'L I B R.AR.Y OF THE UN IVERSITY OF 1LLI NOIS 973. 7S I Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library MY 27 \%\ L161 H41 MEMORIALS OF DECEASED COMPANIONS OF THE COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. From May 8, 1879, when the Commandery was Instituted, to July i, 320 ASHLAND BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1901. COMMITTEE. MAJOR WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, Chairman. GEN. JOSEPH B. LEAKE, COL. AREA N. WATERMAN, CAPT. HENRY V. FREEMAN, CAPT. EPHRAIM A. OTIS, LIEUT. AMBROSE S. DELAWARE, MR. JOHN R. MONTGOMERY. V- PREFACE. This volume will serve as a permanent reminder of the rapid march " beyond the veil " of that generation which fought the battles of the Union in the great Civil War. Memorials of deceased Companions of the Illinois Commandery of the Mili- -sP tary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States have \ been prepared as the occasions have arisen, and are repro- duced here for the most part as originally printed. They i thus reflect in some measure the kindly judgment and sincere f\f sorrow with which their Companions of the Commandery have bidden these departed members "hail and farewell." Some of the notices in the volume have been written by those for __ whom in their turn, the like service has since been rendered. Differences in the length or literary character of the memo- , orials do not by any means indicate differences of regard in which Companions were held. They are due to other causes, ^such as residence elsewhere, or to the fact that the army " service of some deceased Companions had not come within b the personal knowledge and observation of the writers. Probably none of the surviving members of the Illinois (^ Commandery will fail to find in these pages names of some ^at least of "the men we think of with tears;" those side by side with whom they marched, with whom they bivouacked, ^~ shared rations and blankets by many a camp fire, and shoulder - to shoulder with whom they breasted storms of battle. There are others also, whom we first met as members of the Com- mandery, but whom we came to know and love not only be- cause of honorable records as soldiers, but because of what they were as men; men whom we would not willingly forget life endures. (in) IV. PREFACE. It may not be amiss to call attention to the honorable careers in civil life of those whose names appear in this vol- ume. If proof were needed of the high character of the citizen soldiers who in the years from 1861 to 1865 responded to the call of country, it can be found in the brief life records here reproduced. This volume owes its existence to the generosity of our Companion Lieutenant Oliver W. Norton. Believing that these notices should survive in more enduring form than as originally published in general orders, he has himself met the expense of their publication. The funeral services of an "old soldier " are appropriately closed at the grave with the bugle call, known as " taps," than which none more musical nor impressive fell in days of war upon the soldier's ear, as at the close of day its melody floated upon the evening air from camp to camp. The call as it now exists was first played by Companion Norton when he was still serving as a brigade bugler. It has replaced the call originally in use at the outbreak of the Civil War, and we cannot better close this introduction than by giving in his own words an account of its origin. "During the first year of the Civil War the call for 'taps ' in general use in the army, as published in Casey's tactics, was the one which is now used as a part of the long call for 'tattoo.' In July, 1862, I was brigade bugler at the head- quarters of Butterfield's Brigade, MorrelPs Division, Fitz John Porter's Corps in the Army of the Potomac. One day soon after the seven days battles on the Peninsula, when the Army of-the Potomac lay in camp at Harrison's Landing, on the James River, General Butterfield sent for me to come to his tent and bring my bugle. When I arrived he said something about wishing to change the call for 'taps,' and asked me to sound for him on the bugle the call which he whistled. I complied as well as I could and after getting the matter to his satisfaction wrote out the notes of the present call on the back of an envelope which I happened to have in my pocket. He then told me to practice the call during the PREFACE. V. day until I could play it smoothly, and at night substitute it for the regulation call for 'taps.' The next day buglers from neighboring brigades came to me for copies of the music. I furnished these copies, and gradually the call was taken up and used in other brigades and divisions of the Army of the Potomac, until it became recognized as the official call. My impression is that no general order making the substitute was ever issued, but it rapidly made its way into general use throughout the Army of the Potomac by virtue of the beauty of the music. The soldiers, who had a habit of attaching words more or less appropriate to all the calls in common use, soon began to sing the following words to this call: "'Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep; You may all go to sleep, go to sleep ! ' "At the soldiers' homes, where the veteran privates of the Civil War are laid to rest, at burials of privates and officers of the army on frontier posts, wherever the last mili- tary honors are paid, the sweet notes of this call give voice to the last farewell." Sloiv. EDWIN JOSEPH DE HAVEN. Lieutenant Commander United States Naiy. Died at Geneva, Switzerland, October, i8jg. F^NTERED the service as Midshipman. U.S.N., Octo- ber 19, 1841; Passed Midshipman, August 10, 1847;- ^*"-* Master, September 14, 1855; Lieutenant, Septem- ber 15, 1855; Lieutenant Commander, July 16, 1862. Resigned May 30, 1865. War service with the West Gulf Squadron. HENRY WELD FARRAR. Captain and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, April 17, 1881. \ A |HEREAS, It has pleased God, in the interposition "H. of His providence, suddenly to remove, in the prime of life, our beloved Companion, Colonel Henry Farrar, one of the charter members of the Illinois Com- mandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and a member of its first Council; and WHEREAS, Colonel Farrar joined the Volunteer Army of the United States, April 10, 1863, participating in nearly all the battles, marches and campaigns of the Army of the Potomac during that time, including the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley with General Sheri- dan, rising in rank from a Second Lieutenant in the 8 MEMORIALS. 9 Seventh Maine Volunteers to that of Captain and Aide- de-Camp, in 1864, and being twice brevetted (Major and Lieutenant Colonel) for gallant conduct on the battle- field; and WHEREAS, In his death this Commandery has lost one of its most honored and valued members; there- fore, be it Resolved, That as a soldier Colonel Farrar was espe- cially distinguished for skill and gallantry; as a citizen he was true, faithful and patriotic; as a friend he was warm-hearted, sincere and unselfish, ever untiring in his efforts to serve those who had his confidence and esteem, and possessing rare social qualities which made him a welcome companion to all with whom he came in con- tact. Resolved, That as Companions of this Order we look back with no little pride upon his military career and the sacrifices he made in the cause of his country; that we greatly deplore his death and tender to the bereaved relatives our deepest sympathy. Resolved, That copies of these resolutions, duly at- tested and properly engrossed, be transmitted by the Recorder to the relatives of the deceased, and that the same be spread upon the records of this Commandery. WM. E. STRONG, FRANCIS MORGAN, ABBOTT L. ADAMS, Committee. HENRY MABBETT KNICKERBOCKER. Captain Seventh Neiv York Heavy Artillery, United States Volun- teers. Died at Chicago, October jo, 1882. \ i fHEREAS, Our Commandery has heard with sorrow *(. of the removal by death of our honored Compan- ion, Captain Henry M. Knickerbocker; and WHEREAS, Our late companion was one of the first to join the Volunteer Army of the United States, serving his country and filling the positions of Corporal, Ser- geant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant and Captain in the One Hundred and Thirteenth New York Infantry, afterward the Seventh Heavy Artillery, taking part with his command at Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Coal Harbor, Petersburg, and in the defenses of Washington; and MEMORIALS. II WHEREAS, Our Commandery feels that, by his removal from among us to a better life, ir has lost one of its de- voted and esteemed members: therefore, Resolved, That as a soldier, Captain Knickerbocker was true and faithful to his country; as a citizen, patri- otic, upright and highly respected; and as a friend was gentle, loving and generous, with kind words and hearty good wishes for all. Resolved, That we shall ever deeply feel his loss, not only as a sincere Companion of our Order, but as a trust- ed friend and a valued member of the community, and that we respectfully extend to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased. CHARLES W. DAVIS, WILLIAM E. STRONG, GORDON G. MOORE, Committee. LUCIUS HOLLENBECK DRURY. Major First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, June 22, 1884. 3INCE the last meeting of this Commandery its members have been called upon to pay the last tribute of respect and affection to one of its mem- bers, Major Lucius Hollenbeck Drury, late of the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, who died at his residence in Chicago, on the 22d day of June, 1884. Companion Drury was born at Highgate, Vermont, December 21, 1824. In early boyhood he was appren- ticed to the printer's trade, and naturally graduated a journalist. With the nomadic instincts of the profession he pursued his career in his native State, in Ohio, North Carolina, Arkansas, and the breaking out of the rebellion MEMORIALS. 13 found him conducting a newspaper in Wisconsin, with a widespread reputation as a versatile humorous writer. He was commissioned by Governor Randall to raise a section of a battery, and in a short time he had raised a full battery, which was mustered into the service as the Third Wisconsin Battery of Light Artillery, with Drury as the Captain, better known to the Army of the Cum- berland as the Badger Battery, attached to Van Cleve's Division of the corps commanded by General Crittenden. While Chief of Artillery of this Division, on the I3th day of September, 1863, in a heavy skirmish on the bank of the Chickamauga, Companion Drury was shot through the liver by a rebel sharpshooter and supposed to be mortally wounded. He recovered so as to be able to join his command in the spring of 1864, when he was made Chief of Artillery of the First Division of the Four- teenth Corps, and served in that capacity in the cam- paign against Atlanta till the fall of 1864, when he was mustered out with his Battery, his term of service having expired. Notwithstanding he suffered severe pain from the old wound, from which he was never free till his death, he again entered the service December i, 1864, as Major of the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, and served with his usual gallantry in the Twenty-second Corps till mustered out of service June 2, 1865, when he came to Chicago, where, after honorably rilling various places of responsibility and trust, his mortal career was terminated by disease resulting from his old wound, on the 22d day of June, 1884. In view of his distinguished military services, and his many endearing personal quali- ties, his surviving associates have Resolved, That in the death of Lucius Hollenbeck Drury, the Illinois Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States has lost one of 14 MEMORIALS. its valued and honored members. As a soldier he was brave, loyal and faithful in the discharge of every duty, and, as a warm-hearted, generous companion and friend, he had become endeared to us by many ties. Resolved, That we respectfully tender to the widow and children of Major Drury our condolence and sympa- thy in their great affliction, and that the Recorder be directed to enter these resolutions on our minutes, and to transmit an engrossed copy to the family of our late Companion. EDGAR D. SWAIN, E. A. OTIS, H. H. THOMAS, Committee. DEMING NORRIS WELCH. Captain and Brevet Colonel, United States Volunteers. Died at Dresden, Saxony, February 1 1, 1885. I HE members of this Commandery have heard with V deep regret of the death of Companion Colonel Deming Norris Welch, February 11, 1885, in Dresden, Saxony. Companion Welch was among the first to volunteer in the service of our country, and served faithfully and efficiently until the close of the war in the Sixteenth Corps, Army of the Tenrfessee, and Ninth Corps, Army of the Gulf, and was brevetted Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U. S. V., March 13. 1865. Our Commandery has, by his removal from among 15 1 6 MEMORIALS. us to a better life, lost a beloved and esteemed com- panion; therefore, be it Resolved, That as an officer, Colonel Welch was true and faithful to his country; as a citizen, upright and highly respected; and as a friend, generous and con- genial, with kind words and good wishes for all. Resolved, That we deeply feel his loss, not only as a Companion of our Order, but as a valued friend and esteemed member of this community, and that we re- spectfully extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our late Companion. CHARLES D. RHODES, FRANCIS MORGAN, HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, Committee. THEOPHILUS LYLE DICKEY. Colonel Fourth Illinois Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Atlantic City, Neiv Jersey, July 22, 1885. I HE death of Theophilus Lyle Dickey, of this Com- ^ mandery, formerly Colonel of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry, having been made known to us, his companions, we meet to-day to honor his memory as soldier and citi- zen, and to express our sorrow for his loss. Past his fiftieth year at the time he encountered the toil and danger of active service in the war for the Union, it can justly be said of Colonel Dickey that he rendered faithful and efficient aid to his country and to the great Captain by whom from time to time he was assigned to positions implying trust in his enterprise, courage and judgment. Such a place was filled by Colonel Dickey, 17 1 8 MEMORIALS. when, at the head of a cavalry force, he bravely led the way across the strip of forest that lay between Fort Henry and the rifle-pits of Donelson. This rapid and successful reconnoissance to the Cumberland river afforded General Grant accurate and early information of the enemy's lines and enabled him to take measures for an immediate dis- position of the investing army. Colonel Dickey was present at the siege and surrender of Fort Donelson; he accompanied General Grant in sub- sequent campaigns, including the movement to Pittsburg Landing, the battle of Shiloh, and the operations in Mis- sissippi resulting in the seizure and occupation of Corinth. He had the honor of appointment by General Grant as Chief of Cavalry, and served in that and other capacities until February 16. 1863, when he resigned and resumed the duties of civil life. The register shows that he joined this Cornmandery, upon election, March 3, 1880. Since that date our Order has known him as a true friend and agreeable companion; one ever ready to do his part toward the entertainment and instruction of its members. His voice and pen have alike testified before us to his interest in the higher objects of the Cornmandery; to his loyal devotion to the name and fame of the Army of the Ten- nessee, and all Union armies and generals. The eminent civic station attained by Colonel Dickey is, of course, known to all. At the time of his de- cease he was a Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Elected December 21, 1875, he was re-elected by the people June 6, 1879, for the term of nine years. He became Chief Justice in 1880. It is believed that the records and reports of the Supreme Court will furnish the fullest evidence of his great natural and acquired powers as a lawyer and a judge. Whether agreeing with his brethren on the bench or not, his recorded MEMORIALS. 19 opinions have always indicated clear convictions of duty fearlessly uttered. As with loving hands we bring a chaplet to the grave of Colonel Dickey, we recall the sad fact that once again he has gone on before his great ideal soldier and com- mander before him who expires as if in the arms of the American nation him whose death after long and most pitiful suffering has hung our country's heaven in black from ocean to ocean, from Alaska to the Gulf. Let it not be forgotten as we endeavor to appreciate his varied and useful services in our last war, that he was. also an Illinois volunteer in 1846, with the gallant Hardin, and other noble and patriotic sons of our State. Thus the far off remembrances of Mexico gather about his name as we speak of fields less foreign and more recent. In mourning the loss of Colonel Dickey the Cornmand- ery desires also to convey to his family the assurance of its earnest sympathy in their affliction. GEORGE L. PADDOCK, JOHN E. SMITH, JOHN L. BEVERIDGE, JOSEPH STOCKTON, EDWARD A. BLODGETT, Committee. MICHAEL LEWIS COURTNEY. Captain Twenty-fifth Infantry and Brevet Major, United States Army. Died at San Antonio, Texas, July 16, 1886. ekIPANION Captain and Brevet Major Michael L. Courtney died at San Antonio, Texas, on the i6th day of July, 1886, of heart disease, while on leave of absence from his regiment; and it becomes us now to state simply his record. Major Courtney entered the service in July, 1862, and was mustered as Sergeant One Hundred and Second Illinois Infantry. He received his promotion as Second Lieutenant in April, 1863, to rank from January 27th, and was commissioned First Lieutenant and Quarter Master to date from August 9, 1863. In December, 1868, having passed a very creditable MEMORIALS. 21 examination, he was mustered out of the Volunteer service and appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixteenth Infan- try U. S. C. T. , in which regiment he served with great credit, ability, and gallantry, until April 30, 1866, when his command was mustered out. Shortly afterward he was appointed Second Lieutenant Thirty-ninth Infantry, U. S. A., and passed through the grades of First Lieu- tenant and Captain. He served with the One Hundred and Second Illinois Infantry in the action at Woodburn, Tennessee, and with the Sixteenth U. S. C. T. was engaged in the operation against the rebel General Forrest, in the battle of Chat- tanooga, and in the battles of Pulaski and Nashville; and for gallant and meritorious services in the two last named engagements, he was brevetted Captain and Major U.S.A. Major Courtney joined the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States June 3, 1885, through this Commandery. Of a quiet and retiring disposition, he was an officer of strong character, great efficiency, and sterling worth; one who could always be counted on in emergencies. As a brother officer he was companionable, affable, and a true friend; as a man, honorable, upright and just; in every sense, a true companion of the Order. As an illustration of his specially studious nature it may be mentioned that, on leave of absence, he tested the suc- cess of his studies in one direction by taking his gradu- ating degree in law. There is a measure of our work in such a companion- ship which both pride and modesty compel us to recall, while sympathy unites us with his family and all his friends in the great loss we have sustained. We should gather from his life of sterling worth the lessons of true manhood which made him the 22 MEMORIALS. irreproachable officer, gentleman, and true companion, that they may be our guide in life and be held by us as the whole essentials for companionship in this Order. He has laid away the honored sword he wore, " with charity for all and malice toward none," and has entered into that peace the world cannot give. Without desiring to intrude on any greater grief, we recommend that copies of this brief expression be sent to his family, his regiment, and the Army and Navy Journal. J. C. BRECKINRIDGE, N. H. WALWORTH, RICHARD ROBINS, Committee. DAVID CLELAND BRADLEY. First Lieutenant Sixty-fifth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, October 25, 1886. Y OUR committee appointed to take action upon the i. death of our late Companion David Cleland Brad- ley do report and move that the following memorial be inscribed upon the records of the Commandery and that a copy thereof be sent to the family of the deceased. On the 25th day of October, 1886, David Cleland Bradley, a companion of this Commandery, died at his home on Ashland avenue in this city. Companion Bradley entered the United States Vol- unteer Service March 2d, 1862, as adjutant of the Sixty- fifth Illinois Infantry. Reserved faithfully and gallantly until his regiment was mustered out, March ist, 1865. 23 24 MEMORIALS. During the last year of the war he acted as Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Major General Jacob D. Cox, and with his chief rendered conspicuous and meritorious services dur- ing the Atlanta campaign and at the battles of Franklin and Nashville. Lieutenant Bradley was a man of irreproachable character, lovable in disposition, brave and affectionate. He was devoted to his friends, kind and considerate in his treatment of all with whom he came in contact. The memory of his military service and companionship was proudly and warmly cherished in his bosom, and an old soldier when destitute applied not in vain to him for aid. We, his surviving comrades, will affectionately cherish the memory of his virtues and his winsome presence until one by one we join him in the silent "muster out." AREA N. WATERMAN, CHARLES D. RHODES, HENRY S. PICKANDS, Committee. GEORGE CHANDLER. First Lieutenant Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry, United States I'olunteers. Died at Chicago, November 2, 1886. \ if HEN a soldier died upon the field, "few and short H. were the prayers we said." The stern realities of war forbade expressions of sorrow or signs of mourning. Nevertheless, death was not lost to us, and in the sacrifice we saw the links which bound him who died in kinship with humanity. When now a soldier dies, while we gather about his bier, and place upon it tokens of our remembrance, for- getting perhaps that the seeds of disease which have car- ried him to a premature grave were sown in the privations and hardships of camp and march, notwithstanding honor and renown may be his due for his achievements in civil 25 26 MEMORIALS. life, we instinctively turn to the period when he volun- teered to serve his country, and for its cause offered his life in the balance. That period marks his manhood and remembered shall he be who so manifested it. George Chandler was born in Vermont in December, 1834. Having received a university training at Dart- mouth College and the University of Vermont, and after- wards studying law, he at first, in 1857, went to St. Louis. Afterwards, in 1859, he came to Chicago, to engage in its practice. There the outbreak of the war found him. He enlisted in Company A of the Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and in pursuance of the choice of the other enlisted men of that company was commissioned First Lieutenant. He was a faithful officer, always ready for duty, never complaining, vigilant to care for his men, quick to learn and instruct, and in battle cool and firm. He was one who stayed in the fight. Called home by what he considered imperative de- mands, he resigned, and thereby lost promotion which would surely soon have followed. From that time he was an active lawyer at Chicago, and in his profession displayed learning and marked ability. It may, without regard to the length of his term of service, be truly said that he was one of those who helped to put down the rebellion. We may also justly say of him that he was earnest, intelligent, and brave; and for him, as for others gone before, we may recite the requiem written by Sir Walter Scott: "Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er, Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking; Dream of battlefields no more, Days of danger, nights of waking. "In our isle's enchanted hall, Hands unseen thy couch are strewing; MEMORIALS. 2 7 Fairy strains of music fall, Every sense in slumber dewing. "Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er; Dream of fighting fields no more; Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking, Morn of toil, nor night of waking." Respectfully submitted, GEO. W. SMITH, JNO. L. THOMPSON, CHARLES T. BOAL, Committee. JOHN ALEXANDER LOGAN. Major General United Stales Volunteers. Died at Washington, District of Columbia, December 26, 1886. I HE Illinois Commandery of the Military Order of V the Loyal Legion, is again called upon to mourn the loss of one of its most distinguished members. One by one the great leaders of the war have been taken from our ranks. Grant, Thomas, Meade, Hancock and McClellan have each been summoned to join that greater army on the other shore. To the long list of the illustrious dead must now be added the name of Major General John Alexander Logan; and we meet to-day, at the call of our Commander, to give expression to our sorrow, and the deep sense of the great loss which we and the Nation have sustained. 28 MEMORIALS. 29 As a soldier, General Logan, at the first outbreak of the Rebellion, resigned his seat in the National Congress, and raised a regiment which he afterwards gallantly led in battle. He became identified with the splendid "Army of the Tennessee" from its first organization, and took a prominent part in every battle and campaign in which that Army was engaged; and having successively com- manded a regiment, brigade, division, and corps, when the war ended he was that Army's trusted and honored commander. In civil life, General Logan was a brave and fearless advocate of what he believed to be right; in political affairs, frank, manly and outspoken. Few indeed there are who like him united the quali- ties of the soldier and the statesman, and won the double honor of military and civil renown. No man, living or dead, stood nearer the hearts of the soldiers of the great war, and by no man were their rights more loyally and sacredly defended. His fame is secure, and his memory will be cherished forever by the Nation he served so loyally and well, both in peace and war. " After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well." Bearing in mind his manly virtues, and the ties of warm personal friendship which bound him to our hearts, the members of the Illinois Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion have directed that this tribute of respect to his memory be entered upon our records, and that a copy be furnished to his afflicted family, with our profound assurances of sincere and heartfelt sympa- thy in their great bereavement. WILLIAM E. STRONG, EPHRAIM A. OTIS, HORACE H. THOMAS, LEWIS B. MITCHELL, DAVID H. GILE, JAMES A. SEXTON, JOHN T. McAuLEY, Committee. GEORGE WHITFIELD LAWTON. Captain Fourth Michigan Cavalry, Brevet Major, United States Vohinteers. Died at Lazvton, Michigan, February 7, 1887. OF THE companions of the Commandery of the State of Illinois of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, George Whitfield Lawton, late Captain of the Fourth Regiment of Michigan Cavalry and Brevet Major, U. S. V., leads the van of those who cross the dark river in 1887, and is the first one to re- port to the Great Commander. His comrades could ask for no better representative than this gallant soldier, excellent citizen, profound scholar, devoted husband, loving father and true friend. Major Lawton was born in Oneida county, New York, October 20, 1833. Back of him were soldier ancestors, 30 MEMORIALS. 31 for his grandfathers were patriots in our war with Eng- land for independence. Early in life he developed that love for study which, enlarging itself, gave him a wide and well deserved literary reputation. In August, 1862, he was commissioned Second Lieu- tenant of C Company, Fourth Regiment Michigan Cav- alry, the captor of Jeff Davis, although, on account of a rebel bullet, Major Lawton was not with the command at the time the capture was made. In addition to this world-renowned service rendered by his company, the Commandery will well remember the regiment as the one which opened the battle of Chickamauga, and partici- pated in all the hard and glorious work of the Army of the Cumberland. He was promoted First Lieutenant January 25, 1863; Captain, August 23d of the same year, and Brevet Major, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in action at Dallas, Georgia," in which battle, May 23, 1864, he was shot through the right lung. On July i, 1865, he was mustered out of the United States service. While apparently in good health, he dropped dead of heart disease, at Lawton, Michigan, on Monday, February 7, 1887. As American soldiers the members of this Command- ery mourn him our brave and faithful comrade and will preserve gratefully the memory of his patriotic serv- ices. His public and private character commanded our respect and admiration, while his kindly feelings and lovable traits as a warm friend and fond husband and father endeared him to all who knew him. He was truly a noble example of the best quality of the citizen soldier. We tender to his family our heartfelt sympathy in their sudden bereavement. TAYLOR P. RUNDLET, EPHRAIM A. OTIS, ARTHUR EDWARDS, Committee. FRANCIS MORGAN. Captain First Illinois Light Artillery, United States Volunteers, Died at Chicago, August j, 1887. ji/HEREAS, Our Companion Francis Morgan, late * "i Captain of Battery A, First Illinois Light Artillery, U. S.V., on the fifth day of August, 1887, left our mem- bership at the call of the Great Commander; therefore, Resolved, That this Commandery testifies to the soldierly and many other sterling qualities of our late companion, and holding him in kindly memory, tenders to his family its sincere sympathy in their sorrow. CLARENCE H. DYER, ISRAEL P. RUMSEY, ALBERT L. COE, Committee. 32 HON. MARK SKINNER. Companion of the Third Class. Died at Manchester, Vermont, September 16, 1887. I HE "time-beats" that are counting out our genera- V tions, are sounding at shortened intervals; and one by one those who bore the brunt and burden of the day, in the time of our country's peril, are passing away. Eight times within the past few months, and three times since last we met together, has the " summons " come into our little Commandery, and we miss and mourn the companions we may no more greet. The ties that are forged in great emergencies the honor accorded to strength that has been tested amid great perils the gratitude felt for services rendered in great need, are not as the ties or the honor or the 33 34 MEMORIALS. gratitude of common days. They are measured rather by the intense emotions of the days that gave them birth, and partake of the loyalty of those hours. We miss and mourn our companions, who were test- ed in emergencies who were proven strong amid perils and who bore help in need to the very uttermost of heroic possibility. Ours is primarily a military association of those who bore well their part as soldiers during the War of the Rebellion; but the underlying principle which gives it standing, is loyalty to, and service for our country; and by our charter rights we honor ourselves in honoring with a "special membership," those in civil life, who during the Rebellion were specially distinguished for loyal and eminent service for our country and our coun- try's cause. For the first time since our Commandery had its birth we are called to mourn the death of a companion of the Third Class of an honorary member whose conspicu- ous loyalty and distinguished services in civil life, in the dark days of the Rebellion, made him eminent among the supporters of our government, and honored and re- vered in our Commandery. On Friday evening, Sep- tember 1 6th, in the home of his childhood, and amid the autumn glories of his loved Green Mountains, the Hon. Mark Skinner heard and answered the call of his Great Commander, and passed away from among men. Born in 1813, the son and grandson of distinguished parents, Judge Skinner became a citizen of Chicago shortly after graduating from Middlebury College, and in our then infant city, took almost at once an active place among its trusted and influential citizens. Clear and broad of intellect; scholarly by nature and by habit; a tireless but discriminating reader; a thought- MEMORIALS. 35 ful observer; a lover of right, and gifted with singularly clear perceptions; a just man, whose integrity knew no shading; warm of heart, and quick of hand; a strong friend, and an enemy without malice; unselfish, and strangely modest, Judge Skinner grew in maturity and in influence, as our city grew in years and in outreach. From the year 1836, until he had long passed the allotted three score years and ten, there were few objects of local interest or importance undertaken in our city, in which the scholarly research, the cultured thought and clear mind of Judge Skinner were not trusted factors in winning support and in assuring the best results. The whirl and rapid growth of our great city have of late years largely buried out of sight the debt we owe to those who, in its earlier years, builded even better than they knew; but in the records of our city the student of its history will find the name and influence of Judge Skinner to have been an active power in every good word and work, and largely potent in making possible its later position among the great centers of our land. We honor Judge Skinner for his services and exam- ple as a "citizen of no mean city; " but far more do we cherish his memory and honor his high name as patriot, and as eminent in service for his country. A father, he held not back his only son, just fresh from the honors of Yale, when the movings of an inher- ited loyalty impelled that son to offer his life to his country in her peril; and later, when the son had died in battle, and the light of his life that was the promise of his old age, was put out, his prayer was the patriot's prayer, that the service given at so great cost might have been to his country's gain. As citizen, Judge Skinner responded loyally to the call of duty, and gave with whole heart his time and strength, his health, and almost 36 MEMORIALS. his life, in an untiring effort to meet recognized and pressing emergencies. Early in June, 1861, at the request of the Govern- ment, an effort had been made to establish here in Chi- cago the centre of a Northwestern Sanitary Commission, but the effort failed to secure the public confidence or support, and died. In October of the same year, our Government urged again the importance of organized help from the Northwest; and in response the "North- western Branch of the Sanitary Commission" was formed, with Judge Skinner as its President. Peculiarly fitted, by intense loyalty and high ability, to the special duties of the position, Judge Skinner was even better fitted to be the founder of the "Sanitary Commission" by reason of the high position in the public esteem held by him at that day, and the universal respect and per- fect confidence reposed in him by all our people. Modest, retiring, and quiet in manner and in speech, he little knew how universally he was trusted and esteemed. The people responded at once to the calls of the " Sanitary Commission." Branches were established throughout the Northwest; depots established for ready reach of the armies in the field; supply and hospital boats were " quick" and ready after every battle; nurses and doctors were on hand to meet the needs of great emergencies; agents were everywhere, meeting needs, giving informa- tion, and preparing for future emergencies; the railroad companies gave preference and special place to Sanitary requests and Sanitary cars; Sanitary freight had prefer- ence to all other, unless perhaps the mail; and more than once passenger and express trains were switched one side in order that special trains of Sanitary freight, and the Sanitary messengers of "good will to men" might hasten past on their errands of loyalty and mercy. The MEMORIALS. 37 telegraph companies gave place and special wires to the merciful needs and calls of our Sanitary Commission, and the Northwest, throughout its length and breadth, was ablaze with proven loyalty. Judge Skinner had won for the "Northwestern Sani- tary Commission" the confidence, the sympathy and active support of those whose hearts were with their fathers and husbands, their sons and brothers in the field; and all that organized energy, wise forethought and self-sacrificing efforts could do, was being done. Our Government was lightened of heavy burdens and anxieties; our armies were strengthened of heart and hand; and our sick and wounded tenderly cared for. To the loyal organizer and indefatigable President of our "Northwestern Sanitary Commission," who made it strong to give help to a nation in urgent need, and to accomplish a work of mercy unprecedented in history; to our late distinguished companion the Hon. Mark Skinner, we owe honor and warm gratitude. We miss and mourn our companion, but shall cherish and honor his memory. Resolved, That we tender to the family of the de- ceased the expression of our sincerest sympathy. Resolved, That this "minute" be entered upon our records, and that a copy of the same, signed by the Commander and Recorder, be forwarded to the family of our late companion. SARTELL PRENTICE, WM. E. STRONG, JNO. L. THOMPSON, Committee. EDWARD DOMINICUS KITTOE. Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, United States Volunteers. Died at Galena, Illinois, September zg, 1887. I HE Illinois Commandery of the Military Order of the i. Loyal Legion is called upon to mourn the loss of one of its members. Your Committee, appointed to take action upon the death of our late companion, Dr. Edward D. Kittoe, submit the following report and move that it be inscribed upon the records of the Commandery and that a copy thereof be sent to his afflicted family, with the profound assurances of our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. On the 29th day of September, 1887, Dr. Edward Dominicus Kittoe died after a long and painful illness, 38 MEMORIALS. 39 at his residence in Galena, Illinois, aged 73 years. He was the son of Robinson Kittoe of the Royal Navy, Eng- land, and was born at Woolwich, Kent, England, June 20, 1814. Having received his primary education at the grammar school at Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, he served an apprenticeship to a surgeon and apothecary, and then coming to America in his eighteenth year, began the study of medicine under the late Dr. Samuel Jackson, of Northumberland, Pennsylvania. His professional train- ing was completed at the Pennsylvania Medical College, whence he graduated M. D. in 1841. He established himself at Muncy, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, where he remained in successful practice until 1851, when he removed to Galena, Illinois. Dur- ing his residence in Pennsylvania he was a member of the State Medical Society and served in 1850-51 as one of its Vice-Presidents. He was elected a member of the Chicago Academy of Natural Sciences in August, 1862. Our late companion was intensely loyal to his adopt- ed country and when the strife culminated in open hos- tility to the flag of the Union he did not hesitate, but left family, friends and a lucrative practice to give his professional services to those who went to the front in defense of the Union. Dr. Kittoe went out as Surgeon in the Forty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. His skill and efficiency were fully recognized and he was not permitted to remain with his regiment, but was detailed upon the Staff of General W. T. Sherman, where he served until the spring of 1864, when he was promoted Medical Inspector with rank of Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to duty upon the Staff of General Grant and later assigned to duty as Medical Inspector of the Northwest, with headquarters at Dubuque, Iowa. He was brevetted Colonel of Volun- 4O MEMORIALS. teers, September 3Oth, and mustered out of service Octo- ber 31, 1865. He was elected a companion of this Com- mandery April 7, 1887 (Insignia No. 4636). Dr. Kittoe was positive in his convictions; while he shunned notoriety he was outspoken in his denunciation of hypocrisy, falsehood and sham, regardless of conse- quence to himself. He was an honest, brave, true man, an affectionate husband and kind and indulgent father. To the afflicted his services were freely given; the unfortunate never appealed to him in vain, and his death is sincerely mourned by the community in which he lived. JNO. E. SMITH, A. L. CHETLAIN, E. R. P. SHURLY, Committee. HON. ELIHU B. WASHBURNE. Companion of the Third Class. Died at Chicago, October 22, iSS'j . I HE Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion of the V United States, at its first regular meeting since the death of Companion Elihu B. Washburne, desiring to express in such enduring form as it may, the deep feeling of sorrow thus caused, as well as its sense of the loss to the public, to the Loyal Legion, and to this Command- ery, which his death brings with it, places this minute on its record. Elihu Benjamin Washburne, member of the Third Class of this Commandery, died in this city at about four o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday the 22d day of October last. 41 42 MEMORIALS. Born at Livermore in the State of Maine, the son of a country merchant of limited means, and the third of seven brothers, his early opportunities for education were not liberal, but he succeeded with the help of a friend, after some preliminary study, in graduating from the Harvard Law School, and only thus equipped, he turned his face westward and in 1849 settled at Galena in this State. From this beginning, after successfully practicing his profession for a few years, he was in 1852 elected a member of the House of Representatives of the National Congress, taking his seat the same day that Franklin Pierce was inaugurated President. For sixteen consecu- tive years, he was each two years re-elected by the same constituency, and during his period of service in Con- gress, thus prolonged, commencing with the repeal of the Missouri Compromise Act, and ending with the elec- tion of General Grant to the Presidency, he served as chairman of the Committee on Commerce (holding this position from 1857 to 1865) Chairman of the Commit- tee on Appropriations of the Committee on Johnson's Impeachment of the special Committee on the death of Mr. Lincoln and was a member of the Committee on Reconstruction. At the time of his retirement he had been a member of the house longer than any other man in it. In this (as in all other positions which during the course of his most eventful life he held) he was, if cir- cumstances required, aggressive, and always courageous, faithful and intelligent. Ever in favor of the strictest economy, he spoke and voted against extravagant appro- priations for rivers and harbors, steamship subsidies and land grant schemes. He secured the establishment of national cemeteries, and introduced the first postal tele- MEMORIALS. 43 graph bill in the house. In promoting the career of General Grant he was constant and able. When he first took upon himself the defense of the latter, they were not personally acquainted, yet rarely has man ever found a friend so active, zealous and devoted. Appointed Secretary of State for the United States, after a few days service he resigned and was at once sent as American Minister to France. This office he held for nearly nine eventful years, em- bracing the period of the German War the fall of the French Empire the siege and bombardment of Paris the Commune and the bloody battles and fierce de- struction which attended the final success of the govern- ment of M. Thiers (the Republic), and his services and action during these years gave him, a reputation wherever English, French or German is spoken. He was the personal friend of Lincoln and Grant upon terms of social intimacy with Thiers and Gambetta much esteemed by the Emperor William and Bis- marck the choice of a very large number of his coun- trymen scattered from Maine to Georgia for President his name a familiar one in all parts of the civilized world. He compassed the whole range of social and political distinction; he was the peer of the best men of a gener- ation fruitful in developing talent, and took a prominent part in social and political convulsions the most momen- tous of modern times, yet never for a moment did he lose his simplicity of character or his fine feeling of good fellowship, as happy to be a member of the Loyal Legion and to be present at our simple meetings as to be the guest of an emperor. Almost immediately after his arrival in Paris, war was declared by France against Germany. It was un- foreseen, unexpected, reckless, and brought untold miser}' 44 MEMORIALS. to many thousands of honest and unprepared men and women and their children. The Minister of the North German Confederacy withdrew, leaving over thirty thou- sand of his poor unfortunate countrymen to the care of the American Minister; the Saxon Minister and the Min- isters of Hesse and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha also withdrew most of the resident ministers of other nations closed their embassies and left; (all representing first-class powers, except Mr. Washburne, wrote Lord Lyons, the English Ambassador), and it seemed as if all the foreign population of Paris looked to him for advice and aid, some for permission to leave, others to remain, all alike for protection for person and property. Before the end came he was representing, besides the North German Confederation, Saxony and Saxe-Coburg- Gotha, Hesse-Darmstadt, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Chili, Para- guay and Venezuela. He was constant in season and out of season, not sparing himself, patient, prudent, courageous and sagacious, urging fairness, comity, a liberal construction of the rights of citizens of a belliger- ent country in the territory of the enemy at the breaking out of war, and the rights of neutrals. One week con- testing with the Duke of Grammont, the French Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs, the right of the French Govern- ment to refuse Germans, resident in Paris at the com- mencement of hostilities, permission to leave, and the next or shortly after, with equal decision and determina- tion opposing with all his power of logic, authority and will, the execution of a decree of the Government ex- pelling them. His kindly relation to the German Gov-. ernment and people did not prevent his protesting against a bombardment of the City of Paris by the German army without previous notice, and mindful all the time of the MEMORIALS. 45 dignity of his own position, when Bismarck sought to invade his rights to his mail he spiritedly refused to re- ceive it at all unless the bag containing it came unopened and undisturbed, claiming the right of correspondence with his own Government as the representative in the Capital of a belligerent of a neutral power. He would, he said, "reject any concession of a courier, coupled with the condition that his dispatches go unsealed. He would not write a dispatch to his Gov- ernment which' would have to be submitted to the in- spection of any other Government on the face of the earth." He was never for a moment off his guard, and never failed to protest against and take active steps to prevent an invasion of the rights of his own people, or those that belonged to the citizens of other nations that applied to him, often exerting himself with the French themselves to save the life of, or give liberty to some of their own countrymen. The extent, responsibility, and often exasperating nature of his duties cannot be over- stated. He gave over thirty thousand safe conducts to for- eigners desiring to leave Paris within the first thirty days, supplied eight thousand with railroad tickets, and many of them with money. The wife of Marshal McMahon and her brother applied to him for and obtained a safe conduct to go to her wounded husband, and on January 1 3th, the war having begun in the September preceding, he writes that he was aiding two thousand two hundred and seventy-six poverty-stricken Germans. Often made the means of communication between the German Chancellor and the French Minister, the vehicle of complaints and threats of retaliation now from one and now from the other, he was constant in his efforts to soften, mollify and persua.de. Ever at his post, 46 MEMORIALS. never too busy to take on a new care, not asking whether it was his duty as a minister if he saw it to be such as a man, sick, overworked, the end of the war was indeed a boon. And yet, as he wrote to Mr. Labouchere (who as a correspondent of a London paper had remained in Paris during the siege) all the sights and scenes they then wit- nessed, compared with the events of the Commune, "were but as a flash in the pan compared with a full discharge all along the line with the killed, wounded and missing." There was in the City of Paris, with its two millions of inhabitants, no law, no protection, no authority ex- cept that of an organized mob. Anarchy, robbery, mur- der, assassination reigned supreme, force and terror in absolute mastery. The Tuilleries the Library of the Louvre the Hotel de Ville the palaces of the Ministry of Finance, of the Council of State and of the Legion of Honor the Con- vent of the Magdalens the Court of Exchequer, each of them of great size and dignity and models of architecture and the Tuilleries and the Hotel de Ville of great his- torical interest, the property of the men and women who burned them, were burned, and with them hundreds of other buildings. The Commune resolved to destroy all works of art glorifying periods which in its opinion were disgraceful to France. One of its decrees was as follows: " Considering that the Museum of the Louvre contains great numbers of pictures, statues and other objects of art, which being externally to the mind of the people the actions of gods, kings and priests, therefore, decreed: that the Museum of the Louvre shall be burnt to the ground. " MEMORIALS. 47 And another: "Citizen Milliere, at the head of one hundred and fifty fuse-bearers, is to set fire to all houses of suspicious aspect as well as to the public monuments on the left bank of the Seine. Citizen Dereure with one hundred and fifty fuse-bearers is charged with the first and second arrondissements, Citizen Billoray with one hundred men is charged with the ninth, tenth and twen- tieth arrondissements. Citizen Tesnier with fifty men has the Boulevards of the Madeleine and of the Bastile especially entrusted to him. " Houses were robbed; wherever a German was found he was seized and imprisoned; churches were converted into club houses, the clergy hunted down and placarded as thieves; hostages were murdered, sixty-three at one time. The Invalides was mined and the Column of the Place Vendome pulled down. The venerable Archbishop of Paris, whose whole life had been spent in acts of charity, was shot by order of an official. Yet Mr. Washburne remained at his post, fearlessly meeting every danger till seventy-nine days of this kind of life had run and order was restored. It is almost im- possible to realize the tact, perseverance and judgment, the coolness and courage required. During all these days, first of war, and then of horror and of crime, the American Embassy, flying the flag of our country, was a protection and a place of safety. Mr. Washburne's commission as minister was signed March 17, 1869. He reached New York after his resig- nation on the 23d of September, 1877, and from that date made Chicago his residence. His friends were ever dearer to him than his honors. He writes of those whom he knew in his boyhood, the companions of his father "here in this far off besieged city in these long dismal 48 MEMORIALS. days I think of them all," and of the friends of his man- hood with great warmth of affection. All through his diary there runs a vein of earnest allegiance to persona ties. He was, as wrote a Latin poet, as words of highest praise, "Justum et tenacem propositi virum," a just man and strong of purpose, He was sagacious, self-reliant, cool and collected; as an observer of men and things, independent in his judgment and fearless in its expres- sion. His personal character was without a breath of suspicion, and confidence and respect followed him. His enduring monument is the part he took in shap- ing the destinies of this great nation. E. B. McCAGG, A. L. CHETLAIN, W. A. MONTGOMERY, Committee. JOHN LEVERETT THOMPSON. Colonel First A'ezf Hampshire Cavalry and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, January ji, 1888. IN writing of the Solicitor General of England in the beginning of the nineteenth century, Lord Brougham says: " It is fit that no occasion on which Sir Samuel Romilly is named should ever be passed over without an attempt to record the virtues and endowments of so great and so good a man for the instruction of after ages. Few persons have ever attained celebrity of name and exalted station in any country or in any age with such unsullied purity of character as this equally eminent and excellent peison. His virtue was stern and inflexible, adjusted indeed rather to the rigorous standard of ancient morality than to the less ambitious and less elevated maxims of the modern code. 49 5O MEMORIALS. " He was in truth a person of the most natural and simple manners, and one in whom the kindliest charities and warmest feelings of human nature were blended in the largest measure with that firmness and unrelaxed sincerity of principle in almost all other men found to be little compatible with the attributes of a gentle nature and the feelings of a tender heart. " The observer who gazes upon the character of this great man is naturally struck first of all with its most prominent feature, and that is the rare excellence which we have now marked so far above every gift of the under- standing, and which throws the lustre of mere genius into the shade." All this might be recorded of our late Companion, General John L. Thompson, at one time a Vice-Com- mander. The character which in him rounded out and marked him as citizen and lawyer is defined by the adjectives fair, true, kind, equable, earnest and firm. But in this Commandery and in other organizations having their origin from like causes, it is well to note that these qualities developed the soldier, and in turn were brightened and enlarged by the experiences of a soldier's life. The majority of the voters of the present day in the United States have no recollection of the war of the Rebellion drawn from personal experiences or participa- tion. To their minds the war is presented in the form of historical statement. To those who, in the winter of 1860-1861, watched the rise of the spirit of rebellion, the vacillation of the administration, the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, the hesitation to supply Fort Sumter, the secession of South Carolina, the firing of the first gun, the call to arms, the events of that and the four subsequent years, if at this MEMORIALS. 51 distance of time almost a dream, are yet a dream with the vividness of reality. There was nothing then in Mr. Thompson to mark him for the field. To militia service or the pomp of parade he had shown no liking or apti- tude. Quietly, reservedly, modestly, he was closing the course of study which should fit him for the practice of his chosen profession. But he was missed, and after two days his friends having a suspicion where he might be, found him in line in the old Armory building in Chicago, standing where the present Rookery building now is. Some sapient officer had advised that men who should enlist should be kept in confinement, not appreciating that volunteers as six to one to fill the call were then ready. Thompson was in the ranks undergoing an inspection of some sort, and as the hand was given, said: "You see I have done it," words characteristic in their brevity and expressive of a resolution born of thoughtful purpose. That evening he departed for Cairo, amid the cheers of a multitude on the lake front. There visitors found him a month or more later, corporal of a battery, calmly performing in mud and rain the duties which he had assumed drilling and making ready. So he remained until disease overtook him, and at or about the close of the three months' service he went to his old home in Massachusetts, whither his family had moved from New Hampshire, apparently permanently disabled, for he had never been very strong. His battery for the most part re-enlisted. His friends at Chicago joined the service under later calls, but mostly in the West. When next heard of he had recovered and was First Lieutenant in the First Rhode Island Cavalry, formed of three battalions, one from New Hampshire, his native State, another from Massachusetts and a third from LI. nc in 52 MEMORIALS. Rhode Island. The regiment entered upon active service in Virginia and was assigned to the Shenandoah. On December 3, 1861, Lieutenant Thompson became Captain; on July 3, 1862, Major; on July 11, Lieutenant Colonel, and on January 4, 1863, Colonel. In March, 1864, he resigned to take the command of the First New Hampshire Cavalry, which honorably shared in the com- mand of Sheridan the memorable skirmishes, battles and pursuits of that year. He was brevetted for distinguished services. To say of him that he was always ready, that he had his command in hand, that he was prudent and yet bold even to daring, that whether in the charge or in holding the fruits of victory he was equally prompt, efficient and able, is to say only what was said spontan- eously by all who were with him. One of his enlisted men said, looking upon his re- mains as they lay in his residence, "There is the best and bravest man that ever lived," a testimonial the value and strength of which every officer knows. Occasions like this are frequent; memories rise and thicken, but it is not permitted to lengthen or fill out the sketch. In the reports of three States are the records of his achievements. The full measure of the man is better recognized in the outlines; and we therefore sadly but proudly in simple but few words, give this our tribute to the one of our number who has last passed away. GEO. W. SMITH, E. B. McCAGG, H. W. JACKSON, Committee. THOMAS CORDIS CLARKE. Second Lieutenant Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry and Brevet Major, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, July 6, 1888. O REVET Major Thomas Cordis Clarke, a companion H J of this Commandery of the First Class, died July 6, 1888, at his home in the city of Chicago, after an illness of three days. Before his sudden and fatal attack, he was apparently in the prime and vigor of manhood. Physically an athlete, mentally and in demeanor a man of unusually even temper, always cheerful, friendly, companionable, sympathetic, never flurried or excited in his own behalf or in his own interests, his best work, his most earnest endeavor, was put forth in behalf of his friends. He was one of those rare men of whom it might be truly said, he delighted more in the good of others 53 54 MEMORIALS. than in his own prosperity. The name of friend and the quality of friendship is better defined and of more vigor- ous fibre when coupled with his memory. He was the friend of all the members of this Commandery; he loved the Loyal Legion and all its members. Next to his family, this Order was the dearest association on earth to him. He was loyal and true in all things, loving his country passionately, well nigh worshiping the old flag, beneath whose shining folds he proudly marched, in boyish pride, through Baltimore's bloody streets, joining the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry in April, 1861. He attained the rank of Captain when Gettysburg was fought, in 1863. Had the war found him more mature in years, with his splendid physique and sterling qualities of mind and heart, it is hard to say what official rank he might not have attained. As it was, he was younger than most of us, dying at the age of forty- six. But no matter what his rank, he was in every sense a man, manly in his actions and aspirations, gentle and kind, sincere, honest and honorable. Major Clarke was intensely imbued with State pride the right sort of pride. He was proud of Massachusetts because she never swerved in her devotion to the flag. Well might she be proud of such a son. We have reason to be proud of such a companion. The city of Chicago, upon whose official roster the name of our dead friend appeared for more than a decade, has reason to be proud of him. No hint or suspicion was ever whispered against his fair fame. Oh, rare embodiment and com- bination of most excellent virtues! Brave soldier, stead- fast friend, untarnished public officer! For thy valor we will lay upon thy tomb the heroic emblems a broken sword, a wreath of laurel leaves. For thy immaculate MEMORIALS. 