ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00000 2992 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY F. W. DeWOLF, Director BULLETIN NO. 17 Portland-Cement Resources of Illinois BY A. V. Bleininger, E. F. Lines, F. E. Layman Urbana University of Illinois 1912 Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers Springfield, III. 557 ICGb no. I? c.fc STATE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Governor Charles S. Deneen, Chairman. Professor T. C. Chamberlin, V ice-Chairman. President Edmund J. James, Secretary. Frank W. DeWole, Director. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. List of illustrations .• . . 9 Letter of transmittal 11 Chapter I. Illinois Portland-cement industry; by A. V. Bleininger 13 Chapter II. The raw materials for Portland cement; by A. V. Bleininger 15 Definition of Portland cement ■ 15 Clay materials 15 ' Definition 15 Origin and constituents 16 Clay substance 17 Silica 18 Feldspar 20 Iron oxide 20 Mica and other iron-bearing minerals. . . 21 Further accessory constituents of clay 21 Important physical qualities 22 Classification , 23 Fire clays 23 Shales 24 Plastic clays : 24 Weathered shales 24 Alluvial clays 25 Glacial clays 25 Loess, sandstone, and sand for mixture with clay 25 Limestone materials 26 Character and working behavior 26 Classification. 28 Fxamination of cement materials : 29 Field investigation 29 Clay analysis 30 Limestone analysis 32 Physical tests 33 Effect of heat upon the cement mixture 35 Setting and hardening of cement 36 Chapter III. Manufacture of Portland cement; by A. V. Bleininger 37 Composition of the mixture 37 Winning the raw materials 41 Grinding the raw materials 41 Introduction 41 Coarse grinding machines 42 Intermediate grinding machines 43 Ball mill 43 Disintegrator 43 Kent mill 44 Rolls 44 Dry-pan 44 Fine grinding machines 45 Tube mill 45 Centrifugal grinder 46 Burning the mixture 50 Clinker grinding 53 Testing cement 55 Power requirements and manufacturing costs / 57 Contents — Continued. Page • Chapter IV. Stratigraphy of Illinois with reference to Portland-cement materials; by Edwin F. Lines 59 Introduction '. 59 The geological column 59 Ordovician system 60 Lower Magnesian limestone 60 St. Peter sandstone 62 " Trenton-Galena" limestone 62 Richmond formation • 63 Silurian system 64 Girardeau and Edgewood formations 64 Clinton and Niagaran limestones 64 Devonian system 65 Helderberg formation 65 Oriskany formation 66 Onondaga formation 66 Hamilton formation 66 Ohio shale 66 Mississippian system 66 Kinderhook formation 67 Burlington limestone b7 Keokuk formation 68 Warsaw limestone and shale 68 Salem limestone 69 St. Louis limestone 70 Ste. Genevieve limestone 71 Cypress sandstone 72 Birdsville— Tribune formations ("Chester") 72 Pennsylvania system 73 Pottsville formation 73 Carbondale formation 74 McLeansboro formation 74 Cretaceous system 75 Tertiary system 75 Quarternary system 75 Summary 75 Chapter V. Description of localities from which limestone samples were collected 77 Introduction , 77 Adams county 77 Alexander 77 Brown '. ■. 78 Bureau - 80 Clark 80 Coles 81 Edgar 81 Hancock 82 Hardin 83 Henderson 83 Jackson 83 .lohnson 84 LaSalle 84 Lee . 87 Logan 87 Marshall : 88 Montgomery 88 Ogle 88 Peoria 89 Pope 90 Pulaski 91 Randolph 91 Rock Island 92 Schu yler , 93 St. Clair , 94 Contents — Concluded. Page. Chapter V— Concluded. Stark : 95 Stephenson 95 Union 95 Tables of limestone analyses '. 97 Chapter VI. Clay material for Portland-cement manufacture in Illinois; by A. V. Bleininger 101 General statement 101 Table of chemical analyses of clays 104 Table of mechanical analyses of clays ' .' 105 Chapter VII. Description of clay deposits sampled 106 Introduction 106 Adams county , 107 Brown 107 Bureau 108 Clark 108 Edgar '. 109 Hancock : : 109 Jackson 109 LaSalle 110 Montgomery 110 Peoria 110 Pope Ill Randolph Ill Rock Island 112 Schuyler '. 112 Stark , 113 Union '. 113 Wabash 113 List of publications 114 Index ' : 116 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates. Page. I. Production of Portland and natural cement, 1890-1910 14 II. Phase diagram showing melting point of lime-silica compounds 18 III. Phase diagram showing melting point of lime-alumina compounds 20 IV. Schulz elutriating apparatus 34 V. Detlocculation of clays in water 36 VI. Gates rock crusher 40 VII. Rotary dryer 42 VIII. Ball mill installation 44 IX. Kent mill, Maxecon type 44 X. Tube mill installation 46 XI. Griffin mill 46 XII. Fuller-Lehigh mill , 48 XIII. Raymond mill 48 XIV. Raymond mill with air separators 50 XV. Rotary kiln installation 52 XVI. Newaygo screen 54 XVII. Diagram showing sequence of operations in Portland cement manufacture 56 XVIII. Limestone Hill, west of Golconda 91 XIX. Method of digging prospect pit for shale sample 106 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. State; Geological Survey, University of Illinois, Feb. 1, 1912. Governor C. S. Deneen, Chairman, and Members of the Geological Com- ■ mission: Gentlemen — I submit herewith a report on Portland-cement re- sources of Illinois., and recommend that it be published as Bulletin No. 17. This represents a special effort to determine the location of materials of suitable character for the manufacture of Portland cement. It is essentially preliminary, but serves to bring together the analyses of many samples which have been collected since the Survey's organization. The field work on limestones was done by various members of the staff, at various times, but the investigation on shale and clay was mostly carried on by Mr. F. E. Layman during the season of 1908. The chapters on cement materials and technology were prepared by Professor A. Y. Bleininger, now head of the Department of Ceramics at the University, and a recognized authority on cement manufacture. The chapters on geological relations and on the occurrence of limestone were compiled by Mr. E. F. Lines, formerly of the Survey staff. The work has been handicapped by changes in personnel during the time of its execution, but the report will doubtless serve a very useful purpose in view of the growing use of Portland cement and the many inquiries on the subject by land owners and investors. Very respectfully, Frank W. DeWole, * Director. CHAPTER I ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT INDUSTRY. (By A. V. Bleininger.) The development of the Portland-cement industry in Illinois has closely resembled its growth throughout the country. The production in the United States has shown an extraordinarily rapid growth during the last fifteen years. This was to be expected, owing to the fact that the industry prior to 1890 produced only a small proportion of the Port- land cement used/ The cutting down of the importation of cement and to a far greater extent the increase in population and the multiplication of the uses of concrete have brought about an enormous demand for Portland cement, which has been met promptly by the industry. The rate of increase in the production is bound to be lowered within the next few years since, demand and supply are not far from being balanced at the present time. The whole question will reduce itself to the elimin- ation of plants poorly located, or inefficiently designed or operated, and new plants can hope to succeed only if possessed of a very favorable natural location commanding large deposits of easily quarried and worked raw materials, cheap fuel, and satisfactory markets. If, how- ever, a company erects a wel.1 designed mill under such conditions, its investment is practically certain to be a safe one. The selling price of Portland cement is decreasing rapidly. But recently the writer has seen quotations as low as 75 cents per barrel at the mill. The following tabulation gives the production in barrels and the valuation, both for Illinois and for the United States, as published by the U. S. Geological Survey (PI. I.) : Production of Portland cement, 1900-1910. Illinois. United States. Barrels. Value. Barrels. Value. 1900 240,442 528,925 767,781 1,257,500 1,326,794 1,545,500 1,858,403 2,036,093 3,211,168 4,241,392 4,459,450 % 300,552 581,818 977,541 1,914,500 1,449,114 1,741,150 2,461,494 2,632,576 2,707,044 3,388,667 4,119,012 8,482,020 12,711,225 17,230,644 22,342,973 26,505,881 35,246,812 46,463,424 48,785,390 51,072,612 64,991,431 76,549,951 $ 9,280,525 12,532,360 20,864,078 27,713,319 23,355,119 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 '33,245,867 52,466,186 53,992,551 43,547,679 52,858,354 68,205,800 1906..' 1907 1908 1909 1910 14 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO, 17 With reference to the average price at the mill, excluding cost of package but including cost of packing, the following table is quoted from the 1910 report of the U. S. Geological Survey: Average price per barrel of Portland} cement. 1898 $1.62 1.43 1.09 0.99 1.21 1.24 0.88 1905 1906 1907 1908 $0 .94 1899 1900 1901 1.13 1.11 0.85 1902 1909 0.813 1903 1910 0.891 1904 The Illinois Portland-cement plants are arranged alphabetically as follows : The Chicago Portland Cement Co., and the German American Portland Cement Co. near LaSalle; the Marquette Portland Cement Co. at Oglesby; the Sandusky Portland Cement Co. at Dixon; and the Universal Portland Cement Co. at South Chicago. All use limestone and clay with the dry process, with the exception of the last-named company, which uses granulated blast-furnace slag, together with lime- stone as raw materials. With the increasing population of the middle West, the demand for Portland cement is bound to grow; and the possibilities are excellent for the further development of this industry in the State. With cheap coal, limestone and clay deposits in sufficient quantities, and good trans- portation facilities, there is no reason why there should not be more cement mills in western and southern Illinois. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the cement industry has reached a stage where large profits are out of the question; and that dividends depend princ- ipally upon favorable location and close economy in factory operation. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULL, NO. 17, PLATE I. ~^\ ~* 1 75,000,000 1 1 I 70,000,000 1 1 1 65,000,000 1 1 60,000,000 1 l 1 1 1 55,000,000 1 1 1 1 1 / 50.000,000 e ) f / f i 45.000,000 / / £> tzfin 40,000,000 ?J- #' / 3 / K 35/500,000 : / < ; CO / / 30.000,000 / / / / i i 25,000,000 •£a *$-/ £&'""" M \ P-t 20.000,000 i i 1 i / 15,000,000 / 1 , / / 10,000,000 > s "Ni Mi nu kal / ^ I i — * / / 5,000,000 J f* CfcA 1FN i s ^ ' X t r A r > S, ^-< r h— H >-—-* k--< $ § 8i=? oo<5ooo Production of Portland and natural cement in the United States, 1890-1910. ■ BLEININGER] RAW MATERIALS. 15 CHAPTER II— THE RAW MATERIALS FOR PORT- LAND CEMENT. (By A. V. Bleininger.) DEFINITION OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Portland cement is a granular powder, which when mixed with water, forms a coherent mass. This hardens in air, as well as in water, and shows great cementing power. It is the strongest hydraulic cement- ing substance known ; and as commonly mixed with sand and rock aggre- gate it forms concrete. Portland cement is an artificial product formed by grinding together intimately clay and lime-bearing materials so that the resultant mixture has a well-defined chemical composition. The ground mixture is then calcined to vitrification and again reduced to a specified degree of fineness. It matters little what materials make up this mixture, provided that the chemical composition comes within the prescribed limits, and that the grinding is fine enough to blend the raw materials intimately. On the other hand, failure to comply with these two conditions results in a low-grade product. It is frequently difficult to gain the desired reaction on a commercial basis at the temperature available in industrial kilns. The required clay bases are introduced in the form of various classes of clays, blast-furnace slags, and even volcanic ash, tufa, and similar materials. The lime is introduced as limestone, chalk, calcareous marl, fossil lime, and as the by-products of industrial chemical processes — like the Solvay wastes. CLAY MATERIALS. Since the aluminum silicates of clay, or of allied mineral aggregates, form the fundamental part of Portland cement, a brief consideration of the mineralogical structure of clay is necessary for the understanding of the chemical processes connected with the production of hydraulic silicates. Definition of Clay. Clay may be defined as a complex derivative rock, generally of a soft and earthy nature, in which a mass of mineral debris of variable com- position and amount is bonded and held together by a matrix of kaolin, 16 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 or allied hydrous silicates of alumina. The distinguishing character- istics of clays as a class are, first, plasticity when ground and mixed with sufficient amount of water ; and second, the property of hardening by heat to form strong and durable silicates. This definition is not exact, for there are minor exceptions to each rule. For the purpose of the cement manufacturer the hardening of clay upon heating is of no pract- ical importance. Origin and Constituents or Clay. All clays are the product of decomposition of the older igneous rocks of which the granites are most representative. These rocks may contain quartz, feldspar, mica, hornblende, augite, magnetite, and various other minerals. When subjected to the destructive agencies of weathering for long periods decomposition of the granite takes place, and it is evident that the mineral offering least resistance is attacked first. This is usually feldspar; which succumbs first so that, gradually, its chemical structure is completely changed. The typical feldspar — orthoclase — possesses the chemical formula K 2 0. A1 2 3 . 6 Si0 2 , and the 'following composition : Composition of orthoclase feldspar. Silica (SiO,) 64.68 Alumina (ALA) 18.43 Potash (K 2 0) 16.89 It is metamorphosed into a mineral type having the formula A1 2 3 . 2 Si0 2 . 2 H 2 0, and the following composition : Composition of clay substance. Silica (Si0 2 ) 46.3 Alumina (A1 2 3 ) 39.8 Combined water 13.9 This mineral is called kaolin and represents the purest grade of clay. It may, therefore, serve to illustrate the chemical structure and be- havior of the fundamental part of all clays — the clay substance. Before considering this subject, however, it must be borne in mind that the kaolin produced by the breaking down of the granite is not separated sharply from the other constituents of the rock, but that some unde- composed particles of quartz, feldspar, mica, and other minerals remain in all grades of subdivision with the newly formed clay. The pure clay, or kaolin, consists of silica, alumina, and chemically combined water, which together form a hydrous silicate of alumina. This compound varies as regards plasticity according to whether it is crystalline or amorphous, and highly or weakly colloidal. Kaolin may be present in the form of regular crystals, in which case it shows but a low degree of plasticity, or it may exist as a jelly-like mass resembling gelatine, aluminum hydroxide, ferric hydroxide, etc. The more this colloidal character is exhibited, the more plastic is the kaolin, This physical con- dition has nothing to do with the chemical composition which in either case may correspond to the ideal formula. BLEININGER] EAW MATERIALS. 1? CLAY SUBSTANCE. The clay substance consisting of the complex molecule A1 2 3 . 2 SiQ 2 . 2 H 2 0, may be decomposed under the action of strong reagents into alumina and silica. Thus, hot sulphuric acid dissociates pure kaolin completely, leaving hydrous silicic acid, partly in solution and partly pre- cipitated, and bringing the alumina into solution as aluminum sulphate. Again, while kaolin is not readily soluble in weaker acids, dehydrated it is dissolved readily in hydrochloric acid. At this stage, therefore, clay appears to be peculiarly sensitive to chemical agencies, but this condi- tion disappears upon heating the kaolin to higher temperatures. This is also illustrated by the fact that if a thoroughly amorphous clay, like the so-called flint clay, is dehydrated and mixed intimately with slaked lime, it combines with the latter to form a fairly hard cement. If a higher temperature is obtained, this action is not observed. By means of other reagents clay substance is decomposed similarly. Thus, if heated to a white heat with an excess of lime, as the oxide or carbonate, the kaolin is broken up; the silica of the clay forming a calcium silieate and the alumina an aluminate. On .treating it with a very weak acid, like acetic or citric acid, and then digesting it with a weak caustic soda solution, no residue whatever is left. It is possible, therefore, by heating with lime, to convert the clay substance into com- pounds which are soluble even in dilute acids, although the kaolin itself is practically insoluble in these reagents. The alkaline earths like lime, barium, and strontium, under the influence of heat combine eagerly with the silica of the kaolin, while at the same time the alumina changes its role from that of a base to that of an acid. It must be borne in mind, therefore, that probably from no other substance can silicate of lime be formed so readily as from clay sub- stance. . As to the lime compounds possible of production from pure clay, recent researches have shown that the conditions are quite complex and that relatively small changes in the quantity of lime present will bring about marked differences in the character of the chemical combi- nations. E. S. Shepherd and G. A. Rankin 1 suggest five possible groups of compounds : I. II. III. IV. V. CaO 3 CaO.SiO, 2 CaO.SiOo 2 CaO.SiOo 2 CaO.SiO. 3 CaO.Si0 2 2 CaO.SiOo 3 CaO.ALOs 5 Ca0.3AL0 3 2 CaO.ALO3.SiO, 3 CaO.Al,6 3 3 CaO.SiO, 5 CaO. 3 ALA CaO.ALA CaO.ALOs Groups III and IV are thought to represent average conditions. The existence of tricalcium silicate, which by many earlier investigators was considered to be the main cement forming constituent was finally con- firmed by Sheperd and Rankin. It was proven, however, that the com- pound 3 CaO.Si0 2 is unstable at its melting temperature. This sub- stance seems "to form by reaction between the solid components but to decompose before the melting temperature is reached," according to the reaction : _■/ _ 3 CaO.Si0 2 =2 CaO.Si0 2 +CaO. 1 Preliminary report on the ternary system CaO-Al 2 3 -Si0 2 . A study of the composition of Port- land cement clinker. Jour. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 3, page 211, —2 G 18 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 Two of the compounds show polymorphous transformation. Thus, CaO.SiO- 2 exists in two and 2 CaO.Si0 2 in four forms. Of the alum- inates, three, 3 CaO.5 A1 2 3 , 5 CaO.3 A1 2 3 , and 3 CaO.Al 2 3 possess one unstable modification. The melting points of the lime-silica com- pounds are shown in the phase diagram of Plate II, and those of the lime-alumina series are indicated in Plate III. A nuniber of investigators have produced lime silicates from kaolin by intimately blending and heating it to vitrification. When made up with water the mass proved to possess strong hydraulic properties, i. e., it gave a cement which hardened in water, and showed considerable strength. By heating kaolin to a moderate temperature, considerably below that required for vitrification, a commercial cement of the Eoman- cement type has been manufactured in Switzerland and other countries for the last ten years or longer. Owing to its white color, this kaolin cement has found a market for decorative purposes. It might seem then that in order to produce a lime silicate which is the main constituent of Portland cement, it is necessary only to select a pure clay, thus insuring a smooth reaction. But there are several drawbacks, to this proposal. The most' important objection is that the vitrified cement obtained in this manner, though possessing good initial strength, has the unfortunate property of increasing in volume as the hydration, or setting, of the cement proceeds. One must distinguish clearly in this respect between the soft Roman cements ob- tained by burning at low temperature, around 1,000° C, and the vitri- fied Portland cements. Change in volume after the cement has hardened would be extremely unfortunate and, in fact, would prohibit its practical use. Another drawback is that pure clay substance itself has a high vitri- fying or fusing temperature. Its melting point corresponds to about 1,750° C. Likewise, the resulting silicate of lime melts at a compara- tively high temperature which is difficult to attain in commercial kiln?. It seems obvious then that the Portland cement industry as a whole can- not deal with the pure clays, but must resort to the use of material diluted with other minerals, and especially such as tend to lower the vitrification temperature of the final mixture. SILICA IN CLAY. The simplest test of a clay consists in stirring a small amount of it in a glass of water, allowing it to settle a short time, pouring off most of the liquid, and continuing this procedure until the water is practically clear. This reveals in the bottom of the receptacle a layer of variously colored mineral debris of coarse and fine grains. Prominent among these may be seen clear, colorless crystals of considerable hardness which are recognized as sand or quartz grains. These constitute a part of practically every clay, varying from small amounts to the extreme of clay-carrying sands. Quartz, or free silica, is a hard substance which even when very fine grained shows no plasticity. Chemically it reacts at ordinary temperatures with strong bases like caustic potash or soda, ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULL. NO. 17, PLATE II. o:2CAO-5iO,*3CAO-SiO, E ' M. N ~ JL " M" \ |3CA0-i.0 ? *CA0 CRI5TOBALlTE*arCAO-Si0 2 H H' 1000' CRISTOBALITE*^CA05iO z >S0UARTZ + /?CAO-5iO 2 cr0UARTZ+/3CAO-SiO 2 |*CA0-Si0 i H" j82CA0 : Si0j WaO Si0 2 I ly2CA( I^CaO-5,0 3CaO-Sj0 2 Si0 ? CaO-SJ0 2 2CaO-S.0 2 ^2CAO-Si0 2 3CA05i0 2 500* C. oo 3Ca0SI0 2 Phase diagram showing melting points cf lime-silica compounds BLEININGER] RAW MATERIALS . 19 by which it is gradually but slowly dissolved ; this reaction being acceler- ated by using boiling solutions. Only one acid attacks it, namely, hydro- fluoric acid, resulting in the vaporization of silicon fluoride gas. Slaked lime attacks fine-grained quartz at ordinary temperatures form- ing a silicate of lime, but this process is exceedingly slow. At a some- what elevated temperature, above the boiling point of water, slaked lime combines with silica far more actively, and this reaction is used in the manufacture of sand-lime brick. Quartz, when heated alone to temperatures exceeding 800° C, under- goes a marked increase in volume which is ascribed to its transformation into tridymite — another form of crystallization. This change is re- versible, though in practice the reversibility only applies in part, so that as a rule quartz is found to have increased in volume on heating. The change from quartz to tridymite corresponds to a volume increase. When quartz is heated in contact with lime, either as quicklime or as the carbonate, to temperatures exceeding 1,000° C, a chemical reaction sets in and results in the formation of lime silicates which are not necessarily hydraulic. This reaction is shown by the fact that when finely ground quartz mixed with an excess of calcium oxide (quicklime) is heated to these temperatures, the resulting mixture, if treated with strong, hot hydrochloric acid followed by hot sodium carbonate solution, dissolves more or less completely. In other words, while finely ground quartz itself is not soluble in these reagents it has been rendered so by reaction with the lime. This change is also indicated by the formation of gelatinous silicic acid which is observed during the test. This example illustrates what is meant by chemists when they speak of "unlocking" a silicate or quartz, namely, the conversion of the substance insoluble in acids into a form in which it is decomposed and dissolved by acid treat- ment. A pure clay on being burned with an excess of lime thus becomes completely soluble. In the case of quartz this reaction only follows when it is very fine grained — passing, say, the 200-mesh sieve— and when there is sufficient excess of lime, and provided the temperature has been raised sufficiently high — say, 1,200° C, or more. . By heating an intimate mixture of extremely fine silica and lime, it is possible to produce the various silicates indicated by the phase diagram of Plate II. The metaealcium silicate has a melting point of 1,512° C, the orthocalcium silicate of 2,080 °. 