973.7Lb3 Bangs, firm, New York. Lincolniana, A catalogue of scarce pamphlets on the el- ection and administration of Abraham Lincoln. Sold at auction ^'ebruar^'' 3? 1?02 3 LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER I '(' I I LINCOLNIAKA A CATALOGUE OF SCARCE PAMPHLETS OlS^ THE ELECTI0:N^ AND ADMINISTJRATIO:^ OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN SLAVERY AND EMANCIPATION RECONSTRUCTION REGIMENTAL ITEMS CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS WAR SONGS AND POETRY BIOGRAPPIIES OF LINCOLN, DOUGLAS, McCLELLAN, GRANT, VALLANDJGHAM, JOHN BELL, BUCHANAN, BUTLER, FREMONT, SUMNER, AND OTHERS NUMEROUS HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE STATES OF ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, TENNESSEE, OHIO, MARYLAND, KENTUCKY, GEORGIA, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, VIRGINIA, MISSISSIPPI, PENNSYLVANIA, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. AND NEW YORK IN THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 1860-1805 ^0 TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Monday Afternoon, February 3'- 1902 liV BANGS & CO. Nos. 91 & 93 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK SALE TO BEGIN AT 3 o'CLOCK Jt^" The Auctioneers will carefully execute orders from 'buyers who cannot attend the sale. N. B.— All bids to be made at a price per volume; pamphlets, engravings, etc., per piece Please preserve this Catalogue for use at the Sale. ^^c^r" ^CATALOGUE. 1 A LBANY. A Discourse Commemorative of the Heroes 7^ i\ of Albany who have fallen during the Present War in ^^ Defense of our Country. By Rufus W. Clark. Albany, 1864 2 Annual Address of Mayor Perry, delivered in Com- C^D mon Council, May 2, 1865. Albany, 1865 ^^.^ Refers to the victories of the N. Y. State regiments in the field, assassination of Lincoln, etc. 3 Albany Conventions, 1861 and 1862. Speeches of Hon. ^0 Horatio Seymour at the Conventions held at Albany, '-^^ Jan. 31, 1861, and Sept. 10, 1862. (Why the Republi- can party cannot save the Country, etc.) Albany, 1862 4 Albany Convention, 1863. Speech of Governor Seymour Ui^ before the Democratic State Convention at Albany, Sept. -^ 9, 1863. (With appendix of charges made by H. J. Raymond against the Governor.) N. Y. 1863 5 Albany. Proceedings of the Albany Bar on the Occasion ,^7 of the Death of Col. Lewis Benedict (of the Excelsior -^^ Brigade and 162d Reg't.). Albany, 1864 6 Our Country : its Peace, Prosperity and Perpetuity. , /^ Thanksgiving Sermon preached in Coeymans. By John D. Lawyer. Albany, 1863 7 Speech of Cassius M. Clay before the Law Depart- ' ' raent of the University of Albany. (Right of Revolu- tion, Habeas Corpus, Reasons why Slavery should be Destroyed, etc.) N. Y. 1863 8 The Duty of the Citizen in these Times. A Sermon ^-^ by the Rev. Sylvanus Reed in Church of the Holy Inno- cents. Albany, April 21, 1861 9 Albany War Poetry. Carriers' Address to the Patrons ^^(/ of the Albany Evening Journal. 6 pieces. -- ' Complete set. Rare. Albany, 1860-65 10 Alger, W. R. Our Civil War as Seen from the Pulpit. Jy Preached in the Bullfinch Street Church, Boston, April 'J^ 28, 1861. Scarce. 2 ' CATALOGUE. 11 American Geographical Society. A Few Plain Words to it England and her Manufacturers. By I. Smith Homans. N. Y. 1862 12 American Political Statistic Association. By-Laws and Constitution, Form of Installation, etc. N. Y. (1863) Only American-born citizens of the Protestant, and \n all ways unconnected with Roman Catholics and Jesuits, were eligible as members. 13 American Colonization Society. 49th and 57th Annual .1^ Reports, with the Minutes, Addresses, etc. Wash. 1874 14 Army Department. Report of the Chief Signal Officer. Wash. 1868 ■^" With autograph and library label ot Maj.-Gen. Hancock on wrapper. 15 Army of the Potomac and its Mismanagement. By iq^ Charles EUet. Wash. 1861 '^/^ Severely criticising the ineffective operations and "military in- capacity" of Gen. McClellan. 16 Army of the Potomac. The Two Letters of Gen. H. M. CfO Naglee about Gen. McClellan ; The Secret History of the V^ War (with the Letters of Lincoln). N. Y. 1862 17 its Organization, its Commander and its Campaign. By the Prince De Joinville. Translated from the French, with Notes, by William Henry Hurlbert. 3Iap. , N. Y. 1862 Very scarce. 18 Report of the Congressional Committee on the Operations of the Army of the Potomac ; Causes of its Inaction and Ill-Success ; Why McClellan was Removed ; Battle of Fredericksburg; etc. " N. Y. Tribune " War Tract No. 1, 1863. . 19 How Bull Run Battle was Lost; The Balls Bluff r/i> Massacre. " N. Y. Tribune " War Tract No. 3, 1863. '"20 History of its Camj^aigns; Testimony of its Three l>^ Commanders, McClellan, Burnside and Hooker. " N. Y. *,'. Tribune " War Tract No. 4, 1863. 21 Reports of Dr. John Swinburne of Albany, giving Accounts of his Services in the Peninsula. 3 pieces. Albany, 1863 ^2 Reply of Maj.-Gen. William B. Franklin to the . / J Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War. \." 2ma2)s. N. Y. 1863 ^ CATALOGUE. 6 23 Army of the Potomac, The Peninsula Campaign and its , 0^ Antecedents, as Developed by the Report of Gen. Mc- '^^ Clellau. By J. G. Barnard. Wash. 1864 24 " Leave Pope to get out of his Scrape " (McClellan's , ^^ Despatches). Wash. 1864 /^^25 Army Register for 1862 and 1863. 2 pieces. Wash. 1862-3 '^ 26 Army Songs. Soldiers' and Sailors' Patriotic Songs. (By ^j^ Stednian, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Leland, Aldrich, ■"^"^ Street, Nicola^'', Holmes, and others.) Music. N. Y. : Loyal Publication Society, 1864 27 Army or the Tennessee. Report of the Proceedings of the ^^ Society of the Army of the Tennessee at the 8th Annual \^^ Meeting held at Springfield, III, Oct.14,1874. Cinn.1875 Roll of Members; Speeches by Sherman, Logan, Pope, President Grant, and others. Ten-page poem, " The March to the Sea," by Gen. Tilson; etc. 28 Arnold, Isaac N. (Author of the Life of Lincoln). The 9^ Power, Duty and Necessity of Destroying Slavery in the ' ^ Rebel States. Wash. 1864 29 Austin, C. H. The Origin of our National Difficulties /-J) Examined. By C. H. Austin, of M. E. Church, Frank- '^.- fort, N. Y. Utica, 1861 Presentation copy. 30 pATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR. fO^ ■L' Profusely illustrated. 30 parts. -^^ N. Y. : Century Co., 1884 Lacks Parts 3 and 11 to be complete. 31 Beach, Lewis. A Word or Two about the War. ,/y" N. Y. 1628 (1862) ""dSJ Beecher, Henry Ward. Universal Suffrage an Argument. /i^Z> Including Report of Conference between Sec. Stanton, Gen. Sherman and Freedmen in Savannah. N. Y. 1865 32a Oration at Raising the Old Flag over Fort Sumter. >/S First Edition. N. Y. 1865 33 Bell, John. The Life, Sjjeeches and Public Services of // O John Bell, with a Sketch of the Life of Edward Everett, ' -^^ Union Candidates for the Offices of President and Vice- President of the U. S. With the Union Platform. Por- trait. Scarce. N. Y. 1860 4 CATALOGUE. 34 Bell, John. John Bell's Record on the Slavery Question. ^ 32 pp. Wash. 1860 ?,h Bellows, Henry W. Unconditional Loyalty; The Valley fs^^fl/ of Decision, a Plea for Unbroken Fealty on the Part of '•^^ the Loyal States to the Constitution and the Union, de- spite the Offenses of the Rebel States. (2 pieces) N. Y. 1861-63 36 Boatswain's Whistle (The). Published at the National /^/•J- Sailors' Fair. In the original 5 parts. Bost. 1864 •^""'^ First editions of articles and poems by J. R. Lowell, Whittier, Holmes and others, 37 Boston. Addresses of Doctors Hague and E. N. Kirk at the I Q Meeting of the Educational Commission for Freedmen at '^ the Old South Church. Bost. 1863 38 Bounty Act. Speech of Hon. S. C. Pomeroy of Kansas on ,0^ the Homestead Bill (advocating Bounties for Soldiers in lieu of grants of public lands). Wash. 1862 39 Bounties to Soldiers, Provisions for their Families, Cop- 'jQ perheads, Secessionists. Remarks of Hon. Mr. Truman '^' of the 24th District on the Bountv Re-enlistment Bill. N. Y. 1863 40 Brownlow. Sketch of Parson Browulow and his Speeches. ^2S By Theodore Tilton and C. B. Collar. N. Y. 1862 ' 40« Buchanan. James Buchanan seine Grundsatze und Politik, •:' i"^ von ihmselbst und seinen Freunden dargelegt. Cinn.1860 ■ 41 Buffalo, N. Y. Celebration of the Fourth of July and n/ Return of Peace at Buffalo, 1835. Oration of G. W. '^ Clinton, etc. Buffalo, 1865 Presentation copy from G. W. Clinton. 42 BuLLARD, Edward F. The Nation's Trial; The Proclama- ^(^ tion ; Dormant Powers of the Government ; The Consti- "^ tution, a Charter of Freedom and Not " a Covenant with Hell." N. Y. 1863 43 Butler, B. F. Character and Results of the War, How to /C> Prosecute and How to End it. A Thrilling and Eloquent '^ Speech by Major-General B. F. Butler. N. Y. 1863 44 A Chaplain's (H. N. Hudson) Campaign with Gen. ^ Butler. N. Y. : Printed for the Author, 1865 ' '^"^ Rare and curious. CATALOGUE. 5 45 CALIFORNIA REGIMENT. Address on the Life and j^ U Character of Col. Edward D. Baker (fell at the Battle of Ball's Bluff on the Potomac). By Thomas Fitch, Placerville, Cal., 1862 46 Campbell, A. The True American System of Finance; The r\ ^ Rights of Labor and Capital and the Common -sense way '■^^' of doing Justice to the Soldiers and their Families. 48 pp. Chicago, 1864 " No Banks: Greenbacks the exclusive Currency." 