GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK - *•. • ; . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1914 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Price 15 cents ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PEP COPY V Z.T. 4 JK /r I * \ ' OL way GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK . 1 By Wm. C. Alden, U. S. Geological Survey. INTRODUCTION. Glacier National Park derives its name and much of its interest from the presence of many small glaciers. Very much of the grandeur of its wonderful Alpine scenery, the final sculpturing of the great mountain valleys and of the amphitheaters at their heads, and the production of the basins of its many beautiful lakes are due to the action of the more extended glaciers of the past. There are in the park about 90 small glaciers ranging in size from Blackfeet Glacier, with its 3 square miles of ice, down to masses but a few acres in extent Vet exhibiting the characteristics of true glaciers. The most easily accessible of these from the beaten trails are the Blackfeet and Sperry Glaciers and the small glaciers at Iceberg Lake and at Ahern Pass. Some of the others can be reached bv tourists who are willing to undergo the exertions of mountain climbing. Among these are Grinnell, Chaney, Shepard, Vulture, and Carter Glaciers, and one or two at Brown Pass. (See map facing page 17.) After examining these features one can easily picture to himself, as he looks down the valleys, the great rivers of ice which in ages past cascaded from the cliffs below the upper cirques, converged as tributaries from the many branch valleys, and united in great trunk glaciers. In imagination he can see these great glaciers many hundreds of feet in depth filling the great mountain valleys from side to side, and deploying thence upon the bordering plains. He seems to see these mighty engines plucking away the rock ribs of the moun¬ tains, smoothing, grinding, and polishing the irregularities and sweeping away the debris to be spread on the plains below. These glaciers developed and extended three times and, after each development, the congealed masses melted away on the return of milder climatic conditions, until at length only the small cliff glaciers of the present 1 The descriptions of the glaciers and the discussion of the glacial phenomena presented in this paper are based upon studies by the writer, made during the summers of 1911, 1912, and 1913 for the United States Geological Survey, in and adjacent to the park. He was assisted in 1911 by J. Elmer Thomas; in 1912 by Eugene Stebinger, and in 1913 by Clifton S. Corbett. Not all of the pricipal glaciers have been examined and much of the area of the park remains to be covered by the geological survey. The presentation in this paper is thus only preliminary in character and is intended rather as a popular than a technical discussion. For further treatment of the physiographic development of the region one should refer to the companion pamphlet issued by the Department of the Interior, entitled “ Origin of the scenic features of Glacier National Park, Montana,” by M. R. Campbell. This publication may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for 15 cents. 3 4 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. day are left lurking in the protected recesses at the heads of the capa¬ cious valleys. Many of the rock-walled amphitheaters are no longer occupied by ice, but from all there issue streams fed by the melting snow or ice. These plunge over the cliffs in beautiful foaming cascades and rush on down the mountain gorges. The melting glaciers left many inclosed basins large and small, and in these the waters rest a while and mirror in their crystal depths the dark green of the surrounding forests, the rich colors of the rugged mountain walls, and the deep blue of the cloud-flecked sky. On again from lake to lake the waters flow and finally start down their long courses to the sea to merge at length with the chill waters of Hudson Bay, the balmy tides of the Gulf of Mexico, or the rolling billows of the Pacific. Compared in size with the great glaciers of Alaska the glaciers of Glacier National Park are insignificant. They are even surpassed in size by those of the Alps, of the Canadian Rockies, and of Mount Rainier, Washington. They are, however, though small, among the best examples of this interesting type of phenomena now existing in the United States. They have also a splendid setting in magnificent Alpine scenery, unsurpassed hi grandeur anywhere. Hidden away in the recesses of the mighty mountain ranges these rare and won¬ derful features form a climax to many of the interesting trips open to the tourist. BLACKFEET GLACIER. General relations .—The largest glacier of the park, one of the most readily accessible, and one exhibiting hi fine development most of the features particularly characterizing glaciers is the Blackfeet 1 (title- page and fig. 13, p. 24). From Gunsiglit Camp, an easy trail leads southward about 1 mile, with an ascent of about 500 feet, to the foot of the main lobe of the western part of the glacier. Climbing the morainal embankment which obstructs the view one looks out on a scene of surpassing interest and grandeur. The distance across the glacier on a nearly east-west line, is 3.2 miles; the maximum extent southward from the front of the eastern lobe to the crest of the snow-covered Continental Divide on Blackfoot Mountain is 1.6 miles; the distance from the front of the western lobe to the divide southeast of Jackson Mountain is nearly the same; the approximate area of the entire mass H3 square miles. Lying in a depression in the mountain slope, having a greater extent laterally than in the direction of movement, and having no lobate extension down the valley, it is what is known as a cliff glacier. i In an article in the Scientific American Supplement, Sept. 23, 1899, George B. Grinnell states that in 1891 he took to the head of St. Mary River the first party that had ever visited it so far as known. In 1895 in company with a Government commission he again visited the head of the valley. In 1897, in company with J. B. Monroe, he climbed Jackson Mountain, and in 1898 he ascended Blackfoot Mountain and from it beheld the glacier to the south which had been seen in 1883 by Prof. Raphael Pumpelly on a trip across Cut Bank Pass and which since that time has been known as Pumpelly Glacier. GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 5 Banked against the upper mountain slopes is the snow field, or neve, from which the glacier originates. Here what is left of the snows of many* winters has become compacted and changed to granular ice. When such ice accumulates to a sufficient thickness internal move¬ ment begins. Such moving ice constitutes a glacier. High up on the slopes there may be seen, in places, a line of crevasses which marks a break between the moving ice and the stationary part of the neve. Such a crevasse is called the “ bergschrund ” by the Germans. The mam or eastern part of the glacier nearly fills the upper cirque extending almost to the crest of the cliff at the head of the valley southwest of Citadel Mountain. Beneath the western part of the glacier the slope nearly coincides with the inclination of the rock and there is no marked break forming a cliff. Moving down this slope, the ice of the western part of the glacier gathers in from all sides to a central stream. The lower 0.7 of a mile of its extent is thus contracted to a narrow lobe about 1,600 feet in width. This part is easily accessible to the tourist and here may be observed most of the typical characteristics of alpine glaciation. 