UNIVERSITY OF IllWOtS JUL 1 4 1915 SPECULATIONS. SOLAR HEAT, GRAVITATION, AND SUN SPOTS. By J. H. KEDZIE, Ph. D. Whence are thy beams, O, Sun! thy everlasting light?— O ssian. Some are much surprised that I should, as they think, venture to oppose the conclusions of Newton; but here there is a mistake. I do not oppose Newton on any point; it is rather those who sustain the idea of action at a distance that contradict him.— Dr. Faraday. The very source and font of day Is dashed with wandering isles of night.— Belgravia. SECOND EDITION. CHICAGO: S. C. GRIGGS AND COMPANY. 1891. Copyright, 1886, By S. C. GRIGGS AND COMPANY. KNIGHT £ LEONARD. s 2/5. T o o «f? To the Members and Fellows of the A. A. A. S. : The maximum sun spot period is again approaching, and so is the perihelion of Jupiter. These two grand celestial phenomena have probably run their cycles in equal times since the birth of our system, and will un- doubtedly continue to do so while our system endures. The period of Jupiter's perihelia is exactly 11 T 8 ¥ 6 F years, that of the sun spot maximum is approximately the same, though, from its nature, it cannot be sharply defined. From this fact and all the other facts in relation to these wonderful phenomena, which I need not here rehearse, I cannot avoid the conviction that there is a physical con- nection between the perihelia of Jupiter and the periods of maximum solar maculation, though modified by the action of all the other planets and satellites. The strong interest excited by the reappearance of large spots on the sun makes the present an appropriate occasion for again calling the attention of scientists to the subject, and is my excuse for presenting to the members and fellows of this Society Part III of my work on Solar Heat, Gravita- tion and Sun Spots. The only favor I ask in return from those who have the facilities and leisure for observations, especially by photo- graphy, as well as from all others who may do me the honor to read the pamphlet, is that they will immediately communicate to me briefly their impressions, whether from the book or from their own observations. Very truly yours, August 1, 1891. J. H. Kedzie, Evanston, 111. PREFACE. HE author’s task is done, and it only remains for him to apologize to the public for inflicting one more book on a book-ridden world. The public, however, cannot complain of a surfeit of literature on the subject I have chosen. Probably not one work has been written on the Sun — to us the grandest and most beneficent object in nature — to one million of fiction. As will be ' seen from the title, the themes here treated are three apparently disconnected subjects, but if I am correct, they form a closely connected trinity, depending upon a common principle. The positions advanced in this work may seem bold and, at first glance, revolutionary. But a closer view, I trust, will convince the reader that not a single well settled principle of science has been assailed. Thus : On the subject of solar heat there are not less than five or six different theories advanced by eminent scientists. A new theory cannot, therefore, be considered as con- flicting with any settled doctrine on this subject. In regard to gravitation, the field is still more com- pletely unpreoccupied. There is no settled doctrine as to the cause of gravitation, and not even a plausible IV PREFACE. theory that I am aware of. It is equally true that there is no settled doctrine among scientists in regard to the cause of sun spots. A number of ingenious theories have been advanced, but none have met with general acceptance, and there is not one which even professes to account for all the phases of those wonderful phe- nomena. The writer thought at one time that he would be obliged to dissent from a generally accepted doctrine in regard to “ potential energy ” ; but subsequent reading showed him that he had been anticipated, in the views advanced by at least two scholars of eminence — Judge J. B. Stallo and S. To! ver Preston. The writer, therefore, though a debtor to all scholars, from the times of Copernicus to the present, has im- pugned the accepted work of none. On the contrary, he has addressed himself wholly to unsolved problems in science. Since astronomers have swept the vault of heaven with their magic tubes, and calculated the paths of planets and satellites by the laws of projection and gravitation, it cannot be considered presumptuous to inquire reverently into the source of gravitation itself; and if in so doing the suspicion arises, and will not down, that gravitation is connected on one hand with solar heat, and on the other with sun spots, by a single well known principle, what is the w r riter to do but to announce his suspicion, and give his reasons therefor ? Though the writer has chosen to apply the term PREFACE. V “ speculations ” to tlie views herein advanced until in- dorsed by higher authority, still he must confess that not without some misgivings he has finally become a convert to his own opinions. He has, therefore, no apology to offer for advocating what he believes to be true with all the earnestness and zeal which truth de- mands of her votaries. For all the facts and principles of value in the fol- lowing pages, though not always for the use made of them, the writer is indebted, as all the world is, first to Sir Isaac Newton; and scarcely less to the great minds of the present day. Though illustrious all, they are too numerous to be mentioned by name. I desire to ac- knowledge my indebtedness to all as fully as if I could thank each one in person. These chapters are most deferentially submitted by the author to the candid judgment of the learned public. He cannot expect, and would not desire, the acceptance of the views here presented until it is found on the full- est examination, that they conform to all the conditions of truth, and conflict with no settled fact or principle of science. J. H. KEDZIE. Evanston, III., May, 1886 . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates PART III.- SUN SPOTS. CHAPTER I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. The very source and font of day Is dashed with wandering isles of night. — Belgravia. OR nearly three hundred years the scientific world JL has been familiar with spots on the sun, discovered almost simultaneously by Galileo, Fabricius, and Schei- ner. An amusing incident is related of the latter, who was a Jesuit brother. On informing his superior of his discovery, and asking to be allowed to publish the same, the superior replied : “ Go, my son ; tranquillize yourself, and rest assured that what you take for spots in the sun are the faults of your glasses or of your eyes. I have read Aristotle's writings from end to end many times, and I can assure you that I have nowhere found in them anything similar to what you mention.” To be more specific : The Jionored name of Galileo is credited with the first discovery by telescope of sun spots, in October, 1610. Fabricius followed closely after, in December of the same year, and only a few months later, in March, 1611, Scheiner made the same discovery. All were original discoveries, as each worked in entire ignorance of the labors of the others. As Fabricius was the first to publish his discovery, in June, 219 220 SUN SPOTS. 1611 , the discovery is credited to him, though the others are entitled to equal honors. As large sun spots are visible to the naked eye, many were no doubt seen before the invention of the tele- scope. The records of that curious people, the Chinese, curious in two senses, afford evidence of such observa- tions. Dark spots had also been observed by Kepler and other European scholars before the invention of the telescope ; but as they could not be examined in detail, they attracted but little attention. These spots are often of enormous extent, covering sometimes millions and even billions of square miles. They generally open as small points, enlarge rapidly till they attain their maximum, and after a period of comparative stability, varying from a few days to sev- eral months, fill up and disappear. They are mostly confined to that part of the sun’s surface corresponding to our torrid zone, or rather to two zones, one on each side of the equator, bounded by parallels about thirty degrees north and south of the equator. These zones of maximum sun spots shade out each way, so that very few are found within ten degrees of the equator,, or beyond thirty degrees north and south of the same. These spots are dark at the bottom and partially lighted on the penumbral edges, which extend to the depths of thousands of miles. They increase and diminish in numbers at nearly regular periods of about eleven years. The upland or plain in which these crater-like openings appear is of the substance denominated the sun’s photosphere ; that is, the incandescent surface which sends forth the light and heat of the sun. This, as I venture to conjecture, GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 221 is composed of the sublimated vapors of carbon float- ing in an atmosphere of metallic gases. Immediately below the surface of the photosphere is the stratum of penumbral clouds, no doubt composed of the same ma- terials, but at a lower temperature. Still lower is the nucleus or body of the sun, sometimes called the umbra. The nucleus is generally believed to be liquid in form, but by some to be composed of viscid gases. The spectroscope seems to pronounce in favor of a liquid, composed of the most refractory elementary substances, reduced to that form by intense heat. These spots often pass entirely across the sun’s disc by virtue of his revolution, and have sometimes been mistaken for the transits of inferior planets. The sur- face of the nucleus is overlaid by transparent absorbing gases, by the action of which the Frauenhofer lines of the spectrum are produced. The appearance of these spots in perspective at the edges of the sun’s disc clearly shows that they are im- mense chasms in the strata of the photospheric and penumbral clouds, laying bare for the time the inner, darker and cooler nucleus of the sun. They are exceedingly variable in size and duration. One has been seen almost two hundred thousand miles in diameter, and covering an area of twenty-five billions of square miles. Their duration also varies from a few hours to whole days, weeks, and months. They form a puzzle to philosophers. While the facts are obscure, not for the want, but rather the excess, of light, and also the immense distance of the sun, these philosophers have not hesitated to draw largely upon their imaginations for hypothetical explanations. There is no harm in this, so long as they are given merely as hypotheses, 222 SUN SPOTS. and kept strictly within the limits of known facts. A hypothesis, to be of any value, must conform strictly to the known telescopic and spectroscopic conditions under which these spots have been observed. It is entirely unnecessary, even if I possessed the time and qualifications for the task, to examine critically all the theories advanced in explanation of these phe- nomena. A number of them are peremptorily excluded by telescopic and spectroscopic observations. Of those remaining, no one is satisfactory to all students of solar physics. Anticipating possibly a similar fate for my own theory, I proceed to unfold it for what it is worth. Fig. 12.— Spot of July 1G, 18G6. We here call attention to a very symmetrical illus- tration of a sun spot, from u The Sun,” by Prof. Young. We quote from page 115, on which this figure occurs, as follows: “A well formed solar spot consists, generally speaking, of two portions — a very dark, irregular, central portion, called the umbra, GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 223 surrounded by a shade or fringe called the penumbra, less dark, and for the most part made up of filaments directed radially inward. The appearance of things, under ordinary circumstances of seeing, is as if the umbra were a hole, and the penumbral filaments overhung and partly shaded it from our view, like bushes at the mouth of a cavern. I say as if, and very possibly this is the actual case, the central portion being a real cavity filled with less luminous matter, and depressed below the general level of the photosphere, while the penumbra overhangs the edge.” To my eye the penumbra resembles more nearly the shelving banks of a deep excavation. This figure also represents beautifully the bright points called “ gran- ules,” and the dark reticulation called “ pores’ 5 in the general surface of the photosphere. It also exhibits to advantage the bright fringe, often club-shaped, at the inner edge of the penumbra hereafter mentioned. CHAPTER II. A NEW THEORY OF SUN SPOTS — THE PHOTOSPHERE THE HOTTEST PART OF THE SUN. And now the sun — Insufferably brilliant, and his blaze Tinges with flowing gold the icy head - Of peaks which rise above the clouds, and gaze On budding landscape, hills, woods, meadows, lakes, Rivers, and winding rivulets, where plays The wave in lines of silver. — Percival. IIEN we find a rule to which there is no excep- V V tion, it rises to the dignity of a law ; and one law thoroughly understood and applied will often throw a flood of light on many problems. The law to which I wish to direct attention is, that the more highly an elementary body is heated, the more brilliantly white it becomes. Applied to the sun, we find the facute, which are the crests of the photosphere, or the sun’s Hima- layan mountains of light, are the most dazzlingly white. The general surface of the photosphere is of a milder intensity, and the brightness continues to decrease through the penumbral strata to the nucleus, which appears to be entirely black, of course by contrast. The conclusion seems inevitable, that the outer envelope of the sun, next to its purely gaseous atmosphere, is by far the hottest portion. I regard the photosphere, with its umbral and penumbral strata lying in immediate contact with the nucleus, as a part of the sun rather 224 A NEW THEORY OF SUN SPOTS. 