331.89041 Q0U£O»r *a~ (/ P p384a J UTTAUEft SCHOOL PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY 4TO BY AND BETWEEN THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AND CLERICAL. OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN REPRESENTED BY BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES FIXING RATES OF PAY AND GRADATION OF WORK APPLICABLE IN ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, INCLUDING TICKET RECEIVERS' OFFICES AND ACCOUNTING BUREAUS 1 EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1942 WJNOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AGREEMENTS ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AND CLERICAL. OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN REPRESENTED BY BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1942 INDEX MASTER AGREEMENT Page No. Absorbing overtime 26 Accepting positions not covered by this agreement 17 Accredited representative 9 Advance notice — reduction in force 11 Advance notice — trial 30 Appeal — discipline matters 31 Appeal — other than discipline matters 32 Application for former position vacated 6 Application of new employes 29 Application for position in other seniority districts 8 Appointment to official, supervisory or excepted positions — retention of seniority 19 Assignment of regular platform gangs based on the require- ments of the service 24 Assignment of work 12 Assignment starting in advance of midnight 22 Assignment to higher or lower rated positions 27 Assignment to other than regular positions 27 Attending court or inquest 26 Attending investigation 26 Awarding — Positions 5 Bidding for former position 6 Bidding for more than one position or vacancy 8 Bulletining 4, 7 Bulletins and notices of award — copies to 4 Called and not used 25 Calls 23 Change in rules . .• 34 Change in seniority districts 10 Charge not sustained 31 Christmas Mail— Handling 8 Claims for compensation 32 (i) Page No. Consideration for promotion 4 Court, trials and inquests 26 Daily working hours — reduction in 22 Day's work and overtime 20 Discipline 31 Assistance at investigations 30 Assistance at trials 30 Attending investigations 26 Attending trials 30 Charge not sustained 31 How imposed 30 Letters and statements 30 Notice of 30 Right of appeal 31 Displacement from regular position or vacancy 7 Displacement from temporary position or vacancy 7 Effective date of and changes in rules 34 Established rates and positions 27 Excepted positions 19 Exceptions to rules 3,34 Expenses — relief employes 28 Extra boards 29 Failure to qualify 6 Failure to return to service after notification 14 Force reduction — advance notice 11 Guarantee — hourly rated employes 24 Guarantee — regularly assigned employes 22 Handling Christmas mail 8 Handling of employes 28 Higher rated positions — assigned to 27 Holiday work 21 Hourly rated employes 24 Hours constituting a day 20 Incapacitated employes 19 Increase in force 14 Intermittent service 22 Investigations — assistance 30 (H) Page No. Investigations — attending 26 Leave of absence 29 List of positions — copies to 33 Lower rated positions — assigned to 27 Meal period 25 Monthly rated employes — computation of overtime rates 20 New Employes 29 New Positions and Vacancies 4 Notice of award — copies to 4 Notice of change in rules 34 Notice of decision in claim for compensation 33 Notice of discipline 30 Notified or called 23 Notified or called to perform service between regular work periods 23 Number of days — computation 33 Offices, locker rooms, drinking water, etc 34 Official positions 4 Overtime 20, 21, 22, 23 Overtime — absorbing of 26 Part time positions 7 Platform gangs 24 Position lists — copies to 33 Positions and rates 27 Positions and vacancies — advertisement of 4 Positions and vacancies — assignment to 5 Posting bulletins and notices 34 Posting on positions 20 Preference for temporary work 5 Promotion — consideration for 4 Qualifying for positions 6 Rates and positions 27 Reduction in force 10 Relief day 21 Relief employes — expenses 28 Relief positions 28 Returning from leave of absence, etc 7 (in) Page No. Returning from temporary position or vacancy 7 Right of Appeal — discipline 31 Right of Appeal — other than discipline 32 Right of displacement 10 Rosters-— copies to 15 Rosters — preparation 15 Scope 1 Selection of positions 4 Seniority 8 Districts — change in 10 Districts — extent of (Appendix A) Excepted, supervisory, official positions — retention of seniority 19 Exercise of 10 Increase in force 14 Leave of absence 29 Posting on positions 20 Reduction in force 10 Retention of 9, 11, 14, 18, 19 Return to duty 7 Roster 15 Transfer of employes 9, 16, 18 Transfer of positions 16, 17 Seniority date 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 Seniority districts (Appendix A) Seniority roster 15 Starting time 28 Starting time — change in 28 Statements — written 30 Sunday and holiday work 21, 22 Supervisory positions 4, 12, 19 Suspension of work to absorb overtime 26 Temporary positions and vacancies 5, 7, 8 Time allowances 20 Attending court or inquest 26 Attending investigation 26 Attending trial 30 (iv) Page No. Called and not used 25 Calls 23 Day's work — overtime 20 Established rates and positions 27 Expenses — relief employes 28 Guarantees 22, 24 Hourly rated employes 24 Intermittent service 22 Meal period 25 Monetary claim allowed — notice to 33 Monetary claim not allowed — notice to 33 Notified or called 23 Overtime allowances 20, 21, 22, 23 Rest Day 21 Sunday and holiday work 21, 22 Travel time — expense incurred 28 Working other than regular position 27 Time lost attending investigations and trials 26 Transfer of employes 9, 10, 18 Transfer of employes from group 2 to group 1 or vice versa 18 Transfer of positions or employes from other classes 17 Travel time — expense incurred 28 Trial 30 Vacancies — advertisement and award 4, 5, 6, 7 Working less than full day 23, 24 Work on Sundays and holidays 21, 22 Written statements . .• 30 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT "A" Page No. Agreements — Prior to May 1, 1942 continued in effect. . .17, 26 Clerical and Miscellaneous Forces' schedules (Prior to May 1, 1942) 26 Questionnaire , 25 System General Office departments 17, 18 Effective date of and change in Rules 26 (v) Page No. Exceptions Employes under the jurisdiction of General Managers and Works Manager — from certain Rules of Mas- ter Agreement 16 Offices and departments — from certain Rules of Master Agreement 4, 6, 18, 20, 21 Offices, positions and individuals — from all Rules of Master Agreement 2 Positions and employes not subject to Rule 3-C-2 (b), (c) and (d) of Master Agreement 5 Positions and employes, Dining Car department 5, 17 Positions and employes, Secretary's department 6, 18 Relief and Pension department — temporary employes.. 18 Traffic department 20 Transfer stations and freight stations 23 Other exceptions 21 Positions or Employes Necessary to Continuous Operation of Carrier 21 Rates of Pay 17, 18, 20, 23, 25 Basic rates of pay of employes under the jurisdiction of General Managers and Works Manager 25 Questionnaire method 25 Other methods 25 Special Rules 17 to 25 inc. Dining Car department 17 Traffic department 20 Transfer stations and freight stations 23 (vi) THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY MASTER AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AND CLERICAL. OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN REPRESENTED BY BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS. EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1942 THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY MASTER AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AND CLERICAL, OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN REPRESENTED BY BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1942 SCOPE These Rules shall constitute an Agreement between The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and its employes of the classifications herein set forth as represented by the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, and shall govern the hours of service, working conditions, and rates of pay of the following positions and em- ployes of The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, sub- ject to such modifications and exceptions as are set forth in Supplemental Agreement "A" : Group 1- — Clerks as defined in the following para- graph : Clerk — an employe who regularly devotes not less than four hours per day to the writing and calculating incident to keeping records and accounts, writing and transcribing letters, bills, reports, statements, and simi- lar work, and to the operation of office mechanical equipment and devices, except as provided in Rule 3-C-2. This definition also includes stockmen, shippers and receivers, tallymen, blue printers, baggage check- men, parcel room attendants or checkers, routemen, receiving and delivery men, foremen and assistant fore- men — station or storehouse, excluding shop labor 1 foremen, gang foremen and gang leaders at Altoona Works who supervise shop laborers and storehouse laborers. Group 2 — Other Office, Station and Storehouse Em- ployes of the following Classifications : Attendants — Building, Commissary, Dining Car De- partment, Elevator, Elevator Dispatcher, First Aid, Lamp Room, Post Office, Rest Room, Salvage and Storage Plant, Station, Stock Yard, Supply Car, Telephone, Truck Driver. Callers or Loaders Chauffeurs (Stores and Station Departments) Chief Telephone Switchboard Operators Cleaners Commissary Helpers Coopers Crane Operators (Stores and Station Departments) Cutters and Assistants (Dining Car Department) Elevator Dispatchers Elevator Operators Gang Leaders and Assistant Gang Leaders (Secre- tary's Department) Gatemen Industrial Truck Drivers (Stores and Station Depart- ments ) Janitors Laboratory Assistants Laborers — Common and Assigned (Stores, Station and Dining Car Department, and Broad Street Station Building) Lodging Housekeepers (Dining Car Department) Mail Callers Mail Handlers Matrons Messengers Motor Truck Drivers (Stores and Station Depart- ments) Scrap Sorters Sealers Seamstresses (Dining Car Department) Station Baggagemen Station Cleaners Store Attendants Stowers or Stevedores Supervising Telephone Operators (Secretary's Depart- ment) Telephone Switchboard Operators Ticket Examiners Tractor Operators and Tractor Operator Helpers (Stores and Station Departments) Train and Engine Crew Callers Transfer Bridgemen Truckers — Freight or Baggage Truck Drivers (Secretary's Department) Truckmen (Dining Car Department) Ushers Warehousemen Watchmen — Station, Office, Pier, Storehouse, Shop (except those having Police authority) When the duties of a position covered by this Agree- ment are composed of the work of two or more classifi- cations herein defined in Groups 1 and 2, the classifica- tion or title of such a position shall be determined by the preponderance of the work that is assigned to such position. EXCEPTIONS For the purpose of providing for exceptions from the application of some or all of the provisions of this Agreement, the parties have entered into a supple- mental agreement dated April 15, 1942, effective May 1, 1942, and designated "Supplemental Agreement 'A'," which supplemental agreement sets forth the offices, departments, positions and employes which shall not be subject to some or all of the provisions of this Agreement and designates the provisions to which they shall not be subject. It also sets forth certain miscell- aneous provisions containing various amendments limitations, modifications, or explanations of this Agreement Said supplemental agreement shall be, and is hereby, adopted in full and made a part of this Agree- ment with the same force and effect as though it were fully set forth herein. In excepting positions and employes from the appli- cation of the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l it is the intention of the parties that seniority shall not' gov- ern the filling of such positions but that the Manage- ment shall have the right to select the persons whom in its own judgment, it considers best qualified to fill such positions. r .„ RULE NO. I— PROMOTION Considera- l A I 17 1 tion for i -A- 1 . iimployes will be considered for promotion to excepted, supervisory or official positions as oppor- tunity may offer. RULE NO. 2— SELECTION OF POSITIONS Bulletining A I { „\ An *-*-«• W All new positions or vacancies known to be of more than thirty days' duration, will be bul- letined on Wednesday, or on the succeeding working day when such Wednesday is a holiday, following the date they occur, in the seniority district, for a period of five days in places accessible to employes affected. Bulletin will show position, location, primary duties tour of duty, day of rest, rate of pay, symbol number where such number has been assigned to the position, and whether position or vacancy is of a permanent or temporary nature. A position which it is anticipated will be of six months' or more duration will be bul- letined as a permanent position. Copies of bulletins and notices of award will be furnished the Division Chairman. Bulletins advertising seasonal positions in addition to stating that the position is of a permanent or tem- porary nature will also state it is a seasonal position. Temporary vacancies which become permanent, through any cause, shall be re-bulletined. (b) Employes, including those furloughed, desiring bulletined positions or vacancies, will file their bids or applications, in writing, prior to the expiration of the bulletin, with the designated official. (c) Furloughed employes will keep themselves in- formed as to positions under advertisement and no action will be taken by Management to notify them of available positions, except as is required in Rule 3-C-3, paragraph (a). (d) Bulletined positions or vacancies may be filled temporarily pending assignment. In the event no bids or applications are received from qualified employes, the position or vacancy will be filled permanently by appointment and notice of award will be posted in accordance with Rule 2-A-2 (c). If the appointment is not made within thirty days from date bulletin is posted, the position or vacancy will be re-bulletined. (e) Positions or vacancies of thirty days or less duration may be filled without bulletining. The senior qualified available employe requesting such position or vacancy or requesting a bulletined position or vacancy, pending assignment of a successful applicant, will be assigned, except where agreement under Rule 5-C-l requires the use of extra employe, provided this will not entail additional expense to the Company. 2-A-2. (a) In the assignment of employes to posi- Awarding tions subject to the application of the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l, fitness and ability being suffi- cient, seniority shall govern. (b) Bulletined positions or vacancies will be awarded within five days following close of the advertising period, and, except when conditions beyond control of Management prevent, notice of award will be posted in places accessible to employes affected, on the second Wednesday following the posting of the advertising bulletin or on the succeeding working day when such Wednesday is a holiday. (c) Notice of award covering bulletined positions showing position, symbol number where such number has been assigned to the position, date bulletined, the name of the employe awarded the position, and the effective date of the award, will be posted where the position was bulletined. Qualifying 2-A-3. (a) An employe awarded a bulletined posi- tion or vacancy, or otherwise obtaining a position in the exercise of seniority, and failing to qualify within thirty days may exercise seniority under Rule 3-C-l. (b) When it is evident that an employe will not qualify for a position, he may be removed from the posi- tion before the expiration of thirty days and be per- mitted to exercise seniority under Rule 3-C-l. The Division Chairman will be notified, in writing, the rea- son for the disqualification. (c) When conditions develop so that an employe cannot satisfactorily perform the assigned work, he will be permitted to exercise seniority under Rule 3-C-l, subject to agreement between the Management and the Division Chairman. (d) Employes will be given full cooperation of the department heads and others in their effort to qualify. 