LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-OHAMPAIGN IAcr C.OD. 2- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 lie A) 'Report Wo. ^35 /yV coo 1J+69-0179 ),tf3$ SYSTEM AND CIRCUIT DESIGN OF THE TRANS FORMATRIX COEFFICIENT PROCESSOR AND OUTPUT DATA CHANNEL by LAWRENCE D. RYAN June, 1971 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS Report No. U35 SYSTEM AND CIRCUIT DESIGN OF THE TRANS FORMATR IX COEFFICIENT PROCESSOR AND OUTPUT DATA CHANNEL by LAWRENCE D. RYAN June, 1971 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 This work was supported in part by Contract Number U.S. AEC AT(ll-l) 1^+69 and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois, June, 1971. SYSTEM AND CIRCUIT DESIGN OF THE TRANS FORMATRIX COEFFICIENT PROCESSOR AND OUTPUT DATA CHANNEL Lawrence David Ryan, Ph.D. Department of Electrical Engineering University of Illinois at Urb ana- Champaign, 1971 Trans formatrix, as originally conceived "by Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, is a special purpose graphical processor which transforms an input picture represented by 32 x 32 light intensities x. . (i,j = 0,1,., ,,31) into an output display of 32 x 32 light intensities y »(k^= 0,1,..., 31) in such a fashion that each one of the y k /?'s is equal to a weighted linear combination of all the x. .'s. This corresponds to: 31 y ]stf "ijjsO b Uij X ij In the preceeding equation the b n. . 's are, in general, complex coefficients which are fixed for a given transformation. If y,„ is complex, then any one of {|y k Jj |Re[y „]|, |lm[y *]|}is displayed on a CRT. Three specific applications of the general linear transformation are implemented with hardware in the Trans formatrix system. They are the two-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform of the input picture, an Array Transform in which a 5 x 5 subset of each 32 x 32 coefficient frame is selected under operator control, and the Coordinate Transform which involves translation, magnification, and rotation of the input picture „ The second operation Includes as applications certain types of pattern recognition and image enhancement. Each of the operations performed by Transformatrix requires special circuitry to generate the appropriate coefficients. The more important circuits and design principles are covered in this thesis in addition to an analysis of an inexpensive five bit D/A converter. A total of 1,02U of the D/A converters are used to transform the (digital) coefficients a frame at a time into their analog equivalents prior to conversion to Synchronous Random Pulse Sequences (SRPS's). Following stochastic multiplication of the two sets of 1,024 SRPS's, the product SRPS's are summed in an analog manner, integrated and the result manipulated to form the z-axis drive signal for each output light intensity. This portion of the thesis describes the circuitry required to perform all the analog processing subsequent to the stochastic multiplica- tion. Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor W. J. PoppeTbaum for suggesting this thesis topic and for his continued friendship, guidance, and support. He is also grateful to his co-workers, Yiu Wo and Orin Marvel, who designed and built part of the Trans forraatrix system. The author is indebted to all the men in the fabrication group and machine shop under Frank Serio for the considerable amount of work they contributed toward the building of Transformatrix. Special mention goes to Jerry Fiscus who did an excellent job on some rather difficult printed circuit board layouts. All of the part-time student technicians, Rick rtawachi, Ron Klohr, Craig Luebs, Jerry Menchhoff, and Mike Selander, who worked on the Transformatrix project at various times during the past three years, are thanked for their help. Thanks are also due Carla Donaldson for typing the thesis, Fred Hancock and Wes Gibbs for drafting the figures, Art Simons for seeing to the details of the printing of the thesis, and Dennis Reed for the actual printing of the thesis. Most importantly, the author thanks his wife, Anne, for typing the first draft of the thesis and for her support and encouragement throughout this project and his daughter, Erin, for making the past year more enjoyable. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1 The Trans formatrix Concept , . . . . 1 1.2 Scope of Thesis . . . . . . 2 1.2.1 System and Circuit Design of the Coefficient Processor , . , 2 1.2.2 System and Circuit Design of the Output Data Channel 2 2. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS 3 2.1 Method of Computation . . ............ 3 2.2 Trans formatrix Block Diagram . . h 2»3 Generation of the 1?., „. . Coefficients . . . . . 6 2.k Control Signals for the Coefficient Processor and Output Data Channel „ , , . 7 2.5 Trans formatrix Operations 8 3. TWO-DIMENSIONAL DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM . . . . 9 3.1 Fourier Transform Equations 10 3.2 Generation of the Fourier Coefficients . . . . 13 3.3 Fourier Transform Logic Design . 16 3. 3«1 Five Bit Adder and Associated Interface Logic ... 16 3-3-2 Five Bit Diode Encoder 19 k. ARRAY TRANSFORM . 23 k,l Applications of the Array Transform , , , . . 23 4.1.1 Pattern Recognition 23 4.1.2 Smoothing High Contrast Input Pictures . . . . . . . 26 k.2 Array Transform Equations 28 4.3 Array Transform Block Diagram ......... 29 k.k Array Transform Logic Deisgn 33 Page 5. COORDINATE TRANSFORM , . 37 5.1 Coordinate Transform Equations . 37 5.2 Coordinate Transform Block Diagram ....... 38 5.3 General Circuit Considerations 44 5.3.1 Five Bit Bipolar D/A Converter 44 5.3*2 Coordinate Transform Circuitry . „ . . „ 46 5.3.3 Five Bit A/D Converter 49 6. COEFFICIENT STORAGE AND D/A CONVERSION 52 6.1 General Design Considerations 52 6.2 Determination of Weighted Resistor Values , 56 6.3 Analog Reference Regulator „ . . . 66 6.h Coefficient QRAS Driver 66 7. OUTPUT DATA CHANNEL . . . . . 70 7-1 Output Data Channel Block Diagram . . . . 70 7»2 Output Data Channel Circuitry ..... 73 7.2.1 Multiplication and Summation of Coefficient and Input Light Intensity SRPS's . . . 73 7.2.2 Differential Amplifier Buffer 75 7.2.3 Thirty- Two Input Integrator 75 7.2.4 Output Circuit-First Stage ....... 77 7.2.5 Sample and Hold 80 7.2.6 Output Circuit - Sense Stage 82 7.2.7 Output Circuit - Second Stage 82 7.2.8 Output Circuit - Third Stage ............ 85 8. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 87 8. 1 Experimental Results 87 8.2 Conclusions 90 APPENDIX 91 LIST OF REFERENCES 95 VITA 97 VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Trans formatrix Block Diagram ........ 5 3-1 Fourier Transform Block Diagram . „ . 14 3.2 Five Bit Adder . . . 17 3.3 Five Bit Adder Interface Logic 18 3.4 Five Bit Diode Encoder ........ 20 4.1 Position of 5 x 5 Array of Coefficients Within (k,i) Coefficient Frame 24 4.2(a) Selection of Coefficients for Detecting the Letter 'E' . . . 25 (b) Output Pattern That Results from Input Pattern and Coefficient Array Given in Figure 4.2(a) ... 25 4.3 One Possible Coefficient Array for 'Smoothing' High Contrast Input Pictures „ . . . . 27 4.4 Array Transform Block Diagram „ „ 30 4.5 Wiring of Rotary Switch to Implement Coefficient Mapping . . 34 5.1 Pictorial Representation of the Coordinate Transform .... 39 5«2 Example of Horizontal and Vertical Translation . 40 5.3 Coordinate Transform Block Diagram 4l 5.4 Five Bit Bipolar D/A Converter 45 5-5 Schematic of Coordinate Transform Circuitry . . 47 5.6 Five Bit A/D Converter . 50 6.1 Coefficient Storage Register and D/A Converter 54 6.2 Physical Layout of Coefficient Storage and D/A Conversion Board 57 6.3 Photograph Showing Coefficient Storage and D/A Conversion Board in Its Tester „ . . 58 6.4 Circuit Used for Determination of Ladder Resistors 59 V1X Figure Page 6.5 First Half of Computer Program Used to Determine Ladder Resistors . . . „ 63 6.6 Second Half of Computer Program Used to Determine Ladder Resistors „ „ 6h 6.7 Printout of Final Results of Ladder Resistor Computer Program . ,.,..„...„... 65 6.8 Analog Reference Regulator for Hex Inverter Buffers ...» 67 6.9 Coefficient QRAS Driver 68 7.1 Output Data Channel Block Diagram . „ „ . . . . . „ , . . . 71 7.2 Multiplication and Summation of Coefficient and Input Light Intensity SRPS's . . . 7^ 7.3 Differential Amplifier Buffer . 76 "J.k Thirty- Two Input Integrator „ . „ 78 7.5 Output Circuit - First Stage 79 7.6 Sample and Hold 8l 7.7 Output Circuit - Sense Stage 83 7.8 Output Circuit - Second Stage Qh 7.9 Output Circuit - Third Stage 86 8.1 Front View of Trans formatrix System - Panels Removed .... 88 8.2 Back View of Trans formatrix System 89 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Transformatrix Concept A well known technique for increasing the overall speed of a computing system is to operate simultaneously on more than one set of input data. One method of doing this involves the use of multiple arithmetic units. J ' In this configuration an array of identical arithmetic units operates on possibly different pieces of input data at the same time. Parallel computers of this type generally have the property that the sophistication (and thereby cost) of the arithmetic unit is directly related to the variety of problems allowed. The more general the class of input data on which the machine can operate efficiently, the more complex the arithmetic unit has to be. The Transformatrix system, as conceived by Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, is a highly parallel (1,024 arithmetic units) graphical processor which operates on a large class of input data (any two-dimensional shade of grey picture) at a reasonably low cost per computational channel (less than $20 worth of components per channel) » The input picture, which may be a commercial TV broadcast, a video tape recording, any picture provided by an external TV camera, or a 35mm slide, is projected by a TV receiver onto an array of 32 x 32 photoconductors. The output of each photoconductor is converted into a Synchronous Random Pulse Sequence (see Appendix)*. The output picture is a 32 x 32 matrix of light intensities displayed on a CRT. Each output light intensity is formed by multiplying *The interested reader is directed to reference (5) for a detailed analysis of the TV-photoconductor subsystem and the generation of SRPS's for Transformatrix. the array of 1,024 input light intensity SRPS's pairwise times a frame of 1,024 coefficient SRPS's. The products are summed and normalized to produce a single output light intensity. Different coefficient frames are used for different output points. The type of linear transform desired determines the contents of the 1,024 coefficient frames > Some of the operations encompassed by this general linear transformation are transformation of coordinates, spatial filtering, picture enhancement, cross-correlation, two-dimensional Fourier transform, certain types of pattern recognition, convolution, diffraction pattern form factors, and matrix manipulation » 1.2 Scope of Thesis The research project upon which this thesis is based may be conveniently divided into two parts . 1.2.1 System and Circuit Design of the Coefficient Processor Each of the operations performed by Trans formatrix requires special circuitry to generate the appropriate coefficients. The more important circuits and design principles are covered in this thesis in addition to an analysis of an inexpensive five bit D/A converter. A total of 1,024 of the D/A converters are used to transform the (digital) coefficients a frame at a time into their analog equivalents prior to conversion to SRPS's. 1.2.2 System and Circuit Design of the Output Data Channel Following stochastic multiplication of the two sets of 1,024 SRPS's, the product SRPS's are summed in an analog manner, integrated and the result manipulated to form the z-axis drive signal for each output light intensity. This portion of the thesis describes the circuitry required to perform all the analog processing subsequent to the stochastic multiplication. 2. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS Trans format rix is a special purpose graphical processor which trans- forms an input picture represented by 32 x 32 light intensities x. . (i,j = 0,1, . . o, 31) into an output display of 32 x 32 light intensities y . (k,i - 0,1, . o ., 31) in such a fashion that each one of the y 's is equal to a weighted linear combination of all the x. .'s. This corresponds to: 31 y „ = Z b. .. .x. . (2.1) - 1 - j j — ^ In the preceeding equation the b . . .'s are, in general, complex coefficients which are fixed for a given trans formation . Clearly, if y . is complex, then one or more of [|y J, |Re[y „]|, |lm[y ]|} may be displayed (on a CRT). 