670,85 II C22c 1917 GeoB-Carpenter^&Co. 4 40 wells street Chicago §©© 1840 1917 Catalogue Np 110 This book has been digitized through the generosity of Robert O. Blissard Class of 1957 B University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: BENJAMIN CARPENTER, Prest. JOHN A. CARPENTER, Vice Prest. HUBBARD CARPENTER, Secy. C. W. COMMONS, Asst. Treas. F. G. LEWIS G. F. HAWKINSON, Gen'l Mgr, R. H. DURYEE R. A. L,a POINTE ESTABLISHED 1840 GeoB-Carpei^er & 60. MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTERS OF GENERAL SUPPLIES AND . EQUIPMENT FOR RAILROADS, STEAMSHIPS, CONTRACTORS, MILLS, MINES, POWER PLANTS, MACHINE SHOPS AND ALL FORMS OF INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY CORDAGE, TWINES, COTTON DUCK, MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS, MARINE SUPPLIES AND GENERAL HARDWARE, TENTS, CAMP FURNITURE, AWNINGS, FLAGS SHIP CHANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS 440 Wells Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS GEOBCARPEhfTER 55 SO. STORE AND GENERAL OFFICES 430-440 Wells Street, Corner Austin Avenue Chicago, Illinois To T)ie Trade WE Kave just completed tKe seventy-sixtk year of continuous and successful activity or "The Old Carpenter SKop." We are well aware tKat mere age counts for little unless tlie experience gained and strength acquired make for better service and greater usefulness. These are days of KigK speed, high tension and great respon- sibilities. Wideawake new methods are necessary to meet the demands of modern business. We are keeping step in the procession right behind the band. Ours is a class of goods in which Quality and Service are primary considerations. We are confident that where life and property are at stake the surest economy lies in using the highest grade of goods obtainable, backed up by a house of record and standing. For the convenience of our customers we shall issue from time to time a general discount guide applying to this catalogue. Owing to the constant fluctuations in a large proportion of our staple lines the quotations named herein are subject to change without notice. \Vhen you are in Chicago we invite you to call and give us an opportunity to sho-w you over our ncAV p lant. built up by seventy-five years of constant painstaking service in the wonderful city which had, w^hen \ve began business, less than five thousand inhabitants, and is now the Great Central Market of the United States. Yours respectfully. Chicago, January 1, 1917 GEoBCARPErfTER « Ca Second i^^dition August 15, 1^11. GEO-BCARPENfTER 5^ CO WAREHOUSES A AND B Corner of Grand Avenue and Orleans Street CHICAGO, ILL. Used solely for reserve stock in all lines, and for original package shipping. GEO-BCARPENfTER S QO. OUR SOUTH CHICAGO STORE GREAT LAKES SUPPLY COMPANY Store and Office, 3217' East 92nd Street Warehouses, 3207-9 East 92nd Street ^Vc recommcnJ for tKe convenience oi the trade in the Calumet Region, our South Chicago Store •ninHES^»CORDAG£J ENGINEERS SUPPLIES. ^Ve carry a complete line, same as at the Main Store. All orders will receive careful attention and prompt delivery. Geo B Carpei^ter « Ca GEO•B•eAIl.PE^fTER S Co. IRON WK8.. STEEL PA(KIH6 PIPE WASTF finiHBX mmi OUR NEW WAREHOUSE AT SOUTH CHICAGO THE business of our South Chicago branch, known as Great Lakes Supply Co., with offices at 32 1 7 East 92nd Street, has grown to such proportions that we have recently added a new warehouse to the South Chicago equipment to take care of stocks of pipe, fittings, steel, iron, cordage and heavy hardware, and better serve the large business originating along the Calumet river. The new warehouse is 230 feet long by 80 feet wide and 40 feet high. It is equipped with five standard gauge railroad tracks running the entire length of the building. We can load and unload a large number of cars under our own roof, and ofttimes transfer material direct from the mill car to our heavy motor trucks for quick delivery among the manufacturing centers of northern Illinois and Indiana. With such facilities as these, combined with constant effort to make every department of this business render efficient and painstaking service, we feel certain that we can handle your supply business to your entire satisfaction. GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER « CO, Hardware Department FOLLOWING the policy which has guided us in the selection of all our lines of merchandise, our Hardware Department represents only the "Survival of the Fittest." Every item in the line has been chosen from the standpoint of the user — with an eye to value rather than saleabiUty. The original foundation of this department rested upon our trade with contractors, railroads and marine transportation interests, where our goods are expected to protect life and limb. It is self-evident that inferior goods have no place in exacting conditions of that nature. "Value F'lrsC is not only the best policy — it is the only policy, and the cheapest insurance. Starting therefore with a high ideal of our obligations to the trade, we have gradually enlarged and extended our activity in the Hardware field, until we are now able to offer a wide range of goods which we can state confidently are the very best of their various kinds. Some of the leading items in the line are: Carpenters' Tools Machinists' Tools Engineers' Tool? Winches Wire Rope Derricks Derrick Fittings Steel Tackle Blocks Wood Tackle Blocks Chain Hoists Diving Apparatus Well Machinery Concrete Mixers Drag Scrapers Power Pumps Trench Pumps Power Transmission Equipment Shovels Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Hand Powers Saw Rigs Gasoline Hoists Gas Engines Bolts Nuts Paints Oils Greases Oakum Naval Stores GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER « Co. DISSTON'S SAWS Made >vith Hand or Rip Saw Teeth at »aine price Fig. D115 Skewback, Extra London Spring Steel, Se- lected and Highly Polished Blade. Warranted, Rosewood Handle, Carved and Polished, Nickel Plated Screws. ,\^=z-,, ^„.,^.- .„B — RIP — 30 inch $45.00 per doz. V:y . ! 2S inch 40.00 , I HAXD— 26 inch 36.00 ,^vywv^v.^vw,v^v..v...... .... PANEL — 16 18 20 22 24 inches. Fig. D115 $25.75 27.75 30.00 32.00 34.00 per doz. Fig. 120 Acme Skewback, Extra London Spring Steel, Selected and Highly Polished Blade, War- ranted, Apple Handle, Carved and Polished, Brass Screws. A fast, smooth-cutting saw; particularly :s^-' I Full Polished, Brass Screws. ,^ . , ,, J RIP — 30 inch $30.00 per doz. iVvvVvrt^v*VvvVyvvvvTVvvvvvv>vvvvvnA-.v.,, '<^.^ 2§ inch 26.00 " ^. „„ HAND— 26 inch'. '.'.*.■.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. '. 23.00 F»S' "» PANEL — 16 18 20 22 24 inches. $15.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 per doz. Fig. 9 Extra London Spring Steel, Grained Blade, „„,^ „ __, Warranted, Apple Handle, Full Polished, ,^^:S|;gXi=S ^^ ^^ am. Brass Screws. RIP — 30 inch $28.50 per doz. 28 inch 25.50 HAXD — 26 inch 22.50 PAXEL — 16 18 20 22 24 inches. ,.;„ ., $14.75 16.25 18.00 20.00 21.50 per doz. Fig. 16 Refined Crucible Steel, Grained Blade, War- ranted, Apple Handle, Carved and Polished, Brass Screws. This saw has the blade set ^ ^^ into handle similar to DS, on page 7. '*''■''■'•*"'- %^^!^^Li jlIP — 30 inch $28.50 per doz. 28 inch 25.50 HAXD— 26 inch ^ 22.50 PAXEL — 14 16 18 20 22 24 inches. Kijj. 10 $13.75 14.75 16.25 18.00 20.00 21.50 per doz. GE0B(3AR.PEhfTER S CO. DISSTON'S SAWS Made with Hand or Rip Saw Teeth at Ma Fig. DlOO Skewback. Refined Crucible Steel, Highly Polished Blade, Warranted, Apple Handle, Carved and Polished Brass Screws. RIP — 30 inch $31.00 per doz. 2S inch 28.00 HAND — 26 inch 25.00 PANEL — 16 18 20 22 24 inches. ?16.75 18.25 20.00 22.00 23.50 per doz. Fig. D8 Skewback, Refined Crucible Steel Blade, Warranted, Apple Handle, Full Polished, Brass Screws. These Saws have all the latest improve- ments in hand saws, and are warranted su- perior. They combine the popular "Skew- back," the peculiar shaped butt or heel. which, with the new screws, makes it almost impossible to work loose from the handle, and gives the full sweep of the saw without the possibility of catching in the work. RIP — 30 inch 128.50 per doz. 28 inch 25.50 HAXD — 26 inch 22.50 PAXEL — 16 18 20 22 24 inches. $14.75 16.25 18.00 20.00 21.50 per doz. Fig. 8 Refined Crucible Steel, Grained Blade, War- ranted, Apple Handle, Full Polished, Brass Screws. U, ..,,.,. RIP — 30 inch $28.50 per doz. 28 inch 24.50 HAND — 26 inch 21.50 PANEL — 16 IS 20 22 24 inches. $13.75 14.75 16.75 19.00 20.50 per doz. Fig. 7 The Ori^nal Henry Disston Saw- Crucible Steel, Grained Blade, W^arranted, , Beech Handle, Full Polished, Brass Screws. e^-^"^ RIP — 28 30 32 34 36 inches. W- $23.50 27.00 30.50 34.50 39.00 per doz. ' HAND — 26 inch $20.00 PANEL— 14 16 18 20 22 24 in. $12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 19.00 doz. Fig. 76 DISSTOX "CENTENNIAL, No. 76" No. 76 Centennial. Skewback, Crucible Steel Blade, Warranted, Apple Handle. Pol- ished, Brass Screws. 16 18 20 22 inches. $14.00 15.00 17.00 19.00 per doz. 24 26 28 30 inches. $20.00 21.00 24.50 28.00 per doz. Fig. 77 DISSTON, No. 7? For use in Dry SeaMuned Lumber only The No. 77 Saw is particularly adapted for fine cabinet work, sawing mitres, where rapid and smooth cutting is required. The use of a plane can be dispensed with, as they will cut a joint sufllciently smooth to glue without planing. These Saws are warranted to run without set in dry, seasoned lumber only, and are not for general use. They are high in temper, specially ground for clearance and require no set. No, 77. Extra London Spring Steel Blade, Warranted, Apple Handle Polished, Brass Screws. 16 18 20 22 inches. $17.50 19.00 20.00 22.00 per doz. 24 26 28 30 inches. $24.00 25.00 29.00 33.00 per doz. Fig. 107 KEYSTONE Crucible Steel, Grained Blade, Beech Handle, Polished Edge, Brass Screws. RIP — 30 inch $23.50 per doz. 28 inch 20.50 HAND — 26 inch 17.50 PANEL — 14 16 18 20 22 24 in. $10.25 11.25 12.50 14.00 15.50 16.50 doz. iiie price •8S 10 GEO-BCAR^PEhfTER « QO. ttm Fig. 3 DISSTON'S SAWS Pig. 3 "BROWN'S" Crucible Steel, Grained Blade, Beech Handle, Polished Edge, Brass Screws. RIP — 30 inch 119.50 per doz. 28 inch 16.50 HAND— 26 inch 13.50 PANEL, — 14 16 18 20 22 24 inches. $7.25 8.25 9.25 10.50 11.50 12.50 per doz. ^m. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 "C. BISHOP" Crucible Steel, Grained Blade, Beech Handle, Polished Edge, Brass Screws. RIP — 30 inch $16.00 per doz. 28 inch 14.00 HAND — 26 inch 12.00 PANEL — 14 16 18 20 22 24 inches. $6.50 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 per doz. DISSTON'S HANDY SAW KITS "-""^^'mmmmmmmm Xo. 102, FIVE BLADE SET, $4.00 Cross-cut Saw Blade, 10 point 20 inch Rip Saw Blade, 7 point 20 inch Plumbers' Saw Blade 18 inch Compass Saw Blade 14 inch Keyhole Saw Blade 12 inch Adjustable Handle No. 103, FIVE BLADE SET, $3.30 Cross-cut Saw Blade, 10 point 20 inch Rip Saw Blade, 7 point 20 inch Pruning Saw Blade 16 inch Compass Saw Blade 14 inch Keyhole Saw Blade 12 Inch Adjustable Handle Put up in a durable canvas case, having strong leather bound edges, and containing separate compartments for each blade, with a special pocket for the handle. Convenient and light to carry. The combination of Blades in any of these sets provides a Handy Kit for the practical mechanic, householder, farmer, etc. Hardwood Handle, Carved and Polished, with a special lever device which is ar- ranged to hold the blades comprising the Sets rigid and the special formation of the butt of the blades prevents wobbling. The Special shaped Lever Bolt, permits by a quarter or half turn of same, the keeping of the Lever in position so it will not interfere with the working of the saw. The Plumbers' Saw Blade is specially tempered for cutting nails, spikes, bolts, gas pipe, soil pipe, etc. The blades are made of DISSTON CRU- CIBLE STEEL, ground and polished. No. 101, SIX BLADE SET, $4.50 Cross-cut Saw Blade, 10 point 20 inch Rip Saw Blade, 7 point 20 inch Plumbers' Saw Blade 18 inch Pruning Saw Blade 16 inch Compass Saw Blade 14 inch Keyhole Saw Blade 12 inch Adjustable Handle No. 104, FOUR BLADE SET, $3.00 Cross-cut Saw Blade, 10 point 20 inch Rip Saw Blade, 7 point 20 inch Compass Saw Blade 14 Inch Keyhole Saw Blade 12 inch Adjustable Handle ' No. 105, THREE BL.ADE SET, $2.75 Cross-cut Saw Blade, 10 point 20 inch Rip Saw Blade, 7 point 20 inch Compass Saw Blade 14 inch Adjustable Handle Canvas Cases only $6,00 per doz. GEOBeAR.PEhfTER 55 QO. 11 'JACKSON" BACK SAW . , Blued Back. > iu ij ji 16 18 inches. .$i».00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 per doz. CABINET SAW Xickel-plated Lever Tightener -^ Figr. SO Cherry Handle, Carved and Polished. Disston Crucible Steel Blade, Warranted. One edge toothed 10 points for cutting with the grain; the other, 15 points, for cross-cutting, t** inch hole in end for hanging up saw. The blade is securely fastened in handle by the lever tightener, which permits a quick reversal of the handle to one side or the other according to the tooth-edge to be used. Especially adapted for fine work, such as cabinet, pattern making, mitering, etc. All sizes 3% inches wide. 8 10 12 14 16 18 inches. No. 80 $8.00 8.25 9.00 10. OO 11.00 12.00 per doz. COMPASS SAW Fig. »3 brf^ Apple Handle, Brass Screws. 10 12 14 16 18 inches. No. 2 $4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 per doz. COMPASS BLADES Packed one dozen in box. 10 12 14 16 18 inches. No. 2 Blades $2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 per doz. These blades are sent not punched unless ordered otherwise. KEYHOLE SAW AND PAD ■Mwvtnn Fig. Round, Hardwood Handle, Polished, Nickel-Plated Ferrule. The Handle is slotted clear through, per- mitting the adjustment of Blade for length of cut- ting-edge required. The Blade, 10 inches long, ground thin-back, is firmly held in place by means of a steel grip inside of Handle, tightened by thumb- screw, which is nickel-plated. No. 95. Keyhole Saw and Pad $4.00 per doz. Extra Blades for No. 95 Keyhole Saw 2.00 COPING SAW Fig. 10 Hardwood Handle. Polished, Heavy Steel Ferrule, Nickel-plated and Threaded. Crucible Steel. Nickel- plated, Frame % inch wide, ■?n inch thick, 4V^ inclies deep from tooth-edge to inside of back. Length of blade, 6iA inches from pin to pin. This is a well-made Coping Saw, more efficient and stronger than the ordinary wire back style. The blade Is controlled or adjusted by the two levers when sawing sharp angles, etc., and is easily in- serted or removed. No. 10. Coping Saw, Frame and Blade complete $8.00 per doz. Extra Blades. Fitted with Pins 5.50 per gro. 'DAVIS" BACK SAAV Fig. 00 Beech Handle, Polished Edge, 10 and 12 inch made with open Handle, 14 inch with closed Handle. All sizes made 12 point only. 10 12 14 Inches. No. Davis $8.00 9.00 10.00 per doz. DOA ETAIL SAW Fig. 6S Polished Handle, Steel Back, Brass Plated, Extra Quality Spring Steel Blade, Ihi inches wide under back, 26 Gauge, 17 Points. 6 8 10 12 Inches. No. 68.- $7.25 7.75 8.75 9.50 per doz. Same pattern and dimensions as No. 68. Made for cutting brass and copper in sheets or tubes. 6 8 10 12 inches. No. 69 $8.25 8.75 9.75 10.50 per doz. KEYHOLE SAW Beech Handle, Bratto Screws Fig. i; HR^^ 10 12 14 inches. No. 15. Keyhole Saw $2.25 2.50 2.75 per doz. Extra blades for No. 15 Keyhole Saw, $2.00 per d»z. No. 43 COPING SAW Fig. Stiff flat spring steel, nickeled. Direction of blade controlled by pins in studs at either end of the blade so that it is unnecessary to remove the blade from frame when it is desired to change the direction of the cut. Blades strained by turning of the handle and may be locked facing in any desired direction by turning the handle against frame clamp. No. 43. Price, including one No. 65 blade with each frame $10.50 per doz. No. 44 COPING SAW Nickeled ail wire frame of stiff stock U inch in diameter. Blades may be faced in four directions. No. 44. Price, per doz. including 1 dozen No. 50 blades with each frame »2.50 COPING SAW BLADES Fig. 50 6xiV inches; turned ends; for Frame No. 44. No. 50. Price $1.20 per gro. Pie. 60 6xjfc Inches; with pins In the ends. May be used with any Coping Saw Frame taking 6 inch Blades. No. 60. Price $5.50 per gro. No. 65. Price $5.50 per gro. The same as No. 60, but 6i^ inches long. 12 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s Go. DISSTON'S ONE MAN CROSS GUT SAWS Disston Plain Tooth Keystone Plain Tooth No. 4, PLAI^ TOOTH AVith Supplementary Handle •'kV/V/Vv'VvV, V , , . 2.10 6 feet. .' bU a.uu 3.35 3.70 4.10 4.4.5 each. 2.45 2. SO # 3.15 3.50 3.S5 4.20 $2.55 "GREAT AMERICAN" With Supplementary Handle 31/2 2.S5 41/3 4 41/3 5 51/2 6 feet. 3.25 3.65 4.10 4.55 5.00 each. The Great American Saws furnished either Straight or Skewback at same price. 3 $2.55 "LTJMBERMAA" With Supplementary Handle 6 feet. 5.00 each. $2.10 A KEYST ■ With KEYSTONE CHAMPION, No. 3 "With Supplementary Handle ''^.-v^A'yO.'Wl^vyVvO.^YlV.TVA'^vVl^T 1^ 31/^ 2.45 4 2.80 41/2 3.15 5 3.50 3.85 6 feet. 4.20 each. 4 $3.20 "BEAVER" HOLLOW BACK For Felling and Buck Sa\>'ing 4% 3.75 Three gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge. 5 5% 6 61/2 7 4.55 5.30 6.20 7.10 8.15 7% 9.20 8 feet. 10.35 each. TRIITMPH TOLEDO ?2.20 2.48 2.75 3%2 3.30 3.58 1, Triumph Lance Perforated, same price as Triumph Toledo. Both saws ground two gauges back than on tooth-edge. 7 feet. 3.85 each. thinner on 4 $1.68 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S CO. DISSTON'S TWO MAN CROSS CUT SAWS TRIUMPH GREAT AMKRICAN 4% 5 :>\^ - o',z 1.89 2.10 2.31 2.52 2.73 Triuiiipli Diamond Tooth, same price as Triumph Great American. J 1:5 7 feet. .94 each. TRIUMPH CHAMPION ''"^^^y^/m^'^.r^y,,^^ 4 $1.44 41/2 '> 51/2 1.62 l.SO 1.98 Triumph Plain and Tenon Tooth, 6 61^ 2.16 2.34 same price as Triumph Champion. 7 feet. .52 each. TENOX TOOTH, Xo. 1 (■/■//i--^ No. 1. Four gauges thinner on back tliau on loolh-ed^e, No. 2. Two gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge, 2.40 2.70 3.00 A.U-(r 3 4 4'.i 5 5V' 6 6',- 7 7 Vi 8 feet. 4.12 4.50 4.87 5.25 5.62 6.00 each. 3.85 4.20 4.55 4.90 5.25 5.60 No. 1. Five gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge. No. 2. Two gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge, $3.00 3.37 3.75 2.80 3.15 3.50 CHAMPION, Xo. 1 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 614 7 7>A 8 feet. No. 1. Four gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge, $2.60 2.92 3.25 3.57 3.90 4.22 4.55 4.87 5.20 each. No. 2. Two gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge, 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.80 No. 2 only Toothed to ends for Pacific Coast trade. Same Price as No. 2. •LUMBERM.W ^'WiWMR rpr-rrr xf'K?rnf.Afia No. 1. Four gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge, No. 2. Two gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge. 4 41/2 5 5% 6 6V^ 7 7Vi 8 feet. $3.00 3.37 3.75 4.12 4.50 4.87 5.25 5.62 6.00 each. 2.80 3.15 3.50 3.85 4.20 4.55 4.90 5.25 5.60 im: tooth. No. 1 ^^m^ No. 1. Four gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge. No. 2. Two gauges thinner on back than on tooth-edge. Toothed to ends for Pacific Coast trade, 13 and 17 gauge, Toothed to ends for Pacific Coast trade. 13 and 15 gauge, Add 15*^; per foot or fraction of a foot on saws over 4 4V2 5 5% 6 $2.60 2.92 3.25 3.57 3.S 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.6 3.50 3.96 4.38 4.82 5.2 3.30 3.71 4.13 4.54 4.9 61^ 7 7% 8 feet. 4.22 4.55 4.87 5.20 each. 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.69 6.12 6.56 7.00 5.36 5.78 6.19 6.60 take price of 4 feet. Cross-cut Saws thinnei back than catalogued, extra price. feet In length. Saws less than 4 feet in length than sixteen gauge, extra price. Saws ground thinner on 14 GEO-BCARPElfTER S Go BAND SAWS 2 in. wide, 2% in. wide, 3 in. wide, 3% in. wide, 4 in. wide, 4% in. wide, 5 in. wide, 5y2 in. wide, 6 in. wide, 7 in. wide, 18 to 18 to 18 to 18 to 17 to 17 to 17 to 17 to 17 to 16 to Fig. 131 Per foot 20 gauge $0.80 20 gauge 1.00 20 gauge 1.20 20 gauge 1.40 19 gauge , 1.60 19 gauge 1.80 19 gauge 19 gauge 19 gauge 18 gauge All Band Saws and Band Resaws are made of Special High-Grade Crucible Steel, hardened and tempered by special processes exclusively their own. Saws of odd widths, not listed, take price of next wider size listed. Saws of heavier gauge than listed, add 5% to list for each gauge heavier. No extra charge for saws one or two gauges thinner than list; when more than two gauges thinner, add 5% to list for each gauge. Double-Eldge Band Saws: List price per foot, all widths, advance 10% over list prices of single-edge saws as above. Toothed Blanks, same price as finished saws. Band Sa^v Blanks, bright, of any width, furnished to order but not warranted. instructions for Ordering When ordering Band Saws, state whether Right or Left hand, gauge or thickness, space, depth and shape of teeth, straight or crowning back. If the saws are to be crown- ing on back, we finish them 1/64 in. crowning to each five feet in length, unless otherwise instructed. Per foot 8 in. wide, 14 to 16 gauge $3.20 9 in. wide, 14 to 16 gauge -. . 3.60 10 in. wide, 14 to 16 gauge 4.00 11 in. wide, 14 to 16 gauge 4.50 12 in. wide, 13 to 15 gauge 5.00 13 in. wide, 13 to 15 gauge 6.00 14 in. wide, 13 to 15 gauge 7.00 15 in. wide, 12 to 14 gauge 8.50 16 in. wide, 12 to 14 gauge 10.00 17 in. wide, 12 to 14 gauge 14.00 18 in. wide, 12 to 14 gauge 18.00 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.80 NARROW BAND SAWS Narrow Band Saws are furnished set and filed, IVot joined. Give full particulars when ordering. FOR BAND NOT SAWS, SET JOINED AND FILED, inch wide, 21 or 22 gauge inch wide, 21 or 22 gauge inch wide, 21 or 22 gauge inch wide, 21 or 22 gauge inch wide, 20 or 21 gauge inch wide, 20 or 21 gauge inch wide, 20 or 21 gauge inch wide, 20 gauge inch wide, 19 or 20 gauge inch wide, 19 or 20 gauge inch wide, 19 or 20 gauge inch wide, 19 gauge Band Saws, Tempered for sawing metal, add 50% to above list. Net Prices foi Joining Bach Per foot $0.16 $0.20 .17 .20 .18 .20 .20 .25 .22 .25 .25 .25 .27 .30 .29 .30 .31 .30 .35 .35 .38 .35 . •41 .35 SOFT-BAGK BAND SAWS Hardened on tooth-edge only, for cutting metal. Furnished in special lengths or coil Fig. 132 Stock Widths, Gauges and Points "4 inch wide by 23 gauge; 16, 19, 22 or 26 points. % inch wide by 23 gauge; 16, 19, 22 or 26 points. Vz inch wide by 21 gauge; 14, 16, 18 or 22 points. Vs inch wide by 23 gauge; 16, 19, 22 or 26 points. tinch wide by 21 gauge; 14, 16, 18 or 22 points, inch wide by 23 gauge; 14, 16, 18 or 22 points. \ inch wide by 21 gauge; 14, 16, or 18 points. Per foot $0,081/4 .10% .11% .ISVs Net Prices for Joining $0.15 .15 .15 .20 SAW CLAMP HANDY, No. 5 IMPROVED SAW CLAMP, No. 2 Japanned, length jaw, 9% inches. No. 2. Per doz $12.00 Fig. 133 FIS. 134 Fastened to bench by screws. Length over all, 14% inches. Filing length of jaw, 13 inches. Weight, 3% lbs. No. 5. Japanned per doz. $15.00 silver Solder for Brazing Band Saw8, net, per ounce $1.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So. 15 SOLID TOOTH CIRCULAR SAWS Extra Quality Patent (iround and Tempered Superior Workmanship Guaranteed as per Warranty- Fig. 121 i- i & Si 55-^ 1 -1 1 m pi Ills m NET PRICES 52 |1 i 1" si ■6 t ^1 % go m ml NET PMCES fc Extra for Setting and Shaipenlng if Extra for Setting and Sliarpenlng If II Rip Saws Cross Cut Sa\V3 Rip Saws Cross- cut Saws 1 2% 24 1 fl.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 $0.01 .01 .011/2 .02 $0.06 .07 .08 .09 $0.03 .03 .04 .04 $0.04 .05 .05 .06 32 34 36 38 'I 9 9 1% $24.00 27.00 31.00 35.00 $1 30 1.50 1.80 2.00 'Ml 1.70 1.85 $0.45 .50 .55 .60 $0.60 .65 .70 .75 40 42 44 46 9 8 8 8 2 2 2 41.00 47.00 55.00 65.00 2.30 2.60 3.00 3.50 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 .65 3 3% 4 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.50 .02% .03 .03 .04 .10 .12 .14 .16 .05 .05 .06 .06 .07 .08 .10 .11 .06 .07 .07 .08 .80 .85 .90 1.00 '' 48 50 52 54 8 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 75.00 85.00 95.00 105.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 2.80 3.00 3.25 3.50 1.10 6 8 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.80 .05 .06 .08 .10 .18 .20 .22 .25 .10 .11 .13 .14 1.20 1.30 1.40 9 56 58 60 62 7 7 6 6 2 1 2 120.00 135.00 150.00 170.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 3.75 4.05 4.35 4.65 .'. 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 10 U 1 1 1 1% 3.30 3.90 4.40 5.30 .12 .16 .20 .25 .28 .30 .12 .13 .15 .18 .16 .18 .20 .23 14 64 66 6 6 5 5 2 2 2 190.00 210.00 235.00 265.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 5.00 5.35 5.75 6.15 1.90 2.00 16 18 1% li- 6.50 8.00 9.50 11.50 .30 .40 .50 .60 .50 .60 .70 .80 .20 .23 .25 .28 .25 .28 .32 .35 2.10 2.20 20 22 72 74 76 78 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 300.00 340.00 390.00 465.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 34.00 6.55 7.00 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 24 10 lt 1% 13.50 16.00 18.50 21 00 .70 .85 1.00 1.15 .90 1.05 1.20 1 30 .31 .35 .38 .42 .40 .45 .50 55 26 28 30 80 82 84 5 5 5 2 2 2 550.00 640.00 730.00 38.00 43.00 48.00 8.80 9.60 10.50 2.70 2.80 3.00 Circular Saws of uneven diameters not listed, take price of next larger size listed. Circular Saws for Bone, Horn and Ivory, add 50% to above list. No extra charge for Saws one gauge thicker than list. No extra charge for Saws one. two or three gauges thinner than list: when more than three gauges thinner, add 5% to list for each gauge. Circular Saws 48 inches and larger, thinner than 10 gauge, not warranted. Circular Saws 42 Inches or less in diameter beveled one gauge without extra charge; 44 inches and larger, beveled two gauges without extra charge. Circular Saws hollow ground or concaved, add for each gauge hollow ground or concaved double the price listed for beveling. LARGER SAWS FURNISHED. PRICES UPON APPLICATIOX 16 GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER ^ Go. SAW TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Fig. 141. SAW SET For Hand, Band, Scroll, Circular or Mill No. 101. For Hand Saws, from 32 to 16G $1.00 No. 103. For Single Tooth Cross-cut and small Circular Saws, 20 to 140 1.50 No. 104. For Champion M Tooth Cross-cut 22 to 14 G 1.50 No. 105. For Board and Timber Saws and all kinds of Re-saws, from 6 to 14 Gauge 2.00 Pig. 142 Steel Swage Bar, large size, 12x2x11/8 in. per lb. $0.65 Steel Swage Bar, med. size, 12xl%xjf in. " .65 Steel Swage Bar, small size, 10xl%x% in. " .65 Hammer " 1.00 SWAGE OR UPSET No. 1 Fig. 143 Saw Swage, No. 1 each $2.75 Saw Swage, No. 2 " 2.25 Saw Swage (special), for wide band saws " 2.25 AMMMJU^ Saw Gauge Fig. 144 .each $2.25 7 3 Fig. 145 Saw Set, as per above cut, for medium or large circulars each $1.50 Saw Sets, with one handle, for small circulars and band saws each 1.00 SAW MAKER'S ANVIL steel Faced Anvils weighing less than 180 lbs per lb. $0.15 Anvils weighing 180 lbs. or over per lb. .IS Stock size Anvils 10x6 face, 86, 110 and 145 lbs.; 12x6 face, 250 lbs. Each Handle on the Disston Hand Saws is separately slit, bored and fitted to its blade, insuring the correct "Hang" to the saw when entering the work. The Stock Handle, bored and slit, will not fit holes in the blade from which old handle has been taken, for the reason given above. IS Per Dozen Handle No. 18-20 inch 22-24 inch 26 1 28 inch 1 inch 25, Cherry (Slit only) 107. Beech (Slit only) 7, Beech (Slit only) 8, Apple, (Slit only) DlOO, Apple, Carved (Bored and Slit) . . $1.75 2.25 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 5.25 4 00 $1.75 2.25 3.25 4.25 3.25 4.25 5.50 4 25 $1.80 2.00 2.50 4.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 6.50 5 00 $2.20 2.75 4.25 5 25 D8, Apple, (Bored and Slit) 120, Apple, Carved (Bored and Slit) 4.25 5 25 12 and 112, Apple, Carved (Bored and Slit) 16, Apple, Carved (Bored and Slit) 6.75 5 25 Fig, 103. Climax Re- ^p^ versible. ISVa inches M long, 1% inches diam- ■■ eter at thickest part. H Grey iron casting in ■ front and back. Mai- ■ leable iron bolt and ■ nut. ■ Per pair $0.27 ■ 1 1 Fig. 103 Fig. 112 Fig. Fig. 146 Fig. 112. 141/2 inches long, ItV inches diam- eter. This is a patent handle, double grip, malleable iron cast- ings, loop rod. Per pair $0.46 Fig. 122. It will be noticed that the cap is made with a long neck, tapped to fit the threaded end of loop rod. This rod extends through the handle, making the connection and line of pres- sure, when on saw, from top of handle to bottom edge of blade, thus insuring a strong, firm grip on saw, without possibility of lost motion or wobbling. 8 inches long, diameter 114, inches. Per pair $0.63 Fig. 115. Uni- versal handle, 14 inches long, IVi inches di- ameter, double grip, malleable iron castings, painted red, re- versible eight positions. A complete and perfect handle, with guard for protection of the hand. So cons tructed that it may be used at any an- prle. Fig Per pair.. $1.68 Fig. 115 Fig. 120. This design eliminates the use of a nut at the back of handle, and provides a good, easy and comfortable grip for a direct thrust. Another new feature is the "Sprocket Nut" by means of which the handle is quickly and firmly attached to the saw. Made of selected, thoroughly seasoned hardwood, well finished. Length 12 inches, diameter at thick- est part lf\ inches. Extra heavy, best malleable iron castings, bolt and nut. Per pair $1.68 GEO'BeAR.PEM"TER S CO ADZE EYE NAIL HAMMERS (HEXAGON NECK, ROUND POLL, PATTIOHN* Hand Shaved, Second Growth Hickory HandleM FuU Polished "VAXDOIl" VANADIUM Special material, combined with extreme care in forging and tempering make this hammer the finest Carpenter Hammer ever produced. The exclusive desi>,'n of hexagon neck and reinforced claw appeals on sight to a High-grade workman It is pre-eminently a high-grade craftsman s tool. Made for hard work and lots of it. Packed in indi- vidual cartons, six cartons to a container. Has the well known "Vandor" bite to the claw. Length Over All. in. .No. In l-kg. (lOZ. PrlM S. ¥2 1 1I:SS Ripping Hammer; Straight Claw Fig. 1000 ADZE EYE NAIL HAMMERS (Plain Face Pattern) Cat. No. Weight Length No. la Price of Head Over I'kg. per All. in. (lOZ. doz. 1000 2S 15^ V3 $12.50 lOOl 1 20 14 9.00 1002 IV2 16 13 8.50 1003 2 13 13 ^ 8.00 1004 3 7 12 7.50 1005 4 5 12 7.25 Fig. 1700 ADZE EYE RIPPING HAMMERS (Plain Face Pattern) Fig. 1 !•,->() ADZE EYE NAIL HAMMERS (Plain Face Pattern) Fig. 1050 ADZE EYE NAIL HAMMERS (Bell Face Pattern) Weight Length No. in Size Of Utad Over I'kg. oz. All, in. doz. 10 28 151/2 11 20 14 % n'" 16 13 13 13 13 7 12 \ 14 5 11 per $12.50 9 00 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.25 ADZE EYE RIPPING H.\MMERS (Bell Face Pattern) Cat. No. Size oz. Length Over All, m. No. la I'kg. doz. Price per do& iil! 1752 1753 710 711 28 20 16 13 It" 13 13 1 $12.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 J Weight Length No. in PrlceU. No. Size ol Uvau Over Pkg. . per OZ. All, in. doz. doz. 1950 28 15Vi \L $6.50 1951 1 20 14 \L 6 00 1952 \^k 16 13 iyL 5.50 1953 13 13 Vz 5.00 1954 3 7 ^/s 5.00 Fig. i^o<»o ADZE EYE NAIL HAM.MERS (Bell Face Pattern) Cat. No. Size Weight of Head Length Over .\11. in. No. In Pkg. doz. Price d^o^I 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 10 11 13 28 20 16 13 7 13 13 12 1 $6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 18 Geo-BCarpeH'ter s eo. DROP FORGED HAMMERS (Handled) Th^<,<- hammers are drop forred from high grade CRUCIBLE STOCK TOOL STEEL They are care- fully hardeneTTnStempered'^by an improved process. Handles are of best quality second growth hickory thoroughly well seasoned before use. They will not shrink or come loose in the head. Fig. 103 MACHINISTS' BALL PEIN HAMMER (Octagon Pattern) Weight Length No. in Price No' Size of Head Over Pkg. per lbs. oz. All. in. doz. 103 4-0 6 12 l/„ $12.00 104 3-0 8 13 \ 12.00 105 2-0 12 14 12.00 106 1 14 Va Vz 12.50 107 1 IV4 15 13.50 108 2 11/2 16 \L 14.50 109 3 1% 161/2 Vs 15.50 110 4 2 17 Vs 16.50 MACHINISTS' CROSS PEIN HAMMERS (Octagon Pattern) Weight Length No. in Price of Head Over Pkg. per lbs. oz. All, in. doz. 203 4-0 6 12 % $12.00 204 4-0 8 13 Vz 12.00 205 2-0 12 14 V2 12.00 206 1 141/2 1/3 12.50 207 1 15 1/3 13.50 208 2 16 14.50 209 3 1% 16 1/2 Vs 15.50 210 4 2 17 1/3 16.50 ENGINEERS' HAMMERS (Double Face Pattern) Cat. No. Weight Size of Head lbs. oz. LengUi Over All, m. No. In Price doz. 600 601 602 603 Ill 8 15 2 2 6 16 3 3 16 4 3 10 16 1 $14.50 16.50 18.00 19.50 MACHINISTS' STRAIGHT PEIN HAMMER 7.00 466 6 1 6 1.') ¥2 7.50 467 7 1 10 15 V2 8.00 Fig. 700 TINNERS' RIVETING HAMMERS Cat Weight Length No. in Price No of Head Over Pkg. per lbs. oz. All, in. doz. doz. 700 00 4 11 L^ $6.00 701 6 12 \L 6.00 702 1 8 12 s 6.00 703 2 12 13 6.25 704 3 1 14 % 6.75 705 4 1V4 14 1/^ 7.25 706 iy2 15 Vz 7.75 TINNERS' PANEING HAMMERS "^k si^ Weight of Head lbs. oz. Length over All, In. No. in Pkg. doz. Price d^o^z^ 750 1 '8 751 2 12 752 3 1 753 1 4 1^ 754 15 11^ 12 12 12 12 12 • % 1 $6.00 % 6.25 M 1 6.75 ^ 1 ?:!! PLAIN EYE BRICKLAYERS- HAMMERS ^^'- Size \\-eight of Head lbs. oz. Length Over All, in. No. in Pkg. doz. Price d^ol 800 1 1 1 1 2 801 1 2 1 1 8 802 1 3 : 2 803 1 4 2 8 11 % 11 % 12 j| $11.00 12.00 13.00 14. on Fig. 000 ADZE EYE FARRIERS- HAMMERS Octagon Poll. Bent Claw Fig. 851 ADZE EYE FARRIERS' HAMMERS Octagon Poll. Straight Claw. Cat. No. . Size Weight of Head oz. All, in. No. in Pkg. doz. Price per doz. 900 t- 120 ' ; 1 13 I 1^ 1 $7.50 Cat. No. Size Weight of Head oz. All, m. No. in Pkg. doz. Price 851 1 101 ' 10 1 13 1 % 1 $v.VD 852 ! 102 12 i 13 1 % 1 900 20 GEO-B-eARPENfTER S QO. AXES The material used in the construction of our Axes is of the very best, and the workmanship employed in the forging, grinding and tempering is the most skilled obtainable. Handles not Furnished with the Axes Listed on This Page For Handles see Index THE PEERLESS AXE Gold Bronze Finish; Polished Bit. The Single Bit can be furnished in the Michigan and Dayton patterns, and the Double Bit in the Michigan and Western patterns. "Weights: All weights 3 to 6 lbs. Usual assortments are 3 to 4, 3 l^ to 414, 4 to 5, 41/2 to 51/2, 41/2 to 6, 5 to 6 lbs. Packed one dozen in a box. Always specify weight and pat- tern. PRICES Base 2 to 3% lbs. Peerless, single bit. $12.00 doz. Double bit 20.00 " Red Ridge, single bit 10,00 " Double bit 18.00 " DOZEN ASSORTMENTS Per doz. 3 to 414 lbs., advance $0.25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 31/2 to 41/2 lbs., 4 to 514 lbs., 4% to 5% lbs., 5% to 61,4 lbs., 5% to 6% lbs., 6 14 to 714 lbs., 6% to 8 All 8 lbs. lbs. RED RIDGE AXES The Special Ridge Feature makes a larger axe than regular patterns of the same weight, giving a better bal- ance on the handle. Single Bit made in 27 patterns; Double Bit made in 8 different patterns. Weights: All weights 3 to 8 lbs. Usual assortments are 3 to 4, 31/. to 41/2, 4 to 5, 41/2 to 51/2, 4% to 6, 5 to 6 lbs. Packed one doz. in a box. Always specify weight and pattern. ifpEERli^ GEO•B•eAR,PE^fTE:R ^ eo. HANDLED AXES 21 Fig. 191. "Niagara" FIr. 102. "Fireman's" Flgr. 193. "Usona" Fig. J 9a. "Boys'" NIAGARA HOLLOW BEVEL Michigan Pattern Blue Beveled; Polished Bit. Pole painted red; handled with 36 inch high quality hickory handle. All weights; usual assortment, iVz to 4 1/^ lbs. Packed one dozen in case. Price per doz., base $10.00 FIREMEN'S AXE Regulation Ave, Peerless Brand. Highest quality; body painted red. Pick and Bit polished. Red handle, 36 inches long. The increasing tendency for protective ordinances is constantly enlarging the field of this line. It is no longer confined to the hook and ladder truck, or the railroad emergency case, but is now in demand in factories, theatres, hotels and public buildings. The fact that emergency only brings them into use should not be an excuse for inferiority. Get the best and know it will serve you well when the time comes. Price per doz., 4 i/^ lbs $15.00 Price per doz., 6 lbs 18.00 USONA HANDLED AXE A serviceable Axe for general use. Ebony Black Finish; cutting edge only polished. Han- dled with serviceable 3 6 inch hickory handle. Price per doz., base $9.50 BOYS' HANDLED AXE Niagara Brand Same description as Niagara Axe above, with exception of handle, which is 28 inches long. Weight without handle, 2^4 lbs. No. 2 size. Price per doz * '-^^ BOY SCOUT AXE Regulation Boy Scout Axe (with nail slot). Same high quality of material and workmanship as in our men's axes. Sheath made of high grade leather; fastens with snap, and has belt loop. Complete, per doz $10.00 Axes only (no sheath), per doz 8.00 KEEN RIDGE HUNTER'S AXE Made of high quality Steel, Gun Metal Body; Fire Blued Bit. Made only in No. size. Hay 14 inch hickory handle. Weight, 1^4 lb. without handle. Price per doz $6.50 22 GEO-B-eAR^PErfTER « QO BROAD AXES AND ADZES Gold Bronze Finish; Polished Bit. lumbering industries. Weight each, lbs 6 Fig. 201, Broad Axe Peerless Brand Recognized as a superior axe in the logging, tie cutting and to 7 ( Price per doz . $44.00 Vis. 202. Carpenter Fig:. 203. Railroad Fig. 204. Track Our Adzes are hand made from the best material money can buy. process which saves several heatings and thoroughly refines the steel. reinforcing of the blade under the eye where the strain is greatest. Fig. 205. Ship The forging is a continuous A special feature is the PEERLESS CARPENTERS' ADZE Half or Full Head; Gold Bronze Finish. Length of cut 3 to 4 i^ inches. Packed one dozen in box. We will ship 4 i^ inch cut unless other- wise ordered. Price per dozen, cut 3 to 4^^ inches $21.00 PULL HEAD RAILROAD ADZE American Axe Brand Ebony (black) Finish. Cutting Edge Pol- ished. Length of cut, 41/2 to 6 inches. A su- perior tool for railroad work. Packed one dozen in box, assorted 5 to 5 1/6 Inchw unlaes otherwlsd ordered. Price per dozen, cut 5 to 51/2 inches $21.00 USONxl FULL HEAD TRACK ADZE Forged Tool Steel. Ebony Finish. Length 4% to 5V2 inches. Price per doz., cut iVz to 5i^ inches. . . .$14.00 PEERLESS SHIP ADZES Plain or Lipped Pattern Black Finish; Polished Bit. Packed 1 dozen in box. Plain Adzes are shiped 4 % inch cut un- less otherwise ordered. Lipped pattern, are as- sorted* 5 to 5% inches unless otherwise ordered. In ordering please state pattern wanted. Plain pattern, cut 4 to 4^^ inches. Price per doz $22.00 Lipped pattern, cut iVz to 51/^ Inches. Price per doz $30.00 FOR HANDLES, SEE INDEX Geo B- Carp Er^TER s Co. PEERLESS BRAND HATCHETS Fig. 211. "Shinglingr" Fig. 212. "Hair' Fie. 213. "Latli" Fig. 211. ••« law These Hatchets are all hand forged from highest quality steel and by the most modern processes. The bits or cutting edges of "Peerless" Brand Hatchets are carefully tempered by a special process that insures uniformity of proper degree. All "Peerless" Brand Hatchets are fitted with carefully selected second growth all white hickory handles, properly shaped and balanced. All the Hatchets on this page with the exception of Hurd's "Barreling" Hatchets, are gold bronze finish. 'SHINGLING' No Price, per doz. Cut, inches . . . . $7.50 1 8.00 3% 2 8.50 3% 3 9.00 4% 'HALF' Price, per doz $8.50 Cut, Inches 3>A 3 9.50 3% 4 10.00 41/4 LATH' No Price, per doz. Cut, inches . . . ?.50 2 8.50 2% No Price, per doz. Cut, inches . . . 'CLAW 9.50 3% 3 10.00 4% 9.00 3 No Price, per doz. Weight, lbs... Cut, inches. . . . No Price, per doz. Weight, lbs... Cut, inches. . . . 'BROAD" 1 $10.50 .... IMs 4 5 $16.50 .... 2% 2 11.50 1% 41^ 6 18.00 3y4 6% 3 13.00 2% 5 19.50 3% 4 14.50 iVi 5^ 8 22.00 4% 7 Mi "FLOORING" Our FLOORING HATCHET meets the long-felt want of a Special Hatchet for flooring, and also for general all-around work. No 1 2 Price, per doz $12.00 13.00 Cut. inches 3 % 4 14 "BARRELING" Gun Metal Finish "Hurd's" Pattern No 1 Price, per doz $8.00 Cut, inches 2 '4 3 15.00 4*4 ^ Fig. 216. Hnrd'H "Barreling" GEOBeAR.PEM"TER 55 QO. HATCHETS Fig. 221. Claw Fig. 22 Broad Fig. 223. Shingling DUQUESNE BRAND Drop forg-ed from high quality tool steel. Silverbronze finish. "CLAW" "White select hickory handles. "BROAD" No. 1 2 3 4 Price, per doz. . . $8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 3 31/2 3 ■% 4 % 10.50 4% No "SHINGLING" .0 12 3 4 Price, per doz. . . Cut, inches $7.50 8.00 8 50 9.00 3 31/2 3 ■% 4 % 9.50 4% No 1 Price, per doz $10.50 Cut, inches 4 Weight, lbs lYz No 5 Price, per doz $16.50 Cut, -Inches 6 Weight, lbs 2 78 2 11.50 18.00 6^/2 31/4 3 13.00 5 2Vs 7 19.50 7 3% 4 14.50 5% 2% 8 22.00 7% iV4. BLOOD'S RIG AND DERRICK BUILDERS' HATCHET Fig. 224 Gun Metal Finish. One size only: 3% inch cut, 21/^ lbs. including \ weight of 18 inch Knob Handle. Price, per doz $11.00 Fig. 225. Haines Half ViK. 22SIA Chicago. No. 40. Lath Fig. 226. Haines Lath UNDERHILL'S STAR LATH HATCHET "Chicago" Pattern, No. 40; Milled Head; Square Poll, 81 Point. Second Growth White Hickory Handle. One size, 2 inch cut. Price, per doz $16.50 UNDERHILL'S, HAINES PATTERN ADZE EYE HATCHET Polished. Furnished in two sizes. Cuts 3% and 3Y> inches. "HALF" "LATH" PHc4;peVdoi::::::::::::::::::::::::; $14^50 15^50 pnce, per dozen $14.50 Cut. inches 3^ 3% Cut, inches 2% FOR HANDLES, SEE INDEX GEO-B (BARPE^fTER ^ CO. MILLER'S FALLS HAND AND BREAST DRILLS Fig. 1 No. 1. Tropical wood handles. Malleable iron frame, black enameled. Other metal parts nickeled. Hollow end handle containing eight wood boring points. Removable side grip handle, cut gears, small gear of steel. Ball thrust bearing. Threejaw chuck for round drills to f*,; inch. Length 12 V2 inches. Price each $1.70 Fig. 5 No. 5. Same as No. 1 except that large gear has wide rim and small idler gear is added. Length 12% inches. Price eacli $2.00 Fig. 104 No. 104. Stained hardwood; malleable iron frame; nickeled chuck. Hollow end handle con- taining 8 wood boring points. Cut gears with ad- justable equalizing bearing. Pinion of steel. Three- jawed chuck holding and centering accurately round shank drills from to i^,-. inch in diameter. Jaws are actuated by springs which are protected from injury. Price, per dozen, including 8 fluted drill points $10.0O Mg. :jo.3 No. 303. Hollow main handles of hardwood: solid steel frame. Large gear red; all other metal parts nickeled. Cut gears. Pinion of steel. De- tachable side handle. Three-jawed chuck holding round shanks from to y'i inch in diameter. Length 11 'A inches. Price, per dozen $17.00 Fig. OSO N^. 9S0. Hardwood handles. Malleable iron frame, other metal parts nickeled. Hollow end handle with receptacle for holding twist drills. Removable side grip handle. Speed instantly changeable. Pinion and shifting device inclosed Cut gears, small gears of steel. Ball thrust bear- ing, three-jaw Star chuck with springs protected from injury, takes drills to aj, inch. Length 15^ inches. Price each $3.3,'; No. 12. Malleable iron main stock enameled black; chuck and crank nickeled. Breast plate adjustable to different positions and removable. Patent level attachment. Cut gears; large gear with idler roll to equalize bearings. Thoroughly equipped with ball bearings. Extensible crank with radius from 4 to 6 inches. Changeable speed from even to 3 to 1. Master chuck holding round shanks from % to V2 inch in diameter, all sizes of bit stock and No. 1 taper shanks. Length ITM- inches. Price, per dozen $40.00 No. 112. A popular price Breast Drill of strong, substantial design. Hardwood handles, malleable iron frame, polished Barber chuck with alligator jaws for bit stocks and many sizes of round shanks. Length 15 inches. Price each $2.00 Fig. 19 No. 10. Hardwood handle, cast iron frame, rolled steel main stock. Breast plate adjustable, cut gears, hall thrust bearing, adjustable crank radius 4 to 7 inches. Changeable speed from even to 3 to 1. Barber chuck with alligator jaws. Len.gth 18 inches. Price each $2.25 No. 20. The same as Drill No. 19 except that chuck is of the Star pattern with three jaws hold- ing round shanks from to "^ inch in diameter. .Taws are operated by springs that are protected from injury. Price, per dozen $.15.00 No. 2100. Malleable iron frame; no nickeled parts. Breast plate adjustable to different positions. Instantly changeable speed from 1% to 1 and 4 to 1. Cut gears; small gears of steel. Chuck of Star pattern with 3 jaws operated by springs that are protected from injury; holds round shanks from to % inch in diameter. Length ITV^ inches. Price, per dozen $42.00 26 GEO-BCARPElfTER ^ eo. BRACES AND BORING TOOLS Pig. 730 HOLDALL RATCHET BRACE Nos. 729 to 734. Ball bearing head. Master chuck has forged steel jaws that conform to the shape of bit held, whether square, taper, or round, from Vs to Vz inch. Free acting sweep handle. Patent non- loosening screw holding chuck to sweep. Cocobolo wood and polished and nickeled metal parts. No 729 730 731 732 733 734 Sweep, inch 16 14 12 10 8 6 Price $3.00 2,70 2.55 2.40 2.25 2.10 Pig. 1322 Nos. 1320 to 1324. Polished and nickeled steel in- cluding steel clad head, ebonized head and handle. Latter with inserted steel rings and pressed steel bolsters. Friction washer under the head. Forged steel alligator jaws. No 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 Sweep, inch.. 14 12 10 8 6 Price $1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 Fig. 421 Nos. 421 to 423. A popular ratchet brace at mod- ei-ate price. Metal parts polished and nickeled. Head and handle of stained hardwood. Steel rings inserted in sweep handle which is held in place by pressed steel bolsters. Alligator jaws of malleable iron. Open ratchet. No 421 422 423 Sweep, inch 12 10 8 Price $1.15 1.10 1.05 SAMSON BIT BRACE Strongest Made, Ball Bearing Pig. 1203 This brase has a Positive Ratchet instead of a Ring Ratchet, and patent forged jaws of % inch capacity. No 1203 1202 1201 1200 Sweep, inch 8 10 12 14 Per dozen $4S.50 S2.00 55.50 59.00 SILL BORER No. 51. Sill Borer or Joist Tool. For use in con- nection with a bit brace or breast drill in boring at right angles in cramped places and indispensable for car builders, electricians, carpenters and other wood workers. Main frame malleable iron; working parts, including gears, bushings, etc., of hardened steel. Ball bearing and efficient take-ups for bush- ings in case of wear. Adjustable steadying handle. Patent cup washer (F) and screw (E) to hold head in place without working loose. Length 16% inches, depth of head 2% inches. Price, per dozen. .$30.00 CORNER BIT BRACES For corner work, when using a bit of ordinary .size, these braces will work much faster than a regular ratchet brace. These Corner Braces are made in two styles, each style in two sizes of sweep. Both styles have metal clad ball bearing heads, and the head and both handles are made of cocobolo. The quill is fastened to the head by three screws, one of which goes through that part of the frame where it enters the head, securely fastening all three together. The gears are of machine steel, the teeth carefully cut, and the whole mechanism enclosed to protect same from dirt as well as to guard the user's hands. No. 992 style has Interlocking jaws; No. 993 the Universal pattern. Both are drop-forgings, ma- chined, and have springs for automatic release. All metal parts of brace are nickel plated. No. S^eep, incli Jaitrs 992 8 Interlocking 902 10 Interlocking 093 8 Universal 993 10 Universal Package Per Doz. Ve doz., wt. 7% lbs. $33.00 Ve doz., wt. 7% lbs. 36.00 Vs doz., wt. 8% lbs. 33.00 Ve doz., wt. 8% lbs. 3«.00 GeO'BCar.plN'ter s Co. \o. 22 soMD ce\tp:r augkr bit Irwin Pattern Xo. 14 EXTEXSIOX MP ALGER BIT Jennings Pattern Xo. 2S SIXGI-E T\MST AUGER BIT Ford Pattern Size 3 Price $6.00 Size 14 Price $8.25 No, M LTIMTV AIGER BIT Common Pattern Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Sixteenths 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 15 16 17 1« 1» 20 21 9.50 9.50 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 11 -.00 12 .00 22 24 16.00 18^00 13 8.25 Prices per Set, Not in Any Fancy Boxes or Rolls S2i^ quarters, 1 each 4. o. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. 13, 14. 15. 16/16ths List $7.60 20^ quarters. 1 each 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16/16th8 " 4 90 11^4 quarters, 1 each 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12/16th8 " 3 00 28 Geo-BCarpeN'ter « So, SHIP AUGER AND CAR BITS— Wood Boring Brace Drills No. 39 SHIP AUGER BIT These tools are suited for difficult boring of any kind. They are durable, serviceable, easy- working Auger Bits and are recommended for boring in hard, knotty or end grain wood. Prices per dozen. Sizes in sixteenths Size 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 Price $6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 Size 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 Price $9.00 10.50 10.50 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 LIST OF NO. 39 SHIP AUGER BIT SETS Price Each. Sets Listed by Quarters Set : 11 M 1894 20^ 32^ Price $3.40 5.25 5.75 9.00 No. 54 DOUBLE SPUR CAR BIT The Double Spur Car Bit as shown has 12 inch twist and measures 16 to 17 inches overall. Special attention is given to the clearance and cutting qualities required for bits boring to the greater depths. Size 3 Price $11.25 Size 13 Price $17.50 Prices per Dozen. 4 5 6 11.25 11.25 11.25 14 15 16 19.00 20.50 22.00 Sizes in Sixteenths 7 8 9 10 11 12 11.25 11.25 12.50 13.75 15.00 16.25 17 18 20 22 24 24.00 26.00 30.00 34.00 38.00 No. 46 WOOD BORING BRACE DRILL Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Thirty-seconds Size 3 4 5 6 7 - Price $1.60 1.60 1.75 2.00 2.50 Size 12 13 14 15 16 Price $4.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 8 » 10 11 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 18 20 22 24 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s Go. 20 GAR BITS AND SHIP AUGERS Pig. 58. Solid Center Ship Auger Car Bit Our Solid Center Ship Auger Car Bits measure about 17 inches overall, of which 12 inches is twist. This form of tool with a single spiral around its solid stem has long been popular in auger bit lengths and is meeting with much favor in these longer lengths. The head of this bit is made of a single cutter with a side lip, but without spur. This permits very easy cutting, but allows a good body of metal for sharpening and wear. These tools are regularly furnished with twist, round and screw full polished. The sizes listed are carried in stock. ^^^iip^^l^^^^^^li^^^^^i^^^^^ Fig. .59. Solid Center Ship Auger In common with other tools of the Ship Auger type, Solid Center Ship Augers have a length of twist varying with their diameter. The 4-16 and 5-16 have 8-inch twist; the 6-16, 7-16 and 8-16, 10-inch twist; the 9-16 to 1 inch, 12-inch twist; and those over 1 inch, 15-inch twist. The shank adds about 5 inches to this length. The square portion of this shank has a considerable body of metal since this is frequently required for welding to an iron handle. The regular finish is full polished twist, round and screw. Fig. 62. S-inch Ship Auger Car Bit The Ship Auger Car Bit shown above has 8-inch twist and is 12 inches overall. Fig:. 04. Ship Auger Car Bit This Ship Auger Car Bit is made with 12-inch twist and measures about 1 a shank suited for the ordinary brace. The tool is popular with car builders bore to the greater depths or in rough timber. Prices per Dozen. Sizes In Sixteenths. Size 4 .% 6 7 K » No. 58 $11.00 11.00 11.00 11. 0» 11.00 11.00 No. 59 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 No. 62 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 No. 64 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 Size 13 14 15 16 17 IS No. 58 $13.00 13.00 14.50 14.50 16.00 16.00 No. 59 13.00 13.00 14.50 14.50 16.00 16.00 No. 62 12.00 12.00 13.50 13.50 15.00 15.00 No. 64 13.00 13.00 14.50 14.50 16.00 16.00 Size 22 23 24 26 No. 58 ". $20.00 23.00 23.00 27.00 No. 59 20.00 23.00 27.00 No. 62 18.50 21.00 No. 64 :. 20.00 23.00 23.00 27.00 7 inches overall. including and all others desiring to 10 11 12 11.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 10 20 21 18.00 18.00 20.00 18.00 18.00 16.50 20.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 28 30 32 32.00 45.00 32.00 38.00 45.00 30 GEO-BCARPEhfTER S QO, NO. 48 BELL HANGER DRILL Our Bell Hanger Drill is made similar to our Brace Drill except for extra length over all as oize is fitted with two cutters — the No. 1 size has a No. 1 cutter from % to 1 % and No. 2 cutter 4 Vz inches long and the remainder being round shaft and square shank. Prices Per Dozen — Sizes in Thirty-Seconds Size G 8 10 12 14 12 inch 18 inch 24 inch 30 inch $ 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 $ 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 $ 5.50 7.50 9.50 11.50 $ 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 $ 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 Size IG 18 20 22 24 12 inch 18 inch 24 inch 30 inch 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 15.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 Size 26 28 30 32 36 12 inch 18 inch 24 inch 30 inch 13.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 19.00 15.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 21.00 18.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 CLARK'S EXPANSIVE BITS We offer this as the latest type of expansive bit. It is free in cutting, rigid in position, and easy of adjustment, while having but three pieces removable from the body of the tool. This bit is made in two sizes, cutting from % to 3 inches and from % to 1 % inches. Each size is fitted with two cutters — the No. 1 size has a No. 1 cutter from % to 1 Vs and No. 2 cutter from 1 Vs to 1 % inches. The No. 2 size has a No. 3 cutter from % to 1 % and No. 4 cutter from 1 % to 3 inches. The adjustment of the cutter is controlled by a worm working in the rack cut on the base of blade. The movement is easy and positive. The cutter is locked securely at any position by a screw which is on the opposite side of the head and does not show in this illustration. The cutter and adjusting worm are fitted in solid stock, making a strong bit, and they are very accurately fitted to insure perfect adjustment. These tools are finely polished throughout with the square portion of shank left black. They are 'packed one with its extra cutter in a case and six cases in a box. LIST OP EXPANSIVE BITS AND PARTS Prices Per Dozen Tools and Parts Range List Price Tools and Parts Range List Price No. 1 Bit complete 7s to 3 $22.00 No. 3 Cutter % to 1 % $5.25 No. 2 Bit complete % to 1 % 26.00 No. 4 Cutter 1 % to 3 6.00 No. 1 Cutter % to 1 % 3.00 Locking screws Either Bit .75 No. 2 Cutter 1 Vs to 1 % 3.75 Adjusting worms Either Bit 1.00 GEO-B-CARPEffTER « Go. 31 Fig. 66 SHIP AUGER, ^VITH SCREW !>' Hominedieu Pattern These Ship Augers have a twist varying in length according to size, from 8 inch twist on the 4/16 and 5/16 and 10 inch twist on the 6/16, 7/16 and 8/16, to 12 inch twist ou the 9/16 to 1 inch bit and 15 inch twist on larger augers. The overall length exceeds the twist length by about 5 inches. This tool is fitted \nth a tang shank as illustrated. The shank has a body of metal suf- ficient for welding to an iron crank or handle, as is frequently done. The shank may also be used in a wooden handle. We carry a stock of Ship Augers mth screws in all sizes listed, up to and including 4 inch. Regular stock tools 1% inches and smaller have full polished twist, round and screw. Larger sizes are full polished except that hollow of twist is coated with a black enamel paint. Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Sixteenths Size 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Price $11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 ll.OO 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 Size 15 IC 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Price $14.50 14.50 16.00 16.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 23.00 23.00 27.00 Size 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 40 Price $27.00 32.00 32.00 38.00 38.00 45.00 45.00 57.00 72.00 86.00 101.00 Size 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Price $115.00 130.00 144.00 158.00 173.00 187.00 201.00 216.00 231.00 245.00 Fig. 68 SHIP AUGER, WITHOUT SCREW Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Sixteenths Size 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Price $13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 14.40 Size 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Price $17.40 17.40 19.20 19.20 21.60 21.60 24.00 24.00 Size 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 Price $32.40 38.40 38.40 45.60 45.60 54.00 54.00 68.40 Size 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 Price $138.00 156.00 172.80 189.00 207.60 224.40 241.20 259.20 12 13 14 14.40 15.60 15.60 23 24 25 27.60 27.60 32.40 36 38 40 86.40 97.20 121.20 58 60 277.21 294.00 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER ^ eO. MACHINE WOOD BITS REVISED STANDARD MACHINE BIT LIST List Prices Per Dozen. Sizes in Sixteenths For other styles see page 34- 1 •?■« a^ y ■» ,d i ■?■« •si-v> «« •s« ■s« 1 b CB B f fl "> n X •O V V x it X B X B m B an ud 1 zl •S'i u u sl M 1 ~fe *H u 4 $10.80 $12.96 $15.12 $17.28 25 $31.50 $37.80 $44.10 $50.40 $56.70 $6.30 5 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 .... 26 33.00 39.60 46.20 52.80 59.40 6.60 6 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 $19'. 4 4 $2.16 27 34.50 41.40 48.30 55.20 62.10 6.90 7 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 19.44 2.16- 28 36.00 43.20 50.40 57.60 64.80 7.20 8 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 19.44 2.16 29 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.50 7.50 9 12.00 14.40 16.80 19.20 21.60 2.40 30 39.00 46.80 54.60 62.40 70.20 7.80 10 13.20 15.84 . 18.48 21.12 23.76 2.64 31 40.50 48.60 56.70 64.80 72.90 8.10 11 14.40 17.28 20.16 23.04 25.92 2.88 32 42.00 50.40 58.80 67.20 75.60 8.40 12 15.60 18.72 21.84 24.96 28.08 3.12 33 43.80 52.56 61.32 70.08 78.84 8.76 13 16.80 20.16 23.52 26.88 30.24 3.36 34 45.60 54.72 63.84 72.96 82.08 9.12 14 18.00 21.60 25.20 28.80 32.40 3.60 35 47.40 56.88 66.36 75.84 85.32 9.48 15 19.20 23.04 26.88 30.72 34.56 3.84 36 49.20 59.04 68.88 78.72 88.56 9.84 16 20.40 24.48 28.56 32.64 36.72 4.08 37 51.00 61.20 71.40 81.60 91.80 10.20 17 21.60 25.92 30.24 34.56 38.88 4.32 38 52.80 63.36 73.92 84.48 95.04 10.56 18 22.80 27.36 31.92 36.48 41.04 4.56 39 54.60 65.52 76.44 87.36 98.28 10.92 19 24.00 28.80 33.60 38.40 43.20 4.80 40 56.40 67.68 78.96 90.24 101.52 11.28 20 25.20 30.24 35.28 40.32 45.36 5.04 42 60.60 72.72 84.84 96.96 109.08 12.12 21 26.40 31.68 36.96 42.24 47.52 5.28 44 64.80 77.76 90.72 103.68 116.64 12.96 23 27.60 33.12 38.64 44.16 49.68 5.52 46 69.00 82.80 96.60 110.40 124.20 13.80 23 28.80 34.56 40.32 46.08 51.84 5.76 48 73.20 87.84 102.48 117.12 131.76 14.64 24 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54 00 6.00 GENUINE MEPHISTO WOOD BITS Fig. 2400 The only bit made that is honed like a razor, insuring rapid, smooth and even cutting. Made to exact size, of special grade carefully tempered steel. Fully warranted. Guaranteed to bore in the hardest woods with ease under any condition with or against the grain, and not to clog. Will not tear the wood, but will bore all the way through without splinter- ing, leaving a perfectly smooth hole. No. 2400. Polished from tip to tip. Sizes in 16ths of an inch 4 5 6 7 8 Per dozen $4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 Sizes in 16ths of an inch 13 14 15 16 18 Per dozen $8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 10.50 1 bit in box; % dozen in carton. 9 10 11 12 5.50 6.00 7.00 7.00 20 22 24 2.00 13.50 15.00 GEO-B-CARFEhfTER « CO. 33 AUGERS f •• ! Pis. 89. Nut Anser ^:^m^mm^ Fig. 84. Borings Machine Auger LIST OF NO. 89 XUT AUGERS AND NO. 84 BORIXG MACHINE AUGERS Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Fraction of Inch Size, inches % 1/2 % % % 1 Price $10.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 Size, inches li/s I14 1% I1/2 1% 2 Price $17.00 19.00 21.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 Size, inches 214 2i/, 23/4 3 314 31/2 Price $42.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 122.00 152.00 » Fig. 07. Raftlns Auger Our Rafting Augers have 12 inch twist and are 30 inches overall. Sizes listed are carried in stock. LIST OF NO. 97 RAFTING AUGERS Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Fraction of Inch Size, inches I14 li/, 1% 2 21^ 21/2 Price $32.00 40.00 48.00 56.00 66.00 76.00 Size, inches 2% 3 31/4 31/2 ^% 4 Price $90.00 105.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 3 34 GEOvB-CAI^PEhfTER 55 QO. MACHINE BITS ^mmmmBmm^^ Fig. 155. Solid Center Maciiine Bit Fig. 151, Extension liip 3Iacliine~ Bit Jennings Pattern Fig. 150. Double Spur Maoiiine Bit Snell Pattern The Double Spur Machine Bit is the general purpose tool and our principal stock is carried in this pattern, as may be noted by the list given below. The bit is suited for very rapid work in all kinds of wood and requires a minimum amount of power. The lips and cutting edges are carefully proportioned for rapid, easy, smooth cutting, but so constructed as to give the maximum stock for wear and sharpening. This bit may be run as long as a spur remains, and even after that it may be used as a flat cut bit. We illustrate this bit with a single screw point, as this is more commonly required. We can furnish it with any practical pitch of single or double screw, or with brad point. The following sizes by sixteenths are regular stock: 4 in. twist with i/^ in. shank from t^ to 1 in. 5 in. twist with i/^ in. shank from f^ to 1 in. 6 in. twist with i^ in. shank from ^„ to 2 in. 8 in. twist with % in. shank from V4, to 2 in. 10 in. twist with i^ in. shank from 14 to 2 in. 12 in. twist with 1/2 in. shank from 14 to 2 in. 10 in. twist with % in. shank from % to 2 in. 12 in. twist with % in. shank from % to 2 in. 14 in. twist with % in. shank from j\ to 2 in. 16 in. twist with % in. shank from t^ to 2 in. 8 in. twist with % in. shank from % to 1 in. 10 in. twist with % in. shank from ii to 2 in. 12 in. twist with % in. shank from % to 2i^ in 14 in. twist with % in. shank from % to 2^^ in. 16 in. twist with % in. shank from ^ to 2 in FOR PRICES SEE NEXT PAGE GEO•B•eAIlPE:^fTER s eo, 35 STANDARD MACHINE BIT LIST List Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Sixteenths Size 6-inch 8-inch 10-inch 12-inch 14-inch Each Extra 16th Twist Twist Twist Twist Twist 2-inch Twist 4 $10.80 $12.96 $15.12 $17.28 5 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 6 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 $19.44 $ 2.16 7 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 19.44 2.16 8 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 19.44 2.16 9 12.00 14.40 16.80 19.20 21.60 2.40 10 13.20 15.84 18.48 21.12 23.76 2.64 11 14.40 17.28 20.16 23.04 25.92 2.88 12 15.60 18.72 21.84 24.96 28.08 3.12 13 16.80 20.16 23.52 26.88 30.24 3.36 14 18.00 21.60 25.20 28.80 32.40 3.60 15 19.20 23.04 26.88 30.72 34.56 3.84 16 20.40 24.48 28.56 32.64 36.72 4.08 17 21.60 25.92 30.24 34.56 38.88 4.32 18 22.80 27.36 31.92 36.48 41.04 4.56 19 24.00 28.80 33.60 38.40 43.20 4.80 20 25.20 30.24 35.28 40.32 45.36 5.04 21 26.40 31.68 36.96 42.24 47.52 5.28 22 27.60 33.12 38.64 44.16 49.68 5.52 23 28.80 34.56 40.32 46.08 51.84 5.76 24 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 6.00 25 31.50 37.80 44.10 50.40 56.70 6.30 26 33.00 39.60 46.20 52.80 59.40 "6.60 27 34.50 41.40 48.30 55.20 62.10 6.90 28 36.00 43.20 50.40 57.60 64.80 7.20 29 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.50 7.50 30 39.00 46.80 54.60 62.40 70.20 7.80 31 40.50 48.60 56.70 64.80 72.90 8.10 32 42.00 50.40 58.80 67.20 75.60 8.40 33 43.80 52.56 61.32 70.08 78.84 8.76 34 45.60 54.72 63.84 , 72.96 82.08 9.12 35 47.40 56.88 66.36 75.84 85.32 9.48 36 49.20 59.04 68.88 78.72 88.56 9.84 37 51.00 61.20 71.40 81.60 91.80 10.20 38 52.80 63.36 73.92 84.48 95.04 10.56 39 54.60 65.52 76.44 87.36 98.28 10.92 40 56.40 67.68 78.96 90.24 101.52 11.28 41 58.50 70.20 81.90 93.60 105.30 11.70 42 60.60 72.72 84.84 96.96 109.08 12.12 43 62.70 75.24 87.78 100.32 112.86 12.54 44 64.80 77.76 90.72 103.68 116.64 12.96 We can furnish special lengths and finish to order. Prices on Application. nn GEO-BCARPXhfTER « So. SOLID CENTER AUGER BIT SETS IN FANCY BOXES While this illustrJition shows only our set of 13 No. 22 Solid Center Auger Bits in Handy Box, we also pack sets of 6, 8 and 9 bits in similar box. LIST OF SOLID CENTER AUGER BIT SETS Set by quarters 11% List price $3.00 18% 4.50 20 Va 4.90 321/2 7.50 CHARGE FOR FANCY BOXES TO HOLD ABOVE SETS The Handy Box. List. ... $0.60 The Hinged Box. List. . . .54 .90 .90 .60 .70 AUGER BIT SETS IN CANVAS ROLLS Set by quarters ! ll^i 18% 20% 32% List price $3.00 4.50 4.90 7.50 Charge for Canvas Rolls, extra. List $1.20^ GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S eo. 37 WOOD CHISELS nnn| No. 230. Socket Firmer Chisel With Bevel Edges and Leather Tipped Handle This No. 230 Socket Firmer Chisel has bevel edges and a leather tipped handle. "We give this the same leading position among chisel illustrations that it occupies in all chisel stocks. The blade of this Chisel measures 614 inches from cutting bevel to shoulder. Both blade and socket are carefully polished and the edge is sharpened. The handle is of hardwood, nicely turned and highly finished. The tip consists of three layers of well tanned leather, finished and polished in connection "with the wood. IVo. 236. Socket Firmer Cliisel With Plain Back and Leather Tipped Handle The No. 236 Socket Firmer Chisel has a blade with plain back and a handle with leather tip. With the full body of metal in the blade and with the leather capped handle for severe service, this tool is preferred where requirements are extreme. LIST OF NO. 230 and 2;J(> SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS Prices per Dozen. Sizes in Fraction of Inch Size, inches i/s V-l % V2 % % Price $14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.50 16.00 Size, inches % 1 1^4 IV2 1% 2 Price $18.00 18.50 20.50 22.00 24.00 25.00 Add for bevel edge, 60c net per dozen 38 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER « 60. WOOD CHISELS Fig. 200. Socket Butt Chisel With Bevel Edges and Leather Tipped Handle LIST OF NO. 200 SOCKET BUTT CHISELS Prices per dozen. Sizes in fraction of inch Size, inches l^ ^4 % V2 Price $14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 Size, inches Vg 1 11/4 Wo Price $18.00 18.50 20.50 22.00 Extra for No. 200 with Bevel Edges 50 cents net per dozen % 15.50 24.00 16.00 2 25.00 3 Fis. 261. Socket Framing Chisel With Bevel Back and Ring Handle LIST OP NO. 261 SOCKET FRAMING CHISELS Prices per dozen. Sizes in fraction of inch Size, inches 14 % V2 % Price $9.00 9.00 9.00 9.50 Size, inches 1 IVs l^A 1^2 Price $11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 Prices per Set Set, numher of Chisels 6 9 Price $5.90 8.60 Extra for No. 261 with bevel edges 90 cents net per dozen 10.00 1% 14.50 % 10.50 2 16.00 11 10.80 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER S Go. 39 Kifi. il!M». Socket Sliek With Oval Back and Long Handle The No. 2 90 Socket Slick is an extra heavy tool made in large sizes only and designed for the very heaviest duty. The blade is of extra weight with a heavy oval back. We furnish a maple handle on this chisel, measuring 14 inches long. The blade is 10 inches long, which, with the socket, makes the complete handled tool about 30 inches long overall. Size inches 2^ 2% 3 3% 4 Prices per dozen $21.00 23.50 23.50 27.50 32.00 Extra for Bevel Edges $2.00 net per dozen Pig. 2r>.5. SooWet Corner Chictel 'With Ringr Handle We show this tool with hickory handle fitted with polished ring as best suited for the severe requirements of corner chisels. If desired, we can supply with leather tipped handles at a list increasing $1.00 per dozen for any size. The Socket Corner Chisel has blade measuring 8 inches long. This is polished outside and gilded on the inner side of the angle, making a very attractive finish. Size inches i^ % % % 1 1 ^^ 1 M Prices per dozen $16.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 18.25 19.00 20.25 Fig. 330. Socket Firmer Gouge Size inches i^ 1,4 3^ 1^ % % Prices per dozen $10.50 10.50 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.25 Size inches % 1 1 14 1% 1% 2 Prices per dozen $13.25 14.00 15.50 17.25 18.75 21.25 40 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER ^ Co. WOOD CHISELS IN SETS Pig. 230. Set Shtows Bevel Edge with Leather Tipped Handles SETS OF SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS IN ROLLS No. 230 This Leatherette Roll, lined with Jflannel, is packed with a regular set of six or twelve ,' from our No. 230 line of Socket Firmer Chisels. List Prices for Chisels Only Price Set of 12 Chisels, containing 1 each i/g, i^, %, 1/2, %, %, %, 1, 1^/4, 11/2, 1% and 2 inch. .$18.50 Set of 6 Chisels, containing 1 each y^, 1/2, %, 1, 1% and 2 inch 9.30 Add extra for Leatherette Roll, 6 Chisel capacity, net 1.10 Add extra for Leatherette Roll, 12 Chisel capacity, net 1.85 Add extra for bevel edges, per dozen Chisels, aet 60 GEQ-B-eAIiPEM^TER S GO. WOOD CHISELS IN SETS SET OF 12 SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS IN BOX We here show a Set of twelve No. 230 Bevel Edge Socket Firmer Chisels with leather tipped handles, packed in a fancy Hinged Case. This box is a finished hardwood case and each chisel is held firmly in place by a spring in connection with the pocket framed in the box. This is a regular assortment. We also pack regular sets of 8 and 9 Chisels in this style of box. Price Set of 12 Chisels, containing 1 each i/g, i/i, %, i/o, %, %, %, 1, l^A, 11/2, 1% and 2 in. .$18.50 Set of Chisels, containing 1 each i/g, 14, %, 1/2, %, %, 1> 1^/4 and II/2 i^ch 12.75 Set of 8 Chisels, containing 1 each %, %, 1/0, %, 1, li^, IVli and 2 inch 12.30 List prices for Chisels only, add for box 90c net extra Add for bevel edges 60c per dozen Cliisels net 48 Geo-BCarpen'ter ^ eo, DRAW KNIVES Fig. 600. Razor Blade Draw Knife Lengtli. inches 6 7 8 9 10 Price, per dozen $13.50 13.50 13.50 14.40 15.60 Length, incbei^ 11 12 13 14 16 Price, per dozen $18.00 18.00 21.00 21.00 24.00 „^ . , , , Fig. 625. Heavy Stripping Knife This blade is 1% inches wide, of laid steel, and with both the tool steel and the common steel in- creased to make this heavier section. The handles are made of hardwood, finished natural. They are lormed with considerable enlargement near the end to give better grip. On special order, we furnish an Extra Heavy Stripping Knife with a blade measuring about 2% inches wide. This knife has proven very popular wherever used for bark peeling. The blades are full polished and the shanks enameled black. The handles are fitted with heavy steel ferrules, but no caps are required with this handle. Length, inches S 9 10 11 12 13 Price, per dozen $14.40 16.20 18.00 19.80 21.60 23.40 Length, inches . . ; 14 15 16 18 20 Price, per dozen .• $25.20 27.00 28.80 32.30 36.00 .... Fig. 635. Folding Handle Draw Knife Length, incites 6 7 Price, per dozen $18.00 18,00 9 19.50 10 21.00 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER S QO, 43 SCRAPERS AND SPOKE SHAVES SCRAPERS HANDLED SCRAPEK No. Fig. 80 Has a blade that may be sprung to a 'slight curve by means of a thumb screw, giving ease of operation and quickness of cut. The handles are raised to protect the user's hands, and pierced so that the tool can be hung up out of the way. Body and handles cast in one piece. >o. 80. 11 inches long. 2% inch blade. Ja- panned. Weight each, 1% lbs... per dozen $12.00 Packed 1 in Box ADJUSTABLE SCRAPER No. 82 Has an adjustable single handle which can be tilted to give the blade any angle desired. Special blades of different forms and widths can be securely held in any position required, thus permitting the tool to be worked in many places inaccessible to other Scrapers. Handle and knob of hardwood. No. 82. 141/2 inches long. 3 inch blade. Ja- panned. Weight each 1% lbs. . .per dozen $12.et) Packed 1 in Box BOX SCRAPER No. 70 Fig. 70 For removing stencils and other markings from the surface of boxes, floors, etc. It has a large handle, 13 inches in length, hinged to the malleable iron bottom, making it possible to work the tool from any po.sition above the surface. The face of the bottom and the edge of the cutter are slightly curved away from the center, allowing the user to scrape clean any uneven surface. Handle is made of maiJle. No. 70. 13 inches long. 2 inch cutter. Ja- panned. Weight package, 6 lbs. .per dozen $6.0O I'acked V2 Dozen in Box VENEER SCRAPER No. 12. 8 in. handles . . For scrapi work. Also glue. Fig. 12 adjustable, 3 in. cutter, rosewood each »2.2r, ng and finishing veneers and cabinet adapted for scraping off old paint and FOR PAINT. BRUSHE^S DOUBLE IRON, IMPROVED Fig. 51 They have a cutter and cap iron, fastened by a thumb screw, in such a manner as to bring an even pressure on the cutter edge, and at the same time allow adjustment without the use of a screwdriver. No. 51. Raised handle. 10 inches long. 2% inch cutter. Wt., package, 3% lbs. .per dozen 93.50 No. 52. Straight handle. 10 inches long. 2Vs inch cutter. Wt., package, 3% Ibd. .per dozen 3JS0 Packed % Dozen in Box ADJUSTABLE SPOKE SHAVES Fig. 151 These new and improved Spoke Shaves have a lever cap fastening the cutter in such a manner as to bring an even pressure on the cutting edge. The important feature is that the cutter can be quickly adjusted both endwise and sidewise by means of the adjusting screws which engage the slots near the end. Made in two styles — one with raised and the other with straight handles. No. 151. Raised handle. 10 inches long. 2% inch cutter per dozen $6.00 No. l.'>2. Straight handle. 10 inches long. 2% inch cutter per dozen 6.00 TWO CUTTER Fig. 60 Has two cutters and separate cutter seats, one hollow and one straight. The two forms of cutters in one tool make it a very handy Spoke Shave. No. 60. Straight handle. 10 inches long. 1 1/2 inch cutter. Weight, 4% lbs per dozen 94.50 Packed % Dozen in Box UNWERSAL Fig. 67 Tliis will be found to be a very handy tool. The handles are detachable, and either one can be screwed into the top of the stock, enabling the user to work into corners or panels, as no other Spoke Shave can do. A recent Iinprovenient is, that one handle has a right and the other a left hand thread, and the proper sockets to receive them are threaded accord- ingly. This prevents any possiblity of the handles working loose when the tool is in use. The handles as well as the sockets in which they belong are lettered to avoid mistakes. Two detachable bot- toms are furnished, one for straight and the other for circular work. A movable width gauge allows the tool to be used in rabbeting. All metal parts are nickel plated and the handles are made of rose- wood. Extra cutters $2.40 per dozen. No. 67. Rosewood handle. 9V4, inches long. IT's inch cutter. Weight, % lb.. per dozen 918.00 Packed 1 in Box AND KNAMELS, SEE INDEX 44 Geo^BCarpen'ter « eo. PLANES Fig. 7C "BAILEY" ADJUSTABLE IRON PLANES The Planes described below, generally known as Bench Planes, are divided into four classes, namely: Smooth, Jack, Pore and Jointer. A Smooth Plane is for finishing or smoothing off flat surfaces. Where the uneven spots are of slight area, its short length will permit it to locate these irregularities, leaving the work with a smooth surface when finished. A Jack Plane is used to true up the edges of a board in the rough and prepare it for the Pore or Jointer. A Pore Plane is simply a short Jointer, and being lighter, is preferred by some workmen to the longer plane. A Jointer is a finishing Plane for large surfaces and is invariably used to true up the edges of boards so that they can be closely fitted or joined together. "Bailey" Iron Planes have been m use for nearly fifty years and are the recognized standard for Planes of this type. While retaining all the origi- nal features, many valuable improvements in con- struction have been added from time to time. Only the finest materials and the best workmanship are used in their manufacture. The handle and knob are made of highly finished, thoroughly seasoned rosewood. Planes with bottoms either flat or corrugated (see Fig. 7C) furnished as desired. The number with a "C" designates Corrugated Bottom. No. 4 or 4C. Smooth. 9 inches long. 2 inch cutter. Weight, 3% lbs each $2.20 No. 5 or 5C. Jack, 14 inches long. 2 inch cutter. I Weight, 4 % lbs each 2..50 No. 6 or 6C. Fore. 18 inches long. 2% inch cutter. Weight, 7% lbs each 3.25 No. 7 or 7C. Jointer. 22 inches long. 2% inch cutter. Weight, SVs Iba each 3.75 Packed 1 in Box Fig. 27 'BAILEY" WOOD PLANES Every carpenter needs two or more Wood Planes in his kit, for rough outside work. "Bailey" Wood Planes supply the demand for a Wood Plane of superior quality. The bottom, handle, and knob are made from selected and well seasoned beech. The cutters are the regular "Bailey" type and are adjustable both endwise and sidewise. No. 21. Smooth. 7 inches long. 1% inch cutter. Weight, 2i^ lbs each $1.50 No. 24. Smooth. 8 inches long. 2 inch cutter Weight, 2% lbs each 1.50 No. 27. Jack. 15 inches long. 2% inch cut- ter. Weight, 4 lbs each 1.90 Fig. lOV^ CARRIAGE MAKERS' RABBET PLANES Especially adapted for the heavy framing required In mining work, for carriage or wagon building, or any work of similar nature. No, lOVa or lOVaC. 9 inches long, 2V8 inch cutter. Weight, 3 lbs each »2.50 FOR PLVMB BOBS AND LKVELS Fig. 113 • CmCULAR PLANES These Planes have fiexible steel faces, which can be accurately adjusted for planing the inside or outside of circles. The cutters are the same as in the "Bailey" Planes. No. 113 is the original design for this class of tools, and has been well known for many years. The face is fastened at its center to the Plane body, and adjusted at the ends by means of a screw and levers. No. 113. Japanned. 10 inches long. 1% inch cutter. Weight, 3^ lbs each $3.0O Packed 1 in Box SEB INDBX Geo-B-Car^peN'ter ^ Go. 45 BLOCK PLANES Fig. 60-«0'/2 Low Angle Block Flgr. ©V^ and 16 Fig. IS-IU "BAILEY" ADJUSTABLE BLOCK PLANES A Block Plane was first made to meet the demand for a plane which could be easily held in one hand while planing across the grain, particularly the ends of boards, etc. This latter work many carpenters call "blocking in," hence the name "Block" Plane. No8. 18 and 19 are distinctive In the method of fastening the cutter. These planes are now fitted with a new and patented form of lever or cap, which being entirely of steel, makes It practically indestructible. This new knuckle Joint permits of great leverage, consequently the lever can be placed in position or removed with very little effort — a great improvement over the old form of knuckle joint lever^ No. Length, Inches r-utter, Inches Trimmings Weight, lbs. Kach 9% 6 1% Japan llo $1.10 7 1% Japan 1% 1.20 1% Nickel 1.25 17 7 1% Nickel 1% 1.35 9% 6 1% Japan, rosewood handle 1% 1.30 15% 7 1% Japan, rosewood handle 1% 1.40 1% Nickel, knuckle joint 1% 1.30 19 7 1% Nickel, knuckle joint 1% 1.40 Packed 1 in Box. LOW-ANGLE BLOCIv PLANES These Planes are designed to meet the demand for block planes having the cutters lying at a still lower angle than 20 degrees. In the Low-Angle Planes the cutter rests on its seat at an angle of only 12 degrees. This angle permits of great ease in working across the grain on hard woods. No. Length, Inches Cutter, Inches Trimmings AVeight, lbs. £acb 65 1% Nickel, knuckle joint 1% $i.:!,5 65% 1% Japan 1% 1.20 60 1% Nickel 1% 1.25 60% 1% Japan 1% 1.10 62 14 2 Japan 3% 2.85 61 1% Nickel 1% 1.10 63 1% Nickel 1% 1.30 Packed 1 in E Fig. 110 \'on-Adjustable Block Fig. 130 Fig, 230 Double End Block Adjustable Block DOLTBLE-END BLOCK PLANES lias two slots and two cutter seats, the center seat and slot to be used for ordinary block plane work, the other slot and seat for use when it is desired to work same as a bull nose plane. Tlie plane has a hardwood knob. No. 130. 8 In. long, 1% in. cutter, japan trimmings, packed 1 in box, weight 1% lbs each $0.76 ADJUSTABLE BLOCK PLANES No. 203 Is a new plane designe?d especially for manual training use. The cutter Is secured In its place by a lever fastened with a cam. It is adjustable endwise by means of the thumb screw shown at the rear of the plane. The knob is of rosewood and serves as a finger rest. No. 220 is in many ways better adapted for average use than any of the cheaper block planes made. The cutter Is made of high grade steel, is fastened by a lever and cam, and Is adjustable endwise by a screw adjustment operated from the rear of the plane. The knob or finger rest on the front of the plane is made of rosewood. No. 103 is for light work. The cutter is adjustable endwise, the form of adjustment being known as the lever ad- justment. The bottom Is ground true and the sides neatly japanned No. 120 is similar in design to the No. 103, having the same form of cutter adjustment and cutter fastening device. However, in this plane the sides are ground, care being taken to have them parallel and, instead of the iron boss on the front of the plane, it is fitted with a rosewood knob which forms a convenient finger rest^ No. Length. Inches Cutter, Inches Adjustment Weight, lbs. Each 203 5% 1% Screw 1% ?o.sr, 220 7% 1% Screw 1% .7.^1 103 5>X 1% Lever % .-.iTt 120 7 '4 1% Lever 1% ...) No, Packed 1 in Box. NON-ADJUSTABLE BLOCK PLANES 101, only 3% Inches in length, can be used for a \ariety of purposes. It Is a very handy little plane for house- hold use and many mechanics carry one in their kits for odds and ends of light work. No. 100 is the same In all respects as the No. 101 except that It has an iron handle which just fits nicely into the palm of the hand. Insuring the workman a firmer grip than is possible with the No. 101. No. 102 is a light, serviceable plane, 5 Vl> Inches long. The bottom Is ground and the sTdes japanned. No. 110 is the most popular of all the non-adjustable block planes. Both the bottoms and sides are ground and In place of the boss cast on the front for a finger rest, it has an apple-wood knob, stained black. For those desiring a plane for ordinary work that does not require that the tool be frequently adjusted, we strongly recommend this line. No. lx>neth. Inches Cutter, Inches Package Weight, lbs. Each _ 101 100 102 110 1 - 1 1% 1% Handled 6 only 1 only 1 only 1 only 1% 1% $0.20 .25 .40 .65 46 GEO-BCAR^PErfTER « 60. MISCELLANEOUS PLANES BULL NOSE RABBET PLANE Fig. 75 ■Will be found very useful for working close up into corners or other difficult places. The mouth can be ad- justed for different widths by means of the set screw on top of the plane. No. 75. 4 inches long, 1 inch cutter, Japan trimmmgs. Weight % lb each $0.40 Packed 1 In Box DOUBLE END MATCH PLANES These Planes have two separate cutters, a plow, and a tongrue tool, both governed by one permanent fence. The tongue tool has one edge wider than the other, which overhangs one side when tonguing on cen- ter. Both tongue and groove are cut by working the tool in same direction, by merely reversing it end for end. The Planes are nickel plated and have iron handles cast with the body. No. 146. Cuts % inch groove, on boards % inch to 1/2 inch centers on % inch, weight 11/2 lbs each $2.20 No. 147. Cuts 3/16 inch groove, on boards Vz inch to % inch centers on % inch, weigbt 1% lbs each 8.20 No. 148. Cuts Vi inch groove, on boards % inch to 1 inch centers on % inch, weight 2% lbs each 3.30 Packed 1 in Box ROUTER PLANES Fig. 146 /-... ., .... — These Planes are for """-""/ "5 surfacinK the bottom of ,■•■•. KTooves or other depres- / .' slons parallel with the general surface of the work. The closed throat is the ordinary form of inuter plane; the open throat, an improved de- sign, giving more free- dom for chips and a better view of the work and cutter. The latter has an attachment for regulating the thickness of the chip, and a second attachment for closing the throat for use on narrow surfaces. The bottoms of both styles are designed so that an extra wooden bottom of any size desired can be screwed on, enabling the user to router on large openings. A 14 and % inch cutter are furnished with each Plane. Cutters have screw adjustment and can be held as shown in illustrations, or on the back of the cutter post, for bull-nose work. No. 71. IVz inches long. Open throat. Nickel plated. Weight. 2 % lbs each $2.05 No. 71^^, 7'/4 inches long. Closed throat. Nickel plated. Weight, 2% lbs each 1.65 Packed 1 in Box SKEW CUTTER FILLETSTER AND RABBET PLANE This Plane has an extra wide skew cut- ter. An adjustable spur is fitted to each side. The fence and depth gauge can be attached to either side: the plane is therefore suitable for right or left hand work. The adjust- able fence slides ■CI™, oco under the bottom, *lg. .i&» regulating the width of the cut. Remove arms and fence, and a Skew Cutter Rabbet Plane is obtained. No. 289. 8V4 Inches long. 1% inch cutter. Japanned. Weight. 3% Iba each $1.75 Packed 1 In Box RABBET AND FELLETSTER PLANE The sides and bottom being square with each other, the Plane will lie perfectly flat on either side. It has an adjust- able fence which slides under the bottom, regu- lating the width of the cut. It is fitted with two spurs, one on each side, for working across the grain — also an ad- justable depth gauge. As both the fence and the depth gauge can be attached to either side, the Plane is suitable for either right or left hand work. The front part of the Plane can be easily detached, thus providing a bull-nose Plane for working close up into corners or other difficult places. The cutter is adjustable endwise. inch cutter. Weight, each $1.7o Packed 1 in Box Fig. 278 No. 278. 6% inches 'long. DUPLEX, FILLETSTER AND RABBET PLANE This Plane has two seats for the cutter, one for regular work and the other where a bull-nose is re- quired. It has a spur and a removable depth gauge. The ad- justable fence can be used on either side and slides under the bottom. regulating the width of the cut. To work same as a rabbet plane, remove fence and arms. No. 78. 8% inches long. IV2 inch cutter. Japanne'd. Weight, 3 lbs each $1.65 Packed 1 in Box Fig. 78 BELT MAKERS' PLANE A Plane designed for chamfering down the ends or laps of a belt before fastening t o- gether. Plane is fitted with adjustable throat, by means of which a wide or narrow opening may be given to the mouth, or slot, for the cutter. Cutter is adjust- able endwise by means Fig. 11 of the screw shown at the back of the Plane. Hardwood handle. No. 11. 5% inches long. 2% inch cutter. Japanned. Weight, 3% lbs each $2.20 Packed 1 in Box STANLEY JOINTER GAUGE FOR IRON PLANES For use in connection with all sizes of Iron Jack qr Jointer Planes. To enable the workman to plane bevels of any angle be- tween 30 and 90 degrees, or to square up the edges of boards with extreme ac- Fig. 386 curacy. It may be attached to either side of the Plane making it equally adaptable for right or left hand work. All metal parts are nickel plated. No. 386. 1 only In box. Weight. 2% lbs each $1,75 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ So. 47 BORING TOOLS AND ATTACHMENTS I I BRIDGE AUGERS ssaitfy2^:#:^:#y;^;^a^^ Fig. 565 For railroad oonstrnction and heavy bridge work. We will wold handles of any size desired to bits with or without staiting screws as desired. Ship augers are generally used for tliis purpose, but we can furnish handles welded to any kind of a bit you may have need for. These are welded in our own shop, and to order only. Prices upon application. AViien ordering state length of handle and style of bit wanted. Always allow one day extra for the welding of these handles to bits. AUGER HANDLES Fig. 5651 Hickory per dozen .$0.70 PRATT'S PATENT AUGER HANDLE Fig. 5652 Stout ash wood handle. Steel band, three inches long, split longitudinally, opens to admit all sizes and shapes of auger shanks, excepting largest sizes of ship augers. Center augers correctly. T^Ofi 1 3 Length, Inches 14 17 Weight, per dozen, lbs 16 18 Price, per dozen $7.60 *8.0O Packed % dozen in a pasteboard box. AUGER HANDLE Fig. 03 No. 0.3. Body casting malleable iron; screw steel; handles ash. A light, strong handle. Length, 16 inches. Weight, per dozen, 18 IbiS per dozen $7.00 RATCHET AUGER HANDLE Fig. 5654 Ash wood and metal parts nickeled. Chuck jaws admit almo.st all sizes of bit stock and auger shanks. Detachable handle upon which wood revolves. Ratchet works either to right or left or may be locked so that the tool may be used without ratchet. Length, 15 inches. Price, per dozen $32.00 BORING MACHINE This machine is carefully made and will render accurate service. The rack is strong and will not slip. Upright wood frame; adjustable depth gauge; self withdrawing auger. Weight about 35 lbs. I'rioc, without augers $6.20 BERGMAN IMPROVED GROSS BORING TOOL WITH SLIDING FOOTREST A tool well adapted for boat builders' use. For boring limber holes and many other purposes. Uses regular auger bits. Nickel plated finish. Price, each $5.00 FOR SHIP AUGERS, BORING AND MACHINE: AUGERS, SEE INDEX 48 GEO-BCAIiREM'TER « QO. HOLLOW HANDLE TOOL SETS Fig. 300 No. 300. An exceptionally strong, well made, well finished Tool Set. The illustration shows same about two-fifths actual size. Handle is of cocobolo, highly polished; screw cap which covers the recess containing the tools is fitted with a steel strike plate. Jaws are case-hardened, have a gun metal finish, and are held open by a spring. The chuck body is of large diameter, well threaded, and machined to receive the jaws. The shell is extra heavy, carefully knurled, and nickel plated. With each handle, 10 tools are furnished as fol- lows: 1 each gimlet, file, saw, gouge, chisel, reamer, brad awl, scratch awl, and 2 screwdrivers. All are made of special tool steel, hardened, tempered and polished, and are approximately 4 inches long. An extra sbtv 6% inches long is furnished if desired, at $0.60 per dozen extra. No. 300. Cocobolo handle, polished, length over all 7% inches per dozen $24.00 Packed 1 in Box Fig. 301 No. 301. This Tool Set is similar in size and gen- eral design to the above set, although there is no strike plate in the screw cap on the end of the handle. The chuck body is of less diameter, con- sequently lighter, and the jaws are of malleable Iron and are permanently secured in the chuck body. The shells are knurled, and the shells, jaws and ferrules are nickel plated. With each handle, 8 tools are furnished as fol- lows: 1 each gimlet, file, saw, gouge, chisel, reamer, and 2 screwdrivers. All are made of special tool steel, hardened, tempered and polished, and are approximately 4 inches long. An extra saw 6% inches long is 'furnished if desired, at $0.60 per dozen, extra. No. 301. Cocobolo handle, polished, length over all 7% inches per dozen $15.0O Packed % Dozen in Box Fig. 303 ..No. 303. This number is a good serviceable set, though not so large and with smaller tools than the nunibers described above. The tools are contained In the handle and are protected by a screw cap. The Illustration shows same about two-fifths actual size. The jaws are of malleable iron and permanently secured in the chuck body. The tools are held in the jaws by means of a malleable iron wing nut, and the nut, jaws and fer- rule are nickel plated. With each handle, lO tools are furnished as fol- lows: 1 each gimlet, gouge, chisel, scratch awl, screwdriver, tack puller and 4 assorted brad awls, hardened, tempered and with polished tips. They are approximately 2i^ inches long. No. 303. Cocobolo handle, polished, length over all 5% inches per dozen $9.00 Packed i/^ Dozen in Box FOR WOOD SCREWS, STOVE3 BOLTS Fig. 8 AUTOMATIC STAR POCKET BORER Handsomely knurled and nickeled steel. May be compressed into convenient size for the pocket. Magazine handle containing 8 drill points ranging from 1/16 to 11/64 inch in diameter, and a screw- driver bit. Has a device for releasing a bit from the handle without disturbing the others. Screw- driver can be used when tool is compressed. Chuck has positive grip. Length extended. 7% inches; compressed, 4% inches. Weight per dozen in pasteboard boxes, 8 14 lbs. liist price per dozen $23.00 Fig. 180 AUTOMATIC BORING TOOL Handsomely all-steel, knurled and nickel plated handle. Has same sized drills as outfit listed above; each in a separate cell in handle, which can be removed without disturbing the other drills; num- ber and size stamped on the handle over the corre- sponding cell. Chuck has positive grip. Weight per dozen, 8 lbs; length, 10 ^/^ inches. Packed one in pasteboard box. List price per dozen $19.75 COUNTER SINKS Fig. 562B. For Iron No. 562. For wood. List price.. per dozen $2.00 No. 562A. For brass. List price.. « 2.0O No. 5623. For iron. List price'. . " 2.00 TIMBER SCRIBES •^MMHiq^gl^^^^^^llpf small size .^'.«^- ^«^ each $1 Oo AND SCREW HOOKS. SEE INDEX Geo-B-Carpxm'ter « eo. 49 SCREW DRIVERS ♦YANKEE" SPIRAL RATCHET SCREWDRIVERS Fig. 30 FlpT. 30. The ntnndanl size. Drives or draws screws by pushing on lianrtle, or by ratchet move- ment of liandle. Can b(> made rigid as an ordinary screw driver by an ingenious loclting device wlien closed. Packed one only in paper bo.K. Weight per dozen, in paper boxes 13 lbs. 13 oz. Price each $l.sO Fig. 130. ThLs In the regiilar pattern Fig. HO ■with a Mpring added in liandle, whicli causes the handle to come back for the ne.Kt push in driving screws in or out. It is a "quick return" and more rapid as well as convenient in practical use, than pulling the handle back. Extreme length with bit in chuck, 20% inches extended. Closed the extreme length with bit in chuck is 15 inches. Packed one only in paper box. Weight per dozen in paper boxes, 14 lbs. 8 oz. Price eacli $2.00 Fig. 31 Fig. 31. Same design as Fig. 30, but is made considerably heavier and stronger throughont, for use in car shops, etc., where heavy screws are required to be driven or drawn. Three bits of different widths are inchuled with each tool. The extreme length of tool with bit in chuck is 17% inches when closed, and 26Vi inches when extended. Packed only one in paper box. Weight per d6zen, in paper boxes, 20 lbs. 8 oz. Price each .$3.35 Fig. 131. The regular Fig. 31 with a spring added in handle, which causes the handle to come back for the next push, in driving screws in or out. Extreme length of tool with bit in chuck, 28 inches extended. Can be closed and locked with the milled collar in front of shifter case if desired. Extreme length closed, with bit in chuck, 19% inches. Packed one only in paper box. Weight per dozen, in paper boxes, 24 lbs. 8 oz. Price ea«-h !«l'.(i.-; Fig. 3.-. Fig. S.l. Intended for electrical workers, cabinet maicers, carpenters and mechanics liaving a large number of s.niall screws to drive, and where a lighter tool will be much more sensitive and con- venient than the standard pattern or Pig. 30. Small enough to be conveniently carried in the pocket, measuring 7 inches long when close% i% 5.00 10 6% ^A 5 % 6.40 12 8 V2 8 7.50 SLIDING T BEVELS Rosewood Handle FIs. 25 The bevel blade can be firmly secured by moving I he lever with the thumb of the hand which grasps the handle, thus leaving free the other hand of the workman. The edges of the steel blade are machined and the entire blade given a handsome blued finish. No. 25 Blade Handle Inches Inches 6 4% 8 5% 10 7% 12 S^ 14 10^ Packag^e Dozen | Wt. lbs. IV4. 1% 2% 2% 314 4.30 4.6.5 6.00 5.40 FOR STARRET-rS SQUARES AND BEVELS, SEE INDEX •52 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « SO. MITRE BOXES— MALLETS LANGDON ACME MITRE BOX Made of iron and steel. Automatic device to hold saw above the work when desired. Extra long saw guides for stability. Quickly adjusted swing- ing lever that may be loclced at positive angles or at intermediate points. Work supports that can be used also to get angles more acute than forty- five degrees. Supporting gib beneath the saw to prevent splintering at the end of the cut. Fig. 68 Diam. Cap. at Right Angle inches Cap. at Weight "Weight No. Size of Saw Mitre Boxed Net Price inches inches lbs. lbs. 68 1 22x4 7% 5 34 23 $12.00 69 1 24x4 7% 5 35 23% 12.50 70 1 26x4 7% 5 36 24 13.00 71 2 22x4 101/4 7 34 23 13.00 72 2 24x4 10% 7 35 231^ 13.50 73 2 26x4 10% 7 36 24 14.00 74 2% 28x5 10% 7 37 25 15.50 75 2% 30x5 10% 7 38 25% 16. 00 MITRE BOXES These boxes are compact, strong and durable and are quickly put together or taken apart for convenience in carrying. The entire frame is one solid casting, insuring great strength. The saw sTuide uprights are securely clamped in tapered sockets in the swivel arm and can be adjusted to hold the saw without play, and also to counteract a saw that runs out of true, due to improper setting or filing. This is a new feature that will Dreclated. le second socket in the swivel arm permits the use of a short saw or allows a much longer stroke with a standard or regular saw. The swivel arm is provided with a tapered index pin which engages in holes placed on the under side of the base. These holes are made at the commonly used angles as designated on top of the base allowing 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 24 sided pieces to be cut. The edge of the base is graduated in degrees and the swivel arm can be set and automatically fastened at any degree desired. This automatic fastening device holds the swivel arm firmly to the base in all positions. The nprjights, front and back, are graduated in sixteenths of Inches, and movable stops can be set, by means of thumb, screws to the depth of the cut desired. Stocli: guides hold all kinds of ordinary work, as well as irregular forms, and can be used as length gauges for duplicating short pieces. Automatic catches on the uprights hold the saw up, which allows the use of both hands in placing the work. The adjustable stop on top of the saw, coming in contact with the lever trip, releases the front catch, and the saw In falling pitches slightly forward automatically releasing the rear catch, without any necessity of taking the hand from the saw or touching the lever trip. Two cone pointed leveling screws on the rear feet prevent the box sliding when in These boxes are regularly packed with back saws made by Henry Disston and Sc Inc. No. Saw Capacity Right Angle inches Capacity Mitre (45°) inches Capacity at 30° without Stock Guide inch»s Weight with Saw lbs. Box Only each With Saw each 240 242 244 246 346 358 460 20x4 22x4 24x4 26x4 26x4 30x6 ii 11 It ■11 7% It 4% 51/8 28% 28% 30 34 51 % 8.50 8.50 8 50 8.50 9 50 9.75 12.50 110.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 12.25 13.00 16.00 MALLETS Fig. 4 The many kinds of work requiring the use of a mallet necessitate a large ment of sizes and weights. Fig. 14% 15 ,16 Round Hickory Round Hickory Round Hickory Round Hickory, Tinners'... Round Lignum-vitae Round Lignum-vitae Round Lignum-vitae Square Hickory Square Hickory Square Hickory Square Lignum-vitae Square Lignum-vitae Square Lignum-vitae Round Hickory, Iron Rings, Round Hickory. Iron Rings. Round Iron, Hickory Ends. Iron Socket. Hickory Ends, GEO-B-eAR.PEN*TER ^ QO. 58 PLUMBS AND LEVELS DUPLEX ADJUSTABLE PLUMBS AND LEVELS These Levels can be read conveniently, even if held at arm's length above the head. They have three glasses: A level glass set In the top in the usual way, a plumb glass, and a second level glass set In the side These latter two glasses are set close to one surface of the stock so that the angle of vision of the bubble is greatly increased The second level glass can be readily reversed to form a second plumb, if desired. They are made from l%x3% inch selected stock, in 24, 26, 28 and 30 inch lengths No. 30. Hardwood, brass tips, 24 to 30 inches long; »,4 dozen in 24 lb. package ' Der dozen SIH OO No. 50. Hardwood, 3 ply, brass tips, brass lips, 24 to 30 inches long; V" dozen in 24' ib' 'pkckage " 240O No. 25. Mahogany, brass tips, brass lips, 24 to 30 inches long; % dozen in 22 lb package ° ••■ • „ 24*00 Figr. 3. Adju.stable These Levels need no Introduction to the hardware trade as they are of the design and workmanship that have been known as standard for nearly half a century. They are made from l%x3% Inch stock and in four lengths of two Inches difference. Fig. 47 MASON'S SEX-GLASS PLUMBS AND LEVELS These Levels have two level glasses and four plumb glasses so arranged that no matter how the tool is taken up. one or more of theni are available with which to level or plumb. Each glass is set solid in a metal case, which case is screwed into the level stock. Each level and plumb glass is protected on both sides of the stock by a glass disc which serves not only to protect the glass from breakage but keeps dirt and moisture from the openings. The level stock is made of liglit weight wood, thoroughly seasoned and specially prepared. It is 3U inches wide by I'/i inches thick. Two hand holes are provided for convenience and safety in handling. Made In two sizes, 42 and 48 inches long. No. 47. 42 inches long, 6 proved glasses per dozen $30.00 No. 48. 48 Inches long, fi nroved glasses " 39.00 Fig. 37 METALLIC PLUMBS AND LEVELS No. 36 has top and bottom milled and wet ground to insure two perfectly parallel surfaces. The glasses are so set that either surface may be used to level or plumb. They are set in metal cases which tit accurately on supports cast in the frame of the level. The cases are held on the supports by means of eccentric cone centers at each end, with screw adjustment. * These Levels are also made with a grooved bottom for working on shafting, piping, etc., without extra charge. In ordering use the numbers 36^''y^'''' ^^^ Fig. 30% Are fitted with proved glasses set solid in plaster. The top plate is entirely separate from the glass. No. 38%. 4 inches long, nickel plated, proved glass, lA dozen in 1% lb. package per doz. $5.00 No. 39%. 6 inches long, nickel plated, proved glass, Va dozen in 3^ lb. package per doz. 6.00 ECLIPSE LEVELS Fig. 34V Have a glass fitted in a metal case. An outer shell, termed by us "Eclipse Cover," is fitted over this case, which can be turned so as to completely pro- tect the glass. The case is screwed to a substantial metal base. The levels may be adjusted by these screws. For leveling up shafting, piping, etc., they are made with "V" bottoms, without extra charge. In ordering, use the Nos. 34V-4 in., 34V-6 in., etc. No. 34. 4 inches long, nickel plated, ground glass, 1 only in % lb. package. .. .per doz. $15.00 No. 34. 6 inches long, nickel plated, ground glass, 1 only in % lb. package. .. .per doz. No. 34. 8 inches long, nickel plated, ground glass, 1 only in 1% lb. package. . . .per doz. No. 34. 10 inches long, nickel plated, ground glass, 1 only in 1% lb. package. . . .per doz. STRAIGHT EDGE POCKET LEVELS 18.00 24.00 30.00 Fig Can be attached to any straight edge or Carpen- ter's square. No. 40. Iron body, japanned, japanned top plate, 1 dozen in 1% lb. package.. per gro. $18.73 No. 41. Iron body, japanned, brass top plate, 1 dozen in 1% lb. package per gro. 20.16 No. 42.. Brass body, polished, brass top plate, 1 dozen in 2 lb. package per gro. 68.40 No. 46. Iron body, japanned, brass top plate, 1 dozen in 2\^ lb. package per gro. LEVEL SIGHTS Fig. 1 They ,can be attached to any level, for leveling from one given point to another a long distance away. When not in use the level sights are easily detached, and can be packed away in a small space, for future use. No. 1. Level Sights for wood levels, 1 pair in Vi lb. package per doz. pair $9.00 No. 2. Level Sights for iron levels, 1 pair in Vi lb. package per doz. pair 9.0O PROVED GLASSES c T=I: > Fig. 127 These Plumb and Level Glasses are made of extra thlclc tubing. By a patented process each glass is marked at its central or crowning point by two indelible lines, enabling the user to very quickly center the bubble. Length, 1 in. Length, I14 in. Length, 1% in. Length, 1% in. Length, 2 in. Length, 2^ in. Length, 2y2 in. Length, 3 in. Length, Zh^ in. Length, 4 in. Length, 414 in. Assorted .per 27.36 FOR TRANSITS, LEVELS AND RODS, SEE INDEX gro. $ 9.48 9.60 9.72 9.84 10.00 10.25 10.50 IIJSO 13.00 14.50 16.0O 12.00 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « eO. 55 GAUGES AND TRAMMEL POINTS fc^f ^^^W-V'V^-H-^'^-' '-'■'■') Fig. 65 WOOD MARKING GAUGES These Marking Gauges are made of selected wood. The bars are oval in form and are graduated in 16ths of an inch for 6 inches from the point. Gauges having a brass thumb screw have the bar pro- tected by a brass shoe. Face plates are brass plates inserted in the head to prevent wear. The marking points (one eacli) are of tempered steel. The mark- ing point in No. 65 is securely locked by a screw and can be readily removed for sharpening. Ao. 61. Beech, boxwood screw, square head. 1 dozen in 2 78 lb. package per dozen, $0.96 No. 65. Boxwood, brass screw, square head, face plate. V2 dozen in 1 Tg lb. package. Per dozen 4.20 Fis:.95 BUTT GAUGES In hanging doors, there are three measurements to be marked — the location of butt on the casing, the location of butt on the door, and the thickness of butt on both casing and door. Tlie term "Butt Cause" covers a gauge Iiaving tliree cutters, pur- posely arranged so tliat no change of setting is necessary when hanging several doors. In reality these tools comprise Rabbet Gauges, Marking Gauges and Mortise Gauges of a scope sufficient for all door trim, including lock plates, strike plates, etc. All bars are locked by set screws and are grad- uated in sixteenths of an inch. No. 9.5. Iron body, steel bars, nickel plated; 1 only in y^ lb. package per dozen $9.00 TRAMMEL POINTS Fig. 99 A practical form of trammel points, adapted for convenient use on a carpenter's rule. They can be attached to folding rules orany ordinary width; and on many kinds of work will take the place of regular trammel points, calipers or dividers. A complete set consists of two brass trammel heads, with movable steel points, and one head with a pencil socket. No. 99. Stanley's rule, in sets of three. per set $0.50 Fig. METAL BAR GAUGES These gauges have steel bars, and the heads are machined castings. Pin point cutters are used The bars in those gauges having a metal head can be set so that either a narrow or wide gauging surface IS obtained. Where two cutters are fitted on one bar, there are graduations for each cutter. All parts are finely finished, and the metal bars and heads are nickel plated. Mortise Gauges have double bars, 6% inches long graduated in sixteenths of an inch for five inches. No. »>s. Metal head, pin points; 1 only in % lb. package per dozen $6.73 Marking Gauges have a single bar, GV- inches long graduated in sixteenths of an inch for five inches. ' No. »7. Metal head, pin point; 1 only in 14 lb pacKage per dozen $3.48 Fig. 1,2,3 Fig. 8 TRAMMEL POINTS AND PENCIL CLASP Used by millwrights, carpenters, machinists and all mechanics having occasion to strike arcs or circles larger than can be conveniently done with ordinary compass dividers. Nickeled Trammel Points Can be attached to one side of any straight stick. The pencil socket will take an ordinary sized pencil, or a full sized oval shaped carpenter's pencil. No, 4. Trammel Point, for straight edge up to 114 inches; 1 set in 14 lb. package. Per dozen sets $9.00 Bronze Trammel Points strongly constructed and have steel points, on either of which an accompanying pencil socket can be clamped. Xo. 1. Trammel Point, for % inch straight edge; 1 set in V4. lb. package, .per dozen sets $14.40 No. 2. Trammel Point, for 1 inch straight edge; 1 set in % lb. package, .per dozen sets 18.00 Xo. 3. Trammel Point, for 1^ inch straight edge; 1 set in % lb. package, .per dozen sets 25.00 Patent Pencil Clasp For attaching to a pair of ordinary dividers. Twelve mounted on attractive display card. No. 8. Pencil Clasp, 1 >4 inches long, nickel plated, 2 dozen in 1 lb. package.. per dozen $1.25 FOR ALL STYLES OF CARPENTERS' TOOLS, SEE INDEX 5G GEO-BCAIiPEJfTER « Co. BENCH SCREWS AND STOPS-EXTENSION BIT HOLDERS, ETC. IRON BENCH SCREWS Wrought Iron Screw, Double Threads Hardwood Handle Diameter, inches Length, inches . . Per doz 1 15 $6.50 16 $7.50 $9.00 MORRILL'S "PERFECT" BENCH STOP >o. 1. Square steel spindle. Per doz $9.00 EXTENSION BIT HOLDERS Ho. 1 Fig. 568 Fig. 569 Win extend 4he bit, enabling: the user to bore through walls, floors, ^c, where the ordinary bit will not reach. Bit socket and shank are of one piece of steel and so constructed that the bit will not work loose while boring. Any length holder will follow up a % inch bit. Have' a tk inch tip and are nickel plated. Packed Vz doz. in box. _ ^ „.i, „,^ „. . ^ , ^ «,- ,r«. 12 incites long per doz. $13.75 18 inches long peT doz $15.25 24 inches long per dOZ. »17.50 16 Inches long " 13.75 20 inches long " 15.25 30 inches long 20.50 EXTENSION BIT HOLDER No. 5 3B= Fig. 569A Polished and nickel plated steel. Follows bits % inch in diameter and larger into their bores. ^ ,^ .. ^. x , ^ , Pour reliably strong, steel jaws, made in one piece, grip firmly over shoulders of bit stock shanks. Length, Inches 13 Weight, lbs., per doz 7 Price per doz $14.60 21 10 $15.2 24 11 $15.40 30 13 $15.80 CHAMPION SCREWDRIVERS Forged from toughest steel, well finished throughout. Fig. 570 Blade, inches . . 1 2% 1 3 1 4 5 i 6 - S 9 1 10 12 Price per doz.. 1 $3.00 $3.50 ,| $4.25 $5.00 1 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $12.00 CABINET SCRAPERS Plain Size Cut Edges 2 x4 $0.30 2 x6 .45 21/2x5 .50 3 x4 .45 3 x5 .55 3 x6 .65 Ground Even Gauge and Dressed on Ederes $0,55 per doz. 1.00 1.20 Size Plain Cut Edges 4 x5 4 x6 $0.90 .60 .80 .90 Ground Even Gauge and Dressed on Edges $1.65 per doz. 1.10 1.45 1.65 Assortments Packed one' doz. assorted, small, 2x4 in box Packed one doz. assorted, large, 3%x4 in box Unless otherwise speeifled, plain cut to Plain Ground Cut and 3x6 Edges Dressed $0.60 $0.90 to 5x6 80 1.45 edges will be sent. THREE-IN-ONE SCREW DRIVER Fig. 571 A handy pocket screwdriver. Has three blades which nest into each other, yet each is a complete screwdriver in itself. These screwdrivers are very handy, and should be in every home tool kit or tool drawer. Highly polished and nickel plat- ed. Ijength ove'r all, 3% inches. Price each $0.25 FOR OTHER STYLES OF SCREW DRIVERS, SCRAPERS AND BITS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER ^ CO. CLAMPS AND HAND SCREWS Fig. 71 HORSE CLAMP This clamp opens up to six feet and holds firmly. The top bar or beam is made of hard maple and is 2%x4 inches. It has iron clamp head, double nut with 1% inch iron scre\v. Horse Clamps, complete $12.00 Horse Clamps, without legs lO.OO COLT'S CABINET CLAMP Eccentric or Screw Fig. 96 Formerly listed as Colt's cabinetmakers' and builders' steel bar clamp. The Cabinet clamp is made of 1% inch I bar steel with 2 inch reach, with the sliding- foot and ec- centric lever. This clamp can be applied to work quicker than any other clamp made and is our most popular style. The sliding- foot with its im- proved locking device will grip the bar at any point without the necessity of notches which weak- en the bar or springs to get out of order. The extra heavy Clamp is made of IT's inch steel bar with 2 inch reach. One-half heavier than the Cabinet style and suit- able for heavy work. Eccentric or scre^v as desired. If not specified ire always send the eccentric. Price per doz . Either Style Extra Extra Cabinet Heavy Cabinet HeAMT 10 inch.. . .?10.OO 48 inch .. ..$21.60 $32.16 12 inch. .. lO.SO 8!1.5.«0 60 inch. . . . 25.20 37.68 18 inch. . . . 12.60 18..1« 72 inch . . . 28.80 43.20 24 inch. . . . 14.40 21.13 84 inch. . . . 32.40 48.73 30 inch. . . . ie.20 2S.SS 96 inch. ... 36.00 54.34 36 inch.. . . 18.00 26.64 We can furnish the Cabinet Clamp with 4 inch reach from bar to center of button, eccentric and also screw, up to 24 inch length for light work. If longer than 24 inches it should be made with screw for very light work and we do not recom- mend this clamp over 24 inch length. 11/4 Inch I Bar — Price per doz. 10 inch $10.60 18 inch $13.20 12 inch 11.40 24 inch 15.00 SHIP CARPENTERS' CLAMP SCREW Sliding Jaw Fig. 3 No. Size of Frame Inches Space in Clear inches Eacli 1 2 3 3 X % 3i^X % 4 xl 30 36 36 $14.25 17.75 20.00 HAND SCREWS Jaws made of well- seasoned hard maple, sanded and oiled. Spindles made of se- lected hickory stock, air seasoned, and un- der test show extra- ordinary twisting resistance. They are tumbled and waxed. Instead of lessening the (natural strength of the wood it is re- tained uninjured in the thre'ads by making them saw-cut with a special machine and the wood is not xyeakened by having a V shaped tool forced through it, tearing and bruising the grain. The threads on the spindles are 25% stronger and more lasting than those of any other wood hand screw. HAND SCREW LIST July 1, 1907 Fig. 800 Q 800 1^/4 28 24 3 x3 17 $40.00 801 1 % 26 22 II5II 15^! 35.00 802 ivt 24 20 13% 32.00 803 22 20 2%x2i^ 12 30.00 804 1 v& 22 2%x2% 1214 28.50 805 1% 20 2%x2% 10% 27.00 806 20 2%x2% 11 25.00 807 18 2%x2% 9% 23.50 808 % 18 2^x2% 10 22.00 809 16 2 x2 SVi 20.00 810 % 16 l%xl% 18.50 811 % 14 l%xl% ly. 17.00 812 % 12 l%xl% Vi 14.50 813 % 10 l%xl% 12.00 814 8 l%xl% 3 9.50 815 % 6 5 1 xl 2 8.00 816 % 5 %x % 1% 7.00 Parts, either screws or of complete Hand Screw. Jaws, list one-third price BOAT CLAMP SCREWS W^rought Iron Fip. 70 Size of Dia. of Space In No. Frame Screw Clear Each Incli. ;■, :,-s; inches 10 21"-. 18x5 $7.00 20 2%x 16x4 5.75 30 2 x-2 i --4 14x4 5.00 40 l%x% V4 12x3% 4.50 60 1%X% 10x3% 3.75 60 l%x% IH 8x3 3.00 70 1%X% 6x3 2.50 FOR STEEL MACHINISTS' CLAMPS SEE INDEX 58 Geo-bcaiieeM'.ter ^ Qo. STEEL BAR CARPENTERS' CLAMP Fig. C4A The bar is rolled from a special quality of stiff steel; the "T" shape has much more strength for a given weight than is possessed by flat stock. The notches are cut on the lower edge of the bar, affording greater holding power to the sliding jaw than if they were on the upper edge. The steel screw is provided with a deep and powerful thread; the crank, sliding jaws and pawl are malleable, and the handle of wood, ebonized. The si^es given below represent a maxi- mum width of work which each size will take. Size Diameter Width Price per pair Size Diameter Width No. of Beam of Screw of Work No. of Work inches inches up to feet inches inches up to feet per pair CIA 1^X1% % 1 $3.80 C5A T\xl 1/2 % 5 $ 7.00 C2A fsXl V2 % 2 4.20 C6A 1/4x1% % 6 11.90 C3A t-gxl 1/2 % 3 5.60 C7A 1/4x1% % 7 13.30 C4A AxlVa % 4 6.30 C8A ¥4X1% % 8 15.40 WOOD BAR CARPENTERS' CLAMP Fig. C 10 A This Clamp is suitable for all purposes in which woodwork is required to be firmly held in a powerful Clamp. The bottom of the wood bar is perfectly smooth, the Clamps may be set flat on the bench and the work put in them from the upper side. The movable jaw may be engaged in the different holes to accommodate different sizes of work. The bar is made of thoroughly seasoned and carefully selected hard wood, oil finished, l%x2% inch iron, carefully japanned. Steel screw and malleable fittings. No. Length feet Price each No. Length feet Price each C 9A ClOA 4 5 $3.00 3.50 Cll A C12A 6 8 $3.70 4.00 CLAMP IRONS Fig. C 13 A A Very Strong and Durable Set of Clamp Irons Wood bar is illustrated for purpose of showing how irons are attached. The irons only are furnished. The screw is made of cold rolled steel with a deep, square-cut thread, and heavy swivel washer on the end next to the work. Finished with a heavy crank and handle. May be quickly and easily attached to any l%x2i^ inch wood bar of any length. C 13 A. 1 dozen sets in case per set $1.00 FOR OTHER STYLES OF CLAMPS AND VISES. SEE INDEX Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. 59 RULES The rules listed below are of superior grade, due to tlie' quality and seasoning of the wood the weight of the metal used in *'-- — = -*- ---= --= = -• • , , .. , .. the finish. As will be noted varying in length, width, bindinsH, etc., in these rules are mnae of brasH, ^iTblch prevents rusting. V itic ui jsupciiui Bicvuc, uue lu Liie (juaiiiy ana seasoning or ine wood, the in the joints and trimmings, the nicety of graduation, and the care given to ted in the various tables following, they are made in a wide ranee nf r,„r^K«^ forms of joints and plates, style of trim, and graduations. All iolnf« i ♦ les are made of brass, ^iThlch prevents rustine. • P'"**"» TWO FOOT BOXWOOD RULES, UNBOUND Fig. 62 FOUR FOLD, 1 IXCH WIDE No. 68. Round joint, middle plates, Sths and IGths drafting scale per doz. $2.50 No. 61. Square joint, middle plates, 8th and 16ths drafting scales per doz. ;{.00 No. e.t. Square joint, edge plates, Sths, lOths, 12ths and 16ths drafting scales. .. .per doz. 4.00 FOUR FOLD, 1% INCHES WIDE No. 72. Square joint, edge plates, Sths, lOths and Ifiths drafting scales per doz. $.%.00 I'acked i/^ dozen in Vox. Weight per dozen, ap- proximately 2 lbs. TWO FOOT BOXWOOD RULES, BOUND FOUR FOLD, 1 IXCH WIDE No. 84. Square joint, half bound, Sths, lOths, 12ths and 16ths drafting scales. .. .per doz. $6.50 No. 62. Square joint, full bound, Sths, lOths, 12ths and IGths drafting scales. .. .per doz. S.OO THREE FEET, FOUR FOLD, 1 INCH WIDE, UNBOUND. No. 66M:. Arch joint, middle plates, Sths and IGths drafting scale per doz. $6.00 Packed V2 dozen in box. Weight per dozen, ap- proximately 2Vi lbs. SPECIAL BOXWOOD RULES Fig. r,3Yi ARCHITECTS' FOUR FOLD, 1 INCH W IDE The inside edges of these rules are beveled and divided into Drafting Scales, %, V4, % and i/^ inch to the foot. The beveling brings tho edges close to the surface being scaled,, which is a great con- venience in laying out work or when used with a pencil. Drafting scales are used for laying out work or reading drawings where a scale of ^ and 14 Inch, etc., to the foot is found convenient. No. 53^!. Arch joint, edge plates, Sths, lOths, 12ths and IGths drafting scales. .. .per doz. $8.00 Packed i/^ dozen in box. Weight per dozen, 1% lbs. Fig. 806 RIVET JOINT ZIGZAG RULES Weight Vellow White Foot per dozen No. Enamel Flnl.sh, No. Enamel FInl.sh, Per doz Per doz. 2 .S 802 11.80 852 $2.04 3 1% 80,3 2.70 853 3.00 4 1% 804 3.60 854 3.96 5 ly* 80.5 4..''.0 855 4.92 6 2-'s 806 5.40 856 6.00 8 4 808 7.20 858 7.92 Packed 1 dozen in box. MASTER SLIDE RULE 1^ Pig. 5695 Especially adapted for measuring inside points not accessible for regular rules. Length, 6 feet per doz. $15.00 BOXWOOD CALIPER RULES All Caliper Rules are regularly made with caliper left hand, as shown in illustration. They can be furnished with caliper right hand — that is, with the caliper slide in the other leg of the rule, the caliper head or end i)iece being turned the other way — for 25c extra per dozen. Caliper slides are regularly graduated in IGths, but can be furnished in 32nds without additional charge, if so ordered (except No. 83C which is regularly graduated in 32nds). Fig. 321/2 SIX INCH, TWO FOLD No. 39. Square joint, % inch wide, Sths, lOths, 12ths and IGths per doz. $4.50 Packed V2 dozen in box. Weight per dozen, ap- proximately 1 lb. ONE FOOT, TWO FOLD No. 36%. Square joint. 1% inches wide, Sths, lOths. 12ths and IGths per doz. $6.60 Packed \^ dozen in box. Weight per dozen 1% lbs. ONE FOOT, FOUR FOLD No. 33. Arch joint, edge plates, 1 inch wide, Sths, lOths, 12ths and IGths per doz. $ 7.00 No. .•{2V2. Arch joint, full bound. 1 inch wide, Sths, lOths, 12ths and 16ths per doz. lO.OO Packed >^ dozen in box. Weight per dozen ap- proximately IVi lbs. TWO FOOT, FOUR FOLD No. 83C. Arch joint, edge plates, 1% inches wide, Sths, lOths and IGths per doz. $12.00 Packed Vi dozen in box. Weight per dozen, ap- proximately 3 lbs. RAYBONE COMBINATION ROXWOOD Fig. 5604 No. 1190. Two foot, four fold, with spirit level and degrees on joint per doz. $18.00 FOR LEVELS, PLUMHS, AND TAPE LINES, SEE INDEX 60 GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER S SO. RULES AND BEVELS GLASS GUTTERS' RULES With Brass Flange or Lip Fig. 7143 Graduated Both Sides and Both Edges in Consecutive Inches and Sths POLISHED MAPLE No. Length inches Size inches Weight per dozen lbs. Per dozen 7141 36 l%xiA 7 $29.40 7142 48 l%xVi 9 41.40 7143 60 21/2x14 15 53.40 7144 72 21/2x14 17 64.80 7145 84 3 XV4, 22 82.80 7146 96 3 X1/4 27 100.80 7147 108 31/2x14 34 118.20 7148 120 31/2x1/4 37 136.20 7149 144 31/2x3/8 65 204.00 Fig. 1. Board Rule No. 1. Three tier, 31^ foot inspector's Board Rule per dozen ip27.00 This Rule is made of the very best second growth white hickory. The head is brazed (steel caps and brass shoulders). No. 2. Three tier, 3 foot Board Rule. per dozen $25,001 This Rule is the same as No. 1, except in length. It is the rule for regular yard work. No. 14. Square Head Log Rule figured to 4 inches, with 8 inch handle, any scale desired per dozen $27.00 No. 15. Square Head Log Rule, figured to 36 inches, with 6 inch handle, any scale de- sired per dozen 23.00 3- 4 ,5- 6- .7- 6' 9- -10.1 3. 4- -5:. 6-: 7„ -s-;:^ . ,rff.,3lr,.l.4l.,,..6l ,,,l,6l "7-^^ *ls. «, Diamond Head Log Rule This patent Diamond Head is especially recom- mended on account of the head being able to with- stand more strain than regular head. We carry in stock the Diamond Head in Nos. 2 and 6, 3 foot. In lengths of 8, 10, 18 one side, 12, 14. 16, reverse side. Made to order in any rule. Extra price, add to list per dozen $2.00 EXTENSION RULES m..iatHma ;a|jg^| jyjyiii - Fig. 240 These Rules are very useful for accurately meas- uring the distance between two fixed points. When extended to required length, the sections may be secured by the set screw. To read this rule, add to the number of feet indicated by large figure, nearest left end of rule, the inches and fractions of inches exposed from under left hand end of the upper section. No. 240. 2-4 feet long. 1 inch wide'. Maple Brass trim. Sths of inches per dozen $ 8.00 No. 360. 3-6 feet long. 1 inch wide. Maple. Brass trim. Sths of inches per dozen 9.0O No. 480. 4-8 feet long. 1 inch wide. Maple. Brass trim. Sths of inches per dozen 10.00 No. 510. 5-10 feet long. 1 inch wide. Maple Brass trim. Sths of inches per dozen 12.0O No. 613. 6-12 feet long. 1 inch wide. Maple. Brass trim. Sths of inches per dozen 15.0O Weight per dozen, approximately 12 lbs. SHIP GARPENTERS' BEVELS Fig. 43 No. 42. Boxwood, double tongue. Divided Sths and 16ths. Packed 1 dozen in box. Weight per dozen, 1% lbs per dozen $4.0 264D 265D 266D 2a 33 50 75 100 7 8 12 14 17 21 3.25 3.50 4.00 6.00 5.25 6.75 FIG. 1263. '^CHALLENGE JUNIOR" STEEL MEASURING TAPES Metal lined hard leath elde. Measurements guar er cases, nickel plated trimmings, folding flush handle, opened by pressing pin on opposite teed accurate. WITH 0\E-QUARTER-INCH TAPES Marked Feet. Incites and 16th8. One Side Only No 1260 25 4 3.00 1261 33 3.2I 1263 50 6 3.50 126* 66 7 4.00 1265 75 8 4.50 1266 100 11 Each 5.75 Marked Feet. lOths and lOOth 8. One Sid 9 Only No 1260D 25 4 3.00 1261D 3.2I 12631> . 50 6 3.50 1264D 66 7 4.00 1265D 75 8 4.50 1266D 100 11 Each 5.75 "RELIABLE" STEEL MEASURING TAPES Metal lined hard leather cases, double folding flush handle, opened by pressing on opposite side. Handle has extension finger hold which affords a firm grip when winding in tape. Nickel plated trimmings. Measurements guaranteed accurate. QTi:;^! Fig. 203. "Reliable" WITH THREE-EIGHTHS-INCH TAPES Marked Feet, Inches and Sths. LinkH on Back Fig. 103. «ReUable Janlor" 200 25 9 4.50 201 33 10 5.20 203 50 13 7.20 204 66 9.lo^ 205 75 19 10.40 206 100 22 12.80 20; 150 30 18..'>0 Length feet 200 Each 24.00 Marked Feet. lOthw and lOOths. Links on Back No Length, feet. Wt. each, os Each 200D 201I> 203 D 204D 205 D 206D 207D 208U 25 33 50 66 75 100 150 200 9 10 13 16 19 22 30 39 4.50 5.20 7.20 9.20 10.40 12.80 18.!>0 24.00 FIG. 103. "RELIABLE JUNIOR" STEEL MEASURING TAPES Metal lined hard leather cases. Double folding flush handle, opened by pressing on opposite side. Nickel plated trInuiiinKS. Handle has extension finger hold which aftords a firm grip when winding In tape. Measurements guaranteed accurate. WITH ONE-QUARTER-INCH TAPES Marked Feet. Inches and Kiths. One Side Only No Length, feet. . Wt. each, oz. Each . 100 101 103 104 105 25 33 60 66 75 4 5 6 7 8 3.75 4.00 4.60 5.25 5.75 106 100 11 7.00 Can furnish marked feet, lOths and lOOtbs, one side only If desired. 63 GeoBCar.pen"ter s Go. Pig. 600 METALLIC MEASURING TAPES Flush Handle Hard leather cases, double folding flush handle, opened by pressing pin on opposite side. Tape % inch wide, made of best woven linen, with metallic warp. We guarantee these Metallic Tapes to be less liable to shrink or stretch than any other style. Marked One Side Only in 12ths or lOths Fig. 660. Junior 12th8 of feet No.l 600 601 603 604 605 606 lOth of feet No. 1 6001) 6011> 603D 604D 605D 6061) Length feetl 25 33 50 66 75 100 Weight each oz. 1 9 11 13 18 20 22 Each 1 $3.00 2.30 2.80 3.10 3.40 4.20 Can furnish marked both sides, 12ths and links or lOtbs and links if desired. JUNIOR METALLIC MEASURING TAPES Fig. 660 Flush Handle Hard leather cases, nickel plated trimmings, double folding flush handle, opened by pressing pin on opposite Tape is made of best woven linen with metallic warp. Marked one side only in lOths and 12ths. The Junior Metallic is less than one-half the size and weight of a regular Metallic Tape. WITH THREE-EIGHTH INCH TAPES Marked Feet, Inches and 8ths, One Side Only No .J 660 661 663 664 Length feetl 25 33 50 66 Weight each oz. 1 4 5 6 7 Each $1.80 2.00 2.25 3.75 '.75 .90 1.25 1 50 Can furnish marked feet. lOtbs and lOOths, one eide only, if desired. LINEN AND ASS SKIN MEASURING TAPES. Hard leather cases, flush handle, nickel plated trimmings. Tape % inch wide, made of pure linen, and reinforced with leather the first four inches. Fig, 400 "Sterling" Fig. 710 *'UniversaI- "STERLING" LINEN MEASURING TAPES Marked One Side Only in 12ths or lOths i2thsof feet No.l 400 401 403 1 404 405 406 lOths of feet No. 1 400D 4011) 4031) 1 404D 4051) 406D Length feetl 25 33 50 1 66 75 100 Weight each oz 1 S 9 12 1 14 16 19 Each 1 $1.25 1.40 1.65 1 1.95 2.10 2.50 Extra tapes only, n side larked one 1 .65 1 .75 1 1.00 1 1.15 1.25 1.50 Can furnish marked both sides, 12ths and links or lOths and links if desired. "UNIVERSAL" MEASURING TAPES Fig. 710. Ass Skin Measuring Tapes With One-half Inch Cotton Tape Waterproof Coated Cases brasg bound and sides handsomely cream enameled. Brass folding handles, brass rings and No 1 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 Length feetl 25 33 40 50 66 75 100 Weight per dozen. . . . lbs. 1 21/2 3 3% 4 5 5% 6% Price per dozen 1 $3.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 GEo-B-CAiiPEM'TER R ea 63 Fig. 240. "RIVAL" STEEL MEASURING TAPES Instantaneous Readings Nickel plated steel cases, folding flush handle, opened by pressing pin on opposite side. Cases have knurled edges, which afford a firm hold when winding In tape. Measurements guaranteed accurate. RlTal" A\1TH THREE-EIGHTH INCH TAPES Marked Feet, Inches and 8ths, One Side Only Figr. 1240. «RlTaI Junior" No 340 25 7 2.75 241 33 3.00 243 50 11 3.40 244 66 14 4.25 245 75 16 4.50 246 Each 5.75 Marked Feet, lOths and lOOths, One Side Only Is'o 240D 25 7 2.75 241D 243D 33 50 244D 14 4.25 245D 75 16 - 4.50 2461) Length feet 100 Each 3.00 3.40 5.75 Fig. 1240 "RIVAL JUNIOR" STEEL MEASURING TAPES Nickel plated steel cases, folding flush handle, opened by pressing pin on opposite side, edges, which afford a firm hold when winding in tape. Accuracy guaranteed. WITH OXE-QUARTER INCH TAPES Marked Feet, Inches and 16ths, One Side Only Cases have knurled No. 1240 25 4 2.50 1241 33 5 2.75 1243 50 6 3.00 1244 66 3.5I ' 1245 75 9 4.00 1246 100 11 5.00 Wt. each, oz .... Each Marked Feet, lOths and lOOths, One Side Only No 1241D 33 6 2.75 1243D 50 6 3.00 1244D 66 8 3.50 1245D 75 9 4.00 Wt. each, oz 4 11 5.00 Each 2.50 "UNIVERSAL" MEASURING TAPES Patent Leather Cases Brass folding: handles, brass rings and trimmings With One-Half Inch Cotton Tape Waterproof Coated So 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 Length, feet 25 33 40 50 66 75 100 Wt, per doz., lbs. . 3 3 Vz 3% 4i/4 5^4 5 V2 6% Price per doz $4.75 5.00 5.75 6.25 7.25 8.75 10.75 Marked Meters and Centimeters One Side Only No 811M 813M 814M 815M 816M Length, meters 10 15 20 25 30 Wt. per doz., lbs 3^ 4% 5 i^ 5% 6% Price per doz $5.00 6.25 7.25 9.50 10.75 Fig. 810. ''Universal" "MARVEL" POCKET STEEL TAPES No. 3143 — 36 inches, 14 inch wide, graduated in inches and 16ths. Nickel plated cases, spring wind with center stop. The "Marvel" sells itself from an attractive leatherette dis- play box of one dozen tapes. The latest thing in pocket tapes, and a beautiful and durable article. Weight per gross, 10 V^ lbs per dozen $3.00 Fie. 3143 64 Geo-B-Cahpen'ter s Co. Pig. ENGINEER'S STEEL TAPES FIG. 233 ENGINEER'S PATTERN STEEL TAPES Instantaneous Readings MetaJ lined hard leather cases, nickel plated trimmings, folding- flush handle, opened by pressing pin on opposite side, two detachable rings. The tape can he readily detached from case, and we furpish an extra ring for the other end. The steel is heavier and stronger than used in the regular steel tapes, and the cases are thinner. licather Case Fig. 273. Engineers* Marked Feet, Inches and 8ths, One Side Only WITH ONE-QUARTER INCH TAPES WITH FIVE-SIXTEENTHS INCH TAPES No 331 33 13 5.00 233 50 17 6.00 234 66 21 8.00 235 75 22 9.50 236 1 100 27 12.00 221 33 15 5.00 223 50 19 6.00 224 66 23 8.00 225 75 25 9.50 226 Length, feet 100 30 Each 12.00 Marked Feet, lOths and lOOths, One Side Only WITH ONE-QUARTER INCH TAPES WITH FIVE-SIXTEENTHS INCH TAPES 231D 233D 50 17 6.00 234D 66 21 8.00 235D 75 22 9.50 23CD 100 27 12.00 22 ID 1 223D 50 19 6.00 224D 66 23 8.00 225D 11 9.50 226I> Length, feet Wt. each, oz ....... 13 100 30 Each 1 5.00 12.00 Marked Metric One Side Only WITH ONE-QUARTER INCH TAPES AVITH FIVE-SIXTEENTHS INCH TAPES No 23iai 10 13 5.00 233M 15 17 6.00 23431 20 21 8.00 23531 25 23 10.25 23631 27 12.00 22131 10 15 5.00 22331 15 19 6.00 22431 20 23 8.00 22531 25 26 10.25 %2GM 30 30 Each 12.00 FIG. 273 ENGINEER'S PATTERN FRAME STEEL TAPES Metal frames and trimmings, polished hardwood handles, two detachable rings. The tape can be readily de- tached from frame, and when, so detached, the frame can be conveniently carried in pocket. Tapes less than 100 feet long are put up on two arm frames; tapes 100 feet and longer are put up on four arm frames. WITH ONE-QUARTER INCH HEAVY TAPES Marked Feet, Inches and 8ths, One Side Only No 271 17 4.25 1 273 50 20 5.35 274 66 21 6.25 275 75 24 7.50 276 100 30 9.00 277 150 38 13.50 278 200 "Wt. each, oz . . . . 48 Each 17.50 Marked Feet, lOths and lOOths, One Side Only No. 271D 33 17 4.25 273D 50 20 5.25 274D 66 21 6.25 275D 75 24 7.50 276D 100 30 9.0O 277D 150 38 13.50 2781) Length, feet 200 Each 17.50 Marked Metric One Side Only No. . . . Length, Wt. eai Each . . 27131 10 17 4.25 27331 15 20 5.25 27431 20 21 6.25 27531 25 25 8.00 27731 50 41 14.50 TAPE HOOKS CLAMP HANDLES For attaching to steel tapes, inside of hook. Measures from No. 551. No. 552. For 14 inch tapes each $0.G0 For % inch tapes " .60 Vie. RKi For attaching to any part of a steel tape, en- abling one to adapt it to any desired length. Brass, nicely nickel pla-ted. No. 584. Weight, 4 oz each $1.00 Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. 65 REGULAR SCREW DRIVERS Fis:. 20 These Screwdrivers are unsurpassed for strength and durability. The blade, shank and head are one piece of special steel. Two patented projecting wings under the head, together with a rivet which passes through the ferrule, handle and shank, securely fastens the blade in the handle, pre- venting Its turning (see cut). They are made in two forms: One, In which the metal head comes clear through the handle, an'd one, designed for electricians, giving the same advantages of strength, but having the head countersunk in the handle and insul- ated by a non-conducting plug. All have finely tempered blades, and are well finished. The handles are fluted and staineid black. « u S o a si hi g_- ll 1 j5 2>^ 7/32 5/32 6% % % 12.40 7/32 3/16 7 3.00 % 7/32 8 % 1% 3.60 5/16 7/32 10 % 2% 4.20 5/18 % JSil % 3 4.80 11/32 9/32 % 3V4 5.40 % 5/16 14% % 3li 6.00 % 11/32 15% 4 6.60 % % 16% % 7.20 % % 18% % 4% 8.40 7/16 7/16 23 % 9% 10.20 Vz 15/32 27 % 10% 12.00 24 % 33% % 15.60 ?.o '/2 9/16 39% % 16% 19.20 CABINET MAKERS SCREW DRIVERS Fie. "to In this form of Driver, the sides of the tip are parallel Instead of being tapered, the width of the tip being the same as the diameter of the shank. This permits of a countersunk screw being followed up without marring or damaging the work. Same construction as Fig. 20. j. ii si o| w5 ft. "5 i 2% 7/32 7/32 6% Vt % 12.40 8% 7/32 7/32 7% \ 3.00 4% 7/32 9 1% 3.60 6% 7/32 y^ 10% % 1% 4.20 6% V« % 11% 1% 4.80 7% y. 14 12% % B.40 8% % 13% % 1% 6.00 9% % 14 14% % 6.60 10% % V* 15% 2% 7.20 12% % % 17% % 2 'A 8.40 15% u 20% % 2% 10.20 18% % 14 23% % 2% 12.00 24% % 14 29% % 3% 15.60 30% V* '4 35% 3% 19.20 LEADER" SCREW DRIVERS Have blades made of a fine quality of round r steel, with the ends, which are engaged in the Fig. SO handles, squared, thus securely fastening them. The tips take the standard form throughout and neat, substantial ferrules are used. Handles stained red. Length Blade Inches Size Over Inches Package Quantity dozen Weight lbs. Per dozen 2% 12 6 7 8 9 11 12% 14 it 18% 1 »1.20 1.32 1.66 1.68 1.80 1.92 2.16 2.28 2.40 «.7e SMALL SHANK SCREW DRIVERS This line of Screwdrivers is , ^_ designed for l— t" = light and dell- ^, ^^ cate work. The Fig. 60 blades are made of very small stock and the « Z~^ ■ 5 tapered tips of a proportionate I* •&• 55 size. The handles are short and of small diameter so that they just fit the palm of the hand, permitting the owner to use his thumb and forefinger against the shoulder (near the ferrule) when turning screws requiring delicate ad- justment. The No. 55 is particularly adapted for ligrlit electrical work, as the tip tits the countersink in the porcelain fittines. i u 11 5- u oS II > "Is a 1 1% 4 5 % 8 9 10 12 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 B/32 5/32 % % \ % 1 4 Vi \l 10% 11% 12% 1 % 1 % 1 $2.40 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 8.40 Where width of tip is given, It Is approximately correct. MACHINISTS' SCREW DRIVERS Fig. 51 Fig. 21 Fig. 51^ Our Machinists' Screw Drivers' are especially adapted for heavy work where a long driver cannot be conveniently used. Nos. 51%, 62%, 53% and 54 are made with a hexa- gcn shank for use with a wrench. No. 54 has a Ions: double grip handle. The handles are fluted and stained black. No. 61. 1% inch blade, % Inch diameter, 9/32 Inch tip, 5Vi Inches over all; % dozen in 1% lb. pack- age per dozen $4.20 No. 62. 3 Inch blade, 7/16 Inch diameter, 15/32 Inch tip, IVi, inches over all; % dozen in 2% lb. pack- age per dozen 6.60 No. 53. 4 Inch blade, % inch diameter, % Inch tip, 9% inches over all; % dozen in 4 ',4 lb. pack- age per dozen 8.40 No. 51%. 1% Inches blade, % inch diameter, 9/32 inch tip, 5% inches over all; % dozen in 2 lb. package per dozen 7.20 No. 62%. 2% inch blade, 7/16 Inch diameter, 15/32 Inch tip, 7% Inches over all; % dozen In 3 lb. package per dozen 8.40 No. 63%. 3% Inch blade, % Inch diameter, % inch tip, 9-3/16 Inches over all; % dozen In 4% lb. package per dozen 10.20 No. 64. 10 inch blade, % inch diameter, % Inch • tip, 18 inches over all; % dozen In 8% lb. pack- age per rtozen 18.00 Our "Baby" Screwdriver No. 21 Is a handy little tool for the vest pocket, only four Inches long over all and will work a good sized screw. Same design as the regoilar screwdrivers, thus insuring strength. The handle Is fluted and stained black. No. 2K 1% inch blade, 7/32 Inch diameter, 5/32 Inch tip, 4 Inches over all; weight, % dozen, % lb per dozen $2.40 Packed % Dozen In Box Geo-BCarpen'ter X eo. GOODELL PATENT AUTOMATIC INTERCHANGEABLE SCREWDRIVER SCREW DRIVERS— DRILLS Fig. 3 Each with Three Bits No. 1. Length extended, 14 inches.. No. 2. Length extended, 16 inches.. No. 3. Length extended, 18 inches.. Extra bits .each $1.7.5 . " 2.«0 . « :i.25 . «' .20 'PERFECT" HANDLE SCREAVDRIVER Fig. 12 "All Its Val ue In Plain Sight" Blade length, inches 2 3 4 5 « Diameter V* V* Vi Vi tV Per dozen $4.25 4.25 4.25 5.00 6.00 Blade length. Inches T 8 10 12 Diameter ^s % % ^ % Per doaen $7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 SCREA\T)Rn^R BITS H These tempered 26 26 26 Bits are forged and polished. from crucible steel, oil Size Tip inches Quantity dozen Package Per dozen Assorted Assorted 1 1 it $1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Fie. 24 Packed 1 Dozen in Pacliage. COUNTERSINKS These tools cut very rapidly and can be readily re-sharpened. The depth gauge is a very convenient attachment. Nos. 18. 20 and 22, are made of malleable iron, nickel plated. Nos. 23 and 24 are very superior tools, made of steel forgings and given a blued finish. No. 18. Countersink. Nickel plated. "Weight package, % lb. .per dozen $2.28 No. 20. Countersink. Nickel plated. With depth gauge. "VYeight, package, 1 lb per dozen 3.12 No. 23. Countersink. Steel forging. Weight, package, % lb. per dozen 3.24 No. 24. Countersink. Steel forgoing. With depth gauge. Weight, package, 1 lb per dozen 3.12 Packed % Dozen in Package FOR BIT BRACES AND CUTTING TOOI^S, SEE INDEX TOOL SETS Fig. 100 In response to frequent demands for screw drivers put up In substantial and well finished boxes, to be used by mechanics who desire to keep tools In fine order, and by gentlemen or amateur mechanics who especially appreciate tools put up in handsome pets, we offer the set as Ulus- trated above. The box, which is very substantially made of oak^ handsomely finished, contains on© each of the fol- lowing: tools. No. 30 Spiral Ratchet Screw Driver. Chuck, with drill points, eight sizes. ^, A. iis> A, V&, -(^. '9%. ii inches, to use for drilling holes with the No. 30 .spiral ratchet screw driver. Counterpink to use in the same tool. No. 11 Ratchet Screw Driver, with blade 6 inches long. No. 15 Ratchet Screw Driver, with finger turn on blade, with blade 3 inches long. These are the styles and sizes of tools most in demand, and the combination in a set covers all the usual require- ments in tools for driving and drawing out screws. The tools are easily removed from box, and when it is closed are held firmly In place. The box measures 12',4iX4?4x2% Inches. Weight, 3% lbs. List price per set $4.85 RECIPROCATING DRILL ^ Vif. 50 Designed for use in drilling In steel. Iron, brass and other metals, as well a.s- all varieties of woods. It is so con- structed that the drill runs continuously to the right, dur- ing both the forward and backward movement of the driver, hence drills continuously. The pressure to feed the drill is had by the pressure against the head of the tool, which is provided with ball bearing to reduce the friction. While lighter In weight, and therefore more convenient in use. it i.s in all essential noints st'-onsrer than other annavently similar tools. The chuck is of new design, has three jaws, is accurate, stronger and more durable than similar chucks, and will not get out of order. No drill points are furnished with this tool — the user furnishing such quality, style and size best suited for work required in wood, iron, steel, brass, etc. The chuck will hold any drill with straight shank -ft inch diameter or less. To open or close chuck move the driver up to chuck, push down the catch in lower end of driver, which holds fast the driver on spindle. After drill Is put in chuck and tightened, push up the catch, releasing driver from spindle so it can be moved backward and forward to operate drill. The movement or traverse of the driver is S\i inches. The entire length of tool without drill Is 16 inches. Packed one In strong paper box. Weight per dozen, in paper box, ] 5 lbs. Price each $2.75 RATCHET SCREWDRIVER With Screw Holder Attachn^ert Right and Left Hand, and Rigid Fig. 110 Fig. 110. Ratchet Screw Driver with screw holder at- "••hment. Paf^I-ed one-haif rto^on i-n b ^- Sizes Lenorth of Blade. In. Inches Welfi-ht per Poz. in paper boxes Price each 4 5 6 8 13V„ 4 Iha. oz. $0.65 4 lbs. 3 oz. .70 4 lbs. 8 oz. .75 5 lbs. IS oz, .86 6 lbs. 10 oz, .95 Geo-BCarpem'ter « eo. NAIL SETS, PUNCHES, AWLS, REELS, ETC. ICE PICKS I AWL HAFTS AND HANDLES The blade, shank and head are formed of one piece of steel. Two patented projecting wings under the head, together with a rivet which passes through the ferrule, handle and shank, securely fastens the blade in the handle. The needle points being carefully tempered, no chopping is necessary, simply push the point through the ice. Handles stained black. Xo. D, Ice Pick, has an iron band around the handle which will be found convenient for breaking the ice into small pieces. Its he.xagonal form prevents the pick from rolling when laid down. No. A. Ice Pick, S'i inch blade. 7/32-inch diameter, needle point; % dozen in 1% lb. package. Per dozen $3.48 No. B. Ice Pick. 5 '» inch blade. 7/32-inch diameter, needle point; \'2 dozen in 1% lb. package. Per dozen No. C. Ice Pick, 5 ',4 Inch blade, 5/32-inch diameter, needle point, Vz dozen in 1 lb. package. Per dozen No. D. Ice Pick, 5\i inch blade, 7/32-lnch diameter, needle point, Vi dozen in 2 lb. package. Per do^en J.48 J.12 4..56 MAGNETIZED TACK HAMMERS Fig. The heads, with the exception of No. 4, are ma«:netized, which enables the user to easily locate and pick up the smallest of tacks. The head, handle and claw of No. 4 is one piece of malleable iron. The sides of the handle are inlaid with two wooden strips securely riveted in place, and all metal parts are plated. No. 1. 10 inch, hardwood handle. 3% -Inch head, 1 dozen in 3'4 lb. package per doz. $1,25 No. 2. 11 '-J inch, hardwood handle. 4-inch head. 1 dozen in 1 U lb. package per doz. No. 3. 11 'i inch, hardwood handle, 4%-inch head, 1 dozen in ."> lb. package per doz. No. 12. 10 Inch, iron handle, 3% -Inch head, 1 dozen In 5% lb. package per doz. No. 4. 10% inch, inlaid handle, 4-inch head, 1 dozen In 3 '4 lb. package per dozen 2.50 Pig. 6% 1.50 .25 CHALK LINE REELS Made of hardwood and pol- ished. With Xos. 13 and 15 are furnished 60 feet of strong, white cord, and with Nos. 14 and 15. a Stanley No. 1 Scratch Awl. No, 11. 4 Inches long, 2 U -Inch diameter. 1 dozen in 2 lb. package per gross $10.80 No. 12. 3 Inches long, 2-lnch diameter. 3 dozen In 2% lb. package per gross 4.30 No. 13. 3 Inches long, 2-Inch diameter. 60 ft. line. 1 dozen In IH lb. package per gross 21.00 No. 14. 3 Inches long. 2-lnch diameter, scratch awl. 1 dozen In 2 Vs lb. package per gross 11.40 No. 15. .1 Inches long. 2-lnch diameter. 60 ft. line and scratch awl. 1 dozen In 3'^ lb. package. Per gross 27.00 FOR HAMMERS, NAILS. Fig. 6 6. Peg Awl Haft, leather top, steel chuck. dozen in 2 lb. package per gross $12.00 Sewing Haft, plain top, steel chuck. package per gr AWLS These .Vwls have blade, shank and head formed of one piece of steel. Two patented projecting wings under the head, together with a rivet which passes through the steel ferrule, handle and shank se- curely f.Tstens the blade in the handle. The handles are stained black points are carefully tern pered. No. 17. Brad Awl, 1 '4 -inch nat point. 1 dozen in 1% 11 No. 6. Scratch Awl, eter. needle point. Per dozen No. 7. Scratch Awl eler, needle point. Fig. 7 I'i-inch assorted, package per doz. $3.00 ■■ -inch diam- Ib. package. 3.00 3',i-lnch blade, "^-inch diam- ',2 dozen in 1% lb. pacU- %-inch blade. % dozen in % age per doz. 3.24 NAIL SETS AND CENTER PUNCHES Fits. 10 These are made of the finest grade of special tool steel obtainable that can be used in making tools of this class. They are hardened at both ends and blued. The tips or points are carefully oil tempered and will stand the most severe test under all conditions. The head is so shaped that there is little possibility of hammer slipping from the tool. These tools are packed in boxes, assorted sizes, or can lie purchased singly. In ordering:. Kive number and size of tip desired. These Nail Sets have tips that are cupped and the edges are nicely rounded. The three smaller sizes have the same diameter shank — a heavier shank is used in the larger size. No. 11. Nail Sets, 4 inches long, 2/32 Inch tips. 12 only in % lb. package per doz. $1.40 No. 11. Nail Sets. 4 inches long, 5/64-inch tips. 12 only in % lb. package per doz. 1.40 No. 11. Nail Sets. 4 Inches long. 3/32-inch tips. 12 only in % lb. package per doz. 1.40 No. 11. Nail Sets, 4 Inches long. 4/32 inch tips. 12 only in 1 '.g lb. package per doz. 1.40 Also regularly paclted in attractive display boxes, as- sorte COTTER PIN TOOL Nickel Plated Flgr. 521D One end for pulley cotter pins, the <»ther for 8prending: cotter pins. In g:eneral uhc Ity all en- grineers. Size iucb square I.eneth iiicheH 'rice per dosen PAPER BALERS SELL YOUR WASTE PAPER AT TOP MARKET PRICES with waMte paper worth $13.50 to $48.00 a ton — yon cannot afford to wafite a »tinfi-le pound. Paper mills everywhere are be^irsius for raw materials — the I'. S. Department of Commerce hni* iMnned a circu- lar nrgringr everyone to nave old papers and rags. Economy Baling l*i-esses Successfully Bale — Paper, rags, wool, wapte. cotton, bags, burlap, rugs, blankets, dry goods, clothing, findings, leather, tobacco stems, hides, furs, hay, straw, hair, excelsior, moss, wood pulp, broom corn, manure, hemp, hops, fodder, llax, .shavings. Huffy steel turnings, wire, metal scrap, tin cans, etc. "We can furni.,h special balers to meet practically any pur- pose and condition, to be operated by hand, belt drive' or direct- ly connected motor. Equipped with special fire tight baling case and automatic closing hopper. A strictly fire-proof waste vault that not only reduces your fire risks, but helps keep your floors, offices and basements neater and cleaner, and pays a handsome' dividend on your in- vestment, on the sale of waste paper. Number Makes Bales Price 14 16xl!ix30 $55.00 15 14x16x28 70.00 3 16x20x30 100.00 1 115.00 30 30x16x30 170.00 2 20x24x32 200.00 36 36x20x38 300.00 45 45x24x38 360.00 72 GEO-BCAIiPEifTER S eo. GENUINE KLEIN ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION TOOLS "DIAMOND SPECIAL" SIDE CUTTING PLIERS KLEIN'S "DIAMOND SPECIAL" SIDE KLEIN'S "DIAMOND SPECIAL" SIDE CUTTING PLIERS, WITH SLEEVE TWISTER CUTTING PLIERS No. 212-7. 212-8. 212-£ Size 7 inch. 8 inch. 9 inch. Flgr. 212-7 Weight per doz. . 7% lbs. .12 lbs. ,13 lbs. Fig. 201-5' Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 201--5. 5 inch 3 lbs. $16.75 201-6. 6 inch 5 lbs. 20.85 201-7. 7 inch 7% lbs. 25.00 201-8. 8 inch 12 lbs. 30.00 201-9. 9 inch 12 1^ lbs. 33.35 201-10. 10 inch 18 lbs. 36.75 Standard Type of Linemen's Pliers. They have Knives that are sharp. All Pliers Packed One in a Carton. Have Polished Heads and Black Handles Price per doz. $28.00 32.00 36.00 The Sleeve Twister in the 7 Inch size is for No. 12 sleeves, B. & S. gauge. The Sleeve Twister in the 8 inch size is for No. 10 sleeves, B. & S. gauge. The Sleeve Twister in the 9 inch size is for No. 10 sleeves, B. & S. gauge. M. KLEIN A SON Pig. 1901 GENUINE KLEIN'S EASTERN CLIMBERS Avg. Wt. Price No. Per pair per doz. 1901 3% lbs. $32.00 Length.s from 15 to 18 inches, from the instep to the end of shank, by y^ inch variations. No. 1901 style has punched strap loops. Polished and nickel plated, extra per pair, net Polished and nickel plated on copper, extra per pair, net $1.25. TOOL BELT Fig. 5205 Weight Price No- „Slze per doz. per doz. 3205. 214 inch 24 lbs. $26.00 Made of select harness leather. The inner layer carries the "D" rings and is lock stitched and riv- eted to the outer layer which also passes through the "D" rings and is provided with a strong buckle The outer loop layer is 1% inch wide and has 6 loops. This arrangement makes a doubly safe belt. KLEIN'S COMBINATION STEEL LAG SCREW AATIENCHES Fig. 3109-20 Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 3109-20. 13% inch "^20 lbs. $24 00 These wrenches are forged from select bar steel. The slot is formed in a cross shape, and will fit ma- pnine bolts, nuts or lag screws from % inch to % inch. The small end of the wrench is arranged for A inch machine bolts or lag screws. The round hole allows the end of a bolt to come through as the nut is run on. The Jaw is wider at its upper portion and when this wrench is put on a nut or bolt the tendency is to draw the bolt-head or nut into the wrench and prevent slipping off. The extra work In attaining the Inward taper is what makes the No. 3109-20 I wrench cost more than the 3110-20. I FOn OTHKR STYI.KS OF PLIKHS, KLEIN STRAPS FOR EASTERN CLIMBERS ^llltatoi Fig. 5301-1 Weight Price per doz. per doz. No. sets sets 5301-1 15 lbs. $16.00 The set consists of two upper straps with 4x4 plain leather pads and two lower straps as shown in cut, made of select oak tanned harness leather, ex- tra heavy roller buckles. Heel straps (over all), 22 inches long by 1% inches wide; calf strap (over all), 22 inches long by 1^4, inches wide. Weight Price per doz. per doz. No. sets sets 5301-2. Same as above, with sheep lined pads... 16 lbs. $19.00 5301-3. Same as above, with felt lined pads 16 lbs. 19.00 KLEIN SAFETY STRAPS Fig. 5250 Weight No. Size per doz. 5250. 1% in. by 6 ft. with Imperial snaps 30 lbs. Price per doz. $23.20 Fig. r>'i-i\ Weight No. Size per doz. 5251. 1% in. by 6% ft. with roller snaps 30 lbs. 5253. 2 in. by 6 ft. with rol- ler snaps 33 lbs. Price per doz. $25.60 30.00 KLEIN STEEL LAG SCREW WRENCHES Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 3110-20. 11% inch 20 lbs. $20.00 Forged from select bar steel. The jaw Is made tapering, allowing it to take any ordinary size ma- chine bolts, nuts, or lag screws from % inch to % Inch. The hook is a means of attaching the wrench to the tool belt and It serves to keep the heads of bolts within the jaws of the wrench when In use. WKKIVCHR.S, ETC., .SRE INDEX GEOBeAI?,PEN'TER S GO. 73 GENUINE KLEIN ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION TOOLS SPLICING CLAMPS COMBINATION WIRE AND All Splicing Clamus Packed One in Carton SLEEVE CLAMPS Polished Heads and Black Handles. _ j^. Pie. 132-2 -- „. Weight Price iNO. faize per doz. per doz. 132-2. 9 inch 10 14 lbs. $28.50 Holds Nos. 8, 10, 12 and 14 Iron wire, or Nos. 6, 8, 10 and 12 Copper wire, Nos. 10, 12 and 14 Sleeves B. & S. Gauge. As shown the clamp is set for holding sleeves. When the handles are reversed it is converted into a four round hole clamp for holding wire. Fig. 102-1 Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 102-1. 7 inch 4% lbs. $20.00 Holds Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16 Copper wire or Nos. 12, 14, 16 and 18 Iron wire. A handy vest pocket size, just the thing for Telephone Trouble-Men. Fig. 102-3 Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 102-3. 101^ inch 14% lbs. $27.25 Holds Nos. 6, S, 10, 12 and 14 Iron wire, or Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Copper wire. This type is generaly used in Telephone Line work and covers the range of bare wires a lineman will meet in this work. The large hole can also be used in serving guy wire. Fig. 102-2 Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 102-2. 1014 inch 14% lbs. $25.50 For Nos. 4, 6, 8 and 14 Iron wire, or Nos. 2, 4, 6 and 12 Copper wire. This type is used in Electric Light wiring in which the wires run to considerable diameter, the holding dies are oval shape and the wires lay side by side. 132-3 Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 132-3. 10% inch 15^^ lbs. $29.00 . Has five holes for Nos. 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 Iron wire, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Copper wire, and 8, 10, 12 and 14 Sleeves, B. & S. Gauge. 132-4.^ 10% inch 15^^ lbs. $29.00 Same as 132-3 only, fitted for Nos. 6, 8, 10 and 12 Sleeves, B. & S. Gauge. Nos. 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 Iron wire, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Copper wire. Fig. 132-5 Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 132-5. 11^ inch 17% lbs. $32.00 For Nos. 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Iron wires, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 and 14 Copper wires, Nos. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 Copper Sleeves,. B. & S. Gauge. Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 16 Iron Sleeves, B. W. G. Gauge. OBLIQUE CUTTING PLIERS fik. iftr.-« Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 105-6. 10% inch 14 lbs. $25.50 For Sleeve Nos. 8, 10, 12 and 14 B. & S. Gauge. Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 10.^-7. 10% inch 14 lbs. $25.50 Same style as 105-6 only, fitted for Sleeves Nos 6, 8, 10 and 12 B. & S. Gauge. The dies In these clamps fit the sleeves snugly so the sleeve Is not Injured in twisting. Fig. 202-.-; Weight Price No. Size per doz. per doz. 202-5. 5 inch 4 lbs. $16.25 202-6. 6 inch 4V4 1bs. 17.50 For close cutting and in confined places. Cuts through silk insulation. This tool is also used by Shoemen for cuttlng-out shoe buttons. Packed one in a carton. Have polished heads and black handles. FOR OTHER STYLE2S OF PLIKRS. NIPPERS, ETC^ SEE INDEX 74 GEOBCAR^PEhfTER S CO. FILES MILL BASTARD TWO SQUARE EDGES Size, inches Per doz. . . Fig. 3831 4 3 6 7 8 $3.00 3.20 3.50 3.90 4.30 10 12 14 15 16 to 5.60 7.50 10.70 13.10 14.70 MILL SECOND CUT TWO SQUARE EDGES Size, inches 4 Per doz $3.50 Fls. 3832 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.80 4.00 4.60 4.90 5.80 6.40 12 14 15 8.60 12.20 15.00 16 16.80 MILL BASTARD ONE ROUND EDGE ^k;!^ \^U,...i.a*i^ Pig. 3833 Size, inches 4 5 Per doz $3.40 3.60 3 MILL BASTARD TWO ROUND EDGES 7 8 9 4.40 4.80 5.50 10 6.30 Fig. 3S33A Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 Per doz $3.80 4.00 4.40 4.90 5.40 6.10 7.00 9.40 13.40 16.40 FLAT BASTARD 16 18.40 Size, inches 4 Fis. 3833B 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 Per doz $3.70 3.90 4.30 4.80 5.30 6.30 7.00 9.70 13.30 16.00 FLAT SECOND 16 17.80 Size, inches Per doz. . . . 1 ife. oba4 4 5 6 7 8 $4.30 4.60 4.80 5.50 6.10 FLAT SMOOTH 10 ?.10 12 14 15 16 11.00 15.30 18.30 20.10 ^. , ^ Fig. 3835 Size, Inches .4 5 q 7 g 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $4.70 4.90 5.30 6.10 6.60 8.70 12.10 16.70 20.00 22.30 FILES HAND BASTARD Fiji. ;{S61 Siae, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 l« Per doz $3.70 3.90 4.30 4.90 5.40 7.50 10.70 15.00 17.90 20.10 HAND SECOND CUT Fig. asei: Size, inches 4 5 « 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 Per doz $4.30 4.70 5.10 5.80 6.30 8.70 12.30 17.00 20.60 22.80 HAND SMOOTH M Size, inches 4 5 G 7 8 10 13 14 15 1« Per doz $4.80 5.30 5.60 6.30 6.70 9.40 13.50 18.20 21.70 24.20 ROUND BASTARD Fig. 3863A Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 Per doz $3.00 3.20 3.50 3.90 4.30 5.60 7.50 10.70 13.10 14.70 ROUND SECOND CUT Fig. 38638 Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $3.50 3.80 4.00 4.60 4.90 6.40 8.60 12.20 15.00 16.80 ROUND SMOOTH FlK. 3864 Size, inche.s 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 Per doz $3.90 4.10 4.50 4.90 5.40 7.00 9.40 13.10 16.10 17.90 BAND SAW ►i FlpT. 3865 Size, inches 3 3^ 4 4U 5 5^ 6 7 8 « 10 Per doz $2.50 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.70 5.60 6.70 8.10 9.70 7c GEOBCAIiPEM'TER « CO. FILES EL^LF ROUND BASTARD Fig. 3851 Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $4.80 5.40 6.10- 7.00 7.50 9.10 11.80 15.50 18.50 20.60 HALF ROUND SECOND CUT Pig. 3852 Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $5.00 6.10 6.70 7.70 8.30 10.10 13.00 17.00 20.40 22.50 HALF ROUND SMOOTH 1 r^v ,.3S»4'* I " i\\\\\\\\\»\\\w\\\\\\\\\»\w\\\\\jW ' ^ , Fig. 3853 Size, inches . 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $6.10 6.40 7.10 8.20 8.90 10.70 13.90 18.30 21.70 24.20 SQUARE BASTARD Fig. 3854 Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $3.80 4.10 4.60 5.10 5.50 7.40 10.20 13.90 16.90 18.70 SQUARE SECOND CUT Pig. 3855 Size, inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 Per doz $4.60 4.80 5.10 5.80 6.30 8.50 11.50 16.10 19.20 21.20 TAPER SAW Fig. 3856 Size, inches 3 3H 4 4^ 5 S^,^ 6 7 8 9 10 12 Per doz $2.10 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.60 3.00 3.40 4.30 5.40 6.60 8.10 12.50 SLIM TAPER SAW Pig. 3857 Size, inches 3 sy^ 4 41^ 5 5^^ 6 7 8 9 10 12 Per doz $2.10 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.80 4.50 5.40 6.40 9.50^ DOUBLE ENDED TAPER WITH HANDLE r Fig. 3858 Size, inches 7 8 9 10 Per doz |3.50 3.90 4.40 4.90 GEOBCAIiPEM'TER :R QO rr FILES ROUND GULLETTING MillliiliiiMPWaffl Fig. 3842 inches 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 U J2 Per doz $4.80 5.40 6.10 7.00 7.50 8.50 9.10 10.70 11.80 SINGLE STAVE SAW ) Fig. 3844 Size, inches 8 10 12 Per doz $6.40 8.60 12.10 FLAT W OOD RASP FlR. 3S44A Size, inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 Per doz $7.40 9.40 12.80 17.50 23.20 30.80 HALF RD. WOOD RASP Fier. 3845 Si/e inches ^ ^^ 12 14 16 Per doz '.".* ^ $10.10 13.70 18.70 24.80 32.90 HALF RD. CABINET RASP Fig:. 3846 Size, inches 8 10 12 14 16 Per doz $12.80 17.50 22.80 29.60 36.90 HORSE KASP l^-FILK FIgr. 3848 Size, inches 12 13 14 15 16 Per doz $12.80 15.20 17.80 20.90 24.40 FILES FOR PLATIXOI Specially constructed for use in filing platinum points on spark gaps, spark plugs, magnetos, ignition coils and contact points of all kinds. Mounted on cards, or in boxes. 78 GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER « eO. FILES AND RASPS As Adopted by the File Manufacturers' Association of the United States, Nov. 1, 1899 LIST PRICES PER DOZEN Inch Mill and Round Flat Bas- tard 2d Cut Smooth Bas- tard 2d Cut Smooth 4 $3.00 $3.50 $3.90 $3.70 $4.30 $4.70 5 3.20 3.80 4.10 3.90 4.60 4.90 6 3.. 50 4.00 4.50 4.30 4.80 5.30 7 3.90 4.60 4.90 4.80 5.50 6.10 8 4.30 4.90 5.40 5.30 6.10 6.60 9 4.90 5.80 6.30 6.30 7.20 7.90 10 5.60 6.40 7.00 7.00 8.10 8.70 11 6.70 7.80 8.50 8.60 9.80 10.70 12 7.50 8.60 9.40 9.70 11.00 12.10 13 9.40 10.70 11.70 11.80 13.60 14.70 14 10.70 12.20 13.10 13.30 15.30 16.70 15 13.10 15.00 16.10 16.00 18.30 20.00 16 14.70 16.80 17.90 17.80 20.10 22.30 17 18.20 20.20 21.70 21.50 24.20 26.50 18 20.20 22.70 24.30 23.90 26.80 29.20 19 24.60 27.50 29.40 28.40 31.60 34.60 20 27.40 30.70 32.90 31.50 35.30 38.30 Mill Blui It, Dbl. Cut, adv. 2 in. Cant (Blunt) Dbl. Mill Dbl. Mill War Cut, adv. 1 in. row Point, adv. 1 in. Cut, adv. 2 in. Mill Mac hine. adv. 1 in. Mill Tria ngular & Sq., adv. 1 in. Farmer s' Own, adv. on Bast., 1 in. Mm Mill Inch One Round Edge Two Round Edges Bas-^ tard 2d Cut Smooth Bas- tard 2d Cut Smooth 4 $3.40 $3.90 $4.40 $3.80 $4.40 $4.90 5 3.60 4.30 4.60 4.00 4.80 5.10 6 3.90 4.50 5.10 4.40 5.00 5.60 4.40 5.20 5.50 4.90 5.80 6.10 8 4.80 5.50 6.10 5.40 6.10 6.80 9 5.50 6.50 7.10 6.10 7.30 7.90 10 6.30 7.20 7.90 7.00 8.00 8.80 11 7.50 8.80 9.60 8.40 9.80 10.60 12 8.40 9.70 10.60 9.40 10.80 11.80 13 10.60 12.00 13.20 11.80 13.40 14.60 14 12.00 13.70 14.70 13.40 15.30 16.40 15 14.70 16.90 18.10 16.40 18.80 20.10 16 16.50 18.90 20.10 18.40 21.00 22.40 17 20.50 22.70 24.40 22.80 25.30 27.10 18 22.70 25.50 27.30 25.30 28.40 30.40 Inch Square { Hand and Pillar Bas- tard 2d Cut Smooth Bas- tard 2d Cut Smooth 4 $3.80 $4.60 $4.90 $3.70 $4.30 i$4.80 5 4.10 4.80 5.30 3.90 4.70 5.30 6 4.60 5.10 5.50 4.30 5.10 5.60 7 5.10 5.80 6.30 4.90 5.80 6.30 8 5.50 6.30 7.00 5.40 6.30 6.70 9 6.60 7.70 8.30 6.70 7.80 8.30 10 7.40 8.50 9.10 7.50 8.70 9.40 11 9.10 10.40 11.30 9.40 10.90 11.80 12 10.20 11.50 12.80 10.70 12.30 13.50 13 12.50 14.30 15.40 13.30 15.20 16.20 14 13.90 16.10 17.50 15.00 17.00 : 18.20 15 16.90 19.20 20.90 17.90 20.60 21.70 16 18.70 21.20 23.30 20.10 22.80 24.20 17 22.50 25.40 27.50 24.20 27.10 28.60 18 25.10 28.20 30.40 26.80 29.90 31.50 19 29.70 33.20 35.70 31.90 35.40 37.60 20 32.80 36.70 39.30 35.10 39.20 41.60 Square 1 Blunt, adv. 1 in. Slotting (Bit.), adv. 2 in. Cotter Blunt or Ta- per, adv. 2 in. Reaper, adv. 1 in. on 2d ::ut. Inch Tapers Slimtapers Bandsaw Blunt & Taper Single Double Single Double Regu- Cut Cut Cut Cut lar 3 $2.10 $2.50 $2.10 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 31/2 2.10 2.50 2.10 2.50 2.50 2.50 4 2.20 2.90 2.20 2.60 2.90 2.60 41/2 2.40 3.10 2.30 3.00 3.10 3.00 5 2.60 3.50 2.50 3.20 3.50 3.20 51/2 3.00 4.00 2.90 3.50 4.00 3.50 6 3.40 4.70 3.10 3.90 4.70 3.90 7 4.30 5.60 3.80 4.50 5.60 4.50 8 5.40 6.70 4.50 5.30 6.70 5.30 9 6.60 8.10 5.40 6.30 8.10 6.30 10 8.10 9.70 6.40 7.50 9.70 7.50 11 10.70 12.10 8.30 9.10 12.10 9.10 12 12.50 14.70 9.50 11.00 14.70 11.00 13 15.90 17.50 12.10 13.10 17.50 13.10 14 18.20 20.60 13.80 15.40 20.60 15.40 Sizes below 4 inches, not extended, take 4 inch price. Half inches not specified, take next higher full inch price. Dead smooth, double the price of bastard cut. One round edge, advance 12y2 per cent. All lengths above those listed, advance 20 per cent on next lower inch price. Blunt Files not specified, advance one Inch on respective kinds and cuts. Single or float cut not specified, on regular shapes take double cut prices. Equalings (bellied), advance two inches on respective kinds and cuts. Two round edges, advance 25 per cent. Files varying from standard sizes, subject to special prices. 1 Cuts not specified, made upon regular blanks, advance one inch on respective kinds and nearest cut.j GEO-B-eAR.PEM'TER « CO. ro FILES AND RASPS As Adopted by the File Manufacturers' Association of the United States, List Prices per Dozen Nov. 1, 18»9 Half Round nnd 3 Square 4 $4.80 $5.60 $6.10 5 5.40 6.10 6.40 6 6.10 6.70 7.10 7 7.00 7.70 8.20 8 7.50 8.30 8.90 9 8.50 9.40 9.90 10 9.10 10.10 10.70 11 10.70 11.80 12.70 12 11.80 13.00 13.90 13 14.10 15.40 16.60 14 15.50 17.00 18.30 15 18.50 20.40 21.70 16 20.60 22.50 24.20 17 24.70 27.00 28.90 18 27.50, 29.90 32.00 19 32.80 35.70 38.10 20 36.20 39.40 ,42.30 Oinsaw, t Crossine, Tumbler. Feather I HiKh Ba« Half Rou ake Bas adv. 2 1 adv. 2 Hdge (Bl k. adv. nd. adv. tard prl n. n. tuit),ad'i 2 in. 2 In. ce. ^ 2 In. Warding 2d Cut Smooth $4.00 4.50 4.90 5.90 6.40 7.80 8.70 10.90 12.30 15.20 17.00 $4.80 5.30 5.90 6.90 7.50 9.00 10.10 I 12.70 14.30 17.40 19.40 $5.40 5.80 6.40 7.50 8.20 9.90 11.00 13.70 15.40 18.70 21.00 STAVESAW 8 inch $9.40 Stave.saw Improved 6 inch $6.40 7 inch 7.40 8 inch 8.10 9 inch 9.70 10 inch 10.70 12 inch 15.40 Inch Pit Saw Cant Saw Cross Cut Hoolt Tootli Planer Ivnife In- serted Tootli or Single Cut Single Cut Single Cut Single Cut Single Cut Chisel Tooth 4 $4.80 $4.30 $4.80 5 5.40 4.70 5.40 .... .... .... 6 6.10 5.40 6.10 $6.70 .... 7 7.00 6.10 7.00 7.70 .... 8 7.50 6.40 7.50 8.30 $6.40 $8.30 9 8.50 7.80 8.50 9.40 9.40 10 9.10 8.7.0 9.10 10.10 8.60 10.10 11 10.70 10.40 10.70 11.80 12 11.80 11.40 11.80 13.00 12.10 Climax, adv. 2 In. on Half Round BasUrd Round Oalletlna:. take Pltsaw price PATENT DOUBLE-ENDER WITH HANDLE 7 3.50 8 9 10 4.40 4.' Inch Wood Files ^Vood Rasps „,„. 1 Half CabI- 1 „. . Half Cabi- Fla' 1 Round net 1 Flat Round net 6 $4.30 i $6.10 $8.10 $7.40 $8.10 $io.lo 7 4.80 ! 7.00 9.30 8.60 9.30 11.70 8 5.30 7.50 10.10 9.40 10.10 12.80 9 6.30 8.50 12.20 11.40 12.20 15.50 10 7.00 9.10 13.70 112.80 13.70 17.50 11 8.60 10.70 16.80 : 15.50 16.80 20.70 12 9.70 11.80 18.70 17.50 18.70 22.80 13 11.80 14.10' 22.40 1 20.90 22.40 26.80 14 13.30 15.50 1 24.80 123.20 24.80 29.60 15 16.00 18.50 29.70 1 27.80 29.70 33.90 16 17.80 20.60 32.90 130.80 32.90 36.90 17 21.50 24.70 38.90 j 36.20 38.90 42.40 18 23.90' 27.50 43.60 | 40.90 43.60 46.90 Inch Shoe Rasps Inch] Knife Flat Half Round Oval Bas- tard 2d Cut Smooth 6 $8.10 $8.10 $9.30 4 $5.40 $6.10 $6.40 7 9.30 9.30 10.10 5 6.10 6.70 7.10 8 10.10 10,10 12.20 6 6.90 7.50 7.90 9 12.20 12 20 13.70 7 7.80 8.50 8.90 10 13.70 13.70 16.80 8 8.50 9.10 9.50 11 16.80 16.80 18.70 9 9.40 10.60 11.30 12 18.70 18.70 22.40 10 10.10 11.50 12.30 13 22.40 22.40 11 12.20 13.70 14.60 14 24.80 24.80 12 13.70 15.20 16.10 LAST MAKERS' RASPS 13 16.30 17.90 19.20 1 in. a dv. on Cabinet Rasp 14 18.20 19.90 21.20 Inch Horse Rasps File Rasps Plain Bev- [ eled Tanged & % RS! 1 Flat Half Round 6 .... .... $7.40 $8.10 7 .... .... .... 8.60 9.30 8 9.40 10.10 9 .... 11.40 12.20 10 $9.40 $10.70 $12.80 12.80 13.70 11 11.40 12.90 15.20 15.50 16.80 12 12.80 14.40 16.80 17.50 18.70 13 15.20 17.00 1 19.60 20.90 22.40 14 17.80 20.10 I 23.10 23.20 24.80 15 20.90 23.60 27.30 27.80 29.70 16 24.40 27.50 32.20 30.80 32.90 17 28.90 31.50! 36.20 38.90 18 32.90 ' 36.20 40.90 43.60 Size« below 4 inches, not extended, take 4 inch price. Half Inches not specified, take next higher full inch price. Dead smooth, double the price of bastard cut. One round edge, advance 12% per cent. All lengths above those listed, advance 20 per cent on next lower Inch price. Blunt flies not .■specified, advance one inch on re- spective kinds and cuts. Single or float out not specified, on regular shapes take double cut price. Eqaalin^-t (bellied), advance two inches on respec- tive kinds and cuts. Two round edges, advance 25 per cent. Files varying from standard sizes, subject to special prices. Cuts not specifled, made upon regrular blanks, ad- vance one inch 'on resp«ctive kinds and nearest out. 80 GEO-B-CAIiPEhfTER « eO. SAND, FLINT AND GARNET PAPER— SAND CLOTH EXTRA QUALITY FLINT PAPER In Sheets 9x11 Inches 480 Sheets to Ream. Smallest Package ^ Ream Nos. Per Ream 000 to Yz $7.00 1 7.50 15^ 8.00 2 8.50 2% 9.00 Nos. Per Ream 3 $10.50 SVz 11.75 4 12.75 Assorted 8.00 FLINT FINISHING PAPER 9x11 inches, single faced, 480 sheets. Per ream $6.50 9x11 inches, double faced, 240 sheets. Per ream 6.50 11 inches by 60 yards, double faced only. Per roll 6.50 STAR SAND PAPER In Sheets 894x10^^ Inches 480 Sheets to Ream. Smallest Package % Ream Nos. Per Ream 000 to Yi $6.00 1 6.25 1% 6.75 2 7.25 Nos. Per Ream 2Y2 $7.75 3 9.00 Assorted 6.75 SAND CLOTH Per Roll of 50 Yards Width Inches Do-to~ i-a N0.I 1^-3 No. a .".".ilNo-S sY-a 2% $3.05 $3.30 $3.40 $3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.20 3% 4.00 4.35 4.55 4.65 5.05 5.30 5.60 4 4.60 5.05 5.20 5.40 5.80 6.25 6.45 5 6.25 6.70 6.95 7.25 7.80 8.25 8.75 6 6.70 7.30 7.60 7.90 8.50 9.05 9.60 7 7.90 8.60 9.00 9.35 10.00 10.65 11.20 8 8.85 9.60 10.00 10.45 11.15 11.95 12.45 9 10.00 10.90 11.40 11.85 12.70 13.60 14.40 la 11,20 12.10 12.60 13.05 14.00 14.80 15.95 12 13.45 14.60 15.20 15.80 17.00 18.10 18.55 1 4 - 14.40 15.60 16.50 17.40 18.60 19.75 21.00 le 17.75 19.20 20.00 20.85 22.30 23. &5 24.60 18 20.15 21.80 22.80 23.75 25.45 27.25 28.50 20 22.40 24.25 25.20 26.15 28.05 29.65 31.50 24 26.20 28.35 29.75 31.20 33.40 35.50 36.70 2S- ■ -2S.80 t?1.20 33.00 34.80 37.20 39.50 42.00 EXTRA FLINT PAPER iB^^iil lNti C1.0TI. L 71 1 4rT aouau UMTtt ■rr oouBic como V G aA ; [ GAR^ Extra I ?»=--._^ A 7 ION Cloth ARNET CLOTH ^ET COM BIN Al ieavy. Garnet Paoer- Per Roll of 50 Yards Per Rol of 50 Yards in. to % , 1 .y. » 2V. 3 >Vidtli in. 000 to y^ 1 IV^ » 2y^ 3 2% $2.90 $3.10 $3.20 $3.25 $3.35 $3.45 2^8 $J.30 $2.45 $2.55 $2.60 $2.70 $2.80 3% 3.80 4.00 4.10 4.25 4.40 4.55 3% 3.00 3.15 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.60 4 4.20 4.55 4.70 4.90 5.00 5.15 4 3.50 3.65 3.75 3.90 5.3^ 4.00 4.10 5 5.80 6.25 6.50 6.70 6.90 7.15 5 4.65 5.00 5.20 5.55 5.75 6 6.45 7.25 7.70 7.95 8.30 8.6() 8.55 6 5.00 5.50 5.60 5.75 5.95 6.10 7 7.25 7.80 8.05 8.30 8.85 7 5.80 6.25 6.45 6.65 6.90 7.10 8 8.40 9.00 9.35 9.60 9.95 10.25 8 6.70 7.20 7.40 7.70 7.90 8.10 9 9.35 10.00 10.35 10.75 11.00 11.50 9 7.50 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.80 9.20 10 11.60 12.50 13.00 13.40 13.80 14.30 10 9.30 10.00 10.40 10.75 11.00 11.45 12 12.75 13.65 14.20 14.55 15.10 15.50 12 li.OO 10.80 11.15 11.50 11.90 12.00 14 14.00 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 14 11.70 12.55 12.90 13.30 13.90 14.20 16 16.80 18.00 18.70 19.20 19.90 20.50 16 13.30 13.95 14.70 15.15 15.60 16.10 18 18.20 19.55 20.20 20.90 21.50 22.15 18 14.90 16.00 16.45 17.00 17.50 18.00 20 20.00 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 20 16.50 17.70 18.40 18.90 19.50 20.00 24 25.20 27.00 28.05 28.80 29.85 30.75 24 19.20 20.60 21.25 21.95 22.65 23.35 28 28.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 28 22.40 24.00 24.80 25.60 26.40 27.20 Width of Rolls not shown above are charged at the prices of the next greater tvldth. GARNET FINISHING PAPER single faced (6/0 to 1», per ream. Double faced (5/0 to 1), per ream, Double faced (5/0 to 1), per roll. 9x11 inches, 4S0 sheets 9x11 inches, 240 sheets 11 inches x 60 yards $7.50 . 7.50 . 7.50 EMERY PAPER ErtEWf PAPER •MfOvtopeoftiiNniiua 480 Ream. \OH. Fig. 5 In Sheets 9x11 inches Sheets to Ream. Smallest Package Per Itrnni 9i2.r,o i;{.7.-» 1 5.00 16.7.-. >'os. Per Ream ZYz SIS.-IO 3 22.7.-> :iV- 26.50 Assorted 15.00 In Extra Coated 50 Yard Rolls. Per Roll Width 00 , 1 ,, 1 1 1 1 in. toVa 1 1 IV. 1 2 1 2VL. 1 3 1 3'/a 2 $1.50 $1.70 1 $1.80 ' $1.90 1 $2.15 ' $2.55 \ $2.90 3 2.00 2.25] 2.40 2.60 1 2.90 1 3.50 3.90 3% 2.35 2.55 ! 2.80 1 2.95 | 3.40 4.00 4.50 4 2.60 2.90 3.10 3.35 3.75 4.50 5.00 6 3.70 4.20 4.40 4.75 5.40 6.70 7.40 8 4.95 5.45 ^.80 6.30 7.10 8.65 9.80 9 5.45 6.20 6.45 7.00 7.95 9.70 10.95 10 6.00 6.70 7.10 7.70 ' 8.70 10.65 12.15 12 7.00 7.95 8.40 9.10 10.30 12.70 ' 14.40 15 8.95 10.10 10.70 11.55 ' 13.15 ' 16.10 | 18.20 16 9.55 10.70 11.35 12.25 '13.95 '17.10 19.30 18 10.60 11.95 12.65 13.65 15.55 19.10 21.65 ■?o 11.70 13.15 13.95 '15.05 17.10 21.10 23.95 ''-i 12.75 14.75 15.75 17.00 19.50 24.00 27.50 EXTRA QUALITY EMERY CLOTH Fig. 6 In Sheets 9x11 inches 480 Sheets to Ream, in Quires, Package V4, Ream. Xos. I'er Ream 00 to J/^ $31.00 1 33.00 1 y. 35.00 S 38.00 Crocus cloth Smallest Nos. 2«/a Per Ream 941.00 3 44.00 SVs '. 47.00 Assorted 35.00 per ream 31.0O In Extra Coated 50 Yard Rolls. Per Roll Width 00 I 1 in. toV:: 1 IK. 1 2 1 2Vi: 3 3^3 t $1.10 $1.15 $1.20 $1.25 $1.30 $1.35 $1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.80 1.90 1 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.35 1% 2.30 2.45 2.55 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.25 2 2.90 3.05 3.25 3.45 3.70 3.95 4.15 2% 3.55 3.70 3.95 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.10 3 4.10 4.35 4.60 4.95 5.30 5.65 6.00 3V^ 4.85 5.00 5.30 5.70 lit 6.50 ; 6.90 4 5.30 5.65 6.00 6.40 7.40 7.85 5 6.50 6.90 7.45 7.90 8.50 9.10 9.65 6 7.70 8.20 8.75 9.35 10.10 10.80 11.50 7 8.90 9.50 10.10 10.85 11.70 12.55 13.35 8 10.10 10.75 11.50 , 12.35 13.30 14.25 15.15 9 11.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 10 12.50 13.30 14.20 15.30 16.50 17.70 18.85 {} 14.90 15.85 16.95 k8.15 19.70 ! 21.25 19.70 21.15 22.50 17.30 18.40 22.90 24.60 26.15 16 19.75 20.90 21.90 24.20 26.10 28.00 29.85 18 22.25 23.50 25.25 ! 27.25 29.25 31.50 33.50 20 24.50 26.10 27.90 ' 30.10 32.50 34.90 37.15 24 29.30 31.20 33.40 85. SO 38.90 41.80 44.50 27 32.50 34.50 37.00 40.00 43.00 46.50 49.50 WIDTH OV ROLLS NOT SHOWN ABOVE ARE CHARGED AT THE PRTOES OP THE NEXT GREATER W^DTH. 83 GEOBSAIiPEM'TER ^ So. CARBORUNDUM PRODUCTS ALOXITE CLOTH Aloxite is the ideal abrasive material for cutting steel, and when coated on cloth it is far supe- rior to emery for general machine shop worlt. It is exceedingly hard and extremely tough, and it not only does better and faster work than emery, but the Aloxite cloth, because of the toughness of the grain, shows much longer life. PRICE LIST ALOXITE CLOTH Grit Numbers reifE /,N PRif^f Sheets 9x11 Price per Ream 50 yard Rolls — Price per Roll Width 9 inches Width 18 inches Width 27 inches Powder FF Powder F 3/0-180 . . 2/0-150 . . 0-120 . . 100-100 . . 1/2- 90 . . 1 - 80 . . 11/2- 70 . . 2 - 60 . . 21/2- 50 . . 3 - 36 . . 31/2- 24 . . 131.00 $11.50 $22.25 $32.50 31.00 11.50 22.25 32.50 31.00 11.50 22.25 32.50 31.00 11.50 22.25 32.50 31.00 11.50 22.25 32.50 31.00 11.50 22.25 32.50 31.00 11.50 22.25 32.50 33.00 12.00 . 23.50 34.50 35.00 13.00 25.25 37.00 38.00 14.00 27.25 40.00 41.00 15.00 29.25 43.00 44.00 16.00 31.50 46.50 47.00 17.00 33.50 49.50 ALOXITE CLOTH IN ECONOMY STRIPS Some mechanics prefer Aloxite cloth in strips and to satisfy the demand, this material is made up in packages containing 15 strips 11 inches long and li/4 inches wide either of one or assorted No. 66. Aloxite Cloth Strips (packages) Price per gross $21.60 ALOXITE CLOTH IN ECONOMY ROLLS Aloxite cloth which is rapidly succeeding the old time emery cloth for general machine shop work is put up in economy rolls as well as in reams, sheets, and rolls. The cloth is cut in i«^ , % , 1, 114, 2 and 21/2 inch widths, snugly wound on wood spools. The machine-shop operator simply cuts off a piece in any length of the width he desires. Loss of time and the destruction of good cloth by tearing strips from the regular sheets is eliminated. The rolls are 50 yards long and are made in any desired grit. PRICE LIST Grits FFtoVa 1 1 IVa 2 2Vi 3 SVz V2 inch % inch 1 inch 1 Vz inch 2 inch 2 Vz inch ■ $1.10 1.50 1.70 2.30 2.90 3.55 $l.lfe 1.55 1.80 2.45 3.05 3.70 $1.20 1.60 1.90 2.55 3.25 3.95 1.65 2.00 2.70 3.45 4.20 $1.30 1.70 2.10 2.90 3.70 4.50 $1.35 1.80 2.20 3.10 3.95 4.80 $1.40 1.90 2.35 3.25 4.15 5.10 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER ^ So. 83 CARBORUNDUM WHEELS— POWDER— STONES GRITS AND GRADES OF CARBORUNDUM AND ALOXITE WHEELS FOR VARIOUS CLASSES OF GRINDING lu siibmittinK tbe following- table of grits and grrades of \«'heels for different lUnds of grinding it must be distinctly understood that the in- formation is general. Conditions under wliicli wheels are usetl vary so greatly tliat we do not wisli our present and prospective customers to accept the grading' as our best recommendation for their work. If a customer orders a wlieel from this table and finds that it is not accomplishing the work as he desires, we request that he write to us stating in what manner the wheel fails. Work Grit Numbers | Grade Liettera Bra.SM 24 to 36 20 to 30 60 to 80 100 to 120 30 to 40 50 to 70 30 to 40 I to J Cast iron G X to H X Knives M K toM Tools (large) Tools (small) I to J J to K (■eneral use HtoJ PRICE LIST OF CARBORUNDUM AND ALOXITE WHEELS Diameter Tliickness of Wheels in Inches Diameter in inches Revolutions per in Incbeg Vt, V2 % 1 ly* Wz 1% 3 surface speed of 5000 ft. $0.40 .60 .80 1.10 $0.50 .75 1.00 1.40 $0.60 .90 1.20 1.65 1.45 1.95 $0.80 1.15 1.65 2.25 $0.95 1.30 1.85 2.55 $1.05 1.45 2.10 2.80 $1.15 1.60 2.30 3.10 1 2 3 4 19,099 9.549 6,366 4.775 1.50 1.90 2.30 2.70 1.90 2.40 2.95 3.55 2.25 2.90 3.60 4.40 2.65 3.40 4.3(? 5.20 3.00 3.90 4.95 6.10 3.40 4.45 5.60 6.90 3.80 4.95 6.30 7.80 4.15 5.40 6.90 8.60 5 6 7 3.820 3,183 2,728 2.387 9 10 12 3.10 3.60 4.20 4.15 4.90 6.00 5.2,0 6.20 7.80 6.30 7.50 9.50 7.40 8.90 11.30 8.40 10.20 13.10 9.50 11.50 14.90 10.60 12.80 16.70 9 10 12 2,122 1,910 1.592 CARBORUNDUM AND ALOXITE GRAINS AND POWDERS Carborundum and Aloxite grains are produced by crushing and grinding the crude crystals, washing and separating by sieves into various sizes. These aie numbered, the same as emery, in accordance with the number of threads per lineal inch of the sieve through which they have passed as follows: 6, 8. 10, 12, 14. 16, 20, 24. 30, 36. 40, 50, 60, 70, SO, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180. 220. Powders are the grains too fine to size by ordinary sieving. These are graded by floating in water. F, PP. FFP powders include in their numbers all grades of fineness from F. the next finest after No. 220, to FPF, which contains the very finest dust. PRICE LIST Crude Carborundiini Crjstal (Selected) Any qnantity, carefully packed per lb. $0.50 Carltoriiudum and Aloxite Grains in Grits Packed for Shipment as follot^s: Grains in K lb. tin cans per lb, $0.2O Grains in 1 lb. tin cans «« .25 Grains in '/j lb. tin cans « .30 Emery Powder .ao CARBORUNDUM COMBINATION STONES Made lu Five .'Si/.i, These stones are designed especially for car- penters and mechanics. They are made with one face of coarse and one face of very flne grit. The coarse side can be nsed for sharpening very dull tools; the flne side for giving required keen, lasting edge. .\o. Xdh. inches per doz. 918.00 \o, lOJ). u.Y_ .xi inches " 12.00 Xo. 110. 7x2 xl inches " 15.00 No. 111. 5x2 X % Inches " 9.00 Xo, 112. 4xl%x % Inches " 7.20 Xo. .128. 8x3 xl inches " 21.00 Ao. 320. 9x3 xiy2 inches " 30.00 No. 33.3. 12x21^x1 inches " 24.00 These stones are nested in shipping packages containing V4, and V^ dozen stones in cartons. Furnished In Aloxite In same sizes and price*. R4 GEO•B•CARPE^fTER ^ CO, EMERY WHEELS PRICE LIST ADOPTED JULY 1, 1915. Dia. Thickness of Wheels in inches ins. % 1 Va 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 11/2 1% 2 21/4 21/2 2% 3 3% 1 SVa 1 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.70 $0.80 $0.95 $1.05 $1.15 $1.25 $1.35 $1.45 $1.55 $1.70 $1.80 2 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.15 2.30 2.40 3 .80 1.00 1.20 1.45 1.65 1.85 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.70 2.95 3.15 3.35 3.55 4 1.10 1.40 1.65 1.95 2.25 2.55 2.80 3.10 3.40 3.70 4.00 4.25 4.55 4.80 5 1.50 1.90 2.25 2.65 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.15 4.55 4.90 5.30 5.70 6.05 6.40 6 1.90 2.40 2.90 3.40 3.90 4.45 4.95 5.40 5.95 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 7 2.30 2.95 3.60 4.30 4.95 5.60 6.30 6.90 7.55 8.20 8.90 9.60 10.25 10.90 8 2.70 3.55 4.40 5.20 6.10 6.90 7.80 8.60 9.45 10.30 11.15 12.00 12.85 13.70 9 3.10 4.15 5.20 6.30 7.40 8.40 9.50 10.60 11.65 12.70 13.75 14.80 15.90 17.00 10 3.60 4.90 6.20 7.50 8.90 10.20 11.50 12.80 14.10 15.40 16.70 18.00 19.35 20.70 12 4.20 6.00 7.80 9.50 11.30 13.10 14.90 16.70 18.45 20.20 22.00 23.80 25.55 27.30 14 4.90 7.20 9.60 11.90 14.20 16.50 18.90 21.20 23.50 25.80 28.15 30.50 32.80 35.10 16 5.70 8.70 11.60 14.60 17.60 20.50 23.50 26.50 29.45 32.40 35.35 38.30 41.30 44.30 18 6.60 10.30 14.00 17.70 21.40 25.10 28.80 32.50 36.15 39.80 43.50 47.20 50.90 54.60 20 12.30 16.80 21.40 25.90 30.50 35.00 39.60 44.15 48.70 53.35 58.00 62.50 67.00 22 20.10 25.60 31.10 36.70 42.20 47.70 53.35 59.00 64.50 70.00 75.50 81.00 24 24.00 30.60 37.30 44.00 51.00 59.00 65.00 71.00 78.00 85.00 92.00 99.00 26 36.40 44.50 52.50 61.00 69.00 77.00 85.00 93.00 101.00 109.00 117.00 28 46.00 55.00 65.00 74.00 83.00 92.00 102.00 111.00 120.00 129.00 30 58.00 68.00 79.00 89.00 100.00 111.00 122.00 132.00 143.00 153.00 32 72.00 84.00 96.00 109.00 121.00 133.00 145.00 157.00 169.00 34 82.00 95.00 109.00 123.00 136.00 150.00 163.00 177.00 191.00 ??6 94.00 109.00 124.00 139.00 154.00 169.00 183.00 198.00 213 00 1 1 IMPORTANT — In ordering, always state the kind of work you wish to do, what shape face yoii want on the wheels, the size of mandrel hole, and the speed they are to run. Special wheels for iniilning in water made to order. EMERY CYLINDERS AND GUP WHEELS Thickness of Rim inches 1 11/2 2 2% 3 3 ¥2 4 8 $15.50 .... 9 16.50 $22.00 10 17.75 24.25 $29.50 .... 12 18.75 26.25 33.00 $38.75 $44.00 14 22.50 31.00 38.50 45.50 51.50 $57.50 $6i.50 16 26.00 35.75 44.60 53.00 60.25 67.60 73.00 18 28.80 40.25 51.40 61.40 71.00 79.00 86.90 20 30.90 44.00 56.25 67.40 78.50 87.60 97.00 22 35.00 49.75 65.00 79.40 91.50 103.90 115.50 24 37.50 54.25 70.50 86.25 99.50 113.60 126.60 26 39.75 59.80 93.00 109.25 124.75 139.25 Above list is figui'ed on a basis of Cylinders 7 inclies long. Otlier lengths at proportionate rates. To obtain price of Cup Wheels, add to the price of Cylinder of same dimensions the price of a regular wheel whose diameter is the Inside diameter of the Cylinder, the thickness whatever Is re- quired for the back of Cup Wheel. FOR GRINDERS, ARBORS, ETC., SEE INDEX GEOBCAIlPENrTER ^ 60. 8.- TOOL GRINDERS MECHANICS' SPECIAL LINE Built for long life and hard usage. The cases are one-piece, which insures perfect alignment. The handle, drive gears and wheel are fastened by tapered bearings. Each machine is equipped with adjustable tool rests, for right or left hand use, and is finished in black, baked enamel. The gears are overhanging, the drive gear being dished so as to bring the weight over the bearing in place of at the end of the shaft. The gears are cut spiral, which makes them run quieter, smoother and last longer. Each machine is well packed in an individual 4M carton. Each machine is equipped with a Carborundum grinding wheel Fitted with Tool Rest and "Carborundum Wheel, 4x1 inch in size. Weight, boxed, 7 lbs. Price 14.50 Fitted with Tool Rest and Carborundum Wheel, 5x1 inch in size. Weight, boxed, 9 lbs. Price 6. HO Fitted with adjustable Tool Rest and Chisel Guide. Carborundum Wheel, 6x1 inch in size. Weight, boxed, 13 lbs. Price 9.00 Fitted with adjustable Tool Rest and Patented Chisel and Plane Bit Guide, with Carborundum Wheel, 7x1% inch in size. Weight, boxed, 24 lbs. Price. . . 13.50 No. 5M. No. 6M. No. 7M. ( HALLENGE LINE Low priced, but efficient. Finished in black baked enamel; equipped with Adjustable Tool Rest No. 4C. 4x1 Carborundum Wheel; weight, boxed, 6 lbs. Price $3.50 No. 95. 5x1 Carborundum Wheel; weight, boxed, 8 lbs. Price 5.50 No. 96. 6x1 Carborundum Wheel; weight, boxed, 10 lbs. Price 7.50 MULTIGEAR No. lO^C Fig. 4C Fig. 104C Built for high speed and very rapid grinding. Gears interchangeable, and made for hard wear and long life. Case oil tight. Finished in black, baked enamel. Each turn of the handle makes 30 turns of grinding wheel. Fitted with adjustable Tool Rest, and Wheel 4x1 inches in size. Weight, boxed, 8 lbs. Price $7.50 BEST MADE No. 51 Worm Gear, Ball Bearings, runs in oil. Chambered Case, which allows oil to automatically lubricate every bear- ing. Wide bearings, which insure ample oil retaining sur- faces. Adjustable Tool Rest, case finished in black, baked enamel. Exceptionally well built, easy running machine. Equipped with double grit Grinding Wheel, having extra fine face, and medium body. Gi-inder can be swiveled to any position. Equipped with 5x1 y^ inch Carborundum Double Grit Wheel. Weight, boxed, 12 lbs. Price $9.00 Fig. 5 FOR EMERY WHEELS. SEE IMJE.V 86 GEOBeAIl.PEM"TER S SO. Hummer. Fig. 271C TOOL GRINDERS EtUMMER No. 2710 All Metal Frame, Shaft Drive, gravity lubrication, Grinding Head capable of being swiveled to any angle, Beveled Gears, strongly braced, Bicycle Tread, many special attachments, finished in red and black baked enamel. This is by all means one of the very best foot power grinders imaginable. It operates as easy as a bicycle and cuts many times faster than emery, without drawing temper. It does not matter how difficult a tool may be to grind, the head of the machine can be swiveled so as to make it con- venient to grind even the most difficult tool. The two combina- tion tool rests are universally adjustable, so that practically any angle or shape can be given to any tool. Height of machine over all, 42 inches. Each machine is equipped with one medium Carborundum Wheel, one coarse Carborundum Wheel, one Uni- versal Tool Rest, and one Chisel and Plane Bit Guide. 6x1 % inch Wheels. Weight, boxed, 65 lbs. Price $20.00 Fig. 309C POWER BENCH GRINDERS Built very strong and heavy and suitable for all kinds of shop and heavy grinding. Power Bench Grinders Nos. 310C and 309C are equipped with 2%x2i/4 inch Pulleys, Spring Oil Cups, adjustable Tool Rests, and 7x1% inch Carborundum Wheels. The bearings on these machines are steel on gray iron. Those on No. 3 IOC are adjustable, while those on No. 309C are solid. The wheels on these machines are fastened by collars and burrs. No. 309C is equipped with one medium and one coarse 7x1 1^ inch Carborundum Wheels, one Pulley, solid bearings. Weight, boxed, 32 lbs. Price $15.00 No. 310C is equipped with one medium and one coarse 7x1%, inch Carborundum Wheels. Tight and loose Pulleys, adjustable bearings. Weight, boxed, 35 lbs. Price. 18.50 No. 306C. A lighter Power Bench Grinder, built for long life, equipped with adjustable Tool Rests, 6x1 inch Carborundum Wheels (one medium and one fine), held by steel collars and burrs. Power can come from above, at the side or underneath. One pulley only, 1 % inch diameter by 2 V^ inch face. Weight, boxed. 14 lbs. Price $10.00 No. 30.5C. is a very practical Power Bench Grinder, which can be clamped to almost any beam, bench or other support, and run by a 2 inch pulley. Equipped with one medium Carborundum Wheel, 5x1% inches in size. Weight, boxed, 15 lbs. Price 6.00 FOR FMERY WHESELS. SBE INDKX Fig. 30."»C GEO-BCARPENfTER ^ SO GRINDSTONES NOT MOUNTED 30 lbs. and under List 30 to 200 lbs 200 lbs. and over ton $50.00 5 2.00 60.00 All stones over 200 pounds are sold by measurement weight, less than 200 pounds by cut weight, which is actual weight on scales as they come from the lathe. This weight is always cut on the stone. HAND GRINDSTONES Japanned Black .each I in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. $0.70 .80 .90 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.50 WOODEN FRAME GRINDSTONE FOR PO\\^R USE Fitted Avith Patent Detachable Fixture Diam. of Stone inches. Price of Frame Only Frame with Fixtures and 12-in. Pulley Price Complete, including- Stone fitted with Patent Detachable Fixture and 12-in. Pulley P. 220 , 24 ' $ 8.00 $21.00 '24 in. X 3 in . . . .$23. (Ml p. 225 I 30 10.00 1 23.00 30 in. 4 in. . . . 28. ou p. 230 36 ! 11.00 25.50 36 in. X 4 1/2 in . . .. 33.00 p. 235 42 12.00 27.00 42 in. X 4 1/2 to 5 in. 38.00 p. 240 48 1 13.50 33.00 48 in. X 5% to 6 in. 50. MO p. 245; 54 17.50 41.00 54 in. X 6 1/2 to 7 in. 67.00 p. 250 1 60 1 24.00 48.00 60 in. X 7 1/2 to 8 in. 84.00 We furnish a 12-inch Pulley with all sizes of wood power frames." We will substitute any required size, charging only the actual difference in price. FIgr. 388C FIk. 3«»D SAMSOX MOUNTED No. I Weight. Ibg. Thickness Inches Each 1 i 100 to 110 2 70 to 80 3 1 40 to 50 1% to 2% 1 % to 2 Vi 1 % to 2 y* $6.00 5.00 4.50 Fig. aooK BI-TREADLE MOUNTED Ball Bearing Frame is steel firmly riveted. Weight of stone, 55 to 60 lbs.; weight of stone and frame 80 lbs. Each $6.00 We can furnish any repairs desired. FOR EMERY WHEELS. GRIXnERS. AND Oil- STONES. SEE INDEX ss GeoBCai^pem'ter s eo. KEYSTONE IRON FRAME POWER GRINDSTONE ALL FITTED WITH PATENT DETACHABLE FIXTURE Fig. 508K The trough is cast in one piece, malciiig it water-tight, avoiding all joints which invariably work loose and leak. The legs are cast separate, and are securely fastened in place with two wrought-iron bolts. An adjusta- ble tool rest, with drip pan, is furnished with each frame. We furnish 12-inch pulley with all sizes of Keystone Frames, size, charging only the actual difference in price. Loose pulley, 12 inches in diameter, $3.00 extra. Price of Number Diam- eter of Stone inches Thickness of Stone inches Size of Shaft at Bear- ings inches Price Com- plete with Stone Price of Frame with Shaft Pulley and Tool Rest Frame only without Shaft, Bearings or Tool J • Best No. 508K 50 71/2 to 8 1% $80.00 ] No. 506K 50 51/5, to 6 1% 70.00 ^ No. 488K 48 7% to 8 1% 75.00 § No. 486K 48 5% to 6 iy2 68.00 i>S $52.00 $35.00 No. 485K 48 4% to 5 iy2 66.00 No. 466K 46 5y2 to 6 iy2 67.00 ^ No. 465K 46 41/2 to 5 1% 65.00 No. 406K 40 5% to 6 IVz 51.00 No. 405K 40 41/2 to 5 IVi ' 49.00 « No. 3 86K 38 51/2 to 6 1% 50.00 .§ 39.00 No. 385K 38 4% to 5 11^ 48.00 28.00 No. 366K 36 5% to 6 1^ 49.00 No. 365K 36 4% to 5 iy4 47.00 ^ No. 364K 36 4 to 4% ly* 46.00 No. 305K 30 4y2 1 39.00 M No. 304K 30 4 1 38.00 5 No. 303K 30 3y2 1 37.00 [w 33.00 21.00 No. 302K 30 3 1 36.50 1 We will substitute any required Fiar. 401C "ON THE JOB" GRINDER We show here an emergency and portable foot-power grinder, giving 3,000 revolutions per minute; cool cutting; wheel 6x1^ inches; made of genuine corundum. No belts to slip, no gears to break, no chains to stretch. We absolutely guarantee 40 per cent more utility than any other grinder on the market regard- less of size or price. It is the only foot-power grinder on the market with an unlimited guarantee. Just the thing for a boat house, small shop or engine room. Weighs only 9 pounds com- plete. It can be attached to any hench or shelf and removed in one minute's time when done with. Each $6.00 FOR OTHBR STYLES OF GRIXDING TOOLS. SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo. Sf) GROWN GRINDERS Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig . 4 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 For Wheels up to inches Arbor to Table Diameter of Base 8x1 5 5 10 % 2 l%x% 2x1% 61/8 10 $5.00 lOxlVz 6 5y4x6y4 14 % 2y4 %x2 2^x2 \\ $10.00 12x2 8 9y4x6 18 1 3y4 3x1 ^ 4x3 10 42 $15.00 16x2 y2 9% 13x9 25 Diameter between Collais. " iy4 4 5x1 i\.. 4%x4 Diameter of Collars Bearings Pulley Distance between Wheels Weight estimated lbs. Price each 85 $20.00 No. 6 GROWN GRINDER Fig. This machine will meet the requirements of those needing a substantial grinding or polishing outfit at a reasonable price. All boxes are heavily babbited and fitted with grease cups. It is of good height and there is ample room from wheel to stand for plow work, grinding or polishing. This machine with loose pulley in addition to the tight one when desired. Arbor to Floor inches Size of Base Length of Steel Arbor '. Diameter between Collars Diameter of Collars Bearings Pulley \ Distance from Wheel to Stand Weight complete with two Rests lbs. Will carry two Stones '......'..'.... inches Each as per cut without Rests \ , each With Loose Pulley and Grease Cup added . . . . Rests Disc Grinder Attachment 33 14x17 37 iy4 4% l%x6 5x4 iiy2 170 2y2xl6 $22.40 25.40 1.30 6.00 90 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO, ELECTRIGALLY-DRIVEN TOOLS BENCH GRINDERS These machines are of practical value for any class of grind- ing and may be used anywhere in shop or mill where current is available. The motor is completely inclosed, with starting and stopping device conveniently located in the base. There is practically no cost for setting up. Can also be used as portable grinders. Extended spindle for buffer in place of one wheel can be furnished. FLOOR GRINDERS These grinders are very substantially and carefully made, with self-oiling bearings of large and ample size. The shaft is very stiff and tool rests are easily adjusted for any position. ■»»T,iiM The motor is particularly designed for this service, completely inclosed from dirt or emery grindings, and is constructed with the greatest care in every detail. The motor frame and pedestal are one casting, and the starter is contained in the pedestal where it is out of the way and well protected. When desired, a surface grinding attachment for one of the wheels, hoods for both wheels, or extended spindle "for buffing can be supplied. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all inches Number of wheels Size of wheels inches Approximate speed R. P. M. Weight pounds Floor space inches Maximum horse power. Bench No. 1 141/2 2 2400 105 211/2x12 1/2 Bench No. 2 16 Va 2 12xlx^ 1800 200 23%xl2' 1 Floor 48 2 12x2x1 1800 475 30x19 2 PRICES Floor Grinder Size 110-220 V. Direct Current 110-220-440 V. A. C. 2 or 3-phase 60 cycle 110-220 V. A. C. Sing-le-phase No. 1 Bench No. 2 Bench Floor Grinder $150.00 180.00 >---' 274.00 $160.00 190.00 284.00 $170.00 200.00 294.00 These prices cover above grinders equipped with guards, wheels and water pot. Cast-iron pedestals can be furnished for either the No. 1 or No. 2 for $24.00 additional. The speed of these grinders will vary somewhat from the speeds given according to the vol- tage and kind of current ordered. _\ ^wl^Mp^ motor is air cooled. HAND GRINDERS AND BUFFERS These portable machines are adapted not only for grind- ing, but also for buffing, polishing, sanding or smoothing down castings; different wheels being required for different classes of work. Can be carried from place to place, and are ready for use when plug is fitted to lamp socket. Oper- ators can stop and start these tools instantaneously. The Furnished with wheel, as shown. Size of Wheel Dimensions, inches wt. Lbs. H. P. Speed R. P. M. • Price, each Machine Motor Direct Current 2 or 3- phase Sing-le- phase 5x%x3/4-in. hole 5x9 3/4X101/2 5x7 1/4 16 % 3600 $90.00 $85.00 Wound for either 110 or 220 volts, direct or alternating current, 60 cycles. Made in larger sizes, also with 12 and 20-inch extension arms. Prices on application. Note. — Speeds of all the above grinders vary someAvhat from those given, according to voltage and kind of current. GEO-B-CAHPErfTER « Co. 91 GROWN COUNTERSHAFTS Pig All loose pulleys on Countershafts have long chamber hubs fitted with grease cup and will run for years and not wear out or wabble. Drive pulleys Tight and loose pulleys. Drop of hangers Length of shaft Diameter of shaft Weight complete Each No. 1 8 xl % 3%xl% 5 17 Vb 24 $5.00 \o. 2 9x2 5x2 6% 21 1 38 $7.50 No. 3 10x3% 5x3 61/2 24 1 44 $9.00 No. 4 12x4 6x3 Vz 26 IVs 58 $10.00 13x4 6x4 9 30 1% 75 $14.00 GROWN GOLUMNS The Columns have a rib around top of table to keep tools from falling off. It will be found much more economical to mount Grinder on this column than to use any temporary mounting. No TT~ 11x15 14x18 28 100 $14.00 Size of table in. Size of base " Height " Weight lbs Each No. 1 No. 2 No. » 6x8 9x11 11x13 9x12 9x12 12x16 32 32 • 32 32 37 75 $7.00 $7..10 $11.00 Center Shafts and Columns are for corresponding Number Grinders. GROWN SAW GUMMERS If Countershaft order No. 3. is wanteu Fig No. S yio. Arbor to ta- ble in. 8 8 Size of round base " 12 9% I^ength of steel arbor " 14 14 Diameter of arbor in boxes .... " % % Diameter of collars ..." 3% 3% Length of bearings . . " 2y2 Diameter be- tween col- lars " % % Pulley " 4x3 4x3 Rest will take In wheels.. " i2xiy4 12x1 V^ Wt. about . . lbs. 35 25 Kach $7.00 $5.50 Fisr. 9 FOR RIWKRV WHERL,S. SEE 1NI>EX 92 GEO-BeARPErfTER « eo. KEYSEATERS, SLITTING AND SLOTTING SAWS METAL-SPLITTING SAWS Fig. 4S4A These Saws are made' of a quality of Steel ex- actly suiting- the purpose for which they are in- tended. The teeths are of such shape as to render them strong- and effective cutters. Hardened by an improved process and accurately ground thin towards center for clearance. Special Saws of any pattern made to order. Diameter Thickness Size of Hole Piice, each 2y?. inches ii inch ■4 inches Inside of frame to tooth-edge, suitable for 18 Inch blades; frame only per dozen 28,00 Nos. 9 and 10 made with handle on each end. Fig. 30. CaNt Iron Haclc Saw Frames Cast Iron, handsomely enameled. Made for 8 Inch or 9 Inch blades. No. 30. For 8 Inch blades per dozen $8.00 No. 30. For 9 Inch blades " 6.00 FOR POWER H.VCK SAWS, SEE INDEX 94 GEOB-eAR^PEhfTER ^ SO. MARVEL DRAW GUT HACK SAW No. 1 Saws fast and straight. Saves blades. Is exceptionally well made, and includes the fol- lowing valuable Improvements: A draw cut. An eccentric on inner portion of crank, fitted to an arm that presses against the coiled steel spring, through which extends a steel rod, hooked firmly to rear portion of saw frame bearing, the ten- sion pressing the saw down on material on the draw cut. On return or push motion the tension releases. The tension on spring is regulated by hand nut at end of spring. A quick action vise that saves time. Saws close to vise. A device that raises or lowers saw and holds it at any desired angle, allowing free use of both hands in measuring material. An extension to table so material rests on both sides of saw. The wear can be taken up to any extent in the two saw bearings, which have also recep- tacles for oiled waste. The slide is of square steel set on the quarter so that wear can be taken, up absolutely straight. The drive shaft has bronze bearing. Starter and automatic stop are at front of machine. Capacity — 4x4 inches. Length of blade — 12 inches. Size of panes'^ — 13x2% inches. Revolutions — 60 to 9 per minute. Takes 2% inch belt. Net weight — 110 lbs. Shipping weight crated — 120 lbs. List price $16.75 MARVEL DRAW CUT HACK SAW No. 2 With Swivel Vise that Swivels Both Ways Saws Fast and Straight. Saves Blades Heavy and exceptionally rigid in construc- tion. Pressure on saw blade is actuated by an eccentric in connection with the compression spring, alternately pressing on the draw stroke and relieving on the return stroke. The tension on spring is regulated by hand nut at end of spring. Peed lever at top carries tension thumb screw, and should be left engaged when sawing medium or light material. The same lever raises or lowers saw and holds it in any posi- tion, a great convenience in measuring. The quick action, heavy vise swivels both ways so that material can be inserted to cut on an angle either way. The wear can be taken up to any extent in the two saw bearings which have also receptacles for oiled waste. The slide is of square steel set on the quarter so that the wear can be taken up absolutely straight. The drive shaft has bronze bearing. Starter and automatic stop are at front of machine. Has adjustable stroke. Longest 6 % inches, shortest 4 inches. Capacity — 6x6 inches on long stroke, and 8x8 inches on short stroke. Takes blade from 12 inches to 17 inches. Revolutions — 50 to 70 per minute. Size of pulley — 17x3% inches. Takes 3 inch belt. Net weight — 260 lbs. Shipping weight crated — 285 lbs. List price $35.00 FOR HACK SATV BLADES, FILES. AND SCREW SLOTTERS. SEE INDEX GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « Go. 95 THE MARVEL HIGH SPEED SAW No. 5 WITH automatk: stock feed The stock feeding attachment raises the saw frame, opens the huck, feeds the bar forward, closes chuck and starts a new cut in .0 seconds. The saw frame always moves in a horizontal position, 3 actuated by a crank lever which imparts a smooth, even cutting itroke to the saw blade, and gives a quick return. The entire blade can be used up by shifting the saw frame by aeans of a right and left screw on the connecting rod while running. 'he chuck has liberal dimensions with jaws which .\tend out flush with saw blade. It can also be hifted forward or back and will swivel to either ight or left for cutting on an angle. Stops in lot in saddle in back of machine and easy of ac- ess are two dogs, upper one of which may be astantly set to stop the cut at any desired depth. 'he stroke can be changed from four to six and ne-half inches by means of shifting bolt in the rank. The pump. This machine is provided with the Id reliable plunger pump with ball valves and verflow tank which gives a steady stream of ompound on the saw blade. It is immersed in he bottom of tank. Pump and all connections may be emoved in five minutes by removal of the two cap screws n outer wall of large tank. The saw cuts on the draw troke and lifts free of the cut on the return. Capacity. '> inch by 6 inch. Takes .3-inch belt. Speed, 135 R. P. M. for varied arbon steel (using short stroke on high carbon), 145 i. P. M. when all cutting is low carbon. Size of Pulley, 6x3% inches. Net weight, 565 lbs. Weight, crated, 650 lbs. Fig. «jsoA This machine can also be furnished motor driven, if desired, list Pi'ice $175.00 LITTLE GIANT POWER HAMMER The main frame of this hammer is one solid casting, facilitating and simplifying erection. The ram or striking head is a steel casting with ma- chined bearings and runs in a pressed steel channel which is provided with means for taking up wear. The dies are tempered tool steel placed in machined seats and held in position by dowel pins and keys. The crank plate and connection between ram and crank pin, form a combination, giving to the ram a balanced reciprocating motion and a per- fectly cushioned blow at both upper and lower extremities of the stroke. Hammer has adjusting knuckle, the raising or lowering of which ad- justs the hammer for work on large or small material. Crank box is brass and fitted with grease cup. Babbitted shaft boxes are long with take-up for wear. The friction spider is keyed to shaft and has a long hub forming bear- ing for pulley. The pulley has compression grease cup lubricating the pulley through the hollow shaft. The friction is operated by a foot treadle provided with spring for releasing the friction automatically. The friction device disposes of the countershaft as hammer can be belted direct to line shaft and run in either direction. The dies regularly furnished are adapted for general blacksmithing. Special dies of any kind can be supplied. Fig. ttMtB Siz« of Hammer and will Forge Stock up to Size of Dies Pulley Rev. M"tn^ H. P. Req'd Approx. W^,ht Price Welqht 1 of Ram Square | Round Upper I Lower 25 1 11^' 1 2 13 XI14 3 x2 |10x3% 400 |1 to 2 50 2 2% 3%xl%!3i^x2i^ 12x4 325 2 to 3 100 3 4 6 x3 J6 x3 14x5 250 3 to 5 800 1600 3300 $190.06 280.00 560.00 Ofi GeoBCar.reM'ter ^ So. HACK SAW BLADES Prices Apply to Both ALL HARD and HARD EDGE Blades Either Hand or Po^ver These blades, because they cut with less resistance, remove no mo^e metal than necessary, and outwear other make's, are the mo.st economical Hack Saw Blades on the market. The steel used in them is made and toughened by a special process for hard cuttmg service. It Is the basis on which this exceptionally high grade blade is built. PRICE LIST HAND HACK SAW BLADES Number <•£ S 3 e! Teeth per Inch «2 bo ki g s E is 2 % 23-025 14 18 1 24 32 $8.00 V2 % 23=025 14 18 24 32 9.00 % % 23—025 14 18 24 32 10.00 Vz % 23—025 14 18 24 32 11.00 Va Vz 23= 025 14 18 24 32 12.00 % or i\ 23=025 14 18 24 32 14.80 Vs % or t ' 23=.025 14 18 24 32 17.00 Vz Odd sizes, not listed, take price of next longer or wider size of same gauge. Regular — For cutting soft steel, iron solids, and rails. Medium — For cutting tool steel, iron pipe, bard metals, and light angle iron. Fine — For cutting brass, copper, drill rod, jnedium tub- ing, and sheet metals. Extra Fine — For cutting thin tubing and thin sheet metals. Unless specified, "Regular" blades will be sent. RAIL OR POWER MACHINE HACK SAW BLADES Number of m A^ Teeth per Inch II 2 d rt g 3 S=" P to 1 a ^ 10 % 21=.032 12 or 14 18 24 $12.00 i V2 10 % 21-032 12 or 14 18 24 13.50 i V2 12 % 21-032 12 or 14 18 24 14.40 1 % 12 % 21=.032 or 14 24 16 20 % 14 % 21=.032 12 or 14 18 24 16 SO ! 'i 14 % 21=.032 12 or 14 24 18.90 ' '■. 17 % 21=.032 12 or 14 IS 24 22.93 '4 Regular — For cutting solids in iron or steel, and for gen- eral shop saw work. Medium — For cutting bra.ss, castings, iron pipe, heavy tubing, etc. Fine — Where fine tooth is deemed necessary. We recommend (and unless otherwise specified, furnish on orders) power blades with 12 feeth, rather than 14 teeth, as they will cut faster and last longer. HEAVY POWER MACHINE BLADES Number of Teeth per Inch Length Width Gauge Wst Price inches inches Regular Medium Fine per gross gross % 18 = .049 12 i $19 50 % 10% % 18 = .049 9 21.45 % % 18 = .049 9 or 12* 14 8 23.40 % 1 18= 049 4, 6. 6*. or 12 29.40 M, % 18 = .049 9 or 12* 14 8 27.30 >^ 18 = 049 4, 6, 9*, or 12 14 8 34.30 % I'i 18 = .049 4, 6, 9*, or 12 44.10 % 16 = .065 4, 6, or 9* 44.10 M % 18 = .049 9 or 12* 33.15 H 18 = .049 4, 6, 9, or 12* 14 41.65 % ly* 18 = .049 4, 6, 9*, or 12 . 53.55 % 16 = .065 4, 6, or 9* 63 55 % 18 = 049 4, 6, 9, or 12* 44 10 16 = .065 4, 6, or 9* 56.70 18 = .049 4, 6, 9, or 12* . 49.00 A 16= 065 4, 6, or 9* s 63.00 18 = .049 4, 6, 9*. or 12 58.80 JL 16 = .065 i, 6, or 9* 75.60 JL 1% 16 = .065 4, 6, or 9* 120.00 JL i'4 16 = .065 4, 6. or 9* 150.00 A ♦This number of teeth furnished unless the optional number is spp<-iflp 302 Width Jaw 1 Opens Weight TJst No. inches 1 inches lbs. Price 302 2 2V2 13 $5.00 302 i.i 21/2 3 17 5.50 303 3 3 ¥2 25 6.25 303^^ 31/2 4 34 7.00 304 4 4% 48 9.00 3041,4 41/2 5y2 64 10.50 305 5 eya 82 14.00 305^4 5y2 7% 116 17.00 306 6 9 141 24.00 307 7 11 y2 198 30.00 308 8 12 273 40.00 Fig. 202 NO. W idth Jaw inches Opens inches Weiffht lbs. List Price 202 2 3 13 $5.75 202^4 21/^ 3y2 18 6.50 203 3 4 28 7.50 203 M 3y2 5 36 8.75 204 4 6 49 10.50 2041.4 4y2 7 64 12.50 205 5 8 87 16.00 205 M 5y2 9 118 22.00 206 6 10 147 30.00 207 7 12 203 42.50 208 8 12 278 55.00 209 9 13 324 67.50 Reed Swivel Jaw Swivel Base Vise Fig. 402 Width Jaw Opens WeiKht List No. inches inches lbs. Price 402 2 21/2 15 $6.25 402^4 21/2 3 20 6.75 403 3 3^ 30 7.50 40314 3y2 4 41 8.50 404 4 4% 56 10.50 40414 4y2 51/2 72 12.50 405 5 6y2 98 16.00 4051,4 5% 7% 138 19.00 406 6 9 157 27.00 407 7 11 y2 218 35.00 408 8 12 300 45.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 09 PRENTISS' VISES Prentiss' Patent Self-Adjusting Jaw Vises, are of superior quality and workmanship, and possess manifest advantages. With the patent swivel bottom and late improvements in manufac- ture, the Prentiss' Vise needs only to be seen to be approved; and being complete in itself, without "attachments," it possesses, in addition to its own peculiar advantages, all^the merits claimed for other vises. The back jaw of this Vise is Self-Adjusting and in use conforms by automatic action to any angle, adjusts itself, and makes firm the object held, whether it be straight, bevelled or wedged- shaped. By inserting pin A, the jaw becomes fixed, thus making a parallel solid jaw Vise. The Self Adjusting Jaw, resting and working as it does upon and against the solid body of the Vise, is thereby rendered absolutely as strong and durable as a solid jaw. PRENTISS' PATENT IRON-WORKERS' VISES Stationary Bottom, Machinists' Self-Adjusting Jaw Vise No, 1. Stationary bottom, 2% in. jaws. Opens 31/2 in. Weight 13% lbs $ 5.50 No. 2 Stationary bottom, 3% in. jaws. Opens 4% in. Weight 28 lbs 7.00 No. 2%. Stationary bottom, 4 in. jaws. Opens 51/4 in. Weight 41 lbs 9.00 No. 3. Stationary bottom, 4 in. jaws. Opens 6 in. Weight 54 lbs 10.50 No. 4. Stationary bottom, 5^/4 in. jaws. Opens 8 in. Weight 96 lbs 17.00 No. 5. Stationary bottom, 6 in. jaws. Opens 9 in. Weight 146 lbs 24.00 No. 6. Stationary bottom, 7 in. jaws. Opens 11 in. Weight 184 lbs 30.00 Patent Swivel Bottom, Machinists' Self-Adjusting Jaw Vise \o. 18. Patent swivel bottom, 2% in. jaws. Opens 3% in. Weight 17 lbs. .$ 6.75 No. 19. Patent swivel bottom, 3*^ in. jaws. Opens 4% in. Weight 32 lbs. 8.50 No. 19^^. Patent swivel bottom, 4 in. jaws. Opens 5% in. Weight 46 lbs.. 10.50 No. 20. Patent swivel bottom, 4*^ in. jaws. Opens 6 in. Weight 65 lbs... 12.50 No. 21. Patent swivel bottom, 5% in. jaws. Opens 8 in. Weight 109 lbs... 19.00 No. 22. Patent swivel bottom, 6 in. jaws. Opens 9 in. Weight 168 lbs... 27.00 No. 23. Patent swivel bottom, 7 in. jaws. Opens 11 in. Weight 207 lbs.. 35.00 HEAVY CHIPPING VISE New solid jaw Heavy Chipping Vise, is made especially to supply the demand for a vise of this class for use in railroad and machine shops, foun- dries, glass works, mills and large manufactories. This is the largest and heaviest Vise in the market and possesses all requisites to meet the heavy demands such an implement may be ex- pected to have made upon it. PRICE No. 58. 8 14 in. jaws. Opens 12 in. Weight 275 lbs $50.00 Swivel bottom attachment for above. 5.00 100 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « 60. PRENTISS VISES Fig. 803 Stationary Bottom. X«. 803. Width jaw 2 in. Opens 2 in. Weight 5 1/2 lbs $ 3.50 No. 803. Width jaw 21/2 in. Opens 2% in. Weight 9 % lbs 4.75 No. 807. Width jaw 3 in. Opens 41/2 in. Weight 15 lbs 5.75 Fig. 804 Svvivel Bottom No. 804. Width jaw 2 in. Opens 2 in. Weight 6 lbs $ 3.90 No. 806. Width jaw 2 1/2 in. Opens 2 % in. Weight 11 lbs .5.50 No. 808. Width jaw 3 in. Opens 4 V^ in. Weight 17 V2 lbs 7.25 "MONARCH" COMBINATION PIPE VISE A Good, Strong, Serviceable Combination Pipe Vise. Pipe Jaws Cut and Milled from Best Quality of Steel, and are Reversible, thus Giving Double Wear. Quality and finish Unsurpassed. Fig. 401 Stationary Bottom No. 411. Jaws 31/2 in. Holds Va to 21/2 in pipe. Weight 37 lbs $16.00 No. 413. Jaws 41/^ in. Holds % to 3 in. pipe. Weight 55 lbs 22.00 No. 413. Jaws 5 in; Holds % to 4 in. pipe. Weight 95 lbs 32.00 Fig, 411 A ^ Swivel Bottom No. 4bl. Jaws 31/2 in. Holds Vs to 2i^ in. pipe. Weight 44 lbs $10.00 No. 402. Jaws 4% in. Holds Vg to 3 in. pipe. Weight 65 lbs 22.0O No. 403. Jaws 5 in. Holds % to 4 in. pipe. Weight 110 lbs 32.00 *REX" COMBINATION PIPE VISE While these Vises Lack the High Finish tov which All "Prentiss Vises" are Noted. And as the Construc- tion and Quality of Materials Used are First-Class They are Good, Serviceable Tools, and are Sold at .pxtremely Moderate Prices. ^ ,; Swivel Bottom No. 701, Jaws 31/2 in. Holds Vs to 2 in', pipe $10.00 No. 702. Jaws 4 1/^ in. Holds Vs to 3 inch pipe 22.00 No. 703. Jaws 5 iu. Holds Va to 4 in. pipe 32.00 GEO^BCARPEM'TER « eO; 101 PRENTISS VISES Xo. No. Xo. No. No. No. No. "MONARCH Stationary Bottoiu, Machinists' Solid Jaw, Payallel AMse 213 Stationary bottom, 0V2 in. jaws. Opens 4 in. "Weight 22 lbs... 215. Stationary bottom, 4 in. jaws. Opens 51/2 in. Weight 28 lbs 217. Stationary bottom, 4 1/^ in. jaws. Opens 6 in. Weight 42 lbs.. . . 219. Stationary bottom, 5 in. jaws. Opens 7 in. Weight 52 lbs., 221. Stationary bottom, 5% in. jaws. Opens 8 in. Weight 7 2 lbs.. . . 223. Stationary bottom, 6 in. jaws. Opens 9 in. Weight 100 lbs 225. Stationary bottom, 61/2 in. jaws. Opens 10 in. Weight 135 lbs.. MACHINISTS' VISES ^^ Swivel Bottom, Machinists' Solid Jaw, Parallel Vise No. 214. Swivel bottom, 3i^ in. jaws. 4 in. Weight 28 lbs $ 7.50 Swivel bottom, 4 in. jaws. Weight 36 lbs 8.75 bottom, 4 1/^ in. jaws. Opens 6 in. Weight 52 lbs 10..50 No. 220. Swivel bottom, 5 in. jaws. 7 in. Weight 64 lbs 12.50 Swivel bottom, 5 ^2 in- jaws. Opens 8 in. Weight 85 lbs 16.00 No. 224. Swivel bottom, 6 in. jaws. Opens 9 in. Weight 115 lbs 22.00 No. 226. Swivel bottom, 6 1/4 in. jaws. Opens 10 in. Weight 155 lbs 30.00 $ 6.00 7.00 8.50 13.00 18.50 Opens No. 216. Opens 51/^ in. No. 218. Swivel Opens No. 222. 20th CENTURY PIPE VISE Fig. 285 Strongest Pipe Vise Made. More Convenient and 3Iore Durable than Old Style "3IaUeable Vise." Can be Used on Bench or Post, in any Position. Finest Finish. Best Materials. Guaranteed Superior to any other Pipe Vise No. 285. Holds Vg to 2 in. pipe. Weight 8 lbs $ 5.00 No. 286. Holds Vg to 3 in. pipe. Weight 18 lbs 7.50 No. 288. Holds Va to 4 in. pipe. Weight 40 lbs 14.00 TABLE CLAMP VISES Fig. 152 These vises have wrought steel sliding bars, screws and levers. The jaws are hardened and checked. Each vise is provided with handsome- ly polished anvil. The screws are large and smoothly cut. The clamp is very much heavier than on other makes of Table Clamp Vises, thus insuring against breakage. The vises are very highly finished. We guarantee these Clamp Vises, to be the strongest, best made, finest finished and most thoroughly satisfactory and attractive line of vises of this style ever offered on the market. No. 152. Jaws 11/^ in. Opens 1% in. Weight IMi lbs .$0.30 No. 153. Jaws 1% in. Opens 1% in. Weight 2 1^ lbs 60 No. 154. Jaws 2 in. Opens 2 in. Weight 3 lbs 75 102 GEO-B-eAKPEffTER ^ eo MISCELLANEOUS VISES MARVEL DRILL PRESS VISE Fig. 40 This tool fills a long felt want for a work holder or vise with deep liberal jaws, the whole being of medium weight, with quick acting slideable jaw and of sufficient strength and yet not cumbersome to handle. Is machined true on all sides, may be used laid on one side when desired, and has clamping strip around entire edge, and also an elongated slot in solid jaw suitable for clamping the vise itself or clamping bushing holders for jig work, etc. The jaws have sufficient overhang at one side to take in long upright pieces 2 i^ in. diameter on the No. 40 and 3 in. diameter on the No. 41. Width of Height of Capacity Jaws Jaws Weight Price 5 inches 5% inches 2i^ inches 28 lbs. $10.0O 8 inches 7 inches 4 inches 56 lbs. 12.25 FINISHED CAST IRON V BLOCK 2 1.^ x5 % inches, to fit No. 40 Vise ; $2.00 4 x7 inches, to fit No. 4 1 Vise 2.50 STEEL PARALLEL STRIPS n. long, to build up in l-16ths, from 14 in. to height of jaw to fit No. 40 Vise $1.75 n. long, to build up in l-16ths, from i^, in. to height of jaw to fit No. 41 Vise 3.75 "MONARCH" WOOD-WORKERS' VISES No. 40. No. 41. 5 Pairs, 5 7 Pairs, 7 Pig. 229 Stationary Bottom No. 229. Stationary bottom. 4 Vz in. jaws. Opens 9 in. Weight 48 lbs $ 9.50 No. 231. Stationary bottom, 5 in. jaws. Opens 12 in. Weight 66 lbs 15.00 Fig. 330. Swivel Bottom No. 230. Swivel bottom. 41^ in. jaws. Opens 9 in. Weight 58 lbs $11.50 No. 232. Swivel bottom, 5 in jaws. Opens 12 in. Weight 76 lbs 17-50 MALLEABLE HINGE PIPE VISE Latch Pattern This vise is designed to give the greatest strength and durability with the least weight. The yoke, base and slide are made of malleable iron. It is fitted with self- locking latch as well as bolt and chain, and since the base has lugs on both sides, the vise may be opened either way. Price List Figr. 51 No. Capacity vise Complete Extra Jaws ptr set of S 2 3 4 to to to to 2 1/^ inch 3^ inch 41/2 inch 6 inch Pipe. . Pipe. . Pipe. . Pipe. . $10.00 14.00 20.00 1 50,00 $1.00 1.50 2.25 10.50 FOR PIPE CUTTERS AAD WRENCHES, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAR^PENfTER S 60. 103 VISES Parker Vises are adapted t o 1 o c o ni otive work s, car bu i 1 d e r s, wood work- ers, machin- ists, gun, sew- ing machine and carriage m a nufactur- ers, jewelers and artisans g e n e r a 1 ly. These Vises are made VFitli a pat- ented rein- forced sliding jaw, consist- ing of a solid steel bar in- serted the en- tire lengtn of the slide, and thoroughly welded into the casting, thus rendering the slide, or movable jaw, practically unbreakable. No other Vises made have this feature', and in connection with the fact that the Vises are made from a mixture of cast iron and Bessemer steel, we unhesitatingly guarantee" them to be one of the strongest and most durable Vises in the market. PARKER'S IMPROVED SWIVEL VISES Semi-Steel The steel faces of Serie's Xo. 21X are milled and fitted to the jaws, and are renewable. No. Vise Opens 21X 33 3 1/1 41/4 ?7.00 22X 52 4% ^ 51/2 8.75 23X 69 61/2 . 11.00 — 24X 88 4% ^. 91/. 14.50 25X 129 5% 1 6% 1 20.50 26X 176 10 ¥2 30.00 PARKER'S IMPROVED STATIONARY VISES Semi-Steel The steel faces of Series No. 3/OX are milled and fitted to the jaws, and are renewable'. ;jj I Weight I Jaw I Vise I j ^j. ■^°- I lbs. I inches I Opens I ^'^' 3/OX 1 29 31/4 1 414 $6.25 IX 45 3% 5V2 7.00 2X 58 414 1 n 9.00 3X ! 76 5% 11.75 — 4X 112 9% 16.25 5X 1 150 61/4 101/2 24.00 Fig. 1-2-4 "VXJLCAN" DROP-FORGED CHAIN PIPE VISE For Holding Pipe, Bolts, Bars, Shafts, etc., from % to 8 Inches in Diam. These Vises are unbreakable, compact, rapid in action and positive in gripping pipe. All are equally serviceable upon and suitable for fastening to bench or post. The smaller sizes are well adapted for carrying by hand or in tool bag. Adjustment is quickly effected by slightly turning the screw, and further quick adjustment is gained by engaging the projecting rivets of chain witli a serie's of bosses on base. They are made entirely of wrought steel; the drop-forged jaws are of saw-tempered steel for file-sharpening. The hand-made chains are of same quality as those of our Vulcan Chain Pipe Wrenches; all parts are fully guaranteed. The jaws of size No. 1 are designed to prevent the be'nding of -weaker and smaller sizes of pipe, should an excess of chain pressure be placed upon them. For Rpe Sizes PRICES. ^^SES AND EXTRA PARTS WeiKhi Packed IhH. Number Vise Com- plete fTaws Pair Chain with Screw Screw Handle and Nut Nut 1 2 4 Vs to 2 14 to 4 % to 8 $3r50 7.50 18.00 $1.50 3.50 9.00 $1.25 $0.40 2.40 .70 6.00 1.25 $1.10 2.10 3.50 $0.70 1.35 2.00 4 10 30 BENCH VISES Rapid-Acting Woodworker's Vise Fig. 487A N,. sire Jaws inches Jaws Open inches WeiKht lbs. Each i 1 h^J^ 1 J 1 i 1 'lis 104 GEO-B-eAR.PErfTER S QO, Fig. SSi/^-SO y^^)^ PARKER'S COM- BINATION PIPE VISES SERIES No. S8y2 The steel faces of Series No. SSVa are milled and fitted to the jaws, and are renewable. STATIONARY Fig. S7-2SS% No. Weiffht lbs. Jaw Ins. Vise Opens Holds ripe Ins. List 88 1/2 i 94 1 43/4 1 6 1/2 1 4 1 $28.00 891/2 1 141 1 5% 1 9 1/1 1 6 I 35.00 SERIES No. 87-288/2 SWIVEL BOTTOM No. Weight lbs. Jaw In. Vise Opens Holds Pipe Ins. List 87 88 2881/2 2891/2 41 1 3% 59 41/8 105 4% 155 5% 61/2 91/2 3 4 6 $16.00 20.00 28.00 35.00 SWIVEL BASE 1 ^M!?."* Jaw In. ^!L ! 202-3 1 27 203-31/2 42 204-4 58 205-41/2 76 206-5 104 207-6 i 158 31/2 4 $ 7.50 5 8.75 6 10.50 6 1/2 12.50 TVz , 16.00 10 1 30.00 PARKER'S IMPROVED QUICK ACTION SWIVEL VISES Semi Steel DIRECTIONS In order to open the Jaws, lift the handle to a horizontal position, or as higrh as it will go, and draw towards vou, in this way the Sliding Jaw can be moved instantly to any position. In order to grasp the work, push in the Sliding Jaw until it presses against the work; then depress the handle, which causes the Jaws to serurelv grasp the work No. Flgr. 90 7% List i 5.00 8.50 12.50 14.00 No. 98 Vise has Coachmakers' Jaws. GEO-B-CAIiPEhfTER S eo, 105 "ROCK ISLAND' VISES DIAMOND STATIONARY VISE This vise has all the qualities of design, strength and material of the Diamond Swivel base vise. These vises are heavy, and the material is well distributed. All vitul points are reinforced. Material: Casting, spe- cial alloy; screw, cold rolled steel; handle, cold rolled steel; jaws, cru- cible cast tool steel, carefully hardened; nui. malleable' iron. Fiff, 70 • Fig !»9. Number Width Jaws inclies Opens inches Weight lbs. List Price TO 21/2 2V2 20 $6.50 3 4 28 7.50 72 3% 5 38 8.75 73 4 6 54 10.50 li f/^ 6% 65 12.50 75 e 7^5 90 16.00 51/2 8V2 120 22.00 77 6 10 136 30.00 78 7 12 240 42.50 Fig. 90 "ROCK ISLAND" DIAMOND SWIVEL VISE These vises are heavy, and the material is well distributed. All vital points are reinforced. Our Diamond vises are practically unbreakable. We guarantee to replace any that do break. This vise can be turned in any position on an axis parallel with the floor and is locked by a clamp- ing bolt, which works in a channel. The grip is positive, and allows no slip. Material: Casting, special alloy; screw, cold rolled steel; handle, cold rolled steel; jaws, crucible <"T5t tool ste'el. carefullv hardened: nut. malleable iron Number 1 Width Jaws 1 inches Opens inches ^^^r List Price 9U 21/2 21/2 17 $5.25 91 22 6.00 3 ¥2 28 7.00 93 4 42 8.50 94 4% 6 % 54 10.00 95 1 5 7 V2 75 13.00 96 1 SVz 81/2 101 18.50 97 6 10 135 25.00 98 i 7 12 210 37.50 Fig. 240. Autovise Fig. 240 "ROCK ISLAND Q AUTOVISE A COMBINATION PIPE VISE AND ANVIL This vise is especially adapted for automobile re- pair work. There is noth- ing on the market so suita- ble for all kinds of repair work. This vise is very heavy, is made of same ma- terial as the other well- known types. Fijr. 21. Parker Vise List Price Jaws 240 241 % toll/a V, to 2 $13.00 16.00 $1.30 1.50 Fig. 21 PARKER'S IMPROVED SWIVEL VISES Semi-steel — Cast Steel Anvil The steel faces of Series No. 21 are milled and fitted to tho jaws, and nre? renewable. ^, 1 WeiKht 1 Width Jaw -^<»' 1 lbs. 1 inches Opens inches List Price . 19 20 21 22 35 k 1 1^ 4V. $4.00 5.00 7.00 8.75 FOR FORGES, AWILS AND ANVIL TOOLS, SEE INDEX 106 SMALL VISES ASSORTMENT NO. 12 12 Vises and Display Stand. Weight 64 lbs. Assoi-ted as Follows: Size of Jaws IVz 1% 2 2M 2^6 3 Clamp Base, Iron Jaws 2 No. 741 2 No. 742 2 No. 743 1 No. 744 1 No. 745 1 No. 746 Clamp Base, Steel Jaws 1 No. 761 1 No. 763 Swivel Base, Steel Jaws 1 No. 772 List price complete assortment $14.20 VICTOR "JERSEY" VISES A'lctor "Jersey" Vises are strong, serviceable tools, and have long been popular with both me- chanics and amateurs. The screw (body, head and collar) is in one piece, turned from cold rolled steel, and has a square, lathe-cut thread. The steel jaws are hardened, and all jaws are ground to insure that they meet squarely when tightened. Both back and front jaws are filed to a fit. Fig. 741 CLAMP BASE, PLAIN IRON JAWS CLAIMP BASE, HARDENED TOOL STEEL JAWS No. Jaws AVeiKbt Japanned No. Jaws Weifflit Japanned in. lbs. each in. lbs. each 741 iy2 3 $0.70 761 11/2 3 $0.95 742 1% 3% .90 762 1% 3y4 1.15 743 2 31/2 1.00 763 2 3y2 1.30 744 2% 4 1.25 764 21/4 4 1.55 745 2y2 5 1.50 765 21/2 5 1.85 746 3 8 3/4 2.00 766 3 8% 2.50 BOX VISES Fig. 488 In ordei-ing exti-a Screws state diameter. Width of Weight vises Extra Width of Jaws inches Wpigrht Vises Extra Boxes Jaws inches lbs. each and Screws lbs. each and Screws 3% 35 $10.00 $3.50 5y2 80 $17.50 $4.00 4 40 10.50 3.50 5% 90 20.00 4.50 4% 45 11.00 4.00 6 100 22.00 7.00 4y2 50 11.50 4.00 6% 120 26.00 7.00 5 60 13.00 4.00 7y4 160 41.50 9.50 5y4 70 15.00 4.00 7y2 180 47.00 9.50 8 200 56.00 9.50 Fig. 488A Boxes and Screirs FOR COMPLETE LINES OK MACHINIST AND BLACKSMITH TOOLS. SEE INDEX Geo-B-CarpeN'ter « eo. lo: STARRETT TOOLS BLACKSMITHS' STEEL RULES u aoiiog:^^ Fig. 460 Folding Made of best quality spring-tempered steel. Two feet long, % inch wide, 12 inch joints, 2 fold. Graduated in 8ths of an Inch on one side and 16ths on the other. Price, per dozen $6.00 Price, each »•> NARROW HOOK RULES Fig. Designed for use in taking measurements through small holes where regular hook rules cannot be used. They can. also be used for setting inside calipers, etc. Measurements through holes as small as % inch can be obtained. The rules are graduated one side in 32ds and the other in 64ths of an inch. Length, inches 4 6 9 12 Price $0.70 .90 1.25 1.50 STARRETT PATENT KEY-SEAT RULE Fig. 105 The Starrett patent key seat rule is an improvement over the ordinary type in that the machinist's scale is used as part of the key seat rule. This is made possible by a device which holds two straight edges together in the form of a box square. One of these rules is a plain straight edge and the other the rule with which the machinist ordinarily works. The two edges forming the box square when applied to the surface of the cylindrical piece keep the graduated edge of the rule in a line parallel with the axis. The steel auxiliary straight edge is either plain or graduated In 32ds, and 64ths as desired and sent when ordered. Unless otherwise ordered the key seat rule is Sent without auxiliary straight edges. Prices No. 105A. 6 inch $2.25 No. 105B. "With auxiliary straight edge, plain, 6 Inch. 2.75 No. 105C. With auxiliary straight edge, graduated, 6 inch 3.00 No. 105D. 9 inch 3.00 No, 105E. 9 inch 3.75 No. 105F. 9 inch 4.25 Where the style is not desigmated in an order. No. 105A will be sent. RULES WITH THUMB SLIDE Fig. 290 Fitted with a thumb slide. Useful In measuring against a shoulder, the width of flanges, collars, etc. The slide may bo used on either edge of the rule, or removed and the rule used alone. The rules are 6 inches long, about 9/16 Inch wide and 1/16 Inch thick. No. 290 6 inch No. 4 GradnaHon No. 291 6 Inch No. 1 Graduation No. 392 6 inch No, 2 Graduation No. 297 6 inch No. 7 Graduation Price, each $1.00 STEEL STRAIGHT EDGE Fig. aSO. Plain Prices 12 inches long, 1 inch wide, 3/16 inch thick $1.20 18 inches long, IH inches wide, 3/16 inch thick 1.80 24 inches long, 1% inches wide, 3/16 inch thick 2.40 36 inches long, 2 inches wide, Vi inch thick 5.00 48 inches long, 2V2 inches wtde, % inch thick 8.00 60 inches long, 3 inches wide, % inch thick 12.00 72 inches long, 3 inches wide, % inch thick 16.00 STEEL STRAIGHT EDGE Fig. 3S5. lleveled Pi-ices 12 inches long, 1 inch wide, 3/16 inch thick 18 inches long, 1 14 inches wide, 3/16 inch thick 24 Inches long, 1% inches wide, 3/16 inch thick 36 inches long, 2 inches wide, Vi inch thick 48 inches long, 2VS inches wide, % inch thick 60 inches long, 3 inches wide, Vi inch thick 72 inches long, 3 Inches wide, Vi inch thick One edge only is beveled, and this to 1/16 inch thick Vs to % inch back. COMBINATION STRAIGHT EDGE $1.60 2.50 3.50 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 from 1^ i^^ tItdUW Fig. 167 The needle carriers at each end swing on taper studs, and carry needle-pointed brads frictionally held in their split ends. These may be swung to bring the points close to the working edge, and by a slight turn of a knurled nut may be rigidly locked, holding the straight edge bradded to the paper. Using one brad secured at the working edge and swinging the Jointed arm, the protractor being removed, over against the straight edge to form a corner to place pencil, circular lines may be struck any desired size, and radial lines drawn to perfection. The straight edges, either graduated or plain, will be furnished with the brad carriers without the other attachments, or with any or all of them, making a complete set — the different lengths governing the price. Those having use for the set will highly appreciate it. They are also fur- nished plain without carriers. Prices Not Graduated Graduated in 32ds 18 inches long, IM wide *2.25 $3.00 24 inches long, 1 y* wide 2.75 3.50 30 inches ling, 1% wide 3.50 4.75 36 inches long, 1% wide 4.25 5.50 43 inches long, 1 % wide 5.00 6.75 48 inches long, 1% wide 5.75 8.00 Extra needle points, 30 cents per dozen; extra needle holders, 10 cents each. In ordering the latter, mention the width of straight edge blade. ADJUSTABLE METAL EDGE Fig. 168 V>'e furnish a metal T rail, or straight edge with attach- ments to secure it to end. or end and side of drafting board or table. These are ground perfectly straight and are nickel plated. The T square used against this insures more accurate results than could be obtained by working against a wooden board or table. Prices 16 inch $1.35 24 inch $2.00 18 inch 1.50 26 inch 2.20 19 inch 1.60 27 inch 2.30 20 inch 1.70 28 inch 2.40 21 inch 1.80 30 inch 2.50 23 inch 1.90 32 inch 2.65 34 inch $2.85 36 inch 3.00 38 inch 3.20 40 inch 3.35 48 inch 4.00 60 inch 6.00 108 Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo. STARRETT TOOLS SPECIAL STANDARD SQUARE Figr. 8 Specially designed for the use of manufacturers who desire to keep a reliable standard. Hardened blade. Prices. No Center Heads 18 Inch, blade 11/2 inch wide, ^ inch thick; 8% inch stock, with 5 inch miter $5.00 34 inch, blade 1 1/2 inch wide', t'tj inch thick; 8% inch stock, with 5 inch miter 6.00i Center head only, for either size, as shown under No. 17 1.00 COMBINATION SETS Fig. The combination square met with such universal approval from machinists that it was but a step to add to it the protractor head and have a combination set, made up of the rule on which slide the square-, center-, and protractor-heads. This makes possible more varieties of uses in laying- out and testing work than are possible with any other instrument used by mechanics. Hardened blade. Prices 9 inch, set complete $3.75 13 inch, set complete 4.00 IS inch, set complete 4.75 34 incli, set complete 5.35 IMPROVED BEA^EL PROTRACTORS Fig. 12 An adjustable rule, held firmly at any point by a thumb nut, passes through a revolving turret which is nicely graduated in degrees from to 90, both right and left, and can be accurately adjusted to show any angle. Small level attached to the head, forming an adjustable level to show any degree, greatly increases the usefulness of the instrument. Hardened blade. Prices 9 inch, complete $3.75 13 inch, complete 3.00 18 Inch, complete 3.,">0 24 Inch, complete 4.00 Protractor Head with Level attachment 3.00 FOR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Fig. 17 LARGE COMBINATION SQUARES ;| i |i|.| irii l i |i|i| i |ii;pkum i | i| i |i| j|i|i|j.|i|.i:i.|i|i | The parts of this square are a little larg- er than in most others. This increases their usefulness and adds to their beauty. Harden- ed blade. Prices With Center With- Head ont IS inch, blade 1% inches wide, i^ inch thick; 6 inch stock with 4 inch miter. .$3.75 $2.75 34 inch, blade 1 1/4 inches wide, ijk incn thick; 6 inch stock with 4 inch miter. . 4.25 3.25 Sent with center head unless ollierwise ordered. DROP FORGED STEEL COMBINATION SQUARES, STARRETT PATENT Both stock and cen- ter head are hardened, as well as the blade, which is graduated with heavy figures reading both ways. Prices Fig. 33 6 inch, with center head... $3.50 9 inch, with center head... 3.75 13 inch, with center head... 3.00 18 inch, with cenetr head... 3.75 24 inch, with center head... 4.35 Without. Without. Without. Without. - Without. NEW BEVEL PROTRACTOR .$2.00 , 3.35 . 3.50 . 3.35 . 3.75 Fig. 490 This tool is of the same g;eneral design as our No, 12 Protractor, with the additional feature of having the head extend both sides of the blade. This greatly increases the usefulness of the tool, as the same angles may be transferred from either side of the frame without resetting. Another improve- ment is that the turret is graduated to read both ways from to ISO degrees. With hardened blade and reversible head. Prices 9 inch, complete '. $3.50 13 inch, complete 3.75 IS inch, complete 4.50 34 inch, complete 5,00 Protractor Head only, with Level 2.50 CENTER GAUGES fPflMP" an^°Jet"tfn%'"scfe^4"'cl"t? ting tools. Pi'ice No. 390. Not tempered. IHIIIIIIIIIIIiTi) graduated one corner each in 32ds. 24ths, Fig. 390 liOths and 14ths.$0.25 KEY-SEAT CLAIVIPS Designed to trans- form any common steel scale into a Key-Seat Rule. They are made from steel, case - hardened. Fig. 298 and ground accurate. A pair weighs but one ounce. They can be put on or off almost instantly, and arc a complete substi- tute for a more costly tool. They may be used with our Combination Square Blades, or with any straight rule, with accurate results. Price Per pair $0.60 MACHINISTS' TOOLS, SEE INDEX Geo-B-CakpeM'ter ^ Go. 100 STARRETT TOOLS PATENT INCLINOMETERS I NEW COMBINATION SET Tliis cut represents an inclinometer, try square, and bevel protractor com- bined. It is compact, con- venient, and a complete and perfect substitute for several costly tools. It consists of a stock _-,, .,- and disc, both slotted to '»». xu receive the blade, which folds in the stock. The blade attached to the graduated rotary disc may be secured at any angle from to 90 degrees, and by loosening the clamp screw it may be shortened or extended full length, or removed for a straight edge. The working face of the stock, extending both sides of the blade, admits of its being reversed, so that the same angle may be laid off in opposite directions without chang- ing the angle in the tool, thus requiring but V-^ of a graduated circle to obtain all angles both ways. At 90 degrees, the blade brings up against a case- hardened screw, accurately adjusted, thus forming a try square; by holding the blade perpendicular (the level in the stock being at right angles), a plumb; by folding the tool, a level, length of blade. The blades are graduated one edge each in Sths, 16ths, 32ds. and 64ths. Prices with 12 inch blade, without center head $4.00 With 18 incli blade, without center head 5.00 With 34 inch blade, without center head <>.00 Center head, to fit all sizes 75 Sent without center head unless otherwise ordered. PATENT PROTRACTOR Tiiis protractor blade closes in the stock eitlier way against a stop, making a perfect square, plumb and level. With a 24 inch blade it weighs but 1% pounds. The turret is graduated on both sides, one ifj,,. i« in degrees, the other to * *»• ■'■'' show pitch to the foot, so that the blade may be set by the graduation for laying off angles to any degree or any pitch, and the opposite branch of the stock will be right to lay out the complementary angle without mental calculation or error, for valley roofs, bridge work, stair gauges, etc. The levels are so arranged that work can be leveled up to any degree or pitch underneath or on top of a roof, rafter, stair stringer, etc. Without the blade the stock may be used in contracted places as a 6 inch level and plumb, while with an 18 or 24 Inch blade, a level and plumb of corresponding length is obtained. Altogether this tool makes a kit that will be appreciated by every progressive mechanic. Pi'ices With 13 inch blade $4.75 With 18 inch blade 5.50 With 24 inch blade 6.00 Stock only '. 3.50 The 13 inch, IP. Inch, and 34 inch blades of our combi- nation squares will fit the protractor stock, hut the 18 inch and 31 inch lengths are best adapted for this tool. NEW BEVEL PROTRACTOR With Hardened Blade and Reversible Head This tool has the head extend both sides of the blade, which greatly in- creases the usefulness of the tool, as the same angles may be transferred from either side of the frame without resetting. T7»-~ Ann - Another improvement is Dxg. 4»0 tj,at the turret is gradu- ated to read both ways from to 180 degrees. Mechanics will clearly appreciate this point, as direct readings may te had from the turret, indicating the supplement of the angle, as well as the angle re>iuired. The fact that there 1? but one zero line on the frame eliminates all possible chance of confusion as to whether acute or obtuse angles are obtained. Pi'ices n inch, complete $3.50 13 inch, complete S'.TS 18 inch, complete 4i50 24 inch, complete 5.00 Protractor Head only, with Level 2.50 Fig. 435 This set consists of our our No. 11 Combination Square, with hardened blade and our new Re- versible Protractor Head. Sent with blades of No. 4 graduation unless otherwise ordered. Prices 9 inch, set complete $4.2'. 