47 Carlile, J. S. Speech of John S. Carlile of Virginia oh the , fO Bill to Confiscate the Property and Free the Slaves of the •-"^ Rebels. Wash. 1862 48 Remarks of John S. Carlile of Virginia at the Mass •/•" Convention at Indianapolis. Wash. 1862 49 Carroll, A. E. Reply to the Speech of Hon. J. C. Bi'ecken- ^ ff^ ridge. By Anna Ella Carroll, of Maryland. Scarce. ^ Wash. 1861 50 The War Powers of the General Government. By .2f Anna Ella Carroll, of Maryland. Wash. 1832 51 Charleston, S. C. Treason and its Treatment. Remarks j iO of Hon. Joseph Holt at a dinner in Charleston on the evening of April 14, 1865, after the Flag-raising at Fort Sumter. N. Y. 1865 Lincoln's assassination occurred almost witliin tlie hour Judge Holt Avas speaking at the Charleston House. 52 Charleston Convention. Address to the Democracy of ,Jj^ the U. S. , urging the Election of Douglas and Johnson. 16 pp. Wash., July 18, 1860 53 Do. Nationality and Regularity. Address and Call ^(^ of the Democratic State Central Committee. (With names '--^ of all the N. Y. District Committeemen). N. Y^ 1860 54 Chase. Secretary Chase scheming for the Presidency — His ^Q Intrigues and Official Abuses. Speech of Hon. F. P. ''"^ Blair, of Missouri. Wash. 1864 55 Cheap Cotton BY Free Labor. By a Cotton Manufacturer ^7f^ (Edward Atkinson). Best. 1861 56 Chicago Convention, 1864. Spirit of the Chicago Con- / f^ vention. Extracts from all the notable speeches deliv- ered in and out of the National " Democratic"" Conven- 6 CATALOGUE. tion. Surrendei" to the Rebels advocated. (The Federal Government Savagely Denounced, etc.) "Chicago Tribune" Campaign Document No. 1, 1864 57 Chicago Copperhead Convention. The Treasonable and / ^^^ Revolutionary Utterances of the Men who composed it. 16 pp. Wash. 1864 58 Chronological History of the War, from the Dawn of -^^ the Rebellion to the Dawn of Peace. By James P, Carey. ''•^" N. Y. 1865 59 Chronological Record of the American Civil War, giving fi.D every event in the order of its occurrence, from Nov. "^ 8, 1860, to June 3, 1865; also a Complete List of Vessels Captured by the Confederate Navy. N. Y. 1866 60 Cincinnati. Daniel O'Connell and the Committee of the I Ar- 'Irish Repeal Association of Cincinnati. » Cinn., O., 1863 61 Cincinnati National Union Association. Why is Alle- 'J^' giance due? and where is it due? By Israel W. Andrews, President of Marietta College. Cinn. 1863 62 Clemens, Jere. Letter from the Hon. Jere Clemens to i6^ Huntsville, Ala. Phil. 1864 Very rare. 63 Confederate. An Appeal to the People of the North. fro g^ 4 4 p^ Voice from Kentucky." 16 pp. Rare. Louisville, 1861 64 Broadside. " The Great Union Speech of Hon. f)^' Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy." Folio, double column. N. Y. : P. ^Y. Derham, 15 Nassau St. (1861) 65 Confederate Confiscation Bill of all Northern Property ^^^ found in the South, With Instructions to Receivers. Signed by J. P. Benjamin, Attorney-General. Richmond, Sept. 12, 1861 66 Confederate Documents. How the War was Commenced ; ,^.5 an Appeal to the Documents. Southern Documents especially quoted. Itare. N. Y. 1864 67 Confederate. General Index of the First 10 volumes of , > the Southern Historical Society Papers. 20 pp. ';r'' Richmond, Va. (1887) CATALOGUE, 7 68 Confederate. Journal of the War. Representing the I {TO views and opinions which obtained and the condition ''^^ of things which existed at the date of each day's entry in the Confederate States or in portions of thera, etc., contained in De Bow's Review. Nashville, Nov., 1866 69 Confederate Navy. Trial of the Officers and Crew of the A^^ Privateer Savannah, on the Charge of Piracy, in the -"^ U. S. Circuit Court. Sheets, folded. N. Y. 1863 70 Are the Southern Privateersraen Pirates? Letter to' 0-^ Ira Harris by Charles P. Daly, Judge of the Court of '""^ Common Pleas of the City of New York. 1862 English Neutrality. Is the Alabama a British Pirate? By Grosvenor P. Lowney. N. Y. 1863 Proceedings of the Chamber of Commerce of the .'t 10 State of New York on the continued Piracies of Vessels . — "^ fitted out in Great Britain upon American Commerce. N. Y. 1863 73 Report of the Committee concerning the Seizure of fdd the Steamer " Philo Parsons " and the Steamer " Island Queen " in the Detroit River on Sept. 17, 1864. 74 Confederate Prisons. Narrative of Privations of XJ. S. Officers and Soldiers while Prisoners of War in the hands of the Rebel Authorities, Illustrated. Bost. : Littell's Living Age, 1865 74^ Confederate. Provisional and Permanent Constitutions, ^-4^ together with the Acts and Resolutions of the First Session of the Ppovisional Congress of the Con- federate States. 160 pp. Montgomery, Ala,, 1861 75 Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. XI. Nos. ^' 4 and 5. Containing "Confederate Privateersmen," by "'"^ Jefferson Davis; " Battle of Chickamauga," by Gen. Longstreet; " Stonewall Jackson," by R. L. Dabney ; etc. Richmond, 1883 76 State Sovereignty and the Doctrine of Coercion, by Y^^ Wm. D. Porter, With a Letter from J, K, Paulding, ■ ' former Sec. of Navy. 36 pp. (Charleston, S. C, 1861) Very rare. Contains at end article on " The Right to Secede," by "States." 8 CATALOGUE. 77 Confederate. The Epidemic of the Nineteenth Ceutuiy. ^■,. By E. Boyden of Hopedale, Albemarle Co., Va. A curious pro-slavery item. Richmond, 1860 78 The Wrongs the South has endured and the issue be- ^/ fore us, addressed to the People of Arkansas by H. G. ^ Robertson of Pulaski Co., Ark. 1861 79 The Barbarities of the Rebels, as shown in their V / 2- yju- Cruelty to Federal Wounded and Prisoners; in their / ■— "^ outrages upon Union Men ; in the Murder of Negroes, and in their unmanly conduct throughout the Rebellion. By Colonel Percy Howard. 40 pp. Providence : Prm^e<:?/b?- the Author, 1863 A remarkable and extremely rare Civil War document. 80 The Assertions of a Secessionist (Vice-President of /^ so-called Confederate States). From the Speech of A. H. ^ Stephens of Georgia. N. Y. 18G4 81 The Condition of the South and the Duty of the North, as set forth in a letter from Gen. T. Seymour, LATELY RELEASED FROM " UNDER FIRE " AT CHARLESTON. Very scarce. N. Y. : Privately printed^ 1864 82 War Lyrics and Songs of the South. Confederate flags on title-page. Lond. 1866 Printed in London for obvious reasons. The best contemporary collection published. 83 Confiscation Act. Speech of Jos. K. Edgerton of In- JS^ diana. Wash. 1864 84 Confiscation Bill. Speeches on Lincoln's Proclamation by W. J. Allen of Illinois, B. Van Horn, A. S. Diven, A. Ely, Ira Harris, F. Kernan, W. E. Lansing and ^ Daniel Morris, all of New York ; G. Clay Smith of Ken- tucky; Lyman Trumbull of Illinois, and others. 16 pieces. Wash. 1862-4 85 Conkling, Henry. An Inside View of the Rebellion, and ,^3 American Citizen's Text Book. Scarce. ■"""^ Cincinnati, O., 1864 86 Conkling, F. A. On the Production and Consumption of ^r> Cotton. Map. N.Y. : American Geographical Sac, 1865 .-/f Si' 7/ Jt CATALOGUE. 9 87 CoNKLiNG, RoscoE. The President and Congress. The Political Problem of 186G. (Reconstruction; How An- drew Johnson Fell; Danger of Revolution; "Punish- ment "; Andrew Johnson Trampling on Himself.) 31 pp. Utica, 1866 88 Constitution of the United States. Extracts from a fyi^ Treatise on the Constitution, by L. Bonnefoux, origi- ^^^ nator of the New York State Stock Security Bank in 1838. Interesting Lincoln item. N. Y. 1863 89 Constitutional Ethics. B}^ Benjamin Nott. In % parts. >0^ Albany: Munsell, 1857 SO Constitutional Liberty. By George Ticknor Curtis. ^60 ^ N. Y. 1863 '^1 Conway, Martin F. (of Kansas). The War : a Slave JiT Union or a Free ? N. Y. 1862 92 Cooke, Jay. How our National Debt may be a National JC> Blessing; The Debt in Public Wealth; Political Union; ^""^ etc. Phil. 1865 93 Cooper, Peter. Reconstruction : A Letter from Peter Cooper to President Johnson. (N. Y. 1865) Very curious. 94 Corcoran, General. The Captivity of General Corcoran. p^ The only authentic and reliable narrative of his trials and '••^^ sufferings during 12 months' imprisonment in Richmond and other Southern Cities. By Michael Corcoran, the Hero of Bull Run. Plates. Phil. 1862 Scarce. 95 Court Martial. Reply of Judge Advocate John A. M Bingham to the Defence of the Accused, before a gen- — '" eral Court-Martial for the Trial of William A. Ham- mond, Surgeon-General U. S. Army. (64 pp.) Presentation copy from J. A. Bingham. Wash. 1864 96 Coxe, S. S. The Nation's Hope in the Democracy — His- -T"^ toric Lessons for Civil War, Speech of S. S. Cox, of — -""^ Ohio, on the Bill to " Guarantee to Certain States whose Governments are usurped or overthrown a Republican form of Government. " Wash. 1864 ,^ / 10 CATALOGUE. 97 pjEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, 1861. The Platform j^^pVJ of Hon. Lyman Tremain before the Democratic Con* vention, held at Albany, Feb. 1, 1861. Strongly opposing the war policy of Lincoln. 98 Democratic Incendiarism. What Northern Copperheads / t^^ have done for Sonthern Traitors. N. Y. 1863 99 Democratic Party. The Position and Policy of the Demo- o^t cratic Party. Letter from Chief Justice Caton of Illinois to Horatio Seymour. 14 pp. N. Y. 1862 Interesting Lincoln and Emancipation item. 100 De Peyster, J. Watts. Winter Campaigns. How Great ^ Generals bring Cannon, etc. , into the Field. Catskill, 1862 101 Practical Strategy as illustrated by the Achieve- 35 ments of the Austrian Field Marshal Traun. Catskill, 1863 102 Dewees, Jacob. Address to the People of Pennsylvania (urging the restoration of the Union by a National Con- vention of the People). Pottsville, 1862 District of Columbia. Speech of Hon. W. T. Willey of Virginia on the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia. Wash. 1862 Disunion and Slavery, A series of Letters to W. L. Yancey of Alabama by H. J. Raymond of New York. N. Y. 1860 105 Douglas, Stephen A. Political Record of Stephen A. ^ij Douglas on the Slavery Question. Chicago: The Illinois '^ Republican State Central Committee, 1860. 