5 5 friendship, thou deservest the love of thy brethren; and for thy unsullied integrity thou hast earned the compan- ionship of the just. CHARLES FITZ SIMONS, JOHN W. STREETER, TAYLOR P. RUNDLET, Committee. ALBERT ZABRISKIE GRAY. Chaplain Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, February 27, i88g. 3INCE our last meeting another vacancy has occurred in the ranks of our Commandery, and we are called upon to mourn the loss of Chaplain Albert Z. Gray, who died in Chicago, after a brief illness, on the 2/th day of February, 1889. Although one of our later members, he was warmly attached to our organization, and it was a source of regret to him, as to us, that his exacting duties as Warden of Racine College prevented his more frequent attendance. Chaplain Albert Zabriskie Gray was born in the City of New York, of an old and distinguished family, on the second of March, 1840. He was educated at the Univer- 56 MEMORIALS. 57 sity of New York, where he graduated in 1860. He immediately entered upon the preparatory studies for the ministry in Geneva, Switzerland, which were com- pleted later at the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, in the City of New York, where he was ordained by Bishop Potter in 1864. He was profoundly moved by the great struggle then going on for the preservation of this government, and his admission to the ministry was hastened by Bishop Potter to enable him to accept the position of Chaplain in the Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Rand, now Recorder of the Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. He promptly took the field with his regiment, where he shared with it the glories, perils, hardships and privations of the magnificent Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac in 1864 and 1865, commanded by that illustrious soldier, Lieutenant Gen- eral Sheridan. Chaplain Gray was captured by the enemy in one of the many battles in which he participated, and was a prisoner of war when General Lee surrendered at Appo- mattox Court House in 1865. During his service in the army he became especially endeared to his command, and was a devoted, faithful soldier, in the hospital and around the camp fire, in the ranks of those "who fought without guns." Upon the return of peace he accepted the rectorship of a parish at Bloomfield, New Jersey, where he remained two years, when ill health compelled him to resign. He then visited the principal countries of Europe; extended his travels to Egypt and the Holy Land, and, upon his return to the country he had helped to restore, he ac- cepted a parish at Garrisons on the Hudson, where he remained until 1882, when he was elected Warden of 58 MEMORIALS. Racine College. He brought to his new field of labor, in the West, a mind cultivated by study at home and abroad, and a lofty zeal in his work, to which he faith- fully devoted himself with marked ability and success until his resignation in December, 1888. Chaplain Gray was a man of culture and marked literary ability; he was a frequent contributor of fugitive pieces to the press. Among others, a poem upon the death of Canon Charles Kingsley and one upon the fight at "Tel el Keber, " in Egypt, attracted marked attention. He published several books, among which were a collec- tion of sacred poems, a collection of studies in Palestine, "The Land and the Life," and " Mexico As It Is." His death, in Chicago, at the early age of forty-nine, in the flower of manhood, with a wide career of usefulness and honor before him, was a misfortune deeply to be deplored. He labored with zeal and earnestness in every position to which he was called. In private life he was warm hearted, cultivated and courteous a perfect type of the Christian gentleman. Chaplain Gray left a widow and a wide circle of de- voted friends but no child to bear his name or succeed him on the rolls of the " Loyal Legion." His work is done; we can truthfully say of him in his own beautiful language in one of his sacred poems: " Oh, happy they whose faith and love Through grave and gate of death endure! Thrice happy they, who from its sleep Rise to the vision of the pure." The Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion, bear- ing in mind his sterling qualities as soldier and citizen, tenders its respectful sympathy to his bereaved widow and his relatives and friends, and directs that this minute MEMORIALS. 59 of regard to the memory of Chaplain Albert Zabriskie Gray be entered upon its records. EPHRAIM A. OTIS, AMOS J. HARDING, JAMES NEVINS HYDE, Committee. ANSON SPERRY. Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, United States Volunteers. Died at Marengo, Illinois, Augtist 24, 1889. ONCE again is our first fall gathering saddened by the knowledge that, since our last meeting, one more of our number has been called away, and to his home. On Saturday evening, August 24, 1889, died Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Anson Sperry, late Paymaster of Volunteers. Earnest and loyal in character, Colonel Sperry felt deeply the personal responsibility inherent in his citizen- ship, and from the moment when war was made a neces- sity, he was warmly and earnestly active in his neighbor- hood, in furthering, in his own modest but efficient way, to the best of his ability, the prompt and best fulfilling of our country's calls for soldiers and their needs. 60 MEMORIALS. 6 1 As the months of the years of 1861 and 1862 passed, with their disheartening record, and the immensity of the struggle for national existence became apparent, Colonel Sperry recognized and accepted the duty resting upon each citizen of our land in its need, to give to the utmost of his personal service, and without thought of sacrifice he closed up his business connections and offered his services to his country. Already approaching the age deemed unfitting for the needs of a soldier's service in the field; untrained and in- experienced in soldierly duties, but thoroughly equipped in experience of business modes and in exact accounting, he knew that his best service to his country lay in some position of business responsibility; and in accordance with his request, he was appointed Paymaster of Volun- teers in February, 1863, and joined at once the Army of the Cumberland. During the years 1863, '64 and '65, Colonel Sperry was prompt, efficient, conscientious, active, ofttimes daring, and always thorough and exact, in the full per- formance of the trying and responsible duties that the shifting scenes and varying localities of the war made necessary. In December, 1865, he was mustered out; and to the acknowledgment from the Paymaster Gener- al's office of the receipt and settlement of his accounts, was added an autograph and complimentary note of ap- preciation, stating that his had been one of the very few of the accounts then finally settled and closed, that had been found without error and fully exact. Returning to civil life Colonel Sperry found himself, like many another in those days, not only broken in health from his services for his country, but outside the current of business ways or of business connections that could enable him to resume the support of his family in 62 MEMORIALS. a fitting manner. After several years of an experience, unhappily not rare for those who during the war had served loyally and with whole hearts their country, he formed a business relation with our late honored and revered Associate Member of the Third Class, the Hon. Mark Skinner, and with him for some twenty years was entrusted, in our city, with the administration and wise care of many millions of trust funds, and with a confi- dence that was always justified in his rectitude and loyal exactness. As has been well said of him, in a personal letter, by one who had known him well and had trusted him largely: "Perfect in integrity, in industry, zeal, faithfulness, sim- plicity, and in self-forgetting devotion to the needs of others, Colonel Sperry was an unfortunately rare man; and one whom none who knew him well could spare." We, in our Commandery, knew Colonel Sperry in an especial way; as we know those who have been tested and tried, and found in times of trial and need, always loyal and brave and true. We shall receive no more his modest and quiet greeting; we shall enjoy no more with him the reminiscences of war days; we shall miss and mourn him at our future meetings. Resolved, That our Commandery tender to the family of our late companion, sincere sympathy in the great loss that has lately come to them. SARTELL PRENTICE, WM. E. STRONG, E. A. OTIS, Committee. EDWARD BURGIN KNOX. Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army. Died at Chicago, April 9, 1890. I HE Illinois Commandery of the Military Order of i^ the Loyal Legion has again been called upon to mourn the loss of an honorable companion, Colonel Edward B. Knox, one whose martial spirit united him with the military history of his adopted State, long be- fore the Civil War called out the latent patriotism of this country. Colonel Knox first served as an enlisted man, in the National Guards Cadet Corps, organized in Chicago, March 19, 1856; again, in the United States Cadets, or Ellsworth Zouaves Corps, where we find him serving as Second Sergeant, and from this almost to the date of his death his service has been continuous. 63 64 MEMORIALS. After the first shot was fired on Sumter he lost no time in tendering his services to his country. He was commissioned First Lieutenant, Eleventh New York Infantry, U. S. V., April 23, 1861; promoted Captain, Forty-fourth New York Infantry, July 4, 1862; Major, July 14, 1862; Lieutenant Colonel (not mustered), August 27, 1863. He was mustered out October 11, 1864, to receive an appointment in the Regular Army as Second Lieutenant. He was promoted to First Lieutenant, Twenty-first Infantry, U. S. A., June 16, 1865, serving thereafter in various honorable details, until May 7, 1870, when he was placed on the retired list on account of wounds. He was brevetted Captain for "gallant and meritor- ious services " at Hanover Court House; brevetted Major for Gettysburg, and brevetted Lieutenant Colonel for Spottsylvania Court House. Recognizing the importance of a thoroughly organized National Guard, he again entered the service of the State of Illinois as Captain Co. B, First Infantry, September 8, 1874; Major, First Infantry, April 10, 1875, resigned February 14, 1876. He again entered the State service as Captain Co. F, First Infantry, October 15, 1877; was promoted Major, July 30, 1878, Lieutenant Colonel, March 19, 1879, an d Colonel, October 11, 1882. Fail- ing health compelled him to tender his resignation, which was accepted April 6, 1889. His death occurred April 9, 1890. But no mere record of military service will give the history of Colonel Knox. His life cannot be measured by dates of commissions, or periods of duty. For into these commissions he poured out all the strength of his life, striving as few men have striven to make these periods fruitful. In his career as a soldier he exemplified MEMORIALS. 65 the three graces of the warrior courage, obedience, loy- alty never faltering in times of danger, never hesitating in a swift compliance with all orders given him; and at all times rendering a true and cordial support to his commanders. As a man, he was genuine to the core, never assum- ing either position or acquirement not fully his; he was simple, refined, and courteous; generous to a fault in the only gifts he had to give his time, his abilities and his earnest untiring efforts; of these he gave without stint to his city, state and country. He gave according to the sacred injunction, "without thought of recompense"; and that this giving was liberal, and without expectation of return, his limited estate speaks eloquently. Resolved, That this memorial be spread upon the records of this Commandery, and that a copy of the same be forwarded to the daughter of Colonel Knox. EDGAR D. SWAIN, CHAS. FITZSIMONS, CHARLES R. E. KOCH, Committee. SAMUEL RUSH HAVEN. Major and Surgeon, United States Volunteers. Died at Neiv Lenox, Illinois, May 4, 1890. I A f E are again called upon to mourn the loss of a com- *(. panion; one highly distinguished in his sphere of duty during the Civil War, and one who had just become a member of the Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion when the silent messenger of the Most High called him from us. At the meeting held on April 10, 1890, Samuel Rush Haven, Major and Surgeon of United States Volunteers, was elected a companion of the Order through this Com- mandery, but before the next meeting, when he would have regularly taken his place among us, he had passed from time to eternity. 66 MEMORIALS. 67 Dr. Haven was born at Sheridan, Chautauqua county, New York, on the 29th day of January, 1827, and died at the residence of his brother, Dwight Haven, on May 4, 1890, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. His father, emigrated to the neighborhood of Chicago, in the fall of 1834, bringing with him the doctor, then a child less than eight years old. His young life was passed with the incidents and struggles common to those who lay foun- dations in a new country. Upon entering manhood he chose the profession of medicine as his life work, and matriculated at Rush Medical College, in 1847. He graduated in due course with distinction in his class. He afterwards practiced his profession with great success, going to California in 1850, and returning to Chicago in 1853, where he formed a partnership with Dr. J. W. Freer. In religious faith the doctor was a Congrega- tionalist;' in politics, a free-soiler and abolitionist. When Fort Sumter was fired upon he immediately abandoned the emoluments of his private practice and was among the very first to enroll himself among that noble body of physicians and surgeons, who, amid all the hardships and privations of a soldier's life in the field, devoted their professional experience and skill to relieving the sufferings and saving the lives of those of us who were stricken with disease or wounded in the service of our country; and to whose unselfish devotion many of us are indebted for what of health and life we have enjoyed in the remnant of our days. On April 21, 1861, Dr. Haven volunteered on the first expedition to Cairo, under Brigadier General Swift. Alterwards on August 3, 1861, he was mustered into the service of the United States, as Major and Surgeon of Volunteers, and entered upon his duties in the Army of the Potomac, attached to the brigade of General W. F. 68 MEMORIALS. Smith as Brigade Surgeon. He was afterwards Division Surgeon under General Heintzelman, and Corps Surgeon under General Hancock. He was also with General Grant's command at Memphis. He resigned his com- mission on March 9, 1863. Since the war his home has been in Chicago, though absent a great deal in traveling abroad. After leaving the army he did not resume the practice of his profession, but gave much of his attention to investments in real estate, in which by the exercise of sound judgment he was abundantly successful. In the death of Dr. Haven the Commandery suffers the loss of a companion, who, in the crisis of the great rebellion, served his country with unselfish devotion, and great professional distinction, and who, in civil life, in the quiet and honorable discharge of all its duties, has borne himself without blemish or reproach. JOSEPH B, LEAKE. ELIJAH B. SHERMAN, OLIVER W. NIXON, Committee. JULIUS WHITE. Brigadier General and Brevet Major General, United States Volunteers. Died at Evanston, Illinois, May 12, 1890. IN 1861 Julius White laid aside the emoluments of an important office, in whose tenure he was assured, to raise and command an Illinois regiment. Of modest fortune, he did not hesitate, at the call of the country, to exchange civic place, power, and large revenue, for the hardships, chances, perils, and modest pay of a field officer in a volunteer regiment. From September, 1861, until the close of the war he was constantly on arduous duties. He was promoted Brigadier General and Brevet Major General for gallant and meritorious services. His successes are a part of the history of the armies East and West, and were obtained on many fields of glory, 69 70 MEMORIALS. from Pea Ridge and Knoxville to Petersburg and the defenses of Richmond. Trained as a civilian General White entered the army when the sun of his life had far passed the meridian line, but his ceaseless study, his close application, his native love of arms, and his earnest patriotic devotion, easily made him a noble officer, fitted to, and exercising large commands. The numerous orders of congratulation, those badges of decoration for the American officer, which were issued to him, speak the appreciation his superiors entertained of his ability and bravery; and when, at the close of the great war, the headquarters flag of the Ninth Corps was given into his custody by companions- in-arms who had long seen it wave over his tent in rest, and by his side in battle, those who bestowed it gave with it their hearts' best wishes and their sincere admi- ration for the commander, and comrade, and friend. He prized it more than a marshal's baton, and held it dear as his life through all the following years. Two of the members of your committee were associ- ated with General White from 1861 until the close of his life. We knew his worthy desires and noble ambitions, and with that thorough knowledge we bespeak for him the affectionate regard of this Commandery, and a high place among the names of our illustrious dead. He was a brave soldier, a man who performed thoroughly and well all the duties which the fortunes of war, or the claims of civil life put upon him; and the world is the better for his having passed through it. Content with the moderate successes of civil life, cherishing the enduring memories of the days of battle, one bright honor he deeply craved to be chosen Com- mander in this noble Order. His wish was gratified; and then in peace and modest silence he passed from MEMORIALS. 7 1 these scenes to the greater ones that lie beyond the line. But with him, and the beloved and worthy of God and of man, "there is no death, only a going down of the stars to rise upon fairer shores." Your committee submit the foregoing report and fol- lowing resolution: Resolved, That the foregoing report be approved and spread upon the records, and that copies thereof, signed by the Commander and Recorder of this Commandery, be presented to the widow and family of the deceased. JOHN C. BLACK, E. A. BLODGETT, JOHN L. BEVERIDGE, Committee. JOHN ADAMS FITCH. Major First Illinois Light Artillery United States Volunteers Died at Chicago, July //, 1890. 3ILENTLY and often the ranks of the Loyal Legion are closing upon the vacant spaces left by those who have heard life's tattoo for the last time, and now lie with arms at rest to await the reveille at the Resurrection. Another one of those who near thirty years ago responded with all the spendid courage of youth to the call of an outraged country, has gone out from among us. Major John Adams Fitch died on the evening of July i ith, after a quiet business life passed in the employ of the United States Government for the years succeeding his active participation in the Civil War. He left a wife whose devotion during a long period of illness greatly 72 MEMORIALS. 73 lightened the intense physical suffering which he was called upon to endure. Major Fitch was born and grew to manhood in the State of Vermont, and he had had but a few years ex- perience in business at Chicago previous to July, 1861, when he became a member of Battery E, First Regiment Illinois Artillery, being mustered into the United States service as Junior First Lieutenant of the same Battery in the December following. In May, 1863, he became Captain, and later Major, serving with the Army of the Tennessee until his muster out in August, 1865. Efficient as an artillerist, zealous, alert and cour- ageous as an officer, he was duly valued by his division and corps commanders. One of the various emergencies when he was called to vital service was at Guntown, when, as a forlorn hope, his battery was placed in front and directed to hold the enemy in check until the infan- try and cavalry had fallen back in safety to the rear. As a man, he possessed all the noble attributes of friendship; patient with the vagaries of those he esteemed and true as steel to all who called him friend, he had a grim, sardonic detestation of shams and pettiness. These peculiarities endeared him to those so fortunate as to know him intimately and made him extremely popular with that large class of business men with whom he came in contact during many years' service as a deputy collector at the Port of Chicago. For the Loyal Legion, Major Fitch felt the most in- tense regard and pride, and we bespeak for him from our comrades of this Commandery an affectionate remem- brance. RICHARD S. TUTHILL, ABIAL R. ABBOTT, ALONZO N. REECE, Committee. ROBERT HENRY LEWIS. First Lieutenant First Delaware Independent Battery, United States Volunteers. Died at Cleveland, Ohio, November 27, 1890. THE unflagging march of time adds year upon year to the already distant epoch in our country's history upon which the Loyal Legion formed its association, it is but natural that we should be more fre- quently summoned in sorrow to perform the last rites at the biers of departed comrades who have closed their records here and have joined the great majority. We are already living among the loved and hallowed memo- ries of dear, brave comrades who have crossed the river and are waiting to welcome us. But each new loss of a loved and honored companion brings its own fresh grief and regret, and none more deeply felt than the loss of Lieutenant Lewis. 74 MEMORIALS. 75 First Lieutenant Robert H. Lewis died at his home in Cleveland, Ohio, November 27, 1890. As a soldier, citizen and friend, his life was without blemish, and his untimely loss will be mourned by all who knew him. For the Loyal Legion Lieutenant Lewis felt the deepest re- gard and a soldier's pride, and the surviving members of the Order will cherish his memory in affectionate en- durance. HENRY S. PICKANDS, A. EGERTON ADAMS, JAMES W. BALL, Committee. THADDEUS HURLBUT CAPRON. First Lieutenant (retired}. United States Army. Died at Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania, December 24, 1890. ONCE more we are called upon to mourn the loss of an admired and beloved companion, almost in the prime of life a life made much shorter by the hardships, privations and campaigns of the battles of the War of the Rebellion and on the Frontier, extending over a period of about twenty-seven years. Major Thaddeus H. Capron died at Sharon Hill, Penn- sylvania, where he had recently settled with his family. Major Capron entered the service as private in the Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry, September 9, 1861; was pro- moted to Quartermaster Sergeant November 25, 1862; discharged to accept a commission March i, 1863. He 76 MEMORIALS. 77 was commissioned Second Lieutenant Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry September 4, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster August i, 1863. He was commissioned Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. V., June i, 1865; promoted Major and Quartermaster June 6, 1865; honorably mustered out of the service October 31, 1865. He was commissioned Second Lieu- tenant in Ninth Infantry, U. S. A., June 22, 1867, and promoted to First Lieutenant, November 8, 1871, which commission he held until within a few years, when he reluctantly retired from the army, on account of physi- cal disabilities. Major Capron participated in all the glorious achieve- ments of the Army of the Tennessee and in the Indian campaigns of the West, with distinction. No more en- thusiastic and patriotic young soldier undertook the de- fense of his country in 1861, than he. He has gone from among us and we sincerely mourn him, not only as a companion of the Order of the Legion, but as a true man in every relation of life. In this hour of trial we extend to his family our heartfelt sympathy and the assurance that we, his fellow officers, will cherish his memory to the end. ARTHUR C. DUCAT, JUDSON D. BlNGHAM, JOHN T. McAuLEY, Committee. ABIAL RALPH ABBOTT. First Lieutenant First Illinois Artillery, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago. January 9, 1801. "TLBIAL RALPH ABBOTT was born April 5, 1832, l\ at Cobbleskill, N. Y. He received his academic ^* education at Amherst college, and his professional training in the Harvard Law School and in the office of Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson at Binghamton. He came to Chicago in 1857 or 1858 and began the practice of the law with excellent prospect of success. Ardent in his love of country and intense in his hatred of all forms of slavery and oppression he took an active part in the presidential contest which resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln. And when war came, his patriotic fervor reaching the point of white heat natur- 78 MEMORIALS. 79 ally made him among the first to respond to the call for troops. Lieutenant Abbott enlisted April 21, 1861, as a pri- vate in Battery A, First Illinois Light Artillery; was pro- moted Senior First Lieutenant in Battery E of the same regiment in December, 1861. This Battery was attached to General W. T. Sherman's Division, and in the battle of Shiloh is said to have fired the first shot. In this terrible and bloody struggle Lieutenant Abbott was severely wounded by a minie ball in the left shoul- der, the effect of which lasted through life, making it im- possible for him to raise his left arm or to bear any weight upon it. He however, as soon as permitted, re- joined his command and was again wounded in the Talla- hatchie Campaign. In March, 1863, "on account of wounds received in battle and resulting disability," he resigned his commission and returned to Chicago to re- sume the practice of law. Language can add nothing to the eloquence of such a record of prompt, brave, loyal service in the cause of country and freedom. The same absolute fidelity to truth and a high sense of duty which actuated our com- panion and friend at this beginning of his career and sent him into the army, there to do his share towards the preservation of a republican form of government and our free institutions was through life a notable characteristic of him as a citizen and as a member of the honorable profession of the law. In his professional life his promi- nent characteristic was his perfect fairness and honesty. This quality arose not from motives of expediency or policy, but was so ingrained in his very nature that he accorded the same virtues to his fellow men as a neces- sary attribute of their humanity. He possessed a strong, clear mind, enriched by a 8O MEMORIALS. broad and liberal reading not alone in the law but as well in the ampler and sweeter fields of poetry and gen- eral literature. His home life was ideal. In the tender and true love (the tenderest and truest love this world can give) of a cultivated and congenial wife and two fond daughters, Abbott found ever his content and earthly happiness. To this family the Illinois Commandery of the Mili- tary Order of the Loyal Legion, of which Lieutenant Abbott was a highly honored and justly esteemed com- panion, herein tender condolence and sympathy. RICHARD S. TUTHILL, HENRY W. CALDWELL, ALLEN C. WATERHOUSE, Committee. HENRY WILLIAM BETLEY HOYT. Captain One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, February 12, 1891. ONCE again on the march through life are we halted to close the ranks of this Commandery, from which has fallen a loved and faithful companion, who has answered to the final roll call. Another of the many heroes, who in the hour of its greatest peril so nobly responded to the Nation's call for help, and with all the zeal and earnestness of his nature did what best he could to protect it from impending danger, has folded his cloak about him and lain down to that sleep from which there is no waking. Captain Henry William Betley Hoyt died on the evening of February 12, 1891, at his home in Chicago, 81 82 MEMORIALS. surrounded by his family and friends, who had labored unceasingly but without avail to bring back that life so dear to them. Captain Hoyt was born June 25, 1841, at Henry, Illi- nois, where the earlier years of his life were passed. Afterwards, removing to Chicago, he became a member of Ellsworth's Zouaves. At the breaking out of the Re- bellion he was commissioned a First Lieutenant in the One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel George B. Hoge, and afterwards promoted to the rank of Captain in the same regiment, serving with distinction in the Second Division, Fifteenth Corps, Army of the Tennessee, at Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Miliken's Bend, Vicksburg, Jackson and Eastport, a part of the time as Signal Officer at the in- stance of General Sherman, who entertained for him the highest regard. Brave and fearless as a soldier, he was at the same time courteous to all. Of a disposition naturally genial and happy, his presence was a sunshine. In whatever capacity he was called upon to serve, he left behind him the evidence of duty well performed. In his membership he has honored this Commandery, and it is meet that his name should be honored by the affectionate remembrance of his companions. CHARLES W. DREW, NELSON THOMASSON, FREDERICK W. MERCER, Committee. HOSMER ALLEN JOHNSON. Companion of the Third Class. Died at Chicago, February 26, i8qi. I HE Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion, in the V. death of Dr. Hosmer A. Johnson, which occurred on the 26th day of February, 1891, at his home in Chicago, has lost one of its most esteemed and honored members. His career was one of unusual distinction and useful- ness. He was born near Buffalo, New York, in 1822, but his parents ten years later moved to Michigan, where he passed his youth and early manhood. He was educated at the Michigan University, from which he graduated in 1849. Dr. Johnson came to Chicago in 1850, where for more than forty years he pursued his profession and devoted 83 84 MEMORIALS. himself to the science of medicine with a zeal which knew neither change nor shadow of turning. He was among the earliest Professors in Rush Medical College, was one of the founders of the Chicago Medical College, and one of its Professors until his death. It is believed that no man did more to elevate the standard of medical education in the United States than Dr. Hosmer A. Johnson; and to no one is that learned profession under greater obligations. He was one of the founders and for many years President of the Chicago Academy of Sciences; a member of the faculty of Mercy Hospital; a consulting physician of the Cook County Hospital, and of the Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; indeed, it would be difficult to name a single scientific or charitable association in Chicago, with which he was not prominently and actively identified. At the commencement of the War for the Union, Dr. Johnson abandoned a lucrative practice, and offered his services to his country, and for four years, as President of the Board of Examining Surgeons for Illinois, rendered valuable and faithful service. It was a source of pro- found regret that his health, which was delicate from childhood, prevented him from accepting active service in the field; but his knowledge, skill, and scientific at- tainments were otherwise devoted to the service of his country, and when his duties called him to the front to examine Assistant Surgeons for promotion, he was re- peatedly brought into battle and served under fire as a surgical operator. After the great fire in Chicago, as a member of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, he gave his entire time without fee or reward, for many months, to the needy and destitute poor of our city. The great services of Dr. Johnson were promptly MEMORIALS. 85 recognized by his election as a member of the Third Class by this Commandery an honor which he always highly appreciated. He was a regular attendant at its meetings and took a deep interest in its growth and pros- perity. His career was rounded and complete, and at his death, no man in his profession or in the city where he lived, was held in higher esteem. His warm heart, and gentle, kindly disposition, won the regard and friendship of all who knew him, who unite with us in mourning for his loss, and "sorrow most of all that they shall see his face no more." The Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion, bear- ing in mind his great public services, and the purity of his life and character, has directed this mark of regard for his memory to be entered upon its records, and that the Recorder send a copy to his bereaved family. EPHRAIM A. OTIS, EDMUND ANDREWS, THOMAS B. BRYAN, Committee. ALONZO VAN NESS RICHARDS. Second Lieutenant Signal Corps, United States Volunteers. Died at Warren, Illinois, March if, i8qi. 'TfjNOTHER Companion of this Commandery has f\ joined the silent majority. Lieutenant Alonzo ^* V. N. Richards passed away at the residence of his father-in-law, Hon. S. K. Miner, at Warren, Jo Daviess county, Illinois, March 1 1, 1891, aged fifty years. Lieutenant Richards responded in September, 1861, to his country's call for troops, enlisting in Company H, Seventh Wisconsin Infantry, which served with the Army of the Potomac and participated in nearly all the engage- ments of that army. February 14, 1865, he was pro- moted Second Lieutenant for meritorious conduct, and attached to the Signal Corps, U. S. V. 86 MEMORIALS. 87 After the close of the war he was ordered to report to General P. C. Connor at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory, for duty as Signal Officer, serving with efficiency in General Connor's campaign against the Indians during the year 1865. He was mustered out of service at Fort Leavenworth, December 9, 1865. As a citizen Lieutenant Richards was known as an ardent worker in the cause of right, which he was sure to espouse according to the dictates of his conscience, manifesting the same zealous spirit that characterized him as a soldier during the war. During several years he was editor and proprietor of the Freeport Journal. Strong in his political faith, he was unyielding and determined even to severity. Retir- ing from the political field to the more quiet pursuits of life, he was noted for his loyalty in his friendships. He was one of the most devoted husbands and fathers and his home life was one of the happiest. Those who knew him best will mourn the loss of a true friend and genial companion. To his bereaved family we tender our heartfelt sym- pathy in the great loss that has come to them, and we request that a copy of this tribute to his memory be furnished them. JOHN E. SMITH, JOHN C. SMITH, CHARLES S. BENTLY, Committee. CHARLES DANIEL RHODES. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, March 8, 1891. I HE grim destroyer which we call death has of late V made deep inroads upon our noble and dearly be- loved Order, claiming- for its victims some who (speaking in human terms) had but entered the prime of life and fairly taken a firm hold upon the problems thereof, with bright prospects of unravelling them those who, having had an honorable and brilliant career as soldiers, had quietly passed into the avenues of business, carrying therein the same characteristics that had made their im- press while daring and doing for their country's cause. Charles D. Rhodes was born at Franklin Mills, Ohio, on September 16, 1839. In October, 1861, he enlisted MEMORIALS. 89 as a private soldier in the Eighty-fourth Ohio Infantry; promotions in regular order following until on February 9, 1865, he was appointed Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. V., from which position he resigned on June 9, 1865, having seen continuous service for three years and eight months, and participated in campaign and battle with honor to himself and to the cause he had espoused Knoxville, Reseca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Atlanta, Columbia, Franklin, Nashville, Fort Anderson and Wil- mington, are engraved on his escutcheon. Some time after the close of the war, he left his native State to make his home in Chicago. For a num- ber of years success came to him in business, and a prosperous life seemed to be an assured fact. Reverses came to try as by fire a solid, substantial character, and through them all he passed unscathed. In response to an inquiry, one of Captain Rhodes's intimate friends, who holds a prominent position in our city, writes as follows: ' ' In regard to a sketch of the life of my friend, Charles D. Rhodes, I have to say, that I have known Captain Rhodes for over twenty years, and he was always a very modest, quiet, unassuming and retiring person; slow to make friends, but after once knowing him he was a faith- ful and devoted friend. He was of a very self-sacrificing disposition, never hesitating to put himself out to do any one a favor or kindness." Upon March 8, 1891, the summons came, and obedient to the call, he passed into the great beyond. Let us think of him not as dead, but having passed into the true life, that is as endless and boundless as eternity itself. HOLMES HOGE, THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, ARCHIBALD WINNE, Committee. CHRISTOPHER GOODBRAKE. Major and Surgeon Tzvcntieth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Clinton, Illinois, March 16, i8qi. I HE rolling of the muffled drums has scarcely died ^ away. The soft, sad notes of the trumpet, wailing out a last good night, still linger in the air; and yet again are we called upon to pay tribute to the memory of another departed companion, Major and Surgeon Chris- topher Goodbrake. The clouds of woe lower densely about our Commandery. Our official correspondence comes heavily freighted with the emblems of mourning. " And eyes are dimmed as honored name Of comrade loved is spoken low." Christopher Goodbrake was born in the town of Wiirtemberg, Germany, on the I4th day of June, 1816. 90 MEMORIALS. 91 He graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 1855, and practiced medicine continuously in Illinois, except during the war, until his death. He settled in the town of Clinton, and during these early days was an intimate personal friend of Mr. Lincoln, who was many times his guest when attending court at that place. When the war broke out, true to the spirit of freedom that had led him to seek a home in our "sweet land of liberty, " he espoused the cause of his adopted country, leaving his practice, and all that he held most dear, to serve in the defense of those principles he cherished and which he firmly believed were of inestimable value to those who might corne after him. He was commissioned as Surgeon of the Twentieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, with the rank of Major, to date from May 19, 1861, and served with his regiment, participating in the battles of Fredericktown (Missouri), Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Britton's Lane and various minor skirmishes. In the fall of 1862, while at La Grange, (Tennessee), he was appointed Chief Surgeon of the Third Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, and partici- pated in the Holly Springs march, down the river to Vicksburg, the marches to Brownsville, to Meridian and in the Atlanta campaign. At the expiration of his term, June 13, 1864, he was requested by General McPherson and Medical Director Moore to remain in the service. He was re-mustered and served until the close of the Atlanta campaign when, owing to ill health, he resigned to take effect September 17, 1 864. His resignation having been accepted, he returned to Clinton and resumed the practice of his profession. From this time until his death, his great worth and influence in the medical world was particularly developed. He was upright, honorable and a man of 92 MEMORIALS. positive character. He was a most excellent practitioner a man with a cultivated mind and clear judgment. Throughout his entire professional life he was a staunch supporter of all medical interests in the State, an influ- ential member of the Illinois State Medical Society and at one time its honored President. At his home, among those he had served so faithfully and for so many years, in the sunset of his days, his long, weary march o'er the dusty highway of life has ended. Crowned with the glory of a ripe old age, leaving a fragrant memory where he stood and wrought among the companions of his earlier years and surrounded by the friends of his later manhood, he passed away on the i6th day of March. Then " Auf Wiedersehen," friend, companion, 'til the shadows of night shall fall about us and the dawn of the day shall find us again by your side answering to the reveille roll call in the ranks of that innumerable army that has marched beyond the sea. We leave him to repose among the scenes of his last labors, with hearts full of sympathy for those so sadly bereft. JOHN J. ABERCROMBIE, CHARLES W. EARLE, WILLIAM A. MCLEAN, Committee. WILLIAM EMERSON STRONG. Lieutenant Colonel 7\velfth Wisconsin Infantry and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Florence, Italy, April 10, i8gr. I HE announcement of the death of General William E. V Strong was received with profound sorrow by every member of this Commandery. The summons came to him suddenly, on the loth of April, 1891, at Florence, Italy, where he had recently joined his family, hoping that rest and change might restore his failing health. No merely formal tribute of respect will adequately measure the affectionate regard in which he was held by all the members of the Loyal Legion, to many of whom he was bound by ties of closest personal friendship. General Strong was born at Granville, New York, on the loth of August, 1840. His parents moved to Wis- 93 94 MEMORIALS. consin a few years later, where he passed his youth and early manhood. He had just been admitted to the bar of his adopted State when the firing on Sumter stirred his patriotic heart, and under the first call for troops in 1 86 1, his services were offered in defense of his country. He immediately raised a company for the Second Wis- consin Infantry, in April, 1861, and began his military career in the Army of the Potomac, where he took an honorable part with his regiment in the first battles of the war, at Blackburn's Ford and Bull Run. A few months later, he was promoted Major of the Twelfth Wisconsin Infantry, and joined that magnificent Army of the Tennessee, with which his name and fame will be forever associated, and where he remained until the close of the war. There are those present who vividly recall his soldierly figure, and manly bearing, as he marched away with his regiment not to return until peace should be restored to a united country. General Strong, at an early period of the war, for bravery in battle, was assigned to duty on the staff of the gallant and lamented McPherson, by whom he was held in the highest esteem, and he received the last order General McPherson ever gave, a moment before he was killed in the battle of Atlanta, on the 22d of July, 1864. After the death of General McPherson, General Strong remained on duty as Chief of Staff for General O. O. Howard, until the restoration of peace in 1865. It is sufficient to say of his military record, that he served with distinction in every battle and campaign of the Army of the Tennessee from the beginning to the end of the war. When Vicksburg surrendered to that gallant army, on the 4th day of July, 1863, the honor of raising the American flag over its captured ramparts, was con- ferred upon General Strong. He was brevetted Briga- MEMORIALS. 95 dier General in March, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service. After the war, General Strong came to Chicago to engage in business, where he continued to reside until his death. Although never holding any official position, he always took an active interest in public affairs. In all business transactions he was the soul of integrity and honor, and no one in the city where he lived for more than twenty years, was held in higher esteem. He was the close personal friend of the lamented Sheridan, and his companion in many excursions over the mountains, and on our Western frontier. An interesting and graphic description of one of these trips with the Secretary of War, to the Yellowstone, in 1875, was published by General Strong for private circulation. He was a man of culture and refinement, and he had accumulated at his home in Chicago a collection of original orders, letters and other papers relating to the war, of great historical value and interest. Of a frank, manly, and generous disposition; brave, gallant and chivalric; he illustrated in his own career, the highest and best type of the American soldier. He was our Chevalier Bayard, "without fear and without reproach." A man of strong personality, enthusiastic and of strik- ing appearance, how pleasant and how easy it is to recall him; we see him as Commander of this Order, presiding and transacting its business with dignity and dispatch; we see him at the banquet table, and again hear his words of patriotic eloquence. We see him the central figure of the group, leading in the stirring songs of the war. The members of this Commandery will miss his friendly greeting more and more as the years pass by, and will recall with inexpressible sadness " * the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still." 96 MEMORIALS. He was one of the earliest members of this Com- mandery, in which he always took a deep interest, and served for one term as its Commander. He fully appre- ciated the honor of such a position, and frequently stated that he esteemed it higher than any office in the gift of the people. His tender memory shall rest in the faithful keeping of his associates of this Commandery, who knew him best and loved him most, until we in turn shall have joined the great majority; and his well-earned fame shall constitute a part of the heritage to be transmitted to those who shall perpetuate our Order through coming time. EPHRAIM A. OTIS, JAMES L. HIGH, ARTHUR C. DUCAT, DAVID H. GILE, HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, CHARLES W. DREW, RICHARD S. TUTHILL, Committee. HENRY THEOPHILUS NOBLE Captain (Colonel by Assignment} and Assistant Quartermaster, United States Volunteers. Died at Dixon, Illinois, April 75, i8qi. ''FLGAIN the Companions of this Commandery are ad- f\ monished that death is the appointed lot of all, ^^ and that when the fatal mandate goes forth it must be obeyed; that neither wealth, station, or other earthly thing can stay the power which breaks the brittle thread of life and takes from us our cherished ones. A few days ago there was among us one who loved this Commandery with a passion as true as that of a mother for her child. His voice mingled joyously with ours when we sang the old familiar war-time songs. It is now silent in the grave, and never again shall we be 97 98 MEMORIALS. gladdened by his genial presence. To those of us who knew him best there is a vacancy here which can scarcely be rilled. His death was untimely and his Companions mourn as become those who have lost a comrade and friend. Colonel Henry Theophilus Noble was born of sturdy New England stock in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, May 30, 1 830. At twenty years of age he came to Dixon, Illinois, his home to the time of his death. This sad event occurred April 15, 1891, after an illness of three days. He attended as a delegate the recent State En- campment of the Grand Army of the Republic, and there contracted a cold which resulted in pneumonia, from which he died. He was followed to the grave by a whole community reverently mourning. He was universally respected and died universally regretted. A few days before his death he declined re-election to the office of Mayor of the city in which he lived. As a citizen he was public spirited and ever ready to give of his time or his means to promote the prosperity of the community in which he lived. As a public official he was honest, painstaking, and fearless in the discharge of his duty as he understood it. As a business man he was successful beyond the average. In social life he was loved, honored and respected. In the circle of his ac- quaintances no man will ever be more regretted. Colonel Noble was an ardent lover of his country. He enlisted in the United States service April 17, 1861, being the first man in Lee county to enroll his name as a volunteer. On the organization of Company "A", Thirteenth Illinois Infantry, he was elected First Lieu- tenant, and on May 24, 1861, commissioned Captain to rank from that date. He commanded this company until December, 1862, when he was detached and assigned to MEMORIALS. 99 duty as acting Assistant Quartermaster on the staff of General W. A. Gorman until February, 1863, and from that date until May, 1863, served in a like capacity on the staff of General L. F. Ross, commanding a division of the Thirteenth Corps, receiving honorable mention from the latter in his report of the Yazoo Expedition. Subsequently Colonel Noble served as aide on the staff of General P. J. Osterhaus until July 4, 1863, participat- ing in all the operations around Vicksburg up to the date of its surrender. July 8, 1863, he was commissioned as Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. V., serving with the army in the field, and also in charge of all river trans- portation at Helena, Arkansas. In March, 1865, he was assigned to duty at Little Rock, Arkansas, as Assistant Quartermaster of the Department of Arkansas. Bre- vetted Major U. S. V., March 13, 1865, and soon after brevetted Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel of U. S. V. Was Colonel by assignment and Chief Quartermaster, Department of Arkansas, on the staffs of Generals J. J. Reynolds and E. O. C. Ord from June 16, 1865, to October 5, 1866, when he was honorably discharged from service. In performing the arduous and important duties which devolved upon him he displayed signal ability, and was warmly commended therefor by Quartermaster General Meigs. His army life of five and a half years is without spot or blemish. He did his duty, and his whole duty, to his country in her hour of need. What more can be added to the record ? He offered all he had to give his life if need be no man could do more. He is gone from among us, but we shall ever cherish his memory. He was a brave and true man; may we all meet him in the great hereafter. To his family we tender our most earn- est sympathy in their great bereavement, and mourn in TOO MEMORIALS. common with his fellow citizens because one of their bravest and best has departed. JOHN D. CRABTREE, A. C. BARDWELL, L. B. CROOKER, Committee. JOHN GARDINER REID. Captain Fifth United States Veteran Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Afril 26, i8qi. ON SUNDAY, the 26th day of April last, our late Companion Captain John Gardiner Reid died at his home at Ravenswood in this city, in the fifty- fourth year of his age. He was born at Poughkeepsie, New York, whence, a year later, his parents removed to Salisbury, Connecti- cut, where his father, Rev. Adam Reid, presided over a parish for upwards of forty years. After our late companion had taken a course at Wil- liams College, had studied law and commenced its prac- tice, he removed to New London, Ohio, where he was engaged in his profession at the time Fort Sumter was IO2 MEMORIALS. fired upon. He enlisted as private in Company D of the Eighth Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on the i/th of April, 1 86 1, in response to the call of President Lin- coln for 75,000 volunteers to serve for three months. On June 3d .of the same year he re-enlisted as private in the same company and regiment, to serve for three years or during the war. On July 9, 1861, as a member of that regiment he entered upon active service in West Virginia. From that time onward for a period of three years he was in active service, as private, corporal, sergeant, first sergeant, second and first lieutenant and captain, serving also as adjutant of his regiment, and assistant adjutant general of his brigade and division. His service was first under General McClellan, in West Virginia; then under Gen- erals Lander and Shields (in what came to be known as Shields' Division), in the Shenandoah Valley; then under General Pope, in the Army of Virginia, and afterwards in all the campaigns and battles of the Army of the Poto- mac until the 1 3th of July, 1 864, when he left the trenches in front of Petersburg to be mustered out with his regi- ment. He re-entered the service in January, 1865, as re- cruiting officer for Hancock's Veteran Corps, in which he was commissioned Captain, and served on the staff of General S. S. Carroll, commanding First Division, as Judge Advocate, until honorably mustered out in Novem- ber, 1865. He personally took part in fifty-seven different en- gagements with the enemy. Concerning his bravery and efficiency it is only necessary to state the fact that in nearly all these engagements he was on the staff of Major General S. S. Carroll, between whom and our late Com- panion there was that bond of love and fellowship which MEMORIALS. 1 03 grew in the days that tried men's souls, and which we all recognize as the same tie that has drawn and kept to- gether our Order of the Loyal Legion. Among the battles in which he took part, was the Battle of Port Republic. During that battle he rode a gray horse, and was most conspicuous for this reason, and thereby was especially exposed. Colonel Henry B. Kelley, of the Confederate Army, in his account of the Battle of Port Republic, printed by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1886, among other things makes the follow- ing statement concerning a Federal officer as seen from the Confederate side of the battle. He says: "A con- spicuous figure in the battle scene at this stage was a field officer on a gray charger, directing and leading the advance of the Federal line. Referring to an earlier stage of the battle, on the right, near the river, the commanding officer of the Fifth Virginia, in his report, makes mention of the Federal officer upon a gray steed, who there rode in front of his men, waving his hat and cheering them on; but this officer, he says, was soon picked off by the Confederate sharpshooters. As to this, he must have been mistaken, for it was doubtless the same intrepid officer who led the last charge of the Federal forces on that field, with a gallantry so conspicuous as to win the admiration of both armies. Whoever he was, there is not a Confederate survivor of that fierce fight who would not be proud to salute him." A member of this committee was in that battle, and is satisfied from all the circumstances which then came within his knowledge, and from conversations since had with Captain Reid and others, that the gallant officer mentioned was none other than our departed companion. Our late Companion, soon after being mustered out of the service, resumed the practice of his profession in IO4 MEMORIALS. this city, in which he always displayed the same untiring energy and loyalty to the interests of his clients, which distinguished him in defense of the flag during the war. He leaves surviving him his widow and two young daughters. To them this Commandery tenders its sym- pathy and claims the privilege of uniting its tears with theirs in a common sorrow, they for the loss of a loving husband and fond father, we for the loss of an honored companion, friend and brother in arms, always loyal and true and never found wanting. JOHN S. COOPER, DAVID T. CORBIN, WILLIAM VOCKE, Committee. FRANKLIN FOSTER FLINT. Colonel (Retired), United States Army. Died at Highland Park, Illinois, September /j, 1891. \i/E are called upon again to mourn the loss of a "R Companion of this Commandery. On Tuesday, September 15, 1891, Companion Franklin Foster Flint died at his home at Highland Park, Illinois. He was born at Walpole, New Hampshire, April 29, 1821. In 1837 he was appointed a cadet from Massachusetts to the United States Military Academy, whence he graduated in 1841, and was appointed a Second Lieutenant of the Sixth Regiment of Infantry, in which capacity he served in the Florida war. He rose gradually through the different grades from Lieutenant to Colonel, reaching the latter grade in July, 1868. 105 IO6 MEMORIALS. The service of Companion Flint was rendered chiefly on the frontier, sometimes in garrison and again in con- flict with hostile Indians, from Florida to California. It has been said of him in this connection that "his wise counsel and firm treatment of Red Cloud's tribe of Ogal- lallah Sioux tended greatly towards bringing them to terms of peace." In the War of the Rebellion he served in Kentucky, Ohio, and Missouri, always with credit to himself and with satisfaction to his commanders. Companion Flint had been for several years a resident of Highland Park, where he was universally respected and esteemed, his genial manners and gentlemanly courtesy gaining him friends among all classes. He was modest, unassuming, and upright in character; in all his long official life he was, like the motto of his ancestors, <( Sine Maculo." JUDSON D. BlNGHAM, MICHAEL R. MORGAN, OTHO H. MORGAN, Committee. THOMAS DEAN. Captain Third Michigan Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, December 17, i8gi . OUR Companion, Captain Thomas Dean, passed to his final rest on the i/th day of December, 1891, after a comparatively brief illness, and while in the prime of manhood. By his death this Commandery loses a valued member, known to many of us for years as a man of untiring energy, sterling virtues, and one highly esteemed by a large circle of social and com- mercial associates. Captain Dean was born in Wayne County, New York, in 1840, where he remained until about 1860, when he went to Allegan, Michigan, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. In September, 1861, he enlisted in 107 IO8 MEMORIALS. Company A of the Third Michigan Cavalry. Full of zeal, his latent abilities rapidly developed and promotion followed. Early in the history of the Regiment, it was fit that he should be advanced through the several grades of non-commissioned officers, and in October, 1862, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant. Again, in Feb- ruary, 1863, he was promoted to the First Lieutenancy, and in October, 1864, was made Captain of the Com- pany with which he entered the service. Himself ex- alted by the men he was selected to lead, the great commonwealth was honored with a brave and efficient soldier. During the long and eventful years of active service, he accepted the trials and severities of a soldier's life in a loyal spirit, and was entitled to a full share of the honors bestowed upon the company commanders of a regiment so distinguished as was the Third Michigan Cavalry. No braver man followed the flag or participated in the engagements of this regiment. Returning to civil pursuits, after the close of the war, our lamented Companion was, for a time, in the office of the Internal Revenue Department, at Memphis, Ten- nessee, and later on, was in charge of the Collector's office for Internal Revenue, at Paw Paw, Michigan. Subsequently, and for nearly twenty years, he had been engaged in insurance, as local agent, traveling agent and general adjuster for prominent companies, and in that work was best known to many of us as a man of peculiar tact and rare executive ability. It has been said, "As an adjuster, he excelled not merely for his intelligence and efficiency, but for his conscientious work." Captain Dean joined this Commandery, March 13, 1 890, and has been an enthusiastic and valued member. We extend to his bereaved companion and other rela- MEMORIALS. 