12 inch, set complete 4.50 18 inch, set complete 5.25 24 inch, set complete 5.75 NEW COMBINATION SET This set consists of our No. 33 Combination Square, with hardened, drop forged stock and center head, and our No. 492 Protractor Head. Sent with blades of No. 4 graduation, unless other- wise ordered. Prices 9 inch, set complete 13 inch, set complete 18 inch, set complete 24 inch, set complete 6.35 PATENT DOUBLE SQUARE Conceded the most prac- tical one for machinists' and fine tool-makers' use ever offered. The sliding scale, shortened or ex- tended full length, makes it more valuable than a full set of the common kind, while with the extra bevel blade, shown In the following cut, we have pij_ io both the hexagon and oc- ^' tagon angles. The seat against which the blade is clamped being convex, should comers of the blade get injured, the accuracy of the square is not affected. Prices 4 inch $1.25 With both blades $1.65 6 inch 2.00 With both blades 2,50 9 inch 3.00 12 inch 4.00 Both blades with 4 and G inch always sent unless other- Wise ordered. There is a level in the stocks of the 6 inch, 9 Inch, and 12 inch squares. "RELIABLE" TRY SQUARE Fig. 6(> Graduated Blade, Not Hardened Length of Blade Price $1.00 1.15 1.25 Length of Beam 4 2-5/16 5 3 6 3% 9 5-1/16 2.00 OTS.ADUATED HARDENED STEEL SQUARES Newly designed, harden. B f? ,-■5^ *"aSBM^ -=a=----=5aa Fig, 63 ed. solid steel try square; has concave depressions In each side of the stock, which reduce Us weight and make it more con- venient to hold between the thumb and finger while being used. The stocks are case-hardened, the blades hardened to spring-temper and gradu- ated in :'2ds of an inch on one side and 64ths on the other. Prices 2 inch blade, full length of beam I'i inches ^1*5^ 5 inch blade, full length of beam 2 inches 2,0© 4 inch blade, full length of beam 2^4 inches i.5» 6 inch blade, full length of beam 3% inches 3.»0 9 inch blade, full length of beam 5 inches 5.50 12 inch blade, full length of beam 6% inches 6.50 110 Geo-B'Carpen'ter ^ eo. STARRETT TOOLS IVnCROMETER CALIPER GAUGES This graugre is made to fit scales 1*4 inches wide, .085 inch thick, and 12, 18, 24, and 36 inches long, affording longer scope than anything of the kind heretofore made. The head of the gauge carries auxiliary Tram Points. Attachments are also made to slip on and off the ends of the caliper, so that they may be used to set inside or outside calipers for making close or drive fits. These attachments are made of the best tool steel, hardened and ground. The inside calipers are set against the Inside face of gauge and resting on the seat of the attachments, which keep them in perfect line. The outside calipers are set against an extended seat of the attachment in line with the Inside faces of the gauge so that both inside and outside calipers may be set to exactly agree with each other. For measuring distances, the gauge may not only be set by the graduated scale but varied by the micrometer adjusting nut to read additional thousandths. The scale and all necessary working parts are hardened, making a first-class tool in every respect. Prices 12 inch $11.00 18 inch 12.50 24 incli 14.00 36 inch 20.00 48 inch 26.00 ivi,iiM||j,||ijj.,,ii;,i.u.ixiVi.i.i.i^.. -. mmm. r Fig. 424 SLIDE RULE CALIPER AND CIRCUMFER- ENCE GAUGE This gauge has a double function — being graduated to read the circumference as well as the diameter of the thing measured, the relation of circumference to diameter being shown by the graduations on upper corners of the rule (capacity 3 Va inches, about 11 inches circumference). It was originally designed for rope or cordage manufacturers. It makes a first-class slide rule caliper of large scope, opening 3% Inches. The jaws, being 1-5/16 inches deep, will caliper a cylinder up to 2 V2 inches in diameter. The rule is graduated in 32ds of an inch standard and 16ths of an inch circumference measure. Rule. — The circumference being shown by the gauge, multiply the same by the speed the lathe runs per minute and the result will show the number of inches or feet the circumference is running and the tool cutting. Price $3.50 Fig. 42T CALIPER SQUARE Designed primarily for use where extreme accuracy Is not required, in measuring milled and planed surfaces, rough boring holes and in gauging duplicate pieces of work. It is made both plain and adjustable, the front side graduated to read in 64ths, and the reverse side graduated whole length in 32ds. In Prices ^^c'is^'e^'- 4 inch plain, whole length 6 Inches $6.50 $7.50 6 Inch plain, whole length 8 inches 8.50 9.75 4 Inch ad.1u8table, whole length 7 inches SW> 9.00 6 inch ad.iustable, whole length 9 inches. .. .10.00 11.50 No. 437M. In metric sizes, 100mm. and 150 mm. grad- uated in half millimeters on one side and millimeters on the other. Prices same as for No. 4J7. Fig. 25 CALIPER SQUARE For both outside and inside measure. The beam Is grad- uated in 64ths on one side and lOOths on the other. Prices A. 3 inch, with adjusting screw. .$3.50 B. 4 inch, with adjusting screw. . 4.00 C. 6 inch, with adjusting screw. . 5.50 With hardened jaws, extra 1.50 In leather case, extra 75 Sent with adjusting screw and without case unless other- wise ordered. D. Without. E. Without. ~r. Without. 'T -•!;"' "•'"':'"-'&& m $3.00 3.50 5.0 Fig. 2SM. Metric MICROMETER CALIPER SQUARE Graduated on one side in % millimeters and on the other in millimeters. The micrometer head is graduated to read in lOOths of a millimeter. Prices 10 cm., with case $ 8.75 Without. . 15 cm., with case ll.OO Without. . 30 cm., with case 15.25 Without. . 30 dm., with case. 19.50 Without. . Sent without case unless otherwise ordered. $ 8.00 . 10.00 . 14.00 . 18.00 Fig. 425 POCKET SLIDE CALIPERS The improved clamping Prices 3 inch $3.00 5 inch 3.00 mffPffjiWI^r- — I Fig. 426 CALIPER SQUARE Designed both for Inside and outside measurements. It Is made with firm and adjustable Jaw. The beam Is graduated on one side in 64ths and on the other in lOOtha of an Inch. With the adjusting screw the sliding head can be more accurately set to the graduations than without it. Sent with adjusting screw and without case unless otherwise ordered. Prices A. 3 inch, with adjusting screw. .$3.75 D. Without. .$3.00 B. 4 Inch, with adjusting screw. . 4.50 E. Without. . 3.50 C. 6 inch, with adjusting screw. . 7.50 F. Without. . 5.50 With hardened Jaws, extra I.50 Leather case, extra 75 Sent with adjusting screw and without case unless other- wise ordered. GEO-B-CAIiPEhfTER ^ So, 111 STARRETT TOOLS ONE INCH MICROMETER Pig. 3 For measurement by thousandths up to one inch. Has lock nut and ratchet stop. Prices .$6.00 No. 3 In leather case 6.50 QUICIv ADJUSTING ONE INCH MICROMETER Fig. 204 For measurements by thousandths up to one inch. Has ratchet stop and lock nut. Prices ONE INCH MICROMETER Fig. 207 For measurement by ten thousandths up to one inch. Has lock nut but no ratchet stop. Prices No. 207 $6.30 In leather case ' 7.00 Sent without case unless otherwise ordered. SCREW THREAD MICROMETERS Fig. In these Screw Thread aiicrometers the movable spindle Is painted, and the end of the anvil is of the same form as the thread to be measured. In measuring screw threads the angle of point and sides of tlie V come in contact with the cut surface of the thread, so that the reading of the caliper indicates the pitch diameter or the full size of thread less the depth of one thread. Prices Capacity '*«•• inches f.'ir.c 575D 58 5, \ 585C 885D We metric sizes. rorm of Thread Price V & U. S. or Whit. Std. $7.50 V&U. S. or Whit. Std. 7:.50 V & U. S. 7.50 V & V. S. 7.50 V & U. S. or Whit. Std. 9.00 V & U. S. 9.00 V & U. S. 9.00 V & u. s. 9,00 S to 13 14 to 20 22 to 30 32 to 40 41-3 to 7 8 to 13 14 to 20 22 to 30 furnish these micrometers In corresponding; HEAVY ONE INCH MICROMETER Fig. 238 This micrometer is made with the frame and the other parts much heavier than the regular one inch miciometer and will last longer under hard usage, on account of Its stiffness and because of larger bearing surface for the threads. Especially useful on grinding worli and wherever it is necessary to take measurements after the lock nut is set. To prevent wear the measuring surfaces and bearing parts are hardened. These rhicrometers have the decimal equiv- alents stamped on the frame and are packed each In a strong wooden box. For measurements by thousandths up to one Inch. Has ratchet stop and lock nut. Price $7.00 ONE INCH >nCROMETER Fig. 230 For measurement by thousandths up to one Inch. The anvil is shortened for use in places where the ordi- nary anvil is too long to be inserted. Has lock nut and ratchet stop. Prices No. 230 $6.00 In leather case 6.50 HEAVY MICROMETERS Fig. 239 Designed to meet the exactinjr demands of lieavy and severe usage. The spindle and screw portion is of larger area than in the regular micrometer, insuring longer wear and greater rigidity; those from two Inch to six inch inclusive, are made from drop forglngs and the larger sizes, from seven inch to twelve inch, from steel castings. The bearing parts and measuring surfaces are hardened to prevent wear, and the same means provided for adjust- ment as In our other micrometers. Made with lock nut and ratchet stop. Sizes are stamped to show their capacity. Prices 1 inch to 3 inches $8.00 With standard $9.00 Leather case, extra $0.75 3 inches to 3 inches. . . .$9.00 With standard. . .$10.00 Leather case, extra $1 25 3 Inches to 4 inches. . .$10.00 With standard. . .$11.15 Leather case, extra $1.75 4 Inches to 5 Inches. . .$11,00 With standard. . .$12.35 Leather case, extra $2.00 5 Inches to 6 inches. . .$13.00 With standard. . .$13.50 Leather case, extra $2.25 6 inches to 7 inches. . .$13.00 With standard. . .$15.00 7 inches to 8 inches... 14.00 With standard... 16.20 8 inches to 9 inches... 15.00 With standard... 17.40 9 inches to 10 inches... 16.00 With standard.;. 18.60 10 inches to 11 inches... 17.00 With standa'rd. . . 19.80 11 inches to 13 inches... 18.00 With standard... 21.00 leather case not supplied for sizes above 6 inch. Micrometers sent without case, and with standard unless otherwise ordered. £ach size sent in a strong wooden box. 112 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « Co, STARRETT TOOLS HALF INCH MICROMETER For measurement by thousandths up to one- half inch. The anvil is shortened, .,j,^^ for use in places where \'-°^.* the ordinary anvil is too long- to be inserted. Vjtei^i'EJ Has lock nut and rat- chet stop. Fijf. 232-233 Prices No. 232 ifS.OO In leather case 5.50 No. 233. For measurement by ten thousandths up to one-half inch. Has lock nut, ratchet stop and short anvil. No. 233 $6.00 In leather case 6. .50 TWO INCH MICROMETER Fig. 3 For measurement by thousandths from one inch to two inches, with lock nut, ratchet stop, and one inch test gauge. Prices No. 2 $6.50 In leather case 7.25 U. S. GOVERNMENT MICROMETER GAUGES Desigrned and made to meet the requirements cPct ib h— r=3 r^r-* ^ j..i . » i ! -.ji i of the Government in TS^^^^^^^!r!LrTi!T''*M»* making big- guns and other work in the Ord- nance Department of «»v r. — m.^^ Government shops, where ^Bife.. ■■■■UJ*"" they are now used. The frames are cut from steel plates, nicely fin- ished. The sides are c^i^ lo- covered with hard rub- «"•*»■ a-' her, put on with brass screws, preventing inaccuracy through expansion caused by change in temperature when held in warm hands. The micrometer screw adjusts one mch, reading 1/1000 of an inch, and is provided with our patent lock nut. The different length tail spindles, forming anvils, are interchangeable and have positive stops to set against their socketed seats. The adjusting collars on these anvils have notches to facilitate the removal of dirt, which would prevent them from setting accurately against the seat. The contact ends of spindles are slightly convex, to prevent catching on cylindrical work. Furnished with ratchet stop or speeded screw thumb piece, as desired. Pi'ices No. 127A. to 4 inch $25.00 No. 137B. 4 to SJnch 37.00 No. 127C. 8 to 12 inch 50.00 Furnished in case without extra charge. Prices on larger sizes quoted on application. PATENT SIX INCH MICROMETERS This micrometer will n-.easure round work to 4^^ inches, and flat work to 6 inches. It weighs 21 ounces, and is rigid and accurate. It can be quickly set to exact posi- tion, from 1 inch to 6 — ■ inches, by inserting a plug as shown. A valuable Fig, 128 feature of this tool Is a . , ,, , , set of six independent holes through both the movable part and the beam, each hole bemg bushed with hardened steel bushings, ground and lapped to fit the plug, which locates to exactness the various inch settings. f"*"^ \i $20.00 In leather case 21.50 Sent with case unless otherwise ordered. QUICK ADJUSTING METRIC MICROMETER, MM. For measurements by hundredths of a milli- meter up to twenty-five millimeters. Has ratchet stop and lock nut. Prices No. 204M $10.00 In leather case 10.50 Fig. 204AI LMPROVED MICROMETER STAND Where frequent refer- ence is to be made to a micrometer that is set at a given size, or where a number of pieces must be made of the same size It is sometimes more con- venient to bring the work to the micrometer than to bring the micrometer to the work. The use of Fig. 206 a micrometer also occupies one hand, while, if the mechanic could use both hands he could work faster. To meet such conditions as these we offer the Starrett Improved micrometer stand. This consists of a solid base with a tilting bracket having a clamp which holds the micrometer in any convenient position. A turn of the winged nut locks in place both the hinged bracket and the micrometer. Both liands are then free for the work. Price, each $2.00 HUB MICROMETER This micrometer is p.specially useful in the mm r^^^ manufacture of cutters i, f i^^i— g and such articles where Ht, tuiwwj' exact hub lengths are re- ^*" "-^^ — ^ quired. Fig. 228 The frame will easily pass through a % inch hole. The micrometer is made for measurements by thou- sandths up to one inch. Has lock nut and ratchet stop. Prices No. 228 $6.00 In leather case 6.50 MICROMETER HEADS English, One Inch These heads are easily attached to tools or ma- chines when fine measure- ments are required. They Fig. 263 have ratchet stops and lock nuts and are graduated to read to thousandths of an inch. They will be furnished without ratchet or lock nut when so desired, at same price. Price S3.50 BENCH ^nCROMETER For measurements by thousandths or ten thou- sandths up to one inch. This caliper is made with a heavy base, w-hich makes a very rigid and accurate tool, and will be found of advantage to in- spectors, watch-makers, „. ,,__ etc.. who need to take fine 1< ig. o<7 measurements on work of such a class that it can be better inspected when used on a bench. This micrometer can also be supplied with regular anvil and spindle In place of those shown in cut when so desired. Made with lock nut and ratchet stop. Can be supplied without ratchet stop at reduction of 50 cents from price given. Prices No. 577A. With fine points .075 diameter, reading by thousandths $7.50 No. 577B. With regular points .235 diameter, reading by thousandths 7.00 No. 577C. With fine points 075 diameter, reading by ten thousandths „, . . 8.50 No. 5771>. With regular points 235 diameter, reading by ten thousandths 8.00 GEO-B-CAIiPEhrTER ^ eo. n: STARRETT TOOLS INSIDE MICROMETERS ADJUSTABLE CALIPER GAUGE i^sc Fig. 120-A Both have screw and nut same as our Improved No. 3 Micrometer Caliper and read in thousandths. Set A meas- ures from 2 inches to S inches, has V2 inch movement of screw and requires four extension rods. The rods are provided with a hardend steel adjustable anvil in ends. which permits adjusting for wear. A small binding screw locks rods when set. Rods are marked in V2 inch divisions and set to a similar line on a projection of the barrel. ^^S^i^^^ Fig. 130- C Set C is similar in all respects with the exception that it measures from 8 inches to 32 inches with four extension rods, and has a lock for the rods: and has one inch move- ment of the screw. This is a very strong and serviceable tool as well as an accurate one. We can furnish rods of extra lengths for these tools when desired. Handle When so ordered an auxiliary handle accompanies Sets A, B, and D, which is used by removing the nut opposite the lock nut and screwing the handle in place of same, thereby enabling one to take measurements in holes and other places where the micrometer could not otherwise be used. Prices Set A. With 4 rods, to measure from 2 to 8 inches, with case $4.75, without $4.00 .Set B. With 7 rods, to measure from 2 to 12 inches, with case $6.00, without 5.00 Set C. With 4 rods, to measure 8 to 32 inches, with case $7.25, without 5.75 Set D. Comprising Sets A and C, with case $11.25, without 9.75 Handle, extra 50 Extra rods at 5 cents per inch. Sent with case unless otherwise ordered. STANDARD END MEASURING RODS Fig. 234 These rods are made of steel, hardened and lapped spherical on the ends with a radius of one-half the length of the rod. The handles are of rubber, two-thirds the length of the rod, and guard against any expansion due to change in temperature when held in the hands, thereby maintaining their accuracy und«r adverse conditions. The one inch and 25 mm. are in the form of a round disc, as shown in cut. 3 inch to 6 Inch are M inch diameter with handles 7/16 inch diameter. 6 inch to 13 inch are % inch diameter with handles % inch diameter. Pl'icCS 1 fnch Disc. .$1.00 5 inch . . . . $1.80 9 inch . . .$2.G0 2 inch Rod. . 1.35 (5 inch . . . 3.00 10 inch . . . . 3.80 3 inch . 1.40 7 inch . . . . 3.20 n inch .. .. 3.00 4 inch . 1.60 8 inch . . . . . 3.40 13 inch . . .. 3.30 «=C^S09^ Fig. 123 Designed for internal measurements of large cylinders and of distances between uprights. The body of the tool is a stpel tube provided with a binding chuck on each of its ends. Into one end is clamped a plain rod, that, when the chuck is loosened, can be quickly adjusted to any approximate size. Into the other end is screwed a threaded anvil for fine adjustment. Made from steel throughout, and nicely finished. Prices ay. inch, with three rods, capacity from 2'/4 inches To 6 % inches $1.00 6 incli with three rods, capacity from 6 inches to 1 6 inches 1.25 The diameter of the steel rod is .150 inch. Extra rods furnished at 3 cents per inch. MICROMETER CALIPER GAUGES Fig. 12s Designed for close internal measurements, indicating thousandths where a definite distance in inches is not essential. The body of the tool is a steel tube, provided at one end with a binding chuck in which are fastened the plain rods, and it can quickly be adjusted to any approximate size. Pi'ices rods) . Capacit.v 3% inch to 10 inch (with five In leather case Extra rods at 3 cents per inch. Sent without case unless otherwise ordered. INSIDE MICROMETERS .$3.00 . 2.75 •eaiCBsiES Fig. 121 When linear measurements are beyond the capacity of the ordinary micrometer it is frequently necessary to have a mors accurate instrument than the rule or steel tape_ The inside micrometers shown here were designed for and are now used by the Government in navy yards and arsenals. Thev consist of steel tubes with telescoping extensions combined with a pne-inch screw micrometer movement. The tubes are accurately graduated and figured in inches and set to the inch marks showing the length wanted, and are firmly held by a knurled locking nut. The ends of the rods have hardened steel anvils. Combinations are possible which give a range from 32 to 107 inches and with micrometer accuracy over the whole range. A case is furnished with each set. Prices Set A. Stock with one rod. 32 to 57 inches *25-5!J Set B. Stock with two rods, 3 2 to 82 inches 30.00 Set C. Stock with three rods, 32 to 107 inches 35.00 114 GEO'BCAItPEhfTER ^ eo. STARRETT TOOLS TELESCOPING INSIDE GAUGE These are instruments from which the exact size cf holes or slots can be taken by an outside cali- per or micrometer, so that shrink, close or loose fits, varying in thousandths, or less, can be made and measured. Fig. 229 These gauges are made in sizes to enter holes from % inch to 6 inches. Prices No, 329A, Range, Vz inch to % inch each $1.50 No. 329B. Range, % inch to 1% inch *' 1.75 No. 329C. Range, IVi inch to 21/3 Inch " 2.0» No. 229D. Range, 2% inch to 31/2 inch " 3.50 No. 329E. Range, SVz inch to 6 inch " 3.00 UNIVERSAL BEVEL Improved features. The set-oflf in the blade in- creases its capacity and usefulness for bevel gear work, etc., so that any angle, however slight, may be obtained. Fig. Another valuable feature is, one edge of the case being solid, a rest is formed directly under the blade, where thin templets may be placed and accurately fitted. Price, 3 inch $1.50 COMBINATION BEVEL Bevel has a stud riv- eted in the straight edge stock or head, on which split blade is hinged, to swing over stock and be clamped, at any angle. The slotted auxiliary blade with clamp bolt may be slipped on to the split blade and be clamped at any desired angle and used, in com- bination with the stock Fig. -id of the other, for lay- ing out woik, measuring, or showing any angle desired, and when so combined will lie flat upon its work. The stock is about 4 inches long. Price $3.00 PROTRACTOR Graduated in de- grees from to 90, both ways. Blade is 6 inches long. Set firmly by a slight turn ^^K:^K— I ->( the nut. The back ■ =— -^J of the tool is flat. This protractor is ac- curate, and is conven- ient for setting bevels, for transferring an- Fig. 19 gles, as a small T- square, or for a large number of other uses which will readily occur to a machinist or draftsman, and will be found reliable, and very satisfactory by any mechanic, especially those who do not care to pay for a more ex- pensive tool. Price $1.50 UNIVERSAL BEVEL PROTRACTOR off, a protractor must be used because all angles are not obtainable with a square or bevel. The Starrett Universal Bevel Protractor is a graduated disc with a fixed blade and ad.iustable stock. Any given angle may be laid off or measured by setting the stock at that angle by the graduated disc. This tool has a very wide range of usefulness. The blade is either 7 or 12 inches by V2 inch and the stock is 4 inches long; both are made from sheet steel nicely finished. The tool weighs 6 ounces. The disc is graduated in degrees from zero to 90° each way and rotates the entire circle on a center stud. Prices The attachment shown in the small cut will be found convenient for grinding worm thread tools, tapers on lathe centers, and all long tapers. No. 360A. No. SeOB. No. 360C. No. 360D. No. 360E. No. 360r. No. 3C0G. No. 360B. 7 inch 7 inch, in leather case '6.75 12 Inch 7.00 12 inch, in leather case 8.00 With both 7 and 12 inch blades 7.50 Same in leather case 8.50 Attachment, extra l.OO (7 inch in case) sent unless otherwise ordered. DRAFTSMEN'S PROTRACTOR Fig. 361 No. 361A. No. 361B. In leather case. This protractor is made of sheet steel, nickel plated, graduated in de- grees and figured to read from either right or left, with vernier to read in five minutes. The three straight edges of the protractor are grad- uated in inches and 16ths, the longer part 6 inches. The tool will lie flat on the paper. By loosening the binding nut, friction is taken off, making it easy to adust to degrees, when the tool may be again firmly locked. This is a high grade protractor and one great- ly appreciated by drafts- men. $6.50 7.75 UNIVERSAL BEVEL PROTRACTOR WITH VERNIER AND ACUTE ANGLE ATTACHMENT This protractor Is tho same as No. 362, with the addition of the acute angle attachment, which enables the user to obtain very small angles. Fig. 364 Prices With 7 inch blade $10.50 With 7 Inch blade in leather case 11.50 With 12 inch blade 11.50 With 12 inch bla'de in leather case 13.00 With both 7 and 12 inch blades 12.25 Same as E in leather case 14.25 No. 364A. Sent unless otherwise ordered. Note. — The acute angle attachment as used on the No. 364 can also be used on our No. 362 and No. 360 Protractors. Price for acute an^rle attachment, only $2.50 No. 364A. No. 364B. No. 364C. No. 364D. No. 364E No. 3C4F. Geo-B-CarpeM'ter s eo, 115 STARRETT TOOLS U. S. STANDARD SCREW PITCH POSITIVE STOP THREAD GAUGE GAUGE This gauge has 35 pitches, viz.: 2%, 2%, 2%. 2%, 2%. 2%. 3. 3%. 31/2. 4. 41/2, 5. 51/2. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. 13, 14. 16, 18. 20. Also a center gaupe with coarse and fine notch. Price $1.50 WHITWORTH SCREW PITCH GAUGE Has the following pitches: 4, 41/2, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 16. 18. 19, 20, 22, 24, 25. 26. 28. 30, 32, 40, 48, 60. Price $L25 For Whitworth Stand- ard Thread only. Fig. 7 SCREW PITCH GAUGE Fig. 4 Has the following pitches: 4. i\i, 5, 51/2. 6, 7. 8. 9, 10. 11, 11%, 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 18, 20, 22, 24. 26. 27, 28, 30. The teeth are sharp and clean cut. Like our No. 40 It can be used Inside of a nut as well as on outside of a screw or bolt. It is also a convenient and reliable tool to use as a 60-de&ree center gauge and gauge to test the grinding of either an inside or outside threading tool. Price $1.25 IMPROVED SCREW PITCH GAUGE Fig. 40 If not known, the pitch of a thread may be readily de- termined by comparison with the standards given on our Improved screw pitch gauge. On the edge of the thin leaves there are teeth corresponding to standard thread sections and by placing leaves successively over the thread some one leaf will coincide, when the pitch of the thread can be read from the stamping on the leaf. The gauge has 22 pitches, viz.: 9, 10, 11, 11 '/2. 12. 13, 14 15, 16, 18, 20. 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40. Price $1.00 7, 8, Fig. 473 10, 11. 11%, 12, 13, 14, This gauge has a positive stop which holds the blade in a fixed and convenient position for use; it has 30 pitches from 6 to 60 Inclusive, as follows: 6, 15, 16. 18, 20. 22 in ona end of the Case. 24. 26, 27, 28, 30. 32, 34, 36, 38. 40. 42, 48. 50. 56. 60 in the other. The number of pitch la stamped on the right side of each blade. Price $1,50 THICKNESS GAUGE OR "FEELER" This gauge has 22 leaves, varying in thick- ness by thousandths, run- ning from .004 to .025. The thickness of each leaf is designated by the mumber upon it. Each leaf may be used singly or in combination with others, and any thick- ness in thousandths with- in their limits may be quickly obtained. The ■p,_ ,« leaves fold within the ■^'^- ** case, which is 2% inches long, a convenient size to carry in the pocket. Price $1.50 THICKNESS GAUGE Size A has nine leaves, viz.: .0015, .002. .003, .004, .006, .008, .010, .012 and .015. Sizes B and C have eight leaves, the same as A with the omissions of .0015. The leaves are tem- pered and have the thick- ness marked upon them. Size A is made with either straight leaves aa shown, or with tanering leaves. Sent with straight leaves unless otherwise ordered. No. 172A. Case 3% In. long by % In. wide; leaves 3 1/lG in. long by % In. wide $1.00 No. 172B. Case 4% in. long by % in. wide; leaves 4 V2 in. long by % in. wide 1.50 No. 172C. Case 6% in. long by Vo in. wide; leaves 6 in. long by V2 in. wide 2.00 Set A will be sent unless otherwise ordered. FILLET OR RADIUS GAUGE This gauge affords meano of obtaining the radii of fillets, corners, etc.. as shown by the illustrations. Bach blade Is stamped with the radius in 64ths, the external being on one side and the internal on the other. It can be used in any position or at any angle, the formation allow- .pj 2«o ing it to be used up to a jTig. iii/> shoulder, and for duplicat- ing sample pieces. The studs holding bla'des In place are eccentric with the round end of case. This Is of advan- tage as when the gauge is opened the edge of case stands well away from the edge of blades. Size A has 16 blades, with radii from 1/S2 to 17/64 In., inclusive, by 64ths Size B has 16 blades, with radii from 9/32 to 33/64 In., inclusive, by 64ths Prices No. 272.4. Each $1.00 No. 272B. Each 1.50 ng.l73 IIG GEO-BCARPEffTER ^ eo. STARRETT TOOLS ENGIXEERS' TAPER, AVIRE AND THICKNESS GAUGE ^^ Fig. 345 Especially designed for use by marine engineers, ma- chinists and others desiring- a set of gauges in compact form. Tiie taper gauge siiows tlie thicltness in 64tlis to 3/16tIis of an incli on one side, and on tlie reverse side is graduated as a rule tliree inclies of its lengtli, reading in Sths and letiis of an incli. The wire gauge, English Standard, sliows on one side sizes numbered from 19 to 36, witli two extra slots, one 1/16, tlie otlier Vb of an incli, and on the reverse side shows the decimal equivalents expressed in thousandths. This gauge has also 9 thiclcness or feeler gauge leaves, approximately 4 inches long, of the following thicly:ih :.;cicury. Note- worthy features are their great weight in proportion to size, low center of gravity, small diameter, hardened and ground points, Ivnurling on the body and the simple and effective device at top for fastening end of line after winding up. Nickel plated. Each is provided with a braided silk line. Prices Vi inch diameter, % incli diameter, % inch diameter. inch diameter, Fig. 87B Fig. S7A 4 inches long, 5 inches long. 5V^ inches long. 6 inches long, 3V2 oz. 16 .$1.00 . 1..50 . 2.00 . 2.50 Fig. 190 LITTLE GIAXT JACIi: SCREWS Designed for tool-room use, for leveling up work on a planer-bed or under an upright drill, setting up machinery. etc. All parts are case-hardened. No. 100. The Jack (A) is lU inch diameter at tlie base and lias a range from 2 V4 to 3 % Inches. It will raise 1,000 pounds or more. Two extension bases (B and C) are made to fit the base of the main part (A) and are 2 and 1 incli high respectively. With these two extensions used singly or together a reach from 2 ',4 to 6 V^ Inches may be obtained. An auxiliary pointed screw (D> is supplied to be used in place of the screw with swivel cap in certain places where it may be preferable. The base (E) is also provided, for use in cases where such a shape may be desirable. Prices Jack (A) $0.7.-. Extension Base (B) 20 Extension Base DRILL BLOCKS AND CLA3IP The drill blocks are BS^S^^irW WBk - ---^-^ furnished in pairs. The IgpWT^^T^ g^ ^ size of each is 2 inches by 1 ',2 inches. Fig. 2«SB The Clamp will hold a round piece up to 1^4* inch diameter firmly in the sroove of the Blacks, for prick puncli- ing. di-illing or laying out a series of holes before and while being drilled. Xo. 268C. One Clamp and two Drill Blocks, sent unless otherwise ordered. Prices Xo. 268A. Two Drill Blocks. .. .$1.00 Xo. 268B. Clamp 50 Xo. 268C. Set. complete 1.50 Fig 118 GEO-BCAIlPElfTER ^ eo, STARRETT TOOLS Fig. 104 HIGH SPEED INDICATOR This indicator may be run at higrliest speed required wittiout lieating, and this on ac- 1 ^^ i^ count of our frictionless bearing against MB W which the inner end of the spindle revolves ■ ■ (a Starrett feature). ■ B ''^he worlting parts of this instrument are ' ^ encased, and the dial plate has two rows of figures, reading right or left, as the shaft may run. late Improvement in this indicator con- I sists in the rotating disc, which, being carried by friction, may be moved to the starting point where the raised knobs coin- cide. When the spindle is placed in con- nection with the revolving shaft, pressing the raised knob with the thumb will prevent the disc from rotating, while the hand of the watch gets to the right position to take the time. By releasing the pressure the disc is liberated for counting the revolutions of the shaft when every 100 may be noted by feeling the knob pass under the thumb lightly pressed against it, thus relieving the eye which has only to look on the watch to note the time. , . , . ,. ^ . An important improvement which is now applied to all of our Speed Indicators, without extra charge, consists in adding to the hardened steel pointed spindle, rubber tips for both pointed and centered shafts, which not only remove the jar and run smoothly, but produce a stronger frictional contact between the shaft and the instrument. Nickel plated. Prices In pasteboard box *1"92 In leather case l-SO IMPROVED STEEL INDICATOR A nicely made and finely working indi- cator. The working parts are inclosed like a watch, and as well made. The gradua- tions show every revolution, and with two rows of figures read both right and left as the shaft may run. While looking at the watch each hundred revolutions may be counted by allowing the oval headed pin on the revolving disc to pass under the thumb as the instrument Is pressed to its work. This indicator is equipped with a rolling disc, as described above in our high speed indicator. The instrument is nickel plated, and has a rubber handle, so that it will not heat the fingers when run at high speed. Every indicator is warranted first-class. Prices .$1.50 Fig. 106 In pasteboard box In leather case 2.00 SURFACE GAUGES The sleeve and needle clasp, when loosened for adjustment, are both held by a slight spring friction, and by a single knurled nut both are rigidly clamped. For fine adjustment, the spindle in the base is raised or lowered by a knurled nut, and all backlash is taken up by a spiral spring in the base. For above 12 inch lengths, an extension Is provided to couple on to the spindle. Prices No. 52A. 8 inch $2.00 No. 52B. 12 inch 2.75 No. 52C. 12 inch with 6 Inch extension... 3.25 Sleeve alone 75 MICROMETER "^"" SURFACE GAUGE This gauge has a turned and polished base, a micrometer adjusting nut reading two thou- sandths, and a six inch extension for the spindle. By means of springs and taper fitting parts of the sleeve (not shown in cut) the scrlber is held by slight friction in any position while adjustments are made and firmly held by a turn of the nut. A knurled cam on the base releases and locks the spindle for adjusting. Prices ¥.^ No. 53A. S inch, without extension $2,501 No. 53B. 12 inch, without extension 3.50 No. 53C. 12 Inch, with 6 inch extension.. 4,00 Fig. 53 ^^ THE FAY PATENT OUTSIDE AND INSIDE CALIPERS With Spring Nut Fig Prices Oiilside. No. 75 Inside. No. 74 Spring Solid Snrinsr SoUd Nut Nut Nut Nut 2 J/, inch $1.15 ?1.00 ZVainch n 15 $1.00 3 inch 1.15 1.00 3 inch 1.15 1.00 4 inch 1.25 1.10 4 inch 1.25 1.10 5 inch 1.25 1.10 5 inch 1.25 1 10 « inch 1.50 1.35 6 inch 1.50 1.35 8 inch 1.75 1.60 8 inch 1.75 1.60 Thef:e calipers will be sent with Spring Nut unless other- wise ordered. STARRETT TOOLMAKERS' CALIPER AND DIVIDERS This cut represents a line of Calipers and Dividers made from round stock with legs drawn down, making them hard and stiff. The fulcrum stud is hardened, bows extra strong, screw and nut nicely fitted, all finely finished and are the best tools in their line. They are made with solid nut only. Prices 2 inch each $1.00 inch " 1.25 4 inch " 1.50 5 inch " 1.50 6 inch " l.'S TOOLMAKERS' CALIPERS AND DIVIDERS Prices Outside •> inch each $1.00 3 inch " 1.25 4 inch " 1.50 5 inch " 1.50 6 inch " 1.75 Inside 2 inch each $1.00 3 inch " 1.25 4 inch " 1.50 5 inch " 1.50 6 inch " 1.75 Fig. 275 DUPLICATE PARTS TOOLMAKERS' CALI- PERS AND DIVIDERS Prices Screw and ball Thumb attachment.. .. .10 C j . .$0 25 Jam washer Fulcrum stud 10 10 Leg .. .35 GEO-B-CAItPEN'TER S eo. 119 STARRETT TOOLS YANKEE OUTSIDE AND INSmE CALIPERS Yankee Cali- pers and Divid- ers are manufac- tured under the Fay patent, are not quite so h e a V y as the Fay, and cost less. They are much liked, and on account of price are pre- ferred by many to the higher cost tools. All sizes are supplied with either solid or quick adjusting nut. L new Yankee Inside Transfer Caliper solid nut. The bow is stiff, making After calipering inside of chambered cavity bv springing in the legs they may be withdrawn, and as they spring back will show the exact size calipered. No. 73 represents with either spring i the caliper reliable. Prices, No. 79 or No. 73 2^/» inch, with solid nut. . 3 inch, with solid nut. . - 4 inch, with soli'd nut.. 5 inch, with solid nut... 6 inch, with solid nut.. 8 inch, with solid nut. . 10 inch, with solid nut. . 12 inch, with solid nut. . Sent with solid nut. »0.G.5 With spring nut. .$0.80 .■;» With spring nut. . .85 .75 With sprmg nut. . ,90 .80 With spring nut. . . .5)5 ,85 With spring nut. . 1.00 1.00 With spring nut. . 1.15 1.35 With spring nut. . 1.50 1.50 With spring nut. . 1.65 unless otherwise ordered. YANTiEE INSIDE AND KEITIOLE CALIPERS Prices Inside. No. 81 4 inch, with solid nut each $0.75 5 inoli, with solid nut " .80 6 inch, with solid nut " .85 Keyhole, No. 83 Solid Nut Spring Nut 3 inch each $0.70 $0.85 4 inch " .75 .90 CRANK SHAFT CALIPERS These calipers were designed to use in turning automobile crank shafts and for reaching into difficult places. They are very stiff and nicely finished and can be depended upon for accurate results. Made in one size only. Prices C inch, with solid nut each $1.00 C inch, with sprins: nut " 1.15 Sent with .solid nut unless otherwise ordered. l^ANKEE SPRING DIVIDERS Prices (either style No. 83 or No. 84) 2V. inch. with solid nut. .$0.65 With spring nut. . .$0.80 3 inch. with solid nut. . .70 With spring nut. . . .85 4 inch. with solid nut. . .75 With spring nut. . . .90 5 inch. with solid nut. . .80 With spring nut. . . .95 (i inch. with solid nut. . .85 With spring nut. . . 1.00 8 inch. Wi1h solid nut. . 1.10 With spring nut. . . 1.25 10 inch. with solid . 1.35 With spring nut. . . 1.50 13 inch. with solid nut. . 1.50 AVith spring nut. . . 1.65 Sent with solid nut, unless otherwise ordered. IMPROVED FIRM-JOINT CALIPERS Prices mci the « inch 8 inch 10 inch 12 inch 14 inch 16 inch 18 inch 20 inch 24 inch 30 inch. No. 26 only. 5.00 36 inch, ^o. 26 only. 6.00 The above sizes refer to the length of the cali- pers. Their capacity is about one-third greater thar given; for example, the 30 inch size will caliper 3S inch, and the 36 inch size will caliper 46 inch diameter. The improvement in these calipers consists in the con- struction of the joint, which is so made as to be drawn together by means of a screw. The main stud is squared and fitted to one leg, thus preventing the stud from turn- ing when loosening and tightening, and insuring a smooth and uniform friction of more or less tension to suit the user. The quality of these calipers is incomparably superior to that of any old style riveted-joint caliper on the mar- ket. YANKEE THREAD CALIPERS Prices 3 inch, with solid nut $0.85 4 incli, with solid nut 5 inch, with solid nut With spring nut With spring nut With spring nut Sent with solid nut unless otherwise ordered. DUPLICATE PARTS OF YANKEE CALIPERS OR DIVIDERS ^ Prices .$0.1 Screw and Ball Thumb Attachment . Solid Nut 10 Spring Nut 2.") Leg 25 Spring 25 .lam Washer 10 Fulcrum Stud 10 !-tud 10 130 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ Qo PERFECTED FIRM-JOINT SCREW ADJUSTING CALIPERS The screw adjustment for fine measurements, the improved •joint wliicli may be set to any desired degree of uniform ten- sion, the shape and stiffness of the legs, quickness and wide scope of adjustment — all go to make this caliper a leader in its line Prices 4 inch $0.90 « Inch 1.00 5 inch 1.25 10 inch 1.50 12 inch 1.75 14 inch 2.0O 16 inch 2.25 18 inch 2.50 20 inch 2.75 24 inch 3.50 30 inch. No. 34 only 6.00 36 inch. No. 34 only 7.0O LOCK-JOINT TRANSFER CALIPERS Prices 4 inch .151.25 5 inch 1.40 6 inch 1.50 inch 1.75 10 inch 2.00 12 Inch 2.25 1<1 inch 2.50 10 iuc!i 2.75 IS inch 3.00 20 inch 3.50 24 inch 4.25 These instruments may be used inside of cham- bered cavities, over flanges, etc., removed and re- placed without losing the size calipered. This is done by loosening the nut binding one arm to the auxiliary leaf and swinging it out or in (while the joint is locked) to clear the obstruction, then mov- ing it back against a stop where it will show the exact size measured. The sizes given refer to the length of the calipers, but the outside ones will caliper a cylinder 20 per cent, larger than their length, and the inside cali- pers will open nearly twice their length. FIRM-JOINT HERMAPHRODITE CALIPERS These calipers have an adjustable point, as well as the improved firm-joint. This joint, with its smooth and uniform friction, is incomparably superior to the old style riveted joint. Prices 4 inch $0.65 6 inch SO 5 inch l.OO 10 Inch 1.20 STARRETT TOOLS HERMAPHRODITE CALIPERS No. 42 With adjustable point, lock-joint and se'nsitive adjustment. Prices 4 inch $1.00 6 inch 1.15 5 inch 1 .35 10 inch 1.60 DOUBLE CALIPERS These instruments will, as will be seen from the engraving, combine dividers, inside and outside calipers. They have the improved firm friction joints. Prices 6 inch $1.25 8 inch 1.50 CALIPERS These calipers may be used for inside or outside work. They have the improved firm friction joints and sensitive screw adjustment. Prices « Inch $1.25 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S So. i?i STARRETT TOOLS UNR^ERSAL DIVIDERS The adjustable scriber holder is reversible and carries either a fine tem- pered steel point or a pencil lead, held in a split socket by a knurled nut. With the holder turned outward it is possible to work close to shoulders, something that cannot be done by a similar tool of any other make; turned inward, points may be brought close together to scribe tlie smallest circle. With 4 • inch beam 7y2 inch and under may be scribed. An auxiliary beam 13 inclies long is furnished, with which a Pig. 89 25 inch circle may be drawn. The V center point may be substituted for tlie regular point, adapting the tool for scribing around a drilled hole. We also furnish a pen attachment. Prices Tool with 4 inch beam and V center point $1.75 List of Extras A. Extra steel points each $0.10 B. Needle points " .15 C. Pen attachment 1.00 I). Extra straight point and socket 50 E. Extra 13-inch beam to scribe 25 inch circle 25 F. Coupling 35 Total for tool and all attachments $4.00 Tool and V center point listing at $1.75 sent unless otherwise ordered. PATENT DIVIDERS Both points are crucible forged steel, nice- ly tempered. The quadrant passes through the leg and the clamp screw frictionally locks it firm. Tlie screw threads have stock enough to last a lifetime. After fine adjust- ments are made, our patent lock nut between the arms locks the spring in the leg firm, curing the defect in the old style dividers of tlie points dodging out and iA with the grain of the wood. The adjustable point may be instantly removed and a common pencil inserted in its place. The dividers are light yet rigid and pretty to handle, and are worth twice the price of the cheap malleable dividers now on the market. Prices Inches 6 7 8 9 Plain $0.85 $0.90 $1.00 $1.15 Nickeled 1.10 1.15 1.25 1.40 Sent plain unless otherwise ordered. BALL POINTS For Use "With No. 51 and No. 59 Trammels When it is necessary to use a hole as center for dividers or trammels it is, of course, impos- .=ible to use an ordinary divider point. In such cases the Ball Point placed in the hole and bearing against the edges forms a seat for the divider leg in scribing circles or arcs around the hole. For very accurate work, however, the Ball Point is not recommended for it is impossible to keep the center exactly. This set consists of four balls, 1-9/16 inch, 1 inch, % inch and % inch diameter, respec- tively. In ordering this set for use with trammel.s, please give tool number of the trammel so that the proper holder may be sent. e @ 9 Prices Complete, 4 balls and holder $1.25 Either ball or bolder 25 EXTENSION BEAM TRAM3IELS This cut represents a pair cf Trammel Heads, with an opening through the under side to accommodate the extension, giving width and stiffness in proportion to the length required for large work, while it is equally well adapted to re- ceive a narrow beam for light work. The points are eccentric, and may be loosened and rotated in their sockets to make fine adjustments. Either point may be re- Fig. 51. Nickel Plated SL'ntd^"'^ ^ common pencil One of the caliper legs is provided with a .joint, worked by an eccentric thumb piece for fine adjustments. Prices No, 51A. Complete No. 51B. Without caliper legs Sent complete (No. 51A) unless otherwis NEW TRAMMELS Fig. 59A This cut shows the Trammels fastened to a wooden beam, which may be any size from % inch to 1% inches wide, and of any thickness desired (requiring no fitting), giving stiffness according to the length and adapting it for small or large work. The auxiliaries designed to go with the trammel heads are as shown above, viz., inside and outside caliper legs, an extra pair of long points, a set of four ball points with holder, which enable one to scribe a circle from the center of any hole up to IV2 inches and under. A lead pencil may be used in place of either of the steel points. The clamp- ing device is adapted to take in either a small or common sized pencil. The Trammels are furnished with or with- out auxiliaries. The small engraving to the left gives a more detailed representation of one of the heads. Prices No. 59A. Trammel Heads (with one pair of points) $3.00 No. 59B. Balls and holder, per set 1.25 No. 59C. Small Caliper legs, per pair 50 No. 59D. Large Caliper legs, per pair 75 No. 59E. Large divider points, per pair 50 No. 59r. Set, complete 4.75 Trammel Heads with one pair of points (No. 59 A) will be sent miless Fig. o9 B otherwise ordered. 122 Geo-B-Cai^peM'ter ^ Co. STARRETT TOOLS AUTOMATIC ADJUSTABLE-STROIiE CENTER PUNCH ADJUSTABLE BENCH LEVELS With ground and graduated vials— accurate and very sensitive. These levels are so constructed that they can be accur- ately adiusted, and when so adjusted are not liable to set out of truth, the vials being set in tubes having solid ends which are firmly clamped to the base. The tubes are nickel plated, the bases japanned or nickel plated. The outer tube may be turned so as to protect the glass when not in u.se. These levels have longitudinal grooves. and 8 in. Sizes 12 in. Size. The IS in. is Similar, but with Double Plumb No. 95 Prices 4 inch, with plain vial $1.00 6 inch, with plain vial 1.25 8 inch, with plain vial 1.50 12 inch, with plain vial, with plumb 2.00 18 inch, with plain vial, with double plumb 3.00 Either size, nickel base. 25 cents extra. No. 96 Pi'ices 4 inch, with ground and graduated vial $2.50 6 inch, with ground and graduated vial 3.50 8 inch, with ground and graduated vial 4.00 12 inch, with ground and graduated vial, with plumb. . 5.50 18 inch, with ground and graduated vial, with double plumb 8.00 Either size, nickel base, 25 cents extra. The bottoms of these levels are all ground true. MEASURING BAR CLAMPS Fig. 69 These clamps are one inch square iu8ide, and are to be used with two wooden bars about lx% inch of any desired length. The clamps and bars thus combined will be found very convenient by carpenters as adjustable measuring rods, as well as for extension beams for the No. 59 Trammels. Nickel plated. Price, per pair $0.75 ELECTRICIANS' POCKET SCRE\\T>RIVER The handle of this screwdriver is covered with hard rubber for insulation froin electrical currents, and is nicely ribbed so as to insure a firm grip when using the tool. Price, complete $1.50 Extra Blades each .10 rigr. 560 Fig. 18 The ordinary hammer and center punch are not sufficient- ly accurate when laying out fine work. They require the use of both hands and the accuracy of the blow depends upon the skill of the mechanic. The center punch shown here (patent applied for) con- tains a mechanism which automatically strikes a blow of any required force when the punch is in the exact position desired by the operator. It is provided with a knurled adjustable screw cap, which, working in connection with a spring, regulates the stroke. For work requiring a heavy mark, turn cap down; for work requiring a light mark, turn it up. To use it, no hammer is needed. The punch being placed in an upright position over the working line, a downward pressure releases the striking block and makes the impression without danger of slipping, as is liable when a hammer is used. When adjusted for either light or heavy stroke, all indentations are of a uniforir.. size for the starting of the drill, etc., and accurate and quicker work can be done. The working parts are liardr ened, durable and accessible for such repairs as may ever be needed. The adjustable cap fits the hand, with no stroke adjusting screw througli and above it to bother. The point can be removed for regrinding and easily re- placed. The AA size is 3% inches long when adjusted for medium stroke, % inch diameter and weighs one ounce. The A size is 5 inches long when adjusted for a medium stroke, V-z inch in diameter and weighs 3 ounces. The B size is 6 inches long when adjusted for a medium stroke, % inch in diameter and weighs 4 ounces. It differs from the other sizes in being larger and capable of striking a much heavier blow. Pi'ices No. 18AA $1.50 No. 18B $2..50 No. 18A 2.00 Extra points each .15 Unless otherwise o.dered, size A will be sent. MACHINISTS' CENTER PUNCHES A B C D E Fig. 117A Made to supply the demand for a better article than has heretofore been on the market. Made of fine steel, neatly shaped, with both ends tem- pered and points nicely ground. Length of each size 4 inches. Diameter, A 5/64 inch, B 3/32 inch, C 9/64 inch, D 5/32 inch. A larger size, E, is made for heavy work; length 5 inches, "diameter % inch, diameter of knurled part % inch. Pi'ices Pig, 117 Per dozen $2.00 Each 20 Per dozen, assorted A, B and C, in round wooden box 2.15 Sent in round box only when so ordered. SPACING CENTER PUNCH Starrett's Combination Prick Punch and Spacing Tool is just the thing for laying off work quickly and accurately — for drilling, cutting out dies, etc. The prick punch is solid — made from best tool steel, properly tempered. The guide point is set in a socket with a spiral spring to press it down. When the punch is struck, the guide presses back into its socket, permitting the punch to be held straight over its work, and insuring accurate results. The screw with check nuts sets the spacer right for small or large drill, and has a variation from 5/64 inch to % inch. „_ Price $0. <;) Fig. lis PATENT NAIL HOLDER AND SET Fig. 119 This cut shows our Nail Holder and Set combined. .The nail may be instantly placed under the spring in the lower end of the holder and tliere retained by the pressure of same, ready to be driven home. After one blow is struck, the holder is withdrawn and the nail driven in and sunk with the punch — a great improvement over the difficult way of trying to hold a small nail between the thumb and finger at the risk of pounding them. The holder also admits of the nail being held to drive in places where the hand cannot go. Price, each $0.25 Geo-B-Carpem'ter « eo. 123 STARRETT TOOLS BENCH LE\TEL TOOL MAIiERS' STEEL CLAMPS Fls. 130 SVz Inch .$0.40 IRON BENCH LEVELS WITH DOUBLE PLUMBS Fig. 132A ■3l^®£2:.^WI| Fig. 132B ■:*^A»i^^«-id$Miii^i Fig. 132C 4 inch, with square ends $1.35 6 inch, with square ends 1.50 9 inch, with square ends 1.65 12 inch, with square' ends 1.75 18 inch, as in bottom cut 2.00 24 Inch, as in bottom cut 2.25 ENGINEERS' AND PLUMBERS' LEVEL Fig. 133 The above represents an adjustable, incline level, a fixed level, and a plumb. The hinged tube inside the working faces of the frame, carrying a level glass, is adjustable to the graduated scale, and shows any incline by 32ds (or less) to 2 inches to the foot without interfering in the least with the plumb or level. A longitudinal groove in seat of frame (not shown in cut) adapts it to rest on a cylindrical shaft or pipe as well as on flat surfaces, making it con- venient to determine the pitch of drain pipes, etc. These inNtrnments are supplied with either ground or plain glasses. Prices No. 1.3.1A. 10 inch with plain glasses »2.75 No. 133B. 15 inch with plain glasses 3.0O No. 133C. 10 inch with ground glasses ."5.75 No. 133D. 15 inch with ground glasses 6.0O Slse A will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 160 These clamps are made from drop forgings, nicely finished, case hardened, and have take-up blocks to slip on and off end of screw, and are held to same in a novel manner. They will hold work square and parallel for laying out on surface plates, fitting or drilling. A round piece may be rigidly held in two of the clamps and drilled on an upright, central and parallel. Put up and sold in pairs. With the small block in use, the capacity of the smaller clamp is a little over one inch, and that of the larger clamp two inches. Has hole in block to insert screw, so that block may be fastened to bench, and used as a small vise. Prices 1 inch per pair $2.00 3 inch per pair 2.50 SETS OF TOOLS Fig. 901 In nicely finished wooden case. Size of case, 12 inches x 7 inches x 1 1^ inches. Set No. 901 consists of the wooden case and the following tools: Tio, 11. 6 inch Combination Square, complete. No. 321. 6 inch Flexible Steel Rule in pocket case. No. 117B. Center Punch. No. 300. Center Gage. No. 77. 5 inch Divider with solid nut. No. 79. 6 inch Outside Caliper with solid nut. No. 73. 6 inch Inside Caliper with solid nut. Price Set, complete ^o. 1 5 FIRM DOUBLE JOINT CALIPERS FOR BLACKSMITHS These calipers are well made, have perfect joints and a long handle to cali- per with com- fort hot forg- ings — t h e long arm to be used for the greater and the short one for the smaller or finished size. The difference in the length of arms prevents using t!ie wrong caliper when there is but slight variation in the work measured. The caliper is 22 inches in length over all and has a 6-inch caliper on one side and a 12-inch caliper on the other side. Price Bach $2.00 Fig. 12-t GEO-B-CAIlPErfTER ^ eo. STARRETT TOOLS LEVELING INSTRUMENT Pig. 101 ne»)i|E:ned lor the use of arcliitects, contractors, cariieuters, niill^vrigrhts, masous, surveyors, etc. Its lightness, simple construction, and extremely moderate price, combined with the wide range of work to which it can be applied, make it very desirable for all who have occasion to use such an instrument. The tripod is of iron, and has improved extension legs. The upper parts are hollow, to receive within them tile lower parts, which may be held at any desired length by clamp screws. The upper plate is connected to the tripod head by a ball and socket joint, and can be leveled by the leveling screws. This plate is recessed to con- tain a graduated arc below its upper surface, and has a center stud on which the arc and level turn. The graduated arc is of steel, and has on it one half of a circumference divided to degrees and properly numbered. This arc turns on tlie center stud of the upper plate, independent of the level or sight tube. The sisht tube is a brass tube twelve inches long, and in one end is a small eye aperture, while the other end has the usual cross wires. With extension legs, the height can be from two feet six inches to four feet six inches. The sight tube, level case, and graduated arcs are nickel plated, the other parts are japanned. The advantages of this instrument are as follows: The head is held to the tripod with a IdoU and nut, so as to make it stationary at any given point; the graduated arc can be clamped to the base plate by throwing a small cam arrangement. Weight packed in box for shipment, 13% pounds. Prices No. lOlA. Japanned, nickeled tube $12.50 No. 101B. .Tapanned, nickele'd tube with ground vial in level 14.0O No. lOlA will be sent when style is not specified. A special circular of this instrument will be sent on request. ELECTRICIAN'S LEVEL Un-Magnetic This level is especial- ly designed for use about electrical works, setting up electrical engines, dynamos, etc., or in any place where Fig. 107 iron or steel level is liable to be magnetized. The base is made of bronze, is un-magnetic and has concave groove in the bottom, running through the center full length, adapting it to rest on a shaft or pipe as well as on a flat surface. Prices 8 Inch, with plain vial $2.50 la inch, with plain vial S.-IjO 16 inch, with plain vial 4.50 In fancy wooden case, extra 1.00 TRANSIT Fig. 90 To meet the demands of contractors, builders, carpenters, farmer.s, and others for a transit and level, low in price yet sufficiently accurate for their needs, we offer the Starrett transit and level. These instruments are very simple; they do not have the expensive attachments found on engineers' instru- ments. The builder and contractor find them indis- pensable in laying out building lots, locating batter boards, leveling foundation walls, and in pouring concrete floors. Prices No. 99A. With plain sight tube and short legs $15.00 No. 99B. With plain sight tube and long legs 16.50 No. »9C. With plain sight tube and short legs and ground level vial 16.50 No. 99D. With plain sight tube and long legs and ground level vial IS.OO No. 99E. With telescope , short legs and ground level vial 26.50 No. 99F. With telescope, short legs, and ground level vial 28.00 Tarj;et to go on common ten-foot pole, extra 1..50 No. 99P will be sent when style is not specified. A special circular of this instrument will be sent on request. PIN VISES These vises have hardened jaws with chucks so made that they will hold firmly anything- inserted in them. The hole extends througli full length of the' handle. The handle is re- duced in size, so that it may be more rapidly rotated between tliumb and finger when filing- small work. They are convenient handles for holding scribers, small files, etc. Nickel plated. Prices No. 162A. Capacity, .0 inch to .040 inch .$0.: No. 162R. Capacity, .030 inch to .062 inch. .1 No. 162€. Capacity, .050 inch to .125 inch. .: No. 163D. Capacity, .115 inch to .187 inch. .' Set complete (one of each size) 2.' Fig. 162 DRAFTSMEN'S SCALES, PATENTED laf Fig. 405 This scale has tilting: studs, -so placed that each of its four corners, witli different sraduations, will come in contact with the paper by its own weight when restins- on the studs, with the bad: edge raised at an angle of about 30°. The scales are graduated on each of their four corners in parts of inches as follows: No. 405. lOths, 40ths, 50ths. lOOths. No. 405A. 8ths, 16ths, 32ds, 64ths. Prices 6 inch $ J .OO 12 incli 1,50 GEO-BCAIiPEMtER « eo. 12. STARRETT TOOLS Fig. 1S5 TIME SAVER DRILL, TAP, AND STEEL WIRE GAUGE By use of tliis gauge, one is en- abled to select at ouee the right sized drill to suit machine screw tap most commonly used, leaving . just stock enough for the tap to cut as near a full thread as is practicable for one tap without breaking it, thus saving much time and uncertainty of result attending the former crude ways of making a selection. E^xplainiug the chart, the first ro^v of figures, for an example, read thus, 14x20 10 V4. The number 14 (in the first row of figures) means the num- ber or size of tap; 20 the pitch or size of thread; 10 the size of drill to use which will leave the right stock for proper thread; and \i, size of drill to use to let this tap or screw through outside of the thread. The figures — 1, etc., up to 60 — designate the num- ber of drill (size agreeing with the holes). Other figures, 228, 221, etc., designate the size of hole in thousandths of an inch. Price $1-75 DRILL AND STEEL WIRE GAUGE ' This gauge gives the num- ber of drill to fit each hole, and the . inch, varying by 64ths. Each size is designated by both com- mon and decimal fractions. The gauge is hardened and tempered and the holes standard. Price. No. 187 $2.25 TWIST DRILL AND STEEL WIRE GAUGE Fig. 186 i'^ig. 187 POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASSES I^ig. 7130 Fig. 7152 MOimted in Rubber No. 7150. 1 lens, 1 inch diameter each $0.35 No. 7151. 1 lens, 1% inch diameter " .55 Noc 7152. 2 lens, 1 inch diameter " .60 No. 7153. 2 lens, 1% inch diameter " l.oo 61 62 63 64 65 «6 67 68 69 70 THE LS. STARRETT C 71 72 73, 74 75 76 77 78 73 Fig. 2S6 This gauge gives the number of drill to fit eacli hole. It can also be used in measuring fine drill rods. Each gauge is tested after hardening. Size of gauge, 2 inches long, %, inch wide and t's inch thick. It takes in sizes from 61 to SO inclusive. Price !t!2.«« STEEL' MUSIC WIRE GAUGE Cut full size. Washburn <& Muen standard. Each gauge care- fully tested after hardening. Price No. 2S0. Takes in No. 12 to No. 28 $1.50 Fig. 280 Sizes of the Numbers of Steel Music Wire Gauge Size of each Size of each No. Of Gauge No. in decimal parts of an No. Of Gauge No. in decimal parts of an inch inch 8-0 .0083 12 .0296 7-0 .0087 13 .0314 6-0 .0095 14 .0326 5-0 .010 15 .0345 4-0 .011 16 .036 3-0 .012 17 .0377 2-0 .0133 18 .0395 1-0 .0144 19 .0414 1 .0156 20 .0434 2 .0166 21 .046 3 .0178 22 .0483 4 .0188 23 .051 a .0202 24 .055 6 .0215 25 .0586 7 .023 26 .0626 8 .0243 27 .0658 9 .0256 28 .072 10 .027 29 .076 11 .0284 30 .080 AMERICAN STANDARD WIRE GAUGES Fig. ;:aii Each gauge is tested after hardening and war- ranted accurate. The decimal equivalents of each number are stamped uu the back. I*rice No. 281. Takes in No. to No. 36 $2.50 13G GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « So. BUILDERS', ARCHITECTS' AND SURVEYORS' INSTRUMENTS Fig. 5160 Fig. 5129 Tig. 5110 Engineers' B. B. Transit Builders' Transit Builders' or Architects' lievel No. 5160, Engineers' Railroad Transit (for repeating angles) achromatic terrestrial telescope 11% Inch, with dust cap and sun shade, fine spirit level to telescope, graduated on the glass. Object glass IVs inch with improved rack movement, eyepiece with patent micrometer focusing arrangement with lock nut. Clamp and tangent screw of improved pattern with counter-spring. Compass with silvered raised ring, graduated to half-degree, with variation plate set by capstan-head pinion. Needle about 5 inch. Vertical limb 5 inch diameter, graduated on solid silver to half-degrees with vernier reading to one minute. Horizontal limb 6 '/i inch graduated on solid silver to half-degrees reading to one minute by two opposite verniers placed at about 30° with telescope. Two spirit levels to horizontal limb, graduated on the glass. Improved tangent screws with counter-spring. Long centres. Four leveling screws; leveling arms adjustable for wear. Shifting centre. Instrument complete, with plumb bob, reading glass, adjusting pins, waterproof cover, etc., packed in polished mahogany box with split tripod $175.00 BUILDERS' TRANSIT WITH COMPASS No. 5129. Builders' Transit with vertical limb, 3% inch diameter^ graduated to degrees, reading to five minutes. Instrument complete, with tripod, etc $110.00 Vertical Limb reading to one minute, extra 5.00 Patent Extension Tripod in place of regular tripod, extra. 6.00 BUILDERS' OR ARCHITECTS' Y LEVEL Builders' or Architects' T Level, achromatic terrestrial telescope 11 inch with dust shade and cross-hairs, spirit level graduated on the glass, object-glass IVs inch with rack-movement, eyepiece adjustable to focus the cross-hairs. The Y's have patent locking arrangement dispensing with the pin bolts. Horizontal circle 3 inch graduated to degrees, with vernier reading to 5 minutes. A most serviceable and compact instrument. No. 5110. Builders' or Architects' Y Level, complete, with metal trivet, plumb bob and adjusting pins, in pol- ished mahogany box with hardwood tripod $45.00 No. 5111. Builders' or Architects' Y Level, like No. 5110, but with improved tangent screw with counter-spring. \ 50.00 LEVELING RODS No. 6280. Light- colored hardwood, brass mounted, with target, ver- nier and clamp, engine-divided to inches and % in,, 5'.^ ft. slid-out to 10 ft. Each !1!6.00 No. 6281. Like No. 6280, but di- vided lOths and lOOths ft. Kach $6.00 MEASURING CHAINS STEEL, r. S. STANDABD Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, oval rings, 50 feet each Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, oval rings, 100 feet. each Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, oval rings, 33 feet (50 links) each Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, oval rings, 66 feet (100 links) each Steel, "W. G. 12, brass handles, brazed links and rings, 50 feet each Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, brazed links and rings, 100 feet each Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, brazed links and rings, 33 feet (50 links) each 7781D. Steel, W. G. 12, brass handles, brazed links and rings, 66 feet (100 links) each Chain 7781B has a spring-hook (snap) at 50 feet, so that it can be separated and the handle attached for using it as a 50 foot chain. IBON. U, S. STANDABD Iron, W. G. 8, brass handles, 2 round rings, 50 feet each Iron, W. G. 8, brass handles, 2 round rings, 100 feet each Iron, W. G. 8, brass handles, 2 round rings, 33 feet (50 links) each Iron, W. G. 8, brass handles, 2 round rings, 66 feet (100 links) each Iron, W. G. 8, brass handles, 3 sawed oval rings, 50 feet each Iron, "W. G. 8, brass handles, 3 sawed oval rings, 100 feet each Iron, W. G. 8, brass handles, 3 sawed oval rings, 33 feet (50 links), .each Iron, "W. G. 8, brass handles, 3 sawed oval rings, 66 feet (100 links). each 7780 A. 7780B. 7780C. 7780D. 7781A. 7781Bw 7781C. 7786A. 7786B. 7786C. 7786D. 7787A. 7787B. 7787C. 7787D. $4.50 8.00 3.50 6.50 6.00 ll.OO 5.50 10.00 there $2.50 3.60 2.00 3.20 3.60 6.60 2.70 4.26 FOB TAPE LINES, RULES AND LEVELS. SEE INDEX GEO-B'eARPEM*TER SE 60, 127 ARMSTRONG'S TOOLS AND TOOL HOLDERS ARMSTRONG GUTTING-OFF TOOLS f^c "^■>5y->;^AV5c^^feV;^<^€^-cg<: 1 Figr. 518A. Straight Cut-0«f Tool LEFT HAND CUT-OFF TOOL Fig. 518B. Loft Hand Cut-Ofl Tool Blades have clearance both sides. HAND CUT-OFF TOOL Fig. 51SC. Right Hand Cut-OfiE Tool. All sizes straight and o£E-set. Price Includes One Self and Drop Foi Hardened Steel ged AVrench Blade No. Left Hand Off-Set % No. Right Hand Off-Set Size of Shaiik IBClies Size of Blades inches Complete each Extra Blatles each 30-L. 31-L> 32-L 33-L 34-L, 35-L, 36-L 20 21 23 24 25 26 30-R 31 -R 32-R 33-R 34-R 3 5-R 36-R %X 7^ ¥2X1% %xl% %xl% 78X1% 1 x2 11/8X21/8 i/sx % 1/4x13,^ $1.90 2.15 2.75 3.60 tit 7.75 $0.60 .85 1.80 2.15 2.75 4.00 4.65 STRAIGHT AND OFFSET HOLDERS Fig. 51SF. Offset Tool Price Includes One Drop Forged Wrench and Two Self-Hardening Steel Cutters 00-S 0-£ 1-i 2-i 3-S 4-J 5-E 6-5 7-S 750-£ SOO-J No. No. Left Right Hand Hand 00-L 00-R O-L 0-R 1-L. 1-R 2-L, 2-R 3-L, 3-R 4-L. 4-R 5-L. 5-R 6-L 6-R 7-L, 7-R 750-L. 750-R 800-L 800-R ■^x %x 4y2 %x %x 5 %xl X 6 %Xll/4X 7 ?4xiy2X 8 %xl%x 9 1 xl%xll 1^x2 xl3 11/^x21/4x16 I%x2i/2X18 I%x2%x20 1% Com- plete $1.80 1.90 2.15 2.70 3.60 4.60 5.85 8.75 15.00 22.00 28.50 Extra Cutters each $0.25 .30 .45 .65 1.00 1.45 2.50 4.10 6.00 8.60 11.90 ARMSTRONG SIDE TOOLS Off-Set Shank Fig. 51SD. Right Hand Off-Set Tool for AVorkIng Close Up Toward the Chuck Fig. 518E. Left Hand Off-Set Tool for AVorking Toward Tail Stock of Lathe Price Includes One Self-Hardened Steel Blade and Drop Forged Wrench No. Left No. Right Sizes Shank Sizes Cutter Comprete Extra Hand Hand inches each 70-L, 70-R %X 7/8 ^jX %x 41/2 $2.05 $0.60 71-L 71-R i/sxlVs %x %x 5 3.00 .95 72-L 72-R %xl% Axl X 6 3.75 1.60 73-L 73-R %xl% %xli/4x 7 5.00 2.40 74-L 74-R 78X1% 1^x1% X 8 6.25 3.60 75-L 75-R 1 x2 y2Xli/2X 9 8.25 5.00 76-L 76-R 11/4x21/8 r'5Xl%xl0 11.00 7.75 DROP HEAD TOOL HOLDERS Fig. 519E3 Head and screw are extra heavy, and the cutter point while retaining the correct cutting angle, is dropped to a position suitable for use on lathes with high slide rest or low centers, while its "Goose Neck" shape makes it excep- tionally efficient when used on the planer. Pi'ice Includes Two Self-Hardening Steel Cuttei-s and Drop Forged Wrench 100 101 102 103 104 105 %x iix 6 %X 7/8 X TVs ygxiygx 91/2 iy8xi%xiiy2 l%xl%xl4% l%xl%xl7% Size of Cutter inches Height from Bottom of Shank to Cutter Point Uiehes V2 % 1 1% 1% 1% Extra ai Iters Each ?1.90 2.25 3.65 5.80 8.00 13.80 $0.25 .30 .65 1.45 2.50 4.10 128 GEO^B•eAR.PE^fTER 5E QO, ARMSTRONG'S TOOLS STRAIGHT SHANK Fi^. 518B. Right Hand Tool A rigid handy tool for planer and shaper work. AVill do as heavy -work as any forged tool of same size. Price Includes One Self -Hardened Steel Blade and Drop Forged Wrench No. Left Hand No. RiKbt Hand Sizes Shank inches I'izes r-utter inches Com- plete Each Extra Cut- ters Each 82-L 83-L. 84-L, 85-L, 86-L, 87-L, Sl-R 82-R 83-R 84-R 85-R S6-R 87-R 1/2x1 Vsx 6 %xli/4X 6 44x1 1/2 X 71/2 1 xl%x 9 11/8x2 xll 11/4x214x13 Ii/2x2%xl5 3'.2X %X 6 1/4 X %x 6 1/2 I'Vxl X 8 %xl%x 91/2 •rVxl%xliy2 1/2x11/2x131/2 ^Xl 5/8X15 1/2 '!;?§ 5.00 6.25 8.25 •10.75 15.00 $0.95 1.60 2.40 3.60 5.00 7.75 THE THREADING TOOL Fig. 5180 Simplicity Strength and Permanence of Adjustment Are Prominent Features of This Tool Price Includes One Single Point Cutter and Wrench No. Cizes of Shank inches With V or U. S. Cutter each With Whit- worth Cutter OCT 50- 51 52 53 54 /;,x %x 5 %x %x 5 1/2x1 X 6 %Xll/4X 7 %xiy2x 8 y8xi%x 9 1 xl 3/4x10 $2.25 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.50 5.50 7.00 $2.75 2.75 3.35 4.25 5.50 6.50 8.25 Note — In ordering- tools equipped with U. S. or Whitworth cutters be' careful to specify number of threads per inch wanted. Tools equipped with single point V cutter will always be shipped unless Otherwise specified. List of Cutters Furnished Sharp V, Whitworth and U. S. Standard. AND TOOL HOLDERS IMPROVED LATHE TOOL POST Points of Superiority It is stronger and stiffer than the ordi- nary tool post. Will not slip or chatter and consequently it will do more accurate work. As there is no side projection, it is pecu- liarly adapted for work- ing close up to the chuck. The open side design permits rapid and con- venient change and ad- justment of tools. The body parts and jaws are drop forged of steel, hardened, and other parts are bar steel. Fig. 518D Improved Lathe Tool Post Price List No. 1-T 2-T 3-T 4-T For Tools For Lathes %xl incli and less %xl% and ?4xiy2 in. %xiy2 and Ysxlf'^ in. %xl% and 1x1% in. 12 to 14 in. swing 16 to 18 in. swing 20 to 22 in. swing 24 to 32 in. swing Each $5.50 7.00 9.00 12.00 HEAVY STEEL DOGS With Steel Screws, Lathe Made and Hardened This Dog has a very heavy boss, so that if the thread wears, it can be tapped out and a larger screw substituted. No. Inch Each No. Inch Each 1 % $0.40 12 2 $1.20 2 y?. .50 13 214 1.35 3 % .60 14 2V?. 1.45 4 % .60 15 3 1.60 5 % .70 16 3V. 1.80 6 1 .70 17 4 2.10 7 IVs .80 18 4% 2.75 8 1V4 .80 19 5 .3.25 9 1% .95 20 5V2 4.00 10 1% .95 21 6 5.00 11 1% 1.10 •• ... Fig. 509D STEEL DOG WRENCHES Fig. 509E Fitting screw heads % to % inch square. Will answer for both dogs and tool post. Price each $0.75 FOR LATHES AND CHUCKS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPErfTER ^ Go 129 MACHINISTS EXTRA HEAVY STEEL CliAMP CLAMPS, PLANER AND BORING TOOLS MALLEABLE IRON, SQUARE THREAD, RIBBED FRAME CLA»IP Fig. 509A WILL STAND THE SEVEREST TEST Extra heavy, with button on end of screw, hung on a ball so as to accommodate' itself to irregulari- ties without bending the screw. The foot of the clamp is planed. DROP-FORGED STEEL C CLAMP Fiff. 509B Open- ing to inches ipl.<5 2.00 2.25 2.50 upen- ing to Inches £ach $2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 Each IS 4y2 5y2 6y2 syo GANG PLANER TOOL As each chip is com- paratively light, a planer will, with this tool, carry with ease a feed and depth of cut much greater than is possible when using an ordinary tool, and there is much less tendency to "break out" at the end of cut. On large surfaces, this tool has reduced time 50 to 75 per cent. The illustration shows plan of cut made by Gang Planer Tool with feed set to ^4 inch, dis- tributing the' cut so that each cutter takes but tV inch. Price Includes one set of self-hardening steel cutters, gauge for grinding cutters, and Fig. 510A wrench. Fiff. 51 9B No. Size Shank inches Size Cutter inches Feed Ad justment inches Com- plete Extra Cutters each 61 62 63 -ly^xl^X 7% l%x2y4X 9 2 x2y2Xll %xy2 to 14 to % to y2 $13.00 22.00 38.50 $0.85 1.70 2.80 BORING TOOL Adapted to use in large? lathes with clamp tool rest. Price includes straight and 45° end caps, two cutters and ^vrenoh. Size Shank inches Diam. Bar inches i%x2y8 l%x2% ItV 1% Size Cutter In. sq. Com- plete $2.75 3.50 4.50 Extra Cutters each ~$0.30~ .45 .65 $0.75 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.25 4.00 5.00 7.00 $0.08 .10 .15 .22 .30 .35 .45 .60 Fig. 5C9C. Standard Opening inches Per dozen Wide 2 $3.00 2y2 3.00 3 3.50 4 4.50 5 5.50 6 7.00 7 8.50 8 11.00 10 15.00 12 17.00 PLANER TOOL Fig. 519C I Pat. May 28, 1901. Works at any Angle, Right or Left Hand. Equals a Complete Set of Forged Planer Tools Price includes a drop forged wren.;h and two self-hardening steel cutters. No. Size Shank inches Length inches Size Cutter inches Com- plete Extra Cutters each 40 401 41 \l V2XI %xli/i %xiy2 lV8xl?4 l%x2 6 8 10 13 16 18 20 l/iX % lit $3.10 4.00 5.25 8 25 12.75 19.50 30.00 $0.4o .65 .95 2.15 3.60 5.30 _8^0 BORING TOOL Fig. 519D This is a stiff, handy tool and can be used on any lathe without fitting. Effectively equal to a dozen forged tools. Price includes straight and 45° end caps, two cutters and wrench. Size Shank inches fsX % %x % y2xi %xiy4 %xiy2 %xl% 1 xl% niam. Bur inches ft IVg It"? iy2 Size Cutter in. sq. Com- plete $3.25 3.25 3.85 5.10 7.25 10.75 15.00 Extra Cutters each $0.25 .25 .30 .45 .65 .90 1.20 130 GEO-B-eARPE^fTER ^ Co, TAPER SHANK TWIST DRILLS No. 1 TAPER SHANK Price each Length eter inches Carbon Steel HiKh Soeed All inches if $0.45 $0.90 4% .45 .90 41/2 # .45 .45 .90 .90 JS Vs .45 .90 51/8 %i .45 .90 514 I .45 .90 5% Wei .50 .90 5% A .50 .90 5 If .55, 1.00 5 78 i*k .55 1.00 5 78 .60 1.10 61/8 1%4 .60 1.10 evs .65. 1.20 6 74 9 .65 1.20 6 74 1%4 .70 1.30 6% 21/Ej4 .70 1.30 6 78 .75. 1.40 6 72 .75', 1.40 6 72 .80' 1.60 6% % .80 1.50 6 74 8" .90 1.65 7 .90 1.65 7 2%4 1.00 1.75 774 1.00 1.75 774 1.10, 1.90 7 72 81/' 1.10 1.90 7 72 1.20 2.00 7 74 ^. 1.20 1.30 2.00 2.15 r* H 1.30 2.15 8 ^l* 1.40 2.25 8 14 A 1.40 2.25 8 74 No. 2 TAPER SHANK ?%4 $1.50 $2.40 8 72 1.50 2.40 8 72 ?%4 1.60 2.50 8% % 1.60 2.50 8% 41^4 1.70 2.75 9 u 1.70 2.75 9 Wei 1.80 3.00 9^ H 1.80 3.00 9^ 4%4 1.90 3.25 t^ ii 1.90 3.25 ^764 2.00 3.50 9 74 % 2.00 3.50 9 74 4%4 2.10 3.75 9 78 4. 2.10 3.75 9 78 2.20 4.00 10 2.20 4.00 10 2.40 4.40 1014 ii 2.40 4.40 10^ 6%4 2.60 4.75 10 72 6%4 2.60 4.75 10 72 2.80 5.15 10% il 2.80 5.15 10% No. 3 TAPER SHANK 5%4 $3.00 $5.50 103/4 ii 3.00 5.50 10 74 «764 3 25 5.90 10 78 ii 3.25 5.90 10% 3.50 6.25 11 3.50 6.25 11 1%4 3.75 6.75 1178 3.75 6.75 1178 4.00 7.25 4.00 7.25 11 % 4.25 7.75 11 % lt«4 4.25 7.75 11 V2 4.50 8.25 11% No. 3 TAPER SHANK — Cont'd Dlam- Price, each Length -Over inches Carbon Hisrh All Steel Sueed inches 178 $4.50 $8.25 1174 1%4 4.75 8.90 1178 it 4.75 8.90 1178 111^4 5.00 9.50 12 lA 5.00 9.50 12 11%4 5.25 10.15 12 78 ll 5.25 10.15 12 78 11%4 5.50 10.75 12 72 174 5.50 10.75 12 72 No. 4 TAPER SHANK iyu4 $5.75 13^2 5.75 11%4 6.00 4. 6.00 6.25 lU 6.25 12%4 6.50 1% 6.50 125/64 7.00 ii4. 7.00 7.50 7.50 iW 8.00 8.00 13764 8.50 172 8.50 13%4 9.00 111 9.00 13764 9.50 lA 9.50 13764 10.00 1^.? 10.00 13%4 10.50 1% 10.50 l«/64 11.00 11^ 11.00 1'1%4 11.50 IH 14764 11.50 12.00 IM 12.00 14%4 12.50 174 12.50 14%4 13.25 111 13.25 15704 14.00 151 14.00 A 14.75 IM 14.75 IWei 15.50 1% 15.50 15764 16.25 lii 16.25 15%4 17.00 w„ 17.00 17.75 IP 17.75 1%4 18.50 2 18.50 $11.50 11.50 12.25 12.25 13.00 13.00 13.75 13.75 14.65 14.65 15.50 15.50 16.40 16.40 17.25 17.25 18.15 18.15 19.00 19.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 21.00 22.00 22.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 26.25 26.25 27.50 27.50 28.75 28.75 30.00 30.00 31.25 31.25 32.50 32.50 33.75 3?. 75 35.00 35.00 14 78 14 78 14^ 14% 14 78 14% 14 72 14 72 14 78 14% 14 74 14% 1474 14 78 15 15 1578 15 78 15 74 15% 15% 15% 15 72 15 72 15% 15% 15% 15% 15 78 15 78 16 16 16 78 16 78 16 74 16 74 16% 16% 1672 16 72 1672 16 72 16 72 16 72 16 72 16 72 16 72 16 72 No. 5 TAPER SHANK 27h4 2764 14 2 A 2%4 2 78 2%4 2^. $19.25 $36.25 16 72 19.25 36.25 16 72 20.00 37.50 20.00 37.50 20.75 38.75 20.75 38.75 21.50 40.00 21.50 40.00 22.25 41.25 •22.25 41.25 No. 5 TAPER SHANK— Cont'd Diam- Price each Length High All Steel Sueed inches 21764 $23.00 $42.50 17 23.00 42.50 17 21%4 23.75 43.75 17% 2 j_ 23.75 43.75 17 72 21%4 24.50 45.00 17% 2% 24.50 45.00 17 72 21764 25.25 47.50 17% 23< 25.25 47.50 17 72 219/64 26.00 50.00 17% 2/b 26.00 50.00 17% 22^^4 26.75 52.50 18 P4, 26.75 52.50 18 27.50 55.00 18 2% 27.50 55.00 IS 22764 28.25 57.50 18% 2^1 28.25 57.50 18% 22764 29.00 60.00 18% 2 A 29.00 60.00 22%4 29.75 - 62.50 19 2 hi 29.75 62.50 19 2^U 30.50 65.00 19 2 72 30.50 65.00 19 23%4 31.25 67.50 19% 2M 31.25 67.50 19% 23.^64 32.00 70.00 19% 2 A 32.00 70.00 19% 23764 33.00 72.50 19% 2P 33.00 72.50 19% 23%4 34.00 75.00 19% 2 78 34.00 75.00 19% 2«k 35.00 77.50 20 2V 35.00 77.50 20 2^764 36.00 80.00 20 2?4 36.00 80.00 20 2*764 37.00 82.50 20% 2U 37.00 82.50 20% 20% 2*764 38.00 85.00 2 74 38.00 85.00 20% 24%4 39.25 87.50 20% 2P 39.25 87.50 20% 20% 251/64 40.50 90.00 2}^ 40.50 90.00 20% 25764 41.75 92.50 21 2U 41.75 92.50 21 2544 43.00 95.00 21 27x<; 43.00 95.00 21 257/;4 44.25 97.50 21 2P 44.25 97.50 21 25%. 45.50 100.00 21 2 if 45.50 100.00 21 2ei{34 46.75 102.50 22 2?J 46.75 102.50 22 2«764 48.00 105.00 - 22 3 48.00 105.00 22 No. 6 TAPER SHANK 3t'« $52.00 $112.50 22 3V, 56.00 120.00 22 3i\ 60.00 127.50 22 3% 65 00 135.00 23 2-^^ 70.00 142.50 23 3% 75.00 150.00 23 3A 80.00 157.50 23 3% 85.00 165.00 24 3 A 91.00 172.50 24 3% 98.00 1,S0 00 24 l^ 105.00 187.50 24 112.00 195.00 24 m 119.00 202.50 24 3 78 126 no 210.00 24 3!S 133.00 217.50 24 4 140.00 225.00 25 FOR SLEEVES. SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER « SO, STRAIGHT SHANK TWIST DRILLS 131 Diameter Price per dozen Length Over All inches Diameter inches Price per dozen Length inches Carbon Steel Speed High Carbon Steel High Speed Over All inches a'iz $1.50 iy2 i^ 13.80 $ 9.10 4^4 rn 1.55 1% Jl 4.00 10.50 4% ^ 1.60 $5.70 21/2 A 4.35 10.50 41/2 i^ 1.65 5.70 2% u 4.70 12.00 4% #2 1.70 5.70 2% u 5.05 12.00 4% b\ 1.75 5.90 2 78 M 5.50 13.50 4 78 Vs 1.80 5.90 3 % 6.00 13.50 5 b\ 1.85 6.10 31/8 U 6.50 15.00 5% ^ 1.90 6.10 3% M 7.00 15.00 51/4 hi 2.00 6.30 3% U 7.75 17.00 5% A 2.25 6.30 31/2 /. 8.50 17.00 SVz a 2.50 7.00 3% §1 9.25 18.75 5% 3^2 2.75 7.00 3% M 10.00 18.75 5% H 3.00 7.35 3 78 U 11.00 20.00 5% % • 3.25 7.35 4 V2 12.00 20.00 6 H 3.50 9.10 41/8 STRAIGHT SHANK TWIST DRILLS, WIRE GAUGE WMre Price per dozen Deci- mal Diam- eter inches Length Over All inches Wire Gauge No. Price per dozen Deci- mal Diam- eter inches Length Over Gauge A'o. Carbon Steel High Speed Carbon Steel High Speed All inches 1 $2.75 $7.00 .2280 4 31 $1.75 $5.90 .1200 2% 2 2.75 7.00 .2210 311 32 1.75 5.90 . .1160 2iJ 3 2.75 7.00 .2130 3ie 33 1.75 5.90 .1130 2iJ 4 2.75 7.00 .2090 3 78 34 1.75 5.90 .1110 2% 5 2.75 7.00 .2055 3il 35 1.75 5.90 .1100 2ft 6 2.50 7.00 .2040 3ig 36 1.75 5.90 .1065 2ft 7 2.50 7.00 .2010 3% 37 1.75 5.90 .1040 21/2 8 2.50 7.00 .1990 3M 38 1.75 5.90 .1015 2^5 9 2.50 7.00 .1960 3ii 39 1.75 5.90 .0995 2 A 10 2.50 7.00 .1935 3% 40 1.75 5.90 .0980 2% 11 2.25 6.30 .1910 3fs 41 1.70 5.70 .0960 2^ 12 2.25 6.30 .1890 3,% 42 1.70 5.70 .0935 2A 13 2.25 6.30 .1850 31/2 43 1.70 5.70 .0890 2% 14 2.25 6.30 .1820 3f. 4^ 1.70 5.70 .0860 2A 15 2.25 6.30 .1800 3/. 45 1.70 5.70 .0820 2S 16 2.00 6.30 .1770 3% 46 1.65 5.70 .0810 2% 17 2.00 6.30 .1730 3tV 47 1.65 5.70 .0785 2t^ 18 2.00 6.30 .1695 3i^ 48 1.65 5.70 .0760 2^ 19 2.00 6.30 .1660 3V4 49 1.65 5.70 .0730 2 20 2.00 6.30 .1610 3tk 50 1.65 5.70 .0700 lit 21 1.90 6.10 .1590 3t^ 51 1.60 5.70 .0670 Hi 22 1.90 6.10 .1570 31/8 52 1.60 5.70 .0635 1% 23 1.90 6.10 .1540 3t^ 53 1.60 5.70 .0595 118 24 1.90 6.10 .1520 3iV 54 1.60 5.70 .0550 lil 25 1.90 6.10 .1495 3 55 1.60 5.70 .0520 1% 26 1.80 6.10 .1470 2H 56 1.55 5.70 .0465 IH 27 1.80 6.10 .1440 m 57 1.55 5.70 .0430 m 28 1.80 6.10 .1405 2% 58 1.55 5.70 .0420 1% 29 1.80 6.10 .1360 2\i 59 1.55 5.70 .0410 ift 30 1.80 6.10 .1285 2ia 60 1.55 5.70 .0400 ift 132 GEO-B-CARPErfTER S GO. GROOVED SHANK TWIST DRILLS ^^llf ff®^^t?%i=^, s^C-^55^? Carbon Steel. FisT. No. 90. High Speed Stee , Fig. No. 200 ALWAYS GIVE FIG. NUMBER WHEN ORDERING Diameter Carbon Steel Price each High Speed Steel Price each Length Over All inches Diameter Carbon Steel Price each High Speed Steel Price each Length Over All inches r '/- $0.60 $1.10 61/8 r 1b% $4.75 $ 8.90 1178 H .65 1.20 61/4 1^2 4.75 8.90 1178 ^2 .65 1.20 ey* Hk 5.00 9.50 12 if .70 1.30 6% lA 5.00 9.50 12 ^ .70 1.30 6% HI 5.25 10.15 12 78 U .75 1.40 61/2 u\ 5.25 10.15 i2y8 li .75 1.40 61/2 ni 5.50 10.75 121/2 §1 .80 1.50 6% 11/4 5.50 10.75 121/2 % .80 1.50 6 3/4 HI 5.7E 11.50 121/2 §1 .90 1.65 7 H% 5.75 11.50 121/2 M .90 1.65 7 HI 6. or 12.25 121/2 a §J 1.00 1.75 71/4 li^ff 6.00 12.25 121/2 % T^ 1.00 1.75 71/4 ni 6.2£ 13.00 12 yz A o §1 1.10 1.90 7y2 H4 6.25 13.00 121/2 r1 M 1.10 1.90 71/2 HI 6.5 13.75 121/2 i §i 1.20 2.00 7% i 1% 6.50 13.75 12% I? ■ 1/2 1.20 2.00 7% HI 7.00 14.65 12% bl if 1.30 2.15 8 t Hi 7.00 14.65 ,12% a i5 1.30 2.15 8 e\ l§l 7.50 15.50 12% S ii 1.40 2.25 8 1/4 « ■ 1^ 7.50 15.50 13 fs 1.40 2.25 81^ le, HI 8.00 16.40 13 il 1.50 2.40 8 1/2 U Hf 8.00 16.40 13 Jl 1.50 2.40 8 1/2 X- Hi 8.50 17.25 13 §1 1.60 2.50 8% 11/2 8.50 17.25 131/2 % 1.60 2.50 8% ^ HI 9.00 18.15 13 yg ii 1.70 2.75 9 ni 9.00 18.15 131/2 M ^ 1.70 2.75 9 HI 9.50 19.00 13ii il 1.80 3.00 91/4 U\ 9.50 19.00 13iJ ii 1.80 3.00 91/4 HI 10.00 20.00 13ii li 1.90 3.25 91/2 Hf 10.00 20.00 13iJ §i 1.90 3.25 91/2 HI 10.50 21.00 13 78 11 2.00 3.50 93/4 1% 10.50 21.00 13 78 . % 2.00 3.50 9% Hi 11.00 22.00 13 78 ' 11 2.10 3.75 9% m 11.00 22.00 13 78 §i 2.10 3.75 9 78 HI 11.50 23.00 14 !l 2.20 4.00 10 m 11.50 23.00 14 il 2.20 4.00 10 HI 12.00 24.00 14 il 2.40 4.40 101/4 Hi 12.00 24.00 14 U 2.40 4.40 101/4 HI 12.50 25.00 14 74 X if 2.60 4.75 lOVa -1% 12.50 25.00 14 y* 9 Xi 78 2.60 4.75 101/2 lit 13.25 26.25 14 y* iJ 2.80 5.15 10% lii 13.25 26.25 14 y4 « §1 2.80 5.15 10%, ifi 14.00 27.50 14t^ g- il 3.00 5.50 10% m 14.00 27.50 14t^ li 3.00 5.50 10% HI 14.75 28.75 14t^ li 3.2.5 5.90 loys m 14.75 28.75 14^^,, §J 3.25 5.90 10 78 lil 15.50 30.00 14% ^ M 3.50 6.25 11 178 15.50 30.00 14% 1 3.50 6.25 11 111 16.25 31.25 14% 1r^ 3.75 6.75 111/8 i§i 16.25 31.25 14% Ig^ 3.75 6.75 lli/s HI 17.00 32.50 14% lA 4.00 7.25 111/4 n% 17.00 32.50 14% LlS 4.00 7.25 111/4 Hi 17.50 33.75 14% r 1^ 4.25 7.75 111/2 m 17.50 33.75 14% ""i 1^ 4.25 7.75 111/2 HI 18.50 35.00 14% J*' 1b\ 4.50 8.25 11% 2 18.50 35.00 15 ^o . IVs 4.50 8.25 11% SPECIAL DIAMETERS OR LENGTHS FURNISHED TO ORDER. FOR CHUCKS FOR ABOVE DRILLS, SEE INDEX FOR DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s (Eo 13:3 DRILLS FOR BLACKSMITHS' DRILL PRESSES rWm^^^^^;^ ^^ Fig. High Speed Drills with % inch shanks will be furnished in sizes over % inch diameter only at customer's risk, as we do not consider the shanks strong enough. Unless otherwise specified these drills will always be furnished with flatted shanks. Shanks % Inch Diameter and 2M Inches Long Diameter inches % ^ M 1/2 % §i 4i §i % §i II %i % §S il iJ 1 1^ 1^ 1^ 1% 1^ 1^ 1^ iy4 1^2 lA iH 1% IM iy2 Price each Carbon High Steel Speed $0.45 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 $1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.90 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.65 2.75 2.90 3.00 3.15 3.30 3.50 3.70 3.90 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.80 6.10 6.40 6.70 7.00 7.40 7.80 8.20 8.60 9.00 Length Over All inches 4 78 4% 5% 5% 6 High Speed Drills with % inch shank will be furnished in sizes over % inch diameter only at customer's risk, as we do not consider the shanks strong enough. Unless otherwise specified these drills will always be furnished with flatted shanks. Shanks are 2M Inches Long and .648 Inch Exact Diameter — Commonly Called % Inch Diameter inches V2 hi % 11 % §i \l Si 7b M u 1 IVs 1^ lt\ 13^ ly* 1^ 1^ Hh 1% iJi iy2 Price each Carbon Steel $0.50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 .9 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 High Speed $1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.65 2.75 2.90 3.00 3.15 3.30 3.50 3.70 3.90 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.80 6.10 6.40 6.70 7.00 7.40 7.80 8.20 8.60 9.00 Length Over All inches 4 78 4% 5% 5% 6 6 FOR WALL, AND POST DRILLS, SEE INDEX 134 GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER S Go. BIT STOCK DRILLS (For Metal or Wood) FiK. 504TE Carbon Steel Length Over All Diameter inches Carbo n Steel Length inches Price Price Price Price All per doz. each inches per doz. each inches T^ $2.50 $0.21 Sf-s y $11.75 $0.98 6% A 2.60 .22 4 1/2 13.00 1.08 7 iz 2.70 .23 4 4i 14.25 1.19 71/4 ii 2.85 .24 4 fn 15.50 1.28 71/2 Vs 3.00 .25 4 M 16.75 1.40 7^ A 3.25 .27 4% % 18.00 1.50 71/2 ^ 3.50 .29 41/4 Ii 19.50 1.65 71/2 a 3.75 .31 41/2 ii 21.00 1.75 7y2 ^ 4.00 .33 41/2 3§ 22.50 1.87 7y2 H 4.25 .35 4% % 24.00 2.00 7y2 ^ 4.50 .37 4% M 25.50 2.12 7y2 if 4.75 .39 5 it 27.00 2.25 7y2 % 5.00 .42 5 §J 28.50 2.37 7y2 ii 5.50 .46 5^ % 30.00 2.50 7y2 ^ 6.00 .50 5y4 §1 31.50 2.63 7y2 if 6.50 .54 51/2 it 33.00 2.75 7y2 i\ 7.00 .58 51/2 fi 34.50 2.89' 7y2 H 7.50 .62 53/4 1 36.00 3.00 7y2 ii 8.00 .66 5% li^ 39.00 3.25 7y2 % 8.50 .71 6 lyg 42.00 3.50 7y2 M 9.25 .77 61/4 lA 45.00 3.75' 7y2 A 10.50 .87 61/2 11^ 48.00 4.00 7y2 These Bit Stock Drills fit any brace on the market and avjII drill steel, iron or other metals as Avell as wood. They are not injured by contact with screws oi- nails, and will bore straight any kind of wood without splitting it. TAPER SQUARE SHANK RATCHET DRILLS Fig, 504D No. 1 Shanks — % inch by % inch by 1% inches long. No. 2 Shanks — % inch by % inch by 1 % inches long. Unless otherwise specified No. 1 Shank will be furnished, except on High Speed Drills over 1 inch, which will be equipped with No. 2 Shank. To avoid mistakes in ordering specify figure number and dimensions of shank. Diam- Price each Length Over All Diam- eter Price each Length Over All Diam- eter inches Price each Length Inches Carbon High Carbon High Carbon High All Steel Speed Inches Steel Speed Inches Steel Speed Inches Vh $0.90 $2.30 4y2 ih $1.45 $3.40 6y2 ly* $3.65 $7.90 9 ^ .95 2.35 4y2 M 1.50 3.50 6y2 13^2 3.75 8.25 9 f^ .95 2.40 4y2 % 1.55 3.65 eva Wg 3.90 8.60 9 ^\ 1.00 2.45 5 ii 1.65 3.80 6y2 m 4.05 9.00 9 % 1.00 2.50 5 ig 1.75 4.00 7 1% 4.20 9.40 9 ^ 1.05 2.55 5 §J 1.90 4.20 7 Ui 4.35 9.80 9 ^ 1.10 2.60 5 Vs 2.05 4.50 7y2 17.T 4.50 10.20 9 Ji 1.15 2.65 5 M 2.20 4.70 7y2 l:V^ 4.65 10.60 9 % 1.20 2.70 6 ii 2.30 5.00 8 iy2 4.80 11.00 9 i^. 1.25 2.75 6y4 ii 2.40 5.25 8 1 r. 5.10 12.50 9 ^'^, 1.25 2.80 6% 1 2.55 5.50 8y2 1% 5.40 14.00 9 i^. 1.30 2.85 6% 1^. 2.70 5.75 8y2 l'n\ 5.75 15.50 9 % 1.30 2.90 6y2 li^r 2.85 6.00 syo 1% 6.10 17.00 9 ii 1.35 2.95 6y2 Irf'a 3.00 6.30 8y2 Hi! 6.50 18.50 9 ^ 1.35 3.00 6y2 IVs 3.10 6.70 9 1% 6.90 20.50 9 ii 1.40 3.10 6y2 lA 3.25 7.00 9 lig 7.30 22.50 9 % 1.40 3.20 6y2 Ifff 3.35 7.30 9 2 7.75 25.00 9 u 1.45 3.30 6y2 1/:^ 3.50 7.60 9 FOR RATCHETS AND BIT BRACES, SEE INDEX Geo-B-Car^peM'ter ^ eo. 13o DRILLS IN SETS Fis. 80 No, 80 SET ^ *S:. 50 This set comprises all the sizes of straight shank drills, steel wire gauge, from No. 1 to 60, inclusive. The size drill fitting each hole is plainly marked on the stand. As even numbers are placed on one side and odd on the other, selection is made easy. PRICES Stand with drills, complete $9.75 Stand only $1.00 These stands are of a peculiar composition metal, admirably adapted for the purpose and will not rust. The finish is in oxidized copper, making a very beautiful and lasting effect. They are especially useful in tool rooms and on mechanics' benches. No. 50 SET This set comprises all the sizes of Jobbers' straight shank drills from iV inch to Yz inch, inclusive, by 64ths. Each drill fits in a hole plainly marked with its size. As all the 32nd sizes are on one side and the 64th sizes on the opposite side, selection is made easy. PRICES Stand with drills, complete $11.50 Stand only ' $1.00 No. 13 SET This set consists of the following sizes Bit Stock Drills: ^, ^2. Vs, 3%. A, 3^, %, 1%, % in. They are contain- ed in a handsome hardwood box, 2 Yo inches in diameter and 6 % inches long. Price complete, No. 14B SET This set consists of the following sizes Bit Stock Drills: %, i^, ilr, 3^2. %. 1%, % inch. The flat case that goes with this set is covered with a strong leatherette, green in color, gold embossed. Size, lxZV2X% inches. Price complete, $2.65 Fig. 14B Fig. 13 FOR RATCHETS, BIT BRACES. DRILL, PRESSES, ETC., SEE IXDEX 136 GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER ^ So. DRILL SOCKETS AND SLEEVES— CENTER DRILLS Always Give List Number Wlien Ordering STEEL SOCKETS (Rough) Size No. Price each Holds Tools inclies, inc. Length Over all inches Diameter of Shank inches $ 1.20 1.80 2.50 4.00 7.50 14.00 Vi to i^T U to §§ ii to 11/4 la's to 2 2i'5 to 3 3 A to 4 10 121/2 16 19 IVs 11/4 11/2 2 STEEL SOCKETS (Fitted) Fig. 101 Size No. Hole No. Shank No. Price each 1 to 2 1 2 $ 2.00 1 to 3 1 3 2.50 1 to 4 1 4 3.20 1 to 5 1 5 4.80 2 to 3 2 3 2.50 2 to 4 2 4 3.20 2 to 5 2 5 4.80 3 to 2 3 2 3.20 3 to 3 3 3 3.20 3 to 4 3 4 3.20 3 to 5 3 5 4.80 4 to 3 4 3 4.80 4 to 4 4 4 4.80 4 to 5 4 5 4.80 4 to 6 4 6 12.00 5 to 4 5 4 12.00 5 to 5 5 5 12.00 5 to 6 5 6 12.00 STEEL SLEEVES For Taper Shank Drills Fig. loa Outside Size No. Hole No. Fitting Socket No. Price each 1 to 2 1 2 $ 1.80 1 to 3 1 3 2.40 1 to 4 1 4 3.00 1 to 5 1 5 4.40 2 to 3 2 3 2.40 2 to 4 2 4 3.00 2 to 5 2 5 4.40 3 to 4 3 4 3.00 3 to 5 3 5 4.40 4 to 5 4 5 4.40 4 to 6 4 6 10.00 5 to 6 5 6 10.00 CENTER OR DRIFT KEYS For Sockets and Sleeves Size No. Description pach 1 2 3 4 Fitting No. 1 Sockets and Sleeves Fitting No. 2 Sockets and Sleeves Fitting No. 3 Sockets and Pi-^eves Fitting No. 4, 5 and 6 Sockets and $0.30 .35 .40 .50 COMBINED DRILLS AND COUNTERSINKS Fig. 140 Size Diameter Diameter Price of Body of Drills per dozen A .302 i, and Vs $1.50 B .302 Vs and Vs 1.50 C .302 #5 and #2 1.50 D 15/64 45 and 49 1.50 E 13/64 T>5 and 45 1.50 F T^ ^ and ^ ^ and z% 3.00 G }l 3.00 H ,\ yV and ?j 3.00 With Taper Shanks imt Fig. 140A Diameter Length Shank Taper of Body of Drill Price each Over All inches inches inches A t'b $0.75 4tV A j3j .75 I's Vs .75 4 A •z A ^ .75 4 A /if ■ft .75 4^ jg No. 22 .75 •^ t's No. 13 .75 4 A J The angle of countersink is 60°. Special sizes and angles made to order. CENTER DRILLS Fig. 119 Diameter Price Length Diameter Price Length inches per doz. Over All inches per doz. Over All -h $0.80 1 11/64 $1.70 1% 5/64 .90 1 A 1.90 1% ^% 1.10 IV* 13/64 2.10 1% 7/64 1.20 11/4 /2 2.35 1/8 1.25 11/4 15/64 2.60 1 V> 9/64 1.35 IVi V4 2.85 1 % 1.50 11/2 17/64 3.10 1% CENTER REAMERS Fig. 120 Included Angle 60° Style \o. a Size Carbon Steel Price per doz. Price each Whole Length inches Diam. f hank inches Length inches No. 1 No, 2 No. 1 No. 2 Shank 1 $2.50 2.90 3.25 6.00 8.00 $2.90 3.25 3.75 7.00 8 50 $0.22 .25 .30 .50 .70 $0.25 .30 .35 .60 .75 4 1 Special angles made to order at "special prices.' FOR TABLE OF DECIMAL, EQUIVALENTS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEl^TER ^ So. 137 DRILL CHUCKS UNIVERSAL LATHE CHUCKS THE INDEPENDENT 4-JAW CHUCKS Three and Foiu' Jawed, Nos. 11 and 13 Reversible Jaws. Fig. 508A Outside Jaw No. 12. Inside Jaw Cut represents Universal Lathe Chuck, in all sizes from 3 to 42 inches, inclusive, with Re- verse Jaw. This Chuck is used for holding rings, rods, pipe, drills, etc. It is an excellent Chuck for brass finishing. AVe can furnish with three or four jaws as de- sired. Dia. Chuck with Either Style Jaw 3 Jaws, each 4 Jaws, each inches 3 $17.00 $19.00 4 19.00 21.00 5 21.00 23.00 6 24.00 27.00 7% 27.00 30.00 9 33.00 36.00 10% 38.00 42.00 12 45.00 50.00 15 60.00 65.00 18 80.00 87.00 21 105.00 115.00 NATIONAL DR ILL C HUCKS, PLAIN Fig. 508C Holding- Drills 8 to % $ 5.00 9 to % 5.50 10 to 1/2 6.50 11 to % 7.50 12 to 1 10.00 13 to li^ 16.00 14 to 2 18.00 Fig. 508B Illustrating the S, 9, and 10 Inch Sizes Size Size of Pole Size of Face-riate Each Kecess 41/2 1 4,='^ $20.00 6 1% 5M 22.00 8 IVs 4% 26.00 9 17b 4% 28.00 10 2 4% 30.00 12 2 78 6U 35.00 14 3 6ii 40.00 15 3 in 43.00 16 7iS 46.00 18 91/2 54.00 20 91/2 62.00 22 4% 11 70.00 24 43/4 11 80.00 26 4% 12 93.00 NATIONAL ROUND BODY DRILL CHUCK Fig. 50SD No. 18 19 20 21 22 221/2 23 24 Drill Capacity Each Screws Jaws per set Dia. of Bodv to ^ $ 7.00 $1.00 $2.00 it to % 7.00 1.00 2.25 to V2 8.00 1.00 2.30 to % 9.00 1.00 2.45 3 to 1 10.00 1.15 2.80 31/2 to 1 11.00 1.45 3.45 4 to IV2 18.00 2.45 5.10 6 to 2 20.00 3.10 6.30 6 ¥2 Lgth. of Body 2% 21/8 It 3% 3% 414, 4y2 Fig The Jacobs Improved Drill Chuck. THE JACOBS BIPROVED DRILL CHUCK No. style 1 t'apacit.v, ins. Each 1 Regular to Jf $5.50 lA Flat Back to % 5.50 2 Regular to u 5.50 2A Flat Back to 3/8 5.50 3 Regular to U 9.00 3A Flat Back to H 9.00 4 Regular ^ to % 18.00 5 Regular % tol 25.00 138 GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER ^ Co. TAPS MACHINISTS' HAND TAPS ] Fig. 300 Taper ^ ______,^q->'V*^'^^»^t%'\\t^.'»,^^^'»^--. ^myigl ^^^^^^^^-KAAl^^*>ivK»>JiAKi>^JJ-*^ Fig. 301 Plug n^ __^ »».«....»......«.«i Fig. 302 Bottoming Always give figure number when ordering. | U. S. Std. threads sent unless otherwise specified. Threads in heavy type are standard. | Carbon inches No. Threads Steel Price each t 60, 64, 72 ?0.70 56, 60, 64, 72 .60 JL 48, 50, 54, 56, 60 .50 ■Hi 44, 48, 56 .40 14 32, 36, 40, 48, 50 .35 JL 32, 36, 40 .35 JL 30, 32, 36, 40 .35 11 32 36 .35 .IL 24, 30, 32, 36 .35 ja. 24, 32 .35 JL 24, 28. 32 .35 !& 24, 28, 32 .35 14 20^ 24, 27, 32. .45 Jig 18, 20, 24, 27, 32 .50 % 14, 16, IS, 20, 24, 27 .55 J? 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 27 .60 % 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 24, 27 .70 t 12, 14, 27 .80 10, 11, 12, 20, 24, 27 .90 w 10, 11, 12 1.05 % 10, 12, 20, 27 1.20 )f 10, 12 1.40 % 9, 10. 12. 27 1.60 ll 9, 12 1.80 1 8, 12, 27 2.00 1% 8 7, 8. 12 2.15 2.25 Ifff 7 2.45 11 7, 12 2.60 7 2.80 6 3.00 1-^ 6 3.25 iy2 6 3.50 1% 5 5 4.20 5.00 I'/s 4% 5.80 2 2V8 6.70 8.00 2% 4% 9.20 2 % 4^ 10.50 21/^ 4 11.50 2% 4 13.00 2% 4 14.00 2 78 4 15.50 3 31/2 17.00 31/8 It 18,75 314 20,50 3% 3^ 22.00 It 24.00 26,00 33/4 3 2S.50 3% 3 30.00 4 3 32.50 MACHINE SCREW TAPS TrvvvyvvyvvvvYvwwww Fig. 303 Always give figure number when ordering. AH sizes not listed subject to "special prices.' Size of Carbon Carbon Stand- Threads Screw Steel Steel Also Gauge Price per Price each No, of Furnished dozen 1 $4.00 $0.70 56, 60, 64, 72 11/2 4.00 .70 56 2 4.00 .60 56 48, 64 3 4.00 .50 48 40, 56 4 4.00 .40 36 32, 40, 42, 48 5 4.00 .35 36 32, 40 6 4.00 .35 32 30, 36. 38, 40, 48 7 4.00 .35 32 30, 40 8 4.00 .35 32 30, 36, 40 9 4.00 .35 30 28, 32 10 4.00 .35 24 28.30,32,36 11 4.00 .35 24 28, 30 12 4.00 .35 24 20, 32 13 4.40 .45 22 20, 24,32 14 4.40 .45 20 18,24 15 4.40 .45 20 18, 24 16 4.40 .45 18 16, 20 18 4.40 .50 18 16,20 20 5.30 .50 16 18 22 5.30 .55 16 18 24 5.30 .55 16 14, 18 26 6.30 .55 16 14 28 6.30 .60 14 16 30 6 30 .60 14 16 All sizes not listed subject to "special prices.' STOVE BOLT TAPS Fig. 305 niameter inches Number of Threads to inch Carbon Steel Price per dozen Carbon Steel Price each 1 28 11 18 18 16 $4,20 4:20 4.20 5.40 6.00 6.60 $0.35 .35 .35 .45 .50 .55 BIT BRACE TAPS Fig. 498 All Bit Brace Taps are sent even dard, unless otherwise ordered. size. "V" Stan- Diameter inches Number of Threads to inch Each 1 24 16, 18. 20 16, 18 14, 16 12, 14 12. 13 $0.50 .50 .55 .60 .70 .80 FOR MACHINE AND STOVE BOLTS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER ^ (EOc 139 TAPS t STRAIGHT >f TAPEB ^ BEAMER > e ^ r^^.^^°^^M e^ isiESisssssss: 1. r\ ^ 1 rv J'. 'r 1 Fig. 4990 STAY BOLT TAP3 Read This. It is Important. All orders for these taps should give exact diameter and number of threads per inch, also length of parts, A, B, C, D, and E. Stay Bolt Taps with 10, 11, 12 and 13 threads in either "V" or U. S. S. threads furnished at regular prices. However, 12 is the regular number and taps are always furnished with this number unless otherwise ordered. Diameter EACH inches 10 in. 18 in. 21 in. 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 1 33 in. 1 36 in. 1 39 in. 1 42 in. | 48 in. j 54 in. %.l%, % $5.60 $7.20 $8.00 $8.80 $10.90 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 $16.50 $18.00 $19.00 $20.00 i§. 1 6.60 8.50 9.35 10.20 12.25 14.25 15.40 16.50 18.00 19.75 21.00 22.25 1-h, IVs 7.60 9.50 10.35 11.20 13.25 15.25 16.40 17.50 20.00 22.00 23.50 25.00 lA, ly* 9.00 10.50 12.00 12.75 14.75 16.50 18.00 19.50 22.001 24.00 25.50 27.00 lA, 1% 11.00 12.50 14.00 15.00 17.00 18.50 20.00 21.50 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 1V,T, 1^/2 13.00 14.50 16.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 22.00 23.50 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 PIPE TAPS Kocrular Iron Pipe Sizes Pig. 304 Diam. inclies Carbon niam Carbon Steel inches ^'^'e^' Price Each "'^"'='» Price Each r>iam. inches Carbon Steel Price Each Vs $1.12 II 1 1.25 1% 1.5 11/2 1.87 2 2.50 1 ... $3.12 3.75 4.62 6.25 21/2 3 31/2 4 $10.50 15.00 22.00 33.00 COMBINED PIPE TAP AND DRILL For Tapping Gas antl Water Pipes Fig. 4995 Sizes Length Each Sizes Length Each % 3% $1.50 1% 5 $4.80 % 4 1.75 IVa 51/2 5.80 V2 41/4 2.20 2 5% 7.60 % 41/2 3.00 21/2 6 1/2 10.00 1 4% 3.80 Shanks for sizes i/4 to 1 Vo inches are U inch by Vz inch, and 1 % inches long. Shanks for sizes 2 and 2 % inches are 1 inch by % inch, and 2 inches long. MUD PLUG OR WASHOUT TAPS For Washout Holes in Locomotives Fig. 4991 Fig. 4492 No. 1. 1% to 2,V. . No. 2. 2 A' to 2%- ' No. 3. 2% to 2{h. . No. 4. 2},\ to 3 Fig. 4493 Fig. 4994 .each $6.00 . " 7.50 . " 9.00 . " 10.50 These Taps will be furnished with "V" form thread, 12 to the inch unless otherwise ordered. PATCH BOLT TAPS 12 "V" Threads per Inch fjjjj^j Fig. 4096 ^^ ^"^^ Lpth. 1 Leth. Sizes Over All in. No. of Thr'ds Each Sizes Over All in. Thr'ds Each V2 3 12 $0.70 ^ 3 12 $1.40 fc 3 12 .80 Vs 3 12 1.60 % 3 12 .90 il 3 12 1.80 u 3 12 1.05 1 3 12 2.00 % 3 12 1.20 IVs 3 12 2.25 ly* 3 12 2.60 140 GEO^B•eAIlEE^fXER S CQ. TAPS AND ARBORS MACHINE OR NUT TAPS 'V" Form of Threads or U. S. Standard X 1 Z^2 1 1 1^2 III 1 1 -a 1^2 |t| ^31 1 S 1 1^2 If 1 1H5 24 41/2 $0.60 5 10 11 $1.80 1% 5 17 $7.20 3 3y2 21 $21.60 ¥4 16, 18,20 5 .60 % 9, 10 Ht^t 2.10 178 4^^, 5 17% 8.25 3y8 3% 21 24.70 ^ , 16, 18 5% .70 1? 9 11 ^ 2.40 2 4^2,5 18 ya 9.25 ?,V^ 31A ?-1 126.88 % 1/0 14, 16 12, 14, 16 12, 13, 14 61/2 71/4 8 .80 .90 1.00 1 IVs 8 7. 8 12 12% 3.15 3.60 2Vs 2% 4^, 4H 4% 18 y2 18 y2 iRy- 10.80 12.25 13.80 3% 3y2 3y2 3y4 21 21 28.75 31.25 fr 12, 14 8^1 1.15 iy4 7, 8 i3y4 4.25 2V-> 4 19 15.00 3% 3V4 2i 33.75 B/p 10,11,12 9Vo 1.30 1% 6 14 4.80 2% 4 19 16.80 3% 3 21 36.88 4f 1 11, 12 10 1^ 1.45 iy2 6 15 y2 5.65 2% 4 19% 18.00 3% 3 21 38.75 % 10 101/4 1.60 1% 5, 5y2 ley* 6.50 2 78 4 i9y2 19.80 4 3 21 41.80 We can furnish the above threads in "V" and United states Standard Shapes. Unless advised to the contrary, we fill orders with "V" form and in threads as indicated in heavy type. We also can furnish i^^ and 3^ oversize, up to % inch, and 3^ oversize, up to 1 % inch. In ordering, always state exact diameter and thread wanted. ARBORS FOR SHELL REAMERS With Taper Shank m" Each Fitting Sizes, in. Length Over All In. Shank Taper %l^. Each Fitting Sizes, in. Length Over All In. Shank Taper 2 3 4 5 6 7 $2.40 2.40 2.70 2.70 3.30 3.60 % to ,^ V2. to % \l to % \% to 1 1^5 to 114 1t^ to 1% 7^ sys 9^ 10% 12% \No. J 1 1 No. ; 3 \No. J 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $4.10 4.25 5.00 6.00 7.75 9.50 12.75 lii to 2 2,^ to 2y2 2fs to 3 3tV to 3y2 3fs to 4 4^ to 4y2 4fs to 5 13, \ 14 y2 ISt^b 16% 17% 19 78 20 1 No. / 4 No. " 5 ARBORS FOR SHELL REAMERS With Straight Shanl Size No. Each Fitting Sizes Length Over All Inches IJ^o! Each Fitting Sizes Length Over All inches 2 3 4 5 6 7 $1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 % to ^ % to % iJ to % 11 to 1 1^ to iy4 1^ to 1% 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $ 2.70 3.00 3.40 5.00 7.00 9.00 12.00 n\ to 2 2^ to 2y2 2^ to 3 3^5 to 3% 3^ to 4 4^ to 4% 4fg to 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 OUR LINKS OF MACHINISTS' TOOLS ARE ALWAYS COMPLETE GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER « eo. TAPER SHANK REAMERS (Eccentric Flutes) 141 Fig. 153 High Speed, Fig. 152A (Always Give Fig. Nnmber When Ordering) Diam. Carbon Steel High Speed Steel Length Length Over Shank Diam. Carbon Steel High Speed Steel Price each Length of Lgth. Over Shank in. Price each Price each Flute in. All in. Taper in. Price each Flute in. All in. Taper % n.7o $4.00 2 5f^ 1% $6.70 $19.75 6^ 12i§ ^ 1.75 4.25 2 5^ Ui 6.95 21.50 6i% 12i| A 1.80 4.25 2V^ 5V2 1/s 7.20 21.50 6i^ 13 Ji 1.85 4.75 2^4 5y2 IJI 7.45 23.25 6i^ 13 % 1.90 4.75 2y4 511 iy2 7.70 23.25 6y2 13% Ji 2.05 5.25 2y2 5il ■ o IH 7.90 25.00 6y2 13% .0 A 2.15 5.25 2% 6y8 li% 8.15 25.00 6y2 13% 1^ if 2.20 5.75 2% 6y8 M 1J§ 8.40 26.75 6y2 13% % 2.30 5.75 3 6^ 1% 8.65 26.75 6y2 13% H 2.35 6.25 3 6i^ Hi 8.90 28.50 6y2 13% ^ 2.40 6.25 3y4 6% IH 9.10 28.60 6% 13% M 2.50 6.75 3y4 6% iSi 9.35 30.50 6% 13% % % 2.65 2.75 2.90 3.00 3.10 6.75 7.25 7.25 7.75 . 7.75 3y2 3 78 3 78 4f^ 7f^ 7tk 8 8 8% . 1% Hi lit Hi 9.60 9.85 10.10 10.30 10.55 30.50 32.50 32.50 34.50 34.50 6% 6% 6% 6% 7 14iJ 14ii 14iJ 141 J 15 §f 3.25 8.50 4f^ 8% 111 10.80 36.75 7 15 it 3.35 8.50 4^ 8}| b5 1^1 11.05 36.75 7 15 fi 3.55 9.50 4tk 81J IM 11.30 39.00 7 15 % 3.70 9.50 4 78 9^ 2 11.50 39.00 7 15 ii 3.90 10.50 4 78 9^s '2A 10.00 41.75 7y4 15 y2 ii 4.10 10.50 5y8 10 ; 2% 10.40 44.50 7y4 15% §i 4.25 11.50 5Vs 10 2^^^ 10.80 47.25 7y4 15% >! 1 4.45 11.50 5^ 10% 2y4 11.30 50.00 7y4 15 ya . p l5^ 4.60 12.50 5^ 10% 2ii 11.80 53.25 7% 16 6( It^ 4.80 12.50 5% 10% ^ 2% 12.30 56.50 7% 16 li2 5.00 13.75 5% 10% 2^ 12.80 59.75 7y2 16 IVs 5.15 13.75 5 it 10% M 2V2 13.40 63.00 7y2 16 lA 5.35 15.25 5i| 10% 2^, 14.00 66.25 7% 16% lA 5.50 15.25 5 11% 2% 14.60 69.50 7% 16% l3^ 5.70 16.75 9 11% 2\l 15.40 72.75 7% 16% -^ 2% 16.20 76.00 7% 16% 1% 5.90 16.75 6% 12 yz "^ 2\i 17.00 79.25 8 17 l5% 6.05 18.25 6y8 12% ^ 2% 17.80 82.50 8 17 lA 6.25 18.25 ey* 12ii r • 2il 18.60 86.25 8 17 IJ* 6.50 19.75 6% 12iJ •^ 3 19.40 90.00 8 u J The above furnished in 64th sizes if ordered and take price of the next larger size listed. Furnished with Spiral Flutes if desired. JFor Decimal Equivalents see index. 142 GEO•B•eAR,PE^fTER ^ (EO. HAND REAMERS (Eccentric Flutes) (Al^vays Give Fig. Number When Ordering) Carbon High Length Length Carbon High Length Length Diam. Steel Speed Steel Price each of Over Diam. Steel Speed Steel Price each of Over in. Price each Flute in. All in. in. Price each Flute in. All in. Vs $1.00 iy2 3 Uh $5.40 $18.75 m 12H ^2 1.10 1% 3y4 1% 5.60 18.75 6t% 12% /5 1.20 1% 3y2 IM 5.80 20.50 612- 12i§ 3^ 1.30 178 3% 1/*T 6.00 20.50 m 1211 y* 1.40 '$'3.56 2 4 IM 6.20 22.25 m 12§| ^2 1.45 3.75 2y8 i% 1V2 6.40 22.25 QV2 13 T^ 1.50 3.75 2% . 4% m 6.60 24.00 QV2 13 M 1.55 4.25 2% 43/4 ij% 6.80 24.00 QV2 13 % 1.60 4.25 2y2 5 IM 7.00 25.75 6y2 13 4i 1.70 4.75 2% 5y4 1% 7.20 25.75 6y2 13 T^^ 1.75 4.75 2% 5y2 IM 7.40 27.50 6% 13 1^ ii 1.85 5.25 2% 5% l-M 7.60 27.50 6% 13y2 V2 1.90 5.25 3 6 m 7.80 29.50 6% i3y2 Jl 1.95 5.75 3y8 6y4 1% 8.00 29.50 6 3/4 i3y2 T^g 2.00 5.75 3y4 • 6y2 lii 8.20 31.50 6 3/4 i3y2 M 2.10 6.25 3% 6% lig 8.40 31.50 6% i3y2 % 2.20 6.25 3y2 7 IM 8.60 33.50 6% i3y2 §i 2.30 6.75 311 Hi 178 8.80 33.50 7 14 ii 2.40 6.75 311 TM 1§§ 9.00 35.75 7 14 u 2.50 7.25 4t^ sys lil 9.20 35.75 7 14 % 2.60 7.25 4fe 8% IM 9.40 38.00 7 14 §i 2.70 7.75 4f| 8§i 2 9.60 38.00 7 14 il 2.80 7.75 m 9^^^ 2^ 10.00 40.75 7y4 14% §5 2.95 8.50 41i 9% 2V8 10.40 43.50 7y4 14% 7s 3.10 8.50 m 9U 2f, 10.80 46.25 7y2 15 M 3.25 9.50 5n\ 10:^2 2y4 11.30 49.00 7y2 15 il 3.40 9.50 5y8 10% 2f. 11.80 51.75 7y2 15 §J 3.55 10.50 5M 10 i^ 2% 12.30 55.00 7y2 15 1 3.70 10.50 5fg 10 78 2T^g 12.80 58.25 7% i5y2 U\ 3.85 11.50 5M Ht'.t 2y2 13.^: 61.50 7% i5y2 1^ 4.00 11.50 5% iiy* 2t% 14.00 64.75 7% 15% U\ 4.15 12.75 5ii 11 A 2% 14.60 68.00 8 16 IVs 4.30 12.75 5 it 11% 2U 15.40 71.25 8 16 1#2 4.45 14.25 511 11 ig 2% 16.20 74.50 8 16 1^ 4.60 14.25 6 12 2i| 17.00 77.75 8y4 16 yz u\ 4.75 15.75 6tV i2y8 2 78 17.80 81.00 8 14 i6y2 ly* 4.90 15.75 6y8 12 1^ 2il 18.60 84.25 sy* 16 y2 1^*2 5.05 17.25 6H 12 u 3 19.40 87.50 sy* 16% 1^ 5.20 17.25 63^ 12,^5 The above furnished in 64th sizes if ordered and take price of the next larger size listed. Furnished with Spiral Flutes if desired. FOR DBCIMAI, EQUIVALENTS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiREM'TER ^ 60. SHELL REAMERS yy 1, ^^' ALWAYS GIVK FIG. NUMBER WHEN ORDERING FLUTED SHELL CARBON STEEL (Fluted), Fig. 131 HIGH SPEED STEEL (Fluted), Fig. 131A ROSE SHELL CARBON STEEL (Rose), Fig, 133 HIGH SPEED STEEL (Rose), Fig. 132A Shell Reamei's of any si^e or lengths made to order. Furnished with Spiral Flutes if desired. For Decimal Equivalents see index. Diam. Carbon Steel High Speed Steel Size Length Over Fitting Diam. Carbon Steel High Speed Steel Size Length Over Fitting in. Price Priee Hole All Arbor in. Price Price Hole All Arbor each each in. each each in. % $1.40 $3.00 % iy2 ) ^ ( p 2t% $"9.80 $'20.50 I 11/2 4 -\ A 1.40 3.15 Vs iy2 2% 10.20 21.75 172 ' 4 , a 2M 10.60 23.00 11/2 4 % 1.50 3.15 fa 1% 1! 2% 11.00 24.25 iy2 4 ^ 5 1^ 1.60 3.25 A 1% 2ii| 11.40 25.50 iy2 4 2 78 11.80 27.00 iy2 4 © Vz 1.70 3.25 y* 2 i! 2il 12.20 28.50 iy2 4 ^ 1.80 3.40 y* 2 3 12.60 30.00 iy2 4 % 1.90 3.55 % 2 }? 3tV 13.10 31.50 1% 41/2 1 a 2.00 3.70 % 21/4 31/8 13.60 33.25 1% 41/2 *>. 3t\ 14.10 35.25 1% 41/2 1^ % 2.10 3.85 'V2 21/4 5< I 31/4 14.60 37.50 1% 41/2 p ii 2.20 4.00 V2 2y2 3t^, 15.10 40.00 1% 41/2 ^ % 2.30 4.25 V2 21/2 Ol 3% 15.60 42.50 1% 4y2 H* i§ 2.40 4.50 V2 21/2 3^, 16.10 45.25 1% 41/2 1 2.50 4.75 % 21/2 31/2 16.60 48.00 1% 41/2 ^ 1^ 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30 5.00 % 2% ^ 3 f ,v 17.20 50.75 2 5 IVs 5.25 % 2% :3 % 17.80 53.50 2 5 lt\ 5.50 % 2% OS 3iJ 18.40 56.50 2 5 iy4 5.75 % 2% ,3% . 19.00 59.50 2 5 1% 3.55 6.00 6.50 % % 3 3 3 it 19.60 62.75 2 5 3.80 4.05 1^ 3 78 20.20 20.80 66.00 69.25 2 2 5 5 5 i/ff 7.00 % 3 J M 4 21.40 72.50 2 5 1% 4.30 7.50 % 3 l^s 4.55 8.25 % 3 •4y8 22.90 79.00 2y4 51/2 1? 1% 4.80 9.00 % 3 41/4 24.40 85.70 21/4 51/2 Hi 1% 5.10 9.75 1 31/2 31/2 43/8 25.90 92.00 21/4 51/2 1 5.40 5.70 6.00 10!50 1 -.0 41/2 27.40 98.50 2y4 51/2 J « 178 HI 2 11.25 12.00 1 1 31/2 31/2 3y2 31/2 « 4% 29.30 105.00 2% 6 6.30 12 75 1 4% 31.20 111.50 2y2 6 6.60 13.50 1 4 78 33.10 35.00 118.00 125.00 2% 21/2 6 6 2-^ 6.95 14.25 1^/4 3% - 51/8 37.40 132.50 21/2 6 2! 21/8 7.30 15.00 11/4 3% 5% 39.80 140.00 21/2 6 © 2t% 7.65 15.75 1% 3% 5% 42.20 147.50 21/2 6 h^ 2% 8.00 16.50 lyL 3% S! 5y2 44.60 155.00 21/2 6 4k 2t% 8.35 17.25 1% 3% ■ p 5% 47.60 163.75 2% 6y2 2% 8.70 18.00 1^/4 3% « 5% 50.60 172.50 21/2 6 2t'V 9.05 18.75 11/4 3% 5 78 5^.60 181. ?5 2% 6 1/2 2% 9.40 19.50 11/4 3% , . 1 6 r-R CO 190,00 2 1/0 6 J 144 GEO-B-eARPEN*TER ^ CO. BIT STOCK TAPER REAMERS Taper 1 luch per Foot Fig . 136 Diameter 5^H £^2 |P| Diameter III III 3^S Nominal Exact Nominal Exact 5°^s % .312 $0.60 .167 1% 3 78 U .770 $1.10 .552 2% 4% A .375 .60 . .219 178 4 % .833 1.25 .604 2% 478 % .500 .563 .65 .70 .75 .271 .323 .375 2 2y8 21/4 41/8 4y4 4% .896 .958 1.50 1.75 .656 .708 2% 3 5 5% .646 .80 .448 2% 41/2 if 1.021 2.00 .760 31/8 5% % .708 .95 .500 21/2 4% 1 1.083 2.25 .813 31/4 5% TAPER BRIDGE REAMERS WITH SQUARE SHANKS A B C These Reamers are especially designed for severe service and particularly adapted for use in struc- tural iron and steel, boiler plate', etc., where precision is not absolutely required. Price Each Lgth. of Flute Ins. LRth. Tap- ered End Ins. Lgth. Over All Ins. Price Each Lgth. of ' Flute Ins. Lgth. Tap- ered End Ins. Lgth. Diameter Inches Carbon Steel HiRh Speed Diameter Inches Carbon Steel High Speed Over All Ins. A Vz ■fir I B ¥2 ,1 S c % % % ¥2 $2.75 2.90 3.05 3.20 3.85 3.50 3.75 4.00 $3". 3 6 3.50 3.70 3.90 4.10 4.40 4.70 5.00 5^4 5% 6% 674 7 78 7 78 ?l 2"' 274 2 72 3 3 3 3 3- "7% 73/4 8 74 8 74 lOVs 10 78 10 78 10 78 A ii 172 B l! c 1 i ii ;$4:25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 $5". 3 6 5.85 6.40 6.95 7.50 8.25 9.00 10.00 11.00 1 3"' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 16% 10 78 10% 10 1^ 10 78 10% 10V& TAPER BRIDGE REAMERS A B Fig. 139 Diameter Carbon Steel Inches Price Each B c 72 \ $2.75 1% 2.90 78 % 3.05 U 3.20 74 J_ 3.35 1 % 3.50 t 3.75 4.00 a 4.25 li^r 4.50 178 Ih 4.75 \l 5.00 1 Vi 78 5.50 1% 1 6.00 5* 6.50 ifff 7.00 172 lA 8.00 High Speed Steel Price Each Length of Flute Inches Length Over All Inches Taper Shank % » II 1 IVs If^ 174 11 172 $4.00 4.25 4.50 .4.75 5.00 5.30 5.70 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.75 9.50 10.50 12.00 14.00 574 5 74 67* 6 74 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 78 7% 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 78 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 78 13% 13% 13 78 We furnish Reamert^ for pneumatic drills for bridge builders, ship builders and boiler These Keamer.s furnished with following number of flutes unless otherwise ordered — y^ =5 flutes, li'rt inch to liA inch=7 flutes. 1,^ inch tOl72 inch=8 flutes. For decimal equivalents, see Index. makers. inch to 1 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER X eO. 145 RATCHETS PACKER SLEEVE AND BOILER RATCHETS Pig. 502A. Sleeve Ratchet Fis:. 502B. Boiler Ratchet FOR SQUARE SHANK OR TAPER SHANK DRILLS No. Length of Handle, In. Sieeve Ratchets Boiler Ratchets No. Lensrth of Handle, in. Size of 1 p,„„. Taper Socket 1 ^»<=^ 2 10 12 16 17 20 $10.50 13.50 16.00 19.00 23.00 $9.00 10.50 2A 3A 4A 12 16 17 ' M. T. No. 2 M. T. No. 3 M. T. No. 4 $16.00 20.00 25.00 Taper taking Drills up to No. 56. No. 57. KEYSTONE REVERSIBLE RATCHET Combination No. 200 Consists of Morse Taper Ratchet for Twist Drills, Sleeve for Square Shank Drills, and Short Boiler Socket for Square Shank Drills. Sockets interchangeable. The Bore of Socket for 10 inch Ratchet is No. 2, Taper taking Drills up to iJ of an inch. The Bore of Socket for 14 and 16 inch Ratchet is No. 1% inches. The Borel of Socket for 18 to 28 inch Ratchet is No. 4, Taper taking Drills up to Ig 2 inches. I The Socket for 10-inch Ratchet takes No. 1 Morse Taper Sleeve. ' The Socket for 14 and 16-inch Ratchet takes No. 2 Morse Tape'r Sleeve. The Socket for 18 and 2S-inch Ratchet takes No. 3 Morse Taper Sleeve. No. 51. Combination complete with 10 inch handle f 7.75 No. 52. Combination complete with 14 Inch handle 9.00 No. 53. Combination complete with 16 inch handle 10.00 No. 54. Combination complete with 18 inch handle 11.25 No. 55. Combination complete with 23 inch „ , . handle 11.25 Combination complete with 24 inch handle 11.75 Combination complete with 28 inch handle 12.25 Keystone No. 200 m RENSHAW'S RATCHET DRILLS N02eOLlEr. WO.ICplLE\ CplLET. tXItNSION FEEDSCREW l5 IN. These Ratchets are made to talce the taper shanic and also the ordinary square shank drills. By transferring the collet and feed-screw, as arranged for right- hand drilling, to opposite ends of the spindle, the ratchet may be used for left- hand drilling. No. 1. Length of handle's over all, 9Vz inches; length from top of spindle to bot- tom of feed collet, 3 inches; length of feed, 1 1/4 inches. No. 3. Length of handles over all 18 inches; length from top of spindle to bot- tom of feed collet, 5 inches; length of feed, 2% inches. No. 1 has one collet for drills with bit stocks, and one collet for drills fitting No. 1 Morse's Stand- ard Taper Socket. Price $11.00 Less for either collet, if not wanted 1.60 .vith square shank of Vz to IVz inches for Morse's Standard Taper Shanks. Fig. :H)-2V /, No. 3 has one collet, No. 5, for drills diameter, and collets Nos. 1, 2 and 3 No. 3 and No. 5 collets are held in the spindle by screw-thread. No. 1 and No, 2 collets are tapered externally to fit No. 3 socket. Less for collets Nos. 1 and 2 each $1.10 Less for collets Nos. 3 and 5 " 1,75 Price, with four collets 15.00 The No. 3 ratchet, for use of boiler-makers, for whose use' It is especially adapted, is provided with an extended feed-screw, having a knurled shank ZV2 inches long, by which the ratchet may be held by hand in starting the drill, and fed by hand also. TVhen this exte^nded screw is substituted for the regu- lar one the price is the same; if it is taken as an extra attachment, it is furnished at $3.50 Adjnstahle friction feed attachment extra 4.00 10 146 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER « GO. RATCHETS— BENCH SHEARS KEYSTONE REVERSIBLE A represents ratchet adjusted, with socket for square shanks. B, boiler makers' socket. C, Morse' taper socket. D, square shank sleeve. B, cap for securing socket in holder. F. knob for reversing movement. No drift required for discharging Morse taper dull or slteve'. SLEEVE RATCHETS ]V«. 1. 10 in. handle, for Square shanks, $5.00; for Morse Tapeir *^'^?^ Ao. a. 14 in. handle, for Square Shanks, 5.75; for Morse Taper o.OO No. 3. 16 in. handle, for Square Shanks, $6.50: for Morse Taper 6.75 No. 4. 18-22 in. handle, for Square Shanks, --. •=s,.r-=53sa $7.25; for Morse Taper 7.50 No. 4. 24 in. handle, for Square Shanks. 7.75 for Morse Taper 8.00 No. 4. 28 in. handle, for Square' Shanks. 8.25 for Morse Taper 8.50 r '»^j ir M iMui..ii .. >.. L ■ _ , mmmmmmi P BOILER RATCHET ^- ° " "T^ SHORT FEED yJ»ijii.«iL«.r"!!*i^ No. 1. 10 in. handle $5.00 ^^^ G No. 2. 14 in. handle 5.75 ■r\ -rrrr-i - ^. — , |r^-r-r35=3ssss3iiBa No. 3. 16 in. handle 6.50 No. 4. 18-22 in. handle 7.25 .^. ^^„„ No. 4. 24 in. handle 7.75 Fig-. 502D Ko. 4 28 in. handle 8.25 ARMSTRONG UNIVERSAL RATCHET DRILL Two Inches of Motion at End of Handle, In Any Direction, Will Drive the Drill RATCHET No. 4 Complete, with one' Spindle only ?1S.OO This Ratchet is designed for ordinary work, and is guaranteed for drilling holes up to one inch in diameter. Length, 14 inches. Weight, 4 1/4 lbs. Extra Spindles for No. 4 ratchet, each $2.40 Style M Spindle, taking No. 1 square taper shank drills with shank %-inch square on small end. Style B Spindle, taking No. 2 square taper shank drills with shank % inch square on small end. Style K Spindle, taking drills with No. 2 Morse Fig. 502E] taper shanks, up to §§ in. diameter. RATCHET No. 6 Complete, with one Spindle only $18.00 This Ratchet is designed for very heavy work, being guaranteed to drill holes up to two inches in diameter. Length, 18 inches. Weight, 101/2 lbs. Extra Spindle.s for No. 6 ratchet each 33.60 Style C Spindle, taking- No. 1 square taper shank drills with shank % inch square on small end. Style F" SpRidle, taking No. 2 square taper shank drills with shank 1/2 inch square on small end. Style N Spindle, taking drills with No. 3 Morse taper shanks, up to l^A inch diameter. Style S Spindle, taking drills with No. 4 Morse taper shanks, up to 2 inch diameter. NOTE — Regular Morse Taper Reducing Sleeves can be used in K. N. and Spindles. ^Vhert ordering be careful to specify style spindle wanted. Unless otherwise specified ive ivlll ship No. 4 Hatchet equipped with M Spindle and No. 6 equipped with C Spindle. TINNERS' BENCH SHEARS Bench Shears, Right-Hand Cut Bench Shears as regularly made have a right-hand cut; that is, the lower Blade is on the right side of the Shears. Numbers Shears Length of Cut inolies Length Over All inches Will Cut Iron. No. Weight, lbs. Each 00 Bench 111/2 46 18 36 ,$13.50 Bench 101/2 42 Va 18 30 12.00 1 Bench 9 39 18 24 8.00 2 Bench 8% 37 19 19 7.00 3 Bench 7% 31 19 13 6.00 4 Bench 7 % 30 20 12 5.00 5 Bench 6y4 27 21 9 4.00 6 Bench 51/4 25 22 8% 3.S0 31 Elbow Bench 4 26 18 9Vi 5.25 32 Elbow Bench 6 39 16 26 12.00 33 Elbow Bench 7% 46 14 48 j 25.00 FOR TINNERS' SNIPS AND CRIMPING MACHINES, SEE INDEX Geo-B-Car^peM'ter « eo. 14: BEAVER EASY -WORKING DIE STOCKS Beaver Die Stocks use narrow receding chasers — hence are "Easy Workers." Every tool is adjust- able and threads four or more sizes of pipe. No dies to change. A self centering chuck does away with the bother of extra bushings. Tools are made from the finest quality of material and are absolutely guaranteed. No. 6 "BEAVERETTE" J4 to ?4 Inch The Beaverette uses two sets of non-receding dies which are instantly ad- justed to thread Vi, %, i/^ or % inches pipe by a slight movement of the adjust- ing handle. The tool is simple, strong, does perfect work and is self-contained. No extra dies or bushings. When desired we can furnish special sets of Vg inch dies to go with the "Beaverette." Threads pipe, %, %, %, % inches. Price complete each $15.00 Price extra Dies, Vs, % and %, or y^ and % inch R. or D per set 3.00 Numbers 25 and 26 thread 1, IV*, IV2 and 2 inch without changing dies. The tools are similar in fligp^' fc- construction with the exception that the No. 26 is ^asfi^^^o^ designed for ratchet operation and for use in con- fined quarters, in ditches, etc. Other ways the tools are identical. One set of dies cuts four sizes. Adjustment from one size to the other can be made in 5 seconds by shifting control lever. No slip- ping — the action is positive. A universal chuck centers the pipe, eliminating bushings. Tools are made of the highest quality of steel and malleable iron and will withstand more than the usual No. 35. Plain amount of abuse. "Beaver" Tools are absolutely No. 26. Ratchet 1, 1%, 11/2, and 2 inch guaranteed. 1, 1^, 1% and 3 inch Number 25 26 Threads pipe, 1, IM:, 1 V2 and 2 inches 1 to 2 in. 1 to 2 in. Shipping weight, boxed lbs. 25 30 Price complete each $30.00 $35.00 Price extra Dies, right hand per set 3.50 3.50 SIZES CHANGED INSTANTLY No. 41. Beaver (2V^ to 4 inch) No. 61. Beaver (2i/a to 6 inch) pi ^.-'——■^..SSkK No. SO. Beaver (41/3 to S inch) j^l /''^^^^^fe^ T No. 90. Beaver (9 to 12 inch) ^"tf^fl'^tf* ^'^l ■fe' /l^Bffk fl BUSHED ^^3 .mr«ifc»f^« %- *, DETACHABLE _^-.. >^«=-- _^__ LEADER These large "Beaver" Tools are self-con- | TBa^-^^s^^^Ss*^ ^B^V SCREW tained. Strong construction. Will with- stand hardest field use. Large tools are similar to the No. 41 herewith illustrated and have the same advantages. Two sets DRIVING of dies are contained in the stock and are PINION SisUyil^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H STEEL both controlled by same lever. One man SUPPORTED ^ feBl ltl^^^^^B^^^^^^^^ GEARS threads steel or wrought iron pipe up to BOTH ENDS ^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PROTECTED 12 inches perfectly. Every "Beaver" tool >^ guaranteed. ^"^-^ No. 41. (2y2 to 4 inch) Number 41 61 SO 90 Threads Pipe inches 21/2 to 4 214 to 6 41/2 to 8 9 to 12 Shipping weight lbs. 100 200 230 300 Price complete each $110.00 220.00 300.00 500.00 Price extra dies per set 9.00 14.00 20.00 30.00 BEAVER SQUARE -END PIPE GUTTERS No. 5 "Beaver" cuts M:, %, 1, 1»4. I'/a and 2 inch Beaver Square-End Pipe Cutters cut pipe off absolutely square and smooth by means of two specially designed cutting knives automatically fed by powerful coiled springs. Saves reaming and filing to remove burrs. Cannot split the pipe. No. 10 and 15 are ratchet operated. One man cuts any size easily. Number 1 5 10 15 Cuts Pipe . inches Vs to 1 1/2 to 2 2V2to4 2i.L>to6 Price complete each $18.00 ' 20.00 90.00 180.00 Price Extra Knives per set 1.20 1.50 2.50 5.00 FOR OTHER STYLES OF PIPE STOCKS AND PIPE CUTTERS, SEE INDEX 148 GEO•B•eAXPE^fTER ^ eO. OSTER STOCKS AND DIES FOR HAND OPERATION Fig. 201 Front View Figs. 204 and 206 Figs. 16 and 17 From the Front Figs. 16 and 17 From the Side OSTER PIPE MACHINES For Hand Operation These machines are complete with a self-center- ing pipe vise. By the movement of the top vise wheel, the pipe is brought central with the dies, as- suring straight threads without further attention on the part of the operator. No previous experience is required in cutting a straight and perfect thread in this machine. The dies are opened or closed by the movement of the small lever handle, which you will notice on the top at the front of the machine. By throwing this lever handle the pipe can be re- moved, without turning back over the finished threads. No. Sizes R. Hand inches Sets of Dies Price Without Tripod Extra Dies per Set Price Tripod Stand 201 204 206 Vi to 2 1 to 4 1 to 6 4 $ 94.50 $4.50 $10.50 4 210.00 6.00 15.00 6 337.00 7.50 37.50 OSTER GEARED DIE-STOCKS With Adjustable Centering Chuck One set of dies threads two sizes of pipe. To change dies simply move the setting plate to the left as far as it will go. The dies can then be inserted or removed through the die-head without removing any part of the machine. These are portable pipe tools which can be used as a Die-Stock; as a Bench tool; or complete with Tripod Stand. Each tool is strictly a one-man out- fit. These tools have no leading screw; the dies are started with a lever handle. One movement of the lever brings the head to position for the next cut without backing over the finished threads. No pipe vise required. Number 16 17 Threads, pipe inches 2% to 4 2% to 6 Price with bench bracket each $110.00 $185.00 Price with tripod, complete. .. . " 125.00 200.00 Price dies per set of four pieces " 4.00 5.00 OSTER BULLDOG DIE-STOCKS Every Bulldog Tool has the 5 BIG OSTER FEATURES— (1), self-locking, quick-opening, adjustable dies; (2), self-locking, quick-opening, self-centering guides; (3), three-lever control; (4), no loose bushings or breakable small parts; (5), no running back over newly-cut threads. Built for perfect lubrication and long service. Bulldog No. 82, 14 to % inch, the "baby" of the line, is entirely self-contained. One set of double-end protected dies thread all four sizes. No loose parts. Bulldog Ratchet Die-Stocks No. 102R to 105%R, in addition to all features of above tool, have *he easy-pulling ratchet. Range of Sizes of Pipe Regular Stocks Ratchet Stocks ExtraDies Shipping Weight Complete One One One One Cat. Price Catalog Price Per Set Set Set Set Set No. Complete Number Complete (4 pes.) Katchet y* to % 82 $13.00 $3.00 10 lbs. Vs y4&% y2&% 101 13.00 1.50 11 lbs. %&% %&% i&iy* 102 17.00 102 R $20.00 1.75 20 lbs. 24 lbs. 1&1% iy2&2 103 22.00 103 R 27.00 2.00 27 lbs. 34 lbs. y2&% i&i^ iy2&2 104 25.00 104 R 30.00 2.00 29 lbs. 35 lbs. ¥♦&% y2&% i&i^ iy2&2 104 y2 28.00 2.00 30 lbs. iy2&2 2y2&3 105 40.00 105 R 50.00 3.00 62 lbs. 70 lbs. 1&1V4 iy2&2 2%&3 105 y2 43.00 lOSyaR 53.00 3.00 65 lbs. 73 lbs. 2%&3 3y2&4 107 55.00 107 R 60.00 3.50 94 lbs. 138 lbs. iy2&2 2y2&3 3y2&4 107 y2 58.50 107y2R 63.50 3.50 98 lbs. 142 lbs. 2y2&3 3y2&4 4y2&5 108 R 75.00 5.00 137 lbs. iy2&2 2y2&3 3y2&4 4y2&5 lOSysR 80.00 1 5.00 140 lbs. Nos. 105 to 107%, operated with four handles.. .Nos. 107R to lOSVjR, operated witli four handles or two handles as a ratchet stock. All tools supplied with dies and handles complete at above prices. FOR OTHER STYLES OF PIPE STOCKS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER s Go. 149 OSTER POWER PIPE THREADING MACHINES I The Oster two-piece Nipple Jaws are attached to the regular vise on the machine, by means of two bolts. When the vise jaws are opened, the nipple is released from the jaw threads, the same as an ordinary piece of pipe. These jaws are made of steel, hardened, and will hold a close nipple. Fig. .iOOV to 50SV Belt Dri>eu Model Fig. 300B to Motor Driven Model These machines perform every one of the many pipe threading jobs in ordinary use — pieces long or short, straight or bent, over or under size, nipples, any length, and all thread nipples Every operating part is right under the hand, so that not a moment is wasted in useless action of the operator. Without changing his position, he sees the work of the threading dies at all times Quick results are given by the lever controlled die head, which is released and reset instantly after the thread is finished. The vise grips the work by a single turn of the wheel, bringing it to an absolute center. All bearings are large and the vise has no chance of getting out of alignment with the center of the dies. An Automatic Die Release can be added to these machines, designed for cutting all threads equal length. It is recommended where a number of pieces of the same length must be threaded. When ad- justed it will automatically open the dies and remove the work from the dies without any attention on the part of the operator. It can be set to cut any length thread desired. The Oster Fountain Oil Flood pumps an individual stream of oil to each die, constantly, and to all positions underneath of this die, even when in position underneath the pipe. This saves your dies, pro- duces smoother and better threads, prevents splashing the oil all over the machine, and also prevents oil draining inside the pipe. An unusual feature is the threading of short lengths. No. 300A will handle pieces down to iV> inches; No. 304A, iYz inches; No. 306A, 5% inches, all with the regular equipment. Number Size of Pipe Sets of Dies Price Extra Dies, per set (4 Pes.) Drire Nipple Jaws Eacli Size Shipping wt.. lbs. 300 A Vi to 2 4 $ 315.00 $ 4.50 Belt $11.00 1050 304 A 1 to 4 4 475.00 6.00 Belt 11.00 1550 306 A IVi to 6 6 660.00 7.50 Belt 15.00 2240 308 A 2 V„ to 8 6 1200.00 15.00 Belt 4200 300 B 1/4 to 2 4 465.00 4.50 Motor 11.00 1050 304 B 1 to 4 4 700.00 6.00 Motor 11.00 1700 306 B 1 1/4 to 6 6 925.00 7.50 Motor 15.00 2600 308 B 2y, to 8 fi 1500.00 15.00 Motor 4600 OSTER MATCHLESS DIE-STOCKS For Hand Operation Fig. 3B No. 3B MATCHLESS EASY-CUTTING STOCK is another self-contained, all-in-one tool with no loose parts. Narrow, receding, easy-cutting, ad- justable dies, steel guides and the patented Oster chip shield for the leader screw assures good threads and long wear. No. 3BR MATCHT.RSS RATCHET STOCK is sim- ilar, but has the added convenience of the ratchet feature. Chips and oil cannot clog the leader screw in either tool. This new 4BR MATCHLESS RATCHET STOCK Fig. 4BR Ratchet Pattern; Top View is built to meet the demands for a Matchless Stock of greater capacity — 21/2 to 4 inches. One man can operate this tool on all sizes of pipe within the range as catalogued. Number Sets of Dies Price F.xtra Ship'g. Dies Wt. IB »4 to % in 2 1 1 2 $14.50 30.00 35.00 80.00 $1.50 11 lbs. 2 00 25 lbs 3B to 1 to 2 in . 3BR (Ratchet) 1 to 2 in 4BR (Ratchet) 2V2 to 4 in. 2.00 36 lbs. 5.00 120 lbs. FOR OTHER STYLES OF SCREW PLATES, SEE EVDEX 150 GEO-BCAIiPErfTER ^ eo. "TOLEDO" PIPE THREADING DEVICES Toledo Pipe Threading Devices are generally acknowledged to be the greatest labor-saving pipe threading tools on the market. Today one man can do the work that formerly required the services of two — and sometimes — four men. Toledo tools eliminate friction at the cutting edge, made pos- sible by the use of very narrow dies, and by mechanically giving these dies a receding motion while cutting a thread. This makes the actual operation of cutting a thread such a simple matter that one man can cut any size thread, even up to 12 inch. Fig. 0. "Toledo" Adjustahle Threading Device No. Capacity % inch to % inch Pipe Inclusive Complete with R., H, Dies This tool is very light and compact; net weight 7 pounds; total length, from tip to tip of the handles, 24 Inches. It differs from every other tool of its capacity in that it embodies the receding-die feature for threading % inch, and % Inch pipe, and is the easiest operating tool for these sizes. One set of dies is used for threading % inch pipe, an- other set for % inch anvi % inch pipe, and another for % inch and % inch pipe. liCft-hand dies can be furnished on special order, but when cutting left-hand threads it requires a separate set for each size pipe. Liist price complete $16.00 Extra dies, per single set 2.50 Fig. 00. "Toledo" Pipe Threader Capacity % to % inch Inclusive The newest tiling: in pipe threaders for small sizes of pipe. It produces perfectly true tapered threads of stand- ard size. Lay the desired die-head on the ratchet, pull back the pawl and it drops into place. You are then ready to thread your pipe. Tills tool can be used in the closest corners. There Is nothing else on the market that is nearly so compact as this device, and it threads easily. If you do not want all the die-heads, buy as many as you want. The dies can be taken from the die-heads and reground several times. When they wear out others can be bought In sets of four segments. List price, ratchet only $3.00 %, Vi and % inch die-heads with dies each 3.00 % and % inch die-heads with dies " 3.50 New dies per set 2 00 Special case for ratchet and die-heads each 1.00 Fig. 1. "Toledo" Adjustable Threading Device No. 1 Capacity 1 inch to 2 inch Pipe Inclusive This tool is the "standard" among pipe-fitters of long practical experience. Made either for cutting right-hand or left-hand threads. Neither tool will do both. List price $24.00 Extra dies, per single set 2.50 "Toledo" Adjustable Ratchet Threading Device No. lA (Not Illustrated) Capacity 1 inch to 2 inch Pipe Inclaslve This tool is in every essential like the No. 1 except that it is equipped with a ratchet. It may be u!=ed with two handles as an ordinary die stock, or with one handle Inserted in the ratchet case. It is desirable for thread- ing pipe down in a trench or against walls, between rafters, etc. It is the easiest operating pipe threading tool In existence. Made either for cutting right-hand or left-hand threads. Neither tool wiU do both. List price , $30.00 Extra dies, per single set 2.50 Fig. 10. 'Toledo" Adjustable Threading Device No. 10 Capacity 1 inch to 2 inch Pipe Inclusive This tool is offered to those desiring a tool threading: several sizes of pipe with one set of dies. While we do not believe this the most desirable practice from the standpoint of die service, yet a large number of users would rather buy new dies oftener than change dies for each size of pipe threaded. Left hand dies can be used in this tool and can be furnished on special order. It requires, however, a separate set of left hand dies for each size of pipe. List price, complete with right hand dies $28.00 GEO-B-CARPErfTER s eo. 151 TOLEDO PIPE THREADING DEVICES Fig. 2. Fig. a 'Toledo" Geared Adjustable Threading Device Xo. 2 Capacity 2% inch to 4 inch Pipe Inclusive Complete with Dies, Ratchet and Driving Cross A light and compact tool, and the most easily operated pipe threading- device in existence. Nei- ther is the ease of operation obtained at the ex- pense of speed. A 4 inch thread may be completed in ten minutes without undue effort. A 4 inch thread has been cut in six minutes. List price $100.00 Extra dies, per single set 8.00 Pig. 3 Fig. 3. ♦'Tole0 2..50 3.50 9.«(0 9.00 Extra Bushings. . .25 ..■{5 .45 .45 .60 1.00 Die Frames .30 .40 .40 .50 .60 .60 Stocks fios. 2, 3 and 3% have leader screw attachment. Stock No. 3y2 is pi $24.00 Fig. 1119 Set No. 1119. 11 sizes, %20, ^18, %16, ^14, 1/^13, %ii, 3^10, 78 9, 18, ii/gT, 1147 in. Taper Tap; Dies and Guides 2f^ in. outside diameter for sizes 7'^ in. and smaller and 2% in. for sizes % in. and larger; 2 stocks, No. 1802 (18 in. long) and No. 1806 (35 in. long); adjustable tap wrenches No. (11 1/^ in. long), and No. IV2 (31 in. long). Complete, in case $40.00 NOTE— ^^TLL SEND ABOATE SETS 1^2 0\^RSIZE, V THREAD, UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED 154 Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ Go. EXTRA PARTS FOR GREEN RIVER SCREW PLATES Fig. 495 The cut above shows a Die and Guide taken apart to show the mechanism. Prices of Parts of Green River Screw Plates Nos. 1 to 25 Sizes Dies Guides No. of Tlireads Sizes Dies Guides No. of Threads A $1.25 $0.25 *24 % $2.00 $0.25 *10, 12 % 1.25 .25 16, 18, *20 u 2.25 .25 *10 ^ 1.25 .25 16, *18 % 2.50 .25 *9, 10 % 1.50 .25 14, *16, 18 it 2.75 .25 *9 iV 1.50 .25 12, *14, 16 1 3.00 .25 *8 V2 1.50 .25 *12, 13, 14 IVs 3.50 .25 *7,8 A 1.60 .25 *12. 14 1% 4.00 .25 *7 % 1.75 .25 10, *11, 12 1% 4.50 .25 *6 ih 1.90 .25 *11, 12 11/2 5.00 .25 *6 These Dies and Taps will be sent 1/32 oversize (for rough iron) with threads indicated form, unless otherwise ordered. ARMSTRONG'S ADJUSTABLE STOCK AND PIPE DIES by Kis 490D Tliread inches Complete Right or Left Complete Right and Left Extra Parts No. D-es each Bushings each Thumb Screws each Ad.iustinK Screws each Collar Screws each 1 2 2% 3 6 7 Vs to 1/2 14 tol y2 to 1 % 1% to 2 2 1/2 to 3 2 1/2 to 4 $9.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 $14.00 20.00 18.00 $1.25 1.50 3.00 4.00 15.00 16.00 $0.20 .25 .40 .50 1.00 1.50 $0.10 .10 .10 $0.10 .10 .10 $0.12 .12 .15 .15 .25. .25 HIGKEYS OR ROD BENDERS For Bending Reinfoicing Bars That Are Already Laid in the Forms We manufacture these in sizes ranging from % inch to 1% inches, inclusive, each being made to withstand the strain of the rod for which it is intended. Furnished complete with handles. Prices upon receipt of quantity and specifications. FOR COMPLETE LINE OP ROD BENDERS AND CUTTERS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER ^ Go. 155 "RELIABLE" SCREW PLATES THIS CUT ILLUSTRATES NEW HEXAGON SHAPED GUIDE AVhich We Are Now Furnishing with AH "ItELIABLE" Screw Plates This guide can be turned in or out of the cap ^vith ;in ordinary monkey Avrench. It will save trouble in adjusting the die. Simply hold the collet in the stock and turn the guide with a wrench. It is also very useful in places where an ordinary stock cannot be used, in dressing over bruised threads or threading new work, as with this guide the dies can be turned on with a wrench. LIST OF ASSORTMENTS SINGLE-STOCKED 20 21 99 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29A 42 Capacity, inches Price per set fe, %, Ts and 1/2 %, V2 % and % A. "s. 1/2, % and % %, % and 1 %, %. Vs and 1 A. %, I's. %, % and % 1/4. A, %, i\, 1/2, % and %.... i\, %, i\, V2, i\, % and % I's, %, %. %. 78 and 1 A. %. t'b, V2, %, %. % and 1 A, %. A, %, r's, %, %, % and . 114. 1% and 1 Vo DOUBLED-STOCKED $12.00 13.50 14.75 15.00 17.50 16.00 17.50" 18.50 22.00 25.50 28.00 39.50 No. teneth of Stocks inches Capacity, inches Price per set 35 37 39 •15 and 23 •15 and 23 •15 and 26 ♦15 and 26 26 and 40 26 and 52 26 and 40 Vi, t%, %, i\, V2, % and %.. and 1 $18.00 20.50 27 50 39A 40 41 43 V*. A. %. A. %. ,%, %. %. % and 1 %, %, %. 1, IV^ and ly* %, 1, 1%. 11/4. 1% and 11^.. 30.00 35.00 45.00 40 00 44 26 and 52 ^;1^.^^•ll:n^.^^.^: fiO.OO TRIPLE-STOCKED No. T..ength of Stocks inches Capacity, inches Fl-ice per set 343 •15, 26 and 40 •15, 26 and 52 ^.^■.i'■.fe^i4''■ '!•..'''.■ $42.00 344 ^■A.^'A'.1^inl-.'t 62.00 "All nsNortmentH havini; a 15 Inch Htock include a handy Bit Brace Die Holder for use in threading Clip Bolt.s on wapons and automobiles without re- moving them from their places, also for other work where an ordinary stock cannot be used. All "Reliable" Screw Plates are fitted with dies that can be turned over in the collets; this enables you to use them for any purpose that a die can be used, hand work, machine work, cutting close to a bolt head or shoulder, cutting threads on short bolts that are not long enough to reach through the guide or follower; and then our handy bit brace feature enables you to use them in any ordinary bit brace, so you can dress over threads in many places where you cannot use an ordinary stock. FULL STOCKED LIST OF ASSORTMENTS No. Capacity, inches Price per set 1 2 3 1 i; 1 78, j\ and 1/2 %, % and % %. 1^, % and %... $12.00 15.50 16.75 4 %, % and 1 19 50 5 6 7 8 9 9A %. A, 1/2, % and % -ft. %, I'ff, V2, % and % Vz', %'. %'. %' and^ 1 . . .1 ! ! ! ! ! .' ! ! ! ! %. T^, V2, %, %, ■% and 1 %. ,\, V2, ,%. %, %. % and 1.... 18.00 19.50 20.50 24.00 29.50 32.00 W^Iien ordering always specify style of thread desired whether <'V" exact or oversize or Ij. S. standard. PRICE LIST OF PARTS 7j III b c3 6. " A 24 2 & 2% $0.35 $1.00 $0.50 $1.50i Vi 20 2 & 2% .45 1.00 .50 1.50 A 18 2 & 234 .50 1.00 ,50 1.50 % 16 2 & 2% .55 1.25 .50 1.75 A 14 2 & 2% .60 1.25 .50 1.75 % 12 2 & 2% .70 1.50 .50 2.00 I's 12 2% .80 1.50 .50 2.00 ^8 11 2?4 .90 1.75 .50 2.25 u 11 2% 1.05 1.75 .50 2.25 % 10 2% 1.20 2.00 .50 2.50 \l 10 2% 1.40 2.00 .50 2.50 % 9 2% 1.60 2.75 .50 3.25 n 9 2% 1.80 2.75 .50 3.25 1 8 2-% 2.00 2.75 .50 3.25 1% 7 4 2.25 4.00 1.50 5.50 1V4. 7 4 2.60 4.00 1.50 5.50 1% 6 4 3.00 5.00 1.50 6.50 11/2 6 4 3.50 5.00 1.50 6.50 WTien ordering: always specify the style of thread, whether «V" exact or oversize, or V. S. Standard. 156 GEO-B-CAKPEhfTER ^ eo. TAPS— DIES— COLLETS BIT BRACE DIES AND COLLETS Tie. 858 Bit Brace Dies and Collets are very convenient for redressing threads or working in close quar- ters where it would be impossible to use a screw plate. United States Standard threads recommended and furnished unless otherwise ordered. Sizes and pitches not listed are special. Left-hand threads are special. • Threads oer in. Size U. S. Std. V. Tan only only only and Collet A 30 24 $0.50 n.oo $0.65 $1.90 V4. 20 20 .50 1.00 .65 1.90 A 18 18 .55 1.00 .65 1.95 % 16 16 .60 1.25 .65 2.25 *M 14 .60 1.25 .65 2.25 r\ i4 14 .70 1.25 .65 2.35 *M 12 .70 1.25 .65 2.35 *Spe cial to order only. LIST OF LITTLE GIANT PARTS l/ist of Taps, Dies and Collets % % ^1 % it 1 IVs ly* 1% 11/2 ^1 (§*S Price of Tap $0.35 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.05 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.60 3.00 3.50 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.75 2.75 2.75 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 $0 EXTRA STOCKS Tig. 497 Stock 7}^ in. long for collets 1 % " diam . .$0.70 Stock 131.^ in. long for collets 1 %" diam. . 1.25 Stock 14% in. long for collets 2 " diam, . 1.50 Stock 23 in. long for collets 2 % " diam . . 2.00 When ordering give number which you wish stocks for. ADJUSTABLE TAP WRENCHES stock 26 in. long for collets 2 % " diam , Stock 29 in. long for collets 2 % " diam . Stock 40 in. long for collets 4 " diam . Stock 52 in. long for collets 4%" diam. $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1:5 1.50 1.50 $2.00 , 2.00 . 6.00 . 8.00 SSMee^.idrU' These Adjustable Tap Wrenches will hold both Hand and Pipe Taps. Adjustment is obtained by revolving one of the handles. The jaws are made of fine tool steel, are rigidly held in place, and give a tight, strong grip. Sizes No. 7 and smaller are made from drop forgings. The body parts of larger sizes are malleable castings, with handles of electrically welded steel tubing, light and very strong. The bodies of all wrenches have a neat mottled finish. Capacity (Tap .sizes) Full I.eneth inches Weisht No. Hand Inclusive inclies Machine Screw Inclusive Pipe Inclusive inches Price 00 r 24 • . to -^ Vsto 14 A to % /b to 1/2 y* to % % tol % to 114 % tol 1/2 ^ 1/2 toll/a 1 and over 1% and over tol3 to 18 to 24 8 to 30 8 to 30 15 to 30 22 to 30 Vs to % %to % % to A % to 1 % to 1 14 1 to 2 2 to 4 51/2 IP 40 Va 401/2 1 1/2 oz. 4 OZ. 7 OZ. 12 OZ. 2 lbs. 3% lbs. 41/2 lbs. 8 lbs. 8 lbs. 12 lbs. 25 lbs. $1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 6.50 8.00 7.00 15.00 25.00 GEO-B-eARPEM*TER ^ CO. 157 SOLID HEXAGON DIES FOR BOLTS Fig. S56A These dies are used principally for repair work, and for dressing over bruised or rusty threads, and will go into any space that hexagon nuts will go into. Tbey can be used in bit-brace socl&ets, ratchet or monkey wrenches, and will be found convenient in many T»ays. They are accurate, durable and will give satisfactory service. United States Standard threads recommended and furnished unless otherwise ordered. V exact and V oversize threads furnished to order at regular prices. Threads per Inch Size of Die Price each Size V. s. S. A. E. Whit. Thick- standard Standard Standard Flats ness 1^ 20 28 2U 20 i V4, ?0.30 ■fg 18 24 18 18 h j> .40 % 16 24 16 16 i 34 .50 A 14 20 14 14 iV .60 ^ 13 20 12 12 V2 .70 % 12 11 18 18 12 11 12 11 \i •.IS II 11 10 16 16 11 10 11 10 y .95 1.00 /^ 9 14 9 9 1 % % 1.10 1 8 14 8 1 jj 1.20 1% 7 12 7 2 1.40 ly* 7 12 7 2i% 1.60 1% 6 ] 2 6 2% 1.80 1^/2 6 ] 2 6 2i\ 2.00 DIES MACHINE OR SOLID BOLT FOR BOLTS Xo 856B size Number Thrend of Size of Thick- Price Vi 16. IS, •20 2ii ¥2 $1.80 ft 16. *18 2 i^ % 1.80 14. *K., IS 2% 1.80 12, 'H, 16 2% % 1.80 *12, 13, 14 21/2 % 1.80 y *12. 14 2^A % 1.90 10, *11, 12 % 2.00 u •11, 12 2V2 % 2.15 % *10, 12 % 2.25 n •10 2% 3f. 2.30 % • 9, 10, 12 2V2 % 2.40 u • 9 2V2 ?i 2.55 • 8, 12 2% 2.70 i?l :?• » 2H 2 ¥2 3.00 3.30 1 % • 6 21/2 ;.60 1 1^ • 6 3 ;.9o 1 % ♦ 5, 5% 3 4.20 1 % • 5 3 5.40 1 % • 414, 5 31/^ iy2 6.50 2 • 4i'2. 5 31.5. 7.50 Will s cated by end above j't oversize, with threads indi- star (•), V form, unless otherwise ordered. NYE "SKIP TOOTH" DIES I3IPROVED SOLID DIES FOR PIPE Fig. S56C Toolmakers know by experience that a square corner must be avoided in any hardened or tem- pered tool, and according to this law the Nye "skip tooth" feature has now been perfected by rounding out the bottom of the "skip tooth." These rounded bottoms are extended below the root line of the chaser, and the'y are exactly the same construction as that adopted in all circular saws. In the Improved Nye Die the chasers are cast into a block of metal, and the angle of rake is controlled by the core boxe's which are made ab- solutely true. Cutting Sixe incbcsl % l%-%l V-i \ % 1 1 2xV2, for No. Stock, .each 2.00 2.50 3.00 2y2X%, for No. 1 Stock " 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3x%, for Nos. 1 and 1/2 1% Stocks " '>. 50 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4x74. for No. 2 Stock. . " 4.00 4.00 4.50 5x1 >4. for Nos. 3 and 4 Stocks " CuttinK Size inches] 1% IVa 1 2 1 21/2 1 3 2xy2, for No. Stock.. each 2y2X%, for No. 1 Stock " 3x%, for Nos. 1% and l?i Stocks " 4.00 4.50 4xT'r, for No. 2 Stock.. " 5x114. for Nos. 3 afid 4 4.50 5.00 5.00 Stocks " 13.00 14.00 FOR STOCKS, TAPS XSTi COLLETS, SEE INDEX 158 GEO-BCAIiFEhfTER « 60, HAND POWER BOLT THREADING MACHINES THREADING MACHINE FOR BOLTS AND NUTS Bench or Floor Machine for Hand Use Capacity — Vi inch to % inch bolt threads. Spindle — li% inch diameter hole full length to cut any length of thread. liengih ot Thread — 15Vz inches at one setting. Carriage — Moved forward and backward by lever to facilitate starting of thread. Jaw supports opened and closed by hand wheel and fitted with hardened tool steel grip-jaws for holding a variety of sizes and shapes. Standard Gquipmeut Tap Chuck, Oil Tank, Wrench, Machine Nut Taps, Dies and Machine Collets for cutting i^ inch, /j inch, % inch, j\ inch, 1/2 inch, % inch, % inch. Prices frith Standard Equipment Bench machine complete $50.00 Mounted on legs 57.00 U. S. standard Threads furnished unless otlier- wise specified. V form and Whitworth threads furnished when requested. Space Occupied, Bench or Floor — 34x20 inches. Weights — Net 200 lbs., boxed 255 lbs. With legs, net 300 lbs., boxed 375 lbs. No. 1 Champion Thread-Cutting Machine with Dies only cutting 14, •,%, %, ^\, i/^, % and % inches. Weight 40 lbs $18.00 No. 2 Champion Thread-Cutting Machine with Dies only cutting %, -fe, %, -iV, V2, %, %, ■% and 1 inch. Weight 45 lbs 22.00 No. 3 Champion Thread-Cutting Machine with Fig. 6 THE CHAMPION THREAD-GUTTING MAGHINE Furnished with Dies only, or with Dies, Taps and Tap Chucks The Champion Thread-Cutting Machine is furnislied with dies complete as shown in illustration or with dies, taps and tap chucks complete at a price so reasonable that it produces a pronounced new outfit for every blacksmith that is not already supplied with some machine representing far greater investment with possibly not as great capacity. It has a rack for starting the thread on the bolt instantly and with the long leveraged crank which can be shortened or leng- thened according to the work. The mechanical eye at once discovers that this is just the machine he wants to place any shop in shape to meet any and all competition. The Champion is sold with our guarantee that the workmanship and material must be the very best. Dies , Taps and Tap Chuck, complete, cut- ting 14, A. %, /ff, Vz, % and % inch. Weight 45 lbs $24.00 No. 4 Champion Thread-Cutting Machine with Dies, Taps and with two Tap Chucks, com- plete .cutting 14, T^j,%^, 1/2, Ys, %, % and 1 inch. Weight 55 lbs 30.00 PRICE LIST OF DIES FOR THE CHAMPIOX THREAD-CUTTING MACHINE Unless otherwise ordered, we will furnish Dies of Thread-Cutting Machines sS oversize V thread. Can supply these Dies with exact size V, U. S. Standard or Franklin Institute, A. L. A. M., and Whitworth form of thread, at regular prices, when specially ordered. SEE INDEX FOR EXTRA TAPS AND COLLETS Price Size Price Size Price $1.50 ?1.50 ^ ?1.50 1.65 Jr 1.80 V2 2.00 2.25 % 2.40 H 2.60 2.85 ii 2.90 • % 3.00 3.40 1 3.75 GEO•B•eARPE^fTE^? « Co. 150 THREADING MACHINES— HAND STOCKS Nos. 10 and 10 1^ Threading Machines for Bolts, Xuts and Pipe Capacity, % inch to 1 % inch Bolt Threads, ii inch to 2 inch Pipe Threads. Right or left hand. Spindle, 1% inch diameter of hole full length to cut any length of thread. Length of thread, 14i/4 inches at one setting. Carriage, vise is opened and closed by hand wheel and fitted with inter- changeable hardened tool steel grip- jaws for holding a variety of sizes and shapes. Drive, Cone pulley; 3 step; 6, 8 and 10 inch for 3 inch belt. Countershaft speed, 10x3 i/^ inch pul- ley, 250 R. P. M. Geared 5 to 1. Oil pump geared direct to spindle. Works equally well with right or left hand drive. Standard Equipment Machine Nut Taps, Little Giant Dies and Machine Collets, Tap Chuck, Oil Pump and Tank, Gear Guards. Xo. 10 — Cutting 14 inch, i\ inch, % inch, fs inch, V2 inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, 1 inch (right hand). With Fric- tion Countershaft $125.00 With Plain Countershaft 115.00 No. 10^^ — Cutting 1/4 inch, tV inch, % inch, /ff inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, 1 inch, 1 % inch, 1 ii inch (right hand). With Friction Counter- shaft 143.90 With Plain Countershaft 133.90 Fig. 2T4 FOR RODS, PIPE, AND Fig. 10 U. S. Standard threads furnished unless other- wise specified. V form and Whitworth threads furnished v;hen requested. Extra Equipment Right hand Adjustable Pipe Dies and Collets cutting i/4 inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, 1 inch, 1% inch, 1 1^ inch, 2 inch (extra) $31.00 FOR EXTRA DIES, SEE "LITTLE GIANT DIES" IN INDEX Floor space, 53x27 inches. Weights (includ- ing Plain Countershaft) No. 10, net 630 lbs., crated 750 lbs.; No. 10*4, net 655 lbs., crated 800 lbs. Assortments of Full Mounted Stocks and Dies for Pipes Briggs standard right-hand threads furnished in United States and Whitworth in other coun- tries unless otherwise specified. Left-hand threads at regular prices. For convenience in shipping, the rack is knocked down and packed with the stocks in a plain durable case. No. 271 — Assortment of 4 stocks, dies and guides, cutting %, 14, % and 1/2. Weighs 171/2 lbs. Price including rack $ 8.00 No. 272 — Assortment of 5 stocks, dies and guides, cutting V4, %, 1/2, % and 1. Weighs 32 lbs. Price including rack 11.00 No. 273 — Assortment of 6 stocks, dies and guides, cutting Vi, %, 1/2, %, 1 and 11^. Weighs 4314 lbs. Price including rack 16.00 No. 274 — Assortment of 8 stocks, dies and guides, cutting i/4, %, y2 , % , 1, 1 14 , 1 1/2 , 2. Weighs 71 lbs. Price including rack. . 28.00 FOR PRICE OF PARTS. SEE "FULL MOUNTED STOCKS" IN INDEX CUTTERS, SEE INDEX 160 GEO-B-eAT?.PEhfTER ^ 60. THREADING MACHINES FOR BOLTS, NUTS AND PIPE No. 36 LITTLE GIANT OUTFIT Figr. * Extra Equipment Right hand Pipe Die-lands cutting % inch, % inch, Yz inch, % inch, 1 inch, 1'%, inch, lYz inch, 2 inch (extra) $32.00 Floor space occupied, 41x69 inches. Weights (including Friction Countershaft) net 1625 lbs., crated 1950 lbs. With Automatic Opening Die Head Capacity, % to 2 inch bolt threads, % to 2 inch pipe threads.* Cuts right or left hand. Spindle, 2i's inch diameter of hole full length to cut any length of thread. licngth of thread, 17 inches at one setting. Carriage moved forward and backward by- hand wheel to facilitate starting of threads. Vise is opened and closed by hand wheel and fitted with interchangeable hardened tool steel grip-jaws for holding a variety of sizes and shapes. Drive, Cone pulley; 3 step; 10, 12 and 14 inch for 41/2 inch belt. Countershaft speed, 14x4 inch pulley, 300 R. P. M. Geared 12 to 1. Oil Pump geared direct to spindle. Works equally well with right or left hand drive. Machine Equipped as Follows: Automatic Opening Die Head, Tap Jaws, Oil Pump and Tank, Gear Guards, Splash Hood and Wrenches. Machine Nut Taps and Die-lands cutting right hand threads as follows: V2 inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, 1 inch, 1% inch, l^A inch, 1% inch, 11/2 inch, 13/4 inch, 2 inch. Including Friction Countershaft. .. .$335.00 Including Plain Countershaft 325.00 Without Countershaft 300.00 Extra Die-lands, per set 4 pieces.... 4.0O U. S. Standard threads furnished unless otherwise specified. Whitworth threads furnished when requested. V form threads are not furnished with this size machine. No. 32 LITTLE GIANT OUTFIT With Automatic Opening Die Head Capacity, V4 inch to 1 inch bolt, ^A inch to 1 inch pipe.* Cuts right or left hand. Spindle, l*/^ inch diameter of hole full length to cut any length of thread. Leng^th of thread, 14 inches at one setting. Carriage moved forward and backward by hand wheel to facilitate starting of threads. Vise is opened and closed by hand wheel and fitted with interchangeable hardened tool steel grip-jaws, for holding a variety of sizes and shapes. Drive, Cone pulley; 3 step, 6, 8 and 10 inch for 3 inch belt. Countershaft speed. 12x4 inch pulley, 250 R. P. M. Geared 5 to 1. Oil Pump geared direct to spindle. Works equally well with right or left hand drive. Machine Equipped as Follows: Automatic Opening Die Head, Tap Jaws, Oil Pump and Tank, Gear Guards, Splash Hood, Wrenches. Machine Nut Taps and Die-lands cutting right-hand threads as follows: Vi inch, -fj inch, % inch, {^ inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, % inch, 1 inch. With Friction Countershaft $190.00 With Plain Countershaft ISO.OO Without Countershaft 165.00 Extra Die-lands per set 4 pieces 2.50 U. S. standard threads furnished unless otherwise specified. V form and Whitworth threads furnished when requested. Figr * Extra Equipment Right-hand Pipe Die-lands cutting % inch, ^4 inch, % inch, V2 inch, % inch, 1 inch (extra) $15.00 Briggs standard furnished unless otherwise specified. Whitworth standard furnished when requested. Floor space. 32x56 inches. Weigfhts (including Friction Countershaft) net 925 lbs., crated 1050 lbs. Geo-BCaiipeM'ter « eo. let FLOOR AND POST DRILLS WESTERN CHIEF ELECTRIC DRILL No. 20 A Long Stroke Post Drill equipped with a high class, powerful motor of the best make, costing less than 25c a day to operate. There are no belts, the motor being directly connected with spur gear drive, accurately cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Horizontal positive gear driven worm feed, , changeable instantly to fast, slow or medium desired. Up and down run of spindle 8 inches, which is very important for shops, especially where wood- work is done. Drills to center of 18 inch circle. Bores to 1 % inches. Up and Down run of Spindle, 8 inches. Up and Down run of Table, 20 inches. Greatest distance from Table to Spindle inches. Spindle bored for % or U inch shank bits, ways state size when ordering. .:,;^- Weight, 350 pounds. Flgr. 2s List Price (as illustrated) $13."5.00 WESTERN CHIEF SENSITIVE BENCH DRILL No. 28 For Light and Rapid Drilling Drills to the center of a 9 inch circle. Bores to Vz inch. "Vertical traverse of spindle, ZV^ inches. Vertical traverse of table, 8 inches. Greatest dis- tance from table to spindle, 8 inches. Diameter of column, 2% inches. Size of tight and loose pulleys, List price ^25, 4x1% inches. Should run 650 revolutions per min- ute. Size of large cone pulley. 4%xiy2 inches. Size of small cone pulley, 3x1 Va inches. Spindle is fitted with holes for drills having No. 1 taper shanks. Height, 32 inches. Weight, 85 pounds Fie. 0% Fig. Fig. 00 Fig. 3 No. Oy-. Bores to % inch. Drills to center of 12 inch circle. Up and down run of spindle, 2'?4 inches. Up and down run of table, 9% inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 9^4 inches. Takes bits with i^ inch shanks. Weight, 50 pounds. List each <|(5.50 Xo. 0. Bores to % inch. Drills to center of 12 inch circle. Up and down run of spindle, 2% inches. Up and down run of table, 9% inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 9% inches. Takes bits with % inch shanks. Weight. 75 pounds. List each ,7 50 No. 00. Bores from to H4 inches. Drills to center of 15-inch circle. Up and down run of spindle, 3 inches. Up and down run of table. 10% inches. Greatest distance from spindle to table, 13 inches. Size of pulleys for power. 8x2% inches, should run 200 revolutions per minute. Weight, 110 pounds. Spindle bored for Vz to 41/64 inch shank bits. Always state size when ordering. List each $10.00 No. 3. Automatic self-feed. Drills to center of 1414 inch circle. Bores to 1 inch. Up and down run of spindle, 3^2 inches. Up and down run of table. 11 inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 10% inches. Spindle bored for i^ or 41/64 inch shank bits. Size of pulleys, for power. 8x2% inches. Always state size when ordering. Weight 95 lbs. List price each $10.00 162 Geo-BCarpenTter ^ So. FLOOR AND POST DRILLS No. IC. A Post Drill with all the fine features of machine shop floor drills. Straight and bevel gears are cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Hand lever feed, also horizontal gear-driven pos- itive self-feed, changed to fast, slow or medium speed instantly. These feeds work independently of each other, and bit is lifted quickly. Raise and lower device to table. Drills to center of 24 inch circle. Bores to IVz inches. Up and down run of spindle 6^ inches. Up and down run of table, 151/^ inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 18^^ inches. Size of pulley, 10%x2i^ inches. Should run 175 to 180 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for i^ to % inch shank bits. Always state size when ordering. Weight, hand power 340 pounds; hand and power 360 pounds. Always shipped A^ithout pulleys, unless ordered. Hand Power only List $42.50 With Pulley (as illustrated) " 46.50 Pig. 16 Fig. 17 No. 17. A finished floor Drill, both hand and pulley power. Straight and bevel gears are cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Hand lever feed, also horizontal gear-driven positive self-feed, changed to fast, slow or medium instantly. These feeds work independently of each other, and bit is lifted quickly. Raise and lower device to table. Drills to center of 24 inch circle. Bores to 1 1/^ inches. Up and down run of spindle, 6 Vi inches. Up and down run of table, 15 Vz inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 18% inches. Height of machine, 71 inches. Floor space, 15x26 inches. Size of pulleys, 10%x2i4 inches. Should run 175 to 180 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for % or % inch shank bits. Always state size when ordering. When specially ordered we will bore spindle to receive No. 3 Morse taper. Weight, 535 pounds, hand and pulley power as shown. List price, Hand and Pulley Power (as illustrated) $65.00 No. 7. Automatic self-feed. Cut gears, fast and slow speed, instant change. Drills to center of 21 inch circle. Bores to IVz inches. Up and down run of spindle, 5 inches. Up and down run of table, 16i^ inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 19 Vz inches. Size of pulleys for power, 10%x2i^ inches. Should run 175 to 180 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for V2 or % inch shank bits. Always state size when ordering. Weight, hand power, 275 pounds; pulley power, 295 pounds. The shaft of this drill (when ordered hand power) is left extended to receive pulleys any time thereafter. Always shipped ^^^thout pulleys, unless ordered. List price, without pulleys, Hand Power only $33.30 List price, with Pulleys (as illustrated) 37.50 No. 18. Spindle is double equipped with ball bear- ings. Straight and bevel gears are cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Horizontal, positive, gear-driven self-feed, changeable instantly to fast, slow or medium as desired. Hand lever feed, working independent of self-feed; the most powerful of any post drill on the ^ market. Permits a quick lift or return of spindle, an * excellent feature for wood boring. Raise and lower de- vice to table. Drills to center of 21 inch circle. Bores to 11^ inches. Up and down run of spindle, BVz inches. Up and down run of table, 16 14 inches. Great- est distance from table to spindle, 18 inches. Size of pulleys, 10%x2% inches. Should run 175 to 180 revo- lutions per minute. Spindle bored for Vz or % inch shank bits. Always state size when ordering. When ordered hand power only, shaft is left ex- tended so that pullej's may be placed at any time. Hand Power only, weight, 300 lbs List price $40.50 Hand and Power (as shown), weight, 320 lbs List price 44.50 Fig. 7 Flff. 18 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER S eo. 16;^ Fig. 36. Lpright Drill UPRIGHT DRILLS Model 35 Drill is equipped for hand lever, or wheel and lever feed only. Model 36 Drill has back gear, power feed and automatic stop. Can be furnished with tapping attachment for a nominal charge. A very valuable machine for all-around work. All parts are solid, simple and compact. The best of material and work- manship used throughout. All machines are tested before leaving the factory and guaranteed in every re- spect. LIST PRICES No. 35. Drill, plain lever $115.00 No. 35. Drill, wheel and lever (as illustrated) 120.00 No. 36. Drill 150.00 No. 3 6. Drill, with tapping at- tachment (not illus.) . 160.00 Fig. 35. Upright Drill 25 Height of drills, 72 inches. Greatest distance between base and spindle, inches. Greatest distance between table and spindle inches. Travel of spindle, 9 inches. Diameter of spindle in sleeve, 1^ inches. Spindle socket, No. 3 Morse. Drills to center of 21 inch circle. Diameter of table, 16 inches. NO. 15 WESTERN CHIEF DRILL Ball Bearings. Cut Gears. Back Geared. Self- feed. Changeable Speed. Drills to center of 19- inch Circle. Bores to 1 1/^ inches. Up and down run of spindle 4 inches. Up and down run of table, 11% inches. Greatest dis- tance from table to spindle, 13% inches. Size of pulleys, 8x2% inches. Should run 200 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for 'V2 or % inch shank bits. Al- ways state size when ordering. It has two speeds, Fast and Slow, and for heavy drilling the slow- speed is instantly ob- tained by inserting the crank handle in rim of fly wheel. The shaft on this drill (when ordered hand power) is left e.\- tended, to receive pul- leys at any time thereafter. Hand Power (as shown), weight 180 lbs Each, $17.50 Hand and Pulley Power, weight 190 lbs 19.50 DESCRIPTION Diameter of column, 5 % inches. Travel of table on column, 17 inches. Size of cone pulleys, 8%, 714, 5%, 4x2 1/2 inch face. Diameter of tight and loose pulleys, 8x2% inch face. Speed of countershaft, about 380 R. P. M. Net weight, No. 36, 680 pounds. Net weight. No. 35, 59 pounds. Fig. 1.5. Western Chief WESTERN CHIEF DRILL NO. 19 A low-priced combined hand and self-feed Drill. Adapted to ordinary shop use. The hand and self-feed are independent of each other, and foi,- quick work, such as wood boring, it is unsurpassed, as bit is quick- lifted. Drills to center of I6V2 inch circle. Bores to 1 % inch. Up and down run of spin- dle, 5 1/2 inches. Up and down run of ta- ble, 11 inches. Greatest distance from ta- ble to spindle, 14 inches. Spindle bored for % or ;';{ inch shank bits. Always state size when ordering. Fig. 19. AVestern Chief When ordered hand pow- er only, the shaft is left ex- tended, so that pulleys may be placed at any time. PRICES Hand Power only $18.00 With Pulley (as illustrated) 20.00 16i GEO-BSAIlPEhfTER « So. WALI> OR POST RADIAL DRILLS Furnished with ly^ or ZVz foot arms. Model 50 is equipped for hand lever feed only. Model 51 has power feed and automatic stop. Self feed has four speeds driven by four-step gear cone. Can be con- veniently changed by means of sliding collar. Very valuable machines for all around work. All parts are solid, simple and compact. The best of material and workmanship used throughout. All machines are tested before leaving factory, and guaranteed in every respect. Drill Xo. 50 These drills are extremely accurate and powerful. They embody many exclusive and valuable features, and combine several drills in one — all stationary floor drills up to 30 inch and 2^ foot radial. The radial type of drill represents the only complete type of drilling machine and can be used where the stationary spindle type cannot. This is especially true in garages, bridge, boiler, machine, blacksmith shops, etc., or any place where a wide range of drilling is done. The arm can be' swung against the wall and securely tightened in any position. These drills are driven by a four-step cone countershaft (with self oiling bearings) which should be attached to the ceiling The spindle head can be traversed along the arm by means of hand wheel screw, and can be firmly clamped in any position. The spindle has a quick return hand lever, in addition to the regular hand feed lever. SPECIFICATIONS Drill No. 51 Height of drill, 5 6 inches. Drills to center of circle outside of column, 64 inches with ly^ foot arm — 84 inches with 3 1^ foot arm. Greatest distance of center of spindle to column, 3 2 inches with ly^ foot arm — 42 inches with 3 1/^ foot arm. Smallest distance of center of spindle to column, 7 inches. Greatest distance of spindle table, 18 inches. Traverse of spindle up and down, 9 inches. Diameter of spindle inside sleeve, Ifg inches. Diameter of column, 5 % inches. Size of cone pulleys, 8%, 7^, 5%, 4x2*4 inch face. Diameter of tight and loose pulleys, 8x2 V^ inch face. Speed of countershaft, about 380 R. P. M. Net weight. No. 50, 800 lbs; No. 51, 850 lbs. Spindle, No. 3 Morse, will carry 1 1/4 inch drill. Equipped with all necessary gear guards (not illustrated). Four-step countershaft furnished as part of regular equipment. Wood post not furnished with drill. LIST PRICE Model 50, 21/2 feet -, ^^22-JJ Model 50, 3 1/2 feet \VkWc. Model 51, 21/2 feet 300.00 Model 51, 3y2 feet 325.00 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « eo. 165 ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN SENSITIVE DRILLS FRICTION AND DIRECT DRIVE These tools are designed for light work and will drill holes up to % inch In diameter. The spindle is made of tool steel, is counterbalanced by a spring, and is provided with a ball thrust bearing. The weight and thrust of the friction disc is also carried on a ball bearing. The table is counterbalanced by a weight in the column and can be swung around out of the way when desired. A finished boss is provided on the base under the spindle for convenience in centering long shafts. There is an index line on column for setting the table central at any height. The friction disc drive permits of quick adjustment of speed and also keeps the power in proper proportion to the size of the drill. Furnished complete, ready to run. No belts, shafting or countershafting necessary. SPECIFICATIONS Type Floor Drills in center of in. 12 16 Will drill holes in. Vz % Greatest distance from table to spindle, .in. 38% 40 Vertical traverse of spindle in. 3 3 Vertical adjustment of table in. 35 35 Diameter of spindle in sleeve in. i| ig Diameter of spindle above sleeve in. % % Finished diameter of column in. 3% 4^4 Movement of sliding head in. 8 8 Entire length of spindle in. 24 27 Vz Diameter of table in. 11 1^ 15 14 Maximum height with spindle up in. 74% 79 Hole in spindle fits Morse taper No in. 1 2 Weight lbs. 250 310 Approximate speed of motor R. P. M. 1500 1400 Floor space in. 23x18 30x16 Maximum horse power % % Bench 12 V2 12 3 6 % 3 '/a 8 24 111/2 461/2 1 222 1500 21x12 16 % 12 3 7V2 % 4% 8 271/2 15% 471/3 2 280 1400 30x12 V2 PRICES Floor Type I2-lnch 16-Inch Description Price each Price eacli Direct current^ $220.00 $285.00 Two or three-phase, 60 cycles 230.00 295.00 Single-phase A. C, 60 cycles 240.00 305.00 Bench Type Direct current 210.00 275,00 Two or three-phase, 60 cycles 220.00 285.00 Single-phase, A C. 60 cycles 230.00 295.00 Wound for 110 or 220 volts, direct or alternating current 60 cycles only In ordering specify voltage and kind of current. Prices are for either friction or direct drive. Be sure to specify style in ordering. Note — Direct driven type is made for direct current only. The friction driven drill has greater range of speed and is more sensitive than the direct driven type. FOR OTHER TYl'KS OP DRILLS, SEK INDEX yj 166 GEO•B'eAIiPE^fTER « So. PORTABLE ELECTRIC DRILLS Direct Current For drilling holes in castings and metals for all kinds. No. 3 drill has two speeds; the slow speed for drills larger than % inch, and high speed for drills % inch and smaller. No. 4 is fitted with No. 2 Morse taper instead of chuck, JSo. (Jaijucitj- inches Size of Chuck inches Speed R. P. M. H.P. Wt., lbs. Price Each Metal 1 Wood y4 ilr y4 1500 Ve 6y2 $ 60.00 1 % V2 % 800 Vs 12 100.00 2 Vz % V2 650 Ve 19 120.00 3 % 1 Vz 350 & 650 Va 21 140.00 4 1 ly* 460 % 30 160.00 4 1 1% 250 & 460 % 33 180.00 ^*^' ^ Wound for either 110 or 220 volts, direct current Alternating and Direct Current These drills are fitted with a uni- versal motor and will therefore oper- ate on any single phase circuit, 60 cycles or less, as well as on direct current of the same voltage. Fan cooled. Complete as shown, except screw feed attachment, which is sup- plied at a slight additional cost. Han- dles removable. No. 3U is the same as No. 2U ex- cept that it is provided with two speeds. For drilling larger holes than % inch the drill bit must run at a slower speed than when drilling % inch and smaller. Fig. lu No. 4U is fitted with No. 2 Morse taper instead of chuck. Speeds given are those of drill spindle when drilling to a maximum capacity; as the size of holes is decreased, the speed is increased TABLE OF U MODEL DRILLS Fig. 2U Capacity Size of Speed Wt. Price No. inches Chuck inches R. P. M. lbs. Each Metal Wood lU V^ % V4, 1000 7 $ 80.00 1%U % V2 ^ 800 9 100.00 2U V2 % % 650 14 120.00 3U % 1 V2 400 & 700 17 140.00 4U % 1 600 24 160.00 4U 1 ly* 340 & 600 27 180.00 Wound for either 110 or 220 volts. CENTER GRINDERS With Hand Feed These machines have been designed specially for grinding lathe centers. They are entirely self-contained, and have no loose parts to get lost or misplaced. Complete as shown, with wheel and internal grinding attachment. Larger or smaller wheels can be used. When used for other than cutter grinding, the clamp for holding adustment arm can be removed. The wheel end bearings are all made taper with adjustment for taking up wear. Made in three sizes. Shank removable. 1 1% 2 Traverse of Wheel Inches Siz6 Of Wheel Inches. Hole 4X%X% 6x%x% 8X3/4X78 Size of Shank inches y2xi %xl% 78X1% wt. lbs. H. P. of Motor Speed R. P. M. 4500 3600 2000 Direct Current Price, Each 2 or 3- phase $ 90.00 110.00 140.00 $150.00 Price, Each Single- phase $100.00 120.00 160.00 Wound for either 110 or 220 volts, direct or alternating current, 60 cycles. These grinders can also be furnished without hand feed, at a reduction in price. FOR OTHER STYLES OF ELECTRIC TOOLS, SEE INDEX GeoBCar^peM'ter « eo, 167 PORTABLE ELECTRIC DRILLS 3IODELS B AND C DRILLS When Ordering, Specify Your A^oltage These drills deviate somewhat in design from that fol- lowed by other manufacturers of electric portable drills. It will be noticed that restored in the Temco drills is the original and convenient shape of the ordinary breast drill. This type of drill is still used by many today In preference to power driven drills no doubt on account of its simplicity in design and convenience in handling. The motors used in Temco tools are of the high speed commutator type. The armature shaft is from nickel forging steel, and the armature core is built up from thin sheets of' magnetic steel, the cores carefully wound and insulated. The commutator is made from hard drawn copper bars forced together under strong pressure. The mica is cut back from the surface under strong possibility of it protruding and preventing full contact of the brushes. This construction also causes a current of air to pass over the armature suffi- cient to keep the motor cool. The bearings are of non-gran bronze, conceded the most efficient and durable bearing made for high speed work. The brushes are of hard carbon and have a broad sur- face on the commutator. The brush springs are bronze and have a large number of coils, insuring a uniform tension on the brushes at all times regardless of wear. The fields are built up of laminations of electrical sheet of the highest quality, and the colls are carefully wound and Insulated. CoDTenient Features They operate on either alternating: or direct cnrrent. Model B Attachment is made to the ordinary drop cord or incan- descent lamp socket. They run forward or reverse. The switch reverses the motor instantly. It is conveniently located near the handle and Is always accessible. It is operated without moving the hand off the handle. The breakover feature for changing drills or taps instantly by hand without the use of the ordinary chuck wrench or key. The spindle speed of Model B Drill is regulated automatically by the amount of pressure back of the drill. 3rodel C Drill has two speeds, the gears running in grease. The ratchet feed may be removed, the attachment in no way causing any inconvenience to the operator when the drill is used for strictly portable purposes. 3Iodel C Drill has the off-set spindle allowing close quarter drilling. (Applies also to Model A Drill.) Model C Model B Drill Length over all Including chuck. il5 inches M'eight complete with cord, plug and chuck 12 lbs. Capacity for drilling in steel or other metals % inch Capacity for tapping in cast iron or thin sheet steel 3/16 inch Speed — Spindle speed running idle 900 r. p. m. Consumption under load (maximum) 200 watts Voltage (carried in stock) 110 or 220 volts (Wound for any voltage from 50 to 250) Current from the ordinary drop cord either A. C. or D. C. Regular equipment includes standard % inch chuck, cord and attachment plug. The standard chuck furnished is for round or straight shank drills. It has hardened tool steel jaws and is strong, accurate and well made. A key is furnished with regular equipment but it Is not needed when operating this chuck on account of the breakover attachment. Special Equipment — A % inch geared chuck interchange- able with the standard chuck. Emery wheel ready for attachment. Automobile engine valve reseater. List price |45.00 Model C Drill Length, Including chuck and ratchet 16% Inches Weight, including chuck and ratchet feed 22% lbs. Length, including chuck only 14 inches Weight, including chuck only 21% lbs. Weight, equipped with sleeve for No. 2 Morse Taper Drills 19 iba. Capacity, in steel % inch Capacity, tapping in cast iron or sheet metal % inch Capacity of ratchet feed 2 % inches Speeds running idle (two speeds) 250-500 r. p. ra. Speeds when ordered for special work. .. .500-1000 r. p. m. Consumption under load (maximum) 350 watts Voltage (carried in stock for 110 or 220). 50 to 250 voltage Current from the ordinary drop cord either A. C. or D. C. Regular equipment furnished with Model C Drill includes cord and plug, handle and % Inch chuck for S. S. drills. Special Equipment — Model C Drill may be furnished with or without the ratchet feed. A special wieeve may also be furni.I.S. .SEE INDEX GEOBCAIlPEhfTER ^ Go. 1G9 SOUTH BEND SCREW GUTTING ENGINE LATHES Fitted A\ith Automatic Longitudinal Feed and Automatic Cross F'eed and Compound Rest No. 40—16 INCH SWING Reffulnr equipment, as illustrated under lathe, is included in price The following description applies to all sizes of South Bend Lathes No. 29, No. 33, No. 34, No. 36, No. 37, No. 40 and No. 44. The principal dimensions are shown in tabulated form on the oppo- site page. Bed is rigid, cross ribbed by heavy box braces cast in at short intervals its entire length; has three V's and one flat way for front bear- ings of head and tail stock. The rack is of steel, cut from the solid bar. Head Stock is equipped with improved reverse. Spindle is of special spindle steel accurately ground. Bearings are the best phosphor bronze with ample oiling facilities and adjust- able for wear. Tail Stock is off-set to allow compound rest to swivel parallel to the bed and is provided with set over for turning taper. Tail stock center is self-ejecting. Carriage is strong with wide deep bridge; has T slots for clamping work for milling and boring. Both automatic cross feed and auto- matic longitudinal feed are operated from FOR PRICKS SK front of apron and but one feed at a time can be engaged. Both feeds are driven by a splined screw and worm so that the thread of the lead screw is used for screw cutting only. Thread Cutting. Lathe is indexed to cut stand- ard threads from 4 to 40, right or left, in- cluding 11% pipe thread. Graduation. The compound rest is graduated in degrees. The cross feed screw has graduated micrometer collar reading in one thousandths of an inch. Kquipment as shown in cut is included in the price and consists of large and small face plates, compound rest, two steel centers, cen- ter rest, change gears, adjustable stop for screw cutting, gear guards, necessary wrenches and double friction countershaft, also instruction book, How to Run a Lathe. NKX' PAGK 170 GEOB eAIiPE^fTER « Co. SOUTH BEND SCREW GUTTING ENGINE LATHES EQUIPPED AVITH AUTOMATIC LONGITUDINAL FEED, AUTOMATIC CROSS FEED AND COMPOUND REST Regular Equipment, as Illustrated Under Lathe, is Included in Price In Ordering give Number of Lathe and Length of Bed No. 29. 11-inch Lathe, Automatic Feed No. of Lathe Swing Over Bed Length of Bed Distance Between Centers Hole in Spindle Approx. Weight on Skids Price With Compound Rest 29 29 29 11% in. 11% in. 11% in. 4 ft. 24 in. 5 ft. 36 in. 6 ft. 48 in. % in. % in. % in. 600 6.50 700 $247.00 2.54.00 262.00 No. 33. 12-inch Lathe, Automatic Feec I 33 33 33 33 12% in. 12% in. 12% in. 12% in. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. 26 in. 38 in. 50 in. 62 in. % in. % in. % in. % in. 800 850 900 950 $260.00 267.00 278.00 287.00 No. 34. 13-inch Lathe, Automatic Feed 34 13% in. 5 ft. 33 in. % in. 1000 $285.00 34 13% in. 6 ft. 45 in. % in. 1060 295.00 34 13% in. 7 ft. 57 in. % in. 1110 305.00 34 13% in. 8 ft. 69 in. % in. 1170 315.00 No. 36. 14-inch Lathe, Automatic Feed 36 14% in. 5 ft. 30 in. 1^ in. 1100 $309.00 36 14% in. 6 ft. 42 in. 1^ in. 1175 320.00 36 14% in. 7 ft. 54 in. la's in. 1250 331.00 36 14% in. 8 ft. 66 in. 1^ in. 1325 342.00 36 14% in. 10 ft. 90 in. l5>, in. 1450 375.00 No. 37. 15-inch Lathe, Automatic Feed 37 15% in. 5 ft. 28 in. IVs in. 1275 $330.00 37 15% in. 6 ft. 40 in. IVs in. 1350 340.00 37 15% in. 7 ft. 52 in. IVs in. 1425 352.00 ~ 37 15% in. 8 ft. 64 in. IVs in. 1500 363.00 37 15% in. 10 ft. 88 in. IVs in. 1650 396.00 No. 40. 16-inch Lathe, Automatic Feed 40 1 16% in. 6 ft. 36 in. 1^ in. 1600 $394.00 40 1 16% in. 7 ft. 48 in. 1t% in. 1700 404.00 40 i 16% in. 8 ft. 60 in. 1t% in. 1800 416.00 40 j 16% in. 10 ft. 84 in. Ifs in. 1950 449.00 40 i 16% in. 12 ft. 108 in. l^ in. 2300 482.00 No. 44. 18-inch Lathe, Automatic Feed 18% in. 6 ft. 33 in. li% in. 1700 $454.00 18% in. 7 ft. 45 in. U\ in. 1825 469.00 18% in. 8 ft. 57 in. li^ in. 1950 486.00 18% in. 10 ft. 81 in. lik in. 2200 .519.00 18% in. 12 ft. 105 in. 1^ in. 2450 563.00 EXTRAS: -Any of the above Lathes may be fitted with Raising Blocks, Taper Attachment, Gap Bed, Milling and Keyway Cutting Attachment. GEO-BCAIiREhfTER « SO. in SOUTH BEND LATHES WITH GAP BED AND BRIDGE The Practical Lathe for all Aiound Work in the Machine and Repair Shop, adapted to Handling Work of both Small and Large Diameter Sizes. We furnish the 11 inch, 12 inch, 13 inch, 14 inch, 15 inch, 16 inch and 18 inch South Bend Lathes with gap bed when desired. For description and dimension of gap bed lathes see that of straight bed lathes, as the only difference between straight bed lathes and gap bed lathes is the bridge, and gap construction of bed, which requires more strength. Bridge is used to close up the gap so that the lathe may be used as a straight bed for ordinary work. When work of large diam- eter is to be machined, bridge may be re- moved from bed in a few moments, as it is accurately machined, scraped and fitted to gap, located by means of dowel pins and held in position by four substantial bolts. Bridge must be fitted in lathe at factory. Equipment as shown in cut is included in the price of lathe and consists of large and small face plates, graduated compound rest, two steel centers, center rest, change gears, ad- justable stop for screw cutting, a set of feed gears, gear guards, necessary wrenches, dou- ble friction counter shaft, and bridge. PRICE OF GAP AM) BRIDGE IS EXTRA OVER STRAIGHT BED LATHE No. of Gap Lathe Swing over Bed Swing over Gap Width of Gap Lengths of Beds Extra Wgt. of Gap Beds Price Extra for Gap and Bridge 129 llVi in. 15 in. 5 in. 4, 5, 6 ft. 5 lbs. $34.00 133 12% " 17 '• 6 5,6, 7, 8 ft. 75 lbs. 36.00 134 13% " 19 7 " 5, 6, 7, 8 ft. 100 lbs. 44.00 136 14 y* " 201/2 " 7% " 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 ft. 1 115 lbs. 48.00 137 15% " 22 8 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 ft. 125 lbs. 52.00 140 16 V4 " 24 8% " 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 ft. 140 lbs. 60.00 144 18% " 26 " . 10 6.7.8,10.12 ft. 170 lbs. 80.00 EXTRAS: The gap bed lathe may be supplied at extra cost with — Milling and Key way Cutting At- tachment. Raising Blocks and Taper Attachment. 17! GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ Go. SOUTH BEND MILLING AND KEY- WAY GUTTING ATTACHMENT FOR LATHES This attachment is practical in the shop because it equips the lathe for doing the 101 jobs that otherwise could be done only on the shaper or milling machine. The regular equipment consists of Milling Attachment, two steel V blocks, one crank handle, one double end wrench, and two bolts and nuts for attaching. Size of Attachment . . Size of Lathe used on Vertical Feed Cross Feed Vise will hold Depth of Jaws Width of Base Width of Jaws Weight Price No. 1 No. 3 11 in. 12,13 i 3 5 4 6 11/2 " 2% ' 1 1% ' 31/2 " 5 31/2 " 5 25 lbs. 40 lbs. $60.00 $70.00 14 No. 4 , 15 i 6 7 31/2 " 1% " 51/2 " 51/2 " 50 lbs. $75.00 No. 5 16, 18 in 7 2 6 6 65 lbs. $80.00 Arbors or cutters are not included in the price of the attachment, but are extra. KEY- SEATING WOODRUFF SYSTEM The illustration is taken from the back of lathe, and shows the attachment holding a 1 1/^ inch steel shaft which has been key-seated for the Woodruff system of key. A special chuck is fitted to the spindle lathe for hold- ing the cutter. No. 4 Aitachment ion a 15-inch Lathe SQUARING A STEEL SHAFT IN THE LATHE Illustration shows a No. 4 attachment fitted to a lathe squaring a 1 % inch steel shaft. A spiral end mill is fitted into the taper of the spindle. The shaft is fed horizontally across the face of the end mill to the desired depth. Then by using the vertical feed you can get a clear sharp corner. And end mill cutting in the above manner does not need near as much power as if it were cutting on the face, and it makes a much cleaner job. ^"^^^ No. 4 Attachment on a 15-lnch Lathe GEOBCARPENfTER ^ GO. Fi^. BB and XBB ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ FORGES "^^^ ' ""^ ^ For Blacksimth wagon and Pjo^^ „^3, ^^ Stationary Blast Forges. ^'^Fy l^^P'.j^^^f^Xed Equipped with solid firepot with side and center blast tuyere ball. used with ordinary bellows or ^-lower if desirea 1M4 pp ^ ^^ ^^_^^.^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^.^^ regulates the blast. Have tool rest and racks and lever a"f,<=h^«?it jj°^?''^^^^^ ^, B. B. Height, 26 inches: hearth, 3Sx5u inches; over B. B. Height, 26 inches; hearth. 37'/2x41 inches, over ^j, - g-^^gp inches Mat Price all. 37',.x31 inches. (Always shipped PLAIN, unless otherwise ordered.) B. B. ^- ^5 »• Plain, no Tank, no Hood, weight 375 lbs '.'.'.'.'..'.'.'...'.'. 40.00 45.00 With Tank, no Hood, weight 440 lbs 4O.OO 45.00 With Hood, no Tank, weight 390 lbs ..... ... . ■ ■ • • • _ .■.■..■.;'.■..'. 45.00 50.00 With Tank and Hood^U^s^illustmted).^^^^^^ ^^^^p^. ^ood at same price as Half-hood. > ROYAL FORGES NOS. 8 AND 9 Verv large roomy, he^ S^^^^^t^^'^-ScX; J^P^^^^^orges are as large as any blacksmith wil'l ever need for any kind of ^|f7J ^^'''^l^gg. jj„, 9. Hearth. 38x.50 inches; over all 3Sx60 inches; >-u. 8. Hearth. 371,2X41 inches; over all. 37V2X0I inches, ^^^^'{% inches; height, 26 inches. List Price fan, 12 inches ; height, 26 inches. ^^^^^.^^^ ^^ipp^^ PLAIN, unless otherwise ordered.) No.^8 No. 9^ Plain, no Tank, no Hood, weight 435 lbs '.........'.'............. 70.00 75.00 With Tank, no Hood, weight 500 lbs 70. 00 75.00 With Hood, no Tank, weight 4.50 lbs ... .... ■ • • ; • ; ; ; 75. 00 80.00 With Tank and Hood (^s^mus^tra^ted).^ we.gM^^^ Hood at same price as Half-hood. No. 100 Royal Forge Fig. 100 Fig. 100-Royal Forge. For use of large Blackstnith Wagon Plow done, and a tirst-class forge and fire needed. Blast is furnlsnea Fij;;. '2oS and Railroad Shops, etc.. where heavy work is by high grade blower with 12 inch fan geared 5d revo- ■ n . tnelSl arf ^a^of g's pipe "an^d1an°be 'easily taken off for transportation. The The hearth Is made of case iron; tne legs ^.'.^.'^^^^"^/e separate from the forge, preventing breakage when a fire is tuyere iron is our genuine Rov^l. Tuyere iron ^Jl'/^'j ^^J^'^^f^dl and once used by a smith he will seldom use any other built on frosty mornings This is °?f ° ^^^^gg^^^JJ^and 30 inches high; length over all, 53 inches. The crank turns VilJ'^^JiJ'o^fl^^raZ^^-t^e'L^^^o^'l^e^ is to heat 4 inch Iron to welding point. ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ V^%^trr^i^fi^\u''tJ^U:^e^^^^^^^^ Fig. 253 — Tiger Forge. For substantial, low cost Forge, equipped fire-pot are heavy and will last a life Blower, 9 inches; hearth, 25x36 List Price H^lraBsSrii^i'ss:?'*^^ lih high grac, _ me. .\ good rigid for-^. fully guaranteed inches: height, 30 inches; weight, 180 lbs. capacity, 3 'A inch Iron. 174 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ Go. FORGES Fig. 35 ROYAL STEEL FORGE No. 35 The Royal Steel Forge No. 35 is extra large, well made, and is built for heavy work. It is well adapted for boiler makers, garages, repair shops, etc. Can be used for light work as well as for heavy, and is. built to stand the heaviest work that comes to any shop. This Forge is equipped with The Royal Western Chief Blower, which is the best that money can buy. It has a 12 inch fan, geared 55 revo- lutions of the fan to one of the crank, producing a blast with a capacity to heat 4 inch iron to a weld- ing heat. The hearth is made of steel, bound at the corners and top edges with angle steel, which not only makes a nice finish, but makes it exceedingly strong. Fan, 12 inches. Hearth, 30x36 inches. Height, 30 inches. Length over all, 44 inches. Crank turns forward or backward. List Price, witUout Tank, weight 195 lbs $60.00 List Price, with Tank (as illustrated), weight 225 lbs 65.00 ROYAL FORGE No. 20 This forge is essentially the same as No. 35 Royal, except that it is not furnished with a full hood. It is intended for outdoor work and no provision is made to take care of the smoke. Equipped with Royal Western Chief Blower. Hearth is 30 inches wide, 36 inches long; height is 30 inches; length over all, 44 inches. Crank turns forward and backward. Forge has the same capacity as the Number 35, viz., heating 4-inch iron to welding point. It can easily be taken apart for transportation and all the parts packed in the hearth, which furnishes a very strong shipping case. This Forge has solid fit-e pot with ball tuyere, furnishing both side and center blast. List Price, without Tank, weight 190 lbs $58.00 List Price, with Tank (as illustrated)* weight 220 lbs 63.00 Always shipped without Tank, unless so ordered. Fis. :?«- No. 36 and 37 ROYAL FORGES strong well-built, up-to-the-minute Forge, adapted for the use of repair shops, garages, etc. Equipped with the Royal Blower, which gives ample blast to heat ZVi inch iron. Fire pot is duck nest type with tuyere ball, furnishing both side and center blast. Fan. 10 inches. Hearth, 24x24 inches. Height, 30 inches. Crank turns forward or backward. Capacity to heat 'iVi inch iron. List Price, No. 36 (with shield), weight 135 lbs *19'55 List Price, No. 37 (with hood) , weight 140 lbs 44.00 ROYAL STEEL FORGES Nos. 40, 60 and 76 For Boilermakers. Rivet Work, Mines, Quarries and Army and Navy use. These Forges can be quickly knocked down and packed in a box 22x24x9 inches. Crank turns forward or backward. Ca- pacity to heat 3Vs inch iron. ,.^ . , . „r ,^ ,, „ . o.<»»» No. 40 Blower, 10 inches. Hearth, 22 inches. Height, 30 inches. Weight, 95 lbs List Price, $4O.0O No. 60 Blower, 10 inches. Hearth, 18 inches. Height, 30 inches. Weight, 90 lbs List Price, 35.00 No. 76 Blower, 9 inches. Hearth, 18 inches. Height, 30 inches. Weight, 85 lbs LUit Price, 30.0O GEOBCAKPEhfTER « So 175 THE No. 401 CHAMPION STEEL RIVET FORGE FOR BLOWER PARTS SEE NEXT PAGE. 4B. GOOSE NECK 47. CLAMP HOLDS GEAR CASE LEG CLAMPS RIGHT AND LEFT 49. CENTER LEG CLAMPS SHIELD. 40 TUYERE PLATE. 4! TUYERE. 43 TUYERE SLIDE. 4.4 TUYERE PIPE. 45 Made With Adjustable Ball Bearings Only. Heai-th 18 Inches in Diameter No. 401 Champiou Steel Rivet Forge has been ou the market for 16 years and is used by the great majority of railroads, bridge builders, boiler and structural iron workers of the world, also very desirable for garages. Nothing was ever seen to even approach it for a strong positive blast. We therefore can safely guarantee it to increase the work over and above any 6ther make of Rivet Forge 25%. Its Gearing is the "Famous 400" Champion "Patented" High Speed Spiral-Type. It runs noiseless. It can be taken apart for transportation, and against set up in a few minutes. It will produce blasts to weld 3V^ to 4-inch iron in ten minutes. No. 401 Steel Rivet Forge is used on 99 out of 100 structural steel buildings constructed. Crank turns either way to make the blast. Each turn of the crank productes 46 complete revolutions of the fan wing. No. 401. Champion Steel Rivet Forge with Shield. Hearth 18 in. in diameter, height 30 in., fan 9 in. in diameter, weight 115 lbs $35.00 REPAIR i*ARTS FOR THE NO. 401 CHAMPION STEEL/ PORGF No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. Shield $0.75 Tuyere Plant 25 Pan 3.75 Tuyere Barrel .75 Tuyere Slide 25 Tuyere Pipe 1.50 No. 46. No. 47. No. 48R. No. 48L. No. 49. No. 50. Goose Neck $2.25 Clamps hold gear case 75 Both Leg Clamps 1.50 Center Leg Clamps 75 Legs, each 50 FOR BLO'W^ER PARTS. SEE NEXT PAGE. 176 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « Go. LIST OF PARTS FOR 401 and 400 CHAMPION BLOWERS When ordering parts always give the name and the number of the part wanted. Driving gear $1.50 Handle hub 25 Handle 75 Driving shaft 1.50 Bronze gear 1.90 Pinion 75 Spiral 2.25 Rear half fan case: 12 inch 1.50 inch No. 10. No. 11. No. 400 Blower, No. 401 Forge, 1 Front half fan case: No. 400 Blower, 12 inch 1,50 No. 401 Forge, 9 inch 1.15 Entire fan case: No. 400 Blower No. 401 Forge, Wing 1.15 12 inch 3.00 inch 2.30 1.15 No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. Large lock nut $0.08 Oil cup 15 Gear case cap 75 Set screw 08 Cone 15 Ball cup 15 Ball retainer 15 Disk 15 Set screw 08 Large lock nut 08 Ball retainer 15 Large lock nut 08 Ball retainer 15 Ball, 1/4 inch per bearing 15 No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. ^ inch lock nut $0.08 Gear case proper 6.75 Front cone 15 Front cup 15 Large lock nut 08 % inch stove bolt, per set 15 Pipe clamp 25 Bronze bushings 30 Bronze gear pinion shaft 75 Dust cap on crank shaft, side handle is on .15 Dust cap on crank shaft, side opposite handle 15 Ddst cap on bronze gear shaft, either side .15 Dust cap on rear of spiral 15 Dust cap on front of spiral at fan 15 Royal Tuyere TUYERE IRONS ROYAL TUYERE Needs no clay A large, heavy, solid iron fire-pot, with side and center blast Tuyere Ball. Measures 8x91/^x4 inches inside. Weighs 50 pounds. Diameter of inlet, 3 inches. List price $5.00 MAMMOTH TUYERE Same style as Royal, but extra large size. Size, inside, 9x11 1^ inches, 4 inches deep. No clay required. Weighs 55 pounds. Has square ball, furnishing side and center blast. Diameter of inlet, 3 inches. List price $5.00 WESTERN CHIEF TUYERE Has a loose ring top which rests on clay, to prevent falling or crumbling. Weighs 40 pounds. Diameter of inlet, 3 inches. List price $2.50 FOR AliL KINDS OF FORGE TOOLS, SEE INDEX Western Chief Tuyere GEO•B•CARPE^fTER X Co. ir' PUNCHES AND FORGES TIGER FORGE No. 254 Each year the demand for crank gear forges is becoming greater, and in our No. 254, Tiger, we offer a forgo in which the difference in price be- tween the old lever type and the crank gear is small enough to allow anyone to possess an up-to-date forge. Blower, 9 inches. Height, 30 inches. Hearth, 22 inches. Weight, 80 lbs. Price, Avith shield $24.55 Price, with hood 27.00 \ Fig. 254. Tiger Forge Fig. 150. Ctaicago Forge CHICAGO FORGE No. 150 Blower 8 inches Height 3 inches Hearth 18 inches Weight 8 pounds A light, move-about Forge; adapted to light work. Is suited to quarries, mines, etc., and popular as a low-priced article. Can be fitted with hood. List price. No. 150, with shield $13.00 List price. No. 151, with hood 15.00 MARVEL PUNCH No. 10 Has row of four punches in front, sizes Vs, fs, ^ and ^g inches, one punch being used at a time. All the punches may be left in place at all times if desired. Punches are simply dropped in place, and the steel block with thumb screw can be rapidly shifted over any punch desired, and punch tightened by turning thumb screw. The slide case is hardened steel. The movable block is hardened tool steel. The die is made of one piece, % inch wide, top face of die is 1% inches from bottom of throat and 1% inches from top of throat, and is also extended forward so as to be able to punch web and flange of channels, eye beams, angles, etc. Lever is used swinging either way. Capacity ^ inch hole in % inch stock. Throat, 4 inches. Weight, 90 lbs. ThrierauarterFr^n*iview I^^st price. Complete with 4 punches, die and lever $80.00 THE MARVEL PORTABLE PUNCH No. 20 Made Entirely of Steel A powerful, well made tool. Easily carried in one hand. It punches sheets, bars, angles, circles, etc. A splendid tool for punching a number of holes around the edges of sheets. Will punch a hole % inch from inside corner of angle iron to center of punch. If desired to use stationary on a bench, it can be clamped in any common bench vise, the vise jaws clamping the frame between the two lower nuts, the two nuts inch hole in % inch stock. Depth of throat, 2 inches. Weight, 16 pounds. Length over all, 38 inches. Piice. including one punch and die ■ ^i^.&v When not otherwise specified, M inch punch and die is sent with each No. 20 punch. Extra launches and dies, all sizes, from Ys to i.^ inch, always on hand. 12 Marvel Portable No. 20 acting as a perfect brace. Capacity, 178 GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « SO. BLOWERS ROYAL WESTERN CHIEF BLOWER The Successful Blower The Royal Western Chief Bl'ower is far in advance of all other blowers, from the points of workmanship, appearance and service. Made of high grade materials throughout, by skilled mechanics, it offers an excellent investment in any shop where a dependable first- class blower is required. The Gears are all cut out of a solid piece of the finest tool steel and are accurtely gauged down to one one-thousandth part of an inch. The Bearings are not only turned, but are lead ground and run in boxes of phosphor bronze. Every part of the machine is as carefully made as is possible for good material and mechanics to produce. The gears are so finely fitted that they work absolutely noiseless, the gear case being oil and dust tight. The lower gears run continually in a bath of oil, preventing wear and making this machine one of the most durable and the most reliable blowers made. Tlie Crank which can be adjusted for long or short strokes, turns one revolution to 55 revolutions of the fan, producing a blast with ordinary exertion, equal to a 60-inch bellows which is strong enough for any kind of blacksmith work any where. The Stand is made of cast iron securely bolted together, and when desired it can be easily taken apart for transportation. Tlie Blower Head is hung on pivots and may be adjusted to suit any position required by the blacksmith. The fan case is provided with an oil cup at the top and an oil cock at the bottom. In starting the blower always open the oil cock at the bottom and pour the oil in the oil cup at the top until it begins to run out of the oil cock at the bottom, then close up both the oil cup and the oil cock and the lower gear will run in a bath of oil. It need not be oiled again for six months and will always produce a powerful blast The Fire Pot furnished with the Royal Western Chief Blower is a large, heavy solid iron fire pot with side and center blast tuyere ball. It weighs 50 pounds and measures 8x9i/^x4 inches deep inside. This fire pot needs no clay and has the best adjustment for controlling the fire. List price $28.00 Royal Blower 'ressure Bl»»\ver PRESSURE BLOWERS For Forge Fire, Small Cupolas, Furnaces, etc. These Blowers are adapted to forge fires and small, light cupola work. They are very strong and durable, smooth running, and handsome in appearance. Sizes P3, P4, P5 and P6 have grease cup in addition to oil cup, so that should oil cup run dry the grease cup will continue to lubricate and prevent heating. Built for service. fa >) c 0) 4,® -d ^ 9 S-J m 3 » •- ■^ £^ 1> rUNCH StyfeT-DS^f^TUat fot;. The left hand cut above illustrates our standard Combined Stake Riveter and Punch with slne-le head All nnr machines of this style are equipped with adjustable automatic stops which enable the operator to bi'fn- the launch U^ r"ivet°i"hetSrd.^""' °' '*'"°^'- ^'' "'"' ^'^ """' '"^ ''"°'" ^^'^ top.^ An au?omaUc"h*oYl urclamps tile 'sheet;\^fo"rf the f,i < One punching and one riveting attachment with wrenches and strippers is furnished with each machine. The stake and mam eccentric shaft are carbon steel forgings. FIk. 56A SlZt^S AND CAPACITIES Length I Diam. of Stake I of Stake Riveting I Capacity I Punching Capacity R. P. 51. H. P. Weiglit Price '/2X% to 100 !500 %xiA to 100 16000 One punching aad one riveting attachment is furnished with each machi extra. Extra stakes for smaller diameter of pipes can be furnished. Fig. 13A DOUBLE END PUNCH AND SHEAR SIZES AND CAPACITIES Attachment for double head 1132.00 Depth Throat Capacity to Shear Single Weight Single Price Double Weight Double Price Single Crated Weight Double Crated Weight 3875.00 I 700 49a SHEARING ATTACHMENTS FOR FIG. 15A Motor brackets cut gear and pinion 1 $so.no Cross Cut Shear 1 54.00 Splitting Shear 1 62.00 Angle Shear 1 S5.00 Architectural Jaw 1 40.00 Requires 7% H. P. to operate. Motor Should Run About 1200 R P. M. Fly Wheel Should Run 250 R. P. M. Ratio of Gearing 9:1. Size of Pulleys 24x6. Above machine Illustrates plain jaws and Adjustable Automatic Stop on both ends. One side shows angle Shear in position, the other side Illustrates Plain Punching Attach- ment. Fig. 2 LEV ER SHEAR FOR BAR, ROUND IRON AND ANGLE IRON The Ideal Shear for Scrap Yards. Has tight and loose pulleys, 36 inches in diameter, 6 inch face. Two fly-wheels 52 inches in diameter, horsepower to operate. Will Shear Weight Price Square Soft Steel 16000 $1075.00' Square Soft Ste 462.00 -ge for Motor Drive including cut gear and pinion ,(but no motor) $55.00. HAND POWER COMBINED PUNCH AND SHEARS STYLE 33 Will Punch to Center of 6 inch Circle No. Punch Will Shear Weight Weight Crated Price Flat 1 Round iBand 15 1 -,xii I Hx4 1 1 1 7xn 1 1000 1200 $77.00 7 33 1 %x% 1/4X2 ',2 1 % 1 1 350 475 32.00 3 66 1 i4x% ■ix4 1 1 1 1 570 770 65.00 3 6 1 1,4x1/2 1/4x4 1 1 1 1 510 710 55.00 3 n 1 %x% 1 V4 plate 1 1 550 725 75.00 $1S,50. Will shear 2x2x% angle, with 3 extra sets of punches and dies and Angle Shear for No. 15 Fig. 33 Machines are complete . , ^ '^"^ Lever Bar. Ji." Power Combined All hand-power machines should be rigidly fastened to the floor to Hand Power Combined I*unch and Shear Necure good results. Punch and Shear 186 GEo•B•eARPE^fTER ^ eo. BAR GUTTERS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS Cut ttvisted or straifcht bars, angles, flats, teeM and special shapes. Have twice the capacity of cast iron machines of the same weight. Fig. 2B I is- ^ Fig. Fig. 10. CONTRACTOR'S BAR CUTTER For cutting concrete reinforcing bars. Cuts round or twisted high carbon steel bars. Machine weighs only 300 lbs., yet is stronger and of equal capacity to cast iron machines of twice the weight. It is therefore verv desirable on scaffolding because it can be easily moved about. Tlie frame consists of two heavy plates of "Armor-Plate" steel of 75 000 lbs. tensile strength, rigidly bolted and riveted together, enclosing the working parts. Stripper on side prevents binding of the metal, and the roller prevents bars from dulling the knives. A treadle is pro- vided for dropping the segment back into place after each cutting operation. Two sets of knives are furnished, for cutting light, me'lium and heavy bars. 10 lOA lOB 11 llA IIB Type Legs Wheels attached to legs Without legs Legs Wheels attached to legs" Without legs Cuts Twisted Squares up to 1" " " 1" 1%" 1%" 1%" Cuts Rounds up to 1%" 1%" 1%" 1%" Shipping Weight 315 lbs. 340 lbs. 254 lbs. 500 lbs. 525 lbs. 439 lbs. last Prices 190.00 200 00 180.00 Fi^. 2B. COMBINATION "ARMOR-PLATE" PUNCHES AND SHEARS Fmme is of "Armor-Plate" steel, having a tensile strength of 75,000 lbs.— over seven times stronger than cast iron StriDDeis are adjustable to prevent binding of the stock when cutter leaves metal. A twin-socket lever operatinj ith"' punch and -shears is worked from one side; its powerful leverage makes operation easy on all work. Cuts Rounds 1/4 XVl" %X%" 2x5/16" 3x1/2" 3x%" 1/8, 3/16 & 1/4" %, 5/16 & %" V4, % & V2" Depth Throat 3%" 4" 51/4" Shipping Weights 123 lbs. 215 lbs. 400 lbs. $50.00 70.00 100.00 Made for Fig. 4. bench use as shown. "ARMOR-PLATE" STEEL SHEARS or furnished with cast iron stand. The frame consists of heavy "Armor-Plate." No. Mounted on Cuts Flats up to Cuts Rounds up to Shipping Weight List Prices 3C 4 4C Bench Type Cast Iron Stand Bench Type Cast Iron Stf-nd 3x%" .3x%" 1: 1" 100 lbs. 145 lbs. 250 lbs. 250 lbs. $50.00 75.00 70.00 75 00 Fig. 5. "ARMOR-PLATE" BAR CUTTER By changing links, one. two or three teeth of the ratchet wheel can be engaged at one stroke of the lever, accord- ing to size of material to be cut. The main frame consists of two heavy "Armor-Plates rigidly bolted together. The plunger crankshaft, upon which the ratchet wheel is pressed, moves in flange bearings boHed to the two frame plates. Machine is furnished with stripper, adjustable to the thickness of material to be cut. Only one pair of knives are furni.shed at the list prices quoted below. Prices on extra knives on request. The one pair of knives may be for any one of the Ave following shapes or combinations: „,.„K,„„t, „ i,„.„^„ rr„„ k„.. Squares and rounds— combination knives Twisted bar only. Flats and angles— combination knives. Tee bars only Channels an'd beams — capacities on application. One pair of knives required for each size. Please specify which of these knives are wanted. No. One Set of Knives for Both One Set of Knives One Set of Knives for Both One Set of Knives Weight lbs. list Prices Squares Rounds Twisted Flats . Angles Tees 1" 11/4" \¥ 2" IVs" 1%" 111/16" 2V4" 1" IV4'' 2%x%" 4 X % or 2 X %" 4 X % or 4%x %'' 4 xl or 4%x %" 4Uxl% or 5 xl" 2 X 1/4 " 3 X5/16" 3%x%" 4 x%" 5 X14" 2 X V4 " 2yoX.V16" 3 x%" 4 x%" 4 x%" 400 1000 1175 1500 1900 $200.00 250.00 300.00 350 00 400.00 NOTE— Can also be built for pov i-er. Prices on application. GEO•B^eARPE^fTER « Co. 187 ANVILS Fig. 5291 Fig:. 5293 TABLE OF APPROXIMATE ANVIL MEASUREMENTS Wt. lbs Face inches . Horn inches. . Hardie Hole. . Pritchel Hole. 10 2x6 31/2 V2. 20 I 30 2%x7 21/2x8 4 .. ,5 % % % % 40 2%x9 6 % .50 3\9 1/2 61/2 60 70 80 3%xl0 33/8x11 31/2x12 7 71/2 SVz % % % A /. T^ Wt. lbs Face inches. . Horn inches. Hardie Hole. Pritchel Hole. 100 3%xl3i/2 125 3%xl5 10 150 4x16% 101^ % 175 4%xl7 11 1 200 41/^x18 11 y2 IVs 250 4%x20 121/2 IVs \\ 300 5x21 13 1% 350 51^x22 13 Vz 1% Wt. lbs Face inches. . Horn inches . Hardie Hole. . Pritchel Hole. 400 6x23 141/2 1% \\ 450 51/^x24 151/2 1% \\ 500 ;%x25 16 iy2 600 7x26 17 11/2 700 7%x27 18 1% % 800 8x28 19 1% % Hardie Hole Sizes on List Indicate Size of Tool that Hardie Hole will Take 85 to 350 lbs. Extra for 71 to 84 lbs. Extra for 61 to 70 lbs. 'PETER WRIGHT'S" ANVILS ..per lb. $0.12 Extra for 51 to 60 lbs .01 Extra for 50 lbs. and lighter. .. " .01% per lb. $0.02 .03 "HAY-BUDDEN" ANVILS Solid Wrought Should this anvil break at the waist or its steel face become loose within one year from date of purchase, it will be replaced without charge. 80 to 425 lbs. Base per lb. $0.12 50 to 59 lbs. 426 to 6 25 lbs per lb. extra .00 1/2 40 to 49 lbs. 626 to 800 lbs " " .01 30 to 39 lbs. 70 to 79 lbs " " .001/2 20 to 29 lbs. 60 to 69 lbs " " .01 10 to 19 lbs. per lb. extra $0.02 .03 .05 .08 "VULCAN" ANVILS The face of this anvil is one solid piece of tool steel, thoroughly welded to the body of the anvil by a patented process. It is then accurately ground and tempered. The horn is covered with, and its extremity is made entirely of tough, untempered steel. The body of the anvil is made from superior pig iron, and being much more solid than wrought iron, the work being forged receives the full force of the blow. The face and horn of the anvil ar^ warranted to be thoroughly welded to the body and not to separate. Weight Weight No. about lbs. Each No. about lbs. Each 00 5 $2.00 10 100 $10.00 10 2.75 11 110 11.00 1 15 3.25 12 120 12.00 2 20 4.00 13 130 13.00 3 30 4.50 14 140 14.00 4 40 5.25 15 150 15.00 6 50 6.00 16 160 16.00 6 60 6.50 17% 175 17.50 7 70 7.25 20 200 20.00 8 80 8.00 22% 225 22.50 9 90 9.00 25 250 25.00 . FOR BliACKSMITH TOOI^S SEE INDEX 188 GeoBCarpeM'ter s eo, SWAGE BLOCKS No. 0»4 Nos. 4, 4y2 and 5 No. Measures Inches WeiKht, about pounds No. Measures inches WeiKht. about pounds 01/2 1 2 4 xl 4x1 9 1/2 3%xl5xl5 3%xl0xl4 8%xllxl5 165 150 100 125 3 4 41/2 5 41/8X11x15 4 Xl5xl5 41/^x18x18 6 x24x24 145 . 165 255 625 Price, per lb $ , CONES OR MANDRELS 1 11/2 32 40 48 52 54 Diameter at Base Inches Estimated weight pounds 55 90 115 140 200 Price per lb Flff. 630 HUNTINGTON EMERY WHEEL DRESSER Fig. 398 For truing, shaping, sharpening and removing glaze from solid emery wheels running at full speed. Patent Emery Wheel Dresser (2 sets of cutters) $3.00 Extra cutters per set .50 GOLTON'S FILE CARD Fig. 384 Steel back, frame and face. Tempered steel wire bristles. Furnished with soft steel tapered pick. (The Pick to remove any obstinate filing or substance which may have become imbedded deeply between the teeth of the file and which does not at first yield to the brush. Each cleaner wrapped in waxed paper. Packed one dozen in telescope pasteboard box. One gross in wooden case. Weight 38 lbs. per gross, Price, per dozen $8.50 FOR FILES A.\D EMERY WHEELS. SEE IXDEX GEO-B-CAiiPErfTER ^ eo. 189 SLEDGES BLACKSMITHS' FiR. 5401. Cross Pein n lbs. and over per lb. $0.30 3 to 5 lbs •' .40 Under 3 lbs " .50 Fig. 5402. Double Face 5 lbs. and over . per lb. $0.30 3 to 5 lbs " .40 Under 3 lbs " .50 Fig. 5403. Double Face Striking Hammers 5 lbs. and over per lb. $0.30 3 to 5 lbs " .40 Under 3 lbs " .50 Fig. 5404. Stone Sledge Hammer.s 5 lbs. and over per lb. $0.30 3 to 5 lbs " .40 Under 3 lbs " .50 Fig. 5405. Coal Sledgeu 5 lbs. and over per lb. $0.30 3 to 5 lbs " .40 HAMMERS Kig. .5406. Sin^lt- I';m. AI.,s,,n Hummer* 5 lbs. and over per lb. $0.50 3 to 5 lbs " .55 Under 3 lbs " .60 Double Face, same price as Single Face 9.' Fig. 5407. Spalling Hammers 5 lbs. and over per lb. $0.40 3 to 5 lbs " .55 Under 3 lbs " .60 Double Face, same price as Single Face [L '""' " ""' ^ ^1^1 MASH Fig. 5408. Stone Cutters' or Hand-Drilling Hammers 5 lbs and over per lb. $0.40 3 to 5 lbs " .50 Under 3 lbs " ,55 MAULS W Fig, 5400. Ship 4 to 8 lbs per lb. $0.42 Fig. 5410. R. R. Spike 5 lbs. to 12 lbs per lb. $0.3fl 190 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « So. BLACKSMITHS' AND STRUCTURAL TOOLS BLACKSIVnTHS' PUNCHES BOILER PICKS Square Fig. 1260 Approximate Weights. Size Weight Size Weight % to % in..l lb. 12oz. % in 2 lb. 8 oz. T% to % in. . 1 lb. 14 oz. I % to 1 in. . . 3 lb. Sold at actual scale weights only. Size % to 1 in. Price, per lb $0.42 BLACKSMITHS' PUNCHES Round Fig. 1270 Size Approximate Weights. Weight 14 to % in 1 lb. 12 oz. % and % in 2 lb. 8 oz. 1 in 1 3 lb. Sold at actual scale weights only. Size % to 1 in. Price, per lb $0.42 BACKING-OUT PUNCHES Fig. 1321A Weight, about 2 lb. 8 oz. Price, per lb $0.80 BUTTON HEAD RIVET SETS For For Fig. loeoD %-inch rivet Cup % i^-inch rivet Cup % For %-inch rivet Cup 1% For %-inch rivet Cup 1% For ys-inch rivet Cup 11/2 For 1-inch rivet Cup 1% S to 5 lb per lb. $0.75 5 lb. and over per lb. .70 Special requirements furnished as specified. Weight 3% lb. .5 .5 6% Fig. 1070 Weight, 1 to 21/2 lbs. Price, per lb $0.75 SIDE CHISELS Fig. 1330A Weight, about 4 lb. 8 oz. Price, per lb $0.80 BLACKSMITHS' COLD CHISELS Fig. 1-M)0 Approximate Weights Size Weight Size Weight 1 in 1 lb. 1 1/2 in. ... 3 lb. 1 Vs in 1 lb. 8 oz. 1 % in. ... 4 lb. 1 1/4 in 2 lb. 1 % in. ... 4 lb. 12 oz. 1 % in 2 lb. 8 oz. Sold at actual scale weights only. Sizes in square 1 to 1% in. by eighths Price, per lb $0.42 RIVET BUSTER Fig. 351 Crucible Tool Steel Weight, 5 lbs per lb. $0.50 DRIFT PINS Size at largest diain. -1% in % in Kig. lOHitC Length Weight 6V2 in 5 oz. in. ii in 71/2 in. in. in. % in 8 II in 8 % in 8 % in iii in 9 in, Price, per lb Sold at actual scale weights only. Specify exact size required. ..71/2 oz. . . 8 oz. .10 oz. .12 oz. lib. 1 lb. 2 oz. . . . . $0.80 FOR HAXDL,ES TO FIT ABOVE, SEE IIVDEX GEO'BCAIiPEhfTER ^ eo. 191 BLACKSMITHS' AND FARRIERS' TOOLS ^ 1 Fis. 546B Bottom Swage All sizes per lb., $0.42 Fig. 546C HARDIES %, %, %. 1 and 114 inch shanks per lb., $0.42 Fig. 54eD Bottom Fuller AH sizes per lb., $0.42 BLACKSMITHS' CHISELS Fig. 54eF Cold Cutter Fig. 546G Hot Cutter 1^/4. 1% and IVz inches. per lb., $0.42 Fig. 546H Fig. 5461 Fig. 546H SET HAMMERS 114 to 2 inches, by eighths per lb., $0.42 Fig. 5461 FLATTERS 2 to 4 inches, by quarters per lb., $0.42 Fig. 546J BLACKSJHTHS' PINCERS Oil Finished, Polished Jaws. Sizes, inches 10 12 Per dozen $9.00 10.00 14 12.00 Fig. 546K FARRIERS' KNIVES Wostenholm's horn handles, % and % inch blades per doz., $6.00 Extra blades " " 4.50 HORSE SHOES — Light, Medium and Heavy STEEL TOE CALKS Fig. 619A. Fore Fig. 610B. Hind Burden's Shoes per lb., .$. . Perkins' Shoes " Perkins' extra light pattern, Nos. 1 to 4, front and hind Mule Shoes Fig. 61 9D One Prong, Sharp Fig. euic One Prong, Blunt Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All sizes, one prong, blunt per lb., $0,10 All sizes, two prong, blunt " ,11 All sizes, one prong, sharp " .12'/^ All sizes, two prong, sharp " -iS^ HORSE SHOE NAILS Boss, 25-lb. boxes per lb., $0.,32 Leader, 25-lb. boxes " .28 FOR HANDI^ES TO FIT ABOVE) TOOL.S. SEE INDEX 193 Geo-BCati^peN'ter ^ Co. BLACKSMITH'S TONGS Order by Figure Number Pig. 731. straight Lip Length in inches 14 16 18 20 22 Weight, lbs., per doz 18 21 24 30 36 Length in inches 24 26 28 30 Weight, lbs., per doz 39 42 45 48 Price per lb $0.30 Weights given are approximate only. Fig. 741. Single Piclc TJp Single Pick Up Tongs per lb., .$0.40 Same weight as straight lip. Pig. 742. Double Pick TJp Double Pick Up Tongs per lb., $0.40 Same weight as straight lip. Pig. 743. RlTet Tongs Rivet Tongs per lb., $0. Same weight as straight lip. Pig. 772. liUthe Tool Tongs Lathe Tool Tongs per lb., $0. Weights same as straight lip. Pig. 773. Piclt TongH Pick Tongs per lb., .$0.60 Weights same as straight lip. Pig. 732. Curved Lips or Bolt. Fluted Jaw To hold Length 1/4 and t'f; in. round 18 in. % and 1/^ in. round 20 in. % and % in. round 22 in. % to 1 % in. round 24 in. 1 % to 2 in. round 26 in. Weights same as straight lip. Price, per lb $0.30 f^^ Pig. 751. Gad Tongs Gad Tongs per lb., $0.40 Weights same as straight lip. Fig. 753. Bolt Tongs Bolt Tongs per lb., $0.40 Weights same as straight lip. Pig. 753. Round Jaw Tongs Round Jaw Tongs per lb., $0.40 Weights same as straight lip. ^^£^ Pig. 761. Angle Jaw Tongs Angle Jaw Tongs per lb., $0.60 Weights same as straight lip. Pig. 763. Clip Tongs Clip Tongs per lb., $1.20 Weights same as straight lip. FOR BOLTS. RODS. IRON AND STEEL. SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo, 193 STRUCTURAL TOOLS Fis* 531A. Flogrging Hammer Weight, 5 to 8 lbs ... . per lb., $0.20 Fig. 531B. Plugging Hammer Weight, 2 to 3 lbs per lb., $0.25 Fig. 531C. Riveting Hammer Weight, 2 to 3 per lb., $0.35 Fig. 531D. Straight Dolly Pi-ice, each $2.50 Fig. 531E. Club Dolly Price, each $2.75 ^S Fig. 531F. Heel Dolly Price, each $4.25 B r ■ — IT Fig. 531G. Spring Dolly Piice, each $7.00 Fig. 531H. Diamond Pointed Chisels. 3 lbs each, $1.00 THE DOUBLE-JAW DRILLING POST No. 1 is suitable for drill- ing all size holes up to ^i inch. Radius of arm 10 inches, weight 25 pounds. No. 2 is extra strong. Post is long enough to talie No. 5 ratcliet and drill up to 1% inch hole. Radius of arm 12 inches, weight 33 pounds. The jaivs of both sizes open 4 inches. Can be made special to open any dis- tance. The screws are made of tool steel and tempered. The screw in the lower jaw has a cup-shaped head, a guide and seat for top screw. The screws can be reversed. No. 1 each, $ 8.00 No. 2 " 10.00 OLD MAN Cut shows method of operation, including Drill. Nos 1 2 Height of post, in. Radius of arm, in. 20 26 Fig. 531 K Each 10 12 $8.00 10.00 Drill Not Included in Price. Fig. 5311. Gouges. 3 lbs each, $1.00 RR^ETING CLAMPS FOR AIR HAMMERS, SEE INDEX FOR AIR COMPRESSORS, SEE INDEX Fig. 5311, Each $6.00 POWDER OR CATCHING CANS For catching hot rivets in all structural steel work. Made with heavy 2" rein- forced bottom and also plain. Reinforced bottom, each $1.00 Plain bottom, each . . . .50 FOR RIVETS, STRUCTURAL, SHAPES AND BARS, SEE INDEX 194 Geo-B-Car^peM'ter s So. COLD AND TRACK CHISELS AND PUNCHES All cood auality cold cliiseU look alike as far as the quality of the steel is concerned, but all chisris do not act alike when in the^ hands of the workman. No tool is given such hard usage as a pold chisel and usually they are not made better than need be?. ^ , . , ^ ^ ^^I'^To make good chisels care must be given to the quality of the steel, the process by which forged, ^'^^ In\^he^ chtse^gTah^gl?" grade 'Of crucible steel 18 used, forged-up by the use of a hammer, and shaped and tempered properly. Chisels are oil finished, with turned heads. COLD CHISELS First Quality Fig. 539A Order all chisels by the diameter of octagon steel and not by the •width of blade. Size of octagon steel Size of blade approximate. Average length Average weight Number packed in box List • inches .inches • inches ...lbs. Hi' Xt 5/16 $ ^ ^ % 41/2 5 51/4 51/2 6 6% 1V2 1 IVa 2 21^ 4 71/2 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 9S1.40 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.60 3.50 5.00 17 6 6.50 1 1% £1 6 8.50 COLD CHISELS, LONG SIZES inches 6 ^0 6 5.00 .i. 3 7.50 1 Average length . . inrhps 10 3 List per doz. $3.00 4.00 10.00 MACHINIST'S CAPE CHISELS First Quality, Crucible Steel Fig. 53»B Size of octagon steel Size of cutting edge List inches inches . . . .per doz. $2^00 5/16 Vs 2.00 2.25 5| 3.00 % % 4.00 1 6.00 8.00 1 "4 10.00 ROUND NOSE CAPE CHISELS First Quality, Crucible Steel Fig. 539C .$^^00 2.00 A 1 4.00 1 6.00 I 8.00 lofoo List .... per rtoz. ROUND NOSE CHISELS First Quality, Crucible Steel Piff. 53ftT» Size of octagon steel. . . . Size of point List inches inches .... per doz. $J^0 2.00 1 3.1 4.00 6.00 1 8.00 1 % 10.00 DIAMOND POINT CHISELS First Quality, Crucible Steel PSff. P.-^PK Size of octagon steel .inches $2^00 5/16 Vs 2.00 1 2.25 3.00 4.00 6,00 8.00 1 List . . . .per doz. 10,00 TRACK CHISELS Fig. 539P 1% in. square, tool steel, iVz lbs. Each per lb. . .$0.40 MACHINISTS' HAND PUNCHES Fig. 539G Made of high grade crucible steel. Forged with plenty of clearancel at heel. Order by Size of Point. Size of Size of Length poll oct in" It inches steel. .inches inches 12 $1.75 4/32 2.00 T 12 2.00 3/16 t 12 6 List . . . .per doz. 2.50 3.00 8^ GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. 195 CONCRETE AND STONEWORKERS' TOOLS STAR DRILLS For Brick, Concrete or Stone Hammer torged from a high grade of Octagon Crucible SteeL Relieved cutting edge to pre- vent choking. Not blunt nor stubby. Properly tempered. List Price Per Dozen. Size of Bit. in. Size of Stock, Length, 12 in. Length, 18 in. Length, 24 in. I % I V4 I y2 I % $2,501 3.15 3.751 4.75 5.001 6.25 3.75 6.65 7.50 4.25 6.40 8.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 7.50 11.25 15.00 Size of Bit, in . . . | |1%|1%_|1% I 1% I 2 Size of Stocli, I IVi I 1 = Length, 12 in.. Length, 18 in.. Length, 24 in.. $10.00 15.00 20.00 11.50113.00 17.25|l9.50 23.00126.00 15.75117.50 19.50 23.65 26.25 29.25 31.50 35.00 39.00 Prices of Drills of intermediate diameters, same as next size larger. Drills of large diameter, or greater lengths than listed, furnished to order promptly at proportionate list prices. LONG BRICK CHISELS For Cutting Through Brick Walls Fig. 532E Hammer forged of a high grade of octagon rrnriblo steel, properly tempered. Blade is forged wider than shank to prevent choking up. Order by length of chisel. Length, inches 15 18 24 30 Size of steel, inches % % % 1 Per dozen $6.00 $9.00 $16.00 $24.00 STONE CUTTERS' PLAIN CHISELS Fig. 532E: Size rensth incties Width Esfd Wt. Octagon Blade per doz. Per pound Steel, in. inches pounds % 71/2 IV2 7% $0.33 % 71/2 1% 8 .33 % 7y2 2 8 .33 % 71/2 2% 8 .33 % 71/2 2% 8% .33 u 71/2 2% 8% .33 n 71/2 3 9 .33 % 8 31/2 10 .33 STONE CUTTERS' TOOTH CHISELS Fig. 532F Size Lensrth inches Width Est'd Wt. Octagon Blade per doz. Per pound .«teel. in. inches pounds % 8 1% 8 $0.33 % 8 1% 8 .33 % 8 2 8 1/4 .33 % 8 21/4 9 .33 % 8 2 1/2 914 .33 it 8 2% 11 .33 ih 8 3 12 .33 DRILLS For Stone, Marble Fine Tool Steel. and Granite. Made of 7 feet Ball Drills. Fig. 532C. 8 pounds Each $3.00 Fig. 532D PLUGS AND FEATHERS Length inches l"hes 1 ^"S^* 3 6 8 % % % 1 $0.20 .25 .35 .50 FOR SLKDGES, MAULS AND STRIKING HAMMERS, SEE INDEX 196 GEO-B-CAKPE^fTER S Co, PICKS AND MATTOCKS RAILROAD OR CLAY PICK Fig. 5S50 Weight, lbs . . . 4 to 5 5 to 6 Per doz $13.00 14.00 Weight, lbs Per doz ..$18.00 DRIFTING PICK 6 to 7 15.00 8 to 9 7 to 8 16.00 9 to 10 20.00 ^^jfrf ^i^ ^^^ Fig. 5851 Vt.. lbs. . >er doz. 3 .$12.50 4 41/2 14.00 15.00 5 16.00 6 17.50 POLL PICKS Solid Steel Fig. Hi V.'oig-ht lbs. Per dozen Weight lbs Per dozen No. 1 sy^ $15.00 No. 4 5 $18.50 No. 2 4 16.00 No. 5 6 20.00 No. 3 m 17.00 No. 6 7 21.50 ADZE EYE MATTOCKS Fig. 5856 Weight, Per doz Fig. 5S5:i lbs 6 to 7 7 to 8 8 to 9 $18.00 19.00 20.00 PICK MATTOCKS FIREMEN'S COAL PICK Fig. 5853 Weight, lbs iV2 5 6 Per doz $17.00 18.00 20.00 STONE PICKS Fig. 5854 to 8 lbs per lb. $0.40 QUARRY PICKS 5 to 8 lbs . Fig. 5855 Fig. 5857 Weight, 6 lbs per doz. $17.00 Weight, 5 lbs " 16.00 ASPHALT MATTOCIv Oil Finished Single Cutter per lb. .$0.40 FOR HANDLES TO FIT ABOVE, SEE INDEX Fig. Weight, 7 lbs per doz. $23.00 Weight, 8 lbs " 24.00 Weight, 9 lbs " 25.00 Double Cutter Mattocks Pig. 5859 Weight, 9 lbs per doz. $25.00 Weight, 10 lbs " 30.00 Weight, 12 lbs " 35.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eO. 19: FORKS— GRUB HOES Fig. oSOA COAL FORKS s 16 s 16 9 16 10 16 10 16 12 16 12 14 14 151, 14 161/ Distance Between inches IVs IVs 1 1 1 1/^ Per doz. $20.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 25.00 29.00 29.00 33.00 33.00 SHA^^^G forks Fig. 589B Distance Between Tines Inches Fig. 5S9E COKE FORKS Xo. of Tines Distance Between inches Per doz. 1% 1 1% 1 1 $24.00 28.00 28.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 40.00 HEAVY STONE FORKS Square Tines Fig. 5S»F $22.00 24.00 CLAY FORKS Extra Heavy Per doz. $14.00 STOXE HOOKS With 5 ft. handles, 1 % inch teeth, 4 teeth, medium ...per doz. $13.00 4 teeth, extra heavy. " l.j.oO 4 teeth, round, heavy " 15.00 5 teeth, extra heavy. " 20.50 Fig. r.'ior* FORK HANDLES Malleable "D" op with wood erip. Price, per doz $2.50 No. of Tines "n-idth of Fork inches Per doz. 8 10 12 14 10 1/2 13 13 13 $20.00 25.00 29.00 33.00 HANSEN CAISSON FORKS We can furnish I) handles with iron grip if desired Fig. 589G Extra Heavy, short tine Per doz. $15.00 S. & S. HA:*mER HEAD GRUB HOES i Fig. oS9H Extra Heavy, Pick Eye AVeight, each, 8 lbs. I'er doz $18.00 GRUB HOES Fig, Nos 1 2 3 Weight, lbs '. . . S% 4 41^ Per doz $13.00 13.50 14.00 Same as above, extra heavy, about 5 94 lbs., Price, per doz .$15.00 FOR HANDLES TO FIT ABOVE TOOLS, SEE IXDEX 198 Geo-B-CarpeH'ter ^ So. "CARPENTER" SHOVELS Our "Carpenter" brand of Shovels and Scoops is strictly high grade in every respect, being made of the best materials it is possible to procure for the purpose. We particularly recommend "Carpenter" Shovels and Scoops for the most severe service. Pig. 587A Fig. 587B Fig. 587C Fig. 58715 Fig. 587E Fig. 587F Fig. 587G "CARPENTER" SHOVELS D or Long Handles, Square or Round Points Nos. 587A, 587B, 587C and 587G No. 2. Black. SizG 9 i^xll % inches per doz. $16.50 No. 3. Black. Size 10i/4xl2i4 inches •• 17.00 No. 4. Black. Size 10 ygxlS % inches " 17.50 No. 5. Black. Size 11 %xl3i^ inches " 18.00 No. 0. Black. Size 12 xl4 inches " 18.50 "CARPENTER" SEWER SHOVELS No. 587D No. 2. Black per doz. $16.50 For Polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. "CARPENTER" MOULDER SHOVEL No. 587E No. 2. Moulders' Shovel per doz. $16.50 "CARPENTER" SPADES No. .587P No. 2. Black per doz. $16.50 For Polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « GO. 199 "CARPENTER" SHOVELS FlB. 588A Fig. 588B Fifir. 588C Fig. 5SSD Fig. 5SSE Fig. 5SSF Fig. 58SG "CARPENTER" COAIi SHOA ELS No. 588G Back Strap No. 1. Black. Size 1314, xl 3% inches. . .pel' doz. No. 2. Black. Size 14 14 xl 4% Inches. . . " No. 3. Black. Sizel4%xl5 inches... Hollow Back, $1.00 per doz. less. $17.00 17.50 18.00 Iv Fig. 5SSH Fig.SSSL No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. No. No. No. No. 10. No. 2. 14 inch, 16 inch "CARPENTER" GRAIN AND COAL SCOOPS No. 588E Hollow Back Size 11 xl5 inches Size ll%xl5^ inches Size ll%xl6 inches Size 12 xl6i^ inches Size 12^x17 inches Size 13%xl7 inches Size 131^x1714 inches • Size 14 xl7 % inches Size 14 1^x18 14 inches Polished, $0.50 per doz. advance. "CARPENTER" ASPHALT SHOVEL No, 588C per doz. $16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.0i 'CARPENTER' DRAINING AND DITCHING SPADES Nos. 588D and 588P per doz. $22.00 per doz. 6 ft. handles. 7 ft. handles. 8 ft. handles. 6 ft. handles. 7 ft. handles. "CARPENTER" TELEGRAPH SHOVELS Nos. 588A and 588B Black. Extra long strap. .. .per doz. $20.50 Regular strap.... per doz. Black. Extra long strap. .. . " 22.50 Regular strap. .. . Black. Extra long strap " 24.50 Regular strap. .. . "CARPENTER" TELEGRAPH SPOONS Nos. 588H and 588L Black per doz. Black "^ •' 8 ft. handles. Black. $21.00 21.50 $20.50 22.50 24.50 $24.00 24.00 26.00 For Polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. 200 GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER S So, CONNEAUT SPECIAL SHOVELS Hand Pounded and Tempered RONBERG ORE AND CONCRETE SHOVELS MIKKOLA'S FAMOUS PATENT Fig. 1 to 5 and XI to X5 The best square point shovel for any work but tamping rail- road ties. Regular 26 inch D handle witli 19 inch drop. Drop tempered point Annealed blade. Long handle iVz feet, 30 inch drop. This is tlie sliovel that will not wedge the material in the blade, is self-sharpening, is used by the majority of construction companies for concrete, and by brick companies for sand, shale and clay shoveling. It is lighter than other makes of same size, yet holds more material, wears longer, and is liked better by the' men. Act manufactured in solid back. No. Size cf Blade D Handle Fis. No. Lons: Handle Fig. No. Price Width 1 Length incites 1 inches per doz. 3 4 5 6 10 12 121/2 13 131/2 14 1 2 3 4 5 XI X4 X5 $16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 Fig. 15 Street ^_^^^_ Commissioner ^^"^^^^^ Concrete MAGYAR COAL SHOVELS— STREET COMMISSIONERS' SHOVELS Fig. 11 to 18 This shovel is used extensively by the lime companies for filling purposes. Its straight point will MOt crush the material handled as the high-sided scoop does, and the drop and straight point cleans the entire width of blade, as it is shoved in. Regular D handle, 26 inches long with 20 inch drop; long han- dle, 4 feet, 6 inches. Any length of handle furnished on request. The street commissioners' shovels are also used as firing shovels. They are 4 feet 6 inches long and have a 30 inch drop. Size of Blarle Coal Shovel Fig. No. Street Commissioner Shovel. Fig. No. No. Width inches Lensth inches Price per doz. 1 2 5 Coke !3I !5S 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 $16.00 16.50 17.00 18.50 STANDARD STYLE SPECIAL TRACK SHOVEL HAND POUNDED AND TEMPERED Higli carbon steel "Harveyiaed" point. The shovel to stand the prying. D handle 26 inches long, with 19 inch drop; 12 gauge steel. Any length of D or long handle on request, or 14 gauge steel when not wanted so heavy. If desired, we will furnish these shovels with malleable D handles at same li3t price'. Size No. D Handle Long Handle Price Fig. No. Fig. No. per doz. 2 19 X19 $16.00 3 20 X20 16.50 4 21 X21 17.00 5 22 X22 17.50 6 24 X23 18.00 7 24 X24 18.50 For polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. GEO-B-CARPENfTER S CO. 201 CONNEAUT SPECIAL SHOVELS HAND POUNDED AND TEMPERED To avoid mistakes please order Shovels by number anKIvOLA PATEXT RONBERG D HANDLE SHOVEL WITH HIGH SIDES Not manufactured in solid back. The wet con- crete shovel. D handle 26 inches Ions with 19 inch drop. Non-tempered sides extending to point. Size No. Long: Handle 1 D Handle No. 1 No. Price Per Doz. 2 3 4 5 6 X3'J X40 ¥,i X43 39 40 41 42 43 $16.00 16.50 17.00 i7.r,o 18.00 THE SCIENTIFIC ROUND POINT SHOVEL Special Iron Mining and Sewer Shovel Manufactured to overcome the weak points of the common line of shovels. Tempered point; strong where handle joins blade; long rib in center, mak- ing it impossible to break through the center. D handle 26 inches long-, with 18 inch drop. Size No. No. Price Per Doz. 2 3 4 5 6 30 31 32 33 34 $16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 ( OAL SHO\^LS D handle, regular standard coal shovel. Regu- lar handle 26 inches long, 20 inch raise. Any length D or long handle or raise supplied on re- quest. Tempered Point. High Carbon Blade. XX Handles As Good as Can Be Made X6S X69 X70 116.00 16.50 17 no SQUARE AND ROUND POINT, D HANDLE SOCKET STRAP SHOVEL Regular 14 gauge steel, polished 13 gauge. Any gauge on special order. Tempered on point vrhere the wear comes, the rest of blade annealed, making it soft where the strain comes, giving the longest wearing life with- out danger of breaking where other solid back shovels do. Regular 26 1^ inch D handle, 19 inch drop, 14 gauge. For railroad work, 12 gauge and malleable D If desired. Size Square No. Romid No. Price per Doz. 2 123 215 $16.00 3 124 216 16.50 4 125 217 17.00 126 218 17.50 6 127 219 18.00 7 128 220 IS. 50 THE DAY IDSON -Iiecial for Sand and Wet Material Fig. 25 A shovel with an absolutely flat bottom, high turned sides, tempered point. D handle 26 inches long with 20 inch drop. Any length D and long handles furnished on request. D. Handle Lons: Handle Price No. No. IVr Doz. 25 X25 $16.00 26 X26 16.50 27 X27 17.00 28 X2S 17.50 29 X29 18.00 MOULDERS' SHOVELS c Best Moulders' Shovel l^Iade For polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. 20Z GEO-B'CAIiPEl^TER ^ eO. CONNEAUT SPECIAL SPADES AND SHOVELS HAND POUNDED AND TEMPERED n Fig. 240 Fie. 300 Fig. 221 Fig. 228 Fig. 295 Fig. 235 Fig. 221-22G SPECIAL DRAIN TOOLS Socket strap, plain back. D or long handle. Blades are made from 14 to 22 inches long. We can furnish you with a 4i/^ foot long handiest the same price. If long handles are wanted pre- fix "X" to the list number. Pig 221 Drain, Polished Fig. 226 Ditching, Polished Blade Length Fig:. No. inches Price per d-zen B'.ade rength inches Fig. No. Price per dozen 14 16 18 20 22 221 222 223 224 225 $19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 14 16 18 20 22 226 227 228 229 230 ?19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 Fig. 232 SPECIAL SPADE Long or D Handle. Plain Back, Socket Strap Tempering which is so ha this Spade on the p rd to get in the regu oint lar only, it will keep spade. an even sharp edge. Size D Handle Fig. No. I/ong Handle Fig. No. Price per dozen i 1 232 1 233 X232 1 $17.00 ■X233 1 17.50 Fig. 295 "HOT STUFF" OR ASPHALT SHOVEL Solid shank, Shelby tubular steel handle and wood "D". Weight 7 to IV2 lbs. each. Round or square point. Regular D handle 38 inches long from back of blade. Size 2. No. 295. Price per doz $24.00 Fig. 300 SPECIAL NURSERY SPADE Weight 6% to 7 lbs. each. Used also for excavating, clay tunneling and where onlv the strongest possible' tool is wanted. No. 300. Price per doz $24.00 Fig. 234 "SOLID SOCKET" SPADES Size 2. D Handle No. 234. Long Handle No. X234. Price per doz $17.00 Fig. 235 "SOLID SOCKET" SQUAPE POINT si/ 2. D Handle, No. 235. Long Handle', No. X235. Price per doz $17.00 Fig. 240 "SOLID SOCItET" IRRIGATION SHOVEL I 2. No. X240. Long Handle only. Price per doz $17.0O Fig. 241 "SOLID SOCKET^' MOULDERS (Not Illustrated) D Handle, No. 241. Long Handle, No. X241. Price per doz $17.00 In ordering shoTels always be sure to specify figure number. For polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. Fig. GEO-B-eARPEhfTER « So. 203 GONNEAUT SPECIAL LONG HANDLED SHOVELS AND SPOONS HAND POUNDED AND TEMPERED n Fig. 49 Fig. X117 Fig. Xlll Fig. X243 Fig. X242 Fig. 49 LONG HANDLED, ROUND POINT, BLAST FURNACE AND SEAVER TRENCH SHOVEL Handle 4% feet long:. 30 inch drop. Price Per Doz. $16.00 16.50 17.00 Price Per Doz. $17.50 18.00 Fig. XI 17 SQUARE POINT STRAP BACK SOCKET STRAP SHOVEL 4% foot handle, 34 inch drop at end. Any drop on order. 14 gaugre steel rej^ular. 13 gauge or 12 gauge on orde r. Size No. Fiff. No. Price Per Doz. Size No. Fi.e;. No. Price Per Doz. 2 3 4 X117 X118 X119 $16.00 16.50 17.00 5 6 7 X120 $17.50 18.00 18.50 Sl'ECIAL PLAIN BACK SOCKET STRAP Fig. Xlll Long Handle Round Point Shovel, Hand Pounded and Tempered A plain back, long handle, round point, with 4^2 foot handle, 34 inch drop at end of handle gauge stiff point regular. Spring point if wanted. Size Nc Tip. No. Price Per Doz. Xlll XI 12 XI 13 $16.00 16.50 17. no Size No. Fip. No. Price Per Doz. 5 6 7 X114 xn5 X116 $17.50 18 00 18.50 Figs. X242-X243 WESTERN UNION PATTEltN TELEGRAPH SPOONS AND SHOVELS All with 6 foot Handles Irl.P^'^'' '^°^- «'i<5vance for each f'ot lon;ier and $1 per doz. advance for longer straps. S*** 3H1?* f I'ooiis— Slae No. 2. « inch strap per doz. ii!24 00 No. X24.*J. Shovels — Size No. 2, Oincii strap, « foot handle « 20.00 furn^hed^^ ^" *^^*^ what length handle and strap is wanted. 6 foot handle and 9 inch strap is For polished, add $1.00 per dozen, net. 204 GEO*B'eAI lPE^fTER ^ Go. CONNEAUT SPECIAL SCOOPS Fis. 04 Pig. 102 ~ Fig. Bei Fig. 54. CONNEAUT SPECIAL SCOOP With Harveyized Point — 26 inch D Handle, 20 inch Drop Fig. C53 Designed to shove into the load with the least effort; keep a true, even edge; clean the surface shoveled from without running out at corners; and by reason of tempered point, wear the longest. WESTERN PATTERN — ^D or Long Handle Blade D Handle FiK. No. Lonar Handle I iff. No. Price Size No. W dth. inches 1 Lenstli. inches per dozen 4 5 ' 16 54 X54 $17.00 \V'' 16% 55 56 X55 X56 17.50 18.00 7 13% 171/2 57 X57 18.50 14 58 q 18% 59 X59 19.50 10 15 19 60 X60 20.00 11 15% 19% 12 151/2 20 We can fuini 3h the Eastern p atte rn scoops with narr ow mouth if wanted. Price upon application. Fig. 102. RIVETED BACK SCOOPS Also IMade with Diamond Point if Desired Fig. No. Size Retail Price per dozen Fis. No. Size Price per dozen 102 103 104 105 106 2 3 4 5 6 $17.50 18.50 19.50 20.50 21.50 107 108 109 110 1 8 9 10 23:50 24.50 25.50 Fig. B61. SPECIAL GAS HOUSE AND FURNACE CHARGING SCOOP scoop that is hung right. Here is one that l.s right in every way Gas manufacturers know how hard it Is to get 26 inch D handle, 8 inch lift at end.s. Long handle or any lift on order. Size No. D Handle Fig: No. Lonar Handle riff. No. B61 B62 B63 XB61 XB62 XE63 Price per dozen $16. no 16.50 Size No. n Handle Fie. No. Lionff Handle Fiff. No. Price per dozen XB64 XB65 $17.50 18.00 17. on Fig. C53. DIAMOND POINT BREAKING DOWN SCOOP For breaking down from the top of cars and getting to the bottom when a square point scoop will not work. This scnnn will save its cost on each car of coal or stone unloaded. I I) Handle. Fiff. No.| P- ice per dozen || I I) Handle. Fig. X(i Price per dozen 3 4 5 C53 C54 C55 $16.50 17.00 17.50 C56 C57 C58 $18.00 18.50 19 on For poli.slied, $1.00 per dozen, net. GEO-B-eAItPEM*TER ^ CO. 20.: "SUCCESS" SHOVELS AND SCOOPS "Success" Shovels and Scoops are good, serviceable tools, and are designed to last. Where price is a factor in the purchase of Shovels, the ^'Success" brand is the best value for the money. Fig. 589A Fig. 589n Fig. 5S9C Fig. 589D Fij4. r,S'JL: Fig. 5S9F Fig. 5S9G "SUCCESS" SHOVELS D or Long Handles, Square or Ro'ind Point.- No. 2. Black. No. 3. Black. No. 4. Black. No. 5. Black. No. 6. Black. Nos. 589A, 589B, 589C and 589G Size 9 1/2 xl 1 % inches per doz. $10.50 Size 101/4x121/4 inches " 11.00 Size 10 78x131/2 inches " 11.50 Size ll%xl3i^ inches " 12.00 Size 12 xl4 inches " 12.50 No. a. Tamping Shovel with malleable handles : . . . $2 00 per doz. advance "SUCCESS" SEWER SHOVEL No. 589E No. 2. Black per doz. $10.50 "SUCCESS" SPARES No. 589F No. 2. Black per doz. $10.50 No. 2. Polished " 11.50 'SUCCESS' GRAIN AND COAL SCOOPS No. 58 9D No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. Size 11 xl5 Hollow Back, inches per doz. $10.00 Size lli/4xl5V2 inches. Size 11 1/2x1 6 inches. Size 12 XI61/2 inches Size 121/4x17 inches Size 131^x17 inches Size 131/^x171/4 inches Size 14 xl7% inches Size 141/^x18% inches All polished, 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 .00 per doz. net advance. 206 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ eO, GENUINE AMES SHOVELS No. No. No, No, No, No, No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Fife. 1:0 Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Fig. 3S Fig. 45 Fig. 51 Fig. 343 No -0 D HANDLE, PLAIN BACK, SQUARE POINT SHOVELS * Cast Steel Edge, Plated Plain Back List price per doz. $21.50 ..List price per doz. 31.50 ..List price' per doz. 21.75 List price per doz. 22.75 doz. 23.50 24.50 25.50 No. 38. List price ^~- ---- List price per doz. List price per doz. D HANDLE, PLAIN BACK, ROUND POINT SHOVELS Cast Steel Edge, Plated Back .List price per doz. 't'^--o^ iList iJrice per doz. .List price per doz. 75 23.50 !List pi'ice per doz. 24.2.5 doz. 2o.."^ No. No. No, No, No. Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black, Black List price' per „..- ^_ List price per doz. 27.00 ... .List price per doz. -sa.oo No 45 LONG HANTDLE; PLAIN BACK, SQUARE POINT SHOVELS Cast Steel Edge, Plated Plain Back List price per doz. $^l-a" ..List price per doz. -i-^;" "....'.' List price per doz. -i-f." ; . : : List price per doz. 22.-^5 List price per doz. ^.i-o» • ■■• List price per doz. 24.50 No 51 LONG HANDLE, PLAIN BACK, ROUND POINT SHOVELS Cast Steel Edge, Plated Plain Back . List price per doz. «21.50 List price per doz. ^i-»" List price per doz. ^l-76 ; List price per doz. ^f'^, .List price per doz. 24.50 Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished. Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, $22.50 22.75 23.75 $23.50 23.75 24.50 Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polished, Polislied, Polished, $22.50 22.75 23.75 $22.50 22.75 23.75 No. No. No. No. No. TSo. No. Blaok Black Black Black Black Black Black SEWER SHOVELS ^^^^ No 25. D HANDLE, PLAIN BACK, SQUARE POINT Cast Steel Edge, Plated Plain Back ^.^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ .List price per .List price per .List price per .List price per .T-ist price' per .List price per doz. iP21.50 doz. 21.50 doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. 21.75 22.75 23.50 24.50 35.50 No. 343. MOULDERS' SHOVELS Patent Plain Back, D Handle, Square Point ^''' FOR DUMP WAGONS. CONCRETE CARTS AND WhEELBARROWS; SEE INDEX $24.