THE PURE FOOD AND "EIGHT AND MEASURE LAWS OF THE STATE OF IOWA Effective July 4, 1911 W. B. BARNEY Dairy and Food Commissioner DES MOINES, IOWA July 1, 1911 PUBLICATION AUTHORIZED BY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL DES MOINES: EMORY H. ENGLISH, STATE PRINTER 1911 PURE FOOD LAW Section 4999-al5. State dairy and food com-, missioner—duties—seal—assistants — compenl sation and expenses.—The State Dairy and Foot. Commissioner shall be charged with the duty o!: carrying into effect the provisions of this act: and shall have an official seal. He may, witt i the approval of the Executive Council, appoin : such assistants as he may deem necessary, wh< i may exercise the powers now provided by la"v T in the case of milk inspectors together witl l those conferred by this act, and they shall per¬ form such duties as may be assigned to thein by the State Dairy and Food Commissionejr. They shall be paid a salary of not to exceejd sixteen hundred dollars ($1600) per annum, said salary to be paid in the same manner as the salaries of other state officers and they shall be allowed the expenses necessarily incurred by them in the discharge of their duties. Their accounts shall be itemized and sworn to, and when approved by the Commissiom >r and the Executive Council, shall be paid t »y warrant of the Auditor upon the Treasurer o; it of a sum hereinafter appropriated for carrying out the provisions of this act. Sec. 4999-al8. Rules and regulations.—T1 ie Commissioner, shall with the approval of the Ex»- ecutive Council make all necessary rules and regj- ulations for carrying out the provisions of thijs act, under which the Commissioner shall procur from time to time or whenever he has occasioi to believe any of its provisions are being vio lated or cause to be procured for examinatioi chemically, microscopically or otherwise, sam pies of food shipped into this state or offeret for sale in this state. The chemist making th examination shall certify the results of his worl to the Commissioner. Sec. 4999-al9. County attorney—duties.— If it shall appear from any such examinatioi 2 that any of the provisions of this act have been violated, the Commissioner shall at once certify the facts to the proper county attorney, with a copy of the results of the analysis duly authenti¬ cated by the analyst under oath. It shall be the duty of every county attorney to whom the Com¬ missioner or his assistants shall report any vio¬ lation of this act, to cause proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted without delay for the fines and penalties in such case provided. An attorney may be appointed by the Governor when he deems advisable to prosecute such cases, but in no case except where the county attorney has first refused to act. (A rf) Sec. 4999-a20. Manufacture and sale of adul¬ terated or misbranded foods prohibited.—No person, firm or corporation, by himself, officer, servant or agent, or as the officer, servant or agent of any other person, firm or corporation shall manufacture or introduce into the state v or solicit or take orders for delivery, or sell, -7 exchange, deliver or have in his possession with the intent to sell, exchange or expose or offer for sale or exchange, any article of food which is adulterated or misbranded, within the meaning ir'ot this act. Provided that none of the penalties set forth in this act shall be imposed upon any common carrier for introducing into the state, or having in its possession, any adulterated or misbranded articles of food, where the same were received by said carrier for transportation ^^jpthe ordinary course of its business and .with¬ out actual knowledge of the adulteration or misbranding thereof. Provided, that any manu- £ facturer, wholesaler or jobber may keep goods Q specifically set apart in his stock for sale in other states, which might otherwise be in violation of the provisions of this act. Sec. 4999-a21. Terms defined.—The word q ‘‘Commissioner,” whenever used in this act, shall cVfie taken to mean the State Dairy and Food - Commissioner. The word “food,” as used herein, shall include all articles used for food, drink, V confectionery or condiment, by man or domestic b* animals, whether simple, blended, mixed or f\ compound. The term “misbranded,” as used herein, shall apply to all articles of food, or « articles which enter into the composition of food, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such 3 p 37126 article, or the ingredients or substances con¬ tained therein which shall be false or misleading in any particular, and to any food product which is falsely branded as to the state, territory or country in which it is manufactured or pro¬ duced, or if in package form, which bears any statement of the weight or measure unless the same be a correct statement of the net weight or measure of the contents. Misbranding defined. For the purpose of this act an article of food shall be deemed to be “misbranded: ” First. If it be offered for sale under the spe¬ cific name of another article. Second. If it be labeled or branded so as to deceive or mislead the purchaser, or purport to be a foreign product when not so. Third. Baking powders if each can or pack¬ age is not plainly labeled so as to show the name of each and every ingredient contained therein. Fourth. In the case of articles labeled, branded, or tagged so as to plainly indicate that they are mixtures, compounds, combinations, im¬ itations or blends, and the word “mixture,” “compound,” “combination,” “imitation” or “blend,” as the case may be is plainly stated on the package in which it is offered for sale, unless the name of each ingredient shall appear on the main label, in continuous list with no intervening matter of any kind, immediately following the