£9 x^ THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY & US* • *a f c oo>. "£_ *S Ml 3R * Hi INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS WASHINGTON, D. C. IT AMERICAN *7 CONSTITUTIONS A COMPILATION OF THE POLITICAL CONSTITUTIONS OF THE INDEPENDENT NATIONS OF THE NEW WORLD *> WITH SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES AND VARIOUS APPENDIXES By JOSE IGNACIO RODRIGUEZ Chief Translator and Librarian VOLUME I JULY, 1905 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ^ 1906 While the utmost care is taken to insure accuracy in the publications of the Inter- national Bureau of the American Republics, no pecuniary responsibility is assumed on account of errors which may be found in them. Aunque se pone el mayor cuidado en que todo lo que se diga en las publicaciones de la Oficina Internacional de las Repiiblicas Americanas sea perfectamente correcto, no se asume responsabilidad pecuniaria por razon de los errores que puedan encon- trarse en ellas. Co ?.^- INTRODUCTORY. The present compilation has been distributed, for convenience of the student, into four parts and an Appendix. The first and second parts constitute Volume I. The third and fourth parts form Volume II. The Appendix and the Index are contained in Volume III. Fart First comprises the Constitutions of those countries, five at present, which are Unions of States or Provinces organized under a federal compact. These Constitutions are given in the order of their respective promulgation. Each one appears in its original language, with its translation into Spanish or English, as the case may be, the two texts being printed in parallel columns to facilitate comparison. The Constitution of Brazil is given in Portuguese and English, and also in Spanish. Part Second contains the Constitutions of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama, in Spanish and English. Part Third is made up of the Constitutions Of the Dominican Repub- lic, Haiti, and Cuba. The Constitution of Haiti is given in French and English, and also in Spanish. > . Part Fourth embraces the Constitutions of all the South American Republics, excepting the Argentine Republic, Brazil, and Venezuela, which are included in Part First. All of these are given in Spanish and English. The Appendix will present to the student's consideration the "Arti- cles of Confederation and Perpetual Union " which preceded the Con- stitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the great Colombia, a Confederation which by its dissolution gave rise to the Republics of Venezuela, New Granada and Ecuador, — the Consti- tution of the United Provinces of Central America (Las Provincias Unidas de Centro America), a Confederation which was created in 1824, and some other documents of not less important character, illustrating the development of political life in the nations of the New World. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. PART FIRST.— FEDERAL UNIONS. 1. The United States of America: Page. Historical notes 9 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of the United States of America 12 Constitution and amendments 13 2. The United Mexican States: Historical notes 37 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of the United Mexican States 38 Constitution and amendments 39 3. The Argentine Nation: Historical notes 97 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of the Argentine Nation 98 Constitution and amendments 99 4. The United States of Brazil: ' Historical notes. ..'. ' 133 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of Brazil 133 Constitution ( Portuguese-English ) 134 Constitution (Spanish) 171 5. The United States of Venezuela: Historical notes 191 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of the United States of Venezuela 191 Constitution 192 PART SECOND.— THE REPUROCS OF CENTRAL AMERICA. 1. Republic of Guatemala: Historical notes 235 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of Guatemala 235 Constitution as amended 236 2. Republic of Salvador: Historical notes 259 Constitution 260 3. Republic of Nicaragua: Historical notes 299 List of important books to be cousulted in reference to the Constitution of Nicaragua 299 Constitution as amended 300 4. Republic of Costa Rica: Historical notes 325 List of important books to be consulted in reference to the Constitution of Costa Rica 325 Constitution as amended 326 5. Republic of Honduras: Historical notes 359 Constitution 360 6. Republic of Panama: Historical notes 391 Constitution 392 5 PART FIRST FEDERAL UNIONS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES THE ARGENTINE NATION THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. HISTORICAL NOTES. The unanimous declaration made at Philadelphia, on July 4, 1776, by duly elected representatives of the Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence plantations, Con- necticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, in General Congress assembled, after explaining the causes which impelled the people of said Colonies to shake off their allegiance to the British Crown, stated as follows: "We, therefore, * * * appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States; that they are absolved from all allegi- ance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dis- solved; and that as free and independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." The "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, and Georgia" were agreed upon b}^ duly elected delegates of the said States on November 15, 1777. a This compact having been approved and ratified in due form by the different States, a solemn proclamation thereof was made at Phila- delphia on the 9th of July, 1778. Article 1 of the instrument reads as follows: "Article 1. The stile of this Confederacy shall be 'The United States of America.' " By the provisional articles between the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty, concluded at Paris, on November 30, 1782, and the Definitive Treaty of Peace between the United States of America « See Appendix 1. 10 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. and His Britannic Majesty, concluded also at Paris, on September 3, 1783, the recognition of the new political entities was made in the following language: "His Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz, Ni'w Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Del- aware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, to be free, sovereign, and independent States; that he treats with them as such, and for himself, his heirs and successors, relin- quishes all claims to the government propriety and territorial rights of the same and every part thereof." The imperfections of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States having become every day more and more apparent and serious, the necessity was felt to call for a convention, where the said imperfections should be properly cured or" corrected. This convention, which met at Philadelphia and held its first meeting on May 25, 1787, succeeded in framing, after considerable debate and through a series of compromises, the Constitution of the United States of America, such as was signed on September 17 of the same year and submitted for their assent and ratification to the different States. This ratification was made by conventions held to that effect, in the following way: Delaware, by unanimous vote, on December 7, 1787. Pennsylvania, by a vote of 46 to 23, on December 1 2, 1787. New Jersey, by unanimous vote, on December 18, 1787. Georgia, by unanimous vote, on January 2, 1788. Connecticut, by a vote of 128 to 40, on January 9, 1788. Massachusetts, by a vote of 187 to 168, on Februaiy 6, 1788. Maryland, by a vote of 63 to 12, on April 28, 1788. South Carolina, by a vote of 149 to 73, on May 23, 1788. New Hampshire, by a vote of 57 to 46, on June 21, 1788. Virginia, bv a vote of 89 to 79, on June 26, 1788. New York/by a vote of 30 to 28, on July 26, 1788. The two remaining States, namely, North Carolina and Rhode Island, did not ratify the Constitution until November 21, 1789, and May 29, 1789, respectively, the former by a vote of 193 to 75, and the latter by a vote of 34 to 32. A resolution passed by Congress on September 13, 1788, declared the Constitution ratified; and the Government under its new form was started at once. George Washington was elected by the unanimous vote of his coun- trymen President of the United States. The House of Representa- tives organized on the 1st of April, 1789, the Senate secured a quorum on the 6th following, and President Washington was inaugurated on the 30th. The city of New York was then the seat of the Government. On the 25th of September, 1789, the First Congress of the United States of America, in use of the power vested in it by Article V of the Constitution, passed a resolution directing twelve "articles to be proposed to the legislatures of the several States as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all or any of which articles, when ratified by three-fourths of the said legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the said Constitution." HISTORICAL NOTES. 11 The first two were rejected, the last ten were adopted, and on the loth of December, 1791, they were proclaimed to be in force. The eleventh amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by the Third Congress, on the 5th of September, 1794, and was declared in a message from the President to Congress dated the 8th of Januaiy, 1798, to have been ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States. The twelfth amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by the Eighth Con- gress, on the 12th of December, 1803, in lieu of the original third paragraph of the first section of the second article, and was declared in a proclamation of the Secretary of State, dated the 25th of Septem- ber, 1804, to have been ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States. A new amendment (Article XIII), forbidding slavery, was proposed by Congress on February 1, 1865, and declared to be in force on December 18 of the same year. It was ratified by 31 States out of 36. Alabama and Mississippi rati- fied it conditionally. Delaware and Kentuck}^ rejected it. Texas did not take any action on it. The fourteenth amendment (Article XIV) was proposed by Con- gress on June 16, 1866, and declared to be in force on July 28, 1868. It was ratified by 33 States out of 37, but the States of New Jersey and Ohio rescinded their ratification. Delaware, Kentucky, and Maryland rejected it. California took no final action on it. The fifteenth amendment (Article XV) was proposed by Congress on February 27, 1869, and declared to be in force on March 30, 1870. It was ratified by 30 States out of 37; but the State of New York rescinded its ratification. California, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, and Oregon rejected it. No final action was taken by Tennessee. The States forming the Union are now 45. Their names, alpha- betically arranged, are as follows: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mas- sachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. In addition to these States there are now 6 Territories, as fol- lows: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Indian Territory, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. "The two rejected articles were as follows: I. After the first enumeration required by the First Article of the Constitution, there shall be 1 Representative for every 30,000 persons until the number shall amount to 100, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress that there shall not be less than 100 Representatives, nor less than 1 Representative for every 40,000 persons, until the number of Representatives shall amount to 200, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress that there shall not be less than 200 Representatives, nor more than 1 Representative for every 50,000 persons. II. No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Repre- sentatives shall take effect until an election of Representatives shall have intervened. 12 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. There is also the District of Columbia, organized under section VIII of the Constitution, the capital of which (Washington) is the seat of the Government. The Union now possesses Porto Rico, Guam, the Philippine Islands, and the Tutuila Group of the Samoan Islands. L.IST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE CONSULTED IN REFERENCE TO THE CON- STITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Journal, acts, and proceedings of the convention assembled at Philadelphia, Monday, May 14, and dissolved Monday, September 17, 1787, which formed the Consti- tution of the United States. Published under the direction of the President of the United States, conformably to a resolution of Congress of March 27, 1818. Boston, 1819. Elliot, Jonathan. Debates in the several State Conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Tucker, John Randolph. The History of the Federal Convention of 1787 and of its work. Marshall, John. The writings of John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the United States, upon the Federal Constitution. Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Cooley, Thomas M. The general principles of constitutional law in the United States. . Constitutional limitations. Kent, James. Commentaries to the Constitution of the United States of America. . Comentarios a la Constitucion de los Estados Unidos de America, por James Kent. Obra traducida del texto original, adicionada y anotada por J. Carlos Mexfa, abogado de los tribunales mexicanos, 1878. MexIa, Jose Carlos. Manual de la Constitucion de los Estados Unidos. Varela, Luis V. Derecho constitucional positivo. Constituciones vigentes en Inglaterra, Estados Unidos y sus Estados, Suiza y sus cantones. CONSTITUTION. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, pro- vide for the common defense, pro- mote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Consti- tution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative pow- ers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. 1. The House of Repre sentatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature. 2. No person shall be a Represent- ative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabi- tant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be in- Nos el pueblo de los Estados Unidos, a fin de hacer mas per- fecta la Union, establecer la justi- cia, consolidar la tranquilidad do- mestica, proveer a la defensa comun, promo ver el bien general y asegurar los beneficios de la libertad, tanto para nosotros mis- mos como para nuestros descen- dientes, formamos y sancionamos esta Constitucion para los Estados Unidos de America. ARTfCULO I. Secci6n I. Todas las facultades legislativas que esta Constitucion concede, se depositan en un Con- greso de los Estados Unidos, que se compondra de un Senado y una Camara de Representantes. Sec. II. 1. La Camara de Repre- sentantes se compondra de miem- bros elegidos cada dos anos por el pueblo de los Estados, y los elec- tores en cada uno de ellos deberan tener las mismas calidades que se requieren de los llamados a cons- tituir por sus sufragios la Ca- mara mas numerosa de la Legisla- tura del Estado. 2. Nadie podra ser Represen- tante antes de tener cumplidos veinticinco anos de edad, y siete de ciudadano de los Estados Uni- dos, debiendo ademas ser habitante del Estado que lo elige, al tiempo de la eleccion. 3. Los Representantes y las con- tribuciones directas se repartiran entre todos los Estados que com- 13 14 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. eluded within this Union, accord- ing to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hamp- shire shall be entitled to chase three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsyl- vania eight, Delaware one, Marj^- land six, Virginia ten, North Car- olina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. 1. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years, and each Senator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three pongan la Union en proporcion al numero respectivo de sus habitan- tes, el cual se determinant agre- gando al numero total de personas libres, entre las que se comprende a las que estan obligadas al servi- cio por cierto numero de anos, y se excluye a los indios que no pa- gan contribuciones, las tres quin- tas partes de todas las demas. El censo efectivo se levantara a los tres anos contados desde la pri- mera sesion del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, y en lo sucesivo de diez en diez anos, en la forma que el mismo Congreso dispusiere por medio de leyes. El numero de Representantes no podra ex- eeder de uno por cada treinta mil habitantes, pero cada Estado ten- dra cuando menos un Represen- tante. Mientras no se levante el censo, el Estado de New Hamp- shire tendra derecho a elegir tres, Massachusetts ocho, Rhode Island y Providence Plantations uno, Connecticut cinco, New York seis, New Jersey cuatro, Pennsylvania ocho, Delaware uno, Maryland seis, Virginia diez, North Carolina cinco, South Carolina cinco, y Georgia tres. 4. Cuando ocurrieren vacantes en la representacion de algim Es- tado, el Ejecutivo del mismo expe- dira las ordenes necesarias para que se haga la eleccion de las per- sonas que deban llenarlas. 5. La Camarade Representantes elegira su Presidente y demas em- pleados. A ella toca exclusiva- mente la facultad de iniciar causas por delitos oficiales. Sec. III. 1. El Senado de los Es- tados Unidos se compondra de dos Senadores por cada Estado, elegi- dos por sus respectivas Legislatu- ras, por seis anos, y cada Senador tendra un voto. 2. Inmediatamente despues de que se reunan, en virtud de la pri- mera eleccion, se dividiran sus miembros en tres clases, con toda CONSTITUTION. 15 classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resig- nation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the leg- islature, which shall then till such vacancies. 3. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 5. The Senate shall chuse their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirma- tion. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside; and no per- son shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 7. Judgment in cases of impeach- ment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and dis- qualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit, under the United States; but the party convicted shall nevertheless la igualdad posible. Los puestos de los Senadores de la primera clase vacaran a los dos anos, los de la se- gunda a los cuatro, y los de la ter- cera a los seis, de manera que cada dos anos se elija una tercera parte. Si por renuncia u otras causas re- sultare alguna vacante estando en receso la Legislatura del Estado respectivo, podra el Ejecutivo del mismo hacer nombramientos pro- visionales hasta que se vuelva a reunir la Legislatura, la cual pro- veera entonces dichas vacantes. 3. Para ser Senador se requiere tenertreinta anos cumplidos, haber sido nueve anos ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, y ser habitante del Estado que hace la election al tiempo de verificarse esta. 4. El Vicepresidente de los Es- tados Unidos sera, Presidente del Senado; pero no tendra voto sino en los casos de empate. 5. El Senado elegira sus em- pleados y tambien un Presidente pro tempore que f uncionara en au- sencia del Vicepresidente, 6 cuan- do este se halle desempenando el cargo de Presidente de los Estados Unidos. 6. Solo al Senado incumbe la facultad de juzgar por responsa- bilidades oficiales; y cuando se reuniere con este objeto, los Sena- dores procederan bajo juramento 6 promesa. Si se tratare de j uzgar al Presidente de los Estados Unidos, presidira el Senado el Presidente de la Suprema Corte, y nadie sera condenado sino por el voto de dos terceras partes de los miembros presentes. 7. En las causas por responsa- bilidad oficial la sentencia condena- toria no podra exceder de la desti- tution del empleo y la inhabilita- cion para obtener y desempenar cargo alguno honorifico, 6 lucra- tivo de la federation; pero el decla- 16 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. be liable and subject to indict- ment, trial, judgment, and punish- ment according to law. Sec. 4. 1. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof; but the Con- gress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of chusing Sena- tors. 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meetings shall be on the first Mon- day in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. 1. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own mem- bers, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from da} r to day, and may be authorized to compel the attend- ance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House ma} T provide. 2. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly be- haviour, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. 3. Each House shall keep a jour- nal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, ex- cepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the Journal. 4. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. rado culpable quedara, no obstante, sujeto a ser acusado, juzgado, aen- tenciado y castigado con arreglo a Derecho. Sec. IV. 1. La Legislatura de cada Estado prescribira el tiempo, lugar y manera en que deban ha- cerselaseleccionesdelosSenadores y Representantes; pero en cual- quier tiempo el Congreso por me- dio de una ley podra alterar en todo 6 en parte las disposiciones de las Legislaturas sobre el particular, excepto las que se refieran al lugar de la eleccion de los Senadores. 2. El Congreso se reunira una vez por lo menos en cada ano, y esa reunion se verificara, el primer lunes de diciembre, a no ser que por una ley se senale otro dia. Sec. V. 1. Cada Camara sera el juez competente acerca de las elec- ciones y requisites legales de sus respectivos miembros; y la mayo- ria de cada una de ellas constituira el quorum para deliberar. Pero un numero menor puede reunirse dia por dia, y compeler a los miem- bros ausentes a que asistan, de la manera y bajo las penas que cada Camara senalare. 2. Cada Camara podra f ormar su Reglamento interior, castigar a sus miembros por mala conducta, y aun expulsarlos con la aprobacion de los dos tercios. 3. Cada Camara llevara actas de sus sesiones, que publicaran de tiempo en tiempo, omitiendo aquellas partes que a su juicio exi- jah reserva; y en ellas se haran constar los votos de los respectivos miembros, ya sea por la afirmativa, ya por la negativa, en cualquiera cuestion, cuando asi lo pidiere la quinta parte de los miembros pre- sentes. 4. Durante el periodo de las se- siones del Congreso, ninguna de las Camaras podra suspenderlas por mas de tres dias sin el con- sentimiento de la otra, ni reunirse en lugar distinto de aquel en que las dos esten instaladas. CONSTITUTION. 17 Sec. 6. 1. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and return- ing from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House tney shall not be questioned in any other place. 2. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emolu- ments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a mem- ber of either House during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. 2. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representa- tives and the Senate shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal and proceed to recon- sider it. If after such reconsid- eration two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the ob- jections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be recon- sidered, and if approved by two- 360a— vol 1—06 2 Sec. VI. 1. LosSenadores3^Re- presentantes recibiran por sus ser- vicios una remuneracion que se fijara por ley y se pagara por el Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. Exceptuando los casos de traicion, delito grave 6 perturbaci6n del or- den, tendran en todos los demas el privilegio de no ser arrestados durante el periodo de las sesiones a que asistieren, 6 en su viaje de ida 6 vuelta con motivo de ellas. Y por ningun discurso, 6 expresion en un debate en cualquiera de las Camaras podra jamas molestarseles en ninguna parte. 2. Ningun Senador 6 Represen- tante podra durante el tiempo de su encargo, ser nombrado para ningun empleo civil de la federa- cion, que se hay a creado, 6 cuyos emolumentos se hubieran aumen- tado, durante el mismo periodo; y nadie que tuviere un empleo de lafederacion podra ser miembro de ninguna de las Camaras, mien- tras lo desempeiiare. Sec. VII. 1. Todo proyecto de ley sobre creacion de rentas pro- cedera de la Camara de Represen- tantes; pero el Senado puede pro- poner 6 anadir sus enmiendas como en todos los demas proyectos. 2. Todo proyecto que hubiere sido aprobado por la Camara de Representantes y el Senado, antes de que pase a ser ley, sera enviado al Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Siloaprueba, lofirmara; pero si no, lo devolvera con sus observaciones, a la Camara en que tuvo origen, la cual las hara inser- tar en sus actas, y procedera de nuevo a discutirlo. Si despue"s de esta nueva discusion, dos tercios de esa Camara convinieren en aprobarlo, se remitira, juntamente con las observaciones, a la otra Camara, la que a su vez volvera a discutirlo, y si resultare aprobado por los dos tercios de ella, pasara 18 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. thirds of that House it shall be- come a law. But in all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Presi- dent within ten days (Sundays ex- cepted) after it shall have been E resented to him, the same shall e a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress b} T their adjournment prevent its re- turn, in which case it shall not be a law. 3. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Represent- atives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be ap- " proved by him or, being disap- proved by him, shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, accord- ing to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. 1. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the com- mon defence and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States; 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the sev- eral States, and with the Indian tribes; 4. To establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States; 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, a ser ley. En todos los casos de esta naturaleza la votacion en ambas Camaras sera nominal, haciendose constar en las actas de cada Camara respectivamente los nombres de las personas que han votado por la afirmativa y por la negativa. Si el Presidente no de- volviere un proyecto de ley a los diez dias (exceptuando los domin- gos) despues de que se le hubiere presentado, tendra fuerza de ley lo mismo que si lo hubiere firmado, a menos que no haya podido ser devuelto al Congreso por haberse suspendido las sesiones. 3. Todo acuerdo, resolucion, 6 votacion que requiera la concu- rrencia .del Senado y Camara de Representantes (excepto cuando sea para suspender las sesiones) se Eresentara al Presidente de los Istados Unidos, y no tendra ef ecto hasta que el lo apruebe. Si lo desechare, sera necesaria la apro- bacion de los dos tercios del Se- nado y de la Camara de Represen- tantes, segun las reglas y limites prescritos para los proyectos de ley. Sec. VIII. 1. El Congreso ten- dra facultad: Para establecer y recaudar contribuciones, derechos, impuestos y sisas a fin de pagar las deudas } t proveer a la defensa comun y bien general de los Estados Unidos; perotodas las con- tribuciones, derechos, impuestos y sisas seran uniformes en todos los Estados Unidos; 2. Contraer emprestitos sobre elcredito de los Estados Unidos; 3. Reglamentar el comercio con las naciones extranjeras, y el que se hace de Estado a Estado y con las tribus de los indios; 4. Establecer una reglauniforme de naturalizacion y decretar leyes uniformes en materia de quiebras para todos los Estados Unidos; 5. Acunar moneda, determinar el valor de esta y de las extran- CONSTITUTION. 19 and fix the standard of weights and measures; 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; 7. To establish post-offices and post-roads; 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by secur- ing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; 9. To constitute tribunals infe- rior to the Supreme Court; 10. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations; 11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; 12. To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two jears; 13. To provide and maintain a navy; 14. To make rules for the gov- ernment and regulation of the land and naval forces; 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; 16. To provide for organizing, . arming, and disciplining the mili- tia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, re- serving to the States, respectively, the appointment of the officers and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; 17. To exercise exclusive legisla- tion in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and the accept- jeras y los patrones de las pesas y medidas; 6. Senalar las penas de los falsi- ficadores del papel de credito y de la moneda de los Estados Unidos; 7. Establecer Casas de correos, y servicios de postas; 8. Promover el adelanto de las ciencias y de las artes utiles, ase- gurando a los autores e inventores por tiempo limitado la propiedad exclusiva de sus respectivos escri- tos e inventos; 9. Crear tribunales inferiores a la Suprema Corte; 10. Definir y castigar la pirate- ria y otros delitos graves cometidos en alta mar, asi como los perpetra- dos contra el Derecho de gentes; 11. Declarar la guerra, expedir patentes de corso j represalias, y establecer reglas para las presas hechas en mar y tierra; 12. Levantar y mantener ejerci- tos; pero ningun credito que se conceda para este objeto debera durar mas de dos aiios; 13. Formar y mantener una armada; 14. Decretar ordenanzas para el gobierno y disciplina del ejercito y de la armada; 15. Dictar disposiciones para llamar a las annas a la milicia cuando fuere necesario, ;i fin de hacer observar las leyes de la Union, sofocar insurrecciones y repeler qualquiera invasion; 16. Provcer a la organizacion, armamento y disciplina de la mili- cia, y al gobierno de la parte de ella que este al servicio de los Estados Unidos, quedando reservados a los respectivos Estados el nombra- miento de los oficiales, y el poder de instruir practicamente a la mili- cia, de conformidad con la disci- plina prescrita por el Congreso; 17. Legislar exclusivamente en todas las materias concernientes al Distrito que por cesion de uno 6 varios Estados y aceptacion del Congreso, hay a sido elegido 20 THK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ance of Congress, become the seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like author- ity over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, maga- zines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings; and 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carry- ing into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Gov- ernment of the United States, or in any Department or officer thereof. Sec. 9. 1. The migration or im- portation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be pro- hibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eignt hun- dred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importa- tion, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. 2. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be sus- pended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. 3. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 4. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in propor- tion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. 6. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another: nor shall vessels bound to or from one State para residencia del Gobierno fede- ral, distrito cuya area no podra exceder de diez mi lias cuadradas. Ejercer la misma facultad sobre todos los demas lugares compra- dos, con el consentimiento de las Legislaturas de los Estados a que pertenecen, para la construccion de f ortalezas, almacenes, arsenales, astilleros y otros edificios que se necesitaren; y 18. Dictar todas las leyes nece- sarias y convenientes para la ejecu- cion de las facultades que prece- den, y todas las demas que por esta Constitucion se confieren al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, 6 a cualquiera de sus Departamentos 6 f uncionarios. Sec. IX. 1. El Congreso no podra prohibir, sino desde el ano de mil ochocientosocho en adelante, la inmigracion 6 importacion de per- sonas que cualquiera de los Esta- dos, hoy existentes, crea conve- niente admitir; pero puede im- poner una contribution 6 derecho que no excedera de diez pesos por persona. 2. No podra suspenderse el re- curso del Habeas Corpus, si no es en los casos en que por rebelion 6 invasion sea necesario haceulo para la seguridad publica. 3. No se dictara ninguna ley por la que la infamia del delito tras- cienda a personas distintas del de- lincuente, ni que tenga efecto re- troactivo. 4. Ninguna capitacion 6 contri- bution directa podra imponerse sino en proporcion al numero de habitantes, cuyo censo debera levantarse como ya se dispone en esta Constitucion. 5. No se impondran contribu- ciones 6 derechos sobre los articu- los que se exporten de los Estados. 6. Las disposiciones que regla- mentan el comercio y las rentas fiscales, no podran establecer nin- guna preferencia en favor de los puertos de un Estado, sobre los de CONSTITUTION. 21 be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 7. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and ac- count of the receipts and expendi- teres of all public money shall be published from time to time. 8. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of pro tit or trust under them shall, without the consent of the Con- gress, accept of any present, emolu- ment, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign State. Sec. 10. 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con- federation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobilitv. 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be ab- solutely necessary for executing its inspection laws; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and controul of the Congress. 3. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships otro. Tampoco se podra obligar a los buques que salen de un Es- tado, 6 van destinados a el, a que abran 6 cierren su registro, 6 oa- guen derechos en otro. 7. No se podra sacar de la Teso- reria ninguna cantidad de dinero si no es en virtud de alguna asigna- cion hecha por ley; y periodica - mente se publicara una relacion y cuenta exacta de los ingresos y egresos del Tesoro publico. 8. Los Estados Unidos no con- cederan titulos de nobleza; y nin- guna persona que desempene em- pleo lucrativo u honorifico de la federacion, podra, sin el consenti- miento del Congreso, aceptar pre- sentes, emolumentos, empleos 6 titulos, cualquieraque sea su clase, de ningiin Re} 7 , Principe 6 Estado extranjero. Sec.X. 1. Los Estados no podran celebrar tratados, alianzas 6 coali- ciones; expedir patentes de corso y represalias; acunar moneda, ni emitir billetes de credito; sena- lar como de forzosa admision en el pago de las deudas otras mone- das que las de oro y plata; aprobar ningun proyecto de ley sobre infamia trascendental, 6 dar leyes retroactivas, 6 que desvirtuen las obligaciones de los contratos; ni conceder tampoco titulos de nobleza. 2. Los Estados no podran sin el consentimiento del Congreso es- tablecer impuestos 6 derechos sobre las importaciones y exporta- ciones, salvo cuando sea absoluta- mente necesario para hacer cumplir sus le} 7 es de inspeccion; y el pro- ducto neto de todos los derechos e impuestos cobrados por un Estado ba]o este concepto, pertenecera al Tesoro de los Estados Unidos, que- dando sujetas todas esas leyes a la revision y aprobacion del Con- greso. 3. Tampoco podran imponer derechos de tonelaje, mantener tropas 6 buques de guerra en 22 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such im- minent danger as will not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows: 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or protit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. [The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by bal- lot for two persons, of w r hom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And the}' shall make a list of all the persons voted for and of the num- ber of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Sen- ate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representa- tives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the Presi- dent, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majorit}' and have an pqual number of votes, then the House of Representatives tiempo de paz, entrar en ningun convenio 6 tratado con otro Estado 6 con potencias extranjeras, ni entrar en guerra, excepto en caso de invasion 6 de peligro tan inmi- nente que no admita demora. ARTfCULO II. Secci6n 1. 1. Se deposita el po- der ejecutivo en un Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America. Desempefiara su encargo por el termino de cuatro anos, y su elec- cion, asi como la del Vicepresi- dente, nombrado por el mismo termino, se verificara de la manera siguiente: 2. Cada Estado nombrara del modo que su Legislatura deter- mine, un numero de electores igual al del total de Senadores y Repre- sentantes que el mismo Estado tenga derecho a mandar al Con- greso, no pudiendo ser nombrado elector ningun Senador 6 Repre- sentante, ni persona que desem- pene un empleo lucrativo u honori- fico de la Federacion. [Los electores se reuniran en sus respectivos Estados, y por escru- tinio secreto, elegiran dos per- sonas, una de las cuales, por lo menos, debera no ser vecino del Estado. Formaran una lista de todas las personas por quienes han votado, con expresion del numero de votos que obtuvo cada una, la firmaran y certificaran, remitien- dola sellada a la residencia del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, dirigida al Presidente del Senado. Este,enpresenciadelSenado y de la Camara de Representantes, abrira todos los pliegoscertificados, y pro- cedera a contar los votos. Sera Presidente la persona que reuna el mayor numero de votos, siempre que este numero constituya la mayoria de electores nombrados. Si reunieren dicha mayoria mas de una persona, teniendo igual numero de votos, entonces de entre ellas elegira inmediatamente la Camara CONSTITUTION. 23 shall immediately chuse by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like man- ner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the rep- resentation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this pur- pose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States and a majority of all the States shall be necessaiy to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the per- son having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by ballot the Vice-President. ] a 3. The Congress may determine the time of chusing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 4. No person except a natural- born citizen or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligi- ble to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty- tive years and been fourteen years a resident withm the United States. 5. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law pro- vide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabilitj 7 both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer de Representantes, por escrutinio secreto, una para Presidente; mas si nadie hubiere reunido dicha mayo- ria, elegira la Camara de entre las cinco personas que hubieren sacado mas votos. Al hacer la eleccion de Presidente, los votos se contaran por Estados, teniendo un voto la re- presentacion de cada Estado; para este objeto, el quorum se formara de un miembro, 6 de los miembros de las dos terceras partes de los Estados, y sera necesaria la mayo- ria de estos para decidir la elec- cion. En cualquier caso, una vez hecha la eleccion del Presidente, sera Vicepresidente la persona que retina el mayor numero de yotos de los electores. Pero si resultare haber dos 6 mas que tuvieren igual numero de votos, el Senado elegira de entre ellas al Vicepresidente por escrutinio secreto.]* • 3. El Congreso determinant el tiempo en que han de ser elegidos los electores y el dia en que deba verificarse la eleccion, debiendo ser uno mismo en todos los Esta- dos Unidos. 4. Solo seran elegibles para el cargo de Presidente los ciudadanos por nacimiento, 6 los que fueren ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos al tiempo de adoptarse esta Cons- titucion. Nadie sera elegible que no hubiere cumplido treinta y cinco afios de edad, y no hubiere residido catorce anos en los Esta- dos Unidos. 5. En caso de remocion, muerte 6 renuncia del Presidente, 6 de incapacidad para desempenar las funciones de su encargo, le suce- dera el Vicepresidente. El Con- greso queda facultado para dis- poner por medio de una ley, en caso de remocion, muerte, renun- cia 6 incapacidad, tan to del Presi- dente como del Vicepresidente, que funcionario entrara a desem- penar la presidencia; y este la a The clause printed in brackets has been superseded by the twelfth amendment. See page 32. 24 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. shall act accordingly until the dis- ability be removed or a President shall be elected. 6. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished dur- ing the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. 7. Before he enter on the execu- tion of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. 1. The President shall beCommanderinChief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writ- ing, of the principal officer in each of the Executive Departments upon anj^ subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. 2. He shall have power, b}' and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public minis- ters and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein other- wise provided for, and which shall be established by law; but the Congress may by law vest the ap- desempenara hasta que cese la incapacidad, 6 se elija un nuevo Presidente. 6. En compensacion de sus ser- vicios, el Presidente recibira una retribucion en epoeas determina- das, la cual no podra ser aumenta- da ni disminuida durante el perio- do por el que hay a sido elegido; y no recibira durante ese periodo ningun otro emolumento de la fe- deracion, ni de ningun Estado en particular. 7. Antes de tomar posesion de su encargo, prestara el siguiente juramento 6 promesa: "Juro (6 prometo) solemnemente que de- sempenare con fidelidad el cargo de Presidente de los Estados Uni- dos, y que observare, protegere y defendere la Constitution de los Estados Unidos." Sec. II. 1. El Presidente sera Comandante en jefe del Ejercito y de la Armada de los Estados Uni- dos, asi como de la milicia de los Estados ciiando esta estuviere en actual servicio de la federation : podra exigir la opinion por escrito de cada uno de los Jef es de los De- partamentos del Ejecutivo sobre todos los asuntosque se relacionen con las atribuciones de sus respec- tivos empleos, y tendra facultad para mandar suspender la ejecu- cion de las sentencias, y conceder indultos por delitos cometidos con- tra la federacion, menos en las causas por responsabilidad oticial. 2. El Presidente, con consulta y aprobaeion del Senado, tendra fa- cultad para hacer tratados. siem- pre que en ellos convengan las dos terceras partes de los Senadores presentes; y nombrar con la misma consulta y aprobaeion a los Emba- jadores, Ministros publicos y Con- sules, a, los Magistrados de la Su- prema Corte, y a todos los demas empleados de la Federacion que se crearen en virtud de las leyes, cu- yos nombramientos no estuvieren determinados de otra manera en esta Constitucion. Pero el Con- \ CONSTITUTION. 25 pointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the Presi- dent alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of Departments. 3. The President shall have power to till up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate by granting commis- sions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress infor- mation of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consider- ation such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; be may, on extraordinary occa- sions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of dis- agreement between them with re- spect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully exe- cuted, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice- President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misde- meanors. Article III. Section 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and es- tablish. The judges both of the supreme and inferior courts shall hold their offices during good be- haviour, and shall at stated times receive for their services a com- pensation which shall not be dimin- ished during their continuance in office. greso puede por medio de una ley conf erir la f acultad de nombrar los empleados subalternos que estime convenientes a solo el Presidente, a los Tribunales de justicia 6 a los Jefes de los Departamentos. 3. El Presidente podra proveer todas las vacantes que ocurran durante los recesos del Senado, haciendo nombramientos provi- sionales, los que vacaran al tin del inmediato periodo de sesiones. Sec. III. De tiempo en tiempo presentara al Congreso un informe del estado de la Union, recomen- dandole la adopcion de aquellas medidas que creyere necesarias 6 convenientes. En circunstancias extraordinarias, podra convocar a sesiones a lasdos Camaras, 6 a cual- quiera de ellas, 3^ en caso de que estuvieren en desacuerdo sobre el dia en que deban cerrar las sesiones, el podra fijar el que le pareciere conveniente. Recibira a los Em- bajadores y demas Ministros pu- blicos, cuidara de que las leyes tengan su debido cumplimiento, y expedira los nombramientos de todos los empleados de la Federa- cion. Sec. IV. El Presidente, Vice presidente y todos los demas em- pleados civiles de la Federacion seran removidos de sus empleos, siempre que fueren acusados y convictos de traicion, cohecho, li otros delitos y faltas graves. Articulo III. Secci6n I. Se deposita el poder judicial de los Estados Unidos en una Suprema Corte, y en los tri- bunales inferiores que en lo suce- sivo creare y estableciere el Con- greso. Los Magistrados, tanto de la Suprema Corte como de los tribunales inferiores, desempena- ran sus empleos mientras observen buena conducta, y en epocas fijas recibiran por sus servicios una re- muneracion que no podra ser dis- minuida mientras desempenen sus empleos. 26 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Sec. 2. 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this Constitu- tion, the laws of the iJnited States and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and mari- time jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State; be- tween citizens of different States; between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of dif- ferent States, and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens, or subjects. 2. In all cases affecting ambassa- dors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be part} 7 , the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before men- tioned the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such ex- ceptions and under such regula- tions as the Congress shall make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall beheld in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason un- less on the testimony of two wit- Sec. II. 1. El poder judicial co- nocera de todos los casos en Dere- cho y Equidad que dimanen de la Constitucion y leyes de la federa- cion, asi como de los tratados ya celebrados 6 que puedan celebrarse en lo sucesivo bajo su autoridad; de todos los casos que afecten a los Embajadores, demas Minist roe publicos, y a los Consules: de todos los casos ae la jurisdiccion de almi- rantazgo y marina: de las contro- versias en que la Federacion f uere parte; de las que se siguieren entre dos 6 mas Estados; entre un Esta- dos y los ciudadanos de otro; entre ciudadanos de diferentes Estados; entre ciudadanos del mismo Estado que reclamen terrenos bajo con- cesiones hechas por diversos Esta- dos; y entre un Estado 6 sus ciudadanos, y Estados, ciudadanos, 6 subditos extranjeros. 2. La Suprema Corte tendra jurisdiccion privativa en todos los casos que afecten a los Embaja- dores y Ministros publicos, lo mismo que a los Consules, y en aquellos en que un Estado f uere parte interesada. En todos los demas ya mencionados, conocera en apelacion tanto respecto a los hechos como al Derecho, con las restricciones y segun las disposi- ciones reglamentarias que el Con- greso estableciere. 3. Todos los juicios criminales, con excepcion de los que se forma- ren por responsabilidad oficial, se veriticaran ante un jurado, y deberan celebrarse en el Estado donde se hubieren perpetrado los delitos. Mas en caso de que no se hubieren cometido en la jurisdic- cion de ningiin Estado se seguiran en el lugar 6 lugares que designare el Congreso por medio de una ley. Sec. III. 1. La traicion contra los Estados Unidos consistira sola- mente, en tomar las armas contra ellos, 6 en unirse a sus enemigos, dandoles ayuda y socorro. Nadie podra ser convicto de traicion si no es en virtud del testimonio de CONSTITUTION. 27 nesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of trea- son, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec. 2. 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privi- leges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 2. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another remeditacion 6 ventaja, a los de- itos graves del orden militar y a los de pirateria que definiere la Art. 24. Ningun juicio criminal puede tener mas de ties instancias. Nadie puede ser juzgado dos veces por el mismo delito, ya sea que en el juicio se le absuelva 6 se le condene. Queda abolida la prac- tica de absolver de la instancia. IV. That he be furnished with all the information on record, which he may need for his de- fense. V. That he be heard in his de- fense, either personally or by counsel, or b}' both, as he may de- sire. In case he should have no one to defend him, a list of official counselors shall be shown to him, in order that he may choose one or more to act as his counsel. Art. 21. The imposition of pen- alties properly go called belongs ex- clusively to the judicial authorit} r . The political or executive authori- ties shall only have power to im- pose fines and imprisonment, as disciplinary measures, the former of no more than five hundred dol- lars, and the latter for no more than one month, in the cases and in the manner which the law shall ex- pressty determine. Art. 22. Punishments by muti- lation and infanry, by branding, flogging, beating with sticks, tor- ture of whatever kind, excessive fines, confiscation of property, or any other penalties, unusual, or working corruption of blood, shall be forever prohibited. Art. 23. In order to abolish the penalty of death, the execu- tive power shall establish, as soon as possible, a penitentiary system. In the meantime the penalt} 1- of death shall be abolished for polit- ical offenses, and shall not be im- posed except in cases of treason during a foreign war, highwa}^ robbery, arson, parricide, murder in the first degree, grave offenses of military character, and piracy as defined by law. Art. 24. No criminal case shall have more than three instances. No person, whether acquitted or condemned, shall be tried again for the same offense. Verdicts of not proven are abolished. CONSTITUTION. 45 Art. 25. La correspondencia que bajo cubierta circule por las estafetas esta libre de todo regis- tro. La violacion de esta ga- rantia es un atentado que la ley 1 castigara severamente. Art. 26. En tiempo de paz nin- gun militar puede exigir aloja- miento, bagaje, ni otro servicio real 6 personal, sin el consentimien- to del propietario. En tiempo de guerra solo podra hacerlo en los terminos que establezca la ley. Art. 27. La propiedad de las personas no puede ser ocupada sin su consentimiento, sino por causa de utilidad piiblica y previa indem- nizacion. La ley determinara la auto ri dad que debe hacer la expro- piacion y los requisites con que esta haya de veriticarse. (Ninguna corporacion civil 6 ecle- siastica, cualquiera que sea su ca- racter, denominacion u objeto, ten- dra capacidad legal para adquirir en propiedad 6 administrar por si bienes raices, con la unica excep- cion de los edificios destinados inraediata y directamente al servi- cio u objeto de la institution. a ) Art. 28. No habra monopolios ni estancos de ninguna clase, ni prohibiciones a titulo de proteccion a la industria. Exceptuanse iini- camente los relativos a la acunacion de moneda, a los correos y a los privilegios que, por tiempo limi- tado, conceda la ley a los invento- res 6 perfeccionadores de alguna mejora. Art. 29. En los casos de inva- sion, perturbacion grave de la paz publica 6. cualesquiera otros que pongan a la sociedad en grande peligro 6 conflicto, solamente el Presidente de la Republica, de acuerdo con el Consejo de Minis- tros y con aprobacion del Con- greso de la Union, y en los recesos Art. 25. Correspondence sent through the mails is inviolable. The violation of this guaranty is an offense which the law shall pun- ish severely. Art. 26. In time of peace no soldier may demand quarters, sup- plies, or other real or personal service, without the consent of the proprietor. In time of war he may do so, but only in the manner prescribed by the law. Art. 27. Private property shall not be condemned without the consent of the owner, except for public use, and upon previous indemnification. The law shall determine the authority which maj 7 make the condemnation and the conditions on which it may be carried out. (No corporation, civil or eccle- siastical, whatever its character, denomination, or object may be, shall have legal capacity to acquire the ownership or administration of real estate, except ing only the buildings destined immediately and directly to the service and object of the institution. ) Art. 28. There shall be no mo- nopolies of any kind, whether gov- ernmental or private, nor prohibi- tions whatever even if under cover of protection to industry. The Government's exclusive right to coin money, and manage the postal service, and the privileges which, for a limited time, the law may concede to inventors or im- provers of inventions, are excep- tions to this rule. Art. 29. In cases of invasion, grave disturbance of the public peace, or any other emergency which may place society in grave danger, the President of the Re- public, and no one else, shall have the power to suspend, with the advice of the council of ministers and with the approval of the Con- « Amended September 25, 1873, see page 71. 46 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. de este, de la Diputacion perma- nente, puede suspender las garan- tias otorgadas en esta Constitution, con excepcion de las que aseguran la vida del hombre; pero debera hacerlo por un tiempo limitado, por medio de prevenciones gene- rales y sin que la suspension pueda contraerse a determinado indivi- duo. Si la suspension tuviere lugar hallandose el Congreso reunido, este concedera las autorizaciones que estime necesarias para que el Ejecutivo haga frente a la situa- cion. Si la suspension se verifi- care en tiempo de receso, la Dipu- tacion permanente convocara sin demora al Congreso para que las acuerde. secci6n ii. De los mexicanos. Art. 30. Son mexicanos: I. Todos los nacidos, dentro 6 fuera del territorio de la Repu- blica, de padres mexicanos. II. Los extran jeros que se natu- ralicen conforme a las leyes de la Federacion. III. Los extranjeros que ad- quieran bienes raices en la Repu- blica, 6 tengan hijos mexicanos, siempre que no manifiesten resolu- cion de conservar su nacionalidad. Art. 31. Es obligacion de todo mexicano: I. Defender la independencia, el territorio, el honor, los derechos e intereses de su patria. II. Contribuir para los gastos publicos, asi de la Federacion como del Estado y municipio en que re- sida, de la man era proporcional y equitativa que dispongan las leyes. Art. 32. Los mexicanos seran preferidos a los extranjeros, en igualdad de circunstancias, para todos los empleos, cargos 6 comi- gress of the Union, and, in the recess thereof, of the Permanent Committee, the guaranties estab- lished by this Constitution, ex- cepting those relating to the life of man; but such suspension, which in no case shall be confined in its effects to a particular in- dividual, shall be made by means of a general order, or decree, and only for a limited time. If the suspension takes place during the session of Congress, this body shall concede the author- izations which it may deem neces- sary in order that the Executive may properly meet the situation. If the suspension takes place during the recess, the Permanent Committee shall, without dela}', call Congress to assemble in order that it may make the concession. SECTION II. Mexicans. Art. 30. Mexicans are: I. All those born, within or without the Republic, of Mexican parents. II. Foreigners naturalized in conformity with the laws of the Federation. III. Foreigners who acquire real estate in the Republic, or have Mexican children, if they do not declare their intention to retain their nationality of origin. Art. 31. It is the duty of eveiy Mexican: I. To defend the independence, the territory, the honor, the rights and interests of his county. II. To contribute in the propor- tional and equitable manner pro- vided bj T law, to meet the public expenses of the Federation, the State and the municipality in which he resides. Art. 32. Mexicans shall be pre- ferred under equal circumstances to foreigners, for all public employ- ments, charges, or commissions. CONSTITUTION. 47 siones de nombramiento de las au- toridades, en que no sea indispen- sable la calidad de ciudadano. Se expediran leyes para mejorar la condicion de los mexicanos labo- riosos, premiando a los que se dis- tingan en cualquier ciencia 6 arte, estimulando al trabajo y f undando colegios y escuelas practicas de artes y oticios. secci6n hi. De los extranjeros. Art. 33. Son extranjeros los que no posean las calidades determina- das en el articulo 30. Tienen de- recho a las garantias otorgadas en la seccion I, titulo I, de la pre- sente Constitution, salva en todo caso la facultad que el Gobierno tiene para expeler al extranjero pernicioso. Tienen obligacion de contribuir para los gastos publi- cos, de la manera que dispongan las leyes, y de obedecer y res- petar las instituciones, leyes y autoridades del pais, sujetandose a los fallos y sentencias de los tribu- nals, sin poder intentar otros re- cursos que los que las leyes conce- den a los mexicanos. when the citizenship is not indis- pensable. Laws shall be enacted to improve the condition of indus- trious Mexicans, by rewarding those who distinguish themselves in any science or art, promoting labor, and founding colleges and manual training schools. section III. Foreigners. Art. 33. Foreigners are those who do not possess the qualifica- tions determined in Article 30. They have a right to the guaran- ties established by Section I, Title I, of the present Constitution, ex- cept that in all cases the Govern- ment has the right to expel perni- cious foreigners. They are under obligation to contribute to the pub- lic expenses in the manner which the laws ma} 7 provide, and to obey and respect the institutions, laws, and authorities of the country, subjecting themselves to the de- cisions of the tribunals, without power to seek other protection than that which the laws concede to Mexican citizens. secci6n iv. De los ciudadanos mexicanos. Art. 34. Son ciudadanos de la Republica todos los que, teniendo la calidad de mexicanos, reunan ademas las siguientes: I. Haber cumplido diez y ocho anos siendo casados, 6 veintiuno si no lo son. II. Tener un modo honesto de vivir. Art. 35. Son prerrogativas del ciudadano: I. Votar en las elecciones popu- lares. II. Poder ser votado para todos las cargos de eleccion popular y section iv. Mexican citizens. Art. 34. Citizens of the Repub- lic are all those who, in addition to the quality of Mexicans, haye the following qualifications: I. To have completed the age of eighteen years if they are married, or of twenty -one if not married. II. To have an honest means of livelihood. Art. 35. The prerogatives of the citizen are: I. To vote at popular elections. II. To be eligible for any office or position of popular election, 48 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. nombrado para cualquier otro em- pleo 6 comision, teniendo las cali- dades que la ley establezca. III. Asoeiarse para tratar los asuntos politicos del pais. IV. Tomar las armas en el ejer- cito 6 en la guardia nacional, para la def ensa de la Republica y de sus instituciones. V. Ejercer en toda clase de ne- gocios el derecho de peticion. Art. 36. Son obligaeiones del ciudadano de la Republica: I. Inscribirse en el padron de su municipalidad, manifestando la propiedad que tiene, 6 la indus- tria, profesion 6 trabajo de que subsiste. II. Alistarse en la guardia na- cional. III. Votar en las elecciones po- pulares, en el distrito que le co- rresponda. IV. Desempenar los cargos de eleceion popular de la Federation, que en ningun caso seran gratuitos. Art. 37. La caiidad de ciuda- dano se pierde: I. Por naturalization en pais extranjero. II. Por servir oficialmente al fobierno de otro pais, 6 admitir de 1 condecoruciones, titulos 6 fun- ciones, sin previa licencia del Con- greso Federal. Exceptuanse los titulos literarios, cientificos y hu- manitarios, que pueden aceptarse libremente. Art. 38. La ley fijara los casos y la forma en que se pierden, 6 sus- penden los derechos de ciudadano, y la manera de hacer la rehabilita- tion. TrniLo ii. secci6n i. De la sdberania nacional y de la forma de gobiemo. Art. 39. La soberania nacional reside esencial y originariaraente and be qualified for serving offices of other kinds, if having the other qualities required by law. III. To associate with others to discuss the political affairs of the country. IV. To enlist in the army or in the national guard for the defense of the Republic and its institu- tions. V. To exercise in all kinds of business the right of petition. Art. 36. It shall be the duty of everj' citizen of the Republic: I. To register in the list of the inhabitants of the municipality in which he lives, stating the prop- erty' which he owns, if an} T , or the industry, profession, or labor b} r which he subsists. II. To enlist in the national guard. III. To vote at popular elections in the district to which he belongs. IV. To fill the federal offices to which he may be elected, and which in no case shall be gratuitous. Art. 37. The character of citi- zen is lost: I. By naturalization in a foreign country. II. B} 7 officially serving the gov- ernment of another country or accepting its decorations, titles, or employment without previous permission from the Federal Con- gress; excepting literary, scien- tific, and humanitarian titles, which may be accepted freety. Art. 38. The law shall determine the cases and the form in which the rights of citizenship ma}' be lost or suspended, and the manner in which they may be regained. TITLE II. SECTION I. National sovereignty and form of gove?'nment. Art. 39. The national sover- eignty is vested essentially and CONSTITUTION. 49 en el pueblo. Todo poder publico dimana del pueblo y se instituye para su beneticio. El pueblo tiene en todo tiempo el inalienable de- recho de alterar 6 modificar la forma de su gobierno. Art. 40. Es voluntad del pueblo mexioano constituirse en una Re- publics representativa, democra- tica, federal, compuesta de Estados libres y soberanos en todo lo con- cerniente a su regimen interior, pero unidos en una Federacion es- tablecida segun los principios de esta ley fundamental. Art. 41. El pueblo ejerce su soberania por medio de los poderes de la Union en los casos de su com- petencia, y por los de los Estados para lo que toca a su regimen inte- rior en los terminos respectiva- mente establecidos por esta Cons- titucion federal y las particulares de los Estados, las que en ningun caso podran contravenir a las esti- pulaciones del pacto federal. secoi6n 11. De las partes integrantes de la Fede- racion y del territorio nacional. Art. 42. El territorio nacional comprende el de las partes inte- grantes de la Federacion, y ademas el de las islas adyacentes en ambos mares. (Art. 43. Las partes integrantes de la Federacion son : los Estados de Aguascalientes, Colima, Chia- pas, Chihuahua, Durango, Guana- juato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Nuevo Leon y Coa- huila, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Valle de Mexico, Veracruz, Yuca- tan, Zacatecas y Territorio de la Baja California.") Art. 44. Los Estados de Aguas- calientes, Chiapas, Chihuahua, originally in the people. All public power emanates from the people, and is instituted for their benefit. The people have at all times the inalienable right to alter or modify the form of their government. Art. 40. It is the will of the Mexi- can people to constitute themselves into a democratic, Federal, repre- sentative Republic, consisting of States, free and sovereign in all that concerns their internal gov- ernment, but united in a federation according to the principles of this fundamental law. Art. 41. The people exercise their sovereignty through the Fed- eralpowersinthemattersbelonging to the Union, and through those of the States in the matters relating to the internal regime of the latter. This power shall be exercised in the manner respectively estab- lished by the Constitutions, both Federal and State. The latter shall in no case contravene the stip- ulations of the Federal Compact. SECTION 11. Integral parts oftheFederation and national territory. Art. 42. The national territory comprises the integral parts of the Federation and the adjacent islands in both oceans. (Art. 43. The integral parts of the Federation are : the States of Aguascalientes, Colima, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico, Mi- choacan, Nuevo Leon and Coa- huila, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Valle de Mexico, Vera Cruz, Yu- catan, Zacatecas, and the Territory of Lower California.") Art. 44. The States of Aguas- calientes, Chiapas, Chihuahua, « Amended April 29, 1863; November 18, 1868; January 15 and April 16, 1869, and December 12, 1884. See correct list page 37. 360a— vol 1—06 4 50 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Durango, Guerrero, Mexico, Pue- bla, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas y Territorio de la Baja California, eonservaran los limites que actualmente tienen. Abt. 45. Los Estados de Colima y Tlaxcala eonservaran, en su nuevo caracter de Estados, los limites que han tenido como Territorios de la Federacion. Art. 46. El Estado del Valle de Mexico se formara del territorio que en la actual idad comprende el Distrito Federal; pero la ereccion solo tendril efecto cuando los Su- premos Poderes f ederales se trasla- den a otro lugar. Art. 47. El Estado de Nuevo Leon y Coahuila comprendera el territorio que ha pertenecido a los dos distintos Estados que hoy lo forman, separandose la parte de la Hacienda de Bonanza, que se re- incorporara a Zacatecas, en los mismos terminos en que estaba antes de su incorporacion a Coa- huila. Art. 48. Los Estados de Guana- juato, Jalisco, Michoacan, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Vera- cruz, Yucatan y Zacatecas, re- cobmran la extension y limites que tenian en treinta y uno deDieiem- bre de mil ochocientos cincuenta y dos, con las alteraciones que esta- blece el articulo siguiente. Art. 49. El pueblo de Conte- pec, que ha pertenecido a Guana- juato, se incorporara a Michoacan. La municipahdad de Ahualulco, que ha pertenecido a Zacatecas, se incorporara a San Luis Potosi. Las municipalidades de Ojo Ca- liente y San Francisco de los Ada- mes, que han pertenecido a San Luis, asi como los pueblos de Nue va Tlaxcala y San Andre's del Teul, que han pertenecido a Jalisco, se incorporaran a Zacatecas. El de- partamento de Tuxpam continuara formando parte de Veracruz. El canton de Huimanguillo, que ha pertenecido a Veracruz, se incor- porara a Tabasco. Durango^ Guerrero, Mexico, Pue- bla, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, and the Territory of Lower California shall preserve the limits which they now have. Art. 45. The States of Colima and Tlaxcala shall preserve in their new character of States the limits which they had as Territories of the Federation. Art. 46. The State of the Val- ley of Mexico shall consist of the territory constituting at present the Federal District, but it shall not be a State until after the su- preme Federal Powers move to some other place. Art. 47. The State of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila shall comprise the territory formerly belonging to the two separate States of which it now consists, except a part of the Bonanza Hacienda, which shall be added to Zacatecas, exactly as it was before its annexation to Coa- huila. Art. 48. The States of Guana- juato, Jalisco, Michoacan, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Vera Cruz, Yucatan, and Zacatecas shall recover the extent and limits which they had on the thirty-first of De- cember, eighteen hundred and fif t} T - two, with the alterations estab- lished in the following article. Art. 49. The town of Conte- pec, now belonging to Guanajuato, shall be annexed to Michoacan. The municipality of Ahualulco, belonging to Zacatecas, shall be annexed to San Luis Potosi. The municipalities of Ojo Caliente and San Francisco de los Adames, be- longing to San Luis, as well as the towns of Nueva Tlaxcala and San Andres del Teul, belonging to Jalisco, shall be annexed to Zacatecas. The department of Tuxpam shall continue to form a part of Vera Cruz. The canton of Huimanguillo, belonging to Vera Cruz, shall be annexed to Tabasco. CONSTITUTION. TfTULO III. TITLE m. DE LA DIVISION DE PODERES. DIVISION OF POWERS. 51 Art. 50. El Supremo Poder de la Federacion se divide, para su ejercicio, en Legislative), Ejecu- tivo y Judicial. Nunca podran reunirse dos 6 mas de estos Poderes en una persona 6 corporacion, ni depositarse el Legislativo en un individuo. secci6n i. Del Poder Legislativo. (Art. 51. Sedeposita el ejercicio del Supremo Poder Legislativo en una asamblea que se denominara Congreso de la Union. a ) Parrafo I. De la eleccidn e instalacion del Congreso. (Art. 52. El Congreso de la Union se compondra de repre- sentantes, elegidos en su totalidad cada dos anos por los ciudadanos mexicanos. a ) Art. 53. Se nombrara un Di- putado por cada cuarenta mil ha- bitantes," 6 por una fraccion que pase de veinte mil. El territorio en que la poblacion sea menor de la que se fija en este articulo, nom- brara sin embargo un Diputado. Art. 54. Por cada Diputado proprietario se nombrara un su- plente. Art. 55. La eleccion para Di- putados sera indirecta en primer grado y en escrutinio secreto, en los terminos que disponga la ley electoral. Art. 56. Para ser Diputado se requiere: ser ciudadano mexicano en ejercicio de sus derechos, tener veinticinco anos cumplidos el dia de la apertura de las sesiones, ser vecino del Estado 6 Territorio que Art. 50. The supreme power of the Federation is divided for its exercise into legislative, executive, and judicial. Two or more of these powers shall never be united in one person or corporation, nor shall the legislative power be vested in one individual. SECTION I. Legislative Power. (Art. 51. The supreme legisla- tive power of the nation is vested in an assembly to be called " The Congress of the Union. " a ) Paragraph I. Election and installation of Congress. (Art. 52. The Congress of the Union shall consist of representa- tives, all of whom are to be elected every two years by the Mexican citizens. ) Art. 53. One representative shall be elected for each forty thousand inhabitants, or for a frac- tion thereof which exceeds twenty thousand. The territory in which the population is less than that determined in this article shall, nevertheless, elect one represent- ative. Art. 54. For each representa- tive there shall be elected one substitute. Art. 55. The election of repre- sentatives shall be indirect in the first degree, and by secret ballot, in the manner which the electoral law shall provide. Art. 56. Representatives shall have the following qualifications: To be Mexican citizens in the en- joyment of their rights; to be twenty-five years of age on the day of the opening of the session; "Amended November 13, 1874. See page 72. 52 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. hace la eleccion y no pertenecer al estado eclesiastico. La vecindad no se pierde por ausencia en de- sempeno de cargo publico de elec- cion popular. (Art. 57. El cargo de Diputado es incompatible con cualquiera co- ncision 6 destino de la Union en que se disfrute sueldo/') (Art. 58. Los Diputados pro- prietaries, desde el dia de su elec- cion hasta el dia en que concluyan su encargo, no pueden aceptar ningun empleo de nombramiento del Ejecutivo de la Union por el que se disfrute sueldo, sin previa licencia del Congreso. El mismo requisito es necesario para los Diputados suplentes que esten en el ejercicio de sus funciones. a ) (Art. 59. Los Diputados son in- violables por sus opiniones mani- festadas en el desempeno de su en- cargo, y jamas podran ser recon- venidos por ellas. a ) (Art. 60. El Congreso califica lai^ elecciones de sus miembros y resuelve las dudas que ocurran sobre el las. a ) (Art. 61. El Congreso no puede abrir sus sesiones, ni ejercer su encargo, sin la concurrencia de mas de la mitad del numero total de sus miembros; pero los pre- sentes deberan reunirse el dia senalado por la ley y compeler a los ausentes, bajo las penas que ella designa.") (Art. 62. El Congreso tendra cada ano dos periodos de sesiones ordinarias : el primero comenzara el dieciseis de Septiembre y terminara el quince de Diciembre; y el se- gundo, improrrogable, comenzara el primero de Abril y terminara el ultimo de Mayo.") to be residents of the State or Territory in which the election is held, and not to belong to the ecclesiastical state. Residence is not lost by absence in the dis- charge of a public office of popu- lar election.) (Art. 57. The position of repre- sentative is incompatible with any salaried commission or office of the Union. a ) (Art. 58. Representatives shall be disqualified, from the day of their election to the day on which their trust is concluded, from ac- cepting any salaried commission or office from the Federal Executive, except with previous permission of the Congress. The same requisite is necessary for the substitutes, when in the exercise of their functions. ) (Art. 59. Representatives shall be inviolable for their opinions manifested in the performance of their duties, and shall never be liable to be called to account for them/') (Art. 60. The Congress shall be the judge of the election of its mem- bers, and shall pass upon any ques- tion which may arise concerning the same/') (Art. 61. The Congress shall not open its sessions nor perform its functions without the presence of a quorum consisting of more than one-half of the whole number of its members; but those present shall meet on the day fixed by the law and compel the attendance of the absentees under the penalties es- tablished for that purpose.") (Art. 62. The Congress shall have each year two periods of or- dinarjr sessions: the first shall begin on the sixteenth of Septem- ber and end on the fifteenth of December, and the second, which can not be extended, shall begin on the first of April and end on the last day of May/) « Amended November 13, 1874. See pages 72, 73. CONSTITUTION. 53 Art. 63. A la aperture de se- siones del Congreso asistira el Pre- sidente de* la Union y pronunciara un discurso en que manifieste el estado que guarda el pais. El Pre- sidents del Congreso contestant en terminos generales. (Art. 64. Toda resolucion del Congreso no tendra otro caracter que el de ley 6 acuerdo economico. Las leyes se comunicaran al Eje- cutivo firmadas por el presidente y dos secretarios, y los acuerdos economieos por solo dos secreta- rios. a ) Parrafo II. De la iniciativa y formation de las leyes. Art. 65. El derecho de iniciar leyes compete: I. Al Presidente de la Union. II. A los Diputados al Congreso Federal. III. A las Legislaturas de los Estados. a Art. 66. Las iniciativas pre- sentadas por el Presidente de la Republica, las Legislaturas de los Estados 6 las Diputaciones de los mismos, pasaran desde luego a comision. Las que presentaren los Diputados se sujetaran a los tramites que designe el Reglamen- to de debates. a Art. 67. Todo proyecto de ley que fuere desechado por el Con- greso, no podra volver a present tarse en las sesiones del ano. a Art. 68. El segundo periodo de sesiones se destinara, de toda pre- ferencia, al examen y votacion de los presupuestos del ano fiscal siguiente, a decretal* las contribu- ciones para cubrirlos, y a la revi- sion de la cuenta del ano anterior que presente el Ejecutivo. Art. 63. At the opening of the sessions of the Congress the Presi- dent of the Union shall be present and make a speech in which he shall give information of the state of the country. The president of the Congress shall repty in general terms. (Art. 64. All acts of the Con- gress shall have the character either of laws or of economical resolutions. When transmitted to the Executive, the laws shall be signed by the president and two secretaries, and the economical res- olutions by only two secretaries. a ) Paragraph II. Origin and formation of the laws. Art. 65. The right to originate legislation belongs: I. To the President of the Union. x II. To the members of Con- gress. III. To the legislatures of the States. a Art. 66. Bills introduced by the President of the Republic, or by the legislatures or deputations of the States, shall immediately be referred to the proper committee. Those introduced by members of Congress shall be subject to the procedure established by the rules. a Art. 67. Bills rejected by the Congress shall not be reintroduced during the sessions of that year/' Art. 68. The second period of sessions shall be devoted with pref- erence over all other matters, to the making of the necessary appropri- ations for the support of the Gov- ernment in the following fiscal year, the levying of the taxes nec- essary to meet the expenses, and the examination of the accounts of the past year submitted by the Executive. « Amended November 13, 1874. See page 74. 54 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. (Art. 69. El dia penultimo del primer periodo de sesiones pre- sentani el Ejecutivo al Congreso el proyecto de presupuesto del afio proximo venidero y la cuenta del afio anterior. Uno y otra pasaran d una comision compuesta de cinco representantes nombrados en el mismo dia, la cual tendra obliga- cion de examinar ambos documen- tos y presentar dictamen sobre ellos en la segunda sesion del se- gundo periodo. a ) (Art. TO. Las iniciativas 6 pro- yectos de ley deberan sujetarse a los tramites siguientes: I. Dictamen de la comision. II. Una 6 dos discusiones en los terminos que expresan las frac- ciones siguientes. III. La primera discusion se verificara en el dia que designe el presidente del Congreso, conf orme a Reglamento. IV. Concluida esta discusion se pasara al Ejecutivo copia del ex- pediente, para que en el termino de siete dias manifieste su opinion 6 exprese que no usa de esa facultad. V. Si la opinion del Ejecutivo fuere conforme, se procedera sin mas discusion a la votacion de la VI. Si dicha opinion discrepare en todo 6 en parte, volvera el ex- pediente a la comision, para que, con presencia de las observaciones del Gobierno, examine de nuevo el negocio. VII. El nuevo dictamen suf rira nueva discusion, y concluida esta se procedera a la votacion. VIII. Aprobacion de la mayoria absoluta de los Diputados pre- sentes. a ) (Art. 71. En el caso de urgencia notoria, calificada por el voto de dos tercios de los Diputados pre- sentes, el Congreso puede estrecbar (Art. 69. The Executive shall send to the Congress on the last day but one of the first period of its sessions an estimate of expenses for the following year and the accounts of the preceding year. Both documents shall be referred to a committee of five representa- tives appointed on the same day, which shall examine them, and re- port at the second meeting of the second period.") (Art. 70. All bills shall go through the following stages: I. Examination and report by a committee. IL One or two debates, in the manner to be set forth in the fol- lowing clauses. III. The first debate shall take place on the day set apart for that purpose by the president of the Congress, according to the rules. IV. When the debate is closed a copy of the record thereof shall be sent to the Executive, in order that within the period of seven days it may express its opinion or waive the right to express it. V. If the opinion of the Execu- tive is in favor of the bill a vote shall be taken on it without further debate. VI. If the opinion of the Exec- utive is not in favor of the bill, whether wholly or in part, the bill shall be recommitted, in order that the observations made against it may be taken into consideration. VII. The new report of the committee shall then be discussed, and when the debate is closed a vote shall be taken upon it. VIII. Approval by absolute majority of the representatives present.") (Art. 71. In case of notorious urgency, declared bj- a vote of two-thirds of the members present, the Congress can suspend the rules o Amended November 13, 1874. See pages 74 and 75. CONSTITUTION. 55 6 dispensar los tramites estableci- dos en el articulo 70. a ) Pakrafo III. De las facultades del Congreso. Art. 72. El Congreso tiene fa- cultad: I. Para admitir nuevos Estados 6 Territorios a la Union federal, incorporandolos a la Nacion. II. Para erigir los Territorios en Estados cuando tengan una poblacion de ochenta mil habitan- ts y los elementos necesarios para proveer a su existencia politica. (III. Para formar nuevos Esta- dos dentro de los limites de los existentes, siempre que lo pida una poblacion de ochenta mil habi- tantes, justificando tener los ele- mentos necesarios para proveer a su existencia politica. Oira en todo caso a las Legislaturas de cuyo territorio se trate, y su acuerdo solo tendra efecto si lo ratifica la mayoria de las Legisla- turas de los Estados. a ) IV. Para arreglar definitiva- mente los limites de los Estados, terminando las diferencias que entre ellos se susciten sobre de- marcacion de sus respectivos te- rritorios, menos cuando esas dife- rencias tengan un caracter conten- cioso. V. Para cambiar la residencia de los Supremos Poderes de la Federacion. VI. Para el arreglo interior del Distrito Federal y Territorios, teniendo por base el que los ciuda- danos elijan popularmente las au- toridades politicas, municipales y judiciales, designandoles rentas para cubrir sus atenciones locales. VII. Para aprobar el presu- puesto de los gastos de la Federa- and proceed without the formali- ties established in article 70. a ) Paragraph III. Powers of Congress. Art. 72. The Congress has power: I. To admit new States or Ter- ritories into the Federal Union, incorporating them in the nation. II. To turn Territories into States when they shall have a Eopulation of eighty thousand in- abitants and the necessary ele- ments to provide for their political existence. ( III. To form new States within the limits of those now existing, when so requested by eighty thou- sand of their inhabitants, and upon proof that they have the necessary elements to meet the exigencies of their political existence. In all cases the Congress shall hear the opinion of the legislatures of the States to which the measure refers, and its decision shall be carried into effect only if ratified by^ a majority of the State legislatures. a ) IV. To settle finally the limits of the States, terminating the dif- ferences which may arise between them relative to the demarcation of their respective territories, ex- cept when the differences are of judicial character. V. To change the residence of the supreme powers of the Fed- eration. VI. To provide for the internal organization of the Federal Dis- trict and Territories, upon the basis that the citizens shall choose by popular election the political, municipal, and judicial authorities, and endow them with the revenue necessary to cover their local ex- penses. VII. To approve the estimates of the Federal expenses, which the « Amended November 13, 1874. See pages 75 and 77. 56 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. cion que anualmente debe presen- tarle el Ejecutivo, e" imponer las contribuciones necesarias para cubrirlo. VIII. Para dar las bases bajo las cuales el Ejecutivo pueda cele- brar empr^stitos sobre el credito de la Nation; para aprobar esos misinos empre'stitos y para reco- noeer y mandar pagar la deuda nacional. IX. Para expedir aranceles sobre el comercio extranjero y para impedir, por medio de bases generales, que en el comercio de Estado a Estado se establezcan restricciones onerosas. (X. Para establecer las bases generales de la legislation mer- cantile) XI. Para crear y suprimir em- pleos publicos de la Federacion, sefialar, aumentar 6 disminuir sus dotaciones. XII. Para ratificar los nombra- mientos que haga el Ejecutivo, de los Ministros, Agentes diplonmti- cos y Consules, de empleados su- periores de Hacienda, de los coro- neles y demas oficiales superiores del Ejercito y Armada nacional. XIII. Para aprobar los tratados, convenios 6 convenciones diplo- maticas que celebre el Ejecutivo. XIV. Para declarar la guerra, en vista de los datos que le pre sente el Ejecutivo. XV. Para reglamentar el modo en que deban expedirse las pa- tentes de corso; para dictar leyes segun las cuales deban declararse buenas 6 malas las presas de mar y tierra, y para expedir las relativas al derecho mantimo de paz y guerra. XVI. Para conceder 6 negar la entrada de tropas extranjeras en el territorio de la Federacion, y consentir la estacion de escua- dras de otra potencia, por masde un mes, en las aguas de la Repu- blica. Executive shall annually submit to it, and order the taxes neces- sary to meet said expenses to be levied and collected. V III. To establish the bases upon which the Executive may make loans on the credit of the nation; to approve said loans and to recog- nize and order the payment of the national debt. IX. To enact laws fixing the duties to be levied on foreign com- merce, and prevent, by general provisions, onerous restrictions from being established on the com- merce between the States. (X. To establish the general bases of commercial legislation.") XL To create or abolish Fed- eral offices, and to fix, increase, or decrease their salaries. XII. To confirm the nomina- tions, made by the Executive, of ministers, diplomatic agents, and consuls, superior officers of the treasury, colonels and other su- perior officers of the national army and navy. XIII. To approve the treaties, agreements, or diplomatic conven- tions which the Executive may make. XIV. To declare war, upon ex- amination of the facts submitted by the Executive. XV. To regulate the manner in which letters of marque may be issued; to enact laws according to which the prizes on sea and Jand shall be adjudged good or bad; and to frame the maritime law of peace and war. XVI. To grant or refuse per- mission to foreign troops to enter the territoiy of the Republic, and to allow fleets of other powers to remain for more than one month in the waters of the Republic. "Amended December 14, 1883. See page 87. CONSTITUTION. 57 (XVII. Para permitir la salida de tropas nacionales f uera de los liinites de la Republican) XVIII. Para levantar y sos- tener el Ejercito y la Armada de la Union y para reglamentar su or- ganization y servicio. XIX. Para dar reglamentos con el objeto de organizar, armar y disciplinar la guardia national, reservando a los ciudadanos que la formen el nombramiento respec- tive de jefes y oficiales, y a los Estados la facultad de instruirla conforme a, la disciplina prescrita por dichos reglamentos. XX. Para dar su consenti- miento a fin de que el Ejecutivo pueda disponer de la guardia na- cional fuera de sus respectivos Estados 6 Territorios, fi]ando la fuerza necesaria. XXI. Para dictar leyes sobre naturalization, colonization y ciu- dadania. XXII. Para dictar leyes sobre vias generales de comunicacion y sobre postas y correos. XXIII. Para establecer casas de moneda, fijar las condiciones que debe esta tener, determinar el valor de la extranjera y adoptar el sistema general de pesos y me- didas. XXIV. Para fijar las reglas a que debe sujetarse la ocupacion y enajenamiento de terrenos baldios y el precio de estos. XXV. Para conceder amnistias por delitos cuyo conocimiento per- tenezca a los tribunales de la Fede- ration. (XXVI. Para conceder premios 6 recompensas por servicios emi- nentes prestados a la patria 6 a la humanidad, y privilegios por tiempo limitado a los inventores y perfeccionadores de alguna me- fora.*) XXVII. Para prorrogar por treinta dias utiles el primer periodo de sus sesiones ordinarias. (XVII. To permit national troops to go beyond the limits of the Republic/') XVIII. To raise and maintain the army and navy of the Union, and regulate their organization and service. XIX. To make rules for the organization, armament, and dis- cipline of the national guard, re- serving respectively to the citizens who compose it the appointment of the commanders and officers, and to the States the power of instruct- ing it in conformity with the dis- cipline prescribed by said regula- tions. XX. To consent to the use by the Executive of the national guard outside of its respective States and Territories, determining the strength of the force required. XXI. To enact laws on natu- ralization, colonization, and citi- zenship. XXII. To enact laws on the general means of communication and on post-roads and post-offices. XXIII. To establish mints, reg- ulate the value and kinds of the national coin, determine the value of foreign coins, and adopt a gen- eral system of weights and meas- ures. XXIV. To make rules for the occupation and sale of public lands and the prices thereof. XXV. To grant pardons for offenses subject to federal jurisdic- tion. (XXVI. To grant rewards for eminent services rendered to the country or to humanity, and priv- ileges for a limited time to invent- ors and improvers of industrial devises. 6 ) XXVII. To extend for thirty working days the first period of its ordinary sessions. a Amended November 13, 1874. See page 79. b Amended June 2, 1882. See page 84. 58 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. XXVIII. Para formar su regla- mento interior y tornar las provi- dencias necesarias para hacer con- currir a los Diputados ausentes y corregir las faltas u omisiones de los presentes. XXIX. Para nombrar y remo- ver libremente a los empleados de su Secretaria y a los de la Conta- duria Mayor, que se organizara segun la aisponga la ley. (XXX. Para expedir todas las leyes que sean necesarias y propias para hacer efectivas las facultades antecedentes y todas las otras con- cedidas por esta Constitucion a los Poderes de la Union/') Parrafo IV. De la Diputacion permanente. (Art. 73. Durante los recesos del Congreso de la Union habra una Diputacion permanente, com- puesta de un Diputado por cada Estado y Territorio, que nombrara el Congreso la vispera de la clau- sura de sus sesiones. 6 ) Art. 74. Las atribuciones de la Diputacion permanente seran las siguientes: I. Prestar su consentimiento para el uso de la guardia nacional, en los casos de que habla el arti- culo 72, f raccion XX. (II. Acordar por si sola, 6 a peti- tion del Ejecutivo, la convocation del Congreso a sesiones extraordi- narias. 6 ) III. Aprobar en su caso los nom- bramientos a que se refiere el ar- ticulo 85, fraction III. (IV. Recibir el juramento al Presidente de la Republica y a los Ministros de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, en los casos prevenidos por esta Constitucion. ) V. Dictaminar sobre todos los asuntos que queden sin resolution en los expedientes, a fin de que la XXVIII. To make rules for its internal government and take the necessary measures to compel the attendance of absent members, and punish the faults or omissions of those present. XXIX. To appoint and remove freely the employees in the offices of its secretary, and paymaster, which offices shall be organized as the law may provide. (XXX. To enact all laws which may be necessary and proper to enforce the foregoing powers and all others granted by this Consti- tution to the authorities of the Union. ) Paragraph IV. The permanent committee. (Art. 73. During the recesses of Congress there shall be a per- manent committee consisting of a representative for each State and Territory, appointed by the Con- gress on the eve of the close of its sessions. 6 ) Art. 74. The powers of the permanent committee shall be the following: I. To give its consent to the use of the national guard in the cases mentioned in article 72, Clause XX. (II. To call, on its own motion, or at the request of the Executive, an extra session of Congress. 6 ) III. To approve the appoint- ments referred to in article 85, Clause III. (IV. To administer the oath of office to the President of the Re- public, and to the justices of the supreme court in the cases pro- vided for by this Constitution. ) V. To prepare a report upon all pending matters, in order that the next legislature may immediately a Amended April 24, 1896. See page 91. & Amended November 13, 1874. See pages 80, 81. o Amended September 25, 1873. See page 71. CONSTITUTION. 59 Legislatura que sigue tenga desde luego de que ocuparse. secci6n ii. Del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 75. Se deposita el ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo de la Union en un solo individuo, que se denominara "Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos." Art. 76. La eleccion de Presi- dente sera indirecta en primer grado y en escrutinio secreto, en los terminos que disponga la ley electoral. Art 77. Para ser Presidente se requiere: ser ciudadano mexicano por nacimiento, en ejercicio de sus derechos, de treinta y cinco anos cumplidos al tiempo de la eleccion, no pertenecer al estado eclesiastico y residir en el pais al tiempo de verificarse la eleccion. (Art. 78. El Presidente entrara a ejercer sus funciones el primero de Diciembre y durara en su en- cargo cuatro anos. a ) (Art. 79. En las faltas tempo- rales del Presidente de la Repu- blica, y en la absoluta, mientras se presenta el nuevamente electo, entrara a ejercer el poder el Presi- dente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia. 6 ) (Art. 80. Si la falta de Presi- dente f uere absoluta, se procedera a nueva eleccion, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 76, y el nuevamente electo ejercera sus funciones hasta el dia ultimo de Noviembre del cuarto ano siguiente al de su eleccion. ) Art. 81. El cargo de Presidente de la Union solo es renunciable por causa grave, calificada por el Congreso, ante quien se presen- tara la renuncia. take them up as unfinished busi- ness. SECTION II. Executive power. Art. 75. The exercise of the supreme executive power of the Union is vested in a single individ- ual, who shall be called " President of the United Mexican States." Art. 76. The election of Presi- dent shall be indirect in the first degree, and by secret ballot, in such manner as may be prescribed by the electoral law. Art. 77. No person shall be eligible to the position of Presi- dent who is not a Mexican citizen by birth, in the exercise of his rights, thirty- five years old at the time of the election, not belonging to the ecclesiastical state, and a resident of the country at the time in which the election is held. (Art. 78. The President shall enter upon the performance of the duties of his office on the first of December, and shall con- tinue in office four years. 01 ) (Art. 79. In the temporary va- cancies of the office of President of the Republic, and in the absolute vacancy until the inauguration of the newly elected President, the chief justice of the supreme court shall act as President. 6 ) (Art. 80. In case of absolute vacancy of the office of President a new election shall be held in ac- cordance with the provisions of article 76, and the newly elected President shall perform his func- tions until the last day of Novem- ber of the fourth year following his election/) Art. 81. The President of the Union can not resign his position, except for grave cause, approved by Congress, to which the resig- nation shall be tendered. a Amended May 5, 1878, October 21, 1887 December 20, 1890. See page 90. & Amended October 3, 1882, and April 24, 1896 c Amended April 24, 189G. See page 94. See pages 82 and 90. Reenacted See pages 84 and 91. 60 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. (Art. 82. Si por cualquier mo- tivo la eleecion de Presidente no es- tuviere hecha y publicada para el primero de Diciembre, en que debe verificarse el reemplazo, 6 el electo no estuviere pronto a entrar en el ejercicio de sus funciones, cesara, sin embargo el antiguo, y el Su- premo Poder Ejecutivo se depo- sitary interinamente en el Presi- dente de la Suprema Corte de Jus- ticiar) (Art. 83. El Presidente, al to- mar posesion de su encargo, jurara ante el Congreso, y en su receso ante la Diputacion permamente, bajo la formula siguiente: "Juro desempenar leal y patrioticamente el encargo de Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, con- forme a la Constitucion, y mirando en todo por el bien y la prosperi- dad de la Union." 6 ) ' Art. 84. El Presidente no puede separarse del lugar de la residen- cia de los Poderes federales, ni del ejercicio de sus funciones, sin motivo grave, calificado por el Congreso, y en sus recesos por la Diputacion permanente. Art. 85. Las facultades y obli- gaciones del Presidente son las siguientes: I. Promulgar y ejecutar las leyes que expida el Congreso de la Union, proveyendo en la esfera administrativa a su exacta obser- vancia. II. Nombrar y remover libre- mente a los Secretarios del despa- cho; remover a los agentes diplo- matics y empleados superiores de Hacienda, y nombrar y remover libremente a los demas empleados de la Union cuyo nombramiento 6 remocion no esten determinados de otro modo en la Constitucion 6 en las leyes. III. Nombrar los Ministros, Agentes diplomaticos y Consules generales, con aprobacion del Con- (Art. 82. If for any reason what- ever the election of President is not made and published by the first of December, on whicn day the transfer of the office should be made, or if the President-elect is not then ready to enter upon the discharge of his duties, the former President shall cease, nevertheless, and the executive power shall be vested ad interim in the chief jus- tice of the supreme court. ) (Art. 83. The President, on tak- ing possession of his office, shall take before Congress, and in its recess before the permanent com- mittee, the following oath: "I swear to perform loyally and patriotically the duties of Presi- dent of the United Mexican States, according to the Constitution, hav- ing alwa} T s in view the welfare and prosperit}' of the Union." 6 ) Art. 84. The President shall not leave the place of residence of the Federal powers, nor lay aside the exercise of his functions, with- out grave cause, approved by the Congress, and in its recesses by the permanent committee. Art. 85. The powers and duties of the President are the following: I. To promulgate and execute the laws passed by the Congress of the Union, providing, within the Executive sphere, for their exact observance. II. To appoint and remove freely the secretaries of state, to remove the diplomatic agents and superior officers of the treasury, and to appoint and remove freely the other federal officials whose appointment or removal is not otherwise provided for in the Con- stitution or the laws. III. To appoint, with the appro- val of Congress, and, in its recess, of the permanent committee, min- a Amended October 3, 1882. See page 86. & Amended April 24, 1896. See page 94. CONSTITUTION. 61 greso, y en su receso de la Diputa- cion permanente. IV. Nombrar, con aprobaeion del Congreso, los Coroneles y demas oficiales superiores del Ejercito y Armada nacional y los empleados superiores de Hacienda. V. Nombrar los demas oficiales del Ejercito y Armada nacional, con arreglo a las leyes. VI. Disponer de la fuerza ar- mada permanente de mar y tierra para la seguridad interior} 7 defen- sa exterior de la Federacion. VII. Disponer de la guardia na- cional para los mismos objetos, en los terminos que previene la frac- tion XX del articulo 72. VIII. Declarar la guerra en nombre de los Estados Unidos Me- xicanos, previa ley del Congreso de la Union. IX. Conceder patentes de corso, con sujecion a las bases fijadas por el Congreso. X. Dirigir las negociaciones di- {)lomaticas y celebrar tratados con as potencias extranjeras, some- tiendolos a la ratification del Con- greso Federal. XI. Recibir Ministros y otros enviados de las potencias extran- jeras. XII. ConVocar al Congreso a sesiones extraordinarias cuando lo acuerde la Diputacion permanente. XIII. Facilitar al Poder Judi- cial los auxilios que necesite para el ejercicio expedito de sus fun- ciones. XIV. Habilitar toda clase de puertos, establecer aduanas mari- timas y f ronterizas y designar su ubicacion. (XV. Conceder, conforme a las leyes, indultos a los reos senten- ciados por delitos de la competen- cia de los tribunales federates. ft ) Art. 86. Para el despacho de los negocios del orden administra- tivo de la Federacion, habra el numero de Secretarios que esta- isters, diplomatic agents, and con- suls-general. IV. To appoint, with the ap- proval of Congress, colonels and other superior officers of the national army and navy, and supe- rior officers of the treasury. V. To appoint all other officers of the national army and navy, according to the laws. VI. To dispose of the perma- nent land and sea forces for the security and defense of the Fed- eration. VII. To dispose of the national guard for the same purposes, in the manner provided by article 72, clause XX. VIII. To declare war in the name of the United Mexican States, after the passage of the necessaiy law by the Congress of the Union. IX. To grant letters of marque, upon the bases fixed by the Con- gress. X. To conduct diplomatic nego tiations and to make treaties with foreign powers, submitting them for ratification to the Federal Con- gress. XI. To receive ministers and other envoys from foreign powers. XII. To call, upon resolution of the permanent committee, an extra session of Congress. XIII. To give the judicial power the assistance which may be nec- essary for the free exercise of its functions. XIV. To open all classes of ports, establish maritime and fron- tier custom-houses and designate their location. (XV. To grant, according to law. pardons to criminals sen- tenced for offenses within the juris- diction of the Federal tribunals. a ) Art. 86. For the transaction of the business of the executive de- partment of the Federation there shall be the number of secretaries « Amended June 2, 1882. See page 84. 62 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. blezca el Congreso por una ley, la que hara la distribucion de los negocios que han de estar a cargo de cada Secretaria. Art. 87. Para ser Secretario del despaeho se requiere: ser ciu- dadano mexicano por nacimiento, estar en ejercicio de sus derechos y tener veinticinco anos cuuiplidos. Art. 88. Todos los reglamen- tos, decretos y ordenes del Presi- dente deberan ir tirmados por el Secretario del despaeho encargado del ramo a que el asunto corres- ponde. Sin este requisite no seran obedecidos. Art. 89. Los Secretarios del despaeho, luego que esten abiertas las sesiones del primer periodo, daran cuenta al Congreso del estado de sus respectivos ramos. secci6n hi. Del Poder Judicial. Art. 90. Se deposita el ejercicio del Poder Judicial de la Federa- tion en una Corte Suprema de Justicia y en los tribunales de Dis- trito y de Circuito. Art. 91. La Suprema Corte de Justicia se compondra de once Ministros propietarios, cuatro su- pernumeraries, un Fiscal y un Pro- curador general. Art. 92. Cada uno de los indi- viduos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia durara en su encargo seis anos, y su election sera indirecta en primer grado, en los terminos que disponga la ley electoral. Art. 93. Para ser electo indi- viduo de la Suprema Corte de Jus- ticia se necesita: estar instruido en la ciencia del derecho, a juicio de los electo res; ser mayor de treinta y cinco anos y ciudadano mexicano por nacimiento, en ejer- cicio de sus derechos. (Art. 94. Los individuos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, al en- trar a ejercer su encargo, presta- ran juramento ante el Congreso, y en sus recesos ante la Diputacion which the Congress may fix by law, said law to provide also for the distribution of business among the different secretaries. Art. 87. No person shall be ap- pointed Secretary who is not a Mexican citizen by birth, in the exercise of his rights, and twenty- five years old. Art. 88. All rules, decrees, and orders of the President shall be signed by the secretary of the department to which the subject belongs. Without this requisite they shall not be obeyed. Art. 89. The Secretaries shall, as soon as the sessions of the first period are opened, render an ac- count to the Congress of the state of their respective departments. SECTION III. Judicial power. Art. 90. The judicial power of the Federation is vested in a su- preme court and in the district and circuit courts. Art. 91. The supreme court shall consist of eleven justices, four supernumerary justices, one attor- nejr-general, and one solicitor- general. . Art. 92. The justices of the su- preme court shall serve for six years, and their election shall be indirect in the first degree, in the manner established by the elec- toral law. Art. 93. No person shall be eligible to the position of justice of the supreme court who, in the judgment of the electors, is not learned in the science of law, thirty-five years of age, and a Mexican citizen by birth, in the exercise of his rights. (Art. 94. The justices of the supreme court shall, on enter- ing upon the exercise of their functions, take an oath before Congress, and, in its recesses, CONSTITUTION. 63 permanente, en la forma siguiente: " i Jurais desempenar leal y patrio- ticamente el cargo de Magistrado de la Suprema Corte de Justicia que os ha conferido el pueblo, con- forme a la Constitucion y mirando en todo por el bien y prosperidad de la Union ? "«) Art. 95. El cargo de individuo de la Suprema Corte de Justicia solo es renunciable por causa grave, calificada por el Congreso, ante quien se presentara la renuncia. En los recesos de este la califica- cion se hara por la Diputacion per- manente. Art. 96. La ley establecera y organizara los tribunales de Cir- cuito y de Distrito. <^_ Art. 97. Corresponde a los tri- bunales de la Federacion conocer: (I. Detodas las controversias que se susciten sobre el cumplimento y aplicacion de las leyes federates. 6 ) II. De las que versen sobre De- recho maritimo. III. De aquellas en que la Fe- deracion fuere parte. IV. De las que se susciten entre dos 6 mas Estados. V. De las que se susciten entre un Estado y uno 6 mas vecinos de otro. VI. De las del orden civil 6 criminal que se susciten a con- secuencia de los tratados celebra- dos con las potencias extranjeras. VII. De los casos concernientes a los agentes diplomaticos y con- sules. Art. 98. Corresponde a la Su- prema Corte de J usticia desde la primera instancia, el conocimiento de las controversias que se susciten de un Estado con otro, y de aque- llas en que la Union fuere parte. Art. 99. Corresponde tambien a la Suprema Corte de Justicia before the permanent committee, in the following form: " Do you swear to perform loyally and patrioticalty the functions of jus- tice of the supreme court of jus- tice, which the people have con- ferred upon you, in conformity with the Constitution, having al- ways in view the welfare and pros- perity of the Union 'i " a ) Art. 95. No resignation of the position of justice of the supreme court shall be admitted, except for grave cause, approved by the Con- gress, to whom the resignation shall be tendered. In the recesses of the Congress the power to act on this matter belongs to the per- manent committee. Art. 96. The law shall establish and organize the circuit and dis- trict courts. Art. 97. The Federal tribunals shall take cognizance of: (I. All controversies which may arise in regard to the compliance with and application of the Federal laws. 6 ) II. All cases pertaining to mari- time law. III. All cases to which the Fed- eration may be a party. IV. All cases which may arise between two or more States. V. All cases which may arise between a State and one or more citizens of another State. VI. All civil or criminal cases that may arise out of treaties with foreign powers. VII. All cases concerning diplo- matic agents and consuls. Art. 98. The supreme court shall have original jurisdiction of controversies which may arise between one State and another, and of those to which the Union may be a party. Art. 99. Tlie supreme court shall also have power to settle « Amended September 25, 1873. See page 70. b Amended May 29, 1884. See page 88. 64 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. dirimir las competencias que se susciten entre los tribunales de la Federacion, entre e'stos y los de los Estados, 6 entre los de un Estado y los de otro. Art. 100. En los demas casos comprendidos en el articulo 97, la Suprema Corte de Justicia sera tribunal de apelacion, 6 bien de ultima instaneia, conform e a la graduacion que haga la ley de las atribuciones de los tribunales de Circuito y de Distrito. Art. 101. Los tribunales de la Federacion resolveran todacontro- versia que se suscite: I. Por leyes 6 actos de cual- quiera autoridad que violen las garantias individuates. II. Por leyes 6 actos de la auto- ridad federal que vulneren 6 res- trinjan la soberania de los Estados. III. Por leyes 6 actos de las au- toridades de estos, que invadan la esfera de la autoridad federal. Art. 102. Todos los juicios de que habla el articulo anterior se seguinin, a peticion de la parte agraviada, por medio de procedi- mientos y formas del oraen juri- dico, que determinara una ley. La sentencia sera siempre tal, que solo se ocupe de individuos par- ticulares, limitandose a protege rlos y ampararlos en el caso especial sobre que verse el proceso, sin ha- cer ninguna declaracion general respecto de la ley 6 acto que la motivare. TfTULO IV. DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE LOS FUNCIONARIOS PUBLICOS. (Art. 103. Los Diputados al Con- freso de la Union, los individuos e la Suprema Corte de Justicia y los Secretarios del despacho, son responsables por los delitos comu- nes que cometan durante el tiem- po de su encargo, y por los delitos, faltas ii omisiones en que incurran questions of jurisdiction between Federal tribunals, between these tribunals and those of the States, or between those of one State and those of another. Art. 100. In all the other cases mentioned in article 97, the su- preme court shall be either a court of appeals, or a court of last resort, as may be defined b} r the law regu- lating the jurisdiction of the cir- cuit and district courts. Art. 101. The tribunals of the Federation shall decide all ques- tions arising out of: I. Laws or acts of whatever au- thority violating individual guar- anties. II. Laws or acts of the Federal authorit} T encroaching upon or re- stricting the sovereignty of the States. III. Laws or acts of the State authorities invading the sphere of the Federal authority. Art. 102. All the cases referred to in the preceding article shall be conducted, on petition of the ag- grieved party, according to rules of proceedings which a special law shall establish. The decision shall always be rendered in such a lan- guage as to exclusively jiffect the individuals concerned in the case, limiting itself to defend and protect them in the special case to which the proceedings refer, without making any general declaration respecting the law or the act which gave rise to the case. TITLE TV. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PUBLIC FUNCTIONARIES. (Art. 103. Members of the Con- gress of the Union, the chief jus- tice and associate justices of the supreme court, and the members of the cabinet are responsible for the common offenses which they may commit during their terms of office, and for the crimes, misde- CONSTITUTION. 65 en el ejercicio de ese mismo encar- go. Los Gobernadores de los Es- tados lo son igualmente por inf rac- cion de la Constitucion y leyes federales. Lo es tambi^n el Pre- sidente de la Republica; pero du- rante el tiempo de su encargo, solo podra ser acusado por los delitos de traicion a la Patria, violacion expresa de la Constitucion, ataque a la libertad electoral y delitos graves del orden comun. a ) (Art. 104. Si el delito fuere comun, el Congreso, erigido en gran jurado, declarara, a mayoria absoluta de votos, si ha 6 no lugar a proceder contra el acusado. En caso negativo no habra lugar a ningun procedimiento ulterior. En el afirmativo, el acusado queda por el mismo hecho separado de su encargo y sujeto a la accion de los tribunales comunes. a ) (Art. 105. De los delitos oficia- les conoceran: el Congreso como jurado de acusacion y la Suprema Corte de Justicia como jurado de sentencia. El jurado de acusacion tendra por objeto declarar, a mayoria absoluta de votos, si el acusado es 6 no culpable. Si la declaracion fuere absolutoria, el funcionario continuara en el ejercicio de su encargo. Si fuere condenatoria, quedara inmediatamente separado de dicho encargo, y sera puesto a disposicion de la Suprema Corte de Justicia. Esta, en tribunal pleno y erigida en jurado de sen- tencia, con audiencia del reo, del fiscal y del acusador, si lo hubiere, procedera a aplicar, a mayoria absoluta de votos, la pena que la ley designed) meanors, or omissions of which they may be guilty in the perform- ance of their official duties. Gov- ernors of the States are likewise responsible for the violation of the Constitution and Federal laws. The President of the Republic is also responsible; but no charge shall be made against him, during his term of office, except for treason against the country, express viola- tion of the Constitution, attack on the freedom of election, and grave offenses of common character. 01 ) (Art. 104. If the crime should be a common one, the Congress, acting as a grand jury, shall de- clare, by absolute majority of votes, whether or not there is sufficient ground to proceed against the ac- cused. In the negative case, there shall be no ground for further proceeding; in the affirmative, the accused shall be, by the said act, deprived of his office, and sub- jected to the action of the ordinary tribunals. a ) (Art. 105. The Congress shall take cognizance of official crimes, as a jury of accusation, and the su- preme court as a court of im- peachment. The jury of accusation shall declare, by absolute majority of votes, whether or not the accused shall be impeached. If the decla- ration is in the negative, the func- tionary shall continue in the exer- cise of his office; if it is in the affirmative, he shall be immedi- ately deprived of his office, and placed at the disposal of the su- preme court of justice. The lat- ter, sitting as a court of impeach- ment, shall, in the presence of the accused party, and of the accuser, if there is one, and of the attorney - general, render by absolute major- ity of votes, the sentence which the law may warrant. a ) « Amended November 13, 1874. See page 82. 360a— vol 1—06 5 66 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Art. 106. Pronunciada una sen- tencia de responsabilidad por deli- tos oficiales, no puede concederse al reo la gracia de indulto. Art. 107. La responsabilidad por delitos y faltas oficiales solo podni exigirse durante el periodo en que el funcionario ejerza su encargo, y un ano despu^s. Art. 108. En demandas del orden civil no hay fueros ni in- munidad para ningun funcionario publico. TfTTJLO V. DE LOS ESTADOS DE LA FEDERACION. (Art. 109. Los Estados adopta- ran, para su regimen interior, la forma de gobierno republicano, representative, popular. a ) Art. 110. Los Estados pueden arreglar entre si, por convenios amistosos, sus respectivos limites; pero no se llevaran a efecto esos arreglos sin la aprobacion del Con- greso de la Union. Art. 111. Los Estados no pue- den en ningun caso: I. Celebrar alianza, tratado 6 coalicion con otro Estado ni con potencias extranjeras. Excep- tua«e la coalicion que pueden celebrar los Estados fronterizos para la guerra ofensiva 6 defen- siva contra los barbaros. II. Expedir patentes de corso ni de represalias. (III. Acunar moneda, emitir papel moneda ni papel sellado. 6 ) Art. 112. Tampoco pueden, sin consentimiento del Congreso de la Union: I. Establecer derechos de tone- laje ni otro alguno de puerto, ni imponer contribuciones o derechos sobre importaciones 6 exporta- ciones. II. Tener en ningun tiempo tropa permanente ni buques de guerra. Art. 106. In cases of impeach- ment no pardon can be granted to the offender. Art. 107. The responsibilitj^ for official crimes and misdemean- ors can only be enforced during the period in which the function- ary remains in office, and one year thereafter. Art. 108. In civil cases no privi- lege or immunity in favor of any public functionary shall be recog- nized. TITLE V. STATES OF THE FEDERATION. (Art. 109. The States shall adopt for their internal regime the popular, representative, republi- can form of government. ) Art. 110. The States shall have the power to fix among themselves, by friendly agreements, their re- spective boundaries; but those agreements shall not be carried into effect without the approval of the Congress of the Union. Art. 111. The States can not in any case: I. Enter into alliances, treaties, or coalitions with another State, or with foreign powers. Coalitions between frontier States for offen- sive or defensive war against sav- age Indians are excepted. II. Grant letters of marque or reprisal. (III. Coin money, issue paper money, or create stamped paper. 6 ) Art. 112. Neither can they, without the consent of the Con- gress of the Union: I. Establish tonnage duties, or any port duty, or impose taxes or duties upon imports or exports. II. Have at any time permanent troops or vessels of war. « Amended May 5, 1878, and October 21, 1887. See pages 83 and 90, b Amended May 1, 1896. See page 90. CONSTITUTION. 67 III. Hacer la guerra por si a alguna potencia extranjera. Ex- ceptuanse los casos de invasion 6 de peligro tan inminente que no admita demora. En estos casos daran cuenta inmediatamente al Presidente de la Republica. Art. 113. Cada Estado tiene obligacion de entregar, sin de- mora, los criminales de otros Estados a la autoridad que los reclame. Art. 114. Los Gobernadores de los Estados estan obligados a pu- blicar y hacer cumplir las leyes federales. Art. 115. En cada Estado de la Federacion se dara entera fe y credito a los actos publicos, regis- tros y procedimientos judiciales de todos los otros. El Congreso puede, por medio de leyes genera- tes, prescribir la manera de pro bar dichos actos, registros y proce- dimientos y el efecto de ellos. Art. 116. Los Poderes de la Union tienen el deber de proteger a los Estados contra toda invasion 6 violencia exterior. En caso de sublevacion 6 trastorno interior les prestaran igual proteccion,siempre que sean excitados por la Legisla- tura del Estado 6 por su Ejecutivo, si aquella no estuviera reunida. TITUXO VI. PREVENCIONES GENERALES. Art. 117. Las facultades que no esten expresamente concedidas por esta Constitution a los funciona- rios federales, se entienden reser- vadas a los Estados. Art. 118. Ningun individuo puede desempenar a la vez dos cargos de la Union de eleccion popular; pero el nombrado puede elegir entre ambos el que quiera desempenar. Art. 119. Ningun pago podra hacerse que no este comprendido en el presupuesto 6 determinado por ley posterior. III. Make war by itself on any foreign power, except in cases of invasion or of such imminent peril as to admit of no delay. In these cases the State shall give notice immediately to the President of the Republic. Art. 113. Each State is bound to deliver without delay to the au- thority which may claim them, the fugitives from justice of other States. Art. 114. The governors of the States are bound to publish and enforce the Federal laws. Art. 115. In each State of the Federation entire faith and credit shall be given to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of all the other States. The Con- gress may, by means of general laws, prescribe the manner of proving said acts, records, and proceedings, and the effect thereof. Art. 116. The Federal Govern- ment is bound to protect the States against all invasion or ex- ternal violence. In case of insur- rection or internal disturbance it shall give them the .same protec- tion, provided that the legislature of the State, or the Executive, if the legislature is not in session, shall request it. TITLE VI. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 117. The powers which are not expressly granted by this Constitution to the Federal au- thorities are understood to be re- served to the States. Art. 118. No person shall hold at the same time two Federal elec- tive offices; but if elected to two, he may choose the one which he may prefer. Art. 119. No payment shall be made which is not included in the budget or authorized by a law subsequent to the same. 68 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Art. 120. El Presidente de la Repiiblica, los individuos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, los Diputados y demas funcionarios piiblicos de la Federacion, de nom- bramiento popular, recibiran una compensacion por sus servicios, que sera determinada por la ley y pagada por el tesoro federal. Esta compensacion no es renunciable, y la ley que la auraente 6 disminuya no podra tener efecto durante el penodo en que un funcionario ejerce el cargo. (Art. 121. Todo funcionario pu- blico, sin excepcion alguna, antes de tomar posesion de su encargo prestara j uramento de guardar esta Constitucion y las leyes que de ella emanen. a ) Art. 122. En tiempo de paz ninguna autoridad militar puede ejercer mas f unciones que las que tengan exacta conexion con la dis- ciplina militar. Solamente habra comandancias militares fijas y per- manentes en los castillos, fortale- zas y almacenes que dependan in- mediatamente del Gobierno de la Union, 6 en los campamentos, cuar- teles 6 depositos que, fuera de las poblaciones, estableciere para la estacion de las tropas. Art. 123. Corresponde exclusi- vamente a los Poderes federales ejercer, en materias de culto re- ligioso y disciplina externa, la in- tervencion que designen las leyes. (Art. 124. Para el dia primero de Junio de mil ochocientos cin- cuenta y ocho quedaran abolidas las alcabalas y aduanas interiores en toda la Republica. 6 ) Art. 125. Estaran bajo la in- mediata inspeccion de los Poderes federales, los fuertes, cuarteles, almacenes de depositos y demas edificios necesarios al Gobierno de la Union. Art. 126. Esta Constitucion, las leyes del Congreso de la Union Art. 120. The President of the Republic, the justices of the su- preme court, the members of Con- gress, and all other public officers of the Federation, who are chosen by popular election, shall receive a compensation for their services, which shall be determined by law and paid by the Federal treasury. This compensation can not be waived, and any law which may in- crease or decrease it shall not have effect during the period for which a functionary holds the office. (Art. 121. Every public officer, without any exception, before en- tering on the discharge of his du- ties, shall take an oath to maintain this Constitution and the laws emanating from it. a ) Art. 122. In time of peace no military authority shall exercise other functions than those having close connection with military dis- cipline. No fixed and permanent military offices shall be established except in castles, fortresses, and arsenals depending immediate^ upon the government of the Union, or in camps, barracks, or depots established outside of towns for stationing troops. Art. 123. The Federal authori- ties shall have exclusive power to exercise, in matters of religious worship and external ecclesiastic discipline, the intervention which the laws may authorize. (Art. 124. On and after the first of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, the alcabala taxes, and the interior custom-houses shall be abolished in the whole Republic. b ) Art. 125. The forts, barracks, arsenals, and all other edifices nec- essary to the government of the Union shall be Under the immedi- ate inspection of the Federal au- thorities. Art. 126. This Constitution, the laws of the Congress of the Union « Amended September 25, 1873. See page 71. & Amended May 17, 1882, November 25, 1884, November 22, 1886, and May 1, 1896. See pages 83, 88, 89, and 96. CONSTITUTION. 69 que emanen de ella y todos los tfatados hechos 6 que se hicieren por el Presidente de la Republica con aprobacion del Congreso, seran la ley suprema de toda la Union. Los jueces decada Estado se arreglaran a dicha Constitucion, leyes y tratados, a pesar de las disposiciones en contrario que pueda haber en las Constituciones 6 leyes de los Estados. TITUEO VII. DE LA REFORMA DE LA CONSTI- TUCION. Art. 127. La presente Consti- tucion puede ser adicionada 6 re- formada. Para que las adiciones 6 reformas lleguen a ser parte de la Constitucion, se requiere que el Congreso de la Union, por el voto de las dos terceras partes de sus individuos presentes, acuerde las reformas 6 adiciones, y que estas sean aprobados por la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados. El Congreso de la Union hara el computo de los votos de las Legis- laturas y la declaracion de haber sido aprobadas las adiciones 6 re- formas. tItulo vm. DE LA INVIOLABILIDAD DE LA CONSTITUCION. Art. 128. Esta Constitucion no perdera su fuerza y vigor, aun cuando por alguna rebelion se in- terrumpa su observancia. En caso de que por un trastorno publico se establezca un gobierno contrario a los principios que ella sanciona, tan luego como el pueblo recobre su libertad se restablecera su obser- vancia, y con arreglo a ella y a, las leyes que en su virtud se hubiesen expedido, seran juzgados, asi los que hubieren figurado en el go- bierno emanado de la rebelion, como los que hubieren cooperado a esta. emanating therefrom, and all the treaties made or to be made b}* the President of the Republic, with the approval of Congress, shall be the supreme law of the whole Union. The judges of each State shall be guided by said Constitu- tion, laws, and treaties, any pro- vision to the contrary in the con- stitutions or laws of the States notwithstanding. TITLE VII. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITU- TION. Art. 127. The present Consti- tution may be amended. No amendment shall become part of the Constitution, if not agreed upon by the Congress of the Union, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, and approved by a majority' of the legislatures of the States. The Congress of the Union shall count the votes of the legislatures and make the declaration that the amendments have been adopted. TITLE VIII. INVIOLABILITY OF THE CONSTI- TUTION. Art. 128. This Constitution shall not lose its force and vigor even if its observance is interrupted by a rebellion. In case that by any pub- lic disturbance a government con- trary to the principles which it sanctions is established, its efficien- cy shall be restored as soon as the people regain their liberty, and those who shall have figured in the government emanating from the rebellion, or have cooperated with it, shall be tried in accordance with its provisions, and the pro- visions of the laws emanating from it. 70 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. ARTfCULO TRANSITORIO. Esta Constitution se publicara desde luego y sera jurada con la mayor solemn idad en toda la Re- publica; pero con exception de las aisposiciones relativas a las elec- ciones de los Supremos Poderes federates y de los Estados, no comenzara a regir hasta el dia die- ciseis de Septiembre proximo veni- dero, en que debe instalarse el B rimer Congreso constitucional. >esde entonces el Presidente de la Republica y la Suprema Corte de Justicia, que deben continuar en ejercicio hasta que tomen posesion los individuos electos constitu- cionalmente, se arreglaran, en el desempeno de sus obligaciones y facultades, a los preceptos de la Constitution. Dada en el salon de sesiones del Congreso, en Mexico, a cinco de Febrero de mil ochocientos cin- cuenta y siete, trigesimo-septimo de ia independencia. TRANSIENT PROVISION. The present Constitution shall be published at once and sworn to with the greatest solemnity throughout the whole Republic; but its provisions, except those relating to the election of the supreme powers, Federal and State, shall not go into effect until the sixteenth of September next, when the First Congress, under the Constitution, shall meet. On and after that date the President of the Republic and the justices of the supreme court, who shall continue in the exercise of their functions until their successors are constitutionally elected and enter into the discharge of their duties, shall act in strict accord- ance with the provisions of this Constitution. Given at the Hall of sessions of Congress in the City of Mexico on the fifth of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, the thirty- seventh of the Independence. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. I. I. LEY DE SEPTIEMBKE 25 DE 1873. EI Congreso de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitution politica promulgada el doce de Febrero de mil ochocientos tin- cue nta y siete, y previa la aproba- cion de la maj^ona de las Legisla- turas de la Republica, declara: Son adiciones y reformas a la misma Constitution: ArtIculo 1°. El Estado y la Iglesia son independientes entre si. El Congreso no puede dictar leyes estableciendo 6 prohibiendo religion alguna. LAW OF SEPTEMBEK 25, 1873. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Political Constitution pro- mulgated on February twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and having obtained the approval of a majority of the State legisla- tures, does hereby decree: That the Constitution of the Republic be amended by adding to it the following: Article 1. The church and the state are independent of each other. Congress shall not enact laws establishing or forbidding anj- religion. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 71 Art. 2°. El matrimonio es un contrato civil. Este y los demas actos del estado civil de las per- sonas, son de la exclusiva com- petencia de los funcionarios y autoridades del orden civil, en los terminos prevenidos por las leyes, y tendran la fuerza y validez que las mismas les atribuyan. Art. 3°. Ninguna institucion religiosa puede adquirir bienes raices, ni capitales impuestos sobre estos, con la sola excepcion esta- blecida en el articulo 27 de la Constitucion. Art. 4°. La simple promesa de decir verdad y de cumplir las obli- gacionesque secontraen, sustituira al juramento religioso con sus efectos y penas. Art. 5°. Nadie puede ser obli- gado a prestar trabajos personales sin la justa retribucion y sin su pleno consentimiento. El Estado no puede permitir que se lleve a efecto ningun contrato, pacto 6 convenio que tenga por objeto el menoscabo, la perdida 6 el irrevo- cable sacrificio de la libertad del hombre , y a sea por causa de trabajo, de educacion 6 de voto religioso. La ley, en consecuencia, no recono- ce ordenes monasticas, ni puede permitir su establecimiento, cual- quiera que sea la denominacion ti objeto con que pretendan erigirse. Tampoco puede admitirse con- venio en que el hombre pacte su proscription 6 destierro. Transitorio. Las anteriores adi- ciones y reformas a la Constitu- cion seran publicadas desde luego con la mayor solemnidad en toda la Republica. Palacio del Congresode la Union. Mexico, Septiembre veinticinco de mil ochocientos setenta y tres. II. LEY DE NOVTEMBRE 13 DE 1874. El Congreso de la Union, en ejercicio de la facultad que le con- Art. 2. Marriage is a civil con- tract. Marriage and all other acts relating to the civil state of per- sons shall fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of the civil au- thorities in the manner and form provided by law, and they shall have the force and validity given to them by said laws. Art. 3. No religious institu- tions can acquire real estate or capital secured by mortgage on the same, except only in the case set forth in article 27 of the Con- stitution. Art. 4. A simple promise to tell the truth and to comply with obli- gations entered into, shall take the place of the religious oath with all its effects and penalties. Art. 5. No one shall be com- pelled to do personal work with- out just compensation and without his full consent. The State shall not permit any contract, covenant, or agreement to be carried out, having for its object the abridg- ment, loss, or irrevocable sacrifice of the liberty of man, whether by reason of labor, education, or religious vows. The law, there- fore, does not recognize monastic orders, nor can it allow them to be established, whatever the de- nomination or object may be with which they may attempt to come into existence. Nor shall any com- pact be tolerated in which man agrees to his own proscription or exile. Transient Article. The fore- going amendments to the Constitu- tion shall be published at once with the greatest solemnity throughout the Republic. Palace of Congress, Mexico, September twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy -three. II. LAW OF NOVEMBER 13, 1874. The Congress of the Union, in exercise of the power vested in it by 72 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. cede el articulo 127 de la Consti- tucion federal, declara estar apro- badas por la mayona de las Legis- laturas de los Estados y ser parte de la misma Constitucion, las re- formas que a continuacion se expresan. Estas reformas comen- zaran a regir el diecis&s de Sep- tiembre del ano proximo de mil ochocientos setenta y cinco. TITULO III. secci6n 1. Del Poder Legislatwo. Art. 51. El Poder Legislativo de la Nacion se deposita en un Congreso general, que se dividira en dos Camaras, una de Diputados y otra de Senadores. Parrafo I. De la elecci6n e instalacidn del Congreso. Art. 52. La Camara de Diputa- dos se compondra de representan- ( tes de la Nacion, electos en su totalidad cada dos anos, por los ciudadanos mexicanos. Art. 57. Los cargos de Diputado y de Senador son incompatibles con cualquiera comision 6 empleo de la Union por el que se disf rute sueldo. Art. 58. Los Diputados y Sena- dores propietarios, desde el dia de su eleccion hasta el dia en que concluya su encargo, no pueden adoptar ninguna comision ni em- pleo de nombramiento del Ejecu- tivo federal, por el cual se disf rute sueldo, sin previa licencia de su respectiva Camara. El mismo re- quisite es necesario para los Dipu- tados y Senadores suplentes en ejercicio. A. El Senado se compondra de dos Senadores por cada Estado y dos por el Distrito Federal. La eleccion de Senadores sera indi- recta en primer grado. La Legis- article 127 of the Federal Consti- tution, declares the following amendments to have been approved by a majority of the State legisla- tures and be a part of the said constitution. They shall go into effect on September sixteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy -five. TITLE III. SECTION I. -Legislative power. Art. 51. The legislative power of the nation is vested in a gen- eral Congress which shall consist of a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate. Paragraph I. Election and meeting of Congress. Art. 52. The Chamber of Depu- ties shall consist of representatives of the nation elected b}^ the Mexi- can citizens every two years. Art. 57. The positions of Dep- uty and senator are incompatible with any other salaried commission or employment by the Union. Art. 58. Deputies and senators are disqualified, from the day of their election until the day on which their term expires, from accepting from the Federal Exec- utive without previous permission of their respective Chamber any salaried position. The same pro- vision is applicable to substitutes, when in active service. A. The Senate shall consist of two senators for each State and two for the Federal District. The election of senators shall be indi- rect in the first degree. The leg- AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 73 latura de cada Estado declarara electo al que hubiere obtenido la mayoria absoluta de los votos emi- tidos, 6 elegira entre los que hu- bieren obtenido mayoria relativa, en los terminos que disponga la ley electoral. Por cada Senador propietario se elegira un suplente. B. El Senado se renovara por mitad cada dos anos. Los Sena- dores nombrados en segundo lugar cesaran al fin del primer bienio, y en lo sucesivo los mas antiguos. C. Para ser Senador se requie- ren las mismas calidades que para ser Diputado, excepto lade la edad, que sera la de treinta anos cumpli- dos el dia de la apertura de las sesiones. Art. 59. Los Diputados y Se- nadores son inviolables por sus opiniones manifestadas en el de- sempeno de sus encargos, y jamas podran ser reconvenidos por ellas. Art. 60. Cada Camara califica las elecciones de sus miembros y resuelve las dudas que hubiere sobre ellas. Art. 61. Las Camaras no pue- den abrir sus sesiones ni ejercer su encargo sin la concurrencia, en la de Senadores, de las dos terceras partes, y en la de Diputados de mas de la mitad del nfimero total de sus miembros; pero los pre- sentes de una y otra deberan re- unirse el dia senalado por la ley y compeler a los ausentes bajo las penas que la misma ley designe. Art. 62. El Congreso tendra cada ano dos periodos de sesiones ordinarias: el primero, prorroga- ble hasta por treinta dias utiles, comenzara el dia dieciseis de Sep- tiembre y terminara el dia quince de Diciembre; y el segundo, pro- islature of each State shall declare elected the one who has obtained absolute majority of the votes cast, or shall choose in the manner provided by the electoral law from among those who obtained relative majority. Each senator shall have a substitute, to be elected in the same manner. B. The Senate shall be renewed by half every two years. Sena- tors occupying the second place in the representation of each State, shall vacate their seats at the end of the first two years. After the second } T ear the withdrawal shall be according to seniority. C. The qualifications necessary to be a senator are the same as those necessary to be a Deputy, except as to the age, which in the case of a senator shall be at least thirty years on the day of the opening of the session. Art. 59. Deputies and senators are inviolable for the opinions ex- pressed by them in the fulfillment of their duties and shall never be called to account for them. Art. 60. Each Chamber shall be the judge of the election of its members, and shall decide all questions arising therefrom. Art. 61. The Chambers shall not begin their sessions or exercise their functions without a quorum, in the Senate of two -thirds, and in the chamber of Deputies of more than one-half of the total number of its members; but the members present of either Chamber shall meet on the appointed day and compel through the proper penal- ties the attendance of the absen- tees. Art. 62. Congress shall hold two ordinary sessions each year; the first one shall begin on the six- teenth of September and end on the fifteenth of December; but this period may be extended for thirty days. The second shall begin on the 74 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. rrogable hasta por quince dias utiles, comenzara el primero de Abril y terminara el ultimo dia del mes de Mayo. Art. 64. Toda resolucion del Congreso tendra el caracter de ley 6 de decreto. Las leyes y decre- tos se comunicaran al Ejecutivo firmados por los Presidentes de ambas Camaras y por un Secreta- rio de cada una de ellas, y se pro- mulgaran en esta forma: u El Con- greso de los Estados Unidos Me- xicanos, decreta:" {texto de la ley 6 decreto). Parrafo II. De la initiative y formation de las leyes. Art. 65. El derecho de iniciar leyes 6 decretos compete: I. Al Presidente de la Union. II. A los Diputados y Senadores al Congreso general. III. A las Legislaturas de los Estados. Art. 66. Las iniciativas presen- tadas por el Presidente de la Re- publica, por las Legislaturas de los Estados 6 por las diputaciones de los mismos, pasaran desde luego a comision. Las que presentaren los Diputados 6 Senadores se suje- taran a los tramites que designe el Reglamento de debates. Art. 67. Todo pro}^ecto de ley 6 de decreto que f uere desechado en la Camara de su origen, antes de pasar a la revisora, no podra volver a presentarse en las sesiones del ano. Art. 69. El dia penultimo del primer periodo de sesiones presen- tara el Ejecutivo a la Camara de Diputados el proyecto de presu- puestos del ano proximo siguiente y las cuentas del anterior, fistas y aquel pasaran a una comision de cinco representantes, nombrada en el mismo dia, la cual tendra obli- gacion de examinar dichos docu- mentos y presentar dictamen sobre el los en la segunda sesion del se- gundo periodo. first of April and end on the last day of May, but may be extended for fifteen days. Art. 64. The action of Congress shall be in the form of either laws or resolutions, which shall be com- municated to the Executive after having been signed by the presi- dents of both Chambers and by one of the secretaries of each. When promulgated, the enacting clause shall be: "The Congress of the United Mexican States decrees," etc. Paragraph II. Origin and enactment of laws. Art. 65. The right to originate legislation belongs: 1. To the President of the Union. 2. To the Deputies and senators in the general Congress. 3. To the State legislatures. Art. GQ. Bills or resolutions in- introduced by the President of the Republic, by the State legislatures or delegations thereof, shall be at once referred to a committee. Those introduced by Deputies or senators shall be subject to the re- quirements of the Rules of debate. Art. 67. No bill or resolution rejected in the Chamber of origin before passing to the other Cham- ber shall be reintroduced during the sessions of that year. Art. 69. The Executive shall transmit to the Chamber of Depu- ties, on the eve of the last day of the session, the accounts of the year and the Budget for the next. They shall be referred to a special committee, which shall be ap- pointed that day, consisting of five members, whose duty it shall be to examine both documents and re- port thereon at the second meeting of the second period. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 75 Art. 70. La formacion de las leyes y de los decretos puede comenzar indistintamente en cual- quiera de las dos Camaras, con excepcion de los proyectos que versaren sobre emprestitos, con- tribuciones e impuestos, 6 sobre reclutamiento de tropas, todos los cuales deberan discutirse primero en la Camara de Diputados. Art. 71. Todo proyecto de ley 6 de decreto cuya resolution no sea exclusiva de una de las Cama- ras, se discutira sucesivamente en ambas, observandose el Regla- mento de debates sobre la forma, 'intervalos y modo de proceder en las discusiones y votaciones. A. Aprobado un proyecto en la Camara de su origen, pasara para su discusion a la otra Camara. Si esta lo aprobare, se remitira al Ejecutivo, quien, si no tuviere observaciones que hacer, lo publi- cara inmediatamente. B. Se reputara aprobado por el Poder Ejecutivo todo proyecto no devuelto con observaciones a la Camara de su origen dentro de diez dias utiles, a no ser que co- rriendo este termino hubiere el Congreso cerrado 6 suspendido sus sesiones, en cuyo caso la devolu- tion debera hacerse el primer dia fitil en que estuviere reunido. C. El proyecto de ley 6 de de- creto desechado en todo 6 en parte por el Ejecutivo, debera ser de- vuelto con sus observaciones a la Camara de su origen. Debera ser discutido de nuevo por esta, y si fuere confirmado por mayoria absoluta de votos, pasara otra vez a la Camara revisora. Si por esta fuere sancionado con la mi .ma mayoria, el pro}ecto es ley 6 de- creto y volvera al Ejecutivo para su promulgation. Las votaciones de ley 6 de decreto seran nomi- nales. Art. 70. Bills and resolutions may be introduced indiscrimi- nately either in the House or in the Senate; but those providing for loans, taxes, or recruiting of troops shall be first discussed in the Cham- ber of Deputies. Art. 71. Bills and resolutions requiring the action of both Cham- bers shall be discussed first by one and then by the other, according to the Rules, and in the manner and form provided for this purpose. A. Bills and resolutions passed in the Chamber of origin snail be sent to the other Chamber. If passed by the latter they shall be forwarded to the Executive, which, if having no objection to them, shall cause them to be immediately published. B. Bills and resolutions not re- turned by the Executive to the Chamber of origin within ten working days shall be considered approved, unless during the said ten days Congress has adjourned, in which case they shall be re- turned on the first working day of the next session. C. Bills and resolutions rejected wholly or in part by the Executive shall be returned with the objec- tions thereto to the Chamber of ori- gin. They shall be discussed anew by the latter, and if passed by abso- lute majority of votes shall be sent to the other. If approved by it, also by absolute majority, the bill or resolution becomes a law, and shall be sent to the Executive for its promulgation. In such cases the votes in both Chambers shall be by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for or against the bill shall be entered on the jour- nal of each chamber, respectively. 76 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. D. Si algfin proyecto de ley 6 de decreto fuere desechado en su totalidad por la Camara de revi- sion, vol vera a la de su origen con las observaciones que aquella le hubiere hecho. Si exaininado de nuevo fuere aprobado por la ma- yoria absoluta de los miembros pre- sentes, volvera a la Camara que lo desecho, la cual lo tomara otra vez en consideracion, y si lo aprobase por la misma mayoria, pasarsi al Ejecutivo para los efectos de la fraccion A; pero si lo reprobase no podra volver a presentarse hasta las sesiones siguientes. E. Si un proyecto de ley 6 de decreto fuere solo desechado en parte, 6 modificado 6 adicionado por la Camara revisora, la nueva discusion en la Camara de su ori- gen versara unicamente sobre lo desechado 6 sobre las reformas 6 adiciones, sin poderse alterar en manera alguna los articulos apro- bados. Si las adiciones 6 reformas hechas por la Camara revisora fueren aprobadas por la mayoria absoluta de los votos presentes en la Camara de su origen, se pasara todo el proyecto al Ejecutivo para los efectos de la fraccion A. Pero si las adiciones 6 reformas hechas por la Camara revisora fueren de- sechadas por la mayoria de votos en la Camara de su origen, vol- veran a aquella para que tome en consideracion las razones de esta; y si por la mayoria absoluta de los votos presentes se desecharen en esta segunda revision dichas adi- ciones o reformas, el proyecto, en lo que haya sido aprobado por ambas Camaras, se pasara al Eje- cutivo para los efectos de la frac- cion A; mas si la Camara revisora insistiere por la mayoria absoluta de votos presentes en dichas adi- ciones 6 reformas, todo el proyecto no podra volver a presentarse sino hasta las sesiones siguientes, ii no ser que ambas Camaras acuerden, por la mayoria absoluta de sus miembros presentes, que se expida D. Bills or resolutions totally rejected by the Chamberof revision shall be returned with the proper remarks to the Chamber of origin. If examined anew and approved by absolute majorit}" of the mem- bers present, they shall be returned to the Chamber of revision, which shall again consider them, and if approved by it, also by absolute majority, they shall be sent to the Executive for the purposes of clause A; but if rejected they shall not be reintroduced until the next Congress. E. Bills or resolutions rejected only in part or amended by the Chamber of revision shall be dis- cussed anew in the Chamber of origin, but the discussion shall be exclusively confined to the portion rejected or to the amendments, without the approved articles being altered in any respect. If the amendments made by the Chamber of revision are approved by absolute majority of votes in the Chamber of origin, the bill shall be transmitted to the Executive for the purposes of clause A. But if the amendments made by the Chamber of revision are rejected by majority of votes in the Chamber of origin, the} 7 shall be returned to the former in order that the reasons set forth by the latter may be taken into consideration. If in this second revision the said amend- ments are rejected by absolute majority of the members present, the portion of the bill which has been approved by both Chambers shall be sent to the Executive for the purposes of clause A. If the Chamberof revision insists by abso- lute majority of votes of the mem- bers present upon the amend- ments, no action shall be taken upon the whole bill until the next Congress, unless both Chambers agree by absolute majority of the members present to the promulga- tion of the law or resolution with- AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 77 la ley 6 decreto solo con los arti- culos aprobados, y que se reserven los adicionados 6 reformados para su examen y votacion en las sesio- nes siguientes. F. En la interpretacion, reforma 6 derogacion de las leyes 6 decre- tos, se observaran los mismos tramites establecidos para su for- mation. G. Ambas Camaras residiran en un misnio lugar, y no pod ran trasladarse a otro sin que antes convengan en la traslacion y en el tiempo y modo de v.erificarla, de- signando un mismo punto para la reunion de ambas. Pero si con- viniendo las dos en la traslacion difieren en cuanto al tiempo, modo 6 lugar, el Ejecutivo terminara la diferencia, eligiendo uno de los extremos en cuestion. Ninguna Camara podra suspender sus se- siones por mas de tres dias sin consentimiento de la otra. H. Cuando el Congreso general se reuna en sesiones extraordina- rias, se ocupara exclusivamente del objeto u objetos designados en la convocatoria; y si no los hubiere llenado el dia en que deban abrirse las sesiones ordinarias, cerrara sin embargo aquellas, dejando los pun- tos pendientes para ser tratados en estas. El Ejecutivo de la Union no puede hacer observaciones a las resoluciones del Congreso, cuando este prorrogue sus sesiones 6 ejerza funciones de cuerpo electo- ral 6 de jurado. Parrafo III. De las facultades del Congreso general. Art. 72. El Congreso tiene fa- cultad: III. Para f ormar nuevos Estados dentro de los limites de los existen- tes, siendo necesario al efecto: 1°. Que la fraction 6 fracciones que pidan erigirse en Estado cuen- out the articles objected to, which shall be left for further discussion in the following session. F. The same formalities re- quired for the enactment of laws shall be observed for their inter- pretation, amendment, or repeal. G. Both Chambers shall hold their meetings at the same place, and shall not move to another with- out first having agreed upon the moving and the time and manner of accomplishing it, as well as upon the place of meeting which shall be the same for both Chambers. If both Chambers agree to change their meeting place, but disagree as to the time, manner, or locality, the Executive shall settle the ques- tion by choosing between both votes. Neither Chamber shall ad- journ for more than three days without the consent of the other. H. When Congress meets in ex- tra session it shall deal exclusively with the matter or matters speci- fied in the call. If the object of the extra session has not been accomplished at the time in which the ordinary session begins, there shall be, nevertheless, a formal closing of the extra session, and the unfinished business shall be taken up arid discussed in the ordi- nary session. The Executive of the Union shall not make objections to the reso- lutions of Congress providing for an adjournment of its sessions, or passed by it when sitting as an electoral body or a court. Paragraph III. Powers of the general Congress. Art. 72. Congress shall have power: III. To form new States within the limits of the existing ones, if the following requisites are com- plied with: 1. That the section aspiring to be erected into a State has a popu- 78 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. ten con una poblacion de ciento veinte mil habitantes por lo menos. 2°. Que se compruebe ante el Congreso que tienen los elementos bastantes para proveer a su exis- tenciapolitica. 3°. Que sean oidas las Legisla- turas de los Estados de cuyo terri- torio se trate, sobre la conveniencia 6 inconveniencia de la ereccion del nuevo Estado, quedando obligados a dar su informe dentro de seis meses, contados desde el dia en que se les remita la comunicacion relativa. 4°. Que igualmente se oiga al Ejecutivo de la Federacion, el cual enviara su informe dentro de siete dias, contados desde la fecha en que le sea pedido. 5°. Que sea votada la ereccion del nuevo Estado por dos tercios de los Diputados y Senadores pre- sentes en sus respectivas Camaras. 6°. Que la resolution del Con- greso sea ratificada por la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Esta- dos, con vista de la copia del expe- diente, siempre que hayan dado su consentimiento las Legislaturas de los Estados, de cuyo territorio se trate. 7°. Si las Legislaturas de los Estados, de cuyo territorio se trate, no hubieren dado su con- sentimiento, la ratificacion de que habla la f raccion anterior debera ser hecha por los dos tercios de las Legislaturas de los demas Estados. A. Son facultades exclusivas de la Camara de Diputados: I. Erigirse en colegio electoral para ejercer las facultades que la ley le senale, respecto al nombra- miento de Presidente constitucio- nal de la Republica, Magistrados de la Suprema Corte y Senadores por el Distrito Federal. II. Calificar y decidir sobre las renuncias que hagan el Presidente de la Republica o los Magistrados lation of at least one hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants. 2. That proof is given to Con- gress that it has sufficient elements to provide for its political exist- ence. 3. That the legislatures of the States affected by the erection of the new one, express their opinion on the advisability, or inadvis- ability of said erection, this opin- ion to be given within six months after the date of the communica- tion addressed to them for that purpose. 4. That the opinion of the Fed- eral Executive be also heard on the subject, said opinion to be given within seven days after the date on which it was asked. 5. That the erection of the new State be voted upon favorably by two-thirds of the representatives and senators present in their re- spective Chambers. 6. That the resolution of Con- gress be ratified by a majority of the state legislatures, upon exam- ination of the copy of the record of the case which shall be sent to them, provided that the legisla- tures of the States to which the sec- tion belongs have given their con- sent. 7. If the legislatures of the States to which the section be- longs have not given their consent, the ratification referred to in the foregoing clause shall be made by two-thirds of the legislatures of the other States. A. The following are exclusive powers of the Chamber of Dupu- ties: I. To resolve itself into an elec- toral college to exercise the power given it by law regarding the ap- pointments of constitutional Pres- ident of the Republic, justices of the supreme court and senators for the Federal District. II. To pass upon the resignations of the President of the Republic and of the justices of the supreme AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 79 de la Suprema Corte de Justicia. Igual atribucion le compete tra- tandose de licencias solicitadas por el primero. III. Vigilar, por medio de una Comision inspectora de su seno, el exacto desempeno de las f unciones de la Contaduria Mayor. IV. Nombraralos jefesy demas empleados de la misma. V. Erigirse en jurado de acusa- cion para los altos f uncionarios de que trata el articulo 103 de la Cons- titucion. VI. Examinar la cuenta que anualmente debe presentar el Ejecutivo, aprobar el presupuesto anual de gastos e iniciar las contri- buciones que a su juicio deban decretarse para cubrir aquel. B. Son f acultades exclusivas del Senado: I. Aprobar los tratados y con- venciones diplomaticas que celebre el Ejecutivo con las potencias ex- tranjeras. II. Ratificar los nombramientos que el Presidente de la Republica haga de Ministros, Agentes diplo- matics, Consules generales, em- pleados superiores de Hacienda, Coroneles y demas jef es superiores del Ejercito y Armada nacional, en los terminos que la ley disponga. III. Autorizar al Ejecutivo para que pueda permitir la salida de tropas nacionales fuera de los limites de la Republica, el paso de tropas extranjeras por el territorio nacional, y la estacion de escuadras de otra potencia, por mas de un mes, en las aguas de la Republica. IV. Dar su consentimiento para que el Ejecutivo pueda disponer de la guardia nacional fuera de sus respectivos Estados 6 territorios, fijando la fuerza necesaria. V. Declarar, cuando hay an desa- parecido los Poderes constitucio- nales Legislatives y Ejecutivo de un Estado, que es llegado el caso court, and to grant or refuse the leaves of absence requested by the President. III. To watch, by means of a special committee, over the faith- ful compliance by the comptroller of the treasury with the duties of his office. IV. To appoint all the em- ployees of the comptroller's office. V. To resolve itself into a grand jury and formulate articles of im- peachment against the high func- tionaries mentioned in article 103 of the Constitution. VI. To examine the accounts to be rendered yearly by the Execu- tive, approve the annual Budget, and originate taxation for the pur- pose of meeting the expenses of the Government. B. The following- are exclusive powers of the Senate: I. To approve the treaties and conventions concluded by the Ex- ecutive with foreign powers. II. To confirm the nominations made by the President of the Re- public, of diplomatic ministers or agents, consuls-general, superior officers of the treasury, colonels and superior officers of the army and navy, in the manner and form established by law. III. To authorize the Execu- tive to allow national troops to go beyond the limits of the Republic, or permit foreign troops to pass through the national territory, and to consent to the presence of fleets of another nation for more than one month in the waters of the Republic. IV. To consent to the Execu- tive disposing of the national guard outside of the limits of its respective States or Territories, and fix the amount of the force to be used. V. To declare, when the consti- tutional, legislative, and executive powers of any State have disap- peared, that the moment has ar- 80 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. de nombrarle un Gobernador pro- visional, quien convocara a elec- ciones conforme a las leyes consti- tucionales del mismo Estado. El nombramiento.de Gobernador se hara por el Ejecutivo federal con aprobacion del Senado, y en los recesos con la de la Comision per- manente. Dicho funcionario no podra ser electo Gobernador cons- titucional en las elecciones que se verifiquen en virtud de la convo- catoria que 61 expidiere. VI. Iiesolver las cuestiones po- liticas que surjan entre los Poderes de un Estado, cuando alguno de ellos ocurra con ese fin al Senado, 6 cuando con motivo de dichas cuestiones se haya interrumpido el orden constitucional, mediando un conflicto de armas. En este caso el Senado dictara su resolu- cion, sujetandose a la Constitu- tion general de la Republica y a la del Estado. La ley reglamentara el ejercicio de esa facultad y el de la 'anterior. VII. Erigirse en jurado de sen- tencia, conforme al articulo 105 de la Constitution. C. Cada una de las Camaras puede, sin la intervention de la otra: I. Dictar resoluciones economi- cas relativas k su regimen interior. II. Comunicarse entre si y con el Ejecutivo de la Uni6n por medio de comisiones de su seno. III. Nombrar los empleados de su Secretaria y hacer el Reglamento interior de la misma. IV. Expedir convocatoria para elecciones extraordinarias, con el fin de cubrir las vacantes de sus respectivos miembros. Parrafo IV. De la Diputacidn permanente. Art. 73. Durante los recesos del Congreso habra una Comision per- rived to give the said State a pro- visional governor, who shall order elections to be held according to the constitutional law of the State. The appointment of such governor shall be made by the Federal Ex- ecutive with the approval of the Senate, or in its recess of the per- manent committee. The said func- tionary shall not be eligible for the position of constitutional governor in the elections to be held under the call issued by him. VI. To decide any political ques- tions which may arise between the powers of a State, if any of them applies to it, for that purpose, or when the constitutional order has been interrupted by an armed con- flict in consequence of said ques- tions. The decision of the Senate shall be given in accordance with the federal Constitution and that of the State. The exercise of the powers speci- fied in this clause and the preced- ing one shall be regulated by law. VII. To resolve itself into a court of impeachment, under arti- cle 105 of the Constitution. C. Each Chamber may without intervention of the other: I. Pass resolutions upon mat- ters exclusively relating to its own interior regime. II. Communicate with each other and with the Executive of the Union, by means of commit- tees appointed for that purpose. III. Appoint the employees in the office of its own secretary, and make rules and regulations for the same office. IV. Issue a call for extraordi- nary elections to fill the vacancies which may have happened in it. Paragraph IV. The permanent committee. Art. 73. During the recesses of Congress there shall be a perma- AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 81 manente, compuesta de veintinueve miembros, de los que quince seran Diputados y catorce Senadores, nombrados por sus respectivas Camaras la vispera de la clausura de las sesiones. Art. 74. Son atribuciones de la Comision permanente: II. Acordarpor si, 6 apropuesta del Ejecutivo, oyendolo en el pri- mer caso, la convocatoria del Con- greso, 6 de una sola Camara a sesiones extraordinarias, siendo necesario en ambos easos el voto de los dos terceras partes de los individuos presentes. La convo- catoria senalara el objeto u objetos de las sesiones extraordinarias. Art. 103. Los Senadores, los Diputados, los individuos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia y los Secretarios de despacho, son res- ponsables por los delitos comunes que cometan durante el tiempo de su encargo, y por los delitos, faltas u omisiones en que incurran en el ejercicio de ese mismo encargo. Los Gobernadores de los Estados lo son igualmente por inf raccion de la Constitucion y leyes federales. Lo es tambien el Preside nte de la Repiiblica: pero durante el tiempo de su encargo solopodra ser acusado por delitos de traicion a la patria, violacion expresa de la Constitu- cion, ataque a la libertad electoral y delitos graves del orden comiin. No gozan de f uero constitucional los altos f uncionarios de la Fede- racion, por los delitos oficiales, fal- tas u omisiones en que incurran en el desempeno de algun empleo, cargo 6 comision piiblica que hayan aceptado durante el periodo en que, conforme a la ley, se disfruta de aquel f uero. Lo mismo sueedera con respecto a los delitos comunes que cometan durante el desempeno de dicho empleo, cargo 6 comision. Para que la causa pueda iniciarse cuando el alto funcionario ha}'a vuelto a ejercer sus funciones pro- 360a— vol 1—06 6 nent committee, consisting of twenty-nine members, fifteen of whom shall be representatives and fourteen senators, appointed by the respective chambers on the eve of the day of final adjournment. Art. 74. The powers of the per- manent committee shall be: II. To resolve, either on its own motion, or at the suggestion of the Executive, giving the latter a hear- ing in the first case, the calling of Congress, or of one of its chambers, to hold an extra session. In both cases the resolution shall be passed by a two-thirds vote of the mem- bers present. The call shall set forth the object or objects to be discussed in the extra session. Art. 103. Senators, Deputies, members of the supreme court, and members of the cabinet shall be responsible for the common offenses committed by them during their term of office, and for their crimes, misdemeanors, or omis- sions in the exercise of their func- tions. The governors of the States shall also be responsible for the violation of the Federal Constitution and laws. The Pres- ident of the Republic shall be like- wise responsible; but during his term he can be charged only with treason, express violation of the Constitution, attacks on electoral liberty, and grave common of- fenses. No constitutional privilege shall be extended to any high Federal functionary when tried for official offenses, misdemeanors, or omis- sions committed by him in the discharge of some public function or commission, during the time in which, according to law, the privi- lege is enjoyed. This provision shall be applicable to cases of com- mon offenses committed under the same circumstances. In order that the proceedings may be instituted when the high functionary returns to the exercise of his own func- 82 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. pias, debera procederse con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 104 de la Constitution. Art. 104. Si el delito fuere co- mun, la Camara de Representantes, erigida en gran jurado, declarara, a mayoria absolute, de votos, si ha 6 no lugar a proceder contra el acu- sado. En caso negativo no habra lugar a ningun procedimiento ul- terior. En el afirmativo el acu- sado queda, por el mismo hecho, separado de su en cargo y sujeto a la action de los tribunales comunes. Art. 105. De los delitos oficiales conoceran : la Camara de Diputados como jurado de acusacion, y la de Senadores como jurado de sen- tencia. El jurado de acusacion tendra por objeto declarar, a mayoria ab- soluta de votos, si el acusado es 6 no culpable. Si la declaration fuere absolutoria, el funcionario continuara en el ejercicio de su encargo. Si fuere condenatoria, quedara inmediatamente separado dedicho encargo y sera puesto a disposition de la Camara de Sena- dores. Esta, erigida en jurado de sentencia y con audiencia del reo y del acusadoi, si lo hubiere, pro- cedera a aplicar, a mayoria abso- luta de votos, la pena que la ley designe. III. tions, the rules set forth in article 104 of the Constitution shall be observed. Art. 104. If the offense belongs to the common class the Cham- ber of Deputies, resolving itself into a grand jury, shall declare by absolute majority of votes whether proceedings against the accused should or should not be instituted. If the resolution is negative no further action shall be taken on the subject. If it is affirmative the accused shall, by the same fact, be removed from his position, and placed at the disposal of the ordi- nary courts. Art. 105. In cases of impeach- ment the Chamber of Deputies shall act as a grand jury and the Senate as a tribunal. The grand jury shall decide by absolute majority of votes if the accused is or is not to be impeached. If the decision is favorable to the accused functionary, the latter shall continue in the exercise of his functions. If it is adverse, the accused official shall be immedi- ately removed from his position and put at the disposal of the Senate. The Senate, resolving it- self into a tribunal, shall, upon the proper hearing of the defendant, and also of the plaintiff, if there is any, by absolute majority of votes impose the penalty provided by law. III. LEY DE MAYO 5 DE 1878. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitution federal, y Srevia la aprobacion de la mayoria e las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformados los articulos 78 y 109 de la Constitucion, en los siguientes terminos: Art. 78. El Presidente entrara & ejercer su encargo el primero de LAW OF MAY 5, 1878. The Congress of the United Mexican States in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legislatures, does hereby amend articles 78 and 109 of the Constitution in the fol- lowing terms: Art. 78. The President shall enter upon the duties of his office AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 83 Diciembre y durara en el cuatro anos, no pudiendo ser reelectopara el periodo inmediato, ni ocupar la presidencia por ningun motivo, sino hasta pasados cuatro anos de haber cesado en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 109. Los Estados adop- taran para su regimen interior la forma de gobierno republicano, representative, popular, y deter- minaran en sus respectivas Cons- tituciones los terminos en que queda prohibida la reelection de sus Gobernadores. El caracter de Gobernador de un Estado, cualesquiera que sean los titulos con queejerzael poder, es incompatible en todo caso con su election para el siguiente periodo. Las Constituciones locales pre- cisaran este precepto en los termi- nos que las Legislaturas lo estimen conveniente. IV. LEY DE MAYO 17 DE 1882. (Reformada Nov. 22, 1886.) El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformado el articulo 124 de la misma Constitucion, en los siguientes terminos: Art. 124. Para el dia primero de Diciembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y cuatro, a mas tardar, quedaran abolidas las alcabalas y aduanas interiores en el Distrito y Territorio de la Federation y en los Estados que no las hayan suprimido. V. LEY DE XUNIO 2 DE 1882. El Congreso de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo on the first of December, and shall hold the said office for four years. He shall not be reelected for the period immediately following, nor shall he fill for any reason whatever the presidential office until the said intermediate period of four } r ears has elapsed. Art. 109. The States shall adopt for themselves the republican, rep- resentative and popular form of government, and the}*- shall state in their respective constitutions the manner and form in which the reelection of their governors shall be forbidden. The position of governor of a State, whatever the reason may be of his holding it, is incompatible in all cases with his election for the following period. The local constitutions sh all gi ve form to this provision in the terms and in the manner which the respective legislatures may deem advisable. IV. LAW OF MAY 17, 1882. (Amended Nov. 22, 1886.) The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legisla- tures, does hereby amend article 124 of the Constitution in the fol- lowing terms: Art. 124. On the first day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty- four, at the latest, the alcabala taxes and the interior cus- tom-houses in the Federal District and Territory and in the States in which they still exist, shall be abolished. V. LAW OF JUNE 2, 1882. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 84 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayona de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformada la fraccion XXVI del articulo 72 y adicionado el 85 de la Constitucion, en los siguientes terminos: A RTfcuLO 1. Se ref orma la frac- cion XXVI del articulo 72 de la Constitucion, que quedara en los terminos siguientes: XXVI. Para conceder premios 6 recompensas por servicios emi- nentes prestados a la patria 6 a la humanidad. Art. 2. Se reforma el articulo 85 de la Constitucion, agregando la fraccion siguiente: XVI. Conceder privilegios ex- clusivos por tiempo limitado y con arreglo a la ley respectiva, a los desciibridores, inventores 6 per- feccionadores de algun ramo de industria. VI. LEY DE OCTUBRE 3 DE 1882. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformados los articulos 79, 80 y 82 de la Constitucion, en los siguientes terminos: Art. 79. En las faltas tempo- rales del Presidente de la Republica y en la absoluta, mientras se pre- sents el nuevamente electo, entrant a ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo de la Union, el ciudadano que haya de- sempeiiado el cargo de Presidente 6 Vicepresidente del Senado, 6 de la Comision permanente en los periodos de receso, durante el mes anterior a aquel en que ocurran dichas faltas. A. El Presidente y Vicepresi- dente del Senado y de la Comision permanente no podrsin ser reelec- tos para esos cargos, sino despues de un afio de haberlos desempe- nado. 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legis- latures, does hereby amend clause XXVI of article 72 of the Consti- tution, and article 85 of the same in the following terms: Article 1. Clause XXVI of article 72 of the Constitution shall read as follows: XXVI. To grant rewards for eminent services rendered to the country or to humanity. Art. 2. Article 85 of the Con- stitution is hereb}' amended by adding to it the following clause: XVI, To grant exclusive privileges, for a limited time, and according to the respective law, to discoverers, inventors, or improv- ers in some branch of industry. VI. LAW OF OCTOBER 3, 1882. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it b} r article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legisla- tures, does hereby amend articles 79, 80, and 82 of the Constitution in the following terms: Art. 79. During the tempo- rar} 7 vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic, and in the absolute one, as long as the President elect does not put in his appearance, the citizen who has tilled the position of president or vice-president of the Senate or of the permanent committee in periods of recess, during the month preceding the vacancy, shall act as President of the nation. A. The president and vice- president of the Senate and of the permanent committee shall not be reelected to those offices except after the lapse of one year. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION- 85 B. Si el periodo de sesiones del Senado 6 de la Comision perma- nente comenzare en la segunda quincena de un mes, las faltas del Presidente de la Republica sertin cubiertas por el Presidente 6 Vice- presidente que haya funcionado en el Senado 6 en la Comision perma- nente durante la primera quincena del propio mes. C. El Senado y la Comision permanente renovaran, el dia ulti- mo de cada mes, su Presidente y Vicepresidente. Para estos car- gos la Comision permanente ele- gira alternativamente, en un mes dos Diputados y en el siguiente dos Senadores. D. Cuando la falta del Presi- dente de la Republica sea absoluta, el funcionario que entrea sustituir- lo constitucionalmente debera ex- pedir, dentro del termino preciso de quince dias, la convocatoria para proceder a nueva eleccion, que se verificara en el plazo de tres me- ses, y con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 76 de esta Constitucion. El Presidente interino no podrii ser electo propietario en las elec- ciones que se verifiquen para po- ner fin a su interinato. E. Si por causa de muerte 6 cualquier otro motivo no pudiesen de un modo absoluto sustituir al Presidente de la Republica los f un- cionarios a quienes corresponda, segun estas reformas, lo sustituira, en los terminos prevenidos el ciu- dadano que haya sido Presidente 6 Vicepresidente en ejercicio del Se- nado 6 de la Comision permanente, en el mes anterior al en que ellos desempenaron estos oficios. F. Cuando la falta absoluta del Presidente de la Republica ocurra dentro de los seis meses ultimos del periodo constitucional, termi- nara este el funcionario que susti- tuya al Presidente. Gr. Para ser Presidente 6 Vice- presidente del Senado, 6 de la Comision permanente, se necesita B. If the session of the Senate or of the permanent committee begins in the second half of the month, the vacancy in the Presi- dency of the Republic shall be filled by the president or vice- president of the Senate or of the permanent committee during the first half of the same month. C. The Senate and the perma- nent committee shall renew on the last day of each month their presi- dent and vice-president. The per- manent committee shall elect for these positions alternatively two representatives in one month and two senators in the following. D. When the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic is abso- lute, the functionary called consti- tutionally to act as President shall order, within fifteen days, a new election, to be held three months thereafter, according to the provi- sion of article 76 of the Constitu- tion. The President ad interim is not eligible to succeed himself as President. E. If, on account of death or any other cause, the functionaries who according to these provisions are called to take the place of Presi- dent of the Republic, can not abso- lutely do so, the position shall then be filled by the citizen who was president or vice-president of the Senate or of the permanent com- mittee,during the month preceding the one in which the said function- aries held the same. F. When the absolute vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic occurs during the last six months of the presidential term, the Act- ting President shall complete the term. G. To be president or vice- president of the Senate or of the permanent committee it shall be 86 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. ser ciudadano mexicano por naci- niiento. H. Si la falta del Presidente de la Republica ocurriese cuando este"n f uncionando a la vez la Comi- sion permanente y el Senado en se- siones extraordinarias, entrara a suplirla el Presidente de la Comi- sion, en los terminos senalados en este articulo. I. El Vice presidente del Se- nado 6 de la Comision permanente entraran a desempenar las fun- ciones que este articulo les con- fiere, en las faltas absolutas del Presidente del Senado 6 de la Comision permanente, y en las temporales, solo mientras dure el impedimento. J. El Presidente nuevamente electo entrara a, ejercer sus fun- ciones a mas tardar sesenta dias despues del de la eleccion. En caso de no estar reunida la Camara de Diputados, sera convocada a se- siones extraordinarias, para hacer la computation de votos dentro del plazo mencionado. Art. 80. En la falta absoluta del Presidente, al nuevamente electo se le computara su periodo desde el primero deDiciembre del ano ante- rior al de su eleccion, siempre que no haya tornado posesion de su en- cargo en la fecha que determina el articulo 78. Art. 82. Si por cualquier mo- tivo la eleccion de Presidente no estuviese hecha y publicada para el primero de Diciembre, en quedebe verificarse el reemplazo, 6 el electo no estuviese pronto a entrar en el ejercicio de sus funciones, cesara sin embargo el antiguo, y el Su- premo Poder Ejecutivo se deposi- tary interinamente en el funciona- rio a quien corresponda, segun lo prevenido en el articulo 79 refor- mado de esta Constitution. necessary to be a native Mexican citizen. H. If the vacancy of the Pres- idency of the Republic occ.i is when the permanent committee and the Senate in extra session are holding their meetings simultaneously, the president of the committee shall be the one called to act as President in the manner and form provided by this article. I. The vice-president of the Senate and of the permanent com- mittee shall enter upon the per- formance of the functions which the present article confers upon them when the vacancy of the pres- idency of the Senate or of the per- manent committee is absolute; in the temporary ones they shall fill the positions only as long as the impediment lasts. J. The President elect shall enter upon the duties of his office not later than sixty days after his election. If the House of Repre- sentatives is not in session at that time, it shall be called to convene in extra session, in order that the counting of the votes be made with- in the period above mentioned. Art. 80. In cases of absolute vacancy of the Presidency, the time of service of the President elect shall be computed from the first of December of the year pre- ceding his election, if he has not taken possession of the office on the date set forth in article 78. Art. 82. If for any reason the election of President is not made and published on or before the first of December, when the change of administration is to take place, or if the President-elect is not ready to enter upon the discharge of his duties, the President whose term has expired shall cease never- theless to hold his office, and the supreme executive power shall be temporarily vested in the function- ary to whom it may belong accord- ing to the provisions of article 79, as amended, of the present Con- stitution. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 87 VII. LET DE MAYO 15 DE 1883. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformado el articulo 7 de la Constitucion, en los siguientes terminos: Art. 7. Es inviolable la liber- tad de escribir y publicar escritos sobre cualquier materia. Ninguna ley ni autoridad puede establecer la previa censura, ni exigir fianzas a los autores 6 impresores, ni coar- tar la libertad de imprenta, que no tiene mas limites que el res- peto a la vida privada, a la moral y £ la paz publica. Los delitos que se cometan por medio de la imprenta, seran juzgados por los tribunales competences de la Fede- racion, 6 por los de los Estados, los del Distrito Federal y Territoriode la Baja California, conforme a la legislacion penal. VIII. LET DE DICIEMBRE 14 DE 1883. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformada la fraccion X del articulo 72 de la misma Consti- tucion, en los siguientes terminos: X. Para expedir codigos obli- gatorios en toda la Republica, de mineria y comercio, comprendien- do en este ultimo ias institucio- nes bancarias. IX. LET DE MAYO 29 DE 1884. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos,, en eiercicio de la VII. LAW OF MAT 15, 1883. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legisla- tures, does hereb}' declare article 7 of the Constitution amended as follows: Art. 7. Freedom of writing and publishing writings on any subject is inviolable. No law or authority shall have power to es- tablish previous censorship, re- quire bond from authors or printers, or restrict the liberty of the press which shall be limited only by the respect due to private life, morals, and public peace. Cases of offenses committed through the public press shall be tried by the competent Courts of the Union, the States, the Federal District or the Territory of Lower California, according to penal law. VIII. LAW OF DECEMBER 14, 1883. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legisla- tures, does hereby declare clause X of article 72 of the said Constitu- tion amended as follows: X. To promulgate mining and commercial codes, which shall be observed throughout the whole Republic. The banking law shall form a part of the code of com- merce. IX. LAW OF MAT 29, 1884. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of 88 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitution federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformada la fraction I del articulo 97 de la misrna Constitu- tion, en los siguientes terminos: Art. 97. Corresponde a los tri- bunales de la Federation conocer: I. De todas las controversias que se susciten sobre el cumpli- miento y aplicacion de las leyes federates, excepto en el caso de que la aplicacion solo afecte inte- reses de particulares, pues enton- ces son competentes para conocer los jueces y tribunales locales del orden comiin de los Estados, del Distrito Federal y Territorio de la Baja California. the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the state legisla- tures, does hereby declare clause I of article 97 of the said Constitu- tion amended as follows: Art. 97. The Federal tribunals shall take cognizance of: I. All controversies arising out of the application and enforcement of the Federal laws, except when only private interests are affected thereby, in which case the local state courts and tribunals and the ordinary courts of the Federal District and of the Territory of Lower California shall have com- petent jurisdiction over the same. X. LET DE NOVIEMBRE 25 DE 1884. (Reformada Nov. 22 de 1886.) El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitution federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformado el articulo 124 de la misma Constitution en los siguientes terminos: Art. 124. Para el dia primero de Diciembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y seis, a mas tardar, que- daran abolidas las alcabalas y aduanas interiores en el Distrito Federal y Territorios de la Fede- ration, y en los Estados que no las hayan suprimido. XI. LAW OF NOVEMBER 25, 1884. (Amended Nov. 22, 1886.) The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the State legislatures, does hereby declare article 124 of the said Constitution amended as follows: Art. 124. On the first of De- cember, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, at the latest, all the alcabala taxes and the interior cus- tom-houses in the Federal District, the Territories of the Federation, and the States in which they may still exist, shall be abolished. XL LET DE NOVIEMBRE 22 DE 1886. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitution federal, y S re via la aprobacion de la mayoria e las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformado el articulo 124 LAW OF NOVEMBER 22, 1886. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the State legisla- tures, does hereby declare article AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION, 89 de la expresada Constitucion en los siguientes terminos: Art. 124. Los Estados no po- dran imponer ningun derecho por el simple transito de mercancias en la circulacion interior. Solo el Gobierno de la Union podra decre- tar derechos de transito, pero unicamente respecto de efectos extranjeros que atraviesen el pais por lineas internacionales e inter- oceanicas, sin estar en el territorio nacional mas tiempo que el necesa- rio para la travesia y salida al extranjero. No prohibiran directa ni indi- rectamente la entrada a su territo- rio, ni la salida de el, de ninguna mercancia, a no ser por motivo de policia; ni gra varan los articulos de produccion nacional por su salida para el extranjero 6 para otro Estado. Las exenciones de derechos que concedan seran generales, no pu- diendo decretarlas en favor de los productos de determinada proce- dencia. La cuota del impuesto para determinada mercancia sera una misma, sea cual fuere su proceden- cia, sin que pueda asignarsele mayor gravamen que el que repor- tan los frutos similares de la enti- dad politica en que se decrete el impuesto. La mercancia nacional no podra ser sometida a determinada ruta ni a inspeccion 6 registro en los caminos, ni exigirse documento fiscal alguno para su circulacion interior. No gravaran la mercancia ex- tranjera con mayor cuota que aquella cuyo cobro les haya sido consentido por la ley federal. XII. LEY DE OCTUBRE 21 DE 1887. 124 of the said Constitution amend- ed as follows: Art. 124. The States shall not levy any duty for the simple transit of merchandise through their ter- ritory. The Government of the Union alone shall have the power to levy transit duties, but only on foreign merchandise crossing the territory of the Republic by international or interoceanic lines, without remaining in the country any longer than necessary to pass through it. They shall not forbid, directly or indirectly, the admission into their territory, or the exit from it, of any kind of merchandise, unless it is for reasons of police. Nor shall they tax the articles of national production when leaving for for- eign countries, or for another State. All exemptions from duties granted by them shall be general, and no discriminations shall be made in favor of the products of an}^ particular origin. The rate of taxation on any arti- cle of merchandise shall be the same, independently of the place of origin, and no tax imposed on an article shall be greater than that imposed upon similar articles of the State which imposes it. Domestic merchandise shall not be compelled to follow any speci- fied route or be inspected or exam- ined while on the way, nor shall any fiscal document be required to allow said merchandise to freely circulate in the interior of the country. Foreign merchandise shall not be burdened by the States with heavier rates than those consented to by the Federal law. XII. LAW OF OCTOBER 21, 1887. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- The Congress of the United dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la Mexican States, in exercise of 90 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitution federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformados los articulos 78 y 109 de la misma Constitucion en estos terminos: Art. 78. El Presidente entrara a ejercer su encargo el priraero de Diciembre, y durara en el cuatro anos, pudiendo ser reelecto para el periodo constitucional inmediato; pero quedara inhabil en seguida para ocupar la Presidencia por nueva eleccion, a no ser que hubie- sen transcurrido cuatro anos, con- tados desde el dm en que ceso en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 109. Los Estados adop- taran, para su regimen interior, la forma de gobierno republicano, re- presentativo, popular, y podran establecer en sus respectivas Cons- tituciones la reeleccion de los Go- bernadores, conforme a lo que previene el articulo 78 para el Presidente de la Republica. XIII. the power vested in it by artice, 127 of the Federal Constitutionl after having obtained the approval of a majority of the State legisla- tures, does hereby declare articles 78 and 109 of the Constitution amended as follows: Art. 78. The President shall enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office on the first of December, and shall serve for four years. He may be reelected for the constitutional period immediately following; butattheend thereof he shall be disqualified to till the Pres- idency by further election, unless four years have elapsed from the day on which he ceased to exer- cise his functions. Art. 109. The States shall adopt for their government a re- publican, representative, and pop- ular form, and they may embody in their respective constitutions, in regard to the reelection of their governors the provisions of article 78 relating to the President of the Republic. XIII. LET BE DICIEMBRE 20 DE 1890. El Congreso de los Estados Uni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion unanime de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformado el articulo 78 de la Constitucion en estos termi- nos: Art. 78. El Presidente en- trara k ejercer sus funciones el primero de Diciembre, y durara en su encargo cuatro anos. XIV. LAW OF DECEMBER 20, 1890. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the State legisla- tures, does hereby declare article 78 of the Constitution amended as follows: Art. 78. The President shall enter upon the duties of his office on the first of December, and shall serve four years. XIV. LEY DE ABBIL 24 DE 1896. El Congreso de los Estados U ni- dos Mexicanos, en ejercicio de la facultad que le concede el articulo LAW OF AFBIL 24, 1896. The Congress of the United Mexican States, in exercise of the power vested in it by article 127 AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 91 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de la mayoria de las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara reformados los articulos 79, 80, 82 y 83 de la Constitucion y adicionado el 72 de la misma, en los siguientes terminos: Art. 72. El Congreso tiene facultad: XXXI. Para nombrar, fun- cionando al efecto ambas Camaras reunidas, un Presidente de la Re- publica, ya con el caracter de sustituto, ya con el de interino, en las faltas absolutas 6 temporales del Presidente constitucional. Asi- mismo la tiene para reemplazar en los respectivos casos y en igual forma, tanto al sustituto como al interino, si estos a su vez faltaren. XXXII. Para calificar y deci- dir sobre la solicitud de licencia que hiciere el Presidente de la Republica. Es facultad exclusiva de la Ca- mara de Diputados: 11. Calificar y decidir sobre las renuncias del Presidente de la Re- publica y de los Magistrados de la Suprema Corte de Justicia. Art. 79. I. En las faltas abso- lutas del Presidente, con excepcion de la que proceda de renuncia, y en las temporales, con excepcion de la que proceda de licencia, se encar- gara, desde luego del Poder Ejecu- tivo el Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, y si no lo hubiere, 6 estuviere impedido, el Secretario de Gobernacion. II. El Congreso de la Union se reunira en sesion extraordina- ria al dia siguiente, en el local de la Camara de Diputados, con asis- tencia de mas de la mitad del nu- mero total de los individuos de ambas Camaras, f ungiendo la mesa de la Camara de Diputados. Si por falta de quorum, u otra causa no pudiere verificarse la sesion, los presentes compeleran diaria- mente a los ausentes conforme a la ley, a fin de celebrar sesion lo mas pronto posible. of the Federal Constitution, after having obtained the approval of a majority of the State legislatures, does hereby declare articles 72, 79, 80, 82, and 83 of the Constitution amended as follows: Art. 72. The Congress has power: XXXI. To appoint, at a joint session of both Chambers, a Presi- dent of the Republic, who shall act in case of absolute, or temporary, vacancy of the Presidency, either as a substitute, or as a President ad interim. This provision is ap- plicable to the case of vacancy, whether absolute or temporary, of the substitute President, or of the President ad interim. XXXII. To grant or refuse leave of absence to the President of the Republic. The Chamber of Deputies has exclusive power: II. To accept or refuse to accept the resignations of the President of the Republic or of the justices of the supreme court. Art. 79. I. In case of absolute vacancy of the Presidency, except when the same is due to resigna- tion, and in case of a temporary vacancy, unless when due to a leave of absence, the executive power shall be immediately vested in the secretary of foreign relations, and if there should be no such official, or should he be ineligible, in the secretary of government. II. The Congress of the Union shall assemble in extra session on the day next following, in the hall of the Chamber of Deputies, more than half of the total number of members of both Chambers being required to be present. The Pres- ident of the Cnamber of Deputies shall preside over the meeting, and the clerk of the same Chamber shall act as secretary. If, through lack of a quorum or other cause, the meeting can not be held, the members present shall meet daily 92 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. III. En esta sesion se elegira Presidente sustituto, por raayoria absoluta de los presenter y en votacion nominal y publica, sin que pueda discutirse en ella pro- posicion alguna, ni hacerse otra cosa que recoger la votacion, pu- blicarla, forma r el escrutinio y declarar el nombre del electo. IV. Si ningun candidato hu- biere reunido la mayoria absoluta de los votos, se repetira la eleccion entre los dos que tuvieron mayor numero, y quedara electo el que hubiere obtenido dicha mayoria. Si los competidores hubiesen teni- do igual numero de votos y al repetirse la votacion se repitiere el empate, la suerte decidira quien deba ser el electo. V. Si hay igual idad de sufra- gios en mas de dos candidates, entre ellos se hara la votacion; pero si hubiere al mismo tiempo otro candidato que haya obtenido maj T or numero de votos, se le ten- dra como primer competidor, y el segundo se sacara por votacion de entre los primeros. VI. Si no estuviere en sesiones el Congreso, se reunira, sin necesi- dad de convocatoria, el catorceno dia siguiente al de la falta, bajo la direccion de la mesa de la Comi- sion permanente que este" en fun- ciones, y procedera como queda dicho. VII. En caso de falta absoluta Sor renuncia del Presidente, el ongreso se reunira en la forma expresada para nombrar al susti- tuto, y la renuncia no surtira sus efectos sino hasta que quede hecho el nombramiento y el sustituto preste la protesta legal. for the purpose of compelling, according to law, the attendance of the absent members, as soon as possible. III. In this session a substitute President shall be elected by ab- solute majority of the members present, the vote to be nominal and public. No measure of any kind shall be discussed, and no other business shall be transacted at this meeting than the taking, publishing, and recording of the vote, and the announcing of the name of the person elected. IV. If no candidate receives an absolute majority of votes, the election shall be repeated be- tween the two having the largest number, and the one obtaining a majority shall be elected. Should the two competitors receive an equal number of votes, a second vote shall be taken, and if it also results in a tie, the election shall be decided by lot. V. If more than two candi- dates receive the same number of votes, the choice shall be made be- tween them, but should there be at the same time another candidate having a greater number of votes, he shall be considered the first competitor, and the second com- petitor shall be determined by a vote between the other candidates. VI. If Congress is not in ses- sion, it shall assemble without the necessity of being called to con- vene, on the fourteenth day after the date of the vacancy. It shall then be presided over b} T the chair- man of the permanent committee, and shall proceed as aforesaid. VII. In case of absolute va- cancy on account of the resigna- tion of the President, Congress shall assemble, as indicated, for the purpose of appointing a substitute President, ana the resignation shall not take effect until after the ap- pointment has been made and the Acting President has made the legal protestation. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 93 VIII. En cuanto a las faltas temporales, cualquiera que sea su causa, el Congreso nombrara un Presidente interino, observando el mismo procedimiento prescrito para los casos de falta absoluta. Si el Presidente pidiere licencia, propondra al hacerlo al ciudadano que deba reemplazarlo, y conce- dida que sea, no comenzara a surtir sus efectos sino hasta que el inte- rino haya protestado, siendo facul- tativo por parte del Presidente hacer 6 no uso de ella 6 abreviar su duracion. El interino ejercera el cargo tan solo mientras dure la falta temporal. La solicitud de licencia se di- rigira a la Camara de Diputados, la cual la pasara inmediatamente al estudio de su comision respec- tiva, citando a la vez a la Camara de Senadores para el siguiente dia a sesion extraordinaria del Con- greso, ante quien dicha comision presentara su dictamen. La proposicion con que este dictamen concluya, en caso de ser favorable, comprendera en un solo articulo de decreto, que se resol- vera por una sola votacion, el otor- gamiento de la licencia y la apro- bacion del propuesto. IX. Si el dia aseiialado por la Constitucion no entrare a ejercer el cargo de Presidente el elegido por el pueblo, el Congreso nom- brara desde luego Presidente in- terino. Si la causa del impedi- ment© f uere transitoria, el interino cesaraen las f unciones presidencia- les cuando cese dicha causa y se pre- sente adesempenar el cargo el Presi- dente electo. Pero si la causa fuere deaquellas que producen imposibi- lidad absoluta, de tal manera que el Presidente electo no pudiere entrar en ejercicio durante el cuatrienio, el Congreso, despues de nombrar al Presidente interino, convocara sin dilacion a elecciones extraordi- narias. El Presidente interino ce- VIII. In case of temporal va- cancies, whatever their cause may be, Congress shall appoint a Pres- ident ad interim following the methods prescribed for cases of absolute vacancies. Should the President request leave of absence, he shall, on doing so, indicate the person who shall act in his place, and if the leave is granted, it shall not take effect until the President adinterim shall have made his pro- testation; but the President shall have the power of using or not using the leave, or of shortening its time. The President ad interim shall only fill the office as long as the absence lasts. The request for a leave of ab- sence shall be addressed to the Chamber of Deputies, which shall immediately refer it to the proper committee, summoning at the same time the Senate to a joint session of Congress to be held on the fol- lowing day, and the report shall be submitted to the joint session. The recommendation to be made in this report, if favorable to the petition, shall be drawn in the form of a decree of one sole ar- ticle, to be voted upon as a whole, granting the leave and the ap- proval of the suggested President ad interim. IX. If on the day appointed by the Constitution the President elected by the people should not enter upon the performance of his duties, Congress shall at once ap- point a President ad interim. If the cause of the vacancy is tempo- rary, the President ad interim shall cease to perform the duties of President when said cause is removed and the President-elect appears for the purpose of serving his office. But if the cause is one of those which create an absolute vacanc}^, preventing the President- elect from discharging the duties of his office during the term of four years, Congress,, after appointing a President ad interim, shall, with- 94 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. sara en el cargo tan luego como proteste el nuevo Presidente electo, quien terminara el periodo consti- tutional. Si la acefalia procediere de que la eleccion no estuviere hecha 6 publicada el primero de Diciembre, se nombrara tambien Presidente interino, el cual desem- penara la Presidencia mientras que- dan llenados esos requisitos y pro- teste el Presidente electo. X. Las faltas del Presidente sustituto y las del interino se cu- briran tambien de la manera pres- crita, salvo, respecto del segundo, el caso de que el Presidente cons- titutional, temporalmente sepa- rado, vuelva al ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 80. Si la falta del Presi- dente fuere absoluta, el sustituto nombrado por el Congreso termi- nara el periodo constitucional. Art. 82. Tanto para ser Presi- dente sustituto como para ser Pre- sidente interino, son indispensa- bles los requisitos que exige el articulo 77. Art. 83. El Presidente, al to- mar posesion de su encargo, pro- testara ante el Congreso bajo la formula que sigue: " Protesto desempenar leal y patrioticamente el cargo de Presi- dente de los Estados Unidos Mexi- canos; guardar y hacer guardar, sin reserva alguna, la Constitucion de mil ochocientos cincuenta y siete, con todas sus adiciones y reformas, las leyes de reforma y las demas que de ella emanen, mi- rando en todo por el bien y pros- peridad de la Union." Queda exceptuado de este re- quisite el Secretario del despacho que se encargue provisionalmente, en su caso, del Poder Ejecutivo. out delay, order a special election to be held. The President ad in- terim shall cease to fill the office as soon as the new President makes his protestation. The new Presi- dent shall serve until the expira- tion of the constitutional term. If the vacancy happens because the election was not made or pub- lished on December first, a Presi- dent ad interim shall also be appointed, who shall fill the Presi- dency until the aforesaid requi- sites are complied with and the President-elect shall have entered his promise. X. The vacancies of the position of substitute President and Presi- dent ad interim shall be filled in the manner prescribed, except as to the President ad interim, in case that the Constitutional President, temporarily absent, should return to the exercise of his functions. Art. 80. If the vacancy of the Presidency should be absolute, the substitute President appointed by Congress shall serve until the end of the constitutional period. Art. 82. No one shall be substi- tute President or President ad interhn, who has not the qualifica- tions required in art. 77. "Art. 83. The President, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall make the following promise in the presence of the Congress: "I do solemnly promise to per- form faithfully and conscientiously the duties of President of the United Mexican States; to observe and cause others to observe, with- out any reservation whatever, the Constitution of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, with all the amend- ments thereto, the laws of reform, and all other laws emanating there- from, having always in view the welfare and prosperity of the Union." The member of the cabinet in whom the executive power may be temporarily vested is excepted from this requisite. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 95 XV. XV. LET DE MAYO 1 DE 1896. El Congreso general de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, de con- formidad con lo dispuesto en el articulo 127 de la Constitucion federal, y previa la aprobacion de todas las Legislaturas de los Estados, declara adicionados y re- formados los articulos 111 y 121 de la misma Constitucion en los siguientes terminos: Primera. Se reforma la frac- cion 111 del articulo 111 de la Cons- titucion federal, y se adiciona el mismo articulo en los terminos siguientes: Los Estados no podran: LAW OF MAY 1, 1896. The general Congress of the United Mexican States, in con- formity with the provisions of article 127 of the Federal Consti- tution, and after approval by all the legislatures of the States, here- by declares articles 111 and 124 of said Constitution amended as follows: First. Section III of Article 111 of the Federal Constitution is hereby amended in the following terms: The States shall have no power — III. Acunar moneda, emitir papel moneda, estampillas ni papel sellado. IV. Gravar el transito de per- sonas 6 cosas que atraviesen su territorio. V. Prohibir ni gravar directa ni indirectamente la entrada a su territorio, ni la salida de el, a ninguna mercancia nacional 6 ex- tranjera. VI. Gravar la circulacion ni el consumo de efectos nacionales 6 extranjeros, con impuestos 6 de- rechos cuya exaccion se efectiie por aduanas locales, requiera ins- pection 6 registrodebultos, 6 exija documentation que acompane a la mercancia. VII. Expedir ni mantener en vigor leyes 6 disposiciones fiscales que importen diferencias de im- puestos 6 requisitos, por razon de la procedencia de mercancias na- cionales 6 extranjeras, ya sea que asta diferencia se establezca res- pecto a la production -similar de la localidad, 6 ya entre produc- ciones semejantes de distinta pro- cedencia. III. To coin money, issue paper money, stamps, or stamped paper. IV. To levy a tax on persons or property passing through their territory. V. To prohibit or tax, directly or indirectly, the entrance into their territory or the exit there- from, of any merchandise, foreign or domestic. VI. To burden the circulation or consumption of domestic or for- eign merchandise with taxes or duties to be collected by local cus- tom-houses, or subject to inspec- tion the said merchandise or re- quire it to be accompanied by special documents. VII. To enact or maintain in force laws or fiscal regulations discriminating by means of taxa- tion or otherwise, between mer- chandise, domestic or foreign, on account of its origin, whether because of similarity with the local productions or with similar ones of different origin. 96 THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Segunda. Se refonna el articulo 124 de la Constitucion Federal en los terminos siguientes: Akt. 124. Es facultad priva- tiva de la Federacion, gravar las mercancias que se importen 6 exporten, 6 que pasen de transito por el territorio nacional, asi como reglamentar en todo tiempo y aun prohibir por motivos de seguridad o de policia, la circulacion en el interior de la Republica de toda clase de efectos, cualquiera que sea su procedencia; pero sin que la misma Federacion pueda es- tablecer ni dictar en el Distrito y Territorios federates, los impues- tos y leyes que expresan las frac- ciones VI v VII del articulo 111. Second. Article 124 of the Fed- eral Constitution is hereby amend- ed as follows: Art. 124. The Federation has the exclusive power to levy duties on merchandise imported, ex- ported, or passing in transit through the national territorj^, as well as to regulate at all times, and even forbid, for the sake of public safety or for police reasons, the circulation in the interior of the Republic of all kinds of goods, regardless of their origin ; but the Federation shall have no power to establish or enact in the Federal District and Territories the taxes and laws referred to in clauses VI and VII of Article 111. THE ARGENTINE NATION. HISTORICAL NOTES. The Argentine Nation, commonly called the Argentine Republic, is a union of Provinces (or States), each one of which has its own consti- tution and retains all the powers not delegated by it to the Federal Government. The Provinces are fourteen, namely: Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Cor- doba, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Mendoza, Catamarca, San Juan, San Luis, La Rioja, and Jujuy. The declaration of independence of "The United Provinces of South America" was made at the city of Tucuman on July 9, 1816, in the following terms: We, the representatives of the United Provinces of South America in general con- gress assembled, invoking the Eternal Being who presides over the universe, in the name and by authority of the people represented by us, protesting before heaven, the nations of the earth, and all men in the world, that in this action we are guided by justice, do hereby solemnly declare in the face of the world that it is the unani- mous and indubitable will of these Provinces to dissolve the intolerable bonds which hitherto connected them with the Kings of Spain, to recover the rights of which they were divested, and to clothe themselves with the high character of a free nation, independent of King Ferdinand VII, his successors, and the mother country. The said Provinces remain, therefore, de facto and dejure, with full and ample power to give themselves the government which justice and the nature of the circumstances may demand. So it is published, declared, and ratified by all the Provinces gener- ally and by each one in particular, said Provinces binding themselves, through us, to the support and fulfillment of the present declaration, upon the security and guaranty of their lives, property, and reputation. The last Spanish viceroy was Don Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisne- ros, who entered upon the discharge of his duties as such at Buenos Aires on July 30, 1809. During the seven years intervening between the inauguration of Viceroy Hidalgo de Cisneros and the declaration of independence, the following events must be chiefly remembered: 1. The revolution of May 25, 1810, which culminated in the resig- nation of Viceroy Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment at Buenos Aires of a "Junta Provisional." 2. The revolution of October 8, 1812, which culminated in the meeting at Buenos Aires, on January 31, 1813, of a Congress, or "Asamblea General Constituyente," which abolished slavery, adopted a national coat of arms and a national anthem, provided for the coin- age of national money, and either repealed or amended various Spanish laws which were then in force. 360a— vol 1—06 7 97 98 THE ARGENTINE NATION. 3. The meeting of a new Congress at Tucuman, March 24, 1816 (transferred to Buenos Aires in May, 1817), which elected Don Juan Martin de Puyrredon "Director Supremo" of the Union (May 3, 1816) and made the declaration of independence (July 9, 1816). Three j r ears afterwards the Congress of Buenos Aires framed the political Constitution known by the name of "Constitution of 1819," which was proclaimed and sworn to on the 25th of May of the same year. The constitutional laws up to that time framed in the country were: 1. The " Reglamento de la Junta Conservadora de la autoridad del Senor Don Fernando VII" (Rules for the Board created to preserve the authority of King Ferdinand VII), dated October 12, 1811. 2. The " Estatuto Provisional del Gobierno de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata (Provisional Statute for the Government of the United Provinces of the Plata River), dated November 22, 1811. 3. The " Estatuto Provisional" (Provisional Statute) of 1815. On the 16th of December, 1824, a constitutional convention (Oon- greso General Constituyente) met at Buenos Aires and proclaimed on the 23d of January following a "fundamental law," declaring that the Provinces renewed their compact of preserving the national inde- pendence; that until a Constitution should be framed and adopted, they would rule themselves by laws of their own; that the Constitu- tion to be framed should be submitted for approval and ratification to the Provinces; and that in the meantime the National Executive Power, including the conducting of foreign relations, should be vested in the Executive Department of the Government of Buenos Aires. It also framed a Constitution which was submitted to the Provinces (1825), but the majority thereof rejected it. Between 1826 and 1851 , the Argentine nation had to pass through the ordeals of civil wars, a war with Brazil, and the Rosas' dictator- ship. The latter ended at the battle of Monte-Caseros, 12 miles from Buenos Aires, on the 3d of February, 1852. On the 1st of May, 1853, a Constitution of federal character, having for its model the Constitution of the United States of America, was proclaimed at Santa Fe. Seven years later (September 25, I860) this Constitution was amended by a convention held at the same city, and, as amended, it is the one which ever since, save some minor modifi- cations, has been in force in the country. MST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE CONSULTED IN REFERENCE TO THE CON- STITUTION OF THE ARGENTINE NATION. Carranza (ArturoB. ). Republica Argentina. Constitution National y Constitu- ciones provincialea vigentes, comentadas y precedidas de un resumen general. Buenos Aires, 1898. Castro (Maximo) y Calandrelli ( Alcides V. ). Nociones de Derecho Constitucional. Notas tomadas de las Conferencias del Dr. A. del Valle. Buenos Aires, 1895. Sarmiento (Domingo F. ). Coinentarios de la Constitution de la Confederation Argentina. 1853. Arosemena (Justo). Estudios constitucionales sobre los Gobiernos de la America latina. Paris, 1878. CONSTITUTION. (September 25, 1860. ) preambulo. Nos, los Representantes del pue- blo de la Nation Argentina, reuni- dos en Congreso General Consti- tuyente por voluntad y election de las Provincias que la componen, en cumplimiento de pactos preexis- tentes, con el objeto de constituir la union national, afianzar la justicia, consolidar la paz interior, proveer a la defensa comun, promo ver el bienestar general, y asegurar los beneficios de la Libertad, para nosotros, para nuestra posteridad, y para todos los hombres del mundo que quieran habitar en el suelo argentino: invocando la pro- tection de Dios, fuente de toda razon y justicia: ordenamos, de- cretamos y establecemos esta Cons- titution, para la Nation Argen- tina. PEIMERA PARTE. CAPfTULO UNICO. Declaraciones, derechos y garantias. ArtIculo 1. La Nation Argen- tina adopta para su Gobierno la forma representativa republicana federal, segun lo establece la presente Constitution. Art. 2. El Gobierno Federal sostiene el culto Catolico Apos- tolico Romano. Art. 3. Las autoridades que ejercen el Gobierno Federal, resi- PREAMBLE. We, the representatives of the people of the Argentine Nation, assembled in constitutional con- vention by the will and election of the Provinces of which it is com- posed, in pursuance of previous agreements, for the purpose of framing a Constitution for the National Union, to establish jus- tice, insure domestic peace, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the benefits of liberty to ourselves, our posterity, and to all men in the world who may desire to inhabit the Argentine soil, invoking the protection of God, the source and origin of all reason and justice, do hereby ordain, decree, and estab- lish this Constitution for the Ar- gentine Nation. PART PIRST. SOLE CHAPTER. Declarations, rights, and guaranties. Article 1. The Argentine Na- tion adopts for its government the Federal republican representative form, as established by this Con- stitution. Art. 2. The Federal Govern- ment supports the Roman Cath- olic Apostolic Church. Art. 3. The authorities exer- cising the Federal Government 99 100 THE ARGENTINE NATION. den en la ciudad que se declare Capital de la Republica por una ley especial del Congreso, previa cesion hecha por una 6 mas Legis- latures Provinciales, del territorio que ha} T a de federalizarse." Art. 4. El Gobierno Federal provee a los gastos de la Nacion con los fondos del Tesoro nacional, formado del producto de derechos de irnportacion y exportacion hasta mil ochocientos sesenta y sets, co?) arreglo d lo estatuido en el in- cixo 1 del articulo 67; b del de la venta 6 locacion de tierras de pro- piedad nacional; de la renta de Correos; de las demas contribu- ciones que equitativa y propor- cionalmente a la poblacion im- ponga el Congreso General, y de los emprestitos y operaciones de credito que decrete el mismo Con- greso para urgencias de la Nacion o para empresas de utilidad na- cional. Art. 5. Cada Provincia dictara para si una Constitucion bajo el sistema representative republi- cano, de acuerdo con los prin- cipios, declaraciones y garantias de la Constitucion nacional; y que asegure su administracion de jus- ticia, su regimen municipal, y la educacion primaria. Bajo de estas condiciones, el Gobierno Fe- deral garantiza si cada Provincia el goce y ejercicio de sus institu- ciones. Art. 6. El Gobierno Federal interviene en el territorio de las Provincias para garantir la forma republica na de Gobierno, 6 repeler invasiones exteriores, y a requisi- cion de sus autoridades constitui- shall reside in the city which shall be declared b} T special act of Con- gress to be the capital of the Re- public, a proper cession of the territory which shall become fed- eral, being previously made by one or more of the provincial legisla- tures. Art. 4. The Federal Govern- ment shall defray the expenses of the Nation with funds of the na- tional treasury, consisting of: receipts from import and export duties; duties to be levied until 1866 on the exports of domestic merchandise as provided in para- graph No. 1 of article 67 of the present Constitution; b proceeds of the sale or lease of national lands; yieldings of the postal service; taxes levied b}^ the general Con- gress equitably and in proportion to the population ; and moneys ob- tained through loans and financial operations decreed by Congress for urgent national necessities, or for works of national utilit} 7 . Art. 5. Each Province shall have its own constitution providing for the administration of justice in its own territory, its municipal regime, and primary instruction, said constitution to be framed upon the basis of a republican rep- resentative system of government, and in harmon} r with the princi- ples, declarations, and guaranties of the National Constitution. Upon these conditions, the Fed- eral Government guarantees to each Province the exercise and en- joyment of its own institutions. Art. 6. The Federal Govern- ment shall have the right to inter- vene for the preservation in the territory of the Provinces of the republican form of government or for repelling foreign invasion; «A law promulgated September 21, 1880, established the national capital in the city of Buenos Aires, ceded by the legislature of the State of the same name. 6 The words printed in italics were ordered to be stricken out by the national con- vention held at Santa Fe on September 12, 1866. CONSTITUTION. 101 das para sostenerlas 6 restablecer- las, si hubiesen sido depuestas por la sedicion, 6 por invasion de otra Provincia. Art. 7. Los actos publicos y procedimientos judiciales de una Provincia gozan de entera fe en las deinas; y el Congreso puede por leyes generates determinar cual sera la forma probatoria de estos actos y procedimientos, y los efectos legales que produciran. Art. 8. Los ciudadanos de cada Provincia gozan de todos los dere- chos, privilegios e inmunidades inherentes al titulo de ciudadano en las demas. La extradicion de los criminales es de obligacion re- ciproca entre todas las Provincias. Art. 9. En todo el territorio de la Naci6n no habra mas aduanas que las nacionales, en las cuales re- giran las tarifas que sancione el Congreso. Art. 10. En el interior de la Republica es libre de derechos la circulacion de los efectos de pro- duction 6 fabricacion nacional, asi como la de los generos y mercan- cias de todas clases, despachadas en las aduanas exteriores. Art. 11. Los articulos de pro- duction 6 fabricacion nacional 6 extranjera, asi como los ganados de toda especie, que pasen por te- rritorio de una provincia a otra, seran libres de los derechos llama- dos de transito, siendolo tambien los carruajes, buques 6 bestias en que se transporten; y ningun otro derecho podra imponerseles en adelante, cualquiera que sea su denomination, por el hecho de transitar el territorio. Art. 12. Los buques destinados de una Provincia a otra, no seran obligados a entrar, anclar y pagar derechos por causa de transito; sin que en ningun caso puedan concederse preferencias a un and, when requested by the pro- vincial authorities, for maintaining them in power, or reestablishing them if deposed by sedition or by invasion from another Province. Art. 7. Full credit shall be given in each Province to the public acts and judicial records of all the others; and Congress shall have the power to provide by general laws how said acts and records shall be proved, and what legal effects they shall produce. Art. 8. The citizens of each Province shall enjoy in all the others the rights, privileges, and immunities inherent to citizenship. The extradition of criminals is reciprocally obligatory in all the Provinces. Art. 9. All custom-houses in the Argentine territory shall be national, and governed by the tariff laws enacted by Congress. Art. 10. The circulation in the interior of the Republic of articles which are the product or manu- facture of the Nation, and of goods and merchandise of all classes introduced into the country through the national custom- houses, shall be free from duties. Art. 11. Articles of national or foreign production or manufac- ture, and cattle of all kinds, when passing from the territory of one Province into the territory of an- other shall be exempted from transit duties. The same freedom shall be enjoyed by the carriages, ships, or beasts used for their transportation, and no other duty, whatever its name may be, shall be levied upon said articles and vehicles for the mere fact of their transit through the territory. Art. 12. Vessels bound from one Province to another shall not be compelled to enter, cast anchor and pay duties on account of transit, and in no case shall an} T preference be given by law or commercial 102 THE ARGENTINE NATION. puerto respecto de otro, por medio de leyes 6 reglamentos de comercio. Art. 13. Podran admitirse nue- vas Provincias en la Nacion; pero no podra erigirse una Provmeia en el territorio de otra u otras, ni de varias formarse una sola, sin el consentimiento de la Legislatura de las Provincias interesadas y del Congreso. Art. 14. Todos los habitantes de la Nacion gozan de los siguien- tes derechos conforme a las leyes que reglamenten su ejercicio, a saber: de trabajar y ejercer toda industria licita; de navegar y comerciar; de peticionar a las au- toridades; de entrar, permanecer, transitar y salir del territorio ar- gentino; de publicar sus ideas por la prensa sin censura previa; de usar y disponer de su propiedad; de asociarse con fines utiles; de profesar libremente su culto; de ensenar y aprender. Art. 15. En la Nacion Argen- tina no hay esclavos; los pocos que hoy existen quedan libres desde la jura de esta Constitucion; y una ley especial reglara las indemniza- ciones a que de lugar esta decla- racion. Todo contrato de compra y venta de personas es un crimen de que seran responsables los que lo celcbrasen, y el escribano 6 f uncionario que lo autorice. Y los esclavos que de cualquier modo se introduzcan, quedan libres por el solo hecho de pisar el territorio de la Republica. Art. 16. La Nacion Argentina no admite prerrogativas de sangre, ni de nacimiento: no hay en ella fueros personales, ni titulos de nobleza. Todos sus habitantes son iguales ante la ley, y admisi- regulations to one port over an- other. Art. 13. New Provinces may be admitted into the Nation, but no new Province shall be erected within the territory of another, nor shall two or more Provinces be consolidated into one, without the consent of the legislatures of the interested Provinces and of Con- gress. Art. 14. All the inhabitants of the Nation shall enjoy, subject to the laws regulating their exercise, the right to work and engage in lawful industry; the right to navi- gate and engage in commerce; the right to petition the authorities; the right to enter the Argentine territory, remain in it, travel through it, or leave it; the right to publish their own ideas through the press without previous censor- ship; the right to use and dispose of their own property; the right to associate themselves for useful purposes; the right to freely pro- fess their religion, and the right to teach and to learn. Art. 15. There shall be no slaves in the Argentine Nation. Those few now existing in it shall be- come free at the very moment in which this Constitution shall be sworn to. The indemnifications which may have to be paid in con-, sequence of this declaration shall be regulated by special law. Con- tracts involving the purchase or sale of persons are criminal acts, for which the contracting parties, as well as the notary or official before whom the}' are executed, shall be made responsible. Slaves introduced in any way whatever into the country shall become free by the mere fact of their treading upon the territory of the Republic. Art. 16. The Argentine Nation does not recognize prerogatives of blood or birth, personal privileges, or titles of nobility. All its in- habitants are equal before the law, and their eligibility to office shall CONSTITUTION. 103 bles en los empleos sin otra condi- cion que la idoneidad. La igualdad es la base del impuesto y de las cargas piiblicas. Art. 17. La propiedad es invio- lable, y ningun habitante de la Nacion puede ser privado de ella, sino en virtud de sentencia fun- dada en ley. La expropiacion por causa de utilidad publica, debe ser calificada por ley y previamente indemnizada. Solo el Congreso impone las contribuciones que se expresan en el articulo 4. Ningun servicio personal es exigible, sino en virtud de ley 6 de sentencia fundada en ley. Todo autor 6 in- ventor es propietario exclusivo de su obra, invento 6 descubrimiento, f)or el termino que le acuerde la ey. La confiscacion de bienes queda borrada para siempre del Codigo penal argentine Ningun cuerpo armado puede hacer requi- siciones, ni exigir auxilios de nin- guna especie. Art. 18. Ningun habitante de la Nacion puede ser penado sin juicio previo fundado en ley ante- rior al hecho del proceso, ni juz- gado por comisiones especiales, 6 sacado de los jueces designados por la ley antes del hecho de la causa. Nadie puede ser obligado a declarar contra si mismo; ni arrestado sino en virtud de orden escrita de autoridad competente. Es inviolable la defensa en juicio de la persona j de los derechos. El domicilio es inviolable, como tambien la correspondencia episto- lar y los papeles privados; y una ley determinara en que casos y con que justificativos podra procederse a su allanamiento y ocupacion. Quedan abolidos para siempre la pena de muerte por causas politi- cas, toda especie de tormento y los azotes. Las carceles de la Nacion seran sanas y limpias, para seguri- dad y no para castigo de los reos detenidos en ellas, y toda medida depend exclusively upon their fit- ness. Equality is the basis of taxation and of all public burdens. Art. 17. Private property is in- violable, and no inhabitant of the Nation shall be deprived of it ex- cept by judicial decision founded on law. Condemnation of prop- erty for public use shall be regu- lated by law, and the payment of the indemnification shall be pre- viously made. Congress alone shall have the power to impose the taxes referred to in article 4. No personal service shall be required of anyone, except when ordered by law or by judicial decision founded on law. Authors or in- ventors are the exclusive owners of their works, inventions, or dis- coveries, for the length of time established by law. Confiscation of property is forever stricken out of the Argentine penal code. No armed body can make requisitions or demand assistance of any kind. Art. 18. No inhabitant of the Nation can be punished except upon trial and conviction, under laws anterior in date to the offense; neither shall he be tried by special commissions, or removed from the jurisdiction of the courts, which, under the laws in force at the time in which the offense was committed, should take cognizance of his case. No one shall be com- pelled to testify against himself; neither can anyone be arrested ex- cept by an order in writing of the proper authority. The defense of persons and rights before the courts is inviolable. Domicile as well as private correspondence and papers are inviolable; but a law shall determine in which cases and upon which evidence the former can be entered, and the latter seized. The penalty of death for political offenses, torture of all kinds, and whipping are abolished. The national jails shall be healthy 104 THE ARGENTINE NATION. que a pretexto de precaution con- auzca a mortificarlos mas alia de lo que aquella exija, hara responsa- ble al Juez que la autorice. Art. 19. Las acciones privadas de los hombres que de ningun modo ofendan al orden y a la moral piiblica, ni perjudiquen a un tercero, estan solo reservadas a Dios, y exentas de la autoridad de los Magistrados. Ningun babi- tante de la Nation sera obligado a hacer lo que no manda la ley, ni privado de lo que ella no prohibe. Art. 20. Los extranjeros gozan en el territorio de la Nation de todos los derechos civiles del ciu- dadano; pueden ejercer su indus- tria, comercio y prof esion ; poseer bienes raices, comprarlos y ena- jenarlos; navegarlos riosy costas; ejercer libremente su culto; testar y casarse con forme a las leyes. No estan obligados a admitir la ciudadania, ni a pagar contribu- ciones forzosas extraordinarias. Obtienen nationalization residien- do dos afios continuos en la Na- cion; pero la autoridad puede acortar este termino a fav T or del que lo solicite, alegando y pro- bando servicios a la Republica. Art. 21. Todo ciudadano argen- tino esta obligado a armarse en defensa de la Patria y de esta Constitution, conforme a, las leyes que al efecto dicte el Congreso y a los decretos del Ejecutivo Na- tional. Los ciudadanos por natu- ralization son libres deprestar 6 no este servicio por el termino de diez anos contados desde el dia en que obtengan su carta de ciudadania. Art. 22. El pueblo no delibera ni gobiema, sino por medio de sus representantes y autoridades crea- and clean, intended for the safe- keeping and not for the punish- ment of the prisoners, and any measure which, under color of precaution, inflicts upon the pris- oners more hardships than those required for their security shall cause the court authorizing it to be held responsible. Art. 19. Private actions which in no way offend public order or morals, or are not injurious to a third party, are reserved to God alone, and exempted from all action of the constituted authority. No inhabitant of the Nation shall be bound to do what is not ordered by law, nor shall he be forbidden to do what it does not prohibit. Art. 20. Aliens shall enjoy in the territory of the Nation the same civil rights as are vested in the citi- zens; they shall be allowed to en- gage in industrial, commercial, and Erofessional occupations; to own, old, and sell real estate; to navi- gate the rivers and travel along the coasts; to practice freely their reli- gion; to dispose of their property by will, and to contract marriage according to the laws. They are not bound to become citizens or to pay forced extraordinary taxes. They may obtain naturalization by residing two consecutive years in the Republic, but this period of time can be shortened upon appli- cation and proof that the applicant has rendered services to the Re- public. Art. 21. Every Argentine citi- zen is bound to do military serv- ice in defense of his country and of the present Constitution, in the manner and form which may be provided by laws of Congress or decrees of the National Executive. Citizens bj' naturalization are free to render or refuse military serv- ice during the ten years following the day of their naturalization. Art. 22. The people do not de- liberate, or exercise the powers of government, except through their CONSTITUTION. 105 das por esta Constitucion. Toda fuerza armada 6 reunion de per- sonas que se atribuya los dereehos del pueblo y peticione a nombre de este, comete delito de sedicion. Akt. 23. En caso de conmocion interior 6 de ataque exterior que pongan en peligro el ejercicio de esta Constitucion y de las autori- dadescreadas por ella, se declarara, en estado de sitio la Provincia 6 territorio en donde exista la per- turbacion del orden, quedando suspensas alii las garantias consti- tucionales. Pero durante esta sus- pension no podra el Presidentede la Republica condenar por si, ni apli- car penas. Su poder se limitara en tal caso respecto de las personas, a arrestarlas 6 trasladarlas de un punto a otro de la Nacion, si ellas no preh'riesen salir f uera del terri- torio argentino. Akt. 24. El Congreso promo- vera la reforma de la actual legis- lacion en todos sus ramos, y el establecimiento del juicio por jurados. Art. 25. El Gobienno Federal fomentara la inmigracion europea; y no podra restringir, limitar ni gravar con impuesto alguno la en- trada en el territorio argentino de los extranjeros que traigan por objeto labrar la tierra, mejorar las industrias, e* introducir y ensenar las ciencias y las artes. Art. 26. La navegacion de los rios interiores de la Nacion es libre para todas las banderas, con suje- cion unicamente a los reglamentos que dicte la Autoridad Nacional. Art. 27. El Gobierno Federal esta obligado a afianzar sus rela- ciones de paz y comercio con las potencias extranjeras por medio de tratados que esten en conform idad representatives and the authori- ties created by this Constitution. Any armed force or gathering of persons assuming to be vested with the representation of the rights of the people and petition- ing in their behalf shall be guilty of sedition. Art. 23. In case of domestic disturbance or foreign attack, en- dangering the observance of this Constitution and the safety of the authorities created by it, a state of siege shall be proclaimed in the Province or territory wherein pub- lic order is disturbed, and the con- stitutional guaranties shall be sus- pended within its limits. But during this suspension the Presi- dent of the Republic shall have no power by himself to condemn any one or inflict punishments. His power shall be limited in such cases, so far as the persons engaged in the affair are concerned, to cause them to be arrested or removed to some other section of the coun- try, should they not prefer to leave the Argentine territory. Art. 24. Congress shall pro- mote the reform of the laws which are now in force, and the estab- lishment of trials by jury. Art. 25. The Federal Govern- ment shall encourage European immigration, and shall not restrict, limit, or obstruct, by taxation of any kind, the entrance into the Argentine territory of foreigners coming to it for the purpose of en- gaging in the cultivation of the soil, the improvement of industrial business,, or the introduction and teaching of arts and sciences. Art. 26. Navigation on the riv- ers in the interior of the Republic is free to all flags and subject to no other regulations than those pro- claimed by the national authority. Art. 27. The Federal Govern- ment shall be bound to strengthen, by means of treaties consistent with the principles of public law established by this Constitution, 106 THE ARGENTINE NATION. con los principios de Derecho pu- blico establecidos en esta Constitu- cion. Art. 28. Los principios, garan- tias y derechos reconocidos en los anteriores articulos, no podran ser alterados por las leyes que regla- menten su ejercicio. Art. 29. El Congreso no puede conceder al Ejecutivo Nacional, ni las Legislaturas Provinciales a los Gobernadores de Provincias, facultades extraordinarias, ni la suma del Poder Publico, ni otor- garles sumisiones 6 supremacias, por las que la vida, el honor 6 las fortunas de los argentinos queden a merced de gobiernos 6 persona alguna. Actos de esta naturaleza llevan consigo una nulidad insa- nable, y sujetaran a los que los for- mulen, consientan 6 firmen, a la responsabilidad y pena de los in- fames traidores a la Patria. Art. 30. La Constitucion puede reformarse en el todo 6 en cual- quiera de sus partes. La necesi- dad de reforma debe ser declarada por el Congreso con el voto de dos terceras partes, al menos, de sus miembros; pero no se efectuara sino por una Convencion convoca- da al efecto. Art. 31. Esta Constitucion, las leyes de la Nacion que en su con- secuencia se dicten por el Congreso y los tratados con las potencias extranjeras son la ley suprema de la Nacion; y las autoridades de cada Provincia estan obligadas a conformarse a ella, no obstante cualquiera disposicion en contrario que contengan las leyes 6 Consti- tuciones provinciales, salvo para la Provincia de Buenos Aires, los tratados ratificados despues del Pacto de 11 de Noviembre de 1859. Art. 32. El Congreso Federal no dictara leyes que restrinjan la the commercial and peaceful rela- tions of the Argentine Nation with all foreign countries. Art. 28. No principle, guar- anty, or right recognized in the foregoing articles shall be altered by any law which may be enacted to regulate their exercise. Art. 29. Neither Congress, nor the provincial legislatures, shall ever have the power to grant to the national Exucutive or to any provincial governor, extraordi- nary faculties, or the whole of the public authority, or give them faculty to accept submission or supremac}^ through which the lives, the honor, or the property of Argentines may be placed at the mercy of governments, or of any person whatsoever. Acts of this character shall be utterly void, and render their authors, or those who consent to them or authorize them with their signatures, liable to be tried and punished as infamous traitors to their country. Art. 30. The Constitution can be amended either wholly or in part. The necessity for such amendment shall be declared by Congress, by a vote of at least two-thirds of its members; but the amendment itself shall not be made except by a convention called to meet for that purpose. Art. 31. The present Constitu- tion, the national laws which i n pur- suance thereof may be enacted by Congress, and the treaties with foreign Powers are the supreme law of the Nation; and the pro- vincial authorities shall be bound to abide by them, any provision in their own provincial constitu- tion or laws to the contrary not- withstanding. This rule is not ap- plicable to the province of Buenos Ayres, in so far as the treaties rati- fied after the compact of the 11th of November, 1859, are concerned. Art. 32. The Federal Congress shall not pass any law restricting CONSTITUTION. 107 libertad de imprenta 6 establezcan sobre ella la jurisdiccion federal. Art. 33. Las declaraciones, de- rechos y garantias que enumera la Constitucion, no seran entendidos como negacion de otros derechos y garantias no enumerados, pero que nacen del principio de la so- berania del pueblo y de la forma republicana de gobierno. Art. 34. Los Jueces de las Cortes Federates no podran serlo al mismo tiempo de los Tribunales de Provincia, ni el servicio Fede- ral, tanto en lo civil como en lo militar, da residencia en la Provin- cia en que se ejerza, y que no sea la del domicilio habitual del em- pleado, entendiendose esto para los efectos de optar a empleos en la Provincia en que accidentalmente se encuentre. Art. 35. Las denominaciones adoptadas sucesivamente desde 1810 hasta el presente,a saber: "Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata;" "Republica Argentina;" "Confederacion Argentina," seran en adelante n ombres oficiales indis- tintamente para la designacion del Gobierno y territorio de las Pro- vincias, empleandose las palabras "Nacion Argentina" en la forma- cion y sancion de las leyes. SEGUNDA PARTE. AUTORIDADES DE LA NACION. TfTULO PRIMERO. Gobierno Federal. Seccion Primera. Del Poder Legislative). Art. 36. Un Congreso com- puesto de dos Camaras, una de Diputados de la Nacion y otra de the liberty of the press, or sub- jecting it to Federal jurisdiction. Art. 33. The declarations and statements of rights and guaranties made by the present Constitution shall not be construed as involving the denial of any other rights and guaranties not enumerated, but naturally derived from the princi- ples of the sovereignty of the peo- ple and of the republican form of government. Art. 34. The justices and judges of the Federal courts shall not serve at the same time in the same capac- ity in the provincial courts. The tenure of a Federal position in any branch of the service, whether civil or military, shall not confer upon the official who holds it, the rights of residence in the Province where- in it is held, unless it is his habitual abode, this provision being made to prevent federal officers from soliciting positions in the Province in which they accidentally find themselves. Art. 35. The names of "The United Provinces of the River Plate," "The Argentine Repub- lic," "The Argentine Confedera- tion," adopted in succession ever since 1810, shall be allowed in the future to be used indistinctively for the official designation of the government and the territory of the Provinces; but the name of ' ' The Argentine Nation " shall be used in the enactment and approval of the laws. PART SECOND. AUTHORITIES OF THE NATION. TITLE FIRST. The Federal Government. Section First. The legislative power. Art. 36. The legislative power of the Nation is vested in a Con- gress consisting of two chambers, 108 THE ARGENTINE NATION. Senadores de las Provincias y de la Capital, sera investido del Poder Legislative de la Nacion. Capitulo I. De la Camara de Diputados. (Art. 37. La Camara de Dipu- tados se compondra de represen- tantes elegidos directamente por el pueblo de las Provincias y de la Capital que se consideran a este fin como distritos electorales de un solo Estado, y a simple pluralidad de sufragios, en razon de uno por cada veinte mil habi- tantes, o de una fraction que no baje del numero de diez mil.) a Art. 38. Los Diputados para la primera Legislatura se nombraran en la proportion siguiente: por la Provincia de Buenos Aires doce; por la de Cordoba seis; por la de Catamarca tres; por la de Corri- entes cuatro; por la de Entre Rios dos; por la de Jujuy dos; por la de Mendoza tres; por la de La Rioja dos; por la de Salta tres: por la de Santiago cuatro; por la de San Juan dos; por la de Santa Fe dos; por la de San Luis dos; y por la de Tucuman tres. Art. 39. Para la segun da Legis- latura debera realizarse el censo general, y arreglarse a el el nu- mero de Diputados; pero este censo solo podra renovarse cada diez anos. Art. 40. Para ser Diputado se requiere haber cumplido la edad de veinticinco anos, tener cuatro afios de ciudadania en ejercicio, y ser natural de la Provincia que lo elija, 6 con dos anos de residencia inmediata en ella. one called the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, and the other the Chamber of Senators of the Prov- inces and of the capital. Chapter I. The Chamber of Deputies. (Art. 37. The Chamber of Depu- ties shall be composed of repre- sentatives elected directly by the people of the Provinces and of the capital. Both the Provinces and the capital shall be considered for this purpose as mere electoral dis- tricts of the whole Nation. The election shall be by plurality of votes in the proportion of one deputy for each twenty thousand inhabitants or fraction of this num- ber not less than ten thousand.) a Art. 38. The deputies for the First Congress shall be elected in the following proportion: For the Province of Buenos Ayres, twelve; for the Province of Cordoba, six; for the Province of Catamarca, three; for the Province of Corri- entes, four; for the Province of Entre-Rios, two; for the Province of Jujuy, two; for the Province of Mendoza, three; for the Province of Rioja, two; for the Province of Salta, three; for the Province of Santiago, four; for the Province of San Juan, two; for the Province of Santa Fe, two; for the Prov- ince of San Luis, two; for the Province of Tucuman, three. Art. 39. A general census shall be taken before the meeting of the Second Congress, and the election of deputies shall then be made ac- cording to its results. The census shall not be taken more than once in every ten years. Art. 40. No person can be elected a deputy who is not over twenty-five years of age, a citizen for four years, and either a native or a resident for the two preced- ing years, of the Province electing him. «See article as amended, March 15, 1898, page 131. CONSTITUTION. 109 Art. 41. Por esta vez las Legis- laturas de las Provincias reglaran los medios de hacer efectiva la eleccion directa de los Diputados de la Nacion; para lo sucesivo el Congreso expedira una ley gene- ral. Art. 42. Los Diputados duraran en su representacion por cuatro anos, y son reelegibles; pero la Sala se renovara por mitad cada bienio; a cuyo efecto los nombra- dos para la primera Legislatura, luego que se reunan, sortearan los que deban salir en el primer periodo. Art. 43. En caso de vacante, el Gobierno de Provincia 6 de la Capital, hace proceder a eleccion legal de un nuevo miembro. Art. 44. A la Camara de Dipu- tados corresponde exclusivamente la iniciativa de las leyes sobre con- tribuciones y reclutamiento de tropas. Art. 45. Solo ella ejerce el de- recho de acusar ante el Senado al Presidente, Vicepresidente, sus Ministros y a los miembros de la Corte Suprema y demas Tribu- nales inf eriores de la Nacion, en las causas de responsabilidad que se intenten contra ellos, por mal de- sempeno, 6 por delito en el ejer- cicio de sus f unciones, 6 por cri- menes comunes, despues de haber conocido de ellos y declarado haber lugar a la formacion de causa por mayoria de dos terceras partes de sus miembros presentes. Capitulo II. Del Senado. Art. 46. El Senado se compon- dra de dos Senadores de cada Pro- vincia elegidos por sus Legislaturas a pluralidad de sufragios; y dos de la Capital elegidos en la forma prescrita para la eleccion del Presi- dente de la Nacion. Cada Senador tendra un voto. Art. 41. The measures to se- cure the election of deputies by direct vote of the people of eacli Province shall be taken this time by the provincial legislatures. In the future, the whole matter shall be regulated by Federal law, en- acted by the Congress. Art. 42. The deputies shall be elected to serve for tour years, and are reeligible. The Chamber, however, shall be renewed by halves every two years, and for this purpose the deputies elected to the First Congress shall draw lots as soon as they meet, and determine in this way those who shall leave at the end of the tirst period. Art. 43. In case of vacancy, the governor of the Province or of the capital shall order an election to fill it. Art. 44. The initiative of laws relating to taxes and recruiting of troops shall exclusively belong to the Chamber of Deputies. Art. 45. The Chamber of Depu- ties alone has the light to impeach before the Senate the President, the vice-president, the members of the cabinet, the justices of the supreme court, and the judges of other national tribunals, for mal- feasance in the exercise of their functions, or for crimes and mis- demeanors whether official or com- mon; the impeachment to be made upon proper investigation, and a resolution to that effect passed b}' a vote of two-thirds of the deputies present. Chaptkr II. The Senate. Art. 46. The Senate shall con- sist of two senators for each Prov- ince elected by a plurality of votes by the respective legislatures. There shall be also two senators for the capital, who shall be elected in the same way as the President of the Nation. Each senator shall have one vote. 110 THE ARGENTINE NATION. Art. 47. Son requisites para ser elegido Senador: tener la edad de treinta anos, haber sido seis anos ciudadano de la Nacion, disfrutar de una renta anual de dos mil pesos fuertes 6 de una entrada equiva- lente, y ser natural de la Provincia que lo elija, 6 con dos anos de residencia inmediata en ella. Art. 48. Los Senadores duran nueve anos en el ejercicio de su mandato, y son reeligibles indefi- nidamente; pero el Senado se renovara por terceras partes cada tres anos, decidiendose por la suerte, luego que todos se reunan, quienes deben salir en el 1° y 2° trienio. Art. 49. El Vicepresidente de la Nacion sera Presidente del Sena- do; pero no tendra voto sino en el caso que hay a empate en la vota- cion. Art. 50. El Senado nombrara un Presidente provisorio que lo presida en caso de ausencia del Vicepresidente, 6 cuando este ejerza las f unciones de Presidente de la Nacion. Art. 51. Al Senado corresponde juzgar en juicio publico a los acu- sados por la Camara de Diputados, debiendo sus miembros prestar ju- ramento para este acto. Cuando el acusado sea el Presidente de la Nacion, el Senado sera presidido por el Presidente de la Corte Su- prema. Ninguno sera declarado culpable sino a mayoria de los dos tercios de los miembros presentes. Art. 52. Su fallo no tendra mas efecto que destituir al acusado, y aun declararle incapaz de ocu- par ningun empleo de honor, de confianza 6 a sueldo en la Nacion. Pero la parte condenada quedara, no obstante, sujeta a acusacion, jui- cio y castigo conf orme a las leyes ante los Tribunales ordinarios. Art. 47. No person shall be elected senator who does not pos- sess the following qualifications: To be at least thirty years old, to have been a citizen of the Nation for six years, to have an annual income of two thousand dollars, and to be either a native of the Province which elects him or have resided in it the two next preceding years. Art. 48. Senators shall serve for nine years, and are reeligible in- definitely. But the Senate shall be renewed b}^ thirds ever} r three years. To this effect the senators themselves shall decide by lot those who shall leave at the expiration of the first and second periods of three years. Art. 49. The vice-president of the Nation shall be president of the Senate; but he shall have no vote unless the chamber be equally divided. Art. 50. The Senate shall elect a President pro tempore to replace the vice-president in case of ab- sence, or when the latter is called to act as President of the Republic. Art. 51. The Senate shall have the sole power to try in public the officials impeached by the Cham- ber of Deputies, and senators, when sitting for that purpose, shall take the proper oath. When the impeached official is the President of the Nation, the chief justice of the supreme court shall preside over the Senate. No person shall be convicted without the concur- rence of two-thirds of the mem- bers present. Art. 52. Sentences in cases of impeachment shall not extend fur- ther than removal from office, or even disqualification from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the Nation; but the con- victed official shall nevertheless be subject to indictment, trial, and punishment according to law, in and by the ordinary courts. CONSTITUTION. Ill Art. 53. Corresponde tambien al Senado autorizar al Presidente de la Nacion para que declare en estado de sitio, uno 6 varios pun- tos de la Repiiblica, en caso de ataque exterior. Art. 54. Cuando vacase alguna plaza de Senador por muerte, re- nuncia u otra causa, el Gobierno a que corresponda la vacante hace proceder inmediatamente a, la elec- cion de un nuevo miembro. Capitulo III. Disposiciones comunes a atnbas Cdmaras. Art. 55. AmbasCamarassereu- niran en sesiones ordinarias todos los anos desde el 1° de Mayo hasta el 30 de Septiembre. Pueden tam- bien ser convocadas extraordina- riamente por el Presidente de la Nacion, 6 prorrogadas sus sesiones. Art. 56. Cada Camara es Juez de las elecciones, derechos y titu- los de sus miembros en cuanto a su validez. Ninguna de ellas en- trant en sesion sin la niayoria abso- luta de sus miembros; pero un numero menor podra compeler a los miembros ausentes a que con- curran a las sesiones, en los ter- minos y bajo las penas que cada Camara establecera. Art. 57. Ambas Camaras em- piezan y concluyen sus sesiones simultaneamente. Ninguna de ellas, mientras se hallen reunidas, podra suspender sus sesiones mas de tres dias, sin el consentimiento de la otra. Art. 58. Cada Camara hard su reglamento, y podra con dos ter- cios de votos, corregir acualquiera de sus miembros por desorden de conducta en el ejercicio de sus f unciones, 6 removerlo por inhabi- lidad fisica 6 moral sobreviniente a su incorporacion, y hasta ex- cluirle de su seno; pero bastara la mayoria de uno sobre la mitad de Art. 53. It is also incumbent upon the Senate to authorize the President of the Nation to declare, in case of foreign aggression, one or more points in the national terri- tory in state of siege. Art. 54. When the seat of a senator becomes vacant on account of death, resignation, or any other reason, the executive authority shall immediately order an election to fill the vacancy. Chapter III. Provisions relating to both Chambers. Art. 55. Both Chambers shall meet in ordinary session on the first day of Ma} r of each year and shall continue their sessions until the thirtieth of September. They may also be convened in extraor- dinary session or adjourned by the President of the Nation. Art. 56. Each Chamber shall be the judge of the elections, rights, and titles of its own members, in so far as the question of their validity is concerned. Neither Chamber shall meet to do business without a quorum consisting of an absolute majority of its members; but a smaller number shall have the power to compel, by such means and under such penalties as each Chamber may establish, the attend- ance of absent members. Art. 57. Both Chambers shall sit simultaneously. Neither shall have the power, during the session of the Congress, to adjourn, with- out the consent of the other, for more than three days. Art. 58. Each Chamber may de- termine the rules of its proceed- ings, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds of its members, punish any one of the same for disorderly behavior in the discharge of his functions, remove him for plvysical or moral inability subsequent to his admission, or expel him from the body. An absolute majority 112 THE ARGENTINE NATION. los presentes para decidir en las renuncias que v r oluntariamente hi- cieren de sus cargos. Art. 59. Los Senadores y Dipu- tados prestaran, en el acto de su incorporacion, juramento de de- seinpenar debidamente el cargo, y de obrar en todo en conformidad a lo que prescribe esta Constitu- cion. Art. 60. Ninguno de los miem- bros del Congreso puede ser acu- sado, interrogado judicialmente, ni molestado por las opiniones 6 discursos que emita desempenando su mandato de legislador. Art. 61. Ningun Senador 6 Di- Eutado, desde el dia de su eleccion asta el de su cese, puede ser arrestado; excepto el caso de ser sorprendido in fraganti en la ejecucion de algfin crimen que me- rezca pena de muerte, infamante, u otra aflictiva, de lo que se dara cuenta a la Camara respectiva con la inforinacion sumaria del hecho. Art. 62. Cuando se forme que- rella por escrito ante las justicias ordinarias contra cualquier Sena- dor 6 Diputado, examinado el me- rito del sumario en juicio publico, podra cada Camara, con dos ter- cios de votos, suspender en sus f un- ciones al acusado, y ponerlo a dis- posicion del Juez competente para su juzgamiento. Art. 63. Cada una de las Cama- ras puede hacer venir a su Sala a los Ministros del Poder Ejecutivo para recibir las explicaciones e in- formes que estime convenientes. Art. 64. Ningun miembro del Congreso podra recibir empleo 6 comision del Poder Ejecutivo, sin previo consentimiento de la Ca- mara respectiva, excepto los em- pleos de escala. shall be sufficient to act upon the resignation of a member voluntar- ily made. Art. 59. Senators and deputies, on taking their seats, shall be sworn to perform their duties in the proper way and to act in all things in accordance with the pres- ent Constitution. Art. 60. No member of Con- gress shall be indicted, judicially questioned, or molested for opin- ions expressed or speeches deliv- ered, by him while fulfilling his duties as a legislator. Art. 61. Senators and Deputies shall be, from the day of their elec- tion to the day of the expiration of their term, exempted from arrest, except, when caught in the act of perpetrating a crime or offense punishable by death, or any other penalty entailing bodily suffering or disgrace, in which case the mat- ter shall be reported to the Cham- ber to which the member belongs, with a full statement of all the facts. Art. 62. Should any charge be made in writing, before the ordi- nary tribunals, against a Senator or Deputy, the Chamber to which he belongs may, by a two-thirds vote, and upon examination in public of the merits of the case, suspend him from his legislative functions and surrender him for trial to the proper court. Art. 63. Each Chamber shall have power to summon to its pres- ence the members of the cabinet, in order that they may give orally the information which may be deemed necessary. Art. 64. No member of Con- gress shall receive from the Ex- ecutive any appointment to offices of honor, trust, or profit without first obtaining the consent of the Chamber to which he belongs. This article is not applicable to cases in which the appointment is merely a promotion. CONSTITUTION. 113 Art. 65. Los eclesiasticos regu- lares no pueden ser miembros del Congreso, ni los Gobernadores de Provincia por la de su mando. Art. 66. Los servicios de los Senadores y Diputados son remu- neradosporel Tesoro de la Nacion, con una dotacion que senalara la ley. Capitulo IV. Atribuciones del Congreso. Art. 67. Corresponde al Con- greso: 1. Legislar sobre las aduanas exteriores y establecer los dere- chos de importacion,loscuales, asi como las avaluaciones sobre que recaigan, seran uniformes en toda la Nacion; bien entendido, que esta, asi como las demas contribu- ciones nacionales, podran ser satis- fechas en la moneda que fuese corriente en las Provincias respec- tivas, por su justo equivalente. Establecer igualmente los dere- chos de exportacion hasta 1866, en cuya fecha cesardn como impuesto national, no pudiendo serlo pro- vincial.' 1 2. lmponer contribuciones di- rectas por tiempo deterininado y proporcionalmente iguales en todo el territoriode la Nacion, siempre que la defensa, seguridad comun y bien general del Estado lo exijan. . 3. Contraer emprestitos de di- nero sobre el credito de la Nacion. 4. Disponer del uso y de la enajenacion de las tierras de pro- piedad nacional. 5. Establecer y reglamentar un Banco Nacional en la Capital y sus sucursales en las Provincias, con facultad de emitir billetes. 6. Arreglar el pago de la deuda interior y exterior de la Nacion. Art. 65. No member of the religious orders shall be elected to Congress. Nor shall any Provin- cia] governor represent his Prov- ince. Art. 66. The remuneration of the services of Senators and Depu- ties shall be fixed by law and paid out of the funds of the national treasury. Chapter IV. Powers of Congress. Art. 67. The National Congress shall have power: 1. To legislate in regard to custom-houses and foreign com- merce, and establish import du- ties, which, as well as the rates of appraisement on which they must be based, shall be uniform in the whole Nation; it being understood, however, that these duties and all other taxes of national character may be paid in the currency of the respective Provinces in their just equivalent value. And, to estab- lish likewise export duties tip to 1866, at which time they shall cease to be either national or provincial taxes. a 2. To levy direct taxes for a period of time and in a manner proportionately equal in all the territory of the Nation, whenever the defense of the country, the common saf et}^, or the public good may require it. 3. To borrow money, pledging the Nation's credit for its payment. 4. To provide for the use, sale, and disposition of the national lands. 5. To establish and organize at the capital a national bank, with branches in the Provinces, with power to issue bank notes. 6. To make arrangements for the payment of the national debt, both foreign and domestic. "Words in italics stricken out September 12, 1866. See page 131. 360a— vol 1—06 8 114 THE AKGENTINE NATION. 7. Fijar anualmente el presu- puesto de gastos de administracion de la Nacion, y aprobar 6 desechar la cuenta de inversion. 8. Acordar subsidios del Tesoro Nacional a las Provincias, cu} r as rentas no alcancen, segun sus pre- supuestos, a cubrir sus gastos ordinarios. 9. Reglamentar la libre nave- gacion de los rios interiores, habi- litar los puertos que considere con- venientes, y crear y suprimir aduanas, sinquepuedan suprimirse las aduanas exteriores, que existian en cada provincia, al tiempo de su incorporacion. 10. Hacer sellar moneda, fijar su valor y el de las extranjeras; y adoptar un sistenia uniforme de pesas y medidas para tod a la Nacion. 11. Dictar los Codigos civil, coraercial, penal y de mineria, sin que tales Codigos alteren las juris- dicciones locales, correspondiendo su applicacion a los Tribunales Federales 6 Provinciales, segun que las cosas 6 las personas caye- ren bajo sus respectivas jurisdic- ciones; y especialmente lej'es gene- rales para toda la Nacion sobre naturalizacion y ciudadania, con sujecion al principio de ciudadania natural; asi como sobre bancarro- tas, sobre falsificacion de la mo- neda corriente y documentos publi- cos del Estado, y las que requiera el establecimiento del juicio por jurados. 12. Reglar el comercio maritimo y terrestre con las Naciones extran- jeras, y de las provincias entre si. 13. Arreglar y establecer las postas y correos generales de la Nacion. 14. Arreglar definitivamente los limites del territorio de la Nacion, 7. To annually appropriate the money necessary to meet the ex- penses of the National Govern- ment, and approve or disapprove the accounts of its disbursement. 8. To grant subsidies, to be paid out of the national treasury, to those Provinces whose revenues, according to their own budgets, are insufficient to meet their ordi- nary expenses. 9. To make rules for the free navigation of the rivers in the in- terior of the country, to declare ports of entry those which may be deemed fit for that purpose, and to establish or abolish custom-houses. But the custom-houses for foreign commerce, existing in each Prov- ince at the time of its coming into the National Union, shall not be abolished. 10. To coin money, fix the value thereof and that of foreign coins, and adopt a uniform system of weights and measures for the whole Nation. 11. To enact the civil, commer- cial, penal, and mining codes with- out encroaching upon the local jurisdictions, the provisions of said codes to be enforced either by the Federal or provincial courts, as the nature and condition of the things or persons affected by them may require. And especially to enact laws on naturalization and citizenship, general for the whole nation, and based upon the prin- ciple of citizenship by nativity, as well as laws on bankruptcy, for- gery, and counterfeiting of money and State public documents, and the establishment of trial by jury. 12. To regulate the commerce by land and sea with foreign countries, and that of the Prov- inces among themselves. 13. To establish and regulate post-offices and post-roads. 14. To settle finally the limits of the Republic, to fix those of the CONSTITUTION. 115 fijar los de las Provincias, crear otras nuevas, y determinar por una legislacion especial la organiza- cion, admin istracion y gobierno que deben tener los Territories nacionales, que queden fuera de los limites que se asignen a las Provincias. 15. Proveer a la seguridad de las fronteras; conservar el trato pacifico con los indios, y promover la conversion de ellos al catoli- eismo. 16. Proveer lo conducente a la prosperidad del pais, al adelanto y bienestar de todas las Provincias, y al progreso de la ilustracion, dic- tando planes de instruccion general y universitaria, y promoviendo la industria, la inmigracion, la cons- truction de ferrocarriles y ca- nales navegables, la colonization de tierras de propiedad nacional, la introduction y establecimiento de nuevas industrias, la importa- tion de capitales extranjeros y la exploration de los rios interiores, por leyes protectoras de estos fines ypor concesiones temporales de privilegios y recompensas de estiniulo. 17. Establecer tribunales infe- riores a la Suprema Corte de Justi- cia; crear y suprimir empleos, fijar sus atribuciones, dar pensio- nes, decretar honores, y coneeder amnistias generales. 18. Admitir 6 desechar los mo- tivos de dimision del Presidente 6 Vicepresidente de la Repiiblica; y declarar el caso de proceder a nueva election: hacer el escrutinio y rectification de ella. 19. Aprobar 6 desechar los tra- tados concluidos con las demas naciones, y los concordatos con la Silla Apostolica; y arreglar el ejercicio del Patronato en toda la Nation. Provinces, to create new provinces, and to provide by special laws for the organization and the adminis- tration of the government of the national territories, which ma}^ be left outside the limits of the Provinces. 15. To provide for the security of the frontiers and the preser- vation of peaceful intercourse with the Indians, and to promote their conversion to the Catholic religion. 16. To provide for everything conducive to increase the pros- perity of the country, the progress and welfare of the Provinces, and the enlightenment of the people, by promoting industrial enterprise, foreign immigration, the construction of railroads and navigable canals, the colonization of the national lands, the intro- duction and establishment of new industries, the importation of for- eign capital, and the exploration of the interior rivers. Laws in- tended to promote these purposes, granting privileges for a limited time, rewards and other induce- ments, shall be enacted to secure complete success of this policy. 17. To establish courts inferior to the supreme court of justice; create and abolish offices and fix the duties of the same; grant pen- sions, decree honors, and promul- gate general amnesties. 18. To accept, or refuse to ac- cept, the resignation of the Presi- dent or vice-president of the Nation, and declare that the time has arrived to proceed to a new election, to count the returns thereof, and to ascertain the re- sult. 19. To approve or reject the treaties concluded with any for- eign nations, and the concordats entered into with the Holy See, and to make rules for the exercise of ecclesiastical patronage in the whole Nation. 116 THE ARGENTINE NATION. 20. Admitir en el territorio de la Nacion otras ordenes religiosas a mas de las existentes. 21. Autorizar al Poder Ejecu- tivo para declarar la guerra 6 hacer la paz. 22. Conceder patentes de corso y de represalias, y establecer re- glamentos para las presas. 23. Fijar la fuerza de Hnea de tierra y de mar en tiempo de paz y guerra; y formar reglamentos y ordenanzas para el gobierno de dichos ejercitos. 24. Autorizar la reunion de las milicias de todas las Provincias 6 parte de ellas, cuando lo exija la ejecucion de las leyes de la Nacion y sea necesario contener las insu- rrecciones 6 repeler las invasiones. Disponer la organizacion, arma- mento y disciplina de dichas mili- cias, y la administraciony gobierno de la parte de ellas que estuviese empleada en servicio de la Nacion, dejando a las Provincias el nom- bramiento de sus correspondientes jefes y oficiales, y el cuidado de establecer en su respectiva milicia la disciplina prescrita por el Congreso. 25. Permitir la introduction de tropas extranjeras en el territorio de la Nacion, y la salida de las fuerzas nacionales fuera de el. 26. Declarar en estado de sitio uno 6 varios puntos de la Nacion en caso de conmocion interior, y aprobar 6 suspender el estado de sitio declarado, durante su receso, por el Poder Ejecutivo. 27. Ejercer una legislation ex- clusiva en todo el territorio de la Capital de la Nacion, y sobre los deinas lugares adquiridos por compra 6 cesion en cualquiera de las Provincias, para establecer f or- talezas, arsenates, almacenes u otros establecimientos de utilidad nacional. 28. Hacer todas las leyes y re- glamentos que sean convenientes 20. To admit into the territory of the Republic religious orders in addition to those now existing. 21. To authorize the Executive power to declare war or make peace. 22. To grant letters of marque and reprisal and make rules con- cerning prizes. 23. To fix the strength of the land and naval forces of the Nation, both in time of peace and of war, and to make rules and ordinances for the government of the army and navy. 24. To authorize the calling out of the militia of any or all the Provinces, whenever the execution of the laws of the Nation, the sup- pressing of insurrections, or the repelling of invasions, may render it necessary. To provide for the organization, equipment, and dis- cipline of said militia, and the com- mand and government of the part thereof which may be employed in the service of the Nation, leav- ing to the Provinces themselves the power to appoint the chiefs and officers of their respective militias, and to enforce in regard to them the discipline established by Congress. 25. To permit the introduction of foreign troops into the territory of the Republic, and the departure from it of the national ones. 26. To proclaim a state of siege in one or more places in the Nation in case of internal disturbances, and to approve or suspend the state of siege declared during the recess of Congress b} T the Execu- tive power. 27. To exercise exclusive legis- lation in all the territory of the national capital and in all other places acquired by purchase or cession in any Province for the construction of forts, arsenals, magazines, or other useful national establishments. 28. To enact all the laws and regulations which may be deemed CONSTITUTION. 