2.1 Method of Computation In order to have a flicker-free output display, the y 's are calculated at a rate of 30 frames per second. This means that, each y . is determined in approximately 32.51-LSo Referring to equation (2.1) reveals that 1,024 separate multiplications must be performed and the resulting products summed in order to form each y Q . The large number of multiplications required to determine each y . is naturally suited to stochastic computing methods (see Appendix). If we represent the input signals x. . and the coefficients b , . . by Synchronous Random Pulse Sequences (SRPS's), then each product b n .x. ., with (k,i) constant, can be formed with a single digital AND gate. Thus, 1,024 AND's are required to form the 1,024 products. 4 It is not advantageous to sum the 1,024- products in a stochastic manner. The large number of products and dependence among the products would necessitate many summers in addition to high order compensation. Summing the products in an analog manner is the logical alternative. The analog sum of the 1,024 product SRPS's is integrated over 25.5M-S (allowing 7|J.s for the generation of the 1,024 coefficients for that particular output point) and normalized to yield y. g . With a clock rate of 10 MHz and an integration interval of 25 . 5M-S , the average 2 a variance of y g is 4.92% of the full scale value. 2o 2 Transformatrix Block Diagram A block diagram of Transformatrix is shown in Figure 2.1. The photo-matrix consists of a 32 x 32 array of photoconductors which senses the light intensity from a 5" TV receiver and produces voltages proportional to the light intensity. The comparators, C . ., compare the voltages produced by the photo-matrix to the random noise levels on bus 1. The comparators output a pulse whenever x. . > random noise level. Thus the output of C . . is the SRPS representing x. .. The coefficient matrix is composed of 1,024 five bit storage registers feeding 1,024 five bit D/A converters. For each (k,j2) the coefficients, b n „ . ., are entered into the storage registers and converted into 2 analog voltages. A second set of comparators, C . ., compares the voltage levels from the coefficient matrix to the random noise levels on bus 2. The comparators output a pulse if b, „ . . < random noise level. Then the output of kiij 2 C . . is the SRPS representing b . . . . hS 3 c CO cO ■H P -y o o rH pq x •H -P CO S U o a cO u EH rH a) P-4 1 2 For all 1,024- values of (i,j), the outputs of C . . and C . are ANDed together (their SRPS's are multiplied), the 1,024 product SRPS's are summed and then integrated. The normalized result, y , is displayed on the output CRT at position (k.,£). Once the input light intensities have been converted to SRPS's, it is relatively easy to digitally gate individual intensity SRPS's onto a common (5) bus with an AND -OR combination. Thus, with a small increase in hardware, the input picture, as 'seen' by the photoconductors, can be displayed on a second CRT. 2.3 Generation of the b, „. . Coefficients kjij In the Transformatrix system the determination of each output light intensity, y „ , within a j2.5us timing cycle requires that 1,024 coefficients, b n .. . (i,j = 0,1, . . ., 31). be made available to the stochastic multipliers (AND gates) within 7 us of the start of the cycle. Several methods of obtaining these coefficients were investigated. Storage of all (32) = 1,048,576 coefficients for each of the three operations was rejected not only because memory access time for a frame of 1,024 coefficients is short but in addition the maximum number of unique coefficients describing the three operations is only 17 (Fourier Transform). It seemed likely that use could be made of the redundancy among the coefficients. One approach along these lines would be to have all the unique coefficients available (either as digital words or their corresponding SRPS's) and direct them to the appropriate stochastic multipliers by combinatorial circuitry. This method is suitable for the Coordinate Transform and Array Transform (where a maximum of 25 coefficients per output point is non-zero) but cumbersome for the Fourier Transform (where most of the coefficients are 7 non-zero). However, by making use of some of the properties of the Fourier Transform, it is possible to generate the Fourier coefficients on-line as they are needed. Thus by a combination of selection circuitry (Coordinate Transform and Array Transform) and on-line special purpose calculators (Fourier Transform), the appropriate coefficients are presented to the stochastic multipliers within the required time and at reasonable cost. 2.k Control Signals for the Coefficient Processor and Output Data Channel Most of the circuits in the Coefficient Processor and the Output Data Channel which require timing pulses for control purposes do so during either the first or last several microseconds of each 32.5M-S cycle. A convenient way of obtaining the necessary control signals is to have the appropriate outputs of the nine bit 32. 5 US synchronous counter feed a series of decoders . With a 32.5M-S basic computational cycle and a 10 MHz system clock, the 100ns clock periods may be numbered from to 32^. Using ten Fair child 9311 one out of sixteen decoders, the clock cycles from through 79 and 256 through 32^4 are decoded and made available for use as control signals. To prevent glitches from appearing in the decoder outputs the 9311 ' s are strobed by the system clock resulting in ~50ns wide control signals. Generating the timing pulses in this manner makes for a flexible system design. The time relationships among any group of control signals used in the Coefficient Processor and Output Data Channel may be easily changed by a small amount of rewiring. 2.5 Trans format rix Operations Three specific applications of the general linear transformation are implemented with hardware in the Trans formatrix system. They are the two-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform of the input picture, an Array Transform in which a 5 x 5 subset of each 32 x 32 coefficient frame is selected under operator control, and the Coordinate Transform which involves translation, magnification, and rotation of the input picture. The second operation includes as applications certain types of pattern recognition and image enhancement. In addition to the three basic operations listed above, it is also possible to perform any one of four mathematical operations on each output light intensity. The operator may select from among the following modes: linear, log, square, and square root. In each of these modes, Trans formatrix is additionally capable of producing the negative of the output picture. It should be emphasized at this point that all of the operations described above are performed on-line with respect to the data rate of a standard television input picture. The system and circuit design pertinent to the three Transformatrix operations and the output data channel are covered in the following chapters. 3. TWO-DIMENSIONAL DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM The two-dimensional Fourier Transform has found numerous applications in the area of picture processing. Based on the idea that some noise in television picture transmission is periodic, some authors have used the properties of the two-dimensional Fourier Transform to filter the periodic (7) noise out of the incoming picture. Another avenue of interest involves the use of the two-dimensional Fourier Transform to compress the bandwidth required / O \ to transmit television pictures. A more direct application of the two- dimensional Fourier Transform is to detect periodicities in a picture (periodicities which in the unaltered original picture may not be apparent to the eye). Because of the wide variety of applications of the two-dimensional (on-line) Fourier Transform and since it would push the capabilities of the Trans formatrix system to the ultimate (most of the b, „. . Fourier coefficients are non-zero), it was decided to implement the two-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform in Trans formatrix. Several authors '' have described special purpose digital FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) processors specificly designed to take advantage of certain properties of the Fourier Transform. In this way the time required to calculate Fourier Transforms has been reduced considerably. However, the structure of the Trans formatrix system, a hardware implementation of the general linear transformation, precludes special hardware modifications designed to enhance the speed of the Fourier Transform operation. In the Trans formatrix system the 10 to 100- fold increase in speed of the Fourier Transform operation over conventional digital computers is due solely to the high degree of parallelism employed (1,02^4 arithmetic units). 10 To better understand the system design of the Fourier coefficient generator, it is helpful to develop some of the mathematical properties of the two-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform. 3.1 Fourier Transform Equations Let f(ijj) be the doubly periodic extension of a discrete input pattern, x. ., such that: f(i,j) = x ± . } i,j =0,1, . . ., N-l (3-1) f(i + pN, j + qN) = x i,j = 0,1, . . ., N-l (3.2) x v p,q integers We may then define a truncated Fourier series for the two-dimensional discrete function f(i,j) in the following manner: ' N-l f(i,j) =7; 2 F(kJ) exp[2*i(ki +ij)/N], i,j =0,1, . . ., N-l (3-3) ^ k,i=0 N-l F(M) = - Z f(i,j) exp[-2fii(ki + ij)/N], kj = 0,1, . . ., N-l (3.*0 i/j=0 That expressions (3*3) and (3.^-) do indeed form a Fourier Transform pair can be readily verified with the aid of the orthogonality relationships for the exponential function. Transformatrix is capable of realizing equation (3«^)j a two- dimensional discrete Fourier Transform, with N = 32 » Since F(k,i) is in general a complex quantity, Transformatrix displays any one of the three functions [F(k,i)|, |Re[F(k,i ) ] I , I Im[F(k,i ) ] I . 11 A closer examination of equation (3«^+) proves useful in generating the Fourier coefficients. Through direct use of (3»*0 we see that: F(k,i)* = F(32 - k, 32 - i) (3.5) where F(k,i)* is the complex conjugate of F(k,i). Thus, for each output frame 1 2 of F(k,i) values that are to be calculated, only —[(32) + k] - 51^ unique values need be determined with the other 510 values obtained through the use of (3»5)« This reduces the computation time by almost one-half. From equation (3.^) "we have for Re[F(k,^)] and Im[F(k,i)]: 31 Re[F(k,i)] =4 2 x..cos2 J t( ki _ + p ij ) (3.6) id i,j=0 1J ^ Im[F(k,i)] = - i Z * Binat f 1 ^ ) (3.7) 32 ijJ=0 xj 32 In order to obtain |F(k,i)|, |Re[F(k,^)] | , and |lm[F(k,i)]| for each (k,i), the Transformatrix Coefficient Processor must be able to provide the SRPS's which represent cos2jt( tx — ~) and -sin2jt( r-p — -). Since the cosine and sine functions vary between -1 and +1, a mapping is required. The type of mapping that is used is: P cos (ki + id) - |[1 - cos2«(^ii)] (3.8) where < P (ki + ij ) < 1 — cos — 12 p . (ki + Ij) is obtained by incrementing the argument of cos2rt( J '-sin it/2 32 by P_ sin (ki + ij) = |[1 - cos2 J t( ki + 3g ij + 8 )] where < P . (ki + i/j ) < 1 (3.9) Multiplying the SRPS which represents x. . by the SRPS's which represent P (ki + £ j ) and P . (ki + ij ) and summing (in an analog manner -c- cos -sm^ over all (i,j) we obtain: 31 Re[P'(M)] = -h z ^i^ 1 " cos2rt( ki + ij )]} ^ 1,3*0 1J J = \ F(0,0) - I He[F(M)] (3.10: Im[F'(k,i)] 31 - 4 2 x. {i[l + sin2,t( ki + ij )]} « I F(0,0) - I Im[F(k,i)] (3.11) The quantity F(0,0) represents the average intensity of the input pattern. Thus, for each (k,i) we have the result: Re[F(k,i)] = 2{F(0,0)/2 - Re[F'(k,i)]} Im[F(k,i)] = 2{F(0,0)/2 - Im[F'(k,i)]} (3.12) (3.13) 13 When computing |F(k,i)| or | Im[F(k,i)] | , F(0,0)/2 is determined on the (k,i) = (0,0) cycle from the relation: F(0,0)/2 = Im[F'(0,0)] (3.IU) The calculation of |Re[F(k,i)]| requires that all the b n .. . coefficients be set equal to 11111 on the (k,i) = (0,0) cycle. The resulting integral of the sum of products b . . .x. . is sampled half-way through the (0,0) cycle to yield F(0,0)/2. The quantity F(0,0)/2 is recalculated every output frame (approximately 33kis per frame), stored for that frame, and subtracted from each succeeding calculation (Re[F'(k,^)] and/or Im[F'(k,^)]) to yield the desired result (|F(k,i)|, |Re [F(k,i ) ] | , or | Im[F(k,i ) ] | ) . 