1 09. tives, such expressions of sympathy as their great loss may properly command from his Companions in arms, who loved a common country, and followed the same flag when the Nation was in peril. An upright man, a sincere friend, a patriotic citizen, a zealous Companion, in whose death this Commandery loses an exemplary member. WILLIAM H. TAYLOR, GEORGE H. HOLLOWAY, SAMUEL S. FROWE, Committee. GEORGE HENRY BARRY. Captain Eighth New York Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 5, 1892. I HE roll of muffled drums is heard with unwonted ^ frequency, and the notes of one funeral dirge have hardly died away before we are again called upon to bear the remains of another loved Companion to his last rest- ing place, thus being reminded that we too shall soon be summoned to report to the Great Commander. To-night we would offer a tribute to the memory of Captain George Henry Barry, who was born February 9, 1827, and died January 5, 1892. He was enrolled as Captain of Company H, Eighth New York Cavalry, September 23, 1861. His service was with the Army of the Potomac, in which he dis- MEMORIALS. I I I tinguished himself as an officer of firm and quiet de- meanor, ever ready to execute any order, however haz- ardous, without murmur or complaint. He was an ac- tive participant in many important engagements, among which may be mentioned Winchester (May 25, 1862), Harper's Ferry (September 14, 1862), Antietam (Septem- ber 17, 1862), Chancellorsville (May 2, 1863), Gettys- burg (July 13, 1863), Culpepper (September 13, 1863), and Stevensburg (November 7, 1863). In this last named engagement he was severely wounded and dis- abled for further duty, and was honorably discharged February 9, 1864. As a citizen and neighbor it can be said that he was ever ready to uphold the right, and at the same time it seemed a pleasure for him to sacrifice his own comfort and convenience if thereby he could contribute to the happiness and pleasure of those around him. Companion Barry was a most devoted husband and a kind and indulgent father, preferring the quiet com- panionship of his family to that of any club or social society, and therefore was most frequently seen at his own fireside, in his cheerful home, which was one of the happiest. Those who knew him best will mourn the loss of a true and loyal friend and genial Companion. To his family, in their sad bereavement and great loss, we tender the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of loving Companions. THEODORE H. PATTERSON, LEWIS B. MITCHELL, JAMES M. BALL, Committee. WARREN EWEN. Acting First Assistant Engineer United States Navy. Died at Evanston, Illinois, January 26, 1892. e^PANION Warren Ewen was appointed Acting Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. N., January 7, 1862; promoted Acting Second Assistant Engineer, De- cember 13, 1862, and Acting First Assistant Engineer, November 12, 1863, and was honorably discharged from service in the United States Navy, November 13, 1865. He served on the United States Ship "Sumter" in the Charleston Blockade. On May n, 1862, he was taken prisoner near Savannah, Georgia, and after five months' imprisonment was released from Libby Prison October 1 1, 1862, and ordered to the United States Ship "Iroquois" in the blockade off Wilmington, North Caro- MEMORIALS. 113 lina. He served on the " Bienville " in the Gulf of Mexico; was with Farragut in the passing of Forts Morgan and Gaines at Mobile; took part in the blockade off Galveston, and was Engineer in charge of the iron- clad " Napa." He was elected a member of the Order through this Commandery, January 10, 1889; was transferred to the Commandery of the State of California, May 16, 1889, and re-transferred to this Commandery November 16, 1891. He died at Evanston, Illinois, January 26, 1892. Your Committee's knowledge of his life, beyond his Naval service, is quite limited. He was born in New York City in 1829, and was married in early life to Sarah F. Faulkner, who with five children mourns his loss. His eldest son, Warren Ewen, of this city, is entitled, by inheritance, to membership in this Order. Shortly after the close of the Rebellion, Companion Ewen entered the service of the Chilian Government, as Chief Engineer of its Navy, and served therein during the war with Spain. With torpedoes purchased through his agency in New York and Europe, he was instrumental in driving the Spanish fleet from the Chilian coast. After the close of the Chilian War, he was engaged in building railroads in Chili, Peru, and Bolivia; returning to the United States in 1872, residing at intervals in New Or- leans, New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Beyond this, it is enough to know that, in his early manhood, he tendered his services to his country; suffered five months' military imprisonment; as a commissioned officer in the United States Navy, for three years and five months, trod the decks of four United States war ships; sailed with the immortal Farragut past Forts Morgan and Gaines into Mobile. Bay; and was honorably discharged from the Naval service of the United States. 114 MEMORIALS. His devotion, life and record entitled him to be a member of our Commandery, and as Companions of the Order we mourn his loss, extend our sympathies to his bereaved family, and will cherish his memory. JOHN L. BEVERIDGE, ARCHIBALD WINNE, CALEB S. BURDSAL, Committee. JOHN RUSSELL W1NTERBOTHAM. First Lieutenant One Hundred and Fifty-fifth New York Infantry and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago. January jo, 1892. *7TjT the reunion of the Society of the Army of the Ten- j\ nessee and at the meetings of the Commandery ^*- last fall, there was no one present whose apparent health and vigor gave better promise of a long and use- ful life than our late Companion, John Russell Winter- botham. Colonel Winterbotham was born at Frederickstown, Ohio, February i, 1843. At seventeen years of age he went to Ann Arbor, Mich. , to prepare for a college course. During the vacation in September, 1862, while visiting in New York State, he entered service, under the call Il6 MEMORIALS. made at that time by President Lincoln, as aid to General Corcoran. On March 3, 1863, he was mustered in as First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth New York Volunteers. He was brevetted Captain March 13, 1863, and afterwards was brevetted Major and Lieutenant-Colonel for "faithful and meritori- ous services during the War." Colonel Winterbotham's service was, until July, 1863, in the Department of Virginia, in the country around Norfolk. He participated in the actions in and around Suffolk, including the period of the siege by Longstreet. His brigade was then sent to Washington, and remained in service in that Department until the opening of the campaign of 1864, in May, when it was assigned to the Second Army Corps, with whose heroic deeds he was associated during that memorable campaign. Commenc- ing with the battle of the Wilderness, he was in the charge in the angle at Spottsylvaniaon the I2th of May, where the fighting, with only the breastworks between the contending foes, lasted from early dawn till long after dark in the evening, when the enemy fell back to their inner intrenchments. He was in the charge at Cold Harbor, on June 3, where the loss of nearly ten thousand men in the space of an early morning attested the heroic bravery of the troops making the charge, and where the Second Corps, after making a lodgment in the enemy's works, was obliged to fall back for want of support. Colonel Winterbotham was wounded, but not severely. There were but forty in his regiment who came out of that charge fit for duty, of whom he was one. On July 1 6, in the storming of the Petersburg works, he was severely wounded, and was honorably discharged on account of the disability caused thereby on December 22, 1864. On his discharge from service, Colonel MEMORIALS. 117 Winterbotham returned to Fort Madison, Iowa, where he had resided at the time of his entry into service, and there became cashier of the First National Bank. In 1868 he removed to Chicago, in connection with the contracting firm of J. H. Winterbotham & Sons, of which firm he became manager, and continued in this position, and as Vice-President of the Continental Na- tional Bank, until the time of his death, January 30, 1892. In his business career, his fidelity to his trusts, his regard for the rights of others, and his pleasant dis- position, gained him the love of all under him, and the respect and esteem of all with whom he did business. Colonel Winterbotham's civil life was peculiarly a home life; caring little for the larger forms of social life, he was happy in the society of his friends and in his family. Those of us who knew him always looked for- ward to the pleasure of meeting him at our monthly gatherings, and will always feel the loss of his genial presence and cordial welcome. BENJAMIN W. UNDERWOOD, ISRAEL P. RUMSEY, GEORGE K. DAUCHY, Committee. ROBERT BARLOW HANNA. Caftain Seventy-second Indiana Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Bloomington, Illinois. March 6, 1892. etfPANION Captain Robert Barlow Hanna was born at Brookville, Indiana, October 29, 1819, and died at Bloomington, Illinois, March 6, 1892, of a gunshot wound in the hip, received at the battle of Chickamauga, and which caused nearly complete paraplegia for more than three years prior to his death. His remains have been interred in the burying ground of his family, at Attica, Indiana. He was a civil engineer by profession; became Captain of Company H, Seventy-second Indiana In- fantry Volunteers, at that company's organization; served in what was known as "The Mounted Lightning Brigade," 118 MEMORIALS. 119 and was an active participant in the maneuvres, skir- mishes, raids and battles in which that command was from time to time engaged, until he was disabled and compelled by his injury to resign his commission. Captain Hanna was a typical specimen of the Scotch Irish race; in which, and in his ancestors, he took great pride. His original Scotch ancestor was a follower of Cromwell from the west of Scotland, and settled in County Down, Ireland; where his sons, Robert and Hugh, after the restoration of Charles the Second, be- came obnoxious to the favorites of that king because of the activity and aggressiveness their father had shown; and to better their condition and escape persecution, sought a home in the American colonies then the asylum of that class and settled in Wilmington, Delaware. Robert went from there to Virginia. His eldest son, Robert, went from Virginia to South Carolina. His son, Robert, was Surveyor-General of that State; and after- wards settled on the Whitewater, at Brookville, Indiana. His eldest son, Robert, the father of our deceased Com- panion, was the first United States Marshal for the territory of Indiana, appointed by President William Henry Harrison, and was also one of the first of the two United States Senators representing that State on its admission, by appointment, one of the Senators-elect having died before taking his seat. Though otherwise in good health and remarkably vigorous for his age, Captain Hanna was at times a great sufferer from his wound, but he always bore his affliction unmurmuringly and with a patience that was heroic, and though helpless, and for a long time before his death unable to move the lower portions of his body, while his mind remained as clear and bright as in the days of his vigorous manhood, conscious of the fact that he was but I2O MEMORIALS. waiting for the end, knowing that each week the paralysis had crept a little closer to the vital organs, yet, when free from pain, he was cheerful and buoyant, and at times overflowing with mirth and good nature, his crisp conversation and frank, jovial manner often enter- taining, cheering and instructing those who came to comfort him. He was instinctively honest, with a keen sense of justice and fairness; but he was irritated by and intolerant of anything that seemed tainted with cowardice, false pretense or hypocrisy. Plainly democratic in all his tendencies, a strict disciplinarian but a genial companion when off duty; unconscious of physical fear, and endowed with great powers of endurance, he was always at the front in every affair or movement of interest, in civil as well as military life. He was frank, open, often blunt and undiplomatic, in his manner, giving emphasis to his indignant or resentful thoughts in terse Anglo-Saxon. He was rarely moved by the ordinary incidents of every- day life or of the camp or march, but in the crisis, the trying ordeal of battle or heat of mental controversy, he was outspoken in approval or disapproval. To the shirk, coward, marauder and pretentious hypocrite, he was a terror and a source of constant apprehension. He was loved and respected by the earnest soldiers of his com- mand, and by his neighbors. He did not arouse enthus- iasm in his command. He inspired confidence^ con- fidence in his ability, and in the ability of his superiors, and in the success of the enterprise in which they might be engaged. To the worn-out, sick or wounded, and to the unfortunate and suffering, he showed the tenderness of a woman; and to all he was generous to a fault: " Careless their merit or their faults to scan, His pity gave, ere charity began." MEMORIALS. 121 Our deceased Companion had three brothers who rendered honorable service in the army for the Union during the war: Major Claiborne Hanna, Paymaster, U. S. A. ; Captain John L. Hanna, Eleventh Indiana Infantry; Captain Joseph Madison Hanna, Eighth Illinois Infantry, mortally wounded at Shiloh. He also had three other brothers who were outspoken active unionists during the war AVilliam H. Hanna, Thomas Hanna and David Hanna. His surviving children are Captain Robert Hanna, United States Army (retired); Samuel C. Hanna, William Hanna and Mary L. Hanna. His de- clining years were made cheerful by his children and by the children of a deceased brother by Mrs. H. C. Luce, with whom he for many years made his home, and Mrs. George P. Davis, whom he had cared for in their infancy, as well as by a host of friends. Those who knew him longest and best, loved him most. His thanatopsis evolved no remorseful pang; wrung from him no appeal for pity or for mercy. Conscious of the rectitude of his own life and of his right to be re- corded as "one who loved his fellow men," without tremor, without doubt, with an abiding faith in the just- ness of his Creator as a God of Love and Mercy, he de- sired to begin his immortal life in the great hereafter exactly as he had lived here, simply "doing the best he knew how." Amid loving friends; ripe in years; having faithfully served his country and fulfilled his obligations to humanity, "sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust, he approached the grave like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams." JOHN McNuLTA, WALTER Q. GRESHAM, THOMAS E. MILCHRIST, Committee. DANIEL DUSTIN. Colonel One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry. Brevet Brigadier General United States Volunteers. Died at Carthage, Missouri, March jo, i8g2. *7Y,GAIN the message which is becoming so frequent f\ reaches us, telling that another of our Companions ^* has joined the Grand Army invisible, and we who tarry here yet a little longer, place on our record our estimate of his worth. General Daniel Dustin was born in Topsham, Ver- mont, October 5, 1820, where the earlier years of his life were passed. He studied medicine, taking a medical course at Dartmouth College, graduating therefrom in 1846. He practiced his profession in Vermont and in California until 1858, when he came to Sycamore, Illinois, where he has since resided. In 1855 and 1856 MEMORIALS. 123 he represented Nevada County, California, in the legis- lature. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he en- listed in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and was mustered into the service in September, 1861, as Captain of Company L. In January, 1862, he was promoted to Major of that regiment. In September, 1862, he was made Colonel of the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was in the Army of the Cumberland, and from the beginning of the Atlanta campaign to the end of the war, in the First Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps, serving for nearly three years with President Harrison, who was Colonel of the Seventieth Indiana, in the same Brigade. He was brevetted Brigadier General and commanded the Second Brigade of said Division and Corps during the latter part of the service, which culminated in the Grand Review at Washington, May 24, 1865. Returning home, the General was elected County Clerk of DeKalb County, in the Fall of 1865; afterwards County Treasurer, and then Circuit Clerk of said County, where he served for ten years. He has been Trustee of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, of Quincy, since its organization, and on May 2, 1890, he was appointed United States Assistant Treasurer at Chicago, which position he held till the time of his death. He died on March 30, 1892, and was buried at his home in Sycamore, the third day of April, 1892, leaving a widow and four children. At his funeral the following telegram from his old friend and comrade, President Harrison, was read: EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, April i, 1892. JOHN C. CRAFT, Acting Assistant Treasurer United States, Chicago. I have heard with great sorrow of the death of my old comrade and friend, General Daniel Dustin. He was a gallant soldier and a citizen of sterling worth. Please convey to his family the assurance of my sympathy. BENJAMIN HARRISON. 124 MEMORIALS. General Dustin was a man who drew after him a friendship that was lasting; the more one knew him the better he loved him. His was an impulsive and genial nature. His generous heart and his true worth drew about him a circle of acquaintances who were charmed into a life long attachment. He loved his country and cherished a most ardent affection for the old flag; while on his deathbed, not many minutes before he died, he requested to have the flag brought to his bedside, and as he gazed upon its beautiful stripes and stars, he called for three cheers for "Old Glory." His family has lost a devoted husband and a kind father; the community in which he lived, a beloved neighbor and friend; this Commandery a loyal Com- panion; the Government, a faithful and trustworthy officer, and the Nation a patriot. He has passed from the "known to the unknown," from earth to the here- after of hope and faith, but his rare qualities of mind and heart will remain as pleasant memories to those who knew and loved him. EVERELL F. DUTTON, JAMES A. SEXTON, THEODORE S. ROGERS, Committee. SAMUEL BALDWIN SHERER. Major Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Hot Springs, Arkansas, July 16, 1892. 3AMUEL BALDWIN SHERER was born at Mont- rose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. March- ing in the grand column that peopled and devel- oped the West, the call to arms found him a resident of Aurora, Illinois, where he entered the service as a mem- ber of a troop designated as ''Company A, Dragoons." His worth being quickly recognized, he was elected First Lieutenant, his command being immediately assigned to the Thirty sixth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, then sta- tioned at Rolla, Missouri, which it immediately joined. During the ensuing fall and winter, arduous duties were performed in that Department under the varying condi- 125 126 MEMORIALS. tions which then prevailed. His Company was the fol- lowing year transferred to West Tennessee, and during the battle of Corinth, October 3d and 4th, 1862, rendered conspicuous service as escort to the commanding Gen- eral, William S. Rosecrans. A subsequent assignment gave him the Captaincy of Company K, Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, where, through the appreciation of his superiors he was advanced to the rank of Major, which rank he retained until his service terminated by expiration in the autumn of 1864. The experience thus acquired was valuable to his adopted state in the establishment and training of its National Guard, in which by unremitting toil, devotion, and personal sacrifice, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the First Regiment. In the death of Major Sherer, which occurred at Hot Springs, Arkansas, July 16, 1892, this Commandery loses a zealous Companion, the community a valued member, and the State an exemplary and patriotic citi- zen and soldier. His life was a well rounded one. His quiet, unassuming ways, so well known to his personal friends, and his devoted and most affectionate duty to his family attest his manly qualities more strongly than mere words can express them. We sincerely mourn the sundering of the fraternal ties, growing stronger day by day, as the true nobility of the country and the grand characters the soldiers of this great Republic drop from our roll by death, but never by dishonor. We shall hold the memory of this most worthy Com- panion in affectionate and respectful esteem. ARTHUR C. DUCAT, WILLIAM L. BARNUM, SAMUEL S. FROWE, Committee. JOHN CURTIS BUNDY. Lieutenant Colonel first Arkansas Infantry, United States Volunteers, Died at Chicago, Illinois, August 6, 1892. OUR late Companion, Lieutenant Colonel John Curtis Bundy, was born at St. Charles, Kane County, Illi- nois, on the i6th day of February, 1841. On the 7th day of August, 1861, he enlisted as a private in what was then known as the Kane County Independent Cav- alry. His military service was principally in the States of Missouri and Arkansas, and his duties in camp and in battle were performed with such credit to himself and approbation of his superior officers that in July, 1862, he was, by order of Major General S. R. Curtis, commis- sioned as Lieutenant Colonel of the First Arkansas In- fantry. 127 128 MEMORIALS. Broken in health by the arduous duties of the cam- paigns in which he took part, he returned to his home, taking up his residence in Chicago, where for many years, and up to the time of his death, he was the editor and proprietor of The Religio-Philosophical Journal. In his editorial, as in his military work, devotion to duty was the one governing principle of his life. He sought to know and to declare only the truth; by it, he insisted, all the cherished hopes, the fond beliefs, even the solemn convictions of life were to be tested. Death loomed before and came to him no dark abyss in which lay the unknown, but a narrow way leading to another life. We, his Companions, who knew and loved him, some of us with and some without his faith in what lies beyond, standing by his grave, with one voice unite in calling "Faithful soldier, upright, honorable man, true-hearted friend, hail and farewell." AREA N. WATERMAN, MARTIN J. RUSSELL, OLIVER W. NIXON, Committee. SABIN D PUTERBAUGH. Major Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, Untied States Volunteers. Died at Peoria, Illinois, September 25, r8q2. 'Tt.S THE touch of the Frost King's icy finger trans- [\ forms the beautiful foliage of yesterday into the ^~ withered and lifeless leaf of to-day, so has the cold hand of death cut down in the prime of manhood a Com- panion who would have made himself known and felt in this Commandery, had he been spared to us. Sabin D. Puterbaugh, the learned jurist, the eminent author, the genial companion, departed this life, Septem- ber 25, 1892, on the eve of his fifty-eighth birthday anni- versary. Born amid the surroundings from which have sprung a large majority of America's scholars, soldiers and statesmen, he passed from the farm to the school, 129 I3O MEMORIALS. to the teacher's desk, to the court room, to the judge's bench. When his country called he was ready. Commis- sioned as Major of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry by the War Governor of his State, he participated with his regi- ment in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and Bolivar. Re- signing his commission on account of failing health, he resumed the practice of his profession. In 1869 he was elected Circuit Judge of what was then the eighteenth judicial circuit, comprising the counties of Peoria and Stark. In 1873 he resigned the judgeship, preferring the more active duties of the advocate, in which he was continuously and assiduously engaged up to the time of his death. Our deceased Companion was the author of several standard works on legal pleading and practice, which may be found in the library of almost every lawyer in the States of Illinois and Michigan, and was widely known and recognized as one of the ablest and best equipped lawyers in the West. He was endowed with intellectual abilities of a high order, which he had trained and developed by careful and patient habits of study and observation. He was a tireless and persistent worker. His reasoning was concise and exact. His wide and well- digested knowledge of law and precedent, and his powers of cogent and persuasive argument made him a safe counsellor and a successful advocate. His warm and generous heart, his broad charity, and his sunny disposi- tion, attracted to him a large circle of friends, and his striking personality impressed itself on all with whom he came in contact. Closed is the record of a useful and busy life; a life full of energy and worthy ambition; a life that gave as well as received. Stilled is that teeming and active MEMORIALS. 13! brain. The shadows of "the night when no man can work " have fallen across his path. He has passed before us to "Fame's eternal camping ground," mourned by the community in which he lived, by the profession that he adorned and by his Companions of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, who tender to the family of our de- parted friend and brother, the sympathy born of a com- mon bereavement. ELIOT CALLENDER, HENRY P. AYRES, JACOB C. HANSEL, Committee. NATHAN HALBERT WALWORTH. Colonel Forty-second Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers Died at Chicago, Illinois, October 2g, 1802. 'TTiNOTHER manly face will be missed from our social f\ gatherings, another genial spirit has passed away. ^* Our friend who faced danger on so many battle fields has finally answered to the last roll-call and the angel of death has softly placed his arms around him and carried him home. On Saturday, the 29th day of October, 1892, Colonel Nathan H. Walworth died at his home, at Evanston, Illinois. He was born in Oneida County, New York, in 1832, and received his education at the Rome Academy and Cazenovia Seminary. In 1855 he married Miss Adelia E. Cornish of the same county in which he was 132 MEMORIALS. 133 born, and believing that the great West presented better opportunities for success, he and his bride started the same year for Illinois, settling first in Fulton County and subsequently removing to Oneida, in Knox County, where he engaged in mercantile business. Though a young man and a stranger his abilities were at once recognized. He was chosen by the people as Supervisor of the town. In all matters pertaining to the welfare of the community he took a leading and active part, faithfully attending to all duties reposed upon him. Having a natural tendency toward military matters and some experience as a Captain of artillery of the National Guards of New York, and possessing to a high degree a love for his country, he immediately, after the firing of the first gun at Fort Sumter, commenced to arrange his business matters so that, if needed, he could tender his services to the country. Being convinced in the early summer of 1861 that it was his duty to go the field, he commenced the organi- zation of a company of infantry, which early in July was assigned to duty with the Forty-second Illinois Infantry as Company C, with him as its Captain, his commission dating July 22, 1861. In December of the .same year he was promoted to Major; in October, 1862, to Lieutenant Colonel, and on February 15, 1863, he was commissioned Colonel. From the time he was promoted to Major until May 15, 1864, when he resigned, he was constantly in command of his regiment, and in the battles of Chicka- mauga and Mission Ridge he commanded a brigade in Sheridan's Division of the Army of the Cumberland. His services in the field, briefly stated, commenced in Sep- tember, 1 86 1, in Missouri under Fremont, taking part in the campaigns under Generals Fremont and Hunter. In February, 1862, he left under orders of that department 134 MEMORIALS. to reinforce General Grant at Donelson. His regiment, meeting the prisoners taken in that battle, at Cairo, was thereupon ordered down the Mississippi to Island No. 10. While the siege of this island was carried on and no apparent progress was made, Major Walworth conceived the idea of surprising the water battery located above the bend of the river and commanding it for a con- siderable distance. His suggestion was carried out by Colonel Roberts in his famous exploit on April ist, by which the guns at that battery were spiked and our iron- clads were enabled to run the gauntlet at the island, cut off the retreat of the Confederates towards the south and finally compel them to surrender. From here the regiment went to New Madrid and Fort Pillow and was then ordered up the Tennessee river to Hamburg Land- ing, where it engaged in the various movements around Corinth, and, when Bragg occupied Kentucky, made a forced march from the Tennessee river at Tuscumbia to Nashville, where it took part in the siege of that city and the many skirmishes incident thereto. After Bragg's re- treat from Kentucky, and the reorganization of the army, the regiment became a part of the Army of the Cumber- land until the. ending of the war. Colonel Walworth was one of the warm friends of General Sheridan, who, recognizing his keen perceptions and excellent military judgment, not only frequently en- trusted to him operations of importance, but advised with him as to the feasibility of carrying out intended movements. Companion Walworth's civil career after the war was closed was all that could be expected of so brave and good a soldier. His home life was ideal. He was a conscientious, affectionate husband whose greatest pleas- ure was to make all who came near him happy. MEMORIALS. 135 Successful in his worldly affairs he was one of the rare men who dispensed charities during his lifetime, giving without being asked to the young starting out in business life that they might successfully hew their way to prosperity, while those who came to him for help and were worthy never left empty handed. And with all his success in every avenue that had opened itself to him his modesty was predominant, no one ever hearing him speak in boastful language of his doings or achievements on the field of battle. To those who knew him he was a dear, devoted friend, and by his death this Commandery loses a Com- panion whose place can never be filled. EDGAR D. SWAIN, ALEXANDER F. STEVENSON, ZENAS P. HANSON, Committee. JOSEPH CLAPP. Captain Eighth Illinois Cavalry, United States Volunteers Died at Bolton, Massachusetts, November 20, IN MEMORY of Companion Captain Joseph Clapp: Born in Boston, Massachusetts, August 28, 1839; died in Bolton, Massachusetts, November 20, 1892. Between these dates our Companion lived and loved, struggled and sorrowed, hoped and triumphed. Born in the City of Patriots and reared amid the hallowed scenes of the Revolution, he was inspired with an intense love of liberty and country. When liberty was confronted by slavery and his country stood face to face with rebel- lion, he armed in their defense. He enlisted September 6, 1861, in Company F, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and followed the varied fortunes of his 136 MEMORIALS. 137 regiment in the Army of the Potomac, until its muster out, July 17, 1865. The regimental record is the best evidence of his service, his sacrifice and the esteem of his companions in arms. September 18, 1861, he was mustered and appointed First Corporal. May 30, 1 863, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant. March I, 1864, he was commissioned First Lieutenant. January 6, 1865, he was commissioned Captain of Company F, and commanded his company until its final muster out. He returned to civil life with the steady purpose and unflinching courage that marked his military career. In- flexible in will, his conscience was open to truth. Stern in purpose, his moral being was softened by gentleness. Rugged by nature, his heart warmed with love. As a man, citizen, son, brother, husband and father, he was faithful and true to every trust and every relation in life. For years he fought patiently, uncomplainingly, manfully against disease. He sought rest and health in a warmer clime, but yielding to the inevitable, returned to his native state to die. Deeply sympathizing with his family and friends, with them his Companions deplore his loss, and will emulate his virtues. He is tenting to-night on a far-away field. He is sleeping his last sleep, and God's voice only can awaken him to glory. In death's solemn presence and eternal stillness, let us softly whisper "Companion, farewell." HENRY A. PEARSONS, JOHN L. BEVERIDGE, FRANK CLENDENIN, Committee. FRANK HARWOOD WHITE. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Montague, Michigan, January 10, 1893. CENTERED the service as Quartermaster Sergeant, Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, U. S. V., February ^*-* 5, 1862; Second Lieutenant, December i, 1862; First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, De- cember i, 1862. Mustered out, March 14, 1865. War service with the Army of the Cumberland. 138 WILLIAM GALE MEAD. first Lieutenant Seventy-second Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January ij, ON January 13, 1893, the Illinois Comrnandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion was, by the hand of death, deprived of one of its most cherished Companions. First Lieutenant William Gale Mead entered the military service of the United States as Sergeant of Company D, Seventy- second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, July 25, 1862. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant, January 16, 1863; First Lieutenant, September 27, 1864, and mustered out of service with that rank on August 7, 1865. The last eight months of his military career were passed in acting as Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of Major 139 I4O MEMORIALS. General A. J. Smith, commanding the Sixteenth Army Corps. During the period of service with his regiment and in his staff position, he nobly did his full duty as an earnest and patriotic soldier, and merited the approbation of his superiors in office. The records of this Commandery show that he par- ticipated in General Grant's first and second attempt to capture Vicksburg; was in Ransom's Brigade, McArthur's Division of the Seventeenth Army Corps at Champion's Hill, and at the assault upon Vicksburg, where he re- ceived a gunshot wound in the head; was at the battle of Nashville in December, 1864, with the Sixteenth Army Corps; was at the siege of Mobile and the attack upon Spanish Fort, in April, 1865, and in various other en- gagements of lesser note. Since the war he has lived among us, quietly and unostentatiously, as becomes a hero. The record, of his life is a page of history. We write his epitaph in letters of gold: A brave soldier, a worthy citizen, a Christian gentleman. JOSEPH STOCKTON, GEORGE H. HEAFFORD, JAMES A. SEXTON, Committee. ARTHUR TANNATT WOODS. Died at Chicago, Illinois:, February 7, 'TKRTHUR TANNATT WOODS, eldest son of Captain f\ and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel George Henry ^~* Woods, who died September 30, 1884, at Decatur, Illinois, was born at Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 9, 1859. He lived with his parents in Minneapolis, Minne- sota, Omaha, Nebraska, and Salem, Massachusetts, until he entered the Naval Academy in September, 1876. He was graduated from the Naval Academy, as Cadet Engineer in June, 1880, and for three years served at sea on the ships Mayflower, Dispatch, Galena, Quinneborg, Nipsic, Lancaster and Trenton, and was promoted to Assistant Engineer from June 10, 1882. Till the fall of 1883, he served in the Bureau of Steam Engineering of 141 142 MEMORIALS. the Navy Department at Washington, District of Co- lumbia, when he was detailed to the University of Illinois at Champaign, for duty in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Here he served as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering till June, 1887, when, being offered the Professorship of his Department, on July 11, 1887, he resigned from the Navy. He remained at the University of Illinois until September I, 1891, when he resigned his position to ac- cept the Chair of Dynamic Engineering at Washington University, St. Louis. On September i, 1892, he re- signed his position in the Washington University to be- come Associate Editor of the Railroad Gazette at Chicago, which position he occupied at the time of his death in Chicago, February 7, 1893. In June, 1890, Mr. Woods received the degree of Master of Mechanical Engineering from Cornell Uni- versity. He was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a member of the American Society of Naval Engineers from the time of its organization, and was an associate member of the Railway Master Mechanics Association. He was the author of a text- book on mechanism, a book on compound locomotives and of various papers and articles on mechanical engi- neering in the magazines devoted to that subject. In addition to his editorial duties, he acted as consulting mechanical engineer in Chicago. On September 2, 1884, Mr. Woods married Harriet Scott de Krafft, daughter of Rear Admiral J. C. P. de Krafft, U. S. N., who survives him. He left no children, and his only brother, W. H. P. Woods, now a student in the Boston University, resides at Salem, Massachusetts. February 6, 1892, Mr. Woods was admitted through the Commandery of the State of Missouri, to the Military MEMORIALS. 143 Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States as a member of the First Class by inheritance, and was trans- ferred to the Commandery of the State of Illinois on November 21, 1892. Though connected with the Illinois Commandery but a short time, Mr. Woods won the respect of the Com- panions with whom he was brought into contact, by his gentlemanly bearing and genial qualities, and it was with sincere regret that they learned of his sudden death. To his widow and family they extend their profound sympathy. WILLIAM D. FULLERTON, JOHN R. MONTGOMERY, HERBERT A. GODDARD, Committee. EDWARDS CORSE. Died at Chicago, Illinois, June 4, I HOSE of you who have stood in the front of battle V. as the reaper has laid his heavy hand upon the brow of comrade and friend, those who have stood by the lonely grave in the far Southland are no strangers to the sympathy which dwells within the camps of War and the breasts of brave men. Your hearts have been touched, as again and again within this room you have listened as a comrade has told the simple story of a life that was ended, but linked in memory with your own and forever with deeds im- mortal as shall be the history of your country. As one by one the faces vanish from the camp fire, there comes a realization of the march of time and the 144 MEMORIALS. 145 approach of that hour when beside the narrow home the trumpet shall sound "taps" and they who listen shall know that the last light has gone out. Yet more ruthless seems the remorseless one when he reaches forth his hand and smites low him whose feet still tread the paths of youth and whose eye, fixed on the future, is still bright with hope. For a second time within the year death has removed from our midst one of the most promising of the younger members of this Commandery. Mr. Edwards Corse who, after an illness of three months, died in this city on the fourth day of June, 1893, was born June 5, 1860, in the city of Burlington, Iowa. As a child he visited, with his mother, the head- quarters of his father in the field, and as a youth traveled extensively through Europe, Asia, the Islands of the Sea and his native land. Receiving his education at Harvard University, he engaged in business with his father, the late Major General John M. Corse, since whose retirement he has been identified with business interests in this city. Eleven years ago the deceased married the daughter of Mr. Redmond Prindiville. His widow and three children survive him. It was his earnest desire that his only son might some day inherit his membership in this Order, to which Mr. Corse was himself elected April 6, 1 88 1, becoming a Companion of the First Class on the death of his father, April 27, 1893. Of uniform gentleness of character, modest demeanor, and earnest loyalty, he was proud of the achievements of his gallant father. Endeared to those who knew him by his many qualities of mind and heart, we sincerely mourn his loss. LEROY T. STEWARD, HUGH R. BELKNAP, HENRY S. BOUTELL, Committee. CALEB SOUTHARD BURDSAL, Second Lieutenant Independent Battery, Colorado Artillery, United States Volunteers. Died at Phoenix, Arizona, August 20, / *895. Moving to Peoria County, Illinois, when sev- enteen years of age, like so many of our best and bright- 234 MEMORIALS. 235 est men he spent his early years upon the old farm. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he needed no second call, and so the early part of 1861 found him in the Union ranks where his bravery and force of character speedily brought him promotion to Captain in the Eighty-sixth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, August 27, 1862. His military record is so long and his career so active that no attempt at details will be made here. Suffice it to say, that he was in the Thirty-sixth Brigade of Sheridan's Division, afterwards in the Third Brigade of the Second Division Fourteenth Corps, Army of the Cumberland. At Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and in the many battles of the Atlanta Campaign, in Sherman's glorious March to the Sea, and in the capture of Savanah, Captain Hitchcock could be found wherever duty called him; and he was one who felt that duty called him, wherever the fight was hottest. With an enthusiasm that knew no tiring, with a courage that knew no flinching, he faced his country's enemy until he was mustered out June 6, 1865, with but one hand, a part of the other having been left at Kenesaw Mountain. On account of the same traits of character that made him so true and brave a soldier, he was made Sheriff of Peoria County term after term, was made the Mayor of the city of Peoria, and also United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois; and the remembrance of these qualities makes our hearts ache to-day as we realize the loss that this Commandery has sustained in his death. It is not often that a lion's heart is found with a woman's tenderness and sympathetic nature. Captain Hitchcock was one who could do his duty and inflict no unnecessary sting; he was one of the few who could clasp the manacles on a prisoner's wrists and make him his friend at the same time. 236 MEMORIALS. We can ask no greater blessing on those who shall one day fill our places, than that they may find no lack of men as true, as strong, as lovable, as he to whom we now say farewell. ELIOT CALLENDER, MARTIN KINGMAN, JOHN D. McCLURE, Committee. EVERETT BRUCE PRESTON. Ca-ptain Twenty- second Connecticut Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, April 27, 1895. BRUCE PRESTON was born in Willing- ton, Connecticut, September I2th, in 1843, and was eighteen years of age when the war broke out. His brother entering the service at the breaking out of the war, he was eager to enlist; but was persuaded by his brother to remain at home, which he did until the following year; but when the President called for three hundred thousand militia to serve for nine months, he enlisted in Company H, Twenty-second Connecticut Vol- unteers. Although so young he was elected First Lieu- tenant, and three months afterward was promoted to Captain, being the youngest officer in his regiment. He 237 238 MEMORIALS. gave especial attention to the discipline of his men, and was complimented on having the best drilled company. The regiment served in the defences of Washington until April, 1863, when it was sent to Suffolk, Virginia, to defend it against Longstreet's siege of that place; this was a service of nightly surprises and fatiguing duty in the trenches, the enemy threatening night and day. After Longstreet abandoned the siege, the regiment moved to Yorktown, and was with the advance of Gen- eral Dix, threatening Richmond at the time of the ad- vance of Lee into Pennsylvania, in the Gettysburg cam- paign, and was shortly after mustered out. After the regiment had been discharged, Captain Preston returned to Hartford and resumed his place in business, remaining there until 1869, when he removed to Chicago and went into the rubber goods and fire ap- paratus trade, building up a successful business. He was a very capable, energetic, and far-sighted business man, and was successful in whatever he undertook. He lost nearly all he had in the great fire, but paid his in- debtedness in full, and was very prosperous during the years succeeding; establishing branch stores at Grand Rapids, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Port- land, Oregon. He was a director and general manager of the Mayall Rubber Company, of Reading, Massa- chusetts, and handled all the rubber shoes manufac- tured and shipped west of Pittsburgh and to the Rocky Mountains. We lose in him an estimable citizen and worthy Companion; one of the class of men who have helped to build up Chicago and the West, and who, after serving their country in its time of need, show that in times of peace they are behind none in their ability to hold their own in life's strifes and duties. MEMORIALS. 239 The Commandery extends its sympathy to his afflicted wife and daughter in their irreparable loss. GEORGE K. DAUCHY, ALBERT L. COE, WILLIAM A. MONTGOMERY, Committee. WALTER QUINTIN GRESHAM. Brigadier General and Brevet Major General, United States Volunteers. Died at Washington, D. C., May 28, 1895. OESOLVED, That we, the Illinois Commandery of |\ the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the ^"* United States, sincerely mourn the loss of our be- loved ex-Commander, General Walter Quintin Gresham, whose warm heart and rugged virtues his Companions will ever cherish in loving memory. Resolved, That, reserving for more careful prepara- tion hereafter a just memorial of his character and serv- ices, we now at this informal meeting, held on the eve of his burial, desire to express our full appreciation of his exceptional ability both as a military leader and in civil life. We record our admiration of his splendid 240 MEMORIALS. 24! personal courage long ago manifested so often on the battle-field, enabling him even while being borne out of the fight with a shattered limb to pause and give a last important order, and manifested later in numberless forensic contests and judicial decrees where conduct which he considered fraud was relentlessly denounced and where right, as he saw the right, was sternly main- tained. We recall with affection his hearty and cordial friendship and his constant and willing attention to the duties of the chair of this Commandery. We recognize the broad and catholic spirit of the man who twice rose so easily from local labors to national affairs, and who at last wore out his life in the service of his country, while patiently performing the exacting duties of one of its most exalted offices, as Secretary of State. Resolved, That this Commandery make suitable ar- rangements for representation at his funeral, and that the Recorder transmit a copy of these resolutions to the family of our deceased Companion. At the stated meeting held June 13, 1895, the following report was read and adopted: No occasion could be more appropriate to pay our tribute of respect to the memory of Walter Quintin Gresham than the present, when fathers and sons of the Loyal Legion are assembled together at this their annual meeting. Sorrow for the death of one who always en- joyed these unique gatherings is mingled with the pleasure of the hour. To the fathers, the illustrious deceased has been a Companion, the Commander of the Commandery and a warm-hearted friend. To the sons, his example, his struggles and his successes will prove a lesson full of encouragement. To both he is the typical American, having attained distinction and exalted position by his 242 MEMORIALS. unaided efforts, his sterling qualities and incorruptible integrity. Though death comes frequently, reducing our ranks and taking away a Sheridan, a Logan, a Strong, a White, a Stiles and many others equally dear, yet we are never, nor can we be, wholly prepared for the recurring presence of that grim and victorious enemy of us all. The announcement of the death of General Gresham came to us with startling force. Each member of this Commandery realized that he had sustained a personal loss. None knew so well as we how our friend enjoyed laying aside the burdens and responsibilities of the Bench, here to mingle with his old comrades and to fight his battles o'er again. With us he was always at home. He loved the free and unconventional spirit of our gatherings. Here his ever bright and penetrating eyes received, if possible, a brighter glow under the in- fluence of soul-stirring battle hymns and stories of the war. If, as recently stated in a foreign paper, the time has already arrived in this country, that, when an old soldier commences to speak of army days, it is the signal for those who did not participate in the war to rise and leave the circle, we know that such a rule has no place in this gathering of fathers and sons to-night. We know that one of the great charms of this organization is, that we do not weary in hearing of one another's experiences. We know that our reunions tend to keep alive the fires of patriotism and loyalty. We realize that the associa- tions which bring us together are stronger and more binding than the old ties of school or college days. At the same time we are not insensible to the importance of current history; we are not stationary. We love to advance and, keeping abreast with the progress and MEMORIALS. 243 spirit of the age, we accept the duties of life as they devolve upon us. The life of Walter Quintin Gresham is an inspiration to all who study it. Like so many of the distinguished men of the Republic, he was born and reared upon a farm, and also like so many of the mighty whose names are inscribed in our country's Valhalla, he was destined to blaze his way through the trials of early life, single-handed and alone. Born in 1832, in Harrison County, Indiana, he was two years of age when he lost his father. Deprived of paternal guidance, he was fortunately blessed with a mother's watchful care, and until he was sixteen years of age lived with her, working on the farm and devoting his spare hours to reading and study. Relying upon his own merits his advance during the following years was rapid. In 1854 he was admitted to the Bar. In 1858 he was married to Miss Matilda Mc- Grain, a most estimable woman, who in all the walks of life has been a devoted and efficient helpmeet to her gifted husband. In 1860 he was elected to the Legisla- ture of Indiana, and immediately thereafter made Chair- man of the Committee on Military Affairs. Here he was strikingly active in urging appropriations for the organ- ization and equipment of the State Militia for its service in the field. The subsequent versatile and unparalleled career of General Gresham naturally divides itself into three peri- ods, his Military, Judicial, and Executive life. From his contemporaries at Washington; from those who knew him in the important offices of Postmaster General, Sec- retary of the Treasury and Secretary of State, there have been expressed high tributes to his executive worth and skill. 244 MEMORIALS. From those associated with him for twenty-two years upon the Bench, and from those who practiced before him in the Seventh United States Judicial Circuit, com- prising the States of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, there have been recorded sincere tributes to his unsullied name and to his conspicuous ability as a fearless, con- scientious and upright Judge; one who sought only to do justice between man and man, and whose robes of ermine were ever spotless. In 1888, so great was his popularity and so wide- reaching the confidence reposed in his judgment and character, he became the spontaneous and unanimous choice of his party in this State for the nomination to the Presidency. This distinction, conferred upon him at a time when he had been a resident of the State but for a short period, he regarded as unprecedented, and he appreciated the honor with feelings of pleasure and pride. It was as a gallant soldier that our Companion was best known to this Commandery. We had shared his military life and we knew his intrepidity and other sol- dierly qualities, his sympathies, his manliness, his patriotism. When the Civil War broke out he declined re-election to the Legislature, and enlisted as a private in the Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry. He was speedily promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and on March 10, 1862, was commissioned Colonel of the Fifty- third Indiana Volunteers. As he rode out from Cory- don, young and of striking appearance, at the head of his regiment, to do battle for his country, his faithful and patriotic wife proudly cheered him on to victory. He was commissioned Brigadier General of United States Volunteers January 25, 1863; brevetted Major Gen- eral United States Volunteers March 13, 1863, and mus- tered out of service April 30, 1 866. He was at the siege of MEMORIALS. 245 Vicksburg, at Corinth, and in the arduous Atlanta cam- paign. As Military Governor of Natchez, the high order of administrative ability exhibited by him compelled ad- miration alike from friend and foe. In the movement on Atlanta, and while at the front reconnoitering, he was shot in the right thigh by one of the enemy's sharp- shooters. His Corps Commander, Major General Frank P. Blair, in his official report of the operations of this campaign, said: "General Gresham, who was seriously wounded on the 2Oth of July, displayed the greatest cour- age and skill in the management of his troops on that day." It was a source of life-long regret to him that the fortunes of war prevented him from being on the field at Shiloh. He was, however, serving his country as faith- fully while guarding the lines and supplies at Savannah, within sound of the roar of battle, as those who faced the enemy amid shot and shell. He won the friendship and esteem of Grant, Sher- man and McPherson, and possessed the highest confi- dence of the men of his command. Grant, when President, unsolicited, placed him on the Federal Bench. The lamented McPherson, who was himself so soon to give his life defending the flag of his country, when in- formed that his Division General had been stricken down, showed a deep interest in his welfare and di- rected that he should receive the most assiduous care and skill. Of Sherman it is said, that when Colonel Gresham told him that the men of the Fifty-third Regiment were raw, that he himself did not know anything of military affairs, and that he wanted to know something, the great hero welcomed him, and characteristically replied that he, Gresham, was the first man he had met who did not think he knew everything, and as a mark of con- 246 MEMORIALS. fidence he would order his regiment out on the picket line. We know how he prized the years he passed on the tented field. There was no portion of his public career of which he was so proud, and it has been said he pre- ferred the title of "General" to that of "Judge" or "Mr. Secretary." Possessing a winning and magnetic personality, of a tender, generous and considerate nature, he enjoyed the experiences of the camp, the march and the battle, and was. 'closely drawn towards those who had known a similar life. It will be long before we forget his pleas- ant and simple ways. Never wholly recovering from hisiwound and bearing his sufferings with heroism, he gave^his life to his country as truly as did those who died on the battle-field. In this city, on Memorial Day, a day hallowed to so many sacred memories; amid the most impressive surroundings; in the presence of his afflicted widow and family, the President of the United States and his Cabi- net, this Commandery and thousands of mourning friends, military honors were accorded to the memory of this distinguished man; taps were sounded, and the soldier-citizen was tenderly laid to rest. "After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." ALDACE F. WALKER, TAMES L. HIGH, '--,-.- J HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, EPHRAIM A. OTIS, MARTIN J. RUSSELL, RICHARD S. TUTHILL, Committee. GEORGE RANDOLPH DYER. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. United States Volunteers. Died at Excelsior Springs, Missouri, Jtily fj, 1895. IN MEMORY of Captain George Randolph Dyer, born June 3, 1812, at Clarendon, Rutland County, Ver- mont; died July 13, 1895, at Excelsior Springs, Clay County, Missouri. Captain Dyer was educated at Rutland Academy, Ver- mont. At the early age of twenty-one, driving overland, he sought his fortunes in the West. In 1835, he explored the shores of Lake Michigan in a bark canoe. Impressed with the future of Milwaukee and Chicago, he purchased property in both cities. In 1841 he sold his possessions and settled in the town of Plainfield, Will County, Illinois. 