PROPERTY, Oil PETER J. MVXifJDIj STATE OF ILLINOIS William G. Stratton, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Vera M. Binks, Director 1957 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS LIMESTONES AND DOLOMITES Compiled by J. E. Lamar REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS 200 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA, ILLINOIS CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS LIMESTONES AND DOLOMITES Compiled by J. E. Lamar ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Report of Investigations 200 Urbana, Illinois 1957 PRTNTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS STATE OF ILLINOIS HON. WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HON. VERA M. BINKS, Direcfor BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Hon. Vera M. Binks, Chairman W. H. Newhouse, Ph.D., Geology Roger Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc, Ll.D., Chemistry R. H. Anderson, B.S., Engineering A. E. Emerson, Ph.D., Biology Lewis H. Tiffany, Ph.D., Pd.D., Forestry Dean W. L. Everitt, E.E., Ph.D., University of Illinois PresidExVt Delyte W. Morris, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION JOHN C. FRYE, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chief (47256— 3M— 11-56) CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS LIMESTONES AND DOLOMITES Compiled by J. E. LAMAR ABSTRACT More than 700 chemical analyses of Illinois limestones and dolomites, compiled from both published sources and unpublished data in the files of the Illinois State Geological Survey, are presented in a table to afford information on all the major limestone and dolomite formations of the State. INTRODUCTION Chemical analyses of Illinois limestones and dolomites appear in many diverse pub- lications, some of which are relatively old and out-of-print and therefore no longer readily available. In addition, many unpublished analyses are on file at the Illinois State Geo- logical Survey. The table of analyses herein vyas compiled to meet a recurring need for a single report consolidating all the afore- mentioned data. The purpose of the table is not to show the chemical composition of the commercial prod- ucts of the stone-producing plants of the State. Rather, its objective is to present infor- mation regarding the various rock formations for use in evaluating the chemical character of the limestone and dolomite resources of Illinois. A number of the samples whose an- alyses are given are from quarries that are now filled with water or debris. Other sam- ples are from outcrops or from roadcuts or railroad cuts that were well exposed at the time the samples were taken but have since been obscured by earth or other materials to the extent that their composition cannot now be determined satisfactorily. The table serves to preserve information regarding these de- posits that will be of significance in the eval- uation of their possible future use. Almost all the previously unpublished an- alyses in the table have been made of samples taken from quarry faces, natural outcrops, road or railroad cuts, or, more rarely, from diamond drill cores. The samples from quar- ries do not represent commercial grades of stone being produced by the quarries at the time of sampling. Further, from the dates indicating when the samples were taken, it is evident that the samples then analyzed from operating quarries do not represent cur- rent commercial products because lateral ex- pansion and/or deepening of the quarries has since brought new parts of their deposits into production, and at some places eliminated other parts from production. Analyses are given from some quarries for stone that is impure and never has been a part of the commercial production of the quarries. These samples generally were taken to determine use limitations and potentials of the impure stone. All analyses bear a date indicating when they were published, or, in the case of previ- ously unpublished analyses, when the sample was taken. Many analyses carry the names of the operators of quarries from which the samples analyzed came. A number of the companies identified in connection with some of the older analyses no longer exist, either because they have gone out of business or have been superseded by newer concerns. The older names are carried in the table, however, because of their historical significance. A large number of analyses is available for some deposits. In some such cases a selection of analyses has been made to avoid duplica- tion. Where the geographic locations given for certain samples analyzed could be more accurately stated, this has been done. Obvi- ous typographical errors in some published analyses likewise have been corrected. Many analyses report either only CaO and MgO, or CaCOg and MgCOg. In order to make data available for both pairs of com- pounds, the missing figures have been calcu- lated. [3] ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Much of the compiling and checking of the chemical data was done by Mrs. Miriam Hatch and Mrs. Mary Cecil, and their valu- able and painstaking assistance is gratefully acknowledged. CHEMICAL FORMULAS AND SYMBOLS A number of chemical formulas and sym- bols are used in the table of analyses. Their meanings are indicated below: AI2O3 — aluminum oxide (alumina) CaO — calcium oxide (lime) CaCOa —calcium carbonate CO2 — carbon dioxide FeO — ferrous oxide (iron oxide) Fe203 — ferric oxide (iron oxide) K2O — potassium oxide (potash) L. on ign. — loss on ignition MgO — magnesium oxide (magnesia) MgCOa — magnesium carbonate MnO — manganese oxide Na20 — sodium oxide P — phosphorus P2O5 — phosphorus pentoxide R2O3 — oxides of trivalent metals, chiefly Fe203 and AI2O3 S — sulfur SO3 — sulfur trioxide SiOa — silicon dioxide (silica) Ti02 — titanium dioxide (titania) CALCIUM CARBONATE EQUIVA- LENTS The "Calcium Carbonate Equivalent" (CCE) of limestone and dolomite commonly is determined by a special analytical tech- nique rather than from the data provided by chemical analyses such as those given in the table. However, an approximate value for the CCE usually may be calculated from the data in the table by multiplying the per- centage of MgCOg by 1.187 and adding to the resulting product the percentage of CaCOg. GEOLOGIC NAMES OF FORMA- TIONS More than 75 names of geologic forma- tions are used to identify the rock units rep- resented by the samples in table 2. In the case of the published analyses these names were applied by the sampler at the time the samples were taken and indicate geological usage then current. The professional stratig- rapher will recognize certain obsolete names but, if questions arise, the latest information on nomenclature can be obtained by address- ing the Illinois State Geological Survey. For other users of the table all "formation" names used herein are listed alphabetically in table 1 and the geologic system of rocks to which they belong is indicated. The sequence of the systems, from youngest to oldest, is as follows: Pennsylvanian system Mississippian system Devonian system Silurian system Ordovician system Cambrian system Table 1. — Correlation of "Formation" Names and Geological System. "Formation" System Backbone Devonian Bailey Devonian Bainbrldge Silurian Brereton Pennsylvanian Burlington Mississippian Burroughs Pennsylvanian Caprock No. 6 coal Pennsylvanian Caprock Blair Coal Pennsylvanian Cedar Valley Devonian Centralia Pennsylvanian Chester Mississippian Chouteau Mississippian CIncInnatlan Devonian Clear Creek Devonian Clore Mississippian Decorah Ordovician Divine Ordovician Edgewood Silurian Fredonia Mississippian Galena Ordovician Galena-Plattevllle Ordovician Girardeau Silurian Golconda Mississippian Guttenberg Ordovician Hanover Pennsylvanian Hamilton Devonian Joachim Ordovician Joliet Silurian Keokuk Mississippian Kankakee Silurian KImmswick Ordovician Klnderhook Mississippian Kinkald Mississippian Knobby Pennsylvanian LaSalle Pennsylvanian Livingston Pennsylvanian Lonsdale Pennsylvanian Macoupin Pennsylvanian Magnesian (lower) Ordovician Maquoketa Ordovician Marigold Mississippian ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES "Formation" System Maxwell Pennsylvanian McLeansboro Pennsylvanian Menard Mississippian St. Louis Mississippian New Scotland Devonian Niagaran Silurian Middle Richmond Ordovician Okaw Mississippian Onondaga Devonian Osage Mississippian Paint Creek Mississippian Plattin Ordovician Platteville Ordovician Pontiac Pennsylvanian Port Byron Silurian Prosser Ordovician Quarry Creek Pennsylvanian Racine Silurian "Formation" System Renault Mississippian Richmond Ordovician Salem Mississippian Ste. Genevieve Mississippian St. Louis Mississippian St. David Pennsylvanian Seville Pennsylvanian Sexton Creek Silurian Shakopee Ordovician Shoal Creek Pennsylvanian Spergen Mississippian Stewartville Ordovician Trempealeau Cambrian Vienna Mississippian Wapsipinicon Devonian Warsaw Mississippian Waukesha Silurian y z aa bb cc t TABLE OF LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES (p. 6-33) FOOTNOTES U. S. Geological Survey, 1912, Mineral resources of the U. S., Part II, 1911, p. 663-665. Bleininger, A. V., Lines, E. F., and Layman, F. E., 1912, Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 17, p. 97 to 100. Emley, W. E., 1913, U. S. Bureau of Standards Technologic Paper 16, p. 120. U. S. Geological Survey Bull. 340, 1907, p. 394; same data in Illinois State Geological Survey BulL 8, 1907, p. 355. Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. I, 1866, p. 61, 99, 108, 134-136, 148, 256, 374. Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. IV, 1870, p. 40. Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. Ill, 1868, p. 117, 573, 574. U. S. Geological Survey Bull. 522, 1913, p. 144. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 8, 1907, p. 133. Twentieth Ann. Kept. U. S. Geological Survey, Part 6, 1899, p. 377, 378, 544. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 46, 1925, p. 312-33. Analysis by Illinois State Geological Survey. U. S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 218, 1952, p. 156-57. Analysis for Illinois State Geological Survey by Chemistry Department of the University of Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 61, 1934, p. 57-64, 118, 142-155. Illinois State Geological Survey Kept. Inv. 17, 1929, p. 13-16. Illinois State Geological Survey Kept. Inv. 90, 1943, p. 88-89. Analysis for Illinois State Geological Survey by Illinois State Highway Testing Laboratory. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 4, 1907, p. 179-183; calcium and magnesium carbonates estimated. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 51, 1925, p. 33-34. Illinois State Geological Survey Kept. Inv. 23, 1931, p. 17. Illinois State Geological Survey Inf. Circ. 4, 1933, p. 4-6. Eckel, Edwin C, 1905, Cements, Limes, and Plasters, p. 204, 314, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Illinois State Geological Survey Kept. Inv. 161, 1952, p. 4. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 77, 1952, p. 76. U. S. Geological Survey, 1913, Mineral Resources of the U. S., Part 2, p. 1558. Cement Mill and Quarry, 1922, v. 20, no. 9, p. 20. Illinois State Geological Survey Bull. 55, 1928, p. 105. Rock Products, 1931, v. 34, no. 11, p. 56. Not detectable in five grams. Figures in italics are calculated from other data in the analysis. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.— Chemical Analyses of Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source H H H sec. T. R. CaC03 MgCOa Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 Adams C17b C16t) ClSb e Salem . . Keokuk . . Burlington . Burlington . 3' 30'? Mendon . Quincy . . . Quincy . Quincy . . . W.s de NW SW 11 26 11 IN IS 2S 7W 9W 9W 79.33 86.32 77.47 94.68 1.96 1.42 1.76 4.31 12.26 9.66 19.78 — 3.92 — 1.54 — 1.94 — 0.20 — e ] ] a a Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . — Quincy . . . Quincy . Marblehead . Marblehead . Marblehead . . — - — — — — 71.00 92.77 95.62 97.40 97.51 24.00 6.75 0.82 1.40 1.30 0.47 0.40 0.50 — 4.00 — 0.27 — 2.18 — 68 0.12 — 52 0.12 — z c Buflington . Burlington . — Marblehead . Marblehead . — — — — — — 98.45 98.97 1.28 trace 0.21 0.36 — 0.04 0.10 — 1.22 — k Burlington . 20 ± Marblehead . — — — — — — 97.59 0.96 0.39 — 1.00 Alexander NF4491 D42b Bainbridge . Kimmswick . 24' 6' 35' ' McClure . . Thebes . . . SW SE NW 12 17 14S 15S 3W 3W 95.00 99.77 1.44 1.18 2.82 0.27 0.13 0.90 0.35 — 0.32 — D42S Kimmswick . 35' Thebes . . . — — — 17 15S 3W 97.25 — — — 0.32 — NF4501 L571 Kimmswick . Middle Kimms- wick . Kimmswick . 26' 22' Thebes . . . Thebes . . . Thebes . . . SE NW SE SE 17 17 17 15S 15S 15S 3W 3W 3W 98.01 99.69 97.44 1.59 0.71 0.38 0.16 0.20 nil 0.20 trace — 0.20 0.09 — 0.10 0.25 — L581 L63A1 L37n Kimmswick . Kimmswick . Girardeau 28' 20' 25' Thebes ... Thebes . . . Thebes . . . — NE SE SE NW 17 17 21 15S 15S 15S 3W 3W 3W 96.90 98.54 90.86 0.60 0.55 4.60 0.90 0.32 3.72 — 0.36 0.10 — 0.32 0.10 — — — 1 . 40 Boone DS790 43q a a Edgewood . Prosser & Stewartville . Galena . . Galena . . Galena . . 10' 17' 38'? Belvidere Belvidere . . Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere . . NW SW SE SW NW NE NE 14 43N 8 44N 34 44N 3E 3E 3E 44.82 54.16 53.43 si.n 54.59 30.90 42.67 43.00 44.67 41.33 12.66 1.58 2.39 1.87 2.90 — 6.35 1.52 — 0.52 0.51 — — — 0.92 0.98 — 0.85 — Brown R1431 C28b C26b C27b St. Louis St. Louis Salem . . Salem and St. Louis. 13' 7' 6" 5' 8' Cooperstown Ripley Cooperstown Cooperstown — NW SE cor. — SE NW SW SE 20 4 15 15 IS IN IN IN IW 2W 2W 2W 86.55 88.89 78.90 87.43 1.00 2.51 7.81 3.01 10.34 5.86 8.36 6.62 0.20 0.43 1.30 — 2.42 — 3.92 — 2.64 — R1420 R2001 C25b C18b Spergen . . Keokuk . . Salem . . Salem . . 13' 6" 12' 3' 3' Cooperstown Varders Bridge . Versailles . . Mt. Sterling. SE NE SW NW — NE SE corner SE NW SE 15 31 3 6 IS 2S 2S 2S 2W 2W 2W 3W 46.61 87.16 69.59 94.39 15.24 1.07 20.07 1.34 30.78 9.82 5.80 2.96 0.00 0.00 2.15 2.60 — 0.67 0.77 — 3.98 — 1.46 — C22b C23b C19ab C19cb Salem . . Salem . . Salem . . Salem 4' 20' Surratt Hollow . Surratt Hollow . Mt. Sterling Mt. Sterling — — NW NW 17 18 18 18 2S 2S 2S 2S 3W 3W 3W 3W 82.36 86.82 43.36 89.39 1.17 1.25 18.56 0.79 13.54 8.78 26.46 7.26 — 3.10 — 2.40 — 10.36 — 2.40 — C24b C21bb C20b Salem Salem . . Salem 9' 13' Mar den . Versailles Versailles . . — NW NE SE NW 20 20 26 2S 2S 2S 3W 3W 3W 90.18 80.86 78.30 1.25 1.05 1.13 6.44 15.40 16.90 — 1.90 — 3.10 — 3.06 — Bureau ElSab Dxl7o Dxl7Al Dxl7Bl CI lab CUbb LaSalle . . LaSalle . . LaSalle . . LaSalle . . LaSalle . . LaSalle . . . 7' 6" 17' 17' 10' 8' Marquette . Spring Valley . Spring Valley . Spring Valley Spring Valley Spring Valley . NW NW NW NW NW SW SW SW SW SW NE NE 31 33 33 33 33 33 16N 16N 16N 16N 16N 16N HE HE HE HE HE HE 60.42 57.3 53.16 57.29 51.42 55.67 6.19 5.0 6.91 5.02 11.16 5.89 23.30 26.4 29.07 26.4 26.18 22.76 — 8.64 — 4.8 2.7 — 5.13 3.34 — 4.8 2.7 — 11.00 — 11.10 — Calhoun RIO5I Silurian . . R4m Joliet . . Sexton Creek R20m Chouteau RlSm Burlington . NF455BI Kimmswick . NF455C1 Kimmswick . 7' 16' 6' 15' 70' 24' 21' Kampsville . Hamburg Hardin . Hardin . Batchtown . Batchtown . SE NW NW NW NE SW SW NW NE SE NE SW SW SE SE SE SE NW 2 35 27 28 31 32 9S 9S lOS lOS US lis 2W 3W 2W 2W 2W 2W 95.35 95.4 78.95 96.00 99.12 98.90 0.84 1.84 2.74 1.53 0.75 0.86 2.28 2.71 14.90 2.64 0.42 0.52 0.00 0.42 1.00 — 0.38 0.62 — 2.02 1.24 — 0.14 0.46 — 0.14 0.12 — 0.11 0.15 — NF4031 Decorah . . NF455A1 Kimmswick . 7' 18' Batchtown . Batchtown . NE SE SE NE NE NE 6 6 12s 12s 2W 2W 80.74 98.96 3.49 0.54 9.80 0.90 = 1.83 0.41 — 0.14 0.09 — Footnotes appear on page S. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES Illinois Limestones and dolomites Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County 44.46 0.94 48.38 0.68 43.42 0.84 53.06 2.06 37.24 39.90 35.10 Insoluble matter 0.05. 1912 1912 1912 1866 317b Cl6b Cl5b 39.79 51.99 53.59 54.58 54.64 11.48 3.23 0.39 0.67 0.62 Insoluble matter 1.00. Insoluble 0.37 . . . Undetermined 0.91 F. W. Menke Stone and Lime Co. Marblehead Lime Co. . Marblehead Lime Co. . Marblehead Lime Co. . 1866 1899 1899 1912 1912 55.17 0.61 55.46 Trace 54.65 0.46 County Average 5 analyses of chert-free limestone . Marblehead Lime Co. Marblehead Lime Co. 1913 1913 1925 — 53.23 0.69 55.91 0.56 54.50 0.04 0.22 41.95 41.99 MnO 0.044; P2O5 0.005 0-24 J^' above base of Bainbridge P-0.036 Insoluble matter 0.27 1949 1912 1907 NF449 D42 D42 54.92 0.76 — 55.86 0.34 0.06 Insoluble matter 0.06; moisture 1.07 . 1866 50.82 2.20 0.01 43.53 43.44 County 25.11 14.78 — — 38.39 39.47 30.34 21.10 — — 46.09 — 29.92 20.55 29.29 21.36 — — — — 30.59 19.76 — — — — County 48.50 0.48 Trace 0.40 37.52 38.12 49.82 1.20 — — — 41.02 44.22 3.74 — — — 40.04 49.00 1.44 — — — 40.82 26.12 7.29 0.31 0.50 30.00 30.88 48.84 0.51 0.00 0.00 39.16 39.18 39.00 9.60 — — — 42.20 52.90 0.64 — — — 42.70 46.16 0.56 37.26 48.66 0.60 — — — 39.62 24.30 8.88 — — — 30.84 50.10 0.38 — — — 40.10 50.54 0.60 40.74 45.32 0.50 — — — 36.40 43.88 0.54 — — — 35.98 County 33.86 2.96 — — — 32.38 32.1 2.4 — — — 30.7 29.79 3.30 — — 27.38 29.41 32.1 2.4 — — — 30.7 28.82 5.34 — — — 29.56 31.20 2.82 — — — 32.78 MnO 0.038; P2O6 0.034 Total . . Lower part Middle part Upper part Average 2 analyses Electric Stone Co. Electric Stone Co. S0.04 S0.06 S0.07 1949 1928 NF450 L57 1928 1928 1928 L58 L63A L37 1934 1943 DS79 43 1934 1912 1912 — 1930 1912 1912 R143 C28 C26 1912 C27 1930 1931 1912 1912 R142 R200 C25 C18 1912 1912 1912 1912 C22 C23 C19a C19c 1912 1912 1912 C24 C21b C20 1912 1934 1932 1932 1912 1912 E15a Dxl7 Dxl7A Dxl7B Clla cub County 53.43 0.40 41.33 42.03 1930 R105 53.36 44.23 53.79 55.54 55.42 45.24 55.45 0.88 1.31 0.73 0.36 0.41 1.67 0.26 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.02 43.59 0.02 43.53 — 36.63 0.03 43.35 41.82 36.28 42.17 43.67 43.56 41.04 43.34 SO3 0.15 SO3O.I2 SO3 0.19 P2O5 0.097 P2O6 0.085 25'6' to 49'6'' above base of formation 49'6'' to 70'6'' above base of Kimms- wick formation P2O5 1.72 0-18' above base of Kimmswick 1952 1952 1952 1950 1950 1936 1950 R4 R20 R15 NF455B NF455C NF403 NF455A ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.- Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source M M M sec. T. R. CaCOs MgCOs Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 R29m R19m RlSm R350 R34m R33m NF172A1 NF172B1 NF172C1 Kimmswick Plattin . Joachim . Niagaran. Hanover and Brereton St. Louis. St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis 37' Batchtown . 50' Batchtown . , 60' Batchtown . 22' Meppen . 8' Brussels . 39' Fruitland Landing 24' 6" Fruitland Landing 18' 4" Fruitland Landing 16' 2" Fruitland Landing — NW SE — NE SE — SW SE — SW SE — SW SW — NE SW SE NE SW SE NE SW SE NE SW 17 12S 2W 19 12s 2W 19 12s 2W 23 12s 2W 14 13S 6 14S 6 14S 6 14S 6 14S 2W IW IW IW IW 99.10 0.88 0.74 86.41 11.19 2.19 61.19 34.27 3.54 52.00 40.29 4.82 96.91 94.98 89.09 88.93 78.02 1.32 1.23 1.92 3.99 10.96 1.53 3.23 6.79 4.85 5.80 Calhoun 0.28 0.62 — 0.72 0.46 — 0.60 0.94 — 1.15 1.71 — 0.22 0.62 — 0.44 0.62 — 1.64 0.52 — 1.44 0.76 — 1.68 3.37 — Miq 33q 35q k S9b S51ab S51cb S52ab S52bb Waukesha Stewartville Waukesha Galena . McLeansboro Quarry Creek Quarry Creek Quarry Creek McLeansboro McLeansboro 35' Savanna . 12' Lanark . 30' Mt. Carroll — Mt. Carroll 6' 5' 5' 6" West Union Casey Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall SE NW NW NE NE NE SW SW NW 2 24N 3E 1 2 4N 5E 25 25N 5E — SE — NE — NW — NW — NW — NW 19 9N IIW 28 ION 14W 6 UN IIW 6 UN IIW 29 UN UW 29 UN UW 55.39 42.63 0.16 53.71 43.28 1.29 54.66 43.42 0.33 54.06 43.68 1.62 97.22 91.46 94.46 95.00 96.10 82.11 1.38 1.11 1.44 1.15 4.10 1.59 4.04 1.74 2.12 1.46 6.26 Carroll 0.25 1.37 — 0.47 0.60 — 0.29 0.64 — 1.12 — Clark 1.10 2.94 2.26 1.56 1.62 5.50 S33 S3b BlOk Livingston . McLeansboro McLeansboro Charleston 18' Charleston — Charleston — — NW 5 12N lOE 93.53 0.53 93.67 59.95 2.46 10.05 3.91 Coles 1.56 1.56 240 Racine NF409q Racine FIQ F29 Racine Racine NF580 Niagaran. NF590 Niagaran. d Niagaran . d Niagaran . a Niagaran. ^ Niagaran. 220 Racine . Dx5o Niagaran. Dx4o Niagaran. NF297A1 Niagaran. NF297B1 Niagaran. d Niagaran. NF960 Niagaran. Al-AlOo Niagaran. All-Al90Niagaran. A20-A33oNiagaran. A34-A47oNiagaran . A48-A560 Niagaran. NF59ao Niagaran. NF6O0 Niagaran. NF6I0 Niagaran. g Niagaran . 23q Racine NF294A1 Niagaran. NF294B1 Niagaran. NF294D1 Niagaran, NF294EqRacine . NF295B1 Niagaran. NF295 CI Niagaran. 10' 50' 40' 30' 15' 15' 10' 27' Chicago Heights Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Sag Bridge Lemont . Lemont . Lemont . 22' 61^" Lemont , — Lemont . — Spoil Bank Sag Channel . 11' Blue Island 5' 6" Blue Island 12' Blue Island 9' 6" Blue Island 7' 6" Blue Island — Blue Island — Blue Island — Blue Island — Blue Island 9' 31' 6' 24' 12' 30' 12' 19' Chicago . LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange NE SE NE 22 35N 14E 54.41 — NW SE 28 36N 14E 55.69 — NW SE 28 36N 14E 54.57 — NW SE 28 36N 14E 55.17 — NW SE 33 36N 14E 46.95 — NW SE Z3 36N 14E 53.19 — — — — — — 54.04 — — — — — — 33.50 — — — — — — 52.44 — — — — — — 52.67 SW SE SW 13 37N HE 54.71 — NE SW 21 37N HE 31.22 — NE SW 21 37N HE 41.04 — SW NW 21 37N HE 53.47 — SW NW 21 37N HE 47.67 — — — — — — 36.00 C E line SW NW SE SW NW SE SW NW SE SW NW SE SW NW SE SW — NE SW — NE SW — NE SW 35 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E 36 37N 13E SW NW SW 1 37N 14E SE NE NW 10 38N 12E SE NE NW 10 38N 12E SE NE NW 10 38N 12E SE NE NW 10 38N 12E SE NE NW 10 38N 12E SE NE NW 10 38N 12E 35.01 42.30 25.52 39.97 22.66 38.01 30.61 31.59 43.68 31.60 54.16 52 . 81 55.38 53.50 54.92 53.02 54.45 42.36 42.76 44.30 44.30 36.59 40.77 42.96 27.95 43.66 43.57 44.09 24.99 31.39 43.37 38.88 41.00 28.44 34.92 22.79 33.46 22.59 32.62 28.44 26.98 35.07 22.24 42.46 41.03 42.35 44.00 43.05 44.19 44.73 1.20 0.11 0.06 0.12 14.6 2.4 1.23 27.27 2.35 2.10 0.27 41.08 24.84 2.33 11.00 17.30 26.95 16.8 37.1 20.4 40.2 20.8 28.86 31.2 15.40 1.19 4.88 1.27 2.97 0.28 3.53 1.16 0.52 0.30 0.00 0.25 0.03 0.19 Cook 0.38 — 0.19 — 0.02 — 0.01 — — 4.3 — 0.55 0.37 5.63 0. 0. 0.25 2.01 1.13 0.65 1.33 6.45 4.2 9.0 5.2 5.1 0.31 7.39 — 9.15 20 4 00 0.58 0.81 0.48 0.99 0.37 0.56 0.22 1.62 85 85 0.19 1.88 1.85 0.47 0.61 0.96 1.36 1.8 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.1 0.84 1.95 58 1.20 0.42 0.26 0.22 0.27 0.31 0.36 0.30 Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES Continued. Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County — Cont. 55.52 0.42 48.41 5.35 34.28 16.39 29.13 19.27 54.29 53.21 49.92 49.83 43.72 0.63 0.59 0.92 1.91 5.24 County 31.03 20.93 30.09 21.08 30.62 21.19 30.30 20.89 County 53.28 Trace 51.26 52.94 53.24 53.86 46.02 0.66 0.53 0.69 0.55 1.96 County 52.41 0.25 52.49 1.18 33.60 4.81 County 30.48 20.74 31.20 20.45 30.57 30.91 26.3 29.8 30.28 21.54 21.60 17.5 19.5 20.54 18.77 13.37 29.39 20.88 29.52 20.84 30.65 21.47 17.49 11.95 22.99 15.01 29.96 20.74 26.71 20.17 19.62 23.7 14.3 22.4 12.7 21.3 17.^5 17.7 24.47 17.71 30.34 29.59 31.03 29.98 30.77 29.71 30.51 18.59 19.61 13.60 16.7 10.9 16.0 10.8 15.6 13.60 12.9 16.77 10.64 20.80 19.62 20.25 21.04 21.63 21.13 21.39 0.06 0.11 0.20 0.19 0.02 2.32 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.10 40.42 41.04 39.91 46.61 46.21 46.70 — 46.04 0.00 47.05 0.01 47.12 0.03 47.38 — 45 . 98 — 40.94 — 35.7 — 21.2 — 33.6 — 19.7 — 33.0 2.09 25.81 0.69 36.32 — 45.98 — 44.53 — 46.44 0.00 45.28 0.00 46.62 — 45.11 — 46.20 42.67 43.01 43.83 43.99 42.80 41.98 40.19 41.09 40.24 46.71 43.80 41.92 43.18 43.16 43.16 40.78 47.87 47.74 47.17 — — 38.5 — — 46.9 0.14 — — 2 . 94 — — 0.00 47.07 — 25.91 34.67 46.13 30.28 36.3 22.4 34.0 20.8 33.0 28.20 27.1 36.88 1.30 44.83 46.82 45.52 47.09 45.27 46.74 SO3 0.10 SO3 0.26 SO3 0.14 SO3 0.10 SO3 0.05 SO3 0.10 Herter Quarry, 0-24'6" above base . Herter Quarry ,24'8 "-43 '0" above base Herter Quarry, 43'0"-46'l " and 50'0"- 63'1" 1952 1952 1952 1934 1952 1952 1934 1934 Illinois Limestone Co. P 0.032; insoluble ma- terial 3.90 .... Insoluble matter 24.48 Phosphorus 0.45 . SOa 0.10; PzOs O.OOf MnO 0.015 . . FeO 0.07 . . . FeO 0.08 . . . Material Service Corp., north quarry Material Service Corp Material Service Corp MnO 0.03; SO3 trace . Brownell Improvement Co. MnO 0.02; SO3 trace . Organic matter 0.60 . Organic matter 0.72 . FeO 0.08; P2O6 O.OOt MnO 0.015; SO3 0.02 . Brownell Improvement Co. Brownell Improvement Co. Brownell Improvement Co. SO3 0.32 SO3 0.22 Basal 10' Top 15' Consumers Co.; extending 29' up from base of quarry Consumers Co.; total exposure on south face of quarry Western Stone Co S0.2 S0.2 S0.3 S0.3 S0.3 From boring FeO 1.17; S0.29;SO30.07 FeO 0.98; S 0.26; SO3 0.16 Clay and soluble matter 43.56 Soluble silica 0.16 MnO 0.010; P2O5 O.OOt SOs0.09 .... SO3O.25 .... SO3 0.27 Material Service Corp.; 0-31 '6" above base Material Service Corp.; 31'6"-55'6" above base Material Service Corp.; 67'-79' above base Material Service Corp.; from 79'- 109' above base Material Service Corp.; diamond drill core; from 106'-118' from top . . . Material Service Corp.; diamond drill core; from 118'-137' from top . R29 R19 R18 R35 R34 R33 NF172A NF172B 1934 NF172C 1943 1943 1943 1912 Ml 35 1925 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 S9 S51a S51c S52a S52b 1907 1912 S3 S3 1925 BIO 24 1943 1943 1943 1934 1934 1907 NF409 Fl F2 NF58 NF59 1907 1912 1912 — 1943 1934 1934 22 Dx5 Dx4 1935 NF297A 1935 1907 NF297B 1934 1934 1934 1934 NF96 Al-AlO A11-A19 A20-A33 1934 1934 A34-A47 A48-A56 1934 1934 1934 NF59a NF60 NF61 1868 1943 23 1935 NF294A 1935 NF294B 1935 NF294D 1935 NF294E 1935 NF295B 1935 NF295C 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.— Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source M H M sec. T. R. CaCOs MgCOs SiOa Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 Cook NF295D1 Niagaran. . . 21' LaGrange . . SE NE NW 10 38N 12E 50.88 41.97 5.84 — 1.29 0.38 — NP295EI Niagaran. . . 22' LaGrange . . SE NE NW 10 38N 12E 49.86 40.55 7.33 — 1.86 0.48 — NF295F1 Niagaran. . . 30' LaGrange . . SE NE NW 10 38N 12E 51.82 42.54 4.77 — 1.08 0.57 — NF620 Niagaran. . GIQ Racine . . d Niagaran. d Niagaran. 104a Racine . . . 10' '. 15' 6" LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange McCook . . . . — NE . . — NW ; ; — sw SW NW NE 10 38N 10 38N 15 38N 12E 12E 12E 49.98 54.98 59.40 53.41 54.37 41.19 43.65 39.80 45.2 2 43.86 7.9 0.36 0.40 0.70 0.40 0.03 0.26 0.12 — 0.40 — 0.90 0.47 0.16 4.2 NF296Aq Racine . . 10' McCook . . . . — — SW 15 38N 12E 53.91 44.51 0.84 — 0.42 0.38 — NF296B1 Niagaran. . . 