3.2 Generation of the Fourier Coefficients Reviewing the equations in section 3»1 it is seen that the crux of the problem is the generation of the coefficients, P (ki + ij ) and P . (ki + Hi ) , as SRPS's. A block diagram of the subsystem which generates -sin ' the Fourier coefficients is found in Figure 3-«l« As indicated in Figure 3«1 5 there is one five bit adder for each column of coefficients. Because of the periodicity of the cosine and sine functions, we are only interested in (ki + ij) modulo 32 . For a particular output point and a fixed column of coefficients, the indices k, i, and i are constant. Assume that (ki) is entered into the th R. input register of the i adder „ The encoder converts (ki + £j)^ Q into P (ki + £ j ) . Thus P (ki) is entered into the j = five bit register cos ' cos of column i(R. _). The number (ki)^^ remains as one of the inputs to the 1,0 32 g < oc i i ! i i i CC UJ o Q < cc i i i o o CC UJ O o < o a: ^ oc UJ a o o z UJ JL ik i C£ J 0C~ i: IX) q, o* cr ^ ♦I IX) 3 O -I < o z UJ 3 o a: < ro ii ^ o TT I | *•■"■* M» « *< N + K> 2 a. «— ^ 3 N 1 CM ^ O to o O _l t J >»v. en UJ ui _ JU. o ui a: OD I m CM o CC PI t; IX) L IX) o cc ^ |XJ C/> oc o o CO I m CVJ o to CC IX) m CC r. IX) o or T- IX) bO erf •H P ^ o o rH d o H EH fH CO ■H (in a) u 3 ■H 15 adder. The common register contains &. Thus the output of the adder is (ki + |) and this number is clocked into the register R. . The encoder generates P (ki + i) which is entered into register R. n . This process cos 1,1 continues (with one input to the adder equal to $, and the other input equal to the previous output) up to j = 31 for all 32 columns. The resulting five bit binary numbers stored in the 1,024 registers feed 1,024 D/A converters. The output of each D/A is compared with a Quantized Random Analog Signal (ORAS) which is generated by putting five bits of a feedback shift register (5) into a D/A converter. ' The output of each comparator is a SRPS representing P (ki + i). Recall that P . (ki + ij ) is obtained by initializing the R. cos v ' -sm^ **' J & 1 input registers of all the adders with a binary 8. P (ki + id) = P(ki + Jj + 8) (3.15) While the product SRPS's corresponding to output point (k,i) are being summed and integrated, a separate five bit adder is used to generate the j = row of cosine arguments 0, kl, k2, . . „, ki, . . ., k30, k31 (add 8 for sine arguments). These five bit words are gated into the input register of the appropriate adder (ki -» R. , etc.) prior to the start of a new cycle. To allow for differences in logic delay times in the 32 Fourier coefficient calculators and in the row addressing circuitry, a full 200ns is allowed for the calculation and gating into the storage registers of one row of coefficients. For the Fourier Transform this results in a time of 6.h[xs for the calculation and storage of 1,024 five bit coefficients. Including 100ns for resetting the storage registers each cycle and . 500ns for the D/A converters to settle to within + - LSB, 7us out of each 32.5us period is used in generating the Fourier SRPS coefficients. 16 Since almost — of the output values of the Re[F(k,i)] and Im[F(k,i)] are redundant, by using equation (3*5) the cycle time can be doubled to 65 us when performing either of these two operations. This gives more than double the integration time and hence a more accurate result. 3.3 Fourier Transform Logic Design The details of the logic which is reproduced 32 times to implement the Fourier Transform coefficient generator are given in the folio-wing two sections . 3«3»1 Five Bit Adder and Associated Interface Logic The complete logic diagram of the five bit adder is given in Figure 3-2. The adder features a look-ahead carry design and a worse case input to output delay of 3Ctos. Since the adders operate in the system at 5 MHz their speed is more than adequate. The interface logic of the five bit adder is shown in complete detail in Figure 3«3» The Clock, Set and Inhibit signals are common to all 32 adders. The g. and Clear, signals are unique to each adder. Since the subsequent circuitry (the five bit diode encoder) is fed by the five bit adder register, it is convenient to leave the Inhibit tied to a logical for all operations. In the Fourier Transform mode of operation the Set inputs originate from the outputs of the separate adder which generates the j = row of cosine arguments 0, kl, k2, . . ., ki, . . ., k30, k31 (add 8 for sine arguments). The values {ki} or {ki +8} are entered into the correct adder register by pulsing the g. lines in synchronism with the clock which toggles the separate adder register. 17 a- T ^ 9 a. i " i i i 8i lig I X I I g *3" Tj" ^t t O P. p £ S n z z z z u to u) in •H CM CD •H l< O- l-3> ££> i^> x=o ^> fcO £ n>Hit ^t> ^CHS (O ^O ^> € S>0 i< ^=o aA6 i* i< las l< H lea ICO o o_j Si 18 ■a-** - j"otJ > V ce a id z a. 5 22 z z Q _l o 5 z z in vt ♦ — ro O ■H M i-5 0) u erf In CD OJ < •H pq > •H no •H 19 The remaining 1,024 - 32 - 992 coefficients are subsequently obtained a row at a time by having the Adder Clock under go 31 -* 1 transitions. The 32 row gating lines are sequentially pulsed in synchronism with the Adder Clock signal. 3.3.2 Five Bit Diode Encoder A critical part of the Fourier Transform coefficient generation is the implementation of the mapping given by equation (3»8). This type of operation is tailor made for a ROM (Read Only Memory). Although ROM's on a single chip with fast enough access time (of the order of 75ns) are becoming available, they could not be obtained when this portion of the system was being designed. For this reason the five bit diode encoder illustrated in Figure 3.4 was designed to implement equation (3.8). For any stable five bit input, A, one out of the 32 decoder outputs is a logical and the other 31 are logical l's. The input of each of the SN74H40N NAM) drivers which is connected to the logical decoder output through a diode acts as a logical to that NAM) causing its output to go to a logical 1. If none of the inputs of a NAND driver is connected to the logical decoder output through a diode then these inputs are a logical 1 and the NAM) output is a logical 0. It is clear that any arbitrary many-to-one mapping may be obtained by the appropriate arrangement of the diodes. To obtain the Fourier Transform coefficients, equation (3«8) was implemented with the diodes. Table 3.1 summarizes the steps required to determine the placement of the diodes on the encoder card. The desired coefficients, as a function of the argument, A, are determined from equation (3.8) (where A = (ki + £j). 32' Since the calculated coefficients are five bits wide, the nearest available A A AAAAAi 20 AAA -«r - 10 \__ m < /^ < ! tt> a i * ■AAA i— W— ■ I — KH r— W— • N N ~ AAA f— W-'f— W—' [— W-.i r— W- r— |fr-«. AAA i— W-> r— «-<> i— W— i— «-' i— W— > r— KH' r— W— 9 S * if Jla -J 5? + > if r— «— ■ i— «— ■ I — W-" 2* 5 -♦ IS | — H— j — KJ-" I — •H -3" CO •H TABLE 3.1 21 ARGUMENT Desired Coefficient Nearest Available Coefficient Error 1/2[1-C0S(||A)] Gesired- earest X 100 Degrees 00000 0.0 .0000 00001 11.25 .0096 00010 22.5 .0381 00011 33-75 .0843 00100 45.0 .1465 00101 56.25 .2222 00110 67.5 .3087 00111 78.75 .4025 01000 90.0 .5000 01001 101.25 .5976 01010 112.5 .6914 01011 123.75 .7778 01100 135.0 .8536 01101 146.25 .9158 oiiio 157.50 .9620 01111 168.75 .9904 10000 180.00 1.0000 10001 191.25 .9904 10010 202.50 .9620 10011 213.75 .9158 10100 225.00 .8536 10101 236.25 .7778 10110 2*17.50 .6914 10111 258.75 .5976 11000 270.00 .5000 11001 281.25 .4025 11010 292.50 .3087 11011 303.75 .2222 11100 315.00 .1465 11101 326 . 25 .0843 11110 337.50 .0381 11111 348.75 .0096 43210 Percent 0/31 00000 .0000 0/31 00000 .0000 1/31 00001 .0323 3/31 00011 .0968 5/31 00101 .1613 7/31 00111 .2258 10/31 01010 .3226 12/31 01100 .3871 16/31 10000 .5161 19/31 10011 .6129 21/31 10101 •677^ 24/31 11000 .7742 26/31 11010 .8387 28/31 11100 .9032 30/31 11110 .9677 31/31 11111 1.0000 31/31 11111 1.0000 31/31 11111 1.0000 30/31 11110 .9677 28/31 11100 .9032 26/31 11010 .8387 24/31 11000 .7742 21/31 10101 .677^ 19/31 10011 .6129 16/31 10000 .5161 12/31 01100 .3871 10/31 01010 .3226 7/31 00111 .2258 5/31 00101 .1613 3/31 00011 .0968 1/31 00001 .0323 0/31 00000 .0000 0.00 +0.96 +0.58 -1.25 -1.48 -0.36 -1.39 +1.54 -1.61 -1.53 +1.4o +O.36 +1.49 +1.26 -0.57 -O.96 0.00 -0.96 -0.57 +1.26 +1.49 +0.36 +i.4o -1.53 -1.61 +1.54 -1.39 -O.36 -1.48 -1.25 +O.58 +O.96 22 coefficient is chosen from among the 32 possible values ranging in equal increments from to 1. Referring to Figure 3»*+ note that the output of the encoder is h, „. . (not h „. .). Therefore, a diode is placed at each argument- bit line intersection at which a appears in the binary numbers of the third grouping in Table 3»1« A 1 in the third grouping indicates that no diode is to be placed at that argument-bit line intersection. The last column in Table 3«1 lists the error due to the finite width of the five bit coefficient storage registers. It is seen that the maximum absolute error due to this cause is only 1.61$. The entire circuit of Figure 3«^ is contained on a single printed circuit board. Since the card was layed out to accept diodes at any argument- bit line intersection and the F-93H decoders are in sockets, it is possible to have another set of encoder cards with a different arrangement of diodes giving rise to a different kernel in equation (3«*0 and hence a different Transform. However, the argument of the kernel would still have to be (ki + i j ) and the kernel itself would have to have a cycle length of 32. 23 k. ARRAY TRANSFORM In designing a system capable of performing the general linear transform of an input picture, it is natural to want to incorporate into the machine a method of selecting some coefficients in each of the 1,024 coefficient frames under direct operator control. As shown in Figure 4.1, this is accomplished in Transformatrix by having a 5 x 5 array of coefficients chosen by the operator entered into the (k,i) coefficient frame symmetric about column k and row £. 4.1 Applications of the Array Transform 4.1.1 Pattern Recognition An application of the Array Transform is a type of pattern recognition in which Transformatrix is programmed to recognize any 5x5 subsection of the 32 x 32 input pattern (grey scale = 2) and to indicate its spatial location within the input pattern. This is accomplished by having a 5 x 5 array of rotary switches on the computer console each of which can be set to any one of the coefficients (-1, -.8, -.6, . . ., 0, . . ., .6, .8, 1). For each output point (k,£), the Coefficient Processor enters the 5x5 coefficient array that has been selected symmetrically about column k and row £ of the b. n . . coefficient frame, kiij All other b, B . . coefficients are set equal to - (the reason for this is given in section 4.2) . The values of the coefficients in the 5x5 array are chosen such that the sum of the products of the 5x5 coefficient array times the 5x5 subsection of the input pattern that is to be recognized is maximum. The selection of appropriate coefficients is illustrated in Figure 4.2(a) for the 2 2k O v? U. * UJ < < Ul UJ O ti- ll- UJ O O O 0. a: < UJ o u. u. UJ o o m x IO poooq OOOOOt .OOOOOf« 'oOOOOi ooooo 2 -J 8 - a: o < a: UJ CL o GD UJ en CO UJ -J 2 w -p d ? c ce a; 3 3 LT\ Ch the value set by the threshold control. This enables one to easily distinguish between light intensities of nearly equal brightness. 4.1.2 Smoothing High Contrast Input Pictures A second application of the Array Transform is the 'smoothing' of high contrast input pictures. A coefficient array which performs this function appears in Figure 4.3* The type of 'smoothing' function obtained can clearly be varied by appropriate selection of the coefficients. 27 .2 .4 .6 .4 .2 .6 I .6 .2 .4 .6 A .2 Figure ^.3. One Possible Coefficient Array for 'Smoothing' High Contrast Input Pictures 28 k-,2 Array Transform Equations Let A(kji) represent the light intensity at point (k,i) in the out- put pattern under the Array Transform operation. From equation (2.1) A ^ - i5 | WlJ (U - X) As was encountered under the Fourier Transform, the Array Transform uses negative coefficients. The Fourier Transform mapping (see section 3*1) is also employed for the Array Transform to implement the negative coefficients as SRPS's. where A is the input to the five hit diode encoder. The generation of the Array Transform coefficients, b g . ., must take into account the passing of the Array Transform arguments, A, through the five bit diode encoder and hence the mapping given by equation (4.3) • This topic is taken up in section k.h. From the definition of the Array Transform operation, for every point (k,i) in the output pattern there is at most 25 coefficients c . ^ 0. Using this fact and substituting equation {h.2) into equation (h.l) we have 31 25 A(k,i) = Z x. .12 - Z c. ,. .x. .12 (k.k) x j j — u Rewriting equation (^.