2-A-4. When an employe bids for and is awarded a bulletined position, his former position will be bul- letined if the former position is one which is subject to the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l. Such em- ploye can file a bid for the said former position and the same shall be considered, provided no other employe bids for it. 2-A-5. Part time positions with assignments of less **£ t £™ e than eight hours per day or less than six days per week, may be established by agreement between the General Manager, Works Manager at Altoona Works, (as the case may be) and the General Chairman. Bulletins cov- ering such "part-time" positions will show the working hours per day and working days per week. In filling "part-time" positions, consideration will be given to qualified employes making application, includ- ing employes relieved from active service in reduction in force who have complied with the provisions of Rule 3-C-l. Employes will not be required to exercise seniority to obtain or accept recall to service for, "part- time" positions in o/der to protect their seniority. 2-A-6. An employe filling a temporary position or ^m^ 1 ^ vacancy shall, upon expiration of same or when dis- temporary • Dosition or placed or disqualified, within five days return to his vacancy former position, if available to him, or select any posi- tion bulletined during his absence which was awarded a junior employe. In the event he has no regular posi- tion he shall exercise seniority under Rule 3-C-l. 2-A-7. An employe returning to duty after leave of Returning ... ° , J from leave absence, sickness, disability or suspension, shall return of absence. to his former position if available to him or may within etc * five days select any position bulletined during his ab- sence w T hich was awarded a junior employe. If during the time an employe is off duty account leave of absence, sickness, disability or suspension, his former position is abolished or is permanently filled by a senior employe, he shall exercise seniority under Rule 3-C-l. Employes displaced from their regular positions by the return of an employe from leave of absence, sick- ness, disability or suspension, shall exercise seniority under Rule 3-C-l. • 8 Bidding for more than one vacancy 2-A-8. When more than one vacancy or new posi- tion subject to the application of the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l exists at the same time, employes shall have the right to bid on any or all, stating preference. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to pre- vent employes bidding on all bulletined positions, irre- spective of whether the position is of the same, greater or lesser remuneration. 2-A-9. Qualified employes filing applications for po- sitions subject to the application of the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l bulletined in other seniority districts will, on the basis of seniority in their home seniority district, be given preference over individuals not covered by this Agreement. 2-A- 1 0. When it is necessary to augment the Station Baggage Force to handle seasonal mail during the Christmas Holiday period, the following will govern : — (a) After the list of furloughed Group 2 employes eligible for recall under Rules 3-C-l and 3-C-3 has been exhausted, senior qualified furloughed Group 2 employes from other seniority districts applying for this temporary work will be used. (&) After the supply of Group 2 employes has been exhausted, senior qualified furloughed Group 1 em- ployes applying for this temporary work will be used. (c) Employes covered by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule, who are used for this temporary work, will be paid the rates applicable to the regular force. (d) When employes not covered by paragraphs (a), (&), and (c) of this Rule (2-A-10) are used for this temporary work they may be paid the Common Labor- er's rate applicable at the location involved. RULE NO. 3— SENIORITY 3-A-l. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Rule (3-A-l) and Rules 3-B-2, 3-D-l, 3-E-l, 3-E-2, 3-E-3 and 3-E-4, seniority begins at the time the employe's pay starts in a seniority district on a position covered by this Agreement. (b) Where two or more employes start work at the same time on the same day, their seniority rank shall be determined by agreement between the Officer re- sponsible for compiling the roster and the Division Chairman. (c) A new employe or an employe transferred from another seniority district under Rule 2-A-9 who fills a position pending the bulletining thereof shall not be considered as establishing seniority under paragraph (a) of this Rule (3-A-l) by such employment. Such an employe shall acquire seniority on the date he is awarded a bulletined position and his seniority will date from the day on which his pay started in that seniority district. (d) This Rule (3-A-l) shall not be construed as changing the seniority of employes established prior to May 1, 1942, but shall only apply in determining the seniority of employes entering a seniority district sub- sequent to May 1, 1942. (e) This Rule (3-A-l) shall not be construed to grant seniority which may be exercised or applied to fill those positions which are excepted from the appli- cation of the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l of this Agreement. 3-A-2. (a) Where the term "duly accredited repre- Accredited ■*• represent- sentative" appears in this Agreement it shall be under- ative stood to mean the regularly constituted committee (or any member or members thereof) of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, or the Officers of the organization of which that committee is a part. (b) An employe on leave, serving as "duly accred- ited representative" of employes, will retain and ac- cumulate seniority.- 10 seniority 3-B- 1 . (a) Each Operating Division and, except as otherwise agreed, each System General Office De- partment shall constitute a separate seniority district and separate seniority shall prevail in each such district, by groups, as such groups are defined in the Scope of this Agreement. (b) On a Division where tw r o or more separate sen- iority districts were in effect immediately prior to May 1, 1942, employes shown on the seniority rosters of such districts will hold prior rights therein, in their respec- tive groups (as such groups are defined in the Scope of this Agreement), and will begin to accumulate seniority in all classifications of the same group and over the entire Division effective May 1, 1942. (c) In the application of this Agreement, the Ticket Office, Pennsylvania Station, New York City, each unit of Altoona Works and each department of the Regional General Offices, except as otherwise agreed upon by the General Manager or Works Manager at Altoona Works (as the case may be) and the General Chairman, shall constitute a separate seniority district and separate seniority shall prevail in each such district, by groups, as such groups are defined in the Scope of this Agreement. change in 3-B-2. In the event of a change in seniority districts, d^tHcts 7 the seniority of employes affected will be adjusted in the revised districts by the General Manager, Works Man- ager at Altoona Works, Officer in charge of System General Office Department (as the case may be) and the General Chairman. Reduction 3-C- 1 . (a) An employe displaced from his regular in force .. ,\/ ' ' '4. '*.W 4. 4- * J position shal) exercise seniority within twenty-nine days or forfeit all seniority, except as provided in Rules 2-A-7 and 3-G-l, or in cases of personal illness, unavoidable causes or inability to exercise seniority due to the fact that no position is available. In case of absence due to 11 personal illness or unavoidable causes, the twenty-nine day period will be extended proportionately to the ex- tent of such absence. An employe unable to exercise seniority and desiring to protect it, will file his name and address, in writing, within five days from the date actually reduced to the furloughed list, and keep his correct address on file thereafter with the proper official (the officer author- ized to bulletin and award positions). The employe will prepare three copies of such notices, retaining one copy and filing two copies with the officer referred to. Failure of the employe to do so will cause forfeiture of all of his seniority. One copy of such notices will be forwarded by the Management to the Division Chairman. (b) An employe displaced from a temporary position by a reduction in force or by the abolishment of his position shall be subject to Rule 2-A-6. (c) An employe whose assignment is permanently changed one hour or more from the time shown on the last bulletin advertising his position, whose relief day is changed, or whose location is changed from within the limits of one city or town to within the limits of another city or town, within the same seniority district, may within twenty-nine days after notification, if he so de- sires, exercise seniority. (d) An employe will not be considered as having been displaced until the individual exercising seniority actually begins work on the position. (e) An employe whose position is abolished shall be given as much advance notice as possible, in writing, which shall be not less than 36 clock hours, and a bul- letin shall be promptly posted in the seniority district, showing the position abolished, symbol number where such number has been assigned to the position, location, name of incumbent, roster number and date abolished. (/) In October of each year, employes who have been relieved from active service one year or more, and 12 who have retained their seniority, shall advise their Su- perintendent in writing, whether or not they desire to return to service when the opportunity is presented. This notice shall be forwarded to the Superintendent in duplicate and Management shall forward one copy to the Division Chairman. An employe who fails to for- ward such notice during the month of October or who advises that he does not desire to return to service when the opportunity offers, will forfeit his seniority. Assign- 3-C-2. (a) When a position covered by this Agree- work ment is abolished, the work previously assigned to such position which remains to be performed will be assigned in accordance with the following : ( 1 ) To another position or other positions covered by this Agreement when such other position or other positions remain in existence, at the location where the work of the abolished position is to be performed. (2) In the event no position under this Agreement exists at the location where the work of the abolished position or positions is to be performed, then it may be performed by an Agent, Yard Master, Foreman, or other Supervisory employe, provided that less than 4 hours' work per day of the abolished position or positions remains to be performed; and further pro- vided that such work is incident to the duties of an Agent, Yard Master, Foreman, or other Supervisory Employe. (3) Work incident to and directly attached to the primary duties of another class or craft such as prep- aration of time cards, rendering statements, or re- ports in connection with performance of duty, tickets collected, cars carried in trains, and cars inspected or duties of a similar character, may be performed by employes of such other craft or class. (4) Performance of work by employes other than those covered by this Agreement in accordance with 13 paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Rule (3-C-2) will not constitute a violation of any provision of this Agreement. (b) Where the work of an abolished position is assigned to employes coming under the provisions of this Agreement, such work, when it is practicable to do so, will be assigned to a position or positions with rates equal to or in excess of the rate of the position abol- ished. (c) In the event the work of an abolished position is assigned to a Group 1 position or positions, the rate of which is less than the rate of the position abolished : (1) An immediate requestionnaire study may be made of the position or positions to which such work is assigned. The rate or rates determined by such study will be made effective as of the date the work is assigned to the position or positions studied, with the understanding that this will not modify or in any way affect the established practice of applying rates deter- mined by questionnaire or requestionnaire study ef- fective as of the date covered by such studies, except when the study is made under the circumstances specified herein. (2) Where agreement covering the questionnaire method of determining rates of pay for Group 1 em- ployes is not in effect a study may be made of the position or positions to which the work of the abol- ished position is assigned for the purpose of deter- mining the proper rate of such position or positions, based on the comparability of the assigned duties thereof to the duties of other established positions in the same seniority district and the application of the rate or rates established on the basis of such study will be effective as of the date the work is assigned to the position or positions involved. (d) In the event the work of an abolished position 14 is assigned to a Group 2 position, the rate of which is less than the rate of the position abolished, a study may be made of the position to which the work of the abol- ished position is assigned for the purpose of determin- ing the proper rate of such position. The application of the rate established on the basis of such study will be effective as of the date the work is assigned to the position. 3-C-3. (a) When a permanent or temporary posi- tion is bulletined under Rule 2-A-l and no bids are re- ceived from an employe in service senior to those fur- loughed, the senior qualified furloughed employe in the seniority district where the position is bulletined will be notified in writing of such position and a copy of the notice shall be furnished to the Division Chairman. Fur- loughed employes failing to report for duty for perma- nent positions within ten days after notice shall have been mailed to their last recorded address will forfeit their seniority in the district to which they declined to accept recall. In case of personal illness or other un- avoidable cause, the ten day limit will be extended pro- portionately to the extent of such absence. Furloughed employes failing to report for duty for temporary posi- tions will not forfeit their seniority. (b) Furloughed employes, who have notified the employing officer that they desire consideration for tem- porary work, will when available, be given preference on a seniority basis to all extra work, short vacancies or vacancies occasioned by the filling of positions pend- ing the assignment by bulletin, which are not filled by senior employes, or as provided by agreement under Rule 5-C-l. Furloughed employes failing to return to service under this paragraph will not forfeit seniority. (c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule (3-C-3) will not be interpreted as restoring seniority to employes whose employment relation with the Company has been terminated. 15 3-D- 1, (a) Separate seniority rosters of employes as J^ 11 *™?