247 248 MEMORIALS. In 1856, he was elected Sheriff of Will County. He was one of the first and most prominent members of the Republican party in Illinois, and so became a close friend of Lincoln, Lovejoy, Wentworth and other leaders of the party in the State. He was, of course, strongly opposed to slavery, and for some time kept a station of the "un- derground railroad." Captain Dyer belonged to a family of soldiers. His father fought under General Stark, at the Battle of Ben- nington, and at the close of the Revolution was commis- sioned (by Governor Hancock) Major of Massachusetts State Militia. Two of his brothers distinguished them- selves in the War of 1812. Two of his sons served in the Union army in the Civil War. One of them, Com- panion Daniel B. Dyer, succeeds him in the Order of the Loyal Legion. Our late beloved Companion, Major Clar- ence E. Dyer, was his nephew. October 31, 1861, President Lincoln commissioned him Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U. S.V. His entire military service was at Pilot Knob, Missouri, where he proved himself a most faithful, efficient and honest officer, doing his duty with the utmost zeal, and helping forward the Union cause with all the energy and persist- ence of an enthusiastic and loyal nature. Whatever he did, he did with his might, always feeling that his coun- try was entitled to, and should have, the best service which he could render it. He resigned May 19, 1865. Another Companion has answered the last roll-call, Another brave spirit has gone to meet its God. JOHN L. BEVERIDGE, PHILIP C. HAYES, ALFRED T. ANDREAS, Committee. GEORGE FREDERICK ROOT. Companion of the Third Class. Died at Bailey's Island. Maine, August 6, 1895. Y OUR Committee on Memorial to Dr. George F. Root, V desire to report as follows: Another name has been transferred from the registry of this Commandery to that of Heaven. Born on August 20, 1820, Doctor Root had just completed his seventy- fifth year when gathered to his fathers. A member of the Third Class of the Loyal Legion, he has left us to join the comrades who have gone before, and to be joined, we trust, by those of us who remain, but are ere long to follow. As his survivors, ours is the consolation of cherishing the memory of a beautiful life beautiful not in the mere 249 25O MEMORIALS. perfunctory use of that word, for that life was replete with those charms of character, arid those intellectual achievements that lend to manhood both dignity and grace. His was, indeed, a life of genuine harmony, harmony of practice with precept, harmony of Christian character, harmony of mind and soul. Although not of the profession of arms, his martial songs proved an exhaustless source of encouragement and inspiration to the hosts who battled for the Union; and scarcely less effective have been his melodies in the home circle, and the sacred songs that have animated the soldiers marching under the banner of Christ. The same genial and loving spirit that gave birth to those enchanting melodies, pervaded his whole nature, and brightened his intercourse with his fellow men, en- dearing him to all who came within the circle of his friendship. No name is more fondly associated than his with the cause of liberty and the Union, by those who were its champions at home and in the field. No songs will prove more enduring than his when sung in memory of the past, none more potent to arouse enthusiasm and inspire to heroic deeds the patriots of our beloved Republic, if ever assailed by foreign powers. We consecrate anew in our hearts the love of him whose praise we unconsciously chant whenever joining our voices in the soul-inspiring words and music of the " Battle Cry of Freedom. " THOMAS B. BRYAN, HORATIO L. WAIT, EUGENE GARY, Committee. MAYER FRANK. Captain Eighty-second Illinois Infantry, United States Vohinteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, August 16, 1895. IN THAT vanguard which sprang to the call of a threat- ened country stood our late Companion, Mayer Frank. Although but a few years had elapsed since he had come, a stranger among a strange people, he had learned the lesson of patriotism thoroughly, and thus early sought to testify to his devotion to the land of his adoption. Born in Nordsteten, Wuerttemberg, Germany, April 9, 1841, he left that place at the age of twelve years, coming to Philadelphia, where he remained until 1860, when he removed to Chicago. At the outbreak of the war he sought to enlist under the first call, but was refused because of his physical condition at the time. 251 252 MEMORIALS. In August, 1862, he was one of the most enthusiastic and energetic of a committee of Hebrew citizens in Chicago, organized to encourage enlistments, etc. In three days they had raised ten thousand dollars, as well as organized a company composed exclusively of members of their own faith and known as the Concordia Guards. This company was subsequently mustered into the United States service as Company C, Eighty-second Illinois Volunteers. Enlisted therein, Companion Frank was appointed First Lieutenant August 16, 1862, and promoted Captain May 28, 1863. He participated in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Missionary Ridge and vari- ous minor engagements with his regiment and in the battle of Wauhatchie was assigned, temporarily, to com- mand the Eightieth Illinois. He served as Acting Assistant Inspector General on the Staffs of Generals Schimmelpfenning and Tyndale. At Gettysburg his horse was shot, and falling on him, caused such injuries as eventually necessitated his resig- nation February 29, 1864. He was a gentleman, unostentatious in manner and of a kindly nature. Of modest means, he was gener- ous to an extreme in his charities, more especially when the old soldier was the object thereof. His long service with one firm testifies to his abilities and uprightness. Those nearest to him will feel his absence most keenly and their remembrance of him will be the tenderest and most enduring. JOHN J. ABERCROMBIE, FRANCIS LACKNER, WILLIAM VOCKE, Committee WILLIAM ADAM MONTGOMERY. Captain Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantry, United States Volunteers . Died at Chicago, Illinois, August 21, \ i flLLIAM ADAM MONTGOMERY, late Captain of U. the Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantry, was born June 21, 1838, at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His family, which was of Scotch-Irish stock, emigrated from the north of Ireland first to Delaware, but moved afterward to Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, settling in Little Britain Township in Lancaster County, upon land which was obtained by grant from William Penn. Captain Mont- gomery came from patriotic ancestry. His grandfather, William Montgomery, who was born in 1761, when a boy of about sixteen years, left the academy at Newark, Delaware, where he was pursuing his education, and 253 254 MEMORIALS. joined the Revolutionary Army in> 1776 or 1777. He was in the engagement at Trenton, where he was wounded, and also the actions at Princeton and elsewhere. At a later time he was Captain of the Lancaster Light Horse. After the Revolution he studied law and practiced in Lancaster until his death in 1826. His son, John R. Montgomery, the father of our late Companion, was born in 1801. He was conspicuous at the Lancaster bar for his eloquence and ability as a lawyer, at a time when that bar numbered among its active members such men as James Buchanan, Thadeus Stevens, the great Com- moner, and other men of national reputation. He won his fame as a lawyer in early life, for at the age of thirty- six he was struck by lightning, and was an invalid from that time until his death in 1854. His mother having died in 1847, William A. Montgomery was thus left an orphan at an early age, in the care of an older sister. At the age of sixteen he entered Washington and Jefferson College as a sophomore, spending one year in that insti- tution. The family then moved to the West, and William A. Montgomery entered Beloit College, Wiscon- sin, as a junior, graduating in the year 1857 with high honors. He began the study of law in the law school at Louisville, Kentucky, where he remained one year, and continued his studies the two years following, in the office of Judge James C. Hopkins, at Madison, Wiscon- sin. He was admitted to the bar in 1860. In February of the following year he came to Chicago to engage in the practice of the law. But within a few weeks the guns from Sumter proclaimed that the great debate between freedom and slavery was to be submitted to the arbitrament of arms. True to the example of his revolutionary grandfather, Montgomery at once laid aside his law books, and enlisted in the Second Regiment of MEMORIALS. 255 Wisconsin Infantry. Owing to some difficulty about the three year term of enlistment, the company in which he had enlisted was not accepted. Young Montgomery thereupon returned to Beloit, where he joined in the organization of a new regiment; and on the I4th of De- cember, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantry. Upon the organization of the regi- ment he was elected Second Lieutenant of his company, the commissiim bearing date January 10, 1862, to date from his enlistment. On the 2nd of March, 1862, the Fifteenth Wisconsin began its war service at Bird's Point, Missouri, and while there Lieutenant Montgomery was presented by his friends in the company with a handsome sword. His first engagement was at Hickman, where four companies repulsed a small rebel force. Subse- quently the regiment was sent to join the forces above Island No. 10, and soon after surprised and captured a rebel force at Union City. On the iith of June, 1862, Companies I and G of the Fifteenth were sent to Island No. 10, where they remained until early in September, 1863. October i, 1862, Montgomery was promoted to First Lieutenant; but before being mustered was again promoted to Captain of Company I, his commission dat- ing from the 4th of April, 1863. The 2Oth of Septem- ber following, the two detached companies having been ordered to join their regiment, reached the rest of their comrades at the close of the second day's disastrous fighting at Chickamauga. It was a sad reunion. Colonel Heg, of the Fifteenth, commanding the brigade, had been killed, Lieutenant Colonel Johnson and other officers and men had been taken prisoners, and many had been killed or wounded upon that hard fought field. At Chattanooga the regiment closed up its shattered ranks and formed a part of that splendid line of blue 256 MEMORIALS. which swept up Missionary Ridge, as the Army of the Cumberland. In the advance from Fort Wood the Fif- teenth Wisconsin was one of the first at the capture of Orchard Knob, and on the 25th of November it partici- pated in the charge which won the summit of that his- toric Ridge, and after that brilliant victory was sent with the force which went to the relief of Burnside at Knoxville. In these engagements Captain Mont- gomery participated, and nobly performed his duty as a soldier. In the winter of 1863 and 1864, Captain Montgomery was ordered north upon recruiting service. He returned to his regiment in the spring of 1864, in time to partici- pate in the Atlanta campaign. In the fighting at Rocky Face Ridge, at Resacca, in the assault upon Kenesaw Mountain, at Peach Tree Creek, at Jonesboro, at Love- joy Station and the engagements about Atlanta, he led his men in every action. After the capture of Atlanta the regiment was ordered to Chattanooga, and the remainder of its service was rendered in that vicinity until the expiration of its period of enlistment. The war for the preservation of the Union being tri- umphantly ended, Captain Montgomery returned to his professional pursuits in Chicago, where he continued to reside until the time of his death. Of his professional career this is not the time nor place to speak at length. He speedily acquired a large and excellent practice. The legal ability which had come down through three generations of distinguished lawyers was manifest throughout his whole career at the bar. As a wise and safe counsellor, as a careful and industrious lawyer, as a man of unquestioned integrity and capacity, he was respected and trusted by his asso- MEMORIALS. 257 ciates at the bar and by the courts before whom he practiced. Any notice of Captain Montgomery would be imper- fect which did not in some way refer to his genial humor, his unfailing kindliness of heart and courtesy of manner. He was always and everywhere a thorough gentleman, and those who best knew him best understood the gen- tleness and tenderness of his character and life. Of no one could it be more truthfully said that " To know him was to love him, To name him was to praise." He was ever modest and courteous and yet always firm in maintaining his own views of the right. He en- deavored to perform the duties of life, as they came to him, with punctilious accuracy, with unfailing industry, and without ostentation or display. Were he present with us to-night his innate modesty would shrink from eulogy, as one unconscious of his real worth. But we who knew him and who loved him cannot say less, though we know that he himself would be unwilling that we should say more. There is a well-known picture of a line of battle sleeping upon the field in readiness for action, while above it hovers another shadowy line, pressing forward in the fierce onset as though foreshadowing in dreams what to-morrow has in store for the sleeping host. We who gather here in steadily diminishing numbers are but a small minority of that great host that went forth to battle with us in the days of '61 and '62. We know not yet what the future has in store for us, nor how soon for us " Lights out" shall be sounded. But we know that some to-morrow shall muster us into that greater army which has crossed the river. There let us trust we may 258 MEMORIALS. meet again the knightly soldiers, the true friends, the trusted comrades whom we " Have loved long since and lost awhile." HENRY V. FREEMAN, GEORGE W. BAIRD, WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, Committee. ALEXANDER MILLER STOUT. Colonel Seventeenth Kentucky and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, August 25, 1895, " His life was gentle and the elements So mixed in him, that nature might stand up And say to all the world this was a man." /^ENERAL Alexander M. Stout died at the Presby- VQ terian Hospital in this city on the 25th day of August, 1895. During his long illness his many army friends kept constant and loving vigil at his bed- side. All that human skill, all that loving hands could dc was done. But the ailment had taken too firm a hold, and though bravely the old warrior fought against the stern decree of fate, the inexorable law must be enacted, and he must go to join the innumerable caravan that moves to the mysterious realms beyond. 259 26O MEMORIALS. His soldier friends were unremitting in their attention; frequently called at the hospital and each time came away realizing that their mission was hopeless. The old soldier was making an heroic struggle, but his strength was gone, pain and distress had worn out the iron con- stitution. Death was near. At midnight he breathed his last and thus passed away a remarkable man. Alexander Miller Stout was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, on the 8th day of January, 1820, and was, therefore, at the time of his death in his seventy-sixth year. He was educated at Bardstown College. After tak- ing his degree in law at Harvard College he settled at Owensborough, Kentucky, and practiced law until 1851, when he removed to Louisville. There he served as City Attorney for several terms. When the war of the Re- bellion broke out he raised the first regiment of Home Guards and in conjunction with Colonel John H. McHenry raised the Seventeenth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry and was mustered into the service on the 2nd day of January, 1862, as Lieutenant Colonel. He was promoted to the rank of Colonel, January 27, 1863, and commissioned a Brevet Brigadier General United States Volunteers to take rank from the I3th day of March, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious service during the war." His principal service was in Wood's Division, Fourth Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, in which he commanded his regiment, and as senior Colonel, the brigade to which his regiment was attached. His first service was in the campaign leading up to the battle of Shiloh, in which his eldest son was killed and he himself severely wounded. Subsequently he participated in all the campaigns and battles of the Army of the Cumberland and bore a conspicuous and gallant MEMORIALS. 26l part at Stone's River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville and Perryville. He was mustered out of the service January 27, 1865. After the war General Stout attempted to practice his profession in Louisville, but sentiment was so strong against the Union soldier, that he found himself almost an alien in his native state. While serving in the Legislature he was appointed Chief Clerk of the Patent Office, and subsequently was Acting Commissioner of Patents. At the expiration of this time he resumed the practice of law in Washington, and moved to Chicago in 1879, where he continued the practice of his profession until the last few years. He was a member of the Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion and of George H. Thomas Post, No. 5, Department of Illinois, G. A. R. General Stout was married in 1848 to Margaret, daughter of Stanley Singleton of Hardingsburg, Ken- tucky, who survives him, with his two daughters, Mrs. M. M. Dewall and Miss Emma Stout, and Stanley S. and Dr. Alexander M. Stout of this city. It is always proper to speak well of the dead; it is pleasing and grateful when the tribute comes not as a perfunctory duty, but in spontaneous appreciation of ex- cellence and goodness. General Stout was a soldier in appearance and action. His head was a noble one, his hair white and beautiful, his face pleasant even to attractiveness. His figure was tall and commanding, these uniting to give him a strik- ing personality. He was a fine scholar and was very familiar with the works of the recognized authors, past and cotemporaneous. He could quote at will from the poets, his knowledge of Shakespeare being extraordinary. Had General Stout changed his political belief and remained in the State of his nativity he might have been 262 MEMORIALS. elevated to the highest place within the gift of his peo- ple. But principle was everything to him. He was firm in the faith, and in what he believed was right he was as immovable as the rock. He had no assumption, and there was nothing aggressive in his make up. Mod- esty was his distinguishing trait. No one ever heard him boast of a success. Though a brilliant soldier, he seldom if ever referred to his achievements. He was as gentle as a child and his nature was warm, generous and affectionate. He loved all things, he could not see the merest animal suffer and his heart went out to all in affliction. His friendship was steadfast, for once he liked he never disliked and would share his all with a friend. He was an ideal soldier. He was as brave as a lion and seemed to love the fierce joy of the conflict. He won distinction and the confidence of his command by the constant display of those soldierly qualities, cour- age, coolness, composure and heroism, wherever duty called, in every battle in which he was engaged. His death is a public loss and has cast a shadow of gloom over a large circle of friends. He was a noble man, generous, genial; he loved and was loved. Peace to his ashes. Of him even an opponent could well say: " I have scan'd the action of his daily life, With all the industrious malice of a foe, And nothing meets mine eyes but deeds of honor." EDWARD A. BLODGETT, JAMES A. SEXTON, HORACE H. THOMAS, Committee. ANDREW JACKSON HOBART. Major and Surgeon First Michigan Infantry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Clinton, Iowa, December 6, 'TLNDREW JACKSON HOBART was born in Yates County, New York, July 15, 1829. He was mus- tered in as Assistant Surgeon of the First Michigan Infantry, September 16, 1861, and served with his regi- ment on the Peninsula before Richmond, and was very useful in the campaigns before that city, and in other campaigns with the Army of the Potomac, until after the battle of Gettysburg. He was detached for hospital service at Harwood hospital in Virginia, where he served until the first campaign before Fredericksburg. He was promoted to be Surgeon of the First Michi- gan Infantry, and was mustered as such, in the field, 263 264 MEMORIALS. December 10, 1862. He served in the field until March 1 6, 1864, when the War Department ordered him to special hospital duty in Jackson, Michigan. Doctor Ho- bart's record is brief, but he always had the reputation of being a faithful officer and a good soldier. The men of the regiment liked him as a kindly friend, and his brother officers esteemed him highly as a gentleman and a patriotic soldier. Doctor Hobart was exceedingly retiring in disposi- tion, and his temperament was not aggressive. It was therefore necessary to know him a long time before one could learn of, and appreciate, his genial nature and really attractive disposition. After the war he returned to his profession of medi- cine, in which he served his fellow citizens efficiently and successfully. Those who were near to this good man and faithful soldier regret his death exceedingly. He leaves a wife and two children. ARTHUR EDWARDS, CHARLES W. MEYERS, JOHN T. McAuLEY, Committee. ALBERT EGERTON ADAMS. Captain First Nersj York Mounted Rifles, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 4, i8qb. ALBERT EGERTON ADAMS, Captain First New f\ York Mounted Rifles, was born at Great Fails, New ^^ Hampshire, August 22, 1840. He died at his home on Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, January 4, 1896. Companion Adams was of direct Puritan descent, two of his ancestors having been of the Pilgrim company which came over from England in the Mayflower in 1620. Two of his great-grandfathers were officers in the Revolutionary Army. Like his father and grand- father, Companion Adams was a graduate of Yale, enter- ing college in 1858 and graduating in 1862. At this time his father, Reverend John Ripley Adams, 265 266 MEMORIALS. although sixty years of age, was already one of the few "righting Chaplains" of the army, serving in the Eighth Maine Infantry. The example of the father found a ready follower in the son. As old soldiers do not need to be reminded, it was in the summer of that year, 1862, that President Lincoln's call for "three hundred thous- and more," summoned so many of our number to camp and field. Fresh from college life, young Adams at once began to recruit a company, and upon its organization became its First Lieutenant, and within a year thereafter was promoted to be Captain. His service was largely scout- ing in Virginia, a service full of hardship and danger, in which he won official commendation for bravery, and is said to have been offered promotion as Colonel, when his health broke down and it became necessary to send him home because of disability. In 1865, after the war, he went into the hardware business in Davenport, Iowa, removing thence to Chi- cago in 1878. Captain Adams was intelligently inter- ested in all matters of public welfare and concern. He took a sincere and active interest in the laboring men, usually about eight hundred in number, in his employ, and studied with zeal, matters affecting the relations of labor and capital. There were no more sincere mourn- ers at the memorial services held after his death than his own employes. Few men were more highly respected, and seldom has any man been more highly honored, not only by his neighbors and friends, but by the community in general of that part of the city in which he lived. The memorial services held after his death, in the South Congregational Church where he attended, bore unusual witness to the high regard entertained for him MEMORIALS. 26/ by those who knew him best. He lived a life of useful service, and now "After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well." HENRY V. FREEMAN, HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, JOSEPH STOCKTON, Committee. ASA ABRAHAM MATTESON. Died at Galesburg, Illinois, January 4, i8g6. *Tf.SA A. MATTESON, a Companion of this Com- f\ mandery of the First Class by inheritance, depart- ^* ed this life on Saturday, the 4th day of January, 1896, after an illness of one week. He was born in Warren County, in this State, on the 24th day of Octo- ber, 1837, and was able to trace his lineage through the early pioneers of New England to an illustrious ancestry in Denmark, on the Matteson side, and, on the mother's side, to the Ogden family of England. Mr. Matteson had the misfortune to lose his right arm in his early boyhood. His father died before he was eight years old, and his mother and family soon after removed to Galesburg, Knox County. 268 MEMORIALS. 269 One of the striking characteristics of his whole life was his thoroughness in everything he undertook, and there were few things in which he did not excel his youthful companions. He obtained an excellent educa- tion in the common schools and Academy, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1860. On the breaking out of the war in 1861, he nobly performed his part of the patriotic work so suddenly thrust upon the young men of the North. He recruited the greater part of two companies of Colonel Ingersoll's regiment, the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, and was offered the position of a Bat- talion Quartermaster of that regiment, but as all of his brothers were in the service he felt that he must remain at home to care for his widowed mother and young sis- ter, and declined the offer. His active services were always enlisted during the war in behalf of sick and wounded soldiers, and there was never a question of his sincere loyalty and patriotism. As a citizen, lawyer, banker, business man, or public officer, he has left a record second to none. Companion Matteson had been a member of this Commandery but a comparatively short time, but we had learned to ap- preciate the conservatism, good judgment, and sterling common sense that had made his life so eminently suc- cessful, and the uprightness of character which always marked his career. He leaves a widow, three sons, one daughter, two brothers and one sister to mourn his departure. With them, and the hosts of friends who honor his memory, this Commandery unites in loving sympathy. DlLLWYN V. PURINGTON, ARTHUR A. SMITH, LEMUEL L. SCOTT, Committee. WILLIAM PAGE STOWE. Chaplain Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Infantry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 4, i8q6. QEVEREND William Page Stowe, M. A., D. D., a [A member of the Illinois Commandery, and a cler- ^~" gyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born in Haverill, New Hampshire, 1832, and died in Chicago, Illinois, January 4, 1896. He came West with his parents in 1843, was gradu- ated by Lawrence University, at Appleton, Wisconsin, and entered the ministry in 1858, wherein he received some of the highest honors given by his church. In 1863 he became the Chaplain of the Twenty-seventh Wiscon- sin Infantry, which did good service in the Southwest, and was a part of the forces before Vicksburg, under 270 MEMORIALS. 2/1 General Sherman. Those who knew Doctor Stowe dur- ing his military service speak in high terms of his useful- ness as a Chaplain in the field, among his old friends and Wisconsin fellow citizens. As a minister he was award- ed very responsible pastorates. He was a pure man, an able preacher, an intelligent citizen, and a patriotic, faithful soldier. His practical capacity was held in high esteem, and he served for twelve years as one of the agents and managers of one of the two publication houses of his church. In this position he acquitted himself honorably and with the gratitude of those whom he served. He was a well informed, courteous, generous, high-minded man. He esteemed his membership in this Order as a privilege and an honor. He regretted that his duties during the closing years of his life forbade his regular at- tendance at our meetings. Death came to him as almost an entire surprise. He was not apparently very sick, but a sudden change carried him out of life, to the regret of the many who knew and loved him. He had taught many to approach death as a process of nature, and when his feet touched the chilly waters of separation between this life and the next, the faith which he had commended to others served to give himself a safe and confident passage towards the "Land that is out of sight." ARTHUR EDWARDS, THEODORE H. PATTERSON, HENRY A. PEARSONS, Committee. REUBEN FREDSON DYER. Major and Surgeon One Hundred and Fourth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Ottawa, Illinois, January 25, i8q6. OUR Companion, Reuben Fredson Dyer, after four days' illness, died at his home in Ottawa, Illinois, January 25, 1896, aged sixty-three years. His wife Susan A. Goodridge Dyer, his son Edgar G. Dyer, and daughter Susie L. Dyer, survive to mourn the loss of a loving husband and tender father. He served nearly four years during the civil war first as Captain of Company K, Twentieth Illinois Infantry, in which capacity he was brave and efficient, rendering meritorious services in the battle at Frederickton, Mis- souri, and Fort Donelson, Tennessee. 272 MEMORIALS. 273 But believing he could better serve his. country in the line of his chosen profession, when the call came for three hundred thousand more, he accepted the position of Surgeon in one of the new regiments, the One Hun- dred and Fourth 'Illinois Infantry, and was mustered as such, August 25, 1862. From that time until the close of the war he was constantly on duty with his regiment, or in charge of brigade and division field hospitals, and, after the fall of Savannah, as Acting Medical Director of the Fourteenth Army Corps, General Jefferson C. Davis, commanding. He so bore himself that he came to be generally con- sidered one of the best surgeons in the Army of the Cum- berland. To his care and skill was due much of the re- markable health of his regiment one whose death roll in battle was far above, and whose loss by disease far below, the average among the three years' regiments from Illinois. We know what was required of faithful surgeons in the field, at the front, those who kept up with the line of battle how great were their responsibil- ities, how onerous and exacting were their duties, requir- ing for their proper performance fine discrimination, sound judgment, true courage, firm will, and nerves of steel. Our Companion had all these, and yet he was gentle as a child, tender and sympathetic as a woman. Often his near comrades have seen his lip quiver, and the tear start, as he told of the suffering and the heroism of the boys who came under his care. He never yielded to the roughening influences of army life. His most intimate companions on the march, around the bivouac fire, or at the mess table, never heard from him an expression that might not have been used with propriety in the presence of any woman. His idea was, the soldier should be none the less a gentle- 274 MEMORIALS. man. He was courteous to all, yet firm in the perform- ance of his duties. His nature was cordial and sincere, his sympathies broad, his courage and patriotism unfal- tering. He was a brave soldier, a noble man, a warm friend and a true comrade. "To know him was to love him." He was mustered out of the service, June 6, 1865, and returned to his home in Ottawa, where, ripened by his experience in the army, he soon had an extensive and lucrative practice, and as it had been in the war, so dur- ing the years since, he was always " on duty," and was at his post when the final summons came. For him, the bugle's call, " Lights Out," did not an- nounce unending night, but was the reveille at the dawn of eternal day. JOHN H. WIDMER, ALEXANDER C. McCLURG, SAMUEL C. PLUMMER, Committee. ARTHUR CHARLES DUCAT. Lieutenant Colonel Twelfth Illinois Infantry and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Downer's Grove, Illinois, January sq, i8g6. TTjRTHUR CHARLES DUCAT was born February f\ 24, 1830, near Dublin, Ireland, to which place his ^"^ father had some years before removed from Scot- land. In Dublin he enjoyed the benefits of a solid and practical education. Before reaching the age of twenty- one he resolved to come to America; he carried out that purpose and eventually took up his permanent abode at Chicago. Here and hereabouts he spent some time in study and field work as a civil engineer before entering upon his lifelong pursuit that of fire assurance. In this vocation at the outbreak of the war he was fast gaining 275 276 MEMORIALS. the respect of his associates and superiors, and through the discipline of obedience fast acquiring the capacity for leadership. In 1861 he heard the call of his adopted country, and gave to her appeal a clear and instant response. Enlist- ing at Chicago, April i/th, he was, a few days later, mustered into the Twelfth Illinois Infantry Volunteers. Promoted Second Lieutenant he became Adjutant of that regiment May 2, 1861; he was commissioned Captain of Company A, August i, 1861; Major, September 24, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel, April I, 1862. During the period of his duty with the Twelfth Illinois he served in Southern Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky and in the movements of General Grant's forces in Tennessee and Mississippi, and was especially distinguished at the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. But shortly after the taking of Corinth there opened for Lieutenant Colonel Ducat that larger military career for which by character and education he was so admirably fitted a career in which he was des- tined to render great service to the Union cause. De- tached from his regiment he was ordered upon staff duty at the headquarters of Major General E. O. C. Ord, and with that officer was present at the operations near luka in September, 1862. At the Battle of Corinth in the following month he served under. General Rosecrans as Acting Chief of Staff and Chief of Grand Guards and Outposts at the head- quarters of the Army of the Mississippi, an active and responsible position as understood and filled by so intel- ligent and enterprising an officer. Sparing in this ardu- ous service neither labor nor personal risk, he did much to improve and regulate that important branch of the service. When General Rosecrans on October 24, 1862, was MEMORIALS. 2/7 ordered by the War Department to relieve General Buell after the Battle of Perryville, Lieutenant Colonel Ducat accompanied him to Bowling Green, and was assigned to duty as Chief of Staff and Assistant Inspector General at the headquarters of the forces afterwards known as the Army of the Cumberland. He continued to act as Chief of Staff until November 13, 1862, when he was relieved in that position by Lieutenant Colonel and As- sistant Adjutant General Julius P. Garesche. To these new duties Colonel Ducat brought the same qualities of activity, courage and thoroughness which had distin- guished him under the same commander in his former service. With Chattanooga as its objective point the Army of the Cumberland, rested and reorganized, marched out of Nashville to meet and drive back General Bragg at the Battle of Stone's River, December 31, 1862. After the occupancy of Murfreesboro there occurred in June, 1863, the nine days' campaign of Tullahoma. During the fol- lowing September the Army of the Cumberland was called upon to perform those laborious, strategic marches which finally forced the abandonment of Chattanooga by the Confederate Army, and brought on the Battle of Chicka- mauga. For brave and meritorious conduct at Chicka- mauga he was honorably mentioned by General Rose- crans in his official report of that momentous event, as "a faithful officer brave, prompt and energetic in action." Officers who served in the Army of the Cumberland at this period unite in saying that to the energy and or- ganizing skill of Colonel Ducat, and to his active exam- ple of fidelity, was due in large part the efficiency of the Grand Guard and Outpost service of that army. It can be added that the general efficiency and discipline of the same army were largely advanced by the able and con- 278 MEMORIALS. scientious performance of his duties in the Inspector General's Department. Upon the succession of General Thomas to the com- mand of the Army of the Cumberland, Colonel Ducat was retained on duty in his former position, and on Jan- uary 9, 1864, was announced in general orders as Inspec- tor General of the Department. Broken in health by the fatigues and exposures of the previous years, Colonel Ducat found himself no longer physically able to bear the hardships of active service, and resigning his commission he returned to his home at Chicago in February, 1864. From that time to the moment of his death, January 2gth, of the present year, his friends and fellow citizens can bear testimony to his high character and exemplary conduct in every relation of life. His services in the war were appropriately recog- nized by the Brevet of Brigadier General of Volunteers. The Commandery will remember him as its fourth Commander, and remember also the loving and repeated hospitality with which he welcomed his Companions to Lindenwald, his beautiful home at Downer's Grove. Present at the organization of this Commandery he sym- pathized with all its aspirations, all its joys and sorrows during its entire existence. In concluding this brief memorial of affection and respect, we desire to place upon record our deep sense of the loss sustained by his family, by his personal friends, and by our Commandery in the death of our late Com- panion and friend. GEORGE L. PADDOCK, JOHN MCARTHUR, JOSEPH B. LEAKE, RICHARD S. TUTHILL, EPHRAIM A. OTIS, Committee. JAMES HUBERT McVICKER. Member of the Third Class. Died at Chicago, Illinois, March 7, 1896. /tAMES HUBERT McVICKER, who died in this city the 7th of March, 1896, was the oldest *^ theatrical manager in the United States at the time of his death. He was born in the city of New York, February 14, 1822, of Scotch-Irish parentage, and his family moved to St. Louis, Mo., in 1837, where he learned the printer's trade. He was a studious youth and occupied his leisure hours in study. In 1843 he first appeared on the mimic stage in the St. Charles Theatre, New Orleans, and five years later became the leading comedian in Mr. John B. Rice's theatre in Chicago. In 1852 he made a professional tour through this country, 279 280 MEMORIALS. and also visited Great Britain, appearing in Yankee characters. He built in 1857 a theatre (McVicker's) on the spot where now stands the theatre of that name. The former house was destroyed in the great fire of 1871, and was immediately rebuilt. In 1885 it was remodelled and improved in its internal construction. He became a manager in 1857, and continued as such to the time of his death. Mr. McVicker was a politician but never a partisan, and he was nominally a democrat all his life. When the war of the rebellion broke out, although affiliated in politics with men, a large portion of whom were strenu- ously opposed to all war measures, he allied himself to the Senator Douglas faction and at once gave his earnest support to the Union cause. Two days after President Lincoln had issued his call for 7 5,000 volunteers, he was one of the prime movers in calling a mass meeting of the loyal citizens of Chicago to raise volunteer troops. He offered to present a silk flag to the first full company re- cruited, and Captain Hardin's company of Infantry be- came its possessor. His zeal in the patriotic work of raising troops continued, and when it became necessary later to obtain money by subscription to carry on the work, at a mass meeting of citizens held for that purpose he moved to place four subscription lists in the hands of solicitors for $1,000, $500, $250 and $100 respectively, pledging himself to head each of the lists. Later in the war he paid for two substitutes; one he never saw again, the other reported to him after the close of the war, poor and maimed, having lost a leg in battle. While this man was in Chicago for some years, Mr. McVicker looked after his welfare. He took an active interest in the great Sanitary Fair held in Chicago in 1864. After the close of the war, MEMORIALS. 28 1 when the Veterans of the city and county found it neces- sary to raise money by subscription to defray the ex penses of Decoration Day, Mr. McVicker, although then in moderate financial circumstances, gave as liberally as any other citizen, and when the money subscribed was being paid, he would say, "Boys, if you are short before you get through call again." In 1886 he was .elected an honorary or Third Class member of this Commandery. The honor conferred on him was fully appreciated, he esteeming it a high privilege to be thus associated with officers who had served in the war. For a quarter of a century before 'his death he labored hard to lift the legitimate drama to a higher plane. Some fifteen years ago he wrote a paper, "The Press, the Pulpit and the Stage," which he delivered as a lecture in this city, and afterwards to large audi- ences in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, New York, Philadelphia, and other cities. The paper was thought- ful, of marked ability, and was always well received by his hearers. Mr. McVicker in many respects was a rare man. He possessed much practical intelligence and independ- ence of thought and action. Public spirited, he always favored any measures that were designed for the public good. Decided in his convictions, earnest and strong in his purposes, simple in his tastes, a hater of shams, of sturdy integrity, genial and generous in disposition, un- ostentatious in his benefactions to the poor and unfortu- nate, especially to those in the dramatic profession; he was a conspicuous citizen, a loyal friend, a kind father and a devoted husband. Of such a man it can be truly said, that the world was the better for his having lived in it. His Companions in this Commandery, deeply deplor- 282 MEMORIALS. ing the loss they have sustained in his death, extend to his bereaved family their sincere sympathy and condolence. AUGUSTUS L. CHETLAIN, ALFRED T. ANDREAS, JOHN T. McAuLEY, Committee. ORRIN CHARLES TOWNE. First Lieutenant Eleventh Illinois Infantry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Pensacola, Florida, Afril /j>, i8gb. IN MEMORY of Companion, First Lieutenant Orrin Charles Towne. Born in Pennsylvania in 1841. Died at Pensacola, Florida, April 13, 1896. The parents of Companion Towne settled in Winnebago County, Illinois, when he was a child, and he there grew to manhood upon the parental farm, obtaining such edu- cation as the common schools of that day afforded. When the attack was made on Fort Sumter he was but nineteen years of age, but, having acquired some knowledge of military affairs as a member of Ellsworth's famous Zouaves, he was better equipped for the duties of a soldier in the war for the preservation of the Union 283 284 MEMORIALS. than most of the young men of his day and age. He was alive to the necessities of his country, and was among the first to offer his services in defense of its in- stitutions and its flag. He enlisted April 24, 1861, and was made Corporal in Company D of the Eleventh Illinois Infantry, com- manded first by the brave and chivalric W. H. L. Wallace, and later by the heroic Ransom. His first en- listment was for three months, but on July 30, 1861, Companion Towne's Company was reorganized and mustered into service for three years, at which time he was made a Second Lieutenant, and he was promoted First Lieutenant on October 3, 1863, which rank he held until mustered out of service on July 29, 1864. During the year 1862 Companion Towne was selected for staff duty, and in that capacity served chiefly on the staff of Major General John McArthur, until his impaired health in 1864 disabled him from active service. At the expiration of his term of service, the same year, he was confined in the Officers' Hospital at Memphis, where he was mustered out, but he concluded to remain at Memphis in the hope of regaining his health and being able to re-enter the service. During the period of his convalescence at Memphis he assisted in organizing a number of militia regiments for defensive duty, and in one of such commands he held the rank of Major. At the close of the war Companion Towne settled at Pecatonica, Winnebago County, Illinois, and was there engaged in the drug business, occupying at the same time the position of Postmaster. In 1885, having re- moved to Chicago, he was appointed to a position in the office of the State Grain Inspector, and thereafter Chi- cago was his home. MEMORIALS. 285 Companion Towne was married at Rockford, Illinois, June 6, 1865, to Miss Aurelia Crary, who survives him. During the period of Lieutenant Towne's service in the army he suffered from a severe attack of pneumonia, the effects of which continued during all the remaining years of his life. In 1892 his physical condition had become so serious that in order to preserve his life he submitted to surgical treatment, the result of which was one of the marvels of modern surgery. He then knew that the span of his life was necessarily brief, and with but one chance in a thousand of surviving the severe surgical operation, he called to his aid that indomitable pluck and steadfastness of purpose so characteristic of the man as a soldier in the line of his duty, and bravely and un- hesitatingly took the one chance. This episode in the life of Companion Towne displayed qualities so heroic and a purpose so resolute as to enlist the admiration as well as the sympathy of all who knew him. This treat- ment was in a measure successful, and he so far recovered as to be able to make a trip to Southern California, and after a partial recovery in that climate he returned to Chicago in June, 1895; but soon thereafter, having con- tracted a severe cold, in the hope of relief he went to Pensacola, Florida, where his strength gradually failed until April 13, 1896, when the final summons came to him. Companion Towne was in the fullest sense a self- made man. The years which otherwise might have been devoted to the completion of his education were given to the service of his country, and at the close of the war he found himself broken in health as well as poor in pocket. Yet he was equal to every emergency, and wherever he went and wherever he was known he com- manded the respect and confidence of every one. As a 286 MEMORIALS. soldier he was aggressive, fearless and uncompromising; in peace he was gentle, courteous and generous to a fault. His was a manly spirit, and to his family and friends his life was a benediction. His patriotism was intense, and his sense of justice, manhood and right was of the highest order. Companion Towne was prominent in Masonic and in Grand Army circles, and was a member of the Crusader Commandery, Knights Templar, and of Nevius Post, G. A. R. , of Rockford. He was also prominent in political circles, where his fidelity and wise counsel were recognized and appreciated. In compliance with one of his last requests this brave and loving friend was laid to rest in the cemetery at Rosehill, near all that was mortal of his old commander and comrade, General T. E. G. Ransom. In the death of Lieutenant Towne the Commandery of the State of Illinois loses a Companion whose record as a soldier was above reproach, whose character as a citizen was unsullied, and whose friendship was dear to us all. We hold his memory in reverential respect, and to his widow and family we tender our sincere and affectionate sympathy. JOHN H. STIBBS, FRANCIS A. RIDDLE, EDWARD A. BLODGETT, Committee. NICHOLAS GREUSEL. Colonel Thirty-sixth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Aurora, Illinois, April 25, 180,6. I OLONEL Nicholas Greusel died at Aurora, Illinois, \^_ Saturday, April 25, 1896. He was born at Blies- kastie, Germany, July 4, 1817, and received a fair edu- cation there. In 1834 his father emigrated to the United States with his wife and ten children, and Nicholas at once commenced supporting himself, taking any work he could procure, and at all times performing it well and faithfully. At the outbreak of the Mexican War, he was em- ployed in Detroit by Rice, Coffin & Co., lumber mer- chants, and had been Captain and Major of local mili- tary organizations. He raised a company for the First 287 288 MEMORIALS. Regiment, Michigan Volunteers, and was commissioned as Captain of Company D. He served with distinction through the war, and won the reputation of taking better care of his men than any other officer of the command. Returning to his old position, he still retained his in- terest in military affairs, and served as Captain, and after- wards Lieutenant Colonel, of the First Battalion of City Guards. In 1847 he was Superintendent of the City Water Works, and in 1848 Inspector General of Lumber for the State of Michigan. By an unfortunate investment, he lost the modest competency acquired by hard work, and found employ- ment with the Michigan Central and afterwards with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company. He left their employ in 1861, recruited a company at Aurora, and was mustered into the three months' service, April 25, 1861, as Major of the Seventh Illinois Infantry Vol- unteers; served at Alton, St. Louis, Cairo and Mound City, and was mustered out July 25, 1861, on expiration of term of service. September 23, 1861, he was mus- tered in as Colonel, of the Thirty-sixth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and commanded that regiment, or the brigade of which it was a part, until February 7, 1863, when, broken in health and unable longer to endure the hard- ships of military life, he tendered his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted by his superiors. During this period the regiment had been engaged in the battles of Pea Ridge, Perrysville, Stone's River, and many minor engagements and skirmishes, and through Colonel Greu- sel's drill and discipline, combined with a tender and almost fatherly care of the men, had attained a glorious renown and reputation, which it preserved throughout the war. As soon as Colonel Greusel's health was partially re- MEMORIALS. 289 stored, he engaged in railway construction, afterwards in general business at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and in 1893 retired from business and returned to Aurora. He was elected a member of the Loyal Legion, June 2, 1886, through the Nebraska Commandery, transferred to the Iowa Commandery, and April 16, 1894, to the Illinois Commandery. Colonel Greusel was a noble type of those men, born in foreign lands, who gave to their adopted country a love and devotion which was strong even unto death, and an example which will not be forgotten. His mem- ory will be preserved in the hearts of his fellow soldiers until we, too, shall have passed away, and in the archives of our Commandery our sons and their sons will read his record. To his wife, his loved companion for nearly fifty- seven years, and to his children, we tender our heartfelt sympathies. JOHN LYNCH, JOHN SARGENT, ALFRED T. ANDREAS, Committee. WILLIAM POTWIN MORGAN. Died at Ashevtlle, North Carolina, June 14, 1896. *TI.GAIN we of a younger generation are called upon to \ mourn the death of the "early loved and lost." ^ s ~ William Potwin Morgan was born in Rockford, Illinois, December 7, 1865, and died at Asheville, North Carolina, June 14, 1896. After completing his studies in the public schools, he spent some time in Lafayette College, after which he took a special course in the Uni- versity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and finished his edu- cation abroad, chiefly at Coblentz and Vienna. He made a specialty of chemistry, and upon his return took charge of that department for the Chicago Varnish Company. He was also a director of said company, where he en- deared himself to both the officials and employes, and in 290 MEMORIALS. his death they sincerely mourn a pleasant companion and true friend. He was married in October, 1893, and leaves a wife and one boy. As a Companion of this Commandery he was beloved by all, and it may truly be said of "Billy" that "none knew him but to love him." In his death we all feel that we have lost an earnest friend and brother. To his wife and son, also his father and family, we tender our sincere sympathy in this their sad bereavement, and now, as we pay this last tribute of regard to our dead Companion, we give to you, our seniors, our earnest gratitude for your priceless example of "fidelity to friendship," which we beg to assure you has descended from the fathers to the sons. HUGH R. BELKNAP, GEORGE C. BALL, JOHN T. STOCKTON, Committee. CHARLES EDWARD BLIVEN. Captain and Assistant Qtiartermaster and Brevet Major, United States Volunteers. Died at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, August 29, 1896 *TLNOTHER of our comrades and a Companion of f\ this Order has fallen. Major Charles E. Bliven ^-" died in Philadelphia on the 29th of August, 1896. He was born in Phelps, Ontario County, New York, on the 2ist of September, 1835. In ms early youth his parents removed to Toledo, Ohio, which was thereafter his home until he came to Chicago, in 1885. He volunteered early in the first year of the rebellion. By reason of his practical knowledge of telegraphy, and his well earned and high standing as an expert in that art, he was called on to aid in effecting the organization 292 MEMORIALS. 2Q3 of our military telegraph system, and his intelligence and energy contributed most materially to its development, perfection and efficiency. In addition to his duties and services as an organizer and director of that system, he was very often made the confidant and adviser of the highest civil and military actors in that critical period of our history, and affairs of most momentous importance were committed and in- trusted to him. The rare discretion and efficiency with which he met and discharged every duty and trust justi- fied the high confidence reposed in his ability, patriotism and honor. After serving a year and a half in that field, he was prevailed upon by Colonel Moulton, the brother- in-law of General Sherman and Senator Sherman, to consent to be transferred to the less dangerous, but no less arduous, responsible and important duties of the Quartermaster's Department under General Meigs. Colo- nel Moulton, who was connected with that branch of the service, residing in Toledo before and at the commence- ment of the rebellion, knew Major Bliven intimately, and appreciated his ability, systematic methods, accuracy and integrity qualities so valuable and essential in the Quartermaster's Department. Major Bliven had declined Colonel Moulton's solicitation to enter that department at the beginning of the rebellion, believing he could ren- der more efficient service in another field; and the benefit to his country resulting from his achievements justified his determination. He served in the Quartermaster's Department for over four years, being mustered out of the service over a year after the close of the war, with rank of Major. The statement of one fact alone will illustrate the remarkable accuracy, efficiency and integrity which char- acterized his discharge of the duties in that department. 294 MEMORIALS. The accountants of the United States in the auditor's office claimed to find an error of only thirty-three cents in his accounts, extending over a period of over four years, and involving the disbursement of many millions of dollars. It is believed that a parallel case cannot be found in the accounts of any other disbursing officer in the Quartermaster's Department during the rebellion. Soon after he was mustered out of the military service of the United States he engaged in the insurance busi- ness. In that he attained eminent success. It is a trib- ute to his ability, application and industry that he stood in the front rank of that profession. Few investigated as thoroughly the principles underlying sound insurance; few had his faculty of compiling and arranging statistics, and deducing therefrom the laws by which insurance is governed. He was a diligent student of the history of his own country, not only of the past, but of that, in making which he bore so honorable and influential a part. He was a thoughtful writer, and his style was remarkable for its conciseness. His contributions on many subjects relat- ing to insurance are numerous and valuable. He was decided and tenacious in his opinions, which were formed deliberately and after careful investigation, and on lines of independent thought. He possessed a mind remarably quick and clear in apprehension, fertile in developing suggestions into prin- ciples extending in scope, importance and influence far beyond the conception of the one from whom the sug- gestion was received. His intense and unremitting study and mental appli- cation accelerated, if it did not cause, the disease that ended his life. Lives of some men are measured by the years of their MEMORIALS. existence; others by their attainments, usefulness, and what they accomplish. His life belonged to the latter class. He was a steadfast friend; and in all relations of life was governed by broadest tolerance and generous char- ity. No one ever heard him say anything unkind or un- favorable of another. With sorrowing hearts we sympathize with his family in their great affliction, and offer this, our sincere tribute to his memory and to his worth as a man, a soldier, a citizen, comrade and Companion of our Order. MYRON H. BEACH, EUGENE GARY, A. F. DEAN, Committee. WILLIAM AVERY. Lieutenant Colonel Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry, United States Vol- unteers. Died at Woodstock, Illinois, November 26, i8g6. \ A I RONG not the dead with tears. A glorious, bright * *i to-morrow endeth a weary life of pain "and sorrow. Swiftly and surely, but alas! too closely, we hear the clanging of that dread summons which calls from our ranks some one who has been esteemed, honored and loved. The twilight of our earthly course draws on apace, and in the glinting rays of the fading sun, we watch with tearful eyes the passing of some loved one to "The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no trav- eler returns." Colonel Avery died at his home in Woodstock, Illi- nois; he had a long and painful illness about three years 296 MEMORIALS. ago, which greatly undermined his constitution, and although he rallied again, yet he did not fully recover from its effects. His last illness dated back about five weeks, during which, in spite of the best medical atten- tion and careful nursing, he continued to decline, and on Monday afternoon, November 16, 1896, he passed peace- fully away. Colonel Avery was born in Erie County, Pennsylva- nia, July 10, 1825, and was, therefore, seventy-one years and four months old at his death. He went to Marengo, Illinois, in the fall of 1857, and was employed by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway as station agent. When President Lincoln called to arms three hundred thousand men in 1862, Companion Avery needed no urging to in- duce him to respond to this imperative call. He left the employ of the Northwestern and immediately enrolled his name among his country's defenders. On the organ- ization of Company A, of the Ninety-fifth Regiment, Illi- nois Infantry Volunteers, he was elected Captain and mustered on the 4th of September, 1862. On the 24th of January, 1863, he was promoted to Major, and on the death of Colonel Humphrey at Guntown, he was pro- moted to Lieutenant Colonel. He participated with his regiment in the battles of Champion's Hill, Siege of Vicks- burg, the Red River Campaign, Campaign against Price in Arkansas and Missouri, Nashville, Mobile and others. He was wounded in the charge on Vicksburg on May 22, 1863, and was sent on a hospital boat to Memphis, and after being in the hospital at Memphis some time was sent home, subsequently rejoining his regiment at Nat- chez. He remained with his regiment, participating in its marches, battles and skirmishes until the close of the war, returning to Marengo in August, 1865, and resum- ing the place he left as station agent of the Chicago & 2Q8 MEMORIALS. Northwestern Railway. In 1882 he was elected County Clerk of McHenry County, moved to Woodstock, Illinois; and served very efficiently and acceptably for three terms twelve years. Colonel Avery was married at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1856, to Miss Mary P. Camp. Two daughters were born to them, Mary Ella and Katie. The latter died in Wood- stock in 1886; Ella and her mother survive and deeply mourn the death of an affectionate father and devoted husband. Colonel Avery was eminently social, genial and gen- erous. He was always popular in the army. Dignified, soldierly, courageous and chivalrous, he had the respect and confidence of his superior officers, and the love and respect of the rank and file. He was a father to the "boys," always looking after their comfort and always their friend. He was known throughout the regiment as "Pap" Avery his kindness of heart often overlooking the minor irregularities of the march or camp, so long as they did not interfere with proper military discipline, or with a soldier's duty, and hence he won the familiar ap- pellation of "Pap " Avery, and the boys were ever ready to do cheerfully for him what they would be reluctant to do for others. He was a brave, true-hearted, big-brained soldier and comrade in arms; like Chevalier Bayard of old, "A knight without fear and without reproach." We shall mourn a leader gone, a wise counsellor, and the hand-clasp of a loved friend. The Companions of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion extend to the bereaved widow and daughter their sincerest sympathy and condolence in this the hour of their trial and sorrow. JAMES A. SEXTON, H. H. THOMAS, ED. A. BLODGETT, Committee. WILLIAM HENRY TAYLOR. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Wilmette, Illinois, December 24, 1896. ON December 24, 1896, our Companion Lieutenant William Henry Taylor, died at his home at Wil- mette in this County, the immediate cause of his death being paralysis, although he had been in failing health for some months. He was born at Argyle, New York, October n, 1834; came West in 1859, staying some time at Kanka- kee, Illinois, then removing to Watseka, Iroquois County, where he became Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court of that County. On August 13, 1862, he enlisted as a private in the 299 3OO MEMORIALS. One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment Illinois Volun- teer Infantry, and on the next day was appointed Quarter- master Sergeant, was promoted to First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster to rank from July 12, 1864, and continued to serve in that capacity until June 20, 1865, when he was mustered out with his regiment. Lieutenant Taylor was a faithful and efficient soldier, discharging every duty devolving upon him loyally and zealously. Since his return to civil life he has had an unusually honorable business career, having been for over thirty years continuously in the service of the Hart- ford Fire Insurance Company, occupying during these years various responsible positions, for the last fifteen years, and up to the time of his death, that of Manager of the Loss Department of that Company in their West- ern Department. He leaves surviving him his widow and four children, one son and three daughters, all married and living at Wilmette, with whom we sympathize in their great be- reavement. We who knew him best can testify to his many good qualities. He was a good soldier, a good citizen, a true and genial friend. His loss will be sin- cerely mourned by his Companions of the Loyal Legion and a large circle of friends and business associates. W. A. MCLEAN, A. J. HARDING, GEO. A. HOLLOWAY, Committee. ABRAM WILLIAMS. