smith. 1. Monck. William Hamilton. “ Choice autobiographies. Edited, with introductory essays, by W: Dean Howells. Alfieri. 32b. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. “ Gibbon. “ Goldoni. “ Herbert. “ Marmontel. “ English men of biters. J: Morley, editor. Ainger. Lamb. 32b. Black. Goldsmith, “ Church. Bacon. “ Spenser. “ Colvin. Landor. “ Courthope. Addison. “ Dobson. Fielding. “ Dowden. Southey. “ Fowler. Locke. “ Froude. Bunyan. “ Gosse. Gray. “ Hutton. Scott. “ Huxley. Hume. “ Epochs of ancient history. G: W: Cox and C: Sankey, editors. Beesly. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 27. Benjamin. Troy. “ Famous American Indians. Eggleston. Red Eagle. 17c. Egglestan and Seely e. Brant and Red Jacket. <£ Montezuma. ££ Pocahontas. £i Tecumseh. ££ Famous women series. Blind. Cross. (George Eliot). 32b. Gilchrist. Lamb. ££ Howe. Ossoli. ££ Miller. Martineau. ££ Paget. Louise Maximilienne Caro. Emanuele. ££ Pennell. Godwin. Robinson. Bronte. “ Margaret, of Angouleme. Thomas. Dudevant. (George Sand). t£ Zimmern. Edgeworth. (58) SERIES LIST. Foreign classics for English readers. Mrs. Mary 0. [Wilson] Oliphant, editor. Oliphant. Cervantes Saavedra. 32b. Ritchie. Sevigne. “ Trollope. Corneille and Racino. Great musicians. Franz Hueffer, editor. Benedict. Weber. 32b. Poole. Bach. “ Great western series. By W: Taylor Adams. Class 17g. Going west. Going south. Out west. Down south. Lake breezes. Up the river. Health primers. Baths and bathing. 12. Heart and its function. House and its surroundings. Premature death. Skin and its troubles. Coupland. Personal appearances. Greenfield. Alcohol. Ralfe. Exercise. Illustrated biographies of the great artists. Bell. Santi da Urbino. (Raphael). 32b. Cundall. Holbein. “ Dobson. Hogarth. “ Gower. Figure painters. “ Romney. “ Head. Van Dyck. “ Heath. Vecellio da Cadorc. (Titian). “ Kett. Rubens. “ Minor. Murillo. « Mollett. Meissonier. “ Rembrandt. “ Monkhouse. Turner. “ Osier. Robusti. “ Pulling. Reynolds. “ Scott. Little masters. 32a. International scientific series. Bain. Education. Gb. Judd. Volcanoes. Ha. Le Conte. Sight. n. Lubbock. Ants, bees, and wasps. lie. Marey. Animal mechanism. 7. Quatrefages de Br6au. Human species. Ilf. Romanes. Animal intelligence. lie. Semper. Animal life. 11 . Young. Sun. 10. Jonas series. By Jacob Abbott. Class 17g. Caleb in the country. “ “ town. Jonas a judge. “ on a farm in summer. “ “ “ “ winter. Jonas’ stories. Kaater skill series. Clark. Modern Hagar. Hammond. Fair philosopher. Leisure hour series. Democracy. Auerbach. Brigitta. Besant. Revolt of man. Butt. Delicia. Geraldine Haw 7 thorne. Miss Molly. Cadell. Ida Craven. Croffut. Midsummer lark. Fargus. Dark days. Fothergill. “One of three.” Peril. Probation. Wellfields. Hardy. Ethelberta. Laodicean. Trumpet-major. Two on a tower. Havers. Matter-of-fact-girl. Hector. The Freres. Langdale. Look before you leap. Maid, wife, or widow? Hollister. Kinley hollow. Hoppus. Carnival. Laffan. Christy Carew. Lucy. Gideon Fleyce. Norris. Matrimony. No new thing. Parr. Robin. Richter. Invisible lodge. Sparhawk. Lazy man’s work, Spofford. Amber gods. Azarian. Walford. Cousins. Mr. Smith. Troublesome daughters. Wylde. A dreamer. Yardley. Superior woman. Lives of American vjorthies. Alden. Colombo (Columbus). Burdette. Penn. Warner. Smith. (59) FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Lucy series. By Jacob Abbott. Class 17g. Lucy among the mountains. Lucy’s conversations. Lucy on the sea-shore. Lucy at study. Lucy at play. Stories told to cousin Lucy. No name series. Almost a duchess. 16. Diane Coryval. “ Her crime. “ Justina. “ My wife. “ Princess Amelie. “ Salvage. “ Baker. His majesty. “ Boyesen. Philistines. “ Brush. Opera cloak. “ Carrington. Aschenbroedel. “ Chamberlain. Manuela Paredes. “ Clark. Baby Rue. “ Hamerton. Her picture. “ Hooper. Tsar’s window. “ Hunt. Barrington’s fate. “ Ingelow. Don John. “ Lathrop. Masque of poets. 15. Yardley. Little sister. 16. “Our continent " library. Gardner. House that Jill built. 14. Hawthorne. Dust. 16. Newell. There was once a man. “ Terhune. Judith. “ Round-robin series. Fanchette. 16. Leone. “ Madame Lucas. “ Austin. Desmond hundred. “ Nameless nobleman. “ Bates. Patty’s perversities. 16. Bynner. Damen’s ghost. “ Champney. Rosemary. “ Hamilton. Rachel’s share. “ Hammond. Georgians. “ Kirk. Lesson in love. “ Patchin. Dorothea. “ Thompson. His second campaign. “ Tallahassee girl. “ Tiernan. Homoselle. “ Witherspoon. Doctor Ben. “ Waverley novels. By Walter Scott. Class 16. Abbott, The. Anne of Geierstein. Antiquary. Betrothed, and Highland widow. Black dwarf, and Montrose. Bride of Lammermoor. Count Robert. Fair maid. Guy Mannering. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. Monastery. Nigel. Old Mortality. Peveril. Pirate. Quentin Durward. Redgauntlet. Rob Roy. St. Ronan’s well. Surgeon’s daughter, and Castle dangerous Talisman, and other tales. Waverley. Woodstock. Young folks' heroes of history. By G: Makepeace Towle. Class 17c Drake. Magellan. Marco Polo. AUTHOR INDEX Abbott, B: Vaughn. Travelling law- schuoi. 17. Abbott, C: Conrad. Primitive industry. 28. Abbott, E: Trip eastward. 17g. Abbott, Edn. Abbott. Flatland. 18. Abbott, Franklin, tr. See class 16, An- nouchka. Abbott, Jac. Alfred. 17c. American history. See class 17b. Caleb in the country. 17g. Caleb in town. Charles I. 17c. Charles II. “ Cleopatra. “ Darius. “ Genghis Khan. “ Jonas a judge. 17g. Jonas on a farm in summer. ‘ Jonas on a farm in winter. Jonas’s stories. “ Lucy among the mountains. “ Lucy at play. “ Lucy at study. “ Lucy on the sea-shore. “ Lucy’s conversations. “ Margaret of Anjou. 17c. Nero. “ Pyrrhus. * “ Rollo at play. 17g. Rollo at school. “ Rollo at work. “ Rollo learning to read. Rollo learning to talk. “ Rollo’s correspondence. Rollo’s experiments. “ Rollo’s museum. “ Rollo’s travels. “ Rollo’s vacation. “ Stories. “ Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Henry IV. 17c. Hernando Cortez. “ Hortense. “ Louis Philippe. “ Philip. “ Abbott, Lyman, ed. Home reading. 18. Abbott, Lyman. See class 17, Hints to our boys. Abernethv, J. W., ed. See class 32a, Hole. C: ’ About, Edmond Francois Valentin. Honest man. 16. Adams, C: Fs., ed. J: Quincy Adams. 32b. Adams, H: Albert Gallatin. “ John Randolph. “ ' Adams, H: Cadwallader. Oxford. 16. YVho did it? 17g. Adams, Mrs. Leith. Madelon. It Adams, Rob. C. Faith. 2 Adams, Sa. Holland, tr. See class 32b, Goethe, J. W. v. Life. Adams, W: Davenport. Famous books. 18. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Eastern archipelago. 23. Adams, W: Taylor. Down south. 17g. Going south. Going west. Lake breezes. Out west. Up the river. “ Adeler, Max., pseud. See Clark, C: H. Aesop. See Aesopus. Aesopus, and others. Fables. 1 7g. Agassiz, Alex. See class lie, Agassiz, E. C., and A . Agassiz, Eliz. Cary, ed. Louis Agassiz. 32b. Agassiz, Eliz. Cary and A. Seaside studies. lie. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. Natu- ral history. *11. Aguilar, Grace. Vale of cedars. 16. Aikman, W: Bachelor’s talks. 18. Ainger, Alf. C: Lamb. 32b. Alcock, Rutherford. Art in Japan. 14. Alcott, Amos Bronson. Tablets. 18d. Alcott, Louisa May. Cupid. 17g. Jack and Jill. Jimmy’s cruise. Moods. My boys. My girls. Old-fashioned thanksgiving. Shawl-straps. Spinning-wheel stories. Alden, H: Mills. See class 28, Guernsey, A. H. Alden, Mrs. Isabella [McDonald]. Man of the house. 17g. Mrs. Solomon Smith. Alden, W: Livingston. Columbus. 32b. Cruise of the “Ghost.” 17g. Alden & Bro., Edn. pub. American newspaper catalogue. 37. Aldrich, T: Bailey. Ponkapog to Pesth. 22 Still wale »• trag^dU* 16. ( 61 ) u. Of ILL LIB, Aldridge. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Aldridge, Reginald. Life on a ranch. 21. Alexander, Mrs., pseud. See Hector, Mrs. A. F. [T.] Alfieri, Vittorio. Autobiography. 32b. Alger, Abby Langdon, tr. See class 1 C , Usurper. Alger, Horatio, jr. James A. Garfield. 17c. Alger, W: Rounseville. School of life. 18d. Solitudes. Alice Maud Mary. 32b. Alison, Archibald. Miscellaneous essays. See class 18d , Wilson, J: Allen, Alex. Viets Griswold. Christian thought. 2. Allen, C: Grant. Flowers. lid. Allyn, Rob. See class 6 b, Lilienthal, M. E. Ames, Harriet H., comp. See class 37, Ames free library. Ames, Ma. Clemmer. See Hudson, M. [C.3 Ames free library. Catalogue. 37. Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople. 22. Holland. “ Morocco. 24. Paris. 22. Spain. “ Anderson, Eliz. Garrett. See class 12 . Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn, tr. See class 16, Happy boy. Also Magnhild; and Synnove Solbakken. Andreas, A. T., pub. Kansas. 28. Andrews, Fanny. Prince Hal. 16. Andrews, W: A. Daring voyage, A, 17a. Andrews, W: P. See class 15, Very, J. Angell, H: C. Wm. M. Hunt. 32b. Annandale, C:, ed. See class 34, Ogil- vie, J: Anstey, F., pseud. See Guthrie, F. A. Appleton, T: Gold. Nile journal. 24. Appleton & Co., D., pub. See class 14 . Arblay, Fes. [Burney] d’. Cecilia. 16. Diary and letters. 32b. Argles, Mrs. Marg. Airy fairy Lilian. 16. Dick’s sweetheart. “ Doris. “ Faith. “ In durance vile. “ Loys. “ Mrs. Geoffrey. “ Phyllis. Portia. “ Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. 15. Armitage, Ella S. English nation. 29. Arnold, Edwin. Light of Asia. 15. Pearls of the faith. “ Arnold, G: See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v.5. Arnold. Howard Payson. Gleanings. 22. Arnold, I: Newton. Benedict Arnold. 32b. (6! Arnold, Matthew. Irish essays. 18d. Poems. 15. See also class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Arr, E. H., pseud. See Rollins, Mrs. E. C. [H.] Arrom, Cecilia [ Bdhl de Faber]. Span- ish fairy tales. 17g. Arthur, Tim. Shay. Man-trap. 18. Wife’s engagement ring. 17g. Arthur, W: Samuel Budgett. 32b. Ashe, T., ed. See class 18, Coleridge, S: T. Asher, D:, tr. See class Ilf , Geiger, L. Ashton, J: John Smith. 28. Social life. 29. Ashwell, A. R., and Wilberforce, R. G. S: Wilberforce. 32b. Atkinson, E., tr. See class 8 , Helmholtz, H. Also. class 10 , Ganot, A. Aubigne, J. H. M. d’. See class 29, Merle d’AubignS, J. H. Auerbach, Berthold. Brigitta. 16. Foresters. “ Austin, Mrs. Jane [Goodwin]. Des- mond hundred. “ Mrs. Brown. “ Nameless nobleman. “ Nantucket scraps. “ Baber, E: Colborne, ed. See class 23, Gill, W: J: Bacon, Fs. Works. 18e. Bacon, G: B. Siam. 23. Bacon, H: Parisian year. 22. Badcock, J: Vignettes. lie. Baedeker, Karl. Northern Germany. 22. Rhine, The. “ Bailey, Ja. Montgomeiy. Mr. Phillips’ goneness. 16. Baillie-Grohman, W. A. See class 21 , Grohman, W. A. B. Bain, Alex. Education. 6b. Logic. 1. Mental science. “ Moral science. “ Bainbridge, Lucy S. Letters. 25. Baird, H: Martyn. Huguenots. 29. Baker, C. Alice. Azores. 22. Baker, Mrs. Harriette Newell [Woods]. Sisters at service. 17g. Baker, S: White. Africa. 24. True tales. 17g. Baker, W: Mumford. Certainty. 16. His majesty. “ Making of a man. “ Baldwin, J. School management. 6b. Baldwin, Ja. Siegfried. 17g. Baldwin, Lydia Wood. Yankee school- teacher. 16. Ballantine, W: Barrister’s life. 32b. Ballantyne, T: Essays in mosaic. 18d. ) AUTHOR INDEX. Blaikie. Ballou, Maturin Murray. Cuba. 21 Round the world. 25 Women. 18 Bancroft, G: Constitution. 5 United States. 28 Barbou, Alf. Victor Hngo. 32b Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious myths. 3 Germany. 18 Patriarchs. 2 Rob. Ste. Hawker. 32b Baring-Gould, Sabine, tr. See class 16, Ernestine. Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith [Huddleston]. Jan Vedder’s wife. 16. Young people. 17g. Barrett, B: Fisk. New-Church. 2. See also class 2, Madeley, E: Barrett, Lawrence. Edwin Forrest. 32b. Barrows, W: Oregon. 28. Bartlett, G: H. . Commercial trip. 16. Bartlett, J: Shakespeare phrase book. 18. Bartlett, S: Coloord. Egypt to Pales- tine. 25. Bascom, J: Aesthetics. 14. Bates, Arlo. Patty’s perversities. 16. Bates, Ctte. Fiske. See class 15, Long- fellow, H: W. Longfellow birthday book. Bates, H: Wa. Amazons. 21. Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah. 31. Beale, Anne. Gladys. 17g. Bean, Mrs. Helen Mar. Widow Wyse. 16. Beecher, H: Ward. Lectures to young men. 18d. Beecher, Cath. Esther, and Stowe, Mrs. H. [ B.] Domestic science. 6. Beehler, W. H. Brooklyn. 20. Beesly, A: H: Gracchi, Mai.' as, and Sulla. 27. Sir John Franklin. 32b. Behrens, Bertha. Lottie. 