106 Addresses on the Death of Honorable Stephen A. ^ /'! Douglas delivered in the Senate and House of Represen- tatives. 92 pp. W^ash. 1861 107 Stirring Appeals from Honored Veterans — Demo- X cratic Statesmen and Generals to the Loyal Sons of the Union. Views of Gens. Grant, Sherman, Dix, Wool, and others. Albany, 1864 Contains the last letter on the War written by Stephen A. Douglas. 108 FOLDER, Dr. William. Debt and Resources of the tj ^ L/ United States and the •Effect of Secession upon the '-^ Trade and Industry of the Loyal States. Phil. 1863 CATALOGUE. ' 11 109 Election of 1860. An Appeal to the Conservative Men of all Parties. The Presidential Question: Shall the ,^ ^ Subject of Slavery forever prevent all useful legislation or shall it be settled by the Doctrine of Non-interven- tion ? N. Y. 1860 A Douglas Campaign document. 110 Election of 1864. The Military and Naval Situation and J) b' the Glorious Achievements of our Soldiers and Sailors. .-^ Wash. 1864 111 A Few Plain Words with the Rank and File of the ^%0 . Union Armies. Wash. 1864 /^2 Political Dialogues: Soldiers on their Right to /<7> Vote, and the Men they should Support. Scene, The / "^ Army of the Potomac, near the Weldon Railroad. 16 pp. A Lincoln and Johnson Campaign document. Wash. 1864 113 Speech of Aaron F. Perry delivered before the , jO National Union Association. Cinn. 1864 ^ ""^ Urging the re-election of Lincoln and containing a remarkable dialogue between August Belmont, Chairman of the National Executive Democratic Committee, and Jefferson Davis. 114 Emancipation. Amend the Constitution — it is the Way ^06 to Unity and Peace. By J. M. Ashley of Ohio. Speech ""^ on the Constitutional Amendment for the Abolition of Slavery. N. Y. 1865 its Justice, Expediency and Necessity as the Means of securing a Speedy and Permanent Peace. Address by G. S. Boutwell. Bost., Dec. 16, 1861 Objections to the President's Proclamation consid- ered. By Alexander Bailey of Oneida. Albany, 1863 Tl7 Emancipation AND its Results. "By their Fruits shall >2.i' ye know them," 32 pp. N. Y. 1863 118 Emancipation. Speech of Hon. J. R. Doolittle of Wis- ^1^ consin on Emancipation and Colonization. Wash. 1862 '^119 Speech of Hon. T. B. Van. Buren on the Bill to «^ ratify the Amendment to the Constitution of the United ""^ States prohibiting Slavery. Albany, 1865 120 Erie County. Henry W. Rogers on the Rebellion. ;•, j^ Buffalo, 1861 121 EvARTS, William M. The Issues of the Day. 13 pp. ^^ Auburn, Oct. 16, 1860 UNIVERSITV ■ 12 CATALOGUE. 122 Executive Power. By B, R. Curtis (referring to Lin- «_^ coin's Proclamation of Sept. 24, 1862, suspending the ^ Habeas Corpus Act). 15 pp. N. Y. 1862 123 T7INANCIAL POLICY of the Government during the r>^ I War. Speeches by John Sherman, James Gallatin, *---' Eliiah Ward and others (mostly New York). 17 pieces. 1860-65 124 Flanders, Henrv. Must the War Go On? An Inquiry 0:t> whether the Union can be restored by any other means '^'' than War, and whether peace upon any other basis would be safe or durable. Phil. 1863 125 Forney, John W. Speech pronounced before the People •^^ of Lebanon, Pa. ("Four years of War under Lincoln compared with one year of peace under Johnson," "Who murdered Lincoln?" " Jeff Davis and A. H. Stephens," etc.) Wash. 1866 126 Fremont, Life of Colonel Fremont (2 copies, in German), (0^ illustrated; Fremont not a Roman Catholic ; Why Natu- "^ ralized Citizens should Vote for Fremont, by D. D. Field. 4 pieces. N. Y. 1856 127 Col. Freemont's Religion: the Calumnies against f,^ him Exposed by Indisputable Proofs. Curious. '^ (N. Y. 1860) 128 Fremont's Campaign. Reply of Lt.-Col. Pilsen to Emil i/) Schalk's Criticisms of the Campaign in the Mountains *l^^ under Maj.-Gen. J. C. Fremont (specially refers to the Battle of Cross Keys). N. Y. {Privately jyrmted) 1863 129 Fugitive Slave Law. " Concessions and Compromises." /C[ Phil. {Privately 2^rinted) Dec. 8, 1860 ' 130 pARFIELD, General. Speech of Hon. James A. Gar- 10 vJ field, of Ohio, on the Confiscation of Property of ->^ Rebels. Wash. 1864 131 Georgia. The Complete and Reliable Day and Court , fO Calendar, Law Register and Railroad Guide for 1860. /-'^ Compiled by N. M. Harris, La Grange, Troup County, Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., 1860 Contains list of county towns, with names of reliable lawyers if any. CATALOGUE. 13 132 German Democrats. Correspondence between the Com- in mittee of the German Democratic Union Party of New '^^ York, with the German Democratic Central Chib upon the subject of a Union, N. Y. 1863 133 Gettysburg. An Oration delivered on the Battlefield of o ^'' Gettysburg at the Consecration of the Cemetery. By .---^ Edward Everett, with Incidents of the Battles, Plan, etc. N. Y. 1863 With original poem by B. B. French of Washington, and Lin- coln's speech. 134 Government Contracts. Defence of the Committee on '^^ Government Contracts. By Hon. Henry L. Dawes of --^•^ Massachusetts. Wash. 1862 135 Grant, General. Report of Lt.-Gen, U. S. Grant, of ' .; the Armies of the United States, 1864-65. Wash. 1865 " . Concludes with the full correspondence with Gen. Lee at the •^ surrender of Appomattox Court House. Autograph of S. N. Sherman . ,^i J^ 137 TTABEAS CORPUS SUSPENSION and Arbitrary 1 1 Arrests. Speeches on Lincoln's Proclamation. By Judge N. K. Hall, A. H. Bailey, G. I. Post of Cayuga, Attorney-General Bates, H. Palmer of Oswego, R. S. Fields of New Jersey, S. Shellbarger of Ohio, and others. 14 pieces. 1862-64 138 Habeas Corpus. Opinion of Judge N. K. Hall, of the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of N. Y., on Habeas Corpus in the Case of Judson D. Benedict. With an Appendix (110 pp.). Buffalo, 1863 139 Harlan, Hon. J as. The Constitution Upheld and Main- '^j tained. Wash. 1864 ^ ,^' Advocating the election of Lincoln and Johnson. 140 Hartford Patriot's League. Address of D. S. Dickin- fy. son, of N. Y,, delivered on the Anniversary of the * ^ ^ Adoption of the Constitutions of the U. S . , Sept. 17, 1787. """^ (List of Members.) Hartford, 1861 141 Henry, C. S. Patriotism and the Slaveholders' Rebellion. ^2J> Scarce. N. Y. 1861 /i42 Hall, Joseph. Speech of Hon. Joseph Holt at a Mass J0 Meeting called by the Chamber of Commerce in Irving ^ ^^ Hall, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1861. 14 CATALOGUE. 143 Hospital Construction. With Notices of Foreign Mili- (0 tary Hospitals. By C. A. Lee, M.D. Albany, 1863 144 Hunt, E. B. (Capt. U. S. Arm}^). Union Foundations: a //' Study of American Nationality as a Fact of Science. IJ:^' N. Y. 1863 145 ILLINOIS REGIMENT (33d Vols.). Campaign of Mrs. // /f 1 Julia Silk, of Ann Arbor, Mich. With a Concise Ac- count of the Principal Events of the Rebellion of '61 to '05. Curious illustrations. (Detroit, n. d.) 140 Indian Expedition of 1863. Journal of Sibley's Indian . .V, Expedition during the Summer of 1863, and Record of V -^' the Troops Employed. By a Soldier in Company H, 6th Regiment (A. M. Daniels). Winona, Minn., 1864 Contains complete lists of all soldiers engaged in the Sioux "War, arranged by companies. 147 Indiana. The Future of the North West in connection y/ with the Scheme of Reconstruction without New England. '^-^ Addressed to the People of Indiana. By Robert Dale Owen. Phil. 1863 148 Iowa. Report of the State Military Convention. (Names //O of Corps represented, with names of their delegates, or- ganization, etc.) Davenport, 1859 149 T AMES, Henry. The Social Significance of our Institu- y^i I tions. An Oration delivered by request of the Citizens '. " of Newport, July 4, 1861. First Edition. Bost. 1861 150 Jordan, Johnson H. "State Equality: the true Issue." //C' An Address to the Free White Citizens of the yet Free .^^ States. Wash. 1856 151 JuDSON, Roscius W. Oration delivered at North Lau- A-gji rence, July 4th, 1862. Ogdensburgh, 1862 152 iy"ANSAS. The Crime against Kansas. The Apologies y, I\ for the Crime. The True Remedy. By Charles '/ Sumner. (32 pp.) Wash. 1856 153 Our Country's Troubles. By Dudley A. Tyng. ,/^ Bost. 1856 154 Admission of. Vindication of the Rights of the ,/C People against Executive Usurpation. By E. J. Morris. -"-^ Wash. 1858 ./<> CATALOGUE. 15 155 Kansas. The Lecompton Coustitution, Speech by Marcus J. Parrott; Speech of William Montgomery on the Admis- sion of Kansas and in Defense of his Compromise Bill. 2 pieces. Wash. 1858 156 The Barbarism of Slavery. Speech of Charles /)^' Sumner on the Bill for the Admission of Kansas as a Free '^ State. 32 pp. Wash. 1860 157 Shall the War be for Union and Freedom or Union , f' J- and Slavery ? Speech of M. F. Conway, of Kansas. ^^ Wash. 1861 158 Our Country's Troubles. By Dudley A. Tyng, t^ Phil. "1865 159 Kentucky. Letter from Hon. Joseph Holt upon the Policy of the General Government, the pending Revolution, its objects, its probable results if successful and the Duty OF Kentucky in the Crisis. 23 pp. Wash. 1861 160 Speech of Hon. J. M. Howard in the Senate of the QC U. S. on the motion of Mr, Wilson of Massachusetts to -^ expel Mr. Davis of Kentucky for offering a series of Resolutions tending to incite insurrection. Wash. 1864 161 Report of Examinations of Rock Castle and Big ,fC Sandy Rivers, Kentucky, and Nassau River, Fla. .--• "' Wash. 1875 162 "King Cotton." Adresse au Roi Coton par Eugene Pelletau. 19 pp. Scarce. N. Y. 1863 163 KiRKLAND, Charles P. The Destiny of Our Country. N. Y.*1864 "164 T ABOULAYE, Edouard. The United States and . ^S !Lj France — Why the North Cannot Accept of Separation. (In French and English.) 