7’ Moraines .—Along the front of the glacier throughout nearly its whole extent is a great embankment or moraine of clay and bowlders which was formed by the piling up of rock debris carried forward by the moving ice. The greater part of such material, which is known as drift, is embedded in the lower part of the ice when being trans¬ ported, but a smaller part is borne upon its surface, having fallen from the mountain slopes. When released by melting at the glacial front the drift accumulates and may be crowded up into a ridge. Much of the morainal material piled up along the front of the Black- feet Glacier probably accumulated some time ago when the ice was thicker and somewhat more extensive. A person standing on the moraine where it is most readily accessible from the trail sees the main lobe of the western part of the glacier extending down between two great morainal embankments. The glacier thins to a frontal margin at an elevation of about 5,725 feet above sea level. The moraines, however, continue some distance farther down the slope and there they curve together and join in one continuous loop, show¬ ing that at some earlier date this lobe had a somewhat greater exten¬ sion. The distance from the end of the morainal loop to the front of the ice was not measured, but it is estimated as about 1,000 feet. Across the end of the loop trees are growing, but nearer the ice there is no vegetation and the bare slopes are very steep and in places even precipitous as the result of slumping and sliding of the clay and bowlders. The moraine ranges in height from 20 to 100 feet with an uneven, ridged crest varying from a few feet to a few yards hi width, so that it is a striking topographic feature. For some distance from the lower end of the ice lobe the northwest margin has been melted back 50 to 100 yards, from the foot of the inner slope of the moraine, expos- 6 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. ing the bare, smoothly polished, and striated ledges of rock over which the ice formerly extended. Farther west up the slope the thin ice extends to the foot of the moraine. On the east side of the lobe the ice extends to the foot of the moraine but the crest of the latter towers high above it. Movement .—That the ice is not stagnant but moving slowly forward may be easily demonstrated. Opposite the sharp curve in the moraine at about 6,350 feet above tide there is a change in the slope. Looking into a low ice cave at this place one can see far under the glacier. Here the ice after passing the crest of the ledge extends free a few feet above the rock over an area of many square rods before breaking down. An iron spike set in the ice at this place on August 19, 1913, showed a movement of 3| inches in the first 24 hours, of three-eighths inch in the next 5 hours, and of 3| inches in the succeeding 25 hours and 25 minutes. This gives an advance of 7 inches in 54 hours and 25 minutes. Owing to the steepening of the slope at this place the ice is much crevassed. Some distance farther up the slope is another broad zone hi which the ice is much broken by crevasses. A second spike set in the ice wall of a cavity at a point N. 85° W. of the peak of Jackson Mountain and about 6,725 feet above tide near the lower border of the upper crevassed zone, showed an advance of 1J inches hi 24 hours, and in the succeeding 30 minutes an additional advance of one-eiglitli inch, the time behig in the middle of a warm, bright day. On August 21, a marked pebble was set in the ice at a point hi front of the glacier N. 75° E. of the peak of Jackson Mountain and six-tenths of a mile northeast of the 6,879-foot bench mark. The ice at this pohit advanced seven-eighths inch in 4f hours during the warm part of a warm day. This is a crude method of measuring the rate of movement, and the results can not be regarded as a true index of the rate hi all parts of the glacier. No attempt has yet been made to obtahi accurate measurements of the movement in this or any other glacier within the park, and no estimate of the total yearly advance can be made from measurements as few and so crude as these. The rate of glacial movement varies greatly with temperature and other climatic condi¬ tions, being more rapid on warm moist days than on cold and dry days. 1 Crevasses and ice cascades .—Ice has little elasticity, so that crevasses are produced in the surface of a glacier by tension at places beneath which are considerable irregularities or steepenings of the rock slope down which the ice is moving. As the broken ice moves slowly forward 1 The rates of average daily movement of glaciers in the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks range from 2 to 20 inches, of the great Alaskan glaciers 1 to several feet, as much as 7 feet on Muir Glacier. In the Swiss Alps the rates range from 1 or 2 inches to 4 feet or more per day. GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 7 a succession of fractures constantly takes place in the same relative positions. There is a regular cycle in the development of crevasses which is well illustrated in the upper crevassed zone on the west¬ ern part of Blackfeet Glacier (title-page). In the upper part of the central belt the cracks appear; farther down the widening of the cracks by melting breaks the surface into flat-topped tables. As the crevasses gradually widen the intervening tables narrow until they become sharp-crested ridges where one can scarcely find footing. Fol¬ lowing this the sharp ridges may be broken into pinnacles or seracs, such as may be seen at one place near the ice front south of Citadel Mountain. Finally the ridges are lowered by the melting and gradu¬ ally disappear. With the closing of the crevasses below, the surface of the glacier thus becomes again smooth and passable. Crevasses