* 7 defined in Groups 1 and 2, will be prepared for each seniority district. For employes covered by Group 1, roster will show rank number, name, and date of entry in the group. For employes covered by Group 2, roster will show rank number, name, occupation, and date of entry in the group. Rosters will be revised as of Janu- ary 1st, and posted in January of each year in places accessible to the employes affected. (b) The names of freight truckers and laborers need not be shown on roster until they have been in service in excess of ninety days. (c) Employes' seniority will be open to protest, in writing, for a period of sixty days from date the em- ploye's name first appears on the roster, except that in case an employe is off duty on leave of absence, fur- lough, sickness, disability or suspension at the time the roster is posted, such employe will have sixty days from the date he returns to duty to enter protest. Seniority of employes not protested, in writing, within the above specified time limits will be deemed to have been ac- cepted as correct and not subject to further appeal, except to correct typographical errors or to restore names which appeared on the preceding roster and which were omitted in error. (d) After the posting of the January 1943 roster, no names will be added to subsequent rosters except those of employes acquiring seniority since the posting of the preceding roster or names of employes retaining seniority under Rule 3-F-l who returned to posi- tions covered by this Agreement after the posting of the preceding roster. (e) Note will be placed on each roster fixing the time limit of appeal. (/) No change on seniority rosters will be made by the Management, except as provided in paragraph (d) 16 of this Rule (3-D-l), without conference and agreement with the Division Chairman. Copies of all rosters will be furnished the General, Division and Local Chairman. Transfer 3-E- 1 . (a) Employes whose positions are trans- empioyea f erred to another seniority district will, if they choose to follow such positions, carry their seniority with them and will retain and continue to accumulate sen- iority in their home seniority district. Employes not electing to follow their positions may exercise seniority in their home seniority district under Rule 3-C-l. Employes transferring without their positions from one seniority district to another will rank in new sen- iority district from date of transfer, but will retain and continue to accumulate seniority in their home seniority district. (b) When new offices or departments are organized to take over work now being performed in other offices or departments or when consolidations, or other com- binations or divisions of offices or departments are made, the re-arranging and the awarding of positions shall be by agreement between the Management and the General Chairman, provided, however, that in the case of work or positions not subject to the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l, such work or positions shall be re-arranged and assigned solely by the Management, at its discretion. (c) When employes do not elect to follow their posi- tions under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule (3-E-l) but exercise seniority in their home seniorit) district under Rule 3-C-l, the vacancies thus created will, if subject to the application of the provisions of Rules 2-A-l and 3-C-l, be advertised in the seniority district from which the positions are transferred. If no bids are received from active employes senior to those relieved for causes as shown in Rule 3-C-l, the senior qualified employes so relieved, in the seniority 17 districts where the vacancies are bulletined will be noti- fied, in turn, and given an option of transferring with the positions. Employes assigned positions under the provisions of this paragraph will carry their seniority with them and will retain and continue to accumulate seniority in their home seniority district. In the event vacancies are not filled in the seniority district from which the positions are transferred, such positions shall be bulletined in the seniority district to which transferred. (d) Employes covered by this Rule (3-E-l) may exercise their seniority in either district, when entitled to do so under this Agreement, but when they leave the district to which transferred for any reason, they will forfeit seniority in that district. 3-E-2. When a position or assignment of another Transfer class or branch of service, not previously covered by tionsfrom this Agreement, is reclassified and the position is placed ^asYes under the rules of this Agreement, the employe in such position on the date of change may, if he so desires, remain in the assignment. In reduction of force such employe shall have the right to hold that position on the basis of seniority that he held in former class combined with the seniority he has accumulated since the position was transferred to this Agreement. In making application for new positions or vacancies, or when exercising seniority, only such seniority as has accrued from date of transfer to this Agreement will be considered. 3-E-3. (a) Employes in active service who accept Accepting Dositions positions covered by other agreements after May 1, not covered 1942, will forfeit all seniority under this Agreement, agreement except as provided in Rule 3-F-l. (b) Employes who had established seniority under previous agreements and who, while in active service, 18 accepted positions covered by other agreements prior to May 1, 1942, forfeited their seniority, except: — 1. As provided in Rule 3-F-l. 2. Employes who last entered service on a position in Group 2 and who, on or after July 26, 1921, ac- cepted positions in Group 1, will retain and continue to accumulate seniority in Group 2. 3. Employes who last entered service on a position covered by Group 2 and who, w T hile in active service, accepted positions covered by the Shop Crafts or Maintenance of Way Agreements between May 1, 1927 and February 16, 1935, will retain and continue to accumulate seniority under Group 2. Such em- ployes, after exhausting seniority under the Shop Crafts or Maintenance of Way Agreements, may ex- ercise seniority to positions covered by Group 2, in accordance with Rule 3-C-l. Employes who return to positions covered by Group 2 and who, subse- quently, accept positions covered by the Shop Crafts or Maintenance of Way Agreements, will forfeit seniority in Group 2. Transfer 3-E-4. (a) Employes transferred from Group 2 to pioyS" Group 1, or vice versa, within the same seniority dis- gro^p 2 to tr i c t> who do not have seniority in the group to which group i or transferred, will rank in such group from date of trans- wee %ersa ^ an( j w jU reta j n an( j con tinue to accumulate seniority in the group from which transferred. (b) Employes who, as of May 1, 1942 are regularly assigned to positions which, prior to the effective date of this Agreement were covered by the Miscellaneous Forces' Schedule and which positions, under the pro- visions of this Agreement, come within the purview of Group 1, will be given seniority in Group 1 from the dates they started to work on such position and will re- tain and continue to accumulate seniority in Group 2. 19 (c) Employes covered by this Rule (3-E-4), entitled to exercise seniority under this Agreement, may exer- cise their seniority in either group without forfeiting seniority in the other group. 3-F-l. An employe possessing seniority under the ££££*[£" provisions of this Agreement, now filling or hereafter official, appointed to a position of Agent, Assistant Agent, Train v?sory, or Dispatcher, Yard Master, or Assistant Yard Master, or 2£}§Jj£ any position which, as of April 30, 1938, was not, or is not now subject to the application or exercise of seniority under the provisions of this or any other Agreement in the selection of the person to fill such po- sition, shall retain and continue to accumulate seniority in the district from which appointed and, provided he reports for duty within thirty days after release from such position, he may exercise such seniority in accord- ance with the provisions of Rule 2-A-7. 3-G-l. (a) By agreement, in writing, between the J™^ paci " Division Chairman and Superintendent, a disabled em- employes ploye covered by the Scope of this Agreement, may be assigned to a new position or vacancy, or be placed in an existing position without regard to his seniority or the seniority of any other employe, provided he is capa- ble of performing the service. (b) A disabled employe so placed shall be compen- sated at the rate of the position to which assigned, and while so assigned will not be permitted to bid for ad- vertised positions or vacancies. (c) An employe displaced in the application of this Rule (3-G-l) may exercise his seniority in accordance with Rule 3-C-l. (d) A position, while occupied by such disabled employe shall not be subject to any of the seniority or advertising rules, except that a disabled employe placed in such a position may be displaced therefrom 20 by a senior qualified employe only when there is no other position which such senior employe can obtain through exercise of his seniority. (e) The foregoing provisions of this Rule (3-G-l) shall not be construed as establishing seniority for employes placed on positions covered by this Agree- ment. 3-H-l. Prior to exercising seniority under Rule 3-C-l, an employe will, if he so desires, be allowed to post without pay on any position to which his seniority entitles him, with a reasonable amount of assistance from those qualified to give same, for a period not to exceed twenty-eight days, but seniority must be ex- ercised within the time limit prescribed in Rule 3-C-l. RULE NO. 4— TIME ALLOWANCES 4-A-l. (a) Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, eight consecutive hours on duty, exclusive of the meal period, shall constitute a day's work for which eight hours' pay will be allowed. Time worked in excess of eight hours in any twenty- four hour period will be considered as overtime and paid for at the rate of time and one-half. A relief or extra employe who per- forms relief work in two or more positions within a twenty-four hour period will be paid straight time for the first eight hours worked in each position. For time worked in excess of eight hours on any of the positions so relieved, he will be paid time and one-half. (b) Compensation for time which employes are off duty with pay for personal reasons will be used to off- set overtime, including calls, in that pay period. Other time off duty with pay will be considered the same as time worked in computing overtime. (c) The straight time hourly rate for monthly rated employes will be determined by dividing the monthly 21 rate by 204, such hourly rate to be extended to the near- est tenth of a cent. (d) Employes paid on a tonnage or piece work basis, with an hourly, daily or monthly guaranteed rate, for service on any day beyond the limit of their regular eight-hour tour of duty, shall be allowed time and one- half on the minute basis at the guaranteed rate, or actual earnings on the tonnage or piece work basis, plus one- half of the guaranteed hourly rate, whichever is the greater. (e) The provisions of paragraph (a) hereof will not apply to the occupants of "part-time" positions estab- lished in accordance with provisions of Rule 2-A-5, who will be compensated in accordance with agreement reached by the Management and the General Chairman at the time such positions are established. In no case will such payment be less than the established straight time rate for such work. 4-A-2. (a) Work performed on Sundays and the Su J d £ y r following legal holidays, namely — New Year's Day, day work Washington's Birthday, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, (pro- vided when any of the above holidays fall on Sunday, the day observed by the State, Nation or by proclama- tion shall be considered the holiday), shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half, except that employes nec- essary to the continuous operation of the carrier who are regularly assigned to such service, will be assigned one regular day off duty in seven, Sunday if possible, and if required to work on such regular assigned sev- enth day off duty, will be paid at the rate of time and one-half. When such assigned day off duty is not Sun- day, work on Sunday will be paid for at the straight time rate. (b) When a regularly assigned employe has an assigned relief day_other than Sunday, and one of the 22 holidays specified in paragraph (a) of this Rule (4-A-2) falls on such relief day, the day following will be con- sidered his holiday. (c) When employes paid on a tonnage or piece work basis are to be allowed compensation on the basis of time and one-half under the provisions of this Rule (4-A-2), the compensation allowed will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Rule 4-A-l (d). Guarantee 4-A-3. The working days per week for regularly as- a^slgned* y signed employes shall not be reduced below six unless employes a g ree( j to by the Management and the General Chair- man, except that this number may be reduced in a week in which holidays occur by the number of such holidays. This Rule (4-A-3) does not prohibit the abolition of a position at any time. menfstert- 4-A-4. (a) An assignment starting in advance of ing in midnight on a Saturday night, which includes working midnight time after midnight Saturday night, is a Saturday assignment. (£>) An assignment starting in advance of midnight on a Sunday night, which includes working time after midnight Sunday night, is a Sunday assignment. (c) An assignment starting at 12:00 Midnight will be considered as work performed on the following day. (d) Principles set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Rule (4-A-4) are also applicable in the case of the seven specified holidays and the days in advance thereof. intermit- 4-A-5. Where service is intermittent or does not re- tent . . i» • • «ii« service quire continuous application, overtime as provided in Rule 4-A-l. will be allowed for all time actually worked in excess of eight hours within a spread of twelve con- secutive hours, and for all time in excess of twelve hours computed continuously from the time first required to report for duty until final release at end of day. Time 23 shall be counted as continuous service in all cases where the interval of release from duty at any one time is less than one hour. This Rule does not apply where the number of em- ployes, the volume of work, and requirements of the service are such as to permit of properly arranging the work on a continuous time basis. 4-A-6. (a) Regularly assigned employes notified or N ? 1 ti ? e ? or called to perform work between their regular work work periods and not continuous, therewith will be allowed a ^^j^ 11 minimum of three hours at the pro rata rate for two work hours work or less ; time held on duty in excess of two hours to be paid for at the rate of time and one-half. Regular employes so called who are unable, because of being called, to cover their regular assignment will be paid not less than they would have received if they worked their regular assignment. (&) Regularly assigned employes notified or called to perform work continuous with, and in advance of their regular work period, will be allowed time and one- half on the minute basis for such advance time. (c) A regularly assigned employe notified or called under the provisions of paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule (4-A-6), to perform service in other than his reg- ular position will be compensated at the rate of the position filled or at his regular rate, whichever is higher. (d) An extra employe notified or called to perform service will be paid at pro rata rate for actual time worked with a minimum of four hours, exclusive of the meal period. Such employe required to perform a total of more than six hours' service will be allowed a mini- mum of eight hours' pay at the pro rata rate. (e) When employes paid on a tonnage or piece work basis are to be allowed compensation on the basis of time and one-half" under the provisions of this Rule 24 Guarantee — hourly rated employe* Assign- ment of regular platform gangs based on the require- ments of the service (4-A-6) the compensation allowed will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Rule 4-A-l (d). 4-A-7. Hourly rated employes assigned to regular positions, who are required to report at a regular start- ing time and place for a day's work, and who are pre- vented from performing service by conditions beyond the control of the Management, will be allowed a mini- mum of three hours' pay at pro rata rates. If such em- ployes are held on duty in excess of three hours they will be paid for the actual time so held. If required to work any part of the time so held and through no fault of their own are released before a full day's work is per- formed, they will be paid for not less than eight hours at the pro rata rate. 4-A-8. (a) Every reasonable effort will be made to maintain a maximum number of regularly assigned plat- form gangs at each freight station or transfer, based on the requirements of the service. (b) Extra platform gangs may be employed as neces- sitated by the requirements of the service and the extra employes will be compensated as follows : 1. Extra employes in platform gangs not exceed- ing in number 20% of the number of positions in the regularly assigned platform gangs, will be paid for actual time worked with a minimum of four hours, exclusive of the meal period. Such employes released for other than a meal period and subsequently re- quired to perform service, will be allowed actual time for such subsequent period of service with a minimum of one hour. Such employes required to perform a total of more than six hours' service will be allowed a minimum of eight hours' pay. 2. When the number of extra platform employes used exceeds 20% of the number of positions in regu- larly assigned gangs, the senior extra employes equal 25 in number to such excess will be paid for the actual time worked with a minimum of eight hours, exclu- sive of the meal period. (r) Extra employes required to perform service in accordance with the foregoing, will be paid at the rate of time and one-half for actual time worked in excess of eight hours in any 24-hour period. 