225 than of his atmosphere, though of a vaporous or cloud- like texture. It has been demonstrated by actual experiments that the photosphere is much hotter than either the pen- umbra or nucleus. The spots themselves, as Henry, Secchi, Langley, and others have shown, certainly radiate to us less heat than the general surface of the sun. According to the elaborate determinations of Langley, the umbra of a spot emits about fifty-four per cent, and the penumbra about eighty per cent as much heat as a corresponding area of the photosphere.* This shows that the heat of the photosphere is not pro- duced by conduction or convection from the cooler regions below, and consecpiently must come from with- out. This photosphere is the fountain of all the sun’s radiations, and must of necessity be the portion cooled most rapidly. It must, therefore, have an ample source of supply independent of the internal heat of the sun. There seems but one conclusion possible, and that is that the sun’s loss by radiation is supplied from without. Whence can it come ? Only from other suns in a per- petual round. The universal ether is proved to be cap- able of conveying impulses of light and heat not only in opposite, but in all possible directions at the same time. The sun’s light and heat leave that luminary by means of this ether. Can we doubt that they return by the same medium? That the planets are a family group and the sun their father is not so much a figure of rhetoric as a literal fact. There are many things looking toward a common origin and of course a common nature for the whole solar sys- tem, but not a common condition at the present time. 15 * “ The Sun,” by Young, page 159. 226 SUN SPOTS. Now the earth and all the other planets have this property in common ; all the heat lost by them is radi- ated from their outer surfaces, and all the heat received by them to supply the loss and keep up the equilibrium is received .at the surface from the sun and other celes- tial bodies. Analogy would teach us the same thing is true of the sun, if only we could find any adequate source from which this heat could come. However great may be the difficulty in finding such a source out- side of the sun, the difficulty is augmented to an im- possibility, if we look for such a source in the sun’s in- terior. I have discussed this subject fully in another place and have endeavored to show that there is no lack of abundant supplies of light and heat accessible to the sun to supply all his loss by radiation. It is universally conceded, in view of the immense amount of heat given off, that the sun, if unsupplied from within or from without, would cool down with a rapidity proportioned to the loss. It would only be a question of time and, according to the best authorities, a brief time at that, when the sun would be so far cooled down as to render the earth uninhabitable. * We will endeavor to gain an idea of the condition of things in the sun by transferring the scene for a few minutes to the earth. Let us imagine the earth to be surrounded on all sides by a hollow sphere thickly studded with suns as hot as ours and capable of raising the whole body of the earth to an equal temperature. What would take place ? In the first place all organic substances, including mineral coal and oils, would flash into one vast confla- gration, equal in grandeur to the apocalyptic vision. * Newcomb’s “Popular Astronomy,” page 518. A NEW THEORY OF SUN SPOTS. 227 The resulting forms would be mainly carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid gas, and water in the form of steam. As the heat continued to increase, this steam, together with all the water in all the rivers, lakes and oceans also con- verted into steam, would be decomposed; and the im- mense volumes of hydrogen and oxygen, thus liberated, would mount skyward, increasing our atmosphere to an enormous extent. Not only this, but all the oxidized earths and metals would be decomposed and the liber- ated oxygen, heated to a degree far beyond the point of chemical dissociation, would be added to the atmosphere, still farther increasing its enormous volume. As if there were not already gases enough in this atmosphere, the ever increasing heat would first fuse and then volatilize the iron, copper, zinc, and probably all the metals, un- less we except platinum. The most refractory substances, such as silicon and platinum would probably be fused, and lastly would come the cataclysmic change in the de- composition of the whole volume of carbon dioxide into its elements, the oxygen joining the vast volume of the gases, and the carbon, in the form of incandescent vapor or of impalpable atomic dust, descending gently in flocculent clouds of fire throughout the whole expanded atmosphere. When these fiery vapors had settled down to loose contact with the molten nucleus still remaining, they would form a photosphere to the earth entirely similar to that of the sun. This carbon vapor, or impalpable white-hot atomic dust, would at once know and assume its proper place, intermediate between the pure transparent gases above and the liquid silicon and more refractory metals com- posing the core, as the receiver and radiator of the in- tense heat of these surrounding suns. The transforma- 228 SUN SPOTS. tion would now be complete. The earth would be, in all respects, a little sun. This was probably once the condition of our earth, but it has now cooled down so as to become the lit abode of plants and animals, and even of frost and snow. And yet not a particle of its heat has ever been lost. While our earth has been cooling, some other world or worlds have been warmed into fruitfulness as the theatres for animal and vegetable life ; or if suns were needed in the grand economy, the heat given off by our earth has helped to kindle other suns, or still more probably, the heat given out by our earth in cooling has been replaced by tangential, rotary and gravitative forces with other forms of energy at work on the sur- face and in the interior of our globe. Whatever dispo- sition has been made of the intense heat which at one time lkpiefied, if it did not volatilize, the substance of our earth, two things may be affirmed with absolute certainty : One is that all this heat is somewhere and in some form conserved, and the other is that it is all in active operation, which is merely reaffirming its contin- ued existence, for energy without action we have seen to be impossible. CHAPTER III. THE SUN’S HEAT DERIVED FROM THE ETHER, AND NOT FROM HIS INTERIOR — CAUSE OF SUN SPOTS. A golden axle did the work uphold, Gold was the beam, the wheels were orbed with gold, The spokes in rows of silver pleased the sight, The seat with parti-colored gems was bright ; Apollo shined amid the glare of light. — Ovid. "TTTHAT we have imagined in the earth is exactly V V what we find to be the existing state of things in the sun. As the carbon vapors composing the photo- sphere radiate all the heat which leaves the sun, it must be cooled the most rapidly of any part; and, as it is always the hottest part of the sun, it certainly cannot derive its heat from the interior and cooler portions. Consequently it must come from without ; from the sur- rounding ether. If this be true, then the sun will receive his heat on all sides, and the poles will be as hot at least as at the equator, if not hotter. This we find to be the case. It maybe asked — in fact has been asked, “If the photosphere is the hottest part of the sun, why does it not by conduction raise the whole interior to the same tem- perature ? ” I reply : The photosphere has other uses for its surplus head in warming the earth and other worlds and suns. Being in contact with the ether, it is much easier to part with its heat by radiation than by the slower process of conduction through gaseous media to 229 230 SUN SPOTS. the sun’s interior. At all events, fact is fact, whether it suits our ideas or not. Affirmatively, it appears to me highly probable that the sun s])ots are produced by a relative lowering of the temperature of the photosphere in the zones where the spots occur. As it is held by all the best authorities that the photosphere is composed of intensely heated vapors (I think carbon vapors), in the form of clouds, it would seem most natural that these clouds when slightly cooled, should first be converted into a line incandescent mist, then to fiery rain, hail or snow (if we may use old words with new meanings), according to the nature of the element or elements composing the sun’s photosphere. In this way large regions of the photosphere, if sufficiently cooled, would fall to the sun in the form of solar rain, hail or snow, or, as I think, in the form of impalpable carbon dust, leaving the inner, cooler and darker surface of the sun uncovered, just as clouds in our atmosphere, when condensed, descend in the form of rain and snow, and leave the surface of the earth previously covered with clouds open to the inspec- tion of the inhabitants of other worlds. The extent and duration of these spots would be as variable as our “ spells” of weather, being produced by similar causes, viz.: variations of temperature in the enveloping atmospheres and clouds of the earth and sun respectively. If our earth, like Jupiter, were always covered by silver-lined clouds, with the lining on the outside, and if only occasional rifts occurred, exposing the earth’s surface, the inhabitants of other planets would call them earth * spots, and the fleecy * Unless the inhabitants of other worlds have other names for our planet. CAUSE OF SUN SPOTS. 231 clouds would form a mild kind of mundane photo- sphere. The variations in the temperature of our atmosphere are easily accounted for by the extremely diversified aspects in which the earth presents herself to the sun, the source of her heat, owing to the variety in her mo- tions and the inclination of her axis. But in the case of the sun, if the theory that he receives his heat equally from all parts of the celestial concave is correct, then his cloudy envelope at least ought to be in a state of comparative rest. Such we find to be the case. Only two narrow belts, one on each side of the sun’s equator, are affected by sun spots. Of course so unsta- ble a thing as an ocean of incandescent hydrogen, mingled with other gases, which occupy the higher regions of the sun’s atmosphere, could hardly be ex- pected to be entirely quiescent under any circumstances. On the contrary, the most violent convulsions may be expected in the upper regions of the sun’s atmosphere. That this restful condition prevails in the sun’s photo- sphere (not in his chromosphere and corona), seems probable from the following considerations : I believe every writer without exception considers 'the photosphere to be of vaporous or cloud-like texture. Consequently it would yield with the greatest readiness to any disturbing force affecting it or the gaseous medium in which it floats. But the sun spots, which all admit to be cavities in the photosphere, remain not only for days and weeks, but often for months without being obliterated. The comparatively restful condition of the sun’s cloudy envelope forms no slight corroboration of the truth of this theory. 232 SUN SPOTS. CAUSE OF SUN SPOTS. We will now address ourselves to an attempt to ascertain the cause of sun spots. I attribute the cooling of the portions of the sun’s photosphere, comprised in the maculated belts (by which large fields of fiery clouds are precipitated, and the sun’s .surface uncovered), to the shadows cast upon the sun by Jupiter and the other planets. If the source of the sun’s heat is the whole celestial concave, then these planetary bodies and their satellites, mainly lo- cated within the limits of the zodiac, are the only bodies that could intercept any portion of the waves inundant on the sun. Of course, the shadows cast by the heavenly bodies are very different from those we are familiar with on the earth. The former are dynamic, or rather anti-dynamic. They are simply the aggregate of the shadows of the particles composing these bodies. I hope no one will decide authoritatively that the effect of these shadows combined must of necessity be infinitesimal, while he admits that a force which we call gravitation is exerted between the sun and these same bodies, which is by no means infinitesimal. In fact, we claim that the energy intercepted from the sun by these bodies is identical with gravitation. It consists, as we conceive, of waves of mechanical force, turning to heat when intercepted, coming from the celestial concave, which would, if un- intercepted, make the equatorial regions of the sun equally hot with his poles, but being intercepted, ex- pends itself in bending the tangential motion of the planets into the curved lines of their orbits. In conse- quence of the diversion of this intercepted energy to CAUSE OF SUN SPOTS. 