3 pieces. N. Y. 1862-3 165 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Centralization or "State .,7i" Rights"? First Edition. N. Y. 1863 166 Letters of Junius to his Excellenc}^ Horatio Seymour, t^O Governor of the State of New York. •^-^ Rural Vale, Oswego, N. Y., 1863 167 Lincoln. The Republican Platform, adopted by the aS^ Chicago Convention, May 17, 1860. Speech of Hon. / ' E. G. Spaulding of New York at Meetings held to Ratify the Nomination of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin for President and Vice-President. Wash. 1860 Of extreme rarity. Contains speech and letter to Dr. Canisius by Lincoln. / 16 CATALOGUE 168 Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln's Arbitrary Arrests. The Acts which « ^ the Baltimore Platform Approves. 24 pp. Document / It SI /^ No. 13. 13 Park Row and all Democratic Newspaper Offices. N. Y. 1862 Extremely rare. Front page dusty. 169 Message from the President of the XJ. S. on the ■^ Means and Agencies used for the Protection of the Gov- ernment. Wash., May 26, 1862 170 The War Powers of the President and the Legisla- yO tive Powers of Congress in relation to Rebellion, Treason and Slavery. By William Whiting. Bost. 1862 Presentation copy from the author. 171 Autograph Letter from P. D. Gurley (President . -7^ Lincoln's pastor), introducing Rev. James Marshall, ^■"'^ " who has been laboring for some time in this District on behalf of the Contrabands," and was desii'ous of a Hos- pital Chaplaincy in Washington. Wash. 1862 172 Address by Hon. John Brough on President Lin- j/f coin's Response relative to the Arrest of Vallandigham. (With Lincoln's Reply, 5 pp., to the Committee of Ohio Democrats, and his letter to the Albany Committee of N. Y. Democrats, 8 pp.) Very rare. Cinn.: National Union Association of OJdo, 1863 173 Corruptions and Frauds of Lincoln's Administra- ^ tion. (N. Y. Custom House Scandal, etc.) ^ (N. Y., 13 Park Row, 1863) 274 Reply to President Lincoln's Letter of 12th June, / / / 1863. (The Habeas Corpus Suspension Question). Signed / - by John V. L. Pruyn and the Albany Committee. Albany, 1863 175 . The War Policy of the Administration. Letter of y. A^f' the President to the Union Mass Convention at Spring- ^ ^ field. III, with the letter of Edward Everett to the Con- vention. Wash., Aug. 16, 186a ]^76 The Emancipation Proclamation. Speeches of Hon. Albert Andrus, of Franklin, and Hon. W. H. Brand, of ^ l^i^ Madison, delivered March 4, 1863, in favor of a Vigor- ous Prosecution of the War, of the Proclamation of Free- dom and of the Administration of Abraham Lincoln. N. Y. 186a .7» // CATALOGUE. 17 177 Lincoln. Letter of Gen. A. J. Hamilton, of Texas, to the President of the U. S. N. Y. 1863 Written under the supposition that the President would be forced to revoke his Emancipation Proclamation. 178 Speech of A. G. Riddle, of Ohio, on the Bill to 7 i indemnify the President. (The Personnel of the Presi- dent, what the late Elections decided, the Democratic Party, etc.) Feb. 28, 1863 179 Commission on Vellum appointing Richard Burgess 2^ Justice of the Peace in the City of Washington With • signature of William H. Seward, U. S. Seal, and signed in full, Abraham Lincoln. Wash. 1864 Choice clean specimen ; endorsed on back Richard Burgess is dead. 180 Lincoln oder McClellan. Aufruf an die Deutschen in /6^ Amerika von Franz Lieber. N. Y. 1864 181 Letter of Manton Marble to President Lincoln. / 7. /2j(Freedom of the press wantonly violated, etc.) N.Y.1864 /^ — " Very rare. The New York World and Journal of Commerce were both suppressed b}' General Dix for inserting the forged proclamation referred to in the Manton Marble letter. 182 Perils of the Nation. Usurpations of the Adminis- 74 tration in Maryland and Tennessee. The Remedy to ^' ' be used. N.Y.1864 National Democratic Campaign Document No. 36. Letters and speeches of August Belmont and A. Oakey Hall on "Lincoln's Revolutionary Purpose," " His Treason," " Jeff and Old Abe are joint Criminals," " Lincoln's Crimes — from Treason to Thimble- rigging," " Lincoln's Ribaldry," etc. 183 Treatment of Gen. Grant ! Mr. Lincoln's Treat- o yy ment of Gen. MuClellan ! Document No. 12. 13 Park ^ -^ Row, N. Y., 1864. A rare and very curious Presidential campaign item. 184 Reconstruction : Liberty the Corner-Stone and -2^2) Lincoln the Architect. By Isaac N. Arnold (Author of '" the Life of Lincoln) of Illinois. Wash. 1864 185 McClellan vs. Lincoln. Damning Disclosure of the Treatment of McClellan by Stanton and Lincoln, Testi- mony of Gen. Naglee. (A Buffoon in the White House and a Brute in the War Department, Lincoln's Weak- ness and Stanton's Rudeness, etc.) Phil. 1864 4M / 1 18 CATALOGUE. 186 Lincoln. The Chicago Copperhead Convention, The . ijyi' Treasonable and Revolutionary Utterances of the Men ' ''' who composed it. Wash. 1864 Sixteen pages of virulent abuse of Lincoln and his administra- tion. 187 The Ballot and the Bullet : How to Save the ji»3 Nation. Address of Henry Stanbery, delivered in New- " port, Ky. Cinn. 1864 Urging the necessity of re-electing Lincoln to the Presidency. 188 Oration Commemorative of President Abraham ^- Lincoln. By Richard Storrs, at the request of the War Fund Committee. Portrait. Brooklj^n, 1865 Edition of 100 signed copies only. 189 A Discourse by Rev, R. Fuller, on the 1st of June, ^ ff. 1865, being the Day of National Fasting and Humilia- ^"^ tion. Bait, 1865 Contains letter from the author to Mr. Trask in relation to his sermon on Lincoln's death. 190 The National Sacrifice: a Sermon preached on the ^ ^/ Sunday before the Death of the President (the Sunday ■^' "" following the Capture of Richmond), and two addresses on the Sunday and Wednesday following, in St. Clem- ent's Chui'ch. By Treadwell Warren. Rare. Phil. 1865 191 Our National Crisis: a Sermon delivered April 23d, /,^5 1865. By Henry Smith, D.D., Pastor of the North ' -^ Presbyterian Church, Buffalo. 1865 192 The New York Herald for April 15th, 1865, with ''-■ ' account of the Assassination of the President. N.Y.1865 193 The Sanitary Commission Bulletin, printed with i C>C black borders, with editorial on the death of Lincoln, etc. /"■ Phil., May 1, 1865 194 " The Victorious." A Poem on the Assassination ^■■, of President Lincoln. By M. Bird, of Hayti. '^ Kingston, Jamaica, 1866 Scarce. Contains 17 pages of Introductory Remarks "expres- sive of the deep feeling in Hayti, on the arrival of the News of the President's Assassination." 195 Address on the Life and Character of Abraham '^ .' Lincoln. By George Bancroft. With the fine Treasury vignette portrait. First Edition. Wash, 1866 CATALOGUE. 19 190 Lincoln Literature. A BibliograjDhical Account of Books 2 ^ and Pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Compiled by Daniel Fish. Minneapolis, 1900 Only a very limited edition, privately printed. 197 Lincoln: His Book. With Preface b}^ J. McCan Davis. ^£0 N. Y. 1901 / — -- "It is tlie unique renown of this Book that it is tlie only one ever written or compiled by Abraham Lincoln." An exact re- production of the original. 198 Logan, General. Speech of General John A. Logan on , fO his return to Illinois after the Capture of Vicksburg. """^^ Cinn. {^National Union Association of Ohio) 1863 199 Long Island. The Patriotism of the Plough. Address Jf^ delivered before the Queens Co. Agricultural Society at ''^" Flushing. By R. C. McCormick. Hempstead: Printed for the Societi/, 1861 200 LossiNG, Benson J. The League of States. First Edi- ,5> TioN. Scarce. N. Y. 1863 '^^l Loyal National League. Proceedings of the Conven- ^J^ tion of Loyal Leagues, held at Mechanics' Hall, Utica, -^ May, 1863. 202 Low, Henry R. The Governor's Message Reviewed (Mis- statements of the Governor, Scare of Insurrection, Real Designs of the Traitors, etc.). Albany, 1863 203 LowviLLE, N. Y. Oration delivered by J. W. Armstrong, i^^' July 4, 1861. Scarce. Lowville, 1861 "^4 Loyal Publication Society's Pamphlets. (Growler's ^b^ Income Tax; Patriotism, by Joseph Fransioli; Nullifica- tion and Compromise; Peter Cooper on Emancipation; Reconstruction, by R. D. Owen; etc.) 13 pieces. N. Y. 1863-4 205 Louisiana. Self -Emancipation a Successful Experiment J ^ on a Large Estate in Louisiana, by John McDonogh of McDonogh, opposite New Orleans. 1862 206 l\jAINE REGIMENT. Address of Isaiah Thornton ;,3^iVi Williams, on the Presentation of Colors to the 5th Regiment of Maine Volunteers in the City Hall Park, N. Y., June 27, 1861. N. Y. 1862 207 Mansfield, Edward D. The Issues and Duties of the .^ Day. Cinn. 1864 / ^''"''^ A scarce Lincoln campaign document. 20 CATALOGUE, .^ 3? / 208 Maryland. An Address to the People of Maryland. By William H. Collins. Bait. 18G1 209 Second Address to the People of Maryland, by ^ ^ William H. Collins of Baltimore. 17 pp. Bait. 186i ^^210 Third Address to the People of Maryland, by William H. Collins of Baltimore. 24 pp. Bait. 1861 211 The War Powers of the General Government, by ,^ Anna Ella Carroll. Wash. 1862 212 Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, on /XX' the Bill to Guarantee Republican Governments in Cei'- ^ tain States. Wash., March 22, 1864 213 Mason and Slidell. The Correspondence relative to the \t). Case of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. 15 pp. Scarce. ^y^ Wash. 1861 214 Memokial of Capt. Dallas, of the 12th U. S. Infantry, ^5 addressed to Senate Military Committee, with accom- panying Documents. (Letters from Lincoln, Simon Came- ron, and others.) Wash. 1861 215 Meriden, Conn. Sermons for the Times, by G. A. Hub- .?r bell. New Haven, 1861 -^216 McClellan. The Life of Maj.-Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, *t'^ General-in-Chief U. S. A. Including Services in Mexico, Red River Expedition, etc. By Louis Legrand. Portrait. Rare. N. Y. 1861 217 from Balls' Bluff to Antietam. Bv George Wilkes, 1^ Editor of " Wilkes' Spirit of the Times." N. Y. 1863 ^_^, Rare. " A complete exposure of McClellan's incapacity." 