^-) gives 29 " Z C kli3 X io '" 2[A(k '^ - . E n X ij /2] (U - 5) 1 j J — U 25 To obtain the desired output, - Z c, „..x. ., a special 32.5M-S cycle kjjij ij' is set aside every output frame in which c„„. . =0, V i,j (b „„ , . = — ). The resulting sum of products, L x. ./2, is integrated, stored, and subtracted i,j=0 1J 25 from each succeeding computation, A(k,i), yielding - Z c n „. .x. ., kiij ij U.3 Array Transform Block Diagram A block diagram of the logic involved in the generation of the Array Transform coefficients is shown in Figure k.k. The primary signals which are to be generated consist of: the 32 five bit adder register inputs Clear., g. , and D , . . . , D (see page 18 for drawing of adder interface logic) and the coefficient row address signals G , G , . . . , G , . Note that the Array Transform coefficients are entered into the coefficient storage registers through the five bit adder input registers and the five bit diode encoders. That is, the data lines to the coefficient storage registers are used in common by all three operations. The mapping performed by the encoder (given by equations (^+.2) and (4<>3)) must be taken into account in the generation of the Array Transform coefficients » This area is covered in section k.k. * The particular choice of the inverse mapping given in section k.k results in the negative values of cos(-r^ A) (-• c '. .) corresponding to positive 'dialed-in' coefficients and vice- versa. So, the desired output (with the 25 proper sign) is Z (-a, „ . . )x. . . 1 A 3 2 -oo 30 -►j -o- >■ r* e* !S!= i 5 Hi t s hO otf •H Q J« o o H pq S o Ch w (3 BJ Jh >> 0) •H •1 * :-J 31 In the following discussion assume that neither of (k,j5) is = 0, 1, 30 or 31* Under these conditions the entire 5x5 coefficient array will fit within the 32 x 32 coefficient frame for all allowed values of (k,i). The Clear, signals are prepared first. The contents of the k-counter are fed into an adder which has 11101 as the second input resulting in k-3 at the output. The quantity k-3 is gated into the set inputs of a five hit counter. As the counter clock makes five -* 1 transitions the counter advances through the five states: k-2, . . ., k+2. The 1/32 decoder strobe pulses the decoder in synchronism with the counter clock causing five of the decoder output lines to go sequentially to a logical 0. The five decoder lines going to a logical cause five of the 32 flip-flops in the Clear, register to go to a logical 1. The other 27 flip-flops remain at logical 0. The Clear, signals do not affect the 32 five bit adder registers until they are strobed. The G. signals are set up in the same way as the Clear, signals. J The only difference is that 27 G.'s are a logical 1 while five are a logical 0. J During the last half of each computational cycle the number 11000 is entered into all 32 five bit adder registers by successively pulsing all the g. lines. This number is encoded into a coefficient (b n . . . ) = — . Recall 1 kiij 2 from section 4.2 that all but at most 25 coefficients = — in each (k,^) cycle. At the beginning of each cycle, immediately after the preceeding frame of coefficients has been reset, the G. register is strobed and the coefficient = — is entered into 27 rows of coefficient storage registers. Each of the remaining five rows of coefficients is accessed one at a time. First the Clear, register is strobed and five adder registers are cleared „ Then the g. counter is toggled five times in synchronism with. the g. decoder strobe. The process enters the first group of five Array Transform coefficients into 32 the proper five bit adder registers through their set inputs. (The number Ak, used in the generation of the g. signals, is equal to k delayed one cycle. This is necessary because the Clear, signals are set up in one cycle and the g. signals are generated in the next cycle.) The 27 remaining adder registers still contain 11000 which when encoded gives a coefficient = — . G. „ is 2 j-2 pulsed and the encoded version of the contents of the adder registers is entered into the corresponding coefficient registers of row j-2. This procedure continues until the fifth group of Array Transform coefficients is entered into the j+2 row of coefficient registers. If either or both of (k,i) = 0, 1, 30, or 31, part of the 5x5 coefficient array falls outside of the 32 x 32 coefficient frame. When this occurs the coefficients which correspond to locations not in the 32 x 32 coefficient frame should be ignored. However, under these conditions either or both of the (k,^) counters would underflow or overflow causing the coefficients to be entered into storage registers within the 32 x 32 coefficient frame. To prevent this from happening the (k,j/) counters are allowed to underflow or overflow but the proper (k,i) 1/32 decoder strobe pulses are inhibited. For example, (k,i) = (1,31) would result in the 1st k decoder strobe pulse and the 4th and 5th £ decoder strobe pulses to be inhibited. During the special averaging cycle all the G . flip-flops are set to J a logical 1 and immediately after the preceeding frame of coefficients has been reset the G. register is strobed causing the coefficient = — to be entered J into all 1,024 storage registers. The Clear, signals are inhibited during this cycle. 33 4.4 Array Transform Logic Design The logic design of the functional blocks which make up the Array- Transform subsystem shown in Figure 4.4 is rather straightforward and will not be described in detail here. However, it is of interest to explore further the manner in which the 25 'dialed- in' Array Transform coefficients are presented to the four 25/1 multiplexers. Recall from section 4.3 that the multiplexer outputs are gated into the appropriate five bit adder registers and from there pass through the five bit diode encoders to the coefficient storage registers. The encoders perform the cosine mapping given by equations (4.2) - (4.3). Therefore, the function of the rotary switches on the control panel is to implement the inverse cosine mapping so that the correct coefficients are entered into the storage registers. Figure 4.5 illustrates how 4 bits of one coefficient are generated via an 11 position - 4 section rotary switch. It will be seen shortly that the most significant bit of the 'dialed-in' coefficient is constant and may be hardwired into the adder registers. The rotor tab on each section is connected to 5v - a logical 1. As the coefficient dial on the control panel is turned clockwise from -1.0 to +1.0, the rotor tab on each section sequentially makes contact with each stator tab on that section. For a fixed position of the dial, if there is a wire jumper leading from the stator that is in contact with the rotor to the output line, then the output of that bit line is a logical 1, Conversely, if there is no jumper at the rotor-stator contact, the 470 ohm resistor to ground acts as a logical to the following TTL gate. In this manner any arbitrary many-to-one mapping may be implemented with the rotary switches. The diode in each output line is used to provide current surge protection for the following TTL gate in the event of a transient spike on the 5v supply line. 3^ CLOCKWISE >» 5V >- + 5V p 1 1 paioeeooeee 66 6 66 OOOO OO ■M t > D >A70Sl 9 9 00000000 470X1 o o 9 o o 9 9 e 9 o 60060066060 ■ a t > d, < 470 ft 9 9 < 1 09090990 "O-OOOOOOOOO 0f- -1.0 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 .2 .4 .6 8 1.0 -t > D c ?470X1 ALL RESISTORS ARE CARBON, 5W, 5% DIODES- IN4I48 Figure U.5. Wiring of Rotary Switch to Implement Coefficient Mapping 35 The object of this arrangement is to perform the inverse of the mapping given by equations (4„2) - (4.3). Table 4.1 summarizes the steps taken in determining the location of the jumpers on the rotary switches. The first column lists the desired coefficients which are dialed-in on the computer console. The corresponding mapped coefficient (b) is given in column two. The nearest available coefficient is noted in the third grouping. The related argument, A, is obtained by referring to Table 3«1« A 1 in the argument column indicates that a jumper is placed at the corresponding section- stator location on the rotary switches. There is no jumper at those section-stator intersections where a appears in the argument column. The resulting error is tabulated in the last column with a maximum absolute error of 2.58^. Note that bit h of the argument, A, is a logical 1 for all coefficients. Thus only k instead of 5 sections per rotary switch are required with bit k being set equal to a logical 1 directly at the adder registers. TABLE k.l 36 Dialed-In Coefficient Mapped Coefficient Nearest Available Coefficient Corresponding Argument Error c l/2[l-(- •c)] " A Mapped x la Nearest — — — ^3210 Percent -1.0 0/31 0.0000 31 11111 0.00 -. .8 .1 3/31 .0968 29 11101 +0.32 - .6 .2 7/31 .2258 27 11011 -2.58 - .k .3 10/31 .3226 26 11010 +2.26 - .2 .k 12/31 .3871 25 11001 +1.61 .5 16/31 .5161 2k 11000 -1.29 .2 .6 19/31 .6129 23 10111 -1.29 37 5. COORDINATE TRANSFORM It is frequently desirable to normalize an input picture with respect to translation of the input pattern in the horizontal and vertical directions, magnification in the horizontal and vertical directions, and rotation of the input pattern about the geometric center of the output display. The Coordinate Transform comprises the above operations. 5.1 Coordinate Transform Equations Let (u,v) represent the quantized coordinates of a point in the input pattern. Under the Coordinate Transform the light intensity at this point is mapped onto a point (U,V) in the output pattern given by: U = m(u + a)cos0 + n(v + b)sinQ (5.1) V = -m(u + a)sin0 + n(v + b)cos6 (5«2) In the above equations a and b are the amounts of translation in the hori- zontal and vertical directions, respectively, m and n are the magnification factors in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, and 6 is the angle of (clockwise) rotation. As it stands the Coordinate Transform defined by equations (5.1) - (5.2) is ambiguous, since for certain transformations the quantized nature of the coordinates makes it possible to map more than one input light intensity onto the same output point. This ambiguity may be alleviated by performing the inverse transformation defined by the equations : 38 u = (l/m)[Ucos8 - Vsine] - a (5.3) v = (l/n)[Usin9 + VcosS] - b (5.U) In practice U and V are normalized voltages obtained by feeding the contents of k and I output display counters into D/A converters. As shown in Figure 5-l> u and v are converted into digital signals which are used in a 32 x 32 selection matrix to set the appropriate coefficient (if there is one) equal to 1 and all others equal to 0. An example of horizontal and vertical translation using 3x3 input and output patterns is given in Figure 5-2. Transformatrix also has the capability of taking the average of the input light intensities surrounding point (u,v) and displaying the average at output point (U,V) . The 'averaging window' in the input pattern may be selected to be any one of the following sizes : horizontal points x vertical points =1x1, 3x1, 5x1, 1x3, 3x3? 5 x 3 3 1 x 5 5 3 x 5 5 and 5x5- 5.2 Coordinate Transform Block Diagram Refer to the block diagram given in Figure 5«3 to obtain a more detailed picture of how the proper b .. . coefficient (s ) is (are) selected and set = 11111 under the Coordinate Transform mode of operation. Note that the logic following the two subtractors is used in common with the Array Transform operation (compare with Figure 4.U). It was convenient to design this logic to be compatible since under the Coordinate Transform the maximum horizontal and vertical sensitivity settings result in a 5 x 5 array of coefficients being set = 11111. This clearly has much in common with the Array Transform coefficient selection. 39 jQ u o w -p a ■<-\ ^ o o o 0) XI -P > Q O LPi (L) bfl •H P-4 ko og •Q CO O «: h: o o O o A N«*- UJ < u. ooo ooo ooo o — o oo— ooo ooo ooo ooo a o •H H w ■d o •H -P U > UJ o u. u. UJ o o o_ C^^ ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo o — o oo— ooo o o ^ o o^ ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo 3 -p o N •H o o 9 3 ^-«- 3 UJ (Lt- Zh — < ro <9 0} CVI in op — . « fs in •rl K COUNTER g * g p 2, FIVE BIT O/A CONVERTER m> sinfl y~ cosfl ^- 1 ' 1 COORDINATE TRANSFORM u»±[ucoi0-V8in0]-o FIVE BIT A/O CONVERTER 2 g g 7 7 SUBTRACT 3 K" T CLOCK >■ P P P ft P FIVE BIT COUNTER K' T STROBE >- 2 4 2 2 2. I OUT OF 32 DECODER 7 7 Oo 9 7 7 Qso 9si L COUNTER 7 7 2 2 2 FIVE BIT D/A CONVERTER co»e^— COORDINATE TRANSFORM v»i[usiNe+Vcos8]-b FIVE BIT A/D CONVERTER S S 2 7 J SUBTRACT 3 L" T CLOCK >- 2 2 2 2 2 FIVE BIT COUNTER L" T STROBE | >- 2 2 2 2 2 I OUT OF 32 DECODER L" T STROBE 2 >" P"~U 7 . ,7 32 BIT REGISTER U~T? 7 . 