16. Penniless girl. Bell, C: See classic, Carter, S. N., comp. Bell, Clara, tr. See class 16, Brigitta; Graveyard flower; Trafalgar; Uarda; and Wane of an ideal. Also class 23, Haeckel, E. H. Bell, Mrs. Nancy [ Meugens]. Santi da Urbino. 32b. Science ladders. 17d. Bell, Mrs. Nancy [Meugens] (N. D’An- vers) , tr. See class 27, Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P. de. Bell, Rob., ed. Songs. 15. Bellamy, C: J. Breton mills. 16. Bellamy, E: Miss Ludington’s sister. “ Belt, Harriett Pennawell. Marjorie Huntingdon. “ Bement, C. N. Poulterer’s companion. 13d. Benedict, Julius. Weber. 32b. Benham, G: Chittenden. Year of wreck. 16. Benjamin, Park. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 5. Benjamin, S: Green Wheeler. Art in America. 14. Contemporary art. “ Troy. 27. Bentley, Rensselaer. Pictorial reader. 6b. Benton, T: Hart. Thirty years’ view. 28. Besant, Wa. Art of fiction. LSd. Coligny. 32b. Revolt of man. 16. Besant, Wa., and Rice, J. R: Whitting- ton. 32b. Betham-Ed wards, Miss. See Edwards, M. B. B. Bicknell & Co., A. J., pub. Cottage & villa architecture. 14. Public buildings. “ School house and church architecture. “ Stables. “ Street, store & bank fronts. “ Bigelow, Marshall T. Punctuation. 6b. Bigot, Mme. Ma. [ Healy]. Mere caprice. 16. Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras. Bingham, D. A. Marriages of the Bo- napartes. 32a. Bird, Isabella L. See Bishop, Mrs. I. L. [B.] Bishop, Mrs. Isabella L. [ Bird]. Japan. 23. Rocky mountains. 21. Sandwich islands. 23. BDhop, W: H: Detmol 1. 16. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 1. Bismarck -Schonhau sen, K: O: Eduard Leopold von. Biography. 32b. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Happy boy. 16. Magnhild. “ Synnove Solbakken. Black, J:, tr. See class 32b, Goldoni, C. Black, Rob., tr. See class 29, Guizot, F. P. G., and Witt, H. [G.] de. Black, W: Adventures. I7g. Four MacNicols. ‘ Judith Shakespeare. 16. Macle^d of Dare. “ Shandon bells. “ White heather. Yolande. “ Blackburn, H: A'-eton folk. 22. Blackie, J: Stuart. Goethe. 18. Self-culture. 18d. Blackman, Emily C. Susquehanna county. 08. Blackmore, R: Doddridge. Lorna Doone. 16. Mary Anerley. “ Blackwell, Eliz. Counsel to parents. 6b. Blackwood, F: Temple. Yacht voyage. 20. Blaikie, W: How to get strong. 12. Blaikie, W: Garden. Livingstone. 32 o. (63) Blaine. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Blaine, Ja. Gillespie. Twenty years of congress. 28. Blake, Ma. E. On the wing. 21. Blanc, Auguste Alexandre Phillippe C: Painting and engraving. 14. Blanc, Jean Jos. Louis. Ten years. 29. Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. Isis unveiled. 1. Blind, Mathilde. Tarantella 16. See also class 32b, Cross, Mrs. M. A. [ E.] Bloede, Gertrude. Angelo. 15. Giorgio. “ Blot, Pierre. Practical cookery. 13e. Blunt, Anne. Bedouin tribes. 23. Boddy, Alex. A. To Kairwan. 24. Bogardus, Adam H. Shooting. 12. Bonaparte, C: Lucien Jules Laurent. See class lie, Wilson, A. Booth, M. L., tr. See class 17 g, Last fairy tales. Booth. Mrs. 0: Faustine. 16. Borel, T: Agenor de Gasparin. 32b. Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch. Uni- versal literature. 18f. Bowen, B: F. America. 28. Bowen, C. E. House on the bridge. 17g. Bowen, Fs. Gleanings. 18d. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Falconberg. 16. Ilka. 17g. Philistines. 16. Titania. “ Brackenbury, C: Booth. Frederick the great. 32b. Bradley, G: Granville. Art. P. Stanley. “ Brand, J: Popular antiquities. 31. Brassey, Mrs. Annie. Around the world. 20. In the trades. “ Sunshine and storm. “ Bray, Mrs. Reginald. We four. 17g. Bray, W:, ed. See class 32b, Evelyn, J: Bremer, Frederika. See class 13d, Down- ing, A. J. Bridges, Mrs. Diana Carew. 16. My lord. “ Roy and Viola. “ Brinton, Dan. Garrison, and Napheys, G: H. Laws of health. 12. Brodribb, W: Jackson. Demosthenes. 18e. See also class 18e, Church, A. J., and Brodribb, W: J. Brodribb, W: Jackson, and Besant, W. Constantinople. 29. Broglie, Achille Leonce V: C: de. King’s secret. “ Brook, Sa., pseud. See Stephen, C. E. Brooke, Stopford A: Robertson. 32b. Brooks, C: Tim., tr. See class 16, Invis- ible lodge. Brooks, Louise, tr. See class 17g, Heidi. Brooks, Noah. Fairport nine. 17g. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 4. Brooks, Phillips. Candle of the Lord. 2. Brougham, H: P: England and France. 29. Brougham, J: Life, stories, and poems. 32b. Brown, E. E., ed. See class 18, Hughes, T: Brown, Emma E. Washington. 17c. Brown, Fs. See class 2, Hitchcock, R. D. Brown, J: Spare hours. 18. See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 9. Brown, Susan Anna, comp. Home topics. 6. Browne, Phillis, pseud. See Payne, A. G. Browne, T: Religio medici. 18d. Browne, W: Hand. Maryland. 28. Browning, Eliz. Barrett. See class 18e, Modern classics, v. 12. Browning, Oscar. Educational theories. 6b. Browning, Rob. See class 18e, Modern classics, v. 12. Brush, Christine C. Opera cloak. 16. Brush, Ma. E. Paul and Persis. 17g. Bryant, W: Cullen. See class 32b, Irving, W., Studies of Irving. Buchanan, Rob. Master of the mine. 16. Shadow. “ Buckley, Arabella Burton. Life. lie. Natural science. 8. Science. “ Winners. lie. Bulfinch, T: Age of fable. 3. Bullard, Laura Curtis, tr. See class 16, Modern Midas. Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Ly tton. Parisians. 16. Bulwer-Lytton, E: Rob. Lytton. Ed- ward Buiwer, Lord .Lytton. 32b. Bunce, 01. Bell. Bachelor Bluff. 16. Bunner, H: C. Airs from Arcady. 15. See also Matthews, J. B. Also class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 1 and 4. Burdette, Rob. Jones. W: Penn. 32b. Burnett, Fes. Hodgson. Haworth’s. 16 Lass o’ Lowrie’s. “ Louisiana. “ See also class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Burney, Fes. See Arblay, Mme. F. [ B.] d’. Burnham, Mrs. Clara Louise. Dearly bought. 16. No gentlemen. “ Burns, Rob. See class 18e, Modern clas- sics, v. 15. Burroughs, J: Birds and poets. 18. Fresh fields. “ Locusts. “ Pepacton. “ See also class 18e, Johnson, R., ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 17. Busey, S: C. See class 12, Anderson, E. G. AUTHOR INDEX. Clarke. Bushnell, Hor. Literary varieties. 18d. Butt, Beatrice May. Delicia. 16. Geraldine Hawthorne. Miss Molly. Butterworth, Hezekiah. America. 17b. Boston. Classic lands. 17a. Europe. Great composers. 17c. Orient. 17a. Bynner,Edn.Lassetter. Damen’s ghost. Byron, G: Gordon Noel. See class 18e, Modern classics, v. 16. Caballero, Fenian. See Arrom, C. [ B. de F.] Cable, G: Washington. Creole Days. Creoles. Dr. Sevier. Grandissimes. Madame Delphine. Cadell, Mrs. H. M. Ida Craven. Cady, Wilhelmina W., tr. See class 22 , Amicis, E. de. Spain. Also Studies of Paris. 16. 16. 28. 16. << Caird, Ja. India. 23. Camoens, Luiz de. Lusiad. 15. Capes, W: Wolfe. Livy. See class 18e, Nettle ship, H. Vergil. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Nellie’s mem- ories. 16. Carlyle, Jane Baillie [ Welsh]. Letters. 32b. Carlyle, T: Essays. 18d. Reminiscences. 32b. See also class 18e , Modern classics, v. 13-15. Carlyle, T:, and Emerson, R. W. Cor- respondence. 32b. Carlyle, T:, ed. See class 32b. Carlyle, J. B. [W.] Carpenter, Frank D. Y. Round about Rio. 21. Carr, Fs. Left alone. 17g. Carrington, Kate. Aschenbroedel. 16. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See class 18a , Dodgson, C: L. Carruthers, Rob., ed. See class 18/ , Chambers, R., ed. Carter, Rob. Brudenell. Eyesight. 12. Carter, Mrs. Susan N., comp. Art sug- gestions. 14. Cary, Alice. Country life. 16. Cary, H: Fs., tr. See class 15 , Dante Alig- hieri. Cathcart, G: R. See class 6b, Swinton, W: Catherwood, Ma. Hartwell. Craque-o’- doom. 16. Old caravan days. 17g. Catlin, G: North American Indians. 21. Caton, J: Dean. Norway. 22. Centz. P. C., pseud. See class 5, Sage, B. J. Cervus, G. I. “ White Lathers”. 16. Cesnola, Luigi Palma di. Cyprus. 23. Chamberlain, Parthene B. Fred. 17g. Chamberlain, W: Mellen. Manuela Paredes. 16. Chambers, Rob., ed. English litera- ture. 18f. Chambers, W:and Rob. Encyclopaedia. 34. Champlin, J: D., jr. Young folks’ cy- clopaedia. 17d. Champlin, Virginia, tr. See class 16, Kings in exile. Also Mademoiselle Bismarck; Numa Roumestan; and No. 13. Also class 17d, Learning to draw. Champney, Mrs. Lizzie [Williams]. Rosemary. 16. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 6. Chandler, Peleg W. John A. Andrew. 32b. Chaney, G: Leonard. Every-day life. 6. Chaplin, Heman W. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. The village convict. Chaplin, Mrs. Jane Dunbar. Wilder- ness. 16. Chatrian, Alexandre. AS^Erckmann, E. Chaucer, Geoffrey. See class 15. Chellis, Ma. Dwinnell. All for money. 17g. Brewery at Taylorville. “ Cherbuliez, V: Diplomacy. 16. Saints and sinners. “ Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria [ Fs.] Letters. 32b. Looking toward sunset. 18. Church, Alf. J: Greek tragedians. 16. Ovid. 18e. Roman life. 27. Virgil. 16. Church, Alf. J:, and Brodribb, W: J. Pliny’s letters. 18e. Church, Ella Rodman. Embroidery. 14. Home. Church, F. J., tr. See class 32b, Socrates. Church, R: W: Bacon. 32b. Spenser. “ Cist, H: Martyn. Cumberland. 28. Clark, Alf. Corning, tr. See class 18, Ryd- berg, V. Clark, C: Heber. Elbow-room. 18a, Fortunate island. 16. Random shots. 18a. Clark, Mrs. Ctte. [Moon]. Baby Rue. 16. Modern Hagar. “ Clark, Edson Lyman. European Tur- key. 29. Clark, H: H. Pompeii. 17g. Clarke, Mrs. Asia Booth. J. B. and E. Booth. 32b. Clarke, Ja. Freeman. Religious history. 2. Self culture. 18d. Ten great religions. 2. Thomas Didymus. “ —5 (65) Clarke. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Clarke, Jos. Thatcher, tr. See class lJj., Reber, F. v. Clarkson, L. John Wallace. 16. Clay, C: M., pseud. See Clark, Mrs. C. [ M.] Clemens, S: Langhorne. Mississippi. 21. Stolen white elephant. 16. Tramp abroad. 22. Clement, Clara E. See Waters, C. E. [C.] Cobbe, Fes. Power. Duties of women. lSd. Religious duty. 2. See also class 6a, Stanton, T., ed. Coffin, C: Carleton. Boys of ’61. 17b. Ja. A. Garfield. 32b. Liberty. 17 b. Coffin, Roland Folger. Sailor’s yarns. 16. Coleridge, A. D., tr. See class 14, Mosch- eles, I. Coleridge, S: Taylor. Table talk. 18. Works. 18e. See also class 18e , Modern classics, v. 7. Coles, Miss. See Harris, Mrs. M. [C.] Collins, Clifton W. Plato. Sophocles. Collins, W: Lucas. Aristophanes. Cicero. Homer. Livy. Lucian. Plautus and Terence. Thucvdides. Virgil. Collins, W: Wilkie. After dark. 16. Collyer, Rob. Sermons. 2. Colombi, La Marchesa. Wane of an ideal. 16. Colvin, Sidney. Landor. 32b. Combe, W: Doctor Syntax. 15. Comins, Lizzie B. Hartwell farm. 16. Marion Berkley. 17g. Conant, Alb. Jasper. Vanished races. Ilf. Cond6, Jos4 Antonio. Arabs in Spain. 29. Conder, Claude Reignier. Judas Mac- cabseus. 32b. Confucius, and Mencius. Chinese clas- sics. 18. Conway, Hugh. See Fargus, F: J: Conybeare, W: J:, and Howson, J: S. Apostle Paul. 2. Cook, Jos. Boston Monday lectures. See class 18d. Cook, Marc. Wilderness cure. 12. Cooke, G: Willis. Emerson 32b. Cooke, J: Esten. Old Dominion. 17b. PoKahontas. 32b. Virginia. 28. Virginia Bohemians. 16. Virginia comedians. “ Cooke, Rose [Terry]. Somebody’s neighbors. " 16. Cooley, T: McIntyre. Michigan. 28. Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, S. C. Cooper, H. J. Art of furnishing. 14. Cooper, T: V., and Fenton, H. T., eds. American politics. 5. Copleston, Reginald Ste. iEschylus. lSe. Coppee, H: Conquest of Spain. 29. Corbett, Mrs. E. T. Fairy. 17g. Cornwall, Sa. Jerusha. Roses. 15. Cory, W: English history. 29. Coupland, Sidney. Personal appear- ances. 12. Courthope, W. J. Addison. 32b. Cox, G: W- Mythology. 3. Cox, Jac. Dolson. Atlanta. 28. March to the sea. “ Cox, S: Sullivan. Orient sunbeams. Craddock, C: Egbert, pseud. See Mur- free, M.N. Craigin, H: Adams. Boy’s workshop. Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria [Mulock]. Brownie. Christian’s mistake. Fairy book. John Martin. Little lame prince. Little mother. Our year. Plain speaking. Thirty years. 17. 17g. 16. l"g. 32b. 17g. 16. 17t 18d. 15. Craik, Georgians M. Cousin. 17g. Mark Dennison’s charge. 16. Miss Moore. 17g. Crane, T: F: Italian tales. 16. Craven, Mme. Pauline. Eliane. Crawford, Fs. Marion. American poli- tician. “ Doctor Claudius. “ Mr. Isaacs. “ Roman singer. “ To leeward. “ Zoroaster. “ Crawfurd, Oswald J: F: Portugal. 