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Sixth lozua Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 6, 1897. etfPANION Abram Williams was born in Utica, New York, March 31, 1830. He died in Chicago, Illinois,, January 6, 1897. His father was a man of business prominence and one of the Canal Commissioners of the State of New York. His paternal grandfather was a prominent minister of the Baptist faith. His maternal grandfather, Rev. Ezra Barnum, was a preacher and soldier of the Revolution. From such ancestry naturally came to him the courage, determination, high moral purpose and spiritual vigor, which were the con- spicuous elements of his character. By the death of his father, at the age of fourteen, he was 3O2 MEMORIALS. thrown upon his own resources, and thenceforward made to breast the battle of life alone. Going to the city of New York at this early age, a stranger and alone, he secured employment in the importing house of Peter Murray. Diligence and merit found proper recognition here and deserved advancement followed. At the age of twenty he held the position of buyer in the then im- portant mercantile house of William H. Gary & Co. and in 1852 he became a partner in the house of Sheldon, Harris & Williams, and was placed in charge of its Paris branch. Impaired health soon after compelled him to give up Paris and seek a different climate and business. In 1856 he settled in Dubuque, Iowa then one of the leading business centres of the West and opened a general store. The panic of the following year in- volved him in the general ruin, but with a spirit and courage as heroic as were ever found in battle, he in- sisted that he alone should suffer by the failure of his venture, and by industry, economy and energy finally succeeded in paying every creditor in full; at that time an instance so rare as to be conspicuous, and proper to mention here, because it illustrates the quality of the man. At the beginning of the War of the Rebellion, he promptly resigned the position of Clerk of the County of Dubuque, which he then held, and entered the military service of his country as First Lieutenant of the Sixth Iowa Cavalry, afterwards becoming Acting Assistant Quartermaster on the Staff of General Scully. While this position kept him away from the front and the dangers of active battle, it gave opportunity for the exer- cise of those fine business qualities, that firmness, vigi- lance, incorruptible and persistent honesty, which were a part of his nature. His service in the position named was especially efficient and valuable, so much so as to MEMORIALS. 303 receive meritorious mention. At one time, becoming dissatisfied with the dilatoriness of the Illinois Central Railroad in forwarding supplies to the front, he arbitrarily took possession of the road for and in the name of the government, and ran it till the needs of the army had been supplied, thus showing that not all of courage and generalship was at the front. In 1865, he again settled in Dubuque and engaged in the insurance business. His superior administrative ability was soon recognized, and he was made Manager of the Yonkers Insurance Company of New York. That company having been destroyed by the great Chicago fire, he was soon thereafter made Manager of the Western Department of the Continental Insurance Company of New York, and subsequently Manager of the Western Department of the Connecticut Insurance Company, which last position he held at the time of his death, prominent and responsible positions, all, which he filled with signal ability and success. In his chosen profession none stood higher, and among his business associates no one was more highly esteemed. Companion Williams was active but unostentatious in all charitable work. He possessed a deep religious nature; was a consistent member of Grace Episcopal Church of Chicago, active in its work and councils, and was at the time of his death, and had been for twenty- five years, its Senior Warden. In disposition he was gentleness itself. In his inter- course with his fellows he was kind, courteous and con- siderate; sincere in friendship, strong in conviction, in integrity complete. In closing, we can do no better than to quote from a memorial to him adopted elsewhere: " As a patriot he breasted the storm of war, as a 34 MEMORIALS. business man he was faithful to every trust; as a Christian gentleman he stood without reproach." EUGENE GARY, CHAS. W. DREW, A. F. DEAN, Committee. JOHN EUGENE SMITH. Brigadier General and Brevet Major General, United States Volun- teers, Colonel {Retired} and Brevet Major General, United States Army. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 2g, i8g"j. AtOHN EUGENE SMITH was born in the Canton of . Berne, Switzerland, August 3, 1816. His parents emigrated to America and settled at Philadelphia, December 24th of that year. While a young man he acquired a knowledge of watchmaking and the jeweler's business, a pursuit to which he afterward devoted him- self. After abiding in St. Louis for several years he removed in 1836 to Galena, where he was residing at the opening of the year 1861. At this time he had estab- lished himself as a merchant, had gained the respect and confidence of the people of his city and county, and had 305 3O6 MEMORIALS. been elected to important civic office. A public spirited citizen, a person of attractive presence and inherited military aptitudes, he had already taken a prominent part in a local military company. He stood out plainly among those upon whom at that time the people of his part of the state were fixing their eyes as leaders in the conflict known to be approaching. The records of this Commandery show that he reported for duty at Spring- field, as Aide to Governor Yates, April 15, 1861; was mustered in as Colonel Forty-fifth Illinois Infantry Vol- unteers July 23, 1861; honorably discharged December 14, 1862; accepted appointment as Brigadier General of Volunteers, December 15, 1862; Brevetted Major General of Volunteers, January 12, 1865; honorably mustered out of the Volunteer service April 30, 1866; appointed Col- onel Twenty-seventh United States Infantry, July 28, 1866; brevetted Major General United States Army, March 2, 1867; assigned to Fifteenth Infantry, December 15, 1870; transferred to Fourteenth Infantry, December 20, 1870; retired as Colonel United States Army, May 19, 1881. These dates mark a space of nearly twent}' years of volunteer and regular service. That service included the operations at Henry and Donelson; the expedition up the Tennessee, Shiloh, Corinth and the Mississippi Campaign, the Yazoo expedition, the series of battles in the rear of Vicksburg, and the siege and capture of Vicks- burg itself; also Chattanooga, the Atlanta and Georgia Campaigns and the march with Sherman to the sea. After these events in the war for Union, there came to him the labors, the hazards and the responsibilities of military life upon the Indian frontier that sad yet noble and necessary work in which the Army of the United States has so often stood as sole conservator of peace and law, MEMORIALS. 3O/ between the worst passions of the worst men of two hostile races. In that duty General Smith spent the greater part of the closing years of his active career. With him, command of men was a real and actual thing. His conduct of the forces under him, whether a reg- iment, a brigade, a division or a district of independent posts, as at Etowah, appears to have met with unvarying approval from his superiors. At Donelson, Wallace com- mends him for meritorious behavior in action; at Shiloh, Marsh; at Vicksburg, McClernand. In July, 1864, his Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps occupies Allatoona Pass, and the regions round about, with headquarters at Cartersville. General Sherman then writes to him: "I regard Allatoona of the first importance in our future plans, it is a second Chattanooga. I will soon be in motion again, and will feel more confidence that I know you are at Allatoona. " Many years after the sending of this letter, General Grant in his Memoirs speaks of Smith's Division at Missionary Ridge. He says, "J. E. Smith, with two brigades charged up the west side of the ridge to the support of Corse's command over open ground and in the face of both artillery and musketry, and reached the very parapet of the enemy." He tells how they were forced back, how they reformed, and how they again advanced on that victorious day. General Smith was the sixth Commander of the Com- mandery, succeeding General Stiles. He was deeply in- terested in all its objects, and appreciated its compan- ionships, but latterly was prevented by failing health from attendance at its meetings. In April last he sum- moned his waning energies to visit Galena, in order to join with faltering steps in the ceremonies there held in honor of the memory of General Grant. From that perilous journey he returned with health and strength 3O8 MEMORIALS. greatly impaired. At last the long evening of that busy and useful life neared its end; and the end was January 29, 1897. He died at his home amid his household and kindred, after some years of great suffering borne with great fortitude. The hills and slopes that encompass Galena are beau- tiful with a grace and roundness denied to our cities of the prairie. One of those gentle elevations is called Greenwood. There, in the language of another, his neighbor and friend, "a modest but expressive monu- ment now marks the grave of one of Galena's most dis- tinguished soldiers-' John E. Smith. This Commandery desires to keep his name and faithful services in enduring remembrance, and to assure his family of its deep sym- pathy in their loss. GEO. L. PADDOCK, JOSEPH B. LEAKE, RICHARD S. TUTHILL, Committee. GEORGE STEVENS ROPER. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence and Brevet Major, United States Volunteers. Died at Rockford. Illinois. February j, 1897. ^EORGE STEVENS ROPER was born in Worcester V^J County, Massachusetts, on January 28, 1832, and at the time of his death in Rockford, Illinois, at 2:30 o'clock on the morning of February 3, 1897, had just completed his sixty-fifth year. From his native place when a boy he removed with his parents to Western Pennsylvania, and there grew to young manhood, with such advantages for education as the schools of that neighborhood afforded. At the early age of eighteen years he began the seri- ous duties of life as a teacher in the common schools of 309 3IO MEMORIALS. Pennsylvania, and later became a clerk in mercantile business. In 1854 he removed to Springfield, Illinois, where he became a clerk and bookkeeper in the dry goods establishment of S. M. Tinsley & Co., and later was a partner with Edward R. Ulrich, under the style of Ulrich & Roper, lumber dealers, and conducted the business of that firm at Alton, Illinois, until 1859, when he returned to Springfield and again engaged in business there. It was during the years of his residence in Springfield prior to 1861, that Companion Roper established friendly and intimate relations with Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Richard Yates and many other distinguished and historic men who made the capital of Illinois famous in that era as the gathering place of many of the greatest characters of the nineteenth century. Prior to 1861 Roper had been Secretary of the Spring- field Library Association, and it was his relation to that organization which brought him into confidential inti- macy with Douglas and Lincoln. He was a loyal ad- mirer of Senator Douglas, and gave to that distinguished citizen his hearty support in the memorable campaign of 1858; but serious thoughtfulness of the political issues of that day as they were presented in private conversation and public discourse by our martyred President, made him an enthusiastic lover of Abraham Lincoln. It is an easy thing to-day for one reared in the school of Jeffersonian democracy to condemn human slavery and denounce in unmeasured terms the unspeakable atrocity of the fugitive slave law. It was different in 1860. The manacles of tradition then still had their grasp both upon the old and the young, and the apostles of human liberty were regarded as a band of disturbing fanatics rather than the forerunners of that superb na- tional life, the chief glory of which is the maintenance of MEMORIALS. 311 a political society in which every human soul shall have the same rights under the law, and the same untram- meled opportunity for the achievement of every aspira- tion common to the race of man. Companion Roper was a lineal descendant of King Philip of the Pequods, and from that, if from no other ancestral source, he had inherited a love of human free- dom and hatred of everything which fetters either the action or destiny of the individual. How natural it was then for such a spirit, awakened to a sense of duty by the swirl of the task-master's lash, and the groans of helpless bondmen, to join with all his heart and all his splendid energy in that wonderful campaign which re- sulted in the election of Lincoln to the Presidency in November, 1860. It was under such circumstances that our Companion sang with such impressive effect the songs of liberty, and it was in that memorable contest that by a charm of manner and in tones of melody seldom equaled, he aroused in the hearts of multitudes impulses which will cease to beat only when the love of liberty and the hope of glory no longer control the human heart. When the cloud of war came in 1861, and the great hero of his young manhood called for men-at-arms to defend the nation's life, Companion Roper was swift to offer his strength, his life and his patriotic services under his country's flag. His first services were rendered under the Military Department of the State Government of Illi- nois, but on September 9, 1861, he was commissioned a Captain and Commissary of Subsistence in the Union army, and reported immediately to General George H. Thomas, at Crab Orchard, Kentucky, for duty. From that time on until the war closed, including the battles of Mill Springs, Perryville and Chickamauga, to use his 312 MEMORIALS. own words, he " participated in all the marches and campaigns intervening in which the troops under the im- mediate command of General George H. Thomas took any part." He continued to serve on the personal staff of General Thomas until subsequent to the battle of Murfreesboro, when he was assigned first to the staff of General John M. Schofield, then to that of General James B. Steed- man, and later to that of General J. M. Brannan. On May 24, 1864, he was by the order of General Sherman assigned to duty on the military railroads cen- tering in Nashville, Tennessee, and was thereafter under the immediate command of General D. C. McCallum. Companion Roper, after the battle of Mill Springs, and in January, 1862, was brevetted Major and Commis- sary of Subsistence, and his military services were ren- dered under that rank until January 28, 1866, when he was mustered out. He returned at once to his home and engaged in business, first at St. Louis, then at Alton, and finally located at Rockford, in this State, where in 1880 he organized the Manufacturers and Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company, and, as Secretary of that corporation, he conducted with great success its business affairs until the day of his death. To write the military history and recount the military services of Companion Roper, would be to recall the splendid triumphs and unsurpassed achievements of that ever brilliant military organization known to history as the Army of the Cumberland, and to assign to him no inconspicuous part in the gallant achievements and meritorious successes of that heroic command. The services which he gave to his country from 1861 to 1866 were a part of those unrequited sacrifices which contrib- uted to the establishment of permanent peace in our own MEMORIALS. 313 country and to the exaltation of our country's flag and our country's name in other lands. They were the sacri- fices and services of an heroic soul marching steadfastly along the line of fully appreciated duty. They were not given grudgingly or hesitatingly, but were given spontan- eously, because they were the offering of a patriotic heart, and courageously, because they were the tribute of a knightly spirit, "without fear and without reproach," to a cause that was righteous. Major Roper was three times married; first to Miss Louisa B. George of Pennsylvania, who died in Spring- field, Illinois, after there had been born to them three sons Mahon F. , now deceased, and George D. and Ed- ward U. Roper, who still survive him. His second mar- riage was to Miss Almira S. Bangs, at that time Principal of the public schools in Springfield, Illinois, and who lived but a few months after her marriage. He was sub- sequently married to Miss Roxy G. Conklin of Michigan, now his surviving widow. Thus was born, and reared and lived, George Stevens Roper, whose life was precious to every one of us, and whose memory will reverently abide with us all. What shall we say of such a life, of such a genial friend, and of such a royal Companion ? He was a man whose good qualities were without number, and whose ill ones, if any, were unknown. He was as gentle as a woman, trustful as a child, and his heart took in all men, all sects, and all creeds. Too noble in his soul to doubt and too large-hearted to bear malice, the world was to him a place in which to do good, and where the right- hearted could find in every human being some quality worthy of kindly recognition. If in his judgment a man strayed from the high purpose of his being, or if a woman erred, there was always in his philosophy a place for re- 314 MEMORIALS. pentance. This hopeful spirit, this broad philanthropy, this tender consideration for the weaknesses of his fel- lows, made him loved of men even as he loved men. The value of such a life is not and cannot ever be fully appreciated until its lamp has gone out. But what would the world be without the example of such lives, and without such high ideals? Roper will not be remem- bered because he acquired wealth in the avenues of trade and commerce; no monument will be erected to his mem- ory because of any achievement by him in the fields of science, or art, or literature; but his noble deeds and his eloquent life will speak forever in his just praise. He was indeed a fit representative of that wide republic whose citizenship is made up from that innumerable band of heroic yet gentle souls, who in their fraternal compan- ionship are all "Princes of the line royal." Who of us can ever forget the kindly grasp of his hand, the pleasant sound of his tender voice, the reassur- ing effect of his ever welcome presence ? How shall we appreciate the good which has flowed from contact with such a loving character ? How pleasing is the memory which he leaves behind him! How many doubts and sorrows have been smoothed away by the touch of his sympathy, by his kindly word of cheer, by his sincere counsel, and by his courageous admonitions as he walked among us from day to day. His was a strong, robust, cheerful, beautiful, loving manhood. His was a courage which in the vicissitudes of life grew stronger in time of trial. His every purpose was softened by the monitions of a tender conscience, and by a feeling that there was ever yet to be reached something nobler and better in life. The rhythm, the pathos and the hope which animat- ed him were revealed and expressed in the songs he so often sang to us; and these songs were the evidence of MEMORIALS. 31$ an unshaken faith that in the "land beyond the river" he would find a "sweet forever" "where they ring the golden bells for you and me." Unseen hands have rung the golden bells for our dear Companion, and the Om- niscient King has commanded his spirit to be free. The same august Commander will yet ring the golden bells for us. And so it is, that of our cherished Companion, with all that made life dear to him, and with all that made him lovable to us, we have only the memory that clings about our hearts. As we approach that bourne whither our Companion has already gone, we realize that the shadows for us are lengthening to the East. If no gleam of hope comes to us in the setting sun of life, then thick darkness will cover us, and the longing after immortality must be stifled in despair. Already we step high lest we stumble and fall over the little billows of earth which cover the forms of our loved and lost. The earthly form which held for a time the intrepid spirit of Companion Roper was placed within the narrow house which in due time we must all inhabit. Winter will come and cover with its mantle of white the unsightly mound, perennial spring will clothe in beauteous verdure the turf above him, innocent birds will sing in the drooping branches that wave over his grave, the tide of life will rise and fall, the bustle of commerce will charm us with its din of echoes, and the struggling multitudes will press forever on, but our Companion will heed them not; The Divine attribute which made him immortal is not there. Within the cerements which enclose his mouldering clay lies all, if aught there was to mar the beautiful symme- try of his life. He has pushed aside the veil, he has opened the portals, and crossed the threshold which divides the illimitable eternity of the past from the limit- less cycle of the future, and clothed with every good 316 MEMORIALS. deed he has gone as a valiant prince to meet the merited welcome of his King. To his family we offer our affectionate condolences, and invoke for them the gracious favor of the Loving Father of us all. JOHN H. SHERRATT, FRANCIS A. RIDDLE, C. F. MATTESON, Committee. SAMUEL COLEMAN BLAKE. Major and Surgeon Thirty-ninth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, February 6, I HE death of our Companion Dr. Samuel C. Blake ^ has cast a deep gloom over a loving family and a wide circle of devoted friends. Dr. Blake was born in Bath, Maine, on the 25th day of July, 1826. He sprang from a revolutionary family, his grandfather, John Blake, having served as a youth of eighteen years in the Continental Army. In the com- pany of his cousin, Captain Dearborn, afterwards Major General Dearborn, after whom Fort Dearborn and also Dearborn Street in Chicago w r ere named, John Blake took part in the battle of Bunker Hill, participated in the festivities at the laying of the corner stone of Bunker 317 3l8 MEMORIALS. Hill Monument, and was one of the thirteen survivors of that battle who were present at the completion of the monument. On the maternal side Dr. Blake was con- nected with John Hancock, the first signer of the Declara- tion of Independence. His father, Rev. S. P. Blake, was a member of the Maine Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church for half a century. Samuel C. Blake received his academical education at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, and on the 2oth of July, 1853, he graduated from the Medical Department of Harvard University. He served as house-physician in the Massachusetts general hospital one year. Having practiced medicine in Boston three years and a half, he came to Chicago in 1856. At that time there was but. one medical college " Rush " and only one hospital ("Mercy") here. In 1858, in connection with the late Professor Brainard, Dr. DeLaskie Miller and J. P. Ross, he leased the old City Hospital building and organized the second hospital in the city. In 1 86 1, he assisted in the organizing of the Thirty- ninth Illinois, and when the regiment was not promptly accepted, he applied for and received the position of Surgeon in the Nineteenth Illinois Volunteers, which regiment he accompanied to Missouri. Here he was de- tailed on the Staff of General Hurlbut, and ordered to inspect the regimental hospital at Quincy, Illinois, which duty he performed with great credit to himself. At Quincy he organized a general military hospital, which was continued during the war. After the Thirty-ninth Illinois was mustered into the service, Dr. Blake was appointed its Surgeon. In Janu- ary, 1862, he was detached from his regiment and or- dered to organize a brigade hospital at Hancock, Mary- land. He remained in charge of it until the troops were MEMORIALS. ordered to advance to Winchester, Virginia. During General Banks's campaign in the Shenandoah Valley he was detailed to take charge of the general hospital of the army at Mount Jackson, Virginia. He there organized three large hospitals, and upon the retreat of the army to Strassburg, Virginia, he organized a large field hos- pital, in which he administered to the comfort of a thou- sand sick and wounded soldiers of both armies. His great professional skill and deep devotion to duty were highly appreciated by his superior officers, as the follow- ing brief abstracts from letters addressed to him may serve to show: Dr. Thomas Antisell, Brigade Surgeon of Volunteers and Medical Director of the First Division, Department of the Shenandoah, writes to him from the General Headquarters near Edenburg, Virginia, on the I2th of April, 1862, among other things as follows: "Dear Sir: I have had ample opportunity of estimating your ability as a hospital surgeon, and feel much pleasure in being able to testify to the care and devotion bestowed by you on the men, and of the professional skill displayed on many occasions where the service required it. In field hospitals, where many things needful for the comfort of the sick soldiers have to be improvised, a faithful devo- tion to duty and self-sacrifice are qualities eminently needed; in your display of these I have also been witness, and I can record my complete approval and satisfaction with your conduct at the Brigade Hospital, Hancock." Thomas O. Osborne, the brave old Colonel com- manding the Thirty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, writes to Dr. Blake from his headquarters at Harrison's Landing on the 5th of August, 1862, as follows: "My dear old Surgeon: If at any time you should need my good offices, they shall be freely given you, for that 32O MEMORIALS. good name and reputation which you won for yourself and my regiment in the medical department of the army in the field, and I cannot forget that high and never-to-be-for- gotten compliment paid me as your commanding officer by Major General Williams in your behalf for your distin- guished services when in charge of the general hospital." Owing to the severe exposures incident to his service and the great responsibilities resting upon him, his health became seriously impaired and he found himself com- pelled to retire from the service. In 1863 he was County Physician of Cook County, and from 1865 to 1866, City Physician. This was during the last cholera epidemic which visited Chicago. There was at that time no Superintendent of Health, no medical inspectors, and no sanitary police force. The duties devolving upon the Doctor were arduous and exacting, but he performed them with the same perseverance and devotion which had characterized his work in the army. In 1868 the Doctor was a member of the Board- of Supervisors of Cook County, and it is mainly due to his indefatigable efforts that during that year the foundation for the County Hospital was laid, which since that time has become one of the most important and beneficent public institu- tions in the northern part of this State. The Doctor was also instrumental in establishing the Women's and Children's Hospital of Chicago, and he served on the medical staff of these institutions for sev- eral years. As a member of the Woman's Medical Col- lege of this city he occupied the chair of Diseases of " Mind and Nervous System " for seven years. He was also a Fellow of the Massachusetts State Medical Society, of the American Medical Association, of the Illinois State Medical Society, of the Chicago Medical Society and Consulting Neurologist of Wesley Hospital. MEMORIALS. 321 Throughout his whole life Dr. Samuel C. Blake proved himself to be true to every duty which he was ever called upon to perform. He had a high conception of his splendid calling, which to him was a celestial god- dess to guide him in relieving the sick and wounded and restoring them to health and strength. Endowed with a kind heart and profoundly learned in his science, he consecrated his whole life to noble deeds of humanity and the best efforts of an exalted existence. The death of such a man leaves a void not only in the circle of his sorrow-stricken companions in arms but throughout the city. To his bereaved family we express our profound- est sympathy. EDMUND ANDREWS, M. D., WILLIAM VOCKE, WILLIAM B. KEELER, Committee. JOHN BINES FIDLAR. First Lieutenant Trventy-fifth loiva Infantry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Davenport, loiva, March 22, 1897. O ORN in Hebron, Ohio, March 16, 1839; died in *\ V Davenport, Iowa, March 22, 1897. Sacrifice is the measure of worth. The full stature of a man is the sum of deeds done for others. Patriotism is but another name for comradery. The country men die for, is an essence that is a part of all the people. To brave death for one's country means to brave death for neigh- bors, for neighbors' neighbors whom we have never seen, but to whom we are bound by that invisible chord, human love. Companion Fidlar was a patriot in every sense of the word. In August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in the Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry Volunteers. He was 322 MEMORIALS. 323 with his regiment in the battles of Arkansas Post, Vicks- burg, Jackson, luka, Cherokee Station and many others. At Cherokee Station he was seriously wounded. By untiring attention to duty and meritorious conduct, par- ticularly at Vicksburg when his prompt decision and bravery saved a rout, he was steadily promoted. His regimental record is the best evidence of his worth as a soldier and comrade. August 14, 1862, enlisted and was made First Ser- geant of Company D, Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteers. February 5, 1863, promoted to Second Lieutenant. May 9, 1863, promoted to First Lieutenant. June 6, 1865, mustered out. It the close of the war, he returned to the position of Express Agent at Burlington, Iowa. In 1870 he was appointed to a position in the First National Bank of Davenport, and was afterwards its Cashier for seventeen years, when he resigned to go into business for himself. He was enterprising and energetic. He was quick to see and quick to execute. The same nerve that he dis- played on the battle field was exercised as a cashier and in business generally. To promote new enterprises that would benefit his city he was liberal in his investments and free with his time and energy. He leaves a widow and one son, and this Com- mandery unites with them and his hosts of friends to mourn his departure. M. L. MARKS, MONROE EBI, P. W. MCMANUS, Committee. AXEL SMEDBERG ADAMS. Captain Second Cavalry, United States Army. Died at Chicago, Illinois, March 18, i8qj. SMEDBERG ADAMS was born at his father's country seat, " Devasego Falls, " near Prattsburg, Greene County, New York, August 24, 1843. He died at Chicago, Illinois, March 18, 1897. His father, William Adams, was a cotton factor, and resided in New York City. He was a boy of gentle, studious habits and strong artistic tastes; was educated in private schools, later devoted some time to the study of art, produced sketches and paintings showing much talent and, but for the outbreak of the war, would prob- ably have made that his chosen profession. He became a member of the Twenty-second Regi- 324 MEMORIALS. 325 ment Infantry, National Guard of the State of New York, and was made a Corporal in May, 1862. At that time, and again in 1863, his regiment was mustered into the United States service, and sent to the front for brief periods. In February, 1865, he enlisted in the Fourteenth United States Infantry, was appointed Sergeant, March i, 1865, passed his examination for Second Lieutenant, was commissioned as such to date from May 3, 1865; promoted to First Lieutenant, July 6, 1865; promoted to Captain, November 27, 1868, and resigned October 26, 1869. After having received his commission as Second Lieu- tenant, he joined his regiment, Second United States Cavalry, at Winchester, Virginia, and in October, 1865, moved with it to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. His ser- vice from that time was entirely in the Western States and Territories, engaged in scouts and marches and In- dian fighting. In November, 1869, he came to Chicago and, after a brief stay, went to Fitchburg, Kentucky, where he was employed in iron works about three years, then to New York City, and remained in his father's employ until 1876. From 1876 to 1889 he was employed at Oil City, Pennsylvania, most of the time as book-keeper in a mer- cantile establishment. He then returned to Chicago, and engaged in the business of an expert accountant, in which capacity he gave entire satisfaction to his em- ployers. A man exquisitely neat in his person and surroundings, careful, methodical and painstaking in his work, he made comparatively few general acquaintances, but those who knew him loved him well. This Commandery will remember him as one who 326 MEMORIALS. served his country in the time of need, and tenders its sympathies to his sorrowing relatives. GEORGE K. BRADY, DANIEL ROBINSON, RICHARD ROBINS, Committee. JOHN YOUNG OLIVER. Died at Denver, Colorado, April g, i8gj. ^TOHN Y. OLIVER, a member of the Illinois Com- mandery by inheritance, Insignia No. 5144, was born in Monroe, Michigan, December 14, 1853, and died at Denver, Colorado, April 9, 1897. He was the son of Brigadier General John M. Oliver, who served with distinction through the Civil War, in the Army of the Tennessee. Although but a child of tender years at the beginning of the war, he accompanied his father through all the campaigns of the Army of the Tennessee, never leaving him, either in battle, bivouac or camp. Shortly after the war closed, at the age of fifteen years, he entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis, and during the course of his studies, circumnavigated the globe on 327 328 MEMORIALS. the veteran man-of-war, "Constitution." Upon his graduation he severed his connection with the Navy, entering upon a business life. In the early seventies, Mr. Oliver took a position with the Pullman Palace Car Company, at Pullman, Illinois, but early associations and training had left with him a martial spirit which never forsook him. The organization of the First Regi- ment Infantry, Illinois National Guards, offered him the opportunity of once more gratifying this taste. He en- listed in Company C of this regiment, and soon became its First Sergeant, serving with distinction as enlisted man and commissioned officer. His thorough knowledge of minor tactics, the school of the soldier and of the company, and of the customs of the service, together with his tact and strict discipline, contributed in a large measure to the victories of his Company at many prize drills and contests, notably that with the Chickasaw Guards of Memphis, at St. Louis, in 1880. He earned for himself the name of being the best qualified First Sergeant in the National Guard of the entire country. He also won laurels during the railroad riots of 1877, and the labor and anarchistic troubles of 1879. After having been commissioned as First Lieutenant of Com- pany C, First Infantry, Illinois National Guard, he left the service in 1881, and in 1882 was married to Miss Minnie F. Towne, now his widow. Soon after this, he was tendered the position of General Manager for the American Smelting Company at Leadville, Colorado, which position he retained for ten years. During his residence in Colorado, Mr. Oliver was elected twice to the State Senate. He performed his political duties equally as well and conscientiously as those of his former military life. While residing in Canon City, Colorado, he drilled the Commandery of Knights Templar, and MEMORIALS. 329 while a resident of Leadville, he drilled the Knights of Pythias, and enabled them to win three prizes in com- petitive contests. From Leadville Mr. Oliver went to Denver, and became connected, as Secretary and Treas- urer, with the "Mine and Smelter Supply Company," which position he held at the time of his death. To the members of this Commandery, Companion Oliver was not well known. Those of us who did know him, however, sorrow in the loss of a manly Companion and an affectionate friend. To his bereaved family, this Commandery offers its sympathy. With them it shares the consolation that for him life was a success, well filled and rounded out with completeness, in all parts where he participated or directed. EDGAR D. SWAIN, CHARLES R. E. KOCH, GEO. V. LAUMAN, Committee. STUART McENTEE. Died at Chicago, Illinois, April 29, 1897. 3TUART McENTEE was born at Albany, New York, November 6, 1869. In 1876 he came with his parents to Chicago, which has since been his home. After preparation at Shattuck, in Faribault, Minnesota, he entered Racine College. The year fol- lowing he matriculated at Harvard University, but failing health compelled him to abandon the course he had planned and he returned home to undertake the pursuit of business. His membership in this Order dates from January, 1893, and was derived through his father, Colonel Charles Stuart McEntee, who survives him. To most of the younger men in the Commandery, and to many of the elder ones, Stuart McEntee was 33 MEMORIALS. 331 familiarly known. Of genial and gentlemanly bearing, he met men readily and won them easily. Those who knew him were impressed with his fervent patriotism and his devotion to the principles for which the Loyal Legion stands. The last two years of his life were years of constant suffering. A lingering malady tested his heroism, which was not found wanting. Those of us who saw him at the meetings of the Commandery, felt the unfailing cheer of his greeting. Never were we per- mitted by his manner to suspect that he was looking into the face of death. The winter just past he spent under his father's care in the mild Southwest, and when it became apparent his life was nearing its close, the long journey homeward was begun. He rallied to meet the fatigue of travel and rejoiced in reaching home, but he lingered only a few days, and on the 29th of April, came his final relief from pain. When the veteran of many battles is laid to rest, full of years and honors, the sense of his life's completeness softens our grief. But when the young man, in whom are soldierly qualities and promises of an honorable career, is stricken down at the very outset, we reflect with sadness on what he might and would have been. It is thus with Stuart McEntee. We who remain sorrow in the loss of a manly Companion and an affectionate friend. To his bereaved family this Commandery offers its sympathy, and with them it shares the consolation that for him " Danger's troubled night is o'er, And the morn of peace returned." JOHN R. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM S. LOVE, H. M. SLAYMAKER, Committee. DANIEL CURTIS ROUNDY. Major and Surgeon Thirty-seventh Wisconsin Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, June 23, e^IPANION Daniel Curtis Roundy, a member of the Commandery, was born at Spafford, Onondaga County, New York, on the 22d day of November, 1824, and died at Chicago, Illinois, June 23, 1897, in his sev- enty-third year. Companion Roundy first came to Chicago in 1838, and six years later he graduated from the high school in St. Charles, Illinois. After taking a course in the study of medicine, he located in Walworth County, Wisconsin, where he was married in 1849 to Miss Jane E. Young, who died at Asheville, North Carolina, a few years ago. In 1859, while a resident of Geneva, Wisconsin, he 332 MEMORIALS. 333 was commissioned Captain of a Company of State Militia known as the "Geneva Independents." Immediately after President Lincoln's call for troops, he tendered his services to the Governor of his State, recruited a com- pany, and on April 25, 1861, was commissioned Captain of Company F, Fourth Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers, being one of the first to enlist from his State. During the Campaign of the Army under General Butler at New Orleans, and at the capture of Fort Jackson, Com- panion Roundy received an injury that caused his retire- ment from the service under surgeons' certificate of dis- ability, September 10, 1862. Returning to his home, he was elected to the legislature. While serving his State in civil life, he was in February, 1864, commissioned Major and Surgeon of the Thirty-seventh Wisconsin In- fantry Volunteers, with which regiment he rendered valiant services until mustered out with it in August, 1865. Companion Roundy located in Davenport, Iowa, in 1866. Returning to Chicago in 1872, he engaged in mer- cantile life, successfully building up the Roundy Regalia Company, of which he was President at the time of his death. Those of us who knew Companion Roundy will realize that in his death we have lost a true and loyal friend, one who was ever faithful and unassuming in the dis- charge of every duty imposed upon him and one in whose wisdom and integrity we had the utmost confidence. His remains were laid away beside those of his wife at Asheville, North Carolina. To his bereaved family we can only express our deep sympathy in the loss we have all sustained. WILLIAM B. KEELER, JOHN H. STIBBS, PETER G. GARDNER, Committee. PHILIP REGIS DENIS DE TROBRIAND, Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General United States Army, Brigadier General and Brevet Major General. United States Volunteers. Died at Bayport, Long Island, July /j, 1897. OUR summer vacation is past and we are again per- mitted to have our reunions and indulge in the reminiscences which form so. large a part of our being, saddened as we always are by the death of some Companion whose memory, fame or society is a treasure to us. Amongst those whose loss we are called upon to mourn, is one of the most picturesque characters of the war, General Philip Regis Denis de Trobriand; one who, ripe in years as in glory, was a fine example of the all- embracing and assimilating character of our American 334 MEMORIALS. 335 institutions. General de Trobriand was of an old Breton family dating back to the time of the Black Prince in the fourteenth century (1384), occupying a place in the old nobility of the Province, being hereditary members of the parliament of Brittany. Philip de Trobriand was born at Tours, France, June 4, 1816, where his father, General Joseph de Trobriand, was in command under the rule of the legitimate or elder branch of the Bourbon family. He was brought up as a page in the royal house- hold, with an education preparatory to a military career, until 1830, when the legitimate king, Charles X, being driven from France, his father declined to serve under the Orleans king. His education was completed at Poi- tiers, and his military course at a private institution. In 1841, after his father's death, he came on a visit to the United States with a friend, a journey much more rare at that day than now. On that visit he met, and shortly thereafter married, Miss May Mason Jones, a daughter of the President of the Chemical Bank of New York. After the marriage they spent several years at the exiled court of the Comte de Chambord, near Venice. In 1848 the Baron de Trobriand came to New York to live, at the request of his father-in-law, engaging in lit- erary work and starting a French review. Family mat- ters took him. back to France in 1851, where he remained until 1854, when he returned to New York to reside per- manently, engaging in literary work on the French jour- nal in New York, the Courier des Etats Unis, becoming thoroughly an American in feeling and principle. When the War of the Rebellion broke out he was ap- pointed Colonel of the Fifty-fifth New York Volunteers, August 2, 1861, the nucleus of which was the militia regiment known as the "Lafayette Guards." The regi- ment was sent to Washington in the early autumn, and 336 MEMORIALS. in 1862 participated in the Peninsular Campaign with the Fourth Corps, making a good record. After this cam- paign the regiment returned to Washington and was assigned to the Third Corps. In November, 1862, the Fifty-fifth New York was consolidated with the Thirty- eighth New York, with de Trobriand as Colonel of the consolidated regiment. It participated in the Fredericks- burg and Chancellorsville Campaigns, and at Gettysburg, where Colonel de Trobriand commanded his brigade with distinguished gallantry in front of the wheat field, losing nearly one-half of his force. In the fall of 1863, on account of not being confirmed as Brigadier General by the United States Senate, although recommended by all the officers above him, his regiment being consoli- dated with another, he was mustered out and remained out of service until the spring of 1864. He was renomi- nated as Brigadier General in January, 1864, and con- firmed April ist, to date from January 5th, and on re- porting for duty was assigned to the command of all the forces in and around New York harbor, a large and laborious command, which, however, was not so welcome to him as duty in the field; so that when General Meade applied to have him assigned to duty with the Army of the Potomac, he eagerly embraced the opportunity, and was assigned to command of the First Brigade, Third Division of the Second Corps, troops formerly belonging to the Third Corps. With them he served with distin- guished honor until the final day at Appomattox, where he was in command of a Division, amongst the troops and officers with whom he had been associated almost from the beginning. He was brevetted Major General, to date from April 9, 1865, for highly meritorious services during the campaign ending at Appomattox. He was mustered out January 15, 1866; was appointed Colonel MEMORIALS. 337 Thirty-first Infantry, to date July 28th; transferred to Thirteenth Infantry March 20, 1869; commanded Dis- trict and Military Department of Dakota to May, 1869; District of Montana to October, 1871, where he con- ducted the Piegan campaign; Fort Steele, Wyoming, to October, 1873; then serving at New Orleans to March 20, 1879, having to arrest the legislature during the re- construction days in Louisiana, when he was retired. He made New Orleans his residence after retirement till his death, spending the summers alternately in France and with his daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Post, at Bayport, Long Island, thus passing the evening of his days in the happy enjoyment of social intercourse with his children and friends, surrounded by whom he passed away July T 5 !897, aged eighty-one years. While in France, directly after the war, he wrote for the information of the French people, his work, "Four Years with the Army of the Potomac," which has been regarded by some of the ablest military critics as being unsurpassed as a clear and concise account of the causes leading up to the war; and his military education, his acute and discerning mind, his fine judgment, with his fearless criticism of men and movements of the Army of the Potomac, make his work one of the most valuable and interesting of the contributions relating to the his- tory of that famous army; and as time passes, his con- clusions are more and more accepted by military men as well-balanced, just and able. His well-informed mind, which his intercourse with distinguished men of the New and Old Worlds had stored with information of the per- sons who had filled a large space in the history of his time, his ability as a musician and artist, and his cour- teous manners and happy disposition made his compan- ionship very delightful amongst the officers with whom 338 MEMORIALS. he served; and his gallantry in the field and devotion to duty at all times, in command of the troops trained by Kearney, made him a worthy successor to Lafayette as the only other Frenchman who attained the rank of Ma- jor General in the Armies of the United States. We tender our condolences to his children who mourn his departure and we join with them in a tribute to the memory of so able and gallant a soldier who has left to them and his fellow soldiers a legacy of duty performed, and honor won, which is the most valuable of all bequests. GEORGE K. DAUCHY, HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, JOSEPH H. WOOD, Committee. THADDEUS JOSEPH BUTLER. Chaplain Tzventy-third Illinois Infantry. United States Volunteers. Died at Rome, Italy, July 16, 1897. THADDEUS JOSEPH BUTLER, a servant of God ^ and a Companion of this Order, closed his human career in the Eternal Capital July 16, 1897. He died on the very eve of his Episcopal ordination, and fell where he had received his theological education, in the shadow of the dome of St. Peter's. Born at Limerick, Ireland, November i, 1833, he came to America from Rome in 1856, bearing the commission of his church, a recom- mendation in itself, but that which endears his memory particularly to us is that when the strife came for the disruption of the Union and the continuation of slavery within the territory of a dismembered republic, he bore 339 34O MEMORIALS. a military commission, having been Chaplain of the Twenty-third Illinois Infantry, U. S. V., dating from June 15, 1861. In 1 86 1 abolition was not an avowed, it was scarcely an included, purpose of the war which at the outset was waged entirely for the purpose of preserving the integrity of the States in federal union. No popular political body had declared for abolition. The convention which nom- inated Abraham Lincoln confined itself to a declaration of hostility to the extension of slavery to the territories. Had national authority been reasserted indisputably im- mediately upon the incident of Sumter, who can say how long slavery might have abided ? In every fibre of his being, Dr. Butler, among whose classmates at Rome was an African of full blood, was opposed to human slavery. He came to America with none of the conserv- ative feeling induced in Americans by generations of tol- erance of slavery as an institution protected by the laws. Generous, impulsive, vehement in his denunciations of great wrongs, he was necessarily outspoken in protest of man's ownership of man. He was a champion from the first, of the freedom of a fellow-being from absolute ownership, as persistently and intelligently he labored for the emancipation of the human soul from the sway of evil. He saw and welcomed the inevitable outcome of the civil strife, and with the joy of an ardent nature, gladly accepted the invitation of James A. Mulligan to become the Chaplain of a regiment raised by him in Chicago, and destined from its own deeds and from the gallantry and devotion of its commander, who was to perish in the Shenandoah in 1864 as the commander of a division, to become famous. The Chaplain shared the peril and privation of the long and memorable siege at Lexington, Missouri, and MEMORIALS. 341 accompanied the regiment, upon its reorganization, to Virginia, certain of whose misty mountain tops were vocal with the solemn intonation of the service prescribed by his church, and rang with his exhortation to the sol- diers for whose spiritual welfare he was answerable, that they persevere unfalteringly in their performance of duty to God and their country. An affection of the eyes, which was to give him no little trouble in his subsequent career, impelled the tender of his resignation, and he was honorably discharged from the volunteer service of the United States on March n, 1863. Though he had retired from the army, Dr. Butler's interest in the war continued, and he lost no opportunity to encourage enlistment and to relieve distress in the field. He had been pastor of old St. Mary's Church, which was situated at the corner of Wabash avenue and Madison street, and on his return was assigned to another pastorate, to be transferred after an interval of some years to a church at Rockford, in this State, where his public spirit induced him to accept the presidency of the public library. In 1887 he was appointed pastor of St. John's Church, in this city, where many Companions of this Order heard last July the solemn, impressive and eloquent tribute paid by another Companion of the Loyal Legion, Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul, his old-time friend, and like him an officer of volunteers. Dr. Butler's graces and accomplishments were extra- ordinary. He was a linguist, a musician, an orator, a connoisseur of the fine arts. This Commandery has heard from his own lips humorous and pathetic recital of some part of his military service, and learned in his hearty companionship, full of the milk of human kind- ness, how it was possible for him successfully to "allure to brighter fields and lead the way. " In fulfillment of 342 MEMORIALS. his priestly function it was times without number the solemn duty of this consoler of his kind to stand by the bier of his fellow mortals, and, while aiding the survivors to bear their loss, reverently and hopefully to commit the dead to the Infinite Mercy that having created man frail, may not be as harsh in judgment of his failures as often are human kind. This office he performed over the blouse-shouldered remains of volunteers who, upon the great plains of the Missouri, or in the valleys of Vir- ginia, fell for their country. The muffled drum was silent; the reversed arms borne by sorrowing Compan- ions on the grave-ward march were charged for the fare- well volley; the clods fell upon the coffin, and the robed priest in the sweet voice that was among his many gifts from a nature profusely bountiful to him, spoke in the sonorous language common to the multitude of the Chris- tian confessors and martyrs the last words of the Roman liturgy. And we who survive, for a little time only, may sincerely and reverently say for him, as he prayerfully said for many another soldier, Requiescat in Pace. MARTIN J. RUSSELL, CHARLES W. DAVIS, ARTHUR EDWARDS, Committee. JAMES WITHINGTON HUTCHINSON. Second Assistant Engineer, Unites States Navy. Died at Green- field, Illinois, September 2, 1897. O ORN Griggsville, Illinois, September 14, 1841. Died *\\ at his home, Greenfield, Illinois, September 2, -"^ 1897. Such, in brief, is the record of the birth and death of one well known to many of the members of this Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. This is not all, however, which is entered upon the pages of this Companion's history, nor all to be found in the golden book kept by the recording angel, of the services of those who loved and served their country in its darkest hour of peril. The foundation of Companion Hutchinson's educa- 343 344 MEMORIALS. tion was laid in the public schools of Illinois and com- pleted in the Polytechnic College at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated before he was twenty years of age. Receiving his diploma in the one hand he signed the muster roll with the other and in December, 1861, was commissioned Second Assistant Engineer of the United States warship Tuscarora and sent upon foreign service. Cruising off the English and Spanish coasts to protect our merchant vessels from the "Alabama" and other Confederate cruisers, our Companion visited Gibraltar, Malta and other places in the Mediterranean and on the coast until ordered home to join the North Atlantic squadron. After engaging the iron-clad "North Carolina" off the mouth of Cape Fear River and driving her back to Wilmington, Companion Hutchinson was transferred to the first-class warship Susquehanna and participated in the bombardment and capture of Fort Fisher. In this famous ship and in the North Atlantic squadron our Companion continued to serve until the close of the war, participating in all the service rendered by that great fleet. Resigning his commission when there was no more active service, our Companion went to Colorado and en- gaged in his profession as a mining engineer. Marrying in 1868, he soon after returned to Illinois, became a citizen of Greenfield and engaged in banking. Here he continued to reside until called up aloft by that sweet little cherub that watches " o'er the life of Poor Jack." Taking an active part in public affairs, our Com- panion was entrusted with many positions of honor and responsibility and served several terms as Mayor of Greenfield. A devoted member of the Methodist Epis- MEMORIALS. 345 copal Church he was for many years the faithful Super- intendent of its Sabbath School. Loved and honored in all the Associations of which he was a member, he was at the time of his death Com- mander of Weisner Post, No. 350, Grand Army of the Republic, as he was an honored and respected member of this Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. In the ancient and honorable fraternity of Free Masons our Companion had attained to Christian Knighthood and the highest offices in the Holy Royal Arch, being a Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of this State. He was also an earnest and faithful member of the Masonic Veteran Association of Illinois, and was laid to rest in Greenfield by his Masonic brethren. Our Companion has "crossed the bar," and having seen his "Pilot face to face," is in the clear waters of eternal life, where we may hope to meet him in the hereafter. " Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me, And may there be no moaning at the bar When I put out to sea. But such a flood as, moving, seems to sleep Too deep for sound or foam, When that which drew from out the wondrous deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell, and after that the dark, And may there be no moaning or farewell when I embark; And though from out the realm of time and space The flood may bear me far, I hope to meet my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar." JOHN C. SMITH, HASWELL C. CLARKE, JOHN C. NEELY, Committee. WILLIAM JOHN LYSTER. Colonel (Retired) United States Army, Died at Sachet Harbor, Nezv York, September 23, e^ONEL William J. Lyster, who died on the 23d of September last at Sacket Harbor, New York, was born at Tecumseh, Michigan, June 27, 1833. His service was as follows: Second Lieutenant and Adjutant Second Michigan Infantry May 25, 1861, to June 21, 1 86 1. Appointed First Lieutenant Nineteenth United States Infantry, May 14, 1861, accepted June 21, 1861. Commanded Company A, Nineteenth In- fantry, from August, 1861, to February, 1863. Pro- moted Captain Nineteenth Infantry August 9, 1864, Major Sixth Infantry October 13, 1886, Lieutenant Colonel Twenty-first Infantry August I, 1891, and 346 MEMORIALS. 347 Colonel Ninth Infantry May i, 1896, serving in that position until the date of his retirement, June 27, 1897. He served in Rousseau's Brigade, McCook's Division, and the Regular Brigade of the Western Army through- out the war, and participated in the following battles and skirmishes: Shiloh, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Smyrna Church, Peach Tree Creek, Utoy Creek, Siege of Atlanta, Dry Walk, Kentucky, Buzzard's Roost, Georgia, Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, Tunnel Hill, Georgia. He was brevetted Captain April 7, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Major, September 20, 1863, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, September i, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mission- ary Ridge, Tennessee, and during the Atlanta campaign. He performed staff duty as Aide-de-camp to Brigadier General John H. King, and as Assistant Inspector General, Regular Brigade, Army of the Cumberland. Since the war, Colonel Lyster has served in various Posts in Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Utah, Texas, Illinois and New York, and commanded a Battalion of the Nineteenth Infantry in New Orleans, during the riots of 1873. As Major of the Sixth Infantry, he commanded the two companies of that regiment which comprised the first garrison of Fort Sheridan. ROBERT H. HALL, ALBERT HARTSUFF, BUTLER D. PRICE, Committee. ALONZO JEFFERSON PHELPS. Major and Surgeon and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, United States Volunteers. Died at Nitta Yuma, Mississippi. September 28, 1 if HEN, on the 28th of September last, the sunset gun "*(. had boomed its "good-night" salute to the lower- ing flag he had followed through the tempest of war, and while the shades of night were closing about the home wherein he had rounded out a life rich in good works and beneficent influences, our Companion, Major and Surgeon Alonzo Jefferson Phelps, passed into the beyond, where there is neither the uncertainty of life, nor the certainty of death, but peace forever. He was born in Piketon, Ohio, June 17, 1835. Grad- uating from the University of Ohio he took up the study 348 MEMORIALS. 