4-A-9. Employes called for service (unless otherwise Called and notified before leaving home) will, if not used, be al- n< lowed three hours' pay at pro rata rate of the position for which called, except that in cases where the rate of the employe's regular position exceeds the rate of the position for which called, payment will be based on the rate of the employe's regular position. 4-B-l. (a) A meal period, which shall be continuous, Meal will be established for each position between four and one-half and six hours after starting time, with full re- lease from duty during such meal period. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Rule (4-B-l), such meal period will not be less than thirty minutes nor more than one hour, unless the Manage- ment and the Division Chairman agree to extend the meal period, but in no event shall it exceed one hour and thirty minutes. (b) When an employe is required to work overtime after completion of his regular tour of duty, he may be allowed time within which to eat and be paid as if on continuous duty. (c) For regular operations requiring continuous hours, eight consecutive hours without meal period may be assigned as constituting a day's work, in which case not to exceed twenty minutes shall be allowed for eating without deduction in pay between four and one-half and six hours after starting time. Where employes are on May 1, 1942 assigned to 26 eight consecutive hours without meal period, with twenty minutes in which to eat without deduction in pay, such assignments will continue in effect unless changed by agreement between the Management and the General Chairman. (d) In the System General Office Departments, the meal period will not be less than thirty minutes, nor more than one hour, except when Management and the Division Chairman agree to extend the same to not more than one hour and thirty minutes. The meal period will be continuous. The preceding paragraphs of this Rule (4-B-l) shall not apply to the System General Office Departments. 4-C-l. Employes will not be required to suspend work during regular hours to absorb overtime. 4-D-l. (a) Employes released from duty to attend court or inquest by direction of an officer of the Com- pany will be paid actual time lost from duty, and neces- sary expenses will be allowed when away from home. (b) For attending court or inquest by direction of an officer of the Company on days not assigned to work employes will be allowed eight hours at the pro rata rate. Compensation to extra employes under this para- graph will be at the minimum rate. (c) Employes required by an officer of the Company to attend court or inquest at any other than the above mentioned times will be compensated for the time so engaged with a minimum of three hours and a maxi- mum of eight hours at the pro rata rate. (d) Witness fees and mileage will be remitted to the Company. Attending 4-E- 1 . fa) Employes required to report for investi- i n v8stiEr£L~ \ / ± ./ x x tion ' gation immediately after having finished, or just prior to reporting for work, will be allowed continuous time at their regular straight time rate for the time spent in Absorbing overtime Attending court or inquest by direction of man- agement 27 attending the investigation, unless at a subsequent trial they are found guilty of the offense involved. (b) If required to attend investigation at other than the above mentioned times, except when under pay, they will be compensated for the time spent in attending the investigation with a minimum of three hours and a maximum of eight hours at the pro rata rate, unless at a subsequent trial they are found guilty of the offense involved. (c) Extra employes required to attend investigation will be compensated in accordance with paragraph (b) at the minimum basic rate of pay, unless at a sub- sequent trial they are found guilty of the offense in- volved. (d) This Rule (4-E-l) also applies to employes re- quired to attend investigation as witnesses. 4-E-2. (a) Employes assigned temporarily to higher ^jf*; rated positions will receive the higher rates while oc- other than cupying such positions ; employes assigned temporarily portions to lower rated positions will not have their rates re- duced. Extra employes will be compensated at the rate of the position to which temporarily assigned. (b) A "temporary assignment" for the purpose of this Rule (4-E-2) contemplates the fulfillment of all the duties and the assumption of all the responsibilities of the position during the time occupied, whether the reg- ular occupant of the position is absent or whether the temporary assignee does the work in the presence of the regular employe. Assisting a higher rated employe, due to a temporary increase in the volume of work, does not constitute a temporary assignment. 4-F-l. Established rates of pay, or positions, shall j? s s ^" not be discontinued or abolished and new ones created rates and covering relatively _the same class of work, which will positlons have the effect of reducing rates of pay or evading the 28 application of these Rules, nor shall the transfer of rates from one position to another be permitted. This does not apply in the case of employes paid "in- cumbent" rates. ^im^i 4-G-l. (a) When employes are required during a expense tour of duty to report for service at one location and are relieved from service at another, and the distance is sufficient to impose a hardship, the matter will be a subject for negotiation. (b) Employes required to work temporarily at other than their regular assignment will, in addition to their regular pay, be reimbursed for any additional expense incurred on account of the change, and will be paid at the pro rata rate for any additional time required in traveling to and returning from the temporary assign- ment. (c) Employes will not be required to provide trans- portation facilities in order to qualify for positions. — ^eHef es 4-G-2. Regular relief employes will be allowed ex- empioyes penses not to exceed $2.00 per calendar day while work- ing away from their headquarters. A point will be desig- nated by the Management as "headquarters" of relief employes. This point need not be the employes' place of residence but may be any point which will permit of fulfilling the relief schedule at minimum of expense. This Rule (4-G-2) does not apply to extra employes. RULE NO. 5— HANDLING OF EMPLOYES starting 5- A- 1 . (a) Regular assignments shall have a reg- ular fixed starting time and, except in emergency, that regular starting time shall not be changed without at least sixteen hours notice to the employes affected. (b) When the requirements of the service necessitate that the starting time be different on the various days of the week included in the assignment, such starting 29 times shall be the subject of agreement between the Management and the Division Chairman. (c) No assignment will have a starting time after 12 o'clock Midnight and before 6 A.M., except by agree- ment between the Management and the Division Chair- man. (d) Variable starting times for relief assignments are not prohibited by this Rule (5-A-l ). 5-B-l. The application of new employes for employ- fg£ li c { a ~ ment shall be approved or disapproved within ninety new days after applicants begin work. employes In the event of applicants giving false information this Rule (5-B-l) shall not apply. 5-C- 1 . Where extra employes are used extra boards Extra will be established by agreement between the Manage- ment and the Division Chairman. The number of extra employes to be used and the manner in which they will work will be determined by written agreement between the Management and the Division Chairman. 5-D-l. (a) Employes will, upon request, be given L «a ve of necessary leave of absence to engage in work pertaining to their representing organization, without impairment of seniority. (&) When the requirements of the service permit, employes will, on request, be granted leave of absence for a limited time with privilege of renewal. An employe absent on leave who engages in outside employment without the permission of the Superintendent or other corresponding officer, automatically forfeits seniority. (c) Leave of absence will be granted in writing, copy to be furnished the Division Chairman. 30 RULE NO. 6— DISCIPLINE 6-A-l. (a) Employes will not be suspended nor dis- missed from service without a fair and impartial trial. (b) When a major offense has been committed an employe suspected by the Management to be guilty thereof may, after the occurrence of the offense, be held out of service pending trial and decision. 6-B- 1 . An employe who is required to make a state- ment prior to the trial in connection with any matter which may eventuate in the application of discipline to any employe, if he desires to be represented, may be accompanied by the "duly accredited representative," as that term is defined in this Agreement. A copy of his statement, if reduced to writing and signed by him, shall be furnished him by the Management upon his request. 6-C- 1 . (a) An employe who is accused of an offense and who is directed to report for a trial therefor, will be given reasonable advance notice in writing of the exact charge for which he is to be tried and the time and place of the trial. (b) If he desires to be represented at such trial, he may be accompanied by the "duly accredited represen- tative'' as that term is defined in this Agreement. The accused employe or the "duly accredited representative" shall be permitted to question witnesses insofar as the interests of the accused employe are concerned. Such employe shall make his own arrangements for the pres- ence of the said representative and no expense incident thereto will be borne by the Company. 6-D-l. (a) If discipline is to be imposed following trial and decision, the employe to be disciplined will be given written notice thereof at least ten days prior to the date on which the discipline is to become effective, except that in cases involving major offenses discipline 31 may be made effective at any time after decision with- out advance notice. (b) If the discipline to be applied is suspension, the time the employe is held out of service prior to the serving of the notice of discipline shall be applied against the period of suspension. RULE NO. 7— APPEALS 7-A-l. (a) An employe who considers that an in- Di8ci P line justice has been done him in discipline matters and who has appealed his case in writing to the Superin- tendent, (in Regional and System General Office De- partments and at Altoona Works, the officer in charge of the Department) within ten days, will be given a hearing. This appeal, where the discipline imposed is suspen- sion, will act as a stay (except in the case of a major offense) in imposing the suspension until after the em- ploye has been given a hearing. (b) At hearings on appeal, an employe may, if he desires to be represented at such hearings, be accom- panied, at his own expense, by the "duly accredited representative" as that term is defined in this Agree- ment. (c) After the appeal has been acted upon by the Superintendent (in Regional and System General Office Departments and at Altoona Works, the officer in charge of the Department), the employe will be advised, in writing, of his decision. If the decision in cases of suspension is to the effect that suspension will be im- posed, either in whole or for a reduced period, the stay referred to in paragraph (a) of this Rule (7-A-l) shall be lifted and the suspension imposed. (d) When an employe is held out of service in con- nection with a major offense pending trial and decision, and the decision exonerates the employe so held out of 32 service, the employe will be compensated for the differ- ence between the amount earned while out of service or while otherwise employed and the amount he would have earned had he not been held out of service. discfpiine 11 7-A-2. When it is considered that an injustice has been done with respect to any matter other than dis- cipline, the employe affected or the "duly accredited representative" as that term is defined in this Agree- ment, on his behalf, may within ninety days present the case, in writing, to the employe's immediate Supervisor. If the decision of such Supervisor, which shall be in writing, is unsatisfactory, such decision may then be appealed by the employe affected or by the said "duly accredited representative" as that term is defined in this Agreement, on his behalf, to the Superintendent, (in Regional and System General Office Departments and at Altoona Works, the officer in charge of the Depart- ment). In the case of claims for compensation alleged to be due, the time periods specified in Rule 7-B-l will be observed. claims for 7-B-L (a) Claims for compensation alleged to be compensa- K y * 1 1 << 1 i tion due, may be made only by an employe or by the duly accredited representative" as that term is denned in this Agreement, on his behalf, and must be presented, in writing, to the employe's immediate Supervisor within ninety days from the date the employe received his pay check for the pay period involved, except : 1. Time off duty on account of sickness, leave of absence, suspension or reduction in force, will extend the time limit specified in paragraph (a) of this Rule (7-B-l) by the period of such time off duty. 2. When a claim for compensation alleged to be due is based on an occurrence during a period em- ploye was out of active service due to sickness, leave 33 of absence, suspension or reduction in force, it must be made, in writing, within ninety days from the date the employe resumes duty. (b) If claims are not made within the time limit specified in the foregoing paragraph (a) of this Rule (7-B-l) including Exceptions (1) and (2), they will not be entertained nor allowed. (c) When claims for compensation alleged to be due have been presented in accordance with the foregoing paragraph (a) of this Rule (7-B-l) including Excep- tions (1) and (2), and are not allowed, the employe will be notified to this effect, in writing, within thirty days from the date his claim was presented. When not so notified claims will be allowed. (d) When time claims are allowed the interested em- ployes and the Division Chairman will be advised in writing the amounts involved and the payrolls on which the payments will be made. (e) A claim for compensation denied in accordance with the foregoing paragraph (c) of this Rule (7-B-l) will be considered invalid unless it is listed for discus- sion by the Division Chairman with the Superintendent (in Regional and System General Office Departments and at Altoona Works, the officer in charge of the De- partment) within ninety days after the date on which the claim was initially denied. RULE NO. 8— MISCELLANEOUS 8-A-l. At Division headquarters a list will be main- Lis * ? f , r 1 . . * , , 1 • * positions tamed of the positions covered by this Agreement, which will be accessible to employes when it is necessary for them to exercise seniority. Two copies of the list will be furnished to the General Chairman. 8-A-2. Where the number of days mentioned in this days- Agreement is thirty or less, Sundays and the seven rec- t?™ P oi ta " 34 Posting bulletins and notices Offices, locker rooms, ognized Holidays shall not be included in the computa- tion thereof. 8-B-l. A place will be provided in offices and depart- ments for the posting of bulletins and notices affecting employes covered by this Agreement. No bulletins or notices will be posted by the employes without the ap- proval of Management and the duly accredited repre- sentatives of the employes. 