233 the purposes of gravitation, the sun experiences a defi- ciency, greatest near his equator, where the intercepted rays woulj have been vertical, and shading out toward the poles. CHAPTER IV. ARGUMENT FROM THE UNEQUAL ROTATION OF THE SUN SPOTS. Thou chief star, Centre of many stars which mak’st our earth Endurable and temperest the hues And hearts of all who walk within thy rays! Sire of the seasons! Monarch of the climes, And those who dwell in them ! for near or far, Our inborn spirits have a tint of thee, Even as our outward aspects : thou dost rise, And shine, and set in glory. — Byron. IIE sun at his equator revolves on his axis in about -L twenty-five days. At twenty degrees north and south latitude he appears to revolve in twenty-five and three-fourths days; at thirty degrees in twenty- six and a half days, and at forty-five degrees in about twenty-seven and a half days. IIow does this accord with the theory here advanced? If the fiery clouds composing the photosphere are relatively cooler at and near the equator, then a circulation will be set up, analogous to the circulation of the cloud-bearing winds on the earth. But as the zones are reversed so will be the circulation. The cooler portions of the photosphere will sink down and how out as the under currents from the equatorial regions of the sun toward his poles. These out-flowing currents will leave the equatorial regions with the rotary velocity of the nucleus, but will be continuously retarded by friction 234 UNEQUAL ROTATION OF THE SUN SPOTS. 235 till they reach the polar regions, by which time they will have accommodated themselves to the slower mo- tion of the nucleus at the poles. By intermingling and coming to the surface, these currents will also by this time have acquired the higher temperature of the polar regions where no shadows are cast upon the sun. They will then start on their return toward the equator as the upper and hotter currents, but with the compara- tively slow rotary motion of the polar regions. As these currents appoach the equator, they will lag be- hind the motion of the body of the sun most at first, but will become gradually accelerated as they approach the equator, till, on arriving in the equatorial regions, they will have regained the rotary velocity of the nu- cleus at the equator, precisely as the cloud-bearing winds on the earth are alternately accelerated and retarded in their rotary motion in accommodating them- selves in turn, now to the swift motion of the equato- rial, and then to the slow motion of the polar regions of the earth, only in a reversed order. This circulation, on the supposition of a relatively cooler zone extending for some distance north and south of the equator, is inevitable. The result will be that the photosphere in the equatorial regions will keep pace with the body of the sun. But north and south of the equator the upper and visible portion of the photosphere, in which the spots are seen, will lag behind in its rotary motion in- creasingly from the equator toward the poles. The result of these currents must inevitably be that the photospheric envelope of the sun will keep pace with his body at the equator, performing a revolution in twenty-five days, while those portions north and south of the equator, with their included spots, will be 236 SUN SPOTS. retarded, and will take longer time to perform a revo- lution, just in proportion to their solar latitude. This is exactly what has been found to be the case by the patient and careful observations of Carrington from 1853 to 1861 * I can see no probable, nor even possible, explanation of the slower motion of the sun spots north and south of the equator, except on the supposition of such a cir- culation as I have described ; and such a circulation can only be produced by a cooler zone at and near the equator. We call these grand movements of the photospheric and penumbral clouds currents , for want of a better term. If I am correct, they constitute very slow mass movements of the whole vast volume of the sun’s cloudy envelope. I have elsewhere shown that owing to the fact that the sun receives his heat almost equally on all sides, there are no great inequalities in the temperature of different parts of the solar surface, and consequently no violent currents, as upon the earth. This is proved by the somewhat permanent character of the spots. These generally remain for some days, and often for weeks and months, with but slight alterations in form. If violent winds were sweeping over the face of the sun, the spots, being of a cloudy nature, would be swept away as soon as formed. The flashes and streamers sometimes observed are generally considered to be auroral, and not a transference of actual matter. Still, there are undoubtedly the slow currents of cir- culation I have described. In general, they are divided into upper and lower currents, as in our atmosphere, See “The Sun,” by Young, pages 133 and 134. UNEQUAL ROTATION OF THE SUN SPOTS. 237 only reversed, as the cooler and hotter zones are re- versed. But, as in onr atmosphere, so in the sun, these currents sometimes clash and become mixed. In the sun’s northern hemisphere, the currents, both upper and lower, relatively to the solar surface as seen by us, are northwest and southeast. It will be remem- s Fig. 13 . bered that the sun’s apparent rotary motion, as seen by us , is from east to west. These upper and lower cur- rents will be parallel with each other, but in opposite directions. If the arrows represent different intermingling cur- rents, it is plain that, should a sun spot be located 238 SUN SPOTS. between the currents a b and c d , their edges would revolve from left to right, like the hands of a watch ; the same between e f and g h ; but between the cur- rents c d and e f, and also between g h and i j , they would revolve from right to left. This we find to be the case, exhibiting occasionally the appearance of cyclones, but revolving sometimes in one direction, and at others in an opposite one. Can this be accounted for on any other hypothesis ? Fig. 14.— Cyclonic Sun Spot, by Secchi. The only writer, so far as I am aware, who lias attempted to account for the cyclonic character of the spots is the ingenious French writer, Faye. But his theory would require, not some only, but all , the spots to lie vortical, and would further require all spots north of the sun’s equator to rotate from right to left, and all south of the equator, from left to right ; whereas, it is well known that only a small proportion of the spots rotate at all ; and of those which do, some rotate in one UNEQUAL ROTATION OF THE SUN SPOTS. 239 direction, and some in the other, in the same hemi- sphere. Still, the theory is a good one, and all that is necessary is to make the spots conform to it. CHAPTER Y. DISTRIBUTION OF SUN SPOTS. Alcyone shines with a force of twelve thousand suns. And then we have suns themselves combined into systems of all sizes and shapes — systems of two, of three, of many, of millions — firma- ments which, under the name of nebulae, are the last generalization and most stupendous variety of modern discovery; sometimes rolled up into spheres; sometimes gathered into circular or elliptic rings: now fan shaped ; now like an hour glass ; now broad wheels of com- pacted suns, large, glittering, and sublime enough to under-roll the chariot of Omnipotence. — Pater Mundi. S UCH is a glowing description, not altogether ima- ginative, of the suns of space by one of the most eloquent writers of modern times. There is but one of this innumerable host that we can examine with any- thing like exactness. But from this one we can learn more than from all the rest combined. One of the most interesting facts in regard to the “wandering isles of night,” called sun spots, is their peculiar and permanent manner of distribution upon the solar surface. We have seen that they are confined almost entirely within two parallels, thirty degrees north and south of the sun’s equator, diminishing in frequency toward the northern and southern boundaries of these belts, and also toward the equator. Figure 15 on the opposite page represents the sun with the plane of his equator inclined to that of the 240 Fig. 15. DISTRIBUTION OF SUN SPOTS. 241 S ty | iMil I s/ h ■# 242 SUN SPOTS. ecliptic, or plane of the earth’s orbit, at an angle of seven and one-quarter degrees, together with the planes of the four other planets nearest the sun. The planes of the three exterior planets are omitted for the triple reason : 1, because from their great dis- tance they can have but very little influence upon sun spots; 2, in a small figure the planes would be so crowded as nearly to obliterate each other ; and, 3, be- cause the principle can be as well illustrated by the five nearer planets as by all. It will be seen that during one-half of the years respectively of each of the planets, their orbits are above, and during the other half below, the sun’s equator. As the planetary years differ greatly in length, the planets, at a rough average, will at all times be distributed in nearly equal proportions north and south of the sun’s equator, as well as in their direc- tions from the sun. The dotted lines will represent those parallels on the sun to which Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus respectively will be vertical at their extreme northern and southern limits. They, of course, repre- sent the lines on which these planets respectively would be most influential in producing sun spots at these times. But the planets remain at their extremes of north and south latitude for a short time only, and during each revolution become in turn twice vertical to the equator and every parallel on the sun between these extremes. One only of the planets, Mercury, but a very influ- ential one on account of his proximity, ever extends his north and south latitude sufficiently to make his shadow vertical to the centres of the maculated belts, and, of course, only for a short time at each revolution. All the other planets, including those omitted from the DISTRIBUTION OF SUN SPOTS. 243 figure, oscillate from one side of the sun’s equator to the other within much narrower limits. This would indicate that the average of all the shadows cast by all the planets must be densest at and near the equator, fading out in both directions; and the sun spots, if they knew how to behave themselves, would be most numerous at and near the equator, and would shade out each way to about their present boun- daries. But as the spots will not conform to our theories, let us see if our theory can be accommodated to the spots. It matters not at what point we start in to accom- pany the currents in the pliotospheric and umbral clouds, which, as we believe, circulate from the equator to the poles and back again. We will therefore join them in imagination at the poles, or (confining ourselves for the present to the sun’s northern hemisphere) at the north pole. Here the photosphere is exposed to the hottest of the solar skies, and becomes heated to the highest temperature which these clouds ever attain. Thus heated they start toward the equator, but with the very slow rotary motion of the circumpolar regions of the sun. The result is that they will lag behind the body of the sun during their whole progress from the pole to the equator, and when the currents reach the maculated belts, the spots will also lag behind just in proportion to their solar latitude. When these cur- rents reach the northern boundary of the maculated belt, to the centre of which Mercury is vertical once in every eighty-eight days, they begin to feel the cooling influence of the planetary shadows, and the spots com- mence to appear, though sparsely at first. I believe there is no dissent among scholars as to the 244 SUN SPOTS. belief that even what are called the pores on the sun’s surface are intensely hot and brilliantly white, and that they only appear dark by contrast with the still hotter and more brilliant granules and faculse of the sun. It is well known that almost the whole surface of the sun is made up of these granules and pores — the pores being in the proportion of four to one of the granules and much cooler than the latter. If the mat- ter of both is the same, as can hardly be doubted, then the whole surface of the sun is nicely balanced on the dividing line between the granular and porous condi- tions. A slight increase in temperature would convert the pores into granules and a slight lowering would convert the granules into pores. To continue our imaginary journey : When these currents in their southward progress have reached the parallel of twenty degrees, the spots become most nu- merous. As they approach the equator, the spots again decrease, till at about ten degrees they almost entirely disappear. On approaching the equator the currents, being now considerably cooled, dive down to the sun’s nucleus and commence the return voyage as the undercurrent toward the pole. This journey is without incident, ex- cept that the upper and lower currents sometimes clash and intermingle to a certain degree, as in the cloud- bearing atmospheric currents on the earth, and thus cause occasional cyclonic action in the spots. These lower currents are but slightly cooler than the upper ones, but sufficiently so to make their substance, like the pores, appear black by contrast. This is the place to state that, according to the theory here advanced, the sun spots do not extend DISTRIBUTION OF SUN SPOTS. 