1 An interesting phenomenon is observed on cooling the beta form of the ortho-silicate to the alpha modification. This inversion is accom- panied by a decided volume increase and results in the breaking down of the mass to a powder. In cement practice this phenomenon, is fre- quently observed and is called "dusting." In discussing the function of quartz in cement mixtures it must be remembered constantly that only the finest particles become available for chemical combination, and laboratory tests have shown that the limit- ing diameter is probably in the neighborhood of 0.0003 inch. In other words, particles larger than this size are too coarse to unite chemically with lime. The practical importance of this fact in attempting to use Day and Sheperd, The lime-silica series of minerals: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc, 28, p. p. 1089-1115 20 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 clays containing coarse quartz is realized more fully if one assumes, for the sake of illustration, that a clay contains quartz which just passes the 80-mesh sieve, and which represents particles averaging 0.007 inch. On the further assumption that these particles are cubes it appears that each grain of the 80-mesh size must be reduced to, at least, 12 particles of equal size before it becomes useful for chemical combination. This difficulty becomes immensely greater on consideration of coarser grains, such as are found in even fine sands. Some conception may be gained from this illustration of the power required and of the cost of this grinding process. FELDSPAR IN CLAY. The alkali-alumina silicate, feldspar, occurs in two principal modifi- cations, the monoclinic and the triclinic. The best known representative of the first group is orthoclase of the percentage composition 16.89 potash, 18.43 alumina, and 64.68 silica. The triclinic group is repre- sented by isomorphous mixtures of albite and anorthite, which are of the compositions, respectively, 11.82 soda, 19.56 alumina, 68.62 silica; and 20.10 lime, 36.82 alumina, and 43.08 silica. Andesine, labradorite, and oligoclase are mixtures of these two minerals. Owing to the high content of fluxes the feldspars are quite fusible and their silica, being in the combined state, is readily available for chemical union with the lime of cement mixtures. Their presence in clays, there- fore, is desirable up to a certain limit at which the alkali content thus introduced becomes too high. IRON OXIDE IN CLAY. Two forms of iron oxide must be distinguished — the ferric Fe 2 3 , and the ferrous, FeO. Iron oxide, especially in the form of ferric oxide, is an exceedingly important constituent of cement clays, owing to the fact that it contributes to the vitrification of the clay at a lower temper- ature, and in this way brings about the chemical combination of the •cement mixture at temperatures attainable in the rotary kiln under com- mercial conditions. In order to be of maximum benefit in this connec- tion, the ferric oxide should be disseminated throughout the clay in the colloidal" condition and in a state of extreme subdivision. The color of this form of oxide is invariably red, causing the clay to appear yellow or reddish. The ferrous oxide is black and usually does not occur in clay in the free state but is nearly always combined with carbon dioxide to form the carbonate (Fe C0 3 ), or it may be present as ferrous silicate. The car- bonate when heated loses its carbon dioxide gas and becomes changed to ferrous oxide. The latter is an exceedingly active flux and combines with silica with great eagerness to form a black slag, ferrous silicate. This change is not desirable, however, in the cement reaction since it is liable to produce a less hydraulic silicate, owing to the fact that the ferrous oxide itself takes the place of part of the lime, and thus lowers the amount of silica available for the cement silicates. At the same time it causes mechanical difficulties due to slagging. Ferrous oxide differs ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULL. NO. 17, PLATE III. 1700" 1600 1500 1400 CaO 3CaO-Al 2 3 CaO.Al 2 3 a 5CaO-3Al 2 3 3CaO-5Al 2 3 Phase diagram showing melting- points of lime-alumina compounds. BLEININGBR] RAW MATERIALg . 21 from the ferric in being distinctly basic and is more active in this capacity, since one molecule of ferric oxide (Fe 2 3 ), is equivalent to two molecules of ferrous oxide (Fe 0). Ferric oxide is capable of uniting with lime itself and has been clearly shown by Schott, Zulkowski; and others to form compounds analogous to aluminates, which are dis- tinctly hydraulic. These ferrates do not possess the high degree of hy- draulicity of the aluminates, and they set much slower. However, as they are considered to be more stable, it has recently been suggested that ferric oxide be introduced to replace most of the alumina in cements intended for use in sea water and for similar purposes where the solvent action of saline solutions comes into play. The essential difference between ferric and ferrous oxide is in the fact that the former may exercise a dual function — being a base in acid com- binations and in acid in basic combinations — the second conditions exist- ing in cements. The ferrous oxide invariably acts as a base. MICA AND OTHER IRON-BEARING MINERALS IN CLAY. When a clay is examined by means of the mechanical analysis — that is, worked up thoroughly with water to form a thin slip and passed through a series of sieves — the screens nearly always retain mineral particles which evidently are neither quartz nor feldspar, but show either distinct plate-structure or dark to black color. These minerals are readily identified as mica, which is never absent, or as augite or hornblende. Occasionally black grains of magnetite are also found. Mica, a common, well-known mineral, is a soft substance consisting of parallel flakes which are capable of indefinite subdivision. In composition it varies widely and carries percentages of from 3 to 12 of potash, to 4 soda, to 1.5 ferrous oxide, 0.5 to 9 ferric oxide, 0.5 to 3 magnesia, 28 to 38 alumina, 43 to 52 silica, and from 1 to 6 of chemical water. Although soft, it resists the action of weathering remarkably well, and is therefore present even in clays which have been subject to intense eroding action. Biotite or black mica containing from 10 to 30 of magnesia occurs frequently. Augite and hornblende are likewise silicates of alumina, lime, magnesia, iron, and alkalies and are usually of a darker color. As to the action of these minerals when heated with lime it may be said that, provided the particles are sufficiently fine, they offer no diffi- culty in the formation of the basic silicates necessary for the cement reaction, because their silica is in the combined state. Probably mica resists chemical combination longest, since its flakes are extremely thin and easily elude the grinding action of pulverizing machines. FURTHER ACCESSORY CONSTITUENTS OF CLAY. Among the numerous substances which go to make up clay may be mentioned iron pyrites (Fe S 2 ), ferrous carbonate (Fe C0 3 ), gypsum (Ca S0 4 . 2 H 2 0), titanate of iron (Fe 2 Ti 2 3 ), dolomite, (CaMg) C0 3 , carbonate of lime (Ca C0 3 ), carbon in the form of organic matter, bitu- men or graphite, and various other minerals and rock fragments. 22 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 For the purposes of the cement manufacturer none of these, with the exception of the carbonate of lime, serves a useful purpose. In fact, the dolomite, pyrites, and gypsum may be considered injurious. The first, since it introduces undesirable magnesia into the cement mixture; the latter two, because their sulphur content may likewise exert a deleterious influence. Important Physical Qualities oe Clays. It has been shown that clay is a complex rock composed of essential and unessential minerals with functions which have been briefly indi- cated. Besides the general chemical considerations, however, it is im- portant to regard the physical make-up of clay with respect to four principal points, viz., fineness of grain, hardness, density, and uniformity of the deposit. Since the importance of fineness of grain has been shown in the pre- ceding paragraphs, it is evidently of primary significance from the commercial standpoint to select a clay which possesses a fine-grained structure and thus requires the minimum cost for grinding. It is evi- dent that a soft, fine-grained material is to be preferred to a hard, rock- like clay, not only on account of the cheapness of grinding, but also by virtue of the more intimate contact established between the grains of clay and the more numerous particles of limestone due to the relatively large area exposed by the soft clay grains. The hardness of the clay should not be excessive. However, with modern grinding machinery the average shales are reduced without great expense, and this consideration applies only to excessively hard and partially metamorphosed materials similar to slate. This is due to the fact that most hard' clays are of very fine grain, and it is not the coarser grinding which is expensive, but the last reduction to the fine, almost microscopic, particles. An illustration of what is meant by this is afforded by a piece of hard, blue shale. Though apparently quite difficult to grind, on placing a piece of it in hot water for some time it will be found to soften and finally to resolve into a plastic mass which passes even the finest sieve. The surface factor, or the superficial area of the total number of grains in unit weight of clay should be as great as possible. Accordingly, a dense clay is not as desirable as a lighter, fine-grained clay, although this is, to some extent, compensated by the greater weight per unit volume of the resulting cement mixture. In other words, a batch of raw cement made with a dense clay represents a greater weight per cubic foot of kiln space than the same volume of raw mixture pre- pared from a light, flocculent clay. Since cement is sold by weight, this condition is a factor in favor of the heavier clay. Uniformity is extremely desirable in a clay deposit for self-evident reasons. A cement plant representing a large outlay of capital is de- pendent upon the satisfactory character of its raw materials, and it is exceedingly important that the geological formation should assure a reasonable uniformity. BLEININGBR] KAW MATERIALS. 23 Classification of Clays. For the purpose of cement manufacture the following practical classi- fication of clays as regards the Illinois deposits can be made: Fire clays. High grade. Low grade. > Aluminous. Ferruginous. Shales ■ { Siliceous. Calcareous. Carbonaceous. Plastic, fer- f Weathered shale. ruginous, or I Deposited in swift-running water. calcareous | Alluvial < Deposited in slow-running water. clays. ^,d SHU gNffiNt> m 0) Jo l00C0t^00O>d tt §S^ o o o o o d^dd^^^^-- 9 ^ g g-tfTJ-d-tf 3 if 33 d d d d O) a; a) _^__ 18113333 Hcsm^KjONoo 50 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 From these results it is apparent tKat the larger part of the ground material passes the 200-mesh sieve, and under the best conditions almost 90 per cent corresponds to this fineness. There is reason to believe that the most important part of the mixture is that which is considerably finer than the size corresponding to the 200-mesh. Owing to the fact that the reduction of the clay to a fineness which permits of complete reaction with the lime is frequently the greatest difficulty, it might be advisable with some clays to grind them to the desired fineness before blending them with the limestone. This applies especially where a plant is compelled to use a glacial or loess clay. The cost of the raw-grinding is thus necessarily increased, but it would not be as great as where both the stone and clay are to be ground until the latter has attained the requisite' fineness. In such cases, which might easily arise in certain Illinois districts, the clay would be dried in a rotary dryer, put through a Williams mill or a dry-pan, according to whether gravel or coarse material is present, and finally through a Fuller mill. The finely ground clay could then be weighed out with the requisite amount of limestone which had passed through an intermediate grinding machine, after which the mixture should be reduced in a tube mill. BURNING THE MIXTURE. The ground material is stored in bins at every stage of the process so that the individual mills are to some extent independent of the pre- ceding machine. Finally the mixture arrives at the storage bins ahead of the kilns and is fed to the latter in a steady flow by means of a screw conveyor. The rotary kiln (PI. XV) universally employed in the cement indus- try is a huge steel tube, lined on the inside with fire brick, usually from 90 to 125 feet in length, and from 7 to 9 feet in diameter. The rotary kiln cylinder is provided with two flanges about 5 inches wide .which are supported upon two pairs of. heavy cast-steel rollers. The kiln is rotated by means of a girth gear of cast iron or steel, pro- vided with expansion leaves. At the lower end a heavily bricked head is supported by four cast-iron wheels which permit it to be moved away from the kiln. The upper end of the kiln connects with a short, brick stack which is surmounted by a steel stack about 60 feet high. The feeding device consists of a water- jacketed, screw conveyor through the stack. The kiln usually is given an inclination of 3 in 60 feet, and is rotated at the rate of one revolution per minute. At the lower end of the kiln, powdered coal is blown through a single blast pipe. The coal dust is usually located in a large bin in front of the kiln, and is carried to the blast pipe by a screw . conveyor. The air pressure is pro- duced by a fan, though the air supplied from this source represents but part of the volume necessary for combustion, and a large part is admitted through the openings in the head and at the clinker discharge. There is a tendency with the, long kilns now in use to employ a higher ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULL. NO. 17, PLATE XIV. Raymond mill with air separators. BLEININGER] PORTLAND-CEMENT MANUFACTURE. . 51 pressure for the injection of the coal so as to extend the high tempera- ture zone of the kiln, and hence to increase the capacity. In this case, of course, the volume of air introduced with the powdered coal becomes still smaller, and combustion must depend principally upon air drawn in through the head. However, pressure draft is bv no means necessary for the burning of the cement. Provided a sufficiently high stack is used, the natural draft produced by the elevated temperature of the exit gases is sufficient to carry on the combustion of the fuel. While usually the rotary kiln is of uniform diameter throughout, some have proposed to reduce the diameter at the cool end, so as to increase the velocity of the charge, and at the same time to widen the kiln at the lower end in order to retard the flow of the hot gases in the vitrification zone. This idea seems to have found favor in a number of European cement mills, and it is claimed that in this way the fire-brick lining is subjected to less severe treatment and shows much greater durability. The fuel feed may be regulated by means of a speed controller or by ordinary stepped pulleys. It is evident that most of the coal ash remains in the kiln and adheres to the clinker, though part of it is carried out through the stack. It is hence desirable that the content of ash in the coal be as low as possible, although its deleterious effects have been greatly 'exaggerated. Likewise the composition of the coal with regard to the content of volatile combustible matter and fixed carbon need not be confined to such narrow limits as was formerly supposed. If the coal is ground fine, such grades of Illinois coal as Springfield screenings and similar fuels, averaging about 15 per cent of ash, may be used without difficulty. The best preparation of the coal includes first putting it through an intermediate grinder like the Williams mill or ball mill, and then con- veying it to a rotary dryer, so adapted to this purpose that the hot combustion gases do not pass through the space filled with the coal. Such a cfryer may consist of two concentric cylinders, so arranged that the hot gases pass through the inner cylinder and return through the space between the two shell's. The coal is fed between the shells, thus being heated by the hot inner flue and by the products of combustion on their return. In another type, the coal passes through a rotating cylin- der encased in brick work, and the heat is applied to the outside of the shell. From the dryer the coal goes to a fine grinder which is either a machine of the centrifugal type or a tube mill. The former kind is to be pre- ferred for this work. In some cases the, coal, nut size, goes direct from the car to the dryer and thence to a bin which feeds to a so-called aeropulverizer. This consists of a three-stage disintegrator which creates enough air current to carry the finer coal particles to the kiln. By means of a settling chamber the coarser particles are returned to the mill for regrinding. It is somewhat doubtful whether this preparation is sufficient for low grade, coals, although it has certainly the merit of simplicity and cheap- ness of operation. 52 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 The theoretical fuel consumption in the burning of Portland cement has been estimated by Meade to be about 30 pounds of good coal per barrel, but this figure is greatly exceeded in practice, even in the modern long kilns. Thus, a coal consumption of about 90 to 100 pounds per barrel is common. According to the clinkering temperature, the fineness of grinding, etc., the average capacity of a 100- to 120-foot kiln may vary from 450 to 600 barrels per day of twenty-four hours. The writer has known this capacity to be greatly exceeded under favor- able conditions. P. C. Van Zandt 1 estimates the heat distribution of a long kiln to be as follows: Heat analysis of coal used in burning one barrel of Portland cement. Total heat. 100 lbs. coal used to burn one barrel (at 13,400 B.T.U. per lb.) 1,340,000 B.T.U. Heat used in combustion. . Per cent of total. Heat consumed by products' of combustion, 398,600 B.T.U. . .' .. . . 29.70 Heat consumed by 50% excess air in kiln, 201,400 B.T.U 15.30 Total ! . . 45.00 Heat used in burning cement. 12 lbs. water evaporated .and heated to 1,500° P., 20,832 B.T.U 600 lbs. mix heated to approximately 1,000° F., 112,800 B.T.U. .. 450 lbs. limestone decomposed and C0 2 driven off, 344,250 B.T.U 204 lbs. gases (liberated from mix) heated to 1,500° F., 24,480 B.T.U. 384 lbs. mix heated to approximately 2,500° F., 115,200 B.T.U 6 lbs. sulphur anhydride liberated at 1,900° F., 11,340 B.T.U., Unaccounted for (assumed lost in radiation) 111,098 B.T.U 1.56 8.40 25.60 1.83 8.60 .85 8.16 Total . \ . . . 55.00 Heat lost (Available for recovery). Per cent. Going up stack (figuring* gases at 1,500° F.) 49.90 Going out with clinker (2,500° F. down to 60° F.) 14.19 Radiation from shell (by subtraction) .• 8.16 Total 72.25 This gives an approximate total thermal efficiency of 27.75 The 55 per cent of the total heat in one hundred pounds of coal used in burning a barrel of cement may be analyzed as follows, showing where the heat goes that is actually used in burning the cement and not used in heating the products of combustion themselves: Per cent (Approx.) Driving off moisture 2.35 Driving off CO, (and S0 3 ) 46.58 Heating gases driven off 8.92 Heating mix 27.35 Radiation of heat 1 4.80 Total 100.00 Eng. News, 00, p. 702. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULL. NO. 17, PLATE XV. I - Rotary kiln installation. BLEININGER] PORTLAND- CEMENT MANUFACTURE. 53 In this approximation the heat lost by radiation seems to have been under-estimated. There is no reason why it should not be possible to employ mechanical stokers for the burning of cement in rotary kilns, and the necessity of using low-grade fuel will undoubtedly bring about developments along this line. At the Pittsburgh plant of the Technologic Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, tests were conducted with a mechanical stoker using low-grade slack and passing the gases through a long combustion cham- ber, which clearly showed the possibility of maintaining high tempera- ture for long periods without harmful fluctuations in temperature. It is evident that such installations would not only do away with the cost of coal grinding but would make possible the use of coals so high in ash that they could not be considered at all for cement burning under the present process. CLINKER GRINDING. The red-hot clinker as it is discharged from the kiln usually drops into a link-chain pan-conveyor by .which it is elevated and carried to a cooler or to a clinker pile. In most cases, however, no attempt is made to use the heat of the cooling clinker, which retains about 15 per cent of the heat consumed in burning. This is especially true where coal is cheap, since considerable additional capital is involved in the construc- tion and operation of the coolers. However, there are several systems of recuperators. One consists of revolving cylinders arranged beneath the kilns to receive the clinker as it leaves the kiln — the connection between the kiln and the cooler being as air-tight as possible. The air passes over the hot clinker into the kiln, thus being pre-heated. One cooler may serve two kilns. Another system includes vertical cylinders, containing iron, baffle plates and an annular space which collects the pre-heated air. From either type of cooler the clinker is conveyed to storage bins over the grinding machines. The storage of clinker in the open air or in open sheds is desirable from the standpoint of power consumption since it is found that such clinker is ground more easily, and also requires a shorter time of storage in the cement bins. By having a sufficiently large area for the accumu- lation of clinker it might thus be possible to produce cement which could be shipped a short time after the finishing grinding or immedi- ately from the conveyor belt. For clinker grinding two classes of machines must be distinguished : 1. Intermediate grinders. 