117 para poner en ejercicio los poderes antecedentes, y todoslos otros con- cedidos por la presente Constitu- cion al Gobierno de la Nacion Argentina. Capitulo V. De la formation y santidn de las leyes. Art. 68. Las leyes pueden tener principio en cualquiera de las Ca- maras del Congreso, por proyectos presentados por sus miembros 6 f)or el Poder Ejecutivo; excepto as relativas a los objetos de que trata el articulo 44. Art. 69. Aprobado un proyecto de ley por la Camara de su origen, pasa para su discusion a la otra Camara. Aprobado por ambas, pasa al Poder Ejecutivo de la Na- cion para su examen; y si tambien obtiene su aprobacion, lo promulga como ley. Art. 70. Se reputa aprobado por el Poder Ejecutivo, todo proyecto no devuelto en el termino de diez dias utiles. Art. 71. Ningun proyecto de ley desechado totalmente por una de las Camaras, podra repetirse en las sesiones de aquel ano. Pero si solo fuese adicionado 6 corregido por la Camara revisora, volvera a la de su origen; y si en esta se aprobasen las adiciones 6 correc- ciones por mayoria absoluta, pa- sara al Poder Ejecutivo de la Nacion. Si las adiciones 6 correc- ciones fuesen desechadas, volvera segunda vez el proyecto a la Ca- mara revisora, y si aqui fuesen nuevamente sancionadas por una mayoria de las dos terceras partes de sus miembros, pasara el pro- yecto a la otra Camara, y no se entendera que esta reprueba dichas adiciones 6 correcciones, si no con- curre para ello el voto de las dos terceras partes de sus miembros presentes. necessary to carry into effect the powers and faculties hereinbefore enumerated and all others granted by the present Constitution to the Government of the Argentine Nation. Chapter V. Enactment and approval of laws. Art. 68. Laws may originate in either Chamber of Congress by means of bills introduced by the members thereof or by the Execu- tive; except, however, those re- lating to the subjects mentioned in article 44. Art. 69. When a bill has been passed in the Chamber where it originated, it shall be sent to the other Chamber for discussion. Having been passed by both, it shall be sent to the Executive of the Nation for examination. If approved, the Executive shall pro- mulgate it as law. Art. 70. Bills not returned by the Executive within ten working days shall be considered approved. Art. 71. No bill wholly rejected in one Chamber shall be introduced again during the same year. But if merely amended by the revising Chamber, it shall be returned to the Chamber of origin, and if the amendments are adopted there by absolute majority, it shall be sent for approval to the Executive power of the Nation. If the amendments are rejected, the bill shall be again referred to the Cham- ber, where they were made, and if insisted upon by a majority of two-thirds of the members, the bill shall be again referred to the other Chamber, where it shall not be deemed rejected unless the rejection is made by a majority of two-thirds of the members present. 118 THE ARGENTINE NATION. Art. 72. Desechado en el todo 6 en parte un proyecto por el Poder Ejecutivo, vuelve con sus objeciones a la Camara de su origen: e*sta lo discute de nuevo, y si lo confirma por ma3 T oria de dos tercios de votos, pasa otra vez a la Camara de revision. Siambas Camaras lo sancionan por igual mayoria, el proyecto es ley y p^asa al Poder Ejecutivo para su pro- mulgacion. Las votaciones de ambas Camaras seran en este caso nominales, por si 6 por no; y tanto los nombres y f undamentos de los sufragantes, como las objeciones del Poder Ejecutivo, sepublicaran inmediatamente por la prensa. Si las Camaras defieren sobre las objeciones, el projecto no podra repetirse en las sesiones de aquel ano. Art. 73. En la sancion de las leyes se usara de esta formula: " El Senado y Camara de Diputados de la Nacion Argentina, reunidos en Congreso, etc., decretan, 6 san- cionan con fuerza de ley." Seccx6n Segunda. Del Poder Ejecutivo. Capitulo I. De su naturaleza y duraci&n. Art. 74. El Poder Ejecutivo de la Nacion sera desempenado por un ciudadano con el titulo de "Presidente de la Nacion Argen- tina." Art. 75. En caso de enferme- dad, ausenciade la Capital, muerte, renuncia 6 destitucion del Presi- dente, el Poder Ejecutivo sera ejercido por el Vicepresidente de la Nacion. En caso de destitu- cion, muerte, dimision 6 inhabili- dad del Presidente y Vicepresi- dente de la Nacion, el Congreso determinara que funcionario pii- Art. 72. A bill rejected, either wholly or in part, by the Executive, shall be returned with the objections of the latter to the Chamber of origin, where it shall be discussed a second time, and if passed by a two-thirds majorit} 7 shall be again referred to the other Chamber. If the bill passes both Chambers by the majority aforesaid it becomes a law and shall go to the Executive for its promulgation. The vote in this case shall be by yeas and nays, and the names of the members who took part in the vote, as well as the grounds upon which they founded their votes, and the objections of the Execu- tive, shall be immediately pub- lished by the press. If the cham- bers disagree in regard to the ob- jections, the bill shall fail and shall not be allowed to be presented again during that year. Art. 73. The enacting clause of the laws shall be as follows: "The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, in Congress assembled, decree or sanction as law:" Section Second. The Executive power. Chapter I. Its nature and duration. Art. 74. The Executive power of the Nation shall be vested in a citizen with the title of "Presi- dent of the Argentine Nation." Art. 75. In case of illness, ab- sence from the capital, death, res- ignation, or removal of the Presi- dent, the Executive power shall be exercised by the vice-president of the Nation. In case of re- moval, death, resignation, or in- ability of both the President and vice-president of the Nation, Con- gress shall determine what officer CONSTITUTION. 119 blico ha de desempenar la Presi- shall then act as President until dencia, hasta que haya cesado la the disability is removed or a new causa de la inhabilidad 6 un nuevo President is elected." Presidente sea electo. a Art. 76. Para ser elegido Pre- Art. 76. To be elected President sidente 6 Vicepresidente de la Na- or vice-president of the Nation it cionserequiere: habernacidoenel is necessary to have been born in territorio argentino, 6 ser hijo de the Argentine Territory, or if born ciudadano nativo, habiendo nacido in a foreign country to be the son en pais extranjero; pertenecer a la of a native citizen ; to belong to the comunion Catolica Apostolica Ro- Roman Catholic Apostolic Reli- mana; y las demas calidades exi- gion; and to have all the other gidas para ser electo Senador. qualifications required to be a sen- ator. Art. 77. El Presidente y Vice- Art. 77. The President and the presidente duran en sus empleos vice-president shall hold their el termino de seis anos, y no pue- offices during a term of six years, den ser reelegidos sino con inter- but neither can be reelected until valo de un periodo. after an intermission of a full term. Art. 78. El Presidente de la Art. 78. The President shall Nacion cesa en el Poder el dia cease to exercise his powers on the mismo en que expira su periodo same day on which his term of six de seis anos, sin que evento alguno years expires; and no event of any a Law of September 19, 1868. El Senado y Camara de Diputados, etc. Articulo 1°. En caso de acefalia de la Republica, por falta de Presidente y Vice- presidente de la Nacion, el Poder Ejecutivo sera desempenado, en primer lugar, por el Presidente provisorio del Senado, en segundo por el Presidente de la Camara de Diputados, y a falta de £stos, por el Presidente de la Corte Suprema. Art. 2°. Treinta dias antes de terminar el periodo de las sesiones ordinarias, cada Camara nombrara su Presidente para los efectos de esta ley. Art. 3°. El funcionario llamado a ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo Nacional en los casos del artfculo primero, convocara al pueblo de la Republica a nueva election de Presi- dente y Vicepresidente dentro de los treinta dias siguientes a su instalacion en el mando, siempre que la inhabilidad de aquellos sea perpetua. Art. 4°. El funcionario que haya de ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo en los casos del artfculo 1°. de esta ley, al tomar posesion del cargo, ante el Congreso, y en su ausencia, ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia, prestara el juramento que prescribe el artfculo 80 de la Constitution. (Translation.) The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, etc. Article 1. In case of vacancy of both the Presidency and vice-presidency of the Nation, the Executive power shall be vested first in the president pro tern of the Senate, second in the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, and third, in the chief justice of the supreme court. Art. 2. For the purposes of this law each chamber shall appoint its presiding officer thirty days before the closing of the ordinary session. Art. 3. The functionary called upon to discharge the duties of the Executive, according to article 1 of this law, shall, if the absence or disability of the President and vice-president is permanent, order a new election of President and vice-president to be held within thirty days after his installation in office. Art. 4. The functionary who shall exercise the Executive power in the cases of article 1 of this law, shall, on entering into the discharge of his duties, take before Congress, and in its absence before the supreme court of justice, the oath prescribed by article 80 of the Constitution. 120 THE ARGENTINE NATION. que lo haya interrumpido pueda ser motivo de que se le complete mas tarde. Art. 79. El Presidente y Vice- presidente disfrutan de un sueldo pagado por el tesoro de la Nacion, que no podra ser alterado en el periodo de sus nombramientos. Durante el mismo periodo no po- dran ejercer otro empleo, ni reci- bir ningun otro emolumento de la Nacion, ni de Provineia alguna. Art. 80. Al tomar posesion de su cargo el Presidente y Vieepre- sidente prestaran juramento en manos del Presidente del Sehfido (la primera vez del Presidente del Congreso Constituyente), estando reunido el Congreso, en los termi- nos siguientes: k 'Yo, , juro por Dios Nuestro Senor y estos Santos Evangelios, desempenar con leal- tad y patriotismo el cargo de Pre- sidente (6 Vicepresidente) de la Nacion, y observar y hacer obser- var fielmente la Constitution de la Nacion Argentina. Si asi no lo hiciese, Dios y la Nacion me lo demanden." Capitulo II. De la forma y tiempo de la eleccion del Pre- sidente y Vicepresidente de la Nacidn. Art. 81. La eleccion del Presi- dente y Vicepresidente de la Nacion se hara del modo siguiente: La Capital y cada una de las Provin- cias nombraran por votacion di- recta una junta de electores igual al duplo del total de Diputados y Senadores que envian al Congreso, con las mismas calidades y bajo las mismas formas prescritas para la eleccion de Diputados. kind which may have interrupted said term shall ever be alleged as a reason for completing it after- wards. Art. 79. The President and vice-president shall receive for their services a compensation, to be paid by the national treasury, the amount of which shall not be changed duringtheirtermof office. During the same period they shall not be qualified to fill any other office or receive any other emolu- ment, either national or provincial. Art. 80. On entering upon the discharge of their duties the Presi- dent and the vice-president shall take an oath, which shall be admin- istered to them the first time by the president of the Constitutional Convention and subsequently by the president of the Senate, Con- gress being in session, in the fol- lowing terms: " I, , do swear, be- fore God our Lord and these Holy Gospels to fill lo3 r ally and patriot- ically the office of President (or vice-president) of the Nation, and observe and cause others to ob- serve, faithfully, the Constitution of the Argentine Nation. Should I fail to do so, may God and the Nation demand it of me." Chapter II. Manner and time of electing the President and vice-president of the Nation. Art. 81. The election of the President and vice-president of the Nation shall be made in the fol- lowing manner: The capital and each one of the Provinces shall ap- point, by direct vote, an electoral college, consisting of twice as many members as the number of senators and deputies constituting their respective representation in Congress, who shall have the same qualifications, and shall be elected in the same manner, as provided in the present Constitution for the election of deputies. CONSTITUTION. 121 No pueden ser electores los Di- putados, los Senadores, ni los em- pleados a sueldo del Gobierno Federal. Reunidos los electores en la Ca- pital de la Nacion y en la de sus Pro- vincias respectivas cuatro meses antes que concluya el termino del Presidente cesante, procederan a elegir Presidente y Vicepresidente de la Nacion, por cedulas firmadas, expresando en una la persona por quien votan para Presidente, y en otra distinta la que eligen para Vicepresidente. Se haran dos listas de todos los individuos electos para Presidente, y otras dos de los nombrados para Vicepresidente con el numero de votos que cada uno de ellos hubiese obtenido. Estas listas seran firma- das por los electores, 3 r se remiti- ran cerradas y selladas dos de ellas (una de cada clase) al Presidente de la Legislatura Provincial, 3^ en la Capital al Presidente de la Mu- nicipalidad, en cuyos registros per- maneceran depositadas y cerradas; y las otras dos al Presidente del Senado (la primera vez al Presi- dente del Congreso Constituyente). Art. 82. El Presidente del Sena- do (la primera vez el del Congre- so Constituyente), reunidas todas las listas, las abrira a presencia de ambas Camaras. Associados a los Secretarios cuatro miembros del Congreso sacados a la suerte, pro- cederan inmediatamente a hacer el escrutinio y a anunciar el numero de sufragios que resulte en favor de cada candidate para la Presi- dencia y Vicepresidencia de la Na- cion. Los que reunan en ambos ca- sos la mayoria absoluta de todos los votos, seran proclamados inme- diatamente Presidente y Vicepre- sidente. Deputies, senators, and officials receiving pay .^'rom the Federal Government, shall be disqualified from being electors. Four months before the expira- tion of the Presidential term, the electors chosen by the capital shall meet in the capital, and those chosen by the Provinces in their respective capitals, and then they shall proceed to elect by ballot the President and vice-president of the Nation. Each elector shall give his vote by means of two ballots signed by him, one expressing his choice for President and the other for vice-president. Two lists shall be made of all the persons named for President and two others of those named for vice-president, with the statement in each case of the number of votes cast in favor of the respective can- didates. These lists shall be signed by the electors and sent by them under sealed envelope, two (one of each class) to the president of the provincial legislature, and in the case of the capital to the president of the municipal council — to be filed and kept, with their seals un- broken, in their respective ar- chives — and the other two to the president of the Senate (the first time to the president of the Con- stitutional Convention). Art. 82. The president of the Senate (the first time the president of the Constitutional Convention), having all the lists in his posses- sion, shall open them in the pres- ence of the two chambers. Four members of Congress, selected by lot, shall assist the secretaries in counting and announcing the votes cast for each candidate, either for President or for vice-president of the Nation. Those receiving in each case an absolute majority of all the votes shall be immediately proclaimed President or vice- president. 122 THE AKGENTINE NATION. Art. 83. En el caso de que por dividirse la votacion no hubiere mayoria absoluta, elegira el Con- freso entre las dos personas que ubiesen obtenido mayor numero de suf ragios. Si la primera mayo- ria que resultare hubiese cabido a mas de dos personas, elegira el Congreso entre todas estas. Si la primera mayoria hubiese cabido a una sola persona, y la segunda a dos 6 mas, elegira el Congreso entre todas las personas que hayan obtenido la primera y segunda mayoria. Art. 84. Esta eleccion se hara a pluralidad absoluta de sufragios y por votacion nominal. Si veri- ficada la primera votacion, no re- sultare mayoria absoluta, se hara segunda vez contrayendose la vota- cion a las dos personas que en la primera hubiesen obtenido mayor numero de sufragios. En caso de empate, se repetira la votacion y si resultase nuevo empate, decidira el Presidente del Senado (la pri- mera vez el del Congreso Consti- tuyente). No podra hacerse el escrutinio, ni la rectificacion de estas elecciones, sin que esten pre- sentes las tres cuartas partes del total de los miembros del Con- greso. Art. 85. La eleccion del Presi- dente y Vicepresidente de la Na- cion debe quedar concluida en una sola sesion del Congreso, publi- candose en seguida el resultado de 6sta y las actas electorales por la prensa. Capitulo III. Atribuciones del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 86. El Presidente de la Nacion tiene las siguientes atribu- ciones: 1. Es el Jefe Supremo de la Art. 83. In case the vote is divided and no absolute majority can thus be obtained, Congress shall make the election by choos- ing one of the two persons who obtained the greatest number of votes. If the first majority ob- tained proves to be in favor of more than two persons, Congress shall make its choice from among all of them. If the first majority obtained proves to be in favor of only one person and two or more persons are favored with the next largest majority, the choice of Congress shall be made from among all those who obtained the first and second majorities. Art. 84. This choice shall be made by an absolute majority of votes, the name of each voter to be entered on the record. If the absolute majority is not secured on the first ballot, a second vote shall be taken, but only to select one out of the two persons in whose favor the greatest number of votes was cast. If the vote is equally divided the balloting shall be re- peated, but if it again results in an equal division, the president of the Senate (the first time the presi- dent of the Constitutional Conven- tion) shall decide by his vote. The counting of the votes in these elections shall not be made with- out three-fourths of all the mem- bers of Congress being present. Art. 85. The election of the President and vice-president of the Nation shall be concluded in a single sitting of Congress, and the result thereof, as well as the jour- nal of the electoral proceedings, shall be published immediately through the newspapers. Chapter III. Powers of the Executive. Art. 86. The President of the Nation shall have the following powers: 1. He is the Chief Magistrate of CONSTITUTION. 123 Nacion, y tiene a su cargo la ad- ministracion general del pais. 2. Expide las instrucciones y reglamentos que sean necesarios para la ejecucion de las lej'es de la Nacion, cuidando de no alterar su espiritu con excepciones reglamen- tarias. 3. Es el jefe inmediato y local de la Capital de la Nacion. 4. Participa de la formacion de las leyes con arreglo a la Constitu- cion, las sanciona y promulga. 5. Nombra los magistrados de la Corte Suprema y de los deuias Tribunales Federates inferiores, con acuerdo del Senado. 6. Puede indultar 6 conmutar las penas por delitos sujetos a la jurisdiccion federal, previo informe del tribunal correspon- diente, excepto en los casos de acusacion por la Camara de Dipu- tados. 7. Concede jubilaciones, retiros, licencias y goce de montepios con- forme a las leves de la Nacion. 8. Ejerce los derechos del Patro- nato Nacional en la presentation de Obispos para las lglesias Cate- drales, a propuesta en terna del Senado. 9. Concede el pase 6 retiene los decretos de los concilios, las Bulas, Breves yRescriptos del SumoPon- tifice de Roma con acuerdo de la Suprema Corte; requiriendose una ley cuando contienen disposiciones generates y permanentes. 10. Nombra y remueve a los Mi- nistros Plenipotenciarios y Encar- the Nation, and has in his charge the general administration of all the executive business of the country. 2. He may issue all the instruc- tions and rules necessary for the execution of the laws of the Na- tion, taking care that the spirit of said laws is not changed nor their scope limited by exceptions through the said regulations. 3. He is the chief local authority of the capital of the Nation. 4. He assists, in the manner pro- vided by the Constitution, in mak- ing the laws, gives them his ap- proval, and causes them to be pro- mulgated. 5. He appoints, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the jus- tices of the supreme court and of all other Federal tribunals. 6. He may grant pardons and commutations of sentences upon report of the trial courts, in cases of offenses subject to Federal jurisdiction, except, however, in cases of impeachment by the Chamber of Deputies. 7. He may place on the retired list with pa}r, when so permitted by the laws of the Nation, all classes of national officials, and grant pen- sions and leaves of absence in accordance with the same laws. 8. He exercises the right of ec- clesiastical patronage by present- ing for each national diocese the name of a bishop, selected out of three suggested to him for this purpose by the Senate. 9. He can, with the advice and consent of the supreme court, grant or refuse passage to decrees of the councils, bulls, briefs, and rescripts of the Supreme Pontiff of Rome; but said grant or refusal shall be made by law, whenever the ecclesiastical enactments af- fected by either action contain provisions of general or perma- nent character. 10. He appoints or removes, with the advice and consent of the 124 THE ARGENTINE NATION. fados de Negocios con acuerdo del enado; y por si solo nombra y re- mueve los Ministros del despacho, los Oficiales de sus Secretanas, los Agentes consulares y demas em- pleados de la Administration, cuyo nombramiento no esta reglado de otra manera por esta Constitution. 11. Haceanualmentelaapertura de las sesiones del Congreso, reu- nidas al efecto ambas Caraaras en la Sala del Senado, dando cuenta en esta ocasion al Congreso del estado de la Nation, de las ref ormas prometidas por la Constitution, y recomendando & su consideration las medidas que juzgue necesarias y convenientes. 12. Prorroga las sesiones ordi- narias del Congreso, 6 lo convoca a sesiones extraordinarias, cuando un grave interns de orden 6 de progreso lo requiera. 13. Hace recaudar las rentas de la Nation y decreta su inversion con arreglo a la ley 6 presupuestos de gastos nacionales. 14. Concluj^e y firma tratados de paz, de comercio, de navegacion, de alianza, de limites y de neutra- lidad, concordatos y otras negocia- ciones requeridas para el manteni- miento de buenas relaciones con las potencias extranjeras, recibe sus Ministros y admite sus Con- sules. 15. Es comandante en jefe de todas las f uerzas de mar y de tierra de la Nation. 16. Provee los empleos militares de la Nation; con acuerdo del Se- nado, en la concesion de los empleos ogrados de oficiales superiores del Ejercitoy Armada; y por si solo en el campo de batalla. Senate, the ministers plenipoten- tiary and charges d'affaires, and by himself alone, without senatorial action, the cabinet ministers, the officials of the departments, the consular agents, and all the Gov- ernment employees whose appoint- ment is not otherwise provided for by the present Constitution. 11. He opens every year, in the presence of the two chambers as- sembled for this purpose in the hall of the Senate, the sessions of Congress, on which occasion he shall furnish information as to the state of the Nation, and the prog- ress made in the work of reform promised by the Constitution, rec- ommending such measures as he may deem advisable. 12. He may prorogue Congress when sitting inordinary session, or convene it in extraordinary ses- sion, when some grave interest of order or progress may require it. 13. He causes the revenue of the Nation to be collected, and de- crees the disbursement of the na- tional moneys, in conformity with the provisions of the appropria- tion laws. 14. He concludes and signs trea- ties of peace, commerce, naviga- tion, alliance, limits, and neutral- ity, as well as concordats and all other arrangements or agreements required for the maintenance . of friendly relations with foreign powers. He also receives the min- isters accredited by the latter and admits their consuls. 15. He is the commander in chief of all the land and naval forces of the Nation. 16. He appoints all the military officers of the Nation ; but the advice and consent of the Senate shall be required when the position to be filled, or the rank to be given, is that of a superior officer in either the army or the navy. When the appointments or conces- sions of rank are made on the battlefield, senatorial approval is not necessary. CONSTITUTION. 125 17. Dispone de las fuerzas mi- litares maritimas y terrestres, y corre con su organizacion y distri- bucion segun las necesidades de la Nacion. 18. Declara la guerra y concede patentes de corso y cartas de repre- salias con autorizacion y aproba- cion del Congreso. 19. Declara en estado de sitio uno 6 varios puntos de la Nacion en caso de ataque exterior y por un termino limitado, con acuerdo delSenado. Encasodeconmocioh interior, solo tiene esta facultad cuando el Congreso esta en receso, porque es atribucion que corres- ponde a este Cuerpo. El Presi- dente la ejerce con las limitaciones prescritas en el articulo 23. 20. Puede pedir a los jefes de todos los ramos y Departamentos de la Administracion, y por su conducto, a los demas empleados, los inf ormes que crea con venientes, 3 7 ellos son obligados a darlos. 21. No puede ausentarse del territorio de la Capital, sino con permiso del Congreso. En el re- ceso de este, solo podra hacerlo sin licencia por graves objetos de servicio publico. 22. El Presidente tendra facul- tad para llenar las vacantes de los empleos que requieran el acuerdo del Senado, y que ocurran durante su receso, por medio de nombra- mientos en comision que expiraran al fin de la proxima Legislatura. Capitulo IV. De los Minislros del, Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 87. a Cinco Ministros Se- cretaries, a saber: — del Interior, de Relaciones Exteriores, de Hacien- da, de Justicia, Culto e Instruc- 17. He manages the land and naval forces of the Nation and attends to their organization and distribution, according to the ne- cessities of the case. 18. He, with the authority and approval of Congress, declares war and grant letters of marque and reprisal. 19. He declares, with the con- sent of the Senate, one or several points of the Nation to be, for a limited time, in case of foreign attack, in a state of siege. Should the trouble be domestic, the decla- ration of a state of siege can be made by the President if Congress is not in session; otherwise the power to make it belongs to that body. The President shall exer- cise this power with the limitations established by article 23. 20. He may ask of the heads of all the bureaus and departments of the Government, and through them of all other employees, what- ever information he may desire, and said officials are bound to furnish it. 21. The President shall not leave the national capital without the permission of Congress. During the recess of the latter, he may, however, absent himself from the capital without such permission, if some grave necessity of the pub- lic service shall demand it. 22. He shall have the power to fill all vacancies occurring during the recess of Congress and requir- ing the approval of the Senate. In this case the appointment shall expire at the close of the next session. Chapter IV. The members of the cabinet. Art. 87. a Five ministers, secre- taries of state — respectively named of the interior, of foreign affairs, of the treasury, of justice, worship, "See Article as amended March 15, 1898, page 132. 126 THE AKGENTINE NATION. cion Publica y de Guerra y Ma- rina — tendran a su cargo el des- pacho de los negocios de la Nacion, y refrendaran y legal izaran los actos del Presidente por medio de su firma, sin euyo requisite) carecen deeficacia. Unaleydeslindaralos ramos del respectivo despacho de los Ministros. Art. 88. Cada Ministro es res- f)onsable de los actos que lega- iza; y solidariamente de los que acuerda con sus colegas. Art. 89. Los Ministros no pue- den por si solos, en ningun caso, tomar resoluciones, a excepcion de lo concerniente al regimen eco- nomico y administrativo de sus respectivos Departamentos. Art. 90. Luego que el Congreso abra sus sesiones, deberan los Mi- nistros del despacho presentarle una memoria detallada del estado de la Nacion, en lo relativo a los negocios de sus respectivos Depar- tamentos. Art. 91. No pueden ser Sena- dores ni Diputados, sin hacerdimi- sion de sus empleos de Ministros. Art. 92. Pueden los Ministros concurrir a las sesiones del Con- greso y tomar parte en sus debates, pero no votar. Art. 93. Gozaran por sus servi- cios de un sueldo establecido por la ley, que no podra ser aumen- tado ni disminuido en favor 6 per- juicio de los que se hallen en ejer- cicio. . Secci6n Tkrcera. Del Poder Judicial. Capitulo I. De su naturaleza y duracion. Art. 94. El Poder Judicial de la Nacion sera ejercido por una Corte Suprema de Justicia, y por and public instruction, and of war and the navy — shall have charge of the Nation's business, and shall countersign and attest all the acts of the President; and none of these acts shall have validity when lack- ing the signature of the respective ministers. The scope of the busi- ness of each department shall be determined by law. Art. 88. Each minister is indi- vidually responsible for the acts signed by him, and jointly and severally for all other acts agreed upon between him and his col- leagues. Art. 89. The ministers shall not, in any case, take individual action on any subject, unless it is concern- ing the internal government of their own respective departments. Art. 90. As soon as Congress meets, each minister shall submit to it a report on the state of the Nation, as far as represented by his own department. Art. 91. No minister shall be either senator or deputy without first resigning his position in the cabinet. Art. 92. The ministers may at- tend the sessions of Congress and take part in the debates, but they shall nave no vote. Art. 93. The ministers shall re- ceive for their services a salary established by law; but this salary shall not be increased or decreased in favor or against the incumbent of the position. Section Third. The judicial power Chapter I. Its nature and duration. Art. 94. The judicial power of the nation shall be vested in a su- preme court of justice and in the CONSTITUTION. 127 los demas Tribunales inferiores que el Congreso estableciese en el territorio de la Nacion. Art. 95. En ningun caso el Presidente de la Nacion puede ejercer funciones judiciales, arro- garse el conocimiento de causas pendientes 6 restablecer las fene- cidas. Art. 96. Los Jueces de la Corte Suprema y de los Tribunales in- feriores de la Nacion conservaran sus empleos mientras dure su buena conducta, y recibiran por susserviciosunacompensacion que determinara la ley, y que no podra ser disminuida en manera alguna, mientras permaneciesen en sus funciones. Art. 97. Ninguno podra ser miembro de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, sin ser Abogado de la Nacion, con ocho alios de ejercicio, y tener las calidades requeridas para ser Senador. Art. 98. En la primera instala- cion de la Corte Suprema, los individuos nombrados prestaran juramento en manos del Presidente de la Nacion, de desempenar sus obligaciones, administrando justi- cia bien y legalmente, y en con- f ormidad a lo que prescribe la Cons- titucion. En lo sucesivo lo pres- taran ante el Presidente de la misma Corte. Art. 99. La Corte Suprema dictara su reglamento interior y economico, y nombrara todos sus empleados subalternos. inferior tribunals which Congress may establish in the national ter- ritory. Art. 95. The President of the Republic shall not in any case exercise judicial functions, as- sume jurisdiction of any pending cause, or reopen cases already decided. Art. 96. The justices of the supreme court and the judges of the inferior tribunals shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall receive for their services a compensation to be fixed by law, which shall never be diminished in any way or manner while ex- ercising their functions. Art. 97. No one shall be a justice of the supreme court of the Nation who is not a lawyer, with eight years' practice in the national courts, and has not, fur- thermore, the qualifications neces- sary to be a senator. Art. 98. On the first assembling of the supreme court under the present Constitution, the members thereof shall take an oath, which shall be administered to them by the President of the Nation, to fulfill their duties, and administer justice well and legally and in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Constitution. In the future the oath shall be administered to them by the chief justice. Art. 99. The supreme court shall make proper rules for the transaction of its business, and shall appoint all its subordinate employees. Capitulo II. Atribuciones del Poder Judicial. Art. 100. Corresponde a la Corte Suprema y a los Tribu- nales inferiores de la Nacion, el conocimiento y decision de todas las causas que versen sobre puntos regidos por la Constitution, y por Chapter II. Functions of the judicial power. Art. 100. The supreme court, as well as the Federal inferior tri- bunals, shall have jurisdiction in all cases and causes not mentioned in clause 11, article 67 of the pres- ent Constitution, involving points 128 THE ARGENTINE NATION. las leyes de la Nacion, con la reserva hecha en el inciso 11 del articulo 67, y por los Tratados con las Naciones extranjeras: de las causas concernientes a Embaia- dores, Ministros Publicos y Con- sulesextranjeros: de las causas de almirantazgo y jurisdiccion mari- tima: de los asuntos en que la Nacion sea parte: de las causas que se susciten entre dos 6 mas Provincias; entre una Provincia y los vecinos de otra; entre los vecinos de dife rentes Provincias; y entre una Provincia 6 sus ve- cinos, contra un Estado 6 ciuda- dano extranjero. Art. 101. EnestoscasoslaCorte Suprema ejercera su jurisdiccion por apelacion segiin las reglas y excepciones que prescriba el Con- greso; pero en todos los asuntos concernientes a Em baj adores, Mi- nistros y Consules extranjeros, y en los que alguna Provincia fuese parte, la ejercera originaria y exclusivamente. Art. 102. Todos los juicios criminales ordinarios, que no se deriven del derecho de acusacion concedido a la Camara de Diputa- dos se terminaran por jurados, luego que se establezca en la Re- publica esta institucion. La actua- tion de estos juicios se hara en la misma Provincia donde se hubiese cometido el delito; pero cuando este se com eta fuera de los limites de la Nacion, contra el Derecho de Gentes, el Congreso determinara por una ley especial el lugar en que haya de seguirse el juicio. Art. 103. La traicion contra la Nacion consistira linicamente en tomar las armas contra ella, 6 en unirse a sus enemigos prestandoles ayuda y socorro. LI Congreso fijara por una ley especial la pena de este delito; pero ella no pasara de la persona del delincuente, ni la infamia del reo se transmitira a sus parientes de cualquier grado. to be decided by the same Consti- tution, the Federal laws, or foreign treaties; cases and causes concern- ing ambassadors, public ministers, and foreign consuls; admiral tj' cases; cases falling under maritime jurisdiction; cases and causes in which the Nation is a party to the contention; and cases and causes between two or more Provinces, or between a Province and the citizens of another, or between citizens of different Provinces or between a Province or its citizens against a foreign citizen or State. Art. 101. In all the cases and causes above named the supreme court shall have appellate juris- diction, under such rules and ex- ceptions thereto as Congress may establish. But in the cases con- cerning foreign ambassadors, min- isters, and consuls, and in those to which a Province shall be a party, the jurisdiction of the court shall be original and exclusive. Art. 102. The trial of all ordi- nary crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jur} T , as soon as this institution is estab- lished in the Nation. Such trials shall take place in the Province where the offense was committed; but when the wrong was done out- side the limits of the Nation, and in violation of the law of nations, Congress shall decide, by a special law, the locality in which the trial shall take place. Art. 103. Treason against the Nation shall consist only in taking up arms against it or in joining its enemies and lending them aid and succor. Congress shall by a spe- cial law fix the penalty for this crime, but the punishment shall not go be3 7 ond the person of the offender, nor shall any infamy re- sulting therefrom attaint his rela- tives in whatever degree. CONSTITUTION. 129 TfTULO SEGUNDO. Gobiernos de Provincia. Art. 104. Las Provincias con- servan todo el poder no delegado por esta Constitucion al Gobierno Federal, y el que expresamente se hayan reservado por pactos espe- ciales al tiempo de su incorpora- cion. Art. 105. Se dan sus propias instituciones locales y se rigen por ellas. Eligen sus Gobernadores, sus Legisladores y demas f uncio- narios de Provincia, sin interven- tion del Gobierno Federal. Art. 106. Cada Provincia dicta su propia Constitucion, conforme a lo dispuesto en el articulo 5. Art. 107. Las Provincias pue- den celebrar tratados parciales para tines de administration de justicia, de intereses economicos y trabajos de utilidad comun, con conocimiento del Congreso Federal; y promover su industria, la inmigracion, la construction de ferrocarriles y canales navega- bles, la colonization de tierras de propiedad provincial, la introduc- tion y establecimiento de nuevas industrias, la importation de capi- tales extranjeros y la exploration de sus rios, por leyes protectoras de estos tines, y con sus recursos propios. Art. 108. Las Provincias no ejercen el poder delegado a la Nation. No pueden celebrar tra- tados parciales de caracter politico; ni expedir leyes sobre comercio, 6 navegacion interior 6 exterior; ni establecer aduanas provinciales; ni acunar inoneda; ni establecer ban cos con facultad de emitir billetes, sin autorizacion del Con- greso Federal; ni dictar los 360a— vol 1—06 9 TITLE SECOND. Provincial Governments. Art. 104. The Provinces retain all the powers not delegated by the present Constitution to the Federal Government, and those which they expressly reserved, through special agreements at the time of their coming into the Union. Art. 105. Each Province shall have its own local institutions and laws and shall be governed by them. They shall elect their gov- ernors, legislators, and provincial functionaries of all classes without intervention of the Federal Gov- ernment. Art. 106. Each Province shall enact its own constitution, subject to the provisions of article 5. Art. 107. The Provinces shall have the power to conclude, with the knowledge of the Federal Congress, such partial treaties as they may deem necessary for the purposes of administration of justice, regulation of financial in- terests, or the execution of public works of common utility, and to promote, by means of protective laws and at their own expense, the increase of their own indus- tries, the immigration into their territories, the building of rail- roads and navigable canals, the settlement and colonization of the provincial lands, the introduction and establishment of new indus- tries, the importation of foreign capital, and the exploration of their rivers. Art. 108. The Provinces shall not exercise any power delegated to the Nation. They shall not, without authority from the Fed- eral Congress, enter into any par- tial treaties of a political charac- ter, or pass laws relating to the domestic or foreign commerce or navigation, or establish provincial custom-houses, coin money, or create banks of issue; neither 130 THE ARGENTINE NATION. Codigos civil, comercial, penal y de mineria, despues que el Con- greso los hay a sancionado; ni dic- tar especialmente leyes sobre eiudadania y naturalization, ban- carrotas, falsification de moneda 6 documentos del Estado; ni establecer derechos de tonelaje; ni armar buques de guerra 6 levantar ejercitos, salvo el caso de invasion exterior 6 de un peligro tan inminente que no aduiita dila- tion, dando luego cuenta al Go- bierno Federal; ni nombrar 6 recibir Agentes extranjeros; ni admitir nuevas ordenes religiosas. Art. 109. Ninguna Provincia puede declarer, ni hacer la guerra a otra Provincia. Sus quejas deben ser sometidas a la Corte Suprema de Justicia y dirimidas por ella. , Sus hostilidades de necho son actos de guerra civil, calificados de sedition 6 asonada, que el Gobierno Federal debe sofocar y reprimir conforme a la ley. Art. 110. Los Gobernadores de Provincia son Agentes naturales del Gobierno Federal para hacer cumplir la Constitucion y las leyes de la Nation. Sala de Sesiones de la Conven- tion Nacional, en la ciudad de Santa Fe, a los veinticinco dias del mes de Setiembre del ano mil ocho- cientos sesenta. shall they enact any civil, commer- cial, criminal, or mining codes, subsequent to the promulgation of the national ones enacted by Congress, or pass especial laws on the subjects of citizenship, natu- ralization, bankruptcy, and coun- terfeiting of money or Govern- ment bonds, or establish tonnage dues, arm war vessels, or raise armies, except in case of foreign invasion or of such imminent dan- ger as to admit of no delaj 7 , and on condition that they give full account thereof to tne Federal Government, or appoint or re- ceive foreign agents, or admit new religious orders. Art. 109. No Province shall de- clare or wage war against another. Their complaints against each other must be submitted to and settled by the supreme court of justice. Ac- tual hostilities on the part of one Province against another shall be deemed acts of civil war, seditious and riotous, which the Federal Government should put down and repress according to law. Art. 110. The governors of the Provinces shall be the natural agents of the Federal Government for the enforcement of the Consti- tution and the laws of the Nation. Hall of Sessions of the National Convention at the city of Santa Fe, on the 25th day of September, 1860. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. ENMIENDAS ADOFTADAS EL 12 DE SETIEMBRE DE 1866 LaConvencion Nacional sanciona lo siguiente: Primero. Suprimese del articulo 4 de la Constitucion Nacional la parte que sigue: "hasta 1866 con arreglo a lo estatuido en el inciso AMENDMENTS ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 12, 1866. The national convention enacts the following: First. That part of article 4 of the National Constitution which reads: "Until 1866, in conformity with the enactments of article 67, AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION. 131 1 del articulo 67," debiendo que- dar dicho articulo 4 en los ter- minos siguientes: El Gobierno Federal provee a los gastos de la Nacion con los fondos del Tesoro Nacional, for- mado del producto de derechos de importacion y exportacion, del de la venta 6 locacion de tierras de propiedad nacional; de la rentade correos; de las demas contribu- ciones que equitativa y propor- cionalmente a la poblacion im- ponga el Congreso General; y de los emprestitos y operaciones de credito que decrete el mismo Con- greso para urgencias de la Nacion 6 para empresas de utilidad na- cional. Segundo. Suprimeseigualmente la parte final del inciso 1, del articulo 67, que dice : k ' hasta 1866, en cuya fecha cesaran como im- puesto nacional, no pudiendo serlo provincial." En consecuencia que- dara dicho inciso 1 como sigue: (1) Legislar sobre las aduanas exteriores y establecer los derechos de importacion, los cuales asi como las avaluaciones que recaigan, se- ran uniformes en toda la Nacion, bien entendido que esta, asi como las demas contribuciones naciona- les, podran ser satisfechas en la moneda que fuese corriente en las Provincias respectivas por su justo equivalente. Establecer igual- mente los derechos de exporta- cion. ENMIENDAS ADOPTADAS EL 15 DE MARZO DE 1898. La Convencion Nacional reunida en la Capital de la Republica, a los efectos de la ley numero 3507, de 3 de Septiembre de 1867, san- ciona : Primero. Quedan ref ormados los articulos 37 y 87 de la Constitu- cion Nacional, en la siguiente forma: Art. 37. La Camara de Dipu- tados se compondra de represen- Clause I," shall be stricken out, the said article to read as follows: The Federal Government shall defray the expenses of the Nation with funds of the national treas- ury, consisting of: receipts from import and export duties; pro- ceeds of the sale or lease of na- tional lands; yieldings of the pos- tal service; taxes levied by the general Congress equitably and in proportion to the population, and moneys obtained through loans and financial operations decreed by Congress for urgent national necessities or for works of national utility. Second. The last part of Clause I, article 67, which reads: " Up to 1866, at which time they shall cease to be either national or provincial taxes," shall be stricken out, so as to make said clause read as follows: (1) To legislate in regard to cus- tom-houses and foreign commerce and establish import duties which, as well as the rates of appraisement on which they must be based, shall be uniform in the whole Nation, it being understood, however, that these duties and all other taxes of national character may be paid in the currency of the respective Provinces in their just equivalent value. And to establish likewise export duties. AMENDMENTS ADOPTED . MARCH 15, 1898. The national convention assem- bled in the capital of the Republic, in pursuance of law No. 3507 of September 3, 1867, sanctions: First. Articles 37 and 87 of the National Constitution are hereby amended as follows: Art. 37. The Chamber of Dep- uties shall consist of representa- 132 THE ARGENTINE NATION. tantes elegidos directamente por el pueblo de las provincias y de la Capital, que se consideran a este fin como distritos electorates de un solo Estado y a simple pluralidad de suf ragios. El numero de repre- sentantes sera de uno por cada treinta y tres rail habitantes 6 f rac- cion que no baje de diez y seis mil quinientos. Despues de la realiza- cion de cada censo, el Congreso fijara la representation con arreglo al mismo, pudiendo aumentar, pero no disrainuir,la base expresada para cada diputado. Art. 87. Ocho Ministros Secre- taries tendran a su cargo el despa- cho de los negocios dela Nation y ref rendaran y legalizaran los actos del Presidente por medio de su firma, sin cuyo requisite carecen de eficacia. Una ley especial des- lindara los raraos del respectivo despacho de los Ministros. tives elected directly and by simple plurality of votes, by the people of the Provinces and of the capital, which shall be considered for this purpose as mere electoral districts of a single State. The election shall be in the proportion of one deputy for each thirty-three thou- sand inhabitants or fraction thereof of not less than sixteen thousand five hundred. After the taking of each census Congress shall fix, according to its results, the rate of representation, which in no case shall be less than the one now established. Art. 87. Eight ministers or sec- retaries shall nave charge of the affairs of the Nation, and shall countersign and attest all acts of the President, which without this requisite shall lack validity. A special law shall determine the business of each department. THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. HISTORICAL NOTES. Brazil was an Empire until November 15, 1889, when in a single day, and without bloodshed, the monarchy was overthrown. Emperor Dom Pedro II abdicated the Crown, and a republic was established on the basis of the federation of the provinces raised to the condition of States. The States are: Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceara, Espirito Santo, Goyaz, Maranhao, Matto-Grosso, Minas Geraes, Para, Parahyba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piauhy, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catharina, Sao Paulo, Sergipe. LIST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE CONSULTED IN REFERENCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF BRAZIL. Constituicao da Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil, acompanhada das leis organicas publicadas desde 15 de Novembro de 1889. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa national, 1891. ( Official publication. ) Freire, Felisbello. Historia Constitucional da Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. Arosemena, Justo. Estudios constitucionales sobre los Gobiernos de la America latina. Paris, 1878. Rodrigues, Jose Carlos. Constituicao politica do Imperio do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro. 1 863. Paginas d' Historia constitucional do Brasil. 1840-1848. Rio de Janeiro. 1870. 133 CONSTITUTION. (February 24, 1891.) Nos, os representantes do Povo Brazileiro, reunidos em Congresso Constituinte, paraorganizarum re- gimen livre e democratico, estabe- lecemos, decretamos e promulga- mos a seguinte Constituicao da Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil. TITULO I. DA ORGANIZACAO FEDERAL. DISPOSICOES PRELIMINARE8. Artigo 1. A Nacao Brazileira adopta como forma de governo, sob o regimen representative, a Republica Federativa, proclamada a quinze de Novembro de mil oitocentos oitenta e nove, e con- stitue-se, por uniao perpetua e in- dissoluvel das suas antigas pro- vincias, em Estados Unidos do Brazil. Art. 2. Cada uma das antigas provincias formard um Estado, e o antigo municipio neutro consti- tuira o Districto Federal, continu- ando a ser a capital da Uniao em- quanto nao se der execucao ao dis- posto no artigo seguinte. Art. 3. Fica pertencente a Uniao, no planalto central da Re- publica, uma zona de quatorze mil quatrocentos kilometros quadra- dos, que sera opportunamente de- marcada para nella estabelecer-se a futura Capital Federal. 134 We, the representatives of the Brazilian people, assembled in constitutional convention for the purpose of organizing a free and democratic government, do hereby establish, decree, and promulgate the following Constitution for the Republic of the United States of Brazil. TITLE I. THE FEDERAL ORGANIZATION. PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS. Article 1. The Brazilian Na- tion adopts for its government the Federal republican representative form, as proclaimed on the fifteenth of November, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and constitutes itself, by the perpetual and indis- soluble union of its former Prov- inces, into the United States of Brazil. Art. 2. Each of the former Provinces shall constitute a State, and the former neutral municipal district shall form the Federal District, continuing to be the cap- ital of the Union until the provi- sions of the following article shall be put into effect. Art. 3. A zone fourteen thou- sand four hundred kilometers square, situated in the central pla- teau of the Republic, which shall be hereafter marked off, shall be set apart, as property of the Union, and on this site the future Federal capital shall be established. CONSTITUTION. 135 Paragrapho unico. Effectuada a mudanca da capital, o actual Dis- tricto Federal passara a constituir um Estado. Art. 4. Os Estados podem en- corporar-se entre si, subdividir-se ou desmembrar-se para se annexar a outros ou formar novos Estados, mediante acquiescencia das respec- tivas Asseinbleas Legislativas, em duas sessSes annuaes successivas, e appro vacao do Congresso Na- cional. Art. 5. Incumbe a cada Estado prover, a expensas proprias, as necessidades de seu governo e administracao: a Uniao, porem, prestara soccorros ao Estado que, em caso de calamidade publica, os solicitar. Art. 6. O Governo Federal nao podera intervir em negocios peculiares aos Estados, salvo: 1°. Para repellir invasao estran- geira, ou de um Estado em outro; 2°. Para manter a forma de go- verno republicanafederativa; 3°. Para restabelecer a ordem e a tranquillidade nos Estados, a requisicao dos respectivos gover- nos; 4°. Para assegurar a execucao das leis e sentencas federaes. Art. 7. E da competencia ex- clusiva da Uniao decretar: 1°. Impostos sobre a importa- yao de procedencia estrangeira; 2°. Direitos de entrada, sahida e estada de navios, sendo livre o commercio de cabotagem as mer- cadorias nacionaes, bem como as estrangeiras que ja tenham pago imposto de importacao; 3°. Taxas de sello, salvo a res- triccao do artigo 9, paragrapho 1, No. 1. 4°. Taxas dos correios e tele- graphos federaes. Paragrapho 1°. Tambem com- pete privativamente a Uniao. 1°. A instituiyao de bancos emis- sores. Sole paragraph. When the capi- tal has been moved there, the pres- ent Federal District shall consti- tute a State. Art. 4. The States shall have the power to annex themselves to each other; subdivide or dismem- ber themselves to join with others or form new States, provided that this is done with the consent of the respective local legislatures given in two successive annual sessions, and the approval of the National Congress. Art. 5. Each State shall, at its own expense, provide for the needs of its own government and admin- istration ; the Union, however,shall lend aid to a State in case of public calamity if it asks for assistance. Art. 6. The Federal Govern- ment shall not interfere in matters pertaining peculiarly to the States, save: 1. To repel foreign invasion, or the invasion of one State by another. 2. To maintain the federal re- publican form of government. 3. To reestablish order and tranquillity in the States, at the request of their respective govern- ments. 4. To secure the execution of the Federal laws and judgments. Art. 7. It is the exclusive pre- rogative of the Union to decree: 1. Duties on imports from for- eign countries. 2. Duties of entry, departure and stay of vessels ; but the coasti n g trade for national articles shall be free of duties, as is also free for- eign merchandise which has al- ready paid an import duty. 3. Stamp duties, save the re- striction mentioned in article 9, paragraph 1, No. 1. 4. Federal postal and telegraph taxes. Paragraph 1. The Union shall also have exclusive power: 1. To establish banks of issue. 136 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. 2°. A creacao e manutencao de alfandegas. Paragrapho 2°. Os impostos de- cretados pela Uniao devem ser uniformes para todos os Estados. Paragrapho 3°. AsleisdaUniao, os actos e as sentencas de suas auc- toridades serao executados em todo o paiz por f unccionarios f ederaes, podendo, todavia, a execucao das primeiras ser confiada aos governos dos Estados, mediante annuencia destes. Art. 8. E vedado ao Governo Federal crear, de qualquer niodo, distincc5es e pref erencias em favor dos portos de uns contra os de outros Estados. Art. 9. £ da competencia ex- clusiva dos Estados decretar im- postos. 1°. Sobre a exportacao de mer- cadorias de sua propria produccao. 2°. Sobre immoveis ruraes e urbanos. 3°. Sobre transmissao de pro- priedade. 4°. Sobre industrias e profissSes. Paragrapho 1°. Tambem com- pete exclusivamente aos Estados decretar: 1°. Taxas de sello quanto aos actos emanados de seus respectivos governos e negocios de sua econo- mia. 2°. Contributes concernentes aos seus telegraphos e correios. Paragrapho 2°. E isenta de im- postos, no Estado por onde se ex- portar, a produccao dos outros Estados. Paragrapho 3°. So e licito a um Estado tributar a importacao de mercadorias estrangeiras quando destinadas ao consumo no seu ter- ritorio, revertendo, porem, o pro- ducto do imposto para o Thesouro Federal. Paragrapho 4°. Fica salvo aos Estados o direito de estabelecerem linhas telegraphicas entre os di- 2. To create and maintain custom-houses. Paragraph 2. Taxes levied by the Union shall be uniform for all the States. Paragraph 3. The laws of the Union and the acts and decrees of its authorities shall be enforced throughout the whole countiy, by Federal officials; but the execution of the Federal laws may be en- trusted to the governments of the States, if the} 7 consent thereto. Art. 8. The Federal Govern- ment is forbidden to make dis- tinctions and preferences in favor of the ports of some of the States against those of others. Art. 9. The States alone are competent to decree taxes: 1. On the exportation of mer- chandise produced in their own States. 2. On country and city real es- tate. 3. On the conveyance of prop- erty. 4. On industries and profes- sions. Paragraph 1. The States shall also have trie exclusive right to de- cree: 1. Stamp taxes affecting acts emanating from their respective governments and their internal affairs. 2. Contributions relating to their postal and telegraphic service. Paragraph 2. The products of one State are exempted from im- posts in any other State from which they may be exported. Paragraph 3. It is lawful for a State to levy duties on imports of foreign goods only when intended for consumption in its own terri- tory; and it shall, in such case, turn over to the Federal treasury the amount of duties collected. Paragraph 4. The States have the right to establish telegraphic lines between different points of CONSTITUTION. 137 versos pontos de seus territories, e entre estes e os de outros Esta- dos que se nao acharem servidos por linhas federaes, podendo a Uniao desaproprial-as, quando for de interesse geral. Art. 10. fi prohibido aos Esta- dos tributar bens e rendas fede- raes ou servicos a cargo da Uniao, e reciprocamente. Art. 11. E.vedado aos Estados, como a Uniao: 1°. Crear impostos de transito pelo territorio de um Estado, ou na passagem de um para outro, sobre productos de outros Estados da Republica ou estrangeiros, e bem assim sobre os vehiculos, de terra e agua, que os transportarem. 2°. Estabelecer, subvencionar ou embaracar o exercicio de cultos religiosos. 3°. Prescrever leis retroactivas. Art. 12. Alem das f ontes de re- ceita diseriminadas nos artigos 7 e 9°, e licito a Uniao, como aos Estados, cumulativamente ou nao, crear outras quaesquer, nao con- travindo o disposto nos artigos 7, 9 e 11, No. 1. Art. 13. O direito da Uniao e dos Estados de legislarem sobre viacao ferrea e navegayao interior sera regulado por lei federal. Paragrapho unico. A navegacao de cabotagem sera feita por navios nacionaes. Art. 14. As forcas de terra e mar sao instituicoes nacionaes per- manentes, destinadas a defesa da patria no exterior e a manutencao das leis no interior. A f orca armada e essencialmente obediente, dentro dos limites da lei, aos seus superiores hierarchi- cos, obligada a sustentar as insti- tuicoes constitucionaes. their own territories, and between these points and those of other States which are not provided with a Federal telegraphic service, it being understood, however, that the Lnion may acquire the owner- ship thereof when so required by the general interest. Art. 10. It is prohibited to the States to levy taxes on Federal property or revenue, or on serv- ices in charge of the Union, and vice versa. Art. 11. It is forbidden to the States, as well as to the Union: 1 . To impose duties on the prod- ucts of a State, or of a foreign country, when in transit through the territory of another State, or going from one State to another, or on the vehicles, whether by land or water, by which they are trans- ported. 2. To establish, subsidize or embarrass the exercise of relig- ious worship. 3. To enact ex post facto laws. Art. 12. In addition to the sources of revenue set forth in arti- cles 7 and 9, it shall be lawful for the Union, as well as for the States, cumulatively or otherwise, to cre- ate any others whatsoever, pro- vided that they are not in contra- vention of the terms of articles 7, 9, and 11, No. 1. Art. 13. The right of the Union and of the States to legislate in regard to railways and navigation of internal waters shall be regu- lated by Federal law. Sole paragraph. Coastwise nav- igation shall be carried on by na- tional vessels. Art. 14. The land and naval forces are permanent national in- stitutions, intended for the defense of the country from foreign attack and the maintenance of the laws of the land. Within the limits of the law, the armed forces are from their nature bound to obey their hierarchical superiors, and to sup- port the constitutional institu- tions. 138 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Art. 15. Sao orgaos da sobera- nia nacional o Poder Legislativo, o Executivo e o Judiciario, harmo- nicos e independentes entre si. SECCAO I. Do Poder Legidativo. Capitulo I. Disposieoes geraes. Art. 16. O poder legislativo e" exereido pelo Congresso Nacional, com a sanccao do Presidente da Republica. Paragrapho 1°. O Congresso Nacional eomp5e-se de dois ramos: a Camara dos Deputados e o Senado. Paragrapho 2°. A eleicao para Senadores e Deputados far-se-ha simultaneamente em todo o paiz. Paragrapho 3°. Ninguem pode ser, ao mesmo tempo, Deputado e Senador. Art. 17. O Congresso reunir- se-ha, na Capital Federal, inde- pendentemente de convocacao, a tres de Maio de cada anno, si a lei nao designar outro dia, e func- cionara quatro mezes da data da abertura, podendo ser prorogado, adiado ou convocado extraordina- riamente. Paragrapho 1°. So ao Congresso compete deliberar sobre a proroga- cao e adiamento de suas sessSes. Paragrapho 2°. Cadalegislatura durara tres annos. Paragrapho 3°. O Governo do Estado em cuja representacao se der vaga, por qualquer causa, in- clusive renuncia, mandara imme- diatamente proceder a nova eleicao. Art. 18. A Camara dos Depu- tados e o Senado trabalharao se- paradamente e, quando nao se resolver o contrario por maioria de votos, em sess5es publicas. As Art. 15. The legislative, execu- tive and judicial powers are or- gans of the national sovereignty, harmonious with each other, and independent among themselves. SECTION I. The leg /'dative pmver. Chapter I. General provisions. Art. 16. The legislative power is vested in the National Congress, subject to the approval of the Pres- ident of the Republic. Paragraph 1. The National Con- gress is composed of two branches, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Paragraph 2. The election for senators and for deputies shall be held simultaneously throughout the country. Paragraph 3. No person shall be senator and deputy at the same time. Art. 17. The Congress shall as- semble in the Federal capital on the third day of Ma} 7 of each year without being convoked, unless another day is designated 'by law, and shall continue in session four months from the date of the open- ing, and may be prorogued, ad- journed, or convoked in extraor- dinary session. Paragraph 1. The Congress alone shall have the right to prorogue and adjourn its sessions. Paragraph 2. Each Congress shall last three years. Paragraph 3. When a vacancy occurs in the Congress on account of resignation or for any other reason, the respective State shall order immediately the election of a new member. Art. 18. The Chamber of Depu- ties and the Senate shall meet separately and, unless otherwise determined by a majority vote, their sessions shall be public. A CONSTITUTION. 139 deliberayoes serao tomadas por maioria de votos, achando-se pre- sente em cada uraa das Camaras a maioria absoluta aos seus mem- bros. Paragrapho unico. A cada uma das Camaras compete: Verificar e reconhecer os poderes de seus membros. Eleger a sua mesa. Organizar o seu regimento in- terno. Regular o servico de sua policia interna. Nomear os empregados de sua secretaria. Art. 19. Os Deputados e Sena- dores sao inviolaveis por suas opinioes, palavras e votos no exer- cicio do mandate Art. 20. Os Deputados e Sena- dores, desde que tiverem recebido diploma ate a nova eleicao, nao poderao ser presos, nem processa- dos criminalmente, sem previa licenca de sua Camara, salvo caso de flagrancia em crime inafiancavel. Nesto caso, levado o processo ate pronuncia exclusive, a auctoridade processante remettera os autos a Camara respectiva, para resolver sobre a procedencia da accusacao, si o accusado nao optar pelo jul- gamento immediato. Art. 21. Os membros das duas Camaras, ao tomar assento, con- trahirao compromisso formal, em sessao publica, de bem cumprir os seus deveres. Art. 22. Durante as sessoes vencerao os Senadores e os Depu- tados um subsidio pecuniario igual, e ajuda de custo, que serao fixados {>elo Congresso no fim de cada egislatura, para a seguinte. Art. 23. Nenhum membro do Congresso, desde que tenha sido eleito, podent celebrar contractos com o Poder Executivo, nem delle majority of votes shall be required to pass any measure in each cham- ber, provided there is a quorum consisting of an absolute majority of its members. Sole paragraph. Each chamber shall have power: To verify and accept the powers of its members. To choose its officers. To make the rules of its pro- ceedings. To provide for its own police service. To appoint its clerks. Art. 19. The deputies and sen- ators can not be held to account for their opinions, expressions or votes in the discharge of their mandate. Art. 20. Deputies and Sena- tors, shall not be, from the time they have received their cre- dentials until the new election, arrested or prosecuted criminally, without previous permission of the respective chamber, save in the case of unbailable in flagrante delicto. In this latter case, the court shall collect all the evidence in the case and submit it, together with the record of its proceedings, to the respective chamber, which, upon proper consideration shall decide whether or not an indict- ment is to be made, unless the accused shall choose to be tried immediately. Art. 21. The members of the two chambers, on taking their seats, shall take a formal oath, in public session, to perform their duties faithfully. Art. 22. During the sessions the senators and deputies shall be entitled to a salary and emolu- ments to be fixed by the Congress at the close of each legislature, for the succeeding one. Art. 23. No member of Con- gress shall, from the da}^ of his elec- tion, enter into contracts with the Executive power, or receive from 140 THE UNITED STATES OF BKAZIL. receber commissoes ou empregos remunerados. Paragrapho 1°. Exceptuam-se desta prohibicao: 1°. As missOes diplomaticas; 2°. As commissSes ou comman- dos militares; 3°. Os cargos de accesso e as promocSes legaes. Paragrapho 2°. Nenhum Depu- tado ou Senador, porem, podera acceitar nomeacao para missOes, commissSes, ou commandos, de que tratam os Nos. 1 e 2 do paragrapho antecedente, sem licenya da respec- tiva Camara, quando da acceitacao resultar privacao do exercicio das funccSes legislativas, salvo nos casos de guerra ou naquelles em que a honra e a integridade da Uniao se acharem empenhadas. Art. 24. O Deputado ou Sena- dor nao pode tambem ser presi- dente ou fazer parte de directorial de bancos, companhias ou em- gresas que gozem dos favores do roverno Federal, definidos em lei. Paragrapho unico. A inobser- vancia dos preceitos contidos neste artigo e no antecedente importa perda do mandato. Art. 25. O mandato legislativo e" incompativel com o exercicio de qualquer outra f unccao durante as sessSes. Art. 26. Sao condicOes de ele- gibilidade para o Congresso Na- cional: 1°. Estar na posse dos direitos de cidadao brasileiro e ser alistavel como eleitor; 2°. Para a Camara, ter mais de quatro annos de cidadao brasileiro, e para o Senado, mais de seis. Esta disposicao nao compre- hende os cidadaos a que refere-se o No. 4 do artigo 69. Art. 27. O Congresso declarant, em lei especial, os casos de incom- patibilidade eleitoral. the same any salaried office or commission. Paragraph 1. From this prohi- bition are excepted: 1. Diplomatic missions. 2. Positions in the military service. 3. Legal promotions. Paragraph 2. No deputy or sen- ator shall, however, accept mis- sions, or positions in the military service, as provided for in Nos. 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph, without first obtaining the permis- sion of the respective chamber, when the acceptance precludes the member from exercising his legis- lative functions, except in cases of war or in those in which the honor and integrity of the Union are involved. Art. 24. No deputy or senator shall be president or director of a bank, company, or enterprise which enjoys favors from the Fed- eral Government defined by^ law. Sole paragraph. Failure to ob- serve the provisions contained in this and the preceding article sig- nifies the loss of the mandate. Art. 25. The office of senator or deputy is incompatible with all other functions whatsoever during the sessions. Art. 26. The following are the conditions of eligibility to the National Congress: 1. To enjoy the rights of a Bra- zilian citizen and be entitled to be registered as an elector. 2. Candidates to membership of the chamber are required to have been Brazilian citizens for more than four years. Those wishing to be Senators need more than six years. This provision does not include the citizens mentioned in No. 4 of article 69. Art. 27. The Congress shall de- fine, by a special law, the cases of ineligibility to Congress. CONSTITUTION. 141 Capitulo II. Da Camara dos Deputados. Art. 28. A Camara dos Depu- tados compoe-se de representantes do povo, eleitos pelos Estados e pelo Districto Federal, medianteo suffragio directo, garantida a re- presentacao da minoria. Paragrapho 1°. O numero dos Deputados sera tixado por lei em proporcao que nao excedera de um por setenta mil habitantes, nao devendo esse numero ser inferior a quatro por Estado. Faragrapho 2°. Para este fim mandara o Governo Federal pro- ceder, desde ja, ao recenseamento da populapao da Republica, o qual sera revisto decennalmente. Art. 29. Compete a Camara a iniciativa do adiamento da sessao legislativa e de todas as leis de impostos, das leis de fixacao das f orpas de terra e mar, da discussao dos projectos offerecidos pelo Poder Executivo e a declaracao da procedencia ou improcedencia da accusacao contra o Presidente da Republica, nos termos do ar- tigo 53, e contra os ministros de Estado, nos crimes connexos com os do Presidente da Repbulica. Capitulo III. Do Senado. Art. 30. O Senado comp5e-se de cidadaos elegiveis nos termos do artigo 26 e maiores de trinta e cinco annos, em numero de tres Senadores por Estado e tres pelo Districto Federal, eleitos pelo mesmo modo por que o forem os deputados. Art. 31. O mandato do Senador durara nove annos, renovando-se o Senado pelo terco triennalmente. Paragrapho unico. O Senador eleito em substituicao de outro ex- Chapter II. The Chamber of Deputies. Art. 28. The Chamber of Depu- ties is composed of representatives of the people elected by the States and the Federal District, by direct suffrage, provided the representa- tion of the minority be guaranteed. Paragraph 1. The number of deputies shall be fixed by law and shall not exceed one for every seventy thousand, but each State shall have at least four deputies. Paragraph 2. For this purpose the Federal Government shall or- der a census of the population of the Republic to be taken at once, which shall be renewed every ten years. Art. 29. To the chamber be- longs the initiative for the adjourn- ment of the legislative session and of all laws touching the levying of taxes, the raising and fixing the number of the land and naval forces, the discussion of recom- mendations made by the Executive Power, and the decision of the question whether the President of the Republic should or should not be impeached, under the provisions of article 53, and whether the cab- ient ministers should or should not also be impeached for crimes com- mitted by them jointly with the President of the Republic. Chapter III. The Senate. Art. 30. The Senate is com- posed of citizens eligible under the terms of article 26, who are over thirty-five years old. There shall be three senators for each State and three for the Federal District, all of them elected in the same way as the deputies. Art. 31. The term of service of the senators shall be nine years, one-third of the Senate being re- newed every three years. Sole paragraph. The term of a senator elected in place of another 142 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. ercerii o mandato pelo tempo que restava ao substituido. Art. 32. O Vice-Presidente da Republica, sera Presidente do Se- nado, onde so tera voto de quali- dade, e sera substituido, nas ausen- cias e iinpedimentos, pelo Vice- Presidente da mesma Caniara. Art. 33. Compete privativa- mente ao Senado julgar o Presi- dente da Republica e os demais funccionarios federaes designados pela Constituicao, nos termos e pela forma que ella prescreve. Paragrapho 1°. O Senado, quan- do deliberar como tribunal de justica, sera presidido pelo Presi- dente do Supremo Tribunal Fed- eral. Paragrapho 2°. Nao proferira sentenca condemnatoria senao por dous tercos dos membros presentes. Paragrapho 3°. Nao podera im- por outras penas mais que a perda do cargo e a incapacidade de exercer qualquer outro, sem prejuizo da accao da justica ordinaria contra o condemnado. Capitulo IV. Das attribui0es do Congresso. Art. 34. Compete pri vat iva- mente ao Congresso Nacional : 1? Orcar a receita, fixar a des- peza federal annualmente e tomar as contas da receita e despeza de cada exercicio financeiro; 2° Auctorizar o Poder Execu- tivo a contrahir emprestimos e a fazer outras operacdes de credito; 3° Legislar sobre a divida pu- blica e estabelecer os meios para o seu pagamento; 4? Regular a arrecadaeao e a distribuicao das rendas federaes; 5° Regular o commercio inter- nacional, bem como o dos Estados shall continue during the remain- der of the term of the senator replaced. Art. 32. The vice-president of the Republic shall be the president of the Senate, where he .shall vote only in case of tie, and shall be replaced, in case of absence or im- pediment, by the vice-president of that chamber. Art. 33. The Senate alone has the power to try and pass sen- tence on the President or the Re- public and the other Federal offi- cers designated by the Constitu- tion, under the conditions and in the manner which it prescribes. Paragraph 1. The Senate, when sitting as a tribunal of justice, shall be presided over by the president of the Federal Supreme Court. Paragraph 2. It shall not pass sentence of condemnation unless bjr two- thirds of the members present. Paragraph 3. It shall not impose other penalties than the loss of office and disqualification to hold any other, without prejudice to the action of ordinary justice against the condemned. Chapter IV. Poivers of the Conqress. Art. 34. The National Congress shall have exclusive power: 1. To estimate the revenue and fix the expenditures of the Federal Government annually and take ac- counts of the receipts and expend- itures of each financial year. 2. To authorize the Executive Power to contract loans and trans- act other operations of credit. 3. To legislate in regard to the public debt and provide for its payment. 4. To control the collection and distribution of the Federal reve- nue. 5. To regulate international commerce as well as that of the CONSTITUTION. 143 entre si e com o do Districto Fede- ral, alfandegar portos, crear ou supprimir entrepostos; 6°. Legislar sobre a navegacao dos rios que banhem mais de urn Estado, ou se estendam a territo- ries estrangeiros; 7°. Determinar o peso, o valor, a inscripcao, o typo e a denorni- nacao das moedas; 8°. Crear bancos de emissao, legislar sobre ella e tributal-a; 9°. Fixar o padrao dos pesos e medidas; 10°. Resolver definitivamente sobre os limites dos Estados entre si, os do Districto Federal e os do territorio nacional com as nacdes limitrophes; 11°. Auctorizar o Governo a de- clarar guerra, si nao tiver logar ou mallograr-se o recurso do arbi- tramento, e a fazer a paz; 12°. Resolver definitivamente sobre os tratados e convencoes com as nacSes estrangeiras; 13°. Mudar a capital da Uniao; 14°. Conceder subsidios aos Es- tados na hypo these do artigo 5°; 15°. Legislar sobre o servico dos correios e telegraphos federaes; 16°. Adoptar o regimen conve- nient^ a seguranca das fronteiras; 17°. Fixar annualmente as for- cas de terra e mar; 18°. Legislar sobre a organi- sacao do exercito e da armada; 19°. Conceder ou negar passa- gem af orcas estrangeiras pelo terri- torio do paiz, para operacoes mili- tares; 20°. Mobilisar e utilisar a guarda nacional ou milicia civica, nos casos previstos pela Consti- tuicao; 21°. Declarar em estado de sitio um ou mais pontos do territorio States with each other and with the Federal district, establish custom- houses, create or abolish ware- houses of deposit. 6. To legislate in regard to navi- gation of rivers running through more than one State or through foreign territory. 7. To determine the weight, value, inscription, type, and de- nomination of the coins. 8. To create banks of issue, legislate in regard to this issue, and levy taxes on it. 9. To fix the standard of weights and measures. 10. To determine definitely the boundaries of the States, the Fed- eral District, and the national ter- ritory. 11. To authorize the Govern- ment to declare war, when arbitra- tion has failed or can not take place, and to make peace. 12. To decide definitely in regard to treaties and conventions with foreign nations. 13. To change the capital of the Union. 14. To grant subsidies to the States in the case referred to in article 5. 15. To legislate in regard to the Federal postal and telegraph service. 16. To adopt the necessary meas- ures for the protection of the frontiers. 17. To fix annually the number of the land and naval forces. 18. To regulate the organization of the army and navy. 19. To grant or refuse the pas- sage of foreign forces through the territory of the country when in- tended for military operations. 20. To mobilize and make use of the national guard or militia in the cases provided for by the Consti- tution. 21. To declare a state of siege at one or more points in the national 144 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. nacional, na emergencia de aggres- sao por for^as estrangeiras ou de commotio interna, e approval- ou suspender o sitio que houver sido declarado pelo Poder Executive, ou seus agentes responsaveis ? na ausencia do Congresso; 22°. Regular as condicSes e o processo da elei£ao para os cargos federaes em todo o paiz; 23°. Legislar sobre o direito civil, commercial e criminal da Republica e o processual da Jus- tica Federal; 24°. Estabelecer leis uniformes sobre natural isayao; 25°. Crearesupprimirempregos publicos federaes, tixar-lhes as at- tributes e estipular-lhes os ven- cimentos; 26°. Organisar a justica federal, nos termos do artigo 55 e seguin- tes da secyao III; 27°. Conceder amnistia; 28°. Commutar e perdoar as pe- nas impostas, por crimes de re- sponsabilidade, aos funccionarios federaes; 29°. Legislar sobre terras e min- as de propriedade da Uniao; 30°. Legislar sobre a organisacao municipal do Districto Federal, bem como sobre a policia, o ensino superior e os demais servicos que na Capital forem reservados para o Governoda Uniao; 31°. Submetter a legislacao espe- cial os pontos do territorio da Re- publica necessarios para a funda- cao de arsenaes ou outros estabe- lecimentos e instituicSes de con- veniencia federal; 32°. Regular os casos de extra- dicao entre os Estados; 33°. Decretar as leis e resoluySes necessarias ao exercicio dos poderes que pertencem a Uniao; 34°. Decretar as leis organicas para a execucao completa da Con- stituiyao; territory, in the emergency of an attack by foreign forces or inter- nal disturbance, and to approve or suspend the state of siege declared by the Executive Power or its re- sponsible agents when made in the absence of the Congress. 22. To establish the conditions and methods of elections for Fed- eral offices throughout the country • 23. To legislate in regard to the civil, commercial, and criminal laws of the Republic, and of the law of Federal procedure. 24. To establish uniform laws on naturalization. 25. To create and abolish Fed- eral public offices, to fix the duties of the same, and designate their salaries. 26. To organize the Federal justice, under the terms of article 55 and following articles of Sec- tion 111. 27. To grant amnesty. 28. To commute and pardon penalties imposed upon Federal officers in cases of impeachment. 29. To make laws regarding lands and mines belonging to the Union. 30. To legislate in regard to the municipal organization of the Fed- eral District, as well as the police, superior education, and other serv- ices which in the Capital are re- served to the Federal Govern- ment. 31. To submit to special legis- lation those points of tne territory of the Republic needed for the establishment of arsenals or other establishments or institutions for Federal use. 32. To regulate cases of extra- dition between the States. 33. To enact such laws and res olutions as may be necessary for the exercise of the powers belong- ing to the Union. 34. To enact the organic laws necessary for the execution in full of the Constitution. CONSTITUTION. 145 35°. Prorogar e adiar suas ses- sSes. Art. 35. Incumbe, outrosim, ao Congresso, mas nao privativa- mente. 1°. Velar na guarda da Consti- tuicao e das leis, e providenciar sobre as necessidades de caracter Federal. 2°. Animar, no paiz, o desen- volvimento das lettras, artes e sciencias, bem como a immigracao, a agricultura, a industria e o com- mercio, sem privilegios que tolham a acyao dos governos locaes. 3°. Crear instituicoes de ensino superior e secundario nos Estados. 4°. Prover a. instruccao secun- daria no Districto Federal. Capitulo V. Das leis e resolucOes. Art. 36. Salvas as excepcoes do artigo 29, todos os projectos de lei podemterorigem indistinctamente na Camara ou no Senado, sob a iniciativa de qualquer dos seus membros. Art. 37. Oprojectodelei,adop- tado numa das Camaras, sera sub- mettido a outra; e esta, si o appro- val', envial-o-ha ao Poder Execu- tivo, que, acquiescendo, o sanc- cionara e promulgara. Paragrapho 1°. Si, porem, o Presidente da Republica o julgar inconstitucional, ou contrario aos interesses da Nacao, negara sua sanccao dentro de dez dias uteis daquelle em que recebeu o projec- to, devolvendo-o, nesse mesmo prazo, a Camara, onde elle se hou- ver iniciado, com os motivos da recusa. Paragrapho 2°. O silencio do Presidente da Republica no de- 360 a— vol 1—06 10 35. To prorogue and adjourn its sessions. Art. 35. It belongs likewise to the Congress, but not originally and exclusively: 1. To guard the Constitution and laws and provide for needs of a Federal character. 2. To encourage in the country the development of letters, arts, and sciences, as well as of immi- gration, agriculture, industries, and commerce, provided that the privileges granted for this purpose should not embarrass the action of the local governments. 3. To create high schools and institutions of superior education in the States. 4. To provide for high school education in the Federal District. Chapter V. Laws and resolutions. Art. 36. Save the exceptions specified in article 29, all bills may originate, indifferently, in the chamber or in the Senate, and may be introduced by any of their members. Art. 37. A bill, after being passed in one of the chambers, shall be submitted to the other, and if the latter approves of it, shall be send to the Executive, which, if approving it, shall sanction and promulgate it. Paragraph 1. If, however, the President of the Republic shall con- sider the bill unconstitutional, or contrary to the interests of the Nation, he shall veto it within ten working days, counted from that on which he received it, and shall return it within the same period to the chamber in which it origi- nated, with his reasons for the veto. Paragraph 2. The failure of the President of the Republic to ap- 146 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. cendio importa a Banccfio; e, no caso de ser esta negada cjuando ja estiver encerrado o Congresso, o Presidente dara publicidade as suas razSes. Paragraphs 3°. Devolvido o pro- jecto a Camara iniciadora, ahi se sujeitara a uma discussao e a vota- cao nominal, considerando-se ap- provado, si obtiver dous tercos dos suffragios presentes. Neste caso, o projecto sera remettido a outra Camara, que, si o approvar pelos mesmos tramites e pefa mes- ma maioria, o enviara, como lei, ao Poder Executivo para a forma- lidade da promulgacao. Paragrapho 4°. A sanccao e pro- mulgacao effectuam-se por estas formulas: 1°. " O Congresso Nacional de- creta e Eu sancciono a seguinte lei (ou resolucao)." 2°. " O Congresso Nacional de- creta e Eu promulgo a seguinte lei (ou resolucao)." Art. 38. Nao sendo a lei pro- mulgada dentro de quarenta e oito horas pelo Presidente da Repu- blica, nos casos dos paragraphos 2° e 3° do artigo 37, o Presidente do Senado ou o Vice-Presidente, si o primeiro nao o fizer em igual prazo, a promulgara, usando da seguinte formula: "Eu, Presidente (ou Vice-Presidente) do Senado, faco saber aos que a presente virem que o Congreso Nacional decreta e pro- mulga a seguinte lei ou resolucao." Art. 39. O projecto de uma Camara, emendado na outra, vol- vera a primeira, que, si acceitar as emendas, envial-o-ha modificado em conformidade dellas, ao Poder Executivo. Paragrapho 1°. No caso contra- rio, volvera a Camara revisora, e, si as alteray5es obtiv T erem dous prove or disapprove the bill with- in ten working days shall be considered as an approval; in case the bill is vetoed after the Congress has closed, the President shall publish his reasons therefor. Paragraph 3. A bill not ap- proved shall be returned to the chamber where it originated, where it shall be discussed and subjected to a yea-and-nay vote, and shall be considered approved if it obtain two-thirds of the votes of the mem- bers present. In this case, the bill shall be sent to the other chamber, where it shall also be discussed, and if approved by the same ma- jority it shall be sent as a law to the Executive, to be formally pro- mulgated. Paragraph 4. The sanction and promulgation shall be made in the following language: 1. "The National Congress enacts and I approve the following law (or resolution)." 2. "The National Congress enacts and I promulgate the fol- lowing law (or resolution)." Art. 38. If the law is not pro- mulgated within forty-eight hours by the President of the Republic in the cases specified in sections 2 and 3 of article 37, the president of the Senate, or the vice-presi- dent, if the president does not do it in the same period, shall pro- mulgate it, using the following language: "I, the president (or the vice-president) of the Senate, do hereby make known to all those who may see these presents that the National Congress enacts and promulgates the following law or resolution." Art. 39. A bill from one cham- ber, amended in the other, shall return to the former, and if ac- cepted by it as amended, shall be sent to the Executive. Paragraph 1. In the contrary case, it shall go back to the chamber where it was amended, and if the CONSTITUTION. 147 teryos dos votos dos membros pre- senters, considerar-se-hao appro- vadas, sendo entao remettidas com o projecto a Camara iniciadora, que so podera reproval-as pela mesma maioria. Paragrapho 2°. Rejeitadas deste modo as alteracSes, o projecto sera submettido a sanccao do Poder Executivo. Art. 40. Os projectos rejeita- dos, ou nao sanccionados, nao poderao ser renovados na mesma sessao legislativa. SECgAO II. Do Poder Executivo. Capitulo I. Do Presidente e do Vice-Presidente. Art. 41. Exerce o Poder Exe- cutivo o Presidente da Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil, como chef e electivo da Nacao. Paragrapho 1°. Substitue o Pre- sidente, no caso de impedimento, e succede-lhe, no de falta, o Vice- Presidente eleito simultaneamente com elle. Paragrapho 2°. No impedimen- to ou falta do Vice-Presidente, serao successivamente chamados a Presidencia o Vice-Presidente do Senado, o Presidente da Camara e o do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Paragrapho 3°. Sao condicoes essenciaes para ser eleito Presi- dente ou Vice-Presidente da Re- publica: 1°. Ser brazileiro nato. 2°. Estar no exercicio dos direi- tos politicos. 3°. Ser maior de trinta e cinco annos. Art. 42. Si, no caso de vaga, por qualquer causa, da Presidencia alterations receive the vote of two- thirds of the members present, they shall be considered as ap- proved, and shall then be sent, together with the bill, to the cham- ber where it originated, which can only reject them by a two- thirds vote. Paragraph 2. If the alterations are rejected by such vote, the bill shall be submitted without them to the approval of the Executive. Art. 40. Bills finally rejected, or not approved, shall not be pre- sented again in the same legislative session. SECTION II. The Executive Power. Chapter I. T)ie President and Vice-president. Art. 41. The Executive Power is vested in the President of the United States of Brazil, as elective head of the Nation. Paragraph 1. The Vice-presi- dent, elected simultaneously with the President, shall substitute the latter in case of impediment, and succeed him in case of vacancy in the Presidency. Paragraph 2. In case of impedi- ment of the Vice-president, or va- cancy of his office, the following shall be called in the order named, to fill the Presidency: The vice- president of the Senate, the pres- ident of the Chamber of Depu- ties, the president of the Federal Supreme Court. Paragraph 3. The following are the essential conditions of eligi- bility to the Presidency or Vice- presidency of the Republic: 1. To be a native of Brazil. 2. To be in the exercise of polit- ical rights. 3. To be over thirty-five years of age. Art. 42. If the vacancy in the Presidency or Vice-presidency 148 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. ou Vice-Presidencia, nao houve- rem ainda decorrido dous annos do periodo presidencial, proceder- se-ha a nova eleicSo. Art. 43. O Presidente exercera o cargo por quatro annos, nao po- dendo ser reeleito para o periodo presidencial immediate. Paragrapho 1°. O Vice-Presi- dente que exercer a Presidencia no ultimo anno do periodo presiden- cial nao podera ser eleito Presi- dente para o periodo seguinte. Paragrapho 2°. O Presidente deixara o exercicio de suas func- c5es, improrogavelmente, no mes- mo dia em que terminal* o seu pe- riodo presidencial, succedendo-lhe logo o recem-eleito. Paragrapho 3°. Si este se achar impedido, ou faltar, a substituicao far-se-ha nos termos do artigo 41, paragraphos 1° e 2°. Paragrapho 4°. O primeiro periodo presidencial terminara a quinze de Novembro de mil oito- centos noventa e quatro. Art. 44. Ao empossar-se do cargo, o Presidente pronunciara, em sessao do Congresso, ou, si este nao estiver reunido, ante o Supremo Tribunal Federal, esta affirmacao: "Prometto manter e cumprir com perfeita lealdade a Constitui- cao h ederal, promover o bem geral da Republica, observar as suas leis, sustentar-lhe a uniao, a integri- dade e a independencia." Art. 45. O Presidente e o Vice- Presidente nao podem sahir do territorio nacional sem permissao do Congresso, sob pena de per- derem o cargo. Art. 46. O Presidente e o Viee- Presidente perceberao subsidio fixado pelo Congresso no periodo presidencial antecedente. occurs, for anj- cause whatever, before two years of the presiden- tial term have elapsed, a new elec- tion shall be held. Art. 43. The President shall hold his office for four years, and shall not be reelected for the suc- ceeding presidential term. Paragraph 1. The Vice-presi- dent, who shall fill the Presidency during the last year of the presi- dential term, shall not be eligible to the Presidency for the next term of that office. Paragraph 2. The President shall cease to exercise his powers, without fail, on the same day on which his presidential term ex- pires, and the newly elected Pres- ident shall at once succeed him. Paragraph 3. If the latter should fail to enter into the discharge of his duties, the succession shall be effected in accordance with para- graphs 1 and 2 of article 41. Paragraph 4. The first presi- dential term shall expire on the fifteenth of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. Art. 44. On taking possession of his office, the President, in pub- lic session of Congress, or if that body is not in session, before the Federal Supreme Court, shall take the following affirmation: "I promise to maintain the Federal Constitution and comply with its provisions with perfect loy- alty, to promote the general wel- fare of the Republic, to observe the laws and sustain the Union, its integrity and independence." Art. 45. The President and Vice- president shall not leave the na- tional territory without the per- mission of the Congress, under penalty of loss of office. Art. 46. The President and Vice- president shall receive the salary fixed by the Congress in the pre- ceding presidential term. CONSTITUTION. 149 Capitulo II. Chapter II. Da eleicao do Presidente e Vice-Presidente. Election of President and Vice-President. Art. 47. O Presidente e o Vice- Presidente da Republica serao eleitos por suffragio directo da Nacao e maioria absoluta de votos. Paragrapho 1°. A eleicao tera logar no dia priraeiro de Marco do ultimo anno do periodo presiden- cial, procedendo-se na Capital Federal e nas Capitaes dos Estados a apuracao dos votos recebidos nas respectivas circumscripcoes. O Congresso fara a apuracao na sua primeira sessao do mesmo anno, com qualquer numero de membros presentes. Paragrapho 2°. Si nenhum dos votados houver alcancado maioria absoluta, o Congresso elegera, por maioria dos votos presentes, um d'entre os que tiverem alcancado as duas votacoes mais elevadas na eleicao directa. Em caso de empate, considerar- se-ha eleito o mais velho. Paragrapho 3°. O processo da eleicao e da apuracao sera regula- do por lei ordinaria. Paragrapho 4°. Sao inelegiveis para os cargos de Presidente e Vice-Presidente os parentes con- sanguineos e affins, nos primeiro e segundo graos, do Presidente ou Vice-Presidente que se achar em exercicio no momento da eleicao ou que o tenha deixado ate seis mezes antes. Capitulo III. Das attribuigOes do Poder Executivo. Art. 48. Compete privativa- mente ao Presidente da Republica: 1°. Sanccionar, promulgar e fazer publicar as leis e resolucoes do Congresso; expedir decretos, Art. 47. The President and Vice-President of the Republic shall be elected by direct suffrage of the Nation and by an absolute majority of votes. Paragraph 1. The election shall be held on the first day of March of the last year of the presidential term, and the examination of the votes received in the respective circumscriptions shall be made in the Federal capital and in the cap- itals of the States. Congress shall count the votes in its first meeting of the same year, with whatever number of members may be pres- ent. Paragraph 2. In case no one of those voted upon shall have re- ceived an absolute majority of votes, Congress shall elect, by a majority vote of those present, one out of the two persons who have obtained the greatest number of votes in the direct election. In case of tie the candidate of greatest age shall be considered elected. Paragraph 3. The process of election and counting of votes shall be regulated by ordinary law. Paragraph 4. The relatives, whether b} T blood or affinity, within the first and second degrees, of the President or Vice-President who is in the exercise of his powers at the time of the election, or was so six months before, shall be ineligible to the offices of President and Vice- President. Chapter III. The powers of the Executive. Art. 48. To the President of the Republic belongs the exclusive right to: 1. Sanction, promulgate, and make public the laws and resolu- tions of the Congress; issue de- 150 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. instruccSes e regulamentos para a sua tiel execucao. 2°. Nomear e demittir livre- mente os Ministros de Estado. 3°. Exercer ou designar quern devaexercer o commando supremo das foreas de terra e mar dos Es- tados Unidos do Brazil, quando forem chamadas as armas em de- fesa interna ou externa da Uniao. 4°. Administrar o Exercito e a Armada e distribuir as respectivas t'oryas, conforme as leis Federaes e as necessidades do Governo Naeional. 5°. Prover os cargos civis e militares de caracter federal, sal- vas as restriccSes expressas na Constituicao. 6°. Indultarecommutaraspenas nos crimes sujeitos a jurisdiccao federal, salvo nos casos a que se referem os artigos 34, No. 28, e 52, paragrapho 2°. 7°. Declarar a guerra e fazer a paz, nos termos do artigo 34, No. 11. 8°. Declarar immediatamente a guerra, nos casos de invasao ou aggressao extrangeira. 9°. Dar conta annualmente da situacao do paiz ao Congresso Nacional, indicando-lhe as provi- dencias e reformas urgentes, em mensagem, que remettera ao Se- cretario do Senado no dia da aber- tura da sessao legislativa. 10°. Convocar o Congresso ex- traordinariamente. 11°. Nomear os magistrados fe- deraes mediante proposta do Su- premo Tribunal. 12°. Nomear os membros do Supremo Tribunal Federal e os ministros diplomaticos, sujeitan- do a noineacao a approvayao do Senado. Na ausencia do Congresso, desig- nal-os-ha em commissao ate* que o Senado se pronuncie. crees, instructions, and regulations for their faithful execution. 2. Appoint and dismiss at will the cabinet officers. 3. Exercise, or designate one who shall exercise supreme com- mand over the land and naval forces of the United States of Brazil when called to arms for the inter- nal or external defense of the Union. 4. Govern the Army and Navy and distribute their respective forces, in accordance with the Fed- eral laws and the needs of the National Government. 5. Dispose of the civil and mili- tary offices of a Federal character, have the restrictions specified in the Constitution. 6. Pardon and commute penal- ties for crimes subject to Federal jurisdiction, save in the cases men- tioned in articles 34, No. 28, and 52, section 2. 7. Declare war and make peace, under the provisions of article 34, No. 11. 8. Declare war at once in cases of foreign invasion or aggression. 9. Give an annual statement to the National Congress of the con- dition of the country , with a recom- mendation of pressing provisions and reforms, through a message, which he shall send to the secre- tary of the Senate on the day of the opening of the legislative ses- sion. 10. Convoke the Congress in extraordinary session. 11. Appoint the Federal judges upon nomination by the Supreme Court. 12. Appoint the members of the Federal Supreme Court and minis- ters of the diplomatic corps, with the approval of the Senate; and, in the absence of the Congress, appoint them temporarily until considered by the Senate. CONSTITUTION. 151 13°. Nomear os demais membros do corpo diplomatico e os agentes consulares. 14°. Manter as relacoes com Es- tados extrangeiros. 15°. Declarar, por si ou seus agentes responsaveis, o estado de sitio em qualquer ponto do terri- torio nacional, nos casos de ag- gressao extrangeira ou grave commocao intestina (art. 6, No. 3; art. 34, No. 21, e art. 80). 16°. Entabolar negociacoes in- ternacionaes, celebrar ajustes, con- vencoes e tratados, sempre ad referendum do Congresso, e ap- proval' os que os Estados celebra- rem na eonformidade do artigo 65, submettendo-os, quando cumprir, a autoridade do Congresso. Capitulo IV. Dos Ministros de Estado. Art. 49. O Presidente da Re- publica e auxiliado pelos Ministros de Estado, agentes de sua confian- ea, que lhe subscrevem os actos, e cada um d'elles presidira a um dos Ministerios em que se dividir a administracao federal. Art. 50. Os Ministros de Estado nao poderao accumular o exercicio de outro emprego ou funccao pu- blica, nem ser eleitos Presidente e Vice-Presidente da Uniao, Depu- tado ou Senador. Paragrapho unico. O Deputado ou Senador que acceitar o cargo de Ministro de Estado perdera o mandato, e proceder-se-ha imme- diatamente a nova eleicao, na qual nao podera ser votado. Art. 51. Os Ministros de Estado nao poderao comparecer as sessoes do Congresso e so se communica- rao com elle por escripto, ou pesso- almente em cont'erencias com as commissoes das Camaras. Os relatorios annuaes dos Mi- nistros serao dirigidos ao Pre- sidente da Republica e distribui- 13. Appoint all other members of the diplomatic corps and con- sular agents. 14. Maintain relations with for- eign States. 15. Declare directly, or through his responsible agents, a state of siege at any point of the national territory, in case of foreign ag- gression or serious internal dis- turbance (art. 6, No. 3; art. 34, No. 21; and art. 80). 16. Set on foot international ne- gotiations, conclude agreements, conventions, and treaties, always ad referendum to the Congress, and approve those made by the States in conformity with article 65, submitting them, when neces- sary, to the authority of the Con- gress. Chapter IV. Cabinet ministers. Art. 49. The President of the Republic is assisted by the Minis- ters of State, agents of his confi- dence, who sign the acts and preside respectively over one of the De- partments into which the Federal administration is divided. Art. 50. The Ministers of State shall not exercise any other em- ployment or function of a public nature, nor can they be elected President or Vice-President of the Union, Deputy or Senator. Sole paragraph. Any Deputy or Senator who shall accept the posi 7 tion of Cabinet Minister shall lose his seat in the respective chamber, and a new election shall at once be held, in which he shall not be voted for. Art. 51. The Cabinet Ministers shall not appear at the meetings of the Congress and shall communi- cate with that body only in writing. They may personally appear before the committees of the chambers. The annual reports of the Min- isters shall be addressed to the President of the Republic and dis - 152 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. dos por todos os membros do Con- gresses Art. 52. Os Ministros de Estado nao sao responsaveis perante o Congresso ou perante os tribunaes, pelos conselhos dados ao Presi- dente da Republica. Paragrapho 1°. Respondent, po- r6m, quanto aos seus actos, pelos crimes qualificados em lei. Paragrapho 2°. Nos crimes com- muns e de responsabilidade serao processados e julgados pelo Su- premo Tribunal Federal, e, nos connexos com os do Presidente da Republica, pela autoridade com- petente para o julgamento d'este. Capitulo V. Da responsabilidade do Presidente. Art. 53. O Presidente dos Esta- dos Unidos do Brazil sera submet- tido a processo e a julgamento, depois que a Camara declarar pro- cedente a accusayao, perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal nos crimes communs e, nos de respon- sabilidade, perante o Senado. Paragrapho unico. Decretada ?rocedencia da accusacao, ficara o residente suspenso de suas func- cdes. Art. 54. Sao crimes de respon- sabilidade os actos do Presidente da Republica, que attentarem contra — 1°. A existencia politica da Uniao. 2°. A Constituicao e a forma do Governo Federal. 3°. O livre exercicio dos poderes politicos. 4°. O gozo e exercicio legal dos direitos politicos ou individuaes. 5°. A seguranca interna do paiz. 6°. A probidade da administra- cao. tributed to all the members of Congress. Art. 52. The Cabinet Ministers are not responsible to the Con- gress or to the courts for advice given to the President of the Re- public. Paragraph 1. They are respon- sible, nevertheless, with respect to their acts, for crimes defined in the criminal law. Paragraph 2. For common of- fenses ana in cases of impeach- ment they shall be prosecuted and tried by the Federal Supreme Court; and for those committed jointly with the President of the Republic, by the authority compe- tent to pass judgment on the latter. Chapter V. The responsibility of the President. Art. 53. The President of the United States of Brazil shall be brought to trial and sentence, after the Chamber of Deputies shall have decided that he should be tried on the charges made against him, in the Federal Supreme Court in cases of common crimes, and in the Senate in cases of impeachment. k^ole paragraph. After it has been decidea that the President shall be tried, he shall be suspended from the exercise of his functions. Art. 54. Acts for which the President of the Republic shall be impeached are those which are di- rected against: 1. The political existence of the Union. 2. The Constitution and the form of the Federal Government. 3. The free exercise of the po- litical powers. 4. The legal enjo\ r ment and ex- ercise of political or individual rights. 5. The internal security of the country. 6. The honestj' of the adminis- tration. CONSTITUTION. 153 7°. A guarda e emprego consti- tucional dos dinheiros publicos. 8°. As leis oryamentarias vota- das pelo Congresso. Paragrapho 1°. Esses delictos serao definidos em lei especial. Paragrapho 2°. Outra lei re- gulars* a aceusacao, o processo e o julgamento. Paragrapho 3°. Ambas essas leis serao feitas na primeira sessao do primeiro Congresso. SECCAO III. Do poder judiciario. Art. 55. O Poder Judiciario da Uniao tera por orgaos urn Supremo Tribunal Federal, com sede na capital da Repu blica, e tantos j uizes e tribunaes federaes, distribuidos pelo paiz, quantos o Congresso crear. Art. 56. O Supremo Tribunal Federal compor-se-ha de quinze juizes, nomeados na forma do artigo 48, No. 12, d'entre os cida- daos de notavel saber e reputacao, elegiveis para o Senado. Art. 57. Os juizes Federaes sao vitalicios e perderao o cargo uni- camente por sentenya judicial. Paragrapho 1°. Os seus venci- mentos serao determinados por lei e nao poderao ser dinrinuidos. Paragrapho 2°. O Senado jul- garaos membrosdo Supremo Tri- bunal nos crimes de responsabili- dade^ e este os juizes federaes inferiores. Art. 58. Os tribunaes federaes elegerao de seu seio os seus presi- dentes e organizarao as respectivas secretarias. Paragrapho 1°. A nomeacao e a demissao dos empregados de secre- taria, bem como o provimento dos officios de justica nas circumscrip- yoes judiciarias, compete respecti- vamente aos presidentes dos tri- bunaes. 7. The constitutional custody and use of the public funds. 8. The appropriations voted by Congress. Paragraph 1. These offenses shall be defined by a special law. Paragraph 2. Another law shall provide for the manner and form of proceeding in the trial. Paragraph 3. Both these laws shall be enacted in the first session of the first Congress. SECTION III. The Judiciary. Art. 55. The Judicial Power of the Union shall be vested in a Federal Supreme Court, sitting in the capital of the Republic, and in as many inferior Federal courts and tribunals, distributed through the country, as the Congress shall create. Art. 56. The Federal Supreme Court shall be composed of fifteen justices, appointed under the pro- visions of article 48, No. 12, from among the citizens of notable learning and reputation, eligible to the Senate. Art. 57. The Federal justices shall hold office for life, being re- moved solely by judicial sentence. Paragraph 1. Their salaries shall be fixed by law and can not be diminished. Paragraph 2. The Senate shall try the impeachments of the mem- bers of the Federal Supreme Court and the Federal Supreme Court those of the lower Federal judges. Art. 58. The Federal * courts shall choose their chief justices from among their own members, and shall organize their respective clerical corps. Paragraph 1. In these corps the appointment and dismissal of the respective clerks, as well as the filling of the judicial offices in the respective judicial districts shall belong to the chief justices of the respective courts. 154 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Paragrapho 2°. OPresidente da Republica designara, dentre os membros do Supremo Tribunal Federal, o Procurador Geral da Republica, cujas attribuicOes se dennirao em lei. Art. 59. Ao Supremo Tribunal Federal compete: I. Processar e julgar originaria e privativamente: {a) O Presidente da Republica nos crimes communs e os Ministros de Estado nos casos do artigo 52. (b) Os ministros diplomaticos nos crimes communs e nos de re- sponsabilidade. (c) As causas e conflictos entre a Uniao e os Estados, ou entre estes uns com os outros. (d) Os litigios e as reclamac<5es entre nacoes estrangeiras e a Uniao ou os Estados. (e) Os conflictos dos juizes ou Tribunaes Federaes entre si, ou en- tre estes e os dos Estados, assim como os dos juizes e tribunaes de urn Estado com os juizes e os tri- bunaes de outro Estado. II. Julgar em grao de recurso as questSes resolvidas pelos juizes e Tribunaes Federaes, assim como as de que tratam o presente artigo, paragrapho 1°, e o artigo 60. III. Rever os processos lindos, nos termos do artigo 81. Paragrapho 1°. Das sentencas das justicas dos Estados em ultima instancia havera recurso para o Supremo Tribunal Federal — (a) Quando se questionar sobre a validade ou a applicacao de tra- tados e leis federaes, e a decisao do tribunal do Estado tor contra ella: (b) Quando se contestar a vali- dade de leis ou de actos dos go- vernos dos Estados em face da Con- stituivao ou das leis federaes e a decisao do tribunal do Estado con- Paragraph 2. The President of the Republic shall appoint from among the members of the Federal Supreme Court, the Attorney- General of the Republic, whose duties shall be defined by law. Art. 59. To the Federal Supreme Court belongs the duty of: I. Prosecuting with original and exclusive jurisdiction: (a) The President of the Repub- lic for common crimes, and the Cabinet Ministers in the cases specified in article 52. (b) The diplomatic ministers for common crimes and in cases of impeachment. (c) Questions and conflicts be- tween the Union and the States, or between the States one with another. (d) Disputes and claims between foreign nations and the Union, or between foreign nations and the States. (e) Conflicts between the judges or Federal courts one with another, or between these and those of the States, as also conflicts of the judges and courts of one State with the judges and courts of another State. II. Deciding, on appeal, ques- tions passed upon by the lower Federal courts and tribunals, as well as those mentioned in Sec- tion J of the present article and in article 60. III. Reviewing decided cases under the provisions of article 81. Paragraph 1. An appeal to the Federal Supreme Court can be taken against decisions rendered in the last instance, by the State courts: (a) When the validity or appli- cation of the Federal laws or trea- ties is called in question and the decision of the State court shall be against the same. (b) When the validity of laws or acts of the governments of the States in respect to the Constitu- tion or of the Federal laws is con- tested and the State court shall CONSTITUTION. 155 siderar validos esses actos ou essas leis impugnadas. Paragrapho 2°. Nos casos em que houver de applicar leis dos Estados, a justica federal consul- tant a jurisprudencia dos tribunaes locaes, e, vice- versa, as justicasdos Estados consul tarao a jurispruden- cia dos Tribunaes Federaes, quando houverem de interpretar leis da Uniao. Art. 60. Compete aos juizes ou Tribunaes Federaes processar e julgar: (a) As causas em que alguma das partes f undar a accao ou a defesa, em disposicao da Constituicao Fe- deral. (b) Todas as causas propostas contra o Governo da Uniao ou Fazenda Nacional, fundadas em disposicoes da Constituicao, leis e regulamentos do Poder Executivo, ou em contractos celebrados com o mesmo Governo. (c) As causas provenientes de compensacoes, reivindicacoes, in- demnisacao de prejuizos ou quaes- quer outras, propostas pelo Go- verno da Uniao contra particula- res ou vice-versa. (d) Os litigios entre urn Estado e cidadaos de outro, ou entre cida- daos de Estados diversos, diversi- ficando as leis destes. (e) Os pleitos entre Estados es- trangeiros e cidadaos brazileiros. (f) As accoes movidas por es- trangeiros e fundadas, quer em contractos com o Governo da Uniao, quer em convencOes ou tratados da Uniao com outras na- coes. (g) As questoes de direito mari- timo e navegacao, assim no oceano como nos rios e lagos do paiz. (A) As questoes de direito cri- minal ou civil internacional. (*') Os crimes politicos. Paragrapho 1°. £ vedado ao Congresso commetter qualquer jurisdiccao federal as justieas dos Estados. have decided in favor of the valid- ity of the acts or laws in question. Paragraph 2. In the cases which involve the application of the laws of the States, the Federal cour, shall consult the jurisprudence of the local tribunals, and, vice versat the state court shall consider that of the Federal tribunals, when the interpretation of the laws of the Union is involved. Art. 60. It belongs to the Fed- eral judges and courts to try and decide: (a) Questions in which the plain- tiff or the defendant bases his claim or defense on some provision of the Federal Constitution. (b) Suits against the Govern- ment of the Union or the National Treasury, founded on provisions of the Constitution, laws and regula- tions of the Executive power, or on contractsentered into with the same government. (c) Claims for compensation, re- covery of property, indemnifica- tion for damages or any other claims, presented by the Govern- ment of the Union against private individuals or vice versa. (d) Litigationsbetween one State and the citizens of another, or be- tween citizens of different States, when the respective state laws are different. (e) Suits between foreign States and Brazilian citizens. {/) Actions instituted by for- eigners, founded on contracts with the Federal Government or on conventions or treaties between the Union and other nations. (g) Questions of maritime law and those relating to navigation whether of the ocean, or of the rivers and lakes of the country. (h) Questions of international criminal or civil law. (i) Political crimes. Paragraph 1. Congress is for- bidden to delegate Federal juris- diction, wholly or in part, to any State court. 156 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Paragrapho 2°. As sentencas e ordens da magistratura federal sao executadas por officiaes judici- arios da Uniao, aos quaes a policia local e obrigada a prestar auxilio, quando invocado por elles. Art. 61. As decisoes dos juizes ou tribunaes dos Estados, nas materias de sua competencia, porao termo aos processos e as questoes, salvo quanto a — 1°. Ilabeas-corpus, ou 2°. Espolio de estrangeiro, quando a especie nao estiver pre- vista em convenyao ou tratado. Em taes casos havera recurso voluntario para o Supremo Tri- bunal Federal. Art. 62. As j usticas dos Estados nao podem intervir em questoes submettidas aos Tribunaes Fede- raes, nem annullar, alterar ou sus- pender as suas sentencas ou ordens. E, reciprocamente, a justica fede- ral nao pode intervir em questoes submettidas aos tribunaes dos Es- tados, nem annullar, alterar ou suspender as decisOes ou ordens destes, exceptuados os casos ex- pressamente declarados nesta Con- stituicao. TITITLO II. DOS ESTADOS. Art. 63. Cada Estado reger-se- ha pela Constituicao e pelas leis que adoptar, respeitados os prin- cipios constitucionaes da Uniao. Art. 64. Pertencem aos Estados as minas e terras devolutas situadas nos seus respectivos territorios, cabendo a Uniao somente a porcao de territorio que for indispensavel para a defesa das f ronteiras, forti- ticacoes, construccoes "militares e estradas de ferro federaes. Paragrapho unico. Os proprios nacionaes, que nao forem necessa- rios para servicos da Uniao passa- Paragraph 2. Sentences and de- crees of the Federal judges shall be enforced by Federal court officers, and the local police shall be bound to assist the latter when called upon to do so. Art. 61. The decisions of the State courts or tribunals of com- petent jurisdiction shall put an end to the suits and questions in which they are rendered, except in cases of: 1. Habeas corpus; or 2. Settlement of the estate of a foreigner, deceased, when not pro- vided differently by convention or treaty. In such cases there shall be vol- untary recourse to the Federal Su- preme Court. Art. 62. The State courts shall not have power to intervene in questions submitted to the Fed- eral tribunals, or to annul, alter, or suspend the sentences or orders of the latter. And, reciprocally, the Federal justice can not inter- vene in questions submitted to the State courts, or annul, alter, or suspend the decisions or orders of the latter, except in the cases expressly defined in this Constitu- tion. TITLE II. THE STATES. Art. 63. Each State shall be governed by the Constitution and laws adopted by it, provided that the constitutional principles of the Union shall be respected. Art. 64. The mines and vacant lands situated in the States shall belong to them; but the Union shall have, however, the right to occupy that portion of the territory which may be necessary for the defense of the frontier, fortifica- tions, military constructions, and Federal railways. Sole paragraph. National prop- erty which may not be necessary for the service of the Union, shall CONSTITUTION. 157 rao ao dominio dos Estados, em cujo territorio estiverem situados. Art. 65. E facultado aos Esta- dos: 1°. Celebrar entre si ajustes e convencoes sem caracler politico. (Art. 48, No. 16.) 2°. Em geral todo e qualquer poder ou direito, que lhes nao for negado por clausula expressa ou implicitamente contida nas clausu- las expressas da Constituicao. Art. 66. E defeso aos Estados: 1°. Recusar fe aos documentos publicos, de natureza legislativa, administrativa ou judiciaria da Uniao ou de qualquer dos Estados. 2°. Rejeitar a moeda, ou a emis- sao bancaria em circulacao por acto do Governo Federal. 3°. Fazer ou declarar guerra entre si e usar de represalias. 4°. Denegar a extradicao de criminosos, reclamados pelas jus- ticas de outros Estados ou do Dis- tricto Federal, segundo as leis da Uniao por que esta materia se reger. (Art. 34, No. 32.) Art. 67. Salvas as restriccoes especificadas na Constituicao e nas leis federaes, o Districto Federal e administrado pelas auctoridades municipaes. Paragrapho unico. As despezas de caracter local, na Capital da Republica, incumbem exclusiva- mente a auctoridade municipal. TITULO III. DO MUNICIPIO. Art. 68. Os Estados organizar se-hao de forma que fique assegu- rada a autonomia dos municipios, em tudo quanto respeite ao seu peculiar interesse. pass to the dominion of the States in whose territory they may be situated. Art. 65. The States shall have the right: 1. To enter into agreements and conventions with each other, if said agreements and conventions are not of a political character. (Art. 48, No. 16.) 2. To use in general, any power, or right, not denied to them by a provision, expressed or implied, of the Constitution. Art. 6. It is forbidden to the States: 1. To refuse faith and credit to public documents of the Union, or of any State, of legislative, ad- ministrative, or judicial character. 2. To deny legal tender charac- ter to the currency, whether coin or paper, put in circulation by the Federal Government. 3. To wage or declare war, one against another, or exercise re- prisals. 4. To refuse the extradition of criminals when requested b} r the justice of other States, or of the Federal District, in conformity with the laws of Congress relat- ing to this subject. (Art. 34, No. 32.) Art. 67. Save the restrictions specified in the Constitution and the Federal laws, the Federal Dis- trict shall be governed by the municipal authorities. Sole paragraph. The expenses of local character in the capital of the Republic, shall be defrayed exclu- sively by the municipal authority. TITLE III. THE MUNICIPALITY. Art. 68. The States shall organ- ize themselves in such a way as to assure the autonomy of the mu- nicipal districts in respect to all that relates to their particular in- terests. 158 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. TITULO rv. DOS CIDADAOS BRAZILEIROS. SECCAO L Das qualidades do cidadao bra- zileiro. Art. 69. Sao cidadaos brazil- eiros: 1°. Os nascidos no Brazil, ainda que de pae estrangeiro, nao re- sidindo este a servico de sua nacao. 2°. Os filhos de pae brazileiro e os illegitimos de mae brazileira, nascidos em paiz estrangeiro, si estabelecerem domicilio na Repu- blica. 3°. Os filhos de pae brazileiro que estiver n'outro paiz ao servico da Republica, embora nella nao venham domiciliar-se. 4°. Os estrangeiros que, achan- do-se no Brazil ao quinze de No- vembro de mil oitocentos oitenta e nove, nao declararem, dentro em seis mezes depois de entrar em vi- gor a Constituiyao, o animo de con- servar a nacionalidade de origem. 5°. Os estrangeiros que possui- rem bens immoveis no Brazil e forem casados com Brazileiras ou tiverem filhos brazileiros, com tanto que residam no Brazil, salvo si manif estarem a intenyao de nao mudar de nacionalidade. 6°. Os estrangeiros por outro modo naturalizados. Art. 70. Sao eleitores os cida- daos maiores de vinte e um annos, que se alistarem na forma da lei. Paragrapho 1°. Nao podem ali- star-se eleitores para as. eleipoes federaes ou para as dos Estados — 1°. Os mendigos. 2°. Os analphabetos. As pracas de pret, exceptua- )s alumnos das escolas mili- A : t__ 3°. dos os „ tares de ensino superior, TITLE IV. BRAZILIAN CITIZENS. SECTION I. Who are Brazilian, citizens. Art. 69. The following are Bra- zilian citizens: 1. Natives of Brazil, even if of foreign parentage, provided that the father does not reside in Brazil, in the service of his own nation. 2. Children of a Brazilian father, and illegitimate children of a Brazilian mother, born in foreign countries, if they take up their residence in the Republic. 3. Children of a Brazilian father residing in a foreign coun- try in the service of the Republic, provided that he does not acquire a domicile there. 4. Foreigners, who having been in Brazil on the fifteenth of November, eighteen hundred and eighty- nine, nave not declared, within six months from the time when the Constitution began to be in force, their desire to preserve their nationality of origin. 5. Foreigners who hold real- estate in Brazil and are married to Brazilian women, or have Bra- zilian children, provided that they reside in Brazil, unless they have declared their intention of not changing their nationality. 6. Foreigners naturalized in any other way. Art. 70. Citizens of more than twenty-one years of age and reg- istered according to law, shall be electors. Paragraph 1. The following shall not be registered as electors for Federal or State elections: 1. Beggars; 2. Persons not knowing how to read; 3. Soldiers on pay, except cadets of high military schools; CONSTITUTION. 159 •1°. Os religiosos de ordens mo- nasticas, companhias, congrega- tes ou communidades de qualquer denominacao, sujeitas a voto de obediencia, regra ou estatuto que importe a renuncia da liberdade individual. Paragrapho 2°. Sao inelegiveis os cidadaos nao alistaveis. Art. 71. Os direitos de cidadao brazileiro so se suspendem ou per- dem nos casos aqui particularisa- dos: Paragrapho 1°. Suspendem- se — (a) Por incapacidade physica ou moral. (b) Por condemnacao criminal, em quanto durarem os seus ef- feitos. Paragrapho 2°. Perdem-se — (a) Por naturalisacao em paiz estrangeiro. (b) Por acceitacao de emprego ou pensao de governo estrangeiro, sem licenca do Poder Executivo Federal. Paragrapho 3°. Uma lei federal determinara, as condicoes de reac- quisicao dos direitos de cidadao brazileiro. seccao ii. Declaracao de direitos. Art. 72. AConstituicaoassegura a Brazileiros e a estrangeiros re- sidentes no paiz a inviolabilidade dos direitos concernentes a liber- dade, a seguranca individual e a propriedade, nos termos seguintes: Paragrapho 1°. Ninguem pode ser obrigado a fazer ou deixar de fazer alguma cousa, senao em vir- tude de lei. Paragrapho 2°. Todos sao iguaes perante a lei. A Republica nao admitte privilegios de nascimento, desconhece foros de nobreza e ex- tingue as ordens honoriticas exis- tentes e todas as suas prerogativas e regalias, bem como os titulos no- biliarchicos e de conselho. 4. Members of monastic orders, companies, congregations or com- munities of whatsoever denomina- tion, subject to vows of obedience, or rules or statutes, implying the surrender of individual liberty. Paragraph 2. Citizens who can not be registered are not eligible to office. Art. 71. The rights of the Bra- zilian citizen can be suspended or lost, only in the following cases: Paragraph 1. The rights may be suspended: (a) Through physical or moral disability. (b) Through judicial condemna- tion during the period of its oper- ation. Paragraph 2. They shall be lost: (a) Through naturalization in a foreign country. (b) Through the acceptance of employment or pension from a foreign government, without per- mission of the Federal Executive. Paragraph 3. A Federal law shall determine the conditions for the reacquisition of the rights of Brazilian citizenship. section ii. Declaration of rights. Art. 72. The Constitution se- cures to Brazilians and foreigners residing in the country the invio- lability of their rights touching individual liberty and security and property, in the following terms: Paragraph 1. No person shall be forced to do, or not to do, any- thing except by virtue of law. Paragraph 2. All persons are equal before the law. The Repub- lic does not recognize privileges of birth, or titles of nobility, and abolishes the existing honorific orders, their prerogatives and dec- orations, and all titles of nobility. 160 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Paragrapho 3°. Todos os indivi- duos e contissSes religiosas podem exercer publica e livremente o seu culto, associando-se para esse fim e adquirindo bens, observadas as disposiySes do direito commum. Paragrapho 4°. A Republica so reconhece o casamento civil, cuja celebracao sera gratuita. Paragrapho 5°. Os cemiterios terao caracter secular e serao ad- ministrados pela auctoridade mu- nicipal, iicando livre a todos os cultos religiosos a pratica dos res- pectivos ritos em relacao aos seus crentes, desde que nao oflendam a moral publica e as leis. Paragrapho 6°. Sera leigo o ensino ministrado nos estabeleci- mentos publicos. Paragrapho 7°. Nenhum culto ou igreja gozara de subvencao offi- cial, nera tera relacoes de depen- dencia ou allianca com o Governo da Cniao ou o dos Estados. Paragrapho 8°. A todos e licito associarem-se e reunirem-se livre- mente e sem armas, nao podendo intervir a policia senao para man- tel* a ordem publica. Paragrapho 9°. E permittido a quem quer que seja representar, mediante petiyao, aos poderes pu- blicos, denunciar abusos das auc- toridades e promover a responsa- bilidade dos culpados. Paragrapho 10. Em tempo de paz, qualquer pode entrar no ter- ritorio nacional ou delle sahir com a sua fortuna e bens, quando e como lhe convier, independente- mente de passaporte. Paragrapho 11. A casa e o asylo inviolavel do individuo; ninguem pode ahi penetrar, de noite, sem consentimento do morador, senao para acudir a victimas de crimes, ou desastres ; nem de dia, senao nos Paragraph 3. All individual per- sons and corporations of religious character shall have the right to exercise, publicly and freely, their own religion, and associate them- selves for that purpose and acquire property, provided that the re- quirements of the ordinary law are observed. Paragraph 4. The Republic recognizes only the civil marriage, the solemnization of which shall be gratuitous. Paragraph 5. The cemeteries shall be laical in character and man- aged b} T the municipal authorities, but the members of all religious denominations shall be free to use there their respective rites, pro- vided that they do not offend the public morals and the laws. Paragraph 6. The instruction given in the public institutions shall be laical. Paragraph 7. No church or wor- ship shall be officially subsidized or made dependent on, or con- nected with, the Government of the Union, or of the States. Paragraph 8. All persons have the right of free association and reunion without arms; and the police force shall not intervene, except to maintain the public order. Paragraph 9. All persons shall be permitted to address, by peti- tion, the public powers, denounce abuses of the authorities and cause the responsibility of the guilty parties to be enforced. Paragraph 10. In time of peace all persons shall have the right to enter or leave the territory of the Republic, carrying with them their property without necessity of se- curing a passport. Paragraph 11. The house is the inviolable asylum of the person who inhabits it; and without his consent no one can enter it at night, except to aid the victims of a crime or disaster, or during the day, CONSTITUTION. 161 casos e pela forma prescriptos na lei. Paragrapho 12. Em qualquer assumpto e livre a manif estacao de pensamento pela imprensa ou pela tribuna, sem dependencia de cen- sura, respondendo cada um pelos abusos que commetter, nos casos e pela forma que a lei determinar. NSo e permittido o anonymato. Paragrapho 13. A excepcao do flagrante delicto, a prisao nao po dera executar-se senao depois de pronuncia do indiciado, salvos os casos determinados em lei e me- diante ordem escripta da auctori- dade competente. Paragrapho 14. Ninguem pode- ra ser conservado em prisao sem culpa f ormada, salvas as excepcoes especificadas em lei, nem levado a prisao, ou nella detido, si prestar fianca idonea, nos casos em que a lei a admittir. Paragrapho 15. Ninguem sera sentenciado senao pela auctoridade competente, em virtude de lei an- terior e na forma por ella regu- lada. Paragrapho 16. Aos accusados se assegurara na lei a mais plena defesa, com todos os recursos e meios essenciaes a ella, desde a nota de culpa, entregue em vinte e quatro horas ao preso e assignada pela auctoridade competente, com os nomes do accusador e das teste- munhas. Paragrapho 17. O direito de propriedade mantem-se em toda a sua plenitude, salva a desapro- priacao por necessidade, ou utili- dade publica, mediante indemni- zacao previa. As minas pertencem aos pro- prietaries do solo, salvas as limi- tacoes que forem estabelecidas por lei, a bem da exploracao deste ramo de industria. 360a— vol 1—06 11 except in the cases and in the form prescribed by law. Paragraph 12. The expression of opinion on all subjects, through the press or from the tribune, shall be free, without subjection to cen- sorship, each one being responsible for the abuses he may commit, in the cases and in the form pre- scribed by law. Anonymous pub- lications shall not be permitted. Paragraph 13. No arrest shall be made, except in case of flagrante delicto, without the prisoner hav- ing been previously indicted, un- less otherwise permitted by law, and without written order of the proper authority. Paragraph 14. No one shall be kept in prison without charges having been formally filed against him, save the exceptions mentioned in the law, nor taken to prison, or detained there if he gives proper bail, in cases where bail is lawful. Paragraph 15. No person shall be sentenced, except by compe- tent authority, and in virtue of a preexisting law, and in the form prescribed by it. Paragraph 16. The law shall se- cure for the accused the fullest de- fense and all the recourses and means essential thereto, including notice of the charge, to be deliv- ered to the prisoner within twenty- four hours, signed by the compe- tent authority, and accompanied with a list of the names of the accusers, and witnesses. Paragraph IT. The rights of property shall be maintained in all their plenitude, and no condemna- tion shall be made, except from necessity or public utility, and in- demnity shall, in such cases, be made beforehand. Mines shall belong to the own- ers of the soil, with the limita- tions which ma} T . be established by law to encourage the exploitation of this industry. 162 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Paragrapho 18. £ inviolavel o sigillo da correspondencia. Paragrapho 19. Nenhuma pena passara da pessoasfio delinquente. Paragrapno 20/ Fica abolida a pena de gale's e a de banimento judicial. Paragrapho 21. Fica igualmente abolida a pena de morte, reservadas as disposicSes da legislacao militar em tempo de guerra. Paragrapho 22. Dar-se-ha o Jiabeas-corpus sempre que o indi- viduo sourer ou se achar em im- minente perigo de soffrer violencia ou coaccao, por illegalidade ou abuso de poder. Paragrapho 23. A excepcao das causas que, por sua natureza, per- tencem a juizes especiaes, nao havera foro privilegiado. Paragrapho 24. E garantido o livre exercicio de qualquer pro- fissao moral, intellectual e indus- trial. Paragrapho 25. Os inventos in- dustriaes pertencerao aos seus auctores, aos quaes ficara garantido por lei um privilegio temporario, ou sera concedido pelo Congresso um premio razoavel, quando haja conveniencia de vulgarisar o in- vento. Paragrapho 26. Aos auctores de obras litterarias e artisticas e garantido o direito exclusivo de re- produzil-as pela imprensa ou por qualquer outro processo mecamco. Os herdeiros dos auctores goza- rao desse direito pelo tempo que a lei determinar. Paragrapho 27. A lei assegurara tambem a propriedade das marcas de fabrica. Paragrapho 28. Por motivo de crenca ou de funccao religiosa, ne- nhum cidadao brazileiro podera ser privado de seus direitos civis e politicos, nem eximir-se do cum- primento de qualquer dever civico. Paragrapho 29. Os que allega- rem motivo de crenca religiosa com o tim de se isentarem de qual- Paragraph 18. The secrecy of correspondence is inviolable. Paragraph 19. No penal ty shall extend beyond the guilty part}\ Paragraph 20. The penalty of the galleys and judicial banish- ment are abolished. Paragraph 21. The death pen- alty for political crimes is abol- ished, save those cases which come under the provisions of military legislation in time of war. Paragraph 22. The writ of ha- beas-corpus shall always be granted when the individual suffers or is in imminent danger of suffering vio- lence or coertion, through illegality or abuse of power. Paragraph 23. No privileged jurisdiction shall be recognized, except in those cases which, owing to their nature, belong to special courts. Paragraph 24. The free exercise of any profession, moral, intel- lectual, or industrial, shall be guaranteed. Paragraph 25. Industrial inven- tions shall belong to their invent- ors, who shall be protected by a patent granted for a limited time, or rewarded by Congress with a reasonable prize, when the useful- ness of the invention may vouch for it. Paragraph 26. The exclusive right to reproduce by the press or any other mechanical process, lit- erary or artistic works is guaran- teed to their anthors. The heirs of the authors shall enjoy this right for the period which the law shall determine. Paragraph 27. The law shall also secure the ownership of trade- marks. Paragraph 28. No Brazilian citi- zen shall be deprived of his civil or political rights, or exempted from the performance of any civic duty whatsoever, on account of his religious belief or office. Paragraph 29. All those who allege their religious belief as a reason for exempting themselves CONSTITUTION. 