245 downward to the nucleus of the sun, hut only to this blackened undercurrent of umbral clouds. We are now prepared to consider the question : Since the shadows of the combined planetary system are densest on and near the equator, why should not the spots be most numerous in this part of the sun ? We reply that, at the solar equator, and for some dis- tance north and south of the same, this celestial Niagara of glowing carbon clouds, inconceivably hot, notwith- standing their slight comparative cooling by the plane- tary interceptions, dives down to an unknown depth and then turns northward and southward toward the poles. Now suppose an ambitious pore on the upper surface of this perpendicular downward current should attempt to expand itself into a magnificent sun spot, the downward current would swallow it up before it could be formed. Besides this; if a sun-spot opening could be formed in the upper surface of this downward cur- rent, it would not be based, as in the other cases, upon the blackened surface of the under current, which is not yet fully formed. Thus a spot, if it existed on or near the equator, would seldom be visible for want of a darker background. It seems certain that the edges of some of the sun spots, under the influence of some mysterious process, take on forms of grace and beauty somewhat resem- bling arborescent frost w r ork on glass, finely depicted in Prof. S. P. Langley’s illustrations, Figs. 18 and 21, and also in Figs. 16 and IT. We may well believe that between the parallels of ten degrees and thirty degrees the restful condition of the photosphere, under the cooling influence of the planetary shadows, is highly favorable to the formation 246 SUN SPOTS. first of enlarged {lores developing into the large areas of precipitation known to us as sun spots, and that the tumult and rush of the downpour at and near the equator are equally unfavorable, so that spots here will be correspondingly rare; Thus we see that, though the planets do not, and, in the nature of things, cannot, cast their shadows in two zones corresponding to the maculated belts, still, ow- Fig. 16.— Sun Spot of July 31, 1869. ing to the peculiar nature of the circulation in the plio- tospheric and urnhral clouds, in connection with the planetary shadows, the double-belted distribution is effected. It may be replied : What proof have wc of the ex- istence of this circulation ? We answer: Two undenia- ble facts. One is the lagging motion of the sun spots, and the other, their occasional cyclonic action. I know DISTRIBUTION OF SUN SPOTS. 247 of no possible way of accounting for either of these phenomena except by such a circulation. Another fact is equally convincing. If it be con- ceded, or has been proved, that the sun receives his sup- ply of heat from the stellar concave through the ether, then it is as certain that the planets must intercept a portion of the energy which supplies this heat, as that a screen held between a lighted candle and a wall must in- tercept a portion of the light of the former from the latter. It is just as certain that, if motion, or energy convertible into heat, be intercepted from the equatorial region of the sun, a circulation in the fleecy clouds of the photo- sphere and umbra must be produced. We confess that it seems presumptuous for man with his limited powers to intrude “ where angels might fear to tread.” We stand awe-struck in the presence of this king of day, and hardly dare admit to ourselves that we are able to penetrate the profound secrets of his being. But, if we are not to study the sun, why is he allowed to exhibit himself to us in all his glorious pomp, and why were we endowed with the powers and the desire to investigate his awful mysteries ? CHAPTER VI. PERIODICITY OF SUN SPOTS. Nature is one eternal circle. — Percival. T HE sun spots increase and diminish in fairly, but not sharply, defined periods of about 11.111 years, according to Wolf. How, all the planets move in orbits more or less elliptical. It is manifest that the nearer any planet is to the sun — that is, the nearer it is to its perihelion — the denser will be the shadow cast by it upon the sun. The mass of each planet, divided by the square of its distance, will express its relative cooling influence upon the sun. Jupiter, from his immense mass (being three hundred and thirty-eight times that of the earth, and more than double that of all the other planets com- bined), as well as from his relative distance and eccen- tricity of orbit, would necessarily dominate in the mat- ter of sun spots. Still, he will sometimes be assisted, and at others antagonized, by the influence of the other planets, so far as hastening or delaying the maximum periods is concerned. For example, every forty-ninth perihelion of Mer- cury, every nineteenth of Venus, every twelfth of the Earth, and every sixth of Mars, will very nearly syn- chronize with those of Jupiter. At these times the maxima will probably be more marked ; at others, less so. A. Guillimin, in his work, u The Sun,” page 209, PERIODICITY OF SUN SPOTS. 24:9 in a note, speaking of Warren De La Rue, Balfour Stewart, and Loewy’s studies in relation to the influ- ence of Jupiter, says : “They appear to have observed that when one of these planets passes across the plane of the sun’s equator, it drags, as it were, the spots into the equatorial region of the disc; they spread toward the poles, on the contrary, when the planets pass away from the equatorial plane.” This negative cause of sun spots, through cooling by planetary shadows, as well as their distribution, is won- derfully confirmed by a writer in Belgravia, No. 13, page 51, without knowing or intending it, thus : “But it was reserved for the patient, day-by-day watchers and draughtsmen of our time to discover that, as Venus rolls in her inclined orbit around the luminary, the spots retreat farther from the equator as the planet increases her solar latitude; in other words, that there is a tendency in the spots to locate themselves per- pendicularly under the planet. “Another curious fact evolved from the daily chronicling is that when Mercury passes between Venus and the sun, the spots come forth in the fullest splendor, and there is more than a suspicion that Mars, in conjunction with one of the inferior planets, is influential in increasing the area of the spottiness.” This writer might have added that Jupiter, and all the other planets, in proportion to their respective masses and proximity to the sun, aid in producing this “ spottiness,” and that their solar latitude influences, if not absolutely determines, the latitude of the spots. After reading these extracts, how is it possible to doubt that the spots are produced by the shadows of these and the other planets projected on the sun ? Adopting Wolf ’s periods of sun-spot maxima from 1015 to 1870, a period of two hundred and fifty-five years,* I have copied the following table, exhibiting *See “ The Sun,” by Young, page 148. 250 SUN SPOTS. in parallel columns, first, the dates of Jupiter’s peri- helia ; second, the dates of the corresponding sun-spot maxima ; third, the intervals between successive sun- spot maxima. Jupiter’s Perihelia. Sun Spot. Maxima. Sun Spot. Interval. Jupiter’s Perihelia. Sun Spot. Maxima. Sun Spot. Interval. 1607.95 1615.50 1762.13 1761.50 11.20 1619.81 1626. 10.50 1773 99 1769.70 8.20 1681.67 1639.50 13.50 1785.85 1778.40 8.70 1643.53 1649. 9.50 1797.71 1788.10 9.70 1655.39 1660. 11. 1809.57 1804.20 16.10 1667.25 1675. 15. 1821.43 1816.40 12.20 1679.11 1685. 10. 1833.29 1829.90 13.5) 1690.97 1693. 8. 1845.15 1837.20 7.30 1702.83 1705.50 12.50 1857.01 1848.10 10.90 1714.69 1718.20 12.70 1868.87 1860.10 12. 1726.55 1727.50 9.30 1880.73 1870.60 10.50 1738.41 1750.27 1738.70 1750.30 11.20 11.60 1881.70 11.10 The average interval, according to Wolf, is 11.111 years, while the Jovian period is 11.86. This resem- blance between the two periods has been sufficient to attract the attention of every writer on the subject. Still there is sufficient discrepancy, coupled with the irregular- ity in the intervals of the maximum periods, to puzzle the philosophers and baffle all attempts to bring them into any certain relation to the perihelion periods of Jupiter. Much less lias anyone attempted to point out any relation of cause and effect between the two, and still less, the nature of that cause. Though the Jupiter of astronomy is not chargeable with the fickleness and follies of the Jupiter of mythol- ogy, there certainly seems to be a perverse refusal on the part of the former to scpiare his conduct with the periods of sun-spot maxima. Still, rather than throw aside as worthless so interesting, though imperfect, a cor- PERIODICITY OF SUN SPOTS. 251 respondence, as all writers on the subject, so far as I know, have done, I would prefer to see if some plan of reconciliation cannot be discovered. A preliminary observation, in which all will agree with the writer, is, that the investigation of this subject properly belongs to astronomers only. But anyone may offer suggestions to be taken only for what they are worth. My first observation then is that sun spots per- tain wholly to what may be called solar weather, or changes in solar temperature. The weather in the sun, though far less complicated than that of the earth, par- takes, to some extent, of the same nature, and that na- ture precludes the possibility of that exactness in calcu- lation, which the sublime science of astronomy has attained in regard to the motions of the heavenly bodies. It is manifest from the table that the first ten sun- spot maximum periods, as compared with the corre- sponding perihelia of Jupiter, all occurred after Jupiter had circled through the whole, or nearly the whole, of the perihelion half of his orbit and had retired to the neighborhood of his aphelion, or even beyond, leaving in his wake, according to the theory here advocated, a cold streak encircling the sun once every twenty-five days. If “ coming events cast their shadows before,” it is no less true that departing events leave their shadows behind. Though, in these cases, Jupiter has, for about six years on an average, been streaking the body of the sun like the cylinder of the phonograph, with lines of lower temperature, he certainly has enjoyed the aid of the perihelion periods of other planets in bringing out the sun-spot maxima. In the cases where the maxima 252 SUN SPOTS. lag behind the perihelia of Jupiter, the other perihelia which have supplemented his work have followed at a respectful distance behind those of the former. From 1769 to the end of the series included in this table nearly the same process is repeated as from 1615 to 1718. The sun-spot maxima occur after Jupiter has swept through the perihelion half of his orbit in most of the cases, and in some has passed on to and even beyond his aphelion. In this latter series, as in the first, it is undoubtedly true that the sun-spot maxima have in part been produced by the perihelia of other planets follow- ing at considerable distances behind those of Jupiter. Between 1615 and 1881, or in two hundred and six- ty-six years, twenty-four sun-spot maxima have occurred, as generally reckoned, but only twenty-three Jovian pe- riods. In other words, there seems to be a slow, though somewhat irregular precession of the sun-spot maxima over the Jovian periods, gaining one sun-spot cycle in about two hundred and sixty-six years. Observers are not fully agreed as to the number of maximum periods between 1615 and 1881. If we were allowed to deduct one, it would make the number of sun-spot maxima correspond exactly with the number of Jovian periods. Will the reader have the goodness to recur to the table and observe that between 1761.50 and 1788.10 — an interval of 26.60 years — three successive maximum periods are included, averaging only 8.86 years each. Whereas, the general average is 11.11, or, allowing the deduction, 11.86. If these three could be reduced to two, without doing violence to the facts of observation, it would show such a close correspondence between the average of the sun-spot cycles and the pe- riods of Jupiter as would, I believe, convince every can- PERIODICITY OF SUN SPOTS. 