22. World. 16. Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth. 29. Croffut, W: A: Midsummer lark. 18a. Croker, J: Wilson. Croker papers. 32b. Croker, J: Wilson, ed. See class 29, Her- vey, J: Cross, J: Wa., ed. See class 32b, Cross, M. A. [E ] George Eliot’s life. Cross, Mrs. Ma. Ann [Evans]. Essays. 18d. Life. 32b. Theonhratus Such. lSd. Cumming, Mrs. Constance Frederica [Gordon]. Fiji. 23. Hebrides. 22. Cummings, M. F., and Miller, C. C. Ar- chitecture. 14. Cumnock, Rob. readings. Cundall, Jos. Holbein. Cupples, Mrs. Ann Jane. (06) McLean, ed. Choice 18b. 32b. Driven to sea. 17g. AUTHOR INDEX. Doudney. Cupples, G: Deserted ship. 17g. Green hand. Curteis, Art. M. Macedonian empire. 27. Curtis, Mrs. Caro. G. Madge. 17g. Curtis, G: W: See class 13d , Downing, A. J. Curtis, Herbert Pelham, tr. See class 16, Arabian days’ entertainments. Curtiss, D. S. Wheat culture. 13d. Cushing, W: Initials and pseudonyms. 34. Custer, Mrs. Eliz Bacon. General Cus- ter. 32b. Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeleine [Vinton], Sketches. 21. Dahn, Felix. Felicitas. 16. Dali, W. H., ed. See class 27, Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P. Dannenburg, Georg, pseud. See Fried- rich, R. H. Dante Alighieri. Vision. 15. D’Anvers, N. See Bell, Mrs. N. [ M.] Darwin, C: Rob. Climbing plants. lid. Different forms of flowers. Domestication. 11. Fertilisation. lid. Fertilised by insects. Insectivorous plants. Movement in plants. Vegetable mould. 11. D’Aubigne, J. H. M. See Merle d’Au- bign6, J. H. Daudet, Alphonse. Kings in exile. 16. Numa Roumestan. Prodigious adventures. Dauge, Henri, pseud. See Hammond, Mrs. H. H. Davidson, J. Morrison. English liber- als. 32a. Kings. 5. Davies, Ja. Catullus. 18e. Hesiod. U Davies, W: Tiber. 22. l)avis, Reb. Harding. See class 16, Sto- ries by Am. authors, v. 1. Davis, W: T. Landmarks of Plymouth. 28. Davy, Humphrey. Consolations. 18d. Day, H: Spain. 22. Dayton, Abram C. Knickerbocker life. 28. Dayton public library. Catalogue. 37. De Forest, J. W. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. De Forest, Julia B. History of art. Delany, Mrs. Ma. [Granville]. Autobi- ography. Delaroche, Paul. See class 32a , Rees, J. E. R. De Leon, Edn. Khedive’s Egypt. De Mille, Ja. Castle in Spain. Deming, Clarence. By-ways. Deming, P. Adirondack stories. Deshler, C: D. Poets. 18. Devens, R. M. Great events. 28. Dewhurst, W: W. St. Augustine. 21. Dewing, Mrs. Maria R. [Oakey]. Beauty in dress. 6. Beauty in the household. 14. Dewing, Mrs. T. W. See Dewing, Mrs. M. R. [0.] DeWitt, Mme. H. [G.] See Witt, H. [G.] de. Diaz, Mrs. Abby Morton. Domestic problem. 6. Lucy Maria. 17g. Stimpcett family. “ Story-book. “ William Henry. “ William Henry letters. “ Dicey, E: V: Emmanuel. 32b. Dickens, C: J: Huffam. Letters. Pickwick club. 16. See also class 18e, J ohnson, R. ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 18. Also Modern classics, v. 6. Dickens, Mamie, ed. See class 32b, Dick- ens, C: J: H. Letters. Dickey, Katharine S., tr. See class 16, Lottie of the mill. Dickie, G: See class 11, McCosh, Ja. Didier, Eug. Lemoine. Madame Bona- parte. 32b. Dippold, G: Thdr. Epics of Germany. 3. Disraeli, B: Endymion. 16. Dixie, Florence Douglas. Across Pata- gonia. 21. Dixon, C: Bird life. lie. Dobson, H: Austin. Fielding. 32b. Hogarth. “ Vignettes. 15, Dobson, W: T., comp. See class 32a, Scott, W. D ?dge, Ma. Abigail. Gala days. 16. Dodge, Ma. [Mapes]. Donald. Dodge, R: Irving. Great West. 21. Dodgson, C: Lutwidge. Rhyme? 18a. Doggett, Kate Newell, tr. See class 14, Blanc, A. A. P. C: Dolby, G: Dickens. 32b. Donne, W: Bodham. Euripides. ISe. Tacitus. “ Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis. 27. Ragnarok. 11. Doren, Electra C., comp. See class 37, Dayton public library. Dornblaser, T: Franklin. Sabre strokes. 28. Dorr, Julia Caro. [Ripley]. Bermuda. 21. Dostoyefsky, Feodor Mikhailovitch. Buried alive. 23. Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville. 28. Douduey, Sa. Michaelmas Daisy. 17g. 14. 32b. 24. 16. 18. 16. Douglas. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Douglas, Amanda Minnie. Floyd Gran- don’s honor. 16. Hope Mills. “ In trust. “ Stephen Dane. “ Dowden, E: Shakspere. 18d. Southey. 32b. Downing, And. Jackson. Rural essays. 13d. Drake, S: Adams. White mountains. 21. Drake, S: Adams, ed. Great benefactors. 32a. Drummond, H: Natural law. 2. Dryden, Minta I., comp. See class 37, Dayton public library. Du Boisgobey, Fortune. Golden tress. 16. Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Midnight sun. 22. Duchess, The, pseud. See Argles, Mrs. M. Dufferin, Earl of. See Blackwood, F. T. Dulcken, H. W., ed. Worthies. 32a. Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Two Dianas. 16. Du Moncel, Theodose Achille Louis. Telephone. 10. Duncan, P. Martin, ed. See class lie, Figuier, G. L. Durand, Mme. Alice Marie Celeste H: [Fleurv]. Dournof. 16. Princess Ogherof. “ Durand, J., tr. See class 22, Taine, H. A. Dwight, H: 0. Turkish life. 22. Dwight, Ma. Ann. Mythology. 3. Dyer, T. F. Thiselton. Folk-lore. 18d. Eassie, W: Healthy houses. 12. Eastlake, C: Lock. Louvre gallery. 14. Eastman, Julia Arabella. Short-com- ings. 17g. Eaton, Dan. Cady. Sculpture. 14. Eaton, Dorman Bridgman. Civil ser- vice. 6a. Ebers, Georg Moritz. Burgomaster’s wife. 16. Question, A. “ Uarda. Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie v. Aphor- isms. 18. Eddy, Dan. Clarke. Walter’s tour. 17a. Eddy, J: See class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 2. Edgar, J:G. Cavaliers and roundheads. 17b. Edgren. August Hjalmar, tr. See class 18, Rydberg; V. Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Eleventh hour. 16. Edwards, Bruce. Rachel Noble’s ex- perience. 17g. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts and phrases. 34. Edwards, Jos. F. Dyspepsia. 12. Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham. Doctor Jacob. 16. Love. “ Eggleston, E: Hoosier school-master. “ Queer stories. 17g. Eggleston, E:, and Seely e, Mrs. L. E. Brant and Red Jacket. Montezuma. Pocahontas. Tecumseh. 17c. Eggleston, G: Cary. Red Eagle. K Eggleston, G: Cary, and others. Joe Lambert’s ferry. 17g. Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. Boy with an idea. “ Elbon, Barbara, pseud. See Halsted, L.B. Eliot, George, pseud. See Cross, Mrs. M. A. [E.] Elisabeth, Queen of Ronmania. See Pau- line Eliz. Ottillie Louise. Elliot, Fes. Italians. 16. Elliot, H: R. Bassett claim. Elliott, Miss S. B. Felmeres, The. “ Ellis, Annie Raine, ed. See class 16, Ce- cilia. Ellis, G: E: North America. 28. Ellis, J: Intoxicants. New church. 2. Wine question. Elwes, Alf., tr. See class 24 , Pinto, A. x\. da R. S. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Republic. 18. See also class 18e, Hawthorne, N., and others. Also Modern classics, v. 2 and 3. Also class 32a, Wood, W., ed. Emerson, Willis G. Winning winds. 16. Emerton, Ja. H: Seashore. lie. Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, A. Bonaparte. 16. Country in danger. States general. Year one. “ “ Ervie ”, pseud. See Pearson, E. C. Ettrick shepherd, The, pseud. See Hogg, Ja. Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, Mrs. A. J. [E.] Evelyn, J: Diary. 32b. Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia. Mrs. Overtheway’s remembrances. 17g. We and the world. Faber, Christine. Ugly heroine. 16. Fairfax, Lina Redwood. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Faithful, Emily. America. 21. Fargus, F: J: Called back. 16. Dark days. Farragut, Loyall. Farragut. 32b. Farrar, F: W: Early days ol Christian- ity. 2. Life of Christ. Seekers after God. Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith. 1. Fawcett, Edgar. Adventures. 16. Ambitious woman. Hopeless case. Rutherford. Tinkling cymbals. (68) AUTHOR INDEX. Ganot. Fenn, G: Manville. Vicar’s people. 16. Fenton, Hector T. See class 5, Cooper, T: V. Feudge, Fannie Roper. India. 31. Field, Alice Durand. Christmas. 17g. Field, Mrs. Caro. Leslie [Whitney]. High lights. 16. Field, H: Martyn. Egypt to Japan. 25. Holy hills. 23. Field, Kate. Fechter. 32b. Field, Marie E. Wings of courage. 17g. Fields, Annie Adams. Fields. 32b. Fields. Ja. T. Underbrush. 18. See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 6 and 28. Figuier, Guillaume Louis. Human race. Ilf. Insect world. lie. Ocean world. “ Primitive man. Ilf. Reptiles and birds. lie. Vegetable world. lid. Finley, Mrs. Martha [Farquh arson], Elsie at Nantucket. 17g. Elsie’s widowhood. “ Mildred and Elsie. “ Mildred at Roselands. “ Signing the contract. 16. Finn, Mrs. E. A. Holy Land. 23. Firdousee, Abool-Kasim-Mansoor. Epic. 16. Firdusi, Abu-1 Kasim. See Firdousee, A.-K.-M. Fisher, Fes. C. Gentle belle. Honor. “ Roslyn’s fortune. “ Fiske, J: Destiny of man. 2. Excursions. 18d. Idea of God. 2. Fiske, J ed. See class 18f, Taine, H. A. Fitzgerald, Percy. See class 32a, Gau- tier, T., and others. Flagg, Wilson. Birds. lie. Halcyon days. 18. Trees. lid. Fleischmann, Gen ., ed. See class 32b, Melito, A. F. M. de. Fleming, G:, pseud. See Fletcher, J. C. Fleming, Mrs. May. Agnes. Maude Percy’s secret. 16 Flemming, Harford, pseud. See McClel- lan, Mrs. H. [H.] Fletcher, Austin Barclay, ed. Read- ings. 6b. Fletcher, Julia Constance. Andromeda. 16. Medusa. “ Vestigia. “ Fletcher, Susan Willis. English prison. 18. Foote, Ma. Hallock. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Forbes, Archibald. Chinese Gordon. 32b. Glimpses. 18. (69) Forbes, S. Russell. Rome. 22. Force, Manning Ferguson. Fort Henry. 28. Forester, Frank, pseud. See class 32b, Herbert, H: W: Forestier, Auber, pseud. See class 18a, Woodward, A. A. Forney, J: Weiss. Anecdotes. 32a. New nobility. 16. Forrester, Mrs. See Bridges, Mrs. Foster, C: Ja., ed. See class 12, Bogardus, A. H. Foster, J: Wells. Pre-historic races. Ilf. Foster, Mrs. Jonathan, tr. See class 29, Cond6, J. A. Fothergill, Jessie. “One of three.” 16. Peril. Probation. “ Wellfields. Fothergill, J: Milner. Health. 12. Fouque, La Motte. See La Motte Fouque, F. H. K. Fowler, T: Locke. 32b. Fox, Caro. Memories. Fraser-Tytler, C. C. See class 15, Lid- dell,' Mrs. C. C. F. [T.] Frederic, Harold. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Mem- oirs. 32b. Frederich, Bertha H. See Friedrich, B. H. Freeman. Ja. E: Gatherings. 18. Frewer, Ellen E., tr. See class 16, Trib- ulations. Also class 32b, Hugo, V: Friedrich, Bertha Heyn. Hand to hand. 16. Hard heart. “ Froissart, Jean. Boy’s Froissart. 17b. Chronicles. 29. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. G: Ripley. 32b. Froude, Ja. Anthony. Csesar. English in Ireland. 29. John Bunyan. 32b. Thomas Becket. Froude, Ja. Anthony, ed. See class 32b, Carlyle, J. B. [W.] Also Carlyle, T: Reminiscences. Fuller, E: Forever. 16. Fullerton, Georgiana, tr. See class 16, Eliane. Fulton, Ja. Alex. Peach culture. 13d. Fyife, C: Allan. Modern Europe. 29. Gage, Simon H. See class lie, Wilder, B.O. Gagneur, M. L. Nihilist princess. 16. Gail Hamilton, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Galdos, B. P. See Perez Galdos, B. Gallenga, Antonio Carlo Napoleone. Episodes. 32b. Ganot, Adolphe. Natural philosophy. 10. Gardner. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Gardner, Celia E. Twisted skein. 15. Gardner, Eugene C. House that Jill built. 14. Garfield, Ja. Abram. Works. 18c. Garrett, E:, pseud. See Mayo, I. F. Garrett- Anderson, Eliz. See class 12, Anderson, E. G., and others. Gaskell, G. A. Compendium. 34. Gautier, Judith. Usurper. 16. Gautier, Theophile. Romance. “ Gautier, Theophile, and others. French authors. 32a. Gay, Sydney Howard. Ja. Madison. 32b. Geddie, J: Central Africa. 24. Geiger, Lazarus. Human race. Ilf. Geikie, Archibald. Geological sketches. 11c. Gellie, Ma. E. New girl. 17g. Stephen. “ Gennadius, J., tr. See class 16, Loukis Laras. George, H: Progress and poverty. 6a. Gersoni, H:, tr. See class 16, Mumu. Gibbon, E: Memoirs. 32b. Gibbons, Phebe Earle. French and Belgians. 22. Gibbs, Alf. S., tr. See class 32b, Goethe, C. E. [T.] Gift, Theo., pseud. See Havers, D. Gilchrist, Mrs. Anne. Mary Lamb. 32b. Gilder, W: H: Schwatka’s search. 21. Giles, Chauncey. Discourses. 2. Giles, Frye Williams. Topeka. 28. Gill, W: J: River of golden sand. 23. Gillmore, Parker. Encounters. 