7 7 7 G G, 7 7 kl Figure 5.3. Coordinate Transform Block Diagram h2 The two primary sets of signals that must be generated during each (k,i) cycle are the 32 five bit adder register set gate signals, g. , and the 32 row addressing signals, G.. J The analog voltages (u,v) corresponding to the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the desired point in the input pattern are obtained through analog circuitry described in detail in sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. -T -T They are converted into five bit digital words, denoted (k ,£ ), with two A/D converters (section 5*3.3) • The digital horizontal and vertical input -T -T coordinates, k "" and i , are then processed by the remaining logic in a manner similar to that described in section k.3 for the Array Transform. Assume that the horizontal and vertical sensitivity controls are -T -T set to maximum (a 5 x 5 window) and that neither of (k } £ ) = 0, 1, 30, or 31 Also allow the set inputs of the 32 five bit adder registers to be fixed at 10000 (10000 encoded = 11111, see Table 3.1). Under these conditions a 5x5 array of coefficients (all = 11111) is entered into the (k,i) -T -T coefficient frame symmetric about column k and row £ by manipulating -T -T (k ,£ ) in exactly the same manner as (k,i) under the Array Transform. However, the remaining 1,024 - 25 = 999 coefficients are left untouched in their reset state of 00000. This is because the Coordinate Transform requires only non-negative coefficients (namely and 1) and hence mappings such as equation (3-8) and (h.2) are not needed. Of course, as indicated above, the mapping of the five bit diode encoder must be taken into account in selecting the set inputs of the five bit adder registers „ There are three different factors which may alter the size of the coefficient array which is set = 11111 from that just described (5 x 5). ^3 1. Horizontal and vertical sensitivity settings . As was mentioned in section 5.1 the size of the 'averaging window' can be varied from a maximum of 5 x 5 to a minimum of 1 x 1. The nine different coefficient array sizes are obtained by inhibiting the appropriate strobe pulses of the k -T and £~^ decoders. For the 5x5 coefficient array none of the strobe pulses are inhibited. The 1x3 coefficient array, however, requires that the 1st, 2nd, Uth, and 5th k~T strobe pulses and the 1st and 5th £~^ strobe pulses be inhibited. The other coefficient arrays are obtained in a similar manner. 2. Counter underflow and overflow . For certain combinations of sensitivity settings and (k-T^-'J-') values, it is possible for part of the coefficient array to fall outside the 32 x 32 coefficient frame „ In this case either or both of the (k"T ? ^"T) counters will underflow or overflow. This condition is detected and the proper k-T and/or i-T decoder strobe pulse (s) is (are) inhibited. For example, if the coefficient array is chosen to be 3x5 and (k" T ,i" T ) = (31,1), then the 1st, 4th, and 5th k _T strobe pulses and the 1st i - T strobe pulse are inhibited. 3. (u,v) out of range . If either or both of (|u|,|v|) is > 5v (see section 5.3)5 "the point of interest is outside the periphery of the input pattern. In this case it is desired to set all coefficients = 0. This condition is detected (see section 5-3-3) and all five k~^ and jJ~T decoder strobe pulses are inhibited. Since the Coordinate Transform requires only non-negative coefficients (0 and 1), there is no need for a special 'averaging' cycle in which all coefficients are set = — (as in the Array Transform) with the resulting sums of products to be integrated, stored, and subtracted from each succeeding calculation. However, there are good reasons for setting aside a special cycle for the Coordinate Transform with all coefficients = 0. Integration, storing, and subtracting the sums of products of such a cycle from each succeeding computation has the effect of cancelling out any noise, ripple, pickup, etc. which have periods equal to or shorter than one cycle (32.5M-S ). In addition, if there were a fault In one of the 1,024 parallel processing circuits which resulted in a cycle-periodic output from the related SRPS multiplier (independent of the coefficient) then subtracting the special cycle output from all other outputs would have the effect of removing the faulty circuit from the system. kk For all the reasons stated above it was decided to implement a special cycle for the Coordinate Transform with all coefficients set = 0. 5. 3 General Circuit Considerations The overall speed at which the Coordinate Transform circuitry has to operate is not very high; the final outputs (u,v) have most of each 32.5M.S cycle in which to settle. Since analog multipliers and summing operational amplifiers which operate at this speed are available at low cost, and since it is quite easy to generate sin0 and cos0 in analog form with a sine/cosine potentiometer, it was decided that the Coordinate Transform circuitry should be implemented in an analog fashion. It is clear from equations (5.3) - (5°^+) that the circuit design would be simplified if the coordinates of the input and output pictures were made to coincide with discrete voltages in the range of +V volts. Because of the differential input range of the op amp used in the A/D converter (see section 5 • 3 • 3 ) , the voltages corresponding to the edges of the input and output patterns are set equal to +5v. Thus, the first circuit required for the Coordinate Transform subsection is a five bit bipolar D/A converter. 5.3.1 Five Bit Bipolar D/A Converter The circuit schematic of the five bit bipolar D/A converter is given in Figure 5.^-. The +5v analog references are individually regulated with integrated circuit regulators and their outputs can be finely adjusted to within lmv of the desired value over a lv range centered at their nominal voltages. The measured drift over several hours is no greater than 5mv for both references . ^5 iQr® X I (M I CD X X le? CD -P CD > O o 4 K6 A complementary transistor output stage is used to switch the bi- polar analog references to the weighted resistor ladder inputs. The output transistors are operated as overdriven emitter followers to obtain low collector-emitter saturation voltages (of the order of 25mv) without (15) sacrificing speed. The 200 ohm pots in the two most significant bits of the weighted resistor ladder allow for tuning the overall accuracy of the D/A converter to better than +1/2$ full scale. The five bit input (B . . . B, ) originates from TTL logic. The two transistor input stage changes the Ov to +3v TTL input levels to the to +9.1v levels required to overdrive the output transistors. Since unequal turn-on and turn-off times of the output transistors would cause glitches in the output waveform, the output transistors are chosen to have comparable turn-on and turn-off times. The settling time to +1/2 LSB for a worse case input change ( 00000 -» 11111 or 11111 -* 00000 ) is approximately l[is . Higher speeds could be obtained by replacing the 715 with a faster op amp. 5.3.2 Coordinate Transform Circuitry Once the contents of the (k,i) output display counter have been converted into analog voltages (U, V) , the next step is to transform (U,V) according to equations (5. 3) - (5.^). The analog circuitry which produces the horizontal input picture coordinate, u, according to equation (5«3) is shown in Figure 5*5. The voltages, 5cos9 and 5sin0, are generated by a sine-cosine potentiometer using the same + 5v analog references as the D/A converter (see section 5.3.1). The LM302 voltage followers act as high input impedance buffers (maximum bias current = 30nA) for the sine-cosine potentiometer 5 COS " H ^f°f~l \+ -/ U LM30 5 SIN 8 ATpt <£30K in i+ -j V LM302 x Y HYBRID - SYSTEMS I07C MULTIPLIER 2 OUT X Y HYBRID -SYSTEMS I07C MULTIPLIER 2 OUT IOK 20K V«« TT VACTEC VTL2C3 .47 M F=; =Z -Lt I80mF TANTALUM 82K 3K TRANSLATION 20K 6.8K: .002 M F !20K .OOl/iF * i IN754A 6.8V A IN4I48 4 7 note: all resistors are carbon, i/4w, 5% unless otherwise specified except iok -dale mff, i/4w, 1%, t-2 Figure 5.5. Schematic of Coordinate Transform Circuitry hd outputs. The Hybrid Systems 107C multipliers produce the products Ucose/2 and Vsin0/2. The following 715 op amp performs the necessary subtraction and amplifies the remainder by a factor of 2 resulting in [UcosQ - VsinG]. Multiplication of the quantity [Ucos0 - Vsin8] by the magnification factor 1/m is accomplished by varying the input summing resistor of the second 715* To eliminate the capacitive loading effects of a remotely located pot, a Vactec VTL2C3 photo-coupler is used to control the input summing resistance. The VTL2C3 consists of a light -emitting diode and a photo-resistor encapsulated in a TO- 5 can. By varying the magnification input from Ov to +5v, the VTL2C3 photo-resistor changes from ~ 10 Mfi to ~ 1 Kfi. This results in a magnification range of better than 1/k to k. The translation input varies between + 15v, allowing the input picture to be translated to the extremes of the output display under most combinations of the coordinate transform input parameters. The 6.8v zener diodes in the feedback loop of the output 715 op amp threshold the output within the range of approximately + 7«5 V preventing damage to the op amp in the following A/D converter. An identical printed circuit board is used to generate the vertical input picture coordinate, v, according to equation (5.^-). The 5cos0 and 5sin0 inputs are interchanged and the appropriate magnification and trans- lation controls are used. The subtraction circuit is altered to an addition circuit by removing the jumper between points b-c and adding a jumper between points a-b. The 10 KX> resistor from point c to ground is changed to 3«3 Kfi to equalize the voltage offsets due to the input bias currents. The settling time of the Coordinate Transform subsection outputs (u,v) to within + 1/2 LSB for a worse case combination of input controls (a,b,m,n,0) and (U,V) transitions is approximately lOfis. h 9 5-3. 3 Five Bit A/D Converter Since the access circuitry to the b „ . . storage registers is completely digital, the analog outputs of the Coordinate Transfor sub- section (u,v) must be converted into digital form (each five bits wide). With over half of each 32.5|as cycle in which to perform the two A/D conversions, it was decided to employ successive approximation as the conversion technique. ' Although this is by far not the fastest method of converting from analog to digital, it is fast enough for this application. It has the additional advantages of complexity which depends linearly on the number of bits involved, and a structure which can utilize the D/A converter already designed for the front end of the Coordinate Transform subsection. A circuit drawing of the five bit A/D converter is shown in Figure 5.6. The timing pulses are denoted by the particular clock cycle during which they occur. Five D-type flip-flops make up the A/D converter output register. With each Data input tied to a logical 0, the flip-flops are reset at the -» 1 transition of the clock (count 50). At count 60 the output register is initialized to 10000. This number is fed into a D/A converter whose output is connected to the non-inverting input of a 715 op amp. The 715 is used open loop as a comparator because of its high differential input range (+ 15v). If the unknown analog input > reference D/A output, then the comparator output is a logical 0, and at count 256 bit Q, remains a logical 1. However, if the unknown analog input < reference D/A output then the comparator output is a logical 1, and at count 256 bit Q, is reset to a logical 0. In both of the previous two cases bit Q, is set to a logical 1 at count 256 in preparation for the next approximation. This process continues until at count 30U bit Qq either remains a logical 1 or is reset to a logical depending on whether the unknown analog input > or < reference D/A output. As can be seen from the control 50 3 lO t=o @—2 ICC IO -> in co z 3— Kh-i ■ww — •— • I— «— |l> ICO ZJ CM o ICC ( WAr CD |C0 IO IO o IO I CD I* I Iai *"^ fcO (SM^ o Ico >J £^> @H- l-J IO @— c? 3§ Icj a co > u. ICO o IO U CD -p 0) o o ■p •H PQ CD > •H LPv 0) •H 51 pulses given in Figure 5.6, the time allowed for settling between the successive approximations is quite liberal. For an analog input either < -5v or > +5v it is easily seen that the A/D converter will produce the outputs 00000 or 11111, respectively. Since values of u or v satisfying either of these inequalities correspond to coordinates of points off the 32 x 32 input pattern, under these circumstances it is desired to have all b n . . . coefficients remain equal to 0. In order to accomplish this analog comparators are used to detect whenever u or v go 'out of range' (|u| or |v| > 5v). When the 'out of range' condition occurs the appropriate coefficient accessing circuitry is inhibited (see section 5*2) preventing points on the periphery of the output display from being erroneously lighted. 