163 quer onus que as leis da Republica imponham aos cidadaos, e os que acceitarem condecoracoes ou titu los nobiliarchicos estrangeiros, perderao todos os direitos poli- ticos. Paragrapho 30. Nenhum im- posto de qualquer natureza podera ser cobrado senao em virtude de uma lei que o auctorize. Paragrapho 31. £ mantida a instituicao do juiy. Art. 73. Os cargos publicos, civis ou militares, sao accessiveis a todos os brazileiros, observadas as condicoes de capacidade especial que a lei estatuir, sendo, porem, vedadas as accumulates remune- radas. Art. 74. As patentes, os postos e os cargos inamoviveis sao ga- rantidos em toda a sua plenitude. Art. 75. A aposentadoria so podera ser dada aos f unccionarios publicos em caso de invalidez no servico da Nacao. Art. 76. Os officiaes do Exer- cito e da Armada so perderao suas patentes por condemnacao em mais de dois annos de prisao, pas- sada em julgado nos Tribunaes competentes. Art. 77. Os militares de terra e mar terao f oro especial nos delictos militares. Paragrapho 1°. Este foro com- por-se-ha de um Supremo Tribunal Militar, cujos membros serao vitalicios, e dos conselhos necessa- rios a formacao da culpa e julga- mento dos crimes. Paragrapho 2°. A organisacao e attribuicoes do Supremo Tribunal Militar serao reguladas por lei. Art. 78. A especificacao das garantias e direitos, expressos na Constituicao, nao exclue outras garantias e direitos, nao enumera- dos, mas resultantes da forma de governo que ella estabelece e dos principios que consigna. from any duty which the laws of the Republic impose upon its citizens, and those who accept foreign deco- rations or titles of nobility, shall lose all their political rights. Paragraph 30. No tax of any kind shall be collected except un- der authority of law. Paragraph 31. Trial b} r jury shall be maintained. Art. 73. Public offices, civil or military, shall be accessible to all Brazilian citizens, provided that the conditions of special fitness, fixed by law, be always observed. The accumulation of salaried posi- tions is forbidden. Art. 74. Commissions, posi- tions, and offices to be held for life shall be fully guaranteed. Art. 75. Public officers shall be retired with pay, only in case of becoming unable to peform their duties, while in the service of the nation. Art. 76. Officers of the Army and Navy shall forfeit their com- missions, only when condemned after trial, by the competent courts to more than two years' imprisonment. Art. 77. The military officers of land and sea shall be tried by special jurisdiction for military offenses. Paragraph 1. This jurisdiction shall be vested in a Supreme Mili- tary Court, whose members shall serve for life, and in the court- martials which may be needed for the proper trial of the cases. Paragraph 2. The organization and powers of the Supreme Mili- tary Court shall be established by law. Art. 78. The enumeration of rights and guaranties made in the Constitution shall not exclude other rights and guarantees, not enumerated, but resulting from the form of government estab- lished and the principles pro- claimed by said Constitution. 164 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. TITTJL.O V. DISPOSigOES GERAE8. Art. 79. O cidadao investido em func?5es de qualquer dos tres poderes federaes nao podera exer- cer as deoutro. Art. 80. Poder-se-ha declarar em estado de sitio qualquer parte do territorio da Uniao, suspen- dendo-se ahi as garantias consti- tucionaes por tempo determinado, quando a seguranca da Republica o exigir, era caso de aggressao es- trangeira ou commocao intestina. (Art. 34, No. 21.) Paragrapho 1°. Nao se achando reunido o Congresso, e correndo a Patria imminente perigo, exer- cera essa attribuicao o Poder Executivo Federal. (Art. 48, No. 15.) Paragrapho 2°. Este, porem, durante o estado de sitio, restrin- gir-se-ha, nas medidas de repres- sao contra as pessoas, a impor: 1°. A detencao em logar nao destinado aos reos de crimes com- muns. 2°. O desterro para outros sitios do territorio nacional. Paragrapho 3°. Logo que se reunir o Congresso, o Presidente da Republica lhe relatara, motivan- do-as, as medidas de excepcao que houverem sido tomadas. Paragrapho 4°. As auctoridades que tennam ordenado taes medidas sao responsaveis pelos abusos com- mettidos. Art. 81. Os processos findos, em materia crime, poderao ser re- vistos, a qualquer tempo, em bene- ficio dos condemnados, pelo Supre- mo Tribunal Federal, para refor- mar ou confirmar a sentenca. Paragrapho 1°. A lei marcara os casos e a forma da revisao, que po- dera ser requerida pelo senten- TITLE V. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 79. The citizen vested with functions belonging to one of the three federal powers shall not exercise those belonging to the other two. Art. 80. Any part of the terri- tory of the Union may be declared in state of siege and the constitu- tional guarantees suspended in it for a hxed period, whenever the security of the Republic may de- mand it, in case of foreign aggres- sion or internal disturbance. (Art. 34, No. 21.) Paragraph 1. If Congress is not in session and the country is in imminent danger, the Executive Power shall be authorized to make this declaration. (Art. 48, No. 15.) Paragraph 2. In the exercise of this power during a state of siege the Executive shall be restricted to the following measures of re- pression against persons: 1. To their detention in a place not destined for persons accused of common crimes. 2. To banishment to some other part of the national territory. Paragraph 3. As soon as the Congress assembles, the President of the Republic shall report to that body all the exceptional measures which he ma} T have taken, and give his reasons for the same. Paragraph 4. The authorities by whom said measures were taken, shall be responsible for any abuses which may have been committed in connection with them. Art. 81. Terminated criminal cases may be reviewed at any time, if to the benefit of the condemned parties, by the Federal Supreme Court, which shall amend or affirm the sentence. Paragraph 1. The law shall de- termine the manner and form of the revision, which may be asked CONSTITUTION. 165 ciado, por qualquer do povo, ou ex officio pelo Procurador Geral de Republical Paragrapho 2°. Na revisao nao podem ser aggravadas as penas da sentenca revista. Paragrapho 3°. As disposicoes do presente artigo sao extensivas aos processos militares. Art. 82. Os funccionarios pu- blicos sao estrictamente respon- saveis pelos abusos e omisssoes em que incorrerem no exercicio de seus cargos, assim como pela indul- gencia, on negligencia em nao responsabilisarem effectivamente os seus subalternos. Paragrapho unico. O funccio- nario publico obrigar-se-ha por compromisso formal, no acto da posse, ao desempenho dos seus deveres legaes. Art. 83. Continuam em vigor, emquanto nao revogadas, as leis do antigo regimen, no que expli- cita ou implicitamente nao for con- trario ao systema do Governo fir- mado pela Constituiyao e aos prin- cipios nella consagrados. Art. 84. O Governo da Uniao afianca o pagamento da divida publica interna e externa. Art. 85. Os officiaes do quadro e das classes annexas da Armada terao as mesmas patentes e van- tagens que os do Exercito nos car- gos de categoria correspondente. Art. 86. Todo o brazileiro e obrigado ao servico militar, em def esa da patria e da Constituicao, na forma das leis federaes. • Art. 87. O Exercito Federal compor-se-ha de contingentes que os Estados e o Districto Federal sao obrigados a fornecer, consti- tuidos de conformidade com a lei annual de fixacao de f orcas. Paragrapho 1°. Uma lei federal determinara a organizacao geral do for, either by the condemned party, by any one of the people, or by the Attorney-General of the Republic on his own motion. Paragraph 2. In such revisions, the penalties imposed by the re- viewed sentences shall not be in- creased. Paragraph 3. The provisions of the present article shall also apply to military trials. Art. 82. Public officers shall be strictly responsible for the abuses and omissions incurred by them in the exercise of their functions, as well as for their failure to exact from their subordinates the proper responsibility for their acts. Sole paragraph. Public officers shall bind themselves, formally, on taking possession of their offices, to faithfully discharge the lawful duties of the same. Art. 83. Until revoked, the laws of the former regime shall remain in force, except in case they are explicitly or implicitly, contrary to the system of government es- tablished by the Constitution, and to the principles proclaimed by its provisions. Art. 84. The Federal Govern- ment guarantees the payment of the public debt, whether domestic or foreign. Art. 85. The staff and line offi- cers of the Navy shall have the same rank and advantages as the officers of the Army of correspond- ing category. Art. 86. Every Brazilian is bound to do military service in de- fense of the country and the Con- stitution, as provided by the Fed- eral laws. Art. 87. The Federal Army shall be made up of contingents, which the States and the Federal District are bound to furnish, in accord- ance with the law which shall be an- nually enacted fixing the strength of the public force. Paragraph 1 . A Federal law shall determine the general organization 166 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Exercito, de accordo com o No. 18 do artigo 34. Paragrapho 2°. A Uniao se en- carregara da instruccilo militar dos corpos e armas e da instruccao militar superior. Paragrapho 3°. Fica abolido o recrutamento militar forcado. Paragrapho 4°. O Exercito e a Armada compor-se-hao pelo volun- tariado, sem premio, e em falta deste pelo sorteio, previamente organisado. Concorrem para o pessoal da Armada a Escola Naval, as de Aprendizes Marinheiros e a ma- rinha mercante, mediante sorteio. Art. 88. Os Estados Unidos do Brazil, em caso algum, se empe- nharao em guerra de conquista, directa ou indirectamente, por si ou em allianca com outra nayao. Art. 89. £ instituido um Tri- bunal de Contas para liquidar as contas da receita e despeza e veri- iicar a sua legalidade, antes de se- rem prestadas ao Congresso. Os membros deste tribunal serao nomeados pelo Presidente da Re- publica com approvacao do Senado e somente perderao os seus lugares por sentenca. Art. 90. A Constituicao podera ser reformada, por iniciativa do Congresso Nacional, ou das Assem- bleas dos Estados. Paragrapho 1°. Considerar-se-ha proposta a reforma, quando, sendo apresentada por uma quarta parte, pelo menos, dos membros de qual- quer das Camaras do Congresso Nacional, for acceita em tres dis- cussOes, por dous tercos de votos, numa e noutra Camara, ou quando for solicitada por dois teryos dos Estados, no decurso de um anno, representado cada Estado pela maioria de votos de sua Assemblea. of the Army, in accordance with No. 18 of article 34. Paragraph 2. The military in- struction of the various branches of the Army service and the high military education shall be in charge of the Union. Paragraph 3. Compulsory re- cruiting for military service is abolished. Paragraph 4. The Army and Navy shall consist of volunteers, enlisted without bounty, and in case that this method of enlistment fails, draftings shall be made ac- cording to a plan previously ar- ranged. The personnel of the Navy shall be made up by lot out of pupils of the Naval School, the schools of midshipmen, and members of the merchant marine. Art. 88. The United States of Brazil shall in no case engage in a war of conquest, directly or indi- rectly, by itself or in alliance with another nation. Art. 89. A Tribunal of Accounts shall be established for the pur- pose of auditing all the accounts of receipts and expenditures before they are presented to Congress. The members of this Tribunal shall be appointed by the Presi- dent of the Republic with the ap- proval of the Senate, and shall lose their places only by judicial sentence. Art. 90. The Constitution may be amended at the initiative of the National Congress, or of the Legis- latures of the States. Paragraph 1. An amendment shall be considered as proposed, when introduced by one-fourth, at least, of the members of either house of the Congress, and ac- cepted, after three readings, by two-thirds of the votes in both houses of the Congress, or, when suggested by two-thirds of the States, each one of the latter being represented by a majority of the votes of its Legislature, said votes be taken in thecourse of one year. CONSTITUTION. 167 Paragrapho 2°. Essa proposta dar-se-ha por approvada, si no anno seguinte o for, mediante tres discussSes, por maioria de dous tercos dos votos nas duas Camaras do Congresso. Paragrapho 3°. A proposta ap- provada publicar-se-ha com as assignaturas dos presidentes e secretarios das duas Camaras, e incorporar-se-ha a Constituicao, como parte integrante della. Paragrapho 4. Nao poderao ser admittidos como objecto de delibe- racao, no Congresso, projectos tendentes a abolir a forma repu- blicana-federativa ou a igualdade da representacao dos Estados no Senado. Art. 91. Approvada esta Cons- tituicao, sera ella promulgada pela mesa do Congresso e assignada pelos membros deste. Paragraph 2. The proposed amendment shall be considered approved, if, in the following year, after three discussions, it is adopted by a majority of two- thirds of the votes in the two houses of Congress. Paragraph 3. The amendment adopted shall be published with the signatures of the presidents and secretaries of the two Cham- bers, and inserted in the Consti- tution as a part of the same. Paragraph 4. No project hav- ing a tendency to abolish the fed- erative republican form, or the equal representation of the States in the Senate, shall be admitted for consideration in the Congress. Art. 91. As soon as this Con- stitution is approved, it shall be promulgated by the presiding offi- cers of the Congress and signed by the members of the same. DISPOSigOES TRANSITORIAS. Artigo 1. Promulgada esta Constituicao, o Congresso, reuni- do em Assemblea Geral, elegera em seguida, por maioria absoluta de votos na primeira votacao, e, si nenhum candidato a obtiver, por maioria relativa na segunda, o Presidente e o Vice-Presidente dos Estados Unidos do Brazil. Paragrapho 1°. Essa eleicao sera feita em dous escrutinios distinc- tos para o Presidente e o Vice- Presidente respectivamente, rece- bendo-se e apurando-se em pri- meiro lugar as cedulas para Presi- dente e procedendo- se em seguida do mesmo modo para o Vice- Presidente. Paragrapho 2°. O Presidente e o Vice-Presidente, eleitos na forma deste artigo, occuparao a Presi- dencia e a Vice-Presidencia da Republica durante o primeiro pe- riodo presidencial. Paragrapho 3°. Para essa eleicao nao havera incompatibilidades. TEMPORARY PROVISIONS. Article 1. Upon the promul- gation of the present Constitution, the Congress, assembled in joint session, shall choose at once, by absolute majorit}^ in the first bal- loting, and, if such be not obtained, by a relative majority in the second, the President and Vice- President of the United States of Brazil, Paragraph 1. This election shall be made through two different votes, one for the President and an- other for the Vice-President. The votes for the President shall be taken and counted first, and then the votes for Vice-President shall be taken and counted. Paragraph 2. The President and Vice-President, thus elected, shall fill the Presidency and Vice-Presi- dency of the Republic during the first presidential term. Paragraph 3. There shall be no incompatibilities in this election. 168 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Paragrapho 4°. Concluida ella, o Congresso dara por terminada a sua missao constituinte, e, sepa- rando-se em Camara e Senado, encetera o exercicio de suas f unc- cOes normaes a quinze de Junho do corrente anno, nao podendo em hypothese alguma ser dissolvido. Paragrapho 5°. No primeiro anno da primeira legislatura, logo nos trabalhos preparatories, dis- criminara o Senaao o primeiro e segundo terco de seus membros, cu]o mandato ha de cessar no termo do primeiro e do segundo triennios. Paragrapho 6°. Essa discrimi- nacaoeffectuar-se-ha em tres listas, correspondentes aos tres tercos, graduando-se os Senadores de cada Estado e os do Districto Federal pela ordem de sua votaeao respec- tiva, de modo que se distribua ao terco do ultimo triennio o primeiro votado do Districto Federal e em cada um dos Estados, e aos dous tercos seguintes os outros dous nomes na escala dos suffragios obtidos. Paragrapho 7°. Em caso de em- pate, considerar-se-hao f avorecidos os mais velhos, decidindo-se por sorteios quando a idade for igual. Art. 2. O Estado que ate o fim do anno de mil oitocentos noventa e dous nao houver decretado a sua constituicao, sera submettido, por acto do Congresso, a de um dos outros, que mais conveniente a essa adaptacao parecer, ate que o Estado sujeito a esse regimen a ref orme pelo processo nelta deter- minado. Art. 3. A proporcao que os Estados se forem organisando, o Governo Federal entregar-lhes-ha a administracao dos servicos que pela Constituicao lhes competirem, e liquidara a responsabihdade da Paragraph 4. As soon as said election is made, the Congress shall declare its mission in joint session as a convention, to be ended, and, separating itself into Chamber and Senate, shall enter upon the exercise of its normal functions on June fifteenth of the current year, and it shall not for any reason be dissolved. Paragraph 5. In the first year of the first session, the Senate shall designate preliminarily the first and second thirds of its mem- bers, whose term shall cease at the end of the first and second triennium. Paragraph 6. This designation shall be made in three lists, cor- responding to the three thirds of the Senate, whereon the names of the Senators of each State and of the Federal District shall be in- scribed, according to the respective number of votes obtained by them, so that the one first in the voting in the Federal District and in each State shall be placed in the list for the last triennium and the others in the lists of the other triennia, according to the relative number of votes obtained by them. Paragraph 7. In case of tie preference shall be given to the elder, and if the ages be equal the choice shall be made b} r lot. Art. 2. The State which, at the end of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, has not, as yet, adopted a constitution for itself, shall be, by act of Congress, sub- jected to that one of another State, which may be deemed most suit- able, but the State thus subjected to the constitution of another State shall have the right to amend that instrument in the manner provided in the same. Art. 3. As fast as the States shall be organized, the Federal Government shall deliver to them the administration of the services which belong to them under the Constitution, and shall settle the CONSTITUTION. 169 administracao federal no tocante a esses servicos e ao pagamento do pessoal respectivo Art. 4. Emquanto os Estados se occuparem em regularisar as despezas, durante o periodo de organizacao dos seus servicos, o Governo Federal abrir-lhes-ha para esse fim creditos especiaes, segundo as condicOes estabelecidas por lei. Art. 5. Nos Estados que se forem organisando, entrara em vigor a classificacao das rendas es- tabelecida na Constituiyao. Art. 6. Nas primeiras nomea- cSes para a magistratura federal e para a dos Estados serao pref eridos os juizes de direitoe os desembar- gadores de mais nota. Os que nao forem admittidos na nova organizacao judiciaria, e ti- verem mais de trinta annos de exercicio, serao aposentados com todos os seus vencimentos. Os que tiverem menos de trinta annos de exercicio continuarao a perceber seus ordenados, ate que sejam aproveitados ou aposentados com ordenado correspondente ao tempo de exercicio. As despezas com os magistrados aposentados ou postos em disponi- bilidade serao pagas pelo Governo Federal. Art. 7. E concedida a D. Pedro de Alcantara, ex-Imperador do Brazil, uma pensao que, a contar de 15 de Novembro de 1889, ga- ranta-lhe, por todo o tempo de sua vida, subsistencia decente. O Con- gresso ordinario, em sua primeira reuniao, fixara o quantum d'esta pensao. . Art. 8. O Governo Federal adquirira para a Nacao a casa em que f alleceu o Dr. Benjamim Con- stant Botelho de Magalhaes e n'ella mandara collocar uma lapide responsibility of the Federal ad- ministration in all that relates to said services and to the payment of the respective officials. Art. 4. Until the States succeed in regulating their expenses and during the whole period of organi- zation of their services, the Federal Government shall grant them, for this purpose, special credits to be used in the manner and under the conditions determined by law. Art. 5. As soon as the States are organized, the classification of the revenues established in the Constitution shall enter into force. Art. 6. In the first appointments of Federal and State judges, pref- erence shall be given to the pres- ent members of the law courts, and to those judicial officers called desembarg adores, who may enjoy the greatest reputation. Judges who have served for over thirty years and cannot have positions in the new judicial or- ganization shall be retired on full pay. Those who have served for less than thirty years shall con- tinue to receive their present sala- ries until the}' are employed or retired with salaries correspond- ing to their time of service. The expenses to be incurred in paying the salaries of the judges placed on the retired or reserve lists shall be paid by the Federal Government. Art. 7. On and after Novem- ber 15, 1889, a pension shall be paid to D. Pedro de Alcantara, ex-Emperor of Brazil, which shall guarantee him a suitable main- tenance for the remainder of his life. Congress in its first regular session shall fix the amount of this pension. Art. 8. The Federal Govern- ment shall acquire for the Nation the house in which Benjamin Con- stant BOTELHO DE MAGALHAES died, and shall order a tablet to be 170 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. em horaenagem a memoria do grande patriota, o Fundador da Republica. raragrapho unico. A viuva do mesmo Dr. Benjamim Constant tera, emquanto viver, o usof ructo da casa mencionada. Mandamos, portanto, a todas as auctoridades a quem o conheci- mento e execucao d'esta Consti- tuicao pertencerem, que a execu- tem e facam executar e observar fiel e inteiramente como n'ella se contem. Publique-se e cumpra-seem todo o territorio da Nacao. Sala das sessOes do Congresso Nacional Constituinte na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em vinte e quatro de Fevereiro de mil oitocentos e noventa e um, terceiro da Repu- blica. placed upon the same in memory of that great patriot, the founder of the Republic. Sole paragraph. The widow of said Benjamin Constant shall enjoy the use of said house during her life. We do therefore order all the authorities to whom the recogni- tion and execution of this Consti- tution belongs to execute and cause others to execute and faithfully observe its provisions. Let the same be published and complied with throughout the Nation. Hall of Sessions of the Con- stitutional Congress, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, on the twenty- fourth day of February in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-one, the third of the Republic. CONSTITUCION. Nosotros, los representantes del pueblo brasileno, reunidos en con- vencion constitucional con el fin de organizar un Gobierno libre y democratico, por la p'resente establecemos, decretamos y promulgamos la siguiente Constitucion para la Republica de los Estados Unidos del Brasil. TfTULO I. ORGANIZACION FEDERAL. DISPOSICIONES PRELIMINARES. ArtIculo 1. La nacion brasilena adopta para su Gobierno la forma representativa republican a federal, tal como se proclamo el quince de Noviembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y nueve, y se constitute asi, por la union perpetua e indisoluble de sus antiguas provincias, bajo el nombre de Los Estados Unidos del Brasil. Art. 2. Cada una de las antiguas provincias constituira un Estado, y el antiguo distrito municipal neutral constituira el Distrito Federal, y continuara siendo la capital de la Union hasta que se pongan en efecto las disposiciones del siguiente articulo. Art. 3. A la Union pertenecera una zona de catorce mil cuatro- cientos kilometros cuadrados, situada en la meseta central de la Repu- blica, que se demarcara oportunamente, y en este sitio se establecera la futura capital federal. Parrafo unico. Efectuada la mudanza de la capital, el actual Distrito Federal pasara a constituir un Estado. Art. 4. Los Estados podran incorporate entre si, subdividirse 6 desmembrarse para anexarse a otros 6 formar nuevos Estados, con la aquiescencia de las respectivas Asambleas Legislativas locales, en dos sesiones anuales sucesivas, y con la aprobacion del Congreso Nacional. Art. 5. Incumbe a cada Estado proveer, a sus expensas, a las necesidades de su propio gobierno y administracion. Sin embargo, la Union podra prestar auxilio a un Estado que lo solicite en caso de una calamidad publica. Art. 6. El Gobierno Federal no podra intervenir en los asuntos que pertenecen especialmente a los Estados, salvo en los casos siguientes: 1. Para repeler una invasion extranjera 6 la invasion de un Estado por otro. 2. Para mantener la forma de gobierno republicano federal. 3. Para restablecer el orden y la tranquilidad en los Estados a peti- cion de los gobiernos locales. 4. Para obtener la ejecucion de las leyes y decretos federales. 171 172 THE UNITED STATES OF BKAZIL. Art. 7. Es corapetencia exclusiva de la Union decretar: 1. Los derechos sobre importaciones de procedencia extranjera. 2. Los derechos de entrada, salida y permanencia de buques; que- dando libre de derechos, asi el comercio de cabotaje de articulos nacio- nales, como el de mercancias extranjeras que ya hayan pagado un derecho de importacion. 3. Los derechos del timbre, salvo la restriccion mencionada en el articulo 9, parrafo 1, No. 1. 4. Las contribuciones postales y de telegrafos federales. Parrafo 1. Tambien compete privativamente a la Union: 1. La institucion de bancos de emision. 2. La creacion y mantenimiento de aduanas. Parrafo 2. Los derechos decretados por la Union deberan ser uni- formes para todos los Estados. Parrafo 3. Los funcionarios federales ejecutaran las leyes, actos y decretos de las autoridades de la Union en todo el pais. Sin embargo, la ejecucion de las primeras puede confiarse a los gobiernos de los Estados, con la anuencia de aque"llas. Art. 8. Se prohibe al Gobierno Federal establecer distinciones y preferencias a favor de los puertos de algunos de los Estados contra los de otros. Art. 9. Es incumbencia exclusiva de los Estados decretar impuestos: 1. Sobre la exportacion de mercancias producidas en sus propios Estados. 2. Sobre las fincas rusticas y urbanas. 3. Sobre el traspaso de propiedades. 4. Sobre las industrias y profesiones. Parrafo 1. Tambien compete exclusivamente a los Estados decretar: 1. La contribucion del timbre en cuanto a los actos que emanen de sus respectivos gobiernos y de sus asuntos internos. 2. Las contribuciones relativas a su servicio postal y de telegrafos. Parrafo 2. Los productos de los otros Estados estan exentos de im- puestos en el Estado del cual se exportan. Parrafo 3. Sera licito para un Estado imponer derechos sobre las importaciones de mercancias extranjeras linicamente cuando se desti- nen al consumo en su propio territorio; y en tal caso, ingresara 6 entregara en el Tesoro Federal el monto de los derechos cobrados. Parrafo 4. Los Estados tienen el derecho de establecer lineas tele- graficas entre diferentes puntos de sus propios territorios, y entre estos puntos y los de otros Estados que no tengan un servicio telegra- fico federal, pudiendo la Union apropiarselos siempre que sea en bien de los intereses generales. Art. 10. A los Estados se les prohibe imponer contribuciones sobre las propiedades 6 rentas federales 6 sobre los servicios que esten a cargo de la Union, y vice versa. Art. 11. A los Estados, asi como a la Union, se les prohibe: 1. Imponer derechos sobre los productos de otros Estados 6 de paises extranjeros, declarados de transito por el territorio de cualquier Estado 6 de un Estado a otro, asi como sobre los vehiculos, ya sea por tierra 6 por mar, mediante los cuales se conducen dichos productos. 2. Establecer, subvencionar 6 estorbar el ejercicio de los cultos religiosos. 3. Dictar leyes ex post facto 6 retroactivas. C0NST1TUCI0N. 173 Art. 12. Ademas de las fuentes de renta mencionadas en los arti- culos 7 y 8, sera licito, asi a la Union como a los Estados, crear, de mancomun 6 no, cualesquiera otras rentas que no sean incompatibles con lo dispuesto en los articulos 7, 9 y 11, No. 1. Art. 13. El derecho de la Union y de los Estados para legislar acerca de los ferrocarriles y la navegacion interior se regira por la Ley federal. Parrafo unico. La navegacion de cabotaje se hara con buques nacio- nales. Art. 14. Las fuerzas de mar y tierra son instituciones nacionales permanentes que se destinan a defender la nacion contra todo ataque 6 invasion extranjera y al mantenimiento de las leyes del pais. Dentro de los limites de la ley, a dichas fuerzas, por virtud de su indole, se les exigira la obediencia de los subalternos a sus jefes, estando obligadas a apoyar todas las instituciones constitucionales. Art. 15. Los poderes legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial, son organos de la soberania nacional armonicos e independientes entre si. secci6n i. El Poder Legislativo. Capitulo I. Diiposiciones generates. Art. 16. El Poder Legislativo lo ejerce el Congreso nacional, con la sancion del Presidente de la Repfiblica. Parrafo 1. El Congreso Nacional se compone de dos ramas: La Camara de Diputados y el Senado. Parrafo 2. La eleccion de Senadores y de Diputados se celebrara simultaneamente en todo el pais. Parrafo 3. Nadie podra ser Senador y Diputado al mismo tiempo. Art. 17. El Congreso se reunira en la capital federal, el dia tres de Mayo de cada ano, sin ser convocado, si la le3 r no designase otro dia, y continuara en sesion durante cuatro meses, a contar de la fecha de su apertura, pudiendo prorrogarse, suspender su sesion, 6 convocarse para una sesion extraordinaria. Parrafo 1. Solo al Congreso compete deliberar sobre la prorroga y suspension de sus sesiones. Parrafo 2. Cada legislatura durara tres anos. Parrafo 3. Cuando ocurriese una vacante en el Congreso a, causa de renuncia 6 por cualquier otro motivo, el Estado correspondiente orde- nara inmediatamente la eleccion de un nuevo miembro. Art. 18. La Camara de Diputados y el Senado se reuniran sepa- radamente, y las sesiones seran publicas, a menos que se resolviere lo contrario por una mayoria de votos. Se exigira una mayoria de votos para aprobar cualquiera medida en cada Camara, con tal que haya un quorum que debera consistir de una mayoria absoluta de sus miembros. Parrafo unico. A cada Camara incumbe: Comprobar y confirmar los poderes de sus miembros. Elegir sus funcionarios. Dictar su Keglamento interior. Regular su servicio de policia interior. Nombrar los empleados de su Secretaria, 174 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Art. 19. A los Diputados y Senadores no se les podra hacer respon- sables de sus opiniones, asertos y votos en el cumplimiento de su mision. Art. 20. Los Diputados y Senadores, a contar de la fecha en que reciban sus credenciales couio tales, hasta la nueva eleecion, no pod ran ser presos ni procesados criminalmente, sin previo permiso de la Camara respectiva, salvo en el caso de ser sorprendidos in fraganti, cuando se trate de un delito que no admita fianza. En este ultimo caso, el tribunal debera practical' todas las diligencias necesarias, y remitir las actuaciones a la Camara respectiva, a fin de que e"sta decida si pro- cede 6 no la acusacion, a menos que el acusado opte por que se le juzgue inmediatamente. Art. 21. Los miembros de ambas Camaras, al tomar posesion de sus puestos, prestaran el debido y formal juramento en sesion publica, de que cumpliran fielmente sus deberes. Art. 22. Durante las sesiones los Senadores y Diputados tendran derecho a percibir un sueldo y emolumentos, que ha de fijar el Con- greso al fin de cada legislatura para la siguiente. Art. 23. Ningun miembro del Congreso podra, desde el dia de su eleecion, celebrar contratos con el Poder Ejecutivo, ni recibir de el ningun empleo 6 encargo remunerado. Exceptuanse de esta prohibition: 1. Las misiones diplomaticas. 2. Las comisiones en el servicio militar. 3. Los ascensos 6 promociones legales. Parrafo 2. Sin embargo, ningun Diputado 6 Senador podra aceptar un nombramiento para misiones 6 empleos en el servicio militar, segun se preceptua en los numeros 1 y 2 del parrafo precedente, sin obtener primero el permiso de la Camara respectiva, cuando la aceptacion prive al miembro del ejercicio de sus funciones legislativas, salvo en caso de guerra 6 en los casos en que est^n empenadas la honra y la integridad de la Union. Art. 24. Ningun Diputado 6 Senador podra ser Presidente de las juntas directivas de bancos, companias 6 empresas que gocen de las prerrogativas del Gobierno Federal, definidas en la ley, 6 tomar parte en su gobierno. Parrafo unico. La inobservancia de los preceptos contenidos en este articulo y en el precedente, importa la perdida del puesto. Art. 25. El puesto de Senador 6 Diputado es incompatible con el ejercicio de cualquiera otra funcion mientras duren las sesiones. Art. 26. Son condiciones de elegibilidad al Congreso Nacional: 1. Gozar de los derechos de ciudadano brasileno, y tener derecho a registrarse como elector. 2. Para ser elegido a la Camara de Diputados, el candidato tiene que haber sido ciudadano brasileno por mas de cuatro anos; y para ser Senador, tiene que haber sido ciudadano brasileno por mas de seis anos. Este precepto no incluye a los ciudadanos mencionados en el No. 4 del articulo 69. Art. 27. El Congreso declarara, en una ley especial, los casos de incompatibilidad electoral. CONSTITUCION. 175 Capitulo II. La C&mara de Diputados. Art. 28. La Camara de Diputados se compone de representantes del pueblo elegidos por los Estados y el Distrito Federal, por sufragio directo, eon tal que se garantice la representation de la minoria. Parrafo 1. El numero de diputados sera fijado por la ley en una pro- porcion que no ha de exceder de uno por cada setenta mil, pero cada Estado tendra por lo menos cuatro diputados. Parrafo 2. Con este fin el Gobierno Federal ordenara que se haga en seguida el censo de la poblacion de la Republica, el cual sera reno- vado cada diez anos. Art. 29. Corresponde a la Camara la iniciativa para la suspension de la sesion legislativa, y la de todas las leyes relativas a impuestos, creacion y fijacion del numero de fuerzas de tierra y mar, discusion de las recomendaciones hechas por el Poder Ejecutivo, y declaracion de procedencia 6 improcedencia de la acusacion del Presidente de la Repu- blica, con arreglo a los preceptos del articulo 53, y de los miembros del Gabinete 6 ministros de Estado, en los crimenes que cometan en connivencia con el Presidente de la Republica. Capitulo III. El Senado. Art. 30. El Senado se compone de ciudadanos elegibles con arreglo al articulo 26, y mayores de treinta y cinco anos. Habra tres Sena- dores por cada Estado, y tres por el Distrito Federal, elegidos del mismo modo que los Diputados. Art. 31. El cargo de Senador durara nueve anos, renovandose cada tres anos una tercera parte del Senado. Parrafo unico. El Senador elegido en substitucion de otro, ejercera su cargo durante el tiempo que le restaba al Senador reemplazado. Art. 32. El Vice-Presidente de la Republica sera presidente del Senado, donde solo tendra voto en caso de empate, y sera substituido en caso de ausencia 6 impedimento por el Vice-Presidente de la misma Camara. Art. 33. Incumbe exclusivamente al Senado juzgar al Presidente de la Republica y a los demas funcionarios federales designados por la Constitucion, bajo las condiciones y de la manera que ella prescribe. Parrafo 1. Cuando el Senado delibera como tribunal de justicia, sera presidido por el Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Federal. Parrafo 2. No pronunciara sentencia condenatoria, sino por el voto de dos terceras partes de los miembros que se hallen presentes. Parrafo 3. No podra imponer otras penas que la perdida del cargo y la incapacidad de ejercer cualquier otro, dejando a la justicia ordi- naria toda otra accion contra el condenado. Capitulo IV. Atribuciones del Congreso. Art. 34. Incumbe privativamente al Congreso Nacional: 1. Calcular la rente y fijar anualmente los gastos del Gobierno Federal, asi como llevar cuenta de los ingresos y egresos de cada ano economico. 176 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. 2. Autorizar al Poder Ejecutivo para levantar emprestitos y hacer otras operaciones de cre*dito. 3. Legislar sobre la deuda publica y proveer inedios para su pago. 4. Reglainentar la recaudacion y distribucion de la renta federal. 5. Reglamentar el comercio internacional, asi como el de los Estados entre si, y con el Distrito Federal; establecer aduanas y crear 6 suprimir almacenes de depositos. 6. Legislar sobre la navegacion de rios que corran por mas de un Estado 6 se extiendan hasta un territorio extranjero. 7. Determinar el peso, valor, inscripcion, tipo y denominacion de las monedas. 8. Crear bancos de emision, legislar acerca de esta emision e impo- nerle contribuciones. 9. Fijar el patron de pesos y medidas. 10. Resolver delinitivamente sobre los limites de los respectivos Estados, entre si, los del Distrito Federal, y los del Territorio nacional. 11. Autorizar al Gobierno para declarar la guerra cuando fracasase el arbitraje 6 no pudiese este efectuarse, y para hacer la paz. 12. Resolver delinitivamente sobre los tratados y convenciones que se celebren con naciones extranjeras. 13. Mudar la capital de la Union. 14. Conceder subvenciones a los Estados en el caso a que se refiere el articulo 5. 15. Legislar acerca del servicio federal de correos y tel^grafos. 16. Adoptar las medidas necesarias para la proteccion de las f ronteras. 17. Fijar anualmente el numero de las fuerzas de tierra y mar. 18. Legislar sobre la organizacion del ejercito y la marina. 19. Conceder 6 negar el paso por el territorio nacional, a fuerzas extranjeras que vaj^an a efectuar en otra parte operaciones militares. 20. Movihzar y utilizar la guardia nacional 6 la milicia, en los casos previstos por la Constitution. 21. Declarar en estado de sitiounoomaspuntosdel territorio nacional, en caso de ataque extranjero 6 de conmocion intestina, y aprobar 6 suspender el estado de sitio que hubiere sido declarado por el Poder Ejecutivo 6 por sus agentes responsables, cuando se haga en ausencia del Congreso. 22. Dictar las condiciones y modo de efectuarse las elecciones para cargos Federates en todo el pais. 23. Legislar sobre el Derecho civil, comercial y criminal de la Republica, y sobre procedimientos federates. 24. Establecer leyes uniformes sobre naturalization. 25. Crear y suprimir empleos publicos federales, determinar sus atribuciones y fijar sus sueldos. 26. Organizar la justicia federal con arreglo a los teVminos del articulo 55 y siguientes de la section III. 27. Conceder amnistia. 28. Conmutar y perdonar las penas impuestas a f uncionarios Fede- rales en los casos de responsabilidad oficial. 29. Legislar sobre las tierras y minas pertenecientes a la Union. 30. Legislar sobre la organizacion municipal del Distrito Federal, y sobre policia, educacion superior y los dermis servicios que en la capital incumben al Gobierno federal. 31. Someter a una legislacion especial los puntos del territorio de la C0NSTITUC10N. 177 Republica que sean necesarios para el establecimiento de arsenales u otras instituciones de conveniencia federal. 32. Reglamentar la extradition entre los Estados. 33. Dictar las leyes y resoluciones necesarias para el debido ejercicio de los poderes que pertenecen a la Union. 34. Dictar leyes organicas para la ejecucion corapleta de la Consti- tution. 35. Prorrogar y suspender sus sesiones. Art. 35. Incnmbe, asimis'mo, al Congreso, pero no privativamente: 1. Velar por el cumplimiento de la constitution y las leyes, y pro- veer a las necesidades de caracter federal. 2. Fomentar en el pais el desarrollo de las letras, las artes y las cien- cias, asi como la inmigracion, la agricultura, las industrias y el comer- cio, con tal que los privilegios concedidos con este fin no estorben la action de los gobiernos locales. 3. Crear instituciones de segunda ensenanza y de instruction supe- rior en los Estados. 4. Proveer a la segunda ensenanza en el Distrito Federal. Capitulo V. Leyes y resoluciones. Art. 36. Salvo las excepciones mencionadas en el articulo 29, todos los proyectos de ley pueden iniciarse indistintamente, en la Camara 6 en el Senado, y pueden ser presentados por cualquiera de sus miembros. Art. 37. Todo proyecto de ley, despues de haber sido aprobado en una de las Camaras, se sometera a la consideration de la otra, y si esta ultima lo aprobase tambien, se enviara al Poder Ejecutivo, el cual, si lo aprobase, lo sancionara y prouiulgara. Parrafo 1. Si el Presidente de la Republica juzgase que el proyecto de ley es anticonstitucional 6 contrario a los intereses de la Nation, le pondra el veto dentro de diez dias habiles, a contar de la fecha en que lo recibio, y lo devolvera dentro del mismo plazo a la Camara donde se initio, exponiendo los motivos que tiene para rechazarlo. Parrafo 2. Si el Presidente de la Republica dejase de aprobar 6 desa- probar el proyecto de ley dentro de diez dias habiles, se entendera que lo sanciona, j en caso de que el proyecto de ley fuese rechazado cuando ya estuviere cerrado el Congreso, el Presidente publicara los motivos que tiene para ello. Parrafo 3. Devuelto el proyecto de ley a la Camara donde se initio, se discutira en ella y se sometera a una votacion nominal, consideran- dose aprobado si obtuviese dos tercios de los votos de los miembros presentes. En este caso, el pro} 7 ecto se remitira a la otra Camara, la cual, si lo aprobase por los mismos tramites y por la misma mayoria, lo enviara, como ley, al Poder Ejecutivo para que la promulgue con las formalidades debidas. Parrafo 4. La sancion y promulgation se efectuaran de acuerdo con las siguientes formulas: 1. ?; El Congreso National decreta, y yo sanciono, la siguiente ley (6 resolution)." 2. "El Congreso National decreta, y yo promulgo, la siguiente ley (6 resolution)." 360a— vol 1—06 12 178 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Art. 38. Si la ley no fuese promulgada dentro de cuarenta y ocho horas por el Presidente de la Republica, en los casos mencionados en los parrafos 2 y 3 del articulo 37, el Presidente del Senado, 6 el Vice- Presidente, en caso de que el primero no lo hiciere, dentro de igual plazo, la promulgara, usando la siguiente formula: " Yo, el Presidente (6 Vice-Presidente) del Senado, por la presente hago saber a todos los que las presentes vieren, que el Congreso Nacional decreta y promulga la siguiente ley 6 resolucion." Art. 39. Todo pro} r ecto de ley procedente de una Camara, que sea enmendado en la otra, volvera a la primera, la cual, si acepta las enmiendas, lo enviara modificado, en conformidad con ellas, al Poder Ejecutivo. Parrafo 1. En caso contrario, volvera a la Camara donde f ue" enmen- dado, y si esta insiste en las alteraciones hechas por una mayoria de dos tercios de los votos de los miembros presentes, se consideraran aprobadas, y entonces se remitiran, junto con el proyecto de ley, a la Camara iniciadora donde solo podran reprobarse por igual mayoria de votos. Parrafo 2. Rechazadas de este modo las alteraciones, el proj^ecto de ley se sometera, sin ellas, a la sancion del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 40. Los proyectos de ley rechazados tinalmente 6 no sanciona- dos, no podran ser renovados en la misma sesion legislativa. secci6n ii. El Poder Ejecutivo. Capitplo I. El Presidente y el Vice-Presidente. Art. 41. Ejerce el Poder Ejecutivo el Presidente de los Estados Unidos del Brasil, como Jefe elegido de la Nacion. Parrafo 1. Substituira al Presidente, en caso de impedimento, y le sucedera cuando occurra una vacante en la Presidencia, el Vice-Presi- dente, elegido simultaneamente con el. Parrafo 2. En caso de impedimento del Vice-Presidente, 6 de que ocurra la vacante del cargo, los siguientes funcionarios seran llamados a la Presidencia por el orden que sigue: El Vice-Presidente del Senado, el Presidente de la Camara de Diputadps y el Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Federal. Parrafo 3. Son condiciones esenciales para ser elegido Presidente 6 Vice-Presidente de la Republica: 1. Ser natural del Brasil. 2. Estar en el pleno ejercicio de los derechos politicos. 3. Ser mayor de treinta y cinco anos. Art. 42. En caso de vacante de la Presidencia 6 Vice-Presidencia, por cualquiera causa, antes de que hayan transcurrido dos anos del t^rmino presidencial, se efectuara una nueva eleccion. Art. 43. El Presidente ejercera su cargo durante cuatro anos, no pudiendo ser reelecto para el inmediato periodo presidencial. Parrafo 1. El Vice-Presidente que ejerciese la Presidencia durante el ultimo ano del termino presidencial, no podra ser electo Presidente para el termino siguiente. CONSTITUCION. 179 Parrafo 2. El Presidente dejara de ejercer sus funciones improrro- gablemente el niismo dia en que termine su periodo presidencial y le sucedera en seguida el Presidente recien electo. Parrafo 3. Si este se hallare impedido 6 faltase, su sustitucion se efectuani de acuerdo con los terminos de los parraf os 1 y 2 del articulo 41. Parrafo 4. El primer termino presidencial terminara el quince de Noviembre de mil ochocientos noventa y cuatro. Art. 44. Al tomar posesion .de su cargo, el Presidente, en sesion publica del Congreso, 6 ante el Tribunal Supremo Federal, si el Con- greso no estuviere reunido, hard la siguiente arirmacion: "Prometo mantener y cumplir con perfecta lealtad la Constitucion Federal, fomentar el bienestar general de la Republica, cumplir sus leyes, mantener la Union, su integridad e independencia." Art. 45. El Presidente y Vice-Presidente no podran salir del terri- torio nacional sin permiso del Congreso, so pena de perder su puesto. Art. 46. El Presidente y el Vice-Presidente percibiran el sueldo fijado por el Congreso en el termino presidencial antecedente. Capitulo II. Eleccidn de Presidente y Vice-Presidente. Art. 47. El Presidente y el Vice-Presidente de la Republica seran elegidos por suf ragio directo de la Nacion y por una mayoria absoluta de votos. Parrafo 1. La elecion se celebrara el dia primero de Marzo del ultimo ano del termino presidencial, procediendose en la Capital Federal y en las de los Estados, al escrutinio de los votos recibidos en las respectivas circunscripciones. El Congreso contara los votos en su primera sesion del mismo ano, sea cual fuere el numero de miembros presentes. Parrafo 2. Si ninguno de los candidatos por quienes se hubiere votado obtuviese una mayoria absoluta, el Congreso elegira, por mayoria de votos de los que esten presentes, uno de los que nubiesen alcanzado el mayor numero de votos en la eleccion directa. En caso de empate, se considerara electo el candidato de mas edad. Parrafo 3. El procedimiento de la eleccion y del escrutinio sera objeto de una ley ordinaria. Parrafo 4. Seran inelegibles para los cargos de Presidente y Vice- Presidente, los parientes consanguineos y alines, dentro del primero y segundo grado del Presidente 6 Vice-Presidente que se halle en ejercicio de su cargo en el momento de la eleccion, 6 que lo ha} r a estado seis meses antes. Capitulo III. Atribuciones del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 48. Incumbe privativamente al Presidente de la Republica: 1. Sancionar, promulgar y hacer publicar las leyes y resoluciones del Congreso; expedir decretos, instrucciones y reglamentos, para su fiel ejecucion. 2. Nombrar y destituir a su voluntad los Ministros de Estado 6 miembros de su Gabinete. 3. Ejercer 6 designar al que deba ejercer el mando supremo de las 180 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. f uerzas de tierra y mar de los Estados Unidos del Brasil, cuando f ueren llamadas a las armas para la defensa interior 6 exterior de la Union. 4. Ejercer el mando del Ejercito y Marina, y distribuir sus respecti- vas f uerzas en conformidad con. las le} r es federales y las necesidades del Gobierno Nacional. 5. Proveer los cargos civiles y militares de caracter federal, salvo las restricciones estipuladas en la Constitucion. 6. Indultar y conmutar las penas por crimeues que esten sujetos a la jurisdiccion federal, salvo en los casos a que se nace referencia en los articulos 34, No. 28, y 52, parrafo 2. 7. Declarar la guerra y hacer la paz, con arreglo a los te'rminos del articulo 34, No. 11. 8. Declarar inmediatamente la guerra en los casos de invasion 6 agresion extranjera. 9. Dar cuenta anualmente de la situacion del pais al Congreso Nacio- nal, indicandole las providencias y reformas que sean urgentes, en un mensaje que remitira al Secretario del Senado, el dia de la apertura de la sesion legislativa. 10. Convocar al Congreso a sesiones extraordinarias. 11. Nombrar los magistrados federales mediante la propuesta del Tribunal Supremo. 12. Nombrar los miembros del Tribunal Supremo Federal y los Ministros del Cuerpo Diplomatico, estando el nombramiento sujeto a la aprobacion del Senado, y en caso de ausencia del Congreso, desig- narlos en comision hasta que el Senado los apruebe. 13. Nombrar los demas miembros del cuerpo diplomatico y los agentes consulares. 14. Mantener las relaciones con los Estados extranjeros. 15. Declarar, por si, 6 por conducto de sus agentes responsables, el estado de sitio de cualquier punto del territorio nacional, en los casos de agresion extranjera 6 de grave conmocion intestina. (Art. 6, No. 3; Art. 34, No. 21, y Art. 80.) 16. Entablar negociaciones internacionales, celebrar convenios, con- venciones y tratados, siempre ad referendum del Congreso, y aprobar los que celebren los Estados en conformidad con el articulo 65, some- tiendolos, siempre que sea necesario, a la autoridad del Congreso. Capitulo IV. Los Ministros de Estado. Art. 49. El Presidents de la Republica sera auxiliado por los Minis- tros de Estado, agentes de su contianza, que suscribiran las actas, y cada uno de ellos presidira en los Ministerios en que se divida la admi- nistration federal. Art. 50. Ningun Ministro de Estado podra ejercer otro empleo 6 funcion publica, ni ser electo Presidente 6 Vice-Presidente de la Union, Diputado 6 Senador. Parrafo unico. El Diputado 6 Senador que aceptare un cargo de Ministro de Estado, perdera su puesto en la Camara respectiva, y se procedera inmediatamente a una nueva eleccion, en la cual no se podra votar por el. Art. 51. Los Ministros de Estado no podran comparecer a las sesiones del Congreso, y solo se comunicaran con el por escrito. Po- dran celebrar personalmente conferencias con las comisiones de las Camaras. CONSTITUCION. 181 Los informes anuales de los Ministros seran dirigidos al Presidente de la Republica y distribuidos a todos los miembros del Congreso. Art. 52. Los Ministros de Estado no son responsables ante el Con- greso 6 ante los tribunales, por los consejos que hayan dado al Presi- dente de la Republica. Parrafo 1. Seran responsables, sin embargo, en cuanto a sus pro- pios actos, por los crimenes definidos en la ley. Parrafo 2. En los casos de delitos comunes, y en los de responsa- bilidad oficial, seran procesados y juzgados por el Tribunal Supremo Federal, y por los que cometan conjuntamente con el Presidente de la Republica, por la autoridad competente para juzgar estos ultimos. Capitulo V. Responsabilidad del Presidente. ' Art. 53. El Presidente de los Estados Unidos del Brasil sera pro- cesado y juzgado, despues que la Camera declare procedente la acu- sacion, ante el Tribunal Supremo Federal, cuando se trate de delitos comunes, y en los casos de responsibilidad oficial, ante el Senado. Parrafo unico. Decretada la procedencia de la acusacion, el Presi- dente quedara suspenso en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 54. Son crimenes 6 delitos que envuelven responsibilidad ofi- cial del Presidente de la Republica los actos que atentaren contra: 1. La existencia politica de la Union. 2. La Constitucion y la forma de Gobierno Federal. 3. El libre ejercicio de los poderes politicos. 4. El goce y ejercicio legal de los derechos politicos 6 individuales. 5. La seguridad interior del pais. 6. La probidad u honradez de la administracion. 7. La custodia y empleo constitucional de los fondos publicos. 8. Las asignaciones votadas por el Congreso. Parrafo 1. Estos delitos se definiran mediante una ley especial. Parrafo 2. Otra ley reglamentara la acusacion, el proceso y la sentencia. Parrafo 3. Estas dos leyes seran decretadas en la primera sesion del primer Congreso secci6n hi. El Poder Judicial. Art. 55. El Poder Judicial de la Union lo ejercen el Tribunal Supremo Federal, que reside en la Capital de la Republica, } r los demas tribunales inferiores federales distribuidos por todo el pais, que esta- blezca el Congreso. Art. 56. El Tribunal Supremo Federal se compondra de quince Magistrados, nombrados con arreglo a los preceptos del articulo 48, No. 12, de entre ciudadanos de notable saber y reputacion que sean elegibles al Senado. Art. 57. Los jueces federales seran vitalicios y perderan su cargo unicamente por virtud de sentencia judicial. Parrafo 1. Sus sueldos se fijaran por la ley, y no podran ser dis- minuidos. Parrafo 2. El Senado juzgara a los miembros del Tribunal Supremo en los casos de responsabilidad oficial, y a su vez, el referido Tribunal juzgara a los jueces federales inferiores. 182 THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Art. 58. Los tribunales f ederales elegiran de su seno su Presidente, y organizaran sus respectivas secretarias. Parrafo 1. El nombramiento y destitucion de los empleados de secre- taria, asi como la provision de los funcionarios judiciales en las circuns- cripciones judiciales, corresponde a los presidentes de los tribunales respectivos. Parrafo 2. El Presidente de la Republica designara de entre los miembros del Tribunal Supremo Federal, un Procurador General de la Republica, cuyas atribuciones se definiran por la ley. Art. 59. Al Tribunal Supremo Federal incumbe: I. Conocer original y privativamente: (a) De las causas contra el Presidente de la Republica, por delitos comunes, y contra los Ministros de Estado en los casos mencionados en el articulo 52. (b) De las causas contra los ministros diplomaticos, por delitos comu- nes y en los casos de responsabilidad oficial. (c) De las causas y conflictos de jurisdiccion entre la Union y los Estados 6 entre los Estados unos con otros. (d) De los litigios y de las reclamaciones entre naciones extranjeras y la Union 6 entre naciones extranjeras y los Estados. (e) De los conflictos de los jueces 6 tribunales Federales entre si, 6 entre e\stos y los de los Estados, asi como entre los jueces y tribunales de un Estado y los jueces y tribunales de otro Estado. II. Juzgar en grado de apelacion, las cuestiones resueltas por los jueces y tribunales federales, asi como las mencionadas en el parrafo I del presente articulo, y el articulo 60; III. Revisar los procesos resueltos, con arreglo a los terminos del articulo 81. Parrafo 1. Las sentencias de los tribunales del Estado en ultima instancia pueden llevarse en recurso al Tribunal Supremo Federal: (a) Cuando se ponga en tela de iuicio la validez 6 la aplicabilidad de los tratados 6 leyes federales, y la decision del tribunal del Estado fuese contra ella. (b) Cuando se ponga en tela de juicio la validez de las leyes 6 de los actos de los Gobiernos de los Estados, tocante a la Constitucion 6 a las leyes federales, y cuando la decision del tribunal del Estado consi- derase validos dichos actos 6 dichas leyes impugnadas. Parrafo 2. En los casos en que hubieren de aplicarse las leves de los Estados, el Tribunal federal consultara la jurisprudencia de los tri- bunales locales, y vice versa, los tribunales de los Estados consultaran la jurisprudencia de los tribunales federales siempre que hubieren de interpretar las leyes de la Union. Art. 60. Incumbe a los jueces y a los tribunales federales conocer de: (a) Las causas en que alguna de las partes fundare la acusacion 6 la defensa en las disposiciones 6 preceptos de la Constitucion Federal. (b) Todas las causas iniciadas contra el Gobierno de la Union 6 contra el Tesoro Nacional, f undadas en disposiciones de la Constitucion, 6 de leyes y reglamentos del Poder Ejecutivo, 6 en los contratos celebrados con el mismo Gobierno. (c) Las causas provenientes de compensaciones, recuperacion de propiedades, indemnizacion por danos y perjuicios, 6 cualesquiera otras causas iniciadas 6 entabladas por el Gobierno de la Union contra particulares 6 vice versa. (d) Los litigios entre un Estado y los ciudadanos de otro, 6 entre los CONSTITUTION. 183 ciudadanos de diferentes Estados, cuando las leyes de estos son dis- tintas. (ida, Miranda, Tachira, Tru- jillo, Zamora y Zulia. 1°. El Estado Aragua se com- pondra de los Distritos: Bruzual, Girardot, Marino, Ricaurte, Ros- cio, San Casimiro, San Sebastian, Urdaneta y Zamora. El Estado Bermudez se compon- dra de los Distritos: Acosta, Ara- 192 The Constitutional Congress of the United States of Venezuela, in the name of Almighty God and by authority of the people of Vene- zuela, decrees the following Con- stitution: TITLE I. THE NATION AND ITS TERRITORY. Article 1. The territory of the United States of Venezuela is the same which in the year 1810 cor- responded to the Captaincy Gen- eral of Venezuela, with the modi- fications resulting from subsequent public treaties. Art. 2. The territory of the United States of Venezuela is di- vided into Federal Districts and Territories, each one with the limits and names established by the re- spective State laws on territorial division and by the laws organizing the Territories. Art. 3. The Districts constitut- ing the Venezuelan Federation shall be so grouped as to form the States of Aragua, Bermudez, Boli- var, Carabobo, Falcon, Guarico, Lara, M6rida, Miranda, Tachira, Trujillo, Zamora, and Zulia. 1. The State of Aragua shall consist of the following Districts: Bruzual, Girardot, Marino, Ri- caurte, Roscio, San Casimiro, San Sebastian, Urdaneta, and Zamora. The State of Bermudez shall con- sist of the following Districts: CONSTITUTION. 193 gua, Arisrnendi, Benitez, Bermii- dez, Bolivar, Bruzual, Cajigal, Cedeno, Freytes, Libertad, Mejias, Monagas, Montes, Penalver, Piar, Rivero, Sucre y Zaraza. El Estado Bolivar se compon- dra de los Distritos: Cedeno, Heres, Independencia, Miranda, Sotillo, Sucre y Tadeo Monagas. El Estado Carabobo se compon- dra de los Distritos: Bejuma, Fal- con, Guacara, Montalban, Nirgua, Ocumare, Puerto Cabello y Va- lencia. El Estado Falcon se compondra de los Distritos Acosta, Bolivar, Buchivacoa, Colina, Democracia, Falcon, Federacion , Miranda, Petit, Urdaneta y Zamora. • El Estado Guarico se compon- dra de los Distritos Achaguas, In- fante, Miranda con el municipio "El Calvario," Munoz y San Fer- nando. El Estado Lara se compondra de los Distritos Barquisimeto, Bru- zual, Cabudare, Crespo, Quibor, San Felipe, Silva, Sucre, Tocuyo, Torres, Urachiche y Yaritagua. El Estado Merida se compondra de los Distritos Campo-Elias, Li- bertador, Miranda, Pedraza, Ran- gel, Rivas Davila,Sucre,Torondoy y Tovar. El Estado Miranda se compon- dra de los Distritos Ace vedo, Brion , Lander, Monagas, Paez, Paz Cas- tillo, ?laza, Urdaneta y Zamora. El Estado Tachira se compondra de los Distritos Ay acucho, Bolivar, Cardenas, Castro, Junin, La Grita, Lobatera, Paez con el municipio Elorza, San Cristobal j Uribante. El Estado Trujillo se compondra de los Distritos Betijoque, Bocono, Carache, Escuque, Trujillo, Ur- daneta y Valera. Acosta, Aragua, Arisrnendi, Beni- tez, Bermudez, Bolivar, Bruzual, Cajigal, Cedeno, Freytes, Liber- tad, Mejias, Monagas, Montes, Penalver, Piar, Rivero, Sucre, and Zaraza. The State of Bolivar shall con- sist of the following Districts: Cedeno, Heres, Independencia, Miranda, Sotillo, Sucre, and Tadeo Monagas. The State of Carabobo shall consist of the following Districts: Bejuma, Falcon, Guacara, Montal- ban, Nirgua, Ocumare, Puerto Cabello, and Valencia. The State of Falcon shall consist of the following Districts: Acosta, Bolivar, Buchivacoa, Colina, De- mocracia, Falcon, Federacion, Mi- randa, Petit, Urdaneta, and Za- mora. The State of Guarico shall con- sist of the following Districts: Achaguas, Infante, Miranda with the municipality of El Calvario, Munoz, and San Fernando. The State of Lara shall consist of the following Districts: Barquisi- meto, Bruzual, Cabudare, Crespo, Quibor, San Felipe, Silva, Sucre, Tocuyo, Torres, Urachiche, and Yaritagua. The State of Merida shall consist of the following Districts: Campo- Elias, Libertador, Miranda, Pe- draza, Rangel, Rivas Davila, Sucre, Torondoy, and Tovar. The State of Miranda shall con- sist of the following Districts: Ace- vedo, Brion, Lander, Monagas, Paez, Paz Castillo, Plaza, Urda- neta, and Zamora. The State of Tachira shall con- sist of the following Districts : Aya- cucho, Bolivar, Cardenas, Castro, Junin, La Grita, Lobatera, Paez with the municipality of Elorza, San Cristobal, and Uribante. The State of Trujillo shall con- sist of the folio wing Districts : Beti- joque, Bocono, Carache, Escuque, Trujillo, Urdaneta, and Valera. 360a— vol 1—06- -13 194 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. El Estado Zamora se compondra de los Distritos Acarigua, Anzoa- tegui, Araure, Arismendi,Barinas, Bolivar, Esteller, Girardot, Gua- nare, Guanarito, Obispos, Ospino, Pao, Ricaurte, Rojas, San Carlos, Sosa, Tinaco } T Turen. El Estado Zulia se compondra de los Distritos Bolivar, Colon Mara, Maracaibo, Miranda, Paez, Perija, Sucre y Urdaneta. 2°. Lascontroversiaspendientes entre los Estados Tachira, Merida y Trujillo con el del Zulia, entre los de Aragua y Carabobo, y cua- lesquiera otras que existan entre los Estados por razon de sus limites generales, seran resueltas por el Tribunal de que trata el articulo 126 de esta Constitucion. Art. 1. Los Territorios Fede- rales, que seran organizados por leyes especiales, son: Amazonas, Cristobal Colon, Colon, Delta- Amacuro y Yuruari. Parrafo finico. Los Territorios Federales pueden optar a la cate- goria de Estado, siempre que reu- nan las condiciones siguientes: l a . Tener, por lo menos, cien mil habitantes. 2\ Comprobar ante el Congreso que estan en capacidad de atender al servicio publico en todos sus ramos y de cubrir los gastos que 6ste requiera. Art. 5. El Distrito Federal, que sera organizado por ley espe- cial, se compondra de los Departa- mentos Libertador, Vargas, Guai- caipuro y Sucre, y de la isla de Margarita. Parrafo unico. El asiento de los Poderes Generales de la Nacion es el Departamento Libertador del Distrito Federal; pero el Poder Ejecutivo podra tijar su residencia transitoria en cualquier otro punto del dicho Distrito, cuando alguna circunstancia imprevista asi lo requiera. The State of Zamora shall con- sist of the following Districts: Acarigua, Anzoategui, Araure, Arismendi, Barinas, Bolivar, Es- teller, Girardot, Guanare, Guana- rito, Obispos, Ospino, Pao, Ri- caurte, Roias, San Carlos, Sosa, Tinaco, ana Turen. The State of Zulia shall consist of the following Districts : Bolivar, Colon, Mara, Maracaibo, Miranda, Paez, Perija, Sucre, and Urdaneta. 2. The controversies pending be- tween the States of Tachira, Me- rida, and Trujillo, and that of Zulia and between the State of Aragua and that of Carabobo, as well as any other difference between the States on account of their respec- tive boundaries, shall be decided b} 7 the tribunal referred to in art- icle 126 of this Constitution. Art. 4. The Federal Territories, which shall be organized by special laws, are the following: Amazonas, Cristobal Colon, Colon, Delta- Amacuro, and Yuruari. Sole paragraph. The Federal Territories shall have the right to ask to be admitted to the rank of States upon proof of the follow- ing circumstances: 1. That their population is at least one hundred thousand inhab- itants. 2. That they are able to attend to the public service in all its branches and to meet the expenses which it requires. Art. 5. The Federal District, which shall be organized by a special law, shall consist of the departments of Libertador, Var- gas, Guaicaipuro, and Sucre, and the island of Margarita. Sole paragraph. The seat of the Federal Government shall be the Department of Libertador in the Federal District; but the Ex- ecutive power may establish its temporary residence in any other part of said District when required by any unforeseen circumstance. CONSTITUTION. 195 Art. 6. El territorio de la Nacion no puedc ser enajenado de modo alguno a Potencia extran- iera. TITUXO II. DE LAS BASES DE LA UNl6N. Akt. 7. Los Estados que for- man la Union Venezolana son au- tonomos e iguales en entidad po- litica, conservan en toda su pleni- tud la soberania no delegada en esta Constitucion, y se obligan: 1°. A organizarse conforme a los principios de gobierno popular, electivo, federal, representative, alternativo y responsable, y a dic- tar, para establecer las reglas de su regimen y gobierno interior, sus Constituciones, de conf ormidad con los principios de este Pacto Fundamental. 2°. A cumplir y hacer que se cumplan y ejecuten la Constitucion y las leyes de la Union y los De- cretos, ordenes y resoluciones ( que los Poderes Nacionales expidieren en uso de sus atribuciones y f acul- tades legales. 3°. A reconocer, en sus respec- tivas Constituciones, la autonomia municipal de los Distritos y su in- dependenciadel Poder Politico del Estado, en todo lo concerniente a su regimen economico y adminis- trativo; y, en consecuencia, los Distritos podran establecer su sis- tema rentistico, sujetandose a las disposiciones que contienen las Bases de la Union Nos. 10, 11, 12 y 13. En los casos de guerra exterior 6 interior, el Poder Ejecutivo del Estado asumira tambien la admi- nistracion de los Distritos de su jurisdiction en lo economico y ren- tistico, con el voto de su Asamblea Legislativa, y si esta no se encon- trare reunida, con el de su Corte Suprema. 4°. Xdefenderse contra toda vio- lencia que dane su independencia 6 la integridad de la Nacion. Art. 6. The territory of the nation can not be alienated in smy way to any foreign power. TITLE II. BASES OF THE UNION. Art. 7. The States composing the Venezuelan Union are autono- mous and politically equal; they shall preserve in all its plenitude the sovereignty not delegated in this Constitution, and bind them- selves: 1. To organize their own Gov- ernments, in such a way as to make them popular, elective, Federal, representative, alternative, and responsible, and to frame their re- spective Constitutions in accord- ance with the principles of this fundamental compact. 2. To comply and cause others to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Union and the decrees, orders, and resolutions issued by the National authorities in use of their legal rights and powers. 3. To acknowledge in their re- spective Constitutions the munici- pal autonomy of the Districts, and their independence of the political power of the State, in everything relative to economic and executive matters; and consequently the Districts shall have the power to establish their own revenue system in accordance with Nos. 10, 11, 12, and 13 of the Bases of the Union. In case of foreign or civil war the executive power of the States shallalso assume the administra- tion of the Districts under their jurisdiction in revenue and eco- nomical matters, with the advice of their legislative assembly, and, if the latter is not in session, with that of its supreme court. 4. To defend themselves against any aggression which may endan- ger their independence or the in- tegrity of the Nation. 196 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 5°. A no enajenar a Potencia ex- tranjera parte alguna de su terri- torio, ni implorar su proteccion, ni establecer ni cultivar relaciones politieas ni diplomaticas con otras naciones. 6°. A no agregarse ni aliarse a otra nacion ni separarse de Vene- zuela. 7°. A eeder al Gobierno de la Federacion el territorio necesario para erigir fuertes, muelles, alma- cenes, astilleros, penitenciarias y demas obras indispensables a la administracion general. 8°. A dejar al Gobierno de la Union la libre administracion de los Territorios Amazonas, Cristo- bal Colon, Delta-Amacuro y Yu- ruari, los cuales podran optar a la categoria de Estados cuando llenen las condiciones que determina el articulo 4 de esta Constitucion. 9°. A reservar al Poder Federal todajurisdiccionlegislativa3 r ejecu- tiva concerniente a la navegacion maritima, costanera y fluvial y a los muelles y caminos nacionales, sin que pueda restringirse con impuestos 6 privilegios la navega- cion de los rios y demas aguas nave- gables que no hayan exigido para ello obras especiales. Son caminos nacionales los que pasen de los limites de un Estado y conduzcan a otro, 6 al Distrito Federal 6 Territorios Federales. 10°. Anoimponercontribuciones sobre los productos nacionales des- tinados a la exportation. 11°. A no establecer impuestos sobre los productos extranjeros gravados con derechos nacionales o exentos de gravamen por la le} 7 , ni sobre los ganados, productos, efectos 6 cualquiera clase de mer- caderia antes de of recerse en ellos al consumo. 12°. A no prohibir el consumo de los ganados, articulos y demas 5. Not to alienate any portion of their territory to any foreign power, implore foreign protec- tion, or establish or cultivate political and diplomatic relations with other nations. 6. Not to annex or ally them- selves to any other nation or secede from Venezuela. 7. To cede to the Government of the Federation the territory neces- sary for the erection of forts, wharfs, warehouses, navy -yards, penitentiaries, or any other estab- lishments indispensable for the ad- ministration of the General Gov- ernment. 8. To leave to the Government of the Union the free administra- tion of the Territories of Ama- zonas, Cristobal Colon, Colon, Delta-Amacuro, and Yuruari; said Territories to have the right of ask- ing to be admitted as States upon fulfillment of the conditions re- quired by article 4 of this Con- stitution. 9. To reserve to the Federal Government full jurisdiction, leg- islative as well as executive, in matters of navigation, whether maritime, coastwise, or fluvial, and of wharfs and national roads; and the navigation of rivers and other waters shall not be subject to the payment of dues or to privileges, except when some special work has been required to expedite said navigation. Roads leading from a State to another, or from a State to the Federal District or to any Federal Territories, shall be national. 10. Not to levy taxes on domestic products intended for exportation. 11. Not to levy taxes upon for- eign products already burdened by national duties or exempted by law from duty, or upon cattle, products, effects, or articles of merchandise of any class whatever before being offered for consump- tion. 12. Not to forbid the consump- tion of cattle, articles, and other CONSTITUTION. 197 producciones de otros Estados, ni a gravar su consumo con impues- tos mayores 6 menores que los que paguen sus similares de la local idad. 13°. A no establecer Aduanas para el cobro de impuestos, pues solamente habra las nacionales. 14°. A reservar a cada Estado el derecho de disponer de sus pro- ductos naturales de la manera es- tablecida en la base 27 de este articulo. 1 5°. A dar entera f e y hacer que se cumplan y ejecuten los actos publicos y de procedimiento judi- cial de los otros Estados, del Dis- trito Federal y Territories Fede- rales. 16°. A organizar sus Tribunales 3^ Juzgados para la administracion de justicia, y a tener todos una misma legislacion sustantiva civil, mercantil y penal; asi como la de procedimiento. 17°. A concur rir a la formacion de la Corte Federal y de Casacion de la manera prescrita por esta Constitucion. 18°. A someterse a las decisiones de la Corte Federal y de Casacion como Tribunal Supremo Federal y de los Estados. 19°. A adoptar, para el nombra- miento de los miembros de los Concejos Municipales, Asambleas Legislativas y Camara de Dipu- tados, el voto directo; y para el de sus demas funcionarios de elec- cion popular el voto indirecto 6 por delegacion; debiendo ser secreto en ambos casos y tener por base el censo electoral, segun la ley Federal sobre la materia. 20°. A reservar a la Nacion la facultad de legislar sobre instruc- cion publica superior. Tanto la Nacion como los Estados deben establecer la instruccion primaria, gratuita y obligatoria, y la de artes y oficios, gratuita. products of other States, or bur- den the consumption thereof with heavier or lighter taxes than those levied on similar articles of the locality. 13. Not to establish custom- houses for the collection of duties, as all the custom-houses shall be national. 14. To reserve to each State the right to dispose of its natural prod- ucts in the manner established by item 27 of the present article. 15. To give entire faith and credit to the public acts and judicial proceedings of the other States, the Federal District and the Fede- ral Territories, and cause the same to be complied with and executed. 16. To organize their own tri- bunals and courts, and cause justice to be administered according to the same substantive legislation in civil, commercial,and criminal mat- ters as well as in matters of pro- cedure. 17. To concur to the organiza- tion of the supreme Federal court in the manner provided for by this Constitution. 18. To abide by the decisions of the supreme Federal court as supreme court of the Federation and the States. 19. To adopt the system of di- rect vote for the election of mem- bers of the municipal councils, legislative assemblies, and House of Deputies, and that of indi- rect vote, or vote through dele- gation, for the election of other officials. The vote shall be secret in both cases and based on the electoral census, according to the Federal law on the subject. 20. To reserve to the Nation the right to legislate on superior pub- lic instruction. The Nation as well as the States shall make pri- mary education gratuitous and compulsory. Instruction in arts and trades shall be gratuitous. 198 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 21°. A no imponcr deberes a los empleados nacionales sino en cali- dad de ciudadanos del Estado, y en cuanto esos deberes no sean ineompatibles con el servicio publico nacional. 22°. A dar el contingente de- .sarmado que proporcionalmente les corresponda para componer la FuerzaPublica Nacional, conforme lo determine la ley. 23°. A no permitir en su territo- rio enganches 6 levas que puedan tener por objeto atacar la libertad 6 independencia, 6 perturbar el or- den publico de la Nacion, de otros Estados 6 de otra nacion. 24°. A no declararse ni hacerse la guerra en ningun caso y £ guardar estricta neutralidad en todas las contiendas que lleguen a suscitarse entre otros Estados. 25°. A deferir y someterse a las decisiones de la Corte Federal y de Casacion, como Tribunal Su- premo Federal, en todas las con- troversias que se susciten entre dos 6 mas Estados, cuando no pue- dan de por si 6 por medios pacifi- cos Uegar a un avenimiento. Si por cualquiera causa, en el caso de optar por el arbitramento, no de- signaren el arbitro a cuya decision se someten, queda de hecho some- tida la controversia a la Corte Federal y de Casacion. Se ex eeptuan las controversias relativas a limites, las cuales seran resueltas de conformidad con los articulos 3 y 126 de esta Constitucion. 26°. A reconocer la competencia de la Corte Federal y de Casacion como Tribunal Supremo de los Estados, para conocer de las causas que por traicion a la Patria 6 por inf raccion de la Constitucion o de las leyes de la Union, se intenten contra los que ejercen la primera Autoridad Ejecutiva de los Esta- dos, debiendo consignar este pre- cepto en sus Constituciones. En estos j uicios se seguiran lostramites 21. Not to impose obligations upon national emplo} T ees, except in the capacity of citizens of the State, and provided that these obligations are not incompatible with the national public service. 22. To furnish the disarmed con- tingent proportional^ correspond- ing to them for the composition of the national public forces as provided by law. 23. Not to permit enlistments, or impressments into military service, to be made in their terri- tories, having for their object an attack on liberty or independence, or a disturbance of the public order of the Nation, or of other States, or of another Nation. 24. Not to engage in war with each other, in any case, and ob- serve strict neutrality in all the controversies that may arise be- tween other States. 25. To abide by the decisions of the supreme Federal court, as su- preme court of the Union, in all controversies that may arise be- tween two or more States, when they can not, by themselves and by peaceful means, reach an agree- ment. If, for any reason, when resorting to arbitration, they fail to designate the arbitrator by whose decision they shall abide, it shall be understood by this fact that the controvers} T is referred for settlement to the supreme Federal court. Controversies rel- ative to boundaries are excepted and shall be settled according to articles 3 and 126 of this Constitu- tion. 26. To recognize the jurisdic- tion of the Federal court, as su- preme tribunal of the States, in all cases and causes arising out of treason, or of violation of the Con- stitution and laws of the Union, instituted against officials exercis- ing the highest executive authority in the States, it being their duty to include this provision in their own constitutions. These trials shall be conducted according to the rules CONSTITUTION. 199 que establezcan las leyes generales y se decidiran con arreglo a ellas. 27°. A tener como unica renta propia: (1) La que produzca en todas las Ad 'aanas de la Repiiblica la contribucion que se cobra con el nombre de Impuesto Territorial. (2) P^l total de lo que produzcan las minas, los terrenos baldios y lass alinas. Esta renta se distribuira entre todos los Estados proporcional- mente al numero de sus habitantes; pero para este efecto se fija como minimum para un Estado la canti- dad que corresponda al numero de sesenta mil habitantes. (3) La cuota parte de la renta de tabaco y de aguardiente que les senale la ley, y la cual sera distri- buida proporcionalmente en razon de la produccion y consumo de los Estados. (4) El producto de los impuestos sobre sus producciones naturales. (5) El producto del papel se- llado, de acuerdo con sus respec- tivas leyes. 28°. A delegar en el Congreso de la Union la facultad de crear y organizar la renta de que tratan los niimeros 1, 2 y 3 de la Base 27 que precede. 29°. A mantener distantes de las fronteras a los individuos que por motivos politicos se asilen en un Estado, siempre que el Estado interesado lo solicite. TITULO III. DE LA NACIONALIDAD. secci6n i. De los venezolanos. Art. 8. Los venezolanos lo son por nacimiento 6 por naturaliza- cion. of procedure established by the general laws, and the decisions shall be rendered in conformity with the same. 27. To consider as their own only revenue: (1) The proceeds of the tax col- lected in all the custom-houses of the Republic under the name of territorial tax. (2) All the revenue yielded by mines, public lands, and salt mines. This revenue shall be distributed proportionally among all the States according to the number of their inhabitants, to which effect sixty thousand inhabitants is established as the minimum number corres- ponding to one State. (3) The share of the tobacco and alcohol revenue which the law may set apart in their favor, said share to be distributed in propor- tion to the production and con- sumption of the States. (4) The proceeds of taxation on their natural products. (5) Theyieldings of the stamped paper created by them in accord- ance with their own laws. 28. To delegate to the Congress of the Union the power to levy and collect the taxes referred to in Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of the forego- ing Base 27. 29. To cause political refugees to reside at a certain distance from the frontiers when so requested by the interested State. TITLE III. NATIONALITY. SECTION I. Venezuelans. Art. 8. Venezuelans are such by birth or naturalization. 200 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. (a) Son venezolanos por naci- miento — 1°. Todas las personas que hayan nacido 6 nacieren en el territorio de Venezuela. 2°. Los hijos de padres venezo- lanos, cualquiera que sea el lugar de su nacimiento. (b) Son venezolanos por natura- lizacion — 1°. Los nacidos 6 que nazcan en las Republicas hispano-americanas, siempre que hayan adquirido do- micilio en la Repiiblica y mani- festado su voluntad de ser venezo- lanos. 2°. Losextranjerosquehubieren obtenido carta de naturaleza con- forme a las leyes. 3°. Los extranjeros que adquie- ran el caracter de venezolanos en virtud de leyes especiales. 4°. La extranjera casada con venezolano mientras dure el vin- culo matrimonial, debiendo, para continual' en el caracter de tal, di- suelto el vinculo, hacer la manifes- tacion a que se refiere el articulo siguiente, dentro del primer ano de terminado aquel. Art. 9°. La manifestacion de voluntad de ser venezolano debe hacerse ante el Registrador Prin- cipal de la jurisdiccion en que el manifestante establezca su domi- cilio, y aquel al recibirla, la ex- tendera en el protocolo respectivo y enviara copia de ella alEjecutivo Nacional para su publicacion en la Gaceta Oficial. Art. 10. Son electores y elegi- bles los venezolanos mayores de ventiun anos, con solo las condi- ciones expresadas en esta Consti- tution y en las leyes. Art. 11. Tod os los venezolanos tienen el deber de servir a la Na- tion conforme lo dispongan las leyes. (a) Venezuelans by birth are: 1. All persons born on Vene- zuelan soil, and 2. The children of Venezuelan fathers whatever the place of their birth may be. (b) Venezuelans by naturaliza- tion are: 1. All persons born in the Span- ish-American Republics, provided that the} 7 have acquired domicile in the Republic and shown their desire to become Venezuelans. 2. Foreigners who have obtained naturalization papers according to the laws. 3. Foreigners who become Vene- zuelans by virtue of special laws. 4. Foreign women married to Venezuelans, as long as the matri- monial bond is in existence; but after the dissolution of the mar- riage the Venezuelan nationality shall not be retained by the for- eign wife, unless she makes, with- in one year after the said dissolu- tion, the declaration to which the following article refers. Art. 9. The declaration of the desire to become a Venezuelan shall be made before the principal registrar of the jurisdiction in which the person has established his residence, and the said regis- trar on receiving such a declara- tion shall enter it in the respec- tive Book, and forward a cop} T thereof to the National Executive in order that it be published in the Official Gazette. Art. 10. Venezuelans over twenty-one years of age are elect- ors and eligible, subject to no other conditions than those expressed in this Constitution and the laws. Art. 11. All Venezuelans are bound to serve the nation as pre- scribed by law. CONSTITUTION. 201 Art. 12. Los venezolanos goza- ran en todo el territorio de la Republica de iguales derechos y tend ran iguales deberes, sin mas condiciones que las establecidas en esta Constitucion. Art. 13. La ley determinant los derechos y deberes de los extran- jeros. Art. 14. Los extranjeros, si to- maren participacion en las con- tiendas politicas, quedaran some- tidos a las mismas responsabilida- des que los venezolanos y a lo dispuesto en la atribucion 8 a del articulo 80. Art. 15. En ningun caso po- dran pretender, ni los nacionales ni los extranjeros, que la Nacion 6 los Estados les indemnicen danos, perjuicios 6 expropiaciones que no se hayan ejecutado por autoridades legitimas, obrando en su caracter publico. Art. 16. El Gobierno de Vene- zuela no celebrara tratados con otras Naciones con menoscabo de los principios establecidos en los dos articulos anteriores. Art. 12. Venezuelans shall have the same rights and duties through- out the whole territory of the Re- public, without any other condi- tions than those established in this Constitution. Art. 13. The rights and duties of foreigners shall be determined by law. Art. 14. Foreigners, if taking part in the political disputes of the country, shall incur the same re- sponsibilities as Venezuelans, and shall be subject to the provisions of item 8 of article 80. Art. 15. Neither Venezuelans nor foreigners shall have, in any case, the right to claim indemnity from the Nation, or the States, for damages, losses, or seizures of property, not caused by lawful authorities acting in their public capacity. Art. 16. The Government of Venezuela shall not conclude treaties with other nations to the detriment of the principles estab- lished in the two preceding articles. SECCION II. SECTION II. De los derechos de los venezolanos. Art. 17. La Nacion garantiza a los venezolanos: 1°. La inviolabilidad de la vida, quedando abolida la pena capital. 2°. La propiedad con todos sus atributos, fuerosyprivilegios; ella solo estara sujeta a las contribu- ciones decretadas por la Autoridad Legislativa, a la decision judicial y a ser tomada para obras de utilidad publica, previos indemnizacion y ] uicio contradictorio. 3°. La inviolabilidad de la corres- pondencia y demas papeles parti- culars, que no podran ser ocupa- dos sino por disposicion de autori- dad publica competente y con las formalidades que establezcan las The rights of Venezuelans. Art. 17. The Nation guarantees to Venezuelans: 1. Inviolability of life, capital punishment being abolished. 2. Enjoyment of property with all its attributes and privileges. Propert}^ shall only be subject to taxes levied by the legislative au- thoritj 7 , to decisions of the courts, and to condemnation for public use upon previous indemnification and regular proceedings. 3. Inviolability of correspond- ence and private papers, which shall not be taken possession of, except \>y order of competent au- thority and with the formalities established by law. The secrecy 202 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. leyes; pero guardandose siempreel secreto respecto de lo domestico y privado. 4°. La inviolabilidad del hogar domestico, que no podra ser alla- nado sino para impedir la perpe- tracion de un delito, ,y esto mismo ha de ejecutarse con arreglo a la ley. 5°. La libertad personal, y por ella: Priinero: Queda abolido el re- elutamiento f orzoso para el servicio de las armas, que ha de prestarse conforme lo dlsponga la ley. Segundo: Proscrita para siem- pre la esclavitud. Tercero: Libres los esclavos que pisen el territorio de Venezuela. Cuarto: Todos con el derecho de hacer 6 ejecutar lo que no perjudi- que a otro. Quinto: Nadie esta obligado a hacer lo que la ley no mande, ni im- pedido de ejecutar lo que ella no prohibe. 6°. La libertad del pensamiento expresado de palabra 6 por medio de la prensa. En los casos de ca- lumnia, injuria 6 perjuicio de ter- cero, quedan al agraviado expedi- tes sus acciones para deducirlas ante los Tribunales de Justicia competentes, conforme a las leyes comunes. 7°. La libertad de transitar sin pasaporte y mudar de domicilio, observando para ello las formali- dades legates. 8°. La libertad de industria; sin embargo, la ley podra asignar un privilegio temporal a los autores de descubrimientos y producciones y a los que implanten una industria inexplotada en el pais. 9°. La libertad de reunion y aso- ciacion sin armas, publica 6 priva- damente, sin que puedan las autori- dades ejercer acto alguno de coaccion. 10°. Lalibertaddepeticion: esta podra hacerse ante cualquier f un- cionario, autoridad 6 corporation, los cuales estan obligados a dar of domestic and private matters shall always be respected. 4. Inviolability of domicile, no one being allowed to enter a home, uninvited, except to prevent the perpetration of crime. Even in this case the entering has to be done in the manner and form pro- vided by law. 5. Enjoyment of personal lib- erty, and therefore: (1) Forcible recruiting for mili- tary service is abolished, said serv- ice to be rendered in accordance with the provisions of the law. (2) Slavery is forever forbidden. (3) Slaves treading upon Vene- zuelan soil shall be free. (4) All shall have the right to do all that does not injure another person. (5) Nobod} T is bound to do what the law does not command, or prevented from doing what it does not prohibit. 6. Freedom of thought ex- pressed by word or by the press. In cases of libel the injured party shall have the right to call the offenders to account before the competent courts according to law. 7. Liberty of travelling with- out passport and of changing their residence on observing the legal formalities. 8. Liberty of industry; the law, however, may grant temporary privileges to authors of discov- eries and new products, and to those who establish any new in- dustry in the country. 9. Freedom of reunion and as- sociation without arms, publicly or privately, without the authori- ties having power to exercise any act of coercion. 10. Freedom of petition. Peti- tions may be addressed to any f unc- tionary, authority, or corporation, and shall be promptly acted upon. CONSTITXTTION. 203 pronta resolucion. Si la peticion f uere de varios, los cinco primeros responden de la autenticidadde las firmas, y todos de la verdad de los hechos. 11°. La libertad del sufragio, sin mas restricciones que las estab- lecidas por esta Constitucion y las leyes. 12°. La libertad de ensefianza. 13°. La libertad religiosa con arreglo a las leyes y bajo la su- prema inspeccion del Presidente de la Republica. 14°. La seguridad individual, y por ella : Primero. Ningun venezolano podra ser preso ni arrestado en apremio por deudas que no pro- vengan de f raude 6 delito. Segundo. Ni ser juzgado por tribunales 6 comisiones especiales, sino por sus jueces naturales, y en virtud de ley preexistente. Tercero. Niserpresoodetenido sin que preceda informacion su- maria de haberse cometido un delito que merezca pena corporal, y orden escrita del f uncionario que decrete la prision, con expresion del motivo que la cause, a menos que sea cogido infragantl. Cuarto. Ni ser incomunicado por ninguna razon ni pretexto. Quinto. Ni ser obligado a pres- tar juramento, ni a sufrir interro- gatorio en causa criminal contra si mismo, ni contra sus parientes dentro del cuarto grado de consan- guinidad 6 segundo de afinidad, ni contra el eonyuge. Sexto. Ni continuar en prision si se destruyen los fundamentos que la motivaron. Septimo. Ni ser condenado a sufrir pena en materia criminal, sino despues de citado y oido legalmente. Octavo. Ni ser condenado a pena corporal por mas de quince anos. If the petition is made by several persons, the first five shall answer for the authenticity of the signa- tures, and the whole number, for the truth of the facts. 1 1 . Freedom of suffrage without other restrictions than those estab- lished by this Constitution and the laws. 12. Freedom of teaching. 13. Religious liberty according to the laws and under the supreme inspection of the President of the Republic. 14. Personal safet}^, and there- fore: First. No Venezuelan shall be imprisoned or arrested for debts not arising out of fraud or criminal offense. Second. Nor shall he be tried by special courts or commissions, but by ordinary judges and accord- ing to preexisting laws. Third. Nor shall he be impris- oned or detained except upon sum- mary investigation, showing that an offense deserving corporal pun- ishment has been committed, and a written order of the competent functionary who, except in case of -flagrante delicto shall set forth the reasons of the imprisonment. Fourth. Nor shall he be deprived of communication with the outside world, for any reason or pretext. Fifth. Nor shall he be compelled in a criminal case to give testimon3 r against himself, or against his rela- tives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second of affinity, or against his consort. Sixth. Nor shall he be kept in prison if the grounds upon which the arrest was decreed are de- stroyed. Seventh. Nor shall he be con- demned to suffer punishment in criminal matters except after hav- ing been legally tried and con- victed. Eighth. Nor shall he be con- demned to corporal punishment for over fifteen vears. 204 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 15° La igualdad, en virtud de la cual: Primero. Todos deben ser juz- gados por unas mismas leyes y sometidos & iguales deberes, ser- vicios y contribuciones. Segundo. No se concederan ti- tulos de nobleza, honores y distin- ciones hereditarios, ni empleos u oficios cuyos sueldos 6 emolu- mentos duren mas tiempo que el servicio. Tercero. No se dara otro trata- miento oficial a los empleados y corporaciones que el de " Ciuda- dano"y "Usted." Art. 18. La enumeracion an- terior no coarta a los Estados la facultad de acordar a sus habi- tantes otros derechos. Art. 19. Estos derechos 6 ga- rantias pueden ser suspendidos en los casos y con las formalidades que determina la atribucion 8 a , articulo 80, de esta Constitucion. Art. 20. Los que expidieren, f uera de los casos senalados en la atribucion 8 a , articulo 80, firmaren, ejecutaren 6 mandaren ejecutar decretos, ordenes 6 resoluciones que violen cualquiera de los dere- chos garantizados a los Venezola- nos, son culpables, y deben ser castigados conforme lo determina la ley. Art. 21. Los derechos recono- cidos y consagrados en los articu- los anteriores, no seran menosca- bados ni danados por las leyes que reglamenten su ejercicio, y las que esto hicieren seran declaradas, de conformidad con la atribucion l a del articulo 95, como incons- titucionales y careceran de efica- cia. tItulo rv. DE LA SOBERANlA NACIONAL Y DEL PODER PUBLICO. 15. Right of equality. In vir- tue of which: First. All shall be subject to the same laws, and bound to do the same duty, render the same services, and pay the same taxes. Second. No titles of nobility, honors, and hereditary distinctions shall be granted, nor employments or offices the salaries or emolu- ments of which continue after the termination of the service. Third. No other official designa- tion than "citizen" and "you" shall be given to employees and corporations. Art. 18. The foregoing enumer- ation does not abridge the power of the States to grant other rights to their inhabitants. Art. 19. These rights and guar- anties may be suspended in the cases and with the formalities pro- vided by item 8 of article 80 of this Constitution. Art. 20. Those who should issue, sign, execute, or cause others to execute, except in the cases set forth in item 8 of article 80, any decrees, orders, or resolutions which violate the guaranties ac- corded to Venezuelans, are violat- ors of the law, and shall be pun- ished accordingly. Art. 21. The rights recognized and guaranteed in the foregoing articles shall not be abridged or impaired by laws regulating their exercise, and all laws violating this principle shall be, as provided in item 11 of article 95, unconstitu- tional and inefficient. title rv. THE NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY AND THE PUBLIC POWER. Art. 22. La soberania reside esencialmente en el pueblo, quien la ejerce por medio de los Poderes Publicos. Art. 22. The sovereignty is vested essentially in the people who exercise it through the public powers. CONSTITUTION. 205 Art. 23. La definition de atri- buciones y facultades senala los limites del Poder Publico: todo lo que extraliinite dicha definition constituye una usurpation de atribuciones. Art. 24. Toda autoridad usur- pada es ineficaz y sus actos son nulos. Art. 25. Toda decision acorda- da por requisition directa 6 indi- recta de la f uerza, 6 de reunion de pueblo en actitud subversiva, es nula de derecho y carece de eficacia. Art. 26. El Gobierno de la Union es y sera siempre republi- can©, federal, democratico, elec- tivo, representative, alternativo y responsable. Art. 27. El ejercicio del Poder Publico acarrea responsabilidad individual por extralimitacion de las facultades que la Constitution otorga, 6 por quebrantamiento de la Ley que organiza sus fun- ciones, en los terminos que esta Constitution establece. Art. 28. El Poder Publico se distribuye entre el Poder Federal y el Poder de los Estados, en los limites establecidos en esta Cons- titution. Art. 29. El Poder Federal se divide en Legislativo, Ejecutivo y Judicial. TITTJEO V. DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO. SECCI6N I. Del Poder Legislativo. Art. 30. El Poder Legislativo se ejerce por una Asamblea que se denomina k ' Congreso de los Esta- dos Unidos de Venezuela," com- puesta de dos Camaras, una de Senadores y otra de Diputados. secci6n ii. De la Cdmara de Diputados. Art. 31 . Para f ormar la Camara de Diputados, cada Estado elegira Art. 23. The definition of the duties and prerogatives of the public power shall mark its lim- its, and anv act not comprised with- in the said definition shall consti- tute an usurpation of power. Art. 24. All usurped authority is inefficient and its acts are null and void. Art. 25. Decisions reached through direct or indirect use of force, or dictated by a mass of people in subversive attitude, are null dejure and produce no effect. Art. 26. The Government of the Union is and shall always be republican, federal, democratic, elective, representative, alterna- tive, and responsible. Art. 27. The exercise of public power carries with it personal re- sponsibility for going bej^ond the limits marked by the Constitution, or for violation of the law which organizes its functions; said re- sponsibility to be exacted in the manner provided by the Constitu- tion. Art. 28. The Public power is distributed between the Federal and the States powers, within the limits established by this Consti- tution. Art. 29. The Federal power is divided into legislative, executive, and judicial. TITLE V. LEGISLATIVE POWER. SECTION I. Legislative power. Art. 30. The Legislative power is vested in an assembly called "Congress of the United States of Venezuela," consisting of two chambers, one of Senators and the other of Deputies. SECTION II. The Chamber of Deputies. Art. 31. To form the Chamber of Deputies, each State shall elect by 206 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. por votacion directa y de confor- midad con su ley de elecciones, uno por cada cuarenta mil habitantes, y uno mas por un exceso de veinte mil. El Estado cuya poblacion no alcance a cuarenta mil habitantes, elegira un Diputado. De la propia manera nombrara suplentes en numero igual al de los principales, para sustituir a estos en las vacantes que ocurran, por el orden de su eleccion. Parrafo unico. Los Diputados duraran seis alios en sus f unciones. Art. 32. Para poder ser Dipu- tados se requiere ser venezolano por nacimiento y haber cumplido veintiun afios. Art. 33. El Distrito Federal y los Territorios Federales que tu- vieren 6 llegaren a tener la base de poblacion establecida en el arti- culo31, elegiran tambien sus Dipu- tados por votacion directa y con las f ormalidades que determine la ley. Parrafo unico. No se compu- taran en la base de poblacion los indigenas que vivan en estado sal- vaje. Art. 34. Son atribuciones de la Camara de Diputados: 1°. Dar voto de censura a los Ministros del Despacho, y por este hecho quedaran vacantes sus puestos. 2°. Elegir dentro de los primeros quince dias de su instalacion, en el primer ano del periodo corres- Sondiente, el Procurador General e la Nacion y dos suplentes en votaciones sucesivas y por mayoria absoluta. Estos empleados pres- taran la promesa legal ante la Corte Federal y de Casacion, para entrar en el ejercicio de sus fun- ciones, que seran determinadas por la ley. 3°. Las demas que le senalen las leyes. direct vote, in accordance with the electoral law, one deputy for each forty thousand inhabitants, and one more for an excess of twenty thou- sand. The State whose popula- tion does not reach forty thousand inhabitants shall elect one deputy. In the same manner it shall elect a number of substitutes equal to that of the Deputies, said substi- tutes to till, in the order of their election, the vacancies which may occur. Sole paragraph. The Deputies shall serve for six years. Art. 32. The Deputies shall be Venezuelans by birth, and not less than twentj^-one years of age. Art. 33. The Federal District and the Federal Territories shall, wher having the population re- quired by article 31, elect their Deputies by direct vote, with the formalities provided by law. Sole paragraph. Wild Indians shall not be computed as forming part of the population. Art. 34. The House of Deputies shall have power: 1. To issue a vote of censure against any cabinet minister, and by this fact the position of the lat- ter shall be vacated. 2. To elect, within the first fif- teen days of its meeting, in the first year of the corresponding period, the Attorney -general of the Nation and two substitutes. This shall be done separately, by votes taken successively, and by absolute ma- jority. These officials shall make before the supreme Federal court the legal promise to faithfully dis- charge their functions, as deter- mined by law. 3. To do anything else the law may specify. CONSTITUTION. 207 secci6n hi. SECTION III. De la Cdmara del Senado. Art. 35. Para formar esta Ca- mara, la Asamblea Legislativa de cada Estado elegira de fuera de su seno dos Senadores principales, y dos suplentes, para llenar las va- cantes de aquellos, por el orden de su eleccion. Parrafo tinico. Los Senadores duraran en sus f unciones seis anos. Art. 36. Para ser Senador se requiere ser venezolano por naci- miento y haber cumplido treinta anos. Art. 37. Son atribuciones de la Camara del Senado: l a . Acordar a venezolanos ilus- tres, veinticinco anos despues de su muerte, el honor de que sus restos sean depositados en el Pan- teon Nacional. 2 a . Dar 6 no su consentimiento a los empleados nacionales para admitir dadivas, cargos, honores y recompensas de naciones extran- jeras. 3 a . Las demas que le senalen las leyes. secci6n iv. De las disposiciones comunes d ambas Cdmaras. Art. 38. Las Camaras Legisla- tivas se reuniran cada dos anos en la Capital de la Union el dia vein- titres de mayo, 6 el mas inmediato posible, sin necesidad de ser pre- viamente convocadas. Las sesiones duraran noventa dias improrroga- bles. Art. 39. Las Camaras abriran sus sesiones con las dos terceras partes de sus miembros, por lo menos; y a falta de este numero, los concurrentes se reuniran en Comision Preparatoria y dictaran las disposiciones que crean conve- nientes para la concurrencia de los ausentes. The Senate. Art. 35. To form this Chamber the Legislative Assembly of each State shall elect from outside its own membership,two Senators and two substitutes, the latter to fill the vacancies of the former according to the order of election. Sole paragraph. Senators shall serve for six years. Art. 36. Senators shall be Vene- zuelans by birth, and not less than thirty years old. Art. 37. The Senate has power: 1. To grant to illustrious Ven- ezuelans, twenty-five years after their death, the honor that their remains be placed in the National Pantheon. 2. To give, or withhold, its con- sent to the acceptance by national functionaries of gifts, commis- sions, honors, and rewards from foreign countries. 3. To do any thing else the law may provide. section iv. Provisions common to both Cham- bers. Art. 38. The legislative Cham- bers will meet every two years in the capital of the Union on the twenty-third day of May, or as soon thereafter as possible, with- out the necessity of previous con- vocation. The sessions shall last for ninety days, and this period shall not be extended. Art. 39. The Chambers shall be- gin their sessions, if at least two- thirds of their members are pres- ent. If this quorum is not ob- tained, the members present shall resolve into a preparatory commit- tee and adopt proper measures to compel the attendance of the ab- sentees. 208 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. Art. 40. Las sesiones, una vez abiertas, podran continuarse con la asistencia de la mayoriaabsoluta de la totalidad de los miembros nombrados. Art. 41. Las Camaras funcio- naran separadamente y se reuninin en Congreso cuando lo determinen la Constitucion 6 las leyes, 6 cuando una de las dos Camaras lo crea necesario. Si conviniere la invi- tada, toca a esta fijar el dia y la hora de la reunion. Art. 42. Las sesiones seran publicas: pero podran sersecretas cuando lo acuerde la Camara. Art. 43. Las Camaras tienen el derecho: 1°. De dictar su respectivo Re- glamento interior y de debates y de acordar la correccion para los infractores. 2°. De establecer la policia en el edificio donde celebre sus se- siones. 3°. De corregir 6 castigar a los espectadores que falten al orden establecido. 4°. De remover los obstaculos que se opongan al libre ejercicio de sus funciones. 5°. De mandar ejecutar sus re- soluciones privativas. 6°. De calificar a sus miembros y oir sus renuncias. Art. 44. lias Camaras funcio- naran en una misma poblacion, abriran y cerraran sus sesiones en un mismo dia; y ninguna de las dos podra suspenderlas ni mudar de residencia sin el consen- timiento de la otra. En caso de divergencia, se reuniran en Con- greso y se ejecutara lo que este resuelva. Art. 45. El ejercicio de cual- quier funcion publica es incompa- tible, durante las sesiones, con la de Senador 6 Diputado. La ley designara los emolumentos que hayan de recibir por sus servi- Art. 40. After the sessions are opened an absolute majority of the members elected shall constitute a quorum. Art. 41. The Chambers shall act separateh 7 ; but they maj 7 assemble in Congress when so provided b} r the Constitution or the laws, or when any one of them may deem it necessary. In the latter case, if the invited Chamber agrees to hold the joint session, it shall have the priv- ilege of fixing the day and hour. Art. 42. The sessions shall be public, but they may be secret when so decided by the Chamber. Art. 43. The Chambers have the right: 1. To make rules for their own government and punish the viola- tors thereof. 2. To establish its own police in the building in which their meet- ings are held. 3. To punish spectators who violate the rules. 4. To remove the obstacles that ma} 7 obstruct the free exercise of their functions. 5. To enforce their own reso- lutions. 6. To pass upon the qualifica- tions of their members and to con- sider their resignations. Art. 44. Both Chambers shall hold their sessions in the same city, and shall close them on the same da} 7 . Neither shall be per- mitted to suspend their meetings, or change their residence without the consent of the other. In case of disagreement they shall assem- ble in Congress and do as the lat- ter may resolve. Art. 45. The exercise of any other public function, during the sessions, is incompatible with the duties of a Senator or Deputy. The law shall fix the salaries that the members of the national legisla- CONSTITUTION. 209 cios los mienibros del Congreso, emolumentos que no podran ser aumentados sino para el periodo siguiente. Art. 46. Los Senadores y Dipu- tados desde treinta dias antes del veintitres de mayo hasta treinta dias despues de terminadas las sesiones, gozaran de inmunidad; y esta consiste en la suspension de todo procedimiento civil 6 crimi- nal, cualquiera que sea su origen 6 naturaleza. Cuando alguno co- metiere un hecho que merezca pena corporal, la averiguacion continuara hasta el termino del sumario, quedando en este estado mientras dure la inmunidad. Art. 47. Las Camaras no po- dran, en caso alguno, allanar a nin- guno de sus miembros para que se viole en el la inmunidad que se establece por el articulo anterior. Los Magistrados, Autoridades 6 Corporaciones y sus Agentes, que priven de su libertad a. un Senador 6 Dipntado, durante el goce de su inmunidad, seran sometidos a juicio ante la autoridad judicial competente, pudiendo ser acusa- dos por cualquier ciudadano con tal fin, y quedando por el mismo hecho destituidos de sus empleos, sin per- juicio de las penas que establece la ley para los infractores de la Constitution. Art. 48. El Congreso sera pre- sidido por el Presidente del Se- nado; y el de la Camara de Dipu- tados hara de Vice-Presidente. Art. 49. Los miembros de las Camaras no son responsables por el voto ni por las opiniones que emitan en ellas. Art. 50. Los Senadores y Dipu- tados no podran celebrar con el Ejecutivo Nacional contratos pro- pios ni ajenos; ni gestionar ante el reclamos de otro. 360a— vol 1—06 14 ture shall receive for their serv- ices, which salaries shall not be increased except for the following term. Art. 46. Senators and deputies shall enjoy immunity from thirty days previous to the twenty-third of May, until thirty days after the close of the session; and the im- munity shall consist in the suspen- sion of all civil or criminal pro- ceedings, whatever their origin or nature may be. But if the offense committed is one deserving cor- poral punishment, the investiga- tion shall continue until the case for the prosecution is made. No further steps shall then be taken until the period of immunity ter- minates. Art. 47. The Chambers shall have no power in any case to sur- render any of their members and allow the immunity provided for in the preceding article to be violated. Magistrates, authorities, corpora- tions, or their agents, which may deprive a Senator or Deputy of his liberty during the enjoyment of his immunity shall be prose- cuted and tried before the compe- tent judicial authority, and re- moved at once from their offices, without relieving them of the pen- alties imposed by law to violators of the Constitution. The right of accusation in these cases belongs to any citizen. Art. 48. Congress shall be pre- sided over by the President of the Senate, and the presiding offi- cer of the Chamber of Deputies shall act as vice-president. Art. 49. The members of the Chambers shall not be responsible for their votes or for the opinions expressed by them in the sessions. Art. 50. Senators and Deputies shall not enter b}^ themselves, or in behalf of third parties, into contracts with the national execu- tive; nor shall they prosecute before it claims of other persons. 210 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. Art. 51. Cuando por muerte 6 por cualquiera otra causa que pro- duzca vacante absoluta, se hubie- ren agotado los suplentes de un Estado en el Senado, 6 reducido a menos numero del que le corres- ponda, la Asamblea Legislativa respective llenara la vacante 6 va- cantes que hayan ocurrido, por el tiempo que faltaba al sustituido 6 sustituidos. En cuanto a las faltas que ocurran en la Camara de Dipu- tados, las Constituciones de los Es- tados determinaran la manera de suplirlas. secci6n v. De las atribuciones del Congreso. Art. 52. El Congreso de los EstadosUnidos de Venezuela tiene las atribuciones siguientes: l a . Conocer de las renuncias del Presidente y Vice-Presidentes de la Republica. 2 a . Examinar, y aprobar 6 im- probar la cuenta que deben pre- sentarle los Ministros del Despacho de conformidad con el articulo 86 de esta Constitucion. 3 a . Dictar las leyes organicas y electorales del Distrito Federal y de los Territorios Federales. En el Distrito Federal la ley consa- grara la autonomia del Municipio en lo economico y administrativo, y determinara como haya de ejercer sus atribuciones de con- formidad con los preceptos de esta Constitucion, de modo que no se entrabe la libertad de accion poli- tica de los Altos Poderes Federales que en aquel residen. En los casos de guerra su primera autoridad civil v politica asuraira laadminis- tracion de los dos ramos inencio- nados. 4 a . Elevar a la categoria de Esta- dos de la Union a los Territorios Federales que lo soliciten, siempre que llenen las condiciones prescri- tas en el articulo 4 de esta Consti- tucion. Art. 51. When, through death, or any other cause producing ab- solute vacancy, the number of sub- stitutes elected in one State for the Senate has been exhausted, or reduced below the proper rate, the respective legislative assembty shall fill the vacancy for the un- expired term of the Senator or his substitute. In regard to vacancies occurring in the Chamber of Dep- uties the Constitutions of the States shall determine the manner of filling them. SECTION v. Powers vested in Congress. Art. 52. The powers vested in the Congress of the United States of Venezuela are: 1. To take cognizance of the resignations of the President and Vice-presidents of the Republic. 2. To examine, approve, or dis- approve the accounts that must be submitted to it by the cabinet ministers in conformity with arti- cle 86 of this Constitution. 3. To enact the organic and electoral laws of the Federal Dis- trict and Federal Territories. In the Federal District the law shall proclaim the autonomy of the municipality in economical and executive matters, and shall de- termine how the said municipality shall discharge its power in con- formity with the provisions of this Constitution, so as to prevent the liberty of political action of the high Federal powers residing therein from being embarrassed. In case of war its highest civil and political authority shall assume the administration of the two de- partments mentioned. 4. To raise to the condition of States the Federal Territories which may ask for it, provided that the conditions of article 4 of this Constitution are complied with. CONSTITUTION. 211 5 a . Decretar los irapuestos nacio- nales. 6 a . Sancionar los Codigos Nacio- nales con arreglo a la base 16, articulo 7, de esta Constitucion, y el Codigo de Instruccion Publica Federal, el de Hacienda, el Militar y el de Marina y las leyes condu- centes a la organizacion de la Mili- cia Nacional. 7 a . Fijar el tipo, valor, ley, peso y acunacion de la moneda nacional, siendo el oro el patron monetario; y resolver sobre la admision y cir- culacion de la extranjera. 8 a . Crear, suprimir y dotar los empleos nacionales. 9 a . Determinar todo lo relativo a la deuda nacional y sus intereses. 10 a . Decretar emprestitos sobre el cr^dito de la Nacion. ll a . Decretar todo lo relativo a la estadistica y Censo Nacional, el que debera hacerse cada diez anos. 12\ Aprobaronegarlostratados y convenios diplomaticos, los que, sin el requisito de su aprobacion, no seran validos ni podran ratifi- carse ni canjearse. La ley apro- batoria que dicte el Congreso no recibira el "Ejecutese," sino cuando conste que el tratado esta acceptado por la otra parte. Los tratados no se publicaran hasta despues de haber sido ratificados y canjeados. 13 a . Aprobar 6 negar los contra- tos de interes nacional que celebre el Ejecutivo Federal. 14 a . Sancionar el Presupuesto General de Rentas y Gastos Pu- blicos. 15 a . Fijar y uniformar las pesas y medidas nacionales. 16 a . Dictar las leyes relativas al ejercicio de las atribuciones que esta Constitucion concede al Poder Federal, y ademas, todas las de 5. To levy and collect the na- tional taxes. 6. To sanction, according to item 16 of article 7 of this Constitution, the national Codes, and also the Federal Code of public instruction, the fiscal and military and naval Codes and the laws conducive to the organization of the national militia. 7. To fix the standard, value, fine- ness, weight, and coinage of the national money, provided that it be on a gold basis, and to decide in regard to the admission and circu- lation of foreign currency. 8. To create, abolish, and fix the salaries of national offices. 9. To determine everything re- lating to the national debt and interest thereon. 10. To make loans on the credit of the Nation. 11. To decree everything rela- ting to statistics and the national census, the latter to be taken every ten years. 12. To approve or disapprove diplomatic treaties and conven- tions, which, without the required approval, shall not be valid or ca- pable of ratification or exchange. The law of approval passed by Con- gress shall not be executed until it is known that the treaty has been accepted by the other party. Treaties shall not be published until they have been ratified and exchanged. 13. To approve or disapprove contracts of national interest enter- ed into by the Federal Executive. 14. To approve the general budget of public revenue and ex- penditure. 15. To fix the standard of na- tional weights and measures and make them uniform. 16. To enact all laws relating to the exercise of the powers vested by this Constitution in the Fed- eral authorities, and all other 212 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. canicter general que sean necesa- rias. 17 a . Elegir el Cuerpo Electoral de que trata el articulo 70 de esta Constitution. 18 a . Elegir la Corte Federal y de Casacion de conformidad con los articulos 91, 92 y 93 de esta Constitucion. Art. 53. Los actos que sancio- nen las Camaras Legislativas de Venezuela, funcionando separada- mente como cuerpos colegislado- res, se denominaran "leyes;" y los que sancionen, reunidas en Con- greso, 6 separadas, para asuntos privativos de cada una, se llama- nin "acuerdos." laws of general character which may be necessary. 17. To elect the electoral body provided for by article 70 of this Constitution. 18. To elect the supreme Fed- eral court in conformity with ar- ticles 91, 92, and 93 of this Con- stitution. Art. 53. The acts passed by the legislative Chambers of Vene- zuela when sitting separately, as branches of the legislative body, shall be called "laws," and when passed by the two chambers in Congress assembled, or separately, on matters of their own exclusive incumbency, shall be called "reso- lutions." secci6n vi. De la formacion de las leyes. Art. 54. La iniciativa de las leyes podra tener lugar en cual- quiera de las Camaras, y compete a sus respectivos miembros. Art. 55. Luego que se haya presentado un proyecto, se leera y considerara para ser admitido, y si lo f uere, se le daran tres dis- cusiones con el intervalo de un dia por lo menos, de una a otra, ob- servandose las reglas establecidas para los debates. Art. 56. Los proyectos apro- bados en la Camara en que fueron iniciados, se pasaran a la otra para los efectos del articulo anterior, y si no fueron negados, se devolve- rnn a la Camara de su origen con las alteraciones hechas, caso de haberlas suf rido. Art. 57. Si la Camara del origen noadmitiere las alteraciones, podra insistir y enviar sus razones escri- tas a la otra. Tambien podra in- vitarla a reunirse en Congreso y resolverse en comision general para buscar la manera de acor- aarse; pero si esto nopudiere con- seguirse, quedara sin efecto el proyecto, luego que la Camara del SECTION VI. Enactment of laws. Art. 54. The power to initiate legislation is equally vested in both Chambers and belongs to their respective members. Art. 55. Bills introduced shall be read and considered for the pur- pose of admission, and if admitted shall be submitted to three discus- sions, which shall be conducted according to the rules established for the debates. One day at least shall mediate between each discus- sion. Art. 56. Bills approved in the Chamber of origin shall be sent to the other Chamber for the purposes of the foregoing article, and if not disapproved shall be returned to the Chamber of origin, with the amendments, if any, made thereto. Art. 57. If the Chamber of ori- gin does not accept the amend- ments it shall have the right to insist upon its own bill, and shall send it to the other Chamber with a statement in writing of its reasons therefor. It can also invite the other Chamber to assemble in Con- gress and consider the matter in committee of the whole, so as to CONSTITUTION. 213 origen resuelva separadamente la ratificacion de su insistencia. Art. 58. Al pasarse los proyec- tos de una a otra Camara, se ex- presaran los dias en que hayan sido discutidos. Art. 59. Los proyectos recha- zados en las sesiones de un ano no podran ser presentados de nuevo, sino en las de otro. Art. 60. Los proyectos que que- daren pendientes en una Camara al fin de las sesiones, suf riran en ella las mismas tres discusiones en las sesiones del ano subsiguiente. Art. 61. En las leyes se usara esta formula: "El Congreso de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela decreta:" Art. 62. La ley que reforme otra se redactara integramente, y se derogara la anterior en todas sus partes. Art. 63. Las leyes se derogan con las mismas formalidades esta- blecidas para su sancion. Art. 64. Los actos legislatives, una vez sancionados, se comuni- caran por duplicado al Presidente de la Republica, y se publicaran en el Diario de Debates de la Camara del Senado y estaran en observancia cumplidas que sean las formalidades establecidas en la atribucion 1% articulo 80 de esta Constitution. El Presidente de la Republica por organo del Ministro que los refrende, de- volvera uno de los dos ejemplares al Congreso, con el mandato de su cumplimiento. Parraf o unico. En la publication que se hara en el Diario de Debates se expresara la fecha en que las leyes 6 decretos hayan sido pre- sentados al Presidente de la Re- publica, a fin de que transcurridos los quince dias a que se refiere la citada atribucion l a , articulo 80, facilitate an agreement. If no ar- rangement can be obtained, the bill shall become of no effect from the moment in which the Chamber of origin resolves separately to ratify its insistence. Art. 58. When bills are sent from one Chamber to the other, a statement showing the days on which they have been discussed shall go with them. Art. 59. Bills rejected in the sessions of one year shall not be again introduced except in some other year. Art. 60. Bills pending in one Chamber at the close of the sessions shall be taken up by it in the fol- lowing year and submitted to three discussions as usual. Art. 61. The enacting clause to be used in the laws shall be as fol- lows: "The Congress of the United States of Venezuela decrees:" Art. 62. Amendatory laws shall be drafted as entirely new statutes, taking the place of the former ones, and repealing all their provisions. Art. 63. Laws shall be repealed with the same formalities as are established for their enactment. Art. 64. Legislative acts, once sanctioned, shall be communicated in duplicate to the President of the Republic and published in the Journal of the debates of the Sen- ate. They shall have binding force as soon as the formalities estab- lished in item 1 of article 80 of this Constitution are fulfilled. The President of the Republic, through the Minister who countersigns said acts, shall return one of the two copies to Congress, with the order for its enforcement. Sole paragraph. In the publi- cation that shall be made in the Journal of the debates, the date on which the laws and decrees were laid before the President of the Republic shall be given, so as to secure for them, after the lapse of the fifteen days, to which the aforesaid item 1 of article 80 re- 214 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. tengan, de todasmaneras, su fuerza y vigor. Art. 65. La facultad de legislar que tiene el Congreso, no es dele- gable. Art. 66. Ninguna disposicion legislativa tendra efecto retroac- tivo, excepto en materias de pro- cedimiento judicial y la que im- ponga menor pena. Art. 67. Cuando los Ministros del Despacho hayan sostenido en las Camaras la inconstitucionalidad de un proyecto, y no obstante quedare sancionado como ley, el Procurador-General denunciara la colision para que el punto sea resuelto conforme al articulo 95. TITULO VI. DEL PODER EJECUTIVO FEDERAL. SECCI6N I. De la administration general de la Union. Art. 68. Todo lo relativo a la Administracion General de la Na- cion, que no este atribuido a otra autoridad por esta Constitucion, es de la competencia del Ejecutivo Federal: este se ejerce por un Magistrado que se llamara Presi- dente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, en union de los Minis- tros del Despacho, que son sus organos. El Presidente sera ele- gido en la forma que previene la seccion siguiente. Art. 69. Las funciones del Eje- cutivo Nacional no pueden ejer- cerse fuera del Distrito Federal sino en los casos previstos por esta Constitucion. SECCTON II. De la election del Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Art. 70. Habra un Cuerpo Elec- toral compuesto de catorce miem- f ers, the condition of being, under all circumstances, in full force and vigor. Art. 65. The power to legislate vested in Congress shall not be delegated. Art. 6Q. No legislative provi- sion shall be given retroactive ef- fect, except in matters of judicial proceedings, or when the new law imposes a lesser penalty. Art. 67. When bills maintained in the Chambers, by the respective cabinet Minister, to be unconstitu- tional, are nevertheless passed, the Attorney-general shall denounce the fact, in order that the point may be settled according to article 95. TITLE VI. THE FEDERAL EXECUTIVE POWER. SECTION I. The general administration of the government of the Union. Art. 68. Everything concerning the general administration of the national Government, not vested by this Constitution in any other authority, shall fall under the juris- diction of the Federal Executive. This power is vested in a magistrate who shall be called President of the United States of Venezuela, and shall be assisted by the cabinet Ministers, who are his organs. The President shall be elected in the manner and form provided in the following section. Art. 69. The functions of the National Executive can not be per- formed outside of the Federal Dis- trict, except in the cases described in this Constitution. SECTION II. Election of the President of the United States of Venezuela. Art. 70. There shall be an elec- toral body consisting of fourteen CONSTITUTION. 215 bros del Congreso Nacional, elegi- dos por este en los primeros quince dias de su reunion en el primer ano- de cada periodo constitucional, de manera que quede formado de un Representante, Senador 6 Dipu- tado, por cada una de las entidades politicas y de un Diputado mas por el Distrito Federal. Art. 71. El siguiente dia de haberse elegido por el Congreso el citado Cuerpo Electoral, pro- cedera este a su instalacion cons- titucional con el numero de los presentes, con tal que este numero no baje de las dos terceras partes de la totalidad de los miembros elegidos para componer el Cuerpo, y designara de entre el los el que deba dirigir sus labores. Art. 72. Al instalarse el Cuerpo Electoral, senalara uno de los tres dias siguientes para elegir de su seno, 6 de f uera de el, en sesion piiblica permanente, el Presidente ae los Estados Unidos de Vene- zuela. Este senalamiento se pu- blicara por la imprenta, y para que se practique la eleccion deben en- contrarse presentes las dos ter- ceras partes, por lo menos, de la totalidad de los miembros del Cuerpo Electoral, y se proclamara elegido al que obtenga la mayoria absoluta de votos sobre dicha totalidad. El Cuerpo Electoral declarara terminados sus trabajos, formulandose el acta respectiva que sera suscrita por todos sus miembros, los cuales volveran de nuevo a ocupar sus puestos en las Camaras respectivas. Parrafo unico. El Cuerpo Elec- toral, en la misma sesion en que elija Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, elegira tam- bie*n, con las formalidades pres- critas para la eleccion de Presi- dente, 3' con las condiciones de este, un primero y un segundo Vice- Presidente, para suplir las faltas temporales o absolutas de aquel. members of the National Congress, elected by the latter within the first fifteen days of its meeting in the first year of each presidential period, so that the body may con- sist of one representative, either a senator or a deputy, for each one of the political entities, and an additional deputy for the Federal District. Art. 71. On the day following the election by Congress of the said electoral body, the latter shall pro- ceed to its organization with the number of members present, pro- vided that this number is not less than two-thirds of all those elected to compose the body, and it shall select out of their number the one who is to act as chairman. Art. 72. The electoral body, as soon as it is organized, shall set apart one of the three following days to elect out of their number or elsewhere, in permanent public session, the President of the United States of Venezuela. Information concerning this date shall be pub- lished by the press, and in order to effect the election at least two- thirds must be present of the total number of members composing the electoral body, and the one who shall have obtained the abso- lute majority of said total shall be proclaimed elected. The electoral body shall then declare its labors at an end, and the minutes of its proceedings shall be signed b} r all the members, who shall return to their places in the respective chambers. Sole paragraph. The electoral body shall in the same session in which the President of the United States of Venezuela is elected, pro- ceed also to the election, with the same formalities and conditions, of a first and second vice-president to fill the temporary or absolute va- cancies of the Presidency. 216 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. secci6n m. Del Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Art. 73. El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela debera ser venezolano por naci- miento y mayor de trienta anos, y prestara ante el Congreso la pro- mesa legal, antes de entrar en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Parrafo unico. Los Vice-Presi- dentes prestariin la promesa legal ante el Congreso, y en receso de e*ste, ante el Presidente de la Repiiblica. Art. 74. Las faltas temporales 6 absolutas del Presidente seran suplidas por un primero y un segundo Vice-Presidente, segun el orden de su eleccion. En el caso de encargarse el segundo Vice-Presidente por falta absoluta del Presidente y del primer Vice-Presidente, 6 si ocu- rriere esta falta durante su encargo, convoeara inmediatamente la Ca- mara del Senado para que elija la persona que deba sustituirlo. Art. 75. Son atribuciones pri- vativas del Presidente de los Esta- dos Unidos de Venezuela: l a . Nombrar y remover los Mi- nistros del Despacho. 2 a . Recibir y cumplimentar a los Ministros Piiblicos de otras naciones. 3 a . Firmar las cartas oficiales di- rigidas a los Soberanos 6 Primeros Magistrados de otras paises. 4 a . Administrar el Distrito Fe- deral, segun la ley, y funcionar en el como primera Autoridad Civil y Politica. 5 a . Administrar los Territorios Federates de conformidad con sus leyes organicas. 6 a . Dirigir la guerra y mandar SECTION III. The President of the United States of Venezuela. Art. 73. The President of the United States of Venezuela shall be a Venezuelan by birth, over thirty years of age. Before enter- ing into the discharge of his func- tions, he shall make before Con- gress the legal promise. Sole paragraph. The Vice-presi- dents shall make their legal prom- ise before Congress, or, if Con- gress is not in session, before the President of the Republic. Art. 74. In case of temporary or absolute vacancy of the Presi- dency, the place shall be filled by the first or second Vice-president, according to the order of their election. In case the second Vice-presi- dent takes charge, owing to the absolute vacancy of the Presidency and of the first Vice-presidency, or if this vacancy occurs during the time he is in charge, he shall im- mediate!} 7 call the Senate to meet for the election of the person who shall replace him. Art. 75. The powers originally and exclusively vested in the Presi- dent of the United States of Vene- zuela, are the following: 1. To appoint and remove the cabinet Ministers. 2. To receive and welcome the public ministers of other nations. 3. To sign the official letters to the sovereigns or chief magistrates of other countries. 4. To administer the govern- ment of the Federal District ac- cording to law and to act therein as the chief civil and political authority. 5. To administer the govern- ment of the Federal Territories ac- cording to their own organic laws. 6. To direct the operations of CONSTITUTION. 217 el Ejercito en persona, 6 nombrar quien haya de hacerlo. 7\ Separarse transitoriaraente de la capital de la Republica, cuando lo exijan asuntos de interes publico; pudiendo tambien sepa- rarse por algiin tiempo del ejerci- cio del cargo, para lo cual llamara al que deba reemplazarlo con arre- glo a esta Constitucion; y al cesar la causa que produjo la separacion, se reencargara, bastando al efecto que asi lo comunique al que este* desempefiando la Primera Magis- tratura. Art. 76. El Presidente de la Union esta en el deber de presentar al Congreso, por si 6 por medio de uno de sus Ministros, dentro de los diez primeros dias de las sesiones ordinarias, un Mensaje sintetico en el que de cuenta de sus actos administrativos y politicos, in- forme del estado de la Republica e indique las mejoras que convenga adoptar en la legislacion vigente. Art. 77. El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela no podra ser reelegido para el periodo inmediato. Art. 78. La ley senalara el sueldo que haya de percibir el Presidente de la Republica 6 el que haga sus veces, sueldo que no podra ser aumentado sino para el periodo constitucional siguiente. Art. 79. El Presidente de la Republica, 6 el que haga sus veces, es responsable por traicion a la Pa- tria y por delitos comunes. secci6n iv. De las atribuciones del Ejecutivo Federal. Art. 80. Son atribuciones del Ejecutivo Federal: l a . Mandar ejecutar y cuidar de que se cumplan y ejecuten esta Constitucion y las leyes y decretos war, command in person the army or appoint some one else in his place. 7. To leave temporarily the capi- tal of the Republic, when so de- manded by the public interest, also to withdraw temporarily from the exercise of his functions, in which case he shall call the person qualified to do so under this Con- stitution to take his place, it being understood that when the cause of his withdrawal ceases, he shall again take charge of the office, with no other formality than giving notice thereof to the official who is acting as President. Art. 76. The President of the Union shall lay before Congress personally, or through one of his Ministers, within the first ten days of the ordinary sessions, a compre- hensive message in which he shall give an account of his administra- tive and political acts, the condition of public affairs in the Republic and the improvements, if any, to be made in the existing legislation. Art. 77. The President of the United States of Venezuela shall not be reelected for the next suc- ceeding period. Art. 78. The law shall establish the salary to be paid to the Presi- dent of the Republic or to the func- tionary who replaces him, and this salary shall not be increased, unless the increase is to take place in the following constitutional period. Art. 79. The President of the Republic or the functionary who replaces him, is responsible for treason and for common offenses SECTION IV. Powers vested in the Federal Executive. Art. 80. The powers vested in the Federal Executive are: 1. To cause this Constitution and the laws and decrees of the National Congress to be complied 218 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. del Congreso Nacional y hacerlos publicar en la Gaoeta Oficial, dentro de los quince primeros dias de haberlos recibido, salv T o lo dis- puesto en la atribucion 12 a del articulo 52. 2 a . Expedir los decretos 6 regla- mentos para la mejor ejecucion de las leyes, siempre que la ley lo exija 6 establezca en su texto, cuidando de no alterar el espiritu y la razon de la ley. 3\ Convocar extraordinaria- mente al Congreso cuando lo exija la gravedad de algun asunto. 4 a . Organizar el Ejercito y la Milicia Nacional conforme a la ley. 5 a . Preservar a la Nacion de todo ataque exterior. 6 a . Declarar la guerra. 7 a . Defender el Distrito Federal cuando haya serios temores de que pueda ser invadido por fuer- zas extranas. 8 a . Hacer uso en los casos de guerra extranjera 6 de conmocion interior 6 rebelion a mano armada contra las instituciones, previa declaracion de estar trastornado el orden publico, y hasta el restable- cimiento de la paz, de las siguien- tes facultades: A. Pedir a los Estados los auxi- ,ios necesarios para la defensa nacional 6 de las instituciones. B. Exigir anticipadamente las contribuciones. C. Arrestar, confinar 6 expulsar del territorio de la Repiiblica a los individuos, nacionales 6 extran- jeros, que sean contrarios al res- tablecimiento de la paz. D. Suspender los derechos cuyo ejercicio sea incompatible con la defensa del pais 6 el restableci- miento del orden, excepto el de la inviolabilidad de la vida. E. SeiTalar el lugar donde deba trasladarse transitoriamente el Po- der General de la Union, cuando haya graves motivos para ello. F. Disponer el enjuiciamiento por traicion a la Patria, de los with and obeyed, as well as pub- lished in the Official Gazette with- in fifteen days after their being received, except as provided in item 12 of article 52. 2. To issue decrees or rules for the better execution of the laws whenever it may be necessary, taking care, however, that the spirit or intent of said laws is not affected thereby. 3. To call Congress to extraor- dinary session when so demanded by the gravity of the occasion. 