25. Gill more, Parker, ed. See class lie , Fig- uier, G. L. Reptiles and birds. Gilman, Art. Historic ages. 1 7b. Pathfinders. 17g. Gilman, Dan. Coit. James Monroe. 32b. Gindely, Anton. Thirty years’ w r ar. 29. Gladstone, W: Ewart. Gleanings. 18e. Godkin, Georgina Sa. V: Emmanuel. 32b. Godwin. Parke. Bryant. “ Goethe, Cath. Eliz. [Textor], Corre- spondence. “ Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Novels. 16. See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 13. Goldoni, Carlo. Memoirs. 32b. Goldsmith, J. C. Himself again. 16. Goldsmith, 01. See class 16, Classic tales. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. See Talcott, Mrs. H. B. Gordon, W. J., tr. See class 16, Godfrey Morgan. Goss, Nathaniel S. Birds of Kansas, lie. Catalogue of birds. “ Gosse, Edmund W: Gray. 32b. Shakespeare to Pope. 18f. See also class 16, Epic of kings. Gosse, Ph. H: Wonders of the deep. 11. Gottschalk, C., ed. See class 32b, Gotts- chalk, L. M. Gottschalk, Louis Moreau. Notes. 32b. Gough, J: Bartholomew. Sunlight and shadow. 18. Gow, A. M. Good morals. 18d. Gower, Ronald C: Sutherland Leveson. Figure painters. 32a. Romney and Lawrence. 32o. Graham, Isabella [ Marshall]. Life and writings. “ Grant, Alex. Aristotle. 18e. Xenophon. Grant, Rob. Average man. 16. Confessions. “ Grant, Rob., and others. King’s men. “ Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Personal memoirs. 32b. Granville, J. Mortimer. Life. 12. Mind-troubles. “ Gray, Asa. Science and religion. 1. Gray, E. Conder, pseud. See Japp, A. H. Gray, G: Zabriskie. Children’s crusade. 29. Gray, Isa E. Marjory Graham. 16. Gray, J: H: China. 23. Great Britain. See class 31. Greeley, Hor. American conflict. 28. Green, Anna Katharine. Leavenworth case. 16. Strange disappearance. Sword of Damocles. “ Green, J: R: Conquest of England. 29. English people. “ Green, W: Spotswood. New Zealand. 25. Greene, Fs. Vinton. Mississippi, The. 28. Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol. 12. Greenough, Mrs. Sa. Dana [Loring]. Mary Magdalene. 15. Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lippi n- cott, Mrs. S. J. [C.] Greer, Maria J. My mother’s diamonds. 17g. Greey, E: Japan. 17a. Greey, E:, tr. See class 16, Loyal Ronins. Gregor. W: Gow, ed. See class 23, Gray, J: PI: Greville, Henry, pseud. See Durand, Mme. A. M. C. H. [F.] Grimm, Hermann. Goethe. 32b. Grohman, W: A. Baillie. Rockies. 21. Grote, A: Radcliffe. New infidelity. 2. Guernsey, Alf. Hudson, and Alden, H: M. Rebellion, 28. Guillemin, Amedee. Forces of nature. 10. Guiney, Louise Imogen. Goose-quill papers. 18. Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. Cor- neille. 32b. Guizot, Franyois Pierre Guillaume, and Witt, H. [G.] de. France. 29. (70) AUTHOR INDEX. Ha weis. Gustafson, Mrs. Zadel Barnes. Gene- vieve Ward. 32b. Guthrie, C: J. See class 32b, Guthrie, T: Guthrie, D: K. and C: J. See class 32b, Guthrie, T: Guthrie, F. Anstey. Giant’s robe. 16. Vice versa. “ Guthrie, T: Autobiography. 32b. H., H., pseud. See Jackson, Mrs. IT. M. m Habberton, J: Bowsham puzzle. 16. Just one day. 17g. Paul Grayson. “ Worst boy. “ Haeckel, Ernest Heinrich. Ceylon. 23. Hailmann, W. N. Kindergarten. 6b. Hale, Annie M. Children. “ Hale, E: Everett. Christmas. 16. Fortunes of Rachel. “ Our Christmas. “ Without a country. “ Hale, E: Everett, ed. See class 3. Bul- finch, T: Hale, E: Everett and S. Family flight. 17. France. 22. Hale, Susan. See Hale, E: E. and S. Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantine. 16. Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria [Fielding]. See class 22, Hall, S: C. Hall, C: W. Drifting. 17a. Hall, Granville Stanley. German cult- ure. 18d. Hall, S: Carter and Mrs. A. M. [ F.] Ire- land. 22. Hall, W: Whitty. Dyspepsia. 12. Hallowell, Anna Davis, ed. Ja. and Lucretia Mott. 32b. Halsted, Byron D: Barn plans. 13d. Halsted, Leonora B. Bethesda. 16. Hamerling, Rob. Aspasia. “ Hamerton, Ph. Gilbert. Her picture. “ Human intercourse. 18d. Landscape. 18. Modern Frenchmen. 32a. See also class I8e, Johnson, R.,ec?. Lit- tle classics, v. 17. Hamilton, Alex., and others. Federalist. 6a. Hamilton, Alice King. Duanes. 16. Hamilton, E: J: Human mind. 1. Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, J: C., ed. See class 6a, Ham- ilton, A., and others. Hamilton, Kate W. Rachel’s share. 16. Hamlen, Georgia. Chats. “ Hammond, Mrs. Henrietta Harday. Fair philosopher. “ Georgians. “ Hammond, W: Alex. Doctor Grattan. “ Lai. Mr. Oldmixon. “ Hansen-Taylor, Marie. See Taylor, M. H. Hardy, Art. Sherburne. But yet a wo- man. 16. Wind of destiny. “ Hardy, Iza Dufius. Cities and prairie. 21. Hardy, T: Ethelberta. 16. Laodicean. “ Trumpet-major. “ Two on a tower. “ Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Florence. 22. Frances baroness Bunsen. o2b. Southern Italy. 22. Venice. “ Harland, H: As it was written. 16. Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. [H.] Harris, Amanda B. Pleasant authors. 17c. Harris, Joel Chandler. Mingo. 16. Uncle Remus. 18a. Harris, Mrs. Miriam [Coles]. Frank Warrington. 16. Happy-go-lucky. Louie’s last term. Missy. Perfect Adonis. Phoebe. St. Philip’s. Sutherlands. Harrison, Mrs. Constance Cary. Helen Troy. Woman’s handiwork. 14. Harrison, Ja. Alb. Greece. 27. Greek vignettes. 22. Spain. 29. Harrison, Jonathan Baxter. Danger- ous tendencies. 6. Harsha, Judge. Ploughed under. 16. Hart, Mrs. . Very genteel. 17g. Hart, Ja. Morgan, ir. See class 18d, Lau- gel, A. A. Harte, Fs. Bret. Flip. 16. Maruja. “ Shore and sedge. “ Hartner, E. Severa. “ Hartough, Mrs. S. M. Mill Valley. 17g. Harwood, G: Democracy. * 5. Haskell, Mrs. E. F. Housekeeper’s en- cyclopaedia. 13e. Hassard, J: Rose Greene. Pickwickian pilgrimage. 22. Hatfield, Edn. Fs. Poets of the church. 32a. Hatton, Jos., ed. Irving’s impressions. 21. Hauff, Wilhelm. Arabian days’ enter- tainments. 16. Tales. 17g. Hauteville, Ma. de, ir. See class 17g, Serpent charmer. Havergal, Maria Vernon Graham. F. R. Havergal. 32b. Havers, Dora. Matter-of-fact girl. 16. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Musical mem- ories. 18. I) Hawthorne. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Hawthorne, Julian. Archibald Mal- maison. 16. Dust. tt Fortune’s fool. (6 Nathaniel Hawthorne. 32b. Prince Saroni’s wife. 16. Saxon studies. 22. Sebastian Strome. 16. Hawthorne, Julian, ed. See class 16, Doc- tor Grimshawe’s secret. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Doctor Grim- shawe’s secret. 16. See also class 18e, Hawthorne, N., and others. Also Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 17. Also Modern classics, v. 28. Hay, Elzey , pseud. See Andrews, F. Haydn, H. C. Amusements. 18d. Haydon, B: Rob. See class 14 , Carter, S. N., comp. Hayes, A. A. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 6. Hays, Fes. Women of the day. 32a. Hayward, Ab. Essays. 18d. Hayward, E: Farwell. Patrice. 15. Hazen, Emily H., tr. See class 16, Abbe Constantine. IJazlitt, W: See class 14 , Carter, S. N., comp. IJazlitt, W:, tr. See class 29, Thierry, J. N. A. Head, Percy Rendell. Van Dyck. 32b. Healy, Ma. See Bigot, Mme. M. [ H.] Heath, R: Ford. Vecellio da Cadore. 32b. Hector, Mrs. Annie F. [T.] Executor. 16. Freres. “ Langdale. Look before you leap. “ Maid, wife, or widow? “ ITeimburg, W., pseud. See Behrens, B. Heine, Heinrich. Reisebilder. 16. Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdi- nand. Lectures. 8. Henderson, P: Gardening. 13d. Hensel, Seb. Mendelssohn family. 32a. Henty, G: Alf. Jack Archer. 17g. Out on the pampas. “ Young franc-tireurs. “ Hepworth, G: Hughes. ! ! ! 16. Herbert, E: Life. 32b. Herbert, G: Works. ISe. Herbert, H: W: Writings. 32b. Herodotus. 17b. Herrick, S: E: Some heretics. 18d. Hervey, J: Reign of George II. 29. Herzog, Emma, tr. See class 16, Modern Midas. Higginson, Mrs. Ma. Thacher. One more. 17g. (7 Higginson, T: Wentworth. Am. au- thors. 32a Common-sense. 6 Marg. Fuller Ossoli. 32b Hildreth, R: United States. 28 Hillard, G: Stillman. Italy. 22 Hillern, Wilhelrtiine von. Ernestine. 16. Graveyard flower. “ Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Garfield and education. 32b. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron, ed. See class 18c, Garfield, J. A. Hinton, Ja. Mystery of pain. 18. Hinton, Ja., ed. Physiology. 12. Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight, and Brown, F., eds. Teaching of the apostles. 2. Hodgkin, T: Italy. 29. Hodgson, W: Ballantyne. Errors. 6b. Hoey, Mrs. Cashel, tr. See class 32b, Me- lito, A. F. M. de.. Also Remusat, C. E. J. [G. de V.] de. Hoffman, Prof. See class 3, Lewis, A. J. Hoffman, Louis. See class 3, Lewis, A. J. Hogarth, Georgina, ed. See class 32b, Dickens, C: J: H. Letters. Hogg, Ja. Tales. 16. Holcombe, Ja. P., ed. Literature in let- ters. 18. Holden, E: Singleton. Herschel. 32b. Hole, C:, comp. Biographical diction- ary. 32a. Holley, Marietta. My wayward pard- ner. 18a. Hollister, Gideon Hiram. Kinley Hol- low. 16. Holloway, Laura Carter, comp. Home in poetry. 15. Holly, H: Hudson. Modern dwellings. 14. Holmes, E: Mozart. 32b. Holmes, Mrs. Ma. Jane [Hawes]. Bes- sie’s fortune. 16. Madeline. “ Holmes, 01. Wendell. Emerson. 32b. Iron gate. 15. Mortal antipathy. 16. See also class 18e, Hawthorne, N., and others. Holroyd, Dorothy. Within the shadow. “ Holst, Hermann Eduard v. Calhoun. 32b* Holt, Emily Sa. Joyce Morrell’s har- vest. 16. Hood, T: See class 18e, Modern classics, v. 16. Hood, T:, the younger. Rhymester. 15. Hooker, Worthington. Nature. 17d. Hooper, Louisa. Tsar’s window 16. Hooper, Ma. Animals. 17g. Hopkins, Alonzo. Geraldine. 15. Hoppin, A: Fashionable sufferer. 16. Two Compton boys. 17g. ) AUTHOR INDEX. Jebb. Hoppin, Ja. Mason. Foote. 32b. Hoppus, Ma. A. M. Carnival. 16. Horace. See Horatius. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Works. 18. Horn, Georg. Count Silvius. 16. Howard, Blanche Willis. Aulnay Tower. “ Aunt Serena. “ Howard, 01. Otis. Nez Perce Joseph. 28. Howe, Edgar Watson. Country town. 16. Howe, J: Badlam. Money. 13c. Howe, Mrs. Julia [Ward]. Marg. Fuller Ossoli. 32b. Howells, W: Dean. Dr. Breen’s prac- tice. 16. Elevator. “ Fearful responsibility. “ Indian summer. “ Italian journeys. 22. Modern instance. 16. Silas Lapham. “ Undiscovered country. “ See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 32. Howells, W: Dean, ed. See class 32b. Alfieri, V. Alsu Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. “ Gibbon, E: “ Goldoni, C. “ Herbert, E: “ Marmontel, J. F. Howson , J : Saul. See class 2, Conybeare, W: J: Hudson, Ma. [Clemmer]. His two wives. 16. Hughes, T: Manliness of Christ. 2. True manliness. 18. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alex. v. Cosmos. 11. Hunnewell, Ja. F. Monuments of France. 29. Hunt. Helen. See Jackson, Mrs. H. M. m Hunt, H: G. Bonavia. History of music. Hunt, Mrs. Marg. [Raine]. Barring- ton’s fate. Hutton, Laurence. See class 32a, Wa- ters, C. E. [C.] Huxley, T: H: Addresses. Critiques. Darwin. Invertebrated animals. Lay sermons. Origin of species. Science and culture. Vertebrated animals. Huxley, T: H:, and Youmans, Physiology. Ingelow, Jean. Don John. John Jerome. Old days and new. Poems. Sarah de Berenger. Ingersoll, Ern. Friends. Inman, H: Santa Fe trail. Ireland, Jos. N. M. A. [D.] Seevir. 32b. Irving, Fannie Belle. Six girls. 17g. Irving, H: See class 21, Hatton, J. Irving, Washington. See class 18e, Haw- thorne, N., and others. J. S. of Dale, pseud. See Stimson, F. J. Jackson, Cath. Ctte. Old Paris. 29. Old regime. “ Jackson, Helen Maria [Fiske]. Cent- ury of dishonor. 28. Hunter cats. 17g. Letters from a cat. “ Ramona. 16. Jackson, Ma. Ellen. Osawatomie. 18. Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska. 21. Jacobi, Ab. See class 12, Anderson, E. G., and others. Jacobi, Ma. Putnam. See class 16, Sto- ries by Am. authors, v. 2. James, H: Literary remains. 32b. James, H:,jr. Beltraffio. 16. Confidence. “ Europeans. “ France. 22. French poets and novelists. 32a. Hawthorne. 32b. London. 16. Portrait. ‘ - Portraits of places. 22. Three cities. 16. Washington square. “ Watch. See also class 16, Stories by Am . authors, v. 5. Also class 18d, Besant, W. James, W:, ed. See class 32b, James, H: Literary remains. Jameson, Mrs. Anna [Murphy]. Art. 14. Loves of the poets. 18d. Madonna. 14. Monastic orders. “ Painters. 32a Sketches. 18d. Studies. “ Women. See also class 18e, Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 18. Janney, Lucy N. Alton-Thorpe. 