52 6. COEFFICIENT STORAGE AND D/A CONVERSION Once the basic system design of Transformatrix has been decided upon, it is clear that a potential problem area is the (digital) co- efficient storage and D/A conversion subsystem. The large number of identical circuits required, 1,02^, places severe restrictions on both the circuit design itself and the method of packaging the circuits in the Transformatrix system. This chapter deals with the design and fabrication of the storage register and D/A converter together with two auxiliary circuits : an analog reference regulator and the coefficient Quantized Random Analog Signal (QRAS) driver. 6.1 General Design Considerations In order to convert each frame of 1,02^ stored (digital) coefficients into SRPS's, all the coefficients must be made available for a full 25 • 5M-S out of each 32.5M-S cycle. This requirement precludes the use of standard 'scratchpad' type memories which are capable of having the contents of only one storage cell read out at a time. Under these circumstances the least expensive method of storage was found to be R-S flip-flops made up of inter- connected NAND gates. Before going into detail about the design of the D/A converter, a few words should be said concerning the alternative: completely digital conversion from binary to SRPS representation. Instead of a five bit D/A converter and analog comparator as the binary to SRPS conversion circuit, there could be a five bit digital comparator with the (digital) coefficient as one input and five bits of a pseudo-random shift register as the other input Although the all digital route has the advantages of a single power supply, inherently higher reliability, and little or no temperature problems, in this 53 particular application it also has some striking disadvantages. Basically, a parallel five bit comparator would involve enough gates to be too expensive and take up too much space while a serial comparator would be too slow (the pseudo-random five bit words would be changing at 10 MHz). If a five bit D/A converter can be made cheaply enough, then an analog comparator, contained in a single lk pin package and with a maximum delay time of ^Ons, can be used to convert the (analog) coefficient to a SRPS. It should also be noted that the input image light intensity is con- (5) verted directly into an analog voltage which makes use of the analog comparator natural for the light intensity to SRPS conversion. Thus, the power supplies needed for the coefficient analog comparators are already required for the light intensity analog comparators and need only be increased in size. Once it has been decided to use a D/A converter-analog comparator combination, the problem has been reduced to the design of a D/A converter „ The complete schematic of the storage register and D/A converter is shown in Figure 6.1. The Hex Inverter acts as a buffer for the binary weighted resistor ladder. The saturation voltage of the transistors in the Hex Inverter varies very little within any one package (less than 5mv) but the variation from package to package can be as. much as lOOmv. For this reason the Hex Inverters were tested and selected into nine different groups according to saturation voltage, with the spread within each of the groups equal to lOmv. The difference in the logical Hex Inverter output from group to group is compensated for by having individually adjustable logical 1 reference supplies for each group (see section 6.3) and by incorporating a variable DC offset into the QRAS circuits which drive the other input of the analog comparators (see section 6.h). «»4> ;=o •>!>■ H> bi> ;=0 ^^> V.2 4 R©/2 1 Ro/2* VV . I E^> Ro/2 /2 1 E>r£> Rp/2° +5V :640fi* 450fl* $ 5^ ' bkiii * NOMINAL VALUES (COMMON TO 32 CIRCUITS) COEFFICIENT RESET ( COMMON TO 1024 CIRCUITS ) 4 DM8000N NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR TTL QUAD 2 in NAND I MC889P MOTOROLA RTL HEX INVERTER (5 INVERTERS USED) I LM302 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR VOLTAGE FOLLOWER 5 MFF-l/4 DALE .1%, T-2 RESISTOR Figure 6.1. Coefficient Storage Register and D/A Converter 55 The binary weighted resistor ladder was chosen over the more widely used R-2R resistor ladder because it uses fewer resistors (five versus eleven) and the advantages normally associated with R-2R resistor ladders are of little (17) or no consequence in this particular application. That is, the 16:1 variation in summing currents of the binary weighted resistor ladder does not cause any problems since the weighted resistors are all chosen rather large (R = 800 Kfi). At the same time, the resistors are not so large that they tend to slow down the conversion speed. Since the resistors are discrete and not packaged on the same substrate (too expensive), the advantage with the R-2R ladder of having matched temperature coefficients cannot be easily realized. In addition, the temperature coefficient itself can be chosen small enough so that the change in resistance with temperature is small enough to be ignored. The weighted resistor ladder feeding a high input impedance voltage follower was chosen over the more conventional weighted resistor ladder tied to the virtual ground of an op amp, for the following reasons. Compared with op amps of equivalent cost : 1. The voltage follower is at least ten times faster. For the configuration in Figure 6.1 and Rq = 800 Kfi, the voltage follower has an actual full scale slew rate of lOv/us with no overshoot. 2. The input current, 30nA maximum, is less than or equal to most op amps' offset current. 3. The offset voltage is selected comparable to that of op amps (-10mv < Output- Input < +5mv). h. The accuracy of the voltage follower (.15$ DC) is not dependent on the accuracy of an external feedback resistor. 5. The output impedance of the voltage follower is extremely low, 2.5 ohms maximum. 6. No external frequency compensation is required for the voltage follower. % Thirty-two of the circuits shown in Figure 6.1, together with data and reset drivers, are contained on a single printed circuit board measuring 20" x 12.15". Thirty- two of these large boards hold all 1,024 coefficient storage registers and D/A converters. Use of these boards has the advantage of reducing backpanel wiring, decreasing the parasitic capacitance and inductance the voltage followers have to drive, increasing reliability, and conserving space. The physical layout of the board is given in Figure 6.2. A photograph of one of the actual boards in its tester is shown in Figure 6.3. The small board attached to its lower right hand side is the adjustable analog reference supply (covered in section 6.3) • 6. 2 Determination of Weighted Resistor Values If the collector resistors of the Hex Inverter in Figure 6.1 were a fixed value, say R ohms, and the ladder resistors were also fixed, it would be quite easy to determine the optimum ladder resistor values. In this case they would be: Rq/2° - R/2, Rq/2 1 - R/2, . . ., R /2 - R/2. However, the collector resistors of the Hex Inverter do vary from package to package (they are within a few ohms of each other in the same package) and the ladder resistors have a finite tolerance. The Hex Inverters were chosen such that 565 ohms < R < 800 ohms. The ladder resistors have a tolerance of + .1%. It is not necessary to include the variation of the ladder resistors with temperature since by choosing low temperature coefficient resistors (50 PPM/ C for ~55 C < T <: + 17 5 C) the change in resistance over the operating temper- ature range of the system is negligible. The basic equation used in determining the ladder resistors is derived from the circuit shown in Figure 6.h. The 5. 's (i = 0, 1, . . ., 4) include the effects of variation in the collector resistor values from unit to unit and the tolerance of the ladder resistors. 57 RESISTORS ACTUAL SIZE t>Mij OUTPUTS TO 32 COMPARATORS A. OM8000N _! PM800ON u z o z o CD /I 0M8O0ON DDDDDD DRIVERS 1 1.1' hi Z o z o CO POWER G — G 2 8G30b4— boR3|— G29G31 POWER 1 12.15" 20' TO/FROM REGULATOR ^ BOARD FOR V(HEX INVERTER) i J Figure 6.2. Physical Layout of Coefficient Storage and D/A Conversion Board 58 Figure 6.3. Photograph Showing Coefficient Storage and D/A Conversion Board in Its Tester 59 V 4 O- V3 O- V 2 O- V, O- V o- R /2 4 +8 4 V$ — AAAr— R /2 3 +8 5 vw— - R /2 2 +8 2 wa, — Ro/2'+S, — aaa* — R /2°+8 __wa, — *— -*D/A OUTPUT LM302 v.= { V(l) FOR A LOGICAL I INVERTER OUTPUT V(0) FOR A LOGICAL INVERTER OUTPUT •..{ 8 j(|) FOR A LOGICAL I INVERTER OUTPUT 8 ; (0) FOR A LOGICAL INVERTER OUTPUT I = BIAS CURRENT FOR LM302 VOLTAGE FOLLOWER Figure 6.U Circuit Used for Determination of Ladder Resistors 60 Summing currents at node V g : V - Vi v-v v-v S ]k , S V 3 , S 2 (R /16 ; 0j+ ) (R /8 + 5 3 ) (R Q A + 5 2 ) V-V v-v (R / 2 + 6l ) + tr^t + J ■ ° (6a) Rearranging terms and multiplying through by R yields V S { (1 ; & Q /R ) + (1 + 2 &1 /R ) + (1 + It6 2 /H ) + (1 + 85 3 /R ) + (1 * 16^/R^ " V [ (l ; & Q /R ) ] + V(l + 2 &1 /R ) ] + V 2 [ (l ♦ te 2 /R ) ] + V 3 [ (l + 88 3 /R ) ] + V a ; i6 6 ,/R ) ] - V (6 - 2) Using a first- order approximation for the denominators in the above expression (if o-/R n is small enough this will introduce negligible error) we obtain: & n 5, S p &-. S> V q {31 - (■* + k =± + 16 =S + 64 J + 25 6 =it)J = S R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q Cr c; ft * Si V (l - =2) + 2V,(l , 2 =i) + 4V (1- U-2) + 8v (1 - 8 -2) + R Q 1 R Q 2 R Q 3 R Q 16V^(1 - 16 ~) - R Q I (6.3) Dividing through by the term which multiplies V and using a first- fa order approximation again we have : 61 V S "SI [V + 2V 1 + UV 2 + 8V 3 + l6 V + 7^2 t[V + 2V 1 + kV 2 + 8V 3 + l6 V c _2 + k i + l6 ^ + 6J+ ^ + 256 Jt ]} i [v o + h 1 + R o R o R o R o R o 31 ° R o 1 R o 5 p b Sk R n I -I 5 n S-, i6v £ 5; + ^ 3 ^ + 256 \ ^ ] - £ { x + £ [ ^ + k i * &o 8~, 5l 1 6 2 + 6U ^ + 256^]} (G.k) R o R o R o For R = 800 KJ2 (design value) and I = 30nA maximum, -rr- = .775 mv « Thus the last term in equation (6.4) may be neglected as it is small and varies little for small changes in the 5. 's. The equation for determining the ladder resistor values now becomes: V S = 31 [V + 2V 1 + kY 2 + 8V 3 + l6 V + ~^~2 {[V + 2V 1 + kY 2 + 8V 3 + l6 \ ] 5 B. 5 p S„ B. , 8 5-, Using equation (6.5) it is seen that V a (00000) = ~ [V(0) + 2V(0) + i+V(0) + 8V(0) + 16V(0)] = V(0) V a ( 11111) = i [V(l) + 2V(1) + Uv(i) + 8v(i) + i6v(i)] = V(l) exactly, as would be expected for a binary weighted resistor ladder feeding an infinite impedance voltage follower. 62 For each set of potential ladder resistors, R(0), R(l), . . ., R( J +), one can calculate from equation (6.5) a. set of 31 voltage spreads or windows "by subtracting [V (binary input a - l)] MAY from [V (binary input a)] for a = 1, 2, . . . , 31. That is w(a) - [VgCa)^ - [V s (a - l)^, a =1, 2, . . ., 31 (6.6) From equation (6.5) it is seen that [V_(a - 1 )].,._, occurs for R C = C VmIN and R(i) * [R ^ i)] MIN f ° r lo S ical 1 in P uts and R (i) = ^^^MAX for logical inputs (i = 0, 1, . . . , h) . Conversely, [V (a)] occurs for o IVLL1M R C = [R C ] MAX ^ R(i) = [R(i) W f ° r lo § ical 1 in P uts ^ d R (i) = P^l^ for logical inputs. The criterion for obtaining the optimum set of ladder resistor values is to maximize the set of numbers [W(oO]„,., T as a function of the ladder ' MIN resistor values. Although this becomes quite complicated mathematically, it can be done in a quite straightforward manner using an iterative scheme on a digital computer. One simply determines the [W(cc)] 's for a suitable range of ladder resistors about the design value of R = 800 YSl. The range around the resistor values giving the maximum [W(a)J can then be split up into a finer mesh on a succeeding computer run. The computer program used to accomplish this is listed in Figures 6.5 and 6.6. The printout of the values [V (a)] , [V (a - l)] MAY j and W(a) for the optimum set of ladder resistors is given in Figure 6.7. For V(0) = Ov and V(l) ~ 5v, the MAX[W(a)] = 151.H35mv which compares with l6l.l29mv for an ideal five bit D/A converter. Including UOmv of ripple on the analog reference supply line and a DC drop of 30mv along the etch that supplies the analog reference to the Hex Inverters, the minimum 63 I _2. 3 4 5 6 L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 id 19 20 21 72 22 24 25 2b 71 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3/ 3 6 39 40 VJUfl PAG-ES=Z5-. REAL*8 R(5) DI Hfc :NSIQN_ D( 5.2 .2 ) . V (2 ) . V L ( 32 ) . VH ( 32) .DEL t 32 ) . CI NCI (32). INC2(32),TJL(5),0tLTAR(2) REAO ( 5,1) R I FGRMATIC10.3) READ(5,1J TGL WRITE (6.2) (R(I).rOL(I ).1=1.5) RCL=565. RCH=80C. V(1)=C. V(2)=5. VHU ) = V(1 ) ...._ _ . y.jLi.a2JL= \au F=l./3l. F=E/R0 DtL(l )=C. C DELTA* IS THE AMCJNT dY WHICH tACH RESISTOR. R(I), IS C DECREMENTED AT THE oTART OF tACH M 00 LuUP ._ DELTA RI l)=.l DO 30 M=l.3i CO 40 L = h) 40 R(L)=R(L)-DELT AR( i) DO 10 1=1.5 A = ( l.