14' 6' McCook . . . . — — SW 15 38N 12E 52.90 43.21 3.55 — 1.02 0.39 — NF296Cq Racine . . . 19' McCook . . . . — — sw 15 38N 12E 54.35 44.14 1.02 — 0.12 0.33 — NF296Dq Racine . . . 21' McCook . . . . — — sw 15 38N 12E 54.05 43.36 1.62 — 0.47 0.38 — NF296Eq Racine . . . 29' 6' McCook . . . . — — sw 15 38N 12E 54.15 44.34 0.32 - 0.46 0.30 — J2q Racine . . Avg. 36d analyses Niagaran. Avg. 6d analyses Niagaran. . — McCook . . McCook . . McCook . . . . — sw sw sw 15 38N 15 38N 12E 12E 54.91 54.82 55.38 43 . 84 43.13 43.93 0.68 1.04 0.28 0.02 0.25 0.09 0.86 0.80 0.31 — a Niagaran. a Niagaran . a Niagaran . a Niagaran . a Niagaran. . 209 Racine . . NF293A1 Niagaran. . 6' . 20' 6' McCook . . McCook . . McCook . . McCook . . McCook . . Hinsdale Hillside . . '. '. sw SE . . — SE SE NE 19 38N 17 39N 12E 12E 55.30 55.12 55.30 55.65 55.61 54.67 46.97 43.95 44.27 43.95 43.61 43.95 44.14 38.12 0.36 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.27 12.37 I 0.20 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.36 0.21 0.16 1.96 0.53 — NF293B1 Waukesha . NF293C1 Niagaran. . NF293D1 Niagaran. . . 37' 6' . 32' 10 . 11' 8' Hillside . . "Hillside . . Hillside . . . . — SE . . — SE . . — SE NE NE NE 17 39N 17 39N 17 39N 12E 12E 12E 44.04 44.45 53.66 35.87 36.22 41.49 17.37 18.64 3.97 — 2.13 0.46 1.63 0.34 0.74 0.34 — NF293Eq Racine . . R1935X Waukesha . NF299A1 Niagaran. . NF299Bq Racine . . . 15' 6' '. 34' . 40' Hillside . . Hillside . . Chicago . Chicago . . . — SE . . — SE . . — NE . . — NE NE NE sw sw 17 39N 17 39N 25 39N 25 39N 12E 12E 13E 13E 54.69 46.15 53.22 54.39 44.30 37.41 44.48 43.76 0.49 13.58 1.82 0.36 0.13 0.15 0.33 1.85 0.17 0.72 0.43 0.42 0.34 — NF292Bq Niagaran. . . 30' Chicago . . . — NE SE 29 39N 14E 54.84 44.36 0.22 — 0.25 0.29 — NF292Cq Niagaran. . . 76' Chicago . . . — NE SE 29 39N 14E 54.84 43.47 0.69 — 0.22 0.34 — NF292Dq Niagaran. . . 59' Chicago . . . — NE SE 29 39N 14E 55.01 44.24 0.29 — 0.16 0.27 — NF292Eq Niagaran. . . 40' Chicago . . . — NE SE 29 39N 14E 55.10 43.34 0.56 — 0.06 0.35 — NF292Fq Niagaran. . 11' Chicago . . . — NE SE 29 39N 14E 55.12 44.03 0.12 — 0.47 0.27 — NF300A1 Niagaran. . 14' Chicago . . . . — NW SE 19 39N 14E 47.61 39.38 9.56 — 1.91 1.07 — NF300B1 Niagaran. . 13' Chicago . . . . — NW SE 19 39N 14E 39.89 33.34 22.00 — 3.06 1.22 — NF300C1 Niagaran. . 14' Chicago . . . — NW SE 19 39N 14E 39.69 33.86 19.91 — 4.53 1.66 — NF300D1 Niagaran. . 8' Chicago . . . . — NW SE 19 39N 14E 29.64 26.73 27.96 - 6.42 3.43 — i Niagaran . i Niagaran . i Niagaran . ■ — Chicago . Chicago . Chicago . ; ; — — — - — — 54.99 52.75 53.70 44.04 44.28 42.34 0.58 0.55 1.04 E i Niagaran . . — Chicago . . . — — — - — — 52.07 42.18 — — 1.78 — i Niagaran. J Niagaran . a Niagaran . a Niagaran . a Niagaran . Avg. 18d analyses Niagaran. ■ — Chicago . Chicago . Chicago . Chicago . Hawthorne . ; ; — - - — — — 52.08 52.76 54.21 52.75 54.86 37.54 45.04 44.65 44.28 47.28 0.12 0.60 1.05 — 1.48 0.66 0.55 0.67 0.35 — — Hawthorne . . . — — — — — — 54.73 42.79 1.12 — 0.91 0.83 — a Niagaran. a Niagaran . a Niagaran. Top strataaa Niagaran. . Avg.27d analyses Niagaran. — Summit . Gary . . . Gary . . . — " — 53.93 53.09 55.68 41.20 43.82 42.79 2.58 1.42 0.94 1.33 0.36 1 96 0.43 — — — Gary . Gary . . . — — — — — • — 54.00 54.68 44.54 42.84 0.42 1.10 0.61 0.26 0.93 0.86 — Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 11 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County— Cont. 28.51 20.07 — — 43.74 44.04 27.94 19.39 — — 42.66 42.74 29.04 20.34 — — 44.28 44.40 28.0 30.80 33.29 29.93 30.46 19.7 21.56 19.03 21.62 21.40 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.07 46.96 46.80 42.2 46.93 47.25 30.20 21.59 — — 46.94 46.96 29.64 20.66 — — 45.08 45.23 30.45 21.53 — — 46.94 46.85 30.28 21.25 — — 46.40 46.46 30.33 21.92 0.00 0.03 46.96 47.14 30.76 21.32 0.15 0.07 47.03 46.85 30.72 20.62 — 31.03 21.01 — 30 99 21 02 — — — — 30.89 21 17 — — — — .30 99 21 02 — — — — 31 19 20.85 — — - — — 31 16 21 02 — — • — — 30 6? 21 32 — — 47 08 — ■ 26 32 18 23 — — 39 73 40 19 7,4 68 17 15 — — 37 20 — 24 91 17 32 — — 3/ 12 37 71 30.07 19 84 — — 44 88 45 34 30 64 21 74 — — 47 17 47 18 ?5 86 17 89 0.10 0.95 39 16 — 7.9 82 21 27 — — • 45 83 45 88 30 47 21 91 — — ■ 46 76 46 72 30 72 21 45 — — 47 27 47 43 30 72 21 28 — — 46 81 46 95 30 82 21 58 — — 47 28 47 24 30 87 21 32 — — 46 85 47 19 30 88 21 45 — — 47 22 47 23 26 68 18 83 — — 40 86 40 70 22 35 15 94 — — - 34 27 22 24 16 19 — — 33 72 34 27 16 61 12 78 — — 26 66 28 88 30.82 21 06 — _ — — 29 56 21 17 — — — ■ — 30.09 20 25 — — — "~ 29 18 20 17 — — — - 29 19 17 95 — — — — 29 57 21 54 — — — — 30 .38 21 35 — — — — 7.9 ^6 21 17 — . — — — 30 74 22 61 — — 44 54 — 30 67 20 46 — — — - 30 22 19 70 — — 45 74 — 79 75 20 95 — — — — 31 20 20.46 — — 46 58 — 30 26 21 30 — 47 11 " 30 64 20.49 — — — — SO3 0.27 SO3 0.40 SO3 0.47 FeO 0.13 P trace; S SO3 0.09 SO3 0.30 SO3 0.22 SO3 0.27 SO3 0.25 MnO 0.015 SO3O.ll FeO 0.18 SO3 0.12 FeO 0.25 SO3 0.22 SO3O.I7 SO3 0.40 SO3 0.42 SO3 0.30 SO3 0.40 SO3 0.02 SO3 0.92 SO3 1.47 SO3 1.82 SO3 3.77 Insoluble 0.87 Insoluble 0.60 Insoluble 1.28 Insoluble 4.00 P2O5 o.oot Insoluble 0.21 Material Service Corp.; diamond drill core; from 137'-158' from top . Material Service Corp.; diamond drill core; from 158'-180' from top . Material Service Corp.; diamond drill core; from 180'-210' from top . Material Service Corp Federal Stone Co Federal Stone Co Consumers Co.; top of middle bench, NWface Dolese and Shepard Co. 0-10' up from above base Dolese and Shepard Co., 10'-24'6" above base Dolese and Shepard Co., 29'6"-48'6" above base Dolese and Shepard Co. 48'6"-69'6" above base Dolese and Shepard Co., top Dolese and Shepard Co. Dolese and Shepard Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. Consumers Co. upward from base 20'6' Consumers Co. 20'6"-58' above base Consumers Co. 58'-90'10" above base Consumers Co. 90' 10"- 102 '6" above base Consumers Co. 102'6"-118' above base Hand specimen House of Correction 0-34' above base House of Correction quarry, abandon- ed, 34'-74' above base Material Service Corp. 15'-45' above base Material Service Corp. 45'-121' above base Material Service Corp. 121'-180' above base Material Service Corp. 180'-221' above base Material Service Corp. 221 '-228', 232'-237' from base SO3 0.036; P2O8 .004 P 0.005; S 0.04 . . SO3 0.059; P2O6 0.007 Chicago Union Lime Works; core 360-374' below floor of quarry. Chicago Union Lime Works; core 374'-387' below floor of quarry Chicago Unicrti Lime Works; core 387'-40r below floor of quarry Chicago Union Lime Works; core 401'-409' below floor of quarry Union Lime Co Stearns Stone and Lime Co. . . . Artesian Stone & Lime Co. Average of quarry Artesian Stone & Lime Co. Lumpy layer Stony Island Ave. quarry . . . . Chicago Union Lime Works Chicago Union Lime Works Stearns Lime & Stone Co Dolese and Shepard Co Dolese and Shepard Co. U. S. Crushed Stone Co. Dolese and Shepard Co. Fe 0.36; S 0.031 ; P 0.004 Dolese and Shepard Co. P 0.005; S 0.026; moisture 0.009 . . Dolese and Shepard Co. Dolese and Shepard Co. 1935 NF295D 1935 NF295E 1935 NF295F 1943 1907 1907 Gl 1943 104 1943 NF296A 1935 NF296B 1935 NF296C 1935 NF296D 1935 1943 NF296E J2 1907 Avg. 36 anal 1907 Avg. 6 anal. 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1943 20 1935 1935 1935 NF293A NF293B NF293C 1935 1935 1952 1935 NF293D NF293E R1935 NF299A 1935 NF299B 1935 NF292B 1935 NF292C 1935 NF292D 1935 NF292E 1935 NF292F 1935 NF300A 1935 NF300B 1935 NF300C 1935 1899 1899 NF300D 1899 — 1899 1899 1899 1912 1912 1912 — 1907 Avg. 18 anal 1912 1912 1912 — 1922 Top strata 1907 Avg. 27 anal 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.— Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source M M M sec. T. R. CaC03 MgCOa SiOz Ti02 AI2O3 FezOs R2O3 19a Joliet 46Q Racine NF298A1 Niagaran NF298B1 Niagaran NF298C1 Niagaran NF298D1 Niagaran NF298E1 Niagaran SSOab McLeansboro SSOcb McLeansboro Bu2l> McLeansboro U2-ldl Seville . RllOo Burlington g St. Louis, g St. Louis. u Divine V Divine V Divine V Divine V Divine C38b Keokuk C42b Keokuk SL15. 16' Salem C40b St. Louis C41b Keokuk W81k Keokuk Kxk NF176A1 NF176B1 NF176C1 NF176D1 NF177A1 NF177B1 NF177C1 NP177D1 W322b NF453A1 NF453B1 NF453C1 NF453D1 NF453E1 NF4S3F1 Fredonia _ . Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Renault . Renault . Ste. Genevieve Ste. Geneveive Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve St. Louis. Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve 7' Naperville 50' Elmhurst 23' Elmhurst 14' Elmhurst i' 3' Elmhurst 4' Elmhurst 6' Elmhurst 6' Baldwinsville 6' Baldwinsville — Cherry Point 61' 4' 28' 26' 26' 8' 9' 5' 35' 6' 4' Marietta Eldred . . . Thompkins Mill CarroUton . Divine Divine Divine Divine Divine Hamilton Nauvoo . Pontoosuc Niota . Niota. Niota. — Nauvoo — Warsaw — Shetlerville 10' 7" Shetlerville 17' Shetlerville 12' 7" Shetlerville 5' 4" Shetlerville 16' 6" Shetlerville 22' 1" Shetlerville 32' 5" Shetlerville 11' 4" Shetlerville 50' Elizabethtown 9' 7" Cave in Rock 14' 5" Cave in Rock 10' 7" Cave in Rock 12' 7" Cave in Rock 14' 5" Cave in Rock 16' 7" Cave in Rock NF4S4A1 Ste. Genevieve . 38' 4" Cave in Rock NF454B1 Ste. Genevieve . 12' 4" Cave in Rock DuPage SE SE SW 13 38N 9E 54.85 42.86 0.97 — 0.38 0.29 — NW SW NW 2 39N HE 54.14 43.26 0.84 — 0.57 0.20 — — SW NW 2 39N HE 45.42 37.83 15.58 — 1.89 0.47 — — SE NW 2 39N HE 45.88 38.12 14.12 — 2.17 0.51 — — SW NW 2 39N HE 48.02 40.55 7.99 0.00 3.19 0.51 — — SW NW 2 39N HE 51.54 42.64 5.84 — 1.30 0.42 — — SW NW 2 39N HE 53.50 42.70 1.97 — 0.83 0.43 — Edgar — SE NE 10 14N IIW 95.96 1.21 1.52 — 1.74 — — SE NE 10 14N HW 82.61 2.82 8.02 — 5.52 — — — NE 3 15N 12W 92.62 2.97 2.66 — 2.34 — Fulton NE NE SE 22 6N IE 65.16 3.30 16.53 — 2.07 9.61 — Greene — SW NE 28 ION 13W 95.23 4.16 1.27 0.00 0.08 0.32 — — — — — — — 30.70 16.31 — — 2.75 — — — — — — — 44.90 25.44 — — 5.21 — Grundy cen.N.line 34 34N 8E 95.88 1.90 0.94 — 1.14 — NWcor. NE 34 34N 8E 74.6 22.8 — _ _ _ _ SE SW NE 35 34N 8E 69.5 26.3 — _ _ _ _ SW SW NE 2 33N 8E 71.6 25.0 — _ _ _ _ SWcor. SE 22 34N 8E 66.3 27.6 — _ _ _ _ Hancock — — — 30 5N 8W 69.16 4.18 23.24 — 3.34 — SEcor. — 12 6N 8W 74.66 5.23 16.24 — 3.80 — NE NE NE 17 7N 7W 46.50 27.88 18.27 — 2.83 3.10 — — — NW 14 7N 8W 95.67 0.79 2.62 — 1.48 — — — SE 16 7N 8W 86.08 1.21 10.20 — 2.36 — — — — — — — 53.93 36.59 4.69 — 2.65 — — — — — — — 82.48 — — — 2.10 — — _ _ _ — _ 92.89 1.92 4.18 — 0.93 — Hardin — — — 35 12s 7E 8^3.20 8.31 5.54 — 2.41 — — Ei^ SW 35 12s 7E 50.54 3.93 39.07 — 6.28 1.54 — — EJ^ SW 35 12s 7E 94.10 3.12 2.43 — 0.25 0.78 — — Ei^ SW 35 12S 7E 81.68 2.94 13.17 — 2.16 0.72 — — EH SW 35 12S 7E 94.99 2.99 1.95 — 0.11 0.81 — SH NM SE 35 12s 7E 98.28 1.08 1.13 — 0.51 0.31 — SJ^ NH SE 35 12s 7E 99.58 0.23 0.59 — 0.32 0.26 — SH NH SE 35 12s 7E 88.80 5.10 4.84 — 1.59 1.04 — SJ^ N>^ SE 35 12s 7E 95.49 3.28 1.73 — 0.54 0.56 — — — SW 27 12s SE 80.43 7.56 9.10 — 2.14 — NE NE NW 12 12s lOE 90.57 7.09 1.34 — 1.00 0.27 — NE NE NW 12 12s lOE 98.47 1.13 0.03 — 0.63 0.13 — NE NE NW 12 12s lOE 95.73 1.46 1.73 — 0,97 0.31 — NE NE NW 12 12s lOE 92.37 2.36 3.86 — 1.11 0.29 — NE NE NW 12 12s lOE 82.23 5.58 8.86 — 2.17 0.67 — NE NE NW 12 12s lOE 96.07 1.99 1.77 — 0.51 0.25 — NE NW NW 12 12s lOE 91.39 5.90 2.12 — 0.54 0.31 — NE NW NW 12 12s lOE 92.98 2.40 3.91 — 0.65 0.26 — Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 13 Continued. Analysis Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition No Cou 30.73 nty 21.06 21.23 18.09 18.23 19.39 20.39 20.42 nty 0.58 1.35 1.42 nty 1.58 nty 1.99 7.80 12.17 nty 0.91 10.9 12.6 12.0 13.2 tity 2.00 2.50 13.34 0.38 0.58 17.50 0.92 y 3.97 1.88 1.49 1.41 1.43 0.52 0.11 2.44 1.57 3.62 3.39 0.54 0.70 1.13 2.67 0.95 2.82 1.15 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.16 0.01 0.16 0.08 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.24 0.20 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.10 0.49 0.77 0.42 0.16 0.71 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.13 0.36 0.06 0.06 0.11 46.49 46.39 38.38 38.80 43.24 45.94 33.31 35.36 22.48 42.31 36.51 42.53 42.57 43.47 41.25 42.93 43.09 43.51 42.57 41.45 38.57 42.75 42.85 41.76 47.23 38.75 39.13 41.80 43.70 45.98 43.18 38.98 42.00 33.44 43.52 0.49 43.57 33.40 35.98 35.84 42.48 38.94 22.76 42.30 36.80 42.47 43.15 43.42 41.03 42.81 40.18 43.34 43.74 42.68 41.78 39.12 43.08 43.07 42.02 FeO 0.13; P2O6 O.OOf MnO 0.040; SO3 0.04 SO3O.IO .... 1943 1943 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1912 1912 1912 1936 1934 1868 1868 1931 1933 1933 1933 1933 1912 1912 1948 1912 1912 1912 1866 1925 1925 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1912 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 19 30.33 Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co. quarry. 46 25.45 25.71 Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co.; 23' from base of exposure . Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co.; upward 23'-37'' NF298A NF298B 26.91 Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co.; 3" above base 37'-45' NF298C 28.88 Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co.; 49'3" above base 45 '3"- NF298D 29.98 Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co.; 55 '3" above base 49'3''- NF298E Cou 53.78 S50a 46 30 S50c 51.90 . Bu2 Cou 36.51 142-ld Cou 53.35 S 0.06; chert not includ- ed . . . . . . Clay and insoluble matter 48.53 . RUO 17.20 25.16 Clay and insoluble matter 23.49 . Cou 53.73 41.8 SO3O.O7 .... . — 38 9 Diamond drill core 40.1 37 2 Diamond drill core Cou 38 76 C38 41.84 C42 26 05 SL15. 