16. Japp, Alex. Hay. Famous men. 32a. Leaders. ‘ Wise words. 17c. Jardine, W: See class lie, Wilson, A. Jarves, Ja. Jackson. Art idea. 14. Art thoughts. “ Jausz, Ferencz, tr. See class 32b, Kos- suth, L. Jay, J: See class 6a, Hamilton, A , and others. Jeaffreson, Christopher. Young squire. 18. Jeaffreson, J: Cordy, ed. See class 18. Jeaffreson, C. Jeans, W.T. Creators of the age of steel. 32a. Jebb, R: Claverhor'e. Bentley. 32b. 14. 16. 11 . 1SJ. 11 . 181. 11 . 18d. 11 . W: J. 12 . 16. H 15. U 16. lie. 21 . Jefferies. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Jefferies, R: Amateur poacher. 18. Jeffrey, Fs. Contributions. 18d. Jennings, G: H:, comp. British parlia- ment. 29. Jennings, G: H:, and Johnstone, W. S., comp. Greek and Latin. 18. Jennings, H: J. Tennyson. 32b. Jennings, Louis J:, ed. See class 32b , Croker, J: W. Jerrold, Douglas W: Curtain lectures. 18a. Jewett, Sa. Orne. Country by-ways. 18. Country doctor. 16. Daylight. “ Katy’s birthday. 17g. Marsh island. 16. Old friends. “ Play days. 17g. John, Henriette Friederike Christiane Eugenie. Bailiff’s maid. 16. Lady with the rubies. “ Schillingscourt. “ Johnes, T:, tr. See class 29, Froissart, J. Johnson, Edn. Rossiter. Phaeton Rogers. 17g. Johnson, Edn. Rossiter, ed. Little classics. 18e. Johnson, 01. Garrison. 32b. Johnson, S: See class 16, Classic tales. Johnson, Rev. S: Persia. 2. Johnstone, W. S. See class 18, Jen- nings, G: H: Johonnot, Ja. Teaching. 6b. Jokai, Mor. Modern Midas. 16. Joyce, Rob. Dwyer. Blanid. 15. Judd, D: W., ed. See class 32b, Herbert, H: W: Judd, J: Wesley. Volcanoes. 11a. Judd, Laura Fish. Honolulu. 25. K., K. New baby. 17g. Kalidasa. SakoontalA 15a. Kansas. Board of agriculture. Re- port. 36. Kansas medical society. Transactions. 12. Keary, Eliza. Annie Keary. 32b. Keddie, Henrietta. Woman. 16. Kedney, J: Steinfort. Beautiful, The. 1. Keenan, H: Fs. Money-makers. 16. Trajan. “ Kelley, J. D. Jerrold. Ships. 13c. Kemble, Mrs. Fes. Anne. Later life. 32b. Kenney, Minnie E. Gypsie. 16. Ker, D: Hudson to the Neva. 17a. Kerr, Orpheus C., pseud. See Newell, R. H: Kett, C: W. Rubens. 32b. Keyser, Harriette A. Borderland. 16. King, C: Colonel’s daughter. “ Kitty’s conquest. “ King, Clarence. See class 18e , Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 17. King, Edm. Fillingham, ed. Wonder- ful things. 34. King, H: T. Egotist. lgd. Kinglake, Alex. W: Crimea. 29. Kingsley, C: Alton Locke. 16. Health. I8d. Hermits. o. Letters. 32b. Yeast. is. See also class 18e, Johnson, R., ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 17. Kingsley, Fanny E. [Grenfell], ed. See class 32b, Kingsley, C: Kingston, Agnes D., tr. See class 17g, Tigers and traitors. Kingston, W: H: Giles. Fred Mark- ham. Ha. Hurricane Hurry. 17g. Mark Seaworth. New Grenada. 17a. Notable voyages. 20. Peter the whaler. 17g. Rocky mountains. 17a. Three commanders. 17g. Three midshipmen. True blue. “ Will Weatherhelm. U Kippis, And. Round the world. 20. Kirby, Ma. and Eliz. Trees. lid. Kirk, Mrs. Ellen Warner [Olney], Love. 16. Kirkwood, Dan. Comets and meteors. 10. Meteoric astronomy. U Klingemann, Carl, tr. See class 32a, Hen- sel, S. sel, S. Knight, E: H: Mechanical dictionary. 34. New mechanical dictionary. “ Knox, J: Davidson. Wealth. 6. Knox, T: Wallace. Japan and China. 17a. Young Nimrods. “ Koran, The. See class 2, Mohammed. Kossuth, L&jos. Memories. 32b. Kossuth, Louis. See Kossuth, Ldjos. Kouns, Nathan Chapman. Dorcas. 16. Labberton, Rob. H. Historical ques- tions. 26. Outlines of history. “ Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre. Fairy tales. 17g. Lacretelle, Henri de. Lamartine. 32b. Laffan, May. Christy Carew. 16. Lakeman, Ma. Lucy Merwyn. 17g. Ruth Eliot’s dream. “ Lalor, J: J., tr. See class 32b, Beethoven, L. van. Life. Also Mozart, J. C. W. A. Life, by L. Nohl. Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Fior d’Aliza. 18. Graziella. 16. Jocelyn. 15. La Motte Fouque. Friedrich Heinrich K: de. See class 18e, Modern clas- sics, v. 8. (74) AUTHOR INDEX. Lusk a. Lamphere, G: N. U. S. government. 5. Lancelott, Fs. Queens of England. 32a. Lane, Laura M. Sister’s keeper. 17g. Lang, And. Helen of Troy. 15. Lang, Mrs. And. Dissolving views. 16. Lanier, Sidney. English novel. 18. Lanier, Sidney, ed. See class 17b, Boys’ Froissart. Also class 17g, Boy’s king Arthur, and Boy’s Mabinogion. Lansdell, H: Central Asia. 23. Larcom, Lucy. Poems. 15. Larned, Augusta. Tales. 16. Lathrop, G: Parsons. Echo of passion. “ In the distance. “ Newport. * True. “ See also class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Lathrop, G: Parsons, ed. Masque of poets. 15. Laugel, Antoine Auguste. England. 18d. Laughton, J: Knox. See class 1 lb, Mann, R. J., and others. Law, Ja. Veterinary adviser. 12. Lawrence, Eug. English literature. 18. Latin literature. “ Lea, H: Carey. Superstition and force. 18d. Lebrun, Marie Louise Elisabeth [Vi- gee]. Souvenirs. 32b. Lecky, W: E: Hartpole. England. 29. Le Conte, Jos. Religion and science. 1. Sight. 11. Lee, F: G: Glimpses. 3. Lee, M. and C. Oak staircase. 17g. Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, V. Leeds, Josiah W. Theatre. 18d. Legge, Ja., tr. See class 18, Confucius, and Mencius. Leland, C: Godfrey. Ab. Lincoln. 32b. Minor arts. 14. Leland, E. H. Farm homes. 13. Lesley, J: P: Man’s origin. Ilf. Leslie, Mrs. Madeline. See Baker, Mrs. H. N. [W.] L’Estrange, A. G. K., ed. Friendships of M. R. Mitford. 32b. L’Estrange, R.. tr. See class 18d , Seneca, L. A. Lever, C: Ja. Charles O’Malley. 16. Lewes, G: H: Ranthorpe. “ Lewes, Mrs. M. E. See Cross, Mrs. M. A. [E ] Lewis, Anjelow J. Modern magic. 3. Lewis, Tayler. Creation. 2. Lewis & Co., S., pub. See class 32a, U. S. biographical dictionary. Ley, W. Clement. See class lib, Mann, R. J., and others. Liddell, Mrs. Christina C. Fraser [Tyt- ler]. Songs. 15. Lilienthal, M. E., and Allyn, R. Object lessons. 6b. Lillie, Art. Buddha. 2. Lillie, J:, tr. See class 11 , Reclus, J. J. E. Also class 32b , Me’ito, A. F. M. de. Also RSmusat, C. E. J. [G. de V.] de. Lillie, Mrs. Lucy C. Nan. 17g. Prudence. 16. Lindehn, H. A. W. See class 18, Ryd- berg, V. Roman days. Linn, S. P., comp. Gleams of thought. 18. Lippincott, Mrs. Sara Jane [Clarke]. Victoria. 32b. Lloyd, D: D. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Lloyd, E: See class 10 , Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lloyd, H. J. See class 10 , Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lockyer, Jos. Norman, ed. See class 10 , G-uillemin, A. Lockyer, Mrs. Norman, tr. See class 10 , G-uillemin, A. Loder, J., tr. See class 22 , Vasili, P. Lodge, G. H: See class 14 , Winckel- mann, J. J. Lodge, H: Cabot. English colonies. 28. Hamilton. 32b. Studies in history. 28. Webster. 32b. Longfellow, H: Wadsworth. Birthday- book. 15. Hiawatha. “ Ultima Thule. “ See class 18e, Hawthorne, N., and others. Also Modern classics, v. 1. Longstreet, Abby Buchanan. Etiquette. 6. Lord, J: History. 26. Lossing, Benson J: Americans. 32a. Navy. 17b. Revolution. 28. Louis XVIII. See class 32b, Talleyrand- Perigord, C: M. de. Louis, S. L., ed. Decorum. 6. Lounsbury, T: R. Cooper. 32b. Lowell, Mrs. Anna C., ed. Posies. 17f. Lowell, E: J. Hessians. 28. Lowell, Ja. Russell. See class 18 e, Haw- thorne, N., and others. Also Modern classics, v. 5. Lubbock, J: Ants, bees and wasps. lie. . Civilization. Ilf. Pre-historic times. “ Lucanus, Marcus Annmus. Pharsalia. 18. Lucy, H: W. Gideon Fleyce. 16. Ludlow, Fitz Hugh. See class 18e, John- son, R., ed. Little classics, v. 18. Lukin, J: Engineers. 17d. Machines. “ Mechanic. “ Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Harland, H: 5) Luther. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Luther, Martin. Table talk. 18d. Lvell, Mrs., ed. See class 32b, Lyell, C: Lyell, C: Geology. 11c. Life, letters and journals. 32b. Lyster, Annette. Twins. 17g. Mabinogion. Boy’s Mabinogion. “ Macaulay, Dr. See class 18d, Luther, M. Macaulay, T: Babington. Essays. 18d. See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 16. McCabe, Ja. D. Young folks abroad. 17a. McCarthy, Justin. Epoch of reform. 29. Four Georges, The. “ Our own times. “ McClellan, G: Brinton. McClellan’s own story. 28. McClellan, Mrs. Harriet [Hare]. Car- pet knight. 16. Cupid. McClintock, Mrs. Eva, ed. See class 21, Willard, E. S. McConaughy, Mrs. J. E. Hard master. 17g. McCook, H: Chris. Tenants. 17d. McCormick, Eliot, and others. Peace island. 17g. McCosh, Ja., and Dickie, G: Typical forms. 11. MacDonald, G: Donal Grant. 16. Imagination. 18d. Marquis. 16. Mary Marston. “ Warlock. “ Weighed. “ Macdonell, Ja. France. 29. Macgilvray, Wa. Chrysostomus. 32b. McKeen, Phebe F. Theodora. 16. Mackenzie, Harriet D. Slidell. Switzer- land. 29. Mackenzie, Rob. 19th century. 31. Mackintosh, Ja. Works. 18d. MacLean, J. P. Antiquity of man. Ilf. Mound-builders. “ McLean, Sally Pratt. Towhead. 17g. MacMichael, Morton. Landlubbers log. 20. Macquoid, Katharine S. Ardennes. 22. Esau Runswick. 16. Madeley, E: Correspondences. 2. Madison, Ja. See class 6a, Hamilton, A., and others. Madoc, Fayr. Melicent. 16. Magruder, Allan B. Marshall. 32b. Mahaffy, J: Pentland. Descartes. “ Greek education. 6b. Social life in Greece. 27. Main, D: M., ed. Sonnets, 15. Mairet, Jeanne, pseud. See Bigot, Mme. M. [H.] Malkin, B: Heath. See class 10, Society for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Mallock, W: Hurrell. Life. 18d. Lucretius. 18e. Property. 6a. Social equality. 5. See also class 18e, Johnson, R., ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 18. Malory, T: King Arthur. 17g. Malot, Hector Henri. No relations. 16. Mann, Hor. Thoughts. 18d. Mann, Ma. Tyler [Peabody]. Hor. Mann. 32b. Mann, Ma. Tyler [Peabody], tr. See class 32b, Froebel, F. Mann, Rob. Ja., and others. Meteor- ology. lib. Marenholz -Billow, Bertha v. Froebel. 32b. Marey, Etienne Jules. Mechanism. 8. Mariotti, Luigi, pseud. See Gallenga, A. C. N. Markham, Clements Rob. Peru and Chile. 28. Markham, R: Mavis. 17g. Winter. “ Yule log. “ Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, H. F. C. E. Marmontel, Jean Francois. Memoirs. 32b. Marshall, Mrs. Emma [Martin]. Court. 16. Dayspring. East country. “ Mrs. Willoughby’s octave. Rochemonts. “ Martin, Mrs. Herbert. “Bonnie Les- ley”. “For a dream’s sake”. Martin, Kate Byam. Belgian days. Martin, Thdr. Albert. Horace. Mason, Mrs. E. R. Mabel. Mason, E: T., ed. British authors. Mason, G: C. Old house altered. Masson, D: De Quincey. Masson, Gustave. Huguenots. Mathews, Alb. Bundle of papers. Mathews, Marg. Harriet. Dr. Gilbert’s daughters. Mathews, W: Oratory. Matthews, Ja. Brander. Home library. See also class 16, Stories by Am. authors, 17g. tf 22 . 32b. 18e. 16. 32a. 14. 32b. 29. lSd. 16. 18c. 18 . v. 3. Matthews, Ja. Brander, ed. See class 15, Hood, T: Matthews, Ja. Brander, and Bunner, H: C. In partnership. 16. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 1. Maudsley, H: Pathology. 12. Maurice, F:, ed. See class 32b, Maurice, J: F: D. Maurice, J: F: Denison. Books. 18d. New testament. 2. Life. 32b. Prayer-book. 2. (76) AUTHOR INDEX. MURFREi£. Mauris, Maurice. French men of let- ters. 32a. May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. Mayer, Alf. Marshall. Sound. 10. Mayhew, H: Science. * Mayo, Mrs. Isabella [ Fy vie]. At any cost. 16. Crooked places. Dead sin. Doing. “ Family fortunes. “ Gold. Her object. “ House, The. “ Premiums. “ Still waters. “ Mayo, W: Starbuck. Berber. Never again. “ Mayor, Jos. B. Ancient philosophy. 1. Mead, Edn. Doak. Carlyle. 18d. Luther. " 32 b. Meade, Lucy T. See Smith, Mrs. L. T. [M.] Meigs, J. Forsyth. See class 12 , Anderson, E. G., and others. Melito, Andre Frangois Miot de. Memoirs. 32b. Melville, G: Wallace. Lena delta. 23. Mencius. See class 18, Confucius and Mencius. Merivale, C: Romans, The. 27. Merle d’Aubigne, Jean Henri. Refor- mation. 29. Merrill, G: E. Manuscripts. 2. Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan. 23. Metternich, R: Clement Jos. Hermann, ed. See class 32b, Metternich -Win- neburg-Ochsenhausen, C. W. N. L. v. Metternich -Winneburg - Ochsenhau- sen, Clemens W.N.L.v. Memoirs. 32b. Michaud, Jos. Frangois. Crusades. 29. Mickle, W : J ulius. See class 15, Camoenc, L. de. Mill, J: Stuart. On liberty. 18d. Miller, C. C. See class 14 , Cummings, M. F. Miller, Cincinnatus Heine. ’49. 