349 of medicine under his father, Dr. Orlando J. Phelps. In 1852 he graduated from the Columbus Medical College, and taking a post-graduate course received his diploma from the New York College of Medicine in 1854. Re- turning to his native town, he entered into the active practice of his chosen profession in connection with his father. October 31, 1861, he was appointed Assistant Surgeon of the Thirty-third Ohio Infantry, U. S. V., and on December 3ist following was promoted to Brigade Surgeon (later known as Surgeon U. S. V.), but by reason of a severe epidemic then raging in his regi- ment he refused to qualify for the new position until April 4, 1862, when he was commissioned as Major and Surgeon, U. S. V. He received the brevet of Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Having tendered his resig- nation he was honorably mustered out in compliance with Special Order No. 3, War Department, dated Jan- uary 4, 1866. His service covered a large territory, he having been on duty continuously, at the front and in the field, from September 1861 to August 1864. He participated in the Eastern Kentucky Campaign under General Nelson and in Mitchell's Division of the Army of Ohio. April 22, 1862, he was assigned to temporary duty under General Halleck, then before Corinth. He was assigned as Medical Director of Wood's Division and, at the battle of Perryville, of the left wing under General Crittenden. He served as Medical Director of the Twenty-first Corps, participating in the battles of Stone's River, the occupation of Chattanooga and the battles of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, and when the Twen- tieth and Twenty-first Corps were consolidated to form the Fourth Corps he was assigned to the Staff of General Gordon Granger as Medical Director of the new organ- 35O MEMORIALS. ization, and later of the Army of the Cumberland. April 27, 1864, he was transferred, at the request of General Grant, to the Army of the Potomac where he was assigned to duty as Acting Medical Inspector of Field Hospitals. At his own request he was relieved August 16, 1864, and assigned to special duty in the Northern Department of Ohio. In February 1865 he was transferred to the De- partment of Kentucky and assigned as Medical Director, with the relative rank of Colonel, on the Staff of General John M. Palmer commanding, which he held until the termination of his services. Tall and slender of stature, graceful and cordial in manner, his winning smile prepossessed all whom he met in his favor. This impression was justified by his manly character and his kind and genial disposition. A physician of rare talents, a man of wide reading, he was interested in his profession as a science rather than art. During his tour of duty at Louisville, Kentucky, he met, and on October 13, 1865, married Miss Mary Vick, a granddaughter of the founder of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and a direct lineal descendant of General George Rogers Clarke of the Revolutionary Army. In 1877 he removed permanently to his beautiful plantation in Nitta Yuma, Mississippi. He leaves surviving him Mrs. Phelps and four children, Mrs. Nannie W. George, Mr. Henry Vick Phelps, Mary P. (Countess Piola-Caselli of Rome, Italy) and Miss Ellen B. Phelps. To you then, who, closest to his heart, knew him best and loved him the dearest, and who sit in the shadows and weep, words of consola- tion are but hollow sounds and empty babblings. We who went down into the "Valley of Death," side by side with our departed Companion follow you in your desola- tion and woe and with reverent clasp of the hand offer you our tenderest sympathies and beg to assure you of a MEMORIALS. 35 1 loving remembrance of him who awaits us just beyond the river. JOHN J. ABERCROMBIE, STANDISH V. CORNISH, JOHN A. GRIER, Committee. HENRY THOMAS PORTER. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Thirteenth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Quincy, Illinois, December 9, / ~* patriotic father was shot and instantly killed at Corinth. He died on this soldier-anniversary so sacred in his family. Edward Worthington had no opportunity to take up arms for his country; but he inherited the qualities upon which his country could have confidently relied in any great need. He had a just and quietly determined sense of duty which would have made him devoted and stead- fast in a national emergency, and which lifted his life, as it was, into whatever devotion to principle and adher- ence to ideals its opportunities and demands made requi- 368 MEMORIALS. 369 site. He was not a soldier, for lack of the national need; but he was worthy to be the son of a man who was a soldier without fear and without reproach. He was born at Keokuk, Iowa, November 23, 1858. He was not yet forty years old when he died, and was a little child when his father, Colonel William H. Worthington, having at the outbreak of hostilities gone into our war at the head of the Fifth Volunteers of Iowa, died, a young man of thirty-three, doing his duty both bravely and graciously. It was through service done the nation by his father that Edward Worthington became a member of the Loyal Legion a way of entrance into the Order that was most grateful to this loyal son. Of the services and honors of the father, the son was justly jealous and proud. Colonel Worthington was born November 2, 1828, in Mercer County, Kentucky. He graduated with honor at Bacon College, Harrodsburg, Kentucky, studied and prac- ticed law in Harrodsburg, and at the same time managed his landed property in the vicinity. He inherited wealth and position, and had literary tastes and leisure enough to indulge them. He came of a distinguished family, his maternal grandfather being General Gabriel Slaughter, who was with Jackson as a favorite officer at New Orleans, and was twice Governor of Kentucky. Through his father, Rev. John Tolly W r orthington, he was descended from Captain Rowland Madison, a nephew of President Madi- son. He married Miss Anna Lewis, whose father was General Andrew Lewis, also a man of distinction. So that Edward Stanley Worthington came, on both sides, of ancestry honorable and distinguished. Edward Worthington was of the leading and success- ful firm of Norton & Worthington, of Chicago, and was a man of sterling business qualities. His character and ideals, which were so high in private life, he carried un- 3/O MEMORIALS. changed into his business career. He received his first business training at Keokuk, Iowa. Later he was asso- ciated with Henry Clews & Company, of New York, Mr. Clews being his brother-in-law. From New 'York he came, in 1884, to Chicago, and joined Mr. Norton. In 1889 he married Miss Olivia Porter, a daughter of the late Hibbard Porter. He has left no children. His life had developed into happiness and success. It ended wholly prematurely. He had just built a new home; but the sudden seriousness of an illness took him first to Cali- fornia and then brought him back to Chicago with his health gone and his life quite at its end. He did not live to enter or to see his new home. He has left behind him an abundant circle of grieving and admiring friends. He was a man of positive char- acter, clear-cut views and direct expression, so that no one failed to realize his strong individuality. But he had that rare generosity of nature, that rare and delicate devotion to family and friends, that active sense of all men's rights, that ever saving sense of kindly humor and that unfailing charm of manner which together make up an attractive personality such as marks a man as part of the best there is in the world. Business and money making left his mind without a touch that was sordid; his experience of life only broadened his sympathies and completed his tolerance; and as his years came, one after the other, they added increased attractions to his char- acter and constant increase to the attachment of his friends. HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, CHARLES S. MCENTEE, GURDON G. MOORE, Committee. ARCHIBALD MEANS. Captain Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry, United States Volunteers Died at Chicago, Illinois, May 22, i8q8. 'TLRCHIBALD MEANS was born in Allegheny County, f\ Pennsylvania, March 31, 1833, and died at Chicago, ^Illinois, May 22, 1898. He was descended from Scotch-Irish ancestors, who emigrated to this country prior to the Revolutionary War; indeed, on his mother's side, his ancestors had emigrated as early as 1657. Captain Means acquired an academic education, but, because of impaired health, at the age of eighteen went upon a farm, in the hope that outdoor exercise would recuperate his energies. In 1853 he removed from Ohio to Kentucky, where he continued to reside until the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion. 371 37 2 MEMORIALS. He voted for Mr. Buchanan in 1856 and for Mr. Lin- coln in 1860. Upon the breaking out of the war, in June, 1 86 1, he recruited a company of loyal men of Kentucky, which was afterwards known as Company E, Fourteenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. He was elected Captain of the company, receiving his commission October 16, 1 86 1. He was assigned to General James A. Garfield's Brigade and served until October, 1862, when, on ac- count of ill health, he was obliged to resign. After the battle of Cumberland Mountain, Captain Means was taken ill, and sent home on a leave of absence. It was thought by his comrades that he would never live to again rejoin the army. He, however, recovered, and was assigned to the Staff of General A. J. Smith, where he served until October, 1862. After his resignation he located in Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, and later in Manchester, Ohio. In 1871 he removed to Peru, Illinois, and at once took a prominent position in the commercial affairs of that city. He was foremost in the erection of the extensive zinc works at that place, and has since been a large stockholder and its Vice-President and Manager, capably directing its affairs, until.it has become one of the leading industries in that section of the State. He was a man of progres- sive methods, of great diligence in business, and of sound judgment, and the success of this great enterprise, of which he was practically the promoter and manager, at- tests his well deserved success. Captain Means was thrice married, and leaves sur- viving him his widow and four children, William E. , Arch- ibald L. , Sadie and Allen H. Means. He was a fearless defender of what he believed to be right, and he courageously defined and defended his course in espousing the Union cause in Kentucky, which MEMORIALS. 373 required great nerve and steadfastness of purpose. If more was required to demonstrate this characteristic of Captain Means, it might be added that he was one of eleven only, in the county in which he lived, who voted for Mr. Lincoln in 1860. Having been previously rec- ognized as a democrat, it required a degree of manly courage, scarcely now to be comprehended, to advocate and vote the republican ticket in the face of the slave- holders in control of political affairs in that part of the State. He was a charter member and an active worker in E. N. Kirk Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and, at the time of his death, its Commander. On March 10, 1892, he became a member of this Commandery and always took an active interest in the maintenance of its honor and integrity. He also took an active interest in all local affairs in Peru, and did much and effective work in the cause of the city and of public education. He was quiet and unassuming, and commanded the respect and confidence of the people at large, while to his large circle of friends and acquaintances he was more than the mere friend he was counsellor, adviser and guide. It can be truly said of him that he has deserved well of his country, and the service he has performed in in- culcating patriotism and loyalty to the Government, its Constitution and laws, has been only less honorable than the service he performed in the field. So has passed away another of the old guard of the honor of the Republic. Devoted to his family and to his friends, and to the best interests of the community in which he lived, it may be that no national monument will guard his resting place, but by his unfaltering devo- tion to the principles that underlie American liberty, he has earned deserved mention in the annals of the nation. 374 MEMORIALS. In his neighborhood, throughout all the localities that knew him, he will be remembered. as a kindly, generous man as the unswerving and unfaltering advocate of the right, as the true and loyal friend and genial Companion. DOUGLAS HAPEMAN, JOHN D. CRABTREE, JOHN MCWILLIAMS, Committee. GEORGE WILLIAM CANDEE. Colonel and Assistant Paymaster General, United States Army. Died at Chicago, Illinois, June 10, i8g8. OLONEL George W. Candee, Assistant Paymaster General, and Chief Paymaster, Department of the Lakes, was born in New Jersey, April 2, 1836, and ap- pointed from civil life into the army from Illinois. Additional Paymaster, U. S. V., February 23, 1864; accepted, April 18, 1864; honorably mustered out, Jan- uary 15, 1866; appointed Major and Paymaster, United States Army, January 17, 1867; accepted, April 11, 1867; promoted Deputy Paymaster General with rank of Lieu- tenant Colonel, United States Army, January 22, 1893; promoted Assistant Paymaster General with rank of Colonel, United States Army, January 7, 1897. 375 376 MEMORIALS. His early duties were in New Orleans, Mobile, etc. ; afterwards on duty in the Southwest. In January, 1870, he was ordered to St. Paul, Minnesota, and paid the troops at posts in that region; was badly frozen on several of his pay trips in the North. In 1 878 he was ordered to Washington, and from there paid the troops around that city. In September, 1882, he was ordered to Chicago, and in 1886 to St. Louis. In 1887 he was ordered to Helena, Montana; in 1890 to Chicago; in 1892 to Detroit, Michigan, and in 1893 again to Chicago, where he died June 10, 1898, surrounded by his family a wife and four children. Colonel Candee was always active and faithful in the discharge of all his duties, a genial Companion, a loving husband, and a kind and indulgent parent. THOMAS F. BARR, A. HARTSUFF, AUGUSTUS H. BAINBRIDGE, Committee. CHARLES WAITE. Colonel Twenty-seventh Michigan Infantry, and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Boulder, Colorado, June 23, i8q8. ONCE more the members of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States are called upon to mourn the loss of another beloved, valued and cherished Companion of the Illinois Commandery. Gen- eral Charles Waite died at Boulder, Colorado, on June 23, 1898. He was a man of high moral and intellectual worth. General Waite was born in Orange County, Vermont, April i, 1837. His father's family moved to Genesee County, New York, in 1840, and settled in DeKalb County, Illinois, in 1854. General Waite not only re- 377 378 MEMORIALS. ceived the training of the public schools, but studied a year at Warrentown (Illinois) Academy, and two years at Beloit College. On concluding his studies, he was in- duced to go to Northern Michigan, where he was Super- intendent of the Public Schools of Rockland for several years. In the fall of 1 862 he enlisted in Company A, Twenty- seventh Michigan Infantry Volunteers, and was commis- sioned First Lieutenant October 10, 1862. On the 1 2th day of April, 1863, just two years after the fall of Fort Sumter, his regiment started for the field of active duty, and served in Kentucky and Tennessee, taking part in the siege of Knoxville, and was then, in April, 1864, transferred to the Army of the Potomac, where it continued, participating in all the advance movements of the army under Grant until the close of the war. It was at Fort Mahone that his regiment rendered the most conspicuous service in its history. Colonel Waite was in command, and performed an act of gallant service such as is seldom equaled in the annals of military ex- ploits, and to which reference will be made later. His regiment participated in the pursuit of Lee's retreating army, and was present at the final act of surrender. From " Michigan in the War" the following record is taken: "Charles Waite, Rockland, First Lieutenant Twenty-seventh Infantry, October 10, 1862; Captain, May i, 1863; wounded in action at Spottsylvania, Vir- ginia, May 12, 1864; Lieutenant Colonel, November 18, 1864; Colonel, March 6, 1865; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V., April 2, 1865." In his military career few have shown such ability, adaptability and courage, and in so short a time (only a little over two years and a half) perhaps no man ever did more to show the true metal of character than our MEMORIALS. 379 departed brother. From a private to a Brigadier Gen- eral in that short time meant not simply the chance and change wrought by the vicissitudes of war, but that the right man was found to step into the places made vacant by the circumstances. In the charge at Fort Mahone, when urged by the brigade commander not to attempt the feat, but to turn to the right and come within the intrenchrnents, brave Colonel Waite cried out, "Fort or nothing ! " and the slogan went from man to man through- out the regiment, the day was won, and the fort was stormed and held. In recognition of this signal act of bravery, Colonel Waite was made Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, for conspicuous gallantry in the assault upon Peters- burg, Virginia. After the war General Waite returned to Illinois, where he engaged in general merchandising until 1869, when he settled in Lena, Illinois, and embarked in the drug business, but retired from the latter a few years later and began the banking business, in which he was eminently successful, as he had been in every other ac- tivity and enterprise. General Waite was united in marriage with Miss Emily Clement, of Laporte, Indiana, October 11, 1866. There were three children born of this union, Charles Clement, Daniel and Frederick P., all of whom are living. Mrs. Waite departed this life February 20, 1884, leaving be- hind her the fragrant memory of a consistent Christian life, a rich legacy to her devoted husband and loving sons, yet in the tender years of youth. A few years ago General Waite's own health began to break, the direct result of the severe wound received at the battle of Spottsylvania, and while he fought the ghastly monster consumption, he exhibited the same bravery and fortitude he had displayed throughout his 380 MEMORIALS. life, only finally to obey the summons of his Great Com- mander above, retiring to his couch and quietly sleeping his life away. Rest, weary comrade, rest, Rest on thy honored sheaves, Thy harvest work is done; Companion, farewell; with thee the fight is won. Those who knew General Waite personally sorrow in the loss of a manly Companion and an affectionate friend. In his private life he had ever been inflexibly honest and ever true to his own convictions of right. He was a useful citizen and neighbor, a kind, sympathetic and helpful friend, an earnest, truthful, trustful, Christian gentleman. But few men have identified their names and careers more indelibly with the history of the volun- teer army than he, and the precious heritage belongs to us, his companions in arms, as well as to his immediate family. His life of success and usefulness will be a les- son to this and future generations of young men, for he was as brave and as faithful as he was kind, genial and generous. We loved and honored him living, and mourn him dead. To his ashes peace, to his memory everlast- ing honor. JAMES A. SEXTON, CHARLES R. E. KOCH, WILLIAM TODD, Committee. GEORGE WASHINGTON SMITH. Lieutenant Colonel Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry, and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, September 16, i8q8. 'TYjNOTHER gallant soldier who devotedly did his part f\ towards the salvation of our country in the days ^ s -" of its sore need, 1861 to 1865, another good citi- zen has gone from among us, and again our Commandery is called upon to mourn. On the 1 6th day of September, 1898, our late Com- panion, Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General George Washington Smith, departed this life at the age of sixty-two years, after an illness sudden in its close, but which had for years sapped his strength and vitality, and sorely tried his fortitude and patience. 381 382 MEMORIALS. How many have already gone; how rapidly they are going; and how many soon must follow ! Happy indeed will these be if their record of life be so gallant, so pure and so stainless as his for whom we now mourn. George W. Smith was born in Brooklyn, New York, Januarys, 1837. From 1848 to 1854 he attended school at the academy in Albany, New York, with the exception of one year, which he passed in the office of the Benton & Albany Railroad Company. Early desirous to be self- supporting, he went to Helena, Arkansas, in 1854, to teach school. The school for which he had been engaged being abandoned, he, not willing to confess defeat, him- self established a school of fifty scholars in the country, about twelve miles from Helena, which he conducted with success for a year. In the spring of 1856 he returned to Albany, and be- gan the study of law in the office of John H. Reynolds, and also took a complete course of instruction at the Albany Law School. Having finished his studies, his enterprising nature led him to desire a newer and wider field for his work than the older states and cities afford- ed, and, removing to Chicago in 1858, he opened a modest law office at No. 10 South Clark street. Here he was devoting himself to the slow and plodding life 'of the young attorney. Here he was learning to "Scorn delights and live laborious days;" here he was studying and planning and working to lay deep and broad the foundations of future success in the profession to which he had devoted himself. But into this quiet life in 1861 came the dread shad- ows of the Civil War, and he saw his beloved country threatened with destruction at the hands of enraged and unreasoning men of the South; and then commenced in MEMORIALS. 383 his soul, as in the soul of many another youth of that day, the struggle between the calls of duty and of inclination, between the settled and established plan of his life and the call to throw all selfish interests to the winds and to devote life, honor, everything, to the service of his country man- fully to risk all for her rescue and salvation. His days were disturbed and his nights were without rest. He hoped that the trouble would blow over, and that passionate and ambitious leaders would be con- vinced and return to their allegiance before bloody strife became inevitable; but, like others, he hoped without hope, and before long the roar of artillery, the crash of musketry and all the din of actual warfare rolled from our Southern border and swept through every Northern community, calling to arms every sound and able-bodied man and youth. With many other members of this Commandery then beginning life in Chicago, George W. Smith left all to follow duty. He joined a company hastily formed and offered to the Governor for immediate service. But already the uprising of Northern men had been so general that the State's quota was full, and the services of the company was not accepted. Like many other men of that company he returned half-hearted to the pursuits of common life, but con- vinced that the call for men must soon be more urgent, he continued to drill and to study tactics to fit himself for usefulness when the emergency should come. In August, 1862, the Eighty-eighth Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry was raised in Chicago, and George W. Smith went into camp at Camp Douglas as Captain of Company A of that regiment. In September he moved to the front with the regi- ment, and he served with it throughout the war, never 384 MEMORIALS. absent from duty except when incapacitated by frequent wounds. As soon as a wound was healed he was again on duty and gallantly leading his men against the enemy. He did not fail to participate in every battle in which this very active regiment was engaged. His conspicuous personal courage, steadiness and ability early attracted attention, and naturally he was selected by his comrades for promotion. On the first vacancy among the field officers, in 1863, he was promoted to Major of the regi- ment, and in 1864 to Lieutenant Colonel. His gallantry, devotion and conspicuously good service secured to him what further reward could be given by a grateful Govern- ment, and for gallantry and meritorious conduct he was brevetted successively Colonel and Brigadier General. The Eighty-eighth Regiment was engaged in its first battle at Perryville, Kentucky, just one month and four days after leaving Chicago, and here it won its first dis- tinction, Captain Smith being notable for courage, cool- ness and good conduct. Soon after this followed the bloody battle of Stone's River. On this fiercely contested field, where men faced the merciless volleys from cannon and musketry by day, and after dark the more cruel rigors of the raw winter night without fires or shelter, Captain Smith was severely wounded and captured by the enemy. Four days later he managed to escape, and on an old horse with a rope bridle and no saddle, which a negro helped him to mount, he made his way back to the Union lines. He was then sent back to Nashville, and thence to Chicago, where care and good nursing restored him to health and strength just in time for him to rejoin his command at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, as the Army of the Cumberland moved forward upon the Middle Ten- nessee Campaign. Passing safely through the battle of Chickamauga, MEMORIALS. 385 Captain Smith, while acting as Major of the regiment, was again severely wounded, in the battle of Mission Ridge. Having recovered and rejoined his command before it moved forward with Sherman's Army upon the Atlanta Campaign, he participated with his usual gal- lantry, enterprise and activity in the battles of Rocky- Face Ridge and Resaca, and in the unfortunate but bloody charge upon Kenesaw Mountain, where, Lieuten- ant Colonel George W. Chandler having been killed, the command of the regiment devolved upon its Major. Soon after this, Major Smith was promoted to Lieu- tenant Colonel, and as such commanded the regiment until its return to Chicago on June 12, 1865, having in its ranks at that time two hundred men out of the nine hundred with which it went to the front in September of 1862. At Franklin the regiment under Colonel Smith, inspired by his gallant and dashing leadership, rendered perhaps its most distinguished service. So efficient and valuable were these services that after it reached Nash- ville in December, General George H. Thomas, accom- panied by Generals Wood and Wagner, visited the regi- ment and publicly thanked it, saying that with the excep- tion only of Colonel Opdycke, commanding the brigade, with whom he shared the honor, " to the special gallantry and exertions of Colonel Smith, more than to those of any other man, was due the repulse of the rebel column, the safety of the army, and the victory of the day. " Such words as these from the reserved and revered commander of the Army of the Cumberland are enough to crown with honor and glory the name and career of any soldier, however capable and gallant. After his return to Chicago at the close of the War of the Rebellion, General Smith at once devoted himself with his accustomed energy and diligence to the practice 386 MEMORIALS. of his profession, and continued this practice until the day before his death, except that during the years 1867 and 1868, he resided in Springfield, the capital of the State, as State Treasurer, to which office his fellow citi- zens had elected him. As a lawyer, General Smith stood in the first rank of his profession in Illinois, and was regarded by his fel- low members of the bar as an eminently trustworthy counselor and a skillful, able and powerful advocate. The public interest was deeply involved in many impor- tant cases in which he was engaged, and his name ap- pears frequently in the reports of the Supreme Court of Illinois and the Supreme Court of the United States. Perhaps the chief characteristic for which he was dis- tinguished was the sound common sense which he always brought to bear upon the circumstances of any case he was engaged in, and the fairness with which he was ever ready to see and admit the rights of his opponents, who always knew that they need fear no trickery from him, but that they could fully depend upon his word. This is not the place nor the occasion for a full consideration of our late Companion as a lawyer, but we can all take pride in the fact that he left a legal record which was as fair and stainless as his record as a soldier was gallant and honorable. As a public-spirited and useful citizen he stood among the best known men of this great city. He was always interested in all things that concerned the best interests of the City, the State, or the Nation, and always glad to do his share to promote these interests. So well known were his public spirit and his efficiency that he was con- stantly called upon to be a leader and to fill positions of honor and trust in the various organizations with which he was connected. Thus he was not only elected Treas- MEMORIALS. 387 urer of the State of Illinois, but he became at various times President of the Union League Club and President of the Chicago Literary Club, and was for many years Vice-President of the Chicago Historical Society. Being above the pliancy and obsequiousness of the self-seeking politician, he was notably independent in thought and action; and in religious as well as in political matters he fearlessly stood by what he believed to be right, regardless of consequences. Although but a recent convert to the Roman Catholic faith, he was already considered a leading and influential member of that church throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. It may be said that he had no enemies. He carefully observed all the courtesies and amenities of life. He had a most equable temperament and cherished no malice. A delightful conversationalist, he was a charming Com- panion, and his home was always most attractive to his Companions and friends. His courtesy was not an out- ward veneer, but an inward grace; it sprang from a good and honest heart. General Smith in his social and family life was a most estimable man, his devotion to his wife and his children being extreme. He was high-minded, true and ever to be depended upon in all his private as well as in his public or professional engagements. In short, General Smith was morally, intellectually and socially a remark- able and superior man. In .him, it is not too much to say, there was "A combination and a form, indeed, Where every god did seem to set his seal To give the world assurance of a man." ALEXANDER C. McCLURG, MARTIN D. HARDIN, WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, Committee. JAMES LAMBERT HIGH. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Forty-ninth Wisconsin Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, October j, 1898. IN the death of James L. High, this Commandery has lost a distinguished and honored member; one who had become endeared to it by many ties of associa- tion and friendship. He was born in Richmond County, Ohio, on the 6th day of October, 1844. His family moved to Black Earth in Wisconsin when he was ten years old, where he con- tinued to live until 1860, when he entered the University of Wisconsin. Mr. High was quietly pursuing his studies at this place when the Civil War began in 1861, and although only 388 MEMORIALS. 389 sixteen years of age, he was among the first to volunteer in one of the earlier regiments organized in Wisconsin. His extreme youth and delicate health induced his father to insist at that time on his discharge as a minor, to which he reluctantly assented, upon the understanding that as soon as his college course should be completed he should be free again to offer his services to his country. This was accomplished in the spring of 1864, and on the I3th of May in that year, Mr. High enlisted as a private soldier in the Fortieth Wisconsin Infantry, one of the hundred days regiments, where he served in the District of West Ten- nessee until the expiration of his term of enlistment. Very shortly after his return home, he joined the Forty-ninth Wisconsin, of which Companion Bishop Fallows was Colonel, where he was commissioned First Lieutenant and Adjutant on the i6th of February, 1865. He served in this regiment in the District of Missouri, and as Post Adjutant at St. Louis; as Acting Assistant Adjutant General of the First District of Missouri, and on General Court Martial until November i, 1865, when he was mustered out with his regiment, whose services were no longer required. The facts with regard to his services in the War of the Rebellion, are mainly taken from his own modest statement of them in his application for membership in this Order. The date at which he was permitted finally to enter the service was too late to enable him to share in the great battles and campaigns of the war, but his military service was marked by a faithful and intelligent discharge of every duty which was assigned to him. It was a source of profound regret to Mr. High that his strong wish to share more fully in the hardships and glory of the Civil War could not be realized; he has alluded to it as the great disappointment of his life. 39O MEMORIALS. As soon as he was discharged from the service, Mr. High joined the Law Department of the University of Michigan, where he remained until the summer of 1866, when he came to Chicago and at once entered upon his chosen profession, of which he was soon to become one of the leading members. From that date he continued to be a resident of this city, except for a short period, when he was compelled, by ill health, to visit Utah and Colorado. During this period Mr. High traveled exten- sively over the mountains of our then unsettled Western frontier, and explored the wonders of the Yellowstone, long before the great National Park was established. He returned to Chicago with restored health, when he again entered upon the duties of his profession, which he followed during the remainder of his life with a zeal and energy that knew neither change nor shadow of turning, and in which he achieved such success as few men ever attain. During the early period of his professional career, Mr. High gave much of his time to literature. In 1870 he edited and published an edition of the works of Lord Erskine, and in 1873 he finally completed and published his great work on "Injunctions," which immediately be- came one of the leading text-books on that subject. In 1 874he published a work on ' 'Receivers, " and, a year later, one on "Extraordinary Remedies." His books on Injunc- tions and Receivers have gone through several editions, and are still increasing in usefulness and demand. By the publication of these works, Mr. High's fame as a law writer became firmly established on both sides of the Atlantic. They are to-day cited in the courts of England as well as in those of our own country, in terms of highest commendation and approval and are standard authorities wherever the English law prevails. MEMORIALS. 39 1 The career of Mr. High at the bar was an unbroken record of success and honor. He was a profound scholar and an eloquent speaker. During these busy years of professional life he was engaged in many important cases in the Supreme Court of the United States and of this State, where his presence had become familiar to bench and bar. Unlike many of the profession, he never allowed public office or political position to lead him away from its active duties. Twice he was offered a position as Judge of the United States Court, but he declined to accept. Of his achievements and career at the bar, however, this is not the place to speak. We knew him better as a friend, a Companion of this Order, in which he took a deep interest. We have seen him, not infrequently, taking part in its proceedings, and often clearing up questions of doubt and controversy by a clear, simple statement of the real matter at issue. He will be best remembered for the fearless discharge of every duty which came to him during his whole career. This was the standard by which his conduct was measured during his whole life, and he stood ready at all times to do the right as it was given him to see the right, without fear or favor or regard to results. While strangers might pos- sibly regard him as reserved in manner, to those who knew him well he was as gentle and loving as a woman. He bore the pain and suffering of his final illness with a gentle patience that was characteristic. Some of the incidents of this brief period were exceedingly touching and pathetic. His only son, a member of this Order, promptly en- listed as a private in the First Illinois Regiment at the commencement of the late war, and shared all its dangers and privations. When the reports began to come back 392 MEMORIALS. from the trenches and camps at Santiago, of the sickness and hardship incident to a campaign in that climate, pride in the soldierly career of the son was accompanied by the most intense anxiety for his safety. Of his visit to the camps at Montauk, the search for the sick son through the army hospitals, the tender meeting between them and their return home shortly before Mr. High's death, we cannot now speak. With an assured position at the bar and in the community, his family again united, fame and fortune already achieved, it would seem as if his career was rounded and complete. The past at least was secure, and the future seemed full of promise. With all his great achievements, he was modest and retiring. When invited to join this Commandery he at first declined, for the sole reason that his own military service had been of so brief and unimportant a character that he did not feel entitled to membership in an organ- ization of which Sheridan was Commander, and many of the members of which had borne a conspicuous part in that mighty conflict in which this country was engaged for four years. We get a pleasant side glimpse of his character in his fondness for outdoor life and manly sports. He was a devoted disciple of Izaak Walton, and every year he was accustomed to spend one month at the Salmon Pools of Lower Canada. In a letter to a friend in July, 1896, he writes that he was "alone with a guide, twenty miles from a postomce, in the heart of the forests of New Brunswick, and as happy as a tired lawyer could hope to be in this hard-working world." Into his beautiful home life, with all its tender asso- ciations, we cannot enter. The wife of his youth, the soldier son and the devoted daughter, are left to mourn with us his early death. MEMORIALS. 393 Nothing perhaps, can be said of him more appropriate than his own language on the occasion of the death of a professional associate: "Behind him was the record of a pure and manly life. He had fought a good fight. He had wronged no man. He had nobly discharged every duty imposed by his calling. He had been loyal to every tie which bound him to fame and friends. Well might he approach the solemn mystery which veils the future, with the assurance that for him all was well." In the closing paragraph of a tribute to General William E. Strong, Mr. High said of him. " His tender memory shall rest in the faithful keep- ing of his associates of this Commandery who knew him best and loved him most, until we, in turn, shall have joined the great majority, and his well earned fame shall remain a part of the heritage to be transmitted to those who shall perpetuate our Order through coming time." We can add nothing to this tribute to a deceased Companion. What he said of General Strong can all truthfully be said of him. "A life in civic action warm, A soul on highest mission sent, A potent voice of parliament, A pillar steadfast in the storm." EPHRAIM A. OTIS, HUNTINGTON W. JACKSON, HENRY V. FREEMAN, . Committee. SAMUEL FRANKLIN FARRAR. Died at Santa Barbara, California, October j, i8g8 Only brother of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Henry Weld Farrar, who died at Chicago, April 17, 1881. 394 BENJAMIN WINSLOW UNDERWOOD. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Seventy- second Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, October 26, i8g8. e^PANION Benjamin Winslow Underwood was born July 7, 1841, at Harwich, Massachusetts. He came West in 1856, going to Burlington, Iowa, where he spent less than a year. From there he came to Chicago, where he lived ever after, with the exception of about five years 1889 to 1894 spent in Hutchinson, Kansas. He was married to Frances A. Parsons, April 14, 1864. His business life has been mainly connected with the commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade. At the time of the Civil War he was a partner in the commission house of Underwood & Co., comprising P. 395 3-96 MEMORIALS. L. Underwood, S. L. Underwood and B. W. Under- wood. That firm paid the expenses of recruiting Com- pany D in the Seventy-second Illinois Infantry, with which company he took the field as First Lieutenant. Subsequently he became Adjutant of the regiment. During the last few years of his life he acted as Secre- tary of the Omaha Packing Company, and was one of its principal representatives on the Chicago Board of Trade. He died at Chicago on the 26th day of October, 1898, leaving behind him a wife and two grown children a son and a daughter. For a few years subsequent to the Civil War he was a partner in the iron house of Hall Kimbark & Co. His five years in Hutchinson, Kansas, were spent in building and operating a packing house in the interests of the Omaha Packing Company. Companion Underwood was one of the truest, man- liest business men that ever breathed the breath of life. His domestic existence was ideal. No stronger words of tongue or pen can be said of any man. His memory will be revered by his family and friends and ourselves, his Companions. JOSEPH STOCKTON, LEWIS B. MITCHELL, JOHN T. McAuLEY, Committee. HENRY JAMES NOWLAN. Major Seventh Cavalry, United States Army. Died at Hot Springs, Arkansas, November 10, 1898 service as First Lieutenant Fourteenth New York Cavalry, United States Volunteers, January 17, 1863; Captain, October 24, 1864; transferred to Eighteenth New York Cavalry, United States Volunteers, October 24, 1864; mustered out May 31, 1866; Second Lieutenant Seventh Cavalry, United States Army, July 28, 1866; First Lieutenant, February i, 1868; Captain, December 9, 1876; Brevet Major United States Army, "for gallant services in action against Indians at Canyon Creek, Montana, September !3. I 877," February 27, 1890; Major Seventh Cavalry, United States Army, April 7, 1893. War service in the Department of the Gulf. 397 JOHN CRAWFORD WALKER. First Lieutenant Sixty-third United States Colored Troops. Died at Chicago, Illinois, December 12, i8q8. 'TTiNOTHER member of our Order has been mustered f\ out of service. " How sleep the brave, who sink to rest By all their country's wishes blest." Lieutenant and Brevet Captain John Crawford Walker died at Chicago, December 12, 1898. John Crawford Walker was born in Highland County, Ohio, the I4th day of February, 1839. His parents, John Howell and Margaret Bay Walker, were both born in Rockbridge County, Virginia, and moved to Ohio about the year 1814. Captain Walker was one of a family of thirteen, hav- 398 MEMORIALS. 399 ing had six brothers and six sisters; he had the unusual record of having four brothers in the War of the Rebellion. Our deceased Comrade was reared on a farm and had the advantage of only a common school education, such as was to be obtained in the country districts of Ohio during the middle of the present century. He was of a happy and hopeful disposition, industrious and cheerful, and his obliging nature made him very popular and attached to him many warm friends; neutral- ity was never a faculty in the mental equations of our deceased brother. At the age of twenty-two, he enlisted on the 26th of July, 1 86 1. The company into which he entered be- came Company H, Twenty-seventh Ohio Volunteer In- fantry. This regiment was organized at Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio, in August, 1861, was immediately ordered to Missouri, and entered at once into active service. Our Comrade was identified with this famous regiment until the fall of 1863. He participated in the battles of New Madrid and Island Number Ten, under General Pope, was in General Thomas's Division in the siege of Corinth in the spring of 1862, and participated in the battles of luka and Corinth in the fall of the same year, under General Rosecrans. He was with his regi- ment in the winter of 1862, in General Grant's attempt to capture Vicksburg by way of Jackson, Mississippi. On this campaign, when separated from all hospital accommodations, he suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever and was subjected to much suffering and many hardships, having been moved in an ambulance more than twelve miles the day after he had passed through the crisis. When the brigade to which his regiment be- longed the Ohio Brigade was ordered back to Jack- son, Tennessee, to repel Generals Forrest and Rody, 4OO MEMORIALS. he was still lying at the point of death, and when our line was cut at Holly Springs by General Van Dorn, our Comrade was sent to the hospital at Corinth. Our brother never recovered from the hardships of this campaign and was sent home on sick leave, but re- turned to his regiment determined to sacrifice his life, if need be, for his country. October 2, 1863, he was appointed Second Lieutenant Ninth Louisiana Infantry, and, September 26, 1864, was commissioned First Lieutenant, Company G, Sixty- third United States Colored Infantry, at which time he was detached from his regiment and appointed Assistant Superintendent of Freedmen, District of Memphis, Tennessee. Later, Lieutenant Walker was appointed Superin- tendent of President's Island, and April 24, 1865, was commissioned Captain of the Sixty-third United States Colored Infantry. October 4, 1865, he was discharged on account of physical disability, not having been mustered as Captain. In every position he was called to fill he was efficient, faithful and capable, enjoying the confidence and respect of his superior officers. Captain Walker made an army record that any man might be proud of. But, after an army service of more than four years, when peace was declared he became reticent and would not talk upon the subject of his own personal experiences, saying: " The thoughts of war fill me with horror; let us build up the reunited country and make it great, but let us never forget that we were eternally right." In 1866 Captain Walker came to Illinois, locating in Tuscola, where he was married, May 7, 1867, to Miss Kate Ammen, who survives him. Two children were MEMORIALS. 4OI born of that marriage, the younger of whom, Charles R., preceded his father to the Spirit Land; the older son Jo. M. Walker, is a successful lawyer, residing at Tuscola, Illinois, and with him the widow of our dear brother makes her home. To them we extend our sympathy, when those we love have come and gone. After coming to Illinois, Captain Walker engaged in secular pursuits and few men have passed through more diversified experiences than he, not all of them being satisfactory; yet he had what forms the basis of all great characters energy; and by his indomitable persever- ance succeeded in laying by a competency, notwith- standing the vicissitudes of army life had laid the founda- tion for years of suffering, and finally caused his death. Before disease had undermined his system, Captain Walker was a man of good physique and strong individu- ality; he was a great reader, a student of past events, thoroughly posted on current literature, and had the faculty of expressing himself with clearness and firmness. The history of our political parties was as familiar to him as was the Pentateuch to the ancient Hebrew. At the period of his greatest activity he appeared to be ac- quainted with nearly all the prominent politicians of the country, especially with those of Illinois; was related to- many of them either by consanguinity or marriage, and also to men of distinction in the army and navy. Socially our brother was a fine conversationalist; he welcomed his friends to his pleasant home in that courtly manner characteristic of the affable gentleman. He loved his friends and loved to love them, and would de- fend them from aspersions from any and all sources. He was fortunate in having a kind, noble and patriotic wife, to whom he was greatly attached; a wife who, when the sunshine of prosperity shone brightly 4O2 MEMORIALS. along their pathway, was his companion and counsellor, and when affliction came, imposed upon herself the arduous task of nurse, and whether at the vesper or matin or in the silent vigil of the midnight hour, the faithful watcher was at her post, deeming the trust too sacred to delegate to another, notwithstanding hosts of friends stood ready to render all possible assistance. Our brother was a firm believer in revealed religion; a member of the Methodist Church and, while in his younger days inclined to be a fatalist, yet for many years he had been in full sympathy with the grand truth that whosoever feareth God and worketh righteousness is ac- cepted of Him. The last roll call on this side the River of Life has been answered, and we, the surviving Comrades say, "Farewell, brave soldier, comrade, friend, until we greet you in the Elysian Fields. For this mortal must put on immortality." JAMES L. REAT, FRANCIS M. WRIGHT, JACOB W. WILKIN, Committee. CHARLES W. DAVIS. Lieutenant Colonel Fifty-first Illinois Infantry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, December 75, i8g8. HARLES WILDER DAVIS, late Commander of the Illinois Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, was born at Concord, Massachusetts, on the nth day of October, 1833. He died at Chicago, Illinois, on the I5th day of December, 1898. If it were all of life> merely to live, thus briefly could be told the story of every human life. But those of us who, during all the years of our association in this Com- mandery, have had the pleasure and the privilege of in- timate acquaintance with our late Commander, know that the story of his life cannot be thus briefly told. 403 404 MEMORIALS. His ancestors were among the earliest settlers of Massachusetts. They had lived in what became the his- toric town of Concord, Massachusetts, for nearly a cen- tury before his birth. It is not strange, growing up to- manhood amid the traditions of the neighborhood, so in- separably identified with the history of the American Revolution, that both the patriotic and the military spirit should have been strongly cultivated in Companion Davis during all his earlier years. Familiar association with Lexington and Concord Bridge was an admirable school of preparation for the service which the country was so soon to demand in the eventful years of the com- ing Civil War. When eighteen years of age, Companion Davis be- came a member of the Concord Company of the Fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Militia. Here he took his first -^lessons in the school of the soldier. He attained the rank of Corporal and took an active interest in the drills, musters and parades of the company, and those of the regiment to which it belonged. He himself has left a brief record of his recollections of an interesting special service which the company was called upon to perform, and by which he was greatly impressed. This was when, in March, 1854, the Division to which his regiment was attached was ordered by the Governor of the State to Lexington, to perform escort duty at the funeral of Private Jonathan Harrington, the last survivor of the company of minute-men who faced the British regulars at Lexington on the eventful morning of April ! 9. r 775- "The Acton and Concord Companies," to quote Colonel Davis' own narrative of the occasion, "were especially designated in orders as a bodyguard, and, in performing this duty, marched near the hearse to the slow music of the 'Dead March from Saul,' and MEMORIALS. 405 entered the old graveyard back of the church. At the grave, and after the body had been lowered, we fired three volleys, and, 'left in front,' marched out of and away from the graveyard, to the quickstep of ' Yankee Doodle.' ' Another incident of Colonel Davis's youth is of inter- est, as showing the patriotic ardor which he seems to have breathed in with the atmosphere of his birthplace. It had been the habit in Concord to celebrate the I9th of April that day when " By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, * * once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard 'round the world," by firing a national salute at sunrise, repeating the same at noon and again at sunset, and flinging the national flag to the breeze from the top of the liberty-pole in the center of the town. On one of these anniversaries, when young Davis was about seventeen years of age, for some reason the customary morning salute had been omitted, and no preparation had been made for the further ob- servance of the day. "Some one had blundered," he says. Young Davis was not willing that the day should pass unhonored. He immediately undertook to raise money among his father's friends, bought the necessary powder, enlisted his mother and some of her friends in the work of making a hundred flannel cartridge-bags, had the two brass six-pounders dragged to the top of Garrison Hill, and at noon the guns thundered forth their salutation to the day and to the memory of the "embat- tled farmers" who struck the first blow for American liberty and independence. Davis himself fired the pieces, using a slow match on the end of a match stock about four feet in length. " Lanyards," he says, "were not then in use, or at least those guns did not have them; 4O6 MEMORIALS. and standing by the side of the piece, I had to reach with the slow match over the wheel to the vent. It kept me pretty active, going from piece to piece; but while the effect was to make me somewhat deaf for the time being, I yet considered it quite the proudest day of my life." When, on the I3th of April, 1861, the booming guns fired upon Fort Sumter proclaimed that the war of the great Rebellion had actually begun, Companion Davis was residing in Chicago, where he had lived for the six preceding years, connected with the book publishing firm of S. C. Griggs & Company. We, the boys and young men of that day and gener- ation, can never forget the thrill of indignation which the echoes of those Confederate guns awoke in the loyal heart of the North. Companies were formed everywhere. Young men and boys began to learn the military exer- cises which were to fit them for the stern conflict of the coming years. Companion Davis at once made up his mind to enter the service. He knew that the Concord company of militia, of which he had been a member before coming to Chicago, had been among the first to go to the front, and was then somewhere in the vicinity of Washington. He wrote, on the 22d of May, to its Captain, offering his services and asking if there was not room for him in the company. The Captain replied that while he would be glad to have him join, yet as the term of enlistment was only three months, he thought Davis would hardly be justified in going a thousand miles for so short a term of service. Early in that month, however, he joined a company formed here in Chicago, composed of young men, mostly his friends and acquaintances, under the leadership of Luther P. Bradley, now General Bradley, United States MEMORIALS. 407 Army, retired. The company was tendered to the Gov- ernor, but as the quota of the State was full, could not be accepted. It kept up its organization, nevertheless, for several months, as its members were quite sure that before long they would be needed. Companion Davis's military experience in the Concord Company now stood him in good stead. He became one of the company drill-masters, and his zeal and efficiency in this service attracted attention and led ultimately to his connection with the Fifty-first Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry. The Company under Captain Bradley, familiarly known as Company D among its members, was not ac- cepted and did not enter the service as an organization. Most of its members, however, afterwards found service in other organizations, over eighty of them as commis- sioned officers, and won honorable records. Some of them rose to distinction in the following years of war. One service which the company performed was that of escort duty at the funeral of Senator Stephen A. Douglas, June 7, 1861. Meanwhile, Companion Davis was looking for an op- portunity to enter some organization destined to active service, and had about made up his mind to sign the muster roll of what was known as the Normal Regiment, afterward the Thirty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under command of Colonel Charles E. Hovey. Just at this time, through his friend Bradley, came the proposi- tion from Colonel George W. Gumming, who had seen him acting as drill sergeant, offering him the adjutancy of the regiment which he Gumming had received au- thority to raise, and of which Luther P. Bradley was to be Lieutenant Colonel. The organization of this regiment, which became the 408 MEMORIALS. Fifty-first Illinois, was completed at Camp Douglas, where it remained from September, 1861, until the I4th day of February, 1862, when it boarded the cars of the Illinois Central Railroad and started for Cairo, to begin actual service in the field. It was soon after attached to the Second Brigade, Fourth Division, Army of the Mississippi, and took part in the investment and siege of Island Number Ten, and subsequently in the advance upon, and siege of Corinth. Some two months after the fall of Corinth, the divi- sion marched to Nashville, and there remained doing garrison duty during the period known as the Siege of Nashville, while the armies of Generals Buell and Bragg were endeavoring to get ahead of each other in a race to the Ohio River. September 3Oth, 1862, Adjutant Davis was elected by his brother officers and commissioned Major of the regiment. This promotion over officers of the regiment, his superiors in rank, was a most unusual honor, and it- self bears testimony to the confidence he had command- ed, to his efficiency as an officer and character as a man. In the re-arrangement which preceded the advance of the Army of the Cumberland upon Murfreesboro, the Fifty-first Illinois was attached to the Third Division, which constituted a part of the right wing, under com- mand of General Philip Sheridan. At the battle of Stone's River, on the 3ist of Decem- ber, 1862, the Division of General Sheridan bore for a time the brunt of the Confederate assault upon our right, and suffered severe loss. Every brigade commander in the Division was killed, and, though gradually forced back by overwhelming numbers, it maintained its organi- zation, retiring in good order and inflicting severe loss upon the attacking force. MEMORIALS. 