16 53 62 C40 48 24 C41 30.22 46 22 Insoluble matter 12.50 Port Madison and Appanoose Co Stone 52 07 W81 Count 46 63 Kx 28.32 52.73 45.77 53.23 55.07 Mndo.62; SOs'o.oV; PzOi 0.020 .... MnO 0.008; SO3 0.15; P2O5 0.009 .... 12'4'-22'11' from base 22'11'-39'11' from base . . . . 39'll'-52'6' from base 52'6'-57'10' from base P. R. Brown Stone Co. 0-16'6'' from base NF176A NF176B NF176C NF176D NF177A 55.80 P. R. Brown Stone Co. 16'6 rom base ... '-387 ' NF177B 49.76 P. R. Brown Stone Co. 38'7' from base -72'10' NF177C 53.51 P. R. Brown Stone Co. 72'10 from base "'-84'2' NF177D 45.08 W322 50.75 PiOi 0.023 .... P,06 0.010 .... P20» 0.017 .... P2O6 0.031 .... P2O6 0.053 .... P20i 0.029 .... P2O5 0.035 .... P2O5 0.043 .... Rigsby and Barnard; 0-9'7' above NF453A 55.18 Rigsby and Barnard; 9'7 ''-24'0" NF453B 53.64 Rigsby and Barnard; 24'0 '-3A'7" NF453C 51.76 Eligsby and Barnard; 36'11 above base '-49 '6' NF453D 46.08 Rigsby and Barnard; 49'6'' above base -63'11' NF453E 53.83 Rigsby and Barnard; 63'11 above base ''-80'6' NF453F 51.21 Okerson Quarry Co. l'8'-40'0 3ase ' above NF454A 52.10 Okerson Quarry Co. 43'9'-56'l aase ' above NF454B 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.- Sample Location Chemical No. and Source Formation Thick- ness Near H M H sec. T. R, CaCOs MgCOa Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 Hardin NF454C1 Ste. Genevieve 13' 4' Cave in Rock . NE NW NW 12 12S lOE 81.79 4.83 10.41 — 1.89 0.75 — NF454D1 Ste. Genevieve 15' 2' Cave in Rock . NE NW NW 12 12S lOE 92.39 3.68 2.89 — 0.88 0.42 — W330b e Ste. Genevieve St, Louis. . 37' Rosiclare. Rosiclare. . . . — — SW 5 13S 8E 85.82 90.86 2.21 3.18 7.78 — 4.10 — 1.06 — Henderson C39b SLll. 12 131 SL26-301 SL1&31 SL21 Burlington or Keokuk . . Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . 16' 11' 16' 2' 8' 6' Lomax . . . . ' Lomax . . . . Gladstone Gladstone Gladstone SE NW SW SW NE NW SW SW SE SE NW NW 22 30 11 15 15 8N 8N ION ION ION 6W 6W 5W 5W 5W 96.71 92.27 96.21 82.18 92.57 0.71 2.49 1.34 13.81 2.36 2.30 5.13 2.79 3.45 4.87 — 1.12 — 0.46 0.25 — 0.32 0.22 — 0.50 0.55 — 0.48 0.26 — Jackson NF681 L80k L53n L90k L91k Caprock No. 6 coal . Chester . . Backbone St. Louis-Salem St. Louis-Salem 4' 14' 8" 45' DeSoto . . . . Grain . . . . Grand Tower . . Grand Tower Grand Tower — NW — E^ cen sec. cen sec. NE NW EM 35 34 23 24 24 7S 8S lOS lOS lOS 2W 4W 4W 4W 4W 76.74 93.30 91.36 96.48 94.76 4.39 2.28 1.57 1.83 1.83 11.7 2.27 2.12 0.98 1.71 — 6.43 2.37 — 1.73 — 0.21 0.47 — 0.70 — 1.34 — L92k k S5b S57a St. Louis-Salem St. Louis-Salem Onondaga . New Scotland 53' 15' 48' Grand Tower Grand Tower . . Grand Tower Grand Tower . . cen. sec. NE NW 24 24 25 25 lOS lOS lOS lOS 4W 4W 4W 4W 94.66 95.30 93.21 93.93 2.60 2.09 2.63 4.89 1.34 1.34 3.08 0.86 — 0.97 — — — 1.00 1.12 — 0.72 — NF4041 80q R130 RUni e g g Edgewood . Silurian . Sexton Creek Cedar Valley Niagaran. Niagaran. Hamilton 9' 16' 8' 13' Grafton . . . . Grafton . . . . E. Hardin , . . Hardin . . . . Grafton . . . . Grafton . . . . Grafton . . . . SE SW NE NW SE NE SW NW NE NE 10 14 29 29 6N 6N 8N 8N 12W 12W 13W 13W 56.54 54.75 96.27 88.48 47.79 50.15 59.30 38.33 42.55 1.25 1.05 42.86 42.20 16.08 2.13 1.26 2.10 9.92 — Jersey 1.36 0.81 — 0.68 0.36 — 0.48 0.32 — 0.54 0.46 — 1.40 — 2.10 — 1.00 — Jo Daviess NF442I L4q DS720 NF98AO 36q Edgewood . Stewartville . Niagaran . Niagaran . Stewartville . 22' 21' 25' 25' 45' Hanover . . . . Galena Jet. . . . Rodden . . . . Elizabeth , . . Elizabeth . . . SW NW cor. NW SW NW cen. SE SW SW 28 1 14 19 23 26N 27N 27N 27N 27N 2E IW IE 2E 2E 40.51 55.17 41.48 42.01 54.71 32.35 43.13 34.08 31.20 42.13 21.66 0.98 19.66 27.11 1.36 0.38 3.07 1.41 — 0.40 0.85 — 4.27 1.56 — 1.48 0.55 — 0.50 0.41 — NF990 37q Maquoketa . Stewartville . 15' 20' Apple River . . Warren . . . . SW SW NW SW NW NW 22 28 29N 29N 3E 5E 31.66 53.96 25.53 42.17 29.76 1.80 — 7.95 2.82 — 0.59 0.63 — Johnson K29k Willsl-61 W308b Tio T50 Kinkaid . . Kinkaid . . Chester . . Menard . Menard . 9' 30' 7' 34' Bloomfield . . . Simpson . . . . Vienna . . . . Flatwoods . . . Flatwoods . . . S cen. EVi SW Middle — SE — SE NE NW 16 23 16 12S 12S 13S 13S 13S 3E 4E 3E 4E 4E 91.45 87.21 95.57 87.29 77.50 3.10 3.76 1.55 3.74 5.71 4.74 6.56 0.96 5.50 12.30 0.10 0.74 — 1.44 0.73 — 1.76 — 3.19 1.53 — 1.53 1.79 — LlOOn D16S Vienna . . 20' 18' Grantsburg . Belknap . . . . — — EM 12 13S 14S 4E 2E 75.52 90.31 7.49 1.40 13.02 — 0.57 1.33 — 1.32 — D17S 15' Belknap . . . . — — — 14S 2E 92.36 — — - 0.83 — D16b D17b D16S Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve 18' 15' 18' Belknap . . . . Belknap . . . . Belknap . . . . — — — 1 14S 14S 2E 2E 90.17 93.11 90.31 4.33 2.37 1.40 6.00 5.33 — 1.32 — 0.83 — 1.32 — D17S 15' Belknap . . . . — — — — — — 92.36 — — — 0.83 — W304b Ste. Genevieve NF175A1 Ste. Genevieve NF175B1 Ste. Genevieve 60' 10' 2" 24' 5' Whitehill. . . . Whitehill. . . . Whitehill. . . . SW SW SE SE SW SW SW 5 5 5 14S 14S 14S 2E 2E 2E 94.07 82.40 94.39 3.14 13.78 1.53 2.04 3.18 3.51 E 1.22 — 0.81 0.46 — 0.57 0.35 — NF175C1 Ste. Genevieve 11' 2' Whitehill. . . . SW SE SW 5 14S 2E 64.82 21.21 13.78 — 2.03 0.66 — NF175D1 Ste. Genevieve 56'4" Whitehill . . . SW SE SW 5 14S 2E 97.10 2.42 1.44 — 0.37 0.28 — NF175E1 Ste. Genevieve 25'5" Whitehill . . . SW SE SW 5 14S 2E 88.84 3.74 6.81 - 1.46 0.64 — k k k Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve — — — — — — 94.96 81.38 95.70 1.58 1.74 2.04 1.73 13.16 1.28 — 1.50 — 4.05 — 0.80 — Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 15 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County — Gont. 45.83 2.31 0.19 51.77 1.76 0.18 48.10 50.92 1.06 1.5Z 0.42 37.97 38.61 0.20 42.10 42.45 — — 39.72 P2O5 0.067 P2O6 0.038 Okerson Quarry Co. 56'1 "-69'5 " above base Okerson Quarry Co. 72'5"-87'7" above 1950 NF454C Insoluble matter 2.72 Moisture 0.15 . 1950 1912 1868 NF454D W330 County 54.20 0.34 _ _ _ 1912 C39 51.69 1.19 0.11 0.13 41.45 41.47 53.90 0.64 0.11 0.05 42.52 42.34 46.04 6.61 0.11 0.07 42.93 43.03 51.86 1.13 0.13 0.06 41.51 41.54 County 43.0 2.1 _ 35.4 52.29 1.09 __ — — — 51.16 0.75 — — — 54.07 0.88 — — - - — . — 53.10 0.88 — — — — 53.05 1.24 53.37 0.99 — — — — 52.24 1.26 — — — . 42.62 52.64 2.34 — — — 43.92 County 31.68 18.83 — — 45.26 45.18 30.67 20.70 0.12 0.15 46.29 45.63 53.93 0.60 — — 42.70 49.57 0.50 — — — 39.23 26.78 20.50 — — — — 28.10 20.18 — — — — 33.23 7.69 — — — — County 22.70 15.47 0.19 1.06 — 34.08 30.91 20.66 — — 46.77 46.90 23.24 15.30 — — 33.76 34.60 23.54 14.92 — — — 33.45 30.65 20.53 0.06 0.11 46.05 17.74 12.21 — — — 27.15 30.23 20.59 0.06 0.11 45.74 — County 51.25 1.48 — — — — 48.87 1.80 0.11 0.24 39.64 39.90 53.56 0.74 — — — 43.20 48.90 1.79 — — — — 43.42 2.73 — — — — 42.29 3.58 — — — — 50.61 0.67 — — — — 51.76 — — — — — 50.53 1.75 — . 52.18 0.96 — — — — 50.61 0.67 — — — — 51.76 — — — — — 52.72 1.50 . — — . 43.34 46.17 6.59 — . — 42.99 42.71 52.89 0.73 — — 42.43 42.00 36.32 10.14 — — 37.06 37.67 54.41 1.16 — — 43.42 43.09 49.78 1.79 — — 39.24 40.19 53.22 0.76 45.61 0.83 — — — — 53.63 0.98 -^ — — — C. J. Moore Quarry, 0-17' from base Basal 16'2" ....... 0-3' and 9-14' above base . 3-9' above base 1948 SLU, 12, 13 1948 SL26-30 1948 SLl and 3 1948 SL2 McCann Bros. . McCann Bros. . Average L 90, 91, 92 SO3 0.02 .... SO3 0.14 .... S0» 0.12 .... Insoluble matter 5.60 Insoluble matter 5.15 Clay and insoluble mat- ter 23,13. Alkalies, loss, etc., 0.49 .... Total Edgewood Keller Quarry Co. quarry bottom 1932 NF68 1925 L80 1928 L53 1925 L90 1925 L91 1925 L92 1925 1912 S5 1912 SS7 1936 NF404 1943 80 1929 R13 1929 R14 1866 1868 — 1868 — Lower 22' in quarry FeO 0.20; P2O5 0.02; MnO 0.045; SO3 0.05 . — FeO 0.19; P205'o.o"2; MnO 0.050; SOa 0.04 , Seeley Construction Co. 1945 1943 1934 1934 1943 1934 1943 MnO 0.032; P2OS 0.030 5-14' above quarry floor P 0,038; insol. matter 6.0 P 0.023; insoL matter 5.33 Insoluble 5.996 Phosphorus 0.038 Insoluble 5,328 Phosphorus 0,023 SO3 0.22 Charles Stone Co, 0-10'2" from base . Charles Stone Co. 10'2"-34'7" from base Charles Stone Co, 34'7'-45'9" from Charles Stone Co. 45'9''-102'l " from Charles Stone'Co! lo'2'l''-127'6" from' base NF442 L4 DS72 NF98A 36 NF99 37 1925 1950 1912 1934 1934 K29 Wills 1-6 W308 Tl T5 1928 LlOO 1907 D16 1907 1912 1912 D17 D16 D17 1907 D16 1907 1912 1934 D17 W304 NF175A 1934 NF175B 1934 NF175C 1934 NF175D 1934 1925 1925 1925 NP175E 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2. — Location Chemical Sample Formation Thick- Near No. anc Source ness M M M sec. T. R. CaC03 MgCOa Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 FeaOa R2O3 Johnson k Ste. Genevieve — — — — — — — 94.58 2.73 0.28 — 2.25 — k Ste. Genevieve — — — — — — — 93.82 1.25 1.85 — 2.60 — k Ste. Genevieve — — — — — — — 86.56 3.99 4.66 — 3.80 — k Ste. Genevieve 94.00 1.67 2.26 1.45 — Kane NF300 Niagaran. 12' Batavia . . . . SW NE NE 22 39N 8E 49.80 43.74 6.75 0.09 0.56 0.21 — NF310 Niagaran. 14' Batavia . . . . sw NE NE 22 39N 8E 51.77 41.61 6.7 — — 2.5 L157k Niagaran. . Batavia . . . . — SE NE 27 39N 8E 48.28 38.00 6.34 — 4.52 NF280 Niagaran. 4'6" Batavia . . . . NE NW NE 27 39N 8E 44.02 36.68 14.71 0.14 3.04 0.76 — NF290 Niagaran. 7'6" Batavia . . . . NW NE 27 39N 8E 34.09 28.23 29.7 6.88 1.52 — NF370 Niagaran. . 14'6" Batavia . . . . NW NW NE 27 39N 8E 49.62 40.57 9.5 — — — 2.2 NF380 Niagaran. 9' Batavia . . . . NW NE SW 27 39N 8E 48.18 38.68 11.8 — — — 3.4 NF400 Niagaran. 7' Batavia . . . . NW NE SW 27 39N 8E 47.46 38.47 10.06 0.13 2.44 0.64 — R1930X Joliet . . Batavia . . . . — SE NW 27 39N 8E 51.33 40.28 6.19 0.13 1.17 0.22 — NF410 Niagaran . 12' Elgin . . . . NE NE NE 9 40N 8E 52.66 42.45 4.8 — — — 1.5 NF460 Maquoketa . 6'6" Elgin . . . . — NW NW- 10 40N 8E 29.6 24.3 29.4 — 10.58 2.92 — K Niagaran. St. Charles . . . 40.86 43.54 — 1.40 — Kankakee NF950 Niagaran. 5'6" Aroma . . . . — SE sw 28 30N 13W 40.14 32.52 21.02 — 5.41 1.70 — L108k Niagaran . — Irwin — — NW 7 30N 14W 51.7 40.8 — — 1.2 — IIQ Racine . 4' Bradley . . . . SW SE SW 21 31N 12E 54.71 44.43 0.09 — 0.23 0.11 — 7oq Racine . . 40' Kankakee NE NE NW 31 31N 12E 54.57 43.03 0.65 — 0.43 0.25 — NF1540 Niagaran. 3' Manteno. Cen. S.lin e 15 32N 12E 29.46 24.07 34.47 — 7.62 2.03 — L107k Niagaran. Racine . . — Manteno. — SE NE 20 32N 12E 44.50 35.13 11.36 — 6.10 — NF419q 12' Manteno. NE SE SE 28 32N 12E 54.60 44.57 0.20 0.05 0.18 0.21 — i Niagaran . Kankakee — — — — — — 54.34 42.87 3.00 2.50 — a Niagaran. — Kankakee — — — — — — 46.18 35.05 10.78 — 4.28 1.19 — a Niagaran. Kankakee 50.80 40.40 . 5.50 3.00 — a Niagaran. — Kankakee — — — — — — 47.73 35.86 10.30 — 4.35 1.12 — a Niagaran . — Kankakee — — — — — — 51.07 40.62 5.00 — 1.48 1.64 — Ibb Niagaran . Kankakee 50.8 41.6 1.2 — 2bb Niagaran . — Kankakee — — — — — — 53.8 41.2 — — 1.4 — 3bb Niagaran . Kankakee 50.4 39.5 1.2 — Kendall 44q Prosser and Stewartville . 20' Piano. . .. . . SE ■ NW SE 4 36N 6E 55.53 41.61 0.83 0.37 1.58 — Knox NF2451 Brereton 3' Farmington . — C SW 31 9N 4E 75.67 4.39 12.51 — 4.38 2.84 — LaSalle L180k LaSalle . . 8' Deer Park . . . NW 6 32N 2E 89.71 1.13 4.14 4.44 — C3al.b LaSalle (roof rock) . . . 6' Deer Park . . . — — — 6 32N 2E 95.14 1.57 1.98 — 1.56 — C3bi.b LaSalle (upper part of lower bed) . . . 6' 6 32N 2E 85.68 1.42 7.94 _ Deer Park . . '. " — — ' — 4.80 — C3dl.b LaSalle (lower part of lower bed) . . . 6' Deer Park . . . — — — 6 32N 2E 85.15 2.74 8.24 — 3.40 — Cl2al.b LaSalle . . 10' Oglesby . . . . near cen. sec. 6 32N 2E 93.36 1.21 2.66 — 1.90 — C12bb LaSalle . . 4' Oglesby . . . , near cen. sec. 6 32N 2E 74.12 2.38 15.24 — 7.58 — 1 LaSalle (upper bed) . . . — Oglesby . . . . — — — 6 32N 2E 93.37 1.21 2.66 — 1.96 — 1 LaSalle (lower bed) . . . — Oglesby . . . . — — — 6 32N 2E 74.13 2.38 15.24 — 7.58 — vu Galena- Platteville . . 60' Lowell . . . . — SV2 NH 5 3N, 2^ 83.0 12.8 — — — — V2l Galena- Platteville. . 80' Lowell . . . . SE NE SE 8 32N 2E 87.3 12.1 — — — — 1 LaSalle . . — LaSalle . . . . — — NW 11 33W IE 85.38 1.38 6.72 — 5.92 — C9b LaSalle . . 