are also sometimes healed by being filled with snow or by the freezing of water which may accumulate in them when the bottoms are tightly closed. From the latter result the ice dikes seen on some of the other glaciers. These crevasses are dangerous pitfalls in the way of the tourist, even when not treacherously hidden by a slight covering of snow. With competent guides and care, however, the less fractured parts of the glacier may be traversed in safety. At many points on the higher slopes the snow and ice may be seen cascading over the ledges. Here the ice is greatly crevassed and broken and great masses stand ready to fall, especially on warm days. Such cascades, though very attractive, are dangerous to approach. On the slope of Blackfoot Mountain (fig. 13, p. 24), where a great ledge intervenes, the continuity of the cascade is broken for some distance by a cliff of bare rock, above which rises a cliff of ice. Here the ice, which is pushed forward above the cliff, may break off and drop to the glacier below, there to be welded by refreezing into the continuous sheet. Structure .—The ice composing a glacier is generally stratified in layers as a result of the conditions of original deposition. This struc¬ ture may be indicated by more or less definite dirt zones extending in parallel curving lines across the surface of the glaciers. As the layer of snow which accumulates during one winter is gradually thinned or melted away during the succeeding summer, dust and small rock fragments which have fallen upon it become concentrated in a thin but fairly definite layer. This is later buried beneath the clean snows of the following winter. When compacted to glacier ice, there¬ fore, there are apt to be thin layers of somewhat dirty ice alternating with thicker clean layers. In places where the surface of the snow docs not become soiled by rock debris, melting may cause the forma¬ tion of a crust of nearly clear ice which, when buried by later snows, appears as a blue band. The thicker intervening layers appear white because the unfilled air spaces between the ice granules permit reflec¬ tion of light from the myriad surfaces. The beautiful banded 8 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. structure of alternating blue and white ice may be seen in the sides of the crevasses. As the glacier is thinned by melting, these layers outcrop as zones in the frontal slope. They correspond, in a way, to the annular rings in the growth of a tree. Drainage .—During the cool nights and early mornings there is little sound of water on a glacier, but as the day warms little rivulets begin to flow on the surface of the ice; where there is much crevassing the water finds its way quickly to the base of the glacier, and there it may be heard rushing down the slope. From the front of the ice there flow rushing streams white with silt from the rock ground fine beneath the glacier, the “gletschermilch” of the Germans. The main or eastern part of Blackfeet Glacier is somewhat less crevassed and more water flows in rivulets upon the ice. These unite to form streams a foot or two in width, but of high velocity, since the surface of the glacier has toward the front a 15° slope. The sharply sinuous channels cut in the ice reach, in places, depths of 20 to 35 feet. At one point a stream was seen plunging down a vertical well, or moulin, to join the subglacial flow. The depth of such a hole might be measured to ascertain the thickness of the ice. Worlc of the glacier. —The work of such a glacier as that being described is manifested in the production of the cirque or amphitheater which it occupies, in the abrasion of the rock floor over which it moves, and in the deposits resulting from the drift which it produces and transports. The greater part of the rock composing the mountains of the park is stratified in layers, mostly thin, but ranging in thickness from a fraction of an inch to 30 feet or more. The strata are generally broken at frequent intervals by cracks or joints, and water percolating into these crevices expands on freezing and forces the pieces apart. Alternate freezing and thawing breaks up and loosens the fragments ready to be removed. Many fall or are carried down from the cliffs and upper slopes by avalanches of snow. Others beneath and behind the glaciers become frozen in the moving ice and are plucked from their places and slowly carried away. The ice always advances and never retreats, so that as long as the glacier exists, unless it becomes absolutely stagnant, material is continually being removed. A glacier may thus be said to gnaw continually at the slope and eat its way back into the mountain. Some geologists maintain that the breaking up of the rock and the plucking away of the loosened fragments is particularly facihtated by changes in temperature in the air and the water admitted by the yawning bergschrund which is so often seen in the neve at the back of the glacier. Continued sapping steepens the walls until the great amphitheaters or cirques are produced. The Blackfeet Glacier does not occupy such a deep and symmetrical cirque as is seen at many GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 9 other places in the park. It is probable, however, that this is still being extended back into the mountain slope. Only a relatively small amount of rock debris falls from the upper mountain slopes onto the Blackfeet Glacier, and there is little or no drift seen embedded in the ice exposed in the sides of the crevasses, neither is any being carried by the surficial streams. Looking into caverns under the ice, one sees here and there pebbles and bowlders at or in the bottom of the ice, and the undersurface is coated with a thin layer of mud, the product of the grinding of the fragments and of the rock bed beneath the glacier. One sees also the smoothed, polished, and striated rock surface extending back beneath the base of the moving ice. A glacial quarry was observed in the upper part of the bared space between the northwest margin of the Blackfeet Glacier and the moraine. Here the ice has evidently plucked loosened blocks from the exposed edges of the strata as quarrymen remove layer from layer in the process called stoping. Many blocks derived in this way are found incorporated in the morainal embankments. Some of the blocks are but little worn, as though transported on the surface of the ice, but most of them are subangular with polished and striated facets, showing the effects of abrasion beneath the glacier. Much of the morainal material is fine rock flour. The whole con¬ stitutes a heterogeneous deposit of unassorted glacial till. Sharp morainal embankments border nearly the whole frontal margin of the Blackfeet Glacier (fig. 13, p. 24). Former extent of the glacier .