218 General McClellan's Peninsula Campaign: Review y/ of the Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the *.yi^' War. By Hiram Ketchum. 72 pp. N. Y. : Privately printed, 1864 " Designed to show that the Report of the Committee had done a great injustice to Gen. McClellan." 219 Military Career Reviewed and Exposed: the Mili- .y^" tary Policy of the Administration Vindicated. 48 pp. j>- N. Y. 1864 220 George B. McClellan als Feldherr, Patriot und ^ J.U Staatsmann. Eine biographische Skizze des demokrat- , C> * l'^ ischen Priisidentschafts-Candidaten. N. Y. 1864 / »•••■■' CATALOGUE. 21 221 McClellan. Life and Public Services of Gen. Geo. B. <7S McClellan. 64 pp. ■ N. Y. 1864 _„^^' Campaign Document No. 4. Scarce. 222 The Election of McClellan the only hope for Union , ^S' and Peace. By Robert C. Winthrop. (How Mr. Lin- ' """^ coin abides by the No-Swap Policy — Mr. Lincoln making fun of himself, etc.) N. Y. 1864 223 West Point Oration by George B. McClellan, with ^A his letter to Horatio Seymour accepting the nomination „,-^ as Democratic Candidate for the Presidency. N. Y. 1864 224 McClellan's Report on the Army of the Potomac; Medd- le lan's Military Career rcA'iewed and exposed; Letter of — -'^ Acceptance ; etc. 4 pieces. Wash. 1864 225 McDowell, Gen. Statement of Major-Gen. Irvin Mc- /, .>, Dowell, in Review of the Evidence brought before the Court of Inquiry instituted at his request (concerning the Defence of the Cit}'^ of Washington and the separation of McDowell's Corps from McClellan's Army). 64 pp. Wash. 1863 McKaye, James. The Birth and Death of Nations: a Thought for the Crisis. N. Y. 1862 227 Military Arrests in Time of War. By William Whit- O'O ing. Wash. 1863 228 Military Interference with Elections. Speech of Hon. Jacob M. Howard of Michigan in reply to Mr. Powell of Kentucky. 32 pp. Wash. 1864 Mill, John Stuart. The Contest in America. 32 pp. Strongly in favor of the North. Bost. 1862 Mississippi. Christianity and the Civil Laws: a Lecture by James A. Lyon, D.D., of Columbus, Mississippi. A strong Union tract. Columbus, 1859 Origin of the Outrages at Vicksburg. Speech of Senator C.E., Furlong of Warren County. Vicksburg, 1874 232 Missouri. Speech of Hon. J. B. Henderson of Missouri on the Abolition of Slaver3^ Wash. 1862 Camp Jackson, its History and Significance. Ora- tion by C. D. Drake, delivered in St. Louis, May 11, 1863, on the Anniversary of the Capture of Camp Jack- son, with his Reply to the Missouri Republican Attack upon him on account of that Oration. St. Louis, 1863 22 CATALOGUE. /)5'234 Missouri. The Wrongs to Missouri's Loyal People. Speech .^ of C. D. Drake before the Mass Convention at Jefferson City, September 1, 1863. 235 MooDY, LoRiNG. The Destruction of Republicanism the ,^'/ Object of the Rebellion : the Testimony of Southern Wit- nesses. Bost. 1863 236 Motley, John Lothrop. The Cause of the American f(^ Civil War: a Letter to the London Times. First Edi- '^ TiON. N. Y. 1861 237 Murphy, J. M'Leod. Speech of Senator J. McL. Murphy, in of the City of New York, on Southern Treason. ''>- N. Y. 1861 238 Murphy, Henry C. Remarks of Hon. H. C. Murphy, of *fQ Kings County, upon that portion of the Message of Gov- ^ ^^ ernor Seymour relating to Arbitrary Arrests. "^ Albany, 1863 239 IVTASON, Elias. Our Obligations to Defend the Govern- •2^ IM ment: a Discourse on the War, delivered at Exeter, V---' N. H., April 21, 1861. 240 National Preacher. Some of the Providential Lessons ^0 of 1S60; How to Meet the Events of 1862. By G. L. '>- Prentiss. N. Y. 1862 241 Navy. Argument of E. Delafield Smith, U. S. District- Attorney, addressed to the U. S. Court at New York in i^-f the case of the prize steamer " Peterhoff " (captured by '^ the U. S. Steamer " Vanderbilt " while trying to run the Blockade). N. Y. 1863 242 Navy Register of the LL S. for the years 1862 and 1863. 7( 2 pieces. Wash. 1862-3 ^^243 Navy. Achievements of the Western Naval Flotilla. Re- o^- marks of Hon. James W. Grimes of Iowa. (The actions of the Taylor, Lexington, Conestoga, Monitor, Attack on Fort Donelson, Fort Henry, etc.) ^ Wash. 1862 244 The Watervliet Arsenal. Letter to Hon. Martin I. (:\ Townsend from Gen. P. V. Hagner, showing the,eligi- '^ bility of the site, etc. Plan. Troy, 1878 245 Colonization of the Western Coast of Africa by a/N means of a line of Mail Steam-Ships. With the report of *3^ the Naval Committee to the House of Representatives. N. Y. 1851 CATALOGUE. 23 246 Naval Warfare. The Navy in Congress: being Speeches ^ i^ of Messrs. Grimes, Doolittle, Nye, Griswoki, and others. ^ Wash. 1865 247 Negroes. Annual Reports of the American Society for j 1- Colonizing the Free People of Color of the U. S. With ^- Appendixes. 8 pieces. Wash. 1824-51 248 The African Repository and ColonialJonrnal. (Con- - •"• taiuing accounts of the American Colonization Society's operations in Georgia, Virginia, Ohio, New York, Louis- iana, Maryland, and other States. Original poems, de- scription of Liberia, etc.) 16 parts (not continuous). Washington City, 1827-32 Letters on the Colonization Societ}^: its Origin, In- crease of Colored Population, Emigration to Liberia, etc., by M. Carey ; Sketches of Liberia, by J. W. Lugenbeel ; Speech by Charles Sumner; and other Liberia items. 9 pieces. 1832-62 250 The Black Man. The Comparative Anatomy and ^ /^ Psychology of the African Negro. By H. Burmeister. l^^ N. Y. 1853 With presentation inscription from William Cullen Bryant. "There is a manifest degradation, which approximates the Negro, both corporally and mentally to inferior animals." 251 Negroes and Negro "Slavery." — The First an Inferior XA Race, the Latter its Normal Condition. By J. H. Van \ Evrie. N. Y. 1853 Contains complementary letters to the author regarding the book from Jefferson Davis, D. S. Dickinson, and others. 252 Negroes. What shall be done with the People of Color in the U. S. By Frederick Starr of Peun Yan, N. Y. Albany, 1862 Letter on the Relation of the White and African Races in the U. S., showing the necessity of the coloniza- tion of the latter. Wash. 1862 Written to President Lincoln. The Hand of God with the Black Race : a Discourse delivered before the Pennsylvania Colonization Societ}^ by Alex. T. McGill, D.D. Phil. 1862 24 CATALOGUE 255 Negroes. Speech of Hon. "W. J. Heacock of Fulton and t\ Hamilton sustaining the Emancipation Policy and advo- cating an extensive and general use of the Negro in the Arnn' and Navy. Albany, 1863 256 Negro Soldiers. Speech of Hon. W. H. Wadsworth of ^_^ Kentucky on Negro enlistment. Wash. 1863 ix-^'^ ' ' The first Negro regiment that it was attempted to march through Kentucky would produce a collision." 257 Negroes. Thoughts for the Times. By Joel P. Bishop. ,j^ Curious. Bost. 1863 258 General Washington and General Jackson on Negro 36' Soldiers. Phil. 1863 259 New England Loyal Publication Society. Letter from A r John Hooker ' ' to my friends of the legal profession in Ix^ Connecticut who adhere to the Democratic party. " Hartford, 1863 260 New Jersey Regiment. Sermon, by E. R. Craven, July /,, 20, 1862, on occasion of the Death of Col. Tucker, 2d 'V^ Refft. N. J. Vols., who fell at the Battle of Gaines' Mills. With Oration by Bro. John P. Foster on invita- tion of Protection Lodge, No. 28, I. O. O. F. Newark, 1862 261 Niagara Ship Canal Proposition. Speech of Hon. A. X. , /^' Parker, of St. Lawrence. Albany, 1864 262 NEW YORK. Communication from the Governor (John /-/' A. King) in Answer to a Resolution relative to the Abduc- --^'' tion or Enslavement of Citizens of this State. (The cases of Henry Dixon and Charles Granby, of Rochester.) N. Y., Jan. 31, 1857 263 Proceedings of the Military Association of the State of New York at the Annual Meeting in Alban3^ (Account of the Battle of New Orleans, by Gen. Duryea; List of Members and Officers.) 109 pp. N. Y. 1859 2G4 The Dangers and Defences of New York, addressed /^! to Secretary of War, J. B. Floyd. By Major J. G. Bar- -^'' nard. Published by Order of the Chamber of Commerce. N. Y. 1859 265 The Questions of the Day: an Address, delivered in the Academy of Music in New York, July 4, 1861, by Edward Everett. Scarce. N. Y. 1861 /■IM ,05. CATALOGUE. 35 266 New York. The Union Meeting at Castle Garden. (With .y irO letters from Daniel Webster, D. S. Dickinson, and others.) ^ ^ N.Y., Oct., 1861 " The object of that meeting was not only to proclaim to the country the fact that the merchants of the City of New York are in favor of all the slavery laws passed recently by Congress, but to restrain as far as possible the future Freedom of Debate, and the Right of Petition on the subject of Slavery." The Defence of ihe State. By Calvin T. Hulburd, ; /r / .^'?- St. Lawrence Co., Mar. 1, 1862. Minutes of the Organization and Proceedings of the New England Soldiers' Relief Association. Letters, Addresses, etc. N. Y. 1863 The first report. 269 The Public Defenses (of the Harbor of New York). ^S Speech by Mr. Pierce, of Ulster, on the Fortification Bill. .-^ Albany, 1862 270 Who urged the Draft? The Administration Vin- J^ dicated by its Enemies. N. Y. 1862 271 Conservative Surgery, with a List of the Medical and Surgical Force of New York in the War of the Re- bellion, 1861-62. With a Notice of the Hospitals at Forts Monroe and White House, Va. By Sylvester Willard. Albany, 1862 272 Regimental Surgeons of the State of New York in ,fC the War of the Rebellion, 1861-63. By S. Willard. (Name, age where graduated, appointed, promotions, etc. ) Presentation copy. Albany: Privately prmted, IS Qd 273 The Conscription Act Vindicated. By Thomas /a Hillhouse, late Adjutant-General of t! e State of New ^ — York. Scarce. Albany, 1863 274 Communication from His Honor the Mayor George Opdyke (on the Defenses and Armaments of New York Harbor, Brooklyn Navy Yard, etc.). N.Y. 1863 275 A Record of the Votes of the Hon. Preston Kinw yU on the Right of Petition, Extension of Slavery, etc, -^ * n. p., n. d. (N. Y. 1868) 276 Loyal Meeting of the People of New York to Sup- port the Government, Prosecute the War, and Maintain /JP the Union, held at the Cooper Institute, N. Y., March 3, 1863. Contains 13-page speech by Andrew Johnson. ^t -e 26 CATALOGUE. 