22' LaSalle . . . . — — NW 11 33N IE 85.36 1.38 6.72 — 5.92 — W820 Shakopee. — Utica . . . . — SE SE 7 33N 2E 49.72 39.96 7.74 0.0 1.39 1.05 — 1 LaSalle (upper bed) . . . — LaSalle . . . . — — — 14 33N IE 92.41 1.44 2.88 — 2.24 — 1 LaSalle (upper part of lower bed) . . . — ■ LaSalle . . . . — — — 14 33N IE 82.23 4.10 8.78 — 4.76 — 1 LaSalle (lower part of lower bed) . . . — LaSalle . . . . — — — 14 33N IE 81.34 2.89 10.34 — 4.40 — Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 17 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O Loss CO2 on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County — Cont. 53.00 1.31 52.58 0.60 48.51 1.91 52.68 0.80 0.07 0.13 County 27.90 20.92 29.0 19.9 27.06 18.17 24.66 17.54 19.1 13.5 27.8 19.4 27.0 18.5 26.59 18.40 28.76 19.26 29.5 20.3 16.6 11.6 22.90 20.82 County 22.49 15.55 28.97 19.51 30.65 21.71 30.57 21.16 16.51 11.51 24.94 16.80 30.59 21.52 30.45 20.50 25.88 16.76 28.47 19.32 26.75 17.15 28.62 19.42 28.5 19.9 30.2 19.7 28.2 18.9 County 31.11 19.90 — County 42.41 2.07 — County 50.27 0.54 — 53.32 0.75 — 0.03 0.09 43.44 trace 0.18 37.51 0.53 40.27 0.69 43.38 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.00 47.25 46.46 47.27 43.54 46.20 34.41 43.85 43.5 FeO 0.18; S 0.10; SO3O.O7 38.52 28.9 FeO 0.26; S 0.12; SO3O.O8 41 8 40.2 40.82 43.9 FeO 0.60; S0.21; SO3O.O8 FeO 0.40 .... Hand specimen 25.8 Na20 + K2O as K2O 3.2 38 80 Clay and insoluble mat- ter 11.60; alkalies, loss, etc., 2.60 47.06 25.70 47.38 1925 1925 1925 1925 — 1934 1934 1925 NF30 NF31 L157 1934 1934 1934 1934 NF28 NF29 NF37 NF38 1934 1952 1934 1934 NF40 R1930 NF41 NF46 1868 MnO 0.015; SO j 0.03; P2O5 0.00t . . . P 0.006 . . . H2O and loss 2.50; P 0.02; S. trace . H2O and P 0.30 . Total Kankakee, Quarries Co, Insoluble matter, 6.3 Insoluble matter, 3.7 Insoluble matter, 8.3 Lehigh Stone Co, Lehigh Stone Co, Lehigh Stone Co. Lehigh Stone Co. Lehigh Stone Co. 1934 1925 1943 1943 NF95 L108 11 70 1934 1925 NF154 L107 1943 1899 NF419 1912 1912 1912 1912 — 1928 1928 1928 — Total 42.66 Marquette Portland Cement Co, 1943 1934 1925 1907 44 NF245 L180 C3a 48.02 0.68 — 39.48 Marquette Portland Cement Co. 1907 C3b 47.72 53.32 41.54 1.31 0.58 1.14 — — — 38.90 42.66 35.58 52.32 0.58 — — — — 41.54 1.14 — — — — 46.5 6.1 — — — — 48.9 47.84 47.84 27.86 5.8 0.66 0.66 19.11 0.02 0.80 42.15 40.20 42.73 Marquette Portland Cement Co. 51.78 0.69 — — 46.08 1.96 — — 45.58 1.38 — — Volatile matter 38,54 Volatile matter 38.80 Acid insoluble 4.1 . Acid insoluble 1.2 . Volatile matter 40.20 Versenate analysis Versenate analysis Volatile matter 42.06 — — Volatile matter 39,26 — — Volatile matter 37,88 1907 1907 1912 C3d C12a C12b 1907 — 1907 — 1953 Vll 1953 1907 1912 1934 1907 V2l C9 W82 1907 1907 ] ,18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.- Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source H H H sec. T. R. CaCOs MgCOa Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 Dx20o Elal.b LaSalle . . . LaSalle (upper bed) . . . . 24' 6'6" LaSalle LaSalle Elcl.b LaSalle (upper part of lower bed) . . . . 6'6" LaSalle Eldl.b LaSalle (lower part of lower bed) . . . . 5' LaSalle C2ab LaSalle . . 5' LaSalle C2cb LaSalle . . . 6' LaSalle C2db LaSalle . . 4' LaSalle E6ab E6bJ.b LaSalle (upper bed) . . . LaSalle (lower bed) . . . 6 to 20 5' ' Oglesby Oglesby C13b NF5061 (32-36) LaSalle . . Shakopee 4' 5' Peru . Utica NF5061 (11-17) Shakopee . 14' Utica Dxl80 Dxl90 C14ab C14bb Shakopee Shakopee Shakopee (uppei cement rock bed Shakopee (lower cement rock bed 26' 40' ) 6 to 8' ) 12 to 1-3 Utica Utica Utica ' Utica DS570 DS560 L179k E3b e Shakopee Shakopee Shakopee Lower Magnesia Shakopee 60' 11' 30' n — Utica Utica Utica Utica Utica 2W Shakopee Shakopee — Utica Utica 3w Shakopee . — Utica 4w Shakopee . — Utica 5w W8OO b.l ClOb h h Shakopee Galena-Platte- ville . . . LaSalle . . LaSalle . . Probably LaSall Probably LaSall 13' ." 19'6" e — e — Utica Ottawa LaSalle LaSalle h w w n Probably LaSall LaSalle . . LaSalle . . LaSalle . . e — LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle w LaSalle . . . — LaSalle w LaSalle . . . — LaSalle w LaSalle . . — LaSalle 30q 3iq C6b L188k C5ab CSbb S46cb S46db S46eb 29q Prosser (lower- most;. Stewartville . Platteville . Platteville . Platteville . Platteville . Platteville . Platteville . Platteville . Guttenberg . 16' 12' 7' . 50' 5' 8' . 4 to 6 10' 9' 15' Dixon Palmyra Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon ' Dixon Dixon Dixon Ashton — SE NW 14 33N IE 71.83 4.07 16.83 — SE NW 14 33N IE 90.14 1.86 4.92 — SE NW 14 33N IE 65.34 3.99 22.26 — SE NW 14 33N IE 65.38 5.06 17.76 — — — 15 33N IE 92.39 1.44 2.88 — — — 15 33N IE 82.22 4.10 8.78 — — — 15 33N IE 81.33 2.88 10.34 — — SE 25 33N IE 91.57 1.23 4.32 — — SE 25 33N IE 82.22 1.55 9.62 — — SW 30 33N IE 44.64 13.17 21.18 — — S3^ 6 33N 2E 44.45 36.20 13.36 — — NH 7 33N 2E 43.94 35.61 16.04 — SE SE 7 33N 2E 42.93 29.23 16.10 — SE SE 7 33N 2E 42.36 33.94 23.05 SW.cor. 8 33N 2E 45.32 26.13 15.02 SW.cor. 8 33N 2E 46.61 20.53 14.42 — SE SW 8 33N 2E 45.37 39.50 12.65 — — NE 17 33N 2E — — 11.59 — NW NW 18 33N 2E 81.50 11.14 3.76 — — — — — — 50.60 38.25 4.58 — — — — — — 43.50 30.07 — — — — — — — 43.54 21.81 12.22 — — — — — — 58.62 17.67 17.01 — — — — — — 43.47 29.93 — — — — — — — 42,22 31.83 — — — — — — — 46.97 25.30 \^.\^ — NE SE 21 33N 3E 78 06 17.38 0.80 — — SE 34 34N IE 77.56 2.43 11.10 — — SE 34 34N IE 77.55 2.42 11.10 — — — — — — 79.31 2.34 17.11 — — — — — — 75.01 3.22 18.54 — — — — — — 74.51 2.53 19.49 — — — — — — 88.27 1.90 6.06 — — — — — — 88.16 1.78 8.20 — — — — — — 81.32 9.19 7.54 — — — — — — 86.18 7.65 5.06 — — — — — — 81.93 2.09 13.89 — — — — — — 92.83 2.32 5.43 SE SE NE 12 21N 8E 54.84 43.61 0.26 NE SW NW 33 22N 8E 54.55 41.46 1.30 — — NE 18 22N 9E 65 98 23.45 4.50 SR SW 21 22N 9K 56.60 42.18 0.84 — SW 27 22N 9E 88.54 1.42 5.52 SW 27 22N 9R 87.29 4.14 3.44 — — 27 22N 9E 86.50 1.25 7.56 27 22N 9E 81.79 9.57 5.10 — — — 27 22N 9E 83.93 5 02 4.78 — SE NW 27 22N HE 54.23 42.42 1 59 LaSalle 4.32 2.06 — 3.08 — — 6.86 — 9.56 — 2.24 — 4.76 — 4.40 — 2.86 — 5.56 — 16.36 — 3.09 1.10 — 2.24 0.84 — 6.57 1.60 — 1.64 1.64 — 8.20 — 11.34 — 1.58 1.18 — 1.77 1.24 — 3.36 — 3.72 9.39 3.90 3.35 2.39 — 2.00 — 1.12 6.37 2.35 1.19 1.67 7.84 7.84 1.97 3.91 00 3.71 3.92 1.30 3.43 2.32 2.61 1.43 Lee — 0.29 0.37 .51 1. 4.60 2.10 3 66 3.88 3.54 2.58 4.44 58 0. 15 37 Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 19 Continued. Analysis Loss CaO MgO NaaO K2O CO2 on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County— Cont. 40.25 1.95 0.26 50.52 0.89 — 0.60 32.94 33.93 — — 41.06 German American Portland Cement Co 1934 1907 Dx20 Ela 36.62 1.91 — 33.28 German American Portland Cement Co 1907 Elc 36.64 2.42 _ _ _ 51.78 0.69 — _ _ 46.08 1.96 _ _ — 45.58 1.38 — — — 51.32 0.59 _ _ _ 46.08 0.74 — — — 25.02 6.30 _ — _ 24.91 17.31 0.12 1.76 38.03 24.62 17.03 0.14 24.05 13.98 23.73 16.23 25.40 12.50 26.12 9.82 25.42 26.56 45.67 28.36 24.38 24.40 32.85 24.36 23.66 26.32 43.73 43.46 43.46 44.44 42.03 41.75 49.46 49.37 45.57 48.29 45.91 52.02 18.89 17.88 5.33 18.30 14.38 10.43 8.45 14.31 15.22 12.10 8.31 1.16 1.16 1.12 1.54 1.21 0.91 0.85 4.36 3.66 1.00 1.11 County 30.72 30.56 36.98 31.72 49.62 48.92 48.48 45.84 47.04 30.38 21.36 20.29 11.22 20.17 1.36 37.65 — 37.19 — 39.46 — 40.05 — 0.18 35.35 — — 35.35 — 0.18 34.70 Trace Trace 43.72 34.36 42.06 39.26 37.88 41.92 39.16 32.14 38.43 38.07 37.43 34.85 38.54 38.80 39.60 40.37 44.92 44.13 37.38 46.88 — 45.63 — — 43.72 40.68 — 41.70 — 40.54 — 41.94 — 41.92 German American Portland Cement Co German American Portland Cement Co German American Portland Cement Co. German American Portland Cement Co Chicago Portland Cement Co. . Chicago Portland Cement Co. . Upper cement rock, 46' above base outcrop Lower cement rock, 1 1 ' above base of exposure Illinois Hydraulic Cement Mfg. Co. Illinois Hydraulic Cement Mfg. Co. Clay 20,00; potash 0.18; free silica 1.00; iron car- bonate 2.00 ... CO2 plus H2O 38.48 . CO2PIUSH2O 34.12; SO3 1.81 .... SiOaand AI2O3 21.00; H2O 3.00 .... Si02 and AhOa 21.12; H2O 1.07 .... SO3 1.81; H2O 3.23 . Utica Cement Co. Illinois Hydraulic Cement Co. Natural cement rock Natural cement rock Natural cement rock Natural cement rock Average of samples 1-4 above S 0.12 .... Volatile matter 37.38 CO2 and water 39.06 CO2 and' water 39.57 CO2 and water 41.05 CO2 and water 36.82 CO2 and water 40.24 Chicago Portland Cement Co. . Marquette Portland Cement Co. . German American Portland Cement Co German American Portland Cement Co German American Portland Cement Co German American Portland Cement Co. Gerdes Quarry, top . Sandusky Cement Co., Dixon 20.77 45.99 Sandusky Cement Co., Dixon Sandusky Cement Co., Dixon Sandusky Cement Co., Dixon Sandusky Cement Co., Dixon Sandusky Cement Co., Dixon 1907 Eld 1912 C2a 1912 C2c 1912 C2d 1912 E6a 1907 E6b 1912 C13 1953 NF506(32-36) 1953 1934 1934 NF506(11-17) Dxl8 Dxl9 1912 1912 C14a Cl4b 1934 DS57 1934 DS56 1925 L179 1912 E3 1866 1905 1 1905 2 1905 3 1905 4 1905 5 1934 W80 1907 — 1912 CIO 1913 — 1913 — 1913 1905 — 1899 — 1905 — 1905 — 1905 — 1905 — 1943 30 1943 31 1912 C6 1925 L188 1912 C5a 1912 C5b 1912 S46c 1912 S46d 1912 S46e 1943 29 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2. Sample Formation Thick- Near Location Chemical No. and Source ness H H H sec. T. R. CaC03 MgC03 Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 FezOa R2O3 Livingston P6P P8P P2P P3P Pontiac . Pontiac . Pontiac . Pontiac . . . 3' . 15' 11' 3' Ocoya .... McDowell . . . Pontiac .... Pontiac . . . . cen.E. line — NW — SW — SW NE NE NE 25 1 16 16 27N 27N 28N 28N 4E 5E 5E 5E 91.56 95.05 93.50 89.20 1.78 0.40 0.28 0.29 4.64 1.12 1.33 5.44 — 0.36 0.74 0.29 0.65 1.39 0.64 0.28 0.90 — P4P P P P Pontiac . Pontiac . Pontiac . Pontiac . 1' '. 10' 4' Pontiac .... Pontiac .... Pontiac .... Pontiac .... — SW SW SW SW NE NE NE NE 16 16 16 16 28N 28N 28N 28N 5E 5E 5E 5E 68.75 42.13 91.72 61.58 0.90 3.36 1.63 3.99 25.34 36.64 2.88 21.23 — 1.13 0.51 11.80 2.20 1.88 1.21 9.47 2.53 — P P P cc Pontiac . Pontiac . Pontiac . Pontiac . 12' 10' 4' Pontiac .... Pontiac .... Pontiac .... Pontiac .... — SE SW SW NE NE NE 16 16 16 28N 28N 28N SE 5E 5E 90.4 88.45 85.49 94.88 1.60 2.26 2.65 1.68 4.24 5.77 7.15 1.70 — 1.88 1.28 1.71 1.48 1.54 1.48 1.30 ,-- Logan E28at) E28bt) NF4451 McLeansborc McLeansborc Lonsdale ) . 2' ) . 6' . 10'6" Lincoln .... Lincoln .... Lincoln .... Near NW Near NW WM NE cor. cor. NE 5 5 7 19N 19N 19N 3W 3W 3W 90.28 83.79 92.32 1.71 8.95 0.94 4.70 2.04 4.21 — 2.66 4.92 1.15 0.78 — Macoupin NFioay NFiopy NF107y NFlOOo Burroughs Carlinville Macoupin Shoal Creek 4' 4' 2'6' 7' Carlinville . Carlinville . . . ' Carlinville . . . Carlinville . . . NW NW SE NE SE NW NW NW SE NE NW 2 30 35 36 9N ION ION ION 7W 7W 7W 7W 58.77 87.75 75.95 88.75 4.35 5.63 6.38 3.12 25.47 2.13 5.40 5.57 — 11.02 0.83 3.07 10.11 1.81 1.77 — NFioiy NFl02y NFiiey NFiuy Shoal Creek Shoal Creek Shoal Creek Carlinville 4' 1' . . 3' 3' Carlinville . . . Carlinville . Nilwood .... Palmyra .... NE SE NW NW NW SE NW NW NE NE 36 36 16 9 ION ION UN UN 7W 7W 7W 8W 64.96 76.92 94.19 79.88 3.79 6.44 2.45 7.38 9.84 5.48 — 6.49 6.70 — Madison NF170A1 Salem . NF170B1 Salem. . NF170C1 St. Louis. NF170D1 St. Louis. NF170E1 St. Louis. . 13'10' . 22' . 20'4" . 27'1" . 19'6" Alton Alton Alton Alton Alton. . .. . . — — SE SE SE SE SE 4 4 4 4 4 5N 5N 5N 5N 5N low low low low low 85.82 91.00 62.28 82.82 75.61 9.75 6.13 17.61 9.31 19.72 4.97 3.79 17.93 6.46 4.31 — 0.90 0.38 0.42 0.32 0.77 0.43 1.07 0.29 0.91 0.41 — NF170F> St. Louis. NF168A1 St. Louis. . 31'11' . 16'11' Alton Alton SE SW SE SW 4 10 5N SN low low 86.71 96.66 9.14 0.06 2.63 2.75 — 0.94 0.49 1.04 0.38 — NF168B1 St. Louis. . 28'5" Alton SE SW SW 10 5N low 95.01 1.99 2.99 — 0.81 0.37 — NF168C1 St. Louis. . 21'10' Alton SE SW SW 10 5N low 98.17 0.06 1.85 — 0.66 0.34 — NF168D1 St. Louis. . 7' Alton SE SW SW 10 5N low 83.81 nil 16.62 — 0.37 0.28 — NF168E1 St. Louis. . 21'10' Alton SE SW SW 10 5N low 99.72 0.79 0.40 — 0.37 0.24 — NF169A1 St. Louis. . 24'1" Alton NW SE NW 10 5N low 88.20 3.76 5.72 — 1.46 0.37 — NF169B1 St. Louis. . . 24'5" Alton NW SE NW 10 5N low 87.37 9.12 3.00 — 0.88 0.39 — NF169C! St. Louis. . 6'6" Alton. . . . . NW SE NW 10 5N low 53.81 32.81 10.87 — 1.81 0.74 — NF169D1 St. Louis. . 17'8" Alton NW SE NW 10 5N low 75.08 19.64 4.14 — 0.78 0.68 — NF169E1 St. Louis. . 22' Alton NW SE NW 10 5N low 95.33 0.52 3.09 — 0.71 0.27 — NF169F1 St. Louis. . 14'10' Alton NW SE NW 10 5N low 96.55 0.54 2.25 — 0.53 0.29 — a a a a St. Louis (?) St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. : — Alt»n Alton Alton Alton E E — = — = 97.53 98.20 92.35 95.98 0.44 trace 1.00 0.75 0.48 0.30 6.52 2.41 — 0.16 — trace — trace — trace — a a a a St. Louis. . St. Louis. St. Louis. St. Louis. ; — Alton Alton Alton Alton — — — — — — 97.30 97.81 98.09 95.53 0.21 1.35 0.94 0.14 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.48 — — trace — trace — trace — 0.16 — St. Louis. NF171A1 St. Louis. .■ 16'5" Alton Alton NE SW — 10-11 NE 11 5N 5N low low 96.47 95.94 0.77 2.04 1.74 2.58 — 0.06 0.56 — NF171B1 St. Louis. . 16'5" Alton. . . . . NE SW NE 11 5N low 95.08 1.38 2.90 — 0.05 0.66 — NF171C1 St. Louis. . 9'2" Alton NE SW NE 11 5N low 55.77 40.38 3.40 — 0.02 1.54 — NF171DlSt. Louis. . 25'2" Alton. . . . . NE SW NE 11 5N low 97.47 0.71 2.13 — 0.08 0.58 — NF171E1 St. Louis. . 10'9" Alton NE SW NE '' 5N low 98.24 1.13 0.60 ~" 0.03 0.68 " Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 21 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO NaiO K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County 51.44 0.85 — 53.40 0.19 — 52.52 0.13 — 50.11 0,13 — 38.59 0.43 — 23.61 1.61 — 51.53 0.78 — 34.60 1.93 — 50.79 0.77 — 49.69 1.08 — 48.03 1.27 — 53.17 0.80 — County 50.60 0.82 — 46.96 4.28 — 51.73 0.45 0.15 County 32.93 2.08 — 49.17 2.69 — 42.56 3.05 — 49.72 1.49 — 36.40 1.81 — 43.10 3.08 — 52.78 1.17 — 44.76 3.53 — County 48.09 4.66 — 50.99 34.90 46.41 42.37 48.59 54.16 48.96 30.15 42.07 53.42 54.10 54.66 55.03 51.75 53.69 54.53 54.81 54.97 53.54 54.02 53.76 53.28 31.25 54.62 55.05 2.93 8.42 4.45 9.43 4.37 0.03 53.24 0.95 55.01 0.03 46.96 nil 55.88 0.38 49.42 1.80 4.36 15.69 9.39 0.25 0.26 0.21 trace 0.48 0.36 0.10 0.65 0.45 0.07 0.37 0.98 0.66 19.31 0.34 0.54 0.20 41.10 — 28.46 — 37.29 — 30.94 — 36.90 — 42 . 