—The marginal lobes of the main eastern part of this glacier, like the western lobe, are somewhat shrunken from their moraines, an indication that some tune ago the ice had a greater extension. On the slope between Gunsight Camp and the glacier the surface of the limestone is in most places somewhat roughened as a result of etching by solution by the water flowing over it. In places, however, the surface is smooth, polished, and scratched the same as the rock surfaces within the moraines. This indicates that at some time the glacier extended beyond the limits now marked by the mo¬ raines. Similar glaciated surfaces are found far down St. Mary Valley, and the valley bottom and lower side slopes carry glacial drift quite to the international boundary, a distance of 38 miles from the divide at Blackfoot Mountain. Such drift extends up the slope east of Lower St. Mary Lake nearly to 5,800 feet above tide; i. e., 1,300 feet above the lake. Drift was also found on the slope of Singlcshot Mountain west of Upper St. Mary up to an elevation about 1,200 feet above the lake. Moreover, that part of St. Mary Valley within the mountains has not the sharply cut V-shaped transverse profile of a stream-cut mountain gorge, but has the broadly rounded U-shaped profile typical of a glaciated valley. Tributary to St. 36592°—14-2 10 GLACIERS OF GLACIER XATIOXAL PARK. Mary \ alley above the lower lake are more than 25 cirques, which formerly contained glaciers. From such evidence it is apparent that the whole St. Mary Valley as far down as the international boundary was once occupied by a great glacier, of which Blackfeet Glacier and 17 other smaller glaciers remain as the only representatives in this part of the park. (See map facing page 32.) The contours of the valley indicate that the great St. Mary Glacier must have had a thickness of 2,000 to 2,500 feet where is now Upper St. Mary Lake. Glacial modification of St. Mary Valley .—Figure 1, A and B, which is based on the contours of Swiftcurrent Valley, illustrates the differ¬ ence between a stream-cut mountain valley and the same valley after it has been subjected to vigorous glaciation. In the paper by Mr. M. R. Campbell on the origin of the scenic features of the park, it is pointed out that the formation of the great mountain valleys was A . B . Fig. 1.— A , Sketch of stream-cut valley; B , sketch of same valley after MODIFICATION BY GLACIATION. due primarily to the work of streams which cut deeply into the moun¬ tain mass. When climatic conditions became such as to result in the vast accumulation of snow great glaciers developed in each of the mountain valleys. As the glaciers gradually extended all of the loose rock debris which had accumulated on the lower part of the slopes and at their feet became frozen into the base of the ice. Par¬ tially loosened blocks were also plucked away bodily and moved forward down the valleys. A mass of ice 2,000 feet in thickness exerts a pressure of 56 tons per square foot on the bed upon which it rests. The rock-shod ice thus became in effect an enormous rasp, which scored and polished and wore away all the minor irregularities of the slopes and bottoms of the valleys. Such enormous masses of moving ice do not adjust themselves to the sinuosities and irregu¬ larities of the valleys as readily as does water in its liquid state. In consequence of this and of the enormous weight of the moving mass, every opposing ledge and mountain spur were subjected to vigorous abrasion; the valley bottom was broadened and the side slopes were steepened until the whole became a broad open trough. GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 11 The attitude of the rock strata and the resistance which they offered to removal as a consequence of differences in hardness or in massiveness of bedding determined in some degree the depths to which the valley was deepened in various parts. Thus a particularly resistant stratum, such as the massive ledge of limestone which crosses St. Mary Valley at the narrows in Upper St. Mary Lake, was not worn away to the same extent as were the softer rocks farther down the valley or the thinner-bedded rocks above. Broader basins were thus developed above and below this ledge, and when the ice melted away these basins were filled with water, forming a lake. The failure to cut as broad a channel through the limestone ledge caused the constriction or narrows in Upper St. Mary Lake. In some of the other valleys, such as Swiftcurrent Valley, a lake was formed above the ledge, but no channel was cut through, so that the escaping waters plunge in a foaming cascade over the obstruction to the valley below. Moraines and other deposits of drift were left on the melting of the great valley glaciers, and in some places lakes, such as Bowman Lake and Quartz Lake, are due, in part at least, to the blocking of the valleys by such accumulations of drift. HARRISON GLACIER. One of the interesting trips from Gunsight camp is southwestward up the smooth, snow-covered surface of the upper western part of the Blackfeet Glacier to the crest of the Continental Divide in the notch southeast of Jackson Mountain. Looking westward from this point one gets a magnificent view of the cascading lobes of Harrison Glacier (fig. 2). The main glacier, which lies high in the upper northern part of the great cirque at the head of Harrison Creek, is seven-tenths of a mile wide from east to west and nearly a mile long from north to south. From this a series of ice lobes spill over and cascade down the steep slope to benches in the great cirque wall. Of these the one nearest the observer and the one farthest away appear to extend to well-marked moraines, the one near by does not reach the highest and outermost of the ridges, but ridged drift is spread over the space between the ridge and the ice front. The front of the fourth is some distance back from the end moraine, from which two finely developed laterals extend up the slope. The fifth lobe breaks off at the top of a cliff over which its morainal material is pushed. SPERRY GLACIER. General relations .—High up in the upper cirque at the head of Avalanche Basin lies Sperry Glacier 1 (fig. 12,p.24). This is next in size to Blackfeet Glacier, having a maximum width at the front—i. e., from 1 In January, 1896, there was published in Appalachia (Vol. VIII, pp. 57-69) an article by Lyman B. Sperry on Avalanche Basin, Montana Rockies, in which he described explorations of this basin made in May and July, 1895, by a party of which he was a member. An effort was made at this time to reach the upper cirque and find the source of the waters which were seen to be milky with glacial silt. It was not, however, until 1896 that Dr. Sperry succeeded in reaching the glacier which now bears his name. (See Glaciers in the Montana Rockies, by L. W. Chaney, jr., Science, new ser., Vol. IV, pp. 761-762,1896.) 