4. To organize the army and the national militia according to law. 5. To preserve the Nation from any foreign attack. 6. To declare war. 7. To defend the Federal Dis- trict when there are serious ap- prehensions that it may be invaded by foreign forces. 8. To make use, in cases of for- eign war, or domestic disturbance, or rebellion in arms against the institutions, upon previous dec- laration that public order is dis- turbed, and only for the time of the disturbance, of the following faculties: A. To ask the States for the aid necessary to defend the nation and its institutions. B. To collect taxes in advance. C. To arrest, confine, or expel from the territory of the Republic, citizens or foreigners interfering with the reestablishment of peace. D. To suspend the rights the exercise of which may be incom- patible with the defense of the country or the reestablishment of order, except the inviolability of life. E. To fix the place where the general power of the Union may be established temporarily when serious motives may demand it. F. To prosecute for treason those Venezuelans who in any way CONSTITUTION. 219 venezolanos que de alguna manera sean hostiles a la defensa nacional. G. Expedir patentes de corso y autorizar represalias. 9 a . Disponer de la fuerza pii- blica, en el caso de ser ineficaz la interposition de sus buenos oficios, para poner termino a la colision armada entre dos 6 mas Estados y exigirles que depongan las armas y sometan la decision de sus con- troversias a lo dispuesto en la base 25, articulo 7 de esta Constitution. Tambien ejercera esta atribueion, caso de rebelion a mano armada en cualquiera de los Estados de la Union, despues de haber agotado los medios pacificos y conciliato- rios para restablecer la paz y orden publicos. l() a . Ordenar al Procurador Ge- neral de la Nation, que pida la nu- lidad de todo acto que viole las Bases de la Union, y promueva el juicio de responsabilidad corres- pondiente. ll a . Conceder amnistias e indul- tos. 12 a . Negociar los emprestitos que decretare el Congreso, en entera conformidad con sus dis- posiciones. 13 a . Cuidar y vigilar la recauda- cion de las rentas nacionales. 14\ Administrar los terrenos baldios, minas, salinas y renta de tabaco y aguardiente, conforme a la ley. 15 a . Dirigir las negociaciones diplomaticas y celebrar toda espe- cie de tratados con otras naciones, por medio de los Agentes Diplo- matics de la Republica, some- tiendo dichos tratados al Con- greso Nacional, para los ef ectos de la atribueion 12 del articulo 52. 16 a . Celebrar los contratos de interes national con arreglo a las leyes. 17 a . Reglamentar el servicio de Correos, Telegrafos y Telefonos Federales; pudiendo crear 6 su- primir estaciones u oficinas que may be hostile to the national defense. G. To issue letters of marque and reprisals. 9. To make use of the public force in case that the interposition of its good offices proves to be in- sufficient to put an end to an armed conflict between two or more States and compel them to depose arms and cause their controversies to be decided according to item 25 of article 7 of this Constitution. This power shall also be exercised in case of armed rebellion in any of the States of the Union, after all peaceful and conciliatory means to reestablish peace and public order are exhausted. 10. To direct the Attorney -gen- eral of the Nation to ask the an- nulment of any act violating the Bases of the Union, and to initiate impeachment proceedings when- ever proper. 11. To grant amnesties and pardons. 12. To negotiate the loans or- dered by Congress, in strict con- formity with the law authorizing them. 13. To take charge of and su- perintend the collection of the national revenue. 11. To manage the public lands, mines, salt mines, and the tobacco and alcohol revenue, according to law. 15. To conduct diplomatic nego- tiations and conclude all kinds of treaties with other nations through the diplomatic agents of the Re- public, submitting said treaties to the national Congress for the pur- poses set forth in item 12 of article 52. 16. To enter into contracts of national interest according to law. 17. To regulate the Federal post-office, telegraphic and tele- phonic services, with power to create or abolish stations or offices 220 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. reclamen urgentemente estas me- dietas, dando cuenta al Congreso en su proxima reunion. 18 a . Dictar las medidas necesa- rias para que se haga el Censo de las poblaciones de la Republica cada diez anos. 19\ Expedir patentes de nave- gacion a los buques nacionales. 20 a . Expedir cartas de nacionali- dad conforme a la ley. 21 a . Permitir 6 no la admision de extranjeros al servicio de la Republica. 22 a . Prohibir, cuando lo estime conveniente, la entrada en terri- torio nacional, 6 expulsar de el, a los extranjeros que no tengan do- micilio establecido en el pais. 23 a . Prohibir e impedir la en- trada al territorio de la Republica, de los extranjeros dedicados espe- cialmente al servicio de cualquier culto 6 religion, cualquiera que sea el orden 6 jerarquia de que se hallen investidos. 24 a . Nombrar los empleados na- cionales cuyo nombramiento no, este atribuido a otro funcionario. 25 a . Remover los empleados de su libre eleccion y mandar sus- penderlos 6 enjuiciarlos, si hubiere motivo para ello. 26 a . Desempenar las demas f un- ciones que le atribuyan las leyes. secci6n v. De los Ministros del Despacho. Art. 81. El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela tendra para su Despacho los Mi- nistros que senale la ley. Esta determinara sus funciones y debe- res y organizara sus Secretarias. Art. 82. Para poder ser Minis- tro del Despacho se requiere ser venezolano por nacimiento y haber cumplido veinticinco anos. Art. 83. Los Ministros son los organos legales, unicos y precisos when urgently required, reporting said action to Congress at its next meeting. 18. To adopt such measures as may be necessary for the taking of the census of the Republic every ten years. 19. To issue patents of naviga- tion to all national vessels. 20. To issue certificates of na- tionality according to law. 21. To allow or forbid foreign- ers to enter the service of the Re- public. 22. To forbid, when so deemed expedient, the admission into the national territor3 T ,ortoexpel there- from, foreigners who have no estab- lished domicile in the country. 23. To prohibit and impede the entrance into the territory of the Republic of foreigners especially engaged in the service of any wor- ship, or religion, no matter what their order or rank may be. 24. To appoint the national em- ployees whose appointment is not to be made by another functionary. 25. To remove the functionaries freely appointed by it, or direct that they may be suspended or tried if there is any reason therefor. 26. To discharge all other func- tions entrusted to it by law. SECTION v. The cabinet Ministers. Art. 81. The President of the United States of Venezuela shall have the cabinet Ministers which the law may determine. The law shall also establish the powers and duties of these functionaries and shall organize their departments. Art. 82. To be a cabinet Minis- ter it is necessary to be a Vene- zuelan by birth, over twenty -five years of age. Art. 83. The Ministers are the only legal and necessary organs CONSTITUTION. 221 del Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Todos los actos de este seran refrendados por aquel 6 aquellos de los Minis- tros a cuyos ramos correspondan dichos actos; y sin este requisito carecen de eficaeia y no seran cum- plidos ni ejecutados por las auto- ridades, empleados 6 particulares. Art. 84. Todos los actos de los Ministros deben arreglarse a esta Constitucion y a las leyes; su res- ponsabilidad personal no se salva por la orden del Presidente, aun- que la reciban escrita. Art. 85. La responsabilidad de los actos del Presidente que deban resolverse en Consejo de Ministros corresponde a los que los refren- den. Art. 86. Los Ministros daran cuenta a las Camaras, cada dos aiTos, dentro de los diez prinieros dfas de sus sesiones ordinarias, en Memorias razonadas y documen- tadas, de lo que hubieren hecho 6 pretendieren hacer en sus respec- tivos ramos. Tambien daran los informes escritos 6 verbales que se les pidan, y pres~ntaran igual- mente, dentro de los primeros diez dias del segundo mes de las sesiones de las Camaras, el Presupuesto General de Rentas y Gastos, y la cuenta general de los dos anos an- teriores. Art. 87. Los Ministros tienen derecho de palabraen las Camaras, y estan obligados a concurrir a ellas cuando sean llamados a infor- mal-. Art. 88. Los Ministros son res- ponsables: 1°. Por traicion a la Patria. 2°. Por inf raccion de la Consti- tucion y de las leyes. 3°. Por hacer mayores gastos que los presupuestos. 4°. Por soborno 6 cohecho en el of the President of the United States of Venezuela. All his acts shall be countersigned by the Min- ister or Ministers to whose de- partments the acts may belong, and without this formality the acts shall be void and shall not be obeyed or carried into execution by authorities, functionaries, or private persons. Art. 84. All the acts of the Ministers shall be in accordance with this Constitution and the laws. An order to the contrary from the President of the Repub- lic, even if given in writing, shall not exempt them from responsi- bility. Art. 85. The responsibility for those acts of the President which must be transacted in cabinet meet- ings corresponds to the Ministers who countersigned them. Art. 86. The Ministers shall submit to the Chambers, every two years, within the first ten days of their ordinary sessions, an item- ized report, accompanied with doc- uments, of what has been done, or is intended to be done, by them, in their respective Departments. They shall also give the written or verbal information which may be asked of them, and they shall sub- mit likewise within the first ten days of the second month of the sessions of the Chambers the gen- eral budget of revenue and ex- penditure and the general account of the two preceding years. Art. 87. The Ministers shall be entitled to the floor of the Cham- bers and to address them. They shall also be bound to appear be- fore them when summoned to give information. Art. 88. The Ministers shall be responsible: 1. For treason. 2. For violation of the Consti- tution and the laws. 3. For spending money in excess of the appropriation. 4. For bribery in the transac- 222 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. despacho de los negocios a su cargo, 6 en nombramientos de empleados publicos. 5°. Por malversacion de los fon- dos publicos. 6°. Por delitos comunes. titul.o vii. secci6n i. Del Poder Judicial. Art. 89. El Poder Judicial de la Republica reside en la Corte Federal y de Casacion y en los de- mas Tribunales y Juzgados que establezcan las leyes. Art. 90. Los empleados del Poder Judicial son responsables, en los casos que determine la ley: por traicion a la Patria ; por soborno o cohecho en el desempeno de sus funciones; por infraction de la Constitucion y de las leyes; y por delitos comunes. secci6n ii. De la Corte Federal y de Casacion. Art. 91. La Corte Federal y de Casacion es el Tribunal Su- premo de la Federaeion y de los Estados, y se compondra de siete Vocales que elegira el Congreso, dentro de los primeros treinta dias de su reunion en el primer afio de cada periodo constitucional. Parrafo unico. Los Vocales de la Corte Federal y de Casacion deberan ser venezolanos por naci- miento, mayores de treinta afios y abogados de la Republica. Art. 92. Para el nombramiento de la Corte Federal y de Casacion se agruparan las representaciones, en el Congreso, de los Estados y del Distrito Federal, en la forma que sigue, y presentara cada agru- pacion dos candidatos para que, de entre ellos, elija el Congreso el miembro de la Corte Federal y de Casacion que hay a de representar en esta cada agrupacion. tion of business or in the appoint- ment of national functionaries. 5. For embezzlement of public funds. 6. For common offenses. TITLE VII. SECTION I. Judicial power. Art. 89. The judicial power of the Republic is vested in the su- preme Federal court and in the other tribunals and courts which may be established by law. Art. 90. The functionaries of the judicial power are responsible, in the cases determined by law, for treason, bribery in the ful- fillment of their functions, viola- tion of the constitutional laws, and common offenses. SECTION II. Supreme Federal Court. Art. 91. The supreme Federal court is the supreme tribunal of the Federation and of the States, and shall consist of seven members elected by Congress, within the first thirty days of its session, in the first year of each constitu- tional period. Sole paragraph. The members of the supreme Federal court shall be Venezuelans by birth, thirty years of age and lawyers of the Republic. Art. 92. For the appointment of the members of the supreme Federal court the representatives in Congress of the States and of the Federal District shall be grouped as herein provided, and each group shall nominate two candidates from among whom Con- gress shall choose one who shall represent the group in the said court. CONSTITUTION. 223 Primera agrupacion: Estado Miranda y Distrito Federal. Segunda agrupacion: Estados Aragua y Guarico. Tercera agrupacion : Estados Carabobo y Zamora. Cuarta agrupacion: Estados Lara y Falcon. Quinta agrupacion : Estados Tachira y Trujillo. Sexta agrupacion: Estados Me- rida y Zulia. Septima agrupacion: Estados Bermudez 3^ Bolivar. Akt. 93. La Corte Federal y de Casacion sera elegida por el Con- greso por votacion secreta y en sesion permanente. Parrafo unico. Los siete candi- dates designados por las agrupa- ciones, que no resultaren elegidos Vocales de la Corte Federal y de Casacion, quedaran de hecho como suplentes de los respectivos Vo- cales. Art. 94. Los Miembros de la Corte Federal y de Casacion du- ra ran seis anos, pudiendo ser re- elegidos; y las faltas absolutas de principales y suplentes se llenaran por el Congreso y, en receso de este, por el Presidente de la Re- Eublica, y a este efecto la Corte ara las participaciones del caso. Art. 95. Son atribuciones de la Corte Federal y de Casacion: l a . Conocer de las acusaciones contra el Presidente de la Repii- blica, 6 el que haga sus veces, contra los Ministros del Despacho, Pro- curador General de la Naci6n, Gobernador del Distrito Federal y contra sus propios miembros, en los casos en que dichos f uncionarios son responsables segun esta Cons- titution. 2 a . Conocer de las causas crimi- nales 6 de responsabilidad que se formen a los Presidentes de los Estados y a otros Altos Funciona- rios de los mismos que las leyes de estos determinen; aplicando en First group: State of Miranda and the Federal District. Second group: States of Aragua and Guarico. Third group: States of Cara- bobo and Zamora. Fourth group: States of Lara and Falcon. Fifth group: States of Tachira and Trujillo. Sixth group: States of Merida and Zulia. Seventh group: States of Ber- mudez and Bolivar. Art. 93. The members of the supreme Federal court shall be elected by Congress by secret vote and in permanent session. Sole paragraph. The seven candidates of the groups, who are not elected, shall, by this very fact, be considered substitutes, respec- tively, of the elected members. Art. 94. The members of the supreme Federal court shall hold office for six years and may be re- elected. The .absolute vacancies of the places of members and sub- stitutes shall be filled by Congress, and during its recess by the Presi- dent of the Republic. The court shall be bound to give notice to either Congress or the President when a vacancy occurs. Art. 95. The supreme Federal court has power: 1. To take cognizance of cases of impeachment of the President of the Republic or of the official acting as such, the cabinet Minis- ters, the Attorney -general of the nation, the Governor of the Fed- eral District, and its own members, in the cases in which said func- tionaries are responsible accord- ing to this Constitution. 2. To take cognizance of crim- inal prosecutions, or of im- peachment proceedings, instituted against the Presidents of the States, or other high functionaries of said States, according to the 224 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. materia de responsabilidad las ley es de los propios Estados, y en caso de falta de ellas, las generates de la Nacion. En los dos casos anteriores la Corte declarara si hay 6 no lugar a formacion de causa; si declarare lo primero, quedara de hecho en suspenso el funcionario acusado; si lo segundo, cesara todo proce- dimiento. Cuando el delito fuese comiin, pasara el asunto a los tri- bunales ordinarios; y cuando fuere de naturaleza politica continuara conociendo la Corte hasta sentencia definitiva. 3 a . Conocer de las causas civiles 6 criminales que se forraen a los empleados diplomaticos en los casos permitidos por el Derecho publico de las naciones. 4 a . Conocer de las causas de res- ponsabilidad que por mal desem- peno de sus funciones, se formen a los Agentes Diplomaticos de la Reptiblica acreditados cerca de otros paises. 5 ft . Conocer de los juicios civiles cuando sea demandada la Nacion y lo determine la ley. 6 a . Conocer del recurso de casa- cion en la forma y terminos que establezca la ley. 7 a . Conocer de las causas de presas. 8 a . Dirimir, salvo las excep- ciones establecidas en los articulos 3 y 126 de esta Constitution, las controversias que se susciten entre los funcionarios del orden politico de diferentes Estados, entre los de uno 6 mas Estados y los de la Union 6 del Distrito Federal, entre los de la Union entre si 6 con los del Distrito Federal, y entre Tribu- nales y Funcionarios Nacionales en materia del resorte de la Corte. 9 a . Dirimir las competencias que se susciten entre los empleados 6 laws thereof. In cases of impeach- ment the laws of the respective States shall prevail, but there being no State laws, the general laws of the Nation shall be observed. In the two preceding cases the court shall decide whether or not the trial- shall take place. If the decision is affirmative, the func- tionary shall by this fact be sus- pended; and if it is negative, the proceedings shall be at once dis- continued. When the offense is a common one the case shall be re- ferred to the ordinary tribunals, and when it is political the court shall go on with the proceedings until final decision. 3. To take cognizance of civil or criminal prosecutions against diplomatic agents, in the cases al- lowed by the Public law of nations. 4. To take cognizance of cases of impeachment of diplomatic agents of the Republic accredited to other countries, for malfeasance in office. 5. To take cognizance of the civil cases in which the Nation ap- pears as defendant, when so allowed by law. 6. To take cognizance, on writs of error, in the form and terms established by law, of all cases in which this remed} 7 is allowed. 7. To take cognizance of prize cases. 8. To decide, except in the cases established in articles 3 and 126 of this Constitution, the contro- versies that may arise between political functionaries of different States, between those of one or more States and those of the Union or the Federal District, between those of the Union among themselves or with those of the Federal District, and between na- tional tribunals and functionaries in matters within the jurisdiction of the court. 9. To decide the conflicts of jurisdiction that may arise between CONSTITUTION. 225 funcionarios del orden judicial de distintos Estados y entre los de estos con las nacionales 6 del Dis- trito Federal, y entre los de un mismo Estado 6 del Distrito Fe- deral, sienipre que no exista en ellos autoridad llamada a diriinir- las. 10\ Declarar la nulidad de las leyes nacionales, 6 de los Estados, cuando colidan con la Constitucion de la Republica. ll a . Declarar cual sea la ley vi- gente cuando se hallen en colision las nacionales entre si 6 estas con las de los Estados. 12\ Declarar la nulidad de todos los actos de las Camaras Legisla- tivas 6 del Ejecutivo Federal que v iolen los derechos garantizados a los Estados 6 que ataquen su auto- nomia. 13 a . Declarar la n ulidad de todos los actos a que se refieren los arti- culos 24 y 25 de esta Constitucion, sienipre que emanen de autoridad nacional 6 del Distrito Federal 6 de Altos Funcionarios de los Estados. 14 a . Conocerdelascontroversias que resulten de los contratos 6 ne- gociaciones que celebrare el Presi- dente de la Republica. 15 a . Declarar, salvo lo que dis- pongan tratados publicos, la f uerza ejecutoria de las sentencias de las autoridades extranjeras, con suje- cion a las condiciones que establezca la ley. 16\ Las demas atribuciones que le seiialen esta Constitucion y las leyes. Art. 96. La Corte Federal y de Casacion dara cada dos anos, al Congreso Nacional cuenta de sus trabajos, y al propio tiempo le in- f ormara de los inconvenientes que, a su juicio, se opongan a la uni- formidad de la legislacion civil, criminal y raercantil. Art. 97. Los Vocales de la Corte Federal y de Casacion que 360a— vol 1—06 15 judicial employees or functionaries of different States, and between those of the States with those of the nation, or of the Federal Dis- trict, and between those of one State or of the Federal District with each other, when there is no other authority especially called upon to decide them. 10. To declare the nullity of such laws, national or State, which conflict with the Constitution of the Republic. 11. To declare which laws shall prevail when the national ones are in conflict with each other, or with those of the States. 12. To declare the nullit} T of any act or acts of the legislative Cham- ber or of the Federal Executive, when done in violation of the rights guaranteed to the States or attack- ing the autonomy of the same. 13. To declare the nullity of all the acts referred to in articles 24 and 25 of this Constitution, when done by a national authority or by one of the Federal District or by high functionaries of the States. 14. To take cognizance of all the controversies arising out of con- tracts or negotiations entered into by the President of the Republic. 15. To declare, save in case of treaty stipulation to the contrary, when and in what cases foreign judgments can be enforced in ac- cordance with the conditions estab- lished by law. 16. All the other powers that may be granted to it by this Con- stitution and the laws. Art. 96. The supreme Federal court shall render, ever} 7 two years, to the National Congress, an ac- count of its labors, setting forth at the same time what obstacles, if any, are, in its opinion, to be overcome to secure uniformity of civil, criminal, and commercial legislation. Art. 97. The members of the supreme Federal court after hav- 226 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. hayan entrado a ejercer sus fun- ciones, raientras e]erzan estas, no Sodran admitir empleo alguno ependiente del Ejecutivo Federal. Art. 98. La ley senalara los sueldos que hayan de devengar los Vocales de la Corte Federal y de Casacion. secci6n hi. Del Procurador General de la Nacion. Art. 99. El Ministerio Publico corre a, cargo del Procurador Ge- neral de la Nacion, conforme lo determine la ley. Art. 100. Para ser Procurador se requiere ser venezolano por naciiniento, mayor de treinta anos y abogado de la Republica. Art. 101. El Procurador Gene- ral durara en sus funciones dos anos, pudiendo ser reelegido; y sus faltas absolutas 6 temporales se llenaran por dos suplentes en el orden de su eleccion. Art. 102. Son funciones del Procurador General : l a . Promover la ejecucion de las leyes y de las disposiciones admi- nistrativas. 2 a . Evacuar todos los informes juridicos que le exijan el Ejecutivo Federal y la Corte Federal y de Casacion. 3 a . Cuidar de que todos los em- pleados Federales llenen cumpli- damente su deber. 4 a . Instaurar acusacion, a exci- tation del Presidente de la Repu- blica, ante la autoridad competente, de los funcionarios federales por mal desempeno en el ejercicio de sus atribuciones oficiales, exigiendoles la responsabilidad consiguiente. 5 a . Ejercer el Ministerio fiscal en los juicios a que se refieren las atribuciones l a , 2 a , 4 a y 5 a de la Corte Federal y de Casacion. 6 a . Dar cuenta al Presidente de ing entered into the discharge of their functions and during the time the} 7 are discharging them, shall not accept any office in the Depart- ment of the Federal Government. Art. 98. The law shall deter- mine the salaries to be paid to the members of the supreme Federal court. SECTION III. The Attorney General of th£ Nation,. Art. 99. The representation of the Government in judicial matters belongs to the Attorney General of the Nation in the man- ner to be established by law. Art. 100. To be Attorney Gen- eral of the Nation it is required to be a Venezuelan by birth, over thirty years of age and a lawyer of the Republic. Art. 101. The Attorney Gen- eral of the Nation shall serve for two years and may be reelected. The temporary or absolute vacancy of his place shall be filled by two substitutes in the order of their election. Art. 102. The powers of the Attorney General are: 1. To cause the laws and execu- tive orders to be enforced. 2. To render an opinion in mat- ters of law when so requested by the Federal Executive and the supreme Federal court. 3. To see that all Federal func- tionaries duly fulfill their duties. 4. To prefer charges, in behalf of the President of the Republic, before the competent authority, against such Federal functionaries as may be guilty of malfeasance in office, holding them to be re- sponsible for their acts. 5. To act as prosecuting officer in the cases referred to in items 1, 2, 4, and 5 of article 95 of this Constitution. 6. To report to the President of CONSTITUTION. 227 la Republica de sus gestiones en el desempeno de las funciones l a , 3 a y 4 a que le atribuye este mismo articulo. 7 a . Promover y sostener los jui- cios en que este interesada la Na- cion y defender los derechos de esta en las acciones 6 reclamos que contra ella se intenten, debiendo en uno y otro caso cumplir las instruccioues que el Ejecutivo Fe- deral le comunique. 8 a . Cumplir los demas deberes que esta Constitucion y la ley le senalen. TITULO VIII. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES. Art. 103. Todo lo que no este expresamente atribuido a la Ad- ministracion General de la Nacion en esta Constitucion, es de la com- petencia de los Estados. Estos determinaran en sus respectivas Constituciones que los periodos constitucionales de sus Poderes Publicos sean de tres afios, conta- dos desde el 1° de Enero de 1905. Art. 104. Se prohibe a todo Magistrado, Autoridad 6 Corpo- racion , el ejercicio de cualquiera funcion que no le este expresa- mente atribuida por la Constitu- cion y las leyes. Art. 105. Los Tribunales de Justicia en los Estados son inde- pendientes. Las causas en ellos iniciadas terminaran en los mismos Estados, sin mas examen que el de la Corte Federal y de Casacion, en los casos que la ley lo permite. Art. 106. Todo acto de las Ca- maras Legislativas 6 del Ejecutivo Federal que viole los derechos garantizados a los Estados, 6 ata- que su autonomia, debera ser de- clarado nulo por la Corte Federal y de Casacion, conforme a su atri- bucion 12 a , articulo 95. the Republic the action taken by him in the fulfillment of his duties as specified in items 1, 3, and 4 of the present article. 7. To appear as plaintiff in the name of the Nation in the cases in which the latter has an interest to maintain, and as defendant in all suits or claims brought against it, acting in either case in accordance with the instructions given him by the Federal Executive. 8. To fulfill all the other duties assigned to him by the Constitu- tion and the laws. TITLE VIII. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 103. All that is not ex- pressly attributed in this Constitu- tion to the general administration of the Nation shall belong to the States. The States shall provide, in their respective Constitutions, that the constitutional periods of their public powers are to be of three years beginning on the first of January, nineteen hundred and five. Art. 104. Every magistrate, authority or corporation is for- bidden to exercise any function which has not been especially entrusted to him by the Constitu- tion and the laws. Art. 105. The courts of justice in the States are independent. The cases and causes instituted be- fore them shall be ended in the same States, subject to no other revision than that of the supreme Federal court when so provided by law. Art. 106. All acts of the legis- lative chambers or of the Federal Executive, which violate rights guaranteed to the States, or im- pair their autonon^, shall be de- clared void by the supreme Federal court, in use of the powers given it by item 12 of article 95. 228 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. Art. 107. La Fuerza Publica Nacional se divide en naval y te- rrestre, y se compondra de las Milicias ciudadanas que se orga- nieen conforme a la ley. Art. 108. La Fuerza Publica a cargo del Poder Nacional, se for- mara de un contingente que, pro- porcionado a su poblacion, aara cada Estado, llamando al servicio a los ciudadanos que deban pres- tarlo conforme a la lev. Art. 109. En caso de guerra puede aumentarse el contingente con los cuerpos de la Milicia ciu- dadana hasta el numero de hombres necesarios pai*a llenar el pedido del Gobierno Nacional. Art. 110. La autoridad militar y la civil nunca senin ejercidas simultaneamente por una misma persona 6 corporacion, excepto en los casos de perturbacion del orden publico. Art. 111. En posesion como esta la Nacion del derecho de Pa- tronato Eclesiastico, lo ejercera conforme lo determina la ley de 28 de Julio de 1824. Art. 112. El Gobierno Nacional no tendra en los Estados ocros empleados residentes con jurisdic- tion oautoridad, sino los empleados de los mismos Estados. Se ex- ception los de Hacienda; los de Instruccion Publica; los que haga necesarios la organ izacion que el Congreso Nacional de* a las minas, terrenos baldios, salinas j r renta de tabaco y aguardiente, en uso de la facultad que le otorga la Base 28, articulo 7 de esta Constitucion; los de las fuerzas que se destinen para resguardo de las fronteras y de las que guarnezcan fortalezas, Earques, apostaderos y puertos abilitados, que solo tendran juris- diccion en lo peculiar a sus res- pectivos destinos y dentro del re- cinto de las fortalezas y cuarteles y de los apostaderos y puertos Art. 107. The public national force shall consist of land and sea forces, formed b3'the citizens' mili- tia which shall be organized b} T law. Art. 108. The public force un- der the command of the national power shall be made up of contin- gents to be furnished by each State in proportion to its population, se- lected from among those citizens who, according to law, must render this service. Art. 109. In case of war these contingents may be increased by calling on the militia until the number of men necessary to fill the demand of the national govern- ment is complete. Art. 110. Military and civil authority shall never be exercised simultaneously by one and the same person or corporation, except in cases of disturbances of public order. Art. 111. The Nation being, as it is, in possession of the right of ecclesiastical patronage shall exer- cise it according to the provisions of the law of Julj T twenty -eighth, eighteen hundred and twenty-four. Art. 112. The National Govern- ment shall not have in the States an}' other employees residing therein, and having jurisdiction or authority, than the employees of the same States, except the follow- ing: Treasury emplovees; those of public instruction; those who may be required according to the organ- ization that Congress may give to the service of mines, public lands, and tobacco and alcohol, according to the power vested in it by item 28 of article 7 of this Constitution; members of the forces destined to guard the frontiers, or garrison fortresses, arsenals, naval stations, and ports of entry, their jurisdic- tion to be limited to the exercise of their respective functions within the limits of the fortresses and armories, naval stations, and ports CONSTITUTION. 220 habilitados; sin que por esto dejen de estar sometidos a las leyes gene- rales del Estado en que residan, y sujetos a ser inraediamente removi- dos 6 reemplazados por el Ejecu- tivo Federal 6 por quien corres- ponda, al requerirlo el Gobierno del Estado respectivo por un mo- tivo legal. Art. 113. Los empleados nacio- nales no pod ran admitir dadivas, cargos, honores y recompensas de naciones extranjeras sin el con- sentimiento del Senado. Art. 114. Todos los elementos de guerra pertenecen a la Nacion. Art. 115. Cualquier ciudadano podra acusar a los empleados na- cionales y de los Estados, ante los Tribunafes 6 Autoridades Supe- riores que las leyes designen. Art. 116. No se hara del Tesoio Nacional ningun gasto para el cual no se haya aplicado expresamente una cantidad por el Congreso en el Presupuesto General de Gastos Publicos; y los que infringieren esta disposicion seran civilmente responsables al Tesoro Nacional por las cantidades que hubieren pagado. En toda erogacion se preferiran los gastos ordinarios a los extra- ordinarios. Art. 117. Ni el Poder Legisla- tive, ni ninguna autoridad de la Republica, podra en ningun caso ni por ningun motivo, emitir papel moneda ni declarar de circulacion forzosa billetes de banco, ni valor alguno representado en papel. Tampoco podra acordarse la acuna- cion de moneda de plata 6 niquel sin previa autorizacion del Con- greso Nacional dada por el mismo procedimiento establecido para sancionar las leyes. Art. 118. Las oficinas de re- caudacion de las contribuciones nacionales y las de pago, se man- tendran siempre separadas, no pu- diendo las primeras hacer otro pago que el de los sueldos de sus empleados. of entry. But the} 7 all shall re- main subject to the general laws of the State in which they reside and liable to be immediately removed or replaced by the Federal Execu- tive or by whomsoever it may be proper, on demand of the respec- tive State government, for suffi- cient legal reason. Art. 113. National employees shall not receive gifts, commis- sions, honors, or compensations from foreign countries without the consent of the Senate. Art. 114. All war material be- longs to the Nation. Art. 115. Every citizen shall have power to prefer charges against national or State employees before the tribunals or superior authorities which the laws may designate. Art. 116. No payment shall be made by the national treasury which is not expressly authorized by an item in the general ap- propriation bill; and whoever should violate this provision shall be held civilly responsible to the national treasury for the amounts paid. In making payments ordi- nary expenditures shall be given preference over extraordinary ones. Art. 117. Neither the legisla- tive power nor any authority of the Republic shall under any cir- cumstances whatever, or for any reason, issue paper money or de- clare bank notes to be legal tender, or create any value represented in paper. No silver or nickel shall be coined without previous author- ity from the National Congress given with the same formalities as are established for the enact- ment of laws. Art. 118. The offices for the collection of national taxes and the disbursing offices shall always be separate. The former shall pay nothing except the salaries of their own employees. 230 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. Art. 119. En los periodos elec- cionarios, la Fuerza Publica Na- cional y la de los Estados, per- maneceran acuarteladas durante el lapso de las elecciones populares. Art. 120. En los tratedos inter- nacionales se pondni la clausula de que "todas las diferencias entre las partes contratantes se decidiran f)or arbitramento, sin apelacion a a guerra." Art. 121. Ningiin individuo po- dra desempenar a la vez mas de un destino lucrativo de nombrauiiento del Congreso 6 del Eiecutivo Fede- ral. La aceptacion de un segundo destino cualquiera, equivale a la renuncia del primero. Se excep- tuan de esta disposicion los emplea- dos en la ensenanza publica. Art. 122. La fuerza armada no puede deliberar; ella es pasiva y obediente. Ningiin cuerpo arma- do puede hacer requisiciones ni exigir auxilio de ninguna especie, sino a las autoridades civiles, y en el modo y forma que determine la ley. Los jefes de fuerza que in- frinjan esta disposicion seran juz- gados y castigados con arreglo a las leyes. Art. 123. Una ley reglamen- tara la manera como los empleados nacionales, al posesionarse de sus destinos, han de prestar juramento de cumplir sus deberes. Art. 124. Ningun contrato de interes publico celebrado por el Gobierno Federal 6 por el de los Estados, por las Municipalidades 6 por cualquier otro Poder Pu- blico podra ser traspasado, en todo 6 en parte, a Gobierno ex- tranjero; y en todos ellos se con- siderara incorporada, aunque no lo este", la clausula siguiente: "Las dudas y controversions de cualquiera naturaleza, quepuedan suscitarse sobre este contrato, y que no puedan ser resueltas amigable- mente por las partes contratantes, sei % dn decididas por los tribunates competentes de Venezuela, de con- formidad con sus leyes, sin que por Art. 119. At election times the national public force and that of the States shall be kept within their respective armories. Art. 120. In all international treaties a clause shall be inserted to the effect that "all differences between the contracting parties shall be decided by arbitration without appeal to war." Art. 121. No person shall hold,- at the same time, more than one paid office depending on Congress or the Federal Executive. The ac- ceptance of any other office shall be considered equivalent to the resig- nation of the former one. This provision does not apply to the employees of public instruction. Art. 122. The armed force shall not deliberate; it is passive and obedient. No armed force shall make requisitions or demand as- sistance of any kind, except to the civil authorities and in the man- ner and form determined b}^ law. Commanders of forces violating this provision shall be tried and punished according to law. Art. 123. A law shall regulate the manner in which national em- ployees, before entering into the discharge of their duties, shall take their oaths of office. Art. 124. No contract of pub- lic interest entered into by the Federal Government or b} r that of a State, municipality, or any other public power, shall be as- signable, in whole or in part, to any foreign government; and in all contracts the following clause shall be included, and if omitted it shall be considered as included, viz : " The doubts and controversies of any nature that may arise in regard to this contract, and which can not be amicably settled by the contracting parties, shall be decided by the competent tribunals of Vene- zuela according to the Venezuelan laws, and shall not in any case be CONSTITUTION. 231 ningun motivo ni por ninguna causa puedan ser origen de recla- maciones extranjeras." Las so- ciedades que en ejercicio de dichos contratos se formen seran venezo- lanas, y a este efecto deberan establecer su domicilio legal en el pais. Art. 125. El Derecho de gentes hace parte de la legislacion na- cional; pero sus disposiciones no podran ser invocadas cuando se opongan a la Constitucion y le} r es de la Repiiblica. Art. 126. Las controversias existentes entre los Distritos por razon de sus limites y las que en lo sucesivo surgieren por la naisma causa, seran sometidas por los Estados respectivos, para su decision, a un Tribunal de arbi- tros arbitradores de libre nombra- miento del Ejecutivo Federal. Art. 127. Esta Constitucion es susceptible de enmiendas 6 de adi- ciones; pero ni unas ni otras se decretaran por el Congreso Na- cional sino en sesiones ordinarias, y cuando sean solicitadas por las tres cuartas partes de las Asam- bleas Legislativas de los Estados en sesiones ordinarias. Art. 128. Las enmiendas 6 adi- ciones constitucionales se haran por el mismo procedimiento esta- blecido para sancionar las lej'es. Art. 129. Acordada la enmienda 6 adicion por el Congreso Nacional, su Presidente la sometera a las Asambleas Legislativas de los Estados para su ratificacion defi- nitiva. Art. 130. Puede tambien el Congreso tomar la iniciativa en las enmiendas 6 adiciones y acordarlas por el procedimiento indicado en el articulo anterior; pero en este caso no se consideraran sanciona- das sin la ratificacion de las tres cuartas partes de las Asambleas Legislativas de los Estados. Art. 131. Bien sean las Asam- bleas Legislativas de los Estados, 6 bien las Camaras Legislativas, las made a subject of international claims." All companies formed for the carrying out of said con- tracts shall be Venezuelan, and for this Reason they shall have to establish their legal domicile in the country. Art. 125. The Law of nations forms part of the laws of the coun- try; but its provisions shall not be invoked when they are opposed to the Constitution and the laws of the Republic. Art. 126. The controversies now existing between Districts on account of their limits, and those which in the future may arise for the same cause, shall be submitted by the respective States for decision to a court of arbitration the mem- bers of which shall be freely ap- pointed by the Federal Executive. Art. 127. This Constitution may be amended, but no amendment shall be made by the National Congress except in ordinary ses- sions, and at the request of three- fourths of the legislative assem- blies of the States in ordinary session. Art. 128. Amendments to the Constitution shall be made with the same formalities as are estab- lished for the enactment of laws. Art. 129. When an amendment has been agreed upon by the Na- tional Congress, the President of the latter shall submit it to the legislative assemblies of the States for ratification. Art. 130. Congress may also in- itiate amendments and make them through the process indicated in the foregoing article, but in this case the amendments shall not be considered sanctioned without the ratification of three-fourths of the legislative assemblies of the States. Art. 131. Whether the amend- ments to the Constitution origi- nated with the legislative assem- 232 THE UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. que inicien enmiendas 6 adiciones, el voto definitivo de los Estados vol vera siempre al Congreso Na- cional, que es al que corresponde escrutarlo y ordenar la promulga- cion de la enuaienda 6 adicion que f uere sancionada. Art. 132. Los periodos cousti- tucionales del Poder Federal, du- raran seis afios contados desde el veintitres de Mayo de mil nove- cientos eineo. Art. 133. Al vencimiento de cada periodo y precisamente el veintitres de Maj-o, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Vene- zuela cesara en el ejercicio de sus funciones, y el Ministro de Rela- ciones Interiores entrara a ejercer- la Presidencia de la Republica para los efectos de la trasmision del poder. Art. 134. Para todos los actos de la vida civil y politica de los Estados, la base de poblacion sera la que determine el ultimo Censo de la Republica aprobado por el Congreso. Art. 135. En todos los actos pii- blicos y documentos oticiales de la Nacion 6 de los Estados, se citara la fecha de la Independencia a par- tir del cinco de Julio de mil ocho- cientos once y la de la Federacion, del veinte de Febrero de mil ocho- cientos cincuenta y nueve. Art. 136. La presente Consti- tution, firmadapor todos los miem- bros del Congreso Constituvente que se encuentren en esta capital, y con el " Cumplase " del Ejecutivo Federal, sera promulgada inme- diatamente en el Distrito Federal, y tan luego como se reciba en los Estados de la Union y Territorios Federates. Art. 137. Se deroga la Consti- tution de veintinueve de Marzo de mil novecientos uno. Dada en el Palacio Federal Le- fislativo, en Caracas, a 27 de Abril e 1904. Afio 93 de la independen- cia, y 46 de la Federacion. blies of the States or with the legis- lative chambers the votes given by the States shall always come back to the National Congress, which is the one called upon to count them and order the amendment if sanc- tioned to be promulgated. Art. 132. The constitutional periods of the Federal power shall be six years to be counted from the twenty-third day of May, nine- teen hundred and five. Art. 133. At the expiration of each period, and precisely on May twenty-third, the President of the United States of Venezuela shall cease in the exercise of his func- tions, and the Minister of Interior Relations shall enter into the dis- charge of the Presidency of the Republic for the purpose of trans- ferring it. Art. 134. The basis of popula- tion for all the acts of the civil and Solitical life of the States shall be eternlined by the lastcensus of the Republic approved by Congress. Art. 135. In all public acts and official documents of the Nation and of the States, mention shall be made of the date of the Indepen- dence, July fifth, eighteen hundred and eleven, and of that of the Fed- eration, February twentieth, eight- een hundred and fifty-nine. Art. 136. The present Constitu- tion, signed by all the members of the Constitutional Congress who are in this capital, and the order of the Federal Executive, direct- ing it to be complied with, shall be immediately promulgated in the Federal District and in the States and Territories of the Union, as soon as received there. Art. 137. The Constitution of March twenty-ninth, nineteen hun- dred and one, is hereby repealed. Given at the Federal Legisla- tive Palace, at Caracas, on the 27th of April, 1904, the 93d of the in- dependence and the 46th of the Federation. PART SECOND. THE REPUBLICS OF CENTRAL AMERICA. GUATEMALA. COSTA RICA. SALVADOR. HONDURAS. NICARAGUA. PANAMA. 233 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. HISTORICAL NOTES. The Republic of Guatemala is a portion of the vast territory, which up to 1821 belonged to Spain and constituted what was called "The Kingdom of Guatemala." This Kingdom, founded in 1542, and ruled by a "Captain-general," who, nominally at least, was subordinate to the Vicerov of Mexico, proclaimed its independence from Spain, on September 15, 1821, and succeeded in securing it without bloodshed. Three years thereafter, representatives duly elected by the people of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, met at Guatemala City (La Antigua), and framed and promulgated (Novem- ber 22, 1824) a Federal constitution, under which the five nations became States of a Union, to be known by the name of " Federacion de Centro America," or "Central American Federation." (See Appendix 6.) On the 21st of March, 1847, the federal compact was broken, and the independence of Guatemala was proclaimed. This action was reaffirmed in 1851, under the Acta Constitutive/, de la Republica de Guatemala ("Constitutional Act of the Republic of Guatemala"), which was in force until January 29, 1855, when it was amended. A Constitutional Convention, held at the city of Guatemala, framed on the 23d of October, 1876, the instrument called " Pro-Constitucion de Guatemala" (Pro-Constitution of Guatemala). The supreme power of the Republic was then vested in Don Jose Rufino Barrios. (See Appendix 7.) A new Constitution, promulgated December 11, 1879, was put in operation on the 1st of March, 1880. That Constitution, as amended on November 5, 1887, is the one now in force. LIST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE CONSULTED IN REFERENCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF GUATEMALA. Arosemena (Justo). Estudios constitucionales sobre los Gobiernos de la America latina. Paris, 1878. Savaria (Salvador A. ). Manual de instruction tivica. Sara via (Antonio G.). La administration publica. 235 CONSTITUTION. (Promulgated December 11, 1879, as amended November 5, 1887.) Los Representantes del Pueblo soberano de Guatemala, legitima- mente convocados, y reunidos en suticiente numero, han decretado y sancionado las leyes fundamen- tals, que reunidas en un solo cuerpo forman la siguiente Cons- titucion de la Republiea. tItulo i. DE LA NACION Y SUS HABITANTES. ArtIculo 1. Guatemala es una Nacion libre, soberana e indepen- diente. Delega el ejercicio de la soberania en las autoridades que establece la Constitution. Art. 2. Mantendra y cultivara con las demas Republicas deCentro- America, intimas relaciones de familiay reciprocidad. Y siempre que se proponga la nacionalidad centro-americana de una manera estable, justa, popular y conve- niente, la Republiea de Guatemala estara pronta a reincorporarse en ella. Art. 3. El Poder Supremo de la Nacion es republicano, demo- cratic© y representative, y se di- vide para su ejercicio en legisla- tive, ejecutivo, y judicial, y habra en sus funciones entera indepen- dencia. Art. 4. Los guatemaltecos se dividen en naturales y naturali- zados. Art. 5. Son naturales: 1°. Todas las personas nacidas 6 236 We, the representatives of the sovereign people of Guatemala, lawfully called to convene and as- sembled in sufficient number, do hereby decree and sanction the fundamental laws which, united in a single body, form the present Constitution of the Republic. TITLE I. THE NATION AND ITS INHAB- ITANTS. Article 1. Guatemala is a free, sovereign, and independentNation. The exercise of its sovereignty is delegated to the authorities estab- lished by the Constitution. Art. 2. Guatemala shall main- tain and cultivate intimate family and reciprocal relations with the other Republics of Central Amer- ica. And whenever the Central American nationality should be again brought into existence, in a suitable, just, popular, and advisa- ble manner, the Republic of Guate- mala shall be ready to become a part thereof. Art. 3. The supreme power of the Nation is republican, demo- cratic, and representative, and is divided into three branches, name- ly, legislative, executive, and ju- dicial, which shall be entirely independent of each other in the exercise of their functions. Art. 4. Guatemalans are divid- ed into native and naturalized. Art. 5. Native Guatemalans are: 1. All those born or who may CONSTITUTION. 237 que nazcan en el territorio de la Republica, cualquiera que sea la nacionalidad del padre, con excep- cion de los hijos de los agentes diplomaticos. 2°. Los hijos de padre guatemal- teco, 6 hijos ilegitimos de madre guatemalteea, nacidos en pais ex- tranjero, desde el momento en que residan en la Republica; y aun sin esta eondicion, cuando conforme a las leyes del lugar del naciuiiento les corresponda la nacionalidad de Guatemala, 6 tuvieren derecho a elegir y optaren por la guatemal- teea. Art. 6. Se consideran tambien como guatemaltecos naturales a los originarios de las otras Re- piiblieas de Centro-America que manifiesten ante la autoridad com- petente el deseo de ser guatemal- tecos. Art. 7. Son naturalizados: 1°. Los hispano - americanos domiciliados en la Republica, si no se reservan su nacionalidad. 2°. Los demas extranjeros que hayan sido naturalizados conforme a las leyes anteriores. 3°. Los que obtengan carta de naturaleza con arreglo a la ley. Art. 8. Son ciudadanos: 1°. Los guatemaltecos mayoress de veintiiin afios que sepan leer y escribir; 6 que tengan renta, indus- tria, oficio 6 profesion que les pro- porcione medios de subsistencia. 2°. Todos los que pertenecen al Ejercito, siendo mayores de diez y ocho afios. 3°. Los mayores de diez y ocho afios que tengan un grado 6 titulo literario, obtenido en los estable- cimientos nacionales. Art. 9. Los derechos inhe- rentes a la ciudadania son: 1°. EI derecho electoral. 2°. El de opcion a los cargos be born hereafter in the territory of the Republic, no matter what the nationality of their fathers may be. The children of diplo- matic agents shall be excepted from this rule. 2. Children of Guatemalan fath- ers or illegitimate children of Guatemalan mothers born in a for- eign country, from the moment in which they establish their residence in the Republic; and even without this condition when, according to the laws of the place of birth, the nationality of Guatemala corre- sponds to them, or when, having the right to choose, the}' adopt Guatemalan citizenship. Art. 6. Natives of the other Central American Republics who declare before competent author- ity their desire to become Guate- malans, shall be considered native Guatemalans. Art. 7. Naturalized Guatema- lans are: 1. Spanish- Americans domiciled in the Republic, if the}' do not de- sire to retain their own nationality. 2. All other foreigners who have been naturalized according to law. 3. Those who obtain naturaliza- tion papers according to law. Art. 8. The following are citi- zens: 1. Guatemalans over twenty-one years of age who know how to read and write, or who have an income, industry, trade, or profes- sion providing them with means of subsistence. 2. Those over eighteen years of age who belong to the army. 3. Those over eighteen years of age who have received a literary degree in a national establishment. Art. 9. The rights inherent to citizenship are: 1. The electoral right. 2. The right to aspire to public 238 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. publicos para los cuales la ley exija esa calidad. Art. 10. En los casos en que la ley exija la calidad de ciudadano para el ejercicio de una funcion publica, podra confiarse a extran- jeros que reiinan las demas cali- dades que la misma ley requiera; Suedando natural izados y ciuda- anos por el hecho de su acepta- cion. Art. 11. La calidad de ciuda- dano se suspende, se pierde y se recobra con arreglo a la ley. Art. 12. Son obligaciones de los guatemaltecos: 1°. Servir y defender a la patria. 2°. Obedecer las leyes, respetar a las autoridades y observar los reglamentos de pohcia. 3°. Contribuir de la manera que establezca la ley a los gastos publicos. Art. 13. Los extranjeros, desde el instante en que lleguen al terri- torio de la Repiiblica, estan estric- tamente obligados a respetar a las autoridades y observar las leyes, y adquieren derecho a ser prote- gidos por el las. Art. 14. Ni los guatemaltecos ni los extranjeros podran en ningun caso reclamar al Gobierno indem- nizacion alguna por danos v per- juicios que a sus personas o a sus bienes causaren las facciones. Art. 15. Los extranjeros estan obligados a la observancia de las disposiciones y reglamentos de f)olicia y a pagar los impuestos ocales y las contribuciones esta- blecidas por razon de comercio, in- dustria, profesion, propiedad 6 po- sesion de bienes, y las que por la misma razon se establezcan en lo sucesivo, aunque sea aumentando 6 disminuyendo las anteriores. TTTULO II. DE LAS GARANTIAS. Art. 16. Las autoridades de la Republica estan instituidas para office when the law requires citi- zenship as a qualification therefor. Art. 10. When the law requires citizenship as a qualification for the exercise of any public func- tion, the said function may be in- trusted to foreigners who have all the other qualifications required by law; but by the fact of their acceptance of the position they shall become naturalized citizens. Art. 11. Citizenship is sus- pended, lost, or recovered accord- ing to law. Art. 12. The following are du- ties of all Guatemalans: 1. To serve and defend the country. 2. To obey the laws, respect the authorities, and comply with the regulations of the police. 3. To contribute in the manner established by law to meet the public expenses. Art. 13. Foreigners from the moment of their arrival in the ter- ritory of the Republic are strictly bound to respect the authorities and obey the laws. They shall in the same manner acquire the right to be protected by law. Art. 14. Neither Guatemalans nor foreigners shall have in any case the power to claim from the Government indemnification for damages arising out of injuries done to their persons or propeity by revolutionists. Art. 15. Foreigners are bound to comply with the police laws and regulations, and to pay the local taxes, as well as all other taxes levied or to be levied here- after, whether heavier or lighter, on commerce, industry, profes- sions, or property owned or pos- sessed. TITLE II. GUARANTIES. Art. 16. The authorities of the Republic are established to protect CONSTITUTION. 239 mantener a los habitantes en el goce de sus derechos, que son: la libertad, la igualdadj T laseguridad de la persona, de la honra y de los bienes. Art. 17. Todo poder reside ori- ginariamente en la Nacion; los funcionarios no son duenos sino depositaries de la autoridad, suje- tos y jamas superiores a la ley, y siempre responsables por su con- ducta oficial. Art. 18. La instruction prima- ria es obligatoria; la sostenida por la Nacion es laica y gratuita. Art. 19. Toda persona es libre para entrar, permanecer en el te- rritorio de la Republica y salir de 61, salvo los casos que la ley de- termina. Art. 20. La industria es libre. El autor 6 inventor goza de la pro- piedad de su obra 6 invento por un tiempo que no exceda de quince anos, mas la propiedad literaria es perpetua. El Ejecutivo podra otorgar con- cesiones por un termino que no pase de diez anos a los que intro- duzcan 6 establezcan industrias nuevas en la Republica. Art. 21. Todos pueden libre- mente disponerde sus bienes, siem- pre que al hacerlo no contraven- gan a la ley. Las vinculaciones, sin embargo, quedan absolutamente prohibidas y toda institution a, favor de manos muertas, exceptuandose solamente las que se destinen a favor de es- tablecimientos de Beneficencia. Art. 22. Los habitantes de la Republica, nacionales 6 extran- jeros, pueden dirigir sus peticiones a la autoridad. La fuerza armada no puede de- liberar ni ejercer el derecho de pe- tition. Art. 23. Los habitantes de la Republica tienen asimismo libre acceso ante los Tribunales del pais, para ejercitar sus acciones en la forma que prescriben las leyes. the inhabitants in the enjoyment of their rights, which are, liberty, equality, personal safety, honor, and property. Art. 17. All power is originally vested in the Nation. Function- aries are not the owners but the de- positaries of the authority. They are subject to the law and never superior to it. They are al ways re- sponsible for their official conduct. Art. 18. Primary instruction is compulsory. The instruction fur- nished by the Nation is laical and gratuitous. Art. 19. All persons are free to enter, remain in, and leave the ter- ritory of the Republic, except in the cases which the law may de- termine. Art. 20. Industry is free. The author or inventor enjoys the ownership of his work or inven- tion for a period of time not ex- ceeding fifteen years, but literary property is perpetual. The Executive may grant con- cessions for a term not exceeding ten years to those who introduce or establish new industries in the Republic. Art. 21. All persons have power to freely dispose of their property, provided that by so doing they do not violate any law. Entailments of property, and foundations or endowments in favor of dead hands, are absolutely forbidden, excepting those made in favor of charitable establish- ments. Art. 22. The inhabitants of the Republic, whether Guatemalans, or foreigners, have the right to petition the authorities. Armed forces shall not delib- erate or exercise the right of peti- tion. Art. 23. The inhabitants of the Republic have free access to the courts of the country to exercise their actions in the manner and form provided b}^ law. Foreigners 240 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Los extranjeros no podran ocurrir a la via diplomatics, sino en los easos de denegacion de justicia. Para este . efeeto, no se entiende por denegaeion de justicia, el que un fallo ejecutoriado no sea favo- rable al reclamante. Art. 24. El ejercicio de todas las religiones, sin preeminencia alguna, queda garantizado en el interior de los teraplos; pero ese libre ejercicio no podra exten- derse hasta ejecutar actos subver- sivos 6 practicasincompatiblescon la paz y el orden publico; ni da derecho para oponerse al cumpli- miento de las obligaciones civiles y politicas. Art. 25. Se garantiza el dere- cho de asociacion y de reunirse paciticainente y sin armas; pero se prohibe el establecimiento de congregaciones conventuales y de toda especie deinstituciones 6 aso-. ciaciones.monasticas. Art. 26. Es libre la emision del pensamiento por la palabra, por escrito y tambien por la prensa, sin previa censura. Ante la ley es responsable el que abuse de ese derecho. Un jurado conoce delas faltas y delitos de imprenta. Art. 27. Todos los habitantes de la Republica son libres para dar 6 recibir la instruccion que les parezca mejor en los estableci- mientos que no sean sostenidos con fondos de la Nacion. Art. 28. La propiedad es in- violable; solo por causa de interns publico legalniente comprobado, puede decretarse la expropiacion; V en este caso. el dueno, antes de que su propiedad sea ocupada, recibira en moneda efectiva su justo valor. En caso de guerra, la indemni- zacion puede no ser previa. Art. 29. Todo servicio que no deba prestarse de un modo gra- tuito en virtud de la ley, o de sentencia fundada en le} 7 , Hebe ser justaraente reinunerado. shall not resort to diplomatic action except in case of denial of justice. Final decisions adverse to the claimant shall not be understood as denials of justice. Art. 24. The practice of all reli- gions, without preference for any particular one, is guaranteed in the interior of the temples; but this freedom shall not be extended to the performance of acts subversive or inconsistent with public peace and order, nor shall it give right to oppose the fulfillment of civil and political obligations. Art. 25. The right of associa- tion and of peaceful reunion with- out arras is guaranteed, but the establishment of convents and all kinds of monastical institutions or associations is forbidden. Art. 26. The expression of ideas, verbally, in writing, or through the press, without previous censor- ship, is free. Anyone abusing this liberty shall be responsible for it before the law. A jury shall take cognizance of all offenses committed through the press. Art. 27. All the inhabitants of the Republic are free to give or receive the instruction which they may prefer, in establishments not supported with funds of the Gov- ernment. Art. 28. Property is inviolable, its condemnation for public use shall only be ordered upon proof that the public interests are sub- served by it, and in this case the just value of the property shall be paid in cash before it is taken away from the owner. In case of war the indemnity need not be previous. Art. 29. Services not to be ren- dered gratuitously under a law or a judicial decision founded on law, shall be justly remunerated. CONSTITUTION. 241 Art. 30. Ninguno puede ser de- tenido 6 preso, sino por causa de delito 6 falta. La ley determina los casos y las formalidades para proceder a la detencion 6 arresto. Art. 31. Todo detenido debe ser interrogado dentro de cuarenta y ocho horas; la detencion no podra, exceder de cinco dias; y dentro de este termino, debera la autoridad que la haya ordenado, motivar el auto de prision 6 decre- tar la libertad del prevenido. Art. 32. A ninguno puede po- nerse incomunicado, sino en los casos, por el termino y con las formalidades que la ley establece; ni sujetarsele a restricciones que no sean indispensables para su seguridad. Art. 33. No podra dictarse auto de prision, sin que preceda infor- mation sumaria de haberse come- tido un delito que merezca pena corporal 6 pecuniaria, y sin que concurran motivos suficientes se- gun la ley, para creerse que la persona detenida es la delincuente. Art. 34. La Constitution re- conoce el derecho de habeas corpus 6 sea la exhibition personal. Art. 35. Ninguno puede ser obligado a declarar en causa crimi- nal contra si mismo, contra su con- sorte, ascendientes, descendientes y hermanos. Art. 36. Es inviolable en juicio la def ensa de la persona y de los derechos, y ninguno podra ser juzgado por Tribunales especiales. Art. 37. La correspondencia de toda persona y suspapeles privados son in viola bles. Solo por auto de Juez competente podra detenerse la primera y aun abrirse, y ocu- parse los segundos, en los casos y con las formalidades que la ley exige. Art. 38. El domicilio es invio- lable. La ley determina las for- 360a— vol 1—06 16 Art. 30. No one shall be detained or imprisoned except upon com- mitting some crime or offense. The law shall determine the cases and formalities which must pre- cede detention or imprisonment. Art. 31. Every detained person shall be examined within fort}^- eight hours. The detention shall not exceed five days; and within this period the authority which ordered it shall either raise it to formal imprisonment, stating the reasons therefor, or discharge the prisoner. Art. 32. No one shall be kept in solitary confinement except in the cases and for the time, and with the formalities established by law, nor shall anyone be subject to re- strictions not indispensable to pre- vent him from escaping. Art. 33. No warrant of impris- onment shall be issued without first ascertaining through a summary investigation of the case, that an offense punishable with corporal or pecuniary penalty has been com- mitted and without sufficient in- dication that the detained person is guilty. Art. 34. The Constitution re- cognizes the right of habeas corpus. Art. 35. No one shall be com- Eelled to testify against himself, is consort, ancestors, descend- ants, or his brothers and sisters. Art. 36. The defense of persons or rights before the courts is in- violable, and no one shall be tried by special tribunals. Art. 37. Private correspond- ence and papers are inviolable. Only by judicial order and in such cases and with such formalities as are provided by law shall said correspondence be detained and opened, or private papers seized. Art. 38. Domicile is inviolable. The law establishes the formali- 242 REPUBLIC OP GUATEMALA. malidades y los casos en que unicamente puede procederse al allanamiento. Art. 39. Si el territorio de la Nacion f uere invadido 6 atacado, 6 estuviese por algun motivo amena- zada la tranquilidad publica, el Presidente de acuerdo con el Con- sejo de Ministros, podra suspender por un decreto, las garantias indi- viduales a que se refiere este titulo, expresando si la suspension com- prende a toda la Republica 6 a uno o varios departamentos de la mis- ma, y dando cuenta a la Asamblea en sus proximas sesiones. tItulo III. DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO. secci6n i. Organization del Poder Zegislativo. Art. 40. El Poder Legislativo reside en la Asamblea Nacional. Art. 41. Se reunira cada ano, el primero de Marzo, aun cuando no haya sido convocada. Sus se- siones ordinarias duraran dos me- ses y podran prorrogarse a un mes mas. Art. 42. La Asamblea no puede tener sesion sin la concurrencia de la mayoria absolute de los miem- bros de que se compone; pero la reunion de quince Diputados, por lo menos, bastara para calificar credenciales y dictar las medidas conducentes a que no deje de haber mayoria en la Asamblea. Art. 43. Se reunira extraordi- nariamente cuando haya sido con- yocada por el Poder Ejeeutivo 6 por la Comision Permanente, y en estos casos solo se podra ocupar de aquellos asuntos que hayan sido obieto de la convocatoria. Art. 44. Los Diputados, desde el dia de su eleccion, gozaran de las siguientes prerrogativas: ties and the cases in which the domicile can be rightfully entered. Art. 39. When the territory of the Nation is invaded or attacked, or when public tranquillity is in anyway threatened, the President, with the advice of the council of ministers, shall have the power to suspend, by means of a decree, the individual guaranties described in this title, and he shall then state whether the suspension embraces the whole Republic or only one or more departments of the same; he shall also report the fact to the As- sembly at the next session. TITLE III. THE LEGISLATIVE POWER. SECTION I. Organization of the legislati/ve power. Art. 40. The legislative power is vested in the National Assembly. Art. 41. The National Assem- bly shall meet every year on the 1st of March, even if not called to convene. Its ordinary sessions shall last two months, but this period may be extended a month longer. Art. 42. The Assembly shall not hold any meeting without a quorum consisting of an absolute majority of its members; but the presence of fifteen members, at least, shall be sufficient for passing upon the credentials and taking valid measures conducive to secure a quorum in the Assembly. Art. 43. The Assembly shall hold an extra session whenever the Executive power or the permanent committee should call it to con- vene for this purpose. In these cases it shall only discuss the sub- jects mentioned in the call. Art. 44. The deputies shall have from the day of their election the following prerogatives: CONSTITUTION. 243 l a . Inmunidad personal para no ser acusados ni juzgados si la Asamblea no autoriza previamente elenjuiciamiento,declarandohaber lugar a formacion de causa, pero en el caso de delito infraganti, podran ser arrestados. 2 a . Irresponsabilidad por todas sus opiniones, por su iniciativa parlamentaria y por la manera de tratar los negocios en el desem- peno de su cargo. Estas prerrogativas no autorizan la arbitrariedad 6 excesos de ini- ciativa personal de los Represen- tantes. El Reglamento interior establece la manera de reprimir los abusos que puedan cometerse. Art. 45. Hecha la declaracion a que se refiere el inciso 1° del arti- culo anterior, los acusados quedan sujetos al Juez competente y sus- pensos en sus funciones legisla- tives, que no podran ejercer sino en el caso de ser absueltos. Si f ueren condenados, quedaran va- cantes los asientos y se mandara proceder a nuevas elecciones. Art. 46. Si la Asamblea no estuviere reunida, la Comision Permanente declarara si ha 6 no lugar a formacion de causa contra el Diputado. Art. 47. Si algun Diputado fuere aprehendido infraganti, sera puesto inmediatamente a dis- posicion de la Asamblea, y en su receso, de la Comision Permanente. Art. 48. La Asamblea se com- pondra de un Diputado por cada veinte mil habitantes, 6 por cada fraccion que pase de diez mil. La ley designara la manera de hacer las elecciones; pero sin modi- ficar el principio de la eleccion popular directa. 1. Personal immunity from in- dictment or trial, unless the Assem- bly grants permission to prosecute them, by declaring that criminal proceedings can be instituted; but they can be arrested in case of flagrante delicto. 2. Irresponsibility for all their opinions, for the introduction of legislative measures, whatever they may be, and for their ways of doing business in the discharge of their duties. These prerogatives do not au- thorize arbitrariness or excesses of personal initiative on the part of the deputies. The rules of the Assembly shall establish the means of repressing any abuses which may be com- mitted. Art. 45. The declaration to which item 1 of the foregoing ar- ticle refers having been made, the accused parties shall remain sub- ject to the court of competent juris- diction and suspended from the ex- ercise of their legislative functions. The said parties shall be disquali- fied from performing again said functions, unless they are acquit- ted. If they are condemned, their seats shall become vacant and new elections shall be ordered to fill them. Art. 46. If the Assembly is not in session it shall be incumbent upon the permanent committee to declare whether or not criminal proceedings shall be instituted against a deputy. Art. 47. Should any deputy be arrested flagrante delicto, he shall be placed immediately at the dis- posal of the Assembly, or of the permanent committee if the Assem- bly is not in session. Art. 48. The Assembly shall consist of a deputy for each twenty thousand inhabitants or a fraction thereof exceeding ten thousand. The law shall provide the man- ner of making the elections ; but the principle of popular election shall not in any manner be affected by it. 244 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Art. 49. Para ser electo Dipu- tado se requiere estar en el e]er- cicio de los dereehos de ciudadano y tener mas de veintiun anos. Art. 50. No podran ser electos Diputados los contratistas de obras 6 servicios publicos de cualquiera clase, que se costeen con fondos del Estado, y los que de resultas de tales contratas, tengan pen- dientes reclamaciones de interns f)ropio. Tampoeo podran serlo os Secretarios de Estado; } r por el departauiento 6 distrito electoral en que ejercen sus funciones, los Jefes Politicos, Comandantes de Armas, Jueces de Primera instan- cia, Administradores de rentas publicas y ministros de los cultos. Art. 51. Los Diputados dura- ran en el ejercicio de sus funciones cuatro anos; pero la Asamblea se renovara por mitad cada dos anos. Al efecto, antes de cerrar sus se- siones del primer afio constitu- cional, hara el sorteo de los Dipu- tados que deben salir despues del primer bienio. secci6n ii. Art. 49. No one shall be elected deputy who is not a citizen, in the exercise of his rights as such, and over twenty -one years of age. Art. 50. Contractors of publ it- works or services, the cost of which is defrayed with Government funds, and those who in conse- quence of the said contracts have interest in claims against the Gov- ernment, shall be ineligible to be Deputies. The members of the cabinet shall also be ineligible. The political chiefs, military local commanders, judges of first in- stance, collectors of public rev- enue, and ministers of religion, shall be disqualified from repre- senting in the Assembly the De- partment or electoral district in which they exercise their func- tions. Art. 51. The Deputies shall serve for four years, but the Assembly shall be renewed by halves eveiy two years. For this purpose the Assembly shall, before closing the sessions of its first con- stitutional year, decide by lot who are the deputies whose seats shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year. SECTION II. Atribuciones del Poder Legislation). Powers of the legislative body. Art. 52. Corresponde al Poder Legislativo: 1°. Abrir y cerrar las sesiones ordinarias y extraordinarias. 2°. Hacer el escrutinio de votos para Presidente de la Republica y proclamar popularaiente electo al ciudadano que hubiere obtenido mayoria absoluta de votos. 3°. Elegir Presidente entre los tres candidates que hayan obtenido el mayor numero de suf ragios, en el caso de que no hubiere eleccion popular por falta de mayoria ab- soluta de votos. Art. 52. The following powers are vested in the legislative body: 1. To open and close its ordi- nary and extraordinary sessions. 2. To count the votes for Pres- ident of the Republic, and to pro- claim popularly elected the citizen who obtained an absolute majority of votes. 3. To choose, from among the three candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes, the one who is to be President of the Re- public, if no candidate could secure absolute majority. CONSTITUTION. 245 4°. Nombrar los Designados en las ultimas sesiones de cada ano. 5°. Dar posesion al Presidente de la Republica y recibirle la pro- testa de ley. 6°. Admitir 6 no, segiin lo es- time conveniente, la renuncia que haga el Presidente de la Republica. 7°. Conceder 6 no permiso al Presidente de la Republica, para ausentarsedel territorio de Centro- America. 8°. Designar la persona que debe subrogar, durante su ausen- cia, al Presidente de la Republica, cuando este haya obtenido per- miso para ausentarse del territorio de Centro-Ame>ica. 9°. Hacer el escrutinio de votos para Presidente, Magistrados y Fiscales de los Tribunales de Jus- ticia, cuyaeleccion sera popular di- recta, y proclamar popularmente electos a los ciudadanos que hubie- ren obtenido mayoria relativa de votos. 10°. Admitir 6 no la renuncia que hagan el Presidente, Magistrados y Fiscales de los Tribunales de Ju^ticia, y designar las personas que deban subrogarlos para com- pletar el periodo constitucional, por admision de la renuncia 6 falta absoluta de alguno de dichos fun- cionarios. Art. 53. Tambien es atribucion de la Asamblea declarar si ha lugar 6 no a formacion de causa contra el Presidente de la Republica, Ministros del Despacho, Conseje- ros de Estado, Magistrados, Fis- cales de los Tribunales Superiores y Fiscales del Gobierno. La lej 7 de responsabilidades de- termina la forma del procedi- miento, y el Tribunal que deba conocer en la causa. 4. To appoint in the last meet- ings of each year the function- aries called designados. 5. To give possession of his office to the President of the Re- public and receive from him the promise required by law. 6. To accept or refuse to accept, as it may deem advisable, the res- ignation of the President of the Republic. 7. To grant or refuse permis- sion to the President of the Repub- lic to leave the territory of Central America. 8. To designate the person who shall act as President of the Repub- lic during his absence from the ter- ritory of Central America, when granted permission to do so. 9. To count the votes for chief j ustices, associate j ustices and Gov - eminent attorneys in the tribunals of justice, whose election shall be popular and direct. It shall pro- claim elected by the people the citizens who have obtained the greatest number of votes. 10. To accept or refuse to accept the resignations of chief justices, associate justices, and Government attorneys in the tribunals of jus- tice, and designate, if the resigna- tions are accepted, or if the offices become absolutely vacant, the per- sons who should fill the positions until the completion of the respec- tive constitutional terms of office. Art. 53. To declare whether or not impeachment proceedings shall be instituted against the President of the Republic, members of the cabinet, members of the council of state, justices and Government attorneys of the superior courts, and solicitors of the Government. The law shall determine the man- ner and form of the impeachment proceedings and the tribunal which shall take cognizance of the cases. 246 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Art. 54. Son tambien atribu- ciones del Poder Legislativo: 1°. Decretar, interpretar, re- formar y derogar las \eyes que deben regir en todos los ramos de la Administracion. .2°. Fijar cada ano los gastos de la Administracion publica, apro- bando 6 reprobando el presupuesto que debe presentar el Poder Ejecutivo. 3°. Decretar las contribuciones 6 impuestos ordinarios que se ne- cesiten para cubrir el presupuesto de los gastos de la Administracion y los creditos reconocidos. 4°. Aprobar 6 no anualmente la cuenta que debe presentar el Ejecutivo, de los fondos invertidos en la Administracion publica, asi como de los gastos imprevistos que hayan sido necesarios. 5°. Decretar impuestos extraor- dinarios cuando la necesidad lo exija. 6°. Autorizar al Poder Ejecu- tivo para celebrar contratos y ne- gociar emprestitos en el interior 6 en el extranjero, y garantizar el pago con las rentas de la Nacion. 7°. Examinar las reclamaciones contra el Erario publico por credi- tos no presupuestos, y , reconocidos por la Asamblea, senalar fondos para su amortization. 8°. Fijar la ley, el peso y el tipo de la moneda nacional, y fijar tambien el sistema de pesas y medidas. 9°. Aprobar 6 reprobar, antes de su ratification, los tratados y las convenciones que el Ejecutivo celebrare con los demas paises. 10°. Decretar pensiones y hono- res piiblicos por grandes servicios prestados a la Nacion. 11°. Autorizar al Ejecutivo para que emita aquellas leyes que por su extension no puedan ser expe- didas por el Poder Legislativo, al Art. 54. The following powers are also vested in the legislative body: 1. To enact, interpret, amend, and repeal the laws which must be observed in all branches of the administration of the Govern- ment. 2. To fix every year the amount of Government expenses, approv- ing or disapproving the estimates submitted by the Executive power. 3. To cause ordinary taxes to be levied and collected to meet the expenses of the Government and pay the claims approved. 4. To approve or disapprove every year the account which the Executive must submit of the dis- bursements made for the support of the Government, and for any unforeseen expenses which may have occurred. 5. To cause extraordinary taxes to be levied and collected, when necessary. 6. To authorize the Executive power to enter into contracts and negotiate loans, either at home or abroad, and to pledge for their pay- ment the revenues of the Nation. 7. To examine the claims pre- sented against the treasury arising out of items not included in the budget, and if they are approved to make the proper appropriation for their payment. 8. To fix the fineness, weight, and denominations of the national coins; and also the standard of weights and measures. 9. To approve or disapprove the treaties and conventions con- cluded by the Executive power with other countries. 10. To grant pensions and pub- lic honors for great services ren- dered to the Nation. 11. To authorize the Executive power to enact such laws as, owing to their extent, can not be enact- ed b}' the legislative power, to CONSTITUTION. 247 que debera dar cuenta de ellas en su oportunidad. 12°. Conceder facultades extra- ordinarias al Ejecutivo cuando lo demande la necesidad 6 el interes de la Republica; determinando en el Decreto cuales son las facul- tades. 13°. Aprobar 6 desaprobar los actos que hubiese practicado el Poder Ejecutivo, en ejercicio de las facultades que se le hayan con- cedido. 14°. Conf erir los grados de Brig- adier y General de Division cuando el Ejecutivo lo proponga y acom- >, la he " servicfos del propuesto. pane, para el efecto, k hoja de 15°. Declamr la guerra y apro- bar los tratados de paz. 16°. Decretar las amnistias y los indultos generales cuando lo exi- giere la conveniencia publica. Art. 55. Corresponde asimismo a la Asamblea: 1°. Elegir en la apertura de sus sesiones, el Presidente, Vicepresi- dente y demas funcionarios que componen la mesa, conforme al Reglamento interior. 2°. Calificar las elecciones de sus respectivos miembros, y apro- bar 6 reprobar sus credenciales. 3°. Admitir 6 no las renuncias que presenten y mandar que se proceda a nuevas elecciones, para llenar las vacantes que ocurran por el motivo expresado 6 por otro alguno. 4°. Formar el Reglamento de su regimen interior. 5°. Hacer concurrir a los Dipu- tados ausentes y corregir las faltas u omisiones de los presentes. secci6n hi. De la formacion y sancion de la ley. Art. 56. Las leyes pueden tener origen en la Asamblea, por propo- which, however, a report thereon should be submitted in due time. 12. To grant extraordinary fac- ulties to the Executive power, when necessity or the interest of the Republic ma}' so demand; but the decree of concession shall spec- ify the powers granted. 13. To approve or disapprove the acts done by the Executive power in the exercise of its func- tions. 14. To appoint Brigadier Gen- erals and Generals of division up- on nomination of the Executive power, and proof of the services of the nominees. 15. To declare war and approve treaties of peace. 16. To grant general amnesties and pardons when public utility may so demand. Art. 55. The following powers are also vested in the Assembly: 1. To elect at the opening of the session its own President, vice- president, and all the other func- tionaries who under the rules of the Assembly are necessary to complete its organization. 2. To be the judge of the elec- tion of its own members and ap- prove or disapprove their creden- tials. 3. To accept or refuse to accept the resignations of its members, and order new elections to be held to fill the places vacant for this or any other reason. 4. To make rules for its interior government. 5. To compel the attendance of absent deputies and punish those present for disorderly behavior. SECTION III. Enactment and approval of the laws. Art. 56. Bills shall be intro- duced in the Assembly either by 248 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. sicion de alguno de sus miembros, por iniciativa del Poder Ejecutivo o del Judicial, en materia de su competencia. Art. 57. La Asamblea, para ejer- cer las atribuciones de que hablan los ineisos 6° y 7° del articulo 52, el articulo 54 y el inciso 4° del arti- culo 55, pondra a discusion el asunto de que se trate, en tres sesiones diferentes, celebradas en distintos dias, y no podra votarse hasta que se tenga por suficiente- mente discutido en la tercera sesion. En todas las demas ritualidades de procedimientos, se observara lo que prescriba el Reglamento interior. Art. 58. Aprobado un proyecto de ley, pasara al Ejecutivo para su sancion. Art. 59. El Presidente sancio- nara y mandara promulgar la ley votada por la Asam blea, pero si se le encontrare inconveniente, podra, de acuerdo con el Consejo ae Mi- nistros, negar su sancion y devol-, verla a la Asamblea, dentro de diez dias y con las observaciones que estime oportunas. La Asam- blea podra reconsiderar desde luego el proyecto de le} 7 6 dejarlo para las sesiones del ano siguiente, si no fueren aceptadas las obser- vaciones hechas por el Ejecutivo. En este ultimo caso, si la Asam- blea ratificare el proyecto con las dos terceras partes de votos, el Ejecutivo debera sancionar y pro- mulgar la ley. Art. 60. Si el Ejecutivo no de- vol viere el proyecto de ley , despues del termino de diez dias contados desde su remision, se tendra por sancionado y debera promulgarse como ley. Si la Asamblea cerrare sus sesiones antes de los diez dias en que pueda verificarse la devo- lucion, el Ejecutivo debera ha- cerlo dentro de los ocho primeros dias de las sesiones ordinarias del ano siguiente. anyone of its members, or by the Executive. The judicial power may introduce them when relating to judicial matters. Art. 57. The Assembly shall exercise the powers enumerated in sections 6 and 7 of articles 52 and 54, and section 4 of article 55, by discussing in three different meetings held on different days, the subject presented to it; and no vote shall be taken until said sub- ject is held in the third meeting to have been sufficiently discussed. The rules of the Assembly shall fix the order of proceedings to be observed in these discussions. Art. 58. All bills passed b}- the Assembly shall be sent for ap- proval to the Executive power. Art. 59. If the President ap- proves the bill as passed by the Assembly, he shall order it to be promulgated; but if he objects to its provisions, he may, upon the advice of the council of ministers, withhold his approval, in which case he shall return it to the Assem- bly, within ten days, accompanied with the remarks that he may deem proper. The Assembly may either reconsider the matter at once, or, if the remarks made by the Executive are not accepted, postpone its re- consideration until the session of the next year. In the latter case, if the Assembly ratifies the bill by a two-thirds vote, the Executive shall be bound to approve it and promulgate it as law. Art. 60. If the Executive power does not return the bill within ten da} T s to be counted from the date on which it was sent to it, it shall be considered approved and shall be promulgated as law. If the Assembly adjourns before the expiration of the ten days, the return of the bill being thus im- possible, the Executive power shall return it within the first eight days of the next ordinary session. CONSTITUTION. 249 Art. 61. No necesitan de la sancion del Ejecutivo las disposi- ciones de la Asamblea, relativas a su regimen interior, a la califica- cion de elecciones 3 T renuncia de los elegidos, a la declaracion de haber 6 no lugar a formacion de causa contra los funcionarios publicos que expresan los articulos 44 y 53, y las demas disposiciones consigna- das en los articulos 52 y 55. SECCION IV. De la Comision Permanente. Art. 62. La Asamblea, antes de cerrar sus sesiones, elegira siete de sus miembros, para que formen la Comision Permanente, debiendo esta, en su primera sesion, designar la persona que la presida. Art. 63. Son atribuciones de la Comision Permanente en receso de la Asamblea: 1°. Declarar si ha 6 no lugar a formacion de causa contra los Di- putados en los casos que expresan los articulos 44 y 53. 2°. Dar tramite a los negocios que hubieren quedado pendientes para que puedan ser considerados. 3°. Convocar a la. Asamblea a sesiones extraordinarias cuando la exigencia del caso lo demande. La Comision Permanente se reunira siempre que f uere convo- cada por el que la presida. TfTUXO IV. DEL EJECUTIVO Y SUS ATRIBU- CIONES. SECCI6N I. Organizacion del Ejecutivo. Art. 64. Un ciudadano con el titulo de Presidente de la Repii- blica, ejerce el Poder Ejecutivo, y sera elegido popular y directa- mente. Art. 61. The acts of the Assem- bly relating to its own govern- ment, the election of its members, the admission or rejection of their resignations, the permission to prosecute public officials, or to impeach them, as set forth in arti- cles 44 and 53, and all the other provisions of articles 52 and 55, shall not require the approval of the Executive. SECTION IV. T/ie Permanent Committee. Art. 62. Before closing its ses- sions the Assembly shall elect seven of its members to form the permanent Committee, which shall at its first meeting designate its chairman. Art. 63. The permanent Com- mittee shall have during the recess of the Assembly the following- powers: 1. To declare whether or not a member of the Assembly shall be prosecuted under the provisions of articles 44 and 53. 2. To take up the unfinished business and put it in shape for proper consideration when the Assembly meets. 3. To call an extra session of the Assembly when the exigencies of the circumstances may require it. The permanent Committee shall meet at any time at the call of its chairman. TIT^E IV. THE EXECUTIVE AND ITS POW- ERS. SECTION I. Organization of the Executive. Art. 64. A citizen to be called ' ' President of the Republic " shall exercise the Executive power, and shall be elected popularly and di- rectly. 250 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Art. 65. Para ser elegido Presi- dente se requiere: 1°. Ser natural de Guatemala 6 de cualquiera de las otras Republi- cas de Centro-America. 2°. Ser raaj-or de veintiun ailos. 3°. Estar en el goce de los derechos de ciudadano. 4°. Ser de estado seglar. Art. 66. El periodo de la Presi- dencia sera de seis anos. La per- sona que a virtud de eleecion popu- lar 6 de lo dispuesto en el inciso 3° del articulo 52, haya ejercido el cargo de Presidente de la Repu- blica, no podra ser reelecta para e"ste, sin que intermedie, por lo menos, un periodo constitucional. Art. 67. El Presidente es res- ponsible de sus actos ante la Asamblea. Art. 68. El Presidente de la Republica depositara el raando en la persona que elija la Asamblea, cuando, con permiso de esta, dis- ponga ausentarse del territorio de Centro-America. Art. 69. Habra dos Designados electos por la Asamblea, para que, segun el orden y en el caso que la Constitution expresa, sustituyan al Presidente de la Republica. Para ser electo Designado se requieren las mismas caliaades que para ser Presidente de la Republica. En caso de falta absoluta del Presidente de la Republica, el Po- der Ejecutivo quedara a cargo del primer Designado, } 7 en def ecto de este, del segundo. El Designado, en tal caso, dentro de los ocho dias que sigan al de la falta absoluta, convocara a eleecion de Presidente; debiendo tener lugar 6sta antes de que trascurran seis meses contados desde la fecha de la convocatoria. Verificada la eleecion y hecha en seguida por la Asamblea la decla- ratoria a que se contrae el inciso 2° del articulo 52, el ciudadano Art. 65. To be elected Presi- dent, it shall be required: 1. To be a native of Guatemala or of any other Republic of Central America. 2. To be over twenty-one years of age. 3. To be in the enjoyment of the rights of citizenship. 4. Not to belong to the ecclesi- astical state. Art. 66. The term of office of the President shall be six years. The person who, by virtue of popu- lar election, or in obedience to the provisions of section 3 of article 52, has filled the position of President of the Republic, shall not be reelected without the inter- mission at least of a constitutional period. Art. 67. The President is re- sponsible to the Assembly for his acts. Art. 68. The President of the Republic shall turn his office over to the person selected for that pur- pose by the Assembty, when he, with the permission of the latter, decides to absent himself from the territory of Central America. Art. 69. Two officials, elected by the Assembly, and to be called designados, shall fill, in the order of their election, the place of Presi- dent of the Republic, in the cases set forth by the Constitution. To be elected designado the same qualifications are required as to be elected President of the Republic. In case of absolute vacancy of the office of President of the Republic, the Executive power shall be transmitted to the first designado, and in his default to the second, in which case the latter shall call, within eight days follow- ing the vacancy, for a presidential election, to be held within six months to be counted from the date of the call. The election hav- ing been held and the Assembly having made the declaration to which section 2 of article 52 refers, the citizen elected shall at once CONSTITUTION. 251 electotomaradesde luegoposesion, j su periodo se computara desde el quince de Marzo siguiente. Art. 70. El Presidente de la Repiiblica, al tomar posesion, hara la solemne protesta que sigue: "Protesto desempenar con patrio- tismo el cargo de Presidente y observar y hacer que se observe con fidelidad la Constitucion de la Republica." Art. 71. El Presidente de la Republica tendra para el despacho de los negocios, el numero de Secre- taries que la ley determina. Su nombramiento y separacion corres- ponde al mismo Presidente. Art. 72. Para ser Secretario de Estado se requiere ser mayor de veintiun anos j del estado seglar, hallarse en ejercicio de los derechos de ciudadano y no ser contratista de obras publicas, ni tener pen- dientes de resultas de esas con tratas, reclamaciones de interes propio. Art. 73. Los Secretarios de Estado, en sus respectivos departa- mentos, autorizaran las providen- cias del Presidente. Todas las ordenes y demas dis- posiciones del Poder Ejecutivo deberan firmarse y comunicarse por el Secretario del departamento a que correspondan. Art. 74. La responsabilidad de los Secretarios de Estado es soli- daria con la del Presidente por todos los actos de este que autori- zen con su firma. Art. 75. Los Secretarios de Estado deberan, en los primeros dias de las sesiones ordinarias de la Asamblea, presentarle una memoria detallada de la situacion de los negocios en sus respectivos despachos. Art. 76. Los Secretarios de Estado pueden concurrir a las sesiones de la Asamblea, y to- take possession of the office, and his presidential term shall be com- puted from the fifteenth of March following. Art. 70. The President of the Republic in taking possession of his office shall make the following affirmation: "I affirm that I will fulfil with patriotism the office of President, and will comply and cause others to comply faithfully with the Constitution of the Re- public." Art. 71. The President of the Republic shall have for the trans- action of business the number of Secretaries of States provided by law. The appointment and re- moval of these functionaries shall belong to the President. Art. 72. To be a Secretary of State the following qualifications are required: to be over twenty - one years of age; not to belong to the ecclesiastical state; to be in the exercise of the rights of citizen- ship; not to be a contractor of public works; and not to be per- sonally interested in claims arising out of said contracts. Art. 73. Each Secretary of State shall authorize with his signature the decisions of the President on the matters belonging to his De- partment. All orders and decrees of the Executive power shall be signed and communicated by the Secre- tary of the Department to which they belong. Art. 74. The Secretaries of State are jointly responsible with the President for all the acts of the latter authorized by them with their signatures. Art. 75. The Secretaries of State shall during the first days of the ordinary session of the Assembly submit a report on the condition of the business of their respective departments. Art. 76. The Secretaries of State may attend the meetings of the Assembly and take part in the de- 252 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. mar parte en sus deliberaeiones. Tienen el deber de darle todos los informes aue se les pidan y el de contestar a las interpelaciones que se les dirijan sobre los negocios de la Administracion, salvo aquellos referentes a asuntos diplomaticos li operaciones militares pendientes. secci6n ii. De los deberes y atribuciones del Poder Ejecutlvo. Art. 77. Son deberes y atribu- ciones del Poder Ejecutivo: 1°. Defender la independencia y el honor de la Nacion y la inviola- bilidad de su terrjtorio. 2°. Observar y hacer que se ob- serve la Constitucion y las demas leyes. 3°. Velar por la pronta y cum- plida administracion de justicia. 4°. Velar por la conservacion del orden publico. 5°. Dar a los funcionarios del Poder Judicial los auxilios y f uerza que necesiten, para hacer efectivas sus providencias. 6°. Dirigir la Instruction Pu- blica, crear establecimientos de ensenanza, y reglamentar los sos- tenidos con fondos nacionales. Tiene tambien la suprema ins- pection sobre las escuelas y demas establecimientos de ensenanza, aun cuando no sean sostenidos por los fondos nacionales. 7°. Cuidar de la recaudacion y administracion de las rentas na- cionales y decretar su inversion con arreglo a las leyes. 8°. Nombrar a los Secretarios de Kstado, admitir su renuncia 3 T separarlos del servicio. 9°. Nomina r ii los Jueces de Primera Instancia a propuesta en terna de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. 10°. Nombrar a los funcionarios del orden gubernativo y militar; liberations. They shall furnish all the information which ma\" be asked of them and answer to inter- pellations in government affairs, except in matters which have refer- ence to diplomatic transactions or to pending military operations. SECTION II. Duties and faculties of the Execut t ve Pmvei : Art. 77. The duties and facul- ties of the Executive Power shall be the following: 1. To defend the independence and honor of the Nation and the inviolability of its territory. 2. To observe and cause others to observe the Constitution and the laws. 3. To see that the administration of justice is prompt and satisfac- tory. 4. To cause public order to be preserved. 5. To render to the functionaries of the judicial power the assistance which they may need to enforce their decisions. 6. To direct public instruction, create schools, and make rules for those supported by the Govern- ment. It has also the power to exercise supreme inspection over all the schools and teaching establish- ments, even when not supported by the Government. 7. To attend to the collection and management of the national revenue, and order it to be dis- bursed according to law. 8. To appoint Secretaries of State,accept their resignations, and remove them from their positions. 9. To appoint from among three nominees of the supreme court the judges of first instance. 10. To appoint functionaries of the Executive and military order CONSTITUTION. 253 trasladarlos de un punto a otro cuando asi convenga al buen ser- vicio publico. 11°. Conferir grados militares hasta el de Coronel inclusive. 12°. Dirigir la fuerza armada, organizarla y distribuirla segiin sea conveniente. 13°. Levantar la fuerza que sea necesaria para contener una inva- sion extranjera, 6 para impedir 6 sofocar las insurrecciones inte- rior es. 14°. Nombrar Ministros Pleni- potenciarios, Residentes, Encarga- dos de Negocios y Consules para el servicio de la Republica en el extranjero. 15°. Recibir ji los Ministros y de- mas Enviados de otras naciones y dar el exequatur a las patentes de los Consules extranjeros. 16°. Expedir pasaporte a los Mi- nistros y demas Enviados de las otras naciones y retirar el exe- quatur a las patentes de los Con- sules en los casos prescritos por el Derecho internacional. 17°. Expedir las Ordenanzas y Reglamentos que sean necesarios para facilitar y asegurar la ejecu- cion de las leyes en todos los ramos de la Administracion. 18°. Suspender las garantias de acuerdo con el Consejo de Minis- tros, cuando lo exija el orden publico. 19°. Someter a la Asamblea, para su aprobacion, los tratados que hubiere celebrado. 20°. Convocar a la Asamblea a sesiones extraordinarias cuando hubiere asuntos graves y urgen- tes; y 21°. Sancionar las leyes y pro- mulgar aquellas disposiciones le- gislativas que no necesiten de la sancion del Ejecutivo. Art. 78. El Presidente de la Republica tiene la facultad de con- mutar la pena que sea mayor en la escala general de la penalidad, en la inmediata inferior; y de con- ceder indultos por delitos politicos and transfer them from one place to another when advisable for the good of the service. 11. To grant military positions up to and including that of colonel. 12. To command the army, or- ganize and distribute it as may be deemed advisable. 13. To raise the force which may be necessary to repel foreign invasion or prevent and put down domestic insurrection. 11. To appoint ministers pleni- potentiary, ministers resident, charges d'affaires, and consuls for the service of the Republic in foreign countries. 15. To receive the ministers and envoj'sof foreign nations and grant the exequatur to the patents of for- eign consuls. 16. To give passports to the ministers and other envoys of foreign nations and to withdraw the exequatur to the patents of foreign consuls in the cases set forth by international law. 17. To issue all necessary de- crees and rules to facilitate and insure the execution of the laws in all branches of the Government. 18. To suspend, with the advice of the Council of Ministers, the constitutional guaranties, when so required by public order. 19. To submit to the Assembty, for approval, the treaties con- cluded b}^ it. 20. To call the Assembly to con- vene in extra session, when grave and urgent matters may so re- quire. 21. To approve the laws and promulgate the legislative acts which do not need Executive ap- proval. Art. 78. The President of the Republic shall have power to com- mute sentences, imposing the pen- alty immediately inferior to the one fixed by the court; to grant pardons for political offenses, and 254 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. y aun por los comunes cuando la conveniencia publica lo exija 6 el peticionario tenga a su favor servi- cios relevantes prestados a la Na- cion. Una ley reglamenta el ejer- cicio de esta facultad. secci6n hi. Del Consejo de Estado. Art. 79. El Presidente de la Republica tendra un Consejo de Estado, compuesto de los Secre- taries del Despacho y de nueve Consejeros, de los cuales cinco se- ran nombrados por la Asamblea y cuatro por el mismo Presidente de la Republica. Art. 80. El Presidente de la Re- publica puede nombrar Consejeros mterinos durante el receso de la Asamblea para llenar las vacantes que ocurran. Art. 81. Para ser electo Conse- jero, se requiere tener mas de veintiun anos de edad y estar en el ejercicio de los derechos de ciuda- dano. Art. 82. Los Consejeros duraran en el ejercicio de sus f unciones dos anos. Art. 83. Son atribuciones del Consejo: l a . Formar su Reglamento de regimen interior. 2\ Dar su dictamen al Presi- dente de la Republica en todos los negocios que le consultare. Art. 84. Los Consejeros de Es- tado son responsables de los acuer- dos que dieren contrarios a la Cons- titution y a las demas leyes. titulo v. DEL PODER JUDICIAL. Art. 85. El Poder Judicial se ejerce por los Jueces y Tribunales delaRepubMca; aelloscorresponde exclusivamente la potestad de apli- car las leyes en los juicios civiles y criminales. even for common ones, when pub- lic utility may so demand, or when the petitioner has rendered signal services to the Nation. The law shall regulate the exercise of this power. section m. The Council of State. Art. 79. The President of the Republic shall have a Council of State, consisting of the Secreta- ries of State and nine Councilors, five of whom shall be appointed by the Assembly and the other four by the President of the Republic. Art. 80. The President of the Republic shall have power to ap- point during the recess of the As- sembly Councilors pro tern, to fill the vacancies which may occur. Art. 81. To be a Councilor it is required to be over twenty-one years of age and to be in the full exercise of the rights of citizen- ship. Art. 82. The Councilors shall exercise their functions for two years. Art. 83. The powers of the Council are: 1. To make rules for its interior government. 2. To give its opinion in all the matters about which the President of the Republic may consult it. Art. 84. The Councilors of State are responsible for the opin- ions given by them in opposition to the Constitution and the laws. TITLE V. THE JUDICIAL POWER. Art. 85. The judicial power is vested in the judges and tribunals of the Republic, to whom the right belongs exclusively of applying the laws in all cases, civil and criminal. CONSTITUTION. 255 Art. 86. Para ser electo Magis- trado 6 Fiscal se necesita estar en el goce de los derechos de ciuda- dano, ser mayor de veintiun afios, abogado y del estado seglar. Art. 87. Los f uncionarios de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia y los Jueces de Primera Instancia, duraran cuatro aiios en el ejercicio de sus f unciones. Art. 88. Es tambien atribucion exclusiva de los Tribunales, juzgar y hacer que se ejecute lo juzgado. Art. 89. Las leyes senalan el orden y formalidades de los juicios. Art. 90. Todos los habitantes de la Republica estaran sujetos al orden de procedimientos que de- terminan las leyes. Art. 91. En ningun juicio puede haber mas de tres instancias y unos mismos Jueces no pueden conocer en diversas instancias. Art. 92. Los Jueces cualquiera que sea su denominacion 6 cate- goria, son responsables personal- mente de toda infraccion de ley, con arreglo a la responsabilidad del Poder Judicial. Art. 93. La ley constitutiva del Poder Judicial establecera todo lo demas que a el concierne. TITUIiO VI. DEL GOBIERNO DE LOS DEPARTA- MENTOS Y DE LAS MUNIC1PALI- DADES. Art. 94. La ley divide el terri- torio nacional en Departamentos para su mejor administracion. Art. 95. El Presidente de la Re- publica nombrara para el gobierno de cada Departamento un Jefe Art. 86. To be elected judge, or prosecuting attorney, it shall be necessary to be in the full enjoy- ment of the rights of citizenship, to be over twenty-one years of age, to be a lawyer, and not to belong to the ecclesiastical state. Art. 87. The functionaries of the superior tribunals of justice and the judges of first instance shall serve for four years. Art. 88. The power to render judicial decisions, and to enforce them belongs exclusively to the tribunals. Art. 89. The laws shall fix the manner and form according to which the trials shall be conducted. Art. 90. All the inhabitants of the Republic are subject to the course of proceedings established by law. Art. 91. No case shall have more than three instances, and the same judges shall not take cognizance of a case in different instances. Art. 92. The judges, whatever their rank or category may be, shall be personally responsible for every violation of law committed by them, this responsibility to be enforced according to the provi- sions applicable to the judicial power. Art. 93. The Judiciary law shall provide everything concerning the judicial power. TITLE VI. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DE- PARTMENTS AND MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. Art. 94. The law divides the national territory into several De- partments in order that the gov- ernment thereof may be better ad- ministered. Art. 95. The President of the Republic shall appoint a political chief for each Department, said 256 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Politico, cuyas calidades y atribu- ciones tijara la ley. Art. 96. La ley organiza las Municipalidades sin alterarel prin- cipio de eleccion popular directa, 3 T designa las facultades que les corresponded Art. 97. Las Municipalidades podran establecer, con la aproba- cion del Gobierno, los arbitrios que juzguen necesarios para aten- der al objeto de su institucion. Art. 98. El Gobierno, cuando lo cre3 T ere conveniente, 6 k solici- tud de las Municipalidades, puede reformat* las Ordenanzas de cada pueblo y darlas a los que no las tuvieren. functionary to be vested with the f)Owers which the law shall estab- ish. Art. 96. The law shall organize the municipalities without chang- ing the principle of popular direct election and shall describe the powers belonging to each one. Art. 97. The municipal corpora- tions may levy, with trie approval of the Government, those local taxes which may be required to meet the needs of the district. Art. 98. The Government may, when so deemed advisable, or at the request of the municipal cor- porations themselves, reform the municipal ordinances of each town, or make said ordinances for the towns which have none. TITULO VII. DE LA REFORMA DE TUCION. LA CONSTI- Art. 99. La Asamblea, con las dos terceras partes de sus votos, podra acordar la reforma de la Constitucion, senalando al efecto el articulo 6 articulos que hayan de alterarse. Art. 100. Decretada la reforma, el Poder Ejecutivo convocara una Asamblea Constituyente, que debe estar instalada dentro de los tres meses siguientes. En la convoca- toria se insertara la resolucion de que habla el articulo que precede. Art. 101. La Asamblea se com- pondra de un representante por cada quince mil habitantes, de- biendo reunir las calidades reque- ridas para ser Diputado. Art. 102. La Asamblea ordina- ria, desde que declare que debe re- formarse la Constitucion, cerrara sus sesiones declarandose disuelta. Art. 103. Veriticada la reforma se convocara a elecciones de Dipu- tados para la Legislatura ordinaria. TITLE VII. AMENDMENTS TO THE TUTION. CONSTI- Art. 99. The Assembly, by a two-thirds vote, shall have the power to order the Constitution to be amended, indicating the article or articles which have to be changed. Art. 100. The resolution to amend having passed, the Execu- tive power shall call a convention to meet for that purpose within three months following the date of the call. The text of the reso- lution passed by the Assembly shall be inserted in the call. Art. 101. The convention shall consist of a delegate for each fifteen thousand inhabitants, and these delegates shall have the same qualifications as are required to be elected Deputy. ArT. 102. The ordinary Assem- bly, as soon as the resolution to reform the Constitution is passed, shall adjourn sine die. Art. 103. The amendment hav- ing been made a call shall be issued for the election of Deputies for the ordinary legislature. CONSTITUTION. 257 Art. 104. Esta Constitution no perdera su fuerza y vigor, aun cuando por alguna rebelion se in- terrumpa su observancia. Art. 105. Quedan sin ningun valor ni efecto las reformas a la Constitucion, decretadas el veinti- tres de Octubre de mil ochocientos ochenta y cinco. DISPOSICIONES TRANSITORIAS. (Noviembre 5 de 1887. ) ArtIculo 1°. Las presentes re- formas a la Ley Constitutiva co- menzaran a regir desde la f echa de su promulgation, fecha en que, a la vez, terminara la suspension del regimen constitucional. Art. 2°. Se faculta al Ejecutivo para ejercer las atribuciones a que se contrae el articulo 8° de esta ley (con exception de las com- prendidas en los incisos 4°, 9° y 13°), hasta el dia en que se instale la Asamblea Legislativa, a quien dara cuenta de los actos que en uso de tales atribuciones hubiere practicado. Art. 3°. Lo dispuesto en el articulo 5 de la Constitucion, no obsta para que se concluyan los tratados que hoy esten pendientes y que se hubiesen ajustado bajo el imperio de las reformas hechas en Octubre de mil ochocientos ochenta y cinco. Art. 4°. La suspension del regi- men constitucional decretada el veintiseis de Junio del corriente ano, no ha interrumpido el periodo presidential del Senor General Don Manuel Lisandro Barri- llas, debiendo en consecuencia, terminar dicho periodo presiden- tial, de conformidad con lo dis- puesto en estas reformas, el quince de Marzo de mil ochocientos noventa y dos. Art. 5°. Queda facultado el Ejecutivo para convocar a los 360a— vol 1—06 17 Art. 104. The present Consti- tution shall not lose its efficiency, and shall continue to be in force even if its execution is interrupted by rebellion. Art. 105. The amendments made to the Constitution on the twenty -third of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, are hereby repealed. TRANSIENT PROVISIONS. (Novembers, 1837.) Article 1. The amendments herein made to the Constitution of the Republic shall begin to be in force from the date of their promulgation, when the suspen- sion of the constitutional regime shall also cease. Art. 2. The power is hereby granted the Executive to exercise the faculties set forth in article 8 of the present law, except those mentioned in sections 4, 9, and 13 of the said article. This conces- sion shall last until the day on which the Legislative Assembly meets, when the Executive shall give an account of the powers granted to it. Art. 3. The provisions of arti- cle 5 of the Constitution shall not prevent the treaties which may now be pending, negotiated under the regime of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, from being concluded. Art. 4. The suspension of the constitutional regime decreed on the 26th of June of the present year shall not interrupt the presi- dential term of General Don Manuel Lisandro Barrillas, who in compliance with the pro- visions of these amendments, shall, therefore, complete his term of office on the fifteenth of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Art. 5. The Executive power is hereby given authority to call for 258 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. pueblos a elecciones de Diputados a la Asamblea Legislativa, y de Presidente, Magistrados y Fiscales de los Tribunales de Justicia para el periodo constitucional que comenzara el quince de Marzo de mil ochocientos ochenta y ocho, pudiendo emitir las leyes electo- rales que corresponden. Art. 6°. La Asamblea Consti- tu} T ente, antes de clausurar sus sesiones, nombrara las dos per- sonas que deben desempenar el cargo de Designado, hasta que la proxima Legislatura elija las que corresponden, en uso de la atribu- cion conferida en el inciso 4° del articulo 7° del presente Decreto. a popular election of Deputies to the Legislative Assemmy, and of chief justice, associate justices and prosecuting attorneys of the courts of justice, for the constitutional period beginning on the fifteenth of March, eighteen hundred and eighty -eight. The Executive shall issue for this purpose the proper electoral laws. Art. 6. The constitutional con- vention before closing its sessions shall appoint two persons, who shall exercise the functions of designados until the Assembly, in its next session, in use of the power vested in it by section 4 of article 7 of the present decree, elects those who shall fill the position AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION. Nosotros, los Representantes del pueblo de Guatemala, convocados legitimamente para examinar el articulo 66 de la Ley Constitutiva de la Republica, reunidos en sufi- ciente numero, decretamos: Articulo unico. El articulo 66 3ueda reformado asi: El periodo e la Presidencia sera, de seis anos. Pase al Poder Ejecutivo para su publication y cumplimiento. Dado en el Salon de Sesiones: en Guatemala, a, los doce dias del mes de Julio de mil novecientos tres, vigesimo cuarto de la Cons- titution. We, the representatives of the people of Guatemala, lawfully called to convene for the purpose of examining article 66 of the Con- stitution of the Republic, assem- bled in sufficient number, do here- by decree: Sole article: Article 66 of the Constitution is amended so as to read as follows: The presidential term shall be six years. Let it be communicated to the Executive for publication and en- forcement. Given at the Hall of Sessions at Guatemala this twelfth day of July, nineteen hundred and three, the twenty-fourth year of the Con- stitution. REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. HISTORICAL NOTES. The Republic of Salvador, says Seiior Arosemena, in his "Estudios constitucionales sobre los gobiernos de la America latina " repeatedly cited in this work, was the Central American State which, after its independence, showed the strongest opposition to be annexed to Mexico. Iturbide had large ideas of imperial sway and was bent on the acquisition of the whole of Central America, but Salvador entered an emphatic protest against this movement (1822), and resolved to remain independent until the representatives of the whole people of Central America should decide the question of nationality. Senor Arosemena says that the feeling of the Salvadorean people against their being forced into a union with Mexico went so far as to cause them to pre- fer the annexation of their country to the United States of America. An ordinance to that effect was passed in December of the said }-ear 1822. It happened, nevertheless, that before the Washington Gov- ernment became ready to consider the subject, or take any action on it, the Mexican Empire fell to the ground, and the Central American Confederation, which had been fervently advocated by the Salvadorean people, was at last organized. Salvador promulgated its first Constitution on June 24, 1824, and with it and under its provisions it entered into the Central American Union, as a state, on November 22 of the same year. After the dissolution of the Federal compact Salvador has had six different constitutions as follows: (1) That of February 18, 1841; (2) that of June 24, 1859; (3) that of October 16, 1871; (4) that of Novem- ber 9, 1872; (5) that of December 6, 1883; and (6) that of August 13, 1886. 259 CONSTITUTION. (August 13, 1886.) TITULO I. DE LA. NACION Y FORMA DE GOBIERNO. ArtIculo 1. La Nacion salva- dorena es soberana e independiente, y no podra ser jamas el patrimo- nio de ninguna familia ni persona. La soberania es inalienable e imprescriptible y limitada a lo honesto, ]usto y conveniente a la sociedad; reside esencialmente en la universalidad de los salvadore- nos y ninguna fraccion de pueblos 6 de individuos puede atribuir- sela. Art. 2. Todo poder publico emana del pueblo. Los f unciona- rios del Estado son sus delegados, y no tienen mas f acultades que las que expresamente les da la ley. Por ella legislan, administran y juzgan; por ella se les debe obe- diencia y respeto; y conforme a ella deben dar cuenta de sus fun- ciones. Art. 3. El territorio del Salva- dor tiene por limites: al este, el Golfo de Fonseca; al norte, las Re- publicas de Guatemala y Hondu- ras; al oeste, el Rio de Paz, y al sur, el Oceano Pacifico. La de- marcacion especial sera objeto de una ley. Art. 4. El Gobierno de la Na- cion salvadorena es republicano, democratico, representative y al- 260 TITLE I. THE NATION AND THE FORM OF ITS GOVERNMENT. Article 1. The Salvadorean Nation is sovereign and independ- ent and shall never be the patri- mon} 7 of any family or person. The sovereignty is inalienable, imprescriptible and limited to what is honest, just, and useful to so- ciety. It is vested in the whole body of the Salvadorean people, and no section of the country or group of individuals can attribute it to themselves. Art. 2. All public power ema- nates from the people. The func- tionaries of the state are delegates of the people, and have no other powers than those expressty given to them by law. It is by law that they legislate, exercise executive functions, and act judicially; it is through it that obedience and re- spect is due to them; and it is in accordance with its principles that they must give an account of their actions. Art. 3. The territory of El Sal- vador has for its limits the follow- ing: On the east, the Gulf of Fon- seca; on the north, the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras; on the west, the River Paz; and on the south, the Pacific Ocean. The special demarcation of the bound- ary lines shall be made by law. Art. 4. The Government of the Salvadorean Nation is republican, democratic, representative, and al- CONSTITUTION. 261 ternativo. Se compondra de tres Poderes distintos e independientes entre si, que se denominaran: Le- gislative, Ejecutivo y Judicial. TITTJLO II. DERECHOS Y GARANTIAS. Art. 5. En la Republica no se reconocen empleos ni privilegios hereditarios. Toda propiedad es trasmisible en la forma que determinan las leyes, quedando en consecuencia prohi- bida toda especie de vinculacion. Art. 6. No pueden imponerse contribuciones sino en virtud de una ley, y para el servicio publico. Art. 7. Todo el que ejerce cual- quier cargo publico es directa e" inmediatamente responsable de los actos, que practique en el ejercicio de sus f unciones. La ley determi- nant, el modo de hacer ef ectiva esta responsabilidad. Art. 8. El Salvador reconoce derechos y deberes anteriores y superiores a las leyes positivas, teniendo por principios la libertad, la igualdad y la f raternidad, y por base la familia, el trabajo, la pro- piedad y el orden publico. Art. 9. Todos los habitantes del Salvador tienen derecho incontes- table a conservar y defender su vida, su libertad y propiedad, 3^ a disponer libremente de sus bienes de conformidad con la ley. Art. 10. Todo hombre es libre en la Republica. No sera esclavo el que entre en su territorio, ni ciudadano el que tralique en escla- vos. Art. 11. La Republica es un asilo sagrado para el extranjero que quiera residir en su territorio, menos para los reos de delitos comunes que reclame otra nacion, en virtud de tratados vigentes, en los que se hubiese estipulado la extradicion. ternative. It consists of three Powers distinct and independent from each other, which shall be known as legislative, executive, and judicial. TITLE II. RIGHTS AND GUARANTIES. Art. 5. No hereditary offices or privileges are recognized in the Republic. All property is transferable in the manner and form prescribed by the laws, and therefore perpetual entailments of all kinds are pro- hibited. Art. 6. No taxes shall be levied unless by virtue of a law and for the public service. Art. 7. All persons holding a public office are directly and immediately responsible for the acts done by them in the exercise of their functions. The law shall fix the manner and form of enforc- ing this responsibility. Art. 8. Salvador recognizes that there are rights and duties anterior and superior to the positive laws, derived from the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and resting upon the basis of re- spect to family, labor, property, and public order. Art. 9. All the inhabitants of Salvador have an indisputable right to preserve and defend their life, liberty, and property, and to dispose freely of the latter, in con- formity with the law. Art. 10. Every man in the Re- public is free. No one who enters its territory shall be a slave, nor shall anyone who deals in slaves be a Salvadorean citizen. Art. 11. The Republic is a sa- cred asylum for all foreigners residing in its territory, except when they are guilty of common offenses and are claimed by some other nation, under the provisions of an extradition treaty. Extra- dition of Salvadoreans, for any 262 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. La extradicion no podra estipu- larse respecto de los nacionales en ningun caso, ni respecto de extran- jeros por delitos politicos, aunque por consecuencia de e"stos resultase un delito comiin. Art. 12. Se garantiza el libre ejercicio de todas las religiones, sin mas limite que el trazado por la moral } r el orden publico. Nin- gun acto religioso servira para establecer el estado civil de las personas. , Art. 13. Toda persona tiene derecho de permanecer en el lugar que le convenga; y de transitar, emigrar y volver sin pasaporte; salvo el caso de sentencia ejecuto- riada y sin perjuiciode lo dispuesto en el urticulo 28 de esta Constitu- cion. Art. 14. Igualmentepuedenlos habitantes del Salvador asociarse y reunirse pacificamente y sin armas con cualquier objeto licito. Art. 15. Nadie puede ser obli- gado a prestar trabajos 6 servicios personales sin justa retribucion y sin su pleno consentimiento, salvo que por motivos de necesidad 6 utiliclad publicas se establezcan por la ley. La ley no puede autorizar ningun acto o contrato que tenga por objeto la perdida 6 el irrevo- cable sacriticio de la libertad del hombre, ya sea por causa de tra- bajo, de educacion 6 de voto reli- gioso. Tampoco puede autorizar convenios en que el hombre pacte su proscripcion 6 destierro. Art. 16. Toda persona tiene derecho de dirigir sus peticiones a las autoridades legalmente estable- cidas, ton tal que se hagan de una manera decorosa; y a que se re- suelvan y se le haga saber el acuer- do que sobre ellas se dictare. Art. 17. Ninguna persona que tenga la libre administration de sus bienes, puede ser privada del derecho de terminal' sus asuntos offense whatever, shall never be stipulated. Nor shall foreigners be extradited for political offenses, even if a common crime has result- ed therefrom. Art. 12. The free exercise of all religions, without any other restriction than that required by morals or public order, is guaran- teed. No religious act shall serve as evidence of the civil status of a person. Art. 13. Every person has the right to remain in the place he may prefer, to travel freely, to emigrate from the country, and to return to it without a passport; save in case of a final judicial sen- tence, and without prejudice to the provisions of article 28 of this Constitution. Art. 14. The inhabitants of Salvador have the right to assem- ble peacef ully, and without arms, for any lawful purpose. Art. 15. No person shall be com- pelled to do work, or render per- sonal service, without just compen- sation and without his full consent, except if so determined by law in cases of public necessity or utility. The law shall not authorize an} 7 act or contract having for its object the loss or the irrevocable sacritice of human liberty, whether on account of labor, education, or religious vows; nor shall it authorize agree- ments by which a man covenants his own proscription or exile. Art. 16. Every person has the right to address petitions to the lawfully constituted authorities, provided that they are made in a decorous manner; also to have said petitions acted upon and be informed of the results thereof. Art. 17. No person who has the free disposition or management of his property shall be deprived of the rignt to terminate his civil CONSTITUTION. 263 civiles por transaccion 6 arbitra- ment*). En cuanto a las que no tengan esa libre administration, la ley determinant los casos y requisi- tes con que pueden hacerlo. Art. 18. Se prohibe la confisca- tion, ja como pena 6 en cualquier otro concepto. Las autoridades que contravengan a esta disposi- tion, responderan en todo tiempo con sus personas y bienes del dano inferido; y las cosas confiscadas son imprescriptibles. Art. 19. La pena de muerte no podra aplicarse, si no por delitos muy graves, puramente militares y cometidos en campana, y que determinant el Codigo Militar; y por los delitos de parricidio, asesi- nato, robo 6 incendio si se siguiere muerte. Se prohiben las penas perpetuas, la aplicacion de palos y toda espe- cie de tormentos. Art. 20. Ninguna persona puede ser privada de su vida, de su libertad, ni de su propiedad, sin ser previamente oida y vencida en juicio con arreglo a las leyes, ni puede ser enjuiciada civil 6 criminalmente dos veces por la misma causa. Art. 21. Solo podra practicarse el registro 6 la pesquisa de la persona para prevenir 6 averiguar delitos 6 faltas. El domicilio es inviolable; y no podra decretarse el allanamiento, sino para la averiguacion de los delitos 6 persecution de los delin- cuentes, en la forma y en los casos determinados por la ley. Art. 22. Nigun individuo sera juzgado en otra jurisdiction que en aquella donde se hubiere come- tido el delito, salvo los casos deter- minados por la ley, 6 aquellos en contentions by compromise or ar- bitration. As to the persons who have not the free disposition and management of their property, the law shall fix the cases and requi- sites in which compromises or ar- bitration may be resorted to. Art. 18. Confiscation of prop- erty, whether as a penalty, or in any other wa}% is forbidden. The authorities who violate this pro- vision shall answer at all times with their persons and property for the damages done. The title to confiscated property shall not be acquired by prescription. Art. 19. The penalty of death shall not be imposed, except for ver\ T grave crimes, of purely mili- tary character, committed on the field, and designated by the mili- tary code; and also for the crimes of parricide, murder, arson, or robbery, if death supervenes. Perpetual penalties, flogging, and all kinds of torture are for- bidden. Art. 20. No person shall be de- prived of his life, liberty, or prop- erty, except upon trial according to law ; nor shall anyone be prosecuted civilly or criminally, twice for the same cause. Art. 21. The searching of the person shall only be made to pre- ventan offense from being commit- ted, or to investigate crimes or offenses. The domicile is inviolable, and the invasion thereof shall not be decreed except for the purpose of investigating criminal offenses, or of arresting fugitive offenders, but this shall be done in the manner and form and in the cases provided by law. Art. 22. No person shall be tried in a jurisdiction different from that in which the offense was com- mitted, except in the particular cases provided by law, or by order 264 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. que la misma ley faeulte a la Corte ae Justicia para designar otra jurisdiccion. Art. 23. Todos los hombres son iguales ante la ley. Art. 24. Las leyes no pueden tener efecto retroactivo, excepto en materia penal, cuando la nueva ley sea favorable al delincuente. Art. 25. Nadie puede ser juz- gado sino por leyes dadas con ante- rioridad at heeho y por el Tribunal que previamente hay a establecido la ley. Art. 26. Un mismo Juez no puede serlo en diversas instancias en una misma causa. Art. 27. Ningun poder niauto- ridad puede avocarse causas pen- dientes, ni abrir juicios fenecidos. Art. 28. Ni el Poder Ejecutivo, ni el Judicial, ni ninguna otra autoridad, puede dictar ordenes de detencion 6 prision, si no es de conformidad con la ley. Esta or- den debe ser siempre escrita, salvo en materia criminal, cuando el de- lincuente sea tornado in fraganti, en cuyo caso puede ser detenido por cualquiera persona, para en- tregarlo inmediatamente a la au- toridad respectiva. La detencion para inquinr no pasara de cuarenta y ocho horas, y el Juez de instruc- cion esta obligado dentro de dicho t^rmino, a decretar la libertad 6 el arresto provisional del indiciado. Art. 29. Todo hombre puede libremente expresar, escribir, im- primir y publicar sus pensamientos sin previo examen, censura ni cau- cion; pero debera responder ante el Jurado por el delito que cometa. Art. 30. La correspondencia epistolar y telegrafica es inviolable La correspondencia interceptada no hace fe ni podra figurar en nin- guna especie de actuacion. of the court when authorized by law to do so. Art. 23. All men are equal be- fore the law. Art. 24. The laws shall not have retroactive effect, except in penal matters, when the new law proves to be favorable to the offender. Art. 25. No person shall be tried under laws which were not promulgated prior to the com- mission of the offense, or b} T a court which the law had not previ- ously established. Art. 26. The same judge shall not take cognizance of the same case in its different instances. Art. 27. No power or authority shall ever assume jurisdiction over causes pending before the courts, or reopen terminated cases. Art. 28. Neither the Executive power, nor the judicial, or any other authority shall issue or- ders of detention or imprison- ment unless in conformity with the law. Such orders shall always be in writing, except in criminal matters, when the offender is caught in the act, in which case the latter can be detained by any person to be immediately delivered to the respective authorities. The deten- tion for the purpose of investiga- tion shall not last longer than forty- eight hours, and the investigating judge is bound to order, within said period, either the release of the prisoner, or his provisional arrest. Art. 29. Every man has the right to freely express, write, print, and publish his thoughts without previous examination, censorship, or bonds; but he shall be responsible before a juiy for any offense he may commit in that way. Art. 30. Correspondence by letter and telegraph is inviolable. Intercepted correspondence shall never be admitted as evidence in any case whatever. CONSTITUTION. 