99 — 39.33 41.81 42.28 37.19 40.95 42.58 42.74 42.51 42.14 42.83 36.78 43.62 41.11 41.79 40.16 41.74 42.28 37.21 41.20 42.93 43.05 42.25 42.15 42.67 36.43 43.35 41.14 42.87 42.88 40.27 40.75 42.77 42.95 42.13 42.24 42.58 42.43 42.21 42.27 42.21 42.42 44.23 45.06 42.54 42.75 43.43 43.67 P 0.020 . P 0.033 . P 0.016 . P 0.036 . P 0.048 . Bottom 3' of exposure . . . . Entire exposure Bed 3, 4'2"-15'2'' from base . . Bed 2, l'2"-4'2" from base . . . Bottom 1 '2' of exposure Quarry floor Boring depth 6' to 16' . Boring depth 18-22' below surface Boring depth 2 to 4' Boring depth 6 to 16' Boring depth 18 to 22' . . . . Pontiac Stone Co 41.86 42.84 41.42 MnO 0.07; SO3 0.10; P2O5 0.043 . . . Rocky Ford Limestone Co.. MnO 0.25 Mnd 1.20 — MnO 0.11 — Mnd 0.20 1-4' above base Basal 1' . . SO3 0.14 MnO 0.013; SOs 0.15; P2OB 0.011 . . . Average 7 analyses O-U'lO' from base 13'10"-35'10" from base . . . 35'10"-56'2" from base . . . , S6'2''-83'3" from base .... 83'3"-102'9' from base . . . . 102'9''-134'8'' from base . . . Mississippi Lime Co.; O-16'll'' from base Mississippi Lime Co., 16'll'-45'4"' from base Mississippi Lime Co.; 45'4''-67'2'' from base . Mississippi Lime Co.; 67'2''-74'2'' from base Mississippi Lime Co.; 74'2''-96'0'' from base Mississippi Lime Co.; O-24'l'' from base . , -48 '6' Mississippi Lime Co.; 24'1 from base Mississippi Lime Co.; 48'6''-55'0'' from base Mississippi Lime Co.; 55'0''-72'8"' from base Mississippi Lime Co.; 72'8''-94'8'' from base Mississippi Lime Co.; 94'8'-109'6'' from base Alton Lime and Cement Co. Harry Gissal Quarry Co., top layer . Harry Gissal Quarry Co., No. 1 Harry Gissal Quarry Co., No. 2 Harry Gissal Quarry Co., No. 5 . Harry Gissal Quarry Co., north layer Harry Gissal Quarry Co., south layer Harry Gissal Quarry Co., building stone . .' . \ . . . . Reliance Whiting Co.i 0-16'5'' from base Reliance Whiting Co., 16'5''-32'10'' from base . Reliance Whiting Co., 32'10'-42'0' from base Reliance Whiting Co., 42'0"'-67'2'' from base Reliance Whiting Co., 67'2''-78'll'' from base 1929 1929 1929 1929 P6 P8 P2 P3 1929 1929 1929 1929 P4 1929 1929 1929 — 1912 1912 E28a E28b 1947 NF445 1952 1952 1952 1952 NF103 NF109 NF107 NFIOO 1952 1952 1952 1952 NFlOl NF102 NF116 NF114 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 NF170A NF170B NF170C NF170D NF170E 1934 NF170F 1934 NF168A 1934 NF168B 1934 NF168C 1934 NF168D 1934 NF168E 1934 NF169A 1934 NF169B 1934 NF169C 1934 NF169D 1934 NF169E 1934 1912 1912 1912 ^912 1912 1912 1912 NF169F 1934 — 1934 NF171A 1934 NF171B 1934 NF171C 1934 NF171D 1934 NF171E 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.— Location Chemical Sample i Formation Thick- Near No. anc Source ness H M H sec. T. R. CaCOs MgCOa Si02 TiOz AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 Madison NF171F' St. Louis. . . 6'8" Alton. . . . . NE SW NE 11 5N low 95.66 3.14 0.42 — 0.05 0.56 — a St. Louis. . . Alton _ . — 95.79 0.38 2.01 — 1.41 0.41 — a St. Louis. — Alton — • — — — — — ■ 94.78 4.18 0.30 — 0.68 — i St. Louis. . . — Alton — — — — — — 97.72 0.00 1.01 — 1.10 — — Marshall E20bb McLeansboro . 5' Sparland SW NW 14 12N 9E 55.78 1.84 31.74 — 8.92 — E23b McLeansboro 2'6" Sparland — — SE 14 12N 9E 92.36 1.50 3.42 — 2.36 — Monroe NF167A1 Salem . . , 35' Columbia SE SW SW 14 IS low 97.37 1.07 1.42 0.05 0.36 NF167B1 Salem . . . ll'll' Columbia SE SW SW 14 IS low 96.98 0.98 1.91 — 0.12 0.30 — NF167C1 Salem . . . 14'2" Columbia SE SW SW 14 IS low 98.55 0.82 0.67 — 0.13 0.29 — L66k Ste. Genevieve . 30' Columbia — S3^ 17 IS low 91.60 2.51 4.33 — 1.28 — L69k St. Louis. 11' New Hanover . cen. N. lineNE 18 2S low 92.50 2.97 1.32 — 2.74 — U49ab St. Louis. 30-40' Columbia NW NE 23 IS low 89.79 2.63 5.42 — 2.24 — NF327A1 Ste. Genevieve . 7'6" Waterloo. . . . NE NE NW 34 2S lOW 71.87 1.09 24.78 — 2.23 0.55 — NF327B1 Ste. Genevieve . 17'2" Waterloo. NE NE NW 34 2S low 82.09 0.84 16.91 — 0.90 0.37 — NF90O Osage. 35' Valmeyer — — SW 35 2S uw 71.8 3.1 24.4 — 1.2 — L67k Okaw. . . . 13' Hecker .... — — W^ 21 3S 8W 95.70 2.50 0.81 — 0.85 — NF890 Decorah or Plattin . . . 11' Valmeyer — NE SW 3 3S UW 56.0 1.6 40.2 0.33 2.07 L68k Kimmswick . Valmeyer _ — SW 3 3S uw 95.70 3.46 0.08 0.74 1 Kimmswick . Valmeyer — NW NE 10 3S uw 97.65 0.90 2.22 — — — 0.34 L70k Salem . . . — Valmeyer . . . — NW SE 15 3S uw 95.20 2.56 1.30 — 0.62 — S211 Warsaw-Salem . 95' Fults — SE SE 36 4S low 89.46 2 22 6.84 — — — 0.90 NF332A1 Salem . . . 43'6" Prairie du Rocher, 3 mi. N. W. — 5S 12W 97.80 0.77 1.55 — 1.01 0.12 — NF332B1 Salem . . . 13' Prairie du Rocher, 3 mi. N. W. — 5S 12W 75.29 1.67 19.86 — 2.82 0.59 — NF332C1 Salem . . . 15'7" Prairie du Rocher, 3 mi. N. W. — 5S 12W 94.83 1.19 3.63 — 1.40 0.18 — NF332D1 Salem . . . 15'H" Prairie du Rocher, 3 mi. N. W. — 5S 12W 95.90 2.51 1.80 — 0.84 0.18 — NF332E1 Salem . . . 27'5" Prairie du Rocher, 3 mi. N. W. — 5S 12W 96.60 1.32 2.35 — 0.79 0.22 — a Salem Millstadt. . . . — — — — — — 98.43 0.02 1.12 — — 0.44 — Montgomery 698b McLeansboro . 20' Hillsboro. . . . — — — 2 8N 5W 93.53 2.15 2.06 — 3.45 — L425k Shoal Creek . . 10' Litchfield . . . — — SW 2 8N 5W 96.40 0.76 1.76 — 0.28 0.43 — DS340 McLeansboro 1'6" Litchfield . . . — NW NE 2 8N 5W 63.37 9.89 6.24 — 12.92 4.07 — 694b McLeansboro Hillsboro. . . . — — — 32 9N 4W 94.84 1.78 1.41 — 2.29 — Ogle LI 90k Platteville . . 40' Grand Detour , — NW NW 8 22N 9E 76.36 19.16 3.10 — 2.30 — 4iq Prosser (middle) 16' Polo — NW NW 17 23N 8E 56.85 40.85 0.63 — 0.20 0.80 — C7ab Platteville . . 10' Grand Detour . — — SE 27 23N 9E 86.36 11.41 1.38 — 1.56 — NF1281 Galena . . . 44' Oregon .... — WH NW 2 23N lOE 53.70 42.35 2.46 — 0.44 1.50 — NF1291 Trempealeau 12' Oregon .... — Sy2 NE 3 23N lOE 48.60 37.52 10.14 — 2.75 1.90 — NF1240 Shakopee 6' Oregon .... — SE NW 6 23N lOE 42.65 33.17 22.10 — 1.81 1.10 — NF1241 Shakopee . . 6' Oregon .... S3^ SE NW 6 23N lOE 41.33 32.31 — — — — — NF1261 Shakopee 7' Oregon .... sy2 SE NW 6 23N lOE 46.76 39.53 — — — — — ■ NF1250 Shakopee 2' Oregon .... H mi. NW cen. of sec. 6 23N lOE 32.55 24.11 34.37 — 8.56 2.30 — NF1350 Galena . . . 50' Mt. Morris . SW SE 32 24N 9E 54.76 42.24 1.09 — 0.40 0.60 — C8b Platteville . . 10' Oregon .... — — NW 28 24N lOE 51.25 34.32 5.62 — 4.22 — NF1321 Platteville . . 25' Oregon .... NE SE SW 34 24N lOE 52.86 39.73 3.99 — 1.17 3.18 — NF1331 Platteville . . 25' Oregon .... NE SE SW 34 24N lOE 72.04 22.69 2.93 — 1.65 1.34 — NF140O Prosser flower) . 55' Adeline .... NE SW SW 21 25N 9E 55.82 45.21 0.23 — 0.07 0.44 — NF1391 Platteville . . 22' Byron .... SW SE SW 32 25N HE 51.82 43.75 3.93 — 0.64 1.09 — k Galena . . . — — — — — — 44.67 31.00 21.20 — 4.00 — Peoria DS550 Lonsdale 15' Peoria .... SW NW SW 3 8N 7E 80.57 1.63 15.27 — 2.26 1.04 — Bu9b Maxwell (proba- bly Lonsdale) 9' Maxwell .... SE cor. 10 8N 7E 80.83 0.96 14.24 — 3.98 — E24ab Maxwell (proba- bly Lonsdale) 3'6" Maxwell .... — — SE 10 8N 7E 70.05 1.00 21.96 — 5.88 — E24bb Maxwell (proba- bly Lonsdale) 6'6" Maxwell .... — — SE 10 8N 7E 73.83 1.17 21.04 — 3.70 — E24cb Maxwell (proba- bly Lonsdale) 3' Maxwell .... — — SE 10 8N 7E 91.93 3.89 2.78 — 1.82 — E26b Pennsvlvanian (probably Lons- dale) .... 10' Princeville . — SE 5 UN 7E 78.83 1.05 16.46 — 3.30 — Bu8b Maxwell (proba- bly Lonsdale) . 13 '6" Princeville . - — SE 5 UN 7E 83.40 0.88 13.36 — 3.24 — Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 23 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County — Con t 53.60 1.50 53.68 53.11 54.76 0.18 2.00 0.00 County 31.26 51.76 0.88 0.72 County 54.36 54.34 0.51 0.47 55.20 0.39 51.33 51.84 50.32 40.27 1.20 1.42 1.26 0.52 46.00 40.2 53.63 0.40 1.5 1.20 31.4 0.8 53.63 54.72 53.35 50.13 54.80 1.65 0.43 1.22 1.06 0.37 42.19 53.14 53.74 54.13 55.16 0.80 0.57 1.20 0.63 0.01 County 52.42 54.02 35.50 53.15 1.03 0.36 4.73 0.85 County 42.79 31.85 48.40 30.09 9.16 20.21 5.46 20.25 27.23 23.90 23.46 26.2 17.94 15.86 15.45 18.9 18.24 30.68 28.72 29.62 11.53 20.20 16.42 19.00 40.37 31.27 29.03 25.03 10.85 21.62 20.92 14.82 County 45.15 0.78 45.30 0.46 39.26 0.48 41.38 0.56 51.52 1.86 44.18 0.50 46.74 0.42 43. 1{ 43.30 43.68 — 27.74 — 41.38 43.22 43.06 31.69 35.77 32.92 41.64 42.69 42.18 — — 34.11 — 46.32 43.26 42.97 — 43.78 43.67 41.16 31.41 35.91 32.5 — 40.38 42.67 42.71 33.70 41.52 42.81 42.38 — — 42.26 35.97 42.98 45.24 43.98 46.00 39.66 35.29 39.74 39.80 35.44 39.6 46.35 43.67 24.92 46.89 43.90 43.44 43.00 46.59 44.45 42.75 46.91 44.34 35.86 — 36.70 — 32.88 — 33.70 — 42.70 — 35.92 — 37.94 — FeO 0.20 Reliance Whiting Co., 78'll''-85'7' from base Reliance Quarry & Construction Co. Reliance Quarry & Construction Co. MnO 0.007; SO3 0.09 P2O6 a025 . . . Columbia Quarry Co., 0-35' from base Columbia Quarry Co., 35'-46'll'' from base Columbia Quarry Co., 46'11''-61'1' from base Partly weathered 8J^-16' above quarry floor . 10'-273^' below top of quarry L. on Ign. 110-400°C 0.0 L. on Ign. 400-1000°C 24.6 42.41 SO3O.OI Middle of formation Columbia Quarry Co. 0-43'6'' above base of exposure 43'6"-56'6'' above base of exposure 56'6'-72'l'' above base of exposure 72'l"-88'0'' above base of exposure 88'-115'5'' above base of exposure Columbia Quarry Co FeS 0.30 Kiggins Crushed Stone Co. Upper bed Composite of different parts of exposure Lower (Blue phase) . Upper 25' (Buff phase) Total 1934 1912 1912 1899 NF171F 1912 1912 E20b E23 1934 NF167A 1934 NF167B 1934 1925 1925 1912 1935 NF167C L66 L69 U49a NF327A 1935 1934 1925 NF327B NF90 L67 1934 1925 1930? 1925 1930 1935 NF89 _L68 L70 S21 NF332A 1935 1935 1935 1935 1912 NF332B NF332C NF332D NF332E 1912 1925 1934 1912 698 L425 DS34 694 1925 1943 1912 1933 LI 90 41 C7a NF128 1933 1934 1933 NF129 NF124 NF124 1933 NF126 1933 1934 1912 1933 NF125 NF135 C8 NF132 1933 1934 1933 1925 NF133 NF140 NF139 1934 DS55 1912 Bu9 1912 E24a 1912 E24b 1912 E24c 1912 E26 1912 Bu8 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.— Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source H H H sec. T. R. CaC03 MgCOa Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 FezOa R2O3 NF690 Caprock No. 6 coal . DSI80 Caprock No. 6 coal . NF730 Caprock No. 6 coal . NF770 Caprock No. 6 coal . R1281 RIOO- 1010 RlOOl RlOll t Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . Burlington . Upper Kinder- hook . Niagaran . 9' 15' 15' 15' 150' 56' 94' Sunfield . DuQuoin. DuQuoin. Pinckneyville 18' Florence NW NW SE — NE SW NE NW NE 32 5S 21 6S 29 6S — NW 11 6S IW 84.06 2.71 9.8 2W 60.30 7.30 23.31 2W 60.68 4.39 26.9 3W 54.1 5.6 29.1 Pearl . . . . Pearl . . . . Pearl . . . . Above village of Kinderhook . Quarry near mouth of Six Mile Creek . W320b DS240 W319b W321b Ste. Genevieve . Clore . . . Chester . . . Chester . . . 15' 5' 15' Herod . Simpson . Golconda Golconda Bu20b D48b W311b Chester . . . Chester . . . Chester . . . Golconda 50' 32' 50' Golconda Reevesville Reevesville Golconda D47b D47S Warsaw-Salem . Warsaw-Salem . 40' 40' Ullin . . Ullin . . Lion Warsaw-Salem . NF451A1 Warsaw-Salem . 40' 14' Ullin . . Ullin . . E NW NE 15 5S 2W 92.23 1.17 3.13 — SE m SE IE SE SW SW SW 10 10 10 7S 7S 7S 2W 2W 2W 94.25 97.85 68.15 61.60 2.32 0.77 18.55 33.14 2.70 0.39 4.10 7.00 — SW — NW SE SE 22 19 19 26 lis 12s 13S 13S 7E 5E 7E 6E 70.52 86.52 86.43 89.82 1.76 3.85 3.34 2.09 18.06 6.79 7.04 5.44 — — NE 26 31 31 13S 13S 13S 6E 5E 5E 88.75 87.32 87.72 91.52 3.68 2.65 2.47 2.26 7.66 10.45 7.90 6.32 NF451B1 Warsaw-Salem 24'6' . — — — 14 14S IW 92.90 . — — — 14 14S IW 91.05 . — SW NE 14 14S IW 94.72 . SJ^ SW NW 14 14S IW 97.58 Ullin Si^ SW NE 14 14S IW 96.31 6.38 — 1.50 1.66 1.86 1.12 Perry - — 4.7 5 .67 2.32 — 4.92 2.08 — 7 49 2.21 — Pike 1 .91 0.55 — 0.00 — 0.23 0.58 — 0.00 0.33 0.33 — 0.00 0.16 0.72 — 0.77 0.77 1.60 Pope 8.86 .47 1.18 2.36 2.90 2.02 1.14 2.74 1.92 Pulaski 0.49 0.49 — 0.35 0.23 0.00 0.20 0.07 2.49 1.71 0.00 0.18 0.08 W254b Chester (proba- bly Okaw) . . 8' Red Bud . . — — NW 4 4S 8W 96 42 1 09 1.50 W253b Chester (proba- bly Okaw) . . 10' Red Bud . . - — SW 5 4S 8W 81 76 7 61 4.54 NF331A1 Salem . 36'8" Prairie du Rocher, IM mi. NW — 5S 9W 98 17 / 17 0.65 NF331B1 Salem . 22' Prairie du Rocher. I ¥ mi. NW 5S 9W 96 67 0.82 1.01 NF331C1 St. Louis. 5'3" Prairie du Rocher, I J^ mi. NW — 5S 9W 92 07 2 57 4.59 NF331D1 St. Louis. 6'7" Prairie du Rocher, ¥ mi. NW 5S 9W 75 99 21 25 1.68 NF331E1 St. Louis. 14'9" Prairie du Rocher, ] V^ mi. NW — . 5S 9W 77.27 11 46 1.90 NF331F1 St. Louis. 15'9" Prairie du Rocher, iH mi. NW — 5S 9W 97 27 1 10 0.96 U47b St. Louis. 75' Prairie du Rocher _ 20 5S 9W 97 85 1 38 0.58 K26k St. Louis. — At nose of hill about M mi. NE Prairie du Rocher . . . - _ — — — 5S 9W 95 89 2 12 0.90 NF330A1 Ste. Genevieve . 13'7" Prairie du Rocher, I mi SE. — — 98 69 / 03 0.69 K9k St. Louis. . . — M mile N. of Prairie du Rocher 97 73 1 37 0.50 K24Ak Okaw. . . . — Roots. . . . _ — SW 4 6S 8W 84.95 2 48 10.84 S27r Okaw & Lower . 38'2" Modoc . - - SW NW 5 6S 8W 90 71 3 47 5.38 S24r Okaw. . . . Modoc . 94 37 2 3 2.52 K23k Okaw. . . . — Roots. . _ _ — NW 12 6S 8W 87 66 5 00 4.52 SL551 Marigold . 20' Roots. . — 6S 8W 98 27 1 // 0.73 K22k Okaw. . . . . Reily Lake - cen. SE 24 6S 8W 94.48 2 48 1.75 Kl2Ak Menard . — Chester . _ - cen. NW 30 7S 6W 86 05 9 00 1.74 K13Ak Okaw. . . . — Chester . - cen. NW 30 7S 6W 94.98 2 12 1.52 K13Bk Menard . — . Chester . _ - cen. NW 30 7S 6W 93 27 2 98 1.04 K13Ck Menard . — Chester . - cen. NW 30 7S 6W 91 23 2 71 3.77 Randolph — 2.00 — 5.12 .43 0.09 0.00 72 0.13 66 0.32 2.01 0.29 1.89 0.16 1.54 0.06 0.56 1.06 — 0.35 0.18 — 0.38 _ 1.54 — — — 0.46 — — 0.76 2.78 — 0.22 0.28 — 1.43 3.07 — . 