277 New York. Review of Governor Seymour's Message (on ftp the Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act). Speeches by '^.^-^ John O'Donnell, Abrara B. Weaver of Oneida, James Redington of St. Lawrence, L. W. Collins of Wayne, Lyman Tremain of New York, and others. 25 pieces. Albany, 1863 278 — Annual Reports of the General Agent for the Re- lief of Sick and Wounded Soldiers of the State of New York. Colored views and plates. 3 pieces. Albany, 1864-65 279 Communication from the Governor, transmitting the Report of the Quartermaster-General and Superin- tendent of Military Agencies. Albany, 1866 280 Proceedings of the Military Association of the f^^,.. State of New York. (Roll of Members, etc.) N. Y. 1869 281 New York Broadside. " Don't Unchain the Tiger." K(^ Address to the Laboring Men of New York, by " A ^^'^ Democratic Workingman." N. Y., Aug., 1863. 282 New York Banks. Treasury Notes a Legal Tender. Argu- , /)> ment of John K. Porter in the Court of Appeals in the case of The Metropolitan Bank and others against Henry Van Dyck, Superintendent of the Bank Department. Albany, 1863 283 New York Democracy. Countr}' before Party. The itj^ Voice of Loyal Democrats. Albany, 1863 284 New York Democracy and Vallandingham. " They /A Indorse the Traitor and Work at the Treason." ll> N. Y. 1863 285 New York Draft Riots, Charges against the Commis- y 'f. sioners of the Metropolitan Police (Bowen, Acton, and ' Bergen). By H. K. Blauvelt. Albany, 1863 286 New York Enrollment Frauds. Report of Judge- Advo- , (rC' cate Nelson J. Waterbury to the Governor of New York ' "" upon the Errors and Frauds of the Enrollment. Albany, 1863 287 New York Historical Society. Letter to Hon. Luther .^ Bradish on the Declaration of Independence by the Col- l/^ ony of Massachusetts Bay, May 1, 1776. By Henry B. ""^"^ Dawson. Morrisania {Privately printed), 1862 CATALOGUE. 27 288 New York Military Association. Address of Horatio ^ Seymour before the Association. (TLie Strategic Irapor- t^ tance of New York; New York in the Revohition ; etc.) "^ N. Y. {Privately printed^, Jan. 23, 1862 289 New York Slavery. An Appeal for Freedom, made in jQ the Assembly of the State of New York. By Hon. Charles 'J- S. Spencer. Scarce. Albany, 1859 290 New York State Colonization Society. Proceedings J ^'6 on the Formation of the Society, with Address from „^-^ Managers; Proceedings at the First Anniversary, and other Reports and Memorials. 8 pieces. Albany, 1829, 1830-55 291 New York. General Head- Quarters, State of New York. ST/iyThe original General Orders as issued daily from the ^^ Adjutant-General's Office at Albany, from Jan. 1st, 1861, to Dec. 31st, 1865. Bound in 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco. Albany, 1861-65 A rare and important New York war item. 292 New York University. The Duties of [the Times. By . Isaac Ferris, Chancellor of the University. (Preached on <^ Aug. 6, 1863, the day of National Thanksgiving ap- pointed by President Lincoln.) N. Y. 1863 293 New York Regiment. Eulogium commemorative of Gor- ton T. Thomas, Lt.-Col. 22nd Reg., N. Y. Vols., deliv- ered at Keeseville, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1862. By Winslow ■^ C. Watson. Burlington, 1862 With account of the 22nd Regiment's being ambushed at the Battle of Bull Run. 294 Memento of Capt. Henry Brooks O'Reilly, of the First Excelsior Regiment (70th N. Y. Vols.), who fell in the Battle of Williamsburg (the first battle of the Army of the Potomac). {Privately printed^ 1862 With descriptions of the battle; original poem by W. C. Hos- mer, and battle-song of the Excelsior Brigade. 295 Memoir of Richard Marvin Strong, Adjutant of M the 177th Regt., N. Y. Volunteers, who died at Bonnet — ^ Carre, La. Albany, 1863 296 Oration delivered at Windham Centree, Greene Co. , N. Y. By the late Col. William A. Jackson, of the 18th Regiment, N. Y. Vols. (Poem by O. B. Hitchcock.) Albany, 1863 3d ."to .^ 38 CATALOGUE. ^- 297 New York Regiment, Col. Charles Wbeelock, 97th Regi- 3'f' ment, N. Y. S. V., or " Conkling Rifles." (With details referring to the I4tb and 26th Regiments.) (N. Y. : Privately jyrinted, 1863) 298 Discourse at the Funeral of Sergeants S. B. Kemp t^ ^J and Morris Harrington, Co. F, 3rd N. Y. Cavalry, de- /x-'"^ livered at Olcott, by W. G. Hubbard, (With Account of the Regiment's Operations in North Carolina.) Lockport, 1863 299 The Sergeant's Memorial (John H. Thompson), 3^ 106th N. Y. Vols.), N. Y. 1864 ''300 Discourse occasioned by the Death of Lt.-Col, James M. Green, 48th N. Y. S, V, By C. S. Robinson. Troy, 1864 301 Memorial of Justin R. Huntley (44th Regiment ^^3' ^- Y. Volunteers). By C. D. Bridgman. With his War Letters and Poem by Longfellow, Albany, 1865 302 Recollections of the Early Days of the National '2f0 Guard, comprising the prominent events in the History ''" of the famous 7th Regiment N, Y. M. By John Mason. Sheets, folded. N.Y. : Bradstreet, 1868 303 Our Strong Right Arm : The War Record of the /-^ 84th Regiment N. G. S. N. Y. Written by James F, Keegan. [Privately printed, 1875) 304 Manuscript List of all the New York Civil War Regiments, with their Ofiicial Regimental Numbers and their Popular Names, " Bill^^ Wilson's Zouaves — 6th N. Y. Vols."; "Meagher's Own— 88th N.Y. Vols."; "Lafayette Volunteers — ooth N.Y. Vols."; " Les En- fans Perdus— 178th N. Y. Vols."— " Lincoln Greens— 4th Cavalry," etc., etc. ; also Names of Regiments raised in each N. Y. County. 1866 305 North Carolina. Equal Suffrage and the Material De- \/S velopment of the Country. By John R. French of ■"^ North Carolina. Wash. 1869 306 Northern Interests and Southern Independence : a ,(yj> Plea for United States, a Plea for United Action. By -^' C. J. Stille. 50 pp. Phil. 1863 307 North, Benjamin. A Remedy for the "Irrepressible '^Z Conflict"; or, Constitutional Ethics. In 2 parts. Albany, 1860 7^ CATALOGUE. 29 308 riGDENSBURGII, N. Y. " Perfect through Suffering ": ^ yj a Thanksgiving Sermon. By L. M. Miller. -^ . Ogdensburgh, ISGl 309 Ohio. Speech of Hon. William J. Flagg of Hamilton Co., 1, delivered in the Ohio House of Representatives on the ''^ Resolution of Mr. West to expel Hon. Otto Dresel. Cinn. 1863 A vigorous speech in favor of McClellaa's operations. 310 Ohio Loyal Association. Rede des General-Majors John /jj A. Logan bei seiner Riickkehr nach Illinois nach der '^ Einnahme von Vicksburg. (Die Lincoln Bastillen, Die Conscriptions Bill, etc.) Cinn. 1863 311 Ohio's Prosperity, Social and Material. An Argument ST^ against Rebellion, applied to the Citizens. By W. T. — -^ Coggeshall. Springfield, 1863 312 Ohio Regiment. The Battle of Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862. f) )*l'/z.^oem by Capt. R. K. Shaw of 63d O. V. I. With vieio ^ -"^ showing the embarkation of the Ohio ^Brigade. Broad- side. 3 columns. Marietta, 1881 313 Ordnance Department. Proceedings of the Ordnance .y- Board. Convened by Special Orders, September 13, 1863. General Hancock's copy, with his autograph in two places. 314 O'Reilly, Henry. Origin and Objects of the Slaveholders' ^ jr- Conspiracy against Democratic Principles as well as '^.^ against the National Union, etc. N. Y. 1862 Presentation copy from the author. 315 pALMERSTON (Lord). A Letter to Viscount Palmer- JD 1 ston, Prime Minister of England, on American Slaver3^ '-^^ By Henry Wikoff. 84 pp. N. Y. 1861 316 Palmar, Ray. The Opening Future ; or. The Results of f ^^ the Present War. A Thanksgiving Discourse. ■ — Albany: Munsell, 1863 317 Parker, Theodore. The Dangers which threaten the 1 16 Rights of Man in America (Slavery). Bost. 1854 "318 Patten, Lt.-Col. G. W. Voices of the Border, compris- /^ ing Songs of the Field, Indian Songs, etc. First Edi- ^ tion. Rare. N. Y. 1867 319 Paul, Henry. Our Home and Foreign Policy. N.Y.1863 , / A A curious criticism on Seward's diplomacy. /- 30 CATALOGUE. 320 Pendleton. George H. Pendleton, the Copperhead Can- y , didate for Vice-President. His Hostility to the Repub- ^.^ lie illnstrated by his record as a Representative from Ohio. Wash. 1864 321 Pennsylvania. Report of the Proceedings and Speeches ^ A at the dedication of Coal Estates for the Benefit of the ^ \^ Poor; a Free College and African Colonization at Shamo- kin, Montgomery Co. List of Members, etc. Phil. 1855 322 History of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment from Aug. 22, 1861, to Sept. 30, 1864. By Colonel W. W. Davis. Plates. Phil. 1866 Gen. U. 8. Grant's copy, " With the compliments of the author." 323 Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Address by Gen. Wm. M'Candless on the occasion of the organization of the association in the City of Harrisburg. Harrisburg, 1867 324 Pensions. Remarks of Henry R. Low in support of reso- /A lutions in relation to Veteran Soldiers honorably dis- charged from the service. Albany, 1865 325 Phelps, Austin. The Relations of the Bible to the Civil- ization of the Future. A Sermon delivered before Gov- ernor Nathaniel P. Banks and the Legislature of Massa- chusetts at the Annual Election, Jan. 2, 1861. Bost. 1861 326 Platt, H. C. Speech of Henry C. Piatt of Suffolk, on the ,%^ Governor's Message. (Military Powers, Southern Trai- tors, N. Y. Democracy, etc.) Albany, 1864 327 Political and Business Relations of the North and ,^^ South. By G. W. Hough of Jefferson City. 1856 "^28 Powell, L. W. Speech of Hon. L. W. Powell of Ken- ^f tucky, on the Bill to Confiscate the Property and Free ^^i^ the Slaves of Rebels. 