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 207 GENUINE AMES SPADES AND SCOOPS Fiff. 703 Reinforced Pig. 77 Fig. 1022 Fig. 1007 Fig. lO No. 703. SCOOPS Crucible Cast Steel, Polished Size Fig. 80 Fig. 703 Regular .per doz. $26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.75 29.50 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. . per doz. $30.50 31.00 33.50 32.25 33.25 34.75 as Polished Scoops of corre- Extra reinforced, add $1.00 net, per dozen, to above list. Double reinforced, add $2.00 net, per dozen, to above list. Black Round-point, or Breaking-do\vn Scoops same price spending size. Fig. 77. D HA^^)LE SPADE Cast Steel Edge, Plated Plain Back Size 2 per doz. $22.00 Fig. 1022. POLISHED CONCAVE OR POST SPADE Patent Crucible Cast Steel Tapers from 6 inches at point, to 5^ inches at shoulder. Inches long 14 16 18 Per dozen $24.25 $24.75 $25.25 20 22 $25.75 $26.25 Fig. 1007. POLISHED DRAIN SPADE No. 2 Patent Crucible Cast Steel Tapers from 5 ^ inches at shoulder, to 4 % inches at point. Inches long 16 18 20 Per dozen $24.75 $25.25 $25.75 Fig. 1017. POLISHED D HANDLE DITCHING SPADE Patent Crucible Cast Steel Tapers from 6 ^/^ Inches at point, to 5 % inches at shoulder. Inches long 14 16 18 Per dozen. ^24.25 $24.75 $25.25 Fig. 90. D HANDLE DOUBLE STRAP NURSERY SPADES Oast Steel Edge, Plated Plain Back Size 2 ^ 22 24 $26.75 $27.00 20 22 $25.75 $26.33 per doz. $26.50 308 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ CO. MISCELLANEOUS SHOVELS KING TILING j|p 22x614 iijches per doz. $40.00 La — 22x4 V2 inches " 36.50 «a CONCRETE FACING Fig. 5877 Fig. 587 Long Handle D Handle Per doz $30.00 CARPENTER'S BANNISTER SPECIAL CONCRETE SPADE isa: Fig. D30. Side View Fig. D30A. Front View. Hand Pounded and Tempered Size of blade, 12 inches long, 8 inches wide. Designed for forcing the concrete back from the forms and allowing the thin mixtui-e to run out against the forms. It is the only spade that will not clog up and become unfit for use if neglected, as the concrete will not stick to it as it does to some others, and for this reason any laborer can use it and get just as good results as a skilled man, and it is not as expensive as others. Designed by one of the most practical concrete men in the world. Fig. No. D 30. Size No. 2 per doz. $24.00 SNOW SHOVELS Fls. 01 STEEL POINT SNOW SHOVEL No. 1. Blade 12xl« in. long handle . . per doz. . $6.00 No. 01. Blade 12x18 in. D handle per doz. 6.50 Fig. 5892 ONE PIECE SNOW SHOVEL, D HANDLE 12x14 inch blade, weight 55 lbs per doz. $5.80 Fls. 5891 ONE PIECE SNOW SHOVEL, LONG HANDLE 12x14 inch blade, weight 55 lbs per doz. $4.80 JVO ORDER FOR SHOV^JXS IS TOO LARGE TO TAX OUR STOCK. Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo. 209 HANDLES Fig. X233 D Shovel Handle, Ames' Bend Fig. X233. D Bent Shovel. List price per doz. $7.40 Fig. X234. D Bent Spade. List price Fig. X234 D Spade Handle per doz. $7.10 Pig. X242 D Shovel, Spade or Scoop, Bent Fig. X242. D Shovel, Spade or Scoop, Bent per doz. $7.10 '» "*n Fig. X253 Malleable D Manure Fork Handle Fig. X253. Malleable Iron D Manure Fork. List price per doz. $6.60 Fig X234 Malleable D Spading Fork Fig. X254. Malleable Iron D Spading Fork. List price per doz. $6.90 - -"— ~r- rr -a^^^jiiB^n^^ Fig. X2B1 D Spading and Manure Fork, with Strap Ferrule and Cap Fig. X261. List price per doz. $11.40 Fig. 262 D Coke Fork, Heavy Strap Ferrule and Cap ^ »^^ ^n Fig. 262. D Coke and Coal Fork. List price P^^ ^^- ^H-oO Unless otherwise specified, heavT strapped ferrules will be furnished on D Coke Fork Handles. FOR OTHER KINDS OF HANDLES, SEE INDEX J 210 GEO-B-eARPElfTER ^ eO HANDLES Our Handles are manufactured from selected material, thoroughly finished and carefully as- sorted. They are the standard grade of the market. All Handles are exceptionally well finished with a hard gloss finish, and are packed one dozen in a bundle. CHUCKING AND BORING Unless otherwise specified, all fork, rake and hoe handles will be bored and chucked. We can, however, furnish handles not bored if desired, if you will so state on your order. Where weights are shown, they cover handles tied and ready for shipment. Considering the wide range of sizes, grades and other details, these figures are of necessity, an estimate only. They are not guaranteed^ but are suflBciently accurate for use as a basis of estimate. Fig. X8 Straight Hay Fork Handles t '^' J°nl' Z±il ?.ll tl- IV^l ^IIS 6 y^ foot, weight per doz. 32 lbs $ 8.30 liy f I' Zl\lll Ir ^nl- It \ll ^?n 7 foot, weight per doz. 33 lbs 10.00 5% foot, weight per doz. 2b lbs 5.10 - - 6 foot, weight per doz. 30 lbs 6.70 foot, weight per doz. 41 14.20 Fig. X9 Bent Hay Fork Handles 4 foot, weight per doz. 20 lbs $3.90 ^y foot, weight per doz. 26 lbs. 4y2 foot, weight per doz. 22 bs 4.40 g ^^^^ .^^i l,^. ^j^z. 30 lbs. 5 foot, weight per doz. 24 lbs 5.00 $6.00 7.70 Fig. X16 Bent Manure Fork Handles 4 foot, weight per doz. 22 lbs $3.90 4 Va foot, weight per doz. 26 lbs $*•*" Fig. X18 Garden Rake Handle 41/^ foot, weight per doz. 16 lbs $3.90 g ^^^^ weight per doz. 21 lbs $6.20 5 1^ foot, weight per doz. 18 lbs 4.70 Fig. X201 Long Shovel Handle, Ames Bend iVz foot per doz. $5.70 Fig. XS02 Long Scoop Handle i^ foot per doz. $5.70 Fig. xaos Long Shovel Handle 4% foot -per doz. $5.00 FOR OTHER KINDS OS" HANDLES, SEE INDEX. 211 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. HANDLES All our extra grade handles are made from selected young second growth hickory, the toughest wood kno\vn for handles of all kinds. All handles are pure white in color and are absolutely free from knots or branch joints. Number 1 handles are also made of hickory, but are not so clear in color there being more or less red in them, due to branch joints. ' We also carry Pick handles, made from ash for those who specially require them of this wood Fig:. 559B. Blanl Maul, sledge, 34 and 36 inches per dozen, extra $6.70 No. 1 $4.60 Maul, sledge, 32 and 30 inches " extra 5.60 No. 1 3 70 Maul, sledge, 28 and 26 inches " extra 5.00 No. 1 3 20 Maul, sledge, 24 inches « extra 4.00 No. 1 2 80 Wood post maul handles " extra 5.60 . Fig. 559G. Dotible Bit Axe Extra No. 1 Axe. single bit per doz. $9.80 $4-90 Axe, double bit " 9.80 4.90 Fig. 550L. Soldering Copper Handle Pi-ice, per dozen $0.30 Fig. 559M. File. File Handles, assorted per dozen $0.30 File Handles, No. 2 " .30 File Handles, No. 3 " .40 File Handles, No. 4 " .40 Fig. 559J. Blacksmiths Length, 11 to 15 Length, 16 inches Length, 18 inches Length, 20 inches Length, 22 inches Length, 24 inches inches per dozen Extra $1.60 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Fig. 659K. Hatchet — Broad, Bench or Shingle Length, 12 and 13 inches per dozen $1.60 Length, 14 and 15 inches " 1.70 Length, 16 inches " 1.90 Length, 18 inches " 2.25 FOR TOOLS TO FIT ABOVE HANDLES, SEE INDEX 213 Geo-B-CarpeH'ter :s Go, SCREENS— RIDDLES— CHUTES For Screening Coal, Coke, Gravel, etc. Oak Frame No, 1 ,;S.-„ 1 7£\ =.«» II ■No 1 Size ^**- 1 inches ?bl" 1 Each 1(J 20 1 34x76 1 101 |$15.00 11 1 31x69 1 86 1 12.00 || 1 1 34x81 2 1 31x74 118 |$17.25 106 1 14.25 No. 26. SA^fD SCREEN No Mtnnll wires are used to wear out quickly, leaving the screening surface loose and uneven. The frames are not weakened by numerous holes bored to receive the ends of the wires. The surface is perfectly even, so that sand is not retarded in its downward course. The wires cannot be dis- placed to form irregular openings. The screen is constructed so the wear will be borne proportionately on all parts. Fig. 2 Screen with Foot Board and Leg Sizo, In. 1 Wgl.lbs. Each 1 22x60 1 35 26x66 1 42 $6.00 Large . :::::::::::| 7.50 Oak No. 22. Frame- "CHALLENGE" COAL SCREENS -Steel Wire— Douhle Crimped— Japanned 1 Size, In. 1 Each No. 22. . 1 29x71 1 $7.50 Fig. 126. FOUNDRY RIDDLES Round One-half Dozen in a Bundle GALVANIZED, HEAVY WIRE. REGULAR RIMS Fig. 22 Challenge Coal Screen .Stock Numbers ox Meshes Diameter | List Price, doz. 2, 3, 4, 5 6 8, 10, 12 16 inches 18 inches 20 inches $ 9.00 10.75 13.50 STEEL, HEAV Y WIRE. REGULAR RIMS Stock Numbers or Meshes Diameter | List Price, doz. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 8. 10, 12, 14 16 inches 18 inches 20 inches $7.50 8.25 9.00 Fig. 126 Foundry Riddle If made with 2 cross bars, price $0.08 dozen net extra. I£ made with 4 cross bars, price $0.12 dozen net extra. All of our foundry riddle's are made with liner or bot- tom inside the rim, supporting the wire cloth and pre- venting it from pulling out or sagging. Fig. 127. HARDAVARE RIDDLES Elm Rims. Steel Wire. One-half Dozen in a Package All made with heavy cross bars, as shown in cut. RIDDLE USES Fig. 127 Hardware Riddle Diatneter 1 Stock Numbers or Meshes List Price doz. 16 inches 2 to 12 Mesh Steel Wire $5.50 18 inches 2 to 12 Mesh Steel Wire 6.00 20 inches 2 to 12 Mesh Steel Wire 9.00 16 inches 14 to 24 Mesh Steel Wire 8.00 18 inches 14 to 24 Mesh Steel Wire 8.50 20 inches 14 to 24 Mesh Steel Wire 11.50 No. 2, used for Gravel. No. 3, Beans and Coarse Sand. No. 4, Corn and Masons' Sand. Nos. .5 and 6, Fine Sand. No. S, Wheat, Rye' and Barley. Nos. 8, 10 and 12, White Mortar and Pbtty. No.s. 14 and 24, Bakers and Confectioners. ANGLE EXTENSION COAL CHUTE Fig. 15 Above represents the Angle Extension Chute". It Is adapted to indefinite extension and chutes coal any distance, whether it be fifteen or fifty feet. When not used for extension, each section is an inde- pendent chute and may be used for sized coal, lump coal or wood. Made In 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 foot Lengths Black Iron per foot $0.50 Galvanized Iron per foot $0.60 FOR SHOVELS, WHEELBARRCWS AND CARTS. SEE INDEX GEO-BCARPEhfTER ^ SO, 21( WHEELBARROWS BULL FROG Fig. 25A-4 The handles are made of hardwood I%x2'/8X6S inches long, the ends tipped with sheet steel, extending forward beyond the wheel, which permits forward dumping. The legs are made of angle iron well braced, and bolted to the frame. It is equipped with "Never Break" Wheel No. 8, making a strong and serviceable barrow for general use. No. 25.A.-4. Weight 60 lbs. each, 4 cu. ft. tray, doz. $66.00 No. 25A-3. Weight 55 lbs. each, 3 cu. ft. tray " 64.00 No. 25A-6. Weight 65 lbs. each, 6 cu. ft. tray " 74.00 It has a specially constructed angle steel leg. Furnished with No. 4 "Never Break" wheel. Weight 60 lbs. each. No. 26A per doz. $64.00 Fig. 26B-4 Furnished without the extension handles for forward flumping. Weight 58 lbs. each. Ko. 26B-4 per doz. $61.00 Fig. 31 The legs and braee.s are made of angle iron, which gives strength and durability and makes it the best Pan Tray Barrow on the market. The handles are 194x2%x60 inches long. Equipped without No. 4 "Never Break" wheel, rapacity 4 cubic feet. Weight 60 lbs. each. Painted brown. No. 31 per doz. $62.00 Fig. 43 Especially Recommended for Concrete. Equipped with Angle Iron wheel guard loop, which strengthens the frame and permits of forward dumping. Note the angle iron risers underneath the tray, which elevates the front end of tray so that in wheeling, the tray stands level, pre- venting the load from slushing over in the front. Equipped with angle iron cross pieces. No. 8 "Never Break" Wheel Capacity 4 cubic feet. Weight 65 ib.s. each. No. 43 per doz. $76.00 Fig. 54 Especially Recommended for Mortar. Equipped with Angle Iron wheel guard loop, which permits load to be dumped forward over wheel. Furnished with No. 8 Wheel. Size of tray, top 24 inches wide by 36 inches long, depth at handles 8 inches, at wheel 14 inches. Weight 72 lbs. Capacity 4 cubic feet. No. 54 per doz. $76.00 Fig. 43 Concrete Barrow. Furnished with extension handles, tipped with sheet steel in place of angle wheel guard loop. Furnished with No. 8 "Never Break" Wheel. Capacity 4 cubic feet. Weight 63 lbs. each. No. 43 per doz. $73.00 Fig. 44 Concrete Barrow. It Is minus the wheel gruard length of handles. Handles 1 %x2 Hx60 inches long. No. 8 "Never I'reak" Wheel furnished. Weight 62 lbs. each. No. 44 per doz. $71.00 FOn REPAIRS ON ALL ABOVE BARROWS. SEE INDEX 214 Geo-B-Carpen'ter s So. WHEELBARROWS BUIiL PROG Fig. 55 Furnished with wheel guard length of handles, without angle iron wheel guard. Furnished with No. 8 Wheel. Weight 70 lbs. Capacity 4 cubic feet. IV'o. 55. Per doz $7d.00 It is minus the wheel guard. Handles I%x2%x60 inches. Furnished with No. 8 wheel. "Weight 68 lbs. each. So. 56. Per doz $71.00 Has No. 8 "Never Break Wheel." Equipped with "ANGLE IRON" risers, elevating the tray to prevent slush- ing over in front. It is equipped with "ANGLE IKON" wheel guard loop. Tray 24 inches wide by 36 inches long, depth at handles 8 inches, at wheel 14 Inches. Weight 75 lbs. each. . . „ No. 60. Per doz $82.00 Fig. 63 Has No. 8 "Never Break W^heel." It is minus the "Angle Iron" wheel guard. Weight 74 lbs. each. No. 62. Per doz $78.00 This barrow Is designed to take the place of the com- mon wood tray barrow. Tray is made of a single sheet of IC gauge steel, riveted and shaped like a common wood trav. Weight per dozen, 600 lbs. No. 80. Per doz Sufi.OO Made of heavy angle iron, so formed that the handles, legs and wheel guard are made in one piece. Two pieces of angle iron are bolted along the bottom of the tray which supports the bottom, making the tray and frame absolutely rigid and practically indestructible. The tray is made of 14 gauge steel, the upper edge of which is beaded around a 5/16 inch iron rod. Width of bottom at wheel 20 inches, width of bottom at handle 20 inches, height of tray at wheel 4 inches, height of tray at handle 18 inches, length of tray at top 39 inches. No. 12 " NEVER BREAK" wheel. Capacity 5 cubic feet. Weight 100 lbs. Painted brown. IVo. 75. Per doz $168.00 Notice the Wheel under the load The handles are made of inch tubing bent around front of the wheel, which permits of forward dumping The trays are stamped out of one piece of steel, the top edge beaded. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICES No. Ga. Steel L. on Top W. on Top D. at Wheel D. at Han- Ca- pacity eu. ft. Wt. Price In. in. in. in. 4 15 32 28 7 5 3 70 $5.96 iVz 14 32 28 7 5 3 75 6.10 12 32 28 7 5 3 87 6.66 5 15 37 29V2 9 6 V> 4 75 6.32 7 14 37 29% 9 61/2 4 S3 6.66 9 12 37 2 9 '72 9 6% 4 93 7.44 12 15 42% 321/2 111/2 8 6 90 8.10 10 13 42% 32% 1 1 V, 8 G 100 8.88 BUCKEYE TUBULAR STEEL AVHEELBAKKOWS TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICES No. Ga. Steel I..on Top in. W. on Top In. D. at Wheel in. I>. at Han- dle in. Ca- pacity cu. ft. Wt. Price each 16 32 28 7 5 63 $5.50 4% 15 32 28 7 5 65 6.00 32 28 7 5 70 6.50 37 29% 9 6% 65 6.50 37 29% 9 6% 68 7.10 37 29% 9 6% 80 7.70 12 42% 33% 11% 8 83 9.00 42 Vz 33% 11% 8 88 19 49 40 24 14 100 15.00 FOR REPAIRS ON ALL ABOVE BARROWS SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « eo. 21; WHEELBARROWS STEEL CH.IRGING BARROWS lig. 20 Steel Charsing: Barrows. These are made of No. 10 steel. either with third smal 1 wheel or leg as desired. No. 1 Capacity 1 cu. ft. Long -n-ide in. Deep in. Each 20 10 54 20 21 $50.00 21 12 54 21 25 58.00 22 14 54 24 26 65.00 23 I 16 56 26 28 70.00 24 20 57 28 30 80.00 Pan American Tray 32x."3 Inches; depth at wheel end 11 Inches, at handle end 71/2 inches. With No. 13x-Steel Wheel 16 inches diam. per doz. $48.00 Fig. 81 It has the wood legs and braces. Equipped with No. 4 "NEVER BKEAK" wheel. Weight per dozen, 550 lbs. No. 81. Per dozen $62.50 Fig. 100 18 gauge steel tray, 33x32 Inches, wired and beaded on edge with 5/16 Inch Iron rod, capacity 3 cubic feet. Wood handles and legs, braced and botfd: 16 inch steel wheel. 1 Vz inch tire, 6 inch hub, % Inch axle. Weight per dozen 525 lbs. No. 100. Per dozen $57. 1 6 Fig. 11 Brick or Tile Barrow. This barrow has no mortices to rot or give out. The legs form the front part, w^hlch is strongly bolted. Barrow painted. Bottom, 23 'A inches wide, 2414 inches long. Dash, 24 inches high by 20 inches wide. Handles, 60 inches long. No. 11. With Steel Wheel per doz. $96.00 Fig. IIA Open Bottom Brick or Tile Barrow. Bottom, 23 inches wide, 27 Inches long. Dash, 24 inches high, 20 inches wide. Handles, 60 Inches long. Weight 65 lbs. each. No. IIA. With Steel W^heel per doz. $96.00 Fig. llVz Tile Barrow. Handles, i%x2%x60 Inches. Bed, 28x28 inches, 1 V4 Inch thick. Front board, 14 inches high. Wood leas with heavy iron braces. Equipped with our No. 8 \^'hepl. Weight. 72 lbs. each. No. 11% per doz. $96.00 ris. 131/2 stone Barrow. Handles and frame made of angle steel. Length of bed 27 inches, width 24 Inches. Front board 10 inches, made of 1 »4 inch stock, well braced and bound with bar iron. Wheel, No. 10. Painted brown. Weight 6=) lbs. each. , ,,.. .. No. ISyg per doz. $100.00 FOR REPAIRS ON ALT. ABOA'E BARROWS. SEE IXDEX 216 GEO-B-CAKPErfTER s So, WHEELBARROWS No. J^. Buckeye Railway Barrow. Natural finished hardwood frame, braced and half bolted, length over all, 62 inches; li/^x2 inch handles, 56 inches long; regular pieced tray, 29 inches long, 34 inches wide, 10 inches deep in front, 8 inches at rear. 16 inch steel wheel with 9 % inch loose bolt axle; weight per dozen, 480 lbs. Per doz $30.00 Fig, 16 No. 16. Toledo. Natural finished hardwood bolted frame, stave tray, 33 inches long, 27 inches wide, 7 inches deep, staves held by two steel bolt rods passing clear through each stave; li/^x2 inch handles 56 inches long; 16 inch steel wheel, i^xdVz inch loose bolt axle, 1^4 inch tire; length over all, 62 inches; weight per dozen, 5 00 lbs. Per doz $30.00 Pig. 17 No. 17. Box Barrow. Natural finish hardwood frame and box tray; half bolted; tray, 27 i^ inches long, 25 1^ inches wide, front board 10 inches, back 6 inches, nailed and strapped; 11/2x2 inch handles, 56 inches long; 16 inch steel wheel, 1^3x91/2 inch loose bolt axle; length over all, 62 inches; weight per dozen, 600 lbs. Per doz $30.00 Fig. 14 No. 14. Full Bolted Barrow. Natural finish hardwood frame, well braced and full bolted, legs extended upward thus bracing the tray and bolted to same. Full size tray, 10 inches deep at han- dles, 8 inches at the wheel, 3 4 inches wide, 29 inches long on top, cleated and strapped; handles 60 inches long, l%x2i/4 ; wheel 16 inch diameter, tire li/^x^Sg; weight per dozen, 560 lbs. Per doz $37.00 Fig. 7 No. 7. Garden Barrow. Hardwood handles and body, painted red and varnished, bent angle steel legs, with angle steel sockets for side boards. Handles, Ii4x2y8x5 6 inches; bed length inside, 28 inches, width at the handles, 20 14 inches, width at the wheels, 16% inches, side boards, %xll 1/^x31 inches; wheel, 20 inches in diameter, 1^x14 inch tire, % inch axle; weight per dozen, 600 lbs. Per doz $53.00 Fig. 6^2 No. 6 % . Straight Leg Garden Barrow. Hard- wood body; handles, legs and braces painted red, and varnished; wheel painted black. Bed length, inside 28 inches, width at handles, 20 1^ inches, width at wheel 16i^ inches, side boards, 111^x31 inches; "Never Break" steel wheel with rivetless hub, diameter 20 inches, tire l^^x^/i inches; weight per dozen, 600 lbs. Per doz $48.00 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « QO, 317 Fig. 53 S. C. No. 52. Special Coal Barrow for dumping to windows or other openings; sliould have one on every coal wagon; strongly built. Dimensions of tray: Length on top 44 Inches, width on top at wheel 22 inches, width on top at handles 25 inches, width on top at center 27 inches, depth at handles 9 Inches, depth at center 15 inches. Capacity 350 lbs. hard coal, 300 lbs. soft coal. Price, each $12.00 Fig. 25 C. O. TWO WHEEL COAL AND ORE BARROW Tubular handles, curved up in front and bolted to the tray. Legs, %xli,i iron cross braced with 5/16x1% iron. Axle, 1% inches square. Tray size, bottom 21x20 Va inches, top measure 40 inches at the wheel, 31 inches inside at handles, and 44 inches long, sides and back made of 12 gauge steel; bottom and front of 10 gauge steel. Wheels, 20 inches in diameter, 14 '/i inches round staggered spokes, heavy cast hub; tire, %x2%; bore H4 inch. Capacity, 10 cubic feet. Weight 275 lbs. Painted brown. Price, each $40.00 Fig.Ji "BULL FROG" CONCRETE CARTS strongest Concrete Cart on the market. Capacity 5 cubic feet wet concrete. Length over all 51 inches, width 36 Inches. Tray, 14 gauge, reinforced with angle iron entirely around the bottom and top edge. Length 36 inches, width 21 inches, depth 16 Inches. Wheels 36 inches In diameter, tire %x2i,2 inches, 14 \^-inch round spokes, cast iron hubs, 1 '«. inch axle. No. 1. Weight 200 lbs. Each $28.00 No. 2 Tray, 14 gauge, reinforced with angle iron entirely around the bottom and top edge. Length 39 Inches, width 21 inches, depth 20 Inches. Capacity 6 cubic feet wet con- crete. Length over all 54 Inches, width 36 Inches. Wheels 44 inches in diameter, %x2% inch tire, 16 %-lnch round spokes, cast Iron hubs, 2 Inch axle. No. 8. Weight 225 lbs. Price, each Fig. 25 S. C. No. 25. Special Coal Barrow with wood handles and angle steel truss frame. Dimensions of tray: Length on top 42 inches, width on top at wheel 27 inches, width on top at handles 25 inches, width on top at center 25 inches, depth at handles 8 inches, depth at center 12 inches. Ca- pacity 300 lbs. hard coal, 250 lbs. soft coal. Price, each $10.50 Fig. 010 TUBULAR FRAME BARROWS Tliis Barrow is especially constructed for use in machine shops, mines, foundries and iron mills. The frame is made of inch tubing bent so as to form the legs and handles which are joined together by heavy iron straps bolted to the bottom of the tray. The tray is stamped out of one sheet of heavy gauge steel, which makes it especially adapted for handling heavy castings, sharp castings, hot iron, etc. This barrow is heavily braced in front, which pre- vents the tray from pushing forward on the wheel. Our No. 8 "NEVER BRE.4K'' wheel is funished with this bar- row unless otherwise specified. Table of Dimensions and Prices No. Ga. iLengthl Width 1 Depth Icap'ty 1 ^f Steel 1 in. I in. | in. I cu. ft. 1 ""- Price ench 010 012 10 1 33 Vi 1 22U 1 11 1 3 1 100 1 12 1 33% 1 22% 1 11 1 3 1 85 $9.00 8.40 All the above with malleable iron shoes to protect legs. Fig. 3 This Cart Is constructed so that by releasing a strong spring clip the tray dumps, the handles and legs remaining stationary, preventing the cart from running back on the man handling the cart. Capacity 5 cubic feet wet con- crete. Length over all 51 inches, width 36 inches. Jray, 14 gauge, reinforced with angle iron entirely around the bottom and top edge. Width 21 inches, length 36 Inches, depth 16 Inches. Wheels 36 inch diameter, tire %x^ /i Inches, spokes 14 %-inch round, leable axle 1% Inch. No. 3. Weight 210 lbs. Price, FOB REPAIRS ON ALL ABOVE BARROWS AND CARTS. SEE INDEX Cast iron hubs and mal- each *3*-W> 218 Geo-BCaii.pen*ter « Co, PRESSED STEEL SCRAPERS Scraper with Runners Scraper vvitii Double Bottom DRAG SCRAPERS The Bowl is pressed from a single sheet of high carbon special rolled scraper steel, and is without lap or seam, will scour perfectly in any kind of soil, and offers no obstruction to the dirt as it enters or leaves the bowl. The Sides at the front are not sheared off, but are carried up on a line with the top, which prevents the dirt from spilling on the haul, keeps the run way smooth and avoids unnecessary wear on the point upon return from the dump. The Flange stiffens the bowl, in fact is equal to binding same around the top with angle iron, and is an advantage the buyer will readily appreciate. The Bail is made of solid forged steel, strong and durable enough to withstand the greatest strain. The Swivel is of malleable iron which turns freely in reinforced socket, permitting a side dump if de- sired. The Hooks and Handle Sockets are of heavy steel securely riveted and spot welded in place. The Runners of special hardened steel, fastened to the bottom with spot weld or countersunk rivets. The Extra Bottom Plate is also attached to the bottom by countersunk rivets, and is used on all double bottom scrapers. The Handles are made of best quality hard wood. Be sure to give general description in ordering. Made under three different brands, a "BULL FROG" "MAUMEE" With flat handles on side. With round handles on top. "BUCKEYE" With round handles on side. No Description Capacity cu. ft. Size inches "Bull Frog" <*SIaumee" <'Buckeye" kvt., lbs. Price wt., lbs: Price Vvt., lbs. 1 Price 1 Without runners 34x33x10 84 $8.88 81 $8.60 73 $7.90 2 Without runners 32x30x 91/2 81 8.20 78 7.90 66 7.20 3 Without runners 32x26x 91/2 73 7.80 67 7.50 62 6.80 1 With runners. .. 34x33x10 90 9.20 87 9.00 79 8.30 2 With runners. .. 32x30x 91/2 87 8.60 84 8.40 72 7.60 3 With runners. . . 32x26x 91/2 79 8.20 73 7.90 68 7.20 1 Double bottom. . 34x33x10 96 10.10 93 9.90 85 9.20 2 Double bottom. . 5 32x30x 91/2 . 93 9.50 90 9.20 78 8.60 3 Double bottom. . 3 32x26x 91/2 85 9.00 79 8.88 74 8.20 ]Vote: — When ordering, be sure to advise whether scrapers are to be with or without runners or with double bottom. Scrapers With Runners will be shipped unless specified otherwise. Made of One Piece Steel THE COLUMBUS No. 1. Capacity, 7 cubic feet; weight, 102 pounds each $13.00 No. 2. Capacity, .5 cubic feet; weight, 94 pounds " 12.00 No, 3. Capacity, 3 cubic feet; weight, 70 pounds " 11.00 With runners extra .35 With double bottom " .50 FOR REPAIRS ON AM. ABOVE ARTICI>ES, SEE INDEX. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « 60. 219 REPAIRS FOR SCRAPERS, BARROWS AND CARTS DRAG SCRAPERS Handles Each $0.54 Bail " 1.70 Swivel " .44 Hooks " .44 CONTRACTORS' WHEELBARROWS tHandles (wood) $1.00 tLegs (angle iron) Each Straight Brace between legs . U Brace between legs Front Braces Angle Wheel Guard ♦One piece Trays (4 feet) Riveted Trays (4 feet) Angle Cross Pieces under tray Angle Risers under tray .... *NOTE: tNOTE: tNOTE: .54 .24 .24 .12 .34 3.30 3.60 .24 .24 Nos. 80 and 81 Trays .... " 2.20 No. 75 Trays " 5.00 No. 7 5 Handles and Legs. Pair 4.50 FOR WHEELS BRICK AND TILE BARROWS Bent Legs Each Handles " Straight Legs Pair Iron Leg Brace Each Iron Front Brace " STONE BARROWS Angle Iron Handles Each Angle Wood Handles " CART REPAIRS 36 inch Wheels Each 40 inch Wheels " Hubs and Hangers Pair Washers Each Legs Pair Handles Each Bodies (5 feet) " Bodies (6 feet) " SEE IVEXT PAGE $1.10 .70 .70 .36 .34 $2.20 .70 $6.60 8.80 2.80 .14 1.40 .90 13.00 16.00 TUBULAR (ALL STEEL) BARROWS Trays Gauge Steel Length Width Depth Depth Capacity cubic feet on Top on Top at Wheel at Handles Price inches inches inches inches 16 32 28 7 5 3 $2.74 15 32 28 7 5 3 3.20 14 32 28 7 5 3 3.70 16 37 29 1^ 9 6 1/2 4 3.30 15 37 291/2 9 6V2 4 3.50 14 37 291/2 9 6 1/2 4 3.70 16 421/2 33 1^ 11% 8 6 3.70 14 421/2 331/2 111/2 8 6 4.00 16 49 40 24 14 8 8.30 12 32 28 7 5 3 3.50 12 37 291/2 9 6 1/2 4 4.00 15 42 1^ 321/2 111/2 8 6 3.80 13 421/2 321/2 IIV2 8 6 4.20 10 33 1^ 221/2 11 3 4.50 Tubular Frame (legs and handles) Each Cross Braces for No. 010 " Straight Braces for No. 010 " Shoes (malleable) " Front Braces for "Bull Frog" " Handles for "Bull Frog" " Legs for "Bull Frog" U Braces (legs) for "Bull Frog" " Straight Braces for "Bull Frog" " Axle Boxes for "Bull Frog" Pair Frame complete (no tray or wheel) Each Front Braces Buckeye Tubular " Handles, Buckeye Tubular " Legs Leg Braces Frame, less tray and wheel " $3.30 .24 .24 .24 .44 3.76 .56 .34 .34 .36 3.90 .14 2.76 .50 .36 3.90 220 GEO-B-eARPEhfTER « eO. NEVER BREAK" WHEELS— TOOL WAGONS AND CARTS TABLE OF SIZES (Order by Number) No. Dia. Tire Spokes Hub |Axle|wt.| Price 1 16 11/4X1/4 6—% 6 1 1/2 1 8 i$0.90 2 16 1 1/2X1/4 6—% 6 1 1/2 81/2 1.00 3 16 11/2X14 8—% 7 1 1/2 9 1.10 4 16 11/2X,''b 8-% 7 1 1/2 1014 1.20 b 2 xi/4 8—% 7 1 1/2 10 1/2 1 1.40 6 1 1/2 X ,% 8—1/2 1 7 1 % ^2^ 1.50 8 iVzX % S— 1/2 7 1 % 14 1.60 10 1 % X % 8—1/2 7 1 % 141/0 1.70 12 2 X A 8—1/2 7 i % 15 1.90 14 20 11/2x1/4 8—% 115 to 18 Axlel % 1214 1.60 16 20 2 xV4 8 — % 115 to 18 Axlel % 13 1 1,80 Round Steel Spokes. Wrought Iron Tire. Patent Malleable Rivetless Hub. The Latest and Best Invention in Metal Wheels for Barrows The spokes are inserted in the hub flanges, the end of each spoke resting against the hub and then under hydraulic pressure the flanges are closed on the spokes. The spokes are se- cured at the tire by a counter-sunk head elec- trically hammered; thus combining tension and torsion strength. Experience has shown that the riveted hub in the best known wheels is the weakest point, and through racking and heavy work the rivets loosen. This invention entirely removes that defect. The superior strength of this wheel construction has been proven beyond question in long and hard usage. For a quick demonstration of its power of endurance, the tire can be hammered out of shape under power, and likewise the spokes bent out of shape, but the fastening of the spokes at the hub and the hub itself will remain solid and intact. FOR OTHER REPAIRS, SEE INDEX S. AND S. TOOL WAGON AND CARTS All sills, posts and other supporting constructions are made of selected straight grain and well sea- ^ soned oak. The sides, top and ends are of selected Norway pine, tongued and grooved. They are heavily ironed and securely bolted throughout. The tops of wagons and carts are covered with heavy cotton duck, treated and painted, making it wa- terproof. PRICES Tool Wagon Each $180.00 Tool Cart " 120.00 Tool Box 15.00 Tool Bqs GEO-B-CAIiBEM'TER « SO. 221 EARLY BIRD CONTRACTORS' GRADING PLOWS WOOD BEAMS No. Beams Weight, lbs. Each 1 2 3 6 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 8 in. 180 200 270 350 $25.00 29.00 32.50 40.00 Fig Beams of best white oak, heavily ironed both on the upper and the lower side. Wrought steel clevis with two heavy rings. Reversible and sufficiently strong cutter. Best grade of timber in handles, which are well strapped on both sides. Hand holds made of malleable iron. Mould boards, shares and cutters made of best grade of plow steel. All parts neatly fitted together. Guard on exposed handle to protect it when dragging. ROOTER Malleable Iron Unequaled for tearing up macadamized pave- ments, cement, gravel, hard pan or frozen ground. The beam, shoe and clamps, which embrace the solid steel points, are of the best grade of malle- able iron. The shoe is case hardened. Weight with one point, 275 lbs. Each $34.00 Pig. 5773 THE "NOXEMAIi" ROOTER Steel Beam and standard made of machine steel. Shoe made of the best cast steel, into which the solid steel point is inserted without the use of tools and is held without the use of bolts. To detach same, strike rear end with hammer. Each Rooter is supplied with a steel depth regulating gauge. One extra point furnished without charge. Weight 275 lbs. Each $38.00 FIgf. 5773 WROUGHT STEEIi BEAM GRADER PLOW Fig. 5773 This is a heavy, strongly made plow, especially designed for road building. The beam made of two pieces of steel %-inch thick by 3 inches wide. Is made for strength and will stand the strain. It is next to impossible to break either the beam or mouldboard. This plow fills a long-felt want among graders in cities and contractors doing road work. Weight complete, 175 lbs. No extra point furnished with this plow. Wrench only. With cast mouldboard, chilled point and clevis. Each $21.00 W^ith cast mouldboard and forged steel point complete. Each 27.00 223 GEO-BCAIiPErfTER « eO. THE DOAN DITCHING SCRAPER The Doan Scraper is a great favorite among contract- ors for cleaning out and back filling ditches, and leveling roads and uneven places. It is well made of seasoned hard wood. The bit is made of special steel, 48 inches long, ^ inch thick and 7 inches wide, which is 2 inches wider than those usually made. The scrapers are 'well ironed and bolted, and the hounds are made of l%x% inch steel, with % inch cable chain. Width 48 inches, wt. 75 lbs each $7.30 Fig. 5791 WESTERN WHEELED SCRAPERS No. 1 WESTERN WHEELED SCRAPER Wheels are made from selected stock, 36 inches high; tires, 2i^x% inch; axle, 1% inches square; bowl, 3 feet wide, 3 feet long, 12 inches deep; draft hooks, automatic, patented, prevents the scraper from dumping while being filled, and regulates the cut to even depth. Fig. 5792 No.l Wheeler. Capacity 9 cubic feet, weight 340 lbs each $45.00 Automatic End Gates for above, extra " 5.00 Whiffletrees and neckyokes, extra. No. 2 WESTERN WHEELED SCRAPER Wheels made from selected stock. 40 inches high; tires, 3x% inch; axle, 1% inches square, arched 3 Vz inches higher than the old standard .^5^^^^__™,. Wheelers were; bail is of an entirely new pat- f^-i«..3«— -HBtt tern, is bent around on a line with the top edge of the pan and supported by the lever, which is arched (see cut) and extends forward and is firmly attached to the axle, giving abundant clearance for the dirt in filling and dumping; bowl, 3 feet 2 inches wide, 3 feet 1 inch long, 13% inches deep; draft hooks, patent, auto- matic, orevents scraper from dumping while _ being filled, and regulates the cut to even depth. t . ; " Fis. 5793 No. 2 Wheeler. Capacity 12 cubic feet, weight 600 lbs each $50.00 Draft Rods for above, extra " 2.00 Automatic End Gates for above, extra " 5.00 Whiffletrees and neckyokes, extra. GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER « QO. 223 SCRAPERS TONGUE SCRAPER, LEVELER AND DITCHER This is an excellent Scraper for cutting and cleaning ditches and moving large quantities of earth rapidly whgn the distance is not too great. The drawbars and bit are made of the best quality of steel. It is well ironed and made of well-seasoned hard wood. The driver can fill and dump it with ease. T^„ 1 Width 1 Weight | -n.^^-^ No- 1 inches | pourids 1 ^ach 1 2 48 42 135 120 $10.50 10.00 Fig. 122 BUCK SCRAPERS— FRESNO TYPE A very popular type Scraper. Is much used in railroad construction work, for irriga- tion leveling and road building. Will do any kind of work usually done by drag and wheeled scrapers. Capacity ranges from 12 to 18 cubic feet, depending on size. A distinctive feature in this scraper is an arrangement of bars with adjustable clevises which regulates the load distribution. These permit the distribution in uniform layers ranging from 1 inch to 12 inches, or deposit in bulk. Built to Wear — Made of carbon steel with wrought iron rods, hardwood drawbar, cross- braces and handle. Top edge of body plate reinforced with strong angle along its entire length. So. 1. Capacity 18 cubic feet; cutting edge 5 feet; wt. about 315 lbs Each $26.00 No. 2. Capacity 14 cubic feet; cutting edge 4 feet; wt. about 250 lbs " 24.80 No. 3. Capacity 12 cubic feet; cutting edge ZVz feet; wt. about 340 lbs " 24.00 SQUARE BACK ALL STEEL DRAG SCRAPERS This Scraper is cold pressed from a single sheet of high carbon scraper steel. The back is square and the bottom sufficiently rounded to reduce friction. The sides are high, assuring rated capacity. Corner laps and runners are electrically welded. Heavy steel bale and hooks. Malleable iron swivel and sockets. No. 1 is the largest size and adapted to long hauls. No. 3 is the size in most general use. No. 3 is the size intended for high banks and ditches. No. Capacity Price Cu. Ft. Each 1 Without Runners .... 7 $8.88 2 Without Runners .... 5 8.20 3 Without Runners .... 3 7.80 1 With Runners 7 9.20 2 With Runners 5 8.60 3 With Runners 3 8.20 Fig. 3 with Runners Scrapers WITH RUNNERS will always be shipped unless otherwise specified. 334 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « (EO. BRIGGS-CHICAGO CONCRETE CARTS WATER-TIGHT TIPOVER Fig. 578 You can store materials at street intersections while you are grading. Most experienced paving contractors consider this the greatest advantage of the Cart System. It saves all interruptions in receiving and delays in waiting for materials. In many cases they can be piled upon paved intersect- ing streets. This means easier shoveling. Materials can be purchased, hauled and placed when most convenient, without regard to grading. The Briggs-Chicago Cart System keeps the mixer in continuous, uninterrupted operation at one •setting" from one to two days at a time. By eliminating the delays of frequent moving, you increase the emciency of your mixing gang and secure greater yardage from your mixer. Four or five carts will haul and distribute the mixed concrete economically a distance of 400 to 500 feet in both directions from the mixer. Each cart holds the full mixer batch — twenty cubic feet — the equiva- lent of four or five surface yards. Discharging full batches saves delays at the mixer. For rapid, con- tinuous, economical distribution of mixed concrete over street surfaces, no other system comes within range of Briggs-Chicago Spreaders. They deliver the mixture on the grade in the uniform thickness desired— with the mortar on top — requiring less additional labor for spreading and finishing than with any other method. The finished grade is kept free and clear of materials and obstructions at all times. Briggs-Chicago Carts have large, wide-tired wheels which do not cut up the sub-grade. They act as rollers. You can lay concrete with these carts in wet weather when not possible with other methods. GENERAL FEATURES Holds the full mixed batch of the ordinary paving mixer — twenty cubic feet. Equipped with 54 inch diameter steel wheels, with 6 inch tires. Weight 1050 pounds with roller-bearing wheels. Easily drawn by one horse. Cart and horse can be turned in a 12 foot space. Clearance required under mixer discharge chute, 39 inches. The Tipover Cart dumps over backwards, and its rear-end discharge is especially adapted for delivering concrete into car tracks. The smooth, clean inner surface of the cart body, the corners of which are rounded to a 3 inch radius, prevents concrete from sticking. It is absolutely water- tight and practically self-cleaning. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS Capacity — Made only in one size designated as a % yard cart, holding 20 cubic feet of mixed concrete level full, easily drawn by one horse. Weight — With plain steel wheels, 1040 lbs.; with steel roller-bearing wheels, 1050 lbs.; with wood wheels. 940 lbs. Height — To top of body (mixer discharge chute clearance): With steel wheels, 39 inches; with wood wheels, 36 inches. Length— Over all, 11 feet 3 inches. Cart with horse turns in 12 foot space. "Width — With plain steel wheels, 6 feet 3 inches over all; with steel roller-bearing wheels, 6 feet 6 inches; with wood wheels, 6 feet 5 inches. Wheels — Steel, 54 inch diameter, 6 inch tires. Fur- nished either plain or with roller-bearings. Roller-bearing wheels recommended; they reduce draft 20 per cent; bearings are renewable. Tread, with R-B wheels, 641/2 inches; with plain wheels, 6514 inches. The Tipover Cart is also furnished, if preferred, with wood wheels, 48 inch diameter, 4 inch tires. Tread, 64 inches. Shafts — For one horse; made of channels, strongly reinforced where attached to cart body. Ends of shafts rounded to protect horses. Cart Body — Made of No. 12 steel plate, in only three pieces. Corners rounded to a 3 inch radius, giv- ing a smooth, clean inside surface. Outside of body fitted with three wide "hammering bands." Top sides of body fitted with steel "slop shields." Body turns completely upside down In discharg- ing, tripped by hand lever near center of right cart shaft. Road clearance, 14% inches. Absolutely water-tight and practically self-cleaning. WEIGHTS AND PRICES Spreaders Spreader, with steel roller-bearing wheels. Size wheels. 54 inch diameter, 6 inch tire. Weigh*,, 1065 lbs price $240 01) Spreader, with plain steel wheels. Size wheels, 54 inch diameter, 6 inch tire. Weight, 1055 ^^S '. . price Tipovers Tipover, with steel roller-bearing wheels. Size wheels, 54 inch diameter, 6 inch tire. Weight 1050 lbs price Tipover, with plain steel wheels. Size wheels, 54 inch diameter, 6 inch tire. Weight,' ' 1040 'f'S , ,, iDric© Tipover, with wood wheels. Size wheels, 48 inch diameter, 4 inch tire. Weight, 940' lbs'. '.'. '.price FOR COMPLETE LINE OF PAVING EQUIPMENT, SEE INDEX 220.«m 220.00 240.00 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ So. 235 DUMP WAGONS The patent under-draft attachment on this wagon does entirely away with whipping of the tongue, draws the load direct from the axle, which gives from one-third to one-half easier draft and saves horse-flesh and wear and tear on wagon and harness. The dumping operation is so simple and so easily done that a small boy can dump the load and wind up the doors perfectly. To dump the load lift the dog and push the lever forward. But one lever is used for closing the doors and dumping the load. Because of the large drum on which the chain is wound, it is necessary to move the lever forward and back only a few times. Only one chain is used. It is impossible to dump the load by accident. The Shaft and Drum are placed across the front end of wagon. This distributes the strain and prevents the right-hand front corner from sagging. The Doors are hung by heavy loops, instead of rigid hinges. This allows them to be raised about eight inches and prevents them from being torn off when moving forward after dumping. The doors close almost water-tight. The Steel Axles are reinforced by heavy hickory ,bed pieces, securely clipped on, rwhich strengthens the axles and prevents springing or breaking. No malleable iron standard space used by us. The Neck is reinforced by a plate of sheet steel, both inside and outside, running back to the forward side trap. As nearly all of the metal parts are wrought iron or steel, any blacksmith can make repairs, and there is no annoyance of waiting for malleable parts to come from the factory. The Wheels are made with oak hubs, oak rims and oak or hickory spokes. All Tires and Bands set by hydraulic pressure, which insures their being as round and true as a pulley and absolutely tight. SPECIFICATIONS The Gabriel Streich Dump Wagon is made in four sizes, with capacities of 1^, 2, 2^4 and 3 yards. The first two sizes have 2 inch front and 2 %: inch rear axles. The two larger sizes have 2 inch front and 2 i/^ inch rear axles. The tires are made of round edge steel, 3 inches wide and %, % or % inches thick on the smaller wagons, and 4 inches wide and % and % inch thick on the larger sizes. The front wheels are 3 feet 4 inches high and the rear wheels 4 feet 4 inches high. The weights are 1900, 2200, 2300 and 2450 pounds respectively for the four capacities. List price, 1 Vz yards $ . List price, 2 yards List price, 2 i/^ yards '. List price, 3 yards ' . '. We will be pleased to quote price on receipt of tire specifications and number of wagons desired 226 GEO-B-CARPElfTER S ©0. SMITH MIXERS DUO-CONE DRUM — TILTING DISCHARGE The SMITH is the mixer with the single, centrally located, ONE-PIECE drive ring; the double conical drum producing the per- fect end-to-center mixing action and the GRAVITY discharge— the drum tilting, while still rotating, to discharge the batcK The SMITH is the mixer that can be relied on to produce the greatest yardage and to stand up under the hardest, longest and most coptinuous usage. COMBINES LOADER AND ELEVATOR Secure the MINIMUM LOADING COST by using a Smith Mixer equipped with a Smith vertical acting, non- pivoted, extensible power loader. Fig 1, Extend your loader frame downward two feet or twenty feet. The Omaha "Water Board mounted their Smith Mixers way up in the air and extended their loader frames so as to load from the ground 39 feet below. This adaptability of their Smith Mixers saved them the cost of hoisting engines, towers and chuting systems. Fig. 2 SMITH MIXERS are built in ten sizes, ranging from the FOUR FOOT Smith Mascot shown in Fig. 2 to the colossal FOUR YARD machine shown in Fig. 3. They are furnished with steam, gasoline or motor drive, and can be equipped with power loader, gated batch hopper or "standard feed chute. Fig. 3 Write for Prices. Send for Special Smith Mixer Catalog We Can Fuinish Mixers from $125.00 to $5,000.00 GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER ^ QO. 22: Fig. 4 Smith-Chicago Mixers combine RAPID MIX- ING and FAST DISCHARGE with absolutely NO SPLASHING. The deep blades with their long sloping sides produce a constant reciprocating motion — the end- to-center mixing action that makes perfectly mixed concrete. The concaved drip ring allows the long, steep chute to swing way into the drum, thus insuring a fast clean discharge. Smith-Chicago mixers are built in ten sizes. The smallest the Smith Mixerette shown in Fig. 7 holds three cubic feet of wet, mixed concrete. The largest holds 81 cubic feet. They are furnished with steam or gasoline engines or motors. The variety of loading methods adapts these machines for any class of work. The power loader shown in Figs. 4 and 5 is the famous Smith non-pivoted, vertical acting loader with extensible frame. Both the standard feed chute and the gated batch hopper have a low feed level and at the same time the long steep hopper sides insure a rapid flow into the drum. SMITH-CHICAGO MIXERS NON-TILTING TYPE Fig. 6 Fig. PLATFORM ONLY 16 INCHES HIGH Look at Fig. 6. Notice how the truck frame is UNDERSLUNG so as to obtain the low 16 inch loading level and how the steel goose neck enables you to turn the machine in its own length. These dandy Smith- Chicago Low-Chargers are built in four sizes — the 3 foot Mixerette shown in Fig. 7 and the 4, 6 and 9 foot Smith- Chicagos as shown in Fig. 6. Send for Special S-C ML\er Catalog Write for Prices S38 GEO-B-CARPENfTER « 60. CARPENTER MORTAR MIXER The mixing paddles in this Mortar Mixer are made on pHmHI^H. i. . - (. the principle of a perforated % ^ ^ ^ |;i!> ..■. ■ jaaj^^Bj mortar hoe and so arranged %^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^g2SjS^|^ I^^^^^B the drum ^E^BU^^^HH^^H^^^^^^IH^K§Lbi» ^^^^I^H the process m|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hffi|- j jJ^I the mortar to S^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M *''^' ~^Hi the open the drum ^b^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I "Tx.^^ locking end gate. The wa- ^^^^^^^d^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^^^H ter connection consists of a perforated pipe arranged fpr hose connection. This outfit is substantially- built with channel iron frame mounted on steel wheels. The mixing paddles are strung on a heavy steel mixing shaft in such a way that should one break, it can be replaced by removing two bolts and inserting a new paddle in its place. A friction clutch operated from the discharge end of mix- ing trough controls the paddle movement and the engine installed in this mixer is of ample power to operate same. This mixer will supply and keep busy from 30 to 40 brick layers. SPECIFICATIONS Truck — 5 inch channel iron. Size of Water Connection — 1/2 Net Weight with Engine — 2,650 Wheels — front 16x4 in., rear in. pipe. lbs. 3 6x4 in. Overall Length of Outfit — 10 Engine installed in Outfit — 5 Axles — 2% in. diameter. ft. H. P., hopper cooled. Paddle Shaft — 2 in. square. Overall Width of Outfit — 5 ft.. Wood or Steel House. Speed of Paddle — 50 R. P. M. 6 in. COMBINATIONS FURNISHED With five horsepower, four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine installed, the complete equip- ■nr ..IP^'^'^ mounted on a strong steel truck, wood house, ready to operate when delivered ;$600.00 With five horsepower, four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine installed, the complete equip- ment mounted on a strong steel truck, steel house, ready to operate when delivered 640.00 Complete with alternating current, single phase, 60 cycle motor, speed 1165 R. P. M. interchangea- ble, 110 or 220 volt, knife switch, wired and installed complete ready to connect on job 813.33 Complete with alternating current, two or three phase, 60 cycle motor, speed 1140 R. P. M. inter- changeable 220 or 440 volt, knife switch, wired and installed complete ready to connect on job. . 600.00 Complete with direct current motor, speed 1200 R. P. M., 110 or 220 volt, with starting box, wired and installed ready to connect on job 760.00 Mortar Mixer complete mounted on a strong steel truck, but without "power or' housing .'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'." .'.'." 346.66 Low-Tension friction drive magneto in connection with dry cells and coil 40.00 High-Tension gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no dry cells or coil) 37.33 SMITH MIXERETTE The Smith Mixerette is the ideal mixer for the smaller concrete jobs. It is light and portable, and will turn out a big volume of concrete. Holds 3 cubic feet of wet mixed concrete per batch or 5 cubic yards per hour. Equipped with powerful gas engine enclosed in steel house and a choice of gated batch hopper, low charging platform, only 16 inches high (Fig. 7) or gear lifted loader (Fig. 8). Has the famous Smith Dust Proof casing which protects gear ring and driving pinion. Fig. S SMITH BUILDERS' SPECIAL A dandy outfit for building contractor or silo builder. Consists of Mixerette drum, extra horse power gas engine and single act- ing friction hoist, all mounted on a sub- stantial standard gauge truck. Engine can be operated independently, with hoist or mixer drum or with both. Equipped with batch hopper, low charging platform or gear lifted loader. Send for Special Mixerette Folder FiB. GEO•B•eAPlPE^fTER « eO. 229 SMITH-CHICAGO HIGH-DRUM PAVER LOXG, STEEP, 20' ANGLE SA\1VEL CHUTE Committee VIII of the National Conference on Concrete Road Building endorsed this vit^l feature on S-C High- Drum Pavers as follows: "We believe, as a result of the tests mentioned, that the least angle for the distributing chute should 'be approximately 20 degrees. . . . It is better to increase the pitch of the chute than to increase the amount of water. ' ' ACCURATE WATER WEIGHING DEVICE The same Committee reported that : "A most important item is the amount of Avater to use. . . . The maximum amount of Avater should be 6 pounds per cubic foot of loose material. . . . The new high-drum type Smith-Chi- cago Pavers are all equipped wdth this device which meas- ures accurately every batch of water that goes into the mixer drum. The Committee proved the above statement." WIDE, EASILY LOADED THREE.3IAX SKIP The big, wide, easily loaded skip discharges directly into the drum — there is no intermediate hopper to retard the flow — and it goes up in only nine seconds. ABSOLUTE ALIGNMENT All the hoisting and propelling shafts, gears, brackets and boxes are bunched on a ONE-PIECE steel casting sup- ported by a heavy STEEL bolster over the big rear axle. Not a single box is fastened to the truck sills — Perfect align- ment is assured. Smith-Chicago High-Drum Pavers are Built in Four Sizes, Holding 4, 7, 10 and 16 Cubic Feet of Wet Mixed Concrete, Per Batch Send for Special S-C High-Drum Paver Folder and Full Report of Committee VIH THE TEN VITAL FEATURES IN THE SMITH -CHICACfO HIcJH DRUM PAVER 3-\V/a'i^ eas///' /aadec^ fSree /77a/7 si'/p. e/yc/osec/ //7 S^eff/ Ao^^se^ eye^ year, A;'^ /(-^ e/Cj /^e/yi^c^/f acct^ss/S/c s^ee/ ca-s-/-/. £>yffr r-^a/- ay/e 7 - /^a^yi^r p/ao/- /oca-^eaf on cer?/e/- enc/csec/ //? S'/ee/ hoi^s-e (ff- 3o//e/- (/oar ^a/er aai/y^.^^ /oyec^or /i/h/-/ca.^a^ M/-oA^/^ ya/(r ar7£/ a// t:)^e/-tz///7^ /^y^/S' ^ana'^i'a y/~47/r7 are'^/7a' /eye/ i?'^ a^e svi/e !*«. Moulding Knives in any shape or form can be furnished as well as a special cutter fteaa w> carry same. An Adjustable Aluminum Saw Guard with spring steel Splitter is provided. This Guard conforms to the factory laws of any state. 16 243 GEO-B-eAR^PEJfTER ^ CO. THE CARPENTER No. 2 ALL IRON PORTABLE SAW RIG The Carpenter No. 2 All Iron Portable Saw Rig, was designed with a view to securing rigidity, strength and sim- plicity, in an outfit that would stand the hard wear and tear on the job, or in the shop. The engine and saw table column are mounted on a heavy Iron base, making it an absolute rigid unit. The 5 H. P. water hopper cooled engine or electric motor pulls a 14 inch saw, which will rip 4 inch lumber. The iron saw table is 26x36 inches, accurately planed, with screw adjustment for raising and lowering. The adjust- able rip gauge Is set in a dove-tail groove. The cut-off g luge is adjustable from square to miter in either direction. A wooden table is attached to the iron table to protect the engine or motor from saw dust. The saw mandrel is made •with a long projection on the collar end so that a varying thickness of cutter or dado head up to 2 inches may be used. Each outfit Is thoroughly tested and read.v to run when delivered, and is sold under an absolute Kuarantee to be entirely satisfactory. It is a complete and ecanoniical pjrtable power plant, guaranteed to give juu no trouble. SPECIFICATIONS CARPENTER NO. 2 ALL IRON PORTABLE SAW RIG Specifications Column — Iron box section. Skids — 4x6 inch yellow pine. Table — Iron accurately planed. Over wood Extension Table is 35%x55 Inches. Belt — 3% inches wide, tightened by belt tightener. Arbor Bearings — 1 3-16x3 1^ inches. Diameter of Arbor for Saw — 1 inch. Speed of Arbor — 2600 R. P. M. Largest Diameter of Saw — 14 Inches. Capacity of Saw — ripping 4 inches. Gasoline Consumption — about 3 gallons per day. Oveiall Length of Outfit — 5 feet. 3 Inches. Overall Width of Outfit — 42 inches. Height of Table from Floor — 37 Va inches. Net Weight of. Outfit with engine and all attachments — 1440 pounds. Engine installed in Outfit 5 H. P., Carpenter hopper cooled. THE CARPENTER No. 2 ALL IRON PORTABLE SAW RIG ATTACHMENTS 1 — 14 Inch Disston Rip Saw (filed and Fet> $10 67 1—14 inch Disston Cross Cut Saw (filed and set). 10.67 1 — 8 Inch diameter, Vo inch Dado Head 8.00 1— Boring Table complete with one V2 inch, % inch and 1 Inch bit, chuck and key for bit chuck set screw 21.33 1—4 inch Jointer <4 knives) with adjustable iron block and gauge 29 33 1—8 Inch Emery Wheel 5.33 1 — Canvas Cover 1467 VARIOUS ■ COMBINATIONS FURNISHED 1 — Saw Table with adjustable rip gauge, cross cut gauge, saw mandrel, belt tightener and saw guard '$173.33 1»— Carpenter 5 H. P. Water Hopper Cooled four cycle gasoline engine complete with battery box, two spark plugs, wrenches, oil can 26000 Carpenter No. 2 Saw Big complete with all attach- " ments $533.33 Low-Tenslon friction drive magneto in connection with dry cells and coil Hlgh-Tenslon gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no' dry cells or coil) No. 2 Saw Rig with 1-14 inch rip, 1—14 inch cross cut saw, gauges and 5 H. P.. four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine, ready to operate (no attachments^ Ontfit complete with all attachments " (without power) i , 273 33 Outfit complete with all attachments.' "wl't'h'out 'power, but with tight and loose pulley and arbor belt. 300.00 $40.00 37.33 454. Outfit complete with all attachments, with alternat- Ing current, single phase. 60 cycle motor, speed 1750 R. P. M. interchangeable, 110 or 220 volt, knife switch, wired and installed complete i Outfit complete with all attachments, with alternat- ing current, two or three phase. 60 cycle motor speed 1720 R. P. M. interchansreable, 220 or 440 volt, knife switch, wired and installed compete. Outfit complete with all attachnipnts. with direct current motor, speed 1720 R. p. M., 110 or 220 volt, with starting box, wired and installed com- plete Special Adjustable Dado Heads, to Cut any Size from % to 2 inches wide can be Mounted on this No. 2 Outfit. GEO-B-CAIiPEhfTER ^ eo. 2 13 CARPENTER No. 4 ALL IRON PORTABLE SAW RIG -r^-S^ SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CARPENTER No. 4 ALL IRON PORTABLE SAW RIG Frame Ends— cast iron channel section. Largest Diameter Saw— 20 inches. Skid— 4 inch channel iron, reinforced with 4x4 inch Capacity of Saw— ripping 6 inches, cross cutting 8 yellow pine inches. Upper Side Members— 3 inch channel irons. Gasoline Consumption— about. 4 gallons per day. Table— 42x68 inches iron, accurately planed and Jointer Head— 4 knife cylindrical safety head well ribbed on under side. Hinged at rear end Jointer Table attached to mam table— adjusted by and raised and lowered by raising screw. Locked hand wheel. „o„4.„ „„„v.-» in place by steel links and hand wheels at corners Jointer Head covered by automatic safety guard. of table. Iron throat plate where saw projects Boring Attachment— vertical type .,,,„!. through table Size of Bits Furnished — one each Vg, % and 1 inch. Belts— both 4 inch double ply. Speed of Bits— 1200 R. P. M. Countershaft— ly, inches diameter. Overall Length of Outfit— 6 feet, 6 inches. Speed of Countershaft— 650 R. P. M. Overall Width of Outfit— 53 inches. Arbor Bearings— I%x4i4 inches. Height of Table from Floor— 40 inches. Diameter of Arbor for Saw— li/s inches. Net Weight of Outfit with Engine— 2400 pounds. Sped of Arbor— 2500 R. P. M. Wlien installing an Electric Motor in any of our outfits, sneeinl attention mnst be given to tlie voltage on direct current service and the pliase and voltage when mounting either single phase, two phase or three phase motor, with the correct cycle, speed, etc. THE CARPENTER No. 4 ALL IRON PORTABLE SAW RIG ATTACHMENTS 1_14 Inch Disston Rip Saw (filed and set) 'lo's? 1 — 14 inch Disston Cross Cut Saw (filed and set) 1 fi'oO 1 — 18 inch Disston Cross Cut Saw (filed and set) Xf^Ms 1 — 18 inch Disston Rip Saw (filed and set) ■ \(^ Ri 1 — Vertical Boring Attachment with belts, bits and boring table /•%•; ■• 1^ 1 — 6 inch Cylindrical Jointer (4 knives) with adjustable iron jointer table attached to main saw ^^ table, and jointer gauge oqq 1 — 10 inch Emery Wheel 21.33 lUsaw'^abler with adjustable 'rip gauge, "cross cut Vauge.*saw niandVel, belts and saw guard ... 304.00 1 — Carpenter 6 H. P. Water Hopper Cooled Four Cycle gasoline engine complete with battery box. ^^ two spark plugs, wrenches, oil can ' Carpenter No. 4 Saw Rig complete with all attachments *' ' VARIOUS COMBINATIONS FURNISHED L-ow-Tension friction drive magneto in connection with dry cells and coil ^97'q^ High-Tension gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no dry cells or coil) ^-A'^- --li- V^;; V,;;iW w^t«r No 4 Saw Rig with 1—14 inch rip. 1—14 inch crosscut saw. gauges and 6 H. P.. four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine all complete ready to operate (no attachments) 48666 Outfit complete with all attachments, (without power) • • • • ••••,•• • ' • ' 111* Outfit complete with all attachments, with alternating current,, single phase. 60 cycle motor. speed 1750 R. P. IL interchangeable, 110 or 220 volt, knife switch, wired and Installed gg^ ^j^ Outfit complltl' with all* attachmenVs! "with" alternkVing " 'current' "two' * or ' three phase 60 cycle motor, speed 1720 R. P. M. interchangeable 220 or 440 volt, knife switch, wired and in- ^^^^^ Outfit complete with ail attaVhrnenVsV with direcrcuVrVnV moVoK 'speed 1720 R. P. M., 110 or 220 ggg gg volt, with starting box, wires and installed complete 344 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ QO. CARPENTER No. 6 PORTABLE SAW RIG SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CARPENTER No. 6 PORTABLE SAW RIG Skids — 3 inch angles reinforced witli iVs^^Vz inch Height of Jointer Tables from Floor — 33 inches. timbers. Borer and Mortiser Table — 22x8 inches. Liegs and Upper Members — 2%x2% inch angles. Horizontal Travel of Table — 8 inches. Table — 42x56x1/4 inch steel plate, bound around Vertical Adjustment of Table — 7 inches. edges with 114x114 inch angles. Table is hinged Capacity up to 1% inch diameter bit, or % inch at rear and raised and lowered by raising screw square hollow mortise chisel. and locked at front corners by brackets and Band Saw Table — 18x18 1^ inches, can be tilted to hand nuts. Has removable wood throat block. 45 degrees. Rip and Jointer Gauges — Adjustable from square Horizontal Capacity — 20 inches. to 45 degrees. Vertical Capacity — 8 inches. Cross Cut Gauge — Adjustable from square to mitre Width of Saw Blade-^Up to % inch. either side. Height of Band Saw Table from Floor — 41 inches. Arbor Bearings — 1^x3% inches, wick oiled. Stopped and started by shifting belt. Diameter of Arbor for Saw — 1 inch. Sander — Disc type, 14 inch diameter, operated on Diameter of Countershaft — 1% inches. saw arbor. Speed of Arbor— 3,000 R.P M. Dado Head Operates on Saw Arbor — 8 inch diameter, Speed of Countershaft — 7<5 R. P. M. . -,■,, inches deen Largest Diameter of Saw — 14 inches. Ovprnll T ene-th of Outfit with all Attachments 7% Capacity of Saw— 3 inch rip, 4 H. P. engine, 4 inch feet ^ Outnt with aU Attacnments 1 /2 Jointer— Fotfr knffT cylindrical safety head. 97?^^"" ^^gth of Outfit with all Attachments— 5 feet. Stopped and started by friction clutch on counter- Height of Saw Table from Floor — 38 inches. shaft Net Weight of Outfit with engine and all attach- Length of Knives — 6% inches. ments, with 4 H. P. engine 2,400 pounds, with 5 H. Overall Length of Jointer Tables — 40 inches. P. engine 2,500 pounds. THE CARPENTER No. 6 PORTABLE SAW RIG ATTACHMENTS 1 — 12 inch Disston Rip Saw (filed and set) $8-00 1 — 12 inch Disston Cross Cut Saw (filed and set) f-OO 1 — 8 inch diameter, 1/2 inch Dado Head ia^aa 1 — 20 inch Band Saw complete with belt and saw, set of brazing tongs and brazing clamp 100.00 1 — 6 inch Jointer with circular safety head (four knives) all complete with belt, adjustable gauge and safety guard 126.66 1 — Boring and hollow-chisel mortising attachment complete with belt, %, % and % inch bits and one % inch square hollow mortising chisel and bit (other sizes of square chisels on special order) coo 1 — 8 inch Emery Wheel 5.33 1 — 14 inch Sander and Wax „f ,9 1 — Canvas Cover 21.33 1 — Saw Table with iron adjustable rip gauge, cross cut gauge, saw mandrel countershaft, belt and saw guard 314.66 1 — Carpenter 4 H. P. Water Hopper Cooled, four cycle gasoline engine complete with battery box, two spark plugs, wrenches, oil can 206.66 Carpenter IVo. 6 Saw Rig complete Tvlth all attachments $893.30 VARIOUS COMBINATIONS FURNISHED Low -Tension friction drive magneto in connection with dry cells and coil ^|2*2*^ High-Tension gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no dry cells or coil) ^I-p Quick Detachable Channel Iron Truck to carry this No. 6 Saw Rig from job to job 66.67 Special Adjustable Dado Heads, to cut any size from ^ to 2 inches wide, can be mounted on this Wo. 6 Outfit, or on any of our otlier snw ri|!:s. Sash Pulley Mortiser and Routing Machine furni.shed (on special order. Moulding Knives in any shape or form can be furnished, as well as a special cutter head to carry same. An adjustable aluminum saw guard with spring steel splitter Is provided. This guard conforms to the factory laws of any state. GEO-B-CARRErfTER « SO. 245 CARPENTER No. 5 RAPID CROSS-CUT SAW Fig. No. 5 Carpenter No. 5 Rapid Cut-off Saw with one 16 inch cross cut saw all complete, ready to operate and belt up to power $193.33 Carpenter No. 5 Rapid Cut-off Saw with one 16 inch cross cut saw, mounted on heavy skid in connection with Carpenter 4 H. P. gasoline engine, all belted complete 506.66 Carpenter No. 5 Rapid Cut-off Saw with one 16 inch cross cut saw. Mounted on Truck, in connection with Carpenter 4 H. P. gasoline engine, all belted complete 546.66 Carpenter No. 5 Rapid Cut-off Saw with one 16 inch cross cut saw, mounted on heavy ,, skid in connection with Carpenter No. 6 Saw Rig with one 12 inch rip, one 12 inch ' cross cut saw, gauges and Carpenter 4 H. P. gasoline engine, installed, all belted complete 786.66 Carpenter 5 H. P. Water Hopper Cooled Engine, mounted in place of the standard 4 H. P. engine add 53.33 Magneto complete with bracket . . . ; 37.33 346 GEO-BCAIiPEffTER ^ eO. SWING GUT-OFF SAW This Swing Cut-off Saw is admirably adapted for motive drive. The most desirable construction is to mount the motor direct on the frame. In this way the power is always self-contained with the machine, and where necessary it can be moved to suit the convenience of the purchaser.' The motor driven swing saAv can be furnished either with wall brackets or ceiling hangers, but hangers are always fur- nished unless otherwise specified. To bolt the motor to the ceiling, we can furnish a special base plate to receive the motor and the hangers, but the price will be the same in either case. The frame is cast in one piece, cored out hollow. There may be cheaper ways of making frames, but none better. The mandrel is carefully made of steel, with pulley shrunk on solid. The bearings for mandrel are I14 inches in diameter, 5 inches long, and are provided with a self-oiling capillary felt to feed oil as required. The hangers are adjustable, mak- ing it a very simple matter to properly level up the machine. The frame is hung to the hangers in such a manner that it is impossible for the weight of the frame to ride on the shaft, insuring shaft to work free and easy. And a very useful fea- ture of this machine is the convenient arrangement of the belt- shifter. The belt cannot creep from one pulley to the other, F»s- 571 and shifter-handle is located convenient to operator. The shifter is reversible so that the machine can be belted to line-shaft either in front or to rear of machine. "When specially so ordered, the machines can be furnished with wall brackets (instead of hangers) to suit for hanging the machine to wall instead of ceiling, there bemg no extra charge for this arrangement. The machine is made in six sizes, viz., 51/2, 6, 61/2, 7, 71/2, and 8 foot, measured from ceiling- to mandrel. "When machine is hung, the mandrel should be about 36 to 38 inches above floor. Either of two size sawshields is furnished ; one for saws 18 inches and smaller, or one for saws 24 inches and smaller. DIMENSIONS Size of mandrel pulley 5x5 inches Size of tight and loose pulleys 10 x 5 inches Speed of countershaft, per minute 550 revolutions Making speed for 18-inch saw, per minute 2000 revolutions Length of belt (5-inch) for 51/2 and 6 foot machine 12 feet 2 inches Length of belt (5-inch) for 61/0 and 7 foot machine 14 feet 2 inches Length of belt (5-inch) for 71/2 and 8 foot machine 16 feet 2 inches Size of hole in saws 1% inches Shipping weight 450 pounds All sizes of machines same price. List each, $50.00. EQUIPMENT Each machine is furnished with one saw-shield, one mandrel wrench and belt-shifter. Unless otherwise specified, all orders will be filled with the 6I/2 foot machine, with 18-inch saw-shield, without saw or belt. See Index for Circular Saws and Belt. Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ So. S47' AMERICAN CHAMPION POWER DRAG SAW strong, Durable, Easy to Operate and a Rapid Worker Friction Feed is very simple, positive and effective Balance Wheel, large, heavy counter bal- anced, giving strong, steady motion. Capacity, 30 to 40 cords per day. Power required, 2 to 4 horse power. Price with tight pulley $100.00 Price with tight and loose pulley. . . 110.00 AMERICAN LIGHT SWING SAW This machine can be used for a large variety of light work and is especially useful in woodworking establishments where a large heavy frame is unnecessary. The length of frame permits the machine being suspended over an ordinary work bench. Frame of solid cast iron, strong and very rigid. Mandrel and pulley are turned from solid steel. Guard is furnished which has handle for operating the machine. List price, without Saws $40.00 SEE INDEX FOR CIRCULAR SAWS Fig. 2372 AMERICAN SAW GUARD Guard Your Saws and Prevent Accidents and Law Suits The Guard shown here is extremely simple and ef- fective and can easily be attached to any type of rip and cut-off saw bench. Made entirely of steel and iron. Protects saw and operator alike. Standard guards are made right or left hand. No. 1. For saws 6 to 12 inches List $5.00 No. 2. For saws 10 to 16 inches " 5.50 No. 3. For saws 14 to 20 inches " 6.00 Fig. 237a 248 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S Co. AMERICAN VARIABLE FRICTION FEED SAW MILLS •S ^ d >. is Ai! s 1 3 3 p. a ■0 ■3 o 3 3 1^ ^ 3 I t s Urn g H 1 ^ S S is 5 ii 3 i J ^ (5l c3 '^ J GO'S c & Q K Jl ^ II 1 7' 0" 3' 0" 3y2x 71/2 2^, 52" 20x10 16' 22' 31/2x51/2 26" 6" IVfl 4 34 40' 2800 6 to 15 $310.00 2 7' 6" 3' 6" 3 Vox 91/2 2t-iT 54" 20x10 20' 26' 31/2x51/2 26" 7" 1 Vi 6 38 48' 3550 6 to 20 375.00 ava 7' 6" 3' 6" 3y2x 91/2 2f, 54" 20x10 16' 22' 41/2x61/2 36" S" 1 -iV 4 44 40' 3900 8 to 25 395.00 A 8' 0" 4' 0" 41/2x111/2 60" 20x12 24' 32' 41/2x61/2 36" 8" Ifl 6 44 56' 4700 10 to 30 450.00 4 8' 6" 4' 0" 41/2x111/0 21;! 60" 20x12 24' 32' 5V,x5Vo 40" 10" 6 48 56' 5400 15 to 40 550.00 This Mill combines all of the best features which have for many years entered into the construction of Circular Saw Mills. Simplest in design. Cuts more lumber with the same power than any mill made. Each Mill (except No. 1) is fitted with the GIANT duplex Steel Dogs (see cut to left), Combined Ratchet Set Works and Quick Receder, Rolled Steel Track, Self Oiling Bearings through- out. Way Timbers framed together in sections with steel track attached, and Improved Belt Tightener. Also made with Wire Cable Drive, with Log Beam Carriage and with two different styles of Belt Feeds. We furnish Saw Dust Blowers, Conveyors, Lumber Trucks and a full line of Saw Mill Accessories. See index. Also full line of Heavy Stationary Circular Saw Mills, Steam Niggers, Jackers, etc. See index. GEO-B-CAIiREM'TER S 60. 249 Up-to-Date Shingle Machine AMERICAN UP-TO-DATE POWER FEED SHINGLE MACHINE A Reliable, Low Priced Machine Just right for small mills, farmers and others having light power who want to make a few thousand shingles a day. Makes a Perfect Sliingle any Length from 16 to 24 Inches HAS KNOT SAW AND EDGER for edging or jointing the shingles when made from round or split stock. MAKES HEADING OR CRATE SLATS up to 36 inches long, if desired. By removing the center board at rear of carriage it can be used for Bolting and other kinds of sawing. Price with Edger $115.00 Price without Edger 100.00 Price extra for 36 inch Machine 15.00 AMERICAN "TRIUMPH" PLANER, MATCHER AND MOLDER Triumph Planer Two Sizes — 20 and 24 inch Single or Double Surfacer This is a very compact, rigid machine, and is designed to economize space and withstand the hardest usage as well as to do the best class of work. Adapted for use where a machine is re- quired for a large variety of work, such as planing and matching, beading, working floor- ing, ceiling, siding, casing, wainscoting, and a large variety of molding and trim. Style Size Price Top Rolls Driven Price Top and Bot- tom Rolls Driven Single Surfacer inches 20 $440.00 24 $490.00 Double Surfacer inches 20 I 24 Not Made 470.001 540.00|$560.00|$630.00 CORD WOOD SAWS This shows our style No. 5, with balance wheel lowered. We furnish a complete line covering all styles of machines. Plain swing table List $21.00 Extension swing table " 23.00 Pole saw, as illustrated " 27.00 Sliding table " 27.00 Heavy extension swing table. " 33.00 Rolling table " 30.00 NOT INCTitTDED IN ABOVE PRICES. SEE INDEX FOR CIRCULAR SAWS. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 8. No. 9. SAWS No. 6. Cord Wood Saw 250 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S St), JOINTERS The frame is made on correct lines and principles. It is cast in one solid piece, with wide base bearing on the floor at both ends of machine. This form of frame gives the machine stability and stiffness. Bearings are made with special care, the lower part being cast solid wuth frame, insuring permanent alignment. A cover is cast over the end to prevent oil from getting on the operator's clothes. Fitted with best grade high-cpecd babbitt. Inclines on which tables rest provided with adjustable clip to take up wear. These inclines are bolted to a slid- ing sash-like casting, which is dovetailed and gibbed into main frame, allowing the tables to be horizontally with- drawn away from the head without disturbing their ad- justment. This is convenient when sharpening or chang- ing knives. The tables have v/ide flanges and are heavily ribbed, the rear table being arranged with an offset along the front side for rabbeting. The fence is made with a vertical graduated scale and is adjustable to any angle to 45°. Furnished with one pressure spring to hold work to the table. Convenient for working ribs, nar- row stock, etc. The head can be furnished either with round Safety Head or with four s:dcd Square Head, the latter having two sides of regular knives and tv/o sides with T slots for special cutters. Fig, Jointer No 8 Length of knives, inches 8 Length of front table, inches ClVg Length of rear table, inches 31 Vz Length over all, inches 65 Width of table, inches 13 Height of table from floor, inches. 33 Diameter of pulley on head, inches. 3% Widest belt to be used, inches 21/2 Also made in 18, £0 and 24 inch sizes. 12 1« 12 16 40 40 40 40 82 82 15% 191/2 331/2 33 1/2 4 4 4 4 Jointer No 8 Ci-e of bearing, pulley end, inches I%x4% Cize of bearing, operator end, inches I%x3% Cise of tight and loose pul- leys, inches 8x3 Speed, countershaft, R. P. M. 900 Giving head pencil, R. P. M. 4000 Floor space, exclusive of countershaft, inches 21x64 Horse-power required 2 to 3 Shipping weight, lbs 800 Price $110.50 $127.50 $140.35 Prices and information en application. 12 16 11/2x7 iy2x7 11/2x5 IVaxS 10x5 800 4000 10x5 800 4000 31x82 3 to 4 1375 35x82 3 to 4 1525 PLANERS Of extremely compact design, occupying a minimum amount of floor space, yet so thor- oughly well made and carefully designed, that it answers every requirement of the average viser. The feed is driven from a pulley on the coun- tershaft to a pair of tight and loose pulleys on the machine. A convenient belt shifter is pro- vided on the machine for starting and stopping the feed. The rate of feed is 25 feet per minute. The machine is not made with lower rclls driven, the upper rolls only being driven. The upper rolls are hung with springs. The front and rear rolls are 10 inches apart from center to center and are 2% inches in diameter, made _ of solid steel. F'S- "S A guard rail is placed in front of the upper front roll to preven*^^ accident to operator when feeding short stock. The countershaft may be belted in any direction to line shaft — above or below; to front or to rear. , , ,. ^ . ,^ .■,■ , Regular equipment: Each machine is furnished with one countershaft having self-oiling loose pulley, one pair of two knives and two wrenches. Planer No 118 124 Width and thickness will plane, inches 17%x6 23%x6 Length of table, inches 44 44 Width of drive belt, inches 4 4 Size of tight and loose pulley, inches 10x5 10x5 Speed of countershaft, R. P. M 825 825 Giving a head speed, R. P. M 4000 4000 Planer No , US 124 Pize of bearings on head, inches 5x1% 5x1 '/^ W^idth of feed belt, inches 2 2 Floor space, exclusive of countershaft, ' inches 44x45 44x51 Horse-power required 3 to 5 4 to 5 Shipping weight, lbs 1250 1400 Price . . . f. $144.50 »17O.0O FOR OTHER STYLES OP WOOD WORKING TOOLS AND MACHINERY, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER S So. !51 CARPENTER WORM GEAR DRIVE TRENCH PUMP Fig. 36S6 Specifications of the Carpenter Power Driven Diapiiragm Bilge Trench Pump Engine direct connected through flexible coupling to Truck Wheels — front Sx3 inches, rear 14x3 inches worm and worm gear on pump. Net Weight of Outfit with engine and 3 inch pumj Stroke of Pump — 55 per minute. on skid — 475 pounds. Capacity — 3 inch, 3000 gallons per hour. Net Weight of Outfit with engine and 4 inch pump ■4 inch, 6000 gallons per hour. on skid — 525 pounds. Gasoline Consumption — about 1 gallon per day. Engine Mounted on Outfit — 2 H. P. Carpenter water Extreme Suction Lift — 20 feet. hopper cooled. Overall Length — 45 inches. High Tension Magneto mounted. (No dry cells or Overall Width — 30 inches. coil.) THE STJ:MTER high-tension "DIXIE" ^MAGNETO The Sumter High-Tension "Dixie" Magneto mounted on this outfit is of high efficiency, having been designed to run single-cylinder engines of the jump spark type. It is water and oilproof. Dry cells and coil are entirely done away with. Engine can be started as easy with this High-Tension Magneto as with dry cells and coil. Note prim- ing cup on side of engine cylinder. THE CARPENTER POWER DRIVEN DIAPHRAGM BILGE TRENCH PUMP Carpenter No. 3 Trench Pump on skid complete with three inch side suction pump mounted in connection with two horsepower, four cycle, water hopper cooled gasoline engine (capacity 3,000 gallons per hour) *oof'?? Carpenter No. 3 Trench Pump complete on truck 233.33 Carpenter No. 4 Trench Pump on skid, complete with four inch side suction pump, mounted in connection with two horsepower, four cycle, water hopper cooled gasoline engine (capacity 6,000 gallons per hour) ^co^o Carpenter No. 4 Trench Pump complete on truck A nn Complete housing for outfit 35.00 See Index for Suction Hose. THE CARPENTER ENGINE The Carpenter water hopper cooled gasoline engine is the simplest and best constructed engine that a contractor can buv. Its fuel consumption and cost of operation is lower than any other engine on the market. This has been proven many times by actual tests and records kept by contractors on the job. Compactness, accessibility, reliability and simplicity were developed to a high degree m the construc- tion of this engine. As a result the Carpenter engine occupies less space and weighs less for the power it develops than any other engine manufactured. For that reason it is well adapted for installation in Portable Saw Tables and other portable machines for use on the job. It is built for rough service and will stand considerable abuse from inexperienced operators. It is of the four cycle type which insures fuel economy — hopper cooled which makes it free from tanks, radiators piping and circulating pumps and insures efficient cooling. It is de.«iigned specially for the oontraetiugr trade for operating Portable Saw RigH, Poiver Driven Bilge and Ccntrifngal Pumps. Builder's Hoists. Mortar Mixers, etc. . „ . ^ ■,.■ „i„ The steady increase in the sale of the Carpenter line of Contractor's Equipment proves positively that its economy and reliability has been tested out and proven. ^ ^ .^ x ^ «.„ *v,», We stand back of each and everv one of our machines with a guarantee that it must prove to tne absolute liking and satisfaction of the purchaser or it may be returned at our expense and any money paid will be refunded. „ , ^,^ THE CARPENTER WATER HOPPER COOLED GASOLINE ENGINE Carpenter gasoline engine four cycle, water hopper cooled, with hit and miss type of governor, high grade jump spark ignition and suction feed gasoline vanorizer, all complete ready to run. 2 H. P. engine complete with batterv box, two spark plugs, tools, lubricator, grease cups, etc *iqqq-J 3 H. P. engine complete with battorv box, two spark plugs, tools, lubricator, grease cups, etc iofififi 4 H. P. engine complete with battery box, two spark plugs, tools, lubricator, grease cups, etc afio'no 5 H. P. engine complete with battery box. two spark plugs, tools, lubricator, grease cups, etc 293 33 fi H. P. engine complete with battery box, two spark plugs, tools, lubricator, grease cups, etc ^p-p^ Low-Tension friction drive magneto in connection with dry cells and coil 37.33 High-Tension gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no dry cells or coil) . .'. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER s Go. CARPENTER GASOLINE POWER DRIVEN DIAPHRAGM TRENCH PUMP In offering this Power Pump to the trade, "we know without a doubt that we have reached per- fection in the gasoline driven trench pump. We have sold various trench pumps for a number of years, but none of them came up to what we believed a pump of this style should be. Our ex- perience in dealing with contractors all over the United States, and knowledge of their working problems, was largely responsible for this pump, jvhich is made in accordance with specifications to meet any emergency. In order to reach this state of proficiency, it was necessary to make nu- merous tests on actual construction work under all conditions, and this pump met them without a flinch. The engine is a great big strong full rated three horse power, capable not only of operating the single pump which is furnished with this outfit, but two pumps in battery which can be made by the addition of a double pump lever. Another great advantage is that there are four speeds to the pump, controlled by a series of connections on the pump jack whereby it is possible to run the outfit very slow to take care of small seepage, or it can be regulated to the maximum capacity of the pump. See illustration. We call particular attention to the large water hopper, full pattern main frame, extra large high grade crank shaft, unusually efficient carbureter, and improved governor. Every part is made from gigs and is interchangeable. The specifications are very liberal. Every outfit is carefully tested before shipping. The entire outfit is mounted complete on a steel channel iron truck making it light and at the same time the strongest outfit on the market, there being no wood in its construction. The cost of operation is very low. The gasoline consumption is approximately two gallons every eight working hours. The capacity of the outfit mounted complete with 3-inch side suction Carpenter Diaphragm Pump is 4,000 gallons per hour, or mounted in connection with 4-inch side suction Carpenter Diaphragm Pump 6,000 gallons per hour. Take special note of these specifications: Engine Full three horsepower Cylinder bore 4 % inches Cylinder stroke 6 Diameter fly wheel 22 Length overall 46 Height overall 24 Width overall 24 List price complete, 3 inch suction List price complete, 4 inch suction Price does not include suction hose. FOB SUCTION HOSE AND FITTINGS, SEE INDEX inches inches inches inches inches Diameter crank shaft 1 Diameter crank pin 1 Length main bearings 3 Diameter drive pulley 8 Face drive pulley 4 Weight of outfit complete, 3-inch pump Weight of outfit complete, 4-inch pump t5 inches ^s inches inches inches inches .675 lbs. 715 lbs. $120.00 144.0O GEO-B-CAIiPEhfTER S eo. 253 REPAIR PARTS For Carpenter gasoline power driven trench pump engines and magneto equipment. 0# ^4it4aa» JV I TT ift" > %^^j ordering repair parts or extras always specify the items wanted by giving both the name and number of part. NABIE or PART R-1 — Balance Wheel fright hand) . L -2 — Balance Wheel (left hand).. Ft -3 — Skid (right hand) ] -4— Sliid (lett hand) B— Cylinder 7— Ga.sollne Tank 8 — Oil Guard 9 — Crank Shaft . . . . 10 — Connecting Rod 11 — Muffler 1 2 — Piston 13 — Cam Gear 14 — Crank Shaft Pinion (steel) 1 5 — Governor Collar 16 — Cylinder Head 17— Piston Ring 18 — Governor Weight Supporting Pin 19 — Hard Oil Cups on Main Bearings 20 — Governor Weight , 21 — Contact Spring 22 — Push Rod Steel 2 3 — Rockf#- Arm 24 — Tappet Arm 25 — Tappet Arm Adjusting Screw 26— Governor Weight Supporting Collar 27 — Wrist Pin (tool steel) 28 — Push Rod 29 — Cvlinder Oil Pipe 30 — Trip Arm 31 — Intake Valve Spring 32 — Exhaust Valve Spring 33 — Intake Valve 34 — ETchaust Valve 35 — Gib Head Key for Balance Wheel 36 — Nipple Connecting Check Valve and Tank.. 37 — Nipple Connecting Mixer to Cvlinder 38 — Cap for Filler Pipe on Gas Tank 39 — Street Ell on Gas Tank Filler Pipe 40 — Nipple on Gasoline Tank 41 — Nipple and Ell on G'-^soline Tank 42 — Rocker Supporting Stud 43 — Cam Gear Sunnorting Stud 44 — Governor Spring 45 — Governor Spring Tension "Bolt ' . . 46 — Tappet Arm Supporting Stud 47 — Ixjck Nut on Tappet Arm Supporting Stud. 48 — Cylinder Head Stud Bolt fshort) 49 — Cylinder Head Stud Bolt (long) 50 — Nul on Cylinder Head Stud 51 — Cap Screws for Bolting Cylinder to Base . . . 52 — Set Screws for Wrist Pin 53 — Cap Screws for Bolting on Oil Guard 3H. P. . . ?6 10 . . 6.10 . . 1.40 . . 14-0 . . 22.50 . . 10.30 . . 3.10 . . 1.00 . . 12.65 . . 4.68 .. .65 . . 5.65 . . 3.28 . . 2.35 .. 3.75 . . 4.25 .95 .18 .38 .75 .38 . .' .38 . . 2 75 . . 1.00 .25 . . 1.90 .65 1.40 .28 . . 2.05 .38 .65 . . 1.40 1.40 .48 .13 .28 .15 '. '. '.h .48 .2S . . 1.4-n No. NABEE OF PART 54 — Rocker Arm Roller Pin $ 55 — Screw for Fastening Push Rod to Rocker Arm 56 — Fiber Insulation on Rocker Arm 57 — Cam Roller on Rocker Arm 5S — Tappet Arm Suppordng Fin 59 — Tappet Arm Supporter 60 — Draining Valve 61 — Nipple for Connecting Draining Valve 62 — Check Valve on Gasoline Tank 63 — Mixer and Needle Valve 64 — Elbow for Cam Gear Supporting Stud 65 — -Oil Cup for Cam Gear Supporting Stud 66 — Relieve Cock 67 — Solderless Union on Feed Pipe 68 — Screw to Fasten Trip Arm to G. G"r Sup. S. . . 69 — Traveler on End of Trip Arm 70 — Contact Pin on Cam Gear 71 — Automatic Grease Cup on Connecting Rod.... 72 — Gasoline Feed Pipe 73 — Drive Pulley 74— Starting Crank 75 — Jump Spark Coll 76 — Magneto Cable 77 — Magneto (high tension) 78 — Magneto Bracket 79 — Magneto Intermediate Gear 80 — Magneto Gear (pinion) A-Sl-Tappet Arm Supporter A-S2-G'asoline Feed Pipe A-83-Carburetor A-S4-Carburetor Nipple A-85-Speed Changing Fork 86 — Spark Plug Wrench 87 — Batterv Switch 88 — Spark Plug 89— Air Adjusting Valve Lid 90 — Screw for Air Adjusting Valve 91 — Coil Spring for Air Adjusting Valve 92 — Elbow for Air Adjusting Valve 93— Air Adjusting Valve 94 — Roller on Speed Changing Fork 95 — Roller Pin for Speed Changing Fork 96 — Priming Cup 97 — Hand Wheel for Sneed Changing Device 98 — Spring for Speed Changing Device • 99 — Stud for Speed Changing Device 100 — Speed Changing Lever Supporting Screw 101 — Elbow and Ninple for Priming Cup 102 — Intermediate Gear Ptipnorting Pin 103 — Tapnet Arm Supporting Pin 104 — Speed I^ever Supporting Stud 105 — Name Plate 106 — Lubricator ?o4 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ So. THE CARPENTER POWER DRIVEN CENTRIFUGAL PUMP Where a greater lift of water is required over that of the bilge trench pump, this Centrifugal power driven outfit will fill the demand. The conditions under which Centrifugal Pumps are used vary considerably. We are giving but one view here, a 2 i^ inch Suction Pump, chain driven, in connection with a Carpenter four horse-power, four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine. The chain sprockets on this outfit are made of high grade steel forgings accurately machined all over. The teeth are machine cut, insuring an exact fit to the chain. The chain is a hardened steel roller chain of the same type as extensively used for automobile and truck drives. It is of ample strength to withstand the severe duty these outfits are subjected to. The four horse-power Carpenter Engine and Pump are connected by chain which is enclosed in a guard, all mounted complete on a strong channel iron truck. The chain drive is giving good satisfaction, and this outfit can be absolutely relied on, as it is very substantially built of the best material and workmanship. To give correct recommendations regarding an outfit best adapted to the individual require- ments, full information as to capacity wanted, nature of fluid to be pumped, total head including suction and discharge, suction lift in feet, etc., must be given. SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CARPENTER POWER DRIVEN CENTRIFUGAL PUMP Can also furnish this type of pump good for head up to 125 feet. To quote on other size outfits we must have to- tal head, suction head, total length of pipe and capacity desired. Engine mounted on outfit — Carpenter hopper cooled. Truck — 3 and 4 inch channels. Wheals — Front 9x3 inches, rear 12x3 inches; front 14 inches, rear 22 inches. Engine connected to punp by steel roller chain. Extreme suction lift — 20 feet. Speed and power must be in proportion to load. THE CARPENTER POWER DRIVEN CENTRIFUGAL PUMP Carpenter Power Driven Centrifugal Pump complete on skid, with 2 inch suction, 1 1^ inch discharge, in connection with Carpenter three horse-power gasoline engine (capacity 3,600 gallons per hour), 40 foot head $266.60 Outfit complete mounted on steel truck '. 286.68 Carpenter Power Driven Centrifugal Pump complete on skid, with 2% inch suction, 2 inch discharge, in connection with Carpenter four horse-power gasoline engine (capacity 7,000 gallons per hour), 40 foot head 453.33 Outfit complete mounted on steel truck 480.00 Carpenter Power Driven Centrifugal Pump complete on skid, with 3 inch suction, 2^ inch discharge, in connection with Carpenter four horse-power gasoline engine (capacity 12,000 gallons per hour), 30 foot head 473.33 Outfit complete mounted on steel truck 500.00 Carpenter Power Driven Centrifugal Pump complete on skid with 3 inch suction, 2^ inch discharge, in connection with Carpenter six horse-power gasoline engine (capacity 12,000 gallons per hour), 50 foot head 435.00 Outfit complete mounted on steel truck 606.66 Carpenter Power Driven Centrifugal Pump complete on skid, ^vith 4 Inch suction, 3 inch disohnree, in connection with Carpenter six horse-power gasoline engine (capacity 15,000 gallons per hour), 30 foot head ,. 620.00 Outfit complete mounted on steel truck 646.66 Complete housing for outfit 46.67 Low-tension friction driven magneto in connection with dry cells and coil 40.00 High-tension gear driven "Dixie" magneto (no dry cells or coil) 37.33 Hose or pipe furnished in any length. See index. FOR SUCTION HOSE, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S QO, 255 CARPENTER PORTABLE PISTON PUMP Water bound macadam roads, concrete roads, in fact all roads when newly made require a great deal of water in their construction. Jn company road building the water supply for both mixer and watering- down the road, has been a problem '.o the contractor, and with the large building of roads, a portable pump to supply water fills this demand. 'J'he Carpenter Powtr Driven Piston Force Pump as illustrated here, ha.s done good service on roads being built througiiout the country, pumping to a distance as far as two and half to three inlks. It is an outfit also suitable for small pumping stations, railway supply systems, small irrigation plants, country homes, etc. This Outfit will Pump to a Head of 200 feet or its Equivalent pressure of 85 pounds. Specifications of the Carpenter Power Driven Piston Force Pump Truck — 4 inch channels. Wheels — front 14x4 inches, rear 22x4 inches. Engine direct geared to pump. capacity- No. 00 Outfit — 900 gallons per hour, 1 Va inch suction and discharge. No. Outfit — 1500 gallons per hour, 2 inch suction and discharge. No. 1 Outfit — 900 gillons per hour, 1 Vi inch suction and discharge. No. 2 Outfit — 1500 gallons per hour, 2 inch suction and discharge. THE CARPENTER POWER Carpenter No. 00 Power Piston Pump complete on skid, with 3 inch by 5 Inch double acting Piston Pump, 1 Vi inch suction, 1 Va inch dis- charge FITTED WITH RELIEF VALVE, mounted In connection with Carpenter three horse power gasoline engine (capacity 15 gallons per minute) J 273.33 Carpenter No. 00 Power Piston Pump complete, mounted on steel truck 293.33 Carpenter No. Power Piston Pump complete on skid, with 4 inch by 5 inch double acting Piston Pump, 2 Inch suction, 2 inch discharge, FITTED WITH RELIEF VALVE, mounted in connec- tion with three horsepower gasoline engine (capacity 25 gallons per minute) 293.33 Carpenter No. Power Piston Pump complete, mounted on steel truck 313.33 Carpenter No. 1 Power Piston Pump complete on skid, with 3 inch by 5 irch double acting Piston Pump. 1V4 inch suctif-n. 1'- in'-h discharge, FITTED WITH RELIEF VALVE, mounted in connection with four hor.=epower gasoline engine (capacity 15 gallons per minute) 420.00 Carpenter No. 1 Power Piston Pump complete, mounted on steel truck 440.00 Carpenter No. 2 Power Piston Pump complete on skid, with 4 inch by 5 inch double acting Piston Pump, 2 Inch suction, 2 Inch discharge, FITTED WITH RELIEF VALVE, mounted In No. 4 Outfit — 3G00 gallons per hour, 3 inch suction and discharge. Extreme Suction Lift — 20 feet. Total Lift — (suction and discharge) 150 feet on No. 00-0 Outfits, 200 feet or equivalent pressure on No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Outfits. We can al.«o furnish this type of pump up to capacity of 7000 gallons per hour. Overall Length of Outfit — 6 feet. Overall Width of Outfit — 3 feet, 4 inches. DRIVEN PISTON FORCE PUMP connection with Carpenter four horsepower gasoline engine (capacity 25 gallons per min- ute) $446.66 Carpenter No. 2 Power Piston Pump complete, mounted on steel truck 473.33 Carpenter No. 3 Power Piston Pump complete on skid, with 5 Inch by 5 inch double acting Piston Pump, 2'^ inch suction, 2 V2 inch discharge, FITTED WITH RELIEF VALVE, mounted in connection with Carpenter four horsepower gasoline engine (capacity 35 gallons per min- ute) 480.00 Carpenter No. 3 Power Piston Pump complete, mounted on steel truck 500.00 Carpenter No. 4 Power Piston Pump complete on skid, with C inch by 6 inch double acting Piston Pump, 3 Inch suction, 3 Inch discharge, FITTED WITH RELIEF VALVE, mounted in connection %vith Carpenter four liorsepower gasoline engine (capacity 60 gallons per min- ute) 513.33 Carpenter No. 4 Power Piston Pump complete, mounted on steel truck 533.33 Carpenter complete housing for outfit 53.33 Low-Tension friction drive magneto In connection with dry cells and coll *<'•'"' High-Tension gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no ,„ „„ dry cells or coll) ■^'••'•* 256 GEO'•B•eAItPE^fTER « So. CARPENTER PORTABLE TRIPLEX PUMP Concrete roads and water bound macadam roads now so extensively being built, require a great deal of water in their construction. The water supply is often quite a distance from where it is needed, and to get it to this point at all times, both for the mixer and for sprinkling the new laid road, requires a dependable and efficient pump. To meet the demand for a pump that is good for a higher pressure and capable of delivering water over a longer distance, and to a higher elevation than our Piston Force Pumps, we have this Single Acting Triplex Plunger Pump. The bearings, connecting rods, valves and glands are all accessible for occasional inspection and adjustment. These pumps being direct geared to our hopper cooled gasoline engines make the constant attendance of an operator unnecessary. The gears are all machine cut and of ample size to stand the severest strains. A relief valve set at the maximum working pressure of this pun p is furnished with each outfit, making it impossible to wreck the pump in case the water becomes obstructed at any point in the pipe line. In writing for further information on these outfits be sure and give us the distance the pump is to be placed from the water, the number of feet the water is to be elevated both in the suction and discharge line, the amount of water required per hour and the size and length of pipe to be pumped through. SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CARPENTER POWER DRIVEN TRIPLEX PUMP Truck — 4 inch channels. Wheels — Front 14x4 inches, rear 22x4 Inches. Engine — Direct geared to pump. Pump Crank Shaft — High grade steel. Valves — Rubber arl8 of Side Suction Pump Fig. 225B. Side Suction, Hose Repairs for Edson Diapliragm Pumps For No. ; Pump For No. 4 Pump Repairs for Fdson Diapliragm Pump.<4 Bultoni Inlet For No. ; Pump I or No. 4 Pump Base Head Standard Spider Brake Socket Upper Valve Lower Valve Tee Bolt Head Bolt and Nut, 3 in set Brake' Lag Screw, 4 in set Cross Bar Stand, Bolt and Nut, 2 in set Lower Valve, Rubber Diaphragm Waterway Waterway Bolt, 3 in set.. Waterway Rubber Where more than one article in set. the price Is for each one. $11. 7. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. $14.00 9.00 2.00 1.80 1.40 1.50 1.70 1.00 .70 5.00 .30 .90 .70 .70 5.00 7.00 .60 $2i!.00 15.00 3.80 2.00 2.70 2.20 2.00 1.60 .90 7.00 .30 1.50 .90 .90 6.50 10.00 Base Head .. Standard Spider Brake Socket Upper Valve Lower Valve Tee Bolt Head Bolt and Nut. 3 in set Stand, Bolt and Nut, 2 in set Brake' Lag Screw, 4 in set Cross Bar Upper Valve Rubber .... Lower Valve Rubber .... Diaphragm Lower Valve Washer. . . . Lower Valve Guard .... Upper Valve Bolt. 2 in set Upper Valve' Thumb Screw Lower Valve Guard Bolt Lower Valve Bolt Upper Valve Guard $11.00 9.00 3.00 1.80 1.40 .60 1.00 1.00 .70 .70 5.00 5.00 .20 .30 .10 .70 .70 $21.00 15.00 3.80 2.00 2.70 2.20 2.00 1.60 .90 .90 7.00 .30 1.50 1.70 1.70 6.50 .50 .50 1.00 .70 .70 .70 .70 FOR TRENCH PUMPS FITTED COMPLETE WITH GASOLINE ENGINE, SEE INDEX 262 GEO-B-CAKPEffTER « So, CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS HORIZOXTAJ. Fig. 2301 Horizontal Side Suction Centrifngral Pamp This Pump is designed and constructed throughout on very liberal lines. The case or shell is of the solid type, A-ery heavy, and the runner of large diameter, adapting the pump for slow speed. The inside of the case is machine finished, and the runner machined and accurately fitted to it; and our construction gives a closer running fit and greater ef- ficiency than can be obtained in the old style split case. The shaft is large and the bearings are generously proportioned, and ample stuffing box and gland being provided. The discharge can be readily adjusted at any angle. All parts are accurately interchangeable and any part can be readily duplicated. Brass fitted pumps have runner and shaft of brass. These Pumps can be fitted -with tight and loose pulleys, if desired, at an extra charge. No. Pump Gallons Capacity Size of Pipe Pulley Price Iron Price Brass Brass Fitted Discharge 1 Suction inches | inches Diameter inches Face inches Extra k 2 1" 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 30 70 90 120 185 265 360 470 735 1,060 2,000 3,000 4,300 7,000 10,000 1 J" 2 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 l^/i 2 I'' 1* 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 4 5 6 & 7 7 8 10 10 14 . 20 24 30 Special Special i 5 6 6 8 . 8 8 10 12 12 12 14 Special Special $30.00 45.00 60.00 ,75.00 , 90.00 ' 110.00 120.00 130.00 165.00 225.00 310.00 395.00 500.00 850.00 1,300.00 $35.00 75.00 100.00 140.00 165.00 200.00 230.00 250.00 410.00 600.00 $6.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 27.00 30.00 40.00 48.00 72.00 108.00 130.00 265.00 HORIZONTAL W^TH PRIMER Same Pump as above with the exception that a hand suction primer is added. At times it is desirable to prime the smaller pumps by hand. This may be done by opening the air cock at the top of the shell and then using the hand pump on the primer until the water flows from the air cock, when the pump can be started. On sizes above 8 inch it is advisable to use an ejector and either a foot valve or a flap valve. No foot valve or flap valve is necessary when the hand primer is used. In this illustration the method of attaching the shell to the hood on the upper pump is clearly shown. Brass fitted pumps have runner and shaft of brass. These Pumps can be fitted Avith tight and loose pulleys, if desired, at an extra charge. No. Pump Capacity Gallons .Size of Pipe Pulley Discharge Suction Diameter 1 Face Iron Brass Extra inches inches inches | Inches IVz 70 1^/z 2 5 5 $60:«0 $115.00 $15.00 1% 90 2 2% a 5 75.00 150.00 18.00 2 120 2 3 c 95.00 200.00 22.00 i^ 185 %Vt 3Vi 7 110.00 235.00 27.00 265 % 4 7 135.00 280.00 30.00 t^ 360 %% 41/4 145.00 310.00 40.00 4 470 4 5 10 160.00 350.00 48.00 5 735 5 6 10 10 200.00 550.00 72.00 6 1,060 6 8 14 12 270.00 800.00 108.00 8 2.000 8 10 20 12 375.00 130.00 Geo-B-Car^peM'ter s Co. 263 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS These Side Suction Centrifugal Pumps are arranged for motor drive and are directly connected to an electric motor. The smaller sizes have both pump and motor mounted on a cast iron bed plate, while the larger sizes have a light steel frame provided instead of a cast iron base. Flexible couplings connecting the pump and motor shafts can be furnished at an added price when so ordered. The pump is provided with bracket bearing of the ring oiling type, which is outside of and separate from tlie stuffing box. To adapt these pumps to the varion.s motor speeds. $«pecial con- struction is always necessary; therefore inquiries should always state the voltage and kind of current UMcd, amount of liquid to be pumped, and total height to ^^hich liquid is to be raised. Fig. 1906 Side Suction for Electric Motor Drive OB Cast Iron Base Fig. 1906 — Sizes. Capacities. Prices. Etc, No. 1 Economical Capacity Price Br. Fitted Price Pump 1 Gallons Iron Extra Brass 1 10- 30 S 70.00 ■ $ 6.00 $ 70.00 1^ 50- 70 80.00 15.00 110.00 1*4 70- 90 110.00 18.00 140.00 100- 120 140.00 22.00 190.00 2% 150- 185 160.00 27.00 220.00 3 ! 225- 265 180.00 30.00 260.00 3% 300- 360 190.00 40.00 290.00 4 400- 470 210.00 48.00 315.00 5 600- 735 250.00 72.00 500.00 -5 900-1060 320.00 lOS.OO S lSOO-2000 410.00 130.00 Prices are for pump complete with frame to receive motor, but do not include motor. FOR -MOTORS, SEE IXDEX •" CENTRIFUGAL BILGE PUMPS The illustration to the right shows our Electric Centrifu- gal Bilge Pump for pumping sewerage, draining basements. etc. It is entirely automatic in its action and, as the shell is constantly submerged in the liquid to be pumped, no prim- ing is necessary. The motor is controlled by a float so arranged that the motor starts automatically when the liquid reaches a given height in the pit. stopping when it is empty. In its construction, the pump, discharge pipe, etc., are sup- ported from the pit-cover, so that all parts of the outfit can be removed for inspection or repair bv simply lifting this pit-cover. The pit may be of iron, brick or concrete at will. We are prepared to furnish outfits of any capacity to suit any conditions. AVe solicit inquiries, which should state the character and amount of liquid to be pumped, together with the diameter and depth of pit. total height to which the liquid is to be raised, voltage and kind of electric current. Fig. 1910 — Sizes, Capacities, Etc. >o. O — Capacity 30- 50 gallons per minute. Xo. 1 — Capacity 50-100 gallons per minute. >'o. 2 — Capacity 125-200 gallons per minute. >'o. 3 — Capacity 250-400 gallons per minute. Price quotes! will cover outfit complete, as shown in illus- tration, for intermittent service, but does not include pit. Regular construction is for a pit 5 feet in depth, and 36-inch inside diameter for sizes N'o. 0, 1 and 2; and 40-inch inside diameter for size No. 3. Pumps arranged for pits more than five feet in depth will be charged extra. Prices on special steel and cast iron pits on application. Prices Quoted on Request In forwarding specifications for quotations, be sure to mention vertical lift in feet wanted, as well as type of motor, number of gallons per minute to be handled. FOR PIPE .V>D FITTIXGS. SEE IXDEX Fig. inio Centrifugal Bilge Pump in Pit 264: GEO-BCARPENfTER « QO. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS A^RTICAL Vei'tical Submerged Centrifugal Pump with Feet This pump is intended to be entirely sub- merged in the liquid to be pumped and needs no priming. The weight of shaft is entirely sup- ported by the yoke, which has a bearing with adjustment at the top, making a very durable pump, there being no step bearing inside the shell to cut and wear. By simple removing the nuts at the top of the shell, all of the running parts, including the runner, can be lifted out for inspection. Vertical Submerged Centrifugal Pimip With Timber Pieces This pump is arranged with timber castings for bolting to vertical timbers. In irrigation work, where the pumps are usually placed in a pit at a considerable depth, vertical timbers to support the pump shell are usually used. Contractors frequently use this arrangement in excavations and lower the pump and timber frame in the trench as added depth is required. We can supply both these pumps with the discharge elbows increased to the next pipe size at the price of i-egular pump, when so ordered. No. ^ Capacity Size Discharge Pulley Coupling Bored for Inch Shaft Price Price Pump Gallons Pipe Inches Diametei- Inches Pace Inches Iron Brass 1 30 1 4 3 % $ 30.00 $ 35.00 IV2 70 11/2 5 5 % 42.00 75.00 1% 90 2 6 5 1 53.00 100.00 2 120 2 6 6 IVs 69.00 140.00 21/2 185 21/2 7 6 IVs 84.00 170.00 3 265 3 7 8 IVs 100.00 225.00 31/2 360 ZV2 8 8 IVs 109.00 235.00 4 470 4 10 8 ly* 117.00 260.00 5 735 5 10 10 1% 147.00 420.00 6 1,060 6 14 12 1% 179.00 580.00 8 2,000 8 20- 12 2V8 282.00 ^ 12 3,000 10 24 12 21/2 350.00 4,300 12 30 14 2% 420.00 15 7,000 15 Special Special Special 600.00 18 10,000 18 Special Special Special 950.00 For Vertical Shaft Bearings, see index. GEO-B-CARPENfTER ^ 60. 2g; SAND AND GRAVEL PUMPS CENTRIFUGAL Fig-. 331. Direct Connected DIRECT CONNECTED This Gravel and Dredging Pump is connected di- rectly to a Vertical Steam Engine. A direct connected outfit is sometimes preferable to a belted outfit on account of portability, compactness, etc., but as the height to which the pump will deliver depends upon its speed, and as the speed of the pump is limited to the speed of the engine, it can be seen that these out- fits are not intended for high lifts. They are usually used against heads of 15 to 20 feet maximum. The size of engine to be used is governed largely by the steam pressure to be used. Cubic yards of Dia. Solids per Hour Sol- ids Size of Size of g d 2 Per cent of Pipe Engine Solids Price 10% 15% 207o will Pass in. Disc, in. Suet, in. Dia. in. Strk. inch 4 14 21 28 2 4 4 6 6 $390.00 « 30 45 60 4Vo 6 6 7 7 510.00 8 60 90 120 6 8 8 9 9 820.00 10 90 135 ISO 8 10 10 10 10 1050.00 12 125 190 250 10 12 12 12 12 11450.00 Price is for outfit as illustrated, including engine complete with throttle valve, oil cups and cylinder lubricator, together with suction and discharge elbows, flap valve and ejector on pump. BELT DRIVEN The pump shell is made in one casting, of the over- hung type, and is bolted to the frame in such a manner that it can be easily removed or adjusted to discharge at any angle. A removable disc is fitted to the suction side of the pump which can be readily removed and the piston withdrawn through the opening, without disturbing the pump shell or discharge piping. The frame is made strong and heavy for hard service and the bearings are extra long and ample. The runner is of the enclosed type of large diameter for slow speeds. A si^ecial swiveling device allows the suction elbow to be swung to any desired position by simply loosening the nuts. S 6 Cu. Yds. Sol- ids per Hr. Per Cent Solids Size Dis. and Suet. Pipe inch Pulley 1° lis Ill Price 10% 20% Dia. in. Pace in. 4 6 8 10 12 14 30 60 90 125 28 60 120 180 250 4 6 8 10 12 12 18 24 30 40 12 12 12 14 16 4 8 15 25 30 2 8 10 $210.00 300.00 475.00 600.00 850.00 FIff. 332, Belt Driven Prices include suction and discharge elbows, flap valve and ejector. 266 GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER s Co. *NYE" NEW MODEL DOUBLE CYLINDER HIGH PRESSURE STEAM PUMP THE ALL-AROUND CONTRACTOR'S PUMP For cofferdam and caisson work, quarries, mines, well-point system, paper mills, tanneries, gas and chemical works, refineries, etc. This Pump is specially designed and adapted for wells or caissons in deep foundation and mining work. No. 2 Pump requires only a space of 20 inches square for installation. Does not interfere with the placing of lagging, as pump is suspended and a 10 foot suction hose is attached to the bottom of pump, allowing ample room for all other necessary operations below point where pump is placed — a very important feature not found in other pumps of similar make. Guaranteed to deliver water a height of 150 feet, and is the only pump made which will, without injury to same, handle water contain- ing sand or silt. The Nj^e New Model Double Cylinder High Pressure Steam Pump creates a high vacuum and therefore has greater suction lift and will discharge to a greater height with greater rapidity and with less steam than other pumps of similar type. It has no pistons or plungers, no engine with gears or other parts to cause trouble. It is impossible for sand, grit or mud to affect its operation. Will suck air and water without losing its priming. Discharges a full, continuous, steady stream. Cylinders are air cushioned. Has no exhaust. Steam is used twice. Automatically takes care of variation in boiler pressure. Has mushroom type spray basket jets. Patent priming device. High di^ charge velocity. No reciprocating parts. Simple and compact, takes up least space. Handles liquids at higher temperatures. Operates at 40 degrees below zero. Shock is eliminated. It will operate equally well suspended or stationary. The Pump consists of two connected hollow cylinders with discharge chambers at one side, all cast in one piece forming main body of the pump; bottom of these three chambers contains suction and discharge parts. At the top the two cylinders are sealed by steam yoke connection embodying the Nye special spray basket jets. The steam yoke carries two original Nye features, a pair of air valves and a hollow steam valve that floats in its chamber. This valve is extremely simple and sensitive to pressure, vacuum and its own gravity — the operating mediums — and is responsible in a high degree for the steam economy of the Nye Pump. Its function is admission of steam to the filling cylinder in time to aid the air cushion, overcoming shock from ram action of the rising column of water. Following the cushioning function the steam valve admits steam for the discharge. Fill- ing of the alternate cylinder cuts off the supply of steam, permitting expansion of the residual charge, thereby causing discharge from both cylinders simultaneously. The result of this lap of discharge is a sustained momentum. An almost imperceptible increment is the only evidence of the junction of the discharge cycles. Priming is not required for short suctions, but if it is desired to pump air and water at bottom of suction, keeping the water down so that the men can work to good advantage, a small amount of water can be run through the pump continually through angle valve at the back of the pump. No. Weight lbs. Capacity Gals, per Min. Elevations of Sizes of Pipes, inches Price Each 50 ft. 1 100 ft. Suction 1 Discharge | Stm. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 550 900 1,600 2,300 2.800 8,500 4,300 200 300 500 800 1,000 2,000 8,000 100 200 400 600 800 1,500 2,000 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 % 1 IV4 11/2 2 $225.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 800.00 1,000.00 NYE SPECIAL SAND PUMPS For handling silica sand, fine coal, etc., up to 50% of solids. Prices quoted upon request Specify conditions and describe carefully quantity and nature of materials to be handled. Geo-BCarpeN'ter « eo. 26" THE PULSOMETER STEAM PUMP Although the various types of piston, rotary, and centrifugal pumps ade- quately me«t the ordinary requlrementB of water, works stations, power plants, industrial plants, etc» they are entirely unsuitable for two great classes of pumping work, viz., (a) That In which some sort of rough and ready reliable pump is needed — a pump which can be set up and taken down quickly, one which operates piac- tically without attention, and is not sub- ject to interruptions or excessive wear due to gritty or muddy water. (b) Permanent Installations, where the pump must handle thick, viscid or gritty material. Contractors require a pump of the "A" type where, In draining a trench oi excavation, it may be necessary to -> • up and operate the pump for ^h periods In different places, making, i impracticable to provide a founddii i every time the pump is moved. Lu conditions exist in mines, where li i often necessary to move the pump ^ fire a blast and then to return it quick U to the same or a new position, to keep the workings free from water. Quar- ries, stone yards, brick yards, etc , all have requirements similar to these, and furthermore require a pump which will satisfactorily handle gritty water. Sewage disposal plants, sewage ejec- tion in buildings, paper mills, breweries, and many other kinds of manufactories, require a pump of the "B" type. There is also a "C" situation — that in water works, etc., where the water handled is free from, sand or erit, but and wll Section through pumping chambers where a pumping outfit Is desired which reduces attention to a negligible minimum. The best answer to these three problems is — the Pulso- meter. It has absolutely no mechanically operated parts, the only elements in motion being three check valves, which are enclosed, and operate automatically. It has no packings, glands, springs, or stufling-boxes. no rubbing sur- faces, pistons, gears, or shaft bearings. It consists of one compact unit, can be picked up and set down anywhere, TYPES OF PULSOMETERS DESCRIPTION Standard Improved Pattern (Note A.) For all general water-raising service, Includ- ing handling of liquids containing large percentages of thick mud, grit and sediment, the Standard Improved Pat- tern Pulsometer, with Regulation Flat Rubber Valves, should be used. This Is by far the most efficient type for this purpose. Clapper Valve Pattern (Note B.) This type is Intended for handling large per- centages of sand. The Clapper Valve Pump is by far the most efficient type fnr sand handling purposes. Ball Valve Pattern OTote C.) This tj-pe is Intended for special purposes only, such as pumping Paper Pulp, Slaughter-House Wastes, thick, stringy substances, etc. Section through discharge chamber start off as soon as connections are made and the steam turned on. It needs no special foundation, requiring nothing more than suspension by a chain or rope from an overhead beam or timber. In permanent installations, it is set up with the greatest ease, and can be moved readily when required (since the only connection is the steam pipe to the boiler), and de- mands practically no attention. (Note E.) rial, such as in stock. Carborundum Lined Pumps What We Furnish Each Pulsometer Is furnished complete with our special added Improvement, either Basket or Mushroom Strainer, Steam and Relief Valve Connections and Pump Hook for suspending when necessary. In fact, the above prices in- clude everything necessary to attach to steam and water pipes — ready to run. No piping. See Index for piping and fittings. Numbers, Sizes, Capacities, Dimensions and AV^eights of the Improved Pulsometer Capacities in gallons per minute at different elevations with Boiler Power usually provided (Approximate) Sizes of Pipes, inches 1 c 8 £ b fe >< is ■ w 1 Q S 1.-2 ^ 1 u iVi 1^ 26 22 18 13 76 1^ 8 10 60 48 35 4 t^ 8^ X35 105 90 70 9 Uf 800 180 140 100 9 c 9-^ 3% 850 215 840 160 7 % 4 • 450 400 300 190 « 1 750 675 500 350 » 1% 1100 1000 750 500 10 2 2200 2000 1600 1100 LIST PRICES $100 140 200 §40 800 37S 640 700 1400 $200 240 800 876 540 709 1400 >g2 150 hs 856 330 405 688 760 •Pca M 1 a 1 1 P -3 3 ll s 6 3 S 4-> 5 $ 390.00 $ 445.00 $ 480.00 7 31/2 12 50 63 1 1% 2^ 2 24x24 1441 6 400.00 455.00 490.00 8 4 12 65 81 1 IVf! 3 21/2 25x25 1526 7 545.00 650.00 700.00 10 5 13 100 125 IV4 2 3 31x30 2308 615.00 725.00 780.00 12 5 13 100 125 1% 2Vf, 3 32x33 2670 8 570.00 695.00 755.00 10 6 13 125 155 1% 2 3% 31x31 2485 9a 615.00 740.00 800.00 12 6 13 125 155 IV^ 2y« 3% 32x33 2688 800.00 950.00 1030.00 14 6 13 125 155 2 3 3y. 40x35 3490 9 735.00 895.00 970.00 12 7 13 200 250 1V« 21^ 5 4 34x33 3424 9b 880.00 1060.00 1160.00 14 7 13 200 250 2 3 5 4 40x35 4023 «: 1185.00 1410.00 1525.00 16 7 16 200 250 2V« 4 5 4 42x40 5220 1300.00 1540.00 1665.00 18 7 16 200 250 3 4 5 4 42x45 5798 10 925.00 1125.00 1225.00 14 8 13 200 250 2 3 5 5 40x38 4214 11 1095.00 1335.00 1465.00 16 8 16 200 250 2% 4 5 5 42x40 4875 , . 1220.00 1500.00 1630.00 16 9 16 250 310 2% 4 6 5 .42x45 5270 12 1300.00 1585.00 1730.00 18 9 16 250 310 3 4 6 5 42x45 6070 FOR PIPE AND FITTINGS, SEE INDEX GEO-BCARPEhfTER ^ eO. 269 BLAKESLEE DUPLEX STEAM PUMPS ;^-- You Ruu no Risk, They are guaranteed to give satisfaction. If they fail to do so, return to us and get your money. AVater Pistons are arranged for square packing — easily and cheaply renewed. Rocker Arms and Shafts are of steel. Frames and Ci-adles are trough shaped and catch all drip from the stuffing boxes. Water and Steam Cylinders are cast separate so in case of breakage the part can be replaced at small cost. Water A'alve Rubbers are of hard or soft rubber as desired. All Pipe Connections larger than 2 Inch are flanged. Water Cylinder Liinings are brass and are removable. Water Valve Seats, Stems, and Springs are of brass. Stuffing Boxes will take ample packing to prevent leakage. Water Passages are all direct and valve area is ample for quiet operation when running fast or slow. Water Valve Chamber Cap is held in place by stationary studs and when removed both suction and discharge valves are exposed. Steam Piston Heads are light cored castings and are provided with self-adjusting packing rings. Cross Heads are of the spool type. Steam Chest Is cast separate from steam cylinder and held in place by stationary studs. Valve Stems are of cold rolled steel and are provided with bearings inside of steam chest. Valve Stem Stuffing Boxes, Followers and Nuts are of cast bronze. • 4yox3x4 DUPLEX PUMP This pump will feed up to 150 H. P. boiler. Has % inch steam pipe, % inch exhaust pipe, 2 inch suction and IVz inch discharge. Shipping weight 380 lbs. Floor space 31x14 inches. Maximum capacity 1440 gals, per hour. Water cylinders are brass lined. Shipped complete with drain cocks for steam cylinders, drip plugs for water cylinders, packing wrenches, 2 inch plain lubricator, packed ready to work. Price $55.00 4i/ox4x4 DUPLEX PUMP This pump is for filling tanks and forcing water under low j)ressure and has a maximum capacity of 2640 gals, per hour. With 50 lbs. steam at the pump it will force water up to 75 ft. high. It has % inch steam pipe, % inch exhaust pipe, 2 14 inch suction and 2 inch discharge. Floor space 3 7x17 inches. Water cylinders are brass lined. Shipped complete with drain cocks for steam cylinders, drip plugs for water cylinders, packing wrenches, 2 inch plain lubricator, packed ready to work. Price $65.00 6x4x6 DUPLEX PUMP This pump will feed from 150 H. P. to 450 H. P. Boiler. Has 1 inch steam pipe, 1^/4 inch ex- haust pipe, 3 inch suction and 2 inch discharge. Shipping weight 700 lbs. Maximum capacity 3900 gals, per hour. Floor space 43x17 inches. Water cylinders are brass lined. Shipped com- plete with drain cocks for steam cylinders, drip plugs for water cylinders, packing wrenches, 2 ^ inch plain lubricator, packed ready to work. Price $75.00 6x51/0x6 DUPLEX PUMP This pump is for filling tanks and forcing vvater under low pressure and has a capacity of 7200 gals, per hour. With 50 lbs. steam at the pump it will force water 75 ft. high. It has |l inch steam pipe, 1^4 inch discharge pipe, 4 inch suction and 3 inch discharge. Water cylinders^ are brass lined. Floor space 45x20 inches. Shipped complete with drain cocks for steam cylin- ders, drip plugs for water cylinders, packing wrenches, 2 14 inch plain lubricator, packed ready -to work. Price $95.00 270 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « CO. GARDNER DUPLEX STEAM PUMPS Packed Piston Pattern BOILER FEEDERS No. 1% Pump Nos. 2, 3, and 4 Fnmpci The sizes listed represent the standard feed pumps for working pressures not exceeding 175 lbs. per square inch. Sizes to No. 4 inclusive, are fitted with inserted brass tube linings, while sizes No. 4A and upwards, have the cast brass removable type. Nos. 2, 3 and 4 can be fitted with this style at slight additional cost. No. Diam. of Steam Cylin- ders Diam. of Water Cylin- ders Length of Stroke H. P. Boiler will Feed, Based on 30 lbs. Water per Hour, at Stated Number of Strokes Sizes of Pipe for Short Lengths to be Increased as Length Increases List Price Strokes Horse Power 'Steam Pipe Ex- haust Pipe Suction Pipe dis- charge Pipe 2V2 11/2 3 70 30 % % 1 % $50.00 00 3 2 3 60 50 % Vz ly* 1 55.00 1% 4 2V2 4 50 80 % % iv^ 1% 85.00 2 4% 3 4 50 120 Vz 1 2 iy2 92.50 3 5% 3^ 5 50 210 % 1% 2% 2 120.00 4 6 4 6 50 330 1 1% 3 2 140.00 4A 7 iVz 6 50 420 1% 1^ 4 3 195.00 5 7 4V2 10 40 550 1% 2 4 3 260.00 6 8 5 10 40 680 1^ 2 5 4 325.00 7 10 6 10 40 975 2 2y3 5 4 400.00 7A 10 6 12 40 1,175 2 2y2 5 4 440.00 W 12 7 12 40 1,600 2y2 3 6 5 575.00 Pumps are furnished both Regular and Brass fitted. Regular fitted Pumps have brass water cylinder linings, iron fibrous packed pistons and steel rods. Brass fitted have in addition to the brass linings, brass pistons, brass or brass lined packing glands on Pump end and Tobin bronze rods. Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ So. 271 HAND SUCTION PUMPS GAIiVANIZED WROUGHT IRON, j«4M^L'JH^<'. J^ ^>^-:^. Fig. 2'MA. Leugtli aieasured Over All Pumps 5 feet in length by 3 inches in diameter and larger, are made of spiral tubing as illus- trated with a flared suction end and flared open top, making them more desirable for heavy work than the straight pump. Length is measured over all. All pumps 3 inches in diameter or less, and shorter than 5 feet, are made of straight tubing and fitted with a cap to keep the water from coming out at the top of the pump. Length under spout. Length 20 inches Each 24 inches Each 30 inches Each 36 inches Each 48 inches Each 5% feet and longer, per foot Diameter 1 Vg in. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $0.55 Dia-neter 2 in. 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.75 .60 Diameter 2^^ in. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.00 .65 Diameter 3 in. .... .... .... . ... .70 Diameter 3i^ in. . ... .... .... .... .75 Diameter 4 in. .... .80 w Fig. 226C. Leather Plunger PLUNGERS AND VALVES FOR GALVANIZED HAND PUMPS LEATHER PLUNGER 2 inches per doz. $1.30 2^4 inches " 1.65 3 inches " 2.00 3% inches " 2.40 4 inches " 2.80 SINGLE CLAPPER VALVE 1}^ inches per doz. $1.35 2 inches. 2% inches. 3 inches. 3}i inches. 4 inches. 1.60 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.50 Fig. 226D. Single Clapper A'alve TURRET TANK PUMP A Good Cheap Iron Pump All valves on top can be quickly re- paired by taking out the bolts in top casting. Suction on top, keeping valves always primed. Combination spout and air chamber can be turned in any di- rection b y loosening ing the nut. Open and direct wa- terways for quick and easy work. A left- hand pump b y chang- ing end caps. Suc- tion 2 inch. Dischai'ge 1 Pig. zaXA inch. Each $10.00 TRANSFER PUMP For transferring oils and other liquids from steel barrels. Many devices have been placed upon the market for transfer- ring liquids from one barrel to another receptacle; usually they have been short lived, easily damaged and put out of order. This pump is designed for unlimited service and will last indefinitely. It is substan- tially built with an all-brass cylinder, 1 % -inch diameter, 12 inches long. AH brass plunger, brass ball valves and brass seats. To the vertical discharge pipe is attached an adjustable iron plug which screws into the bung of all steel barrels. When screwed into place it is rigidly fastened with set screws. It is exceptionally well adapted for use as a bilge pump for motor boats, etc. A Jjf ge amount of water may be Wnled out in a short space of time. Weight, net, each, 7 pounds. Price $4.00 Fig. 4.1 272 GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER S Co. Styles 1 to 7 PLUNGER, SIPHON AND BILGE PUMPS STANDARD PLUNGER POAVER PU3IPS The pumps numbered from one to nine are furnished with brass check valves, and the valves can be arranged so as to pass the liquid through the cylinder in either direction aa may be desired. The No. 2A and 3A pumps are same capacity as Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, but are special, being bacli-geared for better driving from higher speeds. These sizes are also fur- nished direct connected to motors. All sizes to number nine inclusive are vertical single-acting outside packed plunger type. Standard pumps are adaptable to all kinds of pumping and are especially desirable for this kind of a pump for a con- tinuous service. As boiler feeders all the Standard Pumps are built for pumping against the ordinary pressure carried on the boilers for which Ihey are rated in the table, and are far more economical than any other kind of pumps. All these pumps can be run in either direction, and they can be run somewhat faster than given in the table when working against low pressures; but do not run them too fast and try to make any pump do the work of a larger one. "Sour pump will do better work and last longer when run at a medium speed. SIZES AND PRICES OF STANDARD PUMPS Styles 2A, 3A, 8 and 9 Piston Stroke Pipes inches inches inches 1 2 % IVs 2V2 % IVs 2V2 % iy4 3 V2 1V4 Vz IV2 3 % 2 3 1 21/2 3 1 2 6 IV4 2V2 6 1% 3 6 IV2 4 6 2y2 51/2 8 2D 21/28 Pulley Price Boiler Power Gallons per Hour 12x2 14x2 14x2 16x3 16x2 16x3 18x4 18x4 22x4 14x4 14x4 18x4 20x5 20 00 32.00 24.00 38.00 28.00 32.00 38.00 50.00 70.00 85.00 150.00 200.00 300 500 130 170 200 270 360 400 600 1800 4500 The capacities are rated at fifty strokes per minute. Numbers 1 to 9 inclusive are single acting; numbers 11 and 12 are double acting; numbers 2 A and 3 A are geared 5 to 1; numbers 8 and 9 are geared 4 to 1 ; numbers 2A and 3A are geared like 8 and 9; numbers 11 and 12 are geared 6 to 1. All Standard Pumps are furnished with only one pulley, l^irnished with tight and loose pulleys when desired at a slight advance in price. STEAM SIPHONS STEAM — ^The Siphon will work with anything over 7 lbs. pressure. For pressure below 30 lbs. the low pressure siphon should be used, to obtain the best result, but the high pressure can be used with less than 30 lbs. ^ -JttEIGHT — The Siphon will raise water about one foot for each pound pressure of steam at the pump. If the fluid is heavier than water, this estimate must be reduced. CAPACITY — The capacity of each size as given in the price list is based upon 60 lbs. steam pressure at the pump and 15 feet lift. With a greater lift or less steam, these capacities will be reduced. Capacity in Gallons Diameter of Diameter of Prices No. High Pressure L,ow Pressure per Muxute Discharge Steam Double Suction 3 30 % V2 $8.00 $10.00 50 1 % 10.00 12.50 120 11/2 1 17.50 20.00 200 ly* 22.50 25.00 320 21/2 iy2 35.00 40.00 450 3 1% 45.00 50.00 800 . . 4 2 65.00 75.00 10 1800- - 6 Single 2% 150.00 175.00 11 60 ' ly* 1 12.50 15.00 High Pressure Pumps are constructed to work with 30 lbs. and up- wards of steam pressure. L,ovv Pressure Pumps from 30 to 15 lbs. [■_l Fig. 420 Pumps to work below 15 lbs. and pumps in lead or brass are made to order. Pig. 420 PORTABLE RAILWAY OUTFITS (SHOWN AT LEFT) - Complete with hose and fittings for supplying engines with water from any body of water within reach. No. 1 ha? 1% steam and 1% discharge hose, capacity 120 gallons. No. 2 has lya steam and 2% discharge hose, capacity '9.(\n gallons per minute with 60 lbs. steam pressure and 15 foot vertical lift. 1 Outfit with 25 feet of Steam and Discharge Hose $110.00 Outfit with 25 feet of Steam and Discharge Hose 1 145.00 Fig. 473 Fig. 473 BILGE PUMPS Size of Pump inches Suction inches Discharge inches Steam Pipe inches Capacity per Hour with 50 lbs. Steam gallons Each 11,4 2 3 4 6 1 Vi 2 S 4 6 1 1,4 1 % 1 14 1 1 2 '.. 1 3 li/i 4 m 2,400 3,000 • 3,600 4,500 8,600 $10.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 . . 30.00 FOR OTHER STYLES OF SIPHONS AND PUMPS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•CAIiPX^fTER ^ Co, 273 PUMPS "STAR" ANTI-FREEZING FORGE PUMP For Wells 30 Feet Deep This pump is built with, revolving top, fitted with air-chamber tube and brass gland. The polished rod connects to the lever with a link. An outlet is provided back of the spout, tapped for iron pipe connection. The stock is tapped for pipe near the spout. Spout is flanged and bolted and furnished with nut and hose tube. Pump as listed is 4 feet long from base to bottom of the cylinder and is suitable for wells about 3 feet deep. If wanted for wells of greater depth, add sufficient pipe and rod between base and cylinder to place the cylinder within 15 feet of the water. AVe recommend the use of foot valve and strainer with this pump. No. 852^^ — Cylinder 1 m Discharges Lift and Force Ap- In lb?. i Pipe Hose pI3o 3 4 6 2%xl0 3 xlO 31/2x10 6 6 6 .15 .18 .25 ly* ly* 1% ly* 1% 1% % 70 79 60 80 50 91 $11.85 11.85 13.10 $13.85 13.85 15.60 "EMPIRE" DOUBLE-AGTING FORGE PUMPS Lift and Force 75 to 100 Feet The "Empire" Double-Acting Force Pumps are adapted for shal- low or deep wells. The upper cylinder is brass lined and has differential plunger. Stuffing boxes and glands are dispensed with, thus avoiding undue friction. The pump is furnished com- plete with brass lined or brass body lower cylinder, with "Uni- versal" bronze valve and seat, and "Universal" bushing. No. 2 pump will go inside of 4%-inch well casing; No. 4 pump will go inside of 5-inch well casing. Unless otherwise ordered, we "Empire" ship these pumps arranged for shallow wells with lower cylinder screwed to the upper cylinder. The "Universal" bushing, and top cap of the lower cylinder, strainer and hose connection are tied to the pumps. The set length from base of the standard to bottom of the lower cylinder is 65 inches, and adapted for wells 30 feet deep. If required for deeper wells, unscrew the lower cyl- inder, attach top cap to lower cylinder, place "Universal" bushing in bottom of upper cylinder, and connect the two cylinders with sufficient pipe and rod to place the lower cylinder within 15 feet of the water — preferably submerged. Strainer and hose connection are included in prices. No. Lower Cylinder in. Stroke in. Cap. per stroke gal. Suction Pipe in Approx. Wgt. in lbs. Well Rod, in. Lift and Force ft. Brass Lined Cyl. Price Brass Body Cyl. Price 2 2y2Xl2 1 5 1 ,11 4 3 xl2 I 5 1 .15 1% iy4 98 ( 3/8 1 100 1 $18.00 $19.25 105 1 % 1 75 1 18.00 19.25 HAND ROTARY BARREL PUMPS A very reliable rotary pump for handling fluids of all kinds. Is used very much in the transferring of liquids from original containers to tanks and reservoirs. It is fitted with a device whicli holds the suction pipe rigidly in the bung hole of a barrel and will fit any size bung hole from 1 1/^ to 4 inches in diameter. Dis- Gals, per Suc- charge Min. 100 tion, for Lbs. Rev. Inches Ho.se, Inches 1 -13 ■ 1 1 4 5 1 1^ 1 1 5 5 1 17 ly* 1% 65 $47.20 52.00 60.00 $15.50^ 18.00^ 21.00^ Price includes 3 feet of suction pipe, hose coupling, hook and patented holder, but no hose. See index for hose. 274 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s Co. HAND PUMPS Fig. 305y2 PITCHER SPOUT PUMP For Suction Lift of 25 Feet No. 205^4. Standard closed top Pitcher Spout Pump. A low priced, substantial pump for use over cisterns or shallow wells. The bearer top is secured to the cylinder with a set screw, A nut tapped for iron pipe is supplied on the threaded hub beneath the "G" base. If lead pipe is to be used, a solder- ing tube that fits inside this nut can be furnished at an in- crease of $0.15 in the list price. Can also be fitted with brass suction tube and valve seat, and nut threaded for iron pipe (*HIP construction) or with brass suction tube and valve seat with tube for lead pipe (*HLP construction) at extra cost. For "HIP" construction add $0.50 to the list prices for the Nos. 1, 2 and 3 sizes, $1.00 for the Nos. 4 and 5 sizes and $2.00 for the No. 6 size. For the "HLP" construction add $0.75 to list prices for the Nos. 1, 2 and 3 sizes, $1.5 for the Nos. 4 and 5, and $3.00 for the No. 6. Cross-Section of White Bronze Valve Seat ® i - «» a ^ c 1 m II 2I III 1 2% 4 .09 1 22 $2.10 $ 4.00 2 3 4 .12 ly* 23 2.35 4.50 3 31/2 4 .17 ly* 26 2.60 5.00 4 4 4 .22 1V2 30 3.10 5.65 5 4% 5 .34 2 42* 4.75 7.80 6 5 5 .43 2V2 61 8.50 14.00 "STAR" ANTI-FREEZING LIFT PUMP For Wells 30 Feet Deep No. 1018. A medium-priced "Well Lift Pump for outdoor cisterns and wells, either dug or drilled. The lev,er and rod are connected with a cross-head and bolt. Standard is tapped for iron pipe, and pump as listed is 4 feet long from base to bottom of cylinder. Pump is adapted for wells about 3 feet deep. If a pump is wanted for wells of a greater depth, add sufficient pipe and rod between base and cylinder to place the cylinder within 15 feet of the water. We recom- mend the use of a foot valve and strainer with this pump. The cylinder furnished with this pump has the lower attachment fitted with a raised white bronze valve seat. Illustrated above. • No. Cylinder inches Stroke inches Capacity per Stroke gallons Suction Pipe inches Approx. Welgrht In lbs. Iron Cylinder Price Brass Lined CyUnder Price ■4 1 3x10 1 6 1 .18 i 1% 1 60 1 $6.85 | $8.85 HAND ROTARY FORGE PUMP With Pedestal Base Will draw water or similar liquids 15 feet, and force to an elevation of 75 feet. By removing the cap on upper discharge, and placing it at end of spout discharge, pipe can be connected for elevat- ing water. Fly wheel is 14i^ inches in diameter. Pedestal elevates pump to convenient operating position. Pump can be operated at the rate of 75 revolutions per minute by the average man. Fly. 118. Rotary II II II 5 Diameter Balance Wheel 1^ |J 1 2 3 13 •14 17 1% ly* 1% 1 1 ly* 14 y^ 14 y2 14 ya 68 75 85 $15.50 17.50 23.00 FOR PIPE AND HOSE, SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpeN'ter « eo. 275 TRENCH BRACES DUNN SAFETY EXTENSIBLE BRACES «onsi(J«ring the high price of lumber and quantity lost or destroyed on every Job, our Braces are far cheaper, as well as safer, than the old style wooden struts, which are dlHicult to wedge In position, and always uncertain and dangerous. The "Dunn" Brace is light and strong, and is easily adapted to any width of trench by changing the piece of tubing which is standard pipe. The screws have double threads, giving quick travel to the lever nut. All parts are of the best grade of materials, securely fitted together. Screws are wrought iron, and all other parts refined malleable iron. Each brace is fitted with a ball and socket shoe at each end, so that the brace takes a nrm bearing if placed at an angle. Bearing surface of the shoe contains lugs which hold firmly to the planking when the brace is tightened, so that accidental dislodgment is practically impossible. HOW TO ORDER Length of braces are listed overall and when closed. Take extreme width of trench, deduct for planking on both sides of trench, (usually about 8 inches) and several inches more for variations in cut, and remainder will give size of brace wanted, the screw being extended to tighten brace in position. For combination Screw and Timber Brace Fittings, give size of screw and cap wanted. We do not furnish timbers. (Be careful to bore timber straight so that screw won't bind.) standard With lU Inch Screw and 1% Inch ■ Pipe I I.*nsth Closed inches Length of Screw Inches List Price Per doz. Complete 16 11 200 $23.00 18 12 210 23.00 14 222 24 00 14 24 00 16 246 26.00 16 256 26.00 18 280 27 00 42 IS 312 28.00 48 18 325 29.00 "DUNN* BRACE FITTINGS Shipped Ready for Pipe to be Attached Cut Pipe 7 Inches Shorter than Length of Complete Brace Wanted, when Closed With 2 Inch Screw and 2 Inch Pipe^ — Extra Heavy Pattern 36 18 542 $51 00 42 18 564 52.00 48 5S6 53.00 54 18 60S 54.00 60 18 630 55 00 Safety Limit of Extension 6 lo 10 Inches According to Length of Brace Lengths given are overall and when closed. Special alzes made to order. FITTINGS FOR DUXX COMBINED SCREW AND TDIBER BRACE Can be used in any width of trench from 2 to 30 feet. It will be found especially valuable In wide and deep trench and foundation work. It can also be used to good advan- tage in small trench work. When required we can also furnish caps for the butt end of the brace. Unless otherwise stated in order, all orders will be filled with the single cap- We Do Not Furnish Timbers Size of Screw inclies Size of Cap or Washer Plate Inches Weight Per doz. lbs. List Price Per doz. sets Butt End Caps Per doz. 1%X14 l%xl4 l%xl8 3 xl8 2 xl8 2 xl8 2 xl8 4x 4 6x 6 6x 6 6x 6 6x 8 10x10 9x12 175 192 214 384 410 450 444 $18 00 20.00 22.00 38 00 40.00 42.00 44 00 $ 3.0t> 4.00 4.00 5.00 7 00 10 00 11.00 Size of Screw Diameter inches Length inches Weight Per doz. lbs. List Price Per doz. Complete is 1% 2 14 16 18 1S5 192 204 208 440 $20.00 21.00 22 00 23.00 45.00 We fumisli our Braces in this form to parties who wish to put on pipe to suit themselves. Simply the plain pipe is required for the barrel, no machine work being required other than to drill the small hole In one end of pipe to permit of the insertion of cotter pin which holds the brace together. This cotter pin may be removed at any time and longer or shorter pipe substituted, to make the brace suit any width of trench. Use I'/a Incli Pipe for the IVj Inch Screws, and 2 Inch for the 3 Inch Screws REPAIR PARTS IP '--a PRICE LIST Parts for Parts for 1% Inch Screw 2 Inch Screw Braces Braces List Price Li.=t Price Per dozen Per dozen (1) Shoes $2.50 $6 00 (2) Rings 1.00 2.40 (3) Balls 150 3.60 (6) Lever Nuts 4 00 9.60 (4) Screws Size of screw, l»Axl2 Inches. List price p€ Size of screw, liixl4 inches. List price. ... Size of screw, IVixie inches. List price. . . . Size of screw, 1^2x18 inches. List price. .. . Size of screw, 2 xl8 inches List price. ... so.uo Socket Butts complete (being Nos. 1, 2 and 3) " 6.00 (5) Tubing (according to lengrths), .Standard pipe used :. See Inder SIO. 12. 00 00 00 13.00 J76 GEO-B-CAIiBErfTER ^ 60, WASHER WELL POINTS Fig. 300 These Well Points are made of wrought pipe galvanized, holes bored and countersunk. Each hole is covered with brass wire gauze, held in place by a brass washer and riveted. PRICE lilST Please Order by Trade Number, Stating Mesh of Gauze Inside Diam- eter inches Length Point Inches Nunnber of Holes Openings Aggregate Square inches Price per dozen Trade Number Number of Gauze 60 70 80 90 100 300 11/4 20 50 6 $ 30.00 $ 36.00 $ 42.00 $ 50.00 $ 64.00 301 1% 24 60 71/4 36.00 44.00 52.00 60.00 80.00 302 IV4 30 80 91/2 46.00 55.00 B4.00 75.00 100.00 303 1% 36 100 12 56.00 66.00 76.00 90.00 120.00 304 11/4 42 120 141/2 66.00 77.00 88.00 105.00 140.00 305 IV4 48 140 17 76.00 88.00 100.00 120.00 160.00 308 11/4 24 80 9V2 42.00 50.00 68.00 68.00 90.00 310 IVi 30 100 12 52.00 61.00 70.00 83.00 110.00 320 IV2 24 80 91/2 48.00 57.00 65.00 78.00 94.00 321 11/2 30 110 131/2 60.00 70.00 80.00 ,96.00 118.00 322 1% 36 130 151/2 72.00 84.00 95.00 114.00 142.00 323 11/2 42 150 18 84.00 97.00 110.00 132.00 160.00 3231/2 IV2 48 170 201/2 96.00 111.00 125.00 150.00 180.00 324 2 30 140 17 90.00 101.00 112.00 132.00 160.00 325 2 36 170 201/2 105.00 118.00 130.00 154.00 190.00 326 2 42 200 24 120.00 134.00 148.00 176.00 220.00 327 2 48 230 271/2 135.00 151.00 166.00 198.00 250.00 328 2 54 260 311/2 150.00 167.00 184.00 220.00 280.00 329 2 60 290 35 165.00 184.00 202.00 242.00 310.00 330 2 66 320 381/2 180.00 200.00 220.00 264.00 340.00 331 2 72 350 42 195.00 217.00 238.00 286.00 370.00 332 21/2 36 225 27 180.00 205.00 230.00 260.00 300.00 333 2y2 48 325 39 230.00 265.00 300.00 340.00 400.00 334 21/^ 60 425 51 280.00 325.00 370.00 420.00 500.00 335 21/2 72 525 63 330.00 385.00 440.00 500.00 600.00 335^2 2V2 84 625 75 380.00 445.00 510.00 580.00 700.00 837 21/2 96 725 87 430.00 505.00 580.00 660.00 800.00 338 3 36 250 30 240.00 275.00 310.00 340.00 410.00 339 3 48 360 43 300.00 345.00 390.00 430.00 520.00 342 3 60 470 56 360.00 415.00 470.00 520.00 630.00 346 3 72 580 69 420.00 485.00 550.00 610.00 740.00 348 3 84 690 32 480.00 555.00 630.00 700.00 850.00 350 3 96 800 95 540.00 625.00 710.00 790.00 960.00 37% 4 48 440 50 480.00 520.00 560.00 GOO. 00 700.00 374 4 72 660 78 630.00 695.00 760.00 840.00 1000.00 378 4 96 1020 125 780.00 870.00 960.00 1080.00 1300,00 382 4 120 1380 175 930.00 1045.00 1160.00 1320.00 ^1600.00 GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER ^ So. BRASS JACKET DRIVE WELL POINTS Made of Wrought Pipe, Galvanized These illustrations show a completed well point and a point before gauze and Jacket are put on. Brass jacket points are made of standard wrought pipe. They are punched with elliptical-shaped holes of uni- form size, equal distances apart, and contain the largest number of holes permissible, while retaining- the strength requisite for driving. The driving plug is a malleable casting, swaged into the pipe and riveted. These points are covered with brass wire cloth, which is protected by a heavy perforated brass-jacket. We can furnish points covered to order with numbers 20, 30, 40 or 50 gauze. Numbers 20 and 30 take the same list as number 70. Numbers 40 and 50 take the same list as number 60. Sizes and lengths not listed will be furnished at proportionate prices. All points when completed are wrapped in paper, and the plugs. In the case of wrought points, are painted to prevent rusting. Please order by trade number, stating: mesh of gauze. PRICE LIST Inside Diam- eter inches Length Point inches Length Jacket inches Open- ■ Ings Ag- gregate square inches Price per dozen Trade Xumber Number of Gauze 60 :o 80 90 100 120 74 1 2i 18 15 $33.00 $40.00 $46.00 $52.00 $62.00 $74.00 76 1 30 24 20 42.00 49.00 56.00 64.00 78.00 94 00 78 1 36 30 25 51.00 59.00 66.00 76.00 94.00 114 00 80 1 42 36 30 60.00 68.00 76.00 88.00 120 00 134.00 - 82 1 48 42 35 69.00 78.00 86.00 100.00 136.00 154.00 84 1 54 48 40 78.00 87.00 96.00 112 00 152.00 174 00 84^ 1 60 54 45 87 00 96.00 106.00 124.00 168.00 194 00 1 66 60 50 96 00 105.00 116.00 136.00 184 00 214.00 85^ 1 72 66 55 105.00 114.00 126.00 148.00 200.00 234.00 86 1V4 20 14 15 30.00 36 00 42.00 50.00 64 00 80.00 90 ly* 24 18 20 36 00 44.00 52.00 60.00 80.00 105 00 94 IV* 30 24 26 Vz 46 00 55.00 64.00 75.00 100.00 130 00 98 IVi 36 30 33 56.00 66.00 76.00 90 00 120 00 155.00 100 1% 42 36 39% 66.00 77.00 88.00 105.00 140 00 180.00 102 l\i 48 42 45% 76.00 88.00 100.00 120.00 160.00 205 00 106 l'/4 54 48 52 86.00 99 00 112.00 135.00 180.00 230 00 110 60 54 58% 96.00 110.00 124.00 150.00 200 00 255.00 112 IVi 66 60 65 106.00 121.00 136.00 165.00 220 00 280.00 114 I'i 72 66 711/2 116 00 132.00 148.00 180 00 240.00 305 00 1141/2 Hi 78 72 78 126 00 143 00 160.00 195.00 260.00 330. 00 136 1'/^ 24 18 221/2 48.00 57.00 65.00 78.00 94.00 112 00 140 l'/2 30 24 30 60.00 70.00 80.00 96.00 118 00 139.00 144 1% 36 30 37V2 72.00 84 00 95.00 114.00 142 00 166.00 146 IV2 42 36 45 84 00 97.00 110.00 132.00 166.00 193 00 148 1% 48 42 521/2 96.00 111.00 125.00 150.00 188.00 220 00 150 1% 54 48 60 108.00 124.00 140.00 168 00 204 00 247.00 152 1% 60 54 67V2 120.00 138.00 155.00 186.00 228 00 274.00 154 1% 66 60 75 132.00 151.00 170.00 204.00 252.00 301 00 156 1% 72 66 82% 144.00 165 00 185.00 222.00 276.00 328 00 160 2 24 18 26 75.00 S.I. 00 94.00 110.00 130 00 150.00 164 2 30 24 35 90.00 101.00 112.00 132.00 160 00 185.00 168 2 36 30 43% 105 00 118.00 130.00 154 00 190.00 220.00 170 2 42 36 52% 120 00 134.00 148.00 176 00 220.00 255 00 172 2 48 42 62 135.00 151.00 166.00 198.00 250.00 290 00 174 2 54 48 70 150.00 167.00 184.00 220.00 280 00 325.00 176 2 60 54 78% 165.00 184 00 202.00 242.00 310 00 360.00 178 2 66 60 87% 180 00 200.00 220.00 264.00 340.00 395 00 180 2 72 66 96 195.00 217.00 238.00 286.00 370.00 430 00 ISOi^ 2 78 72 105 210.00 234.00 256.00 308 00 400 00 465.00 182 84 78 113 225.00 251.00 274.00 330.00 430 00 500.00 182 'A 2 90 84 122% 240.00 268.00 292.00 352.00 460.00 535 00 183 V2 2 96 90 132 255.00 285 00 310.00 374.00 490.00 570 00 183 2V^ 30 24 40 155.00 175.00 195.00 220 00 250 00 290.no 184 2>/& 36 30 50 180.00 205.00 230.00 260.00 300 00 350.00 188 2% 48 42 70 230 00 265.00 300.00 340 00 400.00 470 00 192 2% 60 54 90 280 00 325.00 370.00 420.00 500.00 590 00 196 2»^ 72 66 110 s.'^o.no 385 00 440.00 500.00 600.00 710.00 197 214 84 78 130 3SO.O0 445.00 510 00 580.00 700.00 S30.00 199 2V2 96 90 150 430.00 505 00 580.00 660.00 800.00 950.00 200 3 36 30 6714 2-10 no 275.00 310.00 340 00 410.00 490 00 204 3 48 42 94% 300 00 345.00 390 00 430.00 520.00 630.00 208 3 60 54* 111% 360.00 415.00 470.00 520 00 630.00 770.00 212 3 72 6C 138% 420.no 485 00 550.00 610.00 740.nn "2!!2 214 3 84 78 165% 480.00 555.00 630 00 700.00 850.00 1,050.00 215 3 96 90 192% 540.00 625 00 710.00 790.00 960.00 1,190.00 202 3 ' i 36 30 70 300.00 345.00 390.00 430 00 520.00 610.00 206 3% 48 42 98 360 00 415 00 470.00 520.00 63n.on 750.00 210 3\i 60 54 126 420 00 485.00 550.00 610 00 740.00 890.00 213 3% 72 60 140 480.00 555 00 630.00 700 00 850.00 1.030.00 218 3^i 84 72 168 555.00 640.00 725.00 805 00 960.00 1 170 00 219 SM 96 84 196 630.00 735.00 820.00 900.00 1.070.00 1,310.00 "16 4 48 36 90 480 00 520.00 560.00 600 00 700.00 810.00 220 4 72 60 150 630.00 695 no 760.00 840.00 1,000.00 1.27n.00 224 4 96 84 210 780.00 870.00 960.00 1,080 on 1,300.00 1,610.00 228 4 120 108 270 930. na 1.045 no 1,160.00 1.320.00 1,600.00 2.010.00 FOR WELL POINTIN G PUMPS AND ENC ilNES, SEl 3 INDEX 278 Geo-BCakpei^'ter s So. FLUSH OR TUBULAR WELL POINTS Please order by trade nximber, stating mesh of gauze. These Tubular Well Points are made in the same manner as Brass Jacket Drive Well Points. The plug is a solid casting securely riveted to enable point to be driven from the inside. Inside Length of Length of Open- Price per . dozen Trade Diam- ings Ag- Number of Gauze Number eter Point Jacket gregate inches Inches inches Square inches 60 70 80 90 100 73 1 30 18 15 $34.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 75 1 36 18 15 38.00 44.00 50.00 56.00 66.00 75 Va 1 36 24 20 43.00 49.00 55.00 62.00 77.00 77 1 42 24 20 47.00 54.00 60.00 68.00 82.00 77% 1 42 30 25 52.00 59.00 65.00 74.00 93.00 79 1 48 30 25 56.00 63.00 70.00 80.00 98.00 79 y2 1 48 36 30 61. oa 68.00 75.00 86.00 109.00 81 1 54 36 30 65.00 73.00 80.00 92.00 114.00 81% 1 54 42 35 70.00 78.00 85.00 98.00 125.00 83 1 60 42 35 74.00 82.00 90.00 104.00 130.00 116 1% 24 18 20 36.00 44.00 52.00 60.00 80.00 117 1% 30 18 20 41.00 49.00 57.00 65.00 85.00 117% ly* 30 24 28 46.00 55.00 64.00 75.00 100.00 118 ly* 36 24 28 51.00 60.00 68.00 80.00 105.00 119 ly* 42 24 28 56.00 65.00 73.00 85.00 110.00 120 ly* 48 24 28 61.00 70.00 78.00 90.00 115.00 121 ly* 36 30 36 56.00 66.00 76.00 90.00 120.00 122 ly* 42 30 36 61.00 71.00 80.00 95.00 125.00 123 ly* 48 30 36 66.00 76.00 85.00 100.00 130.00 124 1% 54 30 36 71.00 81.00 91.00 105.00 135.00 125 1% 42 36 39 66.00 77.00 88.00 105.00 140.00 126 1% 48 36 39 71.00 82^00 92.00 110.00 145.00 127 ly* 54 36 39 76.00 87.00 97.00 115.00 150.00 128 ly* 60 36 39 81.00 92.00 102.00 120.00 155.00 129 1% 48 42 45y2 76.00 88.00 100.00 120.00 160.00 130 ly* 54 42 45y2 81.00 92.00 104.00 125.00 165.00 13 0y2 1% 60 42 45 y2 86.00 98.00 110.00 130.00 170.00 131 iy4 66 42 45 y2 91.00 103.00 115.00 135.00 175.00 1311/2 iy4 54 48 52 86.00 99.00 112.00 135.00 180.00 132 ly* 60 48 52 91.00 104.00 116.00 140.00 180.00 133 1% 66 48 52 96.00 109.00 122.00 145.00 185.00 135 1% 72 48 52 101.00 114.00 127.00 150.00 190.00 570 iy4 60 54 58y2 96.00 110.00 124.00 150.00 200.00 571 1% 66 54 58y2 101.00 115.00 129.00 155.00 205.00 572 ly* 72 54 58y2 106.00 120.00 134.00 160.00 210.00 573 1% 66 60 65 106.00 121.00 136.00 165.00 220.00 574 ly* 72 60 65 111.00 126.00 141.00 170.00 225.00 575 iy4 78 60 65 116.00 131.00 146.00 175.00 230.00 576 IVi 72 66 71 ys 116.00 132.00 148.00 180.00 240.00 577 IVi 78 66 7iy2 121.00 137.00 .153.00 185.00 245.00 578 1% 84 66 7iy2 126.00 142.00 158.00 190.00 250.00 579 iy4 78 72 78 126.00 143.00 160.00 195.00 260.00 580 iy4 84 72 78 131.00 148.00 165.00 200.00 265.00 581 ly* 90 72 78 136.00 153.00 170.00 205.00 270.00 682 iy4 84 78 84y2 136.00 154.00 172.00 210.00 280.00 583 1V4. 90 78 84% 141.00 159.00 177.00 215.00 285.00 584 iy4 96 78 84% 146.00 164.00 182.00 220.00 290.00 Any length or size not in the above list will be made to order. GEOE-eARPENfTER S SO. EARTH AUGERS, PIPE PULLERS AND HOLDERS EARTH AUGERS 379 Pig. 603 PRICE LIST Fig. 603 Fig. 604 Size of Hole Augers will Make, inches 2 2% 3 SVa 4 } 41/a . 1 . Threaded for Pipe 1 1% 1% IVz 2 2 2 2 Xo. 600. Chisel Bit Auger, for $6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 $6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 ?7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 IS.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 $10.00 1 $15.00 10.00 i 1500 10.00 15.00 10 00 15.00 $20 00 $25.00 No. 601. Pod Auger, for boring 20.00 { 25.00 No. 602. Ribbon Auger, for gen- 20.00 1 25 00 No. 603. Twist Auger, for gen- 20.00 25.00 No. 604. Spiral Auger, loosening 8.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 i 25 00 Fig. 624 Please order by trade number. PIPE PULLER This pipe puller is arranged to draw all sizes of pipe The dies are serrated so as to hold fast to the pipe and not to crush it. It is large enough in diameter for the coupling of the pipe to pass through. One set of any size dies are furnished Tcith puller with- out extra charg;e. Extra sets of dies are furnished at same discount from list as puller. PRICE LIST Please order by trade number. No. 2, with 1, IVi, 1^2 or 2 inch dies Extra dies for No 2 No. 3, with 2, 2».i or 3 inch dies Extra dies for No. 3... No. 4, with 3% or 4 inch dies Extra dies for No. 4.... No. 5. with 4, 4% or 5 Inch dies Extra dies for No. 5,... Size Iron Pipe It Will Hold in Inches I iy4 I IVa I I 2M; I $2 75 50 '■■:: $.... 80 ' ".75 6.00 .75 2 25 ■3!25 2.00 lioo No. 4, with ZM to 4 inch dies Extra dies for No. 4 . . . No. 5, with 4, 4% or 5 inch dies Extra dies for No. 5... No. 6, with 4, 4'^, 5 or 6 Inch dies Extra dies for No. 6.... No. 8, with 6, 7 or 8 Inch flies, 4 screws Extra dies for No. 8.... Vo. 10, with 7, 8, 9 or 10 inch dies. 4 screws Extra dies for No. 10 . . . Size Iron Pipe It WiU Hold in Inches I 4'/. I I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 2.75 '3.66 2.50 ■2'.75 2.50 IS.OO 8.00 BABGOCK PIPE LIFTER AND HOLDER For raising: and holding pipe and lowering same into a well. Fig. 143 Showing Machine as used in Raising Pipe Holder will not tear or dam- age the pipe. Simple and rapid In its operation. Handles pipe from 1 to 2 Inches, Inclusive. Price, complete $6.60 280 Geo-BCarpeH'ter ^ So. IRRIGATION STRAINERS-^DEEP WELL CYLINDERS IRRIGATION STRAINERS These Strainers are made of heavy pipe, galvanized after the holes are put in. They are covered with a special woven wire cloth, having slotted openings and ad- mitting twice as much water as ordinary gauze. The cloth is nearly one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness, and is so constructed that every part of its surface permits of filtration. These Strainers are much stronger and more serviceable than all brass Strain- ers, and can be used in wells having heavy pressure or suction without injury to the wire cloth. For efficiency, heavy work and large filtering capacity these Strainers have no equal. Furnished with open ends, unless ordered with driving plug. Six inches blank on each end of Strainer. PRICE PER LINEAL FOOT Please Order by Figure Number, Stating Mesh of Gauze Aggregate Number of Gauze , Inside Outside Openings, Square inches inches Inches per foot 60 80 90 100 ly* 1.785 17 $ 0.75 $ 0.95 $ 1.20 $ 1.50 11/2 2.025 22 .90 1.15 1.45 1.75 2 2.495 24 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.25 21/2 2.995 27 2.00 2.75 3.25 3.75 3 3.625 30 2.75 3.50 4.00 4.50 31/2 4.125 33 3.15 4.00 4.50 5.25 4 4.625 36 3.90 4.75 5.25 6.25 41/2 5.125 39 4.50 5.50 6.25 7.25 5 5.685 42 5.25 6.50 7.50 8.25 6 6.745 48 6.00 7.50 8.25 9.25 7 7.745 51 7.50 9.00 9.50 10.75 8 8.745 54 9.00 10.50 11.50 12.50 9 9.805 60 12.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 10 10.875 67 14.00 16.50 18.00 20.00 12 12.875 72 18.00 20.50 22.50 25.00 Fig. 405 DEEP WELL BRONZE BALL VALVE CYLINDER No. 860 These Cylinders are designed for use in deep wells, and are made of best material and heavy throughout. They have four leather bronze ball plungers and double check valves, one a bronze ball, the other a flat poppet, making a leak impossible. For extremely deep wells we recommend these Cylinders. Made with outside caps only. PRICE LIST Please Order by Figure Number Fitted for stroke Size, inches Pipe, inches inches Brass Body 2 xl6 1^4 8 $ 7.50 $10.00 2Mxl6 iM 8 8.25 11.00 2^^x16 IM 8 9.25 12.00 2Mxl8 IM 8 11.75 15.00 3 xl8 iVi 8 15.75 19.50 2 xl8 IM 10 8.00 11.00 214x18 IM 10 8.75 12.00 21^x18 IM 10 9.75 13.00 2 34x20 IM 10 12.25 16.50 3 x20 IM 10 16.25 22.00 2 x20 lU 12 8.50 12.00 2Mx20 IM 12 9.25 13.00 2^^x20 IM 12 10.25 14.00 Fig. 860 FOR PUMPS, ENGINES AND PIPE FITTINGS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER ^ CO. 281 ARTESIAN WELL EQUIPMENT ALL-BRASS ARTESIAN WELL CYLINDER With Spool or Ball Valves No. 449 The body of this cylinder is seamless brass tubing. The' valves are made sufficiently strong to with- stand severe service. The leather packings are the best. The bottom of the plunger is tapped so that it may be screwed on the top of the check valve, thus enabling the plunger and check valves to be with- drawn at one operation. Both valves are fitted with heavy leather faced spool poppets, or with balls. This cylinder may be placed in open wells and in drilled wells where the pipe or casing is large enough to take the cylinder attachments. It is adapted to work in deep wells and to stand severe service. Furnished with spool valves unless othenvise ordered. PRICE LIST Please order bj* figure number. Inside Length Exteme Length Cap- acity Extreme Outside Diam- Top and Bottom Con- necting Pipes inches Size Pin With Spool Valves. Each With Dla. inches Stroke inches Cyl- inder per Stroke eter of Attach- m Plun- Valves. Each inches gallons ments inches ger ms. IVs 12 23 .12 2iS 2 % $17.00 $20.00 178 16 27 .16 2,1 2 18.00 21.00 1% 24 35 .25 2:1 2 % 21.00 24.00 2y4 12 25 .2 Sfs 21/2 % 30.00 34.00 21/4 16 29 .275 3,». 21/2 % 32.00 36.00 2 74 37 .41 3->\ % 35.00 39.00 2M 36 49 .61 3/. 2¥> % 40.00 44.00 2% 12 26 .3 3% 3 % 38.00 43.00 2% 16 30 .411 3% 3 % 40.00 45.00 2% 24 38 .61 3 78 3 % 44.00 49.00 2% 36 50 .924 3% 3 Vs 50.00 55.00 31/4 12 28 .432 4^ 31/2 7.' 52.00 59.00 31/4 3% 16 32 .574 4t^ 31/2 % 55.00 62.00 24 40 .862 4t^ 31/2 % 60.00 67.00 3% 36 52 1.292 7tV 31/2 % 68.00 75.00 3% 12 30 .574 51/8 4 11/8 70.00 80.00 3% 16 34 .764 51/8 4 11/8 73.00 83.00 3% 24 42 1.147 5% 4 1V8 78.00 88.00 36 54 1.72 51/8 4 IVs 92.00 102.00 414 12 34 .737 5% 41/2 11/8 110.00 125.00 41/4 16 38 .982 5% 41/2 11/8 115.00 130.00 4% 24 46 1.47 5% tS 1V8 125.00 140.00 4V4 36 58 2.21 5% IVs 140.00 155.00 4% 12 35 .92 61/8 5 11/8 140.00 160.00 4% 16 39 1.227 61/8 5 IVs 147.00 167.00 4% 24 47 1.84 61/8 5 11/8 160.00 180.00 4% 36 59 2.76 6% 5 IVs 182.00 202.00 5% 12 41 1.348 7% 6 ll/« 190.00 215.00 5% 16 4 5 1.79 7% 6 11-^ 198.00 223.00 5% 24 53 2.70 7% 6 11/8 210.00 235.00 5% 36 C5 4.05 7% 6 IVs 230.00 255.00 Fig. 440 BRASS LINED WORKING BARREL Fitted with Four Leather Plungers and Bronze Ball Valves. No. 654 Number 654 cylinders are regularly threaded for iron pipe but will be furnished for well casing at the same prices for corresponding sizes; intermediate sizes will take the list of the next larger size. PRICE LIST Please order by figure number. Size of Well inches Inside Diameter of Cylinder inches Length Stroke inches Length Barrel Inches Price Each Size of Well inches Inside Diameter of Cylinder inches Length Stroke inches Length Barrel inches Price Each 2 2 2 2 10 24 ^28 38 50 $11.50 12.00 13.50 15.50 4% 41/2 41/^ 4 7* 41/4 41/4 414 10 14 24 36 36 40 50 62 $54.50 56.00 61.50 65.50 11 11 ll 25 29 39 51 15.50 16.50 18.00 19.50 5 14% 5 14% 24 36 51 63 78.00 86.00 i'H 6 1 5% 6 15% 24 36 57 69 112.00 124.00 3 3 3 2% 14 ' 26 30 40 52 21.50 22.50 24.50 27.00 7 16% 7 1 6% 24 36 60 72 152.00 166.00 2% 1 36 I 1 ?;^ l\ 60 72 236.00 250.00 ll 31/4 10 14 24 36 32 36 46 58 31.50 32.50 35.00 38.00 9 1 8V4 9 1 8 1/2 11 62 1 285.00 74 1 325.00 3% 1 374 10 1 91^ 1 24 1 64 460.00 3% 3% 3% 3% 10 14 24 36 34 38 48 60 44.50 46.00 49.00 52.50 10 9% 36 76 490.00 FOR PU3II'S, PIPE AXD FITTINGS, SEE IIVDEX 282 GEO'EeARPEhfTER ^ Co. WELL CYLINDERS, PUMP EQUIPMENT Fijs. 440 WROUGHT-IRON TUBULAR WELL CYLINDER No. 440 This cylinder is made of either galvanized or black extra strong- wrought pipe, bored and pol- ished Unless otherwise ordered it will be furnished with a shoulder for holding a turned coupling for seating the check valve. In 24 and 36 inch lengths the shoulders are 3 incheg from the bottom, and in 48 inch lengths, 12 inches. A galvanized cylinder ^vithout a shoe vi'ill be £ur- ni.shed unless othervrise specified. PRICE LIST Please order by figure number. Diam. of Cylinder inches Length Cylinder inches Price. Painted Price, Painted Price. Galv. Price, Galv. without Driving Shoe with Driving Shoe without Driving Shoe with Driving Shoe 2 24 $2.25 $3.00 $2.80 $3.50 9 36 3.25 4.00 3.80 4.50 2 48 4.25 5.00 5.00 5.75 2y2 36 5.75 6.65 6.50 7.50 2Vz 48 8.35 8.50 8.25 9.25 3 36 8.00 9.00 8.80 10.00 3 48 10.50 11.50 11.00 12.25 4 36 12.00 14.00 13.75 15.75 4 48 15.50 17.50 18.00 20.00 Fig. 441 BRASS LINED TUBULAR WELL CYLINDER Galvanized. No. 441 This cylinder is made of wrought pipe bored out, with a lining of seamless brass tubing swaged into position. This cylinder possesses the smoothness of an all-brass-tube cylinder, and is not as liable to become injured by external pressure or sudden jars. For the small additional cost it pays to use this cylinder instead of the polished iron, as the pump will work more easily and the leathers on plunger will wear longer. Unless otIier'»vise ordered this cylinder T\'iU be furnished ^vith a shoulder three inches from the bottom as illustrated. PRICE LIST Please order by figure number. Diameter of Cylinder inches Length of CyUnder inches Price, Galvanized, with Driving Shoe Price, Galvanized, without Driving Shoe 2 24 $6.10 $5.25 2 36 7.75 6.90 48 9.80 9.00 2% 24 8.15 7.00 21/2 36 10.50 9.30 21/2 48 14.00 12.80 3 24 10.00 8.50 3 36 13.00 11.50 3 48 17.00 15.50 4 36 19.00 16.50 4 48 24.00 21.50 SEATING TOOL FOR BRASS CYLINDER Size for Cylinder inches Trice, each 2 $0.60 21/2 .90 3 1.20 4 2.40 5 6.00 6 8.00 7 10.00 8 12.00 Fig Fig. 870 figure number. BRONZE BALLS STANDARD CUP LEATHERS No. 870 No. 702 These balls are turned from hard bronze metal Our Standard Cup Leathers are made of a high and are guaranteed to be perfectly true. grade oak-tanned stock and are intended to meet PRICE LIST the demand for low priced cups which will give satisfactory service under ordinary conditions. PRICE LIST Diameter Diameter of Ball Each of Ball Each Adopted by Pump Leather Manufacturers, inches inches April 17, 1911. % $0.30 .30 .30 .35 .35 3 P 4% $4.75 5.50 6.00 6.75 7.75 Please order by figure number. % Size inches Price per gross Size inches Price per p-ross 1 $3.50 3% $29.00 It? .45 10.00 1^ 4.50 4 31.50 1% .50 4% 10.00 IVz 6.00 4 ^ 37.50 1% .70 11.00 1% 8.00 4 V^ 40.00 1% .90 5 12.00 2 9.00 4 %. 43.00 1% 1.10 i^ 12.50 2V4. 10.00 5 49.00 1% 1.40 13.50 24 13.00 5% 50.00 2.15 6 15.00 2% 14.50 il 57.50 2% 2.75 6% 17.50 3 16.50 65.00 2% 2% 3.75 7% 25.00 2V4, 18.50 e 72.00 4.25 3% 24.50 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER ^ Go. 2s;' ROD COUPLINGS, SAND PUMPS AND PIPE HOLDERS WOOD ROD COUPLINGS Two, Three and Four Hole These couplings are made with a socket for the ends of the rod to be driven into, to prevent splitting. PRICE LIST ' Order by figure number No. Description Iron Pipe Threads Per set 430 For 1 and 1% inch rod, black, 2 hole % $0.10 432 For 1 and 1V8 inch rod, galvanized, 2 hole % .14 435 For 1 and 1 Vr inch rod, black, 3 hole % 16 435 For 1 and 1V« inch rod, galvanized, 3 hole % .20 436 For IVi and 1 % inch rod, black, 3 hole % .20 436 For liA and inch rod, galvanized, 3 hole 1/ .24 437 For 11/2 and 1% inch rod, black, 4 hole 34 .60 437 For 11/2 and 1% inch rod, galvanized, 4 hole % .80 4381/2 For 1 and IVg inch rod, black, 4 hole % .20 4381/2 For 1 and IVs inch rod, galvanized, 4 hole % .24 FORGED SUCKER ROD COUPLINGS These couplings are forged, have straight box and pin same sizes as oil-well couplings and are interchangeable with them. Fig, PRICE LIST Order by figure number Fis:. No. Size of Box and Pin inches Size of Wood Rod Indies Adapted for Working BaiTels, Diameter in inclies Black per set Galvanized per set 408 409 410 411 412 %, 12 threads %, 10 threads 1 , 10 threads IVs, 8 threads 11/2, 8 threads IVs 11 1% to 214 2% to 2% 2% to 3% 3% to 5% 5% to 8% 1.30 2.00 5.00 $0.85 1.15 1.75 2.60 6.00 SAND PUMPS PRICE LIST 'lease order by figure number. Size of Well inches Each 2 $2.50 21/2 2.75 3 3.00 4 4.00 5 5.00 6 6.00 7 7.00 8 8.00 THE "MONITOR" PIPE HOLDER Fig 543 Pipe cannot slip. Adjustment automatic. Holds from.l to 2 inch pipe, inclusive. Strong- in construction. Easy to operate. Price each »5.00 Fig. 629 FOR IROX PIPE AND FITTINGS OF ALL, KINDS, SEE INDEX 281 Geo-BCarpenTter ^ Go. WELL DRIVE SHOES, PACKERS AND COUPLINGS No. 433 MALLEABLE IRON DRIVE SHOES With or Without Shoulder FiK. 43^ Fie. 419 Fig. 421 No. 421 FORGED STEEL SHOES These shoes are made of steel forgings and are turned true inside and outside; they have long recess, as shown In Illustration, to prevent the pipe from spreading or breaking off at the end of threads. For severe driving and large pipe we recommend these shoes. Price List Price List size of Pipe inches Price Size of Pipe inches Price 2 2V. $0 50 .70 .90 |.. $1.20 150 Size of Pipe Size of Price inches 4 '/a Price Pipe inches 10 $1.50 $ 8.00 2.50 5 10.00 12 3.50 6 12.00 14 5 00 7 15.00 15 6 00 8 18.00 16 Price $ 36.00 48 00 70.00 90.00 110.00 No. 419 CAST STEEL DRIVE SHOES These shoes are made of steel castings and are stronger than the malleable shoes. They are furnished both finished and rough, the finishe'd shoe being turned true both inside and outside. Price List Shoes for well casing will be supplied at same list, intermediate sizes being charged at price of next larger ^'^^ WELL PACKER No. 495 A well packer for making tight joint between strainer and well casing; it is also used as support for cylinders. To locate strainer in well, screw well packer on upper end of same, attach seating tool to drill rod and insert into key seat in well packer, lower all in well to place where strainer is to be located, turn drill rod to the right which forces taper wedge into rubber ring, expanding same and making tight joint. To remove strainer from well, lower seating tool to key seat in well packer, turn to left, partly unscrewing taper wedge from coupling, which contracts rubber packer and permits strainer to be withdrawn. Price List — No. 495 Size of Pipe in. Fin- ished Rough Size of Pipe in. Fin- ished Rough 3% 4 $1.00 1.00 1.30 2.00 3.50 4.00 ''To 1.10 1.50 2 50 2.75 4 72 5 .5% 8 10 12 $6.00 7.00 9 00 9.00 12 00 18.00 35.00 $3.75 4.25 6.50 6.50 8.00 12 50 25.00 Diam- eter of Well inches Bottom of Packer Threaded for Pipe inches 11/4 2 2 1/2 Price Diam- eter of Well inches Bottom of Packer Threaded for Pipe inches 3 31/2 4 5 6 Price 2 2V. 31/2 4 $1.50 2.00 2.70 4.50 6.00 6 7 8 $ 7.50 10.00 14.00 20.00 30.00 • For Well Casing. VALVE HOOK FOR SEATING CYLINDERS Price List — No., 497 Please order by trade number For 2% and 3 inch well... $1.00 For 31/2 and 4 inch well... 1.50 For 4% and 5 inch well... 2.00 For 6 inch well 2.50 For 7 inch well 3.00 For 8 inch well 3.50 For 10 inch well 4.00 Fig. 497 pipe; rod and reducer couplings Fig. 439 Fig. 490 REDUCER COUPLINGS For V2 inch and % inch pipe and steel pump rods. Price List — Figs. 439-490 Fig 438 439 438A 439A Female Female % Pipe X % Rod % Pipe X -fe Kod 1/2 Pipe X % Rod ':. Pine X ^ Rod Gal- vanized per lb. Black per lb. $0.25 .25 .25 490 491 490A 491A Ma: Female % Pipe X % Rod % Pipe X -^jt Rod % Pipe X % Rod 1/2 Pipe X -^ Rod Gal- vanized per lb $0.30 .30 .30 Black per lb. $0.25 .25 .25 .25 Fig. 429 PIPE AND ROD COUPLINGS For % inch Pipe and % inch Iron Rod Price List Description Price, Galvanized! Price, Plain I per lb. I per lb. Pipe or iron rod thread GEO-BeAIiPEN*TER ^ 60. BRASS WIRE CLOTH 120 MESH 100 MESH 90 MESH 80 MESH 70 MESH 60 MESH 50MESH 30 MESH 20 MESH WOVEN WIRE CLOTH We carry in stock the following meshes Brass Wire Cloth, 30 inches in width, except No. CU renovated cloth which is 12 inches wide. Price List Mesh Number Price, per Square Foot Mesh Number Price, per Square Foot 20 $0.50 70 $0.90 30 .65 80 1.00 40 .40 90 1.20 50 .50 100 1.50 60 .60 120 3.00 60 renovated .30 Woven wire cloth 1.50 FOR STEEL MESH, SAND AND GRAVEL. SCREENS, SEE INDEX 286 GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER « eO, LUMBERMEN'S AND LOGGERSV TOOLS PEA\^ES TT Fig. 21 Patent Ribbed Socket Peavey The lightest, strongest, most durable and evenly balanced peavey manufactured. The pikes and sockets are set in oil paint, with 60,000 lbs. screw pressure. No. 21. 2y2 in. x 5 ft.. Rock Maple Handle per doz. $24.00 CANT HOOKS Fig. 318 Chisel Point or Old Time Hook For ordinary use in the woods or mill yards, the old time Cant Hook, with modern improve- ments, material, and workmanship is the best. No. 318. 21/2 in. X 4% ft.. Rock Maple Handle, Chisel Point Hook.. per doz. $18.50 Flgr. 72a Patent Combined Avith Duck Bill Hook The clasp and toe ring are connected so that it makes a guard that protects the stock from wearing, also holds the hook in the proper place and clasp from turning. It is the lightest and strongest Cant Hook ever manufactured. No. 722. 21/2 in. x 41/2 ft., Rock Maple Handle, Duck Bill Hook per doz. $19.40 TIMBER GRAPPLES OR LUG HOOKS Fig. 428 For handling railroad ties, telegraph poles, pulp wood, square timber, loading or unloading vessels, cars, or teams, building bridges and other kindred employment. No. 428. With 4 ft. Handle per doz. $25.00 No. 490. Extra heavy, 5 ft. Handle " 35.80 PICIiAROONS Fig. 354 Best Ohio White Ash, Twisted Point Pikes and hooks are forged from one piece of steel. Point twisted, three seamless polished steel rings, pikes screwed in with oil paint. No. 357. With 2 ft. Handles. per doz. $12.40 No. 350. With 41/2 ft. Handles. " 15.00 No. 353. With 6 ft. Handles. " 15.80 No. 354. With 8 ft. Handles. " 17.10 No. 406. With 10 ft. Handles. " 18.00 Figr. 381 STEEL PEAVEY OR CANT HOOK BOLTS No. 381. Per 100 $4.50 No. 407. With 12 ft. Handles. No. 408. With 14 ft. Handles. No. 409. With 16 ft. Handles. No. 410. With 18 ft. Handles. No. 411. With 20 ft. Handles. .per doz. $20.30 24.50 31.30 39.90 52.00 FlfiT. 564 CANT HOOK AND PEAVEY HOOKS 564. Duck Bill Peavey . . . .per doz. $9.70 9.70 No No. 369 No. 570. Chisel Point Cant Hook Round Peavey 8.80 Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo. 28- LUMBERMEN'S AND LOGGERS' ACCESSORIES BEST OHIO WHITE ASH PIGKAROONS Twisted Point " — — - : Lg.b.c.&co, Figr. 36 Pikes and hooks are forged from one piece of steel. Point twisted, tliree seamless polished steel rings, pikes screwed in with oil paint. No. 337. With 2 ft. handles. per doz. $12.40 No. 350. With 4% ft. handles. " 15.00 No. 353. With 6 ft. handles. " 15.80 No. 354. With 8 ft. handles. " 17.10 No, 406. With 10 ft. handles. " 18.00 No. 407. With 12 ft. handles. No. 408. With 14 ft. handles. No. 409. With 16 ft. handles. , No. 410. With 18 ft. handles.. No. 411. With 20 ft. handles. , per doz. 24.50 31. .30 39.90 52.00 NAVAL PIGKAROONS WITH HANDLES — f Flgr. 20% No. f20%. For Handling Pulp Wood, Cedar Posts, etc. Naval Pickaroons with handles, steel point, axe eye, 3 foot handle, .per doz. $12.50 LEATHER APRONS FOR LUMBER HANDLERS Made from extra heavy russet stuffed split leather, with one inch wide hip straps and roller buckles. All straps fastened with patent rivets, smooth heads on both sides. Best wearing aprons on the market. No. 561. Size 26x21 in . per doz. ,$24.00 No. 562. Size 26x24 in. with 3 in bib per doz. 2,5.50 No. 461. Size 26x27 in. with 6 in. bib and 33 in. neckstrap with buckle per doz. 30.00 No. 462. Size 24x26 in. with 6 in. bib and 33 in. neckstrap with buckle per doz. 27.00 Fig. 461 BENTON TALLY REGISTER KipT. 5«1 MARKING POTS No. 0. Records to 1,000 each $2.50 No. 1. Records to 10,000 " 3.50 Made out of IXX tin, pieced. Well made — not on the order of those cheap stamped ones now on the market. Something that will last. No. 1. 6x4 IXX tin per doz. $4.00 No. 2. 6x4 16-oz. copper " 7,00 FOn MARKING BRUSHES, SEE INDEX ,288 GEO-BeARPEM*TER « 60. LUMBER ROLLERS Fig. 741. Iron Side Roller The best and cheapest device on the market for quickly and cheaply loading and unloading lumber cars. We have in two lengths, regular and extra length; both are made of two inch pipe. Length, of roller, 15 inches. Regular Length Length of iron pipe, 4 feet. Length of screw, 16 inches. Entire length, 5 feet 4 inches each $10.00 Extra Length Length of iron pipe, 4 feet 6 inches. Length of screw, 16 inches. Entire length, 5 feet 10 inches each 10.80 DOUBLE EXTENSION LUMBER ROLLER This new double extension lumber roller can be instantly attached to not only any size door from 5 to 8 feet wide but also the ends of a gondola. Being made of a high quality 2 inch steel tubing it will not sag under any reasonable load even when fully extended. It is equipped with a square thread 1 Va inch steel screw on one end and a 3 foot beam on the other, which fits snugly into the main 4i^ foot beam, being held in place by a pin. The roller is easily adjustable to any position. Besides the Saving in Breakage, the Time Saved Alone Will Soon Pay for the Roller With 18 inch wood roller each $11.50 With 16 inch iron roller " 12.00 Fig. 743 TniBER TRUCK Regular nas t> mch iron roller, 17x20 inch frame made of 2 1^ inch tim- ber each $ 7.50 Extra heavy has 7 inch iron roller, 20x24 inch frame made of 3 inch tim- ber each Regular with concave roller, for pipe each Extra rollers for timber truck " Extra boxes for timber truck set 10.00 10.00 3.00 .50 Fig, C05IBINED HORSESHOE DOLLY AND TI3IBER ROLLER Horseshoe Dolly has 4 inch diameter roller; length of roller, 14 inches; horse- shoe is 1/^x11/^ inches, iron; length of horseshoe, 12 inches each $4.00 END ROLLERS End Roller has 4 inch diameter roller; length of roller, 14 inches. each $4.00 Fig. 745 No. No.- No. 000. Fig. 746. LUMBER GAUGES Nickel Plated Measures 1, l^^, 1%, 1%, 2 inch each $0.50 Measures %, Vz, %, %, Vs. 1, 1%, 1^/^, 1%, 2 each .50 Measures %,%, 1, 11/4, 2, 2% " .50 rig. 746 Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ eo. 289 Lumbermen's— WOOD AND IRON WORK— Loggers' strictly Extra Selected Second Growth Maple PEAVY HANDLES 1 CANT HOOK HANDLES No. 856. 21/^x5 ft. bored for Peavey .. doz. $6.20 | No. 855. 2 i^ in. x 41/2 ft. per doz. $5.80 LUG HOOK HANDLES No. 770. 4 ft. . per doz. $4.20 | No. 741. 5 ft per doz. $7.20 White Ash Handles for Pickeroons and Pike Poles No. No. No 74. 76. 76. 77. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 14 ft. per doz. $11.00 12 50 No. 78. 16 ft No. 79. 18 ft per doz. $21.00 " 30.00 " 13.50 No. 80. 20 ft " 45.00 No " 16.50 SKIDDING TONGS— IRON WORK Fig. 508 With RiBgtt SKroDING TONGS WITH SWIVEL HOOKS No. 504. 1 inch octagon steel. .. each $5.50 No. 505. IVs inch octagon steel. . . " 6.15 No. 506. 114 inch octagon steel. . . " 7.18 No. 507. l%x% inch flat steel... " 6.15 SKIDDING TONGS WITH RINGS No. 508. 1 inch octagon steel ... each $4.70 No. 509. 1% inch octagon steel. . . " 5.25 No. 510. 1% inch octagon steel. . . " 6.85 No. 511. l%x% inch flat steel. 5.25 GOODYEAR LOAD BINDERS For binding logs, hay, lumber, pipe or large loads of any description it has no equal. Weight 21 pounds per pair. Each $2.50 Per pair 5.00 Fig. 736 Fig. 737. JOIST OR TIMBER TONGS For Hoisting Timber, Scantlings, Flanks, Etc. 1 inch octagon steel each $3.75 1 Vi inch octagon steel " 5.50 %x% inch flat steel " 2.75 19 Fie- 737 290 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER ^ CO. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION PIKE POLES Flgr. 808 All our poles are made of aott, old growth, yellow Washington Fir, free from defects, absolutely straight grained and running from 14 to 18 annular rings to the inch. This fir has proved to be lighter and sLronger than any other kind and it dues not easily splinter off in the user's hands as do the hard, brittle varieties. It costs a little more than other kinds, but it is well worth it. All poles are nicely sanded before leaving- the factory. The pikes are of genuine hand-forged crucible steel with a long taper and screwed in. Fig. 808 STANDARD SMALL SIZE With Handles of 1%-inch even diameter Order by Number 1% inch, 10 foot, wt. per doz. 70 lbs per doz. $13.50 1% inch, 12 foot, wt. peT doz. 90 lbs per doz. 15.00 1% inch, 14 foot, wt. per doz. 110 lbs per doz. 17.0O 1 % inch, 16 foot, wt. per doz. 130 lbs per doz. 20.0O Fig. 808 STANDARD HEA\^ SIZE With Handles of 2i/4-inch even diameter Order by Number No. 809. 2 Vi inch x 10 foot, wt. per doz. 80 lbs per No. 810. 2% inch x 12 foot, wt. per doz. 100 lbs per No. 811. 2% inch x 14 foot, wt. per doz. 120 lbs per No. 812. 21/i inch x 16 foot, wt. per doz. 140 lbs per No. 813. 214, inch x 18 foot, wt. per doz. 170 lbs per No. 814. 2 1/4 inch x 20 foot, wt. per doz. 200 lbs per No. 815. 214 inch x 22 foot, wt. per doz. 230 lbs. . per No. 816. 2 V4, inch x 24 foot, ,wt. per doz. 260 lbs per No. 805. No. 806. No. 807. No. 808. doz. $18.00 doz. 20.50 doz. 23.50 doz. 26.50 doz. 30.00 doz. 34.50 doz. 41.00 doz. 47.00 Fig. 820 WESTERN ELECTRIC PATTERN These poles are 2% inches in diameter in the middle and taper to 2 inches at each end, giving the strongest and most efficient pole on the market. The extra strength is in the middle, just where it is needed. The pike is of %-inch square' crucible steel projecting 4 inches from the end of the pole and with a 2-inch taper. The pike is securely held in the pole by a 14 -inch rivet running through the ferrule, pole and pike itself. We cannot recommend this pole too highly. Order by Number No. 817. 2% inch x 10 foot, wt. per doz. 140 lbs pe'r doz. $2O.0O No. 818. 21/2 inch x 12 foot, Wt. per doz. 150 lbs per doz. 23.75 No. 81». 21/2 inch x 14 foot, wt. per doz. 165 lbs per doz. 27.50 No. 820. 21/2 inch x 16 foot, wt. per doz. 185 lbs per doz. 31.50 No. 821. 214 inch x 18 foot, wt. per doz. 215 lbs per doz. 35.00 No. 822. 2 1^ inch x 20 foot, wt. per doz. 240 lbs per doz. 39.00 No. 823. 2y2 inch x 22 foot, wt. per doz. 260 lbs per doz. 4.5.0O No. 824. 2% inch x 24 foot, wt. per doz. 285 lbs per doz. 50.00 GUARDED PIKE POLES Fig. 795 Handles made' of the same Select "Washington Fir as pike poles. The forks are ma with fork and socket cast in one piece. Order by Number No. 832. 10 foot, 1 % inch handle, wt. per doz. 100 lbs per No. 833. 12 foot, 1% inch handle, wt. per doz. 120 lbs per No. 834. 14 foot, 1% inch handle, wt. per doz. 140 lbs per No. 70.5. 16 foot, 1% inch handle, wt. per doz. 160 lbs per No. 796. 12 foct, 21/4 inch handle, wt. per doz. 165 lbs per No. 797. 14 foot, 214 inch handle, wt. per doz. 180 lbs per No. 83.5. 16 foot, 2% inch handle, wt. per doz. 195 lbs per No. 836. 18 foot, 2V4 inch handle, wt. per doz. 210 lbs per No. 837. 20 foot, 21/4 inch handle, wt. per doz. 235 lbs per No. 798. 22 foot, 2i/4 inch handle, wt. per doz. 250 lbs per No. 790. 24 foot, 214 inch handle, wt. per doz. 265 lbs per FOR OTHER STYLES OF ELECTRICIANS' TOOLS, SEE INDEX leabl e iron doz. $24.00 doz. 25.50 doz. 27.00 doz. 30.00 doz. 30.00 doz. 32.00 doz. 34 00 doz. 36 00 doz. 39.00 doz. 42.00 doz. 45.00 GE0-B-eARPEl4'TER ^ QO, TREE TRIMMERS 291 Fig. 912 Fig. 917 These trimmers are heavily constructed of a malleable iron socket and hook, to which is bolted the tool steel cutting knife, which is an integral part of the operating lever. This knife is operated by a rope either attached to a lever or loose, as desired. The knife automatically springs back into a cutting position when the limb is cut, being operated by a flat steel coil spring. This trimmer is somewhat heavier than others, but is just that much more efficient and will stand up under just that much harder work, and will easily cut a limb 1 }^ inches thick. It comes either without saw, 18 inches over all, or with saw, 26 inches over all. Threaded holes are provided on the trimmer with the saw in order that it may be used without the saw if desired or new saws put on in case of breakage. The socket is tapered slightly to provide for a tight drive fit on the pole. Handles of Washington Fir, 1% inches in diameter in lengths of 12 to 18 feet. Order by Number Xo. 912, Trimmer, no saw, weight per doz. 50 lbs per doz. $30.00 No. 917. Trimmer with saw, weight per doz. 6 lbs " 40.50 Extra saws only «« laioo Tree Trimmer Handles — One Piece No. 913. 12 foot, 1% inch diameter, wt. per doz. 8 lbs per doz. $10.00 No. 914. 14 foot, 1 % inch diameter wt. per doz. ] 00 lbs " 11.25 No. 915. 16 foot, 1 % inch diameter, wt. per doz. 120 lbs " 13.25 No. 916. 18 foot, 1% inch diameter, wt. per doz. 140 lbs " 16!25 Tree Trimmer Handles — Two Piece with Brass Ferrule No. 918. 12 foot, 1% inch diameter, wt. per doz. 90 lbs per doz. $20.00 No. 919. 14 foot, 1 % inch diameter, wt. per doz. 110 lbs " 21.25 No. 920. 16 foot, 1% inch diameter, wt. per doz. 13 lbs " 23^25 No. 921. 18 foot, 1 % inch diameter, wt. per doz. 150 lbs ' " 26.25 POST HOLE DIGGERS Eureka Pattera Eureka pattern. Half round handles; steel blades; size 9%x4% inches; 14 gauge. Digs holes 6 inches diameter. Handles 4 feet long. Weight per doz., 120 lbs. Packed three to a bundle. Price per doz $24.00 G. B. C. Pattern G. B. C. Steel blades. Malleable handle sockets bolted to round hardwood handles 4 feet long. Blades 9%x4% inches; 14 gauge. Digs holes 6 inches in diameter. Weight per doz., 120 lbs. Price per doz $24.00 POST HOLE AUGER Made with hollow steel tube stem, with steel boring blades and point. A proved auger for boring holes under ordinary conditions. Fig. 885 Xo Diameter stem wt. Trice inches feet lbs. each 885 6 3y2 5 $2.00 886 8 31/2 5 2.00 887 10 3V2 6 2.00 888 12 5 13 7.20 889 14 5 14 8.00 RAILROAD SCUFFLE HOES Special forged steel tempered blade, bronze finished steel cap. Selected straight 5 foot handle. Heavy malle- able shank. Size of blade 4x8% inches. Weight 46 lbs. per doz. Price per doz $15.00 292 Geo-B-Carpem'ter ^ eo. THE OSHKOSH POLE ANCHOR THE ONLY PERFECT ANCHOR ON THE MARKET FOR ANCHORING ALL STYLES AND KINDS OF POLES ?It is thoroughly automatic — requiring but one man to set it and no extra tools. It has the widest expansion in virgin soil of any anchor made — which means "maxi- mum resistance with minimum digging." Principle of expansion is hest, because, de- pending on the strain to expand it, its depen- dability increases (instead of decreases) as emergency strains are placed upon it. It cannot be carelessly set. If for any rea- son it is left in a partially expanded position, when a greater or emergency strain is placed upon it it will continue to expand until com- pletely expanded, when it will take the maxi- Fig. 938 Expanded ^^^^ resistance of the soil to affect it. ^^^- »3SA Closed Its peculiar construction will permit it to be used in rocky soil where other anchors fail. Owing to the convex top surface of the blades, it exerts a great resisting force, as the force is diffused outward, affecting a wider range of soil than any other anchor. As lines of resisting force are always vertical to the plane of the point of contact of force, the resisting force to the pas- sage of this anchor through the soil is fan-shaped — concentrating on the anchor blades. Inasmuch as anchors are placed for holding power not only under ordinary conditions, but in emergency cases, it would seem that this anchor, which has the greatest holding power and ability to absorb strain, should appeal to you, and any other consideration, such as first cost or method of expansion should be relegated to second place. Comparison of expanded areas of Oshkosh Anchors with other makes: 4 in. size 6 in. 8 in. size Oshkosh, expanded 11 in. 16^^ in. 22 in. in 4 ways Other makes, expanded H in- 15 in. in 2 ways only No. 934. 4 inch size, wt. 5 M: lbs each $0.8,5 No. 93G. 6 inch size, wt. 11 lbs " 1.00 No. 938. 8 inch size, wt. 20 lbs " 1.50 FOR AXCHOR RODS, GALVANIZED STRAIVD AND ROPE FITTINGS, SEE INDEX POST OR SEWER DIGGERS' MAULS BARK COVERED Fig. 700 "With extra selected hickory handles, clear through head. Handle has enlarged, or swelled end, making it impossible for maul head to come off. Mauls are bark covered; ends are bound with extra heavy forged rings. Sizes, inches 7x9 6x12 7x13 Price each $3.50 3.90 4.30 POST OR SEWER DIGGERS' MAUL HANDLES Extra handles for above Mauls I per doz. $5.00 FOR IRON MAULS, SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo. 293 GENUINE KLEIN ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION TOOLS Fig. 1609-20 Galvanized finish. No. Size 1609-20. For No, 1609-30. For No 1609-40. For No GENUINE KLEIN'S "COME LONG" GRIP Weight per doz. 8 wire and smaller 12 lbs. 6 wire and smaller 24 lbs. wire and smaller 27 lbs. Price per doz. $ 8.00 10.00 12.00 GENUINE KLEIN'S IMPROVED HAVEN'S GRIP Fig. 1625-20 Weight Price No. per doz. perdoz. 1625-20 69 lbs. $55.75 Improved Klein Haven's Grip adapted for hand- ling plain or stranded wire from No. 6 to % inch in diameter. The particular feature of construction is the ad- dition of a swing- latch which engages with stud on the lower jaw, this centralizes the pressure on the cross-bolt, which is strongly made of turned ma- chined steel. The body and handle of this clamp are made of steel forging and the eccentric of hard- ened steel. This tool is the outgrowth of a demand for a clamp to accommodate larger than % inch wire cable. KLEIN'S COMIVION GENUINE KLEIN'S "CHICAGO GRIP' No. 1613-20. ■rice each 1613-30. 1613-40. 1613-50. lb. lb. lbs. lbs. 4.50 5.(V) 8.00 12.00 Size For No. 10 wire and smaller 1 For No. 6 wire and smaller H^ For No. wire and smaller 2% For No. 0000 wire and smaller 7 V^ The Chicago Grip is made entirely of steel. The main body piece and lever are steel, drop forged. The draw parts are wrought steel. The gripping jaws are machined smooth. Rivets are machine turned and the workmanship throughout is first class. The grip was designed primarily for use on copper wire but will work equally well, on iron or steel wire. It pulls straight without leaving kinks in the wire. It is handy to put on and holds itself in place by a string actuating on the compressing lever. Use this grip on your most exacting work. PAY-OUT REEL \Veight Price No. each each 4600-1 40 lbs. $10.00 Substantially built of hard wood and reinforced with steel plates. A good reel for the repair wagon. We also furnish reel spools with turnpin and disk, without base, for wagon reels or for multiple stringing. Guard Pins are adjustable for 12 inch, IS inch or 24 inch Coils. Fig. 4600-1 KLEIN'S PAY-OUT REEL ON BARROW LIGHT REEL, — For Telephone Work Weight Price No. each each 4601-1 80 lbs. $16.00 Constructed of hard wood and reinforced with steel plates. The barrow is supported by substan- tially made steel legs side braced and bolted through the wood. Built to stand hard usage. Guard Pins are adjustable for 12 inch, 18 inch or 24 inch Coils. FlK. 4601-2 Fig. 4601-1 HEAVY REEL, For Electric Light AVork Weight Price No. each each 4601-2 90 lbs. $20.00 All wood parts are made of oak mortised and bolted together and reinforced with steel plates. Carried on strong well braced legs bolted through the wood. The guard pins are adjustable for 12 inch, 18 inch or 24 inch Coils. Built to stand hard usage. FOR OTHER ELECTRICAL TOOLS, SEE INDEX 294 GEO-BCARPEhfTER ^ Go. DIGGING BARS Our bars are all hand-made of specially selected crucible steel. It is a waste of money to purchase cheap bars, for they will bend or break on the first hard job; or, if they are too brittle, the" digging- blade will chip off. The steel that goes into our bars is rolled for just this purpose and the small additional cost to the user is more than justified by the additional service! derived. CROW AND DIGGING BARS Fig. 106O Order hy number No. 1060. 1 inch octagon, 6 foot long, weight 17 lbs each ?2.70 No. 1061. 1 inch octagon, 7 foot long, weight 20 lbs each 3.0O No. 1002. 1 inch octagon, 8 foot long, weight 23 lbs each 3.30 No. 1063. 1% inch octagon, 6 foot long, weight 22 lbs each 3.60 No. 1064. IVs inch octagon, 7 foot long, weight 26 lbs . .each 3.90 No. 1065. 1% inch octagon, 8 foot long, weight 30 lbs each 4.25> TAMPING AND DIGGING BARS » « Fig. 1070 Order by number No. 1070. 1 inch octagon, 6 foot long, weight 17 lbs each $3.30 No. 1071. 1 inch octagon, 7 foot long, weight 20 lbs each 3.60 No. 1072. 1 inch octagon, 8 foot long, weight 23 lbs each 3.S0 No. 1073. 1% inch octagon, 6 foot long, weight 22 lbs each 3.70 No. 1074. IVs inch octagon, 7 foot long, weight 26 lbs each 4.00 No. 1075. 1 Vs inch octagon, 8 foot long, weight 30 lbs each 4.50 DIGGING SPUD WITH TAMPER Fig. 852 Order by number An especially fine all-steel digging and tamping tool. The handle is of steel pipe and the tamping- head and blade are shrunk onto the handle, there being no possibility of either working loose. The blade and its socket are one piece of forged crucible' steel. No. 852. 9 foot long, weight 234 lbs per doz., 945.00 LOY OR SLICK Fig. 853 Order by number The most useful construction tool made for digging post holes. The handle' is of 2-inch select maple and the blade is of tool steel 4 inch x 1/2 inch burned onto the handle and held by two large rivets. The blade being off to one' side gives great leverage when prying. These can be had in any length not No. 853. 8 foot handle, we^ight 210 lbs per doz„ $40.50 TAMPING BARS With Heavy Iron Shoe Fig. 854 Order by number Made with select 2-inch maple handles with a l%x%-inch steel shoe securely riveted on them. A strong and serviceable' tool. No. 8.54. 7 foot handle, weight 150 lbs per doz., $18.50 No. 855. 8 foot handle, weight 170 lbs per doz., 20.00 Fig. 842 POLE SUPPORTS AVooden Jenney Pole Supiiorts The 6-foot is made of 2-inch by 3-inch and the 7-foot and 8-foot of 21/2- inch by 3 1/2 -inch rock maple, carefully selected. The entire support is heavily bolted and braced. The fork is of hand-forged crucible steel. These are light, strong and not expensive. Order by number No. S42. 6 foot, weight 30 lbs each $7.50 No. 84.3. 7 foot, weight 57 lbs each 8.25 Fig. 842 No. 844. 8 foot, weight 62 lbs each 9.00 FOR SHOVELS. PICKS, GRUB HOES AND MATTOCKS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-GAIiPEffTER ^ eo. BARS AND RAIL TONGS RAIL TONGS 295 Weight about 17 lbs. Price, per pound. RAIIi FORKS Fig. 1090 $0.30 Fig. 1100 Weight about 15 lbs. Price per pound. . .$0.2" SHACKIiE BAR Fig. lieOA Size, 11/^ Inches in the square; length, 5 ft. 10 in. Price each $6.00 Special sizes made to order. CROW — PINCH BAR Fig. 1160. \Vedge Point Crow Bar Fig. 1101. Pinch Point Pinch Bar Fig. 1150. Lining Bar Crow, pinch, lining bars, steel, 12 lbs. to 50 lbs per lb. $0.12 For carpenters' goone necit, ^rerklns and small crow, pinch and lining; bars, «ec index. CLAW BAR Fig, 1120 Extra quality, weight about 28 lbs. per lb. $0.22 GOOSE NECK CLAW BARS Solid Cast Steel Goose neck on one end, wedge point for start- ing the board under spike, on the other. Weight about 25 lbs. Price per pound. . .$0.22 TAMPING BAR Fig. 1140 Weight about 14 lbs. Price per pound. .$0.06 POINTED DIGGING BARS Fig. 1160C Cast Steel. Price per pound $0.35 Tool Steel. Price per pound 50 Weight of IVs inch, octagon, 8 ft. long, ,30 lbs. DIGGING AND TAMPING BAR Fig. 1161B Cast Steel. Price per pound $0.35 Tool Steel. Price per pound 50 Weight of IVa inch, octagon, 8 ft. long, 30 lbs. 296 GEO•B•CARPE^fTER « CO, CARPENTER'S CLAW AND WRECKING BARS HAMMER FORGED FROM OCTAGON TOOL STEEL Properly Forged, Shaped, Ground and Tempered Figr. 544A. Claw and Bent Chisel Bnd Fig. 544B. Claw and Straight Chisel End Fig. 544C. Claw and Taper Round End Fig. 544D. Bent Chisel and Taper Round End I^ength inches j 18 I 21 i 24 | 30 | 36 | 36 Size of Octagon Steel. . 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 1 List per doz |$5.50[$6.501$8.00|$9.50|$14.00|$18.00 COMPOUND LEVER BARS Pi'operly shaped. Tempered ends. Hammer forged from Octagon Tool Steel. FOR CARPENTERS, CAR BUILDERS, HOUSE WRECKERS AND GENERAL USE Fig. 544B Length inches 1 12 1 18 1 21 1 21 | 30 | 30 | 36 | 36 Size of Octagon Steel 1 V2 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 Vs \ VS 1 1 List per doz 1 $4.00 1 $6.00 1 $7.00 1 $9.00 |$10.50|$13.50|$1,5.00|$20.00 GOOSE NECK BARS Made in Two Sizes. Hammer Forged from Octagon Tool Steel Fig. 544F Length inches 1 24 1 20 1 SO Size of Octagon Steel i S/. 13/, 1 7/„ List per doz. . . 1 .«Q nn l.«in i^nL«i.ouble, with Becket In Ordei'ing Specify Size of Shell and State if Becket is Wanted With Common Bushed Iron With Patent Bushed Iron Sh eaves, each Sheaves, each Size Sheave Mortise For Diam. Size Shell inches inches Rope, in. inches Single Double Triple Smgle Double Triple 1%X 1/2X% T% % 3 $0.70 $1.30 $1.75 $1.10 $2.00 $2.90 2 X y2x% fn % 3y2 .75 1.45 2.00 1.15 2.20 3.15 2i4x %x% u V2 4 .85 1.60 2.15 1.20 2.25 3.25 3 X %x% Ys % 5 .90 1.75 2.25 1.25 2.35 3.50 31/2x1 xy2 1 % 6 1.10 2.00 2.90 1.50 2.85 4.40 4y4Xl xVz lyg 7s 7 1.30 2.40 3.50 1.70 3.35 5.00 4%xiy8x% ly* 1 8 1.65 2.85 4.25 2.25 4.15 6.00 5y2xiy8x% iy4 1 9 1.85 3.40 4.75 2.50 4.70 7.25 6y4xiy4x% 1% lys 10 2.75 4.50 6.25 3.50 6.00 8.50 8 xl%x% iy2 ly* 12 4.45 7.50 10.65 5.30 9.20 13.20 9y2xi%xy8 1% 1% 14 7.00 10.50 15.00 8.15 12.80 18.45 11 xl%x% 178 lya 16 10.00 15.00 22.00 11.50 18.00 26.50 Dimensions With Self-Lubricating-, Bushed Sheaves Size Sheave inches Mortise inches For Diam. Rope, inches Size Shell inches Single Double Triple 2%x %x% 3 X %x% 3y2xi xy2 4y4xi XV2 4%xiy8x% 5y2xiy8x% 6y4xiy4x% 8 Xl3/8X% gyoxis/gxyg 11 xi%xy& IVs iy8 iy4 iy4 1% iy2 1% lys 1 1 iy8 iy4 1% iy2 $1.50 1.75 2.20 2.50 3.25 3.70 4.7 5 6.75 9.75 14.00 $2.90 3.35 4.00 4.50 5.70 6.75 8.50 12.50 17.00 24.00 $4.15 4.75 5.80 6.70 8.50 10.00 12.50 18.50 25.00 34.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVE^. SEE IXDEX 300 GEO•B•eAXPE^fTER ^ Qo. CONTRACTORS' BLOCKS With Extra Heavy Flattened Loose Hooks or Shackles. Cross Bolted Shells The Sheaves in These Blocks are all Galvanized In Ordering Specify Size of Shell and State if Becket is Wanted Single Triple Fig. 546 Fig. 547 SPECIAIi CONTRACTORS' HEAVY WOOD SHELL BLOCKS With Heavy Flattened Hooks Can furnish with shackles if desired. On account of its rigid construction and moderate cost, this block is becoming almost universal with the contracting trade. Dimensions Size Sheave inches 3 X 3/4X3/8 31/2X1 XV2 41/4X1 XV2 4%Xiy8X% 5V2XlV8X% 6i4xiy4X% 8 Xl3/8X% 9V2Xl%Xy8 For Diam. Length Rope Shell inches inches % 5 % 6 78 7 1 8 1 9 IVa 10 IVi 12 1% 14 Self-Adjusting Five-Roller Bushed Single each $1.25 1.50 1.70 2.25 2.50 3.50 5.30 8.15 Double each ; 2.35 2.85 3.35 4.15 4.70 6.00 9.20 12.80 Triple each ; 3.50 4.40 5.00 6.00 7.25 8.50 13.20 18.45 Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Bushed, Self- Lubricatine: Single each $1.75 2.20 2.50 3.25 3.70 4.75 6.75 9.75 Double each ; 3.35 4.00 4.50 5.70 6.75 8.50 12.50 17.00 Triple each ; 4.75 5.80 6.70 8.50 10.00 12.50 18.50 25.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX GEO-BeARPErfTER « CO. 301 HEAVY THICK MORTISE WOOD SHELL IRON STRAPPED BLOCKS Harcourt's Patent For Manila Rope With Extra Heavy Loose Side Hooks and Straps. Double Cross Bolted Shells Hooks Flattened When so Ordered Single Double Triple Fig. 552 Fig. 553 Fig. 554 These Blocks are Adapted for Railroads, Mining, Bridge Building and Contractors' Work The five-roller bushed blocks are the strongest roller bushed blocks made. We recommend our self-lubricating bushed blocks for heavy and rapid work. The bushing is the life of the block and the extra cost of the metaline bushed sheaves is more than repaid by increased life to the block. Can Furnish with Shackles. Prices on Application In ordering specify size of Shell and state if becket is wanted. Dimensions Iron Bushed Improved Roller Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Brushed, Self- Lubricating Size Sheave For Dia. Rope inches Length Single Double Triple Single Double Triple Single Double Triple inches Inches each each each each each each each each each 31/^x1 x% % 6 $2.00 $3.50 $5.00 $2.75 $5.00 $7.25 $4.00 $7.00 $9.00 4 xlVsX^ 7 2.25 4.00 5.50 3.00 5.50 7.75 4.25 7.30 10.00 4%xl%x% 1 V& 8 2.75 4.50 6.30 3.50 6.00 8.55 5.00 9.00 13.00 5i^xl%x% 1 ^ 9 3.15 5.25 7.25 4.00 6.95 9.80 5.75 10.50 15.00 6^xl%x% 1 ^ 10 4.00 6.50 8.50 5.25 9.00 12.25 7.25 13.50 19.00 7 xl^x% IV4 11 5.25 8.50 12.50 6.50 11.00 16.25 9.25 17.00 25.00 8 xl%x% 1% 12 5.25 8.50 12.50 6.50 11.00 16.25 9.25 17.00 25.00 9 xl%x% 1% 13 8.00 13.00 17.00 9.75 16.50 22.25 13.00 23.50 33.00 9%xl%x% 1% 14 8.00 13.00 17.00 9.75 16.50 22.25 13.00 23.50 33.00 10 xl%x% 1% 15 9.00 15.00 20.00 11.00 19.00 26.00 15.00 26.50 37.00 11 x2^xl 16 11.50 18.00 28.00 14.00 23.00 35.50 18.00 32.00 48.00 We FiH-nish Beckets in All Single, One-Half, Double and One-Third Triple Blocks, Without Charge 302 GEO-BeAIiPEM*TER ^ eO. WOOD SHELL IRON STEEL SHELL SNATCH STRAPPED SNATCH BLOCKS BLOCKS FOR MANILA ROPE Fig. 605 Drop Link Fig. 607 The Heads and Links of these Blocks are Drop Forged, Furaished with Flattened Hooks When Desired Edges of Steel Block Shells nicely rounded In Ordering Specify Size of Shell Size Sheave inches For Diam. Rope inches Length Shell inches Iron Bushed each Improved Roller Bushed each Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Bushed, each 3 XlVsX 1/2 % 6 $ 4.00 $ 4.65 $ 5.25 3%xliAx 1/2 % 7 4.75 5.50 6.00 4^xl%x % 1 8 5.75 6.60 7.25 5 xl%x % IVs 9 6.75 7.75 8.50 5%xl%x % 1% 10 8.50 10.00 11.00 6%x2y8X % IV2 12 10.00 11.50 13.00 8 X2V4X 7s 1% 14 13.00 15.00 16.50 9 x2%xl 2 16 17.00 20.00 22.00 10 x3 xlVs 21/4 18 25.00 28.50 31.00 11 X3 1/2X1^ 21/2 20 38.00 43.00 46.00 Il%x4y4xli^ 3 22 55.00 63.00 68.00 121/2x41/2x1^ 3y2 24 70.00 78.00 86.00 14 x4%xl% 4 26 90.00 110.00 FOR KXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAItPENfTER « CO. 303 Wood Shell EXTRA HEAVY OUTSIDE IRON STRAPPED SNATCH BLOCKS For Manila Rope These Extra Heavy Blocks are made throughout in the best possible manner. Every detail, from the selection of the materials to the workmanship and finish, has been given the most careful attention. Flattened Swivel Hooks. Phosphor Bronze. Self lubri- cating bushed. Favorite with Bridge Builders and General Contractors. Fig. 614 In Ordering Specify Size of SheU Sheave, inches Dia. Rope inches Shell inches Price each 41/4x1 X % 5 Xli4x % 5 xl%X % 6y2xl%xl 71/4X2 Xll/s 8 x2 1/2x1% 9 x3 xl 1/2 10 x3 1/2x1% % 1 1% IV2 1% 2 21/2 3 10 11 12 14 151/2 16 1/2 18 21 $8.55 9.35 9.75 12.00 17.50 19.00 24.00 35.00 Steel Shell EXTRA HEAVY EXTRA THICK MORTISE IRON STRAPPED BLOCKS HARCOURT'S PATENT For Railroad Wrecking Cars Contractors' and Steamboat Use With Lashing Shackles For Manila Rope In ordering specify size of Shell, and state if Becket is wanted Triple SL mi Pig. 568 Dimensions Iron Bushed Improved Roller Bushed Size Sheave inches For Dia. Rope inches Length Shell inches Single each Double each Triple each Single each Double each Triple each 11 x2%xl 12 x2% xll/s 13y2x2%xl% 14y2x3%xiy2 I5y2x3y8xiy2 17 X4%Xl3/4 2 2% 2y2 3 31/2 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 $12.50 15.00 21.00 26.00 32.00 65.00 $23.00 29.00 37.00 48.00 56.00 95.00 $35.00 42.00 54.00 70.00 84.00 140.00 $15.00 18.00 25.00 35.00 43.00 $28.00 35.00 45.00 65.00 80.00 $43.00 52.00 65.00 95.00 120.00 Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Self-Lubricating Bushed Length Shell inches Single Double Triple Fourfold 16 18 20 22 24 26 $18.00 23.00 32.00 38.00 46.00 75.00 $35.00 44.00 54.00 70.00 85.00 115.00 $51.00 63.00 77.00 100.00 125.00 170.00 $69.00 86.00 109.00 138.00 171.00 245.00 Above Blocks 1 itted with Rings w tienlo preferred. 304 Geo-BCahpeN'ter ^ So. CARPENTER PERFECT METAL BLOCKS Pressed Steel. Indestructible With Loose Side Hooks For Manila Rope Fig. 583 Fig. 584 Fig. 585 The outer edges of middle partitions, as well as the sides of shell are specially rounded to protect the rope. Both outside and middle straps extend full length of shell. Standard size sheaves are used in these Blocks. Beckets are furnished on all singles, Yz doubles and % triples without charge. In Ordering Specify Size of Sliell and State if Beckct is Wanted Dimensions I -on Bushed Improved Roller Bushed Phosphor Bronze Bushed, Self-Lubricating Size Sheave, For Diam. Length Shel Single Double Triple Single Double Triple Single Double Triple inches Rope inches inclies each each each each each each each each each 1%X ^X% A 21/2 $0.45 $0.80 ... ... l%x ^x% % 3 .70 1.30 $1.75 $1.10 $2.00 $2.90 . . . 2 X %x% % 3y2 .7.5 1.45 2.00 1.15 2.20 3.15 $1.50 $2.90 $4.15 2%x %x% Va 4 .85 1.60 2.15 1.20 2.25 3.25 1.75 3.35 4.75 3 X %x% % 5 .90 1.75 2.25 1.25 2.35 3.50 2.20 4.00 5.80 SVsxl xVz % 6 1.10 2.00 2.90 1.50 2.85 4.40 2.50 4.50 6.70 4%xl xVz % 7 1.30 2.40 3.50 1.70 3.35 5.00 3.25 5.70 8.50 4%xiy8X% 1 8 1.65 2.85 4.25 2.25 4.15 6.00 8.70 6.75 10.00 5%xl%x5/8 IVb 9 1.85 3.40 4.75 2.50 4.70 Y.25 4.75 8.50 12.50 6%xiy2X% 1% 10 2.75 4.50 6.25 3.50 6.00 8.50 6.75 13.50 18.50 7y2xl%x% 1% 12 4.45 7.50 10.65 5.30 9.30 13.20 9.75 17.00 25.00 8^xi%xy8 1V2 14 7.00 10.50 15.00 8.15 12.80 18.45 FOR EXTRA SHEAVGS, SEE INDEX GEO-BCARPENfTER « 60. 30c CARPENTER PERFECT METAL BLOCKS Pressed Steel. Indestructible With Shackles For Manila Rope single Triple Fig. 58a Fig. 5S7 Fig. 588 These Blocks are constructed the same as those on the preceding page, except that same have shackles instead of hooks. In Ordering Specify Size of Shell and Stat© if Becket is Wanted Dimensions Iron Bushed Improved Phosphor Bronze Bushed, Roller Bushed Self-Lubricatins- Size Sheave For Diam. Lengtii Sliell inclies Single Double Triple Single Double Triple Single Double Triple inches Rope, inches each each each each each each each each each l%x f^xV^ .7^ 21/^ $0.45 $0.80 l%x ViX% % 3 . .70 1.30 $1.75 $1.10 $2.06 $2.90 2 X %x% V2 3y2 .75 1.45 2.00 1.15 2.20 3.15 $1.50 $2.90 $4.15 2%x %x% 3 X ^x% V2 4 .85 1.60 2.15 1.20 2.25 3.25 1.75 3.35 4.75 % 5 .90 1.75 2.25 1.25 2.35 3.50 2.20 4.00 5.80 3VaXl X14 % 6 1.10 2.00 . 2.90 1.50 2.85 4.40 2.50 4.50 6.70 4y4Xl x% 7s 7 1.30 2.40 3.50 1.70 3.35 5.00 3.25 5.70 8.50 i%xl%x% 1 8 1.65 2.85 4.25 2.25 4.15 6.00 3.70 6.75 10.00 5%xl%x% IVs 9 1.85 3.40 4.75 2.50 4.70 7.25 4.75 8.50 12.50 6%xl%x% ly* 10 2.75 4.50 6.25 3.50 6.00 8.50 6.75 12.50 18.50 7y2Xl%x% 1% 12 4.45 7.50 10.65 5.30 9.20 13.20 9.75 17.00 25.00 8%xl%x% 1% 14 7.00 10.50 15.00 8.15 12.80 18.45 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX 30G GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER « QO. CARPENTER IMPROVED STEEL TACKLE BLOCKS With Loose Side Hooks. Thick Mortise For Manila Rope Single Triple Fig. 577 Fig. 578 Fig. 579 An improved heavy plate Steel Block, built for rough usage. Hooks and Straps are Forged Steel, and edges of Shells are nicely rounded to protect rope. Blocks have a fine black japan finish. In Ordering Specify Size of Shell and State if Becket is Wanted [mproved Her Bush Phosphor Bronze or Dimensio ns Iron Bushed Ro ed Metaline Bushed, Self -Lubricating Diam. Sheaves, inches For Dia. Rope inches Length Shell inches Single Double Triple Single Double Triple Single Double Triple each each each each each each each each each 2V4. V2 4 $0.90 $1.75 $2.50 $1.40 $2.60 $3.75 $1.65 $3.25 $4.75 3 % 5 1.00 1.90 2.75 1.50 2.90 4.25 1.80 3.50 5.15 ZV2 % 6 1.25 2.25 3.25 1.75 3.25 4.75 2.10 4.00 5.80 4^ % 7 1.50 2.70 4.00 2.10 3.85 5.80 2.45 4.60 6.85 4% 1 8 1.85 3.20 4.75 2.55 4.60 6.85 2.90 5.30 7.90 5V2 IVs 9 2.40 4.00 5.50 3.20 5.60 7.90 3.55 6.30 9.00 6% IV4 10 3.10 5.10 7.00 4.05 7.00 9:85 4.40 7.70 11.00 8 IV2 12 5.00 8.25 11.75 6.00 10.35 14.90 6.45 11.15 16.00 9% 1% 14 7.50 11.75 16.50 8.75 14.25 20.25 9.10 15.00 21.30 11 2 16 13.00 21.00 32.00 14.00 24.00 35.00 15.00 25.00 38.00 12 2% 18 22.00 35.00 50.00 • 25.00 41.00 59.00 13 V2 2% 20 30.00 50.00 65.00 34.00 58.00 77.00 Sheaves in 8 inch Blocks and smaller are same sizes as in Regular Wood Blocks. See Index. Sheaves in 9 inch Blocks and larger are same sizes as in Thick Mor^iae Blocks, See in^ex. GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ Go. 3o; CARPENTER IMPROVED STEEL TACKLE BLOCKS Extra Wide Mortise With Shackles For Manila Rope Single Double Triple Fig. 580 Fig. 581 An improved heavy plate Steel Block; extra wide mortise to prevent rope from "binding" in wet weather. ^ Can Furnish in any Capacity. Price on Application In Ordering Specify Size of Shell and if Becket is Wanted \ Phosphor Bronze or Dimensions Iron Bushed Metaline Bushed, Self-Lubricati ig Size Sheave, For Diam. Rope inches Length Shell Sing-le Double Triple Single Double Triple inches inches each each each each each each 4%xlV8X % 1 8 $2.75 $4.50 $6.30 $3.85 $6.70 $9.60 5y2Xl%x % lyg 9 3.15 5.25 7.25 4.40 7.75 11.00 eiixivax 3/4 1% 10 4.00 6.50 8.50 5.50 9.50 13.00 8 xl%x % lya 12 6.25 10.25 15.00 7.85 13.50 20.00 gygxiygx % 1% 14 9.00 15.00 20.00 11.00 19.00 26.00 11 x2i4xl 2 16 13.00 21.00 32.00 15.50 26.00 39.50 12 x2%xiy8 2y, 18 20.00 35.00 50.00 23.00 41.00 59.00 13y2x2%xl% 2Vz 20 28.00 45.00 65.00 32.00 53.00 77.00 I4y2x3%xiy2 I5y2x3%xiy2 17 X4y2Xl3/4 3 3% 4 22] i'rices quoted upon application. Name size Block and weight of lo ad. Above Blocks fitted with rings instead of shackles, when so preferred. FOR EXTRA SHEAVES. SEE IXDEX 308 Geo-B-CaiipeN'ter s Go. CARPENTER SPECIAL STEEL TACKLE BLOCKS With Loose Side Hooks For Manila Rope For general use where Loads are light we recommend these Blocks. They are lighter than Wood Blocks and equally strong. As there is no danger of shells split- ting, they are more durable. They are japanned and baked hard, giving them a beautiful finish. Forged Steel Hooks, Straps, Pins and Shells. Straps extend full length of shell, giving strength and rigidity to the blocks, and furnishing proper support for Beckets. Shells have rounded edges to protect rope. Fig. 571 Single with Becket Fig. 573 Double witli Becket Fig. 573 Triple with Becket (n Ordering Specify Size of Shell and State if Becket is Wanted With Common Bushed Iron With Patent Bushed Iron - Sheaves, each Sh eaves, each Size Sheave Mortise For Diani. Size Shell Single Double Triple Single Double Triple inches inches Rope, in. inches 1%X 1/2X3/8 r% % 3 $0.70 $1.30 $1.75 $1.10 $2.00 $2.90 2 X %x% •IS % 31/2 .75 1.45 2.00 1.15 2.20 3.15 2%x %x% \h V2 9 4 .85 1.60 2.15 1.20 2.25 3.25 3 X %x% 78 % 5 .90 1.75 2.25 1.25 2.35 3.50 31/2x1 XI/2 1 % 6 1.10 2.00 2.90 1.50 2.85 4.40 414x1 XI/2 IVs % 7 1.30 2.40 3.50 1.70 3.35 5.00 4%Xll/8X% 1^ 8 1.65 2.85 4.25 2.25 4.15 6.00 51/2Xll/8X% 1% 9 1.85 3.40 4.75 2.50 4.70 7.25 6 14x1 1/4 x% 1% IVs 10 2.75 4.50 6.25 3.50 6.00 8.50 8 Xl 3/8X3/4 11/2 11/4 12 4.45 7.50 10.65 5.30 9.20 13.20 9i/^xl%x% 1% 14 7.00 10.50 15.00 8.15 12.80 18.45 11 Xl3/^x% 1% IV2 16 10.00 15.00 22.00 11.50 18.00 26.50 Di mensions w ith Self-L ubricating , Bushed Sheaves Size Sheave, Mortis e Fc r Diam. Size SI Niell Sing-le Doubl rriple inches inche s R ope, m. inch es 21/4X %x% « V2 4 $1.50 $2.9( $4.15 3 x %x% % % 5 1.75 3.3E 4.75 31/2x1 XVz IVs % 6 2.20 4.0( 5.80 41/4x1 XV2 IVs Vs 7 2.5-0 4.5( 6.70 4 34xli/8X% 1% 8 3.25 5.7( 8.50 51/2Xll/8X% ly* 9 3.70 6.7E 10.00 6 1/4x1 1/4 x% 1% IVs 10 4.75 8.5( 12.50 8 Xl3/8X3^ 1V2 IV4 12 6.75 12. 5( 18.50 91/2x1 %x% 1% 1% 14 9.75 17. 0( 25.00 11 xi%xy8 1% IV2 16 14.00 24. 0( 34.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ SO. 309 'HARTZ" STEEL TACKLE BLOCKS With Safety Link Hook Fig. 1000 Single, with Beeket Double, with Beeket Fiff. 1002 Triple, with Beeket We have been Selling Agents for these Blocks for over forty years, and know them to be among the first in quality and service. Special Attention is called to the Safety Link Hook. We can furnish these blocks with STIFF SWIVEL HOOKS or GALVANIZED at an advance in price. REGULAR MORTISE In Ordering Specify Size of Shell and State if Beeket is Wanted Diameter Rope Length of Shell inches Descrip- tion Plain Bushed Steel Roller Bushed Self-Lubricating Bushed Blocks Sheaves each each Blocks each Sheaves each Blocks each Sheaves each 2ViX Hx % Vi 4 Single Double Triple $0.85 1.60 $1.30 2.15 $1.20 2.25 3.25 $0.55 $1.50 2.90 4.10 $0.90 2%x %x ^„ % 5 Single Double Triple .90 1.75 .15 2.25 1.25 2.35 3.50 .65 1.65 3.25 4.50 .65 3iAxl X 1/2 % 6 Single Double Triple 1.10 2.00 .25 2.90 1.50 2.85 4.40 .75 1.95 3.70 5.45 1.10 4y4xiy8x f^ % 7 Single Double Triple 1.30 2.40 .33 3.50 1.70 3.35 5.00 .90 2.25 4.30 6.35 1.30 4%xiy4x % 1 8 Single ^Double Triple 1.65 2.85 .40 4.25 2.25 4.15 6.00 1.10 2.75 5.05 7.55 1.45 5y2xiy2x \h lys 9 Single Double Triple 1.85 3.40 .50 475 1 2.50 3.10 4.70 1.30 5.90 .7.25 1 8.50 1.65 6 xl%x % iy4 1% 10 Single Double Triple 2.75 4.50 6.25 .65 3.50 6.00 8.50 1.60 4.15 7.30 10.45 1.95 7y2Xl3/4X % 12 Single Double Triple 4.45 7.50 10.65 1 5.30 .95 9.20 13.20 2.00 6.05 10.70 15.45 2.40 8y2xiy8xi iy2 14 Single Double Triple 7.00 1 8.15 10.50 1.20 1 12.80 2.50 15.00 1 1 18.45 1 8.85 14.20 20.55 1 2.85 All the above Blocks larger than 8 inch are virtually Wide Mortise Blocks. All Steel Roller Bushed Sheaves in blocks 6 inch and less have five roller Larger have six roller bushed. bushed Sheaves. 310 Geo-B-CarpeiTter « Go. WROUGHT IRON GIN BLOCKS FOR MANILA ROPE With Swivel Hooks Pig. 600 In Ordering, Please Specify Diameter of Sheave Diameter Sheave, inches . . For Diameter Rope, inches Price, Iron Bushed, each . . . Price, Roller Bushed, each . Price, Self-Lubricating, each $3.15 $4.00 $4.75 3.50 4.40 5.15 3.85 4.70 5.50 12 14 16 18 20 1 11/4 11/2 11/2 IVa 22 4.20|4.55|5.25|5.80|6.30| 8.40| 9.80ill.90|13.30 5.40|5.7516.55|7.10|7.60| 9.7 0|11.10|13.00114.40 6.20|6.55|7.35|7.9 0|8.50|10.7 0112.10|14.00|15.50 WROUGHT IRON GIN ICE BLOCKS Upper Block — Swivel Hook LoAver Block Ii-on Plate — S\\ivel FOR THE ICE TRADE Strong Sheaves, Deep Grooves Self-IiUbricating Bushed In Ordering Specify Diameter of Sheave Pig. 601 Fig . 602 Diameter Sheave, inches 8 10 12 14 1 16 Price, Upper Block, each Price, Lower Block, each $5.00 $5.75 6.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 10.00 10.50 11.50 These blocks can be run at high speed without the use of oil, being self-lubricating, and are always ready for use. FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX Geo-B-Carpem'ter ^ eo. 311 ANVIL BRAND IMPROVED METAL SNATCH BLOCKS Open For Manila Rope Has a Positive Locking De- vise, Drop Forged Hooks, Heads and Links Fig. 611 Fie. 612 This block has the safest and most easily operated locking device of any on the market. Both sides of shell are same length — the inner surfaces being perfectly smooth and the outer edges being well rounded; there are no sharp or uneven points of contact to chafe the rope. The sheave has a bearing at hub only and, as the edges cannot wear against side of block, the groove is kept perfect for the rope. These blocks furnished with sheaves for Wire Rope, to order. In Ordering Specify Size of Shell Size Sheave, inches For Dia. Rope inches Length Shell inches Self-Lubricating: Iron Bushed each Improved Roller Bushed each Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Bushed, each 3 Xll/gX 1/2 Vb 6 $ 4.50 $ 5.15 $ 5.75 SVzXlViX V2 % 7 5.50 6.25 6.75 4y2xi%x % 1 8 6.50 7.35 8.00 5%xl%x % ly* 10 10.00 11.50 12.50 6%x2%x % iy2 12 12.50 14.00 15.50 8 x2y4X Ys 1% 14 16.00 18.00 19.50 9 x2%xl 2 16 21.00 24.00 26.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES. SEE IXDEX 313 GEO-B-eARPEJfTER S GO. STEEL LOADING AND LUMBERMEN'S BLOCKS Fig. 1101 Loading Block with Stiff Swivel Hook Fig. 1102 Loading Block with Grab Hook liink and Swivel Eye Fig. 1103 Lnniberniem's Block with Swivel Eye, I^oose Hook Description Plain Bushed Sheaves Self-Lubricating Bushed Sheaves Size Sheave Name of Block eh > •II 1 J^ ii is i ^^s S g "J >. ii inches TOCO) if. 5^- 5^^ ^oa ^o^ 5^« S^^ ^o« gou 5y8xi%x% Loading Blocks, with Stiff Swivel Hooks $22.50 $24.30 $7.20 $9.00 $30.00 $33.00 $18.00 $21.00 5y8xi%x% Loading Blocks, with Grab Hook, Link and Swivel Eye. . . 30.00 31.80 7.20 9.00 37.50 40.50 18.00 21.00 5y8xi%x% Lumbermen's Blocks with Swivel Eye, loose Hook and Becket 30.00 31.80 7.20 9.00 37.50 40.50 18.00 21 00 IRON SHEAVES FOR CHAIN Dimensions Prices Dimensions Prices Diam. inches Thick- ness inches Hole for Pin. Full Size inches For Chain inches Iron Bushed each Diam. inches Thick- ness inches Hole for Pin, Full Size inches For Chain inches Iron Bushed each 5 6 8 8 1% IVa 1% 2 % % % 1 % and ^ A " % A " % $0.80 .85 1.20 1.70 10 12 14 2 2y4 2y2 1 1 iy4 iV and Vz Vz " % $2.80 3.80 9.00 NOTE: — We list only sizes carried in stock. Can furnish any size to order. Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ eo. 313 MISCELLANEOUS BLOCKS AND WHEELS Fig. 635 TEAM SNATCH BLOCK For Wire Rope Flatted Hook. Drop Forged Head. Steel Shell with edges nicely rounded to prevent cutting rope. Steel Straps. Steel Center Pin. In ordering specify size of Sheave. Size Sheave, in. 6x1x1 Sxl^xlVs 10x1^2X11/4 Lgth. Shell, in. 10 14 16 For diam. Wire Rope ... .in. V2 % % Weight . . . lbs. 13 24 42 Price, Iron Bushed, ea. $6.00 8.00 11.00 Price, Bronze Bushed, ea. 7.00 9.50 13.00 RAILROAD BALLAST SNATCH BLOCKS With Flattened Hook Steel Shell. Chilled Groove Sheave. Phosphor Bronze Self Lubricating; Bushed. Center Pin fastened with hex. nut and cotter key. 16 inch Shell, 9 inch diametei- Sheave, 1^^ inch Center Pin for 1 ^^ inch diameter Wire Rope. 20 inch Shell, 12 inch diameter Sheave, 1 ?4 inch Center Pin for 2 inch diameter Wire Rope. PRICES Diam. Sheave inches Shell For inches Diam. Wire Rope inches List Price 9 16 1 IVs $35.00 12 20 1 2 60.00 No. 1. No. 2. ANTI-FRICTION WELL WHEELS Patent Roller Bushed, for Light Hoisting Diameter of wheel 12 inches; width of score, ly^ inches. Price each Roller bushed. Fig. 1009 $1-90 Rolier bushed, heavy, with wrought iron strap. Fig. 1010 2.75 Sheave only $1.25 1.40 Fig. 1008 Self-Oiling Hay Fork Block 1^1 "HARTZ" SELF OILING STEEL HAY FORK BLOCKS Steel Shell, Open Hearth Steel Swivel Ring, Iron Sheave (4% in. diam., 1% in. wide), mortise 1% in., plenty of head room. Edges of Shells are upset and turned out to prevent wear of rope. The chamber in Sheave can be filled with axle grease, tallow or oil, and then corked up. The lubricant feeds on the solid pin or axle, no matter in what position the Block is worked. It is the best self oiling device in the market. Blocks per doz., $6.00 Sheaves " " 3.60 TELEGRAPH BLOCKS Wood Shell Iron Strapped With Eccentric Fis. 1007 ^V Size Shell inches Common Bushed Roller Bushed Sl\ Single 1 Double Single 1 Double ^^i^ ) 31/^ $1.50 1 $2.00 1 $1.70 1 :^2.60 Fig. 1006 For Sheaves for these Bl acks, see Index 314 GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER ^ So. NEW STYLE CARGO HOISTING BLOCK stiff Swivel Hook For Stevedore Use Fig. 643 Fig. e42A New Style Cargo Hoisting Block, with wooden cheeks, malleable iron frame (galvanized), wrought iron hook and strap, and fitted with New Style Sheave. This block is circular in form, enabling us to use a sheave nearly same size as the block, which makes a saving of from two to three inches in length over other styles. The edges of frame are rounded to protect the rope. New Style Metal Sheave, with lignumvitae projecting cheeks, and galvanized polished scores. The projecting cheeks prevent the edges of the score of sheave from coming in contact with sides of the block, thereby keeping score of sheave perfect for the rope. Above blocks furnished with sheaves to carry wire rope when so required. Theise sheaves are fitted with self-lubricating side bearings. In Ordering Specify Size of Block. Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Bushed, Self-Lubricating Size Sheave, inches For Diam. Rope inches Size Block, Inches Price, each Sheave, each 5 xll/gX % 78 61/2 $ 5.00 $2.15 5 1^X1 1/8 X % 1 7V2 6.00 2.30 6V2xl%x % 1% 8V2 8.00 3.00 7V2xll^x % 1% 10 10.50 3.75 9 xl%x % ly* 111/^ 13.00 4.00 10 xl%x Vs 1V2 121/2 16.00 4.90 ■ 11 1/2X1 78 X % 11/2 14 20.00 6.25 131^x2 xl 1% 16 1/2 26.00 8.00 Geo-B-Car^peM'ter 55 eo. 315 Swivel Hook METAL CARGO HOISTING BLOCK All Metal Block, with Galvanized Mal- leable Iron Frame. Wrought Iron Hook and Strap, Galvanized Iron Sheave fitted with Self-Lubricating Side Bearings. Edges of Shell so turned as to prevent cutting the rope. IN ORDERING, STATE WHETHER BL,OCKS ARE TO CARRY MANILA OR WIRE ROPE Style No. 644 furnished with round hooks when desired. Swivel Shackle . Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Bushed, Self-Lubricating ■ \ Sheave ■ \ inches For Dia. Manila Rope inches Size Block inches Price each m\ 8X1 %X 3/4 ■ 1 9x1 %X 3/4 ■ I 10X13^X% m 12X17/8X78 P/ 14X17/8X1 11/4 1% 11/2 IV2 iy2 10 111/2 121/2 14 17 $10.50 13.00 16.00 20.00 26.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX Fig. 645 WROUGHT IRON BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE With Graphite Bronze Bushed Sheaves Oval Shell With Loose Side Hooks A Good Low Priced Derrick Block In Ordering Specify Size of Sheave Double Sheave Diam. DimenNiouH Rope Single Double Triple iuohe.s inches 6x1 X % % $4.90 $7.50 $11.00 8x1 14 X % 1/2 5.25 9.50 14.00 10x1 i^x % % 6.50 12.00 18.00 12x11/2x1 % 10.00 19.00 27.00 14x11/2X11/8 % 15.00 24.00 36.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX Fiff. 681 316 GEO-B-eARPEM*TER S CO. "HARTZ" WIRE ROPE GIN BLOCKS Stiflf Swivel Hooks, Soft Steel Skeleton, RoUer Guards FOR WIRE ROPE In Ordeiing Specify Size of Sheave and State if Becket is AVanted With Self Lubricating Graphite Bronze Bushed Sheaves These Blocks require no oil, are made of best grades of steel, with turned steel pins and roller guards, guaranteeing perfect protection to the rope. We can furnish these Blocks with Loose Safety Link Hooks, same list prices. Fig. 1011 with Becket Dimensions Each Diameter Sheave iuches For Dia. Rope inches Single Fig. 1011 Double Fig. 1012 Triple Fig. 1013 Sheave only 10xl%xl 12xl%xl 14x2 xlVs 16x2 xli^ 18x2 %xl% 1/2 % % % 1 $11.00 12.50 15.00 18.00 23.00 $18.00 20.00 23.00 27"00 32.00 $28.00 31.00 36.00 46.00 53.00 $4.00 6.00 7.75 9.00 10. 90' Fig. 1012 Double vrlth Becket HARTZ" STEEL DERRICK AND HOISTING BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE In Ordering Specify Size of Sheave and State if Becket is AVanted With Self Liubricating Graphite Bronze Bushed Sheaves These Blocks furnished with or without Steel Safety Link Hook. When the Block is used as a lower block in hoisting we send Guards (see list for extra cost), as they prevent the block from tipping over. All Blocks are drilled for the guards, so that they can be adjusted readily. In ordering these Blocks, always specify Wire Rope Derrick Blocks, to avoid mistakes. Can fui'nish with Stiff Swivel Hook at an advance in price Fig. 1021 Single ■with Becket and Guards Note extra for Guards. If wanted, specify. Dimensions Each If J-" in o2 '4 (Do It m 6 xiy4x% 91/2x11/0x3/4 10 1/2x1 %x% 12 x2 xl 14 x2i/8xl % and % % " 1/2 1/2 " % % " % 78 " 1 9 12 13 16 18 $4.50 6.50 8.00 10.00 15.00 $7.50 12.00 15.00 19.00 24.00 $11.00 18.00 22.00 27.00 36.00 $1.75 3.00 3.75 7.00 8.00 $1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Double with Becket GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 31^ WROUGHT IRON SNATCH BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE In Ordering Specify Size of Sheaves Drop Link Phosphor Bronze, Diameter Sheave inches For Diameter Rope inches Iron Bushed each or Metaline Bushed, Self- Lubricating, each 6 % $11.00 $12.00 » 10 2 14.00 15.00 % 16.00 18.00 12 % 18.00 21.00 14 % 20.00 24.00 16 % 28.00 83.00 18 1 38.00 44.00 20 1% 50.00 58.00 20 11/2 70.00 78.00 Style No. 7 22 has semi-circular guard pressed in shell over sheave to prevent wire slipping between shell and slieave. Style No. 723 has center extension piece coming close to the Sheave, preventing the wire rope from leaving the Sheave. It also prevents the Shell from binding or pinching the Sheave. Self-Locking Clutiip Fig. 7^:; Fig. 7^2 "PERFECT" WIRE ROPE SNATCH BLOCK In Ordering Specify Size of Sheaves Fig. 726 8x1 1/4 X % 10xl%xl 12x11/2X11/8 i4xiy2xii/4 16x1 %xl 1/2 For Diam. Rope inches Phosphor Bronze r Metaline Bushed each $17.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 S3. 00 Head and the Straps are The heavy flatted Hook, th< all of the best forged steel. The Shell has nicely rounded edges to prevent wear on the rope. The Sheave has a bearing at hub only, and is so fitted in Shell it is impossible for wire to slip between Shell and Sheave. FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX Fig. 726 A 318 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER S Go. WROUGHT IRON BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE REGULAR PATTERN Diamond Shell With Stiff Swivel Hooks With Shackles Triple Fig. 67 Fig. 679 Fig. 6S6 We can furnish these Blocks mended for Derrick use. with either Hooks or Shackles as desired. Specially recom- In Ordering Specify Size of Sheave and State if Becket is Wanted. Dimens ions Iron Buslied Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Self-Lubricating Bushed Size Sheave inches For Diam. Rope inches Single each Double each Triple each Single each Double each Triple eacli 6x1 X % 8x1 V4X % 10X1 1/4 X % 12X11/2X1 14x11/2X11/8 16x1^x11/4 % V2 % % % % $6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 21.50 $11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.00 31.00 $14.00 16.00 20.00 23.00 26.00 39.50 $9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 25.00 $17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 38.00 $22.00 24.00 28.00 31.00 34.00 50.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES. SEE INDEX GEO-B-eARPEffTER S Co. 319 WROUGHT IRON BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE HEAVY PATTERN With Stiflf Swivel Hooks Diamond Shell Fitted with Loos^ Hooks or Shackles when preferred Recommended for Derricks and heavy hoisting of all kinds. In Ordering Specify Diameter of Sheave, and State if Becket is Wanted Single Double Fig. 688 Dimensions Iron Bushed Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Self-Lubricating Bushed Size Sheave inclies For Diam. Rope inches Single each Double each Triple each Single each Double each Triple each 6x1 X % V2 $9.00 $14.00 $20.00 $12.00 $20.00 $28.00 8x1 %x % 1/2 11.00 16.00 22.50 14.00 22.00 32.00 10x1^x1 % 14.00 20.00 28.00 17.00 26.00 37.00 12X1V2X11/8 % 16.00 23.00 31.00 19.00 29.00 41.00 14x11/2X11/4 % 18.00 25.00 36.00 21.00 31.00 45.00 16xl%xli/2 ys 31.00 40.00 46.00 36.00 50.00 65.00 18xl%xlV2 1 34.50 45.00 60.00 40.00 56.00 75.00 FOR EXTRA SHKAVFS, SEE IXDEX 320 Geo-BCar^peM^ter « So WROUGHT IRON BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE HEAVY PATTERN With Stiff Swivel Swinging Hooks Double Diamond Shell Single Furnished with either Detachable Hooks or Shackles The Swinging Hook or Shackle on these Blocks makes them the most popu- lar wherever hoisting is done. Fig. 715 In Ordering Specify Diameter of SheaVe and if Becket is Wanted Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Dimensions Self-Lubricating- Bushed Size Sheave For Diam. Rope Single Double iAehcs inches each aach 8x1 14 X % 1/2 $14.00 $22.00 10x11^x1 % 17.00 26.00 12x11/2X11/8 % 19.00 29.00 I4xiy2xii4 % 21.00 31.00 16xl%xl% % 36.00 50.00 i8xi%xiy2 1 40.00 56.00 20x17/8X11/2 1 49.00 72.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « GO. 331 WROUGHT IRON BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE EXTRA HEAVY PATTERN Single With Shackles. Diamond Shell Double Triple Fig. 691 Fig. 693 Fig. 693 The center straps in double and triple blocks extend full length of shell, furnishing proper support for center pin in middle of the block. The strongest wire rope Block manufactured — the Block which eventually is purchased by all contractors because it is reliable and safe, and gives the maximum of service, with a minimum of attention. In Ordering Specify Size of Sheave and if Becket is Wanted Dimensions ] ron Bushed Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Self-Lubricating Bushed Size Sheave Inches For Diam. Rope inches Single each Double each Triple each Single each Double each Triple each 8x1 y4x % V2 $11.00 $16.00 $22.50 $14.00 $22.00 $32.00 10x11^x1 % 14.00 20.00 28.00 17.00 26.00 37.00 12X1 1/2 XlVs % 16.00 23.00 31.00 19.00 29.00 41.00 I4xiy2xiy4 % 18.00 25.00 36.00 21.00 31.00 45.00 16x1 %xl% % 31.00 40.00 46.00 36.00 50.00 72.00 I8xi%xiy2 1 34.50 45.00 60.00 ; 40.00 56.00 78.00 20xl%xiy2 1 43.00 60.00 72.00 ' 49.00 72.00 90.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX 322 GEO-B-CAIiPENfTER ^ SO. WROUGHT IRON BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE SPECIAL EXTRA HEAVY Qaadruple With Lashing Shackles. Oval Shell There is no load too heavy for these Blocks ''I ■'4i.\ ^^*'® ^^^ furnish them in any capacity Prices for sizes heavier than those listed below, upon application ' "- Fig. 703 In Ordering Specify Size of Sheave and State if Becket is Wanted Dimensions Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Self-Lubricating Bushed Size Sheave inches For Dlam. Rope inches Single each Double each Triple each Quadruple each 16xl%xli^ 18x13/4X11/2 20x178x1% 22x178x13^ 24x21/8x1% Vs 1 1 1 1-1 Vs $44.00 56.00 76.00 85.00 105.00 $69.00 85.00 110.00 122.00' 150.00 $90.00 110.00 151.00 165.00 200.00 $110.00 134.00 187.00 - 205.00 246.00 FOR EXTRA SHEAVES, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s Co, 323 DOUBLE SWIVEL HOOKS— Flattened Size Iron, Round Weight inches lbs. Price, each 11/2 10 $2.80 1% 13 3.00 1% 18 3.50 2 25 4.00 21/4 35 6.50 2% 45 10.00 2% 60 13.20 3 75 14.00 3% 100 21.00 31/2 120 24.00 4 160 31.00 41/2 225 43.00 5 275 61.00 51/2 345 85.00 Sizes 5 and 5 V2 inch fitted with hand clevis. IMPROVED SKIDDER BLOCK Three Sizes — 11 inch, 14 inch and 18 inch diameter Sheaves Fie. 636 DESCRIPTION EYE — Best Drop Forged Steel. Eyes are usually made to swivel, but can be made rigid if desired. Note Heavy Shank. SHELL — Especially designed for strength and lightness to enable the Block to turn easily to follow the lead of the rope. This l*i"events the Rope Chafing. The Sides of the Shell are Countersunk to Cover the Edges of Sheaves, thus Preventing Wire from Slipping Between Rim and Shell, and causing it to always maintain its proper position in groove of Sheave. PIX — Made from Best Cold Drawii Steel with Heavy Nut on each end. Securely Locked. BUSHING — Phosphor Bronze Bearing Metal. The very best for heavy, rapid work. Perfect lubrication is secured by a large oil chamber in hub of Sheave which is filled with waste and a lubricant which works through openings in Phosphor Bronze Bushing to the Pin. Oil chamber is easily accessible through opening in side of Sheave. SHEAVES — Are of two kinds. A Special Extra Hard Cast Steel made especially for us for these Blocks. The groove of the Sheave is the most subject to wear of any part of a block and our aim is to give a metal that will outwear any on the market, except the Manganese. Mangane.se Steel Sheaves are also furnished, if desired, in these Blocks. This steel is so tough it cannot be machined, but must be ground to size. Experience has proven that these Sheaves add from 25% to 50% to the life of the wire. We only ask a reasonable advance for these, and fitted with them, the block is prac- tically indestructible. To distinguish the Manganese, Sheaves are painted red. 11 inch Steel Sheave list each $50.00 14 " " " " " 55.00 18 " " " " " 75.00 PRICE OP MAXGAIVESE SHEAVES ON APPLICATION 334 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. Iron Bushed For Manila Rope Fig. 751 IRON SHEAVES FOR SNATCH BLOCKS For Manila Rope Size Sheave inches For Dia. Rope inches For Block inches Iron Bushed each Improved Roller Bushed each Phosphor Bronze (Jf Metaline Bushed each 3 xlVsX Va % 6 $0.30 $0.75 $1.40 3y2xiy4x V2 % 7 .40 .85 1.60 4 1/2X1 3/8 X % 1 8 .50 1.20 1.90 5 xl%x % lys 9 .60. 1.30 2.00 5%xiy8x % iy4 10 1.20 2.40 3.00 6 34x2y8X % lya 12 1.50 ■2.85 3.75 8 x2i4x % 1% 14 1.85 3.45 4.50 9 x2%xl 2 16 2.25 4.50 5.50 10 x3 xiys 2y4 18 3.00 6.00 7.00 11 x3y2Xli4 2y2 20 4.00 8.00 9.00 1134x4i4xiy2 3 22 6.50 11.50 13.00 I2y2x4y2xiy2 3y2 24 9.00 15.00 18.00 PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHINGS Self -Lubricating Pig. 761 Inside Diam. in. Lgtli in. Price each Inside Diam. in. LgtU in. Price each Inside 'Diam. m. Lsth in. Price each % y2 $0.30 % 2% $1.42 1% 2 $1.44 % % .32 % 2y2 1.48 1 % 2y8 1.49 % % .32 % .87 1% 2y, 1.55 % .36 % 1 % .92 lys 2 78 1.60 % 1 % .40 % iy2 .96 178 2y2 1.65 1 % .44 % 1% 1.00 2% 1.72 y2 % .36 1% 1.05 1% 2% 1.80 y2 78 .38 % 178 1.14 1 y& 2% 1.88 y2 .42 1L 2 1.24 1% 3 1.96 y. 1% .51 % 2% 1.29 114 1% 1.25 y2 .60 % 2y4 1.34 1^ 1 % 1.30 y2 1 % .64 \ 2% 1.39 1V4 1% 1.36 1 Vz .69 2y2 1.45 178 1.42 % .50 % .80 1 % 2 1.44 % IVs .56 iy4 .90 114 i^ 1.53 % ly* .64 1% .95 1 ^ 1.62 .67 iy2 1.08 1 % 2% 1.71 % 1 ^4 .72 1% 1.11 ly* 2y2 1.80 % 1 % .76 1% 1.13 ly* 1.89 % .79 178 1.27 iy4 2% 1.98 178 .82 2 1.41 ly* 2% 2.07 % .84 2% 1.45 1% 3 2.15 &/ .62 1.48 1% sys 2.23 % lys .67 2% 1.51 ly* sy* 2.30 a/ .75 2% 1.55 ly* 3% 2.37 % 1 % .77 2% 1.58 3y2 1% 2.44 1 -Vi .79 2% 1.61 iS 1.54 % 1 % .83 2 78 1.65 2 1.73 % 1 % .90 3 1.70 i^ 2% 1.84 3/ 1 % 1.00 1% 1.27 2% 1.94 % 2 1.12 1% 1 % 1.30 1% 2.03 SJ 2y8 1.24 lys 1 % 1.34 172 272 2.12 % 2y4 1.34 1% 1% 1.39 1% 3 2.48 CAN FURNISH SPECIAL SIZES PROMPTLY GEO•B•CARPE^fTER « eo. 325 IRON SHEAVES For Regular and Thick Mortise Blocks [roil Bushed Improved Roller Bushed FOR MANILA ROPE Fig. 743 Fig. 744 Size Sheave Iron Bushed Improved Phosphor Bronze or For Block, inches Roller Bushed Metaline each Bushed, each l%x Vax % .... 3 $0.09 $0.40 2 X VzX % 3 y2 .10 .12 .42 .45 $0.60 2%x %x % 4 .70 2%x %x % 4 y2 .15 .50 .80 3 X %x % 5 .20 .55 .90 3%xl X V2 6 .25 .65 1.40 4%xl X Vz 7 .30 .75 1.50 4 xlVgx % Thick Mortise 7 .35 1.00 1.60 4%xiy8X % 8 .35 1.00 1.85 4%xl%x % Thick Mortise 8 .40 1.15 2.00 syzxiygx % 9 .45 1.10 1.95 5%xl%x % Thick Mortise 9 .50 1.25 2.10 e^xiy^x % . ...10 .55 1.35 2.25 6y4xiy2x % Thick Mortise 10 .65 1.60 2.75 7^xiy4x % 11 .70 1.65 2.60 7 xiygx % Thick Mortise 11 .85 1.80 2.95 8 xl%x % 12 .90 1.90 2.95 8 xl%x % Thick Mortise . . ..12 1.05 2.10 3.25 9 xiy2X % 13 1.20 2.40 3.25 9 xl%x % Thick Mortise 13 1.35 2.55 3.45 9y2xl%x % 14 1.40 2.65 3.60 9y2xiy8x yg Thick Mortise 14 1.50 2.85 4.20 10 xl%x % .... 1 5 1.50 1.70 2.85 3.15 3.90 10 xiygx % Thick Mortise 15 4.85 11 Xl%X 78 16 1.70 3.20 4.90 11 x2i4xl Thick Mortise ... .16 2.00 3.50 5.95 12 x2%xiy8 Extra Heavy .. ..18 6.00 11.00 8.00 I3y2x2y8xii4 Extra Heavy 20 7.00 13.00 11.00 14 1/^x3 %xl% Extra Heavy .. ..22 9.50 17.00 15.00 I5y2x3y8xi% Extra Heavy 24 14.00 27.00 19.00 WE CAN FITRNISH ANY SIZE SHEAVES TO ORDER 326 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO. IRON SHEAVES FOR WIRE ROPE Phosphor Bronze Bushed DEEP GROOVES Fig. 755 Di mensions Prices Dimensions Prices Phosphor Phosphor Size Sheave inches Thickness at Hub inches For Diam. Wire, inches Iron Bushed each Bronze or Metaline Bushed each Size Sheave inches Thicl^ness at Hub inches For Diam. Wire, inches Iron Bushed each Bronze c Metaline Bushed each 3x 1/2 X % V2 y* $0.15 $0.85 llxl%xl% 178 % & % $4.10 $6.35 3x %x % % % .23 .90 12x1 xl li/s 1/2 2.50 4.25 3x1 X 1/2 1t^ V2 .25 1.00 12x11^x1 1% % 3.00 5.00 4x 1/2 X % j% Vi .23 1.00 12X11/2X1 1% 74 3.50 5.50 4x %x 1/2 a ^ .28 1.10 12x11/2X11/8 1% 74 3.50 5.75 4x %x 1/2 il % .30 1.15 12x13^x1 178 % 3.75 6.00 4x1 X 1/2 1^ y2 .40 1.20 12x13^x1% 178 78 4.00 6.50 4xiy8X 1/2 lA y2 .50 1.35 14x1 %xl 178 % 4.20 6.20 4x1 14 X % 1^5 % .60 1.80 14X11/2X1 1% 74 4.40 6.50 5x %x 1/2 ii ^ .35 1.35 14x11/2X11/8 1% 74 4.45 6.90 5x ygx % it % .45 1.45 14x11/2x114 1% 74 4.45 7.00 5x1 X % It^j y2 .55 1.65 14x13^x1 178 74 & 78 5.40 7.60 5x1 14 X % 1% % .80 2.05 14x178x1 2 % 5.50 7.75 6x %x % 1 % .65 1.75 14x13/^x11/4 2 1 6.50 8.75 6x1 X % liV % .75 2.00 16x11/^x1% 1% % 6.00 8.25 6x1 X % liV 72 .75 2.00 16x1 1/2x1 1^ 1% % & 78 6.00 8.25 6x1 %x % lA % 1.00 2.50 16x13/^x11/4 2 78 " 1 7.00 8.75 6x1 1/2 X % Ifg % 1.00 2.75 16x13^x11/2 2 78 " 1 7.00 9.50 6x1 %xl lit 78 1.75 3.40 16x178x114 2 78 7.10 9.00 7x %x % il % .75 1.75 16x178X11/2 2 78 7.10 9.75 7x1 X 3/4 1t^ 72 1.10 2.30 16x2 xli/o 21/8 1 7.50 10.50 7x1 14 X % lA % 1.35 2.75 18x13/8X11/4 1% % & % 7.40 9.00 7x1 1/2 X ■% If*? % 1.50 3.00 18x1 1/2x1 y4 1% 74 7.50 9.50 8x1 X % IVs V2 '1.20 2.65 18x1 1/2x1 1/2 174 74 7.50 10.00 8x1 1/4 X 3/4 1% V2 & % 1.40 2.90 18x1 3/^x1 1^ 2 % & 1 9.50 11.50 8x1 1/4 X % 1% y2 " 78 1.40 3.00 18x13^x11/2 2 78 " 1 9.50 12.50 8x1 1/2 X 7/8 1% % 1.80 3.70 18x21/8x114 21/4 1 10.25 12.75 8x1 %xl 178 78 2.75 4.75 18x2ysXli/2 21/4 1 10.50 13.50 GxlVsX % 1V4 72 1.75 3.25 20x13/8x11/4 11/2 % 8.75 10.50 9x1 %x Vs 1% % 1.75 3.50 20x13/4x11/2 2 3/1 12.00 15.00 9x1 1/2 X 78 1% 3/4 2.40 4.10 20x178X11/2 2 78 &1 12.00 15.00 9x13^x1 178 78 2.80 4.80 20x2 78x11/2 2% 11/8 "11/4 12.50 15.50 10x1 x Va 11/8 72 1.80 3.50 20x2 78x11/2 2% 11/2 14.00 17.00 10x1 l/gX 78 1% y2 2.10 3.85 22x174x11/2 2 78 13.00 16.00 10x1 ViX % 1% % 2.50 3.75 22x178x11/2 2 78 1 15.00 18.00 10x114x1 1% % 2.50 4.00 24x178x11/2 21/8 78 17.25 20.50 10x1 1/2x1 1% % 2.70 4.50 24x2 XI1/2 2y4 1 19.00 22.00 10x11/2x1 1% % 2.70 4.50 28x178x11/2 2 1 20.00 25.00 10x178X11/4 2 78 4.00 6.25 28x178x2 2 1 21.00 27.00 10xl%Xll/4 1% 1 4.00 6.25 30x2 78x1% 2 74 1 26.00 33.00 11x13^x1 1% % 4.00 5.75 30x21/8x2 2 3/4 1 27.00 34.00 CAN FURNISH SPECIAL, SIZE SHEAVES PROMPTLY GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « CO. 33< IRON SHEAVES FOR WIRE ROPE EXTRA HEAVY PATTERN With Deep Rim Fig. 757 Size Sheave inches Thickness at Hub inches For Diameter Wire inches Iron Bushed each Phosphor Bronze or Metaline Bushed each 6x1 X % 1t^ Vz $0.75 $2.10 6x1 y^x % lA % .85 2.30 6x1 1/2 X % 1^ % .90 2.50 7x1 X % 1t^ y2 1.00 2.30 7x1 1/4 X % 1^ % 1.10 2.65 7x1 %x % 172 % 1.10 2.65 7x1 1/2 X 78 1^ % 1.50 3.70 8x1 X 3/^ 1t^ y2 1.15 2.85 8x1 %X 78 1% % 1.25 3.25 8x1 1/2 X % 1% % 1.55 3.75 9x1 y4X 78 1% % 1.75 4.00 9x1 1/2 X 78 1% % 1.85 4.30 10x114x1 178 % 2.65 4.00 10X11/2X1 1% % 2.75 4.50 10x1 %.xl 178 78 3.75 5.65 11x1^x1 1% 3.00 4.75 12x11/4x1 1% 72 and % 3.00 5.00 12X11/2X1% 1% % 3.25 6.00 12x13/^x11/4 178 78 and 1 4.50 7.00 14x114x1 1% % 3.50 6.00 14X11/2X1% 1% % and 78 4.20 7.25 14x11/2x114 1% % and 78 4.20 7.75 14x13^x1% 1 4.75 8.25 16X11/2X1% 1% % 5.75 8.75 16xl%xli/2 2 78 6.50 9.00 16xl%xli/2 2 1 6.50 9.00 16x21/8X11/2 2 3/s 174 7.50 11.50 18x1 1/2x1 1/2 1% % 6.75 10.00 18x1 %xl 1/2 2 % 7.50 10.50 18x1 %xl 1/2 2 78 7.75 10.75 18x1 %xl 1/2 2 1 7.85 10.90 20x178X11/2 2 78 and 1 8.10 12.25 20x21/8X11/2 2% 1% and 114 9.25 13.50 20x21/8X11/2 2% 172 10.00 14.50 2 2x178x11/2 21/8 78 and 1 13.00 17.00 22x2^x1% 2 72 172 15.00 21.00 24x21/8x1% 2 3^ 178 18.00 23.00 26x2y2xl% 234 iy2 27.00 34.00 SPECIAL SIZES FURNISHED PnOJIPTLY ■328 GEO-B-CARPEN'TER « eO: PEERLESS HOISTS SPUR GEARED — HIGHEST EFFICIENCY — LIGHT AVEIGHT. Fig. 1061 Pig. 1062 Fig. 1063 Fig. 1064 500 to 6,000 8,000 16,000 30,000 to 13.000 to 20,000 Fig. 1065 40,000 Showing Different Arrangements of Chains on Various Sizes of Peerless Hoists THE PEERLESS HOIST IMPROVED 1913 Although the Peerless Hoist has given unequaled satisfaction in the past, several improve- ments have recently been added to further increase the strength and durability. The scientific design and high quality of manufacture give this hoist an efficiency of eighty per cent. All hoists undergo a proof test fifty per cent beyond the rated load. The trunnions on the top hook now engage in two drop forged hangers, held in recesses in the side frames and the load sheave is cast steel and runs in removable bushings pressed in the lower ends of the steel hangers. The load chain is made of the best material obtainable and is heat treated to increase the ductility. The cast iron cover over the gears is now replaced by a pressed steel dust cover, the outer end of the intermediate gear studs and pinion shaft being held by a supporting yoke. The hand wheel is made with a pressed steel center for greater protection against accidental breakage and the hand chain guards have a steel flange to guide the chain smoothly at all times. These improved parts can all be applied to the previous model but a new style frame and steel hanger must replace the old frame. Also a steel cover and supporting yoke replace the old cast iron cover. In operating the Peerless Hoist a pull exerted on the hand chain to raise the load is transmit- ted, with almost no loss by friction, through a simple balanced train of spur gears to the load wheel. The sustaining mechanism is a special patented friction brake which revolves as one piece with the pinion shaft when lifting, without waste of energy and without noise; but when hoisting ceases, it is automatically and positively locked to hold the load until again moved by the operator. The parts of this friction brake require no adjustment and only the slightest pull is required to lower the load. All gears are accurately cut from solid steel blanks and are bushed with bronze. The teeth on the central pinion are unusually strong, and are heat treated to prevent wear. A single strand of load chain on the six thousand pound block and the compact arrangement and close head room of larger sizes are appreciated by all users. See folloivlng pages for sizes and prices Geo-BCarpeN'ter « Go. 329 PEERLESS CHAIN HOISTS SPUR GEARED PRICES AND DATA ON PEERLESS HOISTS Capacity in pounds Regu- lar Lift, in feet Price of Hoist, Regular Lift Price of Extra Lift, per foot Distance between Hooks Weight of Hoist in lbs. Pull on hand chain to lift full load, in lbs. Feet of chain handled to lift load one foot Number of Short- est inches Reach (Reg. Lift) ft. in. Strands of load chain ^, 500 8 $ 30.00 $0.85 13 9 1 48 50 14.0 1 1,000 8 35.00 .90 14 9 2 62 64 20.3 1 M 2,000 8 45.00 .95 16 9 4 84 81 31.5 1 tf 3,000 8 60.00 1.00 19 9 7 115 114 34.5 1 3 P 4,000 9 70.00 1.05 22 1^ 10 101/4 157 124 40.5 1 6,000 10 90.00 1.25 24 12 236 130 59.0 1 8,000 10 110.00 1.60 29 12 5 230 128 81.0 2 tf 10,000 12 140.00 2.00 32 14 8 352 112 118.0 2 12,000 12 165.00 2.00 341/2 14 101/2 359 134 118.0 2 16,000 12 200.00 2.75 39% 15 3% 460 125 177.0 3 20,000 12 240.00 3.20 42 15 6 533 181 154.5 3 30,000 12 340.00 4.60 55% 16 7% 995 20 8 1 103. Ot 4 40,000 12 425.00 6.40 621/4 17 2% 1,260 186t 154.5t 6 WO 500 8 30.00 .85 13 9 1 48 47.6* 7.5 1 1,000 8 35.00 .90 14 9 2 62 65.9* 10.0 1 2,000 8 45.00 .95 16 9 4 48 85.9* 16.8 1 •Pull is given to raise only one-half the rated load on Quick Speed Hoists. tOn each of two hand chains. For parts, see Index 330 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ 60, COMBINED TRAVELERS WITH PEERLESS HOISTS Fig. 1101, I-Beam COMBINED I-BEAM TRAVELERS With either Plain or Geared Travelers the Hoists in combination save head room and hold the hoist in the same relative position to the traveler so that the operator does not get his chains confused. This arrangement is most de- sirable on the beams of traveling and jib cranes and on overhead' tracks where it is not necessary to detach the hoist for use in other places. COMBINED I-BEAM TRAVELERS 8 Iti c N C ^ -a Hid h^rt 3 « 4-1 a 0) o S go CQ 0.S 11 (1h 1,000 5 8 15% $49.00 $61.00 $0.90 $1.40 6 8 171/4 61.00 73.00 .95 1.45 3,000 7 8 20 79.00 91.00 1.00 1.50 4,000 8 9 23 92.00 105.00 1.05 1.55 6.000 9 10 25 1^ 117.00 132.00 1.25 1.75 8.000 10 10 29% 143.00 162.00 1.60 2.10 10,000 12 12 341/4 183.00 205.00 2.00 2.50 12,000 15 12 361/4 220.00 245.00 2.00 2.50 16,000 20 12 411/2 270.00 295.00 2.75 3.25 20,000 24 12 43 325.00 355.00 3.20 3.70 30,000 24 12 58 440.00 490.00 4.60 5.10 40.000 24 12 59% 540.00 615.00 6.40 6.90 Fig. 1102. Flat Rail COMBINED FLAT RAIL TRAVELERS With travelers on flat bar overhead track, where belts and pipe lines do not permit the use of short hangers it is very desirable to have a hoist with short head room. The permanent combination of hoists and flat rail travelers brings the hoist as near as possible to the rail. Because of the ease of erecting and bending for curves, the flat bar track, with combined hoists and travelers, is the most satisfactory system for shops and warehouses. COMBINED FLAT RAIL TRAVELERS 11 "S c 2 3 w ° aJ u SI P ■a ni aj IS" mo.5 Pi'" 0) ^ ^ p |i 500 3x1/2 8 H., $41.00 $52.00 $0.85 $1.35 1,000 3x% 8 171/4 46,00 57.00 .90 1.40 2,000 4x% 8 201/4 59.00 71.00 .95 1.45 3,000 4x% 8 23 74.00 86.00 1.00 1.50 4,000 4x% 9 261/2 87.00 100.00 1.05 1.55 6,000 6x1 10 29 Va 111.00 125.00 1.25 1.75 8,000 6x1 10 34 131.00 145.00 1.60 2.10 ♦From under side of I-Beam to inside of hook. ♦Prom top of rail to inside of hook. Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo. I^p.l PEERLESS TROLLEY HOISTS Army Type Navy Type For use in cramped locations, to overcome the comparatively greater head room of regular hoists and travelers, the Peerless Trolley Hoist was built, in which the regular internal mechanism of the hoist and the trolley wlieels are carried by the same side frames. This construction is so compact that the distance between the hook and beam is even less than between the hooks on the regular hoist. The gears are protected from dirt by a tight cover, but its removal does not inter- fere with the operation of the hoist. Trolley wheels are fitted with roller bearings and are made regularly of a large diameter requiring that the I-beam be supported by countersunk bolts. Small wheels can be furnished to pass regular bolt heads but at a small sacrifice of head room. These trolley hoists are built in two styles, the Army and Navy types, the latter having a drag handle and clamp for binding it to the beam. They are used largely by the War Department for handling ammunition, both on shore and shipboard, and also by others where close head room is important. ARMY TYPE Capacity Regular Price of Price of Size I-Beam Min. Dist. Extreme Weight of in Lift Hoist Extra Lift of I-Beam "Wt. per foot bet. Hook Width of Hoist lbs. in feef Reg. Lift per foot in inches in lbs. and I-Beam Hoist in in. in lbs. 500 8 $ 45.00 $0.85 5 9% 7% 8% 75 1,000 8 50.00 .90 5 9% IV2 8 3/4 78 2,000 8 65.00 .95 6 12% 9y2 9% 123 3,000 8 85.00 1.00 7 15 12 111/2 163 4,000 9 100.00 1.05 8 18 14 12% 220 ^\\Y TYPE Capacity in lbs. Regular Lift in feet Price of Hoist Reg. Lift Price of Extra Lift per foot Size of I-Beam in inches I-Beam Wt. per foot in lbs. Min. Dist. bet. Hook and I-Beam Extreme Width of Hoist in in. Weight of Hoist in lbs. 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 8 8 8 8 9 $ 55.00 60.00 75.00 95.00 110.00 $0.85 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 5 5 6 7 8 9% 9% 12% 15 18 71/4 71/2 91/2 12 14 8 34 8% 934 111/2 1234 80 81 125 166 227 533 Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ eo. PARTS OF PEERLESS HOISTS 500 TO 6,000 POU^'DS 100 10! W 102 ^1^ 103 105 119 189 190 192 W W V 119 189 190 OEsaa 123 182 118 - ,?z m 193 135 136 183 125 126 114 106 {97 134 List No. Name 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 to 40,000 100 $1.50 1.50 1.20 1.00 1.60 .90 1.60 .60 .40 .40 2.00 .30 1.00 .40 .30 .50 .30 1.20 .40 .50 .40 .80 .50 .30 .80 1.70 1.70 .25 4.25 .35 4.85 1.30 1.30 .50 .50 .30 .30 1.60 1.60 $1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.60 1.20 1.60 .80 .40 .40 2.70 .30 1.00 .40 .30 .50 .30 1.20 .40 .50 .40 .80 .50 .30 1.00 2.00 2.00 .25 4.25 .40 5.60 1.30 1.30 .50 .50 .30 .50 1.60 1.60 $2.00 2.00 1.70 1.70 2.30 1.90 2.10 1.00 .50 .50 3.40 .40 1.40 .40 .30 .50 .30 2.00 .60 .50 .50 .90 .60 .40 1.30 2.60 2.60 .25 4.25 .45 6.65 1.70 1.70 .70 .70 .40 .40 2.30 1.80 $3.00 3.00 2.40 2.40 3.00 2.40 3.60 1.40 .70 .70 4.30 .50 1.50 .40 .30 .50 .30 2.80 .70 .50 .70 1.30 .80 .60 1.70 3.50 3.50 .25 4.50 .50 8.17 2.60 2.60 .90 .90 .50 .50 3.00 2.60 $4.00 4.00 3.20 3.20 3.60 2.80 4.10 1.60 .80 .80 5.10 .60 1.70 .40 .30 .60 .30 3.80 .80 .50 .80 1.50 .90 .80 2.00 4.10 4.10 .25 5.00 .55 9.88 3.50 3.50 1.10 1.10 .60 .60 3.60 3.00 $5.60 5.60 4.40 4.40 5.30 3.80 5.00 1.80 .90 1.00 6.00 .70 2.00 .40 .30 .70 .30 4.50 .90 .50 .90 1.70 1.00 .90 2.60 5.20 5.20 .25 5.50 .75 13.83 4.80 4.80 1.50 1.50 .80 .80 5.30 3.40 $4.00 4.00 3.20 3.20 3.60 2.80 4.10 1.60 .80 .80 5.10 .60 1.70 .40 .30 .60 .30 3.80 .80 .50 .80 1.50 .90 .80 $.5.60 5.60 101 Front Frame . . . . .... 102 103 Back Cover . 4 40 104 Hand Wheel* 105 Load Wheel* . 3 80 106 107 Intermediate Gear each*t 1 80 108 109 110 112 Intermediate Pinion Stud, each* Driving- Pinion and Shaft, complete*!. Check Washer* 1.00 6.00 70 114 115 .40 116 Ratchet Pinion Stud* 30 117 118 Ratchet Pinion Carrier Arm* Ratchet Pinion Carrier Stud* .70 .30 119 Friction Disc* . ... 4 50 120 Leather Washer .90 121 Friction Lock and Bolt* .50 123 Connecting- Stud and Nuts* .90 125-6 1.70 127 1.00 129 Stripper* 90 131 133 Top Hook and Swivel 134 135 Hand Chain, per ft.* 136 Load Chain, per ft.* 187 Load Chain, com. with Hook, reg. lift* 188 Front Frame 189 190 Front Hanger 191 192 Front Hanger Bushing 193 Hand Wheel Steel Plate 197 Loop Chain Guard tParts 107 and 110 must be so specified when wanted for "quick speed" hoists. ♦Also used in Army and Navy Type. NOTE — In Ordering Parts Always Give Number and Capacity of Hoist. For Parts 4 to 40 Tons, See Next Page. GEO-B-CARPENfTER « QO. 333 PARTS OF PEERLESS HOISTS 8,000 to 40,000 POUNDS PRICES OF 8,000 TO 40,000 PEERLESS PARTS Name _\ 8,000 I 10,000 I 12,000 | 16, I 20,000 I 30,000 I 40,000 133 160-A 160-B 160-C 162 166 169 170 171-A 171-B 172 173 174 176 133 135 136 161 163 133 } 163 f 164-A 164-B 165 171-A 171-B 175 176 Main Block Top Yoke, complete .... Top Hook Top Yoke Top Yoke Top Yoke Side Plates, each Top Pin and Cotters. . . . Guard Yoke Side Plate Bolt Top Sheave Top Sheave Top Yoke Pin Side Plate Cap Screws. . . Side Plate Pin Eye Bolt and Nut Bottom Block, complete. Bottom Hook Hand Chain, per ft Load Chain, per ft Bottom Guard Yoke . . . Bottom Swivel Bottom Hook and Swivel. .. Side Plates, each Side Plates, each Bottom Sheave Pin Bottom Sheave Bottom Sheave Cross Bar Eye Bolt and Nut Hand Chain, each, complete Regular Lift Load Chain, complete. Regu- lar Lift $51.00 19.50 8.50 9.00 1.00 1.00 23.00 8.50 .25 .55 2.50 2.50 11.00 2.00 '2.00 3.50 5.50 12.65 $65.00 29.50 10.50 17.00 1.00 1.00 29.00 10.50 .25 .75 3.50 3.00 13.50 2.50 2.50 4.50 6.50 20.25 $65.00 35.50 16.50 17.00 1.00 1.00 35.00 16.50 .25 .75 3.50 3.00 19.50 2.50 '2.56 4.50 6.50 20.25 $65.00 62.50 19.00 26'. 6 6 "2.50 2.50 3.50 .50 4.50 '1.66 45.50 19.00 .25 .75 3.50 4.00 23.50 4.00 2.50 4.50" '3.60 1.00 6.75 30.38 $65.00 73.50 27.00 26'. 06 '3.66 3.00 4.00 .50 5.50 I'.OO 62.00 27.00 .25 .90 4.00 8.00 35.00 4.50 3.00 5.50 '4.50 1.00 6.75 36.45 $65.00 92.20 32.00 35.00 4.00 3.50 4.50 6.00 1.00 .10 1.00 73". 5 6 32.00 .25 .90 5.00 12.00 44.00 5.00 '3.56 'e'.oo 8.25 54.00 $65.00 126.20 50.00 42.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 .10 1.00 109. 5 6 50.00 .25 .90 5.50 20.00 70.00 6.00 4.00 '6.06 8.25 82.80 NOTE: — In ordering Parts always give Number and capacity of Hoist. 334 Geo-BCarpeN'ter ^ Co. PARTS OF PEERLESS TROLLEY HOISTS ARMY AND NAVY 'fl LMOV 200 225 226 2-48 ^ 249 ~^ '25. £52 253 255 List No. 200 201 202 203 225 \ 226 J 227 243 245 246 259 248 249 250-1 251 J ^52 253 255 260 282 283 285 Back Frame . Front Frame Front Cover Back Cover * Hand Chain Guide, pair Load Chain Guide Trolley Wheel, large Diameter, each, .f Anti-Friction Rollers, each set Trolley Wheel Stud and Nut, each Roller Cages, each Grip Handle Lock Handle Right and Left Hand Lock, pair Lock Support Lock Stud and Nut Lock Spring Trolley Wheel, small Diameter, each, .f Gear Spider * Gear Spider Stud, each * Gear Cover * $3.00 3.00 1.20 1.00 .80 .50 2.00 .30 1.20 .50 1.10 1.00 3.50 2.00 2.00 :30 2.00 .50 .10 .70 $3.00 3.00 1.20 1.20 .80 .50 2.00 .30 1.20 .50 1.10 1.00 3.50 2.00 2.00 .30 2.00 .50 .10 .80 2,000 $5.70 5.70 1.70 1.70 .60 2.50 .30 1.20 .50 1.20 1.00 3.60 2.10 2.10 .30 2.50 .60 .10 .90 $7.50 7.50 2.40 2.40 1.30 .80 3.50 .40 1.50 .70 1.30 1.00 3.80 2.20 2.20 .30 3.50 .80 .10 1.30 $9.00 9.00 3.20 3.20 1.50 .90 4.50 .40 1.50 .70 1.40 1.00 4.00 2.30 2.30 .30 4.50 1.50 .15 2.40 ♦New style cover and spider interchange with old style back cover. tLarge diameter wheels (piece 243) are used where track is riveted to support; small diameter (piece 260) when clearance for bolt heads is required. GEO-B-CAliPEhfTER ^ eo. 335 HARRINGTON SCREW CHAIN HOISTS Hand operated Chain Hoists, because of the ease of operation and general utility, are extensively used in all the large industrial plants throughout the country. Even in places where power is easily available, they are preferred to power hoists. No matter what the class of hoisting may be, the most reliable and cheapest method is to use Chain Hoists. Harrington Hoists are made by skilled workmen from the highest grade ma- terial and are designed for long life and to give the best service to all users. As all parts are made complete by jigs and gauges and inspected before going to the assem- bling room, repairs are sure to interchange with old parts. The load chains are all made by hand labor from specially selected iron, undergo several rigid inspections, and each link is carefully tested. The hoists are made in three styles: The Peerless — For fast speed and high efficiency. Shown on preceding pages. The Screw — For simplicity and rough usage. The Differential — For occasional use not demanding high efficiency. HARRINGTON IMPROVED SCREW HOISTS 1894 Patent While not so fast as the Peerless, it is a powerful and compact block. It is built to withstand the wear and tear of hard usage. The worm gear is made of bronze with square hubs; it is driven by a steel worm. The load wheels have square holes fitted to a square hub on the worm gear, and are reverr-ible so that when one side Is v.'orn the wheels can be taken off and reversed. Load is carried on two distinct chains. A thrust screw and bronze washer are placed at the end of the worm, to obtain fast or slow speed in lowering. s k 2 r: is It 'A 03 Si 1^3 500 8 $22.50 $1.10 141/2 41 20 64.0 2 1,000 8 25.00 1.20 17 68 49 60.5 2 2,000 8 30.00 1.30 IS 75 71 76.0 2 3,000 8 40.00 1.40 19 106 99 88.5 2 4,000 9 50.00 1.44 22 160 129 93.5 2 6,000 10 75.00 1.50 30 247 163 96.0 2 8.000 10 95.00 1.70 32 325 190 128.0 2 10,000 12 140.00 2.20 39 483 293 103.0 2 12,000 12 180.00 2.50 39% 555 293 110.0 2 16,000 12 210.00 2.90 41 735 403 148.0 2 20,000 12 275.00 2.90 47 785 358 198.0 2 30.000 12 340.00 5.10 51% 1,179 424 296.0 4 We can furnish to hoist any desired length. For prices of parts, see following pages. 500 to 12,000 16,000 and 30,000 J 336 GEO-BCARPEhfTER ^ Co. COMBINED TRAVELERS WITH HARRINGTON SCREW HOISTS ^^^K^R[ ^ m n Fig. 1051. I-Beani Traveler Pig. 1052. Flat Rail Traveler Where head room is limited, also where hoists are not taken down, this type is desirable, I-BEAM TRAVELERS Shortest Price Price Capacity Regular Distance Extra Extra in Lift Price Price Lift Lift lbs. I-Beam in inches in feet Hook* Plain Geared per foot per foot in inches Plain Geared 1,000 5 8 15 Vz $39.00 $51.00 $1.20 $1.70 2,000 6 8 16 46.00 58.00 1.30 1.80 3,000 7 8 18% 59.00 71.00 1.40 1.90 4,000 8 9 20 72.00 85.00 1.44 1.94 6,000 9 10 29 3/8 102.00 117.00 1.50 2.00 8,000 10 10 29% 128.00 147.00 1.70 2.20 10,000 12 12 341/2 183.00 205.00 2.00 2.50 12,000 15 12 32 3/8 235.00 260.00 2.50 3.00 16,000 20 12 38 280.00 305.00 2.90 3.40 20,000 24 12 41% 360.00 390.00 2.90 3.40 •From U! ider side of I-I Beam to insid e of hook. fl;^ .T RAIL 1 RAVELI 2RS Standard Size of Regular SCREW Capacity Shortest Price Price in Lift Distance Extra Extra lbs. in feet Beam to Lift Lift Hook* in inches Plain Geared per foot Plain per foot Geared 500 3x % 8 171/2 $33.50 $44.50 $1.10 $1.60 1,000 3x 1/2 8 191/4 36.00 47.00 1.20 1.70 2,000 4x % 8 213/4 44.00 56.00 1.30 1.80 3,000 4x % 8 23 54.00 66.00 1.40 1.90 4,000 4x % 9 253/8 67.00 80.00 1.44 1.94 6,000 6x1 10 36 3/8 96.00 110.00 1.50 2.00 8,000 6x1 10 36% 116.00 130.00 1.70 2.20 "From top of rail to inside of hook. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ eo. 337 PARTS OF HARRINGTON IMPROVED SCREW HOISTS 1S94 PATENT 500 to 6,000 Lbs. Cnpacity REVISED LIST TO TAKE EFFECT JULY 1, 1909 Prices of Parts of Improved Screw Hoists, Model of 1S94 500 to 6,000 Lbs. Capacity List No. Name Hand Wheel Worm Gear and Hub Load Wheels (2) Hand Chain, per ft Load Chain, per ft Case and Cap Thrust Screw Worm Hand Chain Guardt Bottom Hook and Swivel Side Plates (2) Top Hook and Swivel Hand Chain Guardt Gland Center Bolt and Washers Thrust Washer Hand Chain, Regular Lift Load Chain, Regular Lift, with Hook and Swivel 500 $1.00 3.00 1.60 .25 .30 1.50 .30 1.00 .70 1.70 .60 1.70 .30 .20 4.25 7.10 1,000 $1.50 3.20 1.80 .25 .35 2.00 .40 1.50 .90 2.00 .80 2.00 .40 .20 4.25 .56 2,000 $1.50 4.00 2.00 .25 .40 2.50 .40 1.50 .90 2.60 .90 2.60 .50 .20 4.25 10.10 3,000 $2.50 5.00 3.00 .25 .45 4.00 .50 2.50 1.20 3.50 1.30 3.50 .55 .25 4.50 11.94 4,000 $2.80 6.00 3.50 .25 .47 5.50 .60 3.20 4.10 1.80 4.10 1.50 2.00 .60 .30 5.00 13.97 6,000 $5.00 7.00 6.00 .25 .50 9.50 1.50 6.50 5.20 4.00 5.20 2.00 3.00 1.00 .50 5.50 17.20 tOld Style Hand Chain Guards can be furnished for this model, if desired. 22 338 GEO-BeAIiPXN*TER ^'60, PARTS OF HARRINGTON IMPROVED SCREW HOISTS 1894 PATENT 8,000 to 30,000 Founds Capacity REVISED LIST TO TAKE EFFECT JULY 1, 1909 Prices of Parts of Improved Screw Hoists, Model of 1894 8,000 to 30,000 Pounds Capacity List No. Name 8,000 10,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 30,000 21 Hand Wheel $ 7.00 9.00 8.50 .30 .55 11.00 1.50 7.00 11.00 6.00 11.00 3.00 3.50 1.50 .50 "6.96 24.20 $ 8.00 16.00 10.50 .35 .75 16.00 2.00 12.00 13.50 10.00 13.50 4.00 5.00 2.50 1.00 V.80 35.25 $11.50 16.50 15.00 .35 .90 16.00 2.00 12.00 19.50 10.00 19.50 7.00 5.00 2.50 1.00 10.15 45.60 $12.00 23.00 18.00 .35 1.10 20.00 2.00 16.00 23.00 14.00 23.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 10.15 54.90 $12.00 23.00 20.00 .35 1.10 20.00 2.00 16.00 35.00 14.00 35.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 1.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 10". 15 66.90 $12 00 22 Worm Gear and Hub .... 23 00 23 Load Wheels (2) 18.00 24 .35 25 Load Chain, per ft 1.10 26 Case and Cap 20 00 27 Thrust Screw . . 2 00 28 Worm . . .... 16 00 30 31 Bottom Hook and Swivel Side Plates (2) 44.00 30 00 32 Top Hook and Swivel 44 00 33 Hand Chain Guard 8 00 34 Gland 6 00 35 36 Center Bolt and Washers Thrust Washer . . . . 3.00 1 00 37 Pinion 5 00 38 Stud 3 00 39 Gear 5 00 45 46 47 Lower Idler Wheels (2) Lower Idler Chain Guide Load Chain Guide and Stripper Hand Chain, Regular Lift Load Chain, Regular Lift, with Hook 10.00 4.00 4.00 19.60 110.00 Geo-B-Carpem'ter ^ eo. 339 PARTS OF HARRINGTON SCREW HOIST OLD STYLE 18/6 Patent REVISED LIST TO TAKE EFFECT JULY 1, 1909 Prices of Parts of Old Style Screw Hoist, Model of 1876 List No. Name Hand Wheel Worm Gear and Hub. . . . Load Wheels (2) Load Chain, per ft Hand Chain, per ft Case and Cap Worm Hand Chain Guard Bottom Hook and Swivel. Side Plates (2) Top Hook and Swivel. . . . Hand Chain Guard Gland 500 $1.00 3.00 1.60 .30 .25 1.50 1.00 .70 1.70 .60 1.70 1,000 $1.50 3.20 1.80 .35 .25 2.00 1.50 .90 2.00 .80 2.00 2,000 $1.50 4.00 2.00 .40 .25 2.50 1.50 .90 2.60 .90 2.60 3,000 $2.50 5.00 3.00 .45 .25 4.00 2.50 1.20 3.50 1.30 3.50 4,000 $2.80 6.00 3.50 .47 .25 5.50 3.20 4'.i6 1.80 4.10 1.50 2.00 6,000 $5.00 7.00 6.00 .50 .25 9.50 6.50 5.20 4.00 5.20 2.00 3.00 List No. Name Hand Wheel Worm Gear and Hub. . . Load Wheels (2) Load Chain, per ft Hand Chain, per ft Case Worm Hand Chain Guard Bottom Hook and Swivel Side Plates (2) Top Hook and Swivel . . Hand Chain Guard Gland 8,000 10,000 12,000 16,000 $ 7.00 $ 8.00 $11.50 $11.50 9.00 16.00 16.00 23.00 8.50 10.50 15.00 18.00 .50 .75 .90 1.10 .30 .35 .35 .35 11.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 7.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 I'l'.OO 13.50 19. 5 6 2 3'. 00 6.00 10.00 10.00 14.00 11.00 13.50 19.50 23.00 3.00 4.00 7.00 7.00 3.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 20,000 $11.50 23.00 24.00 1.10 .35 20.00 17.00 35. 6 6 15.00 35.00 7.00 6.00 340 Geo-BCarpen'ter s Co. YALE TRIPLEX BLOCKS SPUR GE.IRED. HIGHEST EFFICIENCY The Yale Triplex Block is rated on a capacity basis of the long ton and each rated ton is tested at the factory with a fifty per cent overload or 3,3 60 lbs. This assures great safety and reserve capacity. 3to4 iii: ■ i \2.TfioiON^ YALE TRIPLEX BLOCKS From Hook to Hook a Line of Steel LIST OF BLOCKS Capac- ity in Price Regular Hoist in Reach in feet and inches Extra Hoist Minimum Distance between Net Wt. in Chain Pull in lbs. to Feet of Chain Handled to Length c in Regul f Chain ir Hoist Tons Complete feet* per foot Hooks in inches lbs. Load one foot Load, ft. ft. in. V2 $35.00 8 9 3 $0.90 13 58 62 21 9 16 1 4.5.00 8 9 5 .95 16 91 82 31 9 16 11/2 60.00 8 9 71/2 1.00 18 131 110 35 9 16 2 70.00 9 11 1.05 21 200 120 42 10 18 3 90.00 10 12 8 1.50 32 206 114 70 24 22 4 110.00 10 13 1 1.60 37 293 124 84 25 24 5 140.00 12 15 9 2.15 45 407 110 126 44 29 6 165.00 12 15 10 2.15 46 407 130 126 44 29 8 200.00 12 16 3 2.70 49 497 135 168 58 30 10 240.00 12 16 9 3.25 54 606 140 210 72 30 12 300.00 12 16 9 4.30 54 847 130t 126t 93 30 16 360.00 12 17 1 5.40 62 1,043 135t 168t 117 30 20 425.00 12 18 5 6.50 70 1,350 140t 210t 141 30 ♦Figures denote height in feet which blocks with regular lengths of chain will hoist above level on which operator stands. fFor each hand chain. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO. YALE TRIPLEX BLOCK PARTS MODEL SS 342 Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo. PRICES FOR PARTS OF YALE TRIPLEX BLOCKS — MODEL SS These parts are all Illustrated on the preceding page In ordering parts state whether for "1898 Model" or "Model SS." Parts both models. Parts 303 to 332 differ in "1898 Model" and "Model SS." 113 to 223 are the same in List No. Name Va Ton 1 Ton Tons 2 Tons 3 Tons 4 to 20 Tons " 104 113 119 125 127 131 200 201 202 203 210 214 216 221 . 223 ^ 303 304 305 308 312 314 318 320 324 326 328 329 330 332 $1.00 1.00 .40t .40 .80t 1.50 .40 .80 .40 .40 .20 .75 1.80 1.60t .20 .40 1.00 .30 .20 .60 1.50 3.00t 2.50 .30 2.40 1.80t 2.00 1.20 1.50 .40* .25 $1.40 1.40 .60 .50 1.10 2.30 .40 1.00 .40 .40 .20 1.20 2.30 2.10 .20 .50 1.40 .30 .20 .70 2.00 4.00 3.50 .40 3.20 2.30 3.20 1.50 2.00 .45* .25 $2.00 1.80 .70 .70 1.40 3.20 .50 1.40 .50 .50 .30 1.50 3.20 3.20 .30 .60 2.00 .40 .30 .80 2.50 5.00 4.50 .50 5.00 3.00 4.75 1.80 2.50 .50* .25 $2.40 2.00 .80 .90 1.60 5.50 .50 1.50 .60 .60 .30 1.80 4.20 4.20 .30 .70 2.40 .50 .40 1.00 3.00 6.00 5.50 .50 6.00 3.60 6.35 2.10 3.00 .55* .25 $0.70 .70 1.40 '.50 1.40 .50 .50 .30 1.50 3.20 3.20 .30 .60 '.40 .30 .80 2.50 5.00 4.50 .50 5.00 3.00 4.75 1.80 2.50 .50* .25 % Top Hook a.nd Nut . Gear and Pinion Pins, each. . . $0.80 .90 r| Gear and Pinions, each 1.60 Pawl Stud .50 c^ Ratchet Disc 1.50 OJ'O .60 c;^ .60 Pawl Spring ... .... .30 Strap Hand Chain Guide Disc Hub 1.80 4.20 c Pinion Cage 4.20 m Pawl .30 u Small Separator . . . .70 .50 'm Load Chain Guide Bolt .40 1.00 ® Continuous Hand Chain Guide. 3.00 6.00 : 5.50 Stripper .50 Internal Gear 6.00 Hand Wheel 3.60 }_^ 6.35 •O Gear Cover 2.10 r Suspension Plate, each Load Chain, Steel, ft 3.00 .55* 05 Hand Chain " " ... .25 2 PARTS FOR YALE TRIPLEX BLOCKS— 3 TON AND LARGER far 341 342 143 144 No. 341 342 143 144 145 147 148 149 151 152 153 $3.00 6.35 3.00 .80 3.50 3.20 3.00 $5.00 14.30 4.50 1.30 4. 6 6 5.00 5.00 5 Ton $6.00 16.60 4.80 1.00 3.00 4.50 1.50 4.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 6 Ton 8 Ton $7.00 $12.00 20.00 25.00 7.00 8.00 1.50 2.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 2.50 6.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 7.00 12.00 10 Ton $15.00 28.00 9.00 2.50 5.50 7.00 3.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 2 Ton 16 Ton $24.00 32.00 10.00 3.50 5.50 7.00 4.00 12.00 19.00 24.00 $32.00 40.00 11.50 4.00 5.50 7.00 5.00 13.56 24.00 32.00 >0 Ton $65.00 64.00 13.00 5.50 5.50 7.00 6.50 15.56 32.00 65.00 Top Hook Top Yoke Top Guard and Guides Top Sheave Pin 145 147 148 149 Top Sheaves Bottom Sheave Bottom Sheave Becket Straps Pin 151 152 153 Bottom Guards and Guides Bottom Side Plates Crosshead Bottom Hook and ♦In ordering Load Chains specify whether or not hook is required. tParts should be specified "Quick Speed" for blocks so marked on the gear cover. Always give size of block. Parts 329 and 221 are a driven fit. In assembling see that the locating holes in No. 127 line up at the center. If parts are for Trolley Blocks, specify model, capacity and size of I-beam. GEO-BeARPEN*TER ^ SO. 343 YALE DUPLEX BLOCKS SCREW GEARED The Yale Duplex is the popular type of the Yale Blocks and ranks next in efficiency to their Triplex, It is both light and powerful. The hand chain guides are so placed that the operator can stand clear of the load without wasting energy in dragging the chain through the guides. The safety load chain guides prevent slipping, and the swivel connections prevent fouling of the chain. The bronze worm wheels and steel worms have hardened and ground thrust bearings and run in oil. Capac- Price Complete *Regu- lar Hoist Extra Hoist Price per foot Minimum Distance between Hooks in inches tReach in feet and inches Net Wgt. in tChain Pull Length of Chain in Reg- ular Hoist ft. in. lbs. lbs. feet feet feet Vz $25.00 8 $1.00 13 9 1 43 68 40 18 16 1 30.00 8 1.10 16 9 4 57 87 59 18 16 11/2 40.00 8 1.20 19 9 7 76 94 80 18 16 2 50.00 9 1.30 21 10 9 104 115 93 20 18 3 75.00 10 1.50 25 12 1 180 132 126 24 21 4 95.00 10 1.60 29 12 5 215 142 155 24 21 5 140.00 12 2.40 31 14 7 330 145 195 30 26 6 180.00 12 2.50 33 14 9 320 145 25 2 55 26 8 210.00 12 2.70 36 15 380 160 310 55 26 10 275.00 12 3.25 45 15 9 55.^ 160 390 57 26 *Figures denote height in feet which blocks, with regular lengths of chain, will hoist from level on which operator stands. Extra lengths of chain should be ordered when it is desired to hoist higher. No deduction is made for blocks with less than the regular length of chain. tThe "Reach" is the sum of the "Hoist" and the "Minimum Distance between Hooks." When hung at this height to lift the full hoist above the floor the hand chain of Triplex or Duplex blocks hangs down to within 18 inches of the floor. ^Figures denote the pull in pounds required to lift the full load, and the number of feet of hand chain which must be handled to lift the load one foot. It is absolutely impossible for the load chains to slip, because these safety guides prevent it. PARTS FOR YALE DUPLEX BLOCKS W^hen Ordering give Name and Number of Parts and also the Size o£ the Block and its Shop Number, Stamped Near the Top H'ook These parts are illustrated at top of next page. PARTS Vi TO 5 TONS— Parts for Larger Sizes Listed on Next Page List No. Name 1/2 Ton 1 Ton 11/2 Ton 2 Ton 3 Ton 31/a Ton 4 Ton $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.70 $1.00 $1.20 $1.40 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.40 3.00 4.00 5.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 5.00 6.00 .90 1.00 1.30 1.80 2.00 2.40 2.60 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 10.00 1.20 1.40 1.70 2.00 1.50* 1.60* 2.50* 3.00* 3.50 4.00 4.50 .30 .30 .40 .50 4.06 1.60 .50 2,50 4.26 1.80 .50 3.00 4'. 4 6 2.00 .50 3.50 .25t .25t .25t .25t .25 .40 .40 .371/2 .40 .421/2 .45 .50 .55 .55 5 Ton 41 45 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 58 59 60 72 74 91 92 Load Chain Guide Worm and Shaft. ■ Load Chain Guard Worm Wheel . . . Top Hook Load Sheave, per pair Strippers, per pair. . . Bottom Hook Swivel and Eye Bolts. . . . Hand Chain Guide. . Housing, each half. . Friction Plug *Hand Wheel Friction Plug Cover. Pinion Shaft Gear Friction Plug Cover. Friction Plug IHand Chain, per ft. . Load Chain, per ft. . $1.60 10.00 1.00 15.00 6.00 5.00 1.00 8.00 2.80 15.00 5.66 4.60 2.20 .50 4.00 .40 .60 heel In ordering Hand Wheels or Hand Chain note number of pockets for chain links in rim of t Welded hand chain for old model Blocks 37i^c per foot for V2, IVz and 2 ton sizes. 344 Geo-BCarpen'ter ^ eo. PARTS FOR YALE DUPLEX BLOCKS When ordering, give name and number of parts, and also size of Block and its shop number, stamped near the top hook. PARTS OF DUPLEX BLOCKS, 6 TO 10 TONS 41 45 49 50 51 52 55 56 & 59 72 74 76 84 85 & 87 91 92 94 61 88 Load Chain Guide Worm and Shaft Load Chain Guard Worm Wheel Top Hook Load Sheave, per pair Hand Chain Guides Housing, pair '. . Hand Wheel Pinion Shaft Gear Bottom Guides, per pair Clevis Pin Strippers, per pair Bottom Hook, Swivel and Eye Bolts Friction Plug Cover Friction Plug Bottom Sheaves, per pair Load Chain, per ft Hand Chain, Welded, per ft $ 1.70 12.00 1.10 16.00 7.00 5.50 3.00 32.00 5.00 4.80 2.30 4.50 .50 1.50 12.00 -.50 4.20 3.00 .50 .40 ? 1.80 16.00 1.20 18.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 36.00 5.00 5.00 2.40 5.00 .60 2.00 16.00 .50 4.40 4.00 .55 .40 $ 1.90 18.00 1.30 20.00 12.00 8.00 3.00 40.00 6.50 5.20 2.50 6.00 .70 2.50 20.00 .60 4.60 6.00 .55 .40 $ 2.50 22.00 1.40 25.00 15.00 9.00 4.00 60.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 7.00 1.00 3.50 25.00 .60 5.40 7.00 .60 .40 GEO-B-CAHPEhfTER S Go. 345 PNEUMATIC HOISTS Fig. F. B. 107 Class A and G The design of these various types of Air Hoists has been made to secure strength, durability, lightness, safety, dependability, low main- tenance cost, accessibility of all working parts and the best possible speed control. Weight is minimum, less load to hang, less effort to move. Strength is maximum, no unsafe loads suspended above your work- men. Length. — Minimum, horizontal hoists especially adapted to limited headroom. Styles. — Various styles of pendant, bracketed and rope compounded hoists. Pressures. — Hoists are suitable for pressures as high as 110 pounds. Capacities. — Up to 20,000 pounds at 80 pounds air pressure. Al- ways make allowance for at least 10 per cent possible drop in your air pressure. Valve. — The Curtis patented hoist valve is of the disc type, self- grinding, perfectly tight, wears slowly and remains tight after years of constant use. Cylinders. — Made of steel tubing, ground and polished on the in- side, giving maximum strength with the least possible weight. Upper Heads. — Cast steel — screwed to cylinders — for pendant hoists. Rear Heads. — Steel, bolted to screw rings — for bracketed hoists. Stuffing-box Heads. — Cast steel, with gland and die cast piston rod bushing on small sizes — brass bushing on large sizes. Heads bolted to screw rings. Rings. — Cast steel, screwed to cylinder, plain, bracket or plate type. Piston Leathers. — Special processed hydraulic leather — air tight. Removable Pistons. — Leathers renewed by unbolting rear head on bracketed hoists or lower head on pendant hoists without dismantling hoists. CURTIS PENDANT AIR HOISTS— Class A and G (Patented) ■^ d o s -^--^ VVeiKhts of Hoist WeiKht Pr ce of Ex L- %2 m 4 foot lift each add'l ft. for eitlier Class .-V or G 11 2^ 3 ^ ■ C Price Simple Air Hoist Price Air Balanced Hoist 1. J So' •S»i-5§ o® B« P. V"^ '25'5 For 4 ft. For 4 ft. ~ 5 P'O'd 2° o. II m M 1 wS li ^^b Lift or less Lift or less lis' ill 4 861 .54 80 105 125 11 20 $52.00 $56.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $24.00 5 1,356 .85 125 145 200 20 30 60.00 66.00 6.00 10.00 26.00 6 2.050 1.22 150 190 260 24 36 70.00 76.00 7.00 10.00 28.00 7 2,791 1.73 210 230 290 29 40 80.00 8S.00 8.00 12.00 30.00 8 3,616 2.24 240 290 370 36 48 96.00 106.00 10.00 12.00 32.00 9 4,592 2.85 320 360 460 42 55 110.00 120.00 10.00 12.00 34.00 10 5,636 3.29 390 420 515 50 65 130.00 140.00 12.00 12.00 36.00 12 8,154 5.06 500 580 660 60 80 150.00 160.00 14.00 14.00 40.00 14 11,270 7.13 700 850 1050 75 100 220.00 230.00 20.00 14.00 44.00 IV 16,500 10.10 900 1200 1400 90 120 270.00 284.00 26.00 14.00 50.00 19 20,900 12.50 1100 1500 1700 100 150 320.00 340.00 30.00 14.00 60.00 CLASS A HOISTS are plain or single acting air hoists — and are for simple lifting. CLASS G HOISTS are air balanced and are to be specified where delicate control is required. For best speed control add two speed boxes. FOR AIR COMPRESSORS AND RECEIVERS. SEE INDEX 346 GEO•B•eAR^PE^fTER S CO. PNEUMATIC HOISTS Fig. A. D. 605. Portable Class * 'K." Hoist, Non-Cnshioned, -^Tith Pendant Hook and Suspended from Two Plain 1 Beam Trolleys CURTIS ROPE GEARED, AIR BALANCED HOISTS— CLASS K •^Stationary type, no hook, no under sheave, no trolley. Open socket on end of rope. ii — o a Pi Free Air Re- to Move 1 ft. under ited Load at Air — Extra Prices to be added to K Hoist i -1 Jl ill si h ill ail 2 -sw- ill 1 III mi ycsso III c^^l ilii Hi ill 6 800 .61 225 16 ?140.00 $3.50 $4.00 $20.00 $50.00 180.00 $60.00 $90.00 $20.00 $28.00 7 1050 .87 275 20 150.00 4.00 5.00 22.00 54.00 84.00 70.00 100.00 20.00 30.00 T 8 1450 1.12 350 25 160.00 4.50 6.00 22.00 60.00 90.00 80.00 110.00 24.00 32.00 9 1900 1.43 450 30 ISO. 00 5.00 7.00 24.00 64.00 100.00 90.00 120.00 24.00 34.00 P 10 2400 1.70 525 34 200.00 6.00 8.00 26.00 74.00 110.00 100.00 130.00 24.00 36.00 s 12 3500 2.53 650 40 250.00 7.50 9.00 28.00 80.00 120.00 110.00 140.00 28.00 40.00 •^ 14 4800 3.57 900 50 320.00 10.50 10.00 32.00 90.00 130.00 120.00 150.00 28.00 44.00 17 7000 5.05 1200 62 400.00 14.00 11.00 40.00 100.00 140.00 130.00 160.00 28.00 50.00 I 19 9000 6.25 1400 70 460.00 18.00 14.00 44.00 110.00 150.00 140.00 170.00 28.00 60.00 6 400 .30 250 11 150.00 3.00 4.00 20.00 50.00 80.00 60.00 90 00 20.00 28.00 7 525 .43 300 13 160.00 3.00 4.00 20.00 54.00 84.00 64.00 94.00 24.00 30 00 — 8 700 .56 400 14 170.00 3.50 5.00 20.00 60.00 90.00 68.00 98.00 24.00 32.00 ' 9 950 .71 450 15 200.00 4.00 6.00 22.00 64.00 100.00 72.00 102.00 24.00 34.00 ?\ 10 1150 .82 500 17 220.00 4.50 6.00 24.00 74.00 110.00 76.00 106.00 24.00 36.00 s 13 1400 1.25 650 20 270.00 5.00 7.00 26.00 80.00 120.00 80.00 110.00 28.00 40.00 14 2400 1.78 900 22 330.00 7.00 8.00 30.00 90.00 130.00 100.00 130.00 28.00 44.00 17 . 3500 2.50 1200 28 400.00 8.50 9.00 34.00 100.00 140.00 110.00 140.00 28.00 50.00 L 1* 4500 3.10 1400 30 235.00 10.00 10.00 38.00 110.00 150.00 120.00 150.00 28.00 60.00 r 6 250 .21 250 8 160.00 2.50 4.00 20.00 50.00 80.00 60.00 90.00 20.00 28.00 7 325 .29 300 9 170.00 3.00 4.00 20.00 54.00 84.00 64.00 94.00 24.00 30.00 — 8 450 .38 400 10 180.00 3.00 5.00 20.00 60.00 90.00 68.00 98.00 24.00 32.00 9 575 .47 450 11 210.00 3.50 6.00 22.00 64.00 100.00 72.00 102.00 24.00 34.00 i 10 750 .55 500 12 230.00 3.50 6.00 22.00 74.00 110.00 76.00 106.00 24.00 36.00 12 1100 .84 650 14 280.00 4.00 7.00 24.00 80.00 120.00 80.00 110.00 28.00 40.00 a 14 1500 1.17 900 17 350.00 5.00 7.00 28.00 90.00 130.00 90.00 120.00 28.00 44.00 17 2250 1.67 1200 21 420.00 6.50 8.00 32.00 100.00 140.00 100.00 130.00 28.00 50.00 19 2900 2.10 1400 28 2S0.00 8.00 8.00 36.00 110.00 150.00 110.00 140.00 28.00 60.00 Fig. A. D. 603, Stationary Class "K" Hoist vfith Cushions and Speed Boxes SKND US YOUR SPECIFICATIONS WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR HOISTS OF ANY TYPE. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ eo. 3Vi FLAT RAIL TRAVELERS Fig. 122A Plain Fig. 122B Geared The steel plate travelers for flat rail are often more desirable because of the ease of erecting and making curves in the track. The side plate is made sufficiently heavy to resist bending, and good clearance is allowed for the foot of the hanger. The size of the wheels is as large as ordinary head room will allow, abd they all have steel bushings and roller bearings. In the geared Traveler, both wheels act as drivers, to give the greatest tractive force. They are all made to take apart, for ease in putting on the rail. Clearance dimensions given on re- quest. PRICE LIST OF FLAT RAIL TRAVELERS Capacity in standard Size of Rail in inches Greatest Distance Between Hangers in feet Price of Traveler Height of Rail from Floor for Regular Hand Chain* Price of Kxtra Hand Chain per foot Height Weight In pounds pounds Plain Geared Plain Geared 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 3x 1/2 3x 1/2 4x % 4x % 4x % 6x1 6x1 6 5 6 5 4 6 5 $11.00 11.00 14.00 14.00 17.00 25.00 25.00 $22.00 22.00 26.00 26.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 9' 8" 9' 9" 10' 4" 10' 4" 11' 9" 13' 4" 13' 4" ?0.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 25 25 40 40 60 80 80 53 53 68 68 90 115 115 ♦Height to top of rail. FOR DERRICKS, WINCHES AND HAND POWERS, SEE INDEX 348 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER ^ SO. I-BEAM TRAVELERS To Run on the Lower Flange. Pig, 121A. Plain Fig. 121B. Geared The steel side plates give a maximum strength and at the same time allow light weight, sav- ing of space, and flexibility. The diameter of the wheels is made as large as the size of the beams used in general prac- tice will allow. They are equipped with steel bushings and roller bearings, and tlie Geared Trav- elers are driven on both sides of the beam to prevent friction against the flanges. Both Plain and Geared Travelers can be widened to suit beams larger than standard, but wull be sent regular unless otherwise ordered. Clearance dimensions given on request. PRICE LIST OF I-BEAM TRAVELERS Capacity in stand- ard Size of I-Beam in in. Small- est I-Beam Traveler Will Fit Price of Traveler Height of Beam from Floor for Itegular Hand Chain* Price of Extra Hand Chain per foot Height Weight in Lbs. Plain 1 Geared ft. 1 in. Plain Geared 1,000 5 5 $14.00 $26.00 9 4 $0.50 36 61 2,000 6 6 16.00 28.00 9 6 .50 43 70 3,000 7 7 19.00 31.00 9 9 .50 68 95 4,000 8 8 22.00 35.00 11 .50 75 102 6,000 9 9 27.00 42.00 12 3 .50 109 142 8,000 10 9 33.00 52.00 12 8 .50 115 148 10,000 12 10 43.00 65.00 15 .50 166 211 12,000 15 12 55.00 80.00 15 2 .50 213 259 16,000 20 15 70.00 95.00 15 8 .50 347 415 20,000 24 15 85.00 115.00 15 10 .50 357 425 ♦Height to bottom of beam GEO-B-CAIiPEhfTER ^ eo. i9 'BROWNHOIST" PLAIN AND GEARED TROLLEYS ^ L FiK. 1181 Plain Fir. IISIA Geared The value of the chain block is greatly increased by the use of trolleys and I-beams. This permits loads to be transported as well as raised. Standard trolleys are shipped with pins and washers, so that they may be applied to three sizes of I-beams. The Brownhoist Geared Trolley has all the advantages of the Plain Trolley, and the gear drive allows heavy loads to be moved with great ease and accuracy. Capacity Standard Size of I-Beam inches Greatest Distance between Supports feet Smallest Radius for I-Beam curve inches Diameter of Tread of Wheels inches Price Weight in lbs. Pull Hand on Chain* Plain Geared Plain lbs. Geared lbs. Plain lbs. Geared lbs. % 4 13 18 3 $14.00 25 25 . . V2 5 14 21 3% 16.00 30 26 1 6 14 21 4% 20.00 $40.00 50 90 47 15 11/2 7 15 30 51/2 25.00 45.00 95 140 65 24 2 8 16 36 61/2 30.00 50.00 115 170 74 23 3 9 16 42 71/4 40.00 60.00 150 180 45. 16 4 ^^ 10 16 48 81/4 50.00 70.00 210 350 50 18 5 12 18 54 10 65.00 90.00 270 360 60 20 6 a 15 22 60 10 80.00 100.00 350 460 70 23 8 f w 20 29 60 12 95.00 110.00 420 540 90 28 10 u 24 34 60 13 110.00 130.00 550 650 115 35 12 0) 24 23 60 13 110.00 130.00 600 700 150 42 15 24 20 96 18 180.00 220.00 1100 1400 180 44 20 K 24 16 120 18 200.00 250.00 1200 1500 260 49 'Pull on hand chain to move fully loaded Trolley along Track. "BROWNHOIST" CAST IRON TROLLEYS These Trolleys are fur- nished to meet the demand for an eflacient low priced trolley. These Cast Trolleys are light, easy running and durable and will satisfactorily meet the needs of a low cost installation. Capac- ity in standard I-Beam* in. lbs. Price Plain Bearing- Roller Bearing- Tons Cast Iron Cast steel Cast Iron Cast Steel V2* 1 iy2 2 3 5 9^4 6 121/4 7 15 8 18 9 21 $8.00 10.50 13.50 17.00 $11.10 14.00 17.90 22.25 $lY.50 22.00 27.00 37.50 $2Y.6o 26.40 32.25 43.65 ♦Trolleys of same capacity can be furnished for larger sized 1-Beams than here shown. FOR OTHER STYLES OF TROLLEYS, SEE IXDEX 'BROWNHOIST' FLAT RAIL TROLLEY To run on Flat Steel Bars. The plain Trolley is shown in the cut. Fig. 1184 The "geared" Trolley is fitted with hand chain and sprocket wheel. Greatest Price of Capacity Size of Rail inches Distance between Hangers in ft. Trolleys Plain Geared % 3x 1/2 6 $9.00 ¥2 3x 1/2 5 9.00 1 4x % 6 15.00 $35.00 iy2 4x % 5 15.00 35.00 2 4x % 4 15.00 35.00 3 6x1 6 30.00 50.00 4 6x1 5 30.00 50.00 350 Geo-BCarpenTter « eo. MANILA ROPE HOISTS HALL IMPROVED SPECIAL SAFETY HOISTS Equipped With Improved Self Adjusting Safety Locks The Height of Perfection in Safety Hoists This new lock is the sim- plest safest, most efficient lock ever devised. It adjusts / automatically to various , 4J si D •S2. si ¥ ^-^ r' ¥ Co m 1 1 1000 7' 6" 4'1" 3' 5" 13" V 6" $24.00 2 2000 7 6" 4'1" 3' 5" 13" r 6" 33.00 3 3000 8' 4'1" 3' 5" 14" r 10" 37.50 4 4000 8' 5' 4'1" 15" r 11" 43.75 AVe recommend Peerless Hoists to use -ivith the Portable Crane. FIgr. 123 352 Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. TRAVELING CRANES HAND POWER Fig. 61S5. Single Beam with Trolley Inside No. Capacity Tons Span feet Distance from Top of Rail to Highest Point of Bridge, inches Price with Trolley and without Chain Hoist 6185 11/2 12 to 15 11% $200.00 6186 11/2 16 to 19 11% 225.00 6187 IVz 20 to 23 11% 250.00 6191 3 18 to 21 16 260.00 6192 3 22 to 25 16 300.00 6193 3 26 to 30 16 350.00 6197 5 18 to 21 191/2 340.00 6198 5 22 to 25 191/2 400.00 6199 5 26 to 30 191/2 475.00 6210 4 20 to 23 26 400.00 6211 4 24 to 27 26 475.00 6212 4 28 to 32 26 550.00 6213 5 20 to 23 29 425.00 6214 5 24 to 27 29 525.00 6216 6 20 to 23 30 475.00 6217 6 24 to 27 30 575.00 6218 6 28 to 32 30 675.00 6219 8 22 to 26 65 650.00 6220 8 27 to 31 35 750.00 6221 8 32 to 36 35 850.00 6222 10 22 to 26 39 700.00 6223 10 27 to 31 39 800.00 6224 10 32 to 36 39 900.00 WALL OR POST CRANE Capacity in Tons Size of Price with Bail- Price for Kach No. Beam Working Radius Wall to Extreme Bearing Trolley Additional Foot inches Point without Hoist in Length of Beam 6170 1/4 4 11, 7" 13' 4" $51.00 $0.70 6171 1/2 5 11' 6" 13' 5" 62.00 .90 6172 1 6 11' 5" 13' 6" 74.00 1.10 6173 11/2 7 11/ 4" 13' 7" 87.00 1.35 6174 2 8 11' 2" 13' 8" 102.00 1.60 6175 3 9 11' 13' 9" 117.00 1.90 6176 4 10 lO'lO" 13'10" 136.00 2.25 6177 5 12 10' 9" 13'11" 160.00 2.60 FOR CHAIN HOISTS BOTH HAND AND PNEUMATIC. SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER ^ eo. 353 WAGON OR STOCK SCALES Fig. 111. Shallow Pit — Solid I^ever Type Prices given below are exclusive of platform, planking and foundation timber, but include either office fixtures or beam box as desired. Either wood or steel frames may be used but we strongly recommend steel frames. No, Capacity Tons Platform Single Beam Double Beam Compound Beam 100 2 6 xl2 $ 60.00 $ 65.00 $ 70.00 101 3 7 xl3 65.00 70.00 75.00 102 4 7 xl4 70.00 75.00 80.00 103 4 71/2x14 85.00 90.00 95.00 104 4 8 xl4 95.00 100.00 105.00 105 5 8 xl4 100.00 110.00 115.00 106 6 8 xl6 180.00 190.00 210.00 107 6 8 x22 200.00 210.00 230.00 108 8 8 xl6 190.00 200.00 220.00 109 8 8 x22 210.00 220.00 240.00 110 10 8 xl6 190.00 225.00 245.00 111 10 8 x22 220.00 240.00 260.00 Prices of steel frames furnished on application. The Chicago Wagon or Stock Scale above is fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction and will comply with all laws governing weights and measures. It Fig. 0571 BASEMENT OR ASH HOIST A Labor Saving Device for Removing Ashes, BaiTels, Boxes, Etc. The illustration shows clearly the advantages embodied in a machine of this type. Is a simple construction consisting of two steel channels connected by a couple of cast iron spreaders which also serve the purpose of guides for the raising and lowering of the telescopic mast. The frame is secured to the floor and wall by anchor bolts. This device is simple, easy to operate and takes up very little room in the basement. When not in use the entire machine is below the base- ment ceiling. To operate the hoist the mast Is raised by the lower crank shown in the illustration and held in the elevated position by a steel pin. The hoisting mechanism is operated from the sidewalk level — the hoisting head revolves so that the material may be swung to the sidewalk without lifting. The capacity of the mechanism handle with a machine of this type. s sufficient for any load which it would be advisable to When ordering state the height of the basement ceihng. List price $105.00 FOR BUCKETS, SHOVELS AND WHEELBARROWS, SEE INDEX 354 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ eo. PLATFORM SCALES For Measures, Pails, Scoops, Baskets and Trucks, see Index. Fig. 615A. "Gibraltar" Fig. 615B. "Chicago Portable" — With Wheels Fig. 615A— GIBRALTER PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES Compound Beam. No loose weights. Full capacity is on the beams. Mounted on wheels. Beam on top and easy to get at. Guaranteed to pass inspection and to comply with all laws governing weights and measures. No. 980. Capacity 600 lbs., platform 16x25 $28.00 No. 961. Capacity 1000 lbs., platform 17x26 35.00 Fig. 615B— CHICAGO PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES WITH SOLID BRASS BEAM, SLIDING POISE AND SET SCREW Suitable for the weighing of general merchandise in all kinds of trade. Scales of 1000 pounds capacity and larger have pillar braced with iron. These scales are all manufactured of the best materials throughout, with carefully tempered steel bearings and pivots, where both strength and extreme hardness are required. Panel board for platform is hard wood. With Wheels Without Wheels No. Capacity pounds Platform inches Price No. Capacity pounds Platform inches Price 1116 2,500x1/2 24 x32 $85.00 1100 2,500x1/2 24 x32 $80.00 1118 2,000xy2 24 x32 75.00 1102 2,000x1^ 24 x32 70.00 1120 1,500x1/2 21 x28 56.00 1104 1,500x1^ 21 x28 52.00 1122 1,200x1/2 20 x28 49.00 1106 1,200x1/2 20 x28 45.00 1124 1,000x1/2 191/2x27 43.00 1108 1,000x1/2 191/2x27 39.00 • 1126 800x1/2 17 x26 38.00 1110 800x1/2 17 x26 34.00 1128 600x14 16 x25 33.00 1112 eooxiA 16 x25 30.00 1130 400x14 15 x21 26.00 1114 4OOXV4 15 x21 23.00 Extra for Double Beam, 2,000 and 2,500 lbs. Scales Extra for Double Beam, 1,500 and 1,200 lbs. Scales Extra for Double Beam, 1,000 and 400 lbs. Scales $6.00 . 5.00 . 4.00 UTILITY PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALE (Not Illustrated) Single Beam Avith Wheels. Beams graduated 50 lbs. by M lbs. A good grade Platform Scale. Solid brass beam and sliding poise and guaranteed to pass in- spection. An exceptional value for the price asked. No. 1950. Capacity 600 lbs., platform 151/2x22 Price $19.00 No. 1951. Capacity 800 lbs., platform 16 x22 " 23.00 Double Beam, extra, $5.00 GEO-BCARPEffTER S Co. SCALES AND BALANCES 35; STRAIGHT SPRING BALANCES Extra Quality — Heavy STRAIGHT SPRING BALANCES Fig. 100, Xo. 80. 90. 100. 100 A. \Vith Hook Per doz. lOOB. 100 C. 1 00 D. lOOE. 80 lbs. by 1 lb 100 " '• 1 125 " " 1 150 " " 1 200 " " 2 250 " " 2 300 " " 2 400 " " 4 .1524.00 42.00 48.00 60.00 72.00 78.00 84.00 96.00 \fe^ F Ig. 300. With Hook No. Each Fig. 20. AVitli Hoolt. 300. 100 lbs by V2 lb. . .$ 7.00 310. 150 " ' V2 " . 8.00 320. 200 " ' V2 " . . 10.00 No. Per doz. 330. 250 " ' 1 " . . 11.00 2000. 24 lbs. by 1/2 lb ,$1.50 340. 300 " ' 1 " . . 12.00 2014. 12 " " 14 "... 1.60 350. 400 " ' 1 " . . 15.00 20. 25 " " 1/2 "... 1.60 360. 500 " ' 1 " . . 20.00 30. 50 " " 1 " . . . 3.00 370. 600 " •' 1 " . . ai.oo CIRCULAR WAREHOUSE BALANCES Fig. 799. Colona THE "COLONA" A strictly high grade counter scale. Solid hiass Beani.s and Poises. Full capacity on the beams requiring no loose weights and Brass Scoops. Guaranteed to pass inspection and to give entire satisfaction. Xo. I Capacity I lbs. riatforin Size inrhes Style Scoop I tOl tlOl 110 110 10% X 131/2 10 1/2 X 131/2 Brass Scoop Brass Funnel Scoop .$25.00 27.00 356 GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER « QO. TRUCKS Fig. 623A. Half Ironed Fi^. 623B. Full Ironed Fig. 623C. Railroad Fig. 623D Bag Warehouse and Store Trucks These Trucks are made of the best second growth hickory, ash or oak lumber. Bolts pass through iron, tenons and handles. All steel parts are heavier than iron parts ordinary used. Axle and collar forged from one piece of steel. Fig. 623A HALF IRONED TRUCKS Axles turned and wheels bored. Steel nose, side straps, axle and legs. No. Length of Handle width inches Diam. of Wheel inches Weight lbs. Each 1 2 3 3 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 11 in. 4 it. 4 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 19 19 20 22 6% 6% 7% 8% 42 44 56 77 $ 6.00 7.00 9.00 13.00 Fig. 623B FULL IRONED TRUCKS Axles turned and wheels bored. Steel nose, side straps, axle and legs. No. Length of Handle Width inches Diam. of Wheel inches Weight lbs. Each 1 2 3 3 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 11 in. 4 ft. 4 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 19 19 20 22 6% 6 78 73/4 8% 49 50 66 87 $ 7.00' 8.00 10.50 15.00 Fig. 623C RAILROAD AND PACKING HOUSE TRUCKS Full ironed, extra heavy. Cross-bars and straps bolted through handles. Axles turned and wheels bored. Steel nose, side straps, and axle. No. 4. Length of handle, 5 feet; width, 24 inches; diameter of wheel, 10% inches; weight 120 lbs each $20.00 No. 5. Length of handle, 5 l^ feet; width, 25 inches; diameter of wheel, 12 inches; weight, 150 lbs each 24.00 Fig. 623D BAG TRUCKS With steam-bent handles heavy cast iron nose. No. 1. Length of handle, 42 inches; width at nose, 11% inches; width at upper bar, 16% inches; axle, % inch square; wheel, 6x1% inches; weight, 29 lbs each $5.00 No. 3. Length of handle, 4 8 inches; width at nose, 15 inches; width at upper bar, 20% inches; axle, 1 inch square; wheel, 6%x2 inches; weight, 58 lbs each 9.00 WAGON TRUCK Steel Axles, Wheels Drilled, Axles Turned Siae Each No. 1. Platform, 3x2 ft.; wt., 115 lbs $14.00 No. 2. Platform, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 2 in., wt. 120 lbs. 15.00 Ig. 624A No. 3. Platform, 3 ft. 4 in No. 4. Platform, 3 ft. 6 in No. 5. Platform, 3 ft. 8 in No. 6. Platform, 3 ft. 10 in SEE INDEX FOR DOLLIES AND ROLLERS, X 2 ft. 4 in., wt. 126 lbs. 16.00 X 2 ft. 6 in., wt. 131 lbs. 17.50 X 2 ft. 8 in., wt. 13 6 lbs. 18.50 X 2 ft. 10 in., wt. 141 lbs. 20.00 GEO-BCAIiPENfTER S GO. 35; HERCULES STEEL TRUCKS No. Full Length Width inches Dia. Wheel inches Dia. Axle inches Weight lbs. Each ft. 1 in. 2 3 4 4A 4B 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 5 21 22 24 24 24 TVs 10% 10 3/4 103/4 lys lys iy2 iy2 1% 80 90 136 150 150 $ 7.50 9.00 11.25 13.25 14.00 SKIDS Fiff. e24B Fig. e23E Our Skids are made of the best selected ash, oak, or hickory lumber. Length feet Kind Side Rai:s No. of Cross Bar3 Lpnstli feet Kind Side Rails No. of Cross Bars 6 6 7 7 8 Light Heavy Light Heavy Light iy4X2 3/4 l%x3 iy4X2 3^ i%x3y4 iy2x2% 2 2 2 3 8 j Heavy 9 , Heavy 1 Heavy 1 2 Heavy i%x3yo i%x3y2 l%x3 3^ l%x4 3 3 3 3 Price, light pattern . . Price, heavy pattern. Any size under 6 feet, same price as G feet. BOX TRUCKS per foot $1.00 1.25 Flsr. 623F No. Width inciies I.enKth Wheels inches Vi'eight lbs. Eacli 1 1 18 2 1 18 18 26 4X1 3/8 4x1% 28 28 15.00 6.00 BOX HOOKS NEW JUMBO NAIL PULLER Fig. 565 18 inch per dozen $18.00 Made of 1;, inch octagon tool steel, long tap- ered points, hickory handles, steel shank is riv- eted onto handle. A hook that will stand hard usage. No. 9. 9 inch under handle, .per doz. $8.00 No. 12. 12 inch under handle. . " 9.00 No. 15. 15 inch under handle.. " 10.00 • 358 Geo-BCarpen'ter s eo. CAR MOVERS— REPLACERS Fig. 545A Samson Car Mover, weight 15 lbs each $5.00 Sain»«on Locomotive Mover, weight 20 lbs each 6.00 One extra spur with each. "BADGER" CAR MOVER — Not Illustrated The "Badger" has a quick-acting compound leverage' which makes it one of tlie quickest acting movers in use anywhere. It is fitted with double concave spurs which grip the rail firmly, and will not slip even if dull. Handle' is hard maple. Length ^Ys feet. Price each Malleable Shoe No. 9. Socket No. 8. Cam No. 7. Clip for Spur No. 16. Small Bolt No. 21. Extra Parts for "Badger" Car Movers Price each $3.00 Price each 3.00 Price each 1.50 Price e'ach 80 Price eacli 10 THE SHELDON CAR MOVER Large Bolt No. 23. Pin No. 24. Steel Spurs No. 22. Handle No. 20. $7.50 Price each 10 Price each 10 Price each 50 Price each 2.0O compound power, wearing part changeable. It does not slip, works under any Weight, 18 lbs.; length, 5 feet. Price, . each, with one extra Heel $5.00 Price extra Heels, three 1,00 Price,. extra Heels, each 35 Extra Parts for "Samson" Car Movers "" ALDON CAR REPLACERS Fig. 545C Sanson Locomotive No. 1 Fach No. Each Cam (in end of arm 5).. Clamp (to hold spur 3).. Wood Handle' 1 2 4 5 6 8 4 $0.20 .20 1.00 .25 .25 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 $0.25 .20 1 25 Spur (state if to be square or triangular) . . Spring (that slides on rain .25 .25 Arm (^bolted to handle 2). Shoe (for triangular spur) Shoe (for square spur)... Steel Pin (goes through cam) 1.50 1.50 Number 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Wt. per pair, lbs.. 1 200 1 ISO 1 100 1 50 Material Ca.st Steel 1 Malleable Iron Suitable for rails,, lbs . 1 100 1 85 1 65 1 35 Per pair $20.00 1 $18.00 1 $15.00 1 $12.50 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ Co- 359 PORTABLE TRACK ^^aiaiit'Vilifei'g'miiii n'l.'ii^ifc. Fig. 950. Straight Section Price List I ig. 050. Curve Seetiou List Leng-th Section ft. Size Rail lbs. 24-incli Gauge per ft. 30-incli Gauge per ft. 36-incli Gauge per ft. Curve.s. Extra per ft. No. 950 A No. 950B No. 950C No. 950D 15 15 15 15 12 16 20 25 $0.60 .78 .92 1.04 $0.68 .86 1.00 1.12 $0.76 .94 1.08 1.20 $0.26 .30 .40 .55 Furnisiied with Corrugated Ties unless otlierwise ordered. Can lie had with Channel or Flat Ties. Fig. 955. One-way Switch Price List Fig. 955. Two-way Switch List Gauge' inches Size Rail lbs. Radius feet. Length feet One Way Two Way No. 955A 24 12 24 to 30 15 $46.00 $52.00 No. 955B 24 16 24 to 30 15 50.00 56.00 No. 955C 24 20 24 to 30 15 65.00 72.00 No. 955D 24 25 24 to 30 15 82.00 94.00 No. 955F-: 30 12 24 to 30 15 48.00 54.00 No. 955F 30 16 24 to 30 15 52.00 58.00 No. 955G 30 20 24 to 30 15 67.00 75.00 No. 955H 30 25 24 to 30 15 88.00 102.00 9-foot switch with 12-foot radius 15% less than above prices. AVe also furni.sh rail, fish plates, bolt.s equipping industrial raiHvays. Submit your frog-s, ties, switch points and other accessories for ndustrial RaiUvay layouts to us for prices. "OPEN-TOP" TURNTABLE No. 060 Open Top Turntable revolves on a center pivot and out- side rollers. Is easy to operate and is durably built. Price List List Diameter inches Track Gauge inches Weight lbs. List Price No. 960A No. 960B No. 960C No. 960D No. 960B 42 48 60 72 84 18 to 24 18 to 30 18 to 36 18 to 48 18 to 48 230 245 327 340 496 $34.00 37.00 46.00 49.00 60.00 Kquipped "n-ith l--pound rail unless otherwise specified For complete line of Dump and Flat Cars, Signals, etc. 360 GEO-BCARPEhfTER ^ So, HAND AND PUSH CARS steel wheels 20 inches PUSH GARS No. 6. Standard gauge. Platform 7 feet long by 5 feet 7 inches wide, in diameter, machine steel axles li/^ inches in diameter. Weight, 500 lbs. Each $40.00 Extra Heavy No. 6},^. Same dimensions as No. 6. Axles 2 inches. Weight, 700 lbs. Each $48.00 Fig. 10. EXTRA HEAVY TRACK LAYING GAR 15-TON CAPACITY RAIL CAR No. 10 car illustrated, is built in an exceedingly substantial manner. Standard gauge. Capac- ity, 30,000 pounds; weight, 2,000 pounds. In size the car is 8 feet long by 6 feet 6 inches wide; Las 4 by 8 inch sills, the cross sills being plated heavily with iron. Large tool box as shown, and four extra size rollers on end sills. The wheels are of chilled cast iron, 16 inches in diameter, with wide tread — extra heavy and strong. Each $120.00 No. 11. Ten-Ton Track-Laying Car. Well built throughout but is of lighter construction than style No. 10, its weight being about 1,350 pounds; capacity 10 tons. Standard gauge. It is 7 feet 8 inches long by 6 feet 3 inches wide; has chilled cast-iron wheels, 16 inches in diameter, 5 l^ inch tread. The cross sills are strapped with iron and each end sill provided with two rollers. Car is also supplied with box for tools. Each $100.00 Fig. 130 HAND GARS Fig. 5 No. 1. Standard gauge. Platform 6 feet long by 4 feet 5 inches wide. Steel wheels 20 inches in diameter, axles 1 1^ inches in diameter. Weight, 525 lbs. Each $52.00 No. 139. Standard gauge. Platform 8 feet long by 5 feet 8 inches wide. Steel wheels 20 inches in diameter, axles ll^ inches in diameter. Weight, 700 lbs. Each $74.00 Fig. 5. INSPEGTION GAR No. 5 has platform 6 feet long by 4 feet 5 inches wide, steel wheels 20 inches in diameter. Weight, 475 lbs. Shown in illustration with single end lever; but we furnish it with double end lever if desired. Has hand lever brake in front of seat, to be operated by passengers. Each $80.00 FOR OTHER STYLES OF CARS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEhrTER ^ So. 3Gr HUNTINGTON STANDARD TRACK GAUGE Fig. o43A AVITH AND WITHOUT INSULATION This is the ordinary pattern Huntington Gauge. The construction is less expensive than the best grade; the heads simply being riveted on and the ends are not milled. Made in insulated and non-insulated styles. Unless specified we ship without insulation. Price, without insulation, per doz $10.00 Pi ice, ^vith weather-proof insulation, per doz 15.00 INSULATED CIRCULAR TRACK GAUGE "'^"•"H I „„,''L"" -nr -" Fif?. r,4^n This gauge has radial ends and is furnished with and without guard rail attachment. Pi'ice, with guard rail attaclunent, per doz $20.00 Price, without guard rail attachiuent, per doz 18.00 WOODEN TRACK LEVEL Fig. 543C Made of white pine with three coats of paint, thus overcoming the tendency to warp and twist shown in common maple levels. It is thoroughly bound in steel. Shows proper distance to set guard rails. Pi-ice, without insulation per doz. $1.1.00 Price, insulated " 15.00 Mc^IANUS GAUGE AND LEVEL Fig. 543D The gauge glass has rubber packing, which protects it and greatly lessens the likelihood of levels being broken by rough and careless handling. Price per doz., $30.00 JIM CROW RAIL BENDER Fig. 543E Made from best grade of forging steel, with machine or without lever. Most compact and simplest device for car irons. cut, square thread, steel screw, either with bending and straightening light rails and Size No. Capacity Size of Rails lbs. Span of Claws, inches Diameter of Strew, inciies Hole for I.e\ er, inches Weight, lbs. KacU 1 2 3 4 5 16 25 50 75 85 100 14 16 20 24 28 28 1% 2 21.4 21/2 2% 2% IVs ly* 1% 1% 40 65 85 130 145 170 $ 7.10 13.70 18.20 20.20 22.70 25.20 FOR RA [LROAD SPIKE S, TRACK BO LTS, ETC., SEE IMJEX 3G3 Geo-BCarpeN'ter « So. Style feature is Style Style A. Style center of TRACK DRILLS, SAND DRIERS AND SALAMANDERS The illustration shows the "Hyduty" Paulus Track Drill equipped with overclutch hook which is the usual standard for railroad track drilling. In the "Hyduty" Drill the size of the thrust bearings has been increased and they are fitted with a ball thrust bearing made especially for these drills. The thrust plates are made of high grade steel, thoroughly case hardened, polished and ground. This ball thrust bearing is rated to carry approximately 2200 pounds at normal speeds at which the drill will be operated. The type of construction is of the very best. The ball retainer is made of pressed steel and separates the balls so that they do not grind against one another. Imported balls of the highest quality obtainable are used and they are the same quality of balls as those used in the best grade of automobile bearings. These drills are equipped Avith chuck for twist or flat drills. The "Hyduty" Paulus Track Drill is made in four styles: Style A: The standard over clutch, the most used of all the ''Hyduty" drills. B: Equipped with a special hook, to permit drilling close to end of rail. Another a hook which can be lengthened so fish plates can be drilled same time as rail. C: The underclutch, still being used by some roads, but being rapidly displaced by D: For drilling girder rails and I beams. Hook is of a size to permit drilling to 15 inch beam. Has an adjustable screw which supports hook in desired position. LIST PRICES With Rich spindle and flat bit Style A, B or C $50,00 With Rich spindle and flat bit style D 54.50 With twist bit spindle and twist bit Style A, B or C 40.00 With twist bit spindle and twist bit Style D 44.50 G. B. C. SAND DRIER The wet sand is shoveled into the skirting and as it dries, will of itself run through the holes in the ring at the bottom of the skirting. The amount of sand the stove will dry depends on how wet the sand is and on the condition of the fire in the stove. The stove may be fed with hard or soft coal, coke or wood. Clear sand only can be used. Earth or clay would bake hard, and fail to run through holes in the ring. The grating adds greatly to the life of the stove by pre- venting baking of the sand and consequent burning of the castings. It is well worth the additional cost in this respect alone. The whole construction is for service and durability, and we feel confident that there is no stove for the purpose made superior in any respect to the one we herewith present. No. Tons Capacity DaiLv Weight 1 Each lbs. 1 Without Grating GratinR Each I 3 10 V2 1200 700 400 $75.00 60.00 40.00 $20.00 12.00 10.00 Fig. 548C Sand Drier ^vith Grating SALAMANDERS Fis. 548F For drying out new buildings, etc. Body 15x15 inches, total height 30 inches. Heavy steel band legs rounded under pan, to prevent marring floors. Strongly riveted and braced. Heavy cast grate. No. 18 gauge steel, complete A\ithout covers $2.00 No. 16 gauge steel, complete Avithout covers 2.50 Extra grates 40 Covers \\ .'50 Hood with pipe outlet . I'.OQ GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ Go. 3G3 ELECTRIC HAMMERS The Electric Hammer illustrated above is the most successful hammer of its kind. It has been on the market for six years, and in that time has demonstrated conclusively its advantages over hand work. Owing to its wide range of service, it is extremely popular with all classes of mechanics. The rapidity with which work can be done with these hammers, and the economy of operation combined with the very reasonable price of the machine, appeals to the trade, and thousands of them are in use throughout the world, and are giving the highest satisfaction. WHERE ELECTRIC HAMMERS ARE USED All the sizes are used by general contractors, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and in fact all the sub-contractors on fireproof structures; by installers of machinery, elevators, carrier systems, telephones, pneumatic tubes, mail chutes, fire doors, stair treads, railings, ornamental iron work, opera chairs, carpets, etc.; by chief engineers in maintenance work in fireproof build- ings; in fact by everyone who has occasion to drill or cut concrete, brick or stone for the installa- tion of expansion bolts, pipes, removal of foundations, openings or the like, channeling plaster, surfacing or bush hammering concrete or stone, removing mortar from terra cotta, brick or stone walls before repointing, etc. They are exceptionally useful to awning hangers. The U-2 and D-3 sizes are also used in paint mills and the like for redressing stones; for scaling paint from ship bulkheads, scale from condenser tubes and rust and barnacles from buoys, etc. The U-6 and D-4 are the tools most generally recommended to the contractor. Their weight is such as to make them easily handled and their capacity which enables them to drill up to one inch in diameter in concrete covers most of the requirements of contracting work. The D-7 and D-9 are used in mines, where electricity is available, for the installation of hangers, for drilling to break down the overhead rock in increasing the size of the entries, etc. These tools are simple in construction and all the working parts are readily accessible. The handle which has been designed for comfort provides an easy and firm grip for the operator and also contains a rugged quick make and break switch which controls the tool. Materials and workmanship are of the best and all parts are made to gauges and are inter- changeable. Each tool is complete Avith flexible cord and plug and may be connected directly to any lamp socket. Direct Current Only Type No. Voltage Power Con- sumption Watts Blows per minute Capacity in Concrete inche.s Weight lbs. Price D-3 D.4 D.7 110 or 220 110 or 220 110 or 220 150 220 5 50 4000 1800 1300 V2 1 IV2 14 25 50 $100.00 125.00 160.00 UNIVERSAL Operate on D. C. or Alternating Current 23, 30 or 60 Cycles U.2 110 or 220 U-6 110 or 220 150 240 4000 1800 1/2 $125.00 150.00 The capacities given are conservative and approximate. The tools cannot be forced, the strength of the blow is constant and the capacity depends upon economical drilling speeds only. There is no danger of burning out the machines. Each tool is complete with 10 feet of cord and plug and runs from a lighting socket. FOR STAR DRILLS. BRICK CHISELS AND BULL POINTS, SEE INDEX 364 GEO-B-eARPEffTER ^ Go. "JAGKHAMER" ROCK DRILLS The "Jackliamer" Pis, B. C. R. W. 430 The ''Jackhamer" (Type BCR-430) may be used as a hand drill or a mounted drill as the nature of the work may require. It is quickly slipped in or out of a simple feed shell mounting (Type JM-6) for either class of service. Under certain conditions, especially where dust is experienced, the Jaekhamer can be supplied with a water feeding device. When so equipped this type is designated Type BCRW-430. 0^\'ing to the fact that it operates successfully by steam or air, steam shovel users find the "Jackliamer" particularly valu- able for breaking up large boulders in front of the shovel. In metal, coal, gypsum, salt and other mining operations the "Jackliamer" has established many records for economical opera- tion. Some of the principal uses are underhand stoping, tunnel trimming, cutting channels in roof for trolley cross-overs, drilling trolley hanger holes, bench work, block-holing, cutting cavities in the rock for pumps, fans, telephones and other apparatus, cutting hitches for timbers, cutting drainage ditches, sinking shafts and winzes, and driving tunnels and gangways. In farming and reclamation service the "Jaekhamer" finds many applications for clearing land, digging irrigation trenches, digging pits, etc. ^ _ • Coal miners find the "Jaekhamer," using spiral steel, far superior to the old style hand auger for boring coal. "Jackhamers" are admirably adapted for caisson work. Likewise many uses are found for them in drilling rock for build- ing and bridge foundations. The construction of aqueducts, dams, canals, railroads and public highways, grading streets, stripping of old pavements and various other municipal improvements comprise important fields in which "Jackhamers" have brought- about marked economies. In quarrying operation, "Jackhamers" are suitable for bench work, block-holmg, plug and feather work, etc. ESSENTIAL DETAILS OF THE "JACKHAMER" "BCRW-430" "BCR-430" Water Jaekhamer Jaekhamer Length, inches 191/2 20 Cylinder diameter, inches 2 % 2 1^4 Stroke, inches 2 2 Steel used, inch ■% Hollow % Hollow or special Spiral and Twisted, as shown Hexagon Hexagon in tables. Size of Air Hose, inch % % Size of Water Hose, inch Vz Weight, lbs 41 41 List $100.00 $110.00 ESSENTIAL DETAILS OF THE "JM-6" AND "JMW-6" MOUNTINGS Weight, lbs. ' 63 Weight with Jaekhamer, lbs 104 Length, inches 39 % Height, inches 10 % Distance from center of Drilling Machine to top of mounting, inches 2 % Length of Screw Peed, inches 24 14 Slide of Cone on Shell, inches 19 M Maximum travel of Machine, inches 43 V2 List, each $60.00 The "Jaekhamer" Mouutiug The "Jaekhamer" in the Mounting GEO•B•eARPE:^fTER ^ So. 36c IMPERIAL VERTICAL AIR COMPRESSORS Type XII, Power Driven Air Pressure, 60 to 150 Pounds Single stage air, single acting, water jacketed, dust proof enclosed construction, automatic con- stant level splash lubrication, ring inlet valve on 41/^x5 size, no inlet valve on smaller sizes, plate discharge valve on all sizes. Can be fur- nished with air cooled cylinder in smallest size. Water reservoir cooled on all sizes at extra cost. This machine can be furnished complete with motor and short belt drive attachment as a com- plete electrical unit. Piston Displace- ment Speed R.P.M. H. P. Required DIMENSIONS WEIGHT Com- plete Com- pressor Keser- voir Cooler Im- perial Un- loader Tight and Loose Pulleys Foundation Length Width Height Net .Sliip. ping Bolts, Nut.s and Washers •2 x2>2 t2V2x3 3%x4 4%x5 6 x6 18- 3.2 3.S- G.O 7.7-12.2 14.9-23.0 29.5-44 2 400-700 450-700 350-550 325-500 300-450 .6-10 .95- 1 5 1.9 - 3.0 3.6 - 5.5 fi S -10.0 14% 17 28 10 12 16 20 24 20 22% 29 95 160 275 460 830 150 220 315 530 900 $36.00 60.00 82.00 115.00 190 00 $3.00 4.50 6 50 10.00 $18.00 18.00 20 00 30.00 $6.50 7.50 13.50 14 00 20.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 ^s^^- *.\ir Cooled Only — For intermittent service. tAir or Water Cooled. TRIPOD ROCK DRILLS For rock drilling in open cut work requiring holes of considerable depth and large diameter the Butterfly and Sergeant Tripod Drills will be found to give highly satisfactory service. These drills are very simple in design and durably constructed. Con- tractors and others who have employed these drills have found them very economical to operate and speak well of their performance. While shown here for tripod work they may be used on bar or column if desired. . SERGEANT "AUXILIARY VALVE" ROCK DRILLS Symbol indicatingr size and type., Diameter of Cylinder In Length of strolte in. Length of drill from end of crank to end of piston In. Depth of hole drilled without change of bit In. Diameter of supply inlet (standard pipe) In. Approximate strokes per minute ■with 75 lbs. pressure at drill Depth of vertical hole each machine will drill easily from 1 to ft Diameter of holes drilled as desired, from in Diameter of octagon steel used.... in. Size of shanks (diameter and length) in. Numbers of pieces in set of steels to drill holes to depths, as stated. . Best size of boiler to give plenty of steam at high pressure. Drill unmounted, with wrenches and fittings, not hoxed lbs. Drill complete, vritb \rrenche8 and fittings without tripod or column. 37 15 % 500 % tol% % or % %x5 6 6 H P 140 1 '0 1% 1& % %x5 5 8 H P 190 $20(k00 2% 6'^ 24 1 375 10 ^4to2% S H P 270 48% 24 1 350 14 l%to2% !%&!% I%x6 7 SHP 280 D44 6'/2 48% 24 1 350 14 1% to 2 14 1%&1% l%x6 7 SHP 285 $340.00 ! $340.00 49 24 1 350 16 l%to2% 1 % & 1 % l%x6 8 10 H P 295 $2(M).00 3^4 6y2 49 24 1 350 l%to2% IM &1% 10 H P 300 7 52 24 1 300 20 l%to3 1 % & 1 Vi l%x6 10 10 H P 405 $380.00 3% 7% .52% 24 1 300 20 l'ix6 10 10 HP 410 $300.00 Note: — DRILL COMPLETE Includes drill, throttle, oiler and wrenches, and does not include mountings, steels, hose or blacksmith's tools. For full Information and prices on tripods, Columns, Hose, Blacksmith's Tools and Steels, se« Index. FOR OTHER STYLES OF COMPRESSORS, AND DRILL RODS, STAR DRILLS, ETC.. SEE INDEX 366 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S CO. Fig. lOP PNEUMATIC TOOLS CHICAGO DRILLS No/ lOF — Little Giant Midget Drill, Xon-Reversible The ideal drill for drilling tell-tale holes in stay- bolts and keeping them open. Can be fitted with throttle when so ordered. Speed light, 2400 RPM. Length over all, 10 inches. Weight 8 lbs. List Price $100.00 Improved Bail-Bearing Little Giant Drills, Non-Reversible Size No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 Capacity 2 inch 1 ^ inch % inch Size Socket (Morse Taper) No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 Speed, light 340 RPM 450 RPM 700 RPM Weight 58 lbs. 41 lbs. 22 1^ lbs. List Price $160.00 $150.00 $140.00 Fig. 1 Fig. 4 No. 4 — Improved Little Giant Grinder or Casting Cleaner Grip handle provided with trigger, which when pressed down opens throttle, and is held in that posi- tion until released by pressing button at side. Speed, light 3000 RPM. Length over all, 2 inches. Capacity, 8 inch by 1 inch emery wheel. Weight 23 lbs. List Price $160.00 Little Giant Wood Boring Machines Size BW CW Capacity 2 inch 4 inch Speed, light 600 RPM 220 RPM Weight 14 lbs. 30 lbs. List Price $140.00 $150.00 GEO-BCAR^PEhfTER S GO. 36< PNEUMATIC TOOLS "CHICAGO" CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS Fig. B K-1. Chipping Hammer 15 jj.j Fig. 60. Boyer Riveting Haumer Light Chipping and Medium Calking. Weight, 11% lbs. List price $90.00 BK-l X Light Chipping and Medium Calking Hammer, slightly heavier than the B K-1. Weight, 12 14 lbs. List price $90.00 B K-2 Medium Chipping and Calking Hammer. Weight, 13 lbs. List price $90.00 IJ K.2 X Medium Chipping and Calking Hammer, slightly heavier than the B K-2. Weight, 14 lbs. List price $90.00 B K-.3 Heavv Chipping and Calking, Light Riveting. Weight, 14 14 lbs. List price $90.00 B K-3 X Heavy Chipping and Calking, Light Riveting, slightly heavier than the B K-3. Weight, 15 lbs. List price $90.00 B K-4 Heaviest Chipping and Calking Hammer. Weight, 15 14 lbs. List price $90.00 Xo. 60 — BOYER 6 inch stroke; capacity up to % inch rivets. Weight, 22 lbs. List price $100. Oft Xo. 80 — BOYER S inch stroke; capacity up to 1% inch rivets. Weight, 24 lbs. List price $100.00 Xo. 90 — BOYER 9 inch stroke; capacity up to IVi inch rivets. Weight, 25 lbs. List price $100.00 Fig. 40. BOYER LOXG HOLDER-OX For backing up Rivets Diameter of piston 3 % in.. Stroke of piston 4 " Shortest length over all, including set 15 % " Distance from center of rivet set to side of Holder-on 1 % " Weight 251/2 lbs. Price, each $50.00 Short Holder-on 50.00 Fig. 40A Owing to the extremely heavy blow of the Boyer Hammers, and the unusually severe punishment it inflicts on the rivet set, the Parker set is used. As will be seen from the cut, the Parker set has a wide tapering shoulder which enables it to better absorb and withstand the effects of the heavy blows of this hammer. Size, V2 inch list each $1.00 Size, % inch " 1.00 Size, % inch " 1.00 Size, % inch " 1.00 Size, 1 inch " 1.00 FOR FORGES AND RIVETING TOOLS, SEE INDEX Fig. 40 Holder On 368 GEO-B-eARI^EhfTER ^ Co. CARPENTERS' OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING AND GUTTING OUTFITS CARPENTER No. 1 OUTFIT Designed for general repairs in Machine and Blacksmith Shops, Mills, Foundries, Factories, etc. — in fact any .iob wliere the average steel weld will not be over % inch Illicit, and cast iron 1% inch thick. An excellent all around apparatus where careful and accurate work is re- quired on machines, engine parts, dies, tools, castings, forging, frames, crank cases, transmission cases and gears. LIST OF EQUIPMENT 1 No. 1 Torch, nickeled throughout, with 6 copper tips. Torch is 19 inches long, weighs 30 oz., and will be supplied in 90, 30 or 15 degree heads as ordered. 1 No. 1 Oxygen Regulating Pressure Valve, nickeled throughout, with one 50-lb. nickeled line pressure gauge or one 150-lb. gauge if ordered with cutting attachment (see below). 1 No. 1 Acetylene Regulating Pressure Valve, gun metal finish, with one 50-lb. black line gauge. 10 feet White 150-lb. High-Pressure Hose. 10 feet Black 150-lb. High-Pressure Hose. 1 9 inch nickeled Monkey Wrench. 1 7 inch nickeled Monkey Wrench. r set olive green oval Welders' Goggles with gauze face protector. 1 Carbon Removing Torch. 2 Instruction Books. 1 Steel Shipping Case. 5 lbs. Hysilicon C. I. Welding Rod. 5 lbs. Low Carbon Steel Welding Rod. 2 lbs. Norway Iron Welding Rod. 1 lb. Cast Bronze Rod (for brass or bronze welding). 1 lb. Cast Aluminum Welding Rod. 1 stick Aluminum Solder. 2 lbs. Cast Iron Flux. 1 lb. Brass and Copper Flux. 1 bottle Aluminum Flux. Fig. 71 CARPENTER No. 2 WELDING OUTFIT Safe — Practical — Economical This apparatus is designed for use in large Welding Shops, for general repairs in Mills, Factories, Large Foundries, Boiler Shops, Railroad Shops, etc. Its welding capacity is exceptional. The Welding Torch will weld up to XV2 inch thickness of steel, and 4 inch thickness of cast iron. LIST OF EQUIPMENT 1 No. 2 Torch, nickeled throughout, with 10 copper tips. Torch is 22 inches long and weighs 30 oz. 1 No. 2 Long Arm Oxygen Regulating Pressure Valve, nickeled throughout and fitted with a 3,000 lb. safety back, tool steel spring gauge to show the tank pressure, and a 150-lb. line gauge to show the work- ing pressure. Also a needle valve and hose con- nection outlet from Vi inch to % inch hose as specified. T No. 2 Long Arm Acetylene Regulating Pressure Valve, gun metal finish, fitted with a 300-lb. tank pressure gauge and 50-lb. line pressure gauge. Needle valve outlet with Vi inch to % inch hose connections are supplied as specified. (Note: — This valve contains a Silver Bronze Diaphragm as required by the U. S. Bureau of Safety Transportation of Explosives.) 10 feet White High-Pressure Hose for Oxygen. 10 feet Black High-Pressure Hose for Acetrylene. 1 large nickeled Wrench. 1 small nickeled Wrench. 1 pair Welders' Goggles, large oval lenses of amber olive glass and metal gauze spark protector. 1 Carbon Removing 'Torch. 2 Instruction Books. 1 Steel Shipping Case. 10 lbs. assorted Cast Iron Welding Rod (i% to % inch diameter). 10 lbs. Vs inch to Vi inch Low Carbon Steel Welding Rod. 5 lbs. % inch to Vi inch Norway Iron Welding Rod. 3 lbs. Cast Bronze Welding Rod (for brass or bronze). 2 lbs. 1% inch and Vi inch Cast Aluminum Welding Bods. 1 lb. Cast Manganese Bronze Rods (for malleable iron brazing, etc.). 1 lb. -ft inch and Vi inch Cast Copper Welding Rods. 2 lbs. Cast Iron Flux. 1 lb. Brass, Bronze and Copper Flux. 3 bottles (12 oz.) Aluminum Flux. fttlftjy Fig. 72 No. 2. Torch, with cutting attachment $110.00 No. 2. Torch, without cutting attachment. . . 95.00 Extra Torch with 10 tips 28.00 Fig. 73 No. 1. Torch, with cutting attaohuient. .... .$70.00 No. 1. Torch, ^vithout cutting attachment. . . 55.00 Extra Torch with 6 tips .21.00 CARPENTER No. OUTFIT For Auto Repair Shops and Garages, small Foundries, Machine Shops, Die Shops, Shoe Factories, Textile Mills, etc. LIST OF EQUIPMENT 1 Pressure Welding Torch, nickel plated throughout, with 5 tips; will weld from sV inch to % inch thickness of metal. 1 Oxygen Pressure Regulator, with 50-lb. line gauge, nickel plated. .1 Acetylene Pressure Regulator, with 50-lb. line gauge, gun metal. 1 nickel plated Wrench. 18 feet High Pressure Welding Hose, with clamps. 1 pair Welders' Goggles, olive shade lenses. 1 Steel Carrying Case. 2 Instruction Books. r Fig. No. 0. Torch complete $44.00 No. O. Extra Torch with 5 tips 16.50 Geo-B-Carpen'ter ^ eo 369 CARPENTER'S GUTTING TOOLS, REGULATING VALVES, SOLDERING AND BRAZING TOOLS AND WELDING SUPPLIES Pig. S3 CARPENTER'S SOLDERING AND BRAZING TOOLS For all kinds of heavy soldering and brazing. Outfit "A" complete with acetylene torch with head No. 1 (radiator soldering-), head No. 2 (radiator soldering), head No. 3 (.soldering- of seams), head No. 4 (all kinds of brazing), head No. 5 (extra heavy soldering) and head No. 6 (light general soldering), 6 feet hose, 2 hose clamps. Complete, packed in a box $11.90 Outfit "B" complete with City or Natural Gas Torch and all heads listed with Outfit "A," packed in a box $12.90 Outfit "C" (Combination Outfit) complete with both torches and all the heads, packed in a box. i'rice .iilS.SO Acetylene Soldering and Brazing Torch alone (without heads) $3.00 City Gas Soldering ~and Brazing Torch alone (without heads) $5.00 Head No. 1 For radiator soldering 1.00 Head No. 2 For radiator soldering 1.00 Head No. 3 For seam soldering 2.00 Head No. 4 For all kinds of brazing SO Head No. 5 For extra heavy soldering 1.50 Head No. 6 For light general soldering 1.10 CARPENTER'S COMBINATION OUTFIT This outfit In used for -welding, lead burning, soldering and brazing. The Torch is supplied, unless otherwise specified, with the following 3 tips: Tip Xo. 1 — Used in connection with oxygen and acetylene gases for welding. Tip Xo. 2 — Used in connection with oxygen and hydrogen or city gas for lead fusing. Tip Xo. 3 — Used in connection with city gas and compressed air for soldering and brazing. If it be desired to use this torch for what we term "country use," i. e., where city gas and com- pressed air are not easily obtainable, we will sup- ply the torch with three special tips, all for use with oxygen and acetylene gases. In addition to the torch and three tips, the outfit includes two 8 foot lengths of hose with hose clamps. Without Wall Attachment $16.00 Wall Attachment if desired 4.00 Oxygen Regulator with 50 lb. Gauge if desired 11.50 Pig. 81 CARPENTER'S CUTTING TORCH This torch will cut steel or iron from Vg inch to 6 inches thick in any direction. It is valuable where the job to be cut is over 3 inches long. Cutting Torch, with 3 tips and wheel guide. ..540.00 Pig. «2 CARPENTER'S CUTTING ATTACILMENT Outfits for Nos. 0, 1 or 2 can be supplied with a cutting attachment, which will cut straight or cir- cular cuts from i/g inch to 3 inches thick. Attachment, with 3 tips $15.00 REGULATING VALVES No. 2 Oxygen, Hydrogen,. COo, or Air Regulating Pres- sure Valve with 3,000 lb. steel spring, safety back, pressure tank gauge and 50, 150 or 200 lb. line gauge. Needle shut-off hose connec- tion. Valve and gauges nickel plated. Oxygen Regulator (long arm style) $9.70 3,000 lb. Gauge 2.S0 50, 150 or 200 lb. Gauge ^..-.O List price, complete $25.00 No. 1. Low Pressure Oxygen, Hydrogen, CO2, and air regulat- ing valve with 50 lb. line pres- sure gauge. Valve and gauge nickel plated throughout. Oxygen Regulator, 3 inch diaphragm $ 0.40 50 lb. Gauge 2..'»0 F'ig. 8« List price, complete $11.90 WELDING SUPPLIES, NON-OXIDIZING Cast Iron Rod (ft, ^, •^, % inch) per lb., $0.19 Norway Iron Rod ( 14, ft, % inch) " J88 Carbon Steel Rod (14, %,% inch) " .16 Cast Bronze Rod (ft, 14 inch) " .86 Cast Manganese Bronze (ft, ^ inch)... " .82 Tobin Bronze Rod (ft, V4, inch) " .82 Cast Copper Rod (fV, y^ inch) ; . . " 1.02 Cast Iron Flux (Vz or 1 lb. boxes) " .54 Bronze or Copper Flux " .OS Aluminum Flux " 1.80 All rods in above list are cast 16 to 18 inches, except Norway and Low Carbon Steel. 370 GEO•B•CARPE^fTER ^ GO. DIRECT PRESSURE SAND BLAST MACHINE different sized hose and nozzles. The different nozzles at varying pressures: TABLE A simple sturdy sand blasting machine of few parts, available for every kind of sand blasting work, operating at any desired pressure and with any abrasive material. Machines are tested for a 110 pound maximum working pressure, are safe, simple and easy to understand and operate. A dished head with automatic rocking screen and automatic filling valve, allows for quick filling without the use of pail or funnel. A coned bottom gives constant feed to the abrasive, eliminates false structural work inside of the blast and dead storage of abrasive. Air and sand feed mechanism in one piece, easily removed for examination or cleaning, eliminating the use of manhole in the tank. Air valves are quick acting lever type, and packed to prevent leakage of air. Every machine completely equipped ready for opera- tion, including a Moisture Separator, 15 feet of special Sand Blast hose, 150 nozzles, operator's Hood, Respirator, and armored Gloves. Standard machines are stocked in the following sizes: Rated Sand Storage Size Capacity, Lbs. Price 1 500 $400.00 2 lO'OO 600.00 3 Standard Foundry Blast 2000 750.00 4 4000 and up Special Special machines of any size, with single or multiple hose for the use of more than one operator. These Blasts have all of the features of our Standard Hose Machines, being equipped with independent controls so that all opera- tors are free to operate without interfering one with the other, thus avoiding the disadvantage of operating more than one hose from a single outlet. Air consumption is governed by the size of nozzle open- ing and pressure maintained. Hose, with the best grade thick rubber lining, is of ample size to carry sand volume, with least wear. Every machine irrespective of its size has the same efficiency and may be equipped with any of the following table gives air-flow and sand discharge through OF AIR CONSUMPTION Air Plow in Cu. Ft. Free Air Per Min. Gaupre Pressure Nozzle Opening inch Hose Internal Diameter inch Sand Flow lbs. per Hour A % 500 V4 % 900 tk 1 1300 % 11/2 1700 1/2 IV2 3000 30 1 40 1 50 60 1 70 1 80 90 23 1 28 1 33 1 38 1 43 1 48 53 40 1 49 1 54 58 1 76 1 85 94 63 1 77 1 91 1 105 1 119 1 134 147 90 j 110 1 130 1 151 j 171 i 191 211 196 232 I 26{ I 304 340 376 The sand drops from the sand tank through a diaphragm (not an adjustable valve), directly into the carburetor where the air, introduced opposite the opening of the hose picks it up and drives it in a straight line through the hose out of the nozzle. Air at the blasting pressure is admitted to the sand tank above the sand, and also to the inlet of the carburetor, directly below the sand feeding diaphragm, balancing the pressure on both sides of the diaphragm, allowing the abrasive to drop by gravity into the supporting stream of air, causing least wear possible with the handling of abrasive material. Clogging of the apparatus is prevented by the removal of moisture from the compressed air which passes through the Moisture Separator before entering the machine and the -hose line. The screen through which all the abrasive material is passed before entering the sand tank, is mounted on a rocking frame directly above the filling valve. This allows for quick filling without the use of pail or funnel. In considering the installation of a Sand Blast machine, adapted to your own requirements, write us giving your daily tonnage, a description of the work — if possible sending catalogue, blue prints or illustrations, marked with dimensions and weight. Tell us how many cubic feet of free air per minute and what pressure is available for sand blast use, and we will be glad to advise you what you may reasonably expect from the use of a sand blast machine, based on our experience and actual practice with other plants doing a like character of work. FOR SAND BLAST NOZZLES SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ Go. 3ri BUCKEYE SURFACE HEATER AND GROUND THAWER Hood 48 inches wide, price .5125.00 BUCKEYE PORTABLE METAL MELTING FURNACES Built in a Number of Designs and Sizes Typ^ SH as per illustration. Will take in a Melting Pot up to 750 lb. capacity. Price, including Pot, 450 lb. size $150.00 T3rpe S, same general design but smaller. "Will take in a Pot up to 450 lb. capacity. Price $105.00 THE BUCKEYE HEATER PORTABLE OIL BURNER H^8. i / Over 5000 in daily use, among Water Works -J^^S"^**"*-*^-^ for melting lead from pipe joints; Boiler Shops, . .^jjMjj^g*:^ ^ h- .^^ Railroads, Shipyards, Boats, Foundries, and for :;, many operations. =»**-^ -^ Wherever there is compressed air available we advise our Type B. SIZES, PRICES AND TYPES Type A, complete outfit with Oil and Air Pump : Size 2A 3A 4A Price, Outfit with Single Burner .$60.00 $90.00 $120.00 Price, Outfit with Double Burner 81.00 117.00 153.00 Type B, requires compressed air connections, but the Burner can be stopped and started instantly, best Oil Burner in the market. Size OB IB 2B 3B 4B Price, Outfit with Single Burner $50.00 .$60.00 $75.00 $96.00 $108.00 Price, Outfit with Double Burner . 70.00 87.00 105.00 1.32.00 156.00 373 Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo. COMPRESSED AIR OIL PAINT SPRAYERS AND BURNERS Fig. 567A. SPRAYER Has a capacity up to 25 square feet per minute. Will reacli places impossible to reach with a brush. Compressed air must be available for operation of these sprayers. Size No. 11 with truck price $113.00 Without Truck " 96.00 No. 10 SPRAYER The No. 10 Sprayer only needs air connection by hose and will spray oil paints, varnish and even tar paints. Size No. Capacity Price 1 2 3 11/2 qts. 3 qts. 5 qts. $12.00 15.00 24.00 Fig. 567B. No. 10 Sprayer KEROSENE BLOW TORCH AND PAINT BURNER The Kerosene Blow Torch and Paint Burner is a recent addition to the large number of similar appliances on the market and is becoming very popular on account of its reliable performance under all conditions. It will do all the work heretofore undertaken with gasoline torches and it is considered safer. List price. ^^ gallon $15.00 ^Tith each machine. Price complete, with Stand, as illustrated .. .$137.20 Price without Brazing Stand 126.00 Price with one Burner only 110.40 Price with one Burner less Brazing Stand. . 100.80 Figs. 82 and 82A HOT BLAST PIPE JOINT LEAD MELTING MACHINE No. 82 for Gasoline No. 82A for Kerosene Designed especially for melting lead in pipe joints of water and gas mains, and for taking blisters out of boilers. The generator is large and powerful, producing a perfect ' blue flame of about 2,800 de- grees Fahrenheit. When or- dering, state if machine is re- quired for kerosene or gaso- line. A blow torch is furnished with each machine for gener- ating the burner. Six feet of special oil hose accompanies each machine. Size of flame at burner, 2 inches; length of flame, about 12 inches; consumption, about 3 quarts per hour. Figs. 82 and 82A Style Cap. gals. 8 8 Height inches Diam. inches NetWt. S)IPS- Price each No. 82 No. 82A 27 27 12J/i 12 V4 90 140 90 140 $89.30 97.30 57-i Geo-B-Car.pxM'ter ^ Co. PLUMBERS' TORCHES The Non-Leaking Filler Plug used In all Torches shown In this catalog overcomes what has always been a very troublesome feature in using gasoline torches. It is made with a specially prepared lead washer recessed into the brass plug and held securely in place. This plug can be screwed tight with the fingers and will be found superior to any other style. There is no small washer to lose and no leather to be destroyed and rendered unserviceable by the hardening action of the gasoline. The Pump Plunger can be removed easily by unscrewing the pump cap. The leather washer can then be oiled and softened. All Torches made of polished brass. Fig. la *Fig. 12 "OLD RELIABLE" TORCH This is the dean of gasoline torches, it being the first torch of its kind ever placed more extensively used than filled from the top. Capacity Full 1 quart Height over all 10 in. Diameter 4 in. Net weight 3 lbs. Shipping weight 5 lbs. Consumption About Vz pint per hour L,lst price each $7.20 *Fig. 212 HOT BLAST TORCH This is a medium priced torch, with air valve located at base of pump barrel. "Well made, strong, durable and very hot. The tank is of heavy No. IS gauge brass with brass funnel shaped bottom for filling. The burner is the im- proved closed generator type designed for either outdoor or inside use. Recommended for all ordinary requirements. Fig. 212 Fig. 215 shown in cut. About 3,000 degrees of heat can be obtained which is nearly double the capacity of all single valve burners. Recommended especially for light brazing, anneal- ing light metal, brazing on used rubber tires and paint burning. Capacity 1 quart Height over all 10% in. Diameter 4 in. Net weight 3 lbs. Capacity About 1 quart Height over all 9% in. Diameter 4 in. Net weight 3 Vi lbs. Shipping weight. . . .5% lbs. Consumption About '/i pint per hour I,ist price each $6.80 Fig. 215 HOT BLAST TORCH A strictly high grade \ovi priced Torch, with our auto- matic Spring Valve Pump in the handle, and which we recommended to give the best service obtainable in a torch of this type. The tank is of heavy No. 18 gauge brass with brass funnel shaped bottom for filling, fitted with the Non-Leaking Filler Plug. The Burner is the improved closed generator type designed for either outdoor or inside use. Recommended for all ordinary requirements. Capacity About 1 quart Height over all 9 % in. Diameter 4 in. Net weight 3% lbs. Shipping weight Consumption About Vi pint per hour List price each $6.00 Fig. 93 DOUBLE ,TET TORCH This Double Jet Torch has the Burner mounted on a swivel so tliat it can be turned on either side of tank as Shipping weight 5 lbs. Consumption About % pint per hour List price ea«h $11.75 *Fig. 232 HOT BLAST TORCH Formerly No. 210 The highest grade Torch of its type. Equipped with Under-Generator Back-Flow Burner of greatest power at- tainable, it insures the least consumption of gasoline and delivers its maximum heat and efficiency in extreme cold and severest weather conditions. .5% lbs. Capacity About 1 quart Height over all 9 % in. Diameter 4 in. Net weight 314 lbs. Shipping weight Consumption About Vz pint per hoi LJst price each $8.1 Fig. 95 DOUBLE JET TORCH For Gasoline This Double Jet Torch has the Burner mounted on a swivel so that it can be tuined on either side of tank as shown in cut. The size of flatne is one-half inch at Burner. In construction tliese Burners differ radically from all others, at the same time they are simple and absolutely positive adjustment is quickly made. The tank is of heavy gauge brass. Recommended for light brazing, annealing light material and where is required. Capacity 1 quart Height over all 11% in. Diameter 4 in. Net weight 3 14 lbs. volume of intense heat Shipping weight ....5% lb9 Consumption pints per hour List price each $12.40 ♦NOTE — Interchangeable Soldering Copper Attachments included with Figs. 12-212-215-232. g^sCU Fig. 93 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER S eO. 375 FURNACES AND TORCHES Fig. 53 Bulb Fig-. «3 Pump No. 53 COIL FURNACES For Gasoline Heavy Galvanized Iron Tank, with sloping sides. Small fittings made of malleable Iron. An efficient, durable Furnace of strong con.=;truction. Produces a .steady, hot flame and is unequalled by any furnace sold at so low a price. Fitted with bulb. Capacity 7 pints Height over all 17 14 in. Diameter 8 % in. Net weight SM lbs. Shipping weight ..15% lbs. (Jalvanized Iron Tank Xo. 53. List price, ea. $6.00 No. 63. List price, ea. 6.80 No. 63 COIL FLTINACE Same as No. 53 except fitted with automatic pump In tank. Fig. 481 AL TO TORCH For Gasoline This Torch of the "Auto" type is furnished with our Improved closed under generator back flow burner. It gives a very hot blue flame and makes possible the use of this convenient small sized torch for purposes where larger torches are generally found necessary. Attachment to prevent tipping over has approval of all users and me- chanics. Suitable for outdoor or inside use. Recommended for repair men, linemen, electricians, plumbers and all exacting requirements. For holding Solderine: Copper we include without extra charge interchangeable steel attachments that can be easily and securely applied. Capacity Height over all.. Diameter Net weight Shipping weight.. .1 pint .81/2 in. .1% In. :% lbs. iVs lbs. Consumption About 14 pint per hour Polished Brass List price each $8.80 Fis. 4S1 Fig. 91 Fig. 5)S FOR MELTING POTS. Fig. 91 — 91A PORTABLE MELTING FURNACES No. 91 for Gasoline. No 91A For Kerosene Constructed for melting large quantities of metal. The two powerful Giant Burners produce a large volume of intense heat, which can be regulated to suit requirements. It has the capacity to melt two hundred pounds of any of the softer metals, as lead, solder, zinc, aluminum, babbitt or tin, in eleven minutes. The shield is large enough "to admit a 13 ',2 inch melting pot. In general use by all lead- ing street railway companies, and others. The tank is of pressed seamless steel, galvanized and tested at 150 pounds air pressure. The foot pump, as shown in cut is used to force air pressure into the tank. When orderinjj. slate if furnace is reciuired for kerosene or gasoline. A melting pot is not furnished unless ordered. No. 91A for kerosene includes a gasoline torch for generating the burners. Style ICapacity I Height I Diam. I Net wt.l Shpg. iNet Price No. I Gals. I in. | in. | lbs. |wt., Ibsj each 91a $106. I 106. Fig. 58 POCKET TORCH For Alcohol — A small cotton wick draws the alcohol to the flame and by means of the small adjustable blow pipe find rubber tube on the side the operator can blow a very fine pointed flame, producing an intense heat, suitable for small soldering and other work. It is only 1 ?4 by 4';. inches and light and convenient to carry in the pocket "or tool bag A tight-fitting metal cap prevents evaporation. Simple durable and always ready for use. Adapted for use of electricians, linemen, telephone and telegraph contractors laboratory and office work. Nickel Plated Bra«s Capacity M pint Height over all 6 '^ In. Diameter 1% In. Net weight 10 oz. Shipping weight lib. Consumption About Vs pint per hour List price $3.75 Fig. 36 — 39 HOT BLAST FURNACES For Gasoline The tank is made of heavy galvanized iron reinforced and strengthened at every joint. The burner is attached to a swivel joint and gives a flat flame of intense boat with positively the minimum consumption of gasoline. The top section is large enough to heat a pair of eight pound soldering coppers and melt a five Inch pot of metal at the same time. The non-leaJ^ing filler plug is furnished with this furnace. Top section can be removed and tank and burner used as a torch. Recommended for tinners, iron and copper workers, plumbers and electricians. Galvanized Iron Tank Capacity 5 pints Height over all 12% in. Diameter 8 '4 in. Net weight 9 lbs. Shipping weight 14 lbs. "LITTLE FIEND" Consumption About % pint per hour No. 36. List price, ea. $10.40 Polished Brass Tank No. 39. List price, ea. $16.00 ATTACHIMENT FOR BLOW TORCH Heats a pair 4 lb. soldering coppers In five minutes. Can be attached to any standard make of single burner quart blow torch. Made of heavy sheet steel with bronze clamp collar. ,, ^_ List price *»-5» ADLES, SOLDERING COPPERS. ETC., SEE INDEX. 376 Geo-BCakpeH'ter ^ eo. LEAD MELTING FURNACES These furnaces are made of 3/16 inch boiler plate for the body and are reinforced at both top and bottom with a very heavy cast iron ring. The wheels are attached to a wrought iron hub, held in position by a heavy casting which forms part of the hub and same i3 riveted through the body and through a protection plate placed on the inside of the body. This makes the distance between the wheels of a width so that the furnace cannot tip over, and also malies the furnace practically in- destructible. Fig. 615A. ON WHEELS No. 1 21 V2 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot ic% inches diameter, 11 inches deep. Capacity 700 lbs. lead. Price complete $70.00 Fig. 61 5A. ON WHEELS No. 2 16 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 11 Vi inches diameter, 8 inches deep. Capacity 260 lbs. lead. Price complete $63.00 Fiff. 615A Hg. 6150 Fig. 615B. WITH DOOR AND POT RACK— ON WHEELS No. 1— Not illustrated 211/2 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 16% inches diameter, 11 inches deep. Capacity 700 lbs. lead. Price complete Fig. 615B. AVITH DOOR AND POT RACK — ON WHEELS No. 2 — Not illustrated 16 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 111/2 inches diameter, 8 inches deep. Capacity 260 lbs. lead. Price complete Fig. 615C. WITHOUT DOOR — ON LEGS No. 1 21 1/2 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 151/2 inches diameter, 101/2 inches deep. Capacity 600 lbs. lead. Price complete Fig. 615C. WITHOUT DOOR — ON LEGS No. 2 16 inches diameter, 24 Inches high. Pot 11% inches diameter, 8 Inches deep. Capacity 260 lbs. lead. Price complete WITH DOOR AND SMOItE STACK — ON LEGS Fig. 615D. No. 1 — Not illustrated 211^ inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 15 1^ inches diameter, 10 V^ inches deep. Capacity 600 lbs. lead. Price complete $.'52.00 Fig. 615D. No. 2 — Not illustrated 16 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot lli/4 diameter, 8 inches deep. Capacity 260 lbs. lead. Price complete $74.00 $67.00 $49.00 $42.00 Inches $45.00 These furnaces are made of 3/16 inch boiler plate for the body. The notched pot rack is made of heavy material and gives strength to the furnace. The pots are made of heavy cast iron fitted with a bail. These furnaces are well put together and are constructed to stand hard usage and very rough handling. Fig. 615E — Fig. 615F Fig. 615E. WITHOUT DOOR — ON LEGS No. 1 18 Inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 13% inches diameter, 7% Inches deep. Capacity 200 lbs. lead. Price complete $42.0( Fig. 615E. WITHOUT DOOR — ON LEGS No. 2 24 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 15 inches diameter, 11 inches deep. Capacity 450 lbs. lead. Price complete $19.0( Fig. G15F. WITHOUT DOOR — ON AVHEELS No. 1 18 inches diameter, 24 Inches high. Pot 13% inches diameter, 1\.'. inches deep. Capacity 200 lbs. lead. Price complete $00.0( Fig, CLIP. WITHOUT DOOR — ON WHEELS No. 2 24 inches diameter, 24 inches high. Pot 15 inches diameter, 11 inches deep. Capacity 450 lbs. lead. Price complete $67.0( PIG LEAD — SHEET LEAD We carry a very large stock of Pig and Sheet Lead and are always able to furnish immedi- ately any quantity wanted. Lowest market prices on one pig or a carload, upon lequest. Geo-B-Carpen'ter s Go, 377 PLUMBERS' AND TINSMITHS' TOOLS "TORRID" FURNACES Especially constructed for Sheet Metal Workers' Use Fig. 403A Tanks are dra>vn of No. 18 gauge steel, tinned and rectangular in shape; avoiding danger of up- setting on roof-work, etc., tested at 30 lbs. air pressure. Has a brass air punin with a simple and accessible valve, cast metal hood with circular openings, for melting pot, with register cover. Is noiseless, odorless and smokeless in operation, con- venient, durable and economical, using 25 to 40 per cent less fuel than any other furnace offered for like use now on the market. Has greatest range in heating, namely, 3 to 12 lb. coppers, in- doors or on a roof, in cold and windy weather. Capacity of tank 1 gallon Consumption of oil per hour, full blast % pint Height 12 inches Weight 14 lbs. Price eacli $14.00 MELTIXG LADLES Drop forged, of extra heavy mild steel Si^e Capacity . . Per doz. . . inches . . . lbs. ay™ $2.75 3 iy2 3.50 3% 4 4 5.00 5 6.50 Size Capacitv . . Extra Hea\ inches . . . lbs. y. .each 1% $1.50 26 1.75 ^5 2.25 3.00 10 SO 3.50 13 130 4.25 Fig. 402E POURING POTS Outside diameter, 8 inches; inside diameter, 7 inches; depth, 6 inches. Price each $2.50 Pig. 402E. Pouring Fig. 403H. Melting Fig. 403H MELTING POTS Diameter on top, in 5 6 8 lOVz ISVa '■ •■ " 10 15 35 70 160 .^0.50 .70 1.60 2.75 5.2.5 PLUMBERS' FORCE CUPS Fig. 403 J Made of tough and springy rubber. Are inval- uable for cloaning out closets, bowls, sinks, etc. Length 4 feet, weight less than 2 lbs. Made v.ith valve in cup or handle. Per doz $8.00 GAS FURNACES Double Burner Gas Furnace For Natural or Artificial Gas Fig. 402B The Improved Double Burner Gas Furnace for heating soldering coppers for plumbers' or tinners' use has a sheet-iron top and is brick-lined, and ar- ranged to receive two coppers. The Burner used gives an intense heat, makes no smoke and econo- mizes time. It will prove a very desirable Furnace in every shop, as an air blower is not required when heating coppers. Double Burner Gas Furnace each $4.00 SOLDERING COPPERS Drawn Copper Bolts, Forged With Square I'oints for Common Use Fig. 40Sr Made of drawn copper bolts of the best quality, and are shaped under a hammer. By this method they are as solid as the metal can be made. Tliey should not be compared with such as are cast from copper ingots. The price quoted is a base price including all coppers weighing 3 lbs. per pair or more. Coppers of less weight take an additional net price as named below. Nos 1 1% 2 2^/2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 Wt. lbs., per pair . 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 Soldering Coppers, tveighing 3 lbs., per pair or more. Base price per lb. $0.45 Soldering Coppers, iveighing 2% lbs., per pair, extra, net per lb. .01 Soldering Coppers, iveighing 2 lbs,, per pair, extra, net per lb. .02 Soldering Coppers, -n-eighing iy> lbs., per pair, extra, net per lb. .03 Soldering Coppers, weigJtlng 1 lbs., per pair extra.net per lb. .06 LEAD AND TIN Fig. 402C Bar Tin per lb. $ . Sheet Lead Pig Lead " Bar Lead Pig Tin Lofvest market price on application. FOR OAKUM AND CALKING TOOLS, SEE INDEX Fig. 403G Half and half, per lb. $ Refined metal . " liowest market price on ap- plication. WIRE SOLDER Half and half in spools — lowest market price on appll- ^^^^ cation. Fig. -WIU SPRING STEEL SEWER ROD Warranted spring steel. Uncoils and . coils like a clock spring. Length, feet 2.5 .'JO 7.5 KM) Width.' inches ly* IV4 1/2 1% Approx. weight, lbs 15 30 50 65 Each ; . . «2^0 5.00 7.50 10.00 378 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER ^ QO. BABBITT METAL, SCRAPING AND PACKING TOOLS A large stock of Babbitt metals for every kind of service always on hand for immediate ship- ment, at lowest market prices. Magnolia Metal Fig. 40;{B In 50 lb. boxes per lb., $. . . . Lowest Price on Application. BABBITT METAL Fig. 4«3A In 56 lb. boxes per lb., $ . . . . Lowest Price on Application. G. B. C. & CO. SPECIAL METAL LEAD JOIXT RUNNERS Made of pure asbesto.s. Hot metal has no effect on Ihcm. Ferrules on ends to protect them. Flexible, enabling them to be fitted close to pipes for a snug fit. No. 1. Im.proved % inch square for 2, 3 and 4 inch pipe. . . . , each $1.65 No. 2. Improved % inch square for 4, 5 and 6 inch pipe' each 2.0O No. 3. Improv- ed! inch square for 6, 8 and 10 inch pipe. Each iiiS.OO No. 4. Improv- ed! inch square for !0, !2 and!4 inch pipe. Each $4.00 Fig, 403C Genuine Babbitt per lb., $ Extra No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Hoyt's Genuine Lowest Price on Application MONARCH BALL METAL Fig. 403D In 50 lb. boxes per lb. Lowest Price on Application. Fig. 458 MOUND IMPROVED SCRAPING TOOLS For Scraping Valves, Babbitt IMetal, Journals, Bearings, etc. There are six Scrapers, as shown in the cut, in each set. They vary in size from 8 to 14 inches. The scrapers are made of the best tool steel, carefully forged, tempered and polished. No. 1. Set of 6 Scraping Tools, in oak case $2.50 No. 2. Set of 6 Mound "Special" Hollow Ground Scraping Tools in oak case. . . . 3.50 PACKING TOOLS Will go into any valve lod pump or engine stuffing box. Can be bent to meet any requirements. Nickel plat- ed. The small sizes in above set are made from i's, the medium from 14 and the large size from ,5,T-inch steel. No. 1. Set of 4 packing tools, Nos. 6, 10, 12, 14. .$1.50 No. 6. Set of 6 packing tools, Nos. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 2.25 Special Large Packing Tools Made of % steel, heavy screw point. 20 inches long, nickel plated $1.00 Fig. ."JOSA 24 inches long, nickel plated 1.25 FOR ENGINE ROOM SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SEE INDEX GEO-B-eARPEM*TER ^ GO. 379 PLUMBERS' TOOLS Hammer forged of high-grade octagon crucible steel. Properly shaped and tempered. REGUL^m CAULKING CHISELS Fig. 5470 Out-end, In-end. Per doz In-end, % in. octagon steel. Ends Vs to 14 in. thick, width % to 1 in. . . T. . . .$4.00 Out-end, % in. octagon steel. Ends % to % in. thick, width % to 1 in 4.00 YARMNC; CHISELS .^ Fig. 5471 i/i' in. octagon steel. 6 in. blade . . per doz. $5.00 % " " " 8 " " . . " 6.00 % " " " 10 " • " . . " 7.00 % 12 " " . . " 8.00 SPRING PACKING CHISELS Fig. 5472 % in. octagon steel. 6 in. blade, .per doz. $5.00 t/2 " " " 8 " " . . " 6.00 % " " " 10 " " . . " 7.00 % " " " 12 " " . . " 8.00 GASKET CHISEL Short Gasket % in. oct. steel. Length of face 1 Width % in. Thickness i^.^ in. per % in. oct. steel. Length of face 1 Width Vs in. Thickness V4 in. per % in. oct. steel. Length of face 1 Width 1 in. Thickness % in. .per 1 in. oct. steel. Length of face 1 W^idth 1 in. Thickness i^ in. .per Long Gasket % in. oct. steel. Length of face 3 Width % in. Thickness ^g in. per 34 in. oct. steel. Length of face 3 Width % in. Thickness V4 in. per % in. oct. steel. Length of face 3 Width 1 in. Thickness % in. .per 1 in. oct. steel. Length of face 3 Width 1 in. Thickness % in. . per BENDING IRON in. doz. $4.00 in. doz. 6.00 in. doz. 8.00 in. doz. 10.00 in. doz. $5.00 in. doz. 7. 00 in. doz. 0.00 in. doz. 11.00 Fig. .'5474 Heavy pattern. % inch round steel. 12 in long per doz. $i Light pattern, i/^ inch round steel. 11 in. long per doz. 4.05 .00 EXTRA SHORT GASKET CHISEL Fig. 5475 Iz in^"!! octagon steel per doz. $3.70 ?8 " " " " 4.00 STUB END CAULKING CHISEL Fig. 5476 incli octagon steel per doz., $4.00 GASKET CHISEL — EXTRA OFFSET Fig. .",477 Right hand. % in. oct. steel per doz. .$6.00 Right hand. % in. oct. steel per doz. 8.00 Left hand. % inch oct. steel per doz. 6.00 Left hand. % inch octagon steel . " 8.00 SINGLE RIGHT AND LEFT CAULKING CHISEL— EXTRA OFFSET 5^ in. oct. steel. per doz. .$5.00 7.00 COMBINATION RIGHT AND LEFT TOOL Fig. 5479 With this tool one can get in any corner where neither the straight nor the upright caulking tool can be used. Forged of ".4 inch square high grade tool steel. Length 15 in. Weight 2 1^ lbs per doz. $24.00 PIPE BENDING SPRINGS Fig. 5480 Size, inches . . 1 1 % 1 ^/^ Per doz $7.50 $9.50 $12.00 $14.00 380 GEO-B-CAIiPEJfTER S Go. TINSMITHS' AND WELDING SUPPLIES DROP FORGED STEEL "STAXDARD" DROP FORGED STEEL, "STANDARD" REGULAR TINNERS' SNIPS CIRCULAR BLADE TINNERS' SNIPS See Index for Bench Shears Bar tool steel finish handles Fig. 46SA laid blades. Japanned or blue I'^iU Lenjsth Length of Price No. inches Cut. inches per pair ey-. 151/2. 41/3 ri.oo 7 14 4 2.50 8 13 31/2 2.00 - 9 12 3 1.50 (10 11 21/2 1.40 11 9 21/4 1.20 12 2 1.05 Bar tool steel fini.sh handles. Fig. 468B laid blades. Japanned or blue No. I^U Lenffth Length of Price inches Cut. inches per pair eViCB 151/2 41/2 $4.25 7CB 14 4 3.50 8CB 13 31/2 3.00 9CB 12 2.50 lOCB 11 21/2 2.25 IICB 9 21/4 1.95 12CB 8 2 1.80 CRIMPING AND BEADING MACHINES Capacity No. 20 Gauge Iron and Lighter Crimpers Nos. 9A, 09 A, 19A and 019A are furnished with foot treadle attachment in place of crank screw for -depressing rolls. A naught (0) before number indicates that straight crimping rolls are furnished. Spiral crimping rolls are fitted on machines in all numbers where naught (0) is omitted. Fjs. 'tesc 1 s ■ftfn hi 5^° 5g« ill N t^ W to p 7A 65 1 1 i 1% 1 J 3:1 1% $12.00 07A 65 1% 1 A 3:1 ^^ 12.00 9A 85 ^ 1% 1 ■ft 3:1 1% 14.00 09A 8b J 1 9 3:1 ^■4 14.00 17A 63 1 1 % 3:1 1% 12.00 .017A 63 J? 1 % 3:1 1% 12.00 1 19A 83 . . . 1% 3:1 ^^ 14.00 019A 83 ^■ 1% 3:1 1% 14.00 Shi pped usuall> r bo xed BRAZING, WELDING AND SOLDERING COMPOUNDS SOLDERING SALTS A Liquid Flux Each /.. Ih. bottles. .$0.30 lb. bottles.. .40 lb. bottles. . 2.00 Fig. 46.SB SOLDERING STICKS Fig. 468E Each $0.20 SOLDERING PASTE *Anti=Borax1) M BRAZING 1,5 FLUX 9. BRAZING FLUX "Anti-Borax Brazing" Flux is the strongest and most cfflciont brazing flux on the market. On account of its great strength, one fourth the quan- tity ordinarily used of other fluxes, is ample to do the work. Price per pound ?0.10 GRESGEKT i WELDING \ V COMPOUND V ^^•^TRAOEMARK -^^ , ^ .. Is applied same as borax, but as it does nut boil up while fluxing it is much more economical and convenient to use. , It will make welds at 250 degrees lower heat than Borax, leaving abso- lutely no scale; it does not pit the steel like borax or borax compounds do. Jt is especially adapted to work that is fastened together or any welding where a flux is needed on the outside, as in split welds or in finishing second heats or on toecalks, etc., etc. I'riee per pound $0.12 BORAX Refined and Powdered Fiill barrels per lb. $0.80 Broken lots per lb. .lO WELDING COMPOUND «E-Z" sticks to the metal at a low lieat and is equally good for lap, split, "V," butt or jump welding. It will weld tool, plow, open hearth, Bes- semer or spring steel, making a stronger and smoother weld, at fully 250 de'grees lower heat than any other compound. Price per pound $0.08 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « eO. 381 CALDRONS KETTLES AND GLUE HEATERS CALDRON KETTLES Made of the best pig iion, G u a r a nteed full measure and perfect. Fig. 615 A. Actnal Jleasure gaUons Diam. Outside of Flange inches Diam. Inside of Flange inches Depth Inside inches Each ''5 28 24 16 $ 6.00 33 31 28 16 8.00 41 34 30 19 10.00 48 35 31 19 12.00 53 36 32 20 13.00 65 39 34 201/2 14.00 75 41 36 22 18.00 90 43 38 25.00 110 46 42 23 30.00 170 61 54 24 50.00 230 621/2 58 31 70.00 500 80 72 40 150.00 SUGAR OR WASH KETTLES Made of the best pig iron. Guaranteed full measure and per- fect. Fig. 61.5B Usual Each No. natins- gallons Diam. inches Diam. Inches gallons 1 8 16 11 10 $ 2.20 2 101/2 IS 12 13 2.80 3 15 20% 13% 18 3.50 4 18% 22 13% 20 4.50 5 211/^ 23 14% 25 5.00 6 25 151/2 30 6.00 7 291/2 26 16 32 7.00 8 39 29 18 40 10.50 niPROVED STEA3I GLUE HEATERS Hand Glue Heaters are listed on page 843. Fig. 474 • Fig. 473 Single' Heaters, are intended for use on bench where each man has his private supply of glue, or they can be arranged with stand, as shown in Fig. 474, when desired. They can be connected either through opposite sides for feed and waste pipes, or both pipes may ente'r from below by removing the plugs from bottom outlets, and closing outlets in sides. When desired, any number of these Single Pot Heaters can be connecte'd together in a continuous row, or in a system of two or more rows con- nected with pipes. PRICE LIST, WITHOUT POTS Valves shown in cuts are not included in prices, but are illustrated to show method of connect- ing heaters. All sizes with stand or feet are made' of same height, viz.: 30 in. Size 00 — Takes single pot. Either 5-inch or 6-inch ^.."JO Extra for Stniul, 40 cts. Size O — Takes single pot. Either 8-inch or 10-inch 8.50 Extra for Staud, 60 cts. Size A — 14 inches x 14 inelies x 13 inches deep 10.00 No. 1 takes 2 5-in. pots. No. 2 takes 1 5-in. and 1 6-in. pot. No. 3 takes 1 8-in. pot. No. 4 takes 1 10-in. pot. Size B — 20 inches x 14 inches x 10 inches deep 15.00 No. 1 takes three 5-in. pots. No. 2 takes one 8-in. and one 6-in. pot. No. 3 takes three 6-in. pots. No. 4 takes one 8-in. and one 5-in. pot. No. 5 takes two 6-in. pots. Size r— 24 Inches x 20 inches x 12 inches deep 20.00 No. 1 takes six 5-in. pots. No. 4 takes one 10-in. and three 5-in. pots. No. 2 takes six 6-in. pots. No. .'') takes one 10-in. and one 8-in. pot. Nn. 3 jnkes one 10-in. and three 6-in. pots. No. fi t.nkes one S-jn. and four 5-in. pots . PRICE MST OP POTS 5-in. I 114v 24x21 1000 $60.00 29x22 1150 75.00 38x27 2400 125.00 Fig. 1403A Fig. 1403B GEO-B-CARPENfTER « QO, 383 TAR AND ASPHALT HEATERS— SAND AND GRAVEL DRYERS STYLE "O" Constructed for small highway and roofing jobs. Something easy to handle and quick to heat. Has adjustable handle with stiff leg. Allows kettle to raise or lower any level. Inside tank welded, guaranteed not to leak. 25 gallon, one lid; 60 and 100 gallon, two lids. Outside shell properly stiffened by heavy angle iron. Axle strongly braced in angle iron, also acts as stiff- ener to kettle. All sizes have 30 inch wheels, 4xV^ inch tire. Constructed of No. 12 fire box steel throughout. 25 gallon capacity Height 38 inches Width 30 inches Length 3 2 inches Weight 450 lbs. Each $150.00 ASPHALT POT 60 gallon capacity 38 inches 3 inches 40 inches 525 lbs. $168.00 100 gallon capacity 38 inches 30 inches 57 inches 600 lbs. $192.00 An outfit used by highway division superintendents for small ^^ patching jobs. Inside pot lifts out and can be used as pouring pot. ^^ Has cast iron grate for burning coal; 14 inch diameter wheels; outside shell, ff^ inch; inside tank. No. 16 steel; capacity, 10 gallons. F»s. 594B. Note the Pot sets firmly in outside shell. Price, each $115.00 GOlVfBINATION GRAVEL, SAND, TAR OR ASPHALT HEATER This Combination Heater and Dryer is especially adapted for street repair work, roofers and municipalities. The fire cylinder is made of % inch boiler steel, insuring maximum heating surface, preventing warping and clogging. Xote ad- justable levers in the rear which operate and regulate side dooi-s, allowing any quantity of dried sand or gi-avel to pass. Either side can be operated separately. The Heater has semi-spherical bottom and rests in cyl- inder as shown, thereby insuring maximum heating surface and strength. Made of No. 10 boiler steel. All seams welded, non-leakable. Has one furnace — separate yet combined. Fifth wheel has proper construction for easy riding over rough roads. Economical, strong and durable. Size of Dryer: Length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet; capacity, 17 cubic feet. Size of tank: Length, 3 feet; width, 2 feet 3 inches; capacity, 100 gallons. Weight, 1,800 lbs. Front wheel, 18 inch diameter, 4x% tire, 2 inch t-quare axle. Rear wheel, 24 inch diameter, 4x% tire. 2 inch square axle. Price, each $440.00 FOR SHOVELS, HOKS AND SAND SCREEN, SEE INDEX 384 GEO-BeAItP-EN*TER « CO. ASPHALT, TAR AND PITCH KETTLES STYLE "N" Specially constructed for highway work. Has all the advantage required, namely, quick heating. Note heating space all around inside tank. Two 2 inch draw valves either end. Large fire and cleanout door, both strongly reinforced with angle iron. Burns any size wood. Adjustable handle can be raised or lowered. Axle strongly braced by angle iron which acts as support to outside shell. Has barrel heating top easy to handle; also dipping top which makes entrance to inside of kettle very accessible as well as very convenient for adding to dipping material; removed by four bolts. Inside tank welded throughout, removed by six bolts. Constructed for contractors who appreciate service, economy and durability. Most complete heater of its kind. Wheels, 44 inch diameter, 4x1-4 inch tire. Axle, 2 inches square. Capacity, 150 gallons. Length, 66 inches Width, 37 inches. Height, 48 inches. Weight, 1,150 lbs. List price each $260.00 STYLE "L" This Kettle is specially constructed for the contractor who has to work on asphalt streets where they require protection. Can be used for heating any substance and is equipped with or without 1 Vz inch draw cock. 1% barrels, capacity. Size, 28x34. Weight, 225 lbs. Made of No. 12 fire box steel. Made to stand 6 or 8 inches above street as required. List price each $86.00 Fig. 505C STYLE "G" Specially adapted for contractors who have small patching jobs and do not care to heat a larger body of material than required. Constructed with welded guaranteed non-leakable inside tank. Will heat the thickest sub- stance with same results. No leaks. Inside tank lifts out easily. Has two handles. Can be used on roof if so desired. Has closed fire bottom and door. Capacity, % barrel. Size, 21x26. Weight, 80 lbs. Construction of No. 14 fire box steel. List price each ... $40.00 FOR TAR. PITCH, OAKUM, ETC., SEE INDEX GEOBCAR^PEhfTER « CO. 385 ASPHALT, TAR AND PITCH KETTLES STYLE "E" NON-LEAKABLE KETTLE Made in three sizes. Constructed to take care of any roof. Also used by large plants for their upkeep. Has a guaranteed non- leakable inside tank, easily removed. Shell welded on all seams and supported by angle iron. Has four handles. The 100 and 60 gallons have two lids, the 25 gallon, one. Made of No. 12 steel throughout. Capacity Size Weight Price 100 gal. 60 gal. 25 gal. 30x30x57 26x30x40 20x30x32 350 lbs. j $96.00 275 lbs. 75.00 200 lbs. 1 64.00 STYLE "F & H" HEATER 3Iade in two sizes. Constructed for large roof- ing contractors. Also used by street contractors. Wheels 3 6 inches in diameter, 3xi^ inch tread. Moves easily on any character of new or rough roads. Made to track 5 feet 2 inches wide, 2 inch solid crank axle, reinforced sides. Furnished wath wood or iron wheels, with or without faucet. Has closed fire bottom. The quickest heater on the market. VLLOX CAPACITY 3 feet 6 inci Size, 48x 3j Made of >^^^Kre box steel. Weight, 6! Price eachW^ $198,00 STYLE "F" 100 G et 6 incj|es high. , 48x3^B|^es.. of rJ^^^Kre bo> ght, 6^^V e eachW^. STYTiE "H" 50 GALLON CAPACITY 3 feet 6 inches high. Size, 28x34 inches. Made of No. 12 fire box steel. Weight, 500 lbs. Price each $158.00 FlK. .586 c STYLE "D" KETTLE Constructed to take care of the average roof. Can also be used by street and water proofing contractors for heating water or any other substance. Inside tank welded throughout, guaranteed non-leakable. Has closed fire bottom and door. Capacity, 1*/^ barrels or 50 gallons. Size, 28x34 inches. Weight, 200 lbs. Made of No. 12 fire box steel throughout. ['lice each $66.00 'iS6 GEO-BCAItPEhfTER « eO. STYLE "A" NON-LEAKABLE WELDED PORTABLE ASPHALT HEATER Made in three sizes, especially con- structed for road, street and munic- ipal contractors. Outer shell made of Vs inch boiler steel thoroughly rein- forced; all seams welded. Inside tank made of % inch boiler steel, easily re- moved for cleaning; all seams welded. Removable lid, lined fire box and cast iron grate bars. Wheels constructed for hard and heavy use, 30 inches in diameter, ixVz inch tread. Handle constructed of "T" bar. 125 gallon capacity. . . .each, $166.00 175 gallon capacity. ... " 214.00 225 gallon capacity. ... " 250.00 STYLE "B" NON-LEAKABLE WELDED FOUR WHEEL ASPHALT TAR AND PITCH HEATER Especially constructed for street and mu- nicipal contractors. Outer shell made of V^ inch boiler steel, thoroughly reinforced, all seams welded. Inside tank made of ^ inch boiler steel, all seams welded, easily re- moved, lined fire box, cast iroi^grate bars and removable lid. Wheels d^^B|d and set to withstand long and hard ^^^B 300 gallon capacity ..... -^^Bt* $388.00 400 gallon capacity ^^m 450.00 .500 gallon capacity • .516.00 Larger sizes on application. STYLE "G" ARCH NON-LEAKABLE WELDED ASPHALT, TAR AND PITCH KETTLE Constructed for roofers who roof large areas. Has no equal in construction for strength. Will stand up under any kind of use. Round comers; can dip. clean. Also used by street contractors to lay rails where pitch is used as a binder. Constructed of No. 12 fire box steel throughout. Weight, 175 lbs. Size, 30x30x40. Capacity, three barrels or 100 gallons each $48.00 Ki«. 697C FOR DIPPERS, TAMPERS. AND PAILS, JSEB INDIOV geo-bcarpem'ter « eo, ;}8^ STREET AND SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT STANDARD TOOL HEATER AND FIRE WAGON This Wagon is strong and substantial. Made of li, inch boiler steel with sides and heads perforated. Has 3 % inch flange around top. Is fitted with sloping ash pan to facilitate cleaning. Has remov- able grate bars made in sections easily replaced. Has arched tool supports; also cross bars and hooks for holding melting pots. Length of body, 5 feet 6 inches; width of body. 2 feet 7 inches; depth, 1 foot. Front wheels, 18 inches in diameter, 4x% tire, 2 inch square axle. Rear wheels, 24 inches in diam- eter, 4x% tire, 2 inch square axle. Weight, 1150 lbs. List price each $250.00 CAULKING FURNACE This handy Caulking Furnace will be ap- preciated by all caulkers as a light, well- made furnace, which will do away with building fires on streets and at the same time affords the caulker a clean, neat furn- ace, large enough for any job, yet as compact as a suit case. All tools, material, fuel, overalls and fun- nel can be packed into bottom fire place, and the entire furnace kettle and all carried around as handy as a suit case. Size: 16 inches high, 18 inches long, 9 inches wide. Weight, about 19 lbs. r>ist i)nre complete $7.50 o We c all made Price e s c^-y in e^KMt( T ROOFERS' BARS n stock a full line of bars of every description, from the lightest to the heaviest, eel ends, well tempered. $4.00 POURING CAN Cut represents a Can for filling seams in brick or wood pavements. Has cast iron point, wood handle and j^t rod to control flow, made of galvanized steel. Very cheap and useful. Price each $1 ..'jO MORTAR AND CEMENT MIXING PAN Made of No. 12 fire box steel, with welded corner, making same non-leakable. Especiall.v made for roofers and building contractors. Hap four handles. Length. 8 feet. Width, 3 feet 4 inches. Depth, 8 inches. Weight, 150 lbs. Capacity, 17 cubic feet. List price each $33.00 388 GEOB-eARPEIsfTER « GO. ASPHALT AND CONCRETE TOOLS ASPHALT PATCHING HOE ASPHALT SANDALS No. 10 Steel Blade 10 inches wide by 8 % inches high; stamped teeth one side 1 inch pitch by 1 inch deep. 1/4 inch pipe handle, length 7 feet 10 inches. K«ich $3.50 S:\IOOTHING IRONS Fig. .51)013 Made of cast iron, ground to a smooth curve surface, provided with 1%" pipe handle bent at end and with steel stud which is cast in smoother, to which pipe is welded. Made in two sizes. 13x8", weight 50 lbs $7.00 10x7", weight 40 lbs 5.50 ASPHALT RAKE Steel _ 14 teeth per doz. $18.75 STONE RAIiE Extra Heavy Malleable Iron. 16 teeth, 4x20 inches per doz. .$22.00 COMMON STEEL GARDEN RAKE Pig. 590C 12 teeth, Ry, ft. handle per doz. $6.75 4% Fig. .«i42B Per doz. pairs $27.50 TWO-MAN STONE RAKE 10 teeth per doz. $31.80 13 teeth " " 35.60 14 teeth " " 39.35 BULL POINTS Fig. 542C Octagon, Tool Steel, Hand Tempered Any M eight, per lb $0.: BULL POINT HANI Fig. .'>42D We shall be pleased to furnish any of the above Bull Points with handles for an additional list price of .$1.00 each. ASPHALT CUTTERS Tool Steel, Hand Tempered Weight, each, 27 lbs. Each $4.50 GEO•B•eATiPE^fTER S 60. 389 ROOFERS' SUPPLIES MASTIC BOILERS Special Mastic Boilers are provided with bot- toms so constructed to allow the boiler being knocked down to clean or ship. Made of heavj' black steel with all corners well angled and braced. Has large fire space. By removing a few bolts this boiler can be set in small space. Note the sand heating pockets. Capacity about 100 gallons. Price $60.00 GALVANIZED PA^ OFF PAILS For those who wish a good, inexpensive Pay Off Pail the above cuts show a galvanized pail with all seams riveted and soldered, made with flat or round spouts. Price with either spout $3.00 MOP PAIL— DIPPER HOISTING PAIL Dipper Fia. 1 Hoist We believe the 4yi"'>ii Riveted Pails and Dippers to be the best ever put on the market. They are used by a large majority of the roofers in Chicago. All work is made of steel (double annealed), with Norway Iron trimmings, closely riveted. The dipper handle is riveted to heavy plate and brazed. This is then riveted to body of dipper. PaiJs have convexed bottom, which allows pails to be moved over felt without danger of cutting. No. 1. Mop Pail. 8 gallons Each $4.50 No. 1. Hoisting Pail. 6 gallons... " 4.00 No. 1. Dipper, 1% gallons " 2.50 MOP PAIL— DIPPER HOISTING PAIL Fig. a Mop FiK. :: Dipper Fig. 2 Hoist For those who desire a cheaper .set of Pails and Dippers we are now furnishing the above — seamed. These goods are well made, hold the same as the riveted Pails and with care will last and give good satisfaction. They are ma- chine seamed and one grade of iron lighter than the Riveted Pails. No. 2 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 No. 3 Mop Pail, 8 gallons Each $3.00 Hoisting Pail, 6 gallons ... " 2.75 Dipper, 1% gallons " 1.60 Mop Pail shown below " 2.00 Hoisting Pail shown below. . " 1.75 Mop t'^iK- -i Tfolsl 390 GEOBCARPEffTER « GO. ROOFERS' SUPPLIES PAY OFF PAIL ROOFERS' DERRICK AND WHEEL The old reliable Lyman Pay Off Pail has been on the market for years, is used by most contractors, and we have never had one returned for repairs. Made of heavy black steel with all joints closely riveted and brazed. Has raised bottom and swing handle, top, bottom and hood are protected with bands. Spouts are riveted and brazed. Price, Pail $5.00 Price, Spouts, each 1.00 GRAVEL PAILS Made of black steel, raised bottom, top and bot- tom bands. This pail has rope handle stapled to outside, can't slip and will last for years. A trial will convince you they are the best. Price, per dozen $18.00 CARRYING PAIL We offer the roofers a derrick which we belieVe will meet with their approval; made of second growth hickory, free of knots; well ironed. Carried in stock in light and heavy style. Price, lieavy *18.0« Price, liglit 16.00 Our Roofers' Wheel is heavy cast, with wrought iron shield and hook, roller bearing. Price. . . .$4.00 ROOFERS' BARS ? I Mastic Mixing Bar Made of heavy black steel, closely riveted, and has top and bottom bands, swing handle. Used in •oiinection with Pav Off Pails. Price «3JM> FOR ROOFERS» BROOMS, MOPS AND KNOT BRUSHES. SEE INDEX We carry In stock a full line of bars of every de- scription, from the lightest to the heaviest, all made -with steel ends, well tempered. lilgrht steel $2.50 Heavy steel 2.00 Steel with wood handle 1.50 Mastic mixing: bar 2.0O GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. 391 OAKUM 50 lb. Bales ^P Figr. 41A Best per bale $ . U. S. Navy Navy Best, spun U. S. Navy, spun Navy, spun Plumbers', spun Kope Oakum COTTOX WIClvING In Balls — Bnle Lots Braided, in coils per lb. $. Rope Laid, in coils Chandlers', 3 lb. balls A, 2 oz. balls Diamond B. 2 oz. balls H, 2 oz. balls K or Melrose — RR Yacht, 5 ply. Navy, 3 ply . . SPUN COTTON .■jO lb. Bales per lb. $. TOW 100 lb. bales per lb. ». EXCELSIOR 100 lb. bales per lb. $. PITCH MOPS Made of paraffine wax. Smokeless, odorless and (Iripless. Eight to the pound, 40 pound cases. Full cases per lb. .$0.17 Broken cases " .21 Coach Candles 3 and 5 to pound, 40 ponnd cases per lb. *0.19 Broken cases " jb3 Plumbers' Acid Candles For plumbers, steam fitters and those who need a hig'h grade candle. 3, 5 and 12 to the lb., 40 lb. case only, .per lb. W.21 Broken cases " .2,»} PINE TAR Fig. 41C Fig. 41D Barrels, about 50 gallons each*. Half barrels, about 30 gallons " Five gallon cans per doz. . One gallon cans Half gallon cans " Quart cans " Pint cans NAATT OR PINE PITCH Barrels, about 250 lbs each *. Boxes, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 lbs per lb. . COAL TAR Fig. 41E Barrels, about 50 gallons Five gallon cans One gallon cans .each $. TALLOW Refined cylinder tallow in bulk and barrels. Barrels, about 400 lbs per lb. »0.2S Case lots, 20 5-lb. cakes " .24 Lesser quantities " .30 COAL TAR PITCH Conipiosition Barrels, about 360 lbs Boxes. 5, 10, 25 and 50 lbs. .per lb. $. RESIN •«F" Grade Barrels, about 4fi0 Jbs per lb. *. Boxes. 5, 10, 25 and 50 lbs PITCH LADLES Pig. 41P Iron per doz. WE HAVE IN STOCK AT AT>I. TIMES A COMPLETE LINE OF THE ABOVE SPECIALTIES AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES 39J GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER S Co. ROOFING PAPER CERTAIN-TEED ROOFING 1, 2 and 3 Ply Smooth Surfaced Made from long fibred, soft, absorbent rag stock felt carrying extra abundant saturation of the Certain-Teed blend of asphalts, the slowest drying saturation science has developed. No coal tar or quick drying saturants are used. Rolls 32 inches wide, containing 108 square feet (8 feet for laps). Large Head Nails and Lap Cement with directions in each roll. 1-ply, guaranteed 5 years, weight about 3 5 lbs. complete 2-ply, guaranteed 10 years, weight about 45 lbs. complete 3-ply, guaranteed 15 years, weght about 55 lbs. complete CERTAIN-TEED SHINGLES Red or Green Slate Surfaced Combine permanent color, beauty, fire protection, great durability and low cost. The beau- tiful color of the crushed slate is natural and so cannot fade. Size 8x12% inches. Laid % inch apart and 4 inches to the weather. 424 shingles to a square — about 23 lbs. 4 cartomkto a square. CERTAIN-TEED ROOFING ^ Red or Green Slate Surfaced Same material as Certain-Teed Shingles but in roll form. Put up and packed thfe same as Certain-Teed Roofing. Weight about 80 lbs. per square complete. MAJOR ROOFING Well up to the quality standard of the average first grade roofings offered by most manu- facturers. Put up and packed the same as Certain-Teed Roofing. 1-ply, weight about 3 5 lbs. complete 2-ply, weight about 45 lbs. complete 3-ply, weight about 55 lbs. complete GUARD ROOFING Makes a waterproof and entirely satisfactory roof for temporary purposes. Put up and packed the same as Certain-Teed Roofing. 1-ply, weight about 3 5 lbs. complete 2-ply, weight about 45 lbs. complete 3-ply, weight about 55 lbs. complete SENTINEL ROOFING Made specially to enable the trade to meet any price competition. Contains no coal tar. Bet- ter than the old time Tar Ready Roofing. Put up and packed the same as Certain-Teed Roofing. 1-ply, weight about 35 lbs. complete 2-ply, weight about 45 lbs. complete 3-ply, weight about 55 lbs. complete Write for Prices. 'We are prepared <« furnlwh one roll or si trnln losiel :i( !«»««•«< market price. GEOB-eARPErfTER « eo. :',\)3 FELT, SHEATHING, PLASTER AND WALL BOARD, ROOFING SUPPLIES IXSUI.ATTNG PAPER BliACK CARBONIZED A strong paper saturated and coated with the finest grade blend of Asphalts. Specially designed for Ice Houses, Refrigerators, and where- ever insulation against moisture is desirable. Odorless. Acid proof. Vermin proof. :Medium. "Weight about 20 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide Heavy. Weight about 35 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide Ex. Heavy. Weight about 45 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide No. 30 Insulator. No. 45 Insulator. Saturated 'only Weight about 30 lbs. in 500 sq. Weight about 45 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, ft. rolls. Slaters Asphalt Felt SLATERS FELT 32 in. wide, about 30 lbs. per roll of 100 sq. ft TARRED FELT No. 1. 32 in. wide, about 20 lbs. per 100 sq. ft, 216 sq. ft. per roll. No. 2. 32 in. wide, about 15 lbs. per 100 sq. ft., 324 sq. ft. per roll. No. 3. 32 in. wide, about 12 lbs. per 100 sq. ft., 500 sq ft. per roll. Stringed Pelt. 32 in. wide, about ^2 lbs. per roll of 250 sq. ft Stringed Pelt. 32 in. wide, about 44 lbs. per roll of 500 sq. ft Slaters Pelt. 36 in. wide, about 30 lbs. per roll of 500 sq. ft No. 20. No. 25. No. 30. No. 35. No. 40. ROSIN SIZED SHEATHING About 20 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide. About 25 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide. About 30 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide. About 35 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide. About 40 lbs. in 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide. DEADENING FELT Width 36 in., about %, lb. to the sq. yd., rolls contain 50 sq. yds. Width 36 in., about 1 lb. to the sq. yd., rolls contain 50 sq. yds. Width 36 in., about 1% lbs. to the sq. yd., rolls contain 50 sq. yds. Width 36 in., about 2 lbs. to the sq. yd., rolls contain 50 sq. yds. WALL BOARD Made of clean wood fibre. Sized thoroughly to take paint and to resist moisture. By actual test the strongest and best waterproofed board made. Affords opportunity for artistic panel effects. An inex- pensive material more quickly applied than plaster and without the dirt. Por finishing modest houses, for partitioning offices or large rooms, for portable screens, for attics and dens and booths. Size: Widths, 32 inches or 48 inches. Lengths, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 14 or 16 ft. STANDARD BOARD Made of paper stock. One side sized and finished in a beautiful brown. A very strong board. Sizes same aAabove Board • BLUE AND GRAY PLASTER BOARD 250 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide, weigh about 30 lbs 500 sq. ft. rolls, 36 in. wide, weigh about 60 lbs PLASTIC CEMENT A putty-like compound, durable and perfectly waterproof for plastering over cracks, holes or weak spots in roofs, basements, cisterns, waterspouts, troughs, etc. An excellent waterproofing. * ^'- *~ any surface. Adheres to 50 or 25 lb. pails Full or I Vz bbls. I COAL TAR PITCH or Coiuiiosition Barrels, about 360 lbs per cwt., $3.00 Boxes, 5, 10. 25 and 50 lbs per lb., .OS CAPNAL ROOFING NAILS Hot Galvanized Crated 6 10 lb. cans Crated 36 1 lb. cans COAL TAR No 5''* 1 I-rnsth 1 No. ^°- Ring 1 Sliank | per lb. Trice per lb. 1 3 4 1 f 117 165 250 .12 Barrels, about 50 gallons each $10.00 Five gallon cans '' 3.r)0 One gallon can " 100 A3IERICAN FELT ROOFING NAILS p^X. length Gauge Din. of Hen-' Galv. per lb. PU'n per 1!j. 198 1 1 1 12 1 % |$0.OS|$0.06 al5 1 36 1 12 1 % J .091 .07 TIN ROOFING CAPS Per lb $0.10 SBND US YOUR INQUIRIES ON ABOVE LINE, WE ARE PREPARED TO QUOTE LOWEST PRICES 394 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « eO. ASBESTOS BUILDING FELT AND SHEATHING, ROOFING AND SIDING PAPER Ovrins to almost dally market fluctuations we are unable to Insert Ustn or prices on tUs pa^e, but frill be pleased to lurnlsh same on application. Items shown INDRUROm ROOFING Lap cement and roofing nall^ included. Put up in one and two square rolls. H Ply» 26 lbs. to 108 sq. ft., 36 in. wide per square ». 1 ply, 35 lbs. to 108 sq. ft., 36 in. wide 2 ply, 45 lbs. to 108 sq. ft., 36 in. wide 3 ply, 55 lbs. to 108 sq. ft., 36 in. wide' RED ROSIN SHEATHING 500 square feet in roll. 36 inches wide. Solid, 20-25 lbs. to roll per lb. *. Filled, 30-35-40 lbs. to roll aiSlLlCOATo 2 ROOFING^ 1^ SILICOAT ROOFING Lap cement and roofing nails Included. One square in roll. Sanded both sides. 1 ply, t)5 lbs. to 100 sq. ft., 32 in. wide per square 9. 3 ply, 65 lbs. to 100 sq. ft., 32 in. wide 3 ply, 75 lbs. to 100 sq. ft., 32 in. wide 32 Inch widths. Weight, rolls, approximately 50 lbs. No. 1. Tarred felt, 20 to 22 lbs. to 100 sq. ft per lb. $ No. 2. Tarred felt, 15 lbs. to 100 sq. ft " No. 3. Tarred felt, 11 to 12 lbs. to 100 sq. ft " KEYSTONE PREPARED ROOFING 32 inch width. One square to roll. Are made of layers of tarred felt cemented together. 2 ply, two layers; 3 ply, three layers. Rolls contain no nails or caps. Each square requires 2 gals, roof coating, 1% lbs. caps and 1 lb. nails. 2 ply, weight 40 lbs. to square per roll $. . . . 3 ply, weight 60 lbs. to square " .... ASBESTOS BUILDING FELT Made of the best quality of asbestos fibre. Possesses the highest fireproof and non-conducting quali- ties, odorless, acid artd vermin proof and invaluable as a protection against fire. Used for lining pas- senger and freight cars, sheathing houses, lining between floors and under slate, tin and iron roofs, also for wrapping furnace pipes. In rolls weighing 75 to 100 pounds, 36 inches wide. Weighing 6 pounds to 100 square feet up to and including -^ inch in thickness. Price . • . per lb. 80.08 ASBESTOS SHEATHING A white high-grade asbestos fibre is used in the manufacture of our asbestos sheathing, making It light and strong, as well as fireproof. It is used for special purposes and electrical work, such as wrapping small armatures, etc. Put up same as asbestos felt. Price per lb. 90.10 SGND ITS YOUR INQUIRIES FOR ONE ROLL OR A CARLOAD. OUR PRICE IS ALWAYS RIOHT GEO-BeARPEM*TER S 60. 39: •Imiierial" All Asbestos IMpe Co^ t>rius ,&%! ASBESTOS PRODUCTS In purchasing a covering for heated surfaces, it is of the utmost importance to talce into considera- i\°Jl *?f J'"™^^'" °^ years the covering will last and. do good service, as well as its powers for resisttag high temperature, and its non-conducting properties lootoi-uig The durability of coverings varies greatly in the different kinds. Some will break or fall off th« heated surfaces or become otherwise defective in a year or two. Others, being unable to risist high pressure, become charred or burned and are thus useless as insulators le&ifai nign A good covering should be one that can be removed when necessary to make changes .or renair leakage or other damage to pipes, and be replaced without injury to itself cnanges, .01 repair The fittings, such as ells, tees, crosses and valves, are of exactly the same formation as tli«- seotiomi trTr^Tr^foTi^fh^lm^o^'a^^fo'^fal^^^Lr^effeyt^^JoTnT^^ '^''^^^^"^ ^^"'^*^"' ^'^^'^ la^i^'rei^nl^'i^eVuTrVd^^J bei„r.1.;plY7d "^itrt/ch^'S.^^J^t/"'"''''"* '■'^"^^ '"•• application, a sufficient ..uant.ty „t sn.ail staples Sectional View "Celasbestos". '■""- Eureka Pipe Asbestos Moulded t ..v ciiuir Covering "IMPERIAL" ALL, ASBESTOS PIPE COVERING Our "Imperial" is made of alternate layers of pure indented asbestos felt, and plain asbestos felt wire stitched at the edges, and covered with a heavy canvas jacket. It is light in weight, will stand all extremes of heat, is firm and elastic, will not sag on the pipes is not affected by moisture, will not crack nor crumble from vibration, can be removed and replaced a hundred times if necessary without injurious results as it is practically indestructible It is an ideal covering for train pipes and has been adopted by many railway companies for that purpose "CELASBESTOS" SECTIONAL PIPE COVERING For High Pressure Steam Pipes. This covering is formed in regular sections three feet in length of alternate layers of plain and fluted asbestos, canvassed on the outside, and secured to the pipes with metal bands. It is light in weight; strong, fireproof, non-conducting, not injured by steam or moisture, and easily applied, entirely suited for all high pressure work. Will not crack or powder from vibration of pipes. Made in three thicknesses, V> inch, % inch and 1 inch. XOTE — Our «'lmperlal" All Asbestos Fittings are su:>plied with this covering. "W. B." PIPE COVERING The perfection of insulating protection for steam pipes and all heated surfaces. There are no better non-conductors of heat known than asbestos and wool felt, and in our "W. B." covering these have been combined, producing the best results, there being consecutive layers of asbestos (about one-eighth of an inch thick) about the pipe, outside of this the wool felt with a canvas cover or jacl^t. This covering is easily applied, is removable and lasts as long as the pipes themselves. "V\''ill not crack, crumble or fall away from the pipes. When necessary staples are used in applying. ASBESTOS MOULDED COVERING Asbestos Moulded Covering will stand heat of the highest steam pressure without disintegrating, and being chemically treated in its manufacture, it is not affected by moisture. If this covering is soaked in water and dried again, it becomes as hard and firm as when originally made. It is a good non-conductor very durable, and will outwear any other similar covering on the market. ' This covering is made of asbestos fibre and other light non-conducting materials. It is very strong- is absolutely fireproof and is adapted for highest steam pressure. It will not crack and is made to fit pipes of all diameters from one-half inch upward. The fittings are furnished of the same materials and fit perfectly. It can be easily applied to hot or cold pipes by any practical man. We always send with this covering sufficient metal bands to securely fasten it to the pipes. EUREKA PIPE COVERING For all low pressure steam pipes and hot water pipes, we consider this to be an excellent covering, filling all requirements. It is made of wool felt and asbestos. Sections three feet long, canvas covered, with fittings for ells, tees, valves, etc., of same material. We sometimes supply for rough or temporary work this same covering without the canvas Jacket at a slightly reduced price. STANDARD PRICE LIST OF SECTIONAL PIPE COVERINGS AND FITTINGS When asking for quotations always state steam pressure for which covering is to be used. Prices of covering shown in this list are for lineal feet. Size Covering: Ells Tees Crosses Valves 1 Size CoverinK Ells Tees Crosses Valves »^ $0.22 $0.30 $0.36 $0.48 $0.54 1 4 $0.60 $0.60 $0.75 $0.95 $1.50 % .24 .30 .48 .54 iV2 .65 .72 .90 1.10 1.85 1 .27 .30 .48 .54 5 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.25 114 .30 .30 .48 ' .54 6 .80 1.30 1.60 2.00 2.80 1% .33 .30 .48 .54 7 1.00 1.80 2.20 2.80 3.60 2 .36 .36 .54 .60 1 8 1.10 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.40 2% .40 .42 .60 .78 1 9 1.20 3.00 3.80 4.40 5.30 3 .45 .48 .70 .96 1 10 1.30 3.60 4.60 5.20 6.20 3% .50 .54 .60 .80 1.20 1 1^ 1.85 VOTE} — For all pipes above ten (10) Incheii the use of Asbestos Moulded Blocks Is recommended. 39 n GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « So ASBESTOS PRODUCTS HOT WATER PIPE COVERING Same construction as Eureka covering, wool felt with asbestos next to the pipe. About Vs inch thick, canvas jacket. « , . A most suitable covering for hot water pipes, return pipes, hot air, etc., also for use in basements where it is desired to keep certain rooms or apart- ments cool. In sections 3 feet long. See Price List on Preceding Page. AMMOXIA AND BRINE PIPE COA^RING We carry a special covering for these purposes. In chemical plants, breweries, cold storage houses, etc., a great deal of damage is done by the sweat- ing of pipes, and considerable loss is experienced. By the use of these coverings, this is avoided, and the saving will, in a short time, fully repay for the expense of covering the exposed pipes and surfaces. CAL'TION — In applying- the Ammonia and Brine Pipe Coverings, great care should be exercised to form perfectly, air and water-tight joints otherwise the covering will prove useless. We furnish a special cement in liquid or paste form for this work also for covering all fittings. When this cement and waterproof canvas are used, and care is exer- cised to see that all laps come on the under side of the pipe, there can be no possibility of moisture working in and injuring the covering itself. Liberal use of this cement is recommended. See Price L,ist on Preceding Page. ASBESTOS AND HAIR FELT CO\TaiING An excellent non-conductor, light in weight. Suitable for all ordinary steam pressure. Made in sections 3 feet long. Composed of an inner lining of heavy asbestos felt, then standard hair felt cover- ing with another layer of asbestos felt and finally finished with a heavy sized paper. We can also supply it with canvas cover if desired. The outer layer of asbestos is used to protect the hair felt and render the covering more fireproof. The necessary staples and strips for covering and fastening all laps and joints are always included in making shipment.s. Special fittings go with this covering. See Price List on Preceding Page. FROST protectiat: coatering To prevent freezing in gas and water pipes, we furnish, in 3 feet sections, a covering that is most economical and efficient. When pipes are exposed we can supply a wrapper of canvas, which can be painted, or of waterproofed felt. See Price List on Preceding Page. TAKE NOTE — Wliere any of the aforementioned coverings are exposed to the weatlier, or wliere moisture or dampness are liable to afiEect tlieir use- fulness or durability, we can supply a heavy can- vas cover >vhich has been thor'oughly saturated with pure asphalt and other vraterproof and pre- servative materials. In bales of 300 V* in. % in. Vz in. thick, thick, thick, thick. HAIR FELT ^square fe'et, standard thickness, always in stock. Standard Price List of Hair Felt. per square foot $0.04 I 1 in. thick , " " " .041^ 1% in. thick " " " .04% 11/2 in. thick " " " .0614 ' 2 in. thick BOILER COVERING OR LAGGING per square foot $0.07% .09% •H " ' " .14 f "IMPERIAL" ALL ASBESTOS BOILER COVERING OR LAGGING The 'Imperial" boiler covering or lagging is essentially of the same formation as the covering here- tofore mentioned with the exception of being in sheet form. It is furnished with or without canvas jacket and can be fastened when applied, by using staples, or the sections can be laced together. . , , , . It is recommended for covering large or irregularly shaped surfaces such as upright and horizon- tal boilers, both stationary and portable, drums, domes, heaters, stills, breechings, etc. Cement work when torn off for repairs to the heated surfaces has to be replaced with new material, whereas the "Imperial" can be laid aside, the work completed and the same section replaced: The elas- ticity is another good feature, allowing the covering to be shaped to fit almost any irregular surface. -\s a covering for locomotives 'and marine boilers it is vastly superior to others and has merits that recommend it for these uses. As a result of constant jarring some covering will crumble and fall away while the "Imperial" will remain as firm and useful as when first applied. Stock size sheets 24x36 inches. .Special sizes and shapes to order. CELASBESTOS FIREPROOF LAGGING BLOCKS Made in blocks or sheets formed by use of successive layers of our Celasbestos as described on an- other page. The layers are placed so that the air space runs at right angles to that in the adjoining Tlie sheets are adapted for all heat insulating purposes, such as covering boilers, heaters, large flues, ceilings, fire doors, etc. ^ . , . . , Any thickness from l^ to 3 inches. Stock sizes 3x3 feet. Special sizes as required. Can be conformed to any curved surface by slitting a few layers on the under side. For prices, see table at bottom of this page. ASBESTOS MOULDED BLOCKS There are manv large surfaces such as boilers, stills, domes, heaters, etc., that cannot be covered with the sectional covering and for this work we especially make moulded blocks, which are easily applied to the surface and can be securely and cheaply fastened by the use of a large me.sh wire- screen. To make a more presentable appearance this screen can be covered with a thin coat of our asbestos cement felting, thus giving the work a smooth finished appearance. Special sizes, shapes and thicknesses Made in blocks or slabs 3 or 4 Inches wide, 18 inches long and 1 or 1% inches tldck. Standard Price List For Sheet and Block Coverings Thickness Inch Price per foot $0.27 .27 .30 .30 .34 .38 Price per sq. foot $0.42 .45 .49 .53 .57 .60 Price per sq. foot $0.64 .68 .72 .75 .79 .83 Thickness Inches 2% 3 314 31^ 4 Price per sq. foot $0.87 1.05 1.20 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « QO, ASBESTOS PRODUCTS ASBESTOS CEMENT FELTING A dry cement, prepared by mixing asbestos fibre and other non-conductive and cementing materials to render them available for covering- large and irregularly shaped surfaces, such as boilers, stills, domes, heaters, etc. When mixed with water to the proper consistency, it is easily applied either by hand or with a trowel. We furnish this cement in two qualities. "A" Brand per sack 1F3.50 «B" Brand " 3.00 NOTE — In applying: our cement Coverings, better results can be obtained'-wlien tliey are applied over an air-space formed of wire cloth and studs. ASBESTOS FLEXIBLE ROOFING CEMENT Composed of finely ground asbestos mixed with iron paint and other water and acid-proof materials. Prepared ready for use; ela.stic and very adhesive. Used for cementing or patching tin, metal or com- position roofs, around chimneys, skyligl*s and dormer windows. For imbedding tile or slate and repairing leaks of all kinds. Supplied in red, brown or black colors. Will not become hard and useless when opened unless left exposed for a considerable time. Brown Black and Red lOO lb. tubs per lb. $0.04 $0.06 25 to 50 lb. pails " .05 .08 10 lb. cans ■' .07% .10 5 lb. cans " .lO .15 ASBESTOS HOT BLAST CEMENT A strictly first-class fire-proof cement, especially adapted for covering surfaces exposed to a high heat, such as hot blast pipes, smoke pipes, furnaces, retorts, etc., also used as fire-proof deadening under floors and roofs. Covering capacity of this cement, 40 square feet 1 inch thick. Price per barrel or bag $4.00 ASBESTOS FURNACE CEMENT For lining heating stoves, furnace doors, repair- ing broken joints in furnaces, etc. WJien subjected to inten.se heat it vitrifies without becoming porous or shrinking. Will not harden if package is unopened. 400 to 600 lb. casks per lb. $0.04 100 lb. tubs ' .04% 25 to 50 lb. tubs " .OSVi 10 lb. cans " .10 5 lb. cans " .12 3 lb. cans " .15 ASBESTOS RETORT CEMENT Invaluable for "setting up" or repairing broken clay or iron gas retorts, pipes, etc.; and for ce- menting joints in stone and metals. Is acid proof and vitrifies under intense heat, very strong and durable. Prepared ready for use, not affected by afa8, oils, etc. ^ 400 to 600 lb. casks per lb. $0.04 100 lb. tubs .04V> 25 to 50 lb. tubs " .Osil 10 lb. cans " .lo 5 lb. cans " .la 3 lb. cans " .15 .22 to 24 lbs. ,30 to 35 lbs. ASBESTOS MILL BOARD One of the most economical packings for chemi- cal works, oil stills, flange joints, cylinder heads, insulation in stoves, ranges and ovens, also for lining grates, ceilings, etc. Fire-proof and acid- proof, made soft, medium and hard. Stock size. 40x40 inches, 42x44 inches and 44x48 inches; special sizes to order. Thicknesses from jW to 1 inch. Price per pound $0.10 Note — We are furnishing an extra hard, even and smooth surfaced board for making fire backs "or back walls in grates and fire places, natural gas fires, etc. Also extra hard sheets for glass workers' use, cut to any size. We furnish a very superior quality of Asbestos Mill Board for electrical pur- poses. Appro.vimate AVeight Per Sheet 40x40 Inches 1/16 In.. .. 3% to 4 lbs. (% in... Mi in..,.. 8 to 81/2 lbs. '/. in... •% in 15 to 16 lbs. ) Intermediate thicknesses, proportionate weights of full cases average 250 to 300 lbs. ASBESTOS ROLL MILL BOARD In rolls of 5^5 and % inch in thickness, 36 inches wide. Price per lb $0.10 GLASS HOUSE SHEETS Hard, stiff, flat sheets of asbestos specially pre* pared for glass workers' use and for carrying small heated articles. Pi'ice List of Glass House Sheets, Each Size of Sheet 3 32 in. thick 3/16 In. thick 6x 8 inches $0.25 $0.30 8x 8 inches 2« .;12 10x10 inches 27 ..14 10x12 inches 2S> .37 12x12 inches 32 .42 12x16 inches 45 .."^5 20x24 inches 1.10 1.35 24x24 inches 1.30 1.65 CELASBESTOS CORRUGATED ROLL LAGGING Constructed of a layer of corrugated or fluted asbestos paper, backed by a sheet of plain asbestos. An excellent non-conductor for wrapping furnace pipes, hot air flues, to prevent burning of woodwork from overheated pipes. It is flexible, can be easily wrapped around carved surface and fastened with wire or metal bands. Put up in rolls ^6 inches wide; 250 square feet to roll. Price per square foot $0.05 ASBESTOS STO\"E LINING CEMENT A plastic cement composed of asbestos and fire- proof-cementing materials. Used as a bed for laying fire-brick or facing walls subjected to great heat. lining cooking stoves, heating stoves and furnaces, mending broken iron or brick lining-s. Will not warp or burn off. 400 to 60O lb. casks per lb. $0.04 100 lb. tubs '. " .04% 25 to 50 lb. tubs -05 10 lb. cans 0^ 5 lb. cans l" 3 lb. cans IS 398 GeoBSaXpeM'ter X Go. FRICTION BOARD Granite Board Davy Board No. Thick- ness No. of Boards to Bundle Size of Boards inches WeiKht per Bundle about lbs. Price per lb. No. Thick- ness Inches No. of Boards to Bundle Size of Boards Inches Weieht per Bundle about lbs. Price per lb. 4 5 6 8 10 Ve , 6 % 8 t\t 1 10 35x42 35x42 35x42 35x42 35x42 50 50 50 50 50 $ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y5 ye ys 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 33x44 33x44 33x44 33x44 33x44 33x44 33x44 33x44 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 % RED VULCANIZED FIBRE BOARD 3*2 to 14 inch thick in sheets per lb., $ . VALVE SPRINGS— FIBRE BOARD CONICAL PUMP VALVE SPRINGS Brass Spring Wire In ordering state if size given is size of valve or diameter of base of spring. Size of Wire Fo rl% For 2 For 2% For 3 For 3V2 For 4 For 4% F or 5 For 5V2 F« )r6 For? Gauge in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. Valve in. ^ ^alve In. Valve 3 . . . ... $1 00 $1.20 4 . . . ... $0 60 $0.80 90 1.00 5 $0.25 $0.30 40 .55 70 .80 6 $0.26 .21 .24 30 .43 50 .70 7 $0.16 .18 .19 .22 26 .35 38 .60 8 $0.14 .15 .17 .18 .20 22 .28 30 .40 9 $0.12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .19 20 .24 26 .35 10 .11 . .12 .13 .14 .15 .18 19 .20 24 .30 11 .10 .11 .13 .13 .14 .17 18 .19 22 .25 la . . .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .16 .17 .18 20 18 . . .08 .09 .09 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 . . . 14 $0 .07 .07 .08 .08 .10 .11 .12 .13 15 .06 .06 .07 .07 .08 .09 .10 . . . 16 .05 .051/2 .06 .06 .07 . . . 17 .04 .05 .06 .06 Base Diameter , V* In. 1 % in. 2% in. 2H In. 3 In. 3% in. 4 In. 4V s in. 5 in. 5V^ In. 6 in. Sprinsr For Pump Valves, see Index GEO•B/eAIiPE^fTER « So. 399 CEMENT FINISHING TOOLS % INCH RADIUS XARROW EDGER Nos. 38, 39 Length 8 inches, width 1 % inch, has a % inch turned edge with radius of % inch. No. 38. Iron, Nickel Plated. . .per doz. $8.00 038. Bronze " " 17.00 % INCH RADIUS NARROW EDGER 39. Iron, Nickel Plated. . .per doz. $8.00 039. Bronze " " 17.00 CURBING EDGER No. No. No. This tool is used for edges of curbs. It has a slightly oval surface. Length 6 '^ inches, width 3 ^ inches, 2 inch turned edge, with a radius of 1^ inch. No. 100. No. 0100. Iron, Nickel Plated Bronze per doz. $14.40 " " 21.60 BE\'EL EDGER Xos. IS, 40 For beveling the edge of steps, walks, etc. The following tools are 6 inches long by 2% inches wide. Tool with % inch Bevel Iron, Nickel Plated. . .per doz. $7.00 Bronze " " 16.00 Tool with % inch Bevel Iron, Nickel Plated. . .per doz. $7.00 Bronze " " 16.00 SQUARE EDGER .\o. No. No. No. 40. 040. 18. 018. For finishing edges of steps, walks, carriage blocks, or wherever it is desirable to have edges square. Length 6 inches, width 3 inches, both ends rounded, cutting edge 1 Vz inch. No. 17. Iron, Nickel Plated, per doz. $10.00 No. 017. Bronze " " 17.00 CORNER TOOL No. 6 For finishing inside corners of steps, etc. Has one end straight and one end curving back, allow- ing the user to work in corner against framework. Length 6 inches, width of sides 1 Vz inch. No. 6. Iron, Nickel Plated. . . .per doz. $7.00 No. 06. Bronze " " 16.00 RESIDENCE CURB TOOL No. 45 For finishing top of curb or abutment at sides of residence steps, walks, etc. Has guides which run on the framework. With this tool the top of the curb is finished a perfect half round. No. 45. Iron, Nickel Plated, .per doz. $18.00 No. 045. Bronze " " 30.00 CURB GUTTER TOOL For finishing the curve formed in making a combined curb gutter having the right curvature for this purpose. Length 6 inches, width of sides 3 inches. No. 26. Iron, Nickel Plated, .per doz. $14.40 No. 026. Bronze " " 24.00 Ten inches long, width of sides 3 inches. Pre- ferred by many workmen on account of the length. No. A26. Iron, Nickel Plated . ))er doz. $20.00 No. A026. Bronze " " 33.00 GUTTER TOOL No. 8 Used in making gutters for drainage pur- poses. Length 6 inches, width 3% inches, 1 inch deep. No. 8. Iron, Nickel Plated. . .per doz. $14.40 No. 08. Bronze " " 21 .60 400 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER^ Co. CEMENT FINISHING TOOLS SIDEWALK JOINTERS DRIVEWAY GROOVERS <^ J^ ^ JiOH. 1 and 3 Width 2 34 in., length 6 in., with both ends rounded, cuts % in. deep. No. 1. Iron, niclcel plated per doz. $ 7.00 No. 01. Bronze " 16.00 Jointer, 9 in. long, 3 in. wide, cuts % in. deep. No. 3. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $10.20 No. 03. Bronze " 21.60 JOINTER No. 5 This Jointer is desirable in making clean shai-p joints against the framework, as it has one straight end. Width 3 in., length, 6 in., cuts V2 in. deep. No. 5. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 8.00 No. 05. Bronze " 17.00 JOINTER No. 27 With fastened handle. This tool has a slightly Length 5 in., width 2^4 in., cuts fs oval surface, in. deep. No. 27. Iron, nickel plated per > No. 027. Bronze NARROW JOINTER a. $ 7.00 17.00 IVo. 41 Width 1% length Both ends rounded, cuts % in. deep. No. 41. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 8.00 No. 041. Bronze " 17.00 NARROW STRAIGHT END JOINTERS Nos. 42, 36 The following Jointers are 1% in. wide, 8 in. long, one straight end and one rounded. 1/2 Inch CuttliLg Blade No. 42. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 8.00 Bronze " 17.00 1/4 iuch Cuttins Blade Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 8.00 Bronze " 17.00 042. 36. 036. N'os. 7, 19, 24 Both ends rounded. These Groovers make wide grooves in the driveway so that horses will not slip. Length 9 in., width 3 in., making U-shaped groove % in. deep. No. 7. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $10.20 No. 07. Bronze " 21.60 Length 9 in., width 3 inches, making V-shaped groove % in. deep. No. 19. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $10.20 No. 019. Bronze " 21.60 Length 6 in., width 2% in., cuts V-shaped groove % in. wide, V2 in. deep. No. 24. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 7.00 No. 024. Bronze " 16.00 DRIVEWAY GROOVER cuts No. 25 One end straight. Length 6 in., width 3 groove % in. wide and % in. deep. No. 25. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 8.00 No. 025. Bronze " 17.00 INCH RADIUS EDGER No. 2 Length 6 in., width 2% in., has a % in. turned edge, with radius of % in. Both ends rounded. No. 2. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 7.00 No. 02. Bronze " 16.00 M INCH RADIUS EDGER No. 4 Both ends rounded. Length 6 in., width 3 in., has a 1 in. turned edge, with a radius of % in. No. 4. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 8.00 No. 04. Bronze " 17.00 CIRCLE EDGERS FOR SHOVELS, HOES, ETC.. SEE INDEX Nos. 57, 58 For finishing inside or outside of any circular work. 5 in. long, 2 in. wide., % in. radius. Inside Circle Edger No. 57. Iron, nickel plated per doz. No. 057. Bronze OutMide Circle lildgrer No. 58. Iron, nickel plated per doz. No. 058. Bronze $ 6.00 12.00 $ 6.00 12.00 GEO-B-CAR^PENfTER S QO. 401 CEMENT AND PLASTER FINISHING TOOLS illliiliill HioH. 13, 21, 22 SQUARE CAST IRON CONCRETE TAMPERS Furnished with 4 ft. hardwood handles No. 13. 6x 8 in., weight 16 lbs each $1.30 No. 21. 8x 8 in., weight 19 lbs " 1.50 No. 22. 10x10 in., weight 27 lbs " 2.00 Nos. 72, 73 DIRT TAMPERS Furnished with 4 ft. hardwood handles. No. 72. Round, 6 in. size, weight 15 lbs. . .each $1.40 No. 73. Round, T in. size, weight 17 lbs. . . " 1.60 ALUMINUM FLOAT Cast in one piece from special hard aluminum. Corrugated both ways, which produces a sand finish on walls. Length 10 in., width 4 in. No. 59. Corrugated Face each $2.00 No. 52 ALU^DNUM FLOAT A light Float of good wearing qualities, much better than wood or cork. Length 12 in., width 4V2 in. No. 52. Smooth Face each $2.00 ]Vo». 53, 71, 54 ALUMINU3I HAWIvS Face of Hawk has a satin finish which prevents the mortar from slipping when the Hawk is tilted. No. 53. Size 13 xl3 in per doz. $33.00 No. 71. Size 13Vixl3% in " 34.00 No. 52. Size 14 xl4 in " 36.00 Nos. 68 STEEL FACE TAMPERS * Furnished with 4 ft. hardwood handles. No. 68. 8x 8 in., weight 15 lbs each $1.80 No. 69. 10x10 in., weight 18 lbs " 2.00 PIEN END TAMPERS Furnished with 4 ft. hardwood handles. This Tamper is used in making steps, curbs, etc. Large end is 3x4 in. Pein end is 1x4 in. No. 35. Pien End Tamper, weight 11 lbs. .each $1.60 No. 84S ALUMINUM DARBY Made of special hard rolled aluminum. Provided with 2 detachable wooden handles. Length 40 in., width 31/2 in. Aluminum Darby each $2.75 Fig. S4» Cut Mhowlng Jointer wr Groover attached to clamp and 6 It. hard^vood handle Clamp fitted with a 6 ft. hardwood handle, nicely finished. This clamp is made from either hard bronze or malleable iron, supplied with 3 strong bolts with steel thumb nuts. One side of clamp has square holes to fit the square shoulder of bolts, thus preventing bolts from turning when tightened. This clamp and handle will meet the demand of any con- crete worker because any of our tools can be used in connection with same. Long Handle and Clamp, either in malleable iron or bronze. "Weight each, 2V'» lbs each $2.00 FOR WHEEl,BARRO\%'S, HODS, ETC., SEE INDEX 402 GeoB-Carpen'ter ^ eo. CEMENT FINISHING TOOLS CORRUGATING TOOL RAISED TUCK POINTER For making a rough sur'face on driveways, walks, etc., to prevent slipping, makes grooves Vs in. deep, % in. apart. Length 6 in., width 41/^ in. ,..,,„ No. 44. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $14.40 No. 044. Bronze 24.00 ROLLER JOINTER Fig. 48 For finishing curb and sidewalk joints. Cylinder is 2 in. long, 2 in. in diameter. No. 48. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $10.20 No. 048 Bronze " 18.00 Figs. 4» and 50 Cylinder is 2 in. long, 2 in. in diameter with % in. turned edge, having % in. radius. „ „ „„ No. 49. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $10.20 No. 049. Bronze " 18-00 % INCH ROLLER EDGER Cylinder is 2 in. long, 2 in. in diameter, with 1 in. turned edge, having % in. radius. No. 50. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $10.20 No. 050. Bronze " 18.00 RADIUS TOOLS I FlSM. '2'i and 11 For laying out and finishing curves and circles. Its shape permits the finishing of either the inside or outside of any size circular work. Tool with % inch Radius No. 23. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 6.00 No. 023. Bronze " 12.00 Tool with ?4 inch Radius No. 11. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 6.00 No. Oil. Bronze " 12.00 LONG HANDLE TROWEL Made from the best tempered steel. Mount- ings and handle cast in one piece from alum- inum and riveted securely to blade. This tool is light and strong, and will stand hard usage. The knuckle makes it possible to work in any angle. Trowels 20 and 24 inches long, width 5 inches, fitted with a 6 ft. hardwood handle and adjustable clamp. Fig. 12 Used by masons for making raised beading or pointing between cement blocks, stone, brick, etc. Length over all 9V2 in., length of blade 5 in. Width of blade made in following sizes: iPs in., 1/4 in., {■g in., % in., % in.. % in. No. 12. Iron, nickel plated per doz. $ 6.00 No. 012. Bronze " 12.00 No. 15 INDENTATION ROLLER Fig. 15 Is used for imprinting surfaces on walks and pre- vents them from becoming slippery. Makes square impressions % in. apart. Length of cylinder 10 in., diameter 4 in. No. 15. Iron, nickel plated each $ 4.00 No. 015. Bronze " 12.00 No. 16 DRIVEWAY ROLLER Fig. 1« For grooving driveways and stable floors so horses cannot slip. Length of cylinder 10 in., diam- eter 4 in. No. 16. Iron, nickel plated each $ 4.00 No. 016. Bronze " 12.00 No. 20 LINE ROLLER Fig. ao For finishing walks or sloping places, leav- ing the surface with the appearance of bush hammered stone. Length of cylinder 10 in., diameter 4 in., 6 grooves to the inch. ^ , ^ ^„ No. 20. Iron, nickel plated each $ 4.00 No. 020. Bronze " 12.00 20 in. Trowel, weight each 2% lbs. Each .... $4.00 24 in. Trowel, weight each 4 lbs. Each 4.50 LONG HANDLE FLOAT Made of aluminum. Fig. 839 Built and mounted like the steel trowels. Length either 20 or 24 in.. width 5 in., fitted with a 6 ft. hardwood handle and adjustable clamp. , ^, ,„ 20 in. Float, weight each 414 lbs each $5.50 24 in. Float, weight each 41/2 lbs " 5.75 GEO•B•(BAKPE^fTER S eo. 403 TROWELS, SCRAPERS AND MORTAR BOXES STEEL MORTAR BOX Fls. 5S2 Are lighter than wooden boxes, are' easily kept clean and can be handled by two men. Stock size, 7 ft. long-, 3 ft. wide, 15 in. deep over all. Ample capacity to mix % cu. yd. Weight. 180 lbs. Kach BRICK TROWELS PHILADELPHIA PATTICRN, No. 10 i-'Sii. r...:i.V Size, inches i 'V' 1 N 1 MV- 1 » 1 »% 1 lO 1 10% F'er dozen . . . . . 1 .$ ,s .'.(J 1 9.0(t 1 9.. SO 1 10.00 1 10.50 1 11.00 1 11.50 Size, inclieH 1 111 11'/- 1 r2 1 i::y- i:'. 1 i:{i4 1 14 Per dozen . . . ... 1 .$ 1 ■-' U 1 12.50 1 13.00 1 13.75 14.50 1 15.20 ' 16.00 Packed half dozen assorted lifts in box. LONDON AND PHILADELPHIA PATTERNS Fig. 55:!B Size inches 1 8' .S'ya 9 9% 1 10 io% 11 1 11% 12 IZVa 1 13 isyz 14 Per doz 1 $6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 1 8.75 9.25 9.50 PLASTERERS' TROWELS Fig. 552C Inches, lengrth. Inches, width Per doK 10 41/2 $12.25 10% 11 4% 4% 12.25 13.50 12 4 78 13.7 POINTING TROWELS Figr. 552D 5.25 7 5.75 « inch CONCRETE SPUD OR SIDEWALK SCRAPER PLASTERERS' CORNER TROWELS Inside or Outside Angrle Fig. 552E: per doe. $T.O<» >.'^ Vlg. 554 These tools are usefnl In many ways, not only in construction work but street railways use them to remove snow and ice tfom swucn frogs. Bill posters remove old posteis trom bin boaius witn tnem. and roofers often use them for ripping old paper from roofs. In addition they are unusually efficient as sidewalk scrapers for removing ice and snow. Pitted 'tvlth 4 ft. hickory handles. Medium 7 in. blade, 5 m. deep per doz. $6.00 Hea'vy 7 in. blade. 6 in. deep per doz. 8.0O Kxtra handle* each .30 FOR WHRELBARROWS, SHOVKI.S AlVn MORTAR MIXKRS, SEE IlVnEX 404 GEO•B•eAllPE^fTER « Go, HODS, HOES, CRAYONS HODS Fig. 5S8A. Mortar Hod ^^S' 556. Brick Clamp Fig. 5SSB. Brick Hod Tin Lined Shoulder Blocks Rough Hickory Handles Mortar, weight each 121/2 lbs. . .per doz. $12.00 Brick, weight each IVz lbs per doz. $9.00 Fig. 556 Brick Clamps each $2.50 MORTAR HOES o o Fig. 590A Fig. 590B 10-in. blade, soUd blade and shank per doz. $9.00 10-in. blade, solid shank, open blade per doz. $9.75 RAILROAD CRAYONS OR CHALK %^iiiy{tiatiiiiiaiiiMrtriiai.iiyftifllww^ Fig. 251A. 4 incites long, 1 inch diameter, in oases one gross. Wliite per gross $1.00 Blue " 1.50 Red , *' 1.25 Green .* ♦* 1.50 CARPENTERS' CHALK Packed Half Gross in Box White per gross $0.90 Red " 1.10 Blue " 1.20 Fig. 251B SCHOOL CRAYON OR CHALK White per gross $0.25 SOAPSTONE OR KIEL METAL WORKERS' CRAYONS Fis. 251C. Flat SIZES AND LISTS G. B. C. flat metal workers' crayon per gross $3.00 G. B. C. round metal workers' crayon " 3.00 G. B. C. MxH inch squai-e metal workers' crayon " 2.00 G. B. C. %x%6 inch oblong metal workers' crayon " 1.50 GEOBCAIiPEM'TER ^ So. 404A LUMBERMEN'S CRAYONS AND PENCILS DIXON'S COLORED LUMBER CRAYONS 'OX^.OVX' T teNo. 521 BLUE LUMBER CRAYON mjL^nsFPN^mN^^mimf^f^co ./FR£JVT£f9 ^CO. CH/CJ9GO, /LLS. / Carpenter's brand of crayons are high grade crayons, and are a little lower in price than the others listed here. They make a bright, clear, permanent waterproof mark. Packed the same as Dixon's crayons, listed above. Blue Per gross .$7.00 Red Per gross $7.00 Yellow ( . . " 7.00 Black " 6.00 Green " 7.00 It will be noted that the crayons on this page are all labeled "Lumber" crayons. This is simply a name that has come down through the past, and has no particular significance con- cerning the uses to which the crayons may be put. The crayons on this page are now used by railroads, surveyors, nurseries, textile mills, steel manufacturers, and in shipping rooms as well as by lumber companies, who were the first users of these crayons. LUMBERMEN'S PENCIL HOLDER Pig. 251A Nickel Plated Complete with 36 inch handle Per doz. .$12.00 Holder only " 10.00 PENCILS Dixon's Office Pencils No. 3. Hexagon lead pencils, with rubber tip, hard Per gross $4.50 No. 2. Hexagon lead pencils, with rubber tip, medium " 4.50 Rcund cedar pencils, with rubber tip '= 1.25 Round cedar pencils, plain " .80 CARPENTER'S PENCILS wmmmmmm Fig. 251B 7-inch oval Carpenter's Pencils per gross $2.75 9-inch oval Carpenter's Pencils " 2.7& 405 GEO-BeAR^PErfTER S SO. STEEL STAMPS AND LOG STAMPS steel liOg Stamv Ilookeroou Double End LiOg Stamp Cast PRICES ON HAND CUT LETTERS AND FIGURES ron liOt; Stamp Steel Stamp In Ordering, State Whether Stamps are for Steel or Wood inch Letters No. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size. 1-32 Style. Alphabet. Fig. Steel 1 Stamp. A B C D B F $7 50 $2 50 30c. 25e. 20c. 1-20 1-lC 5 25 1 75 ABCDE 4 50 1 50 1-12 AB C D 4 50 1 50 20c. 1-10 ABCD 4 50 1 50 15c. 1-8 AB C I 4 50 1 50 15c. 5-32 ABC 5 25 1 75 20c. 3-16 1-4 ABC 6 00 2 00 25c. AB 7 50 2 50 30c. 5-lG A] 9 00 3 00 35c. 3-8 A 10 50 3 50 45c. 1-2 A ^15.00^ 5 00 60c. Ijetter.s and Figriircs Only the Best Quality of Steel Used In Our Stamps $0.7.'> % inch Letters $1.00 1 inch Letters |1.35 PRICES ON LOG STAMPS Steel % inch Letters 1 letter $1.50 2 letter 2.25 3 letter 3.25 4 letter 4.00 Steel 1 1 letter 2 letter 3 letter 4 letter inch Letter $1.75 3.00 4.00 5.00 Steel 1% inch letter 1 letter $2.00 2 letter 3.50 3 letter 4.75 4. letter 5.7.'j Cast Iron 1 inch letter 1 letter $1.25 2 letter 2.50 ;! letter ...... 3.50 Price on Other Sizes Upon Request. For prices on hookeroons add $1.00 to price of steel log hammer. Borders of regular shape on steel log stamps $1.00 additional per inch measuring the longest way. Borders of irregular shape according to size and design. Special price on cast iron log stamps in lots of six or more on application. GeoBCarbeM'ter ^ &o. 4o(; SIDEWALK, SEWER PIPE AND CEMENT BLOCK STAMPS AND BRANDS ROTARY CEMENT STAMP FOR SEWER PIPES AND BLOCKS Fig. «31 These Stamps are very convenient and easy to manipulate, making a very clear impression. They will not break or mar the pipe or block, as the letters go into the cement gradually. Prices on application. Give lettering wanted. SIDEWALK MARKERS FiK, {Kill BRASS OR IRON For imprinting name of Street into Cement Side- walks at Street intersec- tions. style of l-etters These letters are cut very sharp and deep, thus insuring a good clear impression. In this man- ner the name of street is imprinted into side- walk to last indefinitely. The lower edge of each letter is square, forming a guide to print absolutely straight. They are very easily spaced. Bach letter has a handle. Put up in a neat box containing 27 letters, 1 i)eriod, 1 comma, 1 dash, 1 straight edge. COMPLETE SET OF LETTERS BRONZE NAME PLATES Everlastingly Advertise Your AVork Iron 3% inch $9.00 2 Inch 7.50 11/^ inch 5.00 31/4 2 IV2 inch inch inch $7.00 6.00 4.00 COMPLETE SET OP FIGURES Brass 3% inch $3.00 2 inch 2.50 1 % inch 1.75 Iron 3% inch $2.50 2 inch 2.00 IVz inch 1.5 EACHAM Contracting. - INCORPORATED ^ ./ HOPKINSVILLE. KY. , l: ^ To imbed into Cement Bridges, Sidewalks, Monuments, etc. Any size or style. Prices on application. Give size and lettering wanted, also state quantity. DATERS Fig. 5>S.| For Day, Month and Year Use our new Daters for years to come. Do not make it necessary to buy a new dater every year. 12-24-1915 Specimen of Stamping Done by Our Daters Complete in neat wooden box $5.00 This is your first cost. No additional ex- pense. ADJUSTABLE DATERS For Year Only We can also furnish an ad- justable dater for year only, which is preferred by many con- tractors. This Dater complete with one extra year, price. . $1.00 Extra Dates .25 WE FURNISH AIVY KllVn OF BRONZE T.\BI.ET OR BRIDGE Pr.\TE TO ORDER Fig. 9S5 407 GEOBCAIiPEhfTER ^ So, CEMENT SIDEWALK BRANDS, TIME AND TOOL CHECKS NAME PLATES CONTRACTOR W.B.MYERS Scco ^^ 1902 ^• 5640 CHICAGO AV. AUSTIN. . Size About 4x8 SPECIAL PRICE ON DUPLICATES Price on Special Shapes and Trade Marks on Application AMERICAN CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Price Single Brands, 3 lines with border $10.00 Price Single Brands, 4 lines with border 12.00 BRANDING IRONS The letters in this brand are adjustable. Should any one become damaged, it can be replaced without buyins a new complete brand. SIZES AND PRICES OF BRANDS No. of Letters 14 inch % inch 1/2 inch % inch 1 inch l^inch on Letters Letters Letters Letters Letters Letters Brand 2 $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 $1.40 $1.65 $1.75 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.70 1.85 2.00 4 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.30 2.50 5 1.15 1.20 1.25 2.50 3.00 3.25 6 1.30 1.40 1.50 2.75 3.20 3.50 7 1.45 1.60 1,75 3.25 3.90 4.25 8 1.60 1.80 2.00 4.00 4.10 4.50 9 1.75 2.00 2.25 4.50 4.80 5.25 10 1.90 2.20 2.50 4.75 5.00 5.50 11 2.05 2.40 2.75 5.00 5.70 6.25 12 2.20 2.60 3.00 5.25 5.90 6.50 EXTRA LETTERS OR FIGURES % in., 8c each. % in., 10c each. V2 in., 10c each. % in., 20c each. 1 in., 25c each. 1^/4 in., 30c each. TIME AND TOOL CHECKS IN BRASS OR ALUMINUM With Black Letters No. 50 In lots of 50 $4.jOO In lots of 100 6.00 PHOENIX M'FfeCO. EAUCLAIRE,WIS. We make Brass Name Plates for All Purposes Single plate, as shown. . .each $1.00 50 Plates as shown " 7.00 100 Plates as shown " 10.00 Ask for Special Quotations in Larger Quantities In lots of 50 $3.50 In lots of 100 5.00 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER ^ 60. 408 CARBORUNDUM PRODUCTS CARBORUXDOI RUBBIXG BRICKS AND STONES (Other Carborundum products are listed in the index) Fig. 210 Under the head of Rubbing Bricks and Stones are manufactured a great variety of different shapes and sizes of stones for dressing and smoothing granite' and marble, also for scouring castings, chilled iron and steel rolls used in tin _plate' mills, rolling mills, etc. These stones are not squared up and dressed, but are packed as they come from the kilns. There is practically no limit to the possibility of manu- facture in this line, and while' we list a few sizes most commonly used and carried in stock we are pre- pared to furnish, when called upon, any size or shape of any grit, from the coarsest to the very finest powder. AVe shall be pleased to quote prices on any plhin or irregular shapes. These stones are all made by the vitrified process, and can be used dry or with water or oil. Made in any grit from 20 to FP. PRICE LIST No. Size in inches List Price per dozen No. Pize in inches List Price per dozen 210 8x4x4 $48.00 215 6x2x1 $ 6.00 209 8x4x3 36.00 216 6x2xV2 208 8x4x2 24.00 220 4x4x4 24.00 207 8x3x3 28.80 221 4x3x3 14.40 206 8x3x2 18.00 228 4x3x2 10.80 211 8x2x2 12.60 222 4x2x2 7.80 212 8x2x1 7.80 223 4x2x1 4.80 213 6x3x3 21.60 224 4x2x% 3.60 205 6x3x2 14.40 226 4xlx% 2.40 214 6x2x2 10.80 227 4xlx% 2.40 CARBORUNDUM RUBBING BRICKS FOR CONCRETE WORK Not Illustrated For dressing down concrete svirfaces. removing form marks, and cleaning moulds and forms. They are fluted for removing form marks, surfacing and general work. They are much more' efficient than the rieces of sand stone sometimes used for this work. The flutes give a shear outtin-A action and allow a clearance for the surplus material removed. Just the right size for hand work. Made in 20 grit. No, 207. Fluted, 8x3x3 inches • per doz. $28.80 No. 211. Fluted, 8x2x2 . inches " 12.60 No. 214. Fluted, 6x2x2 inches " 10.80 No. 222. Fluted, 4x2x2 inches " 7.80 Fluted, 4y. inch diameter, 2 inches thick " 12.60 Slip, 8 in. long, 4 in. wide, tapered from 1 % to i^ in " 14.40 CARBORUNDUM VALVE GRINDING COaiPOUND FIk, 23 A mixture of Carborundum with a high grade grease, is put up in tins containing one, three and five pounds. The compound produces a perfectly clean valve with a true contact seat in less time, with less trouble, than anv other medium used, and gives the valve seat a perfectly true, polished sur- face. PRICES 1-ponnd can $0 J50 .l-pound pail 1.25 .'-pound pnll 2.00 CARBORUNDUM VALVE GRINDING PASTE Fig. 23 A A conveniently sized package for the automobilist. Consists of a mixture of Carborundum and high grade grease. Will do the sam^ work as the Com- pound. Price, per tube. .$n.tio 408A GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER^ eo OIL STONES -RAWHIDE AND COPPER MALLETS WASHITA MOUNTED ARKANSAS MOUNTED Lily White, per doz. Fiis. A398 4x1^^ 5x2 6x2 7x2 8x2 $9.00 10.00 11.50 13.00 14.00 WASHITA SLIPS Fig. CaOS Per Lily White Brand, 3 to 5xl%-2x%x% back $0.90 Rosy Red Brand, 3 to 5xl%-2x%-% back .90 No. 1 Washita, 3 to 5xl%-2x%-% back. .70 No. 2 Washita, 3 to 5xl%-2x%-% back. .40 PATENT RAWHIDE MAULS These ai'e heavy rawhide mauls made of discs of rawhide, com- pressed and held to- gether by an iron cen- ter, with large head When the rawhide is worn Pig. A572 and nut, as shown. out new discs can be Inserted. No. 1 WelRlit, lbB.1 Each || No. | Weifflit. lbs. Each 1 2 3 3 4 6 ;jl.80 2.10 2.40 4 5 6 8 10 12 $2.75 3.00 3.25 SOLID RAAVHIDE MALLET These are light mallets, made en- tirely of hide (except the handle) and suited to a variety of uses. No. Diameter Length Weight Price inches inches ounces per doz. 1 21/8 1% $ 4.32 2 ly* 2% 3% 5.52 2 1% 3 6 6.60 3 1% 3% 7^ 7.68 4 9 3% 10 9.72 5 2% 4y4 21 21.60 6 2% 4% 23 24.36 Fig. B308 Size 3^x14x1^^ 5x2 6x2 7x2 8x2 No. 1 Hard per doz.$9.00 14.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 40.00 AVASHITA OIL STONES Lily White Brand, 6 to 8x2x^/4 -IVs .per lb. $0.60 PATENT HIDE FACED These hammers are in- valuable for machinists, workers in brass or silver, jewelry manufacturers, or for any one who needs to strike a hard blow without bruising the material he is at work upon. Extra faces are sold for these hammers, and when worn out they can be re- newed at a slight cost. Pig. C572 No. has a Shell or Casting of Bronze. No. Weisfht. lbs. Diam. of Face. in. Price per doz. Extra Faces per doz. Pairs 1 3 4 5 V2 1 IV2 2 4 5V2 1 ly* 1 % 1% 2% $10.80 12.60 16.00 19.20 27.84 39.96 ?3.36 3.60 4.32 5.52 7.68 10.92 COPPER HAMMERS ■ Weight, lbs. With Handles V2 With Handles 1 With Handles 1 % With Handles 2 With Handles 2^ With Handles 3 Fisr. D572 With Handles 4 Each $0.25 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo 405) HELMETS AND GOGGLES GAS MASKS This mask, or hel- met, is a simple de- vice which protects from gas and smoke fumes. It contains about 45 cubic feet or a sufficient quanti- ty of air to sustain a person from five to eight minutes ; and the manner of ob- taining this air is quick and effective. Simply shake (swing) the mask to and fro three or four times and put it quickly ^= over the head. If^ fits so snugly - - .:-,..::^,:^--.: ..■ around the neck that no lume can enter. It is already in use in fire departments, gas works, mines, storage houses, breweries, ice fac- tories, department stores, hotels, homes, boiler rooms and in many places where one is in dan- ger of being overcome by fumes. Price, each $3.50 This mask can also be furnished with air in- take to be used in cement mills, cement cars, etc., so it can be worn all day. Price, each $3.50 SAFETY HELMET „ , , This Helmet has been de- vised to fill a long-felt want for sand-blast- ing and kindred use. Gives ab- solute protec- tion to the face, head and neck. Made of strong khaki cloth with visor cap of the same material. Hel- met i.s fitted with fine wire in e s h sci-eens fastened by means of .snap alove -fasteners. These screens are interchange- Fig. 701 able; by renew- ing same. Helmet will last indefinitely. Some prefer the Helmet fitted* with side screens, as this affords the wearer a wide range of vision, and are especially desirable where men are working close together. No. 700. Fitted with front and side screens each $4.50 No. 701. Fitted with front screen only. Kach 4,00 FOR OTHER SAFKTY \ FliU. 101 ALL RUBBER GOGGLES No. 101. Red rubber curved lenses. Can be had with smoked, blue or amber lenses if desired each $1.00 Fig. 24G CHICAGO GOGGLES Lenses 1 % inches diameter. The above gog- gles are made from selected leather formed to fit the face, neatly bound, properly ventilated and fitted with elastic head band. The wire gauze used is 70-mesh Fordnier cloth wire, al- lowing ventilation but not dust. Made in clear lenses only. Per doz. No. 24B. Black grained leather, clear lenses $1.00 No. 24T. Tan leather, clear lenses 1.25 No. 24G. Gauze fine wire, clear lenses. . 1.50 HARVESTER GOGGLE No. 23. Too well known to need description. Aluminum cups (slanting), glass lenses 1% inches, set In leather mask; elastic cord for head band. Price per pair, clear $0.25 Price per pair, colored 35 DEA'ICES, SEE INDEX 410 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « So. SAFETY DEVIGES-GOTS AND SPRINGS COVER'S AUTOMATIC RUB- BER RESPIRATOR Has a perfect filter device, large capacity, and will keep out dust, smoke, fumes and gases. It is made of soft white rubber and is easily kept clean. Each $2.00 G. B. C. & Co. same style as above 1.00 Fig. 682A COVER'S GAS TIGHT RUB- BER GOGGLES Are made of a single piece of pure gum rubber; fit any- body air tight, and are worn with the respirator when desired. Each $1 . Fi{?. 662B Fig. 77 CANVAS GLOVES Styje No. 500. Without Gauntlet Gray, 8 oz.. plain band; same style made in all weights in white per doz. $1.10 Style No. 210. With Gauntlet Heavy 10 oz. flannel, all cotton gauntlet. . . .per doz. $2.20 Made also in the 8 oz., same as above per doz. 2.10 SANITARY CUSPIDORS With Removable Covers, for Factories, Gai-uges and Workshops To comply with the law requiring factories and workshops to have suitable receptacles for expectoration, the Boards of Health in various cities and towns, in compliance with this act, are adopting rules requiring manufacturing plants and workshops to use Cuspidors. No. 1. 11% in. diameter x ZVz in. deep each $0.70 No. 2. 9 Vz in. diameter x 4 in. deep " .60 Easy to clean, heavy steel, galvanized, will not chip, or rust as enam- eled ware does. These cuspidors are approved by various Boards of Health. UNION DOUBLE-DECK COT WOVEN WIRE SPRINGS Seasoned Maple F-a-"'* Wo^ri rm T?inish. Steel Corner Plates Fig. 1216 Made of 1 % in. angle iron. Height of lower spring from floor 12 inches. Height of upper spring from floor 42 inches. Extreme height end posts 52 inches. Width 2^ ft., length 73 in., weight 115 lbs each $12.00 Width 3 ft., length 73 in., weight 125 lbs each 13.00 FOR OTHF-n STYLES OF Fig. 101-31. Re-enforced No. 101. 3 ft. wide X 5 ft. 6 in. long. . .$2.30 No. 101. 4 ft. 4 in. wide x 5 ft. 6 in. long 2.50 No. 101-81 3 ft. wide x 5 f t. 6 in. long. . . 3.30 No. 101-31. 4 ft. 4 in. wide x 5 ft. 6 in. long 3,50 Other sizes on application. iiOaCJjTifi, SEE INDEX GEO-BCAItPEhfTER « eO. 411 WATCH -CLOCKS NEWMAN GRILLE WATCH-GLOGKS "A Positive Check on Human Fallibility" Approved by the National Fire Protection Assoelation for use under the rules and requirements ot the National Board of Fire Under^vriters and by all Mutuals. Endorsed by the U. S. Government Records from Newman Grille Clocks assure that patrolmen have' not neglected their beats in IT. S. Life Saving; Service where constant alertness must be assured. "West Point Military Academy wheire efficiency is a first con- sideration. Sandy Hook Proving Grounds where intrusion must not be permitted. Interstate Commerce and Panama Canal Commissions, Post Office aud Treasury Departments where tamper-proof evidence of faithful safe-guarding is demanded. U. S. Naval Observatory where the nation's time is established. The Pennsylvania Railroad is the' world's largest user of watchman's clocks. They have ordered in the nast few years, over $30,000 worth of the Newman Grille Watch-Clocks. One of the first essentials to reduce fire and accident hazard is a watchman's clock, which faithfully records the regularity of the watcliman in making his liourly rounds during nigiils, Sundays, holidays and at such other times as premises are not occupied or in operation. Insurance companies endorse such an installation by granting a rate reduction which goes a long way toward paying for the clock. The keys of these clocks are fastened and sealed at the various stations so that they cannot be removed without detec- tion. The clock itself is locked while in possession of the watchman and equipped with a pricking device which re'gisters on the paper dial every opening and closing and the exact time at which the opening and closing take place. By keeping the locking and winding keys and the supply of used and unused dials inaccessible to the watchman, he cannot open the clock or otlierwise examine or tamper with his records, without being detected. The user of a spurious key can neVer know the result of his attempts, yet each is recorded upon the paper dial and will be discovered on the Fig. 605A following morning. The paper dials are usually arranged for twenty-four hours to provide a record for Sunday and holiday registering, without any one having to go to tlie plant on those' days to change the dials. 12 hour dials may be had if desired. Registration on the same dial for two nights is made possible by the watchman starting his rounds on the half hour on the second night instead of on the even hour as on other nights. PRICES OX COMPLETE OUTFITS Including watch-clock, pouch with carrying strap, standard patrol boxes w^tth marking keys at- tached, patrol box seals and 375 (one year's supply) dials. 6 station outfit, complete' $63.25 » station outfit, complete 66.00 13 station outfit, complete 68.75 1« station outfit, complete 71.00 Additional station keys $1.75 each, including key box. 25 station outfit, complete 985.00 35 station outfit, complete 102.50 Additional station keys $2.00 each, including key box. Patrol Box with L,ld Raised to Show Method of At- taching Kt-y Jinil of Attaching the Box to Its Support The Newman Clock Ooen In Grille 412 GEOBCARPENfTER S SO. FIRST AID CABINETS FIRST AID IN ACCIDENTS Thirty staten have enacted lawtt making a First Aid Cabinet mandatory In certain indiiHtries. By installing a First Aid Cabinet you can get a merit rating- with the companies who carry your compensation insurance, all of whom are recommending first aid, everywhere. What you save this way will more than pay for your first aid cabinets. The necessity for prompt aid in accidents or Injury needs no argument. Be as careful as we like, a certain number of accidents take place in all occupations, and it is not only our duty to help them but also to lessen and mitigate as much as lies in our power the suffering and bad effects of those which do occur. If there is one fact more recognized than another it is this — that the immediate treatment in the case of any injured person has a positive influence and a most important bearing upon the subsequent progress of the case. The interval which elapses between the occurrence of the accident and the arrival of medical aid or the transference of the injured to a hospital is fraught with much moment to the unfortunate sufferer. As in the case of fire, the first five minutes are most important either in an accident or sudden illness. It is possible that the right thing may be done but it is just as likely that proper aid may not be applied and serious harm may follow or a valuable life may be lost. JOHNSON'S FIRST AID CABINET No. 1 In several states Johnson's First Aid Cabinet No. 1 has been specified by many of the municipalities It has been adopted by several of our chief railroad systems as a shop first aid equipment. The dimensions of this Cabinet are: Length, 20 inches; width, 13 inches; depth, 31/2 inches; weight, 12 pounds. The Cabinet is made of heavy decorated japanned metal, with strong hinges and fasteners, hangers to hang Cabinet against the wall, and convenient handles for carrying. It is in every respect a portable and substantial container. The interior is partitioned and the contents packed that they are kept in good order and are readily accessible. Simple directions for the use of the various articles are printed upon the inside of the cover; and in each Cabinet a Johnson's First Aid Manual is enclosed giving explicit directions for the treatment of injuries before the arrival of the surgeon. CONTENTS OF JOHNSON'S FIRST AID CABINFT No. 1 Two Johnson's "First Aid for Wounds" Packets, No. 3. Two ounces Red Cross Absorbent Lint. Two Burn Dressing Packets, No. 22. Four packages Red Cross Absorbent Gauze, each containing one yard. Two packages Red Cross_ Absorbent Cotton, each containing four ounces, yards long. One spool Johnson's "Z O" Adhesive PJaster, 1 inch wide, Six Red Cross Cotton Roller Bandages, 2 inches wide. Six Red Cross Cotton Roller Bandages, 21/3 inches wide. Four Linton Gauze Bandages, 1 inch wide. Eight Linton Gauze Bandages, 2 inches wide. Six Linton Gauze Bandages, 2% inches wide. One Tourniquet. One jar Carbolized Petrolatum. One bottle for Camphenol Antiseptic Solution. One bottle Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia. Four Wooden Splints, 3i/4xl8 inches. Two packages Safety Pins. One pair Scissors. One sample Synol Soap. One Johnson's First Aid Manual. One Triangular Bandage Hanger. The Cabinet also has a supply of Accident Report blanks for use in reporting accidents to the super- intendent or other authority, blanks for checking supplies and ordering refills and an illustrated chart showing uses of triangular bandage, etc. List price complete each $12.00 One bottle Camphenol. One pair Tweezers. WOOD'S EMERGENCY CASE No. 6 size 7xf»x-3V2 Inches This case l.s designed for camp, automobile, launch, home or small shop, where a compact and convenient accident outfit is desired. Tht* casp is black japanned metal, hinced rover with fastener. Two First Help for Wounds Packets. Two yards Red Cross Gauze. One ounce cotton. Four gauze bandages. Two cotton bandages, assorted. One spool "Z O" Adhosive Plaster. One tube Carbolized petrolatum for burns and scalds. One tourniquet, to stop hemor- rhage. One pair scissors. One pair tweezers. Safety pins. One sample Synol Soap. One sample Toilet and Baby Powder. Handbook of First Aid. List price complete ea«h $6.00 Kniergency Case Ao. GEOBCAIiPEhfTER X Co. 413 LANTERNS Fig. ;5 'D-UTE Fig. 41 'BLIZZARD Piff. 3 Ik. ir. MONARCH' Fig. 35 "WIZARD' "D-LITE" TiANTEKN (Cold Blast) The Dietz "D-Lite" Lantern, was the first in the field or the now numerous "Short Globe" Lanterns. The "D-Lite" is short and compact. A lift at the top operates the telescoping; dome. The globe, globe seat and burner cone hinge back, leaving the wick exposed for cleaning, trimming and lighting. Minor features include patent reinforced tubes, largf oil filler, security standing bail hooked into patent brass eyelets, etc. Furnished in bright tin, bright tin with polished bras.s fount and dome, complete with globes. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all 1,3 '4 inches Fount capacity — hours 20 hours Name of globe (white, ruby, blue and green). Dletz "D-Lite" Tinned steel burner No. 282 Quantity packed in one case One-half dozen $16.00 Volume of light by test 10 candle power Size of wick 1 inch Burner Number 2 lost per dozen Fig. 41 Xo. 2 "BLIZZARD" LANTERN (Cold Blast) The No. 2 Blizzard Lantern gives a light of ten candle power. It is the most popular "Cold Blast" Lantern of its type on the market and embodies every good technical lantern feature, reinforced tubes, globe lift inside or rrame, dome-shaped solderless oil fount with large oil filler, security standing bail hooked into patented brass eyelets, etc. The .No. 2 "Blizzard" is equipped with the new Dietz winglock burner with rising cone, the cone being an integral part of the globe-plate, .attention is called to the facility with which the exposed wick may he -cleaned, trimmed and lighted. . ^ , », Furnished in bright tin and bright tin with polished brass. Fount and top complete with globes. .SPECIFICATIONS Height over all 14% Inches I Name of globe (white, ruby, blue and green) . ..... ■■ Volume of light by test 10 candle power I Dletz Blizzard Size of wick 1 Inch I Patented tinned steel burner i-; ■^°\ ^^^ OH used 150° kerosene I Quantity packed in one case Half dozen Fount capacity — hours 20 hours | List price per dozen. .$11 Fig. 35 "WIZARD" "King of 'Cold Blast' Lantemrf' The latest model of the new type of Lantern with exposed wick and new and convenient short globe. This Lantern comes close to perfection. It has a dome shaped solderless oil fount with large oil filler, patent reinforced tubes and security standing bail hooked into patent brass eyelets The wick is exposed for easy cleaning trimming and lighting. Burns perfectly with a light of 10 candle power. Furnished in bright tin. _^ _ ^ SPECIFICATIONS Fount capacly — hours 20 hours Name of globe (white, ruby, blue and green) .Dletz "D-Llte" Patented tinned steel burner No 272 Quantity packed in one case One dozen Height over all 1 :i '4 Inches Volume of light by test 10 candle power Size of wick 1 Inch Burner Number 2 List per dozen $1.5..50 Fig. 15 "MONARCH" LANTERN (Hot Blast) Has all the latest improvements, including positive-locking globe lift, patent safety winglock burner, dome shaped solderless oil fount with large oil filler, reinforced tubes and security standing bail hooked Into patent brass eyelets. Furnished only in bright tin complete with globe. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all \Z\i. inches Fount capacity— hours .18 hours Volume of light by test 4 candle power N^ame of globe (white, ruby, blue and green) . .Dletz FItzall Size of wick % inch Patented tinned steel burner 'AJ. a i Oil used 150" kerosene Quantity packed in one case One dozen Burner Number 1 List per dozen $8.00 414 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « SO. LANTERNS Fig:, 9 Fig. 47 LJttle Star Junior Wagon No. 91 NEW "VESTA" R. B. LANTERN (Cold Blast) It gives three times tiie llglit of tlie Signal Oil Railroad I^antern, and saves its cost in a short time through em- ploying kerosene in plac^ of expensive signal oil. Simple in construction, easily cleaned and filled, dependable, and makes all signals. Is the only railroad lantern of the "tubular" type made, and is giving satisfaction on many railroads, subways, river tunnels, etc., and for general lantern purposes. The "Vesta" type has been the V. S. Government Standard for army and navy use for many years. Furnished only in bright tin and polished brass, complete with globes. SPECIFICATIONS ' Fount capacity — hours 16 hours Name of globe (white, ruby, blue or green) . . .Dietz "Vesta" Patented burners No. 500 Height over all 11 inches Volume of light by test 3 candle power Size of wick % inch Burner No Quantity packed in one case One dozen last per dozen $25.00 No. 9 "LITTLE STAR" LANTERN (Hot Blast) It has the security standing bail hooked into patent brass eyelets, pattnt safety winglock burner, positive-locking globe lift and dome shaped solderless oil fount. The "Little .Star" is the biggest lantern value for the money on the market. Furnished only in bright tin, complete with g'olje. r^-^^^r^ SPECIFICATIONS Height over all 11 inches Volume of light by test 3 candle power Size of wick % inch Burner No. 1 Fount capacity — hours 12 hours Name of globe (white, ruby, blue and green). .Dietz "U. S." Patented tinned steel burner No. 411 Quantity packed in one case One dozen Iiist per dozen $7.50 No. 47 "JUNIOR" WAGON LAMP With 2M Inch Ruby Rear Lens (Cold Blast) Designed to meet the requirements of the State and CUy laws regulating night lights on horse-drawn vehicles. It has been improved by adding a clip-spring holder in addition to the combination socket taking a round or flat bracket. The lamp is carried on the side of the vehicle, lighting the road ahead and at the same time showing a red danger ^'^"Has°a bri^gM' corrugated tin reflector and a magnifying bullseye lens in front of flame; also a 2% inch ruby rear lens together with all the latest cold blast lantern Improvements. Furnished onlv in black enamel with flat bracket and complete with globe. Height over all 12 inches Reflected light by test 10 candle power Size of wick % inch Burner Number 1 Fount capacity — houra 13 hours I.i.Ht i>' Name of globe Dietz "Junior" Patented tinned steel burner No. 201 Size of magnifying bullseye lens 2% inches Size of ruby rear lens 2% Inches Quantity packed in one case Half dozen dozen ." $17.i>0 No. 60 "BEACON LIGHTS" Two Sizes — Nos. 30 and 60 (Cold Blast) "Beacon Lights" are useful wherever a strong, reflected light is required lated without removing the globe. Tlie No. 60 size has a 5 inch reflector. No. 3 These lamps are not adaptable as hand lanterns or vehicle lights. Furnished only in green enamel, complete with slobe. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all Reflected light by test Size of wick Size burner Fount capacity — hours " Name of globe (white only) Patent tinned steel burner Size of bullseye lens (No. 30 only) Size of reflector (No. 60 only) Quantity packed in one case • Iiist price each SUB^^T YOUR LIGHTING PBOBIaEMS TO The.y may be filled, lighted and regu- is the popular s'^i-. No. 30 Size No. 60 Size lo'i inches ■'OV2 inches 50 candle power 100 candle power 1 inch 1 ';> inches Number 1 Number 2 35 hours .10 hours Dietz "Blizzard" Dietz No. 2 Tubular No. 262 No. 323 2% Inches 5 Inches Half dozen One only $1.65 $4.50 WE ARE EXPERTS IN THIS UNE GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. LAMPS I DIETZl //PIONEERS ^TREETLANI^ Fig. 71 Fig. 53 Fig. 77 Fig. 71 "PIONEER" STREET AND PLATFORM LAMP (Cold Blast) For Post or Bracket Has been on the market for more than 30 years. The original of all globe tubular street and platform lamps. Requires no chimney and gives a steady light double that of an ordinary gas street lamp and at much less cost. It may be filled, lighted and regulated without removing the globe. Has a self-extinguishing device that may be set to burn for a certain number of hours. „ „ ^ , , ., j. »i . u For years the "Pioneer" has been the standard of the U. S. Government and many railway systems. It is much "^^Vurnlshed^fn^'lr'len^^namel, same with brass or glass fount, and all brass, green enamel, complete with globes. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all 251/2 inches Volume of light by test 22 candle power Size of wick 1% inches Burner Number 3 Fount capacity — hours 24 hours Name of globe (white, ruby, blue and green) Dietz "Pioneer" Patented tinned steel burner No. 313 Size of post socket opening 2% inches Quantity packed In one case One or two List each $6.50 Fig. 53 "OCTO" DRIVING LAMP With 2^ inch Ruby Rear Lens (Cold Blast) Made of cold rolled steel. Compiles with night-driving: laws and will not jar or blow out. Fastens to the dash with a dash clamp holder, and a finger prop holder may be had for attaching it to the side of a carriage. It may be carried about as a hsnd lamp. Furnished only in black enamel with nickel plated door rim, packed with dash clamp holder. Has both right and left hand holder sockets. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all 10^ Inches Reflected light by test 30 candle power Size of wick % Inch Oil used 150° kerosene Fount capacity — hours 10 hours Nickel plated brass burner No. 510 Size of door lens 4 % inches Size of ruby rear lens 2 >4 inches Quantity packed in one case Half dozen List price each ?4.00 Fig. 77 "PIONEER" HANGING LAMP (Cold Blast) The same as the "Pioneer" street and platform lamp except that in place of the post socket it has a stamped base. It also has a bal. It may be fliled. lighted and regulated without removing the globe, and has a self-extin- guishing device wliich may be sent to bum for a certain number of hours. Furnished in green enamel, and with brass or glass fount complete with globe. SPECIFICATIONS Height over all 21 V2 Inches Volume of light by test 22 candle power Size of wick 1 1/„ inches Burner Number 3 Fount capacity — hours 24 hours Name of globe (white, ruby, blue and green) Dietz "Pioneer" Patented tinned steel burner No. 313 Quantity packed In one case -One List each *'•»*' E CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OP LIGHTING EdUIPMEXT. 416 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo, RAILROAD LANTERN— LANTERN GLOBES IMPROVED "STEEL GLAD" R. R. LANTERN (Xo. 39 PATTERN) With Outside Wick Raiser The IMPROVED "STEEL, CLAD" Railroad Lantern is made with flat steel upright guards and skeleton base. It is a giant in strength and very compact. It will outlast three ordinary railroad lanterns. The "Steel Clad" is equipped with a newly patented winglock burner which fits into a slip collar and rests on a fibre washer permanently secured to the fount. A short turn of the wrist securely locks the burner to same. The oil fount is held securely to the frame by a patented automatic retaining spring, which permits the fount being removed with one hand. The fount is provided with a safety oil well. While our New No. 39 Vulcan Globe with square shoulder on top and bottom is furnished with all our No. 39 Railroad Lanterns, any regular 3 9 globe will fit all No. 39 frames. Can furnish with wire ^uard if desired. Furnished in bright tin, with or without globe. SPECIFICATIOXS Height Over All 10 Inches Volume of Light by Test 2 C. Power Size of Wick 1 Inch Oil Used "Signal" Fount Capacity — Hours 24 Hours Name of Globe (White, Ruby, Blue and Green) "Vulcan" (No. 39) *Regular Burner No. 2 "Winglock" Rat. Quantity Packed in Cases for Jobbing Trade. 1 Dozen List price per doz. $17.50 *For Kerosene, Substitute No. 1 "Winglock" Convex Hurner. LANTERN GLOBES Selected Best Quality L Fig. 136 "HLIZZARD" GLOBE 6% in. High Top 2 It in. Wide Bottom 3:^ In. Wide Fig. 136A "U. S." GLOBE 51/2 in. High Top 2fs in. Wide Bottom S}| in. Wide Fig. 136B "JUNIOR" GLOBE 51/2 in. High Top 3% in. AVide Bottom S5I in. Wide Fig. 136C "FITZALL" GLOBE 6,'.- iu. High Top 2j| in. Wide Bottom 3iV in. W^ide Globes as Regularly Supplied in Lanterns. Ground Evenly on Top and Bottom List per dozen White Ruby «U. S." GLOBES: (White, ruby) for "Little Star" and "U. S." Lanterns »1.20 »4.0O "JUNIOR" GLOBES: (^Vhite, ruby) for "Junior" Lanterns, "Junior" Wagon Lamps, and Style C "Night Drivers' Friend" Lamps 1.20 4.00 "FITZALL" GLOBES: (White, ruby) for "Hy-lo," "Victor," "Monarch," "O. K.," "Crystal," "Iron- clad" and "Royal" Lanterns, "Buckeye" and "Beacon" Dash Lamps, "Victor" Wagon Lamps, "King" Fire Department Lanterns, "Under- _^ writers'" Mill Lanterns, "No. 15" Side Lamps, ( j 1 = "A No. ONE" Lanterns, "Acme" Inspectors' -Lamps, "Protector" Trackwalkers' Lamps, No. List per dozen 26 W^arning Lamps. Also any other make of White Ruby Hot Blast Lanterns *1^0 $4.00 "BLIZZARD" GLOBES: (White, ruby) for No. 2 "Crescent," No. 2 "Blizzard," and Special No. 2 "Blizzard" Lanterns, No. 2 "Blizzard" Dash Fig 13«D Lamps, No. 2 "Blizzard" Mill Lanterns 1.40 4.50 "VULCAN" Railroad No. 39 Globes 1-60 5.00 ,^i^,^^^^^„„ (No. 39) GLOBE "D-LITE" GLOBE 4% in. High "D-LITE" GLOBES: (White, ruby) for "D-Lite" 4-^s in. High Top 2}? in. AVide and "Wizard" Lanterns and No. 2 "Wizard" Top 4 in. Wide Bottom 33'g In. W^ide Wagon Lamps 1.20 4.00 Bottom 3z\ in. W^ide Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. 417 LANTERN BURNERS AND WICKS Dietz No. 2U1 LANTERN BURNERS In ordering always advise what lantern you want the bui-ners for. The burner is the most important Lantern part. The lantern burners listed below are of the most advanced type. They are more substantial than brass burners, do not heat so readily, produce a whiter flame and have longer life. The different numbers listed below are not all the burners we carry in stock. We can furnish burners for any lamp you may have. List prices are not shown here, as they depend largely upon the costs of materials entering into the manufacture of the bui-ners. We will quote the lowest prices upon receipt of your inquiry. TINNED STEEL BURNERS HOT BLAST TYPE FOR USE WITH KEROSENE Dietz Xo. 401 Burner: (Plain cone — no catch) % inch wick. Can be used in place of regular burner on "Monarch," "Iron Clad," "Crystal," "Underwriter's" Mill and "King" Fire Depart- ment Lanterns. Dietz Xo. 411 Burner: (Winglock cone) % inch wick. Used on "Little Star," "Victor" and "Mon- arch" Lanterns, "Buckeye" Dash Lamps and "Victor" Wagon Lamps. Dietz Xo. 421 Burner: (Hinge cone) % inch wick. Used on "Hy-lo," "Crystal," "Iron Clad," "King" Fire Department and "Underwriter's" Mill Lanterns. Dietz Xo. 431 Burner: (Rising Cone) % inch wick. Used on "O. K." Lanterns. Dietz Xo. 462 Buraer: (Winglock cone) 1 inch wick. Used on No. 2 "Royal" Lanterns. COLD BLAST TYPE FOR USE WITH KEROSENE Dietz Xo. 201 Burner: (Winglock cone) % inch wick. Used on "Junior" Lanterns, and "Junior" Wagon Lamps. Dietz Xo. 211 Burner: (Rising cone) % inch wuck. Used on "Little Wizard" Lanterns and "Ideal" Inspectors' Lamps. Dietz Xo. 221 Burner: (Slotted cone) % inch wick. Used on No 15 Side Lamps. Dietz Xo. 2.12 Burner: (Slotted cone) 1 inch wick. Used on No. 2 "Blizzard" Mill Lanterns. Dietz Xo. 262 Burner: (Winglock cone) 1 inch wick. Used on No. 30 "Beacon Lights." Dietz Xo. 272 Burner: (Rising cone) 1 inch wick. Used on No. 2 "Blizzard," Special No. 2 "Bliz- zard" and "Wizard" Lanterns, No. 2 "Blizzard" Dash Lamps and No. 2 "W^izard" Wagon Lamps. Dietz Xo. 282 Burner: (Rising cone) 1 inch wick. Used on "D-Lite" Lanterns. LANTERN AND LAMP WICKS No. O. Width, % inch Price per gros.s $0.40; price per doz. $0.05 No. 1. Width, % inch Price per gross .56; price per doz. .08 No. 2. Width, 1 inch Price per gross .80; price per doz. .10 No. 3. Width, 1 Vz inch Price per gross 1.28; price per doz. .15 REFLECTORS . sil\t:red glass Size . . . .inches 5 6 7 8 1012 Price per doz.. $1.90 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.70 5.00 FLAT CORRUGATED, SILVERED GLASS REFLECTORS Price per Dozen For No. 2 Government and Bow Lamp ... $ 7.00 For Wings of Xo. 2 Bow Lamp . 7.00 For No. 4 Tubular Triangular Lamp 10.00 FOR TORCH BrRXERS AND WICKS, SEE INDEX 418 GEO-B-CAIlPErfTER S Co. GASOLINE LAMPS AND TORCHES Fig. "B & W" l-MANTLE BEACON No. 2-B Exactly the same lamp as No. 25 except that the tank is overhead so as to avoid making a shadow under the lamp. This lamp is especially recom- mended for contractors. Can be strung on a M^ire, above the heads of workmen, and out of their way. Hangs with tackle or pole. Mica chimney. Price, complete $16.00 Fig. 446 "B & W" PRESSURE LAMP No. 25 The handiest light ever invented. Hangs like an arc, sets down like a lamp, carries like a lantern. Useful in or out of doors; gives as much light as an electric arc for half a cent an hour. Weather- proof, simple, safe and absolutely satisfactory. Mica chimney and shipping box. Pressure auto- matically kept up until empty. One thousand candle-power. Consumes one gal- lon of gasoline in twenty-four hours. Shipping weight, 18 pounds. Price $12..'>0 14 foot iron pole and tackle 8.0O WALL OR BANJO TORCHES These Wall Torches are well made, strong, dur- able and reliable in every particular, and their light is large, clear and bright. The wind will not put out the flame, and rain, cold or heat does not affect it. The tank is finished in hard baked japan. Pipe is black japanned and runs through tank from bottom to top where it is securely fastened. A connecting joint in pipe just below tank simplifies packing which proves a convenience in shipping. The globe valve and generating burner are made of brass. PRICE LIST AVALL OR BANJO TORCHES FOR GASOLINE OR COAL OIL Single burner per doz. $24.00 i Double burner per doz. $42.00 Can fiijrnish galvanized at additional price. In ordering state if wanted for gasoline or coal oil. THE STORM KING LANTERN 200 CANDLE-POWER Fifteen Hours on One Quart of Gasoline The Storm King Lantern is intended to supply the need of a strong, unwavering, safe and convenient, portable outdoor lamp or lantern, for the use of farmers, planters, dairymen, stockmen, contractors, watchmen and merchants, and for light- ing street shows and fairs, circuses, carnivals, docks, quays, ships, motorboats. rail- load yards, freight sheds and way stations. In fact, the field for the sale of the Storm King is almost unlimited and it "fills the bill" in every case and gives entire satisfaction. It only -weighs ay^ lbs. net and is 14 Inches high, 6 inches in diameter, there- fore, it is about the same sixe and weight as the ordinary lantern, but the light produced is 20 to 30 times as great. If it is dropped from a great height or thrown on the ground with sufficient force to break the fount, the light is extinguished instantly and before the flame can ignite the gasoline escaping from the fount. It is guaranteed for five years by the oldest, largest and most reliable manu- facturer of gasoline lighting devices. I'rice, complete S6.50 Geo-B-Carpem'ter ^ eo. 419 GASOLINE FLOOD LIGHTS "B & W" No. 77 HAND SEARCHLIGHT This is an ideal light for construction work where a lot of light is to be thrown on one spot. Particularly adapted for trench digging, well sinking, etc., or any similar purpose. Carries like a lantern, sets down like a lamp and hangs like an arc. Five thousand candle power. Height 2 feet, weight 30 pounds. Polished brass. Absolutely weatherproof. Throws a beam 50 feet wide and 300 feet long. Price, complete $50.00 "B & W" PORTABLE FLOOD LIGHT No 99 The most powerful portable flood- light on earth. Especially useful for lighting large areas. Used to light all the big automobile races. An excellent light for tearing down and wrecking buildings. Absolutely weatherproof. Light all thrown in one direction. Ships in two pieces. Twelve thou.sand candle pmver. Rays cover an area 250x400 feet. Consumes one gallon of gasoline in six hours. Shipping weight, 80 pounds. Height, 31/2 feet. Price, complete $100.00 "B & W" MANTLE BOX This box will store and carry used mantles safely, and will save you a considerable ex- pense. It is substantially built of wood and has a handle an_ latch. 12 mantle size $2.00 24 mantle size 3.00 48 mantle size 4.00 Extra Mantles, each 25 Flgr. 98 430 GEO•B•eAItP-E^fTXR ^ Co. BUCKEYE CARBIDE FLARE LIGHTS For Contractors and Railroads Adjustable Burners varying from 2000 to 12,000 Candle Power can be supplied without extra charge. We strongly recommend the standard sizes as listed; they are more efficient and less liable 1o get out of order. /' PRICES AND SIZES Size 2A. 1000 Candle Power. Price $50.00 Size 2C. Either 3000 or 5000 Candle Power. Single Cy- linder 6 hours with extra Cylinder 12 hours. Price, with one Cylinder $50.00 Price, with extra Cylinder 60.00 Size 3C. 5000 Candle Power. We sell more of this size than all other sizes combined. Price $70.00 Size 40. 10,000 Candle Power. Price $110.00 ;iz3 No. 40 Type S. For Wrecking Cranes, Steam Shovels, etc. | Size 3S. 5000 Candle Power. Includes Generator, 25 feet Armored Hose, Burner, Reflector and fittings. Price $96.00 Size 4S. 10,000 Candle Power. Same as Size 3S ex- cept with Double Generator and 2 Reflectors. Price $140.00 FOR HOSE. CARBIDE AND L,A»IPS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « eO, 421 BUCKEYE CARBIDE LAMP FIREMAN AND BUILDER'S PATTERN Adapted for Fire Departments Tunnels and General Building Operations Gives 500 Candle Power 10 hours or 4000 Candle Power I14 hours. Size of Generator, 7x14 inches. Price $25.00 Valuable also in Mines, Docks, Shop Use, In- spectors' Work, etc. THE CHALLENGE CARBIDE FLARE LIGHT rHALLENGE(\^ CARBIDE LIGFTl" \y .; 2,000 Candle Power/' Will Use Eitlier Cake or Regular Commercial Carbide 2000 Candle Power for 2 cents per hour. Cost of operating is only one-half that of Lights using Coke Carbide. Reflector is Aluminum and can be swung to any angle. Has no intricate parts and is easy to handle. Ts built heavier and stronger than most flares. Price $30.00 It is as fool-proof, as it is possible to make a portable light. Pop Carbide, see Index •i32 GEO-BCAItPEhfTER « eO. MILBURN LIGHTS Fig. 2405YH No. 3X 15,000 Candle Power Fig. 2404Z No. 3 5,000 Candle Power Fig. 2406XG No. 3W 15,000 Candle Power These lights are used by contractors, railroads, building constructors, mines, quarries, indus- trial plants, etc. They burn more than half air, are smokeless and incandescent. The flame can be regulated from the maximum light to a needle point. They light instantly and require no attention during use. They use ordinary commercial carbide and are the most economical source of high-power illumination on the market. ' Height Tank Reflector Weight, empty . . Weight, packed . Carbide charge . Burning capacity Operating cost . . SPECIFICATIONS No. 3X 6 ft. 12x12x36 in. 15 in. 90 lbs. 121 lbs. 16 lbs. 9 to 18 hours. No. 2 5 ft. 10x10x30 in. 12 in. 50 lbs. 75 lbs. 9 lbs. 6 to 12 hours. No. 3W 38 in. 12x12x36 i 15 in. 100 lbs. 140 lbs. 16 lbs. hrs. y to 18 nours. e to 12 nours. y nrs. 4 to 6c per hour. 3 to 5c per hour. 4 to 6c per hour Names of Parts PRICES No. 3X. Complete, with one cylinder for 9 hours burning capacity $71.00 No. 3X. Complete, with extra cylinder for 18 hours burning capacity. . . . 83.00 Extra burners 30 No. 2. Complete, with one cylinder for 6 hours burning capacity 50.00 No. 2. Complete, with extra cylinder for 12 hours burning capacity. . . . 62.00 Extra burners 30 No. 3W. Complete with one cylinder for 9 hours burning capacity 98.00 Extra Carbide Cylinder 18.00 Extra Burners 30 FOR OTHER STYLES OF LIGHTING DEVICES, SEE INDEX A. Carbide Trays. B. Inside Cylinder. C. Outside Cylinder. D. Tank. E. Burner Standard F. Burner. G. Reflector. H. Cock. I, Plug to Washer. J. Inlet Pipe. K. Outlet Pipe. V. Needle Valve. W Washer. Geo-B-CarpeN'ter « eo. 433 REPAIR PART NUMBERS AND PRICES FOR THE MILBURN LIGHT TYPE OP LIGHT Part 3X i 3 W 1 4 W 4Z No. 2 No. 1 "Builder' Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. 1 Price Pari No. Price Par< No. 1 Price "^'oH Price \;ro-.*| Price Tank 157 $32.50 200 .?42.50 247 $56.00 190 $50.00 124 $27.50 94 $5.00 112 $7.00 (Without Cylinder) Tank Cover 209 12.00 248 15.00 (With Gasket) Tray 184 182 2.00 3.00 184 182 2.00 3.00 184 182 2.00 3.00 184 182 2.00 3.00 152 142 1.50 2.50 109 108 .50 1.50 Inside Cylinder 99 .75 Outside Cylinder. . . . 166 8.00 301 8.00 301 8.00 166 8.00 129 7.00 Outside Cylinder. . . . 3.50 7.00 158 12.00 198 10.50 198 10.50 191 24.00 125 11.00 (Complete with al attached fittings except reflector) Top Section of Burner Standard 162 9.50 140 »9.50 (Complete except for reflector) Aluminum Reflector. 163 7.50 l'63 7.50 163 7.50 163 7.50 127 6.00 106 2.50 78 3.50 Steel Reflector Back. 197 27 2.00 2.25 197 27 2.00 2.25 197 27 2.00 2.25 197 27 2.00 2.25 822 27 1.50 2.25 Reflector Holder. . . . 48 .75 43 .75 Swing Joint: Right Hand 24 4.50 24 4.50 24 4.50 24 228 30 4.50 4.50 3.00 24 4.50 Left Hand Upper :;;:..:::: 41 1.50 Lower 1.... 40 90 Swing Joint Handle Needle Valve 204 25 47 ^6 .25 2.50 .30 2.00 204 25 47 26 .251204 2.50' i>r. .25 2.50 .30 204 25 47 26 .25 2.50 .30 204 25 23 .25 2.50 .30 .30 2 00 47 26 52 42 .15 1 00 44 42 .15 Cock 1 00 Standpipe 234 2.50 233 2.00 Thumb Screw: Reflector 128 .10 128 .10 128 .10 128 .10 128 .10 80 IC 80 .10 Tank 29 .10 29 10 29 .10 Handle 81 .10 Set Screw 28 35 .10 .25 28 35 .10 .25 28 35 .10 .25 Washer Plug 35 .25 35 .25 424 GEO-B-CAIiPEM^TER ^ So. MILBURN LIGHTS— CARBIDE "Builder" 500 Candle Power Fig. 2402Z No. 22 100 Caudle Power Fig. 2447 These are convenient hand lights for contractors, builders, inspection work, tunnels, mines, etc. Both are provided with hooks so that they may be conveniently hung up anywhere. They light instantly and require no attention during use. They use ordinary commercial carbide and are the most economical source of high power illumination on the market. SPECIFICATIONS "Builder" Height over all 19 in. Diameter 7 in. Reflector 10 in. Weight empty 11 lbs. Weight packed 28 lbs. Carbide charge 2 % lbs. Burning capacity 10 hrs. Operating cost Ic per hour No 22 11 in. 6 in. If desired 3 lbs. 8 lbs. 1 lbs. 8 hrs. V2 c per hour PRICES "Builder" Complete $20.00 Extra turners 15 No. 22 Complete, with open burner 6.00 Complete, with mica wind shield added 6.50 Complete, with aluminum reflector. . 7.50 CARBIDE A superior grade of Calcium Carbide. Only the best raw materials that can be procured are used in its manufacture. The treatment of these materials is the most scientific and thor- ough, and the Carbide is rich in quantity and quality of gas yield. For Flare Lights — Generators The following sizes of Calcium Carbide are packed in air tight and water tight steel drums, containing 100 pounds net: "Lump" or 3 l^x2 "Egg" or 2 X Yz "Nut" or 1 14 X % "Quarter" or %x yW List, per 100 lb. drum $ 7.50 List, per ton in ton lots or more 140.00 Cake Carbide, per 100 lb. drum 10.00 Always specify size desired FOR 0THE:R styles of PliARE AND CARBIDE LIGHTS, SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpeN'ter ^ eo. 42; ELECTRIC FLOOD LIGHTS— MAZDA LAMPS X-RAY FLOODLIGHT PROJECTOR G7,000 Candlepower Avith a 250 Watt Lamp A powerful, compact and dlirable flood and searchlight, ideal for contractors and builders for night-work illumination. Par- ticulai'ly adapted for excavation and con- struction operations. Very economical, using only a 250 watt floodlight lamp. Foiiudatiou of Rialto Theatre, Chicago. Illuminated >vith X-Ray Floodlight Adjustable for long light thrust or close-up diffusion. Fur- nished for direct conduit connection or with adjustable swivel attachment. Easily moved from place to place. Reflector made of fire glazed glass, backed up with pure sil- ver. Absolutely waterproof. Well ventilated, easy to focus and install. Designed so all parts are accessible. Cover snaps like automobile headlight. Sturdy construction and built for hard service. Price, each $19.50 ^^ MAZDA LAMPS Pig. 51. X-Ray Projector, Swivel Attachment G30. Floodlight Lamp 250 watt, 105-125 volts, Mazda Type C (Nitrogen) G 3 Floodlighting lamp with medium screw base. Price, each $2.70 In listing the common straight side Mazda lamps, we are showing only the sizes which are most frequently used, although we are prepared to furnish them in sizes up to, and including 1000 watts, or about 1350 candlepower. Always give voltage of your power circuit when ordering IMazda lamps. Size of Number in package List Price Each ramps 105-125 Volts 220-250 Volts watts Clear 1 Frosted Clear Frostec' 10 100 $0.27 $0.30 15 100 .27 .30 20 100 .27 .30 25 100 .27 .30 $0.33 $0.36 40 100 .27 .30 .33 .36 60 100 .36 .40 .45 .49 100 24 .65 .72 .80 .87 150 24 1.20 1.30 250 12 2.00 2.15 OUR STOCKS OF ELECTRICAL TOOLS AXD APPARATUS ARE ALWAYS C03IPI KTE 426 Geo^'BCarpen'ter « eo. MONKEY WRENCHES Coe's Knife Handle Monkey Wrenches are so well known to the trade that a detailed description of them is not necessary here. We always have a large stock on hand for immediate shipment, in all sizes — both wood and steel handles, and solicit your orders for any quantity required. Fig. 693B COE'S KNIFE AND STEEL HANDLE MONKEY WRENCHES Size, inches 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 Black, per doz $8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 18.00 24.00 32.00 39.00 NEW KEY MODEL FOR HEAVY WORK The 28-inch will take 3-inch Standard Pipe Union, the 36-inch a 4-inch, the 48-inch a 9-inch. Length, Inches Will Open, Inches Weisht, Each Pounds Each 28 36 48 51/4 61/4 9 17 $12.00 27 26.00 62 57.50 Fig. 693D "RAILROAD SPECIAL" WRENCHES This is the strongest and best heavy duty wrench made. Head and bar drop-forged in one piece from selected steel. Extra heavy jaws thoroughly case-hardened. Indestructible iron handle, with hole to attach to belt. Every wrench guaranteed against defective material and workmanship. Each wrench wrapped in anti-rust paper. Size ins. 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 $10.00 12.00 1-4.00 18.00 24.00 32.00 39.00 Jaws Open 1 IV2 1% 21/4 i\i 3 31^ 72 72 72 72 48 24 12 Net and Gross W^t. per Case 61- 109- 177- 235- 251- 181- 127- 70 131 205 270 290 205 •150 PP^^^I^ Fig. e93E STANDARD SCREW MONKEY WRENCH Drop Forged Steel Bar This wrench has extra heavy forged steel bar and head — forged from one piece — milled screw thread — steel knurl — opens full. Inclies ... 6 8 10 12 15 Per doz.. .$10.00 12.00 14.00 18.00 24.00 TRIMO, MONKEY AVRENCH Hardened Drop Forged Steel Case The leverage of this wrench is increased in proportion to the size of the nut it is used upon, as the jaw is extending forward to adjust. Size, in. 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 Perdoz.$9.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 FOR NUTS AND BOLTS OF ALL STVLKS. SEE INDEX GEo-B-CAiiPEi^TER s ea 427 WRENCHES PATENT ADJUSTABLE WRENCHES X-Series A 9 inch wrench, fully guaranteed. These X-Series wrenches are offered as low-priced, large wrenches for work around automobiles and motorcycles. Best quality and guaranteed service in a wrench at such a price are worth deepest con- sideration. Made in dull nickel plate and mottled finish. Each Wrench Fully Guaranteed In ordering specify finish. Mottled Fini.sh price each Total °^r Thick- ness of Jaws in. Depth of Jaws in. Wt. oz. I IVs I 13 I $0.30 RONSON WRENCH The Ronsou Wrench embodies nine wrenches. It is very compact, measuring only 6 inches when closed and 9 inches when open for use. Total thickness, V2 inch. The total weight is 14 lb. This wrench is made of high carbon steel, and is carefully tempered. Each ,$1.50 QUEEN CITY ADJUSTABLE AVRENCH Polished All Over Except Web Made of a special grade of steel. Hardened all over. Will perfectly operate square as well as hexagon nuts. Fully guaranteed. T-. 1 Size 1 Capacity ^"' ' inches 1 inches Each Per doz. 706 708 710 712 6 8 10 12 % 1^ $0.65 .80 1.00 1.25 $7.80 9.60 12.00 15.00 •KNIFE-HANDLE" MONKEY TIT^ENCHES Coes Pattern This is one of the best Knife-Handle Monkey Wrenches on the market and we particularly recommend it when the work does not warrant genuine Coes. Size . . .inchesi 6 | 8 1 10 | 12 Opens Price, black. . . . inchesi 7s I 1 V* .per doz.|$10.00|12.00 1% 14.00 21/8 18.00 Size inches] 15 | 18 | 21 Opens inches 2 % | 3 | 4 % Price, black per doz. $24.00|32.00|39.00 WESCOTT'S ADJUSTABLE "S" NUT AND PIPE AVRENCHES FIjr. 694B 1 1% 1% 2 $8.0C 10.00 12.00 15.00 21.00 $12.00 15.00 18.00 24.00 30.001 $0.15 .20 .30 $0.30|$0.10 .401 .12 .501 .15 $0.05 .05 .05 ivo orde:r for wrenches is too large: to tax our capacity 488 GEOBeAR.PEN"TER S CO. Pig. WRENCHES •♦^ Fig. 705B Sockets for Ratchet Not Wrenches LITTLE GIANT RATCHET NUT WRENCH Number Size of Squares Length Each Handle Socket Complete 1 2 3 4 5 Squares t% and y^ Squares % and \\ Squares \% and % Squares IVg and li,4 Squares liV and 1i^.t 8 10 13 16 201/2 $0.50 i!oo 1.75 2.50 .50 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.75 3.75 STILLSON PIPE WRENCHES Ten-inch and larger Wrenches will always be sent with Steel Handles un- less otherwise specified. All styles of Stillson W r e n c h e s, sizes 6 to 24 Inches, are packed six of one size to the box. Fig. 705C PRICE LIST Length, Open inches i 6 1 8 1 10 1 14 1 18 1 24 1 36 1 48 Takes Pipe inches | Vs to 1/2 1 Vs to % 1 Vs to 1 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 1 1/4 to 2 1 1/4 to 2 Vz 1 V* to 3 ¥2 | lto5 price each 1 $2.00 1 a.25 1 2.50 1 3.50 | 5.00 1 7.25 | 13.50 | 20.00 REPAIR PARTS FOR STILLSON AVRENCHES S«e inches 6 18 1 10 1 14 1 18 1 24 1 36 | 48 Jaws each $0.75 1 .80 1 .85 1 1.15 | 1.75 | 2.25 | 4.35 | 7.50 Frames each .38 1 .42 1 .50 1 .60 | .75 | .95 | 1.70 1 2.20 Adjusting Nuts each .12 1 .15 1 .20 1 .30 1 .35 | .55 | 1.10 | 1.50 Wood Handles each .16 1 .16 1 .18 1 .22 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... End Nuts each .15 1 .15 1 .20 1 .20 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... Frame Pins each .03 1 .03 1 .04 1 .04 1 .04 | .04 | .05 | .05 Spring- Rivets each .02 1 .02 1 .03 1 .03 1 .03 | .03 | .03 | .03 Springs ..each .03 1 .03 1 .03 1 .03 1 .04 | .04 | .04 | .04 i*ars each .95 1 1.00 1 1.10 1 1.50 1 2.25 | 3.50 | 7.00 | 10.50 Number of Springs to Each Wrench. . . 1 1 1 1 3 1 .S 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 TRIMO PIPE WRENCHES Fig. 705D PRICE LIST Fig. 705E Prices of Wood Handle Pipe Wrenches same as Steel Handle If desired can furnish in 6 in., 8 in., 10 in., 14 in. Length, Open . . . inches 1 6 | 8 10 14 18 24 36 48 Taking from 'i in. wire to Vz in. pipe Vs in. wire to % in. pipe Vs in. wire to 1 in. pipe % in. wire to 1% in. pipe % in. wire to 2 in. pipe 14 in. wire to 2y2 In. pipe % in. pipe to 3% in. pipe 1 in. pipe to 5 in. pipe Price eachl !i!2.00 | 2.25 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.25 13.50 20.00 4^ REPAIR PARTS FOR TRIMO WRENCHES ^ CI s Movable Jaw each Nut each Insert Jaw each Frame each Springs each Frame Pins cacli Jaw Pins each Steel Handles each Wood Handle with Ferrule, ea. Nut Guards per pair $0.75 .80 .85 1.15 1.75 2.25 4.35 7.50 .12 .15 .20 .30 .35 .55 1.10 1.50 .35 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 1.10 2.00 .38 .42 .50 .60 .75 .95 1.70 2.20 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 .95 1.00 1.10 1.50 2.25 3.50 7.00 10.50 .16 .16 .18 .25 .15 .15 .20 .30 .35 .45 .55 .65 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ SO. ■429 ALLIGATOR JAW AND PIPE WRENCHES THE ALLIGATOR WRENCH TRIMO PIPE WRENCH No. Inches Long Holds Pipe Holds Round Iron Per Doz. 1 2 3 4 I'' 16 22 24 27 Va to % % to % y2 toiy4 1 Vi to 2 ly* to 2% 2 to 3 % to % ya to 1 % to 1 % lya to2y2 1 % to 3 2% to SVz $4.00 12.00 24.00 36.00 50.00 60.00 Fig. 704K With Screw Driver 6 in., pocket size only. Takes pipe up to Va in. Jaws and handle forged-steel. Screw driver, which is renewable, is made of suitable steel and is serv- iceable. Parts interchangeable'. «« ■«» List Price, each ».£.dw PARMALEE PIPE WRENCH This wrench has no teeth. It will make or break the tightest joint without marring or crnshlns the pipe or injuring the threads. _ , . ,, ^ -, ■. ^ c^ i/ •„„!, „v,^ i/ ir.r.Vi Extra parts will be furnished as required. Special girths may be ordered to fit yg inch and ^4 incn pipe sizes (also all odd sizes of Brass or Steel Tubing) and rods of any diameter from «/» to 3Vi inch outside diameter. Length Handle Set No. Pipe Handled Set Com- plete Extra Handle Extra Girths, Each 10 in. 20 in. 1 2y2 4 5 %, y2,%.lin. %.i, iy4,iy2.2in. 2. 2%, 3 in. 3y2.4in. $ 5.00 7.50 9.50 13.00 $2.25 3.00 1 5.00 7.50 %, 1/2, %. 1 in $0.75 %,1, 1% in 1.00 25 in. 2. 2%, 3 in 1.50 3y2 in. $2.50, 4 in. 3.00 TRIMO WOOD HANDLE NARROW JAW PIPE WRENCH Fig. 704D Invaluable for "Auto Kits'' and for close-quarter work The Jaws are narrowed materially, and can be used in places where the ordinary width of jaw can- not operate. Made in three sizes only — 6 inch, S inch, and 10 inch. It is Irght in weight, and particularly designed for Automobile and Gasfitters' use, No outfit com- plete without this tool, „„,^„ ^ ,r.r^ PRICE LIST Length Open, in Ins. Takes from 14 in. wire' to Vz in. pipe % in. wire to % in. pipe_ Price, each $2.25 % in. wire to 1 in. pipe $2..50 Extra Parts for Above Wrench Movable Jaw each Nut each Insert Jaw each Frame each Springs each Frame Pins each Jaw Pins each Nut Guards • per pair - $0.75 $0.80 $0.85 .12 .15 .20 35 .40 .50 .38 .42 .50 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .03 .03 .04 .15 .15 .20 430 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « Go PIPE WRENCHES— PIPE GUTTERS "THE GEALY" CHAIN WRENCH Drop Forged Carbon Steel Handle, and Drop Forged High Carbon Steel Jaws; Teeth Carefully Tempered. .^, „, . ., Flat Link Chain, Made from Cold Rolled Steel, with Highest Possible Tensile Strength. PRICE LIST Size ]\o.00 fio. Ao. 1 2N'o.2 Mo. 3 Takes Pipe inches %-2 1-4 2-6 21/2-10 3-14 Length Inches Weight lbs Length Chain. 18 31/2 11 $3.00 .80 1.25 .20 .20 30 12 19 4.50 1.50 2>00 .22 .25 42 25 28 8.00 2.75 4.00 .25 .30 60 50 44 16.00 4.25 7.00 .30 .35 66 75 56 Price Eacii Complete Extra Chains Extra Jaws Pair 30.00 9.00 10.00 .30 Extra H'dle Bolts .40 Spe'cial length of chain to order. No. 3 Wrench adapted to take 16 inch pipe if desired. COCHRAN PIPE WRENCH THE "VULCAN-BIJAW" WRENCH PIPE Patent Drop-Forged Chain Pipe Wrench with Double E}nded Reversible Jaws and Elither Cable or Flat Link Chain Fig. 707C The handle and frame are made in one piece. This gives a compression strain instead of a .shearing strain on the frame pin or rivet, and eliminates the repair charges which usually result from injury to a wrench through side-pull. PRICE LIST ISize 6 8 10 14 18 24 36 Xo.l Takes pipe Vs to Vs ^to Vs to Vi to V.^to 1i' V2 to 31/2 1 3 4 5 Each complete. ipa.OO Hook Jaws. each .67 Inserted Jaws " .25 Rockers . . . . " .26 Nuts •' .20 Springs ....'■ .12 $2.00 .67 .25 '.h .12 JS2.25 .75 .33 .28 .28 .14 .1:3.00 1.00 .50 .40 .35 .17 $4.00 1.33 .55 .50 .42 .21 $6.00 2.00 .65 .65 .55 .25 $12.00 4.00 1.00 1.30 .65 .40 Fig. 707B With Flat Link Chair Size No. Capacity inches Lgth. in. Weight lbs. Price Com- plete Extra Chains Each Jaws Extra per Pair 30 Vs to % 13% 1% $2.50 $0.75 $1.00 31 Vb to 1 1/2 y* to 2 1/2 20 4% 3.50 1.00 1.75 32 27 8% 5.00 1.50 2.75 33 % to 4 37 16 7.00 2.50 4.00 33% 1 to 6 441/2 20 9.00 3.25 4.75 34 1 Vz to 8 50Vo 29 11.00 4.00 5.50 35 2 to 12 64 49 18.00 6.00 7.50 16 4 to 18 87 137 40.00 13.00 16.00 TRIMO PIPE CUTTER No thread in the frame or roll block to wear out. A small case hardened nut adjusts the handle screw, and is easily and cheaply replaced when worn. The wheels are drop-forged, have long hubs, affording ample bearing on pins. Used as a single whe'el with rolls, pipe is cut without a burr ready . for the threading die. Easily converted into a three-wheel cutter by simply substituting two wheels for the two rolls. Fig. 707D No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Cuts Pipe % to 1% %to2 1% to 3 Each $4.50 96.00 $10.00 Extra Nuts each $0.35 .30 i!oo .60 .10 1.25 2.00 1.00 .35 $0.35 .30 .30 1.00 .60 .10 1.25 2.25 1.25 .35 $0.40 each .40 .40 Extra pins with Cotter Pins per doz. 1.00 Extra Anti-Priction "Washers per doz. .60 .10 1.76 Extra Pram e . each 2.50 Extra Handle Screw .... each 2 00 Extra Handle each .35 FOR OTHER STYLES OF CHAIN AND PIPE W^RENCHES. ALSO PIPE CUTTERS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CAIiPEJrTER S eo. 431 TUBE EXPANDERS— PIPE GUTTERS Fl^. 706A ROLLER TUBE EXPANDER Size of Tube, outside diam., inches 1 1 14 IH 1 ?4 1 Ts 2 Price each $10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Size of Tube, outside diam., inches 3 3M 3^^ 3% 4 4% Price each $18.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 3M 31^ 12.00 14.00 4^ 5 6 40.00 50.00 60.00 2% 16.00 Fig. 706B Size of Tube, outside SPRING TUBE EXPANDER diam inches 1 IM IH 1% 2 214 ^% 2% 3 3M S^ 4 41^ Price each $8.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 26.00 30.00 33.00 37.00 Extra pins $1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.50 When ordering give thickness of tube sheet. Diameter inches 1 Price each $11.00 Diameter inches 21.4 Price each $15.50 Fig. 706C ROSS TUBE EXPANDER 1% 114 1% ^% 1% 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 2% 21,^ 2% 294 3 16.50 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 1% 1% 3 2^6 11.00 12.50 13.00 15.00 3U 3^4 3% 4 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 IDEAL SELF-FEED TUBE GUTTER (Wiedelte Patent) This Tube Cutter is the only one the market today that has solved the problem of cutting- off steel tubes without cracking them. New tube's are cut off the same distance from the boiler head no mat- ter if they project out % inch or 4 inches (see illustration); they are cut with a bevel ready for beading, and rolled at the same time. For cutting out old tubes on the inside of boiler heads, simply shown in illustration, than half a minute. set the guards back, as which can be done in less Fig. 706D Diam., inches 2M ! 2^6 I 294 I 3 1 3M I 3^6 4% List Price | $15.00ll6.00|17.00|18.00|22.00!22.50|23.00|24.00|37.00 PIPE GUTTERS . 