1.20 — 2.84 — 2.10 — ■ Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 25 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. 0.00 County 47.1 1.3 33.78 3.49 34.0 2.1 30.3 2.7 County 51,69 0.56 52.88 1.11 54.83 0.37 51.58 1.53 38.19 8.87 34.52 15.85 County 39.52 0.84 48.47 1.84 48.44 1.60 50.34 1.00 49.74 0.93 48.88 1.28 49.16 1.18 51.42 1.08 County 52.06 0.92 51.02 — 53.04 0.72 — 54.68 0.89 0.00 30.17 1.4 38.3 31.35 29.8 27.4 MnO 0.07 0.00 0.00 41.75 42.32 1934 NF69 1934 DS18 1934 NF73 1934 NF77 1933 R128 — 43.7 0.00 41.67 42.41 43.50 41.68 SO.OO Lower beds Upper beds — — — — Insoluble matter 3.35 39.25 County 54.04 0.52 45.82 55.01 54.17 51.59 42.58 43.30 54.50 3.64 0.56 0.39 1.23 10.16 5.48 0.53 — — 43.16 43.28 41.48 43.81 43.30 42.86 33.72 39.55 40.46 40.92 — — — 39.85 — 40.08 — 39.42 0.05 43.21 43.14 53.97 1.19 0.01 0.06 42.91 42.90 42.72 41.26 43.03 43.01 41.28 43.97 43.06 43.07 1934 1933 1933 RlOO-101 RlOO RlOl 1870 — 1866 — 1912 1934 1912 1912 W320 DS24 W319 W321 1912 1912 1912 1925 Bu20 D48 W311 P 0.026; Insol. matter 6.39 1912 54.84 0.66 _ _ _ 43.98 MnO 0.002; SO3O.ll; P2O6 0.045 . . . . MnO 0.002; SO3 0.14; P2O5 0.055 . . . . MnO 0.002; SOj 0.10; P2O5 0.010 . . . MnO 0.005; SO3 0.05; P2O6 0.039 . . . Columbia Quarry Co.. 653^-79>^' above base of quarry Columbia Quarry Co., 41-653^' above base of quarry Williams Quarry Red Bud City quarry .... 8'9''-47'5' above base of exposure . 50'2''-72'2' above base of exposure Il'l'-ITS" above base of exposure 77'5'-80'4' above base 84'-98'9'' above base 98'9'-114'6'' above base D47 1907 1928 D47 LIO 1949 NF451A 1949 NF451B 1912 W254 1912 W253 1941 1941 1941 NF331A NF331B NF331C 1941 1941 NF331D NF331E 1941 1912 NF331F U47 53.74 1.01 55.30 0.49 54.77 47.61 50.83 52.88 49.12 55.07 52.95 48.22 53.23 52.27 51.13 0.66 1.19 1.66 1.10 2.39 0.53 1.19 4.30 1.01 1.43 1.30 — — 43.30 43.47 1925 K26 0.00 0.05 43.29 43.07 32'-45'7' above spring along bluffs of Mississippi River 1941 NF330A — 42.42 SOjO.05 MnO 0.016; SO3 0.06; P2O6 0.045 . . . 1925 K9 1925 K24A 1930 S27 1930 S24 1925 K23 1949 SL55 1925 K22 1925 K12A 1925 K13A 1925 K13B 1925 K13C PROPERTY OF PETER J. MURPHY 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.- Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source H H M sec. T. R. CaC03 MgCOs Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 K13Dk S6r Kl7Bk Sl2r W208b W209b B6b B8b Sir K8k B9S B2k B4k B6S BBS S7r S9r Menard . Okaw & Menard Menard . Menard & Okaw Menard . Chester . Chester . Chester . Okaw. Okaw . Okaw . Chester . Chester . Chester . Chester . Menard . Clore . . BulSb Hamilton Bul6b Hamilton NF459I Wapsipinicon DS690 Devonian a Hamilton a Hamilton a Hamilton NF286a Port Byron . NF850 Caprock Blair Coal . . . NF840 St. David . NF163A1 St. Louis. . NF163B1 St. Louis. . NF163C1 St. Louis. . NF163D1 St. Louis. . NF163E1 St. Louis. . NF163F1 St. Louis. . NF163H1 St. Louis. . NF163J1 St. Louis. . NF163K1 St. Louis. . NF163L1 St. Louis NF163M1 St. Louis NF163P1 St. Louis NF160A1 St. Louis NF160B1 St. Louis NF160C1 St. Louis NF160E1 St. Louis NF160G1 St. Louis NF160H1 St Louis NF162A1 St. Louis NF162B1 St. Louis NF162C1 St. Louis NF162D1 St Louis i20'2' 27' Chester . Coles Mill Clores Menard . Menard . Menard . Menard . Menard . Menard . Menard . Menard . — Menard — Menard 42' 17'3' 67' Menard . Menard . Cora . Rockwood 20' Milan 8' Milan 39'4" Milan 14' Milan — Moline — Moline — Moline 25' Cordova — cen. NW 30 7S 6W 95.09 2.38 1.42 — SW NE 30 7S 6W 87.89 2.91 6.52 near cen. 33 7S 6W 90.44 2.38 6.06 — NE NW 15 7S 7W 87.05 2.51 9.38 — — NW 15 7S 7W 95.37 1.44 1.85 NW 15 7S 7W 86.13 1.42 9.62 — — — 23 7S 7W 93.95 3.86 2.48 — — — 23 7S 7W 95.72 3.22 1.90 — NW NE 23 7S 7W 87.03 2.11 8.68 — NE NW 23 7S 7W 93.45 1.86 3.62 I I : : I : 89.40 77.12 3.07 — — — — — : 61.09 93.81 95.57 1.15 0.89 : — NW SE 17 8S 5W 78.22 2.74 15.22 — NW NE 18 8S 5W 87.23 2.13 7.92 — — — 25 17N IW 82.04 5.52 6.98 — — — 25 17N IW 96.67 1.21 1.66 cen. N 3^ 25 17N IW 95.26 4.31 0.37 — SE NW 25 17N 2W 70.15 7.84 13.42 — — — — — — 98.04 44 1.46 — — — — — — 97.15 0.13 0.65 — — — — — — 79.34 1.93 11.00 SW SW NE 1 19N IE 54.39 44.09 0.38 4'6" CenterviUe . . . SW NW NW 6' CenterviUe . . . SW NW NW IS'll" Stolle NW NW NW 2'11" Stolle NW NW NW 12'11" Stolle NW NW NW 20'7" Stolle. . . . . NW NW NW 6'6" Stolle NW NW NW 11'6" Stolle NW NW NW 9'10" Stolle NW NW NW 14' 5" Stolle. .... NW NW NW 10' 2" Stolle NW NW NW 12'10" Stolle NW NW NW 8' 7" Stolle NW NW NW 25' 2" Stolle NW NW NW 6' 4" Dupo SE SE NW 8' 6" Dupo SE SE NW 10' 9" Dupo. . . . . SE SE NW ir 2" Dupo SE SE NW 11' 1" Dupo SE SE NW 6' 8" Dupo SE SE NW 12'11" Dupo SE NW SW 15' 2" Dupo SE NW SW 7'10" Dupo SE NW SW 13'10" Dupo SE NW SW 3 3 13 IN IN IN 9W 9W low 60.2 81.0 85.66 6.5 1.3 12.53 23.6 15.3 2.83 13 IN low 65.96 22.40 9.68 13 IN low 92.51 5.75 1.85 13 IN low 81.38 7.70 9.40 13 IN low 55.60 39.88 4.47 13 IN low 90.98 6.78 3.21 13 IN low 95.16 2.99 2.45 13 IN io;v 92.23 6.82 1.29 13 IN low 92.10 0.23 6.74 13 IN low 96.71 1.80 1.16 13 IN low 90.23 0.75 8.31 13 IN low 93.69 3.95 2.86 14 IN low 58.71 31.96 6.56 14 IN low 95.16 2.38 2.15 14 IN low 87.52 10.26 2.04 14 IN low 94.08 3.95 1.67 14 IN low 97.58 0.38 1.73 14 IN low 94.35 1.00 3.70 14 IN low 94.26 0.31 5.62 14 IN low 56.23 38.47 4 45 14 IN low 93.76 2.46 3.18 14 IN low 83.72 15.10 1.70 Randolph — 1.16 1.26 1.28 — 2.44 1.88 — 1.94 1.11 0.67 1.00 1.40 - 2.39 — 5.82 — — 2.72 — — 1.11 0.67 - 3.31 3.00 Rock Island — 4.32 1.16 .18 0.39 — — 5 .13 2 0.66 41 — — 7.43 .12 0.30 — St . Clair — 5 — .13 3.87 .17 0.80 3.1 — 2 94 1 42 — — 22 80 - — 70 41 — — 1 16 1 14 — — 39 72 — — 70 28 — — 06 52 — — 1 67 0. 43 — — 0.02 54 — — 1 62 0.32 — — 04 0. 64 — — 1 43 1. 12 — — 41 0. 86 - — 40 0.97 — — 21 0. 70 — — 19 0. 74 — — 25 0. 74 — — 26 0.59 — — 1 29 0.99 — — 0.88 0. 43 — — 30 0. 46 _ Footnotes appear on page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 21 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO NaaO K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County— Cont. 53.29 1.14 49.25 50.68 48.78 53.45 48.27 52.65 53.64 48.77 52.37 50.10 43.22 34.23 1.39 1.14 1.20 0.69 0.68 1.56 1.30 1.01 0.8Q 1.47 52.51 0.55 — 53.56 0.43 — 43.83 1.31 — 48.88 1.02 — County 45 . 98 2 . 64 — 54.18 0.58 — 53.38 2.06 0.09 39.30 3.75 54.94 0.21 54.44 0.06 44.46 0.92 30.47 21.09 County 33.7 3.1 45.4 0.6 48.00 5.99 36.96 10.71 51.85 2.75 45.60 3.68 31.15 19.07 50.98 3.24 53.32 1.43 51.68 3.26 51.61 0.11 54.19 50.56 52.50 32.90 53.32 49.04 52.72 54.68 52.87 52.82 31.51 52.54 46.91 0.86 0.36 1.89 15.28 1.14 5.03 1.89 0.18 0.48 0.15 18.40 1.18 7.22 0.00 43.76 — 34.73 — 42.02 42.49 38.01 42.73 40.31 43.15 41.71 42.80 43.25 39.54 43.05 39.41 41.99 41.55 42.07 42.84 42.88 42.83 41.59 41.39 43.87 42.63 44.58 40.67 39.04 43.08 39.00 36.60 39.19 40.00 43.38 43.72 36.06 0.11 0.00 47.18 48.07 30.2 36.1 42.89 38.61 42.81 40.18 43.47 42.05 42.46 43.48 39.96 43.27 39.55 42.23 42.51 42.15 43.16 42.88 42.79 41.73 41.46 43.77 42.11 44.01 SO3 0.09 SO3 6.03" 39.65 SO3O.ll Insoluble 4.92 Phosphorus 0.052 Insoluble 8.98 . Insoluble 33.98 Phosphorus 0.05 P 0.041 . . . P 0.035 . . . SOa 0.10 . . SO3 0.15 . . S. 111. Penitentiary S. 111. Penitentiary CoUinson Stone Co.; basal 29'4" in quarry and 10' in boring in quarry floor PzOs 0.083; organic mat- ter, trace; SO3 1.808; FeO 3.48 .... Mnd 0.005;' SO3 0.06;" PzOsO.OOt .... Cady Stone Co. Moline Stone Co. Cady Stone Co. , U. S. Gypsum Co. Casper Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. basal 15'11'' from base .... Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 15'11"'-18'10" from base . . . Casper Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co.; 18'10''-31'9"from base .... Casper Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 31 '9 ""-5 2 '4" from base . . . Casper Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co.: 52'4''-58'10" from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 59'8''-71'2" from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 71'2"'-81'0'' from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 8 1'O '-95 '5" from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 95'5 "-1057 ' from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 105'7''-118'5'' from base. . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 118'5''-127'0" from base. . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 127'0''-152'2" from base. . . East St. Louis Stone Co.;0-6'4'' from base East St. Louis Stone Co.; 6'4''- 14'10"' from base .... East St. Louis Stone Co.; U'lO'- 25'7'' from base East St. Louis Stone Co.; 26'9'- 37'11' from base .... East St. Louis Stone Co.; 39'11''- 50'7 ' from base East St. Louis Stone Co.; 507'- , 57'3' from base Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. O-12'll'' from base .... Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 12'11'-28'1'' from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 28'1''-35'11' from base . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co. 35'ir-49'9''from base . . . 1925 1930 1925 1930 1912 K13D S6 K17B S12 W208 1912 1912 1912 1930 1925 W209 B6 B8 SI K8 1907 1925 B9 B2 1925 1907 1907 1928 1928 B4 B6 B8 S7 S9 1912 1912 Bu 15 Bul6 1951 1934 1912 NF459 DS69 1912 1912 1943 NF286 1934 1934 NF85 NF84 1934 NF163A 1934 NF163B 1934 NF163C 1934 NF163D 1934 NF163E 1934 NF163F 1934 NF163H 1934 NF163J 1934 NF163K 1934 NF163L 1934 NF163M 1934 NF163P 1934 NF160A 1934 NF160B 1934 NF160C 1934 NF160E 1934 NF160G 1934 NF160H 1934 NF162A 1934 NF162B 1934 NF162C 1934 NF162D 28 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Tabi Location Chemical Sample No. and Formation Thick- Near Source ness M M H sec. T. R. CaCOj MgCOs Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 St. Clair NF162F1 St. Louis. . 6'10" Dupo SE NW SW 14 IN low 71.01 27.38 2.77 — 0.25 0.48 — NF162H1 St. Louis. . 12'11" Dupo SE NW SW 14 IN lOW 96.90 1.51 1.60 — 0.07 0.42 — NF162J1 St. Louis. . 19' 8" Dupo SE NW SW 14 IN low 90.80 0.06 7.74 — 1.32 0.53 — NF162K1 St. Louis. . 14' 3" Dupo SE NW SW 14 IN low 97.31 1.3 0.63 — 0.26 0.44 — NF1921 Warsaw . 7' 9" Dupo NE SW NW 34 IN low 51.27 22.24 17.01 — 4.11 2.17 — NF80O Caprock Coal No. 6. . . 4' 6" French Village . . NE NW NE 24 2N 9W 83.0 6.1 7.0 — — — 4.8 NF831 Caprock Coal lower No. 6. . . 1' 6" French Village . . SW SW SE 26 2N 9W 49.25 15.27 27.9 — 4.07 4.43 — NF165A1 Salem . . 36'11" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 95.96 2.84 1.26 — 0.49 0.28 — NF165B1 St. Louis. , 11' 1" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 91.66 3.79 4.59 — 0.64 0.58 — NF165C1 St. Louis. . 9' 2" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 85.07 9.99 4.81 — 0.79 0.60 — NF165D1 St. Louis. . 13' 8" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 92.69 3.68 3.93 — 1.04 0.62 — NF165E1 St. Louis. . S'll" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 96.35 1.36 2.62 — 0.57 0.34 — NF165F1 St. Louis. . 5'4" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 52.12 36.41 8.39 — 2.02 1.51 — NF165G1 St. Louis. . 16' 8" Columbia NE NE SE 10 IS low 91.87 3.41 4.21 — 0.87 0.56 — a St. Louis. . Columbia SE 10 IS low 97.30 0.48 0.90 — 1.40 — NF790 Caprock Coal No. 6. . . 5' Freeburg. SE 4 2S 7W 57.8 2.3 28.5 6.18 2.92 — Saline CaveHil - 1 and 21 Kinkaid . 10' Harrisburg . SE SW NW 3 lOS 7E 91.53 3.16 4.17 0.05 0.73 0.48 — Sangamon 6 McLeansboro — Chatham. . . . — NE SE 2 14N 5W 68.73 5.07 " 0.70 14.62 — Schuyler C32b Salem or St. Louis. . — Scott Mill . . . — — NW 7 IN 2W 75.76 2.80 15.04 — . 6.44 — C3lb St. Louis. . 5' Ripley . . . . NW cor. 19 IN 2W 82.90 1.00 n.88 — 3.84 — C30b St. Louis. . 4' Ripley . . . . — SE 29 IN 2W 92.53 1.38 4.14 — 1.88 — C4Sb Pen^sylvanian Pennsylvanian Salem or St. Louis. . 8' Frederick . . . — NW NE 5 IN IE 95.32 0.92 2.66 — 2.18 — C43b Rushville . . . near cen. NE 28 2N 2W 70.19 3.59 18.62 — 7.24 — C36b — Camden .... — — NW 11 2N 3W 77.11 5.68 11.30 — 6.16 — C35ab Keokuk . . — Camden .... — — NW 17 2N 3W 85.61 0.88 9.30 — 4.54 — C35bb Keokuk . . 10' Camden . . . . — — NW 17 2N 3W 64.23 14.30 15.80 — 5.88 — C34b St. Louis. . 8' Camden . . . . SW :or. 34 2N 3W 88.68 4.68 4.14 — 3.08 — C46b Pennsylvanian 15' Frederick — NW SW 32 2N IE 94.78 0.92 3.10 — 2.14 — C37b St. Louis. . 8-10' Brooklyn. SW 27 3N 3W 90.29 0.88 6.58 2.70 — Scott R1221 Salem . . 25' 8" Winchester . . . NE NE SE 27 14N 13W 75.49 16.63 4.07 0.00 1.42 1.65 — R130O Knobby (Sea- borne) 3' Exeter . . . . SE SW 23 15N 13W 95.48 0.63 0.47 1.36 1.05 — Stark E27ab McLeansboro 4' Bradford. . . . SW SE 21 14N 7E 62.95 2.05 27.24 — 7.58 — E27bb McLeansboro 5' Bradford. . . . SW SE 21 14N 7E 79.44 1.50 15.40 2.80 — Stephenson DS770 56q Maquoketa . Prosser (upper- 26' Pearl City . . . — SE SE 6 26N 6E 45.93 34.79 11.74 — 4.82 1.29 — most) . ' . 16' Freeport . . . . SE NE SW 6 26N 8E 54.10 43.47 0.95 — 0.35 0.38 — 40a Prosser (upper- most) . 15' Ridott . . . . NE SE SW 4 27N 9E 54.03 43.55 1.12 — 0.33 0.63 — DS730 Niagaran . 30' Waddams Grove SE SE 13 28N 5E — — 3.31 — — — — DS740 Maquoketa . 35' Waddams Grove — SE SE 13 28N 5E 31.11 24.28 29.66 — — — 13.14 DS750 Galena . . 12' Lena — SE NW 29 28N 6E — — — — — — — 38q Prosser (lower- most). 15' Rock City . . . — SW NW 22 28N 8E 53.21 42.77 2.20 — 0.58 0.40 — Clab Platteville . 