32 pp. Wash. 1862 329 Prindle. Arbitrary Arrests. Speech of Hon. Mr. Prindle >5;^' of Chenango on the Governor's Message and Arbitrary Arrests. Albany, 1863 330 Providence, R. I. Oration delivered before the Munici- ,^ "' pal Authorities and Citizens of Providence, July 4, 1861. "^ By Samuel Caldwell. Providence, 1861 331 Puritanism in Politics. Speech of Hon. S. S. Cox of Ohio before the Democratic Union Association. N. Y. 1863 r ' . Contains Holmes' poem on the Secession of South Carolina. / CATALOGUE. 31 332 r^UINCY, JosiAH. Address illustrative of the Nature ^/-^ V/ and Power of the Slave States and the Duties of the '^ Free States. 33 pp. Bost. 1856 333 QAYMOND, H. J. Governor Seymour and the War. . r- W Remarks of the Hon. H. J. Raymond at Cooper Insti- 'j^ tute, N. Y. 1863. A scathing criticism of tlie Governor's attitude on the Draft question. 334 RECONSTRucTioisr. Speech of Henry Champion Deming of j Connecticut on the President's Plan for State Renova- '"^ tion. Wash. 1864 335 Reconstruction of the American Union ; or, Confedera- .^y- tion of North American Republics. By Pendar B. Sharp. 24 pp. Very curious. Privately printed, 5 une, 1863 336 Reconstruction. The Present Position of the Seceded . jj States, and the Rights and Duties of the General Govern- ' ^ ment in respect to them. An Address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Dartmouth College by A. Crosby. Bost. 1865 337 Speech of Henry Champion Deming of Connecticut »/^ on the President's Plan for State Renovation. Wash. 1864 338 Speech of James R. Doolittle of Wisconsin on the ,/^ Lincoln- Johnson Policy of Restoration. 22 pp. ^^ Wash. 1866 339 Letter addressed by Judge Foot to the Senators in , /O Congress on Reorganization of the State Governments •"^ overthrown by the Rebellion. Albany, 1866 340 Restoration and Peace. Address and Declaration of Vd Principles adopted by the National Union Convention, '^ N. Y., Aug. 14, 1866. 341 Reynolds, E. W. The Relations of Slavery to the War -. y^ and the Position of the Clergy. Watertown, N. Y. , 1861 342 Rhode Island. Report made to the General Assembly of tfjL the State of Rhode Island by .their Commissioners to the ^^^ Convention of Commissioners from the Several States held at the Request of Virginia at Washington, Feb. 4, 1861. Providence, 1861 32 CATALOGUE. 343 Rhode Island. Message of His Excellency James Y. Smith if, to the General Assembly. (On the Draft; The Defence- .^ less Condition of the Bay, etc.) Providence, 1864 344 RosECRANS, General. Letters from General Rosecrans to ^ £ the Democracy of Indiana. Action of the Ohio Regi- '^^- ments at Murfreesboro, etc. Phil. 1863 345 QT. LOUIS, Mo. Slavery in its National Aspects as re- yf^ O lated to Peace and War, Address by Col, B. Gratz ^^ Brown before the General Emancipation Society of the State of Missouri at St. Louis, 1862. 346 ScHENCK. No Compromise with Treason. Remarks of Mr. I C Schenck of Ohio in reply to Fernando Wood of New *^^^.^ York on the resolution to expel Mr. Long, April 11, 1864. 347 ScHURZ, Carl. Political Disabilities; The Life of Slavery, ^#» or the Life of the Nation?; The Great Empire of Liberty. 'li^ 3 pieces. " 1862-64 348 Secession. Letters of Amos Kendall ; also the Letters to JO Colonel Orr and President Buchanan. 50 pp. Wash. 1861 ^^349 Secession Unmasked; or, An Appeal from the Madness of /]S Disunion to the Sobriety of the Constitution and Common .^^ Sense, By A. J. Cline (a Southerner). Wash. 1861 350 Seward, W. H. The Irrepressible Conflict. A Speech by William H. Seward delivered at Rochester. N. Y. Tribune Tract, 1860. /^ 351 The State of Our Country. Speech in the U. S, iC^ Senate. Wash, 1860 ''352 Freedom and the Union, Speech by William H. ,^. f Seward in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 29, 1860. (On the im- mediate entry of Kansas into the Union.) Albany, 1860 353 Secretaiy Seward's Review of Recent Military ^/^ Events. " The Failing Cause of the Rebels." Department of State, Wash. 1863 354 A Review of Mr. Seward's Diplomacy. By A Northern Man. 60 4)p. Scarce. n. p., n. d. 355 The Usurpations of Slavery; The National Diverg- ence and Return ; The Failing Cause of the Rebels. ' ^ 3 pieces. 1855-63 CATALOGUE. 33 356 Sherwood, Lorenzo. The Great Questions of the Times. (Slaveholders' Revelations, Trescott's South Carolina Jy Address, How the Traitors Precipitated the Rebellion, '^ etc.) N. Y. 1862 357 Secession States. Speech of Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, of New York, on the State of the Union, on the Motion to / /^. Excuse Mr. Hawkins, of Florida, from the Committee of — One from each State, etc. Wash., Dec. 10, 1860 358 Sickles, Daniel E, The Republic is Imperishable. Speech 5 j^ of Daniel E. Sickles, of New York, on the State of the ^.^ Union. Wash.: Privately printed, 1861 359 Slavery. " Liberty." (With Poems by Whittier, Willis, ,3i Pierpont, and others.) Illustrated. Phil. 1839 360 Ten Letters on the Subject of Slavery by N. L. ^(^ Rice, of the Second Presbyterian Church. Rare. ^^ St. Louis, Mo., 1855 361 • A Review of the Cause and the Tendency of the ^rf Issues between the Two Sections of the Country, with a »^^,^- plan to consolidate the views of the People of the U. S. in favor of Emigration to Liberia, and to transform the present system of Labor in the Southern States into a Free Agricultural Tenantry. By Lewis Putnam. Albany, 1859 362 Slave Trade. Memoire relatif a I'abolition de la Traite 1^0 Africaine adresse aux puissances maritimes de I'Europe et de I'Amerique, au nom de la Societe Americaine de Colonisation. Par C. F. Mercer. Paris, 1855 363 Slocum, William N. The War and How to End It. ^5^ San Francisco, 1861 "364 Smith, Gerrit. Stand by the Government! Speech of /$, Gerrit Smith in Albany, Feb. 27, 1863. --^5 No Treason in Civil War. Speech of Gerrit Smith 1^ A at Cooper Institute, New York, June 8, 1865. / — ^ Contains eulogy on Lincoln, and advocating clemency for Jef- ferson Davis and the Confederate leaders. 366 Soldiers' Votes. Record of Hiester Clymer, and Historical -^ Parallel between him and Major- General John W. Geary. ' J^ Also, Official Returns of Election on Constitutional Amendments allowing Soldiers the Right to Vote. 20 pp. (Phil. 1865) Contains Clymer's and Geary's complete war records. 34- CATALOGUE. 367 South Carolina. A S. C. Protest against Slavery: a Letter from Henry Laurens to his Son, Col. John Laurens, dated Charleston, S. C, Aug. 14, 1776. Now first PUBLISHED. N. Y. 1861 Rare and interesting Charleston item. 368 Murder of Union Soldiers. Report of the Com- mittee upon the Murder of Union Soldiers in South Caro- lina. (37 pp.) Wash. 1867 369 Southern. Pictures of Southern Life: Social, Political, and Moral. By W. H. Russell. N. Y. 1861 ' ^^ Fine copy. Very curious. 370 Southern Aid Society. Fifth Annual Report. Tennessee, A Louisiana, Maryland, Georgia, Virginia, and Missouri -- Missions.) K Y. 1858 371 Southern Sectionalism. Speech of John Hickman, of , 'b .. Penn. Wash., May 1, 1860. 372 Spear, Samuel T. (of the South Presbyterian Church of Jo Brooklyn). The Duty of the Hour — Our Country and ' ^^ its Cause. 2 pieces. Brooklyn, 1863-4 373 State Sovereignty. A Dialogue. Curious. //,o n. p., n. d. (N. Y. 1861) .^374 State Rights. A Photograph from the Ruins of Ancient Greece. By Prof. Tayler Lewis. 96 pp. ^ ' Albany: 3Iunsell, 1864 A rare campaign document, advocating the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. 375 The True Doctrine of State Rights, with an Ex- jj/, amination of the Record of the Democratic and Repub- ^' lican Parties in Connection with Slavery. By James B. Waller. Chicago, 1880 376 Stille, Charles J. How a Free People Conduct a Long ^0^ War. A Chapter from English History. Phil. 1863 377 Sumner, Charles. The' True Grandeur of Nations: an A^ Oration delivered before the Authorities of the City of -^"^ Boston. Bost. : The American Peace Soc'y, 1845 ^378 The Crime against Kansas. 32 pp. Wash. J 856 -^379 The Rebellion. Its Origin and Mainspring. Ora- aC" tiou delivered under the Auspices of the Young Men's * ^ Republican Union of New York at the Cooper Insti- tute. ■ N. Y. 1861 /' CATALOGUE. 36 380 Sumner, Charles, Freedom National; Slavery Sectional. f]J) Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner on his Motion to Repeal \,,^^^ the Fugitive Slave Bill. 31 pp. Wash. 1852 381 Speech of Charles Sumner on Maritime Rights. , /P Wash. 1862 -^82 Sumner. Our Foreign Relations, showing Present Perils « /p from England and France, the Nature and Conditions of .,. intervention by Mediation, the wrongful Concession of Ocean Belligerency, etc. Speech by Charles Sumner at the Cooper Institute. 80 pp. Rare. N, Y., Sept. 10, 1863 383 Syracuse Convention, 1863. Official Report of the Pro- ^0 ceedings of the Union State Convention, held at Syracuse Sept. 2d, and of the Union State Committee, held at Albany, Sept. 8th. Albany, 1863 384 Sumner. The National Finances in the Time of War. Speech of Charles Sumner on the Bill to establish a National Currency. Wash. 1867 /. 7i' 385 'pENNESSEE. Let Us Remain One People ! An Appeal ;^/) 1 to the North by Hon. Horace Maynard of Ten- '.^•^ nessee, Wash., Feb. 6, 1861. 