2. Fine grinders. The first type includes the ball mill and the Kent mill; the second, the tube mill, the Griffin, and the Fuller-Lehigh mill. The latter machine may often be used as a preliminary grinder by operating it without screens or fan. The ball mill is being replaced by machines 54 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 with greater power efficiency. There is no reason why machines of simple construction;, such as the roll crusher, should not be used for this kind of work. The capacity of the ball mill of the size requiring from 40 to 50 horsepower, may be said to vary between 20 and 25 barrels per hour. For the Kent mill, Maxecon type, it is claimed ,that 40 barrels of mate- rial passing through the 20-mesh sieve can be ground per hour with an average consumption of 25 horsepower. Before charging the clinker to the grinding machine a certain amount of gypsum rock is added ; usually not more than 2 per cent. For fine grinding four machines are available, the tube mill, the •Griffin, the Fuller-Lehigh, and the Eaymond mill. A 22-foot tube mill, requiring from 80 to 90 horsepower, is said to yield 16 to 20 barrels of cement per hour; the Griffin, with 25 horsepower, 5 to 8 barrels per hour; and for a set of 11 finishing Fuller-Lehigh mills a clinker grind- ing capacity of 3,000 barrels per day is claimed. In this connection it may be stated that machines of the Kent-mill type can be used for fine grinding in connection with a system of vibrat- ing or other screens.. The Newaygo . screen (PL XYI) is used for this purpose in a number of plants. The claim is made that the Kent mill grinds 10 to 12 barrels of cement per hour, with a fineness such that 98 per cent passes the 100-mesh sieve and 83 per cent the 200-mesh sieve. In the mill of the Edison Portland Cement Co., both the intermediate and fine grinding is accomplished by means of roll crushers; the sepa- ration of the fines being effected by air separators. Since in the intermediate grinding, irrespective of the machine, a portion of. the clinker is reduced to the desired ultimate fineness, the use of a 'separator seems advisable to avoid bringing this finished part of the clinker to the fine grinder. This elimination may be effected by means of screens or air separators. The use of the latter has already been indicated under the topic of raw grinding in connection with the Eaymond mill, The Raymond separator may be used in connection with any grinding machine and is thoroughly efficient and dust proof. The use of a similar system for the removal of the dust from the air is greatly to be desired from the humanitarian as well as from the economic standpoint. From the fine-grinding machine the finished cement is carried by belts to the bins, where it remains until "cured" and ready for the market. If the clinker has been exposed to the air for a sufficiently long time, and if the composition is such that but little free lime is present, ship- ment may be made immediately. In the consideration 'of fine grinding it is important to realize that the real cementing quality is inherent only in the fine cement flour; i. e., in that portion which passes at least the 200-mesh sieve. Thus a cement may pass the 100-mesh sieve commonly adopted as the standard, and yet be inferior to another material of which a larger part is in the form of dust. The measurement of the fineness of cement should really be carried farther than is possible either by means of an air separator, ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULL. NO. 17, PLATE XVI. Newaygo screen. BLEININGER] PORTLAND-CEMENT MANUFACTURE. 55 as suggested by Gary, or by beaker sedimentation in petroleum or alcohol. Eleven Portland cements examined by the writer showed an average content of fine material passing the 200-mesh sieve of 71.4 per cent; the samples having been washed through this sieve with alcohol. In regard to the capacity of the different machines, Professor Car- penter gives the following summary: Capacities of crushing and grinding machines. Machine. Capacity in tons per hour. Horsepower used. Rock crushers .' 1.1 per ton Rolls . . 1.5 per ton Griffin mill, rock ; 1 .5 to 3 .0 .8 to 1 .5 1.5 to 2.0 2 to 4.0 2.0 to 4.0 27 to 33 Griffin mill, clinker 27 to 35 Griffin mill, coal 16 to 24 Ball mills on rock, to 20 mesh. . . 20 to 30 Tube mill, producing fine powder 70 to 80 Plate XVII indicates the sequence of the machines used in the several stages of the process. This arrangement is merely suggestive, and does not represent any actual plant. TESTING CEMENT. In commercial practice certain requirements are made as to the. quality of Portland cement, which refer to: Specific gravity. Constancy in volume. Fineness. Time of setting. Tensile strength. Chemical composition. Specific Gravity. The specific gravity, in itself, is of but secondary significance. It was formerly supposed that by means of this determination underburnt clinker could be detected — it having been assumed that the density of well vitrified cement is lower than that of the underburnt material. This is in error, since the contrary is the case, owing to the fact that on progressing towards fusion nearly all silicates increase in specific volume, i. e., decrease in density. However, if the average specific gravity of the fresh clinker is known, the effect of storing may be detected by means of the decrease in specific gravity due to the absorption -of water and carbon dioxide. The specific gravity of freshly calcined cement averages 3.1 to 3.$.' 56 illinois portland-cement resources. [bull. no. 17 Constancy in Volume. It is a necessary qualification in all cements that the volume shall be constant. A cement may, however, show the highly objectionable prop- erty of expanding, due either to an excessive amount of free lime, or to an excess of alumina, sulphuric anhydride, or magnesia... This evidently renders it unfit for most uses. Such cement may be detected as follows : Make up on clean glass a pat of the neat mortar, about 3 inches in diameter, one-half inch thick in the center, and tapering to a feather edge. This pat after storing 24 hours in a moist closet and boiling for three hours in water should not come off the glass nor show signs of cracking or disintegrating. If it should come off the glass, close inspec- tion of the fiat surface should show no warping. Fresh cement usually fails to pass this test, though it will do so after sufficiently long storage. Other proposed tests include: the direct measurement of the abnormal expansion of cement bars by means of micrometer gauges; immersion in a calcium chloride solution; the determination of the rise in temperature on setting; exposure to moist heat at about 100° F., etc. The boiling test is the one commonly employed, however, in cement- testing laboratories. Fineness. As has been previously pointed out the real cementing substance is so fine grained that it cannot be differentiated by means of sieves but requires more refined methods of separation. This fact, however, is not yet recognized in the cement specifications proposed by different organi- zations, which ask simply that 95 per cent of the cement pass the 100- mesh sieve. This test can be no true indication of the real fineness. Time of Setting. The time elapsing between the making up of the mortar and the beginning of the hardening is of evident importance. The point at which the cement has set is fixed arbitrarily by means of the so-called Gilmore or the Vicat needle. The- former is simply a weighted, blunt point; the latter, a rod carrying a loaded plate on top, which runs in a guide and is provided with a pointer and scale. In each case the depth of penetration, or the failure to penetrate, is the indication of the stage of setting. Tensile Strength. The tensile strength of cement is judged from the behavior of cement or sand-mortar brickettes having the shape of a figure 8 and a cross section of 1 square inch at the middle. For this test the cement, either neat or mixed with three parts by weight of standard (Ottawa, 111.) sand, is made up into a stiff mortar and molded in brass molds by hand. After remaining for 24 hours in a moist closet the specimens are immersed in water, where they are kept for 6. 13, or 27 days, according ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULL. NO. 17, PLATE XVII Jt/GGtsr/^ Diagram or a Portland Cement Plant UstA/G A LIMESTONE - CfAY MIXTURE . I Ctay l Limestone Rotts -One Passage. Rotary- Dryers. O Rock Crusher. I " ~] /fe/r/ /V///^, Disintegrator. Convey p f AlttlgfaM MttlttMXMttEElg Conreyo, Ctay B/ns. Clay Storage B/n. j\\l L/me stone B/ns. CZI| ^-Limestone Storocje. B/n. *cate Platform Discharge feed. Bolt Mitts. Tube M/tis. Bins. Rotary Hi Ins. Rotary Coot Dryer Oismteorator Coot 3/ns Ct/nker Coolers. ( ) Kent Mitts. M (~j Wind Separators 3\/fi 5\/l> W/nd Separator. Gnff/ti Mi/is. [ I Pressure Blower for feeding coo/ dust /o kilns and mject/ng preheated a/r. /v/7^ Grind/nj Milts* ^Centrifugal Type To Stock Diagram showing sequence of operations in Portland-cement manufacture. BLEININGER] POETLAND-CEMENT MANUFACTURE. 57 to the time at which the strength is to be determined. The brickettes are broken in specially-designed, testing machines such as the Fairbanks, Olsen, Eiehle, and others. The requirements, according to the specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials, are the following minimum tensile strengths : Neat clement : 24 hours in moist air 175 lbs. per sq. inch 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 500 lbs. per sq. inch 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 lbs. per sq. inch For a mortar consisting of one part by weight of cement and three parts of Ottawa sand, they are : 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 200 lbs. per sq. inch 28 days ,(1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) ' 275 lbs. per sq. inch For details in regard to cement testing the transactions of the Ameri- can Society for Testing Materials, and of the American Society of Civil Engineers should be consulted. Chemical Composition. The only requirements usually made as to the chemical composition of cements are that the content of magnesia shall, not exceed 4 per cent, and that of anhydrous sulphuric acid 1.75 per cent. It is interesting in this connection to quote a resume of the physical tests made upon 100 German Portland cements. The specific gravity of 67 samples was found to be between 3.05 and 3.15; and 61 in the calcined condition possessed a specific gravity between 3.20 and 3.25. The loss on ignition for 95 samples was as follows: Loss on ignition. Number of cements. Per cent loss. 27 1 to 2 30 2 to 3 17 ' 3 to 4 21 .- 4+ The tensile strength of 53 samples made up into standard 1:3 mortar, after 28 days, varied from 284 to 355 pounds per square inch. POWE'E EEQUIEEMENTS AND MANUFACTURING COSTS. For the dry process of manufacturing cement it is a common rule to allow 1.5 horsepower for every barrel of cement manufactured. This would mean for a 1,000-barrel mill a power plant of 1,500 horsepower. Such an allowance is somewhat liberal but not excessive. From this 58 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 it follows that power-plant economy requires the use of the best prime movers — either compound, condensing, steam-engines, or producer-gas engines.. In many mills the power is applied by individual electric motors for each machine. . Meade 1 estimates the cost of a 2,000-barrel mill to be from $600,000 to $750,000, exclusive of the cost of the property. The cost of manufacture, including depreciation, selling expense, etc., varies widely for different localities and different equipment, and probably is rarely less than 70 cents per barrel. Some of the optimistic estimates published clearly fail to include important cost factors. 1 Meade, R. K., Portland Cement, p. 161. LINES] STRATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. 59 CHAPTER IV— THE STRATIGRAPHY OF ILLINOIS WITH REFERENCE TO PORTLAND- CEMENT MATERIALS. (By Edwin P. Lines.) INTRODUCTION. In the present chapter a brief review of the geological formations in Illinois is given for the purpose of showing their relationship to the distribution of the materials used in the manufacture of cement. Since the calcareous element represents the greater portion of cement mixtures the limestones are described in more detail than the other rocks. Pre- vious publications of the Survey and notes by members of its staff have been freely drawn upon for the material presented. THE GEOLOGICAL COLUMN. The grouping shown by the accompanying table is in accordance with the most recent interpretations : Table of Illinois geological formations. Quaternary. Glacial till, sand, and gravel; loess and aluvium. Present as surface rocks everywhere except in northwest and extreme south. Thickness 30 to 225 feet. Tertiary. Lafayette, Lagrange, and Porters Creek. Clay, sand, gravel, and lignitic material. Occurs only in extreme south. Thickness 150 feet. Cretaceous. Ripley. Clay and sand. Occurs only in extreme south. Thickness 20 to 40 feet. Pennsylvanian. McLeansboro formation. Shale, sandstone, limestone, fire clay, thin coal. Rocks lying above Coal No. 6. Limestone usually thin and impure. Occurs everywhere except in north and extreme west and south. Thickness 1000 feet. " LaSalle" limestone and "Fair-mount" limestone furnish material for Portland cement. Carbondale formation. Rocks between base of Coal No. 2 and top of Coal No. Q. Shale, sandstone, limestone, coal. Thickness 150 to 320 feet. Pottsville formation. Sandstone, shale, fire clay, and thin coals. Thickness 50 to 750 feet. 60 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 Table of Illinois geological formations — Concluded. Mississippian Birdsville and Tribune. * Sandstone, shale and limestone. Thickness 500 feet, Lime- stones form from one-fifth to one?third total thickness, and many of them afford go od Port- land cement material. Cypress. Sandstone. Thickness 75 to 150 feet. Unconformity. Ste. Genevieve. Limestone. Thickness up to 250 feet. Frequently oolitic. St. Louis. Limestone, brecciated or dense, shaly or dolomitic to comparatively pure. Thick- ness 10 to 250 feet. Salem. Limestone, oolitic in places, comparatively free from chert, light colored: Some portions suitable for Portland and others for natural-cement material Thickness 10 to 125 feet. Warsaw. Shale and limestone. Formation is prevailiugly shaly. Thickness 40 feet Keokuk. Limestone and shale. Cherty limestones and interbedded shales. Certain beds are suitable for Portland-cement material. Thickness 125 feet. Burlington. Limestone^ usually crystalline and nearly white, and locally nearly pure, but often very cherty. Thickness 200 feet. Kinderhook. Sandstone, shale, and limestone. Sandstone and shale predominate. Limestone is usually impure. Thickness 25 to 200 feet. The Mississippian formations occur in the west and south. Devonian. Ohio shale. Brown to black or greenish shale. Thickness 90 feet. Hamilton. Limestone, gray to brown and somewhat shaly or siliceous. Thickness 50 to 70 feet. Onondaga. Limestone and sandstone. Limestone light gray and tending to be crystalline. Thickness 160 feet. Oriskany (Clear Creek chert). Gray to yellowish chert; in places decomposed into fine- grained unconsolidated masses. Thickness 240 feet. Helderberg (New Scotland). Limestone, shaly and cherty to heavy bedded and crystalline. Thickness 160 feet. The Devonian formations occur locally in the north, west, and south portions of the State Silurian. Niagaran. Dolomite, bluish or buff and massive. Limestones and shales near base of formation. Occurs in northeastern and locally in western Illinois. Thickness 50 to 150 feet. Clinton. Limestone, containing chert in bands. Occurs in Alexander county. Thickness 30 to 75 feet. Edgewood formation. Limestone and calcareous shale. Alexander county.' Thick- ness up to 12 feet. Girardeau. Limestone, dark, fine grained, Alexander county. Thickness 33 feet. Ordovician. Richmond-Maquoketa. Shale and impure limestone. Occurs in northeastern, north- western, and locally iu southwestern Illinois. Thickness 75 to 175 feet. "Trenton-Galena." Includes Platteville and Galena of northwestern Illinois and the Joachim, Plattin, and Kimmswick of southwestern. Limestones, tending to be shaly or dolomitic except Kimmswick which is coarsely crystalline and nearly white. Thickness 80 to 440 feet. St. Peter. Sandstone, porous, friable, and pure. Occurs locally in northern part of State. Thickness 275 feet. Lower Magnesian. Dolomitic limestone. Contains beds of natural-cement rock. Occurs locally in western Illinois. Thickness 4*50 to 800 feet. Ordovician System. LOWER MAGNESIAN LIMESTONE. The Lower Magnesian dolomitic limestones are the oldest outcropping rocks in the State. The exposures are limited to LaSalle, Ogle, and Calhoun counties. In LaSalle county one outcrop extends about two miles along the Illinois river and one mile up Pecumsangum creek, just west of Utica; another extends about one mile up Tomahawk creek from its junction with Little Vermilion river; and a third extends a shorter distance along the Little Vermilion. In Ogle county an outcrop .several hundred yards in length has been reported along Elkhorn creek; and in Calhoun county an outcrop a few rods in extent occurs at the base of Cap au Gres bluff. Birdsville, Tribune, and Cypress comprise a unit which has been called "Chester" in Illinois reports. LINES] STRATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. 61 The best section in the first-named district is exposed in the bluff: on the north side of the Illinois river near Utica. A portion of the rock at this place is adapted to the manufacture of natural cement. A carefully measured section in this bluff in section 22 is given by H. C. Freeman 1 as follows: Section in north bluff of Illinois river near LaSalle. Ft. In. 31. Sandstone, St., Peter; bottom 2 to 3 feet 30. Limestone, silicious and cherty beds 12 29. Limestone, silicious, oolitic 9 28. Limestone 1 3 27. Sandstone, calciferous 9 . 26. Limestone 2 6 25. Limestone, with some flints 4 6 24. Sandstone, calciferous 1 23. Cement-rock, good 1 3 22. Sandstone 1 21. Limestone, shaly, and clay 3 20. Cement-rock, impure 1 10 19. Sandstone, calciferous, good fire-stone, used for lining the kilns * 3 18. Cement-rock, impure, breaks into small, irreg- ular fragments, worthless 2 17. Flint . 4 16. Cement-rock, impure 2 15. Limestone, arenaceous 10 14. Cement-rock, impure 2 10 Cement-rock, good 6 13. Limestone, good quarry-rock 4 8 12. Sandstone, calciferous 1 11. Limestone, irregular masses and broken frag- ments '. 3 10. Cement-rock, upper two feet not first quality 6 9 9. Limestone, in beds of good quarry-rock; somewhat arenaceous, and irregular qual- ity 4 6 8. Cement-rock, impure 2 7. Limestone 1 6 6. Cement-rock, good 10 5. Sandstone, calciferous 1 4. Limestone 1 2 3. Cement-rock, fair quality 1 6 2. Limestone, upper silicious 6 1. Cement-rock, good, full thickness not ascer- tained as it extends below the bed of the railroad. It contains two bands of four to six inches impure rock 5 75 8 There are at present two plants using Lower Magnesian limestone in the manufacture of Portland cement; viz., Illinois Hydraulic Cement Company and Utica Hydraulic Cement Company. More detailed infor- mation regarding the character and extent of the cement rock has been Geology of LaSalle county: Geol. Survey of 111., Vol. Ill, pp. 281, 282. 62 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 given by G. H. Cady. 1 Although about 100 feet is the maximum thick- ness exposed, well records show that the formation is about 450 feet thick at the Illinois-Iowa boundary. ST. PETER SANDSTONE. Lying next above the Lower Magnesian limestone is the St. Peter sandstone. It is soft, friable, and very porous; and is composed, locally at least, of rounded grains of nearly pure quartz. This formation, although its outcrops are considerably more extensive, is confined to nearly the same counties as the limestone formation below. In La Salle county the outcrop extends along the Illinois in a belt from 3 to 5 miles wide from Fox river to Vermilion river. It continues 8 or 10 miles up the Fox river, with a small detached area a little farther north ; also about 5 miles up the Vermilion; and 15 or more mliles up the Little Vermilion. In Ogle county there is a somewhat wider belt bor- dering Eock river for 5 or 6 miles north of Oregon, nearly to Dixon, and also an outcrop of several square miles in the headwaters of Elkhorn creek. The only remaining exposure is at Cap au Gres bluff in southern Calhoun county. The maximum exposed thickness of the sandstone is only 150 feet, but the maximum thickness shown by well records is 275 feet. The St. Peter sandstone is economically important as a source of abundant water supply from deep wells, and as a material suited for use as glass sand. The "Trenton- Galena" formation exhibits considerable variation in different portions of the State. In the northwest corner, in JoDaviess county, 2 Bain has divided the formation into two members, Platteville limestone below, and Galena limestone above. • The Platteville was formerly called Trenton but is now considered older than the Trenton of New York ; the latter corresponding in age more nearly to the Galena. The general section of the Platteville is given by Bain as follows: . Generalized section of the PlaUeville in northwestern Illinois. Feet. 4. Limestone and shale in thin beds '. . 10 to 20 3. Limestone, thin bedded, brittle, breaking with concoidal fracture 25 to 30 2. Magnesian limestone, buff to blue, heavy bedded 20 to 25 1. Shale, blue 1 to 5 Only No. 4 of the section outcrops in Illinois, and this only in very limited areas north of Galena and at East Dubuque. The shales are commonly blue or green but in some places are yellow, chocolate, or even black. The limestone is generally blue, fine grained, thin bedded, and fossiliferous. 1 Cement-malcing materials in the vicinity of LaSalle: Bull. 111., State Geol. Survey, No. 9, pp. 1 18-130- 2 3ain, K.Foster, Zinc and lead deposits of Northwestern 111.: Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 246, 1905, pp. 18-21. LINES] STRATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. , 63 The Galena limestone of the same region is a massive dolomite which forms the main ore-bearing rock of the zinc district. As typically developed it is dark buff, granular, and highly crystalline; and when weathered presents deeply pitted and protuberant surfaces. Chert is abundant in the middle portion of the formation and fossils occur at certain horizons. The total thickness is about. 240 feet. While these two formations do not maintain their typical character in an easterly direction, it is still possible to trace the two horizons throughout the area in which the "Trenton-Galena" outcrops in the northern part of the State. This area includes the larger part of JoDaviess county; most of Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, Ogle, Lee; and also eastern Carroll, northern Bureau and LaSalle, southern DeKalb, and western Kendall. Other limited outcrops occur in Calhoun, Jersey, Monroe, and Alexander counties. In the ' Calhoun- Jersey county region the "Galena-Trenton" rocks include three formations, 1 which are, from oldest to youngest, the Joachim, Plattin, and Kimmswick limestones. . The Joachim limestone is a buff, argillaceous, magnesian limestone tending to be thin bedded, and occasionally carrying shale. The forma- tion attains a thickness of 75 feet, and its exposures are confined to a narrow belt just above the St. Peter sandstone. The Plattin limestone is a purer, gray limestone about 100 feet thick, bedded similarly to the Joachim limestone. The limestone is fine grained, hard, dense, and breaks with conchoidal fractures. It is about 100 feet thick. . The Kimmswick limestone is light colored or nearly white, coarsely crystal- line, and very fossiliferous. This limestone is believed to be a little older than the Trenton of New York. The maximum thickness that has been observed, in this region is 50 feet. In Monroe and Alexander counties exposures of the "Trenton-Galena" formations are confined to small outcrops of Kimmswick limestone similar in character to that in Calhoun and Jersey counties, with a maximum thickness of about 100 feet in Monroe county. RICHMOND FORMATION. The uppermost formation in the Cincinnatian series in Indiana and Ohio is termed "Eichmond," and although different names have been applied to the Cincinnatian rocks of Illinois, their fauna indicates that they are also of Eichmond age. The Eichmond formation as repre- sented by the Maquoketa shale in northwestern Illinois is blue or green shale with occasional bands of limestone, and it attains a thickness of approximately 175 feet. In Calhoun and Monroe counties it is a green shale, somewhat dolomitic at the base, and only about 75 feet thick. In. Alexander county the formation consists of two members, the uppermost of which is a gray shale containing thin calcareous beds, and the lower or "Thebes sandstone and shale" ' is a brownish shaly sandstone. The two aggregate about 90 feet in thickness. In northeastern Illinois the, Cincinnatian beds occupy a rather narrow belt which extends from 1 Weller, Stuart, Geology of southern Calhoun county: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 4, p. 222. 