-ICL< I) ) *R( I) B? (1 *t TGL IUUl*B (U C=Ru/( 2.**( 1-1) ) C O(I.J.K) I =3 IT POSITION J=l LOGICAL . C J=2 LCGICAL I K=l LOW RESISTANCE VALUt, C K=2 HIGH RESISTANCE VALUE D( I. 1. 1)=A-C 0(1 .l,2)=ii-C ._ U( 1.2. 1) = l( I. 1,1) +RCL 10 OH ,2.2)=DU,l,2)-t-RCH K = SCM=0. CC 20 J 5= 1.2 DD 2 J 4 = 1. 2 J 3= 1.2 J2=l,2 Jl= 1.2 20 20 20 CC DO LL G=E*(V(Jl)*2.*V(J2)+4.*>/(J3) + 3.*V(J4)+16.*V(J5)) h = 4.*C( <:. J2. J2) P = 16.*QI3,J3_..J3J.. ... C=c4.*D(4.J4,J4) S=25u.*C( 5. J5, J5) Figure 6.5o First Half of Computer Program Used to Determine Ladder Resistors 6k C K IS THE NUMBER OF THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVEL* FROM I TO 1? 41 K = K*1 _ C VL(K) IS THE WORSE CASE LOW OUTPUT VOLTAGE AT LEVEL K 42 VL m = G*il.±£*LDtl.Jl.Jli ±il±P_t fltS) l-F »(V tJll« J J I j J J i.4 1_ J C*V{J2)*H*V{J3)*P*V(J4)*0*VU5)*S) 43 L1=3-J1 44 L2=3-J2 45 L3=3-J3 4o L4=3-J4 4 7- _.L5=3_-_*L5 48 H=4.*D(2, J2.L2) 49 P=16^*D(3.JJ,L3J 50 = 64. *C<4, J4.L4) t>l S=256.*C(5.J5.L5.T C VH(K) IS THE WORSE CASE HIGH OUTPUT VOLTAGE AT LEVEL K 52 VhlKlrG*(l,±f *IDilj.J.LtJ^LlJiHtJPtfltS_i)-JL*iy(.jn*Jl( ltJliLl ) C+V(J2)*H+VIJ3)*P+V( J4)*0+V( Jb)*S) 53 INCUK)=K-l 54 INC2(K)=K-2 55 IF(K-l)20, 20, 15 56 15 0ELIK)=(VLIK)-VHT0R VALOt S.2X .9HT0LERANCE » 1 » 1 t>X, C4HUHMS.//. (11X.F12.4,4X,F7.4>) ol WRITEI6.3) (INCUI ).VL(I).VH< I ),INC2(I), INCHl > ,0cL(I) , CI=2»32) . .._.... .. . ._ 62 3 FORMAT!//. 5X.3HBIT, 5X, 10H V-OUTI LOW ) , 3X , 1 3HV-GUT ( H I oH ) *. C4X.4HB1 rS,4X,6HWlNU0w./,l5X.5HV0LTS,9X,5H\/0LTS,4X, LH*, C13X,4HM.V..//, (5X, 12. F 14. 5, F14. 5. 3X,1H*,3X .12.1H-, 12, Fl 1 . 4 C) ) 63 WRITEI6.4J SUM 64 4 FCRMATt //// , 5X . 16H SUM OF WINDOWS =,F7.4, L34H VOLTS OUT UF 5.0000 VOLTS MAXIMOM) 65 30 CUNTIiMLfc 66 SILP t>7 ti\0 Figure 6.6c Second Half of Computer Program Used to Determine Ladder Resistors 65 RESISTCR VALUES TOLERANCE CHHS _ 799494,QCCC QtOQIO 399o96.000G g.goic JlS9.696_.CCGC ...... Q .00.10 99696. COCC 0.0010 49696. CCOO 0.0010 * BITS BIT V-GUULCWl V-OUT(HIGH) WINDOW VOLTS __.VOLIS_ _ * M.V. .1 C_,_L6_2_U C. 32027 0.16038 0.32165 * 0- 1 160.2098 2 * 1- 2 159.3935 3 C.46C55 0.48251 * 2- 3 158.9017 4 0.64CC8 0.642 9 8 * 3- 4 157.5654 5 0.80047 0.80385 * 4- 5 157.4964 6 C.96C77 0.96464 * 5- 6 156.9186 L_ 1«-L2i2_ 1.27929 1 .12549 * 6- 7 7- 8 156. 5939 a 1.28535 * 153.79 52 9 1 .44004 1.44633 * 3- 9 154.6869 10 1.60C72 1.60 726 * 9-10 154.3961 11 1,76155 1 .768 21 * 10-11 154.2 8 83 12 1.92202 1.92907 * 11-12 153.8095 13 ._2.0 8 29b .2.0_9CC4.._.. * ...1.2-1 3 _ .....1.53.38 96 14 2.24388 2.25099 * 13-14 153.8362 15 2.4C469 2.41194 * 14-15 153.8963 16 2.563CC 2.5 739 2 * 15-16 151.1402 17 2.72504 2.73547 * 16-1 J 151.1135 18 2.88701 2.89 703 * 17-18 151.5446 19 3.G4 90.4._ .3__0 5_5 5... *... 13-19 _ __. .152. 01.57 20 3.21114 3.22028 * 19-20 152.5 8 79 21 3.37329 3.38 18 1 * 20-21 153.0113 22 3.5 3549 3.54339 ♦ 21-22 153.O806 23 3.69771 3. 7C4 91 * 22-23 154.3179 24 3.86100 3.86791 * 23-24 156.0883 25 4...C2JLi>4) _ ._.4_. 02 95 5. * _24-25 L5 5.5_9.2 26 4.18610 4.19127 * 2^-26 156.5456 27 4.34867 4. 3 5289 * 26-27 157.3963 28 4.51172 4.51501 * 2 7-2 8 158.3297 2 9 4.67441 4.676o5 * 2 8-29 159.4038 30 4.83724 4.83838 * 29-30 160.5930 31 4.99999 .*_ ... 30-31. J 6.1 -_6 J, 2 5 SUM OF wilNDUkS = 4.8251 VOLTS JUT JF 5.0000 VOLTb MAXIMUM Figure 6.7. Printout of Final Results of Ladder Resistor Computer Program 66 window is still greater than - LSBo The individually adjustable levels of the coefficient QRAS driver (see section 6.k and reference (5)) are set at the midpoint of each D/A converter window. 6.3 Analog Reference Regulator Since the Hex Inverters are separated into groups according to their saturation voltage, the difference between the logical 1 voltage level and the logical voltage level is kept constant at 5v by having a Hex Inverter reference supply that is adjustable for each of the 32 large coefficient storage and D/A conversion boards. A schematic of the circuit used is given in Figure 6.8. It is composed of an integrated circuit regulator and a resistor divider with potentiometer to set the output voltage at any value between k.^v and 6v. The circuit has excellent temperature characteristics and a drift over several hours of less than 5mv at full load (1.3 A). To protect the "J 10 comparators which are fed by the output of the D/A converters, the regulator is fused at its input and also has a current limiting resistor, 4.7 ohms, at its output. 6.k Coefficient QRAS Driver In order to compensate for the DC offset caused by the different saturation voltages of the Hex Inverter transistors, the QRAS drivers have their DC levels adjustable over a + 300mv range. The schematic for one QRAS driver board (8 circuits to drive a total of 8 x 2 x 32 = 512 comparators) is shown in Figure 6.9. The DC component is added with a simple resistive summing network. Each QRAS driver is terminated in 50 ohms to eliminate reflections. The .^7uF capacitors attached to pins 2 and -6 of the NH0002C current buffer are used to filter the .voltages at those pins to values below the supply 67 '3 > (9 in w I + 2 n6 to Ul «5 y -VA ( |- a (0 pq 0) -p > H X! W o Ph O a5 a> 0) o a) CD <& M O 5- 00 vo bo s o < UJ Z K *r < (O « g > ° ° o Q- 68 ■H En 69 voltages. This reduces the power dissipation of the NH0002C. The constant current source at the output also helps to keep the NH0002C dissipation at a safe level. 70 7. OUTPUT DATA CHANNEL 7.1 Output Data Channel Block Diagram Once one of the three basic Trans formatrix modes of operation has been selected by the computer operator (Fourier Transform, Array Transform, or Coordinate Transform ) and the proper (b . . .) coefficients are being produced as SRPS's, there still remains a sizeable amount of computation to be done before a z-axis drive signal can be applied to the output CRT.* First, for each output point (k,i) the 1,02^4- coefficient SRPS's multiply the 1,02*4- input light intensity SRPS's pair-wise using digital AND gates. Then a resistive network performs the required summing of the AND gate outputs. The analog (input light intensity and coefficient) voltage to SRPS converters (710 analog comparators) and the multiplication and summation circuitry are contained on (5) 32 large printed circuit boards . A block diagram of the output data channel, showing the processing which takes place subsequent to the multi- plication and summation, is given in Figure "J. 2.. The outputs of the 32 SRPS multiplication and summation boards, A. (i = 0,1, . . ., 31) ? are fed into a 32 input integrator in order to obtain 1 31 a voltage -which is proportional to the quantity, Z D v «- - x - •• The integrator i,j=0 k ^ 1J 1J output, -V, is manipulated by the following circuitry to obtain the desired z-axis drive signal. The first stage of the output circuitry inverts -V and subtracts from V the average voltage (stored with a sample and hold circuit) computed * A complete discussion of the generation of the horizontal and vertical deflection amplifier signals and the blanking circuitry for the output display CRT can be found in reference (12). f UJ > 71 < s 1 _l £E UJ > UJ > O O (T — D UJ -I o 0- ° _l 2 « O < z CO V Q. I- z cc — p 2 t — r T~T >"* I o I 3 r 1- H •H BWiL. 72 on the special averaging cycle used for all three operations. Since in many cases the average is quite close to the succeeding inverted integrator outputs, V, a stage of gain, G, is provided. This result, G(V - AVG), is then squared. A sensing stage follows the first stage. If the integrator output, -V, is < -lOv, the Integrator Overload output goes to a logical and an indicator on the control panel is turned on. Similarly, if |G(V - AVG) I > 10v. the Amplifier Overload output goes to a logical and another indicator on the control panel is turned on. The Unblanking output goes to a logical when- ever the Z-Axis Drive < Threshold. p The final output of the first stage, [G(V - AVG)] , feeds the second stage. Under the Array Transform and Coordinate Transform, the input itself and the square root of the input are made available at the output. Under the Fourier Transform, the |Re[F(k,i)]| and |lm[F(k,i)]| are treated the same as the Array Transform and Coordinate Transform except that the computational cycle is twice as long. The |F(k,i)| however calls for additional processing. 2 On one 32o5|is cycle, Im [F(k,i)] is calculated and stored by the sample and 2 hold circuit at the input to the second stage. On the next cycle Re [F(k,i)] 2 2 is calculated and the outputs of the second stage are {Re [F(k,i)J + Im [F(k,i)] A' and VRe [F(k,i)] + Im [F(k,i)J. The third stage consists of a log amplifier, a square root module and two relays. The third stage output is any of: linear, log, square, or square root depending on the output mode selected by the computer operator. At the end of each computational cycle this output is sampled and held for the length of the next cycle, providing the desired Z-Axis Drive for the output CRT. 73 7-2 Output Data Channel Circuitry In order to present as clear a picture as possible of the output data channel the details of all the circuits mentioned in the preceeding section are covered in the next eight sections. 7.2.1 Multiplication and Summation of Coefficient and Input Light Intensity SRPS ' s Figure 7*2 illustrates the approach taken to perform the multi- plication and summation of 32 pairs of coefficient and input light intensity SRPS's. A high speed TTL AND driver, the MC3026, is used as the stochastic multiplier. In order to obtain a standardized output from each of the 32 AM) gates contained on a single printed circuit board, the AMD's are selected on a per board basis according to their logical 1 and logical output voltages with a 510 ohm load. The voltage spreads are: V. (l): 12mv spread maximum on each board; a total of eight groups V (0) : 50mv spread over all 32 boards As a result of the fast rise and fall times of the AND's (< 5ns) and the length of etch driven by the output of each AND (up to 18 inches), it is necessary to terminate the end of the sum line in 510 ohms/32 ~ 16 ohms. It is easy to show that the input to the differential amplifier is given by: kHi30> x i30> bkfci28>- x i28> t> kfii2 >- x i2 > bk- x iO> MC3026 o o o R ■AA/\r R ■A/VNr R R -VNAr /77 R R R ■AAV MC3026 •&> — r~\ — ^ k * i31 V_J < X '3I CK <3 DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER I Ai = Klb k «iiXi kk2i29 x i29 Tf PJ * 0. u. < 1 — o li- m r- 2 u _l U." 5 u." U. 5 < o i UJ o < Q u .J _l >- <£2 z Ul o a: z §1 a: z> CD 3 CQ !h CD ■H —^VW A > A. > 5K Vy\ 1 510*1 5K 5ion A 3I > 5K -NAA, * Ci R. C 2 . R 2 — — or o— C 3 R3 —cro— C 5 R5 —tro— 510X1 -IN ARM -O IOO M F=j=: TANTALUM +[_ 270fl 1W -I5VO FSL-4 .47 M F a ;r~i * r I 20on 47 M F 78 0UT 'Trr/?J Ai) Acdt lOO^Fz^r TANTALUM +]_ m T .47m F NOTE: ALL RESISTORS CARBON, I/4W, 5% UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED EXCEPT 5K-DALE MFF, 1/4 W, 1%, T-2 POT-HELITRIM MODEL 79P RELAYS -MAGNACRAFT IOIMPCX-1 (NORMALLY OPEN CONTACTS) 47 M F -I5V Figure 7.U. Thirty-Two Input Integrator 79 ?* * - 2" ' IS O u. < e> O OT - C z UJ » Lj ce £ V) m -J o — i — ' -i x _i _i < UJ < < 0> bD CO -P CO -P 03 m O fH •H O ft o LTN bO •H 80 between 150mv to lOv. A Hybrid Systems IO7C Multiplier/Divider module performs the squaring function on the output of the third 715. 7.2.5 Sample and Hold Three sample and hold circuits are used in the output data channel of Transformatrix. They perform the following functions: 1. Store a voltage corresponding to the average light intensity of the input picture for an entire frame (33ms). 2. As an intermediate step in the (Fourier Transform) generation of |F(k,i)|, a sample and hold stores Im2[F(k,i)J for one cycle (32. 5M-S ) . 3. Store the final CRT Z-Axis Drive signal for approximately 30us. The configuration of the sample and hold is illustrated in Figure 7.6 The first LM302 voltage follower buffers the input signal. Upon application of a +3v sample pulse the 2W5638 FET is switched into its low IL region and the .OOlnF capacitor (.01|1F capacitor for 33ms sample and hold) is charged (or discharged) to the input voltage » The 100 ohm resistor from pin 5 of the input LM302 to -15v provides the LM302 with extra drive capability for large input changes. The acquisition time is 2.5us maximum for a lOv input change (.OOluF capacitor sample and hold circuits). When the sample pulse re turi to Ov, the FET is switched off with a maximum leakage of InA. The 200pF capacitor in parallel with the 39 Kfl current limiting resistor speeds up the turn-on and turn-off times of the FET switch. The second IM302 acts as a high input impedance isolator for the output voltage. The 30 Kfl input resistors of both IM302's prevent the IM302's from oscillating when driven with fast (> 10v/p.s) rise and fall time signals. The 30 KQ, in parallel with the 3pF input capacitance of the LM302 slows down the input signal enough so the 10v/p,s output slew rate of the IM302 is not exceeded at the input. a. 81 a tu o Q. CO u to QC UJ I h- o CO CO LU -J z in 3? 