12 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Fig. 2.—Harrison Glacier, showing the cascading frontal lobes. Photograph by W. C. Alden. GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 13 northeast to southwest—of 1^ miles—and a length—i. e., from north¬ west to southeast—of about 1 mile. Its area is estimated as about 1 square mile. The great cirque at the head of Snyder Creek between Edwards Mountain on the south and Mount Brown on the north was excavated so far back into the mountain mass that the upper part of the divide between Snyder Valley and Avalanche Basin was cut away, leaving a broad notch between Edwards Mountain and the small pyramidal peak known as Little Matterhorn. Through this col some of the water from the eastern part of Sperry Glacier goes to Snyder Creek. A similar notch was also developed between Edwards Mountain and Gunsiglit Mountain. It is through this latter notch that the trail climbs from the creek at the crossing below Fig. 3.—Moat at east side op Sperry Glacier, showing stratification in THE ICE WALL ON THE RIGHT. Photograph by W. C. Alden. Sperry Camp, about 6,200 feet above tide, to the southwest side of the glacier at 7,700 ± feet above tide. The surface of the ice is for the most part smooth and not crevassed and may be crossed in any direction. With care one may also de¬ scend the slope to the frontal margin. At the southwest side, the front is about 450 feet lower than the top of the iron ladder. It is at and near the front of the ice that the most interesting phenomena arc to be observed. Structure .—In the front slope soiled zones mark the outcropping of the dirty surfaces of successive ice strata, each the residuum of one or more year’s snowfall. Other than this the surface of the glacier is almost entirely clean of debris excepting on the lower part of the frontal slopes immediately adjacent to the ice margin where there is a scattering of pebbles and bowlders with a little clay. The stratifi- 14 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. cation may also be seen in the sides of the few open crevasses. The best view, however, of the bedded structure of the glacier is to be had where the east side of the glacier rounds a salient of the cirque wall at a point about two-fifths of a mile south-southeast of the front Fig. 4.—Sperry Glacier, bergschrund on slope of Edwards Mountain. Photograph by W. C. Alden. of the most easterly marginal lobe of the glacier. On the northwest side of the point of the salient instead of the ice crowding against the rock slope there is a great chasm, or moat (fig. 3), one side of which is formed by the rock wall. The other is a smooth, curving wall of stratified ice, 150 feet or more in height. This moat is probably GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 15 due, in part, to the fact that the ice passing the rock salient does not at once spread laterally after passing the point. The lower part of the cliff thus exposed is warmed by the afternoon sun and radiates a cer¬ tain amount of heat which, melting the ice, tends to prevent its closing up the moat until it has passed on some distance around the point or may even actually enlarge it. The water resulting from the melting escapes laterally beneath the glacier so that the moat, at least when visited by the writer in August, 1913, contained no stream or ponds. Ice caves and glacial movement .—In the upper part of the neve on the slope of Edwards Mountain a bergschrund (fig. 4) yawns as the result of the ice moving away from the mountain slope. At several points along the front of the glacier there are small caverns. Instead of breaking down immediately after passing the highest part of a ledge, the ice projects forward as an arch fluted in correspondence with the inequalities of the ledge surface. One such ice cave was seen into which a person could walk a distance of 50 or 60 feet from the entrance, and probably one could proceed an equal dis¬ tance farther if disposed to crawl on his hands and knees on the wet rock. In these caverns the fact that the ice is really in motion may readily be demonstrated. Markers were placed in the ice walls and upon the ledges, and the distance between the marker in the ice and that on the ledge was carefully measured with the following results: Movement of ice in ice cave No. 1, at point S. 37° E. of Little Matterhorn. —12.15 p. m., August 15, to 11.15 a. m., August 16; advance of one-fourth inch in 23 hours. 11.30 a. m., August 16, to 10.25 a. m., August 17; advance of one-half inch in 24 hours. 10.30 a. m., August 17, to 11.15 a. m., August 17, advance of one-eighth inch in 45 minutes; 11.15 a. m to 4 p. m., advance of one-eighth inch in 4f hours. Movement of ice in ice cave No. 2 at point S. 43° E. of Little Matterhorn. —Noon, Au¬ gust 16, to noon, August 17, advance of one-half inch in 24 hours. Movement of ice in ice cave No. 3, west side of middle ice lobe, at point S. 87° E. of Little Matterhorn. —1.15 p. m., August 16, to 1.15 p. in., August 17, advance of three-fourths inch in 24 hours. Movement of ice in ice cave No. 4 at west side of eastern ice lobe at point S. 45° E. of Heavens Peak. —2.30 p. m., August 16, to 2.30 p. m., August 17, an advance of about one-half to three-fourths inch in 24 hours; markers loosened by melting. The measurements have not been continued over a sufficiently long period to warrant basing upon them an estimate of the average daily or total yearly advance. The measurements made in cave No. 1 show the variations in the rate of motion due to difference in tempera¬ ture. On the first day, August 15, when the weather was cold and blustering, with some snow falling, an advance of but one-fourth inch was noted. During the following 24 hours the weather became bright and warm, there was much melting of the ice, and the advance noted then was one-half inch. ' Moraines .—The front of the glacier is bordered by well-marked terminal moraines. These are sharp, narrow, and uneven-crested embankments 20 to 50 feet in height, composed of intermingled clay, 16 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. or rock flour, pebbles, and bowlders. Generally there is an interval of a few rods between the ice and the mam ridges, showing that the glacial margin has retreated somewhat since the formation of the mo¬ raine. The foot of the glacier, for the most part, rests on nearly bare rock, but in one place it appears to lie on top of a morainal accumula¬ tion nearly 50 feet hi height (fig. 5). Here one sees the moraine hi process of construction. It is possible that the drift here merely covers the margin of the glacier so that the core of the ridge is of ice* The southwest half of the glacier is underlain by banded red and white quartzite and argillite, while the floor of the northeast half of the cirque is composed of the grayish to buff limestone. As a result the southwest half of the terminal moraine is composed principally of Fig. 5.