64 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 southeastern Ford to northwestern McHenry county. The beds here are greenish and bluish^ argillaceous to arenaceous shales above, with a limestone bed in the lower part, together having an approximate thick- ness of 250 feet. In Indiana and Ohio the Utic'a and Lorraine formations intervene between the Trenton and Richmond formations. This fact suggests a possible nonconformity in Illinois; which, indeed, is well established. In Calhoun county Weller 1 has described a clear nonconformity at the base of the Richmond; though in northwestern Illinois Bain 2 finds no evidence of one. Silurian System. girardeau and edgewood formations. From carefully studied sections in Alexander county, Savage 3 has designated as "Alexandrian" the Girardeau limestone, and the closely associated limestone and shale immediately above, which constitute the Edgewood formation. The record is as follows: Sectio?i in- Alexander county. Feet. 3. Liihestone, coarse grained, somewhat oolitic, in layers 12 to 18 inches thick 3% 2. Limestone and shale, fine grained, dark col- ored, in layers 8 to 14 inches thick 8% (Break in sedimentation). 1. Limestone, fine grained, black, brittle, in layers 1 to 4 inches thick, separated by thin lenses or partings of calcareous shale (Girardeau * Limestone) 33 to 38 Savage considers that this section more or less completely bridges the gap between the Cincinnatian and the Clinton, and that the beds should be placed in the Silurian rather than in the Ordovician. CLINTON AND NIAGARAN LIMESTONES. The succeeding rocks of Silurian age in Illinois have long been referred to as the "Niagara limestone." They do not, however, exactly correspond with the Niagara or, as it is now called, the Lockport lime- stone of New York, but represent a much longer time interval. These rocks occur in several more or less distinctly separated areas which pre- sent considerable lithologic variation. With future detailed study the rocks will probably be separated into more definite formations. The first separation has already been made 1 Geology of southern Calhoun county: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 4. p. 223. 2 Zinc and lead deposits of upper Mississippi Valley: Bull. U, S. Geol. Survey No. 294, p. 33. 3 111. State Geol. Survey, Bull. No. 8, p. 110. LINES] STRATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. 65 in Alexander county where Savage 1 has correlated the Silurian rocks as belonging to the Clinton formation. The composite section of the Clinton limestone as given by Savage is as follows: Section in Alexander county. Feet. 3. Limestone, pink, mottled, in layers 10 to 45 inches thick 23 2. Limestone, layers of gray to drab, 2 to 6 inches thick, alternating with thin bands of chert 6 1. Limestone, tough, gray, in layers 3 to 8 inches thick, imperfectly separated by partings of chert, 2 to 4 inches thick .... to 46 In Jersey and Calhoun counties and in northwestern Illinois the Niagaran limestone is a fine-grained, somewhat cherty, dolomite. It is 50 to 100 feet thick in the former region and about 150 feet thick in the latter. The widest occurrence of these rocks is in northeastern Illinois, where they extend north from Iroquois county and east from DeKalb and Kendall to the State boundaries. In this region the Niag- aran is composed of bluish or buff, massive dolomite. Devonian System. Most of the rocks of Devonian time in Illinois occupy three limited and widely separated regions. The first of these is in Eock Island county where the rocks have a maximum thickness of about 150 feet, and are mostly limestones of middle and upper Devonian time. The second Devonian area is in Calhoun and Jersey counties where only about 10 to 30 feet of limestone is present. The third area is in Jackson, Union, and Alexander counties where the Devonian attains a thickness of about 735 feet. While the fauna of the first two areas shows that the beds of these regions are associated with the Iowan province to the west, the fauna of the third shows the rocks of that region to be entirely different, and related to the Devonian of Indiana, Ohio, and New York. The names of the eastern formations therefore apply to these rocks, and will be used in describing them. HELDERBERG (NEW SCOTLAND). The New Scotland formation aggregates 160 feet in thickness, the lower 100 feet of which is shaly limestone with interbedded hands of chert, and the upper 60 feet a gray, heavy-bedded, coarsely crystalline limestone. The analysis in the tables of a sample (S57&) taken from the upper part of this formation in an old quarry north of Grand Tower in Jackson county, shows that some of this limestone possesses a high degree of purity. 1 Savage, T. E., Lower paleozoic stratigraphy of southwestern 111.: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 8, p. 111. —5 G 66 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 ORISKANY (CLEAR CREEEI CHERT ). The Clear Creek chert corresponds with upper Oriskany of New York. This formation is composed of light-gray to yellowish cherts that are commonly in thin layers but which in the lower part are sometimes 3 to 5 feet thick. Their total thickness is about 240 feet. In some places the cherts, where exposed at the surface, are thoroughly leached and decomposed into a fine-grained, unconsolidated mass containing a high percentage of silica. Analyses 1 show from 73.78 per cent to 75.78 per cent of Si0 2 . This "silica" is already used to some extent in the arts, and because of its fineness of grain and amorphous character war- rants still further development. ONONDAGA LIMESTONE. The Onondaga formation, with the exception of about 20 feet of iron- stained sandstone at the base, consists mostly of gray, more or less crys- talline limestone aggregating about 160 feet in thickness. HAMILTON LIMESTONE AND SHALE. The Hamilton is made up of gray to black limestone, more or less shaly or siliceous in the upper portion, and about 70 feet thick. At the base of the Hamilton in Union county is 28 feet of yellowish blue shale which possibly corresponds to the Marcellus of New York. OHIO SHALE. The uppermost Devonian beds are brown to black or greenish shales or siliceous limestones which reach a thickness of about 90 feet. A part of these doubtless are to be correlated with the Ohio shale of Ohio, and the New Albany of Indiana. In Hardin county, in a small area about Hicks, there is an exposure of approximately 50 feet of black fissile shale which is assigned to this horizon. Mississippian System. In geologic literature Mississippian and Pennsylvanian are generally used to designate series, but here in conformity with recent usage 2 they are used to designate systems. The rocks of the Mississippian period occur in a belt which extends nearly the entire distance from Mercer to Jackson counties in the western part of the State, and through Union, Johnson, Pope, and Hardin counties in the southern part. The Missis- sippian was divided under the Worthen Survey into the following units, beginning at the bottom : 1. Kinderhook; 2. Burlington; 3. Keokuk; 4. St. Louis; 5. Chester. Weller 3 and others, however, have shown that Jiain, H. F., Analysis of certain silica deposits: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 4, p. 186. 2 Chamberlin and Salisbury, Geology Vol. II, chaps. 9 and 10. Geology of north-central Wisconsin, p. 6. 3 The geological map of Illinois: Bull. III. State Geol. Survey No. 6, p. 23. LINES] STKATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. G7 several more divisions should be made. If, however, the Keokuk- Warsaw is separated into two formations, the series from oldest to youngest may be stated as follows : n subdivisions. 9. Birdsville-Tribune. ) (Chester of 8. Cypress. j some authors) . 7. Ste. Genevieve. 6. St. Louis. 5. Salem (Spergen). 4. Warsaw. 3. Keokuk. 2. Burlington. 1. Kinderhook. KINDERHOOK. The Kinderhook beds are sandstones, shales, or limestones. The rocks belonging to this formation occur from Henderson to Union counties, although no single member has such wide distribution. The formation varies in thickness from 25 to 200 feet. The sandstones and shales greatly predominate and the limestones are usually impure. The section at Kinderhook as reported by Worthen, 1 although not closely typical for the State, is given as follows : • Section at Kinderhook. Feet. 5. Loess, capping the bluff 20 4. Limestone (Burlington) 15 3. Limestone, thin bedded, fine grained 6 2. Sandstone, thin beddded, and sandy shales 36 1. Shales, argillaceous and sandy, partly hidden 40 The Kinderhook beds include 1 to 3 of the section and probably about 20 feet more below No. 1. BURLINGTON" LIMESTONE. The Burlington limestone is typically developed at Burlington, Iowa, and extends more or less continuously from this point to Union county. It is generally highly crystalline and nearly white, although in the northern part of the area it locally contains brownish beds in its lower portions. In places the formation is nearly pure limestone, but as a rule it contains chert in horizontal lenses or layers from 2 to 4 inches thick, which may equal or even exceed the aggregate thickness of the limestone. The maximum thickness of the Burlington is about 200 feet. i Pike County: Geol. Survey of 111., Vol. IV, p. 27. 68 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 KEOKUK LIMESTONE. The Keokuk limestone in its typical development at Keokuk, Iowa, is darker than the Burlington limestone and differs from the latter also in having shaly partings which separate the thicker ledges of limestone, and, in some places, become several feet in thickness. At the top of the formation at Warsaw there is a conspicuous geode bed which may be recognized as far south as Jersey county. ( The section exposed at Warsaw is given under the description of the -Warsaw formation.) The Keokuk limestone is nearly everywhere very cherty but in the type locality is comparatively free from it. Occasional beds are pure enough for use in the manufacture of Portland cement. The total thickness of the formation is about 125 feet. WARSAW LIMESTONE AND SHALE. The Warsaw formation, as most recently described by Weller, 1 com- prises a series of limestones and shales approximately 30 feet thick. The section exposed in the type locality is as follows : Geologic section at Warsaw. St. Louis. Feet. 11. Limestone, dense, bluish, brecciated 10 Salem. 10. Limestone, more or less cross bedded, yellow on weathered surfaces and granular in appearance, containing large numbers of broken bryozoans; sometimes replaced by calcareous grit or sand- stone 8 Warsaw. 9. Limestone, thin bedded, bluish, interbedded with calcareous shales; fossil bryozoans abundant ... 18 8. Shale, fine, blue 3 7. Limestone, hard, light colored, with few poorly pre- served fossils 4 6. Shale, fine, blue 8 5. Magnesian limestone with shaly bands; fossils poor- ly preserved, usually rare, mostly bryozoans 8 Keokuk. 4. Shales, bluish, with numerous geodes which are usually smaller than those in the magnesian lime- stone beds below 21 3. Magnesian limestone with chert bands 3 2. Magnesian limestone with numerous geodes; some beds more or less shaly, geodes most numerous in the middle part of the bed; fossils poorly pre- served and rather rare, mostly imperfect bryo- zoans 15 1. Limestone, crystalline, blue or gray, with many fossils; extending below river level (exposed) . . 15 i The Salem limestone: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 8, pp. 83-88. MNES] STRATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. 69 - The Keokuk and Warsaw beds are clearly differentiated in the type locality but toward the south the goede beds that mark the top of the Keokuk disappear and it becomes difficult to separate the two forma- tions, The prevailingly argillaceous character of the Warsaw, however, and the more calcareous aspect of the Keokuk holds, generally, as far as Union county. SALEM LIMESTONE (SPERGEN) . The Salem limestone is present in all the counties containing Missis- sippian rocks, from Hancock to Union. In the north the formation is only a few feet thick, as shown in the section at Warsaw. Toward the south, however, this gradually increases to a maximum of 125 feet in the southern half of its outcropping area. On the bluffs of the Missis- sippi east of Piasa creek in Madison county the following section of the Salem formation has been measured by Weller: 1 Section of Mississippi river bluff east of Piasa creek, Feet. 12. Limestone, thin bedded, very fine in texture, of gray or yellowish color; beds % to 1 inch thick, almost shale-like in appearance 7 11. Talus-covered slope 14 10. Limestone of variable character, some beds more magnesian than others, most beds rather thin but some 1 foot thick; partly covered with talus 10 9. Limestone, gray or buff, granular, heavy bedded, scaly, weathered surface; fossils abundant 11 8. Magnesian limestone, fine grained, gray or blue, similar in texture to the cement-bed formerly mined near Clifton , 2 7. Limestone, with coarse, irregular texture; numer- ous crinoid stems and bryozoans showing on the weathered surface 1 6. Magnesian limestone, yellowish, impure 1 5. Limestone, fine grained, granular, gray or yellow- ish; good fossils not common, although the en- tire bed is composed of worn organic fragments 12 4. Limestone, impure, brownish, more or less thin bedded 3 3. Limestone, crystalline, yellowish, granular, with abundant fossils, of which some are well pre- served 4% 2. Limestone, similar to that above but with fossils less perfectly preserved; occurs in two ledges with a shaly band between 6% 1. Talus slops with no exposure 25 The beds of the formation vary in character, especially to the north, but as a rule the limestones are comparatively free from chert, and throughout their extent some of them are nearly white and in many places oolitic in texture. The oolitic beds are similar to the famous Bedford limestone of Indiana with which they are correlated. In some places the limestone is magnesian and suited to the manufacture of i The Salem limestone: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 8, p. 91 70 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 natural cement, as at Clifton Terrace in Madison county. At Sugar- loaf school-house in the western end of St. Clair county an old mine formerly yielded limestone for this purpose. Some of the limestones are pure enough for Portland cement, as shown in the table by the analysis of a sample (C21&), taken from an outcrop near Versailles, Brown county. ST. LOUIS LIMESTONE. The St. Louis limestone is generally considerably darker than the Salem. The beds vary from comparatively pure limestone to shaly or magnesian limestone and shale, but the formation is particularly char- acterized by brecciated beds and others of bluish-gray limestone with conchoidal fracture and texture, almost like that of lithographic stone. Brecciated beds are inconspicuous or absent south of St. Louis. The amount of chert is exceedingly variable. In the river bluffs north of Alton but little occurs ; in other regions, however, cherty zones are more or less conspicuous, although nowhere so abundant as in parts of the Burlington and Keokuk limestones. The . St. Louis, like the Salem, is only a few feet thick at Warsaw but in the south reaches a thickness of 250 feet or more. A composite section measured by Weller in the quarries and bluffs north of Alton shows the entire thickness of the St. Louis limestone in this region together with portions of the formations above and below it. ' Section north of Alton. , Ste. Genevieve. Feet. 26. Sandstone, cross bedded 20 25. Sandstone, somewhat conglomeritic 6 24. Sandstone, fine grained, cross bedded 18 23. Limestone, white 4 St. Louis. 22. Limestone . . . 7 21. Limestone, brown, arenaceous *, iy 2 20. Limestone, with numerous chert bands 20 19. Limestone, rather heavy bedded, blue 11 18. Limestone, hard, blue 17 17. Limestone, thin bedded, shaly partings 5 16. Limestone, hard, pure, blue, upper 3 feet brown in places 26 15. Limestone with shaly partings 2 14. Limestone, hard, blue 8 13. Limestone, brecciated 19 12. Limestone, gray to buff, becoming somewhat thin bedded above 22 11. Limestone, brown 2% 10. Limestone, dense, gray, with numerous sections of brachiopods on the weathered surface 2 9. Limestone, in 1-inch layers, gray, locally brownish, ripple-marked surface, 2 feet from bottom 22y 2 LINES] STEATIGEAPHY OF CEMENT MATEEIALS. 71 Feet. 8. Limestone, heavy bedded below, thinner bedded above (Top of quarry) 17 7. Limestone, yellow, earthy, probably magnesian ... 4 6. Limestone, impure, thick and thin beds, some shaly layers; 6 inches of blue, clay shale at base. To- wards the top the. beds become thicker, hard, dense limestone 13 5. Limestone, impure, very cherty, somewhat earthy, yellowish, probably magnesian 13 4. Magnesian (?) limestone, shaly below 3 3. Limestone, dense, cherty 5 2. Limestone, similar to that below, but more dense, a little darker, with some hard masses and chert 8 Salem. 1. Limestone, light gray, granular, with abundant fos- sils in pockets and bands; no chert 18 Nos. 2 to 12 of the section represent the exposure in the quarry of the Blue Grass Crusher Company; Nos. 13 to, 17 in the Armstrong quarry; and Nos. 18 to 22 in the quarry of the Alton Lime and Cement Company and the Watson quarry. The purest limestones of the St. Louis formation occur in the portion represented by Nos. 13 to' 22 of the section. At a number of localities samples of the St. Louis limestone have been collected and analyzed by the Survey, and most of them prove to be good Portland-cement material. Some of the analyses are found in later tables under N-os. C 34/ 37, and 40. STE. GENEVIEVE LIMESTONE. ' , t The Ste. Genevieve limestone closely resembles the St. Louis, and formerly was not separated from it. In this formation, however, there appears a recurrence to a notable extent of the oolitic phase and of the fossils of the Salem limestone. The base of the Ste. Genevieve is so similar to the St. Louis that it is not everywhere possible to draw a sharp line between them. In Monroe county at least the two formations are easily differentiated. On the Ohio river at Fairview Point in Hardin county an outcrop of the upper beds of the formation was measured by Weller as follows: Section at Fairview Point. Feet. 6. Limestone and shale, not exposed, limestone ledge at bottom 42 5. Limestone and shale, not well exposed 15 4. Limestone 8 3. Shale, fossiliferous 7 2. Limestone 29 1. Sandstone (Rosiclare) 16 The analysis of a composite sample of all the limestone exposed is shown in the table as W 330. 72 . ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 CYPRESS SANDSTONE. The Cypress sandstone is a fine-grained, yellowish-brown sandstone, rather thinly bedded above. Its base is the dividing plane between the lower or calcareous portion of the Mississippian and the upper, with prevailing arenaceous beds. The formation is present in St. Clair, Mon- roe, and Randolph counties, and again in Union, Johnson, Pope, and Hardin counties. Its thickness varies from about 75 to 150 feet. It is barren of cement-making material. BIRDSVILLE AND TRIBUNE FORMATIONS. The Birdsville and Tribune are composed of an alternating series of three limestones and three sandstones or shales with a total thickness of about 500 feet. The name "Chester" has been commonly applied to these formations but is now reserved for the larger unit comprising these beds and the underlying Cypress sandstone; the Ste. Genevieve may ultimately be included also. The Birdsville and Tribune as a whole are prevailingly arenaceous, the limestones forming only one-fifth to one-third of their thickness. With the limestones, however, shale beds are associated in such propor- tions as to furnish material suited to Portland-cement manufacture. The limestones reach their maximum development in the Chester region. A section measured by Weller in the river bluff near Menard is as fol- lows: Section near Menard. Feet. 9. Shale beds, exposed more or less continuously in bank of creek 17 8. Limestone, with occasional cherty bands 27 7. Limestone ledges 27 6. Shales, exposed more or less continuously . 43 5. Limestone ledges, more or less thin bedded 7 4. More or less talus covered, probably shale or shaly beds 32 3. Talus covered 12 2. Limestone 60 1. Limestone talus 40 Analyses giving the composition of the limestones numbered 2 and 8 in the section are shown in the later table as W 208 and 209. As shown by the analyses these limestones would make good Portland- cement material, and probably a correct mixture could be made by the addition of shale from the same section. The favorable stripping condi- tions and convenience of transportation suggests this location as favor- able for a cement plant. Another promising location in this same formation is at Limestone Hill, west of Golconda, in Pope county. On the Illinois Central rail- road at this point is an exposure of 100 feet or more of limestone and shale. Analyses of the limestone are given in a later table as W 319 and 321. lines] stratigraphy of cement materials. 73 Pennsylvanian System. The formations of the Pennsylvanian epoch are the surface rocks everywhere except in the extreme south and in the counties for which the lower formations have been already described. They contain all the coal-bearing rocks in the State, many of the known oil pools, prac- tically all of the fire clays, most of the paving-brick shales, and some of the purest limestones. Despite the great economic importance of these rocks much geological work needs to be done in correlating the beds. The limestones are important horizon markers and are econom- ically important but occur as comparatively thin and infrequent beds. As stated several times in these reports, the First Geological Survey numbered the Illinois coals, beginning with No. 1 at the bottom and including No. 16 at the top. While, for the most part, the correlations were correct from place to place, a number of serious errors were made, so that it is no longer desirable to use numbers except in a local sense. Similarly, the Pennsylvanian rocks were early divided at the Carlinville limestones into Upper and Lower "Coal Measures," but this division has ceased to be useful. In order to determine the best horizon-markers and the most useful formation units for Illinois, Indiana, and Ken- tucky, which comprise the Eastern Interior Coal Basin, correlation studies have been made during the last four years, particularly by Mr. David White of the IT. S. Geological Survey. He has determined by means of fossil plants that the rocks below the Murphysboro coal (Coal No. 2) belong to the same age as those which are called' "Pottsville" in the east. Furthermore, those over this coal reaching up to and includ- ing the Herrin coal (No. 6), and probably No. 7 of the Danville area, •correspond in age with the Allegheny formation. Presumably the rocks higher than No. 6 or No. 7 are post-Allegheny, but the division line has not yet been determined. The formation units and names now adopted in cooperation by the State Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey are referred to in ascending order, as follows: pottsville formation. The lowest Pennsylvania rocks, extending up to the base of the Murphysboro coal (No. 2, Colchester, or "Third Vein" coal), are pre- vailingly sandy in character and correspond to the Pottsville formation of the East. In the western and northwestern portions of the Pennsyl- vanian area in Illinois the Pottsville includes, commonly, one coal and a few feet of limestone, clay, shale, and sandstone, which rest uncon- formably upon* the Mississippian. In the southern part of the State, however, the Pottsville rocks are as much as 700 feet thick 1 and include a number of thin coals. The limestone at the top of the Pottsville occurs in the western counties as lenses, bowlders, or extended beds sometimes 15 feet or more thick. This limestone lies immediately above or locally in the stoneware clays of this region. DeWolf, Frank W., Studies of Illinois Coal: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 16, p 179. 