386 The Testimony of a Refugee from East Tennessee. ^\0 By Hermann Bokum, Chaplain U. S. A. Phil. 1863 387 Thomson, William A. Essay on Production, Money and , PS Government. Buffalo, 1863 3^To\VNSEND, Dr. S. P. The Great Speech of the late AC Political Campaign, delivered at Plainfield, N. J., on ^'-""^ Abolitionism, Sham Democracy, etc. N. Y. 18.62 389 TiLDEN, S. J. The Constitution. Addresses by Prof. ,S^ Morse, G. T. Curtis and Mr. S. J. Tilden. N. Y. 1863 390 Train, George Francis. Train's Union Speeches, deliv- ^A ered in England during the present American War. '^>- 88 pp. Phil. 1862 Curious and scarce. 391 Treasury Department. Notes explanatory of Mr. Chase's ,^L^ Plan of National Finance. Wash. 1861 ■^ Contains "Further Explanations" laid in. 392 How to Organize a National Bank under Secretary yi Chase's Bill. Compiled by Jay Cooke. Phil. 1863 Presentation copy from Vermilye Co. /- 36 CATALOGUE. 393 Tkoy, N. Y. Thanksgiving in the Times of Civil War: C^D being a Discourse delivered !m the First Presbyterian (^^ Church, Troy, Nov. 28, 1861. e 394 TTNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia. Third Annual ^ U Report. By Geo. H. Baker. Phil. 1865 Contains details of the regiments raised during the war by the League, death of Lincoln, etc. Gen. Hancock's copy, with his autograph and library ticket. _395 WAIL, S. M. The Church and the Slave Power. J 6^ V Concord, N. H. : Published by the Students^ 1860 396 Vallandigham. Speech of Hon. Clement Laird Vallan- r\&t^ digham of Ohio (on the State of the Union, Lincoln, /■-^ Slavery, etc.). Wash. 1863 Rare. Pronounced at the time as a speech of " surpassing ability." 397 Vallandigham Conspiracy. The Great Conspiracy, Val- «5?^ landigham Commander, Military Organization, Assassina- '^ tion Tolerated, Collusion with Rebels, Report by Judge Advocate Holt. 14 pp. Albany, 1864 398 Van Dyke, Henry J. The Character and Influence of (^? Abolitionism. First Edition. N, Y. 1860 399 Antidote to H. J. Van Dyke's Pro-Slavery Dis- ,3i course. By Wra. H. Boole. Very curious. N. Y. 1861 '^00 Virginia. Papers in relation to the Claim of Joseph, / Segar, Representative of the First Congressional District of Virginia in the 37th Congress. Wash. 1861 401 Speech of Hon. Sherrard Clemens of Virginia (a large slaveholder), Wash,, Jan. 22, 1861. " Before God, and in my inmost conscience, I believe that slav- ery will be crucitied if tliis unhappy controversy ends in a dis- memberment of the Union, etc." 402 Letter of Hon. Joseph Segar to a Friend in Vir- ^jO giiiia, in Vindication of his Course in Declining to follow ''' his State into Secession. Wash, 1862 403 Virginia Campaign. Military Review of the Campaign in Virginia and Maryland under Generals Fremont, f Banks, Irwin, McDowell, Sigel, Pope, Wadsworth, Hal- leck and McClellan, in 1862. By F. A. Petersen. 55 pp. Rare. * N. Y. 1862 CATALOGUE. 37 404 Virginia, Ship Canals. Speech of the Hon. Joseph Segar of Virginia, on the Bill for the Construction of a Ship Canal for the Passage of Armed and Naval Vessels from the Mississippi River to Lake Michigan. 1863 The Campaign in Virginia of July and August, 1862. By Major General John Pope. Rare. Milwaukee, 1863 406 The Richmond Enquirer. Edited by Tyler, Wise / r'(Jj ^"^ Allegre. From Jan. 1, 1861, to December, 31, 1861. ^ -^ Richmond, 1861 Published bi-weekly. In extremely fine condition. Contains 106 numbers and believed to be perfect. Has the scarce supple- ment (4 pp.) of the " Virginia Reform Convention " proceedings, etc. WALBRIDGE, Gen. Hiram. Speech delivered before the Convention of the War Democracy at Cooper Institute, New York, Nov. 1, 1864. War Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Politi- cal Knowledge (6 pieces), N. Y., 13 Park Row, 1863. A Copperhead Society, of which Professor Morse Avas president and Loring Andrews treasurer. 4^ War Department. Report of the Secretary of War, 6 Edwin M. Stanton (48 pp.), Wash., Nov. 22, 1865. General Hancock's copy, with his autograph signatures on wrapper and title-page, and his library ticket. — '■ — Opinion of Attorney-General Edward Bates on the Validity of the Acceptances given by John B. Floyd, Sec'y of War, to Russell, Majors and Waddell. Wash. 1862 411 War Poetry. New Year's Addresses to the Patrons of ^^(^ the New York Tribune, Times and Courier, Republican " Statesmen, etc. 6 pieces. N. Y. 1861-65 412 War Sermons by Nathaniel Hall, W. Haley, Nahum , OG Gale, H. W. Bellows and others. 9 pieces. 1859-65 413 War Songs. Naval, Military, Sentimental, Irish, Negro, /4^^ McClellan Campaign Songs, Jefferson Davis, etc. 170 pieces, with Bibliographical List of Songs published by De Marsan of New York. Printed on 8vo sheets, many within colored borders. 1860-65 A unique collection. 38 CATALOGUE. 414 Washington's Farewell Address. The Proclamation of yN <• Jackson against Nullification and the Declaration of In- ^^^-'^ dependence. Wash. 1862 415 Washington, D. C. Speech of Hon. A. Kennedy of Maryland on the Abolition of Slavery in the District of ^ Columbia, March 25, 1862. 416 Ransom of Slaves at the National Capital. Speech ^ of Charles Sumner on the Bill for the Abolition of fy^^ Slavery in the District of Columbia. Wash. 1862 417 Speeches of John P. Hale, of New Hampshire and of M. S. Wilkinson, of Minnesota, on the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia. 2 pieces. Wash. 1862 418 The Great Lesson of the War. Lecture delivered before the Soldiers and Sailors' National Union League, Washington City, Nov. 14, 1865. By Clinton Lloyd, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives. Scarce. Wash. 1865 419 Wells, David A. Our Burden and our Strength, or a ljj\ comprehensive and popular examination of the Debt and U Resources of our Country. Ti'oy, 1864 420 Westchester Medical Society. Relations of the War .y^ to Medical Science. By President J. Foster Jenkins. ♦ '^ N. Y. 1863 421 West Point. Register of Ofiicers and Graduates of the U U. S. Military Academy from 1801 to 1844. N. Y. 1844 422 Wiley, L W. How We Got Li; How to Get Out. Two lectures. 53 pp. Trenton, N. J., 1864 "^423 WiLMOT, David. Speech of Hon. David Wilmot, of Penn- ^4^ sylvania, on the Confiscation of Property. Wash. 1862 '^24 Wilson, Thos. L. A Brief History of 'the Cruelties and ,^J^ Atrocities of the Rebellion. Wash. 1864 425 Winthrop, Robert C. Speech of Robert C. Winthrop lO at the great Ratification Meeting in Union Square, N. Y. , ^ Sept. 17, ]864. 426 Wisconsin. Address to the People by the Domocracy of iJ r Wisconsin, adopted in State Convention at Milwaukee, i^ Sept. 3, 1862. n CATALOGUE. 39 427 Wood, Fernando. Speech of Fernando Wood on the ,^^ Bill to provide Internal Revenue, delivered in the House of Representatives, April 19, 1864. 428 War Department. The original General Orders as issued ^ daily from the Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant- General's Office, Washington, from Jan. 6th, 1862, to Dec. 30, 1862, and numbered from 1 to 217 consecu- tively, including Proclamations by Lincoln, Courts- Martial, Appointment of General Halleck to the Com" mand in Chief of the Army, etc. 217 pieces in 1 vol. Half red morocco. Wash. 1862 429 The original General Orders as issued daily from .,- --^January 2, 1863, to December 28, 1863. 400 pieces, I y' Numbered from 1 to 400 consecutively. Bound in 2 vols. 12mo, half red morocco. Wash. 1863 Very scarce. The first order, dated Jan. 2. 1863, contains the Proclamation by President Lincoln emancipating all persons held as slaves, to take effect Jan. 1, 1863. 430 General Orders affecting the Volunteer Force. f/^ Adjutant-General's Office, Indexed, Wash. 1865 ^W f^^ ^^* B^nge S. Company mo6, 91 anb 93 Jfiftb avenue IFlear Serentecntb Street IRew ^ov\{ Announce the following Sales to take place this Spring The Library of WILLIAM R. WEEKS, Esq. A collection of special interest, comprising much rare and valuable Americana, in particular relating to New Jersey and New York, of which may be named a beautiful uncut copy of Smith's History of New Jersey; Horsmanden's History of the Negro Plot; nu- merous editions of Irving's History of New-York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker, including a copy of the first edition, and the beautiful one issued by the Grolier Club; Biography, Gene- alogy, Bibliography; Books and Scarce Pamphlets relating - to the Revolution, the formation of the Constitution, etc., etc. The Library of the late WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, Surgeon- General of the United States. A collection of valuable and rare Books, both in General and Medical Literature, Classic and Early Italian Literature from the Aldine and Elzevir Presses as well as more recent publications. The medical portion of the library includes, besides general medicine and fine sets of periodicals, a special and valuable collection in neurology, manifestations of the abnormal mind, occultism, spiritualism, and criminology. The books generally in first-class condition. The Library of JOHN E. BURTON, Esq., of Lake Geneva, Wis- consin. A very large collection (over ii,ooo volumes) of Standard General Literature, Illustrated Works, and a special collection of Lincolniana — about 300 volumes, all well bound. The Library of the late ISAAC DAYTON, of this City. A large collection of the best and in many cases rare editions of the famous authors, long sets of the best-known and valuable Magazines and Reviews — altogether the most attractive gather- ing of readable and generally desirable books offered at public sale this season. The library is in excellent condition, a great number of books in elegant bindings. Other interesting Catalogues are in preparation, and Sales of Books are held every day except Saturdays ®ouqlas Uai?Ior & Co. IRew lL>orl? "\ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 973.7L63A2B22L C001 LINCOLNIANA. NY 3 0112 031781716