253 did reader that the latter are responsible for the former. We could hardly refrain from crying, “ Eureka!” In the few cases between 1718 and 1769 where the sun-spot maxima and the Jovian perihelia were nearly contemporaneous, the perihelia of other planets which did the preliminary work, leaving the finishing strokes only to Jupiter, evidently preceded those of Jupiter. That there were such preceding and following peri- helia of other planets goes without saying. Mercury is in perihelion every eighty-eight days. Venus follows once in every two hundred and twenty-five days, while Earth and Mars are in perihelion every three hundred and sixty-five days and six hundred and eighty-seven days respectively. As to their exact positions while rendering to Jupiter their aid, we prefer to leave them to the exact calculations of the practical astronomer, rather than to the bungling figures of an inexpert. I shall not be surprised to learn from those compe- tent to make the calculations that every variation between the Jovian periods and the sun-spot cycles can be accounted for by intervening planetary perihelia. The general law, I apprehend, might be expressed thus : Let the mass of each of the planets, including its satellites and each of the planetoids be divided by the square of its distance from the sun ; then the sun spots, in number and magnitude, will vary directly as the sum of these quotients. This expresses the order only of the changes. The time that will elapse between the occurrence of the cause and the exhibition of the effect will always be considerable, just as our coldest weather occurs some time after the winter solstice, and our hottest after the summer solstice. The length of these intervals is not 254 SUN SPOTS. only unknown beforehand, but is subject to considera- ble variations in different Jovian years. This law might be more loosely and popularly ex- pressed thus : The nearer the whole aggregate mass of planetary matter is to the sun, the more effective, nega- tively, will be the penumbral shadows or negations of energy, or the greater will be the number of rays of mechanical motion convertible into heat, intercepted from the sun, and the more will his photosphere between the limits of the zodiac and for some distance beyond, be cooled and condensed, and the greater will be the number and size of the openings through the photo- spheric clouds called sun spots. But the intervals between these periods of greatest average proximity and the occurrence of the sun-spot maxima are variable within certain limits. But with these small concessions to Mercury, Venus and the other inferior deities, Jupiter, as might be expected, has no doubt ruled in the heavens for ages before his worship was celebrated on Mount Olympus. He dominates in the matter of sun spots, but he is obliged to share his sovereignty with every planet, every satellite, and every asteroid, that circles round the sun. Every body, large or small, situate between the celestial concave and the maculated belts of the sun, helps to cast shadows, or negations, upon the latter, and by so doing deprives these portions of the sun of a cer- tain amount of mechanical motion convertible into heat, which all other portions of the sun receive in un- diminished plenitude and intensity. These shadows of intercepted energy cause a relative cooling of the photosphere of the spotted belts and a condensation of the photospheric clouds in “ spots,” thus PERIODICITY OF SUN SPOTS. 255 opening rifts through which we catch glimpses of the interior of the sun. The relation between sun spots and terrestrial mag- netism is well established and highly interesting, but all that is known on the subject can easily be found in the works of more learned writers. It is highly probable, though not yet fully demonstrated, that the years of sun- spot maxima are slightly cooler than the average. If so, though I have not investigated the subject, it may be found that in these years the grasses and cereals, except maize, have been abundant, while during the minimum periods, the reverse has been the case. CHAPTER VII. TIIE PHOTOSPHERE PROBABLY COMPOSED OF INCAN- DESCENT CARBON VAPOR. The sun’s high palace, on high columns raised, With burnished gold and flaming jewels blazed. —Ovid. I T is the almost universally received opinion that the sun and planets have a common origin. It is not simply suspected, hut fully demonstrated, that a major- ity of the best known elementary substances which compose the earth exist also in the sun. As to the mundane elements that have not been discovered in the sun, we may well believe that their presence has not been detected, through the imperfections of our means of observation. As the sun has only one-fourth the density of the earth, these materials must be in forms much more expanded than in the earth. This need not, however, be gaseous, so far as the nucleus or inner core is concerned. It is much more probable, in my opinion, though I cannot stop here to give the reasons, that the inner portion of the nucleus is liquid, or possibly composed of the most refractory solids, held in this form by enormous pressure. The outer portions, being subjected to the action of greater heat and less pressure, are known to exist in the gas- eous form. As the elements of the earth and sun are mainly, if 256 INCANDESCENT CARBON VAPOR. 257 not entirely, tlie same, it is highly probable that they exist in the two bodies in similar proportions. As about one-half the mass of the earth is composed of oxidized silicon or silex, we may presume that the great mass of the sun consists of silicon and oxygen uncombined, because all substances in the sun are heated up to and beyond the point of chemical dissociation. This elementary substance has never been fused by any heat that can be produced on the earth or concen- trated from the sun ; and if any substance could remain unmelted in the sun, it would probably be silicon. We tind the earth to be finished off with an irregu- lar veneering of carbon on or near its surface. This location of the carbon on the earth is not accidental, but results from the operation of natural laws. All the carbon of the earth, probably not excepting even the small portion existing in the form of the dia- mond, has been drawn from the atmosphere by the decomposition of carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid gas, by the agency of sunlight acting through the vegetable kingdom.* Of course, this carbon must be deposited on or near the surface of the earth. For other reasons, we may expect to find the carbon of the sun at his sur- face as the dividing stratum between his nucleus and his atmosphere proper. Though we meet with pure carbon on the earth in several allotropic forms, we find it in two conditions only as affected by heat, viz. : the solid and the vaporous or volatilized ; never as a liquid nor as a gas, unless volatilized carbon be gaseous. One thing seems certain, that is, that the visible sub- stance of the photosphere is apparently opaque, and appears to us simply as the radiator of intense light * Newton, for optical reasons, suspected the diamond to be of vegetable origin. 17 258 SUN SPOTS. and heat. Speaking of tilings of which we know little, it may be said that probably all bodies must exist in a gaseous or ultra gaseous form before separation can take place into the ultimate particles. Also, that all particles, even those of the most transparent gases, are solid bodies, and that, in a highly incandescent condition, they appear opaque, but glitteringly bright. Carbon in this condition might appropriately be called diamond dust, if we can conceive of dust of the fineness of the ultimate particles of matter. Still, it is not necessary for our purpose to suppose that carbon exists in the photosphere in the form of gas. It is more probable that it exists in the finely divided form which we see in fames or in the electric arc. I have seen in the cabinet of Prof. H. S. Carhart, in the Northwestern University, and I presume there are many such cases, an Edison lamp in which one arm of the carbonized bamboo was ruptured and a portion of the carbon volatilized. The carbon was deposited as a fine dust all over the inner surface of the bulb, except on a fine, straight, perpendicular line, exactly opposite the remaining arm of the bamboo, showing conclu- sively that the volatilized carbon radiated out in all directions in straight lines, like light, except where it was intercepted by an intervening obstacle. This tends to show that volatilized carbon in a vacu- um is not gaseous. If it were, it would have filled the glass bulb and pressed equally on every part until condensed by cooling. The same would have been true if the carbon was in the form of vapor, as com- monly understood. Therefore I incline to the opinion that carbon, when not an ordinary solid, is in the form of impalpable dust, and in that condition forms the INCANDESCENT CARBON VAPOR. 259 photosphere of the sun. However, as the photosphere more nearly resembles the clouds of our sky than any other form of matter we are familiar with, I shall con- tinue to speak of it as composed of vapor, that is, car- bon vapor. This impalpable dust is slightly denser than the gases in which it floats, and dances in them as freely as the motes in our atmosphere. Being slightly denser, this carbon dust will seek the lower levels of the sun’s atmosphere. Like nearly all other forms of matter, the cooler por- tions will be the densest and will form the lowest strata, or rest upon the nucleus of the sun. In fact, it may cover this nucleus for thousands of miles in depth, as loosely deposited masses of incandescent impalpable powder. If the sun receives and parts with his heat at the surface, as I have supposed, the outer surface of this jfliotosphere will always be the hottest and brightest part of the sun, and the lower we descend in imagina- tion through this vast enveloping cloud, the less highly heated and the less brilliant it will be found. Although it is not probable that the lowest and coolest part of these clouds falls below a white heat, yet, in contrast with the intensely heated and glittering brightness of the surface, the lowest stratum of the photosphere will appear entirely black. Whether or not this carbon vapor or atomic dust assumes the liquid form on cooling we may never know to a certainty. But even if it does not, it doubtless undergoes changes analogous to the condensation and falling to the earth of aqueous vapors. When, therefore, sun spots occur, large areas, sometimes amounting to millions and billions of square miles, of this photosphere are cooled, condensed and precipitated on the nucleus of the sun. These precipi- 260 SUN SPOTS. tated vapors at the nucleus will now be exposed to the concentrated rays of the sunny concave. The revola- tilization of the precipitated carbon will be resumed and the cavity will ultimately be refilled with photo- spheric carbon clouds. The atmosphere in which these carbon vapors float is composed largely of the gases of iron and other metals. As in our atmosphere there is a certain stratum in which the clouds float, so in the sun’s atmos- phere there is a certain stratum whose density is ex- actly adapted to the clouds forming the photosphere. PROOFS. As it has never yet been proved that carbon exists at all in the sun, much less that his entire photosphere is composed of this element, it is not to be expected that this theory will meet with ready acceptance without some considerations tending to show its probability at least. I present the following : 1. Carbon exists in large quantities and in various forms in the crust, on the surface and in the atmos- phere of the earth, and in many of the meteorites falling on the earth. Analogy would lead us to expect its presence in some form in the sun. 2. Carbon is the source of nearly all the artificial light and heat that exists on the face of the earth. It warms and lights our dwellings, cooks our food, reduces our ores, drives our factories and transports us from place to place on sea and land. It figures at both ends of the. electric light. At one end it drives the engine that generates the electricity, and at the other gives out the light by means of the carbon points. 3. In this last respect it most resembles the function PROOFS.' 261 of carbon in’ the sun. The electric light is by far the nearest approach that has been produced on the earth to the dazzling light of the sun, which it much resem- bles. The particles of carbon as it may be supposed to exist in the vapor or atomic dust of the photosphere, certainly possess the peculiar quality of radiating light and heat to a wonderful degree, and seem precisely adapted to produce the effects which we observe in the photosphere. 4. If we reject carbon from this position and func- tion, with what material will we supply its place? Neither the vapor of iron nor any other metal is avail- able, because these metals are proved to be transpar- ent gases in the stratum overlaying the photosphere, whereas the latter is an aggregation of opaque fiery clouds. Probably the only remaining substance that is not volatilized and sent to the upper regions of the sun’s atmosphere is silicon. But this has never exhibited any of the light and heat producing properties of carbon, and hence there is no reason for assigning it to this place. 5. Nature always employs the means best adapted to secure her ends. The photosphere ought to be and is, above all other forms of matter, the greatest radiator of light and heat. But a good radiator of heat must of necessity be an equally good absorber. In both of these respects, carbon is unequalled. But the sun can only receive heat from without by radiation from other suns. If the sun’s radiant heat came from within its own body, not only would it speedily be exhausted, but the photosphere, by means of which this heat is radi- ated into sjrnce, would be the coldest and darkest part 262 SUN SPOTS. of the sun, instead of being the seat of his most intense heat and light. 6. It may be inquired : If the whole photosphere is glorified incandescent carbon, in fact, literal diamond dust, why does it not show itself by means of the spec- troscope ? I reply that the spectroscope gives but three kinds of spectra : the continuous spectrum of incandes- cent solids and liquids ; the bright-lined spectra of incandescent gases, and the dark-lined spectra of absorb- ing gases. The condition of carbon in the photosphere being an opaque cloud, is such as to give out only the continuous spectrum. This it does, but marked by the absorption lines of the overlying gases of iron, sodium, hydrogen, etc. Silicon is invisible in the sun for the same reason. In tine, it is not a matter of reasoning, but of fact, that the most refractory substance or sub- stances, the last to fuse and vaporize, must form the core of the sun. This, from the analogy of the earth, we should infer to be mainly silicon. But it may be said that as carbon volatilized in the electric arc, and even in the Bessemer furnace, does give out bright-lined spectra, why not in the sun, if it exists there ? It is a familiar fact that the more a gas is compressed the more nearly its spectrum approaches the continu- ous form. Hydrogen, the rarest of gases, may be so compressed as to yield a continuous spectrum. The compression under which carbon exists in the photosphere may well be amply sufficient to overcome its reluctant tendency to exhibit bright-lined spectra in the spectroscope. If it be an argument against the carbonic constitution of the photosphere that it gives no bright lines in the spectroscope, it is an equally good objection TROOFS. 