74 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 CARBONDALE FORMATION. Overlying the basal formation and extending from the bottom of the Murphysboro Coal (No. 2) to the top of the Herrin Coal (No. 6 or No. 7 locally), occurs a series of shale, sandstone, coal, and limestone, comprising the Carbondale formation. This- combines the units for which was proposed the names "La Salle" and "Petersburg." The forma- tion is 200 to 240 feet thick in the LaSalle region but 285 to possibly 460 feet in southern counties. It contains no limestone of importance for cement manufacture. MCCLEANSBORO FORMATION. The Pennsylvanian rocks overlying the Herrin coal (No. 6) form the McLeansboro formation and have a maximum thickness in southeastern Illinois of about 1,000 feet. From 275 to 350 feet above the Herrin coal is a limestone of considerable stratigraphic importance. It is known in Illinois as the Carlinville 1 limestone and was considered by Worthen to be the dividing line between the "Lower Coal Measures" containing the thick coals, and the "Upper Coal Measures" containing the thin coals. Outcrops of this limestone have been traced from LaSalle to the southeast to a point near where the Wabash river enters Illinois, and to the southwest to Carlinville in Macoupin county, and thence to Nashville in Washington county. The limestone is compact and hard, breaking into splintery pieces, and is generally bluish-gray or brownish when weathered. It tends to weather into beds 2% or 3 inches thick. The maximum thickness of the bed is only about 7 feet so that its economic value is limited to local use. The important limestone of the Pennsylvanian, occurring just below the Carlinville, is the LaSalle limestone, and is at present the only bed in the State that is being used with shale in the manufacture of Port- land cement. The occurrence of this limestone in the vicinity of LaSalle has already been described and mapped by G-. H. Cady. 2 On Mr. Cady's map the limestone is shown to occur in a narrow belt paralleling the Little Vermilion and Vermilion rivers from about four miles north of LaSalle to a point a little south of Bailey's Falls. LaSalle itself is situated on the limestone, which also extends .some distance west toward Peru. The typical LaSalle limestone is blue-gray to light-cream color, compact, and has a rather straight fracture. Weathering gives the rock a. fragmentary appearance and causes the upper harder portion to over- hang the lower softer portion. This feature is responsible for the cas- cade at Bailey's Falls. The Limestone varies between 20 and 30 feet thick. Between the two beds is a calcareous shale that ia from 8 inches to 31/2 feet thick. 1 A discussion of the various other names applied to this limestone is given by Jon Udden, notes on Shoal Creek limestone: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 8, pp. 118-129. 2 Cement making materials in the vicinity of LaSalle: Bull. 111. State Geol. Survey No. 8, pp. 130-134. LINES] STRATIGRAPHY OF CEMENT MATERIALS. . 75 A section in the quarry of the Chicago Portland Cement Company is given below, and analyses of beds 1, 4, and 5 are shown in later tables under E 6, e, o, and a. Section of quarry of Chicago Portland Cement Company. Feet. 5. Limestone, hard, grey (E 6a) 6 to 20 4. Limestone, argillaceous, weathering into shaly chips (E 6&) 4 to 6 3. Limestone, sandy, separated into layers by thin shale bands 2 2. Coal, slaty 1 1. Shale, blue-gray (E 6e) 5 to 6 Another important Pennsylvanian limestone outcrops over an area of less than two square miles near Fairmount in Vermilion county. This is used with slag by the Universal Portland Cement Company in the manufacture of Portland cement. Cretaceous System. The Cretaceous system is, according to a recent survey, 1 represented in Illinois by the Ripley formation in Pulaski, Massac, and Pope coun- ties. The beds are all unconsolidated sands and clays ranging from 20 to 40 feet thick, and lying unconf ormably upon the Paleozoic formations. Tertiary System. The Tertiary rocks belong to the Porters Creek, Lagrange, and Lafayette formations. The rocks are similar to those of the Cretaceous formations and occur in the same counties. Their thickness is approxi- mately 150 feet. Quaternary System. Throughout the greater portion of the State the older rocks are more or less deeply covered by glacial deposits. The driftless areas are con- fined to portions of JoDaviess, Stephenson, Carroll, and southern Cal- houn counties and to the counties south of the ridge which extends from Grand Tower on the Mississippi to Elizabethtown on the Ohio. The Pleistocene deposits consist of unstratified glacial till, stratified sand and gravel, loess, and alluvium. The drift in southern Illinois is com- monly not more than 30 feet thick, but in the northern part of the State it is in places 150 feet or more in thickness. Summary. In the stratigraphic succession of rocks in Illinois from oldest to youngest, the limestones becomes less and less prominent. Limestone •comprises nearly one-half of the total thickness of the Ordovician, all 1 Glenn, L. C, Underground Waters of Tenn. and Ky U. S. G. S. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 164, pi. 1. 76 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 of the Silurian, and considerable portions of the Devonian and Missis- sippian rocks; but in the Pennsylvanian limestones are inconspicuous. The Ordovician and Silurian limestones, however, are mostly magnesian, and not suited to Portland-cement manufacture. These rocks occupy all the northern counties in the State. The Devonian rocks contain calcareous limestones but they occupy very limited areas in the west and south. The Mississippian limestones have a good average purity, and outcrop extensively in the western and southern counties. The Pennsylvanian limestones are usually thin and only locally developed, but some of the local occurrences, notably at La Salle and Fairmount, are of much economic importance. lines] DESCKIPTIOISr OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 77 CHAPTER V— DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITIES FROM WHICH LIMESTONE SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED. (Compiled by E. F. Lines.) INTRODUCTION. The letters appearing in the sample numbers are initials of members of the Survey, and indicate the geologists who collected the samples and described their occurrence. The key to the letters is as follows: B=H. F. Bain; Bu=E. F. Burchard;' C=G. H. Cady; t>==F. W. DeWolf; E=A. J. Ellis; S=T. E. Savage; U=Jon Udden; W=Stuart Welder: Samples which are shown by the chemical analyses to be suited for use in the manufacture of Portland cement are marked with an asterisk (*) here and in the summary, Table I. ADAMS COUNTY. C 15. Location: West side sec. 11, T. 2 S., E. 9 W. Geological formation, Burlington. Sample taken from quarry in southern part of Quincy, just north of Wabash Junction. Limestone very flinty. There are a number of quarries along the river bluff which expose rock as much as 30 feet thick. C 16.* Location: SW. %, sec. 26, T. 1 S., E. 9 W. Geological formation, Keokuk. Sample of a flinty, fossiliferous limestone taken from river bluff north of Quincy. C 17.* Location: NW. %, sec. 11, T. 1 N., E. 7 W. Geological formation, Salem-. Sample taken from a 3-foot outcrop of thin-bedded, fossiliferous limestone, 5 miles east of Mendon. This occurs below an outcrop of St. Louis limestone, and is underlain by blue clay. ALEXANDEE COUNTY. D 42.* Location: Sec. 17, T. 15 S., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Kimmswick. Sample taken from 35-foot outcrop in river bluff one.-half mile south of Thebes. The outcrop is about 300 yards long and could probably be worked with moderate stripping from the west end of the bluff to the north and northwest, but the available quantity of stone has not been determined. 78 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. IT BEOWN COUNTY. C 18.* Location: SE'. cor. sec. .6, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Salem. Sample from 3-foot exposure in Dry Ford creek, 5 miles south of Mount Sterling. The hill here rises steeply above the stream but offers fair stripping conditions. A generalized section from exposures within one-fourth mile along the stream is as follows: Section along Dry Ford creek. Feet. 5. Limestone, hard, gray, compact, unfossiliferous, non- flinty, breaking with a nearly conchoidal frac- ture (C 18) 3 4. Clay, blue 1% 3. Dolomite, silicious, good quarry-stone 4% 2. Dolomite, shaly, greenish white 1 1. Dolomite, buff, silicious 5 C 19, a, b, c* Location: NW. % sec. 18, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geo- logical formation, Salem. Samples taken at or near quarry on land of Joseph Merservey, 7 miles south of Mount Sterling. Stripping condi- tions are rather favorable, and apparently there is a good deal of rock. Measurements are as follows : Section 7 miles south of Mount Sterling. Feet. 3. Limestone, compact, silicious, buff, non-flinty, and unfossiliferous (C 19a) 4 2. Limestone, gray, subcrystalline, rather silicious, the silica appearing in fine grains (C 19&) 4% 1. Dolomite, fine grained; the upper 4 feet becomes fossiliferous limestone toward the north (C 19c*) 20 C 20. Location: NW. %, sec. 26, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geologicaf forma- tion, Salem. Sample taken in ravine 3 miles southwest of Versailles : Section near Versailles. Feet. 5. Limestone, thin bedded, fossiliferous, somewhat silicious in bands (C 20) 10 to 15 4. Dolomite, buff 4 3. Dolomite, silicious; and shale 8 2. Dolomite, buff, rather coarse grained 4 1. Clay, blue, with hard, thin-bedded, fossiliferous limestone at bottom 5 to 10 C 21, .&.* Location: NW. %, SE. 14, sec. 20, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Salem. Sample from outcrop in Surratt Hollow, 6 miles west of Versailles. For about 1 mile along McGee creek, and running about one-half mile up both sides of the ravine known as Surratt Hollow is an outcrop of about 10 feet of very pure limestone, On the Elijah Surratt farm the exposure is as follows: Section 6 miles west of Versailles. Feet. 4. Shale, "Coal measures" 4 3. Limestone, hard, compact, unfossiliferous, rather silicious 2 2. Conglomerate, quartz and limestone 1 1. Limestone, thin bedded, very fossiliferous (C 21&*) 9 LINES] DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 79 C 22.* Location: Sec. 17, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Salem. Sample from a quarry on the farm of L. M. Surratt, Surratt Hollow. C 23.* Location: Sec. 18, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Salem. Sample taken from last northern exposure in Surratt Hollow. C 24.* Location:. NE. %, sec. 20, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Salem. Sample from road outcrop. C 25. Location: NE. %, SE. %, sec. 3, T. 2 S., E. 2 W. Geo- logical formation, Salem. Sample taken from 3-foot exposure along the road 3% miles northeast of Versailles. The limestone varies from subcrystalline, thin bedded, to fine grained, rather silicious. Along the adjacent stream about 8 feet of silicious dolomite of a lower horizon is exposed, but no limestone shows above. C 26. Location: SE. cor. sec. 15, T. 1 K, E. 2 W. Geological formation, Salem. Sample taken from 5-foot exposure in the bed of a small stream on the west side of the road between Eipley and Coopers- town. The limestone is overlain -by a ferruginous "Coal Measures" sandstone. There is considerable limestone in this immediate locality, mostly in the heads of the ravines. The "Coal Measures" strata and drift usually overlie it. Stripping conditions are fair. C 27.* Location: SE. %, SE. %, sec. 15, T. 1 N., E. 2 W. Geo- logical formation, Salem and St. Louis. Sample taken from outcrop in east branch of creek about 1 mile north of Cooperstown. Stripping conditions are rather favorable. A general section of exposures along the stream is as follows : Section 1 mile north of Cooperstown. u • ■ 'Feet. 7. Limestone, fine grained, brecciated, non-flinty, un- fossiliferous 3 6. Limestone, fine grained, buff, silicious 1 5. Limestone, hard, compact, bluish, much like that found at top 4 4. Clay, blue y 2 3. Limestone, silicious and argillaceous v: . ..." 8 2. Dolomite, bluish ; .V. x ■;•.* . . . . ; : * 8 1. Dolomite, buff ... .. , 8 Sample includes 5 to 7 of section. C 28.* Location: SW. %, sec. 4, T. 1 N., E. 2 W. ^Geological, formation, St. Louis. Sample taken on Logan creek, east of the bridge on Eipley-Cooperstown road. Stripping conditions are rather favorable, the limestone ledge being near the top of the hill. Section on Logan creek. ■' - ^ ■ ' Feet. 6. Fire clay .^.. .. 5. Sandstone ...:.. ; 1 4. Limestone, hard, compact, fine textured, unfossilifer- ous, non-flinty, and of conchoidal fracture ....... 1 3. Limestone, yellowish, silicious, fine grained, non- flinty, unfossiliferous : y 2 2. Limestone breccia, (limestone pieces like No. 4) . . 6 1. Dolomite, silicious, argillaceous, bluish, intercalated with blue clay 7 Sample includes Nos. 2, 3, and 4 of section. 80 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 BUREAU COUNTY. C 11, a, b. Location: SW. %, NE. %, sec. 33, T. 16 N., R. 11 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone) . Sample taken from outcrop in gully west of Spring Valley. Section- near Spring Valley. Feet. 6. Limestone, fine grained, irregular bedded, lower 3 feet fossiliferous (C 11a) 8 5. Shale, blue, compact 2% 4. Shale, hard, almost limestone 2 3. Shale, black or dark blue 2 2. Limestone, fossiliferous, crinoidalj gray 1 1. Shale, black, compact 4 A little to the southwest of the above outcrop a quarry shows 8 feet of fine-grained, compact, hard, grayish limestone which breaks into sharp pieces, and contains some fossils (C 11, b). It belongs above No. 5 of section. E 1 15, a, &.* Location: Sec. 31, T. 16 N., R. 11 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Sample taken from exposure in bed of small creek just east of Marquette. Section near Marquette. Feet. 4. Limestone, light blue, containing few fossils (E 15a) iy 2 3. Shale, blue (E 156*) 7 2. Limestone, impure, sandy and shaly 1 1. Shale CLARK COUNTY. S 9.* Location: NE, %, sec. 28, T. 10 1ST., R. 14 W. Geological formation, McLeansboro (Quarry Creek limestone). Sample taken from quarry 2% miles southeast of Casey. This limestone outcrops up the creek from the quarry for nearly a mile, with an aggregate thickness of 20 to 28 feet. . Section near Casey. Feet. 3. Limestone, hard, gray, containing numerous fossils and having a rough, splintery fracture 2% 2. Limestone, thin layers, (1 to 3 inches), very hard, gray, with partings of shale 4 1. Limestone, hard, gray, shelly, with rough, hackly fracture, in 12- to 36-inch layers 8% S 51, a* c* Location: NW. %, sec. 6, T. 11 N., R. 11 W. Geo- logical formation, McLeansboro (Quarry Creek limestone). S»~vpk* MNES] DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 81 were taken from quarry near new concrete bridge of the Big Four railroad across Big creek. The crushed stone for the concrete of the bridge was taken from this quarry. Section on Big creek. Feet. 3. Limestone, brittle, gray, fossiliferous, imperfectly separated into irregular 1- to 2-inch layers for about two feet from the top; the rest massive, with very rough fracture (S 51a*) 8 2. Shale, bluish gray, without fossils 4% 1. Limestone, hard, gray, subcrystalline, with few shells, in imperfect layers 18 to 24 inches thick (S 51c*) 5% S 52, a* &.* Location: NW. %, sec. 29, T. 11 K, E. 11 W. Geo- logical formation, McLeansboro. Sample taken in Frederick Stump's quarry, 2 miles east and 1 mile south of Marshall. Section southeast of Marshall. Feet. 3. Limestone, hard, gray, showing imperfect layers 8 to 14 inches thick (S 52a*) 5 2. Limestone, hard, gray, in imperfect layers 4 to 12 inches thick (S 52o*) 5% 1. Nodular calcareous layers 1 to 3 inches thick, alter- nating with bands of gray shale 2 to 4 inches thick, the lowermost 12 inches being a true shale. 4 Some rods west of this quarry layers of hard gray limestone outcrop to about 6 feet above No. 3 of section. COLES COUNTY. S 3.* Location: NW. %, sec. 5, T. 12 JST., R. 10 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro. Sample taken from 18-foot exposure near Charleston. There are large quantities of this limestone situated favor- ably for quarrying. EDGAR COUNTY. Bu 2.* Location: KB. %, sec. 3, T. 15 N., R. 12 W. Geological formation, McLemnsboro. Sample taken from old quarry on property of David Tucker and George Triplet, three-fourths mile southwest of Cherry Point, The limestone is brittle, fine grained, and streaked with calcite. The outcrop is in the former bed of Bruellette creek, which was filled with water when visited. The rock is exposed in Bruellette creek and appears to dip slightly southwest, It is reported to be 12 feet thick where not thinned by erosion, but is only 5 feet thick at one end of the quarry. There is said to be 15 acres of rock still available, under an overburden of 8 to 20 feet, mainly of soil and clay. —6 G 82 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. IT .S, 50 r ^*c* Location: SE. % of NE. %, see. 10, T. 14 N., E. 11 W., 1 mile east of Baldwinsville. Geological formation,* McLeansb or o. Section near Baldwinsville. Feet. 4. Limestone, hard, gray, sub crystalline, fossilifer- ous, weathering into very rough-surfaced layers 2 to 4 inches thick, and breaking with rough, hackly fracture (S 50a*) 5 to 7 3. Shale, gray or bluish gray; in the lower half are bands of limestone 1 to 2 inches thick, be- tween layers of shale of about the same thick- ness , 3y 2 to 4 2. Limestone, hard, bluish gray, in 8- to 18-inch layers, weathering into imperfect layers 2 to 5 inches thick (S 50c*) 6 1. Shale, grayish, exposed 2 The fossils and section of this limestone are sim- ilar to those of the Charleston limestone in Coles county. HANCOCK COUNTY. C 38. Location: Sec. 30, T. 5 N., E. 8 W. Geological formation, Keokuk. Sample taken. from a small qnarry about one-half mile north of railroad station at Hamilton where the street car line turns up the bluff. The exposure -shows about 9 feet of flinty limestone, the upper 4!/> feet of which is somewhat argillaceous and less flinty. C 40.* Location: NW. %, sec. 14, T. 7 N., E. 8 W. Geological formation, St. Louis. Sample from a 10-foot outcrop of St. Louis con- glomerate in a gully near Niota. In places the bed is rather regular, and the conglomeratic character not evident. The rock is very fine grained, even textured, hard and unfossiliferous. Where the bed is conglomeratic the gray limestone is mixed with a buff dolomite, the pieces being broken roughly and cemented by an argillaceous cement, which looks much like the buff dolomite. Flint occurs with the dolo- mite and limestone. The sample, represents 6 feet of an even-bedded portion of the limestone. Below the limestone is a green, silicious shale of varying hardness. C 41.* Location: SE 1 . 14, sec. 16, T. 7 N., E. 8 W. Geological formation, Keokuk. Sample taken from a 4-foot outcrop about one- fourth mile west of the iron bridge south of Niota on the Prairie road to Nauvoo. The limestone is hardly thick enough for practical use. C 42. Location: SE. cor. sec. 12, T. 6 N., E: 8 W. Geological formation, Keokuk. Sample taken in a ravine about 2 miles south of Nauvoo, where the river road goes up to the prairie. At the mouth of the ravine an outcrop of very flinty limestone occurs in a cliff about 30 feet high. About one-half mile up the ravine is an outcrop of :\i geode bed which is underlain by 5 feet of almost non-flinty limestone, from which the sample was taken. UNES] DESCRIPTION" OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 83 HAEDIN COUNTY. W 322. Location: SW. %, sec. 27, T. 12 S., E. 8 Bf. Geological formation, St. Louis. Sample taken from quarry at mouth of Big creek, Jacks Point, about one-half mile below Elizabethtown. About 50 feet -of limestone is exposed in the quarry. W 330.* Location: SW. i/ 4 , sec. 5, T. 13 S., E. 8 E 1 .. Geological formation, Ste. Genevieve. Section along Ohio river at Fairview Point. Feet. Sandstone, cypress 40 7. Limestone and shale not. exposed 42 6. Limestone ledge Limestone and shale not well exposed 15 Limestone 8 3. Shale, fossiliferous 7 2. Limestone 29 Sandstone, Rosiclare 16 Sample is a composite of all the limestones in the section. HENDEESON COUNTY. C 39.* Location: Sec. 22, T. 8 N., E. 6 W. Lomax, 111. Geo- logical formation, Burlington or Keokuk. Sample taken from a few small outcrops along the bed of the ravine southeast of the house on farm of 0. E. Lowry. Some stone for building has been taken from here, but the quarry has since caved in and no longer offers a good exposure. No flints were found in this place, but in the bed of the ravine there were many that probably came from the limestone. The outcrop is overlain by about 75 feet of loess. JACKSON COUNTY. S 5, £.* Location: NE. %, sec. 25, T. 10 S., E 4 W. Geological formation, Onondaga. Sample taken from an abandoned quarry about one block south of the railway station at Grand Tower. About 15 feet of limestone, in %- to 1%-foot layers is exposed with no overburden. Sample represents the entire exposure. S 57, a* Location: NW. %, sec. 25, T. 10 S., E. 4 W. Geological formation, New Scotland. South end of D'evil's Backbone, Jackson township. Sample taken from an old quarry a short distance north of the coal switch at Grand Tower. Section near Grand Tower. Feet. 2. Chert layers 2 to 4 inches thick . . . . 20 1. Limestone, gray, subcrystalline, somewhat crinoidal, and fossiliferous in the upper half (S. 57, a*) ... . 48 84 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 JOHNSON COUNTY. D 16,* 17.* Location: Sec. 1, T. 14 S., E. 2 E., on Big Four rail- road near Belknap. Geological formation, Ste. Genevieve. Section at Belknap. Feet. 8. Sandstone 25 7. Unexposed 5 6. Limestone, coarse (D 16*) 18 5. Unexposed; showing both limestone and sandstone debris . . . 20 4. Limestone; coarse, compact and oolite varieties; old quarry (D 17*) 15 3. Sandstone, calcareous 18 2. Limestone 15 1. Concealed to railroad 25 W 304.* Location: SW. %, sec. 5, T. 14 S., E. 2 E-, in Cache Eiver bluff 5 miles west of Belknap. Geological formation, Ste. Genevieve. Section along Cache river. Feet. 5. Sandstone 10 4. Limestone 53 3. Limestone, oolitic 2 2. Limestone 5 1. Talus slope, perhaps underlaid by limestone 55 Sample includes 2 to 4 of section. . W 308.