706E ^4 I .50 40.00 Fig. 706F SAUNDER'S WTIEEL PIPE CUTTER Cuts Inches £ach Extra Parts No. Wheels 1 Block and j Rollers each 1 Wheel, each 1 Each 1 2 3 Vs to 1| $3.00 1 $0.25 $1.25 $0.25 1 to 2| 4.50 1 .35 1.75 .35 2 tt) 31 11.00 1 .60 1 3.25 | .50 Fig. 7066 BARNES THREE-AVHEEL PIPE CUTTER No. Cuts Each Extra Parts inches Wheels, eachi Pins, each 1 Vs to 1 $4.50 $0.25 $0.10 2 1/^ to 2 6.00 .30 .10 3 1% to 3 10.00 .40 .12 4 2% to 4 20.00 .50 .15 5 4 to 6 30.00 .75 .20 6 6 to 8 40.00 1.00 .25 7 9 to 12 50.00 1.25 .25 433 GEO-BCARPEhfTER ^ eO. DROP FORGED WRENCHES BEMIS & CALL GO.'S COMBINATION WRENCHES Figr. 6»5A. Bright — With Long fiut Size 8-iiich 10-inch 12-inch 15-inch 18-inch Adjustable to pipe from i/4-in. to %-in. in diameter Adjustable to pipe from ^4-in. to 1-in. in diameter Adjustable to pipe from %-in. to 1% in. in diameter Adjustable to pipe from %-in. to 2iA-in. in diameter Adjustable to pipe from %-in. to 3-in. in diameter Per doz. $23.00 25.25 28.50 40.50 72.00 Bach $2.30 2.50 2.85 4.05 7.20 STEEL SOCKET BRIDGE WRENCH Fig. 695B Will turn nut either ^vay without removing wrench. Made from carefully selecte^d steel cast- ings and warranted to give satisfaction. Capacities listeyj are either square or hex. nuts. Including One Socket Only No Length Handle Feet Will take Sockets having Otpeninga Size, inches Extra Sockets Each 2 1%, 1-^5, 1%, lit. 2 10 $ 6.00 $1.00 3 2tV, 2%, 2i%, 2%, 2}|, 3% 23 14.00 2.50 3 3y8, 3y2, 378, 41^, 4%. 5 50 20.00 4.50 FORD" SETS OF SUPERIOR DROP FORGED WRENCHES "Ford" Set These "Wrenches -will Fit Any Nut on a Ford Car. SET "A' "Ford" Set Semi- finished 27 702 963D 964A »965D 965D 965A 966DS •967A 967D 968A 969A D. H. Engineers' S. H. Cap Screw. Offset Socket Offset Socket Straight Socket Offset Socket Offset Socket Offset Socket Offset Socket Offset Socket Offset Socket Offset Socket ii&H 5% 4% 4 A 5y8 5% 5 78 5 78 11 6% ?l 8% $0.21 .15 .24 .26 .29 .29 .29 .42 .36 .36 .40 .46 $0.31 .22 .36 .39 .44 .44 .44 .63 .54 .54 $0.46 .32 .48 .52 .58 .58 .58 .84 .72 .72 .80 .92 'Ford- Set "A" List Price of Roll, $0.60 extra. $3.73 $5.60 •Use Wrench No. 967A as lever for Wrench No. 965D. SET "B" Class Opening Size Extreme Length Price Number Unflnished Semi- finished Finished 27C 729 33C 734 966DS D. H. Engineers' D. H. Cap Screw D. H. Engineers' D. H. Cap Screw S. H. Socket ys&iys 11 9% 11 .37 .46 .42 $0.31 .37 .55 .68 .63 $0.46 .56 .85 1.08 .84 "Ford" Set List Price of Roll, $0.45 extra. $1.71 $2.54 $3.79 Geo-BGar^pei^ter ^ eo. * 43 r SOCKET WRENCH SETS Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Socket Wrench Set is the Ideal Size for the Public Garage, Contains Enough Wrenches to Fit Every Nut on Every Car. The Largest, Most Complete Socket Wrench Set Ever Marketed. Fifty-two Pieces. All Guaranteed. CONTENTS Ratchet Wrench No. 350. No. 340 Take-Down Handle. No. 320 Offset Socket Wrench. Sterling No. 100 finest nickeled plier. "Gripsall" Pipe Wrench. No. 1 General Service Double-End Wrench Set, extra finished, ten different open- ings. 1 Universal Joint. 3 Special Spark Plug Sockets, sizes §1 inch, la's inches and li-^ inches. 3 Screw Driver Bits. I Cotter Pin Extractor. 23 sizes, thoroughly hardened and mottled finish hexagon sockets, as listed below. II sizes, thoroughly hardened and mottled finish square sockets, as listed below. SIZES OF HEXAGON SOCKETS ^, %. ih r\, M. V2. Ih M, %, ih \h, M. if, it. ii, %, §1. Ih 1, Ig^, 1^, 1^2, and 1^2. SIZES OF SQUARE SOCIiETS M, M. Ih Ih U, ii, si, 53, 13^2, ls^2 and I3V Price, set complete $12.00 Fig. 7 SOCKET WRENCH SET This set has fifteen sockets and two handles. Sockets are the most needed sizes. Each set contains the following hexagon sockets: J!5, J§, Ih i§, %, ii, Si. Si, \l. Si, SI, 1, U2, 1^2. Also spark"plug socket. Price, set complete $3.00 GENERAL SERVICE SET Fig. 703A Stamped Steel Five wrenches to a set. Openings >4 inch to 1 inch. Packed in waterproof canvas bag. Price semi-finished $1.18 Price full finished 1.52 Illustration Shows Full Finished 28 REPAIR KIT SET Fig. 675 Every tool a much needed and handy article. Contains Cylinder Head Wrench, Hub Cap Wrench, Connecting Rod Wrench, Valve Grinder and Brake Pedal Spring Wrench. Price complete set $1.30 434 GEO•B•eAliPE^fTER ^ So, 40.PIEGE MECHANICIAN AUTO TOOL KIT A most complete assortment of the finest quality and best finished tools, and every tool is thoroughly practical and indispensable. All that is re- quired to make all repairs on road or in garage. The tool roll is made of extra heavy brown canvas, riveted double tool straps of leather, bound with leatherette binding and heavy leather strap and buckle. TOOL SETS IN ROLLS I No. 23 Wrench. No. 25 Wrench. No. 27 Wrench. No. 29 Wrench. No. 31 Wrench. 10-inch 9-inch 5-inch yg-inch 6-inch Pliers. 3-inch 5-inch 9-inch 8-inch %-inch A -inch 's-inch lAitt price Semi-finished 15' Contains the Angle Drop Forged Semi-flnished 15° Angle Drop Forged Semi-finished 15° Angle Drop Forged Semi-finished 15° Angle Drop Forged Semi-finished 15° Angle Drop Forged Stillson Wood Handle Pipe Wrench. Ebony Automobile Monkey Wrench. Nickel Plated Bicycle Wrench. Spark Plug Socket Wrench, japanned. Nickel Plated, Adjustable, Combination Electricians' Round Shank Screwdriver. Electricians' Square Shank Screwdriver. Machinists' All-steel Screwdriver. Square File with handle. Solid Punch, half-polished, %-inch Point. Solid Punch, half-polished, ""^-inch Point Drift Punch, half-polished, Vs-inch Point. following tools: %-inch Center Punch, half-polished. %-inch Cape Chisel, half -polished. %-inch Cotter Pin Extractor, full-polished. No. 1 Machinists, Bearing Scraper. 8 oz. Machinists' Ball Pein Hammer. 6-inch Side-cutting Pliers. 5-inch Offset Drop Forged Screwdriver. 3 Sheets Emery Cloth. 7-inch Round File with handle. Soldering Iron with handle. Box Solder Paste. Bundle 15 Copper Wire. Bundle 20 Copper Wire. 8-inch Hacksaw and Frame. 4-inch Flat File with handle. 1/2 -inch Cold Chisel, half -polished. %-inch Cold Chisel, half-polished. Bundle Wire Solder. Soldering Torch. Spark Plug Brush. 8-inch Flat File with handle. 2^^ -inch Carriage-makers' Clamp. Box Assorted Cotter Pins. S. A. E. \\ renclies furnished if desired FIgf. 13C Semi-finished Semi-flnished Semi-finished Semi-finished 15° 15° 15° Angle Angle Angle Angle Contains tl Drop Drop Drop Drop Forged Forged Forged Forged No. 23 Wrench. No. 23 Wrench. No. 27 Wrench. No. 29 Wrench. 10-inch Stillson "U^ood Handle Pipe Wrench. 9-inch Ebony Automobile Monkey Wrench. 5-inch Nickel Plated Bicycle Wrench. 6-inch Adjustable, Combination Pliers, Ebony. 3-inch Electricians' Round Shank Screwdriver. 5-inch PJIectricians' Square Shank Screwdriver. 5-inch Offset, Drop Forged Screwdriver. 9-inch Machinists' All-steel Screwdriver. f«-inch Solid Punch, half-polished, ^\-inch Point. %-inch Solid Punch, half-polished, i^ij-inch Point. %-inch Drift Punch, half-polished, Vs-inch Point. List price 8. A. E. Wrenches 34.PIECE CHAUFFEUR AUTO KIT A very complete assortment of high grade tools designed to meet the demand for a reason- able priced kit. Tools are positively high grade and are warranted unequalled at the price. The tool roll is made of heavy brown canvas, leather tool straps, double riveted. Bound with leather- ette binding and has a heavy leather strap and buckle. following tools: %-inch Center Punch, half-polished. %-inch Cotter Pin Extractor, full-polished. No. 1 Machinists' Bearing Scraper. 8 oz. Machinists' Ball Pein Hammer. 6-inch Side Cutting Pliers. 4-inch Flat File with handle. 8-inch Flat File with handle. 7-inch Round File with handle. 8-inch Square File with handle. Box Solder Paste. Box Assorted Cotter Pins. Spark Plug Brush. %-inch Cold Chisel, half-polished. Vg-inch Cold Chisel, half-polished. %-inch Cape Chisel, half -polished. Bundle Wire Solder. Soldering Copper with handle. Bundle 15 Copper Wire. Bundle 20 Copper Wire. furnished If desired. GEO-BeAItREM*TER S &0. 435 TOOL SETS IN ROLLS Fiff. 15C 30.PIECE MOTORIST'S SERVICE KIT This is a very complete assortment of high-grade tools, necessary for making tool is high grade and fully warranted. The tool roll is made of heavy water-proof brown canvas, with leather tool straps, leatherette binding and has a heavy leather strap with buckle. An excellent outfit for auto owner. Contains the following Tools: inch Center Punch, half- polished, inch Cold Chisel, half-polished. all repairs. Every All is bound with Seini-finished 15° Angle Drop Forged Semi-finished 15° Angle Drop Forged Semi-flnished 15° Angle Drop Forged Semi-flnlshed 15° Angle Drop Forged No. 23 Wrench. No. 25 Wrench. No. 27 Wrench. No. 31 Wrench. 10-inch Stillson Wood Handle Pipe Wrench. 9-inch Ebony Automobile Monkey Wrench. Double Jaw "Ready Grip" Wrench, polished. 3-inch Electricians' Round Shank Screwdriver. 5-inch Electricians' Round Shank Screwdriver. 9-inch Machinists' All-steel Screwdriver. 5-inch Offset Drop Forged Screwdriver. 6-inch Ebony, Adjustable, Combination Pliers. %-inch Solid Punch, half -polished, Vs-inch Point. iiitit price S. A. E. AVrenches furnished if desired %■ %-inch Cold Chisel, half-polished. %-inch Cape Chisel, half -polished, ■ft-inch Cotter Pin Extractor. No. 1 Machinists' Bearing Scraper. 8 oz. Machinists' Ball Pein Hammer. File Handle. 8-inch Flat File. 6-inch Side-Cutting Pliers. Spark Plug Socket Wrench. ' Box Assorted Cotter Pins. 8-inch Round File. 6-inch Three Corner File. 5-inch Black Bicycle Wrench. Bundle 15 Copper Wire. Bundle 20 Copper Wire. 20.PIEGE TOURISTS AUTO KIT priced cars. It has tools necessary A very practical and useful assortment, suitable for the mediur for any ordinary repairs. All tools are high grade and guaranteed. Tool roll is made of heavy brown du 1 11 .52 .70 907 % IbV 13 VI 1% .74 .98 908 1 ill 15 ly* 1.02 1.34 909 1% 17 % 1^ 1.40 1.80 910 1 lU 19 1?8 1.90 2.50 CONSTRUCTION WRENCHES 15° Angle The tang is for bringing bolt-holes into line and for insertion into convenient openings when wrench is not in use. preventing loss and keeping tool in sight. Unfinished are milled only. Semi-finished are milled, case-hardened all over; heads not ground. In stock for U. S. standard nuts. For U. S. Stan- dard Nut Sizo Bolt X"- Ex- treme Length Thick- ness Heads Price No. Un- fin- ished Semi- fin- ished 201 202 203 204 205 20fi 207 208 209 210 211 212 1 ^ Xi 1 l-r^ 1^/4 liV 8 h 11 If 19 21 21 1 1 $0.28 .28 .35 .35 .45 .45 .62 .86 1.18 1.60 2.20 2.20 .45 .45 .58 :l§ 1.10 1.50 2.10 3.00 3.00 FOR MACHINE BOLTS AND RIVETS. SEE INDEX GEO-B-CARPE^fTER ^ (EO, 441 Fig. 3501V DROP FORGED WRENCHES DOUBLE HEAD SOCKET WRENCHES With or Without Handle For Hexagon Nuts and Cap Screws Unfinished are broached only. Semi-flniMlictl are broached, edges ground and case- hardened all over. Finished are broached, polished all over, case-hard- ened and lacquered. Fig. 3501V Hexasron Openings ^ Price •s*> S ize 2 9 .a 1 1 ! of Pin- Handle Vnfin- ished Semi- finished Finished % _ * M 1 2 ".s 1 1 ^1 at £1 B '3 1 1 s 1 1 a 5 Ii ■Cas 5 A 1! Ii ll SI H « ^1 ll 340A Vs & fo- & n iVs SIS % % ^2 41/2 $0.35 $0.46 $0.53 $0.64 $0.70 $0.81 342A Vs & y* & M 61/4 ya A 1; 51/8 .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 342B I'ir & ¥4 .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 342C t's & % .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 342D 14 & ^ 1 & i & .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 342B .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 342H t'« & T^ff I & 1 ! & 1 & if .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 3421 ¥*& ^ .45 .58 .68 .81 .90 1.03 342J 1/4 & % .45 .58 .68 .90 1.03 342K ^« & ?'8 I& i .45 .58 .68 isi .90 1.03 344A y* & % & ff 7% lys &iij % 1/2 Jl 6% .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344B w I & -s & li .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344C .65 ,82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344D % & t'^ ? & si .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344E .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344P % & yz & ii .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344J % & t'« .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344K %& % & 1 .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344V A & V2 & .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344L, A & A & & I .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344M I's & % .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 344N y2 & i"^ .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 3440 ya & % & II .65 .82 .97 1.14 1.30 1.47 346A A & Vz 9^ iy2&iii % % 1/2 8V& .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346B t'x & A .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346C V2& A 1 If .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346D A & % .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346E Sil &l8^ .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346P J&lA .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346M V2 & % «}&1A .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346N •ts & % .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 3460 % & % .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 346P % & yg IA&I/2 .95 1.15 1.43 1.63 1.90 2.10 348A 1°I & % !!!& W. 11 1% &2i\ 1 78 LI 91/z 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.7r 3.20 3.55 348B % & % 1 A & 1 3°2 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.7r 3.20 3.55 348C % &i 1^ & l',\ 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.75 3.20 3.55 348D % &i l;fj &1-? 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.75 3.20 3.55 348K ISl lA & 1 1/j &1 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.75 3.20 3.55 348L 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.75 3.20 3.55 348M % & 1 ys 1,^ & 1 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.75 3.20 3.55 348N 1 &iy8 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.75 3.20 3.55 350A % &1 1 ,'. & 1 i 131/i iVz &2H 11/4 1^ 78 11% 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 350B ys &i i^a&i i 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 350C 1 &i^ i> &ir 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 350D lys &iy* 1' &i ; 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 350K % &i% 1 & 1 1^\ &1 5 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 3501. 1 & ] 'S 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 350M 1 * 1 V4 nJ&2 , « 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 350N 1 1/4 & 1 '4 13?&23^, 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.70 5.60 6.10 FOR CAP AND SET SCREWS, SEE INDEX 443 Geo-B-Carpen'ter « So. MISCELLANEOUS DROP FORGED WRENCHES LONG ROUND HANDLE WRENCHES Straight Opening Fig. 193 Unfinished are broached or milled. Semi-Finished are broached or milled and case-hardened all over; heads not ground, of handle can be varied, if desired. Length Number For U. S. Standard Nuts Size Bolt Openings Extreme Length inclies PRICE Unfinished Semi-finished 193 194 195 % % 11/8 ll% 1^ 24 24 24 $1.10 1.10 1.10 $1.60 1.60 1.60 196A 196 197 % 1 11/2 27 27 27 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.10 - 2.10 2.10 198 lit 30 3.00 3.80 199A 199 IVs 1% HI 30 30 3.00 3.00 3.80 3.80 Fig. 645 RATCHET HEAD REVERSE BRAKE PEDAL SPRING WRENCH Not necessary to take wrench off until you have finished tightening. Price, each $0.54 Fig. 641 RE\^RSE BRAKE PEDAL TENSION SPRING AVRENCH. Double End. Price, each $0.18 I CYLINDER HEAD WRENCH Price, each $0.28 Fig. 623 No. 623. CONNECTING ROD WT^ENCH. Fits the No. 4 Connecting Rod. Saves much time. Price, each $0.30 Fig. 701 W. R. S. FIRE PLUG SPANNER AVRENCH . . Drop forged spanner. Fits any size fire plug, or any style cap. Also arranged to fit any size coupling on fire hose. This wrench is used by the fire departments of practically ever^ large city in the country. Price, each $1.50 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So. 443 ALL STEEL TOOL KITS standard Kit Standard Kit Open Standard Kit witli Tray For Electricians, Mechanics, Railroad Men, Construction Men, Line Men, Meter Men, etc. These Kits are made of prepared steel, but are no heavier than other bags and tool kits. They are built to stand the wear and tear of hardest usage. Re-enforced throughout, fitted with brass side catches, strong two-tumbler Yale locks, steel leather-covered handles and riveted so that they cannot pull out. Protected by solid brass corner irons. Finished in a three-coated baked enamel of brown or black, they present an appearance neat and attractive and look like leather traveling bags. Invisible hinges give smooth carrying surface. Material, special construction and overlapping features make Kennedy Kits wearproof, waterproof and weatherproof. These Kits ai-e also thief-proof, because they can be locked, chained and cannot be cut open. Heavy material can be carried without buckling or changing shape of bag. Tray very handy for carrying drills, bits, screws, small parts, etc. Tray, 1% inches deep. Double formed, double seamed, electrically welded and re-enforced. STANDARD KITS (Patents Pending) Length Width 1 Height Net Wt. Lbs. Price Each Style XT 14 7 9 51/4 $3.85 Style DDT 16 9 11 6I/4 4.10 Style DT 18 10 13 7% 4.35 Style ET 20 11 13 8 4.60 Style FT 22 11 13 111/4 4.85 Furnished without tray if desired, at 35 cents less, each size. ELECTRICIANS' CASES These cases are designed for and meet all the requirements of an electrician's tool kit. They have the necessary length, together \\'ith compactness and proper spacing for carrjnng the average equipment. They have a divided spacing at one end for blow- torch and ledge rests at top of grip for tray to carry drills, bits, small parts, etc., if desired. They have ample space at bottom for heavy tools, material, etc. In addition to leather handle, they are fitted witli loops at each end for straps to pass under the case and over the shoulder for carrying heavy loads in this manner if de- sired. Furnished withouttray at 35 cents less, each size. Efectrician's Case with Tray Style ENT Style EOT Style EHT Length 19 21 24Vo Width Height Net Wt. I Price Lbs. I Each 71/4 81/2 8I4 $4.00 4.25 4.50 FOR COMPLETF LIXE OF TOOLS FOR ABOVE CASES, SEE INDEX 44 4 GEO-BeARPErrTER « 60. MASON BAGS Made of one piece of heavy 18 oz. white duck extending around bottom, viz., a ONE-PIECE BAG. Bottom two thicknesses of No. 6 Duck with heavy straw-board filling. All sewing by LOCK STITCH machine so it cannot rip unless every stitch is cut. Each bag has lock and key. DOUBLE 12 gauge steel frame riveted to body of bag, which will outwear any manner of sewing. Sides are connected with genuine leather welt. Bottoms supplied with five steel studs. Length Depth Width With Pockets, per doz. Without Pockets per doz. 16 18 20 22 24 151/2 151/2 151/2 151/2 171/2 5y2 51/2 51/2 5V2 51/2 $16.80 18.00 19.20 21.60 22.20 $16.20 17.40 18.60 21.00 21.60 MECHANICS' TOOL SATCHELS Same grade and make as Masons, has heavy grain leather on bottom and 5 inches on sides. Length, inches Width, inches Depth Per Dozen 16 41/2 15 $33.00 18 41/2 15 36.00 20 41/2 17 38.00 22 6y2 17 42.00 24 61/2 17 45.00 MAIL BAGS Body 18 oz. brown or white duck. Leather bottom and sides, top fitted with strap and oblong grommets. Leather No. Length, Inches Price each 1 2 3 4 5 16x24 18x24 20x26 20x30 22x36 $5.00 5.75 6.50 7.00 8.00 TOOL BAGS Plumbers' Made of carpet, with leather trimming 31^ inches wide on sides and bottom, bag being 16 inches by 25 inches in size. Two 1 1/4 inch leather straps, with suitable buckles, passing through leather loops. Heavy duck lining. Top bound for % inch with leather. Each $3.30 Steam Fitters' Made of high-grade carpet, with leather trimming 3% inches wide on bottom. Heavy leather hand- sewed gusset tapering from % inch at top to 4 inches at bottom. Leather binding % inch around gusset and top. Two 1 inch leather straps, with suitable buckles, passing through leather loops. Shoulder strap 1 inch, with snaps for attaching and buckle for adjusting. Solid harness-leather handle. Bag 12 inches by 24 inches in size. Each $3.75 FOR TOOLS FOR ABOVE BAGS, SEE INDEX Geo-B-CakpeiJ'ter s Co, 445 COMPLETE WATER GAUGES Penberthy Water Gauges listed on page 45' me. 447A No. 3 "Wltn Two Rods Fig. 447B No. With Two Rods Pig. 447C No. 16 With Four Guards Fig. 447D No. 613 Witlt Four Guards No. 3. Iron wheel, glass %xl2 In., pipe V2 in each $ 3.25 No. 9. Wood wheel, glass %xl2 in., pipe i/^ in " 4.25 No. 16. Wood wheel, glass %xl2 in., pipe % in " 6.00 No. 612, Wood wheel, glass %xl6 in., pipe % in " 10.00 Fig. 447E Lunlvenlieinier Q,uicl£ Closing No. 3 is so constructed that by removing top cap a new glass can be put in while under steam pressure. Fig. 447E. LUNKENHEIMER QUICK CLOSING WATER GAUGE Part finished, three-rod, each: ^^-in. glass, Va-in. pipe, $10.50; %-in. glass, i/^ -in. pipe, $11.50; %-in. glass, %-in. pipe, $13.50 All finished, three-rod, each: 5^-in. glass, i^-in. pipe, $13.00; 5^-in. glass, i/^ -in. pipe, $14.00; 94 .jn, glass, %-in. pipe, $16.50 CHESTERTON'S GAUGE GLASS CUTTERS Fig, 447F Each $2.00 THE CHICAGO GAUGE GLASS GUTTER Fig. 447G This is a high grade cutter of an old and standard type. The beam is grad- uated and the tool nickel plated. The cutter wheels are first quality — sharp and tough. LIST PRICE No. 1-C each $ 0.60 No. 1-C per doz. 5.00 No. 1-C per gross 57.00 THE WILKINS GAUGE GLASS CUTTER Fig. 447H 14-iucIi to 30 Cuts ea.sily and quielvly mny lengtii from inclies. A siiglit pressure on thumb latch does the work. The Beam is accurately graduated in eighths of an inch up to 8 inches. The cutter wheels are the best that can be made. Every one is ground sharp and tested. Tlie Tooi is nickel plated. The handle has hard rubber finish. I'aelted one in a box with one extra outter wlieel. No. 0. Cuts to 8-in. length, (for small tubes), Xo. 1. Cuts to S-in. lengths (regular tubes) ..each No. 2. Cuts to 18-in. lengths (regular tubes) . .each No. 3. Cuts to 24-in. lengths (regular tubes) . .each No. 4. Cuts to 30-in. lengths (regular tubes) . .each No. 5. Cuts to 60 centimeters (Metric graduation) each .?2.00 2.00 6.4)0 8,00 10.00 10.00 FOR GAUGE AND WATER GLASSES, SEE INDEX 446 GEO•B•eAItPE^fTER ^ eo. WATER GAUGE GLASSES SCOTCH WATER GAUGE GLASSES We carry in stock for immediate delivery all the lengths and sizes of gauge glasses shown both in regular and high pressure. Fig. 4471 Length List per Dozen. External Diameter inches List per Dozen. External Diameter inches Vz and % % % 1 inch Va and % 3/. V. 1 inch 10 $3.00 $3.60 $5.04 $6.12 19 $5.64 $7.08 $9.60 $11.52 11 3.24 3.96 5.64 6.72 20 6.00 7.44 10.20 12.12 12 3.60 4.32 6.12 7.32 22 6.60 8.16 11.16 13.44 13 3.84 4.80 6.60 7.92 24 7.20 8.88 12.12 14.64 14 4.20 5.16 7.08 8.52 30 9.00 11.16 15.24 18.24 15 4.44 5.52 7.56 9.12 36 10.80 13.44 18.24 21.^6 16 4.80 5.88 8.16 9.72 48 14.52 18.00 24.36 29.16 17 5.04 6.24 8.64 10.32 60 18.12 22.56 30.48 36.48 18 5.40 6.60 9.12 10.92 72 21.84 27.12 36.48 43.80 Lengths not regular, charged the price of next longer tubes of same diameter. COMPOUND HIGH PRESSURE GAUGE GLASSES Fig. 447J For Highest Steam Pressures and Temperatures Will not break when subjected to drafts or other sudden changes of temperature. Eliminates danger of scalding or other accidents, delays, etc., due to breaking glasses. The frequent breaking of the common gauge glass is a source of not only annoyance but at times of great danger to the engineer or boiler attendant. This trouble is avoided in these Gauge Glasses by drawing two glass tubes, of different degrees of expansibility, one over the other. The whole is then fused into a solid tube. This construction gives the highest resistance to the sudden changes of temperature and the solvent action of hot water. The glass inside the tube expands in proportion to the temperature of the steam or hot water, and the outside tubing contracts according to the temperature of the cold air. These glasses are unbreakable from natural causes. They are not affected by a drop of water, a flake of snow, or a sudden draft of cold air coming in contact with the glass while it is hot. The great importance of this will be appreciated by every engineer. After a trial of this glass no man would take any chances by using any other. The resistance offered by this glass to sudden changes of temperature is so great that a glass may be heated to 450° temperature Fahr., and will not break when dropped vertically into cold water. PRICE LIST, PER DOZEN Length inches ■y^ and % % Vh 1 Length inches Va and % % % 1 10 $5.00 $7.00 $8.00 $10.40 19 $9.00 $13.00 $15.00 $20.00 11 5.40 7.40 8.60 11.20 20 9.00 14.00 16.40 21.40 12 6.00 8.40 10.00 12.40 22 11.00 14.80 17.20 22.40 13 6.40 9.00 10.60 13.60 24 12.00 16.80 20.00 24.80 14 6.60 9.60 11.00 14.80 30 14.00 20.00 23.40 31.20 15 7.00 10.00 11.80 15.60 36 17.20 24.40 28.40 38.00 16 7.80 11.40 12.60 17.00 48 23.40 34.20 37.80 51.00 17 8.00 11.80 13.40 18.00 60 28.00 40.00 47.20 62.40 18 8.60 12.20 14.20 19.00 72 34.40 48.80 56.80 76.00 FOR COMPRESSION G4.UGE COCKS, SEE INDE GEO-B-CAIiPENfTER « (EO. 447 FLUE CLEANERS AND BOILER ROOM TOOLS « ,^^ ^^«»TT.« COiMBINATION FLUE BRUSH AND SCRAPEIJ BUGGLES PERFECTION FLUE CLEANER "^ v^xjr^x. Fig. 457A Be sure and run rod through large' hole in reaj end of cleaner and screw into the other end. 2 Inch and smaller each $2.00 aVa inck to 4 inch per inch l.OO 4y3 inch each 5,00 5 inch " 5.00 6 inch " 7.00 ' THE "INGALLS" SELF-ADJUSTING TUBE SCRAPER is? Pig. 457B The spring acts equally on each scraping arm and is protected from the heat and dirt. The scraping edges are chilled and are more durable than steel. Sizes: IVz, 2, 2Vi, ly^, 2%, 3, 3%, 3%, 3%, 4 and 4% inch. Per inch $1.0O THE ENGINEERS' FAVORITE FLUE CLEANER l^'»^^^^.«ii^. Size, inches. Price, each . . Size, inches. Price, each . . Fig. 457C . 11/2 1% 2 2% 2y2 2% 3 .$2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 2..'>0 2.75 3.00 . SVi 31/2 3% 4 41/2 5 6 .$3.25 3.50 3.75 4.0O 5.0O 6.25 7.50 TRIP GONGS POLISHED BEI.L METAL OK STEKL These trip gongs pull from the cpntei' and the mnchanism i.s all concealed under the bell. Diain., inolie.s 14 15 Bell Metal, each $0.80 .90 1.00 Steel, per doz. . 12 00 Dlam., inches . . . 6 7 8 Bell Metal, each $1.50 2.00 3.00 Steel, per doz... 18.00 30.00 Diam., incheH . . . 10 12 14 Bell Metal each $5.00 8.00 12.00 Stoel, per doz.. . 55.00 75.00 IWani.. inches ... 16 18 Bell Metal, each $16.00 18.00 FOOT GONGS 12 Inch, price 14 Inch, price .Size-s 2 to fi inches per inch $1.00 FLAT STEEL WIRE FLUE BRUSHES tUUIIi -I Size, inches. Price, each . . Size, inches. Price, each . . Pig. 457F. . 1 1% 11/2 1% 2 2V4. 21/2 2%' .$1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 Z-.^O 2.75 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 $3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.CO 5.50 6.0O EXPANSION FLUE BRUSH MALLEABLE IRON AND TEMPERED STEEL Price, per inch.. $1.00, Fig. 457G FIRE ROOM TOOLS FiR. 4,-.7H Tliese tools are lurui.sliod with ends so that they may be fitted lo any length of pipe desired. All blacksmithing is done away with. Cut pipe the desired length with full thread at each end. Make up tight in hoe, hook or slash bar, screw on grip, tighten set screws and tool is ready to use. Description Size No. 1 i Size No. 2 Size pipe for handle No 1 Size pipe for handle No. 2 No. 1 with grip...... No. 1 without grip... No. 2 with grip No. 2 without grin... 7 xlO GViX 8 4.00 3.50 3.50 Fire Hook Slash Bar 15Vo .?>4 141/2x3 1 % 4.00 3.50 3.50 3.00 Grip 4x2 4x2 FOR BOILIDR TUBES, FERRULES, ETC., SEE INDEX U8 GEO-BCAR^PEhfTER « 60. SPEED INDICATOR AND REVOLUTION COUNTERS V. p. SHAFT SPEED COUNTER STANDARD SPEED INDICATOR (Vest Pocket) Accurate, Durable Fig. 393C Positively will not Clod or Heat Reads right or left. The arrow point, ap- plied to center of arbor or shaft, removes all dirt and oil. Take initial reading, hold the counter by the arrow point and apply rubber tip to center of arbor or shaft, deduct initial reading from final result, which will give the number of revolutions. Each $2.00 Pig. 303D THE TABOR SPEED INDICATOR Figr. 393E REVOLUTION COUNTER Round Case For registering the revolutions of Stationary or Marine Engines, or for any service where a continuous indication of strokes or revolutions is desired. ^inchef ^ Figures BraS8 Case Brass Case Nickel Plated 12 1 8 1 $110.00 $114.00 10 1 8 1 95.00 98.00 81/2 1 8 1 80.00 82.50 12 1 6 1 100.00 104.00 10 1 6 1 85.00 88.00 81/2 1 6 1 70.00 72.50 6% 1 6 1 60.00 62.00 Fiff. 393F f^ig. 393G REVOLUTION COUNTER Rectangular Case Construction. Made in eight (S) sizes of Rectangular Iron Case with Brass Ring. Supplied with an actuating lever on the right hand side for a reciprocating movement and a pin for connecting at the back of case to adapt the counter to a continuous rotary motion. Indication. Will be supplied as specified, with four, five, six or seven number wheels, to indicate as noted in the table below. PRICES EACH No. Size, inches Figrures | Counting Price eacli Plain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 10 x2y2 9 x2i^ 8 x2% 7 x2y2 6 xl% 51/2x1% 6 xl% 41^x1-74 7 6 5 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 100.000 10.000 $32.00 28.00 24.00 20.00 28.00 24.00 20.00 17.50 Fig. 393G If resetting- attachment is wanted, add $4.00 to above list prices. GEO-BCAIiRErfTER ^ QO. 449 PRESSURE AND VACUUM GAUGES The materials In all our Gauges are carefully selected and specially adapted to the service required of them. The workmanship Is the same in all — the best only is employed. These Gauges are not warranted for 8t«am pressures unless equipped with a siphon of sufficient capacity to fill the spring with water and maintain the temperature of same below 140 degrees, Fahrenheit. They are all accurately graduated by open mercury column and thoroughly inspected before leaving the Works. For greatest durability, a gauge should be graduated to double its working pressure. It is, therefore, important that you specify a graduation bearing this relation to the working pressure. Where the gauge is to be of the Compound Type for the indication of pressure and vacuum, it is necessary to specify the point to which the pressure scale is to be graduated. The vacuum scale is regularly graduated to 30 inches, but if specified will be graduated to equivalent pounds. Silvered dials are regularly furnished for all gauges, except ammonia gauges for which the dead white dial Is standard. Fig. S. P. Pressure Gauge PRESSURE GAUGE Fig. S. V. Vacuum Gauge Service — For any pressure medium which will not deteriorate brass. Construction — Made in Iron Case with Brass or Nickel Plated Ring and in Brass or Nickel Plated Deep or Shallow Case. The Interior mechanism consists of a Single Spring and Standard Geared Movement. The connection is % inch male bottom on the 2V2 inch size, and % inch male bottom on all larger sizes. Service — For the indication of vacuum. VACUUM GAUGE Construction — Made in Iron Case with Brass or Nickel Plated Ring and in Brass or Nickel Plated Deep or Shal- low Case. The interior mechanism consists of a Single Spring — in reversed position — and Standard Geared Move- ment. The connection is Vs inch male bottom on the 2% inch size and M inch male bottom on all larger sizes. Vacuum Gauges, unless otherwise specified, will always be furnished graduated to 30 inches. Tliey can be gradu- ated to equivalent in pounds instead of inches, if so stated when ordering. Size Dial Iron Case Iron Case Brass Case Standard with with Nickel Plated Brass Ring N. P. Ring All Over Dial Pressures 12 $50.00 $51.50 $75.00 $79.00 -) 10 32.00 33.00 10.00 43.00 ( 30, 100. 200 8% 22.00 22.75 30.00 32.50 r 300, 500 6% 16.00 16.60 20.00 22.00 J 6 13.00 13.50 16.00 17.50 "1 13.25 [ 12.00 ( 6% 10.00 10.25 6 8.00 8.20 11.00 200, 300, 500 4% 8.00 8.20 10.00 11.00 J 3% 7.00 7.18 9.00 9.75 3 6.00 6.15 8.00 8.60 } 2% 6.00 6.15 8.00 8.60 160. 200, 300 Larger Sizes Furnished on Application DOUBLE SPRING PRESSURE GAUGES (Non-Freezing) Service — For any pressure medium which will not deteriorate brass, and where the service is too severe for the Single Spring Type. Construction — Made in Iron Case with Brass or Nickel Plated Ring and in Brass or Nickel Plated Deep or Shallow Case. The interior mechanism consists of a Double Spring and Hard Geared Movement. In the 8 Vi inch, 10 inch and 12 inch sizes the move- ment is mounted on the socket independently of gauge back. The connection is V4 Inch male bottom. HTien qrdering do not fail to state: Size Dial and style of Gauge, also maximum pressure to which the Dial Is to be graduated. Unless otherwise specified. Iron Case with Brass Ring will always be furnished. Above prices, 3 inches and larger include Cocks with each Gauge. On smaller sizes Cocks will he furnished at an extra price. No Steam Gauge war- ranted unless properly connected with Siphon Size Dial inches IronCase with Brass Ring Iron Case with N.P. Ring Brass Case Brass Case N. P. All Over Standard Graduations of Dial Pressures 12 10 4% $35.00 37.00 25.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 $56.50 38.00 25.75 18.60 15.50 12.25 11.20 10.20 $S0.00 45.00 34.00 22.00 18.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 $S4.00 4S.00 36.50 24.00 19.50 15.25 14.00 13.00 200 Other Graduations are 100-250 300-500 Mg. D. P. PreBBure Gauge LArsrer Sizes Furnished on Application 450 Geo-BCaiipeM'ter ^ eo. HYDRAULIC AND AMMONIA GAUGES Fig. S. F. Hydraulic Gauge Fig. S. R. Ammonia Gauge HYDRAULIC GAUGES With Steel Spring Figr. S. F., Service — For the indication of all pressures from 1,000 to 20,000 pounds. Construction — Made in Iron Case with Brass or Nickel Plated Ring and in Brass or Nickel Plated Shallow Case. The in- terior mechanism consists of a Single Steel Spring and Standard Geared Movement. The connection is % inch male bottom, with wrench space for use in connecting the Gauge, and contains a check valve to eliminate shock due to the sudden release of pressure. When orderins: state the maximum pressure to which the Gauge is to be graduated. All Gauges, to insure the best re- sults, should be graduated to double their working pressure. If a double scale, showing pounds pressure per square inch and tons on ram is required, state the diameter of ram and the number of tons to which the Gauge is to be graduated. Size Dial Inches Iron Case with Brass Ring Iron Case with N. P. Ring Brass Case Brass Case N. P. all Over Standard Graduations of Disc Pressures IS 5 $70 00 50 00 35.00 30.00 25.00 $70.75 50 60 35.50 30.50 25.50 $80.00 60.00 40.00 35 00 30 00 $82.50 62.00 41.50 36 00 31.00 2000 5000 1000-3000 10000 20000 No Cocks are furnished with those Ganges. For Gauges with maximum hand, add $5.00 to list prices. AMMONIA GAUGES Steel Spring For Ice and Refrigerating Machines — For pressures up to 500 pounds. Fig. S. R., Service — For Ammonia Gas or other pressure me- diums which will deteriorate brass. Construction — Made in Iron Case with Nickel Plated Ring. The interior mechanism consists of a Single Steel Spring and Standard Geared Movement heavily nickel plated. All other parts are made to withstand any corrosive action. The connection is V4 inch male bottom. In ordering state whether a compound scale showing pressure and vacuum, or pressure only is required. Furnished with back connection when so ordered. Size Dial Inches Iron Case with N. P. Ring Standard Graduation of Dial Pressures IS 41/2 $45,751 40 60 > 35 50j 30.50 ] 30 50 J- 25.50J 150 lbs. and 30 inch vacuum 300 lbs. and 30 inch vacuum INDEPENDENT GEARED MOVEMENT GAUGE (Steel Case) Hard Rubber Finish With spring-mounted glass to prevent breakage in handling. For any pressure medium which will not deteriorate brass, and for vacuum, compound pressure and vacuum, and water altitude indication. For standard graduations see Pressure or Compound Pressure and Vacuum Lists. This gauge Is admirably adapted for use on hot water systems. Vacuum Gauges graduated to 30 inches of vacuum. Alti- tude Gauges regularly furnished graduated to 70 feet. Furnished in sizes 3% inch to 5 inch only. Altitude style furnished in iVz Inch size only. While this style gauge is regularly furnished without a flange on back for fastening to board, we can furnish in this manner without extra charge. Fig. F. r. Independent Geared 3Iovement Gauge Size Dial Inches Pressure or Vacuura.r Compound Pressure and Vacuum Altitude 2%' 5 $6.00 7 00 8.00 9.00 $10.00 10 00 12 00 14.00 $12.00 Above prices (except 2Vi inch) include cock. GEo•B•eAIiPE^fTE^lJS eo. 451 COMPOUND AND COMBINATION PRESSURE AND VACUUM GAUGES Pis. S. C. Compound Pressure and Vacuum Gauge p|g. g. \V. Conibinntion Water Pressure Gauge The standard graduation for all sizes Compound Pressure and Vacuum Gauges are 30, 60, 100 and 160 pounds pressure and 30 inclies vacuum and for Combination T\^ater Pressure Gauges, 100, 200 and 300 pounds prossure and equivalent in feet. ^VTien ordering do not fail to state size dial and style of Gauge, also the maximum pressure to which the dial is to be graduated. Fig. S. C.-S. W. — Service — For any pressure medium which will not deteriorate brass and for the indi- cation of vacuum. Construction — Made in Iron Case with Brass or Nickel Plated Ring and in Brass or Nickel Plated Deep or Shallow Case. The interior mechanism consists of a Single Spring and Standard Geared Movement. The connection is % inrh male bottom. Size Dial Iron Case Iron Case Brass Case Nickel Plated All Over inches Brass Ring N. P. Ring Brass Case 12 $60.00 $61.50 $80.00 $84.00 10 40.00 41.00 50.00 53.00 8% 30.00 30.75 40.00 42.50 6% 20.00 20.60 25.00 27.00 6 16.00 16.50 20.00 21.50 5% 14.00 14.25 16.00 17.25 *5 14.00 14.25 16.00 17.25 t4% 12.00 12.20 14.00 15.00 3 1;, 10.00 10.18 12.00 12.75 *The 5 inch Combination Water Pressure Gauges take the same list prices as the 4^ inch Dial. fThe ZVz inch size is not made in the Combination Water Pressure Gauge. Fig. D. T. Double Spring Traction I^ngine Gauge Pig. A. T. Auxiliary Spring Traction Engine Gauge TRACTION ENGINE GAUGES Service — For Traction or Portable Engines or any other severe service. Standard graduation 300 lbs. Construction — Made in Iron Case with Close Brass or Nickel Plated Ring. The Interior mechanism consists of a Double Spring and Hard Geared Movement. The Ring if fitted with an asbestos packing ring which, bearing on the glass, excludes all moisture, dust and other foreign sub- stances. The connection is % inch male bottom. Can furnish M inch without extra charge. Iron Case with Brass Ring Iron Case with Nickel Ring THESE PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE COCKS 452 GEO-B-eARPEffTER « QO. TEST SETS, SIPHONS AND RECORDING GAUGES RECORDING GAUGE (With Cock) The American Recording Gauge is designed to correctly record any variation of pressure during tlie day or night. The chart is rotated by a special clock movement, designed especially for this work. The new fountain pen, which we furnish with the recording gauges, is far superior to the Hod pen and other ink recording attachments used in other makes of recording gauges. A special Red Ink is fur- nished for this pen; the ordinary ink will not flow properly. This gauge can be furnished with high and low alarm at slight additional expense. Size Iron Case, N. P. Ring, each Brass Case Shallow, each Brass Case Deep, each 6% inch Dial $36.00 44.00 58.00 76.00 $40.00 50.00 65.00 85.00 $45.00 55 00 8% inch Dial 72 00 12 inch Dial 95.00 One year's supply of charts, one bottle of Ink, and filler, are fur- nished with every Instrument. Nickel plated gauges are furnished for same price as brass. INSPECTORS' TEST SET This is a light, convenient and compact outfit especially suited for boiler inspectors. While this set is highly efficient and accurate, the total weight of the outfit in its velvet lined morocco case is but 8 pounds. Includes: 1 Nickel Plated Test Pump. 1 3-inch Nickel Plated Test Gauge, page 54, graduated to 300 pounds. 1 Nickel Plated Small Union Cock. 2 Nickel Plated Hexagon Couplings. 1 Nickel Plated Gauge Hand Jack. 1 Nickel Plated Gauge Hand-set. Price per set. Complete with case $45.00 Fig. R. N. Double Fig. R, W. Double Radiator Type Fig. P. I. Coil Pipe Type Radiator Type Without Cock with Cock NO STEAM GAUGE SHOULD BE USED WITHOUT A SIPHON DOUBLE RADIATOR SIPHON Figs. R. N.-R. AV. The interior construction is such as to deflect the steam against the bottom of the chamber, where it is condensed, thus preventing live steam entering the gauge spring. At the same time, a perfect siphoning action is secured, by which the gauge spring is drained of all water when the pres- sure is removed, thereby preventing freezing. TheCoil Pipe Siphon is recommended for general service in connection with steam gauges except where it is necessary to drain itself entirely or where vibration and other conditions prevail, which make its use impractical. These Coil Pipe Siphons are furnished in either straight or angle form of iron, brass or brass nickel plated. Fig. R. N. Fig. R. W. Fig. P. I. Iron $0.50 Brass $1.25 $1.50 1.00 IVIckel Plated 1.50 1.75 1 1.50 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « SO. 453 OIL FILTERS The primary object of the Nugent Oil Filter is to provide the best known filtering elements which are convenient, simple, ef- fective, interchangeable, get-atable, and removable without inter- fering with its continuous operation or with a single pipe, fitting, bolt or valve. Simply open a door and turn on the electric light. There are no mysterious passages for the oil to travel through. There are no partitions to complicate the cleaning operation. Wool, waste, excelsior, bone black, charcoal or felts cannot stop up the needle point sight feed valves and oil cups. We don't claim to refine the oil and make it better than new. We guarantee to take out that which has gotten into it, viz.: dirt, grit and water. By so doing the oil is saved and cleaned and may be used over and over again, effecting a saving of fully SO per cent. This operation does not interfere with the filtration process or a single pipe connection. Simply open the door, turn on the electric light and ^ swing around the dirty set of bags ^ which will stop automatically in front :A of the door and directly below the J blank drip. It is not necessary to remove the bag from its respective ring for washing or cleaning. W^ash bags in gasoline, benzine, kerosene or hot water. No. Filter is cylindrical the total height. Nos 1, 2, 3 Filters are re 5, 6 Filters have cylindrical top and rectangular base. r ■- . .. „^ A Prj ^MfKt- fi |^HbBH| iJ H^nVi '^T^i^^^^^K 'Bjj^^K^ _,^^^^^^ ike cut. Nos. List Prices Filtering Capacity bfi Dimensions, inches Shipping Weight in Pounds 6 Z u 41 s •-• 54 im 3~ -5 to c fill mi i 1 2 3 4 5 6 $20.00 1 $30.00 1 48 35.00 1 40.00 96 53.00 1 60.00 144 80.00 1 90.00 288 104.00 i 112.00 1 432 180.00 ' 190.00 1 720 260.no 1 285.00 | 1000 2 4 6 12 18 30 42 5 15 26 40 60 85 11.- 10 12 17 18 23 24 30 10 16 20 28 24 35 38 32 42 42 42 50 50 50 40 50 50 50 58 58 58 20 70 90 175 210 275 370 30 75 100 190 230 300 410 Perfection, Japanned Iron, with Tlireaded Shank, to . , Screw into Wood Size inches. % 34 1 ly^ 1% 2 ^^ t. doz., lbs. 17 19 20 .33 44 59 Per doz |9.50 12.00 14.00 16.50 20.00 28.00 Perfection, Japanned Iron. Threaded Shank to Screw Into Iron Pipe Size, inches % 1 114 ii^ 2 I Japanned Sizp. Inch ^ETR( Cast Ire Scr )LEUM FAUCETS «=- Fits. 14 n, liCver Handle, witli Brass Key, ew Shank for Wood % lA BX « 1 Wt. do Per d( z.. lbs )Z 19 2 $12.00 14. 9 33 00 16.50 44 20.00 2 59 8.00 P ^t. doz., er dozen lbs . 6 . $10.00 9 11.00 1 13 18 3.00 16.0 28 23.00 FILTERS OF LARGER CAPACITIES Q.rOTED UPON RECEIPT OF REQUIREMENTS 454 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. NUGENT'S PATENT OILING DEVICES Anti-stand Dust Proof Crank Pin Center Oiling De- vice, designed for lubricating the crank pin of an engine or any other bearing surface where applicable, from a sta- tionary sight feed oil cup without the aid of a support- ing stand from the floor or ! other rigid object. As applied, this device is made oil tight without the aid of stuffing-boxes or packing. ' Oil cup proper remains per- fectly stationary when engine is running at full speed, and not a particle of dust or grit can enter with the oil. IN ORDERING Send exact stroke of engine, which is twice the distance be- tween centers of the shaft and crank pin. If purchaser furnishes the bolt, send diameter of bolt for each stroke engine. If crank pin is drilled and you want us to furnish the bolt, send full particulars and data about the hole — that is, the size and kind of tap, including the number of threads to the inch, and if pin has a loose cap, send thickness of this cap at the center where the bolt goes through. If purchaser furnishes the oil cup, always mention size of tap for same. /lel/S. (Inclusive) Stroke Polished without Oil Cup Size and Kind of Bolts We Ship With Each When No Other Size or Kind is Or- dered Use No Smaller Size of Oil Cup Recommended Diameter Threads to the Inch Capacity Ounce Size of Shank Pipe Tap 6 to 16 17 " 30 31 " 48 49 " 72 $10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 % % 1 10 10 9 8 3 5 10 Pint % % Vz Fig. 178 illustrates Telescopic Crosshead Pin and Top Guide Oiling device. List price without Oil Cups. Polished. 1 to 30 in. stroke, inclusive $21.00 31 to 48 in. stroke.inclusive 24.00 49 to 72 in. stroke, inclusive 27.00 If distance I is longer than 8 Vz in. add $2.00 to list price for supports which will be necessary. IN ORDERING Send stroke; pipe tap at E, H and KK and distances A, B, C, D. Order by Pig. No. 178. Fig. 27 illustrates Telescopic Double Eccentric Oiling Device. List Price without Oil Cups, polished. For Single Eccentric, all throws $21.00 For Double Eccentric, all throws 36.00 IN ORDERING Set Eccentrics on top center and give distances K, L, M, also N. O and the throw for each eccentric. Pipe tap at 1 and J. Order by Fig. No. 173 for single and No. 27 for double Eccentrics. If L or L-f M exceeds 15 inches add $2.50 to the list price for sup- ports which will be necessary. Order by Fig. No. 27. Fig. 179 illustrates Telescopic Center Crank Pin Oiling Device. List Price without Oil Cup. • Polished. 1 to 11 in. stroke, inclusive $22.00 12 to 18 in. stroke, inclusive 24.00 , IN ORDERING Send stroke; pipe tap at A and C, and distances D, E, F and G. Order by Pig. No. 179. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S (EO, 455 PENBERTHY AUTOMATIC INJECTORS A perfect restarting automatic machine. If the current of water is broken by any cause, the injector will pick up the water and re-establish the current to the boiler without the least attention. Every machine is carefully tested, and will work on the following points: Start -low, 20 to 22 pounds steam on 3-foot lift. Work high, 165 to 170 pounds steam on 3-foot lift. Lift water, 20 to 24 feet on 60 to 80 pounds steam. Will deliver water to boiler at 160 to 212 degrees, according to temperature of feed water and steam pressure. Water 200 to 212 degrees can always be delivered at nearly all pressures over 50 pounds by throttling suction valve and delivering minimum capacity. It is advisable in many cases to install an injector large enough so that the supply can be cut down and attain this result, thereby saving fuel. By placing a short piece of pipe having a stopcock, in the overflow, and closing after the injector has started, water 8 to 10 degrees hotter can be handled, but the injector is rendered non-auto- matic while the stopcock is closed. Size H. P. Based on Ordinary Tubular Boiler H. P. Based on 30 lbs. Water per H. P. per Hour Pipe Connec- tions inches Gals, per Hour 1 to 3 ft. Lift, 60 to 110 lbs. Steam Pressure Price Each Max. Min. 00 A AA B BB C cc D DD E EE F PP G GG 3 to 6 4 to 8 8 to 16 12 to 22 17 to 32 20 to 45 40 to 65 45 to 80 50 to 100 75 to 135 100 to 180 115 to 255 160 to 320 200 to 400 300 to 500 375 to 600 4 to 8 6 to 12 10 to 20 15 to 30 22 to 45 25 to 60 45 to 80 50 to 100 60 to 135 85 to 165 125 to 235 150 to 320 200 to 400 250 to 500 325 to 600 400 to 750 % V2 % % 1 1 1% ly* iy2 iy2 2 2 21^ 21^ 60 80 135 180 260 360 475 600 800 1000 1400 1900 2400 3000 3600 4200 35 45 70 100 140 180 250 325 425 525 740 850 1275 1600 1875 2150 $ 15.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 55.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 110.00 125.00 150.00 200.00 REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS Size of Injector, O 00 A AA B BB C CC D DD EE FF G GG R — Steam Jet each S — Suction Jet Y — Delivery Jet X — Coupling Nut V — Tail Pipe Z — Overflow Cap P — Overflow Valve N — Overflow Hinge .... O— Plug Strainer $0.25 .25 1.25 .25 .25 .30 .40 .10 .60 .40 $0.35 .35 1.50 .30 .30 ,40 .50 .10 .80 .45 $0,45 ,45 2,00 .40 ,40 .50 .60 .15 1.00 .50 $0.55 .55 2.50 .50 .50 .60 .75 .15 1.25 .55 $0.65 .65 3.00 .60 .60 .70 .90 .15 1,50 .60 $0.75 .75 3.75 1.25 .80 ,80 1.00 .20 1.75 .75 $0.75 .75 4,50 1,25 .80 ,80 1.10 .20 1.75 .75 $1.00 1,00 6,50 1.50 1,00 .90 1.25 .20 2.00 1.00 $2.00 3.00 9.00 2.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 .30 4.00 1.50 Extra parts furnished for injectors numbered above 21000 without returning it to factory. In ordering parts do not fail to give serial letter and number, which will be found on top of overflow. In referring to or ordering parts, designate them by letter or name as per above. FOR OTHER STYLES OF INJECTORS. SEE INDEX 456 Geo B- Carre hfTER « Co. Fig. 473A INJECTORS METROPOLITAN AUTOMATIC INJECTOR MODEL X The Metropolitan Injector Model X was designed to meet the demand for an injector whicn is specially adapted for the severe service encounte,red on trac- tion and portable engines and boilers and which will interchange' without alteration of piping, with other makes used on such services. The Model X is automatic or s«l£-starting after interruption of steam or feed water supply. The bronze compositions of the parts, which are identical with those in other models of the Metropolitan injector, make the Model X particularly well adapted for bad water and other severe conditions met in this service. The workmanship, as well as the materials throughout are of the highest grade. All the wearing parts are extra heavy and the distribution of metals in body or casing gives the greatest possible strength. The cost of maintenance of the' Model X is lower than any othey injector of this type. \Vorking Range — The Metropolitan Injector Model X when vv'orking with feed water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit on lift not over two feet, will work from 20 to 160 pounds steam pressure; with feed water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 20 feet lift, it will work from 55 to 100 pounds steam pressure; with feed water at 120 degrees Fahrenheit and two fe'et lift it will work from 30 to 85 pounds steam pressure. Every Metropolitan Injector is thoroughly inspected and tested under actual working conditions before leaving the factory and is fully guaranteed. A flai strainer is furnished with each Model X Injector. Capacity per Hour 65 to 90 lbs. 2 ft. hiit. gals. Horse Power Ordinary Horse Power Water Size of all Pipe Tubuiar Boiler; Tube Boiler sue No. Connectiona Basis 7V2 gals. Water per H-P per Hour* Basis 30 lbs. Water per Hour* 20 % 60 2 to 6 4 to 8 $15.00 30 80 4 to 8 6 to 12 16.00 35 ^ 140 8 to 16 12 to 20 18.00 40 190 16 to 23 20 to 30 20.00 50 % 270 23 to 30 30 to 45 25.00 60 % 370 30 to 45 45 to 60 30.00 70 1 490 45 to 65 60 to 80 40.00 80 1 620 65 to 80 80 to 110 45.00 90 1% 780 80 to 100 110 to 145 .''.5.00 100 lyt 890 100 to 130 145 to 180 60.00 ♦These horse-power gallons per hour. ratings are approximately 3 per cent below those based on actual capacities in. Fig. 472B. U. S. Automatic Injector Size All Pipe Connec- tions Capacity Gallons per Hour Horse Power Each Max. Mln. y* 36 15 1 to 4 $13.00 % 65 28 3 to 8 14.00 % 90 40 6 to 10 16.00 125 60 8 to 15 18.00 170 75 15 to 20 20.00 ^ 250 125 20 to 30 25.00 340 140 30 to 40 30.00 475 250 40 to 60 40.00 575 300 60 to 70 45.00 1 ^A 750 350 70 to 95 55.00 1 Vt 920 450 85 to 120 60.00 1 y^ 1350 675 120 to 165 75.00 i /2 1750 850 165 to 230 90.00 2 2275 1000 230 to 295 110.00 2 2820 1300 295 to 375 125.00 2 3400 1700 375 to 460 150.00 m 3650 1800 460 to 500 175.00 4000 1950 500 to 600 200.00 Fig. 472C. The "Leader" Injector Sizes of Pipes Horse Power of Boiler Will Feed Oals. per Hour (30 lbs. Steam Size Steam Pipe Suction & Feed 1 % % 3 to 7 60 $16.00 2 % % 7 to 10 90 18.00 3 % Vz 12 to 18 150 22.00 4 % V2 18 to 25 220 25.00 5 % % 25 to 35 300 30.00 6 1 % 35 to 45 400 35.00 7 % 1 45 to 60 500 40.00 8 % 1 60 to 70 600 45.00 9 1 1% 70 to 90 750 55.00 10 1 1% 100 to 125 1000 65.00 11 IV4 1% 125 to 150 1300 75.00 12 ly* 1% 150 to 200 1800 90.00 FOR PIPE, FITTINGS AND VALVES. SEE INDEX GEO-BCAHPEffTER « €X). 45: METROPOLITAN AUTOMATIC INJECTORS MODEL N Figr. 5 Injector Fig. 5A Repair Parts INJECTORS— MODEL N Sizes Price £ach Size of all Pipe Connec- tion. Inches Size Over- flow or Waste Pipe Inches Capacity with SO p'nds Steam Pres- sure. 2-ft. Lift, Gallons Horse-Power for the Ordinary Type of Boiler and Engine Horse-Power on a Basis of 30 pounds Evaporation per H.-P. per Hour 2 $ 15.00 ■'s % 60 4 to 6 5 to a 3 16.00 % 80 6 to 8 8 to 12 3% 18.00 y„ % 120 8 to 15 12 to 20 4 20.00 y„ It 165 15 to 20 20 to 28 5 25.00 % 1 250 20 to 30 28 to 40 6 30.00 % 1 350 30 to 45 40 to 55 7 40.00 IV4. 500 45 to 65 55 to 80 8 45.00 600 65 to 80 80 to 110 9 55.00 1 ^ 1 v> 800 80 to 100 110 to 145 10 60.00 1 V^ 11^ 1000 100 to 130 145 to 180 11 75.00 1 V2 2 1300 130 to 170 180 to 235 12 90.00 IV2 2 1750 170 to 230 235 to 300 13 110.00 2% 2300 230 to 300 300 to 400 14 125.00 2 2% 2850 300 to 375 400 to 500 INJECTOR REPAIR PARTS PRICE. EACH « ll=8 ■0 n •-3 c c£=«l^ ^ § tic . hining ery Ti Auxili Check ^11 :i $U.70 IV* V4. % 1.06 .90 1 IVs V4 1 1.36 1.15 2 2 1.80 1.50 3 ZVz y^ 31/2 2.60 2.15 4 3 % 5 3.40 2.90 Finished brass only carried in stock. Fig-. 464 *Peerless" Grease Cup BIPROVED 'PARAGON" GLASS BODY SIGHT-FEED LUBRICATOR For Gas, Gasoline or Oil Engines Size Outside Diam. of Glass, inches Heig-ht of Glass inches Capacity (Oil) ounces Shank Pipe Thread inches Nickel Plated each Finished Brass each number | 1% 1% 1% 1% $2.40 $2.00 2 2 1% 2% % 3.25 3 2y* % 4.10 3.50 4 5 6 2% 3 3% 2% 3 4 5 10 18 % ^A Va 4.60 6.25 8.20 4.00 5.40 7.00 4y4 5 32 % 16.40 14. 00 FiK. 471 'Paragon" Lub- ricator PLAIX ENGINE LUBRICATOR Pipe Plain, with Xo. inches Thread each Cocli and Tube each 00 1 % $2.00 ?3.00 1% % 2.20 3.20 iy2 % 2.40 3.40 1% 2.60 3.60 3 2 v» 2.90 3.90 4 11 % 3.25 4.25 5 % 3.75 4.75 6 3 4.75 5.75 3% % 7.00 8.00 S 4 % 10.00 11.00 Fig. 471B AVlth Drip Cock 'UNIVERSAL" HAND OIL PmiP Size number | 3A | 5A | 6A | Nos. 3, 04, 4, and 5 to go on side of Cylinder or Steam Pipe Outside Diameter of Glass inches Height of Glass inches Capacity Shank Pipe Thread inch Glass Body, Finished Brass each Glass Body, nickel plated each Brass Body, finished brass each Brass Body, nickel plated each Extra Glasses each Extra Cork Washers per doz. 2y4 3 3% 2V6 3 4 % Pint ya Pint 1 Pint % % y2 % 7.50 $ 8.50 $10.00 8.25 9.50 11.00 8.30 9.50 11.00 9.10 10.30 12.20 .15 .35 .65 .45 .60 .75 4y4 1 Quart $15.00 16.50 16.50 18.20 1.50 1.50 FELTHOUSEN PATENT HAND CYLINDER OIL POIPS No. Description Size inches i:5 1 03 Rough, with bowl for tallow Finished with bowl for tallow Finished 2 xi 2 x2 2 x2 2%x2% 2 x2 2%x2% 7 x4% % 3.50 5.00 3.50 5.00 3.50 5.00 7.50 12.00 20.00 $ 3.50 5.00 3.65 5.25 3.65 5.25 7.80 12.00 20.00 J0.30 .30 .40 6 3 Finished Finished .60 .40 04 Finished .60 4 Finished .75 5 Loco Pump, Gauge Glass and 2-outlet Cock Feltbousen Nos. 03 and 6 to go on top, ot Cylinder or Steam Pipe 468 GEO-BvCARPEhfTER ^ CO. LUNKENHEIMER OIL CUPS Tie. 4602. 'PIONEER' "Royal" Fig. 4603. "Victor" SLIDE-TOP GLASS BODY OIL CUP riff. 4604. -'Crown' Number Extreme Outside Diameter of Cup inciies Extreme Heiglit of Cup (over all) inches Outside Diameter of Glass.. Height of Glass Capacity ounces Shank Pipe Thread inch Finished Brass each Nickel plated " 2% 1 % 15/16 1% IV2 3-3/16 1% 1% % % $0.80 .95 3% 1% 1% 1 v* $1.00 1.20 4-1/16 1% 1% 1% % $1.25 1 50 2-5/16 4-7/16 2 1% 2% % $1.50 1 75 4% 2V4 2% 4 2% 5% 2% 2% 5 % $2.40 2 75 3 3 10 $3.10 3. 50 7% 3% 4 18 $4.00 4.50 4-9/16 8% 34 % $8.50 9.50 'ROYAL" SIGHT-FEED GLASS BODY OIL CUP Number Extreme Outside Diameter of Cup inches Extreme Height of Cup (over all) inches Outside Diameter of Glass.. Height of Glass Capacity ounces Shank Pipe Thread inch Finished Brass each Nickel plated " 1% 3 1 % y* $0.95 1-7/16 3-9/18 1% 1 V2 % $1.10 1.20 1% 3-13/16 IV4 1% % % $1.25 1 40 1% 4% 1% 1% 1 V4 $1.50 21/8 4-9/16 1% 1% 11/2 % $1.75 2% 4-15/16 2 1% 2% % $2.10 2 35 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5 % $3 15 3.50 6% 3 10 % $3.90 4 30 (-15/16 3% 9 4% 5 34 % $10.00 12.00 "VICTOR" INDEX GLASS BODY OIL CUP Number Extreme Outside Diameter of Cup (lever included) inches Extreme Height of Cup (over all) inches Outside Diameter of Glass.. Height of Glass Capacity ounces Shank Pipe Thread inch Finished Brass each Nickel plated " 2-5/18 i-13/16 1% % % $1.00 1 15 1 Ml/16 4% 1% 1% 1 % $1.20 1.40 IV2 2-15/16 4-13/16 1% 1% 1% % $1.45 170 % $1.75 2 00 6 2% 2% 4 % $2.15 2.45 6% 2^4 2% 5 % $2.70 3.05 3 3 10 % $3.40 3.80 5% 8% 3% 4 18 $4 30 4.80 9% 4% 5 34 % $9.25 10.26 "CROWN" INDEX SIGHT-FEED GLASS BODY OIL CUP Number Extreme Outside Diameter of Cup (lever included) inches Extreme Height of Cup (over all) inches Outside Diameter of Glass.. Height of Glass " Capacity ounces Shank Pipe Thread inch Finished Brass each Nickel plated '. •• 2-5/16 4y2 1% 1% % % $1.25 1 40 2-11/16 5-3/16 IV2 1% 1 y4 $1.50 1.70 IV2 2-15/16 5% 1% 1% 1% Vi $1.75 6 2 1% 2y2 % $2.10 2 .■55 S-9/16 2yi 2% 4 % $2 55 2.85 7-7/16 2y2 2% 5 % $3 15 3.50 10 y2 $3.90 4 30 -3/16 3y2 $4-80 5.30 6% 10% 4% 5 34 % $10 00 12.00 "SENTINEL" SNAP LEVER SIGHT-FEED GLASS BODY OIL CUPS Number Extreme Outside Diameter of Cup inches Extreme Height of Cup over all, .'Straight Shank, lever up inches OutsideDiameterof Glass " Height of Glass ' " Capacity ounces Shank Pipe Thread inch Finished Brass each Nickel plated " Finished Brass Elbow Shank each Nickel plated Elbow Shank each 1 1% 2 S 4 .5 6 1V2 1% 2 2% i^k 2% 3y4 3% sy* 5% 5-15/16 6% 6-15/16 7% 8% 9 ly* 1% 1% 2 2V4 2% 3 3% lys 1% 1% !■% 2V& 2% 3 4 % 1 iy2 2Vy 4 5 10 18 Vs y4 y4 % % % ■^h y2 $3 00 $3 25 $3.50 $3.75 $4 25 $5 25 $7.25 $9 25 350 3.75 4.00 425 4.75 5.75 8 00 10.25 3 50 3 80 4.10 4.50 5 00 6.00 8.25 9 25 4.00 4 30 4 60 5 00 5.50 6 50 9.00 10 25 Illustration at left Bhowa straight shank with lever up, cup feeding, the elbow shank, lever down, and feed stopped. Fie. 4606A FOR OEL CUP GLASSBS. AND OTHER STYLES OF OIL AND GREASE CUPS. SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo. 469 EMPRESS OIL CUPS style A Style B Style N Spindle AVick Oiler Fig. 5730 Style A Low setting dustproof cup. For use where space is limited. Edge of cap overhangs and permits filling from oil can spout. Style B Opened by raising cap, which can be turned to be filled from any direction. Cap closes automatically, cannot jar open and is dustproof. Style N Can be used in horizontal or oblique position. Cap is fitted with spring friction fit allowing opening by turning one direction only. Dustproof. Cap will not jar open. No. Stock Thread Diam. of cap, inches A, B and N Diam. inches Pitch A B N % ^^ Price per 100 Cups 1 2 3* 4* 5* ft 32V 32V 24V 24V 24V % 1/2 % $ 7.00 9.50 10.70 12.50 16.00 * style A, No. 4, style B, Nos. 3. 4 and 5, and style N, No8. 3 and 4 are also furnished for Ys inch pipe thread. Spindle Wick Oiler Cross Section Figr. 573»A SPINDLE WICK OILER Shank No. 5739 For use on front axle or king bolt, when lubricating oil is used instead of hard grease k is Vs inch pipe thread, and is furnished in nickel plated finish. Made in one size only. only. Price each $1-2! Main Screw Top Oiler PLAIN SCREW TOP OIL CUP This type of oiler is made from drawn brass or steel, and is practically inde- structible and yet very light in weight. Pol. Brass Steel No. Diam. Hgt. Overall Pipe Th'd. Opt. Th'd. Price per 100 Price per 100 % 1% % V4 $30.00 $20.00 2 1 2 % % 40.00 30.00 3 IV* 2Vs % H 60.00 50.00 4 1% 2^ v* % 90.00 65.00 ALWAYS FURIVISH REGULAR PIPE THREAD UNLESS OPTIONAL THREAD IS SPECIFIED 470 GEO•B•eAIiI?E^fTER ^ eO. THE "MICHIGAN" ALL BRASS OIL GUPS ELBOW SHANK OILER Nin^nJ^ I 17 I 18 I 19 I 20 I 21 I 22 \W Diameter in c hes \ % \ i | 1 Vs | 1 ^/4 | 1 ¥2 | 1 % j 2 ThreadedlronPipe size | Vg | V4 | % \ Vi | % | % | ¥2 ^^^^ Each |$0.50|$0.70|$0.80|$1.00|$1.40|$1.80|$2.30 ^.^ ^^3^^ ^Plain ' ~~~ ~ ~ Elbow* Shank. PLAIN BRASS OILER Number |00|0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 \ 9 | lo"^ Diameter inches | % | % | Ys | 1 | 1 Vs | 1 V4 | 1 V2 | 1 % | 2 | 2 1/4 | 2 1/2 | 2 %~ Threaded Iron Pipe ... size | Vs \ Vs \ Vs | ¥4 | V4 | V4 | % | % | ¥2 | ¥2 | ¥2 | %~ Each |$0.25|$0.30|$0.35|$0.40|$0.50|$0.60!$0.90|$1.25|$1.75]$2.25|$2.75|$3.60 Add to list for Brass Tubes | TO^ .10| .10| .10| .10| TlSJ .15| .15| .15| .20| .20| .20 Fig. 463C. Plain THE MICHIGAN PLAIN GLASS OIL CUP No. Cap. ounces Shank Pipe Thread Diameter Glass Height Glass Brass Finish each 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 1/2 % 1 11/2 2y2 4 6 10 Pint Vs V8 1/4 ¥4 % % % V2 V2 IVs IV4. 1% 1% 2 2% 2% 31/8 31/^ 1 1% 1% 11/2 1% 2% 2V2 2 78 4 $1.30 1.35 1.70 2.15 2.65 3.30 4.00 5.35 6.65 Vip;. 463E. «Snap L,ever'» Si^ht Feed Oiler. THE MICHIGAN "SNAP LEVER" SIGHT FEED OILER No Capacity Shank Fipe Diameter Brass Finish ounces Thread each 121 % Vs 11/4 % 2.50 122 1 ¥4 1% 2.70 123 1% V4: 1% 2.90 124 21/^ % 2 3.15 125 4 % 2% 3.50 126 6 % 2% 5.20 127 10 V2 3V8 6.00 128 Pint "^k 31^ 7.50 129 Quart % 41/8 13.00 FlK. 4eiA. CYLINDRICAL AND URN-SHAPED GLASSES Nnmher |000 | 00 | | 1 IIV3 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 p Outside Dia. of Cyl. Glasses in. Height of Cyl. Glasses in. Outside Dia. of top of Urn-Shaped Glasses in. Height of Urn-Shaped Glasses in. Cylindrical or Urn- Shaped Glasses ..each Cork Washers per doz.- Flg. 4618. GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER ^ GO. 471 LUNKENHEIMER PATENT DRIP AND SIGHT-FEED VALVES, WIPER CUPS, ETC. OILING DEVICES FOR ENGINE AND MACHINERY BEARINGS Fig. 3404 Fig. 3405 Pig, 3406 Fig, 3407 Fig. .1408 Fig. 3409 Fig. 3410 Fig. 3411 Size inch Fig. 3 391. Cross Drip Valve each Fig. 3392. Straight Drip Valve " Fig. 3393. Angle Drip Valve •• Fig. 3 394. Corner Drip Valve " Fig. 3 3 9.5. Cross Sight-feed Valve " Fig. 3396. Straight Sight-feed Valve " Fig. 3397. Angle Sight-feed Valve '• Fig. 3398. Corner Sight-feed Valve " Fig. 3399. Cross Sight-feed Valve with Union " Fig. 3400. Straight Sight-feed Valve with Union " Fig. 3401. Angle Sight-feed Valve with Union " Fig. 3 402. Corner Sight-feed Valve with Union " Fig. 3403. Adjustable Wiper Cup for Wick, straight Shank " Fig. 3404. Adjustable Wiper Cup for Wick, Elbow Shank . " Fig. 3405. Adjustable Crankpin Wiper Cup " Fig. 3406. Adjustable Plain Wiper Cup, Elbow Shank. ... " Fig. 3408. Adjustable Plain Wiper Cup, Straight Shank. . " Fig. 3409. Horizontal Wick Wiper Tip " Fig. 3410. Wiper Tips " Brass Finished %.%.% $1.50 1.25 1.25 1.50 2.30 2.00 2.00 2.30 2.80 2.50 2.50 2.80 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 .40 % $1.60 1.40 1.40 1.60 3.20 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.70 3.50 3.50 3.70 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 3.00 2.30 .50 Xickel Plated %.%,% % $1.75 1.50 1.50 1.75 2.60 2.25 2.25 2.60 3.10 2.80 2.80 3.10 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 3.00 2.30 .50 $1.85 1.65 1.65 1.85 3.50 3.25 3.25 3.50 4.00 3.80 3.80 4.00 3.50 4.00 3.50 4.00 3.50 2.60 Fig. 3407. PLAIN W^PER CUP Pipe Th'd O. Diam. 2 Brass $1.00 1.50 2.00 Nickel PI. ^$1T20~~ 1.75 2.40 Fig. 3411. DRIP TROUGHS Length in. Pipe Th'd Rough % $0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 $1.00 1.50 2.00 2.75 $1.25 2.00 2.75 3.50 473 GEOBeARPEffTER S CO, Fig. 4621A Ideal Bxterior Fig. 4622A Jewel Exterior Fig. 46a4A Tiger Exterior LUNKENHEIMER GREASE GUPS Pig. 4621A. "IDEAL" AUTOMATIC GREASE CUP Number Inside diameter in. Extreme outside diam. . " Extreme lieiglit over all (plngr. raised, cup open) " Shank pipe thread " Capacity (grease) oz. Finished brass each Nickel plated " 00 1 2 » 4 .1 J$ 1% 2 2 2% 2% 3 3% 3V4. 1.75 $2.00 2.25 $2.50 2.80 $3.20 3.60 7V2 $4.30 5.00 'I 10 $6.00 6.75 "It 18 $12.50 13.80 Fig. 4622A. "JEWEL" AUTOMATIC GREASE CUP Number Inside diameter in. Extreme outside diameter " Extreme height over all (plunger raised, cup open)... " Shank pipe thread " Capacity (grease) oz. Finished brass each Nickel plated " 00 1 2 3 1 1% it P 2 2ii 2% 3% $0.80 1.00 $1.00 1.30 4% $1.3^0 1.70 $1.70 2.20 678 ,'^ $2.30 2.90 Fig. 4623A. SCREW PEED "MARINE" GREASE CUP Number Inside diameter in. Extreme outside diam... " Extreme height over all (plngr. raised, cup open) " Shank pipe thread " Capacity (grease) oz. Finished brass each Nickel plated " 00 1 2 3 4 % IVi 1% 2 2% 2% Hi 1% 2 ■ 2% 3A 3% 3A 4% 5^ 6A 7-?^ 8 §5 % % hk % % Vs Vs 1 IVb 3 6 10 $1.00 $1.20 $1.60 $2.00 $2.80 $4.00 1.20 1.45 1.90 2.40 3.40 4.75 Fig. 4624A. "TIGER" PLAIN BRASS GREASE CUP Number Inside diameter in Extreme outside diam., finished pattern " Extreme height over all (cup open), finished pattern ' Extreme outside diam., rough pattern •• Extreme height over all (cup open), rough pattern " Shank pipe thread " Capacity (grease) oz Finished brass each Finished brass, nickel plated " Rough brass % 1% 1% 1^ IH $0.70. .82 .56 1^ 1% 2 1^ 1 1% IH 1% 2% 1 $1.15 1.36 a 1% 2Vs 2^ 2% 2% % 2 $1.50 1.80 1.28 3 2% 2% 2% 2% ¥2 31/2 $2.15 2.60 1.76 Fig. 4625. "SURETY" GREASE CUPS With Wing Handle on Cap Number Inside diameter in Extreme outside diameter.'.*.'.'. " Shank pipe thread Capacity (grease) oz Finished brass each Finished brass, nickel plated " Rough brass " 00 1 1% 2 3 4 % 1^ 178 2% 2% 1^ iy2 IH 2y8 2% 3% ^ ^ y* % % lA % % 1 2 3% 5 $0.85 $1.05 $1.35 $1.80 $2.40 $3.60 .95 1.15 1.50 2.00 2.70 3.90 .70 .90 1.15 1.50 2.00 3.00 Fig. 4621 B Ideal Sectioual Fig. 4622B Jewel Sectional Fig. 4623B Marine Sectional Fig. 4e24B Tiger Sectional Fig. 4625B. PLAIN STEEL GREASE CUP Number Inside diameter in. Shank pipe thread " Height over all " Capacity (grease) '.'.'oz. Rough steel . each 1% y2 $0.25 ly* 1 2 3 4 1% 2 2y2 3 0/^ v* % '^. ?■* 2% 2]i 3% 5 $0.35 $0.45 $0.55 $0.80 $1.05 FOR OTHER STYLES OF GREASE AND OIL CUPS, SEE INDEX Fig. 46258 Plain Steel Cup GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER S 60. 473 EMPRESS GREASE GUPS Plata Mo. 200 Winkley Ratchet No. 249 GmpresH Ratchet No. 209 Fig. 200 Plain, pressed metal cup, light weight, large capacity, moderate priced. Fig. 209 Ratchet, pressed metal cup with positive locking cap to be used where vibration is excessive. Bottom is held in lower position in groove for filling. Fig. 249 Ratchet. Same as Fig. 200, but fitted with a simple effective locking device. Lock is electrically welded in cap, prevents same from jarring off. No Inside Diameter in. Shank Pipe Thread " Capacity, Grease No. 200, Plain, Steel each No. 200, Plain, Dull Brass " No. 249, Winkley Ratchet, Steel " No. 249, Winkley Ratchet, Dull Brass. . " No. 209, Empress Ratchet, Steel " No. 209, Empress Ratchet, Dull Brass.. . " 000 00 1 2 3 % 1 ly* 11/^ 2 2y2 yg % y* y* % Vz y* Vz % 1 2 3y2 $0.40 $0.50 $0.65 $0.80 $1.05 $1.45 .46 .56 .74 .96 1.28 1.76 .69 .82 .99 1.18 1.52 2.27 1 .76 .90 1.14 1.43 1.88 2.71 .70 .80 .95 1.15 1.40 2.00 1 .90 1.10 1.35 1.70 2.30 3.10 $2 4 3 5 00 No. 215 SPRING COIVIPRESSION GREASE CUPS ^^ No Inside Diameter, .in. Extreme Height (Plunger raised). Capacity oz. Pipe Thread .... in. Polished Brass. each Steel " 00 1 2ii Vz ys $1.50 1.30 l^A 1 y* $2.00 1.50 1 iy2 iy2 $2.50 1.75 2 2 6% 3 % $3.20 2.00 3 2% 7 A 6 y2 $4.30 2.75 No. 214 MARINE COMPRESSION GREASE CUP With Leather Packed Plunger and Lock Cap No 00 1 2 3 4 Inside Diameter, .in. 1 1% iy2 2 2y2 2^;; Extreme Height (Plunger raised). 3M 4U 5 A 6% 7tk 8% Capacity oz. y2 1 iy2 3 6 10 Pipe Thread ... .in. yg y* y^ % Vz y2 Polished Brass. each $1.30 $1.52 $1.95 $2.37 $3.20 $4.20 Steel " 1.10 1.27 1.50 1.72 2.15 2.70 ^o. 214 CiH>aM Section GEO•B•eARPE^fTER s So OIL TANKS, CANS AND PUMPS THE PEERLESS Fig. 478A Thes^ are made of No. 26 galvanized iron up to 165 gal- lons; above of heavier ma- terial, -with a 4 inch screw filler cap and a % inch ground kev brass faucot. Capacity. Gallons Each 30 $ 5.00 60 6.00 110 7.50 165 11.50 215 14.70 KEROSENE CANS Fig. 478D Per doz. 1 gal. tin $3.00 2 gal. tin 4.0O 1 gal. galvanized iron.... 5.50 2 gal, galvanized iron.... 7.00 OILY WASTE CAN THE ACME "Fis. 478G Inspected and labeled "Ap- proved by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, under the direction of tho National Board of Fire Under- writers." Made of heavy galvanized iron with simple self-closing tight-hinged cover, no springs. Has heavy band iron legs, se- curely riveted, raising body of can four inches from the floor. No. Can Size Cap. gal. Each Dla.,in.lHt. in. 11 22 33 44 55 11 ¥2 141/4 16 13 20 Va 25% 6 10 14 24 40 $1-75 2.25 3.00 4.00 5.50 ?.V; Diam. m. Height Weight lbs. Each 30 60 110 165 22 25 1? 27 31 1? 35 50 65 85 $ 4.60 5.20 8.50 12.50 SEAVEY OIL PUMPS THE WEISE Fig. 478C These tanks are made of No. 26 galvanized iron with a hinged cover and I14 inch per- fection gate. Are used for lubricating oils and varnish. Cap. iDiam.l Hgt., gal. 1 in. 1 in. wt. lbs. Each 30 1 22 60 22 110 1 30 24 36 36 30 40 60 $5.50 6.00 9.50 FAUCET CANS Fig. 478E _ - ,„ J Made of heavy X tin; the Nos. 10 and 15 are reinforced at joints; all nave brass valves, and we believe are the best on the market. No. 5. I%x32 inches each $1.20 No. 10. 11/2x54 inches " 3.0O No. 15. 11/2X7S inches ... " 3-?>0 HEAYT^ MEASURES, SINGLE LIP Galvanized Iron Fie. 478H Each Each ..$3.25 . . 3.25 Fig. 47SF 5 gal. tin, % brass faucet each $1.75 10 gal. tin, % brass faucet each 2.2i> 5 gal. galvanized iron % brass faucet. . .each 3.25 10 gal. galvanized iron, % brass faucet .. .each 2.75 WOOD JACKET CANS 1 gallon $1.25 3 gallons, 2 gallons 2.00 5 gallons Tin Per doz. Per doz. lA pint $1.50 1 quart $2.35 y, pint 1.50 2 quarts 3.50 1 " pint 1.85 1 gallon 6.00 Fig. 4781 1 gal. tin jacket can.each $0.40 2 gal. tin jacket can.each .55 3 gal. tin jacket can.each .70 5 gal. tin jacket can.each .85 10 gal. tin jacket can.each l.uO Geo-B-Carpei^ter ^ Go. 4r. OILERS* AND ENGINEERS* SETS Fig. 476A Pig. 476B Fig. Fig. 476A TIN AXD COPPER VALVE STOP OILERS Number 1 1 3 5 « 7 3 32 12.00 24.00 2 27 12.00 24.00 2 21 12.00 20.00 1 17 lO.OO 20.00 1 Height Price, tin ♦Price, copper inches per doz. per doz. 12 10.04* 18.00 *Not carried in stock, furnished to order only. pint, GYz inch spout. % pint, 7 inch spout, quart, 7 inch spout, quart, 12 inch spout, quart, 18 inch spout. Fig. 476B ENGINEERS' TIN DRIP OILERS .per doz. $3.75 «• 4.25 '• 4. .50 '• 5.0O '• 5.50 Fig. 2000. COPPER PLATED STEEL PUMP OILERS Se^amless steel cup bottom. Fewer soldered joints. Valves and pump can be inspected. Pump in- side, out of the way. Threads standard size so nozzles can be changed to other lengths. Finest and most accurate mechanism on the market. I Size 1000. 1 pint, 3% in. diameter, 9 in. nozzle per doz. $30.00 Size 2000. li/i pint, 3% in. diameter, 12 in. nozzle " 40.00 Size .3000. 1 quart, 41/3 in. diameter, 15 in. nozzle " 50.00 COPPER PLATED STEEL ENGINEERS' SETS Heavy plated in copper and handsomely finished. Vl^ITH ROUND TRAYS FIgr. C30. Five pieces, copper plated, including tray. . $5.00 Fig. C40. Six pieces, copper plated, including tray. . 7.00 COPPER PLATED STEEL STEAMBOAT SETS Not Illustrated ROUND DOUBLE TRAYS The Steamboat Sets are so constructed that, in spite of the motion of the boat, the Oilers will remain in their places. Fig. C70. Five pieces, copper plated, including tray.. iiSe.OO Fig. C80. Six pieces, copper plated, including tray . . 9.00 FOR ENGINE AND MACHINE OILS, SEE INDEX 476 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S SO. Fig. 503 Fig. 501 Fig. OO Cliace Pattern Fig. Fig. Figs. 404-406 "EVERLASTING" BRAZED STEEL BENCH OILER With brazed steel bottoms and heavy drop forged body. The bottom will never lose its elasticity. Guaranteed for five years' service. It is brazed or soldered with hard solder, and is the only oiler than can be placed on any fire to heat the oil in cold weather without melting the bottom out. It has a steel-spring bottom, brazed to drop forged steel body, making it the most durable oiler on the market. It will not corrode or choke' up the nozzle with verdigris. The nozzle is made of steel, case-hardened at the' point, and has a large opening at body, making it easy to fill. Spout and body polished. Extra heavy steel nozzle. Solid cut-brass bushing. wards furnished bent unless otherwise ordered. All lengths interchangeable. Nozzle, 6 inch and up- Size Per doz. Size Per doz. lOO. Va pint. 2% m. dia.. 2% in. nozzle . . $4.m 404. % pint. 4Vr in. dia.. 4 in. nozzle. . $7.00 104. Ve pint, 2 % in. dia.. 4 m. nozzle. . 4.50 406. % pint. 4Vh in, dia., fi in. nozzle. . 7.50 204. Va pint. 3% in. dia., 4 in. nozzle. . 5.0O 409. % pint. 4Vs in dia.. 9 in. nozzle. . 8.00 208. Vs pint, 3% in. dia. 6 in. nozzle. . 5.50 504. 1 pint, 4% in dia,, 4 in, nozzle. . 8.00 209. % pint, It in. dia. 9 in. nozzle. . 6.00 506. 1 pint. in. dia,, 6 in. nozzle. . 8.50 304. 1/2 pint, V2 pint. in. dia. 4 m. nozzle. . 6.00 509. 1 pint. in. dia.. 9 in. nozzle. . 9.00 306. 3% m. dia. B in. nozzle. . 6.50 512. 1 pint. 4 % in dia, IX in nozzle. . 9.00 309. V2 pint. 3% in. dia.. 9 in. nozzle'. . 7.00 Figs. 501-503 "INDESTRUCTIBLE" POLISHED STEEL OILERS This Oiler is made' with a heavy steel body. The bottom is made of tempered spring steel. The can is so constructed that no braze or solder is used on the oiftside, so if it becomes somewhat heated in melting oil, there is nothing on the outside that will melt. Size ."$01. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. Per doz. in. straight ,$4.75 in. straight 5.00 in. bent 5.50 in. bent 6.00 in. straight 5.75 1/2 pint, 3% in., 4 in. straight 6.00 in. bent 6..50 in. bent 7.00 1/3 pint, 3% in. Va pint, 3% in., Va pint, 3% in., 1/3 pint, 3% in., 1/2 pint, 3% 1/2 pint, 3% in. 1/2 pint, 33/4 ■ Size 509. 510. 511. 512. .513. 514. 515. 516. % pint, 41/8 in, % pint, iVn in % pint, 41/ pint, 4% pint, 41/2 pint, 41/2 Per doz. 3 in. straight $6.75 4 in. straight 7.00 6 in. bent 7.50 in., 9 in. bent 8.00 in., 3 in. straight 7.75 in., 4 in. straight S.f" in.. pint, 4% in., 6 in. bent 8.50 pint, AVz in., 9 in. bent 9.0O Fig. 00 CHACE PATTERN ZINC OIL CANS Diameter of bottom inches ,1 HI 1.10 If, ,'1 1.50 1.00 1.15 2.25 2.50 1..50 1.75 1.05 1.25 2.50 2.75 31^5 4% 4 2.00 2.50 1.30 ill 3.75 3% 11. 3.00 1,45 1.65 4.00 4.25 ih 3.50 1.60 1.85 4.75 5.00 *^ 11 3.50 4.50 1.75 2.00 6.00 6.25 '? Length of spout Capacity 14 Zinc bodies, tin bottoms and spouts 4.50 ♦Zinc bodies, brass bottoms and tin spouts. 5.50 1.85 ♦All brass 7 50 ♦Copper bodies, brass bottoms and spouts 8.00 "Not carried in stock, furnished to order only. GEO-B-eAItPEM*TER « QO. 477 / COPPER PLATED STEEL OILERS AND FILLERS Please Order by Numbers, to Avoid Mistakes We Carry a Full Line in Stock WIDE MOUTH COPPER PLATED STEEL OILERS Fig. 14B Fig. 13 Fig. 19 Fig. 212 These oilers have the collar attached to body of can and cap to spout without soldering or brazing, making practically solid joints. Threads are' machine cut. Copper plated inside and out»ide. Will not xuHt, Clock spring steel bottoms. in. nozzle per do^. $4.50 in. nozzle " 5.50 in. nozzle " C-OO in. nozzle " 6»50 in. nozzle *' 7.50 in. nozzle '* 8.00 in. nozzle '* 8.50 in. nozzle " 0'25 in. nozzle " O-^S in. nozzle '* 10.50 Size t2. Steel Oiler, 3 oz.. 2% in. diameter. 3 Si7.* 13. Steel Oiler, 5 oz., :h% in. diameter, 3 Si7.( 13A. Steel Oiler, 5 oz., 3% in. diameter. b Si'/,* 14. Steel Oiler, 5 oz. 3% in. diameter. 9 Size A4A. Steel Oiler, V2 Pt. 3% in. diameter. 3 Size 14AA. Steel Oiler, % pt.. 3% in. diameter, 5 Size »4B. Steel Oiler, V2 pt.. 3% in. diameter, 9 Siz^ 15. Steel Oiler, 1 pt.. 4V4 in. diameter. 3 Size 15A. Steel Oiler, 1 pt. 4V^ in. diameter, 5 Size 16. Steel Oiler, 1 pt.. 41/4 in. diameter, 9 Fig. 19 COPPER PLATED EXGINEERS' FILLERS These Fillers are made of very heavy stock, handsomely finished in copper plate. Heavily copper plated inside and oat. Size 19. 1 pint Steel Filler. AVs in. diameter, 3% in. high, screw top per doz. *14.00 Size 19A. 1 V2 pint, 4 % in. diameter, 4 in. high, screw top " *A*«1! Size 210. 1 quart, 5 in. diameter, 5 in. high, screw top *' \il Size 211. 2 quart, 6 in. diameter, 6 in. high, screw top " 24.0O Fig. 212 COPPER PLATED STEEL TALLOW POTS Made of very he'avy stock, have an extra large spout, and two inch filling opening, with tapered metal plug attached to the handle by a chain. Heavily copper plated inside and out. Size 213. 1 quart, 5 in. diamete'r, 5 In. high per doz. $21.00 Size 213. 2 quart, 6 in. diameter, 6 in. high ' 25.00 \ Wide Mouth Copper Plated Steel RAILROAD OILERS Heavily copper plated inside. Please order by number and avoid mis- takes. These Oilers have seamless dravrn bodies, are indestructible, and are used by the leading railroads of the country. Spouts have a union connection where spout joins body of oiler, enabling it to be placed in any position for delivering oil. Per doz. Pig. 10. 1 pt. Railroad Oiler, 3% in. diam., 5 in. high, 12 in. nozzle ?14.00 Fig. lOVz. 1% pt., 3% in. diam., 5% in. high, 12 in. nozzle 16.00 Fig. 10 Pig. 11. 1 quart, 4% in. diam., 6 in. high, 18 in. nozzle 18.e Improved Standard Copper Plated Steel RAILROAD OILERS The regular standard sizes and pat- terns, used on all railroads. They are made of two heavy steel seamless drawn parts, with large nozzles, IM: in- at base, 10 to 14 In. In length. Specially adapted for locomotives and stationary engines. Spouts have a union connec- tion where spout joins body of oiler, enabling it to be placed in any position for delivering oil. Heavily copper plated. Per doz. Fig. 100. 1 pt. Railroad Oiler, 3% in. diam., ev* in. high, 10 in. nozzle ?14.00 Fig. 101. 1 quart, 4% in. diam., 6 in. high, 12 in. nozzle 18.00 Fig. 111. 2 quart, 5 in. diam., 8 in. high, 14 in. nozzle 20.00 ^ Pig. Ill FOR EXTRA SPOUTS TO PIT ALL, ABOVE OILERS, SEE INDEX 478 GEO-B-CAIiPEJrTER S So. GANNON AND PUMP OILERS AUTOMOBILE PUMP OILERS COPPERIZED STEEL Fig. SOO Made of 20 gauge cold rolled steel, heavily copper plated and lacquered. The body is drawn seamless in one piece. Oiler is designed for automobiles, stationary engines, power boats, etc. It is equipped with a special pump and the delivery of oil can be regulated by the distance of the stroke of the plunger. Oiler is equipped with a strainer to prevent clogging of the valves and spouts. Order by figure number. Fig. 800. % pint, 3 % inch diameter, 3 inch nozzle Per doz. $23.00 23.50 24.00 24.75 25.25 25.75 Fig. 801. Fig. 802. Vz pint, 3 % inch diameter, 5 inch nozzle l^ pint, 3 % inch diameter, 9 inch nozzle Fig. 802^^. 1 pint, 414 inch diameter, 3 inch nozzle Fig. 803. 1 pint, 41^4 inch diameter, 5 inch nozzle Fig. 804. 1 pint, 4 % inch diameter, 9 inch nozzle PERFECTION OILERS HAND OILERS AVITH VALVES Number 25 27 I Capacity Price, tin .... Price, brass . . Price, nickeled . . . . quarts . .per doz.- . .per doz. . .per doz. % V2 1 $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $12.00 12.00 13.50 18.00 14.50 17.00 22.50 Tin only carried in stock. Other styles to order Fig. 47 THE ''CANNON OILER" FORCES THE OIL ANYWHERE GANNON OILERS The Cannon Oiler has a complete force pump attachment without any packing nuts. Both the valves are separate from the plunger, which is packed with the best leather, which, working in oil, will last a long time and can be easily replaced if it ever wears out. This oiler fills a long-felt want for an oil can in which the oil is entirely controlled by the operator in whatever position the can may be held. In this can is combined speed, conven- ience and economy. For locomotives, traction engines, automobiles, mills, machine shops, and any machinery that needs lubrication the Cannon Oiler will be found indispensable. Showinff 3Iethod cf AppUcation No. Pints Capacity Diameter inclies Extreme Heiirht inches Length of Spout inches Kind of Material Price each Price per dozen 1 31/2 91/4 6 Tin $0.85 $10.00 1 1 3 121/2 8 Tin .85 10.00 2 IV2 31/2 171/4 12 Tin .95 11.00 3 2 4 26 20 Tin 1.10 13.00 1 3 ¥2 91/4 6 Brass 1.35 16.00 1 1 3 121/2 8 Brass 1.35 16.00 2 11/2 31/2 171/4 12 Brass 1.50 18.00 3 2 4 26 20 Brass 1.75 21.00 Fig. 476D GEOBCARPENfTER ^ &0, ■i7if EXTRA SPOUTS, RAILROAD OILERS Fig. 475A. 12 inch Fiff. 475A. 12 In. Fifi. 475A. 18 in. Fig. 475B. 10 in. Fig. 475B. 12 in. Fig. 473B. 14 in. Fig. 475B. 14 in. No. 475B. Fig. 475C. Fig. 475D. No. 475E 14 inch 9 inches. 5 inch 3 incli Copperized and Polished Steel With Coupling for 10, 101/2, 11, 17, 171/2, 18 oilers per dozen $3.75 With Coupling for 10, 10 i/^, 11, 17, 17 1/2, 18 oilers per dozen 7.00 Extra Large Opening for 10 0, 101, 111 oilers per dozen 7.00 Extra large Opening for 100, 101, 111 oilers per dozen 8.00 Extra Large Opening for 100, 101, 111 oilers per dozen 9.00 Extra Large Opening for 18 A oilers per dozen 10.00 EXTRA SPOUTS FOR SPRING BOTTOM OILERS Copperized, Brass and Polished Steel Figs. 475C-475D-475E When ordering extra Spouts state whether Breech Lock or Screw Style is wanted C. Plated Polished Steel Steel per dozen per dozen inch Screw Style $2.75 $2.75 inch Screw Style 3.25 3.25 inch Screw Style 4.25 4.25 C. Plated Polished Steel Steel per dozen per dozen 3 inch Breech Lock Style. .$2.75 $2.75 5 inch Breech Lock Style. . 3.23 3.25 9 inch Breech Lock Style. . 4.25 4.25 TORCH BURNERS 4 No. A. No. B. No. C. No. D. All Hand Lnmps and Torches illustrated in this book can be furnished with any of the follow- ing burners. When no special burner is mentioned, No. A will be shipped. Burners B, C and D are interchangeable. PRICES No. O. Flat with ratchet Per doz. $1.00 No. D. Double tube Per doz. .6.- No. A. No. B. 31 Single tube Per doz. $0.75 Single tube with ratchet Per doz. 1.03 480 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo, TORCHES AND LAMPS Please order by nnmber to avoid mistakes S^ig. 2« Pig. 27- Flg. 22-24 Fig. 20-21 Fig. 26-27-28 INSPECTORS' AND LOCOMOTR^ TORCHES Durable. Non-Explosive Thes0 Torches are made of extra heavy steel, making- them the strongest and safest Torches for railroad use with kerosene. Heavily copper plated inside and out. Per do*. No. 26. Made of drawn seamless tube, with heavy cast base. 1 pint, 2 in .diameter, 15 in. high.. $12.00 No. 27. 1% pint, 41/8 in. diameter, 4% in. high, brass cap and tube 12.00 No. 28. 1 quart, 4 oz., 5% in. diameter, 4% in. high, brass cap and tube 15.00 No. 20. B oz., 3% in. diameter.... No. 20%. Vz pint, 3% in. diameter. No. 21. IVi pint, 4Vs in. diameter. Pig. 20-21 COPPER PLATED STEEL LAMPS .per doz. $ 6.00 M 9.00 Fig. 22-24 COPPER PLATED SEAMLESS STEEL LAMPS Durable. Non-Explosive Made ivith seamless draivn bodies and will therefore never leak. They are perfectly safe for burning' kerosene; can be used also for lard oil. The collars in these lamps are adapted for either the round torch wick or the flat wick for use ■with a chimney. Above we show this style lamp with torch wick. These Lamps are always sent with round torch burners. The chimney burners may be had in any lamp store. Heavily copper plated inside. No. 22. 1 pint, 2Vi in. diameter per dose. $ 9, No. 23. 1 1/2 pint, 4 in. diameter " No.- 24. 1 quart, 4 oz., 4% in. diameter « 12.00 15.00 TORCHES AND LAMPS Brazed Steel. Fis. 132 Fig. 122 F1&. 80 Fig. 132 EVERLASTING BRAZED STEEL HAND LAMP Made to Withstand Roughest I sage. Convenient for the Lathe and Planer No. 130. %-pint Steel Hand Lamp, any style burner per dor.. i^e.OO No. 131. % -pint Steel Hand Lamp, any style burner " 6.50 No. 132. 1-pint Steel Hand Lamp, any style burner ** 7.00 Fig. 122 STEEL BRAZED BOILER INSPECTOR'S TORCH NOTE. — Burner furnished as shown or with spout as shown by dotted line. Any modification of de- sign desired. No. 122. Body 5 inches long, 1% inches high, 2% inches wide per doz. »9.00 Fig. 80 "EVERLASTING" BRAZED STEEL PYRAMID TORCHES For Foundries, Machine Shops, Rolling Mills, Blast Furnaces and Mines Made from Hea\'y Steel. A Stout Durable Torch. No Leaks No. 80. %-pint, 1 -burner per doz. * 7.00 Xo. 81. 1-pint. 1-burner " 9.00 No. 82. 1-quart, l-burner " 10.00 No. 83. 1-quart, 2-burner " 11.00 TORCH WICKING This wicking Is nicely braided and will effect a large saving ove"r the cost of loose wicklng or the old style candle wicking. Packed three dozen In a box, or can be furnished in 16-lb. rolls and 50-lb. bales. Advise for what torch or lamp the wicking Is intended. Prices upon application. GeoBCarpeM'ter ^ eo\ 481 PAILS AND DIPPERS Galvanized, Round Bottom Fig. 10 Fls. 12 F. li. Thorpe Galvanized Fire Pail LIST PRICES Standard galv Extra hvy. galv Extra hvy. banded galv. Cement Horse pail, soft wood . . Horse pail, oak 10 I 12 I 14 Qts. I Qts. I Qts. Qts. $3,001 $3.25; $3.50 ^7.50 Wood 6.001 6.5014.00 I " 6.25 6.75 . . . . .llo.OOJ . I 3.75 . 8.00 . fibre " fire only. . " round bot . fJalv. round bottom. . . F. L. Thorpe fire bucket. | Fig. 10— GALVANIZED COVERS Fig. 12— WATER DIPPERS Tin Bottoms Dozen No. 1. %-qt. dipper. 5i^x3 in $1.00 No. 2. 114-qt. dipper, 6i^x3% In 1.50 FOR VARIOUS STYLES OF WEL,I. EQUIPMENT. SEE INDEX For Galvanized Pails Dozen No. 10. For 10-qt. pall, 11 In dlam...$2.62 No. 12. For 12-qt. pail, 11% In. dlam. . . 2.84 No. 14. For 14-qt. pail, 12 in. diam. . . 3.04 482 Fig. 340 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S CO FUNNELS Fig. 240 GASOLINE AUTO FUNNELS Designed especially for New Cars with large tank openings The Fastest Flowing Funnel Made HEAVILY PLATED COPPER The spouts and lower part of the bodies have beads to Iiiovent them from becoming air bound. N«». ;J40. 4 quart, diameter of top, 9% inches; 12 inches high; diameter outlet, 2 inches each $1.00 Xo. 280. 8 quart, diameter of top, 12 inchep; 13 Vi inches high; rljameter outlet, 2 inches each 1.25 Fig. 440 GASOLINE TRUCK FUNNELS Made of Extra Heavy Steel to Stand Hard Service GALVANIZED Xo. 440. 4 quart, diameter of top, 9% inches; 11 inches high; diameter outlet, 1 1^, inches each $1.00 No. 880. 8 quart, diameter of top, 12 inches; 12% inches high; diameter outlet, 1 >4, inches each 1.25 Made of very heavy steel and galvanized; they will stand any amount of hard service. The spouts are seamed to the body (not soldered) so that they cannot break off. Tht spouts and the lower part of the bodies are beaded so that they will not become a'r bound in any size opening. They are fitted with hoops to hold the chamois and also have fine brass strainers. Fig. 440 Fig. 10 Fig. 120 Fig. 10 GASOLINE AUTO FUNNELS With Fine Brass Strainers and Movable Hoop to Hold Chamois HEAVILY COPPER PLATED. No. 10. 1 quart, diam. of top, 5 inches; 6% Inches high; diam. outlet, V2 inch; coppered .each $0.60 No. 20. 2 quart, diam. of top, 8V2 inches; 9V2 inches high; diam. outlet, % inch; coppered each .75 No. 40. 4 quart, diam. of top, 9% inches; 11 inches high; diam outlet, % inch; coppered each 1.00 No. 80. 8 quart, diam. of top, 12 inches; 12% inches high; diam. outlet, % inch; coppered each 1.25 A VERY mPORTANT FEATURE The lower part of the body is beaded or fluted for use in tanks with large openings, so that if the filler opening in the tank is larger than the spout and the lower part of the body of the funnel goes down into the tank opening, the beads form an air space and prevent the funnel from becoming air bound. The spout being large and fluted they will not become air bound in the ordinary size tank .opening and also on account of the large space for holding the chamois the gasoline can be poured through these funnels very fast. Fig. 001 PORTABLE FUNNELS Oval With Fine Brass Strainers HEAVILY COPPER PLATED Square Top Pattern EXTRA HEAVY WEIGHT No. 1. 1 pint, length, 5% Inches; width. 2% Inches; height, OVz Inches; diameter outlet, % inch each $0.50 No. 001. 1 pint, length, 51/2 Inches; width, 2% inches; height, 6% Inches; diameter outlet, % inch each .40 No, 2. 1 quart, length, 7M Inches; width. ZV* Inches; height, 8% Inches; diameter outlet, % Inch.. each .80 Fig. 001 Fig. Ill Fig. 120 SHUT-OFF FUNNEL A Perfect GasoUne Auto Funnel Patented Has a movable hoop for holding the chamois, a fine brass strainer, side handle for convenience and an auto- matic indestructible ball valve shut-off as a necessity. Simply lift the funnel from the filling hole in the tank or can and no more gasoline can run through the spout. Remember that not only when the tank is full that lift- ing the funnel stops the flow of any more gasoline running through the spout, but another very important feature is that the funnel can be lifted from the tank at any time without waiting for the funnel to empty Itself. HE^WTLY COPPER PLATED No. 120. 2 quart, diam. of top, 8% inches; 9% Inches high; diam. outlet, % inch each $1.50 No. 140. 4 quart; diam. of top, 9% inches; 11 inches high; diam outlet, % inch each 1.73 No. 180. 8 quart, diam. of top, 12 inches; 12% inches high; diam. outlet, % inch each 2.00 Fig. Ill PLAIN TIN FUNNELS Light Weight Without Slop Hoop NO STRAINERS No. 11. Diameter of top, 2% inches; diameter of spout, 5/16 inch dozen $0.62 No. 11%. % pint; diameter of top, 3% inches; diameter of spout, VI 6 Inch dozen .74 No. 12%. 1 pint; diameter of top, 5% Inches; diameter of spout, A inch dozen 1.26 No. 111. 1 quart; diameter top, 6% inches; diam- eter of spout, % inch dozen 1.50 No. 112. 2 quart; diameter of top, 8 Inches; diam- eter of spout, % inch dozen 2.80 No. 114. 1 gallon; diameter of top, 9 inches; diam- eter of spout, % inch dozen 8.78 No. 118. 2 gallons; diameter of top, 12 Inches; diam- eter of spout, % inch dozen 5.26 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ Go. 483 MEASURES AND FUNNELS GALVANIZED GARAGE MEASURE The Ideal 5 Gallon Garage Measure Extra Heavy AVarranted Not to Leak The most practical 5 gallon meas- ure made; can be filled frona a tank, hose or faucet without spattering and can be carried to auto and lifted up on running board to tank without spilling a drop. It is made of very heavy steel and heavily galvanized, is tested and war- ranted not to leak or rust. Opening in end of spout, 1% inches. Opening in top lor filling, 4 ',2 inches. Galvanized with Blue Stripes No. 15. 5 gal. capacity, 11 14 inch diameter by 17 inches high each $2.03 Galvanized and Painted Red No. 150. 5 gal., same as No lo, omy painted red each $2 ""> Fig NON-E\ APORATING GASOLINE 3IEASURE The Perfect Five Gallon Garage Measure The pouring lip and filler opening are one. The filler opening has a cover plug which is so arranged that by simply turn- ng it one-half a turn the pouring lip Is shut off, so that any gasoline left in the measure can remain in the can safely and without loss from evaporation, thereby being a storage can as well as a measure. It is inade of extra heavy steel and galvanized after it is made. 11 '4 inches diameter by 18 inches high, over all. 4 inches diameter, filling open- ing. Galvanized with Blue Bands No. 25. 5 gal. capacity each $2.50 Fig. ::5 No. 250. red . . . Galvanized and Painted Red gal., same as No. 25 only painted each $2.' Fig. 56 Fig. 210 Fig, Fig. 56 LEVIATHAN GARAGE FUNNEL Six Gallon Capacity — txtra Heavy Has geamless brass spout thieaded in brass base on bot- tom tlius being: removable, faciiilatins: shipment and pre- venting: breakage. Complete with chamois strainer. Having had numerous calls for an extra large heavy Funnel of a capacity sufficient to take a five gallon can of gasoline at a single pouring (without having to wait for the contents to run through the chamois strainer) the above Funnel was designed. It has a deep, large hoop for the chamois, which stretches it tight across the bottom, the full diameter of the Funnel giving the maximum straining capacity and Insuring a very rapid flow. This chamois is supported by a wire rack rest to prevent sagging. Oalvai»ired, with Bail Ca- pacity gals. Length of Spout Dlam. Approximate Sbippinff Weisht 1 box contains M doz. No. 56. Weighs 53 lbs. Fig. 210 COMBINATION MEASURE AND FUN- NEL WITH AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF ATTACHMENT Simple in Construction, Positive in Action and Everlasting in Quality Positively Prevents Overflowing the Oil Tank and Spilling Oil Over the Engine and Other Parts It is not only a most practical measure, combined with a funnel for convenience in pourinK. but has in the spout a brass ball valve, (ground oil tight) to shut off the flow of the oil instantly (in a very simple manner) at the convenience of the user. , This measure prevents over-flowing the oil tank, a very useful and necessary feature, single teason Will save its cost in TTravMy Conner P'a'ed Cap. quails Dlam. Bot- tom, Inches Total llpight ins. Dlam. Spout, ins. 21 1 1 1 4>k 7 ■-■.. 1 7 IG 1 $1.00 220 1 2 1 5% 9% 1 Ml 1 1 25 240 1 4 1 6U- 12% 1 11/16 1 1.76 200 Fig. 040 lig. 4000 Fig. 200 COMBINATION MEASURE AND FUNNEL In a Class by Itself Note the pouring lip with a center channel, the funnel on opposite side of pouring lip; also the spout of the funnel points slightly upward, so that when measure is set down all oil runs back into measure. IMPORTANT These niea.sure8 are of correct capacity and are marked to comply Willi the laws of llie various States and have been anprove/2 5 x4 5%x4 6 x4 $0.13 CKld Bizes extra, according to size and cost. EMPIRE STEEL GRAIN BUCKETS Width Number of Projection, In. Bolt Holes 6 X4 2 6%x4 6 x4 7 x4% 8 x6 9 X5 10 x5% 11 X6 12 x6 14 X6 Plain Galvanized $0 16 $0 27 .17 .18 .22 .25 .28 .35 .40 .44 .50 For Galvanicinir and Odd SiEen, Prices ITpon Application Size of Bucket Inches Price Cu. in. each Length Projec. 176 $0.40 10 6Vi 240 11 288 12 820 18 862 14 384 16 418 16 448 18 480 19 512 .87 We also handle Minneapolis V. Rlalto. Malleable aiwl extra heavy steel buckets. Prices quoted on application FOR ELEVATOR BOl,TS, SEE INDEX 486 GEO-l^CAIiPEN'TER S SO. CONVEYING MACHINERY SPIRAL STEEL CONVEYOR Our Sectional Flight Conveyor is interchangeable with those of all other manufacture. The prices below include the necessary curved iron lining, one coupling with bolts and one hanger with each stan- dard length, except when pieces of Conveyor shorter than standard lengths are ordered, when no fittings will be furnished unless specified and then an extra charge will be made. In orderijiR- Coisvejor always be sure to specify wlitlher HICiHT or LKFT-HAXD is required. '6r loot Gauge SiauU'U inside Revoi- (Japae'y . of LengtY diameter mions Pertlrs. Ins. Black | Galv Flight Feet Pipe, lus PerMin Bu. 4 $1.40 $1.90 18 8 1 220 100 6 2.00 2.70 Ifi 10 iy2 200 300 S 2.50 3.50 14 10 11/2 180 750 9 2.50 3.50 14 10 11/2 175 1000 . 9 3.25 4.55 14 10 2 175 1000 iO 3.00 4.20 12 10 11/2 160 1400 12 3 50 5.00 12 1 2 150 2000 12 4.50 6.25 12 1 2 21/2 150 2000 14 5.00 7.00 10 1 2 140 3400 16 6.25 8.75 10 1 2 3 130 5000 IS 7.50 10 50 _ 10 12 3 120 6000 COUNTER BOX ENDS FOR CONVEYOR This device is designed to provide a cast iron end box and to furnish bearings necessary for the mitre gear counter shaft all self-contained. This is more economical than using independent bearings. The gears can be cliangcd from one side to the other, so the motion of the conveyor can be reversed. Diameter Conveyor Inches Diameter Diameter driving End Countershaft Inches [ Inches 1% 2 I'* 2 2A 2A 1 11/2 $ 9.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 22.00 24.00 28.00 33,00 40.00 45.00 45.00 50.00 65.00 70.00 85.00 CAST IRON ENDS FOR CONVEYOR BOXES These ends take the place of a hanger or bearing. Makes a more rigid bearing for driving ends than a hanger or outside pillow block, and costs less, when labor and material lor foundation for outside bearing is < onsidered. The bearing is babbitted and furnished with oil tube. Size of si2g of Conveyor yy^y^ gnc DIMENSIONS— INCH ES I ^ I (J I H 4 1 .>> 1% 3% 2% 5% $ 2.00 6 7 1 % 4V^ 3y+ 7% 3.00 8 1 ■V^ » 4 v. ^% 5% 4 "/k 10 4.25 9 1 Yz 10 41/0 2 6% 4% 11 4.50 9 2 10 6 14 6% 4 % 11 5.00 10 IV2 11 4Vo 2 5% 12 Vr 5.50 10 2 11 4Vo X 6^, 5% 12Vr 6.00 12 2 13 2 9 6V4 15% 8.00 12 2i^ 13 tvo 2 9 61/4 15% 9.00 12 3 13 ?. 9 6 1/4 71/^ i:.V4 lo.-oo 14 2 15 4 V2 2% 9% 17 Vs ll.OC 14 2■^B 15 4 ^ 2% 9% V1/2 8% 17 V« 11.50 16 2 17 2^1 10% 10% 19% 13.00 16 3 17 'A% s% 19% 14.00 18 3 19 5 21/2 11% 9% 21% 17.00 CAST IRON DISCHARGE END BOX When it is desired to discharge material through end of conveyor box, the use of end casting shown is recommended. It adds more rigidity to conveyor than an ordi- nary hanger. The bearing is bab- bitted and provided with oil tube. This style is used for both wood and steel boxes. Size of Size of Conveyor Shaft Price Inches Inches 4 1 $1.75 12 2 $ 7.00 6 1% 2.75 12 2A 8.00 8 1% 3.80 12 9.00 9 1% 4.00 14 2tV 10.00 9 2 4.50 16 2 11.50 10 1% 5.00 16 12.50 10 2 5.50 18 3 15.00 SUPERIOR WROUGHT IRON BOOT These boots are made of heavy sheet iron sides and cast iron frames, and have extra supports or feet that hold the weight of the elevator legs. An essential feature that is found in no other hoot. It has side tighteners, a shield to protect bearings from dust, also oil tube for oiling. It is provided with clean-out doors either on side or end, as desired. The pulleys are well balanced and all bearings babbitted. In ordering, give length and projection of buckets. Made with either pulleys or sprocket wheels. Bucket Belt Pulley Price Bucket Bell Pulley Price 6 I 8 I 5 5% 7 lOx 6 lOx 6 12x 8 14x 9 14x10 $20.00 20.00 21.00 23.00 26.00 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16x11 $30.00 16x12 33.00 16x13 36.00 18x14 40.00 18x16 44.00 GEOBCARPEhfTER « eo. 48; SPUR GEARING The folloAviiig prices cover Gears bored and key-seated or set screwed: No. of No. of Diameter Face Pitch Each No. of No. of Diahieter race Pitch £ach Pattern Teeth in. Pattern Teeth in. 139 lb 2.55 iy4 y2 $1.85 148 100 31.83 2y2 1 $21.00 161 18 2.88 1% y2 2.05 127 14 5.05 3 lys 5.25 135 12 2.39 1V2 % 1.65 214 29 10.38 3 lys 9.00 153 15 2.98 1V2 % 1.95 225 12 4.77 2 iy4 2.40 141 20 3.98 iy2 % 2.45 122 12 4.77 3 74 iy4 4.70 198 24 4.77 11^ % 2.85 160 13 5.17 3y4 iy4 5.05 111 45 8.95 1% % 4.95 142 14 5.57 3y4 ly* 5.40 219 65 12.93 IM: % 6.95 113 15 5.97 31^ iy4 5.75 18 13 3.10 3 % 2.50 136 16 6.37 3y4 iy4 6.10 209 13 3.10 1% % 1.95 204 17 6.76 3y4 iy4 6.45 108 14 3.34 1% % 2.10 106 20 7.96 3y4 iy4 7.&0 154 24 5.73 1% % 3.60 10 21 8.35 3y4 iy4 7.85 155 25 5.97 1% % 3.75 239 27- 10.74 3y4 iy4 9.95 152 39 9.31 1% % 5.85 118 30 11.94 3y4 iy4 11.00 19 40 9.55 1% % 6.00 121 40 15.95 3y4 iy4 14.50 156 46 10.98 1% % 6.90 105 60 23.87 3y4 iy4 21.50 134 60 14.33 1% % 9.00' 194 75 29.84 3y4 iy4 26.75 224 11 3.06 2y4 % 2.15 112 80 31.83 3y4 iy4 28.50 123 13 3.62 2V4 % 2.45 133 90 35.81 3y4 iy4 32.00 157 14 3.90 2y4 7s 2.60 202 14 6.13 3y2 1% 8.70 143 15 4.18 2Vi % 2.75 203 98 42.90 3 72 1% 42.30 192 16 4.46 2y4 Vs 2.90 162 10 4.77 iy2 6.00 145 18 5.01 2% % 3.20 163 12 5.73 172 7.10 11 20 5.57 2y4 7s 3.50 126 13 6.21 172 7.65 125 22 6.13 2y4 % 3.80 138 14 6.68 172 8.20 181 30 8.36 2y4 78 5.00 101 15 7.16 172 8.75 196 31 8.63 21/4 78 5.15 117 16 7.64 1% 9.30 197 33 9.19 2y4 78 5.45 102 18 8.59 11/^ 10.40 124 40 11.14 2y4 % 6.50 164 20 9.55 172 11.50 12 46 12.81 2y4 % 7.40 165 24 11.46 172 13.70 146 , 50 13.93 2y4 78 8.00 216 26 12.44 172 14.80 13 75 20.89 2y4 78 11.75 237 28 13.37 172 15.90 220 78 21.72 2y4 % 12.50 166 29 13.85 172 16.45 158 94 26.18 2^ % 14.60 104 36 17.19 172 17.10 190 102 28.41 2^ 78 15.80 167 45 21.49 1% 25.25- 132 114 31.75 2% 78 17.60 116 46 21.96 172 25.80 206 10 3.18 2% 3.00 103 50 23.87 172 28.00 226 11 3.50 2y2 3.20 215 53 25.30 172 29.65 109 12 3.82 2^/k 3.40 217 56 26.74 172 31.30 144 13 4.13 2^ 3.60 130 60 28.65 1% 33.50 151 14 4.46 2^ 3.80 131 72 34.38 11/^ 40.10 16 15 4.77 21/^ 4.00 128 83 39.63 1% 46.15 129 16 5.09 2% 4.20 210 96 45.88 172 53.30 107 18 5.73 2y2 4.60 199 111 53.00 1% 61.55 119 20 6.37 2l^ 5.00 168 12 6.68 1% 9.60 140 21 6.68 2% 5.20 169 13 7.24 1% 10.40 14 25 7.96 2^ 6.00 149 14 7.80 1% 11.20 230 26 8.28 2y2 6.20 170 15 8.36 1% 12.00 207 30 9.55 2% 7.00 171 16 8.91 5 1% 12.80 110 36 11.46 2% 8.20 172 18 10.03 5 1% 14.40 137 37 11.78 2y2 8.40 173 24 13.37 5 1% 19.20 15 50 15.92 2% 11.00 174 36 20.05 5 1% 28.80 120 63 20.05 2y2 13.60 205 40 22.28 5 1% 32.00 159 72 22.92 2% 15.40- 175 52 28.97 5 . 1% 41.60 17 75 23.87 21^ 16.00 150 86 47.91 5 1% 68.S0 147 88 28.01 2^ 18.60 1 • • • 4:8» GEO•B•eAltPE^fTER S CO, CONVEYING MACHINERY FLEXIBLE GRAIN SPOUTS FOR TRIMMING CARS These spouts are used to load cars without shoveling, and will work where there is little fall from bin. No. 1 has swivel joint, Nos. 2 and 3 have chain connections. Will turn any angle No. 1 spout sent unless otherwise ordered. Each Section adds 8 \(i inches to the length of the Spout Special sizes made to order, any size length and any size hop- per, lu ordering, give siae of wooden Hp^nt to %vhieh you ^vish the Npout fitted. Fig. 1 Diameter inches Length feet Hopper, Size of inches 10x10 12x12 14x14 16x16 Gauge of Steel No. 18 % 8.50 10.50 12.00 18.50 No. 16 $10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 No. 14 $12.00 16.00 18.00 25.00 No. 12 $17.00 21.00 23.00 30.00 E.\tra Sections Diameter Length Inches Gauge of Steel Inches No. 18 No. 16 No. 14 No. 12 6 8 10 12 II $0.70 .85 1.00 1.25 $1.00 1.15 1.30 1.50 $1.20 1.35 1.50 1.70 $1.35 2.00 BUFFALO OR WAREHOUSE BUCKETS These Buckets are made of cold rolled steel, and reinforced with IVg-inch No. 12 steel bands. We furnish these buckets with either malleable "I" brace or wrought iron "Z" brace as desired. Buckets 14 inches and smaller furnished with one brace, and buckets 16 inches and larger furnished with two braces, when desired, at advanced prices. PRICE LIST Width Pro- No. 26 Steel, with Malleable "I" Brace No. 26 Steel No. 24 Steel with Malleable "I" Brace No. 24 Steel on Belts, jection inches inches Depth, inches with "Z" Brace with "%" Brace 16 X 6 6 $0.60 $0.54 $0.66 $0.62 11 ^ 6 6 .66 62 .78 .74 20 x 6 6 .72 .68 .86 .80 12 x 7 7 .60 14 X 7 7 .68 16 X 7 7 .80 .'6 18 X 7 7 .88 . 4 20 X 7 7 .94 .50 12 X 7 7% .64 14 X 7 7% .72 16 X 7 .86 '82 \l ^ I 7% .94 .90 20 X 7 7% 1.00 .96 14 X 7% 7% .78 16 X 7% .92 ".88 18 X 7% 20 X 7% 7% ... 1.00 1.10 .96 1.06 14 X 7% 8 .82 16 X 7% 8 .96 .92 H ^ 7% 8 1.04 1.00 20 X 7% 8 1.16 1.12 H ^ 8 8 . . . .88 Ji ^ 1 8 1.04 1.00 \l ^ ? 8 . . . 1.12 1.08 8 1.20 1.16 FOR ELEVATOR BOLTS AND WASHFRS. SEE3 INDBX QEOB-eARPENfTER S 60. GItAIN ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT 489 Fig:. 5SS5. Champion Scoop THE "CHA3IPION" FLOUR SCOOP Size inches Tin Steel Galvanized Steel 8 10 12 14 $0.60 .65 .75 1.00 $0.75 .85 1.00 1.25 $0.85 1.00 1.10 1.35 nfSnTB ^/^^- Fig, 5907, Steel Basket BASKETS Steel Capacity Bushels Per Dozen' Bushels Capacity Per Dozen M $15.75! 3 $36.00 1 18.00 4 45.00 1/2 22.50 5 54.00 2 27.00 6 63.00 Hercules Grain Scoop HERCUIiES GRAIN SCOOP lUishel Scoop, 12% inches wide, 31 in. long. each $3.00 Half Bushel Scoop, 10 inches wide, 26% inches long each 2.50 ELEVATOR BOLTS Per Hundred. List of April 1 1913 Length, inches % % 1 ly* 11/2 1% 2 A-^4 in diam $2.20 3.00 4.00 $2.30 3.00 4.00 $2.30 3.00 4.00 $2.40 3.20 4.30 $2.50 3.40 4.60 $2.60 3.60 4.90 $2.70 3.80 5.20 ^^ ^m ^ Fie. 414 A ELEVATOR BUCKET WRENCHES Malleable iron wrenches, for fastening elevator buckets to belts. Wrenches are just the thing for the purpose. Made in T handle style and also for use with brace bit. When Ordering, State Kind Wanted Price, each $0.50 HARD LEATHER WASHERS For use with elevator bolts on buckets. The standard washer for this work. Price, per hundred $0..50 Flgr. 414B "MOSHER" BAG HOLDERS This Holder is a great success. It is the only bag holder adapted to all sizes of bags, from a 48 pound flour sack to a 6 bushel gunny bag. One man can take off and put on from 15 to 20 bags a minute. Does not tear the bag. It is well made; malleable iron Jaws wrought iron pipe standards, steel aprlngs and only waighs 20 pounds. Each ' $5.0() -190 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S QO. Siu^Ie arm conutruetion, adopted on Mixes 10 inches to li4 inches in diameter. Arms — The arm stock is selected hardwood. The arms are composed of series of boards dressed exactly to the same thickness as the rim segments, placed edgewise to the strain and built up in alternate layers of the rim, nailed and glued into same, thereby becoming an in- tegral part thereof. This assures great strength. WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Kim — The lims are built of Southern hardwood, thoroughly seasoned. The lumber is dressed to a uniform thickness, cut in short segments of equal length and width, then each is bedded in glue and -securely nailed. STANDARD PRICE LIST Width of Face Double arm constrnc- tion, adopted on sizes 36 incites to 80 inches in diam- Single Cap Block Pulley — This pulley is made in three sections as illustrated by the center view, and the clamping bolts are fixed securely in the half pulley. The two sections are clamped to the shaft as indicated by the view to the left. Diam. inches 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 .14 16 18 20 22 24 4 2.80 2. )0 3.10 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 5 2.85 2. '5 3.20 3.40 3.85 4.30 4.75 6 2.90 3. 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 7 2.95 3. 15 3.35 3.60 4.15 4.70 5.25 5.80 8 3.00 3. 3.40 3.70 4.30 4.90 5.50 6.10 9 3.10 3. 5 3.60 3.90 4.55 5.20 5.85 6.50 10 3.25 3.^ 3.75 4.10 4.80 5.50 6.20 6.90 7.60 11 3.50 3. ro 4.10 4.50 5.30 6.10 6.90 7.70 8.50 12 3.75 4. 4.45 4.90 5.80 6.70 7.60 8.50 9.40 10.30 . 13 4. 4.80 5.30 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 . . . 14 4.' 5.15 5.70 6.80 7.90 9.00 10.10 11.20 12.30 13. 15 4.< 5.50 6.10 7.30 8.50 9.70 10.90 12.10 13.30 14. )0 16 5. >0 5.85 6.50 7.80 9.10 10.40 11.70 13.00 14.30 15. 50 16.9 17 5.f 6.20 6.90 8.30 9.70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15.30 16. ro 18.1 18 h.i 6.55 7.30 8.80 10.30 11.80 13.30 14.80 16.30 17. iO 19.3 1 20.80 19 6. 6.90 7.70 9.30 10.90 12.50 14.10 15.70 17.30 . IS. 20.5 22.10 20 6. 7.25 8.10 9.80 11.50 13.20 14.90 16.60 18.30 20. ^0 21.7 1 23.40 22 7.' 7.95 8.90 10.80 12.70 14.60 16.50 18.40 20.30 22. 20 24.1 i 26.00 24 ■!.' 8.80 9.90 12.10 14.30 16.50 18.70 20.90 23.10 25. 27.5 1 29.70 26 8.^ 9.65 10.90 13.40 15.90 18.40 20.90 23.40 25.90 28.^ 30.9 1 33.40 28 9. 10.50 11.90 14.70 17.50 20.30 23.10 25.90 28.70 31. 50 34.3 1 37.10 30 9.> 11.35 12.90 16.00 19.10 22.20 25.30 28.40 31.50 34. 37.7 40.80 32 lo.r 12.20 13.90 17.30 20.70 24.10 27.50 30.90 34.30 37.' ro 41.1 44.50 34 11.: 13.15 15.00 18.70 22.40 26.10 29.80 33.50 37.20 40.< 44.6 48.30 36 12. 14.10 16.10 20.10 24.10 28.10 32.10 36.10 40.10 44. 48.1 52.10 38 17.20 21.50 25.80 30.10 34.40 38.70 43.00 47. :0 51.6 1 55.90 40 18.30 22.90 27.50 32.10 '36.70 41.30 45.90 50. 50 55.1 1 59.70 42 19.60 24.60 29.60 34.60 39.60 44.60 49.60 54. )0 59.6 64.60 44 20.90 26.30 31.70 37.10 42.50 47.90 53.30 58. ro 64.1 ( 69.50 46 22.30 28.10 33.90 39.70 45.50 51.30 57.10 62. 10 68.7 1 74.50 48 23.80 30.00 36.20 42.40 48.60 54.80 61.00 67. 20 73.4 1 79.60 50 25.40 32.00 38.60 45.20 51.80 58.40 65.00 71. 50 78.2 1 84.80 52 27.10 34.10 41.10 48.10 55.10 62.10 69.10 76. 83.1 1 90.10 54 28.90 36.30 43.70 51.10 58.50 65.90 73.30 80. ro 88.1 > 95.50 56 30.80 38.60 46.40 54.20 62.00 69.80 77.60 85. 93.2 1 101.00 58 32.80 41.00 49.20 57.40 65.60 73.80 82.00 90. 20 98.4 1 106.60 60 34.90 43.50 52.10 &0.70 69.30 77.90 86.50 95. 103.7 i 112.30 62 37.10 46.10 55.10 64.10 73.10 82.10 91.10 100. 109.1' 118.10 64 .S9.40 48. 8u 58.20 67.60 77.00 86.40 95.80 105. 20 114.6 1 124.00 1^ 41.90 51.80 61.70 71.60 81.50 91.40 101.30 111. 20 121.1 i 131.00 68 44.50 54.90 65.30 75.70 86.10 96.50 106.90 117. :0 127.7 1 138.10 70 47.20 58.10 69.00 79.90 90.80 101.70 112.60 123. 50 134.4 1 145.30 72 50.00 61.40 72.80 84.20 95.60 107.00 118.40 129. 50 141.2 1 152.60 78 71.90 84.80 97.70 110.60 123.50 136.40 149. iO 162.2 1 175.10 84 83.30 97.70 112.10 126.50 140.90 155.30 169. 70 184.1 [) 198.50 90 95.60 111.50 127.40 143.30 159.20 175.10 191. lO 206.9 1 222.80 96 109.00 126.5(i 144.00 161.50 179.00 196.50 214. 30 231.5 1 249.00 102 123.70 143.00 162.30 181.60 200.90 220.20 2X9. 50 258.8 1 278.10 108 ^O.-'^.O 160.40 181.50 202.60 223.70 244.80 265 lO 287.0 1 308.10 114 155.80 178.70 201.60 224.50 247.40 270.30 293. 20 316.1 1 339 00 120 173.20 197.90 222.60 247.30 272.00 296.70 321.^ to 346.1 ) 370.80 NON-LISTED SIZT5S For a pulley whose diameter is expressed in fractions of an inch, or in inches not listed, use the list of the next larger diameter listed. For a pulley whose face width is expressed in fractions of an inch, or in Inches not listed, use the list of the* next wider face listed. If face exceeds widest slae listed, extend the list at the same rate per inch as that existing between last two sizes listed. — Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ eo. 491 LIST PRICES FOR SPECIALS AND EXTRAS ON WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS SPECLIL BORES Our standard bores are as follows: 3 inch diameter IV^ incli 4 inch diameter 2 inch 5, 6 and 7 inch diameter. . . .2^ inch 8 inch and above 3 V2 inch We will bore pulleys to the limit set forth in the table below without extra charge: 3 inch diam 2 inch bore 4 inch diam 2i^ inch bore 5 inch diam 3 inch bore 6 to 41 inch diam. . . .SVs inch bore 42 to 47 inch diam. . . .4 inch Ijore 48 to 72 inch diam. . . .il^ inch bore 73 to 96 inch diam. .. .6 inch bore 97 to 120 inch diam. . . .7% inch bore When pulleys are bored to fit shaft smaller than standard without bushing-, or larger than above limits but less than indicated in table below, add 10 per cent. Extra Price for Large Bores 15% Add to 20% List 25% 35% ■50% 65% Under 12" Diam. 3% to 4" 4% to 5" 5Vs to 6" 12" to •IM" Diam. 4V^ to 4%" 4^'s to 6" 6% to 7%" 7% to 10" 49" to 72" Diam. 5% to 6" 6% to 7%" 7% to 9%" 9% to 12" 12% to 15" 15% to 18" 73" to 96" Diam. 7% to 9% to 10" 8% to lOVs to 12 Vs" 10% to 12" 12% to 15" 15% to 18" 18% to 21" 15% to 18'' 18% to 21" 211/8 For Bores in excess of above limits net prices to be made on application. TIGHT AND LOOSE PULLEYS For the tight pulley we use our standard pulle\ with wood bush- ing. In the loose pul- ley we use an iron bushing. The only extra charge over a regular pulley is for this bush- ing, which is listed below. PL.\IN SOLID LOOSE PULLEY BUSHINGS A grease or oil cup should be ordered with every plain bushing. See index. For split or special bushings, prices upon appli- cation^ PRICE LIST Out- Bore Length side Diam. in. 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" flf« 1.85 2.20 2.50 2.80 3.60 4.40 5.45 2A •{ l^\ 2.00 2.35 2.70 3.00 3.85 4.70 5.55 lUi 2.20 2.50 2.85, 3.35 4.15 4.95 5.75 2\l [li 2.35 2.70 3.20 3.70 4.70 5.65 6.60 2.90 3.50 4.15 5.35 6.50 7.65 3% 2A 3.30 3.95 4.65 6.00 7.65 9.00 4 21S 5.65 7.35 9.00 10.75 4% 3tV 7.00 8.70 10.40 12.50 Width of Belt (Face 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" of Pulley) KEY Our Bar Compression Key is made of plate steel, milled on one side to fit the keyway in the shaft and broad enough to extend back between the arms of the pulley far enough so the compression bolts pass through same, precluding the possibilitv of ever working loose. Price List for Keyseatiiig AYood Pulleys and for Keys W id til ot° Face ut I'uliey 12 in. 13 in. 17 in. 21 in. or to to to less 16 in. 20 in. 24 in. Size of" Shaft 3 in. or less Keyseating, Price of key, $1.25 .50 $1.75 .60 $2.35 .70 $3.00 1.00 ^sV° Keyseating, Price of key. $1.30 .70 ''it $2.45 1.00 *tlt 3% to 4 in. Kevseating-. Price of key. ?1..^;0 $2.00 .97 $2.70 1.10 '?:i! %v° Keyseating, Price of key. $2.00 .93 $2.50 1.05 . $3.00 1.20 $3.50 1.35 4% to 5 in. Keyseating, Price of key. $2.35 1.05 $3.00 1.20 $3.70 1.35 $4.35 1.50 5% to 6 in. Keyseating, Price of key. $3.00 1.20 $3.75 1.35 $4.50 1.50 $5.35 6% to 7 in. Keyseating, Price of key. $3.75 1.45 $4,50 1.60 $5.25 1.75 $6.10 2.00 STEP CONES FLANGE PULLEYS Intermediate sizea take next higher list. Unless the order spec- ilies otherwise, we fur- nish our regular pulleys and they are clamped to the shaft separately in the proper position. No extra charge is made for these. When so specified we furnish snlit cones with the steps built together; or solid cones, equipped with flanges and set screws. To determine list price of these treat each step as a separate pulley, combine the list and add Rft per cent. To lind the li.st price of a flange pulley, add to the list price of a regu- lar pulley, 20 per cent for single flange, 25 per cent for double flange. 30 per cont for triple flangre. There is no additional < hargo for crating. 492 GEO-BCAFiPEM'TER « QO, AMERICAN ALL-WROUGHT STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS DESIGN The "Americau" Steel Split Pulley is de- signed so as to give maxinmm strength with minimum weight of material. It consists of a rim of one-ply steel made exceedingly^ stiff l)y interior flanges to which the arms are securely attached. The heavy rolled beads on the outer edges strengthen the face materially at these points. Flat ''A" braced arms (edge on) give perfect rigidity and least air resistance. Grooved air escape improves belt contact. Pulleys of small diameters have holes in the face through which a screw-driver may be inserted to tighten the hub clamp bolts, these bolts being made with slotted heads for this purpose. SOME ADVANTAGES OF THE "AMERICAN" Quick and easy installation by means of interchangeable bushings, made to fit dif- ferent sizes of shafts. No need to strip the shaft to put on an ."American." Best and most efficient belt contact — the grooved face. "Americans" fan the least air. "Americans" grip the shaft tightest. Keyway or set-screw is unnecessary iu almost every case. GUARANTEE "American" Pulleys are guaranteed to form double belt service under any condition, not requiring a special pulley. INTERCHANGEABLE BUSHINGS One Bushing free with each pulley. Additional Bushings at low rates. For Prices on Steel Split Pulleys see Next Page GEO-BCAI^PEhfTER ^ So. 493 o|o 512 ^ f; tf crj >> S u: ^ » CQ ^ s 13 a. a. ^ 2 to xA O! % ? > ^ S3^ J3 ro rt 3 ra >% 4; '^1 is OJ m 3 ti ;^ .« 0) C 1 m 3 ■4 r i- >. ^ g fc=o a> bD TI eS "O m" 3 f! •C Tl P< a w x: >> ^^ 0) 0: « io +^ ,Q 03 s-l TJ 01 ^ 3 >. 1 ct3 3 •s s 3 (3 s en 1 3 »;, (h (a ^ »-; 0. EHE-e^i 494 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. IRON PULLEYS MACHINE MOULDED Bored, turned and balanced, ^ith set screws or key seats. 10 z $ 2.20 4 2.5C 5 2.85 fi 3.2C 7 3.6C 8 4.05 9 1 2 R 2.40 4 2.75 5 3.10 fi 3.50 7 3.95 « 4.4C 9 1 2 3 2.65 4 3.00 5 3.40 4.25 4.75 2.90 3.25 3.6: 4.10 4.60 5.10 3.10 3.50 3.95 4.40 4.90 5.45 $ 2.50 1 1 2.80 Al 3.15 « 3.60 4.10 4.55 s^^ 1-05 SS 5.55 ^-z 6.05 ^ S 6.55 . " 2.70 3.05 3.50 I') 3.95 A^ 4.4C -' 4.90 5.35 5.85 fi.35 6.85 2.90 3.35 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.80 6.35 6.95 7.60 3.20 3.65 4.15 4.65 5.20 5.75 6.30 6.!>n 7.50 8.15 3.45 3.95 4.45 5.00 5.55 6.1.^ 6.80 7.50 8.20 8.95 13 14 PW 3.30 3.75 4.20 4.70 5.25 5.85 3 4.05! 4.55 5.10 5.70 6. 3.70 4.25 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.65 7.30 8.00 8.75 9.55 3.95 4.55 5.15 5.S0 6.45 7.15 7.85 8.60 9.35 10.15 10.95 11.75 4.20 4.85 5.50 6.20 6.90 7.65 8.40 9.20 10.00 10.85 11.70 12.60 4.50 5.20 5.95 6.70 7.50 8.30 9.10 9.95 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 15 16 17 4.3 4.85 5.65 6.10 6.85 7.10 4.65 5.20 5.80 6.50 7.30 8.20 9.20 4.90 5.50 6.25 7.00 7.85 8.75 9.75 5.20 5.35 6.60 7.40 8.30 9.30 10.40 OCq i 4.80 5.55 6.35 7.15 8.00 ■8.85 9.75 10.65 11.60 12.55 13.50 14.50 5.10 5.80 6.60 7.45 8.50 9.20 10.10 11.05 12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 5.40 6.25 7.10 8.00 8.90 9.85 10.80 11.80 12. sn 13.85 14.90 16.00 19 20 21 .$ 5.45 6.25 7.05 7.90 8.85 9.85 10.95 5.75 6.65 7.5 8.50 9.45 10.45 11.55 12.70 6.05 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.10 13.25 $ 6.05 7.03 8.10 9.15 10.25 11.35 12.40 13.55 14.70 15.90 17.10 18.35 19.60 6.40 7.45 8.55 9.65 10.80 11.95 13.15 14.35 15.60 16.85 18.15 19.45 20.80 6.75 7.85 9.00 10.15 11.35 12.55 13.80 15.05 16.35 17.65 19.00 20.35 21.75 22 5 6 7 mS 10 J «* 12 13 t^Zl 14 'l5 23 I 5 6 7 24 25 $ 6.35 7.40 8.45 9.50 10.55 11.55 12.65 13.85 6.70 7 8 10.00 11.10 12.15 13 14.45 7.05 8.20 9.35 10.50 11.65 12.80 14.00 15.20 7.40 8.60 9.80 11.00 12.20 13.40 14. 6.=; 15.90 3S o o $ 7.10 8.30 9.50 10.75 12.00 13.30 14.60 15.95 17.30 18.70 20.10 21.55 23.00 7.50 8.75 10.05 11.35 12.70 14.05 15.45 16.85 18.30 19.75 21.25 22.75 24.30 7.90 9.25 10.60 12.00 13.40 14.85 16.30 17.80 19.30 20.85 22.40 24.0C 25.60 8.35 9.75 11.20 12.65 14.15 15.65 17.20 18.75 20.35 21.95 2''. 60 25.25 ?R 95 28.65 30.40 Additional list for Tigrht and Loose, and Largre Bores, see next pagre. Intermediate ^vldths of Face at next itiKlier pric.;. lnteri"edlate Diameters at extra prices. GEO-BCARPEhfTER S Go. 495 IRON PULLEYS SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID . 1 ^ .. Il II ll ^1 II il Mffl ^ •°*. Qm il 5£ con II % a il s Mi; II 4) 11 ss ll 26 3 4 $ 7.75 9.0C % 8.80 10.30 29 3 4 $ 9.00 10.50 $10.3( 12. 0( 34 ! 3 4 $11.35 12.95 $13.10 15.20 40 4 5 $16.75 18.95 $19.50 22.15 46 4 5 $20.80 23.35 $24.35 27.50 5 10.25 11.80 5 12.0( 13.75 5 14.7C 17.30 6 21.15 24.80 6 25.95 30 65 * 0. 6 11.50 13.35 c 6 13.45 15.50 ? 0, 6 16.5C 19.45 ? 7 23.40 27.45 7 28.55 -33.85 oS V 12.75 14.90 o^ 7 14.90 17.30 7 18.40 21.60 - S 25.70 30.10 8 31.20 37.05 wr 8 14.05 16.50 ■— u S 16.35 19.10 «t: « 20.3C 23.80 9 28.0C 32.80 9 33 85 40 25 Hl^ 9 15.3r> 18.10 9 17.95 20.95 ■s;Oh 9 22. 2f 26.05 10 30.30 33.50 10 36.50 43.45 ?Jrt 10 16.70 19.75 Qj -^ 10 19.45 22.80 S) t. 10 24.15 28.30 0) •- 11 32.60 38.20 t 11 39.15 46.70 -3 11 21.40 u — 11 21.05 24.70 bB a 11 26.1C 30.60ir-2 12 34.95 40.95 PQr 12 41.60 49 95 •i^S 12 23.10 Vf 12 26.60 J " 12 32.90I3S 13 43.70 1^<^ 13 53.20 13 24.80 13 28.55 13 35.25 Ti 14 46.45 14 56.50 14 26.55 -,u 14 30.50 14 ^ 37.60 i^^ 15 49.25 ^a 15 15 28.30 15 32.50 15 40.00 16 52.05 ^i 16 63.10 ^♦? 30.10 16 34.50 16 42.40 17 54.90 17 66.45 IV 31.90 17 36.5r 17 44.85 18 57.75 k't 18 69.80 19 73.15 27 3 8.15 9.30 30 3 9.4C 10.85 36 3 12.4C 14.30 42 4 17.9C 21.05 20 76.55 4 9.5C 10.85 4 10.9C 12. er 4 14.2C 16.55 5 20.2c 23.85 21 79 95 b 10.80 12.45 5 12.45 14.45 b 16.05 18.85 6 22.6C 26.65 22 83.40 f^ 6 12.1C 14.05 -- fi 14.0C 16.30 £ 6 18. OC 21.15 <0 7 25.0( 29.45 23 86.85 o ?< 7 13.45 15.70 c f, 7 15.85 18.15 S?^ 7 20.05 23.50 S 27.4C 32.25 24 90.30 w-c S 14.80 17.35 "^ "Z 8 17.15 20.05 P5r 8 22.1C 25.85 «-r 9 29.80 35.10 -Ch 9 16.20 19.05 V^ 9 18.75 21.95 ■s^^ 9 24.15 28.25 H,^ 10 32.2( 37.95 48 4 22.40 26.10 J) t. 10 17.65 20.75 iu 10 20.35 23.90 10 26.2C 30.70 £ t 11 34.65 40.80 5 25.05 29.40 ic a 11 19.15 22.50 11 22.00 25.85 u_^ 11 28.30 33.15 u — 12 37.10 43.70 6 27 75 32 75 1v 12 24.25 "it, 12 27.85 y^ 12 30.45 35.65 •3 1 13 46.60 7 30.45 36.10 13 26.05 <^ 13 29.85 13 38.15 14 49.50 8 33.20 39.45 14 27.85 '=^ 14 31.90 14 40.70 15 52.45 9 35.95 42 85 15 29.70 15 33.95 15 43.25 kT 16 55.40 10 38.75 46.25 16 31.55 16 36.00 16 45.85 17 58.35 pq-2 11 41.60 49.65 17 33.4 5 17 38.10 IV 48. 4r 18 61.35 ^ 0. 12 43.90 53.10 28 3 8.55 9.80 32 3 10.30 11.95 38 4 15.65 18.00 44 4 19.30 22.65 U) a 13 14 56.55 60.00 4 9.95 11.45 4 11.90 13.90 5 17.70 20.50 5 21.75 25.65 S - 15 63 50 11.35 13.10 5 13.55 15.85 6 19.80 23.00 6 24.20 28.65 J ^ 16 67.00 r 6 12.75 14.80 !^ T fi 15. 2C 17.85 7 21.95 25.55 7 26.70 31.65 5 X 17 70.55 o o 7 14.15 16.50 m-c 7 16.90 19.85 ofe 8 24.10 28.10 ?i 8 29.25 34.65 IS 74.10 R 15.55 18 '' ." 8 18.60 21. 9( w z: 9 26.25 30.70 9 31.80 37.70 ■* ^ 19 77 70 ^t 9 17.00 20.00 S^ 9 20.35 23.9' v,^ 10 2S.4C zz.zolii^ 10 34.30 40.75 20 81.30 10 18.50 21. sn h1^ 10 22.15 26.05 to c3 11 30.60 35.951^5 11 36.80 43.80 ?1 84 nr, U 20.10 23.60 11 24.00 28. ir, h — 12 32.85 38.60k ^ 12 39.30 46.85 22 SS.fiO .J t£ 12 25.45 a " 12 30.30 ,% 13 41.30 ^ S. 13 49.95 23 92.25 : K 13 27.80 13 32.50 L"^ 14 44.00 » r^ 14 53.05 24 95.95 ^T; 14 29.20 <:= 14 34.70 lb 46.75 "^Z 15 56.15 r: c 15 16 17 31.10 33.05 34.90 15 16 17 36.95 39.20 41.50 16 17 18 49.50 52.30 55.10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 59.25 62.40 6.5.55 68.70 71.80 75.05 78.25 81.45 1 - 24 84.75 ADDITIONAL PRICE TO BE ADDED TO THE LIST PRICE PER PAIR FOR TIGHT AND LOOSE PULLEYS Diameter Widths of Face. Inches inches 3 to 4 5 to 6 7 to 8 9 to 10 11 to 12 13 to 14 15 to 16 6 to 9 10 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 42 43 to 60 $1.30 1.50 2.10 3.30 4.50 6.00 $2.00 2.30 2.90 4.10 5.50 7.40 $3.00 3.40 4.00 5.20 6.90 9.30 $4.50 5.00 5.50 6.80 9.00 12.00 $7.00 7.50 9.10 12.10 15.80 $12.56 16.50 21.00 $23'.66 29.00 ADDITIONAL PRICES FOR BORES LARGER THAN MAXIMUM AS SPECIFIED IN STANDARD LIST Diameter 6 to 15 inches 16 to 30 inches 31 to 60 inches Add 10 per cent for each additional >A inch or fractional part thereof. Add 10 per cent for each additional lA inch or fractional part thereof. Add 5 per cent for each additional Vp inch or fractional part thereof. Intermediate widths of Face at next higher price. Intermediate Diameters at extra prices. Prices on Double Arm and Extra Heavy Pulleys quoted on application. For Tight and Loose, and Extra Bore, see additional prices above. 32 496 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « Co. POLISHED GOLD ROLLED SHAFTING Made to Whitworth StaBdard Gauge and Accui'ately Straightened Diam. Weight Price Diam. Weight Price Diam. Weight Price Diam. Weight Price inches per ft. lbs. per lb. inches per ft. lbs. Per lb. indies per ft. lbs. per lb. inches per ft. lbs. per lb. 6 96.14 syac 3 24.05 li^g 6.52 m 1.90 1 5 it 94.14 1 2il 23.06 iy2 6.01 [5y4c H 1.77 5% 80.77 ^7%c 2 78 22.09 1^1 5.60 u 1.68 [51^0 5^ 78.95 ] 2\i 21.15 i^ 5.52 ii 1.59 5 67.45 7c 2% 20.21 IJi 5.26 % 1.50 411 65.50 2 a 19.31 1% 5.05 4% 60.88 6%c 2% 18.41 lA 4.61 41/2 54.11 2tk 17.55 1;^ 4.40 ih 1.26 4-A- 52.62 2y2 16.70 5c ly* 4.17 II 1.22 4% 48.26 6c 2^ 15.89 i#2 4.02 H 1.17 i5%c 4:^ 46.65 2% 15.07 1t% 3.86 u 1.11 4 42.75 2^ 14.35 lA 3.77 % 1.05 3^1 41.04 2y4 13.52 1^ 3.58 3% 39.40 2^ 12.80 lys 3.38 -sysc 1% .845 3% 37.57 2y8 12.07 1^2 3.20 u .757 3H 36.40 5%c 2t^5 11.35 lA 3.11 % .667 6c 3% 35.20 2 10.69 1^ 3.02 .586 3t% 34.00 ug 10.03 13^ 2.85 t's .511 3Vo 32.73 178 9.39 1 2.68 3^ 31.58 IM 9.10 u 2.52 % .375 3% 30.43 Ml 8.78 5%c i§ 2.35 u .320 [6%c 3% 28.22 5V2C 1% 8.18 fi 2.27 IV .260 3A 27.16 iU 7.61 M 2.20 % .167 31/8 26.09 1% 7.06 % 2.05 3\ .130 JTV^c 1 M 1.94 ^ .095 SQUARES AND HEXAGONS FLATS (Prices given are in cents per lb.) per lb. % in. to ^ in . . . .$0.14 i % A " ' ' h" ■ ... .12 ^ y* " • ^" . ... .10 % % " ' ^" • ... .09 V?. y2 " ' ' % " . ... .08% \ % {i " ' ' 11 " • ... .07% % % " • '2 " . ... .07 1 2^ •• ' ' 2^" . ... .08 IMi 2% " • '3 " . ... .08y2 1% 3A " ' '4 " . ... .09 2 Thickness in inches and to 2H ft to Vz in. 18 16 14 A to 11 in. 18 16 14 10 10 %to 1 in. 14 12 10 iT^jto lAto 1% in. Sin. Wider than 3 in. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 »KR NKXT PAGB FOH SHAFTINO ICXTRAS GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER S GO. 491 COLD ROLLED SHAFTING EXTRAS Shafting — Extras on Rounds, Sizes Smaller than % inch. List prices on sizes smaller than % inch apply on screw stock quality in random mill lengths. Shafting quality and any grade other than screw stock, or screw stock cut to accurate lengths with lathe or saw cut ends — 15c per 100 lbs. net. Boxing and Hurlapping. Boxing (minimum 50c) '. $0.20 per 100 lbs. Burlapping (minimum 25c), full length 15 per 100 lbs. Hurlapping of ends only 05 per 100 lbs. Piston Rod Steel. Uniformity to size and carefully selected surface finish, 50c per 100 lbs. net. Extras for Accuracy. For accuracy from exact size to .0015 inch under $0.25 per 100 lbs. net For accuracy from exact size to .001 inch under 50 per 100 lbs. net For accuracy within .0005 inch either way of a specified size or from exact size to .001 inch over 1.00 per 100 lbs. net Quantity Differentials. All specifications for less than 1000 lbs. of a size will be subject to the following extras, the total weight of a size ordered to determine the extra, regardless of length and regardless of the exact quantity actually shipped: 500 to 999 lbs $0.05 per 100 lbs. net 100 to 499 lbs. , 10 per 100 lbs. net Less than 100 lbs 20 per 100 lbs. net Extras for Long and Short Lengths. Rounds Squares 3 inch to 5il inch $1.00 per 100 lbs. net $1.00 per 100 lbs. net 6 inch to llil inch 50 per 100 lbs. net .50 per 100 lbs. net 12 inch to 23}^ inch 25 per 100 lbs. net .50 per 100 lbs. net 24 inch to 59i| inch 10 per 100 lbs. net .25 per 100 lbs. net Hexagons Flats 3 inch to 5il inch $1.00 per 100 lbs. net $2.00 per 100 lbs. net 6 inch to ll}g inch 50 per 100 lbs. net 1.00 per 100 lbs. net 12 inch to 23ig inch 25 per 100 lbs. net .50 per 100 lbs. net 24 inch to .59it inch 10 per 100 lbs. net .25 per 100 lbs. net Lengths longer than 24 ft. and less than 30 ft $0.50 per 100 lbs. net 30 ft. and less than 35 ft 1.00 per 100 lbs. net 35 ft. and less than 40 ft 1.50 per 100 lbs. net 40 ft. and less than 4.5 ft 2.00 per 100 lbs. net 45 ft. and longer 2.50 per 100 lbs. net Extras for long lengths apply on Rounds, Squares, Hexagons and Flats. PRICE LIST FOR KEY-SEATING SHAFTS Full Length per foot For Couplings per End Milled Ends Middle Splines Diameter of Shaft Inches First Foot or Less Milled Ends Second Foot and Over per foot Extra for each Drilled End Extra for each Squared End 1 —1 % lA— 1% It"^— 1% m—^Vs 2A— 2% 2il— 3% 3A— 3% 3i|— 4V4 4A— 4% 411—5% 5A— 5% 5i|— 6 $0.16 .20 .24 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.00 $0.24 .30 .40 .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.50 $0.50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 2.20 2.50 3.00 $0.16 .20 .24 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.00 $0.20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.50 $0.30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.70 2.00 InteTinedlate Mize, aaine price. 32 498 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER ^ eo. PATENT "SPIRO" COMPRESSION COUPLING Double-Sure Grip on Shaft 50% more gripping power than any other compression coupling on the market. No keys or key seats needed with this coupling. Fig. 1641 Shaft List Shaft List Size Price Size Price % $3.50 1 lit $ 8.00 il 4.00 2^ 9.00 If. 4.75 2,\ 10.75 lA 5.00 2ih 13.00 u\ 5.50 211 16.00 IH 6.25 PLATE COUPLING With Tight Fitting Bolts and Keys Shaft Size List Price Shaft Size List Price li% $ 8.00 3 A $ 28.50 If. 9.00 m 33.50 ni 10.50 3il 36.00 HI 11.50 4^ 49.00 2fs 13.00 4/. 63.00 2f. 14.50 Hi 68.00 2U 17.50 4ii 75.00 2 if 21.50 5A 88.00 3^ 26.00 5i| 103.00 Fig. 1642 CLAMP COUPLING il $ 4.50 3^ $19.00 1^ 5.00 3t^ 21.50 1/." 6.00 3H 24.50 IH 7.00 311 28.00 lit 8.50 4A 33.00 2^ 10.00 4fs 38.00 2A 11.00 4H 43.00 2ii 12.50 411 48.00 211 15.00 FOR SHAFTING, WOOD AND STEEI. PULLEYS, SEE INDEX GEOBCARPEhfTER « eo. 499 THE MASTER FRICTION CLUTCH PULLEY Complete with Lever Yoke. If clutch runs over 350 R. P. M. we r e c o 111 ni e n d b u s h i n f? This is extra Give speed. This clutch is very powerful owing to its double wedge shaped friction surfaces that grip like a vise. Size for size it transmits almost twice the power of any other make. It may be run at high speeds if desired. Some of the sizes running as high as 1200 R. P. M. successfully. For an all round, high grade, serviceable clutch pulley there is nothing like it on the market. It has no projecting parts flying around to endanger life and always releases when disengaged. 17 18 20 22 Price $54. SO 57.0 58.00 60.10 61.10 55.ro 57.60 5:t.oo 60.90 71. 5G.40 58.40 59 71.70 72 57. SO 60.00 61 30 73.40 74.70 88.50 60. 62.00 73.40 75.70 77. 91.40 Sze 24 26 28 30 Price .$66.40 78.50 80.10 82.(10 94.10 119^50 66 67.90 80.20 81.90 84.60 96.30 101.30 122.30 67.60 79.40 81.90 98.60 119 125.30 81.10 83.80 95.80 100.90 121.90 128 S ze 32 34 36 38 Price $83.60 86.60 98.80 102.20 119.80 126.30 148.00 156.60 85.40 98.40 100.90 104.50 122 . 30 129.20 151.20 179.10 87.30 100.50 103.20 122.30 125.00 132.20 154.70 182.90 99.20 102 . 80 105 . 70 125 . 00 127 . 90 149.90 177.30 187.00 40 42 44 46 48 Pric e $101.20 104. 123.20 127. 130.30 152.50 180.00 189.80 103.30 125.60 i.';3.io 155.60 183.40 193.50 106.50 129.60 13? 161.10 108.80 132 . 20 1C5.20 183. EO 193. GO 111.10 134 158.40 187.00 197.50 Sze I Price 50~ 52 54 56 $113.50 137.70 161. EO 190.60 116.10 140.80 165.10 194.70 134.00 143.90 16N.70 198.80 136.70 161.50 191.40 203.00 139.60 164. iO 195.30 142.50 ];s.20 199.10 THE MASTER BAND CLUTCH PULLEY Oomplete with liCver Yoke. This clutch is extremely simple and easy to adjust and requires very little space on tiie shaft. It is a good clutch pulley for line shaft and countershaft work. Xo. 2 Clutch Pulleys Single Belt 41/3 H. P. Bore to 2 7-16 in. Size 10 12 Price $19.20 19.50 20.30 20 19.40 19.80 20.60 21.00 19.50 19.90 20.00 20.40 22.00 19 20.20 20 20.70 22.40 20.10 20.60 20.70 21.20 23.00 20.70 21.20 21.40 22 . 00 23.90 Size iPrice 3 $2'. 20 4 21.80 5 22.00 6 22.70 21.50 22.10; 22.60 23.10 22.20 22. so! 23.10' 23.901 22.80 23.50 24.O0I 24.901 23.40 24.40, 25.00, 27.20 28.40 No. 2yo Clutch Double Belt 6 H. P. Bore to 3 in. S ze ice $27.70 29 . 00 29 . 70 31.40 32.20 28.60 30.00 30.80 32.60 33.50 29.60 31.30 32.20 30.20 31.90 32.80 28.50 29.90 30.90 29.50 31.00 32.20 30.40 32.20 No. 3 Clutch Double Belt m H. P. Bore to SJ in. S ze^ Price 9 $37.60 .50 37.20 3S.50 40.30 36.00 37.60 38.70 40.60 36.90 38.70 37.90 39.80 41.30 39.10 41.10 40.20 42.40 ^ Simple and IV/j Inexpensive. ^^^ as tei • Gasoline Engine Clutch Pulleys Compact and E:flicient. Di FcpH. P.IPrice 4-6 To 21/2 $11. 30 4-6 To 6 11. ;0 4-8 To 6 12.10 4-6 To 6 12.60 Dia Fee H. P. Price 'iDia'Pco'H. P.'PriceI'DialPce'H PiPrice Dia'Pce'lI p'Prlce 8 10 12_ 14 10 4-6 4-6 6-8 4-6 To 6 To 6 To 8 To 6 $13.00 13.70 19.50 14.20 18 6-8 To 8 10 4-6 To 6 20 6-8 To 8 22 6-8 To 8 $20.40 15.40 21.30 22.60 00 24 24 26 8-lo'to 12$26 . 90 6. Sto 8 23.70 S-10tol2 28 20 6- 8|to S\ 24. SO 26 28 8.10'tol2$29.50 6- 8,to 8 25.90 6- 8 to 12 27.90 6- 8tol2| 29.10 Give Size of Shaft and Key Seat. Add 30% if Clutch is Bolted to Arms and Send Sketch. 500 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « SO: SAFETY SPLIT COLIiAR i #c ^^ ^ SAFETY SET COTJ.AJRS \ y kt0 f Fig. 1653. Fig. 1G51. Fig. 1652. Double Flange Solid Set Collar PIoIscrevT Type Standard Type Shaft Size List Shaft Size List Shaft Size List Shaft Size List Shaft Size List Shaft Size List Shaft Size List Shaft Size List in. $0.87 m $2.10 in. 3fs $4.05 in. 41/2 $7.28 in. $0.65 in. $1.55 in. $2.92 in. $5.30 ,« 93 2 2.17 314 4.15 4% 7.56 1ft .75 2ft 1.60 3ft 3.00 5.45 .97 21/8 2.32 3% 4.38 4% 7.95 .80 2% 1.65 3 72 3.08 4U 4% 4il 5.60 1-^ 1^8 1 13 2 if 2.40 4.50 8.18 1^ .85 2% 1.75 3ft 3.14 5.75 1.20 2% 2.57 31/2 4.62 41J 8.45 1ft .90 2ft 1.80 3% 3.22 5.90 1 27 2% 2.63 3t\ 4.71 4 78 8.62 1 % .95 21/2 1.88 sn 3.30 5 6.06 1.35 ^.t 2.70 3% 4.83 4U 8.85 1ft 1.00 2% 2.03 3% 3.37 5 78 6.23 1 43 2.82 3}i 3% 4.95 5 9.10 1 Vz 1.05 2U 2.10 311 3.45 5% 6.67 1.50 2% 3.05 5.05 5Vs 9.35 1ft 1.10 2% 2.17 3% 3.52 5ft 5 72 7.00 1 57 2U 3.15 3IJ 5.18 5% 10.00 iff L15 2 1 2.25 3}| 3.60 7.20 1.65 2% 3.25 3 78 5.28 5i'ff 10.50 1.20 2 78 2.32 4, 3.73 5 % 7.50 1 72 3.38 811 5.40 10.80 1 % 1.25 2ii- 2.40 4ft 4.15 5% 8.00 1.80 2% 3.48 4 5.60 5% 11.25 Ija 1.30 3 2.48 4V4 4.28 5U 8.50 1 87 2 if 3.60 4^ 6.22 5 78 12.00 1 % 1.35 3 78 2.63 4ft 4.70 6 9.00 1 n 1.95 '^ 3.72 4W 6.42 5}^- 13.00 1}| 1.40 3ft 2.70 472 4.85 1% 2.03 SYs 3.95 1 4t'5 7.05 6 14.00 2 1.45 314 1 2.77 4% 1 5.15 1 mON SHEAVES FOB MANILA ROPE TRANSMISSION For 34, ' 's and 1 Inch Rop e Diam. Number of Grooves 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 |9.?0 $12.90 $15.12 $21.84 $25.56 $28.98 $32.40 $36.24 $40.50 $45.84 14 9.66 13.50 17.69 22.66 26.52 30.06 33.60 37.56 41.94 47.40 16 10.38 14.40 20.82 23.82 27.78 31.44 35.10 39.18 43.68 49.26 18 11.76 15.66 21.00 27.12 32.40 37.08 41.40 45.36 .^.0.58 56.40 20 12.72 17.52 26.64 30.66 3 6.78 42.30 47.46 52.26 58.32 64.98 22 13.20 18.84 27.30 35.61 41.52 47.28 53.70 59.40 66.36 71.82 24 14.82 20.76 29.46 37.56 44.16 50.16 56.82 62.76 69.96 75.66 36 15.90 22.68 31.92 41.16 4 8,60 55.44 63.36 69.72 77.76 84.30 28 16.56 23.50 32.94 42.36 49.98 57.00 65.10 71.64 79.86 86.60 30 18.24 25.56 34.26 43.86 51.66 58.86 67.24 73.86 82.26 89.16 32 20.88 29.58 38.26 48.24 5 8.02 64.20 72.54 80.16 89.04 97.92 34 22.62 30.60 39.96 49.62 59.58 65.94 74.46 82.26 91.32 100.38 36 23.04 31.50 41.34 51.48 61.92 68.76 77.76 86.04 95.58 105.12 40 26.52 35.64 46.86 57.48 70.50 85.32 96.24 103.44 111.18 119.40 44 29.16 38.69 49.98 61.20 74.58 89.76 100.86 108.60 116.70 125.28 i^ 33.72 46.08 54.18 70.98 85.08 99.00 110.11 120.00 128.28 137.28 52 41.70 54.54 68.16 79.68 93.90 107.94 119.28 129.18 137.58 146.70 56 44.10 57.60 71.58 83.46 98.04 112.44 124.14 134.40 143.16 152.64 50.10 63.66 76.08 98.10 111.12 128.04 144.48 155.22 172.02 185.82 .ARGKR SIZES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEOBeARTPErTTER ^ eo. 501 RIGID, RING OILING PILLOW BLOCKS BEARINGS BABBITTED AXT> REAMED Shaft Size List Price Shaft Size List Price Shaft Size List Price u $3.50 2^ $7.00 St's $15.00 i^ 3.75 2t'« 8.00 3ii 18.00 i-i^ 4.65 2n 9.25 3ii 22.00 IH 5.25 2ii 10.40 m 6.00 3A 12.00 Pig. 1631 UNIVERSAL RING OILING BRACKET HANGERS BEARINGS BABBITTED AND REAMED ?, c 01 != C «r a> •=« ^ ^0 M ^0 m N *o *o IB k1 M J a r '-' r J cc ^" J lA 10 $5.00 lU. 16 $8.50 2^ 14 $11.50 2-H 12 $15.00 12 5.50 18 9.25 16 13.00 " 14 16.50 " 14 6.00 " 20 10.00 " 18 14.50 16 18.00 " 16 6.50 til 10 7.50 " 20 16.00 18 21.00 ll''^ 10 5.50 " 12 8.00 2 A 10 10.50 " 20 25.00 12 6.00 " 14 8.75 12 11.25 2^ 10 16.00 14 6.50 " 16 9.50 14 12.50 12 17.00 16 7.00 18 10.25 " 16 14.00 " 14 18.50 liA 10 6.50 " 20 11.00 " 18 15.50 " 16 20.00 12 7.00 2 A 10 9.50 " 20 17.00 " 18 23.00 " 14 7.75 12 10.25 2 a 10 14.00 " 20 27.00 FLAT BOX SOLID SLEEVE COUPLING Bearings Babbitteo Heartn in These RollerH io Check. THE TREATMENT AND CARE OF MAPLE ROLLERS Checking iu rollers is caused by surface of the roller drying out faster than the inside and the outer rim of fast drying wood shrinking and having to accommodate itself to the still damp and larger core. No matter how many years a maple square has aged in stock there is always some moisture present inside it and as soon as it is turned into a roller it starts drying out further. Checking can only be eliminated by taking great care of the rollers and seeing that they dry out evenly throughout which is almost impossible. Heart wood is not of the same tensile strength, fibre, density or weight as the select sap wood surrounding it and cannot be made to dry out at the same rate as the sap wood. The elimination of the heart in a roller practically prevents checking if the rollers lie un- used awhile. The average man however, doesn't order his rollers until they are badly needed and they go into service at once. In these cases the rollers, as soon as they are received, and before being used should be given a coat of oil (linseed preferably but any heavy oil will do) and the ends painted to prevent the surface drying too fast. This is in a large measure helped by keeping them out of the sun in-so-far as is possible. A heart roller weighs just as much as a Carpenter roller. Carpenter rollers last more than twice as long as others and the freight saving alone will just about pay the difference in cost. We ask at least one week's time on each order for these rollers as they are never earned in stock but turned to suit the individual i-equirements of the order as it conies in, and then oiled, painted and inspected twice before leaving. Size List Price Weight, Size I-Ist Price Weight Diameter, Inches Length each lbs. Inches Length each lbs. 3 3 ft. $0.,50 7 5 ft. % 4.90 68 3 4 ft. .70 8 6 ft. 6.00 81 4 3 ft. .90 11 7 ft. 7.10 95 4 4 ft. 1.20 15 7 14 4 ft. 4.60 64 4 5 ft. 1.50 19 7 Vi 4 ft. 8 in. 5.50 74 4 5 ft. 6 in. 1.70 21 ly. 5 ft. 5.90 80 5 3 ft. 1.40 20 7% 6 ft. 7.20 96 5 4 ft. 1.90 26 4 ft. 5.40 74 5 ft. 2.40 33 8 4 ft. 8 in. 6.40 86 5 6 ft. 2.90 39 8 5 ft. 6.90 93 6 3 ft. 2.10 30 8 6 ft. 8.40 111 6 4 ft. 2.80 40 8 7 ft. 10.00 130 6 4 ft. 8 in. 3.30 47 8^! 5 ft. 9.00 110 6 5 ft. 3.55 50 8<5 6 ft. 10.75 132 6 6 ft. 4.25 60 8% 7 ft. 13.00 154 7 3 ft. 2.90 40 9 5 ft. 12.00 130 7 4 ft. 3.90 54 9 6 ft. 14.00 156 7 4 ft. 8 in. 4..'55 62 9 7 ft. 16.00 172 Larger sizes take speeial list. Intermediate sizes take next higher list. In ordering alvvays specify diameter and length. SPECIAL MAPLE ROLLERS AXD SQUARES AVe can supply rollers of 10 inches to 14 inches in -diameter if desired and large maple squares or heavy planking with no hearts in lengths up to 16 feet. We also .supply rollers with iron bands on the ends and with steel shafts through and projecting from each end for Mine and Conveyor rollers, etc., etc. Write for prices. REGULAR HARD MAPLE HEART ROLLERS Carried in stock for iiiiiiiediate delivery DJameter Length Price 1 niameter Length Price 7Vi 4 ft. 8 In. $3.30 5 3 ft. $i.20 4 ft. 8 in. 3.10 6 6 ft. 2.40 7 6 ft. 4.00 4 3 ft. 1.00 7 iV" 3.00 4 4 ft 1.40 7 3 ft. 2.10 6 ft 1.80 6 4 ft. 8 In. 4 ft eft. S.60 IIS 3% 3% 3 ft 4 ft .80 1.20 1 3 ft. 1.60 3% 5 ft 1.40 4 ft. 8 In. 1.80 3 3 ft .70 5 4 ft. 1.60 3 4 ft .90 FOH norSK RAISING SCRKWS, JACKS \STt nOI.I.TKS, SKR IlvniCX 506 Geo-BCarpen'ter ^ eo. TRACK AND BALLAST JACKS Fig. 6 Fig. 1 Fig. 116-117-118 Fig. 101 No. 6 Simplex Double Acting Ballast and Track Jack For heavy track, ballast and crossing work. Massive contruction is combined with proven material. Simplex mechanism, combined with careful design, resulting in increased efficiency, has led many of the leading railroads to adopt this Jack. SPECIFICATIONS Standard Malleable Iron Capacity, tons 15 Lever Socket Crucible Steel Lift, inches 18% Rack Bar Drop Forging Height, inches 31 Pawls Drop Forging Weight, with pole, lbs 96 List price $32.00 No. 1 Simplex Double Acting Track Jack Built for "above-the-average," really efficient duty on track, ballast or construction work. Keen attention to every detail, combined with Simplex mechanism and the resultant increased efficiency, has led to the adoption of this Jack by many of the largest railroads. All parts are heavier than average re- quirements might justify, but the Jack never fails on any demand. SPECIFICATIONS Standard Malleable Iron Capacity, tons 10 Lever Socket Crucible Steel Lift, inches 13% Rack Bar Drop Foiging Height, inches 25 Pawls Drop Forging Weight, with pole, lbs 65 List price .$!S.OO Nos. 116, 117 and 118 Simplex Surfacing Ballast and Track Jacks Single Acting — Operating on the Down Stroke of the Lever, or Tripping at any Position. A trio of track Jacks that have no equals for efficiency and simple design. The upper pawls, with rack engaging teeth at the bottom, swing as pendulums from the frames. The lower pawls which fulcrum in sockets in the frames, engage the rack bar teeth or may be pulled backward to engage the upper pawls in recesses provided to trip the load. In this way a tooth by tooth lowering device or a quick trip to low position is effected. Each bearing is a heavy trunnion, cast integral with the lever socket, and rotates in a hardened steel, closed end, lubricant-retaining bushing. No. lie. A Jack of small height, low lift and little weight, that is easily and quickly carried. Com- bining a tripping or tooth-by-tooth lowering device, it has power and speed for all surfacing work. No. 117. The most simple, yet efficient design of track Jack built, and a great favorite for track work. No. 118. For ballast work particularly, this is the ideal Jack. Of great height and lift. It easily raises the track clear of all ballast during construction, even though the ground, because of its softness, may allow the base to sink. As is often necessary, the track may be lowered gradually, or dropped all the way. This is accomplished by operating the two pawls. The upper one, with rack engaging tooth at the bottom, swings as a pendulum from the frame. The lower operates like those in the Nos. 116 and 117. • SPECIFICATIONS Standard Malleable Iron No 116 Lever Socket Crucible Steel Capacity, tons 10 Rack Bar Drop Forging Lift, inches 8 Pawls Drop Forging Height, inches l^M Bushings and Keys Steel Weight, with pole, lbs 46 List price. No. 11« i|!20.00 List price. No. 117 V2.00 l,ist price, fio. 1 1 S 32.00 No. 101 Simplex Track Jack Double Acting — Operating on the Up and Down Stroke of the Lever, or Tripping at any Position. This Jack meets the demand for a compact doubleacting Track Jack. It reduces the height of all former Jacks of equal lift, thereby reducing the weight accordingly. Yet because of its massive, heavy construction, it is the master for all work in connection with the heaviest rails. SPECIFICATIONS 117 lis 10 15 12^ 18%- 20 M. 28 55 70 Standard Malleable Iron Lever Socket Crucible Steel Rack Bar ^ .Drop Forging Pawla Drop Forging Busblners and Keys Steel Mat price Capacity, tons 10 Lift, inches 13% Height, inches = 21 Weight, with pole, lbs ....,, 58 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ Co, ,jo; Fig. 25 Standard Lever Socket Rack Bar Ratchet Wheel. . . Pinion Bearings Cap List price, No. 2.",. List price, Xo. 33. SIMPLEX GEARED JACKS Single Acting — Operating on the Down Stroke of the Lever These Jacks are designed lor easily handling loaded refrisrerator and railroad car.s, locomotives, or heavier indu.strial >vork. Cast integral with the frame is a gear case which houses a heavy drop forged pinion and ratchet wheel, both of which are heat treated and hardened. Engaging snugly with this pinion is a heavy rack, which is forged from chrome nickel steel. The pinion rotates on bronze bushings. The pawls, which are operated by the crucible steel socket, engage the teeth of the ratchet wheel so that it raises or lowers the rack bar on each stroke of the lever. These pawls are made of chrome nickel steel in the No. 25 Jack, and ohrome vanadium steel in the No. 35. Under all circum- stances the pawls are locked so that the load cannot be dropped. Carrying handles are provided upon each side. The raising and lowering movement of the rack bar is governed by the indicator upon the side of the Jack. Each bearing is a heavy trunnion, cast integral with the socket and rotates in a hardened steel, closed end, lubricant-retaining bushing. Grease provided where necessary. SPECIFICATIONS cups are Malleable Iron Crucible Steel .Chrome Nickel Steel Drop Forging Drop Forging Bronze Drop Forging Pawls Bushings and Keys Steel Fig. 35 .Chrome Nickel Steel Capacity, tons L.ift, inches Height, inches Weight, with pole, lbs. ...No. 25, 25 ..No. 25, 161^ ..No. 25, 27 , . .No. 25, 150 SIMPLEX GAR, INDUSTRIAL AND BRIDGE JACKS Single Acting — Operating on the Down Stroke of the Lever. No. 35, 35 No. 35, 16'^ No. 35, 26 Vi No. 35, 200 $10<).00 135.00 Fig. 2 PiB' 4 Fig. 19 The Simplex mechanism locks the working parts in every position — a load can never drop. Each bearing is a heavy trunnion, cast integral with the lever socket, and rotates in a hardened steel, closed end, lubricant-retaining bushing. ... . .., , . „ The design and construction embody the most minute details to increase long life and service. Even an apron is provided over the socket opening to keep dirt from internal parts. Direction of operation is governed bv the reversing indicator on the sid*. No. 2. Simplex Industrial and Car Jack. Designed for use on interurban cars, for contractors and industrial service, as well as for track work. Heavy loads are easily handled, because of the high efficiency. No. 4. Simplex Bridge or Car Jack. Designed for bridge and heavy construction work. Powerful, rapid, highly efficient and is built for rough, abusive service. The extra heavy base and reinforced standard, with high carbon-forged rack bar, provide a positive guarantee of a long, efficient life. Smaller details of design, such as an apron over the socket opening to keep dirt from internal parts, are carefully watched. No. 10. Simplex Car, Industrial and Bridge Jack. The specifications, construction and power of this Jack have produced the basis of economy in car and bridge repairing SPECIFICATIONS standard Malleable Iron Lever Socket Crucible Steel Rack Bar Drop Forging Pawls Drop Forgincr Bushings and Keys Steel List price No 2 4 m 10 925.00 15 1 t V2 221.4 91 935.00 15 f-if t inches . ■ • 17^ 28 Weight, with pole, lbs 94 $85.00 FOR PINCH AND CROW BARS. CHAIN AND ROLLERS. SEE INDEX 508 GEOBCAIiPEffTER ^ eo. JACKS _ Fig. 315 Fig. 50 Fig. 51 Fig. 55 No. 315 SIMPLEX ORDNANCE AND EMERGENCY JACK Single Acting — Operating on the down stroke of the lever. In addition to the recessed chain cap, chain and pivoting standard of the No. 310 Emergency Jack, there is an auxiliary detachable shoe which fits snugly in the recessed chain cap. This shoe swings free upon its axis in the cap and operates at any angle within a radius of 180°, irrespec- tive of the angle at which the Jack is inclined. It adds another lifting point and gives the Jack a greater range of lift. A load may be handled at any point, on cap, shoe or bottom foot, o.^ if occasion demands, the shoe may be detached or used in conjunction with the chain. The base is large and massive, especially designed for field work. It may be anchored at any position by means of the stake hole and two recesses at the rear. This Jack is used for every kind of emergency or industrial purpose, or for Ordnance De- partments, to lift guns that are mired or to support them in action; on board ship for use In narrow shaft alleys or confined spaces or for stiffening and strengthening bulkheads. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Five-foot heavy Chain with Grab Hook attached. Five-foot Steel Lever Bar — Pinch Bar construction. Auxiliary detachable shoe. SPECIFICATIONS Standard and Base Malleable Iron Lever Socket Drop Forging Rack Bar Chrome Nickel D. F. Pawls Drop Forging Bushings and Keys Steel Auxiliary Shoe Chrome Nickel D. F. Capacity, tons 15 Lift, inches 12 Height, inches 23% Weight: Jack, lbs 62 Chain lbs 15 Auxiliary Shoe, lbs 5 Bar, lbs 17 Total weight, lbs 99 Price, each •. $20.00 Nos. 50, 51 AND 55 SIMPLEX INDUSTRIAL JACKS Single Acting — Operating on the down stroke of the lever bar. Jacks Nos. 50 and 51 are especially designed for every kind of industrial service; for light cars, mining, factory and agricultural service. Number 55 Jack js quickly adjusted to a load at any height. It is ideal for any kind of truck, industrial, mining or agricultural work. The adjustable shoe can be raised or lowered on the H-beam rack, locking firmly at any position in the circular recesses provided. Operation is highly efficient and minimum work is necessary for the heaviest loads. Each bearing is a heavy trunnion, forged integral with the lever socket, and rotates in a hardened steel, closed end lubricant-retaining bushing. Simplex mechanism locks the working parts in every position — a load can never be dropped. The reversing device on the side, when revolved a half circle, changes direction of operation. The socket when not in use folds into a vertical position, thereby minimizing storage space. In numbers 50 and 51 the steel lever pole is of pinch bar design — a handy tool for any work. SPECIFICATIONS Standard Malleable Iron Lever Socket Drop Forging Rack Bar Drop Forging Pawls Drop Forging Bushings and Keys Steel Lever Bar Steel Chamber I No. 50 I No. 51 I No. 55 Capacity, tons ■•■1 5 1 5 10 Lift, inches 1 81^ 1 13 1^ 10% Height, inches 1 15 1^ 1 20 17 Weight with bar, lbs 1 32 1 38 40 List Price 1 $^0.00 1 $22.00 ) $30.00 FOR ROL.L.KRS. PINCH AND CROW BARS, SEE INDEX GEOBCAR^PENfTER S Qo SIMPLEX JACKS No. 310. SIMPLEX EMERGENCY JACK single Acting — Operating on the Down Stroke of the Lever This Jack is really a combination of a Crane and a Jack. It pivots on its own base from 30° to 90° to the horizontal and lifts, lowers, pushes or pulls at any angle. The base of the standard rests, with a machine fit, upon two curved shoulders which project upward from, and form a part of the base. Two studs hold it in position. The base, therefore, takes all thrust. A double socket is provided by means of which the lever pole is always in a convenient position — no matter what the angle of the Jack may be. The Cap is recessed to firmly hold the links of a chain when they are dropped in position. The cap, at its "V" notched side, quickly engages wooden beams, or boxes, or because of its corrugated surface, maintains a firm ^'^s- '^^^ contact against metal surfaces when pushing at any angle. The Jack can never slip because of the heavy calks at the bottom of the base. The bearings are massive trunnions, forged integral with the lever socket and rotate in hardened steel closed end, lubricant-retaining bushings. Direction of ojieration i.s governed by the reversing lever on the side. STANDARD EQOPMENT Five-foot Chain with Grab Hook. Five-foot Steel Lever, Pinch Bar and Car Mover combined. SPECIFICATIONS Standard and Base Malleable Iron Lever Socket Drop Forging Rack Bar Chrome Nickel D. F. Pawls Drop Forging Bushings and Keys Steel Lever Bar Steel Capacity, tons 15 Lift, inches 12% Height, inches 21% Weight of Jack, lbs 59 Weight of Chain and Bar, lbs 30 Total weight, lbs. Pi'ice $20.00 No. 318. SIMPLEX POLE JACK Single Acting — Operating on the Down Stroke of the Lever, or Tripping at any Position This Jack has all the features of the No. 310 so far as pivoting on its base, recessed chain cap, double socket and general construction is concerned. Added to this is the feature of tripping the load from any point back to low position. It has far greater height and lift, however, to enable its being used in many places in which the No. 310 or 315 would not be of sufficient lift. In pulling a telephone pole, or for sawing off a decayed base, it is possible to get hold high and lift fully two feet. If this is insufficient lift, the pole is held, the cap quickly tripped to low position and a new hold taken. Only a fraction of the time required by any other methtod is necessary. The big saving of labor and expense usually affects an entire pole pulling crew. There are numerous other demands for this Jack on railroads, in constniction and industiial fields. STANDARD EQUIPMENT 8 foot Hand-forged Chain, with pear-shaped lin' 5 foot Steel Lever or Pinch Bar. 2 feet of 10 inch, 25 lb. I Beam Base Support. SPECIFICATIONS Standard and Base Malleable Iron Lever Socket Drop Forging Rack Bar Chrome Nickel Steel Pawls Drop Forging Bushings and Keys Steel Capacity, tons 16 Lift, inches 24 Height, inches 89 Weight of Jack, lbs »0 Weight of Chain, lbs 34 Weight of Bar, lbs 17 Total weight, lbs • . .189 Price ifsn.OO Fig. 31 S FOR ROI>r>FR.S. WIRE ROPR. CHAIN. ETC, SEE INDEX 10 GeoBCarpen'ter 5e eo. AUTOMOBILE JACKS Fig. 36 Pig. 41 Fig. 4S Fig. 4S NO. 36 SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE JACK This little Jack is carefully designed and constructed throughout of high quality, homogene- ous, malleable castings. The middle shoe, which is integral with the rack bar, supplies an extra lifting point — useful in many awkward positions. The rack bar teeth and all working parts are machined. Every Simplex Automobile or Truck Jack, with equipment, is neatly and securely packed in a heavy corrugated board box. The attractive label plainly shows the contents. This insuies a clean stock, quickly locates any size of Jack, economizes storage space and avoids further packing for reshipment. Price T $1.50 Capacity, lbs 1,000 Lift, Inches G^i Height, inches 10 Weight, lbs 5 A 12 inch Hard Maple Lever Bai- is Furnished with Jack NOS. 41, 42, 43, SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE AND INDUSTRIAL JACKS Double Acting — Operating on the up and down stroke of the lever bar. These Jacks are miniatures of the larger Simplex Jacks. The same care in construction and design is present, with the addition of a valuable asset — a detachable shoe. This shoe, fitting snugly in the cap, swings in a radius of 180° and is available in every position. A load may be handled at any point because of the foot, the shoe and the cap — three carrying points. The arc of travel of the steel lever bar is small, hence the load never obstructs movement of the hand. These Jacks are so highly efficient that the effort expended is about the same as that on the very best geared Jack. Direction of operation is regulated by the lever on the side. It would not be possible to build an Auto Jack of better material than is used in any of the above Jacks. SPECIFICATIONS Standard Malleable Iron Lever Socket : Drop Forging Rack Bar Drop Forging Pawls ■. Drop Forging Bushings and Keys Steel Lever Bar Steel Detachable Shoe Drop Forging Capacity, tons Height, inches Lift, inches Weight, with bar, lbs. Price each No. 41 No. 42 No. 43 1 10 7 $4.25 2 3 11% 13 SVs 10 11 13 ^.00 $6.00 FOR TIRKS, TUBES. TOOL, KITS. ETC., SEE INDEX GEOB'eAIiPEM*TER S CO. 511 BALL-BEARING JACKS Figs. 103 and 104 Figs. 101 and 103 Capacity Height Rise Diameter of Weight Hook tons inches inches Ease, inches pounds Extra 103 15 20 9 12 80 $60.00 $5.00 104 15 22 10 10 80 60.00 6.00 105 15 26 13 10 92 70.00 6.00 101 25 33 20 12 154 95.00 6.00 102 15 34 20 12 154 75.00 6.00 Hook can be used for low set loads. This comes extra, as is shown in list. Fig. 104F Fig. 105F Figs. 113, 114, ll.'. No Capacity Height Rise Size of Weight Price tons inches inches Base, inches pounds 104F 15 22 10 7x9 80 $60.00 105F 15 26 13 7x9 110 70.00 113 35 22 10 8x9 190 130.00 114 25 22 10 8x9 136 90.00 115 25 26 13 8x9 157 96.00 Foot of Jack is intended to lift only on&-half full capacity. 512 GEOBCARPENfTER X SO. BALL-BEARING JACKS Fig, 119 Figs, lie, 117, 125 Extra Heavy Style Capacity tons Height inches Rise inches Diameter of Base, inches Weight pounds Price 118 119 116 117 125 35 35 50 50 60 26 32 24 27 26 13 19 9 12 12 12 14 14 14 175 185 270 292 323 $138.00 138.00 150.00 150.00 175.00 Fig. 127 Figs. 109, 111 Fig. 110 Shiowing Hook for L,ow Set Loads No. Capacity tons Height inches Rise inches Diameter of Base, inches Diameter of Head, inches Weight pounds Price Hook Extra 127 109 110 111 75 25 25 25 26 20 24 26 12 9 11 13 14 10 13 12 12 385 106 149 164 $200.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 $6.00 6.00 6.00 Foot of Jack is intended to lift only one-half capacity- GEOB-eARBENfTER S QO. 513 HYDRAULIC JACKS Fig-. 2151A Broud Base Rise Broad Ba se Plain Base Height Height Tons inches when Down inches Weight lbs I'.-ic- when Down inches Weight lbs. Price 4 12 24 67 $62.00 241/2 55 $58.00 7 12 25 85 68.00 251/4 67 62.00 ( 18 31 97 74.00 3114 77 68.00 7 24 371/2 110 80.00 38 95 74.00 10 12 25 120 76.00 251/4 97 66.00 10 18 31 130 88.00 31^/4 110 76.00 10 24 37% 150 100.00 38 128 86.00 15 12 251/2 145 100.00 251/2 118 82.00 15 18 311/2 162 116.00 311/2 135 96.00 15 24 38 185 132.00 38 155 110.00 20 12 261/2 180 124.00 261/2 150 96.00 20 18 321/2 206 144.00 3214 174 118.00 20 24 381/2 231 164.00 3 8 1/2 197 140.00 30 9 23 215 152.00 221/2 176 128.00 30 12 261/2 220 162.00 26 188 136.00 30 18 321/2 250 190.00 32 220 160.00 40 12 26% 260 200.00 261/2 240 176.00 40 18 33 294 230.00 33 272 200.00 50 12 28 320 240.00 27 270 206.00 5 18 341/2 355 270.00 Note: — 40 and 50 ton are all steel. CLAW Capacity- Tons Rise inches Height when Down inches 241/2 25 31 26 32 25% 32 261/2 32% 26% 32% 26% Height of Claw inches 6% 6% 6% 6% Weight lbs. 78 95 110 145 162 175 195 220 240 280 310 310 BROAD BASE KEY RELEASE Capacity Tons Rise inches Height when Down inches Diameter of Base inches Weight Ibl. Price 10 12 27 12 115 $100.00 10 18 33 12 130 110.00 15 12 27% 12 155 120.00 15 18 33% 12 175 130.00 20 12 28 13 190 140.00 20 18 34 13 220 150.00 30 12 28% 13% 230 160.00 30 18 34% 13% 270 170.00 40 12 29 13% 270 200.00 40 18 S5 12% 310 210.00 Fig. 2ir»lB riaiu Bane $66.00 74.00 80.00 84.00 94.00 120.00 136.00 160.00 180.00 200.00 220.00 240.00 This .lack is lowered by lever used in raising. means of a key which is independent of the Broad Base Release 514 GeoBSar^peM'ter s eo. STONE AND MACHINERY JACKS BEST STEEL FORCINGS, ALL GEARS CUT WOOD FRAME STONE JACKS For use in stone and marble yards, stone quarries, foundries and machine shops. Also for moving and erecting machinery. An iron housing protects the racli, pinion and gears. Nothing to get out of order. The rack, pinion and gears are forged from steel blanks and the teeth are cut. Can be operated at any angle, base being fitted with prongs to prevent slipping. All jacks are furnished with swivel head foot lift and crank. Tonnage Height inches Weight lbs. Price 2 34 95 $45.00 3 34% 110 50.00 4 35 120 55.00 5 36 135 62.00 6 36% 150 70.00 8 37 185 85.00 10 37% 200 110.00 12 38 230 120.00 15 39 275 140.00 18 39 300 150.00 20 39 315 162.50 25 39 350 175.00 30 . 39 400 200.00 Fig. 667A Front "View Fig. 667B Back View PATENT IRON FRAME STONE JACK TonnaKe Height inches Weight lbs. Price 2 32 75 $45.00 3 3 21/2 85 50.00 4 34 100 55.00 5 34 115 62.00 6 35 135 70.00 8 36 160 85.00 10 36 170 110.00 12 37 200 120.00 1.-1 39 225 ■ 140.00 Fns. 6674B Front View FiK. 667D Back View GEO-BCAIiPENfTER S GO. 515 LOCOMOTIVE JACK SCREWS All Screws are warranted to carry load specified. Levers will be sent only when ordered and ^vill be charged for. See list in other colunin. Fig. 214A III 1% ly* ly* iy4 ly* 1% iy2 iy2 iy2 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2 2 2 2 o li 2 2 2 10 12 14 16 18 5 $2.90 3.10 3.40 3.80 4.20 4.60 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.25 6.00 6.75 4.50 5.00 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 8.50 5.00 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.50 12.50 13.50 *feS £a 2Vi 2y4 2y4 2y4 2y4 2% 2^ 2% 2V4. 2y4 21/^ 2y2 2% 2% 2y2 2% 2% 2^ 21/^ 2y2 21^ 2% 21^ 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 $7.00 7.50 8.25 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.25 14.50 15.75 7.75 8.00 8.75 9.75 10.75 12.00 13.25 14.50 15.75 17.00 18.25 22.00 26.00 19.50 20.75 22.00 23.25 24.50 25.75 30.00 TABLE OF CAPACITIES For Height Over all Screws, inches Capacity, tons add to Height of Sta nd. inches iy4 10 2% 1% 12 2% 1% 16 2% 2 20 3y4 2y4 24 3% 2% 28 4 3 36 4% HOUSE RAISING SCREWS Fig. 214B. Cap These Screws are cast with seamless threads which make them very smooth and uniform. Diameter of Screw Height Over all Each Inches Inchea 3 20 $3.50 3 22 3.75 3 24 4.00 3 26 4.25 3 28 4.50 3 30 4.75 3 32 5.00 3 34 5.25 3 36 5.50 Extra caps, each list Jack bars, each list . $0.50 .60 TELESCOPIC JACK SCREWS Fig. ai8A Fig. 218B Size Tons 1 stand. iNet Rise Price 1 Price No, f inches 1 Inches Fisr. 1 L TiK. 8 1 10 1 10 11 $14.00 1 $20.00 2 25 1 14 16 18.00 1 24.00 3 25 1 17 1 23 22.00 I 28.00 4 25 1 21 1 31 28.00 30.00 5 25 1 25 1 36 30.00 36.00 Fig 218a represents the Jack with wrench lever, Pig. 218b, ratchet lever. ,I>K OF .lACK SCREWS IS ALWAYS < OMPf,ETE AND WE ARK PREPARED TO FURIVISM ONE OR A HINDREI) FROM CHICAGO STOCK 516 GEO-BeAIiPEH*TER S SO. JACK SCREWS ^M BELL BASE RATCHET This Jack has wrought iron screw, cast iron stand and cap, and steel ratchet, pawl and handle. CAPACITY inch Screws 24 Tons .32 .36 .40 Fig: 381 Dia. of Height Dia. of Height Screw Over Price Screw Over Price in. All in. in. All in. 2 12 $16.00 21/2 22 $24.50 2 14 16.75 21/2 24 25.50 2 16 17.50 21/2 26 26.50 2 18 18.25 21/2 28 27.75 2 20 19.00 21/2 30 29.00 2 22 19.75 21/2 34 33.00 2 24 20.50 21/2 36 35.00 2 26 21.50 21/2 38 37.00 2 28 22.50 2% 20 27.50 2 30 23.50 2% 24 30.00 21/4 18 21.00 2% 28 32.50 21/4 20 22.00 2% 30 34.00 2 1/4 22 23.00 2% 36 40.00 21/4 24 24.00 3 20 32.00 2% 26 25.00 3 24 35.00 21/4 28 26.00 3 26 37.00 21/4 30 27.00 3 28 38.50 21/2 18 22.50 3 30 40.00 2% 20 23.50 3 36 48.00 RATCHET CARRYING This Jack has a steel base, brass nuts and wrought iron screws and legs. The ratchets, pawls and handles are made of steel and mal- leable iron. Fig. 3S3 Capacity, tons 3 6 Diameter of Lifting Screw, in 2% Diameter of Traverse Screw, in 1 % Length of Lifting Screw, in 18 Length of Traverse Screw 18 Height over all 26 Price $140.00 TRIPOD RATCHET Tripod Jack Screws have wrought iron screws, legs and bases, brass nuts and steel ratchets, pawls and handles. CAPACITY 2 M inch Screws 28 Tons 21/2 " " 32 " 2% " " 36 " 3 " " 40 " Fig. 3S3 Dia. of Height Dia. of Height Screw Over Price Screw Over Price in. All in. in. All in. 2y4 18 $50.00 21/2 36 $67.00 21/4 20 51.00 2% 24 65.00 21/4 22' 52.00 2% 26 66.25 21/4 24 53.00 2% 28 67.50 21/2 18 56.50 2% 30 68.75 21/2 20 57.50 2% 36 73.00 2y2 22 58.50 3 24 70.00 21/2 24 59.50 3 26 71.50 2% 26 60.75 3 28 73.00 21/2 28 62.00 3 30 74.50 21/2 30 63.25 3 36 79.00 CABLE REEL Lever will be sent only when ordered, and will be charged extra Fig. 384 Dia. of Screw in. Ht. Over All when Closed inches Rise in. & Wt. about lbs. Size of Base Price 2 2 2 21/2 21^ 3 3 19 21 27 16 28 29 35 8 10 16 4 16 15 21 24 24 24 30 30 36 36 5 55 72 47 89 130 143 2x10x20 2x10x22 2x11x30 2x11x20 2x11x30 3x11x30 3x11x30 $15.00 16.00 18.00 16.50 24.00 36.00 42.00 GEO•B•eAR,PE^fTER S GO. 5ir JACKS PEARSON RATCHET PULLING JACKS Fig. 212A With Hooks for Pnlliue Vis. 212B With Spud Ends for Pusliing Capacity tons Price Each Length Closed inches Run of Screws inches Weight pounds 7 10 $17.50 22.50 33 33 12 12 35 50 Capacity tons Wt. lbs. Length Closed with Hooks Dropped inches Length Closed with Hooks Extended inches Run of Screw Price Each 7 50 33 39 1^ 18 $22.50 PEARSON'S CAR REPLACING JACK With Socket Bearing Head and Foot Capacity 50 tons per pair Weight 85 pounds each Length, closed 28 inches Hoist 14 inches Price per pair $67.50 SCREW TRACK JACK Capacity 12 tons Diameter Screw . . 1 1/^ inches Length Screw 18 inches Piice each $13.00 Fig. 212D Fig. 212C » PULLING AND PUSHING RATCHET JACKS, OR STEAMBOAT RATCHETS ^gf^ggmmim Have capaclty of 7 to 10 tons, and are double VM^'""'''" acting, which enables the operator to "pull" or "let go" Fig. 212K ^^ '*"'s- 212F without Changing his position, by reversing. Can be ^^^0^^^M worked in any position. Fis.2i2G Ig inch barrel, 1% inch screw each $7,00 24 inch barrel, 1% inch screw " 7.50 30 inch barrel, 1% Inch screw " 8.00 36 Inch barrel, 1% Inch screw • 9.60 24 inch barrel, 1%. inch screw " 16.00 30 inch barrel, 1% inch screw " 17.00 26 inch barrel, 1 % inch screw " 18.00 We can furnish with any desired attachments as illustrated. Unless specified we will ship attachment a« Fl». 212H shown in complete Jack. 518 GEO-BeARPElfTER « Co. WINCHES— DRUMS SAFETY WORM GEAR WINCH FIs. 6318 The ■worm sear enable's the Winch to hold the load at any point when the handle is re- Fig 6318 Worm Gear Especially adapted for raising and lowering electric lights, chandeliers, doors, par- titions, etc. CapacHy 500 lbs. Weight 56 lbs. Size of Drum....5%x6 inches Price ?9.00 If a hearier Winch is re- Quired, we have in the same style: No. 6319. Size of drum, 5%x6 inches, capacity 750 lbs. Price $12.0O No. 6317. Size of drum, 8x10 y^ inches, capacity, 1200 lbs. Price 15.0O PEERLESS HAND POWER WINCH Fig. 6240 This is a sturdy little hand power Winch, low in price but sure' on the lift. An improved pawl holds the load at any point. The Winch is well made in every extremely handy. Capacity respect and 1000 lbs. Drum 6 inch diameter, 5 Vz inches long Flanges 2i^ inches wide Weight 80 lbs. Price ..910.65- SMALL WINCH. NOT GEARED Fig. 2544 This Winch is made in two sizes, 3%xl2 inches and 14 inches. Equipped with band brake mounted to steel frame and equipped with clamps so that it can be clamped to 6x6 or smaller. This Winch is all right where light loads are to be hoisted. Can be used with cable or % to % inch rope. Price, including clamps and braise $6.00 SMALL SINGLE DRUM GEARED WINCH Fig. 2545 This Winch is made in one size. The drum is 4x8 inches, large gear 12 inches, pinion 3 inches. Both' gears are made out of malleable. The main frame is made in one piece and is also of malleable iron, which makes it very compact and .strong, and very light to get around with. The weight of the Winch complete with handles is 65 lbs. This Winch has a drum capacity of 300 feet of VW inch cable. Price ^9.0O Fig. 2544 Including band brake. If clamps to clamp to 6x6 post are desired, add $0.50. DRUMS FOR HAND POWERS Hand Powers are' always furnished with Straight Drums, unless otherwise specified. W Fig. 195A. Straight Fig. 105B. FnU Nigger Head 4x16 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft $6.00 4x24 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft 7.00 9x16 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft 10.00 9x21 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft 11.00 6x21 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft 10.00 Fig. 105C. Half Nigger Head 6x26 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft $11.00 6x30 Cast Iron Drums with Shaft 12.00 Concave for No. 15 Power 6.00 Extra for brake cast on end of drum 3.00 ^ . ^ « ^, - . , ^ NIGGER HEADS 4 Incn small diameter, 6 inch flange diameter x 6 inches long 94.itO S,, .^ smaH diameter, 9 inch flange diameter x 7 inches long 6 00 5% Incb small diameter, 11 1/^ inch flange' diameter x 8 % inches long T.0O POa W^OOD AND STEEL PULLEYS AND SHAFTING, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER « Co. 519 SASGEN WINCHES AND SLINGS DOUBLE DRUM GEARED WINCH Gears and Frame ^lade of Best Malleable Diameter and Length of Drum inches Diameter of Gear and Pinion Inches Lift 2 Men Single Block lbs. • Lift 2 Men Double and Triple Block lbs. Price Each 5x14 5x16 5x18 7x14 7x16 7x18 18x4 18x4 18x4 18x4 18x4 18x4 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 $48.75 50.00 51.25 52.50 53.75 55.00 SINGLE DRUM GEARED WINCH Gears and Fi-ame Made of Best Malleable Diameter and Length of Drum inches Diameter t i»* o -hi „, r^ Lift 2 Men anipfnTon Single Block inches ^^^ Lift 2 Men Double and Triple Block lbs. Price £ach 5x14 5x16 5x18 7x14 7x16 7x18 18x4 18x4 18x4 18x4 18x4 18x4 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 $25.00 25.60 26.25 27.50 28.75 30.00 SMALL SINGLE DRUM GEARED WINCH Diameter and Length Diameter of Gear and Pinion inches Lift 2 Men Single Block lbs. Lift 2 Men Double Block lbs. Price Each of Drum inches Without With ' Bushings Bushings 4x8 12x3 2000 3000 $13.10 1 $14.35 SINGLE SHAFT GEARED WINCH This Winch Can Be Changed from Direct to Compound in One Second by Operating a Small Lever Diameter and Length Diameter of Gear and Pinion inches Lift 2 Men Single Block lbs. Lift 2 Men Double Block lbs. Price Each of Drum inches With 1 With Bushings 1 Clamps 4x8 12x3 2000 3000 $17.50 1 $18.10 Fis. 5T23 ** Fig. 5724 WHEELBARROW CHAIN SLING WITH AUTOMATIC HOOK All complete, ready to attach to your barrow. The handiest device on the market price each $2.20 f^k- 5X85 FOR STEAM AND BELT DRIVEN U^INCHES AND HOISTS, SEIB INDEX 520 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER ^ eo, HOISTING WINCHES IRON FRAME WITH BRAKE Fig. 6250. Style No. 10, Single Pur- chase Tvithout ]Vig:ser Head Fig. 6250A. Style No. 10, Single Pur- chase 'With Nigger Head CAPACITY FOR FOUR MEN No. Diameter and Length of Drum inches Diameter of Gear and Pinion Approx. Speed of Rope per Minute on Drum in feet Lift of Two Men, Direct Single Line lbs. Lift with Double and Triple Blocks Two Men, lbs. Price without Nigg-er Head Price with Nigger Head Size of Nigger Head inches 6250 6252 6253 41/2X12 4 1/2x1 6 5 xl8 18-6 24-4 25-4 12 6 6y2 900 1,800 2,500 4,500 9,000 12,500 $29.00 36.00 45.00 $36.00 44.00 53.50 4x6 4x6 4x6 Fig. 6258. Style No. 11. Double Purchase without Nigger Head Fig. 625SA. Style No. 11. Double Purchase -with Nigger Head CAPACITY FOR FOUR MEN C258 6260 6262 6263 Diameter and Length of Drum inches 41^x16 5 Xl9 61^x22 9 xl6 Diameter of Gears and Pinion 24- 9 -4 27-131/2-4 33-131/2-51/2 25- 8 1/2 -4 Approx. Speed of Rope per Minute on Drum in feet 2% 1% 31/^ Lift of Two Men, Direct Single Line 3,000 4,500 5,000 3,000 Lift with Double and Triple Blocks Two Men, lbs, 15,000 22,500 25,000 15,000 Price without Nigger Head $42.00 61.00 75.00 60.00 Price with Nigger Head $50.50 70.50 85.00 68.50 Size of Nigger Head inches 4x6 6x7 6x7 4x6 Extra for machine with wheel brake, add $5.00 to list price. WE CAN FURNISH THE ABOVE WITH PI.ATE STEEL SIDES. PRICES ON APPLICATION GEOB-CARPEhfTER « Co. 5-31 HOISTING WINCHES style IS. Fig 62ns Fis. «?.20. One Man AVincU Fig. 6298 WOOD FRA:\IE AVIXCH Style Xo. 18 Portable Winch, Single Drum, Single Purchase CAPACITY FOR FOl R MEX No. Diameter and Length of Drum inches Diameter of Gear and Pinion inches Approx. Speed of Rope per Minute on Drum in feet Lift of Two Men. Direct Single Line, lbs. Lift with Double and Triple Blocks Two Men, lbs. l'ri««- 6298 6300 6301 6302 6x21 28x4 6x30 2Sx4 9x16 1 28x4 9x21 i 28x4 10 19 2000 2000 1500 1500 10000 10000 7500 7500 ?35.00 , 38.00 35.00 37.00 Fig. 6320 OXE >IAX WIXCH. IKOX FRAMK Cipacity .500 lbs. 1 Diamtter and L,engtii ■«»• 1 of Drum, inches Diameter of Gear -- . and Pinion, inches *^'*^* 6320 1 5x12 14x2 lA $15.00 «2S,S. Single I'ureliase Wagon AVinch KipT. 0321. .Style tSYj, Singrlc Drum, SinK'U' I'urchase, -with Brake Fig. 62.S0. Double Purehase AVagon A\!noli Figs. 6288-6289 IROX FRAME WAGOX WIXCHES CAPACITY FOR FOIR MEV No, Diameter and Length of Drum inches Diameter of Gear and Pinion inches Lift with OnetMan lbs. Capacity with Four Men lb«.. Price 0288 6289 4x16 4x16 16-4 y* 16-9i,<.-3 600 1400 2400 5600 $2».00 37.50 Fig. 6321 ILIXD POWER WIXCH _C.4PACITY FOR TWO MFX Diameter and Length of Drum inches Diameter of Gear and Pinion Inches Speed of Rope per Minute on Drum in feet Lift of Two Men. Direct Single Line, lbs Lift with Double and Triple Blocks, Two Men. lb? 15% 600 $25.00 FOR STEAM AND EI.ECTRIC WINCHES, SEE INDEX 522 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ GO. HOISTING WINCHES AND HAND POWERS Fig. 6295 Fig. 6295. Style No. 18^4 Portable Winch, Single Geared, Concave Drum. Tig. 6305 Capacity for Four Men Diameter and Length of Drum inches IV3XI2 Diameter of Gear and Pinion inches 24x41/2 Apnrox. Speed of Rope per minute in feet >% Lift of Two Men Direct Single Line, lbs. Lift with Double and Triple Blocks, Two Men, lbs. ,000 $25.00 Fig. 6305. Style No. 16 Portable Winch, Single Drum, Double Purchase Capacity for Four Men 6305 6307 Diameter and Length of Drum inches 6x21 6x30 9x16 9x21 Diameter of Gear and Pinion inches 28-18-4 28-18-4 28-18-4 28-18-4 Approx. Speed of Rope per minute in feet ■ V2 Lift of Two Men Direct Single Line, lbs. 7,500 7,500 5,000 5,000 Lift with Double and Triple Bloclcs, Two Men, lbs. 37,500 37,500 25,000 25,000 $60.00 70.00 60.00 65.00 Note. — Above capacities are for slow speed, times the speed. Fast speed will lift one-quarter above capacities at four Flgf. 6324. Stjlc No. 19. Sinjcle nrnm. Single Purphase Fig. 63.30. Style No. 20, Single Drum. Single- Purchase Capacity For Four Men No. Diameter ' and Length of Drum Diameter of Gear and Pinion Speed of Rope on Drum per Minute in feet Lift of Two Men with Single Block lbs. Lift with Double and Triple Blocks Two Men lbs. Price 6324 6325 6326 6327 4x16 4x16 4x24 6x21 16x4 24x4 24x4 24x4 5% 7^ 2.400 2,700 2,700 1,800 6,000 6,750 6,750 4,500 $22.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 Capacity For Four Men Lift with Diameter Diameter Speed of Rope Lift of Two Double and No. and Length of Gear and on Drum Men with Trinle Blocks Price of Drum Pinion per Minute Single Block Two Men in feet lbs. lbs. 6330 6x21 28x4 6% 4,000 10,000 $30.00 nil 6x30 28x4 6% 4.000 10,000 33.00 9x16 28x4 10 3.000 7,500 30.00 6334 9x21 28x4 10 3000 7,500 32.00 The lift of single line without block is half that shiown with single block. GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER ^ eo. 523 HAND POWERS Fig. 6376, Style No. 22, Doable Drum, Single Purchase Fig. 6382, Style No. 221^, Double Drum, Double Purchase, with Brake and Boom Safe- ty Attachment. CAPACITY FOR FOUR MEN Diameter Diameter Speed of Rope Lift of Two Lift with Doublel No. and length of of Gear and per Minute on Men with Single and Triple Price Drum Pinion Drum in Feet. Block, lbs. Blocks, lbs. •6376 6x21 28x4 6% 4,000 10,000 $50.00 *6377 6x26 28x4 6% 4,000 10,000 1 53.00 ♦6378 9x16 28x4 10 3,000 7,500 50.00 •6379 9x21 28x4 10 3.000 7.500 53.00 16382 9x21 and 9x16 28x4 and 18x5 3 10,000 25,000 100.00 16383 6x21 and 6x26 28x4 and 18x5 2 15,000 38,500 110.00 t6384 6x30 and 6x26 28x4 and 18x5 2 15,000 38,500 1 120.00 t6385 9x21 and 9x16 36x5 and 28x4 ■ 1% 21,000 52,500 1 200.00 16386 9x26 and 9x21 36x5 and 28x4 1"^ 21.000 52,500 215.00 * Price does not include foot block, derrick tintber or rope as sho^vn in cut. For Brakes add $12.00 to list. tCapacities are for slow speed; fast speed will lift one-quarter the load ithout blocks is half of that shown with single block. The lift of single line Fig. 6336, Style No. ZlVz Single Drum. Double Purchase Fig. 6370, Style No. 21 Single Drum, Double Purchase with Brake CAPACITY FOR TWO MEX Diameter Diameter Speed of Rope Lift of Two Lift with Double N*o. and Length of of Gear and per Minute on Men with Single and Triple Pfice Drum Pinion Drum in Feet Block, lbs. Blocks, lbs. C336 4x16 16- 9-3 2% 2,500 $42.00 6337 4x24 16- 9-3 2% 2.500 45.00 6x21 16- 9-3 4 1.800 45.00 6x30 2&-18-4 2% 7.500 53 00 9x16 28-18-4 5.000 50.00 6370 6x21 28-18-4 15.000 37,500 60 00 6x26 28-18-4 15,000 37.500 63.00 28-18-4 2 W 10.000 25.000 60 00 28-18-4 2% 10.000 25,000 63.00 Note. — Above capacities are for slow speed three times the speed. The lift of .Mingle Ifne without block 1m half that shown with single block Fast speed will lift one-quarter the above cnpacities 5-24 GEOBCAIiPEhfTER S Co. WINCHES AND DERRICKS Double Drum, Double Purchase with Brake Fitted with Patent Safety Attachment for Boom Drum CAPACITY FOR FOUR MEN No. Diameter and Length of Drum Diameter of Gear and Pinion Speed of Rope on Drum per Minute in Feet Lift of Two Men with Single Block, lbs. Lift with Double and Triple Blocks lbs. Price 6393 6394 6395 6396 6x21 6x26 9x16 9x21 28-18-4 28-18-4 28-18-4 28-18-4 11/2 11/2 2V4 2% 15000 15000 10000 10000 37500 37500 25000 25000 $75.00 80.00 75.00 80.00 ]Vote — Above capacities are for slow speed. Fast speed will lift one-quarter the load. Price does not include foot block, derrick timber, and rope, as shown in cut. The lift of single line without block is half of th,at shown with single block. SULKY DERRICK Especially Adapted for Laying Pipe, Etc. Fitted with Brake, for Lowei-ing No. Size Timbers inches Height feet capacity Price including Blocks and Rope 6429 6430 4x4 12 4x6 12 3500 10000 $80.00 100.00 No. 6429 has 2 single blocks. No. 6430 has 2 double blocks. Cut shows hand brake; can fui'nish with toot brake. Sulky Derrick roR ni-ocKS, amrk roi'k and cmps, xkk indi:v GEOBCAIiPEhfTER S Co. 52: GEARINGS FOB HAND POWEBS Fig. 6400. Cast Iron Drum, Single Purchaae No. Face and Diam. of Gear No. of Teeth Size of Drum Price per set 6400 iy2Xl4% 10 and 56 5x12 $15.00 6401 2 x24 17 and 96 4x16 18.00 6402 ' 2 x24 17 and 96 4x24 20.00 6403 2 x24 17 and 96 6x21 20.00 6404 3 x28 10 and 67 6x21 24.00 6405 3 x28 10 and 67 6x30 27.00 6406 3 x28 10 and 67 9x16 24.00 FOR SETTERS DERRICK Fig. 6409. Witli Iron Pipe Drum No. Face and Diam. of Gear No. of Teeth Size of Drum Price per set 6409 6410 6411 6412 2x16 2x24 2x24 3x28 17 and 64 17 and 96 17 and 96 10 and 67 41/2X39 41/2X39 61/2x39 61/2x39 $30.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 PICKUP CART Well Adapted for Contractor's Work in Handling Timber, Pipe, Rails, and Structural Beams No. Capacity tons Diam. of Wheels inches Width of Tires inches Size of Axle inches Price ■7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 1 1 21/2 3y2 5 40 48 54 54 60 2 2 2 ¥2 3 3 1% 1% 2 2y2 3 $ 54.00 60.00 75.00 85.00 110.00 526 Geo-BCakpeM'ter s Qo, CARPENTER MATERIAL ELEVATOR The first cost of an elevator cuts but a small figure when divided up on a few contracts. The time occupied in putting up a building is decreased to about one-third, enabling the contractor to erect a greater number of buildings. For rapid handling of building material such as brick and mortar, these elevators are indispensable to the contractor. The head or top frame which supports the two sheave wheels is strongly bolted and well ironed off to stand the wear and tear on the job. The two cages are large and well braced with platforms made of sound well seasoned maple, protBcted with strap iron in parts subject to wear. The side timbers of the elevator proper are 2 by 6 inch pine, with a 1% inch square maple strip fastened for the elevator guide. The side timber sections are joined together at their ends with long dowel pins, made of maple, which maltes a very rigid joint. The top sheave wheels are placed on an angle so that the cable down to the lower sheave runs along the side of the maple strip guide, instead of over the top of the guide which avoids the cutting off of the guides at certain floor heights. This elevator equipment is easily set up and taken apart, and is shipped knocked down. A bine print is furnished ^vith eacli sliipment to aid workmen in setting up. SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CARPENTER DOUBLE CAGE MATERIAL ELEVATOR Platforms — maple, reinforced at ends by angle iron. Overhead Frame — Norway pine. Guides — l%xl% inches clear maple. Side Timbers for Guides — 2x6 inch Norway pine. Size of Platforms — 3 feet, 8 inches by 6 feet. Diameter of Overhead Sheaves — 24 inches. Diameter of Bottom Sheaves — 16 inches. Size of Cable Recommended — % inch. Blue Print furnished on application, showing complete installation, in connection with Carpenter Hoist. THE CARPENTER DOUBLE GAGE MATERIAL ELEVATOR Carpenter complete 50 foot Material Elevator with two cages, two 24 inch top sheave wheels, double bottom 16-inch sheave wheels, overhead frame work, 200 feet side timber guides, all ready to set up as per blue print furnished •» $193.33 Carpenter complete Material Elevator with two cages, two 24-inch top sheave wheels, double bot- tom 16-inch sheave wheels, overhead frame work, all ready to set up as per blue print furnished (without side timber guides) 141.33 2 — 24 inch Sheave Wheels complete with babbitted bearing boxes and shafts which are keyed to the sheaves 37.33 2 — 1 6 inch Bottom Sheave Wheels mounted on stand 20.00 2 — Cages complete with cable drums , 66.67 1 — Only 24 inch Sheave Wheel with babbitted bearing boxes and shaft for single cage material elevator 20 00 1 — Only 16 Inch Sheave Wheel mounted on stand for single cage material elevator 14.67 1 — Only Cage complete with cable drum for single cage material elevator 36.00 200 lineal feet of Guides complete (16%c per lineal foot) 52.00 Overhead Frame Work complete 17-?^ Horse Operation Attachment 32.00 cable: furnished at I^OWEST market price — SEE INDEX GeoBCar^peM'ter s Co. 52"; CARPENTER GASOLINE HOIST SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CARPENTER GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN DOUBLE ACTING BUILDERS' HOIST Overall Length of Outfit — 6 feet, 6 inches. Overall "Width of Outfit with Engine — 50 inches. Overall Width of Outfit with Motor — 36 Inches. Blue Print furnished on application. Winch-Head can be mounted in place of Hoist Sheave Wheel. End Frame — heavy ribbed cast iron. Skid — 4 inch channel Iron, reinforced with 4x6 inch yellow pine. Size of Clutch Shafts — 1% inch diameter. Size of Drum Shaft — 2 inches diameter. Drum Hold.s — 500 feet of V2 inch cable. Maximum Safe Load on Drum Shaft — 1500 pounds. THE CARPENTER GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN BUILDERS' HOIST Carpenter No. 1 gasoline engine driven Builders' Hoist with Carpenter four horsepower, four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine mounted $;)41.G6 Carpenter No. 2 gasoline engine driven Builders' Hoist with Carpenter six horsepower, four cycle water hopper cooled gasoline engine mounted onj'oo Hoist without power, ready for mounting your own engine or motor. (Motor or engine pinion furnished) ' jnn Low-Tension friction drive magneto in connection with dry cells and coil t?'-!" High-Tenslon gear-driven "Dixie" magneto (no dry cells or coil) •... 37.3.> THE CARPENTER MOTOR DRIVEN BUILDERS* HOIST Same Hoist, Direct Connected to Electric Motor SPECIFICATIONS End Frame — heavy ribbed cast iron. Maximum Safe Load on Drum Shaft — 1500 pounds. Skid — 4 inch channel iron, reinforced with 4xG inch yellow Overall Length of Outfit — 6 feet, 6 inches. pine. Overall Width of Outfit — 36 Inches. Size of Clutch Shafts — 1% inches diameter. Winch-Head can be mounted In place of Hoist Sheave Size of Drum Shaft — 2 inches diameter. Wheel. Drum Holds — 500 feet % inch cable. When installing an Electric Motor in any of our outfits special attention must be given to the voltage on direct current service and the phase and voltage when mounting either single phase, two phase or three phase motor, with the correct cycle, speed, etc. Blue Print Furnished on Application Hoist with alternating: current, single phase, two or three phase, or direct current motor, with starting box, wired and installed complete ready to connect on the job SINGLE PHASE MOTOR 110 or 220 volt. 1750 R. P. M $666.66 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Hoist 5 H. P., 60 cycle, single ph; Hoist 5 H. P., 60 cycle, single phase. Hoist 7% H. Hoist 1V2 Hoist 10 Hoist 10 Hoist 15 Hoist 15 No. 4 Hoist TM H. P., 60 cycle, Nr.. 4 Hoist 7\4 H. P., 60 cycle. No. 5 Hoist 10 H. P., 60 cycle No. 5 Hoist 10 "- R. P. M 608.33 60 cycle, single phase. 110 or 220 volt, 1750 R. P. M 716.66 60 cycle, single phase, 110 or 220 volt, 1165 R. P. M 806.66 P., 60 cycle, single phase, 110 or 220 volt, 1750 R. P. M 841.66 P., 60 cycle, single phase, 110 or 220 volt, 1165 R. P. M 950.00 P., 60 cycle, single phase, 110 or 220 volt, 1750 R. P. M 941. 61! P., 60 cycle, single phase, 110 or 220 volt, 1165 R. P. M 1033.33 TWO OR THREE PHASE MOTOR H. P., 60 cycle, 2 or 3 phase, 220 or 440 volt. 1730 R. P. M $666.66 H. P., 60 cycle, 2 or 3 phase, 220 or 440 volt, 1140 R. P. M §??•?? or 2 phase, 220 or 440 voU, 1730 R. or 3 phase, 220 or 440 volt, 1140 R. or 3 phase, 220 or 440 volt, 1730 R. H. P., 60 cycle, 2 or 3 phase, 220 or 440 volt, 1140 R. H. P., 60 cycle, 2 or 3 phase. 220 or 440 volt. 1730 R. H. P., 60 cycle, 2 or 3 phase. 220 or 440 volt, 1140 R. 641.67 683.33 700.00 775.00 766.66 860.00 No. 3 Hoist 5 H. P., direct cm-ren No. 3 Hoist 5 H. P.. direct curren No. 4 Hoist 71^ H. P., direct curren No. 4 Hoist 7>,^ H. P., direct curren: No. 5 Hoist 10 H. P., direct current No. 5 Hoist 10 H. P., direct currem No. 6 Hoist 15 H. P., direct curren No. 6 Hoist 15 H. P., direct curren P. M P. M P. M P. M P. M P. M DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR 110 or 220 volt, 1720 R. P. M ^filt 110 or 220 volt. 1200 R. P. M 110 or 220 volt. 1720 R. P. M 110 or 220 volt, 1200 R. P. M 110 or 220 volt. 1720 R. P. M R. P. M R. P. M R. P. M. 110 or 220 volt, 12c 110 or 220 volt, 172C 110 or 220 volt, 12O0 683.33 675.00 700.00 608.33 750.00 783.33 850.00 528 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « Co. CARPENTER No. 4 CONTRACTORS' AND BUILDERS' HOIST Pig. 2441 Our No. 4 Single Drum Reversible Hoist shown here, is a time, labor and money saver. It is especially adapted to contractors' and builders' requirements, but may be used for a large variety of other purposes where the load is not over 1,000 to 1,200 lbs., with single line, on the direct lift. The Drum, the Sheave and the Winch Head arq reversible and may be used independ- ently one of the other. The Winch Head is for ' ' Snubbing ' ' or quick, short work and general utility. The Sheave is for double platform elevator work and the Drum for heavy single line lifting, or for use with block and tackle. Forward and reverse motion is obtained by a movement of the operating lever which engages or disengages the friction clutches. A powerful Band Brake is provided which is controlled by a tread lever in convenient reach of the operator. A Safety Ratchet and Pawl are provided for holding the load at a desired height, and guards are provided for all gears. The Hoist may be driven by belt from any convenient power or ma,y be mounted on a base or truck and direct connected by gearing or sprocket and chain to a gasoline engine or electric motor. Gear or sprocket will be furnished in place of drive pulley when desired. It occupies but little space, and being comparatively light weight, it is easily moved and can be used in cramped quarters. Specifications — Drum, 5 inches diameter, 13 inches between flanges, and will hold 500 feet of 1/^ inch wire cable. Sheave, 10 inches diameter. Capacity to lift 1000 lbs. 100 feet per minute with single line direct lift. Floor space, 27x42 inches. Weight. 475 lbs. Power rec- ommended, 5 H. P. or more. , Drive pulley, 16x5 inches. Speed. 360 R. P. M. In addition to the Style No. 4 shown above, we e-an supply three othei- styles. Special • descriptive circular will be sent on request. Style No. 1, Single Drum Hoist. List $60.00 Style No. 2, "Handy Man" Hay Hoist. List 80.00 Style No. 3, Double Drum Hoist. List 110.00 Style No. 4, Described above. List 80.00 FOR OTHER STYLES OF HOISTS, SEE INDEX GEO-BeARPEhfTER « Co. 529 DOUBLE FRICTION-DRUM BELT HOIST Above Ave illustrate our Double Friction Drum Belt Hoist. It has two drums instead of one ; both drums are mounted on a substantial bed plate, the one drum being lower than the other, permitting the necessary play for the ropes. The Drums are the double V friction type, bronze bushed, and equipped with ratchets, pawls and foot brakes, and may be operated independently or together. The driving pulley may be replaced by a gear or sprocket, if desirable to connect directlj^ to a gas or oil engine or drive from a motor. The gears are cut, and the pinion is steel. We can aLso fui-ni.sh this Hoist in single drum. SPECIFICATIONS ■ No. 200 201 202 203 204 205 Diameter of Drums, inches 12 16 14 20 14 24 Diameter of Flanges, inches 22 22 29 29 36 36 Length of Drums, inches 14 14 16 16 20 . 20 Diameter and Face of Pulley 24x6 24x6 24x8 Va 24x8 14 30x81/2 30x8 y2 Floor-space Required, inches 52x59 52x59 56x66 56x66 74x74 74x74 Weight Hoisted, Single Rope 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 5.000 .\pproximate Shipping Weight, pounds 2,000 2,100 2,950 3,150 4,300 4,450. List $.•'.35.00 $335.00 $440.00 $440.00 $545.00 $545.00 Geo-BCarpeN'ter « Co. PORTABLE FRICTION HOISTS DOUBLE DRUM Type 2021^ Hoist No. 202% Double Drum of 1000 pounds capacity, is es- pecially designed to hoist in two places, or in different parts of the building, raising material with one machine. Each drum can be operated separately from the other. When the hand levers are central, your hook or load will drop. If loaded you can drop it as slowly or quickly as desired by using hand or foot brake or both. Or if hauling wagons, cars, etc/, up inclines, by holding the lever central the cable can be quickly and easily pulled back. This machine is of the same construction and design as the No. 202 Single Drum, but needs only one man and one engine to drive it, and does the work of two hoists. It enables you to keep more than one gang or floor in building under construction sup- plied with material, and permits work to progress with dispatch. SPECIFICATIOXS Capacity — 1000 pounds. DruiiLs — Ample wire rope capacity, 3 inch diameter and 18 inches between flanges. Flanges 12 inch diameter. Oil cups and hole for fastening wire rope furnished. Adjustment — Is provided to take up all wear on brakes, friction or bearings. AVeijsht — On short skids, 650 pounds. Floor Space — 32 inches by 52% inches. Price — On short skids !$150.OO We recommend 4 H. P., or larger engine, or motor for this Hoist, depending on speed desired. See index. Fig. 202ya Pulley — Furnished 14 inch diameter by 4 inch fac^e. Speed — Pulley running 400 R. P. M. will hoist to feet per minute on first coil of cable wound on drum. Operation — Each drum has the hand and foot levers shown in the cut. The hand lever when pulled forward engages frictions for hoisting, and pulled back applies the brake. The foot brake can be used in connection with the hand lever, or inde- pendent of it. SINGLE DRUM REVERSIBLE Type 204 Our Hoist No. 204 Single Drum Reversible has a capacity of 2000 pounds, and is designed to meet the demand of contractors and builders, or in fact anywhere where pulling, hauling or lifting both ways is desired, hauling cars back and forth. SPECIFICATIONS Capacity — 2000 pounds. Drums — Ample wire rope capacity, 4 inch diameter, 17 inches be- tween flanges. Flanges 15 inch diameter. Hole in each end of drum for fastening cable. Pulley — Furnished 16 inch diameter by 5 inch face. This is reg- ular size. Speed — Pulley running 338 R. P. M. will hoist 75 feet per minute on first coil of cable wound on drum. Operation — Hand lever when brought forw^ard raises the load and if pulled back reverses the load. Bralce Lever — Can be set and locked and the load held in- definitely. Adjustment — Is provided to take up all wear on Fig. 204 brake, bearings and frictions. Price $250.U0 Weifflit — On short skids, 700 pounds. We recommend 6 H. P., or larger engine or motor Floor Space — 34 inches by 42 inches. for this Hoist, depending upon the speed desired. DOUBLE PLATFORM REVERSIBLE HOIST Type 205 Our Hoist No. 205 Double Platform Reversible, has a capacity of 2000 pounds, and is designed for contractors and builders. It has a long drum with a flange in the center and is used in con- nection with two platform elevators, one fastened to each of the drums so that when one elevator is up the other is down and in this way balance each other. This machine is a great time and labor saver for hauling up building material, and can also be used for various other purposes. SPECIFICATIONS Capacity — 2000 pounds. Drums — Ample cable capacity. 4 inch diametar, 12 inches between friction and center flange, and 12 inches between center flange and end flange. Flanges 15 inch diameter. Hole in each drum for fastening cable. Pulley — 16 inch diameter by 5 inch face. This is regular size furnished. VlK. 2rtS. Left Hand Sifl» V«ev- Speed of PuUey — Running 338 H. P. M. will hoist 75 feet per minute on first coil wound around the drum. Operation — Hand lever when brought forward raises the load and if pulled back reverses the load. Brake lever can be set and locked and the load held indefinitely. Adjustment — Is provided to take up all wear on brake, bearings, chain and frictions. WeiKht — On short skids. 825 pounds. Floor Space — 43 inches by 42 inches. Price — On short skids $300.00 We recommend 6 H. P., or larger engine or motor for this Hoist on speed desired. See index. GEO•B•eAR^PE^fTER S SO. 531 PORTABLE FRICTION HOISTS Fig. 201 ^Velght — On short skids. 200 pounds. Floor Space — 24 inches by 24 inches. Price — On short skids HEAVY SINGLE DRUM Type 20t This Hoist has a capacity of 750 pounds. It is very sim- ple and compact and can be mounted on portable gasoline engine outfits of 1% to 21/2 H. P. A very useful hoist for all around light lifting. SPECIFICATIONS Capacity — 750 pounds. Dram — Ample cable capacity, 3 inch diameter and 12 inch space between flanges. Flanges 10 inch diameter. Oil cups and hole for fastening cable. Pulley — Furnished 10 inch by 31/^ inch face. Speed — Pulley running 400 R. P. M. will hoist 75 feet per minute on first coil of cable wound on drum. Operation — Entirely by one lever, which, brought for- ward, engages frictions for hoisting, and pulled back applies the brake. No foot lever is furnished as it is not needed. Adjustment — Is provided for taking up all wear on brake, bearings and friction. We recommend a 2 H. P. Engine for this Hoist. See Index SINGLE DRUM Type 202 Hoist Xo. 202 is specially adapted to meet the requirements for a 1000 pound Hoist for general contracting and building use. The demand for this size has been very heavy and proves the popularity of this machine. We .sell a great many of this size not only to contractors and builders, but also to exca- vators, warehouses, dairies, ice houses, well diggers, etc., and for use in hauling sand, concrete, lumber, etc., up inclines. They are extensively used for raising building material. SPECIFICATIONS Capacity — 1000 pounds. Drum — Large cable capacity, 18 inch space between flanges. Flanges 12 inch diameter. Oil cups furnished and hole for fastening cable. Pulley — Furnished 14 inch diameter by 4 . inch face. Speed — Pulley running 400 R. P. M. will hoist 75 feet per minute on first coil of rope wound on drum. Operation — By one lever, which, when pulled for- ward, engages frictions for hoisting, and pulled back applies the brake. A foot brake lever is also furnished, which can be used separate or in connection with the hand lever. Adjustment — Is provided to take up wear on fric- tion, brake and bearings. Floor Space — On short skids, 32 inches by 34 inches. Fig. 202 Rig;Itt Hand Side View \Veisht — On short skids, 350 pounds. On 32 inch by 84 inch frame, 425 pounds. $80.00 90.00 Price — On short skids On 7 foot frame We recommend a 2 H. P. or 4 H. P. Enffin* for this Hoist, depending on the sp«ed desired. See Index 532 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S SO. CARPENTER SAFETY CAISSON DEVICE The Carpenter Safety Caisson Device positively pre- vents caisson shaft and sheave from turaing backward, even if the di-ive cable should break. There is no chance of an accident, or dropping of the hoist buckets. Absolutely noiseless. This deAace covers in every respect the features for safety which are strictly in- forced by the state factory inspection of Illinois. A number of tests have been made with this device on act^tal construction work, and in every Instance it has proved itself efficient beyond our claims. It is highly recommended and endorsed by the state factory in- spection of the State of Illinois. It consists only of three parts — the shell or case which bolts to the inside of the cross piece of the tripod, the pawls or counter-balanced dogs which are a part of the block and are key-seated to the shaft on which the drive sheave and nigger head are placed, and the dust cover. The method of installation is to bore four holr-^ to the cross piece on the tripod and bolt the case lo same; the block casting is then key-seated to th-^ shaft; the cover serves as protection for the mechan- ism. After the first installation, these need never ho removed from the shaft. When the engine is running there are no parts touching — no friction of any kind. Thefe is, therefore, absolutely no need of lubrication of any kind. The first expense is the last expense, there being no wearing pai-ts, and no parts to lose. It is absolutely impossible to drop the load with this outfit, due to the fact that the three counter-weighted pawls must come up even before the shaft stops turning. These outfits are used at the present time by prac- tically all of the large caisson conti-actors in Chicago as well as throughout the United States. A set consists of one cover, one case, one block with dogs, one key for fastening to shaft. Ready for Use Price per set, complete $1S.00 •\VE CARRY THE MOST COMPI.KTE STOCK OF CAISSON EtiriPMKNT IX THE AVEST GEO'B-eARPEM*TER S SO. 533 CAISSON ACCESSORIES CARPENTER FOUNDA- TION WINCH HEADS Principally used in sinking shafts or caisson for heavy foundations. Each outfit comprises a turned winch head, 11 inches long, shaft and wire rope sheave. No timbers. Each, complete $22.00 Extra shafts, each, l}ix2'0". . 3.(50 Extra sheaves, each 24" diam. 11.70 Extra diiuns, each 8" diam. . . 9.00 Fip. 205 A Pig. aO.'SB CAISSON BUCKETS Heavy galvanized iron with three iron bands. 25 Vz inches high; 20 inches diameter at top; 17*4 inches diameter at bottom; capacity 3 cubic feet. Fitted with a lock, as shown in illustra- tion, to keep base in upright position. Riveted and soldered, for water each, $14.50 Riveted only, for clay each, 14.00 CAISSON BUCKET HOOKS Made of heavy wrought rod. As shown in Fig. 20oB. Price, each $0.70 Flp. 2or,c CARPENTER HAND WINDLASS HAND AV^^^)LASSES Used where work is not large enough to install power. Iron forging is in one piece going all the way through the wood drum. Drum is held in place by two clamps, one at each end. Boxes for each end are furnished without additional cost. Price complete, each $25.00 Extra boxes, per pair 2.00 OrR STOCK OF CAISSON' F.Ol'IPMEXT IS THK MOST COMPLETE IX THE V. S. 534 GEOBCARPEhfTER ^ So EXCAVATING AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT Fig. STEEL DERRICK SKIPS For handling stone, brick, dirt, etc. Made of extra heavy gauge steel, closely riveted and strongly braced. The corners are reinforced with special heavy steel angles. Extra bands of steel are fitted all around the wearing edges to insure additional life and service to the skip. Capacity cu. It Length Across Width Front to Back Depth incnes Thickness of Plate inches Size of Chain inches Weight in Pounds Price 14 3' 111/2" 4' 6" 11 A % 490 $60.00 21 4' 6" 5' 1" 12 tV tV 595 72.00 27 4, 11" 5' 6" 13 y* V2 830 100.00 36 5' 6" 6' 3" 14 ^ A 1240 150.00 41 5' 8" 6' 5" 15 A % 1390 168.00 54 6' 0" 6' 8" 1 16 ^ % 1830 220.00 CHAIN SLINGS We specialize in Chain Slings of all kinds, and for every purpose, from the small ^ inch size, equipped with bunk hooks, to the large 2 inch diameter special steel twin chains, used for hoist- ing steel in the construction of modern skyscrapers. We are equipped to make prompt delivery. We have a large force of mechanics who can make any special chain quickly. No order is too small to receive our best attention, nor too large to tax our capacity. Send Us Your Specifications FlflT. 64 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « eo. 535 DERRICK FITTINGS For Chain and Fittings, see Index STONE GRAB HOOKS To Lift tons Size of Steel Dis- tance •'S- inches- Length of Chain feet Size of Chain inches Price of 2 Hooks without Chain Price of Hooks and Chain Complete 2 6 10 15 20 %x2y2 1 x3 1 x4 2 x4 2 x5 8 10 10 11 10 14 16 18 20 1/2 % % % 1 ?l0.on 16.00 21.00 29.50 36.00 n5.50 25.00 36.00 49.00 61.00 The steel in these hooks is of a special grade and is tough and uniform. The chain is the finest grade of B. B. Crane Chain, with short links. LEWISES BEAM CliAJMPS STONE TONGS Capacity tons Price Each 2 5 5.00 3 6.00 5 7.50 7 11.00 10 16.00 Capacity tons Maximum Size of I Beam inches Price Each 1 10 $10.00 2 15 12.00 3 20 15.00 Capacity Price Each 1500 $ 8.00 2500 10.00 4000 12.00 6000 16.00 We Can Furnish Heavier Lewises. Clamps and .Stone Tongs to order. Prices on application 536 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s So. HAND POWER GUY DERRICK No. 32 ^.^ "~~~" " Fig. 33 PARTS OF LINES 10 inch Mast topping, 12 inch Mast 14 inch Mast 16 inch Mast " load. PRICE LIST OP FITTINGS Without Hand Power, Timber and Rope Description of Parts 10 in Pittin No. ch Mast gsNo. 810 Price 12 in Pit^tin ch Mast KsNo.811 14 inch Mast Pittings No. 812 No. 1 Price 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 813 No. Price No. Price 917 954 995 2108 2072 1208 1119 $11.50 9.60 15.00 4.20 3.75 2.30 14.00 919 954 996 2108 2072 1208 1120 $18.00 9.60 21.00 4.20 3.75 2.60 25.00 921 955 997 2138 2108 1209 1121 $24.00 19.00 27.00 5.40 4.55 3.80 26.00 924 955 998 2170 2138 1209 1122 1071~ 2138 1209 1409 1420 1420 $45.00 1 Plain Step 19.00 1 Mast Top Round 36.00 6.80 1 B. B. Sheave for Top of Mast 5.40 2 Pins on Sheaves . . 4 10 35.00 Total for Mast Fittings $60.35 $84.15 $13.50 4.20 1.15 $109.75 $151.30 1 Plat Boom Band 1 B. B. Sheave for Point of Boom 1067 2108 1208 $10.50 4.20 1.00 1069 2108 1208 1070 2138 1209 $17.50 5.40 1.70 $23.50 5.40 1.90 Total for Boom Fittings $15.70 $18.25 8.40 9.50 14.50 $50.65 $126.70 $18.85 $24.60 $30.80 1 Swivel Hook Hoisting- Block 1 Strap Block for Hoisting Line 1 Strap Block for Boom 1386 1.388 14S9 1392 1397 1397 $26.50 10.00 16.00 16.00 1400 1410 1410 $40.00 18.00 31.25 31.25 $89.00 20.50 39.00 39.00 Total for Blocks $68.50 $120.50 $187.50 Total for Complete Set of Fittings . $171.50 $254.85 $369.60 Capacities of Fittings. Boom Horizontal Capacity In Tons 10 in. Mast Pittings. Maximum Lengths of Untruased Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom | Mast I Boom Boom Fittings 6 110x10x44 1 8x8x36 |12xl2x52|10xl0x4 6 12 In. Mast Fittings. 10 in. Boom Pittings 10 112x12x361 10x10x30114x14x60112x12x52 ^ ,, . I Maximum Lengths of Untrusaed Capacity In Timber for Capacities Given ^*^"^ I Mast I Boom | sfast | 14 in. Mast Pittings. 12 in. Boom Fittings 16 114x14x36 112x12x30116x16x64 114x14x56 16 in. Mast Fittings. 14 in. Boom Pittings. 24 116x16x36114x14x30118x18x62 116x16x54 FOR BOI^TS, NAII>S, WTRE ROPE, RTC, SEE INDEX GEO-BeARPEhrTER « SO. 537 GUY DERRICK No. 36 Operated by Double Drum, Steam or Horse Power Fig PARTS OF LINES 10 inch Mast topping, 4 12 inch Mast " 5 14 inch Mast " 5 16 inch Mast " 6 load, 3 4 4 We show here another form of rigging; three lines being used. When we use the American foot block, as in this rig, the upper pivot is the center of the mast; the mast must be out of plumb. This does not affect the swinging of the Derrick as the pivots are plumb. PRICE LIST OF FITTINGS Without Timber and Rope Description of Parts 10 inch Mast Fittings No. 820 12 inch Mast Fitting-s No. 821 No. 1 Price 14 inch Mast Fittings No. 822 No. 1 Price 16 in Fittin No. ch Mast gs No. 823 No Price Price 1 < )ff:set Foot Block 1 Step ^vith Two Sheaves 932 976 1002 1361 1362 1119 $12.00 21.00 15.00 9.70 13.90 14.00 933 976 1003 1361 1362 1120 $20.00 21.00 21.00 9.70 13.90 25.00 935 977 1004 1367 1368 1121 $34.00 30.00 27.00 12.15 17.50 26.00 936 977 1005 1367 1368 1122 $45.00 30 00 1 Square Mast Top 1 Bracket with one Sheave . 36.00 12 15 17.50 Total for Ma^t Fittings ?S5.60 $110.60 $13.50 4.20 1.15 $146.65 $175.65 1 Plat Boom Band 1 B. B. Sheave for Boom 1 Pin for Sheave 1067 2108 1208 $10.50 4.20 1.00 1069 2108 1208 1070 2138 1209 $17.50 5.40 1.70 1071 2138 1209 $23.50 5.40 1 90 Total for Boom Fittings »15.70 $18.25 8.40 9.50 14.50 $18.85 $26.70 10.00 16.00 16.00 $24.60 $40.00 12.00 20.50 20.50 $30.80 1 S'vvivel Hook Hoisting Block 1386 1388 1389 1392 1397 1397 1399 1409 1409 1409 1419 1420 $70.00 1 Strap Block for Hoisting- Line 1 Strap Block for Boom 1 Strap Block for Boom 20.50 28.00 39 00 $50.«5 $151.95 $68.75 $03.00 $284.25 $157.50 Total for Complete Set of Fittings $108.20 $363.95 Capat'ities of Fittings. Boom Horizontal Capacity In Tons Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom :Mast I Boom 10 in. Mast Fittings. 8 Boom Fittings 6 110x10x44 1 8x8x36 |12xl2x52 |10xl0x46 12 in. Mast Fittings 10 in. Boom Fittings 112x12x36 110x10x30 1 14x14x60 112x12x52 Capacity Tons Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom | Boor 14 in. Mast Fittings. 12 in. Boom Fittings 16 114x14x36 |12xl2x80|'6xl6xg4| 4x14x56 ]fi in. Mast Fittings. 14 In. Boom Fittings 116x16x36114x14x30 118x18x62 I iRxl6x54 FOR WIRF ROPE, BOLTS AND 1VA SHEARS, SEK INDEX 538 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « SO GUY DERRICK No. 37 WITH BULL WHEEL For General Hoisting. Operated by Double Drum Hoist and Swinger PARTS OF LINES ^z 12 inch Mast topping, 5 3;f 14 inch Mast " 5 16 inch Mast " 6 18 inch Mast " 7 Plff. 37 PRICE LIST OF FITTINGS Without Timber and Rope loa«!. Description of Parts 12 inch Mast Fittings No. 825 14 in Fittin eh Mast gsNo. 826 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 827 IS in Fittin ch Mast gsNo. 828 No. Price No. Price No. Price No. Price 933 976 1031 1362 $20.00 21.00 94.00 13.90 935 977 1032 1368 $34.00 30.00 106.00 17.50 936 977 1033 1368 $45.00 30.00 130.00 17.50 $222.50 937 978 1034 1371 $60.00 38.00 165.00 23.25 1 Step with two Sheaves 1 Steel Mast Top with Strap Block and Guy Cap 1 Bracket with two Sheaves Total for Mast Fittings $148.90 $66.00 7.00 $187.50 $286.25 1 Steel Boom Point with Load and Boom Bails .... 1092 1186 1093 1187 $81.00 7.50 1094 1188 $115.00 10.00 1095 1189 $140.00 Total for Boom Fittings $73.00 $88.50 $40.00 25.00 $125.00 $153.50 1 Swivel Hook Hoisting Block 1 Shackle Block ... $26.75 16.25 905 1294 $70.00 38.25 $103.00 49 00 Total for Li>oad Blocks $43.00 $130.00 14.00 $65.00 $175.00 18.00 $108.25 $152.00 1 Steel Bull Wheel 903 1293 904 1294 $300.00 18.00 5S318.00 906 1295 $340.00 2 Fair Leader Sheaves 22 00 Total for Bull Wheel $144.00 $408.90 $193.0O $534.0O $362.00 Total for Complete Set of Fittings $773.75 $953.75 Capacities of Fittings. Boom Horizontal Capacity in Tons Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast 12 in. Mast Fittings. 10 in. Boom Fittings 10 12x12x36 [ 10x10x30 [ 14x14x60 1 12x12x52 14 in. Mast Fittings. 12 in. Boom Fittings 14x14x36 12x12x30 16x16x64 14x14x56 Capacity in Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast ! Boom | Mast | Boom 16 in. Mast Fittings. 14 in. Boom Fittings 24 1 16x16x36 | 14x14x30 1 18x18x62 1 16x16x54 18 in. Mast Fittings. 16 in. Boom Fittings 18x18x44 16x16x38 20x20x68 18x18x60 FOB WIRB ROPB, BI.OCKS AND SHEAVKS. SEE IIVnRX GEO-BCARPErfTER S eO. 5:^9 GUY DERRICK No. 38 With Bull Wheel and Rooster. Rigged for General Hoisting Operated by Double Drum Hoist and Swinger Fig. 38 PARTS OP LINES 12 inch Mast topping, 5 14 inch Mast " 5 16 inch Mast " 6 18 inch Mast " 7 load. PRICE LIST OF Without Timber FITTINGS and Rope Description of Parts 12 inch Mast Fittings No. 830 14 inch Mast Fittings No. 831 No. 1 Price 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 832 No. 1 Price 18 ir Fittin No. ich Mast gs No. 833 No. Price Price 1 Standard Poot Block 919 971 1050 1361 $18.00 17.00 109.00 9.70 921 972 1051 1367 $24.00 25.00 123.00 12.15 924 972 1052 1367 $45.00 25.00 164.00 12.15 925 973 1053 1370 $60.00 33.00 197.00 16.00 1 Round Mast Top with Rooster Guy 1 Bracket with one Sheave .... Total for Mast Fittings. $153.70 $23.50 4.20 7.00 $34.70 $26.75 10.00 16.00 $1S4.15 $28.00 5.40 7.50 $40.00 $40.00 12.00 20.50 $246.15 .$308.00 1 Boom Band with Sheave Pin and Extension 1080 2108 1186 1081 2138 1187 1399 1409 904 1294 1082 2138 1188 $35.00 5.40 10.00 1083 2170 1189 $42.00 7.20 13.50 1 B. B. Sheave 2 Boom Heel Plates Total for Boom Fittings $50.40 $70.00 20.50 39.00 $62.70 1 Swivel Hook Hoisting Block 1 Strap Block for Hoisting Line 1 Strap Block for Boom ... 1392 1397 1409 1420 1453 1462 $103.00 38.75 70.00 Total for Blocks $,'>2.75 $72..'>0 $129..^0 $300.00 18.00 $211.75 1 Steel Bull Wheel 903 1293 $130.00 14.00 $175.00 18.00 905 1294 906 1295 $340.00 22.00 2 Fair Leader Sheaves Total for Bull Wheel $144.00 $385.15 $103.00 $490.55 $318.00 $744.05 $362.00 Total for Complete Set of Fittings . . $942.45 Capacities of Fittings. Boom Horizontal Capacity in Tons Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given 12 in. Mast Fitting Mast I Boom | Mast | Boom 10 in. Boom Fittings 10 [ 12x12x36 110x10x30 114x14x60 II 2x1 2x 5 2 14 In. Mast Fittings. 12 in. Boom Fittings _lllxl4x36|12xl2x30| 16x1 6x64 114x1 4x56 Capacity in Tons Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom | Mast | Boor 16 in. Mast Fittings. 14 Boom Fittings 24 1 16x16x36 1 14x1 4x30 1 18x18x621 16x16x54 18 in. Mast Fittings. 16 in. Boom Fittings ' 30 118x18x44116x16x38120x20x68118x18x60 FOR WIRE ROPE, NAILS, CLIPS. ETC.. SEE INDEX 540 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eO. STIFF LEGGED, HAND POWER DERRICK No. 30 Fig. 30 PARTS OP LINES 10 inch Mast topping, 4 load, 2 14 inch Mast topping, 7 load, 4 12 inch Mast " 5 " 3 16 inch Mast " 7 " 5 Illustration shows stiff leg derrick operated by hand power. Where speed is not a factor, this style of derrick will give satisfaction. PRICE LIST OF FITTINGS Without Hand Power, Timber and Rope Description of Parts 10 in Fittin ch Mast gsNo. 800 12 inch Mast Fittings No. 801 14 inch Mast Fittings No. 802 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 803 No. Price No. Price No. Price No. Price 1 Standard Foot Block 917 954 1002 2451 2108 2072 1208 $11.50 9.60 15.00 2.00 4.20 3.75 2.30 919 954 1003 2451 2108 2072 1208 $18.00 9.60 21.00 2.00 4.20 3.75 2.60 921 955 1004 2452 2138 2108 1209 $24.00 19.00 27.00 2.00 5.40 4.55 3.80 924 955 1005 2455 2170 2138 1209 1071 2138 1209 $45.00 1 Plain Step 1 Mast Top, square 1 Idler Sheave and Boxes for Top of Mast 19.00 36.00 2.70 1 B. B. Sheave for Top of Mast 1 B. B. Sheave for Top of Mast 6.80 5.40 4.10 Total for Mast Fittings $48.35 $61.15 $13.50 4.20 1.15 .$85.75 $119.20 1 Flat Boom Band 1 B. B. Sheave for Point of Boom 1 Pin for Sheave 1067 2108 1208 $10.50 4.20 1.00 1069 2108 1208 1070 2138 1209 $17.50 5.40 1.70 $23.50 5.40 1.90 $15.70 $22.00 12.00 $18.85 $24.65 $56.00 28.00 $30.80 2 Straps for Top of Legs . . 1142 1155 1143 1156 $36.00 20.00 1144 1157 1394 1410 1410 1145 1158 $80.00 2 Straps for Bottom of Legs 40.00 Total for Back Leg Fittings $34.0O $18.25 9.50 14.50 $56.00 $19.00 8.40 16.00 16.00 $84.00 $38.00 14.25 31.25 31.25 $120.00 1 Swivel Hook Hoisting- Block 1 Strap Block for Hoisting Line 1 Strap Block for Boom 1 Strap Block for Boom 1388 1389 1386 1397 1397 1409 1420 1420 $40.00 18.00 39.00 39.00 Total for Bl'ocks $42^5 $140.30 $59.40 $114.75 $136.00 Total for Complete Set of Fittings. . $195.40 $309.10 $405.00 Capacities of Fittings. Boom Hoiizontal Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom I Mast | Be 1:1 ¥2 1:2 Mast Fittings. 8 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 141^ 110x10x24 18x8x36 112x12x30 110x10x44 110x10x18 1 8x8x36 112x12x22 10x10x44 YX'^ Mast Fittings. 10 In. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 7 112x12x28 110x10x42 114x14x32 (12x12x50 5 112x12x22 110x10x42 114x14x24 112x12x50 ILI Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom [ Mast 1:1^ 1:2 Mast Fittings. 12 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. I 11 114x14x28 112x12x42 116x16x38 114x14x56 8 Il4xl4x24 112x12x48 16x16x28 114x14x56 M ast F i 1 1 i n g s. 14 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 16 12 1:1% 1:2 16 116x16x28 114x14x42 |18xl8x42 116x16x62 116x16x26 114x14x54 [18x18x32 116x16x62 FOR WINCHES. WIRE ROPE AND CLIPS, SEE INDEX GeoBCarpei^ter s eo r,4i STIFF LEG HAND POWER DERRICK No. 31 10 inch Mast topping, 12 inch Mast Fiff. 31 PARTS OF LINES load, 2 14 inch Mast topping. 7 load, 4 3 16 inch Mast. . . , " 7 " 5 Illustration shows ordinary stiff leg derrick operated entirely by hand power. . This is the cheapest form of derrick, and, while slow in operation, is very efficient. Fittings can be varied as may be desired, retaining original design of rig. PRICE LIST OF FITTINGS Without Hand Power, Timber and Rope Description of Parts 10 in Pittin ch Mast gsNo. 805 12 inch Mast Fittings No. 806 14 inch Mast Fittings No. 807 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 808 No. Price No. Price No. Price No. Price 1 Standard Foot Block 917 954 1007 $11.50 9.60 34.00 2.00 919 954 1008 $18.00 9.60 44.00 2.00 921 955 1009 $24.00 19.00 56.00 2.00 924 955 1010 $45.00 19.00 73.00 2.70 1 Plain Step 1 Mast Top with Sheaves and S. Straps. 1 Idler Sheave for Top of Mast $57,10 $73.60 $139.70 1 Boom Band with Sheave Pin and Sfs. 1 B. B. Sheave 1078 210S $17.00 4.20 1080 2108 $23.50 4.20 1081 2138 $28.00 5.40 1082 2138 $35.00 5.40 Total for Boom Fittings $21.20 $27.70 $33.40 $40.40 2 Straps for Top of Legs 2 Sets Plates for Bottom of Legs 1142 1177 $22.00 16.00 1143 1178 $36.00 22.00 1144 1179 $56.00 26.00 1145 1180 $80.00 36.00 Total for Back Leg Fittings $38.00 $58.0O $82.00 $116.00 1 Swivel Hook Hoisting Block 1 Strap Block for Hoisting Line 1 Strap Block for Boom 1 Strap Block for Boom 1388 1389 $18.25 9.50 14.50 13S6 1397 1397 $19.00 8.40 16.00 16.00 1394 1410 1410 $38.00 14.25 31.25 31.25 1400 1420 1420 $40.00 18.00 39.00 39.00 Total for Blocks $42.2.-5 $5».40 $114.75 Total for Complete Set of Fittings. . $158.55 $218.70 $331.15 $432.10 Capacities of Fittings. Boom Horizontal B 1=1 5 Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given c F Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast 1 Boom | Mast | Boom Mast 1 Boom | Mast | Boom 10 in. Mast Fittings. 8 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 14 in. Mast Fittings. 12 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. I:iy2 1 4% 110x10x24 1 8x8x36 112x12x30 110x10x44 1:2 1 3 llOxlOxlsl 8x8x36 ! 1 2x12x22 110x10x44 1:1% 1 11 114x14x28 112x12x42 116x16x38 114x14x56 1:2 1 8 Il4xl4x24 |l2xl2x4S |l6xl6x28 |l4xl4x56 12 in. Mast Fittings. 10 in. Boom and Back Lee: Fts.s. 1:1% 1 7 112x12x28 110x10x42 114xl4x:;2 112x12x50 1:2. 1 5 112x12x22 110x10x42 Il4xl4x24 Il2xl2x50 16 in. Mast Fittings. 14 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 1:1% 1 16 116x16x28 1 14x14x42118x18x42 I 16x16x62 1:2 1 12 Il6xl6x26 114x14x54 118x18x32 1 16x16x62 FOR WINCHES, ENOINE.S, MOTORS, ETC., SEE INDEX 542 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So STIFF LEG DERRICK No. 40 For Double Drum Steam or Electric Hoist Fig. 40 PARTS OP LINES 10 inch Mast topping, 4 load. 12 inch Mast. 14 inch Mast. 16 inch Mast. 5 5 6 PRICE LIST OP PITTINGS Without Timber and Rope Description of Parts 10 inch Mast Fittings No. 840 No. 1 Price 12 in Fittin No. ch Mast gsNo. 841 Price 14 inch Mast Fittings No. 842 No. 1 Price 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 84.'? No. t Price 1 Offset Foot Block . . . , 932 976 1013 1361 1364 $12.00 21.00 15.00 9.70 13.90 933 976 1014 1361 1362 $20.00 21.00 21.00 9.70 13.90 935 977 1015 1367 1368 $34.00 30.00 27.00 12.15 17.50 936 977 1016 1367 1368 $45.00 30.00 36.00 1 Bracket with One Sheave 1 Bracket with Two Sheaves 12.15 17.50 $71.60 $10.50 4.20 1.00 $85.60 $13.50 4.20 1.15 $120.65 $17.50 5.40 1.70 $140.65 1067 2108 1208 1069 2108 1208 1070 2138 1209 1071 2138 1209 $3.50 1 B. B. Sheave for Point ,of Boom 5.40 1.90 Total for Boom Fittings .' $15.70 $22.00 16.00 $18.85 $36.00 22.00 $24.60 $56.00 26.00 $30.80 1142 1177 1143 1178 1144 1179 1145 1180 $80.00 36.00 2 Sets of Plates for Bottom of Legs Total for Back Leg Fittings $38.00 $18.25 9.50 14.50 $58.00 $19.00 8.40 16.00 16.00 $82.00 $30.00 10.80 20.50 20.50 $116.0O 1 Swivel Hook for Hoisting- Block 1 Strap Block for Hoisting Line 1567 1388 1389 1569 1386 1397 1397 1580 1390 1409 1409 1584 1399 1419 1420 $40.00 12.00 28.00 39.00 Total for Blocks . $42.50 $59.40 $221.85 $81.80 $309.05 $119.00 Total for Complete Set of Fittings. . $167.55 $406.45 Capacities of Pittings. Boom Horizontal Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom | MaPt | Boom 10 in. Mast Fittings. S in Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 1:1'/^ 1 41/2 1:2 1 3 10x10x241 10x10x181 8x8x36 8x8x36 112x12x30 1 12x12x2:? 110x10x44 110x10x44 12 In. Mast Fittings. 10 in Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 1:% I 7 112x12x28 110x10x42114x14x32112x12x50 1:2 I 5 112x12x22 Il0xl0x42l 14x14x24 1 12x12x50 1^" ^'i Maximum Lengths of Untrussed Timber for Capacities Given Mast I Boom | Mast | Boom Mast Fittings. 12 in. Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 1:1% 1:2 114x14x28 112x12x4-^ 114x14x24 16xl6x3S I 14x14x56 2x12x48 i 16x16x28 I 14x14x54 16 in. Mast Fittings. 14 Boom and Back Leg Ftgs. 1:1% I 16 116x16x28114x14x42 118x18x42)16x16x62 116x16x261 14x14x54 Il8xl8x32 1 16x16x62 GEO-BeARPErfTER « CO. 543 "A" FRAME DERRICK CAR No. 47 Steam Operated. Rigged for General Hoisting PARTS OF LINES 12 inch Mast. . . Topping ... 4 Lo 14 inch Mast. . . 5 s 16 inch Mast. . . ... 6 9 18 inch Mast. . . ... 7 4 PRICE LIST OF FITTINGS. Without Timbers, Rope or Car Description of Parts 12 inch Mast Fittings No. 870 14 inch Mast Fittings No. 871 16 inch Mast Fittings No. 872 18 inch Mast Fittings No. 873 No. Price No. Price No. Price No. Price 919 954 961 996 1301 1361 $18.00 9.60 16.75 21.00 26.25 9.70 921 955 962 997 1304 1367 $24.00 19.00 25.00 27.00 33.00 12.15 924 955 962 998 1307 1367 $45.00 19.00 25.00 36..00 37.50 12.15 925 956 963 999 1310 1370 $60.00 21.20 33.35 47 00 1 Plain Step 1 Step Bracket with Two Sheaves 1 Round Mast Top . 1 Structural Bracket for Face of Mast. . 1 Bracket with One Sheave. . ... 46.75 16 00 Total for 3Iast Fittings $101.30 $140.15 $81.00 7.50 $174.65 $224.30 1 Steel Boom Point with Boom and Load Bails 1092 use $66.00 7.00 1093 1187 1094 1188 $115.00 10.00 1095 1189 $140.00 Total for Bo>om Fittings $73.0O $130.00 14.00 $88.50 $125.00 $153.50 1 Steel Bull Wheel 903 1293 904 1294 $175.00 18.00 905 1294 $300.00 18.00 906 1295 $340.00 92 00 2 Fair Leader Sheaves Total for Bull Wheel $144.00 $193.00 $60.00 .32.00 $318.00 $90.00 44.00 nil 1173 $45.00 25.00 $70.00 1112 1174 1143 1178 1113 1175 1114 1176 $125.00 60.00 2 Sets Bottom "A" Frame Plates Total for "A" Frame Fittings $92.00 $134.00 $185.00 1142 1177 $22.00 16.00 $36.00 22.00 1144 1179 $56.00 26.00 1145 1180 $80.00 36.00 2 Sets of Plates for Bottom of Legs Total for Back Leg Fittings $38.0O $58.00 $82.00 $116.00 1 Swivel Hook Hoisting Block 1 Shackle Block for Hoisting Line 1 Strap Block for Boom 1563 1392 $13.50 10.00 1567 1729 1403 $18.25 13.75 19.50 1571 1735 1409 $25.00 20.50 20.50 1581 1741 1461 $38.00 22.50. 63 00 $23.50 $58.00 28.00 50.00 $51.50 $80.00 52.00 50.00 $66.00 $123.50 4 Double Flange Car Wheels and Axles 8 Journal Boxes with Brass Liners 2 Jack Screws 3187 3213 1115 3189 3214 1115 3191 3215 1115 $148.00 100.00 50.00 3191 3215 1115 $148.00 100.00 50 00 Total for Car Fittings $136.00 $182.0O $298.00 $298.00 Total for Complete Set of Fittings. . $r>sr>.so $805.15 $1197.65 $14e2..10 Capacities of Fittings. Boom Horizontal Proportion Mast to Boom 1:2U Capacity in Tons Size of Timber and Maximum Length of Boom for Capacities Given Mast I Boom |"A" FramelBack Legs 12 inch Mast Fittings I 12x12 110x10x601 10x10 | 14 inch Mast Fittings I 14x14 112x12x661 Capacity in Tons Size of Timber and Maximum Length of Boom for Capacities Given Mast I Boom |".\" FramelBack Legs 16 inch Mast Fittings I 16x16 |14xl4x( 18 inch Mast Fittings 18x18 |16xl6x( FOR ENGINES AND BOILERS, SEE INDEX 544 GeO'B-CarpeH'ter « Co. SASGEN DERRICKS SETTER DERRICKS Have many improvements over the old style Setter Derricks. The top frame is made of the best malleable iron, equipped with two sheaves, does away with the block on top, and increases the hoisting height about two feet, is extended forward which enables one to hoist the load without scraping the derrick. Have lugs for guy lines in front and back and also clamps for fastening extension pole. The shaft bo.xes are so constructed that the drum and gear shafts can be taken off without removing boxes. The bottom and side pieces are connected with two malleable castings. This makes a very strong connection and enables one to take it apart if necessary. The derricks are equipped with steel gears and both are built on the same order, with the exception that the Top Point is considerably lighter and side timbers come to a point at the top. Fig. 5711 Top Point Setters' Derriclc TOP POINT SETTER DERRICK Pig. 5712 Regular Setters' Derrick REGULAR SETTER DERRICK Capacity Length feet . Trice Capacity Length feet Price 3000 3000 3000 18 20 22 $45.65 48.10 50.60 4000 4000 4000 18 20 22 $52.50 55.00 57.50 If longer lengths are desired add $1.00 per foot net. For more capacity add $2.00 per 1000 lbs Fish tackle to swing derrick out and in containing 5 blocks and 50 feet % inch rope, $5.00 net. POLE DERRICK COMPLETE Has a capacity of 1400 lbs., equipped with winch not geared, or 2500 to 3000 lbs. equipped with geared winch. The weight is from 200 to 3 00 lbs., according to capac- ity. It is built of 51/^x51/^ selected wood with extension sheave frame, so that the load can be hoisted to top without scraping pole. The derrick is equipped with rollers at the bottom, winch, cable, "and block, complete, ready for hoisting. No guy lines. Iron and stone setters, carpenters and mason contractors have found this Pole Der- rick one of the quickest and most practical derricks for setting iron, stone, timbers, heavy joists, framing, etc Capacity 1400 lbs., 18 ft $36.55 Equipped with 110 ft. cable, 20 ft. 37.80 Block, winch not geared, 22 ft. . . 39.00 Capacity 2500 to 3000 lbs., 18 ft. .$43.10 Equipped with 125 ft. cable, 20 ft. 44.35 Block, geared winch, 22 ft 45.60 If longer lengths are desired add $1.00 per foot net. Fish tackle to swing derrick out and in, containing 5 blocks and 50 feet % inch rope, $5.00 net. CIRCLE SWING COUNTERWEIGHT DERRICK Pig. 5713 Fig. 5714 For Loading and Unloading Cars and Wagons Is especially handy around foundries or yards where heavy castings, iron in pipe, beams and bars, timbers, stone, etc., are loaded or unloaded, and for handling boats on docks or platforms in and out of water. Also for building and excavating. This ma- chine can be used portable or stationary. It has a height of 14 feet, a circle swing of 18 feet, weight about 5 00 lbs., and a capacity of 1500 lbs., with cable and block ready for use. Price $118.75 GEO-B-CAPiPEH'TER ^ Go. 545 SASGEN DERRICKS Fig. 5751 Price hand power Price hand and power. Extra cable The Newest Model Portable Circle Swing Derricks STEEL CHAMPION CIRCLE SWING BUILDERS' DERRICK This Portable Derrick is built of all steel, has self- lubricating bushings, load and boom brake. Boom can be removed in a few seconds by loosening one nut and raising 2 inches. Bottom sills and mast fold together, making it in two parts, compact enough so that a contractor can haul it to jobs in his auto. For loads up to 1000 lbs. this Steel Champion cannot be excelled by anything on the market. Capacity 100 lbs., weighs only 200 lbs., can be operated by hand, horse or power. Height, 7 Vz feet; boom extends 5 feet. Equipped with 110 feet cruci- ble steel cable, block, cleats, and bolts for fastening, complete ready for work. Drum holds 135 feet. per $46.85 48.10 ft. See index PEERLESS CIRCLE SWING DERRICK Tliis Portable Derrick is built of all steel ex- cept bottom sills, has self-lubricating bushings, load and boom brake, can be used hand, horse or power. Boom can be taken off in an instant by removing one nut. The bottom siHs and mast fold together making it easy to remove or put up. Many contractors haul them to jobs in their auto- mobiles. For the above reasons the machine is almost indispensable to contractors who build from 2 to 4 story buildings; for hoisting joists, timbers, iron, stone, terra cotta, reinforcing bars, wheelbarrows, etc. Capacity 1,800 lbs., weight 275 lbs., height 8 feet, swing 10 feet. Equipped with 125 feet crucible steel cable, block, cleats and bolts for fastening, complete ready for work. Drum holds 175 feet. Price hand power Price hand and power Extra cable , Fiff. 5752 per ft. . . $59.35 . . 56.25 See index FOR POWER HOISTING MACHIXERY, SEE INDEX 54G GeoBCakpeM'ter s eo. SASGEN DERRICKS TRIPOD AND TWIN SETTER DERRICK FOR LAYING SEWER PIPE, SETTING GRAVE STONES, HANDLING BURIAL VAULTS, AND MANY OTHER PURPOSES Complete with Cable and Block Fig. 5731 Capacity 3000 lbs., equipped with geared winch, 100 ft. cable $43.75 i^s. 1-2 and 3 Ton Capacity Capacity 5000 lbs. Capacity 7000 lbs. $73.75 . 78.75 Fig. 5733 STIFF LEGGED DERRICKS The.se Stiff Legged Dei-ricks are built with split mast and boom, fitted throughout with crucible steel fittings, making the Derricks light and strong and easy to set up. They can be used by hand or power and for the above reason are especially handy on build- ings. Gears and frames of double hoisting winch are also made of crucible steel, which means safety and no breaking of gears. The one ton bottom sills work hinge-like in front and can be set at angle desired. One ton legs and sills are 4x6, split mast and boom two-2x6. Two ton legs and sills are 6x6, split mast and boom two-3x6. Three ton legs and sills are 6x8, split mast and boom two- 31^x8. PRICES OF LARGER SIZES ON APPLICATION OXE TON CAPACITY TWO TON CAPACITY THREE TON CAPACITY Length Boom feet Equipped for Power Equipped with Double Drum Winch for Hand and Power Length of Boom feet Equipped for Power Equipped with Double Winch for Load and Boom, also Power Length Boom feet Equipped for Power Equipped with Double Winch for Load and Boom, also Power 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 $110.00 112.50 115.00 117.50 120.00 122.50 125.00 $137.50 140.00 142.50 145.00 147.50 150.00 152.50 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 ; ; $150.00 156.25 162.50 168.75 175.00 187.50 200.00 $193.75 200.00 206.25 212.50 218.75 231.25 243.75 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 $225.00 231.25 237.50 250.00 262.50 275.00 287.50 300.00 312.50 325.00 337.50 $268.75 275.00 281.25 287.50 300.00 312.50 325.00 337.50 350.00 362.50 375.00 GEO-BCAIiPErfTER ^ Go. 54^ SASGEN DERRICKS Fig. 5741 STANDARD CIRCLE SWING BUILDERS' DERRICK This derrick has all crucible steel and mal- leable fittings, including winch, making the machine strong and safe on buildings. Has boom and load brake and is built so that the boom can be quickly detached. Mast folds to bottom sills, making it easy to take apart or set up. For hoisting loads 1500 to 2500 lbs. by hand or power this Standard Circle Swing Derrick has no equal and is the only full circle swing builder's derrick with that capacity. Capacity 2500 lbs., weight 350 lbs., height 8 feet, swing 10 feet. Equipped with geared winch, 150 feet ^ inch steel cable, block cleats and bolts for fastening. Complete, ready for use. Drum holds 275 feet. Price, hand power Pi'ice, hand and power . . . Standard with steel boom. Extra cable $61.85 65.60 . . .extra 3.15 per ft. see index "A" FRAME DERRICK Capacity 1400 to 2500 lbs., height 20 feet. Equipped with 125 feet of steel cable, block, and winch. Is built light and strong. By removing 4 bolts it comes in 4 parts. This derrick is very handy for hoisting and set- ting timbers, heavy joists, iron beams, columns, etc. It is mounted on swivel rollers and can be easily moved around on the floor, can be used without guy lines. We can furnish an "A" Frame Pole with regular pole derrick fittings that same can be used with "A" frame bottom uprights, or as a regular Pole Derrick with guy line. Pi-ice, extra $7.25 Fig. 5742 Capacity 1400 lbs,, equipped with 110 feet cable, block, winch not geared . . . Capacity 2500 lbs., equipped with 125 feet cable, block, geared winch Combination Pole and "A" Frame, 2500 lbs $61.85 65.60 . 73.10 54« GEO-BCAIiPEK'TER « So. DERRICK FITTINGS FAIilj LINE BALLS Plain Ball Fig. 1895 * 4) 1 Mm P £ 1895 105 5 % 7.50 1896 115 8 8.00 1897 218 8 14.00 1898 230 12 14.75 1899 250 20 16.00 1900 300 12 20.00 1901 320 20 21.50 1902 500 12 28.50 1903 520 20 30.00 1904 550 30 32.00 1905 1100 50 55.00 WEIGHTED SHEAVE BLOCKS > A A 6 d .5^^ bs 2; ^m ^0 S (h TJ o dh d r- ^ ft o n y. Ul W H 1518 10x11/2x1% 3 100 150 $17.00 1519 12x2 XIV2 5 150 210 22.00 1520 14x2 x2 8 200 300 29.00 1521 16x2 x2^ 12 300 420 45.00 Figr. 1909 BALL AVITH HOOK c m H d !? '"' n . £ 4) ^ ^ 6 1909 125 5 % 13.80 1910 140 8 17.00 1911 243 8 23.00 1912 260 12 26.75 1913 290 20 32.50 1914 . 330 12 32.00 1915 360 20 38.00 1916 535 12 41.00 1917 560 20 46.00 1918 610 30 62.00 1919 1200 50 122.00 Fig. 1518 Balls of other weight made to order SHEAVES Fig. 190A. Key Seated Fig. 190B SHEAVES WITH FIXED STEEL AXLE AND SOLID JOURNAL BOXES For Manila Rope Size Sheave For Manila Rope Diameter Com. Bushed Each 6 xl%x % 11/4 $ 2.25 71/2Xl%X % 1% 2.50 8 1/2X1 7/8 Xl 11/2 2.75 81/^x2 1/8x1 1% 3.00 10 x2 3/3x114 2 3.25 10 x2%xl% 2% 3.50 11 x3%xiy2 21/0 4.50 13 x4 XI1/2 3 5.25 15 x4 1/2x1 1/2 31/2 8.00 17 x5 xl% 4 11.50 For AVire Rope For Wire Ro*e Common Bushed Size Sheave Diameter Bach 6x1 X % % $2.25 8x1 1/4 X % % 2.50 10x1 1/2 X % % 3.25 12xl%xl 1/2 and % 4.00 14x2 xli/8 % and % 4.75 16x2 xl% % and % 5.50 18X2 3/8X1% % and 1 7.00 SELF-LUBRICATED SHEAVES, STEEL AXLE AND SOLID JOURNAL BOXES Axles Fastened to Boxes and Sheaves Run Loose For Manila Rope Size Sheave For Manila Rope Diameter Each 6 Xl%x % ly* $2.75 71/2Xl%X % 1% 3.15 81/2X17/8X1 IVa 3.50 81/2X21/8X1 1% 3.75 10 x2 3/8x1% 2 4.75 10 x2%xl% 2% 6.00 11 X3%Xll/2 21/2 7.00 13 x4 XI1/2 3 8.75 For Wire Rope Size of Sheave For Wire Rope Diameter Each 6x1 X % % $ 3.00 8x1 %x % % 3.50 10x1 1/2 X % % 4.50 12x1 %xl 1/2 and % 5.50 14x2 xlVs % and % 6.75 16x2 xl% % and % 8.00 18X2 3/8X1% 1 9.25 20x2 1/2x1 V2 IVs 11.00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « GO. 549 SINGLE FLANGE CAR WHEELS AND AXLES t'o __ s "s-g Two Wheels w ith Axle One Wheel Only Diamete at Trea inches 5-5 d ><1i £•&» » d ih s EH w°S ^ £ Z £ 11 2 11/2 30 3150 120 ? 7.00 3151 50 $ 2.50 11 21/2 IV2 30 3152 161 9.40 3153 70 3.50 111/2 2 78 1% 36 3154 233 14.50 3155 100 5.00 12 31/4 1% 36 3156 144 7.50 3157 55 2.75 14 2y2 1% 36 3158 153 9.00 3159 60 3.00 15 2% 2y4 42 3160 252 14.70 3161 100 5.00 16 31/2 2y4 42 3162 252 14.70 3163 98 5.00 16 3% 2y4 42 3164 325 19.00 3165 133 6.75 18 3V2 2% 56y2 3166 476 26.00 3167 175 8.75 18 2y2 2% 56y2 3168 493 27.00 3179 185 . 9.25 20 31/8 2% 56y2 3170 515 28.00 3171 195 9.75 20 31/4 3y2 56y2 3172 9 43 50.00 3173 365 18.25 DOUBLE FLANGE CAR WHEELS AND AXLES Fig. 3180-3192 6 5o- m Diameter of Axle inches Length of Axle inches 11 Ph2; < Price One Wheel and Axle 3180 12 2% bVs 1% 12 W150 133 $ 8.00 3181 14 2y4 4 1% 11 W 71 118 7.00 3182 13% 2% 5y8 2y4 14 W148 148 9.00 3183 15 2% 4% 2y4 14 W 28 187 11.00 3184 16 2% 4% 2y4 i3y2 W 56 172 10.00 3185 16 3y2 5% 2% 17 W 54 236 13.00 3186 18 2 43/8 2% i5y2 W 88 261 14.20 3187 18 3y2 5% 2% 17 W 72 268 14.50 3188 20 2% 5% 3y2 19 y2 W149 385 20.00 3189 24 3y8 5% 3l^ i9y2 W 32 385 20.00 3190 24 2% 53/4 3y2 19 y2 W147 440 22.00 3191 24 5y2 8y2 4y4 26 W146 746 37.00 3192 30 3 5 4y4 22 W 70 555 28.00 CAR BOXES Fig. 3210-3215 JOIRXAL BOX WITH BRASS LINER — OPEN END Fig. 3220-3225 JOURNAL. BOX WITH BRASS LINER — SPRING COVER Diameter and No. Length of Journal , Size of Base Price 3210 1%X3 3 x 7y2 $ 1.50 3211 1%X3 3 X 71^ 1.50 3212 2%x4 4 X 8y4 2.50 3213 2%x5 5 X 8y2 3.50 3214 3%x6% 5y4xl2 6.50 3215 4y4x8 6y4xl6 12.50 Diameter and No. Length of Journal Size of Base Price 3220 iy2x3 4%X 8 $ 2.75 3221 iy2x3 4y2X 8 2.75 3222 2y4x4 5 xlO 3.75 3223 2%x5 5y4Xl4 5.00 3224 3y2x6% 5VzxU 8.50 3225 4%x8 6%xl8 16.00 550 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s Go. CHOCKS FOR MANILA ROPE single Shea-ve Chock Fig. 1285-1286 Double Sheave Chock Pig. 1288-1289 Size of Sheaves Kind of Rope No. Price Size of Sheaves Kind of Rope No. Price 6x3 6x1% Manila Wire 1285 1286 $5.50 4.00 6x3 6x1% Manila Wire 1288 1289 $10.00 7.50 GUIDE SHEAVES FOR WIRE ROPE The Small Guide Sheave can be put in Three Positions for Different Leading Angles, vents the Rope from Getting Out of the Sheave Groove. It pre- Steel Frame Fig. 1291-1205 No. Size of Sheave Price No. Price 1291 8x2x1 14 $ 4.00 1292 10x2x1% 5.25 1296 $ 7.00 1293 12x2x11/4 7.00 1297 8.50 1294 14x2x1 1^ 9.00 1298 10.00 1295 16x1x1 Vz 11.00 Cast Iron Frame Fig. 1296-1298 Single Fig. 1S66A GAR PULLER LEAD SHEAVES In Cast Iron Frame Double Fig. 1866B These sheaves are made of cast iron, heavy pattern; the groove is very deep and machine turned. They run loose on a steel pin that is securely attached to a well proportioned, heavy cast iron frame. The grooves are made for single or double sheaves, as desired. Price List Style Diameter of Sheaves, ins. Price Style Diameter of Sheaves, ins. Price Single Double 9 12 12 $ 6.25 13.00 26.00 Single Double 18 18 24 $ 28.00 55.00 120.00 Fig. 4758-4762 DERRICK SHEAVES SHEAVE WITH GUARD P. B. B. SHEAVES No. Diameter of Sheave Price 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 8 10 12 14 16 $ 4.00 5.25 7.00 9.00 11.00 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER^ Go. r,.-)! BULL WHEELS On this page we illustrate two types of Bull Wheels. Both are made in two pieces and are easily attached to derrick after mast and boom are in place and rigged. STEEL Fig. 900-907 Diameter of Wheel, feet 900 5 $ 90.00 901 8 100.00 902 10 110.00 903 12 130.00 904 14 175.00 905 16 300.00 906 18 340.00 907 20 400.00 This Bull Wheel is constructed entirely of steel with steel braces to mast, and rods from rim to boom, making it very rigid, durable and easily attached. The rods apply the strain of the ropes directly to the boom, thereby avoiding any tendency to twist and break the derrick. Price does not include Foot Block, Guide Sheave or Timber. WOOD No. Diameter of Wheel, feet Price 908 8 $ 70.00 909 10 80.00 910 12 90.00 911 14 100.00 912 16 125.00 913 18 150.00 Fig. 90S-913 The Wood Wheel is constructed with a steel rim; it is cheaper than the steel, however; for a derrick that is moved frequently it is preferable. No rods are used in this wheel as the braces are arranged so as to act directly against the boom. With this type it is unnecessary to cut or bore either mast or boom. Price is for Bull Wheel only, and does not include foot block, guide sheaves or timber, in mast, boom and stringers. )53 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER « So, DERRICK EQUIPMENT ROPE FITTINGS Guy Tighteners are a great advantage, as with them guys can be kept taut without remov- ing the fasteners. GUY TIGHTENER WITH SHEAVE Fig. 1843 No, Diameter Screw Take Up, inches Price 1843 1844 1845 1846 1 iy2 2 72 72 72 72 $ 8.00 10.00 13.50 18.00 GUY SHACKLE WITH SHEAVE No. Size Shackle Diameter Sheare Price 2577 2578 2579 1 ly* iy2 5 6 8 $1.25 2.25 3.50 Fig. 2577 DERRICK GUY TIGHTENERS OR CONTRACTORS' TURNBUCKLE Fig. S224 Black Finish In ordering Contractors' Turnbuckles always give diameter of thread and length of buckles in- side. We can furnish these turnbuckles galvanized at additional prices. ^•2 is® Length of Buckle Inside II 6-inch 9-inch 12-inch 15-inch 18-inch 24-inch 3G-inch 48-inch l^-inch % ^ $1.75 $2.25 $2.75 $4.00 $5.00 $7.00 % iVh 2.40 3.00 3.70 5.00 6.30 , 8.80 7s lA 3.00 3.75 4.52 6.00 7.60 10.50 1 1% 3.50 4.40 5.25 7.00 8.80 12.30 $14.10 lys 1% 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 16.00 $24.00 $32.00 ly* 1% 5.00 6.75 7.52 10.00 12.50 17.