16. Memorie. “ Modocs. 21. Shadows. 16. Miller, Mrs. F. Fenwick. Harriet Mar- tineau. 32b. Miller, Joaquin, pseud. See Miller, C. H. Miller, Olive Thorne. Bird-ways. 18. Little people. 17a. Nimpo’s troubles. 17g. Queer pets. “ Millet, F. D. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 5. Milman, H: Hart. Jews, The. 27. Milner, G: Country pleasures. 18. Minister’s wife, A.,pseud. See class 16, Western side. Minor, Ellen E. Murillo. 32b. Minot, Rob. S., tr. See class 16, Prodig- ious adventures. Mirecourt, Eugene Jacquot de. See class 32a, Gautier, T. Mitchell, Donald Grant. Bound to- gether. 18. Mitchell, E. P. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 5. Mitchell, Mrs. Lucy M. [ W.] Ancient sculpture. 14. Mitchell, Silas Weir. Wartime. 16. Mohammed. Koran. / 2. Molesworth, Mrs. Ma. Louisa [Stewart]. Stories. 17g. Two little waifs. Mollett, J: W. Meissonier. 32b. Rembrandt. “ Monck, W. II. S. Wm. Hamilton. 1. Mongredien, A: Free-trade. 29. Monkhouse, W. Cosmo. Turner. 32b. Monroe, Lewis B. Physical and vocal training. 14. Monteith, Ja. Science. 17d. Moore, Mrs. Clara [Jessup], comp. Eti- quette. 6. Morice, F. D. Pindar. 18e. Morison, Ja. Cotter. Macaulay. 32b. Morley, J: Burke. Cobden. “ See also class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Morris, Fs. Orpen. Dogs. lie. Morris, G: Sylvester. British thought. 1. Morse, J: Torrey,jr. J: Adams. 32b. t. rA a /i o »yi o 4 • T: Jefferson. Morton, B >wditch. See class 12, Shep- herd, P: Moscheles, Ctte., ed. See class 14, Mos- cheles, I. Moscheles, Ignatz. Music. 14. Moss, Jasper H. Entanglements. 16. Moulton, Louise Chandler. Rambles. 22. Mueller, Friedrich Max. Religion. 2. Mueller, Friedrich Max., ed. See class 32b, Stockmar, C. F. Mueller, Wilhelm. Political history. 5. Mulford, Elisha. Nation, The. Republic of God. 2. Muller, Friedrich Max. See Mueller, F. M. Muller, Wilhelm. See Mueller, W. Mulock, D. M. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. [ M.] Munchausen, Hieronymus K: Fried- rich. Travels. 17g\ Munger, Thdr. Thornton. Faith. 2. Lamps, and paths. 18d. On the threshold. Murfree, Ma. Noailles. Battle. 16, Prophet. Ravine. Tennessee mountains. (77) Murray. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Murray, D: Christie. Joseph’s coat. 18. Murray, Ross, comp. Householder. 13e. Musset, Paul Edme de. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Myers, F: W: H: Wordsworth. 32b. Myers, Ph. Van Ness. Ancient history. 27. Nadaillac, Jean Frangois Alb. du Pou- get de. Pre-historic America. “ Napheys, G: H. See class 12, Brinton, D. G. Napier, Mrs. Alex., tr. See class 32b, Metterni ch- Winneburg-0 chsenhau- sen, C. W. N. L. v. Napier, C: Ottley Groom. Tommy Try. 17d. Napier, Macvey. Correspondence. 32b. Napier, Macvey, jr., ed. See class 32b, Napier, M. Napier, W: Fs. Patrick. War in the peninsula. 29. Nasmyth, Ja. Autobiography. 32b. Neaves, C: Greek anthology. 18e. Needell, Mrs. J: Hodder. Julian Kars- lake’s secret. 16. Neilson, Jos. Rufus Choate. 32b. Nelson, H: Loomis. John Rantoul. 16. Ness, Bertha, tr. See class 11, Reclus, J. J. E. Nettleship, H. Vergil. 18e. Nevin, W. W. Vignettes. 22. Newell, Rob. H: There was once a man. 16. Newman, J: P. Christianity. 18d. Nichol, J: Byron. 32b. Nichols, W: Ripley. Filtration. 12. Nicolay, J: G: Rebellion. 28. Nicoll, H: J. Great movements. 31. Ninde, Ma. L. We two. 22. Noble, Annette Lucille. Eunice La- throp. 16. Uncle Jack’s executors. “ Noble, Lucretia. Reverend idol. “ Nohl, Louis. Beethoven. 32b. Haydn. Mozart. “ W agner. “ Nordhoff, C: Merchant vessel. 17g. Norris, Emilia Marryat. Adrift. “ Geoffry’s fault. “ Snowed up. “ Tommy. “ Week by themselves. “ Norris, W: E. Matrimony. 16. No new thing. “ North, Chris., pseud. See Wilson, J: Norton, C: Eliot. Church-building. 26. Italy. 22. Oakey, Alex. F. Building a home. 14. Home grounds. “ Oakey, Maria R. See Dewing, Mrs. M. R. [0.1 Ober, F: Albion. Caribbees. 21. Mexico. 17b. Silver city. 17a. O’Brien, Fitz Ja. See Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Odell, Maria E., tr. See class ^^Lamar- tine, A. M. L. de P. de. Ogden, H: Dr. Barringford’s school. 17g # Ogilvie, J: Imperial dictionary. 34. Oldboy, 01., pseud. George Bailey. 16. Oliphant, Mrs. Marg. 0. [ Wilson ]. Be- leaguered city. a Cervantes. 32b. Literary history. 18f. Madam. 16. Mary. “ Sheridan. 32b. Wizard’s son. 16. O’Meara, Barry E: Napoleon. 32b. O’Neill, T. Warren. Darwinism. 11. Optic, 01., pseud. See Adams, W: T. O’Reilly, J: Boyle. Moondyne. 17g. See also class 16, King’s men. Osborn, Mrs. E. H. Mouse boys. Osier, W: Roscoe. Robusti. 32b. Oswald, E. Vain forebodings. 16. Oswald, Felix L. Mexico. 21. Otte, E. C., tr. See class 11a, Humboldt, F. PI. A. v. Owen, Eliz. S., comp. See class 15, Whittier, J: G. Owen, Rob. Dale. Threading my way. 32b. Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. Insects, lie. Page, H. A., pseud. See Japp, A. J. Paget, Violet. Euphorion. 14. Louise. 32b. Palfrey, Fs. Winthrop. Antietam. 28. Pallain, M. G., ed. See class 32b, Talley- rand-Perigord, C: M. de. Palliser, Palliser & Co .,pub. American cottage homes. 14. Model homes. “ Palmer, E: H: Haroun Alraschid. 32b. Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. I. M. Parker, Mrs. W: Wandering thoughts. 22. Parloa, Maria. New cook book. 13e. Parr, Mrs. Louisa. Robin. *16. Parry, F. Clinton. African pets. 17g. Parsons, Alb. R., tr. See class 32b, Bee- thoven, L. van. Parton, Ja. Captains of industry. 32a. Triumphs of enterprise. 31. Voltaire. 32b. Parton, Ja., ed. Humorous poetry. 15. Patchin, Calista H. Dorothea. 16, Pattee, W: S. Braintree and Quincy. 28. Patterson, Art. J. Magyars. 22. Pattison, Mrs. Emilia F. Renaissance. 14. Pattison, Mark. Milton. 32b. Pattison, Mrs. Mark. See class 14, Patti- son, Mrs. E. F. AUTHOR INDEX. Read. Pauline Eliz. Ottillie Louise, Queen of Roumania. Pilgrim sorrow. 16. Payer, Julius. New lands. 20. Payn, Ja. Best of husbands. 16. Murphy’s master. “ Payne, A. G. What girls can do. 6. Peabody, And. P., comp. Conversation. 6b. Peabody, Eliz. Palmer. Kindergarten. “ Peabodv, Eliz. Palmer, ed. ^Esthetic papers. 18. See also class 6b. Peabody, Selim H., comp. American patriotism. 28. Peacock, T: Brower. Border war. 15. Peard, Fes. Ma. Aslieldon schoolroom. 17g. Castle and town. 16. One year. “ Pearson, Emily C. Echo-bank. 17g. Peaslee, J: B. Graded selections. 15. Peirce, B: Ideality. 10. Penn, Art., pseud. See Matthews, J. B. Pennell, Eliz. Robins. Mary [ Woll- stonecraft] Godwin. 32b. Penney, Miss L., ed. Temperance orator. 17g. Pentecost, G: F: “Out of Egypt”. 2 V Perez Galdos, Benito. Trafalgar. 16. Perry, A. Schoolmaster’s trial. “ Perry, G:, tr. See class IS, Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Perry, Nora. Love stories. 16. Tragedy of the unexpected. “ Perry, Nora, and others. Dolly’s kettle- drum. 17g. Perry, T: Sergeant. English literature. 18f. Peters, J: P., tr. See class 5, Mueller, W. Peterson, Rob. Evans, tr. See class 32b , Gottschalk, L. M. Phelps, Eliz. Stuart. Beyond the gates. 16. Friends. “ Poems. 15. Sealed orders. 16. Phelps, J: Wolcott. Madagascar. 24. Philips, M., ed. See class 23, Melville, G: W. Phillips, E. C. ‘ St. Aubyn’s Laddie’. 17g. Phillips. Wendell. See class 32b, Child, L. M. [F.] Picard, G: H: Matter of taste. 16. Mission flower. “ Old Boniface. “ Picton, T: See class 32b Herbert, II: W: Pierrepont, E: Alaska. 21. Pike, N: Mauritius. 24. Pilkington, Ja. Artist’s guide. 10. Pinto, Alexandre Alberto da Rocha Serpa. Africa. 24. Pitman, Mrs. Marie J. [Davis]. Euro- pean breezes. 22. Pitman, Rob. C. Alcohol. 6. (71 Plato. Athens. 18d. Socrates. 32b. Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of history. 26. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Household sani- tation. 12. Plutarchus. Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch. 17c. Essays. 18d. Plympton, Miss A. G. Mary Jane pa- pers. 17g. Pole, W: Whist. 18. Polk & Co., R. L , pub. See class 34, Kan- sas state gazetteer. Pont-Jost, Rene de. No. 13. 16. Pontmartin, Armand Augustin Jos. Marie Ferrard de. See class 32a, Gautier, T. Poole, Reginald Lane. Sebastian Bach. 32b. Pope, Jos. J. Number one. 6. Porter, Mrs. Lydia Ann Emerson. Millie Lee. 17g. Porter, Noah. Books and reading. 18. Human intellect. 1. Porter, Rose. Our saints. 16. Preble, G: H: Steam navigation. 13c. Prentiss, Mrs. Eliz. [Payson]. Home atGreylock. 16. Urbane. 18 Preston, Harriet Waters, tr. See class 32b, Desbordes-Valmore, M. Prime, S: Irenaeus. Alhambra. 22. Prime, W: Cowper. Pottery and porce- lain. 14 . See also class 28, McClellan, G: B. Proctor, R: Ant. Flowers of the sky. 10. Moon, The. “ Poetry of astronomy. “ Transits of Venus. Prout, Ebenezer, ed. See class 32b, Mo- zart, J. C. W. A. Pryde, D: Literature. is. Pulling, F: S. Reynolds. 32b. I Putnam, Mrs. Ellen T. H. Red bridge. 17g. Putnam, G: Palmer. See class 32b, Ir- ving, W Studies of Irving. Pyle, Howard. Within the capes. 16. Pvm, Hor. N., ed. See class 32a, Fox, C. Quatrefages de Br6au, Jean Louis Ar- mand de. Human species. Ilf. Quincy, Edm. Wensley. lo. Raimund, Golo, pseud. See Friedrich, B. H. Ralfe, C: H: Exercise. 12. Ramsay, W: Roman antiquities. 27. Randolph, Mrs. Iris. 16. Rawlinson, G: Ancient Egypt. 27. Five great monarchies. “ Origin of nations. Ilf. Parthia. 27. Raymond, Ross. No laggards we. 16. Read, Emily. See Reeves, M. C. L. 9 ) Reade. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Reade, C: Perilous secret. 16. Reber, Franz v. Ancient art. 14. Reclus, Jean Jacques Elisee. Mountain. 11. Reed, And. Ida Vane. 16. Rees, Janet E. Ruutz. Vernet and Delaroche. 82b. Reeves, Marion Calhoun Legare, and Read, E. Pilot Fortune. 16. Reid, Christian, pseud. See Fisher, F. C. Reid, Stuart J. Sydney Smith. 32b. Remlap, L. T., ed. Grant’s tour. 25. Remusat, Claire Elisabeth Jeanne [Grav- ier de Vergennes] de. Memoirs. 32b. Remusat, Paul de,, ed. See class 32b , Remusat, C. E. J. [G. de V.] de. Reville, Alb. Native religions. 2. Reynolds, Joshua. See class 14 , Carter, S. N., comp. Rice, Captain. “Boy Mill”. 17g. Rice, Allen Thorndike, ed. Essays. 18d. Rice, Ja. See class 32b, Whittington, R: Richardson, Mrs. Abby Sage. Stories. “ Richardson, B: Ward. Diseases. 12. Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Invisi- ble lodge. 16. Rideing, W: H: A- saddle. 21. Boys coastwise. 17g. Riley, H. T., tr. See class IS, Lucanus, M. A. Ritchie, Anne Isabella [Thackeray]. Madame de S6vigne. 32b. Roberts, Marg. In the olden time. 16. Robertson, F: W: Sermons. 2. Robertson, Marg. M. Janet’s love. 16. Robinson, Agnes Ma. Fes. Emily Bronte. 32b. Margaret. “ Robinson, J: Ferns. lid. Robinson, Ph. Under the sun. 18. Robinson, Ste. T. Shadow. 16. Robson, W., tr. See class 29, Michaud. J. F. Rochefort, Henri. Mademoiselle Bis- marck. Roe, E: Payson. Day of fate. Driven back. Original belle. i e Small fruits. 13d. Unexpected result. 16. Without a home. « Young girl’s wooing. U Rogers, S: Poetical works. 15. Rolfe, W: Ja., ed. See class 15a, Shake- speare, W: Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Rollins, Mrs. Ellen Chapman [Hobbs]. New England bygones. 17g. Old-time child life. “ Romanes, G: J: Animal intelligence, lie. Ropes, J: Codman. Army under Pope. 28. Napoleon. 32b. Rose, W: Stewart, tr. See class 15, Ari- osto, L. Rosse, J. Willoughby. Index of dates. 26. Rothman, R: Wellesley. See class 10, So- ciety for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Round, W: Marshall Fitts. Rosecroft. 16. Rousselet, Louis. Serpent-charmer. 17g. Two cabin boys. “ Runnion, Ja. B., tr. See class 16, Graziella. Ruskin, J: Arrows of the chase. 14. Art of England. “ Ethics of the dust. 17d. Fors clavigera. 18d. See also class 18 e, Johnson R., ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 17. Russell, W: Modern Europe. 29. Rydberg, Viktor. Last Athenian. 16- Magic. 18- Roman days. S., E. L. Belt and spur. 17g. Stories of the Italian artists. 32a. S., J., of Dale, pseud. See Stimson, F J. Safford, Ma. J., tr. See class 16, Astasia. Also Burgomaster’s wile; Count Sil- vius; and Question. Sage, Bernard J. Republic. 5. Saint-Amand, Imbert de. See class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. St. Johnston, Alf. Among cannibals. 25. Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de. See class 18e, Modern classics, v. 8. Sainte-Beuve, C: Augustin. Mme. Des- bordes-Valmore. 