2' Winslow . . . . NW SE 22 29N 6E 46.71 33.90 14.02 — 3.52 — Clbb Platteville . 33' Winslow . . . . — 22 29N 6E 54.99 39.05 1.68 — 1.54 — Clcb Platteville . — Winslow . . . . — — — 22 29N 6E 54.60 41.18 2.12 — 1.70 — Cldb Platteville . — Winslow . . . . — — — 22 29N 6E 53.35 38.59 3.22 — 2.76 — Cleb Platteville . — Winslow . . . . — — — 22 29N 6E 44.57 30.14 12.56 — 7.04 — Footnotes appear on page S. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 29 Continued. Analysis Loss CaO MgO Na20 K2O CO2 on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County— Cont, 39.79 13.09 54.30 0.72 50.88 0.03 54.53 0.62 2.9 27.6 7.3 53.77 1.36 51.36 1.81 47.67 4.78 51.94 1.76 53.99 0.65 29.21 17.41 51.48 1.63 54.53 0.23 32.4 1.1 County 51.29 1.51 County 38.52 2.42 County 42.46 46.46 51.86 53.42 39.34 43.22 47.98 36.00 49.70 53.12 50.60 1.34 0.48 0.66 0.44 1.72 2.72 0.42 6.84 2.24 0.44 0.42 County 42.30 7.95 — — 44.41 43.92 — — 42.75 43.03 — — 40.08 39.75 28.73 11.59 0.93 46.5 43.54 43.62 34.02 34.71 MnO 0.015; SO3 0.10 P2O5 0.006 . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co.; 53'-59'10'' from base .... Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co.; 64'2'-77'l'' from base . . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co.; 77'l''-96'9' from base . . . . Caspar Stolle Quarry & Cont. Co.; 96'9''-lll'0' from base . . . . Total face of old mine except lower 5' — — 38.9 0.7 43 11 27.8 43.08 41 24 41.26 41 37 41.69 41 43 41.46 42 18 42.14 40 96 41.60 41 46 41.72 — — 27.3 MnO 0.14; Na20 & K2O as K2O 1.2 . . . . Columbia Quarry Co.; O-36'll' from base Columbia Quarry Co.; 36'll''-48'0" from base Columbia Quarry Co.; 5r4'-60'6' from base Columbia Quarry Co.; 62'8'-76'4' from base Columbia Quarry Co.; 77'10'-83'9" from base Columbia Quarry Co.; 83'9'-89'l' from base Columbia Quarry Co.; 89'1'-105'9" from base Columbia Quarry Co 0.06 0.16 41.35 41.38 MnO 0.020; P2O6 0,030 Lower 10' of quarry face — — — — Insoluble matter 10.27 0.05 0.21 53.49 0.30 — — County 35.28 0.98 — — 44.52 0.72 — — County 25.73 16.64 30.31 21.15 30.27 21.19 17.43 11.61 0.03 0.05 29.81 20.95 — — 26.18 30.82 30.60 29.90 24.98 16.22 18.68 19.70 18.46 14.42 — 35 66 — 37 76 — 41 46 — 42 48 — 33 82 38 06 42 .12 38 84 — 36 92 — 42 04 — 42 22 — 40 66 41 .30 42 42 42 .05 42 50 29 66 — 36 38 36 .90 39 51 46 .48 47 09 46 .49 . _ 43 62 - — 28 32 45 53 - — 45 72 - - 40 78 — 47 00 — 46 44 — 45 68 — 40.02 S trace S0.35 Winslow City quarry Quarry 1 mi. N. of Winslow Quarry 1 mi. N. of Winslow Quarry 1 mi. N. of Winslow Quarry 1 mi. N. of Winslow 1934 NF162F 1934 NF162H 1934 NF162J 1934 1934 NF162K NF192 1934 NF80 1934 NF83 1934 NF165A 1934 NF165B 1934 NF165C 1934 NF16SD 1934 NF165E 1934 NF165F 1934 1912 NF165G 1934 1934 1943 NF79 1950 Cave Hill 1&2 1866 — 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 C32 C31 C30 C45 C43 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 C36 C35a C35b C34 C46 C37 1930 R122 1934 R130 1912 1912 E27a E27b DS77 56 1943 40 1934 DS73 1934 DS74 1934 DS75 1943 38 1912 Cla 1912 Clb 1912 Clc 1912 Cld 1912 Cle 30 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2. Sample Location Chemical No. and Formation Thick- Near Source ness H K M sec. T. R. CaC03 MgCOs Si02 Ti02 AI2O3 FezOs R2O3 Union NF91. 920 NF910 NF920 La7o NF4441 Bailey . . Bailey . . Bailey . . Bailey . . Backbone . 95' 45' 50' 60' 40' Aldridge . . . Aldridge .... Aldridge .... LaRue . . . . Wolf Lake . . . mi NE sw sw sw sw SE SE SE NE NE 4 US 4 US 4 US 21 US 23 US 3W 3W 3W 3W 3W 50.87 54.20 47.86 58.14 95.98 5.37 4.81 5.89 4.75 3.78 39.46 37.25 41.44 33.58 0.68 1.03 3.59 l.U 3.21 1.12 3.93 1.10 1.21 — 0.30 0.10 — L20n D2b D2S Paint Creek . Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve 18' 20' Anna . . . . Anna . . . . Anna . . . . — NM NE SE SE 8 12S 17 12S 17 12S IW IW IW 87.56 91.55 91.41 4.00 7.82 4.40 7.34 1.99 — 0.42 0.64 0.36 0.36 — U66l> Ste. Genevieve NF174A1 Ste. Genevieve NF174C1 Ste. Genevieve 7' 4' 25'10' Anna . . . . Anna .... Anna . . . . SE~ SE NW NW NE NE 17 12S 20 12S 20 12S IW IW IW 95.64 97.30 93.10 2.13 1.33 5.44 1.76 1.07 1.82 — 0.92 0.50 0.29 0.68 0.33 — NF174E1 Ste. Genevieve 26' 3' Anna . . . . SE NW NE 20 12S IW 93.98 4.83 2.10 — 0.45 0.33 — a — Anna .... — — — — — — 93.09 3.28 1.98 — 0.66 — Lin NF70O NF4431 Salem . . Bailey . . Salem . . 60' 60' 50' Kaolin . . . . Wolf Lake . . . Mill Creek . . . SE~ NE NW SW WH NW SW 2 12S 3 12S 17 13S 2W 3W IW 96.70 56.22 99.10 0.73 6.06 1.46 0.72 36.3 0.29 — 0.20 0.10 2.18 1.42 0.26 O.U — W28Sb NF930 NF940 NF93, 940 Warsaw-Salem Bailey . . Bailey . . Bailey . . 40' 30' 100' 103' Jonesboro Reynoldsville Reynoldsville Reynoldsville C C NE N^ SE 1 13S 20 13S 20 13S 20 13S 2W 2W 2W 2W 92.46 61.66 59.27 59.83 2.97 3.45 6.06 5.46 3.30 31.53 31.81 31.75 — 1.48 2.96 1.07 2.64 1.74 2.71 1.59 — Vermilion TRl-lSl Livingston . 18' Fairmount . SE SW SW 21 18N 13W 96.42 1.17 1.25 — 0.49 0.77 — Warren NF3721 NF3731 Burlington . Burlington . 4' 5' Monmouth . Monmouth . SE SE NE NE NE NE 7 UN 7 UN 2W 2W 67.42 93.64 18.02 1.00 12.95 4.78 — 1.03 0.64 0.62 0.52 — NF3741 Keokuk . . U' 6' Monmouth . SE NE NE 7 UN 2W 41.50 18.73 35.70 — 2.30 1.80 — Whiteside Hiq Racine . 20' Albany . . . . SE NE SE 24 21N 2E 55.89 43.63 0.10 — 0.25 0.21 — KIQ Racine . 26' Morrison. NW SW SE 7 21N 5E 55.95 43.22 0.24 — 0.19 0.25 — 63 a Diq Racine . Waukesha . 18' 40' Fulton . . . . Fulton . . , . NW NW NW NE SW NW 36 22N 19 22N 3E 4E 55.26 56.83 43.07 42.48 0.10 0.18 - 0.24 0.41 0.63 0.36 — Will NF3951 L126Bk DS970 Lll7Bk k Divine . Niagaran(?) . Kankakee Edgewood . Edgewood . 4' 12' 4H Wilmington . ' Rockville . . . Wilmington . ' Wilmington . Wilmington . SE SE — NE — NE cen. N. line — NW SE SW NE NE NE 26 33N 26 32N 31 33N 31 33N 31 33N 9E lOE lOE lOE lOE 89.30 76.58 91.20 86.3 2.99 19.86 5.33 4.6 4.80 2.12 2.62 8.11 — 1.50 1.12 1.75 1.02 3.51 — NF3941 k L125k NF4011 NF4021 Kankakee . Maquoketa . Niagaran . Niagaran. Edgewood . 12' 16' 15' Wilmington . Wilmington . Wilton Center . . Elwood . . . . Joliet . . . . NW NW NE SE NW NW NE se" SW NW 31 33N 20 33N 19 34N 28 35N lOE llE UE 9E 84.23 76.9 54.15 50.56 44.38 10.10 5.2 39.69 40.95 36.01 4.24 13.58 3.80 6.82 14.55 — 1.21 0.71 2.38 2.70 1.47 0.67 2.75 1.42 — NF3881 NF3901 NF3931 R1929X LlUAk Edgewood . Edgewood . Maquoketa . Kankakee Niagaran . U' 15' 6' bliet . . . . Joliet . . . . .oliet . . . . . oliet . . . . Joliet . . . . SE SW SW SE NE SE SE SW SE 35 35N 35 35N 35 35N 16 35N 17 35N 9E 9E 9E lOE lOE 46.52 36.94 43.56 52.77 47.76 37.55 30.16 33.61 42.16 39.0 12.40 24.80 14.44 3.71 9.46 o.u 2.59 1.15 4.64 1.75 4.63 2.72 0.69 0.17 3.90 — LlUBk LlUCk Lll2k NF540 NF550 Niagaran . Niagaran . Niagaran . Kankakee Niagaran. 23' 40' 35' 50' Joliet .... Joliet . . . . Joliet .... Joliet . . . . Joliet .... — SE SE SW NE NE SE SE SE SE SE 17 35N 17 35N 20 35N 21 35N 21 35N lOE lOE lOE lOE lOE 49.81 53.23 52.76 50.87 53.55 39.46 41.45 42.78 40.77 42.45 6.57 3.41 3.08 7.8 5.3 — 3.52 2.03 1.74 2.6 1.6 NF560 LU3k Kankakee Niagaran. 1' Joliet . . . . Joliet . . . . — NE NE SE SE 21 35N 21 35N lOE lOE 34.71 54.67 21.96 42.90 33.4 — 9.01 1.99 0.12 — — A13Q R1926X Joliet . . Niagaran . . — Joliet . . . . JoHet .... — NE NE SE SE 21 35N 21 35N lOE lOE 54.84 49.47 43.30 39.23 0.98 8.54 0.10 0.16 0.00 0.06 1.50 0.16 — Footnotes appear^Qn page 5. ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 31 Continued. Analysis CaO MgO NaaO K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County 28.50 30.37 26.82 32.58 53.77 2.57 2.30 2.82 2.27 1.81 — — — 24.42 — — — 25.48 — — — 23.47 0.09 0.04 43.61 43.60 49.03 1.91 51.30 3.36 51.23 2.10 53.60 54.52 52.17 1.02 0.64 2.60 — 43.28 — 43.69 52.65 2.31 52.15 1.37 54.15 0.35 31.5 2.9 55.53 0.70 51.82 1.42 34.55 1.65 33.21 2.90 33.52 2.61 County 54.03 0.56 County 37.77 8.62 52.46 0.48 23.25 8.96 — — 43.28 43.06 43.04 — 43.32 42.94 — — 43.62 — — — 26.7 0.07 0.02 43.42 43.23 — — — 42.32 — — — 27.99 — — — 28.35 — — — 28.27 0.08 0.01 43.06 42.92 Lower 45' Upper 50' SO3 0.04; MnO 0.030; P2O6 0,009 . . . Total P 0.017; insoluble matter 1.99. . Union Stone & Lime Co., Anna Union Stone & Lime Co., Anna Anna Quarries, Inc.; 0-7 '4" from base Anna Quarries, Inc.; 20'6''-46'4" from base Anna Quarries, Inc.; 49'6"-75'9" from base MnO 0.005; SOs 0.15; P2O5 0.046 . . . . Jonesboro Stone Co. Swan Creek Phosphate Co. Lower 30' .... Upper 100' .... 1934 1934 1934 1934 NF91, 92 NF91 NF92 La7 1946 NF444 1928 1912 L20 D2 1907 1912 1934 D2 U66 NF174A 1934 NF174C 1934 1912 NF174E 1928 1934 LI NF70 1946 1912 1934 1934 NF443 W28S NF93 NF94 1934 NF93, 94 Material Service Corp. County 31.31 20.99 31.35 21.52 30.96 20.60 31.84 20.59 0.00 0.00 — 39.07 Monmouth Stone Co.; basal 4'. . — — — 41.39 Total alkalies calculated as sodium oxide 0.06 . Monmouth Stone Co.; from 4-9' above quarry floor 28.00 Monmouth Stone Co.; from 9-20K' above quarry floor 1952 TRl-18 1935 NF372 1935 NF373 1935 NF374 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 47.35 0.00 47.16 0.00 46.96 0.00 47.16 47 .57 SOs 0.04; P2O5 O.OOf MnO 0.015 . . 47 . 13 SOs 0.04; P2O6 O.OOf MnO 0.010 . . 47.31 46.97 SOs 0.02; P2O6 0.00t MnO 0.25 . . . 1943 1943 1943 1943 HI Kl 63 Dl County 50.04 1.43 42.92 9.50 51.11 48.32 47.20 43.05 30.35 28.33 24.87 26.07 20.70 24.41 29.57 26.76 27.90 29.83 29.57 28.5 30.0 12.3 30.64 30.72 n .12 2.55 2.19 4.83 2.51 18.98 19.58 17.22 17.96 14.42 16.07 20.16 18.65 18.87 19.82 20.46 19.5 20.3 16.6 20.51 20.92 18.76 40.55 41.84 — — 42.09 — — 36.99 0.10 0.34 39.56 31.58 35.97 44.89 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.73 46.72 42.45 40.40 — — 38.54 38.54 41.77 36.99 — 42.98 43.08 — 37.97 38.24 39.77 32.05 36.36 42.7 44.8 — — — 26.2 46.77 FeO 0.29 MnO 0.07 . . . Iron and silica 1.40 oxides 0.78 . . FeO 0.32 . . . FeO 0.36 . . . Barr quarry 0-15' from top 34-40' below top of section Hand specimen Markgraf Stone Co., Joliet Markgraf Stone Co., Joliet Markgraf Stone Co., Joliet Lincoln Crushed Stone Co., Joliet National Stone Co., JoHet National Stone Co. . Hand specimen . 1936 1925 1934 NF395 L126B DS97 1925 1925 L117B 1936 1925 1925 1936 1936 NF394 L125 NF401 NF402 1936 1936 1936 1952 1925 NF388 NF390 NF393 R1929 LlllA 1925 1925 1925 1934 1934 LIUB Line L112 NF54 NF55 1934 NF56 1925 1943 1952 L113 A13 R1926 32 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2.— Sample Formation Thick- ness Near Location Chemical No. and Source M }4 M sec. T. R. CaCOs MgCOs SiOz Ti02 AI2O3 Fe203 R2O3 Will R1927X t e t Niagaran. Niagaran. Niagaran. Niagaran. — Joliet .... Joliet .... Joliet .... Joliet .... 78-79q Ll33k Racine . Niagaran. . . 7' New Lenox . Lockport. LI 34k L132k 17Q Average anal.d Average anal.d Niagaran. . . Niagaran. Joliet . . . Niagaran. . . Niagaran. . . 8' Lockport. Romeoville . Romeoville . Romeoville . Romeoville . NF760 NF750 Caprock Coal No. 6. . . . Caprock Coal No. 6. . . . 4' 2' Fordville. . . . Spillertown . . . 39Q Prosser (upper- most). ... 25' Seward . k Galena ... — Rockford. 55Q Prosser (lower- most). ... 26' Rockford. a ..... — Rockton . a — Rockton . a — . Rockton . a — Rockton . a ..... — Rockton . Footnotes appear on page S. — NE SE 21 35N lOE 53.70 42.43 2.60 — — — — — — 54.67 42.90 1.40 — — — — — — 41.92 40.51 — — — — — — — 47.68 40.70 7.96 NE SE NE 17 35N HE 54.19 42.38 2.04 — SW NW 26 36N lOE 45.30 31.73 14.40 — SE SE 27 36N lOE 47.44 36.81 11.66 — NW SE 25 37N lOE 46.01 36.15 14.20 NE SE SW 35 37N lOE 54.80 42.54 1.29 SW SE 32 88 2E SE NE 12 9S 2E 53.73 42.13 1.99 — 52.61 41.84 1.90 76.8 12.13 7.7 54.8 26.8 9.0 0.15 0.12 0.35 0.09 — 0.12 0.78 — — 1.77 — 1.97 0.14 — — 0.37 0.35 — 6.70 — — 3.84 — 3.52 — 0.40 0.50 — — 0.63 1.15 — — 0.64 2.08 — Williamson — — — 3.9 — — 8.8 Winnebago 0.45 0.51 — NW NE NW 28 26N lOE 54.66 42.13 1.16 — SW SE 15 44N IE 53.00 43.00 2.00 _ — — NE SE SE 29 44N IE 54.32 43.44 0.94 — 0.40 0.32 — — — — — — 51.03 33.31 3.14 — 3.29 — — — — — — 53.04 45.46 1.96 — — — — — — — 54.81 45.55 2.31 — — — — — — — 51.43 41.91 3.90 — — — — — — — 47.77 40.95 9.08 — 0.44 0.46 0.56 1.73 ILLINOIS LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE ANALYSES 33 Concluded. Analysis CaO MgO NazO K2O CO2 Loss on ignition Miscellaneous Remarks Year sample taken or analysis published Sample No. County— Cont, 30.09 20.29 0.1 30.64 20.61 - 23.49 19.37 - 26.72 19.46 30.36 20.78 25.39 15.17 26.59 17.60 25.78 17.29 30.70 20.44 30.11 20.15 29.48 20.01 County 43 . 5.8 30.7 12.8 County 30.62 20.60 29.70 20.56 30.43 21.20 28.60 15.93 29.72 21.74 30.71 21.78 28.82 20.04 26.77 19.58 0.20 45.60 — FeO 0.38 0.42 0.16 41.13 — 45.95 46.30 — 39.8 — 38.9 0.11 0.07 46.03 0.02 0.04 46.56 47.03 — 46.42 — 44.90 — 46.77 Insoluble matter 14.73 FeO 0.56; P2O6O.9I; MnO 0.07 .... P 0.014 . . . P 0.012; S 0.054 Hand specimen . . . . National Crushed Stone Co. National Stone Co. — bottom Joliet Flux Stone Co. Joliet Flux Stone Co. — FeO 0.20; PaOs 0.02; MnO 0.045; SOj 0.06 . — Other ingredients 2.00 Hart & Page Co. CO2 & H2O 6.28; Fe 1.25; S 1.26. Rockton Lime & Quarry Co. Rockton Lime & Quarry Co. Rockton Lime & Quarry Co. Rockton Lime & Quarry Co. Rockton Lime & Quarry Co. 1952 1925 1866 R1927 1925 1943 1925 78-79 L133 1925 1925 1943 L134 L132 17 1907 Avg. anals 1907 Avg. anals 1934 NF76 1934 NF75 1943 1925 39 1943 55 1912 — 1912 1912 1912 1912 = Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 200 33 p., 2 tables, 1957