265 Art. 31. La propiedad de cual- quier naturaleza que sea es invio- lable. Ninguna persona puede ser privada de sus bienes, sino por causa de utilidad publica legalmente comprobada y previa una justa in- demnizacion. En caso de expro- piacion motivada por las necesi- dadesde laguerra, la indemnizacion puede no ser previa. Art. 32. Ninguna corporacion permanente civil 6 eclesiastica, cualquiera que sea su caracter, de- nominacion u objeto, tendra capa- cidad legal para conserv T ar en pro- piedad 6 administrar por si bienes raices, con la imica excepcion de los destinados inmediata y directa- mente al servicio u objeto de la institucion. Art. 33. La ensenanza es libre; la primaria es ademas obligatoria. La ensenanza que se de en los esta- blecimientos costeados por el Es- tado sera laica y gratuita, y estara s u j eta a losreglamentos respecti vos. Art. 34. Todaindustriaes libre, y solo podran estancarse en pro- vecho de la Nacion, y para ad- ministrarse por el Ejecutivo, el aguardiente, el salitre y la polvora. No habra monopolio de ninguna clase, ni prohibiciones a titulo de proteccion a la industria. Excep- tuanse unicamente los relativos a la acunacion de moneda y a los privilegios que, por tiempo limi- tado, conceda la ley a los invento- res 6 perfeccionadores de alguna industria. Art. 35. Se garantiza el derecho de asociacion, y solo se prohibe el establecimiento de congregaciones conventuales y toda especie de instituciones monasticas. Art. 36. El derecho de insu- rreccion no producira en ningiin caso la abrogacion de las leyes, quedando limitado en sus efectos, a separar en cuanto sea necesario, a las personas que desempenen el Art. 31. Property of any kind whatever is inviolable. No person shall be deprived of his property except for public utility, when fully proven, and upon previous indemnification. When condem- nation of property is required by the necessities of war the indem- nification need not be previous. Art. 32. No permanent corpora- tion, whether civil or ecclesiastical, whatever its character, denomina- tion, or purpose may be, shall have legal capacity to hold real estate or manage it in its own name, except only when the prop- erty is used immediately and directly in the service and for the purposes of the institution. Art. 33. Teaching is free. Pri- mary instruction is compulsory. The instruction given in establish- ments supported by the Govern- ment shall be laical and gratui- tous, and subject to proper regu- lations. Art. 34. All industries are free, but the Government shall have the power of monopolizing, for the benefit of the Nation, and placing under the management of the Ex- ecutive, the brandy, saltpeter, and gunpowder business. There shall be no other monopoly of any kind, or any restriction of industrial liberty, even if in- tended for protection purposes, except as to the coining of money and the granting of privileges for a limited time, according to law, to inventors or authors of improve- ments of any industry. Art. 35. The right of associa- tion is guaranteed, but the estab- lishment of convents or monas- teries and all kinds of monastic institutions is forbidden. Art. 36. The right of insurrec- tion shall produce in no case the abrogation of the laws, and its effects shall be limited to remov- ing, as may prove necessary, the Government officials who exercise 266 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Gobierno, } T nombrar interina- mente las que deban subrogarlas, entre tanto se Uena su falta en la forma establecida por la Consti- tucion. Art. 37. Toda persona tiene derecho de pedir y obtener el arn- paro de la Suprema Corte de Jus- ticia 6 Camara de Segunda Instan- cia, cuando cualquiera autoridad 6 individuo restrinja la libertad per- sonal 6 el ejercicio de cualquiera de los otros derechos individuates que garantiza la presente Consti- tution. Una le} T especial regla- mentara la manera de hacer efec- tivo este derecho. Art. 38. Ninguno de los Pode- res constituidos podra celebrar 6 aprobar tratados 6 convenciones en que de alguna manera se altere la forma de Gobierno establecida 6 se menoscabe la integridad del territorio 6 la soberania nacional; lo cual se entiende sin perjucio de !o dispuesto en el articulo 151 de esta Constitucion. Art. 39. Ni el Poder Legisla- tive, ni el Poder Ejecutivo, ni ningun tribunal, autoridad 6 per- sona podra restringir, alterar 6 violar las garantias constituciona- les, sinquedar sujeto a las respon- sabilidades establecidas por la ley. La ley de estado de sitio determi- nant, las que pueden suspenderse y los casos en que esta suspension deba tener lugar. Art. 40. Los derechos y ga- rantias que enumera esta Consti- tucion, no seran entendidos como negacion de otros derechos y ga- rantias no enumerados, pero que nacen del principio de la soberania del pueblo y de la forma republi- cana de Gobierno. authority, and appointing pro tem- pore those who shall fill their places until the regular appoint- ments are made in the manner established by the Constitution. Art. 37. Ever} T person has the right to ask and obtain protection from the Supreme Court of Justice or the Chamber of second instance, whenever any authority or private individual restrains his personal liberty or the exercise of any indi- vidual right guaranteed by the present Constitution. A special law shall regulate the manner and form of exercising this right. Art. 38. None of the constituted powers shall have authority to con- clude or approve treaties or con- ventions by which the form of government herein provided for be in any way altered, or by which the integrity of the territory or the national sovereign t}^ be abridged; this to be understood without pre- judice to the provisions of art. 151 of the present Constitution. Art. 39. Neither the legislative nor the Executive power, nor any tribunal, authority, or person whatsoever, shall have authority- to abridge, alter, or violate the con- stitutional guaranties without in- curring thereby the responsibilties established by law. A law on the state of siege shall determine the guaranties which may be sus- pended and the cases in which the suspension ma} r take place. Art. 40. The enumeration of rights and guaranties made in the present Constitution shall never be construed as a denial of other rights and guaranties not enum- erated, but emanating from the principle of the sovereignty of the people and from the republican form of government. CONSTITUTION. 267 TITULO III. DE LOS SALVADORENOS. Art. 41. Los salvadorenos lo son por nacimiento 6 por naturali- zacion. Art. 42. Son salvadorenos por nacimiento: 1. Los nacidos en territorio del Salvador, excepto los hijos de ex- tranjeros no natural izados. 2. Los hijos legitimos de ex- tranjero con salvadorena, nacidos en territorio del Salvador, cuando dentro del aiio subsiguiente a la epoca en que lleguen a la mayor edad no manitiesten ante el Go- bernador respectivo que optan por la nacionalidad del padre; los hijos legitimos de salvadoreno con ex- tranjera y los hijos ilegitimos de salvadorena con extranjero, naci- dos en El Salvador. 3. Los hijos legitimos de salva- doreno y los ilegitimos de salva- dorena, nacidos en pais extranjero y no naturalizados en e"l. 4. Los descendientes de hijos de extranjeros 6 de extranjero con salvadorena, nacidos unos y otros en El Salvador. Art. 43. Son salvadorenos por naturalizacion los que con forme a las leyes anteriores hayan adqui- rido esta calidad y los que en lo sucesivo la obtengan, segun las reglas siguientes: 1. Los hispano-americanos que obtengan carta de naturalizacion del Gobernador departamental res- pectivo, quien la concedera con solo la comprobacion de la buena conducta del solicitante: 2. Los extranjeros que soliciten y obtengan la naturalizacion de la misma autoridad, comprobando su buena conducta y dos anos de resi- dencia en El Salvador: TITLE III. SALVADOREANS. Art. 41. Salvadoreans are such by birth or by naturalization. Art. 42. The following persons are Salvadoreans by birth: 1. Those born in the territory of Salvador, except the children of aliens not naturalized. 2. The legitimate children of an alien man and a Salvadorean woman born in the territory of Salvador, if within a j^ear subsequent to the date in which they reach the age of majority they fail to declare before the respective governor that they choose the nationality of their father; the legitimate children of a Salvadorean man and an alien woman; and the illegitimate chil- dren of a Salvadorean Woman and an alien man if they have been born in Salvador. 3. The legitimate children of a Salvadorean man and the illegiti- mate children of a Salvadorean woman, when born in a foreign country and not naturalized in it. 4. The descendants of children of aliens, or of an alien man and a Salvadorean woman, if born in Salvador. Art. 43. Salvadoreans by nat- uralization are those who, in ac- cordance with the laws in force at the present time, have acquired this quality, and those who in the future shall obtain the same accord- ing to the following rules: 1. Spanish- Americans who have obtained letters of naturalization from the respective departmental governor, said letters to be granted with no other requisite than proper proof of good behavior on the part of the applicant. 2. Aliens who have applied to the same authority for naturaliza- tion and obtained it upon proof of good behavior and two years' resi- dence in Salvador. 268 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. 3. Los que obtengan carta de naturalizacion del Cuerpo Legisla- tive: 4. Los que hayan adquirido la naturalizacion conf orme al articulo 48 de esta Constitucion. Art. 44. Tambien se consideran como salvadorenos naturalizados a los centro-americanos que mani- fiesten ante el Gobernador respec- tive el deseo de ser salvadorenos. TTTULO IV. DE LOS EXTRANJEROS. Art. 45. Los extranjeros, desde el instante en que lleguen al terri- torio de la Republica, estaran es- trictamente obligados a respetar a las autoridades y a observar las leyes, y adquiriran derecho a ser protegidos por 6stas. Art. 46. Ni los salvadorenos, ni los extranjeros podran en ningun caso reclamar al Gobierno indemni- zacion alguna por dafios y perjui- cios que a sus personas 6 sus bienes causaren las facciones, quedando expeditos sus derechos para enta- blar sus reclamos contra los fun- cionarios 6 particulares culpables. Art. 47. Losextranjerospueden adquirir toda clase de bienes, no quedando estos exonerados de las cargas ordinarias 6 extraordinarias que las leyes establezcan sobre los bienes de los salvadorenos. Art. 48. Porelhechodeaceptar un extranjero un empleo publico con goce de sueldo, salvo en el pro- fesorado y la milicia, renuncia su nacionalidad, quedando naturali- zado en El Salvador. Art. 49. Ningun pacto interna- cional podra modificar en manera alguna las disposiciones contenidas en este Titulo. Art. 50. Los extranjeros que- daran sujetos a una ley especial de extranjeria. 3. All persons who have obtained naturalization papers from the legislative body. 4. All persons who have acquired naturalization pursuant to article 48 of the present Constitution. Art. 44. All Central Americans who declare before the respective governor their desire to be Salva- doreans shall be considered natu- ralized citizens of Salvador. TITLE IV. ALIENS. Art. 45. Aliens shall be strictly bound from the moment of their arrival into the territory of the Republic to respect its authorities and comply with its laws; and they shall also acquire at the same time the right to be protected. Art. 46. Neither Salvadoreans nor aliens shall have any right to claim in any case from the Govern- ment indemnity for damages and injuries done to their persons or property by factions, but they shall be free to sue the guilty parties, whether official or private. Art. 47. Aliens may acquire all kinds of property, but their prop- erty shall not be exempted from the ordinary or extraordinary taxes which may be levied by law upon the property of Salvado- reans. Art. 48. An alien by the fact of accepting a public office with salary, unless it is in the militia, or in the service of public instruc- tion, abandons his nationality and becomes a naturalized citizen of Salvador. Art. 49. No international com- pact shall be entered into by which the provisions of the present title are in any way modified. Art. 50. Aliens shall be subject to a special law, to be enacted hereafter. CONSTITUTION. 269 TTTTTLO V. DE LA CIUDADANIA. Art. 51. Son ciudadanos todos los salvadorenos may ores de diez y ocho anos, los casados y los que hayan obtenido algun titulo lite- rario, aunque no hubiesen ltegado a esta edad. Art. 52. El ejercicio de la ciu- dadania se suspende: 1. Por auto de prision en causa criminal que no admita excarcela- cion garantida. 2. Por conducta notoriamente viciada. 3. Por enajenacion mental. 4. Por interdiccion judicial. 5. Por negarse a desempenar sin justa causa un cargo de elec- cion popular. La suspension en este caso durara por todo el tiempo que debiera desempenarse dicno cargo. 6. Por sentencia judicial que asi lo declare. Art. 53. Pierden los derechos de ciudadano: 1. Los condenados a una pena que traiga consigo la perdida de la ciudadania. 2. Los condenados por delito grave. 3. Los que se naturalizen en pais extranjero. 4. Los que residiendo en la Republica admitan empleos de otra nacion sin licencia del Poder Legis- lative 5. Los que vendan su voto en las elecciones. 6. Los que suscribieren actas 6 proclamas 6 emplearen otros me- dios directos, promoviendo 6 apo- yando la reeleccion del Presidente de la Republica. 7. Los funcionarios, que ejer- ciendo autoridad publica en el or- den civil 6 militar, coarten la libertad del sufragio. TITLE V. CITIZENSHIP. Art. 51. All Salvadoreans over eighteen years of age and those who have not reached that age but are married, or have obtained some literary degree, are citizens. Art. 52. The rights of citizen- ship are suspended: 1. By the issuance of an order of arrest against a citizen in criminal cases for non-bailable offenses. 2. By notorious bad behavior. 3. By mental derangement. 4. By judicial decree. 5. By refusing to accept, with- out just cause, a position of popu- lar election. The suspension in this case shall continue during the whole period the said position should have been filled. 6. By declaration to that effect in a judicial sentence. Art. 53. The rights of citizen- ship are lost: 1. By those condemned to suffer f)enalties carrying with them the oss of citizenship. 2. By those convicted and sen- tenced for a grave offense. 3. By those obtaining naturali- zation in a foreign country. 4. By those who accept, while residing in the Republic, offices from other nations without per- mission of the legislative power. 5. B}^ those who sell their vote in the elections. 6. By those signing acts or proc- lamations, or promoting or assist- ing, through other direct means, the reelection of the President of the Republic. 7. By those who, while in the exercise of public authority, civil or military, restrict the liberty of suffrage. 270 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. TfTULO VI. DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO. Art. 54. El Poder Legislativo sera ejercido por una Asamblea Nacional de Diputados. Art. 55. El Cuerpo Legislative se reunira ordinariamente en la capital de la Republiea sin necesi- dad de convocatoria, del primero al quince de Febrero de cada afio; y extraordinariamente cuando sea convocado por el Poder Ejecutivo en Consejo de Ministros. La Asamblea podra trasladarse a otro lugar para celebrar sus sesiones cuando asi lo acuerde. Art. 56. El niimero de sus se- siones ordinarias no excedera de cuarenta y el de las extraordina- rias sera el neeesario para re- solver los asuntos de su compe- tencia que el Ejecutivo le someta. Art. 57. Tree Representantes reunidos en junta preparatoria, tienen facultad para tomar inme- diatamente todas las providencias que convengan a tin de hacer con- currir a los otros hasta conseguir su plenitud. Art. 58. La mayoria de los miembros de la Asamblea sera suficiente para deliberar, pero cuando se hallen menos de los dos tercios de los electos, el consenti- miento de las dos terceras partes de los presentes sera neeesario para toda resolucion. Art. 59. Los miembros de la Asamblea se renovaran cada ano, pudiendo ser reelectos. Art. 60. Para ser electo Dipu- tado se requiere ser mayor de vein- ticinco anos, ciudadano salvadore- no, de notoria honradez e instruc- cion, sin haber perdido la ciuda- dania en los cinco anos anteriores a la eleccion, y ser natural 6 vecino del departamento que lo elige. TITLE VI. THE LEGISLATIVE POWER. Art. 54. The legislative power is vested in. a body called the Na- tional Assembly of Deputies. Art. 55. The legislative body shall meet regularly, without the necessity of being called for that purpose, in the capital of the Re- public, between the first and fif- teenth of February of each year, but it shall meet in extra session whenever called to that effect by the Executive power, with the ad- vice of the council of ministers. The Assembly may move to some other place and hold its meetings there, whenever it may so resolve. Art. 56. The number of its or- dinary meetings shall not exceed forty, and the number of the extra- ordinary ones shall be such as re- quired for the transaction of the business within its jurisdiction sub- mitted to it by the Executive. Art. 57. Three representatives assembled in a preparatory com- mittee shall have power to take at once all the steps necessary to secure the full attendance of the other members of the Assembly. Art. 58. A majority of the members of the Assembly shall be sufficient to deliberate, but no de- cision can be reached when less than two-thirds of the members are present, if two-thirds of the present ones do not consent to it. Art. 59. The members of the Assembly shall be renewed every year, but they may be reelected. Art. 60. No Deputy shall be elected who is not over twenty- five years of age, a Salvadorean citizen, a man of recognized hon- esty and instruction, whose rights of citizenship have not been lost during the period of five years previous to the election, and a native or resident of the depart- ment which elects him. CONSTITUTION. 271 Art. 61. No podran ser electos Diputados los contratistas de obras 6 servicios publicos de cualquiera clase que se costeen con fondos del Estado, y los que de resultas de tales contratas tengan pendientes reclamaciones de interes propio. Tampoco podran serlo los em- pleados con goce de sueldo de nom- bramiento del Ejecutivo, sino des- pues de seis meses de haber cesado en sus funciones. Art. 62. Los Diputados suplen- tes tendran las mismas cualidades que los propietarios. Art. 63. Los Diputados no po- dran obtener empleo durante el tiempo para que nan sido electos; excepto los de Secretario de Estado, Representantes diplomaticos y cargos sin goce de sueldo. Art. 64. Los Representantes de la Nacion son inviolables. En consecuencia ningun Diputado sera responsable en tiempo alguno por sus opiniones, ya sean expresadas de palabra 6 por escrito. Art. 65. Desde el dia de la elec- cion hasta quince dias despues de haber recesado el Poder Legisla- tivo, no podra iniciarse ni seguirse contra los Representantes juicio alguno civil. Por los delitos graves que come- tan desde el diade la eleccion hasta el receso no podran ser juzgados sino por la Asamblea para el solo efecto de deponer al culpable y someterlo a los tribunales comunes. Por los delitos menos graves y faltas que cometan durante el mis- mo periodo seran juzgados por el juez competente; pero no podran ser detenidos 6 presos, ni llamados a declarar sino despues del receso. Si hubieren cometido algun de- lito grave antes de la eleccion, la Asamblea, una vez averiguado el hecho, declarara nula la eleccion y Art. 61. No contractor of pub- lic works or services of any class, paid or supported out of funds of the Government, and no person who has an interest in claims arising out of said contracts, shall be elected Deputy. Nor shall the official salaried employees ap- pointed by the Executive be elected Deputies until the expiration of six months, to be counted from the day their position was vacated. Art. 62. Substitute Deputies shall have the same qualifications as Deputies. Art. 63. Deputies shall not be appointed to any office during their term of service, except those of secretary of state, diplomatic rep- resentative of the country, or of- fices without a salary. Art. 64. The representatives of the Nation are inviolable. Conse- quently no Deputy shall be held responsible at any time for his opinions expressed verbally or in writing. Art. 65. No civil action of any kind shall be brought or prose- cuted, against the representatives of the Nation, from the day of their election until the expiration of fif- teen days after the adjournment of the Assembly. If any representative commits a grave offense between the day of the election and the day of adjourn- ment, he shall be tried by the As- sembly for the sole purpose of ex- pelling him, if guilty, and then surrendering him to the ordinary courts. For minor offenses and misde- meanors, committed during the same period, the representative shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent court; but he shall not be detained, arrested, or examined until after the adjourn- ment. If the offense committed by the representative is grave, but ante- rior to the date of the election, the Assembly shall have the power, 272 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. sometera al culpable a los tribu- nals competentes. Si durante las sesiones f uere sor- prendido algun Representante en flagrante delito, podra ser detenido por cualquiera persona 6 autoridad, y e"sta lo pondra dentro de veinti- cuatro horas a disposition de la Asamblea. Art. 66. Las disposiciones de los dos articulos anteriores son ex- tensivas a los Congresos Consti- tuyentes. Art. 67. Corresponde a la Asamblea Nacional: 1. Calificar la eleccion de sus miembros, aceptando 6 desechando sus credenciales. 2. Admitirles sus renuncias por causas legalmente comprobadas. 3. Exigirles la responsabilidad en los casos previstos por esta Constitution. 4. Llamar a los suplentes en caso de muerte, renuncia 6 impo- sibilidad de concurrir de los pro- pietarios. 5. Formar su Reglamento inte- rior. Art. 68. Son atribuciones del Poder Legislativo: 1. Abrir y cerrar sus sesiones y acordar los teVminos en que se deba contestar el Mensaje del Pre- sidente de la Repiiblica. 2. Abrir los pliegos que con- tengan los sufragios para Presi- dente y Vice-Presidente de la Re- piiblica y hacer el escrutinio de los votos por medio de una comision de su seno. 3. Declarar la eleccion de los funcionarios indicados, previo el dictamen de la comision escruta- dora, quien debera expresar tam- bien si los electos reunen 6 no las cualidades requeridas por la ley. upon the proper investigation of the facts, to annul the election and submit the guilty party to the com- petent courts. If, during the sessions, a repre- sentative is caught in the act of committing a crime or offense, any Erivate person or authority shall ave the power to detain him and Elace him, within twenty-four ours, at the disposal of the As- sembly. Art. 66. The provisions of the two preceding articles are applica- ble to the members of constitu- tional conventions. Art. 67. The following corre- sponds to the National Assembly: 1. To be the judge of the elec- tion of its own members, and ac- cept or reject their credentials. 2. To admit the resignations of their members when founded upon reasons lawfully proved. 3. To enforce against them in the cases provided by the present Constitution the responsibilities which they may have incurred. 4. To call the substitutes to re- place the Deputies in case of death, resignation, or inabilitj^. 5. To make rules for its interior government. Art. 68. The following are the duties of the legislative power: 1. To open and close its sessions, and agree to the terms in which the message of the President of the Republic should be answered. 2. To open the envelopes con- taining the votes for President and Vice-president of the Republic, and count the said votes by means of a committee of its members. 3. To declare the election of the said functionaries upon the report of the committee, said committee being bound also to express whether or not the persons elected have the qualifications required by law. CONSTITUTION. 273 4. Dar posesion al Presidente y Vice-Presidente de la Republica, recibiendoles la protesta constitu- cional; conocer de sus renuncias y de las licencias que soliciten. 5. Elegir por votacion publica a los Magistrados del Supremo Tribunal de Justicia y a los Con- tadores del Tribunal Mayor de Cuentas, recibirles la protesta constitucional y conocer de sus renuncias. 6. Tomar la cuenta detallada y documentada que debe rendir el Ejecutivo por medio de sus Minis- tros para los efectos del numero 25 de este articulo. 7. Designar tres personas que deben ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo en los casos determinados por esta Constitucion, debiendo aquellas tener las mismas cualidades que se exigen para ser Presidente de la Republica. Esta designacion puede recaer en miembros del Congreso. 8. Resolver acerca de las dudas que ocurran 6 denuncias que se hagan sobre incapacidad del Pre- sidente 6 Vice-Presidente de la Republica y de los empleados de eleccion de la misma Asamblea. 9. Decretar, interpretar, re- formar y derogar las leyes secun- darias. 10. Erigir jurisdicciones y esta- blecer en ellas funcionarios que a nombre de la Republica conozcan, juzguen y sentencien en toda clase de causas 6 negocios civiles 6 criminales. 11. Designar las atribuciones y jurisdiccion de los diferentes funcionarios. 12. Establecer impuestos y con- tribuciones sobre toda clase de bienes y rentas con la debida pro- portion, si fueren directos; y en I. To give the President and Vice-president of the Republic possession of their offices; to ad- minister to them the constitutional affirmation; to take cognizance of their resignations; and to grant or refuse them leaves of absence. 5. To elect by popular vote the members of the supreme court of justice and the comptrollers of the treasuiy; to administer to them the constitutional affirmation; and to take cognizance of their resig- nations. 6. To examine the account and vouchers submitted to it by the Executive through the respective ministers, for the purposes of clause 25 of the present article. 7. To designate three persons who shall exercise the Executive power in the cases established by the present Constitution, said per- sons to have the same qualifica- tions as are required to be Presi- dent of the Republic. This desig- nation may be made in favor of members of Congress. 8. To decide in case of doubt, or upon denunciation, whether or not the President or Vice-presi- dent of the Republic, or any offi- cer elected b} T the same Assembly, is capable of performing his du- ties. 9. To enact, interpret, amend, and repeal secondary laws. 10. To create judicial districts, and place at the head thereof the proper functionaries, who, in the name of the Republic, shall take cognizance of cases and causes of all classes, civil or criminal, and try and settle them. II. To define the powers and jurisdiction of the different func- tionaries. 12. To levy taxes and imposts on all classes of propert}' and rev- enues, this to be done in due pro- portion if the taxes or imposts are 360a— vol 1—06- -18 274 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. caso de invasion 6 guerra legal- mente declarada, decretal* empr^s- titos forzosos con la misma pro- porcion, en caso que no hasten las rentas publicas ordinarias, ni se puedan conseguir emprestitos voluntarios. 13. Facultar al Poder Ejecutivo f>ara que contrate emprestitos vo- untarios, dentro 6 f uera de la Re- publica, cuando una grave y ur- gente necesidad lo demande. Los emprestitos contratados de conformidad con este articulo de- beran someterse a la aprobacion del Poder Legislative 14. Decretar anualmente el pre- supuesto de gastos de la Adminis- tracion piiblica, debiendo arreglar la inversion de las rentas de modo que sean atendidas de preferencia la instruccion publica, la adminis- tracion de justicia y la policia. 15. Conferir los grados de Te- niente Coronel inclusive arriba, con presencia de la respectiva hoja de servicios. 16. Decretal* las armas y pabe- llon de la Republica. 17. Fijar la ley, peso y tipo de la moneda, y arreglar las pesas y medidas. 18. Conceder a personas 6 pobla- ciones titulos, distinciones hono- rificas y gratificaciones compatibles con el sistema de Gobierno esta- blecido, por servicios relevantes prestados a la patria. 19. Asignar, aumentar 6 dismi- nuir sueldos a los empleados 6 f un- cionarios, crear y suprimir em- pleos. Pero los decretos sobre aumento de sueldos a los funcio- narios de los Supremos Poderes Legislativo y Ejecutivo, no podran tener efecto sino hasta el periodo siguiente. 20. Decretar premios 6 conceder privilegios temporales a los au- tores de inventos utiles y a los introductores 6 perfeccionadores de industrias de utilidad general. direct. In cases of invasion or war legally declared, to decree forced loans in the same propor- tion, if the ordinary public revenue is not sufficient, or if no voluntaiy loans can be obtained. 13. To authorize the Executive power to contract voluntas loans, either at home or abroad, when a grave and urgent necessity may demand it. The loans contracted in compli- ance with this article shall be sub- mitted to the approval of the leg- islative power. 14. To make annually the appro- priations necessary to meet the expenses of the Government; but in the disbursement of the public moneys preference shall be given to public instruction, the adminis- tration of justice, and the police. 15. To grant, upon examination of the services rendered, the ranks of lieutenant-colonel and others superior to it. 16. To determine the coat of arms and the flag of the Republic. 17. To establish the fineness, weight, and type of the national coin, and the standard of weights and measures. 18. To grant to persons or towns titles, honors, and pecuniary re- wards, compatible with the estab- lished system of government, for great services to the country. 19. To fix, increase, or decrease the salaries of the employees or functionaries, and create and abol- ish offices. But no decree increas- ing the salaries of the function- aries of the supreme legislative, and Executive powers shall go into effect until the next period. 20. To grant rewards or privi- leges for a limited time to the au- thors of useful inventions, or those who introduce or improve any in- industry of general utility. CONSTITUTION. 275 21. Decretar la guerra con pre- sencia de los datos que le comuni- que el Poder Ejecutivo. 22. Conceder aranistias e in- dultos, con vista en el ultimo caso, del informe y dictamen favorables de la Suprema Corte de Justicia. 23. Decretar el estado de sitio en los casos y por las causas que una ley constitutiva determinant, el que debera levantarse conforme a la misma ley. 24. Rehabilitar a los que hay an perdido los derechos de ciudadania. 25. Aprobar 6 desaprobar los actos del Ejecutivo. 26. Decretar leyes sobre el re- conocimiento de la deuda nacional, y crear y designar los f ondos nece- sarios para su pago. 27. Conceder 6 negar permiso a los salvadorenos que lo soliciten para aceptar empleos de otra na- cion, compatibles con el sistema de Gobierno del Salvador. 28. Conceder 6 negar carta de naturalizacion a los extranjeros que la soliciten. 29. Ratificar, modificar 6 desa- probar los tratados 6 pactos que celebre el Ejecutivo con otras na- ciones; no pudiendo ser ratificados en ningun caso los tratados 6 con- venciones en que de alguna manera se restrinja 6 af ecte el ejercicio del derecho de insurreccion, 6 se viole alguna de las demas disposiciones constitucionales. 30. Permitir 6 negar el transito de tropas de otros paises por el territorio de la Republica. 31. Conocer en el juicio de res- ponsabilidad de los empleados su- periores, y de la manera que se dira en el Titulo XIII de esta Cons- titucion. Art. 69. Cuando la Asamblea Nacional sea convocada extraordi- nariamente, solo podra tratar de los asuntos de su competencia que el Ejecutivo someta a su conoci- miento. 21. To declare war, upon infor- mation submitted to it by the Ex- ecutive power. 22. To grant amnesties and pardons, but no pardon shall be granted without report and fav- orable recommendation of the su- preme court of justice. 23. To decree a state of siege in the cases and for the causes which a law of constitutional character shall fix, the said state of siege to be raised when provided by law. 24. To restore citizenship to those who have lost it. 25. To approve or disapprove the acts of the Executive. 26. To enact laws recognizing the national debt and creating and appropriating funds for its pay- ment. 27. To grant or refuse permis- sion to Salvadoreans to accept of- fices from other nations, if com- patible with the system of govern- ment of Salvador. 28. To grant or refuse naturali- zation to aliens who may request it. 29. To ratify, amend, or reject the treaties or conventions entered into by the Executive with other nations; but no treaty or conven- tion which in any way restricts or affects the exercise of the right of insurrection, or violates any con- stitutional provision, shall ever be ratified. 30. To allow or disallow the transit of troops of other coun- tries through the territory of the Republic. 31. To try cases of impeachment of officials of superior rank, in the manner and form provided by Title XIII of the present Consti- tution. Art. 69. When the National Assembly meets in extra session it shall deal only with those sub- jects over which it has competent jurisdiction which are submitted to it by the Executive. 276 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Art. 70. Las facultades de la Asainblea Nacional son indelega- bles,con exception de la de darpose- sion al Presidente y Vice-Presi- dentede la Republica, Magistrados del Supremo Tribunal de Justicia y Contaaores. Los decretos 6 reso- luciones que se dictaren en con- travention a este articulo seran nulos, cualquiera que sea la causa en que se funden, sin perjuicio de la responsabilidad que esta Cons- titution establece para los con- traventores. Art. 71. Tienen exclusivamente la iniciativa de ley los Diputados, el Presidente de la Republica por conducto de sus Ministros y la Corte Suprema de Justicia. Art. 72. Todo proyecto de ley, despues de discutido y aprobado sepasaraalPoder Ejecutivo, quien no teniendo objeciones que hacerle, le dara su sancion 3^ lo hard publi- car como ley. El Poder Ejecutivo no podra hacer observaciones ni negar su sancion a las resoluciones de la Asamblea Nacional en el ejercicio de las atribuciones con- signadas en el articulo 67 y en los Nos. 3, 5, 7, 8, 25 y 31 del articulo 68 de esta Constitution. Art. 73. Cuando el Ejecutivo encontrare inconvenientes para sancionar los proyectos de ley que se le pasen, los devolvera dentro de ocho dias a la Asamblea, puntuali- zando las razones en que funda su negativa; y si dentro del termino expresado, no los devolviere, se tendran por sancionados, y los pu blieara como leyes. En caso de devolution, la Asam- blea reconsiderara el proyecto; y si lo ratificare con los dos tercios de votos, lo dirigira, al Ejecutivo, quien lo tendra por ley que san- cionara y publicara. Art. 70. No power of the Na- tional Assembly shall be delegated, except that of giving possession of their respective offices to the President and Vice-president of the Republic, the Justices of the supreme court, and the Comp- trollers of the treasury. The de- crees or resolutions passed, no mat- ter on what ground, in violation of this article snail be null and void; and all those guilty of this viola- tion shall be subject to the respon- sibility established by the present Constitution. Art. 71. The initiative of legis- lation belongs exclusively to the Deputies, the President of the Re- public, through his Ministers, and the Supreme Court of Justice. Art. 72. All bills, after having been discussed and passed, shall be transmitted to the Executive power, which, if having no objec- tion, shall sanction them and cause them to be published as laws. The Executive power shall not object, or refuse its approval to the reso- lutions of the National Assembh' when passed in the exercise of the powers granted to it in article *>7 and in clauses 3, 5, 7, 8, 25, and 31 of article 68 of the present Consti- tution. Art. 73. When the Executive finds it advisable to disapprove bills passed by the Assembly and transmitted to it, it shall return them to the Assembly within the period of eight days, with a state- ment of its reasons for refusing the approval; but if within the period above mentioned the Executive does not return the bills, the latter shall be considered as approved, and shall be published as laws by the Executive. In case that a bill is returned, the Assembly shall discuss it again, and if ratified by a two-thirds vote, it shall be sent to the Executive, which shall consider it as law, ap- prove it, and publish it. CONSTITUTION. 277 Cuando la Asamblea emita una ley en los ultimos dias de sus sesiones, y al Ejecutivo no le quedase el te*rniino legal para de- volverla con observaciones, estara este obligado a dar aviso inmedia- tamente a la Asamblea, a fin de que permanezca reunida hasta que se cumpla el termino expresado; y no haciendolo, se tendra por sancio- nada la ley. Art. 74. Cuando un proyecto de ley f uere desechado 6 no ratificado, no podra proponerse en las mismas sesiones sino en las de la Legisla- tura siguiente. Art. 75. Todo proyecto de ley aprobado se extendera por tripli- cado; y firmados los tres ejemplares por el Presidente y Secretarios, reservandose un ejemplar para su archivo, pasara los otros al Ejecu- tivo. Art. 76. Recibido por el Eje- cutivo un proyecto de ley, si no encontrare objecion que hacerle, firmara los dos ejemplares y de- volvera uno a la Asamblea, re- servandose el otro en su archivo, y lo publicara como ley en el ter- mino de ocho dias. Art. 77. Para interpretar, mo- dih'car 6 derogar las leyes, se ob- servaran los mismos tramites que para su formacion. Art. 78. Ninguna ley obliga sino en virtud de su solemne pro- mulgacion. Para que una ley de caracter permanente sea obligatoria, de- beran trascurrir por lo menos doce dias despu^s de promulgada. En esta disposition no quedan com- prendidos los nombramientos 6 declaratorias de election que hiciere la Asamblea. When the Assembly passes a law during the last days of its session, and the Executive has not the full legal time during which it can return it with its objections, the Executive shall be bound to give immediate information of the fact to the Assembly, in order that it nmy remain in session until the expiration of the time above men- tioned. If it should fail to do so the bill shall be considered as ap- proved. Art. 74. No rejected or unrati- fied bill shall be introduced again during the same session of the Assembly, but its introduction shall be permitted in the following- session. Art. 75. All bills passed shall be engrossed in triplicate, each copy to be signed bj 7- the President and secretaries of the Assembly. One copy shall be left in the ar- chives, and the other two shall be forwarded to the Executive. Art. 76. Upon the receipt by the Executive of the said two copies, if no objection to the bill is found, its signature shall be af- fixed to both copies. One shall be left on file at its office, and the other shall be returned to the Assembly. The Executive shall publish as law the approved bill within eight days. Art. 77. The same formalities provided for the enactment and approval of the laws shall be re- quired for the interpretation, amendment, or repeal of their provisions. Art. 78. No law shall be bind- ing unless it has been solemnly promulgated. In order to give binding force to a law of permanent character a lapse of twelve days after its pro- mulgation shall be required. The provisions of the present article are not applicable to the laws making appointments or declaring the result of elections. 278 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Art. 79. Siempre que un pro- yecto de le}' que no proceda de iniciativa de la Corte de Justicia, tenga por objeto reformar 6 de- rogar cualquiera de las disposi- ciones contenidas en los Codigos de la Republica, no podra discu- tirse sin oir la opinion de aquel Supremo Poder, quien la emitira durante las mismas sesiones 6 en las del ano siguiente, segun la im- portancia, urgencia 6 extension del proyecto. Esta disposicion no comprende las le} T es del orden po- litico, economico 6 administrativo. tItulo vii. DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Art. 80. El Poder Ejecutivo sera ejercido por un ciudadano que recibira el titulo de Presidente de la Republica, con los respectivos Ministros. Sera nombrado por el pueblo salvadoreno; pero cuando no resulte electo por mayoria abso- luta de votos, la Asamblea lo ele- gira por votacion publica entre los tres ciudadanos que hay an obte- nido mayor numero de sufragios. Art. 81. Habra un Vice-Presi- dente, electo del mismo modo y forma que el Presidente, que llene las faltas de este en caso de muerte, renuncia, remocion 6 cualquier otro impedimento. En def ecto del Vice-Presidente entrara a ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo uno de los Designados por el orden de su nombramiento. Si el Poder Legis- lative estuviere reunido y hubiere caducado el nombramiento de los Designados, corresponde a este proveer la vacante. Art. 82. La duracion del perio- do presidencial serade cuatro anos; V el ciudadano que hubiere ejercido la Presidencia en propiedad, no podra ser reelecto, ni electo Vice- Presidente, sino despues de haber Art. 79. Bills not introduced by the supreme court of justice, deal- ing with matters tending to re- form or repeal any provision con- tained in the codes of the Republic, shall not be discussed without hearing the opinion of the said court, and this opinion shall be given either during the same ses- sion of the Assembly or in the following year, as the importance, urgenc}', or length of the bill may demand. This provision is not applicable to laws of political, eco- nomical, or Executive order. TITLE VII. THE EXECUTIVE POWER. Art. 80. The Executive power shall be vested in a citizen who shall have the title of President of the Republic, and shall be assisted by the respective Ministers. He shall be elected by the Salvadorean people; but when not elected by an absolute majority of votes, he shall be elected by nominal vote of the Assembly, which shall choose him out of the three citizens who have obtained the largest number of votes. Art. 81. There shall be a Vice- president elected in the same man- ner and form as the President, and he shall till the latter's place in case of death, resignation, removal, or any other impediment. If there is no Vice-president the Executive power shall devolve on one of the three designados in the order in which they were appointed. If the legislative power is in session and the appointment of the said designados has become inopera- tive, the Assembly shall make the election. Art. 82. The term of office of the President shall be four j^ears. A citizen who has been President of the Republic shall not be re- elected or elected Vice-president until after the expiration of a sec- CONSTITUTION. 279 trascurrido igual periodo, que co- menzara y concluira el primero de Marzo del ano de la renovacion, sin poder funcionar un dia mas. Tampoco podrti ser electo Presi- dente para el siguiente periodo, el ciudadano que hubiere ejercido la Presidencia constitucional dentro de los ultimos seis meses del tiem- po senalado en el inciso anterior. Art. 83. Para ser Presidente 6 Vice-Presidente de la Republica, se requiere ser salvadoreno por nacimiento, del estado seglar, mayor de treinta anos de edad, estar en el ejercicio de los dere- chos de ciudadano, sin haberlos perdido en los cinco anos ante- riores a la eleccion, y ser de hon- radez e instruccion notorias. Art. 84. El ciudadano que ejerza la Presidencia de la Republica sera Comandante General del Ejercito. Art. 85. Para el despacho de los negocios publicos, habra a lo mas cuatro Ministros de Estado, entre los cuales distribuira el Presidente de la Republica, como le parezca conveniente, los diferentes ramos de la Administracion. Art. 86. Para ser Ministro de Estado, se requiere: ser originario y vecino de la Republica, mayor de veinticinco anos, de notoria moralidad y aptitudes, no haber perdido los derechos de ciudadano cinco anos antes de su nombra- miento y no ser contratista de obras 6 servicios publicos, 6 tener reclamaciones pendientes de inte- res propio. Tambien pueden ser Ministros los ciudadanos originarios de las otras Republicas de Centro- Ame- rica que reunan las dernas cuali- dades prescritas en el inciso ante- rior, y cinco anos de residencia en el Salvador. El empleo de Minis- tro es incompatible con cualquiera otro. ond period of four years. The presidential term shall begin and end on the first of March of the respective year. The President shall not have power to act one day longer. The citizen who has acted as con- stitutional President during the last six months of the period men- tioned in the preceding clause shall not be elected to be President for the following period. Art. 83. To be President or Vice-president of the Republic it is required to be a Salvadorean by birth, not belonging to the eccle- siastical state, over thirty years of age, in full possession of the rights of citizenship, without hav- ing lost them in the five years pre- ceding the election, and of well- known honesty and learning. Art. 84. The citizen who fills the position of President of the Republic shall be also the Com- mander in chief of the army. Art. 85. For the transaction of public business there shall be at the most four Ministers of state, whom the President of the Re- public shall, at his discretion, place at the head of the different branches of the Government. Art. 86. To be a Minister of State, it is required to be a native and a resident of the Republic, over twentj^-five years of age, of well-known honesty and ability, in possession of his rights of citi- zenship, without having lost them during the period of five years previous to his appointment, not a contractor of public works or services, and not a claimant in his own name against the Government. Citizens of the other Republics of Central America having the qualifications set forth in the fore- going paragraph, who have been residents of Salvador during five years, may also be appointed Min- isters. The position of Minister of state is incompatible with all others. 280 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Art. 87. Los decretos, acuerdos, ordenes y providencias del Presi- dente de la Republica, deben ser autorizados y comunicados por los Ministros en sus respectivos ramos, y en su def ecto por los Sub-Secre- tarios de Estado, cmienes tendran las misinas condiciones que aque- llos. Sin estos requisitos no seran obedecidos. Art. 88. Los Ministros concu- rring siempre que se les llame, a las sesiones de la Asamblea, y con- testaran a las interpelaciones que se les hicieren; pero deberan re- tirarse antes de toda votacion. Art. 89. El Presidente de la Republica y sus Ministros 6 Sub- Secretarios son responsables soli- dariamente por los actos que auto- rizen. Los Ministros y Sub-Sec- retarios no quedan exiraidos de responsabilidad aunque hayan sal- vado su voto. Art. 90. Son deberes del Poder Ejecutivo: 1. Mantener ilesa la soberania e independencia de la Republica y la integridad de su territorio. 2. Conservar la paz y tranquili- dad interior. 3. Publicar la ley y hacerla ejecutar. 4. Presentar por conducto de sus Ministros al Cuerpo Legisla- tive, dentro de los ocho dias sub- siguientes a la apertura de las sesiones ordinarias, relacion cir- cunstanciaday cuentadocumentada de la admistracion publica en el ano trascurrido, y el presupuesto de gastos del ano venidero, indi- cando los medios de llenarlos. Si dentro del termino expresado no se cumpliere con esta obligaeion, quedara por el mismo hecno sus- penso en sus funciones el Ministro que no lo verifique, lo que sera notificado al Ejecutivo inmediata- mente, para que en los ocho dias siguientes presente por medio del Ministro que nombre al efecto, la Art. 87. All decrees, decisions, orders, and rules made by the President of the Republic shall be authorized and communicated by the respective Ministers or, in their absence, by the Assistant Secre- taries, who shall have the same qualifications as the Ministers. Acts not authorized and communi- cated in this way shall not be obeyed. Art. 88. The Ministers shall at- tend the sessions of the Assembly whenever they may be called to do so, and they shall answer the in- terpellations which may be made to them; but they shall withdraw before the vote is taken. Art. 89. The President of the Republic and his Ministers or As- sistant Secretaries are jointly re- sponsible for the acts authorized by them. The Ministers and As- sistant Secretaries shall not be exempted from responsibility by saving their votes. Art. 90. The duties of the Ex- ecutive power are as follows: 1. To maintain the sovereignty and independence of the Republic and the integrity of its territory. 2. To preserve peace in the Republic. 3. To publish the laws and cause them to be enforced. 4. To submit to the Legislative Bod}' through the respective Min- isters, within eight days subse- quent to the opening of its session, a full report of the acts of the Government and an account, with the proper vouchers of the public expenses during the last year, and also an estimate of the expenses for the following year, together with the proper suggestions as to the manner of meeting said expenses. If, within the period just named, the respective Minister has notcom- plied with the duty herein referred to, the said Minister shall become, by the same act, suspended from his office, and the Executive shall be notified immediately, in order that CONSTITUTION. 281 meinoria y presupuesto referidos, y si no lo veriticare quedara sus- penso el Presidente de la Repu- blica, asumiendo el Poder Ejecu- tivo la persona llamada segiin esta Constitucion, quien dentro de veinte dias cumplira con aquel de- ber. En estecaso el Poder Legisla- tive podra prorrogar sus sesiones por igual termino. 5. Dar a la Asamblea los in- formes que le pida; pero si fueren sobre asuntos de reserva, lo expon- dra asi: mas si aquella estimare necesaria su manifestacion, estara obligado a darlos, a no ser que se trate de planes de guerra 6 negocia- ciones politieas, cuj^o secreto sea indispensable; pero en el caso de que los inf ormes sean precisos para exigirle la responsabilidad, no po- dra rehusarlos por ningiin motivo, ni reservarse los documentos des- pues de haber sido acusado ante la Asamblea. 6. Dar a los f uncionarios piibli- cos del Poder Judicial los auxilios que necesiten para hacer efectivas sus providencias. Art. 91. Son facultades del Po- der Ejecutivo: 1. Nombrar, remover y admi- tir sus renuncias a los Ministros de Estado, a los Gobernadores de Departamento, a los empleados del Ejercito y a todos los del ramo ad- min istrativo, con excepcion de aquel los cuyo nombramiento este reservado a otra autoridad 6 que sean de eleccion popular. 2. Organizar el Ejercito de la Republica y conferir grados de Capitan inclusive abajo. 3. Dirigir las relaciones exte- riores, nombrar y remover a los it may, within the next eight daj T s and through another Minister, ap- pointed for that purpose, submit the report and estimates above named; and if this is not done the President of the Republic shall also be suspended, and replaced by the person called upon to do so by the present Constitution, and said person shall then submit the report and estimates within twenty days. In this case the Legislative Power may extend the time of their sessions for the same period. 5. To give the Assembly what- ever information may be asked for; but if this information re- lates to confidential matters, the fact shall be set forth. If the Assembly, in spite of this, deems it necessary to have it, the Exec- utive power shall be bound to fur- nish it, except when it relates to plans of war or to political nego- tiations in which secrecy is indis- pensable. But if the required in- formation is to be used for the purpose of impeaching the Execu- tive, the latter can not refuse it on any grounds. Neither shall it withhold any document after its impeachment before the Assem- bly. 6. To give the functionaries of the judicial power all the assist- ance necessary to enforce their decisions. Art. 91. The faculties of the Execu ti ve power are the follow ing : 1. To appoint, remove, and ac- cept resignations of Ministers of State, Governors of the Depart- ments, officers of the army, and all the executive officers whose ap- pointment is not reserved to some other authority, or is not made through election by the people. 2. To organize the army of the Republic, and to grant military positions up to and including the position of captain. 3. To conduct the foreign rela- tions of the Republic, to appoint 282 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Ministros y a cualquiera otra clase de Agentes diplomaticos y consu- lares, y recibir a los Ministros de otras naciones. 4. Convoear extraordinaria- mente en Consejo de Ministros, al Poder Legislativo, cuando los grandes intereses de la Nacion lo demanden, llamando en tal caso a los suplentes de los Diputados que hubieren fallecido 6 estuviesen le- galmente impedidos. 5. Senalar antes de la instalcion del Poder Legislativo, el lugar donde deba reunirse, cuando en el designado por la ley, no hubiese suficiente seguridad 6 libertad para deliberar. 6. Dirigir la guerra y hacer la paz, sometiendo inmediatamente el tratado que celebre con este fin a la ratificacion del Poder Legisla- tivo. 7. Celebrar tratados y cuales- quiera otras negociaciones diplo- maticas, sometiendolas a la ratifi- cacion de la Legislatura. 8. Llamar al servicio la f uerza necesaria, ademas de la permanen- te, para repeler invasiones y sofo- car rebeliones. 9. Habilitar y cerrar puertos, establecer aduanas niaritimas y terrestres, nacionalizar y matricu- lar buques. 10. Conmutar penas, previo in- f orme y dictamen f avorables de la Corte Supreina de Justicia. 11. Devolver con observaciones los proyectos de ley que se le pasen por el Poder Legislativo de con- iormidad con el articulo 72 de esta Constitution. 12. Expedir reglamentos, de- cretos y ordenes para facilitar y asegurar la ejecucion de las leyes, y decretar su reglamento interior. and remove the diplomatic Minis- ters and agents of all classes, and the Consuls and Consular agents, and to receive the Ministers of other nations. 4. To call, with the advice of the Council of Ministers, an extra ses- sion of the Assembly, whenever public necessity may demand it, and in this case the substitues shall be called to replace any Deputies who may have died or are legally unable to attend. 5. To designate before the meet- ing of the Legislative Power the place where the meetings shall be held, if the place designated by law for this purpose does not offer the conditions of safety or free- dom of action which are required. 6. To conduct the operations of war and make peace, submitting immediately to the ratification of the Legislative Power any treaty made for this purpose. 7. To conclude treaties and all other diplomatic negotiations and submit them to the ratification of the Assembly. 8. To call to the service in addi- tion to the standing army such forces as may be required to repel invasion or put down rebellion. 9. To establish or close ports of entry, to establish custom-houses, and to nationalize and register vessels. 10. To grant upon report and favorable recommendation of the supreme court of justice commu- tations of sentences. 11. To return, with objections thereto, in pursuance of article 72 of the present Constitution, any bill passed by the Assembly. 12. To make rules and regula- tions and issue decrees and orders for the purpose of facilitating and securing the execution of the laws, and also for its interior gov- ernment. CONSTITUTION. 283 13. Fomentar la instruction pu- blica en todos los ranios del saber humano, decretando estatutos y adoptando metodos adecuados. 14. Decretar la apertura } r me- joranriento de las vias de comu- nicacion; pero las contratas que celebre para la construction de muelles, caminos de hierro y aper- tura de canales, no tendran efecto mientras no sean aprobadas por el Poder Legislative 15. Durante el receso del Poder Legislativo, rehabilitar a los que hubiesen perdido los derechos de ciudadano; pero en ningun caso podra hacerlo respecto de los em- Eleados de su nombramiento que ubiesen perdido los derechos de ciudadania, a consecuencia de un delito cometido en el ejercicio de sus f unciones. 16. Decretar en Consejo de Mi- nistros el estado de sitio durante el receso del Poder Legislativo, debiendo dar cuenta a este en su proxima reunion de las causas que lo motivaron y de los actos que hubiere ejecutado, haciendo uso de las facultades que las le} 7 es le con- tieren. La prolongation indebida del estado de sitio, constituye delito de lesa Nation. 17. Usar de las atribuciones 27 y 28 del Poder Legislativo en re- ceso de este, y con obligation de darle cuenta en su proxima reunion. Art. 92. Se prohibe al Presi- dente salir del territorio de la Re- publica sin licencia del Poder Legislativo, a menos que lo exijan las necesidades de la guerra; pero en uno y otro caso, depositara el mando supremo en la persona de- signada por la ley. Art. 93. Todos los decretos, ordenes 6 resoluciones que el Poder 13. To promote public instruc- tion in all the branches of human knowledge b} T making proper provisions and adopting adequate methods. 14. To decree the construction and improvement of roads and other wajs of communication; but the contracts made for the con- struction of wharves, railroads, and canals shall have no effect un- til they are approved by the legis- lative power. 15. To restore, during the re- cess of the legislative power, the rights of citizenship to those who have lost them; except in case that the latter are executive employees who lost the rights of citizenship in consequence of an offense com- mitted in the exercise of their functions. 16. To declare, with the advice of the Council of Ministers, during the recess of the Legislative Power, a state of siege, provided that this fact be reported to the Legislative Power at its next meeting, with an explanation of the causes and of the acts done in the exercise of the faculties granted by law in such cases. The undue continuation of a state of siege constitutes an offense against the nation. 17. To use, during the recess of the Assembly, the powers given to the latter in clauses 27 and 28 of article 68 of the present Constitu- tion. But the fact shall be re- ported to the Assembly at its next session. Art. 92. The President is for- bidden to leave the territory of the Republic without permission of the Legislative Power, unless when compelled to do so by the necessi- ties of war; but in either case he shall have to turn the Presidency over to the person designated by law. Art. 93. All decrees, orders, and decisions made by the Execu- 284 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Ejecutivo emitiere, traspasando las facultades que esta Constitucion establece, seran nulos y no deberan ser obedecidos, aunque se den a, reserva de someterlos a la apro- bacion del Cuerpo Legislative TITULO VIII. DEL PODER JUDICIAL. Art. 94. El Poder Judicial sera ejercido por una Corte Suprema de Justicia, Camaras de tercera y segunda instancia y demas Tribu- nales y Jueces inferiores que es- tablece esta Constitucion. Art. 95. En la capital de la Republica habra una Camara de tercera instancia compuesta de tres Magistrados, y dos Camaras de segunda instancia compuesta cada una de dos. La Camara de ter- cera instancia sera presidida por el Magistrado Presidente, y las otras por el primer Magistrado electo para cada una de ellas. Es- tas tres Camaras reunidas, bajo la direccion del Presidente, f ormaran la Corte Suprema de Justicia. En este Tribunal basta la mayoria de votos de los Magistrados que lo componen para que hay a resolu- cion, 3 r en caso de empate decidira el voto del Presidente. Las fun- ciones del Presidente de la Su- prema Corte de Justicia, son: pre- sidir las sesiones de este Tribunal, llevar la sustanciacion de los asun- tos de la competencia del mismo, y ejercer las demas atribuciones que determina la ley organica res- pectiva. En defecto 6 impedi- ment© del Presidente, ejerceran las f unciones de tal los Magistrados por el orden de sus nombramien- tos. El primer Magistrado 6 en su defecto el segundo, llevara la substanciacion de los asuntos de tercera instancia. Art. 96. Se establece una Ca- mara de segunda instancia com- tive Power in excess of the faculties given it by the present Consti- tution shall be null and shall not be obeyed even if issued with the intention so expressed of submit- ting them thereafter to the Legis- lative Power for approval. TITLE Vril. THE JUDICIAL POWER. Art. 94. The judicial power shall be vested in a supreme court of justice, in chambers of third and second instances, and in all other inferior courts and tribunals established by the present Consti- tution. Art. 95. There shall be in the capital of the Republic a chamber of third instance, consisting of three justices, and there shall be also two chambers of second in- stance, consisting each of two jus- tices. The chamber of third in- stance shall be presided over by a chief justice, and the other two chambers by the justice first elect- ed for them. These three cham- bers, united and presided over by the chief justice, shall form the supreme court of justice. In this tribunal a majority of votes shall be sufficient to make a valid deci- sion, and in case of a tie vote the chief justice shall decide. The functions of the chief justice are: To preside over the sessions of the tribunal, to conduct the proceed ings in the cases subject to its ju- risdiction, and to exercise all other powers set forth on the subject in the organic law. In the absence or inability of the chief justice, his position shall be filled by the justices in the order of their ap- pointment. In the cases pending in the third instance, the proceed- ings shall be conducted by the first justice, and in his absence by the second. Art. 96. Chambers of second instance, consisting of two justices, CONSTITUTION. 285 puesta de dos Magistrados, en la ciudad de San Miguel, otra en la ciudad de Santa Ana, y otra en la de Cojutepeque. El primer Ma- gistrado electo para cada una de ellas, ejercera las funciones de Presidente. Cuando el Poder Legislative) lo crea conveniente, traslaaara una de las Camaras de segunda instan- cia de la capital al Departamento de San Vicente. Art. 97. Habra diez Magistra- dos suplentes, cuatro para las Ca- maras de la capital, y dos para cada una de las otras, quienes en- traran indistintamente a ejercer las funciones, cuando sean llama- dos segun la ley. Art. 98. Para ser Magistrado piopietario 6 suplente, se requiere: 1. Ser natural de la Republica 6 centro - americano naturalizado en ella. 2. Estar en el ejercicio de la ciudadania sin haberla perdido en los cinco anos anteriores a su elec- cion. 3. Ser mayor de treinta anos. 4. Ser abogado de la Republica. 5. Tener instruccion y morali- dad notorias. 6. Haber ejercido en El Salva- dor por cuatro anos la profesion de abogado, 6 servido por dos una Judicatura de primera instancia en la Republica. No obstante lo establecido en el no. 1, los extranjeros naturaliza- dos en El Salvador podran ser Ma- gistrados con tal que hubiesen he- cho su carrera de abogado en la Republica y reunan las demas con- diciones establecidas en este arti- culo. Art. 99. No podran ser Magis- trados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia 6 de una misma Camara, los parientes dentro del cuarto shall be established, one in the city of San Miguel, one in the city of Santa Ana, and one in the city of Cojutepeque. The justice first elected for each one of these cham- bers shall act as president thereof. If the legislative power may deem it advisable, one of the cham- bers of second instance sitting at the capital shall be transferred to the Department of San Vicente. Art. 97. There shall be ten sub- stitute justices, four to serve in the chambers of the capital and two in each one of the other cham- bers, and the} 7 shall enter on the exercise of their functions indis- criminately whenever they may be called to do so under the law. Art. 98. To be a justice or a substitute the following qualifica- tions are required: 1. To be a native-born citizen of the Republic, or a Central Ameri- can naturalized in it. 2. To be in the full enjoyment of the rights of citizenship without having lost the same during the five years preceding the election. 3. To be over thirty years of age. 4. To be a law} 7 er of the Repub- lic. 5. To be a person of well-known learning and honesty. 6. To have practiced law for four years in Salvador or served as a judge of first instance in the Republic for two years. Notwithstanding the provision contained in clause 1 of this arti- cle, aliens naturalized in Salvador may be appointed justices, if they have studied law in the Republic and have all the other qualifica- tions required by this article. Art. 99. No one shall be a justice of the supreme court or of any in- dividual chamber, if he is a relative within the fourth civil degree of 286 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. grado civil de consanguinidad le- gitima 6 ilegitima, 6 segundo de afinidad legitima. Art. 100. Los Magistrados pro- pietarios 6 suplentes duraran dos anos en el ejercicio de sus funcio- nes, pudiendo ser reelectos. Art. 101. La Camara de tercera instancia conocera de todos los asuntos que fueren de su compe- tencia, segun la ley. Las Camaras de segunda ins- tancia conoceran, en apelacion, de todos los asuntos civiles y crimi- nates sentenciados por los Jueces de primera instancia, y de los demas que fueren de su compe- tencia, circunscribiendose su juris- diccion en esta forma: la de la sec- cion de Occidente, a los Departa- mentos de Santa Ana, Sonsonate y Ahuachapan; la de la seccion primera del Centro, a los Departa- mentos de San Salvador y Chala- tenango; la de la segunda, a los Departamentos de La Libertad y La Paz; la de la tercera a los De- partamentos deCuscatlan, Cabanas y San Vicente; y la de la seccion de Oriente, a, los Departamentos de San Miguel, Gotera, La Union y Usulutan. En el caso de establecerse nuevos Departamentos 6 distritos, el Poaer Legislativo determinant las jurisdicciones a que deban estar sujetos. Art. 102. Son atribuciones de la Suprema Corte de Justicia: 1. Formar su Reglamento inte- rior y el de las Camaras de segunda y tercera instancia. 2. Nombrar al Juez de Ha- cienda, Jueces de primera instan- cia, Fiscal de la Corte, Fiscales del Jurado, Procuradores de pobres de la capital y subalternos de su consanguinity, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or the second de- gree of legitimate affinity, of another member of the same tri- bunal or chamber. Art. 100. The justices and their substitutes shall serve for two years, but they may be reelected. Art. 101. The chamber of third instance shall take cognizance of all the cases which, according to law, fall under its jurisdiction. The chambers of second instance shall take cognizance on appeal of all civil and criminal cases passed upon by the judge of first instance, and also of all the other cases fall- ing under their jurisdiction, as fol- lows: The chamber of the western section shall take cognizance of the cases belonging to the Departments of Santa Ana, Sonsonate,and Ahua- chapan ; that of the first division of the central section shall have the Departments of San Salvador and Chalatenango; that of the second division of the same section shall have the Departments of La Liber- tad and La Paz ; that of the third division of the same section shall have- the Departments of Cuzca- tlan, Cabanas, and San Vicente; and that of the eastern section shall have the Departments of San Miguel, Gotera, La Union, and Usulutan. In case that new Departments or districts are established, the legis- lative power shall designate the court under whose respective juris- diction they shall be placed. Art. 102. The powers of the supreme court are the following: 1. To make rules for its interior goverment and for the government of the chambers of second and third instances. 2. To appoint the judge who shall take cognizance of matters affecting the treasury, the judges of first instance, the attorne}^- general, the district attorneys, the CONSTITUTION. 287 oficina; conocer de sus renuncias y concederles las licencias que soliciten. 3. Visitar los Tribunales y Juz- gados, por medio de un Magis- trado, para corregir los abusos que se noten en la administracion de justicia. I. Hacer uso del derecho de iniciativa, manifestando directa- mente al Poder Legislativo la in- conveniencia de las leyes y vacios que hubiese notado para su apli- cacion, indicando las reformas de que sean susceptibles. 5. Ejercer las atribuciones que esta Constitucion le designa en el titulo de la " Responsabilidad de los funcionarios publicos." 6. Practicar el recibimiento de abogados, suspenderlos, con cono- cimiento de causa, del ejercicio de la profesion, y aun retirarles sus titulos por venalidad, cohecho, f raude 6 por conducta profesional 6 privada notoriamente inmoral. Igual facultad podra ejercer res- pecto de los escribanos publicos en lo que sea aplicable. 7. Nombrar conjueces en los casos determinados por la ley. 8. Conocer de las causas de presas y de aquellas que no esten reservadas a otra autoridad. 9. Dirimir las competencias que se susciten entre los Tribunales y Jueces de cualquier fuero y natu- raleza que sean. 10. Vigilar incesantemente por que se administre pronta y cum- plida justicia. II. Decretar y hacer efectivo el recurso de amparo establecido por el articulo 37 de esta Constitucion, en los casos y de la manera pre- venida por la ley. solicitors for the poor in the capi- tal, and all subaltern officers of the court; to pass upon the resigna- tions of all these officers, and to grant or refuse tnem leaves of absence. 3. To have one of its justices make visits of inspection to all tri- bunals and courts, in order to cor- rect any irregularity which may be found to exist in the adminis- tration of justice. 4. To make use of its right to initiate legislation informing di- rectly to the legislative power, the imperfections of any law, or the obstacles which have prevented the proper execution thereof, and sug- gesting the changes which, in its opinion, must be made. 5. To exercise the functions en- trusted to it by the present Con- stitution in the title called "Re- sponsibility of the public function- aries." 6. To admit students to the practice of law, and to suspend or disbar for cause lawyers who may be guilty of fraud, unprofessional behavior, or notorious immoral conduct. The same power shall be exercised in regard to the func- tionaries called escribanos publicos, as far as applicable. 7. To appoint associate judges in the cases provided by law. 8. To take cognizance of prize cases and of all other cases not specially reserved to some other authority. 9. To decide questions of juris- diction between tribunals or courts of all kinds. 10. To see that justice is prompt- ly and faithfully administered at all times. 11. To grant and enforce the writ of amparo, established by article 37 of the present Constitu- tion, in the cases and in the man- ner provided by law. 288 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. 12. Recibir por si, 6 por medio de los f uncionarios que aesigne, la protesta constitucional a los Jueces de primera instancia y demas empleados de su nombramiento, al posesionarlos de sus destinos; lo mismo que a los conjueces que se nombren para formar Camara en los casos establecidos por la ley. 13. Formar v presentar al Cuerpo Legislativo el presupuesto annual de los gastos de la adminis- tration de Justicia. Las demas atribuciones de la Corte Suprema de Justicia las determinara la ley. Art. 103. Las atribuciones con- tenidas en los Nos. 9, 10, 11 y 12 del articulo anterior, son comunes a las Camaras de segunda instancia que no tengan su asiento en la capital, quienes ademas tendran facultad de nombrar al Fiscal, Procurador de pobres, Medicos forensesy empleados de su oficina; lo mismo que de recibir las acusa- ciones y denuncias que se hagan contra los funcionarios, respecto de los cuales tiene la Suprema Corte la facultad de declarar si ha lugar a formation de causa, para el solo ef ecto de instruir el inf orma- tivo correspondiente y dar cuenta a aquel Supremo Tribunal. Art. 104. La potestad de juzgar y de hacer ejecutar lo juzgado corresponde exclusivamente a la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Ca- maras de segunda y tercera instancia y Tribunales inferiores. Art. 105. Habra Jueces de primera instancia propietarios y suplentes, en todas las cabeceras de Departamento para conocer y fallar en lo civil y criminal. La Suprema Corte de Justicia, de acuerdo con el Ejecutivo, podra tambien establecerlos en las de distrito cuando lo crea conveniente a la buena administration de jus- 12. To administer either person- ally or through a delegate the con- stitutional affirmation to the judges of first instance and all other em- ployees appointed by it; and also to the assistant judges appointed to form or complete a chamber in the cases established by law. 13. To prepare and submit to the legislative body the annual estimate of the expenses of the administration of justice. All other powers of the supreme court of justice shall be established by law. Art. 103. The powers set forth in clauses 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the preceding article shall belong also to the chambers of second instance not sitting in the capital, and said chambers shall have the fur- ther power of appointing the re- spective district attorney, the so- licitor for the poor, the physicians to serve in legal cases, and their own employees. They shall also receive the accusations made against the functionaries, in re- gard to whom the supreme court has the power to decide whether or not they shall be submitted to trial; but their action shall be con- fined to make the proper investi- gation of the case and submit the record thereof to the supreme court. Art. 104. The power to render and enforce judicial decisions be- longs exclusively to the supreme court of justice, the chambers of second and third instances, and the inferior courts. Art. 105. Judges of first in- stance, with their respective sub- stitutes, empowered to take cog- nizance of and give decisions in all civil and criminal cases, shall be established in all the chief towns of the Departments. The supreme court of justice, acting in accord with the Executive, shall also have the power to establish CONSTITUTION. 289 ticia. Seran nombrados por dos anos y podran ser reelectos. Art. 106. Para ser Juez de primera instancia, se requiere: ser ciudadano en ejercicio con ve- cindario de dos anos en El Salva- dor, abogado de la Republica, mayor de veintifin anos, de cono- cida moralidad e instruccion y no haber perdido los derechos de ciu- dadano dos anos antes de su nom- bramiento. Art. 107. La Suprema Corte de Justicia, de acuerdo con el Ejecutivo, podra establecer, cuan- do sea necesario, en las cabeceras de Departamento 6 de distrito, Jueces de primera instancia que conozcan separadamente de los asuntos civiles y criminales. Art. 108. Se establece el Jura- do de calificacion en donde hubiere Jueces de primera instancia para toda clase de delitos que f ueren de la competencia de estos. Una ley secundaria reglamentara dicha ins- titucion. Art. 109. Habra Jueces de Paz en todos los pueblos de la Repu- blica. Su numero, eleccion, cuali- dades y atribuciones seran deter- minadas por la ley. Art. 110. Es incompatible la calidad de Magistrado y de Juez de primera instancia con la de empleado remunerado de los otros Poderes. Esta disposicion no comprende a los suplentes, cuando no esten ejerciendo sus funciones; pero si aceptaren algiin empleo, incompatible con estas, caducara por el mismo hecho el nombra- miento de suplente. these courts of first instance in the chief towns of the districts, if so deemed advisable to facilitate the good administration of justice. The judges of first instance shall be appointed for two years and may be reelected. Art. 106. To be a judge of first instance it shall be required: To be a citizen in the full exercise of the rights of citizenship, a resident of Salvador for two years, a lawyer of the Republic, over twenty -one years of age, a man of well-known honesty and learning, and not to have lost the rights of citizenship during the two } T ears preceding the appointment. Art. 107. The supreme court of justice, acting in accord with the Executive, shall establish, when- ever deemed necessary, in the chief towns of the Departments or of the districts, judges of first instance, who separately shall take cognizance of civil and criminal cases. Art. 108. A jury shall be estab- lished in all places having a judge of first instance, and said jury shall be called to convene in all cases of criminal offenses which, according to law, fall under its jurisdiction. A special law shall be enacted making the necessary provisions in regard to this institution. Art. 109. There shall be justices of the peace in all the towns of the Republic. Their number, elec- tion, qualifications, and powers shall be fixed by law. Art. 110. The positions of jus- tice, and of judge of first instance are incompatible with any other salaried office under the Executive or the legislative powers. This provision is not applicable to the substitute justices or judges when not exercising judicial functions; but if they accept any office in- compatible with the said functions, their appointment as substitutes shall, by the same act, be forfeited. 360a— vol 1—06- -19 2W REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. TII.TULO IX. TITLE IX. GOBIERNO DEPARTAMENTAL Y DEPARTMENTAL AND LOCAL GOV- LOCAL. ERNMENT. Art. 111. Para la administra- tion politica se dividira el territo- rio de la Republica en Departa- mentos cuyo numero y limites fijara la ley. En cada uno de ellos habra un Gobernador propietario y un suplente nombrados por el Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 112. Para ser Gobernadoi propietario 6 suplente se requiere: ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos sin haberlos perdido en los dos anos anteriores al nombra- miento, tener veinticinco anos de edad y ser de honradez e instruc- tion competente. Art. 113. El Gobierno local de los pueblos estara a cargo de las Municipalidades electas popular y directamente por los ciudadanos vecinos de cada poblacion. Cada Municipalidad se compondra de un Alcalde, un Sindico y dos 6 mas Regidores, proporcionalmente a la poblacion conforme lo determine la ley. Art. 114. Los Concejos muni- cipales administraran sus fondos en provecho de la comunidad, rin- diendo cuenta de su administration al tribunal establecido por la ley. Art. 115. Las atribuciones de las Municipalidades, que seran puramente economicas y adminis- trativas, las determinant la ley, lo mismo que las condiciones que deben tener sus miembros para ser electos. Art. 116. Ademas de las atri- buciones que la ley confiere a las Municipalidades, las de cabecera de distrito, tienen la de conmutar, conforme a la ley, las penas im- puestas por faltas. Art. 117. Las Municipalidades, en el ejercicio de sus funciones, Art. 111. For the purposes of political administration, the terri- tory of the Republic shall be divided into Departments, whose number and limits shall be fixed by law. Each one of these Depart- ments shall have a governor and a substitute governor, both of them appointed by the Executive. Art. 112. To be a governor or a substitute governor, the fol- lowing qualifications are required: To be a citizen in the exercise of the rights of citizenship, without having lost said rights during the two years preceding the appoint- ment; over twenty-five years of age, and of competent learning and integrity. Art. 113. The local govern- ment of the towns shall be vested in the municipal bodies elected directly by the citizens residing therein. Each municipal bod} T shall consist of a mayor, a syndic, and two or more aldermen, accord- ing to the rate of population estab- lished by law. Art. 114. The municipal coun- cils shall manage their own funds to the benefit of the community, and shall render an account of their management to the tribunal established by law. Art. 115. The powers of the municipal bodies, which shall be purely economical and executive, and the qualifications required to be elected members of the same, shall be determined by law. Art. 116. The municipal bodies of the chief towns of districts shall have, in addition to the powers vested by law in the municipal bodies in general, that of commut- ing sentences for misdemeanors. Art. 117. The municipal bodies shall be entirely independent in CONSTITUTION. 291 son enterainente independientes; pero seran responsables por sus actos, } 7 a como personas juridicas, 6 individualmente segun los casos. Los empleados subalternos de las Municipalidades seran nombrados por ellas mismas sin intervencion de ninguna otra autoridad. Art. 118. Corresponde a las Municipalidades el nombramiento y remocion de los agentes de Po- licia de seguridad y orden, la cual sera civil; pero en la capital de la Republica ejercera esta facultad el Poder Ejecutivo, quien tendra la direccion suprema del raino. Una ley secundaria la reglamen- tara. the exercise of their functions, but they shall be held responsible for their actions either as corpora- tions or individuals, as the case may be. The subaltern employees of the municipal bodies shall be appointed by them without inter- vention of any other authority. Art. 118. The power to appoint and remove agents of the po- lice, which shall be a civil body, shall belong to the municipal bodies; but in the capital of the Republic this power shall be ex- ercised by the Executive, which shall have the supreme direction of this branch of the service. A law of secondary character shall regulate the institution. TITULO X. DE LAS ELECCIONES. Art. 119. El Presidente de la Republica, el Vice-Presidente y los Diputados seran electos popu- larmente. Art. 120. En estas elecciones tendran voto directo todos los ciudadanos. Art. 121. El derecho de elegir es irrenunciable y su ejercicio obligatorio. Art. 122. Ejerceran el derecho do sufragio todos los ciudadanos salvadorenos. El ejercicio de este derecho sera arreglado por una ley. Art. 123. La base del sistema electoral es la poblacion, sirviendo por ahora de norma, mientras se forman censos exactos, la division administrativa de la Republica en departamentos, distritos y can- tones. Art. 124. Cada Departamento elegira tres Diputados propieta- rios y dos suplentes; pero cuando se f ormen los censos que prescribe el articulo anterior, se elegira un Diputado propietario y un su- plente por cada quince mil habi- tantes. TITLE X. THE ELECTIONS. Art. 119. The President of the Republic, the vice-president, and the deputies shall be elected by the people directly. Art. 120. In these elections all the citizens shall have a direct vote. Art. 121. The right of suffrage can not be waived, and its exer- cise is obligatory. Art. 122. The right of suffrage shall be exercised by all Salva- dorean citizens. The exercise of this right shall be properly regu- lated by law. Art. 123. The basis of the elec- toral system is the population, and until a correct census is taken, the present political division of the Republic into Departments, dis- tricts, and cantons shall prevail. Art. 124. Each Department shall elect three deputies and two substitutes; but when the census referred to in the preceding article is taken, a deputy and a substitute shall be elected for each fifteen thousand inhabitants. 292 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Art. 125. Ningun ministro de cualquier culto religioso podra obtener cargo de eleccion popular. Art. 126. Una ley especial re- glamentara la manera de practical* las eleccionos. TVTULO XI. TESORO NACIONAL. Art. 127. Forman el Tesoro publico de la Nacion: 1. Todos sus bienes muebles y raices. 2. Todos sus creditos activos. 3. Todos los derechos, impues- tos y contribuciones que paguen y en lo sucesivo pagaren los sal- vadorenos } r extranjeros. Art. 128. Para laadministracion de los fondos publicos habra una Tesoreria General recaudadora y pagadora, y un Tribunal Superior 6 Contaduria Ma} r or de Cuentas, que glosard todas las de los que administren intereses del Erario publico. Art. 129. La Tesoreria General publicara cada mes el estado de los fondos que administre, y la Conta- duria Mayor cada afio, un cuadro general de todas las rentas. Art. 130. Ninguna suma podra extraerse del Tesoro, pagarse 6 abonarse, sino en virtua de desig- nacion previa de la ley. La ley determinant las entradas y los gastos de la Nacion. De cualquier cantidad exigida 6 in- vertida contra el tenor expreso de ella, sera responsable el que ordene la exaccion 6 el gasto indebido: tambi^n lo serii el ejecutor si no prueba su inculpabilidad. Art. 131. El Poder Ejecutivo no podra celebrar contratas que comprometan los fondos naciona- Art. 125. No minister of any religion whatever shall be qualified to hold any position to be tilled by popular vote. Art. 126. A special law shall regulate the manner of holding elections. TITLE XI. THE NATIONAL TREASURE. Art. 127. The public treasure of the Nation is constituted as fol- lows: 1. By the real and personal prop- erty of the nation. 2. By all debts due the nation. 3. By the duties, taxes, and im- posts paid or to be paid by Salva- doreans and aliens. Art. 128. For the management of the public moneys there shall be a general treasury, which shall collect and disburse the funds, and a superior tribunal of accounts or board of comptrollers, which shall examine and pass upon all the ac- counts given by those who manage public moneys. Art. 129. The general treasury shall publish every month a state- ment showing the condition of the funds managed by it, and the comptroller's office shall publish annually a general statement of all the revenue. Art. 130. No sum shall be taken out of the treasury or be paid or allowed, except upon previous authorization by law. The law shall fix the revenue and the ex- penses of the Nation. Eve^ dis- bursement made against the pro- visions of the law shall cause the officer who ordered it to be respon- sible for it, said responsibility to be shared also by the officer who executed the order, if he does not succeed in proving himself not guilty. Art. 131. The Executive shall have no power to enter into con- tracts involving responsibility on CONSTITUTION. 293 les, sin previa publicacion de la propuesta en el periodico oficial y licitacion publica. Exceptuanse las que tengan por objeto proveer a las necesidades de la guerra y las que por su naturaleza solo pue- den celebrarse con persona deter- minada. TITULO XII. FUERZA ARMADA. Art. 1 32. La f uerza armada es instituida para mantener la inte- gridad del territorio salvadoreno, para conservar y defender la au- tonomia nacional, para hacer cum- plir la ley, guardar el orden pu- blico y bacer efectivas las garan- tias constitucionales. Art. 133. La f uerza armada es esencialmente obediente y no puede deliberar en los asuntos del servi- cio militar. Art. 134. En caso de guerra todos los salvadorenos habiles, de diez y ocho a cincuenta anos, son soldados. Art. 135. El Ejercito de la Re- publica se compondra de la fuerza permanente, milicias y marina nacionales. Cada pueblo contri- buira a su formacion proporcional- mente al numero de sus habitantes. La designacion de los individuos de tropa que deban componer el Ejercito, debera hacerse por sorteo. La fuerza permanente en tiempo de paz, sera fijada anualmente por la Legislatura y limitada a lo estric- tamente necesario para guardar los puertos, plazas y almacenes de guerra. Art. 136. Solamente gozaran del f uero de guerra, los individuos del Ejercito de la Republica que estuvieren en actual servicio y por delitos puramente militares. Queda abolido el fuero atractivo. the part of the national Treasury, without first calling for bids in the official paper. The contracts made to meet exigencies of war, and those which, by their own nature, can be made only with cer- tain persons, are excepted from the operation of this article. TITLE XII. THE ARMED FORCE. Art. 132. The armed force is established to preserve the integ- rity of the Salvadorean territory, defend the national autonomy, en- force the law, maintain public order, and cause the constitutional guaranties to be effective. Art. 133. The armed force is essentially obedient, and has not the power to deliberate in matters of military service. Art. 134. In case of war all able-bodied Salvadoreans from eighteen to fifty years of age shall be soldiers. Art. 135. The army of the Re- public shall consist of the regular forces, the militia, and the navy. Each town shall contribute its con- tingent in proportion to the num- ber of its inhabitants. The designation of the men who shall compose the army shall be made by lot. The strength of the standing army in time of peace shall be fixed every year by the legisla- ture, and shall be limited to what is strictly necessarj^ to protect the ports, places, and arsenals. Art. 136. Military tribunals shall take cognizance of no other cases than those against individ- uals of the army of the Republic in actual service, prosecuted for purely military offenses. All the jurisdictional privileges of these tribunals are hereby abolished. 294 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. En el juzgamiento por Consejos de guerra, que establecen las leyes niihtares, la designation de los vocales se hara, en todo caso, por sorteo, entre los oficiales habiles segiin la ley. Art. 137. De las resoluciones de los Consejos de guerra se ad- mitiran los recursos legales para ante el Comandante General de la Repiiblica, 6 el respectivo Jefe expedicionario en carapana. TTfULO XIII. RESPONSABILIDAD DE LOS FUN- CIONARIOS PUBLICOS. Art. 138. Todo funcionario, civil 6 militar, al posesionarse de su destino, protestara, bajo su palabra de honor, ser fiel a la Re- Iniblica, cumplir y hacer cumplir a Constitution, ateniendose a su texto, cualesquiera que fueren las leyes, decretos, ordenes 6 resolu- ciones que la contrarien, prome- tiendo ademas el exacto cumpli- miento de los deberes que el empleo le impusiere, por cu}-a infraction sera responsable con su persona y bienes. Art. 139. El Presidente de la Repiiblica, 6 el que haga sus veces, los Magistrados, los Ministros de Estado 6 los Sub-Secretarios en el ejercicio del Ministerio, los Ministros diplomaticos y los Go- bernadores departamentales, res- pondent ante la Asamblea por violation expresa de la Constitu- cion, 6 cualquier otro delito que cometan en el ejercicio de sus f un- ciones. La Asamblea, oyendo a un Fiscal de su seno y al acusado, si estuviere presente, 6 a un defensor especial, en su caso, declarara si ha 6 no lugar a formation de causa: en el primer caso, se pasaran las diligencias a la primera Camarade segunda instancia de la Capital para que pronuncie la sentencia correspondiente. De esta sen- tencia se admitira apelacion para The selection of the members of the councils of war established by military law shall be made by lot from among the officers, who, ac- cording to law, may serve in that capacity. Art. 137. Legal remedies against the decisions of the coun- cils of war shall be used before the commandant -general of the Republic or the respective superior officer in the field. TITLE XIII. RESPONSIBILITY OF PUBLIC FUNCTION A IRIES. Art. 138. Every functionary, whether civil or military, shall, in taking possession of his office, promise upon his word of honor, to be faithful to the Republic, to com- ply and cause others to comply with the Constitution, to abide by its provisions notwithstanding an}- law, decree, order, or resolution enacted or issued to the contrary, and to faithfully fulfill the duties of his office. For the violation of this promise, he shall be held re- sponsible with his person and property. Art. 139. The President of the Republic or whoever acts in his place, the members of the courts, the ministers or secretaries of state , and the assistant secretaries when acting as secretaries, the diplomatic ministers and the governors of the Departments, shall be held re- sponsible before the Assembly for auy violation of the Constitution, or for any offense committed by them in the exercise of their func- tions. The Assembly after hearing a prosecuting attorney, elected by it from among its members, and also the accused official, if present, and if not present, some one acting as his counsel, shall declare whether proper proceedings should or should not be instituted against him. In the affirmative case, the record of the steps taken shall be CONSTITUTION. 295 ante la Camara de tercera instan- cia. Cualquiera persona tiene de- recho de denunciar los delitos de que habla este articulo, y de raos- trarse parte si para ello tuviere las cualidades requeridas por la ley. Los Diputados seran juzgados en iguales easos por la Asamblea, observando las mismas formali- dades. Art. 140. Por los delitos y f altas comunes que cometan los Repre- sentantes, durante las sesiones del Cuerpo Legislativo, seran juzga- dos de la manera establecida en el articulo 65 de esta Constitution. Si cualquiera otro de los funcio- narios enumerados en el articulo precedente cometiere algun delito comun, se le acusara 6 denunciara ante la Asamblea, quien, obser- vando los tramites del mismo arti- culo, declarara si ha lugar 6 no a formacion de causa; y en el primer caso sometera al acusado a los tri- bunales comunes. Art. 141. Los Contadores del Tribunal Mayor de Cuentas, el Juez General de Hacienda y Jueces de primera instancia y de Paz y demas funcionarios que determina la ley, seran juzgados por la Corte Suprema de Justicia, por los deli- tos que cometan en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Este juicio tendra por objeto someter al acusado a los tribunales comunes, en caso de que haj^a lugar a formacion de causa. Por los delitos y faltas comunes que cometan los antedi- chos empleados, estaran sujetos a los procedimientos ordinarios. Art. 142. Desde que se declare por la Asamblea 6 por la Corte Suprema de Justicia, que ha lugar a formacion de causa, el acusado sent to the first Chamber of second instance of the capital in order that it may pass the proper sentence, against which an appeal to the Chamber of third instance may be taken. P^very person having the qualifications required by law, shall have the right to denounce the offenses spoken of in this arti- cle, and join in the prosecution of the same. The deputies shall be tried in the same cases, and with the same for malities by the Assembly itself. Art. 140. The representatives shall be tried for common offenses and misdemeanors committed by them during the session of the legislative body in the manner and form provided by article 65 of the present Constitution. If any other functionary mentioned in the preceding article should com- mit a common offense, he shall be accused or denounced before the Assembly, which, following the same course of proceedings estab- lished in the same article, shall de- clare whether or not the case shall be tried, and if the resolution is in the affirmative, the offender shall be submitted to the ordinary courts. Art. 141. The comptrollers of the treasury, the judge of matters belonging to the treasury, the judges of first instance, the justices of the peace, and all other func- tionaries determined by law shall be tried for offenses committed in the exercise of their functions by the supreme court of justice. The trial shall have for its object to submit the offender to the ordinary tribunals in case there is sufficient evidence to convict him. For com- mon offenses and misdemeanors the above-mentioned officials shall be subject to the ordinary course of proceedings. Art. 142. As soon as either the Assembly or the supreme court of justice, as the case may be, declares that a trial shall be held, the of- 296 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. quedara suspenso en el ejercicio de sus funciones, y por ningun motivo podra permanecer mas en su puesto sin hacerse reo de usur- pacion, y ningun individuo debera obedecerle. Si la sentencia defi- nitiva f uere absolutoria, el acusado volvera al ejercicio de su empleo; en caso contrario quedara por el mismo hecho depuesto. Art. 143. Los decretos, autos y sentencias de la Asamblea, en esta clase de causas, deben cumplirse y ejecutarse sin necesidad de con- firmatoria ni de sancion alguna. Art. 144. Cuando el Poder Eje- cutivo en las cuentas que rindan sus Ministros al Poder Legislative omitiere alguno de los actos que, segiin la ley, debiera comprender- se en aquellas, sera requerido por la Asamblea para que cumpla con su deber a este respecto, y si no lo hiciere, se observara lo dispuesto en el articulo 90, No. 4, de esta Constitucion. Art. 145. La prescripcion de delitos y faltas oficiales comenzara a contarse desde que el f uncionario culpable hubiese cesado en sus funciones. Art. 146. Los Representantes de las Asambleas Constituyentes se equipararan, en cuanto a su juz- famiento, a los Diputados del Po- er Legislativo. El proceso en este caso se decidira por la misma Asamblea Constit^ente, la que nombrara una Comision de su seno para que instruya el informativo correspondiente, procediendo en todo lo dermis segun su Reglamento interior. Art. 147. Si a la clausura del Poder Legislativo, £ste no hubiere sentenciado en las causas de que fender shall be suspended from the exercise of his functions, and under no consideration whatever shall he be allowed to remain any longer in his position without be coming guilty of usurpation of authority, and no person shall be bound to obey him. If acquitted, the impeached official shall return to the exercise of his functions, but if convicted he shall be by the same fact dismissed from the service. Art. 143. No approval, or sanc- tion of any kind shall be required for the validity of the decrees, rules, and sentences of the Assem- bly in cases of this nature which shall be complied with and exe- cuted at once. Art. 144. If the Executive power should fail to state in the reports submitted to the Assembly by any of its secretaries some fact or cir- cumstance, which, according to law, ought to have been stated, the Assembly shall have the right to order the omission to be corrected, but if the Executive again fails to do so, the measures spoken of in clause 4, article 90 of the present Constitution, shall be resorted to. Art. 145. The lapse of time re- quired to cause prosecutions for official offenses and misdemeanors to be barred by limitation shall run from the date on which the guilty functionary ceased to exercise his functions. Art. 146. The delegates to the constitutional conventions shall be subject, when prosecuted, to ex- actly the same proceedings as the members of the legislative body. In such cases the resolution by which the trial is ordered shall be passed by the constitutional con- vention itself, which shall also appoint a committee to conduct the proceedings, acting in everything else in accordance with, its interior rules. Art. 147. If the Assembly should adjourn, without rendering any decision in the causes pending CONSTITUTION. 297 conozca, delegara sus facultades en una Comision de su seno, com- puesta de siete miembros, con el fin de que resuelva en conformidad con lo dispuesto en este titulo. TITULO XIV. REFORMA DE LA CONSTITUCION Y LEYES CONSTITUTIVAS. Art. 148. La reforma de esta Constitucion solo podra acordarse por los dos tercios de votos de los Representantes electos a la Asam- blea, debiendo puntualizarse el articulo 6 articulos que hayan de reformarse. Esta resolucion se publicara en el periodico oficial y volvera a tomarse en considera- cion en la Legislatura del ano siguiente. Si esta la ratifica se convocara una Asamblea Constitu- yente compuesta de tres Repre- sentantes por cada Departamento para que, si lo tuviere a bien, decrete las reformas. Pero se estatuye que en ningun caso po- dran reformarse los articulos 80, 81 y 82 que tratan de la prohibition de la reelection del Presidente, Vice-Presidente y Designados, y de la duration del periodo presi- dencial. Art. 149. Son leyes constituti- vas, la de imprenta, la de estado de sitio, la de amparo y la elec- toral. Estas leyes pueden reformarse por una Asamblea Constituyente, 6 bien por la Legislatura ordinaria, con los dos tercios de votos; pero en este caso las reformas no tend ran f uerza de ley si no f uesen ratificadas por la Legislatura ordinaria del ano siguiente, con igual niimero de votos. Art. 150. Cualquier otro medio de reforma distinto de los estable- cidos en los articulos anteriores, es ilegal y nulo. before it, it shall delegate its powers to a special committee consisting of seven members, which shall sit during the adjournment, and ren- der its decision in conformity with the provisions of this title. TITLE XIV. REFORM OF THE CONSTITUTION AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. Art. 148. The reform of the present Constitution shall be un- dertaken only upon a resolution passed by two-thirds of the votes of the representatives elected to the Assembly, and this resolution shall express the article or articles which shall be amended. The resolution shall be published in the official newspapers, and shall be considered again in the session of the Assembly of the following year. If ratified by the Assembly, a constitutional convention con- sisting of three delegates for each Department shall be called to meet, in order to decide about the sug- gested reform. But it is hereby declared that in no case shall arti- cles 80, 81, and 82 prohibiting the re-election of the President, vice- president, and designados, and concerning the duration of the presidential term, be amended. Art. 149. The laws relating to the public press, the state of siege, the writ of amparo, and the gen- eral elections shall rank as consti- tutional statutes. They may be amended either b}^ the constitutional convention or by the ordinary Assembly by a two- thirds vote; but in the latter case the reform shall have no binding force until it has been ratified by the legislative body in the ordinary session of the following year by the same number of votes. Art. 150. Any other manner or method of amending the Consti- tution or constitutional laws dif- ferent from those provided for in the preceding articles shall be illegal and void. 298 REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. TITTTLO XV. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES. Art. 151. Siendo £1 Salvador una parte disgregada de la Repu- blica de Centro- America, queda en capacidad de concurrir con todos, 6 con alguno de los Estados de ella, a la organizacion de un Gobierno Nacional cuando las circunstancias lo permitan y convenga asi a sus intereses, lo mismo que a formar Earte de la gran Confederacion iatino-Americana. Art. 152. Queda derogada en todas sus partes la Constitucion de seis de Diciembre de mil ocho- cientos ochenta y tres. TITLE XV. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 151. As Salvador is a seg- regated portion of the Republic of Central America, its capacity to concur with any or all the Central American States in the organiza- tion of a national government, when circumstances may permit it, and when its interests may be pro- moted by it, is left impaired. The same shall be understood in refer- ence to the great Latin American Confederation. Art. 152. The Constitution of December sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three is hereby abso- lutely repealed. REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. HISTORICAL NOTES. Nicaragua has had six Constitutions, as follows: 1. The Constitution of the State of Nicaragua, promulgated April 8, 1826. 2. The Political Constitution of the free, sovereign, and independ- ent State of Nicaragua, as reformed and sanctioned by its constitu- tional assembly on November 12, 1838. 3. The Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, promul- gated on August 19, 1858. 4. The Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, promul- gated on December 10, 1893. 5. The Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, as amended on October 7, 1896. 6. The Political Constitution of Nicaragua, promulgated on March 30, 1905. LIST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE CONSULTED IN REFERENCE TO THE CON- STITUTION OF NICARAGUA. Arosemena (Justo). Estudios constitucionales sobre los Gobiernos de la America latina. Paris, 1878. Fernandez Somoza (Dr. J. ). Curso de Derecho constitucional nicaragiiense, impreso por disposici6n del Sr. Ministro de Instruction publica, Doctor Don Manuel Co- ronel Matus. Managua, 1899. 299 CONSTITUTION. (Promulgated on March 30, 1905.) Los suscritos Representantes del Pueblo nicaraguense, reunidos {>ara dar la Ley Fundamental de a Nacion, decretamos y sancio- namos la siguiente Constitueion politica : TIT1TL.O I. DE LA NACION. ARTfcuLO 1. Nicaragua es na- cion libre, soberana e indepen- diente; pero se considera como una seccion disgregada de la Repu- blicaCentroamericana. En conse- cuencia reconoce como una nece- sidad primordial volver a la Union de las demas secciones de la Re- publica disuelta. Art. 2. La soberania es una, inalienable € imprescriptible, y reside esencialmente en el pueblo. Art. 3. Los funcionarios pu- blicos no tienen mas facultades que las que expresamente les da la ley. Todo acto ejecutado por ellos fuera de la ley es nulo. TITULO II. DE LOS NICARAGUENSES. Art. 4. Los nicaragiienses son naturales y naturalizados. Art. 5. Son naturales: 1°. Los nacidos en Nicaragua de padres nicaragiienses 6 extranje- ros domiciliados. 2°. Los hijos de padre 6 madre nicaraguense nacidos en el extran- 300 We, the undersigned represent- atives of the Nicaraguan people, assembled for the purpose of en- acting the fundamental law of the Nation, do hereby decree and sanc- tion the following political Con- stitution : TITLE I. THE NATION. Article 1. Nicaragua is a free, sovereign, and independent na- tion; but she considers herself a segregated section of the Republic of Central America. Therefore, she recognizes as a primordial necessity to return to thq Union with the other sections of the dis- solved Republic. Art. 2. The sovereignty is one, inalienable, and imprescriptible, and is vested essentially in the people. Art. 3. Public functionaries have no other powers than those expressly given them by law. Every act performed by them out- side of the law is void. title II. NICARAGUANS. Art. 4. Nicaraguans are either native or naturalized. Art. 5. Native Nicaraguans are: 1. Those born in Nicaragua of Nicaraguan parents or domiciled foreigners. 2. Children of Nicaraguan fa- thers or mothers born in foreign CONSTITUTION. 301 jero, si optaren por la nacionalidad nicaragiiense. Los tratados pueden modificar estas disposiciones siem- pre que establezcan reciprocidad. 3°. Los naturales de las otras Republicas deCentro America que residan en Nicaragua, y no mani- fiesten ante autoridad competente su deseo en contrario. Art. 6. Son naturalizados: 1°. Los hispanoamericanos que manifiesten su deseo de naturali- zarse en el pais ante la autoridad respectiva. 2°. Los demas extranjeros que tengan dos anos de residencia en el pais, y que hagan igual manifes- tation. 3°. Los que obtengan carta de naturaleza conforme a la ley. 4°. Los naturalizados en los otros Estados centroamericanos que residan en el pais, y que manifies- ten ante autoridad competente su deseo de serlo. TITUXO III. DE LOS EXTRANJEROS. Art. 7. Los extranjeros gozaran en Nicaragua de todos los derechos civiles de los nicaraguenses. Art. 8. Nicaragua no tiene a favor de los extranjeros otras obli- gaciones, ni reconoce otras res- ponsabilidades, que las que a favor de los nicaraguenses establecen la Constitution y las leyes. Art.' 9. Los extranjeros estan obligados, desde su llegada al terri- torio de la Republica, a respetar las autoridades y a observar las leyes. Art. 10. Pueden adquirir toda clase de bienes en el pais; pero quedaran sujetos, en cuanto a estos bienes, a todas las cargas ordina- rias 6 extraordinarias a que estan obligados los nicaraguenses. Art. 11. Los extranjeros no po- dran ocurrir a la via diplomatica, countries, if they choose the Nica- raguan nationality. This provi- sion may be changed by interna- tional conventions, if the principle of reciprocity is observed. 3. Natives of the other Republics of Central America who reside in Nicaragua and do not declare be- fore the competent authority their desire to the contrary. Art. 6. Naturalized Nicaraguans are: 1. Spanish- American citizens who declare before the respective authority their desire to become naturalized in the country. 2. All other aliens who have resided two years in the country and make the same declaration. 3. Those who obtain naturaliza- tion papers according to law. 4. Naturalized citizens of the other Central American States, who reside in the country and de- clare before the competent author- ity their desire to be Nicaraguans. TITLE III. FOREIGNERS. Art. 7. Foreigners shall enjoy in Nicaragua the same civil rights as Nicaraguans. Art. 8. Nicaragua has not in favor of foreigners any other ob- ligations, nor does she recognize any other responsibilities, than those established by the consti- tution and the laws in favor of Nicaraguans. Art. 9. Foreigners are bound from the daj^ of their arrival in the territory of the Republic to respect its authorities and observe its laws. Art. 10. They can acquire all kinds of property in the country; but they shall be subject to the same ordinary and extraordinary taxation as Nicaraguans. Art. 11. Foreigners shall not resort to diplomatic interposition, 302 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. sino en los casos de denegacion de justicia. Los que reclamen in- debidamente perderan el derecho de habitar en el pais. Art. 12. Es prohibida la extra- dicion por delitos politicos, aunque por consecuencia de estos resulte un delito comun. Art. 13. La ley establecera la forma y casos en que pueda negarse a un extranjero la entrada al pais, u ordenarse su expulsion. TfTULO TV. DE LOS CIUDADANOS. Art. 14. Son ciudadanos todos los niearagiienses mayores de diez y ocho afios. Art. 15. Son derechos de los ciudadanos: 1°. el sufragio, 2°. el optar a los cargos piiblicos, y 3°. el tener y portar armas, todo con arreglo a la ley. Art. 16. Se suspenden los de- rechos de ciudadano: 1°. Por auto de prision 6 decla- ratoria de haber lugar aformacion de causa. 2°. Por sentencia de inhabilita- cion para el ejercicio de derechos politicos, durante el termino de la condena. 3°. Por sentencia que imponga pena mas que correccional. 4°. Por admitir empleo de otras naciones con exception de las de Hispanoamerica, sin licencia del Poder legislativo, si el que lo admite reside en Nicaragua. 5°. Por incapacidad mental. Art. 17. El voto activo es irre- nunciable y obligatorio para los ciudadanos. Art. 18. El sufragio sera di- recto y secreto. except in cases of denial of jus- tice. Those making undue claims shall lose the right to inhabit the country. Art. 12. Extradition for politi- cal offenses is hereby forbidden, even in case that a common offense has been committed in consequence thereof. Art. 13. The law shall estab- lish the manner and the cases in which a foreigner can be refused admission into the territory of the Nation, or be expelled therefrom. TITLE IV. CITIZENS. Art. 14. Nicaraguan citizens are all Nicaraguans over eighteen years of age. Art. 15. Citizens shall have the following rights: 1. The right to vote, 2. the right to hold public office, and 3. the right to carry arms, all of which is subject to law. Art. 16. The rights of citizen- ship are suspended: 1. By an order of arrest or a declaration that the party con- cerned should be subject to crimi- nal proceedings. 2. By a sentence imposing dis- ability for the exercise of political rights during the term of the sentence. 3. By a sentence imposing pen- alties of graver character than the purely correctional ones. 4. By accepting employment in the service of foreign nations, excepting those of Spanish Amer- ica, without permission of the legislative power, if the person accepting it resides in Nicaragua. 5. For mental incapacity. Art. 17. The right to vote can not be waived and is compulsory for all citizens. Art. 18. Suffrage shall be di- rect and secret. TfTtTLO V. DE LOS DERECHOS Y GARANTIAS. CONSTITUTION. 303 TITLE V. RIGHTS AND GUARANTIES. Art. 19. Se garantiza a los habi- tantes de la nacion, sean nicara- giienses 6 extranjeros, la libertad, laseguridad individual, laigualdad y la propiedad. Art. 20. La pena de muerte solo podra aplicarse por los delitos militares graves que la ley deter- mine. Art. 21. La Constitucion reco- noce la garantia del habeas corpus. En conseeuencia, todo habitante tiene derecho al recurso de exhi- bicion de la persona. Art. 22. La detencion para inquirir en los delitos comunes no podra pasar de ocho dias, salvo en los distritos judiciales donde las vias de comunicacion no sean expeditas, en los cuales se agre- gara ademas el termino de la dis- tancia a efecto de poner el reo a disposicion del juez corapetente. Art. 23. No podra proveerse auto de prision, sin que preceda plena prueba de haberse cometido un hecho que merezca pena mas que correccional, y sin que resulte al menos, por presuncion grave, quien sea su autor. Art. 24. Nadie puede ser juz- gado por eomisiones especiales, ni por otros jueces que los designados Eor la ley, con anterioridad al echo que origina el proceso. Art. 25. Nadie puede ser pri- vado del derecho de defensa. 'El proceso sera siempre publico. Art. 26. Se prohibe la aplica- cion de penas perpetuas y toda especie de tormentos. Art. 27. La habitacion de todo individuo es un asilo sagrado que no podra allanarse sino en los casos siguientes: 1°. Para extraer a un criminal sorprendido in fraganti. Art. 19. Liberty, individual se- curity, equality, and property are guaranteed to the inhabitants of the nation, whether Nicaraguans or foreigners. Art. 20. The penalty of death shall only be imposed for grave military offenses designated by law. Art. 21. The Constitution recog- nizes the writ of habeas corpus. In consequence thereof every in- habitant has the right to demand that he be brought personally before the court. Art. 22. Detention for the pur- poses of investigation in cases of common offenses shall not exceed eight days, except in the judicial districts where the means of com- munication are difficult, in which case the time required on account of the distance to place the pris- oner at the disposal of the com- petent court shall be added. Art. 23. No order of imprison- ment shall be issued without full proof that an offense, punishable with a penalt}^ greater than a purely correctional one, has been committed, and without grave pre- sumption, at least, that the party to be imprisoned is guilty. Art. 24. No one shall be tried by special commissions, or by any other courts than those established by law previous to the act which gave rise to the proceedings. Art. 25. No one shall be de- prived of the right of defense. Trials shall always be public. Art. 26. The imposition of per- petual penalties and of torture of all kinds is forbidden. Art. 27. The dwelling place of every individual is a sacred asylum which shall not be entered except in the following cases: 1. When a criminal, surprised in flagrante delicto, takes refuge in it. 304 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. 2°. Por cometerse delito en el interior, por desorden que exija pronto remedio, 6 por reclama- cion del que la habita. 3°. En caso de incendio, terre- moto, inundacion, epidemia iiotro analogo. 4°. Para extraer objetos perse- guidos en virtud de un proceso, precediendo semiplena prueba de la existencia de dichos objetos, 6 para ejecutar una disposicion judi- cial legalmente decretada. 5°. Para libertar a una persona secuestrada ilegalmente. 6°. Para aprehender a un reo contra quien se haya proveido auto de prision 6 detencion, existiendo al raenos semiplena prueba de que se oculta en la casa que debe alla- narse. En los tres ultimos casos, no se podra veriticar el allanamiento, sino con orden escrita de autoridad competente. Sierapre que el domiciiio que haya de allanarse, no sea el del reo a quien se persigue, la autoridad 6 sus agentes solicitaran previa- mente el permiso del morador. Art. 28. El allanamiento del domiciiio en los casos a que se refieren los incisos 4° y 6° del articulo anterior, no se podra ve- riticar desde las siete de la noche hasta la seis de la manana, sino con el permiso de su dueno. Art. 29. EnninguncasoelPoder Ejecutivo ni sus agentes podran sustraer, abrir ni detener la cor- respondencia epistolar 6 telegra- fica. La sustraida de las estafetas 6 de cualquier otro lugar no hace fe contra ninguno. Art. 30. Se prohibe dar leyes prose riptivas, confiscatorias, retro- activas 6 que establezcan penas ills famantes. Art. 31. Se prohibe la prision por deudas, aunque estas procedan de agricultura. 2. When an offense is commit- ted inside the dwelling; when some disturbance requiring prompt remed}' has taken place therein; or when so requested by the tenants. 3. In case of tire, earthquake, inundation, epidemics, or any other analogous emergency. 4. To take possession, by order of the court, of objects to be found therein, or to execute a judicial order legally issued. 5. To release a person unlaw- fully sequestered. 6. To arrest parties whose im- prisonment has been ordered, pro- vided that there is sufficient proof that they are concealed in the place. In the three cases last mentioned, the dwelling place shall not be en- tered except upon written order of competent authority. When the place to be entered is not the domicile of the part}' pur- sued, the authority or its agents shall previously ask the permission of the tenant. Art. 28. The entering of a dom- icile, in the cases referred to in clauses 4 and 6 of the preceding article, shall not be made between the hours of seven p. m. and six a. m., except by permission of the owner. Art. 29. In no case shall the Executive power or its agents have authority to take possession of epistolary or telegraphic corre- spondence, or open, or retain it. Intercepted letters or telegrams shall not be admitted as evidence. Art. 30. The enactment of pro- scription, confiscation, and ex post facto laws, or laws imposing penal- ties carrying with them infamy, is forbidden. Art. 31. Imprisonment for debts, even if incurred in agricul- tural pursuits, is forbidden. CONSTITUTION. 305 Art. 32. El Estado no tiene ni protege religion alguna, pero per- niite todos los cultos en el interior de los templos. Art. 33. La emision del pensa- miento por la palabra hablada 6 escrita, es libre y la ley no podra restringirla. Art. 34. La ensenanza es laica, la primaria obligatoria, y gratuita la costeada eon fondos publicos. Art. 35. Ninguna autoridad po- dra impedir las reuniones que tengan tines licitos. Art. 36. Se prohiben los estable- eimientos con ventuales y toda espe- cie de instituciones monasticas. Art. 37. Toda persona legal- mente capaz es libre de disponer de sus propiedades por venta, do- nacion, testamento 6 cualquier otro titulo legal. Art. 38. Son prohibidas las vin- culaeiones y toda institucion a fa- vor de manos muertas. Art. 39. Ninguna autoridad podra desoir las peticiones que se le dirijan y debera resolverlas en los terminos tijados por la ley. Art. 40. Nadie puede ser pri- vado de su propiedad sino en virtud de sentencia f undada en ley 6 por causa de utilidad publica. La expropiacion por causa de utilidad publica no se verificani sin previa indemnizacion con- forme a la ley. En caso de guerra no es indispensable que la in- demnizacion sea previa. Art. 41. El derecho de reivin- dicar los bienes confiscados es im- prescriptible. Art. 42. En los delitos comunes no se impondra pena mas que cor- reccional, sin que preceda declara- toria de un jurado sobre la culpa - bilidad del delincuente. Art. 43. Es prohibido todo mo - nopolio. Art. 44. Todos tienen derecho de transitar en el territorio de la Art. 32. The State does not pro- fess or protect any religion; but permits all kinds of worship inside the temples. Art. 33. The expression of thought, orall\ T or in writing, is free, and the law shall not re- strict it. Art. 34. Education shall be laical, and primary instruction compulsory. When supported bj r public funds it shall be gratuitous. Art. 35. No authority shall pre- vent the holding of meetings for lawful purposes. Art. 36. Convents and all kinds of monastic institutions are for- bidden. Art. 37. Every person legalty capable of exercising his rights shall be free to dispose of his prop- erty by sale, donation, last will and testament, or any other legal way of conveyance. Art. 38. The entailment of property and every endowment in favor of dead hands is forbidden. Art. 39. No authority shall ignore the petitions addressed to it, but shall act upon them in the manner provided by law. Art. 40. No one shall be de- prived of his property except by judicial decision founded on law, or for reason of public utility. Con- demnation for public use shall not be made without previous indem- nification according to law. In case of war it is not indispensable for the indemnification to be pre- vious. Art. 41. The right to recover confiscated property shall never be barred by limitation. Art. 42. No penalties of a graver character than the purely correc- tional ones shall be imposed in any case of common offenses, without previous conviction by a jury. Art. 43. Monopolies of all kinds are forbidden. Art. 44. Everyone has the right to travel through the territory of 360 a— vol 1—06- -20 306 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. Republica y de permanecer en el, sin mas restricciones que las que la ley establece. Art. 45. Las garantias expresa- das, con excepcion de las que pro- hiben dar leyes contiscatorias y las que consagran la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, podran suspender- se temporalmente por la declarato- ria de estado de sitio. Art. 46. Las leyes que regla- menten el ejercicio de estas garan- tias seran ineficaces en cuanto las disminuyan,restrinjanoadulteren. Art. 47. El funcionario que sin facultad legal restringiesecualquie- ra de las garantias consignadas en este Titulo, estara obligado a una indemnizacion proporcional al da- no causado, sin perjuicio de las de- mas responsabilidades legales. TITULO VI. DE LA FORMA DE GOBIERNO. Art. 48. El Gobierno de Nica- ragua es republicano, democratico y representative Se compone de tres Poderes independientes: el Legislative, el Ejecutivo 3' el Judicial. Art. 49. El Poder Legislativo se ejerce por una Asamblea de Diputados, que se reunira en la capital de la Republica cada dos anos, el dia 1° de diciembre, sin necesidad de convocatoria. Art. 50. Habra cuarenta sesio- nes en cada reunion ordinaria, que podran aumentarse hasta sesenta, a juicio de la Asamblea. Art. 51. El Poder Legislativo tendra tambien sesiones extraordi- narias cuando sea convocado por el Ejecutivo, y en tal caso solo tratara de los asuntos que e"ste le someta. Art. 52. Instalada la Asamblea en la capital, podra acordar trasla- darse a otra poblacion. Art. 53. Cinco dias antes de la fecha senalada para la instalacion the Republic, or remain therein, without any other restrictions than those established by law. Art. 45. The guaranties above named, excepting those relating to confiscation, and to the inviola- bility of human life, may be tem- porarily suspended b}' the declara- tion of a state of siege. Art. 46. Laws regulating the exercise of these guarantees shall be inefficient in so much as they may diminish, restrict, or adul- terate the same. Art. 47. The functionary who, without legal authority, should re- strict any of the guaranties set forth in the present title shall be bound to pay an indemnity propor- tional to the evil done, besides incurring all other responsibilities established by law. TITLE VI. FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Art. 48. The Government of Nicaragua is republican, demo- cratic, and representative. It con- sists of three independent powers, namely, the legislative, the execu- tive, and the judicial. Art. 49. The legislative power is vested in an Assembly of Depu- ties, which shall meet in the capital of the Republic every two years, on the 1st of December, without the necessity of previous convocation. Art. 50. There shall be forty meetings in each ordinaiy session, said number to be increased to sixty at the will of the Assembly. Art. 51. The legislative power shall also meet in extra session when called to do so by the Exe- cutive, and in this case it shall only deal with the business submitted to it by the latter. Art. 52. The Assembty, after having met in the capital, ma} r re- solve to move to some other city. Art. 53. Five days before the meeting of the Assembly the Depu- CONSTITUTION. 307 de la Asamblea, se reuniran los Diputados en Juntas Preparatorias y con la concurrencia de cinco, por lo menos, organizaran Directorio, y dictaran las providencias nece- sarias para la reunion de los de- mas, y la solemne instalacion de la Asamblea. Art. 54. Lamayoriaabsolutade los Diputados electos para forma r la Asamblea, con arreglo a la lej', sera suficiente para celebrar sesiones. Art. 55. Un numero de diez Diputados podra convocar extra- orainariamente la Asamblea para cualquier lugar de la Republica, cuando el Ejecutivo la haya disuel- to 6 haya impedido las sesiones. Art. 56. Los Diputados duraran en el ejercicio de su cargo seis anos y se renovaran por terceras partes cada dos anos. Art. 57. Para ser Diputado se requiere la calidad de ciudadano en ejercicio de sus derechos, per- tenecer al estado seglar y haber sido electo popularmente. Art. 58. No pueden ser Dipu- tados: 1°. Los empleados de nombra- miento del Ejecutivo. 2°. Los Magistrados de las Cor- tes de Justicia y los jueces de distrito. 3°. Los deudos del Presidente de la Republica, dentro del segundo grado de consanguinidad 6 afini- dad. 4°. Los que hubiesen adminis- trado 6 recaudado f ondos publicos, mientras no hubiesen finiquitado sus cuentas. Art. 59. Los Diputados, desde que esten electos, gozaran de las siguientes prerrogativas: 1\ Inmunidad personal para no ser juzgados por los tribunales, si la Asamblea no los declara previa- mente con lugar a formacion de causa. 2 a . No ser demandados eivil- mente desde treintadias antes hasta ties shall hold preparatory meet- ings, and shall, with the concur- rence of at least five of its mem- bers, resolve what may be neces- sary for the attendance of the others and the solemn opening of the Assembly Art. 54. An absolute majority of the members of the Assembly shall be sufficient quorum to trans- act business. Art. 55. Ten Deputies shall have power to call an extra session of the Assembly to be held at any place in the Republic, when the Executive has dissolved it or im- peded its meetings. Art. 56. Deputies shall serve for six 3 T ears and shall be renewed by thirds every two 3 7 ears. Art. 57. To be a Deputy, it shall be necessary to be a citizen in the full enjoyment of his rights as such, not to belong to the ecclestastical state, and to be elected by the people. Art. 58. The following shall not be Deputies: 1. Employees appointed by the Executive. 2. The justices of the tribunals and the district judges. , 3. The relatives of the President of the Republic within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity. 4. Those who have managed or collected public funds, pending the auditing and approval of their accounts. Art. 59. Deputies shall enjoy from the day of their election the following privileges: 1. Personal immunity against trial by the courts, if the Assembly does not previously declare that there is reason to proceed against them. 2. Not to be sued before the civil courts during a period begin- 308 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. 3uince dias despu^s de las sesiones e la Asamblea. 3 a . No ser llamados al servicio militar sin su consentimiento. 4 a . No ser extranados de la Re- publica, confinados ni privados de su libertad por ningun motive Art. 60. Los Diputados no po- dran obtener empleos del Poder Ejecutivo, durante el periodo de sesiones, salvo los de Agentes diplomaticos, Ministros de Estado y prof esores de ensenanza. Por la aceptacion de cargos diplomaticos y de profesores no perderan su calidad de Diputados; pero si por la de Ministros de Estado. En receso de la Asamblea podran obtener cualquier otro nombra- miento del Ejecutivo, y por la aceptacion perderan tambien su calidad de Diputados. El Ejecutivo dara cuenta a la Asamblea, si esta estuviese reunida, de los nombramientos que haya hecho, para que ella mande re- pone r las vacantes; no estando reunida, las mandara reponer el Ejecutivo. Art. 61. Para elegir Diputados a la Asamblea se dividira el territo- rio de la Republica en distritos electorates, que constaran de diez mil habitantes 6 de una fraccion que no baje de cinco mil. TTTUiLO VII. DE LAS ATRIBUCIONES DEL PODER LEGISLATIVE Art. 62. Corresponden a la Asamblea Legislativa las atribu- ciones siguientes: l a . Abrir y cerrar sus sesiones, calificar la eleccion de sus miem- bros, aprobar 6 no sus credenciales y recibirles la promesa de ley. ning thirty days before and ending fifteen da} r s after the sessions of the Assembly. 3. Not to be called to do military service without their consent. 4. Not to be banished from the Republic, compelled to reside in a certain place, or deprived of their liberty for any reason whatever. Art. 60. Deputies shall not obtain positions from the execu- tive power during the sessions of the Assembly, excepting those of diplomatic agents, ministers of state, and professors. For the acceptance of diplomatic positions, and professorships they shall not lose their seats in the Assembly, but they shall lose them b}^ becom- ing ministers of state. When the Assembly is not in session, they may obtain any other office from the Executive, but by their acceptance thereof thej^ shall also lose their seats. The Executive shall report to the Assembly, if it is in session, the appointments which may have been made, in order that a resolution be passed ordering the places to be filled. If the Assembly is not in session, this order shall be made by the Executive. Art. 61. For the el ction of Deputies to the Assembly, the ter- ritory of the Republic shall be divided into electoral districts, each one containing ten thousand inhabi- tants or a fraction thereof, consist- ing of not less than five thousand. TITLE VII. POWERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. Art. 62. The following powers are vested in the Legislative As- sembly: 1. To open and close its sessions, be the judge of the election of its members, approve or disapprove their credentials, and to receive from them the promise of law. CONSTITUTION. 309 2 a . Llamar a los suplentes res- pectivos, en caso de falta absoluta 6 de legitimo impedimento de los propietarios, y mandar reponer las vacantes que ocurran. 3 a . Admitir las renuncias que presenten los Diputados, si las fundan en causas legales debida- mente comprobadas. 4*. Formar su reglamento in- terior. 5 a . Decretar, interpretar, refor- mar y derogar las leyes. 6 a . Crear y suprimir empleos, establecer pensiones, decretar honores y conceder amnistias. 7 a . Disponertodoloconveniente a la seguridad y defensa de la Republica. 8 a . Hacer el escrutinio de votos en la eleccion de Presidente de la Republica, y proclamar electo al ciudadano que hubiere obtenido tnayoria absoluta. 9 a . En caso de no haber mayoria absoluta, declarar electo Presi- dente de la Republica al que hu- biere obtenido mayoria relativa. Si hubiere empate en la votacion popular, la Asamblea elegira Pre- sidente entre los ciudadanos que tuvieren igual numero de votos. 10 a . Cuando concurran en un mismo individuo diversas eleccio- nes, sera determinada la prefe- rencia en el orden siguiente: 1° Presidente de la Republica; 2° Diputado propietario; 3° Dipu- tado suplente. ll a . Recibir la promesa consti- tucional a los f uncionarios que elija 6 declare electos, y admitirles 6 no su renuncia. 12 a . Designar cada dos anos tres de sus miembros para reponer al Presidente de la Republica, cuando ocurra su falta absoluta, 6 tempo- ral. En los Designados no podra recaer ninguna otra eleccion ni nombramiento del Poder Ejecu- tivo, si no es el de profesores de ensenanza. 2. To call the respective substi- tutes in case that the regular mem- bers can not through legitimate cause be present, and order new elections in cases of vacancy. 3. To accept the resignation of its members if tendered upon legal causes duly proven. 4. To make rules for its interior government. 5. To enact, construe, amend, and repeal the laws. 6. To create and abolish offices, grant pensions, honors, and am- nesties. 7. To provide everything con- ducive to the security and internal defense of the Republic. 8. To count the votes for Presi- dent of the Republic, and proclaim the election of the citizen who has obtained absolute majority. 9. To declare elected President of the Republic, in case that there is no absolute majorit}^, the citizen who has obtained relative ma- jority. If the popular vote is equalty divided, the Assembly shall elect the President from among the citizens having equal number of votes. 10. When the same individual has been elected for several posi- tions, the order of preference shall be as follows: First, President of the Republic; second, Deputy; third, Substitute Deputy. 11. To receive the constitutional promise from the functionaries elected or declared elected by it, and to accept or refuse to accept their resignations. 12. To appoint every two years three of its members to replace the President of the Republic, when an absolute or temporary vacancy occurs. These " Designados" are not eligible for any other position, nor shall they be qualified to exer- cise any executive office, unless it is as professors. 310 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. 13". Declarar con lugar a forma- eion de causa al Presidente de la Repiiblica, Secretarios de Estado, Diputados, Agentes diplomaticos, y Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y de las Cortes de Apelaciones. 14 a . Cambiar la residencia de los Supremos Poderes por causas graves. 15 a . Decretar premios 3 7 con- ceder privilegios temporales a los autores 6 inventores, y a los que hayan introducido industrias nue- vas de utilidad general, 6 perfec- cionado las existentes. 16 a . Acordar subvenciones para objetos de utilidad publica, y sub- sidios 6 primas que tiendan a pro- mover nuevas industrias 6 mejorar las existentes. 17 a . Conceder 6 negar permiso a los nicaragiienses para aceptar empleos de otras naciones que no sean las de Hispanoamerica. 18". Aprobar 6 improbar la con- ducta del Ejecutivo. 19 a . Aprobar, modificar 6 im- f>robar los tratados celebrados con as naciones extranjeras. 20 a . Reglamentar el comercio maritimo y terrestre. 21 a . Aprobar 6 improbar las cuentas de los gastos publicos. 22 a . Fijar cada dos anos el presu- puesto de gastos. 23 a . Imponer contribuciones. 24 a . Decretar la enajenacion 6 arrendamiento de los bienes na- cionales, y su aplicacion a usos publicos, 6 autorizar al Ejecutivo para que lo haga sobre bases con- venientes a la Republica. 25 a . Decretar emprestitos ex- tranjeros y reglamentar el pago de la deuda nacional, 6 acordar las bases para que lo haga el Poder Ejecutivo. 26 a . Habilitar puertos, crear, trasladar, suprimir aduanas, 6 dic- tar las reglas con que deba hacerlo el Ejecutivo. 13. To grant permission for the criminal prosecution of the Presi- dent of the Republic, secretaries of state, deputies, diplomatic agents, justices of the supreme court and of the courts of appeals. 14. To order for grave reasons the change of residence of the supreme powers. 15. To grant rewards and tem- porary privileges to authors and inventors, and to those who have introduced new industries of gen- eral usefulness or improved those in existence. 16. To grant subsidies, bounties, and rewards for purposes of public utility and the promotion of new industries or the improvement of the existing ones. 17. To grant or refuse permis- sion to Nicaraguans to accept of- fices from foreign nations, except the nations of Spanish America. 18. To approve or disapprove the conduct of the Executive. 19. To approve, amend, or dis- approve the treaties concluded with foreign nations. 20. To regulate the commerce by land and sea. 21 . To approve or disapprove the accounts of the public expenses. 22. To appropriate every two years the amounts required to meet the national expenses. 23. To levy taxes. 24. To order national property to be sold, leased, or applied to public uses, or authorize the exec- utive to do the same, in the manner most profitable to the Republic. 25. To order foreign loans to be negotiated, and make rules for the payment of the national debt, or establish the bases upon which the Executive may do the same. 26. To open ports to the foreign commerce, and create, transfer, or abolish custom-houses, or make rules according to which the Ex- ecutive ma} T do the same. CONSTITUTION. 311 27 a . Decretar el peso, ley y tipo de la moneda nacional. 28 a . Declarar la guerra y hacer la paz, 6 autorizar para que lo haga al Ejecutivo. 29 a . Fijar en cada reunion ordi- naria el niimero de fuerzas que deban mantenerse en pie. 30 a . Permitir 6 negar el transito de tropas de otro pais por el fcerri- torio de la Repiiblica, y autorizar la salida de tropas nacionales f uera del territorio de Nicaragua. En estado de guerra, tendra estas atribuciones el Poder Ejecutivo. 31 a . Declarar en estado de sitio la Repiiblica 6 parte de ella, con- forme a la ley. 32 a . Conferir grados de General de Division 6 de Brigada, a inicia- tiva del Poder Ejecutivo. 33 a . Decretar el escudo de arraas y el pabellon de la Repiiblica. 34 a . Conceder indultos 6 con- mutacion de penas, a iniciativa del Poder Ejecutivo, previo informe favorable del Poder Judicial. 35 a . Conceder premios 6 recom- pensas por servicios eminentes prestados a la Nacion. 36 a . Aprobar 6 no los contratos que celebre el Ejecutivo con par- ticulares 6 companias, sobre em- prestitos extranjeros, coloniza- cion, navegacion y demas obras de utilidad, siempre que entranen privilegios temporales y compro- metan las rentas publicas 6 bienes de la Nacion, 6 cuando en ellos se disponga de sumas no votadas en el presupuesto. 37 a . Delegar en el Poder Ejecu- tivo la facultad de legislar, en su receso, en los ramos de Hacienda, Guerra, Policia, Fomento y Ma- rina, sin oponerse al espiritu de la Constitucion y las leyes. Art. 63. El Poder Legislativo no podra suplir 6 declarar el es- 27. To decree the weight, fine- ness, and denominations of the national coin. 28. To declare war and make peace, or authorize the Executive to do the same. 29. To fix in each ordinary ses- sion the number of troops com- posing the standing arnry. 