263 to every other known substance, as the photosphere, whatever be its constitution, gives out no bright-lined spectra, but the continuous spectrum only. 7. Carbon is sui generis among the elements. It sparkles with an inherent light in the diamond. In the forms of wood, charcoal, mineral coal and the hydro- carbons, it burns readily and often with uncontrollable intensity ; while in the form of graphite, it is one of the most incombustible of the elements, and in all its forms it is infusible at any degree of terrestrial heat. But while infusible, it can readily be volatilized in the electric arc. It seems to ignore the liquid state and leap at one bound from the solid to a state nearly re- sembling the gaseous. And still we cannot say that in this condition it is a gas. On the contrary, it seems to be simply fixed carbon, only infinitely subdivided and shining with unutterable brightness. It is in this form, as I conceive, that it forms the photosplieric clouds, brightest and most rarefied at the surface, where it is exposed to the concentrated starshine of all the suns, and decreasing in brightness, but increasing in density for thousands of miles downward to the nucleus of the sun. 8. I need spend no time in proving that the photo- sphere is not a transparent gas. Although it floats in an atmosphere of metallic gases, its cloud-like character is conceded by all. What element, except carbon, is capa- ble of preserving a finely divided or even vaporous form under a temperature that converts iron and other metals into transparent gases ? Lastly, in the economy of nature, the peculiar func- tion of carbon seems to be the reception and radiation of heat, while that of ether seems to be its rapid con- 264 SUN SPOTS. veyance from sun to sun and from world to world. On the earth heat creeps, walks or runs according to the conducting capacity of the different substances on which it is dependent for transmission, but it flies through space on ethereal wings at the rate of one hun- dred and eighty-five thousand miles per second. CHAPTER YIII. APPEARANCE OF SUN SPOTS. Plicebi tristis imago Lurida solicitis prcebebat lumina terris. — Ovid. W E will here introduce another figure from Schel- len’s “ Spectrum Analysis,” illustrating the ap- pearance of the sun spots : Fig. 17.— Sun Spot of July 30, 1869. This figure is most instructive. We can almost read in it the whole history of a large sun spot. It has evi- 265 266 SUN SPOTS. dently been a spot of the size of the outer periphery of the penumbra, but now in the process of healing up. Granulations from all sides are pushing in toward the centre, as if to close up a wound inflicted on the sun by his own ungrateful children. The enormous size of many of the sun spots is incon- sistent with the idea that they are produced by the splash- ing of falling meteors. Our earth, if dropped into some of these cavities, would be like a pebble dropped into the crater of a volcano. Bodies of that size could easily be observed if such were falling into the sun. Besides, their absence from the Armament would quickly ‘be noted by our eagle-eyed astronomers. Still less can we conceive of eruptions covering millions of square miles. In fact the appearance of the spots resembles nothing we can conceive of so much as the condensation and precipitation of large areas of solar clouds in conse- quence of changes in the solar weather, quite analogous to what we see on the earth, where clouds covering large districts frequently condense and disappear in a few hours. The edges of these precipitated clouds would naturally be grandly jagged like those of the silver- capped thunder heads that sometimes adorn our sum- mer skies, only incomparably vaster and brighter ; in one word, like the edges of a sun cloud. But a change of weather in the sun, as upon the earth, means a change in temperature. Our changes come from the sun. The sun’s changes must come from other heavenly bodies. The sun, vast as is his mass, can no more originate changes in his own temperature or weather than the earth. If he were wholly isolated from all extra-solar influences, his own heat would very soon be equally diffused throughout his entire mass, and APPEARANCE OF SUN SPOTS. 267 all activity would cease. It is only by interaction and interchange among celestial bodies that the eternal round is kept up, which forms the life of the world. The edges of these sun spots, thousands of miles in depth, sometimes take on the appearance of cyclones produced by the clashing currents in the photospheric clouds, as elsewhere explained. Generally, however, as the sun’s heat arrives and departs from all parts of his surface almost equally, the clouds will be comparatively calm, and a sun spot, once formed, will be likely to remain for a considerable time. The wreathen vapors around the edges and projecting into the abyss seem to take on the fantastic forms of beauty with which nature delights to amuse herself in her idle hours, more akin to cumulus clouds, lazily sunning themselves in our calm summer skies, than to the rude shocks of storm and tempest. The fringes, plumes and sprays that charac 1 acterize some of the sun spots, resembling the arbores- cent and fern-like tracings of frost work upon glass, are finely delineated in another of Prof. S. P. Langley’s illus- trations. This, on account of its size, we are obliged to divide. The other half will be introduced as Fig. 21. Another peculiar appearance in the sun spots may perhaps be explained upon this theory. I refer to the grandly corrugated or channelled appearance of the sides, as if raked downward by Neptune’s trident. If the body of the spots, so to speak, is produced by con- densations of great areas of fiery clouds, then we may suppose that the edges of these spots are in a condition of partial condensation, and therefore denser than the surrounding photospheric clouds. These partially con- densed bordering clouds might be expected to roll or glide down the declivities of the sun spots, and the pe- 268 SUN SPOTS. culiar manner in which the snn is supposed to receive his light, not in parallel rays as from one sun, but in all directions, would show these avalanches as bright at the bottom as at the top. Again ; these vast descending avalanches of partially Fig. 18.— Sun Spot of March 5, 1873.— By Prof. S. P. Langley. cooled solar clouds would, on reaching the nucleus, be arrested and swell out or bulge into those club-shaped forms observed at the bottom of the sun spots; and, moving horizontally toward the centre, they would ulti- mately cover the bottom and completely fill up the cav- BOILING APPEARANCE OF SUN SPOTS. 269 ity. Owing to the rounded or club form of these ava- lanches at the bottom, and the cross fire of the light by which they are seen, they will appear highly luminous, especially so by contrast, so long as any portion of the floor remains uncovered. BOILING APPEARANCE OF SUN SPOTS. Anyone who has watched what is called the boiling action at the bottom of these spots must have the most intense interest and curiosity awakened to know the cause of this most interesting phenomenon. The boiling appearance harmonizes admirably with the theory here advanced. If the photosphere is com- posed of intensely heated carbon dust or mist, and the spots are immense openings in the same, caused by the partial cooling and condensation of this substance, then this condensed and precipitated material will be much darker, .as well as cooler, than the surrounding photo- sphere. In fact, in comparison with the photosphere, the spots appear perfectly black. This darker precijDi- tated matter covering the umbra or nucleus, is immedi- ately exposed to the starshine of the heavens. It will gradually reabsorb heat, and w T ill almost literally boil up from the bottom. This process will continue till this matter has attained the temperature of the surrounding photosphere and filled the cavity with the newly formed clouds. The process is slightly analogous to what we sometimes witness upon the earth when the whole heav- ens are covered by thick layers of cloud. These, by cooling, condense to rain and fall to the ground, cover- ing its surface with a plentiful moisture. Then comes out a hot sun and vaporizes this moisture, and in a short time the sky is again covered with fleecy clouds. This 270 SUN SPOTS. boiling action of the sun spots, like a boiling pot, com- mences at the edges or penumbra where the photo- spheric clouds have been only partially cooled, and there- fore soonest recover the normal temperature of the photosphere. FACUL^E. I desire to notice only one more of the phenomena attending sun spots, and that is the faculae or bright ridges that frequently surround the spots. These, by some of the advocates of the eruptive theory are ascribed to the splashing upward of the photospheric material by the downpour of the cool eruptions. There are at least three objections to this view. One is, that it is inconceivable that a single eruption could be of such enormous dimensions as some of these spots present. Another is, that explosive eruptions of such extent and violence, if they existed, would tear up the photosphere in the wildest and most disordered forms, instead of the gently sloping and channelled edges of the penumbra, with its arborescent sprays and fern-like fringes. Lastly, and most conclusively, if these spots were caused by explosive eruptions, the ejected matter would fall back almost as soon as expelled, and the sea of fire would close over the crater as quickly as if it were water on the earth. If, on the contrary, these spots, continental in their dimensions, are caused by climatic changes, which even on the earth often extend through many days, we may reasonably expect the same to occur in the sun. Such we find to be the fact. Now, on this hypothesis, we should expect the upper edges, or the margins of the sun spots, to be much brighter than the general surface of the photosphere, FACULAS. 271 just as the umbo or highest point of a rounded gilt button is always dazzlingly bright, while the rest is relatively dull. So the edges of the deep cavity caused by cooling, condensation, and precipitation, must neces- sarily stand out more prominently in consequence of the caving in, so to speak, of the sun spot. These edges, thus left prominent, may account for the faculee around the spots. This is grandly illustrated in the edges of the magnificent summer clouds that form the rocky mountains of our western skies. This feature is well illustrated by Fig. 19. Fig. 19 .— From Schellen's “Spectrum Analysis.” But not infrequently spots appear surrounded by literal mountains of light. This is just what might be expected on the theory here advocated. A valley in an Alpine region of the sun is unlike a valley similarly situated on the earth. In the latter case the valley will be hotter than the surrounding mountains. It will receive just the same amount of heat by radiation, both the mountain and the valley being shaded on one side when the sun’s rays are oblique, and both receiving his full radiance when the rays are vertical. But in the case of the terrestrial mountain, the beat is reflected 272 SUN SPOTS. away, while in the case of the valley, it is reflected from side to side, and nearly all retained. In the sun the valleys are coolest, because the star- shine comes in all directions, and much of it being received on the sides and summits of the towering faculae, is cut off from the valleys between, which are therefore relatively cooler than the rest of the photo- sphere, and therefore more likely to become the thea- tres of sun-spot action. Fig. 20.— Faculae and Sun Spots, by Chacernce. This is illustrated by Fig. 20, from Scliellen’s “ Spec- trum Analysis.” GRANULES AND PORES. One of the most convincing arguments of the truth of this theory of sun spots to the mind of the writer, may be stated thus : Those who have examined the solar surface most GRANULES AND PORES. 