—Moraine at front of Sperry Glacier. Photograph by W. C. Alden. maroon-red argillite and quartzite, and the water in the brooks and morainah ponds is reddish from the silt held in suspension. The northeast half of the moraine, on the contrary, is composed mostly of grayish limestone, and the water of the ponds and streams issuing here is white, the typical “gletschermilch.” At two places marginal lobes of the ice project forward in trougli- like depressions in the rock floor of the cirque. Where these ice- tongues occur the moraine bends sharply and extends parallel to the sides of the lobes as lateral moraines. These laterals are connected in a large loop about the end of each ice lobe. A short distance outside the inner morainal belt is one of earlier formation disposed hi loops indicating that the ice margin was for¬ merly somewhat more lobate than at present. This outer moraine is subdued in contour, the irregularities of crest and slope having been I 11420 ' 114 10 ' 113 ' 50 ' 113 40 ' 113 30 ' 113 20 ' GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 17 partially washed away, and is covered in part by a scanty growth of dwarfed trees. y Rock scoring and plucking .—In the ice caverns the observer gets an excellent idea of the abrasive work done by the glacier. The surface Fig. 6.—Glaciated groove near front of Sperry Glacier. Photograph by W. C. Alden. of the bed rock is beautifully smoothed, polished, and striated. This surface is seen to extend back under the moving ice whose under¬ surface is plastered with a thin coating of wet mud or rock flour, and set with fragments of rock. This is the abrasive material with which the work is done. There seems to be no considerable amount of 36592°—14-3 18 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. gravel or rock fragments in the base of the ice, as removal of the sub- surfieial coating shows clear, clean ice above. Here may be seen how the ice, melting under pressure against inequalities of the rock surface, is fluted with grooves corresponding to those irregularities, while at the same time all the small projections are being worn away. Not only does the surface of the rock floor of the cirque within the moraines show the effects of glaciation, but between the outer moraine and the lip of the cirque, below which the great cliff drops to form the head of Avalanche Basin, the rock is smoothed, polished, striated, and grooved in a remarkable manner. In places the ice has been forced along more or less tortuous grooves, which were probably first worn by water running beneath the ice (fig. 6). The method of glacial quarrying known as plucking is also well illustrated. At one place east of Little Matterhorn the striated floor is cut by a vertical northeast-southwest joint face. Beyond this a lower level was in process of being developed by stoping when the ice was melted away. Some great blocks of rock 10 by 15 by 20 feet in size have been loosened along the joints and moved distances ranging from a few inches to several feet. Others have been moved 50 to 100 yards or more and left stranded between the quarry face and the lip of the upper cirque. Still others, doubtless, were forced on over the cliff to be dashed in fragments on the ledges below. At one point the opposed faces of a joint, now 3 to 5 feet apart, are striated in a direction transverse to that of the striae of the main ice movement on the floor above as though the basal ice had squeezed laterally into the crack and gradually forced the block on the northeast away from its original position. One joint but a few feet back from the crest of the cliff at the head of Avalanche Basin has been broadened several feet to a considerable depth. Had the disrupting action continued but a little farther a great mass of the upper part of the cliff would have been tipped over into the great cirque below. It is largely by such processes of glacial plucking or stoping that the great cirques have been excavated. It seems probable that only a subordinate amount of material was removed by abrasion beneath the great rasp formed by the rock-shod ice. Former extent of the glacier .—The relations are such that there can be no doubt that in comparatively recent time, geologically speaking, though thousands of years ago, Sperry Glacier not only occupied the whole of the upper cirque but filled Avalanche Basin and was con¬ fluent with a great glacier in the canyon of McDonald Creek (see map facing p. 32). At its southwestern end the terminal moraine is near the crest of the cliff at the head of Snyder Creek. Some of the water from the western part of the glacier flows over this cliff. The trend of the striae outside the moraine also indicates that some of the ice formerly passed through the gap between Edwards Mountain and Little Matter- GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 19 horn and joined a glacier in Snyder Creek Akalley. It is also probable that some of the ice went through the gaps between Edwards Moun¬ tain and Gunsight Mountain to a glacier in Sprague Creek Valley. All over the rock shelf on which stands Sperry Camp and on the ledges along the trail to Sperry Glacier there is a fine exhibition of the polishing and striating action of the glacier which formerly occupied the valley. Striae on some vertical faces beside the trail slope steeply, in places nearly or quite vertically, showing how the ice descended from ledge to ledge. SWIFTCURRENT GLACIERS. Grinnell Glacier .