phrase, “Mixture of,” “Compound of,” “Combination of,” “Blend of,” as the case may be, such names of ingredients to appear in the order in which they are present in quan¬ tity in said article of food, beginning with the ingredient present in the greater proportion. All letters used in naming the ingredients shall be of the same size, style, and' color as the letters used in the phrase “Mixture of,” “Com¬ pound of,” “Combination of,” or “Blend of” and shall appear on a background of one color. La¬ bels required by this act shall be distinctly printed in the English language in legible type no smaller than eight point heavy gothic caps. Such label shall be placed upon the outside of the package and shall contain the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer or dealer. The term “blend” as used herein shall be construed to mean a mixture of like substances. Provided, that nothing in this act 4 shall be construed as requiring or compelling proprietors or manufacturers of proprietary- foods which contain no unwholesome added in¬ gredients to disclose their trade formulas, ex¬ cept in so far as the provisions of this act may require to secure freedom from adulteration or misbranding. Sec. 4999-a22. Adulteration defined. — For the purpose of this act, an article of food shall be deemed to be adulterated: First. If any substance or substances has or have been mixed and packed with it so as to re¬ duce or lower or injuriously affect its quality, strength or purity. Second. If any substance or substances has or have been substituted wholly or in part for the article. Third. If any valuable constituent of the ar¬ ticle has been wholly or in part abstracted. Fourth. If it does not conform to the stan¬ dards established by law. Fifth. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, coated or stained in a manner whereby damage or inferiority is concealed. Sixth. If it contains any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render such article injurious to health or if it contains saccharine or formaldehyde. Seventh. If it consists of the whole or any part of a diseased, filthy, decomposed or putrid animal or vegetable substance or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufac¬ tured or not, or if it' is the product of a diseased animal or one that has died otherwise than by slaughter. Eighth. Candies and chocolates if they con¬ tain terra alba, barytes, talc, chrome yellow, or other mineral substances, or poisonous colors or flavors, or other ingredients deleterious or det¬ rimental to health. Ninth. Vinegar if it contain any added col¬ oring matter. Sec. 4999-a24. Samples—Any person who manufactures or exposes for sale, or delivers to a purchaser any article of food, shall furnish, within business hours and upon payment and tender of the selling price a sample of such food to any person duly authorized by the Commis¬ sioner to receive the same and who shall apply to such vendor, or person delivering to a pur- 5 chaser, such article of food for such sample for such use in sufficient quantity for the anal¬ ysis of any such article or articles in his pos¬ session. In the presence of such person and an agent of the Commissioner, if so desired by either party, said sample shall be divided into three parts, and each part shall be sealed with the seal of the Commissioner. One part shall be left with the dealer, one delivered to the Commissioner, and one deposited with the coun¬ ty attorney for the county in which the sample is taken. The having in possession by any per¬ son who manufactures or exposes for sale, any adulterated or misbranded food, within the meaning of this act, shall be prima facie evi¬ dence of having in possession with intent to sell in violation of its provisions. Sec. 4999-a25. Penalty.—Any person, firm, corporation, or agent thereof, who refuses to comply, on demand, with any of the require¬ ments of this act or who shall violate any of its provisions, or who shall obstruct or hinder the Commissioner, or any of his assistants, in the discharge of any duty imposed by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 4999-a26. Bulletins.—The Commission¬ er shall, from time to time, with the approval of the Executive Council, issue a printed bulletin, showing the results of inspections, analyses, and prosecutions undertaken under this act, together with such general information as may be deemed suitable. Such bulletins shall be printed in such numbers as may be directed by the Executive Council, and shall be issued to the newspapers of the state and to all interested persons. Sec. 4999-a27. Appropriation.—For the pur¬ pose of enabling the Commissioner to enforce the provisions of the various laws, the enforce¬ ment of which is vested with the State Dairy and Food Commissioner, for the making of such analysis for other state departments as may be authorized by the Executive Council, for neces¬ sary traveling and miscellaneous expenses of assistants and experts and for all other expenses herein provided, the sum of twenty-one thou¬ sand ($21,000.00) dollars annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appro- G priated from the treasury not otherwise appro¬ priated. Sec. 4999-a29. Notice—how served on de¬ fendant corporation.—Upon the prosecution of corporation for violations of the provisions of this act, or of section four thousand nine hun¬ dred and eighty-nine (4989) of the Code, and information filed before a justice of the peace having jurisdiction, the said justice of the peace shall forthwith issue notice to the corporation which shall substantially notify the defendant of the charges contained in the information and that it must forthwith appear and answer the same, which notice may be served by any peace officer in any county of the state or any officer or agent of the defendant corporation by read¬ ing the same to him and leaving with him a copy thereof; said notice shall be returned to the justice of the peace without delay with proper return of its service, and from and after two days from the time of making such service the defendant corporation shall be considered to be in court, and all further proceedings shall be the same as against an individual defend¬ ant. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Sec. 4999-a31. For the purposes of this act the following standards are hereby established: 1. A flavoring extract is a solution in ethyl alcohol of proper strength of the sapid and odor¬ ous principles derived from an aromatic plant, or parts of the plant, with or without its color¬ ing matter, and conforms in name to the plant used in its preparation. 2. Almond extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of bitter almonds, free from hydrocyanic acid, and contains not less than one (1) per cent, by volume of oil of bitter al¬ monds. 3. Anise extract is the flavoring extract pre¬ pared from oil of anise, and contains not less than three (3) per cent, by volume of oil of anise. 4. Celery seed extract is the flavoring extract prepared from celery seed or the oil of celery seed, or both, and contains not less than three- tenths (0.3) per cent, by volume of oil of celery seed. 5. Cassia extract is the flavoring extract pre¬ pared from oil of cassia and contains not less 7 than two (2) per cent, by volume of oil of cassia. 6. Cinnamon extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of cinnamon, and contains not less than two (2j per cent, by volume of oil of cinnamon. 7. Clove extract is the flavoring extract pre¬ pared from oil of cloves, and contains not less than two (2) per cent, by volume of oil of cloves. 8. Ginger extract is the flavoring extract pre¬ pared from ginger and contains in each one hundred (100) cubic centimeters, the alcohol- soluble matters from not less than twenty (20) grams of ginger. 9. Lemon extract is the flavoring extract pre¬ pared from oil of lemon, or from lemon peel, or both, and contains not less than five (5) per cent, by volume of oil of lemon. 10. Terpeneless extract of lemon is the fla¬ voring extract prepared by shaking oil of lemon with dilute alcohol, or by dissolving terpeneless oil of lemon in dilute alcohol, and contains not less than two-tenths (0.2) per cent, by weight of citral derived from oil of lemon. 11. Nutmeg extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of nutmeg and contains not less than two (2) per cent, by volume of oil of nutmeg. 12. Orange extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of orange, or from orange peel, or both, and contains not less than five (5) per cent, by volume of oil of orange. 13. Terpeneless extract of orange is the fla¬ voring extract prepared by shaking oil of orange with dilute alcohol, or by dissolving terpeneless oil of orange in dilute alcohol, and corresponds in flavoring strength to orange extract. 14. Peppermint extract is the flavoring ex¬ tract prepared from oil of peppermint, or from peppermint, or both, and contains not less than three (3) per cent, by volume of oil of pepper¬ mint. 15. Rose extract is the flavoring extract pre¬ pared from otto of roses, with or without red rose petals, and contains not less than four- tenths (0.4) per cent, by yolume of otto of roses. 16. Savory extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of savory, or from savory, or both, and contains not less than thirty-five hun- 8 dredths (0.35) per cent, by volume of oil of savory. 17. Spearmint extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of spearmint, or from spear¬ mint, or both, and contains not less than three (3) per cent, by volume of oil of spearmint. 18. Star anise extract is the flavoring ex- prepared from oil of star anise, and contains not less than three (3) per cent, by volume of oil of star anise. 19. Sweet basil extract is the flavoring ex¬ tract prepared from oil of sweet basil, or from sweet basil, or both, and contains not less than one-tenth (0.1) per cent, by volume of oil of sweet basil. 20. Sweet marjoram extract, marjoram ex¬ tract, is the flavoring extract prepared from the oil of marjoram or from marjoram, or both, and contains not less than one (1) per cent, by volume of oil of marjoram. 21. Thyme extract is the flavoring extract prepared from oil of thyme, or from thyme, or both, and contains not less than two-tenths (0.2) per cent, by volume of oil of thyme. 22. Tonka extract is the flavoring extract prepared from tonka bean, with or without su¬ gar or glycerin, and contains not less than one- tenth (0.1) per cent, by weight of coumarin extracted from the tonka bean, together with a corresponding proportion of the other soluble matters thereof. 23. Vanilla extract is the flavoring extract prepared from vanilla bean, with or without sugar or glycerin, and contains in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters the soluble matters from not less than ten (10) grams of the va¬ nilla bean, and contains not less than thirty (30) per cent, by volume of absolute ethyl alcohol. 24. Wintergreen extract is the flavoring ex¬ tract prepared from oil of wintergreen, and con¬ tains not less than three (3) per cent, by volume of oil of wintergreen. VINEGAR. 1. Vinegar, cider vinegar, apple vinegar, is the product made by the alcoholic and subse¬ quent acetous fermentations of the juice of ap¬ ples, is laevo-rotatory, and contains not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid, not less than one 9 and six-tenths (1.6) grams of apple solids, of which not more than fifty (50) per cent are re¬ ducing sugars, and not less than twenty-five hundreds (0.25) gram of apple ash in one hun¬ dred (100) cubic centimeters (20°C.); and the water-soluble ash from one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (2 0°C.) of the vinegar contains not less than ten (10) milligrams of phosphoric acid (P205) and requires not less than thirty (30) cubic centimeters of decinormal acid to neu¬ tralize its alkalinity. 