* Location: Middle of W. %, sec. 16, T. 13 S., E. 3 E. Geological formation, "Chester/' Sample taken from a limestone expos- ure of 30 feet or more. The top of the hill is capped with heavy ledges of sandstone. The limestone was formerly quarried and burned for lime. LA SALLE COUNTY. C 2, a* c* d* Location: Sec. 15, T. 33 N., E. 3 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Samples taken from quarry of German- American Portland Cement Company. (See also E 1, a, I, c.) (1) Section of quarry of German- American Portland Cement Co. Feet. 4. Limestone, fine grained, crystalline, thin and loosely bedded (C 2a*) 5 3. Clay, bluish gray 3 2. Limestone, thin bedded, gray, crystalline (C 2c*) 6 1. Limestone, somewhat heavier bedded, bluish, fine grained, semi-crystalline (C 2eZ*) 4 Under 1 of section, but not quarried, is a hard, . black clay bed. LINES] DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 85 C 3,'ff,* h* d* Location: Sec. 6, T. 32 N., E. 2 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Sample taken from mine of Marquette Portland Cement Company, one-half mile south of Deer Park. Section near Deer Park. Feet. 8. Limestone, compact, crystalline (C 3a*) 6 7. Parting; the roof of most of the mine 6. Limestone, compact, crystalline (C 3&*) 6 5. Clay, bluish gray 1 4. Limestone, crystalline (C 3d*) 6 3. Parting; floor of most of the mine 2. Limestone, white 2 1. Clay, black, hard, containing a 3-inch seam of coal. . 10 No. 1 of section used for clay supply. C 9.* Location: NW. %, sec. 11, T. 33 N., E. 1 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone) . Sample taken from lime- stone ledge along Little Vermilion river one-half mile north of LaSalle. Stripping conditions are excellent. Section along Little Vermilion river. Feet. 7. Limestone, f ossilif erous 4 6. Clay and limestone in thin beds, fossiliferous 6 5. Limestone, non-fossiliferous iy 2 4. Clay and limestone, non-fossiliferous % 3. Limestone, heavy bedded, compact 5 2. Limestone, thin bedded, clayey 5 1. Clay, blue Sample is composite of all the limestone in the sec- tion. C 10.* Location: SE. %, sec. 34, T. 34 N., E. 1 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone.) Sample taken from an outcrop in a gully at LaSalle. This is the northernmost good outcrop of limestone on Little Vermilion river. It is along the west bluff and has an overburden of 5 to 10 feet of drift. Section at LaSalle. Feet 4. Limestone, thin bedded, mixed with clay 5% 3. Clay and fossiliferous limestone 2 2. Limestone, heavy bedded, unf ossilif erous 8 1. Limestone and clay with few fossils 4 Sample includes 1 to 4. C 12, a* b. Location: Near center sec. 6, T. 32 N., E. 2 E. Geo- logical formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Sample taken from limestone ledge at Bailey's Falls, south of LaSalle. The limestone dips to the west and disappears about one-half mile east of the falls. Section at Bailey's Falls. Feet. 3. Limestone, hard, gray, massive, weathering thin bedded (C 12a*) 10 2. Clay and fossiliferous limestone 2% 1. Limestone (C 126) 4 86 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 C 13. Location: SW. %, sec. 30, T. 33 K, E. 1 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Sample taken from exposure in a gully in the south bluff of Illinois river west of Peru. Section along Illinois river. Feet. 3. Limestone, ferruginous; and pebble conglomerate .. 2 2. Clay, light bluish green, calcareous 2 1. Limestone, bluish green, with considerable clay (C13) 4 C 14, a, b. Location: SW. cor. sec. 8, T. 33 N., E. 2 E. Geological formation. Lower Magnesian limestone. Sample taken from quarry of the Illinois Hydraulic Cement Manufacturing Company, west of Utica. The limestone used for cement comes from two beds. The upper one is 6 to 8 feet thick (C 14, m) ; and the lower, 22 feet below, is 12 to 14 feet thick (C 14, b). E 1 1, a* b, c. Location : SE, %, NW. %, sec. 14, T. 33 N., E. 1 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Sample from quarry of the German- American Portland Cement Company, LaSalle. (See also C 2, a, c, d.) (2) Section in quarry of German- American Portland Cement Company. Feet. 4. Limestone, hard, gray, in places crinoidal, and also bearing numerous other fossils (E la) 6% 3. Shale, bluish gray, without fossils (E16) Zy 2 2. Limestone, gray, argillaceous in places, and imper- fectly separated by thin bands of shale into 3- to 12-inch layers (E lc) 6% 1. Limestone, argillaceous, gray, weathering into small shaly chips (E Id) 5 E 3. Location: Utica. Geological formation, Lower Magnesian limestone. Sample taken from quarry car at plant of Illinois Hydraulic Cement Company. E 6, a* &:* Location: SE. %, sec. 25/ T. 33 K, E. 1 E. Geo- logical formation, McLeansboro (LaSalle limestone). Sample taken from quarry of Chicago Portland Cement Company, one-half mile northeast of Oglesby on Vermilion river. Section near Oglesby. Feet. 5. Limestone, hard, gray, non-fossiliferous (E 6a*) 6 to 20 4. Limestone, argillaceous, weathering into shaly chips; contains fossils (E 6&*) 4 to 6 3. Limestone, sandy, separated into layers by shale partings 2 2. Coal, slaty 1 1. Shale, bluish gray (E 6e) 5 to 6 LINES 3 DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 87 LEE COUNTY. C 5, a* b* Location : SW. %, sec. 27, T. 22 N., R. 9 E. Geological formation, Platteville. Sample from quarry of Sandusky Cement Com- pany, Dixon. The cement materials are taken from the beds that were sampled. (See, also, S 46, o* d, e*) Section at Dixon. Feet. 3. Limestone, thin bedded, bluish, fossiliferous (C 5a*) 5 2. Dolomite, fine grained, yellowish 6 1. Limestone, bluish, compact, fossiliferous, in beds Y 2 to iy 2 feet thick (C 56*) 8 C 6. Location: NE. %, sec. 18> T. 22 N., R. 9 E. ' Geological forma- tion, Platteville. Sample taken by road 4 miles north of Dixon. (1). Section north of Dixon. Feet. 3. Dolomite, flinty, fine grained, compact, subcrystalline 4 2. Limestone, variably bedded, with an occasional clay seam 5 1. Limestone, heavy bedded, buff -blue (C 6) 7 S 46, c* &, e* Location : Sec. 27, T. 22 N., R. 9 E. Geological formation, Platteville. Sample from quarry of Sandusky Portland Cement Company. (See,, also, C 5, a,* b.*) (2) Section north of Dixon. Feet. i 5. Clay, yellow, with some sand 4 to 7 4. Gravel , 2 to 3 3. Limestone, gray, fossiliferous, in about 1-inch layers (S 46c*) '. 4 to 6 2. Limestone, light gray, with imperfect layers 3 to 9 inches thick, with a 4-inch shale band at top (S 46cZ*) .10 1. Limestone, bluish gray, fine grained, very hard, fossiliferous, in about 8- to 16-inch layers (S 46e*) 9 LOGAN" COUNTY. E 28, $,* b. Location: Near NW. cor. sec, 5, T. 19 N., R, 3 W., near Lincoln. Geological formation, McLeansboro. The limestone is not exposed but comes within 3 feet of the surface. It has been quarried but the hole is now filled. The section reported by the owner of the land is- as follows: Section near Lincoln. Feet. 4. Limestone, shelly (E 28a*) 2 3. Limestone, hard, gray, in 10- to 24-inch layers (B 29 &) 6 2. Shale, blue 3 1. Limestone, hard, gray 10 88 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 MARSHALL COUNTY. E 20, b. Location: SW. %, NW. %, sec. 14, T. 12 N., R. 9 E. Geological formation, Pennsylvanian. Sample from outcrop on south side of road about one-fourth mile west of Sparland. The exposure is at the bottom of the bluff, which rises 100 feet and is capped by limestone. The rest of the bluff is apparently yellowish shale. Section near Sparland. Feet. 5. Clay, yellowish 2 to 5 4, Limestone, soft, argillaceous, fossiliferous, weathering into shaly chips (E 20&) 4 to 6 3. Clay, bluish above and yellowish below 10 2. Sandstone in thin slabs 3 to 4 1. Shale, fine, blue 3+ E 23.* Location: SE. %, sec. 14, T. 12 N., R. 9 E. Geological formation, Pennsylvanian. Sample from old stone quarry on west side of Sparland. This pit has supplied stone for local purposes, though idle when visited. The limestone sampled is 2 to 3 feet thick and lies along the surface of the bluff. It is nodular and resembles closely the Craddock stone at Pontiac. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 694,* 698.* Location: Hillsboro, 111. Geological formation, Mc- Leansboro of the Pennsylvanian. The analyses were made at suggestion of Mr. Josiah Bixler of Hillsboro, and are assumed to be representative of the rock in the neighborhood. The first sample is understood to represent an exposure along the creek in sec. 32, T. 9 N., R, 4 W., and the second, a 20-foot exposure, one-eighth mile north of Quarry, sec. 2, T. 8 N., R. 5 W. OGLE COUNTY. C 7, a, Location: SE. %', sec. 27, T. 23 N., R. 9 E. Geological formation, Plattemlle. . Sample from outcrop on west bank of Pine creek 9 miles southwest of Oregon. Section along Pine creek. Feet. 7. Limestone, thin bedded, non-flinty, and with no fos- sils (C la) 10 6. Dolomite, hard, compact, buff, non-flinty, unfossilifer- ous, thick bedded 11 5. Shale, brown, y 2 4. Clay, blue, with dark layers iy 2 3. Clay, reddish y 2 2. Clay, blue, becoming sandy and yellow at bottom... 4 1. Sandstone 2 LINES] DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 89 The section is at the contact of the. St. Peter and Trenton formations. C 8. Location: NW. %, sec. 28, T. 24 N., E. 10 E. Geological formation, Piatt eville. Sample from outcrop along stream 2 miles north of Oregon. Section near Oregon. Feet. 2. Limestone, fossiliferous, thin bedded, light brown (C 8) 10 1. Dolomite, heavy bedded, hard, reddish, "buff beds".. 8 At the base of the outcrop is a line of large springs. PEOEIA COUNTY. Bu 8.* Location: SE. %, sec. 5, T. 11 N., R. 7 E. Geological formation, McLeansboro (Maxwell limestone). Sample taken from quarry on property of Fred Streitmatter near Princeville. (See, also, E 26.*) Section near Princeville. Feet. 3. Soil 3 2. Limestone, fine grained, argillaceous and silicious, in layers from y 2 inch thick at top to 4 inches thick at bottom, and in the more weathered portion much broken vertically into fragments or "chip rock" 12 1. Limestone, coarse grained, grayish, containing cal- cite crystals and fossils, exposed 1% No. 1 is reported to be 4 to 5 feet thick and underlain by clay shale containing thin coal. From 12 to 14 feet of rock has been quarried at four or five places within a distance of one-half mile in sections 4 and 5. At each of three places in these sections, at least 20 acres of rock from 10 to 12 feet thick underlies less than 10 feet of cover. (See, also, E 26.*) Bu 9.* Location: SE. cor. sec. 10, T. 8 N., E. 7 E.. Geological formation, McLeansboro (Maxwell limestone). Samples from outcrop on property of George Swords, 1 mile east of Maxwell. Occasional outcrops for one-half mile high on the banks of a small creek expose 10- to 12-foot beds of gray, brittle, medium-grained, and partly argil- laceous limestone. This underlies the northern part of Limestone town- ship and the southwestern part of Kickapoo township. The overburden, which is soil and loess-like clay, varies from 3 to 30 feet; but where sample was obtained 3 to 4 acres, or possibly more, can probably be worked with moderate stripping. (1) Section in Swords quarry. Feet. 6. Limestone, greenish gray, argillaceous, partly con- cretionary, weathered so that it breaks in chips 1 to 3 inches across; exposed (higher layers prob- ably concealed ) 4 90 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 _ T . Feet. 5. Limestone, light gray, fine grained, hard and brittle, ■ with thin streaks and particles of calcite and a few fossils 2 4. Limestone, hard, gray, medium grained, with consid- erable calcite and some fossils. Splits easily along bedding planes into layers 4 to 8 inches thick 2% 3. Concealed interval 1 2. Limestone, somewhat like top layers, though not so completely fractured and not so argillaceous, but becoming shaly towards bottom; exposed 5 1. Shale, bluish black, containing thin seam of car- bonaceous material about 2 feet below top; ex- posed ■. ' 12 Sample includes Nos. 2 to 6, equivalent to a com- posite of the three samples next described. E 24, a, I, c* Location: SE. 14, sec. 10, T. 8 ST., B. 7 E. Geo- logical formation, McLeansloro (Maxwell limestone). Sample from above described quarry owned by George Swords. The section sampled has but a foot or two of, sandy soil stripping. (2) Section in Swords quarry. „ T . Feet. 6. Limestone, loose, white nodular (E 24a) 3 to 4 5. Limestone, gray, containing fossils (E 24&) 6 to 7 4. Same as No. 5, but evenly bedded, used for building (E 24c*) ..;...... I.. 7 3 3. Shale, gray ; * " _' ' [ [ " y 2. Shale, black slaty, bituminous, nearly coal at some exposures .' 5 1. Shale, gray 20 E 26.* Location: SE. 14 sec. 5, T. 11 K, ' E. 7 E. Geological formation, P ennsylvaman, Sample taken from a 10-foot exposure in a quarry on west side of road, 3 miles northeast of Princeville. The lime- stone is very white and almost non-fossiliferous. The upper part is weathered into slabs, though not in a distinct zone, while the lowermost foot or two is more regularly bedded in layers about 10 inches thick. The ledge is underlain by a good bed of coal which lies at the surface in many of the valleys. (See, also, Bu 8.*) POPE 1 COUNTY. D 48.* Location: NE. %, sec. 31, T. 13 S., R. 5 E. Geological formation, "Chester." Sample from a 32-foot outcrop on the Whittenberg farm on Big Bay creek, one-half mile east of Eeevesville. Sampled about every foot except at two concealed intervals of 2 feet. W 311.* Location: Sec. 31, T. 13 S., R. 5 E. Geological forma- tion, "Chester." About 50 feet of limestone is exposed in beds from 6 inches to 2 feet thick with somewhat shaly partings, and occasionally containing a small amount of chert. This sample is from the same property as D 48.* LINES 1 DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 91 W 319.* Location: Sec. 19, T. 13 S., E. 7 E. Geological forma- tion, "Chester/' Sample from quarry on hillside north of Golconda to right of road going up hill. At this point about 15 feet of limestone has been quarried and crushed for road making. Above the limestone and also below it are shaly beds. W 320. Location: SW. %, SE. %, sec. 22, T. 11 S., E. 7 E. Eainey place, 14 miles north of Golconda. Geological formation, Ste. Genevieve. Sample from prospect pit for spar. Section on Rainey farm. Feet. 2. Shale 10 1. Limestone with shale partings (W 320) 15 W 321.* Location : Sec. 26, T. 13 S., E. 6 E. Geological formation, "Chester." Sample from outcrop on property of Edward B. Clark, Lime- stone Hill, west of Golconda and one-fourth mile northwest of the Illinois Central railroad. (See Plate XVIII.) The outcrop of 100 feet or more of limestone and shale is so covered with talus that the pro-* portions of limestone and shale cannot be seen. The sample was taken from one of the outcropping beds of limestone. Bu20.* Location: Sec. 26, T. 13 S., E. 6 E 1 . Geological formation, "Chester." Sample is composite of all outcropping limestone beds in the same section from which sample W 321* was taken. The sample repre- sents an aggregate of 50 feet or more of limestone. The overburden is light. The analyses of samples of shale from the same locality, as given in a later chapter, indicate that the materials are well adapted for cement manufacture. PULASKI COUNTY. D 47.* Location: Sec. 14, T. 14 S., E. 1 W. Geological formation, St. Louis. Sample from old quarry near Ullin. The section shows 60 feet of limestone overlain by thin layers of clay and gravel. Sample represents the lower 40 feet. The old quarry face is about 400 yards long and from 25 to 60 feet high. Formerly, a spur connected it with the Illinois Central railroad, and the rock was used for railroad ballast and for concrete. RANDOLPH COUNTY. B 6.* Location: Sec. 23, T. 7 §., E, 7 W. Geological formation, "Chester." Sample taken from outcrop north of prison grounds at Menard. ^ B 8.* Location: Sec. 23, T. 7 S., E. 7 W. Geological formation, "Chester." Sample taken from the. quarry of the Southern Illinois Peni- tentiary at Menard. U 47.* Location: Sec. 20, T. 5 S., E. 9 W. Geological formation, St. Louis. Sample from F. M. Brickley's place in Prairie du Eocher. There is an exposure here of about 75 feet of limestone. 92 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 W 208/ 209.* Location:' NW. %, sec. 15, T. 7 S,, E. 7 W. Geo- logical formation, "Chester/' Samples taken from outcrops along the river bluff at Menard. Section at Menard. Feet. 9: Shale, exposed more or less continuously in bank of creek . . 17 8. Limestone with occasional cherty bands (W 209*) ... 27 7. Limestone ledges 27 6. Shales, exposed more or less continuously (Wa* and &*) 43 5. Limestone ledges, more or less thin bedded 7 4. Talus covered, probably shale or shaly beds 32 3. Talus covered . ; . <. 12 2. Limestone (Menard) (W 208*) 60 1. Limestone talus 40 , Two samples of shale collected by Elmer Grant from the horizon of No. 6 of the section in the same vicinity gave results as shown by the table of clay analyses under W, a* and 5.* , ,W 253.* Location: SW. %, sec. 5, T. 4 S., E. 8 W. Geological formation, "Chester/' Sample from Eed Bud city quarry, including 8 to 12 feet of blue limestone. ], W 254.* Location: NW. %, sec. 4, T. 4 S., E. 8 W. Geological formation, "Chester/' Sample from William's quarry, Eed Bud. This is nearly white limestone, probably 8 feet in thickness. EOCK ISLAND COUNTY. Bu 15,* 16.* Location: Sec. 25, T. 17 N., E, 1 W. Geological formation, Hamilton. Sample taken from outcrops in the bluffs of Mill creek, southeast of Milan. The limestone is exposed in the creek bed 1^4 miles southeast of Milan, between the Chicago, Bock Island, and Pacific railroad and the bluffs bordering the flood plain. Where the creek cuts its way through the upland before reaching the flood plain there are several good exposures of shaly, jointed beds, and of the heavier quarry ledges below the shaly part. Both members are very fossiliferous. Sample Bu 15* was taken from the east bluff of Mill creek, about one- fourth mile from the escarpment. Twenty feet of limestone are exposed, the upper 5 feet of which is shelly, crinoidal limestone, and the lower 15 feet shaly and jointed limestone containing many brachiopods. . Sam- ple Bu 16* was taken about one-eighth mile north of Bu 15*, from a 7- to 8-foot exposure on the north bluff of the creek just west of the place where it reaches the flood plain of Eock river. This is a fossilifer- ous limestone, with some calcite crystals. The beds are thick but include a little shaly material at the top. ilNES] . DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 93 SCHUYLEE COUNTY. C 30.* Location: SE. %, sec. 29, T. 1 N., K. 2 W. Geological formation, Mm or St. Louis. Sample taken from the east bank of €rooked creek north of Eipley, where an old quarry exposes about 4 feet of limestone. There is no definite ledge but the outcrop is in pieces; helow which lies a heavy dolomite. C 31.* Location: 'NW. cor. sec. 19, T. 1 W., E. 2 W. Geological formation, Salem or St: Louis. Sample taken from Crooked creek, between -Eipley and .' Scott's .Mill. A ledge of limestone about 5 feet thick on each side of the creek extends probably one-half mile down the creek, and is underlain by a bed of dolomite. C 32. Location : NW. %, sec. 7, T. 1 N., E. 2 W. Geological forma- tion, Salem or St. Louis. Sample taken in a gully beside the road to Scott Mill about 4 miles east of the mill. Pennsylvanian rocks overlie the limestone, making stripping conditions unfavorable. Section east of Scott Mill. Feet. 4. Conglomerate, partly limestone and partly buff dolo- mite 5 3. Dolomite, fine grained, bluish to buff, somewhat nod- ular 2 2. Limestone, subcrystalline, irregularly bedded 1 1. Limestone, shaly, grayish, fine grained, becoming sandy and argillaceous toward the bottom 5 Sample includes 2 to 4 of section. C 34.* Location : SW. cor. sec. 34, T. 2 N., E. 3 W. Geological formation, St. Louis. Sample from farm of Henry Hickman, 4 miles .south of Camden. There is here an exposure of 8 feet of conglomeritic limestone containing considerable dolomite. It is found under a red ochre deposit. C 35, a* b. Location: NW. %> sec. 17, T. 2 N., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Keokuk. Samples from outcrops north of Camden along •Cedar creek. C 35, ai* was taken just east of the upper bridge, and C 35, b, one-half mile down stream. The latter location exposes lime- .stone 10 to 12 feet thick, rather heavy bedded and fossiliferous, but weathering into thin slabs. Numerous geodes occur above, in a clay soil. The interval from the top of the limestone to the "Coal Measure" sandstone above, measures about 50 feet and is largely rilled with sili- cious clays and argillaceous dolomite. C 36.* Location: NW. %, sec. 11, T. 2 N., E. 3 W. Geological formation, Salem, or St. Louis. Sample taken south of road about 4 miles east of Camden, in a gully tributary to Spring creek. The out- Location: SW. 14, SE. %, sec. 21, T. 14 Ni, R, 7 E. 'Geological formation, Pennsylvanian. Sample from quarry that recently furnished stone for building and paving. Section in Stark county. Feet. 2. Limestone, impure, nodular, not compact but mixed with much shale (C 27a) 4 1. Limestone, hard, massive, light colored in places, containing few fossils, and breaking with con- choidal fracture (C 2Tb*) 5 STEPHENSON COUNTY. C 1, a. Location: NW. i/ 4 , SE. %, sec. 22, T. 29 N., R. 6 E. Geo- logical formation, PlaMeville. Sample from Winslow city quarry. The •quarry rock ranges from lower Galena to the blue rock of the Platteville formation. Section at Winslow. Feet. 7. Soil 1 6. Dolomite, thin bedded, coarse grained 3 5. Limestone, thin bedded, blue, and dark shale 5 4. Limestone, compact, hard, flinty (C la) 2 3. Dolomite, thin bedded, fossiliferous 13 2. Dolomite, thin bedded, fine grained 6% 1. Dolomite, thick bedded, bluish to buff 12 C 1, o, c, d, e. Location: Sec. 22, T. 29 N., R. 6 E. Geological formation, Platteville. Sample from quarry 1 mile north of Winslow on Pecatonica river. The section here is practically the same as at Winslow quarry and samples C 1, o, c, e were taken from beds corre- sponding to 1, 2, 3, and 4 of section given for Winslow. UNION COUNTY. . D 2. Location: SE. %, sec. 17, T. 12 S., R. 1 W. Geological forma- tion, Salem. Sample taken from quarry of Swan Creek Phosphate Com- pany at Anna (now Union Stone and Lime Co.). The limestone from which the sample was taken underlies the region for several miles in the vicinity of the quarry. Twenty feet of limestone is exposed but drillings show the stone to be 40 feet thick. U 66* Location: Sec. 17, T. 12 S., R. 1 W. Geological formation, JSalem. Sample from quarry of Union Stone and Lime Company, Anna, 111. Section near Anna. Feet. 3. Limestone, oolitic 15 2. Limestone, hard, gray 22 1. Chert 8 96 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMEKT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 37 W 285.* Location: NE. %, SE. %, sec. 1, T. 13 S., E. 2 W.* Geo- logical formation, Burlington. Sample from exposure one-eighth mile from Korndahl station on the Mobile and Ohio railroad. Section near Korndahl station. Feet. 2. Limestone, having a few scattered chert nodules in the lower few feet and very few fossils (W 285*) 40 1. Shale, rather fissile, siliceous (W 286) 40 The analysis of the shale (W 286) is given with other clay analysis in the later tahle. W 291. Location: NW. %, sec. 11, T. 12 S,, E. 2 W. Geological formation, Burlington. Sample taken from a former quarry about one- fourth mile east of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, on a creek. The lime- stone is free from chert, and conditions for quarrying are favorable.. About one-fourth mile west of the limestone is a large body of shale. This limestone sample was lost and the analysis therefore is not found in the table. LINES] DESCRIPTION OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 97 CO 1 1£ «o 3 • so ,Q CO ^ 5 CO g rrt ^1 & Tl CO ^S a O 5S u ^-i. OS pO W Sh * *d ■ ^ 03 •S So oO 0)0 oso go is 'Solo Sod o d r-\5P -7 G HHHH.HONMN HIOCO CM CMi-HCM OXDNOJOOfflNOOOlOMffi NtO® OS OJ^CMOOI HOOINMMMINHCOWNIM rH rH 00 CM CM i coNcsiOr-ioNoo©eo©0( r~ **i 00 CO CM INMHM^OrHHMCOt^COlOCO00CO»O00CO'O HO rHrHrH ItHCMt-H CO HOI^NCCNNOCCO O00< O i— I < C3 cj 8rO rH lO * rH rH CM CM iHH OS^OIO'O OOO A OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOH mmmmm CD TH. dSd S pi p. a d pi pi a pi a ci pi pi a •s^-l a 8888888888888 Q) 0) 0) • e « * * OO CO CM lO LO S3 03 WcC03 pqWWpqpqpqpqWpqpqfQFq« fflfQW ,i4 ^ ^ M M oo c3 cd co -js ^ !