273 carefully, with the best facilities, and under the most favorable circumstances, find that the surface, though we seek in vain for words to express its intensity of light and heat, is not of uniform brightness. It is mainly made up of what are called granules and pores, or alternate specks of light and shade, though even these granules are often 100 miles in diameter, and the pores much larger. These granules and pores resemble rice grains floating in a lake of ink ; or, perhaps, a better illustration would be a western landscape, seen at a little distance, at the moment when the first snow flakes of winter have scarcely half covered the black soil of our prairies. According to the law which makes brightness proportioned to heat in a radiant body, the granules represent the most highly heated, and the pores the relatively cooler, portions of the photosphere. In other words, the granules are little faculse, and the pores little sun spots. These granules and pores are coextensive with the sun’s surface, and are not confined to the maculated zones. These pores are caused, as I believe, by the enormous amount of heat constantly radiated by the sun, which cannot fail to lower rapidly the temperature of the solar surface. If the sun re- ceived no increments of heat at his surface, his whole face would speedily turn to blackness. He could not wait for heat to be supplied by the slow processes of conduction or convection from an inexhaustible foun- tain at his centre, even if we conceded its existence. But it would be just as impossible to manufacture heat from nothing at the centre of the sun as to manufacture matter in the same way. Instantaneous radiation requires an instantaneous supply. An infinite amount sent forth demands an infinite amount returned, and 18 274 SUN SPOTS. the rapidity of one operation precisely measures that of the other. If these pores are little sun spots caused by cooling and precipitation by radiation from small areas of the photosphere, we have only to suppose this cooling to be slightly increased from any cause in the maculated belts to account for the enlarged areas of cooling and precipitation called sun spots. I need not say where I would look for this cause, to- wit : to the shadows cast by Jupiter and the lesser planets upon the sun. This theory also accords beautifully with the small beginnings, slow growth, and long duration of sun spots. Janies Carpenter says: “The first symptom of a spot appearing is a tiny speck upon the photosphere. This goes on enlarging,” etc. Such a beginning and evolution are compatible with neither a meteoric nor an eruptive cause. If they were produced by the splashing of bodies of the size of the earth, or even Jupiter (for the diameters of some of these spots far exceed that of Jupiter), they would not commence at a point and gradually enlarge. Neither would they continue for weeks and months with only slight changes in form and size. This argument is equally good as against the erup- tive theory, and seems to be conclusive against both. A gaseous eruption would burst forth with suddenness and violence, of full dimensions, and the displaced pho- tosphere would fall back to its place as soon as the eruption ceased. The writer would not, of course, deny the existence of immense eruptions in the sun. But these are mainly in the chromosphere, corona, and upper atmosphere. GRANULES AND PORES. 275 Eruptions in the photosphere, so far as he can learn, are hypothetical only. The point to which the writer desires to call the atten- tion of those who are in search of truth for its own sake, is this, that the spots commence in points, and open out more or less gradually, often to continental dimensions, which they sometimes retain for months. Fig. 21.— Sun Spot of March 5, 1873.— By Prof. S. P. Langley. We here introduce the other half of one of Prof. Langley’s illustrations, both for the purpose of showing the club-shaped projections into the cavity and the 276 SUN SPOTS. relative size of one of these spots compared with the Western Hemisphere of the earth, shown in the upper left-hand corner. If the original spot, as seems to me probable, was co-extensive with the outer edge of the penumbra, it will be seen at a glance how improbable it would be that the spot could be caused by either a meteor or an eruption. If the meteor were of the size of the earth, it would be lost in the cavernous depth of one of these spots. Neither a meteor of sufficient size, nor an eruption of sufficient extent, to produce such a spot, could com- mence with a point and enlarge to billions or even mill- ions of scpiare miles. But if the photosphere through- out its whole extent and in its normal condition is honeycombed with little sun spots, caused by the cool- ing from radiation, then it needs but a slight additional cooling in the maculated belts to cause first the coales- cence of a few neighboring spots and then their exten- sion to large areas. The theory of sun spots here advanced also harmon- izes with one of nature’s sublimities ; the sublimity of the minute. Nature is sublime in the smallness of her atoms ; in the minuteness of her microscopic and ultra microscopic organisms, and often in the feebleness of her forces. The force of gravitation acting on the earth is so weak that it only pushes the earth about one- tenth of an inch toward the sun, while the tangential force carries it nearly nineteen miles forward. But the cooling shadows that cause the sun spots are the exact counterpart of gravitation on the earth. This shows how small a change is required to enlarge the small spots or pores into the larger ones. It also shows why the maculated belts are almost never free from GRANULES AND PORES. 277 spots, because the planets even at their aphelia cast slightly cooling shadows on the sun. If the breaking out of these spots be attributable to a lowering of the tem- perature in the maculated belts, and I do not see how it is possible to doubt it, in view of their darker color and lower temperature, then it is manifest that the photo- sphere within those belts, notwithstanding its intense heat, is at the turning point, so to speak, between the condition of the bright granules and the darker pores, with the advantage rather on the side of the pores. These, according to Prof. Langley, occupy four-fifths of the sun’s surface, but emit only one-fourth of his light and heat. CHAPTEK IX. RECAPITULATION. Line upon line, precept upon precept. — Bible. ^IRST. It is a matter of fact and not of conjecture J-J that Jupiter and the other planets intercept and shut off from the sun a portion of the light from a large field of the starry concave. If the stars send forth rays of energy capable of being turned to heat at the sur- face of the sun, then the sun will be deprived of so much heat as represents the intercepted rays of me- chanical motion convertible into heat. 2. The sun’s photosphere is generally believed to be composed of incandescent metallic vapors (I have suggested carbon vapors), floating in an atmosphere of metallic gases. 3. It is by much the hottest portion of the sun. This is shown first, by actual experiment by Prof. Langley and others ; second, by its surpassing brilliancy, the tem- perature of elementary substances being invariably in proportion to their brightness or capacity for emitting light ; and third, by analogy of other celestial bodies ; e.y ., the Earth and other planets, especially Jupiter, exhibit unmistakable evidence of a common origin and nature with the sun.' These all receive and part with their commercial or exchangeable heat at their ports of entry. These ports embrace their whole exterior sur- face in contact with the ethereal ocean, by means of 278 RECAPITULATION. 279 which the imports and exports of their foreign com- merce in the different forms of energy are exchanged. The sun is the great entrepot of this commerce in our system where, as I think, mechanical motion is ex- changed for liglit and heat, the fixed capital or internal heat of all these bodies remaining unchanged from age to age. 4. As the sun’s photosphere is hotter than the nu- cleus, it cannot, either by conduction or convection, receive this excess from the interior, and consequently must receive it through the ether from the starry con- cave. 5. Jupiter and the other planets are the only bodies which can possibly intercept the energy convertible into heat, coming from the celestial concave. 6. These shadows are wholly penumbra! and exceed- ingly thin, as the light and heat from almost the entire starry concave shines over, under and around the planets. Still these shadows are not infinitesimal in their influence. It is easy to see without a diagram that a portion of the wave motion, or energy converti- ble into heat, from a large circle in the starry vault is intercepted from the sun by each of the planets. 7. The inclination of the sun’s equator to the ecliptic, by increasing the extreme solar latitude north and south, of all the planets, widens the shaded or maculated zones. This can be readily seen from Fig. 15. The central part part of this zone on both sides of the equator is given up as the arena for the perpetual battle of the giants in the form of photospheric clouds from both the north and south, where they meet in con- flict, and the ranks of both sink vanquished to unknown depths below. In the melee of this conflict the clouds 280 SUN SPOTS. are too much agitated to admit of the formation of sun spots, as these require a comparatively undisturbed con- dition of the photosphere in which they can slowly develop and retain their forms, sometimes for months, with only slight changes. The necessary result will he two u spotty ” belts, which we might almost predict a priori would be found mainly between the parallels of ten degrees and thirty degrees of north and south lati- tude. This corresponds wonderfully with the distribution of the sun spots. 8. Sun spots must of necessity be produced by some dynamic change, and doubtless of that form which we call heat. In other words, by an excess or deficiency of heat. If it were an excess, the photospheric clouds in these belts would become brighter, if that were possible. But, as the spots appear to dissolve and turn to black- ness, it must be a deficiency, instead of a redundancy, of heat which produces the spots. 9. To the shadows of the planets alone can we look for this cooling influence upon the maculated zones of the sun. There are no other intervening bodies. 10. As all the forms of cosmic energy are correlated and interchangeable ; and as a portion of this energy, exactly proportioned to the mass of each planet divided by the square of its distance, is intercepted from the sun and expends itself upon the planets themselves, and as this is the exact expression for gravitation, who can doubt that the intercepted energy is identical with gravitation and constitutes the centripetal forces of all the planets ? 11. The sun spots appear to have a certain degree of periodicity, but not sharply defined, either as to the RECAPITULATION. 281 amount of variation or the times of the apparent max- imum and minimum periods. The variations in these spots are much like the vicissitudes of the weather on our earth, and produced by similar causes. The seasons return with certainty, but variable as to the degrees of heat and cold, and also in being earlier or later within certain limits. The grand average, however, is always the same. It is the same with the sun spots. The aver- age for a long series is very nearly uniform, being nearly, if not exactly, 11.86 years, which is the period of Jupiter’s annual revolution from perihelion to perihelion. Now Jupiter’s mass is three hundred and thirty-eight times that of the earth, and more than double that of all the other planets combined. His mean distance from the sun is much less than the mean of the other major planets. His eccentricity is such that, at his perihelion, he is forty-five million miles nearer to the sun than at his aphelion. The effect of this combi- nation of facts is such that the planet Jupiter, if the theory of sun spots here advanced is correct, must dom- inate both as to the amount and the periodicity of the spots, although the other planets sometimes co-operate with, and at others antagonize, his influence, so far as the dates of the maximum and minimum periods are concerned ; and this fact contributes to the aj:>parent irregularity in the periodicity of the sun spots. 12. The heating of the air at the equator and cool- ing it at the poles of the earth cause a constant circula- tion of currents from the equator toward the poles and back. These currents, however, are regular only in their irregularity. The exceptions almost constitute the rule in the case of the terrestrial currents, owing to the variations in isothermal lines upon the earth, the differ- 282 SUN SPOTS. ence in temperature of continents and oceans, the differ- ence in friction between land and water, and other causes existing on the earth which do not exist in the sun. If the sun’s photosphere is slightly cooler at or near the equator than at his poles, it will cause a correspond- ing system of slow and gentle currents toward the poles and back again, but in reverse order, compared with the terrestrial currents. The lower currents will be the cooler and the upper ones the hotter. The lower ones will be accelerated relatively to the sun’s surface in pro- portion as they recede from the equator. The upper ones, on the contrary, will be retarded relatively to the sun’s surface in proportion to their distance north and south of the equator. The inevitable result of this will be that spots or openings in the upper photosphere will keep pace with the rotary motion of the sun at his equator, but will drag behind more and more as they increase in latitude, precisely as we find the fact to be. It is due to the writer also to remember that no claim is here set up to anything like absolute regularity of operation in these hypothetical photospheric currents. A resemblance in the principle is all that is claimed. 13. In analogy with our seasons, the maximum of sun spots almost always occurs after the sun has been for some time exposed to the cooling influence of Jupi- ter’s most effective shadows. The planet Jupiter has been mentioned in connec- tion with sun spots by almost every writer on the subject, but only to discredit the idea that he could exert any agency in producing them ; and the idea that he, with the other planets, produces these spots by RECAPITULATION. 