4OQ During the fight that day in the well-known cedars, Major Davis, then in command of his regiment, was wounded by a rebel bullet through the right arm while, sword in hand, he was cheering on his men. Partially recovering from this wound, he rejoined his regiment at Murfreesboro and with it took part in the Tullahoma Campaign and the advance upon Chattanooga. At the battle of Chickamauga, in September follow- ing, during the conflict of Sheridan's Division with Hood's command of Longstreet's Corps, his horse was shot under him. October 6th, 1863, Major Davis was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In that famous charge of the Army of the Cumber- land up Mission Ridge, Colonel Davis, again in command of his regiment, was once more severely wounded, re- ceiving a bullet through the right thigh when about two- thirds up the Ridge. In consequence of this wound, which was serious in its nature, he was under treatment, much of the time in the hospital, for about eight months. At the end of this period, being still unfit for active service, he was, the 4th of October, 1864, by order of the War Department, assigned to light duty at St. Louis, upon the Staff of Major General Rosecrans. The /th of December, 1864, he was appointed acting Provost Mar- shal General, Department of Missouri, from which ap- pointment he was relieved at his own request and, De- cember 26th following, was appointed Assistant Provost Marshal General. April 29, 1865, he received orders from Major General G. M. Dodge to proceed to Northern Arkansas in order to propose terms of surrender to the Confederate General Jeff Thompson, and, on the nth of May following, he received the surrender of General Thompson with 7,454 of his officers and men. Upon that day, May n, 1865, Lieutenant Colonel Davis was 4IO MEMORIALS. promoted and commissioned Colonel, but his regiment had at this time become so reduced by the casualties of war that he could not then be mustered with that rank. June 30, 1865, the war being over, Colonel Davis was honorably discharged from service for disability on account of wounds and returned to Chicago, again to pick up the thread of civil duties which he had dropped at the call to arms. Thus is briefly told in outline the story of Companion Davis's very honorable military career. With most of his career since the war, the members of this Commandery are familiar. May 16, 1885, he became Recorder of the Commandery, a position to which he was successively re-elected annually, until May, 1896, when he voluntarily retired from that position. Of his services to the Legion in his capacity as Re- corder, we cannot speak too highly. No duty was ever neglected. He gave generously and disinterestedly of his time and strength. The honor of the Commandery and of each of its members was always near and dear to his heart. With native magnanimity he at one time de- clined a nomination for Commander, lest it should bring him into conflict with another whom he felt to be then entitled to the honor. In May, 1898, the Commandery did honor to itself by electing him to the highest place in its gift, little dreaming that he was so soon to be called away from earth, before the expiration of his term of service in the high position which he filled so grace- fully and acceptably. His interest in the Commandery continued to be manifested almost to his latest breath. When himself unable to write he dictated letters which were written by his devoted wife, upon matters relating to its interests. He was always and everywhere the genial, efficient, MEMORIALS. 411 modest gentleman. "None knew him but to love him, none named him but to praise." The arm shattered by the stroke of battle was never raised in defense of what he thought was wrong, nor in opposition to what he be- lieved to be right. In a notice published since his death it was said of him: "Sweetness, gentleness and true manliness were never more beautifully combined in one man than in Charles Wilder Davis. Underneath the button of the Loyal Legion, which was never absent from his breast, there beat a heart as tender as a woman's, as true as truth, and as brave as the occasion. There was not a coarse fiber in the nature or physique of this man of delicate mould and strong will. His career in the army and since has been a striking exemplification of the sen- timent that the 'bravest are the tenderest, the loving are the daring.' " Some members of this Commandery there are who recall that when, some three years ago, the National Park at Chickamauga was dedicated, Colonel Davis was one of several who took advantage of the occasion to visit scenes which, in the stress and storm of battle years, had become to us holy ground. There, on the slope of Mission Ridge, he found the place where his participation in the charge up the heights had been stopped by a Con- federate bullet; and there, as the memories of those heroic days came rushing over him like a flood, he sat down and cried like a child. We cannot be unmindful of the fact that time is thin- ning out our ranks, almost as rapidly now, if such a thing can be possible, as they were thinned by battle bullets in the days of war. Out of five members of this Com- mandery who, only three short years ago, returned to- gether from Chattanooga on that occasion in the same 412 MEMORIALS. car, three of the number, our late Companions Ducat, High and Davis, have passed over to the majority. Into the sacred privacy of the family circle we cannot enter. Colonel Davis was married on the 22d day of September, 1870, to Ernma Frances, daughter of Captain John B. Moore, of Concord, Massachusetts, who, with their son, Bradley Moore Davis, a member of this Com- mandery, instructor in botany in the University of Chi- cago, now survives him. To them, whose loss is greater than ours, the Commandery can only express its deep and heartfelt sympathy. D When, at the close of that December Sabbath day, we stood about his grave as the sun sank in the western sky, while the bugle call to which he had so often list- ened in camp and field in the stirring days of war, floated out upon the still evening air, its dying notes closed the last service of earth over the mortal remains of one of the truest of men and the knightliest of soldiers. " The heart so leal, the hand of steel Are palsied now for strife, But the noble deed and the patriot's meed Are left of the hero's life. The bugle call and the battle ball Again shall rouse him never; He fought and fell, he served us well, His furlough lasts -forever." HENRY V. FREEMAN, GEORGE K. DAUCHY, AREA N. WATERMAN, Committee. JOHN BROWN HAMILTON. Died at Elgin, Illinois, December 24, i8g8. JOHN BROWN HAMILTON was directly descended from the Scottish clan whose name he bore. He was born December I, 1847, in a small village of Jersey County, Illinois, where his father officiated as a clergyman, exercising also a wide influence upon the community outside of the village by his teaching as an anti-slavery agitator and by his exertions in behalf of the foundation of institutions of learning. A boyhood molded by such a parent could scarcely fail to give promise of a bright future. Here was acquired that fondness for books and the lore of letters that became a fine part of the ma- ture man. Dr. Hamilton, at all times of his life, found his most delightful recreation in seeking, finding and ex- 413 41 4 MEMORIALS. ploring a quaint volume that the world had well-nigh forgotten. In the labor of the fields, of the printing office, and of the village apothecary, young Hamilton spent his wak- ing hours until his seventeenth year, when at the out- break of the Civil War he entered the ranks of the army of the Union as a private and in this way gained an intimate knowledge of the duties, needs, and responsi- bilities of the soldier, which became invaluable to him in after life. Dr. Hamilton (insignia 6804) entered our Order as a Companion of the Second Class on the 6th day of Feb- ruary, 1889, and became a Companion of the First Class "in succession" on November n, 1894, i n consequence of the decease, on that date, of his father, Companion Chaplain Benjamin Brown Hamilton, late U. S. V., at the time in affiliation with the Commandery of the State of Illinois. On the conclusion of the war, in 1867, young Ham- ilton entered as a student in Rush Medical College, and after completing the curriculum of that institution was graduated with honor. During the succeeding four years he practiced medicine among his early associates in his native place. In 1874, after enduring the severe ordeal of the exam- inations for the regular service, Dr. Hamilton was com- missioned an Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army and during his term of service had experience of-military life from one seacoast of our country to another. As a result of this experience he began to interest himself in the Marine Hospital Service of the Treasury Department which was then poorly organized and irregularly equipped both with medical men and material. Dr. Hamilton then resigned his army commission and after a competi- MEMORIALS. 415 tive examination which demonstrated his special fitness for the post, was appointed an Assistant Surgeon in that service and at the head of the list of applicants of the same date. His remarkable gift of organization and his military training here speedily advanced him from grade to grade until in 1887, on the death of the former occu- pant of the position, Dr. Hamilton was made Surgeon General of the United States Marine Hospital Service. His life in Washington when filling this high position brought him into close contact with many of the distin- guished men of his day, including not only the President of the United States, but cabinet officers, members of Congress, and the military men of all branches of the service. His advice was now repeatedly sought on ques- tions of the greatest national importance, chiefly in the matter of quarantine in seasons of epidemic threatening the inhabitants of our country. General Hamilton at one time accompanied the Secretary of the United States Treasury to Europe on an important mission connected with his branch of the service. At these times his vigi- lance extended along the entire seaboard of the country and his influence had a bearing in shaping the legislation which has protected our shores during recent years from incursions of foreign-bred pestilence. During the period of his greatest activity in Washington, Dr. Hamilton found time to busy himself with his lectures in the Med- ical Department of the University of Georgetown, where, by special invitation of the Faculty, he was filling the chair of Surgery. In the year 1891, Dr. Hamilton was called to the chair of Principles of Surgery in Rush Medical College, Chicago; and, attracted by the large opportunities of the metrop- olis of his native State, he did not hesitate to abandon at once all the important positions be held in Washington. 4l6 MEMORIALS. It was soon after this change that the American Medical Association elected Dr. Hamilton editor-in-chief of its official publication, The Journal of the American Medical Association. Here, as in other positions which he held, his amazing power of organization, his exact methods, and his fine literary acquirements, served him greatly. The Journal rose at once by leaps and bounds, until in its size, its circulation, its influence in his profession, and last but not least in its financial prosperity, it found itself in the forefront of the publications of its class edited in America. Dr. Hamilton was tendered the superintendency of the State Hospital for the Insane at Elgin in this State; and though it seemed impossible for him to assume this bur- den in addition to his work in the Presbyterian Hospital, his physical strength proved equal to the task. The Elgin Asylum was never more economically, more skill- fully, and more carefully managed than under Dr. Ham- ilton's administration. The energy and unbounded capacity of our Companion for labor seemed to acknowledge no limits. By invitation of the Governor, Dr. Hamilton was also commissioned Colonel of one of the regiments of the State, composed of sons of veterans; and among his last official duties was the providing of arms, rations and uniforms for two com- panies of his regiment when they started for service in connection with the labor troubles which were then threatening the peace of Pana. The recital of the self-imposed tasks and multiform duties which made up the life of our departed Compan- ion, furnishes a tale that must seem marvelous to those the current of whose lives has flowed on smoothly and without diversification from year to year. We believe that the key-note to this remarkable career is to be sought MEMORIALS. 417 in the early discipline which young Hamilton received as a private in the ranks of the American army. Here he learned lessons of strict obedience, of unhesitating re- sponse to every call to duty, of fearlessness, of unselfish- ness, and of that high sense of honor which is nowhere better cultivated than under the genial warmth of a fine esprit de corps. Add to this schooling, a love of books, a scholastic method, and a professional training, and the result is before us. Dr. Hamilton was successful in every interest with which he was associated; he prized 1 his record above all riches; his fingers were never soiled by contact with unworthily acquired gains; and his life ended unblemished and worthily rounded out, after some of the serious complications of typhoid fever, on the 24th of December, 1898. " Some with the bayonet in hand, Some with the sword-blade fought; Some of us ordered to stay and stand, Some how to die were taught ! But by order of the Captain-King Though our comrades be fast sped, On His muster-call the names shall ring Of the living and the dead ! " RICHARD S. TUTHILL, JAMES NEVINS HYDE, DANIEL R. BROWER, Committee- GEORGE PRESSLY McCLELLAND. Captain One Hundred and Fifty fifth Pennsylvania Infantry and Brevet Major, United States Volunteers. Died at Daven- port, Iowa, December 27, 1898 ONCE more we mourn the loss of a beloved, honored and patriotic Companion. George P. McClelland, was born November 11, 1842, at Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, the youngest of six children,. and died at Daven- port, Iowa, December 27, 1898. The call to the defense of the Union, found him at the age of nineteen, possessed of a fairly good schooling, and an acquaint- ance with hard work that was born of actual contact. He had never been of rugged health, and when he en- listed, in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry, his family and friends feared that he would 418 MEMORIALS. 419 succumb to the privations of a soldier's life. His record as a soldier, however, was one of the best. Before leaving camp, he was made a Corporal. After Antietam, he was a Sergeant; after Fredericksburg, an Orderly Sergeant; after Gettysburg, a Second Lieu- tenant; after the Battle in the Wilderness, a Captain; after Five Forks, a Brevet Major. The commission that made Captain McClelland a Brevet Major, reads, "For gallant and meritorious con- duct at the Battle of Five Forks." He participated in nine of the great battles of the Rebellion. He was wounded in the right foot at North Anna but was only a short time off duty. His left hip was terribly shattered at Five Forks, and a comrade who gave him his flask, remarked, "That is all he will need in this world." Removed to the hospital in Pitts- burg, he was found and nursed back to life, by his sister Anna, but the wound made him an invalid for life. Though a great sufferer, no one was more patriotic and his love for the flag was intense. He became a resident of Davenport, Iowa, in 1867, since which time, he has been prominently identified in the progress and growth of that city. As an organizer and President of the Davenport Building and Loan As- sociation, he has assisted the industrious poor to build many homes. An organizer and supporter of scientific charity, he has been of great benefit to the worthy poor. Of scholarly tastes, he added the charm of culture to that of frank, honest friendship. We shall miss his wise counsel and genial Companionship, but the memory of his patriotic, generous and noble manhood will ever be an inspiration for good. MORTON L. MARKS, EUGENE B. HAYWARD, MELZAR J. EAGLE, Committee. LEWIS HENRY BOUTELL. Major Forty-fifth Missouri Infantry, United States Volunteers-. Died at Washington, District of Columbia, January 16, fEWIS H. BOUTELL was born at Boston, Massa- chusetts, July 21, 1826, and died at Washington, ^""^ District of Columbia, January 16, 1899. He graduated from Brown University in 1844, and from the Harvard Law School in 1847. Commencing the practice of law in his native city, he there remained until September 26, 1862; when he enlisted as a private in the Forty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry. September 29, 1864, he was made Major of the Forty-fifth Missouri Volunteers. While with the Forty-fifth Massachusetts he went 420 MEMORIALS. 421 with it to Newbern, North Carolina, where, in December, 1862, he was transferred to the Signal Corps, serving therein under General Foster and General Hunter. As Major of the Forty-fifth Missouri he took part in the defense of Jefferson City when it was attacked by General Price. In December, 1864, he was ordered to Nashville, and there served under General Thomas at the battle of Nashville. At the expiration of his term of service, March 6, 1865, he was mustered out. Coming to Chicago in 1865, he was for a time Assist- ant United States Attorney in the office of the District Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. The duties of this position he filled with great credit to himself and satisfaction to those with whom he came in contact. At this time, when many new questions consequent upon the internal revenue measures adopted during the war were arising, Mr. Boutell was the lawyer upon whose judgment dependence was placed and action had by the government officials in this district. Shortly after the great fire of 1871 Mr. Boutell en- gaged in private practice, becoming a member of the law firm of Upton, Boutell & Waterman. Thereafter the firm was changed by the retirement of Mr. Upton upon his election to the bench, and the admission of Mr. H. S. Boutell, now one of the members of Congress elected from this city. Some ten years ago Mr. Boutell retired from the active practice of his profession and devoted the declin- ing years of his life to travel and literary pursuits. Visiting the Old World, he looked upon and studied the works of the great masters in art. 422 MEMORIALS. Gifted with a keen sense of and love for the beautiful, the galleries of France, Italy, Germany and England, were to him aisles whose walls spoke that language which artistic souls alone understand. Returning to his native land he wrote a life of Alex- ander Hamilton, and also one of Roger Sherman of the Revolution. He was for many years a consistent and devoted member of the Congregational Church of Evanston, in which city he had for thirty years his beautiful home. He was social, kind, pure, gentle, serene, learned. Possessing great ability, he lived and moved quietly among his fellow men. Not an orator for the hustings, he was a thinker among scholars. His well rounded life flowed like the current of a deep river through fruitful fields, beneath the shadow of stately forests, beside and blessing garden and city; reflecting the image of stars and sky, bearing the imprint of sunshine and storm to the great ocean, the unfathomed, shoreless sea whose waters await the coming of all souls. Dear Friend ! Beloved Companion ! Pure Soul ! Hail and Farewell ! AREA N. WATERMAN, EDWARD D. REDINGTON, EZRA B. McCAGG, Committee. GEORGE KEYPORTS BRADY. Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) United States Army. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 20, i8gg. KEYPORTS BRADY was bom at cham- bersburg, Pennsylvania, December 9, 1839, and died at Chicago, Illinois, January 20, 1899. He was a son of Hon. Jasper E wing Brady, who represented his district in Congress, and a direct lineal descendant of Captain Samuel Brady and General Hugh Brady; men whose skill and prudence and daring in Indian fighting made their names household words among the early settlers. He responded to the first call for troops, enlisting in Company B, Twelfth Pennsylvania Infantry, U. S. V., April 25, 1861, and remaining with the company until 423 424 MEMORIALS. July 8th, when he accepted a commission as First Lieu- tenant, Fourteenth Infantry, United States Army, his appointment dating from May 14, 1861. During the remainder of that year he was on duty at Fort Trumbull, Connecticut, and in January, 1862, joined his regiment at Perryville, Maryland. With it he participated in the battles of the Peninsular Campaign, Yorktown, Gaines Mill, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Smoker's Gap, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Laurel Hill, Petersburg and Weldon Railroad. In the last named battle, while serving as Adjutant General of the Brigade, he was wounded, taken prisoner and confined in Libby Prison. He was promoted to Captain June 10, 1864, and August 18, 1864, received a brevet as Major, United States Army, for his gallantry in the battle at the Weldon Railroad. He was paroled in September, 1864, and went to New York City, where he did good service in the draft riot and, as soon as exchanged rejoined his regiment at the front, and March 16, 1865, received a brevet as Lieutenant Colonel United States Army for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war. In October of that year, he went to the Pacific coast, via Panama, and from that time to the day of his retirement, his rec- ord is that of many another gallant soldier; untiring devotion to duty; the thousand petty details of caring for and cheering the men in the ranks at lonely frontier posts; perils of fire and flood, and savage foes, even more deadly than those he faced throughout the War of the Rebellion; services for which no recompense could be given, not even a brevet, because the Government did not recognize Indian fighting as war. He was transferred to the Twenty-third Infantry, Sep- tember 21,1 866; promoted to Major, Eighteenth Infantry, March I, 1886; Lieutenant Colonel Seventeenth Infantry, MEMORIALS. 425 March 19, 1891, and August 16, 1894, was retired, at his own request, after more than thirty years continuous service. He was elected to the Order through the Commandery of the State of California, November 19, 1884, and trans- ferred to this Commandery January 2, 1895. During the four years of his membership here, he rarely missed a meeting and was devoted to the best interests of the Order. He served his country well; he has gone to his reward. To his beloved wife, who shared with him the loneli- ness and dangers of many years of frontier life, and his devoted son, we extend our heartfelt sympathies. CHARLES R. E. KOCH, JOHN A. GRIER, CHARLES F. MATTESON, Committee. STANDISH VORCE CORNISH. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Eightieth New York Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 23, 1899. *7T.NOTHER name has been added to the list of beloved [\ Companions taken by death from our Command- ^* ery. Lieutenant Standish Vorce Cornish died very suddenly at Chicago, Illinois, January 25, 1899. Lieu- tenant Cornish was born February 25, 1845, at Lexing- ton, Green County, New York. He entered the volun- teer army at Poughkeepsie, New York, March 10, 1862, being enrolled as private in Company G, Twentieth New York State Militia, known as the Eightieth New York Infantry. Made Corporal January i, 1863; Sergeant, January i, 1864; Second Lieutenant, Company D, Jan- 426 MEMORIALS. 427 uary 10, 1865; First Lieutenant, Company K, sameregi-. ment, April 15, 1865; appointed Regimental Quarter- master, June 15, 1865; mustered out of service, July 25, 1865. Lieutenant Cornish was with his regiment in the fol- lowing engagements: Norman's Ford, Virginia, August 25, 1862; Second Bull Run, August 30, 1862; Chantilly, Virginia, September I, 1862; Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 12 to 15, 1862; Gettysburg, July I to 4, 1863; also participated in the Wilderness Campaign. He was wounded during the engagement at Manassas, but re- joined his regiment after remaining in hospital some six weeks. Entering the service at the age of seventeen, but a mere boy, he was a noble type of the American volunteer soldier. Steadfast and faithful to duty, he received fre- quent and merited promotion, and had not yet attained his majority at the time of his muster out of service. His name will ever remain inscribed on our country's roll of honor. It may truly be said the boys of America were the real heroes of the war. Several years after the close of the war Companion Cornish removed to LaSalle, Illinois, and was engaged with railroad and coal mining companies. On September 14, 1871, he was married to Miss Anna V. Laning at La Salle, Illinois. His wife and one daughter survive him, two children, a son and daughter, having been re- moved by death. Comrade Cornish became a resident of this city some twenty years ago, and has during that time been almost continuously identified with the coal trade. Faithful, efficient, and of strictest integrity, he was loved and respected by his business associates. He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all in the com- munity where he has resided for many years. A kind 428 MEMORIALS. and loving husband and father, a true Christian, noble and generous, whose acts of charity were often really beyond his means, those who knew him best loved him most. To his bereaved family we tender our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in their sad affliction. AMBROSE S. DELAWARE, JOSEPH J. SIDDALL, MILTON B. MILLER, Committee. JAMES ANDREW SEXTON. Captain Seventy -second Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Washington, D. C., February 5, i8gg. JAMES ANDREW SEXTON, a Companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, departed this life on the 5th day of February, 1899. Companion Sexton was born in the City of Chicago, and here he grew to young manhood with such educa- tional advantages as the public schools of the city offered. Nothing seems to have distinguished his boyhood career, except that he possessed an alert mind, connected with a robust physical existence. It was said of him by one of his playfellows that "Jim could run a race with any of the boys, and was quick to learn." These char- acteristics of his early youth typify those traits of char- 429 43O MEMORIALS. acter which were recognized and appreciated by his companions both in the early and mature years of his manhood. He was ready made when emergency arose, and events seldom found Sexton hesitating either for lack of equipment, or doubt as to the course of conduct to be followed. And so it came when the flag of his country was stricken by internal foes in April, 1861, our Com- panion well knew the line of duty to be pursued. The opportunity and the will alike were his, and without any hesitation or doubt of his capability to efficiently perform his part in the magnificent drama which opened to his young vision, he introduced himself to the public service of his country without unnecessary delay or parade, as a private soldier in the Union army. He was first mustered as a volunteer soldier on April 19, 1861, and served well and faithfully until mustered out at the expiration of his term of service on July 25th of that year. At the end of his three months' enlistment, he re-enlisted in the Sixty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and was promoted to First Lieutenant of Company E in that regiment. The Sixty-seventh was one of the one-hun- dred days' regiments in which our Companion served creditably until mustered out with that command. He then returned to his Chicago home rilled with a patriotic ardor which had been unusually well disciplined and directed by his military experience. During the winter and spring of 1862 he gave his time largely to the instruc- tion and drill of quasi-military organizations in this city, and when the Seventy-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, commonly known as the First Board of Trade regiment, was organized, Sexton was appointed, and in August of that year was mustered in as Captain of Company D in that organization. MEMORIALS. 431 This regiment was immediately equipped for service and sent to the front for active military duty, and from the time it left Chicago until the close of the struggle, it was constantly connected with active military operations, and won honors on many of the hardest fought fields of the Civil War. It may be said without undue praise or unmerited distinction, that the Seventy-second Illinois was a well-equipped military organization, and was dis- tinguished for the capability, intelligence, efficiency and courage, not only of its officers but of its rank and file. It is probably sufficient praise to say of Captain Sex- ton personally that during the whole of his military career he discharged every duty assigned to him with unusual intelligence and ability, and that as a skillful and faithful soldier of 'the Republic, sincerely impressed with the grandeur of an exalted mission in the splendid triumphs of which he was an honored participant, he was " without fear and without reproach. " Sometime subsequent to the battles of Franklin and Nashville, and in recognition of his special fitness, Cap- tain Sexton was detailed for duty upon the Staff of Major General A. J. Smith, and in that capacity served until after the campaign which ended in the surrender of Mobile. He returned with his regiment to Chicago and was mustered out of the service in August, 1865, and soon thereafter engaged as a planter in Alabama, but subsequently turned his attention to the manufacturing business and became a member of the firm of Cribben, Sexton & Co., the well-known stove manufacturers of this city. This business relation he continued until a short time previous to his death; and to his patient in- dustry, sterling character and unquestioned ability in affairs, was in large measure due the enviable reputation and profitable careerof that successful business enterprise. 43 2 MEMORIALS. Captain Sexton's career was filled with useful activities in many of the affairs of life. He ever manifested an in- tense regard for those who had been his comrades in arms; and for the past twenty-five years few members of the Grand Army of the Republic were more prominent in its councils, or more deservedly esteemed for faithful services than our late Companion. He was a firm believer in the objects and utilities of that patriotic Association of the veteran soldiers of the Union Army; and to that organi- zation and its manifold interests, and to the welfare and comfort of its members he gave largely both in time and labor. Recognizing not only his untiring devotion and un- selfish services, but his special fitness, his late comrades elected him Commander, first of the Department of Illinois, and in September, 1898, Commander in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. The duties of these high stations he discharged with exemplary wisdom and unquestioned fidelity. In civil life also Companion Sexton received signal honors. He was appointed Postmaster of Chicago by President Harrison in April, 1889, and continued to hold that office for nearly five years. His administration as Postmaster of this city was marked by unusual prudence and sagacity, and his conduct of its affairs met the hearty approval of the community, without respect to class or party. Again when public complaint about the conduct of our recent war with Spain became so loud as to demand official action, the President invited Companion Sexton to become a member of the Commission appointed for the purpose of making a thorough investigation of every- thing connected with the Spanish war. This invitation was accepted as a matter of patriotic duty. To the work MEMORIALS. 433 of that Commission Sexton loyally gave his heart, his strength and his mind, and it was while in the conscien- tious performance of his duty in that behalf that the final summons came to him. And so at last he fell on the field of action whither he had been called in the per- formance of patriotic duty. Companion Sexton had a strong, active and attractive personality. His presence and his influence were felt in whatever relation he sustained to his fellow man. Never unnecessarily obtrusive in public associations, he was always fearless, clear-sighted and forceful. Always insistent upon his own views, ever persevering in his own purposes, he was at the same time considerate of the wishes and regardful of the interests of others. He was both a thoughtful and a studious man. He was quick to understand the motives, and both ready and willing to appreciate the strength and arguments of those with whom he differed. He was always in the open, and it was not possible for him to conceal his attitude toward any man or any measure, but he was withal ear- nest in his purposes, kindly in his sympathies and sincere in his attachments. As a Companion, justly esteemed for his many com- manding virtues, his unflinching fidelity to every trust, his fervent loyalty to his country and its flag, for his civic worth, and for his warm and helpful friendship, we honor his name and commend his example. FRANCIS A. RIDDLE, EDWARD A. BLODGETT, GEO. H. HEAFFORD, Committee. EDWARD SOUTHLAND CHAPIN. Captain {Retired) United States Army. Died at Chicago, Illinois, May j>, i8gg. OUR Companion Edward S. Chapin died at Chicago on the 3rd day of May, 1 899, at the age of only 54 years. Born in Tariffville, Connecticut, in 1845, he enlisted in the Civil War, when a mere lad, as a pri- vate in Company A, Forty-fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and served until the war was over. On the ist day of July, 1866, he was admitted as a cadet at West Point, and having graduated with honors, he served a number of years as Second and First Lieutenant in the Fourth United States Artillery, until, on the I2th of August, 1882, he was transferred to the Fifteenth United States 434 MEMORIALS. 435 Infantry Regiment, in which, on the 27th of February, 1888, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. Owing to ill health he was retired, at his own request, on the 7th of November, 1 896, after nearly thirty-three years of constant military service. Apart from his service during the Rebellion he participated in the Modoc and other Indian wars with distinguished honor, and he owed his promotions mainly to his conspicuous bravery in action. Always a zealous student, and deeply interested in the solution of scientific problems, Captain Chapin had acquired an unusually wide range of knowledge and most extraordinary attainments. As an engineer of high ability he early appreciated the possibilities of air as a secondary power, and thus he became one of the pioneers in the application and introduction of compressed air for street railroad purposes, holding, as he did, at the time of his death, a position as Director in the Compressed Air Motor Company of Illinois. As a military man he had maturely studied all the epoch-making campaigns in history, and the life of every one of the great Captains, from Alexan- der down to Grant and Moltke, was as familiar to him as that of an intimate friend. In his company his friends and Companions always felt the presence of a superior mind. In harmony with these high intellectual attainments, Captain Chapin bore himself all his life with incorrupti- ble rectitude, which could only spring from his training at West Point and his associations with men, educated like him in surroundings, where the keenest sense of honor and strict obedience to duty are cultivated first, as the very foundation stone for all the other virtues of the soldier and the citizen. Thus Captain Chapin was at all times the very embodiment of an American gentle- man of the highest type, mindful that 436 MEMORIALS. The purest treasure mortal times afford, Is spotless reputation; that away, Men are but gilded loam, or painted clay." GEORGE C. BALL, M. V. SHERIDAN, WILLIAM VOCKE, Committee. JOSEPH LITCHFIELD LOCKE. First Lieutenant Thirty-third Massachusetts Infantry, United States Vohinteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, July 15, i8qq. JOSEPH LITCHFIELD LOCKE was born at Mer- rimac, New Hampshire, February 20, 1841. He enlisted as a private at Bridgewater, Massachusetts, in the Thirty-third Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in July, 1862, and was discharged July 3, 1865, having been Lieutenant and Adjutant. He died July 15, 1899. The family record of Joseph L. Locke brings before us the history of three wars and reminds us of the heroic expression of American patriotism under three great aspects of our national life: the Indian, Revolutionary and Civil wars. John Locke in one, Moses Locke in another and Joseph L. Locke in the last, stood bravely for 437 438 MEMORIALS. our nation's honor and fought for liberty, independence and union with the ardor and devotion that have made the name of American famous all the world over for the highest, purest and holiest standard of true patriotism and enlightened liberty. The spirit of 1876 inherited by him, through a noble ancestry, was awakened in the heart of Companion Locke by the calls of his country to preserve the unity and integrity of our nation. He responded with that rugged determination to do his duty which has ever marked the New England character, and he went forth to battle for the right with the transmitted energy of heroic pioneers born in him under the shadow of the granite hills of New Hampshire. He enlisted in July, 1862, and served uninterruptedly for three years, experiencing all the rigors and horrors of war in camp and in field, on the most exacting marches and in the most daring of military expeditions. He participated in twenty-two battles, some of them the most important in the history of our country, and also conspicuous among the most brilliant in the military achievements of the world. At Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, at Missionary Ridge and at Atlanta he fought bravely and endured patiently under the banner of the famous Thirty-third Massachusetts Infantry. He was engaged in both Eastern and Western armies, partici- pated in notable conflicts in Virginia and Tennessee, in Georgia and the Carolinas, made long and hard journeys, climbed the mDuntains, forded the rivers, waded through the swamps and marched from Atlanta to the sea. In his record we are brought face to face with some of the most thrilling incidents of the war and see every phase of the great struggle most vividly presented to us. All our experiences are included in his varied career so MEMORIALS. 439 that we can most truly say he was a signal representative of the memories of the war which we preserve in the associations of the boys in blue. He shared in victories and suffered in defeats. He knew what it was to pursue exultingly a fleeing foe until the darkness of night hid him from view. He also knew what it was to fly in dis- may before the victorious enemy, seeking in fear a place of safety. Short rations, scant clothing, bare feet, sore limbs and aching bodies were among the hardships he saw and shared in the spirit of faithful service that united in bravery the men of Valley Forge with the men of Lookout Mountain. Companion Locke came to the city of Chicago in the year 1875 arid was soon actively identified with different organizations for the preservation of the memories and comradeship of the Civil War. In business and social life he was distinguished for urbanity of manners and kindness of heart that won him many friends and en- deared him to the hearts of all who were brought into intimate associations with him. He stood for the high- est type of membership in the organizations with which he was connected. He was chosen to high office by his friends, and fulfilled the duties of important positions with an affability, fairness and efficiency that made him respected by all. He and Mrs. Locke are widely known for their active efforts in promoting the welfare of differ- ent institutions and enterprises for the teaching of patriotism and the care of our nation's heroes. He was more a man of deeds than of words, and his deeds were of the kind to help his fellow men. " 'Twere better if we spent less time In sinful, idle scheming, As planning some absurd career, Or of a mission dreaming; 44 MEMORIALS. And more in doing kindly acts To make life's burden lighter, Thus, though our stay be short on earth, Our deeds would make it lighter." BRADLEY DEAN, AARON F. WALCOTT, JOHN H. STIBBS, Committee. DANIEL WEBSTER BOSLEY. First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon Third United States Colored Artillery. Died at Chicago, Illinois, October 21, i8qq. '7T.GAIN we are called upon to pay our just tribute of f\ affection and respect to the memory of a Com- ^^* panion and friend who departed this life on the 2ist day of October, 1899. Daniel Webster Bosley was born in Fannington, Ohio, on the 29th of March, 1841, and on May 21, 1861, responded to the call for troops for the preservation of the Union. At the age of twenty, he entered the service as a private in Company E, Twenty-seventh New York Infantry, U. S. V.; was promoted to Hospital Steward in January, 1862, and was mustered out of the service January 5, 1863. 441 44 2 MEMORIALS. He again entered the service April i, 1865, as Con- tract Surgeon and in that capacity served in the United States Army Hospital in Washington, D. C., and Point Lookout, Maryland, until August 20, 1865. On August 2/th following he was mustered into the service as Assist- ant Surgeon, Third United States Heavy Artillery, and was finally mustered out with the field and staff of that regiment, April 30, 1866. He participated in the battle of the First Bull Run, West Point, Virginia, Mechanicsville, Gaines Mill, Golds- borough Farm, Charles City Cross Roads, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Crompton's Pass, Antietam, Fredericksburg and Fredericksburg Heights. Upon returning to civil life he practiced medicine for a few years, but finding more congenial employment in active commercial pursuits he abandoned the practice of his profession and established in this city a manufactur- ing business which for thirty years he successfully con- ducted. Having been a resident of Chicago for over thirty years, his admirable qualities as a citizen are known to all with whom he came in contact. In all the relations of life his record was such as to entitle him to our highest esteem and admiration. On the field of deadly strife; in the hospital where he administered to the necessities of his companions in arms; in civil life; in the rush of active business, he knew his duty and did it well. No higher panegyric could be offered to his memory. He leaves a widow, son and daughter; the son, Edward F. Bosley, a member of this Commandery. To his bereaved family we offer our sincere condolence, hop- ing that the pain of their loss will be in some degree mitigated by the knowledge that he for whom they MEMORIALS. 443 mourn, so manfully fought life's battles, that in fame's eternal camping grounds he has joined the bivouac of the illustrious dead. OBED W. WALLIS, ALONZO N. REECE, JOHN MCLAREN, Committee. JAMES LEWIS. Colonel One Hundred and Forty-fourth Nezu York Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Joliet, Illinois, October 28, i8go. " Can that man be dead Whose spiritual influence is upon his kind ? He lives in glory; and his speaking dust Has more of life than half its breathing moulds." I HE men who served so faithfully and heroically in ^ the Union Army from 1861 to 1865, are rapidly passing away. Year by year since the War of the Re- bellion closed, they have been dropping from the ranks, until to-day only about one-third of those who served in that army are left to tell the tale of that heroic struggle. During all those thirty-four years Death has been passing here and there, and at his touch the old soldier, without regard to rank, age or condition, has lowered his head 444 MEMORIALS. 445 and yielded up his life. Our own Order has not escaped his unwelcome presence, but each year since its organi- zation many of those who were in the habit of meeting with us have been borne from our midst to their eternal home. At one of our gatherings we meet this one or that one, and at the next gathering he is gone from us forever. Only yesterday Companion James Lewis was with us, but to-day we see him no more. Only yester- day we shook his hand, looked into his smiling face, and heard his voice when, as our Chaplain, he pleaded with God for his blessing to rest upon our Order; but to-day his hand is motionless, the smile has vanished from his face, and his voice is forever stilled. He died at his home in Jbliet, Illinois, on the evening of October 28, 1899. James Lewis was of Scotch descent. His parents were both natives of Scotland, who, coming to this coun- try, located at Hamden, Delaware County, New York, where James was born May 23, 1836. His early life was spent quietly at his home, but as he approached the time when he was expected to care for himself, he learned the trade of paper-hanger and painter. He might have fol- lowed this trade, but he was ambitious to obtain an edu- cation, and, stimulated by this ambition he managed to make the required preparation at a neighboring academy, and at the age of twenty-one years he was enabled to enter Amherst College. In this school young Lewis spent four happy years. He loved his books and was so com- pletely devoted to them that he became one of the best scholars in his class. It was during his college career that he developed that thoroughness in whatever he un- dertook which was one of his marked characteristics during all his subsequent life. He felt that he must do his best on every occasion, and his sense of honor would 446 MEMORIALS. not let him rest unless this was done. His great ambi- tion was to master every study which he took up. He wanted to be first or among the first in his class not that he might rejoice in being superior to others, but that, by performing the task of to-day to the best of his ability, he might be the better prepared to undertake the task of to-morrow. Hence, when he graduated in 1861, we find him standing at the head of his class, and, three years after his graduation, his Alma Mater recognized his superior scholarship by conferring upon him the de- gree of Master of Arts. After leaving college young Lewis taught school for a short time, but as the War of the Rebellion was then raging, he soon learned, as many other young men learned during those terrible days, that he could not be content to remain at home when his country was calling so loudly for his help in the army. The summer of 1862 was a dark time for the Union cause. Over five hundred thous- and national troops had been called into active service, but these had met with frequent defeat, and little thus far had been accomplished toward crushing the rebellion. More troops were needed, and on July i, 1862, President Lincoln issued his call for three hundred thousand addi- tional volunteers. Young Lewis felt that the time had now come for him to enter the army. Accordingly, he abandoned his teaching, returned to his native place, and with the assistance of others raised a company of recruits, in which was his father and one brother, and which was mustered into the United States service as Company C, One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment New York Vol- unteers. Of this company young Lewis was chosen and commissioned Captain, his commission being dated Sep- tember i, 1862. As soon as organized, the regiment was hurried to the front, and wherever it went, Captain MEMORIALS. 447 Lewis was found at his post, doing his duty as a true soldier and patriot. He proved himself to be an apt scholar in learning military tactics and drill, became a good disciplinarian, was prompt to obey and ready to do, looked carefully after the welfare of his men, was con- scientious and thorough in the discharge of military duties, and was exceptionally cool and brave upon the field of battle. His efficiency and gallantry brought him into prominence, and he was made Lieutenant Colonel of his regiment May 24, 1863, and was promoted to the Colonelcy September 25, 1864. In these various official positions, Colonel Lewis served with his regiment con- tinuously until it was mustered out of service, June 25, 1865. The regiment campaigned mostly in North and South Carolina, and with it the Colonel took part in many bloody and hard-fought battles. With it he was present at the sieges of Suffolk and Charleston, took part in the assault upon Fort Wagner, and did gallant service in the engagements at Johns's Island, Honeyhill, Coosa- hatchie, James Island and many other places where foe met foe in deadly conflict. Under the command of its efficient Colonel, the regiment became recognized as one of the very best in the service, and Colonel Lewis was highly complimented by both his division and brigade commanders for having brought the regiment to such a high degree of military discipline and efficiency. In fact, Colonel Lewis was an ideal soldier. Having given him- self to his country, he felt that he owed to his country all that he could give of devotion and labor and sacrifice. No burden was too onerous, no undertaking too difficult, no self-denial too great, and no danger too full of peril, to turn him back from the path which duty bade him tread. He fully realized the great responsibility which rested upon him as an officer, and he moved forward, at 448 MEMORIALS. all times and under all circumstances, to meet that re- sponsibility with a strong will and a courageous heart. He entered the army, not because he had any fondness for military life, but because he saw that the government which he loved was in danger and felt it to be his duty to do what he could to avert that danger and rescue the government from peril. The record which he made is a brilliant one, showing him to have been one of our best, bravest and most efficient volunteer soldiers. Shortly after Colonel Lewis left the army, he entered Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where he spent three years in studying for the ministry. Here, as elsewhere, he showed himself to be an earnest and inde- fatigable worker, not only prosecuting his studies with vigor, but during his vacations preaching here and there, and in many various ways seeking to prepare himself for the duties of his chosen profession. Graduating from the seminary in 1868, he was at once licensed to preach, and going West, he located at Humboldt, Kansas, under the direction of the Presbyterian Board of Home Mis- sions. In this new field he labored faithfully for a num- ber of years, not only preaching to the small church which he organized at Humboldt, but doing a vast amount of ministerial work in places round about. In 1869 he was married to Miss Mary Farrand, of Detroit, Michigan, who went with him directly after the marriage to his Western home, and who proved herself a worthy helper to her husband in all his varied and responsible work. In 1875 he left Humboldt and became Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Howell, Michigan, and in 1882 he accepted a call to the Central Presbyterian Church at Joliet, Illinois, where he remained until the day of his death. During all the years of his ministry, Colonel Lewis brought to his work that same earnestness, thoroughness MEMORIALS. 449 and zeal which characterized his career as a soldier. He was "instant in season and out of season," always "do- ing with his might whatever his hands found to do." In carrying on his church work, he found the experience and training of his army life to be a great help to him. As a soldier he had learned much about men, had seen the value of organization and discipline, and by associa- tion with his comrades had discovered how best to reach men's hearts, to touch and arouse their better natures, and thus to influence them for good. For many years his wife was a great help to him in his chosen work, but in 1889 she was called to her eternal home, from which time her husband toiled on alone, silently and uncom- plainingly bearing the burden of his sad bereavement. As a man Colonel Lewis was honest and true, and ever loyal to the right. He fully recognized the nobility of his own nature, and respected himself too much to do a mean or dishonest thing. In mingling with his fellows he always labored to show himself noble-hearted, con- trolled only by praiseworthy motives, inspired only by the most lofty ideals, and led onward and upward only by the highest purposes. He lived a noble life, and those who knew him best bear the strongest testimony to the gentleness of his spirit, the purity of his soul and the lofty mold of his character. As a citizen he was interested in all questions of public importance and in every movement which was calculated to promote the welfare of humanity. He firmly believed in the general doctrine of "the Father- hood of God and the Brotherhood of Men," and he felt that he was in the world to prevail upon men to make this doctrine a part of their ever) 7 -day life both in theory and practice. As he recognized all men as his brethren,, his aim was to do good to all men as he had opportunity. 45O MEMORIALS. He lived to lighten the burden of human sorrow, to bring cheer and comfort to the afflicted, and to make human hearts more loving and happy. Love was the one con- trolling sentiment of his being, dominating his entire life, inspiring his sour with the loftiest purpose, kindling his mind to the noblest thought and leading him to the greatest self-sacrifice for the good of others. Dominated by this sentiment, his life was such that all who knew him trusted, respected, honored and loved him. The doubting resorted to him for counsel, the sorrowing for sympathy, and the troubled for help. He became widely known as a reliable and trustworthy man, and his ability, efficiency, and high Christian character were recognized in many flattering ways. Some years prior to his death he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Black- burn University, and for many years he was a leading member of the Board of Trustees of Knox College. In 1873 he was sent to the General Assembly of the Estab- lished Church of Scotland as a delegate from the Presby- terian General Assembly of the United States, and on several different occasions he was a regularly chosen delegate to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of this country. In 1878 President Hayes ap- pointed him a member of the Board of Visitors to the Military Academy at West Point, where, on behalf of the Board, he delivered the address to the graduating class, and in 1899 President McKinley honored him by appointing him a member of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Thus trusted, respected and honored, his record as a citizen is as worthy of praise as his record as a soldier. It was because Colonel Lewis so fully recognized his obligations as a citizen that he became such an ardent patriot. He loved his country with a deep, fervent and MEMORIALS. 451 abiding love. He believed there were times when a man was called upon to sacrifice even his life for the good of his country. Believing this, he entered the army and faced death upon many a battlefield. But while believ- ing that his country was worth dying for, he also believed it was worth living for. He felt that peace had need of patriotism as well as war, and while he thought it a noble thing to die for one's country upon the field of deadly conflict, he felt that it was a nobler thing to live for one's country in the quiet time of peace, provided one so lived that, by word and deed, he made his country the more worthy to die for. He accorded high honor to the citizen who went out to fight his country's enemies, but he ac- corded an equal, or a higher honor, to the citizen who, in the every-day walks of life, lived to make his country strong and resolute in all that is noble and just. In his estimation there was a lofty patriotism in all generous, helpful, honest and unselfish action. He thought it not only patriotic, but heroic, to uphold the right, to stand by the weak against the strong, to work for an honest and pure ballot, to fight wrong in its every form, and to labor in the home, the school, the church, or in any other place where duty called, to form and develop a citizen- ship that would be true to liberty, justice and right at all times. With such ideas he felt that he was just as true and loyal a patriot when he was preaching the gospel of peace and good will among men, explaining the doc- trine of -brotherly love to his people, helping 'the poor and needy, administering to the wants of the sick, ex- tending sympathy to the afflicted and laboring to sweeten, brighten and uplift human life about him, as he was when facing the enemy's bullets upon the field of battle. He believed that in working for humanity he was working for his country, and that whenever he made a human life 452 MEMORIALS. better he was doing something for his country's good. This was the patriotism which controlled him at all times and led him to labor so diligently and faithfully, both in war and peace, to defend the right and to awaken a love of truth and purity in the hearts of the people. But Colonel Lewis was best known as a minister of the Gospel of Christ. He chose the ministry for his life work because he felt that in such calling he could ac- complish more good for humanity than in any other. His ability was such that he would have won success in almost any calling. Had he continued as a teacher, he would have become a prominent educator. Had he en- tered upon the practice of medicine, he would have won his way to the front rank of his profession. Had he de- voted his life to the practice of law, he would have been one of the most prominent lawyers at the bar. Had he turned his attention to politics, he would have been a leader in both State and Nation. But he was content to serve his day and generation simply as a minister in the Christian Church, where he found a field which was not only congenial to his taste, but which called into active use all of his great powers of both mind and heart. Colonel Lewis was emphatically a preacher of righteous- ness. He preached only what he believed, and practiced what he preached. His daily life bore witness that he applied to his own actions the same rule which he laid down for others. The gospel which he taught was the gospel of love. He was not a slave to any mere church tradition, nor was he chained down blindly to any church creed. He recognized but one religion: " To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep him- self unspotted from the world." Benevolence, kindly sympathy, loving helpfulness and purity of life these were the prominent articles of his religious creed, and MEMORIALS. 453 wherever he found a person who subscribed to these articles in his theory and practice, he recognized him as a Christian friend and brother. His broad, catholic spirit won for him the friendship of all who knew him, whether in or outside of the church. In the performance of his ministerial duties he was a faithful, energetic and tireless worker. As a pastor his labors were never ended. The poor, the suffering, the bereaved, all found in him a helper, a sympathizer and a friend. In all fields of Christian activity he never failed to obey the call of duty, no matter how great the labor of sacrifice. With his work thus faithfully done, he approached the end of his earthly life, fully prepared for the last great change. Feeling that he had done the best that he could do, he contemplated death without a regret or a fear. A few hours before his departure a friend said to him: ' ' Brother Lewis, they tell me that the end is near," but the words caused him no uneasiness, for he knew that the same Almighty Friend who had guided and protected him for so many years would be with him in this last trying hour. And finally, with words of Scripture and Christian song upon his lips, his spirit quietly passed to its eternal home, As we contemplate the life of such a man, we see how grandly noble, true, unselfish and helpful to others a human life can be made, and as we contemplate such a departure from earth, we come to realize the more fully that " There is no death ! What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian Whose portal we call death." PHILIP C. HAYES, ROBERT W. MCCLAUGHRY, JAMES G. ELWOOD, Committee. GEORGE ROYAL DAVIS. Major Third Rhode Island Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, November 23, 1899. edPANION George Royal Davis was born at Three Rivers, Palmer, Massachusetts, on the 3rd day of January, 1840. His father and his paternal grandfather were both named Benjamin, and his great-grandfather, Craft Davis, was the son of Benjamin Davis of Oxford, Massachusetts. This branch of the Davis family were of Welsh stock, and the founders of the family in America were settled in Massachusetts Colony soon after it was established as a Province of Great Britain. His mother's family were Quakers, and his mother, Cordelia Buffington, was a direct descendant of Royal 454 MEMORIALS. 