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 1% 2 5.50 7.00 8.25 11.00 13.80 19.30 22.00 33.25 44.00 1% 2y4 6.00 7.50 9.00 12.00 16.00 21.00 25.00 36.00 48.00 1% 2% 7.00 8.75 10.50 14.00 17.50 24.50 28.00 42.00 56.00 1% 2% 8.00 10.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 28.00 32.00 48.00 64.00 178 2% 9.00 11.25 13.50 18.00 22.50 31.50 36.00 54.00 72.00 2 3 10.60 13.25 15.90 21.20 26.50 37.00 42.40 63.60 84.80 FOR OTHE}R STYLES OF TltRNBUCKLES, SEE INDEX AUTOMATIC HOLDING DRUM Used in Connection with a Single or Double Drum Engine for the Operation of a Two Line Bucket or Skip Particularly adapted for use with our No. 45 Derrick, shown on another page. FlK. 7476 Order No. Size of Holding Drum size of Counterbalance Drum Holdingr Capacity on Bucket Line Lbs. Price 7476 7477 18x12 18x12 10x12 10x12 7,000 14,.000 $120.00 220.00 GEO-BCARPENfTER ^ GO. DERRICK FITTINGS 553 The illustrations on this page are sectional views of the improved step bearing used on the foot blocks and steps shown on pages fol- lowing. It embodies features of lubrication with the ball and socket principal of bearing. The pintle on the foot block and the cup por- tion of the step are chilled and between these bearing surfaces is a steel cupped washer all working in a reservoir of oil. The points of excellence claimed for this mast foot bearing are lubrication, wearing qualities and full con- tact between bearing surfaces should the mast be out of plumb. All sheaves in derrick are bronze bushed, graphite self lubricating unless otherwise ordered, and can be supplied w oiling pins or with oil chamber in the sheave. furnished ith center FOOT BLOCKS STANDARD FOOT BLOCKS Fig. 915-926 OFFSET FOOT BLOCKS Fie. 930-937 No. Inside Measure in inches Diameter of Pintle Price No. Inside Measure in inches Diameter of Pintle Price Mast Boom Mast Boom 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 7y2 7y2 9y2 9% 11 y2 iiy2 i3y2 13 y2 14 ya 15% 17% 22 5% 7% 7% 9% 9% 11% 11% 13% 14% 13% 15% 20 6% 6% 8% 8% 8% 8% 11 15 $10.00 11.50 11.50 14.00 18.00 22.00 24.00 30.00 34.00 45.00 60.00 80.00 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 5% 7% 9% 11% 11% 13% 15% 17% 5% 7% 7% 9% 11% 11% 13% 15% 6% 6% 8% 8% 8% 11 11 11 $11.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 24.00 34.00 45.00 60.00 554 GEO-BCAR^PErfTER « CO. DERRICK CASTINGS Fig. 975 Various types of Derrick Steps are shown on this page. The plain steps are for hand-power derricks, and those with one or more sheaves are for power. All sheaves in our standard fittings have phosphor bronze bushings unless otherwise stated. DERRICK FITTINGS STEPS AVITH ONE SHEAVE T^j_ Size of Plate N°- inches Inside Diam. of Cup, in. Size of Sheaves Price 970 971 972 973 974 11 xl8 ll%xl9 15 x27 ■ 19 x29 39 x39 6% 11 15 12x2x1% 14x2x2 16x2x2% 18x2x2% 22x3x2% $11.00 17.00 25.00 33.00 73.00 STEPS AVITH TAVO SHEAA^S No. Size of Plate inches Inside Diam. of Cup, in. Size of Sheave Price 975 976 977 978 979 11 xl8 ll%xl9 15 x27 19 x29 39 x39 IS 11 11 15 12x2x1% 18x2x2 16x2x2% 18x2x2% 22x3x2% $14.00 21.00 30.00 38.00 84.00. STEPS AVITH THREE SHEAATES No. Sizes of Plate inches Inside Diam. of Cup, in. Size of Sheaves Price 981 982 983 ll%xl9 15 x27 19 x29 11 14xl%x2 16x2 x2% 18x2 x2% $22.80 34.50 43.00 FiK. COMBINED BASE AND STEP CASTING WITH SHEAVES SINGLE SHEAVE No. Diam. of base. In. Height overall inches Inside Diam. of Cup, in. Size of Sheaves Price 986 988 990 992 28 34 38 §9, 6% 15 12x2x1% 14x2x2 16x2x2% 22x3x3 $ 21.50 39.00 50.00 .138.50 150ITBLE SHEAVE 987 28 \ 13% 6% 12x2x1% $ 24.30 989 34 16 8% 14x2x2 43.25 III 38 1-7 11 16x2x2% 55.00 993 60 25 15 22x3x3 150.00 iCf: . BOX CASTINGS Pig. 041 BOOM SEAT CAST- INGS Diam. Inside No. of Measure Price Pintle in inches 941 6% 8x 8 % 5.00 942 6% 9x 9 6.00 943 8% 10x10 7.50 944 8% 12x12 10.00 945 11 14x14 13.50 No. Size Mast Inside Measure for Boom Price 947 948 949 950 951 10 12 14 16 6 8 10 12 14 $ 4.00 5.00 7.00 9.50 12.00 Fig. 947 Fig. 953 PLAIN STEPS No. Size Plate inches Inside Diam. of Cup, in. Price 953 954 955 956 11 xl8 111/2X19 15 x27 19 x29 6% 8% 11 11 $ 6.20 9.60 19.00 21.20 STEP BRACKETS WITH SHEAVES TAVO SHEAVES No. Size of Plate inches Size of Sheaves Price 960 961 962 963 11 xl8 ll%xl9 15 x27 19 x29 12x2x1% 14x2x2 16x2x2% 18x2x2% $11.00 16.75 25.50 33.35 THREE SHEAA ES No. Size of Plate inches Size of Sheaves Price 965 966 967 111/2X19 15 x27 19 x29 14xl%x2 16x2 x2% 18x2 x2% $19.25 30.25 38.35 GEO-BCARPEffTER ^ SO. DERRICK FITTINGS Pig. 1320-1332 DERRICK SHEAVE BRACKETS PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHED SHEAVES For Centre of Mast Size Sheave lova xiy* 12x3 XlVz 14.\2 x2 16x2 x2 18x2| 20x2 j 22x2 x2iA| x2%| X2y2 Single No 1320 1322 1324 1326 1328 1330 1332 Price. . . 1 $5.50 | 6.30 | 8.1-0 | 8.75 |11. 25112.25116. 75 Double No 1321 1323 1325 1327 1329 1331 1333 Price. . . 1 $7.75 | 9.15 |12.40il4.25|18.55|20.05|25.50 Fig. 1331-1333 Flgr. 1340-1370 PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHED SHEAVES For Face of Mast Size of Singrle Sheave Double Slieave Triple Sheave Sheaves No. Price No. Price No. Price SxlYaxlii 1340 $5.00 1341 $7.00 8x2 xl 1^ 1343 6.30 1344 8.20 .... 10x1 1/2 xiy* 1346 5.50 1347 7.70 .... 10x2 xl% 1349 6.90 1350 9.40 .... 12xiy2xl% 1352 6.00 1353 8.40 12x2 xiy2 1355 7.90 1356 11.20 1357 $14.50 I4xiy2xiy2 1358 6.70 1359 9.90 1360 12.50 14x2 x2 1361 9.70 1362 13.90 1363 ■ 18.25 16x1 yaxl^ 1364 7.70 1365 11.40 1366 14.50 16x2 x2i^ 1367 12.15 1368 17.50 1369 23.25 18x2 x2y2 1370 16.00 1371 23.25 1372 30.75 Pig. 1357-1372 DECK PLATE WITH BOOM SEAT Pig. 1270 Our deck plate is very convenient to use on boats, docks; or places where space is limited. Having machine bearings, it is very easy to oper- ate. No. Size of Boom 1 mches 1 Price 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 8 10 12 14 i 16 $28.00 34.00 42.00 65.00 90.00 MAST AND GAFF FITTINQS Pig. 126.".. Pig. 12e5A Round Square No. Width of Bracltet Inches Size of Jib inclies Price 1265 1266 2167 6 9 12 6 8 10 $12.00 16.00 20.00 The Mast and Gaff fittings are for use on a rigid mast, or on corners and sides of buildings where a mast is not desired. Round For price give capacity and size of Mast and Gaff. FOR BOLTS, WASHERS, AXD IRON RODS — SKIO INDEX 556 Geo-B-CahpeN'ter s eo. DERRICK CASTINGS AND FORCINGS GUY CAP WITH LINKS TWO LINK GUY STRAP guy cap ' Fig. 533-540 The wrought iron rim on this shrunk on the cast iron plate. No. Size Number of Guys Diameter of Mast at Top, ins. Price 533 A 4 8 $6.0U 534 B 4 10 7.80 535 A 5 8 6.50 536 B 5 10 8.30 537 C 5 12 10.00 538 D 6 14 13.50 539 E 6 16 16.50 540 E 8 16 19.50 GUY CAP WITHOUT LINKS Fig. 541-548 This guy cap is made with a wrought iron band. No. Size Number of Guys Diameter of Mast at Top, ins. Price 541 A 4 . 8 $4.25 542 B 4 10 6.00 543 A 5 8 4.50 544 B 5 10 6.25 545 C 5 12 7.00 546 D 6 14 8.00 547 E 6 16 11.00 548 E 8 16 13.00 STEEL GUY CAP WITH AND WITHOUT LINKS Fig. 549-557 This guy cap is constructed of 2 plates of steel dished and bored to receive cast iron center and securely riveted together. The cast iron center increases the bearing on the gudgeon and reduces the wear. 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 Size Number of Guys Diam. of Top, ins. Mast at Price without Links $11.00 11.50 11.50 12.00 13.00 14.50 16.50 17.00 18.00 Price with Links $16.00 16.50 17.50 18.00 21.00 23.50 26.50 30.00 34.00 Fig. 1124-1126 No. Size of Iron Price 1124 1125 1126 5x 78 6x1 6x1% $5.25 6.00 8.00 I WROUGHT GUDGEON Fig. 582 No. Size Diameter inches Price 582 AA 2 $4.20 583 A 21/4 5.00 584 B 21/2 6.00 585 C 2% 7.50 586 D 3 9.50 587 E 31/2 12.00 588 E 4 15.00 PLAIN CAP FOR TOP OF MAST Fig. 558-563% Inside No. Size Measure inches Price 558 AA 7y2 $1.80 559 A 81/2 2.00 560 B 91/2 2.50 561 C 11 y2 3.25 562 D 13 1^ 4.50 562 1^ E 15 V2 7.50 CAST STEEL GUY CAPS For 12 Guys or Less Fig. 1118-1123 No. 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 Size of Mast Diameter of Gudgeon 2% 3 3% 4 4% 5 Price $13.00 14.00 25.00 26.00 35.00 37.00 FOR SHACKLES SEE INDEX Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ Go. DERRICK FORCINGS SPLIT BAND WITH TWO LINKS Inside No. Diam. Price inches 71/2 1067 $10.50 1068 8V2 11.50 1069 9V2 13.50 1070 11 V2 17.50 1071 i3y2 23.50 OPEN BAND WITH ONE LINK Inside No. Diam. inches ■ Price 1072 IV2 $ 8.00 1073 8V2 10.00 1074 91/2 12.50 1075 111/2 15.00 1076 • 131/2 20.00 1077 151/2 26.00 STEEL PIN WITH TWO COTTERS BOOM BAND WITH WELDED EX- TENSION TO SHEAVE PIN Fig. 1198-1204 No. Diam- eter Length Between Cotters 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 ly* 11/2 1% 2 2% 2y2 3 $ .40 .50 .65 .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 f .45 .57 .75 .90 1.15 1.40 1.85 $ .50 .65 .85 1.00 1.30 1.60 2.10 $ .55 .72 .95 1.15 1.45 1.80 2.35 $ .60 .80 1.05 1.30 1.65 2.00 2.60 $ .65 .87 1.15 1.45 1.80 2.20 2.85 $ .70 .95 1.25 1.60 2.00 2.40 3.10 STEEL PIN WITH SQUARE END Fig. 1205-1200 Length Over All No. eter VVs 91/3 11 ¥2 13 Vs 15% 1205 IV4. $ .50 $ .55 $ .60 $ .65 $ .70 1206 11/2 .60 .67 .75 .82 .90 1207 1% .75 .85 .95 1.05 1.15 1208 2 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.60 1209 2% 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.10 CENTER OILING, SHEAVE PIN, W^TH COIVIPRESSION GREASE CUP 6 Fig. 1O78-1083 r Sheaves are Lubricated by thus Forcing the Grease Fig. 1211-1216 Screwing up the Grease Cup Cap, through the Center of the Pin Inside Diam. inches Diameter of Sheave Pin inches Price No. Diam- eter. Length Between Head and Cotter. No. 8 10 12 1 14 1 16 18 20 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 7% 8% 91/^ 11 y2 13% 15% 2 2 2 2y4 2y4 2% $17.00 18.50 23.50 28.00 35.00 42.00 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1% 1% 2 2% 2% 3 3.25 3.80 4.35 5.00 6.50 $3.25 3.75 4.40 5.00 5.75 7.50 $3.75 4.25 5.00 5.65 6.50 8.50 $4.25 4.75 5.60 6.30 7.25 9.50 $4.75 5.30 6.20 7.00 8.00 10.50 $5.25 5.85 6.80 7.70 8.75 11.50 $5.75 6.40 7.40 8.40 9.50 12.50 558 GEO-BeAItPXM*TER « CO. Fig. 1891 STRAP BLOCKS PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHED SHEAVES With Upset Bars. One Becket for each pair of Blocks >>ai Ha Single Sheave Double Sheave Triple Sheave oo Size of Sheaves ^h 6^ No. Price No. Price No. Price 8 14x2x2 1425 $16.00 1426 $21.00 8 16x2x2% 1427 17.50 1428 23.30 10 14x2x2 1429 17.00 1430 22.25 10 16x2x2% 1431 18.50 1432 24.00 12 14x2x2 1433 18.00 1434 24.00 1435 $36.66 12 16x2x2% 1436 19.50 1437 26.00 1438 40.00 16 16x2x2% 1439 22.00 1440 28.00 1441 42.50 16 18x2x21/2 1442 23.80 1443 31.25 1444 47.50 20 16x2x2% 1445 24.25 1446 30.00 1447 44.00 20 18x2x2% 1448 26.25 1449 33.85 1450 49.75 25 16x2x2% 1451 35.00 1452 45.50 25 18x2x2% 1453 38.75 1454 51.00 30 16x2x2% 1455 43.00 1456 52.00 30 18x2x2% 1457 47.00 1458 56.00 35 16x2x2% 20x2x2% 1459 53 30 35 1460 62.00 40 18x2x2% 22x21/2x2% 14j61 63 00 40 1462 70 00 Fig. 1891A With Straight Bars FlK ~ a oo Size of Sheaves Single Sheave Double Sheave Triple Sheave 1= No. Price No. Price No. Price 3 3 5 5 8 8 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 25 10x1 %xl% 12X11/2X1% 12x2 xl% 14x2 x2 14x2 x2 16x2 x2% 14x2 x2 16x2 x2% 14x2 x2 16x2 x2% 16x2 x2% 18x2 x2% 16x2 x2% 18x2 X21/2 16x2 x2% 18x2 x2% 16x2 x2% 18x2 x2% 1380 1382 1384 1386 1388 1390 1392 1394 1396 1399 1402 1405 1408 1411 $5.00 5.50 6.75 8.40 9.50 10.80 10.00 11.25 10.75 12.00 13.50 15.30 14.75 16.75 1381 1383 1385 1387 1389 1391 1393 1395 1397 1400 1403 1406 1409 1412 1414 1417 1419 1421 $8.00 9.50 11.25 13.50 14.50 16.80 15.25 17.00 16.00 18.00 19.50 22.75 20.50 24.35 23.00 26.25 28.00 32.00 'l'3'9'8' 1401 1404 1407 1410 1413 1415 1418 1420 1422 V2'4'.6o 28.00 30.00 35.00 31.25 37.00 35.00 39.50 30 30 '.'.'.'.'. 39.00 45.00 Fig. 1S04 Fig. 1895 TANDEM SHEAVE No. Size of Sheaves Capacity in Tons Price 1510 1511 1512 14x2x1% 10x2x1% 16x2x1% 12x2x1% 18x2x2 14x 2x2 5 10 15 $13.50 17.00 22.75 GEO-B-eARPEhfTER « CO. 559 DERRICK FITTINGS TOP STIFF LEG IRONS f Fig. 1141-114S No. Size at . Bend Size of Gudgeon Pin inches Thick- ness Through 1 Price 1 inches Eye ■ inches 1141 4x1% 2% 1% $ 7.50 1142 6x2 3 2 11.00 1143 8x2 3% 2 18.00 1144 6x3 4 2 28.00 1145 8x3 4y2 2 40.00 1146 10x3 5 2 55.00 1147 12x4 6 3 85.00 1148 18x41/2 9 1 3% 160.00 BACK OR STIFF LEG CONNECTIONS TO SILLS Fig. llo4-115S Stirrup Connection No. Size of Iron Width of Sill Price 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1% ly* iy2 1% 2 6 8 10 12 14 $ 4.00 6.00 10.00 14.00 20.00 No. 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 Size of Timber Price $ 9.00 12.00 20.00 24.00 35.00 BOTTOM PLATES FOR BACK LEGS No. Size of Timber Price 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 8 10 12 14 16 $12.50 15.50 20.00 25.50 34.00 FRAME BOTTOM PLATES No. Size of Timber Price 1173 1174 1175 1176 10* ;: 16 $12.50 16.00 22.00 30.00 BACK OR STIFF LEG CON- NECTIONS TO SILLS No. Size of Timber Price 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 8 10 12 14 16 $ 8.00 11.00 13.00 18.00 24.00 BOTTOM BOOM WEARING PLATES No. Width of Boom Socket Price 1185 7% $ 6.50 1186 9y2 7.00 1187 11% 7.50 1188 13 y2 10.00 1189 i5y2 13.50 Fig. H67-1171 Fig. 1173-1176 Fig. 1177-1181 560 Geo-BCarpeM'ter s eo. DERRICK FITTINGS BOOM POINTS CAST IRON BOOM POINT WITH BAILS AND SHEAVES No. Diam. Inside inches Boom Point Sheave Load Bail Sheaves Boom Bail Sheaves Parts of Une for Load Parts of Line Top- ping Price 1084 71/2 1-16x2x2 1-14x2x2 2-14x2x2 3 4 $53.00 1085 91/2 1-18x2x2 1-14x2x2 2-14x2x2 3 5 66.00 1086 11 y2 1-22x2x21/4 1-16x2x2% 2-16x2x214 3 5 81.00 1087 131/2 1-24x2x214 1-16x2x214 3-16x2x21/4 4 6 115.00 1088 15 Va 1-26x2x2 1^ 1-18x2x21/2 3-18x2x21/2 4 7 140.00 1089 171/2 1-28x3x2% 1-20x2x2% 3-20x2x21/2 4 7 160.00 steel Fig. 1084-1089 STEEIi BOOM POINT FOR GENERAL. HOISTING WITH BAIL AND SHEAVES FOR TOPPING AND LOAD BAIL Order No. Tim- ber inches Load Line Sheave Boom Bail Sheaves Parts of Line in Top- ping Price 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 8 10 12 14 16 1-14x2x2 1-14x2x2 1-16x2x21/4 1-16x2x2% 1-18x2x21/2 2-14x2x2 2-14x2x2 2-16x2x2% 3-16x2x2% 3-18x2x21/2 4 5 5 6 7 $48.00 66.00 81.00 115.00 140.00 Steel Fig. 1091-1095 STEEL BOOM POINT FOR BUCKET WORK WITH BAIL AND SHEAVES FOR TOPPING Order No. Size of Timber Inches Bucket Line Sheaves Boom Bail Sheaves Parts of Line In Topping Price 1097 1098 1099 1100 10 12 14 16 2-14x2x2 2-16x2x2% 2-16x2x2% 2-18x2x21/2 2-14x2x2 2-16x2x2% 2-16x2x2% 2-18x2x2% 4 4 5 5 $55.00 65.00 78.00 95.00 Cant Fig. 1097-1100 FOR WIRE ROPE, BOLTS, NUTS AND CHAIN, SEE INDEX Geo-BCarpeN'ter ^ Co. 561 Cast — Fig. 101S-102a DERRICK FITTINGS OFFSET MAST TOPS aiAST TOPS ^\^TH removable STEEL GUDGEONS Xo. Inside Measure Diameter Gudgeon inches Price 1018 7y2 2y2 $16.50 1019 9% 3 20.50 1020 11^ 3y2 27.50 1021 13% 4 35.00 1022 15% 4y2 46.00 STRUCTURAL STEEL MAST TOP AVITH SHEAVE FOR BOOM LINE Xo. Size of Timber, inches Diameter of Gudgeon inches Size of Sheave Price 1024 10 3 14x2x2 $45.00 1025 12 3y2 14x2x2 45.00 1026 14 4 16x2x2 1^ 50.00 1027 16 4y2 16x2x2% 50.00 1028 18 5 16x2x21/2 65.00 Steel — Fig. 1024-1028 STRUCTURAL STEEL MAST TOP AND GUY CAP WITH BOOM FALL SHEAVES Xo. Size of Timber inches Diameter of Gudgeon inches' Size of Sheaves Parts of Line in Topping Price 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 10 12 14 16 18 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 2-14x2x2 3-14x2x2 3-16x2x2% 3-16x2x2% 4-18x2x21/2 4 5 5 6 7 $76.50 94.00 106.00 130.00 165.00 STRUCTURAL STEEL MAST TOP AS ABOVE WITH ROOSTER Steei— Fig. 1030-1034 Xo. Size of Timber inches Diameter of Gudgeon inches Size of Sheaves Parts of Line in Topping Price 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 10 12 14 16 18 3 3% 4 41/2 5 2-14x2x2 3-14x2x2 3-16x2x214 3-16x2x2% 4-18x2x2% 4 5 5 6 7 $106.50 124.00 142.00 166.00 201.00 562 Geo-BCarpeN'ter « Co. DERRICK FITTINGS STANDARD CAST IRON MAST TOPS WITH REMOVABLE STEEL GUDGEONS Round Diameter inches of Gudgeon inches Price 994 71/2 21/2 $12.00 995 91/2 3 15.00 996 11 ¥2 31/2 21.00 997 131/2 4 27.00 998 151/2 41/2 36.00* 999 17 Va 5 47.00 1000 22 9 180.00 Fig. 994-1000 Square No. Inside Measure inches Diameter of Gudgeon inches Price 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 71/2 91/2 111/2 13 y2 151/2 21/2 3 3% 4 41/2 $12.00 15.00 21.00 27.00 36.00 MAST TOPS WITH SIDE STRAPS AND SHEAVES FOR HAND POWER DERRICKS No. Inside Measure inches Diameter of Gudgeon inches Size of Sheaves Price 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 7y2 9y2 111/2 13 y2 151/2 21/2 3 3% ■4 41/2 12x2x11/2 10x2x1 ys 14x2x2 12x2x2 14x2x2 12x2x2 16x2x2% 14x2x2% 18x2x2% 16x2x2% $26.50 34.00 44.00 56.00 73.00 With Side Straps and Sheaves Fig. 1008-1010 OFFSET MAST TOPS WITH REMOVABLE STEEL GUDGEONS No. Size of Mast inches Diameter of Gudgeon inches Price 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 8 10 12 14 16 21/2 3 31/2 4 4y2 $12.00 15.00 21.00 27.00 36.00 Fig. lOia-1016 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER 55 CO. ."r;:"; PILE DRIVERS No. 1 STYLE FENGE-POST DRIVER For End Driving FOLDING LEADERS This outfit is designed for use with the ordinary farm or mountain wagon, the frame work of the driver being arranged to set on the wagon bolsters between stakes. The leaders are placed sufficiently to the rear to admit of backing up to an existing fence, as would be required in repair work. When building new fence the wagon is simply taken along the proposed line, leaving the fence behind it. The liammer is raised by horse- power direct, an extra horse being used solely for that purpose. The leaders and back braces are provided with hinge joints to admit of folding down over the wagon when going to and from the work — the down position being shown in the cut by dotted lines. The leaders are 20 feet high. A full set of iron work consists of 600-lb. drop hammer with triangular die; nippers with block; one pair of top sheaves, shafts and boxes with bolts; one pair No. 1 toggles, with bolts; one pair No. 2 toggles, with bolts; 4-inch channel iron liners, with bolts; one pair of heavy forged hinges, with bolts, for foot of leaders; one pair of locking devices for back braces, including working drawings of wood work when desired. The three pairs of hinges on back braces are the ordinary 12-inch strap hinge. The outfit can also be furnished complete, Avith all framcAvork, ready to attach to wagon. No. 2 RIGID LE.IDERS FOR SIDE DRmNG Some people prefer this form of post driver for the reason that as the driving is done at the side of the wagon there obtains an especial facility for replacing old posts. The framework is arranged to rack in and out on top of the wagon, being racked out to drive the post and racked in again to enable the wagon being drawn straight ahead, clear of and past the post. The lead- ers are 20 feet high. They may be mounted at any time on either side of the wagon. A special, wide-track wagon is required for this outfit — 7-foot track being preferable. A full set of iron work consists of a 600-lb. drop hammer with triangular die; nippers, with block; one pair of top sheaves, shafts and boxes with bolts; one pair of No. 1 toggles, with bolts; one pair of No. 2 toggles with bolts; 4-inch channel iron liners, with bolts, and the racking-out device complete, with shaft, cranks, pinion, gears, racks, boxes and ratchets, with bolts for holding in place, together with drawings for wood work when desired. Tliis outfit can also be furnished complete, with or without wagon, and including wood work. PRICE No. 1 No. 2 Iron work only $1 90.00 $280.00 Wood work only 142.00 170.00 Lines and Blocks 32.00 34.00 Total $364.00 Hand Winch for either form Price on Special Wagon for No. 2 form on application. For belt driven Friction Hoist see index. $484.00 , $70.00 Ti-n DROP HAMMER STOP PRICE All forged — no castings used, dropped to form a stop, or rest, and pulled back to allow hammer to operate. 1,000 to 1,200-lb. Drop Hammer .$21.00 1,500 to 1,800-lb. Drop Hammer 24.00 2,000 to 2,.")()0-lh, Drop Hammer 27.00 3,000-lb. and upward 3.^.00 No. 1 Steam Hammer " 35.00 No. 2 Steam Hammer ? 27.00 No. 3 Steam Hammer 24.00 564 GEO-B-eAR^PEK'TER S QO. PILE DRIVERS TOWNSHIP PILE DRIVERS Usually Operated by Horse-Power, for Hammers that Weigh from 500 to 1200 Lbs. In order to meet the demand for a Pile Driver for use on small bridges and other light driA^ing, at reasonable cost, we will- furnish them as represented in the engraving. We have them in different capaci- ties, from 500 lb. hammer up to 1200 lbs. The hammer is usuallj'' raised by horse-power, the smaller sizes being hoisted direct, that is, without a purchase block, and the larger sizes have one end of the line fastened to a suitable post, driven into the ground, while the other end is passed through a table-block which is fastened to the main hoisting line and leads to the whiffletree direct. Sometimes contractors use a winch, which is bolted to the ladder. It, of course, will do the work, but is very slow. A belt-driven hoist (see index), can also be applied. Tackle-blocks can also be used, instead of sheaves at top and bottom, on smaller sizes, when so desired. (See index.) The Pile Driver complete, in addition to the iron work below, consists of the framing as shown, fastened together with bolts so as to be readily taken apart for transportation, having turned ladder rungs, turned maple rollers, and a nipper block, but not in- cluding lines or adjustable trip. Prices include paint- ing and delivery on car, "knocked down," Chicago. A full set of iron work usually consists of a ham- mer with steel die fitted in, nippers, top sheaves, shafts, boxes and bolts, one pair of No. 1 toggles with bolts, one pair No. 2 toggles with bolts, channel-iron liners, with bolts and washers, together with working drawings of wood work when desired. Snatch-blocks at bottom, we think, are preferable to fixed sheaves for horse-power. TOWNSHIP PILE DRIVERS, COMPLETE Omitting Lines and Blocks 1. is si mo 6 1 p. 1 k o^ c 11 1 £ c ^2 "d So be 1 bo a 1 3 n g g ii "0 •d 1 ill w ^ W fc h w a H Eh 500 13 4V, $33.00 $21.50 .110.50 24 23 . $30.82 $ 9.50 $4.00 $109.32 $170.00 $279.32 600 13 4% 39.00 21.50 10.50 24 23 30.82 9.50 4.00 115.32 170.00 285.32 700 14 4% 23.00 21.50 10.50 26 25 33.50 9.50 4.00 124.00 200.00 234.00 800 14 4% 51.00 21.50 10.50 26 25 33.50 9.50 4.00 130.00 200.00 330.00 1000 16 514 58.50 32.00 14.90 28 261/2 41.34 14.50 5.50 166.74 230.00 396.74 1200 16 51/4 69.50 32.00 14.90 28 2 6 1/2 41.34 14.50 5.b0 177.74 203.00 407.74 POR ROLLERS, JACKS AND BARS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S SO, 565 PILE DRIVERS SWIVELING PILE DRIVER AiTanged With Telescope Leaders For driving below reach of rigid leaders, in trenches, dams, caissons, foundations, etc. The telescope leaders are raised and low- ered by a separate line, hence adjustable to depth desired. The combination of swiveling driver rollers (which allow moving fore and aft and sideways) and the telescope leaders, makes a highly efficient machine — especially if a steam hammer be used. When work suitable is extensive enough to warrant, we think one of these machines will be found to be a good Investment. SWIVELING PILE DRIVERS, COMPLETE Omitting Lines and Blocks 1 c 1 c i il 0) PI \\ S E w O tn ■f. 1-5 c It 11 li it p JO 2-3 '3 5 c !1 * 1 1 6 It 2 3 1 C 2 ft 1 s g d a If s 11 fid o • ° o M My C fJPQ e ■g C III (5 P X H W tn h)' s 6 iH h ^ ^ 1.500 18 6y* $76.70 $14.90 $17.00 38 351^ $65.32 $17.50 $7,201 10 $276.00 $80.00 $554.62 $600.00!No. 3 $1,154.62 1,800 18 61^ 91.00 14.90 17.00 38 351/2 65.32 17.50 7.20 10 276.00 80.00 568.92 600.00 No. 3 1,168.92 2,000 19 7% 100.50 19.80. 23.00 45 42 94.92 17.501 7.20 12 288.O0I 98.0o| 648.92 1,040.00 No. 2 1,688.92 2.500 19 7V4 124.20 19.S0 23.00 45 42 94.92 17.501 7.20 12 288.00 98.001 672.62 1,040.00 No. 2 1,712.62 3.000 20 8^ 134.00 19.80 23.00 60 57 148.20 22.001. 9.001 16 310.00|llfi.00| 782.0011,700.00 No. 1 2.482.00 When a Pile Cap is used with Drop Hammer, Toggles are not required. In case a Steam Hammer is to be used, omit Drop Hammer and Toggles. For Hoisting Engine and Piping to connect to Steam Hammer Hose, see index. On larger sizes of Leaders freight rates for long distances are liable to be prohibitory; Telescope Leaders: Prices on application. Please send full particulars. 5 fir; GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S SO. WARRINGTON IMPROVED STEAM PILE HAMMER Its chief characteristics are: First — A very simple and positive valve gear. Second — A short steam passage, avoiding waste of steam. Third— Quick, and wide opening of exhaust, avoiding back pressure during the drop (a very important matter). Fourth — Turned columns connecting the cylinder and base, and serving to guide th^ ram. The guide holes in the ram are accurately bored by the use of a "jig," and unfair strains on the piston rod are avoided. Fifth — The piston is forged on its rod. Channel bars are attached on each side to enable the hammer to drive below the bottom of the leaders. The slide bars are now made with improved fastening in ram and of forged steel, instead of steel castings as heretofore. Every improvement suggested by an experience of nearly forty years in the manu- facture of three distinct forms has been made upon these hammers to producei a simple and thoroughly reliable machine, easy of operation and free from vexatious breakdowns. The action is regular and continuous. Any kind of pile can be' used, hard or soft, straight or crooked, and driven without injury to the head of the pile, in the hardest kind of driving, sand or hard pan. Tlie most ordinary kind of timber, such as spruce, bass and pine, can be thus driven without the use of bands. The hammer is operated by being raised in the leaders (the only duty of the engine aside from hoist- ing the pile) and allowed to rest its full weight upon the pile. Steam is turned on and the hammer pounds automatically until the pile is driven to the required depth. We furnish with each hammer: A steam hose of the best quality manufactured. For the No. O size, 50 feet of 2% inch 8 ply; for the No. 1 size, 40 feet 2 inch 6 ply; for the No, 3 size, 35 feet of 11/2 inch 6 ply; for the No. 3 size, 30 feet 1^4, inch 5 ply, and for the No. 4 size, 25 feet 1 inch 5 ply. It is advisable for the purchaser to wrap the hose to prevent chafing. The hose is fitted with specially heavy shanks, rings and nipples, and forged clamps. These parts specially manufactured as they require to be much heavier than those ordinarily sold by dealers in brass goods. An eye-bolt to insert in piston head, to draw it out when needed, a cylinder cock, hose spanner and wrenches. The No. O is used for 18 inch and 20 inch wooden piles and for 16 inch to 20 inch square or round concrete piles. In driving these latter a cast steel driving head should be used, as it holds a wooden block to receive the impact of the hammer. The No. 1 is used for 14 inch to 16 inch wooden piles and for general foundation work. The No. 2 is used for 12 inch and 13 inch woode"n piles and for general railroad work. The No. 3 is used for 9 inch to 10 inch wooden piles and largely for wooden sheeting. The No. 4 is used for driving fish stakes for pond nets along the shore and in connection with sheet- ing cap, for small wooden sheeting. For driving steel sheeting all the hammers are used with sheeting caps. We can furnish these hammers with three different forms of bases, all of which are interchangeable. 1. The regular, or solid form, which has a conical re'cess to fit over and rest on the head of the pile and which is used for all ordinary requirements in driving, and in connection with sheeting caps. 2. The open end base for sheet piling. 3. A special form known as the McDermid base, from its patentee. All hammers are fitted with the regular base, unless otherwise ordered. The open end base can be fitted to the No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 sizes. The McDermid base is made for the No. 1 and No. 2 sizes of hammers only. We list below the five sizes we furnish, with the leading dimensions: TABLE OF WARRINGTON STEAM PILE HAMMERS Shipping No. Weight lbs. Length feet Diameter Cylinder Normal Stroke Inches Weight of Striking Parts Distance Between Jaws Width of Jaws HorsePoweP Usually Required •1 1 •2 1 4 16000 10150 9850 6800 6500 3800 1350 15 13 li \l 11% Ml 131/2 101/2 101/2 8 4 48 42 42 36 36 30 24 7500 5000 5000 3000 3000 1800 550 26 20 20 19 19 18 14 914 8 14 81/i 7% 6 14 414 60 40 40 25 25 18 8 *McDermid base. List Price of Steam Pile Hammers (Including Hose and Pittlngs) Size With Solid Base With Open End Base With McDermid Base No. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 $2400.00 1550.00 1120.00 760.00 480.00 $1590.60 1150.00 790.00 500.00 $ 165b! 6 6 1220.00 Geo-B-Carpe^ter s So, 567 PILE HAMMERS No. 5 STYLE SHEETING HAMMER FOR STEAM OR AIR For Driving Wooden Planking and Steel Sheet Piling Constructed on the style of the air drill (double-acting), with heavy base to rest on pile. Very efficient on sewer work and coffer-dams. Very much superior to hand mauling and drop-hammer driving. The piston rings are of The piston and ram are of steel, forged in one piece medium steel, cut from the solid. rL ^^^^H The base of the hammer is hollowed out to receive the striking bar. This latter ^^^^H is a forging, with a tee-shaped head at bottom, to rest upon the pile, and upon the ^^^^H upper end of which the ram delivers its blow. This striking bar is made in such a ^^^^^H manner that wliile it is free to travel down some distance with the pile when struck, ^^^^^1 still it cannot drop out of the machine. ^^^^^1 In operation the hammer is suspended from the boom of a derrick or similar ^^^^^H device, no leaders being used. The hammer is lowered on top of pile until it rests ^^^^H its full weight upon the striking bar. Steam or air is then turned on, and as the ^■^^^ pile and hammer descend the tackle line is slackened off just fast enough to maintain ^^^^ the hammer in a vertical position. With the hammer are provided the piping shown, throttle-valve and oil cup, with handles for same. The hose required is 1 inch diameter, four ply. The cylinder is 4 inches diame^ter; its stroke from seven to eight inches. The lengtli of hammer over all is five feet eight inches. Weight, 700 to 800 lbs. The jaw in basei is four inches wide, three and three-quarters inches deep vertically, and is ten inches long — this being the width of the base casting. A ten horse-power boiler will supply the hammer with steam. The number of strokes per minute is about 125. Steam Sheeting Hamnier.s, :No. 5 size, including hose and fittings $240.00 Omitting hose and fittings .^^ ^^^^^_^_^^^^_^^^^^. 215.0O DROP HAMMERS We aim to get the best form of hammers suitable for the purpose and have given careful attention to three points, viz: First — To get as much of the weight in the bottom of the hammer as possible. Second— To have the hammer as long as the size of the leaders will permit. This gives longer bear- ing in the guides. ° Third — To have as little play as possible between the hammer and the leaders. This is reauired to obviate as much as possible the jar on the leaders at the time of striking the pile. Instead of the old-fashioned strap at the top a pin is recessed in the body of the hammer so as to take advantage of all the height of the leaders possible. nammer, so as to All corners are rounded. Where Channel Iron Liners are used, one-quarter of an inch play, that is one-eighth of an inch on each side, appears to be sufficient, but where Strap Iron Liners are used, one-half of an inch should be 500 and 600 700 and 800 1000 and 1200 1500 to 1800 2000 to 2500 inclusive Over 2500 Width of Jaw Channel Iron Liners Width of Jaw, Strap Liners 41/4 4^ 5^ 4% 4y2 6% 7% 8V2 Drop Hammers, 800 lbs. and under per lb SO 01 Drop Hammers, 1000 lbs. and under 1500 lbs " 'vi^'V. Drop Hammers, 1500 lbs. and under 3000 lbs " 03% .02% Drop Hammers, 3000 lbs. and over Dies lor Pins Extra SoXii — Weight will vary 25 to 100 lbs. more or less than ordered weight — depending on size of hammer. We would rather sell by weight but if certain weight is ordered we will not charge any advance, if in excess. In figuring be careful to include Die or Pin as required. Dies or Pins Weijfht steel Triangular Die Fitted In Hammer Steel Turned Pin In Fitted Bored Hole Rolling Triangular $1.50 1.75 2.75 .... $1.75 2.25 2.75 .3.25 $2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 1000 and under 1500 lbs. . . 1500 and under 3000 lbs. . . 3000 lbs. and upwards.... FOK uamme:r linbs. hvire rope and chain, see index SB's GEOB-eARPEl^TER ^ G O. PILE DRIVER FITTINGS ~ DISHED PILE HEAD GAP For protecting pile heads. Used with steam pile ham- mers which are fitted with the regular or cone-shaped base. Not required when hammer has a McDermid base. This form is preferred by many to a plate with or with- A-s=^- out a spike hole for nailing on pile. ^^L__ These are hammered from steel billets. ^^~^-.'= State size of hammer A\ith which to be used. Dished^PHe Cap Dished Head Pipe Cap, for No. 1 steam hammer $12.00 Dished Head Pipe Cap. for No. 2 steam hammer 9.00 Dished Head Pipe Cap, for No. 3 steam hammer 7.50 '^ BASES FOR STEAM HAMMERS A¥arrington Patent Open End Base This form has been devised for driving wooden sheet piling, such as is used for trenches and coffer-dams. It is interchangeable with the other two styles of base on any hammer. The recess is rectangular, slightly tapering toward the bottom, and one end is left open to permit of driving all piles to the same level. The greatest thickness of pile for which the base can be made is as follows: No. 1 hammer 9^^ inches No. 3 hammer 9 inches No. 3 hammer 7 inches No. 4 hammer 5 inches When ordering specify th© outside rectangular dimensions of pile and state whether open end is to be to^vard or away from the driver. See table below for prices. McDERMID PATENT BASE This base, designated B in the illustration, is inter- changeable with the regular or solid base, the only differ- ence being that in this a recess is provided in which is placed a steel plate, D. This plate rests on the pile and on it the driving is done; it is inserted through an opening in the side of the base, which opening is covered with a door, E, held in position by a bolt through lugs, C. This form of base is exceedingly advantageous and de- sirable when the pile is soft, when the driving is very hard and an excessive number of blows is required to be given a pile. In addition to this, the plate forms a stop, bringing the pile to the proper point and preventing piles smaller than the opening from coming through. PLATES FOR McDERMID PATENT BASES (McDermid Plates or Beater Plates) The McDermid base is now made for the Nos. 1 and 2 sizes of steam hammers. We furnish two kinds of plates, one of hammered mild steel, of which we carry a large stock, and the other of cast manganese steel, which we can furnish to order. They are 1% to 1% inches thick for the No. 1 hammer, and 1% to 11/4 inches thick for the No. 2 hammer. The forged plates are machine finished on the edge, the manganese plates ground; all to proper size. Most operators prefer the hammered steel plates and owing to the limited demand we no longer maintain a stock of the rolled steel McDermid plates formerly offered. PRICE FOR STEAM HAMMER BASES Size ^ ,. - „ 1 Open End 1 McDermid Solid Base | R^^e 1 Base No. 1 $100.00 1 $140.00 1 $160.00 No. 2 90.00 1 120.00 1 150.00 No. 3 75.00 1 84.00 No. 4 27.00 1 48.00 Fig. 20 McDermid Base OUR STOCK OF PILK DRIVER EQUIPMENT IS ALWAYS COMPLETE GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « Co. 569 PILE DRIVER FITTINGS THE PERFECT HEAD-BLOGK FOR PILE DRIVERS LINDSLY'S PATENT This is a development of long experience with the troubles incident to the ordinary headgear arrangement of pile drivers, Fig. o and has been found extremely satisfactory in actual use. Figs, i and 2 It is complete and self-contained; can be bolted down on the driver frame in a few minutes, and, being built on the interchangeable system, any part meeting accidental damage can be readily replaced. It is durable and easy-running, as the sheaves are fast on steel shafts running in babbitted boxes. The inclined guide rollers permit the pile line to lead out in any direction without extra friction or wear, and the entire Head-Block is so constructed that the lines cannot run against any sharp angles, nor can they be displaced from the sheaves in service. The Head-block is now made in three sizes: The No. 0, special, for No. steam hammer only, which hammer weighs 16,000 lbs. The No. 1, for drop hammers of 2,000 lbs. weight and over. The No. 2, for drop hammers of 1,800 lbs. weight and under. The Nos. 1 and 2 are the sizes ordinarily used, and as the hT)isting line falls centrally in the leaders they are especially suitable for drop hammers. They can, of course, be used with steam hammers 'also, but when the hammer is raised to the top of the leaders the line will not be entirely fair. This can be partially avoided by moving the Head-block forward. SIZES OF SHEAVES AND LINES Size Hammer Sheave Hammer Line Pile Sheave Pile Line Wire Manila Wire Manila No . . . 16 inches % inch ■• 12 inches % inch 11/^ inches $160 00 Xo. 1 16 inches % inch 2 inches 12 inches % inch 1 Vz inches 115.00 No. 2 12 inches % inch 11^ inches 9 inches % inch 1 1/4 inches 93.00 The sizes of lines given above are the largest which the sheaves will accommodate; smaller lines can, of course, be used. *" In ordering specify size of head-block and state Avhether sheaves are required, one or both, for wire or manila rope. Fig TOGGLE IRONS Weight of Drop Hammer Lbs. 500 to 800. 1,000 to 1,200. 1,500 to 2,500. Over 2 500 No. 1 Toggles. Opening Inches No. 2 Toggles Center of Leaders to Hook Inches No. 1 Toggles and Bolt per pail $9.50 14.50 17.50 22.00 No. 2 Toggles and Bolts, per pair $4.00 5.50 7.20 9.00 Fig. 2 m ROLLER SPOOLS AND AXLES Spool machine-finished; to run on 10 inch wooden or 10 inch iron pipe roller. We furnish also the 10 inch oak rollers 26 feet and under, banded on ends and drilled for crow-bar. Four ng. 3. Round sh«ft roller spools and two oak rollers make one set. Pig. 1. Square Shaft Roller Spool and Axle — No. 1 — Per set of 4 ^ aa No. 2 — Per set of 4, for 2,000-2,500 lb. drop hammer or No. 2 steam hammer ■^^'^nrt No. 2 — Per set of 4, for 3,000-3,500 lb. drop hammer or No. 1 steam hammer 330.00 FOR AXES. CANT HOOKS AND SLINGS, SEE INDEX 570 GEO-B-eARPEhfTER ^ eo. PILE DRIVER FITTINGS THOMAS A. KEARNS' PATENTED PIPE PILE FOLLOWER * For Driving Piles Below the Surface of the Ground This consists of a cast iron cap, "C," in which is a recess to receive the pile, and a wrought iron pipe, "B," of the length to suit the depth required. This pipe is cast into the follower cap. It was found that fastening by bolts was very insecure. The pipe is filled by a turned oak timber, which we provide, but to be hammered in by the operator. A heavy hammered iron band, "H," is shrunk on to the pipe, leaving a recess of about 1% inches to receive a short block, "I," having a hammered iron band, "K." A small hole, "L," is drilled in the bottom of the pipe to allow air to escape while the timber is being driven in. Two steam pipes run down either side to release the follower from the pile. These pipes are fitted by unions to the nipples which are cast into the follower cap, and held to the pipe by staples driven through the pipe into the wood. The great advantage of this follower becomes apparent in sticky soils, when the driving is below tlfe surface of the ground, as by means of the small pipes steam or air under pressure may be introduced on top of the driven pile when it is desired to withdraw the follower, thus much facilitating an oftentimes difficult operation. We furnish this in two sizes of pipe — 10 inch and 12 inch, extra strong—of length to suit the woi'k. The smaller is for piles from 10 to 14 inches diameter, and the larger for piles 14 to 18 inches diameter. Price on application — governed entirely by market price of pipe. FOLLOWER CAP In foundation work piles are required to be driven below the surface, sometimes 20 feet. When driven to the end of the leaders a follower has to be used for the remaining distance. The Follower Cap here shown is recessed on the bottom, the same as the pile cap, to fit over the pile. In its upper end the operator inserts and bolts a pile of the requisite length, with its upper end-^trimmed to fit into the pile cap or steam ham- mer. We make this in two sizes; the A size is for piles up to 12 inches diameter. The upper recess is for a 12 inch diameter Follower, and is 6 inches deep; the casting is 12 inches long over all. The B size is for piles up to 16 inches diameter; the upper recess is for a 14 inch diameter Follower and is 8 inches deep; the casting is 15 inches long over all. Bolts are included. __ Fig. 1: _. Size A. 12 inches diameter $25.00 Size B. 14 inches diameter 33.0O OPEN END FOLLOWER GAP No. 2 This is for driving wooden sheeting. When ordering specify the outside rectangular dimensions of pile. Fig. 2: Single Open End Follower Cap — For 2x 8 or 10 sheeting, 8 inch diameter follower $ 8.00 For 3x10 or 12 sheeting, 8 inch diameter follower 9.00 For 4x10 or 12 sheeting, 10 inch diameter follower l:i.50 For 6x10 or 12 sheeting, 10 inch diameter follower 15.00 For 8x10 or ] 2 sheeting, 12 inch diameter follower 25.00 For 10x10 or 12 sheeting, 12 inch diameter follower 27.00 Pile Cap for Wooden Sheet Piling, including block, band and pins for hammer 76.00 Same for steam harhmer 80.00 RIGID ROLLER BEARINGS These are plain castings to take the place of the spool rollers. Instead of rolling they slide on the long rollers. With pipe rollers they are also satis- factory. This pattern is for 10 inch pipe about 10% inch diameter, and also for 10 inch diameter oak roller. Specify when ordering which is to be used. Rigid Roller Bearings per set of 4 .$46.00 Each 11.50 FOR WIRE ROPE, BOLTS, BLOCKS, ETC., SEE INDEX GEOBeARPEfTTER ^ eo ri PILE DRIVER FITTINGS STANDARD SHEAVES Figr. 1 Pig. 2 Fis. 3 Our shoaves are made from new patterns, grooves smoothed out, and pressed tightly on shafts, as it has been found advisable to put the wear on bearings. The "Top Sheave" boxes are made in two styles: First — Solid, bored out, with oil holes on top. Some people like grease cups or oil cups, screwfd into these oil holes to save trouble of going up and down too frequently. Cups are au extra charge, see index. Second — Open, to receive oiled waste, as shown in cut, babliilted on lower half. The "Bottom Sheave" runs loose on shaft, which extends from sill to sill, to allow of a lateral move- ment between the sills to accommodate the rope as it winds on the hoisting drum. It may be provided with a wooden box, or housing, to prevent the line fiom jumping off when slack. Yl"e can furnish, from stock, any of these slieaves for -wire rope, of approximately tlie same diameter as speciiicd for luanila rope and at the same prices. DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD SHEAVES AND SHAFTS FOR EITHER AVIRE ROPE OR MANILA LINE 500 to SOD lb. Hammer 1000 to 1800 lb. Hammer 2000 lb. Hammer and Over 12 inch 2 A inch 2i'b inch 2}S inch 9 inch . . .lYs inch Hammer Top Sheave Shaft . . IjJ inch 9 inch \\l inch 12 inch 6 inch Pile Line Top Sheave Shaft 1 Vs inch IVs inch IJS inch All Sheaves are measured at the bottom of the groove and have specially deep flanges. They are designed for this service and are more sul»stantial than sheaves ordinarily sold. « eiKlit of Drop Hammer Fiff. 1 Top Sheaves Shafts I3oxes and Bolts per set Solid Boxes FlK, 2 Top Sheaves Shafts Boxes and Bolts per set Babbitted Boxes FiB. 3 Bottom Sheaves Shafts Boxes and Bolts Without HousinK^ $10.50 14.90 19. RO $13.00 17.50 23.00 $12.00 17.00 23.00 1000 to ISOO lbs 2000 lbs and over NIPPERS The general use of friction engines for driving piles has done away, to a large extent, with the demand for Nippers. The larger sizes are seldom called for. We have added to our list a smaller size for very light hammers. These Nippers are forged out under a steam hammer, and have machine finished hinges and hardened steel points. The arms are set to suit width between the leaders, which should be sent us. The Nipper Bloclis are of o:«k, ^vell holted. 1 Nippers Blocks >o. 1 Nippers. for hammer I'SOO lbs. and over . . . 1 ii«50.00 ^g.-io ■\o. a Nippers, for hammer l.SOO to 2200 lbs . . . 1 40.00 8.50 No. :i ]>fippers. for hammer lOUO to 1(>0<) lbs . . . .-{S.OO 7.00 No. 4 Nippers, f«>r hammer r,«o to SOO Ib.s . .1 ll-.-JO 7.00 \o. .% Nippers, for hammer :tOO lbs. and under. . . . . ..! IS-.-iO 6..'>0 AVithout niock ADJUSTABLE TRIPS The Adjustable Trip is used for striking light blows, such as needed for a pile of small diameter, or for pile very near its destination. It is raised or lowered in the leaders by means of a small line, with suitable sheave at the top. The sides are of plate iron, the striking plates, at the ends, of cast iron, to give the necessary weight, while the bail is of wrought iron. We furnish them of four sizes, of the dimensions to suit leaders. ' Adjustable Trip No. 1. for hammer 2000 lbs. and over $20.00 Adjustable Trip No. 2. for hammer l.'OO to l.SOO lbs 18.0O Adjustable Trip No. '.i, for hammer 1000 to 1200 lbs 16.0O Adjustable Trip No. 4, for hammer 500 to 800 lbs 12.00 FOR WIRE ROPE, BLOCKS, AXES, ETC., SEE INDEX )73 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « eo. PILE DRIVER FITTINGS DRIVING BLOCKS Turned from Black Gum Logs for Pile Caps and Sheeting Caps For several years we have been furnishing white oak for making driving blocks, but have experienced considerable trouble, and frequent loss, from checking of the timber and blocks; besides we have had trouble at times in getting the material. Black Gum does not appear to check, even when kept in a dry room, in fact, it seems to be the ideal wood for this pur- pose. We have had two comparative reports only, as follows: U. S. Reclamation Service, Putnam, Mon- tana, L. V. Branch, Engineer: "The five Black Gum cushion blocks shipped us were most excellent blocks. * Any one of these five blocks was the eq ual of the very best oak block and did the same service as two of the poorer oak blocks. The Black Gum blocks were more uniform in quality than the oak blocks and as an average I would estimate that two Black Gum blocks were equal to three oak blocks." James Black Masonry & Contracting Co., St. Louis, Mo.: "The oak cushion blocks stood (12) feet of driving; that is, one pile driven 12 feet. The Black Gum cushion blocks lasted for 7 piles at a depth of 35 feet each or 245 feet of driving." Many contractors use waste ends of piles, which, of course, is the cheapest way to do where piles suitable for the purpose are being used, but in many parts of the country where timber is very poor, these blocks may be found a good purchase. We heretofore have aimed to sell blocks only in connection with caps, that is, sending one out with each cap, but are now oifering them for regular use. PRICES Short blocks for drop hammer • • • each $2.70 Long blocks for No. 1 Warrington steam hammer, about 20 inches long " 6.00 Long block for No. 2 steam hammer, 20 inches long " 5.00 Long block for No. 3 steam hammer, 15 inches long " 4.00 PILE PULLER For Steel Sheet Piling Made of steel in two sizes. Gripping cams have hard- ened tool steel teeth. The action of pulling in- creases the grip. In ordering, give us the make, size and length of pile, also what information you can about the difficulty of driving. Prices, each Large $120.00 Small 60.00 PILE PULLER For Wood Sheet Plank Made for 3 inch by 10 inch plank, but can be used for other widths and also for 2 inch planks. Steel forging with % Inch chain and ring. Price, each, 3 inch. . ,$11.50 PILE LIFTING CHAINS These are for use at end of pile lines, for winding around the pile and taking hold. They are made of different sizes of chain and different lengths. For 2000 lb. to 2500 lb. hammer. 1/2 inch chain by 8 feet long is a quite popular size. Care must be taken in ordering not to confuse these with the pile-pulling chains, which, of course, are very much heavier, and with special hammered hooks. % inch by 8 feet long Price, each $10.00 Other sizes in proportion. GEO-B-CARPENfTER « GO. 173 PILE DRIVER FITTINGS PATENT CAP FOR PILE DRIVING Casgrain's ' In the operation of pile driving it frequently hapgens that the piles are either split or broomed on their tops by the concussion of the hammer. The Caserain Cap over- comes this difficulty. Each Cap, including block, band and pins for hammer. . . .$76.00 Pile Cap Block, turned oak 3.00 Pile Cap Band, Norway iron 5.00 SHEET PLANK CAPS Forged Steel Double open end. For wooden sheeting. Made to order for any sizes required. Each . $6.50 . 7.00 PILE BANDS Fis. 211B For 2x 6 inch For 2x 8 inch For 2x10 inch For 2x12 inch Fig. 211A PILE HEAD COVER Cast Iron '^•^^ All sizes, per lb. .$0.20 8.50 Fig. 211C 11 1/^ inch diameter. each $1.50 l^Vz inch diameter. " 1.75 PILE POINTS, OR PILE SHOES Including Spikes W Figr. 1 Fig. Fig. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Size inches "Weight lbs. Each size Indies Weight lbs. Each Inchos Round Weight lbs. Each 4x4 5x5 6x6 15 20 25 $1.50 2.00 2.30 9x21/2 9x3 9x3% 17 25 33 $1.70 2.10 2.70 6 8 10 35 78 150 $2.30 4.00 7.00 WE CAN FIRMSII ANY KIND OF SPECIAL FORCINGS PROMPTLY 574 GEOBeAR.PEM"TER S CO Fig. 727A. Our regular pile driver engines (see index) can be fitted with an attachment for driving the saw. When this feature is desired we furnish the frame with an extension on the front end to carry an extra shaft, driven by a pinion from the front drum shaft; this shaft carries a pulley in the center of the engine and from which the pile saw arbor may be driven direct. In ordering, state length required. Price of outfit depends on the market price of '" ./(ting. We will be pleased to quote on application. PILE SAW ARBOR For Cutting off Piles Under Water As ordinarily used they are made to cut off piles 16 to 24 feet under water. We usually allow for 8 V2 feet in length above water, to which is added the depth of cut required to get length of Arbor. The shaft is 3/u inches in diameter and counter-balanced. A 42- inch saw is usually sufficient, but for very large piles this size would have to be increased. The Arbor works on a spline its entire length, and is readily ad- justable to any depth within its range. Side rollers and frames are furnished, to be fastened to the inner side of leaders, for the belt to run on. The speeds and approximate horsepowers required for different diameters of saws are as follows: 42-lnch Saw, 600 R. P. M., 15 to 20 H. P. 48-inch Saw, 525 R. P. M., 20 to 25 H. P. Price Includes the saw, arbor, pulley-bearings, sheaves, swivel- hook, counter-balanced sheaves, side frames and rollers, with neces- sary bolts to fasten all to woodwork, together with a drawing for the woodwork and fastening in place. Pig. 727 Fig. 24 POLE PULLER Fig. Fig. 24. Pole-Puller is a new device adopted by the telegraph and telephone companies, effecting on an average, a saving of 75 per cent on telegraph poles. The method of hoisting is as follows: The Pole-Puller is used to pull poles that have become decayed just above the ground. The decayed part is cut off and the pole is reset, without moving the pole from the spot or interfering with the wire or service. This gives the poles new life and saves about 7 5 per cent in maintenance and overhead costs. It is powerfully geared and is 7 feet high, weight, 140 pounds. The shaft for cranks measures 19 inches overall from end to end. Furnished with li/^-inch tallow-laid manila line, i/^-inch chain, and 2 cranks. Price, complete ,$40.00 ATTACHABLE SERGE DRUM OR SPOOL Fig. 13 Drum illustrated to the right, is used with a long rope to make a high lift, still retaining the full capacity of the wind- lass or crab. It is secured by two keys and four bolts and can be attached in a few minutes. Spool for 11^ -inch to 2 1^^ -inch rope. Price each $11.50 Spool for % -inch to 1 ^^ -inch rope. Price each 8.50 pig. 13 FOR WIRE ROPE, BLOCKS AND CIRCULAR SAWS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-eARPEM*TER S (EO. 576 BLASTING SUPPLIES We are large dealers in blasting supplies, and list below a few of the specialties we carry. Our stocks are so situated that we can make prompt shipment of any orders we may receive. Owing to price fluctuations we are unable to quote any list prices in this catalog, but guarantee lowest market prices on day your shipment is made. AETNA DYNAMITE The Staiidaid Hij^h E\pIosive Packed in 25 lb. and 50 lb. cases. Shipped by freight only. Made in grades from 15% to 60% of nitro-glycerin. Use 40% for stumps, stone and ordinary work. Use Aetna Gelatin Dynamite for submarine work. Fig. 593B BLASTING CAPS For E.vploding Dynamite Quintuple force per 100 $. Sextuple force Lion Lion Lion Lion FiK. .'.stac LION BATTERIES For Firing Blasts by Electricity No. 1. Capacity 8- 10 holes... No. 3. Capacity 20- 25 holes. . . No. 4. Capacity 30- 50 holes... No. 5. Capacity 50-100 holes. . . $15.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 Caps and Lion fuses must be shipped by freight and cannot be shipped wth dj-namite, Fig. 593D FUSE Single tape per 1000 feet Double tape Anchor brand " " Triple tape " ELECTRICAL PUSES "Lion Brand" Double-wound Insulation. Every one warranted perfect Standard Double Strength Strength per 100 per 100 4 feet Wire .... $ $ . . Fig. SO-SE SUNDRIES Leading wire, common, 500 foot coil. . . Aetna cable leading wire, per coil Connecting wire, 1 lb. coils or 2 lb spools, per lb Leading wire reels, each Rubber insulating tape, per % lb. roll. . Friction tape, per % lb. roll At Market Prices .?400 . .75 . .50 WRITE US FOR PRICES 576' GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « Co. DIVING APPARATUS PUMPS Fig. 5791 Fig. 5703 Three Cylinder Tveo Cyliuder Single Acting Four styles of Pumps are made as follows: TWO CYLINDER DOUBLE ACTION PL"MP So constructed that two divers can be supplied with air at the same time or all the air given to one diver if it is necessary to descend to great depths. This pump is the one supplied to the United States Navy Department and placed on all warships. Price each $300.00 THREE CYLINDER FINE FINISHED PUMP WITH W ATER TANK Designed for one diver and guaranteed to supply him with air at any depth to which he can go. Particularly used for all deep-sea work, sponge and pearl fishing, or where it is necessary for the diver to remain submerged for a long time. Price each $400.00 THE THREE CYLINDER PLAIN FINISHED PU^IP Designed for one diver and of the same general construction as the fine finished pump. No water tank is attached, nor are the parts so highly polished. This is the standard machine for wreckers, bridge and pier builders, engineers, contractors, steamship companies, etc., and it is guaranteed for depths up to 90 feet. Price each $250.00 THE TWO CYLINDER LEVEL PU^IP WITH EITHER HORIZONTAL OR UPRIGHT HANDLES Used for examination or other short period diving around waterworks, dry docks, marine railw ays, dams, docks, breakwaters, where depths do not exceed 30 feet. Same as furnished with Outfit No. E $75.00 OAK CASE FOR TWO CYLINDER LEVER PUMP Easily attached to pump furnished with our No. E outfit and adding greatly to its appearance. Special up-right handle in two pieces, also made so as to fit in case. Case is fitted with lock and two handles, and proves of great value if pump is frequently shipped frona place to place. Price each $12.50 BELT WEIGHTS WITH SHOULDER STRAPS To be worn around waist. Weights attached with screws, allowing removal if belt is considered too heavy. Per set : $27.50 A cheaper set furnished with weights riveted to belt. Per set 22.00 Fig. 5793 GEO•B•eAR^PE^fTER ^ SO. 577 DIVING APPARATUS I'iK. r.,su. CuuviiH Cliulins I'autet Fig. 5811. A^au-u-;- Dress Fig. 5S13. Cauvus Dress DIVING DRESS Furnished in Xos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 sizes for men measuring in height respectively 5 feet 6 inches, 5 feet 8 inches, 6 feet, and over 6 feet. Fitted with pure gum cuffs and gasket. Gasket punched to receive bolts on collar of helmet if so ordered. Guaranteed both air and water tight. Price, each $50.00 Extra culfs, per pair, 5.00 Dresses can also be furnished in above sizes i-einforced with an extra layer of canvas on the knees, elbows, shoulders, crotch and feet, at a slightly higher figure. W ADING DRESS Furnished in the same sizes as Diving Dresses, but with rubber cuffs only. No gasket. Designed to be worn without helmet in water over worker's head. A high cape extends upward and is held by fellow worker who directs operations. Piice, each $45.00 Extra Cuffs, per pair 5.00 CAXVAS DRESS Used to protect the entire Diving Dress from Avear. Price, each $0.50 CANVAS CHAFING PANTS OR OVERALLS Used to protect the lower portion of Diving Dress from wear, and fitted with straps to cross shoulder-piece of helmet to hold same firmly on shoulder. Price, per pair $4.00 RUBBER CANVAS RHTTENS Made of rubber vulcanized between two layers of best grade of canvas I)er pair $5.00 BLACK RUBBER MITTEXS .*^ / Made with black rubber hands, canvas and rubber gauntlets per pair 5.00 CANVAS GLOVES Two fingers, material similar to our regular Rub- ber Canvas Mittens; best for rough work, where use of the fingers separately are re- quired per pair COO RUBBER GLOVES Five fingers, material similar to our regular Black Rubber Mittens; most desirable glove for work where the use of each finger is required Fig. nsi5. liubbt-r Gloves. Five Fiugers Price, per pair 6.00 578 GEO•B•eAliPE^fTER « So. i DIVING APPARATUS COMPLETE DIVING APPARATUS, No. E. This outfit for any depth up to 30 feet for one diver. Particularly adapted for water-works, examining ships' bottoms, repairing dams, laying pipes, dock and breakwater building, marine rail- ways, etc. 1 Two Cylinder Air Pump, capacity 30 feet depth of water $75.00 *1 Improved Quarter Turn Screw Helmet, to receive air in head, or to r.eceive air in breast-plate, either style, including safety valve and adjustable regulating valve 3 lights $100.00, 4 lights 105.00 1 Diving Dress - 50.00 100 feet Air Hose (two pieces), with couplings 40.00 1 set Horse Shoe Weights, complete with ropes 15.00 1 pair Diving Shoes, with lead or iron soles 15.00 1 pair Wrist Expanders 5.00 1 pair Rings and Clamps 5.00 1 pair Diving Mittens (rubber or canvas), either style 5.00 1 pair Chafing Pants, with adjustable straps 4.00 1 Life or Signal Line (100 feet) 2.00 6 Extra Bolts and Nuts for Helmet (spare) 3.00 1 pair Extra Couplings (spare) 2.00 1 yard Rubber Repair Cloth 3.00 3 feet Snap Tubing 1.80 1 pint can Rubber Cement, for repairs 75 1 Cutting Punch .75 Complete Apparatus $332.30 Weight Dimensions 1 Case 360 lbs. 42 in. x 32 in. x 25 in. *Bolt Helmet may be substituted at $25 additional cost. Any article in above list not desired may be omitted, or additions of any separate parts, as shown on these pages, be made, with corresponding change in cost of outfit. HELMET WITH TELEPHONE AND GABLE Pig. 5831. Helmet, with Telephone and Cable Particular attention is called to the cup into which the telephone cable leads and which contains both receiver and transmitter, neither of which pro- jects into the Helmet. In the old style telephones the receiver and transmitter were fastened to the inside of the head piece and caused projections against which the head of the diver frequently struck. The telephone is also so ar- ranged that it can be removed from the head piece without the disconnection of a single wire. This is often found nec- essary where work is to be done in nar- row places, cribs, etc., where the carry- ing of the extra surface connecting line would be dangerous. The hole through which the telephone 's removed can be closed with a cap furnished, and Helmet used in the regular way. Bolt Helmet complete with telephone, batteries, cable, etc $^5.00 Screw Helmet complete with telephone, batteries, cable, etc 200.00 GEO-B-eARPElTTER S GO, 579 DIVING APPARATUS Fig. 5831, Bolt F»S- 5832, Screw HELMETS Are furnished in either Bolt or Screw style with three or four windows and a choice of Regu- lating Escape Valve or Inside Push Button release. All Helmets are designed to fit without causing unnecessary pressure on the chest. The head pieces are made from a one-piece copper shell to which all fittings are riveted before they are brazed in. The Collars are also made in one piece and the strap which is brazed around the outer edge (to take the bolts for the dress) is also made of one piece, thus making it impossible for the bolts to split the strap from the shoulder form. Every article on the Helmets is thoroughly tested and nothing passed which is not perfect. Improved Quarter-tui-n Screw Helmets, 3 lights each $100.00 Improved Quarter-turn Screw Helmets, 4 lights each 105.00 Improved Bolt Helmet, 3 lights 1 25.00 Improved Bolt Helmet, 4 lights 130.00 Either style furnished with three or four windows and to receive air in head or neck as desired. FlK. S836 DIVING SHOES No. 5833. Made from best grade leather, with cast iron or lead soles. Per pair. . . . $15.00 No. 5834. Made from best grade leather, with cast bronze soles and toe caps. Per pair $18.00 No. 5835. Cast iron Sandals with straps, New York De- partment Docks and Ferries style. Per paii- $8.00 No. 5836. Canvas Chafing Shoes worn with sandals or other shoes to protect feet of dress from wear. Per pair $4.00 580 GEOBeAIlPEK"TER 5E CO. Fig. 5ty4i. Safety Valve DIVING APPARATUS EXTRA HELMET FITTINGS Safety Valve $ 3.00 Regulating Escape Valve 6.00 Springs for Helmet Valves, each 10 Leather Gasket for Neck Screw-Joint .... 1.50 Flanges for securing dress to Helmet Breast Plate, per set (four sections) . . . 10.00 Face Plate, screw frame, complete 7.50 Leather Gasket for Face Plate 50 Glass for Helmet, round 50 Glass for Helmet, oval 7.5 Bolts for Breast Plate, each Wing-Nuts for Breast Plate, each Tee Wrench for tightening wing-nuts on Helmet Breast Plate 1.25 Spanner Wrench for tightening wing-nuts on neck joint of Bolt Helmet 1.00 Fig. 5843. Regulating Fscape Valve REPAIR PARTS Rubber Cloth for patching Dress or Mittens. Per yard, black $2.50 White 3.00 Cement for patching Dress or Mittens (instructions on can). Per pint 75 ^ ^^^^p Bolts and Nuts for Helmet jg,^ ^B^^^^L-^^^^ Collar to replace those fJO^ ^^l^^^i worn, broken or lost. ^^^.^^ij^ Each 25 \P5H^^|ft^^ Couplings for replacing ■ ^^ ' those on hose in case of Fig. 5843 accident. Per set 2.00 Snap Tubing, used for making a water tight joint at the wrist. Usually cut into 2 inch strips. Per foot 60 Improved Urinal, each 3.50 Fig. 5844 CUFF EXPANDERS Used to stretch rubber cuffs on Diving Dress so as to allow entrance or withdrawal of hand. Per pair $5.00 a Fig. 5845 HORSE SHOE WEIGHTS Worn one each on chest and back of diver, suspended by ropes passed over Helmet Collar. Per pair $15.00 Fig. 5846 RINGS AND CLAMPS Per pair $5.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ Go. 581 DIVING APPARATUS SPECIAL DIVING HOSE standard air hose, coupled. Per 50-ft. length $20.00 Standard floating air hose, coupled. Per 50-ft. length $50.00 KNIFE BELT WITH FAIRLEADER FOR HOSE A heavy leather belt with steel knife screwed into a brass case. A ring on belt is designed to allow hose to pass through in carrying same under left arm before connecting to helmet. Complete $10.00 Fis. 5802 Fig. 5804 ELECTRIC LIGHT A 100 candlepower lamp enclosed in a water- tight glass case with vibratory spring and ring for lashing. Complete with 100 feet of best cable and plug for insertion in electric socket. Each $60.00 (Give voltage of system when ordering.) CRINOLINE A cloth covered rattan frame with shoulder straps worn under the diving dress in very deep water. Designed to prevent pressure on the abdomen. Each $8.50 HELMET CUSHION To be worn over shoulders inside the dress to prevent chafing of helmet collar and to ease weight. Each $3.00 Fig. 5805 BASKET Designed to hold complete outfit, except pump, with specially con^ structed place inside for hose, weights, shoes, etc. Convenient for ship- ping goods from place to place. Each $18.00 Flgr. S800 582 GEO-B-eARPErfTER ^ eo, ICE TOOLS MARKER WITH S\VING GUIDE Weight, Complete with Case, 145 lbs. No. 355 — 4-inch Markers. 11 cut- ting teeth, with 22-inch Swing Guide, complete each $58.00 No. 356 — 4-inch Markers, 11 cut- ting teeth, with 22-inch and 32- jnch Swing Guides each 66.00 • No. 3 59 — 4-inch Markers, 11 cut- ting teeth, with Patent Extension Swing Guide, 22 by 32 in. .each 61.00 Pig. 359 PLOWS No. 374 — 8-inch, 8 cutting teeth, weight 115 lbs each $50.00 No. 275 — 8-inch, 7 cutting teeth, weight 115 lbs each 48.00 No. 376 — 9-inch, 7 cutting teeth, weight 120 lbs each 51.00 No. 377 — 10-inch, 6 cutting teeth, weight 125 lbs each 53.00 SAWS Fig. 374 Fig. 420 No. 420 — Ice Saws, 4 feet each $5.00 No. 421 — Ice Saws, 41/^ feet " 5.25 No. 422 — Ice Saws, 5 feet " 5.50 No. 423 — Ice Saws, 5% feet. No. 425 — Ice Saws, 4 feet each $4.50 No. 426 — Ice Saws, 4 i^ feet " 4.75 No. 427 — Ice Saws, 5 feet " '5.00 . . " 5.25 m 5.75 No. 428 — Ice Saws, 5 i^ feet. BREAKING BAR Fig. 454 Weight, 16% lbs., length, 4 ft. 8 in.; pad, 7 Vo in. x 4 % in.; chisel blade, 2% in. wide. No. 454 — Breaking Bars each $3.50 BAR CHISEL Fig. 458 Weight, 151/^ lbs., length, 4 ft. 7 in.; blade, 12 in.x4% in. No. 45 8 — Bar or Packing Chisels, steel handles .each $3.50 D HANDLE 4-POINT ICE SHAVER LONG HANDLE 4-POINT ICE SHAVER SHssa^ ft. 6 in. handle. : blade, 114 in. ^^■^ Fig. 653 Weight, 31/4 lbs.; length, 3 6%x4i^ in. wide; long teeth: diameter. No. 653 — D Handle 4-Point Ice Shavers, small blade (special teeth; li^-inch handle) each $1.75 TONGS Boston Tongs, Solid Handles Fig. 651 length, 3 ft. 11 in. long teeth; handle. blade, IV4. in. Weight. 3 lbs.; 6%x4i/4 in. wide; diameter. No. 651 — Long Handle 4-Point Ice Shavers small blade (special teeth; 1^/4 -inch handle) each $1.75 Ftg. 640 No. 540 n., 34 lbs. . . .dozen $13.00 ' 13.50 14.00 16.00 17.00 13 14 1^ in., 39 lbs. . 16 1^ in., 46 lbs. . 24 in., 62 lbs. . 26 in., 68 lbs. . Fig. 554 SIDEWALK CLEANERS With 4 foot Hickory Handles No. 554. Medium, 7 in. blade, 5 in. deep.doz.$6.00 Heavy, 7 in. blade, 6 in. deep . doz. 8.00 GEO-B-eARPEN*TER S 60, 583 WIRE ROPE NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND USES OP WIRE ROPE We stock Wire Rope for every purpose, from the smallest Galvanized Strand, employed principallv for guys, to the powerful Bridge Cable. The principal uses of the various kinds of rope are shown in connection with the price of each in this catalog. Ordinarily, Wire rope is composed of six strands of seven, twelve or nineteen wires each wound around a hemp center, thus forming ropes of forty- two, seventy-two or 114 wires. Ropes of seven wire.s to the strand are most used for standing ropes, guys, ships' rigging power transmission and a number of similar purposes. Ropes of twelve wires to the strand are more pliable and are used principally in ships' rigging. More pliable still is the rope composed of ninteen wires to the strand. This, therefore, is largely employed for hoisting in mines, elevators, etc. Rope of special construction, having almost any number of wires to the strand, will be made to order to fit any condition for which rope of ordinary construction is not adapted. To preserve Wire Rope, we recommend Dixon's Waterproof Graphite Grease, which is particularly adapted for gears, wire ropes, elevator guides, and mining and quarrying machinery. It is fresh and salt water proof and will not wash off in acid water. Unsurpassed as a rust preventative. See index. Wire rope is as flexible as new hemp rope of equal strength. It weighs less and is far more efficient and durable. A strain of from one-seventh to one-flfth of the breaking strain, shown in connection with the prices in this catalog, may be taken as a safe working load. Standing ropes will sustain a somewhat greater strain. The largest drums, sheaves and pulleys that are practical should be employed, and high speed should be avoided. Ropes thus properly used will give far better service and last much longer. When drums are large enough to permit the use of coarse rope, these will prove more durable than the finer, more flexible ropes. TRANSMISSION ROPE The Ropes for Transmission purposes are made of best iron, and consist of a hemp core and six strands, with seven wires to each strand. A finer Rope of nineteen wires to each strand is made which is sometimes preferable to the other, where the distance is short and it is desirable to use a larger rope than is called for by the table; or where the space is limited, and sheaves as large as called for by the table cannot be used. This is because it is more flexible; but extra care must be taken that it does not "tick" against the iron sides of the sheaves, as the wires are so small they wear through quickly if this occurs. Crucible Cast Steel Ropes can be used just as well, and are preferred by many, as they stretch less. There is an article of galvanized rope made for guys and ship rigging, but this must not be used for running rope, as the zinc soon wears off and it rusts much faster. To preserve the ropes, swab them in raw linseed oil, or pour warm coal tar into the grooves of sheaves w^hile running. Table of Transniis.sion of Power of Wire Ropes This table is based upon scientific calculations, careful observations and experience, and can be re- lied upon when the distance exceeds 100 feet. We also find by experience that it is best to run the Wire Rope Transmissions at the medium number of revolutions indicated in the table, as it makes the best and smoothest running transmission. If more power is needed than is indicated at 80 to 100 revolu- tions, choose a larger diameter of sheave. li 5^ n ,M o II o i 4) O o K V.KM ;-— • m > £^ as: 73 c II 3 3 3 3 4 80 100 120 140 80 % 1 1 3 7 8 8 8 8 140 80 100 120 140 4 100 % 5 9 80 4 120 % 6 9 100 4 140 % 7 9 120 S 80 A 9 9 140 5 100 T^. 11 10 80 5 120 {s 13 10 100 5 140 75 15 10 120 6 80 V2 14 10 140 6 100 V2 17 12 SO 6 120 V2 20 12 100 G 140 V2 23 12 120 7 80 ,\ 20 12 120 7 100 1% 25 14 80 7 120 A 30 14 100 1\ % % % % %-u n-% % 1-1 Vs 1-1 Vs 102 112 119 93 99 116 124 140 149 173 :i41 148 :i76 185 WIRE ROPE FOR INCLINED PLANES For the benefit of those desiring to use Wire Rope on slopes, inclined planes, etc., we annex a table by which the strain produced by any load may be readily ascertained. This, table gives only the strain produced on a rope by a load of one ton of two thousand pounds, an allowance for rolling friction being made an ad- ditional allowance for the weight of the rope will have to be made. Example: For an inclination of 100 feet in 100 feet, corresponding to an angle of 45°, a load of 2,000 pounds will produce a strain on the rope of 1,419 pounds and for a load of 9,000 pounds the strain on the rope will be J4.i^x9ooa_g, 3851/2 pounds. c si c bo Us ill Correspon Angle of clination Degrees. (Do Correspon Angle of clination Degrees. ill 5 2 78 112 95 43% 1,385 10 51/2 211 100 45 1,419 15 8l^ 308 105 46% 1,457 20 iiy5 404 110 47% 1,487 25 14% 497 115 49 1.516 30 16% 586 120 50% 1,544 35 19% 673 125 51% 1,570 40 21% 754 130 52% 1,592 45 2414 832 135 53% 1,614 50 26% 905 140 54% 1,633 55 28% 975 145 55% 1,653 60 31 1,040 150 5 6 1/4 1,671 65 33^ 1,100 155 571/4 1.689 70 35 1,156 160 58 1,703 75 37 1.210 165 58% 1,717 80 38% 1,260 170 •59% 1,729 85 40% 1.304 175 60% 1,742 90 42 1,347 A ftictor of safety of five to seven times should be taken; that Is, the working load on the rope should only be one-fifth to one-seventh of its breaking strength. As a rule, ropes for shafts should have a factor of safety of five, and on inclined planes, where the wear is much greater the factor of safety should he seven. )84 GEO-BeAIiPEN*TER ^ QO, DIRECTIONS FOR SPLICING WIRE ROPE Wire rope is susceptible to the most perfect splice; a smoother and better splice can be put in a wire rope than in any other kind of rope, for the simple reason that it is made with a view to this purpose. It has just the desired number of strands, namely, six, and a hemp core which provides a place for fas- tening the ends. It is a plain, simple process, and but the work of an hour for any one to learn. TO GET THE LENGTH OF THE ROPE TO BE SPLICED ENDLESS In most cases the ropes can be applied endless, and in such cases the ropes can be forwarded spliced ready to go on. We can furnish ropes ready spliced by giving us- the exact distance from center to center of shaft, and the exact diameters of the wheels on which the rope is to run. This measure can be got best by stretching a wire from shaft to shaft, marking tlie distance from center to center of shaft and carefully measuring the wire. In cases where the endless rope cannot be put on, the rope has to be put around the sheaves, hove taut by pulley blocks, and the splice made on the spot. See Fig. 1 in diagram of splices. THE NECESSART TOOLS — A hammer and sharp cold chisel for cutting of ends off strands; a steel point or marlin spike for opening strands; two slings of tarred rope with sticks (see Fig. 5), for untwisting rope; a pocket knife for cutting the hemp core; a wooden mallet and block. FIRST — Put the rope around the sheaves, and heave it tight with block and fall. (See Fig. 1.) The blocks should be hitched far enough apart so as to give room between to make a 20-ft. splice. A small clamp may be used to prevent the lashing from slipping on the rope where the blocks are hitched. (See Fig. 1.) Next, see that the ropes over- lap about 20 feet; about ten feet each way from the center, as shown by the arrow lines in Fig. 1. Next mark the center on both ropes with a piece of chalk, or by tying on a small string. Now proceed to put in the splice, with the blocks remaining taut when it is necessary; but the better way is to remove the blocks, throw off the rope from the sheaves, let it hang loose on the shafts, and proceed with the splice on the ground or floor, or scaffold, as the case may be. SECOND — Unlay the strands of both ends of the rope for a distance of ten feet each, or to the center mark, as shown in Fig. 2. Next, cut off the hemp cores close up, as shown in Fig. 2, and bring the bunches of strands together so that the opposite strands will interlock regularly with each other. (See Fig. 3.) THIRD — Unlay any strand. A, and follow up with strand 1 of the other end, laying it tightly in open groove made by unwinding A, make twist of the strand agree exactly with the twist of the open groove. Proceed with this until all but twelve inches of 1 are laid in, or until A has become ten feet long. Next, cut off A, leaving an end about twelve inches long. FOURTH — Unlay a strand 4, of the opposite end, and follow with strand D, laying it into the open groove as before and treating this precisely as in the first case. (See Fig. 3.) Next, pursue the same course with B and 2. stopping four feet short of the first set. Next, with 5 and E, stopping as before; then with C and 3; and lastly with 6 and F. The strands are now all laid in with the ends four feet apart, as shown in Fig. 4. FIFTH AND LAST — The ends must now be se- cured without enlarging the diameter of the rope. Take two rope slings or twisters (See Fig. 5) and fasten them to the rope as shown in Fig. 6; twist them in opposite directions, thus opening the lay of the rope. (See Fig. 6.) Next, with a knife, cut the hemp core about twelve inches on each side. Now straighten the ends, and slip them into the place occupied by the core; then twist the slings back, closing up the rope, taking out any slight in- equality with a wooden mallet. Next, shift the slings, and repeat the operation at the other five places, and the splice is made.. If the rope becomes slack, in time, and runs too loose, a piece can be cut out and the rope tightened up. This will require a piece of rope about 40 feet long and two splices, one splice to put on the piece of rope, and the other splice to join the two ends together. LABOR OF SPLICING ROPE Special NET price for splicing wire rope, $0.75 per hour, per man. The above charge to be in addition to the extra rope used in making splice. These prices apply only on wire rtopes spliced at onr store. Special price for splicing required elsewhere, de- pending on the circumstances of each individual case. Compound logging ropes can be conveniently and properly spliced when using the knot splice. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ Go. 585 CONSTRUCTION OF WIRE ROPE The crosB sections of Wire Rope, ns herewitli illustrated, comprise tlie different style upon the nature of the work they are to perform. used, dependent HAULAGE AND STANDING ROPE Composed of six strands of 7 •wires per strand, laid about a hemp core. Principally used for Mine haulage, Dei-rick, Guys, Ships' rigging etc. HOISTING ROPE Composed of six strands of 10 •wires per strand laid about a hemp core. Principally used for Mine Hoists, Elevators and all places where pliability and strength are desired. EXTRA FLEXIBLE HOIST- ING ROPE Composed of eight strands of 19 wires per strand laid about a hemp core. SPECIAL EXTRA FLEXIBLE HOISTING ROPE Composed of six strands of 37 wires per strand, laid about a hemp core. Principally used -where ex- treme pliability and great strength are required. WIRE TILLER ROPE Composed of six individual Ropes, laid about a hemp core — each of these ropes consists of six strands of 7 wires per strand, also laid about hemp cores. Used principally for Hand Rope on Elevators and for Steering Rope for Steamers. CABLE CONSTRUCTION Composed of six strands of 19 ■wires per .strand luid about a he^mp core. Each strand is composed of 9 large outer wires, 9 small inner wires and one large center wire. GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS AND RUNNING ROPE Composed of six strands of 13 ^vires per strand, laid about a hemp core. There is likewise an addi- tional hemp core in the center of each strand. GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSER Composed of six strands of 24 ■»vires per strand, laid about a hemp core. There is also an additional hemp core in the center of each strand. GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSER Composed of six strands of 37 wires per strand, laid about a hemp core. .^^Wiffl^M ^! PO WlS§JEEl==^^3^^isM (Regrlatered Trade Mark) The strongest steel rope of equal Without a doubt, the severest test to which any wire rope has ever been subjected is on the un- loaders in the Canal work at Panama. Whole trains of from sixteen to nineteen cars, packed high with dirt and rock, are unloaded by dragging a special plow from end to end of the train by a single IVz- inch steel cable. A ninety-ton strain is not unusual. And working conditions generally could hardly be worse. Yellow Strand, by its strength and ability to stand the roughest usage, unloaded over three times as many dirt trains at Panama as has ever been un- loaded previous to introduction of Yellow Strand cables. Based on the cost of the cable, the unloading cost per train was reduced to such low figures as had never been thought possible. Wherever extra heavy work is to be done — log- flng, mining and other heavy hoisting, Yellow trand proves most economical because most dura- ble. flexibility and elasticity ever made It is made from highest grade steel wire espe- cially imported for the purpose. Rigid inspection by the manufacturers, by the United States Govern- ment for dutiable purpose.^, and by the mill, pos- itively assures that every single wire will meet the special re.2 So S.S 0- III in ^25 il! gov, ft"" V4. % .10 2.43 .49 1 $0.10 yg W 1 .15 3.50 .70 1.25 .10% % IVs .22 5.30 1.06 1.5 .11 •Fs ly* .30 7.25 1.45 1.75 .11% i/„ ly. .39 9.2 1.84 2 .12% s 1% .50 11.2 2.24 2.25 .14 % 2 .62 14 2.80 2.5 .16 ya % 2y4 .89 20.2 4.04 3 .22 % 2% 1.20 26 5.20 3.5 .29 1 3 1.58 34 6.80 4 .37 1% 3% 2 43 8.06 4.5 .46 ly* 4 2.45 53 10.6 5 .56 1% 4^ 3 64 12.8 5.5 .68 1% 4% 3.55 73 14.6 6 .80 1% 5 4.15 83 16.6 6.5 .94 5y2 4.85 99 19.8 7 1.10 1% 5% 5.55 112 22.4 8 1.25 2 6 1/4 6.3 123 24.6 8 1.34 2% 8 160 32 9 1.70 2y2 7 78 9.85 200 40 10 2.10 2% 8% 11.95 243 48.6 11 2.55 HAULAGE AND SAND LINE ROPES 6x7 Strands, 7 "Wires per Strand, around a Hemp Center /, 7s .12 y2 2.95 .59 1% $0.05 ■ft 1 .15 3.95 .79 i§ .05 yg % 1% .22 5.25 1.05 .06 A l*/i .30 6.25 1.25 3 .07% % 1% .39 8.85 1.8 3% .09% t^ 1 % .50 11 2.2 4 .12 % 2 .62 14.5 2.9 4y2 .1414 H 2% .75 16.7 - 3.3 4% .17 % 2y4 .89 21 4.2 5 .20 % 2% 1.20 28 5.6 6 .27 1 3 1.58 35 7 7 .35 1% 3% 2 43 8.6 8 .44 m 4 2.45 54 10.8 9 .53 1% 4^ 3 63 12.6 10 .64 1% 4% 3.55 73 14.6 11 .75 8 STRAND PATENTSTEEL HOISTING ROPE 8x19 8 Strands, 19 Wires per Strand, around a Hemp Center c g gicS n til si 0" i P,.1ect to sudden shocks, severe strains of both tensile and bending character. Diam. Approx. Wt. Approx. Breaking Strain Price % % 1V4 1% 1% .731/2 1.04 1.32 1.76 2.25 2.74 3.37 4.25 23. 33. 42. 54. 67. 86. 105. 118. $0.30 .40 .50 .65 .80 .95 1.15 1.37 Prices on other gnrades of BROBAS brand on ap- plication. FLAT ROPES— Cast Steel ,c cSrtOc s3 n Weight per Ft. Approx. Breaking Strain in Tons Allowable Working Strains in Tons Approx. Di of Round C Steel Rope Equal Stre 1/2x7 in. 5.90 lbs. 89 17.8 1% in. 1/2x6 in. 5.10 lbs. 77 15.4 Ifi in. $0.28-^ 1/2x5 in 4.82 lbs. 72 14.4 11/^ in. 1/2x5 in. 4.27 lbs. 64 12.8 1% in. "^ 1/2X41/2 in. 4.00 lbs. 60 12.0 1-t. in. .28 1^x4 in. 3.30 lbs. 50 10.0 11/4 in. .29 %x3 in. 2.97 lbs. 45 9.0 1% in. .30 1/^x3 in. 2.38 lbs 36 7.2 1 in. r %x5y2 in. 3.90 lbs. 55 11.0 It^i in. .30-^ %x5 in. 3.40 lbs. 50 10.0 1^ in. %x4 in. 3.12 lbs. 47 9.4 ItV in. L %x4 in. 2.86 lbs. 43 8.6 1% in. .31 %X31/3 in. 2.50 lbs. 38 7.6 1 in. .32 %x3 in.. 2.00 lbs. 30 6.0 II in. % in. .33 %X21/2 in. 1.86 lbs. 28 5.6 .34 %x2 in. 1.19 lbs. 18 3.6 % in. Unless order distinctly specifies to the contrary our rule for thickness applies to size of strand before sewing. Made of iron or steel as desired. Prices on ap- plication. Steel flat ropes are mostly used for hoisting pur- poses in very deep shafts as a matter of economy in power and in the initial cost of a hoisting plant. We also furnish the right and left strands sep- arate, together with the sewing wire, thus per- mitting the sewing of ropes at place of use. "the most powerful of them all." JUPITER TRANSMISSION ROPE Composed of five strands and a hemp center. Nineteen wires to the strand. Heart colored blue Outside Diam. Inches Minimum Size of Sheaves Feet .\pprox. Breaking Strain Lbs. Aver. Diam. of Manila, which Jupiter Replaces in Same Grooves Inches Aver. Size of Plain AVire Rope Which Jupiter Re- places, Inches Price per Ft. 1% 1% 1% 1 % % % 6V2 6 5 4 314 3 2 1 50,000 38,300 29,200 20,800 16,700 14,000 8,000 3,700 2V8 1% IV2 1% 1 % IVs 1 % % a % % % $0.40 .31 .26 .23 .21 .19 .15 .14 For price of six strand add twenty per cent to tlie above prices. 594 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S Co. DURABLE WIRE GABLE LAID HAWSER Composed of five ropes, with blue hemp centers, five strands to the rope, seven wires to tlie strand 01 1 M „ o 3 £•3 2*" -sse ^"- £ CAST STEEL % 2% 81/4 103,000 3.80 $1.00 A 2^ 71/4 80,000 3.20 .85 V2 2 ey* 60,000 2.59 .721/2 1^ 1% 6 50,000 2.30 .64 % 111 5% 38,000 • 2.12 .55 EXTRA STRONG CAST STEEL % 2% 8y4 115,000 3.80 $1.10 ■f^ 2^ 7y4 92,000 3.20 .90 Va 2 6% 67,000 2.59 .80 ^\ lys 6 56,000 2.30 .70 % 1 ^1 53/4 42,000 2.12 .60 PLOUGH STEEL % 2% 8y4 128,000 3.80 $1.20 f^ 2^ 7y4 105,000 3.20 1.00 V2 2 6y4 76,000 2.59 .87 y2 ^ 178 6 64,000 2.30 .75 % If^ 53/4 48,000 2.12 .671/2 Other constructions furnished to order. For galvanized wire add ten per cent to above prices. CAST STEEL DURABLE WIRE HOISTING ROPE Composed of five strands and a blue hemp center. Nineteen Avires to the strand 1 u ^ gc .t^o c§ s ft 1 t. m ^1 p. ■2 C! 1 §3^ IJ 1^5 in ll ll 1^ in < 1-:. %^o. 1^ 1% 21/8 6% 85 17.0 71/4 4.88 $1.05 1% 2 61/4 72 14.4 6 1/4 4.19 .86 iy2 178 5 78 67 13.4 5% 3.60 .78 1% 1% 51/2 55 11.0 5y2 3.06 .66 iy4 1*/r 51/8 45 9.0 5 2.52 .59 lys 11/2 4% 36 7.2 4y2 2.07 .47 1 1% 4t^ 28.5 5.7 4 1.66 .40 % 11/4 3 78 22.3 4.4 31/2 1.29 .31 % 11/8 3% 15.7 3.14 3 1.12 .26 % 1 31/8 J 11.2 2.24 2% .80 .23 i\ 78 2 3/4 • 9.0 1.80 1% .60 .21 ^ % 2% 7.2 1.44 1% .49 .19 ^'^ H 21/4 5.8 1.16 11/4 .40 .17 % % 2 4.3 .86 1 .36 .15 A ^ 1% 2.8 .56 % .26 .14% 1/4 1/2 11/2 2.0 .40 y2 .21 .14 For price of six strand or wire heart add twenty per cent to the above list. For galvanized wire add ten per cent to above prices. SPECIAL EXTRA STRONG DURABLE GRAIN SHOVEL ROPE Composed of six strands and a blue hemp center. Nineteen wires to the strand lam. In In. fore Serving c too oil <1)U M IRON AND STEEL FERRY ROPE Possesses many advantages over hemp and manila ropes: Ist. Being lighter and more easily stretched across the river and put up. 2nd. Being perfectly round and smaller, the pulley blocks run more rapidly oyer the ropes, thus doing away with the sudden strain caused by checking (as with a hemp rope). ,•''*■?.• When properly put up they last for years, and require but little attention to keep in order. For a swinging ferry, where the rope lies in the water, it does not rot. nor does it, like hemp, absorb water until it becomes water-logged and clumsy. Hemp rope, thus saturated, will have four times the weight ot wire rope placed in the same position; thus in slack water there is no useless expenditure of the force of the current in carrying the boat across when wire rone is used Fig o96 Geo-BCarpeM^ter « So. WIRE ROPE CLIPS AND THIMBLES Most Derrick Accidents are Caused by Defective AVire Rope Fastenings Such accidents can be prevented to a large extent by using the GENUINE "CROSBY" CLIP for all wire rope fastenings. Its massive drop forged steel saddle, curved grooved rope channel, high fingers and powerful U-bolt grip both ropes securely without injuring the strands. A thick armor of galvanizing protects the clip against the weather. Safest for Guy Ropes. Safest for Hoisting Lines. Safest AVherever Wire Ropes are Used. Cheapest Because Safest. CONCRETE FORMS In circular concrete reservoirs, tanks, bridge arches, water towers, etc., continuous and un- iformly strong reinforcing is absolutely neces- sary. There can be no continuous reinforcing without a dependable splice — and "dependable" means drop forged steel. The Genuine Crosby I Clip fills every requirement. ] THE "CARPENTER" CLIP The bolt of this Clip is wrought iron; the plate is malleable. An efficient Clip in every respect. Many of them in use on the largest jobs in the country. In galvanized or ja- panned finish. State kind wanted. Suitable for Price, each Price, each Diameter, inches Black Galvanized V4: $0.25 $0.30 ^ .25 .30 % .25 .30 % .30 .35 % .35 .40 % .40 .50 78 .45 .55 1 .50 .60 IVs .60 .70 1V4. .65 .75 1% .70 .80 11/2 .75 .85 1% 3.50 4.00 2 4.00 4.40 2% 5.00 5.50 LIST PRICES Diam. Rope inches Price each Diam. Rone inches Price each V4 % tV V2 % % % 1 IVs $0.35 .35 .40 .45 .45 .55 .65 .75 .85 .95 ly* 1% 11/2 1% 1% 2 21/4 21/2 2% 3 $1.10 1.25 1.50 3.50 5.50 7.50 9.50 11.50 25.00 35.00 STEEL WIRE ROPE THIMBLES Width of Plain Brass Score inches per dozen per dozen 1% $0.60 $1.50 % .60 1.65 ^5 .72 1.75 % .84 1.80 ^ff .96 1.95 V2 1.08 2.10 fff 1.20 2.25 % 1.32 2.40 % 1.56 3.00 % 1.68 .... 1 2.16 1t^ 3.36 IV4, 3.96 . . . 11/^ 6.00 1% 7.80 . . . 1% 9.00 178 11.40 2 13.20 2% 19.00 21/2 25.00 GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER S 60. TOW LINES, SWITCHING ROPES AND PUSH POLES "BASLINE" AUTOWLINE One-quarter inch Yellow Strand Powersteel Wire Rope with Patented Snaffle Hooks on each end especially constructed for towing autos. This wonderful little towing line is manu- factured of highest grade steel, 14 inch diam- eter Yellow Strand Powersteel Wire Rope, about 2 5 feet long over all. This "over all" length includes two i^ inch manila rope slings, which are joined to each end. Weight, 4^^ lbs. — goes under a cushion. Price each $5.00 POWERSTEEL TRUGKLINE Fig. 644A. Autoline For Heavy Towing Fig. e44B. TmckUne Powersteel Truckline is made of % inch Yellow Strand Powersteel Wire Rope, and is 18 feet long. It coils up flat and takes up practically no room. Its breaking strength is about 12 tons. It never fails in an emergency. Price each $9.00 "POWERSTEEL" LOCOMOTIVE SWITCHING ROPES Dlam. Inches Price each Breaking Strain In Tons of 2000 lbs. Diam. or Manila Rope of Equal Strength inches Weight of Wire Switch Rope 30 feet Complete lbs. Weight Manila Switch Rope 3 feet .•omplete 1 IVs 11/4 $23.70 29.00 33.40 50 63 76 4 4y4 4% 85 115 135 270 315 365 CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL WIRE SWITCHING ROPES Fig. 644D The single pattern has hook and thimble on one end and thimble and link in other end. The double pattern has hook, thimble and link in one end and thimble and two links in other end. The Rope is not included in the list prices be- low, which cover only the fittings, spliced in. Dia. Rope inches Price per set I)ia. Kope inclies Price per set Single Double Single Double 1% $25.00 $30.00 1% $9.50 $12.00 1% 21.25 25.75 1 7.00 9.00 1% 17.25 21.25 % 6.75 8.50 1% 13.25 16.75 % 4.00 5.50 ly* 10.00 13.00 PUSH POLES Young WTiite Cedar 10 feet long, 5 inch diameter center, i'^^ inch Ballast Unloader Ropes and Wrecking Ropes diameter ends, with 2x14, inch iron band. made according to specifications and orders promptly executed. Price per doz. $36.00 SEE INDEX FOR RAILROAD, SAVITCH AND WRECKING ROPES FITTED WITH LONG LINKS AND GRAB HOOKS 598 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ QO, WIRE ROPE FASTENINGS CLOSED SOCKETS MADE OP BEST CHARCOAL IRON EXTRA HEAVY DOUBLE SWIVEL HOOK SOCKETS HOOKS AND THIM- BLES Diameter Hope in Iron or Steel Rope •c ^■. Fig. 58C mmmaa inches Loose Fastened 21/4 2 $21.00 16.00 $32.00 25.50 1% 13.00 12.00 6.80 21.00 18.00 11.80 Pig. 58B Rope In inches For Steel Rope Forlr Loose on Rope 1% Loose Fast'n'd Fast'n'd 11/2 Diam. of Rope in inches iy2 $7.00 $13.50 $5.00 $11.00 1% 6.00 4.50 3.30 10.25 8.00 6.15 For Iron ana steei itope 1% 1% lys 5.40 4.60 4.40 11.15 9.20 8.15 3.40 2.65 2.40 8.65 1% Loose Fastened 6.90 IVs 11/2 $36.00 $41.00 5.90 1 2.40 4.65 ly* 25.00 28.50 1 3.75 6.70 1.90 4.65 % 1.85 3.85 lys 18.00 20.85 % 2.90 5.35 1.40 3.70 % 1.65 3.15 1 11.40 13.65 % 1.85 3.75 1.10 2.85 % 1.35 2.65 7s 9.50 11.50 % 1.40 2.85 .85 2.20 j% 1.10 2.35 % 8.00 9.50 1% 1.10 2.40 .75 1.95 V2 1.10 2.25 % 7.20 8.50 V2 .80 2.05 .65 1.80 r\ .85 2.00 1% 6.60 7.85 I'ff .75 1.95 .60 1.70 % .85 1.85 V2 6.00 7.15 % .70 1.85 .55 1.60 f^ .70 1.60 i. 5.35 6.50 ^ .65 1.75 .50 1.50 % .70 1.60 % 4.70 5.70 1/4 .65 1.75 .50 1.50 HOOK AND SOCKET OPEN SOCKETS SISTER HOOKS giJ k^ Pig. 5? HiMlli mm Fig. 58E c Fig. 58P ■^^M m^ ?D Diam. of Rope in inches Iron or Steel Rope Loose Fast'n'd 2y4 2 1% 1% iy2 $23.00 16.50 15.50 13.00 8.00 $34.00 26.00 23.50 19.00 13.00 )iam. of For Steel Rope For Iron Rope Diam. of Rope in inches For Steel Rope For Iron Rope inches Loose Fast'n'd Loose Fast'n'd Loose Fast'n'd Loose Fast'n'd iy2 $14.50 $19.50 $12.50 $17.50 iy2 $7.00 $13.50 $5.00 $11.00 1% 12.30 16.55 10.25 14.50 1% 7.50 11.75 1% 5.40 11.15 3.40 8.65 iy4 10.00 13.50 8.00 11.50 1% 6.10 9.60 iy4 4.60 9.20 2.65 6.90 lys 8.25 11.10 6.25 9.10 lys 4.50 7.35 lys 4.40 8.15 2.40 5.90 1 6.50 8.75 4.60 6.85 1 3.15 5.40 1 3.75 6.70 1.90 4.65 % 5.25 7.25 3.70 5.70 % 2.50 4.50 % 2.90 5.35 1.40 3.70 % 3.85 5.35 3.00 4.50 % 2.10 3.60 % 1.85 3.75 1.10 2.85 % 2.90 4.20 2.30 3.60 % 1.65 2.95 % 1.40 2.85 .85 2.20 rk 2.45 3.70 2.00 3.25 ts 1.35 2.60 1% 1.10 2.40 .75 1.95 Vs 2.10 3.25 1.95 3.10 y2 1.35 2.50 y2 .80 2.05 .65 1.80 A 1.70 2.85 1.55 2.70 ^\ 1.00 2.15 r\ .75 1.95 .60 1.70 % 1.65 2.65 1.50 2.50 % 1.00 2.00 % .70 1.85 .55 1.60 ^ 1.45 2.35 1.25 2.15 T^ff .85 1.75 ^ .65 1.75 .50 1.50 % 1.45 2.35 1.25 2.15 y4 .85 1.75 V4. .65 1.75 .50 1.50 OVAL AND ROUND THIMBLES, SPLICED IN Fig. .nSG Fig. 58H Diam. Rope, inches For Steel Rope, ea. For Iron Rope, ea. 1% $8. Tin $7.00 iy2 6.5 6.00 iy4 4.70 4.35 lyg 3.90 3.65 1 ( % 3.00 2.55 2.85 I 2.40 2.00 1.85 % 1.55 1.45 1.30 1.20 y2 1.25 1.15 1.20 1.10 1.15 1.05 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.00 FOR WIRE ROPE, SEE INDEX Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ So. 5S9 CHAIN r-rX~r X COMMON STRAIGHT LINK COIL CHAIN This grade is made of first-class iron, and welded by experienced workmen. It is good mer- chantable Chain for general use. 3/1 B 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 3/16 1 1/4 Breaking Test, 1400 750 465 2400 1200 800 5000 2500 1650 7000 3500 2300 9600 4S0O 3200 12400 0200 4000 15600 7S00 5000 20000 9200 6000 30000 15000 10000 40000 20000 13000 50000 25000 16000 65000 32500 21000 80000 Proof Test. lbs. Safe Working- Load, lbs 40000 26000 Outside Length Links, inches. Outside Width Links, inches. 1% % 1 11? li\ 2y8 1ft 2% 1% 2ft 2% 2ft 21/4 3% 2ft 3% 2% 378 2% 41/4 3 41/2 31/4 4% 31/2 51/8 3% 5% 3% 5% 3% 6Vi 474 Links per foot. 13 12 11 10 9 8 71/2 7 61/2 51/2 51/4 5 478 41/2 4^ 41/8 1 m No. feet per 100 lbs 200 50 133 75 90 110 64 155 50 200 38 265 30 325 24 420 20 500 17 590 14i% 700 121/2 800 11 900 10 1000 9 1100 7ft 1300 7 1400 61;4 Weight in lbs. per 100 feet. . 1500 _!'_ 1 "BB" COIL CHAIN I Tested and certificate furnished. This Chain is made of extra quality iron, which will stand a tensile strain of 52200 lbs. to the square inch. It is welded with extra care, 'and dollied to make welds smooth. 3/16 1/4 5 16 5500 2750 1830 111 1ft 11% 87 115 3/8 7/16 ni/2 9/16 5/8 21120 10500 7000 31/8 274 71/4 24 425 11/16 25300 12650 8000 3% 2ft 6% 20 515 3/4 13/16 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 Breaking Test, lbs Proof Test, lbs Safe* Working Load, lbs Outside Length Links, inches Outside Width Links, inches 1&40 770 510 1ft 78 14 182 55 2640 1320 880 172 1 13 125 80 7700 3850 2500 2ft 1% 11 60 165 10560 52S0 3500 2V4 1ft 9% 47 215 13640 6820 4400 2% 1% 8% 30 275 17160 85S0 5700 2\l 2 8 30 330 31300 15180 10000 3% 2% 5% 17 600 35640 17820 11500 4 278 5% 14 700 41360 20680 12500 41/4 3 5% 1272 775 54200 27100 18000 478 31^ 472 10 1000 64900 32450 21000 574 378 474 8 1250 80300 40150 2G000 578 474 3% No. feet per 100 lbs Weight in lbs. per 100 feet. 672 1500 1 1 1 1 1 FOR CHAIN AND ANCHOR SHVCKLES, SEE INDEX -^ 600 GEO-B-CARPEffTER ^ Co. CHAIN Owing to the almost daily fluctuations in market on chain we are unable to insert list prices. Our stocks, however, are always complete and we will be pleased to quote the lowest possible price on request. "CRANE" OR "BBB" CHAIN Tested and certificate furnished. This Chain is made of refined and re-rolled iron, that is very tough and fibrous, and will stand a tensile strain of 53800 lbs. to the square inch. It is welded with special care and dollied. This is a chain that may be depended upon where strength and durability are required. Size Breaking Test lbs. Proof Test " Safe Working Load " Outside Length Links.... in. Outside Width Links " Links per ft. No. Feet per 100 lbs Wt. in lbs per 100 ft. Price per lb. 600 11% 87 115 4425 2900 1% 11 60 165 11/16 29100 14550 9700 3% 6% 20 515 % 34950 17475 11600 3% 2% 5% 17 600 13/16 _%_ 47550 23780 15500 41/4 3 53/, 12% 775 1% (4600 37300 24800 5V* 41/2 10 1000 V2 3 78 iVi 1V4. 92350 46175 30700 5% 3% 6 14 1500 "DREDGE" CHAIN Tested and certificate furnished. This is the best Chain made. The iron used is special Dredge quality, refined and re-rolled. It is tough and fibrous, and made hard to prevent wearing rapidly. This iron will stand a tensile strain of 54500 lbs. to the square inch. The welding of our Dredge quality Chain is entrusted only to the most experienced workmen, and none but those thoroughly competent and reliable are permitted to make this grade of chain. It is carefully inspected both be- fore and after testing. Size Breaking Test lbs. Proof Test " Safe Working Load " Outside Links Lgth. in. Outside Wd. Lgth. in. 'Wt. per Ft lbs Price per lb. % 5/16 % 9000 7/16 Vz 9/16 % % % 49000 1 1% 80000 W4. Wz 1% 3 4000 6000 12000 16000 20000 2500U 36000 62500 96000 140000 185000 225000 1600 3400 4700 6600 8S00 11000 13000 18000 24000 32000 39000 48000 69000 96000 120000 1330 2000 3000 4000 5330 6660 8330 12000 16330 20830 26660 32000 46660 61630 75000 iy2 lU 2Vs 2% 2% 2% 3 3V2 4 4% BVs 5% . 7 8 9V4 1 U^ 1% ^.^\ lU 1% 2 7r 2% 2% ZVa. 3% 4V8 5 5% 6% % lA 1% 2t'6 2% 3% 4% 6 10% 13V2 161/2 24 32 42 SPECIAL STEEL LOGGING CHAIN This Special Steel Chain is the result of a long series of experiments to obtain the greatest possible strength. Each piece is tested before it is shipped from the mill, and we recommend it as especially adapted to log loading and all other purposes where the highest quality chain is re- quired. Size */* F.SOO 2900 1900 1% 1 % 14 5/16 7500 3750 2500 IIJ ■1 % Breaking Test 11000 5500 3600 2 1% 11 Proof Test Safe Working Load Outside Length Links ...■ ■ ;;;>,»= Outside Width Links Weight per Foot .... Hjg Links Price per lb. FOR CHAIN AND ANCHOR SHACKLES. SEE INDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « GO, 601 TWIST COIL CHAIN Twist Coil Chain made in all sizes up to and in- •luding % inch. Prices upon receipt of specifica- :ions. STUD LINK CABLE CHAIN Size ( hain Size Links Average Proof Test inches inches Fathom, lbs. Tons % 4%x2% 33 101/8 11 4%x3 38 12 % 5 x3 1/4 49 13% n 5%x3y2 55 15% 1 5 78X3% 61 18 It^ 614x3% 69 20 r^ IVs 61/2x41/8 74 22% 1^ 6%x4i/4 81 251/2 1% 71/8x41/2 90 28,^5 1^ 7%x4% 97 31 1%- 7%x4% 110 34 If^i 81/8X51/8 113 37 75 IV2 81/2x5% 127 401/2 If, 8 78X5% 143 44 1% 91/4X5 78 150 471/2 l\h 9%x6 157 5175 1% 10 x6% 173 55,^ 178 101/2x63/4 203 63rV m 10%x7 215 671/2 2 111/8x714 233 72 2^ 111/2x71/2 254 76^. 21/8 12 x7% 276 8 11/4 2,^, 121/2x8 • 290 861/8 2V^ 13 X814 300 91 CHAIN SLINGS Made of any gi-ade and size desired. We recommend our Dredge as the most desirable. Fitted with any style Hooks or Rings. The actual breaking strain is twice the test. The safe working load two thirds the test For table of tests, see index. RAILROAD SWITCH, OR WRECKING CHAIN Grab Hook on One End, Long Link on the Other End Standard Sizes Pittsburg Proof per lb. $ . BBB " ?4, %, 1, 1^8, IM inch BB Dredge per lb. $. LOG, OR BINDING CHAIN With Grab and Bunk Hooks Also with Ring and Swivel In Ordering, Specify Size and Length of Chain, Style and Length of Hooks Wanted WE CAN FURNISH ANY STYLE CHAIN SLINGS. SEND IN YOUR SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRICEIS, 603 GEO-B-eAKPENfTER ^ SO. MACHINE CHAIN u;4Mm.MmM^ No. American Weisrht List (Jauge 100 feet 100 feet 6-0 9-32 68 $21.00 5-0 1-4 61 18.00 4-0 7-32 50 15.00 3-0 5 40 14.00 2-0 6 34 13.00 7 28 12.50 1 8 23 12.00 2 9 20 11.50 3 10 15 11.00 PLUMBERS' CHAINS, HARD BRASS Price Safety Links per Box of 12 Yards No. Bra§s Nickel or Silver No. Brass Nickel or Silver 000 00 1 $1.15 1.25 1.50 1.85 $1.25 1.35 1.60 1.95 2 3 4 $2.30 3.15 3.65 $2.40 3.30 3.80 SASH CHAIN, STEEL See Index for Other Styles No. For Sash lbs. Polished per 100 feet Copper Plated or Galv. 100 feet 1 2 180 130 80 $6.50 $7.25 4.20 4.95 3.60 4.35 Put up 500 Feet on a Reel CABLE CHAINS Cut of No. 40. Actual Size No. For Sash lbs. .steel per foot Copper per foot 110 10 30 40 400 250 125 75 $0.17 .14 .10 .09 $0.23 .17 .12 .11 ^o- 1 ,1'Att No. steel per foot 6 60 55 $0.35 .25 .20 50 115 $0.22 .16 No. 75. Brass bell hangers' chain, foot . , Per $0.11 JACK CHAINS ^r^L^C>«^^^«^l^:^^iDJ^. Price per Box of 12 Yards No. Iron Brass No. Iron Brass 8 $0.95 $5.25 14 $0.40 $1.35 9 .90 4.25 15 .35 1.00 10 .80 3.50 16 .30 .86 11 .55 2.55 17 .30 .82 12 .44 2.05 18 .28 .60 13 .42 1.70 19 .27 .54 Triumph Size feet Price per 100 feet Size Weiffht per 100 feet Price per 100 feet 4 3 2 1 61/2 8 10 121/2 $2.75 2.90 3.10 3.50 00 000 161/2 20 y2 26 $4.00 4.50 5.25 Bro^vn Size Weisrht per 100 feet Price per 100 feet Size WeiBht per 100 feet Price per 100 feet 4 3 2 1 5 61/2 8 9% $2.75 2.90 3.10 3.50 00 000 12 16 Va 191/2 $4.00 4.50 5.25 American Size Weight per 100 feet Price per 100 feet Size Weisrht per 100 feet Price perlOO feet 4 3 2 1 8 9 91/2 11 $2.75 2.90 3.10 3.50 00 000 12 16 1/2 17 $4.00 4.50 5.25 BRIGHT COIL CHAIN German Weisrht per 100 feet 7 8% 101/2 15 Price per 100 feet $6.50 6.60 6.80 7.20 1 00 000 Weisrht per 100 feet 19 y2 21 29 Price per 100 feet $7.80 8.80 10.00 11.00 FOR SASH PULLEYS, FASTENERS AND WEIGHTS, SEE INDEX Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ Co. 603 DROP FORGED STEEL MISSING LINKS Size, Inch | 14 | Plain, per dozen Galvanized, per dozen. . . . U. S. Government Test, lbs. $1.00 1.35 5,580 J__''^_J_ $1.10 1.45 8,300 $1.20 1.60 11,200 $1.35 1.80 13,980 $1.50 2.10 15,900 $2.00 3.00 23,900 $3.35 4.50 34,100 Size, inches Plain, per dozen |$5.00 |$7.00 Galvanized, per dozen. .. . 6.50 9.00 U. S. Government Test, lbs. 37,100 52,600 1 I IVs I IV4 I 1 11/2 I 1% $16.00 19.00 $21.50 25.00 $29.40 34.00 $36.00 42.25 $45.00 52.00 Fig. OoA ACME CONNECTING LINKS For Connecting and Repairing Chain DROP FORGED LIST OF REGULAR SIZES Fis. 752 Size Outside Weight Price Price inch Measurements per doz. Self-colored Galvanized inches pounds per doz. per doz. A l%x \l Vi $0.75 $0.96 1/4 IVaxl % .90 1.20 A l%xl^ 1 1.05 1.44 % 2 Xl 3/8 2 1.35 1.80 Ts 2%^U\ 3y8 1.56 2.10 1/2 21/2X1^ 4y2 1.80 2.55 i\ 2y8xiig 6% 2.04 3.00 % 3y4x2y8 9 2.34 3.45 % 3%x2y2 i4y4 3.60 5.25 % 4^x3 20 5.55 8.25 1 4%x3y2 29 7.50 11.25 THE KEYSTONE CONNECTING LINK For connecting new or repairing broken chains of all kinds — is com- posed of two corresponding halves centrally pivoted on the same axis. As shown by the illustration herewith, the inner flat face of each member is pivoted with a projecting lug and recess, so that when closed and in use they mutually interlock, and by abutting against each other, lateral dis- placement of the two halves, and their consequent spreading or parting — is rendered impossible. The Keystone Link is Drop Forged from an espe- cially tough grade of bar steel, is the only one so made, and must not be confused with similar devices which ai-e simiily malleable iron castings. PRICE LIST "KEYSTONE" CONNECTING CHAIN LINKS Size, inches 1 % 1 1^ 1 % 1 1^ 1 y2 1 % Forge finish. per dozen 1$ 2.00| 2.25| 2.50| 3.25| 4.00| 7.50 Size, inches 1 % 1 % \ 1 1 1 yg 1 1 ^ 1 . . . . Forge finish. per dozen |$10.00|12.50|15.00|17.50|20.00| Fig. 65C Cold Shut Sizes up to V2 inch packed one dozen in a box, or shipped in bulk if desired. STEEL COLD SHUTS Sizes, inches . • . 1 y* 1 ^ 1 % 1 A 1 y2 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 1 Per 100 .($3.20|4.20|5.00|6.00|9.00|13.20|26.00|42.00|64.00 BRIGHT LINKS Sizes, inches Ii^xiy. 1 %xl %l,T,xl %iy.x2l%x2iA Per gross . . . 1 $2.60 1 3.80 1 6.00 |9.00 | 17.00 Fig. 65B Bright Link c Fig. 65D Steel Bunk Hook BUNK AND GRAB HOOKS ^ inch Steel Bunk Hooks or Grab Hooks. per dozen $ 2.00 % inch Steel Bunk Hooks or Grab Hooks. t'^s inch Steel Bunk Hooks or Grab Hooks. V2 inch Steel Bunk Hooks or Grab Hooks. % inch Steel Bunk Hooks or Grab Hooks. % inch Steel Bunk Hooks or Grab Hooks. Fig. esE steel Grab Hook fi04 GEO•B•CAIiPE^fTER s So. INGERSOLL-ROGLER STRAIGHT LINE AIR COMPRESSORS Glass ER-1 Steam Driven Type Air Pressure 15-125 Pounds Single Stage Air, Double Acting, Dust Proof Enclosed Construction, Automatic Lubrication. Ingersoll-Rogler Inlet and Discharge Valves. This machine will be furnished with tight and loose pulleys on 6 inch and 8 inch stroke sizes, on special order, at extra cost. This machine can be furnished complete with motor and short belt drive attachment as a com- plete electrical unit. LIST FillCES Cylinder Piston Air Pres. Designed for lbs. Gage Brake H. P. Belt Wheel Inches R. P. place- ment Cu. Ft. per Min. Required at Motor inches Diam. Stroke M. Including Belt Loss Diam. Face 6 6 275 52 80-125 7 - 9 36 V^ 7 G 275 72 50-100 91/2-12 36 ^Vi 8 6 275 94 25- 50 10 -12 36 5Vz 9 6 275 121 10- 25 10 -12 36 8% 8 8- 250 113 80-125 171/2-21 45 9 250 145 60-100 21 -24 45 ^^4 10 8 250 179 25- 60 19 -26 45 lY^ 12 8 250 258 15- 25 16 -24 45 8V2 10 10 235 210 80-125 33 -39 58 101^ 12 10 235 304 50-100 40 -53 58 101/2 14 10 235 415 20- 50 31 -52 58 10 1/2 12 12 220 340 80-125 56 -62 72 14% 14 12 220 464 45-100 58 -79 72 17 12 220 688 30- 45 69 -79 72 14 1^ LIST PRICES Extra Extra for "RA-39" Unloader and Relief Valves Extra for Foundation Bolts, Nuts and Washers Extra for Sho ■t Belt Drive Extra Compressor Overhead Overhead for Less Foundation Bolts '■RA-39" Unloader Regular With Belt Motor Drive With Belt Regular Less Belt Motor Drive Less Belt Tight and Loose Pulleys J290.00 $25.00 $75.00 $2.00 $ti0.00 $125.00 $35.00 $100.00 *1S-22 310.00 25.00 75.00 2.00 60. OO' ' 125.00 35.00 100.00 40.00 330.00 25.00 75.00 2.00 60.00 125.00 35.00 100.00 350.00 30.00 80.00 2.00 60.00 125.00 35.00 100.00 40.00 430.00 25.00 75.00 3.00 95.00 160.00 50.00 115.00 95.00 460.00 30.00 80.00 3.00 95.00 160.00 50.00 115.00 490.00 30 00 80.00 3.00 95.00 160.00 50.00 115.00 550.00 40.00 90.00 3.00 95.00 160.00 50.00 115.00 95.00 685.00 30.00 80.00 4.00 130.00 200.00 60.00 130.00 115.00 755.00 40.00 90.00 4 00 130.00 200.00 60.00 130.00 115.00 825.00 100,00 4.00 130.00 200.00 60.00 130.00 115.00 995.00 • 9 0.00 5.00 220.00 300.00 95.00 175.00 1,065.00 • 100.00 5.00 220.00 300.00 95.00 175.00 1,265.00 • 100.00 5.00 220.00 300.00 95.00 175.00 FOR PNEUMATIC HAMMERS, GAIGES, ETC., SEE INDEX Geo-B-CarpeH'ter ^ So. 605 INGERSOLL-ROGLER STRAIGHT LINE AIR COMPRESSORS Glass FR-1 Steam Driven Type ilir Pressure 15-125 Pounds Steam Pressure 80-120 Pounds Single Stage Air, Double Acting, Dust Proof Enclosed Construction, Automatic Lubrication "Ingersoll-Rogler" Inlet and Discharge Valves, Balanced Piston Steam Valve, Automatic Cut-Off Control. LIST PRICES Size of Cylinder Over-all inches a Dimensions Piston Dis- Air I. H. P. Ft.-In. Diameter i Rating Steam 22 Cu. Ft. lbs. Cylin- "w g a per Gage der bo A si t, s b 2 > c Minute 2 m < cc «S J ^ kS 7 6 6 350 67 80-125 9-10 8- 2 2-3 3-6 7 7 6 350 92 55-100 11-13 8- 3 2-3 3-6 7 8 6 350 120 30- 50 12-14 8- 3 2-3 3-6 9 8 8 300 136 80-125 21-25 10- 2 2-8 4-0 9 9 8 300 173 65-100 24-29 10- 3 2-8 4-0 9 10 8 300 215 35- 60 24-30 10- 5 2-8 4-0 12 10 10 275 245 80-125 39-46 12- 3-2 4-8 12 12 10 275 355 60-100 51-62 11-10 3-2 4-8 14 12 12 250 386 80-125 61-70 13- 8 4-1 5-9 14 14 12 250 528 45-100 66-88 13- 9 4-1 5-9 LIST PRICES i.'S ^"2fe S'S C Extra for Metallic Packing » S o Cook's Morris- Tripp's m II Saturated Steam Super- heated Steam -d 's ra o " Is; ^p ■O |?-o lis III ^^l E^i is K sl C^ S« tf mi ^1^ lyi h a OCU <° 0(l4 5S $623.00 $650.00 $620.00 $3.00 $r)4.oo $63.00 $72.00 $18.00 $51.00 $17.00 $75.00 $25.00 645.00 670.00 640.00 3.00 54.00 en. 00 72 00 18.00 51.00 17.00 75.00 25.00 665.00 690.00 660.00 3.00 54.00 6:',. 00 72.00 18.00 51.00 17.00 75.00 25.00 840.00 870.00 840.00 4.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 18.00 51. 0« 17.00 96.00 875.00 905.00 870.00 4.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 IS. 00 51.00 17.00 96.00 32.00 905.00 935.00 900.00 4.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 18.00 51.00 17.00 96.00 32.00 1,260.00 1,300.00 1,285.00 5.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 18.00 51.00 17.00 108.00 36.00 1,340.00 1,380.00 1.355.00 5.00 54.00 er?.oo 72.00 18.00 51.00 17.00 1,745.00 1.790.00 1.780.00 6.00 60.00 72.00 SI. 00 20.00 57.00 19.00 123.00 41.00 1.S25.00 1. 870.00 1.850.00 6.00 60.00 72.00 SI. 00 20.00 57.00 19.00 123.00 41.00 *Metallic packing on steam piston rods includes this packing on partition plate stuffing box. Metallic packing is not necessary on steam valve stems; these stuffing boxes being subject to exhaust pressures only. The Cook's and Morris metallic packing is of the split case type. The Tripp Packing is made with one piece follower rings and requires dismantling compressor for applying or removing. FOR PIPE. FITTINGS, RECEIVERS AXD VALVES, SEE INDEX 606 GEO-B-CAR^PEhfTER S CO. GARDNER HORIZONTAL AIR COMPRESSORS liargre bearing surfaces and shafts. Extra heavy fly wheels. Automatic Speed and Pressure Regulator and sub-base vrith oil rim cast all around'^ with nil steam- driven machines The 40, 45 and 64 H. P. have band w^heels for two belts. Smaller have fly and hand 'wheel for "one bel* Steam Class B CLASS A — BELT DRIVEN AIR CYLINDER Capacity, List With Cubic Feet H P at Max App. Wt. Complete Tight and Loose Free Air Per Pressure Air Suction Discharge List Minute Pressure Lbs. Pulleys. 6 6 29 100 6 2 2 1350 $300.00 $340.00 8 6 52 60 8 21/2 21/2 1450 340.00 380.00 -8 8 69 100 14 21/2 21/2 1900 450.00 515.00 10 8 108 65 17 3 3 2110 450.00 515.00 10 12 163 100 33 3 3 3250 725.00 12 12 235 70 40 31/2 31/2 3450 800.00 12 12 235 100 49 31/2 31/2 5250 800.00 16 12 418 35 45 41/2 4 3900 950.00 16 12 418 60 64 41/2 4 5400 1050.00 CLASS B — STEAM ACTUATED SIZE OF CYLINDER Rev. Per Minute Capacity Cubic Ft. Free Air Per Minute Max. Air Pressure H. p. at Max. Air PIPE OPENINGS App. Wt. Complete Regular Air Air Outlet Steam Air stroke Pressure Steam Exhaust Inlet 6 6 6 150 29 100 6 1 11/2 2 2 1900 $500.00 6 8 6 150 52 60 8 1 11/2 21/2 21/2 2000 550.00 8 8 8 150 69 100 14 11/4 2 21/2 2V2 2920 650.00 8 10 '8 150 108 65 17 1% 2 3 3 3200 715.00 10 10 12 150 163 100 33 21/4 3 3 3 5100 875.00 12 10 12 150 163 100 33 21/2 31/2 3 3 5300 1075.00 10 12 12 150 235 70 40 21/4 3 31/2 3% 5360 1125.00 12 12 12 150 235 100 49 21/2 31/2 31/2 31/2 7720 1400.00 10 16 12 150 418 35 45 2% 3 41/2 4 6500 1300.00 12 16 12 150 418 60 64 2% 314 41/2 4 7200 1575.00 Equipment — With each of the above machines are furnished an unloading device, stationary oiling- device, with a liberal quantity of oilers and wipers for all bearings and journals and full set of wrenches. The unloading device consists of an air governor placed in the inlet pipe. When the maximum pressure is attained, the unloader shuts off the air supply and the compressor runs with- out load, except that power necessary to overcome the friction of the machine. When the receiver pressure falls, the unloader opens, admitting the air and the compressor resumes its work of com- pression. The pressure in the receiver is thus kept constant, and there is no waste of power. It ia entirely automatic in its action. FOR OTHER TYPES OP AIR COMPRESSORS. SEE IXDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ (SO. go: THE GARDNER.RIX VERTICAL HIGH SPEED COMPRESSOR No. 1 G R I — Gardncr-niv vjiiu Cla.s»i G C'onipres.sor Cylinder No. 2 G R I — Gardner-Rlx Dnplc.x Cla.ts H Compressor with Tank An original type of high speed vertical air compressor of rather unique design, simple, prac- tical and economical. It is composed of but few parts, has no outside adjustments, is very simple and requires but little attention to keep it in good working condition. The entire freedom from intricate mechanisms requiring delicate adjustments, makes it an especially valuable compressor for uses in places where best care and attention are not always available. You can safely put it into the hands of the most inexperienced without danger of its efficiency becoming impaired through inattention or neglect. It demands but common sense attention that can be given by any one, though he may not have mechanical experience. SPECIFICATIONS Revo- Cap'ty lutions Free H. P. Required at Standard and Openings Fly Floor Sbpff. per Air per Maximum Speeds Wheel Space Wt Minute Minute r, S S s„ 'o. of ^ize . Diameter in inches Height, feet Thickness of Shell Thickness of Heads Diameter of Flanges Diameter of Safety Valve. Cap. cu. ft. Compressor. . . Approximate weight List each V2 81/2 70 20.00 SV2 % 21 170 44.00 1 90 300 64.00 24 6 % 21/2 1^/4 120 400 88. 00 30 6 1/4 21/2 11/2 150 1100 112.00 36 6 1/4 % 3 11/2 200 1300 144.00 36 % 3y2 11/2 300 1700 178.00 42 8 % 5 2 500 2000 210.00 Larger Sizes and for Heavier Pressures on Application BINKS GLEANALL AIR GUN FOR COMPRESSED AIR This device is used in foundries, machine shops, mills, garages, etc., wherever compressed air is used. The air is under constant control of the operator at all times and the desired volume can be obtained by simply pressing button. It is absolutely tight and there is no leakage of air when not in use. Indispensable for blowing dust from motors, machiner}-, au- tomobile cushions, etc. Used to equal advantage by bench and machine hands for remov- ing chips and filings where it is impossible to reach with a brush. For cleaning molds in foundries it is decidedly more convenient and practical than the hand bellows. PRICE LIST ripe Connection inch OriHce Air Disciiarge inch List Price Pipe Connection uich OriHce Air Discharge inch last Price ^8 f« 1 $1.50 y* Vs 1 1.65 % \ Vs \ 1.90 rj\ 1 $2.50 #2 1 3.25 1 FOR SAXD BLAST HOSE. SEE INDEX 610 GEO-B-eAItPEI^TER S GO. UNDERGROUND GASOLINE STORAGE OUTFIT Jfclg. ?11A and approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. the very best material obtainable for the purpose intendec tended. All seams Ijsted are ^S^feT^a'nt ^leldeV by^ t^e^ iTy^Tc-^WTene'-p/oceVs; ..^ci. m^^ l^aTsit'^fr^lue^ntVy' stronger than the riveted tank. Dropping and rough handling in transit frequently springs riveted tanks, which causes them to leak. Tliese tanks are 90 per cent stronger tlian a soldered tank. All tanks are thoroughly galvanized Inside and out, and pamted with rust-proof paint. Thelanks have one 2 incl/ flange opening, one.% inch A^nge opening and one 1 inch opening. The 2 inch opening is for the filler pipe, the % inch is for the suction pipe, ""^ ^"uUiTo"? ^?i\"a\TgV%rg"e\fs"e^mbrdy"^mify good points in design, which are featured '"^ 'T''he";'Ire^b!,nT'of ru^sH^oof materials throughout. There are no intricate parts to get out of order and no fine adjustments to bother "'•* and the cylinder is a seamless brass tube. ith. All valves are of heavy brass COMPLETE OUTFIT CONSISTS OF Heavy galvanized Iron tank. Pump. Filler pipe, 2 inches in diameter by 24 inches long. Suction pipe, which is 10 feet % inch gal- vanized pipe. Connections for suction pipe, 1-% inch el- bow, 1-% inch street elbow and one piece % inch pipe 30 inches long. The following sizes and gauges kept in stock, which can be furnished with Model H Pumps: 60 gallon, 18 gauge steel •. $34.00 110 gallon, 18 gauge steel *i5-22 60 gallon, 16 gauge steel 36.00 110 gallon, 16 gauge steel i6.»0 110 gallon. 14 gauge steel .1U6.00 Prices on other sizes furnished promptly upon request. Tig.nm. Model H All outfits comply with National Board of Fire Underwriters' Rulings. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Tank must be buried 2V, feet under the surface, % inch pipe is used for connecting tank and pump; 1-inch pipe Is used for vent when vent Is required Tank equipped with extra flange^for vent on request. Filler pipe made of 2 inch pipe with heavy cap with locking device and fine mesh strainer, 1 inch to 10 feet on the connecting pipe; fall being from pump to tank, of When installing, there should be a drop of All joints should be made up with a ittlxture tharge and glycerine. MODEL "H" LEVER HANDLED GASOLINE PUMP This Pump has been examined, tested by the National Board of Fire Undenvriters for the U. s. and listed ataong the permitted systems. This means no trouble from an insurance standpoint. , . . . This pump is made of rust-proof material throughout. Like our Model S Pump, there are no Intricate parts or adjustments to get out of order. All valves are made of very heavy brass and the cylinder of the pump Is made of ^^^"lt^^will%um"p approximately one quart to a stroke, although it is not a measuring pump. Especially adapted for use In private garages or small public garages. List price, each $~4.00 GARAGE SOAP ECONOMIZER Beduces soap consumption ONE-HALF, saves all waste and prevents THEFT. It works on the same principle that the common soap shaker does in washing dishes. Simply fill the perforated pail with four to six pounds of soap, and suspend, by cord, chain or other method, in hot water washing tank or barrel. Very little agitation is required, as the numerous pfrforations allow perfect circu- lation of water. 3Iade of heavy galvanized perforated steel. No. 30. Capacity, 6V2 lbs.; diameter, 61,4 inches; height. 8 Inches. .. .each $1.75 SAFETY RUBBISH BARREL BUILT TO BANG ABOUT A Necessary Adjunct to Every Well-Equipped Garage ExWa Heavy Steel Guards Heavy V Guards 55 5^ U 11 1 3 26 1 20 4 4Vi 26 18 42 26 17% 37 $7.00 6.00 5.75 FiET. 65 GEO•B•eARBE^fTER ^ QO 611 CHALLENGE GASOLINE AND KEROSENE ENGINES Challenge Engines have been on the market for the past twenty years and have built up a world wide reputation for satisfactory service, strength and durability that malies them easy to sell, and when sold, stay sold. They are made in sizes from 1 to 16 H. P., Stationary or Portable for operating on Gasoline or Kerosene and can be furnished with built in magnetos, which eliminate all batteries, make starting easy and after started run perfectly with little or no attention. The design of the Challenge is very compact and simple, it having only as many working parts as are absolutely necessary to make a perfect working machine and made strong and durable to prevent breakages. The factory where Challenge Engines are made is equipped with up-to-date machinery and all parts of the engine are made on templets, therefore, are interchangeable, and no trouble will be experienced in getting repairs at any time in the future should they be necessary. On the smaller sized engines, 1 to 6 H. P., the base is in two parts, which permits the engines beidg used either as a portable or stationary. The.«e engines may be set on a concrete foundation and if at any time it is desired to mount it portable, it can be removed from the sub-base without disturbing the connections to foundation. The fuel tank is located in base which makes the outfits very compact. In the 8, 10, 12 and 16 H. P. sizes, the engines are fitted with a circulating pump. It is of the same design as the open water jacket engines, with the exception of the cylinder. This cylinder is provided with a large water jacket through which the water is forced by means of a rotary pump, operated by a belt from the main shaft. This furnishes a constant flow entirely surrounding the cylinder and makes a perfect cooling system for any size engine. The pump is constructed without valves or checks. There is nothing about it to wear out and it is always ready for action. The level of the water in the reservoir is lower than the cylinder, consequently when the engine stops running the cylinder is entirely emptied. This method of cooling affords absolute protection against freezing and bursting the water jacket. All water may be drained off by turning a stop cock under the pump. EQUIP3IENT On all engines from 1 to 6 H. P., each engine is sent out with a complete equipment consisting of a battery and coil, starting crank, two wrenches and oil can. Upon its arrival all you have to do is to fill fuel and water tank and oil cups and the engine is ready to start. On engines of 8, 10, 12 and 16 H. P., each engine is sent out with a good reliable Oscillating magneto attached, two wrenches and oil can. All you have to do is to fill the fuel and water tanks and oil cups and it is ready to run. Weight, lbs. H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., H. P., 8 H. P., 10 H. P., 10 H. P.. 12 H. P., 12 H. P., 16 H. P.. 16 H. P.. Stationary .... Hand Portable. Stationary .... Hand Portable. Stationary .... Hand Portable. Stationary .... Hand Portable. Horse Portable. Stationary . . . . Hand Portable. Hors« Portable. Stationary .... Horse Portable. Stationary .... Horse Portable. Stationary .... Horse Portable. Stationary . . . . Horse Portable. 200 240 350 450 400 500 860 970 400 150 320 200 500 400 700 400 700 Price with Battery $50.00 57.00 70.00 78.00 90.00 98.00 160.00 176.00 260.00 200.00 216.00 300.00 Price with Magneto $62.00 70.00 83.00 91.00 108.00 116.00 178.00 194.00 378.00 218.00 234.00 318.00 360.00 470.00 600.00 580.00 710.00 790.00 960.00 Extra for Kerosene Attachment $10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 All Horse Portable eni^nes are provided M-ith friction Clutch Pulley. We can furnish larger engines, either eanollne or kerosene. Prices on application. 612 GEO-BeAIiPEM"TER ^ eO. DOUBLE FRICTION DRUM ELECTRIC HOIST 'STANDARD" DOUBLE FRICTION DRUM ELECTRIC HOIST The construction of our Double Drum Electric Hoists is such that their operation is like that of a regular Double Drum Hoisting Engine and therefore familiar to any hoisting engineer. They are self-contained and furnished complete as shown, ready for attachment of feed wires. The Patent Controller Operating Mechanism, furnished with hoists having two or more drums, facilitates the operation of the controller and prevents injury through careless handling, saving time and annoyance, and reducing the cost of maintenance. The operating hand lever is clamped about a horizontal shaft, like the throttle lever of a hoisting engine, and arranged to rotate the controller cylinder by means of a pair of inclosed bevel gears and a flexible connection permitting a step-by-step movement which prevents burning of the contact fingers. In an Electric Hoist the Motor offers practically no resistance to backing down of the load after the current is shut off. For preventing such backing down of the load and thus to secure the same ease and safety of operation as is afforded by a steam hoist, we furnish the intermediate shaft of our electric hoists having two or more drums, with a Patent Automatic Brake. This Automatic Brake consists simply of a wood-lined band encircling a brake wheel keyed to one of the shafts of the hoisting machine. The band is fitted with a right and left adjusting nut, and has its ends pivoted to a brake rocker loosely mounted on a pin projecting from the frame of the machine. The ends of the band are pivoted to the rocker at unequal distances from the center of the pin, and thus produce a differential action whereby forward rotation of the brake wheel acts to turn the rocker in the direction to lengthen the band and release the brake, while backward rotation acts to turn the rocker in the direction to shorten the band and cause it to grip the brake wheel and apply the brake. The brake is reliable and effective, offers very slight resistance to forward rotation, and auto- matically and positively prevents backward turning. Horse Power Hoisting Capacity Drum Diameter Flanges inches Approximate Shipping Weight List No. On Single Rope lbs. Speed, ft. per Minute Diameter inches Length inches Price Complete 101 102 103 104 10 25 50 75 1,800 4,000 7,000 10,000 150 170 190 220 12 14 14 16 14 18 21 24 21 25 28 35 3,500 6,700 10,000 13,000 $1,600.00 2,304.00 3,030.00 4,040.00 We can furnish any style or horse power electric hoists, and will specifications. grlad to quote prices on receipt of GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ SO, 613 DOUBLE-CYLINDER, DOUBLE-FRIGTION DRUM HOISTING ENGINE WITH BOILER We can also furnish this Hoist in single and three drum type, also with slewing attachments, or any of the Hoists listed below without boilers. This engraving represents our Improved Double-Cyl- inder, Double-Friction Drum Hoisting Engine, with Boiler, which is specially adapted for bridge building, pile driving, quarries, railroad work, general derrick work and hosting purposes. Each drum is equipped with ratchet and pawl, turned winch head and a powerful foot brake. With the drums equipped as above, it is possible to hold one drum with the load suspended, using the other drum for hoisting or lower- ing the boom, or it is possible to operate either drum or winch head independently. For pile driving, one drum is used for placing the pile and the other foi* operating the hammer. The crossheads are of the hanging locomotive type, with extra large wearing surfaces, and are fitted with bronze gibs. ^^ Some features of this Hoist are, drums bushed -':'' with bronze bushings, I double V friction, cut gears, steel pinion, and Boiler constructed for 125 pounds working pressure. Fig. 115 SPECIFICATIONS Engine Size Description No. 670 V* No. 671 Horse Power 16 25 Size of Cylinder, inches 614x9 Ti/oxlO Diameter of Drum, inches 14 14 Diameter of Flange, inches • • 24 26 Length of Drum between Flange, inches 25 31 Size of Boiler, inches 36x84 42x90 Number of 2 inch Tubes 72 92 Floor Space required, inches • • 85x90 87x103 Weight Hoisted, Single Rope, Usual Speed, lbs 4,000 6,500 Suitable Weight for Pile Driving Hammer, lbs 2,000 4,000 Approximate Shipping Weight, lbs 8,300 11,300 List Price $1,500.00 $1,755.00 614 GEO•B\eAR,PE^fTER « GO. DOUBLE-CYLINDER, FRIGTION-DRUM HOISTING ENGINE, WITHOUT BOILER Pig, IIS^ The above engraving shows our Double Cylinder, Single Friction Drum Ploisting Engine, without Boiler-, and. with a turned winch head attached to the end of the drum shaft. The frames of this Engine are made in sections, securely bolted together, and all parts well secured by dowel pins. This feature permits sectionalizing for mountain transportation or placing in mines. The drum is equipped with a powerful foot brake and bronze bushings. The friction is the double V type. The gear and pinion are cut, and the pinion is steel. The Engine will operate successfully on air or steam. This Engine is especially adapted for general hoisting purposes and is being used extens- ively by contractors where but one drum is required and the air or steam is supplied from a central plant. Being very compact, it occupies little space, which makes it very desirable for use on board ship or for mounting on dock wheels. When mounted it is easily moved from place to place for the convenient handling of the cargo. We can also furnish this Hoist with Reversible Link Motion Attachments DESCRIPTION Engine Size No. 22 No. 331/2 No. 34 No.35 No.36 No.37 Horse-power 8 10 15 25 35 45 Size of Cylinder, inches 4x6 5x7 6i/4x8 7x10 gi/gxlO 9x12 Diameter and Length of Drum, inches 10x12 12x14 14x16 14x20 16x26 16x26 Floor-space Required, inches 331/2x41 35x48 42x53 51x64 67x72i^ 67x81i/2 Wt. Hoisted, Single Rope, Usual Speed, lbs. . 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 8,000 11,000 Approximate Shipping Weight, pounds 1,400 2.000 :M00 4,200 6,200 7,700 List $480.00 $570.00 660.00 $780.00 $900.00 |51200,0P GeoB-Carpem^ter « eo. 615 1 J DOUBLE-CYLINDER, REVERSIBLE CONTRACTOR'S HOISTING ENGINE Designed especially for the building contractor, and is used for running either single or double material elevators, or for running a pump or circular saw. It successfully fills the many and various requirements encountered in the erection of l)uildings. Having Double Cylinders and Cranks set at an angle of 90 de- grees, there is no sticking on centers, and it is always ready \, to start with a strong pull. The Elevator Sheave is oper- ated by a clutch on the drum shaft. Wlien the sheave is thrown out it becomes independ- ent, and the friction drum is then free for hoisting purposes. The sheave is equipped with a brake, making possible the stop- ping and holding the elevator at any particular point. All Working Levers are with- in easv reach of the operator. Pig. 113 A. 30 inch Belt Pulley or "Winch Head can be furnished in place of the sheave. The Hoisting Drum is bushed with bronze bushings and has double V friction. Pinion is steel, and the Gear and Pinion are cut. The \Ve Can Also Furnish This Hoist with Double-Drum in 10, 15 an«l 25 H. P. SPECIFICATIONS Engine Size No. 5 Horse Power 10 Size of Cylinder, inches 5x7 Diameter of Drum, inches 8 Diameter of Flanges, inches 22 Length of Drum between Flanges, inches 18 • Diameter of Sheave, inches 3 Size of Boiler, inches 30x72 Number of 2 inch Tubes 5 5 Floor Space required, inches .' 43x58 Weight Hoisted, Single Rope, Usual Speed, lbs 2,000 Weight Hoisted on Sheave Wheel, Single Rope, Usual Speed, lbs 800 Approximate Shipping Weight, lbs 4,900 List pricp $1,050.00 616 GEO•B•eAliPE^fTER ^ So. VERTICAL ENGINES Fig. 861. Class F Fig. 862. Class B Fig. S6.t. Class D GLASS "F" VERTICAL ENGINE The Class "F" Vertical Engine is well made throughout, the rods being of steel, the crank shaft of solid forged steel, and the brasses of phosphor-bronze. It is very popular with the manu- facturers of cement and concrete mixers, the majority of the mixers in the country being equipped with this Engine. A critical steam test of every Engine is made before it leaves our factory, and the necessary adjustments carefully made, so that the Engine is ready to run the moment it is placed in position and given steam. The fittings and fixtures comprise: Fly Wheel, Pulley, Oil Cups, Sight Feed Lubricator, Throttle Valve and Nipples, Governor and Governor Belt. Foundation Bolts and Washers will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra cost. See index. SPECIFICATIONS Horse-power 1 iy„ 3 3 4 5 6 7 Size of Cylinder, inches 21/^x3 3x3 3x5 4x4 4x5 5x5 5x71^ 6x6 Revolutions per Minute 400 400 350 325 325 300 250 225 Diameter of Steam Pipe, inches % % % % % % 1 1 Diameter of Exhaust Pipe, inches Vz %, % 1 1 1 IVi iM Diameter of Shaft, inches If^ If,, 1}J 1-,^ lU lii 2% 2% Diameter and Pace of Wheel, inches 12x3 12x3 15x4 16x4 17x4i4 20x5 24x6 24x6 Diameter and Face of Pulley, inches 6x3 6x3 10x5 10x5 12x6 12x6 14x6% 14x6% Height from Floor to Center of Shaft, in. 7 9 10 91/2 10 10 13 14 Height from Floor to Top of Cylinder, in. 28 31 43 S&V2 43 43 54 54 Floor-space Occupied, inches square 13 13 17 131/2 17 17 20 20 Approximate Weight, lbs 200 200 375 400 425 500 750 825 Price of Engine complete $75.00 $87.00 $105.00 $111.00 $115.00 $121.00 $145.00 "$152.00 Horse-power 8 9 10 13 15 30 2r> Size of Cylinder, inches 6x7y> 61/2x71/2 7x7 7x81/2 8x81/2 9x9 10x10 Revolutions per Minute 225 225 200 200 200 160 160 Diameter of Steam Pipe, inches I14 ly^ 1^ I14 1% 2 2^^ Diameter of Exhaust Pipe, inches ly, lyg 1% IV-, 2 2i^ 3 Diameter of Shaft, inches 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2H 2V4 Diameter and Face of Wheel, inches 24x6 28x7 30x6% 30x6% 36x7% 40x9 44x10^^ Diameter and Face of Pulley, inches 14x6% 14x6% 16x7% 16x71/2 18x8 20x10 24x12 Height from Floor to Center of Shaft, inches. 13 14i/- 17% 17% 19% 23i^ 26% Height from Floor to Top of Cylinder, inches. 54 55% 63 67 69 79 86 Floor-space Occupied, inches square 20 20 24 24 24 30 36 Approximate Weight, lbs 850 925 1,250 1,450 1,500 2,225 3.050 Price of Engine complete $160.00 $169.00 $202.00 $231.00 $242.00 $360.00 $540.00 See next page for descri9)t!Oii and specifications on Class B and D Fngines. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S eO. 617 VERTICAL ENGINES— Continued GLASS "B" VERTICAL ENGINE Our Disc Crank Vertical Engine, is desirable for general purposes where small powers are re- quired. They are very strong, heavy in construction and well proportioned, and will stand continu- ous hard service. A critical steam test of every Engine is made before it leaves the factory, and the necessary adjustments carefully made, so that the Engine is ready to run the moment it is placed in position and given steam. The fittings are: Oil Cups, Sight-feed Lubricator, Throttle Valve and Nipples, Governor and Governor Belt. Foundation Bolts and Washers will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra cost. See index. Above 20 horse power, these Engines are equipped with Center Oiler for the Crank Pin. SPECIFICATIONS Horse Power IVz 3 5 7 10 14 Size of Cylinder, in 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 Revolutions per minute 400 325 250 225 200 180 Size of Steam Pipe, in i^ % % 1 1 14^ 1 14 Diameter of Exhaust Pipe, in % 1 1 1^ li^ 2 Diameter of Shaft, in 1 ^^ 1 ^^^ 1 |J 1 ^§ 2 % 2 li^ Diameter of Fly Wheel, in 12 16 20 24 32 36' Face of Fly Wheel, in 3 4 5 6 7 8 Height from floor to center of Shaft, in. . . 9 10 12 14 18 20 Height to top of Cylinder, in 30 36 43 53 61 68 Floor space occupied, in 13x23 15x28 18x36 22x40 25x46 28x50 Weight of Engine, lbs 250 375 650 950 1,550 2,000 Price of Engine complete $87.00 122.00 155.00 190.00 272.00 336.00 Horse Power 20 25 35 50 75 Size of Cylinder, in 9x9 10x10 12x12 14x14 16x16 Revolutions per minute 160 160 160 150 140 Size of Steam Pipe, in 2 2^^^ 3 S^^ 4 Diameter of Exhaust, in 2 % 3 ZYz 4 4 % Diameter of Shaft, in. 2^ 3% 3% 4% 5% Diameter of Fly Wheel, in 42 44 48 52 54 Face of Fly Wheel, in 9 10 12 14 16 Height from floor to center of Shaft, in. . . 24 26 28 30 31 1^ Height to top of Cylinder, in 79 86 94 105 113 Floor space occupied, in 311/^x58 36i/^x62i^ 40x70 41x80 41x85 Weight of Engine, lbs 2,650 3,700 4,800 7,700 11,000 Price of Engine complete $382.00 570.00 750.00 1,010.00 1,400.00 GLASS "D" VERTIGAL ENGINE The Class "D" Vertical Engine is our center crank, inclosed type. All working parts being inclosed by means of dust proof plates, makes the Engine very desirable for operating cement mixing machinery, and in all places where a dust proof Engine is preferable. The covering plates are so attached that they may easily be removed for inspection or ad- justment of the Engine. We call attention to the following features: Crank Shaft of solid forged steel; Eccentric keyed to crank shaft; extra long Journals set low to prevent vibrations. A critical steam test of every Engine is made before it leaves the works, and the necessary adjustments carefully made, so that the Engine is ready to run as soon as placed in position and given steam. The fittings and fixtures comprise: Fly Wheel, Pulley, Oil Cups, Sight Feed Lubricator Throttle Valve and Nipples, Governor and Governor Belt. Foundation Bolts and Washers will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra cost. See index. SPECIFICATIONS Horse Power 6 7 8 9 Size of Cylinder, in 5x7 1/2 6x6 6x7 1/^ 6 i^x7 1/2 Revolutions per minute 250 225 225 225 Diameter of Steam Pipe, in 1 1 1 % 1 % Diameter of Exhaust Pipe, in 1 14 1 ^ 1 % 1 % Diameter of Shaft, in 2% 2% 2% 2% Diameter and Face of Wheel, in 24x6 24x6 24x6 28x7 Diameter and Face of Pulley, in 14x6% 14x6% 14x6% 14x6% Height from floor to center of Shaft, in. . . 13 14 13 14^^ Height from floor to top of Cylinder, in. . . . -54 54 54 551/^ Floor space occupied, in. square 20 20 20 20 Approximate weight, lbs 875 900 925 1.025 Price of Engine complete .$169.00 176.00 184.00 193.00 618 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « 60. HORIZONTAL ENGINES These Engines are of the self-contained cen- ter-crank type, and are well made throughout. The Crank Shaft is cut from a solid forging of the best quality of steel, and is equipped with cast-iron counterbalancing discs, securely fas- tened. The Piston is provided with self-adjust- ing packing rings. The Connecting Rod is equipped with phosphor-bronze boxes at each end. The cross-head end is the solid-end type, while the crank-pin end is of the strap type. Both brasses are adjusted by means of adjusting wedges. All parts are of easy access in case of adjustment or repairs. The Fly Wheel and Pulley are turned crown- face, making it possible to belt from either. A critical steam test of each Engine is made before it leaves the factory, and the necessary adjustments carefully made, so that the Engine is ready to run the moment it is placed in posi- tion and given steam. The fittings and fixtures comprise: Fly Wheel, Pulley, Sub-base, Oil Cups, Sight Feed Lubricator, Throttle Valve and Nipples and Governor Belt. Foundation Bolts and Washers will be furnished when ordered, ^t extra cost. See index. SPECIFICATIONS Horse-power 6 8 9 Size of Cylinder, inches oxTVo 6x7% 61/2x71/2 Diameter of Steam Pipe, inches 1 1%, 1% Diameter of Exhaust Pipe, inches IVi 1% 1% Diameter of Shaft, inches 2% 2% 2% Diameter and Face of Wheel, inches.. 24x6 24x6 28x7 Diameter and Face of Pulley, inches. . 14x6% 14x6% 14x6% Revolutions per Minute 250 225 225 Floor-space required for Base, inches. 19i^x50 19i/2x50 19i/2x50 Approximate Shipping Weight, lbs. . . 1,000 1,075 1,150 Price of Engine complete $155.00 $170.00 $180.00 Pig. 851. Class «F" 10 12 15 2f0 25 7x10 71/2x10 8x10 9x12 10x12 IV2 11/2 11/2 2 2Mi 2 2 2 21/2 3 2U 211 211 sy* ay* 30x6% 30x6% 36x714 44x10 44x10 16x71/2 18x71/2 18x71/2 20x10 24x12 200 180 180 160 160 21x591/2 21x591/2 21x591/2 28x65 28x65 1,650 1,700 1,750 2,650 2,750 $220.00 $242.00 $255.00 $375.00 $392.00 GLASS "B" HORIZONTAL ENGINE Fig. 852. Class "B" The Class "B" Horizontal Engine is the Self- contained, Disc-crank type. Being complete on a single cast-iron base prevents any of its working parts from becoming out of line. This Engine is strong and heavy, with the metal properly distributed. The Piston is provided with self-adjusting packing rings. All Rods are of steel, all wear- ing surfaces are large, and suitable means have been provided for easy adjustment. The 25 and 35 horse-powers are equipped with balance Valve and Center Oiler. A critical steam test is made of every Engine before it leaves the factory, and the necessary adjustments carefully made so that the Engine is ready to run the moment it is placed in posi- tion and given steam. The fittings are Oil Cups, Sight-feed Lubri- cator, Throttle Valve and Nipples, Governor and Governor Belt. Foundation Bolts and Washers will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra cost. See index. We recommend this Engine for heavy and continuous service. The Flj' Wheel is turned crown face, mak- ing it suitable for belt. There is sufficient shaft extension beyond the out-board bearing for attaching a Pulley, if desired. SPECIFICATIONS Horse-power 5 Size of Cylinder, inches 5x5 Revolutions , per Minute 250 Size of Steam Pipe, inches % Diameter of Exhaust Pipe, inches.... 1 Diameter of Shaft, Inches Hi Diameter of Fly Wheel, inches 20 Face of Fly Wheel, inches » Floor Space Required, inches 29x34 Weight of Engine, lbs 925 Price of Engine complete $163.00 7 10 14 20 25 S5 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 10x12 11x13 200 190 180 160 160 160 1 1% 1% 2 21/2 2y3 11/4 iy2 2 21/2 3 3 HI 2% 2iJ 2 II 3 3 24 32 36 42 48 48 6 7 8 9 10 11 31x38 41x46 46x52 48x57 50x72 50x72 1,000 1,650 2,100 2,700 4,500 4,700 $202.00 $272.00 $351.00 $387.00 $568.00 $638.00 Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ eo. 619 OPEN BOTTOM PORTABLE BOILER CLASS "B" This Boiler is made of homogeneous Flange steel plate of 6 0,00 pounds tensile strength, and under the same careful supervision as all boilers on our list. The Furnace has a three inch water space on all sides of the fire and is adapted for burning wood or coal. The Door Mouth is formed by flanging the inside plate outward to meet the flange of the outside plate, the two flanges are riveted together and caulked. This construction removes the rivets and caulked edge from direct contact with the fire, and avoids the trouble experienced where the door opening is surrounded by a solid or box ring with rivet-heads projecting into the furnace. The longitudinal seam in the shell of the boiler is double riveted, the furnace is supplied with a fusible plug in the crown sheet, and the boiler is thoroughly well made throughout. SPECIFICATIONS Number of Size Horse Power, as usually rated Diameter of Boilnr in. Lengrth of Furnace, in.'^ide, approximate " Width of Furnace, in?lde, approximate " Height of Furnace above Gates, approxi- mate in. Number of Tubes (3-in. diameter) Length of Tubes used ft. Thickness of Shell and outside of Fire- box In. Thickness of Furnace Plate " Thickness of Tube Sheets " Diameter of Dome " Height of Dome " Diameter of Stack " Length of Stack ft. List Price, complete Weight of Boiler .about Weight of Boiler Fixtures " Weight of Boiler and Fixtures, complete about 9-33 5-16 % $195112084 12263 10 ^i 5-16 5-16 % 26 28 11 5-16 5-16 % 30 34 24 11-32 5-16 % 30 34 26 40 11-32 5-16 % 32 36 26 40 3833 11-32 5-16 % 32 36 26 50 4058 13 14 15 16 100 no 125 1.50 64 66 66 •60 60 60 72 56 5S 60 60 50 52 54 54 90 100 108 108 14 14 15 1714 % % % 5-16 5-16 5-16 5-16 % % 7-16 7-16 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 30 30 32 32 50 50 50 60 4453 4718 4988 1 5378 )|12, 900114, 0001 l.SOOl l.SOOl 2.0001 t[6.950|7,450|8, 450110.200 12, 400|l3,700|14,700|16.00oll 8, 200119. 100121. 30o|23,80Q 6,50016.950 FIXTURES With a Boiler ordered "complete" the following fixtures are sent: Check Valve, Grates, Water Gauge, Safety A^alve, Stop A^alve, Steam Gauge, Gauge Cocks, Blow-off Valve, Smoke Stack and Guys. All steam openings 2 inches and larger are reinforced. All smoke stacks, up to and includ- ing 28 inches diameter, are No. 16 gauge, and larger diameters of No. 14, unless otherwise or- dered; if heavier gauge is required, a proportionate charge will be made. Every boiler is tested and inspected, before shipment, by a responsible Steam Boiler Inspec- tion and Insurance Company, at 15 pounds hydrostatic pressure per square inch, and the purchaser can have a certificate of Inspection and a policy of insurance for one year issued by the Insurance Compamy. This policy is payable to the purchaser, and will be in force and valid wherever the boiler is located. Every Boiler is Thoroughly Tested Under Steam Before it Leaves the Shops 620 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. HORIZONTAL BOILERS This engraving- illustrates our Standard Horizontal Tubular Boiler with Half-Arch Front Setting. It is built of open-hearth, homogeneous flange steel plate, guaranteed by the makers to turn down double (cold) without fracture. All Boilers above 36 inches in diameter have the dome flange double-riveted. The longitudinal seams are double-riveted, being lap-joint construction, with the exception of the 60 and 66 inch diameter Boilers, which are butt-joint. All Boilers above 12 feet in length are built in three rings. The tubes are the best lap-weld quality, and are set in vertical and horizontal rows, permitting the best circulation within the Boiler. The heads are thoroughly braced with weldless steel braces of the most approved form. All Boilers are tested and made thoroughly tight under 150 pounds hydrostatic pressure, and will pass for 100 pounds working pressure in districts where a special boiler ordinance is not in effect. A certificate of test and inspection, issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company, is furnished when desired. Insurance policy will be furnished, if ordered, at an extra cost. The fittings and fixtures comprise: Britchen, front with doors and liners, grates, grate-bearer, rear- arch bars, rear ash door and frame, boiler stand, safety valve, steam gauge, water gauge, water column attached, gauge cocks, blow-off cock, check valve, stock cock, whistle and pipe, smoke stack and guy rods four times the length of the stack. Injector will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra cost. These Boilers are regularly furnished with steel tubes, but can be furnished with charcoal iron tubes, if desired, at an extra cost. See index. SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION BOILER SIZE Number 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 Horse-power 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 Diameter of Shell, inches 30 30 36 36 36 42 44 Length of Tubes, feet 7 8 8 10 12 10 12 ■ Diameter of Tubes, inches 3 3 3 3 3 3 3i^ Number of Tubes 20 20 22 24 26 40 28 Diameter of Dome, inches IS 18 20 20 20 22 22 Height of Dome, inches 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 Thickness of Shell, inch Vi V* Vi Vi Vi ^i v^ Thickness of Dome Plate, inch % Vi V* % Vi -^s t\ Thickness of Heads, inch % % % % % % % Length of Grates, inches 32 32 351^ 25V2 41% 35^^ 41li Width of Grates, inches 30 30 36 36 36 42 44 Diameter of Stack, inches 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 Length of Stack, feet 24 24 24 28 30 30 30 No. of Steel in Stack 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Weight of Boiler and Britchen, lbs. about 1,600 l.TS'O 2,200 2,700 3,400 3,550 4,300 Weight of Boiler and Half-Arch Fixtures, lbs., about , 3,000 3,150 3,800 4,400 5,100 5,750 6.600 List Price ofBoiler complete .'H275.0O $293.00 $344.00 $408.0O $480.0O $535.00 $59 6.00 Number iv 28 29 30 31 32 34 Horse-power 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 Diameter of Shell, inches 44 48 48 54 54 60 66 Length of Tubes, feet 14 12 14 14 16 16 16 Diameter of Tubes, inches 31/2 31/2 ZV2 SV2 31/2 4 4 Number of Tubes 28 32 32 44 44 44 54 Diameter of Dome, inches 22 26 26 30 30 32 32 Height of Dome, inches 24 28 28 34 34 36 36 Thickness of Shell, inch Iz •?« A -fs A hh % Thickness of Dome-plate, inch A ^% /i % % U % Thickness of Heads, inch % A iV tb . I'ff % V2 Length of Grates, inches 471/2 47^^ 47% 47% 53 53 53 Width of Grates, inches 44 . 48 48 54 54 60 66 Diameter of Stack, inches 20 22 22 26 26 28 30 Length of Stack, feet 35 40 40 40 45 45 50 No. of Steel in Stack 16 16 16 14 14 14 12 Weight of Boiler and Britchen, lbs., about 4,900 5,600 6,200 8,000 8,800 11,000 12,800 Weight of Boiler and Half-Arch Fixtures, lbs., about 7,400 8,700 9,300 11,750 12.800 15,550 17,900 List Price of Boiler complete $869.00 9787.00 $857.00 $1070.00 $1183.00 $1329.00 $1566.00 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « So. 621 HORIZONTAL BOILERS LOCOMOTIVE BOILER ON SKIDS This engraving illustrates our Water Front and Open Bottom Locomotive Type Boiler on Skids. Many years of experience have proven this to be the best type of portable boiler. With the open bottom there is no dead water space below the grate surface, such as exists in the water-bottom boilers, to soon fill up with mud and sediment. The open bottom permits the free discharge and easy removal of ashes, thus providing sufficient draft for all fuels. This is not the case with the water bottom type of boiler, as the ash pit door opening, through which the ashes must be removed, is comparatively small, making difficult the removal of the ashes, and impairing the draft. Only the poorer grades of fuel are to be had in many sections, which means that free draft must be had to secure entirely satisfactory steaming. The Water Front is superior to the cast iron front furnished by many, as it affords additional heating surface in the fire box, and does not crack and warp as is often the case with the latter type. We can, therefore, recommend the Water Front and Open Bottom Boiler as being superi/or to the water bottom boiler with cast iron front. These Boilers are made of open hearth, homogeneous flange steel plates, being provided with stay bolts of the best quality of refined iron, and thoroughly braced and stayed throughout. Six hand holes are supplied, one in the front head above the crown sheet, four in the bottom of the water leg, and one in the rear head under the tubes. The 50 and 6 horse powers also have a man hole in the rear head above the tubes. All Boilers are tested and made thoroughly tight under 150 pounds hydrostatic pressure, and will pass for 100 pounds working pressure in districts where a special boiler ordinance is not in effect. A certificate of test and inspection, issued by the Fidelity & Casualty Company, is furnished when desired. Insurance policy will be furnished, if ordered, at an extra cost. The fittings and fixtures comprise grates, water column attached with gauge cocks, water gauge steam gauge, safety valve, check valve, stop cock, whistle, blow-off valve, stack and guy rods (four times the length of the stack). Injector will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra cost. See index. SPECIFICATIONS Boiler No 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Horsepower 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 Diameter of Boiler, in. . . 32 32 32 34 36 36 40 42 48 48 Length of Fire Box, in. . . 38 38 44 52 52 52 52 54 54 64 Height of Fire Box, in. . . 33 33 33 36 38 40 42 - 46 52 52 Width of Fire Box, in. . . 26 26 26 28 30 30 34 36 42 42 Number of 3-in. Tubes. . . 26 26 26 28 34 34 40 43 56 56 Length of Tubes, in 66 72 78 90 96 120 102 120 126 144 Thickness of Shell, in. .. % % % % % % sW ^ A ^ Thickness of Furnace ^ Plates, in % % % % ^^ ^%^ f, ^, ^^ ^ Thickness of Tube Sheets and Heads, in % % % % % % % % % % Size of Dome, in 18x22 18x22 18x22 20x24 20x24 20x24 22x26 22x26 26x30 26x30 Diameter of Stack, in. .. . 14 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 2'> 22 Length of Stack, ft 16 18 20 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 No. of Steel in Stack 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Weight of Bare Boiler on Skids, lbs. 3,400 3,500 3,800 4,550 5,300 5,800 6,600 7,500 10,000 11,000 Weight of Boiler, com- plete with fixtures, lbs. 4,050 4,200 4,400 5,600 6„300 6,900 7,800 8,800 11,700 12 700 Price of Boiler complete . $ 3 6 7 . 387.00 409.00 488.00 527.00 601.00 664.00 754.00 973.00 1044.00 FOR LARGER BOILERS, SEE INDEX 622 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « CO. VERTICAL BOILERS Fig. 90A. Standard Boiler Fig. 90B. Standard Fig. 91. Class E Boiler Kound Base Tcith Iron Bottom This type of Boiler is especially desirable where space is limited. Being easily handled and a quick steamer, it is very popular with Contractors for hoisting- and pumping. It is also extensively used in small manufacturing plants. Particular attention is called to our round base, equipped with wrought-iron bottom. This bottom is securely fastened, and has an air-space between the bottom of the base and the boiler. By this means, the use of brick may be obviated when using the Boiler on a wooden floor, with perfect safety. The type "B" is our standard "Full-Length-Tube" Vertical Boiler, built with shell extended, thereby obviating the use of separate base, thus making it desirable when space is limited. Many users prefer this type of Boiler, since the separate base is not required. This fact makes it exceptionally popular with the Contractors and the Manufacturers of Cement and Concrete Mixers and on all machinery where it is necessary to mount a Boiler. The necessary angles for fastening the Boiler are supplied to suit the ma- chine on which the Boiler is to be mounted. They are made of open-hearth, homogeneous, flange steel plates having a tensile strain of 55,000 pounds per square inch of section. All sizes above 20 inches are well braced by means of stay bolts, and all Boilers 30 inches and upward in diameter have the vertical seams double-riveted. From No. to No. 13 inclusive, the shells are made of a single sheet. The heads are drilled. >11 Boilers are tested and made thoroughly tight under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds, and will pass for 100 pounds working pressure in districts where a special boiler ordinance is not in effect. We are also equiijped to build them in accordance with the various local boiler ordinances in effect. A certifi- cate of test and inspection, issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company, is furnished when desired. In- surance policy will be furnished, if ordered, at an extra cost. Boilers 20 inches to 30 inches in diameter have two, and the larger sizes three, hand-holes around the water-leg and the same number above the crown sheet. In Boilers 20 inches in diameter the water- space around the fire-box is 1% inches wide; in the 24 inches in diameter, 2 inches; and in all other sizes, 21/2 inches wide. The fixtures comprise base, grate, hood, steam gauge, glass water gauge, gauge cocks, pop safety valve, blow-off valve, check and stop cock. Injectors and stacks will be furnished, when ordered, at an extra price. See index. An extra charge is made for round base with iron bottom. On the opposite page will be found tables of dimensions and specifications on the above "Full-Length - Tube" Vertical Boilers. Standard "Full-Length-Tube" Vertical Boilers SPECIFICATIONS Number o A B i a 3 3% 4 5 Horse-power 1% 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 10 Diameter of Boiler, inches 20 20 20 24 24 24 27 30 30 Height of Boiler, feet 3 SVs 4 4 5 6 5 5 6 Diameter of Furnace, inches 16 16 16 19 19 19 21 24 24 Height of Furnace, inches 18 18 18 23 23 23 26 26 26 Thickness of Shell, inch i^ ^ ^ ^4 % H % ^ % Thickness of Heads, inch i\ ^ A % % % % % % Thickness of Furnace Plate, inch A A A hi % ' % {'e A A Number of Tubes (all 2 inches in diam.) 16 19 19 24 24 24 30 48 48 Length of Tubes, inches 18 24 30 25 37 49 33 34 46 Square Feet of Heating Surface 18 26 31 36 49 61 56 85 111 Diameter of Stack, inches 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 12 Weight of Bare Boiler, about 350 425 475 770 870 950 980 1,185 1,395 Weight of Complete Boiler, about 580 650 700 1,070 1,170 1,250 1,330 1.685 1,895 Price Of Boiler complete $57.00 $63.00 $69.00 $102.00 $114.00 $125,00 $134.00 $152.00 $167,00 GEO-B-eAR.PEK"TER S CO. "FULL-LENGTH-TUBE" VERTICAL BOILERS— Continued Number Horse-power l>iam. of Boiler, inclies Height of Boiler, feet Diam. of Furnace, inches Height of Furnace, inches Thickness of Shell, inch Thickness of Heads, inch Thickness of Furnace Plate, inch. . . Number of Tubes (all 2 in. in diam.) Length of Tubes, inches Square Feet of Heating Surface Diameter of Stack, inches , Weight of Bare Boiler, about Weight of Complete Boiler, about. 48 58 136 12 1,6(>0 2,100 Price of Boiler Complete $182.00 66 46 151 15 1,800 2,475 211.00 8 IS 36 6 30 26 y* % % 46 165 15 1,900 2,575 216.00 16 36 7 30 26 Va % ft 66 58 186 15 2,100 2,775 234.00 10 18 36 7 30 26 y* % ft 72 58 201 15 2,225 2, 68 232 15 2,450 3,125 !40.00 263.00 7*2 ft 56 252 18 2,825 3,750 285.00 13 25 42 36 30 ft % ft 92 61 272 18 2.975 3,900 300.00 623 68 299 18 3,200 4,125 315.00 Number 15 16 17 18 Horse-power 30 35 40 45 Diameter of Boiler, inches 42 42 48 48 Height of Boiler, feet 8>A 9% 8Vi 9 Diameter of Furnace, inches 36 36 42 42 Height of Furnace, inches 30 30 30 30 Thickness of Shell, inch ft ft iJ ii Thickness of Heads, inch % % % % Thickness of Furnace Plate, inch ft ft ft ft Number of Tubes (all 2 inches in diam.) 92 92 130 130 Length of Tubes, inches 74 85 74 80 Square Feet of Heating Surface 324 368 453 486 Diameter of Stack, inches 18 18 20 20 Weight of Bare Boiler, about 3,375 3,675 4,250 4,425 Weight of Complete Boiler, about 4,300 4,600 5.375 5,550 Price of Boiler Complete $329.00 353.00 436.00 458.00 20-inch Boilers are equipped with Lever Safety Valves and Round Bases wi with ^Vrougllt-l^on Bottom are not furnislied ^vith 20-inch Boilers. There charge for Round Base with \Vrousht-Iron Bottom. Boilers Nos. 20, 21 and to set on brich: walls. Fig. 91 19 50 48 10 42 30 Jl % ft 130 20 60 54 9 48 30 % % % 172 543 20 4,750 5.S75 639 24 ,100 ,500 495.00 617.00 ithout Bottom will be a slight addi 22 have flat iron plate 21 70 54 10 48 30 % % % 172 90 714 24 6,700 8,100 682.00 Round 22 .>-<» 54 12 48 30 % % 172 114 894 24 7,700 9,100 744;00 Bases tloual bases Number , Horse-power Diameter of Boiler, inches Height of Boiler, feet and inches Diameter of Furnace, inches Height of Furnace, inches Thickness of Shell, inch Thickness of Heads, inch Thickness of Furnace Plate, inch Number of Tubes (all 2 inches in diam.).... Length of Tubes, inches Square Feet of Heating Surface Diameter of Stack, inches Weight of Bare Boiler, about Weight of Complete Boiler, about Price of Boiler Complete. . $ O-E IVa 20 3'6" 16 18 550 7.00 GLASS A-E 2 20 4' 16 IS /i ft b'i 19 24 26 8 475 625 .00 B-B 20 4'6" 16 18 /^ ft ^j 19 30 31 8 525 675 69.00 1-E 4 24 4'6" 19 23 % % 24 25 36 8 750 930 102.00 2-E 5 24 5'6" 19 23 y* % y* 24 37 49 8 850 1,030 :14.00 3-E 6 24 6'6" 19 23 y* % y* 24 49 61 8 930 1,110 125.00 31^-E 6 27 5' 6" 21 26 I ft 30 33 56 10 950 1,150 134.00 30 5'8" 24 26 y* ft 48 34 85 12 1,120 1,450 152.00 Number Horse-power Diameter of Boiler, inches Height of Boiler, feet and inches Diameter of Furnace, inches Height of Furnace, inches Thickness of Shell, inch Thickness of Heads, inch Thickness of Furnace Plate, inch Number of Tubes (all 2 inches in diam.). Length of Tubes, inches Square Feet of Heating Surface Diameter of Stack, inches Weight of Bare Boiler, about Weight of Complete Boiler, about Price of Boiler Complete 5-B 10 30 6'8" 24 26 % % 111 12 ,330 6-E 12 30 7'8" 24 26 1 48 58 136 12 1,535 1,865 182.00 7-E 14 ft 66 46 151 15 1,725 2,125 211.00 S-E 15 ft 72 46 165 15 1,825 2,225 216.00 9-E 16 36 7'9" ft 66 58 186 15 2,025 2,425 234.00 10-E 18 36 7'9" I ft 72 58 201 15 2,150 2,550 240.00 11-E 20 36 8'9" 30 26 ft 72 68 232 15 2,375 2,775 263.00 12-i!; 22 42 7'8" 36 30 ft % h 56 252 18 2.755 3,175 285.00 Number Horse-po«-er Diam. of Boiler, inches Height of Boiler, ft. and in. . . Diameter of Furnace, inches. Height of Furnace, inches. . . Thickness of Shell, inch Thickness of Heads, inch. . . . Thickness of Furnace Plate, inch Number of Tubes (all 2 in. in diameter) Length of Tubes, inches Sq. Feet of Heating Surface. . Diameter of Stack, inches. . . . Weight of Bare Boiler, about . Wt. of Comp. Boiler, about 13-E 25 42 8'2" 36 30 92 61 272 18 ,895 .325 18 3,595 4,025 353.00 20 Inch Boilers are equipped with Lever Safety Valves. Price of Boiler Complete $300.00 14-B 27 42 92 68 299 18 3,120 3,550 315.00 15-E 30 42 9'2" 36 30 92 74 324 IS 3,295 3,725 329.00 16-E 35 42 10'2" 36 30 ft 17-E 40 48 9'2" 42 30 130 74 453 20 4,150 4,650 436.00 18-E 45 48 9-8" 42 30 H 130 80 486 20 4,325 4,825 458.Q0 19-E 50 48 10'7" 42 30 Ji % 130 90 543 20 4,650 5,150 495.00 20-E 60 54 9'7" 48 30 % % % 172 80 639 24 5,975 6,675 617.00 21-E 70 54 10'7" 48 30 % % % 172 90 714 24 6,575 7,275 682.00 22-E 80 54 12'7" 48 30 % 172 114 894 24 7,575 8,275 744.00 40 624 GEO-B'eAItPEM*TER ^ 60. LAP WELDED STEEL BOILER TUBES ECillER TDBB Our boiler tii1»es are made of onen hearth steel and conform to standard specifications adopted 1015. by American Society for Testing Materials. All Weights and Dimensions are Nominal Diameters Thickness Weight per Foot Length of Tube per square foot Square Feet of Surface per Lineal foot External Internal Inches E. TV'. G. Exact Theoretical Approx. Manufao- turingr External Surface Internal Surface External Surface Internal Surface Weight 11 1.560 1,810 2.060 2.282 .095 .095 .095 .109 13 13 13 12 1.679 1,932 2.186 2.783 1.84 2.10 2.38 3.00 2.182 1.909 1.697 1.527 2.448 2.110 1.854 1.673 .458 .523 .589 .654 .408 .473 .539 .597 1* 11 2.532 2.782 3.010 3.260 .109 .109 .120 .120 12 12 11 11 3.074 3.365 4.011 4.331 3.37 3.74 4.45 4.81 1.388 1.273 1.175 1.091 1.508 1.373 1.269 1.171 .719 .785 .850 .916 .662 .728 .788 .853 3% 3.510 3.732 4.232 4.704 .120 .134 .134 .148 11 10 10 9 4.652 5.532 6.248 7.669 5.17 6.08 6.S7 8.12 1.018 .954 .848 .763 1.088 1.023 .902 .812 .981 1.047 1.178 1.308 .918 .977 1.107 1.231 6 7 8 9 5.670 6.670 7.670 8.640 .165 .165 .165 .180 8 8 8 7 10.282 12.044 13.807 16.955 10.8 12.6 14.5 17.7 .636 .545 .477 .424 .673 .572 .498 .442 1.570 1.832 2.094 2.356 1.484 1.746 2.008 2.261 10 11 12 13 9.594 10.560 11.542 12.524 .203 .220 .229 .238 6 5 4 21.240 25.329 28.788 32.439 22.1 26.3 29.8 33.6 .381 .347 .318 .293 .398 .361 .330 .304 2.617 2.879 3.141 3.403 2.511 2.764 3.021 3.278 14 15 16 13.504 14.482 15.460 .248 .259 .270 3 36.424 40.775 45.359 37.7 42.1 46.8 .272 .254 .238 .282 .263 .247 3.665 3.926 4.188 3.535 3.791 4.047 Beading Tools are listed in index. LIST PRICES ] PER FOOT External Diameter inches Standard Thickness Minimum Price, per foot Birminprham "U^irf Gauge Inches Standard Thickness 1 One Wir Extra I Gauge Two Extra Wire Gauges Three Extra T\nre Gauges Four Extra TV^ire Gauges 1" 11 13 13 13 12 .095 .095 .095 .109 $0.22 .21 .24 .30 ii 0.26 .24 .27 .33 $0.28 .26 .29 .36 $0.31 .28 .32 .39 $0.34 .31 .35 .43 1" 12 12 n n .109 .109 .120 .120 .34 .38 .45 .48 .37 .41 .49 .53 .40 .45 .53 .58 .44 .49 .59 .64 .48 .54 .63 .69 3% 4 11 10 10 9 .120 .134 .134 .148 .52 .61 .69 .81 .57 .66 .75 .90 .62 .73 .83 .97 .68 .79 .89 1.08 .74 .88 .99 1.17 6 7 8 9 8 8 S .165 .165 .165 .180 l.OS 1.27 1.45 1.78 1.17 1.38 1.58 1.99 1.31 1.54 1.76 2.15 1.41 1.66 1.90 2.31 1.52 1.78 2.05 2.50 10 11 12 13 6 5 4 .203 .220 .229 .238 2.22 2.63 2.99 3.36 2.39 2.84 3.23 3.64 2.57 3.07 3.51 3.98 2.79 3.35 3.76 4.19 3.04 3.53 4.10 4.72 Boiler Tubes to special specifications, special prices on application. Tubes more than four gauges heavier than standard will be charged per pound. WE HAVE ON HAXD A LARGE STOCK OF TUBES AND FERRULES GEO-B-CAIiPEl^TER ^ (EO, GRATE BARS These bars are cast to order — Pi-ice on Application IMPROVED GRATE BAR Fig. 1211 Lenjjtb, Inches Weigrht. lbs. Metal, Inches Air Space, Inches AVeisht, lbs. 33 ^ Vz 1/2 65 36 G Vs % 73 43 G Vz 1/2 86 48 6 1/2 1/3 100 54 6 1/2 1/2 115 60 6 1/2 1/2 130 66 6 1/2 1/2 142 72 6 1/2 % 160 COMMON GRATE BARS Fig:. 1208, Single Light Patten GRATES FOR UPRIGHT BOILERS Lcnxth, Inches Width. Inches 24 2 3/, 10 26 2% 11 27 2% 12 28 2% 13 30 2% 14 33 2% 17 36 3 18 42 3 20 48 3 24 54 3 27 60 3 34 66 31/2 52 72 31/2 57 Fig. 1207, Double, Light Pattera Width. Inches Weijjht. lbs. 24 2% 20 1/2 26 2% 22 % 27 ! 2 3/4 23 V2 28 2 3/4 24 V2 30 ! 2% 26 Vz 33 2% 34 1/2 36 3 36 1/2 42 j 3 40 1/2 48 3 48 1/2 54 ! 3 54 1/2 60 1 3 68 Vz 66 31/2 104 % 72 31/2 11 4 % Pig. 1214, In Two Parts Also furnished in three parts Fig. 1213, In One Piece Diam.. In. Lbs. 16 45 18 50 20 75 22 85 24 95 25 100 26 120 27 122 28 125 29 145 30 150 32 180 34 190 35 225 36 235 40 425 42 430 43 440 We are in position to furnish on short notice sizes and types not listed above. 620 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER X So. FUSIBLE PLUGS— FLUE BLOWERS Regular lengih Fig. 75». For Out- side Ini^ertioii Fig:. 751. For In- side Insertion Fig. 752. For Out- side Insertion Fig. 753. For In- side Insertion 50, 1914, by the Steamboat Inspection Serv- Laws requiring Fusible Plugs with RECOMMENDATIONS Nos. 750 and 751 for ordinary service. Nos. 753 and 753 to comply with the rules issued June ice of the United States Government. Nos. 752 and 753 to comply >vith the various State and City exton!«ion.s. Plugs should be installed in direct passage of the Are or gases with small end of the Banca Tin exposed to the fire or gases. These Plugs are ]VOT to be used inside' a steam drum, etc., where the tem- perature of the steam is used as a fusing agent. STAMPING Nos. 750 and 751 are stamped as shown. Nos. 752 and 753 are stamped as shown and in addition have the heat number stamped in compli- ance with the Steamboat Inspection Service of the Uniteid States Government. CONSTRUCTION The No. 750 is made re'gular length and constructed for outside insertion. The No. 751 is made regular length and constructed for inside insertion. The No. 752 is made extra long (having an exten- sion one inch beyond the thread) and constructed for outside insertion only. The No. 753 is made extra long and constructed for inside insertion only. We can furnish these to order any length desired, at special prices according to quantity wanted. ORDERING In ordering, always give style, number and size. When not otherwise specified, the outside type Will be furnished as follows: No. 7.50 — For ordinary service. No. 752 — For the Steamboat Inspection Service of thel United States Government and for various State and City Laws. _ _ ^^^„ ^,„„ OUTSIDE OR FIRE SIDE si^e : inches | % % 1 1% IVa a No. 750 and No. 751 each 1 $0.60 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 No. 752 and No. 753 each 1 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 Our Fusible Plugs are filled with BANCA TIN. STEAM FLUE BLOWERS Fig. 2S6 Made In two styles: One for Horizontal Boilers as shown in cut and one' for Vertical Boilers. These Blowers are simple in construction and easy to operate. Size Number of Blower Size of Tubes Outside Diameter Inches Size of Steam Hose Inches Size of Pipe Thread Nipple Inches Price. Inclnding Clamps for Hose and Nipple Each 1 IV4 tol% % V2 $ 5.00 1 1 2 to2y4 % V2 5.00 -> ■ 2 1/2 to 2 % % % 6.25 3 3 to 3% 1 1 7.50 4 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 1 1 8.75 5 1 4 to 4 1/2 ly* 11/4 10.00 « ' 5 to 6 1V2 1% 12.50 llnlesti other\i Ise instructed. Blowers fo r Horizontal Boilers \ vlll always be furn ished. For Vertical Boilers give diameter of Fire Box and height from tube sheet to bottom of furnace 0.00 1 or 1 14 $60.00 100 2 1 orl 14 $7.'..00 I'ipe size Approximate weight Drip Outlet to Head First Section of Drip, reduced. Price •lies s it 10 12 14 10 IS 125 160 190 240 350 460 550 21^ 21/2 2% 3 3 3y2 4 1 '/4 or 1 V2 1 V4 or 1 y„ iy2 or 2 1 V2 or 2 2 or 2 y. 2V2 or 3 3 or 314 !S»0.0« $io.-.oo $12.%.00 si.'io.oo $200.00 $2.50.00 $300.00 Price of heads 20 to 48 inches diameter on application. FOR PIPE, FITTIXGS AND BOILER ROOM SUPPLIES. SEE INDEX 630 GEO-BCARPEhfTER S &0, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING BOILERS The principal consideration in a boiler is the ease with which it can be operated, its ability to do the work for long periods, and its eco- nomic features. The large fire chamber and the combustion space, together with the effec- tive direct fire surfaces, with large flues, all tend to make it an economical boiler. The fire pot has, without exception, more effective heat absorbing surface than other makes of fire pots from one to two inches larger in diameter. This is also true of the section and domes; their construction permitting twenty- five per cent more surface than the ordinary flat bottom type. They are compact and dur- able, show a high efficiency test and will do the work assigned to them when properly installed. All boilers are assembled, thoroughly tested and inspected before leaving the factory; in- suring material free from defects on arrival at destination. Be sure and let us figure on your boiler re- quirements. RATINGS AND PRICES 1909 Series — Steam 1909 Series — ^Water • ! i 3 .c .a 5« pC S cd >5 5 " i Em a h o 1 jl o P 1 ft z o C as a Si i 1-16S 16 15 10.2 1-3 1-3 7 275 $150 16-lW 16 10.2 1-3 1-3 7 450 $135 1-18S 18 1.7 13.1 2-2% 2-2% 7 325 170 18-lW 18 13.1 2-2% 2-2% 7 525 150 2-188 18 1.7 13.1 2-2% 2-2% 7 375 190 18-2W 18 1.7 13.1 2-2% 2-2% 7 600 170 3-18S 18 1.7 13.1 2-2% 2-2% 7 400 210 18-3W 18 13.1 2-2% 2-2% 7 650 190 1-21S 21 2.4 ie.5 2-3 2-3 8 450 220 21-lVV 21 1S.5 2-3 2-3 8 750 200 2-21S 21 2.4 16.5 2-3 2-3 8 500 240 21-2W 21 2.4 165 2-3 2-3 8 825 220 3-21S 21 2.4 16.5 2-3 2-3 8 550 260 21-3W 21 16.5 2-3 2-3 8 900 240 2-24S 24 3 22 2-3 2-3 9 650 290 24-2W 24 22 2-3 2-3 9 1075 270 3-24S 24 3 22 2-3 2-3 9 700 310 24-3W 24 22 2-3 2-3 9 1175 290 4-248 24 3 22 2-3 2-3 9 750 330 24-4W 24 22 2-3 2-3 9 1250 310 2-288 28 4.2 26.8 2-3% 2-3% 10 875 365 28-2W 28 4.2 26.S 2-3% 2-3% 10 1425 340 3-288 28 4.2 26.8 2-3% 2-3% 10 950 390 28-3W 28 4.2 26.8 2-3% 2-3% 10 1550 365 4-28S 28 4.2 26.8 2-3% 2-3% 10 1000 415 28-4W 28 4.2 26.8 2-3% 2-3% 10 1650 390 2-31S 31 5.2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 1125 440 31-2W 31 5.2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 1850 410 3-318 31 5.2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 1200 470 31-3W 31 5.2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 2000 440 4-318 31 5 2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 1275 500 31-4W 31 5.2 •31.8 2-4 2-4 10 2100 470 5-318 31 5.2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 1325 530 31 5W 31 5.2 31.8 2-4 2-4 10 2200 500 FOR BOILER AND FIRE ROOM TOOLS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIiRE^fTER « QO. 631 RADIATOR VALVES AND FITTINGS Fig. 47A, Crane Valve Fig. 202 Fig. 204 Fig. 206 Fig. 208 Key Fig. 310 AUTOMATIC AIR VALVES For Direct Radiation ill remove all air from a heating system, shuts off all steam and water automatically. Fig. 47B. Paul Valve The Crane Valve The Paul A'alve, made with drain-pipe connection and designed to be used in connection with the Paul Vacuum or any other drain-pipe system of heating 1 Crane Valve Paul Valve Price. plated each 1 1.25 1 L'5 COMPRESSION RADIATOR AIR VALVES Chased Iron Pipe 1 Plated Size >o. 202, No. 204. No. 206, No. 208, No. 210. all brass wood wheel wood wheel, with nose. lock and shield lock and shield incites .each .each .each .each , .each Ke}8 for No8. 208 and 210, extra; plated, each 18 cents. MODULATING RADIATOR VALA^S Brass, Self -Ad justing Packed StuflQng Box, with Union Fig. 231 Fig. 112. With Union Size inches % 1 1 1 IV4 No. 231, rought body, plated all over a ■h 1 3.90 1 4.70 1 6.25 These valves allow control of the steam flow to each radiator of a heatir UNION ELBOWS For Hot Water Radiators Brass g plant. Size incheH 1 % 1 % 1 t 1 ly* 1 1% 1 2 No. 192, rough body, plated all over each | 1.7.-> 1 2.00 1 2.50 1 3.20 1 4.00 1 7.00 No. 194, finished all over each | 2.00 1 2 20 1 2.75 1 3.60 1 4 GO 1 7.50 No. 196. finished and plated all over each I 2.2.T 1 2.40 1 3.00 1 3.90 1 4.85 1 8.50 To facilitate ordering, simply state ^^ize and number; the number sufhciently indicates the style and Finished, and Finished and Plated Elbows, are made to order only. Fig. 112. RADIATOR VALVIES With Composition Discs, \\<»o(i Wheel Si/e '/. 1 ■■V4 , 1 1% 1% 2 No. 1 12. rough body plated all ovci- each 1 ?. 15 1 3.80 1 4.75 6.4 S.IO 13.10 These valves will satisfactorily answer the purpose where the jobs are small and the steam pressure for the small difference In cost, we recommend the use of our Standard Valve, which is heavier and Is nrticle. FOR HE3ATI1VG BOILERS AND RADIATORS, SEE INDEX Still. a good A 632 GEO-B-CAIiPErfTER ^ So. RADIATORS— SPECIAL UNIONS We illustrate on this page two radiators which are part of an extensive line we stock for prompt shipment. Noth- ing has been spared in assembling^these radiators, and they represent the highest point of perfection in design, material and workmanship. It is not possible for us to list the entire line we carry, and Ave invite your inquiries on any style you may have need for. We A\ill give your correspondence our piompt attention and the prices we will quote will be highly in- teresting. Fis. 8661. IViiigara Six Column, 17 inches high. Steam or AVater , Fig. 8660. Triumph, T«o Column. NIAGARA DIRECT RADIATION Height ^ inches | 45 | 44| 38| 32| 26[ 23| 23| 20| 18| 17] 14| 12 List prices per square foo t |$0.35|.35|.35|.38|.42|.44l.45|.48|.50|.51|. 541.56 BRASS TO IRON SEAT UNIONS ^'^e inches | ^6 | M | 9^ I ^^ I Darts Union, plain each |$U.30 Darts Union, galvanized " | .45 Chicago Union, plain " I . . . . Chicago Union, with galv. ends . . " | . . . . .80 1.20 .48 .60 1M|1^^| 2 I 2^1 3 I 3^^ I 4 1.20 1.80 .82 1.60 2.40 .80 1.10 2.00 3.00 1.14 1.40 3.20 4.80 2.10 2.75 4.80 7.20 2.65 3.50 7.20 10.80 10.80 16.20 Geo-B-Carpem'ter « eo. G33 CONTRACTORS' STOVES JAP A Low Priced Cannon Stove Modern type, with Dump and Shaking Grate. A satisfactory heater and a popular seller. Xo. Height, inches Weight, Ibl. Diam. ot Fire Pot, inche.s List Price, 9 11 13 15 17 24 28 34 36 38 39 52 03 70 72 9 11 13 15 17 $5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 "MONTOUR GLOBE" CANNON Especially Kecomniended for Contractors Shanties With Anti-Clinker, Center Discharge Grate. For anthracite or bituminous coal. No. Height, inches Weight, lbs. Diam. of Fire Pot, inches Price « 2 3 4 5 41% 443/4 48 52^8 105 161 193 283 131/8 143/4 17 20 $15.00 19.00 F 23.00 27.00 Can be mounted Avith drum at $4.00 extra. SENATOR For Hard or Soft Coal A plain Stove of good weight. Dump and Shaking Grate. No. Height Less Drum, in. Inside Diam. of Fire Pot in. Price 16 18 20 40 45 50 16 18 20 $31.00 35.00 39.00 Drum, extra, $4.00 Copper Tank, extra, $8.00 THE "KING" Adapted for Heating School Houses, Halls and Factories. Heavy AVeijjht LarRe Sizes Fig. 16. "Senator" NO. Weight, lbs. Height. ft. in. Diam. Top Fire Chamber, in. Price 21 22 23 24 185 250 320 460 3 9 4 3 4 1/2 4 6 16 19 20 22 $27.00 29.00 33.00 39.00 Fig. 21. "King" ADJUSTABLE ELBOWS Neither Too Loose Nor Too Tight 6-inch per doz. $2.20 Dampers each .15 Collars " .10 STOVE PIPE 6 inch per length $0.12 7 inch " " .15 Can furaish galvanized at additional price. 634 GEOBeAR.REN"TER S (EO. WATER, GAS AND STEAM PIPE PIPE Our stock of pipe i»« much larger than that usually carried by jobbing houses, due to the hea^'y orders we receive daily and the range of sizes we are invariably called upon to ship "at once." We are in position to take care of your requirements promptly, whether you want a* single length, or carloads. PIPE TRADE CUSTOMS Merchant Pipe. Used to indicate the regular pipe of the market and such orders are usually filled by the shipments of soft wrought steel pipe. The weight of Merchant Pipe will usually be found to be about 5 per cent less than card weight, in sizes 7 inch to 12 inch inclusive. Extra Strong Pipe. Designates a heavy pipe, from % to 8 inches only, made of either puddled wrought iron or soft steel. Unless directed to the' contrary we usually ship wrought steel pipe. Extra Strong Pipe is always shipped with plain ends and without couplings, unless we receive instructions to thread and couple', for which there is an extra charge. This term, when applied to pipe larger than 8 inch is some- what indefinite as 9, 10 and 12 inch are made both i\ and Vz inch thick. Stock sizes, V2 inch thick, and this is always furnished on open orders. Double Extra Strong Pipe. Approximately twice as heavy as Extra Strong, and is made from % to 8 inch in both wrought iron and steel. It is difficult, however, to find any quantity in "wrought iron," and our stock is usually soft wrought steel. This pipe is shipped with plain ends without couplings, unless we receive orders to thread and couple for which there is an extra cliarge. SPECIALi IVOTICE — Due to the large number of carloads of pipe we have on hand for immediate ship- t, our prices are always as low — and sometimes lower— than it is possible to obtain else^vhere. STANDARD BUNDLING SCHEDULE— For Ordering Pipe NUMBER OF FEET AND AVERAGE WEIGHT OF PIPE PER BUNDLE Pipe Extra Strong Pipe Rouble Extra Strong Pipe Size Average Average Average Inches per Bundle per Bundle per Bundle per Bundle , per Bundle per Bundle Feet WelRht Feet 1 Weight Feet 1 Weight % 500 123 500 157 . . . % 24 420 179 24 400 214 . . . . . . % 18 340 193 18 330 244 % 12 240 204 12 230 250 7 130 223 % 7 140 159 7 140 206 5 95 232 1 5 100 168 5 100 217 3 60 220 1% 3 60 137 3 60 180 3 60 313 IVa 3 60 164 3 60 218 3 60 384 LIST OF IMERCHANT THREADS FOR AVROUGHT IRON PIPE Size . . . . . inches! % \ U \ % M^ 1 M 1 1 |1M |U6 1 2 |2^ 1 3 \3% \ 4 \4}^ Price . . . .each| .05 1 .05 1 .05 1 .05 1 .05 | .06 | .07 | .08 | .10 | .15 | .20 | .25 | .35 | .45 Size . . . . .inclies| 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 15 1 10 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 ai Price each] .55 1 .70 1 .85 1 1.00 1 1.25 | 1.50 | 2.50 | 3.50 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 8.00 |10.00|12.50|15.00 FOR PRICES OX PIPE, SEE NEXT PAGE GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « QO. 635 STANDARD STEEL PIPE "Welgbts and Dimeusionsi as Shown In All Tables Are Nominal FULL STANDARD WEIGHT— BLACK AND GALVANIZED List Price per foot Diameter, inches Thickness inches Weight, lbs., per Foot Threads per inch External Internal T>t • T? J 1 Threads and Plam Ends | couplings 1 $0,051/2 .06 .06 .081/2 .405 .540 .675 .840 .269 .364 .493 .622 .068 .088 .091 .109 .244 .424 .567 .850 .245 .425 .568 .852 27 18 18 14 34 1 ' IV2 .23 .27 Va 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 .824 1.049 1.380 1.610 .113 .133 .140 .145 1.130 1.678 2.272 2.717 1.134 1.684 2.281 2.731 14 11% 11% 11 Va 2 31/2 .37 .58 1^ ■if" 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 2.067 2.469 3.068 3.548 .154 .203 .216 .226 3.652 5.793 7.575 9.109 3.678 5.819 7.616 9.202 8 8 4 6 1.09 1.27 1.48 1.92 4.500 5.000 5.563 6.625 4.026 4.506 5.047 6.065 .237 .247 .258 .280 10.790 12.538 14.617 18.974 10.889 12.642 14.810 19.185 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 9 2.38 2.50 2.88 3.45 7.625 8.625 8.625 9.625 7.023 8.071 7.981 8.941 .301 .277 .322 .342 23.544 24.696 28.554 33.907 23.769 25.000 28.809 34.188 8 8 1 10 10 ii 3.20 3.50 4.12 4.63 10.750 10.750 10.750 11.750 10.192 10.136 10.020 11.000 .279 .307 .365 .375 31.201 34.240 40.483 45.557 32.000 35.000 41.132 46.247 1 8 8 12 12 13 14 4.50 5.07 5.60 6.10 12.750 12.750 14.000 15.000 12.090 12.000 13.250 14.250 .330 .375 .375 .375 43.773 49.562 54.568 58.573 45.000 50.706 55.824 60.375 8 8 8 8 Furnished 'with threads and oouplini^s and in random lengths unless otherwise ordered. EXTRA STRONG STEEL PIPE PULL STANDARD AVEIGHT — BLACK AND GALVANIZED Size IJst Trice, per foot Diameter inches Thickness inches Weisrht per foot External Internal Plain Ends Vs $0.12 .405 .215 .095 .314 V4. .071/2 .540 .302 .119 .535 Yf .071/2 .675 .423 .126 .738 .^ .11 .840 .546 .147 1.087 .15 1.050 .742 .154 1.473 1 .22 1.315 .957 .179 2.171 1% .30 1.660 1.278 .191 2.996 1^ •iSJ4 1.900 1.500 .200 3.631 2 .501/2 2.375 1.939 .218 5.022 2% .77 2.875 2.323 .276 7.661 3 1.03 3.500 2.900 .300 10.252 3% 1.25 4.000 3.364 .318 12.505 4,, 359 4.500 3.826 .337 14.983 4% 1.80 5.000 4.290 .355 17.611 5 2.08 5.563 4.813 .375 20.778 6 2.86 6.625 5.761 .432 28.573 7 3.81 7.625 6.625 .500 38.048 8 4.34 8.625 7.625 .500 43.388 9 4.90 9.625 8.625 .500 48.728 10 5.48 10.750 9.750 .500 54.735 11 6.10 11.750 10.750 .500 60.075 12 6.55 12.750 11.750 .500 65.415 DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG STEEL PIPE — BLACK AND GALVANIZED Size last Price, per foot Diameter, inches Thickness inches Weierht per foot External | Internal Plain Ends ,^ ■10.32 .840 .252 .294 1.714 .35 1.050 .434 .30S 2.440 .37 1.315 .599 .358 3.659 IVi .52% 1.660 .896 .382 5.214 l^ .65 1.900 1.100 .400 6.408 2% .91 2.375 1.503 .436 9.029 1.37 2.875 1.771 .552 13.695 §„ 1.86 3.500 2.300 .600 18.583 3% 2.30 1-222 2.728 .636 22.850 2.76 1^00 3.152 .674 27.541 3.26 5.000 3.580 .710 32.530 6 7 8 3.86 5.563 4.063 .750 38.552 6.625 4.897 .864 53.160 U^J 5.875 .875 63.079 8.625 6.875 .875 72.424 63G GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ Co, SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE m'rm< SPIR&, I: RIVETED F Galvanized Pipe is furnished in any lengths up to 20 feet and is used for exhaust steam, suc- tion pipe, paper and pulp, compressed air, etc. Asphalted Pipe is furnished in any lengths up to 30 feet and is used for discharge pipe, dredg- ing, hydraulic mining, pump mains, flow lines, etc. In ordering always specify Gauge, see foot n ote. PRICES AVITH PLAIN ENDS, WITHOUT CONNTDCTIONS V 5 Price per Foot SI 1 ."0 Price per Foot ^ 4 b ot/i ^ 1 III si S pl v'^^^ ill Asphalt, Gal- Asphalt, Gal- £'^ c p. S cj Coated vanized p, 3 ^ oi !c . d Coated vanized ^^^ aafs, fl5.S H^O %s < 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 IVs 1 .fs ^n 1 Price .::.::.::::..::::::.:.! each 1 $.27 I .f8 I .32 I .35 1 .38 1 .80 Larger sizes, prices on application. HOOK PLATES, BEAM HOOKS AND COIL STANDS Pis 158. Hook Plates Nnmber of Hooks 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 .each .each .each .each .09 . .10 .15 .18 .21 .28 .43 .23 .27 .43 .65 .26 .32 .58 .90 .32 .41 .72 1.15 .38 52 For 11/4 For 1% For 2 in in pipe 3 ins between centers . in. pipe, SVa ins. between centers pipe, 4% ins. between centers... .88 .22 1.35 BRANCH TEES Branches R. H. Run Open Run Open R. H. Pig. Branches R. H. Branches L. H. Inlet Open R. H. Pig. 2 Outlet Open R. He Pig. 3 Inlet Open R. H. The run and back opening- of Branch Pees are tapped the same size as branches, unless othe»r- wise ordered . Always order Branch Tees by size and number a 1 in Branch Tees 1% in. Branch Tees VA in. Branch Tees 2in Branch Tees ^^: 2^A in. Center to 3 in. Center to 3V2 in. Center to 4y2 ^1 Center Center Center Center 1 in. or \Vt in. Run 1% in. Run 2 in. Run IV4 in. or 1% Run 2 in. Run 2% m. Run 1% in. or 2 in. Run ''iZ 3 in. Run 2 m. Run ZY2 In. or 3 in. Run 3% in. Run 2 $.90 1.00 1.15 3 1.05 1.15 1.35 1.65 1.90 2.40 2.70 3.45 3.80 5.25 5.75 6.25 4 1.15 1.30. 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.85 3.35 4.15 4.60 6.40 7 00 7:75 5 1.35 Ml 1.85 2.40 2.90 3.55 4.00 5.00 5.50 7.65 8.50 9.25 6 1.60 1.75 2.10 2.80 3.30 3.95 4.65 5.75 6.25 8.80 9.75 10.75 7 l.JiO 2.20 2.45 3.20 3.90 4.20 5.25 6.50 7.25 10.60 11.75 13 00 8 2.20 2.45 2.75 3.60 4.50 4.95 5.85 7.00 7.75 11.50 12.75 14.00 9 2.1)5 2.90 Mi9 4.30 5.25 6.15 6.50 8.25 9.00 12.25 13.50 15.00 10 3.30 4.00 4.80 5.85 6.85 7.60 9.25 10.00 13.50 15.00 1650 \l 4.50 4.80 5.00 6.25 7.25 8.00 9.75 10.75 12 4.75 5.10 5.25 6.50 7.65 8.50 10.50 11.60 13 5.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.25 _ 14 7.00 7.25 6.75 7.75 9.00 15 7.50 7.75 7.50 8.50 9.75 16 8.00 8.25 8.50 9.50 10.75 Back or Side Outlets Charged as Additional Front Outlets 1 inch Branch Tees, 1 inch or ly^ inch run are 1% inches inside diameter, l inoh Branch Tees. 1% Inch or 2 inch run. are 2% Inches inside diame'ter. 1% inch Branch Tees are all 2V2 inches inside diameter. 1% inch Branch Tetes are all 2% inches inside diameter. 2 inch Branch Tees are all 3% inches inside diameter. Geo -B- Carp E^fTER « So. 641 JENKINS VALVES Screwed. Fig. 106 Screwed, Fig. lOS Screwed, Fig. 110 Screwed, Fig. 128 BRASS GLOBE VAIiVES Standard Pattern Suitable for 150 lbs. working- steam pressure, or 250 lbs. working- water pressure. Screwed, No. 106 % 1 y* \ % 1 % 1 % 1 1 1 1% ! IVa ' 2 1 2% 1 :i 1.10 1 1.10 1 1.25 1 1.60 1 2.-20 | 2.80 | 4.00 | 5.50 | 8.75 | 15.75 22.00 BRASS ANGLE VALVES Standard Pattern Suitable for 150 lbs. working- steam pressure, or 250 lbs. working water pressure. Screwed, No. 108 % ! % 1 % 1 Va 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 IVa 1 3 | 2% 3 1.10 1 1.10 1 1.25 1 1.60 1 2.20 | 2.80 | 4.00 | 5.50 | 8.75 | 15.75 22.00 BRASS CROSS VALVES Standard Pattern Suitable for- 150 lbs. working- steam pressure, or 250 lbs. working- water pressure. Screwed, No. 110 % 1 % 1 Va i % 1 1 1 1% 1 IV2 13 1 SVa 3 1.70 1 2.00 1 2.25 1 2.50 | 3.25 | 4.75 | 6.25 | 9.50 | 20.00 27.50 BRASS GLOBE VALVES Extra Heavy Pattern Suitable for 300 lbs. working steam pressure, or 500 lbs. working- water pressure. Screwed, No. 128 v-i \ % 1 y2 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 iy2 1 2 1 2y2 1 3 3.00 1 3.50 1 4.00 1 5.00 1 6.50 | 8.25 | 11.00 | 16.00 | 33.00 ■ 45.00 JENKINS CHECK VALVES Fig. 117-s Sectional View of Standard Pattern Horizontal Brass Check Valves Horizontal, Screwed Fig. 117 Angle, Screwed Fig. 118 i Vertical, Screwed Fig. 119 Screwed, Fig. 352 BRASS CHECIi VAL\TES Standard Pattern Horizontal, Angle and Vertical Horizontal No. 117, Angle No. 118, or Vertical No. 119, Screwed Suitable for 150 lbs. working- pressure. Size 1 >4 1 % t % 1 Vz 1 % 111 iy4 1% 1 2 1 3M. i 3 1 1.10 1.10 1 1.20 1 1.30 1 1.90 1 2.60 1 3.60 5.00 1 7.50 1 14.00 1 21.00 BRASS SWING CHECIi VALVES Standard Pattern No. 352 Suitable for 150 lbs. working pressure. Size 1 % % 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 1% 1 2 1 3% 1 S 1 1.20 1.30 1 1.90 1 2.60 1 3.60 1 5.50 1 7.50 1 14.00 1 21.00 642 GEO•B•eAliPE^fTER « So. JENKINS VALVES Screwed, Fig. 325 Flanged, Fig. 326 Screwed, Fig. 370 STANDARD GATE VALVES Iron Body, Composition Mounted, Inside Screw, Stationary Spindle Fig. 325 Screwed. Fig. 326 Flanged 2 to 16 inch, suitable for 125 lbs. Steam Pre'ssure; 175 lbs. Water 18 to 30 inch, suitable for 100 lbs. Steam Pressure; 125 lbs. Water Sizes TTT7. I 2 I 2V2 I 3 | 3Vg | 4 | 4V2 | 5 [6 | T~\ S | 9 | 10 | 12 " Screwed $10. 00111.50114. 00117. U0|19.00|24, 00127. 50|32.50|45. 00154. 00176. 00190.001125. 00 Flanged I 12.00|l3.50|l6.50|19.50|23.00|28.00|31.50|36.50i49.00|58.00|S1.00|95.00|l33.00 Sizes I 14 I 15 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24~T26 | 28 | 30 Flanged I $181.00|220.00|260.00|350.00|425.00|530.00|600.00|800.00|950.00|1,100.00 BRASS GATE VALVES Standard Pattern, Stationary Spindle, Inside Screw " Fig. 370 Suitable for 125 Pounds Working Steam Pressure, or 175 Pounds Working Water Pressure. Sizes I V4 I % V2 I % I 1 |1% IIV2 I 2 I 2V2 I 3 Price I $1.45|1.45|1.65|2.05|2.80|3.70|5.00|7.30|13. 00119.00 Screwed, Fig. 376 BRASS GATE VALVES Standard Pattern, with Sliding Stem and Lever Quick Opening Suitable for 125 Pounds Working Steam Pressure or 175 Pounds Working Water Pressure. Screwed, Fig. 376 Sizes I V2 % I 1 |1% llVz I 2 I 2V2 I 3 Price |$3.50|3.60|4.80|6.20|S.50|11.80|20.25|30.00 Flanged, Fig. 377 Sizes 1% 11^ I 2 I 2% I 3 Price' |$12.50|14.50|18.50|29.50|40.00|50.00 Fig. 210 BALL GAUGE-GOGK With Jenkins Bros. Composition Plug This Gauge-Cock is very simple and durable, and as a Jenkins Bros. Composition Plug is used to make the seat, it will remain tight for long periods. Should the plug become worn by use and the joint leak, it may be' easily made tight by truing up the end of the plug with a fine file or sandpaper. This will shorten the plug slightly, and the long screw at the end of ball should then be turned in until the ball stands in a horizontal position. With or- dinary use the plug will last seiveral years, and can be renewed very cheaply. Sizes .1 % I % Fig. 210 |$1.50|$1.50 GEO''■B•-eAR.P_E^fTER S CO. 643 JENKINS VALVES standard Patterns, with Yoke, Iron Body, Composition Mounted Screwed, Fig. 141 Flanged, Fig. 142 Scre^ved, Fig. 143 Fig. 141 GLOBE VALVES, A\7TH YOKE Suitable for 150 lbs, working steam pressure, or 250 lbs, working water pressure Screwed, Fig. 145 Siye. inejies I 3 | 2J/L>| :iV^\ 4 14^3 I 5 I « I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I la I 14 I 16 1 18 I 20 | 24 Screwed, No. 141 10.00 12.00 16.75119.50 24. 00i32.00:40.00,4S. 00, 80.00;H0.Q0, 121. 00;i30.00,lS5. 001 Flanged, No. 142 |11.75ll4.00,18.50|21.50i26.00i34.00 42.00 SO.OOjsQ.OO 90.00|121.00,130.00|18S.OO|334.00|400.00|540.00ii;20.00 1,200.00 Fig. 143 ANGLE VALVES, AVITH YOlvE Size, inches | 3 | '2V.\ 3 l-SVal 4 | 4% | 5 I 7 I 8 I 9 12 I 14 I la I 18 I 20 I 24 Screwed. No. 143 . . *Flanged, No. 144. ■ 1 0.00 12.00il6.75!19.50|24.00 32.00 40.00 48.00 SQ.QO 'jQ.OO 121.00,130.00 1S5.00I I I I I . |1'.75 14.00ilS.50, 21. 50i26.00134.00l42.00 50.00180.00, 90. 00 121. 00'130.00|1S5.001334.00 [400.00 540.00 020.00 1.260.00 Fig. 145 CROSS VALVES, AVaXH YOJiE I 3V2 I 4% I Screwed, No. 145 ... I 16.00 | 21.00 26.00 I 30.00 I 42.00 | 45.00 58.00 I 90.00 I 100.00 'Flanged. No. 14G. | 19.00 | 24.00 | 29.00 | 33.00 | 45.00 | 48.00 | 62.00 | 90.00 | * Xot Illustrated. Fig. 152 Horizontal. Screwed, Fig. 151 Angle, Screwed. Fig. 152 Vertical, Screwed, Fig. 152a Y OR BLOW-OFF VALVES ^'^''* """^Flgi'iV '" ^""*" Standard Pattern, witli Yoke, Iron Body, Composition Mounted witli Renewable Seat Rings Suitable for l.")0 lbs, working steam pressure, or 250 lbs, working water pressure. Screwed, Fig. 296 Sizes 1 2 1 21/2 1 3 Fig. 296 1 11.00 1 15.00 1 20.00 IRO\ BODY CHECK VALVES— Standard Pattern Horizontal, Angle or Vertical, Screwed. Figs. 151, 152 and 152A Suitable for 150 lbs. working pressure. Sizes 1 2 1 2>/2 1 3 1 :iV2 1 4 1 4V. 1 5 | 6 | 7 1 8 List I'rlee . . . 1 S.OO 1 11.00 1 14.00 1 17.00 1 20.00 | 25.00 | 30.00 | 40.00 | 65.00 80.00 No. 180 CORNER VALVES Offset Pattern, with Wood Wheels With Male or Female Unions, Right or Left Hand Outlet No. Sizes ^ V-. % J I'/i 1\^ 2 6 Rough body, finished trimmings -T.oT 3.50 3.35 3.45 3.90 -rs5- 4.40 4.15 4.25 4.80 4.75 5.30 5.05 5.15 5./0 6.45 7.05 6.85 6.95 7.45 8.55 9.65 8.85 8.95 10.05 13.85 7 Finished all over 15.25 8 Rough bo^.y, nickel plated trimmings 14.15 9 Rough body, n-:ckel plated all over 14.25 10 Finished and nickel plated all over 15.65 Please state whether RIGHT or LEFT HAND Valves are required, and apecliy Style or Finish by NUMBE/R, 644 Geo-BCarpeN'ter « eo. JENKINS VALVES Angle, Fig. 114 ■ Screwed, Fig. 124 Angle, Male Union, Fig. 168 BRASS HOSE GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Threaded on Outlet for Hose Connection Suitable for 250 Pounds Working- Water Pressure Screwed Inlet, with Cap and Chain, Angle, Fig. 114, or Globe, Fig. 114A (not lllngtrated) % 1 ly* 1% 2 2y2 3 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings $4.00 4.65 5.05 5.50 5.90 $5.00 5.75 6.15 6.50 6.90 $7.00 7.80 8.20 8.70 9.00 $ 9.50 10.50 10.90 11.70 12.00 $15.00 16.50 16.90 16.80 17.20 $22.00 24.80 25.40 27.50 28.00 $30.00 32.80 33 40 N. P. with brass wheel Finished All Over 37.50 BRASS Y OR BLOW-OFF VALVES Standard Pattern With Renewable Seat Rings Suitable for 150 Pounds Working Steam Pressure, or 250 Pounds Working Water Pressure. Fig. 124 Sizes 1 % 1 Vz 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 lYz 1 2 1 2y2 1 3 Prices . . . $2.00I$2.00I$.'?.OUI$4.00I$.S.OOIS6.50IS9.25I$18.00I$25.00 RADIATOR VALVES Globe or Angle, with Wood Wheels. With Male or Female Unions For Convenience, Please Specify Style or Finish by NUMBER Fig. 168 Rough body, finished trimmings Finished all over Rough body, nickel plated trimmings. Rough body, nickel plated all over.... Finished and nickel plated all ove'r. . . % Vz % 1 1% 1% $7.75 $2.60 $2.75 $3.50 $4.30 $5.85 3.00 3.20 4.00 4.80 6.40 8.75 2.90 3.05 3.80 4.60 6.15 8.05 3.00 3.15 3.90 4.70 6.25 8.15 3.45 3.60 4.40 5.20 6.80 9.15 $12.60 13.85 12.90 13.00 14.25 Fig. 12« Fig. 139 wm^m^ Fig. 137 GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Iron Body, with Brass Hub Suitable for 125 Pounds Working Steam Pressure, or 175 Pounds Working Water Pressure. Globe, Fig. 137, or Angle, Fig. 139, Screwed % I % I 1 I 1% I 1% I 2 I 2V2 I 3 $2.80|$2.80|$3.00|$4.00|$5.00|$7.25|$11.00|$16.00 BRASS SAFETY VALVES Regular Cross or Angle Pattern Suitable for Pressures 40 to 125 Pounds. Cross Pattern. Screwed, Fig. 126; Angle Pattern, Screwed, Fig. 126A (Not iUustrated) % I % I 1 11% I 1V2 Prices | $4.00|$5.00|$6.00|$9.00|$11.00|$16.00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ QO. 645 JENKINS GAUGE COCKS, AIR VALVES, ETC. Fig. 208. With Cleaner Fig. 209. Without Cleaner PATENT GAUGE COCKS With Jenkins Bros. Discs I % I Va I % Sizes ,1 % I % No. 20S I $1.50 I $1.60 I $1.75 No. 209. .1 $1.00 1 $1.10 I $1.; ^5i4 Fig. 190 Fig. 191 Fig. 193 JENKINS IMPROVED AUTOMATIC AIR VALVES No. 190 shows the air valve in its simplest form. The drip cup. No. 191, is generally used in con- nection therewith, and is screwed to the outlet end of the valve. This will receive any water of con- densation which may pass through the valve, and allow it to evaporate. Price per doz.. Finished and Nickel Plated No. 190. % inch «'7.50 No. 190. M inch 7.50 No. 101. Drip cup 2.00 Pig. 193 With Union Drip Connection No. 103 illustrates the air valve fitted with union, designed for connection to a drip pipe. By con- necting the union outlet to a drip pipe the air valves may be set so as to permit a slight circulation of steam at all times through them, the drip pipe carrying off all condensation which may escape' thereby. Price per doz.. Finished and Nickel Plated No. 193. Vs inlet, % union » 9.50 No. 193. ig inlet, % union 10.0© No. 193. Vi inlet. V4, union lO.OO All of the Jenkins Improved Automatic Air Valves are capable of being easily repaired if necessary. This can be done without removing the valve from the radiator by simply replacing the plug and screw. Price of Plug and Screw No. 192. Parts B and C each *0.25 WOOD VALVE WHEELS Fig. 187 Wood Wheels, Top and Bottom Plates, and Nuts Sizes Va % I »4 % 1 IVaIMi 2 Wood Wheel Top Plate Bottom Plate Nut $0.05 .04 .10 .03 "0^ .04 ■il .051 .05 .04 .04 .10 .10 .03 .03 .06 .05 .12 .03 TO6 .05 .12 .03 .06 .08 .05 .05 .13 .16 .06 .06 Complete $0.22! .221 .22 .22 .261 .261 .30! „1.% WIRE VALVE WHEELS Fig. ISO Sizes of ValvCM Outside Dia. of Wheel -\A\ 'iri\A\2\ 1 11% 3 |3% Price each .|$0.12| .121 .12[.12l .14 .16 1.20 Sizes of Valves Outside Dia. of Wheel .1 3%! 2 |2M:I 3 1 SVz 4 Ui^lsy^i 5% 6%|7V4 Price each .110.251 .301 .651 .9011.10 1.3011.50 646 GEO-B-eARPEH'TER ^ Co. Fie. 04 FAIRBANKS' RENEWABLE BRONZE GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Renewable vulcabeston ring disc, Follower gland. 300 pounds hydraulic test pressure, 150 pounds steam working pressure, 175 pounds water working pressure. These valves embody the best up-to-date re- newable features. They have a raised round seat upon which scale, grit or other sediment is not liable to lodge. The seat is preserved from injury by the use of a comparatively soft ring in the renewable disc. Sizes % inch and under are not made with follower gland. Fig. 04 Size .inches I % I ^ I % I Vo I 1% I IV- I I 2y2 I Fig. 01, Globe Valve, screw end.. Fig. 03, Angle Valve, screw end.. Fig. 02, Globe Valve, flange end. . Fig. 04, Angle Valve, flange end.. Fig. 055, Cross Valve, screw end. 1.60 2.20 2.80 4.00 5.50 8.75 15.75 22.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 11.00 16.50 25.00 34.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 4.75 6.25 9.50 20.00 30.00 Fig. 0805 FAIRBANKS' VULCANIZED ASBESTOS PACKED IRON COCKS PRESSURES Standard Weleht — 300 lb.s. Hyd. Test Pressure. 125 lbs. Steam working Pressure. 150 lbs. Water Working Pressure. Heavy Weight — 450 lbs. Hyd. Test Pressure. 175 lbs. Steain working Pressure. 225 lbs. Water Working Pressure. Extra Heavy Weight — 600 lbs. Hyd. Test Pressure. 250 lbs. Steam Working Pressure. 350 lbs. Water Working ?ssure. A ring of this special asbestos called Vulcabeston Is used on the shoulder of the plug for top packing. Size . inches Fig. 0805, Fig. 0807, Fig. 0806, Fig. 0808, Fig. 0809. Fig. 0811, Fig. 0810, Fig. 0812, Fig. 081S, Fig. 0815, Fig 0814, Fig. 0816, screw end flange end screw end flange end heavy, screw end heavy, flange end heavy, screw end. . . . heavy, flange end. . . . Ex. heavy, screw end. Ex. heavy, flange end. Ex. heavy, screw end Ex. heavy, flange end % % I Vz 3.00 3.00 iy4 4.25 4.25 IVz 8.50 8.50 2% 12.00 14.50 17.00 18.00 21.50 26.00 SVa 27.00 32.50 38.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 Prices of Bronze Cocks Furnished on Request THE EVERLASTING VALVE The Everlasting Valve is composed of a top and bottom bonnet, disc, lever and post. The disc rotates over the valve seat, constantly refacing It. The Everlasting Valve is of extra heavy construction, self-cleaning, self-grind- ing; has no stuflSng box and therefore requires no packing or repairing. Every valve is tested for 250 lbs. live steam pressure before leaving the factory. The Everlasting Valve is covered with our two years' drop tight guarantee. We agree to repair, replace or refund the money if any of the valves fall. "EVERLASTING" BLOW-OFF VALVE Price List Fig. 1912A '^yP^ inches I V^ | y^ I 1 I IV4 I 1% I 2 I 2^iT Iron body, screwed Iron body, flanged Iron body, screwed-angled ] ' Iron body, flanged-angled ". '. ' Iron body, screwed, rack and pinion. . . Iron body, flanged, rack and pinion... Semi-brass, screwed Semi-brass, flanged ' . . . Semi-brass, flanged-angled Semi-brass, screwed, rack and pinion.! Semi-brass, flanged, rack and pinion. Brass, screwed Brass, flanged Brass, flanged-angled Brass, screwed, rack and pinion Brass, flanged, rack and pinion 20.00 24.00 22.00 26.00 27.50 35.00 39 00 35.00 46.00 60.00 25.00 29.00 27.50 31.00 33.00 37.00 35.00 45.00 50 00 43.00 53.00 45.00 62.00 67.00 53.00 70.00 30.00 35 00 33.00 38.00 38.00 43 00 50.00 65 61.00 60 79.00 85. 68.00 87.00 56 00 55.00 62.00 64.00 80.00 88.00 74.00 90.00 80.00 100.00 108.00 90.00 110.00 70.00 78.00 110.00 135.00 no. 66 135.00 13( 170.00 100.00 120.00 110.00 135.00 100.00 110.00 150.00 170.00 150.66 170 200 00 225.00 120.00 135.00 200.00 225.00 200.66 225.00 300.00 325.00 GEO*B-eARPEhfTER ^ SO. 647 Fig. 1 Globe Fig. 2 Angle pig 44^ Fig. 13 STANDARD BRASS GLOBE, ANGLE AND GROSS VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS Sizes 3 inch and Smaller, up to 125 Pounds • Sizes 3^^ inch and 4 inch, u p to 100 Pounds hiie inches I y4 ^-j Va % No. 1. Olobe .each! $0.72 ■ 77 I 1 00 I 1.80 I No. 2. Angrle No. IS, ti not lUustratea each | 1.25 I 1.25 I I ZVa I 1, Globe each 14.40 I 26 50 I 36.00 | No. 2 ^^^ "">£_: . No. 18, Cross, not illustrated Fig. 440. STANDARD STRAIGHT- WAY OR GATE VALVES BRASS. BRASS SEATS. DOUBLE GATE. For Steam Working Pressures, sizes to 3 inch, 125 pounds; larger, 100 pounds. Size inches No. 440, Screwed. . ea No. 441, Flanged, .ea $1.4£ 5.00 2Vi 13.00 33.00 syz 4 5 43.00 58.00 110.00 68.00 83.00 135.00 6 165.00 190.00 FIG. 12. CRANE JENKINS DISC GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES BRASS With Non-Heating Wheel. For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds JSize ...inches] y* 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 1 1 ly^ 1 ly^ 2 2 '••- 6 No. 12, Screwed each! $1.10 | 1.25 | 1.60 | 2.20 1 2 80 1 4.00 1 5.50 8 7.5 15.75 22. nn No. 13, Flanged . . , eachl .... 1 ... 1 ... 1 5 00 1 6.00 1 9.00 1 11.00 16.50 25.00 34.00 Diam. Flanees . . . ..inchesi .... 1 ... 1 ... 1 3% 1 4 1 4% 1 5 6 7 7% These Valves may be packed while under pressure; to do so. have Valve wide open. STANDARD BRASS HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES Sizes 3 inch and Smaller, up to 125 Pounds Sizes 3% inch and 4 inch, up to 100 Pounds Size No. 20. Screwed inchesi each] $0 65 1 y. .65 % 70 y. .90 % 1.15 1 1 1.60 1 ly* 2.25 No. 21. Ilanged eachi .... 1 .. 1 4.90 fi.50 1 8.25 Dinmeter of Flanges iTiche!=l 1 1 3U 4 1 414 No. 20. Screwed No. 21. Flaneed Diameter of Flanges eachI eachI Inchesi I'/.. , 1 J3.15 1 10.15 1 5 1 4.75 15 50 6 2V<. 9.00 22.00 3 13.00 33 50 7 '4 3^ 24.00 47.50 8 '4 4 1 32 50 1 .. 66.50 1 9 1 J «4S STANDARD STEAM COCKS Brass S^'ge inches I y^ | % | % | a^ IVos. 250 and 252 each | .85 | 1.00 | 1.25 | 1.70 yo. 254, square head with check. each | | | 1.40 | 1.90 Size inches | 1 | 114 | 114 | 2 Kos. 250 and 252 each | 2.35 | 3.70 | 4.85 | 7.30 J\o. 254, square head with check .each | 2.55 | 3.95 | 5.15 | 7.65 Size inches | 21/2 I 3 | 3M.* | 4* Nos. 250 and 252 each | 14.50 | 22.50 | 3S'.50 | 50.00 TSo. 254, square head with check, each | | | " | Fig-. 267. Screwed Screwed Fig. 320. All Iron Cocks MEDIUM BALANCE FOUR WAY COCKS Gland Packed _,^,^''f'SS Tjody and plug. Nickel plated steel spring. For steam working pressures up to 200 pounds. *or cold water working pressures up to 275 pounds. The spring automatically takes up wear. Fig. 267 Price, screwed Vz I % I 1 I 1% I IVa I .each I 8.00 | 11.50 | 15.00 | 23.00 | 30.00 I 42.00 STANDARD IRON COCKS For Worlting Pressures up to 125 Pounds. Fig. 320 . inches | Va % I I 1% I 1% I each I I 1.05 I 1.30 I 1.60 I 1.95 I 2.70, i 4 40 I 3% I .each I 6.75 | 12.00 | 15.50 | 32.00 | 45.00 | 100.00 | THREE WAY STEAM COCKS Brass, with Check With extra large plug and full openings. No. 268 S ize ..inches I y^ \ %| Va | % | 1 U^UVzl 2 \ Zy^ \ 3~ Price .. .each ll.§OI8,tQI3.50l3.0Q|3.75|5,75|7.15|ll.OO|18.75|26.OO |i4g. 268. Square Head Three Way FOUR WAY BRASS STEAM COCKS These Cocks are made to order only. Prices on application. Fig. 269. Square Head Four Way GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ Go, 649 CHECK— THROTTLE— HOSE VALVES Fig. 44 Fig. 34 Fig. 26 Nos. 24-26 STANDARD CHECK VAIiVES BRASS For Steam Working Pressures np to 125 Pound Fig, 50 Size inches I % % Ly* I Price, No. 24 Vertical each| •77 I l.SO I 2.52 I ZVa I 5 30 I Angle eachi I 2.52 I 3.50 I I 10.00 I No. 44 STANDARD BUTTERFLY VAEVES For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds. Tliese Valves are not intende d to be Stenm Tiglit Size, No. 44 incites I % ] 1 j 1% ^| I14 j ^ j zv. i 3 I 4.40 I 6.65 I 6.75 | These Valves can be supplied with a Brass Stem, instead of Steel Stem, at an extra price. Always specify Brass Butterfly Valves, otherwise sizes 2 inch and larger will be furnished in iron. STANDARD HOSE VALVES BRASS So, 50. Iron Handle. Loose Swivel and Leather Disc Size inches | I Z¥- Rough Body, Plain each | .15 I 3.70 I 4 75 I 7.00 | Rough Body, Plated all over each | S.OO I 9.75 No. 52. Finislied Brass Wlieel, Loose S>vivel and Leatlier Disc Price. Finii=hfd all over I $9 no I Price. Finished and Plated all over ^ach 10.00 I 16.00 No. 46 THROTTLE VALVES For Steam W^orking Pressures up to 125 Pounds These Throttle Valves are extensively used on hoisting and traction engines, are opened by one-quarter turn of handle, and are provided with stops. In orderingr, always specify Brass Throttle Valves. Size, No. 46 inches % L% 1% .eachI $10.00 | 1150 | 14.00 No. 34 STANDARD SWING CHECK VALVES BRASS For Steam W^orking Pressures up to 125 Pounds. May be ITsed in a Horizontal or Vertical Position Size inchesi I IV4 I No 34. Brass Disc 2.80 I 3.65 I 4. No. 34%, Leather Disc. .40 I 2 65 I 2 90 I 4 65 I 6.00 GREAT LAKES SUPPLY GO. Varves with Brass Disc will always be furni.shed unless otherwise ordered. Our many customers in the south and south- eastern sections of Chicago will find our South Chicago store, the Great Lakes Supply Co., always ready to take care of their wants promptly and at the same prices as at our down-town store. They maintain an independent delivery service, which will aid materially when groods are wanted in a hurry. Try them. Fig. 40 650 GEO-BCAR^PErfTER « CO. STANDARD HOSE GATE VALVES Brass. Double Gate Open to the left. Rising: stein. For !«teain working: pressures -p to 125 pounds. For water working pressures up to 175 pounds. Fig. 450 Fig IRON WHEEL FiR. 440y2 1% I IV2 2% Rough body, plain, with brass cap and chain. 20.00 I 29.50 Rough body, plain, without cap and chain each | 3.3S 6.25 I No. 452. WITH FINISHED BRASS WHEEL. (Not Illustrated) L% cap and chain each | ,'er. without cap and chain each | 6 90 | Fin. and plated all over, with brass cap & chain, .each Fin. and plated all over, without cap and chain. These Valves are teiade to order f>-il.v. STANDARD STRAIGHT- WAY VALVES Fig. 440^^ Brass. Double Gate Open to the left. Brass seats. Rising stem. For steam working pressures up to 125 pounds. These Valves are made with taper instead of parallel seats and the self-adjusting discs which have their bearings near the outer edge, give maximum strength at these essential points and bring the discs tightly and uniformly to thPir snats. . . .inches I % L % 1% I ivrr 2y2 I 3.70 5.00 13.00 19 00 QUICK OPENING STANDARD STRAIGHT-WAY VALVES Fig. 442 ^i With Taper Seats — Illustrated Below Pra'-s. Doub'e wedge gate.. O.uick opening:. For steam working pre=="r'R UP to 125 poiinrlo Size inches | % | 1 | ly^ 1 ly- 1 2 1 2y2 1 3 No. -''liVi. 1 S.50 1 11. SO 1 20.25 1 30.00 STANDARD GARDEN HOSE VALVES Figs. 56-58 Brass with Leather Disc These Valves will be furnished with Chicago hose thread, rallfornia hose thread or iron pipe thread, at regular prices. Any other style thread will be extra. In ordering always specify the thread required. Size . . inches 1 ya 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 lya 1 2 1 ZV^ Price, No. 56. . .each 1 1.65 1 1.65 | 2 20 I 3.40 | 4.75 | 7.00 | 15.00 Price. No. 58. each 1 1.65 | 1.65 I 2.20 I 3 40 | 4.75 1 7.00 1 15.00 SPECIAL GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Fig. 60 NEEDLE POINT Erass with non-heating wheel. For working pressures up to 125 pounds. These Valves are used for reg:ulating: fuel oil feed, and are made to order only. Fig. «0. Ansle. With Union 'ize .inches 1/16 Vk 13/16 1 % Size feed opening. inches % % 1 % 1 % Price, globe, female openings. . .each 1.40 1.50 1 2 col 2.50 Price, angle, female openings. . . each 1.40 1.50 1 2 00 1 2.50 Price, angle, with union ..eacl^ = .. 2.20 1 3.00 I 3.50 Fig. 442Vi Geo-B-Carpen'ter ^ Co. 651 Fig. 76E. Serewed HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES Fig. 76E EXTRA HEAVY Cup pattern, Crane hard metal, flat seat. For steam working pressures up to 250 pounds. Tested to 800 pounds hydraulic pressure. Cup Pattern Check Valves with a flat seat, have a full opening and are not choked by disc guides. They have a much larger seat and greater area than common valves and are so constructed that the back pressure comes on the top of valve, thus preventing the side wear of the seat, and insuring prompt closing. Si:ee inches | % | 1 | 1% | 1% | 2 Fis.74E:. Horizontal F1s.A74E:. Vertical REGRINDING SWING CHECK VALVES Figs. 74E-A74E EXTRA HEAVY For steam working: pressures up to 250 pounds. Tested to 800 pounds hydraulic pressure. The body and dies will be made of "Hard Metal" when so ordered, at a special price, according to the quantity wanted. Size inches | Vg | % | 1 % I 2 I 2'/2 74E. screwed each |3.25|3.25| 4.25| 6.00| 7.50112. 1 3. 00118 00122. 00137. 501.-..".. 00 Diameter of flanjs GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES COPPER DISC. EXTRA HEAVY Crane special brass, non-heating wheel with gland. For steam working pressures up to 250 pounds. Tested to 800 pounds hydraulic pressure. In ordering, state whether Globe or An^rle are wanted. Fig. SOB. Globe FIgr. 66E3. Size .inches 1 % V^ i^4 1 IV4 1^ i SVa 3 No. 60E, screwed . . . ..each 1 3.25 3.75 4.25 5.50 7.75 10 00 15.00 ,27.50 3S.50 No. 6 IE, flanged. . . . . .each 1 11.00 15.00 21 00 28.00 45.00 68. 00 Diameter of flanges .inches | 4V. 5 6 6% 7% 8V* Pace to face, globe, flanged .inches | 4A 4'^ 5A 6^ 7tV 8% Cpntpr to face, ang e. fla nged. . . .inchps 1 m 3^ 3% 4^ 4ii 5H Price, extra copper discs . . . each ' .ns .OS .10 .12 .18 .24 .36 .48 .80 An extra price Is charged for drilling flanged valves. Fig. 66E. STRAIGHT- WAY VALVES EXTRA HEAVY Crane special brass, with gland. Wedge gate. Open to the left. Non-rlslng stem. For steam working pressures up J-n lbs. Tfsted to 800 lbs. hydraulic pressure per square Inch. For water working pressures up to 350 lbs. These Talyes may be packed when wide open and under pressure. Size inches '■''U Vi % J 1 1% l^ 2 zy^ 3 ■ No. f.6E, screwed each 1 4 no 5 00 6.00 8.00 11.25 16.50 23.00 40. 00 65.00 No. 67E. flanged each 1 16.00 21.50 30.00 41.00 65.00 100.00 Diameter flanges Inches 1 4V4 5 6 6% ^^> 8% Face to face, flanged Inches 1 4* 4A 5A 6A IVk SA 658 Geo B- Carpenter s Co. style. Sizes % inch to 6 inch STANDARD FOOT VALVES IRON BODY WITH STRAINER, LEATHER DISC Tested to 100 Pounds Hydraulic Pressure E§^ i 11 111 s Q •pi 1 III wis d l!| ... III 14.75 I 22.00 I 17.50 | 11 % I 112.00 1 201/4 I 150.00 I 9% I 9 13% I 13^ I 19 Style. Sizes 7 inch to 16 inch These Valves, as constmcted, insure free openingrs. STANDARD BUTTERFLY VALVES Iron Body. Brass Trimmings For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds Fiff. 380 Si/-e ■" ".'..'r. ..in. | 3 I 2V2 I s" I SVg I 4 1 5 No. 380, screwed ...ea c h I 8.001 9.50| 12.00| 16.00| 18 501 28.50 No. 381. tlanged ...each | 9.50|11.50| 15.001 19 001 22.001 32T00 End to end, sc'wed...in. | 4%| 4% | 5% | S'/o I 6 | 6% Face to face, flg'd In. | 4 '4 1 4% I 6V4 I SV; I 6 I 6^4 Diameter of flanges.. -In. I 6 I 7 | 7'A I 8n | 9 I 10 Size in. I 6 1 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 No. 380. screwed ...each |42.50| | j | | No. 381. flanged . . . each |47.00|90.00|1 25.00|160.00|275.00|350.00 End to end. sc'wed...in | 7 V2 | | | | | Face to fane, flg'd. ...in. I 7 V; I 9V4 | 10% | 12'/, | 14 I 16 Diameter of flanges.. -in. I 11 |13'^| 16 | 19 | 21 | 23V2 These Valves are not Intended to be steam tight. Can be made with a brass stem instead of steel stem, at an extra price. STANDARD HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES Iron Body. Brass Trimmings For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds Figr, Size . ...inches 1 3 121^1 i 1 iVa 1 4 1- 14.2511 4*41 5 1 6 Price each |3.G0|6.50|8. 90112. 251 9 00122.00130.00 No. 367 FLANGED Size in. 1 3 1 4 1 5 ■ 1 6 1 7 Price each 1 11.50 1 18.00 1 26.00 1 35.00 1 50.00 Face to face. . .in. 1 9"^ 1 11 1 13 1 14 1 16 riam. flanges .In. 1 7U 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12% Size in. 1 8 1 10 1 li 1 14 1 15 Pri-e each 1 62.00 1 115.00 1 175.00 1 300 00 1 Face to face. . . in. 1 17 1 20 1 24 1 28 1 30 Dlam. flanges. . .in. 1 13U 1 16 1 19 1 21 1 22% GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eO. 658 STANDARD STRAIGHT- WAY VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES Sizes 16 inch and Smaller, up to 125 Pounds Sizes 18 inch and I/arger, up to 100 Pounds Iron Body. Brass Trimmingrs. Fig. 461 Wedge gate. Open to the left. Non-rlslng stem. Size inches IT^ I avii I 4V2 No. 460, Screwed each | $9.00 | lU.OO 12.00 I 15.00 I IS. 00 I 20.00 | :^3.00 I 25.00 No. 461, Flanged. .each I 9.00 | 10.00 12.00 I 15.00 I Iti.OO I 20.00 | 23.00 25.00 End to End, Screwed inches | I 5,% 5% eVs I 6V2 I 6% I IVi, 7A Face to Face, Flanged. inches | &V2 I 7 --^ L I SVa I I 91^ Diameter Flanges. I 6 I 81/2 I I 934 Size inches I 10 I la I i\'o. 4G0, Screwed each | $30.00 | 45.00 55.00 I 80.00 I 90.00 | 125.00 | No. 461. Flanged each | 30.00 | 45.00 55.00 I 80.00 I 90.00 | 125.00 | 190.00 End to End, Screwed inches 1 7 % | 8 14 &u I y^ I 11% I Face to Face, Flanged. inches | 10 1/2 | 11 111/2 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 Diameter Flanges. I 121/2 I 16 I 1! I 21 22 y* Size inches | No. 461, Flanged each | .^275. 00 | 375.00 425.00 I 525.00 | 600.00 | 800.00 | 1000.00 Face to Face, Flanged. I 17 I 20 1 23 Diameter Flanges inches | 23i>2 I 2a 27% I 29' I 34 y* 36 y2 38% STANDARD EXPANSION JOINTS Iron Body. Brass Sleeve FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 398. SCREA\^D, STANDARD TRAAT]RSE Sl^e ■~77 inches | 2 | : 5% 1 3 1 3% 1 4 1 4V z 1 5 Trave rse inches | 21-2 i 21/2 1 2 %l 3 1 3 i 1 31 '2 \ 4 E. to E., (Jpei ed inches | lll-t | 1 214 113 A 1 1414 1 15 4 1 16 117 ¥4 Price . .each 1$7.00| 8.00|10 00| 14.001 18 001 30. 00138.00 Size inches | « 7 8 1 9 1 10 1 13 Traverse •inches | 5 | 6 7 1 7 1 7 1 8 E to E., Oper ed inches | 20% j 23 y^ 26-f, \ 27 1 28 1 31 A Price _i^ ..each |$45.00 100 .00 1 10. 00. 1160. 00 1225.00 Fiar. 300 Fig. STEAM SWING JOINTS Brass FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS size inches I V^xVa | %x% 1x1 | 1^x1^4 I lM;xlV2 | 2x2' Price. Rough each | $2.50 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 6.50 1 9.00 |13.00 ♦ Price, Fi nishe fl each | 3.00 | 4.00 | 5.75 I 7.25 | 10.00 115.00 ♦Finished Swing Joints are made to order only. A 654 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER s So. STANDARD GLOBE. ANGLE AND GROSS VALVES Iron body, brass mounted. For steam working pressures up to 100 lbs. Size ..inchesi 1 1% IVz 2 2Vn 3 No. 354, globe, screwed.. ...eachi 2.25 2.75 3 50 5.40 7.35 9.80 No. 355, globe, flanged. . . ...each] 7.00 9.00 12.50 No. 356, angle, screwed.. each! 2.25 2.75 3 50 5.40 7.35 9.80 No. 357, angle, flanged.. ...each! 7.00 9.00 12.50 No. 364, cross, .screwed. . .. .eachI .... 6.50 9.00 12.50 No. 365, cross, flanged. . . . each! .... 9.00 11.75 16 50 Diameter of flanges . . inchesi 6 7 7V2 IRON BODY VALVES, WITH YOKE, BRASS TRIMMINGS ng. 351 Fig. 353 Fig. 351. STANDARD GLOBE VALVES Iron body. %\ith yoke, braes trinunings. For steam worlting pv ssures op ^w-r I SVa I 4Va I No. 350. screwed each I 9.00 I 12.50 I 15.25 | I 24.00 I 27.00 I 37.60 No. 351, flanged . . . eachI .60 I 10.75 I 15.00 I 18.50 | 22.50 | 27.50 Face to face, flanged. 8% I 9V2 I 10 V^ 11 I 12 I 13 I Diameter flanges 7-^ I 8V2 I ■J_ 9% I 10 1 10 I 13 I isn i6~r No. 350. screwed each I r2.00 1114 00 I 170 00 I No. 351. flanged each I iS.OO I 77.00 1123.00 | 187.00 1 350.00 1 I 475.00 Face to face, flanged. 16 I ■ 17 I 20 I 30 I 32 I Diameter flanges inchesi 12% I 13% I 16 I 19 | 21 Fig. 353. STANDARD ANGLE VALVES Iron body, with yoke, brass trimmings. For steam working p et«iir°8 up to ——. ; : s 1 s-TT 1 s 1 — m-, 1 100 lbs. Size inches ' No. 352. screwed each L2.50 I 15.25 24.00 I 27.00 I 37.50 No. 353, flanged eachI 8.60 I 10.7 i2.50 I 27.50 I 31.00 | 42.00 Center to face, flanged. Dlimeter flanges 6 17 1 7V2 8% I 'V^ I 10 I 11 SE^ "T-r "14 i 15 \ T6~T No 352, screwed .each I 63.00 | 72.00 |114 00 I 170 > No. 353. flanged ■ each I 68.00 1 77 00 1 123 00 | 187.00 | 350.00 I 425.i Center to face, flanged. % I 10 I 12 I 14 15 I 16 I Diameter flanges 12% I 13'/^ I 16 I Fig. 363. STANDARD CROSS VALVES Tfon body, with yoke, brass trimmings. For steam working pressures up to 125 lbs. ize inchen' .each I 20. nn 54.00 I S5.no I 100. no I 1T5.00 I 265.00 Diameter of flanges Inchesi 7% GEO•B•CAItPE^fTER « eO. 055 EXTRA HEAVY VALVES Ferrosteel. Hard metal seats. For steam ^vorklngr pressures up to 250 pounds, pounds hydraulic pressure per square inch. Tested to 800 Fig. 21E. EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE VALVES WITH YOKE In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. Size . . . inches ^ 1 2V:, 3 «V.> 4 4y2 5 No. 20 E, Screwed each $26.00 33.00 37.00 42.00 46.00 56.00 61.00 No. 21 E, Flanged each 27.50 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 60.00 65.00 End to End, Screwed . . . .inches 9y2 1 10% 11% 12y4 13 14 15 Face to Face, Flanged... . . . .inches 101/2 1 11 y2 12 ¥2 13% 14 15 15% Diameter Flanges . . . .inches 6% 7% sy. 9 10 loy. 11 Size . . . inches 6 7 8, 10 12 14 15 No. 20 E, Screwed each $75.00 95.00 114.00 190.00 1 1 No. 21 E, Flanged each 80.00 100.00 120.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 400.00 No. 27 E. Flanged, with By -Pass. each 1 150.00 250.00 350.00 450.00 450.0(1 End to End, Screwed . . . .inches IGV2 i8y4 20 23 y* 1 1 Face to Face. Flanged... . . . .inches 17 Vz 19% 21 24% 28 33 33 Diameter Flanges . . . .Inches 12 Va 14 15 i7y2 201^ 23 24% Size of Bv-Pass . . . .inches 1 1% iy2 2 2 2 The By-Pass on Globe Valves is located on the right hand side looking at the inlet end, that is. the end with the passage under the disc. It is desirablel that all Valves, 8 inch and larger, should have a By-Pass. Fig. 2E EXTRA HEAVY STRAIGHT- WAY VALVES Ferrosteel. Hard metal seats. Wedge ing pressures up to 250 pounds. Tested to ite. Open to the left. Non-rising stem. For steam work- pounds hydraulic pressure per square inch. Size inches ly* I 1% I No. 2 E, Screwed $24.00 I 25.00 I 27.50 | 33.00 | 45.00 | 57.00 | 60.00 | 77.00 | 85.00 No. 3 E, Flanged 26.50 I 27.50 | 30.00 | 35.50 | 48.00 | 60.00 | 65.00 | 82.00 | 90.00 End to End, Screwed. 5y2 I •Vi I 7 I 9 I 10 I 11 I i2y4 I 13% Face to Face. Flanged. eya I 7J 8y3 I 9% I 11% I iiyg I 12 I 1314 I 15 Diameter Flanges inches I 6% I 8% I I loyz I 11 Size inches No. 2 E, Screwed $100.001 125.00 I 155.00 1 225.00 | 250.00 | No. 3 E, Flanged ■ . .each 107.00 I 132 00 I 162.00 | 232.00 | 258.00 I 335.00 | 440.00 I 540.00 I 675.00 End to End, 16% I 16% I 17 Face to Face. Flpnged. 15% I 16% t 16% I 17 I 18 19% I 22% I 22% I 24 Diameter Flanges. .inches 12% I 14 I 15 I 16% I 17% I 20% I 23 | 24% I 25% It is desirable that all Valve's 8 inch and larger should have a By-Pass. recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. See index. 'We do not 65G GEOvB-CAIiPEhfTER ?E CO. EXTRA HEAVY SWING CHECK VALVES Kerrosteel. Pig. 442 Hard Metal Seats. For steam vrorking pressure up to 250 pounds. Tested to 80O pounds hydraulic pressure per square May be used in horizontal or vertical position. Size inches | 2 ZVo 3 3% 4 4% 5 No. 38 E. Screwed eachi $15.00 20.00 28.00 36.00 41.00 49.00 54.00 No. 39 E. Flanged each 17.00 22.00 30.00 38.00 44.00 52.00 57.00 End to End, Screwed inches 9 Vz 10% 11% 121/. 13 14 15 Face to Face, Flanged inches 10 1/2 11 ¥2 121/2 13 lA 14 15 15% Diameter Flanges inches 1 61/2 71/2 m 9 10 10 y2 11 Size inches 1 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 No. 38 E. Screwed each 1 $66.00 84.00 100.00 170.00 No. 39 E, Flanged each! 70.00 88.00 105.00 175.00 250.00 350.00 350.00 End to End, Screwed inches! 161/2 181/4 20 23 y* Face to Face, Flanged.... inches] 171/2 19% ■ 21 241/2 28 33 33 Diameter Flanges inches! 12^/2 14 15 17% 201/2 23 241/2 PRICE LIST FOR FACING FLANGES OF MEDIUM AND EXTRA HEAVY VALVES Fig. 434A. Male Face Fig. 434B. Female Face Fig. 434C. Tongued Face Fig. 434D. Grooved Face Fig. 434E. Raised Face Fig. 434F. Bolt Holes Spot Faced Size inches 1 1% 1% s 1 2% 3 3% 1 4 For Male', Female, Tongued, Grooved or ilaised Faces, add net per Valve with two Flanges $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I1..S 1.25 1.25 1 1.25 For Male', Female, Tongued, Grooved or Raised Faces, add net per Valve with three Flanges 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.75 1 1.75 1.75 1.75 1 1.75 For Spot Facing, add net per Flange .20 .20 .20 .20 1 .20 .40 .40 1 .40 Size inches 4% 5 « 7 1 8 » 101 12 For Male', Female, Tongued, Grooved or Raised Faces, add net per Valve with two Flanges $1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 I.e. 2.00 2.00 1 2.50 For Male', Female, Tongued, Grooved or Raised Faces, add net per Valve with three Flanges 4.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 1 2.50 2.50 2.50 1 3.00 For Spot Facing, add net per Flange ^40 .40 .60 .60 1 .60 .60 .80 1 .80 Size inches 14 15 16 IS 1 20 22 24 1 For Male', Female, Tongued, Grooved or Raised Facfs, add net per Valve with two Flanges $3.25 3.25 4.00 5.00 1 6.00 8.00 10.00 1 For Male' Female, Tongued, Grooved or Raised Faces, add net per Valve with three Flanges 4.00 4.00 5.00 6.25 1,... 10.00 12.50 1 For Spot Facing, add net per Flange 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1 1.20 1.40 1.40 1 Unless otherwise specified, all flanges of Medium and Extra Heavy Valves vrlll be furnished with 1/16 inch raised face, for wliioh no extra charge is made. GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S eo. 657 BALANCED TANK FLOAT VALVES Suitable for Cold Water Working Pressures up to 200 Pounds Fig. 893. Angle ^" FIs. 995. Globe Size Inches Diameter of Copper Float Inches Diameter ot Flanges Inches Face to Face Screwed End Inches Pace to Face Flanged End Inches Price Angle or Globe Each % 1 7 3% 11.00 1 1 1 4% 13.00 ly* 7 4% 14.00 IVz 7 4% 16.00 2 7 eys 7y2 19.00 2 ¥2 S 7 8 9 25.00 3 8 7% 9% 9% 31.00 3% 8 81/^ 9% 9% 36.00 4 8 9 9 78 10% 42.00 4% 10 9 ¥4 111/4 10% 50.00 5 10 10 1 111/4 12 ys 54.00 6 10 11 12 y* 13 64.00 7 10 121/2 14% 76.00 8 10 131/2 1 ley* 86.00 10 12 16 1 20 y* 110.00 ... ^.! . 12 19 1 22% 150.00 The above price's are for either angle or globe, complete with float and levers as shown. Screwed up to 2 inch; either screwed or flanged 2% to 6 inch; and flanged only, 7 inch and larger. Sizes % to 1% inch are' made of brass; sizes 2 inch and larger have iron body with brass valve seats and trimmings. ' When ordering, state whether angle or globe, screwed or flanged. Unless 'otherwise specified. Angle valves will be lurnishe'd screwed up to and including 6 inch; larger sizes flanged only. HYDRANT CLAMPS / ly* size of Cock to be nwed ^vlth inches 1^41% | % 1 No. 850, Malleable Iron, with % inch square hole perlb.|$0.15 | .1 5 | .15 j i No. 850, Malleable' Iron, with -^g inch square hole per lb. | .15 | 715 | .15 j — 15 1 — J^ No. 850, Malleable Iron, with 1/2 inch square hole per lb. | .15 | .15 | .15 j .15 1 — 715 No. 850, Malleable Iron, tappe d for % inch pipe per lb. | .18 | TTs | .18 j .ig 1 — TJg No. 850, Malleable Iron, tapped for % inch pipe, Galv..per lb. | .25 | .25 | .25 | .25 | 725 No. 850. Malleable Iron, tapped for Vz inch pipe .pe'rlb.| .20 | .20 | .20 | .20 | Fig. 850 No. 852. Brass each | .20 I .20 | .25 I .30 I BLOW-OFF CROSSES CAST IRON Standard: For Steam Working Pres- sures up to 125 Pounds E.\tra Heavy: For Steam Working Pres- sures up to 250 Pounds Fig. 3a5A LIST PRICES OF STANDARD ^^^^ Inches I 2^1X1% I aVaxS | iih^sSYs | Price each I $9.00 | 9.00 | 9.00 T" Size Inches | 4x3^ I SxZVs | ~5xS j Price each I $12.00 | 18. oo' | 18.00 | lilST PRICES OF EXTRA HEAVY Size Inchesl 2^^x244 I 3x2 Price each | $12.00 | 13.50 Fis. S25B 3x1 Vz lO.OO 6xS 27.00 I 658 GEO-BCARPEhfTER « eo. ENGINE STOPS— GAS FITTERS' SUPPLIES TINNED STRAPS Size .. Inches! M | % | ^4 | 94 | 1 |1 MJ l|^J_a Price. Per lb.|$0.18|.18 |.18 |.18 |.18 |.18 |.18 |.18 GAS FITTERS' HOOKS ) Wrought Iron Size . . Inches! M \ % \ %\ %\ 1 |1M| i-% | _2_ Price. Per 100|$0.30|.35|.40|.50|.65|.85 |1.00!1.30 WRENCHES FOR BRASS, STEAM AND GAS COCKS Square Head — Malleable Iron Size In. M \ %\y2\ %\i |i^4in^|3 !2^ &3 No. ... Each . 1 $0.05 2 .06 3 .07 4 .09 5 .14 6 7 18 9 .19 .25 .44 .56 GAS STOVE COCKS Brass. With Check. Lever Handle Size Inches! %\ %\ %\ 1 Price, with Check Each!$1.15!1.25!1.35!2.15|8. 25 WRENCHES FOR BRASS, STEAM AND GAS COCKS Flat Head — Malleable Iron Size Inches ^i 94 1 1M|1^|2 1 ... Number Each 1 $0.07 2 .09 3 .14 5 6 7 ! 8 .25 .44 .56! 1.00 ENGINE STOPS PACKINGLESS AND FRICTIONLESS AUTOMATIC ENGINE STOP Approved and indorsed by Casualty companies, State Factory and Safety commissions and is the choice of leading manufacturers. It is recommended in preference to clutch equipment or bell signal system, and will save you money on fly wheel insurance. Provides an independent and reliable means of control over your power plants. Prevents the possibility of engine room or factory shut-downs, due to broken drive belts, overloaded generators, governor derangements, overspeeding, and bursting fly-wheels, cylinder head blowouts, etc. ARRANGED FOR Purely Mechanical Operation, Purely Electrical Operation, Combined Elec- tro-Mechanical Operation. State size of steam pipe for quotation purposes. Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ So. 659 COCKS Fig. S04 ROUGH STOP COCKS SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE rcG or Lever Handle. Nut and Washer No. 804 Size inches| V2 \ Vs \ % 1 1 1 IH 1 11.^ 1 2 Price, Tee Handle per doz.| $21.00|329.40|$3 6.00j$52.80!$89.40|$14 9.40|$258.00 Price, LeA^er Handle per doz.| 21.00| 29.401 36.001 o2.80| 89.40| 149. 40| 258.00 ROUND-WAY ROUGH STOP COCKS SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE Tee or Lever Handle. Nut and Washer No. 812 Size . inchesi ^.^ | % | 94 | 1 | 1% | IH | 2 Price, Tee Handle . .per doz.|$26.40[$36.00i$46.20|$73.80|$120.60|$197.40|$342.00 Price, Lever Handle ..per doz.l 26.40| 36.00| 46:20| 73.80| 120. 60| 197. 40| 342.00 Price, Tee Handle with C. & W ..per doz.| 27.001 36.60| 46.80| 75.00| 122. 40| 200. 40| 348.00 Price, Lever Handle with C. & W. . ..per doz.| 27.00| 36.60| 46.80| 75.00| 122. 40| 200. 40| 348.00 Fig. S14 Brass. Figr. S06 BRINE COCKS Male and Female. Lever Handle No. 814 «ize inchesi ^ % I 1 HH Price each l$1.35|$2.00i$3.00|$4.50 CHECK AND WASTE COCKS SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE Tee or Lever Handle. Nut and Washer No. 806 Size inchesi 1^ I % 1 M 1 1 1 1^4 1 1% 1 2 Price, Tee Handle with C. & W. . . . .per doz. |$21.60|$30.00|$36.60|$54.00|$91.20|$152.40|$264.00 Price, Lever Handle with C. & W. ..per doz.l 21.601 30.00| 36.60| 54.00| 91.20| 152.40| 264.00 Waste Tubes extra. 660 GEO^•B•eARPE^fTER « CO. REVERSIBLE STOP AND WASTE COCKS Tested to 200 Pounds Hydraulic Pressure SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE Interchangeable from Right to Left When ordering, always give style number, and state if they are wanted with or without waste, and whether -with. Tee or Lever Handle. Unless otherwise specified, we will furnish Lever Handle Cocks. AVaste tubes extra. iz e o. 820. Flat Way o. 820. with Check and Wast' o. 822. Round Way o. 822, with Check and Wasti These Reversible Stop Cocks are fully guaranteed as to workmanship and material. They embody the best points of other makes of Cocks, and also other important features. Size . . inches 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 1 No. 820. Plat Way per doz. |$21.00|29. 40136.00152.80 No. 820 with Check and Waste. per doz. 1 21.60130.00|36.60|54.OO No. 822. Round Way per doz. 1 26.40|36.00|46.20|73.80 No. 822 with Check and Waste. per doz. 1 27.00|36.60|46.80|75.00 Fig, Flat Way, or Fig. 822, Round W^ay. Tee or Lever Handle SOLDERING UNIONS AND NIPPLES » Fig. 844 Fig. 846 iiize ... inchesi % -l ^i \ % \ 1 1 IM 1 1^ 1 2 - No. 842. Union per (ioz.|$4.80|$6.00|$7.80|$10.20|$13.20 $15.00|$21.00 No. 844, Male Nipple per doz. 1 3.601 4.201 6.001 8.401 10.801 15.001 21.00 No. "846, Female Nipple per doz.| 3.60| 4.20| 6.00| 8.40| 10.80| 15.00| 21.00 Soldering Nipples larger than 2 inch, made to order at a special price. Drainage Soldering Nipples, see Index. CORPORATION STOP COCKS Fig. 834 ^^ Pig. 835 Fig. 836 Fig. 830 Nos. 830 and 833. Have inside thread to fit Mueller, Payne's and Lennox Tapping Machine Screw Plugs and long male thread for Mueller, Payne's and Lennox Taps. No. 833. Has Iron Pipe Thread on outlet one size larger. No. 834. Has Iron Pipe Threads both ends. Nos. 835 and 836. Have coarse thread for Wood Pipe Mains. No. 836. Has Iron Pipe Thread on outlet. Nos. 830 and 835. Furnished with straight Tail Piece when so specified. Nos. 833, 834 and 836. In % inch size, have % inch Iron Pipe Thread on outlet. Size of Opening inches \i % % 1 No. 830 per doz. $19.20 $27.00 $34.20 $54.00 No. 833 per doz. 17.40 23.40 30.00 48.00 No. 834 per doz. 17.40 23.40 30.00 48.00 No. 835 per doz. 24.00 32.40 40.80 64.80 No. 836 per doz. 22.20 28.80 36.60 58.80 Geo-B-Carpem'ter « eo. 661 I CYLINDER AND GAUGE COCKS Fig. 720 CYLINDER COCKS with Union Coupling Size, irou pine tliread. .incites 1 %x»4 y-x^ i%x% No. 720. lever handle. ..each 1 2.00 2.50 1 3.75 Pig. 730 COMPRESSION GAUGE COCKS Size, iron pipe tliread inches 1 % % .95 1.00 Stiitrible for steam working pressures up to 175 pounds. Fig, 734 COMPRESSION GAUGE COCKS Witli Stuffing Box Size, iron pipe tliread. Va I % Price .oach I 1.20 I 1.30 I 1.45 Suitable for stearri working' pressures up to 175 pounds. Pig. 7.38 MISSISSIPPI GAUGE COCKS Size, iron pipe tliread . . . .inches % 1 Vi % Price rach .90 1 1.20 1.80 The Mississippi Gauge Cocks are recommended for steam working pressures up to 175 pounds. Fig. 724 CYLINDER COCKS With Bibb Size, iron pipe tliread. .inehes I % I % | % | % | % No. 722. tee handle each | .70 |1.00|1.15|1.60|2.35 No. 724. lever handle each I .85 |1.15|1.30|1.85|2.60 Fig. 732 COMPRESSION GAUGE COCKS Size, iron pipe thread inches \ V2 \ %, Price each | 1.20 | 1.35 Suitable for steam working pressures up to 175 pounds. Fig. 736 COMPRESSION GAUGE COCKS "With Stuffing Box Size, iron pipe tliread inches .each I 1.50 | 1.70 The above Gauge Cocks are suitable for steam working pressures up to 175 pounds. Fig. 740 BALL GAUGE COCKS Size, iron pipe thread inches Vs 1 % Price each 1.00 1 1.00 The above Ball Gauge Cocks are recommende-l for steam working pressures up to 100 pounds. nc2 GEo-BCARPEifTER « ea STEAM GAUGE AND AIR COCKS Pig. TOO Pig. 706 tMze, iron p.pe thread. . . Vs V,- % Va >.o. 700, tee handle . . each 1 .40 45 1 .50 .60 No. 102, lever handle each 1 55 .60 1 .65 .75 No. 704, tee handle . . each 1 .80 .90 No. 706, lever handle . each 1 .95 1 1.00 1.05 STEAM GAUGE AND AIR COCKS Fig. 708 With Male Threads Size, iron pipe threads... . ..inches 1 y« % % No. 708, tee handle each 1 .55 .65 .75 No. 710, level- handle . . . . . . ei«.^mr' Fig. 748 These pumps are used to force oil Into engine cylinders. The arrangement is simple. Tlie working parts consist Of a plunger and two check valves, one check valve to permit the oil to be drawn into the pump, the other to allow It to be forced into the cylinder. We have found them more practical than other pumps, especially when graphite or plumbago i« to be used with the oil. These pumps are finished and highly polished and are fitted with V4, inch union pip© connection both openings. They can be bolted to any convenient place, by means of the projecting lips at the basf. Price ^ ... .^ .... - each 920.00 666 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S CO SPRING KEY COCKS Fig. 174 Spring: Key Cock with Lever Handle, Double 31ale £nd Fig. 175 Spring Key Cocli, witli Tee Handle, Bibb IVose Fig. 177 Spring Key Coclt with Tee Handle FOR AIR, GASOLINE, ETC. The keys are self-adjusting, the springs taking up wear. The shank being uniform the key is easily turned and it will not stick as is often the case with the old style. Fig. 177, T Handle, Male End % inch each $0.78 % inch " .90 % inch " 1.20 % inch " 1.56 Fig. 178, L Handle, Male End Not illustrated % inch each $0.84 % inch " 1.08 % inch " 1.38 Va inch " 1.86 Fig. 174, L Handle, Double Male End % inch each $1.02 % inch i " 1.32 % inch each $1.80 1/^ inch •' 2.40 Fig. 175, T Handle, Bibb Nose % inch each $1.02 1/4 inch " 1.08 % inch " 1.36 1/2 inch " 1.98 Fig. 176, L Handle, Bibb Nose Not illustrated Vs inch each $1.08 Vt. inch " 1.20 % inch " 1.80 % inch " 2.28 WIND MILL TANK VALVES SIZES AND PRICES Size Pipe Fig. 998 Fig. 999 % inch 1 inch 1 % inch 1 ^A inch 2 inch 2% inch 3 inch $1.25 1.38 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 ^1.25 1.40 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 COPPER TANK FLOATS Pig. 900 W^ Fig. 778 Can be bolted to a lever attached to tank valve to open and close automatically Siz.e inches Price Each No 1 12x3 91/2X2 3/4 $1.50 1.10 No. 2 Geo-B-Carpem'ter « eo. 667 FISHER PUMP GOVERNOR Pis. 453 Vz inch. SCREWED each • each $25.00 27.50 30.00 35.00 42.50 50.00 58.00 70.00 $45.00 50.00 60.00 75.00 87.50 100.00 125.00 150.0O 225.00 ?4 1 lU IV2 LOW PRESSURE 1 BRASS SAFETY ^ VALVES WITH IRON BALL Ball Weighted for 8 to 10 ^ Pounds Pressure fl 1 inch. 11/4 inch. \V2 inch. 2 inch. 214 inch. 3 inch. PLAXGED IVa inch. 2 inch . inch 4.5oH inoh A Q»: ^H 21/2 inch. 3 inch. '""h 8(15^1 31/4 inch. 4 inch. 5 inch.. 6 inch.. 8 inch.. Fig. 36 STANDARD SAFETY VALVES ANGLE AND CROSS. BRASS For Steam Working PresHures up to 100 Pounds SCREWED Size . .Indies 1 14 % i y-i % 1 H4 IVz 2 1 2y2 1 3 No. 41) Cross Safety Valve.. . . . .each |$2.20 2.50 1 3.25 3.90 4.70 7.15- 9.00 12.50 1 22.50 133.50 No. 42. Angle Safety Valve . . . . .each 1 1 3.25 3.90 4.70 7.15 y.oo 12.501 1 Levers are graduated from 40 to 100 pounds. If desired, we can supply with any other grad- uation to order, not to exceed 100 pounds, at a special price. Cross Safety Valves, sizes 1^ inch and larger, will be furnished in Iron, unless Brass is specified. LOW PRESSURE DAMPER REGULATOR Fig. 234 Price eacli 1 $5.00 Extra Regular Rubber Diaphragm each 1 — Extra Special Pressed Rubber Diaphragm .75 — 668 Geo-BCarpen'ter ^ So, STANDARD PRESSURE REGULATORS For Steam, also Water or Air when so Specified Fig. 971 Fig. 9^Z riff. 975 Interior View Marine Type Low Preesare Piston Type Type No. 971 Regulators are for general service and used where the duty is steady on the reduced pressure side. No. 972 Regulators are the same as No. 971 with the addition of Dash Pot, which prevents noise or chattering when duty on the reduced pressure side is varying, due to the quick opening and closing of valves, or the pulsation of pressure, as in the steam pipe of engines or pumps, or the exhaust of high speed engines. No. 973 Regulators have expanded outlet, allowing steam to expand quickly and decrease in velocity. These valves are especially adapted to conditions requiring large volumes of steam, reduced noiselessly from comparatively high to very low pressures for steam heating and other purposes. Expanded outlet valves of the 975 low pressure type for use on low pressure and vacuum heating systems, are also furnished in corresponding sizes and numbered 975%. Nos. 971, 972 and 973 Regulators are suitable for initial steam working pressures up to 200 lbs. No. 974 Regulators (marine type) are fitted with very heavy working parts to withstand high steam pressures up to 250 lbs. TTiey have sliding ball weights with set screws, instead of loose weights, and are especially adapted for marine and all high pressure service. No. 975 Low Pressure Regulators are principally used for steam heating purposes and intended for low pressure service only. Their operation is very sensitive and positive and is governed entirely by the pressure existing in the low pressure main, which acts directly on the diaphragmt by means of the small size pipe connection. The lever is fitted with an adjustable regulating weight on each end. These Regulators are also furnished In the expanded outlet type. No. 975%, for extremely low pressure or vacuum systems. AVlien ordering, be particular to state size and style number, whether screwed or flanged ; also give boiler pressure and pressure desired on reduced side; state what purpose Regulator is for, and whether same is to be used on steam, water or air. Size Inches No. 971 Screwed or Flanged Each Nos. 972 and 974 Screwed or Flanged Each No, 975 Screwed or Flanged Each Size Inches No. 973 Ex- 'panded Oultet Each No. 975% Expanded Outlet Not Illus. Each Dlam. Standard Flanges Inches Dlam. of Extra Heavy Flanges Inches V2 18.00 1 22.00 1 26.00 1x2 35.00 40.00 % 20.00 1 24.00 1 26.00 11/4x21/2 40.00 50.00 1 22.00 1 26.00 1 28.00 IVixS 48.00 60.00 I'/i 24.00 1 28.00 1 32.00 2x3 54.00 70.00 1% 25.00 1 30.00 1 35.00 2x4 60.00 80.00 2 30.00 1 36.00 1 40.00 21/2x5 80.00 90.00 6 6% 214 35.00 1 42.00 1 50.00 3x5 90.00 110.00 7 7% 3 40.00 1 48.00 1 60.00 3x6 100.00 130.00 7% 8% 31/2 50.00 1 60.00 X 1 70.00 31/2x7 110.00 160.00 8% 9 4 60.00 1 72.00 1 80.00 4x6 110.00 160.00 9 10 5 75.00 ! 