^ ^ ^ .22 cyobcwi O3o3o3o3o3 ^ "H, "3 T? OOOOO O WHW 98 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. IT •*OOON(N^QO(NHOOI rtOOiOO(NTlflN' Tt(Tti00Ot-(N eONCOHtOHMiOMHtOCOtOHWMCOiON > COCOCM COCO r-lt-i CM-*- • CO 00 i-l CO CO OS COCM lO .20 KKNOSO OS 1> CO Ooo oco**< OCOO< CO »0 CM oo t> ec os os e« i N00OH t^OOCOT *#CMOOTf^ CO 00 C^ t-; NN^iOOO^CJSXOSiOWNMCaiONOOW tH i-I * T-H "i-Hr-l CM •* rt< i-l ■* CO »0 l> i-l t- CO 00 i-H CO CO OS CO CM U3 -#NO-- U3 CO CO COCMOCO Ost- CM CO cO>OCM CMOOOrH t^ooco- °.° CO CM 00 "O O OS CO CM CO CO -* CO CO Tf CO ■* -* rh 33 cocooocooooooocooo^^ocooocot 0(NOOCD^O)CNMO"OrHlOoqqiNCO< CMOSt-CMOSOOOt^CMlOCMOOOOr-jCO^f ^COCO-*COCO'*CO^COCOCOCO'*COCO' CMO CM CO CO ■* -# ■>* COCO CO lOlO * * ^00 * I— Ot-OO ££ WCOmOiHHHrlHHHHi flQ^^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHWS o o o o .9.9 Q a Q C t-i m c3 ^3 c3 C3 (3 c3 Pi a fl rt o o o o PI P o o o o a)QJa)a>a)a)cl;a) a> cu a> cp a> C^c3c3^3c3c3c3c3c3txlc^ccjccjc3c3c3c3c3c3 O3c3c3c3odc3c3c3c3c3c3c^o3c3o3c3c^c3c3 LINES] DESCRIPTION" OF LIMESTONE SAMPLES. 99 NNCOHNM IO100O05M ■<*< CO OlO OKHOMMM KOC003lOI^03 NN t~ CO 00 lO COCO ^#00 00 03 00 CO 1^ •>* lO 00 t~- 03 03 C~ OO CO i-H I oooo ooooo c I CO (NO CO CO li3( 03 03 03 O: 00 00 C3 00 03 03 00 I i •* 00 Tti OCO (NO -* 00 00 O U5 tJ4 "* HN SCO 003 CO CO^OO** (NCOi-Hi-H 00 00 CO O 00 O CN 00 00 (N lO CO O !N *COCO i-H ICO- cocococo;*^; oo oo ioco oco ^oooocooo ooto^N^^ oo o w -* 10 t~- cn ■* oooo ooo< (oaa^coq ^ °? ^J 1 ^ '"i "* "* ^ t ^ c ^ c< ! c ^ l ^' - J °°. ""J "*. "• ^ ^ "? iq io oo ■* co oo o c» r-j oq-^Ttji i-H i-H CO(N 00 00 O lO 03 r-l H ■* 00030003003 rH (N CO ■* CO 00 »0 tH »C tJI HtON< CO iO K5K5 "* CO ■* "* CO •"# iC r)H rf -ti Tt* CO >0 Tf O (O (O O U3 ■* ^ U5 Ti »0 IQ tP rt< • !3 co co tp co co t* (NO O3 # C0 oo co co co io co i-h co i-H co co oo co co 1-Hi-HlOCO 133 »o co •* r- m ■* -*co i-i eo ONN00UJN O (Nr- HOi^f, 00OC0^rt- I>- lO 03 OS 00 00 OHJJOHH ,-H - o o COCOO3i-jC0 OCO 1HNU3N ** ; o'eli Go ,0* iQiOO-tf^t^ coco coco 000020202 WW WW J«^* *'h3)oh6 • • •#"oba3CO^ ■» •it*^SSS oo i-h --I co co co t- *# Nooioo ioo oi-kn^ 00O3 o> CD O CJJOJD a> a> o> a> cu a> oo U S-l §§ o o b£b£ a; a> MM OO o o o o o o cu a> a> o o o o O2O2O2C0 100 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 SAP go! «JO OiOOOOi- 0«3 OJOHlOi H w c3w hoi»(Noo 18383 oo co i> as t^ os 02 NO O^H "# i -* iO CO CO t^ CO CO CO ooo looq coco OOOOO CO COO CO 00 CO lO CD CD r-t O lO t-I CO 00 CO CO O O >0 tJ< CD ■* ■* rh OOO iNMHi ^ CO CO CO CO rH CO CO I^ CO HrtHI CO ■* CO CO CO "* T(H "* 00 t- ^ l>- -* Tt< CD 00 OOO •* IS O O CO COCO ■* > 00 CO 00 CO O CM lO i-l 00 CD 000 C35C t^ CO CO O O CO CO -* CO "sji Ui CO lO >o S9,'go coco h5. •>* lO CD CO t- CO CO COHHNN o ^ CD CD CD CD CD CD CD ps a d d a e ^ d d ^ ,3 ^ A o O o o o o o CO CO CO CO CO CQ CO d d Pi d d OOOOO en w tn m tn d d rt rt pi CD CD CD CD CD Fj **! *d rd d d rd rd O "3 "2 P L 7b, and L 10 are objectionable both on account of their high silica content and their low surface factor. 104 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 Sv t 5£> ti gPi 12 fa IS "B-SQ So OQCG eh : COfOCOOOOOOOCOlCI^eO-*Tt<(MlOt^OO MTfO^OOO^OHOINcDOOOOOOHcOMcOTtfWOcOaiOOOOiOf ■ lOOOMHoooHHOiai MOOHONONNrtHHHMNHi H(NWM«OONHiOIN ONNCONIO ■^ ffi H t> N NNCOCCtOiOlOHINiOtO i-HO"*- »i0iO-*i00iO)0000Tt>bfl d d BLEININGER] ILLINOIS CLAYS FOR CEMENT MANUFACTURE. 105 03 +s O OOOOHO^^TtlMOOINONOCmiOOOOMINTtl mM«500*OOO»i0O(N05'*N00m00i; (30 ■* 00 CO CN rH O •* -* OOCOOOOCOCOCTX^t^cM -C0I>;C00qi^0qi^-OOi-- CO ■>* •* i-l i-l i-H t-H i-l CS) NHH ■* i-H i-l t-I i-H i-H ilONlOMPSMiOOWCSNCBmcOOOOOiO H00NN»( NO^OOHNNCOHatDOOCO lOMCOOMOONINNOOiONOOiONNfflNN i-H 'o ooooiomN cd »o o oqoq co ■ i-h (OOONMN J^HJJJJJJJJJIJIJ^I-WJJHW 106 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 CHAPTER VII— DESCRIPTION OF CLAY DE- POSITS SAMPLED. (Compiled from notes of F. E. Layman.) INTRODUCTION. The field work on clay investigations by no means attempted to cover the State nor to , include all clays which are suitable for cement making. The method of procedure was to visit the locations where the limestone had been found to be of a quality sufficiently good for Portland cement, and to restrict the examination of the clay to these limestone areas. Each of the most promising limestone locations was made the center of an area about 5 miles square, and the clay was investigated in each, direction for about 2% miles. In this work advantage was taken of all railroad cuts, streams, and ravines where the clay might be exposed. For each clay location, roughly speaking, the territory was crossed in one direction with lines about 1% miles apart, and then the vicinity was examined along lines at right angles. The region was thoroughly criss-crossed and examined in this manner. Not all locations, however, admitted of this extensive work, as some were unfavorable either from the standpoint of transportation or because the character of the clay in the immediate vicinity of the limestone was not promising. Samples were taken only where the clay occurred in such bulk as to make the deposit commercially valuable, and where it lay within reasonable distance of a railroad. The character of the deposits also influenced the selection of samples. If the clay contained pebbles or mineral detritus no samples were taken even though the deposits were otherwise favorable. The method of sampling was to cut back into the face of the bank beyond the zone of oxidation and to take a thin slice from the fresh exposure (PI. XIX). The sample thus roughed out contained, as a rule, about 200 pounds. This was mixed and reduced by quartering to a 50-pound sample which was placed in a bag, together with a wooden tag on which the number of the sample was carved. Shipping directions on the outside of the sack also bore the number of the sample so as to permit no possibility of error through confusion of numbers. The following description of samples and of clay occurrences is arranged alphabetically by counties and contains references to the field numbers of limestone samples described in the preceding chapter. Chem- ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULL NO. 17, PLATE XIX. Prospect pit for shale sample. LAYMAN] DESCRIPTION OF CLAY SAMPLES. 107 ical analyses of the limestones are presented in Table I and of the clays in Table II. Physical analyses of clays appear in Table III. Those samples which seem suited to the manufacture of Portland cement are marked with the asterisk (*). ADAMS, COUNTY. Limestone (C 17*) occurs 5 miles east of Mendon but the territory examined for clay centers at the limestone property near the house of William Quigg, iy 2 miles north of Mendon. Unfortunately this lime- stone was not analyzed. A 200-foot well on the premises is said to have penetrated about 100 feet of stone. The limestone is overlain by bluish clay shale which weathers yellow. This blue clay extends over all the territory examined and appears to vary considerably in thickness. It is covered by an overburden of top soil 2 to 4 feet thick. North of the Quigg property the country is hilly and the clay beds appear on the slopes. L 45.* The clay was traced northwest, down Webb creek, and a sample was taken on the property of Mr. Eobert Cannell, where the best exposure was observed to be 10 feet thick. This clay forms the bed of the creek and extends at least 10 feet deeper, according to a boring reported by Mr. Cannell. This shale is rather hard but is easily slaked by water. L 4fl5.* Across the road and higher up the hill there is a 6-foot expo- sure of yellow to blue clay, evidently derived from the underlying shale. A sample was taken here. The relations are indicated by the following measurements : Section near Mendon, Feet. 5. Clay, yellow to blue 6 4. Shale, soft 2% 3. Limestone iy 2 2. Shale, medium-hard •. . . 6 1. Shale (reported) below creek level 10 The country south of the home of Mr. Quigg is admirably adapted for plant location. A short distance to the north plenty of blue clay was observed under a top-soil cover of about 3 feet, The thickness of the deposit between Mr. Quigg' s house and the Burlington tracks cannot be estimated since thei country is level and the water courses have not cut down sufficiently to expose much clay. A spur from the Burlington tracks over ground of easy grade to the suggested plant site would prob- ably not exceed three-fourths mile in length. BKOWN COUNTY. An extensive limestone exposure (C 20) occurs 3 miles southwest of Versailles on the property of Mr. Foster Wiley, in the NW. % sec - 26, T. 2 S., E. 3 W. Another limestone exposure is found on the property of Mr. Joe Myers, about one mile southwest of Versailles. The region is deeply eroded and the hills which rise 25 to 150 feet above the streams reveal considerable clay of the character represented by the samples. 108 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 L 5. A sample was taken from the base of the hill west of the house of Mr. Charles Bradberry and one-half mile east of the limestone in section 26. This hill is 75 feet high, and when the sample was taken was so covered with rank vegetation that the upper portion could not be examined readily. The sample represents an exposure of 15 feet. A spur from the Wabash to this place would prove expensive. L 6.* A sample was taken also from the property of Mr. Joe Myers, about half way up the 65-foot hill. In this hill clay alternates with sand and gravel but appears to predominate. Because of slides, the sample is not regarded with confidence. Prospecting should be done with an extension auger. The site of sample L 6* could be reached more easily than the other by a railroad spur, but in general, judging from the character of the limestone and of the clay deposits the region is not favorable for a cement plant. L 17,* 18.* Samples were collected representing shale which is com- monly exposed along roads and in ravines along the eastern part of Brown county from Camden in Schuyler county to the vicinity of Cooperstown. The region is deeply eroded and the shale varies in depth below the surface. L 17* was collected from a 10-foot exposure by the roadside near Scott Mill, on the property of John Chamberlain. L 18* was taken from a 6-foot exposure opposite Scott Mill on the Jesse Gibson land. These shales might be used for cement manufacture in connection with limestones C 26, 27,* and 28,* but the lack of railroad facilities would hinder exploitation of such cement resources as the county possesses. BUBEAU COUNTY. E 15, b. Limestone sample E 15, a, previously described as from near Marquette, is accompanied by a 7-foot shale. The analysis is ■ shown in Table I. CLAEK COUNTY. In the vicinity of Casey where limestone S 9* was collected no shale or clay of value was found. A variable sandy clay covers the region. L 14.* A sample was taken about 1% miles northeast of Marshall, where a cut along the C, C, C. & St. L. railroad exposes 8 feet of shale under a 6-foot covering of glacial clay. This might be used in combi- nation with limestone S 51,* but the materials sampled are near the minimum thickness which would warrant operations. Drilling might reveal deeper deposits. L 15.* A sample was collected from a 5-foot exposure of shale occur- ring iy 2 miles north of Marshall on the property of Mr. William Eng- lish. The sample was selected 150 yards south of the house, along the creek. The bed is too thin for exploitation, but may be underlain by additional shale of suitable character. LAYMAN] DESCRIPTION OF CLAY SAMPLES. 109 EDGAR COUNTY. L 12,* 13. Large amounts of shale suitable for Portland-cement manufacture were examined in T. 14 N., R. 11 W., in the vicinity of Baldwinsville. L 12* was collected from a 20-foot exposure at a bridge on the J. E. Garvin property, about 1 mile northwest of St. Aloysius church. L 13 represents a 6-foot exposure along the creek 300 yards north of the church where the following measurements were made: Section near Baldwinsville. Feet. Soil 2 Limestone 2% Shale, blue hard (L 13) 6 Shale (below creek) + Limestone (outcrops to south) + In connection with limestones S 50* which occurs 1 mile east of Baldwinsville, these shales are * promising ; but of course the nearest railroad lines are 4 to 6 miles distant. HANCOCK COUNTY. L3. Clay was investigated in the vicinity of Niota. The town is situated on flat ground, but about one-quarter mile back rises a line of hills in which limestone (C 40,* 41*) is found. The clay in thickness varying up to 100 feet, overlies the limestone. It may be found all along the hills back from the village. The clay is very sandy and of alluvial origin ; it is so changeable in quality as to be a suspicious cement material. In all cases, however, the overburden on this clay is not more than a few feet thick. L3. A sample was taken three-fourths mile west of Mota on the property of Conrad Freitag on the south side of the road about halfway up the hill. At this place the limestone is possibly 50 feet thick and is overlain by 30 to 100 feet of clay. A good plant location may be had towards Mota about one-eighth mile from this deposit or about 1% miles west of the Santa Fe tracks. However, taking into consideration the changeable nature of the clay and the physical character of the country, the location is not a good one for Portland-cement manufacture. JACKSON" COUNTY. The region about Grand Tower was thoroughly examined, but no clay worth sampling was found. The characteristic clay of the region is sandy alluvium or loess, such as is found near the Mississippi river from Rock Island south. Limestone is exposed in abundance (S 5x* and S 57a*), but is buried from 6 to 40 feet under this sandy clay. Between Grand Tower and Murphysboro a large deposit of shale was observed from the train; and though no sample was obtained it is the writer's opinion that shale may be found along the Illinois Central tracks within commercial distance. 110 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 LA SALLE COUNTY. E 1&.* Shale, 3y 2 feet thick, occurs interbedded with limestone E la* etc., at the plant of the German- American Portland Cement Com- pany. Analyses are shown in Table I. E 6e.* A sample was taken from a 5-foot shale similar to the last and occurring beneath the limestone at the quarry of the Chicago Port- land Cement Company at Oglesby. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. An 8-foot exposure of hard, blue shale in the vicinity from which lime- stone (694*) is reported to have been collected, (sec. 32, T. 9 N., E. 4 W.) is promising in appearance but is so deeply covered as to make stripping impracticable. No sample was collected. L 8. Limestone (698*) collected from one-eighth mile north of Quarry (sec. 2, T. 8 N., R. 5 W.) is about 20 feet thick. The clay sample was taken from a bed 6 to 8 feet thick, which is exposed at the base of the hill 100 yards north of Quarry, and which has only 2% feet of overburden. A representative section of clays in the vicinity is as follows : Section near Quarry. Feet. Top soil 2 Joint-clay 4 Sand 2 Gravel 10 to 20 Clay, whitish-yellow (L 8) 6 to 8 Since this clay occurs with workable overburden in only a small area, and the favorable limestone occurrence is also limited in extent, the locality is considered unattractive for Portland-cement manufacture. Other clay was sought within a 2-mile radius of Quarry without success. It is reported by Mr. M. T. Kiggins of Hillsboro that several feet of promising blue clay of fine grain underlies the limestone. Its thickness and quality would seem to warrant drilling test holes. PEORIA COUNTY. The vicinity of the George Sword's estate (SE. % sec. 10, T. 8 N., R. 7 E.) was examined for clay or shale which might be used with the limestone at the quarry (Bu 9*). Investigation included the region within 1^4 miles north of the Iowa Central railroad and extending from Maxwell to a locality about 1 mile east of the limestone. The region 'is hilly and is covered by a sandy, loess-like clay of slight plasticity, which is locally. 75 feet thick. This did not warrant sampling. On the Sword's estate a fine-grained, bluish shale, 4 feet thick, underlies the limestone. It can be traced a mile down the creek but lies too deep for successful excavation, and does not outcrop favorably in the region examined. LAYMAN] DESCRIPTION OP CLAY SAMPLES. Ill The region 3 miles northeast of Princeville, where limestone Bu 8* and E 26* occurs, was examined for clay deposits. The rolling prairie is not sufficiently eroded to offer many exposures. LI.* A sample was collected iy 2 miles north of the Streitmatter house (See Bu 8*), along a creek on the property of Mrs. William Long, one-eighth mile west of the highway bridge. This is in Valley township, Stark county. The exposure includes 2% feet of soil underlain by 5 feet of blue and yellow clay and 4 feet of blue shale. Only the blue clay and shale were included in the sample. The clay and shale persist over the region and are exposed, about 3 feet thick, beneath the limestone along the creek northeast of the Streitmatter house and under the lime- stone at the Jackson house, 1 mile southeast of the clay sampled. The maximum haul between the limestone outcrop and the clay deposit sampled would not exceed iy 2 miles, and clay could probably be found at a shorter distance. The physical character of the country is admirable for plant location, and water is said to be plentiful; but the distance from the nearest railroad would make this general location doubtfully suited for Portland-cement manufacture. POPE 1 COUNTY. Bu 21,* 22,* 23.* Examination was made by Mr. Burchard, of the U. S. Geological Survey, of shales and limestone on the Edward B. Clark property known as Limestone Hill. This lies west of Golconda in sec. 26, T. 13 S., E. 6 E., and offers excellent opportunity for cement manufacture (Bu 20*). Bu 21* is from a 5- or 6-foot roadside exposure of a bed of shale which is probably 25 feet thick. Bu 22* is from a 5%-foot prospect hole in the Creek bank, and occurs in the same horizon as Bu 21.* Bu 23* is from a 6%-foot exposure in a prospect pit. The overburden on the shale represented by Bu 21* and 22* ranges up to 40 feet. The shale from which Bu 23* was taken underlies the limestone represented by Bu 20,* and if used in connection with the shale interbedded with the limestone would probably furnish enough material for a cement mixture. RANDOLPH COUNTY. The territory within a 3-mile radius of Eed Bud was traversed in search of clay which would be usable in combination with limestones W 253,* and 254.* In general, the top soil is underlain by 4 feet of micaceous joint-clay and a varying amount of sandy clay of low plas- ticity. No promising sample was collected. At the Eed Bud brick- yards several feet of blue shale is said to underlie the limestone. This may warrant prospecting. 112 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 L9. A sample of clay was collected from the Brickley property at Prairie du Eocher (sec. 20, T. 5 S., E. 9 W.) in the vicinity of the 75-foot limestone, TJ 47.* It represents the sandy clay covering the flat pasture-land and is thought to he representative also of the gritty clay which occnrs in great quantities on top of the limestone bluffs; where it underlies 4 feet of micaceous joint-clay and a varying cover of top soil. The sample probably represents a similar stratum at Eed Bud, and proves to be worthless for cement manufacture. This fact would render the working of the underlying limestone expensive. The search was extended east of the bluffs over a north-south strip, 2 miles wide and 5 miles long, but no promising clay was found. Since, however, the limestone is usable and the location for a plant is otherwise excellent, it may be that more minute examination would be warranted. W a* &.* Samples of shale collected by Mr. Elmer Grant from the 43-foot shale at Menard (see section under limestone notes for this county) are referred to in the table of clay analyses and appear promising. EOCK ISLAND COUNTY. In view of the excellent limestone exposures southeast of Milan along Mill creek (Bu 15* and 16*) a careful search was made for clay or shale for use with it. The flood plain of Eock river is about three-fourths mile wide at this place, and is bordered on the south by bluffs' in which occurs the limestone. The clay on the bluffs is sandy and loess-like, and is not suited for the desired purpose. The alluvial clay of the bottoms is not well exposed by the streams and is doubtless variable in character. L2. A sample was collected about one-half mile west of the Mon- mouth road, and 100 feet south of coal bank road and the Chicago-Eock Island tracks, where 6 feet of yellow clay is exposed in the west bank of a tributary to Eock river. A short distance away appears an abandoned brick yard; and an abandoned limestone quarry lies one-fourth mile north of the deposit sampled. Although the limestone of the vicinity appears excellent and a plant site could be selected easily, the character and amount of available clay is discouraging. SCHUYLER COUNTY. An examination of clays in the vicinity of Frederick was desirable in view of the limestone bluffs near at hand and the character of limestone samples C 45* and C 46.* At the time of field work, however, the high water in Illinois river affected the tributaries and made a complete examination impossible. The clays appear variable in extent and hence would require systematic borings. Suitable plant locations for a cement industry occur along the creek within moderate distances of the railroad. LAYMAN] DESCRIPTION OF CLAY SAMPLES. 113 L 7 a, b. Samples were collected from the clay bank of the Frederick Brick Company as indicated by the measured section. L 7 b is said to be suitable for paving-brick manufacture, and is reported by Mr. Hill, of the company, to extend at least 30 feet below creek level. Section at Frederick. Feet. 6. Top soil 2 5. Joint-clay, yellow 6 4. Clay, sandy, light gray (L la) 8 3. Coal, impure 2 2. Shale, blue (L 11) 10 1. Shale, (reported below creek) 30 STAEK COUNTY. See description of sample LI* under Peoria county. UNION COUNTY. L 10. A clay sample was taken at the quarry of the Union Stone and Lime Co., at Anna (U 66* D 2), where it covers the limestone to a depth of from 6 to 10 feet. This is characteristic of the yellow, sandy, surface-clay in this region. L 11.* A sample of shale was taken about 4 miles north of Anna and 2 miles south of Cobden, on the property of Silas Lingle (sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 1 W.). The shale is fine grained and uniform, and out- crops along the creek one-half mile east of the Illinois Central tracks, and about one-eighth mile north of the Lingle home. The exposure here is about 10 feet deep, overlain by 2 feet of limestone and top soil of about 2 feet. This shale is said to extend 10 feet below the creek bed. The deposit offers fine shipping facilities, and appears to be of consider- able extent. The main line of the Illinois Central could easily be reached across comparatively level ground of the creek bottom. Perhaps suitable shale of similar character can be found nearer the property of the Union Stone and Lime Company, where the limestone appears available for cement manufacture. W 286. A sample of shale was collected from the 40-foot bed described in the limestone section near Korndahl station, in the NE. y± f SE. y^, sec. 1, T. 13 S., E. 2 W. WABASH COUNTY. L 16.