283 casting cooling shadows upon the sun is, so far as I am aware, a novel one. From all these facts and coincidences and the rea- soning by which they are connected, I trust I have made a case worthy of consideration of the distin- guished men * of our day who hold the keys of knowl- edge. That they will give it a candid and impartial consideration I know, and to the decisions of exact sci- ence I will bow with submission. CHAPTER X. UNITY OF THE PROPOSITIONS CONCERNING SOLAR HEAT, GRAVITATION, AND SUN SPOTS. Have you not heard it said full oft’?— Shakespeare. I DESIRE to repeat for the sake of emphasis, the proposition that the photosphere is by far the hot- test part of the sun. This proposition, if my argument is sound, is sustained by two infallible proofs. 1. The ineffable and incomparable brightness of the photosphere, which is the unfailing index of ineffable and incomparable heat. 2. The actual and accurate determinations of Prof. Langley and others, which no one questions, showing that the photosphere is nearly twice as hot as the umbra or nucleus of the sun. This being conceded, all the main conclusions herein advocated follow almost inevitably. For example : 1. The celestial source of solar heat seems absolutely certain. The photosphere, notwithstanding its cooling by radiation, being nearly twice as hot as the interior, certainly cannot derive its heat from this interior. It must therefore come from without, that is, from the celestial concave. 2. It is almost equally certain that gravitation is cosmic in its source, having its origin in propulsive mechanical vibrations from the stellar concave. The mutual interception of such rays is apparently the only 284 UNITY OF THE PROPOSITIONS. 285 possible mode in which lines of least resistance can be established and maintained in the heavens. The sun shuts off a part of these rays from the earth and the earth from the sun, making a line of least resistance for both, in which each seeks to approach the other. But all forces with which we are familiar, manifest them- selves by motion in the direction of the least resistance, and doubtless gravitation does the same. The motions of the earth, both rotary and translatory, date back to the eddies and swirls of primeval nebular matter. The sun and earth are not tied together by a strong cable attached to each, but rather, speaking figuratively, by two invisible * hands, gently pressing them together. These invisible hands are the invisible pulsations of the invisible ether, with which the whole heavens are tilled, coming from opposite points of the starry dome. The sun intercepts from each molecule in the earth as many of these pulsations or rays of mechanical force as there are molecules in the sun, not one more nor less. The earth does the same thing by the sun, so that in each case gravitation is represented by the product of the masses of each divided by the scpiare of the distance, and the two bodies present, each to the other, a line of motion in the direction of the least resistance in which they will seek to approach each other, but balanced and modified by other motions in other lines. 3. Lastly, sun spots being cooler than the photo- sphere, and the heat of the latter coming down from the solar sky in all directions, it would seem that the spots must certainly result from the interception from the maculated belts of a part of this fiery downpour.* But * It must always be borne in mind that, according to the theory here advo- cated, the incoming waves are, as Prof. Daniels shows, in the form of mechan- ical force until they are arrested by the sun and turn to waves of heat. 286 SUN SPOTS. the only screens interposed between these belts and the celestial sources of solar heat, are the planets and satel- lites of the solar system. Each of these three grand propositions throws light upon and confirms the others. CHAPTER XI. IF. Much virtue in an if . — Shakespeare. I F the photosphere, which is the only portion of the sun ordinarily visible to us, except the glimpses of the nucleus which we sometimes catch through the sun-spot openings, were simply a luminous, cloud-like envelope, without proper motion of its own, it would most cer- tainly accommodate itself to the motion of the nucleus and move with it throughout its entire surface, and all the sun spots would just as certainly keep pace with the motion of the nucleus. If there is a continual downpour of the upper sur- face of the photospheric envelope from the poles toward the equator, this upper surface, having the slow rotary motion of the poles at its commencement, will inevita- bly drag behind just in proportion to its distance from the equator. If such currents are actually approaching the equator from the poles in the upper portion of the sun’s cloudy envelope, then of necessity there must be counter-cur- rents of the under portion correspondingly accelerated on leaving the equatorial regions. If this circulation exists, and I do not see how it can be doubted, in view of the lagging motion of the sun spots, then there certainly is a cooling process going on in the equatorial regions of the photosphere. On no other supposition can we account for this circulation. 288 SUN SPOTS. If there is such a cooling process going on in this region, it must have a cause. If the heat radiated by the sun is received, as ours is, by ethereal undulations, and I have endeavored to show that there is no other possible source, then this cooling of the photosphere can only be effected by inter- cepting a portion of these undulations. But certainly there are no heavenly bodies interposed between our sun and the stellar concave, except the planets and sat- ellites of our system. What a wonderful confirmation of this view we find in the fact that this cooling pro- cess takes place right under the belt of the heavens in which all the planets revolve! I have introduced each of these propositions by an if. But they are all facts, with many more, tending to the same result, and I believe they all fit and dovetail to- gether in such a manner as will, on full examination, carry conviction to every candid mind. For example: The sun spots are facts ; their periodicity corresponding closely, if not exactly, to the Jovian period is a fact; their location under a belt in the heavens including the zodiac is a fact ; their lagging motion as they recede from the equator is a fact ; their occasional cyclonic action is a fact; their cavernous form and blackened floor, indicating lower temperature, are facts, as well as Langley’s actual measurements confirming the same ; the location of all the planets and satellites in, or near, the belt of the zodiac, is a fact; the inclination of the sun’s axis to the plane of the ecliptic, bringing the mac- ulated belts of the sun more directly under the planets, is a fact ; the circulation in the upper and lower strata of the photospheric and umbral clouds I fully believe I am justified in pronouncing to be a fact, in view of the IF. 289 lagging motion of the spots, which cannot otherwise be explained. It follows that the maculated belts are and must be relatively cooler than the rest of the photo- sphere. Again, it follows with the certainty, as it seems to me, of demonstration, that the sun spots are caused by the condensation and precipitation of the photospheric clouds. And lastly, if I am right, it follows with the cumulative force of all these facts combined, that the sun receives his unwasting supplies of light and heat by ethereal undulations at his surface from the hollow sphere of suns by which he is surrounded. No imagination can possibly form a conception of the Tophet of fire and flame that encircles the sun. It has no resemblance to the lurid flames of Tartarus, as painted by heathen poets. It is simply brightness and heat in their most intensified forms. The energy or ethereal motion, which causes the sun’s heat, may, and probably does, come down as calmly and noiselessly as our sunshine, or even starshine. It is not until these ethereal vibrations bury themselves, so to speak, in the sun’s photosphere that they turn to heat and are radi- ated in that form. 19 t CHAPTER XII. CONCLUSION. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. — Solomon. ITHOUT intending it, and in spite of myself, V V my thoughts have taken the form of a scheme or system. I started out to commit to writing a few thoughts in regard to solar heat. But I found that this was but a single link in an endless chain, and that I could neither comprehend the subject myself nor make it intelligible to others without following this mysterious energy under all its Protean forms and through the entire circle of its manifestations. Notwithstanding the feeble and halting steps by which I have endeavored to trace the exhibitions of this energy in nature, the system itself is grand beyond the powers of thought or expression. Of course the fundamental principle of the only true system is the “ conservation of energy.” But many writers, with whom I would not for a moment presume to compare myself, at least for research in special departments, seem to understand this principle in an exceedingly limited sense. For example, it is not uncommon for them to speak of all the heat of the sun, except the two hundred and thirty millionth part, inter- cepted and utilized by the planets, as wandering off into the depths of space and being lost, forgetting that heat and all forms of energy are motion, or at least 290 CONCLUSION. 291 manifest themselves by motion. In the case of intense heat, it is a rapid vibratory motion of incandescent matter. But certainly there can be no motion where there is no matter. If the ethereal waves should ever arrive at a point where there is no ether to carry them farther and no material bodies to arrest them, it is not pretended that they could longer exist in any form. This would certainly be their Tarpeian rock, from which they would leap from existence into annihilation. The same fate would await the doctrine of the conservation of energy. Again, this two hundred and thirty mill- ionth part of the heat of the sun received by the earth and other planets is again radiated into space as fast as it is received, as the earth is not growing hotter. This is surely not inconsiderable in amount. But it is wholly disregarded by many, I may almost say, by all. Again, the starry concave is studded with millions of millions, yea billions of billions, of suns beyond the power of the imagination to grasp or of figures to express. Appar- ently only an infinitesimal quantity of heat reaches us from these suns. Consequently all the heat of the stars is ignored so far as our system is concerned. Again, gravitation is as universal as light and heat ; is as really a form of working energy as the former ; is expended and renewed as incessantly ; must have a source and a destination, as much as light, heat or any other form of energy; in other words, must form a link in an end- less chain or an arc of a circle. In fact, it is not expressing the truth too broadly to say that energy never stands still. Yet so far as I know, no writer has seriously undertaken to bring this great force in nature into correlation with other forms of energy. 292 SUN SPOTS. The main propositions herein advanced and de- fended are three : 1. That the universal ether is still the abode, though in diversified forms, of the whole sum total of all the energy with which it was replete in the nebular state, when the heavens were aglow and “the elements dis- solved with fervent heat.” This energy in varied forms, however insensible, is to the last iota still extant, or else conservation has failed to conserve. It leaves the suns as heat, but during long progresses through space turns to mechanical force and other forms of energy, only to reappear as heat in the solar orbs ad eternum ; perhaps by electrical vibrations of atomic diamond dust in the photosphere ; perhaps simply by arrested mechanical motion ; perhaps by a change in vibration analogous to the sympathetic motion which one vibrating body awakens in another. In fact, every metamorphosis of energy is the arrest of one kind of motion and the inauguration of another. 2. That this same energy in the form of mechanical motion pervades all space, moving in right lines and attacking every molecule and every mass equally on every side, except where intercepted by one molecule or mass from others. The nearer the intercepting bodies are to each other, the more rays of force they will intercept from each other in the proportion of the inverse squares of the distances, thus marking lines of least resistance in which all the bodies will infallibly seek to approach each other. All will recognize this as gravitation. 3. The planets, satellites and planetoids, revolving around the sun within or near the belt of the Zodiac, must and do intercept from the sun’s equatorial regions CONCLUSION'. 293 a portion of the emanations of a wide belt of the heavens. All will admit that these emanations, how- ever feeble, or however puissant, are in the form of motion or energy convertible into heat. These inter- ceptions or shadows must lower, however slightly, the temperature of the equatorial regions of the sun, and hence condensation and precipitation of portions of the photospheric clouds, exhibiting the phenomena of sun spots. This trinity, inexpressibly grand, infinitely compre- hensive, comprises a cycle so vast as to include the light and heat of every sun and every known form of energy. 4 *