30. To allow or disallow the transit of troops from other coun- tries through the territory of the Republic, and authorize national forces to leave the Nicaraguan ter- ritory. During a state of war the Executive shall be vested with, these powers. 31. To declare according to law the territory of the Republic, or a portion thereof, in a state of siege. 32. To appoint major-generals or brigadier-generals, upon nomi- nation by the Executive. 33. To decree the coat of arms and the flag of the Republic. 34. To grant pardons, or com- mutations of sentences, upon rec- ommendation of the Executive and previous favorable report of the judicial power. 35. To grant rewards or recom- penses for eminent services ren- dered to the Nation. 36. To approve, or disapprove, the contracts entered into by the Executive with private individuals or companies, respecting foreign loans, colonization, navigation, and works of public utility, whenever the said contracts imply the con- cession of temporary privileges, affect the public revenue, or the property of the Nation, or involve the payment of moneys not in- cluded in the budget. 37. To delegate to the Execu- tive the power to legislate, during its recess, on the subjects of Fi- nances, War, Police, Promotion of Public Welfare, and the Navy, without opposing the spirit of the Constitution and the laws. Art. 63. The legislative power shall not make any alteration of, or 312 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. tado civil de las personas, ni con- ceder titulos acaaemicos y litera- rios. tItulo viri. DE LA FORMACI6N, SANCTON Y PROMULGACTON DE LA LEY. Art. 64. Tienen exclusivamente la iniciativa de la ley los Diputa- dos, el Presidente de la Republica por medio de los Secretarios de Estado, y la Corte Suprema de Justicia en asuntos de su compe- tencia. Art. 65. Ningun proyecto de ley sera definitivamente votado, sino despues de doa deliberaciones ef ec- tuadas en distintos dias, salvo el caso de urgencia, calificada por cuatro quintos de votos, en que se dara un solo debate. Art. 66. Todo proyecto de ley, una vez aprobado por la Asamblea, se pasara al Ejecutivo a mas tar- dar dentro de tres dias de haber sido votado, a fin de* que le de su sancion y lo haga promulgar como ley. Art. 67. Si el Presidente, de acuerdo con el Consejo de Minis- tros, encontrase inconvenientes f)ara sancionar el proyecto de ley, o devolvera a la Asamblea dentro de diez dias, exponiendo las razo- nes en que funde su desacuerdo. Si en el termino expresado no lo objetase, se tendra por sancionado y lo publicara como ley. Cuando el Ejecutivo devolviese el pro- yecto, la Asamblea lo sujetara a una nueva deliberacion, y si fuese ratificado por dos tercios de votos, lo pasara de nuevo al Ejecutivo, con esta formula: " Ratificado constitucionalmente." y aquel lo hara publicar sin demora. Art. 68. Los proyectos de ley que la Asamblea vote en los cinco ultimos dias de sesiones, y que el Ejecutivo juzgue inconveniente sancionar, seran devueltos a la any declaration in regard to, the civil status of any person, nor shall it grant academic or literary titles. TITLE VIII. THE ENACTMENT, APPROVAL, AND PROMULGATION OF LAWS. Art. 64. Exclusive power to originate legislation is vested in the Deputies, the President of the Republic through the secretaries of state, and the Supreme Court of justice in matters within its juris- diction. Art. 65. No bill shall be finally voted upon, which has not been discussed in two meetings held on different days, except in case of urgenc} T , when declared to exist by a four-fifths vote, in which case only one debate shall be permitted. Art. 66. All bills after having been approved by the Assembly shall be sent to the Executive within three days after their pas- sage, in order that they may be ap- proved and promulgated. Art. 67. If the President, upon the advice of the council of min- isters, should object to a bill, he shall return it to the Assembly within ten days, with an explana- tion of the reasons upon which he bases his disapproval. If no ob- jection is made to a bill during the period aforesaid, it shall be con- sidered approved, and published as law. When the Executive re- turns a bill, the Assembly shall submit it to a new deliberation, and if it is ratified by a two-thirds vote it shall be sent again to the Executive with this indorsement: " Constitutionally ratified." The Executive shall then publish it without delay. Art. 68. Bills passed by the Assembly in the last five days of the session, which the Executive does not deem it advisable to ap- prove, shall be returned to the CONSTITUTION. 313 Asamblea con las observaciones correspondientes en los diez prime- rosdias de lassesiones inmediatas. Art. 69. Cuando un proyecto de ley f uere deseehado, no podra pro- ponerse de nuevo sino hasta en la legislatura siguiente. Art. 70. No es necesaria la san- cion del Ejecutivo en los decretos y resoluciones siguientes: 1. En las elecciones que el Con- greso haga 6 declare, y en las re- nuncias que adinita 6 deseche. 2. En las declaratorias de haber 6 no lugar a formacion de causa. 3. En la le3 T del presupuesto. 4. En los decretos que se re- fieran a la conducta del Ejecutivo. 5. En los reglamentos que ex- pida para su regimen interior. 6. En los acuerdos para trasla- dar su residencia a otro lugar, para suspender sus sesiones, 6 pro- rrogarlas. Art. 71. Siempre que un pro- yecto de ley que no proceda de iniciativa de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, tenga por objeto re- formar 6 derogar disposiciones contenidas en los Codigos Oivil, Penal, de Comercio, de Minas, 6 de Procedimientos, no podra dis- cutirse sin oir la opinion de aquel Tribunal, quien la emitira durante las mismas sesiones, 6 en las siguien- tes, segun la extension, impor- tancia, 6 urgencia del proyecto. TITULO IX. DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Art. 72. El Poder Ejecutivo se ejerce por un ciudadano que se denomina Presidente de la Repii- blica. Art. 73. El Presidente de la Repfiblica debe ser ciudadano en ejercicio de sus derechos, del estado seglar, y natural de Nica- ragua, 6 de cualquiera otra de las Republicas de Centro America. Assembly with the proper objec- tions, during the first ten days of the immediate session. Art. 69. Rejected bills shall not be reintroduced until the next ses- sion of the Assembly. Art. 70. The following decrees and resolutions shall not require the approval of the Executive: 1. Those relating to elections made or declared by the Assembly or to acceptances or refusals to accept resignations. 2. Those granting permis.- .on for criminal prosecutions. 3. Appropriation bills. 4. Acts and resolutions relating to the conduct of the Executive. 5. Rules for the interior gov- ernment of the Assembly. 6. Resolutions providing for the transfer of the residence of the Assembly to some other place, or for its adjournment. Art. 71. No bill having for its object the amendment or repeal of any provision contained in the Civil, Penal, Commercial, Mining, or Procedure Codes of the Repub- lic, not originated in the Supreme Court of justice, shall be discussed without first hearing the opinion of said court, said opinion to be given according to the impor- tance, urgency, or magnitude of the reform, either during the same session of the Assembly or in the next. TITLE IX. EXECUTIVE POWER. Art. 72. The executive power is vested in a citizen to be known as the President of the Republic. Art. 73. The President of the Republic shall be a citizen in the full exercise of his rights, not be- longing to the ecclesiastical state, and a native of Nicaragua or of any of the other Republics of Cen- tral America. 314 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. Art. 74. El Presidente de la Republica sera electo directamente por el voto de los nicaragiienses. Art. 75. Elperiodopresidencial sera de seis anos y comenzara el primero de Enero del ano siguien- te a la eleccion. Art. 76. En caso de falta abso- luta 6 temporal del Presidente de la Republica, el Poder Ejecutivo quedara a cargo de uno de los Designados, sacado a la suerte por el Consejo de Ministros de entre los tres que haya electo la Asam- blea. A rt. 77. Mientras recibe la Pre- sidencia el llamado por la ley, ejercera el Poder Ejecutivo el Mi- nistro de la Gobernacion, quien dara posesion al Designado corres- pondiente, cuando no estuviese reunida la Asamblea. Art. 78. Cuando el Presidente de la Republica tenga que deposi- tar el poder, lo hara en cualquiera de los Diputados a la Asamblea legislativa. Si la Asamblea estu- viere reunida, ella designara la persona en quien deba hacerse el deposito. Art. 79. Siempre que el Presi- dente de la Republica quiera ponerse al frente del Ejercito, encargara las funciones de Jefe Supremo de la nacion al que debe sustituirlo constitucionalmente, y quedara investido solo del caracter de General en Jefe y con las atri- buciones de Comandante general. Trruxo x. DE LOS DEBERES Y ATRIBUCIONES DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Art. 80. El Presidente de la Re- Sublica es el Jefe Supremo de la acion y el Comandante en Jefe de las fuerzas de tierra y mar; tiene a su cargo la administracion general del pais y las atribuciones siguientes: Art. 74. The President of the Republic shall be elected by direct vote of the Nicaraguan people. Art. 75. The Presidential term shall be six years, to begin on the first of January, in the year fol- lowing the election. Art. 76. In case of absolute or temporary vacancy of the Presi- dency of the Republic, the execu- tive power shall be entrusted to one of the "designados," chosen by lot by the council of ministers from among the three appointed by the Assembly. Art. 77. Until the office of Pres- ident is filled by the person called by law, the executive power shall be vested in the secretary of gov- ernment, who shall give posses- sion thereof to the corresponding "Designado," when the Assembly is not in session. Art. 78. When the President of the Republic has to deposit the power, he shall turn it over to any one of the Deputies of the Legis- lative Assembly. If the Assembty is in session it shall designate the one to whom the power shall be entrusted. Art. 79. Whenever the Presi- dent of the Republic decides to put himself at the head of the army, he shall transfer the func- tions of supreme chief of the Nation to the functionary consti- tutionally called to replace him, and shall remain vested only with the power of General in chief, and chief commander. TITLE X. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE EX- ECUTIVE. Art. 80. The President of the Republic is the supreme chief of the Nation and the commander in chief of the forces of land and sea; he has in his charge the adminis- tration of the general government of the country and the following duties and powers: CONSTITUTION. 315 1. Defender la independencia, el honor de la Nacion y la integri- dad de su territorio. 2. Ratificar definitivamente los tratados que tengan por objeto la Union de Nicaragua con uno 6 mas Estados de Centro America. 3. Ejecutar y hacer cumplir las leyes, expidiendo al efecto los de- cretos y ordenes condueentes, sin alterar el espiritu de aquellas. 4. Nombrar los Secretarios y Subsecretarios de Estado y los de- mas empleados del Ejecutivo, con- forme a la ley. 5. Conservar la paz y seguridad interior de la Republica y repeler todo ataque y agresion exterior. 6. Vigilar por la pronta y cum- plida administracion de justicia, dando a los f uncionarios del Poder Judicial los auxilios y fuerza que necesiten para hacer efectivas sus providencias. 7. Remover a los empleados de su libre nombramiento. 8. Conceder, en receso de la As- amblea, amnistias cuando lo exija la conveniencia publica,y conmutar la pena de muerte a los reos conde- nados a ella por delitos militares. 9. Convocar a la Asamblea a sesiones extraordinarias. 10. Presentar, por medio de los Secretarios de Estado, durante los primeros quince dias de la instala- cion de la Asamblea, un informe de todos los ramos de la adminis- tracion. 11. Celebrar tratados y cuales- quiera otras negociaciones diplo- maticas, y someterlas para su rati- ficacion a la Asamblea en sus proximas sesiones. 12. Dirigir las relaciones exte- riores, y nombrar Agentes Diplo- maticos y Consulares de la Repu- blica, recibir Ministros y admitir Consules de las naciones extran- jeras. 13. Hacer que se recauden las rentas de la Republica y reglamen- 1. To defend the independence and honor of the Nation, and the integrity of its territory. 2. To finally ratify the treaties having for their object the union of Nicaragua to one or more States of Central America. 3. To execute and cause others to execute the laws, for which pur- pose he shall issue the proper or- ders and decrees without changing the spirit of said laws. 4. To appoint according to law the secretaries and assistant secre- taries of state and all other Execu- tive officials. 5. To preserve the peace and internal safety of the Republic and repel all foreign attacks or aggres- sions. 6. To watch over the prompt and faithful administration of justice, rendering to the functionaries of the judicial power all the assist- ance required for the enforcement of their decisions. 7. To remove officials whose ap- pointment belongs solely to him. 8. To grant amnesties, when Congress is in recess, if so re- quired by the public good, and to commute the sentences of death imposed for militant offenses. 9. To call the Assembly to con- vene in extra session. 10. To submit through the sec- retaries of state, within the first fifteen daj 7 s after the meeting of the Assembly, a report on all the branches of the administration. 11. To conclude treaties and all kinds of diplomatic arrangements, and submit them for ratification to the Assembly at the next ses- sion. 12. To conduct the foreign rela- tions, appoint diplomatic and con- sular agents of the Republic, and receive ministers and consuls of foreign nations. 13. To cause the revenues of the Republic to be collected, and to 316 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. tar su inversion con arreglo a la ley. 14. Decretar, en los casos de invasion 6 rebelion, si los recursos del Estado fuesen insuficientes, empre"stitos generales, voluntarios 6 forzosos, de cu} r a inversion dara cuenta a la Asamblea en sus proxi- rnas sesiones. 15. Conferir grados militares hasta el de Coronel en tiempo de paz y los de Generales de Division y de Brigada en campafia, y hacer iniciativa a la Asamblea para que de estos misnios grados en tiempo de paz. 16. Mandar las fuerzas milita- res, organizarlas y distribuirlas de conformidad con la ley y segun las necesidades de la Republica. 17. Conceder patentes de corso y cartas de represalia. 18. Declarar en estado de sitio la Republica 6 parte de ella, en los casos de agresion extrafia 6 rebe- • lion interior, en receso de la Asam- blea y de conformidad con la ley. 19. Conceder cartas de naturali- zacion. 20. Fomentar la instruccion pu- blica y difundir la ensenanza popular. 21. Sancionar las lej'es, usar del veto en los casos que corresponde y promulgar sin demora aquellas disposiciones legislatives que no necesiten de la sancion del Ejecu- tivo. 22. Mandar reponer las vacantes de Diputados en receso del Poder Legislative, de conformidad con la ley, a mas tardar dentro de un mes de ocurridas. 23. Publicar mensualmente el estado de ingresos y egresos de las rentas publicas. 24. Vigilar sobre la exactitud legal de la moneda, cuidar de la uni- formidad de las pesas y medidas, y ejercer la suprema direccion de la policia. regulate the expenditure of the same according to law. 14. To contract, in cases of inva- sion or revolution, if the resources of the State are insufficient, gen- eral loans, either voluntary or forced, the use of which shall be reported to the Assembly at the next session. 15. To make, in times of peace, all military appointments up to that of colonel, inclusive, and to nominate for the positions of major-general or brigadier-gen- eral; and to make the latter ap- pointments in times of war. 16. To command the military forces, and organize and distribute them according to law and the ne- cessities of the Republic. IT. To grant letters of mark and reprisals. 18. To declare in conformity with the law the territory of the Re- public, or a portion thereof, in a state of siege, in cases of foreign aggression, or domestic rebellion, when the Assembly is not in ses- sion. 19. To grant letters of naturali- zation. 20. To promote public instruc- tion and diffuse popular educa- tion. 21. To approve the laws, or veto them, as the case ma} 7 be, and pro- mulgate without delay all legisla- tive measures not requiring the approval of the Executive. 22. To order during the recess of the Assembly the vacant seats of Deputies to be filled according to law, the election to be made at the latest within one month after the vacancies occur. 23. To publish monthly a state- ment of the Government receipts and expenditures. 24. To watch over the legal cor- rectness of the national coin, fix the standard of weights and meas- ures, and exercise supreme direc- tion of the police. CONSTITUTION. 317 25. Atender a la seguridad in- terior y defensa exterior del pais. 26. Celebrar toda clase de con- tratos para proveer a las necesi- dades de la Administracion, y someter a la ratificacion de la Asamblea Legislativa los que versen sobre emprestitos extran- jeros, colonizacion, navegacion y demas obras de utilidad, siempre que entranen privilegios tempo- rales 6 comprometan las rentas publicas y propiedades de la Nacion, 6 cuando en ellos se dis- ponga de sumas no votadas en el presupuesto. 27. Declarar la guerra, cuando le haya autorizado la Asamblea, y hacer la paz cuando lo requieran las conveniencias' nacionales. 28. Dirigir las operaciones de la guerra como Jefe Supremo del Ejercito y de la Marina nacional. 29. Cuidar de que la Asamblea se retina en el dia senalado por la Constitucion, dando con oportuni- dad las disposiciones necesarias al efecto. 30. Conceder patentes para garantizar, por determinado tiem- po, la propiedad literaria y las invenciones utiles, aplicables a nuevas operaciones industriales, 6 a la perfeccion de las existentes. 31. Senalar el lugar a donde de- ban trasladarse transitoriamente los Poderes del Estado, cuando haya graves motivos para ello. 32. Dictar las medidas condu- centes para la f ormacion del censo de poblacion y demas ramos de es- tadistica nacional. 33. Establecer el regimen espe- cial con que deban gobernarse temporalmente regiones despo- bladas, 6 habitadas por indigenas no civilizados. 34. Levantar la f uerza necesaria para repeler toda invasion 6 sofo- car rebeliones. 35. Disponer de la f uerza arma- da de mar y tierra para defensa y 25. To attend to the internal safety of the country and its de- fense against foreign aggression. 26. To enter into all classes of contracts to provide for the neces- sities of the administration, and to submit to the Legislative Assembly for its ratification, those entered into concerning foreign loans, col- onization, navigation, and works of utility, when involving tempo- rary privileges or affecting the public revenue and the property of the Nation, or entailing the ex- penditure of moneys not provided for in the budget. 27. To declare war when au- thorized to do so by the Assembly, and make peace when so required for the good of the Nation. 28. To conduct the operations of war as the supreme chief of the national army and navy. 29. To take care that the Assem- bly meets on the day appointed by the Constitution, and issue for that purpose the necessary orders. 30. To grant patents, guaran- teeing for a certain period of time the ownership of literary produc- tions, and of useful inventions applicable to new industrial opera- tions or to the improvement of those now in existence. 31. To designate the place to which the Powers of the state, upon grave reasons, should tem- porarily move. 32. To issue proper measures for the taking of the census of the population and all other branches of national statistics. 33. To establish the special sys- tem under which the unpopulated regions of the country or those inhabited by uncivilized Indians shall be temporarily governed. 34. To raise the necessary forces to repel invasion or put down rebellion. 35. To use the armed forces on land and sea for the defense and 318 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. seguridad de la Repfiblica, para mantener el orden y tranquilidad de ella y para todos los demas ob- jetos que exija el servicio publico. 36. Rehabilitar, conforme a la ley, a los ciudadanos que esten sus- pensos en el ejercicio de sus dere- chos. 37. Tomar medidas de seguri- dad en los casos graves e impre- vistos de ataque exterior, 6 con- mocion interior, mientras se dicta el decreto de estado de sitio, y dar cuenta de ellas a la Asarablea Le- gislativa en sus proximas sesiones. 38. Dictar las providencias necesarias para que las elecciones se verifiquen en el tiempo fijado por la ley, y para que se observen las reglas establecidas en ella. 39. Cerrar puertos 6 habilitarlos en receso de la Asamblea. 40. Fijar las reglas a que debe suietarse la ocupacion 6 enajena- cion de terrenos baldios, y des- tinarlos al f omento de la coloniza- cion y empresas utiles. 41. Enagenar las propiedades nacionales 6 arrendarlas. Art. 81. Las providencias del Poder Ejecutivo que no se expidan por el Ministerio correspondiente, no son legales. El Presidente y sus Ministros seran responsables por las disposiciones que dicten contrarias a la Constitucion y las leyes. TITUL.O XL. DE LOS SECRETARIOS DE ESTADO. Art. 82. Los Ministros del Poder Ejecutivo deben ser nica- ragiienses, del estado seglar y ciudadanos en el ejercicio de sus derechos. Tambi^n pueden serlo los demas centroamericanos y los hispanoamericanos natural izados. Art. 83. No pueden ser Secre- taries de Estado los contratistas de obras 6 servicios publicos, por cuenta de la nacion, los que de saf et} T of the Republic, for the pres- ervation of order and peace within its limits, and for all the other purposes which public service re- quires. 36. To remove, according to law, the disabilities affecting citizens suspended in the exercise of their rights of citizenship. 37. To take measures of safety in grave and unforeseen cases of foreign aggression or domestic dis- turbance before the decree of a state of siege is issued, and report thereon to the Legislative Assem- bly at its next session. 38. To take all the measures necessar} 7 to cause the elections to be held at the time fixed by law and see that the rules established for such elections shall be com- plied with. 39. To close or open ports, dur- ing the recess of the Assembly. 40. To make rules for the occu- pation or sale of vacant lands and set apart the said lands to promote colonization and useful enter- prises. 41. To sell or lease the national property. Art. 81. The measures of the Executive, not taken through the corresponding department, are il- legal. The President and his ministers shall be held responsible for every thing done by them con- trary to the Constitution and the laws. TITLE XI. THE SECRETARIES OF STATE. Art. 82. The secretaries of state shall be Nicaraguans, not belong- ing to the ecclesiastical state, and citizens in the exercise of their rights. Central Americans and naturalized Spanish Americans may also be secretaries of state. Art. 83. The following shall not be secretaries of state: Contractors of public works or services in which the nation is interested; CONSTITUTION. 319 resultas de esas contratas tengan reclamaciones de interns propio, y los deudores 6 acreedores de la hacienda piiblica. Art. 84. Los Secretaries de Estado pueden asistir a las se- siones del poder legislative y tomar participacion en los debates, pero sin voto; y deberan concurrir a la Asamblea siempre que se les llame para contestar a la interpe- lacion de un Diputado, sobre asuntos de la Administracion Pu- blica. En este caso el Ministro puede excusar la respuesta cuando se trate de asuntos de Guerra 6 de Relaciones Exteriores, de ca- racter reservado; la Asamblea tomara en consideracion la excusa, y si no la juzgase admisible, obli- gara al Ministro a responder. TITULO XII. DEL PODER JUDICIAL. Art. 85. El Poder Judicial se ejerce por una Corte Suprema, por las Cortes de Apelaciones y los demas funcionarios que la ley determine. Art. 86. Los Magistrados seran electos por la Asamblea Legislati- va y duraran seis anos en el ejer- cicio de sus funciones. El nom- bramiento de los demas funcio- narios del Poder Judicial se hara con arreglo a la ley organica de Tribunales, que fijara el periodo de sus cargos, sus atribuciones y demas detalles para la administra- cion de justicia. Art. 87. Para ser Magistrado se requiere ser ciudadano en ejercicio de sus derechos, del es tado seglar, abogado y mayor de veinticinco anos. Art. 88. La facultad de juzgar y de ejecutar lo juzgado pertenece exclusivamente al Poder Judicial. Ningun Poder ni sus agentes podran avocarse causas en estado those who in consequence of these contracts have claims in their own name; and debtors or creditors of the treasury. Art. 84. The secretaries of state may attend the meetings of the Assembly and take part in the de- bates, but shall have no vote; and they shall be bound to appear be- fore the Assembly whenever sum- moned to answer the interpella- tions of any Deputy on matters relating to the public administra- tion. In this case the secretaries of state may ask to be excused from answering when the question relates to matters of war and for- eign relations of confidential char- acter. The Assembly shall take into consideration such a request, but may overrule it and compel the secretary to answer. TITLE XII. THE JUDICIAL POWER. Art. 85. The judicial power is vested in a supreme court, in the courts of appeals, and in the judicial functionaries established by law. Art. 86. The members of the courts shall be elected by the Leg- islative Assembly and shall serve for six years. The appointment of the other functionaries of the judicial power shall be made in accordance with the judiciary or- ganic law, which shall fix the dura- tion of their terms of office, their duties, powers, and everything else relating to the administration of justice. Art. 87. To be a judge or jus- tice, it shall be necessary to be a citizen in the exercise of his rights, not to belong to the ecclesiastical state, and to be a lawyer, over twenty-five years of age. Art. 88. The power to render judgments and cause them to be enforced belongs exclusively to the judicial power. No other power, or agents thereof, shall as- 320 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. de tramitacion, ni detener su curso, ni abrir juicios fenecidos. Art. 89. La ley establecera el recurso de revision en lo criminal, en casos graves, cuando fenecido un proceso se pueda demostrar con precision la inocencia del reo. Art. 90. En todo juicio civil las partes pueden someter a un jurado la caliiicacion y decision de los hechos. Pronunciado el veredicto del jurado, el Juez se limitara a la aplicacion de las leyes. Art. 91. La Corte Suprema de Justicia hard la eleccion y nombra- miento de los funcionarios y em- pi eados que le correspondan, de conformidad con la ley, les admi- tira sus renuncias y concedera las licencias que lamisma ley autoriza. Art. 92. La Corte Suprema ten- dra ademas las atribuciones si- guientes: l a . Hacer su Reglamento inte- rior y aprobar los de las Cortes de Apelaciones. 2 a . Conocer de los delitos ofi- ciales de los altos funcionarios, cuando se les haya declarado con lugar a formacion de causa. 3 a . Aplicar las leyes en los casos concretos sometidos a su examen, interpretarlas para el mismo fin, conforme al espiritu de la Consti- tucion, y no aplicarlas cuando sean contrarias a ella, bajo su propia responsabilidad. 4 a . Autorizar a los abogados y notarios, nacionales y extranjeros, para el ejercicio de su profesion, suspenderlos en ella, y rehabilitar- los, con sujecion a la ley. 5 a . Conocer de todos los recur- sos y apelaciones del Tribunal de Cuentas. Art. 93. La administracion de justicia es gratuita en toda clase de juicios y en todas las instancias. sume jurisdiction in cases pending before the courts, stop their prose- cution, or reopen cases terminated. Art. 89. The law shall provide the proper remedy to secure in grave criminal cases, the revision of the verdicts, when proof can be given that the convicted party was innocent. Art. 90. In civil cases the par- ties may have the facts passed upon by a jury. The verdict having been rendered, the judge shall limit his action to the application of the law. Art. 91. The Supreme Court of Justice shall make the election and appointment, according to law, of the functionaries and employees under its control, accept their resignations, and grant the leaves of absence permitted by law. Art. 92. The Supreme Court shall have, furthermore, the fol- lowing powers: 1. To make rules for its own gov- ernment, and approve those made • for the government of the courts of appeal. 2. To take cognizance of the cases of impeachment of the high functionaries when the prosecution thereof has been ordered. 3. To apply the laws in the indi- vidual cases submitted to its exami- nation, to interpret their pro visions in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution, or not to apply them, on its own responsibility, when they prove to be contrary to the said Constitution. 4. To grant authority to lawyers and notaries, whether citizens or foreigners, to practice their pro- fessions, and suspend or reinstate them according to law. 5. To take cognizance of all the remedies granted by law against the decisions of the tribunal of accounts. Art. 93. The administration of justice is gratuitous in all classes of cases and in all the stages of the proceedings. CONSTITUTION. 321 Art. 94. Los Magistrados no pueden ejercer ningun otro em- pleo, salvo el de profesores de en- senanza. Tampoco pueden ser llamados al servicio militar. Art. 95. En ningun juicio puede haber mas de tres instancias, y los mismos jueces no pueden conocer en mas de una de ellas. Art. 96. Los funcionarios de justicia podran requerir el auxilio de la f uerza armada 6 de los ciuda- danos, para el cumplimiento de sus resoluciones. TITUIiO XIII. DEL PRESUPUESTO. Art. 97. El Presupuesto de gastos ordinarios sera votado por la Asamblea con vista del pro} r ecto que presente el Ejecutivo. Art. 98. Todo gasto que se haga fuera del Presupuesto es ile- gitimo, y seran responsables soli- dariamente por la cantidad gas- tada el Presidente de la Republica, el Ministro de Hacienda y el em- pleado pagador, sin perjuicio de las penas a que hubiere lugar con- forme a la ley. Art. 99. El Presupuesto de gastos ordinarios de la adminis- tracion publica no podra exceder de los ingresos probables calcu- lados por el Ministerio de Ha- cienda. TITULO XIV. DEL TESORO PUBLICO. Art. 100. Forman el Tesoro Publico de la Nacion: 1°. Todos sus bienes muebles y raices. 2°. Todos sus creditos activos. 3°. Todos los derechos,impuestos y contribuciones que paguen los habitantes de la Republica. Art. 101. La administracion, de los fondos publicos, se hara por medio de una Tesoreria General y demas oficinas que sean necesarias. 360a— vol 1—06 21 Art. 94. Justices and judges shall not be qualified to serve in any other capacity except that of professors. They shall be ex- empted from military service. Art. 95. No more than three instances shall be allowed to any case, and the same judge shall not act in more than one of the same. Art. 96. Judicial functionaries may demand military assistance, or the assistance of private citizens, to enforce their decisions. TITLE XIII. THE BUDGET. Art. 97. The budget shall be voted upon by the Assembly after examination of the estimates sub- mitted by the Executive. Art. 98. Expenses not author- ized by the budget are illegal, and the President, the secretary of the treasury, and the officer who made the payment shall be jointly responsible for the amounts of money expended in this way. They shall also be liable to punish- ment according to law. Art. 99. The sums appropri- ated to meet the expenses of the Government shall not exceed the probable receipts as estimated by the department of the treasury. TITLE XIV. THE PUBLIC TREASURE. Art. 100. The public treasure of the Nation consists of: 1. All national property, real and personal. 2. All the debts due to the Nation. 3. All duties, taxes, and contri- butions paid by the inhabitants of the Republic. Art. 101. The management of the public funds shall be entrusted to a general treasurer and to all other necessary officers. 322 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. Art. 102. El Tesorero General ser& nombrado por el Poder Eje- cutivo. Para ejercer ese cargo se requiere no ser acreedor de la Ha- cienda Publica, ni tener cuentas pendientes con ella. Art. 103. El Poder Ejecutivo no podra celpbrar contratos que comprometan los fondos naciona- les, sin previa publication de la propuesta en el periodico oficial y licitacion publica. Exceptuanse de estas formalidades los que ten- fan por objeto proveer a las necesi- ades de la guerra y los que por su naturaleza no puedan celebrarse, sino con persona determinada. Art. 104. Para fiscalizar la ad- ministration del Tesoro Nacional habra una Contaduria Mayor 6 Tribunal encargado de examinar y finiquitar las cuentas de los que administren intereses publicos. Art. 105. Los miembros de este Tribunal tendran las mismas con- diciones que el Tesorero General: su numero, organization y atribu- ciones seran determinados por la ley. TITULO XV. DEL EJERCITO. Art. 106. La fuerza publica esta instituida para asegurar los derechos de la Nation, el cumpli- miento de la ley, y el manteni- miento del orden publico. Art. 107. La disciplina del Eje"rcito sera regida por las leyes y ordenanzas militares. La fuerza armada no puede deliberar, ni ejercer el derecho de petition. Art. 108. El servicio militar es obligatorio. La ley lo reglamen- tara. Art. 109. Losdelitospuramente militares cometidos por individuos del EjeYcito, en actual servicio, Art. 102. The general treasurer shall be appointed by the execu- tive power. No one shall be gen- eral treasurer who is a creditor of the Government or has accounts pending therewith. Art. 103. The executive power shall not enter into contracts af- fecting national funds without previous publication of proposals in the official newspaper inviting public competition. An exception to this rule shall take place in re- gard to those contracts entered into to meet necessities of war or which according to the nature of the business to which they refer can only be negotiated with speci- fied persons. Art. 104. For the proper vigi- lance over the management of the National Treasury, there shall be a comptroller's office or tribunal of accounts, whose functions shall be to examine, audit, and approve the accounts of all managers of public funds. Art. 105. The members of this tribunal shall have the same quali- fications as the general treasurer; their number, duties, and powers shall be determined by law. TITLE XV. THE ARMY. Art. 106. Public force is estab- lished to protect the rights of the Nation, the fulfillment of the law, and the preservation of public order. Art. 107. The discipline of the army shall be maintained by mili- tary laws and ordinances. Armed forces shall not deliberate or exer- cise the right of petition. Art. 108. Military service is compulsory. The law shall regu- late it. Art. 109. Offenses purely mili- tary, committed by members of the Army in actual service, shall CONSTITUTION. 323 seran juzgados por tribunales mili- tares, con sujecion al Codigo de la materia. ti'tttlo xvi. DEL GOBIERNO DEPARTAMENTAL. Art. 110. Para la administra- cion politica se dividira el terri- torio de la Republica en Departa- mentos, cuyo numero y hmites fijara la ley. En cada uno de ellos habra los funcionarios adminis- trativos que la misma determine. TITTTLO XVII. DEL GOBIERNO MUNICIPAL. Art. 111. El gobierno local de los pueblos estara a cargo de mu- nicipalidades electas popular y directamente por los ciudadanos de las respectivas poblaciones. Art. 112. El numero de indivi- duos que deben componer las muni- cipalidades sera determinado por la ley, tomando en cuenta su poblacion. Art. 113. Todas las atribuciones de los municipios y las reglas para su organizacion seran objeto de leyes especiales. Art. 114. Las atribuciones de las municipalidades seran pura- mente economicas y administra- tivas. Art. 115. Ningun miembro de las municipalidades podra ser obligado a aceptar otro nombra- miento, ni llamado al servicio mili- tar. TITTJLO XVIII. DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD DE LOS EMPLEADOS PUBLICOS. Art. 116. Todo funcionario pu- blico es responsable por sus actos. Art. 117. Los miembros de los Supremos Poderes, Magistrados be tried by military courts, ac- cording to the military code. TITLE XVI. THE DEPARTMENTAL GOVERN- MENT. Art. 110. For political purposes the territory of the Republic shall be divided into Departments, the number and boundaries of which shall be fixed by law. Each one of these Departments shall have the executive functionaries which the law shall provide. TITLE XVII. THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Art. 111. The local government of the towns shall be administered by municipal corporations directly elected by the people. Art. 112. The number of mem- bers of the municipal corporations shall be fixed by law, the popula- tion of the towns being taken into consideration for that purpose. Art. 113. The powers of the municipal corporations, and the rules for their organization shall be the object of special laws. Art. 114. The powers of the municipal corporations shall be purely economical and administra- tive. Art. 115. No member of a municipal corporation shall be compelled to accept another posi- tion, or called to render military service. TITLE XVIII. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PUBLIC FUNCTIONARIES. Art. 116. All public function- aries shall be responsible for their acts. Art. 117. The members of the supreme powers, justices of the 324 REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. de las Cortes de Apelaciones, Se- cretaries de Estado, y Ministros Diplomaticos, por delitos que se les imputen, responderan ante la Asamblea Nacional Legislativa, la cual declarara si ha lugar 6 no a formacion de causa; si hay lugar los pondra in media tame nte a dis- posicion del tribunal competente. Art. 118. Cuando un funciona- rio publico, a quien se hubiese declarado con lugar a formacion de causa, fuere absuelto, volvera al ejercicio de sus funciones. TITULO XIX. REFORMAS DE LA CONSTITUCION. Art. 119. Toda reforma debera ser decretada por la Asamblea le- gislativa con dos tercios de votos en sesiones ordinarias, y verifi- cada por una Asamblea Consti- tuyente que se convocara al ef ecto. La reforma absoluta solo podra decretarse despues de diez afios. Art. 120. Los Diputados a la Asamblea Constituyente seran electos en la misma forma que los Diputados a las Asambleas Legis- lativas y en igual numero. Art. 121. Quedan derogadas la Constitucion de diez de Diciembre de 1893 y sus reformas de 15 de Octubre de 1896. Art. 122. La presente Constitu- cion comenzara a regir desde su publication. courts of appeals, secretaries of state and diplomatic ministers, shall be responsible before the Leg- islative Assembly for the offenses committed by them. The Assem- bl} T shall declare whether or not criminal proceedings shall be in- stituted against them. If the de- cision is affirmative the Assembly shall place them at the disposal of the competent court. Art. 118. Public functionaries who have been tried and acquitted shall be reinstated in the exercise of their functions. TITLE XIX. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTI- TUTION. Art. 119. Amendments to the Constitution shall be ordered by resolution of the Assembly, passed by a two-thirds vote, in ordinary session. But they shall be formu- lated and given proper shape by a constitutional convention assem- bled for that purpose. Absolute reform shall not be ordered ex- cept after the lapse of ten years. Art. 120. The delegates to the constitutional convention shall be elected in the same manner and in the same number as the members of the Legislative Assembly. Art. 121. The Constitution of the tenth of December, eighteen hundred and ninet}' -three, and the amendments thereto of October fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, are hereby repealed. Art. 122. The present Constitu- tion shall go into effect on the day of its publication. REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. HISTORICAL :NX)TES. Costa Rica was the last Central American State which, accepting the accomplished facts and submitting, though reluctantly, to the inevitable, seceded from the Central American Confederation. By decree dated April 1, 1829, the State Assembly of Costa Kica said that it being true that at that moment no vestige of the Confederation was practically in existence, and that all the efforts thus far made to reestablish the Union had been unavailing, the moment had come for Costa Rica "to resume the fullness of her sovereignty, and exercise it without subjec- tion or responsibility to anyone except herself." The decree declares, however, that, whereas "the de jure existence of the Union could not be ignored until after all the States which had entered into it should expressly agree to dissolve it," the resumption by Costa Rica of her full sovereignty was to be without effect, if the "supreme general authorities of the Central American Federal Republic were ever re- established." This feeling of loyalty to the Union was also manifested in the Costa Rican Constitution of January 21, 1847, which declared that Costa Rica was "one of the political entities which had entered into the composition of the Central American nation, and that it would concur to the reorganization of that nation whenever the other Cen- tral American States should be ready to negotiate a new compact of social union." Subsequent to 1817 Costa Rica has had the Constitution of December 26, 1859, and that of December 7, 1871. The latter, as amended in 1882 and subsequent dates, is the one now in force. L.IST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE CONSULTED IN REFERENCE TO THE CON- STITUTION OF COSTA RICA. 1. Calvo (Joaquin Bernardo). Republica de Costa Rica. Apuntamientos geo- graficos, estadfsticos e" historicos. San Jose de Costa Rica. 1886. 2. Montero Barrantes (Francisco). Elementos de Historia de Costa Rica. San Jose de Costa Rica. 1894. 325 CONSTITUTION. (Promulgated December 7, 1871, with amendments to 1905.) Nosotros los Representantes del Pueblo de Costa Rica, convocados legitimamente para establecer la justicia, proveer a la defensa comun, promover el bien general y asegurar los beneficios de la libertad, implorando el auxilio del Soberano Regulador del Universo para alcanzar estos fines, hemos decretado y sancionado la siguiente Constitucion politica. TITULO I. DE LA REPUBLICA. ArtIculo 1. La Repiiblica de Costa Ricaes libre e independiente. Art. 2. La soberania reside ex- clusivamente en la Nacion. Art. 3. El territorio de la Re- piiblica esta comprendido entre los oceanos Atlantico y Pacifico. Con- fina al Noroeste con Nicaragua, de la cual lo separa la linea divisoria que marca el tratado de 15 de Abril de 1858, celebrado con aquella Re- publica; y por el Sudeste, con la de Colombia, respecto de la cual se observara el uti possidetis de 1826. Estos limites pueden variarse por tratados con las nacioneslimitrofes, 6 por decision arbitral en su caso. TtTULO II. secci6n primer a. De los costarrice)t.sy the executive power are adopted, the bill shall be again sent to the executive power, CONSTITUTION. 343 En el caso de ser desechadas, y de no reunirse los dos tercios de votos para resellarlo, se archivara y no podra ser considerado sino tiasta la siguiente legislatura ordinaria. Art. 89. Para que se considere objetado por el Poder Ejecutivo un proyecto de ley, es indispensa- ble que sea devuelto a la Secretaria del Congreso, dentro del preciso termino de diez dias habiles. Si asi no se verificare, se tendra por ley de la Republica. Art. 90. La sancion del Poder Ejecutivo es necesaria en todas las resoluciones del Poder Legislative, excepto las siguientes: 1. Las que tengan por objeto las elecciones que deba hacer, y las renuncias 6 excusas que se le pre- senter 2. Los acuerdos del Congreso f>ara trasladar su residencia a otro ugar, para suspender sus sesiones 6 para prorrogar las ordinarias por todo el tiempo que permita esta Constitucion. 3. Los decretos que se emitan declarando si hay 6 no lugar a formacion de causa contra alguno de los individuos de los Supremos Poderes, a virtud de acusacion in- terpuesta. 4. El reglamento que acordare el Congreso para su regimen in- terior. Art. 91. El Congreso iniciara todas las leyes y actos legislatives con esta formula: "El Congreso Consti tucional de la Republica de Costa Rica, etc." Secci6n Quinta. De la Comision Permanente. Art. 92. Durante el receso del Poder Legislativo, habra una Co- mision Permanente compuesta de which in this case shall not have the right to refuse its approval. If the amendments are rejected and the two-thirds vote necessary to pass the bill are not secured, the measure shall be kept in the archives and shall not be taken up for consideration until the next ordinary session. Art. 89. In order that the ob- jections of the executive power against any bill ma}^ be efficient, it shall be indispensable for the said bill to be returned to the secretary of the Congress within ten working days. If this is not done the bill shall become a law. Art. 90. The approval of the executive power is necessary for all acts of the legislative power, except the following: 1. Resolutions having for their object elections to be made by it and the resignations which may be submitted to it. 2. Resolutions for the purpose of moving the residence of Con- gress to some other place, suspend- ing its sessions, or adjourning the same for the time permitted by the present Constitution. 3. Resolutions declaringwhethei or not a member of the supreme powers is to be prosecuted on charges made against him. 4. Rules and Regulations made for its interior government. Art. 91. The enacting clause of all laws and legislative acts shall be: "The Constitutional Congress of the Republic of Costa Rica" etc. Section Fifth. The permanent committee. Art. 92. During the recess of the legislative power there shall be a permanent committee con- 344 REPUBLIC OF 0O8TA RICA. cinco individuos de su propio seno y nombrados por el Congreso al terminar sus sesiones ordinarias. Parrafo unico. La Comision de que habla este articulo nombrara de entre sus individuos un Presi- dente y un Secretario el dia de su instalacion ; tendra para su servicio a los empleados de la Secretaria del Congreso, y a su disposition los archivos del mismo. Art. 93. Son atribuciones de la Comision Permanente: 1. Interpreter la ley en loscasos en que, ocurriendo alguna duda sobre ella, sea consultada por au- toridad competente. 2. Preparar los negocios que hubieren quedado pendientes en el Poder Legislativo al entrar en re- ceso, poniendolos en estado de que puedan ser resueltos por el en sus proximas sesiones. 3. Suspender el orden constitu- cional, de acuerdo con el Poder Ejecutivo y a solicitud de este, en los casos y bajo las mismas reglas que establece el inciso 7, articulo 73 de esta Constitution. 4. Emitir, a propuesta del Poder Ejecutivo, decretos urgentes; de- biendo someterlos al Congreso en su proxima reunion, para que los apruebe, reforme 6 derogue. 5. Formar parte del Consejo de Gobierno, cuando el Poder Eje- cutivo lo solicite, para tratar de algiin asunto importante 6 de gravedad; en cuyo caso el parecer de la Comision es puramente de caracter consul tivo. 6. Formular los proyectos de ley que juzgue convenientes, para someterlos a las deliberaciones del Congreso en sus sesiones inme- diatas. 7. Darse el reglamento que convenga para su regimen inte- rior. sisting of five deputies appointed by Congress at the end of its ordi- nary session. Sole paragraph. The permanent committee shall select out of its members one who shall be chair- man, and another who shall be sec- retary, this election to be made at the first meeting. It shall use for its work the clerical force in the office of the secretary of Congress, and the archives of Congress shall also be at its disposal. Art. 93. The permanent com- mittee shall have the following powers: 1. To interpret the law in case of doubt when consulted by com- petent authority. 2. To prepare and put in order the business which remained unfin- ished when Congress adjourned, so as to facilitate the transaction thereof in the next session. 3. To suspend upon suggestion and advice of the executive power the constitutional order, in the cases and under the rules provided by clause 7, article 73, of the present Constitution. 4. To issue at the request of the executive power urgent decrees, which shall be submitted to Con- gress at its next meeting, in order that they shall be approved, amended, or repealed. 5. To form part of the council of Government when so desired by the executive power, for the transaction of some grave and im- portant matter. In this case the opinion of the committee is purely advisory. 6. To draw up any bills which may be deemed advisable, in order that they may be submitted to the deliberation of Congress at its next meeting. 7. To make proper rules for its interior government. CONSTITUTION. 345 TITULO IX. DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Secci6n Primera. TITLE IX. THE EXECUTIVE POWER. Section First. Del Presidente de la Republica. The President of the Republic. Art. 94. Habra en Costa Rica un Presidente que, con el caracter de Jefe de la Nacion, ejercera el Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 95. Para ser Presidente de la Republica se requiere: 1. Ser costarricense por naci- miento. 2. Del estado seglar. 3. Haber cumplido la edad de treinta anos. 4. Reunir las calidades que se exigen para ser elector. No podra ser electo Presidente: 1. El que fuere por consangui- nidad 6 afinidad, ascendiente, des- cendiente, 6 hermano del Presi- dente de la Republica. 2. El Designadoala Presidencia que la ejerciere al hacerse la elec- cion, 6 que la hubiere ejercido en los seis meses anteriores, 6 parte de ellos. 3. El que fuere por consangui- nidad 6 afinidad, ascendiente 6 her- mano del Designado que se hallare en las condiciones especiticadas en el inciso anterior. Art. 96. La eleccion del Presi- dente se hara el primer domingo de Abril del ano en que debe venir la renovacion de ese funcionario. El Presidente no podra ser re- electo para el periodo siguiente. El periodo presidencial es de cuatro anos. Art. 97. El Presidente de la Republica tomara posesion de su destino el dia ocho de Mayo; y terminado el periodo constitu- tional, cesa por el mismo hecho en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 98. Si el Presidente electo no pudiere prestar el juramento Art. 94. There shall be in Costa Rico a President who, with the character of Chief of the Nation, shall exercise the executive power. Art. 95. To be President of the Republic it shall be required: 1. To be a Costa Rican by birth. 2. Not to belong to the ecclesi- astical state. 3. To be over thirty years of age. 4. To have the qualifications re- quired to be an elector. The following shall not be elected President: 1. Any ancestor, descendant, or brother by consanguinity or affin- ity of the Presidentof the Republic. 2. The designado who acts as President at the time of the elec- tion, or who has acted as such dur- ing the six months previous or a part thereof. 3. Any ancestor, or brother, by consanguinity or affinity of the designado, who finds himself in the circumstances specified in the foregoing clause. Art. 96. The election of Presi- dent shall take place on the first Sunday of April of the year in which the said functionary should be renewed. The President shall not be re- elected for the following term. The presidential term is four 3 7 ears. Art. 97. The President of the Republic shall take possession of his office on the eighth of May, and at the end of the constitutional period shall cease ipso facto in the exercise of his functions. Art. 98. If the President-elect can not take the oath of office be- 346 REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. constitucional ante el Congreso el dia pretijado en el articulo anterior, 6 durante las sesiones ordinarias del mismo, lo hara ante el encar- gado del Poder Ejecutivo, con la solemnidad correspondiente. Art. 99. Cuando, por muerte, renuncia u otra causa, vacare la Presidencia de la Republica, los Designados, por el orden de su nominacion, entraran a ejercerla por todo el tiempo que falte para concluirse el periodo presidencial. Art. 100. El Presidente de la Republica no puede salir del terri- torio de Costa Rica mientras dure en su destino, ni dentro de un afio despues de haber dejado el mando, si no es con el permiso del Congreso. secci6n segunda. De Jos deberes y atribucionex del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 101. Son deberes y atribu- ciones del Poder Ejecutivo: 1. Nombrar y remover libre- mente a los Secretarios de Estado, y a cualquiera de los otros emplea- dos de su dependencia, y llamar para ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo, en las faltas temporales, al Desig- nado que estime conveniente. A falta de llamamiento, ejercera el Poder Ejecutivo el Designado a quien toque por orden de nomina- cion. 2. Mantener el orden y tran- quilidad de la Republica, y repe- ler todo ataque 6 agresion exterior. 3. En los recesos del Congreso puede hacer uso de la facultad con- cedida al Poder Legislativo en el inciso 7, articulo 73 de esta Cons- titution, de acuerdo con la Comi- sion permanente, en los mismos casos y con la misma limitation que alii se establece respecto del tiempo que puede durar la suspen- sion. fore Congress on the day specified in the foregoing article or during the ordinary session, the said oath .shall be administered to him with the proper solemnity b} r the f unc- tionaiy who may be in charge of the Executive power. Art. 99. When the Presidency of the Republic should become vacant b} r death, resignation, or other cause, the designados, in the order of their appointment, shall take possession of the office and replace the President for the bal- ance of the presidential term. Art. 100. The President of the Republic shall not leave the terri- tory of Costa Rica during his term of office, or one year thereafter, unless with the permission of Con- gress. SECTION SECOND. Duties and powers of the Execu- tive. Art. 101. The following are the duties and powers of the Executive : 1. To freely appoint and remove the secretaries of state and all other employees of the Executive de- Eartment, and to call the designado e may deem advisable to fill his place during any temporary ab- sence. If no call is made for this purpose, the Executive power shall then be vested in the designado to whom it may belong in the order of their appointment. 2. To preserve order and peace in the Republic, and to repel any foreign attack or aggression. 3. To make use during the re- cesses of Congress of the power granted to the legislative body in section 7, article 73 of the present Constitution. This shall be done with the advice of the permanent committee in the same cases and with the same limitations as are established in said section in re- gard to the time for which the sus- pension shall last. CONSTITUTION. 347 4. Cumplir y ejecutar y hacer que se cumplan y ejecuten por sus agentes y por los empleados que le estan subordinados la Constitution y las leyes en la parte que les co- rresponda. 5. Cuidar de que los demas em- pleados publieos que no le esten subordinados las cumplan y ejecu- ten, ocurriendo al efecto a sus im- mediatos superiores. 6. Disponer de la f uerza armada de mar y tierra para la defensa y seguridad de la Republica, para mantener el orden y tranquilidad de ella y para todos los demas ob- jetos que exige el servicio publico. 7. Disponer de la Hacienda piiblica con arreglo a las leyes. 8. Convocar al Congreso para sus reuniohes ordinarias, y extraor- dinariamente cuando asi lo exija algun grave motivo de convenien- cia piiblica, cumpliendo en este ultimo caso con lo dispuesto en el final del articulo 70 de esta Consti- tution. 9. Dirigir las negociaciones di- plomaticas, celebrar tratados y convenios publieos con los Gobier- nos de las otras naciones y canjear- los, previa la aprobacion y ratifi- cacion del Congreso. 10. Nombrar, de acuerdo con el Consejo de Gobierno, los Ministros Plenipotentiaries, Enviados Ex- traordinarios y Consules de la Republica. 11. Recibir a los Ministros diplo- matics y admitir a los Consules de otras naciones. 12. Ejercer el patronato con arreglo a las leyes, hacer las pre- sentaciones y nombramientos que estas le cometan y ejercer los de- mas actos a que las mismas le llamen en los asuntos de la Iglesia. 13. Conceder 6 negar el pase a los decretos conciliares, bulas breves y rescriptos pontificios y cualesquier otros despachos de la autoridad eclesiastica. 4. To comply with and execute the Constitution and the laws, and cause others, through its agents and subordinate employees, to do likewise. 5. To see that the public func- tionaries not subordinated to it should also comply with and exe- cute the said Constitution and laws, appljnng for that purpose to their immediate superior. 6. To dispose of the public land and sea forces for the defense and security of the Republic, for the preservation of order and peace, and for all other purposes de- manded by the public service. 7. To dispose of the public funds according to law. 8. To call Congress to meet in ordinary session, and also in extra session when required for some grave reason of public utility. In the latter case the provisions of the last part of article 70 of the present Constitution shall be com- plied with. 9. To conduct diplomatic nego- tiations, to conclude treaties and public conventions with the gov- ernments of other nations, and ex- change them after approved and ratified by Congress. 10. To appoint, with the advice and consent of the council of gov- ernment, the ministers plenipo- tentiary, envoys, and consuls of the Republic. 11. To receive the diplomatic ministers, and to admit the consuls of other nations. 12. To exercise, according to law, the right of patronage, make the presentations and nominations which belong to it, and to do all other things in church matters which the law permits. 13. To grant or refuse the pas- sage of decrees of councils, bulls, briefs, and pontifical rescripts, or any other dispatches of the eccle- siastical authority. 348 REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. 14. Declarar la guerra 6 otra potencia 6 nacion, cuando para ello le haya autorizado el Poder Legis- lative, y hacer la paz cuando lo estirae conveniente. 15. Librar los titulos respec- tivos a los individuos k, quienes el Congreso hubiere investido de al- guno de los grados militares que le correspond^ conferir. 16. Conferir grados militares hast a el de Teniente Coronel in- clusive, y proveer cualesquier empleos cuya provision no reserve la ley a otra autoridad. 17. Conceder retiro a los Jefes y Oficiales del Eje*rcito y admitir 6 no las dimisiones que los mismos hagan de sus destinos. 18. Conceder cartas de natu- raleza con arreglo k la ley. 19. Indultar, conmutar y rebajar las penas con arreglo a las leyes, y de la propia manera rehabilitar a los delincuentes. 20. Conceder amnistias e indul- tos generales 6 particulares por delitos politicos. 21. Expedir patentes de nave- gacion y de corso; estas ultimas solo en tiempo de guerra y por via de represalias. 22. Dar cuenta por escrito al Congreso, al abrir sus sesiones, del estado politico de la Republica, y del que tienen en general los di- versosramos de la Administracion, indicando las medidas que juzgue convenientes para su mejora. 23. Habilitar a los menores de edad, conforme a las leyes, para que puedan administrar sus bienes. 24. Rehabilitar, conforme a la ley, a los que haj^an perdido la ciudadania o este"n suspensos del ejercicio de el la. 25. Suplir el eonsentimiento para contraer matrimonio a los que por la ley lo necesiten, ex- cepto el de padre 6 mad re. 14. To declare war against any power or nation, when authorized to do so by the legislative power, and to make peace when so deemed ad\ isable. 15. To issue the respective com- missions to the persons appointed by Congress for the military posi- tions it has the power to confer. 16. To grant military posi- tions, up to and including that of lieutenant-colonel, and make all other appointments not reserved by law to any other authority. 17. To place officers of the Army on the retired list and accept or refuse to accept the resignations they may tender. 18. To grant letters of naturali- zation according to law, 19. To grant pardons, commu- tations, and reductions of sentences according to law, and also to re- habilitate offenders. 20. To grant amnesties, either general or special, for political of- fenses. 21. To issue patents of naviga- tion and letters of marque, the lat- ter only in time of war and bj- wa} 7 of reprisals. 22. To report in writing to Con- gress at the beginning of its ses- sions on the political state of the Republic and the condition of business in the several branches of the administration, recommend- ing such measures as may be deemed advisable. 23. To grant authority, accord- ing to law, to persons under age, to manage their property. 24. To rehabilitate, according to law, those who have lost their citizenship, or have been sus- pended from the exercise thereof. 25. To grant the Government's permission to contract marriage, to those who may need it under the law, except in case of opposition thereto by the father or mother. CONSTITUTION. 349 26. Nombrar los Gobernadores de las Provincias y Coraarcas como agentes suyos. 27. Darse el reglamento que convenga para el regimen interior de sus despachos, y expedir los demas reglamentos y ordenanzas necesarios para la pronta ejecucion de las leyes. secci6n terceka. De la responsahilidad del que ejerce el Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 102. El que ejerce el Poder Ejecutivo es responsable por los abusos que cometa en su conducta oficial: 1. Cuando tengan por objeto favorecer los intereses de una nation extrana, contra la indepen- dencia, integridad y libertad de Costa Rica. 2. Cuando tiendan a impedir directa 6 indirectamente las elec- ciones prevenidas en esta Consti- tution, 6 coartar la libertad elec- toral de que deben gozar los que las hacen. 3. Cuando tengan por objeto impedir que el Congreso se retina 6 continue sus sesiones en las epocas en que conforme a esta Cons- titution debe hacerlo, 6 coartar la libertad e independencia de que el debe gozar en todos sus actos 6 deliberaciones. 4. Cuando se niegue a mandar publicar y ejecutar las leyes y actos legislatives, en los casos en que, segun esta Constitution, no puede rehusarlo. 5. Cuando impida que los Tri- bunals y Juzgados conozcan de los negocios que son de la compe- tencia del Poder Judicial, 6 les coarte la libertad con que deben juzgar. 6. En todos los demas casos en que, por un acto u omision, viole el Ejecutivo alguna ley expresa. 26. To appoint the governors of the Provinces and comarcas as its agents. 27. To make proper rules for the interior government of its re- spective departments, and issue all orders necessary for the prompt execution of the laws. SECTION THIRD. Responsibilities of the Executive. Art. 102. The functionary in- trusted with the Executive power shall be held responsible for the abuses he may commit in his official conduct: 1. When said abuses are intended to favor the interests of a foreign nation against the independence, liberty, and integrity of Costa Rica. 2. When they tend to interfere directly or indirectly with elections ordered by this % Constitution, or to restrict the freedom which shall be enjoyed b}^ the electors. 3. When they tend to prevent Congress from assembling or hold- ing its meetings at the time ap- pointed by the Constitution, or restricting the liberty and inde- pendence which Congress should enjoy in all its acts and deliber- ations. 4. When refusing to order the Eublication and execution of the tws and legislative acts, in the cases in which, under the provisions of this Constitution, he is bound to give that order. 5. When preventing the tribu- nals and courts from taking cogni- zance of cases falling under their jurisdiction, or when restricting the freedom which said tribunals and courts should enjoy. 6. In all other cases in which by commission or omission the Execu- tive violates any express law. 350 REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. Art. 103. El Presidente de la Republica mientras dure en su destino, 6 el encargado del Poder Ejecutivo, nopodra ser perseguido ni juzgado por delitos comunes, sino despues que, a virtud de acu- sacion interpuesta, haya declarado el Congreso haber lugar a forma- tion de causa. secci6n cuarta. De los Secretarios de Estado. Art. 104. Para el despacho de los negocios que corresponden al Poder Ejecutivo, habra las Secre- tarias de Estado que determine la ley. Art. 105. Cada una de estas Secretarias estara a cargo de un Secretario de Estado; mas el Poder Ejecutivo podra encargar dos 6 mas de ellas a un solo Secretario. Art. 106. Para ser Secretario de Estado se requiere: 1. Ser costarricense por naci- miento, 6 naturalizado; pero en este ultimo caso debera tener, por lo menos, diez anos de residencia en el pais, y ser casado 6 viudo con descendencia legitima. 2. Ciudadano en ejercicio. 3. Del estado seglar. 4. Ser mayor de veinticinco anos, de notoria instruccion y reunir las demas calidades que se exigen para ser elector. Art. 107. Los acuerdos, resolu- ciones y ordenes del Presidente de la Republica seran firmados por cada Secretario en los ramos que le esten encomendados, sin cuyo requisito no seran validos, y por consiguiente no produciran efecto legal. Art. 108. Son nulos y de ningiin valor los acuerdos, resoluciones, ordenes y cualesquiera otras dis- posiciones que comuniquen los Se- cretarios de Estado sin haber sido antes rubricados por el Presidente Art. 103. The President or Act- ing President of the Republic shall not during their term of office, be prosecuted or tried for common offenses, except in case that Con- gress after proper inquiry has or- dered criminal proceedings to be instituted. SECTION FOURTH. The Secretaries of State. Art. 104. For the transaction of the business of the Executive there shall be as many departments of state as the law may determine. Art. 105. At the head of each department there shall be a secre- tary of state; but the Executive power may intrust two or more departments to one secretary. Art. 106. To be a secretary of state the following qualifications shall be required: 1. To be a Costa Rican by birth or naturalization, but in the latter case to have resided in the country for at least ten years and be mar- ried or a widower, with legitimate issue. 2. To be a citizen in the exer- cise of his rights as such. 3. Not to belong to the ecclesi- astical state. 4. To be over twenty-five years of age, known for his learning, and possessing all the qualifications required to be an elector. Art. 107. The decrees, deci- sions, and orders of the President of the Republic shall be signed by the respective secretary of state, and without this requisite they shall not be valid or productive of legal effect. Art. 108. The decrees, deci- sions, orders, or other executive acts, issued by the secretaries of state without having been first signed by the President of the Republic in the book kept for that CONSTITUTION. 351 de la Republica en el libro corres- pondiente; y aquellos funciona- rios seran responsables de sus re- sultados, incurriendo ademas en el delito de suplantacion, por el cual qnedan sujetos a las penas que establezcan las leyes. Art. 109. Los Secretaries de Estado presentaran al Congreso eada ano, dentro de los primeros quince dias de sesiones ordinarias, una memoria sobre el estado de sus respectivos ramos; y en cualquier tiempo los proyectos de ley que juzguen convenientes y los infor- mes que se les pidan. El Seere- tario de Hacienda acompanara, a su memoria la cuenta de gastos del ano anterior y el presupuesto de los del siguiente. Art. 110. Los Secretarios de Estado pueden concurrir a los de- bates del Congreso y tomar parte en ellos, sin voto. secci6n quinta. Del Consejo de Gobierno. Art. 111. El Presidente de la Republica tendra un Consejo de Gobierno compuesto de los Secre- tarios de Estado, para discutir y deliberar sobre los negocios que el mismo Presidente le someta. Art. 112. Cuando la gravedad de algfin asunto lo exigiere, podra, aumentarse el Consejo de Gobierno con los miembros de la Comision Permanente y con los demas in- dividuos que el Presidente de la Republica tenga a bien invitar. tittjlo x. secci6n primera. Del Poder Judicial. Art. 113. El Poder Judicial de la Republica se ejerce por la Corte purpose, shall be null and void; and the secretaries shall be held responsible for the results of their action, besides becoming guiltj 7 of a criminal offense and incurring the penalty established by law. Art. 109. The secretaries of state shall submit to Congress every year, within the first fifteen days of its ordinary sessions, a re- port on the condition of business in their respective departments. They shall be free to introduce at any time the bills which, in their opinion, are neeessary, and they shall furnish, also at any time, the information which may be asked from them. The secretary of the treasury shall append to his report the account of the expenses of the preceding year and the budget for the following. Art. 110. The secretaries of state may attend the meetings of "Congress and take part in the de- bates, but they shall have no vote. SECTION FIFTH. The council of government. Art. 111. The President of the Republic shall have a Council of government, consisting of the sec- retaries of state, to which he shall submit for discussion the matters upon which he may desire to have their advice. Art. 112. When required by the gravity of the case, the per- sonnel of this council may be in- creased by adding to its members those of the permanent committee and any other citizens whom the President of the Republic may be pleased to invite. TITLE X. SECTION FIRST. The judicial power. Art. 113. The judicial power of the Republic is vested in the su- 352 REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. Suprema de Justieia 3' por los dermis Tribunales y Juzgados que la ley establezca. Art. 114. Ningiin poder 6 auto- ridad puede avocarse, si no es ad effectniit videndi, y en los casos de ley, causas pendientes ante otro poder 6 autoridad, ni abrir pro- cesos fenecidos. Art. 115. A los funcionarios que administren justieia no podra suspenderseles de sus destinos sin que preceda declaratoria de haber lugar $i formacion de causa; ni deponerseles sino en virtud de sen- tencia ejecutoriada. Art. 116. Todos los Tribunales y Juzgados en el ramo de Justieia que la le} T establezca, bajo cual- quiera denomination, dependen de la Corte Suprema. Art. 117. Corresponde al Su- premo Tribunal hacer el nombra- miento de sus respectivos Secreta- ries, Jueces de primera instancia y demas f uncionarios que designe la ley; conocer de las renuncias de estos y concederles licencias cuando las soliciten. Art. 118. La ley demarcara la jurisdiction, el numero y la dura- tion de los Tribunales y Juzgados establecidos 6 que deban estable- cerse en la Republica, sus atribu- ciones, los principios a que deban arreglarse sus actos } r la manera de exigirles la responsabilidad. secci6n SEGUNDA. De la organization de la Corte Su- jrrema de Justieia. Art. 119. La Corte Suprema de Justieia se compondra de una Corte de Casacion, con cinco miembros, y de dos Salas de Apelaciones, con tres miembros cada una. Las atri- buciones de la Corte Suprema de Justieia, de la de Casacion y de las Salas de Apelaciones seran deter- minadas por la ley. preme court of justice and in the other tribunals and courts estab- lished by law. Art. 114. No power or authority can assume jurisdiction unless it is ad effectum videndi, and in the cases specified by law, of any cause pending before another power or authority, or reopen terminated cases. Art. 115. Judicial functionaries shall not be suspended unless a declaration that they should be prosecuted, is previously made; nor shall they be removed unless by virtue of a final judicial deci- sion. Art. 116. All judicial tribunals and courts established by law, whatever their name may be, shall depend upon the supreme court. Art. 117. The supreme court shall appoint its own respective secretaries, the judges of first in- stance, and all other judicial func- tionaries provided by law. It shall take cognizance of the res- ignations of these functionaries, and shall grant or refuse leaves of absence when requested. Art. 118. The law shall fix the jurisdiction, number, and dura- tion of the tribunals and courts established, or to be established, in the Republic, the powers there- of, the principles which shall gov- ern their acts, and the manner of enforcing the responsibility in- curred by them. SECTION SECOND. Organization of the supreme court of justice. Art. 119. The supreme court of justice shall consist of a court of last resort with five members, and two courts of appeals with three members each. The powers of the supreme court of justice, of the court of last resort and of the courts of appeals shall be deter- mined by law. CONSTITUTION. 353 El Congreso designara los Ma- gistrados que deban formar la orte de Casacion y cada Sala de Apelaciones, asi como cual de ellos sera su respectivo Presidente. El de la Corte de Casacion lo sera del Tribunal Supremo. Art. 120. Para ser Magistrado se requiere: 1. Ser costarricense por naci- miento 6 naturalizado con residen- cia de cuatro aiios despues de obtenida la carta de naturaleza. 2. Ser ciudadano en ejercicio. 3. Pertenecer al estado seglar. 4. Ser mayor de treinta anos. 5. Ser abogado de la Repiiblica y haber ejercido la profesion por cinco anos. 6. Tener un capital propio de tres mil pesos 6 rendir fianza equivalente. Art. 121. No podra recaer el nombramiento de Magistrados en personas que esten ligadas con parentesco de consanguinidad 6 afinidad hasta el segundo grado inclusive. Art. 122. El periodo de la Corte Suprema sera de cuatro anos, pudiendo sus individuos ser reelec- tos indefinidamente. Art. 123. Es incompatible la calidad de Magistrado con la de empleado de los otros Supremos Poueres. Art. 124. Para llenar las faltas de los Magistrados se sortearan Conjueces entre las personas que reiinan las mismas calidades re- queridas para ser Magistrado, que no sean subalternos de la Corte ni empleados de los otros Supremos Poderes, y que no residan a mas de veinticinco kilometros de la Capital. Art. 125. El Congreso, al ele- gir a los Magistrados de la Corte 360a— vol 1—06 23 Congress shall designate the justices who shall form the court of last resort and the courts of appeal. It shall also designate one of them to be the chief justice. The chief justice of the court of last resort shall be also chief jus- tice of the supreme court. Art. 120. The following qualifi- cations are required to be a jus- tice: 1. To be a Costa Rican by birth, or by naturalization if accompan- ied with residence in the country for four subsequent years. 2. To be a citizen, in exercise of the rights of citizenship. 3. Not to belong to the eccle- siastical state. 4. To be over thirty years of age. 5. To be a lawyer with five j^ears practice in the Republic. 6. To own a capital of $3,000, or give bond for the same amount. Art. 121. Persons connected with each other by blood relation- ship or affinity, up to the second degree inclusive, snail not be ap- pointed justices. Art. 122. The period of service in the supreme court shall be four years, and the justices thereof are reeligible, indefinitely. Art. 123. The position of jus- tice is incompatible with any em- ployment under the other supreme powers. Art. 124. During the absence of the justices their places shall be filled by assistant justices, chosen by lot from among indi- viduals having the same qualifica- tions as are required to be a justice, who are not subaltern officers of the court, or employees of the other supreme powers, and reside within twenty-five kilometers of the capital. Art. 125. Congress, when elect- ing the justices of the supreme 354 REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. Suprema, nombrara adenias seis Conjueces que reunan las cali- dades de los propietarios, excepto la de abogado, quienes seran llamados a suplir las faltas de los Conjueces natos. TfTULO XI. DEL REGIMEN MUNICIPAL. Art. 126. El territorio de la Republica continuant dividido en Provincias para los efectos de la administracion general de los ne- gocios nacionales, las Provincias en cantones y estos en distritos. Esta division puede variarse para los efectos fiscales, politicos y ju- diciales, por las leyes generates de la Republica; y para los efectos de la administracion municipal, por las Ordenanzas Municipales. Art. 127. Habra en la cabecera de cada canton una Municipalidad con las atribuciones que ledesigne la ley. Art. 128. Habra en cada Pro- vincia un Gobernador, agente del Poder Ejecutivo y de nombra- miento de e\ste, con las calidades y atribuciones que la ley le senale. Trruxo xn. SECCl6N PRiMERA. De la observancia de la Constitu- tion, juramento y reformat. Art. 129. El Congreso, en sus primeras sesiones ordinarias, ob- servara si la Constitucion ha sido infringida y si se ha hecho efec- tiva la responsabilidad de los in- fractores, para proveer en conse- cuencia lo conveniente. secci6n segunda. Del juramento constitutional. Art. 130. El juramento que de- ben prestar los funcionarios pu- court, shall also appoint six assist- ant justices whose qualifications shall be the same as required to be a justice, except being a lawyer. These assistant justices shall be called to act whenever necessary. TITLE XI. MUNICIPAL REGIME. Art. 126. The territory of the Republic shall continue to be di- vided for the purposes of the gen- eral administration of the National Government into provinces, can- tons, and districts. This division may be changed for fiscal, politi- cal, or judicial purposes, by the general laws of the Republic, and for the purposes of municipal ad- ministration by the municipal ordi- nances. Art. 127. There shall be in the chief town of each canton a mu- nicipal council with the powers and duties established by law. Art. 128. There shall be in each province a governor, agent of the executive power appointed hy the latter, who shall have the qualifi- cations and powers established by law TITL.K XII. SECTION FIRST. Observance of the Constitution, con- stitutional oath, and amendments to the Constitution. Art. 129. Congress shall at its first meetings in ordinary session inquire into any violation of the Constitution which may have been committed, and see whether or not the responsibility therefor has been duly exacted. Upon the re- sult of this inquiry it shall take the measures which may be proper. SECTION SECOND. The constitutional oath. Art. 130. The oath to be ad- ministered to public function- CONSTITUTION. 355 blicos, segun lo dispuesto en el ar- ticulo 21,secci6n primera, titulo III de esta Constitucion, sera bajo la formula siguiente: "$ Jurais aDios y prometeis a la Patria observar y defender la Constitucion y las leyes de la Repiiblica y cumplir fiel- mente los deberes de vuestro des- tinoP "Si, juro." "Si asi lo hieiereis, Dios os ayude, y si no, El y la Patria os lo demanden." secci6n tercera. aries, as provided in article 21, section first, title III, of the pres- ent Constitution shall be as fol- lows: "Do you swear before God and promise to the countr} r to com- ply with and defend the Constitu- tion and the laws of the Republic and faithfully fulfill the duties of your office?" "I do." "If you do so, may God help you. If not, He and your country may hold you responsible." SECTION THIRD. Delas reformas dela Constitucion. Amendments to the Constitution. Art. 131. El Poder Legislativo podra reformar parcialmente esta Constitucion, con absoluto arreglo a las disposiciones siguientes: 1. La proposicion en que se pida la reforma de uno 6 mas articulos, debera presentarse al Congreso en sesiones ordinarias, y ser firmada al menos por diez Diputados. 2. Esta proposicion sera leida por tres veces con intervalo de seis dias, para resolver si se admite 6 no a discusion. 3. En caso afirmativo, pasara a una Comision nombrada por ma- yoria absoluta del Congreso, para que en el termino de ocho dias pre- sente su dictamen. 4. Presentado este, se procedera a la discusion por los mismos tra- mites establecidos para la forma- eion de las leyes; dicha reforma no podra acordarse sin la concurrencia de dos tercios de votos del Con- greso. 5. Acordado que debe hacerse la reforma, el Congreso formara el correspondiente proyecto, por medio de una Comision, bastando en este caso, para su aprobacion, la mayoria absoluta. 6. El mencionado proyecto se pasara al Poder Ejecutivo, quien, Art. 131. The legislative power may partially amend this Consti- tution, with absolute subjection to the following provisions: 1. The proposition to amend one or more articles of the Constitu- tion shall be submitted to Congress during an ordinary session, and shall be signed at least b} T ten deputies. 2. The proposition shall be read three times, with an interval of six days, and Congress shall then de- cide whether or not it shall be admitted for discussion. 3. If admitted, it shall be re- ferred to a special committee ap- pointed for that purpose by Con- gress, by absolute majority of votes, said committee to report within eight days. 4. Upon the submission of this report, the constitutional amend- ment shall be discussed in the same manner and under the same rules as are established for the enact- ment of laws. But the amend- ment shall not be accepted without the concurrence of the votes of two- thirds of the members of Congress. 5. If the amendment is accepted, Congress shall cause it to be en- grossed in due form by a commit- tee, whose work shall require only an absolute majority of votes to be approved. 6. The amendment as engrossed shall be transmitted to the Exec- 356 REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA. despue's de haber oido al Consejo de Gobierno, lo presentara con su Mensaje al Congreso en su pro- xiraa reunion ordinaria. 7. El Congreso, en sus prime- ras sesiones discutira el proyecto, y lo que resolviere por dos tercios de votos, f ormara parte de la Cons- titucion, comunicandose al Poder Ejecutivo para su publication y observancia. Art. 132. La reforma general de esta Constitucion, una vez acordado el proyecto por los tra- mites de que habla el articulo anterior, no podra, hacerse sino por una Asamblea Constituyente convocada al efecto. utive power, referred by it to the council of government, and re- turned to Congress, with the pres- ident's message, in the next ordi- nary session. 7. Congress at its first meetings shall discuss the amendment, and whatever it may resolve by a two- thirds vote shall become a part of the Constitution. The decision reached shall be communicated to the Executive power for publica- tion and enforcement. Art. 132. No general amend- ment to the Constitution shall be made except by a constitutional convention assembled for that pur- pose, to which the draft as agreed upon by Congress in the manner and form established by the pre- ceding article, shall be submitted. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. (Promulgated July 6, 1888. ) ARTtcuLO 1. Los articulos 1, 2 y 15 de la Constitucion no impi- den que se celebren tratados de union politica de Costa Rica con alguna 6 las demas Republicas de Centro America. Art. 2. Los tratados sobre union que se celebren, y que afecten la soberania 6 indepen- dencia de la Repiiblica, deberan ser sometidos al Congreso en sus pro- ximas sesiones ordinarias para que resuelva si son convenientes 6 no. Si el Congreso aceptare los tratados por dos tercios de votos presentes por lo menos, convocara a una Asamblea National Constituyente, la cual se ocupara unicamente en conocer del tratado. Si este f uere aprobado por la Asamblea Na- cional Constituyente, por dos tercios de votos presentes. quedara definitivamente sancionado y sera considerado como ley de la Repu- Article 1. Articles 1, 2, and 15 of the Constitution shall not prevent treaties of political union between Costa Rica and any or all the other Republics of Central America from being concluded. Art. 2. The treaties of union which may be concluded, and may affect the sovereignty and inde- pendence of the Republic, shall be submitted to Congress at its next ordinary session, in order that it may decide whether or not they are acceptable. If Congress by a majority of two-thirds of the members present decides that they are acceptable, it shall issue a call for a national constitutional con- vention, having for its object, ex- clusively, the discussion of the treaty. If approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the convention present, the treaty shall be considered as finally sane- AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 357 blica, comunicandose al Ejecutivo para su publication. La convocatoria de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente se hara en la forma determinada en las sec- ciones primera y segunda titulo VI de la Constitucion. Sin la ob- servancia de las formalidades pres- critas en este articulo, el tratado sera absolutamente nulo. Art. 3. El natural de cual- quiera de las Republicas de Gua- temala, Honduras, el Salvador y Nicaragua sera tenido como de origen costarricense si se reiinen las dos condiciones siguientes: 1. Si expresamente, por decla- racion escrita, ante la autoridad politica del lugar de su residencia, 6 tacitamente por la aceptacion de un. cargo publico, manifiesta la in- tencion de hacerse costarricense. 2. Si la nacion a que el perte- nence concede a los costarricenses las mismas f acilidades para la natu- ralizacion. tioned and made a law of the Re- public. It shall then be trans- mitted to the Exective for publi- cation. The call for the national consti- tutional convention shall be made in the manner provided by sections first and second of title VI of this Constitution. If the formalities provided for by the present article are not observed, the treaty shall be null. Art. 3. Natives of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nica- ragua shall be considered native Costa Ricans, on the two following conditions: 1. That they declare their in- tention to become Costa Ricans, either expressly by a declaration in writing before the political authority of their place of resi- dence, or in an implied manner by accepting a public office in Costa Rica. 2. And that the nation to which they belong grants Costa Ricans the same facilities for naturaliza- tion. REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. HISTORICAL NOTES. Honduras, one of the first States which seceded from the Central American Confederation, made afterwards an effort, together with Nicaragua and Salvador, to reestablish the Union. But the effort was unsuccessful. The first constitution of Honduras as an independent Republic was promulgated in 1848. Since that date four other constitutions have been put in force in that country: one in 1865, another in 1880, a third one in 1894, and the fourth, which is the one now in existence, in 1904. 359 CONSTITUTION. (Promulgated September 2, 1904.) La Asamblea Nacional Consti- tuyente decreta la siguiente Cons- titucion politica de la Republica de Honduras: tItulo i. ArtIculo 1. Honduras es un Estado disgregado de la Federacion de Centro America. En conse- cuencia,reconocecomosu principal deber y su mas ingente necesidad volver a la Union con los demas Estados de la Republica disuelta. Para alcanzar este capital objeto no obsta la presente Constitucion, que puede ser reformada 6 abolida por el Congreso para ratificar los pactos, tratados y convenciones que tiendan a, dar 6 tengan por resultado la reconstruction nacio- nal de Centro America. Art. 2. Honduras es nacion libre, soberana e" independiente. Art. 3. La soberania reside esencialmente en la Nacion, y el ejercicio de ella en sus represen- tantes. Art. 4. Todo poder publico emana del pueblo. Los funcio- narios del Estado son sus delega- dos, y no tienen mas facultades que las que expresamente les da la le} 7 . Por ella legislan, adminis- tran y juzgan, y conforme a ella deben dar cuenta de sus f unciones. Art. 5. Los limites de Hon- duras y su division territorial seran determinados por la ley. 360 The National Constitutional As- sembly does hereby decree the fol- lowingpolitical Constitution of the Republic of Honduras: TITLE I. Article 1. Honduras is a State disgregated from the Central American Confederation. In con- sequence thereof it recognizes as its principal duty and its most pressing necessity to return to the union with the other States of the dissolved Republic. To attain this capital object the present Consti- tution shall not be an obstacle, as it may be amended or abolished by Congress in order to facilitate the ratification of any compacts, treaties, or conventions tending to obtain or having for their result the national reconstruction of Cen- tral America. Art. 2. Honduras is a free, sov- ereign, and independent Nation. Art. 3. The sovereignty is es- sentially vested in the Nation, and the exercise thereof in its repre- sentatives. Art. 4. All public power em- anates from the people. The functionaries of the State are its delegates, and have no other fac- ulties than those expressly given them by the law. Under the law the} 7 legislate, administer the gov- ernment, and administer justice, and according to it, they shall give an account of their acts. Art. 5. The boundaries of the Republic and its territorial divi- sion shall be fixed by law. CONSTITUTION. 361 TITTJXO n. DE LOS HONDURENOS. Art. 6. Los hondurenos son naturales 6 naturalizados. Art. 7. Son naturales: 1. Todas las personas que hayan nacido 6 nacieren en el territorio de la Republica. La nacionalidad de los hijos de extranjeros nacidos en territorio hondureno y la de los hijos de hondurenos nacidos en territorio extranjero, sera determi- nada por los tratados. Cuando no haya tratados los hijos nacidos en Honduras de padres extranjeros domiciliados en el pais, son hon- durenos. 2. Se consideran como hondu- renos naturales los hijos de las otras Republicas de Centro- Ame- rica por el hecho de hallarse en cualquier punto del territorio de Honduras, a no ser que ante la autoridad correspondiente mani- tiesten el proposito de conservar su nacionalidad. Art. 8. Son naturalizados: 1. Los hispano-americanos que tengan un ano de residencia en el pais y que manifiesten su deseo de natural izarse en el ante la autori- dad respectiva. 2. Los demas extranjeros que tengan dos anos de residencia en el pais y que manifiesten su deseo de naturalizarse en el ante la auto- ridad correspondiente. 3. Los que obtengan carta de naturaleza acordada por la autori- dad que designe la ley. TITITLO in. DE LOS EXTRANJEROS. Art. 9. La Republica de Hon- duras es un asilo sagrado para toda persona que se ref ugie en su terri- torio. Art. 10. Los extranjeros estan obligados desde su llegada al terri- torio de la Republica a respetar TITLE II. HONDURANEANS. Art. 6. Honduraneans are either native or naturalized. Art. 7. Native Honduraneans are: 1. All persons born or who may be born in the territory of the Republic. The nationality of the children of foreigners- born in Honduranean territory and that of the children of Honduraneans born in foreign territory shall be deter- mined by treat}'. In the absence of a treaty the children of foreign fathers born in Honduras, or for- eign fathers domiciled in the coun- try, shall be Honduraneans. 2. Natives of the other Central American Republics shall be con- sidered native Honduraneans by the mere fact of residing in any part of the territory of Honduras, unless, by declaration duly made before the proper authority, they declare their intention to retain their own nationality. Art. 8. Naturalized Hondura- neans are: 1. All Spanish Americans who have resided one year in the coun- try and declare before the respec- tive authorities their desire to become naturalized. 2. All other foreigners who have resided two years in the country and declare before the proper authority their desire to become naturalized. 3. Those who have obtained nat- uralization papers from the au- thority designated by law for that purpose. TITLE ni. FOREIGNERS. Art. 9. The Republic of Hon- duras is a sacred asylum for all persons who take refuge in its territory. Art. 10. Foreigners shall be bound from the time of their ar- rival in the territory of the Re- 362 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. las autoridades y a observar las leyes. Art. 11. Los extranjeros gozan en Honduras de todos los derechos civiles de los hondurenos. Art. 12. Pueden adquirir toda clase de bienes en el pais; pero quedaran sujetos en cuanto a estos bienes a todas las cargas ordinarias y a las extraordinarias de caracter general a que est^n obligados los hondurenos. Art. 13. Los extranjeros domi- ciliados en Honduras pueden de- sempenar empleos municipales y de simple administracion. Art. 14. No podran hacer re- clamaciones ni exigir indemniza- cion alguna al Estado sino en los casos y en la forma que pudieran hacerlo los hondurenos. Art. 15. Los extranjeros no podran ocurrir a la via diploma- tica sino en los casos de manifiesta denegacion de justicia, retardo anormal 6 violation evidente de los principios del Derecho Inter- nacional. Para este efecto no se entiende por denegacion de justi- cia, que un fallo ejecutoriado no sea favorable al reclamante. Si contraviniendo esta disposition no terminaren amistosamente las re- clamaciones y se causaren perjui- cios al pais, perderan el derecho de habitar en el. Art. 16. La extradition solo podra otorgarse en virtud de ley 6 de tratados por delitos comunes graves, nunca por delitos politicos, aunque por consecuencia de 6stos resulte un delito comun. Art. 17. Las leyes podran esta- blecer la forma y casos en que pueda negarse al extranjero la en- trada al territorio de la Nation u ordenarse su expulsion por con- siderarlo pernicioso. Art. 18. Las le} T es y tratados reglamentaran el uso de estas ga- rantias, sin poder disminuirlas ni alterarlas. public to obey the laws and respect the authorities. Art. 11. Foreigners shall enjoy in Honduras all the civil rights of Honduraneans. Art. 12. They can acquire all kinds of property in the country, subject, however, to all the ordi- nary and extraordinary burdens of general character which may be imposed upon the property of Honduraneans. Art. 13. Foreigners domiciled in Honduras shall be permitted to hold municipal offices and those purely administrative. Art. 14. Foreigners shall not present claims against the State or demand the payment by it of any indemnity, except in the cases and in the manner in which Hondura- neans may do so. Art. 15. Foreigners shall not re- sort to diplomatic intervention except in case of manifest denial of justice, abnormal delays, or self-evident violation of the prin- ciples of international law. The fact that a final decision is not favorable to the claimant shall not be construed as a denial of justice. If in violation of this provision claims are presented, and not ami- cably adjusted, injury to the Gov- ernment being sustained thereby, the claimant shall lose the right to inhabit the country. Art. 16. Extradition shall only be granted by virtue of law or treaty, for grave common offenses; but never for offenses of political character, even in case that a com- mon offense has resulted there- from. Art. 17. The laws shall estab- lish the manner and the cases in which a foreigner can be refused admission to the territory of the Nation or expelled therefrom for being deemed pernicious. Art. 18. The laws and treaties shall regulate the use of these guaranties, without abridging or modifying them. CONSTITUTION. 363 Art. 19. Las disposiciones de este titulo no modifican los trata- dos existentes entre Honduras y otras naciones. t!tul,o IV. DE LOS CIUDADANOS. Art. 20. Son ciudadanos todos los hondurenos mayores de vein- tiun anos, y los mayores de diez y ocho que sean casados 6 sepan leer y escribir. Art. 21. Se suspenden los dere- chos del ciudadano: 1. Por auto de prision 6 decla- ratoria de haber lugar a formation de causa. 2. Por vagancia legalmente de- clarada. 3. Por enajenacion mental ju- dicialmente declarada. 4. Por sentencia de inhabilita- cion para el ejercicio de derechos politicos durante el termino de la condena. Art. 22. Pierden la cualidad de ciudadanos: 1. Los que admitan empleos de naciones extranjeras sin licencia de la autoridad respectiva. Las Republicas de Centro America no se consideran como naciones ex- tranjeras. 2. Los que se naturalizen en pais extranjero. Ningun hondu- reno, aun cuando adquiera nacio- nalidad extranjera, podra eximirse de los deberes que le imponen la Constitution y las leyes, en tanto que tenga su domicilio en la Repu- blica. Art. 23. El voto activo es irre- nunciable y obligatorio para los ciudadanos. El sufragio es pu- blico y directo. Las elecciones se practicaran en la forma que pres- cribe la ley. Art. 24. Solo los ciudadanos en ejercicio de sus derechos pueden obtener voto pasivo con arreglo a la ley. Art. 19. The provisions of this title shall not affect the stipulations made by existing treaties between Honduras and other nations. TITLE IV. CITIZENS. Art. 20. All Honduraneans over twenty-one years of age, and those over eighteen who are mar- ried, or know how to read and write, shall be citizens. Art. 21. The rights of citizen- ship shall be suspended: 1. By an order of arrest or a declaration that criminal proceed- ings should be instituted against a citizen. 2. By conviction of vagrancy. 3. By insanity judicially de- clared. 4. By judicial decision disqual- ifying a citizen temporarily from the exercise of political rights. Art. 22. Citizenship shall be lost: 1. By those accepting employ- ment from foreign nations without permission of the respective Hon- duranean authorities. The Repub- lics of Central America shall not be considered foreign nations. 2. By those who should become naturalized in a foreign country. No Honduranean, even if acquir- ing foreign citizenship, shall be ex- empted from the duties imposed upon them by the Constitution and the laws as long as they re- main domiciled in the Republic. Art. 23. The right to vote shall not be waived, and is compulsory for all citizens. The suffrage is public and direct. The elections shall be held in the manner and form provided by law. Art. 24. Only citizens in the exercise of their rights shall be legally eligible for public posi- tions. 364 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. TITUL.O V. DERECHOS Y GARANTIAS. Art. 25. La Constitucion garan- tiza a todos los habitantes de Hon- duras, sean nacionales 6 extranje- ros, la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, la seguridad individual, la libertad, la igualdad y la pro- piedad. TITLE V. RIGHTS AND GUARANTIES. Art. 25. The Constitution guar- anties to all the inhabitants of Honduras, whether natives or foreigners, inviolability of human life, individual safety, liberty, equality, and property. Inviolabilidad de la vida humana. Inviolability of human life. Art. 26. La pena de muerte queda abolida en Honduras: y mientras se establece el sistema penitenciario solo podra aplicarse en los casos que determine la ley, al parricida, al asesino, a los autores de delitos militares de caracter grave y a los de pirateria. Seguridad individual. Art. 27. La Constitucion reco- noce la garantia del habeas corpus. En consecuencia, toda persona ilegalmente detenida 6 cualquiera otra en su nombre, tiene derecho para reeurrir al Tribunal, verbal- mente 6 por escrito, pidiendo la exhibicion de la persona. Art. 28. Toda persona tiene de- recho para pedir amparo contra cualquier atentado 6 arbitrariedad de que sea victima, y para hacer efectivo el ejercicio de todas las garantias que esta Constitucion es tablece, cuando sea indebidamente coartada en el goce de el las, por leyes 6 actos de cualquiera autori- dad, agente 6 f uncionario publico. Art. 29. La orden de arresto que no emane de autoridad com- {>etente, 6 que se haya dictado sin as formalidades legales, es aten- toria. Art. 30. La detencion para in- quirir no podra pasar de seis dias. Art. 26. The penalty of death is abolished in Honduras; but as the penitentiary system is not } r et established, the said penalty shall continue to be imposed in the cases determined by law upon persons convicted of parricide, murder, piracy, and military offenses of grave character and in no other. Individual safety. Art. 27. The Constitution rec- ognizes the habeas corpus guar- anty. In consequence thereof, any one unlawfully detained has the right to apply to the court, orally or in writing, by himself or through someone else, and request the ex- hibition of his person. Art. 28. Every one shall have the right to request protection against any outrage or arbitrary act perpetrated against him, and to secure the exercise of all the guaranties which the present Con- stitution establishes, when unduly coerced or deprived of their en- joyment by laws or acts of any authority, public agent, or func- tionary. Art. 29. An order of arrest not issued by competent authority, or issued without the legal formali- ties, is wrongful. Art. 30. The detention of a per- son for purposes of investigation shall never exceed six davs. CONSTITUTION. 365 art. 31. La incomunicacion del detenido no podra pasar de tres dias. Art. 32. No podra proveerse auto de prision sin que preceda plena prueba de haberse cometido un delito que merezca pena de pri- vacion de la libertad, y sin que resulte indicio racional de quien sea su autor. Art. 33. Es permitida la prision 6 arresto por pena 6 apremio, en los casos y por el termino que dis- pongalaley. El apremio no podra exceder de treinta dias. Se prohibe la prision pordeudas. Art. 34. El delincuente infra- ganti puede ser aprehendido por cualquiera persona, para el efecto de entregarlo inmediatamente a la autoridad que tenga facultad de arrestar. Art. 35. Ninguno puede ser preso 6 detenido sino en los lu- gares que determine la ley. Se prohibe absolutamente toda clase de tormentos, las prisiones innecesarias y todo rigor indebido. La fustigacion 6 aplicacion de palos es un crimen. Art. 36. Aun con auto de pri- sion, ninguno puede ser llevado a la carcel ni detenido en ella, si presentare fianza suficiente, cuan- do por el delito no deba aplicarse pena que pase de tres anos. Art. 37. Ninguno puede ser juzgado por comisiones especiales, ni por otros jueces que los desig- nados por la ley. Art. 38. El derecho de defensa es inviolable. Art. 39. Nadie puede ser obli- gado, en materia criminal, a de- clarar contra si mismo, ni contra su conyuge y parientes dentro del cuarto grado de consanguinidad 6 segundo de afinidad. Art. 31. The keeping of a pris- oner in close confinement without communication with the outside world shall not exceed three days. Art. 32. No order of arrest shall be issued except upon full proof that an offense deserving deprivation of liberty has been committed, and sufficient indica- tion of the guilt of the party to be detained. Art. 33. The arrest or impris- onment of a person as a compul- sory measure, or as a punishment, shall be permitted in the cases and for the time established by law, provided that it does not exceed thirty days. Imprisonment for debts is for- bidden. Art. 34. Offenders may be arrested in flagranti delicto by any person whatever; but they shall be immediately delivered to the functionary who has power to commit. Art. 35. No prisoner shall be confined except in the places es- tablished by law. Every kind of torture, unneces- sary putting in irons, and undue rigorous treatment are absolutely forbidden. Beating with whips or sticks is a criminal offense. Art. 36. Even in case that an order of arrest has been issued against some one, he shall not be taken to jail or detained therein, if he gives sufficient bail, when the penalty for the offense does not exceed three years. Art. 37. No one shall be tried by special commissions, or by other judges than those designated by law. Art. 38. The right of defense in court is inviolable. Art. 39. No one shall be com- pelled in criminal cases to testify against himself or against his con- sort, or against his relatives within the fourth degree of consanguin- ity or second of affinity. 366 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. Art. 40. Ninguno puede ser in- quietado ni perseguido por sus opiniones. Las acciones privadas que no alteren la moral 6 el orden publico, 6 que no causen dano a tercero, estaran siempre fuera de la accion de la ley. Art. 41. El domicilio es invio- lable. No podra allanarse sino en los casos y forma que la ley de- termine. Art. 42. Son inviolables la co- rrespondencia epistolar y tele- grafica, los papeles privados y los libros de comercio. En ningiin caso el Poder Ejecutivo ni sus agentes podran sustraer, abrir ni detener la correspondencia episto- lar 6 telegrafica. La sustraida de las estafetas 6 de cualquier otro lugar no hace fe contra ninguno. La correspondencia particular, papeles y libros privados, solo podran ocuparse en virtud de auto de juez competente, en los asuntos criminales y civiles que la ley determine. Art. 43. Se prohibe dar leyes proscriptivas, confiscatorias, 6 que establezcan penas infamantes 6 perpetuas. La duracion de las penas no podra exceder de doce anos, y de veinte las acumuladas por varios delitos. Art. 44. Las leyes no pueden tener efecto retroactivo, excepto en materia penal, cuando la nueva ley sea favorable al delincuente. Art. 45. La policia de seguridad solo podra ser confiada a las auto- ridades civiles. Libertad. Art. 46. Se garantiza el libre ejercicio de todas las religiones, sin mas limite que el trazado por la moral y el orden publico. Art. 47. Los actos constitutivos del estado civil de las personas son Art. 40. No one shall be molested or prosecuted for his opinions. Private actions not affecting pub- lic morals or order, or doing no injurjr to third parties, shall be always beyond the action of the law. Art. 41. Domicile is inviolable; it can not be entered except in the cases and in the form provided by law. Art. 42. Private correspond- ence, by letter or telegraph, pri- vate papers and commercial books are inviolable. In no case shall the Executive or the agents there- of have power to intercept, open or detain private letters or tele- grams. Correspondence inter- cepted, whether at the post-offices or any other place, shall not be admitted in evidence. Private correspondence, papers and books shall not be seized ex- cept by order of a competent court, in the cases, whether civil or crimi- nal, which the law may determine. Art. 43. The enactment of laws providing for proscription, con- fiscation, or the establishment of infamous or perpetual penalties is hereby forbidden. The terms of imprisonment shall not exceed twelve vears, and in the case of accumulation of sentences for sev- eral offenses twenty years. Art. 44. Laws shall not have re- troactive effect except in criminal cases and when they prove to be favorable to the guilty party. Art. 45. The police shall depend on the civil authority. Liberty. Art. 46. The free exercise of all religions shall be guaranteed. There shall be no other limit to this liberty than the requirements of morals and public order. Art. 47. The acts affecting the civil status of a person shall be- CONSTITUTION. 367 de la exclusiva competencia de los funcionarios y autoridades del orden civil, en los terminos pre- venidos por la ley. Art. 48. La emision del pensa- miento por la palabra hablada 6 escrita, es libre, salvo los casos en que se ataque la moral, la honra, se provoque algun delito 6 se per- turbe el orden social. Art. 49. Se garantiza la libre ensenanza. La que se costee con fondos publicos sera laica, y la primaria sera ademas gratuita, obligatoria y subvenida por el Es- tado. La ley reglamentara la ensenanza, sin restringir su liber- tad ni la independencia de los profesores. Art. 50. Se garantiza la liber- tad de reunion sin armas, y la de asociacion para cualquier otro objeto licito; pero solamente los ciudadanos de la Republica pue- den hacerlo para tomar parte en los asuntos politicos de la Nacion. Se prohibe el establecimiento de toda clase de asociaciones monas- ticas. Art. 51. Todo hombre es libre para abrazar la profesion, indus- tria 6 trabajo que le acomode, siendo util y honesto, y para apro- vecharse de sus productos. No se le impedira el ejercicio de estos derechos; sino por sentencia ju- dicial, cuando ataque los de ter- cero, 6 por resolucion gubernativa cuando ofenda los de la sociedad. Art. 52. No habra monopolios ni estancos. Solo podran estan- carse en provecho del Estado el aguardiente y las sustancias fer- mentadas, la polvora, dinamita y demas sustancias explosivas, el salitre y el tabaco. La acunacion de moneda, el correo, el telegrafo long to the exclusive jurisdiction of civil functionaries and authori- ties, in the manner provided by law. Art. 48. The expression of thoughts, orally or in writing, shall be free, except in cases where public morals or private reputa- tion are injured by it, or when the commission of criminal offenses or the disturbance of social order are thereby incited. Art. 49. Free education is guar- anteed. Education supported by public funds shall be laical. Pri- mary instruction shall be gratu- itous, compulsory, and subsidized by the otate. The law shall establish rules for the imparting of public instruction, without re- stricting the liberty of teaching or the independence of the teachers. Art. 50. The freedom of re- union without arms and of asso- ciation for any lawful purpose is guaranteed; but only the citizens of the Republic can take part in meetings to discuss the political matters of the Nation. The es- tablishment of all kinds of mo- nastic institutions is hereby for- bidden. Art. 51. Everyone is free to engage in the practice of the pro- fession, industry, or labor which best suits his purposes, provided that it is useful and honest. Everyone is likewise free to profit by the products of his labor. No one shall be prevented from exer- cising these rights, except by judicial decision when they en- croach upon the rights of third parties, or by Executive order when in conflict with the rights of society. Art. 52. There shall not be monopolies of any kind. The manufacture of brand}' and fer- mented beverages, gunpowder, dynamite, and other explosives; saltpeter and tobacco may be, however, monopolized by the Government to the benefit of the 368 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. y el tele'fono, corresponden al Estado. Los monopolios, pri- vileges y concesiones en favor de los particulares, solo podran es- tablecerse por tiempo liinitado, para fomentar la introduccion 6 perfeccionamiento de las indus- trias, la colonizacion, la inmigra- cion, las instituciones de cr^dito y la apertura de vias de comunica- ci6n. Art. 53. Todo individuo es libre para disponer de sus propiedades conforme al Derecho civil. Art. 54. Son prohibidas las vin- culaciones y toda institucion en favor de establecimientos religio- sos. Art. 55. Toda persona 6 reunion de personas tienen derecho a diri- gir sus peticiones a las autoridades legalmente establecidas, de que se resuelvan y se les haga saber la resolucion correspondiente; pero en materias politicas solo pueden ejercerlo los ciudadanos de la Re- publica. Art. 56. Todos tienen libertad para entrar, permanecer, transitar y salir del territorio de la nacion, sin pasaporte. Igualdad. Art. 57. Ante la ley no hay f ue- ros ni privilegios personales, pero los ministros de las diversas socie- dades religiosas, no podran ejercer cargos publicos. Art. 58. La proporcionalidad sera la base de las contribuciones directas. Propiedad. Art. 59. Nadie puede ser pri- vado de su propiedad sino en vir- tud de le} T o de sentencia fundada en ley. La expropiacion por causa de necesidad 6 utilidad publica, debe ser caliticada por la ley 6 por sentencia fundada en ley, y no se verificara sin previa indemniza- cion. En caso de guerra, no es State. The coinage of money and the postal, telegraphic, and tele- phonic services correspond to the State. Monopolies, privileges, and concessions in favor of pri- vate parties can only be granted for a limited time, in order to promote the introduction or im- provement of industries, coloniza- tion, immigration, institutions of credit, and the opening of waj 7 s of communication. Art. 53. Everyone is free to dispose of his property according to law. Art. 54. The entailment of prop- erty and endowments in favor of religious institutions are forbid den. Art. 55. Every person or re- union of persons have the right to address petitions to the legally es- tablished authorities, have them acted upon, and be informed of the result. But in political mat- ters this right can only be exer- cised by citizens of the Republic. Art. 56. Everyone is free to enter, remain in, travel through, or leave the territory of the nation without passports. Equality. Art. 57. There are no personal privileges before the law; but min- isters of all religious associations are disqualified from exercising public functions. Art. 58. The basis for direct taxation shall be proportionality. Property. Art. 59. No one can be deprived of his property except by law, or by judicial decision founded on law. The condemnation of private prop- erty for public use has to be or- dered by law or by judicial de- cision founded on law, and shall not be carried into effect without previous indemnification. In case CONSTITUTION. 369 indispensable que la indemniza- cion sea previa. Art. 60. Todo autor 6 inventor goza de la propiedad exclusiva de su obra 6 descubrimiento, por el tiempo que determine la ley. Art. 61. El derecho de reivin- dicar los bienes confiscados pres- cribe en cincuenta anos. Art. 62. Solo el Congreso im- pone contribuciones nacionales. Art. 63. Ningiin servicio per- sonal es exigible sino en virtud de ley 6 de sentencia fundada en ley. TITUL.O VI. DE LA FORMA DE GOBIERNO. Art. 64. El Gobierno de Hon- duras es republicano, democratico y representative. Se ejerce por tres Poderes independientes: Le- gislative, Ejecutivo y Judicial. Art. 65. Ninguno de los Poderes constituidos podra ejecutar actos en que se altere la forma de Gobierno establecida 6 se nie- noscabe la integridad del territorio 6 la soberania nacional. TITUXO VII. DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO. Art. 66. El Poder Legislativo se ejerce por un Congreso de Dipu- tados, que se reunira de derecho en la capital, cada dos anos, del primero al quince de Enero, sin necesidad de convocatoria. Sus sesiones duraran hasta noventa dias, pudiendo cerrarlas antes 6 prorrogarlas, de acuerdo con el Ejecutivo. Tambien las tendra extraordinarias cuando sea convo- cado por este, en cuyo caso solo se ocupara de los asuntos que motiven su reunion. of war the indemnification need not be previous. Art. 60. Authors and inventors shall enjoy the exclusive owner- ship of their works or discoveries for the time to be determined by law. Art. 61. The right to recover confiscated property is barred by limitation at the end of fifty years. Art. 62. Congress alone can levy national taxes. Art. 63. No personal service can be demanded except by virtue of a law or of a judicial decision founded on law. TITLE VI. THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Art. 64. The Government of Honduras is republican, demo- cratic, and representative. It is exercised by three independent powers — legislative, executive, and judicial. Art. 65. None of the constituted powers shall perform any act by which the established form of gov- ernment may be modified, or by which the integrity of the territory or the national sovereignty may be affected. TITLE VII. THE LEGISLATIVE POWER. Art. 66. The legislative power is vested in a Congress of deputies which shall meet, even if not called, in the capital of the Republic, every two years between the first and fifteenth of January. Congress shall be in session for ninety days, but it may, before the expiration of that time, adjourn its meetings, finally or temporarily, with the ad- vice and consent of the Executive. It shall meet in extra session when called for that purpose; but in this case it shall deal with no other subjects than those mentioned in the call. 360a— vol 1—06- -24 370 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. Art. 67. Un numero de Dipu- tados que no baje de cinco tiene facultaa para tomar las medidas convenientes a fin de hacer con- currir a los demas hasta obtener su instalacion. El Congreso puede instalarse y deliberar con las dos terceras partes de los Diputados electos, y para que haya resolution basta, por regla general, la mayo- ria absoluta de votos. Art. 68. Los Diputados seran elegidos por cuatro anos y pueden ser reelectos indefinidamente. A los dos anos del primer periodo se renovaran por mitad, por sorteo que hara el Congreso al eerrar sus sesiones. La renovation sucesiva se hara por orden de antigiiedad. Art. 69. Para ser Diputado se requiere ser ciudadano en ejercicio de sus derechos, haber curaplido veinticineo anos de edad y ser na- tural 6 vecino del Departamento que verifique la eleccion. Art. 70. No pueden ser Dipu- tados: 1. Los Secretarios y Subsecre- tarios de Estado. 2. Los militares en servicio. 3. Los Gobernadores Politicos y Administradores de Rentas, por el Departamento 6 Distrito electo- ral en que ejerzan sus funciones. Art. 71. El Diputado es invio- lable. En ningun tiempo sera responsable por las ideas que, de palabra 6 por escrito, exponga en el desempeno de su mandato. Art. 72. La eleccion de Dipu- tados al Congreso se hara sobre la base de un Diputado propietario y un suplente por cada diez mil ha- bitantes. Si hubiere fracciones, su representation sera determina- da por la ley. Art. 67. A number of deputies, consisting of not less than five, shall have power to compel the attendance of the other mem- bers until a quorum is secured. Congress can do business with a quorum consisting of two-thirds of the elected deputies, and as a general rule all measures shall be passed by absolute majority of votes. Art. 68. The deputies shall be elected for four years, and may be reelected indefinitely. At the ex- piration of the first two years they shall be renewed by half. Those who are to leave shall be chosen by lot before adjournment. Subse- quent renewals shall be made by order of seniority. Art. 69. To be a deputy the fol- lowing shall be required: To be a citizen in the full enjoyment of the rights of citizenship; to be over twenty-five years of age; and to be a native or resident of the depart- ment where the election is held. Art. 70. The following shall not be deputies: 1. The secretaries and assistant secretaries of state. 2. Military men in active serv- ice. 3. Political governors and col- lectors of revenue in the depart- ment or electoral district in which they exercise their functions. Art. 71. A deputy is inviolable. At no time shall he be responsible for the ideas which, orally or in writing, he may have expressed in the performance of "his functions. Art. 72. The election of depu- ties shall be made upon the basis of one deputy and one substitute for every ten thousand inhabitants. In cases of fractions of this num- ber, the representation thereof shall be determined by law. CONSTITUTION. 371 TITUXO VIII. DE LAS ATRIBUCIONES DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO. Art. 73. Corresponden al Con- greso las atribuciones siguientes: 1. Abrir y cerrar sus sesiones, calificar la eleccion de sus miem- bros, con vista de las credenciales, y recibirles la promesa de ley. 2. Llamar a los respectivos su- plentes, en caso de falta absoluta 6 de legitimo impedimento de los f)ropietarios, y mandar reponer as vacantes que ocurran. 3. Admitir la renuncia de sus miembros, por causas legales debi- damente comprobadas. 4. Formar su reglamento in- terior. 5. Decretar, interpretar, refor- mar y derogar las leyes. 6. Crear y suprimir empleos, establecer pensiones y decretar honores. 7. Conceder amnistias cuando la conveniencia publica lo exija. 8. Indultar y conmutar las pe- nas, por motivos de justicia 6 equidad. 9. Elegir los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, y ad- mitirles 6 no su renuncia. 10. Disponer todo lo conveniente a la seguridad y defensa de la Re- publica. 11. Hacer el escrutinio de votos para Presidente de la Repiiblica, y declarar electo al ciudadano que hubiere obtenido may oria absoluta. 12. En caso de no haber may oria absoluta, hacer la eleccion de Pre- sidente entre los tres ciudadanos que hubieren obtenido mayor mi- mero de sufragios populares. 13. Recibir la promesa consti- tucionaj a los f uncionarios que elija 6 declare electos, y admitirles 6 no sus renuncias. 14. Declarar con lugar a forma- tion de causa al Presidente, a los TITLE VIII. THE FACULTIES OF THE LEGISLA- TIVE POWER. Art. 73. The following powers belong to Congress: 1. To open and close its sessions; to be the judge of the election of its members, upon examination of their credentials, and to receive from them the promise of law. 2. To call the respective substi- tutes to fill the places of the deputies, in cases of absolute va- cancy, or of legal impediment, and to order elections to be held to till the vacancies. 3. To accept the resignations of its members when made upon legal causes duly proven. 4. To make rules for its interior government. 5. To enact, interpret, amend, and repeal the laws. 6. To create or abolish offices and grant pensions and honors. 7. To grant amnesties when pub- lic utility may demand it. 8. To grant pardons and com- mutations of sentences upon just and equitable reasons. 9. To appoint justices of the su- preme court and accept or refuse to accept their resignations. 10. To provide everything relat- ing to the safety and defense of the Republic. 11. To count the votes for Presi- dent of the Republic, and to declare elected the citizen who obtained absolute majority. 12. If no absolute majority has been obtained, Congress shall elect President one of the three citizens having the greatest number of popular votes. 13. To receive the constitutional promise from the functionaries elected or declared elected by it, and to accept or refuse to accept their resignations. 14. To declare that the Presi- dent, deputies, justices of the su- 372 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. Diputados, Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Secre- taries de Estado y Agentes Diplo- maticos, durante sus funciones. 15. Cambiar la residencia de los Supremos Poderes por causas graves. 16. Decretar premios y conceder pri vilegios tempo rales a los auto res e inventores y a los que hayan in- troducido 6 perfeccionado indus- trias de utilidad general. 17. Acordar subvenciones para objetos de utilidad publica. 18. Conceder 6 negar permiso a los hondurenos para aceptar em- pleos de otra nacion. 19. Aprobar 6 improbar la con- ducta del Ejecutivo. 20. Aprobar, modificar 6 im- probar las contratas celebradas y las concesiones otorgadas por el Poder Ejecutivo para los fines in- dicados en el articulo 140 6 cuando hayan de prolongar sus efectos al siguiente periodo presidencial. 21. Aprobar, modificar 6 im- probar los tratados celebrados con las demas naciones. 22. Reglamentar el comercio maritimo y terrestre. 23. Aprobar 6 improbar las cuentas de los gastos piiblicos. 24. Fijar bienalmente el Presu- puesto de gastos, tomando por base los ingresos probables. 25. Imponer 6 suprimir contri- buciones. 26. Contraer deudas nacionales, reglar el pago de las existentes y decretar emprestitos. 27. Decretar la enajenacion de los bienes nacionales 6 su aplica- cion a usos piiblicos. 28. Habilitar puertos, crear y suprimir aduanas. 29. Decretar el peso, ley y tipo de la moneda nacional. 30. Decretar la guerra y hacer la paz. preme court, secretaries of state, and diplomatic agents should be criminally prosecuted during the exercise of their functions. 15. To change for grave reasons, the residence of the supreme pow- ers. 16. To grant rewards and tem- porary privileges to authors and inventors, and to those who have introduced or improved industries of general utility. 17. To grant subsidies for ob- jects of public utility. 18. To grant or refuse permis- sion to Honduraneans to accept office from another nation. 19. To approve or disapprove the conduct of the Executive. 20. To approve, amend, or dis- approve the contracts entered into and the concessions granted by the Executive for the purposes stated in article 140, or when the said contracts and concessions cover a period extending to the next presidential term. 21. To approve, amend, or dis- approve the treaties concluded with other nations. 22. To regulate the commerce by land and sea. 23. To approve or disapprove the accounts of the public ex- penses. 24. To prepare every two years the budget, taking as a basis the probable receipts. 25. To levy or abolish taxes. 26. To contract national debts, provide for the payment of those in existence, and order loans to be made. 27. To order the sale of national property, or the application there- of to public uses. 28. To establish ports of entrj r and create or abolish custom- houses. 29. To fix the weight, fineness, and type of the national coin. 30. To declare war and make peace. CONSTITUTION. 373 31. Fijar en cada reunion ordi- naria el numero de fuerzas del Eje*rcito permanente. 32. Permitir 6 negar el transito de tropas de otro pais por el terri- torio de la Republica. 33. Declarar en estado de sitio la Republica, 6 parte de ella, con- forme a la ley. 34. Conferir los grados de Ge- neral de Brigada y de Division, a iniciativa del Ejecutivo. 35. Conceder cartas de natura- lizacion a los extranjeros. 36. Nombrar los raiembros del Tribunal de Cuentas. 37. Llamar a los Secretarios de Estado para pedirles los informes que estime convenientes, sobre asuntos de la competencia del Con- greso, y con indicacion del objeto del llaraamiento. Art. 74. El Poder Legislativo no podra suplir 6 declarar el estado civil de las personas, ni conceder titulos academicos y literarios. Art. 75. El Congreso podra de- legar en el Ejecutivo la facultad de legislar, determinandole las leyes que perentoriamente exija la ne- cesidad 6 la conveniencia publica. TITULO IX. DE LA FORMACION, SANCION Y PR0MULGACT6n DE LA LEY. Art. 76. Tienen exclusivamente la iniciativa de la ley, los Diputa- dos, el Presidente de la Republica, por medio de los Secretarios de Estado, y la Corte Suprema de Justicia en asuntos de su compe- tencia. Art. 77. Mngun proyecto de ley sera definitivamente votado, sino despues de tres deliberaciones efectuadas en distintos dias, salvo el caso de urgencia calificada por dos tercios de votos. Tovi<* pro- position que tenga por objeto de- clarar la urgencia de una ley, debe 31. To fix in each ordinary ses- sion the strength of the perma- nent army. 32. To grant or refuse per- mission to foreign troops to pass through the territory of the Re- public, i 33. To declare, according to law, the whole Republic, or a portion thereof, in a state of siege. 34. To appoint brigadier-gen- erals and major-generals, upon nomination by the Executive. 35. To grant letters of natural- ization. 36. To appoint the members of the tribunal of accounts. 37. To summon the secretaries of state to appear before it and give information upon subjects within the jurisdiction of Con- gress, but the object of the in- quiry shall be mentioned in the summons. Art. 74. The legislative power shall not make or complete any declaration in regard to the civil status of any person, nor shall it grant academic or literary degrees. Art. 75. Congress may delegate to the Executive the power to leg- islate stating distinctly the laws which necessity or public good may peremptorily demand. TITLE IX. THE ENACTMENT, APPROVAL AND PROMULGATION OF LAWS. Art. 76. The initiative in legis- lative matters exclusively belongs to the deputies, the President of the Republic through the secre- taries of state, and the supreme court of justice in matters belong- ing to its jurisdiction. Art. 77. No bill shall become a law without having been discussed three times on different days, ex- cept in case of urgency declared to exist by a two-thirds vote. Every resolution introduced for the pur- pose of declaring the discussion of the bill to be urgent shall be pre- 374 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. ir precedida de una exposicion de los motivos en que aquel la se funde. Art. 78. Todo proyecto de ley, una vez aprobado por el Congreso, sepasaraal Ejecutivo, a mas tardar, dentro de tres dias de haber sido votado, a fin de que le de su sancion y lo haga promulgar como ley. Art. 79. La promulgacion de la ley se hara con esta formula: "Por tanto: ejecutese." Art. 80. Si el Poder Ejecutivo encontrare inconvenientes para sancionar el pro} T ecto de ley, lo devolvera al Congreso dentro de diez dias, con esta formula: " Vuelva al Congreso;" exponien- do las razones en que funde su desacuerdo. Si en el termino ex- presado no lo objetare, se tendra por sancionado y lo promulgara como ley. Cuando el Ejecutivo devolviere el proyecto, el Congreso lo sujetara a una nueva delibera- cion; y si fuere ratificado con dos tercios de votos, lo pasara de nuevo al Ejecutivo, con esta for- mula: "Ratificado constitucional- mente;" y aquel lo publicara sin tardanza. Art. 81. Cuando el Congreso vote un proyecto de ley al terminal* sus sesiones, y el Ejecutivo crea inconveniente sancionarlo, esta obligado a dar aviso inmediata- mente al Congreso, para que per- manezca reunido hasta diez dias, contados desde la fecha en que aquel recibio el proyecto; y no haciendolo, se tendra la ley por sancionada. Art. 82. No es necesaria la san- cion del Ejecutivo en los actos 6 resoluciones siguientes: 1. En las elecciones que el Con- greso haga 6 declare, y en las renuncias que admita 6 deseche. 2. En las declaratorias de haber lugar a formation de causa. 3. En la Ley de Presupuesto. ceded b} T an explanation of the reasons upon which it is founded. Art. 78. Every bill after hav- ing been passed by Congress shall be sent to the Executive, at the latest within three days after its passage, in order that it may be approved and promulgated as law. Abt. 79. The promulgation of laws shall be maae in this form: "Therefore let it be executed." Art. 80. If the Executive finds it inadvisable to approve a bill it shall return it to Congress within ten days, using this form: "Let it be returned to Congress," and ex- plaining the reasons upon which its action is founded. If no objection is made to a bill within the period just stated, it shall be considered approved and shall bepromulgated as law. When the Executive re- turns a bill, Congress shall submit it to a new discussion, and if passed by a two-thirds vote, it shall be forwarded to the Execu- tive using this form: "Constitu- tionally ratified." The Executive shall then publish it without de- lay. Art. 81. When Congress passes a bill at the end of its session and the Executive does not deem it advisable to approve it, notice thereof shall be given immediately to Congress, in order that it may remain in session ten days longer, said period to be counted from the date on which the Executive re- ceived the bill. Should the Exec- utive fail to complv with this pro- vision, the bill shall be considered approved. Art. 82. The following meas- ures of Congress shall not require the approval of the Executive: 1. Elections which Congress makes or declares, and the accept- ance or non acceptance of resigna- tions. 2. Resolutions allowing crimi- nal proceedings to be instituted. 3. Appropriation laws. CONSTITUTION. 375 4. En los decretos que se refie- ren a la conducta del Ejecutivo. 5. En los reglamentos que ex- pida para su regimen interior. 6. En los acuerdos para trasla- dar su residencia a otro lugar tem- poralmente, y para suspender sus sesiones. 7. En los tratados, contratas y concesiones que impruebe el Con- greso. Art. 83. Siempre que un pro- yecto de ley, que no proceda de iniciativa de la Corte Suprema, tenga por objeto reformar 6 dero- gar las disposiciones contenidas en los Codigos de la Republica u otra cualquiera relativa a la administra- cion de Justicia, no podra discu- tirse sin oir la opinion de aquel Tribunal. La Corte emitira su informe en el termino que el Con- greso le senale. TITUXO X. DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Art. 84. El Poder Ejecutivo se ejerce por un ciudadano que se denomina Presidente de la Re- publica. Art. 85. El Presidente de la Republica debe ser hondureno natural, ciudadano en ejercicio de sus derechos, y mayor de treinta anos. Art. 86. El Presidente de la Republica sera electo popular y directamente, y su eleccion sera declarada 6 hecha'por el Congreso, como queda prescrito. Art. 87. El periodo presidencial sera de seis anos y comenzara el primero de Febrero. El ciuda- dano que hubiere ejercido la presi- dencia en propiedad, no podra ser reelecto para el siguiente periodo. Art. 88. En caso de impedi- mento temporal del Presidente de la Republica, este depositara el Poder en el Consejo de Secretarios de Estado 6 en cualquiera de ellos, a su eleccion. 4. Decrees relating to the con- duct of the Executive. 5. Rules for the interior gov- ernment of Congress. 6. Resolutions transferring the residence of Congress temporarily to some other place, or adjourning its meetings. 7. • Resolutions disapproving treaties, contracts, and concessions. Art. 83. Whenever a bill not originally emanating from the supreme court has for its object the reform or repeal of any pro- vision in the codes of the Republic or of any law relating to the ad- ministration of justice, the opinion of that court shall be requested, before entering into its discussion. The court shall give its opinion within the time which Congress may fix. TITLE X. THE EXECUTIVE. POWER. Art. 84. The executive power is vested in a citizen who shall be called the President of the Re- public. Art. 85. The President of the Republic shall be a native Hondu- ranean and a citizen in the full exercise of his rights, and over thirty years of age. Art. 86. The President of the Republic shall be elected directly by the people, and his election shall be declared or made by Con- gress, as has been prescribed. Art. 87. The presidential term shall be six years, to begin on the first of February. The citizen who has been President can not be reelected for the following period. Art. 88. In case of temporary impediment of the President of the Republic, the executive power shall be vested in the council of secretaries of state, or in any one of the secretaries, as the President may prefer. 