—The largest of the glaciers at the heads of tribu¬ taries of Swiftcurrent Valley is the Grinnell Glacier, so named in honor of Mr. George B. Grinnell, one of the first to explore these moun¬ tains. This occupies the upper cirque on the north side of Gould Mountain. From Sherburne Lakes, 10 miles distant, the white and glistening glacier may be seen nestling at the foot of the Garden Wall in the cirque between Gould and Grinnell Mountains. While not so readily accessible as some of the other glaciers this one can be reached from Many-Glacier Camp by going up Cataract Creek trail along the west shore of McDermott Lake and then climbing up and along the south slope of Grinnell Mountain (figs. 7 and 8), or one may get a fine view of it from above by a climb from Granite Park to a notch in the Garden Wall. This glacier has a width from northwest to southeast of about 1§ miles and a length from southwest to northeast of about 1 mile. Its area is a little over 1 square mile. It consists of a neve-covered upper part, lying on an upper bench in the western part of the cirque, and the main glacier, whose lowest point is not far from the crest of the cliff which rises abruptly nearly 1,000 feet from the valley floor above Grinnell Lake. Through most of its lateral extent the upper mass of ice ends at the crest of the bare rock ledge below the upper bench. South of this, however, the ice cascades over the ledge with a much crevassed surface to the main glacier below. From the encircling cliffs the ice flow converges toward the lowest point in the lip of the cirque. A large part of the surface is crevassed, showing that the ice is moving down over an uneven bed, and nearly the whole surface is banded with the soiled zones which mark the outcropping of the ice strata. A morainal embankment, consisting of narrow sharp-crested ridges of drift 30 to 100 feet in height, closely borders the ice margin on the east and north. (Figs. 7, 8, and 9.) This is in part lateral and in part a terminal moraine. In a little niche at the side of a deep notch in the crest of the Gar¬ den Wall back of Gould Mountain, a thousand feet or more above the main glacier, is a fine example of a cliff glacier (fig. 8). This glacier is short and relatively thick. From the crest of the rock cliff its 20 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. nearly vertical face of glistening stratified ice rises 100 feet or more to the smoothly rounded, snow-covered crest (fig. 10). On the north side of Grinnell Mountain lies another small glacier on a rock shelf at the top of a 1,500-foot cliff. This is in view of tourists Fig. 7.—Gould Mountain and Grinnell Glacier. Morainal ridge at left and in foreground. Photograph by T. W. Stanton. traversing the trail to Swiftcurrent Pass. The ice, which is much crevassed, extends to the crest of the cliff in places and dumps some of its morainal drift into the abyss below. In the next cirque north of Swiftcurrent Pass there is a notable development of steps or benches due to the stoping action in cirque GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK 21 formation being carried on at several different levels. These arc good examples of steps in a so-called “ glacial staircase.” There are two Fig. 8. —Grinnell Glacier, upper part, crest of moraine in foreground. Gem Glacier above at left. Photograph by T. W. Stanton. Fig. 9.—Moraine of Grinnell Glacier. Piegan Mountain in background. Photograph by T. W. Stanton. of these benches in the upper part of the cirque, and on these lie four distinct little glaciers (fig. 11). 22 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Iceberg Lake and Glacier .—The charm of the view at the head of the North Fork of Swiftcurrent Creek lies in the combination of the 3,000- foot, vertical, encircling wall of the amphitheater, the small glacier lying at its base, the beautiful little lake of deepest blue, and the daz- Fig. 10.—Front of Gem Glacier; on the Garden Wall ABOVE GrINNELL GLACIER. Photograph by T. W. Stanton. zling whiteness of the small icebergs usually floating in the lake (fig. 14). With these masses of glacier ice there are usually cakes of lake ice floating even in August. Along the east shore of the lake is an “ice rampart” of bowlders probably pushed up by the forward crowding of the ice when the lake is frozen over in the winter. GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 23 Crossing the shallow outlet stream one finds a way along the talus slope and over the ledge around the north shore of the lake. There is a considerable accumulation of angular and unworn rock fragments piled on the ice at the north side. This has evidently fallen from the cliffs and has been handled by the glacier only enough to pile up sharp morainal ridges 30 to 40 feet in height. Crossing these one reaches m GO <1 Ei £ W Oh Oh P o Eh Oh U1 Oh O P Eh Oh O £ p p <3 <£ P 02 < o 0? w < Eh OQ P a < a £ O o CM C3 o> e £3 o J-l fcc O) S-i o a> .2 ft £ o3 ft o3 - to o O a> c • pH c3 notch in the divide, the smooth surface of the ice slopes northward. At the top the slope is gentle, but toward the front it is steeper, descending about 1,200 feet in a distance of one-half mile. At the north side of the eastern part of the glacier the ice extends as a nar¬ rowing tongue down into a notch in the lip of the upper cirque. 1 Appalachia, Vol. VIII, 1896-1898. ALBERTA MONTANA C lit b (vh ‘owinnnmi ' V . . \ if ■ HH P O r\» I —I a M O o H £ hH r- Pi o o a glaciers heading in the many cirques and extending thence down the valleys and out onto the plains. The crests of the dividing mountain ridges are represented as bare, although they were probably hi reality more or less mantled with snow and ice. The map shows the general relations of the mountain glaciers to the border of the great Keewatin glacier which centered on the Keewatin plateau west of Hudson 46 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. Bay, and also the temporary lake, Cut Bank glacial lake, which re¬ sulted from the blocking of Cut Bank Creek by the ice. Streams of ice heading in the mountain valleys now drained by Two Medicine and Badger Creeks and their tributaries coalesced and spread out on the plain as a great piedmont glacier, known to geolo¬ gists as the Two Medicine glacier. This glacier had a maximum length of about 48 miles and a breadth of 30 miles. The knolled and pitted surface of its morainal deposits may be seen between the rail¬ way and the flat-topped ridge 5 miles north of Glacier Park station. North of this, ice in Lake Creek Valley coalesced with a glacier in Cut Bank Valley. Morainal deposits of these glaciers are crossed by the automobile road leading from Glacier Park station to St. Mary Lakes. St. Mary Valley was occupied by a great trunk glacier which so nearly filled the valley where the lakes now lie that it deposited a well-marked lateral moraine at the top of the ridge on the east 1,200 foot or more above the lower lake. So effectually did this ridge serve as a diverting dam that the greater glacier, instead of extending directly eastward onto the plains, was turned northward into south¬ ern Alberta. Where the ridge is lower, east of Babb, the ice did extend onto the upland, and a lobe deposited a strongly marked moraine, enclosing the basins of Duck and Goose Lakes. In St. Mary Valley about 1 mile south of the boundary the drift of the St. Mary Glacier, which is composed entirely of material from the mountains, is overlapped by drift of the continental, or Keewatin, glacier, which contains granite boulders from the region of Hudson Bay. Tributary to St. Mary Glacier were glaciers in the valleys of