32b. See also class 32a, Gautier, T., and others. Saintsbury, G: E: Bateman. Dryden. “ French literature. 18f. Sala, G: A: Paris. 22. Sale, G:, tr. See class 2, Mohammed. Saltus, Edg. Evertson. Honore de Bal- zac. 32b. Sanborn, Franklin B: John Brown. “ Thoreau. Sargent, Mrs. J: T., ed. Radical club. lSd. Saunders, W: Light continent. 21. Savage, Minot Judson. Life questions. 18d. Sayce, Archibald H: Ancient empires. 27. Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich v. Works. 15a. See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 14. Schley, Winfield Scott, and Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greeley. 20. Schliemann, Heinrich. Ilios. 23. Mycenae. 22. Tiryns. Schmitz, L. Dora, tr. See class 16, Buch- holz family. Schuyler, Eugene. Peter the great. 32b. AUTHOR INDEX. SOLEY. Scoones, W. Baptiste, ed. English let- ters. 18. Scott, Rob. H. See class lib, Mann, R. J., and others. Scott, Wa. Abbot, The. 16. Anne of Geierstein. Antiquary. Betrothed. “ Black dwarf. “ Bride of Lammermoor. Count Robert. “ Fair maid. “ Guy Mannering. “ Heart of Mid-Lothian. Ivanhoe. “ Kenilworth. “ Monastery. “ Nigel. Old Mortality. “ Peveril. “ Pirate, The. “ Poetical works. 15. Quentin Durward. 16. Redgauntlet. “ Rob Roy. “ Royal characters. 32a. St. Ronan’s well. 16. Surgeon’s daughter. “ Tales of a grandfather. 17b. Talisman. 16. Waverley. “ Woodstock. “ See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 15. Scott, W: Bell. Little masters. 32a. Scott-Browne, D. L. Phonography. 13c. Shorthand abbreviations. “ Scudder, Hor. Elisha. Bodleys afoot. 17g. Boston town. 21. Dream children. 17g. Mr. Bodley abroad. 17a. Noah Webster. 32b. Stories. 16. Viking Bodleys. 17a. Scudder, Hor. Elisha, ed. See class 17g , Book of fables. Also class 32b , Taylor, Bayard. Seeley, L. B., ed. See class 32b, Walpole, H. Semper, Karl. Animal life. 11. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Morals. 18d. Sergeant, L: New Greece. 29. Sewall, Frank. New ethics. 1. Sewell, Eliz. M. Note-book. 18. Shadbolt, Sydney. Moonbeam tangle. 17g. Shairp, Principal. See Shairp, J: C. Shairp, J: Campbell. Robert Burns. 32b. Shakespeare, W: Julius Caesar. 15a. Plays and poems. “ Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Kentucky. 28. Shaw, Flora L. Hector. 17g. Shea, G: Hamilton. 32b. Shedd, W: Greenough Thayer, ed. See class 18e, Coleridge, S: T. Shelton, F: W: St. Bardolph’s. 16. Shepard, W:, pseud. See Walsh, W: S. 18. Shepherd, P: First aid. 12. Sheppard, Eliz. Sara. Almost a heroine. 16. Sherwood, Mrs. J: See Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. [W.] Sherwood, Mrs. Ma. Eliz. [Wilson]. Manners. 6. Sherwood, Ma. Neal, tr. See class 16, Saints and sinners. Shillaber, B: Penhallow. Captain Bob. 17g. Double-runner club. Shinn, C: Howard. Mining camps. 6a. Shiuichiro Saito, tr. See class 16, Loyal Ronins. Short, J: T. North Americans. Ilf. Shorthouse, J: H: John Inglesant. 16. Shunsui, T. See Tamenaga Shunsui. Siegvolk, Paul, ps, m d. See Mathews, A. Simcox, Edith. Episodes. “ Simpson, M. C. M., tr. See class 32b, Gui- zot, F. P. G. Skelton, J:, ed. See class 18, Wilson, J: Slosson, Annie T. China hunters club. 14. Smart, C., tr. See class 18, Horatius Flac- cus, C. Smart, Ja. H. Gymnastic exercises. 6b. Smiles, S: Brief biographies. 32a. Duty. 18d. Thomas Edward. 32b. Thrift. 18d. Smiles, S:, ed. See class 32b, Nasmyth, Ja. Smiley, Sa. F. Garden graith. “ Smith, Franklin W. Hard times. 6a. Smith, G: Barnett. John Bright. 32b. Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. “ Smith, Ha. Bede’s charity. 16. Carola. “ Cobwebs. Hester. Needle’s eye. “ Smith, Herbert H. Brazil. 21. Smith, J. Lewis. See class 12, Ander- son, E. G., and others. Smith, Jos. Emerson. Oakridge. 16. Smith, Mrs. Lucy T. [Meade]. Scamp and I. 17g. Water gipsies. “ Smith, Ma. P. Wells. Browns, The. “ Smith, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and shadow. 18. Smith, Reginald Bosworth. Rome and Carthage. 27. Smith, W: Robertson. Prophets of Is- rael. 2. Smithson, J. H. Theology. “ Smyth, C: Piazzi. Our inheritance. 31. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Natural philosophy. 10. Society of arts. Artisan reports. 13. Solev, Ja. Russell. See class 20, Schley, W.S. -6 (81) Sparhawk. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Sparhawk, Fes. Campbell. Lazy man’s work. 16. Spencer, Herbert. Ethics. 1. Political institutions. 5. Social statics. 6. Spenser, Edm. See class 15. Chaucer, G. Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Eliz. [Prescott]. Amber gods. 16. Azarian. “ Marquis. “ Poems. 15. Servant girl question. 6. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 2. Sprague, Ma. A. Earnest trifler. 16. Spring, Leverett W. Kansas. 28. Spurgeon, C: Haddon. Clew of the maze. 2. Spurr, G: G. Land of gold. 16. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. 17g. Staats, W: Tight squeeze. 16. Stack, E: Persia. 23. Stael-Holstein, Anne Marie Louise Ger- maine [Necker] de. Germany. 18. Stanley, Art. Penrhyn. Eastern church. 2. Thomas Arnold. 32b. Westminster abbey. 29. Stanley, H: Moreland. Congo. 24. Dark continent. “ Stanton, Thdr., ed. Woman question. 6a. Stauffer, Frank H. Queen, The. 18a. Stearns, J: Newton. Temperance speaker. 17g. Stedman, Edm. Clarence. Poetical works. 15. See also class 18e, Modern classics, v. 12 . Steele, Ja. W. Cuban sketches. 21. Steele, Joel Dorman. Physics. 10. Stephen, Caro. Emilia. French history. 17b. Stephen, Leslie. English thought. l. Ethics. “ Pope. 32b. Swift. “ Sterne, Lawrence. See class 16, Classic tales. Sterne, Stuart, pseud. See Bloede, G. 15. Stetson, C: B. Technical education. 6b. Stevens, Abel. A. M. L. G. [N.] Stael- Holstein. 32b. Stevens, J: Austin. Albert Gallatin. “ Stevens, J: L. Gustavus Adolphus. 29. Stevenson, Rob. Louis. Treasure isl- and. 17g. Stewart, Marie, tr. See class 16, Dournof. Stickney, Alb. True republic. 5. Stimson, Frederic Jesup. Guerndale. 16. See also class 16, King’s men. Also Stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Mrs. Knollys. Stinde, Julius. Buchholz family. Stirling, A., pseud. At daybreak. 16. Stockmar, E. v. C. F. Stockmar. 32b. Stockton, Fs. R: Floating prince. 17g. Mrs. Null. 16. Round-about rambles. 17g. Ting-a-ling. “ Yiteau. “ See also class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 2. Stoddard, C: Warren. Mashallah. 16. See also class 18e, Johnson, R., ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 18. Stoddard, R: H: Poems. 15. Stoddard, W: Osborn. Dab Kinzer. 17g. Esau Hardery. 16. Quartet. 17g. Saltillo boys. “ Talking leaves. “ Storer, Horatio Robinson. Why not? 12. Stowe, Mrs. Harriet [Beecher]. Fire- side stories. 16. My wife and I. “ Nelly’s heroics. 17g. See also class 6, Beecher, C. E. Stowell, E: L., tr. See class 17g, Tales of the caravan. Strachan, R: See class lib, Mann, R. J., arid others. Streckfuss, Adolph. Quicksands. 16. Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, H. Strutt, Jos. Sports and pastimes. 29. Studley, Ma. J. Our girls. 12. Sturgis, Julian. Dick’s wandering. 16. Sullivan, M. Wonders. 17g. Sumner, W: Graham. And. Jackson. 32b. Social classes. 6. Suplee, T: D. See class 6b, Trench, R: C. Susan, Aunt, pseud. See Prentiss, Mrs. E. [P.] Swayne, G: C. Herodotus. 18e. Swett, J: Teaching. 6b. Swift, J: L. About Grant. 32b. Swift, Jonas. See class 16, Classic tales. Swinburne, Algernon C: Mary Stuart. 15a. Songs. 15. Swing, D: Club essays. 18d. Motives of life. Truths. 2. Swinton, W:, and Cathcart, G: R., eds. Readings. 6b. Swisshelm, Jane Grey. Half a century. 32b. Symington, And. Ja. Hints. 17. Wordsworth. 32b. Symonds, J: Addington. Greet poets. 18f. Italian by-ways. 22. Renaissance. 14. Southern Europe. 22. Symons, G: Ja. See class lib, Mann, R. J., and others. ( 82 ) AUTHOR INDEX. Trollope. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. English lit- erature. Florence and Venice. Rome and Naples. Talcott, Mrs. Hersey Bradford. Chris- tine’s fortune. Talleyrand-P6rigord, C: Maurice de. Correspondence. Talmon, Thrace, pseud. See Putnam, Mrs. E. T. H. Tamenaga, Shunsui. Loyal Ronins. Tautphoeus, Jemima [Montgomery]. Initials. Taylor, Bayard. Critical essays. German literature. Life and letters. Poetical works. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 1. Taylor, Bayard, comp. Arabia. Central Africa. Central Asia. Japan. South Africa. Taylor, B: Franklin. Summer-savory. Tavlor, G: H. Health by exercise. Health for women. Taylor, H: Philip van Artevelde. Taylor, J. E. Flowers^. Taylor, Marie Hansen, ed. See class 32b, Taylor, Bayard. Teal, Angeline. John Thorn’s folks. Ten Brook, And., tr. See class 29, Gin- dely, A. Tennyson, Alf. Becket. See also class 18 e. Modern classics, v. 11. Terhune, Mrs. Ma. Virginia [Hawes]. Husks. Judith. Loiterings. Thacher, Solon Otis. Europe. Thackeray, Miss. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. [T.] Thackeray, W : Makepeace. See class 18e , Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 18. Thaxter, Celia. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 3. Theamba, Inshta. See class 16, Ploughed under. Theuriet, AndrA Young Maugars. Thierry, Jacques Nicolas Augustin. England. Thilo, Marie v., tr. See class 23, Dos- toyefsky, F. M. Thomas, Bertha. See class 32b, Dude- vant, A. L. A. [DJ. Thomas, W: W., tr. See class 16, Last Athenian. Thornes, W: H. Land and sea. Thompson, Dan. Pierce. May Martin. Rangers. Thompson, J: Cockburn. See Thomp- son, Mrs. K. [ B.] 18f. 22 . 16. 32b. Thompson, Jos. P. European questions. 18d. Thompson, Mrs. Katharine [Byerley] and J: C. Queens of society. 32a. Wits and beaux of society. “ Thompson, Maurice. His second cam- paign. 16. Love’s extremes. “ Tallahassee girl. “ 16. (( 18d. it 32b. 15. Thomson, Jos. Central African lakes. 24. Thomson, W: M. Southern Palestine. 23. Thoreau, H:D: Concord and Merrimack. 18. Early spring. “ Excursions. “ Letters. “ See also class 18e, Hawthorne, N., and others. Also Johnson, R., ed., Little classics, v. 17. 23. 24. 23. it 24. 18. 12 . it 15a. lid. 17g. 15a. 16. it 22 . it 16. 29. 17a. 16. Thorne, Olive, pseud. Feathers and fur. 17 d. Thornhill, Mark. Indian mutiny. 30. Thorpe, B:, ed. Yule-tide stories. 3. Thwing, C: F. Reading. 18. Tiernan, Ma. Spear. Homoselle. 16. Tillinghast, W: H., tr. See class 26, Ploetz, C. Tilton, C. Rollin, tr. See class 24, Amicis, E. de. Tilton, Caro., tr. See class 22, Amicis, E.de. Constantinople. Also Holland. Timayenis, T. T. Greece. 27. Tincker, Ma. Agnes. Tiber. 16. See also class 16, Stories by Am. au- thors, v. 2. Topelius, Zacharias. Gustaf Adolf. 16. Torrey, Bradford. Birds. 18. Tourg6e, Albion Winegar. Appeal to Caesar. I8d. Bricks without straw. 16. Figs and thistles. Fool’s errand. Hot plowshares. John Eax. Royal gentleman. Towle, G: Makepeace. Drake. 17c. Henry V. 29. Magellan. 17 C . Marco Polo. “ Men of mark. 32a. Townsend, G: Alf. Entailed hat. 16. Townsend, Virginia F. Darryll gap. “ Lenox Dare. That queer girl. « Woman’s word. «* Traill, H. D. Coleridge. 62b. Sterne. Treadwell, J: H. Martin Luther. “ Trench, R: Chenevix. Parables. 2. Study of words. 6b. Trollope, Ant. Autobiography. 32b. Caesar. I8e. Cicero. 32b. Prime minister. 16. Thackeray. 32b! (83) Trollope. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Trollope, H: M. Corneille and Racine. 32b. Trollope, T: Adolphus. Vittoria Co- lonna. “ Tromtiolt, Sophus. Lapps and Kvaens. 22. Trowbridge, J: Townsend. Bound in honor. 17g. Farnell’s folly. 16. His own master. 17g. Pocket-rifle. tt Silver medal. U Young Joe. (6 Tucker, J: Montmorency. Wellington. 32b. Tuckerman, Bayard. English prose fic- tion. 18f. Tuckey, Janet. Jeanne Dare. 32b. Turgenef, Ivan Sergheievitch. An- nouchka. 1 6. Mumu. “ Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S: L. Tyler, Katharine E. Scandinavian sum- mer. 22. Tyler, Morris F., ed. See class 32b, Le- brun, M. L. E. [V.] Tyler, Moses Coit. Am. literature. 18f. Tylor, E: Burnett. Anthropology. Ilf. Tyndall, J: Heat. 10. Ty tier, Sa., pseud. See Keddie, Henrietta. United States. Dept, of the interior. Bureau of education. Report of the commissioner. 36. United States. Dept, of the navy. Ob- servations. “ United States. Dept, of state. Re- ports of the Paris exposition. “ United States centennial commis- sion. International exhibition, 1876. “ Up de Graff, Thad. S. Bodines. 