8-C-l. Offices, locker rooms, lunch rooms, wash rooms and toilets will be heated and lighted in the best wat!er?etc. manner possible, consistent with the source of heat and light available at the point, and will be kept in good re- pair and in a clean, dry and sanitary condition. Plat- forms, trucks, runways, and lockers will be kept in good repair and in a clean, dry and sanitary condition. Good drinking water to the extent the source is available at the point, and ice if necessary, will be furnished. Sani- tary drinking fountains will be provided where neces- sary. RULE NO. 9— NOTICE OF CHANGES Exceptions 9- A- 1 . (a) Except as otherwise provided, excep- tions to any Rule or Rules in this Agreement will be made only by agreement, in writing, between the parties signatory hereto. (&) Where provision is made in this agreement for exceptions or special agreements between the Manage- ment and the duly accredited representatives of the employes, agreements with respect thereto will be in writing and numbered consecutively by seniority dis- tricts, two copies of each to be furnished the General and respective Division Chairman. Effective 9-A-2. This agreement shall be effective as of May date and < + r\ a** i «h • • r n r 1 rr »i • changes 1, 1942 and will remain in full force and erred: until it is changed as provided herein, or under the provisions of the Amended Railway Labor Act. 35 This Agreement supersedes all previous and existing Agreements covering employes of the craft or class now represented by the Brotherhood of Railway and Steam- ship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, except as such Agreements are continued in effect by specific provision therefor in this Agreement or in Supplemental Agreement "A." Should either party to this Agreement desire to re- vise or modify rules contained herein, written advance notice containing the proposed changes shall be given, and the first conference shall be held within thirty days from date of notice. Further conferences, if necessary, shall be held as promptly as possible and in accordance with the provisions of the Amended Railway Labor Act. Pending final settlement of any dispute these Rules shall remain in full force and effect. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY CLERICAL, OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN. By: BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES. General ffanager, Western Region. anager, General Manager', New York Zone Works Manager^ Alt oona Works >uty Cemptroiier By: '/lA&b/U-sr - 'eheral Chairman. Deput; Freight Traffic Manager, Eastern Region. Freight Traffic Manager, Central Region. (Continued on next page) Senior Vice General Chairmarw*^ General Secretary-Treasurer. Vice General Chairman. Vicfe General Chaimian. /\ y/.&Y 36 Freight Traffic Manager, Western Region. 7/tfjt*^. Freight Jraff ic Hanager< y/n York Zone. General- Passenger Agent, eastern Region. General Passenger Ager.-., Central Region. General Passenger Agent, Western region, Freight Ciai.T. Agent Acting Superintendent. General Purchasing Agent. d A^M, Stores Manager «..*< -^.■+~a-^L^ erpra iral Real Estate Agent. "uer/eral Supt, Dining Car Service, A ■tZojL^ W-w_ Philadelphia, Pa, April 15, 1942. 37 APPENDIX A Seniority districts established in the System General Office Departments, the Regional and Zone General Offices and at Altoona Works SYSTEM GENERAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTS A. Accounting Department, Offices of Ticket Receivers and Accounting Bureaus. (1) Accounting Department — System General Office (2) Ticket Receivers' Offices (3) Accounting Bureaus B. Office of Superintendent Relief and Pension Depart- ments, and Employes Provident and Loan Association. C. Office of Superintendent Car Service. D. Office of Supervisor Motive Power Expenditures. E. Department of Master Car Builders Clearing House. F. Freight Claim Department, including District Freight Claim Offices. G. Real Estate Department. H. Purchasing Department. I. Stores Department, including Office of Stationary Storekeeper, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Dining Car Department. Group No. 1 District No. 1 — General Office at Long Island City, N. Y„ and the offices of the Dining Car Depart- ment at Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pitts- burgh, Pa., and Washington, D. C. 38 District No. 2 — Office of the Assistant Superintendent Dining Car Service, Chicago, 111., and offices of the Dining Car Department between Chicago, 111., in- clusive, and Pittsburgh, Pa., exclusive. District No. 3 — Office of the Assistant Superintendent Dining Car Service, Columbus, Ohio, and offices of the Dining Car Department between St. Louis, Mo., inclusive, and Pittsburgh, Pa., exclusive. District No. 4 — Commissary at Long Island City, N. Y. Group No. 2 District No. 1 — Commissary at Long Island City, N. Y., and the territory between New York, N. Y., and Pittsburgh, Pa., inclusive. District No. 2 — Territory between Chicago, 111., in- clusive, and Pittsburgh, Pa., exclusive. District No. 3 — Territory between St. Louis, Mo., in- clusive, and Pittsburgh, Pa., exclusive. K. Secretary's Department. Group No. 2 Seniority District No. 1 — Gang Leaders and Assistant Gang Leaders. Elevator Dispatchers. Elevator Dispatchers and Attendants. Watchmen. Elevator Attendants (Broad Street Station and General Office Annex). Post Office Attendants. Building Attendants (Broad Street Station and General Office Annex). Seniority District No. 2 — Elevator Operators (Broad Street Station Building). Cleaners. Laborers (Broad Street Station Building). 39 Seniority District No. 3 — Gang Leaders — Salvage and Storage Plant. Salvage and Storage Plant Attendants. Truck Drivers — Attendants. Seniority District No. 4 — Supervising Telephone Operators. Telephone Operators. Telephone Attendants. Seniority District No. 5 — Matrons. L Traffic Department. There shall be eight (8) separate seniority districts in the Traffic Department, i.e., one seniority district for each Regional Freight Traffic Department juris- diction, one seniority district for each Regional Pas- senger Traffic Department jurisdiction, one seniority district for the Freight Traffic Department jurisdic- tion of the New York Zone and one seniority district for the Passenger Traffic Department jurisdiction of the New York Zone, and separate seniority will pre- vail in each of these districts. The Off-Line Offices of the Freight Traffic and Passenger Traffic Depart- ments will be included in the seniority district to which they are assigned, excepting that the Off-Line Offices of the Freight Traffic Department reporting to the Western Freight Traffic Manager will be in- cluded in the seniority district of the Freight Traffic Manager at Chicago. M. Regional, Zone, and Altoona Works General Office. There shall be a separate seniority district for each of the following Regional and Zone General Offices and at Altoona Works, except as otherwise indicated : Eastern Region Group No. 1 Office of General Superintendent Motive Power. Office of Chief Engineer — M. of W. 40 Offices of Superintendents Passenger and Freight Transportation and Superintendent Stations and Transfers — (One District). Office of Supervisor Regional Expenditures. Central Region Group Xo. 1 Office of General Superintendent [Motive Power. Office of Chief Engineer — M. of W. Office of Superintendent Passenger Transportation. Office of Superintendent Freight Transportation. Office of Supervisor Regional Expenditures. Office of Superintendent Stations and Transfers. Group No. 2 Office of Chief Engineer — M. of \Y. Western Region Group Xo. 1 Office of General Superintendent Motive Power. Office of Chief Engineer — M. of \V. Office of Superintendent Passenger Transportation and Superintendent Freight Transportation (One District). Office of Supervisor Regional Expenditures. Office of Supervisor Divisional Expenditures. Office of Superintendent Stations and Transfers. Group Xo. 2 Offices of Superintendent Passenger Transportation and Superintendent Freight Transportation. (One District.) New York Zone Offices of General Superintendent Motive Power, Chief Engineer M. of W., Superintendent Passen- ger Transportation, Superintendent Freight Trans- portation, Superintendent Stations and Transfers, 41 Supervisor of Expenditures, Superintendent of Floating Equipment, Reporting Storekeeper — (One District). Ticket Offices, Pennsylvania Station, New York, N. Y. Reservation Bureau, Pennsylvania Station, New York, N. Y. Altoona Works Group No. 1 Works Manager's Office. Supervisor of Expenditures. Works Storekeeper. Group No. 2 Telephone Exchange. Shop Watchmen. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT "A" ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AND CLERICAL, OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN REPRESENTED BY BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS. EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1942 THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT "A" ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY AND CLERICAL, OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN REPRESENTED BY BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1942 This is a supplemental agreement by and between The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on the one hand, and its employes of the classifications set forth in the Agreement dated April 15, 1942, effective May 1, 1942, and designated "Master Agreement entered into by and between The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Clerical, Other Office, Station and Storehouse Em- ployes of The Pennsylvania Railroad Company desig- nated herein represented by Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes," (hereinafter referred to as the Master Agreement), as represented by the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, on the other hand. This supplemental agreement has for its purpose the designation of the offices, departments, positions, work and employes which shall not be subject to some or all of the provisions of the aforesaid Master Agreement and the designation of the provisions of the said Master Agreement to which they shall not be subject. This Agreement also contains certain miscellaneous provi- sions containing amendments, limitations, modifications, or explanations of the said Master Agreement. This is the Supplemental Agreement "A" referred to under the 1 term "EXCEPTIONS" in the Master Agreement. This Supplemental Agreement is intended to be, and is, made a part of the said Master Agreement with the same force and effect as though it were fully set forth therein. It is understood and agreed as follows : I. The following positions and individuals are ex- cepted from all of the provisions of the Master Agree- ment : A. No individual who is paid varying amounts for special service which takes only a portion of his time from outside employment or business is subject to any of the provisions of the Master Agreement. B. Emergency or Curbstone Forces — individuals who are temporarily used for short periods of service, for which regularly assigned or extra empioyes are not available, will not be subject to the Master Agreement until they have worked after May 1, 1942, a total of five hundred hours in a calendar year. After such em- ployes have worked five hundred hours within one calendar year, their seniority will date from the day on which they performed the first of the five hundred hours worked. C. No position or individual in any of the following Executive Offices or Departments shall be subject to any of the provisions of the Master Agreement : Office of President — Philadelphia, Pa., and New York, N. Y. Office of Vice President — Assistant to President Publicity Department Office of Vice President — Operation Office of Chief of Motive Power Office of Electrical Engineer Office of Mechanical Engineer Office of General Shop Inspector Office of Chief Chemist Office of Engineer of Tests Office of Chief Engineer Office of Electrical Engineer Office of Chief Engineer, Eastern Region Office of Chief Engineer, Central Region Office of Chief Engineer, Western Region Office of Chief Engineer, New York Zone Office of Chief of Freight Transportation Office of General Superintendent, Telegraph Office of General Superintendent, Stations and Transfers Office of Superintendent of Motor Service Office of Chief of Passenger Transportation Office of Chief of Personnel Office of Superintendent of Safety Office of Vice President — Traffic Office of General Traffic Manager Office of Assistant General Traffic Manager Office of Assistants to the General Traffic Manager Office of Assistant General Freight Agent (System) Office of Passenger Traffic Manager Office of General Passenger Agent (System) Office of Assistant General Passenger Agents (System) Office of Coal Traffic Manager Office of Assistant Coal Traffic Manager Office of Foreign Freight Traffic Manager Office of Manager of Express Traffic Office of Milk Traffic Agent Office of Vice President — Real Estate, Purchases and Insurance Office of General Purchasing Agent, Fuel Purchas- ing Agent, and Assistant Purchasing Agent, Chicago, 111. Office of Stores Manager Office of General Real Estate Agent Office of Manager, Insurance Department Office of Vice President — Comptroller Office of Deputy Comptroller Valuation Department Office of Vice President — Finance and Corporate Relations Office of Treasurer — Philadelphia, Pa., and New York, N. Y. Office of Secretary — Philadelphia, Pa., and New York, N. Y. Legal Department including Claim Department Office of Vice President — Eastern Region Office of Vice President — Central Region Office of Vice President — Western Region Office of Vice President — New York Zone Office of Resident Vice President II. Offices and Departments in which no position or employe is subject to certain provisions of the Master Agreement : A. No position or employe in the following System General Office Departments: (1) Accounting Department, including Ticket Re- ceiver's Offices and Accounting Bureaus. (2) Relief and Pension Departments and Employes' Provident and Loan Association. (3) Car Service Department. (4) Office of Supervisor of Motive Power Expendi- tures. (5) Department of Master Car Builders' Clearing House. (6) Freight Claim Department, including District Freight Claim Offices. (7) Real Estate Department. (8) Purchasing Department. (9) Stores Department. (10) Traffic Department, including Regional, Divi- sional, District, other similar offices and City Ticket Offices. (11) Group 2 under the jurisdiction of the Secretary shall be subject in any respect to the following provi- sions of the Master Agreement : 5-C-l 8-A-l 8-C-l 2-A-5 4-A-l (d) 2-A-9 4-A-l (e) 2- A- 10 4-A-5 3-A-l (c) 4-A-6 (d) 3-C-l (c) 4-A-6 («) 3-D-l (b) 4-A-7 3-E-2 4-A-8 3-E-3 (b) (1) 4-A-9 3-E-3 (b) (2) 4-E-2 (a) 3-E-3 (6) (3) 4-G-l 3-E-4 4-G-2 3-G-l 3-H-l B. No position or employe in the following System j^ 1 ^™ 8 General Office Departments shall be subject to Rule pioyes in 3-C-2 (6)-(0-(d) of the Master Agreement: £*j£ Accounting Department, including Ticket Receiver's of ? c . e8 t n £* Offices and Accounting Bureaus rule 3 C -c-2 Relief and Pension Departments and Employes' \^\ ( f c J he Provident and Loan Association master ~ c . -w-^ agreement Car bervice Department Office of Supervisor, Motive Power Expenditures Freight Claim Department, including District Freight Claim Offices Purchasing Department C. No position or employe in the Dining Car Depart- f®! 