* A sample was taken near Mt. Carmel on sec. 36, T. 1 &., E. 13 W. The shale at this point is 40 feet thick, and is located on a spur of the Southern railroad. The sample was taken from a shaft sunk by Mr. W. A. Stansfield of Mt. Carmel. No limestone was found in the region. —8 G 114 ILLINOIS PORTLAND-CEMENT RESOURCES. [BULL. NO. 17 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. A portion of each edition of the Bulletins of the State Geological Survey is set aside for gratuitous distribution. To meet the wants of libraries and individuals not reached in this first distribution, 500 copies are in each case reserved for sale at cost, including postage. The reports may be obtained upon application to the State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois, and checks and money orders should be made payable to F. W. DeWolf, Director, Urbana. Bulletins. Bulletin 1. The Geological Map of Illinois: by Stuart Weller. (Edition Exhausted.) Bulletin 2. The Petroleum Industry of Southeastern Illinois: by W. S. Blatchley. (Edition Exhausted.) Bulletin 3. Composition and Character of Illinois Coals: by S. W. Parr. (Edition Exhausted.) Bulletin 4- Year Book for 1906: by H. Foster Bain, director, and others. Includes papers on the topographic survey, on Illinois fire clays, on lime- stones for fertilizers, on silica deposits, on coal, and on regions near East St. Louis, Springfield and in Southern Calhoun county. 260 pages. Grat- uitous edition exhausted. Sale price 35 cents. Bulletin 5. Water Resources of the East St. Louis District: by Isaiah Bowman, assisted by Chester Albert Reeds. Including a discussion of the topographic, geologic and economic conditions controlling the supply of water for municipal and industrial purposes, with map and numerous well records and analyses. Postage 6 cents. Bulletin 6. The Geological Map of Illinois: by Stuart Weller. Second edi- tion. (Edition exhausted.) Bulletin 7. Physical Geography of the Evanston-Waukegan Region: by Wallace W. Atwood and James Walter Goldthwait. Forming the first of the educational bulletins of the Survey and designed especially to meet the needs of teachers in the public schools. 102 pages. Gratuitous edition exhausted. Sale price 25 cents. Bulletin 8. Year Book for 1901: by H. Foster Bain, director, and others. (Edition exhausted.) Bulletin 9. Paving Brick and Paving Brick Clays of Illinois: Geology of Clays, Geological Distribution of Paving Brick Materials in Illinois, and Clays tested which are suitable for use in the manufacture of Paving Brick, by C. W. Rolfe; Qualities of Clays suitable for Making Paving Brick, Physical and Chemical Properties of Paving Brick Clays, and Pyro-Physical and Chem- ical Properties of Paving Br.ick Clays, by Ross C. Purdy; Qualities of High Grade Paving Brick and Tests used in determining them, by A. N. Talbot; Construction and Care of Brick Pavements, by Ira O. Baker. 315 pages, 3 plates, and 33 figures. Postage 13 cents. Bulletin 10. Mineral Content of Illinois Waters: Analysis of Waters from Various Parts of the State. Classification of waters according to physical and chemical properties, by Edward J. Bartow. Geological Classification of LAYMAN] DESCRIPTION OF CLAY SAMPLES. 115 Waters of Illinois, by J. A. Udden. Boiler Waters, by S. W. Parr. Medicinal Springs of Illinois, by Dr. George Thomas Palmer. Gratuitous edition ex- hausted. Sale price 25 cents. Bulletin 11. The Physical Features of the Des Plaines Valley: by James Walter Goldtkwait. Geography and History of the Des Plaines Valley. Structure of Bed Ro^ck. Deposition of Paleozoic Sediments. Glacial and Inter-Glacial Deposits. Physiographic History of the Upper Des Plaines River. Floods on the Des Plaines River. 103 pages, 9 plates, 21 figures. Postage 6 cents. Bulletin 12. Physiography of the St. Louis Area: by N. M. Penneman. An educational bulletin describing the physiographic and geologic features of the region and including a colored geological map of the area. This is especially designed to meet the needs of teachers in the public schools. 81 pages, 18 plates, 10 figures. Postage 6 cents. Bulletin 13. The Mississippi Valley between Savanna and Davenport: by J. Ernest Carman. A popular, yet scientific treatment of the physiographic and geologic features of the region and including two colored geological maps of the area. 96 pages, 21 plates, 26 figures. Postage 8 cents. Bulletin 14. Year Book for 1908: by H. Foster Bain, director, and others. Including administrative report; report of the topographic survey of Illi- nois; studies of Illinois coals; coal deposits and possible oil field near Du- quoin; papers on artificial silicates with reference to amorphous silica; nat- ural gas in glacial drift, Champaign county; paleo-botanical work; proceed- ings of Illinois Fuel Conference. 394 pages, 5 plates, 5 figures. Postage 13 cents. Bulletin 15. Geography of the Middle Illinois Valley: by Harlan H. Bar- rows. An educational bulletin, which will give teachers, as well as general readers, a clearer understanding of the geography and history of this inter- esting region. 128 pages, 16 plates, 47 figures. Postage 8 cents. Bulletin 1'6. Year Book for 1909: by Frank W. DeWolf, director, and others. This publication includes papers on oil, coal, lead and zinc, stratigraphy, and report of progress of topographic, geologic, and drainage surveys. 400 pages, 37 plates, and 9 figures. Gratuitous edition exhausted. Sale price lfi cents. Available Separates. From Bulletin 8. 8c. Artesian Wells in Peoria and Vicinity: by J. A. Udden. 20 pages, 1 plate, 1 figure. Postage 2 cents. 8d. Cement Making Materials in the Vicinity of La Salle: by Gilbert H. Cady; together with, ' Concrete Materials produced in the Chicago District: by Ernest F. Burchard, a reprint from U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 340. 33 pages, 1 plate, 1 figure. Postage 2 cents. 8f. Clay Industries of Illinois, Statistics and Directory: by Edwin F. Lines; together with, Experiments on the Amorphous Silica of Southern Illinois: by T. R. Ernest. 14 pages. Postage 2 cents. 8g. Milbrig Sheet of the Lead and Zinc District of Northwestern Illinois: by U. S. Grant and M. J. Perdue. 7 pages, 1 map, 1 plate. Postage 2 cents. Circulars. Circular No. 1. The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1905. Pamphlet, 14 pages, postage 2 cents. Circular No. 2. The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1906. Pamphlet, 16 pages, postage 2 cents. Circular No. 3. Statistics of Illinois Oil Production, 1907. Folder, 2 pages, postage 1 cent. Circular No. 4- The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1901. Pamphlet, 16 pages, postage 2 cents. Circular No. 5. The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1908. Pamphlet, 20 pages, postage 2 cents. 116 INDEX. A Page Adams county, clays in 107 limestone samples from 77 Albite, composition of 20 Aero -pulverizer, use of 51 Alexander county, limestone sam- ples from 77 Alkali in clay 31 Alluvial clay, character of 25 Alumina, effect of excessiveness. . . 56 in clays 104 in shales 101 Alton, stratigraphic section north of 70 Analyses, chemical, importance of.. 29 of clays 104 of Illinois shales 101 of limestones 32, 97, 100 mechanical, of clays 105 Anna, clays at 113 limestone near 95 Andesine, properties of 20 Anorthite,- composition of 20 B Bailey's Falls, limestone at 85 Baldwinsville, limestone near,.;... 82 shale near 109 stratigraphic section near. . .82, 109 Ball mill, description of 43 Belknap, limestone near 84 Big Bay creek, limestone on 90 Big creek, limestone sample from.. 80, 81 stratigraphic section 81 Birdsville and Tribune formations, description of 60, 72 Blake crusher .'. . ' 42 Blast-furnace slag for cement.!!!!! 14 Bradberry, Charles, clay on property of 108 Bricketts, strength tests of 57 Brickley, F. M., limestone on property of 91 Brooklyn, limestone near 94 Brown county, clays in 107 limestone in 78, 107 shale in . . . . ' 108 Burlington limestone formation ! ! ! ! ^ 60, 67, 77, 83 Bureau county, limestone samples.. 80 shale in 108 Burning the, cement mixture !!! 50 C Cache river, section along 84 Camden, limestone near 93 Cannell, Robert, clay of 107 Page. Capacity of ball mill 43 disintegrator 44 dry-pan 44 Fuller-Lehigh mill 47 Kent mill 44 rotary dryers 43 tube-mill 46 Williams disintegrator 44 Carbondale formation, description of 59, 74 Casey, limestone, near 80 section near 80 shale near 108 Cedar creek, limestone from 93 Cement, defects of, correction for.. 40 effect of heat upon 35 fineness of 54 hardening of 36 mixture, calculation of 38 Portland, average composition of 39 plant, location of 109 Roman, character of 18 setting of 36, 102 strains within 27 tensile strength 57 testing of 55 Centrifugal grinding-machines 46 Chalk, derivation 29 Chamberlain, John, shale of 108 Charleston, limestone from 81 Cherry Point, limestone near 81 "Chester" formation, description of 60, 72 limestones in 84, 90, 91 Chicago Portland Cement Co., The.. 14 quarry of 75, 86, 110 Clark county, clay in 108 limestone from 80 Clark, Edward B., limestone and shale 91, 111 Clay, alkali content of 31 alluvial, character of 25 alumina in 104 analysis, mechanical 102 chemical 30 classification of 23 definition of 15 deposits of, at, in, or near — Adams county 107 Anna 113 Brown county 107 Clark county 108 . Frederick 112 Grand Tower 109 Hancock county 109 Hillsboro 110 Jackson county 109 Maxwell 110 Menard 112 Mendon 107 117 Index — Continued. Page. Clay — Concluded. Milan 112 Mill creek 112 Niota 109 Peoria county 110 Prairie du Rocher 112 Princeville Ill Randolph county Ill Rock Island county 112 Rock river 112 Schuyler county 112 Stark county 113 Union county 113 Webb creek 107 feldspar in 20 ferric oxide in 31 fineness of 35 glacial 25, 102 grinding of 22 gypsum in 21 ignition loss in 104 iron oxide in 20 lime in 104 loess in 102 magnesia content of 31, 104 mechanical analysis of 105 ' mica in 21 origin and constituents of 16 physical qualities of 22 plastic ., 24 sampling of 106 silica in 18, 104 sulphur content of... 31 Clear Creek Chert formation 60 Clinker, defects of 40 grinding of 53 Clinton formation, description of. . 60 Clinton and Niagaran limestones, description of 64, 65 Coal, preparation and use of 51 Coarse-grinding machines 42 Cobden, shale near 113 Composition of cement mixture 37 Coles county, limestone in 81 Columbia, limestone near 94 Coolers for clinkers 53 Cooperstown, limestone near 79 Cost of crushing 42 quarrying 41 Cretaceous system, description of. .59, 75 Crooked creek, limestone along 93 Crushers 42 Crushing machines, capacity of 55 Cypress sandstone, description of.. 60, 72 D Deer Park, limestone near 85 Devonian system, description of.. 60, 65 Disintegrator, description of 43, 44 Dixon, cement plant at 14 limestone near 87 Dolomite, use in Portland cement.. 26 "Dusting," explanation of 19 Dryer, rotary, use of 51, 42 Drying clay for crushing 42 Dry-pan 44 Edgar county, limestone in 81 shale in 109 Edgewood formation 60 Edison Portland Cement Co., grind- ing methods of 54 Page. Efficiency of Griffin mill 47 of 200-mesh sieve 50 of tube-mill 46 Elizabethtown, samples near 83 Elutriation, separation by 34 English, William, shale of 108 Factor of fineness 35 Factor, surface, of clays 103 Fairmount limestone 59 Fairview Point, stratigraphic sec- tion at 71, 83 Gypsum, addition of, to cement.... 54 in clay 21 Feldspar, in clay 20 composition of 16 Ferric oxide, in clay 20, 31, 104 in shales 101 Ferrous oxide in clay 20 in shales 101 Fine-grinding machines 45 of raw materials, importance of 46 Fire clay, definition and character of 23 Fischer's formula 45 Frederick, clays near 112 limestone near 94 stratigraphic section near 113 Freitag, , Conrad, clay of 109 Fuel, consumption, estimate of 52 feed of ' 51 Fuller- Lehigh mill 47 Galena formation, limestone in 60, 63, 95 Galesburg, analysis of shale at 24 Garvin, J. E., shale of 109 Gates crusher 42 Geologice.l formations of Illinois, table of 59, 60 German -American Portland Cement Co., The 14, 84, 86, 110 Gibson, Jesse, shale of 108 Girardeau and Edgewood forma- tions, description of 64 Glacial clays 25 Golconda, limestone near 91 shale near Ill Grinding, effect of tube mill 45 Grand Tower, clay near 109 limestone at 83 stratigraphic section near 83-84 Grinding machines, centrifugal 46 intermediate 43 Grinding, insufficient, results of 36 stages of 42 Griffin mill 47 H Hancock county, clay in 109 limestone samples 82 Hardening of cement 36 Hardin county, limestone samples.. 83 Heat, distribution of, in long kiln.. 52 effect of, upon cement mixture. 35 used and lost in burning ce- ment 52, S3 Helderberg formation 60, 6?> 118 Index — Continued. Page. Henderson county, limestone sam- ples 83 Herrin coal (No 6) 73, 74 Herzfeld, decomposition of lime- stone 27 Hickman, Henry, limestone of 93 Hillsboro, clay reported 110 limestone near 88 Hydration, results of 27 Illinois cement industry, statistics of 13 Illinois Hydraulic Cement Mfg. Co., quarry of 61,86 Illinois river, stratigraphic section, Peru 86 Ignition loss 101 in clay 104 Impurities, in limestone, effect of. . 27 Intermediate grinding machines... 43 Investigation of cement materials. . 29 Iron oxide and alumina, in lime- stones 97, 100 in clay 20 Jackson county, clay in 109 limestone samples 83 James', formula for charge of peb- bles 46 Joachim formation 60, 63 K Kaolin, composition of 16 Kent mill 44 Keokuk formation 60 Kiln, rotary 50 long, heat distribution of 52 Kimmswick formation 60 limestone in 63, 77 Kinderhook formation 60, 67 stratigraphic section at 67 Korndahl, limestone near 96 shale near 113 L Labradorite, properties of 20 Lafayette formation 59 Lagrange formation 59 La Salle, cement plant near 14 limestone near 85 limestone 74 stratigraphic section near 61 Layman, F. E., collection of sam- ples by 102 Lehigh Valley, cement rock of 28 Lime carbonate, chemistry of dis- sociation of 27 in limestones 97, 100 Lime in clays 104 in limestones 97, 100 in shales 101 Lime silicates derived from kaolin. 18 Limestone Hill, shales at Ill sample from 91 Page. Limestones, analyses of 97, 100 classification of 28 composition of 26 constituents of 97, 100 deposits of 26- Occurrence in, at, near, on prop- erty of: Bailey's Falls 85 Belknap 84 Big Bay creek 90 Brickley, F. M 91 Brown county . . : 107 Brooklyn 94 Burlington formation 77, 83 Camden 93 Cedar creek 93 Chester formation 84, 90, 91 Clark, Edward B. : 91 Columbia 94 Dixon 87 Frederick 94 Galena formation 95 Golconda 91 Hamilton formation ". 92 Hickman, Henry 93 Hillsboro 88 Johnson county 84 Keokuk formation 77,82 Kickapoo township 89 Kimmswick formation 77 Korndahl 96 LaSalle county 84 LaSalle 85 Limestone township 89 Lincoln 87 Marshall county 88 Maxwell 89 McLeansboro formation. . .80, 81 Menard 91 Mill creek 92 Montgomery county 88 Myers, Joe 107 New Scotland formation 83 Ogle county 88 Oglesby 86 Onondaga formation 83 Oregon 88 Pecatonica river 95 Pennsylvanian group 88, 90 Peoria county 89 Peru 86 Pine creek 88 Pope county 90 Prairie du Rocher 91 Princeville -. 89 Pulaski county 91 Randolph county 91 Rainey farm 91 Reevesville 90 Ripley 93 Rock Island county 92 Rushville 94 Salem formation 77, 78, 79, 93, 95 Schuyler county 93 Scott Mill 93 Sparland 88 Spring creek 93 Stark county 95 St. Clair county 94 Stephenson county 95 Ste. Genevieve formation.. 83, 91 St. Louis formation 79, 82, 83, 91, 93 Sugar creek 94 Union county 95 119 Index — Continued. Page. Limestone — Concluded. Utica 86 "Versailles 107 Wiley, Foster 107 Whittenberg farm 90 Limestone, samples in, from, or near: _ Thebes, in river bluff . 77 Stump's, Frederick quarry at Marshall 81 Tucker, David, and Triplet, George, quarry of 81 Versailles, Zy 2 miles northeast of 79 three miles southwest of... 78 Lincoln stratigraphic section of.... 87 Lingle, Silas, shale of 113 Little Vermilion river, geological section along 85 Location of cement plant 109 Location suggested, cement plant... Ill Loess for mixture with clay 25 Loess clay, use of , . . 102 Logan county, limestone in 87 Logan creek, near Ripley, strati- graphic section on... 79 Lomax, limestone samples near 83 Long, Mrs. William, clay of Ill Lower Magnesian limestone 60, 86 Lowry, C. E., limestone of 83 M Magnesia in clay 30, 104 in lime material 33, 97, 100 effect of excess 56 effect of, in Portland cement... 33 in shales 101 Magnesium oxide, proportion in Portland cement 26 Marls, use of in cement 29 Marshall, shale near 108 Marshall county, limestone in 88 Marquette, limestone 80 shale near 108 stratigraphic section near 80 Marquette Portland Cement Co 85 McLeansboro formation 59 limestone in ...80, 81 Meade, R. K., cited 52, 58, 30 Mechanical analysis of clays 102 Melting point of metacalcium sili- cate 19 of orthocalcium silicate 19 Mellor's formula for speed in tube mill 45 Menard, limestone at 91 stratigraphic section at 72, 92 Mendon, clays near 107 limestone five miles east of 77 stratigraphic section near 107 Merservey, Joseph, limestone of.... 78 Metacalcium silicate, melting point of 19 Mica in clay 21 Michaelis, cited 36 Milan, clays near 112 limestone near 92 Mill creek, clays in 112 limestone on 92 Mill, Fuller-Lehigh 47 Griffin 47, 53 Kent 44, 53, 54 Raymond 48 tube 45, 53 Mississippian formation .60, 66, 67 Page Mixing of materials 41, 42 Montgomery county, limestone in... 88 shale in 110 Mt. Sterling, limestone near 78 stratigraphic section near 78 Mt. Carmel, shale near 113 Myers, Joe, limestone of. 107 N Nauvoo, limestone near 82 New Scotland formation ...60, 63 Newaygo screen, use of 54 Niagaran formation 60 Niota, clay near 109 limestone near 82 O Ochre, red deposits of 93 Oglesby, cement plant at 14 limestone near 86 shale near 110 stratigraphic section near 8"6 Ogle county, limestone, in 88 Ohio shale 60, 66 Oligoclase, properties of 20 Onondaga formation 60, 66 limestone in 83 Ordovician system 60 Oregon, limestone near 88 stratigraphic section near 89 Oriskany (Clear Creek Chert) 60, 66 Orthocalcium silicate, melting point of 19 Orthoclase feldspar, composition of. 20 Pecatonica river, limestone on 95 Peoria county, clay in 110 limestone in 89 Pennsylvanian system 59, 73 Pennsylvanian group, limestone in 88, 90 Peru, limestone near 86 Phase diagrams for lime-alumina. . 18 for lime-silica 18 Piasa creek, stratigraphic section near 69 Pine creek, limestone in 88 Plastic clays 24 Platteville formation 60, 62 limestone in 87, 88, 95 Plattin limestone, description of.. 63 Pleistocene, deposits, description of. 75 Pope county, clays in .' . . . Ill limestone in 90 Porter's creek formation 59 Portland cement 55 chemical composition of 57 constancy in volume 56 definition of 15 expansion of 56 fineness of 56 manufacture of 37 production of 13 quality of, tests 56 raw materials of ..15, 101 selling price of 14 specific gravity of 55 tensile strength of 56 time of setting 56 volume changes in IS 120 Index — Continued. Page. Power consumption of disintegrator ^ 43, 44 "baii'mill' 43 dry-pan • f 4 Fuller-Lehigh mill in Illinois... 47 Griffin mill 47 Kent mill 44 tube mill 46 Potash in shales 101 Pot-furnace, Fletcher, use of 39 Pottsville formation 59 NJo Prairie du Rocher, clays at 112 Princeville, clay near 111 limestone near 89 stratigraphic section near 89 Pulaski county, limestone in 91 Pyrite in clay 21 Q Quarrying, cost of . . • 41 Quarry, Chicago Portland Cement q 86 Red Bud 92 Sandusky Cement Co.... 87 Southern Illinois penitentiary... 91 Swan Creek Phosphate Co 95 Sword, George • • 89 Union Stone and Lime Co 95 Columbia 94 Ullin 91 Quarrv Station, shale near 110 stratigraphic section near 110 Quartz, behavior of • • 19 Quaternary system 59, 75 Quigg, William, clfay of 107 Quincy, samples from 77 R Radiation, heat lost by 53 Rainey farm, limestone, on 91 stratigraphic section on 91 Randolph county, clay in Ill limestone in 91 Rankin, G. A., work of 17 Raymond mill • 48 Raw materials for Portland cement 15 grinding of 41 winning of 41 Red Bud, city quarry of 92 shale near Ill Recuperators »* Reevesville, limestone, near 90 Richmond formation 60, 63, 75 Ripley formation 59, 75 Ripley, limestone near 79, 93 Rittinger, cited 45 '-,?o Rock river, clays in 11^ Rock Island county, clays in 112 limestone in , 92 Roll crusher 42, 44 Roman cement, character of 18 volume changes in 18 Rotary dryers 42 capacity of 43 Rotary kiln 50 Rushville, stratigraphic section near 94 S Saint Aloysius church, shale near. . 109 St. Clair county, limestone in 94 Ste. Genevieve formation 60 limestone in 83, 84, 91 Page. St. Louis formation 60, 94 limestone in 79, 82, 83, 91, 93, 94 St. Peter sandstone, 60, 62 Salem formation 60 limestone in 77, 78, 79, 93, 95 Sampling clays, method of 106 Sardusky Portland Cement Co., quarry of 14, 87 Scott Mill, limestone near 93 stratigraphic section 93 Schuyler county, clays in 112 limestone in 93 Schulz apparatus ' 33, 34 Separator, Raymond, use of 54 Setting of Portland cement. 36 Shales, alumina in 101 Shale and clays, cost of getting 41 Shales, character of 24 constituents of 101 occurrence of, at, near, or on property of: Bureau county 108 Baldwinsville 109 Casey 108 Chamberlain, John 108 Chicago Portland Cement Co 110 Clark, E. B Ill Cobden 113 Edgar county 109 English, William 108 Garvin, J. E 109 Gibson, Jesse 108 Golconda Ill Korndahl 113 LaSalle county 110 Limestone Hill Ill Lingle, Silas 113 Montgomery county 110 Mt. Carmel 113 Marshall 108 Marquette 108 Oglesby 110 Quarry Station 110 Red Bud Ill Saint Aloysius church 109 Sword, George 110 Wabash county 113 potash in 101 soda in 101 use of in Portland cement 101 weathered, character of 24 Shepherd, E. S., work of 17 Silica-alumina, ratio in clay 30 Silica in clays 104 detection of 18 in Illinois shales 101 in limestone 97, 100 in Oriskany (Clear Creek Chert) 66 Silurian system 60, 64 Slag, used for cement 14 Soda in shales 101 South Chicago, cement plant at 14 Southern Illinois penitentiary, quarry of Sparland, limestone near 88 stratigraphic section near 88 Specific gravity of Portland cement 55 Spring creek, limestone in tributary of Spring Valley, stratigraphic section near 80 limestone west of 80 Stark county, clays in 113 limestone in 95 91 93 121 Index — Concluded. Page Statistics of Illinois cement indus- try 13 Stephenson county, limestone in... 95 Stratigraphy of Portland cement- materials 59 Strains, in cement, causes of 27 Storage of clinkers 53 Stratigraphic sections near: Alton 70 Anna 95 Baldwinsville 82, 109 Big creek 81 Casey 80 Cooperstown 79 Dixon 87 Fairview Point 71 Frederick 113 Grand Tower 83, 84 Kinderhook 67 DaSalle 61 Lincoln 87 Marquette 80 Marshall 81 Menard 72, 92 Mendon 107 Mt. Sterling, seven miles south of 78 Oglesby 86 Ohio river at Fairview Point.. 83 Oregon 89 Piasa creek 69 Pine creek 88 Princeville 89 Quarry Station 110 Ripley 79 Rushville 94 Scott Mill 93 Sparland 88 Spring Valley 88 Stark county 95 Sword's quarry 89 Versailles 78 Warsaw 68 Winslow 95 Rainey farm 91 Stoker, mechanical 53 Streitmatter, Fred, quarry of 89 Stump, Frederick, quarry 81 Sugar creek, limestone on 94 Sulphuric anhydride, effect of ex- cess 56 Sulphur, content of 31 Suratt, Elijah, section from farm of 78 Page Swan Creek Phosphate Co., quarry of 95 Sword, quarry of 89, 90, 110 Tensile strength, testing for 57 Tertiary, occurrence of 59, 75 Testing of cement 55, 57 Thebes, limestone near 77 Trenton-Galena limestone 62 Tricalcium silicate, behavior of. . . 17 Tribune formation 60 Tube mill 45, 46 Tucker, David and Triplet, George, limestone of 81 U Ullin, quarry near 91 Union Stone and Lime Co., mate- rials of 95, 113 Union county, clays in..... 113 limestone in 95 Universal Portland Cement Co., The 14 Utica Hydraulic Cement Co., use of Lower Magnesian limestone 61 Utica, limestone near 86 Valley township, clay in Ill VanZandt, T. C, heat distribution estimate 52 Versailles, limestone near... 78, 79, 107 stratigraphic section near 78 W Wabash county, shale in 113 Warsaw formation 60, 68 Warsaw, stratigraphic section at.. 68 Water at 105°C. in limestones. . .97, 100 White, David, work of 73 Whittenberg farm, limestone on... 90 Wiley, Foster, limestone of 107 Williams disintegrator 44, 51 Winslow, quarry in 95 -9 G