455 Buffington, who was distinguished as a leader in the Society of Friends during the early struggles of that sect in America. Benjamin Davis, the father of George Royal Davis, removed from Three Rivers to the town of Ware, Massa- chusetts, in 1842, where the family resided until 1852, during which time George attended the common schools of Ware, and began his early education at that place. His father next moved to Indian Orchard, Massa- chusetts, where he owned and operated a woolen mill, and where young George took his first lessons in the actual experience of the business affairs of life. While yet a lad he became Captain of what was then known as a Fire Brigade in Indian Orchard, an organiza- tion which at one time took the first prize for efficiency at an exhibition in Springfield, Massachusetts. Thus early did young Davis indicate his capability for com- manding and influencing men. While the family still resided at Indian Orchard the subject of this sketch attended the Academy at Moravia, New York, where he graduated with honors in 1855. His father's woolen mills having been destroyed by fire during that year, the family returned to and became residents of Ware again, and during the years 1858 and l &59 young Davis attended Williston Seminary at East Hampton, Massachusetts, where he had for classmates and fellow students the Honorable William C. Whitney, late Secretary of the Navy, and the Honorable John M. Hall, now President of the New York & New Haven Railroad of New Haven, Connecticut. While at Williston young Davis showed great pro- ficiency as a student, and was President of the Adelphi Literary Society connected with the Seminary. It was there as an ambitious student that he met personally and 456 MEMORIALS. listened to the teachings of the most distinguished men in New England of that day. During his career as a student there he delivered an oration entitled "No Ex- cellence Without Great Labor," a theme which seems to have impressed him greatly and to have become the guiding principle of his career. After finishing the course of study at Williston he entered his father's store in Ware, and continued there as a clerk until the summer of 1862. Companion Davis was descended from patriotic ancestry, and with fidelity to inherited privileges it was natural for him to become a soldier in the Army of the Union. This he did sometime during the summer of 1862. He enlisted as a private soldier, was elected by his comrades to be their Commander and was mustered in as Captain of Company H, Eighth Massachusetts In- fantry on October 30, 1862. He continued with that regiment and in command of his company until the 7th day of August, 1863, when the Eighth Massachusetts was mustered out by reason of the expiration of the term of its enlistment. The military service of that regiment was in the Eighteenth Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and during the period of that service young Davis ex- hibited unusual military capacity and skill, and was justly regarded as an officer and soldier of special merit. On his return to Massachusetts he immediately undertook the organization of another command, and having enlisted a company sought to have it mustered into the Second Massachusetts Light Artillery, but ow- ing to the fact that no more Light Artillery at that time could be accepted by the War Department, and becom- ing impatient of the delay, Davis took the men whom he had then enlisted to the State of Rhode Island, where he was again mustered into the service as Captain of the MEMORIALS. 457 Third Rhode Island Cavalry. This regiment was im- mediately sent to the Department of the Gulf, and con- tinued in the service there until subsequent to the close of the war in 1865. The sterling military qualities of our deceased Companion were soon recognized and he was promoted to the rank of Major and mustered in December 17, 1863, and held that rank until August, 1865, when he was honorably discharged on tender of his resignation. The Third Rhode Island Cavalry was conspicuous for its efficiency and splendid service in the Department of the Gulf during the entire period of its service there. Companion Davis had many of the attributes of a great soldier.' He was quick to comprehend and apply the rules of the art of war. His personality was one of command. He knew what ought to be done in any exigency, and was pre-eminently capable of doing or directing to be done those things which make for success in the organization, discipline and use of military force. With a chivalric spirit he possessed that quality known to the soldier as valor, which made him conspicuous in any command. In the disastrous Red River Cam- paign and in the unfortunate engagement at Mansfield, Major Davis displayed unusual gallantry and tact. It fell to the fortune of his regiment, of which he was then in command, to become the rear guard in the retreat of General Banks's Army from that wretched and most dis- astrous campaign. But the Third Rhode Island Cavalry and its commanding officer were conspicuous for gallantry and the efficient performance of the trying duties as- signed them. Subsequent to that time our Companion served in many different capacities, and as the ranking officer was frequently in command of military posts in Louisiana. MEMORIALS. From February, 1865, until the latter part of April in that year, he served as President of the Military Com- mission sitting at Thibodeaux, Louisiana, where his high sense of justice and undoubted ability enabled him to discharge such duties as came to a tribunal of that character with signal success. After he had resigned from the army Major Davis became Chief Clerk to the Quartermaster on General Sheridan's Staff, and on the plains and in the Indian campaigns and afterwards in the city of Chicago he continued in that important position until 1871 when he severed his connection with army life and became the general financial agent in Chicago of Eastern Insurance Companies. During his early business career in this city our Companion was largely concerned in and responsible for the organization of the First Illinois Infantry, of which regiment, after the retirement of General A. C. McClurg, he became Colonel, and it was the military talent and organizing ability of our deceased Companion which gave to that regiment of the National Guard the high character and standing which it has ever since retained as one of the most efficient and well disciplined com- mands connected with the National Guard. In civil life Companion Davis won unusual and well merited distinction. He was nominated for Congress from the then Third Congressional District in 1876, but at the election was defeated by a few votes only, his op- ponent being the late Carter H. Harrison. He was three times afterwards nominated and elected to a seat in Congress, namely: in 1878, 1880 and 1882. His career in Congress was in the highest degree creditable to himself, to his constituency and to the nation. He was recognized and appreciated for his wonderful industry MEMORIALS. 459 and unusual capacity in public affairs. In politics his influence was always felt in the deliberations of his party, and his wise counsel and political foresight gave him an enviable reputation among those whose ambition led them into the race for political honors. In the campaign of 1886 Companion Davis was nominated by the Republican party and elected County Treasurer of Cook County, which office he held for four years, and for the faithful discharge of the duties of that great office he received and was freely accorded the com- mendation of all classes of our citizens without respect to clique or party affiliations. It was while he was the incumbent of that office that the scheme for locating the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago was begun. And it was natural to a man with such ambitions and such unusual capabilities for attaining great ends that he should enlist at once heartily and without reserve with all of his powers and influence for the accomplishment of such a great enterprise. This Companion Davis did with all his heart and with all his strength. The loca- tion of that Exposition in this city was due as much to him as to any other one man. Indeed it is just to his memory to say that no one man was able to bring, or did bring, as much influence and such forcible arguments to secure the passage of the Act of Congress locating the Exposition at Chicago as did our late Companion. When the Commission had been appointed and the work of organization was at hand it was not only natural but logical that George R. Davis should be put in the place of leader and in a position to direct the many diverse in- terests of such an undertaking. He was accordingly made Director General of the Exposition and at once took hold of the work of organization and of preparation, and pursued it with an energy and capacity which dis- 460 MEMORIALS. closed to his friends the fact that he possessed those faculties of organization and executive abilities which had not been dreamed of even by those most intimate with him. His career as Director General is a matter of history in which his name will stand along with that of the late John Wellborn Root, as one of the two most efficient characters who had any connection whatever with that most famous of all international expositions. As a personality Companion Davis was distinguished. He would attract marked attention among ten thousand men as one of great individuality and force of character. His figure was commanding. He moved among men fearlessly, and while he was aggressive and incisive, he was cordial without being effusive. His intercourse with his associates and friends, and with the public as well, was always frank, open and direct. He was absolutely free from cant or hypocrisy. His friends felt the warmth and loyalty of his nature, and his adversaries respected his resolute but honest purpose. Companion Davis married July 25, 1867, Miss Ger- trude Schulin, a most charming and accomplished young lady of New Orleans, Louisiana. The domestic life of these two people has been worthy of all praise. There have been born to them six children, four daughters and two sons. The oldest of the sons Mr. Ben Davis is a graduate of Yale University and also of Harvard Law School, and is at present one of the Assistant United States District Attorneys for the Northern District of Illinois. Companion Davis fell when he had just passed the full meridian of life, but he left behind him a record and a name of which the relatives, friends and Companions of any soldier may be justly proud, and which all good MEMORIALS. 461 citizens may justly honor with the benediction "Well done, good and faithful servant." His last day on earth was November 23, 1899. His Companions remember him for his courage and fidelity, for his loyalty to his country and its flag, for his high character as a man and for his worth as a citizen whose many good deeds are worthy of emulation. THOMAS B. BRYAN, WILLIAM L. B. JENNEY, SIMEON H. CRANE, Committee. PETER HAND. Captain Twenty-fourth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, November 23, i8gq. *7YiFTER several years of severe suffering from chronic f\ disease our Companion Peter Hand departed this ^ s- " life on the 23rd day of November, 1899, at the age of sixty-four years. He came to this city with his parents in the year 1852, when seventeen years of age, and resided here ever since. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was one of the vast host of young Germans who, having warmly advocated the election of Abraham Lin- coln for the Presidency in the preceding year, at once sprang to arms in defense of the country. There were in all four sons under his father's roof and all of them responded bravely at the very first call for volunteers. 462 MEMORIALS. 463 Peter Hand's military service extended from the iQth of April, 1 86 1, to the 6th of August, 1864, and was of the most invaluable character. Before the war he had made himself perfectly proficient in the use of arms and hence he soon proved himself to be one of the best drill-masters in the Western army. He was absolutely fearless in battle and distinguished himself in every engagement in which his regiment took part. Severely wounded at Per- ryville he returned to his command before he had fully recovered and remained in the field to the last day of his term. As senior Captain the command of his regi- ment, the Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteers, devolved upon him in the spring of 1864, and he acquitted himself so well that General John M. Palmer, the commander of the Fourteenth Army Corps, bestowed upon him the highest encomiums. In civil life Captain Peter Hand enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. He was of a gentle and cheerful disposition, of spotless reputation, scrupulously upright and in all his business transactions the very soul of honor. He leaves a loving wife and two children who mourn with us and a host of friends his early death and to whom we extend our sincere condolence in their great bereave- ment. WILLIAM VOCKE, GEORGE MASON, JOHN MCARTHUR, Committee. LEWIS LUCAS TROY. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Ninth Illinois Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, November 77, 1899. I HIS Commandery is again called upon to mourn the i. demise of one of its Companions, the late Lieuten- ant Lewis Lucas Troy, who died November 17, 1899, of neuralgia of the heart, after a brief illness at his home, at 882 West Monroe street, in this city. Companion Troy was born in Bavaria, Germany, Feb- ruary 27, 1839. At the age of seven years he came to this country, locating in Cincinnati, where a brother was re- siding. He learned the trades of jeweler and blacksmith, which he followed alternately, and worked throughout the Western States, finally locating in Aledo, Illinois, where he opened a general merchandise store, in which 464 MEMORIALS. 465 he was doing a prosperous business when the War of the Rebellion began. Companion Troy entered the service as a private in Company D, Ninth Illinois Infantry, April 20, 1861, en- listing for ninety days service. At the expiration of this service he re-enlisted in Company E, Ninth Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, in which company he was appointed a Sergeant. Re-enlisting as a veteran March 31, 1864, he was discharged to accept promotion and was mustered as First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Ninth Illinois Veteran Mounted Infantry, October 20, 1864, to rank from August 20, 1864. He was mustered out with his regiment July 9, 1865. During his three months service, Companion Troy's regiment was assigned to General Prentiss's Brigade, at Cairo, Illinois. He served with his regiment in the cam- paigns against Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, Shiloh and Corinth, Mississippi, in all of which battles he participated. The regiment was mounted after the battle of Corinth, and was attached to the left wing of the Sixteenth Army Corps under General G. M. Dodge. He then took part in the campaign against Atlanta and the battles before that city. In the March to the Sea, his regiment acted as advance guard for the Fourteenth and Twentieth Army Corps; and on the march from Atlanta to Goldsborough it was attached to the Seventeenth Army Corps, acting as advance guard and had from one to four brushes with the enemy daily. After Johnston's surrender, he marched with his regiment to Washington, and took part in the grand review; he then proceeded to Louisville, Kentucky, where the regi- ment was mustered out. Companion Troy served with valor and distinction throughout the entire war, and his commission was given him as a reward for his bravery in action. 466 MEMORIALS. Returning to Aledo, Illinois, he resumed commercial life, and remained in business at that place until 1869, when, through the efforts of the late Senator John A. Logan, he was appointed a railway postal clerk. Upon his entrance into the postal service he was assigned to duty on the Galva and Keithsburg line. His adaptability for the service soon secured his transfer to the more im- portant line, the Chicago and Burlington Railway Post- office, and here his talents found a broader field. In 1874 his efficiency was again recognized by his transfer to the office of the Superintendent of the Sixth Division, Railway Mail Service, in Chicago. In 1882 he was pro- moted to Chief Clerk of the Division, and to the Super- intendency of the Division October 4, 1890. The record of Companion Troy as a postal official was a brilliant one. With extraordinary powers of con- centration, marvelous ability to grasp details, coupled with a powerful and retentive memory, he was particu- larly and peculiarly adapted to the responsible trust so long successfully administered. His strong individuality impressed itself upon the service, and his influence upon its affairs must be felt for years to come. By his methodical system he won the confidence of the officials at Washington so completely that he was considered one of the ablest men in the service. Devoted to the best interests of the Railway Mail Service, its progress and improvement, always ready to sacrifice himself to pro- mote its usefulness, absolutely unselfish in his devotion to duty, his life stands as a remarkable example of a public servant. Lieutenant Troy was elected a Companion of the First Class of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States through the Commandery of the State of Illinois, February 13, 1890. He was also a member MEMORIALS. 467 of U. S. Grant Post of the Grand Army of the Republic; Apollo Commandery, Knights Templar; Ancient Order United Workmen, in which he was a Past Grand and Past Supreme Master; the National Union, and the United States Railway Mail Service Mutual Aid Association. Several years ago Companion Troy, with twenty picked men from the Railway Mail Service, was placed in charge of a special train which conveyed $20,000,000 in gold from San Francisco to New York City. Twenty-nine years ago Companion Troy was married to Emma Miles, daughter of John W. Miles, of Aledo, who was Quartermaster of the Seventeenth Illinois In- fantry. Besides his widow, he is survived by two sons, Ernest G. and Harry L. Troy, who reside in Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Henry Stix, and a brother, Ernest Troy, of Cincinnati. Under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic and Apollo Commandery, Knights Templar, the funeral services were held November 20, 1899, at the late home of the deceased, and interment took place at Rose Hill. The sympathy of the Commandery is extended to the family of the deceased, and we recommend that this memorial be inscribed upon the records of this Com- mandery, and that copies be furnished the family of our late Companion. MAURICE J. McGRATH, JAMES E. STUART, LEROY T. STEWARD, Committee. FRANCIS JULIUS FITZWILLIAM. First Lieutenant Thirty-third Ohio Infantry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, December 23, 1899. OUR late Companion, Francis Julius Fitzwilliam, was born in Bainbridge, Ohio, July n, 1840, and died in Chicago, Illinois, December 23, 1899. He at- tended the District School and afterward the Union School of the village, and thus prepared himself for a college course, upon which he entered in 1859 at the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio. Like multitudes of other young men, he left the col- lege in 1 86 1 to enter upon the more arduous duties of a soldier, enlisting in, and being mustered as First Lieu- tenant of Company G, Thirty-third Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel Sill. 4 68 MEMORIALS. 469 During the winter of 1860 6 1 and the spring of 1861 he was a member of the " Olentangy Grays, " a volunteer organization made up of college students at Delaware, Ohio, of which the writer was a member, organized to drill and prepare for the more arduous duties of soldier life that came to nearly all the members later on. Our Companion continued to hold the rank of First Lieuten- ant of Company G, until honorably discharged October 10, 1864, having served his full period of enlistment of three years. He was promoted to Captaincy of his Com- pany, March 15, 1864, but declined to be mustered on his commission as Captain, as that would bind him to the service for another period of "three years or during the war." Early in 1862 the Thirty-third Ohio Regiment of Vol- unteer Infantry, even before it was fully equipped, crossed the Ohio River at Maysville, Kentucky, and joined in the memorable Campaign of General Nelson against Hum- phrey Marshall, who had entered Eastern Kentucky through the gap of the Cumberland Mountains and was devastating that loyal portion of the State with fire and sword. The regiment marched by way of Flemingsburg to Prestonburg and Piketon. Colonel James A. Garfield, then commanding the Forty-second Ohio, landed at Cat- lettsburg, Kentucky, at the mouth of the Big Sandy River, late in December, 1861, and, assuming command of the troops then assembling at that point, proceeded up the river into the mountains, overtaking and defeating Hum- phrey Marshall at Middle Creek, Kentucky. January 10, 1862, Garfield's command was part of General Nelson's army, and the two commands met at Prestonburg. Hum- phrey Marshall was defeated and driven out of Kentucky, soon after which the Thirty-third Ohio descended the Big Sandy and at its mouth took transports down the 47 MEMORIALS. Ohio to Louisville, where it became a part of the Division commanded by General O. M. Mitchell's Army of the Ohio. On the reorganization of the army the Thirty-third Ohio was attached to the First Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, and so remained, we believe, up to the time our comrade was mustered out of service in October, 1864. If time would permit it, it would be pleasant to ac- company our late Companion through the three years of arduous service which he rendered as a volunteer officer, but it would involve a history of battles, campaigns and adventures that would fill a volume. We can only men- tion in succession some of the campaigns and battles in which he participated: Bridgeport, Alabama, April 29, 1862; Fort McCook, Alabama, August 30, 1862; Perry ville, October 8, 1862; Stone's River, December 31, 1862, and January I and 2, 1863; Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, June 24, 1863; Chicka- mauga, September 19 and 20, 1863; Lookout, Novem- ber 24, and Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863; Rocky Faced Ridge, May 8; Buzzard's Roost, May 9; Dug Gap, May 10; Resaca, May 13 to 16; Cassville, May 19 to 22; New Hope Church, May 25; Kenesaw Mountain, June 9; Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864; Siege of Atlanta, from July 28 to September 2, 1864, and Jonesboro, Georgia, September i, 1864. In all these important battles and campaigns he was with his regiment, took an active part, obeyed orders and won the commendation of his superiors and the love and esteem of his companions and subordinates. Our Companion, after he removed to Chicago, became a member of Thomas Post, No. 5, Grand Army of the Re- public, and in accordance with the request of the Post, MEMORIALS. 4/1 filed a brief memorandum giving a modest account of some of the events of the war connected with his own service, from which I have been permitted to copy some extracts. "At Sharpsburg, Kentucky, a committee of handsome ladies presented the regiment with its first flag, having heard in advance that the regiment was destitute of this important emblem. The skirmishes and chasing fights we engaged in through the mountains of Eastern Ken- tucky in the fall and winter of 1861-2, under General Nelson, are not mentioned in my list of engagements, as the fights did not take on the dignity of battles, but the fact that men were killed and wounded in this campaign made it memorable to us, in the callow days of our inex- perience, by the longest day's marching and the slimmest rations in all our service. Incorporated in General Buell's Army of the Ohio, General O. M. Mitchell's Division, we made that incursion into Alabama, capturing Huntsville in April, 1862, securing control of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, with a large lot of rolling stock, thus cutting off recruits to Beauregard's Army at Shiloh. In movement by rail under General Sill, we had our first battle at Bridgeport. "Some fledgling engineer built a fort on a hill lean- ing toward the Tennessee River and overlooking the road leading out from the Sequatchie Valley. This fort was named McCook, and constituted the advanced post of General Mitchell toward Chattanooga. "In August my regiment with a squadron of cavalry and a section of artillery occupied this post under Colonel L. A. Harris. First, the cavalry was taken away, later the artillery was ordered away, and finally when General Buell had gathered his forces for a rapid race with Gen- eral Bragg for Louisville, Kentucky, we were left with 4/2 MEMORIALS. orders to hold this untenable fort. On August 3Oth, just after the dinner hour, without a thought of an enemy near, suddenly a shell from a gun on the opposite side of the river burst in our midst. Having no gun to reply, we hurried to the protection of the upper parapet of the fort, but on the outside, as the interior of the fort was turned toward the rebel gunners. Later one company, armed with Springfield muskets, was thrown into rifle pits constructed on the river bank, and another company was dispatched up the river road to a point where the road from Jasper, Tennessee, comes in. It was a merry game for the rebel gunners until our riflemen got their range, but a peril menaced us from General Adams at Jasper with his troopers. "A rain storrn came on as the sun declined, when Colonel Harris decided to get out. These were the days when every regiment had wagons. The wagon wheels were muffled with tents cut up for the purpose, so as to move without noise on the rocky road. " We captured a citizen as he neared the Jasper road, who gave us the welcome news that General Adams and staff were drunk and hilarious that rainy night at the village tavern. "But we had to march night and day to catch up with the army on its way to Kentucky in race with Gen- eral Bragg. At Louisville the army was reorganized. I was detailed in the Brigade Staff as Aide de Camp, and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Colonel Len A. Har- ris, of the Second Ohio Regiment, commanding. I con- tinued in this relation through the battles of Perryville and Stone's River. At Chattanooga, I with my Brigade had the unique experience of participating in the battle of Lookout Mountain and in the assault on Missionary Ridge, the next day, on the extreme right of assaulting MEMORIALS. 473 columns. I endured the Siege of Chattanooga, when hard bread and S. B. came to be valued and appreciated as they never had been before. "After the battle of Jonesboro, about the time our Division was preparing to march back to Atlanta, the enemy were active with their annoyance. I was sent with two companies on outpost to cover the movement. Before I could post my guards, dismounted cavalry in large number attempted to surround us, so that with difficulty we got through them. The Lieutenant com- manding the other company, among others, was killed, but we carried his body with us until we came within supporting distance of the Reserve. "This action occupied only about thirty minutes, but was full of all the incidents peculiar to a great battle. This was my last conflict, as I was soon mustered out of service with many other comrades." Comrade Fitzwilliam's father was keeper of a country store and at the age of fourteen he was sent some dis- tance from home to aid in establishing a branch store, and proved himself quick to learn and useful in conduct- ing the branch store. Released from military service by honorable discharge he decided to re-enter mercantile business. He came to Bloomington, Illinois, in 1866, and entered the retail dry goods business with his father, under the firm name of Fitzwilliam & Sons. It soon became the largest retail dry goods establish- ment in Central Illinois, and later a branch store was established at Pontiac, Illinois. Of this large business our Companion was for many years the manager. He married Miss Lucretia Mott Read, of New Lon- don, Ohio, in 1866, and from this union there were born two sons and two daughters, all of whom are married, 474 MEMORIALS. and the eldest son is now our Companion, taking his father's place on his death as a first-class member by inheritance. His wife died in April, 1893. He had retired from the dry goods business in 1892. He was an active, lead- ing business man in Bloomington and took part in all public enterprises of moment. Among other things he organized the National Home Building and Loan Association, which for many years was remarkably successful, but, like other similar asso- ciations, it suffered greatly from the depression that came to real estate securities everywhere in the panic of 1893. He retired from the Presidency of that Association in January, 1896. On June 23, 1896, he was married to Miss Sarah E. Raymond, in Boston, and about April i, 1897, removed to Chicago. A beautiful home was pur- chased on Vincennes avenue, where he and his estimable wife collected about them books, works of art, and all those luxuries and comforts which constitute a real American home. It was here that he anticipated spend- ing his declining years in comfort, where the children and grandchildren, of whom there were several, and friends could assemble and make joyous the old age of the Veteran, but alas disease came in 1899 to becloud the horizon, and it made an anxious summer for our Companion and his loving wife. The disease which at- tacked him was not regarded dangerous until in Decem- ber, when, on the advice of his physician, he went to the Chicago Hospital to have an operation performed. The inception of the operation disclosed a condition that ren- dered any operation ineffectual, and he gradually grew worse until the end came on Saturday before Christmas. This brave soldier, this successful business man, this loving father, this good citizen, was a Christian man in MEMORIALS. 475 the truest sense of the word. He united with the First Methodist Church in Bloomington some time early in the seventies, became and was Superintendent for fourteen years of a Sabbath School. He gave liberally and freely to the church and to charitable objects, but never osten- tatiously. He founded a mission down near the railroad, and in honor of his deceased wife named it "Lucretia Chapel." It is now a strong organization with a flourishing Sunday School, doing much good among the laboring classes, and a worthy monument to the memory of a practical Christian gentleman, who lived religion, in his daily life. He was always courteous, genial, pleasant, and made all who came within his magnetic influence feel that he was a man to trust, to respect, and to love. After he removed to Chicago he transferred his mem- bership from William T. Sherman Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Bloomington, to Thomas Post No. 5, of Chicago. He had also become a member of our Com- mandery and he rarely missed a stated meeting of the Loyal Legion. After his death a simple service was held at his resi- dence on December 26th, and his remains were then taken to Bloomington, Illinois, and a public funeral was held at the First Methodist Episcopal Church on Decem- ber 27th, which was attended by multitudes of his old friends, neighbors and comrades. His remains were buried in beautiful Evergreen Cemetery at Bloomington, under the auspices of William T. Sherman Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and with the beautiful ritual of the Grand Army. Reverend Frost Craft, of Decatur, Illinois, pronounced a eulogy at the church service in Bloomington. And so our soldier Companion, leaving behind him 4/6 MEMORIALS. loving ties and pleasant memories, has entered upon Eternal Rest. Peacefully, honorably, he met, and dis- charged all life's duties and now has entered that dream- less sleep which the din of war and clash of arms can never disturb. Honored, beloved, and sincerely mourned by all who knew him. JOHN B. BAKER, JAMES H. DAVIDSON, HENRY Fox, SR. , Committee. RICHARD WATERMAN. First Lieutenant First Rhode Island Cavalry, United States Volun- teers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 6, igoo. OUR Commandery has lost another member, and again is called upon to offer tribute of sorrow, affection and appreciation for a Companion. Lieutenant Richard Waterman departed this life on the 6th day of January, Anno Domini 1900, at his home in Chicago, after a tedious and painful illness, endured with manly Christian fortitude, like the brave soldier he long ago proved himself, amid the stress of Civil War. Richard Waterman was born on the 2Oth day of January, 1841, at Providence, Rhode Island; he was a lineal descendant of Richard Waterman, who helped Roger Williams to found the State of Rhode Island, and 477 478 MEMORIALS. who settled at Providence, where, ever since, his direct descendants have been well known and respected, the name being perpetuated to memory in one of the prin- cipal thoroughfares of that city. On his mother's side, also, Lieutenant Waterman was allied with much of the best blood of New England, being connected with Benjamin Franklin, and General Nathaniel Greene, the friend of Washington. Coming of such ances- try it is not strange that he took pride therein, and was ever loyal to the free institutions of the land they had helped to establish, and to the dear old Flag for which he fought when the time carne for him to show his man- hood and devotion. He was of large, powerful frame and splendid con- stitution, and as a young man was fond of every kind of physical exercise. He was a student at Brown University when the Rebellion broke upon the country, and as a member of the Kentish Guards, a local militia organiza- tion of his native city, when the first call for troops came in 1861, he enlisted as a private in the First Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry under the call of the President for seventy-five thousand men. The term of enlistment was for three months, and as the First Rhode Island was one of the earliest regiments to be sent to Washington, its time ended several weeks before the first battle of Bull Run; but, following the example of its Colonel, Ambrose E. Burnside, who declared his intention to remain in service at the front till fighting began, the whole regiment remained and took part in the battle when it was fought. On the muster out of the First Rhode Island, Private Richard Waterman returned to his home, took part in raising a company of cavalry, and again entered service as First Lieutenant of Troop F of the First Rhode Island Cavalry. MEMORIALS. 479 He was with his command continuously until the dis- astrous conflict at Fredericksburg, when, shattered in health by the hard service required of him, he was com- pelled to resign, and in January, 1863, returned to Provi- dence, as his friends believed, to die in a few weeks. Up to this time his command had been engaged in the fol- lowing battles and skirmishes all during the year 1862: Near Warrenton Junction, April i6th; Rappahannock Crossing, April i8th; Front Royal, May 3Oth; Columbia Bridge, June 2d; Miller's Bridge, June 4th; Mountain Road, June 9th; Cedar Mountain, August 9th; North Rap- pahannock and Catlette's Station, August 2ist; Rappa- hannock Station, August 23rd; Sulphur Springs, August 26th; Groveton, August 28th; Second Bull Run, August 3Oth; Chantilly, September ist; White Ford, October I2th; Mountville, October 3ist; Hazee Run, November 1 6th, and Fredericksburg, December I3th during all of which time Lieutenant Waterman had remained on duty, refusing to go to hospital, though at times so ill that he had to be lifted into his saddle. In May, 1863, he went to California for his health, where he remained on a ranch near San Francisco, until November, 1864, when he returned to the East, and on June 21, 1865, he married Miss Virginia P. Rhodes, of Providence, Rhode Island, and of this marriage were born two daughters, since deceased, and one son, who survives him our Companion, Mr. Richard Waterman. In September, 1865, he entered the Harvard Law School, took his degree two years later, and after prac- ticing his profession for a year in Boston, came to Chi- cago in December, 1868, and entered the office of James L. Stark. For thirty-one years Lieutenant Waterman has been a member of the bar at Chicago, chiefly devot- ing himself to real estate and real estate law. 480 MEMORIALS. He was loyal to his adopted city and keenly interested in its growth and in every movement which promised to advance its interests and reputation. In 1880 he was Sergeant-at-Arms in the Republican National Conven- tion, which resulted in the nomination of President Garfield. In 1892 his health failed and forced his retirement from active business life, and drove him to Carlsbad in 1895, and again in 1896, with the hope of recovery, which proved vain, and in December, 1899, he was taken seriously ill and entered into rest in the early days of the present year. Our late Companion was a gentleman without fear and without reproach, and a true patriot worthy of the stock from which he descended, and his memory should and will be cherished by us, his Companions who survive him, for the short time they may remain behind in their life's journey, with sincere sympathy for his sorrowing wife and son. WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS, JOSEPH B. LEAKE, ALBERT L. COE, Committee. EDWIN ANSON BOWEN. Lieutenant Colonel Fifty-second Illinois Infantry, United States Vol- unteers. Died at Jacksonville, Florida, January 8, 1900. OAPIDLY the survivors of the great war are falling into the silent rest. Companion Edwin Anson Bowen departed this life at Jacksonville, Florida, on the morning of January 8, 1900. His death was caused by heart failure, of which he had premonitory symptoms during the last three years. He was born near Fitzwilliam, in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, on November 11, 1831, and was the young- est son of Moses A. Bowen, who came to Illinois in 1834, and entered a half section of land at Perkin's Grove (now La Moille), in Bureau County. On this farm Companion Bowen was raised. In 1848 he became a student in 481 482 MEMORIALS. Judson College, Mount Pulaski, Illinois, where he studied two and a half years; and during the next eight years he engaged in mercantile pursuits. In 1859 he purchased an interest in a mine near Denver, Colorado, and spent about two years in developing it, and then returned to his old home in Illinois. The storm of our great Civil War was just breaking over the land, and, responding to President Lincoln's second call for volunteers, he assisted in recruiting a company and as its chosen Captain brought it into the camp of the "Lincoln Regiment" then being organized at Camp Lyon, at Geneva, Illinois, by Colonel Isaac G. Wilson, under authority from the Secretary of War. He was mustered with his company into the ser- vice on October 25, 1861, as Company B, of the Fifty- second Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and his commission from Governor Richard Yates gave him the rank of Cap- tain from October 8th of that year. He at once took up the studies and duties of military life with the assiduity and thoroughness that was a marked characteristic of his nature, and quickly attracted the attention of both officers and men, and Company B was soon acknowl- edged one of the best disciplined and drilled companies, and Captain Bowen was recognized as one of the most competent officers of the organization. The close inti- macy and thorough acquaintance which military associa- tion affords strengthened and deepened that impression, and no member of his regiment was more highly and unanimously respected and trusted than was our deceased Companion. In a marked degree he was a man of sturdy, reliable character. Knowing him to-day, one knew him for the future. His courage was beyond question, and he had a large capacity for work, so that he could, and always did, share with his men all the dangers, duties and hardships of war. He was a man of fine executive MEMORIALS. 483 ability, and he was just and kind. His temper was pe- culiarly even, and his passions were under complete con- trol. He had a high sense of honor, and strong convic- tions of duty. Profanity and obscenity were strangers to his lips. He was strictly temperate and morally pure in word and deed, and a man of strong religious nature, who without obtrusion let it be distinctly known. So clearly recognized were his soldierly qualities, that when his regiment was left without field officers during the great battle of Shiloh, he took its direction and control without official orders, but by common consent, although not the ranking Captain, and on the loth of the follow- ing month he was promoted to the rank of Major. Sub- sequently, in the regular line of promotion, he received his commission as Lieutenant Colonel, to rank as such from March n, 1863, which rank he held until the time of his enlistment expired. He was mustered out of the service at Rome, Georgia, on the 24th day of October, 1864. On the 23d day of August of that year Governor Yates issued to him a commission giving to him the rank of Colonel, from February 2Oth; but he was never mus- tered in that rank. He was of robust physique and rarely ill, and probably accomplished as many days of active duty as any soldier of the command, and was with his regiment in all its camps, marches and battles, par- ticipating in over twenty engagements. At the close of his military service Companion Bowen returned to his old home, and in the spring of 1865 he, with others, organized the First National Bank of Men- dota, Illinois, and became its President, with Quarter- master Fulton Gifford, of his old regiment, as Cashier; and these two comrades and friends conducted success- fully the affairs of this bank for over thirty years, making it one of the most safe and profitable moneyed institu- 484 MEMORIALS. tions in that part of the State. Each acquired honest wealth and the highest esteem of the entire community. In 1897 he experienced a nervous shock, indicating paralysis or some kindred ailment, and with his accus- tomed promptness he at once disposed of his business interests and withdrew from active pursuits. The inter- vening years Companion Bowen has passed in quiet home life, and in leisurely travel, always accompanied by his accomplished wife, Mrs. Martha J. Bowen, visiting and lingering in the pleasantest resorts of the land. Ap- parently in good health, he knew well the character of the disease that threatened him, and steadily held him- self in instant readiness for the inevitable summons; and when it came, quietly, without pain or fear, he fell asleep like one " who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams. " This Commandery tenders to the bereaved wife and sons and daughters of our deceased Companion the sin- cere sympathy of its members yet points with pride to the Christian character and manly life of him they mourn, as the highest solace in their sad affliction. JOHN S. WILCOX, HENRY K. WOLCOTT, MAURICE J. MCGRATH, Committee. CHRISTIAN ERICKSON. First Lieutenant Eighty-second Illinois Infantry and Brevet Captain, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 20, 1900. I HIS Commandery has lost another worthy member ^ in the death of Captain Christian Erickson, which occurred on the 2Oth of January, 1900, in Chicago, Illinois. Captain Erickson was a native of Bergen, Norway, and came to this country in the year 1859, at the age of twenty years. In March, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company I, Eighty-second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered as Orderly Sergeant, October 23, 1862, appointed Second Lieutenant December 11, 1862, and promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant March 12, 1864. He served 485 486 MEMORIALS. with his regiment in the Eleventh Corps, first in the Army of the Potomac, and, after the battle of Chicka- mauga, with the Arrny of the Cumberland. On March 13, 1865, he was promoted to the rank of Captain by brevet, for gallant and meritorious conduct, and on the 9th of June of the same year, the war being ended, he was discharged with his regiment from military service. In the numerous campaigns in which his regiment participated Captain Erickson distinguished himself at all times by his soldierly bearing and strict devotion to duty. He was cool and courageous in action, and to his soldiers always a model of excellent military discipline. After the war Captain Erickson was successfully- em- ployed until a few years ago in mercantile pursuits. His career in business marked him as a gentleman of the strictest integrity and highest honor, and all who knew him bear cheerful testimony that he was a most patriotic and public-spirited citizen. Besides his numerous friends and Companions he leaves behind him his widow, Agnes Jevne Erickson, of Chicago, and four children, to whom we express our most heartfelt sympathy in their great sorrow. FRANCIS LACKNER, WILLIAM TODD, WILLIAM VOCKE, Committee. ADDISON AUGUSTUS ADAIR. Captain Seventy-eighth Ohio Infantry, United States Volunteers. Died at Marion, Ohio, January 27, igoo. ePTAIN Addison Augustus Adair was born in Zanes- ville, Ohio, September 27, 1842, and died at Marion, Ohio, January 27, 1900. He enlisted as a private soldier in the Seventy-eighth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, and went with his regiment to the front in December, 1861, reporting to the Second Brigade, Third Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, Army of the Ten- nessee. He served three years and nine months in the successive grades and was promoted to the rank of Captain, April 22, 1865. Companion Adair was with his regiment at Fort Donelson, Shiloh and the Siege of Corinth, and participated in the battles of Port Gibson, 487 488 MEMORIALS. Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, Black River and the Siege of Vicksburg. After the surrender of Vicks- burg the Seventy-eighth Ohio Infantry returned home on a veteran furlough, and on May 7, 1864, they were ordered to rejoin Sherman's Army in Georgia and were with him on his March to the Sea, participating in all the battles incident to that great march. Companion Adair took part in twenty-five different battles besides many skirmishes. The records show that Companion Adair was a man of fine appearance, correct habits and quiet demeanor. He was a member of the Phil. Sheridan Post, No. 615, Department of Illinois, Oak Park, having served as Commander of the Post, and Senior Vice-Commander of the Department of Illinois. March 13, 1867, Companion Adair was married to Virginia McConnell, of McConnellsville, Ohio, who, with her daughter Ella, and son Charles M. Adair, sur- vives him. The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Oak Park, Illinois, of which Com- panion Adair was a member, wrote the following: " It will be hard for us to realize that this hearty friend, with his warm hand-shake and cheery voice, will be seen no more in our church fellowship. We shall greatly miss one so regular in attendance morning and night, and so prompt and earnest in taking part. His voice could often be heard above all others in the re- sponsive readings and in song. He evidently enjoyed such participations with a keen relish. He was a good listener and often deeply moved by the truth. No man ever had a tenderer heart than this hardy, outspoken soldier. His death brought sorrow to all our people, who will long remember his honest, whole-hearted MEMORIALS. 489 nature. We believe he fought the fight, kept the faith and gained the crown." ELIJAH S. WATTS, W T ILLIAM TODD, DUKE NICHELSON, Committee. EZRA WOLCOTT KINGSBURY. Captain Second Colorado Cavalry, United States Volunteers. Died at Chicago, Illinois, February g, igoo. e'TAIN EzraWolcott Kingsbury, born June 11, 1830, in South Coventry, Connecticut, died February 9, 1900, in Chicago, Illinois. The beginning and end of life on earth; a mere drop compared to the ocean of eternity. But what of the between ? Doubtless the usual vicissi- tudes of business failures and successes but more than that service for his country. In May, 1862, he was appointed by the Governor of Colorado to assist in recruiting and organizing the Third Colorado Infantry. In October of that year he was com- missioned First Lieutenant and subsequently Captain. Thereafter the regiment was consolidated with the Sec- 490 MEMORIALS. 491 ond Colorado Infantry and became the Second Colorado Cavalry, in October, 1863. Our Companion was com- missioned as Captain of Company I, Second Cavalry, and was mustered in January 12, 1863. He was mus- tered out of the service, August, 1865. He served in Missouri and Arkansas and participated in the campaign which resulted in the defeat and capture of Jeff. Thompson, and in the battle of Prairie Grove, as volunteer Aide on General Blunt's Staff, when he was wounded. Subsequently he participated in actions at Independence, Little Blue, Washport, Mine Creek and Newtonia, where he was again wounded. Then he was sent to Fort Riley, Kansas, for Indian service, where he remained until mustered out. Dates, names of battles, recital of wounds, muster in and out, are brief records, but the courage, the stern purpose to do or die for his country, the fatigues of march, the physical suffering from inclement weather, oftentimes without sufficient food, or the total absence of it, every old soldier can fill in from his own experience. Nothing was ever grander in the history of the world than the spontaneous uprising of the men of the North in defense of the Union. Merchants closed their stores, lawyers left their briefs, doctors forsook their patients, clerks left their yard-sticks, blacksmiths their forges, carpenters their benches, farmer boys left their plows in the furrows, as Putnam did almost a hundred years before. It was a great struggle, Americans against Americans. Our honored Companion was in it and of it. He came out with wounds and shattered health, but no price counted in dollars would have bought from him his scars. He was a gentleman, a welcome and honored Companion in our Order, sociable, unobtrusive, helpful (when he could) to those who needed help. He was as good a 492 MEMORIALS. member of our Order as he was a soldier, and nothing more could be said: JOHN E. HOWARD, CHARLES T. HOTCHKISS, WILLIAM H. FRENCH, Committee. ALFRED THEODORE ANDREAS. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Twelfth Illinois Infantry. United States Volunteers. Died at New Rochelle, Neiv York, February 10, iqoo. r\IED, on February 10, 1900, at New Rochelle, New lj York, where he was temporarily residing, Alfred ^^ Theodore Andreas, a member of this Commandery since October 4, 1882. He was born at Amity, Orange County, New York, May 29, 1839. Soon after that t'me his father removed to Chester, in the same county, and engaged in mercantile pursuits, and later, to Holly, Pennsylvania. Having prospered at the latter place, he went to New York City and became a successful mer- chant. Alfred received his education at Chester Academy. Being of an adventurous and self-reliant disposition, he 493 494 MEMORIALS. came Westward, arriving in Dubuque, Iowa, in July, 1857. He soon found employment, first as a clerk, and afterwards as a school teacher, in which latter calling he continued for about three years. In the fall of 1860 he went with an Iowa acquaintance to St. Louis to sell a lot of horses, and while journeying through Missouri, was first impressed with the evils of slavery. Having completed the business of the trip, he came across into Illinois, stopping near Sparta, Randolph County. Here he found employment during the winter of 1860 and 1861, and up to the beginning of the war. Concerning his employment at that time, he says: "At that time I was little more than a boy. Circumstances had drifted me into a little place in Southern Illinois, some sixteen miles from a railroad, where I was getting a small salary for presiding over the rising generation of the neighbor- hood. In other words, I was teaching school." When the first call for seventy-five thousand troops was made, he made an unsuccessful attempt to .enter the army. Later, on July 21, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Com- pany G, Twelfth Illinois Infantry, and the next day joined the regiment, then stationed at Cairo. He was with the regiment in its various camps at Cairo, Birds- point and Paducah, in the summer of 1861, and in the latter part of the year at Smithland, Kentucky, where a detachment of the regiment was stationed. He was, by a singular act of good fortune, both for himself and the command, detailed for duty in the Commissary Depart- ment, for the discharge of which he had remarkable aptitude. At the first opportunity, May I, 1862, he was made Commissary Sergeant, a promotion already richly earned. In this position he soon became personally known to every officer and enlisted man in the regiment, numbering them all as his friends. No day was so stormy, MEMORIALS. 495 no night so dark, no situation so hazardous as to deter him from doing all in his power to promote the comfort and serve the necessities of the men in the command to which he belonged. January i, 1863, he was commis- sioned First Lieutenant and Quartermaster of the regi- ment, in which position his enlarged opportunities and duties were met with the same zeal and fidelity that had won him his promotion. Always alert, the men of the regiment never were short in clothing and food, when it was possible for him to procure them. During the Atlanta Campaign he was made Commissary of Division, first on the Staff of General Sweeney and afterwards with General Corse, and held this position on the March to the Sea and through the Carolinas. Having dis- charged faithfully and acceptably every duty of a sol- dier, in every capacity in which it came to him, he was mustered out at Goldsboro, North Carolina, April i, 1865. He returned home, and on May 31, 1865, was married at Davenport, Iowa, to Miss Sophia Lyter, who made his home happy, and shared his successes and reverses during their nearly thirty-five years of mar- ried life, and who with two daughters, Eulalia Lyter Andreas and Elouie Lyter Atherton, survives him. Re- turning to civil life with his views broadened and his energies quickened and strengthened by his military ex- perience, which had been educational to him, he at once sought a field for active enterprise. He had seen great things done and had helped to do them, and he could see no reason why he could not undertake and accomplish great enterprises, as well as other men. He was a pioneer in the county atlas and history work in the West, and in it achieved notable success. This brought him to and identified him with our city, and his history of Chicago will long remain a standard work upon which 496 MEMORIALS. the student and the future historian must rely. Success soon crowned his efforts. He took at its flood the tide in the affairs of men which leads on to fortune, but that same tide in its ebb bore him out on a tempestuous sea where the waves of financial disaster overwhelmed him. Though his energy never flagged and hope never deserted him, he was never able to retrieve his fortune. He envied no man's good fortune, and in his many enter- prises, successful and unsuccessful, we believe it can be truthfully said of him that he never intentionally wronged any man. Wearied with the struggle, he at last laid himself down to rest, and "After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well. " He was a devoted member of the Loyal Legion and believed in it, not only as a fraternal organ- ization, but as one of the reliable agencies through which the truth concerning the great struggle in which we were engaged shall be transmitted to the future. JOHN MCARTHUR, GEORGE L. PADDOCK, GEORGE HUNT, Committee JOHN FRANCIS McGUIRE. Captain One Hundred and Fifty -third New York Infantry, United States Volunteers Died at Anniston, Alabama, February ig, igoo. ffEEPING pace with the swift-winged years on their \ \ march toward eternity, stalks our old time enemy, ^* inexorable and insatiate. We have met him face to face on the lonely picket post, on the weary march through poisoned fen and deadly morass, on the blood- sodden fields of the Southland, and the victory has been ours. But, the battle of life is nearly ended, and, worn with the constant strife, we shall soon find rest within "those low green tents whose curtains never outward swing. " Into the sacred precincts of that camp where sleep the pale-faced battalions of our soldier dead, has 497 49^ MEMORIALS. passed our late Companion John Francis McGuire, who died February 19, 1900, at Anniston, Alabama, in his sixty-second year. Companion McGuire was a self-made man, and had won the respect and highest regard of his fellow men in the communities wherein he lived. He was known to but few of our Cornmandery, however, by reason of his frequent absences in quest of health, and because of his retiring disposition and unassuming ways when with us. He was born in " a small town in the Adirondacks" (to use his own phrasing), February 22, 1838, and in the few leisure moments attending his strug- gle for fortune he studied for the profession of law. When the Nation's call was sounded in 1861, he was at- tending a school in Canada, but shortly thereafter re- turned to his home, where, through his strenuous per- sonal efforts, together with the expenditure of his meager savings, he succeeded in raising a company, numbering about forty-five men, out of a community whose patriot- ism lay so dormant that only his most determined efforts served to rouse its members to the shame of their condi- tion and the threatened disgrace of a draft. His men were assigned to Company I, One Hundred and Fifty- third New York Infantry, and he was appointed their First Lieutenant. He served constantly with his regi- ment in Abercrombie's Division, Defenses of Washington, through Banks's Red River Campaign, and again with the Army of the Potomac, from July, 1864, to the end at Appomattox. He was detailed as Assistant Provost Mar- shal of Savannah, remaining at that point until he was mustered out, as Captain, in October, 1865. Later on he was brevetted Major by the Governor of his native State. At the close of his service he again took up the study of law, and in 1867 he was admitted to the bar. In 1868 he removed to Clinton, Iowa, where he prospered MEMORIALS. 499 in his practice, and December 6, 1876, was married to Miss Julia Thomas, of Lyons, Iowa. He identified him- self closely with the best interests of the community and soon became a prominent factor in its public affairs, until a few years ago, when he was compelled to retire from public life and seek a warmer climate in the hope of restoring his health. He leaves surviving him a widow and two sons, Frank E., and Frederick T. , to whom we express our sorrow and extend our heartfelt sympathy in this the saddest hour of life. JOHN J. ABERCROMBIE, WILLIAM N. DANKS, BRADLEY DEAN, Committee. JOHN McNULTA. Colonel Ninety-fourth Illinois Infantry and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Died at Washington, District of Columbia, February 22, iqoo. /'TOHN McNULTA, Colonel Ninety-fourth Illinois Infantry and Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Elected January 13, 1887. First Class. No. 5287. Chicago, Illinois. Such is the short and simple record of a man recently passed from amongst us, given back now to mother earth, who while he lived was not alone an honored Companion of this Order, but as well a companion, confidant and friend of the foremost men of our time, and who wrought greatly with them in silent fashion for his country and his kind. 500 MEMORIALS. 5