376 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. Si la falta es absoluta, el Poder Ejecutivo quedara a cargo del Con- sejo de Secretarios de Estado, quien inmediatamente convocara a elec- ciones de Presidente, las que se practicaran a mas tardar un mes despu^s de ocurrida la vacante. Tambi^n convocara al Congreso a sesiones extraordinarias para que se reuna un mes despues de prac- ticadas las elecciones, y el Presi- dente electo tomara posesion de su cargo, dentro de un mes de decla- rada 6 verificada su eleccion; en este caso, el periodo presidencial comenzara desde la fecha en que tome posesion. Art. 89. El Presidente de la Republica tiene para el despacho de los negocios, de tres a seis Se- cretarios a quienes designara sus respectivos departamentos. Art. 90. Para ser Secretario de Estado se requiere ser mayor de veinticinco anos, hondureno na- tural, y ciudadano en ejercicio de sus derechos. Art. 91. El Secretario de Es- tado refrenda los actos del Pre- sidente de la Republica, sin cuj t o requisite carecen de validez; no ejerce autoridad por si solo, y es responsable solidariamente de los actos que legalize y de los que acuerde con sus colegas, salvo el caso que proteste. Art. 92. Los Secretarios de Estado presentaran al Congreso, en los primeros quince dias de sus sesiones ordinarias, informes de- tallados y comprobados sobre los actos del Ejecutivo, en cada uno de los respectivos ramos de la Administracion Publica. Estos i n- t'ormes serviran de base al Con- greso para que juzgue la conducta del Ejecutivo en todo aquello que If the vacancy is absolute, the executive power shall be vested in the council of secretaries of state, who shall immediately order a presidential election to be held, at the latest one month after the vacancy occurred. The Council shall also call an extra session of Congress, to be held one month after the election, and the President elect shall take possession of his office within one month after his election is declared or made; and in this case the presidential period shall begin on the day of his inau- guration. Art. 89. The President of the Republic shall have for the trans- action of business from three to six secretaries, to whom the re- spective departments of the Gov- ernment shall be entrusted. Art. 90. To be a secretary of state the following shall be re- quired: to be over twenty -five years of age, to be a native Hondu- ranean, and to be a citizen in the full exercise of the rights of citi- zenship. Art. 91. The secretaries of state shall countersign the acts of the President of the Republic, which, if lacking this requisite, shall have no validity. The secretaries do not exercise authority by them- selves, and are jointly responsible with their colleagues, except in case of protest, for all the acts countersigned by them or agreed upon with the other members of the cabinet. Art. 92. The secretaries of state shall submit to Congress during the first fifteen days of the ordinary session a report, supported by the proper vouchers, upon the acts of the Executive in every branch of the public administration. These reports shall serve Congress as a basis for passing judgment upon the conduct of the Executive on all matters which, according to the CONSTITUTION. 377 por la Constitution le corresponda aprobar 6 improbar. Art. 93. Los Secretaries de Estado tienen el deber de dar los informes que les pida el Congreso en el caso del numero 37 del arti- culo 73, exceptuando los de los ram os de Guerra y de Relation es Exteriores, cuando el Presidente de la Republica juzgue necesaria la reserva. Pueden tambien con- currir a las sesiones del Congreso y tomar parte en sus delibera- ciones, sin voto. Art. 94. Ningun Secretario de Estado puede ser candidate a la Presidencia de la Republica mien- tras se encuentre en ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 95. Los Subsecretarios de Estado deben tener las mismas con- diciones que los Secretarios. Cuando por falta de Ministros sea autorizado el Subsecretario del Despacho para refrendar las disposiciones del Poder Ejecutivo, sera responsable de los actos que ref rende de la misma manera que los Ministros. Constitution, are subject to Con- gressional approval or disap- proval. Art. 93. The secretaries of state are bound to give Congress, in the cases set forth in clause 37 of article 73, all the information re- quested of them, except in matters belonging to the departments of war and foreign relations, which the President of the Republic maj T consider advisable to keep se- cret. They may attend the meet- ings of Congress and take part in the debates, but shall have no vote. Art. 94. No secretary of state shall be a candidate for the Presi- dency of the Republic as long as he remains in the exercise of his functions. Art. 95. The assistant secre- taries of state shall have the same qualifications as the secretaries. When, through absence of a secretary, an assistant secretary is called to countersign the acts of the Executive, he shall be respon- sible for said acts in the same way as a secretary. TITTJL.O XI. DE LAS ATRIBUOIONES DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Art. 96. El Presidente de la Republica tiene la administration general del pais. Son sus atribuciones: 1. Ejecutar y hacer cumplir las leyes, expidiendo al efecto los de- cretos y ordenes conducentes, sin alterar el espiritu de aquellas. 2. Admitir, en receso del Con- greso, las renuncias de los Magis- trados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y en este caso nombrar interinamente los Magistrados que deben sustituirlos. Igual nom- bramiento hara en los casos de muerte 6 impedimento absoluto de los individuos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. TITLE XI. FACULTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE POWER. Art. 96. The President of the Republic shall have the administra- tion of the general government of the country. His powers are: 1. To execute and cause others to execute the laws, issuing to that effect whatever orders and decrees may, without changing their spirit, be conducive to said purpose. 2. To accept during the recess of Congress the resignations of the justices of the supreme court and to appoint ad interim those who shall replace them. The same fac- ulties shall be exercised in cases of death or absolute impediment of the same justices. 378 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. 3. Nombrar los empleados del Departamento Ejecutivo, con- forme a la ley. 4. Velar por que todos los em- pleados de la Repiiblica cumplan los deberes que la ley les impone, respetando la independencia de sus funciones. 5. Remover a, los empleados de su libre nombramiento. 6. Conceder amnistias, indultos y conmutar las penas, como el Congreso, en receso de e"ste. 7. Conceder a sus empleados licencia, jubilaciones, retiros y goces de montepios, conforme a las leyes. 8. Convocar al Congreso a se- siones extraordinarias, cuando un grave interes general lo requiera. 9. Dar cuenta en un Mensaje al Congreso, al abrir sus sesiones ordinarias, del estado general de la Admin istracion Piiblica y del uso que hay a hecho de las facul- tades que se le hubiesen delegado. 10. Dar a los funcionarios del Poder Judicial los auxilios y f uer- zas que necesiten para hacer efec- tivas sus providencias. 11. Conceder cartas de naturali- zacion, en receso del Congreso. 12. Conceder 6 negar permiso a los hondurenos, en receso del Congreso, para admitir empleos de otra nacion. 13. Sancionar las leyes, usar del veto en los casos que corresponde, y promulgar sin demora aquellas dis- posiciones legislativas que no nece- sitan de la sancion del Ejecutivo. 14. Mandar reponer las vacantes de los Diputados, en receso del Congreso, de conformidad con la ley, a mas tardrr un mes despues de haber ocurndo. 15. Nombrar interinamente, en receso del Congreso, los miembros del Tribunal de Cuentas. 16. Vigilar sobre la exactitud legal de la moneda y cuidar de la uniformidad de pesas y medidas. 3. To appoint, according to law, the employees of the Executive Department. 4. To see that every employee of the Republic fulfils the duties which the law imposes upon him, respecting, however, the indepen- dence of their functions. 5. To remove the officers whose appointment solely belongs to him. 6. To grant amnesties, pardons, and commutations of sentences during the recess of Congress. 7. To grant to the executive employees leaves of absence and pensions of all kinds, and place them, according to law, on the re- tired list. 8. To call an extra session of Congress when matters of grave general interest may require it. 9. To report to Congress, by means of a message, at the open- ing of the ordinary session, on the general condition of public busi- ness and the use he may have made of the powers, if an}', granted him. 10. To render to the function- aries of the judicial power the assistance which may be needed to enforce their decisions. 11. To grant naturalization dur- ing the recess of Congress. 12. To grant or refuse permis- sion to Honduraneans, during the recess of Congress, to accept em- ployment from another nation. 13. To approve the laws, veto them, when proper, and promul- gate without delay the legislative acts which do not require Execu- tive approval. 14. To cause during the recess of Congress, the vacant seats of deputies to be filled according to law, one month at the latest after the vacancy occurred. 15. To appoint ad interim dur- ing the recess of Congress the mem- bers of the tribunal of accounts. 16. To watch over the legal exactness of the coin, and the uni- formity of weights and measures. CONSTITUTION. 379 17. Ejercerlasupremadirecciou de la Policia de seguridad. 18. Conferir gradOs rnilitares desde Subteniente hasta Coronel, y los de General de tfrigada y de Division en el campo de batalla, a los militares que tengan una con- ducta distinguida. 19. Disponer de las fuerzas mi- litares organizadas y distribuirlas de confornridad con la ley, segun las necesidades de la Republica. 20. Declarar la guerra y hacer la paz, y permitir o negar el tran- sito de tropas de otro pais por el territorio de la Republica, cuando las circunstancias no permitan la reunion del Congreso para que lo resuelva. 21. Declarar en estado de sitio la Republica 6 parte de ella, en receso del Congreso, de conformi- dad con la ley, debiendo dar cuenta al Congreso, en su primera reunion, del uso que hubiere hecho de esta faeultad. 22. Defender la independencia, el honor de la Nacion y la integri- dad de su territorio. 23. Conservar la paz y seguri- dad interior de la Republica y repeler todo ataque 6 agresion exterior. 24. Conceder patentes de corso y cartas de represalia. 25. Celebrar tratados y cuales- quiera otras negociaciones diplo- maticas, sometiendolos a la ratifi- cacion del Congreso en las proximas sesiones. 26. Dirigir las relaciones exte- riores, nombrar los Agentes Diplo- matics y Consulares de la Re- publica, recibir los Ministros y admitir los Consules de las naciones extranjeras. 27. Hacer que se recauden las rentas del Estado y reglamentar su inversion, con arreglo a la ley. 28. Decretar en los casos de in- vasion 6 rebelion, si los recursos del Estado fueren insuficientes, 17. To exercise the supreme di- rection of the police. 18. To give military positions, from second lieutenant to colonel, to military men who distinguish themselves for their services. The positions of brigadier-general and General of Division can be granted by him on the battlefield. 19. To dispose of the organized military forces and distribute them according to law and as the necessi- ties of the Republic may require. 20. To declare war and make peace, and to allow or refuse for- eign troops to cross the territory of the Republic, when circumstances do not permit the assembling of Congress. 21. To declare the whole Re- public or a portion thereof in a state of siege, in conformity with the law, during the recess of Con- gress; but he shall have to report to Congress at its first meeting on the use made by him of this power. 22. To defend the independence and honor of the Nation and the integrity of its territory. 23. To preserve the peace and internal security of the Republic and to repel external attacks or aggression. 24. To grant letters of marque and reprisal. 25. To conclude treaties and all other diplomatic compacts, sub- mitting them for ratification to Congress at its next session. 26. To conduct the foreign rela- tions of the Republic, appoint its diplomatic and consular agents, receive foreign ministers, and ad- mit consuls of other nations. 27. To cause the revenues of the state to be collected, and make rules for their disbursement ac- cording to law. 28. To order in cases of inva- sion or rebellion, if the resources of the state are insufficient, gen- 380 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. un emprestito general y propor- cional, voluntario 6 forzoso, de cuya inversion dara cuenta al Con- greso en sus proximas sesiones. 29. Publicar mensualmente el estado de ingresos y egresos de las rentas piiblicas. 30. Dar reglamentos para nacio- nalizar y matricular buques. Art. 97. El Presidente es el Comandante General y General en Jef e de las f uerzas de mar y tierra de la Republica. Art. 98. Siempre que el Presi- dente de la Republica juzgue con- veniente ponerse al frente del Ejercito, encargara del Poder Ejecutivo a uno de los Secretaries de Estado, quien debe sustituirlo constitucionalmente; y quedara investido solo del caracter de Gene- ral en Jefe y con las atribuciones de Comandante General. eral and proportional loans, volun- tary or forced, to be contracted, and Congress shall be informed at its next session of the disbursement of the moneys so acquired. 29. To publish monthly a state- ment of the Government receipts and expenditures. 30. To make rules for the na- tionalization and registration of ships. Art. 97. The President is the commander in chief of the land and sea forces of the Republic. Art. 98. Whenever the Presi- dent of the Republic should deem it advisable to place himself at the head of the army, he shall intrust the Executive power to one of the secretaries of state, who shall con- stitutionally replace him; and the President shall then remain vested with only the character and powers of commander in chief. tItulo xti. DEL PODER JUDICIAL. Art. 99. El Poder Judicial de la Republica se ejercera por una Corte Suprema de Justicia, que residira en la capital, y por los Tribunales y Jueces inf eriores que la ley establece. • Art. 100. La Corte Suprema de Justicia se compondra de cinco Magistrados electos por el Con- greso, debiendo ser ciudadanos en ejercicio de sus derechos, aboga- dos de la Republica y mayores de treinta anos. Se elegiran igualmente por el Congreso tres Magistrados su- plentes, que sustituiran a los pro- pietarios, y que deberan reunir las mismas condiciones que 6stos. Art. 101. La Corte Suprema de Justicia nombrara los Magistrados de las Cortes de Apelaciones, los Jueces inferiores departamentales y seccionales, y los oliciales del TITLE XII. THE JUDICIAL POWER. Art. 99. The judicial power of the Republic is vested in a supreme court, which shall reside in the capital, and in the tribunals and inferior courts which the law may establish. Art. 100. The supreme court shall consist of five justices elected by Congress, said justices to be citizens in the full exercise of their rights of citizenship, lawyers of the Republic, and over thirty years of age. Congress shall elect every year three substitute justices, who shall take the places of the justices when- ever required, and shall have the same qualifications. Art. 101. The supreme court shall appoint, according to law, the justices of the courts of appeals, the judges who shall preside over the departmental and sectional CONSTITUTION. 381 Ministerio publico de conformidad con la ley. Los Jueces de Paz seran electos popularmente en el te'rmino municipal respectivo. Art. 102. No podran ser Ma- gistrados ni Jueces en un mismo Tribunal las personas ligadas por parentesco, dentro del cuarto grado ae consanguinidad y segundo de atinidad. Si fueren nombrados dos 6 mas parientes en dicho grado, se preferira al que hubiere sido nombrado primero, y en caso de igualidad, al abogado mas antiguo. Art. 103. El periodo de los Magistrados, Jueces departamen- tales 6 seccionales y oficiales del Ministerio publico sera de seis anos, prorrogables de derecho hasta el nombramiento de sus sucesores, y tomaran posesion el primero de Febrero. Art. 104. La Corte Suprema admitira 6 no las renuncias de los funcionarios de su nombramiento y concede ra licencia tan to a estos como a sus propios miembros. Los Jueces departamentales 6 seccionales admitiran 6 no las re- nuncias y concederan licencias a los Jueces de Paz. Art. 105. La ley reglamentara la organizacion y atribuciones de los Tribunales de Justicia. Art. 106. La facultad de juzgar y ejecutar lo juzgado pertenece a las Cortes y demas Tribunales de Justicia. A ellos corresponde la aplicacion de las leyes en los casos concretos que legalmente se some- tan a su conocimiento, y negarles cumplimiento cuando sean contra- rios a la Constitucion. Art. 107. La Corte Suprema de Justicia, ademas de las atribuciones courts, and the emplo} r ees of the attornej 7 -general's office. The jus- tices of the peace shall be elected by the people in the respective municipal districts. Art. 102. Persons related to each other by blood, within the fourth degree, and b}' affinity within the second, shall not be members of the same tribunal. If two or more relatives within the said degrees are appointed, the one first appointed shall be preferred; but if all have been appointed at the same time, preference shall be given to the one first admitted to the bar. Art. 103. The term of office of the justices, departmental and sec- tional judges, and all the function- aries of the attorney-general's office, shall be six years, this period to continue, however, in case of its expiration until the appointment of their successors. They shall take possession of their offices on the first of February. Art. 104. The supreme court shall accept or refuse to accept the resignations of the function- aries appointed by it, and grant leaves of absence both to these functionaries and to its own mem- bers. The judges presiding over the departmental or sectional courts shall have power to acceptor refuse to accept the resignations of the justices of the peace, and grant them leaves of absence. Art. 105. The law shall regu- late the organization and powers of the tribunals of justice. Art. 106. The power to render judicial decisions, and to enforce them, belongs to the courts of jus- tice. They shall apply the law to the concrete cases legalty submit- ted to their cognizance, and shall refuse to compty with any la w when it is contrary to the Constitution. Art. 107. The supreme court shall have, in addition to the 382 REPUBLIC X)F HONDURAS. que la ley le confiere, ejercera las siguientes: 1. Hacer su reglamento inte- rior. 2. Conocer de los delitos ofi- ciales y comunes de los altos f un- cionarios cuando el Congreso los haj 7 a declarado con lugar a f orma- eion de causa. 3. Autorizar a los abogados y notarios recibidos dentro 6 fuera de la Republica, para el ejercicio de su profesion, salvo lo estipulado en los tratados, y suspenderlos con arreglo a la ley. 4. Declarar que ha lugar a for- macion de causa contra los miem- bros del Tribunal de Cuentas, Fis- cal General de la Republica, y contra los principales empleados nacionales, departamentales y sec- cionales que la ley determine, por los delitos que cometan en el ejer- cicio de sus funciones. 5. Conocer de las causas de presas, de extradicion y demas que deban juzgarse con arreglo al Derecho internacional. 6. Suspender disciplinariamente y destituir a los funcionarios de su nombramiento por mala conducta 6 por faltas graves en el ejercicio de sus funciones, me- dian te informacion sumaria y au- diencia del funcionario a quien se trate de suspender 6 destituir. Art. 108. La administracion de justicia es gratuita en la Republica. Art. 109. Los miembros de los Tribunales de Justicia, durante su periodo, no podran eiercer nin- gun otro empleo que lleve anexa ]urisdiccion. Art. 110. Un mismo Juez no puede serlo en diversas instancias en una misma causa. Art. 111. Los Tribunales de Justicia podran requerir el auxilio de la fuerza armada para el cum- pliniiento de sus resoluciones. Art. 112. Ningun poder 6 au- powers granted to it by law, the following faculties: 1. To make rules for its interior government. 2. To take cognizance of the cases of impeachment, and the cases for common offenses insti- stuted against high functionaries, when Congress has permitted to proceed against them. 3. To admit lawyers and nota- ries, whether of the Republic or of foreign countries, to the practice of their profession, unless some- thing else has been stipulated by treaty, and to suspend them ac- cording to law. 4. To permit criminal proceed- ings to be instituted against the members of the tribunal of ac- counts, the attorney -general of the Republic, and the principal na- tional, departmental, and sectional employees determined by law, for crimes and offenses committed by them in the exercise of their func- tions. 5. To take cognizance of prize cases, cases of extradition, and all others to be settled according to international law. 6. To suspend and remove pub- lic functionaries for misconduct and for grave faults in the exer- cise of their functions, provided that a summary investigation of the facts and the proper hearing of the accused functionary have taken place. Art. 108. The administration of justice is gratuitousintheRepublic. Art. 109. The members of the tribunals of justice shall be dis- qualified during their term of office from serving any other position carrying with it jurisdiction. Art. 110. The same judge can not take cognizance of the same case in different instances. Art. 111. The courts of justice shall have the power to demand the assistance of the armed forces to carry their decisions into effect. Art. 112. No power or author- CONSTITUTION. 383 toridad puede avocarse causas pen- dientes, ni abrir juicios fenecidos. TITULO XIII. DEL EJERCITO. Art. 113. La fuerza publica esta instituida para asegurar los derechos de la Nacion, el cumpli- miento de la ley y el rnantenimien- to del orden publico. Art. 114. El servicio militar es obligatorio. Todo hondureno de veintiuno a treinta anos es soldado del Ejercito activo, y de treinta a cuarenta anos, de la reserva. La ley hard la organ izacion de las milicias. Los militares que tengan grado en el Ejercito, tienen derecho, despues de cumplir los cuarenta anos, a renunciar sus despachos y quedar separados del servicio. Art. 115. Se establece el fuero de guerra para los delitos militares. Art. 116. La fuerza publica es esencialmente obediente. Ningiin cuerpo armado puede deliberar. TITULO XIV. DEL PRESUPUESTO. Art. 117. El Presupuesto sera votado por el Congreso en vista del proyecto que presente el Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 118. El proyecto de pre- supuesto sera presentado por el respectivo Secretario de Estado, dentro de los quince dias subsi- guientes a la instalacion del Con- greso. Art. 119. Todo gasto que se haga f uera del Presupuesto es ile gal y seran responsables solidaria- mente por la cantidad gastada el Presidente, el Secretario de Estado respectivo, los miembros del Tri- bunal de Cuentas y los empleados que en el intervinieren, si faltaren a sus deberes. ity shall assume jurisdiction over any pending case, or reopen cases terminated and settled. TITLE XIII. THE ARMY. Art. 113. The public force is established to insure the rights of the Nation, the compliance with the law, and the preservation of public order. Art. 114. Military service is compulsory. Every Honduranean from twenty -one to thirty years of age is a soldier in the active army, and from thirty to forty in the re- serve. The law shall provide for the organization of the militia. Military officers, after complet- ing forty years of age, shall be permitted to resign their com- missions and reenter civil life. Art. 115. Military offenses shall be subject to military jurisdiction. Art. 116. The public force is essentially obedient. No armed body shall deliberate. TITLE XXV. THE BUDGET. Art. 117. The budget shall be voted by Congress upon estimates submitted to it by the executive power. Art. 118. The estimates shall be presented by the respective secretaries of state during the first fifteen days immediately follow- ing the opening of Congress. Art. 119. Expenditures not authorized in the budget are illegal, and the President, the re- spective secretary of state, the members of the tribunal of ac- counts, and all the employees hav- ing had intervention in the matter, shall be, in their respective cases, jointly responsible for the amounts so expended. 384 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. Art. 120. El Presupuesto de gastos ordinarios de la Adminis- tracion Publica no podra exceder de los ingresos probables. TITULO XV. DEL TESORO PtJBLICO. Art. 121. Forman el Tesoro Publico de la Nacion: 1°. Todos sus bienes muebles y raices. 2°. Todos sus creditos activos. 3°. El producto de los derechos, impuestos y contribuciones na- cionales. Art. 122. El Poder Ejecutivo no podra celebrar contratas ni otorgar concesiones de importan- cia que comprometan el Tesoro Nacional, sin previa publicacion de la propuesta en el periodico oficial, y licitacion publica. Ex- ceptiianse las que tengan por objeto proveer a las necesidades de la guerra, y las que por su natu- raleza no puedan celebrarse si no es con persona determinada. Art. 123. Para fiscalizar la ad- ministration del Tesoro National, habra un Tribunal Superior de Cuentas, cuyas atribuciones prin- cipales seran: examinar, aprobar 6 improbar las cuentas de los que administren fondos publicos, y dar curso 6 devolver al Ejecutivo las ordenes sobre erogaciones, con- forme a la ley. Art. 124. Los miembros de este Tribunal deberan ser mayores de veinticinco anos y no ser acree- dores ni deudores de la Hacienda Publica, ni tener cuentas pendien- tes con ella. Su niimero, organi- zation y atribuciones, seran deter- minadas por la ley. Art. 125. Habra un Fiscal Ge- neral, de nombramiento del Ejecu- tivo, que represente los intereses Art. 120. The appropriations made to meet the ordinary expen- ses of the public administration shall not exceed the amount of the probable receipts. TITLE XV. THE PUBLIC TREASURE. Art. 121. The public treasure consists of the following: 1. All property, real and per- sonal, belonging to the Nation. 2. All its claims. 3. The duties on imports and ex- ports and all other national taxes, and imposts. Art. 122. The executive power shall not enter into any contracts or grant any concession of impor- tance pledging the national treas- ury, without previous publication of the proposals in the official newspaper and a call for bids. Operations undertaken to meet necessities of war, and business which according to its nature can only be transacted with determined persons, shall be exempted from this rule. Art. 123. There shall be a supe- rior tribunal of accounts, which shall control the management of the national treasure, and whose principal power shall be to exam- ine, approve, or disapprove the accounts of all those who adminis- ter public funds, and to allow or disallow and return to the Execu- tive, according to law, any requi- sition for funds. Art. 124. The members of the tribunal of accounts shall be over twenty-five years of age, neither creditors nor debtors of the public treasury, and having no account pending with it. The organiza- tion and powers of this court and the number of its members shall be determined by law. Art. 125. There shall be a so- licitor of the treasury, appointed by the Executive, who shall rep- CONSTITUTION. 385 de la Hacienda Publica. Sus atri- buciones se deterininaran por la ley. TITULO XVI. resent and defend the interests of the Government. His powers shall be determined by law. TITLE XVI. DEL GOBIERNO DEPARTAMENTAL. Art. 126. Para la Administra- cion Publica se divide el territorio de la Nacion en Departamentos, cuyo numero y limites fijara la ley. En cada uno de ellos habra los funcionarios que la misma ley determine. Art. 127. En el Gobierno de- partamental, un mismo individuo no podra ejercer a la vez f unciones politicas, militares y de hacienda, si no es interinamente y por un termino que no exceda de tres meses. Art. 128. El regimen politico, judicial, militar y economico del Territorio de la Mosquitia, podra ser distinto del adoptado para los demas pueblos de la Republica. TITULO XVII. DEL GOBIERNO MUNICIPAL. Art. 129. El municipio es au- tonomo y sera representado por Municipalidades electas directa- mente por el pueblo. La ley reglamentara la organi- zacion y atribuciones de las Muni- cipalidades. El numero de los municipales sera proporcional a la J)oblaci6n. Las atribuciones de as Municipalidades seran pura- mente economicas y administra- tivas. Art. 130. Las Municipalidades decretaran, conforme a la ley, las contribuciones locales, y adminis- traran los f ondos y bienes de la co- munidad en provecho de la misma, rindiendo cuentas de su adminis- tracion ante el Tribunal que esta- blezca la ley. Deberan publicar THE DEPARTMENTAL GOVERN- MENT. Art. 126. For the proper ad- ministration of the government the territory is divided into De- partments, the number and limits of which shall be determined by law. Each Department shall have the functionaries which the same law may determine. Art. 127. In the departmental government no one shall be per- mitted to exercise at the same time, unless ad interim, and for a period not to exceed three months, political, military, and treasury functions. Art. 128. The political, judicial, militaiy , and economical regime of the territory of Mosquitia may be different from that adopted for all the other places of the Republic. TITLE XVII. THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Art. 129. The municipal gov- ernment is autonomic, and shall be vested in municipal corpora- tions directly elected by the people. The law shall regulate the or- ganization and powers of the mu- nicipal corporations. The num- ber of their members shall be in proportion to the population. The powers of the municipal corpora- tions shall be purely economical and administrative. . Art. 130. The municipal cor- porations shall levy, according to law, local taxes, and shall man- age the property of the com- munity for the benefit of the same, rendering an account of their management to the tribunal es- tablished by law. They shall 360a— vol 1—06- -25 386 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. anualraente un informe detallado de los ingresos y egresos de sus fondos. Art. 131. Las Municipalidades nombraran libremente los emplea- dos de su dependencia, y los agentes de Policia que costeen con sus propios fondos. Art. 132. En el ejercicio de sus funciones privativas, seran inde- pendientes de los otros Poderes, sin contrariar en ningiin caso las leyes generales del pais; y seran responsables por los abusos que cometan, colectiva 6 individual- mente, ante las autoridades que designe la ley. Art. 133. Las Municipalidades tienen las facultades deconmutar, conforme a la ley, penas por faltas. Las Municipalidades tambien tienen derecho de emitir acuerdos sobre Policia, Higiene e Instruc- cion Publica, sin contrariar la Constitucion y las leyes generales. Art. 134. Ningun miembro de las Municipalidades podra ser obli- gado a aceptar otro nombramiento, ni ser llamado al servicio niilitar. titulo xvm. DISPOSICIONES COMPLEMENTA- RIAS. Art. 135. La enumeracion de derechos y garantias que hace esta Constitucion, no excluye otros de- rechos y garantias no enumerados, pero que nacen del principio de la soberania del pueblo y de la forma republicana de gobierno. Art. 136. Las leyes reglan el uso de estas garantias, pero no podra darse ley que, con ocasion de reglaraentar u organizar su ejercicio, las disminuya, restrinja 6 adultere. Art. 137. Toda persona 6 re- union de personas que asuma el publish annually an itemized re- port of receipts and expenditures. Art. 131. The municipal cor- porations shall freely appoint their own employees and tnose police agents whose salaries are to be paid out of municipal funds. Art. 132. In the exercise of their own functions the municipal cor- porations shall be independent of the other powers, but in no case shall they violate the general laws of the country. The}' shall be re- sponsible before the authorities designated b} r law for any abuses committed by them, collectively or individually. Art. 133. The municipal cor- porations shall have the power of commuting, according to law, sen- tences imposed for misdemeanors. The municipal corporations shall also have the right to take action on matters of police, hygienics, and public instruction, provided that said action is not in opposition to the Constitution and general laws. Art. 134. No member of the municipal corporations shall be compelled to accept another posi- tion or be called to the military service. TITLE XVTII. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS. Art. 135. The enumeration of rights and guaranties in this Con- stitution does not exclude other rights and guaranties not enumer- ated, but derived from the princi- ple of the sovereignty of the people and the republican form of gov- ernment. Art. 136. The laws regulate the use of these guaranties, but no law shall be enacted which, under pretense of regulating or organiz- ing their exercise, should abridge, restrict, or adulterate them. Art. 137. Every person or re- union of persons assuming with- CONSTITUTION. 387 titulo de representacion del pue- blo, se arrogue sus derechos o re- presente en su nombre, comete sedicion. Art. 138. Toda autoridad usur- pada es ilegal, y la usurpacion constituye un crimen. Sus actos son nulos. Toda decision acor- dada por intimacion directa 6 indi- recta de un cuerpo armado 6 de una reunion del pueblo, es nula de derecho y no tendra efectos legales. Art. 139. El Presidente de la Republica, los Diputados, los Ma- gistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, los Secretarios de Estado y los Ministros Diplomaticos, res- ponderan ante el Congreso por los delitos que cometan en el ejercicio de sus funciones. El Congreso, previos los tramites que determine su Reglamento, declarara si ha lugar a formacion de causa contra ellos,» para el efecto de ponerlos a disposicion del Tribunal compe- tent^. Igual declaratoria sera ne- cesaria para proceder contra el Presidente de la Republica, los Secretarios de Estado y los Magis- trados de la Corte Suprema, por delitos comunes. Art. 140. El Estado proveera todo lo conveniente al bienestar y adelanto del pais, fomentando la InstruccionPublica en sus di versos ramos, el progreso de la agricul- tura, de la industria y del comer- cio, de la inmigracion, de la colo- nizacion de tierras desiertas y de la construction de caminos y de ferrocarriles, del planteamiento de nuevas industrias y del estableci- miento de instituciones de credito, de la importation de capitales ex- tranjeros y de la explotacion y canalization de los rios y lagos, por medio de leyes protectoras de estos fines, y de concesiones tempo rales de privilegios y de recompensas de estimulo. out authorit} 7 the representation of the people, arrogating the rights thereof, or speaking in its name, shall be guilty of sedition. Art. 138. All usurped author- ity is illegal, and the usurpation of authority a crime. The acts of the usurper are null. All measures taken through direct or indirect pressure of an armed body or a reunion of people are null dejure and shall be inoperative. Art. 139. The President of the Republic, deputies, justices of the supreme court, secretaries of state, and diplomatic ministers, shall re- spond before Congress for the offenses committed by them in the exercise of their functions. Con- gress, after following the course of proceedings for such cases de- termined by its rules, shall declare whether or not there is ground to institute proceedings against them and place them at the disposal of the tribunal of competent juris- diction. The same declaration of Congress shall be required before instituting proceedings against the President of the Republic, the sec- retaries of state, and the justices of the supreme court, for common offenses. Art. 140. The Government shall provide all that may be con- ducive to the welfare and progress of the Republie, promote public in- struction in its different branches, the progress of agriculture, in- dustry and commerce, immigra- tion, colonization of vacant lands, construction of roads and railways, establishment of new industries and institutions of credit, introduc- tion of foreign capital, exploita- tion and canalization of the rivers and lakes, all of which shall be done by means of laws of protective character and temporary conces- sions of privileges and other in- ducements. 388 REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. Art. 141. La navegacion de los rios es libre para todas las ban- deras. Art. 142. Ni los hondurenos ni los extranjeros podran, en ningun caso, reclamar al Estado indemni- zacion alguna por danos 6 perjui- cios que a sus personas 6 bienes causaren las facciones. Art. 143. En los casos de inva- sion, perturbacion interior do lapaz piiblica, 6 cualesquiera otros que pongan a la sociedad en gran pe- ligro 6 conflicto, podrci deeretarse el estado de sitio de toda la Repii- blica, 6 parte de ella. El estado de sitio durara todo el tiempo que exijan las circunstancias que lo motivan, pero no podra pasar de sesenta dias sin nueva declaratoria, ni alterar las garantias consigna- das en los articulos 26, 35, 37, 43 y ±4. En caso de epidemia, podran dictarse disposiciones sanitarias que contrarien 6 restrinjan las ga- rantias contenidas en los articulos 41, 42, en lo relativo a, la deten- cion de correspondencia, y 50. 56 y63. Art. 144. La presente Consti- tucion puede reformarse. La ne- cesidad de reforma sera declarada por el Congreso ordinario; pero solo se efectuara la reforma por una Asamblea Nacional Constitu- yente, convocada al efecto. Es ineficaz la proposicion de reforma que no este apoyada por las dos terceras partes del Congreso. Se exceptua de estos requisitos el caso previsto en el articulo 1. Art. 145. Todo empleado 6 fun- cionario de la Republica, al tomar posesion de su destino, hara la promesa siguiente: " Prometo ser fiel a la Republica, cumplir y hacer , cumplir la Constitution y las leyes." Art. 141. The navigation of the rivers shall be free to all flags. Art. 142. Neither Hondura- neans nor foreigners shall in any case claim against the State an} r indemnity for damages done to their persons or property by revo- lutionists. Art. 143. In cases of invasion, internal disturbance of the peace, or any other case in which so- ciety ma} T become in grave dan- ger, the state of siege of the entire Republic or a portion thereof may be proclaimed. The state of siege shall last only for the time re- quired by the circumstances which produced it, but it never shall ex- tend beyond sixty days without a further declaration, nor can it affect the guaranties set forth in articles 26, 35, 37, 43, and 44. In case of epidemic diseases it shall be lawful for the Government to issue sanitary regulations re- stricting or abridging the guar- anties contained in articles 41 and 42, or the portion thereof relating to the detention of correspondence, and articles 50, 56, and 63. Art. 144. The present Consti tution may be amended. The ne- cessity for amending it shall be de- clared by Congress, but the amend ment itself shall only be made by a national constitutional conven- tion called for that purpose. A proposition to amend, which is not supported by two-thirds of the members of Congress, shall have no effect. The case fore- seen in article 1 shall be an ex- ception to this rule. Art. 145. Every employee or functionary of the Republic when entering on the discharge of his duties shall make the following promise: "I promise to be faith- ful to the Republic and to comply and cause others to comply with the Constitution and the laws." CONSTITUTION. 389 TITTJLO XIX. DISPOSICTON TRANSITORIA. Art. 146. Por esta vez y para el primer periodo constitucional, la presente Asamblea hara la elec- cion de Presidente de la Republica 3 r de Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, debiendo re- cibirles ella misma la promesa de ley. ARTfcuLO final. La presente Constitucion comenzara a regir cuando se decreten las leyes secun- darias en armonia con ella; que- dando derogada, desde esta f echa, la de catorce de octubre de mil ochocientos noventa y cuatro. TITLE XIX. TRANSIENT PROVISIONS. Art. 146. For this time and for the first constitutional period the present assembly shall make the election of President of the Repub- lic and of justices of the supreme court, and shall receive from them the promise required by law. Final article. The present Constitution shall begin to be in force when secondary laws in har- mony with its principles shall be enacted; but from the present date the Constitution of October four- teenth, eighteen hundred and ninety -four, is repealed. REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. HISTORICAL NOTES. On the 4th of November, 1903, the municipal council of the district of Panama, which was at that time part and parcel of the Republic of Colombia, acting, as it said, as a faithful interpreter of the sentiments of those whom they represented, declared in a solemn form that the people under their jurisdiction had severed the political bonds which had connected them with Colombia and formed in union, with the other towns of the Department of Panama, which had accepted the separa- tion, the Republic of Panama, with an independent government, demo- cratic, representative, and responsible, tending to secure the happiness of the natives and of the other inhabitants of the territory of the Isthmus. The Constitution of the new Republic was framed and adopted on the 13th of February, 1904. 391 CONSTITUTION. (February 13, 1904.) Nosotros, los Representantes del pueblo de Panama, reunidos en Convencion Nacional con el objeto de constituir la Nacion, mantener el orden, ah'anzar la justicia, pro- mover el bienestar general y ase- gurar los beneficios de la libertad para nosotros, para nuestra pos- teridad y para todos los hombres del mundo que habiten el suelo panameno, invocando la proteccion de Dios, ordenamos, decretamos y establecemos para la Nacion pana- mena la siguiente Constitucion: TITULO I. DE LA NACION Y EL TERRITORIO. ARTfcuLO 1. El pueblo pana- meno se constituye en Nacion in- dependiente y soberana, regida por un Gobierno republicano y demo- cratic©, bajo la denominacion de Repiiblica de Panama. Art. 2. La soberania reside en la Nacion, quien la ejerce por medio de sus Representantes, del modo como esta Constitucion lo establece y en los terminos en ella expresados. Art. 3. Compone el territorio de la Repiiblica todo aquel con el cual se f ormo el Estado de Panama por acto adicional de la Constitu- cion Granadina de mil ochocientos cincuenta y tres, en veintisiete de Febrero de mil ochocientos cin- cuenta y cinco, transformado en mil ochocientos ochenta y seis en Departamento de Panama, con sus islas, y el territorio continental e 392 We, the representatives of the people of Panama, assembled in national convention for the pur- pose of constituting the Nation, maintaining order, guaranteeing justice, promoting the general wel- fare, and securing the benefits of liberty for ourselves, our poster- ity, and all men who may inhabit the Panaman soil, invoking the protection of God, do ordain, de- cree, and establish for the Pana- man Nation the following Con- stitution: TITLE I. THE NATION AND ITS TERRI- TORY. Article 1. The Panaman peo- ple hereby constitute themselves an independent and sovereign Nation, ruled by a republican and democratic government, under the denomination of the Republic of Panama. Art. 2. The sovereignty resides in the Nation, which shall exercise it through its representatives in the manner established by this Constitution and under the condi- tions therein expressed. Art. 3. The territory of the Republic is the same which, under the Act of Februar}^ twenty-sev- enth, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, additional to the New Granada Constitution of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, formed the State of Panama, and became after wards, in eighteen hundred and eighty-, six, the Department of Panama, with its islands, and the continental CONSTITUTION. 393 insular que adjudico a la Repu- blics de Colombia el laudo pronun- ciado el once de Septiembre de mil novecientos por el Presidente de la Republica Francesa. P^l terri- torio de la Republica queda sujeto a las limitaeiones jurisdiccionales estipuladas 6 que se estipulen en los tratados publicos celebrados con los Estados Unidos de Norte America, para la construccion, mantenimiento 6 sanidad de cual- quier medio de transito inter- oceanico. Por tratados publicos se deter- minaran los limites con la Repu- blica de Colombia. Art. 4. El territorio de la Re- publica se divide en las Provincias de Bocas del Toro, Code, Colon, Chiriqui, Los Santos, Panama y Veraguas. Las Provincias se divi- den en Municipios. La Asamblea Nacional podra aumentar 6 disminuir el numero de aqu^llas y de estos, 6 variar sus limites. Art. 5. El territorio con los bienes publicos que de el forman parte, pertenece a la Nacion. tItuxo II. and insular territory which was awarded to the Republic of Colom- bia by the President of the French Republic on September eleventh, nineteen hundred. The territory of the Republic remains subject to the jurisdictional restrictions stip- ulated or which ma}^ be stipulated in public treaties with the United States of America for the construc- tion, maintenance or sanitation of any route of interoceanic transit. The boundaries with the Repub- lic of Colombia shall be deter- mined by treaty. Art. 4. The territory of the Republic is divided into the prov- inces of Bocas del Toro, Code, Colon, Chiriqui, Los Santos, Pan- ama, and Veraguas. The provinces are divided into municipalities. The National Assembly may in- crease or decrease the number of the former and of the latter, or change their boundaries. Art. 5. The territory, and the public property to be found on it, belong to the Nation. TITLE II. NACIONALIDAD Y CIUDADANIA. NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP. Art. 6. Sonpanamenos: 1. Todos los que hayan nacido 6 nacieren en el territorio de Pa- nama, cualquiera que sea la nacio- nalidad de sus padres. 2. Los hijos de padre 6 madre panamenos que hayan nacido en otro territorio, si vinieren a domi- ciliarse en la Republica y expresen la voluntad de serlo. 3. Los extranjeros con mas de diez anos de residencia en el terri- torio de la Republica que, profe- sando alguna ciencia, arte 6 indus- tria, 6 poseyendo alguna propie- dad raiz, 6 capital en giro, declaren ante la Municipal idad panamena Art. 6. The following are Pan- amans: 1. All those born or who may be born in the territory of Pan- ama, whatever the nationality of their parents may be. 2. Children of Panaman father or mother, born in another terri- tory, if they take up their domi- cile in the Republic and express their intention to become Pana- manians. 3. Foreigners, who have resided for over ten years in the Republic, professing some science, art, or industry, or owning some real es- tate, or capital in circulation, if they declare, before the Pana- man municipal authority of the 394 KEPUBLIC OF PANAMA. en que residan su voluntad de na- turalizarse en Panama. Bastaran seis anos de residencia si son casa- dos y tienen familia en Panama, y tres anos si son casados con pana- mena. 4. Los coiomDianos que, ha- biendo tornado parte en la inde- pendencia de la Republica de Pa- nama, hayan declarado su voluntad de serlo, 6 asi lo declaren ante el Concejo municipal del distrito en donde residan. Art. 7. La calidad de nacional panameno se pierde: 1. Por adquirir carta de natu- raleza en pais extranjero, fijando en el domicilio. 2. Por admitir empleos u ho- nores de otro Gobierno sin el per- miso del Presidente de la Repu- blica. 3. Siendo nacido panamefio, por no aceptar el movimiento de inde- pendencia de la Nacion. 4. Por haberse comprometido al servicio de una nacion eneniiga. La nacionalidad solo podia re- cobrarse en virtud de rehabilita- cion de la Asamblea Nacional. Art. 8. Todos los panamenos tienen el deber de servir a la Na- cion conforme lo dispongan las leyes; y, tanto estos como los ex- tranjeros que se hallen en el terri- torio de la Republica, el de vivir sometidos a la Constitution y a las leyes, y el de respetar y obedecer a las autoridades. Art. 9. Los extranjeros disfru- taran en Panama de los mismos derechos que se concedan a los panamenos por las leyes de la Na- cion a que el extranjero perte- nezca, salvo lo que se estipule en los tratados publicos x, en defecto de estos, lo que determinen las leyes. Art. 10. Los extranjeros natu- ralizados 6 domiciliados no seran obligados a tomar armas contra el pais de su nacimiento. territory in which they reside, their intention of being natural- ized in Panama. Six 3 7 ears resi- dence will suffice if they are mar- ried and have a family in Panama, and three years if they are married to a Panaman woman. 4. Colombians who, having taken part in the movement for the inde- pendence of the Republic of Pan- ama, declare or have declared be- fore the municipal council of the district in which they reside, their intention to become Panamanians. Art. 7. Panaman nationality shall be lost: 1. rfy taking out naturalization papers in a foreign country and acquiring a domicile therein. 2. By accepting employment or honors from another Government without the permission of the Pres- ident of the Republic. 3. By refusing to indorse the movement for the independence of the nation, if the one who does so was born in Panama. 4. By engaging in the service of a hostile nation. Nationality can only be restored by an Act of the National As- sembly. Art. 8. It is the duty of all Panamans to serve the Nation as may be provided by law, and they as well as all foreigners residing within the territory of the Repub- lic must submit to the Constitution and the laws, and respect and obey the authorities. Art. 9. Foreigners shall enjoy in Panama the same rights as are granted to Panamans by the laws of the nation to which the foreigners belong, unless some- thing to the contrary has been stipulated in public treaties, or, in the absence thereof, by the pro- visions of domestic law. Art. 10. Naturalized or ■ dom- iciled foreigners shall not be bound to take up arms against the land of their birth. CONSTITUTION. 395 Art. 11. Son ciudadanos de la Republica todos los panamenos mayores de veintiun afios. Art. 12. La ciudadania consiste en el derecho de elegir para los fmestos publicos de eleccion popu- ar, y en la capacidad para ejercer cargos oficiales con mando y juris- diccion. Art. 13. La ciudadania, una vez adquirida, solo se pierde: 1. Por pena conforme a la ley, pudiendose obtener rehabilitacion de la Asamblea Nacional. 2. Por perderse la calidad de panameno, conforme a la Consti- tucion Nacional. Art. 14. La ciudadania se sus- pende: 1. Por causa criminal pen- diente, desde que el Juez dicte auto de prision. 2. Por no tener legalmente la libre administration de sus bienes. 3. Por beodez habitual. TITULO III. DE LOS DERECHOS INDIVIDUALES. Art. 15. Las autoridades de la Republica estan instituidas para proteger a todas las personas, re- sidentes 6 transentes, en sus vidas, honra y bienes, asegurar el respeto reciproco de los derechos natura- les, constitucionales y legales, pre- viniendo y castigando los delitos. Art. 16. Todos los panamenos y extranjeros son iguales ante la ley. No habra fueros ni privile- gios personales. Art. 17. Toda persona tiene de- recho de presentar peticiones res- petuosas a las autoridades, ya sea por motivo de interes general, ya de interes particular; y el de ob- tener pronta resolution. Art. 18. Las Corporaciones le- gitimas y publicas tienen derecho a ser reconocidas como personas juridicas y a ejecutar, en tal virtud, Art. 11. All Panamans over twenty -one years of age are citi- zens of the Republic. Art. 12. Citizenship consists in the right of voting in the elections of public officers and in the capac- ity to hold public offices with au- thority and jurisdiction. Art. 13. Citizenship once ac- quired shall be only lost: 1. As a penalt}^ in accordance with the law, but rehabilitation may be obtained through the Na- tional Assembly. 2. rty loss of the Panaman na- tionality, according to the Consti- tution. Art. 14. Citizenship shall be suspended: 1. By criminal prosecution, as soon as the arrest of a citizen is ordered by the court. 2. By legal inability to admin- ister property. 3. By habitual drunkenness. TITLE III. INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Art. 15. The authorities of the Republic are constituted for the protection of all persons, whether residents or visitors, in their lives, honor, and property, the securing of reciprocal respect of all natural, constitutional, and legal rights, and the prevention and punish- ment of crime. Art. 16. Panamans and foreign- ers are equal before the law. There shall be neither class nor personal privileges. Art. 17. Every person has the right to present respectful peti- tions to the authorities, on mat- ters of public or private interest, and to receive a prompt reply. Art. 18. Corporations legally authorized are entitled to be rec- ognized as persons, and to perform, as such, civil acts and enjoy the 396 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. actos civiles 3 7 gozar de las garan- tias aseguradas por este titulo, con las limitaciones generales que esta- blezcan las leyes, por razones de utilidad comiin. Art. 19. No habra esclavos en Panama. El que, siendo esclavo, pise el territorio de la Republica, quedani libre. Art. 20. Todos los habitantes de la Republica tienen el derecho de reunirse pacificamente y sin armas, y el de asociarse para todos los fines licitos de la vida. Art. 21. Toda persona podra viajar dentro de los limites de la Republica, y cambiar de residencia, sin necesidad de permisos, pasa- porte u otro requisite semejante, salvo lo que las leyes dispongan sobre el arraigo judicial y sobre inmigracion. Art. 22. Nadie podra ser juz- gado ni sentenciadosinopor Jueces o Tribunales competentes, en vir- tud de leyes anteriores al delito cometido, y en la forma que estas establezcan. Podran sin embargo castigar sin juicio previo los funcionarios que ejercen autoridad 6 jurisdiction, a cualquiera que los injurie 6 irres- pete en el acto en que esten desem- f)eiiando su cargo; y los Jefes mi- itares y Capitanes de buques, los cuales podran imponer penas in- continent i para contener una in- subordination, mantenerelordeny reprimir los delitos cometidos a bordo y fuera de puerto. Art. 23. Nadie podra ser moles- tado en su persona 6 familia, ni reducido a prision 6 arresto, ni de- tenido, ni su domicilio registrado, sino en virtud de mandamiento escrito de autoridad competente, con las formalidades legales y por motivo previamente definido en las leyes. guarantees set forth in this title, with no other limitations than the general ones established by the laws for reasons of general wel- fare. Art. 19. There shall be no slaves in Panama. He who being a slave, sets foot in the territory of the Republic, shall be free. Art. 20. All the inhabitants of the Republic have the right to as- semble peacefully and unarmed, and to form associations for all the legitimate purposes of life. Art. 21. Every person shall be free to travel within the boundaries of the Republic and change resi- dence, without the necessity of a permit, passport, or other similar requisite, but nothing in this pro- vision shall be construed, as author- izing interference with the laws requiring bonds to be given in judi- cial cases previous to the absence of the parties, or the laws of immigration. Art. 22. No one shall be tried or sentenced except by competent judges or courts, in accordance with laws existing prior to the commission of the offense, and in the form established by these laws. Officials who exercise authority or jurisdiction may punish, never- theless, for contempt, without pre- vious trial, any one who may be insulting or disrespectful to them while discharging their duties; and military commanders and captains of vessels may inflict summary punishment in order to check in- subordination, maintain order, or repress crimes committed on board and away from port. Art. 23. No one shall be mo- lested in his person or family, or be placed in prison or under ar- rest, or detained, or have his home searched, except by virtue of a warrant issued by competent authority, with the legal formali- ties and for reasons previously set forth in the laws. CONSTITUTION. 397 En ningun caso podra haber detention, prision ni arresto por deudas ii obligaciones puramente civiles, salvo el arraigo judicial. El delincuente cogido in \fraganti podra ser aprehendido y llevado ante el Juez por cualquiera per- sona. Art. 24. Toda persona detenida 6 presa sin las formalidades le- gates, 6 fuera de los casos pres- critos en esta Constitution 6 en las leyes, sera puesta en libertad, a, petition suya 6 de cualquiera otra persona. La ley determinara la forma de este procedimiento suraario. Art. 25. Nadje esta obligado a declarar en asunto criminal contra si mismo, ni contra su conyuge, ni contra ningun miembro de su familia, dentro del cuarto grado de consanguinidad 6 segundo de afinidad. Art. 26. Es libre la profesion de todas las religiones, asi como el ejercicio de todos los cultos, sin otra limitation que el respeto a la moral cristiana y al orden publico. Se reconoce que la Religion Ca- tolica es la de la mayoria de los habitantes de la Republica, y la ley dispondra se le auxilie para fundar un Seminario Conciliar en la Capital, y para misiones a las tribus indigenas. Art. 27. Toda persona podra emitir libremente su pensamiento, de palabra 6 por escrito, por la imprenta, 6 cualquier otro medio, sin sujecion a censura previa, siempre que se refiera a los actos oficiales de funcionarios publicos. Pero existiran las responsabili- dades legales cuando por alguno de estos medios se atente contra la honra de las personas. Art. 28. La correspondencia y demas documentos privados son inviolables y ni aquellos ni estos In no case shall there be deten- tion, imprisonment, or arrest for debts or purely civil obligations, unless it is by judicial order for failure to give bond when required by law. Offenders caught in flagranti delicto may be arrested and taken before the judge by any person whatever. Art. 24. All persons detained or imprisoned without the legal formalities, or in violation of the Constitution or the laws shall be set at liberty upon their own request or that of any other person. The law shall determine the form of this summary proceeding. Art. 25. No one is bound to testify in criminal matters against himself, or against his consort, or against any member of his family within the fourth degree of con- sanguinity or the second of af- finity. Art. 26. The profession of all religions is free, as is also the practice of all forms of worship, without any other restriction than respect for Christian morality and public order. It is recog- nized, however, that the Catholic religion is that of the majority of the inhabitants of the Republic, and the law shall provide that it be aided in founding a theological seminary in the capital and in send- ing missions to the native tribes. Art. 27. Every one may freely express his opinions, either orally or in writing, through the press, or in any other way, without being subject to censorship, when referring to official acts of public functionaries. Legal responsibility shall, how- ever, be incurred when the honor of persons is assailed by any of these means. Art. 28. Correspondence and other private documents are in- violable, and neither the former 398 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. pueden ser ocupados ni examina- aos sino por aisposicion de au- toridad judicial competente y con las formalidades que prescriban las leyes. En todo caso, se guardara reserva sobre los asuntos ajenos al objeto de la ocupacion y examen. Art. 29. Toda persona podra ejercer cualquier oficio u ocupa- cion honesta sin necesidad de perte- necer a gremios de maestros 6 doc- tores. Las autoridades inspeccionaran las industrias y profesiones en lo relativo a la moralidad, la seguri- dad y la salubridad publicas. Es preciso poseer titulos de idonei- dad para el ejercicio de las pro- fesiones medicas y de sus auxi- liares. Art. 30. Las obligaciones de caracter civil que nazcan de con- tratos 6 de otros actos, hechos ii omisiones que las produzcan, no podran ser alteradas ni anuladas por el Poder Ejecutivo ni por el Legislativo. Art. 31. Las leyes determina- ran lo relativo al estado civil de las personas, y los consiguientes derechos y deberes. Art. 32. Las leyes no tendran efecto retroactive En materia criminal la ley per- misiva 6 favorable, aun cuando sea posterior, se aplicara de preferen- cia a la restrictiva 6 desfavorable. Art. 33. Los derechos adquiri- dos con arreglo a las le3 7 es no po- dran ser vulnerados ni desconoci- dos por leyes posteriores. Cuando de la aplicacion de una ley expedida por motivos de utili- dad publica resultaren en conflicto los derechos de los particulares con la necesidad reconocida por dicha ley, el interes privado cedera al interes publico. Pero las ex- propiaciones que sea preciso hacer, requieren previa y plena indemni- zacion. nor the latter shall be seized or examined except by order of com- petent judicial authorit} 7 , and with the formalities prescribed by law. In all cases secrecy shall be main- tained with regard to matters hav- ing no bearing on the object of the seizure or examination. Art. 29. All persons are free to engage in any honorable trade or occupation without necessity of belonging to guilds or professional associations. The authorities shall exercise supervision over the industries and professions in so far as they may affect public moralit}^, safety, and health. The proper diploma shall be required for the practice of medical professions and their aux- iliary branches. Art. 30. Obligations of a civil character arising out of contracts or of acts, facts, or omissions capa- ble to produce them shall not be impaired or annulled b} r either the executive or the legislative power. Art. 31. The laws shall deter- mine everything relating to the civil status of persons, and the rights and duties arising out of it. Art. 32. Laws shall not have retroactive effect. In criminal matters, however, a permissive or favorable law shall be applied in preference to a re- strictive or unfavorable one, even if it be subsequent. Art. 33. Rights acquired in accordance with the laws shall not be encroached upon or dis- regarded by subsequent laws. When the application of a law enacted for reasons of public util- ity interferes with the rights of private persons, the public inter- ests shall be given preference. The condemnation of property shall, however, require full and previous indemnification. CONSTITUTION. 399 Art. 34. El destino de las dona- ciones inter vivos y testamentarias, hechas conforme a las leyes para objetos de beneficencia 6 de ins- truccion publica, no podra ser variado 6 modificado por el Legis- lador. Art. 35. Los particulares no son responsables ante las autoridades sino por inf raccion de la Constitu- tion 6 de las leyes. Los f uncio- narios publicos lo son por la misma causa, por extralimitacion de f un- ciones, 6 por omision en el ejer- cicio de estas. Art. 36. En caso de inf raccion manifiesta de un precepto consti- tucional en detrimento de alguna persona, el mandato superior no exime de responsabilidad al agente que lo ejecuta. Los individuos de tropa del Ejer- cito, que se hallen en servicio, quedan exceptuados de esta dispo- sition. Respecto de ellos, la res- ponsabilidad recaera unicamente sobre el superior jerarquico que da la orden. Art. 37. No seran permitidos los juegos de suerte y azar en el territorio de la Republica. La ley los enumerara. Art. 38. No habra monopolios oficiales. Art. 39. No habra bienes raices que no sean de libre enajenacion, ni obligaeiones irredimibles. Art. 40. Todo autor 6 inventor gozara de la propiedad exclusiva de su obra 6 invention por el tiem- po que determine la ley y en la forma que ella establezca. Art. 41. Nadie esta obligado a pagar contribucion ni impuesto que no estuvieren legalmente es- tablecidos y cuya cobranza no se hiciere en la forma prescrita por las leyes. Art. 42. Nadie podra ser pri- vado de su propiedad ni en todo ni en parte, sino en virtud de pe- na 6 de contribucion general con arreglo a las leyes. Art. 34. Donations inter vivos or legacies made in conformity with the laws, for purposes of charity or public instruction, shall not be changed or modified by leg- islation. Art. 35. Private persons are not amenable before the authorities except for violation of the Consti- tution or of the laws. Public offi- cials are amenable for the same cause, and also for exceeding their authority, or for dereliction in the performance of their duties. Art. 36. In case of flagrant violation of a constitutional pro- vision to the detriment of an\ r per- son, an order from a superior will not exempt from responsibility the agent executing it. Private soldiers, while on duty, are excepted from this provision, the responsibilitjr falling solely, in this case, upon the superior who gives the order. Art. 37. Gambling shall not be permitted in the territory of the Republic. The law shall enumer- rate the games included in this prohibition. Art. 38. There shall be no offi cial monopolies. Art. 39. There shall be no en- tailment of real estate, nor irre- deemable obligations. Art. 40. Every author or in- ventor shall enjoy the exclusive ownership of his work or inven- tion during the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Art. 41. No one is obliged to pay a tax or duty which has not been legally established and which is not collected in the manner pre- scribed by the laws. Art. 42. No one shall be de- prived of his property, either in whole or in part, except as a pen- alty or by general taxation accord- ing to the laws. 400 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. Por graves motives de utilidad publica, definidos por el Legisla- tor, podra haber lugar a enajena- cion forzosa de bienes 6 derechos mediante mandamiento judicial, pero el pago de su valor declarado se hara antes de desposeer de ellos al dueno. Art. 43. Los edificios destinados a cualquier culto, los Seminarios Conci Hares y las casas episcopates y curales no podran ser gravadas con contribuciones, y solo podran ser ocupados en casos de urgente necesidad publica. Art. 44. En ningun caso podra establecerse por el Legislador pena de confiscation de bienes. Art. 45. Las carceles son luga- res de seguridad y expiacion, no de castigo cruel; por lo tanto, es prohibida toda severidad que no sea necesaria para la custodia y en- mienda de los presos. Art. 46. Las leyes determinaran la responsabilidad a que puedan quedar sometidos los funcionarios publicos que atenten contra los de- rechos garantizados en este titulo. Art. 47. Los derechos indivi- duales reconocidos y garantizados en los articulos 21, 23, 24, 27, 28 y 42 podran ser suspendidos tem- poralmente en toda la Republica, o en parte de el la, cuando lo exija la seguridad del Estado en caso de guerra exterior 6 de perturbacion interna que amenaze la paz publica. Esta suspension sera decretada por la Asamblea Nacional, si estu- viere reunida; pero si estuviere en receso y fuere inminente el peli- gro, podra dictarla el Presidente de la Republica por medio de un decreto que lleve la firma de todos sus Secretarios. En este caso, el Presidente, en el mismo decreto de suspension, convocard la Asam- blea Nacional para darle cuenta de las razones que lo motivaron. Art. 48. Es prohibido a la Asamblea Nacional dictar leyes que disminuyan, restrinjan 6 adul- For grave reasons of public util- ity, defined by law, condemnation of private property or of rights may be made by judicial order, but the payment of the declared value shall be made before the owner is dispossessed of them. Art. 43. Buildings devoted to any form of worship, theological seminaries, and the residences of bishops and parish priests shall not be subject to taxation, and shall only be occupied in case of urgent public necessity. Art. 44. In no case shall the penalty of confiscation of prop- erty be established by law. Art. 45. Prisons are places of security and expiation and not of cruel punishment; consequently, all severity which is not necessary for the custody and correction of the prisoners is forbidden. Art. 46. The laws shall fix the degree of responsibility which offi- cials of any class incur by encroach- ing on the rights guaranteed by the provisions this title. Art. 47. The individual rights recognized and guaranteed in arti- cles 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, and 42 may be temporarily suspended in all or in part of the Republic, when the safety of the State shall require it, in case of foreign war or internal commotion threatening the public peace. This suspension shall be decreed hj the National Assembly if it is in session; if it is not in session and the danger is imminent, the Presi- dent of the Republic may order the suspension b} r means of a decree signed by all his secretaries. In this case the President, in the same decree of suspension, shall convene the National Assembly in order to explain to it the reasons upon which the decree was based. Art. 48. The National Assem- bly is prohibited from enacting laws which may diminish, restrict, CONSTITUTION. 401 teren cualquiera de los derechos individuals consignados en el pre- sente tituio, sin reforma previa a la Constitucion, salvo las excep- ciones que 6sta establece. or impair any of the individual rights mentioned in the present title, without a previous amend- ment to the Constitution, except in the cases provided for by the latter. TITULO IV. DEL SUERAGIO. Art. 49. Todos los ciudadanos mayores de veintiun aiios de edad tienen derecho al ejercicio del su- f ragio, excepto los que esten bajo interdiccion judicial, y vos inhabi- litados judicialmente por causa de delito. La ley podra disponer que de- terminadas elecciones se verifiquen a dos grados y, en este caso, esta- blecera las condiciones de los elec- tores en segundo termino. Art. 50. Las leyes determina- ran la responsabilidad a que que- dan sometidos los funcionarios publicos que con sus actos atenten contra los derechos reconocidos en este tituio. TITLE IV. SUFFRAGE. Art. 49. All citizens over twenty-one 3 r ears of age are en- titled to exercise the right of suf- frage, except those who may be under a juaicial interdiction and those who are judicially disfran- chised on account of crime. The law may provide that cer- tain elections be held in two grades, and, in this case, it shall determine the qualifications of the electors of the second grade. Art. 50. The laws shall fix the degree of responsibility incurred by public officials who, by their acts, encroach on the rights recog- nized in this title. TITULO V. DE LOS PODERES PUBLICOS. Art. 51. El Gobierno de la Re- publica se divide en tres poderes, asi: Legislativo, Ejecutivo y Ju- dicial. Art. 52. Todos los poderes publicos son limitados y ejercen separadamente sus respectivas atribuciones. TITLE v. THE BRANCHES OF THE GOVERN- MENT. Art. 51. The Government of the Republic is divided into three branches, namely: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. Art. 52. The powers of each branch of the Government are limited and exercised separately. TITULO VI. DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO. Art. 53. El Poder Legislativo se ejerce por una Corporacion denominada Asamblea Nacional, compuesta de tantos Diputados cuantos correspondan a los circulos electorales, a razon de uno por cada diez mil habitantes v uno mas TITLE VI. the legislative power. Art. 53. The legislative power is exercised by a body called the National Assembly, composed of as many deputies as correspond to the electoral districts, at the rate of one for every ten thousand in- habitants and one in addition for 360a— vol 1—06- -26 402 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. por un residuo que no baje de cinco mil, elegidos por un periodo de cuatro anos. Habra suplentes que reemplacen a los principales en las faltas abso- lutas 6 temporales. Art. 54. La Asaniblea Nacional se reunira, sin necesidad de convo- catoria, en la capital de la Repu- blica cada dos anos, el dia primero de Septiembre. Art. 55. La duracion de las sesiones ordinarias de la Asaniblea Nacional sera de noventa dias, que, en caso de necesidad, la misma Asaniblea prorrogara hasta por treinta dias iinis. El Presidente de la Republica podrti convocar a sesiones extraordinarias por el tiempo que el seiiale y para tratar exclusivainente los asuntos que le sonieta. Art. 56. Para ser Diputado a la Asamblea Nacional se requiere ser ciudadano en ejercicio, y haber cumplido veinticinco anos de edad. Art. 57. Los miembros de la Asamblea Nacional son irrespon- sables por las opiniones y votos que emitan, ya de palabra, ya por escrito, en el ejercicio de su cargo, y en ningun tiempo ni por auto- ridad alguna podran ser perse- guidos, con este motivo. Art. 58. El Presidente de la Re- {mblica, los Secretarios de Estado, os Magistrados de la Corte Su- prema de Justicia y el Procurador General de la Nacion no podran ser elegidos Diputados a la Asam- blea sino seis meses despues de haber cesado en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Igual inhabilidad al- canzara a los ciudadanos que hay an ejercido el Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 59. Tampoco es elegible Diputado a la Asamblea ningun otro empleado con jurisdiccion 6 mando por circuito electoral en a fraction of not less than five thousand. The deputies are elected for a period of four years. There shall be substitutes to take the places of the regular incumbents in case they fail to appear absolutely or temporarily. Art. 54. The National Assem- bly shall meet, without the neces- sity of a call, in the capital of the Republic, every two years, on the first day of September. Art. 55. The duration of the regular sessions of the National Assembly shall be ninety days, which, in case of necessity, the Assembly itself shall extend for as much as thirty days. The Pros - ident of the Republic may call an extra session for such period as he may indicate and to deal exclu- sively with such matters as he may submit to it. Art. 56. The deputies to the National Assembly shall be citi- zens who have attained the age of twenty-five years and are in the full enjoyment of their civil and political rights. Art. 57. The members of the National Assembly shall not be responsible for their opinions or votes, given orally or in writing, in the discharge of their duties, and at no time or by any authority shall they be prosecuted on this account. Art. 58. The President of the Republic, the secretaries of state, the justices of the supreme court, and the attorney -general of the nation shall not be eligible to membership in the Assembly un- less they shall have ceased to ex- ercise their functions for a period of six months. Citizens who have exercised the executive power shall be affected by the same dis- ability. Art. 59. In like manner no other officer shall be eligible as a deputy to the Assembly who is vested with jurisdiction or com- CONSTITUTION. 403 donde hay a ejercido su autoridad noventa dias antes al de las vota- ciones. Art. 60. Veinte dias antes de principiarse las sesiones, durante ellas y veinte dias despues, ningun miembro de la Asamblea Nacional podra ser llamado a juicio crimi- nal sin permiso de esta. En caso de flagrante delito, po- dra ser detenido el delincuente y sera puesto inmediatamente a dis- position de dicha Corporation. Tampoco podran ser demandados civilmente, durante el mismo ter- mino. Art. 61. Ningun aumento de dietas 6 de viaticos se hara ef ectivo sino despues que hayan cesado en sus funciones los miembros de la Asamblea en que hubiere sido votado. Art. 62. Los Diputados a la Asamblea no podran hacer por si mismos, ni por interpuesta perso- na, contrato alguno con la Admi- nistration ni admitir de nadie poder para gestionar negocios que tengan relation con el Gobierno. Art. 63. En caso de falta de un miembro de la Asamblea Nacional, sea accidental 6 absoluta, los sub- rogara el suplente legal. Cuando algun Diputado se retire de las sesiones, 6 fuere reempla- zado por un suplente, correspon- deran al primero los viaticos de marcha a la capital, y al segundo los de regreso a su domicilio. Art. 61. El Presidente de la Republica no puede conf erir otros empleos a los Diputados a la Asamblea que los de Secretario de Estado, Gobernadores de Provin- cia, 6 Agente Diplomatico 6 con- sular. La aceptacion de cualquiera de estos empleos producira la perdida de la Diputacion. mand in an electoral district and has exercised his authority therein ninety days before the day of elec- tion. Art. 60. For twenty days be- fore the opening of the sessions, during the said sessions, and for twenty days thereafter, no mem- bers of the National Assembly shall be subject to criminal trial without the assent of the Assem- bly. In cases of flagranti delicto, a member may be arrested and im- mediately placed at the disposal of the said body. Members shall likewise be free from civil actions during the same period. Art. 61. No increase of per diem or mileage allowances shall become effective until after the term of the members of the Assem- bly which voted the said increase shall have expired. Art. 62. The deputies of the Assembly shall not enter, directly or indirectly, into any contract with the administration, nor shall they accept from any one powers of attorney to transact business connected with the Government. Art. 63. In cases of temporary or permanent absence of a deputy, his place shall be tilled by his sub- stitute. When the deputy withdraws from the session, and is replaced by a substitute, the former shall be entitled to mileage from his place of residence to the capital and the latter shall receive it from the capital to his own domicile. Art. 64. The President of the Republic shall not confer on the deputies of the National Assembly other offices than those of secre- tary of state, governor of a Prov- ince, or diplomatic or consular agent. The acceptance of any one of those offices shall cause the deputy to lose his seat. 404 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. Art. 65. Son funciones legis- late vas de la Asamblea Nacional: 1. Expedir los Codigos nacio- nales y las leyes necesanas para el arreglo de la Administracion en todos sus raraos, reformarlos } T derogarlos. 2. Determinar la bandera y el escudo de armas de la Repiiblica. 3. Crear 6 suprimir empleos; determinar expresamente las fun- ciones, deberes y atribuciones que lescorrespondan; fi jar los periodos y senalar los sueldos. 4. Aprobar 6 improbar los tratados piiblicos que celebre el Poder Ejeeutivo, requisito sin el cual no podran ser ratificados ni canjeados. 5. Aprobar 6 desaprobar los contratos 6 convenios que celebre el Presidente de la Republica con particulares, companias 6 enti- dades politicas, en los cuales tenga interes la Nacion, si no hubieren sido previamente autorizados, 6 si no se hubieren llenado en ellos las formalidades prescritas por la Asamblea Nacional, 6 si algunas estipulaciones que contengan no estuvieren ajustadas a la respectiva ley de autorizaciones. 6. Conceder autorizaciones al Poder Ejeeutivo para celebrar con- tratos, negociar emprestitos, ena- jenar bienes nacionales y ejercer otras funciones dentro de la orbita constitucional. 7. Deere tar la guerra, y facul- tar al Poder Ejeeutivo para hacer la paz. 8. Designar el lugar en donde deban residir los altos Poderes Piiblicos. 9. Dividir el territorio de la Re- piiblica en circuitos electorales. 10. Limitar 6 regular la apro- piacion 6 adjudicacion de tierras baldias. 11. Fijar el pie de fuerza en tiempo de paz. 12. Organizar la Policia na- cional. Art. 65. The following are leg- islative functions of the National Assembly: 1. To issue national codes and the laws necessaiy for the admin- istration of the Government in all its branches, and to revise or re- peal them. 2. To determine the flag and the coat-of-arms of the Republic. 3. To create or abolish offices, and specify their functions, duties, and powers; to fix the terms of office and to designate salaries. 4. To grant or refuse its ap- proval topublic treaties negotiated by the Executive; without such approval they can neither be rati- fied nor exchanged. 5. To approve or disapprove contracts or agreements made by the President of the Republic with private persons, companies, or political entities, in which the Nation may be interested, if they have not been previously author- ized, or if the formalities pre- scribed by the National Assembly have not been observed, or if any of the stipulations therein con- tained are not in accordance with the law authorizing them. 6. To grant authority to the Ex- ecutive to conclude treaties, nego- tiate loans, alienate national prop- eiTy, and exercise other functions within the limits of the constitu- tion. 7. To declare war, and to au- thorize the Executive to make peace. 8. To designate the place where the supreme branches of the Gov- ernment are to be located. 9. To divide the territory of the Republic into electoral districts. 10. To define and regulate the concessions of public lands. 11. To fix the strength of the standing army in time of peace. 12. To organize the national po- lice. CONSTITUTION. 405 13. Promover y f omental- la edu- cacion piiblica, las ciencias y las artes. 14. Decretar los monumentos que liaya de erigir el Estado, y otras obras publicas que deban em- prenderse con recursos nacionales. 15. Fomentar las empresas utiles 6 beneficas dignas de estimulo y apoyo, y decretar auxilios. 16. Dictar las leyes conducentes a levantar el censo de la poblacion y formar la Estadistica nacional. 17. Conceder amnistias, pero si hubiere responsabilidad civil res- pecto de particulares, la Repiiblica estara obligada al pago de las in- demnizaciones. 18. Organizar el credito publico. 19. Reconocer la deuda nacional y regularizar su servicio. 20. Decretar los gastos de la Administracion, con vista de los Eresupuestos que le presente el Poder Ejecutivo, conformandose 6 no con ellos. Si por cualquier motivo no se expidiere el presupuesto por la Asamblea Nacional, continuara en vigor el de la vigencia economica anterior. 21. Establecer impuestos, con- tribuciones y rentas para atender al servicio publico. 22. Decretar la enajenacion de bienes nacionales 6 su aplicacion a usos piiblicos. 23. Determinar la ley, peso, valor, forma, tipo y denomina- ciones de la moneda nacional, y arreglar el sistema de pesas y medidas. 24. Aumentar 6 disminuir el nii- mero de las Provincias y Distritos Municipales, y variar sus limites. 25. Dictar el reglamento de resrimen interior. regimen interior. su 13. To promote public educa- tion, as well as sciences and arts. 14. To decree the construction of public buildings which may be necessary for the Government, and of all other public works which are to be undertaken at national ex- pense. 15. To promote and subsidize useful or beneficial enterprises worthy of furtherance and sup- port 16. To enact such laws as shall be necessary for taking the census of the population and gathering national statistics. 17. To grant amnesties, but if any civil liability is incurred with respect to private persons, the Re- public shall be obliged to pay the indemnities. 18. To organize the public credit. 19. To acknowledge the national debt and regulate the service thereof. 20. To make appropriations for the expenses of the Administration, upon examination of the estimates presented by the Executive, which may or may not be approved. If for any reason whatever the appropriation bill is not passed by the National Assembly, the act of the preceding year shall continue in force. 21. To create such taxes and revenues as may be necessan- to carry on the public service. 22. To decree the alienation of national property, or its applica- tion to public uses. 23. To determine the fineness, weight, value, form, and denomi- nations of the national coins, and regulate the system of weights and measures. 24. To increase or diminish the number of provinces and municipal districts, and to change their boundaries. 25. To frame regulations for their internal administration. 406 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. Art. 66. Son funciones judi- ciales de la Asamblea Nacional: 1. Conocer de las denuncias y quejas que .se presenten contra el Presidente de la Republica 6 el En- cargado del Poder Ejecutivo, en loscasos en que sean responsables; los Secretaries de Estado, los Ma- fistrados de la Corte Suprema de usticia y el Procurador General de la Nacion. 2. Juzgar al Presidente de la Republica 6 al Encargado del Po- der Ejecutivo, de acuerdo con esta Constitucion; a los Secretaries de Estado, a los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y al PrOcurador General de la Nacion, cuando se les acuse de actos ejecu tados, en ejercicio de sus funciones, contra la seguridad del Estado, contra el libre funcionamiento de los Poderes Piiblicos, 6 violatorios de la Constitucion y leyes nacio- nales. La ley senalara los tramites que deban seguirse y las penas que hayan de aplicarse. Art. 67. Son funciones adminis- trativas de la Asamblea Nacional : 1. Examinar las credenciales de sus propios miembros y decidir si estan 6 no en la forma que pres- criba la ley. 2. Rehabilitar a los que hayan perdido la ciudadania. 3. Admitir 6 no las renuncias que hagan de sus empleos el Presi- dente de la Republica 6 los De- signados. 4. Elegir en sesiones ordinarias, y para un bienio, tres Designados que, en defecto del Presidente de la Republica, y, en su orden, ejerzan el Poder Ejecutivo. Cuando por cualquiera causa la Asamblea Nacional no hubiere hecho la eleccion de Designados, conservaran el caracter de tales los anteriormente elegidos, en su orden. Art. G6. The judicial functions of the National Assembly are: 1. To take cognizance of charges and complaints made against the President or the person in charge of the Executive power, in cases involving their responsibilit}*, the secretaries of state, the justices of the supreme court, and the attor- ney-general of the Nation. 2. To try the President of the Republic, or person in charge of the Executive power, in accordance with this Constitution; the secre- taries of state, the justices of the supreme court, and the attorney- general, when charged with 'of- fenses committed in th$ perform- ance of their functions, against the safet} T of the State, the free operation of the public powers, or in violation of the national Constitution and laws. The procedure to be followed in such cases and the penalties to be imposed shall be determined by law. Art. 67. The executive func- tions of the National Assembly are : 1. To inspect the credentials of its own members and to decide whether or not the said credentials are in the form prescribed by law. 2. To restore to citizenship those who may have lost it. 3. To accept or refuse to accept the resignations of the President of the Republic or the "desig- nados." 4. To elect at the ordinary ses- sion and for a term of two years, three "designados," who, in the absence of the President of the Republic, shall exercise the Exec- utive power in the cases and in the manner provided by law. When, for any reason, the Na- tional Assembly fails to elect " des- ignados," those formerh r elected shall continue as such in their or- der. CONSTITUTION. 407 5. Nombrar los jueces del Tri- bunal de Cuentas. 6. Nombrar Visitador Fiscal de todas las Oficinas de Hacienda de la Republica. 7. Nombrar Comisiones para demarcar los limites de la Nacion. 8. Pedir a los Secretarios de Estado los inf ormes verbales 6 por escrito que necesite. 9. Examinar y fenecer definiti- vamente en cada reunion ordinaria la cuenta general del Tesoro que el Poder Ejecutivo le presente. 10. Conceder licencia al Presi- dente de la Republica 6 al Encar- gado del Poder Ejecutivo. 11. Permitir 6 negar la estadia de buques de guerra extranjeros en los puertos de la Republica cuando excediere de dos meses. Art. 68. Es prohibido a la Asamblea Nacional: 1. Deere tar gratificaciones, in- demnizaciones, pensiones, ni otra erogacion que no este destinada a satisfacer creditos 6 derechos re- conocidos con arreglo a la ley pre- existente, salvo lo dispuesto en el articulo 65. 2. Decretar actos de proscrip- cion 6 persecucion contra personas 6 corporaciones. 3. Dar votos de aplauso 6 cen- sura respecto de actos oficiales. 1. Dirigir excitaciones a fun- cionarios publicos. TITUL.O VII. DEL PODER EJECUTIVO. Art. 69. El Poder Ejecutivo se ejerce por un Magistrado que se denominara Presidente de la Re- publica, quien tendra para su Des^ pacho el nurnero de Secretarios que la ley determine. El Presidente entrara en ejer- cicio de sus funciones constitu- cionales el dia primero de Octubre proximo al de su eleccion, y durara cuatro anos en su empleo. 5. To appoint the members of the court of accounts. 6. To appoint an Inspector of all the treasury offices of the Re- public. 7. To appoint commissions for the demarcation of the boundaries of the Nation. 8. To call upon the secretaries of state for such oral or written information as it may need. 9. To examine and finally ap- prove at each ordinary session the general account of the treasury submitted by the Executive. 10. To grant leaves of absence to the President of the Republic or to the person in charge of the executive power. 11. To permit or refuse the so- journing of foreign war vessels in the ports of the Republic when the stay is longer than two months. Art. 68. The National Assem- bly is prohibited: 1. From allowing b} 7 decree gratuities, indemnities, pensions, or other expenditures not intended for the settlement of debts or rights recognized in accordance with the existing law, except as provided in article 65. 2. From passing acts of pro- scription or persecution against any persons or corporations, 3. From passing resolutions of approval or censure of official acts. 4. From making suggestions to public officers. TITLE VII. THE EXECUTIVE POWER. Art. 69. The executive power is exercised by a magistrate to be called President of the Republic, who shall have for the discharge of his functions the number of secre- taries determined by law. The President shall enter upon the discharge of his constitutional functions on the first day of Octo- ber following that of his election, and shall remain in office for a term of four years. 408 EEPUBLIC OF PANAMA. En la misma ley se determinara tambien la nomenclatura y prece- dencia de los Secretarios del Des- pacho. Akt. 70. Para ser Presidente de la Repiiblica se requiere: 1. Ser panameno de nacimiento. 2. Haber cumplido treinta y cinco anos de edad. Art. 71. El Presidente de la Re- f)tiblica electo, 6 el ciudadano que legue a reemplazarlo, tomara po- sesion de su destino ante el Pre- sidente de la Asamblea y presta- ra juramento en estos terminos: " Juro a Dios y a la Patria cum- plir fielmente la Constitucion y leyes de Panama." Art. 72. Si por cualquier motivo el Presidente de la Republica no pudiere tomar posesion ante el de la Asamblea Nacional, lo verificara ante el de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y, en def ecto de este, ante dos testigos. Art. 73. Son atribuciones del Presidente de la Republica: 1. Nombrar y separar libre- mente los Secretarios de Estado, los Gobernadores de las Provincias y las personas que deban desempe- nar cualesquiera empleos naciona- les, cuya provision no corresponda a otros funcionarios 6 corpora- ciones. 2. Velar por la conservacion del orden publico. 3. Dirigir las relaciones diplo- maticas y comerciales con las de- mas naciones; nombrarlibremente y recibir a los Agentes respecti- vos, y celebrar tratados publicos y convenios, los que seran someti- dos para su aprobacion a la Asam- blea Nacional. 4. Cuidar de que la Asamblea Nacional se reuna el dia senalado por la Constitucion 6 por la reso- lution 6 decreto en que haya sido convocada a sesiones extraordina- rias, dando con oportunidad las disposiciones convenientes para The law shall determine the names of the departments and the order of precedence of the secreta - ries. Art. 70. To be President of the Republic it shall be required: 1. To be a citizen of Panama by birth. 2. To be at least thirty-five years old. Art. 71. The President-elect, or the citizen who takes his place, shall take before the president of the Assembly the following oath of office : "I swear before God and before the country that I shall faithfully comply with the Con- stitution and the laws of Panama." Art. 72. If, for an}^ reason what- ever, the President cannot take the oath before the president of the National Assembly, he shall take it before the president of the supreme court, and failing this, before two witnesses. Art. 73. The duties of the Presi- dent of the Republic are: 1. To appoint and remove, freely, the secretaries of state, the governors of the Provinces, and all officials, whose appointment does not belong to the other branches of the government. 2. To maintain public order. 3. To conduct the diplomatic and commercial relations with other nations, freely to appoint and re- ceive the respective agents, and to conclude public treaties and con- ventions which shall be submitted to the National Assembly for its approval. 4. To take care that the National Assembly shall meet on the day appointed by the Constitution or by the resolution or decree by which extraordinary sessions may be called, and to take in good time the necessary measures for the CONSTITUTION. 409 que los Diputados reciban los auxi- lios de marcha que les senala la ley. 5. Presentar al principio de cada legislatura, el primer dia de sus sesiones ordinarias, un mensaje sobre los asuntos de la Adminis- tracion. 6. Dar a la Asamblea los in- formes especiales que de el solicite. 7. Sancionar y promulgar las leyes, obedecerlas y velar por su exacto cumplimiento. 8. Enviar, dentro de los diez primeros dias de las sesiones ordi- narias, a la Asamblea Nacional el Presupuesto de Rentas y Gastos para el bienio siguiente y la cuenta general del Presupuesto y del Tesoro. 9. Vigilar la recaudaci6n y ad- ministracion de las rentas de la Republica y decretar su inversion con arreglo a las leyes. 10. Celebrar contratos ad minis trativos para la prestacion de ser- vicio y ejecucion de obras publicas, con arreglo a las leyes fiscales y con la obligacion de dar cuenta a la Asamblea en sus sesiones ordi- narias. 11. Conceder patentes de privi- leges utiles conforme a las leyes. 12. Dar cartas de naturalizacion, conforme a las leyes. 13. Conceder a los nacionales que lo soliciten permiso para acep- tar cargos 6 distinciones de Gobier- nos extranjeros. 14. Dirigir, reglamentar e ins- peccionar la instruccion publica nacional. 15. Velar sobre la buena marcha de los establecimientos publicos de la Nacion. 16. Sancionar, promulgar y ha- cer cumplir todas aquellas dispo- siciones sanitarias que dicte la Junta Nacional de Higiene. 17. Nombrar los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, el payment to the deputies of the mileage allowed them by law. 5. To submit at the beginning of each session and on the first day of its ordinary sessions a mes- sage relating to the affairs of the administration. 6. To furnish the Assembly with such special information as the latter may call for. 7. To sanction and promulgate the laws, obey them, and see to their exact execution. 8. To submit, within the first ten days of the regular sessions of the National Assembly, the esti- mates of receipts and expendi- tures for the following two years, and the general account of the budget and of the treasury. 9. To supervise the collection and management of the revenues of the Republic and to order their disbursement in accordance with the laws. 10. To conclude administrative contracts for the performance of services and the execution of pub- lic works in accordance with the fiscal laws, with the obligation of reporting thereon to the Assembly in its ordinary sessions. 11. To grant patents of useful inventions in conformity with the laws. 12. To issue naturalization pa- pers in conformity with the laws. 13. To allow Panamans, who request it, to accept positions or distinctions from foreign govern- ments. 14. To control, regulate and supervise national public instruc- tion. 15. To take care that the public institutions of the Nation are prop- perly conducted. 1.6. To sanction, promulgate and enforce all sanitary regulations enacted by the national board of health. 17. To appoint, according to law, the justices of the supreme 410 KEPUBLIC OF PANAMA. Procurador General de la Nation, los Fiscales y Personeros, de acuer- do con los requisitos exigidos por la le}'. 18. Concederindultos,conmutar y rebajar penas con arreglo a la ley que regule el ejercicio de esta facultad. 19. Conf erir grados militares, de acuerdo con las f ormalidades cons- titucionales y legales. 20. Disponer de la Fuerza Pu- blica, como Jefe Supremo de la Nation. Art. 74. Ningun acto del Presi- dente de la Republica, excepto el de nombramiento 6 remocion de Secretarios de Estado, tendra valor ni fuerza alguna mientras no sea refrendado y comunicado por el Secretario de Estado del ramo respectivo, quien por el mismo hecho se eonstituj^e responsable. Art. 75. El Presidente de la Re- publica 6 el encargado del Poder Ejecutivo podra separarse del ejer- cicio de sus funciones con licencia que sera concedida por la Asam- blea National y en receso de esta, por la Corte Suprema de Justicia. Por motivo de enfermedad, bas- tara el aviso previo a la respectiva Corporation. Art. 76. El Presidente, en ejer- cicio de sus funciones y por interes publico, puede visitar por el tiempo que juzgue conveniente cualquier punto de la Republica. Art. 77. Los emoluraentos que la ley asigne al Presidente de la Republica no podran ser alterados en el mismo periodo para el cual hayan sido fijados. Art. 78. El Presidente de la Republica, 6 quien lo sustituya en sus funciones, solo es responsable en los casos siguientes: 1. Por extralimitacion de sus funciones constitucionales. 2. Por actos de violencia 6 co- accion en las elecciones, 6 que im- court, the attorney -general, and the public prosecutors and their deputies. 18. To grant, according to law, pardons and commutations of sentences. 19. To grant, according to the constitution and the laws, militar} r ranks and positions. 20. To dispose of the public forces as supreme chief Magistrate of the Nation. Art. 74. All acts of the Presi- dent of the Republic, except the appointments or removals of his secretaries of state, shall be with- out any validit3 T or force unless they are countersigned by the sec- retary of the department to which they pertain, said secretary to become responsible therefor by signing them. Art. 75. The President of the Republic, or the person in charge of the Executive power, may dis- continue the discharge of his duties during a leave of absence which shall be granted by the National Assembly, or, during the recess of the latter, by the supreme court. In case of illness, a previous no- tice to either body will suffice. Art. 76. The President, in the exercise of his functions and in the public interest, may visit, for such time as he may deem proper, any part of the Republic. Art. 77. The salary allowed by law to the President of the Re- public shall not be changed during the term for which it has been fixed. Art. 78. The President of the Republic or whoever acts in his place shall be held responsible only in the following cases: 1. For going beyond his con- stitutional powers. 2. For committing acts of vio- lence or coercion in elections, or CONSTITUTION. 411 pidan la reunion constitucional de la Asamblea Nacional, 6 estorben a esta y a las dermis Corporaciones 6 autoridades publicas que esta- blece la Constitution el ejercicio de sus funciones. 3. Por delitos de alta traicion. En los dos primeros casos, la pena no podra ser otra que la de destitution, 3% si hubiere cesado en el ejercicio de sus funciones el Presidente, la de inhabilitacion para ejercer cualquier cargo pu- blico. En el ultimo caso se aplicara el Derecho coraun. Art. 79. Por falta accidental 6 absoluta del Presidente de la Re- publica, ejercera el Poder Ejecu- tivo uno de los Designados en el orden en que hajan sido nombra- dos. Son faltas absolutas iinicas del Presidente, su muerte, su renuncia aceptada 6 su destitution. El encargado del Poder Ejecu- tivo tendra la mis ma preeminencia y ejercera las mismas atribuciones que el Presidente de la Republica, cuyas veces desempena. Art. 80. Para ser Designado se requieren las mismas calidades que para ser Presidente de la Repu- blica. Art. 81. Cuando, por cualquier motivo, las faltas del Presidente no pudieren ser llenadas por los Designados, ejercera la Presi- dencia el Secretario de Estado que, por mayoria de votos, designe el Consejo de Gabinete. Art. 82. El ciudadano que haya sido elegido Presidente de la Re- publica no podra ser reelegido para el perioclo inmediato, si hubiere ejercido la Presidencia dentro de los diez y ocho meses inmediata- mente precedentes a la nueva election. Art. 83. El ciudadano que hu- biere sido llamado a ejercer la Presidencia, y la hubiere ejercido preventing the meeting of the Na- tional Assembly, or obstructing the latter and the other public bodies or authorities established by the Constitution, in the exer- cise of their functions. 3. For high treason. In the first two cases the penalty shall be no other than removal from office, and, if the President has ceased to exercise his func- tions the penalty shall be disquali- fication from holding any other public office. In the latter case the ordinary law shall be applied. Art. 79. In the temporary or permanent absence of the Presi- dent of the Republic, the executive power shall be vested in one of the ''designados" in the order in which they have been elected. The only cases of permanent ab- sence of the President are his death, his accepted resignation, or his removal. The person in charge of the ex- ecutive power shall enjoy the same preeminence and exercise the same powers as the President of the Republic. Art. 80. To be a "designado" the same qualifications shall be required as for being President of the Republic. Art. 81. When in the absence of the President the vacancy can not for any reason be filled by the "designados," the duties of Presi- dent shall devolve upon one of the secretaries of state chosen at a cabinet meeting b} r a majority of votes. Art. 82. A citizen who has been elected President of the Republic shall not be reelected for the fol- lowing term, if he has filled the office of President within the eighteen months immediate^ pre- ceding the new election. Art. 83. Citizens called upon to fill the office of President and having so filled it within the six 412 REPUBLIC OB^ PANAMA. dentro de los seis ultinios meses precedentes al dia de la eleccion del nuevo Presidente, como ningiin pariente suyo coraprendido dentro del cuarto grado civil de consan- guinidad 6 segundo de afinidad, tampoco podra ser elegido para este empleo. TfTULO VIII. DE LAS SECRETARIAS DE ESTADO. Art. 84. La distribution de los negocios en cada Secretaria de Es- tado, segun sus afinidades, corres- ponde al Presidente de la Repu- blica. Art. 85. Para ser Secretario de Estado se requieren las mismas calidades que para ser Diputado a la Asamblea Nacional. Art. 86. Los Secretarios de Es- tado son organo unico de comuni- cacion del Poder Ejecutivo con la Asamblea Nacional; pueden pro- poner proyectos de ley y tomar parte en los debates. Art. 87. Cada Secretario de Es- tado presentara a la Asamblea Na- cional, dentro de los primeros diez dias de cada legislature, un in- fo rme 6 memoria sobre el estado de los negocios adscritos a su De- partamento y sobre las reformas que el juzgue oportuno introducir. Art. 88. La Asamblea Nacional puede requerir la asistencia de los Secretarios de Estado, cuando ella lo tenga a bien. Art. 89. El Consejo de Gabinete se compondra de todos los Secreta- rios de Estado, y sera su Presidente el de la Kepublica. tIttjlo IX. DEL PODER JUDICIAL. Art. 90. El Poder Judicial se ejercera en la Republica por una Corte Suprema de Justicia, por los Tribunales subalternos y Juzgados ordinarios que la ley establezca, y months preceding the date of elec- tion of the new President, and any relative of his within the fourth degree of consanguinity or the second of affinit} 7 , shall be also barred from election to this office. TITLE VIII. THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. Art. 84. The distribution of business according to its nature among the several departments of state devolves upon the President of the Republic. Art. 85. In order to be a secre- tary of state the same qualifica- tions are necessary as for being a deputy to the National Assembly. Art. 86. The secretaries of state are the sole organs of communica- tion between the Executive power and the Najtional Assembly; they ma} 7 introduce bills and take part in the debates. Art. 87. Each secretary of state shall present to the National As- sembly, within ten days after the beginning of each session, a report on the condition of the business of his department suggesting such reforms as he may deem advisable. Art. 88. The National Assem- bly may summons the secretaries of state to appear before it when- ever desired. Art. 89. The cabinet council shall be composed of all the secre- taries of state and shall be presided over by the President of the Re- public. TITLE IX. THE JUDICIAL POWER. Art. 90. The judicial power shall be exercised in the Republic b} 7 a supreme court, by such infe- rior and ordinary courts as the law may establish, and by any CONSTITUTION. 413 por los demas Tribunales 6 Comi- siones especiales que ha}a necesi- dad de crear de conformidad con los Tratados Publicos. La Asamblea ejerce determina- das funciones judiciales. Art. 91. La Corte Suprema de Justicia se compondra de cinco Magistrados nombrados para un periodo de cuatro anos. Habra cinco suplentes para el nrismo periodo, quienes llenaran, por su orden, las faltas accidental es de los Magistrados. En caso de falta absoluta de algun Magistrado se hara nuevo nombramiento. El Magistrado que aceptare em- pleo del Gobierno dejara vacante su puesto. Art. 92. En los Tribunales y Juzgados ordinarios que la ley es- tablezca, los Magistrados y Jueces seran nombrados por la Corte, Tri- bunal 6 Juez inmediatemente su- perior en jerarquia. Art. 93. Para ser Magistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia se requiere ser panameiTo de naci- miento 6 por adopcion, con mas de quince anos de residencia en la Republica; haber cumplido treinta anos de edad; estar en pleno goce de los derechos civiles y politicos; tener diploma de abogado, 6 haber ejercido con buen credito, por diez anos a lo menos, la profesion de abogado, 6 desempenado por igual tiempo funciones judiciales 6 del Ministerio Publico y no haber sido condenado a pena alguna por delito comun. Las mismas calidades se requie- ren para ser Magistrado de los Tribunales de Justicia que es^ablez- can las leyes. Art. 94. Los Magistrados y los Jueces no podran ser suspendidos en el ejercido de sus destinos sino en los casos y con las f ormalidades que determinen las leyes, ni de- puestos sino a virtud de sentencia judicial. other special tribunals or commis- sions which may be created in accordance with public treaties. The Assembly shall exercise certain judicial functions. Art. 91. The supreme court shall consist of five justices, ap- pointed for four years. There shall be five substitutes, also ap- pointed for four years, who shall fill, in their order, an} 7 temporary vacancy. In the event of permanent va- cancy a new appointment shall be made. The office of justice shall be va- cated through the acceptance of other offices. Art. 92. The appointment of the Judges of the ordinary courts, which the law may establish, shall be made by the court or judge immediately superior in rank. Art. 93. To be a justice of the supreme court it is necessary to be a citizen of Panama by birth or by naturalization, to have resided in the Republic for over fifteen years, to be over thirty years of age and in the full enjoyment of civil and political rights, to be a graduate in law, or have practiced at least for ten years as a lawyer of good standing, or discharged, during an equal period, the duties of judge or prosecuting attorney, and to have never been sentenced for common offenses. The same qualifications shall be required of judges of the courts of justice that may be established by law. Art. 94. No judge shall be sus- pended from his office except in the cases and with the formalities provided by law, nor shall he be removed except by virtue of a judicial sentence. 414 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. Art. 95. La ley determinara las causas que en materia criminal deban decidirse por el sistema de jurados. Art. 96. La Republica admi- nistra gratuitamente justicia en todo su territorio. Art. 97. La ley senalara las asignaciones a los empleados del Poder Judicial, las que no pod ran ser aumentadas ni disminuidas durante el periodo para el cual hayan sido nombrados. TITUXO X. DE LA FORMACION DE LAS LEYES. Art. 98. Las leyes tendran ori- gen en la Asamblea Nacional, a propuesta de alguno de sus miem- bros,6de losSecretariosdeEstado. Exceptuanse de esta disposicion las leyes sobre materia civil y pro- cedimiento judicial, que no podran ser moditicadas sino a propuesta de las Comisiones especiales de la Asamblea, 6 de los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de J usticia. Art. 99. Ningunactolegislativo sera ley si no ha sido aprobado por la Asamblea Nacional en tres de- bates, en dias distintos, por mayo- ria absoluta de votos, y si no ha obtenido la sancion del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 100. No podra cerrarse el segundo debate de una ley, ni ser votada en tercero, sin la asistencia de la ma3 r oria absoluta de los indi- viduos que componen el total de la Asamblea. Art. 101. Aprobado un proyecto de ley por la Asamblea, pasara al Poder Ejecutivo, y si 6ste lo apro- bare tambien, dispondra que se promulgue como ley ; si no lo apro- bare, lo devolvera con objeciones a la Asamblea. Art. 102. El Poder Ejecutivo dispone del termino de seis dias para devolver con objeciones cual- quier proyecto, cuando este no Art. 95. The law shall deter- mine the cases of criminal charac- ter which shall be tried by jury. Art. 96. Justice shall be ad- ministered gratuitously through- out the territory of the Republic. Art. 97. The law shall deter- mine the salaries of the officers of the judiciary, and such salaries shall neither be increased or decreased during the term for which such officers shall have been appointed. TITLE X. THE MAKING OF LAWS. Art. 98. Laws shall originate in the National Assembly at the sug- gestion of its members or of the secretaries of state. Laws concerning civil jurispru- dence and judicial procedure, shall not be enacted except at the sug- gestion of the respective standing committees of the Assembly, or of the justices of the supreme court. Art. 99. No legislative act shall become law until it shall have re- ceived the approval of the National Assembly in three debates on sep- arate days, a majority of the votes, and the sanction of the Executive. Art. 100. The second debate on a bill shall not be closed, nor shall the bill be voted on in a third de- bate, without the presence of a majority of the members compos- ing the Assembly. Art. 101. After a bill is passed by the Assembly it shall be sent to the Executive and if approved, it shall be promulgated as a law. If not approved, the Executive shall return the bill to the Assembly with a statement of the objections thereto. Art. 102. The Executive has six days to return a bill with its ob- jections when the said bill shall consist of not more than fifty arti- CONSTITUTION. 415 conste de mas de cincuenta arti- culos; de diez dias, cuando el pro- yecto contenga de cincuenta y uno a doscientos articulos, y hasta de quince dias, cuando los articulos sean mas de doscientos. Art. 103. Si el Poder Ejecutivo, una vez transcurridos los indicados terminos, segun el caso, no hubiere devuelto el acto legislativo con objeciones, no podra dejar de san- cionarlo y promulgarlo. Pero si la Asamblea se pusiere en receso dentro de diclios terminos, el Po- der Ejecutivo tendra el deber de publicar el proyecto sancionado li objetado dentro de los diez dias siguentes a aquel en que la Asam- blea Nacional haj r a cerrado sus sesiones. Art. lOi. El proyecto de ley objetado en su conjunto por el Poder Ejecutivo, volvera a la Asamblea a tercer debate; el que fuere objetado solo en parte sera reconsiderado en segundo debate con el unico objeto de tomar en cuenta las objeciones del Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 105. El Poder Ejecutivo sancionara todo proyecto que, re- considerado, fuere adoptado por dos tercios de los votos de los Diputados presentes al debate, siempre que su numero no fuere inferior al quorum requerido. En caso de que el Poder Ejecu- tivo objetare un proyecto por in- constitucional, y la Asamblea in- sistiere en su adopcion, lo pasara a la Corte Suprema de Justicia para que esta, dentro de seis dias, decida sobre su exequibilidad. El fallo afirmativo de la Corte obliga al Poder Ejecutivo a sancionar y promulgar la ley. Si fuere nega- tivo, se archivara el proyecto. Art. 106. Si el Poder Ejecutivo no cumpliere con el deber de san- cionar las leyes en los terminos y segun las condiciones que este cles; ten days, when the bill con- tains from fifty-one to two hundred articles, and fifteen days when there are more than two hundred articles. Art. 103. If, at the expiration of those terms, the Executive fails to return the bill, with its objec- tions, the bill shall become a law and shall be promulgated. But if the Assembly adjourns before the expiration of the said terms, it shall be the duty of the Executive to publish the bill, whether ap- proved or objected to, within ten days after the date of adjourn- ment. Art. 104. All bills objected to in their entiretj 7 by the Executive shall be reconsidered by the As- sembly in third debate; those ob- jected to only in part shall be reconsidered in second debate for the sole purpose of taking the ob- jection of the Executive into ac- count. Art. 105. The Executive shall sanction every bill which, having been reconsidered, shall be passed by a two- thirds vote of the deputies present at the debate, provided that their number be not less than that required for a quorum. If the Executive objects to a bill on the ground of unconstitution- ality, and the National Assembly insists upon its passage, the bill shall be referred to the supreme court, which shall render its deci- sion within six days. If the action of the Assembly is sustained by the court, the Executive shall be bound to sanction and promulgate the bill as a law; if the bill is pro- nounced unconstitutional, it shall be sent to the archives. Art. 106. If the Executive fails to sanction the laws within the time and under the conditions set forth in this title, they shall be 416 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. titulo establece, las sancionara y promulgara el Presidente de la Asamblea. Art. 107. Toda ley sera pro- mulgada dentro de los seis dias siguientes al de su sancion. Art. 108. Las leyes podran ser motivadas, y al texto de ella pre- cedera esta formula: "La Asam- blea Nacional de Panama decreta." Art. 109. Los proyectos de ley que queden pendientes en las se- siones de un ano, no podran ser considerados si no como proyectos nuevos en otra legislature. TITULO XI. DEL MINISTERIO PUBLICO. Art. 110. El Ministerio Publico sera ejercido por un Procurador General de la Nacion, por los Fis- cales y Personeros, y por los dermis funcionarios que designe la ley. Art. 111. Corresponde a los funcionarios del Ministerio Pu- blico defender los intereses de la Nacion; promover la ejecucion de las leyes, sentencias judiciales y disposiciones administrativas; su- pervigilar la conducta oficial de los empleados publicos, y perseguir los delitos y contravenciones que turben el orden social. Art. 112. El periodo de dura- tion del Procurador General de la Nacion sera de cuatro afios. Art. 113. Para ser Procurador General de la Nacion se requieren las mismas calidades que para ser Magistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. Art. 114. Son funciones espe- ciales del Procurador General de la Nacion: 1. Cuidar de que todos los fun- cionarios publicos al servicio de la Nacion desempenen cumplida- mente sus deberes. 2. Acusar ante la Corte Su- prema a los funcionarios cuyo juzgamiento corresponda a esta Corporation. sanctioned and published by the president of the Assembly. Art. 107. Every law shall be promulgated within six days after its approval. Art. 108. The laws may be ac- companied by an explanatory pre- amble, and their enacting clause shall be as follows: "The National Assembly of Panama decrees." Art. 109. Bills upon which no action has been taken at a session shall not be reintroduced except as new bills in another session. title XI. PUBLIC PROSECUTION. Art. 110. Public prosecution shall be conducted by an attorney- general of the Nation, by the pub- lic prosecutors and deputies, and by such other officers as the law may designate. Art. 111. It shall be the duty of the officers in charge of public prosecution to defend the interests of the Nation; to see to the enforce- ment of the laws, execution of ju dicial sentences and administra- tive orders; to watch the official acts of public officials and to prose- cute offenses and misdemeanors that disturb social order. Art. 112. The term of office of the attorney-general shall be four years. Art. 113. The same qualifica- tions as are required to be a justice of fehe supreme court shall be re- quired to be attorney -general of the Nation. Art. 114. The special duties of the attorne} 7 -general of the Nation shall be: 1. To see that all the public offi- cials in the service of the Nation properly discharge their duties. 2. To arraign before the supreme court such officials as must be tried by that bod}\ CONSTITUTION. 417 3. Cuidar de que los demas f uncionarios del Ministerio Publico desempenen fielmente su encargo, 3 r promover que se les exija la res- ponsabilidad por las faltas que cometan. 4. Nombrar y remover libre- mente a los empleados de su in- mediata dependencia, y las demas que le atribuva la ley. TITULO XII. DE LA HACIENDA NACIONAL. Art. 115. Pertenecen a la Re- publics de Panama: 1. Los bienes existentes en el territorio que por cualquier titulo pertenecieron a la Republica de Colombia. 2. Los derechos y acciones que la Republica de Colombia poseyo como duena dentro 6 fuera d.el pais, por razon de la soberania que ejercio sobre el territorio del Ist- mo de Panama. 3. Los bienes, rentas, fiucas, valores, derechos y acciones que pertenecieron al extinguido De- partamento de Panama. 1. Los baldios y las salinas; y las minas de filones y aluviones, 6 de cualquier otro genero, y .las de f)iedras preciosas, sin perjuicio de os derechos legitimamente adqui- ridos. Art. 116. La facultad de emitir moneda de curso legal, de cual- quiera clase que sea, pertenece a la Nacion, y no es transferible. No habra Bancos particulares de emi- sion. Art. 117. No podra haber en la Republica papel-moneda de curso forzoso. En consecuencia, cual- quier individuo puede rechazar todo billete u otra cedula que no le inspire confianza, }'a sea de ori- gen ofieial 6 particular. Art. 118. No sera transferible en la Republica la propiedad raiz a Gobiernos extranjeros, salvo lo estipulado en tratados publicos. 3. To see that the other officers of public prosecution faithfully discharge their duties and to take appropriate action to hold them re- sponsible for all derelictions com- mitted by them. 4. To appoint and remove at his discretion all his immediate sub- ordinates. And such other duties as the law may ascribe to him. TITLE XII. THE NATIONAL TREASURE. Art. 115. The Republic of Pan- ama holds in ownership: 1 . All property within the ter- ritory^ that belonged, by whatso- ever title, to the Republic of Co- lombia. 2. The rights and actions which the Republic of Colombia had within or without the county b} T reason of the sovereignty it exer- cised over the territory of the Isthmus of Panama. 3. The property, revenues, lands, securities, rights and actions that belonged to the former De- partment of Panama. 4. The vacant lands, salt depos- its, lode and placer mines, or mines of any other character, and those of precious stones, without prejudice to lawfully acquired rights. Art. 116. The power of coining money, of whatever description, is vested in the Nation and can not be transferred. There shall be no private banks of issue. Art. 117. No paper money shall be made legal tender in the Repub- lic. Consequently, it shall be op- tional for any one to refuse notes or other certificates, whether it be of official or of private origin, in which he has no confidence. Art. 118. The landed property in the Republic shall not be trans- ferable to foreign governments, except as stipulated in public trea- ties. 360 a— vol 1—06- -■27 418 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. Art. 119. No podra hacerse nin- gun gasto publico que no hay a sido autorizado por la ley. Tampoco podra transferase nin- giin credito a un objeto no previsto en el respectivo Presupuesto. Art. 120. Cuando haya necesi- dad de hacer un gasto imprescindi- ble, a juicio del Poder Ejecutivo, estando en receso la Asamblea Nacional y no habiendo partida votada 6 siendo esta insuficiente, podra abrirse a la respectiva Secre- taria de Estado un credito suple- raental 6 extraordinario. , Estos creditos se abriran por el Consejo de Gabinete, bajo su res- ponsabilidad colectiva, instru- yendo para ello expediente que lo justifique. Corresponde a, la Asamblea Nacional la legalizacion de estos creditos. Art. 121. Ningunacontribucion indirecta ni aumento de iinpuesto de esta clase empezara, a cobrarse sino tres meses despues de pro- mulgada la ley que establezca la contribucion 6 aumento. tItulo xiii. DE LA FUERZA PUBLICA. Art. 122. Todos los panamenos estan obligados a tomar las armas cuando las necesidades publicas lo requieran, para defender la inde- pendencia nacional } 7 las institucio- nes patrias. La ley podra determinar las condiciones que eximan del ser- vicio militar. Art. 123. La ley organizara el servicio militar y de la Policia Na- cional. Art. 124. La Nacion podra tener para su def ensa un Ejercito perma- nente. Queda prohibido el reclutami- ento. Art. 125. La fuerza piiblica no es deliberante. No podra reunirse Art. 119. No expenditure of public money shall be made with- out authority of law. No moneys appropriated for one purpose shall be applied to any other purpose not provided for in the Budget. Art. 120. Should the necessity arise to make an expenditure, which in the judgment of the Ex- ecutive can not be avoided, during a recess of the National Assembly and for which no fund or an insuf- ficient fund may have been appro- priated, an additional or extraor- dinary allowance may be granted to the department concerned. Such allowance shall be granted by the cabinet council, under its joint responsibility, and the rea- sons for this action shall be re- corded. The approval of such allow- ances appertains to the National Assembly. Art. 121. No indirect tax shall be collected or increased until three months after the date of the promulgation of the law establish- ing the same. TITLE XIII. PUBLIC FORCE. Art. 122. All citizens of Pana- ma are bound to take up arms whenever demanded by public ne- cessity, for the defense of national independence and the institutions of the country. The law shall determine the ex- exemptions from military service. Art. 123. The law shall organ- ize the military service and the national police. Art. 1 24. The nation may main- tain a standing army for its de- fense. Impressment is prohibited. Art. 125. The public force is not a deliberative organization. CONSTITUTION. 419 sino por orden de la autoridad le- gitima, ni dirigir peticiones sino sobre asuntos que se relacionen con el buen servicio y uioralidad del Ejercito, y con arreglo a las leyes de su instituto. Art. 126. De los delitos come- tidos por los militares en servicio activo, y en relacion con el mismo servicio, conoceran las Cortes Marciales, 6 Tribunales Militares, con arreglo a las disposiciones del Codigo Militar. Art. 127. Solo el Gobierno de la Nacion podra importar y fabri- car armas y elementos de guerra. It shall not assemble unless by order of the proper authority, and shall not make petitions except upon subjects relating to the good service and the morality of the arm} 7 , and in accordance with the laws of their establishment. Art. 126. Offences committed by military persons while on active duty, or in connection therewith, shall be tried by courts-martial, or military courts, in accordance with the provisions of the military code. Art. 127. The National Gov- ernment alone shall have the power to import and manufacture arms and ammunition. TITULO xrv. DE LAS PROVINCIAL Art. 128. En cada Provincia habra un Gobernador, de libre nombramiento y remocion del Presidente de la Repiiblica, con las funciones y deberes que las leyes determinen. Art. 129. En cada Distrito Mu- nicipal habra una Corporacion que se designara con el nombre de Con- cejo Municipal, compuesta del nu- mero de miembros que la ley de- termine y elegidos directamente por voto popular. Art. 130. Los Distritos Munici- pals son autonomos en su regi- men interior, pero no podran con- traer deudas sin autorizacion de la Asamblea Nacional. Art. 131. Corresponde a los Concejos Municipales ordenar, por medio de acuerdos propios 6 de re- glamentos dictados por Juntas 6 Comisiones tecnicas, lo con veniente para la administracion del Distrito; votar las contribuciones y gastos locales, con las limitaciones que establezca el sistema tributario na- cional, y ejercer las demas fun- ciones que las leyes les senalen. Art. 132. Habra en cada Dis- trito Municipal un Alcalde nom- TITLE XIV. PROVINCES. Art. 128. There shall be in each Province a governor, whose ap- pointment and removal shall be at the pleasure of the President of the Republic, and whose powers and duties shall be defined by law. Art. 129. There shall be in each municipal district a corporation that shall be styled municipal coun- cil and consist of the number of members determined by law and elected directly by popular vote. Art. 130. Municipal districts are autonomous as to their inter- nal affairs, but they can not contract debts without the authorization of the National Assembly. Art. 131. The municipal coun- cils shall, by means of their own resolutions or of regulations issued by technical boards or commis- sions, provide all that may be neces - sary for the government of the district; levy local taxes and make local expenditures within the bounds established by the fiscal system of the nation, and exercise such other functions as may be ascribed to them b} 7 law. Art. 132. There shall be in each municipal district a mayor ap- 420 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. brado en la forma que la ley esta- blezca, al cual le corresponde la accion administrativa en el Munici- pio, como agente del Gobernador y mandatario del pueblo. TfTULO XV. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES. Art. 133. La instruction pri- maria sera obligatoria, y la publica sera gratuita. Habra escuelas de artes y oficios y establecimientos de ensenanza secundaria y pro- fesional a cargo de la Nation. La ley podra descentralizar la instruction publica y destinarle rentas especiales. Art. 134. No habra en Panama empleo que no tenga funciones detalladas en ley 6 reglamento; ningun empleado publico podra recibir dos 6 mas sueldos del Tesoro National, salvo lo que para casos especiales dispongan las leyes. Art. 135. Los Ministros de los cultos religiosos no podran ejercer en la Republica cargo, empleo 6 servicio publico, personal, civil 6 militar, exceptuandose los destinos que se relacionen con la beneficen- cia 6 ensenanza publica. Art. 136. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America podra intervenir, en cualquier punto de la Republica de Panama, para res- tablecer la paz publica y el orden constitucional, si hubiere sido tur- bado, en el caso de que por virtud de tratado publico aquella Nation asumiere, o hubiere asumido, la obligation de garantizar la inde- pendencia y soberania de esta Re- publica. TITTJXO XVI. DE LA REFORMA DE LA CONSTI- TUCION. Art. 137. Esta Constitution podra ser reformada por un acto legislativo expedido en la forma pointed as provided by law, whose duty it shall be to discharge admin- istrative functions in the capacity of agent of the governor and man- datory of the people. TITLE XV. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 133. Primary instruction shall be compulsory, and, when public, shall be free. There shall also be schools of arts and trades and institutions of secondary and professional instruction under Government control. The law may decentralize pub- lic instruction and shall assign to it special revenues. Art. 134. There shall be in Panama no office whose powers and duties shall not be particular- ized by law or regulations, and no public officer shall receive two or more salaries from the public treasury except under the provi- sions that may be made by law in special cases. Art. 135. Ministers of the church shall not hold any office, employment, or public trust in the Republic, whether personal, civil, or military, excepting such posi- tions as are connected with charity or public instruction. Art. 136. The Government of the United States of America shall have the power to intervene in any part of the Republic of Panama to reestablish public peace and con- stitutional order, in the event of their being disturbed, if the said Government, by public treaty, as- sumes the obligation of guarantee- ing the independence and sover- eignty of this Republic. TITLE XVI. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITU- TION. Art. 137. This Constitution may be amended through a legislative measure enacted in legal form, CONSTITUTION. 421 legal, transmitido por el Gobierno a la Asamblea Nacional ordinaria subsiguiente para su examen defi- nitive, debatido de nuevo por esta y aprobado por dos tercios del nurnero de miembros que com- pongan la Asamblea. TTTTJXO XVII. DISPOSICIONES TRANSITORIAS. Art. 138. Para asegurar a la posteridad parte de los beneficios pecuniarios que se reciban por la negociacion para la apertura del canal interoceanico, se reserva la cantidad deseismillones de dollars, que seran in vertidos en seguridades que produzcan renta fija anual. La le} r reglamentara esta inversion. Art. 139. La ley solo podra im- poner la pena de muerte por el delito de homicidio cuando revista caracteres atroces. Esto, mientras no existan buenos establecimientos de castigo 6 verdaderas peniten- ciarias en la Republica. Art. 140. El primer Presidente de la Republica sera elegido por la Convencion Nacional por mayo- ria absoluta de votos el mismo dia en que se promulgue esta Consti- tucion. Podra tomar posesion del puesto inmediatamente y ejercera sus funciones hasta el treinta de Septiembre de mil novecientos ocho. Los Designados seran elegidos el mismo dia en que se elija el titular, 3 T su periodo terminara el treinta de Septiembre de mil no- vecientos seis. Art. 141. Podra ser elegido primer Presidente constitucional de la Republica de Panama cual- quier ciudadano que, sin ser pana- meiio de nacimiento, hubiere to- rnado parte activa en la indepen- dencia de ella. Art. 142. Tan pronto como esta Constitucion sea sancionada por la Junta de Gobierno Provisional de transmitted by the Government to the next ordinary National As- sembly for its final consideration, discussed anew by the latter and approved by two-thirds of the members constituting the Assem- bly. TITLE XVII. TRANSIENT PROVISIONS. Art. 138. In order to secure for posterity a part of the pecuniary advantages derived from the nego- tiations for the construction of the interoceanic canal, the sum of six million dollars is hereby set aside for investment in securities bearing a fixed annual interest. The said investment shall be reg- ulated by law. Art. 139. The penalty of death shall only be imposed for murder when accompanied by circum- stances of atrocious character; and this shall be done only as long as the Republic has no good penal establishments or real peniten- tiaries. Art. 140. The first President of the Republic shall be elected by the national convention by ma- jority of votes on the day of the promulgation of this Constitution. He shall enter at once upon the discharge of his duties and shall continue therein until the thirtieth of September, nineteen hundred and eight. The "designados" shall be elected on the same day as the President, and their term of office shall expire on the thirtieth of Sep- tember, nineteen hundred and six. Art. 141. Any citizen who has taken an active part in securing the independence of the Republic may, even if not a Panamans by birth, be elected President of the Republic. Art. 142. As soon as this Con- stitution is sanctioned by the board of provisional government of th.e 422 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. la Republica, la Convencion per- dera el canicter de tal y asumira todas las funciones atribuidas :i la Asamblea Nacional, sin que por esto comprenda a los convencio- nales la prohibicion establecida en el articulo 64. Art. 143. Antes de la fecha en que debe reunirse la primera ! Asamblea Nacional volvera a ejer- cer las funeiones legislativas la Convencion Nacional Constituyen- te, cuando sea convocada a reunio- nes extraordinarias por el Poder Ejecutivo. Art. 144. La primera Asamblea Nacional se reunira el primero de Septiembre de mil novecientos seis. Art. 145. Ratificanse expresa- mente todos los actos expedidos por la Junta de Gobierno Provi- sional desde el tres de Noviembre de mil novecientos tres hasta el quince de Enero del presente ano. Art. 146. Los monopolios exis- ( tentes y demas privilegios conti- ■ nuaran hasta la terminacion de los j respectivos contratos legitimos, si j no fuere posible celebrar con los concesionarios convenios equita- tivos para su terminacion inme- diata. Art. 147. Todas las le3 r es, decre- tos, reglamentos, ordenes y demas disposiciones que estuvieren en vigor al promulgarse esta Consti- tucion, continuar&n observandose en cuanto no se opongan a ella, ni a las leyes de la. Republica de Panama. Art. 148. Esta Constitution co- menzara a regir, para los altos Poderes Nacionales, desde el dia en que sea sancionada; y para la Republica, quince dias despues de su publicacion en la Gaceta Olicial. Dada en la ciudad de Panama, a trece de Febrero de mil novecien- tos cuatro. Republic, the convention shall re- solve itself into a National Assem- bly, the prohibition contained in article 64 not appl} T ing to the del- egates to the convention. Art. 143. Before the date on which the first National Assem- bly is to meet, the constitutional national convention shall again exercise the legislative functions whenever it may be called in extraordinary session by the Ex- ecutive. Art. 144. The first National As- sembly shall meet on the first of September, nineteen hundred and six. Art. 145. All the acts of the board of provisional government from the third of November, nine- teen hundred and three, to the fifteenth of January of the pres- ent year, are hereby expressly ratified. Art. 146. Existing monopolies and other privileges shall continue until the expiration of the con- tracts on which the} 7 are founded, unless it is found possible to reach some equitable agreements with the possessors thereof for their immediate termination. Art. 147. All laws, decrees, regulations, orders, or other dis- positions which may be in force at the time this Constitution is promulgated, shall continue to be observed, unless they are contrary to it or to the laws of the Repub- lic of Panama. Art. 148. This Constitution shall take effect, as far as the su- preme branches of the Govern- ment are concerned, from the day on which it is sanctioned; and as far as the Republic is concerned, fifteen days after its publication in the Official Gazette. Given in the city of Panama, on the thirteenth day of February, nineteen hundred and four. ■?*«iiP«R5^. $g^sMr &y **b&. % w* wstte ■H) j. 1 'tffr**^ ^ -te &2*>#-£&t