Kennedy, Swiftcurrent, Boulder, Bed Eagle, and Divide Creek Val¬ ievs. Drift of the glaciers which at the same time occupied Belly Kiver and Waterton Lakes valleys is also overlapped by drift of the conti¬ nental glacier, in the one valley about 9 miles and in the other about 12 miles north of the international boundary. The phenomena in the western part of the park indicate that the valleys of Kintla, Bowman, Quartz, Anaconda, Dutch, and Camas Creeks and those farther south were also occupied by great valley glaciers during the Wisconsin stage of glaciation. The actual ex¬ tent of these glaciers has, however, not yet been fully determined. Terminal moraines have been found in Bowman, Quartz, and Ana¬ conda Creek valleys, but it has not been determined that those seen farthest downstream mark the limit of extension of the glaciers at the Wisconsin stage. The best examples of these deposits are the moraines crossed by the trail below Bowman Lake and above and below Middle Quartz Lake. The great intramontane basin which is represented by West Flat- top, Flattop, and Granite Park and similar tracts, and into the bot- GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. 47 tom of which are cut the valleys of McDonald and Mineral Creeks, is believed to have been occupied by a great central mass of ice which discharged principally southwestward by the McDonald Creek Valley. To this stage of glaciation was probably due some deepening of the previously-existing stream-cut valleys and the broadening and smoothing of sharp V-shaped cross profiles, produced by stream erosion, to the wider and beautifully rounded U-shaped profiles now seen (fig. 1, A and B). Also most of the excavation of the remarkable cirques which scallop the slopes of the great mountain masses was accomplished at this stage. Pre- Wisconsin glaciation .—The Wisconsin stage of glaciation was preceded by a long period during which the glaciers were probably absent or much reduced in size, a time during which the streams were actively engaged in sculpturing the great mountain mass, in deepening the valleys, and in eroding and washing away the soft rocks underlying the adjacent plains. Prior to this period of valley cutting, the plains bordering the mountains on the east were in general some hundreds of feet higher than at present and not so much broken by hills and valleys. In the area between the Great Northern Railway and the international boundary there are numerous remnants of the former high levels of the plains. These are the flat tops of the ridges which stand between the several branches of Milk River, St. Mary River, and Cut Bank Creek (the stippled tracts shown on the map facing page 32). Ex¬ amination of the deposits which underlie these flat tops and which overlie the upturned and beveled edges of the sandstones and shales forming the bulk of the ridges shows that a large part at least are of glacial drift derived from the mountains. The relations show that long ago, before the valleys which now separate these ridges were eroded and when the various remnants yet formed a continuous, nearly flat plain, there was a stage of glaciation when the ice heading in St. Mary Valley and the tributary valleys was not diverted north¬ ward by St. Mary Ridge and the great trough in which the St. Mary lakes and river now lie, but that the tributary glaciers united in a great piedmont glacier, which spread directly eastward onto the uneroded plain. Ice from Cut Bank and Two Medicine Valleys probably also joined in this extension. Over a large area south of the railway, however, no remnants of these early glacial deposits have been found. They were probably almost entirely removed during the long interval when stream erosion was going on or were obscured by being overrun by the great Two Medicine glacier of the Wisconsin stage. In places, as, for instance, on the ridge north of Lower Two Medi¬ cine Lake and on St. Mary Ridge, the long exposure of this old drift 48 GLACIERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL J. n.uxx, 3 0112 072879023 to the weather has resulted in the limestone pebbles and bowlder; being removed from the upper part by solution and the calcium car bonate being carried down by the percolating waters and deposite as a cement, binding the lower part of the drift into a hard con glomerate. The relatively great age of this early glacial drift may be inferred from the fact that even those tributaries of Milk River which received none of the mountain water have cut valleys several miles in widtf and hundreds of feet deep below the horizon of the former high-level drift-covered plains. It is believed that St. Mary Valley was deep ened at least S00 or 1,000 feet during the interval between the earlie and the Wisconsin stages of glaciation, that the tributary mountai gorges and other valleys were correspondingly eroded, and that a| considerable part of the sculpturing of the great mountain mass wa accomplished during this period of stream activity. Compared wit the time which has elapsed since the Wisconsin stage of glaciatio the interval of deglaciation must have been very long. In the above discussion the pre-Wisconsin interval has bee referred to as a single uninterrupted epoch of deglaciation and ero sion. There is, however, definite evidence that it was not such There are, east of the mountains in the Blackfeet Indian Reservation remnants of three sets of plains above the levels of the present drain age lines, all of these older than the drift of the Wisconsin stage o glaciation, and on two of these are deposits of pre-Wisconsin glacia drift. The third set of these plains comprises the broad valley bot toms, onto which the glaciers of the Wisconsin stage encroached an into which the present streams have cut their sharp narrow channels It is thus probable that there were two distinct earlier stages o glaciation of the mountains separated from each other and from th Wisconsin stage by long intervals of deglaciation and stream erosion Some of these stages may have resulted from or have been accom panied by general elevation or depression of the region. Within the limits of this brief paper there is not opportunity t discuss all the evidence bearing on this question. For furthe details reference should be made to other papers by the presen writer and others . 1 i Pre-Wisconsin glacial drift in the region of Glacier National Park, Mont., by Wm. C. Alden, BullJ Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 23, pp. 687-708, 1912. Ditto, by Wm. C. Alden and Eugene Stebinger, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 24, pp. 529-572, 1913. The Montana lobe of the Keewatin ice sheet, by F. II. II. Calhoun, Prof. Paper U. S. Geol. Survey, NoJ 50, 1906. lip;? Thff' o