1 ^* ment shall be subject in any respect to the following pioyes in provisions of the Master Agreement : ^ fffi 2-A-9 4-A-l (d) from Pt cl- 2-A-10 4-E-2 (a) S^' 8 3-D-l (b) 4-G-2 master v 7 Q P 1 agreement D. No position or employe in Group 2 under the jurisdiction of the Secretary shall be subject to the pro- visions of Rules 2-A-5 and 4-A-2 of the Master Agree- ment. III. Positions and employes excepted from certain rules of the Master Agreement: 1. SYSTEM GENERAL OFFICES. A. The following Rules of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be assigned thereto : 7-A-2) That por- 9-A-l (b) 7-B-l) tion of the Rule that permits presentation of a claim by other than the individ- ual employe volved. m- 2-A-l 3-C-l 4-A-l 5-A-l 2-A-2 3-C-3 4-A-2 2-A-3 4-A-3 2-A-6 4-A-4 4-A-6 4-B-l 4-C-l 4-D-l 4-E-l 4-E-2 4-F-l (1) Accounting Department, including Ticket Receiv- er's Offices and Accounting Bureaus : General Accountant Chief Accountant Depreciation Accountant Assistant Depreciation Accountant Chief Statistician Statistician Assistant Statistician Chief Bookkeeper Assistant Chief Bookkeeper Tax Accountant Assistant Tax Accountant Chief Traveling Auditor Assistant Chief Traveling Auditor Chief Supervisor of Inventories Chief of Contract Bureau Assistant Chief of Contract Bureau Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk Chief Supervisor-Accounting Bureaus Custodian of Records Special Accountant Special Agent Traveling Accountant Traveling Auditor Assistant Traveling Auditor Assistant to Traveling Auditor Accountant Chief Revision Clerk Chief Claim Clerk Chief Abstracting Clerk Chief Percentage and Division Clerk Chief Division Clerk Chief Mail Clerk Ticket Receiver Assistant Ticket Receiver Supervisor Assistant Supervisor Head Clerk Assistant Head Clerk (exercising supervision) Bookkeeper Revenue Clerk Remittance Clerk Expense Clerk Supervisor — Welfare Clerk to Traveling Auditor Special Apprentice (2) Relief and Pension Departments and Employes' Provident and Loan Association : Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk Head Clerk Accountant Supervisor Instructor Clerk in Charge — Mortgage and Personal Loans Clerks in Medical Examiner's Offices (3) Car Service Department: Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk Supervisors Assistant Supervisors Special Clerk (4) Office Supervisor of Motive Power Expenditures: Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk Clerk — Special Clerk, Pullman Contract, etc. Clerk — Special Clerk, Machinery Survey Clerk — Lead Clerk, Freight Car Bureau Clerk — Lead Clerk, R. & E. and Machinery Bu- reau Clerk — Lead Clerk, Statistical Bureau Clerk — Lead Clerk, Cost Bureau (5 J Department of Master Car Builders' Clearing House: Chief Clerk Inspectors Clerk — Head Clerk, Settlements for destroyed foreign and private line cars, disposition of such cars badly damaged, repair materials, etc. Clerk — Assistant Head Clerk, Settlements for P. R. R. cars destroyed on foreign lines, disposition of such cars badly damaged, repair materials, etc. Clerk — Head Clerk, Correspondence with foreign car owners and shops, on Receivable and Pay- able Freight Car Repair Bills (6) Freight Claim Department, including District Freight Claim Offices : Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk Chief, Claims Investigation Bureau Chief, Litigation Claim Bureau Chief Claim Clerk Chief Investigators Assistant Chief Investigators Accountant Assistant Accountant Freight Claim Adjusters Clerk in Charge — Entry and Records Clerks, Litigation Claim Bureau (7) Real Estate Department: Cashier Collector Chief Clerk Real Estate Representative Supervisor Agents — Tax, Rental, Right of Way (8) Purchasing Department: Office Manager Assistant Office Manager Chief Clerk Clerk in Charge Commissary Buyer Freight Clerk Genera] Supervisor Requisition Markers Sales Agent Special Agent Statistician Supervisor 10 (9) Stores Department: Office Manager Head Stockbook Inspector Supervisor Service Bureau Assistant Supervisor Service Bureau Catalog Inspectors Chief Material Supervisor Assistant Chief Material Supervisor General Material Supervisor Material Supervisor Supervisor of Procurement Supervisor of Timber Stockmen Stationery Storekeeper B. The following rules of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be assigned thereto : 7-A-2) That portion of the 7-B-l) Rule that permits presentation of a claim by other than the individual em- ploye involved. 9-A-l (b) 2-A-l 4-A-6 2-A-2 4-A-7 2-A-3 4-A-9 2-A-5 4-B-l 2-A-6 4-C-l 3-C-l 4-D-l 3-C-3 4-E-l 4-A-l 4-E-2 4-A-2 4-F-l 4-A-3 4-G-l 4-A-4 5-A-l 4-A-5 5-C-l ( 1 ) Dining Car Department : Chief Clerk (or Assistant Chief Clerk) to General Superintendent D. C. S. Supervisor — Labor and Wages Statistician 11 Accountant Car Clerks Clerk — Special Movements Crew Supervisors Chief Timekeeper Chief Clerk to Assistant Superintendents Special Car Attendant, Philadelphia, Pa. Stockman Dietician Personal Stenographer to General Superintendent Personal Stenographer to Superintendent C. Rules 2-A-l, 2-A-2, 2-A-3 (a), 2-A-3 (&), and 3-C-l of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be assigned thereto: (1) Accounting Department, including Ticket Receiv- er's Offices and Accounting Bureaus : Secretary to Officer or Assistant Officer in Charge Personal Stenographer General File Clerk Tax Clerk Traffic Clerk Clerk — Comptroller Statistical Force Clerk — Headquarters Forces Clerk — Personnel Force Clerk — General and Corporate Ledgers, Cash Books and Journals Clerk — Tax Force Clerk — Pullman Audit, Chicago, 111. Clerk — Traveling Auditor Assignments (2) Relief and Pension Departments and Employes' Provident and Loan Association : Assistant Head Clerk Chief File Clerk Assistant Supervisor Secretary to Superintendent 12 Secretary to Chief Medical Examiner Requisition Clerk Statistician Clerk — Supervisor Chief Bookkeeper Cashier Assistant Accountant (3) Car Service Department: File Clerk Assistant File Clerk Stenographer (Secretary) Head Clerks (4) Office Supervisor of Motive Power Expenditures: Stenographer — Stenographer to Supervisor Motive Power Expenditures Clerk — Lead Clerk, Valuation Bureau Clerk — Lead Clerk, Locomotive Bureau Clerk — Lead Clerk, Passenger Cars and Work Equipment Clerk — Lead Clerk, Accounting Bureau Clerk — Lead Clerk,Tabulating Bureau Clerk — Lead Clerk, Typing Bureau Clerk — Budget Clerk Clerk — Payroll Clerk Clerk- — File Clerk (5) Department of Master Car Builders' Clearing House : Clerk — Lead Clerk, Checking and taking excep- tions to bills covering repairs to P.R.R. cars on foreign roads Clerk — Lead Clerk, Pricing and checking bills cov- ering repairs made by P.R.R. to cars owned by foreign roads and private car lines Stenographer — Stenographer to General Foreman M.C.B. Clearing House 13 Clerk — File Clerk Clerk — Checking and Pricing repairs to passenger equipment cars, correspondence with foreign car owners and shops, concerning same (6) Freight Claim Department, including District Freight Claim Offices : Clerks in Charge Stenographer — Freight Claim Agent and Assistant Freight Claim Agent Stenographer — Assistant to Freight Claim Agent, Chief Clerk and Assistant Chief Clerk (7) Real Estate Department: File Clerk Stenographer (8) Purchasing Department : Personal Stenographers Secretaries (9) Stores Department: *Stockbook Inspectors Head Hurry Clerks Personal Stenographer File Clerk Secretary Head Clerk — Stationery Storekeeper (*) Employes now assigned to these positions shall not be displaced in exercise of seniority, but future vacancies shall be advertised. Employes to be given consideration for these positions must establish they have the basic qualifications for the jobs. (10) Dining Car Department: File Clerk Stenographer to Assistant Superintendents Stenographer to Supervisor, Labor & Wages Clerk to Dining Car Agents 14 First Clerk — Accounts First Clerk — Audits Night Clerk at Pittsburgh, Pa., and Chicago, 111. D. Positions and employes in the Traffic Department : ( 1 ) The following Rules of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be assigned thereto, in the Traffic Department : 5- A- 1 7- A-2 ) That portion of 7-B-l) the Rule that permits pres- entation of a claim by other than the indi- vidual em- ploye i n - volved. 9-A-l (b) Positions All Offices of Freight Traffic Managers positions " " Assistant Freight Traffic Managers " " Western Freight Traffic Manager " " Southwestern Freight Traffic Manager " " Perishable Traffic Manager " " General Freight Agents " " Foreign Freight Agents " " General Agriculture Agent " " Industrial Agents " " General Coal Freight Agents " " General Coal and Ore Agent " " General Passenger Agents " " General Baggage Agent " " Foreign Passenger Agent 2-A-l 3-C-l 4-A-l 2-A-2 3-C-3 4-A-2 2-A-3 3-E-l 4-A-3 2-A-4 4-A-4 2-A-6 4-A-6 2-A-7 4-B-l 2-A-8 4-C-l 4-D-l 4-E-l 4-E-2 4-F-l IS In offices other than listed above : Cadets (Special Apprentices), Chief Clerks, As- sistant Chief Clerks (2) The following Rules of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be assigned thereto, in the Traffic Department : 2-A-l 2-A-7 2-A-2 2-A-8 2-A-3 2-A-9 2-A-4 3-C-l 2-A-6 3-E-l Positions >n Freight Agents All Positions " District Freight Agents " District Coal Agents " " General Southern Freight Agent " New England Freight Agent " " Canadian Freight Agent " " General Mexican Agent " " Freight Representative " " Division Passenger Agents " " District Passenger Agents " " New England Passenger Agent " M Canadian Passenger Agent " " Traveling Passenger Agent " " Passenger Representative " u General Freight and Passenger Agent " " District Freight & Passenger Agents All positions other than Cadets (Special Appren- tices), Chief Clerks, Assistant Chief Clerks 16 Rules of master agreement not appli- cable to positions which were con- sidered as excepted positions prior to May I, 1942. ex- cluding stockmen 2. OFFICES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE GENERAL MANAGERS, WORKS MANAGER AT ALTOONA WORKS AND GENERAL AND DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS. A. The following Rules of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be as- signed thereto: Rules of master agreement which are not appli- cable to employes and posi- tions which prior to May 1, 1942, were designated as "per- sonal office force" and stockmen 2-A-l 3-C-l 4-A-l 5-A-l 7-A-2) That portion of 2-A-2 3-C-3 4-A-2 5-C-l 7-B-l) the Rule that 2-A-3 4-A-3 permits presentation of 2-A-5 4-A-4 a claim by other than 2-A-6 4-A-5 the individual employe 2-A-10 4-A-6 4-A-7 4-A-8 4-A-9 4-B-l 4-C-l 4-D-l 4-E-l 4-E-2 4-F-l 4-G-l 4-G-2 involved. 9-A-l (b) Positions and Employes All employes and positions which, prior to May 1, 1942, were considered "excepted," excluding stockmen. B. Rules 2-A-l, 2-A-2, 2-A-3 (a), 2-A-3 (6) and 3-C-l, of the Master Agreement are not applicable to the positions designated below, nor to the employes who are or may hereafter be assigned thereto : Positions and Employes All employes and positions which, prior to May 1, 17 1942, were designated as "personal office force" and stockmen. IV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. The Dining Car Department. certain rules of (1) The provisions of Rules 4-A-l, 4-A-2, 4-A-S, master 4-A-6, and 4-G-l, of the Master Agreement shall not SSTpp?^* apply to employes in the Dining Car Department when, c d ^ing° C ar for the purpose of performing Dining Car Department depart- Operations in connection with emergency or special p*ioyes em " heavy passenger train movements, the personnel of the f*l f °™l ce Dining Car Department is utilized. When an employe in connec- of the Dining Car Department is so used, he will, for emerge* the time so engaged in the performance of such emer- l™l { °{ gency or special service, be compensated at the pro rata train rate applicable to his regular position. ™ents Ninety (2) The ninety-day period specified in the first para- specified graph of Rule 5-B-l, within which period applications in ™ie of new employes shall be approved or disapproved, shall li*' 1 10 be be six months for the Dining Car Department. iS°Sning car dep't B. Office of Supervisor of Motive Power Expendi- Certain riirPQ agree " . Luica. ments in The provisions of the Master Agreement shall not be ^ c e e r °f sor construed as abrogating the following Agreements now of motive in effect, covering employes in the Office of Supervisor pe^ures of Motive Power Expenditures, such Agreements be- no ^ b 2" ing continued in full force and effect : the (1) Agreement set forth in letters addressed by the ^^ement Supervisor of Motive Power Expenditures to the Gen- eral Chairman, dated June 3, 1937, and from the General Chairman to the Supervisor of Motive Power Expendi- tures, dated July 16, 1937, providing that certain posi- tions are subject to the Regulations but that the present incumbents thereof are entitled to retain such positions. 18 (2) Agreement providing for preservation of rates in effect November 1, 1936, for certain employes in the Office of Supervisor of Motive Power Expenditures — set forth in letters addressed to the General Chairman by the Supervisor of Motive Power Expenditures on November 24, 1939, and May 1, 1941, and the General Chairman's letters to the Supervisor of Motive Power Expenditures dated November 30, 1939, October 29, 1940, and August 22, 1941. C. Relief and Pension Departments, and Employes' Provident and Loan Association. The provisions of the Master Agreement shall not be applicable to employes in the temporary force in the Relief and Pension Departments and Employes' Provi- dent and Loan Association engaged in the assembling of prior service record information for the Railroad Retirement Board, as required by Joint Resolution of Congress approved October 9, 1940. D. Group 2 employes under the jurisdiction of the Secretary. The following Rule shall apply to Group 2 employes under the jurisdiction of the Secretary in lieu of Rules 2-A-5 and 4-A-2 of the Master Agreement: ( 1 ) Employes, whose seniority entitles them to regu- agr^ment lar employment, when required to report at regular starting time and place for a day's work and conditions prevent work being performed, w r ill be allowed a mini- mum of three hours' pay at pro rata rates. If held on duty over three hours, they w T ill be paid for the actual time so held. If required to work any part of the time held and, through no fault of their own, are released before a full day's work is performed, they will be paid not less than eight hours' pay. (2) Nothing in the Master Agreement or in this Rule will be construed to prohibit the establishment of assign- ments of less than eight hours on Sunday, other assigned Provisions of the master agreement are not applicable to tem- porary force in relief and pension dep'ta and employes P and L Ass'n Rule ap- plicable to group 2 employes in sec- retary's dep't in lieu of rules 2-A-5 and 4-A-2 of master 19 day of rest, or the following legal holidays, viz., New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas, or the day observed, and on other days as provided in paragraph (3) of this Rule. (3) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Rule do not apply to those who are employed to take care of work not assigned to full-time positions. Employes who are required to perform such work will be paid for actual time worked or held for duty with a minimum of four hours at the pro rata rate. When an employe engaged in work covered by this paragraph is released and sub- sequently required to report for such work and performs service, he will be compensated for the subsequent time worked at the pro rata rate with a minimum of one hour. Payment under paragraph (3) will be in accordance with the following examples: EXAMPLE No. 1 Works 7:00 A.M. to 11 :00 A.M. Released 11:00 A.M. to 3 :00 P.M. Works 3 :00 P.M. to 5 :00 P.M. Payment in this Example will be as follows : 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.— 4 hours pro rata 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.— no payment 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.— 2 hours pro rata Total 6 hours pro rata EXAMPLE No. 2 Works 7:00 A.M. to 11 :00 A.M. Held on duty 11:00 A.M. to 12 :00 Noon Released 12:00 Noon to 3:00 P.M. Works 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. 20 Payment in this Example will be as follows : 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon— 5 hours pro rata 12:00 Noon to 3:00 P.M.— No payment 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P. M.— 2 hours pro rata Total 7 hours pro rata EXAMPLE No. 3 Works 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Released 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Works 3:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Payment in this Example will be as follows : 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.— 4 hours prorata 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.— no payment 3:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.— 5 hours pro rata 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.— 1 hour at time and one-half Total 9 hours pro rata 1 hour time and one-half Employes who are assigned to positions that require filling seven days per week will be assigned one relief day off duty in seven and if required to work on such assigned relief day will be paid at the overtime rate with a minimum of three hours at pro rata rate for two hours' work or less. Where such assigned relief day is not a Sunday or any of the seven recognized holidays, work performed on Sundays and such holidays will be paid for at straight time rate. E. Traffic Department. In the application of the Master Agreement the fol- lowing special Rules shall apply with respect to the designated positions and employes in the Traffic De- partment : 21 (1) A Traffic Department employe in training may be appointed to a vacancy in the lowest paid ticket sell- ing position in any city ticket office for a period not to exceed one year, without regard to seniority. (2) When a Traffic Department employe in training is assigned to a city ticket agent's office without being assigned to any existing position in such office, this will not be construed as creating a position which is subject to the advertising or seniority displacement Rules of the Agreement. F. The following Rule shall apply to employes in the Rule licable System General Office Departments named in Para- to system graphs numbered II-A and II-C of this Agreement in office™ 1 lieu of Rule 4-E-2 (a) of the Master Agreement: ^ept^ Employes assigned temporarily to higher rated posi- pac- tions will, except when taking the place of a regularly f^and assigned employe who is off duty (other than on vaca- ^i^a'ree- tion) under pay, receive the higher rates while occupy- ment in ing such positions ; employes assigned temporarily to l ^ e of lower rated positions will not have their rates reduced. 