90.00 1 105.00 4x7 130.00 175.00 10 11 6 100.00 1 120.00 1 140.00 4x8 160.00 190.00 11 12% 7 135.00 1 160.00 1 180.00 5x8 170.00 210.00 12 V, 14 g 175.00 1 200.00 1 230.00 5x9 220.00 230.00 13% 15 10 275.00 1 300.00 I 290.00 5x10 235.00 260.00 16 17% 12 400.00 1 435.00 1 360.00 6x8 220.00 280.00 19 20 14 500.00 1 600.00 1 6x10 250.00 300.00 21 22% 1 1 6x12 335.00 320.00 1 1 8x12 400.00 350.00 1 1 8x14 430.00 400.00 1 1 1 8x16 475^00 450.00 1 1 10x16 650.00 600.00 • 1 1 10x20 700.00 650.00 The 1%- trlmmings. The 114- ©nds; larger Unless style Is not When fl unless other Inch and sm Inch and sm sizes made tberwise spe given. No. 97 aneed Regul wise speclfie aller Regulat iller Regulate with flanged rifled, screwe 1 will be fun itors are ord d. Extra h ors are made )rs have scre-5 ends only. d Regulators ilsbed. pred. we will eavy diamet of all brass; t fed ends only; 2 up to and Incl always furnish er flanges will t he 2-Inch ai to 6 inch, uding e-inch with standa e furnished i id larger ha made either will be sent. rd diameter vhen so sped ve iron bodie with screwec and In all caj flanges, and fled, without € s and brass 1 or flanged ses when the not drilled, xtra charge. Drilling flanges will be at an extra price. GEO-B-CARPENfTER S CO. 669 Fig. 1160 LOW PRESSURE BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES For Steam Heating Boilers Set at any Pressure Specified up to 20 lbs. These Valves are made of brass, with a strong and durable base, and are fitted with best steel springs. In addition to their extensive use on steam heating boilers, they are also useful on boiling kettles, tanks, etc. The outlet holes on all sizes of these Valves are located to blow "downward." In localities where Boiler Inspector Seal is required and so speci- fied, we will furnish these Valves with lug cast on body and corre- sponding holes drilled through this lug and the hexagon corners of cap, for attaching wire and seal. WTien not otherwise specified we will furnish No. 1160 rough body Valves set at 10 lbs. Size . .inches \ % \ % \ 1 {IVi \1^^ \ '2 1 2^^ 1 3 No. 1160, rough body .... each |$5.25|$5.25i$6.00|$6.75'$8.2.5|$11.25|$26.00;$37.50 No. 1162, finished . . . .each 1 6.001 6.001 6.75| 7.75| 9.50i 13.00| 28.00| 41.00 No. 1164, finished and nickel plated. . . . .. .each 1 6.75| 6.75| 7.501 8.75|10.50| 14.00| 30.00| 44.00 STANDARD BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES Figr. 1144 Interior Fig. 1144 Fig. 1146 Exterior Loclced Fig. 114S Fig. 1148 luterior Exterior WITH SELF-ADJTJSTIXG "POP" REGULATOR — PATENTED Pig. 1150 Locked For Stationary Boilers Set at any Pressure Specified up to 350 lbs. Nos. 1146 and 1150 are furnished with lock-up attachment but no lock. Locks will be fur- nished when ordered at an extra price. Valves with special enlarged or reduced inlets for threshing engines, made to order at a special price, according to quantity wanted. PRICE LIST FOR STATIONARY BOILERS Size inches No. 1144 Price eacli No. 1146 Price eacli No. 1148 No. 1150 Price Price eacli each For Nominal Boilers H. P. Valve Area Square inches % 11.00 1 12.00 1 8.00 1 $9.00 6 0.196 % 11.00 1 12.00 1 8.00 ; 9.00 6 0.441 1 13.00 1 14.00 1 10.00 1 11.00 10 0.785 IV4 1 16.00 1 17.00 1 12.00 1 13.00 20 1.227 \^/2 19.00 1 21.00 1 15.00 1 17.00 30 1.767 2 29.00 1 31.00 1 23.00 1 25.00 40 3.141 *2V4 38.00 1 40.00 1 31.00 | 33.00 55 3.976 2% ! 46.00 1 , 49.00 | 38.00 1 40.00 70 4.908 When ordering, always specify style number, and state the pressure at which valves are wanted set to blow off. ♦The 2 Vi inch Valve has regular 2 % inoh pipe connections. 670 GEO-BCARPEffTER ^ SO. STANDARD BRASS WATER, CYLINDER AND SNIFTING RELIEF VALVES Pig. 1126 Figr. 1128 Fig. 1130 HYD. Fig. 1132 Fig. 1134 FOR PUMPS, STEAM ENGINE CYLINDERS, PIPE LINES, TANKS, HYDRAULIC PRESSES AND ELEVATORS No. 1126 is intended for use as water or Cylinder Relief Valves. Sizes 2i^ and smaller will be set at any pressure specified up to 250 lbs. and sizes 3, S^^, and 4 will be set at any pressure specified up to 200 lbs. No. 1138 is the No. 1126 Valve fitted with lock-up attachment but no lock. Locks furnished when order at an extra price, see index. Where boiler inspector seal is required, suitable holes are drilled for attaching wire and seal in place of the lock and pin. No. 1128 will be set at any pressure specified up to 500 lbs. This style Valve is furnished with female base. When otherwise required, or flanged, will be made to order at a special price. No. 1130 Hydraulic Valve will be set at any pressure specified up to 5000 lbs., (according to size) and furnished as shown in cut, unless otherwise specified. These Valves are made extra heavy, of a superior composition, with long and durable springs of best quality steel. They have found extensive use for all purposes where prompt and efficient relief is required in connection with ex- tremely high pressure service, such as Hydraulic Presses, High Pressure Pumping Systems, Hy- draulic Elevators, Pipe Lines, etc. Prices on application. No. 1132 and No. 1134 Cylinder Relief or Snifting Valves, sizes 214 and smaller, will be set at any pressure specified up to 250 lbs. Sizes 3, 3 ^ and 4 will be set at any pressure up to 200 lbs. PRICE LIST Xo. 1126 No. 1138 Xo. 1128 Xo. 1132 Xo. 1134 Size inches Price Finished each Price Nickel Plated each Price Finished each Price Nickel Plated each Price Finished each Price Nickel Plated each Price Finished each Price Nickel Plated each Price Finished each Price Nickel Plated each V2 $11.00 1 $12.00 II $12.00 1 $13.00 || $25.00 | $26.50 $9.00 $10.00 1 $11.00 $12.00 % 11.00 1 12.00 II 12.00 1 13.00 || 25.00 | 26.50 9.00 10.00 1 11.00 12.00 1 13.00 1 14.00 II 14.00 1 15.00 || 30.00 | 32.00 11.00 12.00 1 13.00 14.00 1^ 16.00 1 18.00 II 17.00 1 19.00 || 35.00 | 37.50 1 13.00 1 15.00 1 16.00 18.00 11/2 19.00 1 22.00 II 21.00 | 24.00 || 40.00 | 43.00 1 16.00 1 19.00 1 19.00 22.00 2 29.00 1 32.00 II 31.00 | 34.00 || 55.00 | 59.00 | 1 24.00 1 27.00 1 29.00 32.00 2% 38.00 1 41.00 II 40.00 j 43.00 || 80.00 | 85.00 1 32.00 1 35.00 1 38.00 41.00 21/2 46.00 1 50.00 II 49.00 | 53.00 || 100.00 | 106.00 | 40.00 1 44.00 [ ,46.00 50.00 3 77.00 1 85.00 II 1 II 1 1 •••• 1 1 77.00 85.00 31/2 105.00 1 115.00 II 1 II 1 1 105.00 115.00 4 135.00 1 150.00 H 1 II 1 1 1 •••• 1 1 135.00 150.00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ QO. 671 STANDARD POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) FOR STATIONARY BOILERS Iron Body. Brass or Nickel Seat Set at Any Pressure Specified up to 250 Pounds When ordering:, always specify the style number of valve, and state the pressure at which valves are warned set to blow off. When not otherwise specified. No. 1101 Valve with brass seat will be furnished. i<'ig. 1101 PLAIN SPRING TTPE Fig. 1105 ENCASED SPRING TYPE PRICE LIST DIMENSIONS with Brass Seat Each sy- with With Nickel Seat! Brass Seat Each I Each In localities where Boiler Inspector Seal top of Valve, for attaching the wire and seal With Nickel Seat Each Diam- etcrof Base Frngo Inches Diameter of Outlet Flange Inches Center olO'Ut to Bt'm of Base Fl'ngln Center of Valve to End of Outlet Inches Total Height Inches For B-rnlers Nom'al H. P. 5% 6A 6H TVs 70 required, and so specified, we drill an extra hole In the Stem Pin at This at no extra charge. STANDARD POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) TWIN PATTERN FOR STATIONARY BOILERS Iron Body. Brass or Nickel Seat Set at Any Pressure Specified up to 250 Pounds PRICE LIST, No. 1103 comprises two No. 1101 Plain Spring Valves n No. 1107 comprises two No. 1105 Encased Spring Valves, TWIN PATTERN mounted on Y Base. locked up, mounted on T No. 1103 No. 107 Sire • With With With With Inches Brass Seat Nickel Seat Brass Seat Nickel Seat Each Each Each Each 2% 118.00 130.00 148.00 160.00 142.00 156.00 178.00 192.00 186.00 200.00 226.00 240.00 4 210.00 234.00 256.00 280.00 4>/2 290.00 320.00 340.00 370.00 5 350.00 380.00 410.00 440.00 6 470.00 510.00 550.00 590.00 DIMENSIONS Center of Size Diam. Largest Outlet to Total Height Inches For Size Inlet of of Y Pase Diameter r.Mtnm of Boiler.>= Inches Y Base Flange of Y Base Y Base Nom-al Inches Inches Inches Flange Inches H. P. 2% 3V3 9 15% 13 24 140 3 4y2 10 Vj 16% 14% 26% 200 Z% 11 18% 15 3/lS 29% 250 4 12% 20% 16 7/16 31 300 4% 14 21% 17% 32% 350 5 14 22 U 18% 34% 400 6 SVj 15 25% 21 38% 600 Fig. 1103 Fig. 1107 When orderinir, always specify the stvle number and state the pressure at which vnlves are wanted set to blow When not otherwise speclHed. No. 1103 twin tvpe with brass seats will be furnished. The above prices Include two Valves and corresponding Y Base all bolted together as shown In cuts, 43 673 GEO-B-CAIiP.EM'TER ^ SO. MARINE POP SAFETY VALVES ESSENTIAL FEATURES Bevel Seats at an angle of 45 degrees, brass or with solid nickel bushing as required. The Cam Lever will lift the Valve off its seat one-eighth the diameter of Valve opening. The Cam Lever may be thrown over far enough to lock the Valve open, should occasion require. The Cap is made with handle or cross-bars, fastened to stem and secured to main Valve, providing means for turning the Valve on its seat when steam is on, to remove any incrustation or saline matter that may accumulate. No. 1109 LOCKED UP MARINE POP SAFETY VALVES Comply with all the requirements of the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels^ and will be passed by all Local Inspectors on the basis of Valve Area Formula as prescribed (Rule II, Section 26) in the General Rules and Regulations as aHiendedj January, 1909, and approved by the Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor. March 20, 1909. The above Amended Rule of the U. S. Steamboat Inspection Service (Issued by the Department of Commerce and Labor) supplies a formula which gives the required Valve Area in square inches, based on pounds of water evaporated per hour per square foot of grate surface, as represented by figures given In a rated table of evaporation under different pres- sures of steam. When ordering, always specify the style number of valve and state the pressure Valves are wanted set to blow off, also whether brass or nickel seat. Valves with brass seat will always be furnished unless nickel seat is specified. These Valves are furnished locked up. Unless otherwise specified, these Valves will be furnished with flanged Inlet and flanged outlet, and of the dimensions as given above. An additional charge will be made for special-diameter flanges. DriUing extra. Templates for drilling should always accompany orders, otherwise we will drill the riff 1109 '^^^^ (inlet) flange according to extra heavy templates, and the outlet flange according to standard templates. The bVz inch Valves will be drilled same as 6 inch templates. Hexagon screwed base or screwed outlet will be furnished, when so ordered, without extra charge. ♦When screwed outlet is called for on 5 1^ -inch Valve, thread will be cut for 5-inch pipe. IRON BODY. BRASS OR NICKEL SEAT Set at Any Pressure Specified up to 350 Pounds Special Valves Made to Order for Pressures Above 250 Pounds Size Inches Diameter of Base Flange Inches Center of Outlet to Bottom of BaseFlag'd Inches Diameter of Outlet Flange Inches Center of Valve to End of Outlet Inches Total Height Inches Valve Area Square Inches With Brass Seat Each With Nickel Seat Each 21/2 71/2 5% 7 4% 1 171/2 4.908 $ 75.00 $ 81.00 3 8 1/4 5% 71/2 51/4 1 191/8 7.068 90.00 97.00 ■ 3y. 9 6fV 8 1/2 5% 1 21% 9.621 115.00 122.00 4 10 6H 9 61/2 1 22% 12.566 125.00 137.00 41/2 101/2 71/8 91/4 7^ 1 24% 15.904 160.00 175.00 5 11 7% 10 7^ 1 253/8 19.635 200.00 215.00 ■ =1=51/2 121/2 8 no 1% 1 27% 23.758 235.00 250.00 6 121/2 8 1/2 11 81/8 1 281/8 28.274 275.00 295.00 THROTTLE VALVES^ Iron Body. Brass Mounted For Steam "Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds Full opening in one-quarter turn. Size 2% 3 3Vo 4 Price, Screwed Each 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 End to End Inches 71A 8 sv. 9%! CARPENTER SERVICE A shutdown or breakdown in any industrial plant is an expensive event. The chief concern of the operator is the interruption of his daily production and the forced idleness of both his help and equipment. His first thought is for ^he rapid repair of the damage and he usually insists on speed all the way If you want anything in a hurry, or your plant is tied up for the la«k of an important part that will make the wheels turn again, send us a wire, or ^tjf '".^^ ilA„?,^ll.?^. °" ^^^ 'i*?^ distance telephone. The chances are that we n tviQ fl,.g*. 4^^3,1.^ Qu* •r.-iii j.a"e your goods Eis. 382 GEO-B-CARPErfTER « ©0. 673 "KEWANEE" UNIONS iB•eAItRE^fTER 55 CO. STANDARD BRASS UNIONS— COPPER TUBING Ground Joint. No Gasket Required FOR STEAM WORMNG PRESSURES Sizes 3 Inch and Smaller, up to 200 Pounds Sizes 3 % Inch and 4 Inch, up to 125 Pounds No. 521 % Rough Brass Unions are not Recommended for Steam Working Pressures Above 150 Lbs. Tig. 532 Se^mi-flmsbed Fig. 523% Octasron £nds Govt. Pattern, Bough STANDARD BRASS UNIONS Size inches % 1 % 1 % 1 Va 1 % 1 1 1% IVs 2 2% 3 3% 4 Brass Unions, rougli, No. 521% 1 .50 1 .65 1 .85 1 1.15 1.60 1 2.25 2.70 4.00 7.50 11.50 Brass Unions, semi-finished. No. 522.. 45 1 .55 1 .75 1 .95 | 1.30 1.75 1 2.50 3.00 4.50 8.25 12.75 22.50 30.00 Brass Unions, finislied. No. 523 .50 1 .60 1 .85 1 1.05 1 1.40 1.90 1 2.75 3.25 5.00 9.00 14.00 25.00 33.00 Octagon Brass Un's, rough. No. 523 Ve 1 .65 1 .85 1 1.10 1 1.50 2 00 1 2.80 3.60 5.25 9.00 14.00 Finished and nicltel plated unions will be furnished at an advance of 20 per cent over above Finished prices. SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS AND COPPER TUBING IRON PIPE sizi!;s Size inches Dimensions Approximate Weights Inside Diameter Inches Outside Diameter inches Brass Per Lineal Foot pounds Copper Per Lineal Foot pounds % .281 .405 .25 .26 y* .375 .540 .43 .45 % .494 .675 .62 .65 % .625 .840 .90 .95 % .822 1.05 1.25 1.31 1 1 1.062 1.315 1.70 1.79 IV* 1.368 1.66 2.50 2.63 1% 1.600 1 90 3.00 3.15 2 2.062 2.375 4.00 4 20 23/, 2.500 2.875 5.75 6.04 3 3.062 3.50 8.30 8.72 3V- 1 3.500 4.00 10.90 11.45 4 1 4.000 4.50 12.70 13.33 4 J/. 1 4.500 5.00 13.90 14.60 .'■> ! 5.062 5 563 15.75 16.54 1 6.125 6.625 18.31 19 23 7 1 7.062 7.625 26.28 27.60 « 1 7.982 8.625 29.88 31.37 EXTRA HEAVY Vk I .205 .405 .370 .388 % 1 .294 .540 .625 .650 % 1 .421 .675 .830 .870 v.'- 1 .542 840 1.200 1.33 y. 1 .736 1.050 1.660 1 75 1 1 .951 1.315 2.360 2.478 1% 1 1.272 1.660 3.300 3.465 1% 1 1.494 1.900 4.250 4.462 2 1 1.933 2.375 5.460 5.733 2V. 1 2.315 2.875 8.300 8.715 3 1 2.892 3 500 11.200 11.760 3V. 1 3.358 4.00 13.700 14 385 4 1 3.818 4.50 16.500 17.325 5 1 4.813 5.563 22.800 23.940 B 1 5.750' 6.625 32.00 33.60 iurnished with i ilain ends, unless otherw ise specified. Commercial lengths are 12 feet Ion g. PRICES ON APPLICATION GAUGE TUBING Price of seamless or brazed tubing, of diameters % inch to 10 inch and any gauge In which the different diam- eters are made, will be quoted on r«queBt, for direct ahtpment from mill. GEo•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 675 BRASS STEAM FITTINGS # mg. 181A ms. 181B mON PIPE SIZI>— ROUGH For 125 Pounds Working Pressure Vs I % ly* Sya I 3 4 10.00 12.50 10.00 Elbows each Elbows, Reducing each 4.25 I 7.50 1.20 I 2.00 Street each Elbows, Drop, Female each Elbows, Side Outlet each 14.00 17.50 Tees, Reducing Tees, Drop, Female Tees. 4-way each 5.00 I 20.00 25.00 Crosses, Reducing each 8.75 I 15.00 Faced Bushings each 6.25 5.00 10.00 Countersunk Plugs 7 00 5.00 8.00 7.00 Lock-nuts each Reducers eaeh Couplings each Couplings, R. & L. each Bends, Close each Return Bends, Open each 8.25 I 11.00 26.00 Reducers, reducing: more than two dzes Right and I/eft IHbows. Right and I^eft Return Bends, also Bushings and will be furnished at an advance of 25 per cent over above prices. BRASS STEAM FITTINGS IRON PIPE SIZE— FINISHED For 135 Pounds Working Pressure 8..e .inches ■ y« y4 % y2 1 ly* 1% 2 'iV^ 1 3 r~3vrn 4 Elbows . . .each .30 .35 .45 .56 .75 1.10 1.55 2.00 3.00 5.50 9.00 14.00 17 50 Elbows, Reducing . .each .44 .55 .70 .95 1.40 1.90 2.50 3.75 6.75 11.25 17.50 22.00 Elbows, 45° . . .each .38 .45 .55 .66 .85 1.23 1.70 2.20 3.25 6.00 1 9.75 1 19.50 Elbows, Street . . .each • .47 .52 .63 .83 1.08 1 1.45 2.30 3.00 4.50 1 1 Elbows, Drop, Female ...each 1 .85 1.05 1.40 2.00 2.80 3.60 5.40 1 1 Elbows, Side Outlet . .each 1 1.3.T 1.70 2.25 3.30 4.70 6.00 9.00 16.50 ^| 27.00 1 Tees . . .each .42 .49 .63 .80 1.05 1.50 2.15 2 80 4.20 7.75 1 12.75 19.50 24.50 24.50 each 1 .fiO .77 1.00 1.30 1.S5 2.65 5 25 9.75 15.80 30.50 Tees. Drop. Female each 1 1.13 1.37 1.80 2.55 1 1 ! Tees. 4-way each 1 2.05 2.70 3.90 5 70 11.50 1 1 Crosses . . . each .60 .70 .90 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.10 6.00 11.00 1 18.00 28 00 35.00 Crosses. Reducing each 1 .88 1.10 1.40 1 85 2.75 3.85 7.50 13.75 1 22.50 35.00 44.00 Bushings . .each .27 .35 .47 .70 1.00 2.00 3.00 1 4.50 6.25 8 00 Plugs . .each .23 .30 .37 43 .55 .75 1.00 1.95 3.00 1 4.25 6.25 8.00 Solid Plugs each .43 .50 .65 .90 1.35 2.90 4.50 1 6.50 10.00 Countersunk Plugs each 1 42 .55 .80 1.15 2.25 1 Caps . each .20 .25 .31 .40 .55 .77 1.10 2.25 4.00 1 5.50 8.00 10.00 Lock-nuts . . .each .24 .25 .32 .40 .50 .65 .85 1.60 3 25 1 4.75 Reducers . each ..15 .45 .56 .75 1.05 1 55 2.75 4.75 1 7.00 12.00 15.50 Couplings . each .24 .28 .36 46 .63 .90 1.30 2 35 4 00 1 5.75 Coupling^. R. * T,. . . . each .37 .47 .58 .80 1.15 1 65 3.00 5.10 1 7.50 Return Bends. Close . . .each 1 1.55 2.05 2 65 3.75 7.25 1 1 Return Bends. Open . . .each 1 1.65 2.15 2.80 4 10 7.75 14.25 1 T Bend. OToh 1 1.60 2.15 3.05 4.45 5.70 8.50 Right and Left Elbows. Right ai Win be famished at an advance of 25 ad Lei per ce t Re( nt ov turn ] er ab< Bends, also 1 )ve pricee. Sushin ssand Redu cers. r edncing more i ban two sizes. 676 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ So, Figr. 162A. Close WROUGHT IRON NIPPLES TABLE OP SIZES AND LENGTHS KEPT IN STOCK Nipples larger than 12 inch, made to order and charged as cut pipe, and threads extra. Fig. 162B Shoulder Length, inches Close Short liong Size. Inches Long Price of Extra Ii.Mi_ III Kipe. Price on application. Fig. 160A Fig. 161A Fig. 161B Fis. 160 A LONG SCREWS With Coupling and Lock-Nut Faced In ordering, always specify the lengtli of thread wanted. Si/e inch es I 1/4 I %| V2I %l 1 \ IVi \ IV> \ 2 I aVal 3 I SVj Standard length inches | 2 ■£. | 3 | 3 '.-2 I 4 | 4 'A | 5 | 5 '/2 I 6 | 7 | 8 | 8 1^ Price , each I 30 | .35 | .40 | .55 | .75 | 1.00 | 1 30 | 1.70 | 2.70 | 3.70 | 5.40 Price, galvanized each | .35 | .40 1 .50 | .66 | 1.00 | 1 25 | 1.60 | 2.10 | 3.10 I 4.70 | 6.50 Long screws, longer than standard, made to order and charged as cut pipe. Threads, couplings and lock-nuts, extra. Long screws made to order from extra heavy pipe. Fig. 161 A OFFSETS . Malleable Iron '^"g inchesi % | 1 | Pi^'ce eachi .25 | .40 I Q"^^t inches I 114 I 1V4 I ^^"gth Inches! 3U I 4 I Fig. 161B OFFSET REDUCIXG COUPLINGS Malleable Iron Tills fltttnsr Is the same as a male and female reducer, except that the inlet and outlet are on the same Bv its use water pockets are prevented. ^'"^ in.'h-s ! Ix% I ly^xl ll'/:.xP4'! 2x1% | 2'/.-xa I : ^■•'^^ ■■ ^ oach ! 60 I .70 I .90 | M | l.S'J | ^lll — inches I .3%x3l 4x3 | 4x3'/. I 4V.x4 | 5x4 I i ^'"'"^ each I 3.00 I 4.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 I FOR PIPE AND CHAIN WRENCHCS, SEE INDEX 678 GEO-BCARREhfTER 55 CO, STANDARD UNIONS MAr,LEABL,E IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS Gasket Extra He. FEMAIE UNION Fig. 620A FEMALE TWO-THIRD UNION Fig. 520B MALE AND FEMALE ■ Inches I Vs I % I % I Ya I % I 1 I 1^/4 I IVa I Z \ 2V2 \ I SVa I 4 Female Union, Black .each I .18 Female Union, Galvanized each | .27 | .27 | .30 | Male and Female Union, Black.. each | ... | .23 | .25 | Male and Female Union, Galv. ...each | ...I .32 | .35 | .22 I .27 I 53 I I -58 I .75 I 1.55 I 2.10 | 3.65 | 4 . 3 5 I .40 I ■ 28 I ■ 39 I ■ 33 I .46 I _^0J .57 I I .70 I .90 I 1.15 I 2.35 | 3.15 | 6.50 j 6.50 ■ 57 I .72 I .95 I 1.95 | I 1.04 I 1.35 I 2.75 I LIST PRICES OF FEMALE TWO-THIRD UNIONS Size Inches I % I % 2 I ZVa I 3 I 3V3 I 4 ■ 50 I 1.00 I .40 I 2 40 I 3.00 Price. Galvanized each | .18 I .20 | .22 | I .35 I I .75 I 1.60 I 2 10 I 3.70 | 4.35 FOR KEWANEE, DART AND CHICAGO UNIONS, SEE INDEX A9 CROSS OVERS Fig. lOOB CROSS OVER TEES Pig. 519 RAILROAD UNION Figs. lOOA-lOOB GROSS OVERS Malleable Iron Size Inches ¥2 % 1 Price, Cross Overs each ■ 20 .30 .45 Price, Cross Overs, Galvanized each .25 ■ 40 .60 Price, Cross Over Tees, Galvanized each 38 .56 Fig. 519 RAILROAD UNIONS Brass to Iron Seat Malleable female ends. Malleable hexagon ring^ For steam working pressures up to 2O0 pounds^ Tested to 250 pounds hydraulic pressure. Brass to iron seat Unions have been examined and tested by the Underwriters' laboratories and listed by the consulting engineers of the National Board of Fire XTnderwriters. Groiind joint, non-corrosive; no gasket required; readily taken apart. .Inches I Vh \ V^ \ % \ % I 1 I 1^4 I I 2 I ZVa I Price, No. 519 . .each | .30 I I .40 I .."^O .60 I jQ I 1.20 I 1.63 I 2 00 I 3.20 I 4. SO Price, No. 519. Galvanized eaclTl .45 | .45 | .60 | .75 | .90 | 1.20 | 1.80 | 2.40 | 3.00 | 4.80 | 6.20 CIRCULATING BOILER FITTINGS Malleable Iron. Gal-vanized Fig. 587 Figr. 588 Fig. 585 Fig. 686 OLD PATTERN NEW PATTERN In ordering always specify whether "old pattern" or "new pattern" Union Elbow is required, specified "old pattern" Union Elbows will be furnished. To avoid mistakes, particular care should be used in making orders qnite clear for the above fittings Fiff. 689 Unless otherwise Size . Inches Female. Male %x34xl Fen ale, Male %xy2xi Female, Male ^^xVzxl Price, Boiler Elbows, Galvanized each .40 .40 .40 Price, Boiler Elbows, with Union, Galvanized . ■ . .each .75 .75 .60 Price, Boiler Coupling, Galvanized each .40 .40 .40 Price, Boiler Coupling, with Union, Galvanized.. ■ ■ ■ ■each .75 .75 .60 GEO•B•eAItPE^fTER S So. 679 STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS ELBOWS Fig. 132B Fig. 132C Fig. laSA Fig. 133C Fig. 132A ELBOWS Cast Iron straight. Right and left hand elbows have ribs on left hand end. .inches I >4 % I Price, right hand each I.IOV2 I .16 I I -50 I Price, right and left each Price, right hand, gal Price, pitched Size inches Price, right hand each | Price, right hand. vanized each 5.50 I 9.40 I 13.50 Price, pitched Fig. 132B REDUCING ELBOWS Cast Iron Size inches | % Vi % 1 1 1% 1% 2 2% 3 3>/a Price each 1 .00 .07 .09 .12 1 .18 .23 .32 .60 .85 1.20 .14 .IS .24 1 .36 .46 .64 1.20 1.70 2.40 Price. pitched each 1 .10 .13 1 20 .25 .35 .65 1.00 1.30 Size inches 1 4 ■ 4V. 5 6 1 •> 8 9 10 13 Price each 1 1.40 2.00 2.30 3.15 1 5.40 7.75 10.50 15.50 23.00 6.30 I 10.80 I 15.50 Fig, 132C 45° ELBOWS Cast Iron I % I 1 I . 1% I IV2 I I 2% I 3 1 3Vo I -10 I .19 I .24 I Size inches I I 6 I I 10 I 12 I 11.25 I 17.00 I 25. Price, galvanized 6 90 I n.SO I 17.00 I 22 50 I 34.00 | 50, OC Fig. 133 A ELBOWS Malleable Iron STRAIGHT AND REDUCING Size inches | % ■Ys I Va I % I 1 I 2V2 I 3 I 3V> I 4 1 4yg I 5 I 6 I .35 I 1.50 I 2.25 1 3.00 I 3.50 Price, R. and L each I .09 I .11 I .13 I .17 1 .25 I Price, gal.. R. H .each I .08 )9 I .11 I .14 I .40 I .60 I .90 I 1 50 I 2.60 | 3.75 | 5.00 | 6.50 I 10.00 Price. R. & L., Galv. .each I I .16 I .17 I .23 I .35 i .45 | .65 | 1.00 | Fig. 133B 45° ELBOWS Malleable Iron .inches I V. I •% I Vi I 1^4 I IMil 2 I 2'/2 I .each I .08 I .10 | .12 | .18 | .26 | .36 | .54 | I 1.25 I 2.50 I 3.25 | 4.50 | 5.25 | 6.00 I 7.50 galvanized Fig. 133C 60° ELBOWS Malleable Iron Size Inches | Price, galvanized 680 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER :r Co, BUSHINGS, PLUGS, REDUCERS AND CAPS Fig. 138A Pig. 13SB Fig. 138C Fig. laOA Fig. 139B Fig. 139C Fig. 139D Fig. 138A BUSHINGS Cast Iron Keducing two or more sizes, up to 3% inch inclusive. Size ■ ■ .inches i -VhI 1 I 1^/41 IMil a I -iY.l 3 I SVal 4 I 4y2l 5 I 6 | I 8 I 9 I 10 112 .each |.04|.04|.05|.06| .07| .09|.14| 21|.30| .40| .50| .75| .93|1.25|1.87|2.75|3.25|3.75| 5.00 Price, galvanized .each I.OSI.O^ ■ 42| 60| .8011.0011 50|1.S5|2.50|3.75|5.50|6.50|7.50|10.00 Malleable Bushingrs, Reducing: one or more sizes 3 inches and up. % IV* I IVa I I 2V2 Price ■ .each | Price, galvanized .14 I .18 I .28 I Fig. 138B BUSHINGS Malleable Iron Faced Reducing one size only. ■ inches I %| Mil %| 1 I IV4I IV2I 2 I 2%! 3 I SVgl 4 | 4Vg| 5 | 6 131 .171 .221 .321 .481 .70|1.20|1.50|2.10|2 60|3.75 Price, galvanized .each I . . I . . I ■ 25| .331 .481 .72|1.05|1 80|2.25| ...I ...I Fig. 138C PLUGS Cast Iron Size inches %l %l V2I %l 1 I 2 |2yo|3 I SVal 4 I 4V2I 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 I 10 .each |.02|.02|.02|.02| 03|.04| .051 .07|.10| .18|.25| .421 .651 .88|1.20|1.85|2.75|3.25|3.' Price, galvanized each | ■ ■ |.04|.04|.04|.06|.0S| .10| .14| 20| .36^ 50| .76|.S4|1.30|1.75|2.40|3.70|5 50|6.50|7.50|10.00 PLUGS Cast Iron inches I Vil %l 1%| lVo| 2 I 2V>| 3 I 3V2I 4 I 4%| 5 I 6 .|.04|. 061.081 .091 .11|.15| .30| 40| .92|1 10| Price, tapped for air cock ' each .1.121.151 .201 .251.301 ...| .-I ...I ...I ...I ...| Price. L. H. .1.061.081 .091 .111.151 ...I ..| ...I ...I ...I ...| Price, solid each )4|. 041.041. 061.081 .09| .11|.15| .27|.38| .571 .63|1.00|1.35|1. Fig. 139A REDUCERS Malleable Iron , inches I %| %| V2I %l 1 I 1%I IV'I 2 | 2%l 3 I 3V,\ 4 .each |.05|.06|.07|.10|.16| .20| .28|.45| .70|1.00|1.50r Price, galvanized .08|.10|.10|.15|.25| .351 .45|.75|105|1.65|2.40|3.05 Fig. 139B REDUCERS Cast Iron .inches \ 4VA .each |l.S.'i|2.00|2.70| 5.35| 6.75| 8.35|10 00|15.00 Price, galvanized ]|5.40|10. 70113. 60116. 70|20.00|30.00 Fig. 139C CAPS Malleable Iron .inches I %! %l V.I ail II IV- 1 1%! 2 3 I 3V,| 4 15 16 .each I 031.041. 051. OSI.i: !4|.32| .451 .8511.0011.2012.5013.50 Price, galvanized .each ! 041.051. .171 .241 .381.521 11. 6012. 0013. 5015. 00 Fig. 139D CAPS Cast Iron .inches I 4 1 4i Price each i7|1.05|1.20|1.55|2.50|2.85|4.75| 5.50| 7.00 Price, galvanized .each |1.74|2.10|2.40|3.10|5.00|5. 7019. 50111. 00114. 00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO. 681 TEES— CROSSES TEES ig. 135A Fig. 135B Fig. 135C TEES — CAST IRON Straight ^_^ FIG. 135A Size inches I %l %l %! %l 1 ll^llVal 2 | 2Val 3 I 3.M.| 4 | 4M.| 5 I 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10|~T3~ Price each |.0S|.08|.09|.12|.15| .231 .291.411 .73|1.10|1.50il 75|2.55|3.00|4.00| 6.S0| 9.75|13.00|19.. 50129.00 Price, galvanized each |.16|.16|.1S|.24|.30| .46| .581.8211.4612 20|3. 00|3.50|5.10|6.00|8.00|13. 60119. 50|26.00|39. 00 58.00 REDUCING TEES — CAST IRON FIG. 135B ^___ Size inclies I Val %l 1 H^UVzl 2 I 2%! 3 | SVzl 4 \ iy^j 5 |6 | 7n~8~r'9~|~r oT~12' Price eacli I.10|.14|.17| .27| .33|.47| .83|1.25|1.75|2.00|2.95|3..'i0|4.60| 7.80|11.25|15.00|22.50|33.5Q Price, galvanized each |.20|.2S|.34| .54| .66|.94|1.66|2.50|3.50|4.00|5.90|7.00|9.20|15.60|22 nO|30.00|4.'i.OO|67.0Q TEES — MALLEABLE IRON Straight and Reducing FIG. 135C iSize inclies I %| %| %| %| % | 1 |1%|1J4 I 2 | 2V2 I 3 | 31^ 1 4 | 4iyj 5_L_67 Price each |.07|.US|.09|.11|.15|.25| .30| .451 .60|1.05|1.70|2.50|3.40|4.2r.|5 00! 7.75 Price, galvanized each |.09|.10|.13|.16|.20|.38| 50| .70|1.00|1.90|3.00|4.2o|r).73| |8.00|12.00 Customers desiring R. and li. Tees, will state when ordering, which hole is to be tapped left hand. Such goods can always be furnished to order. GROSSES Fig. 137A Fig. 137B Fig. 137A CROSSES— CAST IRON Straight Fie. 137C Size inches ■ each I .161 .22| .27 | .42 | .53| .301 2 00| 2.70 Price, galvanized each ^1 .441 .54 I .84 I 1.061 1.50| 2.60| 4.00| 5.4( Size Inchea I 4 | 4Va| 5 | 6 I 7 | .each |3.15|4.60| 5.50| 7.25|12 25|17.50|23.50|35.00| 52.50 Price, galvanized ich |6.30!9.20|11.00|14.50|2 4.50|3.^).00|47.00|70.00|105.00 Fig. 137B REDUCING CROSSES — CAST IRON Si/.e inches I V. I 1% I ly. 1.451 2.201 3.00 lized each .661 2 901 4.401 6.00 .inches | 4 | 4Va | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 12 Price each |3.50| 5.101 6.001 S. 00113. 50119. 25|26.00|38. 501 58.00 Price, galvanized . 00110.20112. 00116.00|27.00|3S 50|52.00|77.00|116.00 Fig. 137C CROSSES — MALLEABLE IRON Straight and Reducing Size inches I %| %| %! %| 1 ll^llVal 2 | 2V2I 3 \ SVjl i |5 | 6 Price each |.09|.10|.16|.20|.30| .40| .60|1.00|1.75|3.00|3.25|.5.25|7.50|13.00 Price, galvanized -h |.12| 14|.25|. 291.451 .60| .90|1.50|2.75|4.50| GEO-B-eAXPEffTER « So. Fig. laeB Rg. 136C Fig. 136A SERVICE TEES— MaUeable Iron gjxe inches .15 .15 .20 It .35 1 .35 .50 .70 1.10 2 1.15 1.65 S 'fXf 3x3x4 4.00 Price, galvanized each Fig. 136B DROP TEES — ^Malleable Iron Size inches % .10 .15 .10 .15 .14 .25 .14 .25 .40 .22 .40 1 V>r\ne- fprnnlp each .30 .55 .30 Price' male and female, galvanized each .55 Fig. 136C LONG DROP TEES — ^Malleable Iron inches .17 2 V2 %x%xy2 31/8 lxlx% .40 3% l%xli4xV^ Price each .60 each Drop length, over all inches 3% STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS— ELBOWS Fig. 134D Fig. 134E Figs. 134A.134B STREET ELBOWS— Malleable Iron 1/4 % V2 .10 .10 .12 .12 .12 .15 % .20 .28 .20 1. IVj.\ IV. 2 .90 1.30 .90 1.30 2% 1.50 2.25 3 1 4 Price . • ■ each .25 .35 .25 .35 .40 .55 .55 .80 .40 .55 .551 .80 2.25 3.50 Price, galvanized each Price 45° each 3.50 Price! 45°, galvanized .. .each Fig. 134C SIDE OUTLET ELBOWS Malleable Iron .inches . . .each . . each % V-A % 1 .301 .45 1% .45 .65 iy2 .60 .90 2 Price Price. gal. .08 .10 .101.18 .151.25 1.00 1.50 Fig. 134D DROP ELBOWS Malleable Iron Fig. 134B LONG DROP ELBOWS Malleable Iron Size inches I 14 Price, female each ,06 Price, female, galvanized each Price, male and female each Price, male and female, galv. . .each | .08 .20 .12 .20 .35 ^. TT- . . . inches %X% %x% .10 .18 2% y.><% .27 3% y2x% 12 08 12 Price Price, galvanized Drop length, over each each all. Inches .10 .18 , 2% 18 .27 3% %mt^ •Pis. 140A Fig. 140C Fig. 140D Fig. 140E Fig. 140F Fig. 140A LOCK NUTS — Malleable Iron No. 140B .02 .03 % .03 .04 .04 .05 .07 .07 .10 .14 lya .11 .20 2 Prjce each .18 Price, galvanized each .30 Fig. 140B WASTE NUTS — ^Malleable Iron y* 1 % .04 .05 .08 1 .10 .06 .12 .16 .10 .20 1% .15 .30 1% each .25 Price, galvanized par-h .50 Figs. 140CDEF CHANDELIER HOOKS OR LOOPS— WALL PLATE .06 .09 .10 .12 .09 .13 .12 .16 % .12 .18 Price,' wall plates. No, 140F each .30 Can furnish male hooks when so specified. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « QO. 683 BUN Fig. 153A Inlet Fig. 153C Y BENDS CAST IROX No. 153A Fig. 153B Size . inches 1 Vs % 1 ly* 1% 2 21/2 3 1 SV2 Price eachi $0.20 .28 .34 .54 .66 .94 1.66 2.50 1 3.50 Price-. Galvanized eachI .40 .56 .68 1.08 1.32 1.88 3.32 5.00 1 "Too Size . incites 1 4 4»/2 5 6 7 S 10 12 i Price eachI $4.00 5.90 7.00 9.20 15.60 22.50 45.00 67.00 1 Price', Galvanized eachI 8.00 11.80 14.00 18.40 31.20 45.00 90.00 134.00 1 Y BENDS MALLEABLE IRON Straight and Reducing No. 153B Size inches | % I 1% I IV2 I 2 I 2% I Price eachI $0.40 | I 1.00 I 1.70 I 2.0 I 4.00 I 5.50 Price', Galvanized .75 I I 1.25 I 1.50 I 2.50 I 3.00 | 6.00 | OS 60° Y BENDS MALLEABLE IRON (Not illustrated) Size ■ inches | Price .eachI Price, Galvanized each| MEDIUM REDUCING DOUBLE BRANCH ELBOWS CAST IRON No. 153C Size inches | 1x1x1 i/i I l^Xl^XlVg I 1V2X1V3X2' Price each | $0.75 1.05 Size inches | 2y2x2y2x3 Price each | $4.25 6.50 12.00 In describing Medium Reducing Double Branch Elbows, the Run is first named and then the Inlet Fig. 154A Fig. 13 ECCENTRIC REDUCERS CAST IRON No. 154 A ^"^ inches I IV^ I IV2 I 2 I 2V2 I 3 I 3 % I 4 | 4V2 | 5 | 6 1 8~ ^''"^^ each I $0.55 | .72 | 1.00 | 1.50 | 2.40 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 | 8.00 | 11.0 ECCENTRIC BUSHINGS CAST IRON No^54B f.^,^_ incnesi 1% I 1^ | ^ | aVg | 3 | 3 V2 I 4 | 4% ^^^^^ ■ • ■ each.. I $0.22 | .25 | .27 | .42 | .60 | .80 | 1.00 | 1.50~ ^'^^ in c hes I 5 I 6. I 7 | 8 | 9"| 10~| 12 | ^''"^^ each. -I $1.85 I 2.50 I 3.75 | 5.50 | 6.50 | 7.50" [10.00 | 684 GEO•B'eAIiPE^fTER S Co. MALLEABLE IRON RETURN BENDS Fiff. 150A CLOSE Fig. 150B MEDIUM 150C OPEN Fig. CLOSE OR MEDIUM PATTERNS Nos. 150A.150B Fig. 150D SPECIAL. Size inchesi Vz % 1 1% 1 IVa 1 2 Price, right hand eachi .18 .25 .35 .50 1 .75 11.00 Price, right hand, galv each) ' .25- .35 .55 .75 11.15 11.65 Price, right and left eachI .23 .30 .45 .60 1 .90 11.25 Price, right and left, galv eachI .40 .65 1 1 Price, left hand eachI .23 .30 .45 .60 1 .90 11.25 Center to center, close 1'... inches! 1 IV, IVo 1% 1 2A 1 2% Center to center, medium inches! ly* 11/2 1% 21/4 1 21/2 1 3 OPEN PATTERN Nos. 150C-150D Size incliesl % 1 % 1 1% 1% 2 2% 3 Price, right hand . .. each! .20 1 .30 .50 .65 .85 1.25 2.00 3.00. Price, right hand, galv . . each! .28 1 .45 .70 .90 1.25 2.00 3.50 5.00 Price, right and left . . . each! .25 1 .38 .60 .80 1.05 1.55 2.50 3.75 Price, right and left, galv.. . . each! 1 .55 .80 1 Price, left hand .. eachI .25 1 .38 .60 .80 1.05 1.55 2.50 3.75 Center to center . inchesi 11/2 1 2 ■2V2 3 31/2 4 4% 5 CAST IRON RETURN BENDS Figr. 151A CLOSE Fig. 152 CLOSE PATTERN Nos. 151A-151B Fig. 151 B OPEN Size Incliesl Vi % 1 1 IV. 1% 2 2% 3 4 Price, right hand eachI .18 .20 ! .22 .28 .40 .57 1.20 1.70 5.00 Price, right and left... each! .21 ! .23 1 .26 .33 .46 .66 1.40 1.95 5.25 Price, left hand each! .21 1 .23 1 .26 .33 .46 .66 1.40 1.95 5.25 Price, right hand, galv. each] .36 1 .40 1 .44 .56 .80 1.14 2.40 3.40 10.00 Center to center inches! iy4 1 iy2 1 1% 2% 2y2 3% 3% iV. 6 CLOSE PATTERN, PITCHED — Not Hlustrated Suitable for Coils as per Table Below Size incites | 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! ly* ! 1% 1 1% Length of pipe in coil.. feet! 3 ! 4 1 5 1 6 1 8 1 4 1 5 1 6 Price, right hand each! .26 ! .26 ! .26 1 .26 1 26 1 .33 1 .33 1 .33 Price, right and left eachI .26 1 .26 1 .26 1 .26 1 26 1 .33 1 .33 1 .33 Wide Pattern. Right Hand No. 152 Size inches i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IV4 1 IV4 1 1V4 Price eacti ■■ .45 t .g6 f .66 1 .fS 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.25 1.25 Price, galvanized. each! .80 | .90 fl-lO 1 1.30 1 1.60 1 1.75 1 2.00 2.00 Center to center. inchesi 3 | 4 1 5 1 6 | 8 14 16 8 Size inche.sl 1% ! IV2 ! IV2 1 2 ! 2 12 12 14 Price each] 1.30 ! 1.60 1 2.00 1 1.75 I 2.00 1 3.00 1 3.50 1 7.50 Price, galvanized eachI 2.30 | 2.60 1 3.25 1 3.00 1 3.25 1 4.50 1 5.00 111.00 Center to center. ".'...'. Inchesi 4% 1 6 1 8 1 4% I 6 17 18 |- 11" GEO•B•eAR,PE^fTER S 60. C85 % Fig. 170A LONG SWEEP FITTINGS CAST reoN * For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds For Water Working Pressures up to 175 Pounds No. 170A LONG SWEEP ELBOWS Outlet Fig. 170B Size inches 1 1 llV^llVal 2 1 :JM:| 3 | 3yo| 4 | 4y2| 5 | 6 | 7 1 8 1 9 1 Jt) 1 12 Kibows eactl |.32| .4UI .&b| . sun. 2U|;j. 2513.2513. 5015.5016.501 8. 75|1 3.00|17 00|25..'->0|30 00140 00 Reducing elbows each I.4SI .601 .83|1 20|l.S0|3.3S|4.SS|5.25|8.25|9.75il3.13ll9.50125.50l3S.25l4.=; 00l6(. 00 No. ITOB LONG SWEEP OOUBLE BRANCH ELBOWS Size inches 1 1 I ly*! iy»l 2 |2y2l 3 ISy^i 4 1 4i/> 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 | 9 | 10 | 12 Elbows each 1.641 . SOU. 10ll.60|2.40|4. 5016. 501 7. 00|11.00|13. 00117. 50|26.00|34. 00151. 00|60 00| 80.00 STEAM PIPE SADDLES MALLEABLE IRON WITH WROUGHT IRON STRAPS For AVrought Iron Pipe Size of pipe inches 1% ., 2% 3 3y. 4 4y. Tapped for pipe inches % & % 1'2 to 1 >.j % to 1 % % to 2 % to 2 % to 2 % to 2 .90 1 00 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.50 2.50 Size of pipe inches 5 5 (! 7 8 9 Tapped for pipe inches % to2 2 1,4 & 3 «i to 2 214 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4 1 '4 to 4 I'lice each 2.75 2.75 5.7 5 6.50 6.50 8.50 Size of pipe inches 10 10 12 12 15 16 Tapped for pipe Inches 1 14 to 4 4 V2 to 6 1 14 to 4 4n to i\ 3 to 6 3 to 6 2 2.00 25.00 EXTRA HEAVY OR HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS iff. 176A Il.vdraulic Couplinffs Fig. 176B Hydraulic Recessed Couplings Size inches IM: I 2 I 2y, Outside diameter inches I 2.31 I 2 81 4.63 I 5.13 4 25 I 4.25 Threads to inch of screw I Weight, 'each pounds | Price, plain each I .14 | .14 | .20 | 1.20 I 1.60 I 2.( •32 I .42 I Price, recessed, plain each Price, recessed, galvanized each | Price, right and left each I ight and left, galvanized each Size inches Price, recessed, plair .00 I 11.10 I 11.60 I 14. oO I 17.50 Price recessed, galvanized .each in I These couplings are made extra heavy and long, and cut with a perfect taper and longer thread. Threads for theat couplings may be cut with an ordinary die. The object of the Recessed Couplings is to make a better joint, protecting the pipe at the weak point, viz : That part left exposed from cutting the thread and not covered with the ordinary coupling. XX HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS Size inches ' •y* 1 1% 1% 2 2% Outside diameter -. •■- inches 1 1.66 1.90 2.22 2.44 3.19 3.62 Length inches 1 1 SS 2.88 3.38 Thread.-* to inch of screw 1 14 1 1 Vo 1114 11 14 8 •U'eleht. each pounds 1 1 12 1.^0 1.RS 3 55 4 50 Price, recessed, plain «a<=h 1 each 1 .40 ..tO .55 .6.T .70 .S.5 .85 1.00 1.16 l.-'O 1.60' 1.S5 686 Geo-BCar^peM'ter s eo. CRANE UNIONS EXTRA HEAVY— MALLEABLE IRON For Steam Working Pressures up to 350 Pounds These Unions are tested to hydraulic pressure corresponding to the working pressure. Furnished with metallic gasliet. The face of this Union, being corrugated, holds the metallic gasket in place. This improvement makes the blowing-out of the gasket absolutely impossible. Should it at any time be necessary to replace the gasket, it can be readily done. Pig. 94E Size . inches | y* 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 1 1 1V.1 1% 1 2 1 2V2 1 3 Price each 1 .20 1 .24 1 .28 1 35 1 .40 1 .56 1 .80 1 .95 1 2.00 1 2 75 Price. galvanized each 1 .24 1 .28 1 .35 1 .46 t .55 1 .78 1 1 12 1 1.35 1 2.90 1 3.75 CAST IRON FITTINGS EXTRA HEAVY For Steam Working Pressures up to 250 Pounds Fig. 430A. Elljow Fig. 430B. 45° Elbow 450C Fig. 450D. Tee These fittings are tested to hydraulic pressures corresponding to the above working pressures. Size . . .inches 1 Vz 1 % 1 1 1 1%| 1%| 2 1 Zy.\ 3 1 SVal 4 1 4y2l 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 12 Elbows . . . .each 1 .251 .301 .351 .451 .601 .75|1.25|2.00|a.75| 3.50|4.25| 5.50| 8 00|12.00|17 00|28.00|40.0O . .. .each 1 ...1 .401 .451 .551 .751 .9511 55|2.50| . ..| 4.40| .. .| 6.80| I I 1 1 45° elbows each 1 .351 .401 .441 .551 .701 .90|1.50|2.50|3.50| 4.50|5.50| 6.751 9 75|14.50121 00|34.00|48.00 Tees ....each 1 .401 .451 .551 .701 9011.1511 8013.0014.251 5.5016.751 8. 25112. 00|18. 00125. 00142. 00160 00 Tees, reducing each 1 ...I .601 .701 .9011.1511.4012.2513.7515.301 6.85|8.50110.25il5.00122 50|31. 00152 00|75.00 Crosses . . . .each 1 ...I ...I .701 .9011.2011.5012.5014.0015.501 7. 0018. 50|11. 00116. 00124. 00134 00156.00180 00 .. ..each 1 ...1 ...I ...11.3511.8012.2513.7516 00| . . .111.001 . . .| | | 1 I 1 GALVANIZED EXTRA HEAVY FITTINGS DOUBLE ABOVE LIST The radius We do not For list of them to order. of these fittings is longer than the ordinary, thereby reducing friction. recominend the use of screwed fittings above 6 inch; for larger sizes, flanged are more suitable. sizes of reducing fittings carried in stock, see index. Should other sizes be wanted, we will furnish and will charge extra, according to quantity wanted. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS EXTRA HEAVY For Steam Working Pi-essures up to 250 Pounds Fig. 451A. Elbow Fig. 451B. 45° Elbow Fig. 451C Fig. 451D. Tee Long Sweep Elbow Fig. These Unions are tested to hydraulic pressure corresponding to the working pressure. Size . inches 1 % 1 % 1 Va 1 % 1 1 1 1%I IV^I 3 1 2y2l 3 1 3% 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 12 Elbows . . . . , . . .each 1 .201 .25 301 .351 .401 551 .701 .9011.5012.401 3 251 4.251 6.50| 9.50121.00137.00160.00 45° elbows . each 1 .251 .301 .35! .421 .501 .65| .85|1.10ll 85|2.S5| 4.001 5.001 7.50110 o0| 1 1 Long sweep elbows each 1 . . .1 .. .1 .. .1 . ..I .641 .8011 1011.6012.4014 50| 6.50| 7.00113.00|17.50| 1 | Tees r each 1 301 .401 .451 .501 .601 .80|1. 0511. 3512. 2513. 601 5.001 6.501 9.75114 25132. 00155. 00|9'0 00 Crosses . . . . . . . .each 1 .601 .801 .9011.0011.2011 60|2.10l2.70l4.5017.20110.00113.00119.50|28.501 . . . .1 . . . . 1 . . . . Reducers . . . .. .each 1 ...1 ...! ...I .301 .401 .451 .551 701 ...I ...I ....I ....I ....I ....1 ....I ....1 .... Galvanized extra heavy malleable fittings made to order at 50% advance on above list. Long sweep elbows, 45* elbows and crosses are not carried in stock In reducing sizes, but will be made to order at a special price, according to quantity wanted. BedaoiBgr elbows and tees carried in stock, furnished at same price as straight sizes. GEO-BeMtPEffTER 55 eo. 687 EXTRA HEAVY AMMONIA FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON — WITH RECESSED ENDS FOR SOLDERING Tested to 300 Pounds Under Water Air Pressure Fie. 260A. Fig. 263A. Fig. 264A. Fig. 26eA. Fig. 268A. Fig. 269A. Return Bend Return Bend B, O. Size inclies | Va % Vz % 1 1% 114 Elbows. No. 260A each 1 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .55 .70 45° Elbows, No. 262A each 1 .25 .30 .35 .42 .50 .65 .85 Tees, No 264A each ( .30 .40 .45 .50 .60 .80 1.05 Crosses, No. 266A each 1 .60 .80 .90 1.00 1.20 1 60 2.10 Reducers, No. 267A each 1 1 .30 .40 .45 .55 Size inches 1 •i •iV2 3 3M> 4 5 6 Elbows, No. 260A each 1 .90 1 50 2.40 3.25 4.25 6.50 9.50 45° Elbows. No. 262A each 1 1 10 1.85 2.85 4.00 5.00 Tees, No 264A each 1 1.35 2 25 3.60 5.00 G.50 9.75 14.25 Crosses, No. 266A each 1 2.70 4.50 7.20 10.00 13.00 19.50 28 50 Reducers. No. 267A each 1 .70 45° elbows, crosses and return bends are not carried in stock in re price, according to quantity wanted. For reducing sizes elbows, tees and reducers carried In stock, see ducing sizes, but will be made to order at a special index. EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE IRON RETURN BENDS Size inches 1% 1^/4 I W* IV4 Center to center inchc Size inches I IVa 1% Price, No. 268A each 1.30 I 1.90 Price, No. 269A. with % in. back outlet. Center to center AMMONIA FLANGE UNIONS Extra heavy malleable iron, with recessed ends for soldering. Tested to 300 lbs. air pressure under water. Tongue and groove construction with Klingerit gasket. Fig. 539 Size inches 1 V* "~%~" M' % 1 1% Price • .each 1 1 35 1.35 1 50 1.50 1 1.50 1.75 Largest out. dia.ln. 1 3 3% 3^A. 4l^ 3% 4^4 No. of bolts 1 2 2 2 4 4 Size Inches 1 IV. 2 2t/, 3 3V. 4 Price . .each 1 2.25 3.00 6.00 9.00 11.50 14.00 Largest out. dia.ln 1 5 5% 6% 7% 8^/4 9 No. of bolts 1 4 4 4 4 6 GAS PROVING PUMP For locating leaks in gas pipes and fittings the Ashcroft Gas Proving Set will be found most efficient and convenient. It is regularly equipped with the Ashcroft Gas Proving Gauge or Mercury Column, as specified. PRICES Pump, complete with Gauge and Ether Cup or Mer- cury Column each $16.( Pump and Hose only " 8.( Ether Cup and Cock " 3.< Mercury Column with Ether Cup and Cock " 8.C 688 GEO-B-SAIlPEJfTER ^ Co. STANDARD CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Flangred £Ibows Fig. 535 Flanged Elbows Fig. o'Z'i Flanged Reducing Taper Flbows Fig. 545 Faced and DriUed each Center to Face inches Diameter of Flanges inches No. 527 Center Drilled to Face each inches liarger sizes made to order. Prices on Furnished faced only, unless otherwise o STANDARD CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size Inches Faced and Drilled each Diameter of Flanges inches Size inches Faced and Drilled each Diameter of Flanges inclies 12.50 14% Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. Geo-BCarpen'ter s Co, 689 STANDARD CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds rianKed Crosses Fig. 537 Reducing: FIans:ed Crosses Fig. 539 Xo. 537 Dia. of Flanges inches No. 539 No. 537 No 539 Size inches Dia. of Flanges inches Size inches Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each F'c'dand Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each l'/4 6.7 5 7.95 41/2 S 26.50 29.75 13'/2 30.50 33.75 I'/S 6.75 7.95 5 9 37.50 42.00 15 43.00 47.50 2 6.75 7.95 6 7.75 8.95 10 42.00 47.50 16 48.00 53.50 2'^ 6.95 8.15 7 8. 00 9.20 12 61.50 67.50 19 71.00 77.00 3 7.65 9.05 7% 8.75 10.15 14 91.00 98 50 21 105.00 112.50 3>^ 9.00 10.70 8^.4 10.35 12.05 15 103.00 112.00 221/4 118.00 127.00 4 10.00 12.00 9 11.50 13.50 16 120.00 130.010 23 1^ 138.00 148.00 4'/2 12.00 14.00 9U 13.75 15.75 18 157.00 169.00 25 180.00 192.00 5 13.75 15.75 10 15.75 17.75 20 19S.00 212.00 27% 228.00 242.00 6 16.75 19.45 11 19.25 21.75 22 248.00 266.00 291/2 2S5.00 303.00 7 23.00 26.00 121,2 26.50 29.50 24 310.00 330 00 32 355.00 375.00 Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. For low pressure and extra heavy flanged flttlngs, see index. STANDARD CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS F^or Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds Reducing Flanged Tees Reducing in run or branch Fig. 531 No. 539 Dia. of Flanges inches No. 531 Size inches No. 529 Dia. of Flanges inches No. 531 Size inches Faced Each Faced and DriUed Each Faced Each F'c'dand Drilled Earh Faced Each Faced and DriUed Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each I'/i 4.35 6.25 4% 8 17.4(0 19.80 13 1^ 20.00 22.40 1-2 4.35 5.25 5 5.00 5. 90 9 24.65 28.00 15 28.50 31.85 4.35 5.25 6 5.010 5.90 10 27.50 31.50 16 31.50 2 '" 4.55 5.45 7 5.25 6.15 12 40.50 45.00 19 46.50 51.00 3 5.00 6.10 7% 5.75 6.85 14 60.00 65.50 21 69.00 ^*S2 31,-2 5 85 7.10 8% 6.75 8.00 15 68.00 74.75 22% 4 6.50 8.00 9 7.50 9.00 16 79.00 86.50 23% 91.00 4% 8.00 9.50 9Vi 9.25 10.75 18 103.00 112.00 25 118.00 5 9.X0 10.60 10 10.50 12.00 20 130.00 140.00 27 U 150.00 6 11.00 12.96 11 12.65 14.60 164.00 177.00 29% 189.00 7 15.25 17.60 1214 17.50 19.75 24 203 00 218.00 Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. Fumlsbed faced only, unless otherwise ordered. 690 GEO•B•eARPE^rTER S QO. STANDARD CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORiaNG PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Fie. 541 FXANGED tATEKAIiS Fig. 543 REDUCrNG FLANGED LATERALS Reducing in Run or Branch Size inches Faced Faced and each Drilled each Diameter of Flanges Inches 2 6.75 7.95 6 2Vi 6.95 8.15 7 7.65 9.05 7% ZV2 9.00 10.70 8% 10 00 12.00 9 4y2 12.00 14.00 9V4. 13.75 15.75 10 16.75 19.25 11 23.00 26.00 29.75 12% 26.50 13% 1 37.50- 42 00 15 1 42.00 47.50 16 1 61.50 67.50 19 1 91.00 98.50 21 1^ *3 g a a 'Z ' -OS •CO ©S .3 S.2 '^£ Faced each Faced and DriUed each 8.00 9.20 8.75 10.15 10.35 12.05 11.50 13.50 13.75 15 75 15.75 17.75 19.25 21.75 26.50 29.50 30.50 33 75 43.00 47.50 48.00 53.50 71.00 1 77.00 Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. H STANDARD CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FiK, No. 547 FLANGED TAPER REDUCERS N Tis. 547A FLANGED ECCENTRIC TAPER REDUCERS .1 No. 547 So 55.9 58 i%x 7 I 6% 110 X 6 18 2% 110 X 7 I 8 110 X 7%| 8 111 X 7%| 9 i%l 9 111 X 9 I 9 HI xlO "|12%x 7 %lio |12y2X 9 Il2%xl0 ii2v,xii fir Il3%x 7%|11 H 4 nSJA-x. 9 |11 8.101 8.9 5 9.001 10.00 9.001 10.00 9.001 1000 12.501 13^0 12. 501 13.50 12.501 13.50 12.50] 13.50 _15_25|_16^5 15^25l_16^ ""15.251 16.5J 15.251 16.55 "21.00! 22 50 2r001_22 50 '21.001 22;.5 8 x 5 |13%xl0 111 1 24.001 25.60 8 X 6 113%xll 111 1 24 001 25.60 10 X 4 116 X 9 112 1 38.001 40.70 10 X 5 116 xlO 112 1 38.001 40.70 10 X 6 116 xll 112 1 38.001 40 70 10 X 8 116 xl3%|12 1 38.001 40 70 12 X 5 119 xlO 114 1 56.001 59.00 12 X 6 119 xll .14 1 56.001 59.00 12 X 8 119 xl3 1/2 114 1 56.001 59.00 119 xl6 114 I 56.001 121 Xll 116 I 70.001 73.7! 21.001 22.50 24.001 25.61 24.001 25.60 |22%x21 117 I 80.001 84.50 16 X 8 I23%xl3%|18 I 90.001 95.00 |23%xl6 118 |23%xl9 118 1 90.001 |23%x21 118 I 90.001 95.00 125 xl6 119 1105.001111.00 125 xl9 119 125 ^x21 119 125 x 23%ll9 |27%xl9 1 20 I27%x21 120 |27%x23%l20 1105.0011 11. 00 _11_05 OOllll.M Il05.00llll.00 J120.00|127^ 1120.001127.00 Ilg0.00|l27.00 |29%x21 122 22^xl8_ 22 x20 J29%x23%!22_ 129%x25 122 "I29%x27%l22' 1120.001 127.00 11 50.001159 00 1150.001159.00 11 50.00L159.00 1150.001159.00 132 x23%|24 1190.001200.00 1190 001200.00 24 x20 132 x27^4l24 |1 9 001200.00 24 x22 138 x29%l24 I190.00l200.00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « QO. 691 CAST IRON FLANGES NOT FACED Fig. USA Common Flauge Fig. 148B. Floor Flange Size Inches Price Eacli Size Inches Price Kach Size Inches Price Each Size Inches Price Each %x3 $0.10* 3x61/2 $0.50 5 xlO $1.50 7x15 $4.00 ^xSVa .15* 2 x7 .62 6 xlO 1.50 8x15 4.00 %x3% .15* 21/2x7 .62 41/2x11 1.75 9x15 4.00 %x4 3 x7 .62 5 xll 1.75 8x16 5.00 1 x4 .16* 3 x7y2 .75 6 xll 1.75 9x16 5.00 11^x4 .16* 2 x8 .90 5 xl2 2.20 10x16 5.00 11/4X41;^ .25 2%x8 .90 6 xl2 2.20 9x17 5.75 11^x4% .22* 3 x8 .90 7 xl2 2.20 10x17 5.75 %x5 .30 3V2X8 .90 5 xl2y2 2.20 10x18 7.00 1 x5 .30 4 x8 .90 6 xl2y2 2.20 12x18 7.00 iy4x5 .30 SVzxSVa 1.00 7 xl2y2 2.20 10x19 7.50 IVsxS .30 4 xSi/s 1.00 6 xl3 2.80 12x19 7.50 2 xSVa .35» 3 x9 1.15 7 xl3 2.80 12x20 8.50 1 x6 .42 1.2X9 1.15 8 xl3 2.80 14x20 8.50 11/4x6 .40 4 x9 1.15 1.15 6 xl3y2 2.80 2.80 14x21 9.50 l%x6 .40 4y2x9 7 xl3y2 15x21 9.50 2 x6 .42 4i2x9ii 1.25 8 xlSVa 2.80 I.'jx22y4 14.00 2y2x6 .42 31/bxlO 1.50 6 xl4 3.25 16x231/2 18.00 2 X6V2 .50 4 xio 1.50 7 xl4 3.25 2 ¥2x6% .50 ■iloXlO 1.50 8 xl4 1 3.25 * Those marked * are Floor Flanges, drilled for screw. m Fig. 147 EXTRA HEAVY FLANGE UNIONS CAST IRON Faced. Gasket Extra Fig. 146 FLANGE UNIONS CAST IRON Faced. Gasket Extra For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds For Steam Working Pressures up to 250 Pounds Size Inches Diam. of Flanges Inches Number of Bolts Price Each Price Galvanized Each Diam. of Flanges Inches Number of Bolts Price Each 1/2 3 3 $0.40 $0.80 % 3 A 3 .46 .92" 1 3% 3 .52 1.04 1/2 3 $ 0.60 iy4 4y8 4 .64 1.28 % 3y4 .70 11/2 4% 4 .78 1.56 ■ 1 3% .80 9 51.4 4 1.00 2.00 11/4 41/8 1.00 21/2 6 4 1.25 2.50 11/2 4% 1.15 3 6% 4 1.50 3.00 2 5 % 1.50 3y2 6% 4 1 80 3.60 21^ 6 5 1.90 4 8 5 2.10 4.20 3 6% 6 2.25 41/2 8% 5 2.70 5:40 ■iV2 71/2 6 2.70 5 9/. 5 3.15 6.30 4 8 7 3.15 6 ■ lOU 6 3.95 7.90 4y2 8% 8 4.00 7 12 7 ■ -.s.r.o— 11.00 5 9% 8 4.75 8 13% S 7.00 14.00 6 10% 9 6 no 9 141/4 9 1000 20.00 7 12 10 8.25 10 16 10 n..^n 23.00 8 13 y* 10 10.50 12 isy* 12 16. nn 32.00 9 14% 12 15.00 ■ 14 20% 14 28.00 56.00 10 15% 17.25 15 20% 14 35.00 70.00 12 18 14 24.00 16 23 16 60.00 (393 GEOBeAltPEK"TER S CO. Fig. 555A 16 INCH O. D, AND SIHATLER STANDARD CAST IRON BLIND FLANGES Fig. 655B 19 INCH O. D. AND LAKGER Size of Valve Faced Bolts Size of Valve Faced Bolts or Fitting and Faced and for One or Fitting and Faced and O. D. of Flange Each Drilled Joint 0. D. of Flange Each Drilled Joint Inches Each Per Set Inches Each Per Set 1x4 .12 12x19 9.75 10.90 1.70 1%X4V2 .12 14x21 13.50 14.85 2.50 ly^xs .16 15x221/4 17.00 18.70 3.30 2x6 1.15 1.40 .25 16x23% 20.00 21.80 3.30 2%x7 1.30 1.55 .25 18x25 24.00 26.00 5.00 3x7 % 1.40 1.70 .25 20x271/2 28.00 30.50 6.20 -• 3V2X8% 1.80 2.15 .25 22x291/2 33.00 36.00 8.40 4x9 2.00 2.45 .50 24x32 40.00 43.50 8.40 41/2x91/4 2.20 2.65 .75 26x3414 10.50 5x10 2.40 2.85 .75 28x361/2 12.25 6x11 3.00 3.50 .75 30x38% 21.00 7x121/2 4.00 4.60 .75 32x41% 26.00 8x131/0 4.60 5.30 80 34x43% 30.00 9x15 5.75 6.55 1.20 36x46 31.00 10x16 6.75 7.75 1.60 Furnished smooth face and not drilled, unless otherwise specified. GASKETS FOR STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS i'lg. S3UA ^rDLL^^^GA^KET^ v NET PRICES AND DIMENSIONS RUBBER RING GASKET RING GASKETS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches 1/16 In. Cloth Inserti'o Gaskets Each 1/16 In. "CC" Gaskets Each Corru- gated Copper Gaskets Each 1/16 In. Banner Gaskets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Inches FUXL, FACE GASKETS 1/16 In. Cloth Inserti'n Gaskets Each 1/16 In. "CC" Gaskets Each Corru- gated Copper Gaskets Each 1/16 In. Banner Gaskets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Inches 5S 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 15 16 18 3(0 22 24 26 28 % 30 32 34 36 .02 .12 .16 .18 .20 .24 .40 .48 .60 .75 .95 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.40 40 42 44 46 48 50 I 1.00 1.15 1.25 I 2.10 ( 2.75 1 3.00 I 3.25 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .50 .55 .65 .42 .45 .50 .55 .60 .70 1.25 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.75 1.90 2.10 2.50 2.80 3.50 4.0'0 4.00 3.50 3-!'5 3.85 4.00 4.25 4.50 5.00 %x2i/8 1x2 A 11/4X2JI 11/2x3% 2x4 Va 21/2x4% 3x5% 31/2x6% 4x6 Va 41/2x7 5x7% 6x8% 7x10 8x11 9x121/2 10x13% 12x161/8 J^4xl2%_ 15x19 16x20% 18x21% 20x2 3% 22x26 _24x28Ji_ 26x30 V, 28x32% 30x34% 32x37 34x39 36x41^ 38x43% 40x45% 42x47% 44x50% 46x52% 48x54% 50x56 i/g .15 .16 .18 .20 .25 .28 .35 .38 .50 .55 1.80 2.00 2.20 .12 .12 .16 .20 .24 .32 .35 .40 .48 .64 .70 .»0 .95 1.20 1.35 1.55 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.50 l.CO 1.10 1.20 1.40 3.50 3.75 4.25 5.50 6.00 6.50 1.60 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.50 5.00 7.00 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.5(0 9.00 4.10 4.40 4.75 5.25 5.50 5.75 7.00 %x3% 1x4 l%x4% l%x5 2x6 21/2x7 3x7% 31/2x81/2 4x9 4%x9% 5x10 6x11 7x121/2 8x13 ¥2 9x15 10x16 12x19 14x21 15x22% 16x23y2 18x25 20x27% 22x29% 24x32 26x3414 28x36% S0x38% 32x41% 34x43% 36x46__ 38x48% 40x50% 42x53 44x55% 46x57% 48x59% 50x61% Ring gaskets wiU always be famished, nme«8 otherwise ordered. The commercial corrugated copper gasket 13 ms-le from 27 gauge sheet copper, and this gauge will be furnished on all orders for low pressure or standard copper gasket^. We can furnish these gaskets made from heavier sheet copper at an extra price. We can furnish gaskets made from any sheet rubber or metal that is manufactured. Full Face G-askets are furnished without bolt hoios; bolt holes will be punched at an extra price when so ordered. ALL THE ABOVE PRICES ARE NET. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. 693 Back 'Slew Showing: Hub STANDARD COMPANION FLANGES CAST IKON, FERROSTEEL, CAST STEEL, FORGED STEEL AXD MALLEABLE IRON For Steam AV'orking Pressures up to 125 Pounds Fis. 225B Smooth race Faced and Drilled each No. 558 Ferrosteel i Faced and Drilled each Faced each Faced and Drilled* each No. 556 Forged Steel Faced and DrUled each Threading Pipe. Making On and Refac- ing, not In- cluding Flange Net each 1x4 iy4x4% 2x6 2%x7 3x71 6.90 7.30 8.70 10.40 11.80 13.70 11.00 13.00 15.00 3%x8i^ I 4x9 I 4%x9% I 1.20 1.35 1.45 12.10 14.80 15.80 5x10 6x11 7x12% 16.80 20.40 24.70 22.30 25.40 27.20 24.00 27.00 32.00 .85 1.00 1.10 8x131 9x15 10x16 3.90 4. SO 5.65 27.00 29.50 34.50 32.00 37.00 45.00 35.00 40.00 48 00 8.15 11.25 14.50 46.00 55.50 64.00 15x22 >/i 16x231,2 18x25 64.00 78.00 98.00 20x271^ 22x291/2 24x32 27.00 24.00 27.50 34.00 .00 165.00 7.50 S.50 10 00 For Malleable Iron Flanges No, to Malleable Iron Flanges. *<"ast Steel Flanges when ordered faced and drilled, will always charge of five cents each net per hole, unless otherwise ordered. Furnished smooth faced and not drilled, luiless otherwise specified For dimensions of flanges, see index. nse double tbe list prices of No. 553 Cast Iron Flanges and discount applyinr furnished with bolt holes spot faced. at an extra STANDARD REDUCING COMPANION FLANGES CAST IRON. WITH RIBS For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds Size inches No. 557 Faced each Faced and DriUed each 1x6 iVixe 11/2x6 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.55 1.55 1.55 1%X7 2x7 11^x71,4 1.45 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.70 1.85 2x71^ 2%x7i^ 2x8% 1.55 1 55 2.00 1.85 1.85 2.35 2iix8% 3x81,4 2x9 2.00 2.00 2.20 2.35 2.35 2.65 21^x9 3x9 3%x9 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.65 2.65 2.65 2%x9V4 2 40 3x9V4 2.40 314x914 2.40 2.85 2.85 2.85 4x914 2x10 21'<;XlO 3x10 2.40 2.65 2.65 ?.65 2.85 3.10 3.10 3.10 Size Inches 3^x10 4x10 4%xl0 2x11 2%xll 3x11 31/4x11 4x11 4%xll 5x11 4x12% 41/4x1214 2%xl3i,4 3xl3i2 4x1314 5x13% 6x131/4 7x131/4 6x15 Faced each 2 65 2.65 2.65 4.40 4.40 5.10 Faced and Drilled 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 3x16 [1,4x16 4x16 5x16 6x16 7x16 8x16 9x16 6x19 ^xl9 !xl9 )xl9 Faced each 6.35 6.35 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 7.45 I 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 12x21 8x22Vi 10x2214 10.75 15.00 15.00 Faced and Drilled each 7.15 7.15 8.45 8.45 8.45 8 45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 11.90 11 90 11.90 11.90 15.00 19.00 19.00 I 16.35 I 16 35 12x22% 14x22 Vi 10x2314 14x231,4 15x231,4 12x25 14x25 15x25 16x25 14x271/4 15x27iA 16x27% 18x27% 15x29% 16x29% 18x29% 20x29% 14x32 16x32 18x32 20x32 26.50 26 50 26.50 Faced and Drilled 20.70 20.70 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 28.50 28.50 I 28.50 26.50 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 44.00 44 00 44.00 44.00 33.50 33 50 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 47.50 47.50 47.50 47.50 Furnished smooth face and not drilled, unless otherwise specified. 694 GEOBeAR.PEN"TER S QO. Fig. 151E Back View. Showins Hab EXTRA HEAVY COMPANION FLANGES Cast iron, ferrosteel, cast steel, forged steel and malleable iron, steam working pressures up to ZoO lbs. Faced and Drilled Each No. 251E Ferrosteel Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each No. 291E Forged Steel Faced Faced Faced and and Eacn • Drilled Each Drilled Each Each Threading Pipe.Mak- iug oa and Kefacing, nollnclud- ing Flange Net, Each .60 !4 x36 45.00 50.00 56 00 62.00 165.00 175. 11.00 Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. e iron flanges (No. 271E) use double the list prices of No. 151E cast iron flanges and the discount eable iron flanges. ♦Cast steel flanges when ordered faced and drilled, will always bo furnished with bolt holes spot faced, at an extra charge of $0.05 each net per hole, unless otherwise ordered. For malleab applying to mal Tig. 155E EXTRA HEAVY REDUCING COMPANION FLANGES Cast iron, with ribs. No. 155E. For steam working pressures up to 250 lbs. Faced and Drilled Each IVzX 6V2 I 2.10 I 2.45 l%x 7V2 I 2.30 I 2.65 2>4x 8% I 2.65 3V-.XIOV2 I 4 00 Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each I 4.40 I 5 10 V2XI2V2 I 5.50 Faced and Drilled Each 4 xl6% 1 10.50 11 70 5 xiey* 1 10.50 11.70 6 xi6y4 1 10.50 11.70 7 XI6V4 i 10.50 11.70 8 xl6% 1 10.50 11.70 5 xl7% 1 12.00 13.50 6 xi7y2 12.00 13 50 7 xl7V, 1 12.00 13.50 8 xi7y2 ! 12.00 13 50 9 xl7ii 1 12 00 13.50 6 X20V2 1 17.50 19.25 7 x20% 1 17.50 19.25 8 X20V2 1 17.50 19.25 9 x20'4 1 17.50 19.25 10 X2OV2 1 17.50 19.25 s X2,^ 1 25.00 27.00 9 x23 1 25.00 27.011 10 x23 1 25 00 27,01 12 x23 1 25.00 27.00 ;4i'2 I 31 50 I 34.00 10 x24% 1 31.50 34 00 12 x24% 1 31.50 34. Oil 14 x24% 1 31.50 34.011 10 x25% 1 37.00 39.75 12 X25V, 1 3 7.00 39.75 14 x25>4 1 37 00 39.75 15 1 37.00 39 75 12 x28 1 43.00 46.00 14 x2S 1 43.00 46 00 15 x28 1 43 00 4«.00 16 x28 1 43.00 46.00 14 x30>'2 1 51.00 55.00 15 x30i^ 1 51.00 55,00 16 x30% 1 51.00 55.00 IS x30'^ 1 51.00 55.00 16 x33 1 60 00 65 00 18 x33 1 60.00 65.00 20 x33 1 60.00 65.00 18 x36 1 74 00 79 00 Famished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. GEO-B-CARPErfTER ^ QO. 695 GASKETS FOR MEDIUM AND EXTRA HEAV^" FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS NET PRICES AJTD DIMENSIONS Ring Gaskets Size of Valve or FittinK inches "CC" Gaskets each lorrugated Copper Gaskets each 1/16 Inch Banner Gaskets each Inside and Outside Diameters inches l^iill Face Oaakets "CC" Gaskets each Corrugated Copper Gaskets each 1/16 Inch Banner Gaskets ea«h Inside and Outside Diameters inches 1x2% 2V2X T/2 3 X gy* IS 11 3.5c 23Hx30% 3.15 .90 23y4x36 Ring Gaskets cover the faces of flanges inside of bolt boles, and will always be furnished unless otherwise ordered Corrugated Copper Gaskets are made from 27 gauge copper. We can. however, furnish these Gasikets made from a heavier gauge of copper, at an extra price, with either plain or corrugated faces, and hard or annealed. Special Cor- rugated Sheet Iron, or Steel Gaskets, for cyanide piping, made to order. We can furnish Gaskets, at special prices, made from any brand of sheet rubber manufactured. See Index. Full Face Gaskets are furnished without bolt holes; bolt holes will be punched, at an extra price, when so ordered. GASKETS FOR MEDIUM AND EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS NET PRICES AND DIMENSIONS Gaskets for Male and Female Joints Gaskets for Tongued and Grooved Joints Size of Valve or Tlttinjr inches "CC" Gaskets each Corrugated Copper Gaskets each 1/16 Inch Banner Gaskets each Inside and Outside Diameters inches "CC* Gaskets each Corrugated Copper Gaskets each 1/16 Inch Banner Gaskets each Inside and Outside Diameters inches 11 .05 1 .02 .05 1 1 X 2VV ll .03 .02 .03 l%x 2\i 1% .05 .02 06 1 IViX 2% |i .03 .02 .03 2^x 3 1% .05 .03 .07 1 IV2X 3% M .03 .03 .04 2%x 3% 2 .05 .04 .08 1 2 X 3% II .03 .03 .05 3%x A% 2V. .06 .04 .10 1 2>4x i% M 04 .04 07 3%x 4% 3 .OS .05 .13 1 3x5 1 .05 .114 .08 4y4X 5% 3V. .10 .06 .17 1 3>4x Si-f. 1 .U5 .05 .09 4?.lx 5% 4 11 .07 .■■0 4x6 '< .06 .05 .11 5V4X 6H 4^. .13 .08 .21 1 4»/4x 6»/i II .06 .05 .11 5%x 6^4 5 .15 .OS .27 1 5 X 7»4 1' .06 .06 12 614X 7% 6 .16 .10 .30 1 6 X 8S4, II .07 .06 .13 714X 8 14 7 .20 .12. .35 1 7 X 9% II .08 .08 .14 854x 9% 8 .25 .15 45 1 8 xlO% II .11 .09 .18 9S,xl074 9 .27 .18 .48 1 9 xll% n .12 .10 .21 10%xll% 10 .32 .21 .60 1 10 xl2% II 15 .14 .25 11^xl3»4 12 .44 .27 .75 1 12 X15V4 1 -IS .15 .30 13 54x15% 14 .4S .30 .80 1 13Hxl6'« 11 .20 .18 .35 15-ixl7a(, 15 50 .33 .90 1 14V4X17H II .22 .20 .40 17>AxlS% 1« .5S .36 1.05 1 I5V4XI814 II .28 23 .50 18X4x2014 1« .70 .45 120 1 17V4X21 1' 35 .30 70 20»4x22S<, 20 .80 .50 1 50 1 19Hx23 II 40 .36 .80 22AX24A 22 1.00 .60 2.00 1 21^x2514 l| 45 .40 .90 24^X26H 24 1.15 .70 ; 2 25 1 23V4X27»;4 II RO .42 1.00 1 26UX28H •WE RECOMMEND BANNER GASKETS FOR THE MOST SEVERE WORK 696 GEO-BeAliPEN*TER ^ QO, — J^ \ \ .• DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON Screwed for Wrought Pipe Fig:. 1000 80° Elbows Fig. 1003 45° Elbows AXD Size inches Dimensions A, No. 1000. .inches Dimensions A, No. lO'OS. .inches Price . t each Price, galvanized each 1% 1% .30 2 A 1/ff 2 2% 3 4 5 2% 2{ii "o^'^ 3{* 4 1/2 1% 2 A 2% 2% 3 A .57 1.20 1.45 2.30 4.25 1.00 2.10 2 55 4.00 7.40 4 1 11/2 I 10 I 12 I 14 61/2 I 7% 9 9% ii'^ I 4% I 5% 5% 15.00 31.00 47.50 | 65 00 26.25 I 54.00 ( 83.00 1114.00 The 90° elbows are tapped, pitched Vi inch to the foot. 60° AXD 11 M^ ELBOWS Size Dimen.sions A, No. 1002 Dimensions A, No. 1006 inches inches inches 1% 1ft .30 .52 .38 .67 2 2 lil .57 1.00 i 1.20 2.10 3 2.55 .4 3% 2% 2.30 4.00 5 3% 2% 4.25 7.40 6.25 11.00 7 4% 2% 11.50 20.00 8 5% 2% 15.00 26.25 10 6 14 S 31.00 Price, galvanized each 54.00 22i,£» ELBOWS Size . . inches 1^ .30 .52 .38 .67 2 lA .57 1 00 HI 3 1.45 2.55 2.tl 4.00 A 4.25 7.40 6 2il 6.25 11.00 7 3% 11.50 20.00 26.25 10 3 78 31.00 54.00 12 Dimensions A Price inches each 4ft 47.50 Price, galvanized each 83.00 5%" ELBOAVS Size . . .... inches 1^ 1 .67 2 11/2 .57 1 00 3 1% 1.45 2.55 1 2.30 4.00 A 4.25 7.40 1% 11.00 7 2% 11.50 20.0i0 8 214 15.00 26.25 10 Dimensions A Price inches each 30 2% 31.00 Price, galvanized each .52 Dimensions subject to a slight variation and change without notice. 4mr / Fig. 1001 80° Long Turn Elbows Fig, 1004 45° I>ong Turn Elbows Fig. 1047 Without Base 90° LONG TURN ELBOAVS i^B-^l Fig. 1057 Fig. 1058 80° Street Elbow 45° Street Elbow Size . . . inches 1% ly. 2 in 1.40 2.45 3 4 5 7.50 13.15 7 81/s 13.50 23.50 8 19.00 S3.25 10 11 38.00 66.50 12 13 57.50 loo.no 14 Dimensions A inches Price each Price, galvanized each 2 1/4 2 1/2 .35 .42 3ft .65 1.15 414 5 A 6% 1.75 2.75 5.25 3.10 4.80 9.20 141.4 75.00 130.00 The 90° Long Turn Elbows are tapped, pitched V4, inch to the foot. 45° LONG TURN ELBOAVS 1 Size in Dimensions A in ches IVa ches 1% each .42 each 72 2 214 .65 1.15 2% 1.40 2.45 3 4 2% 3 A 1.75 2.75 3.10 4.S0 5 4% 5.25 9.20 6 4% 7.50 13.15 7 51/2 13.50 23.50 8 6 19.00 33.25 10 7i,i 3S.00 66.50 JO 8% 57.50 100.00 14 9% 75.00 Price, galvanized 130.00 90° LONG TURN ELBOAVS WITH CLEANOUT 4 6 14 No 1047 .... 5 00 each No. 1056, galvanized each 12.25 STREET ELBOAVS «mze inches IVi inches 2] inches lii inches 2 IH .40 Price, galvanized each .70 Dimensions subject to a slight Toriation and change without notice. Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ Go. 697 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IROX. SCREWED FOR ^VROUGHT PIPE A \ 1 1 _ — B ^n^ Fig. 1017 Fig. lOlS DISCHARGE Fis. 104C TEES No. 1017 Size inches 1 '/- i a iaxii4 2x1% 2% 2M:x2 3 1 3x11/2 3x:: Dimension A inches inclies 2,^. 2 A 1 1 21/4 2}* s,% 1 3 Dimension B 4% 4% 1 1 41/8 5% 6% 1 5% Price each .55 .80 1 .90 1 .90 1.50 1.65 2.00 1 2.20 2.20 Price, g-alvanized each 1.00 1.40 1 1.60 1 1.60 2.50 2.75 3.50 1 3.85 3. 85 Size inches 4 4x2 4x3 1 5 1 5x2 1 5x3 1 5x4 1 « 1 7 Dimension A inches 4 i,\ 3% 1 4% 1 4 A 1 4% 1 1 5fk 1 5i? Dimension B inches 8 6 7 1 91/4 1 6 1 6% 1 1 6.60 1 10% 1 11% Price each 3.25 3.60 3.60 1 6.00 1 6.60 1 6.60 1 8.75 116.00 Price, galvanized each 5.70 6.30 6.30 110.50 111.55 111.55 111.55 115.25 128.00 Size inches S 1 10 1 12 1 12xS 1 12x10 1 14x8 1 14x10 114x121 Dimension A inches 61/2 1 7% 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dimension B inches 13 1 151/2 1 IS 1 1 1 1 li» 1 Price each 21.00 143.00 1-60.00 165.00 165.00 |S5.nn l,Sr,.nO 185.00 1 Price, g-alvanized - .. each 37.00 175.00 1100.001110.001110.001145.001145.001145.001 BASIN TEES No. 1018 Size inchesi ly* iv. l%xli4 2 1 SXI14 1 2x1 M: 21/2 Dimension A inchesi 5% 51/s 7 1 61^ 1 6I/0 81^ Dimension B inches! 2 {J 2 A 31/2 1 31/8 1 314 414 Price each! .60 .70 .77 1.10 1 1.20 1 1.20 1.75 Price, g-alvanized eachi 1.00 1.22 1.35 1.95 1 2.10 1 2.10 3.00 The inlets of Tees and Basin Tees are tapped, pitched Vi inch to the foot. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are altvays the smallest openings. DIMEXSIOXS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VAUIATIOIV AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE BASIN CROSSES No. 1019 Size inchesi IV. 2 ! 2 X IV' Dimensions A inchesi 5% 7 1 fiif. Price '. . . eachl 1.50 1.75 1 1 95 Price, galvanized eachl 2.50 3.10 1 3.40 The inlets of Basin Crosses are tapped, pitched 14 inch to the foot. PARTITION CROSSES No. 1046 Size ::t inches |1 1/4x1 M: T)imf>nsion A inches 1 3i', Dimension B Price each 1 1.25 Price, galvanized. each I 2.20 Partition Crosses have been made to supply a demand in certain localities, but mav not be passed by inspectors everywhere. The Inlets on Reducing Fittings are* always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CH.\NGE WITHOUT NOTICE 698 Geo-BCarpen'ter s eo. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON. SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE 90° Elbows With Side Outlet Fig. 1008 90° Slbows witlt Heel Outlet Fig. 1009 Closet Elbow Flanged One End Fig. 1012 Reducing Elbow Fig. 1013 Nos. 1008-1009 — ELBOWS L OUTLET Three Way Elbow Fig. 1010 Siae . inches 4 .... inches n* Price 3.85 Price, Galvanized each 6.75 Nos. 1010-1011 — ELBOWS ouner. Reducing Three Way Elbows Fig. 1011 Size inchesl 1% Dimensions A inches. Dimensions B inches Price each .75 Price, Galvanized each) 1 . 25 IVz 5V4. 2% .85 1.50 2 6y4 syg 1.10 1.95 2.25 4^ 3.00 5.25 4 10% 5^ 5.00 8.75 Size inches Dimensions A inches Dimensions B inches Price each Price, Galvanized each 4x3 4^ 5.50 9.65 5 12 y* 6y8 7.50 5x4 11% 5^ 8.25 13.15 14.50 6 14% 7y8 13.50 23.50 6x4 12% 15.00 26.25 6x5 13% ey* 15.00 26.25 The inlets of Three Way Elbows are tapped, pitched Vi inch to the foot. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. Dimensions Subject to a Slight Variation and Change Without Notice. CLOSET ELBOWS FLANGED ONE END No. 1012 Slue inches Dimension A inches Dimension B inches Diameter of Flange C inches Price • . . each Price, Galvanized each 4 311 4% 7 4.25 7.40 REDUCING CLOSET ELBOWS No. 1013 size inches 4x5 . . .inclies \% Price. Galvanized each 7.40 Ai CLOSET FLANGES For Flat Gasket « Fig. 1014 Mall, iron Fig, 1014y2 Brass For Flat Gasket Fig. 1015 Brass For Ring Gasket Fig. lOlSVs Brass For Ring Gasket Fig. 1016 Slall. Iron Fig. 10161/2 Brass Size ... . inches 4 7 1.35 Price. Nos. 1014'%, 1015, 1015%. 1016%, Brass each 7.00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « CO. RH. FIH. Fie. 61 R:H.| RH. RH. Fig. 62 Ul^^^H^RH. .fV^ pjl SLIP AND SCREW JOINT VARIABLE ANGLE Fig. 63 MALLEABLE IRON STAIR RAIL FITTINGS Angle Fittings, Vertical Joints Screwed, Angle Joints Drilled for Rivets These fittings may be used on any stair rail between 27%° and 47%°. 30° fittings — for angles between 27 Vi" and 32%°. 35° fittings — for angles between 32V2° and 371/2°. 40° fittings — for angles between 37%° and 42%°. 45° fittings — for angles between 42V^° and 47%°. When ordering, specify number and angle of fitting reqaired. Fig. 64 rh^^^^Hrh. RH. Fig. 65 RR FLH-^^^Haa RK Fig. 66 Size inches, 1 1% 1% 2 eachi 1.30 1 50 2.00 2.50 No. 16, angle elbow eachI 1.10 1.25 1.70 2.25 No. 17, angle cross eachI 1.50 1.75 2.35 2.75 each 1 1.30 1 50 2.00 2.50 eachI 1.50 1.75 2.35 2.75 eachI 1.30 1 50 2.00 2.50 eachI 1.85 2.20 3 00 3.60 No. 22, angle tee, left hand, side outlet each 1 1.85 2.20 3 00 3.60 No. 23. square post angle flange. .. each 1 1.50 1 75 i.ao 2.25 These fittings take the place of special angle fittings, have a better appearance and are stronger than the adjust- able, and are time and money savers. _ , .= 1 ^ j The posts are first screwed together and the rails are then fitted ana rlvetea. GAS FITTING PATTERN RAILING FITTINGS Plain Pattern, Malleable lion Pipe size inches 1 % 1 1% IV2 1 2 2% 3 No. 61. elbow, blaclt per lb. 1 .12 .12 .12 .12 1 12 12 per lb. ! .19 .19 .19 .19 1 19 .19 .19 No. 62, elbow, side outlet, blaclt.. per lb. 1 .20 20 .20 .20 1 20 .20 .20 No. 62, elbow, side outlet, galvanized per lb. 1 .28 .28 .28 .28 1 28 28 .2S No. 63, tee, black per lb. 1 .12 .12 .12 12 1 12 .12 12 per lb 1 .19 .19 .19 .19 1 19 .19 .19 No. 64, tee, side outlet, black per 111 1 .20 20 .20 .20 1 20 .20 20 per lb. 1 .28 .28 .28 .28 1 28 28 .28 No. 65, cross, black per lb. 1 .20 .20 .12 12 1 12 .12 12 per lb 1 .28 .28 .19 .19 1 19 .19 .19 N<>. 66, cross, side outlet, black... per lb. 1 .20 20 .20 .20 1 20 .20 20 No. 66. cross, side outlet, galvani zed per lb. 1 .28 .28 .28 .28 1 2S 28 .28 ^ specified, at regular be tapped same as Fittings larger than 2 inch are made to order only. Fittings will be furnished tapped, as shown in cuts, or right hand on all openings when price. Tapped otherwise will be charged at 15 per cent additional, net. Reducing sizes will be made to order at a special price, and unless otherwise specified, straight fittings, as shown In above cuts. „t,n„i,i Fittings will be reamed for slip joints, when so specified, at an additional price. Inquiries and orders shouia be accompanied by sketches showing clearly which openings are to be so reamed. In ordering, specify catalogue number and size. Black will always be furnished unless galvanized is specified. 700 GEO-B>eAIiP.EM'TER « QO. riff. U LH. Tig. 12 Size . . .inchei-,1 1141 iy,\ 2 No. 91. stair landing elbow . . .each|2. 5012.7513. 25 No. 91, stair landing elbow, galvanized. . . .each!2.S0;3 1513.75 No. 92. center rail tee . ..each|2.75|3 00i3.50 No. 92, center rail tee, galvanized ..each|3. 1513. 5014.15 No. 9.3. angle elbow . .each|2. 5012. 7513. 25 No. 93, angle elbow, galvanized . . .each|2.80i3. 1513.75 Fig. 51 ^ Figr. 50 Fig. 55 FLUSH JOINT STAIR RAIL FITTINGS For Schools and Public Buildings These fittings are made with an extension or connector, over -which the pipe is tightly driven up to the face of fittings, forming a smooth, fiush Joint. These fittings will be furnished to order only. Inquiries and orders should specify style number, size and angrle, also whether black or galvanized, malleable iron or finished brass. ize o. 91. stair o. 91. stair 1 o. 92. center o. 92. center o. 9.3, angle o. 93, angle Furnished in any angle between 27*4° and 47%°. AUXILIARY RAILING FITTINGS Malleable Iron in c oupling coupHng, galv. . . . lo ng base t elbow I ?t tee I cket I ck et ( sket elbow 1 [cast iron) 18 Inc ( caps, male ( caps, female < ange < ra cket ( ate hinge per te hinge, galv. .per Add 50 per cent for galvanized where galvanized prices are not given. In ordering these fittings, describe kind wanted by nutaber and size. Pipe size . . . . .inches! 1 1 i%i ly-i 2 No. 9. recessed pipe coupling ...each! .351 .451 .551 .70 No. 9. recessed pipe coupling, galv . . .eachi .451 .55! .701 .90 No. 10., floor flange, long base ...each! .301 .601 .7511.25 No. 11. 45° side outlet elbow . ..eachI .501 .701 .9011 50 No. 12, 45° side outlet tee . ..eachI .551 .7511.0011.60 No. 50. stair rail bracket . . .each! 351 .351 .351 .35 No. 51. stair rail bracket .. .each! .451 .451 .451 .45 No. 53. stair rail bracket elbow.... . . .eachI .. .1 .1011.301 . . . No. 55. ng loafer rail (cast iron) 18 Inches | ...each! ,„l .301 .301 .30 No. 56. hitching post caps, male... . . .each! ...1 .351... No. 57. hitching post caps, female. . ...each! ..1 ...1 .40 ... No. 58. board walk flange ...each) .351 .40] .501 .65 No, 59. board walk bracket . . .each! 351 401 .501 .65 No. 60. self-closing gate hinge .per setl3. 0013. 0013. 7514. 75 No. 60. self-closing gate hinge, galv. .per set|3. 7513. 7515.0016 50 Fig. 52 Fig. 58 Fig. 59 Fig. 60 T Fig. 60A Galv. Tig. 66 8 FIff. S7 GEO-B-eARPEN*TER « GO. 701 BALL PATTERN RAILING FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON FOR ALL PURPOSES Ldl Fig. P.H. Fig. a £LHk Fig. 5 an Fig. aH. Fig. 4 f Fig. 8 Pipe Size inches | Va | % | 1 1 iVi 1 1% 1 2 1 2% 1 3 4 Ko. 1, Elbow Each | .15 | .IS | .20 1 .35 1 .45 1 .72 1 1.60 1 2.25 4.50 2Vo. 3, Tee Each | .20 | .23 | .25 1 .40 1 .50 1 .75 1 1.75 2.50 "T^ No. 4, Tee, Side Outlet Each | .30 | .33 | .35 1 .45 1 .55 1 .90 1 1.90 2.60 5.25 No. 5, Cross Each | .30 | .33 | .35 1 .45 1 .58 1 1.00 1 1.80 1 2.60 5.25 No. 6, Cro.s.s, Side Outlet Each | .35 | .38 | .40 1 .50 1 .65 1 1.35 1 2.U0 1 2.75 5.50 No. 7, Floor Flange, Square Each | .16 | .18 | .20 1 .40 1 .50 1 .90 1 1.35 1 2.50 5.00 No. S. Ball Ornament Each | .16 | .18 | .20 1 .25 1 .35 1 .90 1 1.35 1 2.00 4.25 REDUCING ELBOWS — Not illustrated Size Inches | l^xl 1 1/2X1% 1 2x1% 2x1% 1 2y2x2 1 3x2% Price Bach | .40 | .52 1 .K2 .82 1 1.85 1 I .6(1 REDUCING SIDE OUTLET ELBOWS — Not illustrated Size Inches | l%xlxl 1 iy2xi%xi% 1 2xl%xl% Price Each 1 .46 1 -58 1 .92 Size Inches | 2x11/2X1% 1 21/2x2x2 1 3x2y2x2y2 Price Each 1 .92 i 2.00 1 2.90 REDUCING TEES — Not illustrated Size Inches | 1x1x11/4 1 l%xl%xl 1 l%Xl%Xll/2 Price Each 1 .46 1 .46 1 .58 Size Inches | 11/2x11/2x1% 1 l%xl%x2 1 iy..xl%x2 Price Each 1 .58 1 .85 1 .85 Size Inches | 2x2x1% 1 2x2x1 Va 1 2x2x2% Price Each 1 .8 5 1 .85 1 2.00 Size Inches 1 2V1'X2 1/2x2 i . 2y2x2%x3 1 3x3x2% Price Each 1 2.00 1 2.90 i 2.90 REDUCING SIDE OUTLET TEES — Not illustrated Size Inches | 1 V,xl%xlxl 1 ll/l.xll/2Xl%Xl% 1 2x2x1 %xl% Price Each 1 .52 1 .63 1 l.(»5 Size Inches | 2.v2xl 1/2x1 Va 1 2y2x2y2x2x2 1 3x3x2y2x2i/2 Price Each 1 1.05 1 2.20 1 3.00 REDUCING CROSSES— Not illustrated Size Inches 1 ^1 '4xT%xlxl 1 iy;xiy2xi%xi% 1 2x2x1 %xl% Frice Each 1 .52 1 .67 1 1.15 Size Inches 1 2x2x1 1/2x1 % 1 2y2x2y2x2x2 1 3x3x2%x2% Price Each 1 1.15 1 2.10 1 3.00 REDUCING SIDE OUTLET CROSSES— Not illustrated Size Inches | 2x2xl%xiy2Xl% Price Each 1 1.55 ■r. J j-^*^?,-?" PER CENT TO ABOVE PRICES FOR C.AI^VANIZED RAIM-NCi FITTINGS. Reducing Fittings will always be tapped same as straight sizes, unless otherwise ordered. 708 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S CO. Fig. 600. Pig. 602. Fig. 607. Witli Lever Valve Wltliout Valve With Lever Valve Without ValT* BRASS STEAM WHISTLES For Steam Working Pressures up to 125 Pounds Always order whistles by the diameter of bell and not by the size of pipe. No. 600 Diameter of bell inches I I 1% \ Wz \ 2 aVz I I SVa I Length of bell inches | 2 V2 I 3V4 I I 4'^ I I 5% I 9 ¥2 I Size of pipe inches | V4 | % I % % I % I "Price each J5 I 4.00 I 5.50 I 6.50 | 8.50 | 11.50 | 15.00 | 22.50 | 33.00 | 95.00 I No. 602 Diameter of bell inches 1 I 1^ I iy2 I 2 I 2V2 I Length of bell . 21/2 I 31/4 I 5 I 5% I 6% I Size of pipe. I V2 I % I each I 2.20 | 2.75 | 3.00 | 4. 5.25 I 7.25 I 9.50 | 12.00 | 19.00 | 24.00 | 70.( 175.00 I 350.0 Brass whistles with longer bell than standard furnished to order. Fig. 607. SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES FOR STEAM OR COMPRESSED AIR Suitable for Working Pressures From 25 to 150 Pounds Diameter of BeU uiches Size of Pipe inches No. 607 With Lever Valve each No. 607% Without Valve each 11/2 1 % 6.00 4.50 2 1 V2 7 00 5 00 2y2 1 % 9.00 7 00 3 1 % 11.00 8.00 31/2 1 1 15.00 11.00 4 1 ly* 18 00 14.00 5 1 iy2 28.00 22.00 6 1 iy2 42.00 38.00 S 1 2 100 00 85 00 Chime Whis ties Per Hundred. List April 1, 1913 Length, inches % % 1 $2.30 3.00 1^ $2.40 3.20 IV2 $2.50 3.40 1% 2 t\-i/4 inch diameter $2.20 $2.30 3.00 $2.60 3.60 $2.70 fg inch diameter 3.00 3.80 % inch diameter 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.30 4.60 4.90 5.20 FOR ELEVATOR BUCKETS AND LEATHER WASHERS, SEE INDEX PLANER HEAD BOLTS Price per 100; AVithout Nuts Diameter of Head 78 1 IVs IVs IV4 T>enE-th of Head is A % % 1^0- Diameter of Screw 1/2 h % a % Hill f k $12.50 13.25 13.25 $15.00 15.25 15.50 17.25 $16.75 17.50 18.50 19.75 $16.75 17.50 18.50 19.75 21.25 22.00 22.50 23.75 Finished Case Hardened • Hexagon Nuts for above $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $16.00 ' $18.00 Figr. 604D All 12 threads to the inch. GEO•B•eAI^PE^fTER ^ Co, 7o: COUPLING BOLTS 1 — Coupling Bolts of ordinary sizes carried in stock only. 3 — Coupling Bolts have milled bodies and tlie heads and nuts are faced true with the body. 3 — When so ordered, the heads and nuts will be finished, at an additional price. 4 — All orders filled with U. S. Standard thread unless otherwise specified. Always specify diameter of bolt when ordering. COUPLING BOLTS Price Per 100 .£! Diameter of Head % liV n4 1{, 1% 113 2 it a Diameter of Bolt y^ •;i V-J % 1 l'/; IVi ■3 h 120.00 20.50 $25.00 25.75 $32.00 1 K it 21.00 21.50 26.50 27.25 32.00 33.00 $38.75 39.75 $56.00 1 e 3 3^ - 22.00 22.50 2S.00 28.75 34.00 35.00 40.75 41.75 56.00 57.00 $70.00 71.50 $100.00 1 m 23.00 23.50 29.50 30.25 36.00 37.00 4 2.75 43.75 58.00 59.00 73.00 74.50 100.00 102 50 ■3 4 4^ 24.00 24.50 31.00 31.75 38.00 39.00 44.75 45.75 60.00 61.00 76.00 77.50 105.00 107 50 = 4% 25.00 25.50 32.50 33.25 40.00 41.00 46.75 47.75 62.00 63.00 79.00 80.50 110.00 112 50 £ 5 51/4 26.00 26.50 34.00 34.75 42.00 43.00 48.75 49.75 64.00 65.00 82.00 83.50 115.00 117,50 a 5 V2 5% 27.00 27.50 35.50 36.25 44.00 45.00 50.75 51.75 Gfi.OO 67.00 85.00 86.50 120.00 122.50 e. 6 28.00 3 7.00 46.00 52.75 f-S.OO 88.00 125.00 Thickness of Nut 1/. % '4 'i 1 1% ly* Short Diameter of Nut T. 1 ,',■■ 11/4 1 .". l-v« '- 2 UNION TIRE BOLTS With Forged Xuts Revised List of December 28, 1899 Price Per 100 lyencth Diam. Di.im. Diam. Diam. rencth Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. inches 3/16 inch ',i inch 5/16 inch % inch inches 3/16 inch U Inch 5/16 inch ?s incli 1 $0.60 $0.95 $1.40 $2.20 3 54 $1.05 $1.40 $1.96 $2.90 IVi .60 .95 1.40 2.20 4 1.10 1.45 2.03 3.00 1% .60 .95 1.40 2.20 4y4 1.50 2.10 3.10 1% .65 1.00 1.40 2.20 4y2 1.55 2.17 3.20 2 .70 1.05 1.47 2.20 4% .... 1.60 2.24 3.30 2^ .75 1.10 1.54 2.30 5 1.65 2.31 3.40 2% .80 1.15 1.61 2.40 2.38 3.50 2% .85 1.20 1.68 2.50 5y, .... 2.45 3.60 3 .90 1.25 1.75 2.60 5% 2.52 3.70 3% .95 1.30 1.82 ' 2.70 6 2.59 3.80 3% 1.00 1.35 1.89 2.80 FOR RO DS, STEEL. AND IRON , SEE INE EX 708 GEO-BCAR^PEffTER ^ 60. WROUGHT AND PLATE WASHERS— TRACK BOLTS FOR OTHER STYLES OF WASHERS, SEE INDEX Fig 23. WROUGHT WASHERS Revised January 20, 1910; Taking Effect January 21, 1910 Fig. 2 3 In ordering always specify size of bolt Fig. 24 Diameter Size of Bolt Thickness Wire Gauge Size of Hole Price per 100 lbs. Average Number in 100 lbs. T% fs 18 14 $14.00 44075 % ^A 16 s. 12.20 13845 -fj 16 % 11.40 11220 1 % 14 JL. 10.50 6573 1 14 ^\ 14 1/2 9.80 4261 1 % y-z 12 TS 9.40 2683 V^ ft 12 % 9.30 2249 % 10 it 9.20 1315 2 '' % 10 \i 9.10 1013 2V4 78 9 n 9.00 858 2^ 9 9.00 617 2% IVg 9 9.00 516 3 ly* 9 1 % 9.20 403 8 iy2 9.20 320 31/2 1% 8 1% 9.20 278 1 % 8 1% 9.50 247 4 1% 8 178 9.50 224 4Vl 1% 8 2 9.50 200 4% 8 21/8 9.50 180 Fig. 24. SQUARE PLATE WASHERS Prices of Square Washers depend very much upon quantity wanted, as they are made hp specially to order. Lowest tigure* will be quoted on application. Wide Thick Hole Bolt Number in 100 lbs. It 1^ 1 ft % i;i00 1100 A Vz 500 ii J, 1 4 1 % 315 250 3 ^ a % 165 1% ( 8 1^ 1 lys 87 65 4y2 3 48 5 6 3 i 1 \t 1% iy2 40 28 TRACK BOLTS 200 lbs. in a Keg. For rail, lbs |8 ttnd 10112 and 16| 20 | 24 | ■ I iy4x% I iy2x% 1 2xy2 |2ygxiA|2%x% Fig. 21 STANDARD LIST OF EXTRAS APPLYING TO TRACK BOLTS Base % and Larger Diameter by SVa inch and Longer Advance per 100 lbs. over Base fitli Square Kuts. Diameter % inch % Inch y^ and 9/16 inch 7/16 inch % inch Length Square Hexagon Square Hexagon Square Hexagon Square Hexagon Square ilexagon inches Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut 31^ Base $0.15 3y4 $0.05 95 $0.30 $0.55 3 .15 35 .40 .65 $0.75 $1.10 2% .25 45 .50 .75 .90 1.25 2i| .35 55 .60 .85 1.05 1.40 $1.55 $2.00 .45 65 .70 .95 1.20 1.55 1.75 2.20 $2.40 $2.95 2 .55 75 80 1 05 1.35 1.70 1.95 2.40 2.65 3.20 18/4 .90 1.15 1.50 1.85 2.15 2.60 2.90 3.45 iy2 • • • 1.00 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.35 2.80 3.15 3.70 GEO-B-CARPENfTER « QO, 709 BOLT ENDS Fitted with Square Nuts , In Effect February, 1S95 Size of Iron inches I>eni;tli inclies Price per lb. Cents Weiffht per 100 A 6 32 Vi 6 25 7.8 ^ 6 20 13.3 % 7 18 21.9 ^ 7 16 31.3 Vt. 8 14 49. fs 8 14 63. % 9 12 86. % 10 10 141. ys 11 10 206, 1 12 10 300. 1% 13 10 475. ly* 14 11 637. 1% 15 11 812. 1% 16 11 1038. 1% 17 12 1325. 1% 18 12 1638. I'/s 19 12 2010. 2 20 12 2450. 2% 22 14 3029. 21/2 24 14 4071. 2% 24 16 4860. 3 2(5 18 6354. Bolt Ends ordered shorter than above standard lengths, in lots of 100 and over will be charged at the price per hundred of machine bolts of same length, subject to same discount; in smaller lot extra. Only the larger sizes enumerated are kept in stock. With Hexagon nuts, 10 per cent extra. BOILER STAY BOLTS 13 Threads per Inch. Price per Hundred Length Under Head % 13/16 and % 15/16 and 1 2y2 $14.20 $20.80 $30.10 3 14.95 21.80 31.40 3% 15.70 22.80 32.70 4 16.45 23.80 34.00 4% 17.20 24.80 35.30 5 17.95 25.80 36.60 5% 18.70 26.80 37.90 6 19.45 27.80 39.20 6% 20.20 28.80 40.50 7 20.95 29.80 41.80 7% 21.70 30.80 43.10 8 22.50 31.80 44.40 9 24.00 33.80 47.00 10 25.50 35.80 49.60 11 27.00 37.80 52.20 12 28.50 39.80 54.80 Special prices quoted on lengths over 12 inches. 710 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « So. CINCH ANCHORING SPECIALTIES Cinch Expansion Bolt Cinch Anchor Ciucli Stud Anchor Two-TTnit Ciiuli i:\itausionBolt (Installed) Note that head of bolt is out of hole. Bolt can be taken out any time. Two-Unit Cinch Anchor (Installed) Note that head of bolt is in hole. Bolt cannot be removed. Two-Liiit « iiM-h Stuil Anchor (In.stalled) Note that bolt can be removed. The Ciiieli Anchoring Specialties are three in num- ber — Cinch Expansion Bolts, Cinch Anchors and Cinch Stud Anchors. They differ from each other only in the kind of bolt that is used, the position in which the bolt is installed or the order in which the parts of the Cinch anchorage are used. Each of the Cinch Specialties develops an anchor- age that will reach and overreach the tensile strength of any steel or wrought iron bolt. To secure thisylbull dog grip, a hole of less depth is needed than any other expansion device on the mar- ket requires. The hold is secured by the expansion of the lead members so that all the irregularities in the drilled hole are filled and a solid grip is secured on the whole inside surface of the hole. In this way the Cinch Spe- cialties afford all the advantages of a poured lead anchorage combined Avith the ease and convenience of installation of an expansion bolt. The Cinch Anchorage may be set in the masonry before the work is placed in position, with the head of the isolt either in the hole or out of the hole. As the load is distributed uniformly on the surface of the hole. Cinch Anchorages will not crush or de- stroy the face of the masonry. Cinch Anchorages will not work loose from vibra- tion and can be installed at any desired distance from. the face of the masonry. When the Cinch Expansion Bolt is used, expansion is secured by turning the bolt. In the case of Cinch Anchors and Cinch Stud Anchors expansion is ob- tained by caulking. Properly installed a Cinch Anchorage cannot be pulled out. Ask us to send you our Catalogue of Cinch Specialties GEO-B-CAIlPEhfTER « eo. CINCH ANCHORING SPECIALTIES Price per Hundred Two-Unit Anchorages Consisting of 4 pieces — 2 Irons and 2 Lead Alloys. Without Bolts. Units either plain or threaded. Two-Unit Anchorage, Plain Use two units for anchorage of ordinary strength Diameter Price per Minimum^ \ Diameter of 100 Sets, Depth ofS* of Hole Bolt 2 Irons, Holes for and Drill Sizes 2 Leads 2 Units Required i\ $7.00 ys 1/2 V4, 8.00 1^ % ^ 9.00 It^ % % ■ 11.00 11/2 \% I's 15.00 iy2 M Vt. 18.00 1% 1 % 24.00 lys lys % 35.00 2y2 1% % 44.00 • 2% iy2 1 63.00 3% 1% IVs 140.00 4y2 2 1% 150.00 4% 2y8 1% 220.00 5y4 2% Two-Unit Anchorage, Threaded CINCH BRAND CALKING TOOLS For Expanding Cinch Units Diameter Price Diameter Price of Bolt Each of Bolt Each ^. $0.80 Vs $1.70 y* 1.00 % 3.00 A 1.00 % 3.60 % 1.20 78 4.20 1^5 1.20 1 6.80 Price per Hundred Three-Unit Anchorages Consisting of 6 pieces — 3 Irons and 3 Lead Alloys. Without Bolts. Two Units Plain and One Unit Threaded, or all Three Units Plain. Diameter Minimum Diameter of Price per Depth of of Hole Bolt 100 Holes for and Drill Sizes 3 Units Required '\\\ $10.50 lys y2 y* 12.00 1% % A 13.50 1% % % 16.50 2y4 \\ tV 22.50 2% \% y2 27.00 2% 1 % 36.00 2 78 IVs % 52.50 3% 1% ys 66.00 4 iy2 1 94.50 4 78 1% lyg 210.00 6 2 1% 225.00 6% 2y8 iy2 330.00 7% 2% CINCH BRAND FOUR POINT DRILLS Dimensions of Drills to Use Diameter Diameter Price per doz. of Bolts of Drills 12 inches lonf? I'lv y2 $3.75 y4 % 4.25 ■h % 4.25 % IB 7.50 -7r. in 7.50 V2 1 10.00 % 1% 11.50 % 1% 15.75 NOTE: -For the price of Cinch Specialties complete with Bolts, add our regular price for bolts. Cinch Anchorages are threaded for use with U. S. Standard Threads. FOR OTHER TVPES OP EXPANSION BOLTS, SEE INDEX. n^ GEO-B-CAR^PEhfTER ^ SO. 3EBCO EXPANSION BOLTS AND SHIELDS Malleable Iron Fig. 6O0A List January 19, 1911 PER HUNDRED, WITH SQUARE HEAD BOLTS Dia. of Lag Screw Length inches Vs ^ y* A % /ii V2 % % Vs 1 iv; 11/2 2 $7.84 7.88 $8 9 98 07 $10.13 10.85 $11.60 11.65 .... 2y2 3 7.93 7.99 9 9 16 .28 11.00 11.25 11.85 12.00 $15.90 16.10 $20.30 20.50 $24.15 24.45 $31.70 32.10 $48.30 48.85 50.00 51.05 4 5 8.17 9 55 11.50 11.85 12.35 12.65 16.40 16.90 20.80 21.15 25.35 , 25.90 32.90 33.75 6 7 12.20 13.00 13.30 17.35 17.65 21.50 21.80 26.45 27.00 34.60 35.40 52.20 53.30 $68.90 70.00 $79.55 81.65 8 9 ... .... 18.00 22.15 22.50 27.55 28.10 36.25 37.10 54.45 55.55 71.10 72.20 83.70 85.75 $174.45 181.10 10 11 .... .... 37.95 38.80 56.68 57.75 73.30 74.40 87.75 89.90 187.75 194.45 12 . . . . 39.60 58.90 75.55 92.00 201.10 SEBCO MALLEABLE IRON SHIELDS 'ddiiMMBi444<4M'i Fig. 605B PER HUNDRED, FOR SHIELDS ONLY Dia. of Lag Screw . . Vs $7.40 ^5 8.40 1/4 9.40 A % 17.75 V2 % % % 1 ly* 10.50 13.35 22.00 27.80 39.95 53.30 66.60 100.00 Length of Shield Long Standard . . . 11/2 2 2% 3 31/2 3y2 3y2 5 5 8 Length of Shield Short Standard . . . 1^2 2 2 2 2 2 .... .... Length of Shield Ex. Short Standard .... IV2 .... IVz iy2 .... .... Outside Diameter. . of Shield ^ V2 % \h % % 1 ly* iy2 1% Diameter of Drill Required -h Vz % {k % % 1 iy4 iy2 1% FOR OTHER STYLES OF EXPANSION SHIELDS AND BOLTS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eO. 13 EXPANSION BOLTS AND SHIELDS UNIVERSAL EXPANSION 5 ARMS WITH 10 ROWS OF GRIPPING TEETH 5 AVAG { THE SAVAGE GRIP OVER 100 TEETH AVITH A DEATH HOLD Savage Shield Expanded Prices per Huntlre in. %iii %in . %in. lin ■ No. 0. $0.72 No. 0.$0.72 No. 1. $0.72 No. 1. $0.72 No. 2. $0.72 No. 2. $0.74 No. 3. $0.80 No. 1. .72 No. 1. .72 No. 2. .72 No. 2. .72 No. 3. .7 5 No. 3. .78 No. 4. .84 « No. 2. .72 No. 2. .72 No. 3. .72 No. 3. .72 No. 4. .78 No. 4. .82 No. 5. .87 '^ No. 3. .72 No. 3. .72 No. 4. .75 No. 4. .75 No. 5. .82 No. 5. .85 No. 6. .92 No. 4. .72 o No. 4. .72 ® No. 5. .78 No. 5. .78 No. 6. .8 5 No. 6. .90 No. 7 .98 "No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. .75 .78 .82 No. No. No. 6. 7. 8. .80 .84 .90 No. 6. ^No. 7. S No. 8. .82 .80 .92 No. - No. S No. 7. 8. 9. .90 .9 5 1.00 No. 7. .-94 a No. 8. 1.00 -iNo. 9. 1.05 No Sno. 8'. 9. 10. 1.05 1.10 1.20 No. 8. .88 No. 9. .96 No. 9. .9 8 No. 10. 1.10 No. 10. 1.15 No. 11. 1.30 No*.''^'3!$0.88 No. 4. .92 No. 5. .98 No. 6. 1.05 No. 9. .94 No. 10. 1.05 No. 10. 1.07 No. 11. 1.15 No. 11. 1.25 No. 12. 1.40 No. No. 11. 12. 1.10 1.20 No. 11. No. 12. 1.12 1.20 No. No. 12. 13. 1.25 1.35 No. 12. 1.35 No. 13. 1.45 No. No. 13. 14. 1.60 -11 1.70 1 '/I. in. No. 3. $0.98 No. 4. 1 f^5 , . . • No. 13. 1.25 No. 14. 1.50 No. 14. 1.55 No. 15. 2.00 No. 14. 1.30 No. 15. 1.65 No. 15. 1.75 No. 16. 2.50 No. 7. 1.10 © No! 8. 1.15 No. 5. No. 6. 1.10 1.15 l^/i in. No. 5. $1.30 No. 6. 1.35 No. 2 16. 1.80 No. 16. 2.00 *No. ^ No. ^No. 17. 18. 20. 2.70 2.80 3.50 '^ No. 9. 1.20 3 in. %in 2% in. No. 10. 1.30 2 No. 7. ^No. 8. 1.20 1.30 oNo. ^No. 7. 8. 1.45 1.50 No. 5. $1.45 No. 6. 1.50 No. No. 5. 6. $1.55 1.60 No. 5. $1.90 No. 6. 2.00 No. 11. 1.40 2 y. in. No. 12. 1.55 No. 9. 1.35 No. 9. 1.55 No. 7. 1.55 No. 7. 1.65 No. 7. 2.1G No. ^'6!$2.40 No. 13. 1.70 No. 10. 1.4G No. 10. 1.60 No. 8. 1.60 No. 8. 1.75 No. 8. 2.20 No. 7. 2.60 No. 14. 1.90 No. 11. 1.50 *No. 11. 1.70 No. 9. 1.65 No. 9. 1.85 ^No. 9. 2.30 No. 8. 2.70 *No. 15. 2.15 No. 12. 1.65 No. 12. 1.80 No. 10. 1.75 No. 10. 1.95 '' No. 10. 2.40 No. 9. 2.80 No. 16. 2.50 *No. 13. 1.80 No. 13. 2.00 10 No. 11. 1.85 .(5 No. 11. 2.05 No. 11. 2.50 No. 10. 2.90 No. 17. 2.75 No. 14. 2.00 No. 14. 2.25 No. 12. 2.00 No. 12. 2.20 No. 12. 2.60 No. 11. 3.00 No. 18. 3.30 No. 15. 2.35 No. 15. 2.60 No. 13. 2.20 No. 13. 2.35 No. 13. 2.70 No. 12. 3.10 «No. 20. 4.00 No. 16. 2.80 No. 16. 2.90 No. 14. 2.45 No. 14. 2.65 No. 14. 2.90 ^ No. 13. 3.20 No. 22. 4.80 No. 17. 3.20 'ONo. 17. 3.50 No. 15. 2.75 No. 15. 3.10 *No. 15. 3.30 No. 14. 3.30 No. 24. 5.40 '"^ No. 18. 3.80 No. 18. 4.00 No. 16. 3.10 No. 16. 3.50 No. 16. 3.65 No. 15. 3.60 No. 20. 4.30 No. No. No. 20. 22. 24. 4 50 No. 17. *No. 18. No. 20. 3.70 4.20 4.80 *No. No. No. 17. 18. 20. 3.85 4.55 5.30 No. 17. 4.20 No. 18. 4.70 '^No. 20. 5.80 No. No. No. 16. 17. 18. 3.90 4.50 5.00 No. 22. 5.10 5.'20 6.00 No. 24. 5.90 . -H No. 22. 5.50 No. 22. 6.10 No. 22. 6.80 No. 20. 6.10 No.^"6.$2.9" SVz in. No. 8. $3. 90 4 in. No. 8. $4. 90 No. 24. 6.40 No. 24. 6.90 No. 24. 7.50 *No. ;f^ No. 22. 24! 7.20 8.50 No. 7. 3.00 No. 9. No. 10. 4.00 4.10 No. No. 9. 10. 5.10 5.2C 5 in. No. 12. $8. 10 Gin. No. 12.10.00 No. 8. 3.05 W-in. No. 9. 3.10 No. 11. 4.20 No. 11. 5.30 No.l2.$7.0C No. 13. 8.30 No. 13.10.30 c ^5 No. 10. 3.15 No. 12. 4.30 No. 12. 5.40 No. 13. 7.20 No. 14. 8.60 No. 14.11.00 % No. 11. 3.20 No. 13. 4.40 No. 13. 5.60 No. 14. 7.60 No. 15. 9.10 No. 15.11.60 o No. 12. 3.30 ^No. 14. 4.50 No. 14. 5.90 No. 15. 7.85 No. 16. 9.70 No. 16.12.40 5 . No. 13. 3.40 i?JNo. 15. 4.75 No 15. 6.20 No. 16. 8.15 No. 17.10.10 No. 17.13.00 u .Sa ^ hNo. 14. 3.50 No. 16. 4.95 ^No. 16. 6.50 „No. 17. 8.60 H^No. 18.11.00 ;?JNo. 18.14.50 o w No. 15. 3.80 No. 17. 5.40 No 17. 7.00 -No. 18. 9.15 No. 20.11.50 No. 20.16.00 ^ 1 No. 16. 4.20 No. 18. 6.15 No 18. 7.60 No. 20. 9.85 Vo. 22.13.00 No. 22.18.00 No. 17. 4.80 No. 20. 7.30 No 20. 8.60 No. 22. 11.20 No. 24.15.00 No. 24.20.00 — < jj eS *No. 18. 5.50 No. 22. 8.70 No 22. 9.70 No. 24.13.50 No. 26.18.00 No. 26.23.00 E3 4> S No. 20. 6.50 No. 24.10.20 No. 24.11.20 No. 26.16.00 No. 28. 21.00 No. 28.27.00 Ol ^' „No. 22. 7.50 ^No. 24. 8.70 No. 26.12.00 No. 26.14.00 No. 28.18.50 No. 30.24.0( No. 30.30.50 * C No. No. 28.16.00 30.18.50 No. 30.21.50 ^ 2 No. 26.10.50 '.'.'. ...v. '.'.'.'. The following varieties of Iron Screws are invoiced from this list at varying discounts: Flat, Round, Piano, Fillister, and Oval Head Screws, Dowel and Felloe Screws, Bright, Blued, Brassed, Bronzed. Ja- panned, Lacquered, and Tinned, also Drive Screws. GEO'B-eAIiPEH*TER ^ Go. BRASS WOOD SCREWS 11 A Fig. 59SA Flat Head Fig. 50SB Round Head LIST OF JULY 22. Per Gross ;-i Inch H Inch V2 Inch H Inch H Inch Vs Inch 1 Inch No. No. No. No. No. No. No, $0.84 S0.S4 1 $0.92 1 $0.96 2 $1.12 2 $1.40 3 $1.65 1 .84 1 .87 2 .96 2 1.00 3 1.18 3 1.50 4 1.70 2 .88 2 .92 3 1.02 3 1.08 4 1.25 4 1.55 5 1.75 o .92 3 .97 4 1.08 4 1.15 5 1.40 5 1.60 6 1.80 •i .97 4 1.04 5 1.20 5 1.30 6 1.55 6 1.65 7 2.10 5 1.04 5 1.12 6 1.30 6 1.40 7 1.75 7 1.90 8 2.45 1.20 7 1.45 7 1.60 8 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.80 7 1.35 8 1.65 8 1.85 9 2.30 9 2.50 10 3.15 8 1.50 9 1.90 9 2.10 10 2.65 10 2.90 11 3.65 10 2.15 10 2.40 11 3.00 11 3.35 12 4.10 11 2.65 12 3.35 12 3.70 13 4.55 12 3.00 13 3.70 13 4.10 14 5.05 13 3.35 14 4.10 14 4.55 15 5.60 14 3.70 15 4.55 15 5.05 16 6.65 15 4.10 10 5.05 16 5.60 17 16 4.55 18 i'.'iO 1)4 Inch m Inch 1'4 Inch 2 Inch 21 4 Inch 2h4 Inch 2H Inch No.^ No. No. No. No. No? No. 3 S2.10 . 4 $2.95 6 $3.95 6 $5.15 8 $6.85 9 $9.40 9 $11.50 4 2.20 5 3.05 7 4.00 7 5.20 9 6.95 10 9.50 10 11.65 5 2.25 6 3.10 8 4.10 8 5.25 10 7.05 11 9.60 11 11.80 6 2.35 7 3.20 9 4.20 9 5.30 11 7.25 12 9.70 12 11.95 1 2.45 8 3.30 10 4.70 10 5.40 12 7.90 13 9.85 13 12.10 8 2.85 9 3.65 11 5.35 11 6.15 13 8.80 14 10.75 14 12.25 9 3.20 10 4.25 12 6.05 12 6.85 14 9.80 15 11.85 15 13.00 10 3.50 11 4.65 13 6.70 13 7.55 15 10.75 16 13.00 16 14.20 11 4.10 12 5.35 14 7.35 14 8.45 16 11.90 17 14.30 17 15.65 12 4.65 13 5.95 15 8.65 15 9.75 17 13.00 18 16.95 18 18.40 13 5.35 14 6.65 16 9.50 10 10.70 18 15.40 20 19.85 20 21.60 14 5.85 15 7.60 17 10.45 17 11.70 20 18.00 22 23.00 22 25.00 15 6.55 16 8.35 18 12.40 18 13.90 22 20.95 24 25.50 24 28.00 16 7.20 17 9.15 20 14.50 20 16.30 24 23.30 17 7.85 18 10.85 22 16.85 22 18.90 18 9.35 20 12.65 24 18.90 24 21.00 'iSj 10.45 22 14.50 3 Inch 3K Inch 4 Inch ^'A Inch 5 Inch 6 Inch No. No. No. No. No. No. 10 S13.70 10 $15.85 12 $18.60 14 $22.60 16 $26.90 16 $31.00 11 13.85 11 16.00 13 18.80 15 22.80 17 29.60 17 34.05 12 14.00 12 18.15 14 19.00 16 23.40 18 35.50 18 40.80 13 14.10 13 16.30 15 19.25 17 25.75 20 40.70 20 46.80 14 14.30 14 16.45 16 20.35 18 30.90 22 47.60 22 54.75 15 14.60 15 16.60 17 22.30 20 35.40 24 53.80 24 61.90 16 15.40 16 17.70 18 26.90 22 41.40 26 62.60 26 72.95 17 16.80 17 19.40 20 30.80 24 46.80 28 72.15 28 82.95 18 19.95 18 22.75 22 36.00 26 54.40 30 82.95 30 93.35 20 23.40 20 26. eo 24 40.70 28 62.70 22 27.10 22 31.20 26 47.35 30 72.15 24 . 31.15 24 35.80 28 54.55 26 35.85 26 41.20 30 62.70 28 41.15 28 47.45 30 47.45 30 54.55 CopiJer Boat .Nails antl everything else necessai'y f oi- boat building li-sted in our Marine Catalog 715 GEO-B-CAR^PElfTER S QO, SCREW ANCHORS— EXPANSION SHIELDS SEBGO SCREW ANCHORS PatOnted. List Prices per Hundred— WITHOUT SCREWS Made of composition metal in one' piece and so constructed that the screw cuts its own thread, thus permitting the use of all wood, machine and special screws. The Anchors hold equally well with any kind of screw. These Anchors ^vill not break, chip, mar, rnst or deface the finest marble or tile. To Order. The Anchors alone are usually ordered as they are used with regular screws. Should the screw h^ desired, add the length of the Anchor to the thickness of the material fastened, and you will have the right length of screw. If electric drill Is nsed. the cutting edge sh^onld be from 1/32 to 1/16 Inch over the size shown above. Diameter and Length Fit All Screws Outside Diameter and Drill Required Inches Box Shipping Weight Price of Anchor inches Nos. Contains per 100 lbs. per 100 Vsx Vz 5, 6, 7, 8 V4, 100 2y2 $4.40 Vsx % 5, 6, 7, 8 y* 100 21^ 4.40 Vsx % .5, 6, 7, 8 100 2y2 4.40 %xl ^x 1/2 5. 6, 7, 8 1/ 100 4.40 9, 10. 11. 12 A 100 2% 5.00 tVx % 9, 10, 11, 12 JL 100 2% 5.00 •^xl A xl % 9, 10, 11. 12 JL 100 5.00 9, 10, 11, 12 % 100 4 6.25 13, 14, 15 100 3y2 5.60 %x % 13, 14, 15 % 100 3y2 5.60 %xl %xiy2 13, 14, 15 % 100 3y2 5.60 13. 14, 15 34 50 6 8.00 13, 14, 15 % 50 7 10.00 ■/kx % 16, 17, 18 JL 50 5 6.25 V>bx1 16, 17. 18 J, 50 5 6.25 AxlVz 16, 17, 18 Tg 50 8 10.00 Ax2 %xl 16, 17, 18 J~ 50 10 13.00 20, 22, 24 •?e 50 10 13.00 %x2 20, 22, 24 ■fe 50 16 15 00 %x2 26, 28, 30 i 50 24 25.00 %x2 %" Lag Screw '1 50 32 30.00 %x3^ %" Lag Screw 50 56 50.00 EXTRA HEAVY SEBCO ANCHORS While recommending the use of Re'gular Sebco and Star Anchors as being stronger and requiring a smaller hole for insertion, we will gladly supply these heavier anchors at the same) price, made in the following sizes: Diameter and Lengfh Fit All Screws Outside Diameter and Drill Required No. In Shipping Weight Price of Anchor Nos. Box per 100 lbs. per 100 Inches SI fffXl I- .'.• J- 8 1 100 iy2 $4.40 9. 10, 11, 12 100 2 5.00 9, 10, 11, 12 100 4 5.00 kxl 9. 10, 11, 12 s/ 50 5% 6.25 13, 14, 15 i 50 4% 5.60 %xli^ 13. 14, 15 50 6 6.75 16, 17, 18 V2 50 5 6.25 Axii^ 16, 17, 18 % 50 5y2 7.50 STAR DOUBLE EXPANSION BOLTS MACHINE BOLT TYPE List Piices per Hundred FOR SHIEIiDS ONLY Double Expansion Type, Closed Diameter of bolt. Length of shield, I inches Size hole to re- ceive expan- sion, inches Diameter of drill required, inches Shipping weight, per 100 lbs Price per lOO y* I 5/16 1 % I 7/16T % I % I iy2 6 IVs I 1% "1%- 2% % 2V2 1 1 11. 00 I 15.00 2% 1 1 22 18.00 3% IVs 1% 32 24.00 1% 1% 64 35.00 4% 1% 1% 1% 1% 6^ 21/6 2y8 300 44.00 I 63.00 I 140.00 | 150.00 | 220.00 ey* 2y8 2y8 300 IV2 2V2 2% 450 POa SCREWS AND BOLTS, SEE INDEX Geo-B-Car^penTter « eo. IG iillllllllltiii SET SCREWS IRON SET SCREWS Cup Point Set Screw Oval Point Set Scre^v Per 100 — Adopted April 1, 1905 1 4 5/16 3 S 7,16 .= 0/16 3/S 3/4 1 7/S ' l-l/S 1-1/4 , 1 $1.80 1.90 $2.00 2.10 $2.35 2.45 $2.80 $3.30 1 1 ^ 1 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.60 2.90 3.00 3.40 3.60 $5.00 5.50 $5.00 5.50 1 1 *- 1 2.15 2.30 2.35 2.50 2.65 2.85 3.10 3.50 3.80 4.30 5.75 6.50 5.75 6.50 $10.00 11.00 1 1 1 $15.50 1 1 1 i 1V2 ^ 1% 2.50 2.75 2.70 3.00 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.50 4.80 5.40 7.25 8.00 7.25 8.00 12.00 12.80 16.20 17.70 $22.00 24.00 $41.70 • 1.. 3.25 3.75 3.50 4.00 4 00 4 50 5.15 5.75 6.00 6.75 8.80 9.60 8.80 9.60 13.60 14.50 19.20 20.70 26.00 28.00 45.00 48.30 $54.00 58.30 1 r4 4.25 4.75 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.50 6.35 6.75 7.50 8.25 10.40 11.20 10.40 11.20 15.40 16.30 23.'70 30.00 32.00 51.60 54.90 62.60 66.90 « 3 5.25 5.50 6.00 7.20 7.60 9.00 9.75 12.00 12.75 12.00 12.75 17.30 18.40 25.20 26.70 34.00 36.00 58.20 61.50 71.20 75.50 1 II 1 1 8.00 8.50 10.50 11.25 13.50 14.30 13.50 14.30 19.50 20.75 28.20 29.70 38.00 40.00 64.80 68.10 79.80 84.10 j: 4 •S 41^ 9.00 12.00 15.10 15.10 15.90 22.00 23.50 31.20 32.70 42.00 44.00 71.40 74.70 88.40 92.70 g 41/2 ^ 4% 16.70 25.00 26.50 34.20 35.70 46.00 48.00 78.00 81.30 97.00 101.30 5 37.20 50.00 84.60 105.60 oi 41 C g2 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for each V4. inch $0.50 $0.60 $0.70 $0.80 $0.90 $1.10 $1.10 $1.50 $1.70 $2.25 $3.30 $4.30 For List Price of Steel Set Screw.s. Add 25 Per Cent to the Above SOCKET SET SCREWS steel — Cup Point — Case Hardened The wide demand for 5?ocket set screws compelled us to increase materially quantity carried, and we are now prepared to furnish from stock all sizes listed below. Tliese scrcw.s arc true to size with clean, accurate threads and will answer every purpose for which they are designed. They are carried in stock with cup points and both U. S. S. and V threads, although any style of point or thread can be supplied to special order. These screws are milled from special steel bars and case hardened, have die cut threads and will follow standard taps closely. A MRENCH IS PACKED WITH EACH BOX OP SCREWS Threads List Price Number to inch per inn in box Ax 5 J 18 $3.00 100 %x t 16 3.30 100 14 3.60 100 13 (orl2) 3.90 100 I'^X % 12 4.70 50 %x U 11 5.40 50 5ix Ys 10 8.40 50 78X1 9 12.50 25 1 xiy* 8 16.75 25 •13 threads will always be sent on screws of % inch diameter U. S. S. and 12 threads on 1^ inch V unless otherwise specified. FOR AVRENCHES, T.VPS CASE HARDENED WRENCHES LIST PRICES Price Per 100 t $1.50 . 1 50 Wi^^ 2.30 2.30 ll 0" 2.65 H ,I;;h::;: 3.00 4.50 6.50 9 50 Socket Set Screw Wrench AND DIES. SEE IXDEX 17 GEO-BCARPElfTER « So. CAP SCREWS Fig. 351A. Hexagon Head Fig. 351A. Square Head Cap Screws having heads that are ground and of dimensions and threads listed, are regular. On all screws of one inch and less in diameter and four inches long and under, threads are cut % of the length; longer than four inches, threads are cut half of the length. For case hardening add 15 per cent to net price of regular Cap Screws. In ordering specify diameter of screw. PRICE PER 100 SQUARE HEAD Diameter % of Head 1^. V2 f. % ik % % lys iy4 1% 1% HEXAGON H Diameter of Head EAD V2 1% % % it % 1 lya iy4 1% 1% Length of Head y* A % z\ V2 :% % % Vs 1 lys iy4 Diameter of Screw \i 5 16 % 7/16 Vz 9/16 % % Ts 1 1% IM % $3.00 3.15 $3.25 3.40 ?3.75 3.90 $4.50 4.70 $5.70 5.80 . .. . — o 1 Ph 1^ 3.25 ! 3.50 3.50 I 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.90 5.30 5.90 6.50 $9.25 9.50 $9.25 9.50 $lV.50 £ 1% 3.75 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.85 ~5.70 6.10 7.10 7.70 10.00 10.75 10.00 10.75 13.50 14.50 $18.40 19.70 $22'. 7 5 25.00 27.25 $34.00 36.75 a 2 4.25 4.70 4.85 5.35 5.20 5.55 6.50 7.15 8.30 8.90 11.50 12.60 11.50 12.60 15.50 16.50 21.00 22.40 $38.50 42.00 Z 21/2 1 2% 5.25 5.75 5.80 6.30 6.00 6.65 7.50 7.90 9.50 10.10 13.60 14.40 13.60 14.40 17.50 19.00 23.70 25.00 29.50 31.75 39.50 42.25 45.50 49.00 K 3 fe 31/4 6.2E 6.8( ) 7.2( ) 8.40 9.15 10.70 11.50 15.20 16.00 15.20 16.00 20.60 22.10 26.40 28.20 34.00 36.25 45.00 47.75 52.50 56.00 a ZVz =• 3% 9.75 10.50 12.30 13.10 17.30 18.60 17.30 18.60 23.70 25.30 30.00 31.80 38.50 40.75 50.50 53.25 59.50 63.00 g 4% . . . 11.10 13.90 19.90 19.90 21.20 26.90 28.50 33.60 35.40 43.00 45.25 56.00 58.75 66.50 70.00 •^ 4% 4% 22.50 30.10 31.70 37.20 39.00 47.50 49.75 61.50 64.25 73.50 77.00 5 40.80 52.00 67.00 80.50 Threads to inch 20 18 16 14 12 or 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for each Vi inch .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 1.30 1.30 1.60 1.80 2.25 2,75 3.50 FOR CAP SCREW NUTS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-eARPEN*TER ^ CO FILLISTER HEAD GAP SCREWS 1. Fillister Head Cap Screws are milled from bars slightly larger than the heads. The heads are true with the boay and are well ftnished. 2. Length of heads is the same as diameter of screws. 3. Fillister Heads, ordinary sizes only, carried in stock; all others made to order at special price governed by quantity. Prices per 100 Diam. f. y+ % A ^c, % % \i % 1 1V& l*/4 of Head Diam. of Screw 1/8 3/10 1/4 5 16 3/S 7/16 1/2 9/16 5 S 3/4 7/8 1 % $2.00 $2.2 5 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 1 2.25 2.5 3 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 5.30 $6.60 IV4. 2.50 2.7 5 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.60 6.90 $9.00 IVz 2.75 3.0 3 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.90 7.20 9.50 $12.00 • 1% 3.00 3.2 5 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.20 7.50 10.00 12.50 $15.25 m 2 3.25 3.5 3 3.75 4.35 5.00 5.50 6.75 8.00 10.75 13.00 16.00 $19.20 et 21/4 3.50 3.7 5 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.00 7.25 8.50 11.50 13.75 16.75 20.20 £5 2% 3.75 4.0 3 4.25 5.15 6.00 6.50 7.75 9.00 12.00 14.50 17.50 21.25 »» 2% 4.00 4.2 5 4.50 5.55 6.50 7.00 8.25 9.50 12.75 15.25 18.30 22.40 u^ 3 4.25 4.5 3 4.75 5.95 7.00 7.50 8.75 10.00 13.50 16.00 19.10 23.60 ^^ 31/4 4.7 5 5.00 6.35 7.50 8.00 9.25 10.50 14.25 16.75 20.00 24.85 1 it 5.25 6.75 8.00 8.50 9.75 11.00 15.00 17.50 21.00 26.10 7.15 8.50 9.00 10.25 11.50 15.75 18.25 22.00 27.35 ji^ 4 9.00 9,50 10.75 12.00 16.50 19.00 23.00 28.60 r^ ^^* 10.00 11.25 12.50 17.25 19.75 24.00 29.85 ^a 41^ £ 4% 11.75 13.00 18.00 20.50 25.00 31.10 . . . 12.25 13.50 18.75 21.25 26.00 32.35 "^ L, 12.75 14.00 19.50 22.00 27.00 33.60 5^ 13.25 14.50 20.25 22.75 28.00 34.85 V^ 13.75 15.00 21.00 23.50 29.00 36.10 5% 14.25 15.50 21.75 24.25 30.00 37.35 6 14.75 16.00 22.50 25.00 31.00 38.60 Thr'ds 12 to 40 24 20 IS 10 14 or 12 11 10 9 8 inch 1 13 1^ m \\ m 11 ' LAT ] SC HEAD .REWJ GAP 5 nllll illO ■4 Him J ' '" vvvvv WVW\=r^- i^ifji MILLED FROM SOLID BAR 1. Flat Head Cap Screws are made in same manner as Fillister Heads. 2. Flat Head Cap Screws are measured over all for length. Ordinary sizes only carried in stock; all others made to order. Prices per 100 Diameter of Head 1,4 ■ -/s .'.J % ■ % il ys 1 1% 1% of Screw 1,S 3 16 14 5/16 3/S 7 16 12 »/16 5/S 3/4 Threads 12 to 40 24 20 18 16 14 or 12 11 10 inch 13 % $2.25 $2.50 $3.10 $4.00 $5.00 I u 2.50 2.75 3.35 4.25 5.30 $6.60 2.75 3.00 3.60 4.50 5.60 6.90 $9.00 0_ IVa 3.00 3.25 3.85 4.75 5.90 7.20 9.50 $12.00 *S 1% 3.25 3.50 4.10 5.00 6.20 7.50 10.00 12.50 $14.50 bi^ 2 3.75 4.35 5.50 6.75 8.00 10.75 13.00 15.25 $19.20 p 21.4 4,75 6.00 7.25 8.50 11.50 13.75 16.00 20.20 H 21^ .... 6.50 7.75 9.00 12.00 14.50 16.75 21.25 •- 2% 7.00 8.25 9.50 12.75 15.25 17.50 22.40 3 i- • 8.75 10.00 13.50 16.00 18.30 23.60 Add for each l^ inch .25 .25 .40 .50 .50 .50 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 FOR MACHINISTS TOOI-S — SEE IXDEX 19 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « eO. IRON MACHINE SCREWS mmtttj^^ ii nuMt < » i i t in^ t tN tHt i i itt n iii i i ^"'"'''''''^^^ PWI^W^PSM^ RPPPI^PIM^g^ Fig. 596A, Flat Head Fig. 596B. Round Head Fig. 596C. Fillister Head PRICE PER GROSS Nc I 2 7 I 8 10 I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18 I 20 I 24 I 2 8 | 30 | Id. lets. |Cts.|Cts. |Cts.|Cts.| Cts.|Cts.|Cts.|Cts. I Cts. | Cts. | Cts. | Cts. | Cts. | Cts. | Cts. | Cts. | 3£ Cts. Vs 1 .30 f,T 1 .3 .301 .301 .351 .35 .30| .301 .35| .35 .40 .40 .40 .40 .60 ."ed .v.- :::l :::: :::: .... % A .30 .32 .3( .31 ) .30 .32 .35 .37 .35 .37 .40 .44 .40 .44 .60 .65 .60 .70 .65 .75 .85 .90 i!i5 % .32 .34 .35 .34 I .32 .34 .37 .39 .37 .39 .44 .48 .44 .65 .48 .70 .65 .70 .75 .90| 1.15|1.50 1.90 .80 .95| 1.20|1.60 2.00 2.30| .... 2.40| ... . 1/2 .34 t\ .37 .34 .3^ .34 .37 .39 .42 .39 .42 .481 .48| .701 .70 .52| .52| .75| .75 .801 .95 .8G| 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.00| 2.401 ... . 1.25 1.70 2.101 2.50| ... . .'.■.■.■ % .37 .41 .3^ .41 .37 L .41 .42 .46 .42 .46 .52 .521 .75 ...| ... .75 .85 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.10 2.50 ... .' .41 .45 .4] .4f L .41 5 .45 .46| .46 .50|. .50 .56 .56 .80 .80 .90 1.05 1.30 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.20| 4.00] 5.10 ....| ....| .... % .45 .4E ) .451 .50 .50| .55 .50 .55 .60 .60 .85 .85 .95 1.15 1.4011.90 ...| ... 2.30 2.70 3.30 4.25 5.85 1 .50 .55 .55 .60 .55 .60 .65 .70 .651 .901 .90 .70!l.00|1.00 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.50|2.00 1.60|2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.75 3.00 4.00 4.501 6.60 5.001 7.00 1% 1% .60 .65 .65 .70 .65 .70 .75 .80 .75 1.1011.10 .80 1.20|1.20 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.75 1.90 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 4.351 5.25 3.40 4.801 5.75 7.35 8.00 iy2 1% .70 .80 .75i .75 .85| .85 .85 .95 .85 .95 1.30 1.40 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.65 1.75 2.10 2.30 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60| 5.10 6.001 8.00 3.80| 5.70 6.35| ... . 1% 1% !:: 1 .90| .95 !1.00|1.05 .95|1.05 1.05|1.15 1.05|1. 5011. 501 1.60 1.15 1.60 l.eOi 1.70 1.85 2.00 2.50 2.70 3.20| 3.60| 4.20 3.401 3.801 4.40 5.70i 6.65i 8.60 6.35| 7.00| ... . 2 1 .. . 21/4 1 . . . 1.10 1.15|1.15 1.2511.25 1.25|1. 2511. 7011. 70 1.45!1.45|1.90|l.90 1.80 2.20 2.20 2.60 2.90 3.30 3.60 4.00 4.00| 4.60 4.40] 4.80 6.35| 7.35| 9.40 6.90| 8.00110.30 2 1/2 2% 1.65 1.65|2.20|2.20 1.90 1.90|2.50|2.50 2.50 2.90 2.80 3.20 3.50 4.00 4.40 4.90 4.90 5.40 5.30 7.75 5.90 8.60 8.90111.50 9.85| .... 3 314 2.30|2.30 1 2.90|2.90 3.50 3.30|3.30 4.25 3.80| 4.50 4.501 5.50 5.60 6.001 7.40| 9.70]11.00| ... . 6.50 7.001 8. 80111. 50113.00! ... . 3% 1 .. . 3.75 3.75 5.00 5.25 6.50|7.50 8.25|10.10|13.20|15.00| .... 6.00 7.50|8.50 9. 25112. 20114. 70117. 501 .... 3% 1 ... 4 1 ... 1 .. 1 .. . 1 ... ...| ...| ...| ...| ....| 6.75h8.50|9.60|10.25|13.50|16.50|20.50 .... 1 Eh 56 48 56 32,36, 40 30 32 36 30 32 30 32 36 24. 30, 32 20,24 16, 18, 20 16,18 14, 16 13 11 0!> Cellar Box Cotters are shipped in bulk, kegs or boxes Size ' Price ^-r^Htn^r- Size Price Quantity Appro.x. \vt. per Size Price Quantity .Vpprox. "U^o" in lbs. Inches per 1000 Package 1000 in lbs. inches per 1000 Package 1000 in lbs. inches per 1000 Package I?'' I * !if22 Bulk 199 %x 9 $ 958.00 Bulk 500 %xll $1440.00 Bulk 957 ^"^ I Bulk V2XIO 1039.00 Bulk 550 %xl2 1560.00 Bulk 1035 ^"^A 496.00 Bulk 250 ¥2x11 1120.00 Bulk 600 %xl3 1680.Q0 Bulk 1113 ^^19 538.00 Bulk 275 %xl2 1201.00 Bulk 650 %xl4 1800.00 Bulk 1192 Bulk ¥2x13 1282.00 Bulk 700 %xl5 1920.00 Bulk 1270 %xl2 622.00 Bulk 326 V2XI4 1363.00 Bulk 750 %xl6 2040.00 Bulk 1348 %xl3 %xl4 664.00 Bulk 351 1/2x15 1444.00 Bulk 800 %xl7 2160.00 Bulk 1427 %xl6 1525.00 Bulk 850 %xlS 2280.00 Bulk 1505 748.00 Bulk 402 %xn 1606.00 Bulk 900 %xl6 790.00 Bulk 427 VaXlS 1687.00 Bulk 950 %x2^ 774.00 Bulk 395 %xl7 832.00 Bulk 452 %x2y2 816.00 Bulk 425 %xl8 876.00 Bulk 478 Ax 7 852.00 Bulk 494 ■%x 3 900.00 Bulk 481 Ax 8 948.00 Bulk 555 %x 4 1068.00 Bulk 590 Ax 7 628.00 Bulk 319 Ax 9 1044.00 Bulk 616 %x 9» 1236.00 Bulk 699 Ax 8 689.00 Bulk 359 AxlO Axil 1140.00 Bulk 677 %x 6 1404.00 Bulk 808 Ax 9 750.00 Bulk 399 1236.00 Bulk 738 %x 7 1572.00 Bulk 918 AxlO Axil 811.00 Bulk 439 Axl2 1332.00 Bulk 799 %x 8 1740.00 Bulk 1027 872.00 Bulk 480 Axl3 1428.00 Bulk 860 %x 9 1908.00 Bulk 1136 Axl2 933.00 Bulk 520 Axl4 1524.00 Bulk 921 %xlO 2076.00 Bulk 1245 Axis Axl4 994.00 Bulk 560 Axl5 1620.00 Bulk 981 %xll 2244.00 Bulk 1355 1055.00 Bulk 600 Axl6 1716.00 Bulk 1042 %xl2 2412.00 Bulk Axir< Axl6 1116.00 Bulk 640 Axl7 1812.00 Bulk 1103 %xl3 2580.00 Bulk 1573 1177.00 Bulk 680 Axis 1908.00 Bulk 1164 %xl4 274S.00 Bulk 1682 Axl7 Axis 1238.00 Bulk 721 %xl5 2916.00 1791 1900 1299.00 Bulk 761 %x 7 960.00 Bulk 643 34x16 3084.00 Bulk %x 8 1080.00 Bulk 722 %xl7 3252.00 Bulk 2000 %x 7 796.00 Bulk 400 %x 9 1200.00 Bulk 800 %xl8 3420.00 Bulk 2118 %x 8 877.00 Bulk 450 %xl0 1320.00 Bulk S7S SQUARE MACHINE SCREW NUTS # IROX Tl) reads . 3fil 3i .iZ Zi-.VZ 24' 20 181 18 16-181 ir. 1 14 No .1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 121 14| 161 181 20 | 201 30 List, per 100.. .1.161 161. 181 .20 1.221 251.331.431 .57 I .73I1.0J HEXAGON MACHINE SCREW NUTS IRON Threads . . 1 361 321 32 21-321 241 201 181 18 16-181 16 | 14 No . .| 4| 6| 8| 10 1 121 141 161 181 20 | 24| 30 List, per 100. . . .|.2.-||.25|.28| .30 1.331. 3S|. 501.651 .85 II.IOII.6O" LOCK NUTS OR LOCK WASHERS c }. A. E. FLAT 1- or Bolt Size of Washer I'rice per M V^ AxA $4.35 A %Xi^ 6.70 % AxA 7.35 A ■AxA 10.70 % Ax,>» 11.35 % Ax,", 16.00 % Axi", 21.70 % »/4X:?, 24.70 1 V'lXi-, 35.00 ^ . A. E. SQUARE I or Bolt Size of M aslier 1 Price per M Vi AxA S 4.70 t Vsx% 7.35 8.00 11 xi 12.70 14 i|x| 13.35 78 ||x| IS 00 % iixlf 24.35 % 28.70 in lit 4(1.00 ■).•?. 70 726 Geo-B-Carpei^ter ^ Go. SPRING COTTERS Cellar Box Cotters listed on pa^e 725 Fig. 112 All measurements made under the eye. last in effect July 21, 1911. Superseding all previous lists. These Spring Cotters will run at least 10 per cent better than any others on account of superior heading and point- ing and the fact that they are hand inspected and all culls, dirt and imperfect cotters thrown out. II Size Price per 1000 Quantity in Package Approx. Weight per 1000 Wire Gauge Size Price per 1000 Quantity in Package Appro.x-. Weight per 1000 g S, Size 6 Price per 1000 Quantity in Package Approx. Weight per 1000 lbs. oz. lbs. oz. lbs. oz. fi'sx A ill Ax il $3.50 1,000 r %xi $20.00 500 17 13 3.50 1,000 11 fAx % $6.00 1,000 3 10 y^xiy* 23.50 500 20 8 3.50 1,000 12 Ax % 7.00 1,000 10 Vixiyz 27.00 500 23 3.50 1,000 13 e Axl 8.00 1,000 10 y4xi% 30.50 500 26 8 4.15 1.000 13 Axl % 9.00 1,000 4 1.4x2 34.00 250 29 4.15 1,000 14 i ^^""V^r 10.00 1,000 12 %x2y4 37.50 250 32 8 4.15 1,000 14% Axi% 11.00 1,000 10 ., y4x2y2 41.00 250 35 4.15 1,000 15 i'"";!^ 12.00 500 10 Vix2 3/4 44.5"0 250 36 4 4 80 1,000 1 Ax2 V4, 13.00 500 10 10 y4x3 48.00 250 40 2 T^X 78 4.80 1,000 1 1 Ax2y2 14.00 500 12 y4x3y4 51.50 250 43 1 T^XI 4.80 1,000 1 2 y4x3% 55.00 250 46 w t'sxIVs 5.45 1,000 i 4 y4x3?4 58.50 250 48 15 i Axl% 5.45 1,000 1 5 ■^sx V2 7.00 1,000 6 .y4x4 62.00 150 51 13 T*SX1% 6.10 1,000 1 6 3^2 X % 8.15 1,000 10 T^Xl% 6.10 1,000 1 9 C5 s'^izxl 9.30 1,000 r t\xi 32.50 500 29 g t'sxI % 6.75 1,000 1 11 s\xiy4 10.45 1,000 5 T^sXiy4 37 50 250 34 1 T^Xl% 6.75 1,000 2 0- s'Wxl V2 11.60 1,000 5 isxi y2 42.50 250 38 t'5X2 7.40 1,000 2 5 ^ ^;xi % 12.75 1,000 13 }Ui% 47.50 250 44 i'bx2% 8.05 1,000 2 10 ^'^2X2 13.90 500 10 14 isX2 52.50 250 47 13 Ax2y2 8.70 1,000 2 13 /5X2 % 15 05 500 13 /sx2 % 57.50 250 52 6 1^x2% 9.35 500 3 6 Ax2 V2 16.20 500 14 ■ fffX2 V2 62.50 250 57 10 1^x3 10.00 500 3 8 « ^x2% 67.50 250 61 9 Axsy* 10.65 500 3 9% (5 72.50 200 67 Li-sxa'/i 11.30 500 3 11 77.50 200 70 11 r^x A 3.50 1,000 13 i X V2 X % 8.00 9.30 1,000 1,000 8 11 ■fsx3 y2 fsX3% 82.50 87.50 150 150 75 5 79 14 ^ix % 3.50 1,000 14 GO I xl 10.60 1,000 1 92.50 100 84 7 J^X iV 3.50 1,000 1 k xiy* 11.90 1,000 7 16— - ^X 1/2 3 50 1,000 1 I k xiy2 13.20 1,000 1 %xiy2 72.00 Bulk 60 Ax A 4.15 1,000 1 2 i xl% 14.50 1,000 3 %xl% 79.20 66 s Ax % 4.15 1,000 1 3 i x2 15.80 500 %x2 86.40 70 Ax % 4.15 1,000 1 5 h x2i4 17.10 500 6 %x2y4 93.60 " t Ax 78 4.80 1,000 1 9 Ih x2y2 18.40 500 12 %x2y2 100.80 84 . Axl 4.80 1,000 1 11 %x2% 108.00 " 91 9 Axi% 5.4 5 1,000 1 14 %X3 115.20 95 ^ Axl V4 Axl % 5.45 6.10 1,000 1,000 2 2 2 8 T^sXl t'sxiy* T^sxiya ^5x1% tCx2% 11.10 12.80 14.50 16.20 17.90 19.60 21.30 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 9 10 13 14 16 17 5 10 8 4 10 %x3i4 %x3y2 122.40 129.60 103 109 Axi% Ax2 Ax2% Axava .Ax3 6.75 7.40 8.05 8.70 10.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2 14 3 4 3 10 4 4 8 6^ iz; %x3% %x4 /sxl% T'jtX2 ^\x2 Vi 136 80 144.00 108.00 119.50 131.00 116 123 108 118 128 {til a\xlV4 T(\xl % ^jxl% 3.50 1,000 1 000 1 7 i'bX2 y2 23.00 500 20 Ax2 yo 142.50 " 138 4 15 1 10 2 2 3 2 B 2 12 3 9 4 1 T'iTX2% 24 70 500 21 2 75X2% 154.00 148 M 4115 4.80 4.80 5.45 6.10 6.75 liooo 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 L ■ftx3 4 xi% 26.40 12.00 14.00 16.00 250 1.000 l,000i 1,000 22 10 12 12 14 14 •s\x3 /bx314 1^x3 y. Ax3% 1^x4 I'VxS 165.50 177.00 188.50 200.00 211.50 257.50 :i 159 169 180 189 239 L5P2X2 7.40 1,000 4 10 » i xiya 18.00 1,000 15 10 1/2x2 148.50 150 r^x % i x2% 20.00 500 20 ¥2x2 >4 163.50 " 161 4.00 1,000 2 1 i' 22.00 500 20 %x2V2 178.50 " 175 Ax % 4.75 1,000 2 12 24.00 500 22 10 %x2% 193.50 189 *» sVxl 5.50 1,000 3 5 i?x2y2 26.00 500 24 11 %x3 208.50 " 200 ^i ^\iilVi 6.25 1,000 4 j?x2% 28.00 250 26 13 72X3 y* 223.50 213 ^ ^xl % 7.00 1,000 4 12 I3va 30.00 250 28 14 %x3y2 238.50 <• 225 7.75 1,000 5 1 ¥2x3% 253.50 •1 238 .Ax2 8.50 1,000 C 2 %x4 268.50 " 250 r%x % $5.00 1,000 2 12 ^■fgXl 18.00 500 15 7 y2x5 %x6 328.50 388.50 ,',' 300 350 %x % 5.85 1.000 3 10 ^'2x1% 20.80 500 17 14 ^ VaXl 6.70 1,000 4 ,^xiy2 23.60 500 20 5 %X3 384.00 " 300 %xl% 7.55 1,000 4 14 >s ^,xl% 26.40 500 20 14 %x3U 404.00 " 349 6" '/8Xl% 8.40 1,000 5 9 ^'2x2 29.20 250 25 3 %x3% 424.00 " 369 V8Xl% 9.25 1,000 6 .'2x2% 32,00 250 27 10 %x3% 444.00 388 y8x2 10 10 1,000 7 3 3^2X2 y2 34.80 250 30 1 %x4 464.00 455 V8X21/4 lO.flS 500 9 .',x2% 37 60 250 32 8 %x5 544.00 487 , I V»x2% 11.80 500 9 12 L ,';x3 40.'?0 250 34 15 %x6 644.00 566 .^ FOR COTTER PIN TOOLS, KEYS, PINS AND LOCK WASHERS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ SO. ^■27 STANDARD STEEL TAPER PINS Fig. 43,SA TAPER OXE-QUARTER INCH TO THE FOOT Trice per 100 Diameter at ; -. Large Eml 56 .172 .193 .219 .2.30 .289 .341 .409 .492 .591 .706 Approximate ,, Fractional Size '^ ' tl A 3^ y* hi ih U y2 JB M No. ( ) 1 2 3 ) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % $1. 80 $2.00 $2.10 $2.3( $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 1 2. 05 2.25 2.35 2.55 2.75 3.00 3.25 $3.75] 11^ 2. 30 2.50 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.0( ) $4.65 11/2 2. 55 2.75 2.85 3.05 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.21 5 5.00 $7.00 $9.00 1% 2. 80 3.00 3.10 3.30 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.5( ) 5.40 7.50 9.50 2 3.25 3.35 3.55 3.75 4.05 4.35 4.75 i 5.80 8.00 10.00 2V4 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.40 4.75 5.2 5 6.25 8.60 10.75 21/2 4.05 4.25 4.75 5.20 5.7. 5 6.75 9.20 11.50 2% 4.30 4.50 5.10 5.70 6.2 5 7.25 9.80 12.25 3 4.55 4.75 5.45 6.25 6.75 1 7.80 10.50 13.25 3V4 .... 6.75 7.2 5 8.40 11.20 14.25 31/2 1 .. 7.25 7.75 1 9.00 11.90 15.25 3% 7.75 8.2. 5 9.60 12.60 16.25 4 .. 8.25 8.7. 5 10.20 13.30 17.25 41/4 .... . . . 10.80 14.00 18.25 4y2 11.40 14.70 19.25 4% 15.40 20.25 . . 16.10 21.25 51/4 16.80 22.25 5y2 23.25 5% .... 24.25 6 1 .... ' .... 25.25 Prices on sizes 5/0 to 2/0 and 11 to 14 quoted on request. Special Taper P:ns made to speci- fl<"ations. FLAT SPRING KEYS Fls. 43SB 16 AND 17 WIRE GAUGE Approx. Approx. size Ins. List Price per 1000 Quantity Weight .perlOOO, in pounds Size In8. List Price per 1000 Quantity WeiKlit nerlOOO, m pounds %xiy4 $39.00 Bulk 17 %xl% $78.00 Bulk 43 %xiy2 44.50 Bulk 21 %x2 84.50 Bulk 45 %xl% 50.00 Bulk 26 %x2% 91.00 Bulk 50 %x2 55.50 Bulk 29 %x2% 97.50 Bulk 55 %x2y4 ■ 61.00 Bulk 31 %x2% 104.00 Bulk 58 %x2i^ 66.50 Bulk 33 %x3 110.50 Bulk 62 %x2% 72.00 Bulk 37 %x3y4 117.00 Bulk 65 ■ %x3 77.50 Bulk 39 %x3i^ 123.50 Bulk 70 ysxiy* 52.00 Bulk 35 %x2 104.00 - Bulk 50 y2xi% 58.00 Bulk 38 %x2i4 111.00 Bulk 57 y2xi% 64.00 Bulk 42 %x2y2 118.00 Bulk 63 y2x2 70.00 Bulk 44 %x2% 125.00 Bulk 65 y2x2y4 76.00 . Bulk 46 %x3 132.00 Bulk 69 y2x2% 82.00 Bulk 48 %x3y4 139.00 Bulk 73 y2x2% 88.00 Bulk 51 %x3y2 146.00 Bulk 77 %x3 94.00 Bulk 55 728 GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER ^ CO. WROUGHT STEEL HINGES AND HASPS WROUGHT STEEL HEAVY STRAP HINGES Pig. 902 Size, Lengrth of Eacli L,eaf, inches No. 90a Plain Steel ir Dozen Pair No. 95i Japanned per Dozen Pair Width at Joint, inches ■rage Weight per Dozen Pairs pounds 10 12 14 IG $1.60 2.15 2.80 4.50 6.80 10.40 12.20 14.00 $1.75 2.35 3.10 4.95 7.50 11.45 13.40 15.40 1t% lit 2% 3 3^ 4 4% 4% 10 19 34 51 82 91 112 WROUGHT STEEL HINGE HASPS HINGE HASP STAPLES Fig. 913 Fig. 912 8ize No. 913 No. 964 Length of Plain Steel Japanned Strap per Single per Single inches Dozen Dozen 3 $0.50 $0.55 4^4 .60 .65 6 .80 .90 8 1.05 1.15 10 1.50 1.65 12 2.10 2.30 Width at Joint inches IVs IVs 11/2 1% 2 A 2% Average Weight per Dozen Pounds No. 913 PerSingleDoz. Projection of Staple ins. For Hasps inches Size of Plates inches 2%x2 l^xlVs 178X1% 2 XIV2 % % 3 and 4 1/2 6 8 10 and 12 $0.20 .23 .30 .38 WROUGHT STEEL LIGHT STRAP HINGE Fig. 900 Size No. 900 No. 952 Length of Each Leaf Plain Steel, per per Doz. inches Doz. Prs. Pairs 3 $0.85 $0.95 4 1.10 1.20 5 1.35 1.50 6 1.70 1.90 7 2.10 2.30 8 2.40 2.65 10 3.30 3.65 12 4.90 5.40 14 6.40 7.05 16 7.90 8.70 Width at Joint inches Average Weight per Dozen Pairs pounds IVs IVs llv u% IVs 178 2 At 2% 2Ji 3 21/2 4 6 74 9 13 141/2 20 33 48 61 WROUGHT STEEL LIGHT T-HINGES Fig. 904 Size Length No. 804 No. 936 Width of Average Plain Steel Japanned per Strap at Length of Joint perDozeu inches per Doz. Pairs Dozen Pairs inches inches Pairs pounds 3 $0.75 $0.85 1^ 2% 2% 4 .80 .90 1t^ 2% 31.^ 5 1.00 1.10 Ifc 3 4 7* 6 1.20 1.30 17* 3^ 6 7* 7 1.35 1.50 1% 3 72 8% 8 1.50 1.65 1t% 4 91^ 9 1.90 2.10 178 41/^ 13 10 2.20 2.40 1% 41^ 13^ 1^ 3.00 3.30 2 78 4% 20 72 14 3.90 4.30 2% 5 72 33 16 5.15 5.65 2 3/8 6 38% WROUGHT STEEL EXTRA HEAVY T-HINGES Fig. 90S Size Lengtii of Strap inches No. 908 No. 900 Width of Plain Japanned SUMP at Length Steel per per Dozen Dozen inches inches Average Weight per Dozen Pairs pntindg 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 $1.80 $2.00 2.45 2.70 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.50 7.40 8.1b 10.70 11.75 11.80 13.00 12.60 13.85 1% nil 2t1t 2% 3 78 3 78 3 78 33/8 3 72 4 4 72 5 72 7 7% 7 74 774 7% 131/^ 21 36 50 78 82 93 FOR WOOD AND LAG SCREWS, SEE INDEX GEOBeAR.PEM"TER S CO. '59 WROUGHT STEEL LOOSE PIN BUTTS With Ball Tips 4 X3% 4 x4 4V2X4 4 1/2x4% 5 x5 514x5% Bright Steel per dozen pairs ?1.30 1.50 1.60 l.SO 1.85 2.15 No. ■JSl Japanned per dozen pairs Screw Holes in each Butt Size of Screw Number Dozen pairs in i Case 1.90 2.40 2.75 2.90 3.75 4.00 5.50 7.60 9.20 Aveiage "Weiglit of Full Case lbs. 100 135 150 192 180 234 200 240 212 266 230 Fig. 731 The ZVs inch and larger have five jckles in the joint; the smaller sizes, three WROUGHT STEEL BUTTS WROUGHT STEEL LIGHT LOOSE PIN BUTTS W ith Ball Tips e -i 0S. [1 w, @ :,0 1 ® 3 Fig. as9 Prices are per dozen pairs, and include plated screws to matel). One-half dozen pairs in a box, with screws; 25 dozen in a case ai B c " c,S <~z M|Sg SESiS ?■ f = r '^"^-^ ia «5^ na 1 «9 e^Kl ChccW ctxW df--^' o^a >5 ^ y-, 'A >^ 2 x2 $4.00 $4.45 $4.90 $4.45 $4.4.-. 2 X2U 4 10 4.55 5.00 - 4.55 4.55 2 x3 4.25 4,70 4.70 4:70 2%x2 4.15 ^.60 5.05 4.60 4.60 2%x2% 4 25 4.70 5.15 4.70 4.70 2%x3 4.50 4.95 5.40 4.95 4.95 3 X2'i 4.85 5.30 5.75 5.30 5.30 3 xr; .-.no 5.45 5.90 .V45 5.4 5 Prices on larger sizes upon application The 2i,ix2 inch and larger have fiv joint; smaller sizes, three. WROUGHT STEEL LOOSE PIN LIGHT NARROW BUTTS With BaU Tips •^0 ^^. s. J ^• !l!t;; -1 ® i « 1 ^- Figr. 295 Prices are per dozen pairs, and include plated screws to match. One half-dozen pairs in a box, with screws; 25 dozen in a case. Si g III "C "2 • „ c >, -0 ■SS "2 f3A ilii 1111 7. ' — A sjCUxa oXmK ct<<:- c^a .•ii.<;m / y. Z y ^ /. 1 '4 $■-'.90 $3.35 $3.80 $3.35 $3.35 $3.35 1% 3.20 3.65 4.10 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.60 4.05 4.50 4.05 4.05 4.05 2V4 4.20 4.65 4.20 4.20 4.20 2% 4.35 4.80 4.35 4.35 4.35 3 5.05 5.50 5.05 5.05 5.05 iVz 6.00 6.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 4 6.50 7.00 7.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 Prices on larger sizes upon application. uckles In the FOR COMPLETE LINE OF WOOD SCREWS, SEE INDEX The 2 '2 inch and larger have five Icnuckl smaller sizes, three. in the Joint; 730 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So, WROUGHT STEEL BUTTS— HINGE SETS WROUGHT STEEL BROAD BUTTS Fast Joint Size Per Kcrew Holes Size of Dozen Average Weight of Full Case lbs. Open inches dozen pairs in each Butt Screw Number a Case 2 x2 $1.20 4 7 50 162 2 x2 Vz 1.25 4 7 50 204 2V2X2y2 1.60 6 8 50 255 21/2x3 1.90 6 8 25 152 3 x2% 2.05 25 168 3 x3 2.40 6 9 25 194 3 X3V2 2 70 6 9 25 219 3%x3 3.20 10 25 258 3 Vox 3 1/2 3.50 6 10 20 235 3^2X4 4.00 6 10 20 263 4 x4 4.30 8 10 15 236 4 1/2x4 Va 5.60 8 11 10 230 5 x5 6 90 g 12 3 251 5V2X5V2 9.00 g 13 5 188 6 x6 10.20 8 13 5 215 3x31,2 Inch and smaller, one dozen pairs In a box; 3^2x3 to iVz'x.iVz inch inclusive, one-half dozen; larger sizes, one-quarter dozen. The 31/2x3 inch and larger have fiv( joint; the smaller sizes, three. knuckles in the WROUGHT STEEL LIGHT NARROW BUTTS Fig. 838. Bright Steel si il c 2«w II N a .1 1 ce w ^ m m P < % $0.40 11/16 2 100 1 .40 1 100 IV4 .50 11/16 4 100 11/2 .65 1 7/16 100 1% .80 1 7/16 100 2 .90 1 9/16 100 2% 1.05 1 11/16 50 21/2 1.10 1 11/16 50 2% 1.30 1% 50 3 1.45 50 3% 1.70 2V8 50 31/2 2.00 214 25 3% 2.70 2 ¥2 25 4 2% 8 20 41/2 3.70 3 8 10 20 5 4.60 3 3/16 g 10 15 51/2 6.00 3 11/16 8 10 10 7.10 3 15/16 11 10 226 Prices on larger sizes upon application. 3% inch and smaller, one dozen pairs in a box; 3% to 4% inch, one-half dozen; 5, 5% and 6 inch, one-quarter dozen. The 2% inch and larger have five knuckles in the Joint; the smaller sizes, three. Pig. 1752J WROUGHT STEEL SCREEN DOOR HARDWARE Complete Sets for Screen Doors in Convenient Packages Set No. 1752 J Each set consists of one pair of ornamental wrought steel loose-pin butts, 2i/^x2i/^; one wrought steel pull, ZV2 inches long; one wire spring No. 2; one gate hook and eye. The butts are applied to the surface of the door, thus saving the time required in mortising. "When once applied it is not necessary to remove the screws. By merely slipping out the pins the door is easily taken off and can be as readily rehung when necessary. No. 1752J, Japanned finish. Per gross sets with screws $29.60 No. 1753J. Hinges, per doz. pairs with screws 1.35 Each set in a box, with screws; 12 sets in a carton; one gross sets in a case.. GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « Go. 731 WROUGHT STEEL BUTTS— HINGE SETS WROUGHT STEEL REVERSIBLE WROUGHT STEEL LOOSE PIN BUTTS LIGHT NARROW BUTTS Q 9-^ Fig. S04 2 x2 2 x2% 2%x2 2'/ix2% 2^4x3 3 x2^ 3 x3 3 x3% 3%x3 3 ',6x3% 3>,2X4 4 X314 4 x4 4 x4>^ 4'^x4 4%x4'^ 5 x5 Screw Holes in Each Butt Average Weight of Full Case lbs. No. 804 Bright Steel per dozen pairs 162 204 226 255 155 167 196 221 207 238 191 192 215 200 218 255 203 215 $1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.20 2 40 2.60 3.00 5.90 7.70 9.60 11.40 Xo. 804, 3x314 inch and smaller, one dozen pairs in a box, 3VL'X3 to 4%x4V2 inch inclusive, one-half dozen; larger sizes, one-quarter dozen. Other numbers, 4 "2x41.; pairs in a box, with screv inch and smaller, one-half dozen ; larger sizes, one-quarter dozen. The 3%x3 inch and larger have five kr the smaller sizes, three. Mlien two dimensions are given, th< rates the length of joint. jckles in the Joint; first always indi- Fig. S40. Bright Steel s ^ m m ;; h S-2 L !i (K ^ CO m < c. 1 1 4 3 100 51 $0.60 1% i.V 4 4 100 69 .75 iy2 lIV 4 5 100 100 .90 1% lIV 4 5 100 132 1.00 1 \ 4 C 100 191 1.10 2 14 1 * 6 6 50 110 1.25 21/2 1 i 6 6 50 128 1.45 2% 1% 6 7 50 175 1.55 3 2 6 7 50 208 1.80 3V4 2Vs 8 50 248 2 25 3V2 2% 6 8 25 152 2.70 3% 2y2 6 8 25 180 3.30 4 2% 8 9 20 185 3.70 4Vi 3 s 10 20 227 4.45 5 3 A g 10 15 202 5.50 5% 3U S 10 10 178 7.50 3i& ^ 11 10 225 8.85 The 2% inch and larger have five knuckles in the Joint; smaller sizes, three. 3 inch and smaller, one doze loh inclusive, one-half duzen; 1 pairs in a box; 314 to 5% 6 inch, one-quarter dozen. KING DETACHABLE AND ADJUSTABLE SPRING HINGE SET An All Quality I^ow Piiced Hinge Set Set comprises 1 pair hinges with screws, pull-out hook and eye, packed in carton. Hinges have removable pin and adjustable spring ten.^ion. All-steel construction. Simple, strong, durable and at- tractive in design. The spring tension is easily and quickly adjusted with a common wire nail, and the door taken down by simply releasing the spring and withdrawing the pin without removing any screws or using any tools. Xo. 03600. Japanned Sets per dozen $3.80 Xo. 02C05. Dull Brass Sets " i.'a Xo. 02607. Antique Copper Sets " 4.75 FOR AVOOD SCREWS AND SCREW DRIV: FiK. 02600 SEE IXDEX (32 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S (EO. HASPS, HOOKS AND STAPLES WROUGHT STEEL "SAFETY' HASPS WROUGHT HASPS AND STAPLES With Double Hooks Fig. 9S2 Size inches Length No. 983 No. 988 No. 1318 Staples inches Plain per dozen Japanned per dozen Galvanized per dozen 5 2 $1.20 $1.40 $2.25 6 2.Vi 1.40 1.65 2.50 7 2y2 1.60 1.90 3.00 8 2y2 1.80 2.10 3.50 9 2% 2.20 2.60 4.00 10 2 3/4 2.50 3.00 4.50 11 31/2 3.00 3.75 6.00 12 31/2 3.84 4.50 7.00 One dozen in a box. WROUGHT ROUND BRIGHT HOOKS AND STAPLES Extra Heavy Size Staples inches Sizp Hook inches Diameter of Wire inches No. 974 Plain steel per gross 11 2% 4 5 6 1 $15.00 24.00 30.00 Packed one-fourth gross in a box. WROUGHT STEEL SHELF BRACKETS Average Dozen Pairs Weight of In a Case Full Case lbs. 18 60 15 80 15 100 12 85 8 76 5 60 5 74 3% 85 3 Vz 120 iy2 92 Japanned per dozen pairs 5 1.20 1.60 2.20 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 6.00 9.00 20.00 Fis. 702 No. 792, 3x4, 4x5 inch, one' dozen pairs in a box; 5x6 or 7x9 inch inclusive, one- half dozen; 8x10 to 12x14 inch inclusive, one-quarter dozen; 16x18 inch, one pair in a package. PATENTED Fig. 915. Size Length of Strap inches Width at Joint inches Average Weight of Full Case lbs. No. 915 Plain Steel per Single dozen No, 915J Japanned per dozen with Screws 3 6 iy2 11/2 166 168 222 $0.90 1.20 1.70 $1.10 1.50 2.20 Above packed one-half dozen (single) in a and all with screvi's to match except No. 915. WROUGHT EXTRA HEAVY HINGE HASPS Pig. 941 Extreme length, 7y2 inches; width, 1% inches; thickness, % inch. No. 941. Plain steel per single dozen $6.75 WROUGHT SQUARE HOOKS AND STAPLES Pig. 972 Length of Staples inches No. 972 No. 972J inches Plain per gross Japanned per gross 3 iy2 $8.00 sya 1% 9.00 4 2 10.00 $11.50 iVz 2 11.00 13.00 5 21A 12.00 14.00 5% 2y2 13.00 15.50 ^. 6 21^ 14.00 16.50 7 2% 22,00 8 2% 25.00 Packed one-fourth gross in a box. FOR WOOD SCREWS, STOVE BOLTS AND LAG SCREWS, SEE INDEX GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO. 733 DOOR CHECKS THE GORBIN DOOR CHECK AND SPRING 1911 MODEfj "Witli. or Without Hold-Back Attachment The 1911 model has many features which are different from any found in those previously made. It has been tested for an extended period, under the most severe conditions, and has proven itself strong and reliable in every particular. It is of- fered with the confident expectation that it will be found supe- rior to any other checking device in existence. Hand — Right or left hand without change. In applying the tension, the spring is wound in one direction for right hand and in the other for left hand. Check — A rack and pinion mechanism is used to control the checking action. This is in effect from the moment the door begins to close and gives a steady, uniform movement, free from shock or Jar. Tlie valve permits adjustment to any speed de- sired. Tlie SpriD)? is of a form that gives a quick, live resilient ac- tion, with a minimum of crystallization from use. T.'-.e con- struction of the check makes it impossible to apply a greater tension to the spring than it is designed to withstand. Every precaution has been taken to guard against breakage. Leakage cannot occui". The pressure is applied to the liquid in the cylinder or checking chamber, and there is no pressure near the spindle. Capillary attraction alone could cause the liquid to rise to the top of the check, and this is absolutely prevented by the unusual length of the gland and the character of the packing. The Bearings are liberally designed with a view to reducing the effect of wear. The bottom bearing holds all parts in alignment and adds to the rigidity. The Parts are few in number, strong and easily replaced. The interior of the check is easily accessi- ble, it only being necessary to first remove the arm and then the cover and ratchet in one piece to reach the spring. The same brackets are used as with the Universal or 1S99 pattern. An Instruction Sheet, giving directions for application, is packed with each check. The Liquid is a compound which will not freeze and is not affected by extreme heat. The working parts of the check are immersed in it and their action is lubricated by it. CLASSIFICATION No. 1. For screen doors. Xo. 2. For door between dining room and butlers pantry, car doors, etc., or any inside door not over 7 feet by 3 feet. No. 3. For outside doors not larger than 7 feet by 21/^ feet, steamboat doors, vestibule doors, etc. No. 4. For outside doors not larger than 7% feet by 3 feet. No. 5. For doors not larger than 71/2 feet by 4 feet. No. 6. For extra high doors and extra heavy doors, such as are used in public buildings, stores, hotels, railroad depots, etc. If the door is unusually heavy, or very strong draughts are to be encountered use one size largfer than specified. PRICE LIST Finish IRON Price Each Nos.l 1 1 2 1 a 1 4 1 5 1 6 $3.25 3.25 .36 $4.25 4.25 .48 $5.00 5.00 .60 $6.00 6.00 .78 $8.00 8.00 1.20 $10.00 D 1 Dead Black (Japanned) 10.00 Extra Coils 1.50 G. B. C. DOOR CHECK AND SPRING Works on either right or left hand door. Double action piston, double regulating valves. Easy to take apart or put together. Gold bronze finish. In ordering be sure to specify whether for right hand or left hand door. CLASSIFICATION No. 1. For screen doors. No. 2. For door between dining room and butler's pantry, car doors, etc., or any inside door not over 7 feet by 3 feet. No. 3. For outside doors not larger than 7 feet by 2*^ feet, steamboat doors, vestibule doors, etc. IVo. 4. For outside doors not larger than TV2 feet by 3 feet. No. 5. For doors not larger than 7% feet by 4 feet. No. 6. For extra high doors and extra heavy doors, such as are used in public buildings, stores, hotels, railroad depots, etc. If the door is unusually heavy, or very strong draughts are to be encountered use one size larger than specified. PRICE LIST Finish' IRON Price Each Nos.l 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 Reg. 1 Bronzed !$.■?. 25 $4.25 4.25 .48 $5.00 5.00 .60 $6.00 6.00 .78 $8.00 8.00 1.20 $10.00 D 1 Japanned . 325 10.00 Extra Colls ....1 .36 1.50 734 GEO-B'eAIlPEM"TER S eO^ DOOR AND WINDOW HARDWARE 4907 5 4908 7.76 Shpg". wt. 20 lbs. per gross. 5007 6.84 5008 9.41 Shpg. wt. 30 lbs. per gross. EXTRA HEAVY WROUGHT STEEL SQUARE BOLTS Sherardized Steel Springs No. 1094 Japanned Plates Size Polished Bolts inches Floor Plates per doz. $3.25 3.40 3.60 4.75 5.25 6.00 10 8.00 12 9.75 14 11.00 4, 5 and 6 incl I have bolts Vg inch Fig. 1094 square. ,, . 7, 8 and 9 inch have bolts % inch 10, 12 and 14 inch have bolts % inch square. 6 inch and smaller, 1 doz. in a box; 7, 8 and 9 inch, Vz doz.; 10, 12 and 14 inch, % doz. WROUGHT STEEL PADLOCK EYE This No. 1245 heavy wrought steel padlock eye is made in thrfiie sizes and three gauges, and is a practical and inexpensive device for securely fastening garage, barn, shed and other doors. Fig. 1245 No. Gauge of Metal Size of Screw Size of Hole inches 1 2 3 .095 1 %x 7 .109 1 Ysxll .134 1 1 xl3 Si4 Size of Plates Inches No. 1245J Japanned per doz. pairs with screws l%xl-fir 21/8X178 2y4x2tV $0.75 1.00 1.40 SASH LOCKS No. 4505. No. 4507. Fig. 4505 Price Dull brass Antique' copper. ... WROUGHT STEEL HEAVY DOOR HANDLES For Garages, Stables, Freight Cars, Etc. One-half dozen in a box, with l%xl3 inch screws to match. These handles are absolutely rust- proof. They have a smooth, velvety sur- face which is a part of the metal itself, aod will not chip or wear off. The No. 1265 Handle is re-enforced at points of greatest strain, and is designed to develop the' full strength of the metal. The grip is of generous size and con- form to the shape of the hand. Without question this is the stro.ngest and most comfortable handle made* M, ^ s^ i ^ m £ •^ ,n •ifoXi CO •5 a r- P Figrra65 $5.00 I 6.00 | IOV2 I 1^^ I 2y2 I 923 WROUGHT STEEL THU3IB LATCHES Fig. 1250 .per gross $10.20 10.20 _ FOR WOOD SCREWS, SEE INDEX d ilii ipi 1 6% 20 76 $1.90 2 20 104 2.30 3 10 87 3.5^ 4 8 78 6 104 6.00 Geo-B-CarpeN'ter « eo. 735 n o- Fig. lOooJ oi i o: o ' o BARREL BOLTS AND LATCHES 1 WROUGHT STEEL TRANSOM WROUGHT STEEL CHAIN BOLTS PATENTED APRIL 27, 1909 Prices are per dozen, and include scre^vs to match. No, 1055J. Finish, japanned. Size, 3 inches $5.00 Size, 6 inches 7.00 Width of plate. 1% inches for the 3 inch; 2 inches for the 6 inch. Bolts, % inch round; chain, 24 inches long. One-half dozen in a box, with screws. These bolts can be reversed by simply pulling the bolt out and turning- it around. They are packed with one chain guide and two staples, one strap and one angle. The strap staple is extra heavy. Box staple will be packed with 6 inch when ordered. WROUGHT STEEL FOOT BOLTS Prices are per dozen with screws to match. No. 1056J. Finish, japanned. Size, 3 inches $4.75 Size, 6 inches 6.25 One-half dozen in a box, with screws. Plate of 3 inch, 21/2 inches long, 1% inches wide. Plate of 6 inch, 5 inches long, 2 inches wide. Floor plate of 3 inch, l%xl inch. Floor plate of 6 inch, 2%xl% inches. 3 inch has % inch round bolt; 6 inch has % inch bolt. 3 inch has % inch stroke; 6 inch has 1 inch stroke. Fig. 1056J BOLTS STRAIGHT AND STRAP STAPLES Fig. 1165 The bolt proper is cold forged and case and staples are of unbreakable wrought cold rolled steel. Spring is made of best grade of piano wire. The large ring handle not only furnishes a perfect finger grip but is of convenient size for operation with window stick. Diameter of handle .295. No. 1165. Japanned, with screws... per dozen $7.00 One dozen in 'a bo.v. WROUGHT STEEL BARREL BOLTS COMMON STAPLES Fig. 10S4 No. 10S4. Japanned plates, polished bolts, brass knobs. Size, inches 1 3 1 4 15 16 S Per dozen . . 1 $2.15 1 $2.45 1 $3.00 1 $3.40 $6.50 No. 1082. knobs. Japanned plates. polished bolts, tinned Size, inches ....| 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 8 Per dozen . . 1 $2.15 1 $2.45 1 $3.00 1 $3.40 $6.50 8 inch, one quarter dozen in a box; 6 inch, one-half dozen; other sizes, one dozen. WROUGHT STEEL LIGHT BARREL BOLTS BRASS KNOBS Fig. 1078 One dozen in a box. No. 1078, Japanned plates, pol- ished bolts. Size, uches 2 % 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 Per d ozen. 1$ .501$1.90!$2.15|$2.50|$ >.90 WROUGHT STEEL SQUARE BOLTS Fig. loss No. 1088. Japanned plates, polished bolts, sherardized steel springs and p lain s taples. Size, inches . .1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 12 Per dozen . . .i$2 00|$2.50l$2.65i$2.85l$3.75|$4.00|$4.35i$6.50:$7.00 FOR WOOD SCRE^VS, SCREW DRIVERS AND HAND DRILLS, SEE INDEX 736 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So. PADLOCKS All Illustrations Half Size EBON SECURE LEVER PADLOCK Self - locking. Spring shackle. 6 secure levers. 2 nickel plated flat steel keys each. Made regular with 144 changes of keys. Can be made ^\ ith 4080 changes of keys and 1020 changes with master key. List per dozen No. 4291 — 2 inch, ivory black case, nickel plated shackle $6.00 Fig. 435)1 IRON SECURE LEVER PADLOCKS Self-locking. Malleable iron spring shackle. 2 secure levers. 3 wards. 2 nickel plated flat steel keys each. 12 changes of keys. List per dozen No. 417S — 114 inch, ivory black case, brass plated -shackle $1.40 [No. 4179 — 1% inch, ivory black case, brass plated shackle 1.50 'No. 4180 — 1% inch, ivory black case, brass plated shackle 1.80 No. 4181 — 2 inch, jvory black case, brass plated shackle 2.10 IRON PADLOCKS IRON SECURE LEVER Fig. 4132H PADLOCK Self-locking. Spring shackle. 8 secure levers. 2 double-bitted nickel plated keys each. 12 changes of keys. Can be made with 3120 changes of keys and 780 changes, all different, to one master key, or 3120 changes, all different, to four different master keys. List per dozen No. 4132H — 21/2 inch, hot galvanized finish. ... $7.50 Cast 2 flat changes Self - locking. spring shackle, steel keys each. ( of keys. List per dozen No. 4166 — 1% inch, ivory black case, brass plated shackle $1 ^o. 4167 — 2 inch, ivory black case, brass plated shackle 1.60 No. 4168—21/4 inch, ivory black case, brass plated shackle l.so IRON PADLOCKS Self-locking. Spring shackle. 2 flat steel keys each. 3 changes of keys. List per dozen No. 4430 — 1/s inch, ivory black case, nickel plated shackle $1.16 No. 4433 — 11/2 inch, ivory black case, nickel plated shackle 1. No. 4434 — 1% inch, ivory black case, nickel plated shackle 1. Fig. 41ti% Fig. 4434 Fig. 4418 IRON PADLOCK Self-locking. Cast spring shackle. 2 flat steel keys each. 6 changes of keys. List per dozen ivory black case, brass $2.00 No. 4418 — 2 inch, iron, plated shackle ASSORTED PADLOCKS No. 24608 — Assortment consists of 4 locks, each of the following List per assortment $2.90 No. 4234V —2 inch, iron, blue japan flnish List per doaen 2.90 No. 4234W — 2 inch, iron, maroon japan flnish „ ^-^Jj No. 4234Y.^ — 2 inch, iron, yellow japan flnish ^•S" 6 Locks In a box, 2 of each number. WE DO NOT BREAK BOXES OF ASSORTED LOCKS Geo-B-Carpen'ter « Co, :3r PADLOCKS All Illustrations One-Half Size BRASS PIN TUMBLER PADLOCKS Solid Extruded Metal Case. Self-Locking. Spring- Shackle. Pin Tum- bler Mechanism. 2 Embossed Gold Plated Nickel Silver Keys each. No two locks alike. Changes practically unlimited. Fig. 04: *Have Sheradized Iron Shackle. fHave Black Case and Dipped Shackle. No. Size in. Description List per dozen No. Size in. Description List per dozen 04279 1 All Brass $14.70 04282SJ§ 1% Brass Case* $25.70 04279S 1 Brass Case* 14.20 04283 2 All Brass 32.00 04280 1% All Brass 17.30 04283Bt 2 AU Brass 30.00 04280S 1% Brass Case* 16.30 04283Rt 2 All Brass 32.50 04281 1% All Brass 20.70 04283S 2 Brass Case* 30.00 04281S 11/2 Brass Case* 19.70 04283SJ§ 2 Brass Case* 31.50 04282 1% All Brass 25.30 04285 2Vo Brass Case* 47.90 04282Bt 1% All Brass 23.30 04285S 21A Brass Case* 44.90 04282S 1% Brass Case* 24.30 §Have Shackle 3 Inches high. JHas Shackle 1^ inches high. Fig. 4180 Fig. 041868 Fig. 04263 Fig. 04ttl4M» PIN TUMBLER PADLOCKS Self-Locking. Automatic Spring Shackle that flies open to a quarter-turn position when un- locked. Pin Tumbler Mechanism. 2 Embossed Bow Nickel Silver Keys each. No two locks alike. Changes practically unlimited. Xo. 4187 — 1%-inch. Iron Case. Bower-Barff Finish. Nickel Plated Shackle. List per doz. $13.32 No. 4188 — 1%-inch. Iron Case. Bower-Barff Finish. Nickel Plated Shackle. " 14.70 No. 4189 — 2 -inch. Iron Case. Bower-Barff Finish. Nickel Plated Shackle. " 17.32 CAST BRONZE PIN TUMBLER PADLOCKS Solid Cast Bronze Case. Self-Locking. Spring Shackle. Pin Tumbler Mechanism. 2 Em- bossed Gold Plated Nickel Silver Keys each. No two locks alike. Changes practically unlimited. No. 04186S — 2-inch. Nickel Plated and Hardened Steel Shackle List per doz. $30.00 CAST BRONZE PADLOCKS Self-Locking. Spring Shackle. 4 Secure Levers. 2 Embossed Gold Plated Nickel Silver Keys. 144 changes of Keys. Can be made with 63 changes, with Master Key. All parts are Brass or Bronze. No. 04263 — 2-inch List per doz. $21.70 No. 04263C — 2-inch. With Iron Tinned Chain, 9 inches long " 23.80 CAST BRASS PADLOCK Self-Looking. Spring Shackle. Ward. 2 Nickel Plated Flat Steel Keys each. 6 changes of keys. No. 04614% — 2y8-inch. Iron Shackle and Black Nickel Finish List per doz. $4.68 738 GEO*B-eAIlPEIfTER ^ Co. NIGHT LATCHES RIM NIGHT LATCH With Indicator Knob Japanned iron case, bronze plated knob, bolt and escutcheon; 21/^ inches from edge of door to center of cj'linder; reversible; adjustable to doors from % to 1% inches; two nickel plated double- bitted flat steel keys each; 6 changes of keys. This latch has an oval indicator knob which in- dicates the position of the bolt. When bolt is in the locked position, knob stands upright, when in the unlocked position knob stands horizontal. Bolt may be held back by turning knob to the left. No. 1501. 3i^x2x% inches. . .List per doz. $3.00 PIN TUMBLER RIM NIGHT LATCH Japanned iron case, bronze cylinder, knob, bolt and ring; 2% inches from edge of door to center of cylinder; reversible; adjustable to doors from % to 2 % inches thick; three em- bossed gold plated nickel silver keys each; no two locks alike; changes practically un- limited; bolt may be held back by setting stop. No. 3504. 3 % x2 Vz inches . List per doz. $22.20 PIN TUMBLER RIM NIGHT LATCH Japanned iron case, bronze cylinder, knob, bolt and ring; 2% inches from edge of door to center of cylinder; reversible; adjustable to doors from % to 2 % inches thick; three nickel silver keys each; 12 changes of keys; bolt may be held back by setting stop. No. 3512. 3%x2ys inches. List per doz. $17.50 rig' 3512 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER S eo. 739 SASH AND GABLE CHAIN FIXTURES-SASH CHAIN Showing Correct Method of Attaching Fixtures to Sash SASH AXD CABLE CHAIN FIXTURES In Sets, Complete No. 1. Fixtures for A, 1 and 2 Chains, consisting of 4 hooks and 4 rings, 1 set for 2 sashes per set $0.14 No. 2. Fixtures for Chains, consisting of 4 hooks and 4 rings, 1 set for 2 sashes per set .13 SASH CHAIN FIXTURE PARTS Nos. ?ios. 1-2 RingN Hooks Mos. 1-2-3 IrouN IVo. 1 For A, 1 and 3 Chains Hooks per doz. $0.14 Rings « .14 Irons " .14 Xo. 2 For O Chains Hooks per doz. $0.12 Rings " ,12 Irons " 'f» SASH WEIGHTS Approximate wt., lbs.. . 3 Diameter, inches IV^ Length, inches 5% Approximate wt., lbs.. . 5% Diameter, inches IVz Length, inches 12 % Approximate wt., lbs.. . 8 Diameter, inches IV^ Length, inches IS Approximate wt., lbs.. .12 Diameter, inches 1% Length, inches 19% Lowest market prices quo account of changes in market, oh iron. 3% 4 18 4V> 1% ay* 5 At 6 14% 7 15% r^ i 9 iJ8 10 1% 16% 11 ill 3 1% 1 Vs 14 1% 22% 15 1% 24% 16 2V4 d upon application, on SASH CHAIN style (phosphor bronze) Sash Chain "Giant" Metal "Giant" Metal (phosphor bronze) Not over "Giant" Metal (phosphor bronze) Not over 175 lbs. "Giant" Metal (phosphor bronze) Not over 125 lbs, For Sash WelKliir.K Not over 400 lbs. 5 lbs. "Red Metal" (red bronze) Not over "Red Metal" (red bronze) Not over "Red Metal" (red bronze) Not over "Red Metal" (red bronze) Not over * Steel. *Steel. ♦Steel. *Steel. 300 lbs. 225 lbs. 150 lbs. 100 lbs. Plain Not over 400 lbs , Plain Not over 250 lbs. Plain Not over 150 lbs. Plain Not over 100 lbs. Steel. Sherardized or galvanized ,Not over 400 lbs. Steel. Sherardized or galvanized. . . Not over 250 lbs. Steel. Sherardized or galvanized Not over 150 lbs. Steel. Sherardized or galvanized Not over 100 lbs. * Copper plated at $0.30 per 100 feet extra. FOR SA.SH A\n CHECK WEIGHTS, SEE INDEX foot 50.15 .12 .10 .08 .13 .10 .08 .06 .11 .04 .12 .09 .07 .05 740 Geo-BSarpeM'ter ^ eo. ■■ Fig. 740 ■■ MorrU ^^ Style M SASH PULLEYS— SPEAKING TUBE GARDNER SASH PULLEYS 2-INCH POLISHED CAST IRON AVHEEL Furnished in Morris Style M Case. No. Size of Face FINISH List Price per dozen 11/8X41/2 11/8X41/2 11/8X41/2 $0.40 41 42 Plain Face, Lacquered. . Polished and Lacquered. .46 .56 1x4 1/2 1x4 1/2 1x4 1/2 .40 46 47 Plain Face, Lacquered. . Polished and Lacqupred. .46 .56 C5 66 67 . 11/8X5 IVsxS 11/8X5 Plain Face .50 Plain Face, Lacquered. . Polished and Lacquered. .56 .65 2 14 -INCH POLISHED WHEEL Furnished in either Gardner Style G or IMorris Style M Case. Fig. 710 Style G No. No. Size Price No. 710 Price No. 740 710 710-L 711 740 740-L 741 742 746 11/8X5 11/8X5 11/8X5 11/8X5 11/8X5 Plain Face Plain Face, Lacquered Polished and Lacquered ... $0.54 .60 .70 1.20 1.35 $0.62 .70 .80 712 716 Polished, Bronze Plated Bronze Metal Face 1.35 1.50 781 791 796 11/8x51/2 11/8x51/2 Polished and Lacquered. . . .90 1.90 1.00 786 Bronze Metal Face 2.00 811 841 846 11/8X5% 11/8X5% Polished and Lacquered .90 1.90 1.00 816 Bronze Metal Face 2.00 861 911 916 11/8x51/4 11/8x51/4 Polished and Lacquered. ..n 95 866 Bronze Metal Face 1.90 For roller bearing, add to list $0.35 For gun metal pins, add to list 35 For boxes and screws, add to list 10 For screws, add to list (Screws not included unless ordered) 06 For turned wheels, add to list 15 When ordering pulleys, always give style of case and wheel desired. Can furnish pulleys in any desired finish. Plain face pulleys packed 100 doz. in a barrel. Finished face pulleys packed 1 doz. in a package, 100 doz. in a barrel. Bronze metal face pulleys packed 1 doz. in a package. LOCK-SEAM SPEAKING TUBE Made of best coke and terne plate, lock seamed throughout its entire length. Put up in 5 ft. lengths. Crated, 1,000 ft. to the crate. Per 1,000 ft . . $20.00 One inch round crimped tin Speaking Tube Elbows per doz. $0.75 GEO.•B•eAR.PE^fTER « CO. 741 SLIDING DOOR EQUIPMENT 4 i« ROUND TRACK HANGERS This Hanger has all the advantages of any swingout or other style of hanger, with none of the weak points. Hanger Frame is made of thoroughly annealed malleable iron of one solid piece, ribbed and reinforced, with no bolts or rivets to break or become loose. The Wheel, with perfectly grooved tread, has hardened steel axle, washers and roller bearings packed in the highest grade graphite lubricant, making the hanger absolutely anti-friction and very durable. The Track is made in lengths of six, eight or ten feet. It is a high carbon, heavy round steel tube, with a ?8 inch slot in the back to allow insertion of track brackets. This shape makes it stronger and more rigid than other styles of track and always allows a perfect bearing for the wheel, with no side friction. Brackets are malleable iron, fitting inside of track tightly, and may be spaced to meet any requirements. One center bracket is used to connnect two lengths or sections of track, making the joint as strong as any other part of the track. Hanger, Track and Track Brackets finished in durable black enamel, baked on. Ao. Description Shipping AVt., lbs. List Prices 14 Darn Door Hangers . ... pei' doz pairs 100 114% 20 30 225 269 $19.20 14 3 6 3 7 Barn Door Track, with brackets every 2 ft per 100 ft. Warehouse Door Hangers per pr. Double Adjustable Warehouse Door Hangers (Illustrated below). per pr. Trsck, with brackets every 2 ft., for use with No. 3 or 6 Hngrs.per 100 ft. Track, with brackets every 2 ft., for use with No. 3 or 6 Hngrs.per 100 ft. 14.00 4.20 6.00 30.00 45.00 Fig. BARN DOOR STAY ROLLER AND BINDERS $2.50 adjustable for doors Fig. 57. Steel Stay Rollers, reversible and adjustable for doors 1% to 3 inches thick Weight per doz. 191/^ lbs. Price per doz Fig. 59. Steel Stay Rollers, with 10 inch wall strap, reversible and IVz to 3 inches thick. Weight per doz. 33 lbs. Price per doz Fig. 367. Made of thoroughly annealed, non-breakable malleable iron, japanned, 7 inches wide by 3 inches high by 6 inches deep. Wheel 3V^ inches in diameter. Has slotted holes for % inch bolts and is generally applied with three % by iVo inch lag screws. Weight each, 31/4 lbs. List price each if O.SO BARN DOOR BINDER Fig. 173. A combined bumper and binder, serving to stop the door and hold it against the liuilding. Two or more should be used with every sliding door. It also serves as a substantial bar staple for locking swinging doors, in which case two or more are used. Made of ^vrought sleel. AVidth, IVj inches; length, 8 inches. Standard finish, black japanned; galvanized finish furnished at extra charge. Packed one dozen in box without screws or bolts. Shrpping weight 13 lbs. List price per dozen 91.80 Pig. 57 Plgr. 173 Flfif. 367 FOR BOLTS. LAG SCREWS, HINGES, LOCKS. ETC., SEE INDEX 742 GEO-B-eARPEl^TER S So, FIRE DOOR HARDWARE AND HANGERS Fig. .■>(»(». I Ill-lined Track Automatic Closing Device SLIDING FIRE DOOR HARDWARE Fig. No. 500 represents the most reliable and effective automatic closing feature yet devised. It has two links, one placed over the opening, the other in the opening, the fusing of either instantly releasing the door. Blue Prints and Special Information Promptly Furnished No. Description Shipping Wt.. lbs. List Prices 3 Rigid Hangers, per pair 20 $ 4.20 30 fi on 6 Double Adjustable Hangers, per pair. . • 3 500 500A Door for opening over 6 feet wide requires 1 1/2 pairs hangers Track with brackets, per 100 feet Track required is twice opening width plus one foot. Fixtures (not including hangers and track), per set Fixtures, including all parts furnished with No. 500 except Nos. 313, 314, 375 and 376 parts 225 871/2 69 30.00 13.50 11.00 Fixture sets include all necessary counterbalance weight, wall bolt washers, and bolts and screws for attaching parts to door, but wall bolts are not included. Standard finish, black japanned; galvanized finish furnished at extra charge. ROUND TREAD WATERSHED DOOR HANGER An unusual door hanger in that it is bird, ice, snow, dirt, rust, rain and weight proof. It is simple in design and strong, being made from one steel blank without rivets or welds. Secured rigidly to the building with three bolts and nails spaced every six inches; center brackets are eliminated and the stress evenly distributed throughout the entire track length. Because of the cylin- drical wheel tread and watershed expansion, the tandem type hangers operate with least possible friction. No service too hard. No door too heavy or too large. The only perfect watershed providing the swingout feature by the frictionless tilting of the hanger wheels on the rounded tread of the track. Allows 4^^ foot swingout on a 9 foot opening. ^^ No. 1010. Single Adjustable Hangers, japanned, shipping wt., 116 lbs per doz. pairs $24^00 No. 1012. Double Adjustable Hangers, japanned, shipping wt., 1-20 lbs per doz. pairs 26.00 No. 1010. Track, japanned, shipping wt., 240 ^jjjj, lbs per 100 ft. 24.00 BOLTS, LAG SCRKWS AND EXPANSION SHIELDS, SEE INDEX GEO-BCARPEhfTER « 60. r43 GARAGE HARDWARE GARAGE DOOR SET Garage Door Set, supplies the demand for a quality set at moderate cost. The extra heavy 10 inch hinges have reversed pads to permit application to jamb of the door. The plates of the 6 inch chain and foot bolts are the same size, making a neat combination. The wrought steel thumb latch with 8 % inch handle is fitted with padlock eyes so doors can be securely locked. The wrought steel pull No. 1257 is the same size as the handle of No. 1260 set, and is applied to the other door. The advantage of two handles for drawing the doors shut is obvious. The dead black japan finish gives the hardware a neat, dignified appearance. Containing Complete Hardware Equipment for Garage with Double Doors Set includes the following: Three pairs 10 inch extra heavy Tee Hinges. One 6 inch wrought steel Chain Bolt with three staples. One 6 inch wrought steel Foot Bolt. One No. 4 Thumb Latch. One No. 4 Handle. All the above in dead black japanned finish. Saves time and labor. Size of box, 12%x7%x Fig. 1776 , , Put up in handy packages for your shelves 2% inches. Gross weight, 20 lbs. Each item is wrapped separately and screws of proper si and finish are included. No. 1776-Jl. Japanned finish EXTRA HEAVY WROUGHT STEEL GARAGE HINGES Corrugated WITH BALL-BEARING WASHERS No. 1458. With 1^ inch offset for wood. No. 1459. With 2% inch offset for brick and concrete. Tliese Hinges Pennit Closing Doors Tightly, Which is Impossible with Hangers Length of hinges from center of joint, GO inches. Gauge of metal. .203. Width of long strap at joint, 4 inches; at end, 2 inches. Width of pad on 145S. 2% inches. Countersunl< for No. 20 wood screws, and ■\vith combination holes, to take ?< inch lag screws or carriage bolts on the strap. Packed one pair in a pacliage with £x20 wood sci-ews. We shall furnish when ordered %x3Vi Inch carriage bolts for the strap, and 2x20 wood screws, or %x2 inch lags screws for the pad. Made right and left hand. The corrugation adds to the strength and apijoarance of the Hinges. By the use of the B B washers all friction in the joint is practically overcome, so that there can be no wearing down of the butt under the severest strain, no creaking of the door and no need of oiling the butt, thereby disfiguring finishes and gathering dust. The door swings easily and noise- lessly. The washers are so constructed that they cannot come apart, and the improved brass cap protects the balls from moisture and dust. The hardened tool steel balls are set in a case-hardened raceway, and each bearing will sustain a load of 1,000 lbs. without crushing. Nos. 14.'!8-14.n9. Finish, plain steel, without screws per pair $ 6.60 Xo«. 14.'>S.I-14.5J)J. Finish, japanned. with screws per pair 6.30 Tioa. 145SZ-1450Z. Finish. Stanley Fig. 1458 Sherardlzed, with screws. per doz. 10.50 FOR MECHANICS per set $3.70 ALLIGATOR BARN DOOR LATCH MALLEABLE REVERSIBLE Fig. 35 The best and most popular Snap Latch on the market. It has every advantage of durability possible, closes and latches doors with the minimum effort, is not af- fected by warping or sagging of doors. Padlock may be snapped through latch, making a perfect lock. Can be opened from either side of tlie door. Reversible for either right or left hand doors. Length of latch bar, 4% inches. ^:o. 35. Barn Door Latches, japanned, weight, 16 lbs per dozen $5.00 TOOLS. SEE INDEX 744 Geo-B-CakpeM'ter « So, CASTERS Fig, -^11 Fig. 8 STATIONARY TRUCK CASTERS ThiM Serfex to match Anti-Friction CaHtern ftfao^vn on next page. To designate Rubber Wheels, add i^ to the Iron number, thus: 8%. LIST PRICE PER SET OF FOITR Xo. T\-heel Dia. Face 8 2y2— 1 ^ 10 3%— 1 % lOS 4y8— 1% 11 5 —1% lis 4 —2 14 12 5 — IM: 15 9 5 —1% 4 ¥4x2 t III 614x2% 61^x4 71^x2% 3%x3% 5%x3y4 RoUer Bearing Wheels Use wit; Anti- Frictijr 1,V— 314 1^— 3}| 1%— 3tl ifl^A 2%— 2% 2 A— 4% 3% 4% 6 6 4% 5% $ 2.35 3.05 3.45 7.50 10.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 S 5.20 6.00 6.60 10.80 13.15 13.30 8.15 9.30 ISS 190 192 192 192 Fig. 103 BALL BEARING TRUCK CASTERS To desig-nate Rubber M'heelB, add "R" to Iron number, thus: 107R. To de.signate Roller Bearing "Wheels, state definitely what is wanted. Carefully desisfned to give the greatest strength with the greatest ease in action. hardened steel balls. Furnished with LIST PRICE PER SET OF FOUR Xo. "Wheel Dla. Face Plate Template Height Capacity Iron per set of Four, Iba. Iron Wheel 1 Roller Bearing «-he"l Rnbher Wheel 103 2^^— % 21/4x3 1% 214 3 1600 % 3.40 1 5.65 $ S.5n 104 2y2— 1 3%x4»4 2% 314 3% 2000 4.00 6.25 10.25 105 3 —1% 3%x*% 2A 3^4 2500 4.60 6.95 12.60 105 3 —1% 3%x4% 3%x4»4 2ti 314 414 3000 7.85 13.50 105S 3 —1% 2tV 3 % 4H 3000 8.10 13.75 106 4 —1% 3%x4% 2% 3H 514 3000 6.40 8.90 19.40 107 4%x6% 3% 5^ 6% 4000 12.20 14.85 25.70 107H 5 —1% 4%x6% 3% 5% 6% 5000 16.00 18.65 29.50 108 « —1% 5%x7% 3% 534 .— 1% 2% 2% i| 6 9 J 2.25 2.50 3.10 4.70 4.80 6.50 7.50 12.50 17.50 21.50 $ 5.10 6.05 7.95 8.05 9.85 10.85 16.15 21.45 25.75 FOR WOOD SCRElt^S, BOLTS. ETC., SEE FVDEX GEO-BeAR.PEM*TER « CO. tASTERS ANTI-FRIGTION TRUCK CASTERS 745 Fig. 188 Fig. 22 Fig. 184-186 To designate Roller Bearing Wheels state definitely what is wanted. Fig. 188 LIST PRICES PER SET OF FOUR No. Wheels Diam. Face Plate Template Height Capacity Iron per Set lbs. Iron Wheels Roller Bearingr AVheels 188 2y2 lA 3 X 4y4 It's 3y4 3% 1000 $ 2.75 $ 5.65 1S8S 3% 3 X 4y4 li'ff 3y4 4% 1000 3.50 6.50 190 3\k 1% 3%x 4% 2% 3% 4% 1500 4.00 7.00 100 Solid Wheels 3% 4% 1600 6.80 9.80 190H Extra Heavy 2y8 2500 5.50 8.50 lOOW 3y8 2y2 3%x 4 78 2y8 3 % 4 i^ 1500 7.00 10.00 lOOL 4% 1% 3%x 4% 2y8 3 78 5% 1200 5.00 8.15 1»0S 4M: 1 % 3%x 4%- 2y8 3 78 3% 6 1200 6.50 9.75 191 SVi 1% 3%x 4% 2y8 5 1500 6.50 9.50 1011. 5 1^ 4^x 5% 2 A 4% 6% 1200 12.00 15.35 191LA a 4 X 5% 2 4 6% 1800 16.00 19.35 192 4 2 ¥4 4^x 6^ 2 A 4}| 6 2000 12.00 15.35 193 5 21/4 4y4x ey* 2% 4% 7 4000 17.50 20.85 103L, 6 21^ 5%x 7 3% 5% 8% 4000 25.00 28.65 195 6 3^ iSiiS 3% 7^ 9 6000 45.00 48.65 197 8 4 5% 8% 11 y2 32000 250.00 255.00 Fig. 22 DOUBLE WHEEL ANTI-FRICTION TRUCK CASTERS LIST PRICES PER SET OF FOUR Bound Plate No. Diam. of Plate Oblong Plate No. Wheel Diameter Face Plate Template Height Capacity Iron per Set IbP. Iron Wheels 61 71 81 101 121 Pi iV2 62 72 82 102 112 113 122 142 1% % 2% % 2% % 3% % 3% % 4 % 4% 1 Vs 4% 1 % 2y2X3% 2%x3% 3y4x4% 3y4X4y4 3y2x5 4 x5% 4y4x6i4 51^x7% l%x2% 1^x3 V4 2%x3% 3%x3% 2%x4% 3%x5% 11 3y2 4yo 4% 6 * 1500 1500 2000 2500 3000 3200 4000 5000 $1.40 ■ 1.50 2.00 m 5.50 7.00 11.00 Fig. 184 CASTERS Wheel, 1% inches diameter by % inch face. Height, 2% inches. Oblong plate, 178x2% inches. Capacity, 450 lbs. LIST PRICE PER SET OF FOUR Fig. 184. Style 37 Iron $0.95 Fig. 184. Style 37B Iron, broad wheel ii- inch face 1.45 Fig. 184. Style 0370 Hard Rubber S.OO Fig. 186 CASTERS Wheel, 2 78 inches diameter by % inch face. Height, 2% inches. Oblong plate, 2y8x3ig inches. Capacity, 600 lbs. "^ LIST PRICE PER SET OF FOUR Fig. 186. Style 37 Iron a 1.2.1 Fig. 188. Stj'le 373 Ball Bearing P'ibre O.oo Fig. ISe. Style 0370 Hard Rubber ll.OO 746 GEo•B•eAliPE^fTER s eo. ASBESTOS brake; LINING FOR STEAM, ELECTRIC OR GASOLENE ENGINE BRAKES AND CLUTCHES (List Shows Prices per Lineal Foot) Effective October 2, 1916 Width Thickness, Inches Vs 5/32 .3/16 % 5/16 % 1 in. .60 .75 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 114 ill. .75 .95 1.15 1,50 1.90 If^ IVs in. .90 1,15 1.35 1.80 2.25 2.70 1% in. 1.05 1.35 1.60 2.10 2.65 3.15 Z in. 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 214 in. 1.35 1.70 2.05 2.70 3.40 4.05 aV' in. 1.50 1.90 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 2% in. 1.65 2.10 2.50 3.30 4.15 4.95 3 in. 1.80 2.25 2.70 3.60 4.50 5.40 3^/4 in. 1.95 2.45 2.90 3.90 4.90 5.80 3% in. 2.10 2.60 3.15 4.20 5.25 6.30 3% in. 2.25 2.80 3.35 4.50 5.60 6.75 4 in. 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.80 6.00 7.20 4»4 in. 2,70 3.40 4.05 5.40 6.75 8.10 5 in. 3.00 3,75 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 5^ in. 3.30 4.10 4.95 6.60 8.25 9.90 6 " in. 3.60 4.50 5.40 7.20 9.00 10.80 Fig. 6363 Sizes Indicated toy hold faced type represent those sizes which have heen approved toy the Society of Automobile Engineers as Standard. . , , Any other sizes other than Standard must be considered as special. TRAILERS Fig. 33 _, Automobile trailers are toeing used more extensively toy contractors every day, due to the ease T\itli -which material can toe transported from one joto to another. They can also toe successfully used in bringing material to a job, where it would ordinarily toe an item of consideratole expense to transport it toy a truck or toy wagon. THE CONTRACTOR'S SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS Body— Rack style; 86 inches long. 42 inches wide, 16 inches deep inside; removable sides and ends. "Wheels — 1% inch spoke, 34 inches high. Axle — 1% inch special high carbon steel; 1% inch spindle. Springs — 43 inches long, 1% inches wide, 6 plate, with extra heavy shackles and axle cups. Draw-Bar — Heavy pole, reinforced with steel; adjustable to any height auto frame. ^ „, , AU-AVay Coupling — Universal joint with shock-absorbing springs. Compact — durable — safe. Takes up all vibration from the car. Trailer can be instantly attached or detached from the' car by removing one pin — no tools necessary. Painting— Brewster green. Attneliinents — Bracket fastens to frame of car — above the springs — taking advantage of full spring action from the' car and removing all vibration from draw-bar and Trailer body. Capacity — 1200 pounds. Weight— Crated, ready for shipment, 375 pounds. Model 32 — Extra heavy ball bearings; IVi inch steel tires. Model 33 — Extra heavy ball bearings; 1% inch solid rubber tires. Model ,34^Extra heavy ball bearings; 1% inch steel tires; 6 inch drop axle. Model 35 — Extra heavy ball bearings; 1% inch solid rubber tires: 6 inch drop axle. EVERY TRAILER EQUIPPED WITH UNIVERSAL CONNECTION ROD List Prices Delivery Style of Body , Model 23 — Box bearing, 1% inch solid rubber tire ^i'b^? Model 23 — Ball bearing, IVs inch round edge steel tire 50.06 Model 24 — Ball bearing, IVs inch solid rubber tire 57.00 Model 32 — Ball bearing, IVi inch round edge steel tire $67.00 Model 33 — Ball bearing, 1% inch solid rubber tire 77.00 Model 34 — Same as Model 32, with 6 inch drop axle 72.00 Model 35 — Same as Model 33, with 6 inch drop axle 82.00 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « eo. 74' WINDOW SCREEN, WIRE CLOTH, PERF. SHEET BRASS WINDOW SCREEN WIRE CLOTH Black Painted Cloth is finished in tlie best jet black enamel paint, put on by a special process. The best ma- terials obtainable are used, presenting a brilliant glossy surface. The paint will not flake off, a trouble too common with many brands. Galvanized or White Metal Screen "Wire Cloth is made from specially prepared Hot Galvanized wire. Bronze Screen Wire Cloth is woven from the best grade of bronze wire, and has been especially prepared for the resistance of the action of salts, acids, gases and all kinds of atmospheric conditions. Made in both antique and Golden Bronze. ' i 1 1 i 1 H H-i+J-rl-t-M-)- 1 t-H-(- _ . — . ^ .. -■■-■----r-T--±- i --■"-■■-l^rS ::::::3a^^^ ^S :::Jr^^^^ »2-- 1 Bf-±-4^^ i - tt^ t-- 1 -. \ :±tA.J.lll-LLUiJ.LJ!i. LilLUXU Roll of Win- dow Screen Wire Clotli %vrapped and labeled lor Hhipnient. Double Selvage WINDOW SCREEN WIRE CLOTH 12 MESH Stock sizes: 18 inches to 48 inches inclusive, even inches. Black Painted Cloth, No. 33 -and 34 Wire per 100 sq. ft. $2.50 Galvanized Cloth, No. 33 and 34 Wire. " 3.30 For widths over 48 inches, $0.50 per 100 sq. ft. advance and \\idths under 18 inches wide, $0.10 per 100 sq. ft. advance over regular width. 14 MESH Galvanized Cloth, No. 33 and 34 Wire per 100 sq. ft. $3.80 Golden Bronze Cloth, No. 31 and 32 Wire " 13.00 When ordering, always specify finish, width and mesh. PERFORATED SHEET BRASS We carry the perforations illustrated in stock suitable for covering the different sizes of pipe. in widths Width inches For Size Pipe inches Numbers 1. 2. 3. 4 per Lineal foot Number S per Lineal foot Number ■ 21 per Lineal foot 4% 1 $0.20 $0.14 $0.30 5 u: ly* .28 .18 .40 61/8 iy2 . .30 .20 .50 7% 2 .38 .25 .65 91^ 2y2 .44 .30 .75 11 3 .50 .35 .85 12 .55 .40 .90 Cut One-Half Size FOR WEI-I. POINTS AND PUMPING OUTFITS, SEE INDEX 748 GEO-BeAItPEM*TER « CO. BAR BENDERS— CONCRETE REINFORCEMENTS REINFORCING WIRE Galvanized before Weaving Galvanized after Weaving In ordering specify width, size of Miesh, gauge of wire and wlietlier galvanized before or gal- vanized after weaving is wanted. All widths, 13 to 72 inches. In rolls of 150 lineal feet. Special ^vidths up to 96 inches to order without extra charge if 'ordered in lots of five rolls or over of each special width. Fig. 611A 2 inch mesh, No. 15 wire.... per sq. TT $0,07% 2 inch mesh, No. 16 wire .osva JJ inch mesh, No. 18 wire .03 V4 2 inch mesh. No. 19 wire.... .021/2 2 inch mesh. No. 20 wire ... .02% ly. inch mesh. No. 18 wire .041/2 IV? inch mesh. No. 19 wire'. . . . .OSVs ll^ inch mesh, No. 20 wire .03 1 inch mesh, No. 19 wire ... .06 1/2 1 inch mesh. No. 20 wire ... " .051/2 % inch mesh, No. 19 wire .l03^ % inch mesh, No. 20 wire ... " .09 METAL LATH Fig. 611B Price governed by market conditions, cation. On appli- STEEL BARS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE Round, plain and twisted square bars of high tensile strength. Price governed by market conditions. On appli- CARPENTER'S "WATERLOO" REINFORCING BAR BENDING MACHINE Fig, eilD A durable, substantially constructed machine so arranged to bend reinforcing bars to various angles for all purposes in concrete work. The bending posts are constructed of turned steel. The post revolv- ing through the slot in the plate, being equipped with loose steel roller to avoid creeping of bar in bending. The machines are furnished with a detachable handle seven feet long for convenience in handling. Bars can be bent to a more uniform angle than by any other method and get the maximum strength as designed by the' engineer. Made in two sizes. Guaranteed to bend bars as follows: No. 2 bends cold reinforcing bars including 1 % inch, round or square. N'o. 3 bends cold reinforcing bars including 1 % inch, round or square. No. 2 Bar Bending Machine, without stand, weight 110 lbs $18.00 No. 3 Bar Bending Machine, without stand, weight 210 lbs 23.00 No. 2 Bar Bending Machine, with steel stand, weight 200 lbs 28.00 No. 3 Bar Bending Machine, with steel stand, weight 300 lbs 33.00 Fig. 612A SLEEPER CLIPS ^_^=;zgf| Fasten wood sleepers to I-beams. Ti"'"'^ Drives like a nail. Saves time and Jf labor. «^ Prevents buckling and -tvarping of wooden sleepers, insuring smooth and solid floors. Applied quickly. Hook form and U form in the following: 214 inch, 25 lbs per 1000 ?. . 314 inch, 30 lbs 414 inch, 35 lbs per 1000 E C B .. 5% inch, 42 lbs per 1000 LIB .. 'Vi inch, 50 lbs per 1000 .. Used by all the large contractors and in the most modern up-to-date build- ings. Special sizes and longer lengths to order. Prices quoted on application. Fig. 612P GEOBCAIiPEN'TER S GO. 749 WIRE CLOTH, SCREENING AND NETTING In ordering Wire Cloth always specify the mesh, size of wire, width and quantity desired. Above, Pig. 487A, 2x3 Inch Above, 3Iesh Below, Fig. 4S~D, 4x4 Inch Mesh Above, Fig. 487C, 3x3 Inch Mesh Below. Fig. 4S7F, 8x8 Inch Mesh Fig. 487B, 2%x2% Inch Mesh Below, Fig, 4S7E, 6x6 Inch Mesh These Cuts are Actual Size Stock Widths. 24 Inches, 30 Inches, 30 Inches, 42 Inches, 48 Inches Full Rolls Contain 100 IJneal Feet Cut Pieces Cannot Be Returned 2 x2 inch mesh, No. 19 wire per 100 sq. ft. 2^x2% inch mesh, No. 20 wire 3 x3 inch mesh, No. 21 wire 4 x4 inch mesh, No. 23 wire 6 x6 inch mesh. No. 25 wire 8 x8 inch mesh, No. 27 wire $7.40 7.40 7.40 7.90 8.40 9.40 1 xl inch 1 xl inch %x % inch HEAVY GRADE WIRE CLOTH GALVANIZED AFTER WEAVING 24 Inches, 30 Inches, 36 Inches, 42 Inches, 48 Inches HEAVY GRADE PLAIN STEEL CLOTH FOR STACIv NETTING, HEAVY SCREEN- ING, ETC. Stock Widths: 36 Inches, 42 Inches, 48 Inches Fig. 4S7G. 6 Mesh, Xo. Steel 2 x2 ^%x2y2 3 x3 4 x4 4 x4 6 x6 6 xfi 14 Full Rolls Contain 100 Lineal Feet Per Square Foot inch mesh, 10 gauge wire $0.38 inch mesh, 11 gauge wire 38 inch mesh, 12 gauge wire 38 inch mesh, 12 gauge wire 60 inch mesh, 14 gauge wire 38 inch mesh, 14 gauge wire 60 inch mesh, 16 gauge wire 38 inch mesh. 16 gauge wire 60 nch mesh, IS gauge wire 3S per sq. ft, $0.17 .12 17 17 12 17 12 17 12 17 17 Fig. 4871. 4 Mesh, No. 13 Steel In addition to the meshes listed, we are prepared to furnish a large line of special meshes and wires, prices for %vhich will be furnished on application. Mesh— The number of openings per lineal inch, center to center of wire. 48 750 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER S eo, CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT SPECIALTIES BLACK ANNEALED WIRE PHce List of Black Annealed Wire Gauge Xo. Black Advance per 100 lbs. Galv. Advance Over Black per 100 lbs. 6 to 9 Base $0.30 1 to 4 $0.25 .30 10 .05 .30 11 .10 .30 12 & 121/2 .15 .30 13 .25 .30 14 .35 . .30 15 .45 .60 16 .55 .60 17 .70 1.00 18 .85 1.00 TAHLE OF SIZES FULL SIZES OF WIRE Sizes of AVires ^ Hi I ^2 .2830 .28125 .2625 .250 .2437 .2253 .21875 .2070 .1920 .0983 .1875 .0937 .2136 .211 .1838 .1667 .1584 .1354 .1276 .1143 .1770 .1620 .15625 .1483 .0835 .070 .0651 .0586 .1350 .0486 .1250 .0416 .1205 .0387 I .1055 i .09375 .0915 0800 .0720 .0625 .0296 .0234 .0223 .0170 .0138 .0104 .0540 .0077 .0475 I .006 4.681 5.441 6.313 7.386 8.750 10.17 11.97 14.29 17.05 20.57 25.82 33.69 44.78 58.58 72.32 95.98 128.6 166.2 ANNEALED STONE OR WEA^^NG WIRE Use same list for galvan- ized and tinned stone wire. Price per lb. $0.14 .15 .16 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .28 .29 .30 .32 .33 .35 .37 .40 .45 .55 Trice per stone $1.?8 1.80 1.92 2.28 2.40 2.52 2.64 2.76 2.88 3.00 3.12 3.36 3.48 3.60 3.84 3.96 4.20 4.40 4.80 5.40 6.60 EXTRA FINE SIZES STONE WIRE Use same list for galvan- ized and' tinned stone wire. No. Price, per lb. 37 $0.40 38 .45 39 .50 40 .55 41 .60 42 .65 43 .75 44 .85 45 1.00 46 1.15 47 1.40 GEO-BCAIiPENfTER ^ 60. rsi FOR PAVEMENTS AiND ROADWAYS ALSO FOR BUILDINGS, LEVEES, CANAL LOCKS, CHIMNEYS, SEWER PIPE, VIADUCTS, RETAINING WALLS, FLOOR SLABS, WALL SLABS, ROOF SLABS, CONCRETE, SWELL BOXES FOR PIPE ORGANS, ETC. TABLE No. 1 Longitudinals Spaced 4 Inches Cross Wires Xnmber 14 Gauge Spaced 4 Inches Number and Gauge of Wires, Areas per Foot Width and Weights per 100 Square Feet Number and Gauge of Wires, each Longitudinal American Steel & Wire Company's Steel Wire Gauge Total Sectional Effective Area Longi- Longi- tudinal tudinals Sectional Sq. In. Area per Ft. Sq. In. Width per Ft. Width Approx- imate Wt. Lbs. per 100 Sq. Feet 032 040 049 058 068 080 093 107 126 146 168 ISO 208 245 267 "87 309 3Sfi 1 — No. 12 gauge 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. 11 gauge 10 gauge 9 gauge 8 gauge 7 gauge 6 gauge 5 gauge 1 — No. 4 gauge 1 — No. 3 gauge 1— v^ inch 1 — No. 2 gauge 2 — No. 6 gauge 2 — No. 5 gauge 2 — No. 4 gauge 3 — No. 6 gauge 3 — No. 5% gauge 3 — No. 5 gauge 3 — No. 4% gauge 3 — No. 4 gauge 3— No. Zi^ gauge .026 .032 .034 .040 .043 .049 .052 .058 .062 .068 .074 .080 .087 .093 .101 .107 .120 .126 .140 .146 .147 .153 .162 .168 .174 .180 .202 .208 .239 .245 .261 .267 .281 .287 .303 .309 .330 .336 .359 .365 .389 .395 22 25 28 32 35 40 45 50 57 65 68 74 78 89 103 111 119 12S 13S 140 160 TAIJLE No. 2 Longitudinals Spaced 4 Inches Cross Wires Number 14 Gauge Spaced 8 Inches Number and Gauge of Wires, Areas per Foot Width and Weights per 100 Square F'eet Effective Effective Number and Gauge Area of Approx- tudlnal Style Longitudinal Sectional Wt. No. American Steel & force- Area Lbs. pel 100 Sq Wire Company's Sq. In. Steel Wire Gauge Sq. In. per Ft. Width per Ft. Width Feet 036P 1 — No. 12 gauge .009 .036 17 044P 1 — No. 11 gauge .009 .044 20 053P 1 — No. 10 gauge .009 .053 24 062P 1— No. 9 gauge .009 .062 27 072P 1 — No. 8 gauge .009 .072 31 084P 1 — No. 7 gauge .009 .084 35 097P 1 — No. 6 gauge .009 .097 40 TABLE No. 3 Longitudinals Spaced 4 Inches Cross AVires \umber 121/;. Gauge Spaced 8 Inches Number and Gauge of AVires, Areas per Foot Width and Weights per 100 Square Feet 041R 04qR OnSR n67R 077R 0S9R 102R 1 — No. 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. 12 erausre 11 gauare 10 fcauge 9 gauge .014 .014 .014 .014 .041 .049 .058 .067 21 24 28 31 1— No. 1— No. 1— No. .^ prausre 7 gauge 6 gauge .014 .014 .014 .077 .089 .102 3.«; 40 44 . V, ^^"of^r,*'^ *'°^Ja'- ^i^ ^o!*'. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^<^ 300 feet. Widths: Approximately 18 inches, 22 Inches, 26 inches, 3 inches. 34 inches. 38 inches, 42 Inches. 46 inches, 50 inches, 54 inches and 58 inches. Elastic limit of regular stock from 50,000 to 60,000 lbs. per square inch, sectional area, 85,000 lbs. or over ultimate strength. Higher elastic limits and breaking strengths may be furnished when reqmred. ♦Note—Material may be furnished either plain or galvanized. Unless otherwise specified, ship- ments will be made of material not galvanized, stock material usually carried in 150 foot rolls, and.42 inch, oO inch and 58 inch widths. •PRICE WILL BE Qt OTED ON RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS AND QUANTITY (52 GEO-B-CAHPErfTER S So. FASTENERS FOR SHEET METAL AND TILE 5 AVAG { SIAMESE TWIN BOLTS AND EYES For Fastening Articles to Hollow Sheet Metal Construction TWIN BOLTS Axl inch. ^/4xl% inch. Prices per 100 for Steel Bolts with Hexagon Nuts, Galvanized Diameter of Bolts of Shank Vs A 1 V4. ^ % $5.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 1 5.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 1% 6.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 iy2 6.75 6.00 6.75 7.25 2 7.50 6.75 7.50 8.00 2y2 8.25 7.50 8.25 8.75 3 9.00 8.25 9.00 9.50 Brass Bolts and Nuts made to order same sizes as above. List prices double those for Steel. Prices for Ornamental Cap Nuts on application. Method, of Inserting Siamese Bolts Cut illustrates the four steps loived In attaching: article A to m partition B-B. MADE WITH CLOSED RING, GPEIV AND CUT SIDES. TAVIN EYES JU ADJUSTABLE STOP ARMS AND CLAMPS For fastening Awning, Rods, Wires, Sus- pended Lights, Show Cards, etc. Price per 100 for Steel Eyes, Galvanized 1/4 inch Eye Closed Ring $5.00 V2 inch Eye Closed Ring 5.50 1/^ inch Eye Open or Cut Side 6.50 Brass Eyes made to order, same size as above. List price double those for Steel. STEEL TOGGLE BOLTS With Double-Flanged Sides and Rigid Back For securing brackets and fixtures to hollow tiling, marble slabs, steel ceilings or plastered walls where screws or nails fail to hold. The -^ inch size, as shown above, can be pushed through a % inch hole and instantly securely anchors it- self. By turning it half way around it will come out, or by pushing it up it will drop out. Length of Diameter of Screw, inches Screw inches 5/32 3/16 1 1/4 5/16 3/S 7/16 1/2 2% 3 4 5 6 $V.36 v. 3 6 : : .' .' 3.30 5.00 . . . 5.00 3.30 5.30 3.3015.50 3.6015.70 3.80(6.00 6.50 7.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 The above are stock sizes; nished to order. special sizes fur- Siamese Twin Bolts and Eyes are simple, effective, reliable. For use on construction that is inaccessible from the rear and where the head of the bolt cannot be secured. They serve to fasten window shades, awning brackets and hoods, signs, ornaments, hooks, electrical devices, etc., to hol- low metal, metal sash, frames and door trim, skylights, ceilings, wainscoting, etc. Geo-BCarpeN'ter « Go CONCRETE INSERTS— CONCRETE PIPE DRILLS CONCRETE INSERTS Fasten to the Form — Then Pour the Concrete For use with regular Machine Bolts and Machine Screws, or with Lag Screws and Wood Screws. The Insert consists of a malleable iron Anchor, with corrugations formed to firmly engage the concrete, and threaded tor either bolts or screws, and a wooden plug used for attaching the Insert to the forms. To L'se: Fasten the wooden plug to the form with a nail or a screw, then press the Insert over the plug, thus securely and accurately attaching it to the form. After the concrete has been poured and the' forms remove'd. the Insert is ready for use. The wooden plug comes away with the form, leaving a neat finish and a clean entrance into the Insert for a bolt or screw. If preferred, the In- sert may be fastened to the form without using the wooden plug; they may be nailed or tacked through the lugs provided at the top flange and base. List Price per Hundred with Screws or Bolts ^__ Length inches IMan-.eter of Screw or Bolt 1/4 5 l(i 3/8 1 7 1« 1/3 !)/16 5/8 3/4 1^/4 11.00 12.70 2 11.10 12.90 2% 11.20 13.10 14.20 17.00 11.30 13.50 14.40 17.50 20.20 25.60 26.60 34.70 4 11.40 14.00 14.80 18.20 20.80 26.50 27.50 35-:j2 5 14.40 15.20 19.00 21.40 27.30 28.30 36.70 6 15. CO 19.60 22.10 28.30 29.30 37.70 7 20.30 22.70 29.20 30.20 38.70 8 21.00 23.30 30.10 31.10 39.70 Inserts only ii.OO io.oo 11.66 13.00 ].->.00 IS. 00 19.00 26.00 Length of Insert, in. ll/o 2 2 2 21/2 2 1/2 21/2 3 Box 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 25 Shipping Wt. per 100.... in 10 18 19 26 30 33 54 Fig. 841B ADJUSTING FIXTURE FOR USE WITH INSERTS While Inserts can be placed with absolute accuracy, making adju.=!tment unnecessary, occasion may arise where through carelessness or otherwise, adjustment is required and for this purpose the above fixture will be found satisfactory, easy to place and will make a neat finish. List Price per Hundred $7.00 7/16 $7.00 $8.00 $10.00 .00 Fig. 841C PIPE DRILLS The" drill heads are threaded to fit any gas pipe, which serves as a handle. The heads are of the strongest, yet lightest construction, making them ideal for carrying in a tool kit. Quite a range of sizes can be so carried as they weigh practically nothing. Sizes and List Prices — Drill Heads Only Fig. 841C Number Diam. of Cutting Edge Size Pipe for Handle Sliipplng wt. per doz. Per dozen No. 2 % inch inch 1 lb. $3.00 No. 3 % inch Vi inch 1 lb. 3.00 ^0. 4 % inch % inch 1 lb. 3.00 Vo. 5 1 inch U inch 1 lb. 3.00 •^0. 5a 11^ Inch lA inch 1V4 lb. 3.60 No.. 6 114 inch S inch 1% lb. 4.20 No. 6 a 1% inch inch 2% lb. 7.50 No. 7 liA inch ^1 inch 31.4 lb. 9.00 No. 7 a 1% inch inch 5 lb. 10.50 No. 8 2 inch inch 6 lb. 12.00 No. 9 21,4 inch inch 7% lb. 18.00 No. 9a 2 ¥2 inch Inch 11 lb. 22.00 No. 10 2% inch inch 12 lb. 27.00 No. 10a 3 inch inch 12 lb. 31.00 No. 11 314 inch ]^. inch 12 lb. 36.00 No. lla 31/3 inch inch 13 lb. 40.00 No. lib 334 inch 1M inch 18 lb. 44.00 No. 12 4 inch I'i inch 21 lb. 48.00 754 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S SO. WALL TIES, BRICK BONDS AND WALL ANCHORS Every brick wall should be reinforced and tied by means of a wall tie. The cost is slight and the benefit derived is very great in the construction of the wall. Figs. 18A and 18B Ideal fiat crimped or the corrugated wall ties are made of galvanized metal aud are 6i/^ Inches long. The deep crimp or corrugations make these ties a perfect bond for the wall. Holes are punched in the end so the tie can be bent up if desired and used for veneer work. 1000 Wall Ties packed in box. Per M $2.20 (There are 1000 Wall Ties to a box) 5000 AVall Ties packed in bulk. Per M $2.00 (A barrel contains about 5000 Wall Ties) Figr. ISA. Ideal Crimped Galvanized AVall Tie »»^??»?«>^>:vx Fig. 18B. Ideal Corrug^ated Galvanized Wall Tie GENUINE HERRINGBONE WALL TIES Heavy Gauge Fig. 18C Genuine Herringbone Wall Ties, heavy gauge, size 7 inches long, % inch wide, heavily gal- vanized, not punched. 1000 Wall Ties packed in box. Per M $4.O0 MMM Fig. 18C. Herringbone Wall Ties WALL ANCHORS Fig. 15N. Flat Strap Anchor Length, inches. Size li/4xtV . . . Size l^XiSa . . . Size 1 % xfg . . . 12 $0.06 .07 .08 15 .07 .08 .09 24 .10 .11 .13 18 ^ Fig. 15X. Wall Anchors, One End Turned Up 30 .12 .14 .16 Length, inches. 12 15 18 24 .30 Size 1 1/4 xfs ... .$0.08 .09 .10 .12 .14 Size l^xt'a . . . . .09 .10 .11 .13 .16 Size l%xfs ... . .10 .11 .12 .15 .19 Fig. 15R. W^all Anchors, One Fnd Turned Up and One Down Length, inches. Size l%xfg . . . Size IVaXfa ... Size 1 % xfs . . . 12 $0.10 .11 .12 15 .11 .12 .13 18 .12 .13 .14 24 30 .14 .16 .15 .18 .17 .21 Fig. 15P. Wall Anchors, One End Turned Up and Split Length, inches . . 12 15 Size l^xfs $0.11 .12 Size li^XTij 12 .13 Size l%xfs 13 .14 18 24 30 .13 .15 .17 .14 .16 .19 .15 .18 .21 Fig. 15Y. Stone Anchor Length, inches 6 8 10 12 Size IxA . . $0.07 .08 .09 .10 PIN ANCHORS The most practical, easy-to-apply anchor on the market. Standard size is 1x3/16x14 inches. These anchors are used in large quantities on nearly every brick job that goes up. We are prepared to make up on short notice, any quantity or size. Prices quoted upon receipt of specifications, being based upon market prices of iron, and quantity ordered. Fig, 15S. GEO-B-GAIiPEM'TER S So. JOIST HANGERS, INSERTS AND CLAMPS Pig. 19A (Slotted to allow bolt adjustment) List Prices IDEAL CONCRETE INSERT Made of pressed steel and forms the best insert for attaching shaft hangers, sprink- ler systems and other fixtures to concrete ceilings, slabs, walls, etc. Set on the forms before pouring the con- crete. Nail holes are provided in the arms so the insert can be fastened securely to the form. The concrete flows entirely around the insert, leaving the slotted opening at the bottom flush with the surface of the con- crete. The slotted hole allows full adjustment of the bolt. Inserts carried in stock for % , % and % inch bolts. Ideal Adjustable Insert for % inch bolt. Ideal Adjustable Insert for % inch bolt. Ideal Adjustable Insert for ?4 inch bolt . Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger Hanger SPECIAL LIGHT WEIGHT JOIST HANGER Especially adapted for light construction work. Size Price to carry 2x 6 inch joist $0.12 to carry 2x 8 inch joist 14 to carry 2x10 inch joist .18 to carry 2x12 inch joist 20 to carry 2x14 inch joist 26 to carry 3x 6 inch joist 16 to carry 3x 8 inch joist 18 to carry 3x10 inch joist 24 to carry 3x12 inch joist 32 to carry 4x 6 inch joist 24 to carry 4x 8 inch joist 28 to carry 4x10 inch joist 30 to carry 4x12 inch joist 34 to carry 4x14 inch joist 46 to carry 4x16 inch joist 60 to carry 6x10 inch joist 58 to carry 6x12 inch joist 64 to carry 6x14 inch joist 76 I-BEAM CLAMPS These clamps are furnished with nuts and bolts and furnished with eye-bolts, for ad- justable rings, also hook eyes for adjusta- ble rings when so ordered. Price depends on quantity and specifications. Fig. 42 FOn OTHER STYLES OF COXCRETE AXD BHLDIXO SPECIALTIE-S SEE INDEX 756 Geo-BCar^peM'ter « Go. COLUMN CLAMPS K. & W. PERFECTION COLUIMN CLAIMPS THE ONLY CLAMP WITH PERFECT ADJUSTMENT Key in Use USED FOR Clamp in Use SQUARE, RECTANGLE, OR OCTAGON CONCRETE FORMS IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT PERFECTION CLAMPS All cuts show correct way of using "PERFECTION" clamps when lumJDer in forms is of the same thickness. Should lumber vary in thickness, those variations in the thickness are provided for by turning outward the slot in the bend of the clamp. You have used clamps on your concrete forms. Now, study these cuts and you at once see the advantages of the "PERFECTION" over all others. NOTE : — Easier to handle, store and ship. No lost space. Perfect adjustment. Can not wear out or break. No slides to rust or clog up. Lasts longer. Only tool required is a hammer. Pay for themselves on one job by the saving in labor. Most important part of your equipment. FACTS ABOUT COLUMN CLAMPS The clamps here illustrated are the only clamps manufactured with a perfect adjustment. They are a bigger-money maker for the contractor than any other part of his equipment. You have a concrete mixer because you know by actual experience that you can save money over the old way of mixing concrete by hand. Then why not metal column clamps and save the labor of making wood clamps? Save the price of buying long iron bolts, save the time of having the threads of bolts gone over each time they are used on another job. Save the expense of handling and the space they take up, and the expense of a wood clamp bursting and destroying a whole column. No progressive or modern contractor can afford to be without these column clamps. Order today and begin to save money on your next concrete job. They will fit any size column. The arms are made of the best selected mild steel. Using 2:^ x ^/V-inch steel in the clamps for 12 to 26-inch col- umns ; 2^ x i^xr-inch steel in clamps for 18 to 32-inch columns. They can be used with any other make clamp. They have a perfect adjustment. The following are Column Sizes carried in stock. No. 1. 12 inch to 26 inch column adjustment. List Price per set. .$4.50 No. 2. 18 inch to 32 inch column adjustment. List Price per set. . 5.50 -m^ ^K^ ^v^rf' Complete Column Geo-B-Carpenter « So. 757 CONCRETE FORM CLAMPS UNIVERSAIi FORM CLA^IPS The clamp itself is a simple patented casting with a flanged bearing sur- face, an oval liole with shoulders at the small side of opening through which a plain bar is passed. There is a set screw threaded into the large side of opening and perpendicular to same, to engage the rod intermediate of the shoulders, so as to depress the rod between the shoulders. The depression of the rod between the shoulders insures the clamp against slipping or moving on the rod. The set screw does not carry the load, it merely holds the rod in the depression, so as to allow the shoulders to carry the load. ADVANTAGES No threaded bolts, nuts, washers, twisted wires, special devices, bulging forms, and, besides, they save 50% of youi- labor cost of clamping or fastening forms. DESCRIPTION The rod clamps are made in six sizes, namely: No. 1 for ^ and ^ inch rods; No. 2 for % inch rods; No. 3 for % inch rods; No. 4 and No. 4 Extra Heavy for % inch rods. The No. 4 is recommended for column clamping and No. 4 Extra Heavy for large retaining walls. The No. 5 clamp is for % inch rods and is used only for heavy work. PRICE LIST— CLAMPS Lniversal Size Size of Rod inches Base Diameter inches Length inches Weiffht per 100 Cost ' per 100 , Size Size of Rod inches Base Diameter inches SL^ Weight per 100 Cost per 100 1 2 3 14 and z's % V2 2 2 2y2 1% lya 2 55 82 116 110.00 12.50 15.00 4 4* 5 % % % 3 3V4 4V2 2 31/2 185 258 475 $19.00 26.50 39.38 No. 4* Extra Heavy. WIRE CLAMPS AVhere the work does not call for rods and rod clamps, thei Universal Wire Clamp is the device to use. The Universal Wire Clamp makes wiring cheap from a labor and material standpoint of view, considering only the cost per tie. This wire clamp can be placed and locked in place in less than 10 seconds. It is the safest and most efficient wire tightening device on the market. We recommend the wire clamp only for light wall work or for work where the actual load per clamp will not exceed 600 lbs. on a No. 9 annealed wire. ADVxlNTAGES OVER TWISTED AVIRES Put on and clamped in 10 seconds. No boring of holes necessary. No wood wedges. No twisting of A\ires. No man necessary inside of narrow forms. Can be removed in 3 seconds. Lower in first cost than any other device on the market. One piece and no tools necessary. One size clamp for any size form. One clamp only for each complete form tie. Adds maximum efficiency to wire forms. Locks automatically and guaranteed not to slip. The amount of takeup is about 1 V2 inches in each strand of wire, which insures very crooked wires of being drawn up tight. In case wires are straight or in thin walls the 1% inch takeup may be too much. In this case allow the wires to slip through slots until handle is at an angle of 45° before locking. In this way the maximum takeup can be reduced to suit conditions. List price Per hundred $12.00 PRICE LIST— TIGHTENING WRENCHES Use With Price No. 1 and 2 Clamps $5.00 No. 3 Clamps 5.75 No. 4 Clamps 6-25 No. 5 Clamps 7.00 Size 1. 2. 3. 4. Rod Pnller PRICE LIST— ROD PULLERS No. 1. For light work, such as for pulling rods V4: inch to 1/2 inch, not longer than 4 feet. . .$12.50 No. 2. For heavy work, takes ^ inch to % inch rods 19.00 Prices include one jaw for one diameter of rod. Extra jaws, $0.75 each. A\Tien ordering Rod Pullers be sure to state size of rod on which they are to be used so that proper jaw may be sent. TlKhtenlnK Wrench 758 Geo-BCaiipeM'ter « eo. STUB OR BRIDGE TURNBUCKLES DROP FORGED Fig. 60A. With Right and Left Stub Bolt Ends Fig. 60B. Without Stub Ends In ordering, specify opening. Longer openings to order. Can be furnished without stub ends if desired. Prices on application. LIST PRICE WITH STUB ENDS Diameter inches 51/3 inch Opening each 9 inch Opening each 12 inch Opening each Uiameter inches 51/3 inch Opening each 9 inch Opening each 12 inch Opening each % $0.40 1% $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 15 .42 $0.53 $0.63 1% 2.25 2.82 3.38 V2 .45 .57 .68 2 2.65 3.31 3.98 1% .48 .60 .72 21/8 3.10 3.88 4.65 % .50 .63 .75 21/4 3.50 4.38 5.25 % .63 .79 .95 2% 4.00 5.00 6.00 Vb .75 .94 1.13 21/2 4.50 5.63 6.75 1 .88 1.10 1.32 2% 5.00 6.25 7.50 IVs 1.00 1.25 1.50 2% 5.50 6.88 8.25 1% 1.25 1.57 1.88 2 78 6.00 7.50 9.00 1% 1.38 1.73 2.07 3 6.50 8.13 9.75 IVa 1.50 1.88 2.25 31/4 8.00 10.00 12.00 1% 1.75 2.19 2.63 31/2 10.00 12.50 15.00 Fig . eOC. AVith Hook and Eye Diameter of Thread Length in the Clear Length of Buckle Plain, each Inches between Heads, inches Outside, inches ^ 31/2 41/8 $0.80 $0.70 V4: 4 4% .85 .75 T^S 41/4 51/4 .90 .80 % 41/2 5% 1.10 .95 /iT 5 61/4 1.25 1.05 V2 6 71/2 1.50 1.30 fff 71/4 9 1.85 1.65 % 8% 10 1/2 2.20 1.75 % 914 11% 3.25 2.60 % 10 12% 4.25 3.60 1 11 14 5.50 4.75 IVs 12 151/2 6.75 5.50 IV4 13 16% 8.25 6.75 1% 14 18 9.75 7.75 11/2 15 191/2 12.00 9.50 1% 16 21 15.00 13.00 1% 18 23 20.00 17.00 178 18 23 25.00 22.00 2 24 31 28.00 25.00 21/8 24 31 33.50 30.50 21/4 24 32 38.50 35.00 We can furnish to order with two hooks, two eyes or with eye and shackle. FOR DERRICK GUY TIGHTENERS. SEE INDEX Geo-B-Car.peM'ter « Go. 759 MILD STEEL STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF NET EXTRAS STEEL BARS AND SMALL SHAPES Net extra per 100 lbs. ROUNDS AND SQUARES % to 3,^" % to a • % to j% ' x's" % " $0.05 , .10 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .75 ^v A " SVa to Zt\' 3% to 4iV 41/8 to 4^5 4% to b^' 51/8 to 5-,%' 5% to 6t^' SVs to 6i% 6% to 7%' 1.00 L.2r> .075 .20 .25 .50 .G25 FLATS Sizes — to 6 " to 6 " to U" to U " to %" to %" 11/8 to 6 11/8 to 6 1% to 6 31/8 to 6 Net extra per 100 lbs. 1^ 1% 1% 3 is . %". A". 1% " ■ to A to i1j to It's $0.10 .20 .25 .25 .35 .50 .60 .70 .80 1.00 .05 HALF OVALS Gauges shown are Birmingham Wire Gauge Sizes — Net extra per ICO lbs. to 4 " X 14 " and thicker $0.25 to 4 " X Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ^" 35 xNos. 10, 11, 12 and y8 .50 y8". 1 to 4 % to ig" X t\" and thicker 50 % toir'xNos. 10, 11, 12 and % to ip/'xNos. 13, 14 and 15 % to U" X i'y" and thicker. . . % toii"xNos. 10, 11, 12 and % toiJ"xNos. 13, 14 and 15 V2 to 1^5 "X yg" and thicker. . . Vz to ,Sg"xNos. 13, 14 and 15 % to ^''r/' X i-." and .thicker 1.35 % to j\" X Nos. 14 and 15 l.CO .05 .80 .CO .75 .ca .80 1.05 Sizes % to 2 ya " X % to2y2"x%" to % to2Mi"^^2" % to % to % to y2 to V2 to y2 to % to % to % to ir'xys" ^"x %" A"x ys" fs"Xs'3" t'^s " X tfe " T''5"Xy8" A " X ^ " to lya" 10 to 2 % " 15 to 4 " 20 OVALS Net extra per 100 lbs. and thicker $0,110 30 45 to z%" and thicker, to M" to i." and thicker, to fg" .50 .65 .70 .95 and thicker 9*5 to s^" 1-20 1.45 BANDS Gauges shown are Birmingham Wire Gauge gjxes Net extra per 100 lbs. 1 y. to 6 " x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and /g" $0.20 1 Vz to 6 1 tol 1 n \i " X Nos. " X Nos. to li's" X Nos. to iB " X Nos. to i,^ " X Nos. to % " X Nos. to % " X Nos. to % " X Nos. to % " X Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 7, 8 10, 7, S 10, 7, ? 10, 7, 10. %"xNos. 7, 8 % " X Nos, I'^H " X Nos. ■^ " X Nos. % " X Nos. %" X Nos 9 and , 9 and A". 11, 12 and , 9 and ^%" . 11, 12 and , 9 and t'«"- 11, 12 and ?, 9 and ^" 11, 12 and t"." Vs"... . .30 .25 .35 .35 .40 .50 .60 .60 .65 .65 .75 .90 1.05 10, 11, 12 and 7, 8, 9 and fg"- • • 10, 11, 12 and y8 7, 8, 9 and t^" 9^> 10, 11. 12 and y8" 1-20 FOR CUTTING AND QUANTITY SCHEDULE. SEE INDEX reo GEO•B•(BAIiPE^fTER 55 SO. STRUCTURAL SHAPES— MILD STEEL STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF NET EXTRAS ANGLES Sizes ^^et extra per 100 lbs. IVz XIV2" and wider, but under 3" wide; by ^" and heavier $0.10 IVz X 1 % " and wider, but under 3" wide x Va" 15 1 X 1 to 1 % X 1 1/4 " X t^" and heavier 15 1 X 1 to 1 14 " X 1 1^ X Va" 20 ys X % " X ^ " .20 7/8 X 78" X i/s" 2o % X 3/4 " X A " 25 % X 3/4 " X i/s " 30 % X- % " X i/s" 1-10 % X %" X ^" 1.30 % X 1/2 " X i/s " 1.60 V2 X 1/2 " X less than Vs" 1.80 3" on one or both legs by less than V4 " thick 35 Unequal leg angles are subject to special prices, which will be furnished on application. ^^ CHANNELS Sizes — N^t extra per 100 lbs. 1 Vz" and wider, but under 3" wide; by ^5" and heavier $0.15 11/2 X 1 1/2 X fe (Box Channel — Special) 30 1 V2 " and wider, but under 3" wide x % " 25 1 to 1 % " X fit " and heavier 25 1 to 1 % " X i/s " 35 1 to 1 % " X i7i " 50 % and % " X fj " and heavier 30 3^ and % " X % " 40 % and % " X n^^ " 55 % X Vs" and heavier 1.20 % X s\j" 1.40 y-> X b\" and heavier 1.80 ^ X ^" 2.00 TEES Sizes — Net extra per 100 lbs. l%xl V2" and wider, but under 3" wide; by fs" and heavier $0.20 1x1 to 1 1/4x1 1/4 x^" and heavier 40 1x1 to 1 1/4x1 1/4x1/8" 50 y8xy8xf^" 50 %xYsxVs" 60 %x%x^^" 60 %x%xi/8" 70 %x%xi/8 " 1.30 y2Xl/2Xl/8 " 1.80 Unequal leg tees are subject to special prices, which will be furnished on application. HEXAGONS Sizes — Net extra per 100 lbs. % to 3" $0.15 % toiJ" 25 y2 t0i%" 35 /." 55 %" 65 ^" 75 y*" 1.00 HALF ROUNDS Sizes — Net extra per 100 lbs. 1 to 3" $0.20 % toH" 35 % toiJ" 50 V2 to:^" 70 % tO:^" 1.10 We can fnrnislt a largre asdOTtment of I beams direct from Chicago sitock. FOR CUTTING AND QTAWTITY SCHEDULE, SEE INDEX Geo-BCar^peM'ter ^ Qo. 761 QUANTITY DIFFERENTIALS AND SCHEDULE OF CUTTING EXTRAS QUANTITY DIFFERENTIALS All specifications for less than 2000 lbs. of a size will be subject to the following extras, the total weight of a size ordered, to determine the extra, regardless of length and regardless of exact quantity actually shipped. Net extra per 100 lbs Quantities less than 2000 lbs., but not less than 1000 lbs $0 15 Quantities less than 1000 lbs !!!!,.'.*."!!!.'.* .35 Straightening Net e.vtra per 100 lbs. Machine straightening j^j^q Machine Cutting Rounds and Squares 1 ^ inches and Larger to Specified Lengths Lengths over 48 inches $0.15 Lengths over 24 inches to 48 inches, inclusive .25 Lengths over 12 inches to 24 inches, inclusive .35 Lengths of 12 inches and less, extra will be furnished on application, but will not be less than". .45 The above extras apply only to .50 Carbon and under. Extras for Machine Cutting over .'gO Carbon will be furnished on application. Extras for Machine Cutting Rounds and Squares under 1 14 inches. Flats, etc., will be fur- nished on application. Cutting to Specified Lengths Other than Machine Cutting Xet extra per 100 lbs. Lengths of 6 inches and over No Charge Lengths over 48 inches to 59 inches, inclusive .$0.05 Lengths over 24 inches to 48 inches, inclusive 10 Lengths over 12 inches to 24 inches, inclusive ] *20 Lengths of 12 inches and less, extra will be furnished on application, but will not be less than .30 WAREHOUSE CUTTING EXTRAS For the convenience of customers, we print below standard card extras for cutting, which will be added to cui-rent piices on material where special cutting is required. Charging Unit, 100 lbs. Beams and Channels, 3" and over. Zees Tees, 3" and over. "H" Sections Angles, 2x2xfj5 and larger. Mild Steel Rounds and Squares, 2" and under I\Iild Steel Rounds and Squares over 2" Flats, 1/4" thick and over Angles, under 2x2x^\., also 2" to 3" wide by %" thick. Channels, under 3" Tees, under 3" Forging Rounds ' Free cutting Rounds Plates, fg" and over: To length only To length and width. Sketch Plates, t\" and over. pO.OO .30 $0.1 .20 .30 .3 5 to 2' $0.30 .20 .40 $0.85 .30 ,85 .45 1 .55 $1.40 1.40 $2.30 .30 Plates Sheets CuttinfiT tol' and over Lreneth 6" to 1' Splitting to 6" and over in width Splitting to Width of 6 " and over and Cutting to I^ength 1' and over ( 6 " to 1' Plates No. 8. Sheets No. 10, Sheets No. 12, Sheets No. 14, Sheets No. 16, $0.20 .25 .30 .35 .40 $0.40 .45 .50 .55 .60 $0.20 .25 .30 .35 .40 $0.40 .45 .50 .55 .60 $0. .65 .70 .75 Reinforcing Bars Cut 1' 0" and longer, net weight: % and over %, ih, V2, -?r. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. fs and smaller Sheets, Nos. 1 8 and 20 ..'.*.'.'.*.**.*."......! Sheets, all gauges, cut to sketch Plates, No. 8, cut to sketch . Billets I Light Plats and Bands, which Include all gauges ^" and lighter.* . .' .* '. '. '. . . . . . . J The above cutting charges apply where the waste in niateiial is not excessive, and are to change without notice. $0.15 . .20 .25 Prices on request subject 762 GEOBeARPEM*TER « SO. TOOL STEEL In listing the folloTcing grades of Tool Steel, we have selected only those ^vhich our experience has shown to be the best suited for various purposes. There are many brands and grades of Tool Steel which compare favorably with those we list, but none of them are better. If you do not find a Steel in this list which will cover your needs, write us, giving full information and we shall be pleased to recommend that which we know will serve you best. Our Service Department has complete data on all brands and grades. Rex "AA" and "A." Forges easily, anneals and machines readily and responds perfectly to heat treatment. E^specially recommended for lathe, plan- er and boring tools, taps, reamers, twist and straight drills, dies, gear cutters, special cutters, etc. It is being extensively used for dies for forming hot iron and steel, and for certain classes of tools for stone work, woodworking knives, etc. P^urnished in any length bars, annealed or unan- nealed, rounds, squares, octagons, flats, blocks, also tool holder sizes hardened ready for use. Park's Self-Hardening Steel. A standard brand of self-hardening steel, excelled only by the two brands named above for lathe, planer and boring tools, and is less expensive. It is well suited for use ^ where machines are not fitted for highest speed or where the work is so remittent or of a character that the utmost capacity is not required. ^ ^ . ., ^ ^ , . , ^ . ^ Silver Tool Steel. A well known brand. A grade of tool steel of extra fine quality, especially recom- mended for cold chisels, cold cutters, cold sets, boiler makers' snaps, granite points, woodworking and many other kinds of edge tools, etc. Made in all tempers. Extra Quarry Steel. Especially recommended for rock drills, granite tools and difiicult quarry work. Black Diamond Tool Steel. A well known and reliable brand. Recommended for axes, mining drills, quarry tools, hammers, sledges and general "purposes. Peerless "A" Tool Steel. A special steel developed particularly for use on hot work and principally for hot heading and forging dies for bolts and rivets, cut-offs, bull-dozing tools, swedges, hydraulic forg- ing dies, gripping dies, track bolt work, etc. This steel has given exceptionally satisfactory results wher- ever used. TEMPERING COLORS AND TEMPERATURES IN DRAWING CARBON TEMPER STEELS The colors which successively appear on the surface of hardened steel, slowly heated, are as fol' lows: Yellowish White or Light Straw. .430 degrees Fahr. Dark Straw 450 degrees Fahr. Gold Color 490 degrees Fahr. Brown 510 degrees Fahr. Purple 530 degrees Fahr. Violet 550 degrees Fahr. Blue (Light) 580 degrees Fahr. Blue (Dark) 600 degrees Fahr. TOOL STEEL, PRICES Rex "A A" High Speed Steel Per lb. $ Rex "A" High Speed Steel " High Speed Steel, hardened, standard sizes and lengths for tool holders Per lb. Park's Self-Hardening Tool Steel " Silver Tool Steel Per lb. $ Extra Quarry Tool Steel " Black Diamond Tool Steel " Peerless "A" Alloy Tool Steel " BASE SIZES Round, Square and Octagon — % inch to 2 inches inclusive Flat — % inch to 2 inches thick by % inch to 2 inches wide Ail dimensions inclusive. Intermediate sizes take the next higher extra. EXTRA SIZES Round, Square and Octagon Inches 1% to Vz A to % • -fff to hi y* to jPs 21/8 to 2V2 Extra per Lb. Cents Inches 2.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 2.0 2% to 3 3% to 314 3% to 4 4% to iVz 4% to 5 Extra per Lb. Cents 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Inches 51/8 to 51/2 5% to 6 6V8 to 6 1/2 6% to 7 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 EXTRA SIZES PLAT Inches Extra per Lb. 1 Cents 1 Inches Extra per Lb. Cents Inches Extra per Lb. Cents %x y'b 40.0 1^5 X % to 1 3.5 Vaxiyg to 6 2.0 % X 14, 30.0 AxlVs to 4% %x t'b to % 3.0 Ax % to 1 2.5 l^x % to 2 20.0 3.0 Axiyg to 6 2.0 14.0 %x % to 11/2 3.0 % to 2x % to 2 fsx % to 3 14.0 %xl% to 5 2.5 % to 2x2% to 4 2.0 1/4 x A to 1/2 8.0 ■,'ffX Va to 1 7„xl% to 5y2 3.0 % to 2x4 ys to 7 4.0 V^x % to 1 5.0 2.5 2% to 3x2 y8 to 4 2.0 V^xlVs to 4 3.0 1/2 X % to 1 2.5 2y8 to 3x4 yg to 7 4.0 Ax % to % 5.0 Intermediate sizes take the next higher extra Annealing 2c per lb. extra Bevels, same Classification as flats, plus 10c per lb. for shape < uttlng to Specified Single and Multiple Lengths Per Lb., Cents I 24 inches and over 1.0 12 inches to 17 j| inches 18 inches to 23Yi inches 2.0 1 6 inches to llll inches Less than 6 Inches — Special Price Per Lb., Cents 3.0 4.0 Geo-BCarpen'ter ^ So 763 HOLLOW, OCTAGON AND CRUCIFORM DRILL STEEL For Sninll Taps, Reamers, iiuches, Tavist Drills, Dentiil Tools, AVatch Parts, Electrical AVork, Regular lengths, 3 feet ROUND POLISHED DRILL ROD Round and Square Drill Rods only carried In stock. Other shapes furnished to order promptly. -•«' It. I.U a «ea « ;; •- u « u •- u 1 |H n 1 If 1 .5-1 III Bfc,« H Sa o >r;.S'3 i^a Xa-S £1 ■t.^^o ^.5^ £S 1. 1 .50 0.328 u .75 32 0.115 .90 0.984 .50 P 0.323 .75 33 0.112 .90 0.969 .50 O 0.316 .75 34 0.110 .90 0.953 .50 0.312 /ff .75 . 0.109 ii .90 0.937 .50 N 0.302 35 0.108 .90 0.921 .50 0.297 ^1 ^75 36 0.106 .90 0.906 .50 M 0.295 .75 37 0.103 .90 0.890 .50 L 0.290 .75 38 0.101 .90 0.875 /8 .50 K 0.281 A .75 39 0.099 1.05 0.859 1 .50 J 0.277 75 40 0.097 1.05 0.844 .50 I 0.272 .75 41 0.095 1.05 0.828 .50 H 0.266 11 .75 0.094 A 1.05 0.812 .50 G 0.261 .75 42 0.092 1.05 0.796 .50 F 0.257 .75 43 0.088 1.05 0.781 .50 E 0.250 'A .75 44 0.085 1.05 0.765 .50 D 0.246 .75 45 0.081 1.05 0.750 % .55 C 0.242 .75 46 0.079 1.05 • 0.734 il .55 B 0.238 .75 0.07S A 1.05 0.719 13 .55 A 234 is .75 47 0.077 1.20 703 11 .55 1 097 .75 48 0.075 1.20 0.687 1 .55 2 0.219 i^ .75 49 0.072 1.20 0.671 .55 3 0.212 .75 50 0.069 1.20 0.656 u .55 4 0.207 .75 51 0.066 1.45 0.640 u .55 5 0.204 .75 52 0.063 1.45 0.625 % .55 0.203 \l .75 0.0625 ■t« 1.45 0.609 IS .55 6 0.201 .75 53 0.058 1.45 0.594 n .55 7 0.199 .75 54 055 1.45 578 u .55 8 0.197 .75 55 0.050 1.80 0.562 .55 9 0.194 .75 0.046S ii 1.80 546 ii .55 10 0.191 .75 56 0.045 1.80 0.5ai a .55 11 0.188 A .75 57 0.042 1.80 0.515 .55 12 0.185 .75 58 0.041 2.10 O.yUO Vz .60 13 0.182 .75 59 0.040 2.10 0.4S4 M .60 14 0.180 .75 60 0.039 2.10 0.469 11 •f? 15 0.178 .75 61 0.038 2.40 0.453 §J .60 16 0.175 .83 62 0.037 2.40 0.437 I's .60 17 0.172 \l .83 63 0.036 2.70 0.425 .75 18 0.168 .83 64 0.035 2.70 0.421 n .75 19 0.164 .83 65 0.U33 2.70 z 0.413 .75 20 0.161 .83 66 0.032 3.00 0.406 y .75 21 0.157 .83 67 0.031 A 3.00 Y 0.404 .75 0.156 ii .83 68 0.030 3.00 X 0.397 .75 22 0.155 .83 69 0.029 3.30 0.391 «s .75 23 0.153 .83 70 0.027 3.30 w 0.386 .75 24 0.151 .83 • 71 026 3.60 V 0.377 .75 25 0.148 .83 72 0.024 3.60 0.375 % .75 26 146 .83 73 023 3.60 u 0.368 .75 27 0.143 .83 74 0'.022 3.90 0.359 SI .75 0.141 A . .83 75 020 4 05 T 0.358 .75 28 0.139 .83 76 0.018 4'. 20 S 0.348 .75 29 0.134 .83 77 0.016 A 4 50 0.344 u .75 30 0.127 .83 78 015 4.80 5.10 5.40 R 0.339 .75 0.125 % .83 79 0.014 Q 0.332 .75 31 0.120 ,90 80 0.013 1 Sizes from 1 to 1% inclusive by «4tli» list ?0.50 per Intermediate sizes to order In auautities not less tban 50 pounds SQUARE POLISHED DRILL RODS lb. of eacli Sizes in Sizes in Sizes in Sizes in Decimals Fractions Prices Decimals Fraotions Prices Decimals Frartions Prices of an Inch per lb. of an Inch of an Incb per lb. of an Inch of an Inch per lb. 0.500 1/^ $1.60 0.344 u ■•- $1.60 0.1875 1 A $1.60 0.4687 iS 1.60 0.3125 1.60 0.156 1.60 0.4375 iV l.fiO 0.281 1.60 0.125 1.60 0.4062 ii 1.60 0.250 y 1.60 0.094 1.60 0.375 % 1.60 0.219 ^2 1.60 0.062 1.60 For electric le can furnish HOLLOW DRILL STEEL and other drills, where a free passage of air or water is required throuprh tlie drill bars in rounds and hexagons, standard sizes. Prices upon receipt of NpeciticntiouM. '64 GEO-BGAiiPEhfTER :s eo. BLACK, BLUE AND ANNEALED SHEETS BLACK SOFT STEEL SHEETS WRITE OR WIRE IJS FOR LOWEST MARKET PRICES -; Est. Est. Est. Est. 1 Est. Size Wt. per Size Wt. per Size Wt. per Size Wt.per , Size Wt. per Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet JVo.8 No. 10 ^ No. 14 No. 18 No. 24 112 140 175 168 72x128 337 50 30x120 79.69 24x108 36.72 26x 96 17.68 24x 96 72x130 388.00 32x 96 68.00 24x120 40.80 26x120 22.10 30x 96 72x144 404.50 34x 96 72.50 26x 96 35.36 28x 72 14.28 30x120 72x156 437.50 36x 77 61.35 26x108 39.78 28x 84 16.66 36x 96 36x 96 76.50 26x120 44.20 28x 96 19.04 36x120 210 No. 11 36x108 86.07 28x 96 38.08 28x101 20.03 36x144 252 60x144 296.80 36x120 95.62 28x108 42.84 28x108 21.42 42x 96 196 245 36x144 114.75 28x120 47.60 28x120 23.80 42x120 No. 12 38x 96 80.70 30x 96 40.80 30x 96 20.40 42x144 48x 96 48x120 294 224 280 336 252 315 378 286 350 420 24x 96 71.40 40x 77 66.80 30x108 45.90 30x120 25.50 24x120 89.25 40x 96 83.30 30x120 51.00 36x 96 24.48 26x 96 77 35 40x120 104.20 30x125 53.13 36x120 30.60 48x144 54x 96 54x120 54x144 60x 98 26x108 87!l0 42x 96 89.25 32x 96 43.60 42x 96 28.56 26x120 96.68 42x120 111.57 36x 96 48.96 42x120 35.70 28x 96 83.30 42x144 133.88 36x108 55.08 28x120 30x 96 104.12 89.25 48x 77 48x 84 81.81 89.24 36x120 36x144 61.20 73.44 No. 26 60x120 30x108 100 41 48x 96 102.00 40x 96 51.60 24x 96 12.24 60x144 30x120 111.57 48x108 114.75 40x120 68.00 24x101 12.88 36x 77 85.89 48x120 127.50 42x 96 57.12 24x120 15.30 No. 10 36x 84 93.70 48x127 132.13 42x120 71.40 26x 96 13.26 24x 96 91 81 36x 96 107.10 48x138 146.60 48x 96 65.28 26x120 16.57 24x120 115!03 36x108 120.50 48x144 153.00 48x120 81.60 28x 72 10.71 26x 96 99 46 36x120 133.87 48x156 162.50 28x 84 12.50 26x108 lll!88 36x144 160.65 54x 77 92.02 No. 20 28x 96 14.28 26x120 124.31 40x 96 116.60 54x 96 114.73 24x 96 24.48 28x108 16.06 28x 96 107.10 40x120 145.80 54x120 143.42 24x120 30.60 28x120 17.85 28x108 120.50 42x 96 124.95 54x138 164.93 26x 96 26.52 30x 96 15.30 28x120 133.87 42x108 140.57 54x144 172.10 26x120 33 14 30x108 17.21 30x 96 114.75 42x120 156.19 54x156 182.80 28x 72 21.42 30x120 19.12 30x108 30x120 129.10 143.44 42x144 48x 77 187.43 114.54 No. 16 28x 84 28x 96 24.99 28.56 36x 96 36x120 18.36 22.95 36x 72 103.28 48x 84 124.93 24x 96 40.80 28x108 32 12 42x 96 21.42 36x 77 110.46 48x 96 142.80 24x108 45.90 28x120 35.'70 42x120 26.77 36x 96 137.70 48x108 160.65 24x120 51.00 30x 96 38.25 36x108 154.92 48x120 178.50 26x 96 44.20 30x120 30.60 No. 27 36x120 172.12 48x127 185.20 26x108 49.72 36x 96 36 72 24x 96 24x101 26x120 2Sx 96 28x101 11.22 36x144 206.55 48x138 205.25 26x120 55.25 42x 96 45^90 40x 96 40x120 150.00 187.50 48x144 48x156 214.20 227.50 28x 96 28x108 47.60 53.54 36x120 42x120 42.^4 53.56 11.80 15.19 42x 96 160.65 54x 77 128.84 28x120 59.50 48x 96 48.96 13.08 13.77 42x108 180.73 54x 96 160.63 30x 96 51.00 48x120 61.20 42x115% 192.27 54x108 180.71 30x108 57.37 28x120 16.36 42x120 200.81 54x120 200.79 30x120 63.75 No. 22 30x 96 14.02 42x144 240 87 54x138 230.91 32x 96 54.30 30x101 14.76 48x 77 147.29 54x144 240.95 34x 96 57.70 24x 96 20.40 30x120 17.53 48x 84 160.66 54x156 255.90 36x 77 49.09 24x101 21.46 48x 96 183.60 60x 77 143.16 36x 96 61.20 24x120 25.50 No. 28 48x108 206.55 60x 96 178.48 36x10-5 68.85 26x 96 22.10 24x 96 24x101 26x 96 28x 72 2Sx 84 28x 96 28x108 28x120 30x 96 36x 96 10.20 10.73 11.04 8.93 10.41 11.90 13.40 14.87 12.75 15.00 48x120 229.50 60x120 223.10 36x120 76.50 26x120 27.62 48x138 263.95 60x138 256.57 36x144 91.80 28x 72 17.85 48x144 275.40 60x144 267.72 38x 96 64.60 28x 84 20.83 48x156 54x 77 54x 96 54x120 292.50 165.69 206.57 258.21 60x156 No. 14 24x 96 284.40 51.00 40x 96 40x120 42x 96 42x108 66.70 83.30 71.40 80.32 28x 96 28x108 28x120 30x 96 23.80 26.77 29.75 26.82 54x138 296.94 24x108 57.37 42x120 89.25 30x120 31.87 54x144 309.85 24x120 63.75 42x144 107.10 36x 96 30.60 54x156 329.10 26x 96 55.25 48x 77 65.46 42x 96 38.25 60x 77 183.66 26x108 62.16 48x 96 81.60 36x120 35.70 No. 20 60x 96 229.52 26x120 69.06 48x108 91.80 42x120 44.62 24x101 9.66 60x120 286.90 28x 96 59.50 48x120 102.00 No. 24 60x138 329.94 28x108 66.94 48x138 117.30 No. 30 60x144 344.28 28x120 74.38 48x144 122.40 24x 96 16.32 60x156 365.60 30x 96 63.75 No. 18 24x101 17.17 24x 96 8.16 72x 96 270.00 30x108 71.73 24x 96 32.64 24x120 20.40 30x 96 10.20 Above weights are for steel. For iron deduct 2 per cent. GEO-B-eARPEN*TER S 60. 765 FLAT AND CORRUGATED SHEETS BLACK OK GALVANIZED SHEETS WRITE OR WIRE US FOR LOWEST MARKET PRICE Size 1 Est. wt. per sheet Size Est. wt. per sheet Size Est. wt. per sheet Size Est. wt. per sheet Size Est. wt. sheet Size E»t. wt. per Kheet No. 10 42x120 115 36x 96 52 26x120 30 36x 96 28 30x120 21 24x 96 93 48x 96 105 36x120 65 28x 72 20 36x120 35 36x 96 20 30x 96 116 48x120 131 42x 96 60 28x 84 23 42x 96 32 36x120 25 30x120 145 42x120 75 28x 96 26 42x120 41 36x 96 36x120 139 173 162 202 No. 16 24x 96 43 48x 96 48x120 69 86 28x108 28x120 30 33 No. 26 No. 28 24x 96 24x120 13 42x 96 42x120 24x120 53 30x 72 21 24x 84 13 16 26x 96 46 No. 20 30x 84 25 24X 96 15 26x 96 26x120 28x 72 28x 84 28x 96 28x108 28x120 30x 72 30x 84 30x 96 30x108 30x120 36x 96 36x120 14 48x 96 185 231 264 277 26x120 58 24x 96 27 30x 96 28 24x120 18 17 48x138 48x144 28x 96 50 24x120 33 30x120 35 26x 96 16 11 28x120 62 26x 96 29 36x 96 34 26x120 20 13 30x 96 53 26x120 36 36x120 42 28x 72 13 15 30x120 66 28x 72 23 42x 96 39 28x 84 15 16 No. 12 36x 96 64 28x 84 27 42x120 49 28x 96 17 18 24x 96 73 36x120 80 28x 96 31 48x 96 45 28x108 19 12 30x 96 91 42x 96 74 28x108 35 48x120 56 28x120 21 14 30x120 113 42x120 93 28x120 39 30x 72 14 16 36x 96 36x120 109 136 48x 96 48x120 85 106 30x 72 30x 84 25 29 No. 24 24x 84 16 30x 84 30x 96 16 18 18 20 42x 96 127 30x 96 33 24x 96 19 30x108 20 19 42x120 48x 96 159 145 No. 18 24x 96 24x120 35 43 30x108 30x120 37 41 24x120 26x 96 23 20 30x120 36x 96 23 22 23 48x120 181 36x 96 40 26x120 25 36x120 42x 96 42x120 27 No. 30 No. 14 26x 96 26x120 37 47 36x120 42x 96 50 46 28x 72 28x 84 16 19 25 33 24x 96 24x120 11 13 11 24x 96 53 28x 72 30 42x120 48x 96 48x120 58 55 66 28x 96 22 No. 27 26x 96 26x 96 57 28x 84 35 28x108 24 24x 96 14 26x120 14 26x120 71 28x 96 40 28x120 27 24x120 17 28x 96 12 30x 96 66 28x101 42.33 30x 72 17 26x 96 15 28x120 15 30x120 82 28x108 45 No. 22 30x 84 20 26x120 18 30x 96 13 36x 96 79 28x120 50 24x 96 23 30x 96 23 28x 96 16 30x120 16 36x120 98 30x 96 43 24x120 28 30x108 26 28x120 20 36x 96 16 42x 96 92 30x120 54 26x 96 24 30x120 29 30x 96 17 36x120 20 For ii'on deduct 2 per cent. Above weights are for steel. CORRUGATED ROOFING AND SIDING Our roofing is made of full weight sheets and should be compared with others on a pound price basis. "WTien ordering state length of sheets required, unless other\vise specified No. 28 gauge 2^^ corrugation will be furnished. GALVANIZED BLACK AND PAINTED Gauge Gaupe Gauge Gauge and and and and and Size Size Size Size Size No. 16 No. 20 No. 22 No. 24 No. 27 26x 96 26x 72 26x 96 26x108 26x 96 26x120 26x 84 26x108 26x120 26x120 26x 96 26x120 26x144 No. 18 26x108 No. 26 No. 28 26x 72 26x120 26x 72 26x 72 26x 84 No. 24 26x 84 26x 84 26x 96 No. 22 26x 72 26x 96 26x 96 26x108 26x 72 26x 84 26x108 26x108 26x120 26x 84 26x 96 26x120 26x144 26x120 26x144 Gauge and Size Gauge and Size Gauge and Size Gauge and Size Gauge and Size No. 16 No. 20 No. 22 No. 24 No. 27 26x 96 26x 84 26x 96 26x108 26x 96 26x120 26x 96 26x108 26x120 26x120 26x108 26x120 No. 26 No. 28 No. 18 26x120 26x 72 26x 72 26x 96 No. 24 26x 84 26x 84 26x120 No. 22 26x 72 26x 96 26x 96 No. 20 26x 72 26x 84 26x108 26x108 26x 72 26x 84 26x 96 26x120 26x120 The above sheets are corrugated with standard 2% inch corrugations, and cover 24 inches when placed in position, allowing for lap on each side. We can furnish promptly in addition to the above, sheets of any special width or length corrugated with either 1^4 inch or 2i^ inch corrugations. 49 766 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « Go. RIVETS, STEEL BALLS AND LINK BELT ¥ ¥ ¥ Fig. 860A TINNERS' RIVETS Effective March 19, 1913 In Packages of 1,000 Price per 1,000 In Bulk Price per lb 6 oz. $0.20 $0.28 $0.24 $0.48 S oz. .22 .31 .26 .42 10 oz. .24 .35 .29 .38 12 oz. .26 .39 .32 .35 14 oz. .28 .43 .35 .33 1 lb. .29 .47 .37 .30 114 lb. .32 .54 .42 .27 11/2 lb. .37 .64 .49 .26 1% lb. .41 .72 .55 .25 2 lb. .44 .79 .59 .24 2% lb. .56 1.00 .75 .24 3 lb. .62 1.15 .85 .23 In Packages of 1,000 Price per 1,000 In Bulk Price per lb. Size 1 Black '^^l^ 1 Tin Plated Black 31/2 lb. 1 .72 1 1.34 1 .99 .23 4 lb. 1 .79 1 1.49 i 1.09 .22 5 lb. 1 1.00 1 1.88 I 1.38 .22 6 lb. 1 1.12 1 2.17 1 1.57 .21 7 lb. 1 1.31 1 2.54 1 1.84 .21 8 lb. 1 1.50 1 2.90 1 2.10 .21 9 lb. 1 1.68 1 3.26 1 2.36 .21 10 lb. 1 1.77 1 3.52 1 2.52 .20 12 lb. 1 2.06 1 4.16 1 2.96 .19% 14 lb. 1 2.40 1 4.85 | 3.45 .19 Vz 16 lb. 1 2.77 5.57 1 3.97 .19% 1 List Extras — For oval or countersunk heads, shoulder and pointed or extra le'ngth rivets, add $0.10 per lOOO to list price for each specialty. Net Extras — For tin plating or copper plating, add $0.01 1/2 per pound to net price. For metallio tinning, add $0.03% per pound to net price. "When "tinned" rivets are ordered, metallic tinned are fur- nished. For bright polishing after annealing, add $0.25 net extra per evi^t. List Rebates — For 25 and 50 pound boxes, deduct $0.02. For 100 pound boxes, deduct $0.03 and for 100 and 200 pound kegs, deduct $0.04 per pound from list price. STEEL BALLS 9 9 6^ 9 ® a @ » Fig 860B Size Price Size Price Size Price Size Price inches per 1.000 inches per 1.000 inches per 1.000 inches per 1.000 1 $4.00 ^5 $56.00 li\ $320.00 21/8 $1400.00 3.00 % 68.00 1% 380.00 1.50 11 80.00 liV 440.00 2% 1900.00 JL 2.00 % 96.00 1V2 500.00 21/2 S 2.40 3.20 % 110.00 130.00 1% 550.00 600.00 2% 2400.00 2800.00 14 4.00 \i 150.00 650.00 2% J„ 6.00 1^^ 160.00 1 % 700.00 3 3800.00 ft 8.00 lA 180.00 iVs 780.00 31/4 4600.00 12.00 iVs 200.00 850.00 3 ¥2 5600.00 % 14.00 l-r-*? 240.00 iM 920.00 3% V2 24.00 iVI 280.00 2^ 1000.00 4 8000.00 36.00 Note — Brass, bronze or bell metal take the same list price as steel balls, but not the same discount* DETACHABLE LINK BELT "U^ain No I as I 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 42 | 45 Per foot :JlM^J_^15 | .1 5 | .15 | .1 5 | .17 | .15 Couplers, per pair I -151 .18 I .17 I .17 I .20 I .21 I .20 LlHks in 10 feet 7777 | 133 I 104 | 86 | 86 | 74 | 88 | 74 Chain No ...I 51 I 52 | 5 5 | 57 | 62 | 6« | 67 | 7 5 | 77 | 78 | 83 Per foot |$0.21| .20 | . 18 | .20 | .25 | .26 | 26 I .27 | .28 | .38 | .39 Fig 4X0 Couplers, per pair | .201 .18 | . 1 8 | .21 | .25 | .25 | .25 | .21 | .25 | .28 I..36 Links in 10 feet....| 104 | 80 | 74 | 52 1 73 | 60 | 52 | 46 | 52 | 46 | 30 Chain No I 85 | 88 | 93 I 05 | 103 I 108 I 110 | 114 I 122 | 124 I 146 Per f oot r. r$0-4 9| .48 1^5 4 | .59 | .74 | .7 | .82 | .94 11.25 |1.14 |1.13 Couplers, per pair I .491 .31 | .49 | .60 | .64 | . 8 7 |1.02 | .93 |1.74 |1.31 |1.42 Links in 10 feet I 30 I 46 I 30 | 30 I 39 | 2 51/2! 25%| 37 | 20 | 30 | 20 ~ ~ FOR OTHER STYLES OF RIVETS, SEE INDEX GEO-B-CARPErfTER ^ 60, 767 RIVETS LIST OF BASE SIZES AND EXTRAS Adopted aiarck 7, 1905; April IS, 1906; October 15, 1013 ¥ Fig. 620B Fig. 620C Conntersunk H«Mid Flat Head BASE SIZES Boiler Rivets, standard he ..o5 No. 13 •^ •'-i No. 14 .30 iSS .30% .32% .31 .33 .33 .36 .36 .41 1 .39 ! .44 .40 .46 .41 .51 .43 .56 .45 .58 .46 .61 .47 .64 .51 .64 .56 .66 ■ .61 .69 .66 .71 List Rebates — For 25 and 50 lb. lots deduct $0.02 per lb. from list price. For 100 and 200 lb. kegs de- duct $0.04 per lb. from list price. 768 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter « eo, STANDARD NAIL CARD EXTRA ON STANDARD WIRE NAILS IN KEGS Originally adopted and effective December 1, 1896. Subject to change without notice. COMMON FENCE, SHINGLE, TOBACCO, FLOORING AND COMMON BRADS Advances 20d to eOd.Base 4d and 5d.$0.30 lOd to 16d . $0.05 3d 4.5 8d and 9d .10 2d 70 6d and 7d .20 SVzd Shngle .40 BARBED COMMON AND BARBED CAR NAILS 15 cents advance over common. CASING, SIDING AND SMOOTH BOX NAILS lOd and larger $0.15 8d and 9d 25 6d and 7d 35 4d and 5d 50 3d 70 2d l.OO Barbed Box, 15 cents advance over smooth nails. SMOOTH FINISHING NAILS lOd and larger $0.25 8d and Od 35 ed and 7d 45 4d and 5d 65 3d 85 2d ■ 1.15 SLATING NAILS .$0.80 FINE NAILS 2d, extra fine, 1x17 $1.10 2d, fine 1.00 3d, l%xl5 50 3d, extra fine, l%xl6. 65 4d 50 BARREL NAILS %-lncli. .$1.35 1%-inch. %-inch. . 1.00 %-inch . . .85 1 -inch.. .70 1%-inch. 1%-inch. IVa-inch. $0.60 . .50 . .40 , .30 BARBED ROOFING NAILS %-inch $0.75 %-inch :::::: .65 60 1%-inch . . . . . . .60 55 1% and 13/i-ioch 2 -inch 45 35 CLINCH NAILS (Annealed or Bright) 2d $1.05 3d .85 4d and 5d 65 6d and 7d 55 8d and 9d 45 lOd to 20d 35 HINGE NAILS (Annealed or Bright) 4d $0.80 ed 70 8d 60 lOd and larger J50 BOAT NAILS 25 cents extra over hinge. SPIKES All sizes to »-inch $0.1O 10-inch and larger 25 Special gages 10 cents additional. BARBED DOWEL PINS %-inch. .$1.25 1%-inch. .$0.60 %-inch.. 1.00 1%-inch.. .60 %-lnch.. .85 1%-inch.. .60 1 -inch.. .70 IVo-lnch. . .60 SPEC:iAL EXTRAS ON STANDARD WIRE NAILS Annealed Nails (except Clinch and Hinge), per 100 lbs. extra. Blued Nails, 25c per 100 lbs. extra. Special Heads, 15c per 100 lbs. extra. Special Points, 15c per 100 lbs. extra. Galvanizing All Standard Nails, at special prlcea. LIST PRICES OF MISCELLANEOUS WIRE NAILS Revised February 1, 1910. Subject to change without notice.^ Per pound for*l, 5 or 10-pound packages. In ordering, state whether flat heads or brad heads are wanted. No. No. No. A -INCH No. 23. No. 24. $1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.55 %-INCH No. II No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 24.. No. 25.. No. 26., .$1-00 1.25 1.55 1.90 2.15 2.35 2.55 3.10 .$0:80 . .90 . 1.00 . 1.25 . 1.55 . 1.95 . 2.15 . 2.40 . 2.80 Vz-INCH No. 14 $0.55 No. No. No. 17. No. 18. No. 21., No. 22., No. 23., No. 24., .55 .55 .60 .65 .75 .85 1.00 1.25 1.65 1.90 No. %-INCH No. 13 No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. 12 $0.43 43 .43 .45 .50 .52 .58 .65 .75 .85 1.10 1.45 1.65 %-INCH No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 16., No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. 17 18 19 20 21 %-INCH .$0.36 .36 .36 .38 .38 .42 .43 .46 .52 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. $0.33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .34 .35 .36 .39 .43 .45 .56 .67 1-INCH Nos.7tol2.$0.30 No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. IVs-INCH NOF .7tol 2. $0.30 No, 13... . .31 No 14... . .32 No, 15... . .32 No 16. .. . .35 No 17. . . . .40 No 18. .. . .43 No. 19... . .53 IV, & 1%- INCH Nof .6tol2.$0.29 No 13... . .30 No. 14. .. . .31 No 15. .. . .32 No. 16. .. . .34 No, 17. .. . .39 IVz & 1%-IN. Nos.4tol3.$0.29 No. 14 30 No. 15 31 No. 16 33 No. 17 38 1%-INCH Nos.4tol3.$0.28 No. 14 29 No. 15 30 No. 16 32 No. 17 38 2-INCH Nos.3tol0.$0.27 No. No. No. 13 11 12, 14 29 No. 15 30 No. 16 35 2% -INCH Nos.3tol0.$0.27 No. 11 28 No. 12 28 No. 13 28 No. 14 29 2%-INCH Nos. 3tol0.$0.26 No. 11 27 No. 12 27 No. 13 28 2%-INCH Nos.3tol0.$0.26 No. 11 27 No. 12 27 3-INCH Nos. 3 to 10. $0.25 No. 11 26 No. 12 27 3%-INCH Nos.3tol0.$0.25 No. 11 26 No. 12 27 3% -INCH Nos.3tol0.$0.25 No. 11 26 4-INCH Nos.3tolO.$0.25 No. 11 26 LIST OP EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS FROM LIST PRICES ON MISCELLANEOUS NAILS. SUBJECT TO DISCOUNT For Nails, liner than full gage, apply list price of same length in next finer gage. For example, for No. 181/2 gage use No. 19 list, etc. Nails heavier than listed, at special net prices, according to quantity. Galvanizing, tinning, brass plating, coppering, hluing and annealing miscellaneous nails, at special prices. Deductions for 100-lb. kegs, 2c per lb. For Vz-n. paper boxes, add to list 4c per lb. For %-lb. paper boxes, add to list 8c per lb. For barbing, add to list 2c per lb. For annealing, add to list 2c per lb. For Special Heads or Headless, add to list 2c. For Needle Points or any Special Points, add to list 2c. For lengths not listed, use list price for same gage' in nearest shorter length. Deduction for 25 and 50-lb. boxes, Ic per lb. GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER S SO. 769 COMMON BRADS ^m Size Length Inches Gage No. Approx. No. to lb. Extra over Base I'rice 2d 1 15 876 $0.70 3d 1% 14 568 .45 4d 1% 12^ 316 .30 5d 1% 12^ 271 .30 6d 2 11% 181 .20 7d 2y4 11% 161 .20 8d 2^ 1014 106 .10 9d 2% 10% 96 .10 lOd 3 9 69 .05 12d 3% 9 64 .05 16d 3y2 8 49 .05 20d 4 6 31 Base 30d 4y2 5 24 Base 40d 5 4 18 Base 50d 5^ 3 16 Base 60d 6 2 11 Base FLOORING BRADS Length inches 6d 2 7d 2% 8d 2% 8d 2y2 9d 2% lOd 3 12d 3% 16d 3% 20d 4 11 11 10 11 10 9 157 139 99 115 90 69 54 43 31 Extra over Base Price $0.20 .20 .10 .25 .10 .05 .05 .05 Barbed nails furnished in all sizes and styles at $0.15 per 100 lbs. over smooth. CASING NAILS size Length inches Gage No. Approx. No. to lb. Extra over Base Price 2d 1 15 y2 1010 $1.00 3d ly* 14% 635 .70 4d 1% 14 473 .50 5d 1% 14 406 .50 6d 2 12% 236 .35 7d 2y4 12% 210 .35 8d 2y2 11% 145 .25 9d 2% 11% 132 .25 lOd 3 10% 94 .15 12d 3% 10% 87 .15 16d 3% 10 71 .15 20d 4 9 52 .15 30d 4% 9 46 .15 40d 5 8 35 .15 FINISHING NAILS Fig. 653D Size 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd 12d 16d 20d 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d Length inches 1 ly* 1% 1% 2 2y4 2% 2% 3 3y4 3% 4 Gage No. 16% 15% 15 15 13 13 12% 12% 11% 11% 11 10 1351 807 584 500 309 238 189 172 121 113 90 62 Extra over Base Price $1.15 .85 .65 .65 .45 .45 .35 .35 .25 .25 .25 .25 SMOOTH BOX NAILS Length inches Gage No. 1 IV4. 1% 1% 2 2% 2% 2% 3 314 3% 4 4% 5 15% 14% 14 14 12% 12% 11% 11% 10% 10% 10 Extra over Base Price 1010 635 473 406 236 210 145 132 94 88 71 52 46 35 $1.00 .70 .50 .50 .35 .35 .25 .25 .15 .15 .15 ' .15 .15 .15 BARBED BOX NAILS Size Length inches Gage No. .Vpprox. No. to lb. Extra over Base Price 2d 1 15% 1010 $1.15 3d ly* 14% 635 .85 4d 1% 14 473 .65 5d 1% 14 406 .65 6d 2 12% 236 .50 7d 2y4 12% 210 .50 8d 2% 11% 145 .40 9d 2% 11% 132 .40 lOd 3 10% 94 .30 12d 3y4 10% 88 .30 16d 3% 10 71 .30 20d 4 9 52 .30 30d 4% 9 46 .30 40d 5 8 35 .30 FOR HAMMERS, CLAW BARS Barbed nails furnished in all sizes and styles $0.15 per 100 lbs. over smooth. AND NAIL PULLERS, SEE INDEX GEOBeAR.PEM"TER S CO. TOBACCO NAILS — — -_- . Extra Size Length Gauge ABprox. inches No. No. to lb. Price 4d iy2 12 274 $0.30 5d 1% 12 235 .30 6d 2 11 157 .20 7d 21/4 11 139 .20 8d 21/^ 10 99 .10 9d 2% 10 90 .10 lOd 3 9 69 .05 Also furnished in needle point, $0.15 advance. BOAT NAILS, LIGHT Fig. 654B Size Length Gauge Approx. Extra over Base inches No. No. to lb. Price 4d iy2 A 82 $1.05 6d 2 i\ 62 .95 8d 21/2 z% 50 .85 lOd 3 % 22 .75 12d 3% % 20 .75 16d 31/2 1/4 18 .75 20d 4 V^ 16 .75 BOAT NAILS, HEAVY - Extra Size Length Gauge Approx. inches No. No. to lb. Price 4d 11/2 1/4 44 $1.05 6d 2 1/4 32 .95 8d 21/2 1/4 26 .85 lOd 3 % 14 .75 12d 31/4 % 13 .75 16d 31/2 % 12 .75 20d 4 % 10 .75 Barbed nails furnished in all sizes and styles at $0.15 per 100 lbs. over smooth. BARBED ROOFING NAILS Fig. 654C Size Length Gauge Approx. Extra inches No. No to lb. Price % % 13 714 $0.75 Vs 7s 12 469 .65 1 1 12 411 .60 IVs IVs 12 365 .60 11/4 iy4 11 251 .55 1% 1% 11 230 .55 11/2 1V2 10 176 .45 1% 1% 10 151 .45 2 2 9 103 .35 SLATING NAILS Fig. 6.540 Size Length Gauge Approx. Extra over BasP inches No. No. to lb. Price 2d 1 12 411 $0.80 3d iy4 loya 225 .60 4d iy2 10 yz 187 .40 5d 1% 10 142 .40 6d 2 9 103 .30 SHINGLE NAILS Size Length inches Gauge No. Approx. No. to lb. Extra over Base Price 3d 3y2d 4d 1% iy2 13 i2y2 12 429 1 $0.45 345 .40 274 1 .30 Barbed nails furnished in all sizes at $0.15 per 100 lbs. over smooth. FENCE NAILS Fig. 654F sue Length Gauge Approx. Extra over Base inches No. No. to lb. Price 5d 1% 10 142 $0.30 6d 2 10 124 .20 7d 2y4 9 92 .20 8d 2y2 9 82 .10 9d 2% 8 62 .10 lOd 3 7 50 .05 12d sy* 6 40 .05 16d 3y2 5 30 .05 20d 4 4 23 Base CLINCH NAILS Bright or Annealed Blight Clinch Nails will be Furnished Unless Otherwise Ordered llnnnnrm- [^ks^~-» Fig. e54E . Length Gauge Approx. inches No. No to lb. Price 2d 1 14 710 $1.05 3d 1^/4 13 429 .85 4d iy2 12 274 .65 5d 1% 12 235 .65 6d 2 11 157 .55 7d 2Vi 11 139 .55 8d 2y2 10 99 .45 9d 2% 10 90 .45 lOd 3 9 69 .35 12d sy* 9 62 .35 16d 3% 8 49 .35 20d 4 7 37 .35 Barb ed nails ft irnished in all sizes a nd styles at $0.15 per 100 lbs. over smooth. G£0-B-eARPEN*TER « CO. 71 HINGE NAILS, HEAVY TRACK XAILS, COUXTEKSUXK HEAD Diamond or Chisel Point. Will be Furaished with Chisel Point Unless Diamond Point is Specified In Ordering Hinge Nails Specify Whether Oval or Countersunk Head, Light or Heavy, Annealed or Bright Conntersnnk Extra Approx. J. Base No. to lb. p^i^g 4d 1^ % 50 $0.80 6d 2 ¥4 38 .70 8d 21/2 ; ¥4 30 .60 lOd 3 : %" 12 .50 12d 3y4 %" 11 .50 16d 31^ %" 10 .50 20d 4 %" 9 .50 HINGE NAILS, LIGHT Size Length inches Gauge No. Approx. Xo. to lb. over Base Price 4d 1 Vz ' 1% 82 $0.80 6d 2 fs 62 .70 8d 2% fn 50 .60 lOd 3 Vi 25 .50 12d 3% % 23 .50 16d 3% 1 V4 22 .50 20d 4 1 V4 19 .50 Barbed Nails furnished in all sizes and styles at $0.15 per 100 lbs. over smooth. BARREL NAILS Gauge No. Extra No. to lb. % % 15% 1615 $1.35 % % 15% 1346 1.00 78 % 141/2 906 .85 1 1 141/2 775 .70 1% 1% 14% 700 .60 1V4 iy4 14 568 .50 1% 1% 13 400 .40 1% 11/2 13 367 .30 FINE |: mm NAILS Size Length inches Gauge No. Approx. No. to lb. Extra over Base Prioe 2d 1 16% 1351 $1.00 3d 1V8 15 778 .50 4d 1% 14 473 .50 *2d 1 17 1560 1.10 *3d 1% 16 1015 .65 *Extra fine. BARBED CAR NAILS, HEAVY In Ordering Car Nails be Sure to Specify Whether Light or Heavy, Annealed or Bright, Oval or Flat Head Figr 6.57F. Oval Head Size Length Gauge Approx. Extra over Base inches No. No. to lb. Price 4d 1% 10 165 $0.45 5d 1% 9 118 .45 6d 2 9 103 .35 7d 2% 8 76 .35 8d 2% 8 69 .25 9d 2% 7 54 .25 lOd 3 7 50 .20 12d 31^ 6 42 .20 16d 3% 6 35 .20 20d 4 5 26 .15 30d 4% 5 24 .15 40d 5 4 18 .15 50d 5% 3 15 .15 60d 6 3 13 .15 BARBED CAR NAILS, LIGHT Size Length Gauge Approx. Extra over rta.se inches No. Price 4d 1% 12 274 $0.45 5d 1% 10 142 .45 6d 2 10 124 .35 7d 2% 9 92 .35 8d 2% 9 82 .25 9d 2% 8 62 .25 lOd 3 8 57 .20 12d 3% 7 50 .20 16d 3% 7 43 .20 20d 4 6 31 .15 30d 4% 6 28 .15 40d 5 5 21 .15 50d 5% ' 4 17 .15 60d 6 4 15 .15 SMOOTH FOUNDRY NAILS No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 T.enerth V> inch V-' inch Vo inch V" inch inclies Hoad Head Head Head % $0.60 $0.70 $0.80 $0.90 ■% .50 .60 .70 .80 1 .40 .50 .60 .70 IVs .35 .45 .55 .65 IV4 .30 .40 .50 .60 1% .25 .35 .45 .55 1% .25 .35 .45 .55 2 .20 .25 .35 .45 2% .15 .20 .30 .40 2% .15 .20 .30 .40 2% .10 .15 .25 .35 3 and longer .05 .10 .20 .30 Barbed Fc )undry Nj lils $0.15 advance. 773 GE0-B-(2AIiPEJfTER ^ eo. STERILIZED BLUED LATH NAILS ^ftCfcCC Size Length inches Gage No. Appros. Number to lb. Extra over Base Price 2d 2d light 3d 3d light 1 1 161/2 17 15 16 1351 1560 778 1015 $1.25 1.35 .75 .90 Lathers carry the nails in the mouth while at work and it is, therefore, from the standpoint of health sanitation, necessary to have the nails free from all injurious substances. Polished or bright nails cannot be made or kept entirely clean owing to process of manufacture as well as the effect of atmospheric conditions. BERRY-BOX NAILS Fig. 656B Diamond or Needle Point, Barbed Flat Head Size inches Length inches Gage No. Approx, Number to lb. Extra over Base Price % % 16 1500 $1.35 % % 16 1300 1.25 1 1 16 1150 1.15 IVa IVs 16 1010 1.15 1% IV4 16 910 1.00 Unless otherwise specified, barbed needle points, will be furnished. rig. 656C AMERICAN FELT ROOFING NAILS Count Length Gage Diameter of Heads per lb. inches No. inches 180 1 12 % 195 % 12 % 162 1 11 % 175 78 11 % A large head nail especially designed for use in laying prepared roofing material. This nail, having an extra large head and thin shank, meets admirably the requirements for placing all pre- pared roofing. The head is reinforced on the shank so that it will not easily pull or break off. LARGE HEAD BARBED ROOFING NAILS U rig. 656D Approximate Number of Nails to the Pound CIGAR BOX NAILS Cigar* Box Nails are made with short square point, or if so ordered with short round point. Bright, barbed or smooth. Made in sizes % inch, % inch, % inch and % inch of either No. 18, No. 19 or No. 20 gage. Packed in kegs, 25 lb. boxes and in 1 lb., 5 lb. or 10 lb. packages. Flat or oval heads, as ordered. Oval head, $0.15 per 100 lbs. extra. BLUED HOOP FASTENERS lis to lb. I 212 to lb. 1 In. long 9/16 in. long No. 6 gage I No. 9 gage 308 to lb. 1/2 in. long No. 101/2 gage 976 to lb. % in. long No. 13 gage Packed 100 lbs. or 110 lbs. to the keg. Also furnished galvanized. SHEET ROOFING FASTENERS Curved or Flat Head. Illustration shows Curved Head rig. 656r Made in Following Sizes: Length inches Eianietcr Approximate Count per lb. 6 Vs inch 46 7 i/s inch 40 8 Vs inch 34 9 Vs inch 31 10 Vs inch 28 12 i/s inch 23 14 Vs inch 20 8 No. 10 gage 30 9 No. 10 gage 27 10 No. 10 gage 24 12 No. 10 gage 20 Annealed or galvanized. ^^ No. 8 — V2 inch head No. 9 — V2 inch head No. BYz — V2 inch head No. 10 — ■{'^ or V2 inch head Sold on standard % 205 252 266 290 % I 1 11/h 1% 1% 1% in. I in. in. | in. in. in 158 193 205 224 142 173 184 201 128 156 167 183 108 131 141 154 93 113 122 133 nail base, ^vith special extras. PLASTER BOARD rig. 056G NAILS A smooth nail with diamond point and V2 inch flat head. Lengths 1, 1% and 1% inch. Size Nos. 9, 10 and 11. 9 and 10, V2 inch head. 11, t'^ inch head. Sold on standard nail base, with special extras. MEAT TAG FASTENERS Packed 1000 in a carton, 150 cartons to the case. Also in kegs. Approximately 1000 to the pound. Coppered or tinned. 3vS."!?*Gi|e Fig. 656H GEO-B-eAKPEN*TER S So. 773 STEEL ESCUTCHEON PINS Length (Inches) 3/16 1/4 3/S 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 Wire Gauge No. 10 1 1 ! No. 11 No. 12 i No. 13 No 14 Use Miscellaneous Wire Nail List plus $0.04 per lb. extra for the needle points and round heads of the escutcheon pins. No 15 No. 16 No. 17 No 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 i No. 22 1 ' ' Extras Add to list $0.04 per lb. for y^. lb. paper boxes. Add to list $0.08 per lb. for % lb. paper boxes. For sizes not appearing on the list, use the list prices for the desired gage in the nearest shorter length. Pins heavier than listed at special net prices, according to quantity. Tinned, galvanized, coppered and brass plated pins at special prices. Deduction from List Prices For 25 lb. and 50 lb. boxes deduct $0.01 per lb. from list prices. For pins in 100 lb. kegs deduct $0.02 per lb. from list prices. CLOUT NAILS OVAL HEAD HINGE NAILS (Sometimes called Trus.s Head Nails) Side View, Showing Side View. Showing Thinness of Point ^Vidtl of Point Lengrth inches Gauge Approximate Number Extra Over Standard to Pound Base Trices % No. 15 1160 $1.30 78 No. 14 808 1.15 1 No. 14 705 1.00 IVs No. 14 628 .90 ly* No. 13 423 .80 1% No. 13 390 .75 1V2 1 No. 13 350 .60 BROOM NAILS Are usually % inch or % inch long, made from No. 14 or No. 15 wire, with flat or star heads. SHADE NAILS Needle pointed, slightly countersunk, flat head, smooth nails, 3*2 inch diameter heads. No. 13 gauge wire. Large Oval Head, Long Square Point fc inch and 14 inch by 1 14 inch, 1% inch, 2 inch, IVz inch, 2% inch and 3 inch. Packed in Kegs, and 50, 25, 10 and 5 Lb. Boxes Packed in Kegs, and 50, 25, 10 and 5 Pound Bo.xes Approximate Number Per Lb. 3,16-inch V4-inch 1 1/^ inch 81 47 1 % inch 68 41 2 inch 61 33 2 1/4 inch 54 31 214 inch 48 28 2 % inch 45 26 3 inch 41 24 BASKET NAILS Are usually % inch or % inch long, made from No. 18 wire nails and sold on Miscellaneous List and Discount. 