51" Z o 03 DC < O UJ a: < CO oc o h- co CO UJ < 3 o K co 0> ■H 82 The accuracy of the circuit is 1% full scale for both an abruptly- changing input with a 32. 5M-S hold time and a slowly changing input with a 33ms hold time. 7.2.6 Output Circuit - Sense Stage Because of the vast difference in coefficients generated under the three operations and the variety of possible input patterns, a wide range of gains had to be incorporated into the integrator and the first stage of the output circuitry. In order for the operator to be aware of when either or both of these two circuits is operating in the non-linear region as a result of too much gain, the appropriate voltages are sensed by this stage and indicators on the control panel display the result. The first 710 in Figure 7.7 detects whenever the integrator output < -lOv. The second pair of 710' s detect whenever |G(V - AVG) | > lOv. The Unblanking output goes to a logical (-» blank Z-Axis Drive) for G(V - AVG) < Ov (except under the Fourier Transform when it is desired to display the absolute value of negative spectral coefficients) and for Z-Axis Drive < Threshold. It was mentioned in Chapter k that the Threshold front panel control can be used under the Array Transform to differentiate between nearly equal light intensities in the output pattern. Additionally, it is also useful in preventing low level noise on the Z-Axis Drive signal from being displayed. 7.2.7 Output Circuit - Second Stage For the Array Transform, Coordinate Transform, |Re[F(k,i)] | , and |lm[F(k,i)] I , the relay in Figure 7.8 is closed. The Hybrid Systems IO7C Multiplier /Divider is hooked up to provide the square root function, output = - i/lO • Z, and so the linear output is available, with correct polarity, at the output of the second 715 °P amp. 83 INTEGRATOR £ * OUTPUT > W- SUM -AVERAGE > » H-AXIS DRIVE > THRESHOLD (+IV TO -6V) MC3026 . UNBLANKING "0"» BLANK + I5V _L i + TANTALUM IN75IA - 47 " F ,—, " * * — IaI >-5.iv i 30on I/2W | + TANTALUM -6.2V 2T ZTZ ==IOO^F IN753A -47 M F n I — . — 1 * -6.; MOOfl IN759A ** 300fl I/2W rrr ->+l2V _IOO M F |.47 M F TANTALUM -I5V I POWER FOR 7I0'S ALL RESISTORS CARBON, I/4W, 5% UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL SWITCHING DIODES - IN4I48. Figure 7.7. Output Circuit - Sense Stage -p $ * 3 o Si Q. O Z o CD CC -i UJ Q ON • < O o ? CJJ CO tr O f- 3E CC no •H co t- fe CO UJ _l UI I CC _J < 1 t- o a. 8 7 8. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 8.1 Experimental Results The Trans formatrix system, as described in this thesis, has been fully operational since February, 1971? thus placing at our disposal the world's most parallel computing device, establishing by its existence new levels of speed and performance: over 60 million operations per second. Photographs of the front and back of Trans formatrix are presented in Figures 8.1 and 8.2. All three operations implemented in Transformatrix and described in Chapters 3> ^, and 5 fully realize the original design goals. As surmised, the quality of the output picture display is best for the Fourier Transform. This is because points of interest in the output picture correspond to many coefficients being equal or close to 1 (-1) multiplying light areas in the input picture. Under these circumstances the signal to noise ratio in the summing of the product SRPS's is quite good. This is to be contrasted with the Coordinate Transform in which only one coefficient = 1 and the other 1,023 coefficients = 0. In this case the signal to noise ratio in summing the product SRPS's is not quite as good as for the Fourier Transform. For this reason there is some noise in the Coordinate Transform output picture. The effect can be muted by proper balance of the threshold and gain controls and by using the squaring mode of operation. The Array Transform falls some- where between the Fourier Transform and Coordinate Transform in performance. The output picture is realtively noise free and a 5 x 5 subsection of the input pattern can be recognized even when there are other 5x5 subsections in the input pattern which differ from the one in question by only a small amount „ Figure 8.1. Front View of Trans format rix System - Panels Removed 89 Figure 8.2. Back View of Trans formatrix System 90 8.2 Conclusions The design and construction of a working Trans formatrix system has demonstrated the feasibility of using the SRPS scheme of number representation in a large scale machine. In the Trans formatrix system the advantage of using . SRPS's as information carriers is the extremely inexpensive arithmetic element (multiplier -* AND gate) which is used in 1,02U parallel computational channels. It is hoped that the future designers of parallel systems with relatively in- variant and simple operations in each channel will give due consideration to the possible advantages of substituting stochastic ideas for the more classical purely digital or purely analog techniques. In some sense stochastic processing allows us to enjoy the best of both the analog and the digital world. 91 APPENDIX 92 Al. Computing Using Stochastic Sequences A Synchronous Random Pulse Sequence (SRPS) is a sequence of standardized pulses, each of which has the same height and the same width (= clock period for Transformatrix) such that the pulse repetition rate changes at random about the average value f and the instant of occurrence of each pulse, if it occurs, is controlled by a central clock for the whole (3), (18), (19) system. A typical SRPS is shown in Figure Al.l. V - | 1 | 1 | 1 o 1 , » h — H CLOCK PERIOD Figure Al.l. Synchronous Random Pulse Sequence The probability of occurrence of a pulse in a time slot represents the machine variable. The machine variable is related to the original analog variable input in the following way: mapping analog variable input * machine, variable < machine variable < 1 If f is the clock frequency and f the average repetition rate of a SRPS. the machine variable is given by: u = Probability (v(t) has a pulse in a time slot} f u = "0 93 If the pulse train shown in Figure Al.l is typical of the entire sequence. then the machine variable it represents = — . Multiplication using SRPS's is especially simple. In Figure A1.2 the product of the machine variables represented by SRPS's v (t) and v At) is obtained by feeding v, (t) and v (t) into a 2 input AND gate. v,(t) >- v t (t): =r> -* v,(t) v,(t) > V - ■"■ 1 1 1 U,= f v,(t) v °~ I 1 I p 1 1 1 * v s (t> v o- I 1 1 1 1 1 1 * J s= S Figure A1.2. Multiplication of SRPS's u = P {v„(t) has a pulse in a time slot) o 5 - P {v (t) and v (t) both have a pulse in a time slot} Assuming that v (t) and v (t) are mutually independent u„ = P {v, (t) has a pulse in a time slot) x P ( v p(t) has a pulse in a time slot) = u x • u 2 9h To recover the machine variable (as a voltage in the range 0-1 volV represented by a SRPS, one integrates the SRPS over an interval T = nTo and normalizes the result. u = nT V o o " o nT v(t)dt. T = clock period o V = pulse height o As n -» oo, u approaches the number which is represented by the SRPS v(t). For finite n, the distribution of the number is described by a binomial distribution, if the occurrence of a pulse in a time slot is independent of any other occurrence. The standard deviation from the average number of pulses for a given averaging time T = nT is given by o = Vnu(l-u) The 2a variance "with respect to the full scale value of u is A = J^ik^l x 200% For n = 255, A is graphed in Figure A1.3- A (%) u - PROBABILITY Figure Al.3. A vs. u 95 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Barnes, G. H. , et al., "The ILLIAC IV Computer," IEEE Transactions on Computers , Vol. C-17, August 1968, pp. 7^6-757- 2. Chen, Tien Chi, "Parallelism, Pipelining, and Computer Efficiency," Computer Design , January 1971? PP« 69-7^ • 3. Poppelbaum, W. J., Afuso, C. and Esch, J. W. , "Stochastic Computing Elements and Systems," AFIPS Proceedings , 1967 FJCC, Vol. 31, pp. 635-6kk. k. Ryan, L. D., "TRANSFORMATRIX, A Stochastic Image Processor" (abstract), a paper presented orally at an IEEE Computer Group Symposium on Uncommon Forms of Information Processing, Northwestern University Evans ton, Illinois, May 1, 1969* 5. Marvel, 0. E., "Transformatrix - An Image Processor - Input and Stochastic Processor Sections," Report No. 393 5 Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, April 1970« 6. Ryan, L. D., "Quarterly Technical Progress Report," Hardware Systems Research, Section 2, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, January 1968 to December 1970 • 7. Poppelbaum, W. J., et al. , "On-Line Fourier Transform of Video Images," Proceedings of the IEEE , October 1968, pp. 1744-17^6. 8. Andrews, H. C, "Fourier Coding of Images," USCEE Report No. 271, Electronic Sciences Laboratory, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, June I968. 9. Shively, R. R., "A Digital Processor to Generate Spectra in Real Time," IEEE Transactions on Computers , Vol. C-I7, May 1968, pp. U85-U9I. 10. Dere, W. Y. and Sakrison, D. J., "Berkeley Array Processor," IEEE Transactions on Computers , Vol. C-19, May 197 0, PP« hkk-kh'J . 11. Tolstov, G. Po , Fourier Series (translated from Russian by R. A. Silverman) Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1962. 12. Wo, Y. K., "The Output Display of Transformatrix," Report No. 381, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, February 1970* 13. Deutsch, Sid, "A Technique for Feature Extraction in Visual Pattern Recognition," Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics (Proceedings of the Second University of Illinois Conference on Computer Graphics) edited by M. Faiman and J. Nievergelt, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 19^9? PP« ^-8-66. 96 15. 16. 17. 18. Schroeder, Manfred R., "Images from Computers," IEEE Spectrum , March 1969, pp. 66-78. Applications Engineering Department of Hybrid Systems Corporation, Digital- to-Analog Converter Handbook , First Edition, 1970. Stephenson, B. W., Analog - Digital Conversion Handbook . Digital Equipment Corporation, 1964. Schmid, Hermann, "An Electronic Design Practical Guide to D/A Conversion" (edited by Frank Egan), Electronic Design , October 24, 1968, pp. 49-88. Afuso, C, "Analog Computation With Random-Pulse Sequences," Report No. 255, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, February 1968. 19. Esch, J. W., "Rascel - A Programmable Analog Computer Based on a Regular Array of Stochastic Computing Element Logic," Report No. 332, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, June 1969. 97 VITA Lawrence David Ryan was born in Syracuse, New York on July 1, 19^3* He graduated from Christian Brothers Academy, Syracuse, New York in 1961. In 1965 he received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame. Mr. Ryan continued his education at the University of Illinois in September of 1965 under a NSF Traineeship and joined the Circuit and Hardware Systems Research Group of the Department of Computer Science under Professor W. J. Poppelbaum in February of 1966. He has been employed by the Department of Computer Science as a Research Assistant in that group since February of 1967. He received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering in October of 19^7 and since then has continued to work under Professor W. J. Poppelbaum toward a Ph.D. degree. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta ivappa Nu, and the IEEE. jrmAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION fSIi^oi UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFSC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( Sm Instructions on Rwtna Side ) AEC REPORT NO. coo 1^69-0179 2. title SYSTEM AMD CIRCUIT DESIGN OF THE TRANSFORMATRIX COEFFICIENT PROCESSOR AND OUTPUT DATA CHANNEL TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): f~1 a. Scientific and technical report r~l b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization E]c. Other (Specify) Ph.D. Thesis RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): KM a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I I b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. [~1 c. Make no announcement or distrubution. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) Lawrence David Ryan, Research Assistant Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature jpCtfAArtJ^A^ , 1Y Vn(kv^. March 3, 1971 FOR AEC USE ONLY AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: PATENT CLEARANCE: LJ a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. LJ c. Patent clearance not required. ■MMimpiiaBiiiiii iimiwumjiiiiwi