18. Upton, G: P., tv. See class 32b, Haydn, J. Also Wagner, R: W. Valpy, Ab. J: See class 15a , Shake- speare, W: Plays and poems. Vance, Susa S. Katherine. 16. Vandegrift,Marg. Queen’s body-guard. 17g. Van Laun, Henri. French literature. 18f. Vasari, Giorgio. See class 32a, S., E. L. Stories of the Italian artists. Vasili, Paul. Berlin society. 22. Verne, Jules. Floating city. 16. Godfrey Morgan. “ Tigers. 17g. Tribulations. 16. Very, Jones. Poems. 15. Villargennes, Adelbert J. Doisy de. Reminiscences. 31. Vincent, Frank, jr. Land of the white elephant. 23. Norsk, Lapp, and Finn. 22. Vincent, Jacques. Princess. 16. Vincent, Marvin R. Pyrenees. 22. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. Learning to draw. 17d. ( Virgilius Maro, Publius. Works. 15. W., A. B. See Wood, A. B. Wagner, R: Beethoven. 32b. Wagner, W. Asgard. 17g. Walford, E: Juvenal. 18e. Walford, Mrs. Lucy B. Cousins. 16. Mr. Smith. Troublesome daughters. “ Wallace, Alf. Russel. Island life. 11. Malay archipelago. 23. Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur. 16. Wallace, Mrs. Susan E. Storied sea. 25. Walpole, C: G: Ireland. 29. Walpole, Hor. Letters. 32b. Walpole, Spencer. Foreign relations. 5. Walsh, W: Shepard, ed. Authors. 18. Pen pictures. “ Walton, Izaak. See class 18e, Herbert, G: Warburton, W: Edward III. 29. Ward, Adolphus W: Chaucer. 32b. Dickens. “ Ward, Mrs. H. 0., pseud. See class 6, Moore, Mrs. C. J. Ward, T: Humphry, ed. English poets. 15. Wardman, G: Alaska. 21. Ware, Eugene. Rhymes of Ironquill. 15. Warfield, Mrs. Catharine Ann. Beau- seincourt. 16. Miriam Monfort. “ Waring, G: Edn., jr. Farmer’s vaca- tion. 22. Tyrol. “ Warington, R. Chemistry of the farm. 13d. Warner, Beverley Ellison. Troubled waters. 16. Warner, C: Dudley. Am. newspaper. 6. In the Levant. 25. John Smith. 32b. Roundabout journey. 22. Saunterings. “ Washington Irving. 32b. Wilderness. 18. Winter on the Nile. 24. See also class 18 e, Johnson , R. , ed. Lit- tle classics, v. 17. Warner, C: Dudley, and others. Studies of Irving. 32b. Warner, Susan. End of a coil. 16. Letter of credit. My desire. “ Warren, H: White. Astronomy. 10. Warren, S: Adventures. 16. Experiences. “ Warren, W: Wilkins. Life on the Nile. 24. Washburn, EmelynW. Spanish masters. 14. Waters, Clara Erskine [Clement]. Charlotte Cushman. 32b. Egypt. 27. Eleanor Maitland. 16. Painters. 14. Waters, Clara Erskine [Clement], and Hutton, L. Artists. 32a. ) AUTHOR INDEX. WOODBERRY. Waters, T: Recollections. 16. Watson, Rob. Spence. Wazan. 24. Watson, S: Clock struck three. 2. Trip to Europe. 22. Watson, S.\ ed. See class 35, American spiritual magazine. Also Spiritual magazine. Webb, Alex. S. Peninsula, The. 28. Webster, Alb. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 1 and 6. Wells, Kate Gannett. About people. 18d. Wendling, G: R. Ingersollism. 2. Wharton, Grace, pseud. See Thompson, Mrs. K. [B.] Wharton, Ph., pseud. See Thompson, J: C. 32. Wheeler, C: G. See class 34, Wheeler, W: A. and C: G. Wilber, C. D. Nebraska. 21. Wilberforce, Reginald G. See class 32b, Wilberforce, S: Wilder, Burt Green, and Gage, S. H. Anatomical technology. lie. Wilder, Dan. Webster. Annals of Kan- sas. 28. Wilkie, Franc B. Beyond the sea. 22. Wilkinson, J: Gardner. Ancient Egyp- tians. 27. Wilkinson, W: Cleaver. Edwin Arnold. 32b. Willard, Clara A. Fifty years ago. 16. Willard, Mrs. Eugene S. Alaska. 21. Willard, X. A. Butter book. 13d. Williams, Alf. M. Poets of Ireland. 15. Williams, Harold. Mrs. Morton. 16. Williams, Monier, tr. See class 15a, Ka- lidasa. Wheeler, C: G., ed. See class 1 8, Wheeler, W: A. Wheeler, Lucius N. Foreigner in China. 23. Wheeler, W: A. Who wrote it? 18. Wheeler, W: A., ed. See class 32a , Hole, C: Wheeler, W: A. and C: G. Familiar al- lusions. 34. Wheelwright, J: Tyler. See class 16, King’s men. Whelpley, S: History. 31. Whipple, Edn. Percy. Character. 18d. White, C. H., pseud. See Chaplin, H. W. White, J: S., ed. See class 17b, Boys’ and girls’ Herodotus. Also class 17c, Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch. White, R: Grant. England. 22. Every-day English. 7. Mansfield Humphreys. 16. Shakespeare. 18d. Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton [Train]. Bonny borough. 16. Gay worth ys. “ Just how. 13e. Odd, or even? 16. Pansies. 15. Whittier, J: Greenleaf. Birthday bo^k. “ King’s missive. “ See also class 18e, Hawthorne, N., and others. Also Modern classics, v. 4. Also class 32b, Child, L. M. [F.] Whymper, E: See class 18e, Johnson, R., ed. Little classics, v. 17. V/ickersham, Ja. Pyl . Methods. 6b. School economy. “ Y/icksteed, Ph. IP., tr. See class 2, Re- ville, A. Wieland, Christoph Martin. Oberon. 15. Wight, 0. W., ed. See class 18, Stael- Holstein, A. L. G. [N.] de. Wiglittle, Judge, pseud. Police court judge. 18. Wikoff, H: Reminiscences. 25. Williams, S: Wells. Middle kingdom. 23. Willis, Nathaniel Parker. See class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v. 4. Wilmer, Marg. E. Eva’s ring. 17g. Little girl. Wilson, Alex., and Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Ornithology. lie. Wilson, Augusta J. [Evans]. Infidice. 16. Wilson, Mrs. A:, ed. and comp. Library magazine. 31. Wilson, Erasmus. Egypt. 27. Wilson, J: r Noctes ambrosianse. 18. Recreations. 18d. Wilson, J: Laird. John Wycliffe. 32b. Wilstach, J: Augustine, tr. See class 15, Virgilius Maro, P. Winchell, Alex. Preadamites. Ilf. Sparks. 8. Winchester, Carrol. See Curtis, Mrs. C. G. V7inckelmann, Johann Joachim. An- cient art. 14. Winter, W: Jeffersons, The. 32a. Winter, W:, ed. See class 32b, Brough- am, J: Winthrop, Thdr. Life and poems. 32b. Wister, Mrs. Annis Lee [Furness], tr. See class 16, Bailiff’s maid. Also From hand to hand ; In the Schillings- court; Lady with the rubies; Pen- niless girl; Quicksands; Severa; and Vain forebodings. Also class 18, Ebner-Eschenbach, M. Witherspoon, Orlando. Doctor Ben. 16. Witt, Henriette [Guizot] de. Guizot. 32b. Only sister. 17g. See also class 29, Guizot, F. P. G. Wolf, Lucien. Montefiore. 32b. Wood, A. B. Cupid. 16. Wood, Wallace, ed. Hundred greatest men. 32a. Woodberry, G: E: Poe. 32b. Woodward. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Woodward, Annie Aubertine. Mist- land. 18a. Woolsey, Sa. Chauncey. Cross Patch. 17g. Eyebright. “ Guernsey lily. “ Verses. 15. Woolsey, Sa. Chauncey. ed. See class 32b , Arblay, F. [B.] d\ Also Delany, M. [G.] Woolsey, Thdr. Dwight. Communism. 6. Woolson, Constance Fenimore. Anne. 16. East angels. “ Major. “ Rodman. “ See also class 16, Stories by Am. authors, v.4. Wordsworth, W: See class 18 e, Modern classics, v. 7. Wray, J. Jackson. A man. 17g. Wright, Augusta McC., tr. See class 16, Romance of a mummy. Wright, E. Perceval. See class lie , Fig- uier, G. L. Ocean world. Wright, Mrs. Julia McNair. Best fel- low. 17g. Complete home. 6. Jug-or-not. 17g. Nothing to drink. i t Wrottesley, J: See class 10, Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge.' Wylde, Katharine. Dreamer. 16. Yardley, Mrs. Jane [ W.] Little sister. “ Superior woman. “ Yates, Edm. Hodgson. Memoirs. 32b. Yonge, Ctte. Ma. Armourer’s prentices. 16. Bible history. 17e. England. 17b. Frnnpp “ Germany. “ Greece. “ Little duke. “ Love and life. 16. Magnum bonum. “ Prince. 17g. Stray pearls. 16. Unknown. “ Youmans, E: Livingston. Household science. 6. Youmans, W: Jay. See class 12, Hux- ley, T: H: Young, C: A: Sun. 10. Yule, H:, ed. See class 23, Gill, W: Zerega, Mrs. Katharine B. Children’s paradise. 17f. Zimmern, Helen. Maria Edgeworth. 32b. Zimmern, Helen, tr. and ed. See class 16, Epic. (86) PERIODICALS. Nearly all the periodicals are to be found on the racks in the newspaper room or on the tables in the other reading rooms. The titles of those periodicals that are donated by their publishers are printed in antique type, and the titles of those that are presented to the Library by friends are printed in italics. The numbers refer to the tables, which are numbered consecutively beginning with the first table on the right on entering the Library. Table No. 6 is in the alcove at the end of the main room, and tables 7 and 8 are in the art room beside this. A few periodicals, being private property or not having binders, must be applied for at the Loan Desk. These are indicated in the list by the letter D following. Those on the racks in the newspaper room are indicated by the letter N. The label on the binder shows on what table that periodical belongs. Readers will oblige the Librarian and other readers by using a periodical only at the table where it belongs. The periodicals will be kept on the tables as long as this request is complied with and reasonable care is used in handling them. LIST OF PERIODICALS. DAILIES. Daily Commonwealth, The, Topeka. N. Daily Leader, The, Topeka. Kansas Democrat, The, Topeka. Philadelphia Record, The. Topeka Capital, The. State Journal, Topeka. WEEKLIES. American Exchange and Mart, Tho, Boston and New York. 7. American Machinist, New York. 1. Appomattox (Kan.) Commercial, The. N. Burlington (Kan.) Republican (and Patriot). “ Christian Union, The, New York. 3. Des Moines ( Iowa) Leader, The. N. Financier, The. New York. 7. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, New York. 4. Golden Rule, The, Boston. 3. Harper’s Bazar, New York. Harper’s Weekly, New York. “ Harper’s Young People, New York. 4. Illustrated London News, The, New York. “ Industrialist, The, Manhattan, Kan. N. Journal of Education, Boston. 6. Kansas Farmer, Topeka. 1. ( Kansas Methodist-Chautauqua, Topeka. 6. Kansas Telegraph, Topeka. (German). N. Life, New York. 4. Littell’s Living Age, Boston. 8. Nation, The, New York. 1. National City (Cal.) Record. N. New-Church Messenger, New York. 6. New -York Tribune. “ Public Opinion, Washington and New York. 1. Publishers’ Weekly, The, New York. D. Railroad Gazette, New York. 1. Ravanna ( Kan.) Chieftain. N. Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago. “ Saturday Evening Lance, Topeka. Scientific American, New York. 1. Signs of the Times, The, Oakland, Cal. 7. Standard, The, Chicago. N. Sunday School Times, The, Philadelphia. 6. Topeka Mail, The. N. Union Signal, The, Chicago. 3. Voice, The, New York. N. Washburn Reporter, The, Topeka. Weekly University Courier, The, Law- rence, Kan. “ Western Baptist, The, Topeka. Westola (Kan.) Wave. “ Youth’s Companion, The, Boston. 4. Zionville (Kan.) Sentinel. N. ) PERIODICALS. FORTNIGHTLY. Ueber Land und Meer, Germany. (Ger- man). 4. SEMI-MONTHLY. American Florist, The, Chicago and New York. 3. MONTHLIES. American Agriculturist, New York. 1. “ Journal of Education, St. Louis. 6. " Sentinel, The, Oakland, Cal. 7. Art Amateur, The, New York. 5. Atlantic Monthly, The, Boston. “ Bookseller, The, London. 8. Builder & Wood- Worker, The, New York. 1. Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, The, New York. 5. Chautauquan, The, Meadville, Pa. 3. Cosmopolitan Shorthander, Toronto, Ont. 7. Demorest’s Monthly Magazine, New York. 5. Dial, The, Chicago. 8. Earth, The, New York. Education, Boston. 6. Forum, The, New York. 8. Good Health, Battle Creek, Mich. 7. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, New York. 5. Household, The, Brattleboro, Vt. 3. Kansas United Presbyterian, Topeka. N. Library Journal , The, New York. D. Literary News, The, New York. “ Magazine of American History, New York. 8. New- Jerusalem Magazine, The, Boston. D. North American Review, The, New York. 8. Official Gazette ( The) of the United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C. D. Our Messenger, Topeka. 6. Outing, New York. 4. Pacific Health Journal and Temper- ance Advocate, Oakland, Cal. 7. Popular Science Monthly, The, New York. 8. St. Nicholas, New York. 4. Scientific American, Architects and Buil- ders Edition, New York. 1. Scribner’s Magazine, New York. 5. Stamp World, The, Lake Village, N. H. D. Statesman, The, Chicago. “ Travelers Record, Hartford, Conn. 1. Unitarian Review, The, Boston. 6. University Review, The, Lawrence Kan. D. Washburn Argo, The, Topeka. 7. Welcome Musical & Home Journal, Topeka. 3. Western School Journal, Topeka. 6. Woman’s Standard, The, Des Moines, Iowa. N. QUARTERLIES. Cooperative Index to Periodicals, The, New York. D. Library Notes, Boston. “ Political Science Quarterly, New York. 8- * .