4 - E - 2 < a) Extra employes will be compensated at the rate of the agreement position to which temporarily assigned. G. Rule 4-F-l of the Master Agreement shall not have any application to, or effect upon, rates of pay or positions in the System General Office Departments named in Paragraphs numbered II-A and II-C of this Agreement until rates of pay for the positions in such Departments have been fixed by agreement between the Management and the "duly accredited representative" Position3 as that term is defined in the Master Agreement. or em- ° ployees' H. Where reference is made in Rule 4-A-2 of the ^cSitSI 7 Master Agreement to employes, positions or work uous oper. "necessary to the continuous operation of the Carrier," ^ r °ri e ^ the the term shall be construed to include the following po- to f m" red sitions, or the employes performing the work of such ruiT4-A-2 Positions: ._ £S££t 22 Positions or employes in or about the following facilities : Movement or Power Bureaus Train Master and Assistant Train Master Offices Road Foreman and Assistant Road Foreman of Engine Offices Transportation Yards Enginehouses Reservation Bureaus Information Bureaus Stock Yards Scales Consolidated Billing and Accounting Bureaus Ore Docks Marine Department Stations — Passenger Piers Wharves — Delmarva Division Warehouses Storehouses Car Distribution Bureaus Station Master Offices Telephone Exchanges Bulletin Boards Oil Houses Lamp Rooms Car Tracing Bureaus Rest Rooms Export Supervisor Offices and employes performing the work of the following classifications : Train Riders Messengers Janitors Watchmen Train and Engine Crew Callers 23 Matrons Elevator Operators Truck Drivers Tractor Operators Chauffeurs All Classifications in the Dining Car Department Clerk, Ticket Receiver Offices Nothing in this provision shall be construed to re- quire the Management to establish seven-day-a-week assignments for any of the foregoing positions. I. (1) The provisions of Rule 4-A-2 of the Master f_^! 2of Agreement shall not be applied, for the duration of the master War and for six months thereafter, to positions or n!t e aT P e - n employes at the following Transfer Stations or Freight certafn** Stations : transfer stations New York Zone Central Region station* t Trenton Jersey City Pitcairn Transfer Pittsburgh — 11th St. Buffalo Cleveland Erie Western Region Chicago — Polk St. Fort Wayne Grand Rapids E. St. Louis Indianapolis Louisville Columbus Cincinnati and such other Stations as are agreed upon from time to time as involving operation on Sundays and holidays, Eastern Region Wilkes-Barre Williamsport Harrisburg Norfolk York Baltimore — (President Station) Philadelphia Transfer Philadelphia— Federal St. South Philadelphia 24 it being the intention of the parties that all Stations where freight is, or shall be transferred on Sundays shall be subject to the same exception from the pro- visions of Rule 4-A-2. (2) For the duration of the War and for six months thereafter, the following Rule shall apply to positions and employes at the Transfer Stations and Freight Stations set forth in the foregoing list, and at such other Stations as are subsequently agreed upon: Work performed on Sundays and the following legal holidays; viz., New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas, or the day observed, will be paid for at time and one-half, with a minimum of three hours at pro rata rate for two hours' work or less, except — (a) Employes who are assigned to positions that require filling seven days per week will be assigned one relief day off duty in seven and if required to work on such regular assigned relief day will be paid at the overtime rate with a miminum of three hours at pro rata rate for two hours' work or less. Where such assigned relief day is not a Sunday or any of the seven holidays enumerated above, work per- formed on Sundays and such holidays will be paid for at straight time rate. (b) Employes assigned to work six-day positions will be paid straight time rate when required on other than their regular assigned relief days to fill the place of employes designated in Exception (a). Employes paid on tonnage or piecework basis will not be paid less, under this Rule, than they would receive on the basis of the specified tonnage or piece- work rate. This Rule does not apply to those who are em- ployed to take care of fluctuating work which can- not be handled by the regular force. 25 J. The following rates of pay will apply to clerical pro- positions and clerical employes under the jurisdiction licabie to of General Managers and Works Manager, Altoona positions Works: c a £ ica i (1) A rate, not less than $105.40 per month, is e ™$£ y £ e applicable to clerical employes who have had less than jurisdjc- six months' accumulated service in clerical positions general coming within the Scope of Group 1 of the Master j^works Agreement. manager (2) A rate, not less than the "Full" rate minus $19.00 per month, is applicable to clerical employes who have had six months' and less than one year's accumulated service in clerical positions coming within the Scope of Group 1 of the Master Agreement, and who are retained in the service. (3) The "Full" rate of a clerical position (which shall not be less than $144.60 per month) is applicable to clerical employes who have had one year's accumu- lated service in clerical positions coming within the Scope of Group 1 of the Master Agreement, and who are retained in the service. Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) shall apply to positions or employes of the System General Office. K. ( 1 ) The questionnaire method of determining rates Question- of pay for clerical positions, where now in effect, will method of be continued as a provision of the Master Agreement, f^nSS" subject to change in accordance with the provisions of of ^ 1 for Rule 9-A-l thereof. positions (2) In offices or departments where no agreed-upon method of computing rates is in effect, rates for new positions shall be established by agreement between the Management and the General Chairman. Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs (1) and (2) shall apply to positions or employes of the System General Office. 26 a|^t in L. The second paragraph of Rule 9-A-2 of the ments Master Agreement shall not be construed as canceling entered & & thecfe^cai a g reements entered into under the provisions of the and mis- following Agreements pending review thereof by the cellaneous o o r © j io * c f\ parties : schedules r of regula- remain "Schedule of Regulations for the Government of under Clerical Employes under the jurisdiction of Division agreement and General Superintendents, General Managers, review Works Manager at Altoona Works, and Telephone Operators at Altoona Works — Effective May 16, 1935." "Schedule of Regulations for the Government of Miscellaneous Forces' Employes under the jurisdiction of General and Division Superintendents and at Al- toona Works — Effective February 16, 1935. " Effective j£ This Agreement shall be effective as of May 1, date of and & J ' notice of 1942, and will remain in full force and effect until it is desire to modil ° r c h an & e d as provided herein, or under the provisions of *■*■ . . the Amended Railway Labor Act. contained J in supple- agreement Should either party to the Agreement desire to re- vise or modify Rules contained in this Supplemental Agreement, written advance notice containing the pro- posed changes shall be given, and the first conference shall be held within thirty days from date of notice. 27 Further conferences, if necessary, shall be held as promptly as possible and in accordance with the pro- visions of the Amended Railway Labor Act. Pending final settlement of any dispute these Rules shall remain in full force and effect. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY 3 y\ General Manage r* western Region. J. CL CLtfjUjC^ - General Manager /New York Zone. Freight Traffic Manager, lias tern "Region. Frei-ht Traffic Manager, Central Region. Freight Traffic Kanager, Western Region. CLERICAL, OTHER OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE O4PL0YES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DESIGNATED HEREIN. By: BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES. Senior Vice General Chairuan. General Secretary-Treasurer Vice General Chairman, GeneralTassenger" Agent, Eastern Region General Passenger Agent, Central negion. (Continued on next page) 28 General Passenger Agent, New Yorl^Eone. -*—^-x: Freight Claim Agent Supr. of Motive Power-Expenditures. General FBreman, M. C. B. Clearing House. ) /t^ea^ Supt.Xar Service Department. Acting Superintendent General Purchasing Agent. ^M. Stores Manager ^rteal Estate Agent. - ^DE RATES Grade A- - S2 10.00 Grade B- - 190.00 Grade C- - 170.00 Grade D- - 150.00 Grade E- - 135.00 Grade F- - 125.00 Grade G- - 115.00 INCUMBENT RATES 2. (a) An employe who, on the effective date of this agreement, is receiving a rate of pay in excess of that provided for in the preceding section of this agreement for the grade of work performed by said employe, shall continue to receive such higher rate as an ''incumbent" rate on the basis of the principles set forth in the fol- lowing examples : Example No. 1. — Employe Xo. 1 is assigned to a Grade A position on the effective date of this Agree- ment and is receiving the maximum Grade A rate of $220.60. Subsequent to the effective date of this Agree- ment Employe No. 1, in a reduction in force and not for cause, is reduced to a Grade B position. This employe upon being reduced from Grade A to Grade B will continue to be paid the $220.60 rate. If Employe No. 1 had been reduced from Grade A to Grade B for cause, the Grade B rate would be applied. Example No. 2. — Employe No. 2 is assigned to a Grade B position on the effective date of this Agree- ment and is receiving the rate of $198.10. Subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement Employe No. 2 is transferred to a Grade A position at a rate of $210.00 per month. Sometime thereafter Employe No. 2 in a reduction in force, is returned to a Grade B position. Upon being reduced to the Grade B position, Employe Xo. 2 will be paid the $198.10 rate. Example No. 3. — Employe No. 3 is assigned to a Grade C position on the effective date of this Agree- ment but is being paid a rate equal to or in excess of the Grade A rate. In the event Employe No. 3 there- after fails to bid for or to accept assignment to a Grade A or Grade B position, when afforded the opportunity to do so, the incumbent rate will no longer apply but Employe No. 3 thereafter will be paid the rate ap- plicable to the grade in which he is employed. The advertising or seniority rules of the Master Agreement will not be construed as prohibiting the assignment of the senior employe working in a lower grade who is receiving an incumbent rate to a position in a higher grade in accordance with the principles of the foregoing paragraph hereof. Example No. 4. — Employe No. 4 is assigned to a Grade A position on the effective date of this agree- ment and is receiving the maximum Grade A rate of $220.60. Subsequent to the effective date of this agree- ment employe No. 4 bids for and is awarded a Grade C position. The incumbent rate of $220.60 will no longer apply but Employe No. 4 will be paid the SI 70.00 rate. (b) The payment in the past of any rates higher than the grade rate then in existence or higher than the grade rates provided for in Section 1 of this agreement, shall not be construed as having established a precedent, practice, or basis for a claim entitling anyone, other than the present incumbents under the foregoing conditions, to receive the payment hereafter of any rate of pay higher than the rate fixed by Section 1 hereof for the grade of work performed. 3. When the duties assigned to a position include work in two or more separate grades the rate of pay for such position shall be based upon the proportionate amount of time engaged in the performance of the work of each grade based upon a 30-day time study. 4. If a class of work has not been graded, or a new character of work arises, the Management shall promptly determine a grade therefor, subject to subse- quent agreement with the General Chairman as soon as possible. GRADATION OF WORK 5. The items of work included in Grades A to G inclusive, in the System General Office Department hereinbefore named, shall be as follows : The items of work listed in the various grades include the dictating and/or preparing correspondence (exclu- sive of typing) incident to such items. Grade "A" AUDITING Division Passenger Agents' Accounts — Balanc- ing chargeable — Distributing to accounts and applying to advance deposits Treasurer's receipts and disbursements Insurance, trust and other funds Refrigeration bills and reports Rents receivable Securities in possession of Treasurer Agents' balance sheets Uncollectible Railway revenues Agency relief items and unsettled bills Traveling Auditors' reports — checking remit- tances and balances against report of agency balances Contingent pavment accounts — reimbursement bills Accounts payable bills — Registering — Determi- nation of amount Road and equipment expenditures Material invoices — Original distribution Payrolls — Original audit and distribution Transfer bills Accounts receivable bills (General Office) Monthly exhibits Accounting Department bills Bills account special train and tour movements Percentages on foreign roads' abstracts Previous issue exchanged ticket cases — includ- ing Readjustment of Revenue Agents' Interline and foreign carriers' reports of milk and cream shipments Adjustments of Revenue account of foreign car- riers' tickets exchanged — Preparation of non- revenue reports — Notification of other roads Claims of foreign carriers for correct proportions of passenger fares, etc. Water Companies' Accounts Audit and analysis of revenue from foreign car- riers' reports of interline passenger traffic Proportion of passenger fares, etc., reported by foreign lines Determining fares and divisions applicable to U. S. Government transportation Special train and car movements and irregu- larities Verifying foreign road freight summaries Investigation of I. & C. bills, journals and cash sheets Balancing claim abstracts — Loss and damage and overcharge Consolidation of various classes of Revenue to arrive at Agents' Net Chargeable Vouchers — Issued and Paid — Balancing out- standing Preparing data for settlements under contracts Demurrage — Straight, average, tidewater and lake Contracts — Contract Bureau BOOKKEEPING Ledgers and Exhibits, P.R.S.L. Clearing Account — Detail and balance Clearing Account — Detail and balance — Freight Auditors control Uncollectible transportation charges Liability and other Departmental Accounts records Road and Equipment General and Corporate ledgers, cash books and journals Individuals and Companies ledgers Clearing Account ledgers Invoices and Accounts Payable Bills — Recording Preparation of journal entries Reimbursement account siding ledger Posting and balancing ledgers — Disbursements Depreciation and Amortization STATISTICS AND REPORTS Budgets— P.R.S.L. Maintaining control sheet and preparing monthly summary of operations for Government freight Operating statistics Special data required by executives Newspaper Statements Operating revenues Operating expenses Income, profit and loss, and general balance sheet statements Branch Roads Data for publication Valuation Completion Reports Abandoned property values Federal, State and other Commissions — Re- ports to Annual Reports to Stockholders Payments to Associations, etc. Trackage Contract data — Final — (Contract Bureau) Property Retirement Budgets — Fixed Charges Security applications — Preparation of original data CLAIMS Refrigeration Demurrage Investigation of unsettled bills in hands of Legal Department Overcharge — Government transportation Grain Doors Freight — rating Freight — investigation and settlement Freight — reclamation Freight — recharges Freight — reparation Milk and Cream Passenger Service REVISION Land Grant — freight Land Grant — passenger Charges on waybills and corrections Statements of differences FILING Correspondence — General ( Comptroller's Deci- mal File Series) CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED Retracing and following up for final conclusion unreported forwarded waybills Preparation of Freight correction accounts Percenting abstracts of freight waybills Through billing arrangements 