2. Wine vinegar, grape vinegar, is the pro¬ duct made by the alcoholic and subsequent acet¬ ous fermentations of the juice of grapes and contains in one hundred cubic centimeters (20 degrees C), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid, not less than one (1.0) gram of grape solids, and not less than thirteen hun¬ dredths (0.13) gram of grape ash. 3. Malt vinegar is the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations without distillation, of an infusion of barley malt or cereals whose starch has been converted by malt, is dextro-rotary, and contains, in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (20 degrees C), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid, not less than two (2) grams of solids, and not less than two-tenths (0.2) gram of ash; and the water-soluble ash from one hundred (100) cu¬ bic centimeters (20 degrees C) of the vinegar contains not less than nine (9) milligrams of phosphoric acid (P205), and requires not less than four (4) cubic centimeters of decinormal acid to neutralize its alkalinity. 4. Sugar Vinegar is the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of solutions of sugar, sirup, molasses, or re¬ finers sirup, and contains in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (20 degrees C), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid. 5. Glucose vinegar is the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermenta¬ tions of solutions of starch sugar or glucose, is dextro-rotatory, and contains in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (20 degrees C), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid. 6. Spirit vinegar, distilled vinegar, grain vin¬ egar, is the product made by the acetous fer¬ mentations of dilute distilled alcohol, and con- 10 tains in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (20 degrees C), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid. BUTTER. 1. Butter shall contain not less than eighty (80) per cent by weight of butterfat. OYSTERS. “Oysters shall not contain ice, nor more than sixteen and two-thirds (16 2-3) per cent by weight of free liquid.” (Chap. 221 L. 33 G. A.) ICE-CREAM. 1. Ice cream is the frozen product made from pure wholesome sweet cream, and sugar, with or without flavoring, and if desired, the addition of not to exceed one per cent. (1%) by weight of a harmless thickener, and contains not less than twelve per cent. (12%) by weight of milk fat, and the acidity shall not exceed three-tenths (0.3) of one per cent. (1%). 2. Fruit ice cream is the frozen product made from pure wholesome sweet cream, sugar, and sound, clean, mature fruits, and, if desired, the addition of not to exceed one per cent. (1%) by weight of a harmless thickener, and contains not less than ten per cent. (10%) by weight of milk fat. 3. Nut ice cream is the frozen product made from pure wholesome sweet cream, sugar, and sound, non-rancid nuts, and, if desired, the ad¬ dition of not to exceed one per cent. (1%) by weight of harmless thickener, and contains not less than ten per cent. (10%) by weight of milk fat. WEIGHT AND MEASURE LAW. Section 1. That the State Dairy and Food Commissioner and his assistants are each here¬ by empowered and it is hereby made their duty, to make an inspection of scales, weights and measures wherever the same are kept for use in connection with the sale of merchandise or other commodities sold by weight or measurement, or where the price to be paid for producing or manufacturing any article or commodity is based upon the weight or measurement thereof, with¬ in this state, and he is hereby authorized and directed to procure from the State Superintend- 11 ent of Weights and Measures such standards of weights and measures as may be necessary to enable him and his assistants to perform the duties conferred upon them by this act. Sec. 2. Whenever complaint shall be made to the State Dairy and Food Commissioner that any false or incorrect scales, weights or meas¬ ures are being made use of by any person, firm or corporation in the purchase or sale of mer¬ chandise or other commodities or in weighing any article or commodity, the piece price paid for producing which is determined by weight or measure, it shall be his duty to cause the same to be inspected as soon as the duties of his office will permit, and he shall make such other inspection of weights and measures as in his judgment is necessary or proper to be made. Sec. 3. If any person engaged in the pur¬ chase or sale of merchandise or other com¬ modities by weight or measurement or in the employment of labor where the price thereof is to be determined by weight or measurement of the articles or thing upon which such labor is bestowed, as specified in section one (1) of this act, be found having in his place of busi¬ ness any scales, weights, measures or other ap¬ paratus for determining the quantity of any commodity, which does not conform to the standards of weight and measurement of this state, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for the first offense shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense, not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding ninety days. Sec. 4. The State Dairy and Food Commis¬ sioner shall pay from the appropriations for his office, any and all expense incurred in procur¬ ing the necessary standards from the State Su¬ perintendent of Weights and Measures. 12