8 Tracing and following up forwarded statements of differences to a conclusion and handling tracers from other carriers to a conclusion Making divisions of passenger fares, etc., re- ported by Agents Fidelity bonding of employes Originating A.D. 80 and related work Briefing agreements Abandonments — Preparation of cases Road to road percent studies Analyzing ICC Dockets and other publications and preparing decisions Investigating and adjusting Government suspen- sions and claims Checking Bus and Trucking Contracts (Con- tract Bureau) Train Earnings — summarization and comparison Securities — cost of Analyzing and preparing data for preheaded ab- stracts Depreciation Studies Cashier — Office Operation — Sleeping Car Tables and Duties of Ticket Receiver Office — P.R.R. Correspondence and adjustment of Interline Freight and Passenger Accounts Completion and rendering of Interline Freight and Passenger Accounts Conductors' reports — Investigating notations, collections and Police cases — wrecked trains Grade "B" AUDITING Demurrage reports and checking Agents debits against A.D. 5773 Local ticket reports — Checking enclosures against reports Local monthly reports of tickets and miscella- neous sales Ticket stock records Balancing A.D. 5773 — Interline switching report Checking local fares, milk rates, baggage and miscellaneous charges Balancing Distribution Sheet against Agents* chargeable Auditing and balancing outstanding Pay Orders, Pay Drafts and Unclaimed Wages accounts Bank statements Credit and Charge letters Railway Express Agency, Inc. — Off-Line charges Government Transportation Agents' Remittances Material Invoices — Preparing Accounts Payable Forms Payrolls — Reconciliation with monthly exhibit Contingent Payment Checks Bills rendered by transfer companies Audit of Agents' and Conductors' interline pas- senger reports for apportionment of revenue Local reports of milk and cream shipments Redeemed tickets — Passenger Department Hotel, restaurant and dining car accounts Balancing foreign roads' reports against Agents' reports Checking storage on baggage and parcel checks Conductors' and Ticket Receiver Reports United States Mail Service Balancing tour reports and stubs with Agents' chargeable — Local stub and tour agencies Balancing Agents' lists— A.D. 1601 to 1608 in- clusive Balancing runs of Interline abstracting with con- trol figures 10 New York and Philadelphia District Agents Passenger Accounts Balance and Control — Railroad Retirement Board Reports Junction settlements — Checking and balancing C/As Recording and handling Government bills re- quiring notarization Ferry Reports STATISTICS AND REPORTS Taxable Revenue — Compiling — Summarization and Comparison Employes, hours and compensation Estimated passenger revenue — Train earnings Distribution of revenues — Freight to Regions — Recapitulating Preparing switching summaries Distribution of miscellaneous Passenger reve- nues to Divisions BOOKKEEPING Supplemental Pension Plan — records, accounts, etc. Social Security ; Railroad Retirement and Un- employment taxes, records, accruals, pay- ments, riling returns, etc. CLAIMS Classifying claim distribution statements CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED Investigating unsettled items — Interline switch- ing report Routing Interline long haul waybills Preparation of B.A. 4 Adjustments Returns Separating P&D service charges for State Taxable 11 Maintaining Contract Termination Record Investigating tracers from foreign carriers for unreported tickets Preparatory work for checking and balancing Clearing Account — passenger traffic Record of appointment, bonding and equipping of conductors Statistics and file clerk — Traveling Auditors and Contract forces Coding Agents' reports for Hollerith key punching Preparation work on General Ledger Journals, preparing statements of account for voucher — Ledger duplicate Reconciling Agents' and Auditors' Local cor- rections Owners equipment accounting — Trust Agree- ments United States Mail Service — Rating and Miling affidavits — verifying charges for Railway Mail Service New York and Philadelphia Agents — Summar- izing passenger and miscellaneous Agents' balances Preparing A.D. 1309 or A.D. 1310 for Govern- ment freight Reclaiming proportion of absorbed switching from foreign roads Estimated Passenger Revenue — Train earnings — Rating tickets for new average rates per pas- senger statistics HANDLING MAIL Mailing pay drafts — Preparing envelopes, notices and waybills, placing train directions on envelopes and consolidated packages 12 Grade "C" AUDITING Bridge tolls Verification of P&D contract rates, weights, ex- tensions and reconciling differences Checking truckers bills vs. vouchered amounts Commercial telegraph Telephone commissions Material Invoices — Summarizing totals of lists to check against monthly exhibits Pay orders Pay drafts Interest checks Unclaimed wages Payroll deductions Newspaper settlements Checking foreign carriers' tickets, baggage checks, deductions, exchange tickets and ad- justments against reports and preparation of tracers Agents' Daily Cash Reports Scrip lifted by Conductors and Agents Railroad Retirement Board Reports, investiga- tion of compensation, etc. Junction settlements — Checking and balancing Agents' drafts Agents' drafts — Preparing monthly statement Balancing Government freight journals returned from CTB out of balance Local Passenger Reports — comparing current closing numbers of stock with previous closing numbers to determine number sold Treasurer's I. & C. Cash Sheets BOOKKEEPING Transfers between Auditors' Clearing Accounts 13 Registering journals, bills and summarizing balance sheets Clearing Account— Detail and balance— freight auditors STATISTICS AND REPORTS Military passenger travel Commodities, cars and tonnage — also coding for Statement of Taxes paid — Social Security P.R.S.L.— Mileage; Operating Performance STENOGRAPHY Typing from dictation TYPEWRITING-SPECIAL TRAINING OR DEVICE Vouchers Abandoned property values Valuation Completion Reports Supporting data for security applications CLAIMS Abstracting reports for claims Summary of Claim Distribution Statements HANDLING MAIL Distributing, collecting and mailing (Mail Rooms) CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED Foreign company bills, transmittal Net settlement bills, transmittal, journalizing Verifying calculations— Checking "on hand" Stock Record— Traveling Auditors' Reports Maintaining accuracy and production control records Recording of: Payments under constructions Recording of: Payments under joint facility 14 Recording of : Concession privileges Recording of: Concession receipts Final investigation of waybills and corrections for reporting Posting Totals and Earnings — Summarizing earnings, accruals and Tax Payments and reconciling Summaries with Contribution Re- turns P.R.S.L. — Labor Distributor ; Time Posting; Check Roll, preparing Retirement Board Forms ; Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable bills ; Material and Fuel Accounting ; Uniform Container Accounts Preparing face sheets — Government freight Grade "D" AUDITING Examining excess value stamps to see that they are properly issued Checking bills against list received from mis- cellaneous group — Freight Correcting list of Agencies Dividends — Coupons Verifying freight division statements (Foreign roads) Auditing Payrolls — Inserting pay draft numbers, examining pay drafts Analyzing and coding A.D. 1608 and preparing and balancing A.D. 1044 Allowances to patrons (P&D) STATISTICS AND REPORTS Distribution of Revenues — Freight to Regions — Calculating pro-rate Estimated freight revenues Regional tonnage Pick Up Delivery 15 Traffic — Tonnage — L.I.R.R. Tonnage — Revenue FILING Correspondence — Routine TYPEWRITING— SPECIAL TRAINING OR DEVICE Government transportation bills Abstract of waybills Freight division statements (Recapitulation of Abstracts) Claim Abstracts and Journals — Preparing, list- ing and balancing Pay drafts — Balancing Lists of Diverted tickets to Foreign carriers CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED Advising routes, fare and destination on tickets Writing freight division statements (Recapitula- tion of Abstracts) Summarizing Debits and Credits — Average Demurrage Agreements and Filing Claim Abstracts, Overcharge and Loss and Damage Correspondence, Journalizing and Filing Operating Photostat Machine Tracing for unreported Interline Forwarded Waybills and corrections Tracing for intermediate proportions and follow- ing up unreported items to a conclusion — Freight Handling debit relief items reported on A.D. 1608 Preparing bills McCall and Selfridge Pro-rating charges on Company Material Way- bills from percents and divisions furnished by percenting Division and allocating expenses to Regions 16 Grade "E" AUDITING Checking and tracing— handling difference notices A.D. 5015 ^ Checking company material w/b's vs. A.D. 1603 or A.D. 1604 Checking received and forwarded waybills and corrections with reports Checking foreign road freight abstracts against Agents' forwarded reports Checking local waybills for reporting Reporting of intermediate freight traffic by for- eign lines — Checking and preparation of tracers To see that east and westbound collections are received from Joint Electric Trains Comparing, verifying and adding, Bills, Lists, Statements and reports (Difficult, but not re- quiring knowledge of higher graded work) BOOKKEEPING Vouchers (Indexing) TYPEWRITING—SPECIAL TRAINING OR DEVICE Ticket sales reports to Foreign carriers Waybill corrections Dictaphone and Ediphone transcribing Voucher Authorities Statements and Stencils— Requiring skill and planning Payrolls — balancing MECHANICAL DEVICES Adding and listing Balancing— Recapping— Adding by machine Sorter, Tabulator, Interpreter, Reproducer, Printer, Collater, Multiplier 17 Non-listing calculating machines Ticket counting machine McBee Binder and Cutting machine Punching — Alphabetic, numeric, Gang CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED Payrolls — assembling and noting exceptions for draft writers and machine bureau Proing corrections Recording lost and found tickets Care and distribution of supplies (Office — Di- visional) Coding Payrolls — Preparing lists of Voucher payments — Pay Drafts and Pay Order Ad- justments Checking earnings with payroll control record and making adjustments Inspecting waybills for grain doors Listing and/or Posting issued orders — P.&L.A. — Relief Fund Correcting Hollerith cards Grade "F M AUDITING Checking F.G.E. bills against Hollerith lists Checking Local Blank book tickets Checking high numbers of Local printed tickets Checking Local tickets redeemed by General Passenger Agents against sales reports Checking Local tickets redeemed by Agents against the sales and noting reports Examining Parcel Room reports to see that all checks are reported Earnings in excess of $300.00 Checking switching orders against stock record Checking unsettled items in A.O.S. switching book Comparing fares of printed destination stocks 18 Checking contract rates per car on F.G.E. bills Vouchers — Marking date paid in register Pay Drafts — Marking date paid on payrolls Verifying I.B.M. lists — company material BOOKKEEPING Adding ledgers and preparing trial balance sheets STATISTICS AND REPORTS Distribution of Revenue — Freight to Regions — Percenting CLAIMS Freight — Acknowledging receipt Freight — Noting against records FILING ICC Dockets, Division sheets — Tariffs — Receiv- ing — Distributing — Indexing — Filing — Handling requests for Freight and Passenger Claims TYPEWRITING— SPECIAL TRAINING OR DEVICE Registering vouchers Listing invoices Depreciation data Equipment Construction Records and Reports Statements of Differences MECHANICAL DEVICES Mimeograph and similar Devices Moon Hopkins CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED Maintaining time, absence, pass records, etc. Searching collections for tickets from memo- randa — not requiring knowledge of higher graded work 19 Checking duplicate Social Security Numbers — Multiple Reporting of Earnings — List of Earnings — O.A. 702 — C.E.R. l's for prepar- ing O.A. 702— Alphabetical I.B.M. name and number list Tracing for unreported Local forwarded waybills and corrections Noting corrections and correction accounts against records Sorting and counting tickets — N.Y.&L.B.R.R., C.R.R. of NJ. and H.&M.R.R. Redeemed tickets — Passenger Department — Checking files and amount against counter and voucher register sheets Preparing requests for information from other Divisions — not requiring knowledge of higher graded work Tracing letters, including form letters — not re- quiring knowledge of higher graded work Preparing supplemental check lists for differ- ences between Hollerith check lists and F.G.E. bills Looking up information from filed records Noting information or data on records Abstracting data from filed records Inspection — Defense Bond Work Abstracts — Tearing-down, sorting HANDLING MAIL Mailing Pay Drafts — Examining for signature, sealing and consolidating envelopes into packages Grade "G" AUDITING Comparison of Auditor's portion of refundable duplex memo, issued with those redeemed Matching train checks 20 Checking Station Parcel and Parcel Room checks to see that they are received from every station Checking Hollerith Lists and verifying Punch- ing within Accounting Machine Bureau Checking passing reports against intermediate abstracts — carload Junction settlements — Writing lists A.D. 1601 to 1608, inc. Checking foreign road received reports against PRR AD 5773 Checking re-called tickets Checking to see that all reports, checks, etc. are received Checking — ordinary, routine — Not requiring knowledge of higher graded work CLAIMS Freight — Backing, recording, indexing FILING Bills, checks, forms, invoices, notices, orders, reports, corrections, scrip, stubs, drafts, pay orders, vouchers, exhibits, receipts, abstracts, tickets, waybills, cards, documents, letters, applications, blanks, etc. Classifying for filing HANDLING MAIL OR RECORDS Inter and Intra office; divisional by clerk — Messenger Cylinders — Distributing TYPEWRITING— ORDINARY (Which is to include similar work not otherwise specified in higher grades) Mail Affidavits Form letters 21 Waybills Claim tracing Statements, Reports and stencils — ordinary Miscellaneous — from copy G 75 transfers BV 588's CLERICAL WORK NOT CLASSIFIED (Which is to include similar work not otherwise specified in higher grades) U.C. 2 d's, etc. — Insertion of Earnings Issuing Social Security Numbers and prepa- ration of reports Listing waybills for revision Entering Government Bill numbers and total on ledger sheets Verifying names and account numbers of new employes on payrolls Comparing voucher memos, and multiple forms of reports, checks, tickets, etc., to determine that they agree Verifying ticket count Listing closed S/Ds Sorting, separating, attaching, detaching, setting- up, breaking-down and classifying waybills, reports, corrections, pay orders, pay drafts, bills, checks, stubs, tickets, notices, orders, re- ports, scrip, claims, cards, documents, letters, correspondence, exhibits, receipts, applica- tions, forms, blanks, etc. Numbering reports, documents, etc. Collating and Associating Forms, Records, Documents, Reports, etc. Shaving Cylinders Carbonizing Decarbonizing Count of Bills, Reports, Records, Documents, etc. 22 Arranging, Boxing, Binding of forms, cards, reports, records, documents, etc. Labeling Records Stamping Proving — Not requiring knowledge of higher graded work Coding — Not requiring knowledge of higher graded work Verifying and Comparing — Ordinary Copying Pulling and/or Distributing documents, etc., from binders, files, etc., and/or recording their return Performing routine clerical work, including Entering — Recording and Indexing 6 This Agreement supersedes all previous and existing agreements governing rotes of pay and gradations of work fbr the employes covered hereby 7 This Agreement shall become effective May 1, 1942 and shall remain in effect until revised in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Railway Labor Act as amended TIE PENNSYLVAJHA RAILROAD COMPANY & PKjyJ^ Derptity^onpt roll er Philadelphia, Pq. April 15, 1942- CLERICAL, OTIiZR OFFICE, STATION AND STOREHOUSE EMPLOYES OF TIE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COHFAKY DESIGNATED HEREIN By: BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEALiSHIP CLERKS, FREIGHT HANDLERS, EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES. General Secretary - Treasurer Vice General Chairman UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 050754206