774 GEOBeAR.PEK"TER « CO. I APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WIRE NAILS PER POUND 1 Wire <>age 3/16 V. % Vs. % % % 1 IVs 1% iy2 1% 2 ^,. 2y2 2% 3h 4 4% 5 6 7 8 » 10 111 12 .T 33 34 45 52 60 72 85 99 120 137 165 198 251 329 429 701 913 1246 1655 2133 3000 27 29 38 44 50 60 71 82 100 115 138 165 209 274 357 473 584 761 1038 1379 1778 25 32 37 43 51 60 71 85 98 118 142 179 2-35 306 406 500 653 890 1182 20 28 32 38 45 53 62 86 103 124 157 204 268 350 438 571 IS 19 25 29 34 40 47 55 67 76 139 238 315 389 508 16 17 26 30 .36 42 50 60 69 82 99 125 164 214 284 350 15 16 21 24 28 33 39 45 54 62 75 90 114 149 195 12 13 16 19 26 30 35 43 49 59 71 90 117 153 10 11 14 16 19 23 26 31 37 43 52 62 79 103 9 10 13 14 17 20 24 28 33 39 46 55 70 8 11 13 15 18 21 25 30 41 50 7 8 10 11 13 15 18 21 25 29 6 7 8 9 11 13 It 5 i 4% 10 4% 5% 6V4 7% 3%i3% A 57 65 76 90 106 123 149 172 207 248 314 411 536 710 876 1143 1558 2069 2667 3750 4444 50 58 67 80 94 111 133 153 184 220 279 365 476 631 778 1015 1385 1839 2370 3333 5 6 5>^ 3 100 120 141 164 200 229 276 333 418 548 714 947 1168 1523 2077 2758 3556 5000 5926 7618 103 121 141 236 359 469 613 811 1001 1305 1781 2364 2933 4400 5079 4 211 247 299 345 414 496 822 1072 1420 1752 2280 3116 4138 5334 7500 8888 11428 169 197 239 275 331 397 502 658 857 1136 1402 1828 2495 3310 4267 6000 7111 9143 18 7 S 10 663 837 1096 1429 1893 2336 3048 4156 5517 7112 10000 11850 15237 12 13 14 20000 23702 30476 2S40 3504 4571 6233 8276 10668 15000 17777 22856 ■ 16 17 18 oo . . , . These approximate numbers are an average changes in the dimensions of tlie heads or points, table shows, and large or thick headed nails will FENCE STAPLES Full Size 11^ in. IVa in. Annealed, polished or galvanized. When made of No. 9 wire, base prices apply. Also made of Nos. 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 wire, for which extras are charged. Packed in kegs containing 100 lbs, at base price. Also packed in 5 lb., 10 lb., 15 lb., 25 lb. and 50 lb. boxes, for which extras are charged. Prices on staples up to 3 inches in length, special wide spread staples or gages not list- ed, furnished on request. only, and the figures given may be varied either way, by Brads and no-head nails will run more to the pound than run less. POULTRY NETTING STAPLES Full Size Cuts, Galvanized In bulk or packed in 100 lb. kegs, also in 50 lb., 25 lb., 10 lb. or 5 lb. wooden boxes; also in 5 or 10 lb. paper boxes; also in % lb., Vz lb. or 1 lb. papers. All 5 and 10 lb. paper packages are packed in wooden boxes for shipment. Number of Poultry Netting Staples to the Pound % inch. No. 14 480 % inch. No. 14 416 1 inch, No. 14 352 WIDE TOP OR RIBBON WIRE STAPLES Approximate Length No, to I.b. No. 9 Gage % 120 1 108 IVs 96 ly* 87 11/2 72 1% 65 2 5 8 1 in. %in. % in. For stapling flat twisted ribbon wire. Cut from No. 9 wire in 1 % inch, 1 % inch and 2 inch lengths. Price same as fence staples. GALVANIZED WIRE HOOP STAPLES Used for Putting on Wire Hoops Fnii Size Number of Galvanized Wire N^'.\4Gase^w?;eH°°P ^^^^^^^ ^o the pound. % inch, No. 14 568 Vz inch, No. 14. ... 610 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ GO. 775 GALVANIZED WIRE BOAT NAILS ROUND HEAD, CHISEL POINT BOAT NAILS No. Length 100 lb. Kegs 60d 6 inches; base per lb. 50d ^Vz inches; base 40d 5 inches; base 30d 41/^ inches; base 20d 4 inches; base 16d 31^ inclies extra 12d 31/4 inches lOd 3 inches 9d 2% inches 8d 21^ inches 7d 21,4 inches 6d 2 inches 5d 1% inches 4d 11/^ inches 3 1/2 d 1 % inches 3d 11/4 inches 2d 1 inches $0.05 .05 .05 .10 .10 .20 .20 .30 .30 .40 .45 .75 Size % inch per lb- $0.23 Size Ya inch " .20 Size 1 inch " .18 Size li/s inch " .17 Size 11^ inch " .17 Size 1 1/2 inch " .16 Size 1% inch " .16 Size 2 inch " .15 Size 2 1/4 inch " .15 Size 2 1/^ inch " .15 Size 2 % inch " .15 Size 3 inch " .15 Size 3 ^ inch " .14 Size 3 1/2 inch " .14 Size 3% inch " .13^^ Size 4 inch " .131-6 Size Size Size Size Size ROUND HEAD, BLUNT POINT BOAT NAILS % inch. % inch. 1 inch. IVs inch, 11/4 inch, per lb. $0.18 .15 .13 .13 .12 Size Size Size Size Size 1% inch 1% inch 2 to 214 inch , 2 y2 to 2 % inch , 3 to 6 inch , per lb. $0.12 .12 .12 .11 H DRIFT BOLTS Any style 01 • rows wide, 20 rows long. Six dozen in carton. Price per doz .$1 .00 No. PALMETTO SCRUB BRUSH Pure palmetto stock; square block; very full; face 12x2% inches; 5 rows wide, 17 rows long. One dozen in carton. Price per doz $1 .25 CAR OR WINDOW BRUSH Full stock; black or gray horse hair; face size 101/^x31/2 inches; 6 rows wide, 2 rows long. One dozen in carton. Price per doz. without handles $4.75 WINDOW SQUEEGEES 12 inch Per doz. 14 inch 16 inch 18 inch Handles E.\tra $3.00 3..'50 4.00 4.50 FOR SOAPS. LYE, WASHING POWDER, MOP PAII.S. ETC.. SEE INDEX 784 Geo-BCarpen'ter ^ eo FLOOR, COUNTER AND PITCH BRUSHES 14-iiich Floor Sweep. Fig. 873A Full stock — Best Grey Tampico or high grade Palmetto. Face Size 16x4 1^ inch. Price — Grey Tampico $6.00 per dozen with handles Price — ^Palmetto 5.75 per dozen with handles Packed 1 dozen in carton. 16-inch Floor Sweep. Full stock — Best Grey Tampico or high grade Palmetto. Face Size 18x4 i/^ inch. Price — Grey Tampico $7.00 per dozen with handles Price — Palmetto 6.75 per dozen with handles Packed 1 dozen in carton. 18-inch Floor Sweep. Full stock — Best Grey Tampico or high grade Palmetto. Face Size 20x4% inches. Price — Grey Tampico $8.00 per dozen with handles Price — ^Palmetto 7.50 per dozen with handles Packed 1 doz. in carton. Counter Dusters Bench Brush Fig. 872B Extra Quality Pure Bristle, Grey Center, White Casing, Cement Set, Red Polished Blocks. 8 inch, length of stock 2 % 9 inch, length of stock 2 % 10 inch, length of stock 3 Vs 11 inch, length of stock 3 Packed y^ dozen in carton nches $12.80 nches. ..... 14.40 nches 19.20 inches 29.60 Fig. is-ZC Grey Tampico stock; flaring end Bench Brush, face size 10i^xl% inches, 3 rows wide — 21 rows long. Price one dozen in carton. .Per doz. $1.40 Floor Brushes Fij?. S72D Red Polished Blocks, Two Threaded Handle Holes, Polished Handles, Grey Russian Bristle, 3% inches long, Cement Set. 14 inch. List per dozen $50.40 16 inch. List per dozen 57.60 Super Knotted Roofing Brushes Fij?. 610 Our knotted roofing brush, made like oval paint brushes, fastened securely to a heavy block, for use in roofing paint, with longr handles, all gray Russia bristle. 2 knot, 4 Per doz. J^34.00i 3 knot, 414 " 50.0O 4 knot, 4^ " 65.00 IS inch. List per dozen $67.20 20 inch. List per dozen 80.00 Ship Seam Brushes minflla Fig. 872E No. 1. Per dozen $3.40 Xo. 2. Extra large, per dozen 4.50 GEOBeAR.RErfTER S CO, 785 BRUSHES AND BROOMS Fig. 873A KALSOMINE BRUSHES — "CANTON" Pure Chinese Bristles — Long Stock Per doz. Width 6 inches, length 4% Inches $20.00 Width 7 inches, length 4% inches 27.50 Width 8 inches, length 5 inches 32.50 KALSOMINE BRUSHES — "RUSSIA" Per doz. Width 6 inches, length 3V4, inches $11.00 Width 7 inches, length 3 % inches 14.00 Width 8 inches, length 3% inches 16.50 W All No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7. No. 10. No. 20. No. 30. No. 40. No. 50. No. 60. Fls. 873B Standard "Wliltewasli Heads HITEWASH HEADS — "FAVORITE" White Russia Bristles — Brass Bound Per doz. Width ^6 inches, length 2% inches $4.80 Width 7 inches, length 2 % inches 6.25 Width 8 inches, length 3 inches 8.25 Width 81/2 inches, length 3^/4 inches 11.00 Width 8 inches, length 3 Vo inches 15.00 Width 8 inches, length 4 inches 21.50 Width 8 V2 inches, length 4 % inches 28.00 Width 9 inches, length 4 % inches 37.50 Width 9 inches, length 5 inches 44.00 Width 9 inches, length 5 i/4 inches 51.00 For Handles, See index. WHISK Price BROOMS List No. duaUty sew Color Finish Lengtli Cap Price per Kress 10 4 5 180 580 c i A 2 2 2 , 2 1 2 Green Red Orange Orange 1 Orange Hurl-Plash Cap Hurl-Plush Cap Hurl-Tin Cap Hurl-Nickel Cap Hurl-Braid Cap 7% 7% 71/2 7y2 7y2 $10.00 13.00 16.00 18.00 23.00 786 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO BRUSHES SET IN RUBBER— INLAND LAKE The "holding parts" of Inland Lake Brushes are all metal, and the bristles, ferrule and handle are forced together under high pressurie, making it impossible for the brushes to "slied bristles" or come apart, no matter ho^v long the dealer may carry them in t^'ock. They are ab- solutely' guaranteed to hold and to >vork satisfac- torily in paint, varnish, shellac, hot glue, or any other mixture or preparation that vflll not injure or destroy the bristles. They are the neatest Brush on the ni>arket, and the easiest for the me- chanic to keep clean. The strongest metal bound Brush in the world. They will v»-ear up closer without becoming stiflf or stubby. They will not "finger" or "swallow tail." INLAND LAKE (RUBISTO) PLAT VARNISH BRUSH Fig. S71A Best selected Chinese bristles, chisel pointed, eixtra long and heavy. Nickel bound, oval handle. Width, inches ^^"Iriche"*''" Price each 1 2 21/2 3 3 31/4 $0.40 .60 .90 1.10 1.50 INLAND LAKE (RUBISTO) WALL BRUSH Pig. 871B Brass bound; varnished handle. Best selected white Russian bristles. Extra long and flexible. Width, inches Length of Hair inches Price each h 3V^ 4 4% m $0.70 .80 1.10 1.40 1.80 2.40 3.00 INLAND LAKE (RUBISTO) OVAL A ARNISH BRUSH Fig. 1-0 Selected Chinese bristles, chisel pointed, nickel ferrule. An excellent painters' brush. No. Length of Hair inches Price each 1-0 i:§ 7-0 9-0 2% 2% 3% 3% 4^4' $0.90 1.10 1.30 1.80 2.40 INLAND LAKE SPECIAL SUPER WALL BRUSH Fig. S71D Extra long' selected black Chinese bristles, nickel ferrules, red polished Beaver Tail handles. Width, inches | Length, inches I 3 ¥2 4 41/2 4% 4 $3.00 4.00 4.50 INLAND LAKE REGULAR WALL BRUSH Fig. S71E Extra long selected black Chinese bristles, very full and heavy, nickel ferrules, red polished handles. Width, inches | Length, inches | 3 31/2 4 $1.40 2.00 2.50 PAINTERS' DUSTER Fig. S71F All our dusters are set with pitch, extra block and warranted to hold. No. Description Length of Hair inches Price each 3 14 25 Gray mixed Bristles black outside White outside, gray, bristles middle 4% $0.70 1.10 ?.oo r- GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO. 787 PAINT, GLUE, AND BRONZING BRUSHES 'NEUTRAL" WALL BRUSH Fig. oi:: An exoelleut brush, carried in stock for those not requiring; a brush of our "Inland I.ake" or "Ru- bisto" grade. Heavy metal bound; varnished handle. High grade bristles. AVidth, 214 inches; length, of bristles, 31/2 inches each $«.:J0 A\ idth, 3 iucheti; length of bristles, 3 % inches " -^O AVidtli, 3Vi: Inches; length of bristles, 4 inches " ••'>♦* "Width, 4 inches; length of bristles, 414 inches " •«© "NEUTRAL" OVAL VARNISH BRUSH Fig. 013 Good grade Chinese bristles, chisel pointed, nickel ferrule. An unusual value for the price asked. Ko. 1-0. Length of hair, 2% inches each $0.35 Ko. 3-0. Length of hair, 2% inches " .40 >o. .">-0. Length of hair, 3% inches " .S.l Ko. 7-0. Length of hair, 3% inches " .7.% No. 9-0. Length of hair, 414 inches " 1.00 RADIATOR BRONZING BRUSHES lis. 014 Same general construction as "Neutral" brushes, described above. Metal bound. Good quality of bristles. AVidth, 1 y. inches each »0.35 AVidth, a inches ••*.» "Width, SVa inches BRISTLE MARKING BRUSHES 55 "NEUTRAL" SASH TOOL French bristles, round cedar handles, tin ferrules. per doz. »0.40 1 So. 4 per doz. ^O.-'iO .40 >o. .1 " .60 .45 I No. « " .75 Assorted 1 to 6 per doz. »0.45 No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. each S0.13 .20 Fig. OIG Made of high grade elastic bristles. Oval, chisel pointed with well finished handle. No. 2. Length of bristles, IV2 inches.. No. 4. Length of bristles, 1% inches.. No. 6. Length of bristles, 2 inches.. No. 8. Length of bristles, 2 Vs inches.. EXTRA GLUE BRUSHES Fig. 017 Made of Russia bristles. Has iron handle to prevent shrinkage, and metal ferrule. Warranted to stand hot elue % inch diameter 34 inch diameter % inch diameter 1 inch diameter 1% inch diameter 11^ inch diameter STENCIL BRUSHES .per doz. .15,3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.50 6.75 No. 3- No. 2-0. No. 1-0. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Fig. OlS All white' bristle, tin band on small sizes, zinc on larger sizes, yellow finished handles. A good, full ordinary brush. No. 1. Dia.. V> in.; length, 1 in.. per doz. $ 2.40 No. 2. Dia., % in.; length, 1% in.. " 2.60 No. 3. Dia., % in.; length, I'/g in.. No. 4. Dia., % in.; length, 1% in.. No. 6. Dia., IVg in.; length, 1% in.. No. S. Dia., Wi, in.; length, 1% in.. Dia.. 1% in.; length, 1% ' 2.00 3.40 5.00 6.10 8.00 No. 12. Dia., 1% in.; length, 1% in.. " 10.40 We also furnish those brushes in a better grade, for those who want something better. The solid niclicl ferruies eliminate all chance of stencil ink working through and soiling the hands. White bristles, solid nickel ferrules. No. 40. Dia., 1 in.; length, I14 in. per doz. $10.40 No. .SO. Dia., m. in.; length, 1% in. No. 200. Dia., l»/& in.; length, 1% in. No. 400. Dia., 2 in.; length, 2 m. No. 600. Dia., 2% in.; length. 214 m ■ i.OO 17.20 27.00 54.00 788 GEO-B-eARPErfTER S So. MOP WRINGERS AND SUPPLIES JAMES ORR BOILER COMPOUND A concentrated puiifier having a vegetable base, strengthened by the addition of certain sol- vents famous for their power to precipitate all scale forming substance. This compound is not an expense because it saves ten times its cost every time it is put into a boiler. Liquid in barrels and half barrels per gal. liquid in 5 and 10 gal. jacket cans Powder in 50 and 100 lb. boxes per lb. Paste in 50 and 100 lb. boxes " Bricks $0.90 1.20 .10 .10 .11 POLISHING BOXES Tin and Brass Pig. BP4 Two Sectioned Box without Cover stock No. Material List Price each BPl Tin $3.00 BP2 Brass 4.00 Three Sectioned Box with Cover Stock No. Material List Price each BP3 Tin $5.00 BP4 Brass 6.00 HOLY STONES stock No. Dimensions, inches List Price BP5 9x6x4 $6.00 BP6 8x6x4 5.40 BP7 • 7x5x4 4.80 MOP WRINGER A compact, strong mop wringer. Feet are con- cave and will not scratch or mar floors. Rolls are made of thor- oughly seasoned hard maple. Frame is made of Bessemer Rolled Steel. A sanitary wring- er for sanitary purposes. Price each $3.50 PRESERVO Colors, Brown and White This waterproofing preparation has proven very satisfactory for covering canvas material of all kinds. It makes the material to which it is applied very soft and pliable and will keep it from mildewing in any climate. It does not freeze in cold weather and has been found very satisfactory when used in the Arctic regions. Put up in ... . Bbls. 5 gals. 1 gal. M gal. Price $1.00 $1.20 $1.10 $0.40 USES OF PRESERVO Awnings, Bags, Baskets, Beltings, Blankets, Buildings, Cases Land Use — Brewery mats, shipping and stor- ing covers for agricultural machinery, etc., hay- stacks, contractors' uses, wagons, horses, saddles, packs, road rollers, guns, army stores, protection of fruits from frost, bales of all kinds, umbrellas, milk cans, ice cream pails, outside steam-pipe covers, ash-can covers, fertilizer bags, curtains, cushions, flags, furniture, harness, hose, mud- guards, nets, packings, shades, sails, signs, tents, tops, etc. Marine Use — Motor boat spray-hoods, laying- up covers, engine covers, dinghy covers, etc. Larger Vessels — Hatches, binnacles, tele- graphs, life boats, working boats, sounding ma- chines, lead-lines, sails covers), decks, deck- loads, skylights, rapid-fire and other naval guns, windlasses, stores, water-wings. PERFECTITE Colors White and Brown A waterproofing com- pound in senii-paste form. Can be thinned with gaso- line, linseed oil, or any other drying oil that may be desirable to use. On closely woven fab- rics one gallon of gaso- line to a pound or one and one-half pounds will make the fabric waterproof, but on open goods two pounds to a gallon of liquid should be used. One coat is usually sufficient if applied uniformly with a brush. It does not injure the fabric or material to which it is ap- plied. It should be applied on material that is perfectly dry in order to penetrate. It is not intended to remain on the surface and give a glossy finish but to penetrate and be absorbed by the fabric, making it waterproof through and through. In cans of 1 lb., 2 lb., 5 lb., 25 lb., 1 00 lb. Price, per lb $0.50 GEO-B-CAIiPElTTER S Co, 789 LADDERS AND STAGES STAGES Sides and slats made of clear Norway pine with hickory rungs, put together with heavy screws and made strong and safe in every respect. Lengths 14 to 28 feet per foot $0.30 Cross bars with Lignum Vitae rollers. per pair 2.00 PAINTERS' FALLS ■\Ve are among the largest nianufaoturers of Painters' Falls in the country. Send us your speci- fications, stating diameter of rope and length of fall. ^Ve A\'ill quote interesting prices. All Falls are fitted with two single and two double blocks, spliced in, ready for use. Steel hooks per pair $4.00 Upper slings, 1 in. rope " 1.00 Stirrups, 1 in. rope " 2.00 Guy lines per lb PAINTERS' TRESTLES Cut represents one trestle or half a pair. /V/ \\ Lengths 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, Ir^l -^W 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet. r/ ; ;\_\\ *• Sizes of rails proportionately / ' *■: — ^»\ increased to length of trestles. 2. Clear pine' sides. 3. Holes bored at correct angle /\ \ to eliminate binding of \' — W rungs where let into side.s, / \ \\ thus avoiding undue stress. 7 \ ""W '*' riungs of best hickory turned / \' \\ with oval center IVs inch to L *-^ U 1 inch at end and let into side with tenon 1 inch long and secured with nails driven edgewise into stile through rung. 5 to 10 feet per foot $0.2S 12 to 16 feet " .SO 18 to 20 feet " ,32 "ALCO" STEP LADDERS The "Aloo" is finished in natural wood. Extra wide steps and top. A steel rod re-inforces each step. Top secured with malleable bracket.s, rivet- ed to the stiles. Metal parts galvanized or aluminum bronzed per foot $0.32 <'IXL." A good substantial step ladder per foot "Household." Good enough for ordinary purposes per foot .20/ Standard lengths are 4 to 12 feet. Step ladders with shelf, $0.02 per foot additional. DROP CLOTHS 7 oz. Size Feet ■Drilling Duck 9x12 each 12x15 " 14x16 " ;; ■ Any Slate to Order Prices on Aplication G. B. C. & Co.'s IMPROVED ROPE LADDER AND FIRE ESCAPE Wire Rope % inch diameter galvanized wire rope, with % inch diameter steel rungs per foot $0.35 Manila Rope ?4 inch diameter manila rope, with % inch diameter hickory rungs per foot $0.25 WINDLASS EXTENSION LADDERS Weight 314 lbs. per foot. 24 to 50 feet long per foot $0.26 LONG LADDERS Weight 2% lbs. per foot. S to 20 feet long per foot $0.14 PATENT EXTENSION LADDERS Weight 3 lbs. per foot Made of clear Norway pine, hickory rungs well put together with long heavy screws. This ladder has a separate iron on each side of it, so con- structed that it cannot bend or get out of order. These irons have friction rollers which make the ladder extend easier. 20 to 40 feet long in two sections. .. .per foot $0.20 Over 40 feet long in three sections. ... " .20 Additional 1.50 790 GEO-BCAliPErfTER ^ So. WIRE ROPE SAFETY STRAPS AND BAILS Illustrated on this page are the new SAFETY STRAPS AND BAILS for painters' and tuck pointers' stages, now required by the Factory Inspection Department of the State of Illinois. This type of safety sti-ap is the only one now permitted, and your job will be stopped if you use stages which are not equipped with the authorized wire rope straps and bails. By referring to the engravings it will be noted that the object of the safety strap and bail is to prevent the fall of the scaffold should the 2x4 cross pieces on which it is carried break. Should this wooden support break, the wire rope safety strap will catch and hold the platform, as the loops of the bail are held in place at each end by bolts, thus very greatly reducing the liabil- ity of accident We are manufacturers of these' bails and straps and can fur- nish them promptly in any size wanted. They are made in strict conformity with the specifications laid down by the State Factory Inspection Departmer Price eac A — Thimble. g li — % inch galvanized steel running rope. C — Splice. D — % inch bolt, 1 inch sleeve washer, 3 inches from ends of 2x4 cross piece. E — % inch safety strap (cable). TUCK POINTERS' SCAFFOLDS A one-piece stirrup and crossbar, forged from %-inch wrought iron. Used by tuck pointers, as required by Illinois State Factory Inspection. List price per pair, plain $ 9.00 List price per pair, with rail guard 15.00 SAFETY NETS We also manufacture safety rope nets as pro- vided for in Section 5 of the "Structural Safety Law" of the State of Illinois. These nets are stretched below trusses to prevent injuries to men on account of slipping or being pushed. The State Factory Inspection report says in part: "This department recommends the adop- tion of these nets, not only to contractors, but also to the various State departments and City commissions, as a practical device. Contractors in Illinois are pleased with them and the work- men claim they inspire a feeling of security, which enables. them to go about their work with greater freedom." These nets are made of the best % inch Manila rope with % inch rope border. Meshes are 6 inches square. Made in strict accordance with the specifications of the Factory Inspection Department, State of Illinois. Prices on request. GEO'B-eARPEhfTER S CO. ^91 BINKS WHITEWASHING, PAINTING AND SPRAYING MACHINES For Spraying Wliitewash, Cold Water Paints, Insecticides, Disinfectants, Etc. STYLE "A" style "A" is one of the largest Hand Power Spraying Machines manufactured and is especially adapted for those having considerable work to perform such as warehouses, factory establishments, etc. KQUIPMEXT Spray Pipe complete with ^4 inch Cock and Spray Nozzle, 1 extra Spray Tip, 200 lb. Pressure Gauge, special galvanized Sieve, FoUov/er Wrench, % inch Discharge Cock, one length 1 inch Suction Hose and 20 feet 'V2 inch Discharge Hose. Styles A and B have the above equipment and C and D the same with exception of hose, which is 10 feet. Style B, C and D are constructed along the same practical lines as Style A, the difference being in capacity only, as follows: Wt., lbs. I Style Capacity Each 100 A Equal to the work of 30 men $44.00 85 B Equal to the work of 20 men 38.00 80 C Equal to the work of 16 men 31.00 75 D Equal to the work of 10 men 25.00 STYLE "J" Legs can be taken off and put over barrel. This style is one of our most popular sellers. The machine is well designed, light consistent with strength and is adapted for all spraying purposes. It is constructed of the same high grade materials throughout as our other styles having all brass working parts. Brass Ball Valves and Removable Seats. One man can operate this machine alone and from 80 to 9 lbs. pressure maintained. Capacity equal to work of six men with brushes. EQUIPMENT Spray Pipe complete with % inch Cock and Spray Nozzle, Follower Wrench and 10 feet of % inch Discharge Hose. Weight 4 lbs. Price each $12.60 STYLE "F" style «J" Style "F" portable, self contained. Tank made of extra heavy galvanized, 20 gallons capacity, reinforced with steel bands at top and bottom. Pump furnished has seamless brass cylinder and all brass working parts. A mechanical agitator operates at each stroke of the pump. The most efficient portable outfit manufactured, designed for transporting over rough sur- faces and through narrow passageways. Truck is equipped with heavy wide faced iron wheels. style "F" EQUIPMENT Spray Pipe complete with % inch Cock and Spray Nozzle, one extra Spray Tip, 200 lb. Pressure Gauge, special galvanized Sieve, Follower Wrench and 10 feet % inch Star Special Discharge Hose. Weight 110 lbs. Price each $32.00 FOR l^GAVER SPRAYING MACHINES, BRUSHES, PAINTS, CANS. KTC, SEE INDEX 792 GEO'B-eAljPEM'TER S Go. BINKS SPRAYING MACHINES For the Contractor, Orchardist, Gardener, Farmers and Growers style No. 28 Style No. 15 Style No. 21 STYLE No. 13 Style No. 15. Binks' Improved Barrel Sprayer. Has all Brass Cylinder, Brass Ball Valves, 32 inch Wheels. Dasher Agitator operates at every Stroke of the Pump. Capacity of barrel 30 gallons. Machine furnished complete as illustrated with 10 feet i/^ inch Discharge Hose, Stop Cock, Spraj' Pipe and Nozzle. Net weight 90 lbs. Gross weight 105 lbs. Pi-ice $25.00 STYLE No. 21 Style No. 21 General Purpose Sprayer. Our biggest seller. Many thousands of these machines are giving excellent service about the home, truck farm, orchards, etc. Machine is portable, well balanced, light, consistent with strength and has many improvements over other machines of a similar design. Has large Iron Air Chamber which insures a constant- steady pressure, and will operate against 125 lbs. pressure. Mechanical Agitator operates at every stroke of the pump and at the same time washes all sediment from suction strainer, thus preventing any possible chance of clogging. EQUIPMENT Furnished complete as illustrated and described with 10 feet Star Vz inch Special Discharge Hose and Couplings, Spray Pipe, complete with i/4 inch Cock and Spray Nozzle. Price $18.73 STYLE No. 28 Style No. 28. Where there are a large number of trees to be sprayed and a high pressure is required, this is the best style to use. The double Fulcrum (found on this Pump only) eliminates the hard labor of pumping. It is not tiresome to maintain a pressure of 150 lbs. Cylinder 2 V^ inch diameter, 3^4 inch stroke. Piston Case Bronze, outside packed. Valves and Seats. Bronze Balls. Seats cast bronze, replaceable, accessible by removing two bolts. Air Chamber, Steel Boiler Tube 6 inch diameter, 24 inches high. This size allows the operator to pump and rest alternately. ^ „ ^^ EQUIPMENT AND PRICE Outfit No. 1 — Pump complete as illustrated, 8 feet 1 inch Suction Hose and Pressure Gauge, net weight 125 lbs $40.00 j^Outfit No. 2 — Pump complete, 8 feet 1 inch Suction Hose, Pressure Gauge, 10 feet % inch Discharge Hose and Couplings, Iron Spray Pipe, % inch Stop Cock and Spray Nozzle 44.50 Outfit No. 3 — Same as No. 2 but with 25 feet Vz inch Discharge Hose and Couplings 47.50 Outfit No. 4 — Pump complete, 8 feet Suction Hose, Pressure Gauge, two 25 foot lengths Vz inch Discharge Hose and Couplings, 2 Iron Spray Pipes, each equipped with V^ inch Cock and Nozzle 54.50 STYLE No. 17 Style No. 17. Exceptionally popular low priced Barrel Sprayer, unexcelled for orchard use. Can be used in connection with any barrel. It is neat, compact, adjustable, durable and efficient. EQUIPMENT Cylinder 1% inch Seamless Brass Tubing, Brass Ball Valves seated on re- movable Brass Seats. Air Chamber 2x28 inches. Agitator, twin paddle type, simple and very effective. Handle, Malleable Iron. Clamping device requires no Style No. 17 drilling to attach to barrel, simply adjust by turning set screws. Net weight 35 lbs., gross weight 4 5 lbs. Accessories, Hose, Nozzles, etc., extra. Price $10.00 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « CO, 793 WHITE LEAD, PUTTY AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES '5J|iCAco.)i-^- PUTTY about 800 lbs., "We carry all the popular brands. One make is substantially tlie same as another, as evei-y chemist knows. Strictly pure with us is strictly pure. In 500 lb., 300 lb., 100 lb., .50 lb., 25 lb. and 121/2 lb. kegs. 5 lb., 3 lb., 2 lb. and 1 lb. cans. Lowest marltet price on application. CH.\MOIS SIvIXS Fig. 405A Domestic Skins Suitable for Straining Gasoline, Etc. Size, inches Price, each Size, inches Price, each 12x16 16x21 ?0.44 20x26 26x28 Imported French Skins, the Highest Grade on the Market. For Washing Automobiles, Yachts and Hydroplanes Size, inches I Price, each Size, inches Price, each 27x30 \ $230 19x21 23x25 $1.40 1.70 SPONGES Best Quality Rock Island Full Forms Fis. 40.'>B Suitable for yachts, automobiles and all high class work. 3 to 4 equal 1 lb. Per ounce $0.45 Best Quality Cuba Sheeps Wool Cuts Suitable for painters' use and ordinary work. 4 to 6 equal 1 lb. Per Pound $2.75 Florida Yellow Sponges For coarse and rough use. 3 to 4 equal 1 lb. Per pound $2.75 Barrels, lbs lOO lb. Tin Jacket Kits. 25 lb. Tin Jacket Kits... Blnddcrst Spreads smoothly and the knife; dries with a and never shrinks or cracks SSS.'V INLAXD LAKE PUTTY AND SCRAPING KNIVES per 100 per cwt. $5.50 per cwt. 5.50 ..per lb. .08 ..per lb. .09 freely under hard surface Fis. 3S3B Size 1. Putty Knife, narrow blade. A cheap knife each $0.20 Size 2. Putty Knife, elastic blade 3%xl^ inches, metal ferrule. A service- able knife each .50 Size 3. Putty Knife, elastic, rosewood handle, blade 3?4xli4 inches. Best grade. Each 70 SCRAPING KNIVES Furnished with 2i/4 inches or 3 inches blade, stiff or elastic. A medium priced serviceable knife. Scraping- Knife of best quality. With cocobolo handle, with 2iA or 3 inch blade'. Either stiff or elastic. A first quality knife. Price, each $0.70 ▼ GLAZIERS' POINTS In V4 lb. Papers One dozen papers in package. No. 1. Large per doz. papers $0.80 No. 2. Medium per doz. papers .80 Fig.3S3CXo. 3. Small per doz. papers .80 G LASS CUTTERS Fig. 3S3D No. 7. Iron handle, painted red, except polished cutter head; single M. F. "Perfect-Cutting" wheel; packed each cutter in an individual pasteboard box and one dozen boxe's in a carton. Price each $0.10 No. 30O. Hardwood handle, stained and enam- elled; nickeled head with six removable M. F. "Per- fect-Cutting" wheels; each wheel numbered; packed one each in a pasteboard box. Price, each $0.30 STEEL WOOL ONE LB. NET Fig. 365 steel Wool is a mass of fine fibre of steel re- sembling curled hair, which while sharp, does not .scratch, but will cut as smoothly as the finest abrasive material heretofore used. It is the best article for rubbing off varnish, shellac, etc., for various use's where sandpaper, pumice stone and other rubbing materials are used, and doing the work quicker, honce saving time, labor and cost and making it easier for the workman, as he can do the work better and quicker. ,,.,,.. Being soft and pliable. Steel Wool adapts itself to the shape of carvings, mouldings, etc., going into places where sandpaper, etc., do not get in. Steel wool does not clog up or gum up and can be used to the last particle. No. o is about equal to GO sandpaper. Per lb *0.e5 No. 1 is about equal to sandpaper. Per lb $0.50 No. 2 is about equal to % or 1 sandpaper. Per lb • $0.47 No. 3 is about equal to 1% or 2 sandpaper. Per lb $'••45 One pound In a package. m GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER^ eo. WATER AND WEATHERPROOF COATINGS IXLAXD LAKE GRAPHITE PAIXT Equal to any and superior to most graphite paints on the market today. We fully appreciate the fact that there are as many different "best" graphite paints as there are fish in the sea, and we have no hesitancy at all in recommending Inland Lake brand as being as good, or better a value than you have ever secured for the money. A trial will at once convince vou. BbLs. ^ bbls. 5 gals. 1 gal. $1.40 gal. $1.40 gal. $1.45 gal. $1.50 gal. PAINt IXLAXD L.1KE COX- CRETE AXD CE3IEXT PAIXT Ready for Use White, cream, colonial yel- low; light, medium and dark cement; stucco brown, terra cotta, stucco green. Cement or concrete construction will absorb mois- ture and such discolored surfaces are very unsightly. Inland Lake concrete and cement paints will pro- tect in a thorough manner, any exterior concrete surface, producing a uniform and pleasing surface. Bbl)«. { 1/2 bbls. 5 gals. Gal. $1.85 gal. 1 ?1.90 gal. $1.95 gal. ?2.00 Jmaivd Lajg ^OHCRETE FLOWf PAINT «EAOY FOR USE IXLAXD LAKE COX- CRETE FLOOR PAINT Ready for Use Eight Attractive Colors Concrete floors, no matter how smooth or carefully made, will give off a sharp dust. This is particularly objectionable in engine rooms or where machinerv ':. For economical reasons, if for nothing f :se. such floor.s should be covered with Inland Lake Concrete Floor Paint. One or two coats will save machinery from too-rapid deterioration and make an attractive and easily cleaned floor. Bbls. % bbls. 5 gals. Igal. $1.85 gal. .$1.90 gal. $1.95 gal. $2.00 gal. IXLAXD LAKE WOOD PRESERAATRE American Substitute for Carbolianium Avernius Creosote Creosote products are now being used for preservation of wood more than ever before. The use is not confined to fence posts; tele- graph and telephone lines, as well as railroad ties are being treated before using, and longer and better service is being secured. Insure your pole line and posts against the ravages of decay. Bbls. I 14 bbls, I 5 sals. SO. 65 gal. $0.70 gal. 1 sal. »0.75 gal. ;o.so IXLAXD LAKE WAGOX AXD IMPLEMEXT PAIXT It has been proven time after time that wagons and imple- ments which have been painted, will not only look better but give better service because the wood is protected. A wagon and imple- I ment paint, in order to I give satisfaction, must I necessarily be tough I and must not crack ! nor peel. All these points have been close- ly watched in the man- ufacture of the Inland Lake Brand and its use on your wagons and tools will mean additional service insurance. Colors; Bloe, green. *vermilion. yellow, Zjlack. ^ ,^ ^9 M Price 1 sral. cans ' % sral, cans dnarts Color.except* Color* $1.80 gal. $1.90 gal. 2.50 gal. 1 2.60 lal. $2.00 gal. 2.70 gal. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « Co. (95 RUST, HEAT AND WATERPROOF PAINTS IXLAXD LAKE REDULL Ready for ITse A structural iron primer of red lead color. A rust pre- venting paint of ex- ceptional value as a priming coat on vessel bottoms, in- side of hulls, or any metal surface. A high quality- paint which has made its own place in the ranks through unusually satisfactory service. Put up Bbls. S2.00 gal. V-. bbls. 5 gal. kits 1 gal. cans = 2.10 gal.' -52.15 gal. . $2 25 gal. IXI^IXD LAIvE BLACK BOILER FRONT AXD SMOKE STACK PAINT Smoke stacks and boiler fronts subjected to ve; • high heat, bottoms of - holders and inner par: = tanlis subjected to the ac- tion of water, require a specially prepared paint. Linseed oil chars at about 500 degrees and does not withstand water as well as a special mixture. Our experience with Inland Lake Smoke Stack Black, and the high satisfactory results obtained by users of It leads us to recommend it to anyone requiring a good paint for such a surface. Put up in. I Bbls. Price ! $0.S0 gal. v:. bbls. $0.S5 gal. I 5 sal. kits g0.90 gal. 1 sal. can.s $1.00 gal. IXLAXD LAIvE ATR.13IEXT PAIXT Ready for Use A black paint of specially prepared lampblack, oil and varnish. Does not dry flint hard like red lead or oxides. Iron surfaces paint- ed with Inland Lake Atrament after ten years service can be dented with the thumb nail. Such a paint will never crack nor peel. It will keep moisture from any surface and is of particular value on large surfaces, such as bridges or train sheds. Put up I in Bbls. I V. bbls. o gal. kits |1 sal. cans Price.. 51.55 gal.i $1.60 gal. $1.70 gal. j $1.75 gal. IXLAXD LAKE WATERPROOF COATIXG Ready for Use A transparent, colorless liquid for waterproofing concrete surfaces. Does not leave a film on the surface, but penetrates, closing all pores and keeping out all moisture. Does not change the color of any surface it is ap- plied to. If a change in color is desired, use In- land -Lake Concrete and Cement Paint after you put on one coat of Inland Lake Waterproof Coating. It is not an experiment, and is in use on some of the biggest concrete jobs in the country right now. It is the best of its kind and will mean money in the pockets of anyone interested in protecting concrete work against moisture and dampness. Put up in. .1 Bbls. Price I $1.S5 gal. i;> bbls. 15 sal. kits il sal. cans $1.90 gal. I S1.95 gal. I $2.00 gal. IXLAXD LAKE ELASTIC STEEL COATIXG Ready for Use Red, Brown and Black An excellent rust- proof paint. "Will not crack under changes of temper- ature. The most perfect protection made for galvanized iron. Can be used with very good re- sults on wood. As a protector for rood, steel and galvanized iron it is hard Put up I In Bbls. ' ^i bbls. 5 sal. kits 1 cans Price . . $1.55 gal.:$l.fi5 gal. $1.70 gal. ' ' $1.75 gal. ixlaxd lake heat axd waterproof exa:mels Ready for Use Tuscan Red, "White. Green, Maroon Red, Gray and Blue For surfaces subjected to heat and which should be enameled, we offer our line of Inland Lake Heat and "V^'aterproof Enamels. Prepared especially for use on steam engines, reg- isters and similar sur- faces. A trial will at once convince you of the quali- tv behind this particular member of the Inland Lake family 5 sal. kit> $2.15 gal. 1 sal. cans $2.25 gal. 796 GE0-B-(5ARPEffTER « So. MISCELLANEOUS PAINTS W^ INLAND LAIiE MILL WHITE A durable, sanitary, illu- minating coating for fac- tory and mill interiors. An oil paint prepared ready for use. The first coat has great covering capacity, and dries with a flat finish. The second is a gloss coat that is dust and germ proof. One of the best Mill White paints on the market today. It is easily cleaned when necessary by washing. Economical to use and easy to apply. Lasts longer than other mill paints, paints of this kind. We have not seen its equal Pot up In I Bbls. 1st coat quality$1.20 gal. 2nd coat quality 1.35 gal. In powder forni$0.04y2lb. 1/2 Btol. $1.25 gal. 1.40 gal. $0.05 lb. 5 gals. $1.30 gal, 1.45 gal 50 lbs. $0.06 lb. INLAND LAKE COLD WATER PAINT Ten colors, white and black. Dry powder form and is made ready for use by simply mixing with cold water. For inside or outside work. Can be ap- plied by brush or machine, and can be used to good effect in factories, ware- houses, stables, freight sheds, etc. It will not turn yellow, nor will it chip off. Wears three times as long as whitewash. Put up in. . . I Bbls. jlOO lb. Drum|50-lb. Druin|5-lb. Pkgs, Price, per lb.| $0.07 $0.09 $0.( $0.10 INLAND LAKE HOT WATER KALSOMINE White or tints For general interior decorating. A variety of tints and strong colors. It is prepared so anyone, by following the easy instructions, can do good work. Put up in IBbls. llOO-lb. Drum |50-lb. Drum|5-lb. Pkg. Price, per lb. | $0.07 I $0.08 I $0.09 I $0.10 TINTING COLORS IN OIL In making these colors only the very best and strongest pigments are used. They are ground ex- ceedingly fine in pure linseed oil and can always be relied upon to be of uniform strength. Drop Black. Raw Sienna. Lampblack. Burnt Sienna. Prussian Blue. Vandyke Brown. Ultramarine Blue. Chrome Green. Raw Umber. Light Oak Graining. Burnt Umber. Dark Oak Graining. Chrome Yellow. Ash Graining. Yellow Ochre. English Vermilion. Tuscan Red. American Vermilion. Indian Red. Rose Pink. Venetian Red. PRICES ON APPLICATION INLAND LAKE SPECIAL PAINTS Where price is a factor, quality is some- times the last thing thought of in offering a piece of merchandise, and the user is forced to all sorts of sacrifices as a consequence. Thia is not the case with Inland Lake special con- struction paints. These paints are good, honest, substantial, durable paints that will give you more than average service in what- ever way they may be used. COLOR CARDS SHOWING ALL COLORS MAILED UPON REQUEST COLORS Ivory. Sea Green. Light Straw. Azure Blue. Light French Gray. Apple Green. Cream Color. Cream Tint. Light Lead. Medium Olive. Light Fawn. Lemon. Pure Lead. Turquoise Green, Terra Cotta. Olive Green. Lead Color. *Deep Ivy Green. Ceiling Blue. Columbia Drab. Shell Fink. Blue Gray. Pale Blue. Pure Light Gray. Dark Blue. Gray Stone. Light Peach. *Deep Scarlet. Dark Fawn. Neutral Gray. Victoria Red. *Blind Green. Bronze Green. Lemont Stone Indian Red. Seal Brown. Also Black and White. Put up in 5 gals. 1 gal. % gal. Quarts Price except* $7.00' $1.50 $0.80 $0.45 Price, with * 8.25 1.75 .90 .50 DRY COLORS We carry a large' and varied stock in different shades of English Vermilion. American Vermilion. Ultramarine Blue. Chrome Green. English Venetian Red. Prince's Mineral. Iron Ores. Directions for usin fc* Yellow Ochre. Germantown. Lampblack. Carbon Black. Red Lead. White Lead. Zinc White, or any information per- taining thereto, we shall be glad to forward on application. PRICES ON APPLICATION GEO-BCAliPErfTER « eO, 797 INLAND LAKE YACHT WHITE Ready for Use A white which is white on any other white. Has a semi-gloss, dries quickly. Is heavy bodied enough to permit of thinning with turpentine if a specially flat surface is desired. It is a paint which can be scrubbed, washed and patched. Is used on Cup Defenders and the highest classes of Yachting Crafts. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $3.75 % gal. $1.90 Quart $1.00 STANDARD YACHT WHITE A scientifically prepared machine mixed paint composed of pure white lead and pure zinc white combined in such proportions as to insure the greatest durability. Absolutely free from make weight or adulteration. Specially adapted for yachts, vessels or outside work. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $2.50 V2 gal. $1.35 Quart $0.70 MARINE WHITE A good, honest, reliable snow white paint for outside purposes, not so expensive as yacht white. It will give good results. In cans of. Price i gal. $2.20 V2 gal. $1.15 Quart $0.60 INSIDE WHITE A strictly pure paint for interior work, possess- ing good body and wearing qualities. It should never be used for outside work; will not crack, flake or change color. In cans of. I Price 1 gal. $2.25 1/2 gal. $1.15 Quart $0.60 INLAND LAKE YACHT WHITE FLAT Is similar in every respect to our Inland Lake Yacht White, only this has a flat finish. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $3.75 V2 gal. $1.90 Quart $1.00 INLAND LAKE YACHT BLACK Ready for Use A full gloss black paint rich in lustre. It gives a fine and lasting finish. Will not turn gray. Will rub in 24 hours. Will wear longer and retain its black longer than any black made. In cans of. Price 1 gal.* $4.50 1/2 gal. $2.35 Quarts $1.20 STANDARD YACHT BLACK Similar in quality and description with Standard Yacht White. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $2.75 V2 gal. $1.45 Quart $0.75 MARINE BLACK A pure semi-gloss black paint, in general de- mand by the larger steamships plying the Great Lakes. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $2.20 V2 gal. $1.15 Quart $0.60 • COLUMBIA BLACK Will be found an economical and convenient paint for painting large surfaces where expense must be considered. In cans and bbl. Price . . . Bbls. V2 bbls. $0.85 gal.|$0.90 gal. 5 gals. $0.95 gal. Igal. $1.00 INLAND LAKE YACHT BLACK FLAT Is similar in description to our Inland Lake Yacht Black with the exception of having a flat finish. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $4.50 V2 gal. $2.35 Quart $1.20 798 GEO-BCAIiREM'TER ^ (EO. INLAND LAKE MARINE PAINT READY FOR USE Our complete line of Marine Paints is fully- described in our Marine catalogue, which also shows our full line of Marine Supplies. A copy of this book will be sent upon receipt of 20 cents. COLORS No. No. 731. Ivory. 717. Greenish Stone. 597. French Gray. 41. Green Gray. 591. Light French 664. Medium Olive, Gray. 721. Cardinal Red. 86. Blue Gray. 690. Greenish Tint. 92. Gray Stone. 710. Sea Green. 694 Light Lead. 526. Apple Green. 724. Blue Lead. 660. Light Olive. 534. Lead Color. 704. Olive Green. 651. * Tuscan Red. 711. Nile Green. 525. Robin's-Egg 708. Moss Green. Blue. 652. Ivy Green. 686. Deep Ivy 728. Ceiling Blue. Green. 584. * Cobalt Blue. 590. Lemon Yellow. 729. Shell Pinlc. 698. Cream Tint. 537. Pearl Gray. 680. Yellow Stone. 541. Light Helio- 527. Bedford Stone. trope. 539. Bro«-n Buff. 42. Light Terra Cot- 695. Drab Stone. ta. 533. Yellow Brown. 666. Pompeian Red. 655. Turquoise 581. * Light Green. Green. • 595. Light Straw. 732. Maroon. 682. Canary. 544. Dark Green. 542. Yellow Drab. 730. D. & C. Green 693. Modish Tan. 731. Black. 697. Leniont Stone. 732. AVhite. ALIi THE ABOVE WITH OR WITHOUT GLOSS, AS DESIRED COLOR CARD FREE UPON REQUEST Colors, except * Colors, with * Gals. $2.20 2.50 Half gals. $1.15 1.35 Quarts $0.60 .70 PRICES IN BARREL LOTS ON REQUEST In Buff, Venetian Red, Spmce, Dark and Light Lead, and Light and Dark Green Are quite different from ordinary paints for the reason that the components are so selected and put together as to secure the maximum resistance to the usual wear and tear to which floors and decks are subject. An important property of these paints is that after they have become well set or nearly dry, water will harden them. They are equally good for vessels' decks or ordinary floors, whether applied ovei* the usual canvas coating or to bare wood. In cans of. . Price 1 gal. $1.65 V2 gal. $0.85 Quart $0.45 French White Zinc. Green Seal. Paris Brand French Zinc Whites are unequaled by any white paint now on the market. Made by the French or Belgian process, they give the maximum of whiteness when ground in poppy-seed oil and thinned for use with clear spirits of turpentine. This paint, over a proper foundation, will give a fine, smooth, velvet-like finish that cannot be surpassed. Driers contain- ing lead base should not be used, as they tend to discolor the zinc. 25 lb. tin pails per lb. $0.25 121/2 lb. pails " .26 5 lb. cans " .28 1 lb. can " .3 Geo-B-Carpen'ter ^ eo. 799 INLAND LAKE MARINE PAINTS ANTI-FOULING COMPOSITION, COPPER PAIXT, BRONZES, POT LEAD, ETC. mmn INLAND LAKE BRONZE Anti-Fouling: Paint The best copper bronze paint on the market. For bottoms of racing- yachts and motor boats. The liquid and powder are in separate packages and mix easily in any quantity desired. Do not confound this with ordinary bronze liquid. It is entirely different, being- a wood preservative as well as a insecticide for marine growths. 1 sal. $7.00 % gal. $3.60 Quart $1.85 INLAND LAKE COMPOSITE For bottoms of all steam and sailing- vessels, either wood, iron or steel. Gives a fine sailing bottom and will keep in all climates. Absolute freedom from fouling. Colors: Red, green, -^vhite and brown. In cans of. Price 1 sal. $3.00 V2 gal. $1.65 Quart $0.85 DEVOE'S METALLIC COPPER PAINT Made in three shades — brown, red and green. An anti-fouling paint, for use on the bottoms of vessels. The vessel may be put in the water as soon as the paint has been applied. In cans o£. . . 1 gal. 1/2 gal. Quart Green $3.00 $1.60 $0.90 Red 2.50 1.35 .80 Brown 2.50 1.35 .80 VERNOSITE BRONZE Colors: Natural copper, sea green and vermilion. A pure copper bronze incorporated with "Verno- slte" Spar varnish. It will protect bottoms from barnacles and sea growth, while the smoothness of the vainish makes it desirable for the bottoms of racing yachts. In cans of. Price 1 sal. $5.00 14 sal. $2.60 Quart $1.35 KOPPER KOTE Colors: Natural copper and bronze green. The pigment of this coating is pure copper mixed with a liquid specified by the government as the best under-water preservative. Will not turn color or foul under any conditions and is suitable for wood or steel bottoms. 1 sal. $8.50 % sal. $4.35 Quart $2.20 INLAND LAKE POT LEAD COMPOSITION Consists of just the proper amount of PURE GRAPHITE for a highly polished result and is combiised.with the best known wood preservative. "Will materially reduce the "skin friction" of any craft and is more durable. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $2.50 %> gal. $1.35 Quart $0.70 BOOT TOP PAINT Colors' Red and Green v^oiors: tteu and (.reen Made so it will stand the rapid changes from wet to dry better than any paint brought to our notice. ■p^AAn \-mir wntpr liriA rl i c;i^A»'»TiKli:> to arj^ neiier iiian any paint hro Keep your water line discernihl In cans of. Price 1 sal. $2.50 /- gal. $1.35 Quart $0.70 STAINS, FILLERS, SEAM PAINTS AND CANOE ENAMELS INLAND LAKE SEAM COMPOSITION AND SEAM PAINT For deck and all other seams, or for any place where a perfectly tight joint is wanted. It does not become hard, swelling and shrinking with the wood and iron. One hundred pounds of seam composition will fill 3,000 feet of a seam 1,4 inch wide and V4, inch deep, for which two gallons of Seam Paint are required. Composition in 25 and 12i^ lb. cans. .. .per lb. $0.13 Composition in 5 and 2 lb. cans.... " .16 Paint in V2 gallon cans each $1.20 Paint in 14 gallon cans " .65 Paint in Vs gallon cans " .45 Paint in i\ gallon cans " .30 LIQITID WOOD FILLER In 1 gallon cans each $2.00 In V2 gallon cans " 1.10 In Yi gallon cans " .60 OIL STAINS Ash, Cherry, Dark and Light Oak, Mahogany, Rosewood, and Walnut. In 1 gallon cans each $1.80 In Vz gallon cans " .85 In quart cans " .50 VARNISH STAINS Colors, Cherry, Mahogany, Rosewood. Oak, Golden Oak, Walnut and Malachite Green "Varnish stains are made for work that isn't im- portant enough to employ a painter. Better give it a finishing coat of good varnish. If what you want to stain has never been painted, or has been painted a dark color, or has been varnished, give it a coat of light buff colored paint before staining. Use plenty of turpentine in making the buff color. In cans of. Price 1 sal. $1.85 % gal. $0.95 Quart Pint $0.50 I $0.35 OIL STAINS Colors: Cherry. Mahosany, Rosewoiod, Light Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, Ebony, Green Oil stains are made for painters, but anyone can use them. They must be covered with one or more coats of varnish. They work best on bare wood. If you want to stain something that has been painted or varnished before and can't get the old coat off, paint it with a coat of light buff before you stain it. In cans of. Price 1 gal. $1.60 Vz gal. $0.85 Quart Pint $0.45 I $0.25 DEVONIAN SPIRIT STAIN No. 58. Malachite Green. No. 57. Dark Mahogany. No. 54. Golden Oak. No. 53. Weathered Oak. No. 52. Antwerp Oak. No. 51. Mission Oak. No. 50. Flemish Oak. For finishing interior surfaces in natural wood colors with one application, producing a flat or dead finish. The Mission or Antique effect frequently desired is obtained by the use of these stains at a trifling cost for material and labor. Surfaces treated with these stains may be further finished with Hard Wax Polish if a' semi-gloss, satin-like surface is wanted. In cans of. Price t gal. $2.50 y- sal. $1.35 Quart $0.70 Pint $0.40 CANOE ENAMELS Colors: Indian Red, Vermilion, Moss Green, Tus- can Red, Orange, Emerald Green, Dark Gray and Yale Blue Our Canoe Enamel will dry quickly with a high gloss of weather-resisting qualities; unaffected by sun or w^rter. Quart Pint $1.25 I $0.65 800 GEO-B-eARPElfTER S QO, VARNISHES AND ENAMELS INLAND LAKE FLOOR VARNISH For finishing and preserving floors, scratch or turn white. In cans of i 1 gal. Price I $2.50 1/2 gal. $1.35 Will not Quart $0.70 INLAND LAKE INTERIOR FINISH A high grade interior varnish. Is not affected by gases, steam or water; dries dust free in six to eight hours and may be rubbed to a dull finish in 48 hours and polished in four to five days. In cans of Price ..11 gal. . ..| $2.50 1 V2 gal. 1 $1.35 Quart $0.70 INLAND LAKE No. 1 COACH VARNISH Our own brand; a durable and elastic varnish for inside or outside work. In cans of Price ..11 gal. . .1 $2.00 V2 gal. $1.10 Quart $0.60 INLAND LAKE DAMAR VARNISH Made from the best selected Damar gums. Not adapted for use on furniture or outside work. In cans of I 1 gal. Price I $2.50 % gal. I Quart $1.35 I $0.70 INLAND LAKE EXTRA HARD OIL FINISH Specially adapted for fine interor work; dries in twelve hours with fine lustre. In cans of I 1 gal. Price 1 $2.50 1/2 gal. $1.35 Quart $0.70 INLAND LAKE SPAR VARNISH A varnish specially manufactured for us, guar- anteed in every respect. It will not turn white, crack or blister. In cans of I 1 gal. Price I $3.00 V2 gal. $1.65 Quart 1 Pint $0.85 I $0.50 INLAND LAKE MOTOR BOAT FINISH A high grade varnish. Quick drying, of great durability; will not turn white. Useful in emer- gencies for touching up, chafing, etc. „ In cans of I 1 gal. Price I $4.00 Vz gal. $2.10 Quart $1.10 CROCKETT'S SPAR COMPOSITION Crockett's Spar Composition is composed of the best material purchasable. It is the most durable, the best known and has the largest sale of any marine varnish manufactured. Positively salt and fresh waterproof, it is invaluable for exterior marine work of every kind and as its name indi- cates, particularly adapted for spars of steamships. yachts and canoes. In cans of I Igal. i % gal. i Quart Price I $4.75 I $2.45 I $1.25 SPAR COATING A perfect finish for all exterior wood and iron work on vessels and other structures exposed to frequent changes in weather and temperature. Good body, light in color and free working. In cans of I 1 gal. I % gal. I Quart Price I $5.00 I $2.60 I $1.35 No. 1 CROCKETT'S PRESERVATIVE The best interior varnish for its purpose and price that brains and experience can produce. Less liable to scratch than any finish known. Is not affected by contact with chemical gases, steam, or washing with hot or cold water and soap; can be rubbed and polished or left with an eggshell gloss. In cans of i 1 gal. I V2 gal. I Quart Price .-■ I $3.25 I $1.80 I $0.95 NAVALITE A marine varnish of Chicago production. It is very pale and elastic, does not spot or crack, dries safe from dust in ten hours and gives a very smooth finish. In cans of I 1 gal. 1 ¥2 gal. I Quart Price 1 I $4.75 I $2.45 I $1.25 DLTIABLE SPAR For severe exposure and moisture. Dries free from dust in 8 to 10 hours and hard in 36 to 48 hours. In cans of I 1 gal. 1 1/2 gal. I Quart Price I $3.25 I $1.75 I $0.90 INLAND LAKE CANOE VARNISH In cans of I Quart I Pint Price I $1.00 I $0.50 G. B. C. & CO.'S SPECIAL MARINE VARNISH An inexpensive varnish for extensive work where price has to be considered. The choice of large manufacturers who thoroughly tested it as to color, drying qualities, body and durability. In 5 gal. cans only per gal. $2.00 MIXING VARNISH In bulk for mixing with paint to give glossy effect. In any quantity per gal. $1.00 ENAMELS EMIL CALMAN & SON'S MARINE WHITE ENAMEL Ready for use and much easier to apply than most white or zinc paints. Will not discolor. It is the handsomest and most durable enamel for hulls and cabins. In cans of | 1 gal. I 1/2 gal. 1 Quart Price I $7.00 I $3. HO I $1.85 HARLAND & SON'S ENGLISH MADE ENAMELS Made in England for the special use of people wanting something that is serviceable, durable and which will not discolor. It has become very popular since its introduction, several years ago. In cans of I 1 gal. I % gal. I Quart Price I $8.00 I $4.10 I $2.25 I GEO•B•eAR^?E^fTER 55 So. 801 SOAPS Fig. 001 Fig. OOZ Fig. 003 Fig. 001 Fig. 001 AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP American Family Soap Is a firm hard soap which will not waste away in the water "ke soap made from soft greases or cheaper grades of stock. It may be used equally well in hot or cold water; always lathers freely and is a much larger cake than the ordinary yellow laundry soap on the market. Packed in cases of 66 bars. ^^ Price per case .^^^^^^^^j^^^jjjjj^jjjjjjjjjj^-^ Fig. 002 DUSKY DIAIVIOND TAR SOAP French hard milled; contains Georgia pine tar and cocoanut oil. Lathers freely. Extra large cakes each in carton and packed 50 and 100 cakes in case. -o 511 Price per case of 50 cakes 4 '90 Price per case of 100 cakes _ •_; 1_ Fig. 003 HAND PU^HCE Kirk's Hard Water Pumice is an ideal mechanics' soap. It is sufficiently hard so it will not wash away. Each cake packed in a carton, 12 cartons to a paper box, and CO or 100 cartons to a wooden box. $100 Price per box of 12 cartons 250 Price per box of 50 cartons ^'^q Price per box of 100 cartons Fig. 004 ARMOUR'S LIGHTHOUSE SOAP A very good soap, used with equal success in hot or cold water. A firm, hard soap which lathers freely. Packed 66 bars to the case. »o 35 Price per case ARMOUR'S WHITE FLOATING SOAP Fig. 005 A hard milled, white floating soap, suitable for the bath or laundry. Very economical to use. Packed 100 bars to the case. Price per case $8.50 THE SOAP IN THE TUBE A self-latherinjc, condensed, grease removing soap, twice the work in half the time. With a little ,ater it will lift all grease, paint stains. No grit. tube ^»Vi Fig. 007 AMERICAN CROWN SOAP Made of pure vegetable oils and free from all injuriou.s chemicals. Will not injure the highly finished parts ot automobiles and other vehicles. The use of American Crown Soap on harpess, cushions, buggy tops, etc., makes the leather look like new. It does not injure the hands like ordinary harness soap. American Crown Soap will 'knock grease off the hubs of your automobile or carriage. Use a little on a sponge. For caked grease use a brush. ,. „ , ^. American Cro«-n Soap will remove all stable stains. Wash with warm suds and rinse. . , ,. American Crown Soap will benefit a cracked hoof when washed with suds and rubbed in thoroughly. Packed in 12%, 25 and 50 pound pails. Price per IZVz pound pail 52.00 Price per 25 pound pail •4-'" Price per 50 pound pail '• '° Fig. 00: Black comtnercial soft soap. BLACK SOAP Price per pound in barrels of about 500 pounds. .$0.06 802 GEO-B-eARPEN'TER « CO. SOAP POWDERS AND CLEANSERS Fig. 6148 Fig. 6149 Fig. 6148 GOLD DUST In No. 4 cartons, containing about 4 lbs. each. Price per case of 24 packages Fig. 6150 $4.50 Fig. 6149 LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER In cases of 100 tins. Price per case $3.75 Fig. 6150 LIGHTHOUSE WASHING POWDER In No. 4 cartons, containing about 4 lbs. each. Price per case of 24 packages. $3.75 SAPOLIO In cases of 36, 72 and 144 cakes each: Price per case of 36 cakes $ 3.00 Price per case of 72 cakes 5.50 Price per case of 144 cakes 10.00 SAL SODA In barrels of 33 6 lbs. each: . $2.90 Price per 100 lbs Can furnish smaller quantities at a slight in- crease in price. SODIUM PHOSPHATE • In barrels of 600 lbs. each: Price per 100 lbs. in bbl. lots $10.00 Smaller quantities, per lb 15 BORAX In cases of 12 5-lb. packages or 48 1-lb. pkgs. Price per box of 12 fives $5.30 Price per box of 48 ones 5.00 SCOURENE In boxes of 100 cakes each: Price per box ,$3.7o SODA ASH In barrels of 33 6 lbs. each: Price per 100 lbs $2.90 LYE Concentrated Lye, in cases of 48 1-lb. cans: Price per case $3.25 CHLORIDE OF LIME In boxes of 50 cans each: Prfee per box $4.50 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 803 Fig. 938A METAL AND FURNITURE POLISHES 'We carry in stock only those grades of polishes which we know from experience will give the results claimed for them. All polishes submitted to us, are put into actual use before we consider them for resale. Of the rtifterent polishes listed helow, two are of our oim nianufaoture — the Inland I>ake and Great Lakes Metal Pol- ishes. These two polishes have a very large following, especially in the Marine trade, and are highly satisfactory and durable polishes. INLAND LAKE METAL POLISH In cans of 1 sal. Price $1.25 GREAT LAKES METAL POLISH In cans of 1 gal. Price $1.00 LEMON POLISHING OIL For cleaning and polishing any varnished surface. In cans of 1 gal. % gal. 1 qt. Vh gal. -i\ gwl. Price $1.75 $0.90 $0.50 $0.25 $0.15 INLAND LAKE BRIGHT METAL PROTECTOR It retains the luster on all highly polished metal surfaces. In cans of 1 pt. % pt. Price $0.75 $0.40 DEVOE'S BIETAL POLISH In cans of 1 gal. '4 saU Price .... % gal. $0.35 M gal. $0.30 Fig. 938B TOBEY POLISH (The shop formula of The Tobey Furniture Company, Chicago and New York, makers of the famous de luxe Tobey-Made Furniture.) Not for mops; not for floors, etc.; but simply a cleaner and conditioner of highest quality (for use on the flnest surfaces of varnish, enamel and shellacs— especially of tine furniture, woodwork, and auto- mobile bodies) 4 It is made by the Tobey shop experts, primarily for their own use. It has been sold to retail cus- tomers of the Tobey stores for a number of years, but only recently has been offered in the general market. Price, 4-oz. bottle $0.25 Price, ya-gal. jug $1.75 Price, 12-oz. bottle 50 Price, 1-gal. jug 3.00 Price, 1-qt. bottle 1,00 Fig. 93SC Fig. 938D HY-POL fis Hy-Pol dusts thoroughly, cleans, polishes and disinfects in one easy operation. It is quick drying and leaves no greasy deposit. It revives the varnish and makes old finishes look like new. Hy-Pol removes "bloom" or smoky blue film from mahogany or other furniture, cannot freeze and does not injure the hands. Time has no effect on furniture daily dusted with Hy-Pol. Hy-Pol is unexcelled for use on automobiles, car- ria.g'e bodies, tops, leatlier cushions, etc. Cleans thoroughly, polishes quickly and leaves leather soft and pliable. Price 12 oz $0..50 1 gal iPi.75 1 qt. 1.00 5 gal per gal. 2.05 % gal 1.50 SEMDAG LIQUID GLOSS Not illustrated Makes Old Things Look Like New Dusts, cleans and polishes hardwook floors, pia- nos, furniture, woodwork, fixtures, etc., at one operation. Restores lustre to all finished wood sur- Packed in Gal. % Gal. Qt. Pt. Price $1.00 $0.55 $0.30 $0.20 STANDARD FLOOR DRESSING Not illustrated The modern sanitary floor oil for use on wood floors in stores, shops, public institutions, etc. Cleans and polishes as well as preserves the floors. Packed lu 6 sal. 1 gal. Price $3.50 $1.75 Fig. 938E PEERLESS AUTO TOP DRESSING Not illustrated An elastic durable renovator for mohaii", leather and canvas tops, makes top thoroughly waterproof, and at same time will keep it soft and pliable. Dries over night. Color, black. Per quart $1.0O Fig. 938E O-GEDAR POLISH Cleans as it Polishes O-Cedar Polish is well and favorably known and is widely advertised in connection with the O-Cedar Polish Mop shown on another page. Packages and Prices liist per doz. 4-oz. bottles * 3.00 (1 doz. in carton or 6 doz. in crate, '57 lbs.) 12-oz. bottles 6-00 (1 doz. in carton or 6 doz. in crate, 121 lbs.) Qts. (1 doz. to box, 31 lbs.) 12.00 y- gal. (1 doz. to box, 59 lbs.) IS.OO Gal. ( Vz doz. to box, 55 lbs.) 30.OO Fig. 938G O-GEDAR POLISH FOR AUTOMOBILES All sizes are packed in round tins for the con- venience of the motorist and to prevent breakage. There is no change in the formula only in the package. Is meeting with a rapid sale wherever introduced. List per do/,. 4-oz. tins (3 doz. in box, 16 lbs.) .$ 3.00 12-oz. tins (2 doz. in box, 25% lbs « «0 Qt. tins (1 doz. to box, SlVa lbs.) 12.0O Vs-gnl. tins (1 doz. to box, 37% lbs.) l**."© Gal. tins (% doz. to box, 55 lbs.) 30.0O 804 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER « CO. CYLINDER AND ENGINE OILS OILS AND GREASES Our position as one of the largest distributors of oils and greases in the middle west has enabled us to perfect a line which is second to none and is identified by the Inland Lake label, with which each package is marked. Inland Lake oils and greases are now being used throughout the United States and Canada, as well as a number of foreign countries, and are running true to form in giving added life to engines and ma- chinery operating under practically all conditions and in all climates. Give Inland Lake lubricants a tiial. They will save you money and preserve your equipment. Engineers seldom go back to the other brand after using Inland Lake. Owing to daily fluctuations in the market, we are unable to insert prices in this catalog. We are usually able to quote a little low^er than the prevailing market prices on account of the immense quantities we purchase, and large stocks on hand. For this reason we are invaria- bly in position to make shipment the same day your order is received, for any amount from a gallon to a hundi-ed barrels. WE MAKE THE USUAL CHARGES AND REBATES FOR OIL PACKAGES, AS FOLLOWS: Wood Barrels, about 52 gallons Free 1 gallon cans $0.25 Wood Half Barrels, about 30 gallons $0.50 Steel Drums, 55 gallons 5.00 10 gallon cans 1.00 30 gallon steel drums 3.00 5 gallon cans 50 15 gallon steel drums 1.75 The Steel Drums are all fitted with detachable faucets and all packages are credited at full purchase price if returned (freight prepaid) in good condition within a reasonable time. INLAND LAKE STEAM CYLINDER OIL Made from the highest grade filtered stock and compounded in a scientific manner. Parti- cularly well liked by engineers who want the best and insist upon getting it. Price per gallon $ ' INLAND LAKE COLUMBIA STEAM CYLINDER OIL Made especially to meet the demand for a medium priced oil, and worth more than the price we ask for it. Price per gallon = $ INLAND LAKE FARM MACHINERY CYLINDER OIL Low priced, but by no means low grade. A first class oil, adapted to farm machinery use. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE STANDARD GAS ENGINE OIL Made especially for gasoline engine jise. Feeds freely, won't gum, carbonize or dirty the plugs. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE MARINE OIL The best oil to use on all types of marine motors. Very well spoken of by both sporting and commercial boatmen. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE ENGINE OIL A free fiowing oil for general engine and shafting use. Uniform in quality and reliable un- der the most severe conditions. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAIiE COLUMBIAN ENGINE OIL A high grade engine oil, which while not as expensive as the one above, will give better service than many other medium priced oils. Price per gallon < $ ADVERTISED LUBRICANTS Many users of oils and greases have a preference for some of the brands being extensively advertised in trade journals, and in order that none of our customers need be disappointed, we shall be glad to furnish promptly any grade they may have use for. Among those which we are in position to ship immediately are: Mobiloils. Texas. Polarine. Sullivanoils. Havoline. Monogram. Neatsfoot. The above are all furnished at prevailing market prices. kCAPlTOL^P ^'M^^ GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So. 805 MISCELLANEOUS LUBRICANTS INLAND LAKE CUP GREASE We believe that in our Inland Lake cup grease we approach closer to having the perfect article than any other dealer. This grease is a solidi- fied oil compound for engine bearings, and all other places where it is possible to substitute grease for oil. It will withstand high heat and lowest cold temperatures and retains the same body always. It wall not gum, corrode nor deposit sediment, and possesses remark- able friction reducing qualities. We can furnish it in following grades: No. 2 Medium Soft. No. 3 Hard. No. 4 Extremely Hard. Furnished in barrels of 425 lbs., half barrels of 275 lbs., and in 25, 10 and 5 lb. cans. Price per lb. depends on quantity ordered. INLAND LAKE TRANSMISSION GREASE This is not a graphited grease, and is of a quality that will add considerable life to transmis- sions and differentials. We sell as much of this grease as we do of any of the advertised brands Shown in this book and know it is giving satisfaction. Packed in 25, 10 and 5 lb. cans. Price per lb. depends upon quantity ordered. INLAND LAKE AXLE GREASE A high grade axle grease, for use on farm machinery and wagons for city service. The ingredi- ents in this axle grease are of a far better grade than those usually found in greases selling for more than we ask for ours. Packed in barrels, half barrels, 100 lb. kegs and 25, 15 and 12% lb. cans. Price per lb. depends upon quantity ordered. INLAND LAKE SLUSHING COMPOUND Used in shipyards for greasing the ways, and in unloading iron rails and heavy pieces from ships. Packed in barrels, half barrels and 50 and 25 lb. cans. Price depends upon quantity ordered. INLAND LAKE GRAPHITE GREASE The perfect lubricant for universal use. Can be used with very good results for farm, mechan- ical and industrial purposes. Packed in barrels, half barrels, 100 lb. kegs and 50 and 25 lb. cans. Price per lb. depends upon quantity ordered. INLAND LAKE GENERAL PURPOSE LUBRICATING OIL Adapted for bearings, journals and all moving parts of machinery, and will serve very well where special oils for special purposes are not necessary. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE CASTOR MACHINERY OIL Used by the speed kings in all the important automobile races, and by racing hydroplanes. A high grade lubricant that is rapidly making its way to the front on account of efficient service. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE ICE MACHINE OIL Specially compounded. A clear colorless oil compounded especially for ice machine use. Will not congeal or become thick under lowest temperatures. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE DYNAMO OIL The high speeds of dynamos and motors have no effect on this oil, and we particularly recom- mend it to any one desiring an oil for high speed use. Price per gallon $— — INLAND LAKE COMPRESSOR OIL An air compressor oil must be of even consistency under all temperatures to properly serve the purposes for which it is intended. Inland Lake compressor oil is one of the best we have seen for such service. Price per gallon $ ■ INLAND LAKE SPERM OIL Meets the requirements of the United States government. Navy department, for lifeboat use. I*rice per gallon $ INLAND L.UiE SIGNAL OIL Used extensively for marine and railroad signal service, and is compounded to give the best service under all conditions. Price per gallon .$ INLAND LAKE BLOCK OIL The best block signal oil. Used by all railroads. This oil must be a quality article in every way in order to do its duty efficiently. Price per gallon .$ INLAND LAKE WINTER STRAINED LARD OIL Manufactured by Armour & Co., and is made especially for winter use, when an oil that will not congeal, is in demand. Pi-ice per gallon $ INLAND LAKE No. 1 LARD OH. While not as pure as our Winter Strained Lard Oil, our No. 1 will serve very well for thread cutting and in other places where price is an object. Price per gallon $ INLAND LAKE THREAD CUTTING COMPOUND A heavy oil used principally for thread cutting and die work; we have sold a very large amount of this oil; it is 'the best for the purpose. Price per gallon $ 806 GEOBeAR.PEM"TER S <50, Fig. 406A OILDAG— GREDAG Oildag is Deflocculated Graphite diffused in oil. By some it is called Liquid Graphite, the graphite being so fine that it flows wherever oil will flow. It is sold m concentrated form in cans which contain sufficient to charge 1, 5, 10 or 50 gallons of oil. You mix it with the oil you use' regularly. It is an ideal lubricant for motor boat engines, steam engines, bearings, and for general use. Deflocculated Graphite, as it is presented In Oildag, will not clog filters or mechanical oilers or prove anything but extremely helpful in assisting to perfect lubricatiou. PACKAGES AND PRICES No. 1 Can, containing charge for 1 gallon oil; one dozen in a box; sold only by the box ; $ 3.50 No. 5 Can, containing charge for 5 gallons oil.. 1.00 ]Vo. 10 Can, containing charge for 10 gallons oil.. 2.00 IVo. 50 Can, containing charge for 50 gallons oil.. 10.00 Gredag differs from all other greases in that it contains pure, gritless Acheson-Graphite. Quickly and thoroughly forms the graphite film necessary to perfect lubrication and the proper protection of gears. This film will not break under pressure when full power is suddenly thrown upon the gears, but it assists the teeth to silently engage in mesh and makes the car run quietly and sweetly. For universal couplings, clutch thrust bearings, wheel hubs, cup use, etc., Gredag is unequaled. GRADES OF GREDAG Figr. 406B Gredag is made in several grades and consistencies to meet all requirements, the grade mobile use being as follows: No. 31, Semi-Fluid; No. 32, Soft; No. 33, Medium; No. 63; Medium, of a spongy nature. PACKAGES AND PRICES Size of Package Grades 31, 3'2, 33 and 63 1-lb. can per can 5-lb. 10-lb. 25-lb. 50-lb. 100-lb. 200-lb. 400-lb. can can can can key bbls. bbls. SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND $0.30 1.25 2.40 5.25 .20 .17 .16 .15 lib. 5 lbs.. lOlba. 25lbs. Smooth-On Compounds are chemically prepared iron compounds made and sold in a powder form and used by mixing with water to the consistency of stiff putty. When in this state they must be applied immediately, because the metallizing action of these cements is rapid, acting without heat, and in a few minutes will get too stiff to work. In a few hours they metallize as hard as iron. These cenients are made for a number of dilferent purposes as follo^vs: No. 1 and No. 2 (blue labeled cans). For repairing leaks or breaks in castings and for making con- nections in steam or hydraulic work. No. 1 is quick hardening. No. 2 slow hardening, and hydraulic. Applied as a paste or putty. No. 3 Ela.stic Cement (gray labeled cans). Paste form, for use on all seams of boilers or tanks to stop leaks, also for boiler patching and for screw thread joints. Applied as a paint, paste or putty to hot or cold metal. No. 4 Castings (yellow labeled cans). An iron cement in powder form for repairing blemishes, blow- holes, or defects in iron or steel castings. Made in two grades — A, for fine castings; B, for coarse cast- ings. Applied as a putty. No. 5 Calking Cement (red labeled cans). For plumbers, in powder form in two strengths — Regular and Special — Regular for soil pipe and greenhouse work, Special for water and gas main joints for high pressure. No. 6 RIVET CEMENT — ^WHITE LABELED CANS A metallic putty cement for use on ships' sides, iron, steel or wood construction work, metal sky- lights, vault lights, etc. Prepared in putty form, ready for use, in air-tight cans. Applied with a trowel or putty knife and is very easy to work. LIST PRICES "SMOOTH-ON" Iron Cement Nos. 1 and 2 in 1, 5, 10 and 25-lb. tins per lb. $0.50 Elastic Cement No. 3 in 1, 5, 10 and 25-lb. tins " .50 Castings No. 4, Grades A and B, in 1, 5, 10 and 25-lb. tins " .•^><> Joints No. 5 in 1, 5, 10, 25-lb. tins . " .50 Rivet Iron Cement No. 6 in 1, 5 and 10-lb. cans." !! i i ." i ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! " .50 GEO-B-eARPErfTER « (EO. 807 DIXON'S SILICA-GRAPHITE PAINT Economical for Priming and Finishing Boats and Iron and Steel Construction , I I^VIN- ■- / J/mtII 111 VIHI 1 I GRAPinTi^'aij Sft ghaphitE Dixon's Silica-Graphite paint has been on the market for nearly fifty years and is generally looked upon as the standard priming and finishing agent for iron, steel and other metal surfaces. The pigment is a natural combination of Silica and Flake Graphite. Nothing but the best linseed oil is used as a vehicle. The pigment, being inert, no chemical action is possible, either between it and the oil, or as a result of outside attack from acids or alkalies. Flake graphite being a lubricant, properly insures thorough application as well as a saving in labor and brushes. The average spreading rate is 500 square feet per gallon on metal surfaces. Dixon's Silica-Graphite Paint is non-explosive and non-poisonous to handle. Made in four colors and only one quality — the best. The colors are: Natural, black, olive green and dark red. The black is especially prepared for steel smoke stacks, boiler fronts, or- naments, iron work and surfaces subjected to sulphurous fumes. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL AND IRON CONSTRUCTION WORK At the Mill — Before painting, all surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned, freed from loose scale, dirt and moisture. The entire surface shall then be given a well-applied coating of Dixon's Silica Graphite Paint, dark red. Parts to be in contact and closed, shall receive before assembling a coat of the same material. After Erection — Places damaged by abrasion shall first be retouched. The entire work shall then be given a second coat of Dixon's Silica-Graphite Paint, of a different color than the mill coat. The top of the package to be removed, and the paint properly stirred. No adulterating oils or thinners shall be used. The cleaning, painting and materials to be subject to inspection. The paint to be furnished to the mill and building site, in original packages, READY MIXED for use. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL AND IRON MAINTENANCE WORK Cleaning — All broken or blistered paint, all rust, grease and dirt, must be removed by wire brushes, scrapers, blow torch, or by sand blasting with fine sand. The method to be selected and made part of the contract. Surfaces must be painted the day they are cleaned. Repainting — All surfaces shall be given two thorough coats of Dixon's Silica-Graphite Paint. The second coat to be applied only when the first is thoroughly dry, and to be of a different color. Surfaces must be perfectly dry when painted. The best round bristle brushes to be used. The top of the package to be removed, and the paint properly stirred. No adulterating oils or thinners shall be used. The cleaning, painting and materials to be subject to inspection. Paint to be furnished in original packages, READY MIXED for use. THINNED, READY MIXED 1 gallon in pail per gal. $2.25 I 2.") gallons in % barrel per gal. $1.70 5 gallons in keg per gal. 2.15 Barrel (about .50 gallons) per gal. 1.65 10 gallons in keg per gal. 1.75 | DIXON'S PAINT IS SOLD ONLY RE.\DY MIXED. NOT IN PASTl] FORM GEOBCAIiPEM^TER « eO. DIXON'S GRAPHITE LUBRICANTS The Only Perfect Lubricator The smoothness and softness possessed by graphite in a more remarkable degree than by any solid substance, early suggested its use as a lubricant. Since its introduction, the field of its employ- ment has gradually widened to include its reg- ular use with oils or greases, with water, and in some cases unmixed with other materials. Dixon's Graphite has now an established place in the ordinary and usual routine of the en- gineer's work. It is successfully used in the lubrication of great motors, compound engines, locomotives, heavy shaft lines, and gears. It is of special value for lubricating cylinders and valves where lubrication is difficult, owing to high pressure and the use of superheated steam. It saves wear and tear in mill-steps, turbine steps, gears, heavy bearings, and in all cases where friction is severe. Scientific theory and practical experience clearly indicates the superiority, for all purposes of lubrication, of the flake graphite rather than the amorphous or non-crystalline graphite. Dixon's Lubricating Graphite is all of one quality, but is ground into several degrees of fineness, or, rather, sizes of flake. No. 1 is the largest flake, and is best adapted for heavy or loose bearings, cylinders of blowing engines, etc. No. 2 is more finely pulverized. The experience of practical engineers seems to demonstrate be- yond any question that for cylinder lubrication it is the best size. No. 63 5 is specially prepared graphite which is ground to a flour-like degree of pulverization; being ground to such a degree, of fineness, it mixes readily and stands up well in even light oils. It will not gum or stick, and is the very best graphite for valves, all parts of air-brakes and gas engine cylinders. Package 1-lb. paper can each 5-lb. tin can " 10-lb. tin can " 25-lb. boxes " 50-lb. boxes " 100-lb. kegs per lb. 200-lb. half barrels. 400-lb. barrels Price No. 1 and No. 2 Price No. 635 $0.40 1.75 $0.75 .65 3.25 .65 7.50 ■^ 14.00 .28 I .60 .271/2 .27 Trade Nos. on No. 1 and No. 2 are as follows: 1-lb. package. No. 632 25-lb. boxes . .No. 644 5-lb. tins ... .No. 633 50-lb. boxes . .No. 645 10-lb. tins No. 634 DIXON'S BOILER GRAPHITE Dixon's Boiler Graphite No. 2 is prepared from finely ground fiake graphite. Used according to instructions it is the most simple and effective scale remover known. It does not act chemi- cally, cause foaming, affect the quality of steam or injure metal. Write for descriptive booklet. 50-lb. box per lb., $0.17 100-lb. keg " .16 Half barrel " .15 Barrel of about 400 lbs " .14 DIXON'S GRAPHITE GREASE, No. 8815 This grease possesses an unusual degree of resistance to heat, although at normal tempera- tures, it feeds nicely through compression cups. It is particularly valuable for lubricating en- gine valve gears and bearings subjected to ex- ternal heat, and has also shown excellent service on fiour mill, paper mill, and rolling mill ma- chinery. 10 lbs. .each, $1.50 100 lbs. . .each, $12.00 25 lbs. . " 3.50 400 lbs. .per lb., .10 50 lbs. . . " 6.50 DIXON'S GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT COMPOUND Dixon's Graphite Pipe Joint Compound is not a cement which hardens, but rather a true lubri- cant for the thread of pipes, bolts, nuts, turn- buckles, etc., making them easy to screw up and allowing them to be taken apart without damage or trouble. Also valuable on flanges, gaskets, boiler tube caps, gas retort doors, etc. Joints made up with this material can never rust, corrode, or stick, but may always be separ- ated without difficulty after any length of time. Dixon's Graphite Pipe Joint Compound is very much superior to red or white lead and is 3 % times as bulky. Trade Nos. 693. 1-lb. tin can (36 in case)per lb., $0.25 694. 5-lb. tin can (12 in case) " .22 695. 10-lb. tin can ( 6 in case) " .19 696. 25-lb. tin can " .18 697. 50-lb. keg " .17% 698. 100-lb. keg " .17 699 Barrels, about 625 lbs " .16% GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER S eo. 809 DIXON'S GRAPHITE LUBRICANTS DIXON'S TIGONDEROGA FLAKE GRAPHITE MXONS Ticonderqga FLAKET GRAPHITE Dixon's Flake Graphite has many valuable ap- plications as a lubricant for cylinders, valves and bearings, either alone or mixed with oils and greases. It is also nearly indispensable to en- gineers and mechanics for coating gaskets and packing, for pipe-fittings, etc. Dixon's Ticonderoga Flake Graphite is pre- pared in the coarser (or No. 1) flake, and the finer (or No. 2) size. Users of Dixon's Graphite will do well to keep both kinds on hand, as each has special advantages. If the finely ground (No. 2) Graphite is desired, so specify it in the order. Prices the same for Nos. 1 and 2. Per Case Per Pkg. Trade Nos. 632. 1-lb. (36 633. 5-lb. (10 634. 10-lb. (5 in 644. 25-lb. 645. 50-lb. 646. 100-lb. 646% 200-lb. 647. 400-lb. tin can. in case) 16.00 tin can. case) 15.50 box box keg . . keg . . barrel $0.40 1.75 3.25 7.50 14.00 Per Lb. .28 .27 Va .27 DIXON'S SOLID BELT DRESSING Put up in bars weighing about one lb. of con- venient shape and size. Applied to belts while in motion, stops all slipping instantly. Increases efficiency of belts that are too nar- row for the load. Superior to resin, tar and vegetable or animal oils. Equally satisfactory for leather, rubber, canvas or fabric belting. 1-lb. bars in case each, $0.35 Case of 25 bars 7.50 DIXON'S WATERPROOF GRAPHITE GREASE In all respects a high-grade lubricant for loose open bearings, gears, slides, etc. It possesses great adhesiveness and tenacity, and will not be thrown from gears, chains, wire ropes, sprocket chains and the like, traveling at a high speed. Dixon's Waterproof Graphite Grease contains no soluble ingredients and cannot be washed off by fresh or salt water, by acid or alkaline water. These properties highly commend its use upon wire ropes and chains, gears, cranes, derricks, dredges, steam shovels, pile drivers, winches, hoisting engines, quarrying and mining machin- ery, elevator plungers, fire hydrants, and every sort of machinery exposed to water or the weather. 5-lb. tin can (10 in case) per lb., $0.18 10-lb. firkin (6 in case) " .15 25-lb. firkin " .14 50-lb. keg ." " .13 100-lb. keg " .12 Half barrel " .11 Barrel of about 400 lbs " .10 DIXON'S GRAPHITE No. 635 This is a special grade of Dixon's Pure Flake Graphite, selected with great care and ground to an impalable degree of fineness. No. 635 is largely used upon locomotive mechanisms, type- setting machinery, light, close-fitting bearings, spindles, bobbins and other delicate parts of tex- tile machinery, stationary gas engines, cyclome- ters, scientific instruments, firearms, talking ma- chines, etc. For certain purposes it is thoroughly ground with just enough sperm oil to maKe it more ad- hesive. If this style is wanted simply specify No. 635 "oiled" in the order. 1-lb. tin can (36 in case) per lb., $0.75 5-lb. tin can (10 in case) " .65 10-lb. tin can ( 5 in case) " .65 25-lb. box " .60 50-lb. box " -60 100-lb. keg and larger " .60 810 Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo. DIXON'S GRAPHITE AUTOMOBILE LUBRICANTS GRAPHITE TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL GREASE No. 677 A graphited grease of just the right consistency for all I k transmission and differential llgears, except those intended l/to be lubricated with light oil. It is the grease the "Speed Kings" use. There is nothing like it on the mar- ket. We stand behind this grease with our strongest recommendation. 1-lb. tin cans (36 in case) per lb., $0.35 5-lb. tin pails (10 in case) " -30 10-lb. tin pails (6 incase) " -25 Larger Sizes if Desired. GRAPHITE GEAR OIL No. 675 A very light bodied gear lubricant for use in trans- mission and differential cases designed for light oil lubrication. Generally speak- ing. No. 675 should be used only in cases fitted with plain bearings. 5-lb. tin pails (10 in case) .perlb., $0.30 10-lb. tin pails ( 6 in case) " .25 GRAPHITE NON-LEAK GREASE No. 680 Many differentials permit the lubricant to work out on the brakes and wheels. No. 680 will cure this trouble for it does not Avork out of the housing. Try it if your rear axle leaks. This special grease should be used only when No. 677 or No. 675 will not stay in the differen- tial; it is not intended for transmissions. '5-lb. tin pails (10 in case) perlb., $0.30 10-lb, tin pails ( 6 in case) " .25 Larger Sizes if Desired. GRAPHITOLEO Pack wheel spindles and steering gear hous- ings with Graphitoleo. Absolutely warranted not to gum or become rancid. The collapsible tubes are very convenient for automobile use. 8-oz. tubes (36 in case) per doz., $5.00 1-lb. tin cans (36 in case) per lb., .55 5-lb. tin pails (10 in case) " .50 GRAPHITE GUP GREASES Cup greases containing fine flake graphite, reduce friction to a minimum. Use Dixon's No. 3, except in hot climates where No. 5 is bet- ter. For all grease cups, wheel spindles, etc. By using these high grade gra- phite greases the bearings soon acquire the well-known graphite polish that elimin- ates friction and causes easy running 1-lb. tin cans (36 in case) per 5-lb. tin pails (10 in case) 10-lb. tin pails ( 6 in case) ..,.,. Larger Sizes if Desired. lb., $0.35 .30 .25 GRAPHITE HEAT-RESISTING GREASE No. 676 No. 676 is the best grease we know of for universal joints, water pump cups, overhead valve cups and clutch thrust collars. It pos- itively will not melt and run out. This grease should not be used on gears. 1-lb. tin cans (36 in case) per lb., $0.35 5-lb. tin pails (10 in case) " .30 MOTOR GRAPHITE The purest and most care- fully selected grade of flake graphite, ground to impalpable fineness. May be mixed with oil or grease as required. Its function is to eliminate friction and wear of parts and to in- crease power. Use it in cylin- ders, on chains, springs, tires, wheel rims, bearings and wher- ever friction occurs. l^-lb. tin cans (36 in case) . . . 8-lb. tin cans ( 1 in case) . . . GRAPHITE MOTOR CHAIN COM- POUND Without an equal for lubricating automobile driving chains. When chain is cleaned and im- mersed in the melted compound, no other ex- ternal or internal applications are necessary. The compound may be used repeatedly. Prevents rust and wear. Put up in cakes of about 3 lbs. each. 20 cakes per case per cake, $1.00 per can, $0.50 4.00 Cordage and Twines P OR seventy-seven -years rope and twine have been big staples in our f business. We have speciaHzed on these goods, as have few other merchants in this country. We have studied the industry long and carefully. We have backed our judgment and we have been successful, and the one big reason for our success is the simple fact that Ipe know the right rope or twine for your particular use, and what is more, we carry it in stock. There are many factors in this seemingly simple question, but they all boil down to strength, usability, durability and price, and the proper balance of these four factors applied to the varied needs of our customers is what our experts are working on all the time. It is right here that the big value of our service comes in by offering you the best rope or twine for your purpose. All you have to do is to tell us the use to which the material is to be put, and we can supply you the right cordage at the right price. No concern in the United States carries a more diverse and compre- hensive stock of cordage and trvines than tve do. No concern carries a larger stock or does a larger business, or tries harder to give its customers intelligent service, fair prices and a square deal. We therefore urge you to put your cordage problems up to us and let us help you determine what material, grade and quality best fills your particular needs. GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S QO. 813 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ So, GEO-BeAR.PEhfTER S QO. 813 CORDAGE 1,200 feet 9-thread Manila Rope 1,200 " 10 cir. 40 pounds 4,000 " We carry in our Chicago Warehouses over ONE MILLION POUNDS of Manila and Sisal Rope, in the Following Grades: Old Colony Hoisting Old Colony Transmission G. B. C. & Co. Best Pure Man ila Standard Manila, "H" Manila, Pure Sisal, Complex Sisal Lathyarn, Hide Rope, Hay Rope and Baling Twine 814 GEO•B•eAR^PE^fTER ^ SO. ANSMISSION STANDS FOR Durability Service Economy Safety IN the selection of a rope for the transmission of power. Quality and Reputation are the main points -whicK sKoulJ receive attention. Tne question of price is relatively unimportant as a saving in first cost often turns into an adaea expense and risk in tlie long run. Don't experiment, tut buy a rope witK a record. In tlie manufacture of ®IJ) COlOtl^ Transmission Rope tKe question of price is not considered, our purpose at all times teing to better its quality ratber tban decrease its cost, and after a con- tinuous and successful bistory of nearly tbirty years — during Avbicb time we bave supplied ®IJ) COlOtl^ to a constantly increasing list of important power plants — we offer ©ID COlOtlg to you as tbe best rope money can buy. We carry ©ID COlong Transmission Rope in Cbicago stock in 3 and 4 strand, ^ to 1^^ incbes diameter in 3000 foot coils, and IH to 2/4 inches diameter in 2000 foot coils. Cut lengtbs also. SPLICING To insure perfect service your ropes must be perfectly spliced. We send men to any part of tbe country to Ao tbis work wben necessary. PRICE ©ID Colony Transmission Rope is sold by tbe pound and fluc- tuates witb tbe price of tbe best marks of Manila Hemp. Estimates and quotations fumisbed on request. ©ID Colons Rope can be identified by a green marker yarn wbicb appears on tbe surface. -Ir^^^t^^^^^-^^^^^-^^^^^^^^ GEO•B•eAR,PE^fTER S QO, 815 Bale of Manila Hemp Hank of Manila Hemp Trade Mark TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND PULLEY DIAMETERS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH ©ID ColOn^ ROPE Size of Rope, inches Approx. Wt. of 4-StrandperlOO Feet, lbs. Proper Diameter Pulley inches 5 91/2 16 20 30 35 42 50 65 75 110 130 18 ^ :::::::::::::::. 22 24 i :::::::: 30 i :::;::::::::::::: 36 42 48 i^ ;::::::;::: 54 57 IV, 60 iaf 72 2 84 Above weight is for Four-Strand Rope. Three-Strand Rope will weigh approximately 5% less. TABLE HORSE-POWER TRANSMITTED BY ROPE In determining the Horse-Power which a rope will transmit, the problem embraces coefficient of friction, difference in tension, influence of centrifugal force, and many questions of weight, strength and velocity. In the following table, taken from Flather's treatise on "Rope Drivjng," the stress on the rope is the same, at all speeds (200 lbs. working strain), due allowance having been made for all of the above factors. Velocity of Rope in Feet per Minute Diameter of Rope, inches % % 1 1% IVa 1% 2 1,000 1.24 2.70 3.30 3.83 4.30 4.74 , 5.01 5.20 5.29 5.08 4.74 4.12 3.25 2.25 3.84 4.71 5.46 6.23 6.83 7.24 7.47 7.60 7.32 6.83 5.93 4.67 3.57 6.84 8.38 9.80 11.09 12.15 12.89 13.29 13.53 13.10 12.13 10.54 8.32 5.59 10.68 13.10 15.39 17.33 18.98 20.15 29.76 21.14 20.36 19.00 16.47 13.00 8.02 15.39 18.86 21.87 24.94 27.33 29.00 29.89 30.43 29.32 27.34 23.72 18.73 10.85 29.93 25.66 29.74 34.03 37.17 39.45 40.65 41.39 39.77 37.21 32.26 25.42 14.20 2 000 27.36 2,500 33.54 3 000 38.88 3,'500 4,000 44.35 48.59 4 500 51.57 5,000 53.15 5 500 . 54.11 6,000 52.12 6 500 4S.63 42.18 7.500 33.23 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION Any of our customers who wish to consult the best authority on the many scientific and mechanical problems which Rope Driving presents, should obtain the splendid treatise entitled "Rope Driv- ing," by Prof. John J. Flather, Ph. B., M. M. E. This treatise can be had for $2.00, or in case you do not care to purchase, we shall be pleased to loan you a copy for consultation, to be re- turned at your convenience. 816 Geo-BCar.pek'ter s.eo... 1 ©10 ©olonij CAI3SON R.ORE A PERFECT hawser laid rope made especially for this pur- pose from selected long fibre Manila hemp. Because of the element of danger to life in all Caisson work, no super- intendent should knowingly use any but the very best rope on the job. ''(Bit} €0l0n^*' Caisson Rope has exceeded all claims made for it. Hard competitive tests have proven that there i« ^o better rope for this pur- pose, that there is no rope more safe, or more economical in the long run. Contractors who know will use no other. Size generally used is 1 1-8 inch diameter. We have it in 1200 foot coils, weighing approximately 525 lbs. Per Pound Cts. Any size and length cut to order at a slight advance over coil price to cover wastage. GEO-B(BAIiPEM*TER ^ eO sir RESPONSIBILITY Where life and property are at stake, it is the surest economy to use only the best and highest grade rope obtainable. There is a constantly growing demand for Manila cordage of better-than-usual quality for switching, hoisting and towing purposes, and in ^'Old Colonv^' Hoisting Rope we offer a product that will meet all requirements. It is made of specially selected long fibre Manila Hemp, and manu- factured under the closest supervision of experienced ropemakers. It is the constant aim to produce a rope for heavy duty that will insure the safety of the people handling it, as well as the apparatus of which it will later become an important working part. We recommend **Old ColotiV*^ Hoisting Rope as the best rope the market affords. Carried in Chicago stock in 3 and 4 strand, % to 4 inches in diameter, in 1,200 foot coils. Approximate Table of Weights 3 Strand Size Diameter % Vs ^8 % % 1 1% ly. IVs 1% 1% 2 21/4 2% 3 Per 100 feet. lbs. .. oy* 7% 15% 17 26 34 42 51 68 81 95 125 155 184 272 818 GEO-B-eARPEM'TER « SO MANILA ROPE .^ All Coils of Our Manila Rope are stenciled as shown belo\ { BEST ) • MANILA G. B. G. & GO. BEST PURE MANILA ROPE Our stock includes in 1,200 ft. coils tjj to 5 inch diam- eter, in half coils y^ to 2 inch diameter. Coils, per lb. $. . . . Cut Lengths STANDARD MANILA ROPE Our stock includes {^ to 1 1/2 inch diameter in 1,200 ft. coils and half coils. We do not cut coils, per lb. $ H MANILA MANILA "H" MANILA Our stock includes fa to 1^/4 inch diameter in 1,200 ft. coils and half coils. We do not cut coils, per lb. $, GEOBCARPEN'TER 55 CO. 819 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND STRENGTH G. B. G. & GO. BEST PURE MANILA ROPE Manila, Sisal, and Jute Ropes weigh (about) alike. Tarred Hemp Cordage will weigh (about) one-fourth more. Diameter inches Circumference in inches Number of feet in 1 lb. Coils Strength of New Manila Rope, lbs. Diameter Length, feet | Weight, lbs. inches A 6 thd. fine 85 ft. 3,000 33 500 A >I 6 " 50 2,800 50 620 y* VW 9 " 40 2,200 55 1,000 A % 12 " 27 1,750 65 1,275 % 20 1,500 75 1,875 A li 1 % 13.5 " 1,200 90 2,400 JL 1% 9.6 " 1,200 125 3,300 ■^s % 2 7.7 " 1,200 155 4,000 % if 2M 6.3 " 1,200 190 4,700 I iVz 5.1 " 1,200 235 5.600 % 2% 4.4 " 1,200 270 6,500 % 1 3 3.7 " 1,200 325 7.500 It 31A 3.1 " 1,200 380 8,900 lA 3% 2.7 " 1,200 435 10,500 1% 1^/4 3% 2.3 " 1,200 505 12,500 1% 1% 414 1.88 " 1,200 640 14,000 1% 1% 4ys 1.68 " 1,200 715 17,000 5 1.35 " 1,200 885 20,000 1% 1% 51/2 1.12 " 1,200 1,065 25,000 2 6 .94 " 1,200 1,275 30.000 2 2y8 eVs .80 " 1,200 1,500 33,000 2y8 21/4 7 .68 " 1,200 1,745 37,000 2% 2y2 TVs ■ .60 " 1,200 2,000 43,000 2% 2% 8 .52 " 1,200 2,280 50,000 2% 8% .46 " 1,200 2,570 56,000 2% 3 9 .37 " 1,200 2,885 62,000 3 SVs 9 ¥2 .33 " 1,200 3,205 68,000 3y8 3% 10 .29 " 1,200 3.580 75,000 3% Jb5asis price %c above Basis Ic lyac " 2c y2c Ic ly-c " Special price 3c above Basis Special price Vzc above Basis Ic Ic iy2c " 5c 4c Special price G. B. C. & CO. MANILA Rope, 2 inch circumference (% in. dia.) and larger, tarred or untarred ■?z, Vz and iV dia 12 thread, ( % in. dia.) and 15 thread fine, tarred or untarred 6 and 9 thread ( 14 and -fj in. dia.), tarred or untarred 6 thread fine (^5 in. dia.), tarred or untarred Net Rope, 15 thd. and larger, tarred or untarred Net Rope, 12 thd., tarred or untarred Net Rope, 6 and 9 thd., tarred or untarred Cables (Oil well drilling and sand lines) Bolt Rope, Point-s, Best Coal Falls, Steamship Wheel Ropes and Mill Carriage Ropes, fine or selected yarn. Whale line Old Colony Transmission Rope, selected stock Hay Rope, Hide Rope, Fish Twine, .Spunyarn and Bale Rope, coarse and medium Hay Rope, Hide Rope, Fish Twine, Spunyarn and Bale Rope, fine Hay Rope, Hide Rope and Fish Twine, laid Hay Rope, Hide Rope and Fish Twine, firie laid Manila Lariat Rope, 4 strand Manila Lariat Rope, 3 strand Special Yacht Rope and Yacht Lariat, 3 or 4 strand Tom Horn Lariat Bronco Bob Lariat " " G. B. C. & CO. SISAL LATHYARN 110 and 130 Best Tarred Lathyarn -^ 110 and 130 Anchor Tarred Lathyarn L On 1 30 and XLCR Tarred Lathyarn J Application Untarred Sisal Lathyarn same price as Sisal Rope. 200 thread y2C advance G. B. C. & CO. SISAL Rope, 2 inch circumference (% in. dia.) and larger Basis price t9c, y. and fff dia y2C above Basis 12 thread ( % in. dia) Ic 6 and 9 thread ( 14 and -f,! in. dia.) l^/^c 3 thread laid (-^t in. dia.) 2c Hay Rope, Hide Rope, Fish Twine, Spunyarn and Bale Rope, coarse and medium %c Hay Rope, Hide Rope Fish Twine. Spunyarn and Bale Rope, fine Ic Hay Rope, Hide Rope and Fsh Twine, laid Ic Hay Rope, Hide Rope and Fish Twine, fine laid IV^c Sisal Lariat Rope, 4 strand 5c Sisal Lariat Rope, 3 strand 4c 130 Thread Untarred Lath or Ringyarn Basis price 200 thread y2C advance All Good!* are Sold at Gross AVeiglit. All Goods in Ballx ViC per pound extra. All Rope '%vhen ordered without Oil, Ic per pound extra. All 4 strand Rope, Ic extra. 820 GEO-BeAR.PEN*TER ^ CO. HAWSER LAID MANILA ROPE OR WELL DRILLING CABLE We carry in Chicago stock all sizes % to 2 inch diameter in 1,200 foot coils. The % and % inch diameter is used for Governor ropes on passenger and freight elevators. The 1 % inch diam- eter is used extensively by Chicago contractors for hoisting buckets in caisson construction. Full coils per lb. $ Cut lengths per lb. $ Cross Section of 3 Strand Rope TALLOW LAID MANILA ROPE This Rope is used for general hoisting and carriage movement in saw-mills. We carry it in stock in sizes % inch to 2 % inch diameter, in both 3 and 4 strand, in coils 1,200 feet long. Longer lengths to order. 3 Strand 4 Strand % inch diameter per lb. $ . . . . $ . . . . j\ and 1/^ inch diameter " % inch and larger " Cross Section of 4 Strand Rope STEAM-TARRED MANILA ROPE Right and Iieft Laid, and Stretched, for Seine and Net Hanging 6 and 9 thread per lb. $ . . . . 12 thread " .... 15 thread and larger " .... STEAM-TARRED SISAL ROPE Right and Left Laid, and Stretched, for Seine and Net Hanging 6 and 9 thread per lb. $ . . . . 12 thread " .... 15 thread and larger " .... OUR GOOD LUCK BINDER TWINE In 50 lb. Bales, 5 lb. Balls BRAND Pure Manila, 650 feet to lb per lb. $ Manila, 6 00 feet to lb " Standard, 500 feet to lb " Sisal, 500 feet to lb " Our Twine runs very even and is free from the bunches and irregular spots so common in ordinary Binder Twine. GEO•B•eAItPE^fTER S eO. 521 SISAL ROPE We carry in Chicago stock, all sizes, ^ to l^^ inch diameter in coils and ^ to li/^ inch diameter in half coils. Pure Complex ^ inch diameter per lb. $ . . . . $ % inch and ^ inch diameter " % inch diameter •^, y^ and tff inch diameter % inch diameter and larger " SISAL HIDE ROPE In Strand (twisted) We carry in Chicago stock, all sizes, coils about 100 lbs. in pure Sisal and Complex. PURE SISAL 2 and 3 ply. Regular, coils per lb. % . 2 and 3 ply, Medium, coils " 2 and 3 ply, Fine, coils " 2 ply. Extra Fine, coils " COMPLEX 2 and 3 ply. Regular, coils 2 and 3 ply. Medium, coils 2 and 3 ply. Fine, coils. . . , 2 ply, Extra Fine, coils ... per lb. $. SISAL HAY ROPE Or Baling Rope (twisted) We carry in Chicago stock. Pure Sisal and Complex in coils and reels, about 55 lbs. and 5 lb. balls in 100 lb. bales. PURE SISAL 2 and 3 ply, Medium, coils or reels per lb. $. . . . 2 and 3 ply, Fine " 4, 5, and 6 ply. Regular " .... COMPLEX 2 and 3 ply, Medium, coils or reels per lb. $ 2 and 3 ply, Fine, coils or reels 4, 5, and 6 ply. Regular, coils or reels All Unoiled Sisal, Ic per lb. extra. Balling. 14 c extra. 8S2 Geo-B(Bar.peM"ter s eo. LATH YARN Tarred We carry in Chicago stock all brands in 100, 200 and 5 00 lb. Coils. Our assortment Is suited for all uses, carrying three grades, viz: / "^'^''^^v \ G. B. C. & CO.'S BEST / ^* ^O ^ / ^ T \ Evenly Spun, Lightly Tarred I JJ1jC9A I 110 yarns in the strand per lb. $ \ / 130 yarns in the strand " .... ^^^^ \ 130 \n. y 200 yarns in the strand " .... <^^^MSe^.''' ANCHOR BRAND ^V ^ \^ -WT 110 yarns in the strand per lb. $ ... . ' ^^^^ 13 yarns in the strand " .... ^^^^ 200 yarns in the strand " .... N2 130 JtL mJ \/ m\ X li c r brand 110 yarns in the strand per lb. $ . . . . 1#^ # \ 13 yarns in the strand " .... ^^ \W 200 yarns in the strand " .... RING YARN Untarred Lath Yarn We carry in Chicago stock Pure Sisal and Complex in 100 lb. Coils; ;. on Reels, Single End and 5 lb. Balls in 100 lb. Bales. /\ PURE SISAL iV»^ * * ^* fl ) 110 yarns in the strand. .. .per lb. $... . "■IWTlll^ 130 yarns in the strand.... " 1 I.' Ivi1< • 200 yarns in the strand.... " .... ^^ SIwSAL y N \ / COMPLEX Sjm w 110 yarns in the strand per lb. $ . , . . /-% ■ . 130 yarns in the strand " .... ■* 200 yarns in the strand " GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ CO, 823 LARIAT ROPE BRONCO BOB LARIAT ROPE PURE MANILA LARIAT ROPE IN 1,200 FT. COILS iV and 1/^ inch diameter, 3 strand . . per lb. $ . . . . ,V " Vz " " 4 " . . " PURE SISAL LARIAT ROPE IN 1,200 FT. COILS ^ and V2 inch diameter, 3 strand . . per lb. $ . . . . ^ " V2 " " 4 " . . " YACHT MANILA ROPE FOR LARIATS This Rope is not as hard twisted as the regular Manila. In 1,200 Ft. Coils ^s inch diameter, 3 strand per lb. $ . . . . TOM HORN MANILA LARIAT ROPE With the Green Strand. Made from the finest grades of Cebu Hemp. Quality is the only consideration in its manufacture In order to protect buyers against inferior quality :f^ MANILA*^: ; LARIAT rope: Every 25 feet in coils and each Lariat will bear this tag In 1,200 Ft. Coils ^s and % inch diameter, 3 strand, per lb. $. . . . ,^g " 1/^ " " 4 " . " Made from the Finest Grades of Cebu Hemp The Acme of Lariat Rope Perfection We have no hesitancy in recommending this Rope as the very best Lariat Rope on the market today. It is the Rope that all discriminating users will eventually buy. Every 25 feet of Bronco Bob Lariat Rope bears this tag. Insist on having it. It is your protection against inferior quality and substi- tutes. In 1,200 Ft. Coils /ij and Vz inch diameter, 3 strand . . per lb. $ . . . . A " 1/2 " " 4 " . . " Bronco Bob Lariats with Brass Honda PURE MANILA ROPE j\ inch diameter, 35 ft $ . . . . r\ " " 40 " Iff " 45 V2 " 35 V2 " 40 Vz " 45 TOM HORN LARIATS \\^TH BRASS HONDA /ij inch diameter, 35 ft per doz. /s " " 40 " A " " 45 " 1/2 " " 35 " 1/2 " " 40 " 1/2 " " 45 " BRAIDED COTTON AND LINEN LARIATS With Rawhide With Brass or Galvl&nized Honda, each Linen, No. 12 (40 feet) . . Extra lengths, 5c per ft. Linen, No. 14 (40 feet) . . Extra lengths, 7c per ft. Linen, No. 16 (40 feet) . . Extra lengths, 9c per ft. Cotton, No. 16 (40 feet) . . $4.00 Extra lengths, 5c per ft. Honda each $4.25 LARIAT HONDAS GALVANIZED THIMBLE AND GRIP Illustration about one-third actual size Galvanized Hondas per doz. $. Brass Hondas " RAWHIDE Rawhide Hondas per doz. ?. 824 GEO•B^eARPE^fTER S GO. COTTON ROPE Pig. 401. Coil Fig. 402. Tube Figr. 403. Reel "We carry Chicago stock in Cotton Rope, Old Colony ^g, % and ^g inch diameter in Tubes and Reels "A A," i^ to V^ inch diameter on Reels and % to 1^ inch diameter in Coils. 1/4 to 1 1/4 inch dia . A A" Reels Coils per lb % %. . . . OLD COLONY Reels Tubes ■fff inch diameter .... per lb. $ $ . . . . Vi and ^ inch dia. . . " -h to 1 14 inch dia I . For estimate of weights of Cotton Rope, see index. JUTE ROPE :^ to 94 Inch Diameter, in Coils about 100 lbs. ^j inch diameter per lb. $ ^/4 to % inch diameter per lb. $. TARRED CORDAGE American Hemp, 2 in. cir. and less per lb. American Hemp, Larger to 4 in. cir " Russia Bolt Rope, 6thd to 3 l^ cir. " Regular Marline, 1, 5, 10 and 25 lb. Balls and Coils " Yacht Marline, 1 lb. Balls " Marline, 1 and 20 lb. Balls. " n.e Ratline, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 thread per lb. $ Regular Houseline, 5 and 10 lb. Balls Houseline, 1 and 20 lb. Balls hambroline, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. Rounding, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. . Spun Yarn, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. . . HEMP PACKINGS Italian A, 25, 50 and 100 lb. coils per lb. $, Italian B, 25, 50 and 100 lb. coils American A, 50 and 100 lb. coils American B, 50 and 100 lb. coils Jute, 100 lb. coils Jute, Tarred, 100 lb. coils Fig. 404 Italian . . American India . . . CABLE LAID HEMP BELL CORDS 14 and {\, Inch Diameter, in Coils about 1,800 Feet Long per lb. % . Geo -B- Carre hfTER « Co. 825 BRAIDED COTTON SASH CORDS Put up in hanks of 100 feet each, two connected, one dozen hanks (1,200 feet) in a package; 6 dozen Nos. 6 to 9 inclusive, and 4 dozen Nos. 10 and 12 in a bale; or in coils of 1,200 feet. We are selling agents for the Anniston Cordage Co., and are in the best possible position to take care of the trade in these goods. No. Diameter ■Weight per doz. Hanks Length per lb. Suitable for Weights Minimum Diam. of Pul- ley allowable 6 7 8 9 10 12 ^ inch 3^ inch % inch i2 inch ^ inch % inch 17 lbs. 22 lbs. 26 lbs. 32 lbs. 40 lbs. 58 lbs. 70 feet 55 feet 46 feet 37 feet 30 feet 21 feet Less than 5 lbs. 5 to 15 lbs. 15 to 25 lbs. 25 to 35 lbs. 35 to 45 lbs. 45 to 60 lbs. 11/2 inch 1% inch 2 inch 2% inch 21/2 inch 3 inch LIS' r OF BRAIDED < :^OTTON SASH C( )RD Brand Old Colony per lb. Anniston Samson Spot Phoenix Silver Lake A " Silver Lake B Rainbow " White Drab White Drab Xos. 8 to 12 White Drab 826 Geo-BCarpen'ter s Co. BRAIDED COTTON BELL CORDS In coils any length desired. Coils ,in stock about 1,000 feet. Nos 6 7 8 9 10 Inches, diameter . . . . t'g ^ V^ ^^ ^ White Drab Mahog-'y Old Colony brand "A" per lb. $ Anniston brand . . " Samson brand ... " SOLID BRAIDED ROPE In coils 1,200 feet No. Diameter Wt. per 100 Ft. 14 j\ inch 7 lbs. 16 1/2 inch 9 lbs. 18 fs inch 11 lbs. 20 % inch 13 lbs. 24 % inch 17 lbs. 28 •% inch 22 lbs. 32 1 inch 28 lbs. 36 li/s inch 3 5 lbs. White Cotton •. per lb. $ . . . . Drab Cotton " Italian " .... Linen " .... TROLLEY AND ARC LIGHT CORD Waterproofed Braided Cotton In coils about 1,000 feet long or any length desired. No. 12 (% inch diameter) is commonly used for Arc Light. No. 8 (1/4 inch diameter) and No. 9 (#g inch diameter) are usually used for Trolleys. "A" Quality Trolley Cord. . . . per lb. $. . . . "Arc" Light Cord " .... BELL CORD COUPLINGS Put up one dozen in a box complete, with screws to match. Japanned, No. 8 and No. 9.perdoz. $0.60 .Tapanned, No. 10 and No. 12. " .70 NOTE. — To insert solid braided cord in a coupling, cut the end diagonally and twist it in. VALVE CORD HOOKS For use with air brake and air s i gn al systems. With socket for firmly holding n size for No. cord complete, with screws. Price per doz. $1.00 SMALL BRAIDED LINES Nos. 3%, 4 and 41/^, put up in hanks of 48 feet each (several connected in one length), one dozen hanks (192 yards) in a box, or in coils of 1,00 yards. The white cotton lines are bleached. The white and drab cotton lines are glazed. Other colors are unglazed. Sage, terra cotta, green, old gold, maroon, olive, Spariish olive, blue, scarlet, brown, cardinal, ecru, and pearl are kept in stock at factory, in No. 4 size, and furnished to order in the other sizes. No. 3 1^ In Hanks In Coils per doz. per 100 yds- Cotton, white Cotton, bleached or colored Linen No. 4 In Hanks In Coils per doz. per 100 yds. Cotton, white . ' " Cotton, bleached or colored Linen No. iy2 'In Hanks In Coils per doz. per 100 yds. Cotton, white Cotton, bleached or colored Linen »1 No. 5 This cord in white or drab cotton and in linen, and put up in hanks of 100 feet each (two lines connected), one dozen in a package, or in coils of 1,000 yards. In Hanks In Coils per doz. per yd. Cotton, white ' " Cotton, colored Linen ^ • CHALK LINES These lines are made of bleached cotton put up in hanks of 20 feet each, one dozen in a bunch, in gross and half gross boxes; or in coils of any length desired. No. Per gro. lines Per 100 yds. No. $6.00 $0.60 No. 1 6.50 .65 No. 2 7.00 .70 No. 3 7.50 .75 GARDEN LINES Garden Line is made of Italian hemp, solid braided, in size a little smaller than No. 5. Put up in hanks of 100 feet each (two lines connected), one dozen in a package. Per dozen hanks. $.... Geo-BCarpen'ter « Co. 827 CLOTHES LINES BRAIDED AND TWISTED COTTON LINES MANILA SISAL AND JUTE LINES All our Lines are packed in dozen. The dozens are neatly wrapped in pappr, and a label showing brand and lengths is placed on each. Are packed one gross in a bale. The labels are plain but substantial, and give only neces- sary information as to the Lines contained in package. When a Special Label of any descrip- tion is required we furnish same free of charge, provided the order is sufficiently large to war- rant the additional expense and care. The higher class of Lines, including all Braided Lines, havd a label on each hank. We guarantee our Lines as full length in every case. We make all Lines with two hanks connected, so that they can be retailed in pairs or single, as occasion demands. Prosecution will follow the use by others of our brands or labels. Basis, 100 feet. All Lengths 50 to 100 ft. in proportion. All Lengths under 50 ft. additional 5%. COTTON LINES Anniston Waterproof Oriole Waterproof Samson Spot, Solid Braided Blackbird, Solid Braided Gilt Edge. Solid Braided Bee, Solid Braided Acme, Solid Braided Empire, Solid Braided Alabama, Braided Cotton Albemarle, Braided Cotton Eclipse, Braided Cotton Chicago, Braided Cotton Calhoun, Braided Cotton Standard, Braided Cotton Columbia, Braided Cotton Star Twisted Cotton North Shore Manila Luzon Rajah HEMP LINES X L C R Minot Sisal, 6 thread Sisal, 3 thread Jute, any length, per lb. Bull Dog Samar 828 GEO-B-eARPXN*TER « CO. TWINES We carry In our Chicago Warehouses the greatest variety and largest stock of twines in the United States. FLAX TWINES SMALL WTIAPPING Assortment in Chicago Stock l^ lb. balls, 3 lb. package, 144 lb. bale, in all grades and numbers, % lb. balls, 3 lb. package, 144 lb. bale, in all grades, in Nos, 9, 12 and 18. 1^ lb. balls, in barrel bags, in all grades and numbers. 10 reels, in B Italian. 10, 20 and 40 lb. reels, in BC American. 10, 20 and 40 lb. reels, in Empress. Quality No. 9 No. 12 No. 18 No. 24 No. 36 No. 48 No. 60 "BC" American Empress ^^^^^ HEMP TWINES LARGE WRAPPING Assortment in Chicago Stock. 450 lb. Bales, 50 lb. Reels No. 414 in 1 and 10 lb. Balls No. 6 in 1, 5 and 10 lb. Balls B AMERICAN SOAP STONE FINISH No. 7 in 11^ lb. Balls. No. 8 in 2 lb. Balls. No. 41/2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in 50 lbs. Reels. No. 41^ in Va, 1 and 10 lb. Balls. No. 5 and 6 in 1 and 10 lb. Balls. No. 41/^, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in 50 lb. Reels. No. 414 in 1^, 1/2, 1, 3, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. No. 5 in 1 and 5 lb. Balls. No. 6 in %, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. No. 4%, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in 50 lb. Reels. BC AMERICAN No. 7 in 11/2, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. No. 8 in 2 lb. Balls. No. 41^, 6, 7 and 8, unfinished, in 50 lb. Reels. INDIA No. 7 in 11/2, 5 and 10 lb. Balls. No. 8 in 2 lb. Balls. No. 41/2. 5 and 6, in 100 lb. Coils, Hide Rope Style. No. iVz, 6, 7 and 8, unfinished, in 50 lb. Reels. Laid. 3 Ply I Twisted, 2 Ply Quality 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. "R" Amprirnn Snnr> Stnnp Tfinish npr lb India ... " Special India AMERICAN HEMP WALL PAPER 10 lb. Balls and 50 lb. Reels in 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Ply Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ eo, 829 BALING OR SEWING TWINES JUTE 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $ L. M. 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins and 150 lb. barrel bags in 1/2 lb. balls. 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $ C FLAX 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $ DIAMOND FLAX 14 4 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins and 150 lb. barrel bags, in % lb. balls. 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $. . . . A SAIL — SELECTED FLAX 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. Coils Hide Rope Style. 3 and 4 ply per lb. $ . . . . ACME SAIL — FINE FLAX 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. 3 and 4 ply per lb. $ . . . . EXCELSIOR SAIL — FINE FLAX 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. 3 and 4 ply per lb. $ . . . . SILVER FINISH — EXTRA FL.IX 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. Coils Hide Rope Style. 3 and 4 ply per lb. $ . . . . ANDOVER 144 lb. bales, 12 lb. packages, in skeins. 3, 4 and 5 ply per lb., ?. . . . FLAX BALL TWINES BLOCKING CORD In bales, about 200 lbs. Nos. 9 12 16 28 In 1 lb. balls, 6 lb. packages Per lb In 4 lb. balls, 12 lb. packages Nos. 36 48 60 Per lb GREY CABLE LAID TWINE MATTRESS TWINES Elm Flax, 168 lb. cases, 3 lb. packages, Vz lb. balls. Special 168 lb. bale, 3 lb. package, Vz lb. Nos... 9 12 18 24 36 48 ball and 150 lb. barrel. Per lb 252 and 264 Elm Flax per lb. $.... 252 and 264 G. B. C. Special " 252 and 264 Extra " . . . . NO. 24 WHITE FLAX 144 lb. bales, 3 lb. pkg., 1/2 Ibb. balls, per lb. $. . 168 lb. bale, 3 lb. package, Vz lb. ball. NO. 6 RED FLAX lb. bale, 3 lb. package, % lb. balls. per lb. $ LINEN TWINES VICTOR MACHINE THREAD 120 lb. case, 6 lb. package, 1 lb. tubes. Nos 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 Perlb SHOE THREAD 120 lb. case, 1 lb. box, 2 oz. ball. No 10 H. Per lb $. LINEN FINISH TWINES Bleached and Hard Finished NO. 206 RED AND AVHITE 3 lb. package, % lb. balls perlb. $. 3 lb. packages, Vz lb. balls and tubes . per lb. $ . . . wtimtt 3 lb. package, V4. lb. balls perlb. $. NO. 333 WHITE lb. package, 1 lb. tubes per lb. $ . . . 3 lb. package, V4, lb. balls per lb. $ . 53 NO. 705 WHITE NO. 151 WHITE 830 Geo -B- CARPENTER ^ eo. JUTE TWINES AVRAPPING ^i lb. Balls in Barrel Bags about 125 lbs. No. 1 A Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $. No. 2 Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply Single End on Reels about 55 lbs. No. 1 Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $ No. 2 Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply Hide Rope Style, in CoUs about 100 lbs. No. 1 Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $. No. 2 Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply Baling, in Skeins 12 lb. Pkg. and Bales about 144 lbs. No. 1 Quality in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ply per lb. $ , TUBE ROPE 6 No. 1 Quality in 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 ply; 10 lb. balls in 500 lb. bales; 50 lb. reels and hide rope style in 100 lb. coils. 4 ply per lb. $ . 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 ply WOOL TWINE No. 1 Quality 3 and 4 ply 1 lb. balls in 125 lb. bales and 50 lb. reels per lb. $. No. 2 Quality 3 and 4 ply 1 lb. balls in 125 lb. bales and 50 lb. reels BUFFALO ROPE Laid No. 1 Quality 3 and 4 ply in 10 lb. balls in 500 lb. bales and 50 lb. reels. . . .per lb. $, BOX TWINE No. 1 Quality 2 ply in 1 lb. balls in 100 lb. bales and 50 lb. reels and 100 lb. coils, bide rope style per lb. $ . SEAMING CORD No. 1 Quality in 2 lb. balls in 300 lb. bales and 50 lb. reels per lb. $. WALL PAPER Laid No. 1 Quality 3 and 4 ply in 10 lb. balls in 500 lb. bales and 5 lb. reels per lb. 1 . GEO-B-CAKPE^fTER S eO. 831 COTTON TWINES, YARNS AND MOPS "OLD COLONY" 100 lb. Barrel, 100 lb. Bale 3 aud 4 Ply Balls in barrels per lb. $ . Balls, 5 lb. sack, in bales " Cones in barrels " Tubes in barrels " COTTON BUTCHERS' TWINE 100 lb. Barrel 4, 6 and 8 ply balls per lb. $ . . . . 4, 6 and 8 ply cones " . . . . CARPET WARP 100 lb. Bales, 5 lb. Packages in Skeins 4 ply per lb. $ . MOPS WITH HANDLES MACHINE COTTON SEWING TWINE Balls and Tubes 3 ply reverse twist per lb. $. . . 3 ply regular twist " ... 4 ply regular twist SAIL TWINE V> lb. Balls, 1 lb. Tubes 50 lb. Reels, Single Ends, 50 lb. Tubes, Hide Rope Style 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 ply. 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 48 per lb. $. CARPET WARP OR MOP YARN For Roofers Use 100 lb. Bales, 5 lb. Packages in Skeins 4 ply per lb. $ . . . MOPS 1 Doz. in Bundle 12 Doz. in Bales, 1 Doz. in Package Eureka per lb. $ Dandy, 4 ply No. 14 per doz $6.00 Star, 4 ply " 16 " " 6.75 Star, 15 ply « 1 o ,, <, 7 OK Priscilla ^,11 .. .. Ill Slasher 20 »-00 Royal Twine "24 " " 9.00 Queen ESTIMATED WEIGHTS OF COTTON ROPE AND SEINE TWINE Cotton Rope Patent or Hard Laid Seine Twine Size inch Diameter Feet per lb. Tensile Strength, lbs. Sizes. Thread No. Feet per lb. Tensile Streng-th, lbs. Sizes. Thread No. Feet per lb. Tensile Strength lbs. % 240 130 6 2880 12 54 311 108 i2 151 210 9 1920 18 60 288 120 A 105 300 12 1440 24 72 242 144 % 60 520 15 1152 30 84 200 168 ^ 35 780 18 ' 962 36 96 181 192 % 20 1,040 21 823 42 108 150 216 % 14V2 2,220 24 722 48 120 140 240 % 9V2 3,460 27 621 54 138 124 264 % 7 4,450 30 576 60 144 121 288 % 514 6,680 33 524 66 168 103 336 1 3% 8,910 36 483 72 198 87 396 1% 3V8 10,695 42 411 84 210 83 420 1% 2y2 12,480 48 362 96 240 71 480 1% 1% 17,810 For So ft Laid Sein e Twine, a dd 20% to number of feet For Cotton Rope and Cotton Seine Twine, see Index 832 GEO-BeAIiPEM*TER ^ SO. COTTON LINES COTTON STAGING TWINES Cuts are actual sizes. 5 lb. Sacks— 100 lb. Bales No. 12 15 18 21 24 27 Feet per lb. 1350 1000 800 775 : 575 500 Wt. Balls Ounces.. . 2 2 2 2 2 3 COTTON TROT LINES Cuts are actual sizes. Bulk In BbLs. about 150 lbs. No. 1 1 2 1 3 Feet per lb . 165 140 120 Wt. Balls Ounces. . . 8 12 16 MASONS LINES 21 24 COTTON SEINE TWINE Soft Laid Actual sizes. *— ^: 6 ~;^=£.-v-!^ 9 ^'*?^5SSW?'?W . SNrKV^-V^^!VV>J.K^ I ^ Soft Laid 10 lb. Packages in 100 lb. Bales. 6 thread per lb 9 " " 12 " " 16 to 60 thread " Balls, Tubes, Vzc advance in any size to order. For Linen Gilling Thread, see index. For feet per lb., see preceding page. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ SO. 833 COTTON SEINE TWINE Medium Laid. 10-lb. Packages In 100-lb. Bales 6-thread per lb., 9-thread " 12-thread 15-42-thread Larger thread , 6-thread per lb., $ 9-thread 12-thread 15-42-thread Larger thread MEDIUM COTTON SEINE T\VINE — In Balls Per lb. Per lb. 21-thread, ^■ lb., $ 36-thread, % lb.,$ 24-thread, % lb., 36-thread, 1 lb HAND LAID MAITRE CORD 100 bales in 10-lb. packages. 60-10 to 144-10 Per lb Any size Balls and Tubes to order. For feet per pound, see second preceding page. Per lb 9-thread. % lb., $ 12-thread, % lb , 15-thread, % lb , 42-thread, % lb., $. 42-thread, 1 lb., . 54-thread, 1 lb., . The Rubber Department IN presenting to you this part of our catalog, we feel we cannot emphasize too strongly the unique position which we occupy in the Mechanical Rubber Goods field. We have handled this line of goods for over thirty years as special agents and distributors for some of the largest manu- facturers in the United States. Our activities have brought us in touch not only with the users of the goods and their special requirements, but also with the actual manufacture of all the different items in this important line. We have accumulated an intimate knowledge, therefore, of both ends of the game. THIS KNOWLEDGE IS AT YOUR SERVICE. Further- more, we have a great additional advantage in not being tied to an^ one line of goods. It is a self-evident proposition that all manufacturers have their particular specialty. Out of one factor]) will come the best belt; out of another factor}) will come the best hose; from still another the best packings. Our indepen- dent position coupled with our big outlet and enormous distributing potper enables us to select the best items from each manufacturer's line. This policy has resulted in an *'All Star Line.'' The greater part of these goods is made up in accordance with special formulae, particularly adapted to the needs of our trade, and are offered under our own brands and under OUR own GUARANTEE. GEO-B-eARPEN*TER « GO. Some of Our Leading Brands ''mt} Colon?" Rubber Belting Sand Blast Hose Air and Tool Hose Steam Hose Brewers' Hose Water Hose Creamery Hose Sheet Packing Garden Hose Piston Packing Double Jacket C. R. L. Fire Hose Square Flax Packing CHALLENGE Garden Hose (Moulded) Rubber Belting Suction Hose Hydraulic Packing Tool Hose (Moulded) Square Flax Packing Water Hose (Moulded) BANNER Conveyor Belting Superheat Sheet Packing Underwriters' C. R. L. Fire Hose Asbestos Valve Stem Packing Superheat Steam Hose EKONOMY Steam Hose Tool Hose Sheet Packing Matting CARPENCO WHITE STAR Stitched Canvas Belting Deck Hose Rubber Sheet Tiling Oiled and Rubber Clothing Moulded Rubber Goods Rubberhide Boots Tires and Tubes We also stock all of the best known and widely advertised brands of mechanical rubber goods. GEO-B-eARPEhfTER « eO. 834B GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S CO. GEO-B-CAIiPEl^TER S eo. 83^ RUBBER BELTING **mh Olalong" RUBBER BELT "The Last Word In Belt Construction" CONSTRUCTION It consists of a special high grade tight woven duck, thoroughly stretched. Tough and elas- tic new rubber friction between every ply with an added feature of a heavy cushion between the first and second layers of duck around the entire belt, which is made to give it more life on small fast running pulleys, also allowing the outside ply to stretch more than the inner, preventing the belt from coming apart. The plies are literally welded together by pure gum, which is forced under pressure into every fibre of the duck. A tremendously strong belt is the result. It is pliable, fit for the heaviest duties in power transmission without stretch or ply separation. USES It is recommended for stone crushers, saw, paper, stamp, cement mills, bleacheries, brick and silica plants, sand and gravel pits or any other place where a good substantial quality belt like Old Colony is required. We base our recommendations on experience and practice and we solicit your inquiries. A trial order will be appreciated. INDIAN HEAD Our Indian Head is particularly designed as a reliable transmission belt for general use. We recommend it for satisfactory service under all but extreme conditions. The duck is heavy and strong, and the rubber is of very good quality. In its construction caution is taken to insure straight running, flexibility, uniform thickness. Quality considered and from a standpoint of service value, Indian Head is an attractive pur- chase. CHALLENGE BELTING A great market exists for rubber belting where the strength and high quality of Old Colony and Indian Head brands are not essential. Challenge offers maximum value to meet this demand for a good belt at a moderate price. It would be difficult to overstate the features that make it a leader in its class. It is a trifle lighter than our better grades but yet sturdy enough for general transmission service, where mod- erate loads and favorable pulleys but no excessive speed exists. We can also quote on popular advertised grades of rubber belting such as: Rainbow, Peer- less, Durham and Huron, We also are in a position to furnish special belts for special purposes, such as: Axle Dynamo, Oil Well, Special Stitched, Planer, Extractor, Hog Beater, Vanner, etc. 836 GEO-B-CAItPEbfTER « eO; PRICE LIST RUBBER BELTING Adopted by Mechanical Rubber Goods Manufacturers Association, April 26, 1910. In effect May 2, 1910. Width 1 Plies inches | 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 1 7 8 1 » 10 1 $0.09 $0.11 $0.13 .11 .13 .16 1 % .13 .15 .19 $0.23 1% .15 .17 .22' .27 2 .18 .20 .25 .31 $0.37 2% .22 .25 .31 .38 .46 3^* .26 .30 .37 .45 .55 ■ 31/2 .30 .35 .43 .53 .65 4 .34 .40 ,50 .61 .75 $0.86 41/^ .38 .45 .55 .69 .84 .96 5 .42 .50 .61 .76 .91 1.06 6 .50 .60 .72 .89 1.08 1.25 $1.44 7 .59 .70 .84 1.04 1.25 1.46 1.68 8 .67 :i8 .96 1.19 1.44 1.68 1.92 9 .76 1.07 1.34 1.60 1.88 2.16 10 .84 1.00 1.20 1.49 1.77 2.09 2.40 $2.70 $3.00 11 .92 1.10 1.32 1.63 1.96 2.29 2.62 2.97 3.25 3.30 12 1.00 1.20 1.43 1.78 2.15 2.50 2.85 3.58 13 1.10 1.30 1.56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 3.51 3.90 14 1.19 1.40 1.69 2.11 2.54 2.96 3.39 3.80 4.23 15 1.28 1.52 1.83 2.28 2.74 3.19 3.65 4.12 4.58 16 1.37 1.65 1.96 2.44 2.94 3.42 3.92 4.41 4.90 18 1.55 1.87 2.22 2.77 3.33 3.88 4.44 5.00 5.55 20 1.74 2.09 2.49 3.10 3.73 4.35 4.97 5.60 6.23 22 1.94 2.33 2.77 3.47 4.16 4.85 5.54 6.23 6.93 24 2.16 2.60 3.08 3.85 4.62 5.39 6.16 6.93 7.70 26 2.38 2.86 3.39 4.23 5.08 5.93 6.78 7.63 8.48 28 2.60 3.12 3.70 4.62 5.54 6.47 7.39 8.33 9.25 30 2.82 3.39 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 ' 32 3.04 3.65 4.31 5.39 6.47 7.55 8.62 9.70 10.78 34 3.26 3.92 4.62 5.78 6.93 8.09 9.24 10.40 11.55 36 3.48 4.18 4.93 6.16 7.39 8.62 9.86 11.10 12.33 38 3.70 4.44 5.24 6.55 7.85 9.16 10.47 11.79 13.10 40 3.92 4.71 5.55 8.32 9.70 11.09 12.49 13.88 42 4.14 4.97 5.85 7:32 8.78 10.24 11.70 13.16 14.63 44 4.36 5.24 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.78 12.32 13.86 15.40 46 4.58 5.50 6.47 8.08 9.70 11.32 12.94 14.56 16.18 48 4.80 5.76 6.73 8.47 10.16 11.86 13.55 15.14 16.83 50 5.02 6.03 7.08 8.85 10.63 12.40 14.17 15.93 17.70 52 5.22 6.29 7.39 9.24 11.09 12.94 14.78 16.63 18.48 54 5.46 6.56 7.70 9.63 11.55 13.48 15.40 17.33 19.25 For ''Endless Belts," a charge of three feet additional to the actual pulley length is made. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OP BELTING Correct alignment and lubrication are always essential. Long center-to-center distances for horizontal drives, and short centers for vertical drives are recommended. Rubber belting does not give the best service on half or quarter twists, cone pulleys or shift- ers. All belt ends should be cut perfectly square and joined carefully, as this will insure true run- ning and equal pull. There are a great many practical fasteners on the market, each with its own following. We, therefore, hesitate to recommend any particular fastener, and we list only those we know have merit. » The following list of Dos and Don'ts should be of interest to belt users. DO DON'T Secure good alignment. Balance pulleys. Use belt clamps. Lace carefully. Have driving side below. Have broad belts. Use large pulleys. Use moderate tensions. Have long centers horizontally. Have short centers vertically. We do not recommend rubber belts made endless for the reason that the glue used for splic- ing deteriorates, and the belts must be taken up frequently. In addition to this, the laps are liable to bulge. All this involves extra labor and exijense. Use vertical drive. Use quarter twist drive. Have driving side on top. Use strong tension. Use high crown pulley. Use shifters with guide bars. Use small pulleys. Use heavy belts. Use animal oils on belts. i^ GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « eO. 837 HINTS ON THE USE OF RUBBER BELTING Precaution should be used in arranging pulleys and shafting, in order to obtain the full power and the full service. The diameter of the pulleys should be as large as it is possible to have them, as a belt stretches on the outside, while on the inside it compresses. In comparison with a leather belt, 4-ply rubber is equivalent to a single leather belt; 6-ply rubber is equivalent to a double leather belt. The belt, before adjusted to the pulley, should be cut shorter than the distance around the pulleys by one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch for every foot, when measured with a tape or string. In narrow belts, butt the two ends together, making two rows of holes in each, and lace with lacing. On wide belts, in addition, sew on a thin piece of rubber or leather, to strengthen the joints. The seam side of the belt should always be placed outside and not next to the pul- leys. In case the belt slips, which occurs very seldom, it is best to coat the side next to the pulley lightly with boiled linseed oil. Grease and all animal oils are injurious to rubber belts. Especial care should be taken to protect the edges from them, as they are liable to decompose the belt. TO FIXD THE LEXGTH OF A BELT When pulleys are small or about the same diameters, add the diameters of the two pulleys together, divide the result by two, and multiply the quotient by three and one-seventh. Add the product to twice the distance between the centers of shafts, and you have the length required. 5 ft. diam. one pulley. 3 ft. diam. one pulley. 20 ft. distance between centers. 2)8 sum of diameters. 40 ft. 12.57 52.57 ft.=52 ft. GVs in., length of belt. 12.57 ft. In putting on belting it should be stretched as tightly as possible, and with wide belts this can best be done by the use of clamps secured firmly to each end of the belt and drawn together by clamp rods running parallel with and outside the edges of the belt. There is no danger of breaking, as a belt six inches wide and 3-ply thick will stand a direct strain of 5,000 pounds, and other sizes in proportion. BEST METHOD OF LACING BELTING The belt to be adjusted to the pulleys (depending on the thickness of the belt) should be cut shorter than the distance around the pulleys by ^ to % of an inch for every foot in length, when measured with a metallic tape or wire drawn tightly around the pulleys. Wire liacinB— PuUey Side Wire I^cine — Outside 838 GEO-BCAliPEM'TER S So. RUBBER CONVEYOR AND ELEVATOR BELTING ==^55)1 ::,(in -\ 1 'I ,\ '^ t"' r /- « OOi^lVEYOH UELT bli;PW£L_ '^0HV5:Y[jfrrjF:i;r "BANNER" BRAND CONVEYOR BELT Long Wear and Low Service Cost "Banner" Brand Conveyor Belt is built for the hardest service, long hauls, and sharp heavy materials. For such service we recommend it as the best suited belt on the market. Tough Rubber Cover — withstands abrasion — protects fabric from moisture and elements. Long-Lived Friction — prevents ply separation — long vitality. Edge Construction — will not peel, break loose oi: wear rough. Fabric — special duck — extreme strength lengthwise and flexibility crosswise. Low Service Cost — continuous service and large tonnage make "Banner" Brand cost less than other belts. ^ , ^ ,, . ^ ,^. , Made in any ply and width, and with padded surface covers, from 3^ to %: inch thick on one or both sides. To order only. "BILTWELL" BRAND CONVEYOR BELT A Dependable Belt for all General Requirements "Biltwell" Brand Conveyor Belt is made to meet the needs where a high quality as "Banner" is not justified by the requirements. It will give excellent service under normal conditions. Its quality is high — much higher than many other grades on the market. Yet its price is moderate and it is economical in operation. It will outlast any other belt of its class. Made in any ply and width and with padded surface covers from ^ to %, inch thick. To order only. ELEVATOR BELTING INDIAN HEAD ELEVATOR BELT Indian Head is made specifially for elevator sei-vice. It is particularly efficient on sulphur legs in grain elevating. It is made with a special sulphur fume proof cover. To order only. CHALLENGE ELEVATOR BELT Made to meet ordinary conditions. Has a good duck and friction. Bucket holes punched upon request. Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ Co. 839 LEATHER BELTING '^e are the Chicago distributors for the DETROIT OAK BELTING CO., one of the best known «t^u,\uractui ers of leather belting in the country. Their goods are so well and favorably known that ^6 hdve uQopied them as our standard of quality. A careful inspection of their plant demonstrated to us their superior facilities for manufactur- ing high grade goods. They follow the policy that "anything worth doing at all, is worth doing well" and this is reflected in the quality and workmanship of their belting. We carry at All times in Chicago stock, in all sizes, the following weights and grades: Best Grade Regular Single. King Regular Single. Best Grade Regular Double. King Regular Double. Velocity Double. Other weights can be furnished promptly upon receipt of order, direct from the factory. BEST GRADE This belt is made to give the longest life and greatest durability under the most severe con- ditions. Cut entirely f^om center portion of the butt. HEAVY SINGLE 16 oz. or More According to Width For general use whert., a siugle belt of high quality and heavy weight is required. REGULAR SINGLE 14 j)z. or More According to Width For general use where a medium weight single is required, pulleys at high speed. Especially adapted to small HEAVY DOUBLE 31 to 33 oz., According to Width An unusually heavy belt, recommended for service where pulleys are large and excessive horse-power demanded for width of pulley surface. Main belts, heavy saw mill drives and cement machinery are a few of the places. REGULAR DOUBLE 28 oz. or More, According to Width Our most commonly used weight, recommended for general service also where difference in diameter of pulley is considerable speed high, and these combined conditions make it inadvisable to use a belt that is too thick. 840 GEO-B-eARPEffTER ^ Co. LEATHER BELTING 'VELOCITY" HIGH SPEED BELTING Made in Double Only This belt weighs 23 to 26 ounces per square foot according to width. Recommended for motors, flour mill rolls, wood-working machinery and high speed work, generally, where pulleys are sufficiently large. The belt is NOT made of shoulder stock, but is strictly center cut. Made in double weight only, not over 14 inches wide. MADE IN ALL WEIGHTS Our "Naiad" brand of belting is guaranteed to be absolutely waterproof and cut from the center portion of No. 1 belting butts. It is made in various weights to suit the special conditions under which the belt is pro- posed to run. Special belts made in this grade for blowers and fans in saw mills, planing mills, mines, etc., where it is damp. THE BELT FOR DAMP PLACES Besides local conditions incident to many manufacturing plants, such, as saw mills, pulp mills, paper mills, also mines and laundries, there are climatic conditions in certain localities vhich make a high grade waterproof leather belt a necessity. Try our Naiad Velocity Double on your heavy planers when pulleys are 6 inches or over. Re^stered U. S. Patent Office Made of selected side stock, carefully stretched and curried. A SHORT LAP belt at a mod- erate price. Can furnish in heavy single and regular double not over 12 inches wide, and medium single not over 8 inches wide. Also light single up to 6 inches and light double to 8 inches wide. There are many places where money can be saved by using this belt. You will be satisfied that it's a good belt and well worth the price. Heavy single 16 to 17 oz., medium single 14 to 15 l^ oz. and double 28 to 30 oz. according to width. Light single about 12 oz. and light double about 24 oz. GEO-B-CARREffTER ^ GO. 841 LEATHER BELTING LIST % Vs 1 1% 1% 2 21/4 2% 2% 3 3% 31^ 3% 4 4% 5 PRICE LIST Adopted by Leather Belting Mfrs. Association Nov. 21, 1906 PRICE PER RUNNING FOOT % inch $0.12 inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch, inch . inch, inch, inch, inch, inch. 0.12 5V, inch .15 6 inch .18 6y« inch .21 7 inch .24 8 inch .30 9 inch .36 10 inch .42 11 inch .48 12 inch .54 13 inch .60 14 inch .66 15 inch .72 16 inch .78 17 inch .84 18 inch .90 19 inch .96 20 inch 1.08 21 inch 1.20 22 inch $1.32 1.44 1.56 1.68 1.92 2.16 2.40 2.64 2.88 3.12 , 3.36 , 3.60 . 3.84 . 4.08 . 4.32 . 4.56 . 4.80 . 5.04 . 5.28 23 inch $5.52 24 inch 5.76 25 inch 6.00 26 inch 6.24 28 inch 6.72 30 inch 7.20 32 inch 7.68 34 inch 8.16 36 inch 8.64 38 inch 9.12 40 inch 9.60 44 inch 10.56 48 inch 11.52 52 inch 12.48 56 inch 13.44 60 inch 14.40 64 inch 15.36 68 inch 16.32 72 inch 17.28 Double belts twice the price of single. Three ply belts three times the price of single. PATENT SOLID ROUND BELTING 1^ inch $0.38 % inch 48 % inch 60 % inch 80 1 inch 96 11^ inch 1.10 1% inch 1.15 1-i^ inch 1.40 ROUND TWIST BELTING inch $0.27 inch, inch, inch, inch, inch. .38 .48 .60 .80 .96 CUT LACING Per Bundle of 100 feet % inch $2.50 i^g inch 3.00 % inch 3.75 ^\ inch 4.50 Vz inch 5.50 % inch 6.50 % inch 7.50 IMPORTANT Give Exact Tape Line Measurement Do not try to avoid shortening your belts after being run awhile by shrinking the measurement when ordering, and then having to force them on the pulleys. No one can tell the exact stretch of a piece of leather, and a belt will almost invariably be- come crooked at the point where it is forced on. owing to the unusual strain on a limited space, and the manufacturer is then accused of furnishing a belt with a spongy spot in it. Care in this regard will save trouble for all concerned. 842 GEO'B'eAIiPE^fT ER ^ Go. CARPENGO STITCHED CANVAS BELTING Our people have studied the manufacture of Canvas Belting for the past ten years, and the opportunity of building a new plant has enabled them to incorporate many new ideas and to install the latest design of machinery and labor saving appliances, which no other plant in the country possesses. This up-to-date equipment insures the most per- fectly cured and finished Belting on the market. The cotton duck used in the manufacture of •'Carpenco" Belting is made from especially selected long staple cotton tightly woven on powerful high tension looms. We specify an extra hard twist in the warp and filler threads, giving great tensile strength to the duck. Every roll of "Carpenco" Belting up to 14 inches in width, is folded by our improved 'method of pressure rollers, thereby insuring mechan- ically perfect folding. Belting over 14 inches in width is "Built Up" by expert workmen, each ply having two selvage edges. The compound used in the waterproofing of "Carpenco" Belting is a combination of pure oils and gums, which are neutral in character and will not injure nor harden the fabric, rendering a pliable Belt in all degrees of temperature. The red paint is extremely elastic in texture and has ample body to protect the waterproofing compound and give maximum, traction when in operation. From the paint tanks the Belt is immediately conveyed to our stretchers, wher^ the stretch is eliminated by the means of electrically driven power wmches. The Belting is then allowed to remain on the stretchers until the compound is thoroughly set, thereby preventing the stretch from creeping back when the tension is released. Carried in Chicago stoclc from 1% inches, 3-ply to 24 inches, 6-pIy. CHALLENGE STITCHED CANVAS BELTING Challenge is of the same general construction as our "Carpenco," but it is made of lighter duck and is there- fore desirable for lighter service. . „,, . , . . . , It is aot carried in stoclt, but is furnished to order only. Odd sizes are made special and require three weelts for manufacture. PRICE LIST STITCHED CANVAS BELTING Adopted by the Canvas Stitched Belt Manufacturers' Association Effective October Ist, 1912. __^ Width 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply 1 10 Ply Width 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply 10 Ply 1 in. .12 15 in. 1.65 2.06 2.48 3.30 4.13 1V^ in. .18 1« in. 1.76 2.20 2.64 3.52 4.40 2 hi. .24 .30 36 18 in. 1.98 2.48 2.97 3 96 4.95 2% in. .30 .38 20 in. 2.20 2.75 3.30 4.40 5.50 3 in. .35 .44 22 in. 2.42 3.03 3.63 4.84 6.05 3% in. .39 .49 24 in. 2.64 3.30 3.96 5.28 6.60 4 in. .43 .54 .86 2« in. 3.12 3.90 4.68 6.24 7.80 4% in. .47 .59 .94 28 in. 3.36 4.20 5.04 6.72 8.40 6 in. .51 .64 1.02 30 in. 3.60 4.50 5.4fl 7.20 9.00 6 in. .60 .75 1.20 82 in. 3.84 4.80 5.76 7.68 9.60 7 in. .70 .88 1.40 34 in. 4.08 5.10 6.12 8.16 10.20 8 in. .80 1.00 1.60 3B in. 4.32 5.40 6.48 8.64 10.80 9 in. .90 1.13 1.80 38 in. 4.94 6.18 7.41 9.88 12.35 10 in. 1.00 1.25 2.00 40 in. 5.20 6.50 7.80 10.40 13.00 11 in. 1.10 1.38 2.20 42 in. 5.46 10.92 13.65 12 In, 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.40 3.00 44 in. 5.72 7.15 8.58 11.44 14.30 13 in. 1.43 1.79 2.15 2.86 3.58 46 in. 5.98 7.48 8.97 11.96 14 95 14 in. 1.54 1.93 2.31 3.08 3 85 48 in. 6 24 7.80 9.36 12.48 15.60 for Splice on Endless Belts, inches wide, the charge All belts 12 in. wide or under, to be the equivalent of three tin feet is the minimum charge, width of the belt. "CARPENCO" ENDLESS THRESHER BELTS "Carpenco" Thresher Belts are stretched and cured by our improved method. They are thoroughly Inspected and the splice tested before leaving our factory, making It practically impossible to produce a defective Belt. Thresher Belts are always made endless and are three feet less in length than ordered. For example: An order for I'OO feet is 97 feet long when made endless, and billed at 100 feet. The three feet are required to make the splice. Always send this information when ordering special endless belts: Diameter of pulleys and distance between shaft centers. PRICE LIST AND STOCK SIZES OF ENDLESS THRESHER BELTS Adopted by the Canvas Stitched Belt Manufacturers' Association. Eflfective October 2nd, 1916. 4 Ply II 5 Ply II 6 Ply Length. feet 50 7.5 100 125 150 II 125 .5. 1 160 II 150 1 .«, Width, Inches 1 II 1 1 II 1 5 13.75 20.25 26.50 1 II 1 1 ' II 1 6 16.25 23.75 31.25 S8 75 II I.I II ! 7 19.00 27.75 36.50 45.25 54.00 II 56 75 67 75 1 II 1 8 21.50 31.50 41 50 51.50 61.50 II 64.50 T7.00 1 82.00 II 92.50 1 98.50 9 1 69.25 nr 87.00 1 92.75 II 104.00 1 110.75 Each belt is listed as an entire Belt. All other sizes and lengths made special to WE CAN ALSO QUOTE ON SAWYER BELTING GEO-BeAR.PErfTER S CO. 843 ANCHOR WHITE COTTON SOLID WOVEN BELTING IL We carry as large a stock of Cotton Belting as there is in this section, and can furnish it promptly in all plies and widths. Cotton belting is particularly adapted for light transmission and conveyor work, and is there- fore much In demand in flour mills, bakeries and other plants of this character. ■' ^ H 2-Ply 3-PIy 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-PIy 8-PIy 10-Ply II si 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-PIy 8-Ply 10-Ply 1 $ .04 $ .06 $ .09 $ .15 $ .20 $ .. $ .. 12 $ .35 $ .50 $ .66 $ .83 ?1.00 $1.35 $1.80 .041/-. .061/2 .10 .16 .22 14 .43 .62 .78 .98 1.20 1.60 2.20 1% .05 .07 ¥2 .11 .18 .24 16 .49 .72 .90 1.15 1.40 1.95 2.45 .051^ .08 1/2 .12 .19 .29 18 .57 .82 1.00 1.28 1.55 2.15 2.70 2 .06 .09 Va .13 .21 .30 .36 20 .61 .90 1.15 1.45 1.75 2.35 2.95 2% .071/2 .11 .15 .23 .32 .38 22 .65 1.00 1.35 1.65 L95 2.60 3.2b 3 .08 V^ .13 .18 .26 .34 .41 24 .69 1.10 1.55 1.85 2.16 2.85 3-55 314 .10 .15 .20 .29 .36 .45 26 .77 1.35 1.75 2.00 2.36 3.10 3.90 11% .17 .23 .31 .38 .50 28 .85 1.50 1.90 2.15 2.60 3.35 4.20 4V4 .13 .19 .26 .33 .41 .55 30 .90 1.60 2.10 2.40 2.85 3.60 4.50 5 .141^ .21 .28 .36 .44 .58 .80 32 1.00 1.70 2.25 2.60 3.00 3.85 4.80 RMi .16 .23 .30 .38 .47 .61 .85 34 1.10 1.80 2.40 2.80 3.25 4.10 5.10 6 .18 ,25 .33 .41 .50 .65 .95 36 1.20 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.35 5.40 7 .21 .29 .38 .48 .58 .75 1.10 38 1.30 2.05 2.65 3.20 3.70 4.60 5.70 8 .23 .33 .44 .55 .65 .85 1.20 40 1.40 2.15 2.80 3.40 3.90 4.85 6.00 9 .26 .37 .50 .61 .73 1.00 1.40 42 1.50 2.25 2.90 3.60 4.05 5.10 6.30 10 .29 .42 .56 .69 .82 1.15 1.60 44 1.60 2.35 3.00 3.75 4.20 5.45 6.60 48 1.80 2.50 3.20 4.00 4.80 5.80 7.20 Special widths and extra lengths made to order. GOLD LINE COTTON SAND BELTING Heavy Single Ply. Per Foot 2 inch $0.02% 3 inch 03 4 inch 04 4% inch 04% 5 inch $0.05 6 inch 06 7 inch 07 8 inch 08 10 inch $0.10 12 inch 11 14 inch 12 16 inch 13 18 inch $0.15 20 inch 16 22 inch 18 24 inch 20 5< 844 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER ^ eo. GENUINE BALATA BELTING Balata belting is recommended for wet mines, tanneries and dairies — in fact any place where moisture and dampness prevail. It is positively proof against the action of water, acids and alkalies. This belt is not proof against heat, owing to the nature of the compounds AVith which it is impregnated, and it will not give satisfactory service if used in Avai-m places. STANDARD UNIFORM LIST GENUINE BALATA BELTING E«Eective March 15, 1911 Width inches 3-PIy 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 1 7 Ply 8 PI _ 1 Width ^ 1 inches 3-Ply 4 Ply 3 Ply 6 Ply 7 Ply 8 Ply 1 $0.18 $0.24 13 $2.34 $3.12 $3.90 $4.68 $5.46 $6.24 IM .23 .30 14 2.52 3.36 4.20 5.04 5.88 6.72 i4 .27 .36 15 2.70 3.60 4.50 5.40 6.30 7.20 1% .32 .42 16 2.88 3.84 4.80 5.76 6.72 7.68 2 .36 .48 $0.G0 17 3.06 4.08 5.10 6.12 7.14 8.16 2% .41 .54 .68 18 3.24 4.32 5.40 6.48 7.56 8.64 ¥4 .45 .60 .75 19 3.42 4.56 5.70 6.84 7.98 9.12 .50 .66 .83 20 3.60 4.80 6.00 7.20 8.40 9.60 3 .54 .72 .90 21 3.78 5.04 6.30 7.56 8.82 10.08 31^ .59 .78 .98 22 3.96 5.28 6.60 7.92 9.24 10.56 31/2 .63 .84 1.05 23 4.14 5.52 6.90 8.28 9.66 11.04 3% .68 .90 1.13 24 4.32 5.76 7.20 8.64 10.08 11.52 4 .72 .96 1.20 25 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 iVi .77 1.02 1.28 26 4.68 6.24 7.80 9.36 10.92 12.48 4% .81 1.08 1.35 28 5.04 6.72 8.40 10.08 11.76 13.44 5 .90 1.20 1.50 30 5.40 7.20 9.00 10.80 12.60 14.40 5% .99 1.32 1.65 32 5.76 7.68 9.60 11.52 13.44 15.36 6^ 1.08 1.44 1.80 $2 1 34 6.12 8.16 10.20 12.24 14.28 16.32 61/2 1.17 1.56 1.95 2 3^ 36 6.48 8.64 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 7 1.26 1.68 2.10 2 5?, $3 94 $3.8' 38 6.84 9.12 11.40 13.68 15.96 18.24 71/2 1.35 1.80 2.25 2 70 3 15 3 61 40 7.20 9.60 12.00 14.40 16.80 19.20 8^' 1.44 1.92 2.40 2 ss 3 3fi 3.S' 42 7.56 10.08 12.60 15.12 17.64 20.16 9 1.62 2.16 2.70 3 u 3 7X 4,3'. 44 7.92 10.56 13.20 15.84 18.48 21.12 10 1.80 2.40 3.00 3 60 4 ?.i) 4,8i 46 8.28 11.04 13.80 16.56 19.32 22.08 11 1.98 2.64 3.30 3 96 4 62 5.2? 48 8.64 11.52 14.40 17.28 20.16 23.04 12 2.16 2.88 3.60 4 32 5 04 5.7t We quote on Dicks, Lanco and Victor Balata Belting upon receipt of specifications. "BLACK DIAMOND" BELTING The compound, or waterproofing of "Black Diamond" belting is made from a heavy solid hy- drocarbon gum which is forced into every fibre of the belt by* heat and extreme pressure. This compound resists all alkalies and acids, as well as the action of direct heat. It will not stretch more than any good belt, as the compound sets quickly and keeps out the stretch. It is proof against the action of water, acids and alkalies. "Black Diamond" Cotton Belting is recommended for conveyor service, particularly for hot silica and sands. PRICE LIST "BLACK DIAMOND" SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING Effective October 1st, 191S. Width inches 4 Ply 5 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply 10 Ply Width inches 4 Ply 6 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply 10 Ply 1 $0.12 ... 15 $1.65 $2.06 $2.48 $3.30 $4.13 IVa .18 16 1.76 2.20 2.64 3.52 4.40 2 .24 $0.30 $0.36 18 1.98 2.48 2.97 3.96 4.95 ZVz .30 .38 .45 . . . 20 2.20 2.75 3.30 4.40 5.50 3 .35 .44 .53 22 2.42 3.03 3.63 4.84 6.05 3% .39 .49 .59 24 2.64 3.30 3.96 5.28 6.60 4 .43 .54 .65 $0.86 26 3.12 3.90 4.68 6.24 7.80 4ya .47 .59 .71 .94 28 3.36 4.20 5.04 6.72 8.40 5 .51 .64 .77 1.02 30 3.60 4.50 5.40 7.20 9.00 6 .60 .75 .90 1.20 32 3.84 4.80 5.76 7.68 9.60 7 .70 .88 1.05 1.40 34 4.08 5.10 6.12 8.16 10.20 8 .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 36 4.32 5.40 6.48 8.64 10.80 9 .90 1.13 1.35 1.80 38 4.94 6.18 7.41 9.88 12.35 10 .00 1.25 1.50 2.00 40 5.20 6.50 7.80 10.40 13.00 11 .10 1.38 1.65 2.20 42 5.46 6.83 8.19 10.92 13.65 12 .20 1.50 1.80 2.40 $3.00 1 44 5.72 7.15 8.58 11.44 14.30 13 1.43 1.79 2.15 2.86 3.58 46 5.98 7.48 8.97 11.96 14.95 14 1.54 1.93 2.31 3.08 3.85 1 48 6.24 ■ 7.80 9.36 12.48 15.60 Charge for Splice on Endless Belts. All belts 12 inches wide or under, three feet is the min- imum charge. Belts over 12 inches wide, the charge is to be the equivalent of 3 times the width of the belt. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « CO. 845 BELT MAKERS' TOOLS Every Industrial Plant Using Belting Should Have Them Fig. 334A Fig. 334E Fig. 334P Fig. 334G Pig. 334H Fig. 3341 ORDER BY XX3IBER \o. 334A. Belt Plane, for making laps each $3.00 No. 334B. Scraper, for removing old glue from belts " 1.00 No. 334C. Heel Shave, for making laps " 1.00 No. 334D. Belt Scrap bt " .60 No. 334E. Glue Brush, 2 Vz inch " 2.25 No. 334P. Nippers, for cutting off old rivets " 1.2.5 No. 334G. Belt Knife " .25 No. 334H. Finger Steel, for sharpening scraper No. 334D " .35 Fig. 3341 GLUE HEATER A thoroughly satisfactory portable oil lamp and glue pot heater. Especially adapted for mill- wright work, such as repairing and putting on belts. Made of heavy tin, wire reinforced in legs. We carry in stock either with heavy tin pail and cup, numbered 1, 2 and 3, or with pail and cup of copper, numbered 10, 20 and 30. No. 1. 1 pint, tin pail and cup each $1.15 No. 2. 2 pint, tin pail and cup " 1.20 No. 3. 3 pint, tin pail and cup " 1.25 No. 10. 1 pint, copper pail and cup " 1.40 No. 20. 2 pint, copper pail and cup '* 1.50 No. 30. 3 pint, copper pail and cup " 1.60 Fig. 335.T BELT CLAMPS For Belts 6-14 in. 12-18 in. 18-24 in. 24-36 in. Price each $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $18.00 846 Geo-BCarpem'ter « eo. BELTING ACCESSORIES IMPROVED BELT PUNCH AND LACE CUTTER Or Splicing Tool (Combined) Fig. 335A It does the work of two. Cuts the Lace Leather, punches the hole in the belt, and draws the lace through. Each $1.00 LX IMPROVED BELT PUNCH Or Splicing Tool Fig. 335B , , It will catch the lace, and pull it through the belt, when the lace only projects i/4 to V^, inch through the belt. Each $0.50 LOTHROP PATENT BELT AWLS For Lacing Belts Fig. 335C Price each $0.50 THE LX C03IBINATI0N BELT CUTTER Fig. 336A, Cutter, Awl and Pliers in One Tool. With Adjustable Gauge. . . .Each $1.50 REVOLVING BELT PUNCH Fig. 335D With 4 tubes each $1.50 Extra tubes " .20 ELLIOTT PATENT LACE CUTTER Fig Each $0.50 BELT GROOVER Fig. 335F BELT MARKER Each $0.50 Fig. 335G Each $0.25 Set — Punch, Groover, Cutters and Pliers. . 1.50 Set — Punch, Special Groover, Cutters and Pliers and Belt Marker 2.00 BELT PUNCH, NICKEL PLATED Fig. 335H Each $0.75 CUTTERS AND PLIERS, NICIiEL PLATED Fig. 335J Each $0.75 CENTURY GASKET AND WASHER CUTTER Fig. 335K Will cut Gaskets up to 24 inches outside diam- eter; can be used with bit brace, drill press, or by hand. Nickel plated each ?3.00 IMPROVED STEEL BELT COUPLINGS For Round Belts For Cord Size inch % A % if^ ^^^'W'^Vz ^ % % % 1 IVs 1% Per doz $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 13.00 18.00 22.00 26.00 Geo-B-Carpei^ter ^ Go. 84; BELT FASTENERS "BEST GRADE' Fig. 336B CUT LACING "BEST GRADE" RAWHIDE LACE LEATHER In Pull or Trimmed Sides. No lime or acids are used in cur- ing these hides, and only mechanical methods are used in softening, working and finishing them. This lace leather is cured — not tanned, and therefore never deteriorates. It can be kept in stock for years with- out growing hard or losing strength. Price, per square foot $ This is strictly a "selected" grade. It is hand cut from the center portion or best part of the hide. Every strand in a bun- dle is stretched, tested and guaranteed perfect. Packed in. cartons which protect the laces, keeping them clean and pliable. Fig. 336C Prices per 100 Feet % inch wide $2.50 V2 inch wide $ 5. ■^ inch wide 3,00 % inch wide 6. % inch wide 3.75 % inch wide 7, •^ inch wide 4.50 1 inch wide 10. OVAL DRIVE BELT PUNCHES ?09QOOOO Size 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Price each $0.40 .40 .40 .50 .50 .50 .60 .60 .60 Size hole. . . Price, each, ROUND BELT PUNCHES 0000000000 133456 7 8 9 10 00000 it 18 13 14- 14 Special 12 3 4 5 6 7 $0.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 9 10 11 12 13 14 14S .25 .30 .30 .30 .50 .50 .60 RIVET SET AND HEADER Figr. 336D . 7 for No. 7 Copper Rivets. . each $0.50 No. 9 for No. 9 Copper Rivets. .each $0.50 ). 8 for No. 8 Copper Rivets. . " .50 No. 10 for No. 10 Copper Rivets. . " .50 S4S GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER S Co. BELT FASTENERS BLAKE'S IMPROVED BELT STUDS Per box of 100 Xo. 6 Xo. 5 Xo. 4 Xo. 3 Xo. 2 $0.60 .70 .80 .00 1.25 Xo. 1 Xo. Xo. 00 I'^^^^j 2.00 2.50 Flgr. 337A Large Cutters for Rubber Belts each $1.25 Small Cutters for Leather Belts each .90 Awls to spread the slit .25 Awl and Pliers Combined 40 THE LX IMPROVED BELT STUDS G\rS METAIi Per box of 100 Xo. 3 Xo. 2 Xo. 1 X"o. $0.90 1.25 1.65 .00 ifiJTJHOWS FULL SIZE Fig. 337B COMPOSinOX WIRE BELT LACTXG Per 100 feet No. O. For belts from 1 to 2% inches. . .$2.00 No. 1. For single belts 5 inches and under 2.00 No. 2. For all single belts wider than 5 inches and double under 8 inches 2.00 Xo. 3. For all double belts wider than 8 iiiches 2.00 OVAL POINTED BELT HOOKS Made of Xorway Wire with Oval Points ^'>^'>% H 250 §1 250 % 500 §1 250 §f 500 1^ 250 1% 250 1% 250 $2.00 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.5o 4.00 5.00 1% 2i! 2M 2% 250 250 250 100 100 100 100 $6.00 8.50 11.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 30.00 JONES' IMPROVED BEVEL POINTED BELT HOOKS Amount Per 1 Xo. Amount Per 1 In Box 1.000 In Box 1.000 10 500 $ 3.50 4 200 $14.00 9 500 4.00 3 200 16.00 8 500 5.00 2 200 20.00 7 250 6.00 1 100 30.00 6 250 8.50 2^ in. 100 50.00 5 250 11.00 3 in. 100 60.00 COPPER RIVETS AND BURRS Actual Size Figr. 337E Rivets and Burrs, equally assorted, packed In 1 lb. boxes. Made in all lengths V4. inch to 1 ^ Inches, all numbers. No 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Price per lb. .$0.49 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 .65 .70 Assorted lengths in ^ pound packages only, five cents additional. GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « 60. 849 POTTER'S PATENT BELT HOOKS Fig:. 33SA Potter's Belt Hook Two cr more hooks are used on belts wider four inches. SINGLE LEATHER For 1 inch belts per 100 For Ihi inch belts For 2 inch belts For 2 1^ inch belts For 3 inch belts For 3 li inch belts For 4 " inch belts DOUBLE LEATHER For 2 inch belts per 100 For 214 inch belts. For 3 inch belts. For 3-0 inch belts. For 4 inch belts. 3-PLT RUBBER OR COTTOX For 2 inch belts per 100 For ■2}i> inch belts .•. For 3 inch belts For 4 inch belts 4-PLT RUBBER OR COTTOX For 2 inch belts per 100 For 2 h^ inch belts For 3 inch belts For 4 inch belts No. 1. -No. 2. No. H. No. 4. Mo. .5. No. 6. .No. No. s. No. J». No. 10. No. n. No. 12. No. 26. No. 17. No. 20. No. 21. No. 13. No. 14. No. !.■;. No. 16. «1.50 2.0O 2.50 3.0O 3.50 4.50 5.50 So.OO 6.50 7.50 S.50 9.50 «4.00 5.0O 7.0O 8.0O $5.00 6.50 7.50 9.50 Fig. 33SB Kenehan Steel Belt Fastener ^PLY OLD BELTS, RUBBER OR COTTOX No. 27. For 2 inch extra wide per 100 » 8.0O No. IS. For 3 inch extra wide " lO.OO No. 19. For 4 inch extra wide " 12.0O o- OR 6-PLY RUBBER OR COTTOX No. 22. For 3 inch belts per 100 iJtlO.OO No. 23. For 4 inch belts " 12.00 6-, 7- AXT) 8-PLY BELTS, RUBBER OR COTTOX No. 24. For 3 inch belts per 100 f 12,00 No. 25. For 4 inch belts " 15.0O OLD SrVGLE LEATHER, >L1DE EXTRA WIDE No. 2S. For 3 inch wide per 100 $6.0O No. 29. For 4 inch wide " 8.0O FOR EXTRA HEAAT LEATHER, RUBBER OR CAXV-IS DRIVIXG BELTS Special <-.AJl." Teeth 1 inch long-. .. .per 100 $33.00 Special "A."' Teeth Vs inch long.... " 33.0O Special "B." Teeth ^.4 inch long " 33.0G KEXEH.\X STEEL BELT FASTENERS X:. Use :or i-ackedin Box Price per 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 iS 50 50 50 50 25 '"IS 1 Light Xarrow Belts Light Narrow Belts 1 20 9 4 Heavy Single Leather or 3-plv Rubber 2 30 5 ' 6 Light Double Leather or 4-ply Rubber to 10 inches Light Double Leather or 4-plv Rubber to 10 inches 2.70 3 00 7 8 Double Leather or 5- and 6-ply Rubber Double Leather or 5- and 6-plv Rubber.. 3.90 4 50 9 9% n Extra Hea\-y Double Leather or 8- to 10-plv RubbeT Extra Heay>- Double Leather or 8- to 10-plv Rubber Extra Heavy Double Leather or 8- to 10-plV Rubber 4.00 5.50 7.00 S nO 24 Heavj- Driving Belts up to iS inch thick 10.00 SMITH'S PATENT BELT FASTENERS ^ ^ ^^^^a^^ 3 ! All Rubber Belts, excepting ' 5- and 6-ply I 1.50 4 ' All Leather Belts, excepting O IB Large Drive | 1.25 _,_ Combination Punch for same each 91.25 Fig. 33SC Reamers " .35 Fig. 33SD WE CAN FtRNISH PROMPTLY ANTf BELT FASTENER NOT SHOW N LV THIS CATALOG 850 Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo< CRESCENT BELT FASTENERS note:: strain is equally distributed across entire Avidtk, thus maintaining maximum strength of the l?elt. No waste of belting and no bulk. Acknowledged by belting authorities as the safest, strongest; most durable and most economical means yet devised for the joining of all power transmitting and conveying belting. Crescent Plates are attached with Crescent Rivets which are self-piercing and merely separate the length-wise fibres of a belt, the prongs of which when clinched actually reinforce the belt at the joint. No holes are punched to weaken the belt. When necessary to shorten a belt due to stretch, simply re- move Crescent Rivets from one end of a Crescent Plate, cut out the slack and rejoin at the small cost of a row of new Crescent Rivets. Adapted to all makes of belting of every length, -width and thickness. To insure entirely satisfactory service select correct sizes of Crescent Plates and Crescent Rivets for your work as follows: For Ligiit Work — ^on 3 inch or larger Pulleys. Belts: % to 3 inches wide use Crescent Short Grip Plates. No. 25 Crescent Plate will cover % and 1 inch of belt width per gross $ 2.88 No. 45 Crescent Plate will cover IVz inches of belt width " 5.76 No. 65 Crescent Plate will cover 2 inches of belt viridth . ; " 8.64 No. 85 Crescent Plate will cover 2% inches of belt width " 11.52 No. 805 Crescent Plate will cover 3 inches of belt width " 11.52 For General Work — on 6 inches or larger Pulleys. Belts: 2 to 8 inches wide use Crescent Medium Grip Plates. Jio. 67 Crescent Plate will cover li/^ inches of belt width per gross $ 8.64 No. 607 Crescent Plate will cover 2 inches of belt width " 8.64 No. 87 Crescent Plate will cover 21/2 inches of belt width *' 11.52 No. 107 Crescent Plate will cover 3 inches of belt width " 14.40 No. 127 Crescent Plate will cover 31/2 inches of belt width " 17.28 No. 147 Crescent Plate will cover 4 inches of belt width " 20.16 For General Work — on 9 inches or larger Pulleys.Belts: 2 to 12 inches wide use Crescent Special Grip Plates. No. 63 Crescent Plate will cover 2 inches of belt width per gross 911.52 No. 83 Crescent Plate will cover 2% inches of belt width " 14.40 No. 103 Crescent Plate will cover 3 inches of belt width " 17.28 No. 123 Crescent Plate will cover 31/2 inches of belt width " 20.16 For Heavy Work — on 12 inches or larger Pulleys. Belts: 5 to 36 inches wide use Crescent Long Grip Plates. No. 109 Crescent Plate will cover 2% inches of belt width per gross $17.28 No. 149 Crescent Plate will cover 3 inches of belt width " 23.04 No. 1409 Crescent Plate will cover 3 Vz inches of belt width " 25.92 No. 189 Crescent Plate will cover 4 inches of belt width " 28.80 CRESCENT LARGE SHANK RIVETS For attaching Crescent Short, Medium, Special and Long Grip Plates. Select these Rivets A inch longer than thickness of belting to allow for thickness of Plate and proper clinch. Size inches! 5/16 | 6/16 | 7/16 | 8/16 | 9/16 |10/16| 11/16 | 12/16 | 13/1 6 | If/lS" Price per gross | .70 | .70 | .80 | .80 | .90 | .90 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.10 | I.IQ A Crescent Rivet Holder is included in each gross b ox of Crescent Large Shank Rivets. For Special Light Work at High Speed Use Crescent HIGH-SPEED Plates Crescent High-Speed Plates are for joining belts used for Light Work at High Speed. See that both ends of the belt to be joined are cut square and true; this will ensure a perfect butt joint. Be careful in making joints, for a Crescent Joint properly made will outlast the life of the belt itself. CRESCENT SMALL SHANK RIVETS For attaching Crescent High-Speed Plates should be used 3/16 inch longer than thickness of belt to allow for thickness of plate and prope r clinch. Size inc hes! 5/16 | 6/16 | 7/ 1 6 | ~87l6 | 9/16 | 10/16 Price T. per gross | .50 | .50 | .55 | .55 | .60 | .60 For Extremely Heavy Work Use Crescent JUMBO Plates Crescent Jumbo Plates are for extremely heavy work, large belts on long drives. This type of Cres- cent Belt Fastener is used on the longest and heaviest belts known, giving the most satisfactory service. They conform to the circumference of pulleys 24 inches or larger in diameter. This style is not recom- mended for belts running at high speed, except where very large pulleys are used. These plates have zigzag holes, triples rows and are strong enough to hold ANY belt. No. 1611. Will cover 3 inches of belt width per gross »28.80 No. 2211. Will cover 4 inches of belt width " 34.5« CRESCENT JUMBO RIVETS For attaching Crescent Jumbo Plates should be used 5/16 inch longer than thickness of belt to allow for thickness of plate and proper clinch. Size inxhesi 10/16 | 11/16 | 12/16 ! 13/16 | 14/16 | 15/16 | 16/1 6 | 1 8/16~ Price per gross! 125 | 1.40 | 1.40 | 1.65 | 1.66 | 1.70 | 1.70 | 1.86 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 851 BRISTOL'S PATENT STEEL BELT LACING Size No. 1 has a very short back, thus making the joint suitable for use on e"xtra small pulleys. Used very extensively for joining single leather belts, and has given wonderfully satisfactory results. No. 1 STYLE (ASSORTED WIDTHS) Packed regularly in assorted widths, but will also be furnished packed to order, all one width, if so specified. £ach box contains enough to lace 100 inches in width of belts. Price per box This Style for LEATHER Belts 100 ins. Size No. 00. For split leather and extra light belts from -^ to Vs inch thick 91.00 Size No. O. For split leather and light belts from % to i\ inch thick 1.00 Size No. 1. For ordinary single leather belts from A to % inch thick 1.50 Size No. 2. For extra heavy and wide single leather belts, V4 to 1% inch thick 2.00 Size No. 3. For double leather belts from -te to % inch thick 2..'i0 Size No. 4. For heavy double leather belts from % to /^ inch thick 3.0O Size No. 5. For extra heavy double leather belts from /^ to i% inch thick 3.50 No. 11 STYLE (ASSORTED WIDTHS) Size No. 11 is extensively used for fastening woven and rubber belts. It will be note'd from the illustration that this style of Bristol Lacing is so designed that the points enter the belt well back from the joint, thus firmly holding the ends of belt without tearing out. Packed regularly in assorted widths, but will also be furnislicd packed to order, all one width if so specified. Each box contains enough to lace 100 inches in width of belts. Price per box This Style for WOVEN Belts 100 ins. Size No. 11. For three-ply rubber and cotton belts from i*e to Vi inch thick $1..50 Size No. 12. For four-ply rubber and cotton belts from i^ to ^e inch thick 2.00 Size No. 13. For five-ply rubber and cotton belts from -1% to % inch thick 2.50 Size No. 14. For six-ply rubber and cotton belts from % to -^^ inch thick 3.00 Size No. 15. For seven-ply rubber and cotton belts from iV to 1% inch thick 3.50 Size No. 17. For eight-ply and extra double heavy rubber and cotton belts from V2 to % inch thick 4.95 STAGGERED POINT STYLE (ASSORTED WIDTHS) The staggered point style is suitable for general use on both leather and woven belts. The stag- gered points enter the belt in double rows. .^ ^ ^^ Packed regularly in assorted widths, but will also be furnished packed to order, all one width, if so specified. Each box contains enough to lace 100 inches in width of belt. Price per box This Style for AI.l. KINDS of Belts 100 ms. Size No. 110. For all kinds of belts from Vs to fa inch thick. Split leather and light rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths $1.00 Size No. 111. For all kinds of belts from i^ to % inch thick. Ordinary single' leather belts and three-ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths • • • 1-50 Size No. 112. For all kinds of belts from 14 to A inch thick. Extra heavy and wide single leather belts and four-ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths 2.00 Size No. 113. For all kinds of belts from -^s to % inch thick. Double leather belts and five-ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths 2..50 Size No. 114. For all kinds of belts from % to t^ inch thick. Heavy double leather belts and six- ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths 3.00 Size No. 115. For all kinds of belts from ^\ to ,»t inch thick. Extra heavy double leather belts and seven-ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths 3.50 Size No. 117. For all kinds of belts from Vz to % inch thick. Conveyor belts and eight-ply and e'xtra double heavy rubber and cotton belts. Packed in assorted widths 4.95 Size No. 119. For all kinds of belts from % to U inch thick. Ten-ply and extra heavy conveyor belts. Packed only in 3-point widths 6.05 STAGGERED POINT STYLE (S-POINT WIDTHS ONLY) Packed in 3-point widths, including the two forms of hook (i. e., both long side pieces and short side pieces). Each" box contains .50 pieces 3-point widths. Price Per Dox This Style for AI.l. KINDS of Belts ^ .^ . , , 50 pieces Size No. 312. For all kinds of belts from V* to ft inch thick. Extra heavy and wide single leather belts and four-ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in 3-point widths only...... • . . • . .iHi.io Size No. 313. For all kinds of belts from A to % inch thick. Double leather belts and five-ply rubber and cotton belts. Packed in 3-point widths only ................... i.i" __'_ \ ','11^ For Hishest Temperatures and Pressures Banner Superheat Sheet Packing Is made of a combination of carefully selected long asbestos fiber and rubber. It is built to withstand the highest temperatures and pressures up to 900 lbs. per square inch. It is particularly adapted to use with superheated and saturated steam, ammonia, alkali and acids. For all high pressure joints — cylinder and steam chest covers and the like — Banner Superheat can be depended upon. It can be excelled by no other high pressure packing on the market. SIX SUPERIORITIES 1. Thinner sheets — more joints to the pound. 2. Tensile strength over 3000 pounds. 3. No ply separation — joints brealt clean. 4. Smooth surface — ab.solutely tight joint. 5. Tested to 1200 and 900 pounds. 6. Joint remains permanently tight — vibration has no eiXect. Banner Superheat is made plain or graphited in sheets 50x50 inches, and in thicknesses of ^n, A or % inch. The weight of the iV inch thickness is about 51^ pounds per square yard. Free samples for test- ing upon request. Price per lb. $1J25 RAINBOW SHEET PACKING Vs. 1% Carried in stock in 100 and 200 pound rolls in i^, -h, #2 and % inch thicknesses. All rolls 36 inches wide. Extra widths 10% additional. Wire inserted carried in stock in ts and % inch thickness. We can also furnish the following popular brands of sheet packing. Ebonite Usudurian Jenkins '96 Garlock 90O Ekonomy Kearsarge Permanite KAPLAN RED AND BLACK PACKING Graphite One Side, Red Lead One Side This packing is made from asbestos yarn and metallic wire, firmly twisted ' and -woven together. It will withstand high pressure and is sufficiently elastic to compensate for expansion and contrac- tion. Carried in stock in 200 pound rolls, in ^V and I'g inch thickness. Price per lb. $1.00 PURE GUM SHEET PACKING Pure gum sheet packing is made from the better quality of compound, and is recommended for cold water packing and squeegee rubbers. The standard sheets are 36 inches wide and can be had in thicknesses ranging from 5'^ to % inch, inclusive. Rolls contain either 100 or 200 lbs. This packing varies in price from 30 cents to $1.00 per pound, depending on the quality of the rubber in the packing. ALL WHITE ASBESTOS SHEET PACKING For High Pressures and Temperatures Especially adapted to the highest pressures and temperatures in connection with gas and gasoline engines, turbines, steel plant equipment, etc. Made of long fibre asbestos yarn interwoven with wire insertion, and covered with a heat resisting compound which will withstand severe contraction and expansion. Standard rolls 36 inches wide, contain about 100 and 200 pounds. Thickness, 3^, i^ and % inch, price per lb. $1.00 CLOTH INSERTION SHEET PACKING C. L., C. O. S. and C. B. S. The grades we carry combTne smootliness of finish, strength of cloth insertion and pliability. We of paoking for cold water and low pressures. ' " " , strength of Each cloth, whether an insertion stock it in thicknesses from ^ to Vi inch, inclusive, Bide, counts as one ply. Prices on application, GEO•B•eAKPE:^fTER «^o 855 SUNSHINE GASKETS THE NEW IDEA Fig. S»1A An Asbetsos Tubular Tape that enables you to make your own Asbestos Gaskets. Keep it on hand. It saves Money, saves Time, saves Trouble and makes you independent of the Factor/. DIRECTIONS: Cut off enough tape to go around the flange of opening you want to pack. At- tach the ends together with the copper fasteners furnished, sponge off about tvyo inches at the joint with gasoline, wind with the adhesive tape, also furnished, and your Gasket is finished. Simple, isn't it? Packed in boxes containing 5 to 6 pounds. Price per lb $1.25 BANNER SUPERHEAT GASKETS C. I. OR C. B. S. GASKETS Fig. !>yiB Made of the same material as our Banner Su- perheat sheet packing. They are acid, ammonia and oil proof to the highest degree and particularly adaptable for all service having highest pressures and superheated steam. In all sizes and shapes, 3^2, ^ and % inch thick. Price on application. Fig. 8aiC C. I. or C. B. S. Gaskets, made in three grades, are of the highest quality rubber compound and possess great durability. Each layer of cloth, whether it is inserted, or on the outside, counts as one ply — one to each fe inch thickness. Brass or steel wire insertion if desired. Most dependable and satisfactory for cold water service and low pressure steam packing. In all sizes, shapes and thicknesses. When special shapes are required send blue print or sketch giving full information. Prices on application. We can also furnish for prompt shipment, at prevailing market prices: Eclipse Sectional Rainbow Gaskets, Ebonite Gaskets, Plain White Wire Inserted Gaskets, Kearsarge, Permanite, Rainbesto, Rainbow, Rainbow Wire Inserted, Heine Boiler Handhole, Heine Boiler Manhole. 856 GEO-BCAR^PEhfTER S ©0. mti (taiam'' GASKETS (&Ui CdoUmg Gaskets are made' from ®U» CHolattg Sheet Compound, therefore possess the same features and quality. They readily conform to the roughest faced flanges, neither blow nor squeeze out and will successfully withstand high pressure in connection with air, steam and water service'. For any air, steam or water joint and in all sizes, shapes and thicknesses. ** ®l& Cdalmtg " Brass Wire' Mesh Insertion or Cloth Insertion, are also made in all sizes, shapes and thicknesses. Possessing great flexibility and toughness, they are most effective' and efficient for all high pressure service, especially marine, and for packing joints subjected to vibrations and shocks such as on threshing engines, road machinery, etc. Rainbow Gaskets. Prices on application. Standard Ring Gasket PRICES AND WEIGHTS Plain Wire or Cloth Inserted per lb. $1.40 " 1.30 $2,50 fs to Vi inch thick., " 1.10 2.00 Weight of Standard Ring Gaslict 1/16 in. Thick %X 21/8 1 X 2fe IVzX 3% 2x4 2y2X 4 7/8 3 X 5% 3y2X 6% 4 X 6% 4y2X 7 5 X 7% 6 X 8% 7 xlO 8 xll 9 xl2y. :12y2 ^1314 xlfi xl7% xl9 1% 16x20% 18x21% 20x23'% 22x26 24x28^4 26x301/4 28x32% 81/2 8 10 11 13 15 y2 lys 2% 21/2 3-f. 3% 4% 4% 71/s 7y2 8% 30x34% 32x371/8 34x39% 36x41% 38x43% 40x45% 42x48 44x50^4 46x52 1^ 48x54 1/0 50x56% 2 5 6y2 8 11 i2y2 1 4 51/2 8y2 iiys WeiRht of Full Face Gasket 1/16 in. Thick C. Lbs. Gas. %x 3y2 1x4 l%x 41/2 l%x 5 2x6 2y2x 7 3 X 71/2 % 1 It^ 2% A. Lbs. Ozs. 16x231/2 18x25 20x27 y2 22x291/2 24x32 26x3414 28x36 i/i lys 1 5 7 11 14 1 3%x 8% 4x9 4y2X 91/4 5 xlO 6 xll 7 xl2y2 8 xl3y2 9 xl5 xl6 2 xl9 4 x21 5 X2214 3% 41/8 4y8 51/4 eyg 71/2 9 91/2 131/2 i5y2 y* 30x38% 32x41% 34x431/2 36x45% 38x48% 40x50% 42x52% 44x55% 46x57% 48x59% 50x61% TABLE GIVES APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS ONLY GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER « SO. 85^ EKONOMY SPIRAL AND RING PACKING Designed for general use on steam (except pressures above 125 pounds, and for superheated steam), water, air, etc. In fact it can be used wherever a reliable packing is required. Cut to exact measurement, and is quiclfly and easily applied. Elastic and durable. Made in any diameter, thickness or shape of ring. The spiral is carried in stock. The ring in solid and sec- tional is furnished to order only. In ordering give exact diameter of rod, and inside diameter of stuffing box. Packed in boxes as follows: Size, inches Feet Weight, lbs. Size, inches Feet Weight, lbs. A 72 By* 1% 36 7V2 V4 48 2% % 36 8% % 36 Z^/z % 24 8 /^ 36 5 % 24 12 % 36 6 I 1 24 15 Table gives approximate weights in Spiral form. BANNER HIGH PRESSURE SPIRAL ASBESTOS PACKING For High Pressure and Superheated Steam Unsurpassed for all conditions of service under extremely high pressure and with super- heated steam, also in connection with acids, greases and oils. Especially suitable for all types of high pressure steam and gas engines, turbines, air compressors, marine and railroad service, steel plant equipment. In ordering rings, state diameter of rod, outside diameter of gland, depth of stuffing box and number of rings required. Also advise style of packing wanted. 858 GEO-BCAIiPEM^TER S So. 1 SPIRAL PISTON AND VALVE ROD PACKING " ®Ih Cdolong " Packing for piston and valve rods. " ®lb QloUmg " is not equalled by any other rod packing, The core is surrounded by a superior quality duck thoroughly impregnated with graphite. The lubricant is of the purest and highest grade free from metallic and other substances of a harmful nature. It is compounded to withstand high temperature, will not harden nor disintegrate, and will re- tain its life and elasticity indefinitely. " (&lh (Holang " Piston and Valve Rod Packing is as near perfection as is possible to make 9uch and it will successfully and efficiently pack any rod under any condition of service excepting in connection with superheated steam. Especially efficient for rods of pistons and valves that must move suddenly or intermittently. Can be furnished in round or square style. State kind wanted. In coil, spiral or ring form as desired. When ordering ring style state diameter of rod, out- 3lde diameter of gland, depth of stuffing box or number of rings required. **mh ai0lnng" PISTON AND VALVE ROD PACKING Bound Section TABLES OF SIZES AND APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS Packed in Boxes as Follows: SPIRAIi COIL Size W^eight Size Weight Inches lbs. inches Feet lbs. 1/8 120 ly* 15/16 12 4y2 3/16 108 1V2 1 12 4% 1/4 96 s% 1 1/16 12 5y4 5/16 72 31/2 1 1/8 12 6 8/8 54 3y4 1 3/16 12 6% 7/16 ' 54 4 1 1/4 12 7% 1/2 36 3% 1 5/16 12 8% 9/16 36 4% 1 3/8 12 9 5/8 36 6% 1 7/16 12 9% 11/16 18 41/4 1 1/2 12 11 3/4 18 41^ 1 5/8 12 13% 13/16 12 3% 1 3/4 12 15% 7/8 12 4 2 12 18% Size Weight Size Weight inches Feet lbs. Inches Feet lbs. 1/8 120 iy4 15/16 24 9 3/16 108 1% 1 24 10 1/4 84 3y4 1 1/16 12 5% 5/16 72 3% 1 1/8 12 5% 3/8 72 4% 1 3/16 12 6y4 7/16 60 5 1 1/4 12 7y2 1/2 36 4 1 5/16 12 8% 9/16 36 5 1 3/8 12 9 5/8 36 7 1 7/16 12 9% 11/16 24 5 1 1/2 12 11 3/4 24 5% 1 5/8 12 13% 13/16 24 7 1 3/4 12 15% 7/8 24 7% 2 12 18% PEERLESS PISTON AND VALVE ROD PACKING For those who prefer we can ship promptly any of the Peerless piston and valve rod packings, made of Rainbow quality compounds, at prevailing market prices. GEO-BeAIiPEN*TER ^ GO. 859 CANVAS HYDRAULIC PUMP PACKING PEERLESS SPECIAL Peerless Special Canvas Pump Packing is strictly of the highest grade, being made of a fine and closely woven duck frictioned with a white rubber compound. To meet the different service requirements it is made in the following degrees of hardness- Rock Hard and Medium. Rock Hard is vulcanized to withstand the higher temperatures, being especially adaptable for hot water service such as packing hot water pumps. This grade will not soften nor lose its efficiency under the most severe conditions. Also highly effective for very heavy hydraulic work. Medium is particularly for cold water service such as packing cold water pumps, elevator plungers and rams. In coil or ring form as desired. A\Tien ordering rings, state diameter rod, outside diameter gland, depth of stuffing box or number of rings required. List price per pound $1.00 CHALLENGE HYDRAULIC PUMP PACKING This packing is made of a high grade duck, and frictioned with a good grade of compound. It is particularly adapted for conditions not quite so severe as those for which we recommend Peerless Special, and will give the utmost satisfaction under practically any working conditions. List price per pound ^^' The Peerless and Challenge Packings listed on this page are packed in boxes as follows: Size inches Feet Weig«6t lbs. , Size inches Feet Weight lbs. Size inches Feet Weight lbs. Size inches Feet Weight lbs. 1/4 5/16 25 1 9/16 25 5 7/8 25 121/4 1 3/16 25 23 25 1% 5/8 25 6% 15/16 25 13% 1 1/4 25 25 3/8 25 2% 11/16 25 TVa 1 25 15% 1 3/8 2.5 29% 7/16 25 SVs 3/4 25 9 1 1/16 25 18% 1 1/2 25 35 1/2 25 4 13/16 25 10% 1 1/8 25 21% TUCK'S PACKING Square, Round and Rubber Rack This well known form of packing is used so universally that no detailed description is required. Our Tuck's packing is made of a close woven duck, frictioned with black rubber compound. The quality is of the highest and the packing is adaptable to the most severe hydraulic service of all kinds. Furnished in 25 foot lengths (coils). Price per pound 55 $0.50 86C GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ Go. SQUARE BRAIDED FLAX PACKING Coil Foiiu This packing is most satisfactory and durable for cold water pump plungers, hydraulic presses, elevator plungers, steam glands, accumulators, etc., where a highly dependable packing of this nature is required. Made from the best grades of long fibre flax. Braided solid and contains neither jute nor hemp. The compound with which it is impreg- nated contains no foreign ingredients nor grit, and is of the proper amount to insure the most satisfactory service. This packing is one of the first we ever sold, and has been standard for over thirty years. It is our best grade and is so sold to anyone who wants a first class, square flax packing. Price, per pound $1.00 Can be furnished in reels if desired. Weight Size Weight inches Feet lbs. Inches lbs. 1/4 184 61/4 11/4 33 14 % 100 6% 1% 30 14 V2 61 6 78 11/2 27 15% % 70 81/4 1% 25 17 % 27 6% 1% 22 18 Vs 20 7 178 201/2 20 1 17 sy* 2 19 22 IVs 17 9 TUEX SQUARE BRAIDED FLAX PACKING Of the same general construction as our Old Colony brand, except that the fibre is shorter. The process of manufacture is identical with our other grade. Tuex is suitable for work under ordinary conditions. Price, per pound "BANNER" ASBESTOS VALVE STEM PACKING Twisted and Braided For air pumps, air brakes, throttles, radia- tors and other small valve stems. Made of pure long fibre asbestos, perfectly lubricated with our own compound, making it flexible, soft and very strong. It will neither harden nor work injury to valve stems. Resists highest temperatures and pressures. Both the twisted and braided are put up on 1-pound metal spools. Furnished in reel form in any quantity desired. Sizes from ^-inch up, advancing by IGths. Price, per pound !$1.50 littk j?0.75 GEO-B-CAIiPErfTER ^ eo. 8G1 MISCELLANEOUS PACKINGS— AUTOMOBILE TIRES In addition to the extensive line of packings listed on the preceding pages, we carry in stock a great many of the advertised brands. Space does not permit full descriptions of all the following packings, but each one listed is a well known brand. If your favorite is neither on the other pages nor on this page, kindly advise us and we will furnish any information concerning it. Arctic Ammonia 3792 Ammonia Asbestos Metallic Air Pump and Throttle Valve Crandall's Dale's High Pressure Steam Trap Eureka Gum Core Empire Gum Core Oarlock Spiral and Ring Packings GoodseU's Honest John Hydraulic Hercules Combination Stop Valve Lakeside Spiral Mabb's Rawhide Metalbestos P. P. P. P. P. P. Special P. P. P. Marine Peerless, all styles Permanite Palmetto Rainbow Rainbesto Success Selden's Caiiva.s Core Vulcanbeston Pump A^alves AUTOMOBILE TIRES Our experience in handling tires has been such that we are now con- fining our entire efforts to the Diamond and Goodyear grades, for the reason that they are both well-known makes and represented by the better manufacturers. Having a direct agency on the Diamond and Goodyear Tires, we are in a position to quote you the very best market prices pre- vailing at all times. We also carry a very complete line of accessories, such as tubes, tire patches, sleeves, vulcanizing rubber inner and outer shoes. Write for prices. 862 GEO-BCAItPEM'TER ^ QO. RUBBER PUMP VALVES No other article in the mechanical rubber industry requires the practical scientific knowledge as do Pump Valves in order to be properly compounded for their many different and exacting service conditions. The most satisfactory and proper results will be obtained by use of a pump spring with suf- ficient capacity only to work under the pressure, head or lift. That is, use a spring having suf- ficient compression only to "seat" the valve without undue pressure. See index. VALVE SPECIFICATIONS HOT WATER STYLES: STYLE 334 Stock — Extra hard. Service — Hot water. Pressure — Hi gh est. Temperature — Highest. STYLE 30O Stock — Hard. Service — Hot Water. Pressure — Up to 200 lbs. Temperature — Up to 200°. STYLE 330 Stock — Soft gray. Service — Cold water. Pressure — Up to 110 lbs. Temperature — Lukewarm watef. STYLE 325 Stock — Medium gray. Service — Cold water. Pressure — Up to 150 lbs. Temperature- -Cold water only. CONDENSER VALVES: STYLE 345 Stock — Soft, red. Service — Condenser. Quality — Soft, tough, light weight. Fine Para valve. STYLE 355 Stock — Soft, red. Service — Condenser. Quality — One of the best condenser valves made. COLD WATER STYLES: STYLE 320 Stock — Medium hard, gray. Service — Cold water. Pressure — Up to 160 lbs. Temperature — Cold and lukewarm water. STYLE 324 Stock — Hard and tough. Service — Cold water. Pressure — Up to 400 lbs. Temperature — Cold water only. AIR AND VACUUM STYLES: STYLE 360 Stock — Soft, gray; Service — Air and vacuum; Pressure — Low; Temperature — To 200°. SPECIAL LOW PRICED LINE "H, W." Standard hot water valves for medium service. "S." Soft valve for medium cold water service. «M." Medium valve for service in cold water, pressure up to 150 lbs. HARD RUBBER VALVE DISCS For Russell, Frink, Walworth, Jenkins and Kelly & Jones Valves . Particularly suitable and satisfactory for use with air, acid, ammonia, gas, oil, steam, etc., also with water, either cold or hot. Will neither soften nor leak. , ^ ^, When ordering, be sure to state size and make of valve, service for which intended, and whether the round or the oblong hole is required. SIZES AND PRICES Size ..I V, % 1/2 % 1 1 1% 1 IV2 1 2 1 2V2 1 'i 1 ;{V2 1 4 1 4^ 5 Price ...1 .03 .04 .04 .05 .06 1 .09 1 .12 1 .18 1 .24 1 .40 1 .50 1 .60 1 .70 .80 Size 6 7 8 9 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 24 Pricel 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.80 1 2.25 \ 2.50 1 3.50 1 4.00 1 5.00 1 6.00 1 7.50 1 9.00 LIST ON BIBB WASHERS RAINBOW Bibb Valves are made of a compound that successfully resists Air, Acid, Gas, Cold or Hot Water. Packed 100 in a b jx as follows: Size 1 % in. 1 % in- % in. % in. 78 in. 1 in. Price .... 1 $1.00 1 1.00 1 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 GEO-B-CAIiPElfTER ^ Go. 863 LIST PRICES OF STEAM, SUCTION AND WATER HOSE STEAM HOSE LIST PRICES II iternal Diameter inches 3-PIy 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-Ply 7-Ply 8-pIy t $0.47 $0.56 $0.70 $0.84 $0.98 $1.12 .57 .71 .87 1.05 1.23 1.41 1 .70 .87 1.07 1.28 1.50 1.70 .85 1.04 1.30 1.56 1.82 2.08 1 % .94 1.15 1.43 1.71 2.00 2.29 1 Vi 1.02 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.18 2.50 1 % 1.10 1.35 1.69 2.02 2.35 2.70 1% 1.18 1.45 1.81 2.17 2.53 2.90 2 1.34 1.66 2.07 - 2.49 2.90 3.32 2^ 1.50 1.87 2.33 2.80 3.27 3.74 2% 1.66 2.08 2.60 3.12 3.64 4.16 Air Drill Hose' — Same as Steam Hose. Brewers' Hose — Same as Steam Hose. Oil Hose — Same as Steam Hose. Boiler Washout Hose — Same as Steam Hose. Hot Water JUutte list one ply less tlian above. WATER HOSE LIST PRICES CONDUCTING. HYDRANT, AND ENGINE Old Colony and Sterlinj? Internal I Diameter 2 Ply 3 -Ply 4-Ply 5-PIy 6 -Ply Biameter 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Plv B-Ply inches Inches 1 $0.20 $0.25 $0.30 $0.37 $0.45 3 $0.99 $1.20 $1.50 $1.87 $2.25 .25 .30 .37 .46 .55 31/2 1.16 1.40 1.75 2.18 2.62 1 .33 .40 .50 .62 .75 4 1.32 1.60 2.00 2.50 0.00 .42 .50 .62 ■V .93 5 1.65 2.00 2.50 3.13 3.75 1 ^2 .50 .60 .75 .93 1.12 6 1.98 2.40 3.00 3.75 4.50 1% .58 .70 .87 1.08 1.30 7 2.31 2.80 3.50 4.38 5.25 2 .66 .80 1.00 1.25 1.50 8 2.64 3.20 4.00 5.00 6.00 214 .75 .90 1.12 1.40 1.68 9 2.97 3.60 4.50 5.63 6.75 i§ .83 1.00 1.25 1.56 1.87 10 3.33 4.00 5.00 6.25 7 50 .92 1.10 1.37 1.71 2.05 MOLDED WATER HOSE LIST PRICES On 500 foot Reels Inch Two Braid per foot Three Braid per foot 1 . $0.40 .50 .60 $0.50 .62 .75 1 14 . . 11/2 SUCTION HOSE LIST PRICES Inch Hard Rubber Rough Bore Smooth Bore 1 Inch Rough Bore Smooth Bore ,^* $0.65 ! 5 $7.60 ■ $8.50 1 .75 5% 8.50 9.50 1 V4 .93 6 9.50 10.50 l§ 1.13 $1.50 $1.70 6% 10.50 12.00 1.31 1.90 2.15 7 12.00 13.50 2 1.50 2.30 2.60 7l^ 13.50 15.00 2% 1.88 3.10 3.50 8 15.00 16.50 3 4.00 4.50 9 17.50 19.50 ^Vz 4.90 5.50 10 20.00 22.50 4 5.80 6.50 12 25.00 27.50 41^ 6.70 7.50 In ordering suction hose of any kind be sure to specify whether or not the ends are to bt^ enlarged for nipples. Couplings up to six inches in diameter. Nipples any size. Globe or Basket Strainers with or without handles. 864 GeoBCar.peK'ter s Co. "(J^ln Colonp' Under this brand and style we handle Ali- Drill, Brewers, Creamery, Malt, Pneumatic Tool, Sand Blast, Steam and Water Hose. The principle of their construction is the same, namely: A combination of Braided Jack- eted Yarns as the back bone, and the wrapped special duck to give it proper strength, against heavy pressures, severe handling and the greatest abuse. These are the distinctive features of " ®I1» Qlnlnng " Hose: Heavy rubber cover. Distinctive method of applying cover to hose. Great tensile strength of braided jacket. Best possible friction for each particular kind of hose. Duck used is specific for each purpose. Tubes compounded to meet conditions for which they are intended. Which result in: First. It is possible for " ®ll» ffinlmtg " Hose to withstand excessive dragging over rough and jagged surfaces. Second. Adds strength to the cover, keeping the fabric from being exposed. Third. Gives *• 09U» Qlnlnog ** construction excessive tensile strength under pressure, flex- ibility and firmness. Fourth. Is responsible for the long life and durability. Fifth. Is necessary to conduct the material and remain intact. Sixth. Has helped to make •* C©U« QlnXnng " the hose the reputation it now enjoys. The tube is the heart of any hose, and as long as it remains intact you will be able to receive serv- ice from it. We have studied from every possible angle the uses and abuses of hose, and are able to fur- nish it to you on a money-saving basis. The M. C. B. Standard type of label which is our brand on " (®IIi Cnhmg " is there for a pur- pose. It will enable you to keep an exact record of how long your hose served you. You will note on this label at the right hand side, numbers from 16 to 19, by which you can designate the year. The numbers 1 to 12 in the first row after the letter "A" represent the month when attached or applied. Removing the number of the month and year will enable you to as- certain exactly, after the hose has served its purpose, how long it stood the test. The lower row of figures can be utilized in the same way, by removing the number of the month, so that should you wish to know at any future time how long the hose has been in service it will be there before you. •* ®lh doUmg ** Hose is not a cheap hose, and we will positively guarantee it to give you full value if properly applied. If it fails credit will be issued according to the amount of service rend- ered^ BANNER SUPERHEAT HOSE This hose is especially adapted for highest pressures and superheat. It is made to take care of lighting and power plants where the pressures are from 125 to 175 lbs. The secret of Banner Superheat hose is in the tube. It remains soft and pliable after being subjected to this ab- normal test. For continual service over rough surfaces, we recommend a woven or braided, painted cotton jacket. EKONOMY STEAM HOSE P^-ice s on application This grade of steam hose is made to meet the requirements of low pressures ranging from 25 to 100 lbs. steam pres- sure. It is made of a heavy duck and can be used with the greatest safety under these conditions. Carried in stock in all sizes up to 1% inch. 6 ply. Plain or wire wound. LIST FUICKS ON ABOVE HO.SE ON PAGE 8«3 GEO•B'eAKPE^fTER ^ eo. 865 ''mti Colonp'* WATER HOSE Having had unlimited success in the sale of our "Wth (EoUta^" Steam Hose, we adopted a Water Hose of the same type. It has the same heavy hand made course cover, forced through the braided jacket and vul- canized, which give the other wrapped layers of duck the necessary protection, helping to keep the tube Intact. The initial cost of ** ©Hi (dnlang " Water Hose is higher, but we will guarantee extra service, which means saving money on account of fewer stops for repairs, and many worries. ''mtx Colonp^* NON-KINK BREWER'S HOSE It Is essential in the manufacture of good Brewer's Hose, that it should not be affected by either hot or cold liquids. ** ®II» Colong " hose is made to meet these requirements. The extra heavy tube in this hose is so compounded that it is not affected by any service that Is expected of any good brewer's hose. The cover is heavy and well made, to prevent chafing or cracking when dragged over cement floors. We have records to show that ** ®Ui Gnlimg " Non-Kink Brewer's Hose has given from 5 to 12 years service. We can furnish this hose in any of the following styles: White cover and white tube. Black cover and black tube. Red cover and red tube. or any combination of these colors. List price same as steam hose, shown on preceding page. ECONOMY BREA\T:R'S HOSE Made to meet conditions where "OUi Cnlong" is not required, cover only. Furnished in white tube and CHALLENGE MOLDED WATER HOSE Challenge Molded Water Hose is made of all braid construction. It is flexible and does not kink. Will withstand considerable pressure. Made in 500 foot reels, enabling us to furnish this hose in any length wanted, m one piece. Carried in stock in l^, %, 1, 1 14 and l^^ inch in two braid, and 1, 1% and IVz inch in three braid. PILOT WATER HOSE For those wanting a hose for ordinary service, and where it is not economy to use the best, we carry in stock Pilot Water Hose. This is a wrapped hose in 5 foot lengths and will give very satis- factory service for general work. Better than any other for the money. We also make and carry a complete line of rubber specialties for brewing requirements, among which are: Cloth inserted beer tubing, tapping rubbers, bung washers, rubber mallets, valves, rubber boots, aprons, gloves, gaskets, packings and molded specialties. L.IST PRICES 0>' THE ABOVE HOSE ON PAGE 863 866 GEO-BeAliPEI<"TER ^ do. r '®lh CdoUiug" AIR HOSE ■O. The product of our many years of experience in marketing various grades and styles of pneu- matic air liose. The air hose of today must be built to withstand a greater range of service, and abuses, than the earlier types. " 09111 Cdnlong'* is recognized as the most flexible tool hose yet produced. The advantage of this flexibility is at once understood by the structural steel worker, and consequently it is the most used and best liked hose by all who have worked with it. The flexibility of *'WUt fflnlimg'* is due to the use of the purest high grade elastic rubber. The fabric is of the basket weave, braided yarn construction. The tube is oil proof and very tough. The results of a recent test of pressure resistance, between *• Wth ffinlmtg " braided type hose and the common wrapped hose prove clearly that "®Ui QlnUmg'* is a wonderful product: ^-in., 3-braid " ©lb Qlolottg " burst at 1350 lbs. %-in., 2-braid -®Ui ©nhmg" burst at 1025 lbs. i^-in., 7ply wrapped hose burst at 125 lbs. ?4-in., 7-ply wrapped hose burst at 100 lbs. Many of the lengths of "©ttOIohmg'' burst at much greater pressures than those above, which are those of the weaker and average sections. These figiu-es are conclusive evidence of the superiority of " (3th OInlong " CHALLENGE MOLDED AIR HOSE Made in 500 foot lengths put up on reels, from which we can cut any desired length, eliminat- ing unnecessary couplings and avoiding leaks. Carried in stock in the following sizes: %-inch, 2-braid, and Vz, %, % and 1-inch in 3-braid. This is a very flexible molded air hose which will stand considerable pressure and abuse. EKONOMY AIR HOSE A 7-ply wrapped hose, which is the least expensive type and is used where a high priced hose Is not essential. The cheapest guaranteed air hose made. Carried in stock in Yz and %-inch only. "©lb dnlflng'* SAND BLAST HOSE In order to make a sand blast hose practical it is necessary to embody in its construction the very toughest Para rubber. This will withstand the action of the sand which is used to clean steel and iron castings. " ®Ui Golong " is constructed to give the best service for such conditions. We recommend the i/4-inch tubes for greatest economy. Furnished in 3-ply, % to 2 inches, with % to 14 -inch tube, and 4-ply, 2% and 2^^ inches, with % to ^4 -inch tube. Any of the above grades of air hose can be furnished plain or wire wrapped. LIST I'RICES ON THE ABOVE HOSE ON PAGE S63 Geo-B-Car^pei^ter ^ Go. 867 mh OlDlottg'* CREAMERY HOSE Particularly suitable for tlie dairy and creamery trade. A hose of ordinary construction will not stand the action of grease, acids and butter fats, or the rough handling that, is given a piece of hose. This hose has the same construction and fabric as Old Colony Steam and therefore carries with it the same guarantee for service. PRICE LIST I. S. Dia. 3 Ply 4 Ply 5 Ply 1/2 in. $0.47 $0.56 $0.70 % in. 1 in. .57 .71 .87 .70 .87 1.07 114 in. .85 1.04 1.30 11/0 in. 1.02 1.25 1.56 "©in CUnlong" WASHOUT HOSE Designed for railroad use to conduct hot or cold water. It will not become hard and brittle from the excessive heat from the fire box or the steam and water. GASOLINE HOSE UNDERWTIITERS' GRADE A four ply wire lined hose. This hose is passed and accepted by the Underwriters' Laboratories of Chicago as it is made according to their specifications. CHALLENGE GRADE Made of the same number of plies of duck as the above hose and is made to meet conditions where an expensive hose is not desired. These two grades are carried in Chicago stock in 8 foot and 10 foot lengths, % inch and 1 inch diameter. Coupled with nickel plated couplings or plain ends. We are also in position to figure on your, requirements on following: Acid Hose Soda Hose Auto Radiator Hose Spray Hose Coke Hose Pure Gum Tubing , „ ^^ , Chemical Hose Suction Hose (Hard Rubber) Divers Hose Wine Hose Hydraulic High Pressure Hose Our service department is at your disposal on any matters that require something out of the ordinary. 868 GEO-B(BAR.PEffTER ^ GO, **a^lti Colonp'^ CORRUGATED DREDGING SLEEVES Our improved type dredging sleeves are reinforced to prevent bulging or sudden expansion, and nave proved a boon to dredging sleeve users. They are made of the very finest pure gum in tube, friction and cover. The duck is the heaviest used in any hose construction and at the same time is flexible. _ A trial of the Old Colony Corrugated dredging sleeves will at once demonstrate their supe- riority over others. Prices upon application. , Seamless Hydraulic Cotton Hose We also carry for prompt shipment, seamless hydraulic cotton hose, circular woven, in sizes from 3 to 12 inches. Prices quoted upon receipt of specifications. Hydraulic Mining Hose Write us for prices on Hydraulic Mining hose. We have it in the 6 inch diameter, made of triple sewed cotton duck, in thicknesses from 2/0 to 12/0. Cotton Conducting Hose for Mines, etc. For conducting service in Mines, etc., we have a superior grade of strong and inexpensive seamless cotton hose. Pull rolls consist of 400 foot lengths, but we will cut and ship any length desired. Sizes from % to 12 inches. Prices upon receipt of specifications. Anaconda Engine and Tender Hose Connection The most popular and widely used Engine and Tender hose connection in the world. Manufactured partic- ularly to conduct either hot or cold water. All master mechanics and road engineers back up any claims made for Anaconda. 1 % inch per foot $0.87 Metal Steam Hose For those who prefer the' use of a metallic steam hose, we are in position to furnish immediately, any quantity desired. We consider our brand the best on the market. Prices on request. Illustration above shows an 18 foot length of % inch hosei, with packed couplings and reinforced ends attached. One end covered with asbestos and brown duck. Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ Go, 869 SUCTION HOSE 'CHALLENGE SUCTION HOSE' Users of "Challenge" Suction Hose are most emphatic in their praises of this particular brand. Because of the severe conditions met with in such service Challenge Hose is built around a very good tube, which resists to the greatest possible extent, the cutting action of sand, gravel sharp stones and rocks, and other substances which destroy a cheaper hose. "CHALLENGE" Suction Hose is recognized by the exceptionally heavy flat steel wire which pre- vents collapsing or kinking. We have had cases where CHALLENGE Suction Hose has had loaded wagons and wheelbarrows pass over it without causing any preceptible damage. Challenge is furnished complete with nipples vulcanized in the hose and wired on with a heavy copper wire under tension, then soldered. This method of inserting nipples has proven the greatest possible boon to users on account of the fact that it prevents pulling off either when making the connections to the pump, lowering in place, or vibration while under service. This not only saves possible loss by injury but time plugging up a leaky connection. When a female end is desired we furnish a regular heavy iron pipe union, which makes the same connection as a male and female coupling. " ©lU (dnlong " OIL SUCTION HOSE Is made to order only, as a hose of this character is of a specific nature and requires special compounding to withstand the action of hot or cold oils. MISSISSIPPI RIA^R SPECIAL We have made a special study of sand and gravel suction hose larger than 5 inches in diam- eter. We have furnished a great number of pieces to users of this hose along the Mississippi River and have met with unlimited success. Prices furnished on application. VACUUM HOSE We can furnish the light flexible hose for use in the smaller and lighter household machines and larger hose for use in hotels, apartments and public buildings. Also a grade used by clean- ing service companies from the street to the house. When ordering, please state the service for which the hose is intended, how the ends are to be prepared, whether wire shall terminate at the ends, or whether the ends are to be made soft so as to take care of the couplings, and what distance back. Also state if plain or covered hose is wanted. Sterling Suction Hose can also be furnished if desired. AGRO WIRE LINED SUCTION HOSE Furnished in 2 inch size only, plain and cotton jacketed cover. This hose is the cheaper kind, particularily adapted for agricultural work. Made with enlarged ends so that it can be attached to pipe very easily. LIST PRICES ON THE ABOVE HOSE 'ON PAGE SCI 870 GEO-B-eAIiPEM'TER « eo. MOLDED GARDEN HOSE 500 Foot Reels All Braided Fabric Construction — A Grade For Every Requli'ement In order to meet the varying desires and needs of our trade, our line of Molded Garden Hose af- fords a wide range of ciioice. A sliglit difference is made in tlie quality of the different rubbers to adapt each one to the particular conditions of service and cost surrounding the use of each hose. We believe it pays to buy only a good grade of hose, which with proper care will last many seasons. Accordingly, we take particular care to market only qualities that are the best obtain- able value at the price. That means longer service, greater economy, and more satisfied cus- tomers. The method of construction of our Garden Hose — the Braided Fabric Type — is not like the wrapped type. Braided Fabric Hose is built up as one piece around the rubber tube. The strands are woven in one united continuous length. They are built right into the hose. That makes it stronger and prevents kinking or unwrapping. ' The strands are of very strong cotton thread only and with a great tensile strength. The finest rubber is used for the tube. All molded Garden Hose is made in approximately 500 foot lengths without extra charge. Sizes ready for immediate delivery: % inch, % inch, % inch diameter. ** ®Vti (Utixai^** — ^For unusually severe service. Withstands kinks, twists, corner posts or sharp stones. I lexible and tough. The last word in Garden Hose Construction. Unquestionably the best hose that money, experience and careful workmanship can produce. With ordinary care Old Colony is guaranteed to last at least 5 years. % inch per foot $0.25 % List Prices inch per foot $0.23 1/2 inch per foot $0.22 Challenge — Smooth Challenge-^Ribbed Lariat — ^Ribbed — ^Red Naiad — ^Ribbed Lai-iat — ^Red Ribbed % inch Per Foot 21c % inch " 20O' % inch " 19c Naiad Ribbed % inch Per Foot I9c % inch " 18c % inch " 17c Geyser — Smooth LIST PRICES Challenge Smooth and Ribbed inch Per Foot 20c % inch Va inch 19c 18c Geyser Smooth % inch Per Foot 18c % inch " 17c 1/2 inch - " 16c GEO-B-eAIiPEN*TER « 60. \n WRAPPED GARDEN HOSE (' vvjj^jjNg:;^ J The wrapped style of construction in garden hose represents the origrinal method of making garden hose. The hose is made of long pieces of bias cut material, wound around a rubber tube. It is pos- sible to make this hose more economically than the moulded and braided types, which accounts for the difference in price. The wrapped hose is generally used for ordinary garden duty, or for construction work. We always carry in stock the wrapped style of garden hose, Yz and % Inch inside diameter, in 4, 5, 6 and 7 ply, under the following brands: % inch, 4 ply Winner per foot $0.15 % inch, .5 ply Acme " "^^ % inch, 5 ply Red Hummer " -17 % inch, 6 ply Colonial " -Ig % inch, 7 ply Knipress " •*'* % inch 1 cent per foot less. Each length is coupled with brass shell couplings, all for % inch connection. Every length is guaranteed for one season. "We also earry Cotton Rubber Lined Hose, Yz and % incli inside diameter, % inch couplings. Baby Rini? Fig. 456D BLAKE. No. 3% is cast brass, rough. No. 4 is cast brass, nickel plated. All others are galvanized iron. No. 2 and 5 have iron pipe connections. Nos. 1, 3, 3V^ and 4 have hose connection. Number 1 1 2 3 3% 4 5 Size connections. . . Price inches] . . .per dozen] $5.00 S^, 1 7.00 .^^0 9.0*0 5.00 The Evanston is built on the well-known principle of the tangential spray. Has no revolving parts to wear out. The Ring is the best of its class. The perforations in the top are arranged to distribute water in the most thorough and effective manner. Baby Ring: Sprinltlers throw a finely distributed spray of water covering as large a circle as any of the similar low down sprinklers, either of tne ring type or the cast iron variety. Price, Evanston. Height, 2*4 inches, japanned per dozen $8.oo Price, Ring. Stamped sheet brass, 8 inches in diameter " 11.50 Price, Baby Ring. Height, 1 % inches, 6 inches in diameter " 8.00 872 GEO-BCAR^PEhfTER ^ QO. LAWN SPRINKLERS •-R- ^ ,rp\. <^ Fig. 910A, PliUVIUS. Fig. 91CB, COLUMBIA. Fig. 910C. CYCLONE. The Pluvius is ball-bearing revolving with the slightest pressure, and covers a large or small circle according to the water pressure. It has a movable brass swivel at the base for making con- nection with the hose. The Columbia is a very popular style of sprinkler, having revolving parts that do not wear out, and it runs for years. Similar to the Cyclone and Preston shown below. The Cyclone has three arms, as shown in the engraving. The Yankee is supported on a sled made of malleable iron about 12 inches square, so it can be drawn over the lawn. A very attractive looking accessory. Height inches No, of Arms Price per dozen Name Brass Arms Nicltel Plated Arms Pluvius 11 12 12 20 3 3 3 4 $16.00 18.00 17.00 21.00 Columbia $17.00 Cyclone 19.50 18.50 23.00 Yankee Fig. B910. ZENITH. Fig. C910. PRESTON. Fig. D910. MAYFLOWER IVIidget Sprinklers are now equipped with the same head as that of the Zenith, improving the working of the sprinkler very materially. Zenith Sprinklers represent a new principle in the revolving sprinkler head, and have elim- inated friction as far as possible in a lawn sprinkler which is not ball-bearing. The Preston is a reliable, satisfactory sprinkler, becoming very popular. The Mayflower has a high base, brass movable swivel for hose connection. Has brass head japanned red. Height inches No. of Arms Length of Arms inches Price per dozen Name - Brass Arms Nickel Plated Arms Midget Zenith 4 5 61/2 9 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 $12.00 $13.50 14.00 15.50 1600 1 n IT n Preston Mayflower 16.50 J8.00 GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER ^ QO, 873 COTTON RUBBER LINED MILL HOSE Eureka Mill Hose is a single ply seamless woven hose, intended particularly for manufacturing establishments, wareliouses, piers, hotels and public institutions or anywhere that hose is kept attached to standpipes, etc. Trojan 3lill Hose is of the same general construction as Eureka and is much in demand for similar service under less pressure. Pioneer Mill Hose is a dependable brand, although not the equal of two above mentioned brands. There is much of it in use. Carried in stock up to 2% inches, coupled or uncoupled. LIST PRICES 1 inch internal diameter per foot $0.40 1^4 inch internal diameter " .45 ll^ inch internal diameter " .50 2 inch internal diameter " .65 21/2 inch internal diameter per foot $0.80 3 inch inte^rnal diameter " 1.10 3i/> inch internal diameter " 1.50 4 inch internal diameter " 2.00 LINEN HOSE :.EU.R£KA,il^|i; "Euri-ka 2" IJut-u Iln.se. 1 'ur red. white and blue color ..tiip-' in tlii-: 1 -I - prirated, having the plain unbleached yarn between colored strands. Labeled strictly in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Underwriters. Underwriter Standard "AVorthy" Linen Hose. The color stripe in "Worthy" consists of a continuous white stripe of 4 warps between zigzag red and blue lines of 4 warps each separated by S plain warps. This hose competed favorably in its ability to conform to requirements of high standard tests with any flax hose manufactured except Eureka Best and 2nth Century, and may be installed with perfect confi- dence in its reliability in any place where highest grades of other makes are acceptable. Labeled strictly in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Underwriters. Made in any length up to 300 feet inclusive. "Trade" Linen Hose. The stripe in this brand consists of three red and two brown strands. "Red Ball" Linen Hose. Stripe consists of a red strand and one of orange. LIST PRICES ELREKA 20TH CENTURY % inch internal diameter per foot 1 inch internal diameter H4 inch internal diameter 11,^ inch internal diameter 1% inch internal diameter 2 inch internal diameter 214 inch internal diameter 2^ inch internal diamete'r 3 inch internal diameter $0.22 .24 .27 .:iO .32 .34 .37 .40 .55 EUREKA, WORTHY, RED BALL AND TRADE 4 inch internal diameter per foot $0.18 inch internal diameter " --W 4 inch internal diameter '" •-- '2 inch internal diameter '_' '25 4 inch internal diameter ,', '2^ inch internal diameter ,, "W 4 inch internal diameter ,, -"J '2 inch internal diameter „ -^a inch internal diameter ••'O 874 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ So. COTTON RUBBER LINED FIRE HOSE BANNER UNDERWRITERS' SINGLE JACKET FIRE HOSE Built According to Specifications of the Underwriters' Association Banner Under^vi-iters' Single Jacket Fire Hose is a 2 % inch, cotton jacketed, rubber-lined hose for use in mill and factory fire protection. It is built carefully in conformance to the Underwriters' specifications. Also furnished in 1% and 2% inch, single and double jacket. But more than that, there is built into Banner Brand quality and life-giving elements which add a margin of safety in excess of the mere requirements of the Underwriters' Association. It has long life and exceptional value. It is on the approved list of the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, Boston, Mass. Suggestions For Increasing Life of Hose 1. All cotton rubber-lined hose should be wound on reels — not folded on racks. 2. Folding is very harmful to the rubber lining — liable materially to shorten life of hose. 3. Water should be passed through cotton rubber-lined hose about once every three months. 4. Hose should be dried thoroughly after each use before reeling up. EUREKA U. S. FIRE HOSE ■mM ■msmtmmii\ This is a well known hose, made by the Eureka Fire Hose Manufacturing Co., and is made in accordance with the specifications of the National Board of Underwriters. Furnished in 1 % 2% and 2% inch size, coupled or uncoupled. **mh Qlnlottij" DOUBLE JACKET FIRE HOSE The Maximum in Efficiency and Economy •*®UiC!InIimi|'* Double Jacket Fire Hose yields high efficiency and economy because it is made of a high quality of cotton fabric and a rubber exactly adapted to the purpose for which it is Intended. This quality of material combined with careful workmanship gives the "OUi Qlolnng'* Fire Hose a durability in construction that will pay premiums on the investment. It means longer life and greater satisfaction in service. Provision is made for the unusual demands that may frequently be placed upon fire hose. ••©UiCfloUmg** Double Jacket Hose will carry a 400 pound tested pressure and is free from leaking defects. The economy in per-foot cost is one of the astonishing features of "(§lh dinlans". While of high quality and dependable in service, its original cost is moderate. For actual value it is equal to any hose on the market at the price. GEO*B-eAIiPEM*TER S CO. 875 WHITE STAR DECK HOSE "White Star" is an especially constructed Deck Hose. It is similar to the wrapped duck water conducting hose, except that it has a rubber coated duck cover which protects the hose from the wear and tear resulting from constant dragging over decks, hard floors and rough sur- faces or around sharp corners on board ship. The standard construction used is four and five plies — that is, three and four plies on the inside and the rubber coated and rubber impregnated cover. We have found that our hose will give longer service on account of its unique style of cover which is placed on the other layers in spiral form, which makes kinking almost an impossibility. "White Star" Deck Hose has been adopted by a number of Lake Lines because of its ser- vice record. Carried in stock 1 % inch 4 ply coupled or uncoupled. 1% 11/2 11/^ inch 5 ply inch 4 ply inch 5 ply Can be furnished wire wound if wanted. WIRE WINDING No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 Round Heavy Mnrlin Cresceat or Flat AVire Oval AVound Half Round We are equipped to take care of wire winding on all sizes and makes of hose with our own machine on any of the four styles of wire as shown herewith, or can also Marlin wind, if preferred. List Prices For Winding Steam, Water, and Brewers' Hose with Flat, Round, or Half Round Tinned- Steel Wire. Prices on Marlin Winding upon request. Size per foot 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-PIy 6-Ply 1/2 inch $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12 % inch .11 .12 .13 .14 1 inch .13 ■14 .15 .16 11^ inch .15 .16 • .17 .18 11/2 inch .18 .19 .20 .21 1% inch .20 .21 .22 .23 2 inch .23 .24 .25 .26 214 inch • 25 .26 .27 .28 2y2 inch .27 .28 .29 .30 876 Geo-BCarpen'ter X eo. CARPENGO RUBBER SHEET TILING I. I .IJ.I, I . I , I ^» vj* ^nr ^*t*" ^*r^ ^*r T*t* VTT V^ TJT TJT TjT vjr vjr vf^ tx^ Tn v^ TJ^ vjr VTT ^*r ^ ^ <+ ^ ^«- 4^^ r;ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiii snn^ Fig. 0472, Design 48 Carpenco Rubber Sheet Tiling is now recognized as the ideal flooring for elevators, aisles, corridors, lobbies, and other places where a high grade sanitary material is desired. This sheet tiling is entirely different from any other floor covering on the market. It will outlast six carpets or cork linoleums, and is guaranteed to lie perfectly flat on the floor at all times. Being made in large rubber sheets, bulging or spreading at seams is prevented and mois- ture is kept from the cement. Guaranteed to leave no odor and clean easily. Soft under the feet, and is noiseless. Made to order in a great variety of designs and combinations of color effects. Furnished in i/4 inch, fg inch and % inch thickness. Estimates cheerfully and promptly furnished upon request. Fig. 0473, Design 60 Geo-B-Car.peN'ter « Co 877 "OLD COLONY" PERFORATED MATS _ ■■■|HHnpaiii|BH .^^^^■■VI^^^M pMililflnnnMfM ^SEnnnu'CfQW mj^ OtS\CHH0ij^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tS\ mattlngr is made any width up to 90 inch. fe inch weighs about 12 »4 lbs. to the square yard. Per lb $0.40 Corrugated mattins, 30 and 36 inches wide in stock — other widths to order. % inch thick weighs 9 lbs. to the square yard. ^ inch thick weighs about 6V^ lbs. to the square yard. Per lb $0.50 METAL INSERTED STEP MATS Fig. 375B There is nothing on the market that equals our Metal-Inserted Mats for wear and tear, and hard usage of every description. We make them with metal insertion in each or every other rubber diamond as described. Manufactured up to 80 inches wide and 6 feet long. A inch thick per sq. f t. $1.00 14 inch thick " ' "~ 1.30 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER S eo, HOSE CARTS Fig. Styles E and F Fig. Style H Style E Number of Reel Height of Wheel Width Over All " Weight, Bundled pounds Capacity, %-inch, 3-ply Rubber Hose feet Capacity, 1 -inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, li/4-inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, 1%-inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, 2 -inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, 2 14 -inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, 1%-inch, Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Capacity, 1%-inch, Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Capacity, 2 -inch. Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Capacity, 2 1^ -inch, Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Price each 100 I 110 36 31 75 500 200 150 100 300 200 150 100 $12.00 101 I 102 103 36 33 90 600 300 200 150 400 300 200 150 $17.00 38 38 100 800 400 300 200 500 400 250 200 $25.00 42 42 145 250 200 150 500 350 250 $35.00 48 48 175 400 300 250 650 500 400 $45.00 52 54 200 500 400 300 800 600 500 $55.00 Style Number Height of Wheel inches Extreme Width 104 j 105 I 106 Weight, Bundled pounds Capacity, li/^-inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose feet Capacity, 2 -inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, 2% -inch, 4-ply Rubber Hose " Capacity, 11/2 -inch. Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Capacity, 2 -inch. Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Capacity, 21/^ -inch. Cotton Rubber-Lined Hose. " Price^ each 107 I 108 I 109 42 42 155 250 200 150 500 350 250 $40.00 175 400 300 250 650 500 400 $50.00 52 54 200 500 400 300 800 600 500 $60.00 42 42 160 250 200 150 500 350 250 $50.00 48 48 190 400 300 250 650 500 400 $60.00 52 54 230 500 400 300 800 600 500 $70.00 Fig. Victor Style E, suitable for large quantity of small hose or a small quantity of large hose; tubular steel reel, frame and tongue; wide tires. Style P, tubular steel frame and reel; steel wheels. Finished in vermilion and black. Special sizes to order. Style G, same construction as Style H, but without friction roller and brace at rear of frame. Finished in vermilion and black. Style H, tubular steel frame and reel; steel wheels, tool box and friction roller. Finished in vermilion and black. WIRT'S VICTOR HOSE REEL ALL METAL Is constructed wtih channel steel frame, strong cast iron wheels, solid steel reel arms and 9-inch drum of heavy corrugated steel. Equipped with a ring , on side of frame to prevent reel from unwinding, when desired, and with holder at top of frame for holding nozzle when spraying. Frame enameled | green, wheels and reel black, making a very attactive appearance. Weight' 12^ lbs. bundled for shipping. Capacity 100 feet %-inch rubber hose. P"ce r. . . . $2.C GEO-BeARPElfTER ^ eo. 879 HOSE CARTS AND REELS Fig. Style IX piRE JUMPERS ^'^- ^*''^ "* style IX, mounted on strong wooden wheels, have rope reel and drag rope, tool box, axe in spring """"'^ilTjTVo^nfelll^i'^^^^^^^^^ and equipment as Style IX. WAREHUUSE dAK 1 o ^"''s^tyle'prsimiirr^construction to Style O carts, but without tool box. friction roller or brace at rear of franie. LIST PRICES — FIRE JUMPERS style Number of Jumper . I 3V2 I 4ya I 5V2 II OV2 I IVa I ^^ Height of wheels inches Extreme width _ ,^ Weight, complete pounds Shipping weight, crated Cap., 21/0 inch double jacket fire hose Cap., 2^ inch cotton rubber lined mill hose Price ; ; • •,• • • • • AVithout rope reel ami rope, axe and axe liolders .feet each 44 48 200 250 150 300 80.00 60.00 48 54 250 310 250 400 90.00 70.00 52 54 275 350 300 500 100.00 80.00 42 48 185 240 150 300 00.00 65.00 48 54 230 300 250 400 100.00 75.00 52 54 260 340 300 500 110.00 S5.00 LIST PRICES— WAREHOUSE CARTS Number o£ Cart. 440 I 44TT~443 | 443 II 450 | 451 j 452 | 453 inches Height of wheels Extreme outer width ^, Extreme length Weight, complete pounds Shipping weight, crated. . . . ... Cap. 11/2 inch cotton rubber lined hose feet Cap 2 inch cotton rubber lined hose Cap." 21/. inch cotton rubber lined hose Price . ." «^a<'h 10 44 48 52 40 44 38 42 48 54 38 42 5V2 evs 61/2 7 ^'± ■ •?. <15 165 180 210 85 145 110 180 200 230 100 160 400 500 650 800 400 500 950 350 500 600 250 350 200 300 400 500 200 300 35.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 25.00 35.00 48 48 61/2 160 180 650 500 400 45.00 52 54 7 190 210 800 600 500 55.00 TUBULAR ALL METAL HOSE REEL Undoubtedly the best garden hose reels on the market, having a number of exclusive features. The reeling or unreeling is very easy, as the frame can be tipped down to support the reel clear of the ground, and there are no exposed spokes to interfere with either operation. These reels cannot tip over when unreeling, and the large rims forming the wheels make them very easy to move about. There is no weight to carry with the style "B" reels, as the weight of the hose is borne upon the rims and is not carried on th handle as in other types. Absolutely" all metal, tubular steel rims and frame, steel spokes and malleable iron castings; Nos. 10 and 20 have corrugated gal- vanized drum. Figs. 10 and 20 Numl>er of Height of Weight of Capacity, Capacity, 1 Capacity, 1 Capacity, Capacity, Capacity Reel. 35 Pggl inches reel." buiidied' for 'shipping pounds % inch 3-ply rubber hose teet inch 4-ply rubber hose ,^ ^4 inch 4-ply rubber hose ,, 14 inch cotton rubber lined hose ^^ % inch cotton rubber lined hose ^, inch cotton rubber lined hose... Price (Nos. 10 and 20 galvanized add $1.75 to list price) ■ . ■ 21 20 100 50 24 22 150 75 ioo 75 400 150 100 200 150 100 6.50 32 52 600 200 150 350 250 200 12?00 300 250 500 400 880 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S QO. YALE HOSE RACKS Fie. go4D Detail SKowine Method of Hose Suspension The hose is suspended from an extension arm by a series of brass clips in such a way that there is no pressure on either the edge or the fold of the hose. When the valve is opened the pressure of the water is sufficient to free the hose from the clips without any possibility of injury to the hose or rack. It is a satisfactory "one-man" device IRON BRASS Number Capac- ity Unlined Linen Hose, Feet Size Hose inches Price, each Number Capac- ity Unlined Linen Hose, feet Size Hose inches Price, each Style N Style O Style P Fin- ished Nickel Plated Style N Style O Style P Fin- ished Nickel Plated 2 3 5 6 8 9AX 9B 9C 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 AX 19B 19C 20 22 23 25 26 28 29AX 29B 29C 50 50 75 75 100 I'OO 150 150 150 IVs IVa lit 2% $5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 $6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 lOOX 101 103X 104 106X 107 109A 109B 109C llOX 111 113X 114 116X 117 119A 119B 119C 120X 121 123X 124 126X 127 129A 129B 129C 50 50 75 75 100 100 150 150 150 1% ly* 1V2 2% $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 $9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 BOWES' HOSE RACKS The style of Bowes' hose racks shown above have a shield on each side to hide the ■y represent a most practical and reliable pin rack, their distinctive advantage being t ;s do not fall to the floor when the hose is pulled from the rack as in the case of simflai Pis. 904G Style G pins and supporting a^ms. that the pins or supporting imilar racks. No. Style Kind of Material Capacity Size Hose Price each Hose, Feet inches Finished Nickel Plated 33 34 132 133 134 136 43 44 141 143 51 53 54 56 151 153 154 156 Iron 50 IVa $ 5.00 $ 7.00 Iron 50 2y2 5.00 7.00 E Iron 100 iy2 6.00 8.00 Brass 5^0 2 10.00 11 00 E Brass 50 2y2 10.00 11.00 Brass 100 12.00 13.00 F F F F G Brass lOfl 2y2 12.00 13.00 lion 50 2% 5.00 7.00 100 1% 6.00 8.00 50 10.00 11.00 Iron 50 50 2% 1% 10.00 5.00 11.00 7.00 G Iron 50 2% 5.00 7.00 Iron 100 1% 6.00 8.00 G G G G Brass Brass Brass Brass 100 5'0 50 100 100 2% 1% 2y2 6.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 11.00 11.00 13.00 13.00 In ordering state size of pii je to which rack is. to be attached. A 11 Bowls' rack 3 are packed in i Geo-B-CakpeN'ter « Go. 881 HOSE RACKS AND REELS The Dewey Rack is es- pecially recommended for warehouses and manufac- turing plants. The hose is folded flat and as the rack is usually suspended about six feet from the floor the hose is protected from damage and yet is in- stantly available in case of emergency. It is approved by the Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Com- panies. The Hartford Rack is similar to the Dewey Rack, but it is made with an Fig. 906A. Dewey arched bedplate. The ad- vantage of this is that the hose lies better on a rack with an arched bottom, as the arch supports the weight of the hose and relieves the folded ends of any pressure. The top of the hose so folded will be level and not concave. The underwriters do not approve a hose rack with an arch bedplate, but the Hartford Rack is Fig. 906B. Hartford largely speci fled by architects and owners Dn account f the advantages above mentioned. Dewey Racks No. Hartford Racks No. Size Hose inches Capacity Feet Kind of Hose Price Each 7 17 lorl^ 50 Unlined Linen $5.00 8 18 IVk 50 5.00 9 19 2 50 " " 5.00 10 20 2y2 50 " " 5.00 7A 17A lor 1% 75 " " 5.50 8A 18A IV2 75 " •• 5.50 9A 19A 2 75 « !• 5.50 lOA 20A 21/2 75 " " 5.50 10% 20 Va lorl^ 100 " " 6.00 11 21 1 1/2 or 2 100 " " 6.00 12 22 2y2 100 « l< 6.00 13 23 11/2 or 2 150 <« II 7.00 14 24 2 ¥2 150 " " 7.00 13 23 IVz or 2 50 Rubber Lined Cotton Mill 7.00 14 24 21/2 50 7.00 15 25 11/2 or 2 100 " " " " 7.50 16 26 21/2 100 8.00 Both the Dewey and the Hartford Racks are packed "knocked down" in individual wooden convenience. Stock finish is red enamel, baked on. Nos. 15, 16, 25 and 26 will carry heavy ru cotton hose in 50-foot lengths. Both the Dewey and the Hartford Racks are furnished with pipe clamps or wall brackets, ing, state which attachment is desired and if pipe clamps, give the size of the standpipe. boxes for bber lined s§m Fig-. y09C. RYERSON HOSE REELS styles A, C. D and I are made with wall brackets or pipe attachment. When ordering to be attached to a standpipe, the size of pipe should be specified. Style B is a stationary variety of the Ryerson Reel, made to carry rubber lined cotton hose, but it will carry any- thing that can be wound upon it. All styles have center braces of wood on which the hose rests. This prevents rusting. The side castings are well fin- ished in solid black, which presents a pleasing contrast to the red braces. Styles A, C, D a nd I Fig. 900D Swinging Style B — Stationary Capacity Hose, Feot Capacity Hose, Feet Rubber- Rubber- Unlined Lined Size, Hose Price Unlined Lined Size, Hose Price No. style Linen Cotton inches Each No. Style Linen Cotton Inches 1 A 175 50 114 or 1% $6.00 13 C 50 lorl^ $6.00 2 150 50 2 6.50 14 50 l^A 6.00 3 •' 150 50 2'^ 7.00 15 «< 50 6.50 4 " 250 100 114 orl% 7.00 16 •' 50 2% 7.00 5 " 250 100 2 8.00 17 D 75 1 or H4 6.25 6 " 275 100 2\i 8.50 18 75 iy2 6.50 7 B 60 H4 orl% 6.00 19 «< 75 6.75 8 " 50 2 6.50 20 " 75 2% 7.25 9 50 2% 7.00 30 I 100 lor 1^ 6.25 10 " 100 IV4. orl% 7.50 31 100 1% 6.50 11 " 100 2 8.00 32 " 100 2 7.00 12 " 100 2% 8.50 33 " 100 2% 7.50 Ry erson r eels are approved and listed b y the As 30ciated Factor y Mutua I Insu ran ce Companie 3. 882 Geo-B-Cai^peN'ter ^ eo. AUTOMATIC EXPANSION RING COUPLINGS AUTOMATIC EXPANSION RING COUPLINGS Instructions for Ordering Automatic Couplings In ordering Automatic Couplings, always give us: First: The exact outside diameter of the hose. It is always better to send sample of the hose, as different makes of hose vary a great deal, and a made-up sample varies often from the hose when received to be coupled. . ^. Second: We must have sample thread by which to cut thread on the couplings; a description of the thread will not do unless it is iron pipe thread or hose pipe thread, in which case we will make the couplings up, and guarantee them to be iron pipe or hose pipe thread; but we cannot take back couplings which are made up on mere descriptions of the thread, as we guarantee the threads to fit only when sample thread is given us with the order. Size inches | 1% \ lYzl 2 I 2^2 I 3 31^ I I 4^^ PH^^p'iFYair |$1.35|$1.70|$1-85|?2. 20132. 85|$6.00|$10.00|$12.00|$15.00 We make the Underwriter Couplings, automatic style in conformity with the specifications of the Underwriters as to form, weight and mixture of metal. The Underwriter Coupling is made in red brass and is superior to the ordinary automatic couplings in quality of material, weight and finish. Our coupling conforms strictly to the Underwriters' specifications. Size inches | 1 H 214 2% Price per pair $3.00 I $4.00 I 35.00 AUTOMATIC COUPLING EXPANDERS These expanders are necessary in attaching Automatic, Ma- rine Perfection and similar couplings to hose. The wearing parts are substantially made and work smoothly. Made in all sizes from i/^ to 6 inches. Prices on application. In ordering automatic couplings, always give us: the exact outside diameter of the hose. It is always better to send sample of the hose, as different makes of hose vary a great deal, and a made-up sample varies often from the hose when received to be coupled. SUCTION HOSE NIPPLES Rough and poorly fitting nipples will greatly decrease the life of any piece of suction hose and may entirely ruin it. The expenditure of a little care on this detail is well repaid. Those we furnish are of good length, smooth on the surface, grooved to insure strong and tight joints, and have all edges and grooves rounded off. We furnish nipples for all sizes of suction hose, wiring them in as a rule. Size inches 2 2% 3 S}^ \ 4 1 4^^ Total length Price Price wiring in inches each 7 $0.60 1.70 7 $0.90 1.80 8 $1.25 1.90 10 $1.75 2.20 10 $2.00 2.50 12 $3.00 2.60 Size inches 5 6 7 8 1 10 1 12 Total length Price inches each 12 $3.60 2.75 14 $5.00 3.75 16 $7.25 4.25 16 $8.75 .4.75 20 20 $16.25 $25.00 Price wiring in 5.75 6.50 Strainers, ball and basket, brass or iron furnished and attached to hose when desired. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « eo. 881 HOSE PIPES, ETC. HOSE PIPES Fis. 905A Undenrriter's Fig. 905B Screw Tip UNDERWRITERS' Size inches] 2 2y2 1 2y2 2y2 Length . . . . . . inches 20 $9.00 7.50 24 11.00 9.50 30 12.00 11.00 15.00 36 Price, Wound and Painted Price, Plain Brass each 15.00 13.50 Price, Rubber Tube, Swivel Handles Prifp TiPathpr Tnhp Swivpl TTnTiHIpti ;; 18.00 18 00 SCREW TIP Size Inches % % 1 1 1 ly* ly* 1% 1% Length Price, Hose Thread .... Price, Pipe Thread inches per doz. TVs $8.00 9.20 12 10.00 11.20 8y2 10.00 11.20 i2y2 12.00 13.20 12 20.00 21.20 15 24.00 25.00 13 25.00 27.50 15 30.00 . 32.50 Size inches | Length Price, Hose Thread Price, Pipe Thread . .inches per doz. 12 $38.00 41.00 I 2y2 I 2y3 I 2y2 | 2y2 | 2y2 15 45.00 48.00 20 I 15 50.00 75.00 53.00 78.50 20 16.00 19.50 24 100.00 103.50 30 144.00 150.00 157.00 163.00 Fie. 005C Plain PLAIN Fig. 905D With Cocli Size inches | I % I 1^ 1^ I iy2 1 iy2 1 I 2y2 y2 2% Length inches Price, Hose Thread per doz. Price, I. P. Thread. 3 $4.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 4 5.00 6.25 4% 12.00 13.75 12 18.00 19.75 5% 18.00 19.75 12 22.00 24.00 6%, 26.00 29.00 12 34.00 39.00 7y2 37.40 39.50 12 55.00 60.00 22 92.00 120.00 WITH COCK Size inches | I % I % I 1 1% 1% Length Price, Hose Thread Price, Pipe Thread . .inches .per doz. $11.00 12.20 13.00 14.20 12 18.00 19.20 8 15.00 18.00 12 20.00 23.00 12 40.00 43.00 12 55.00 60.00 Size '■ inches | I 2y2 I 2y2 I 2y2 2% Length Price, Hose Thread Price, Pipe Thread . .inches I 12 per doz. 1$80.00 I 83.00 20 I 25 110.00|l30.00 113.001133.00 20 I 24 I 30 36 160.00|175.00|l95.00 215.00 170.00|185.00|205.00 225.00 GEM HOSE NOZZLES Size inches | % | 1 Price per d^T | $ro700"| iXOO Fig. 805E: 884 GEO-B-SAIiPElfTER S eo. HOSE VALVES, FIRE AXES AND HOLDERS Figr. 358. Hose Gate Figr. 172. Chicago Fig. 171. New ^ ork Fig. 358 HOSE GATE VALVES Made of heavy bronze metal and designed for use in connection with inside standpipes. They have an adjustable double disc and stationary stem. Each valve is tested before leaving the shop and war- ranted perfect. LIST PRICES Size inches % • 1 1% IVa 2 2y2 3 With iron wheel . ... ftanh 1.75 3.25 1.25 2.50 4.05 1.25 3.50 5.50 1.35 5.00 7.10 1.50 7.50 10.30 1.75 14.00 18.00 2.50 20.00 25.00 3.50 "With finished bronze wheel " Extra for cap and chain " Fig. 171 NEW YORK PATTERN SOFT SEAT HOSE VALVE Designed to meet the demand for a high pressure hose valve. Made of the best steam metal, has a full waterway, a renewable soft rubber disc of ample weight and is of attractive design. Intended for use in connection with standpipes for interior fire protection, especially on wet svs- tems where the pressure is on the valve at all times. Tliis valve Is made in accordance with U. S. Government specifications for post office buildings and Is acceptable to the Supervising Architect at Washington. Size . .inches | 1% IVz 2 ZVs Rough body, finished trimmings, iron wheel handle Rough body, fiinished trimmings, iron wheel handle, N. P 1 4.00 1 4.50 I 5 50 5.00 5.50 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.50 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.50 10.50 Finished brass, finished brass hand wheel, N. P 1 fi.OO 11.00 Fig. 172 CHICAGO PATTERN HOSE VALVE These valves are packed at the stuffing box when they are shipped and have a long stem whereby the stuffing nut can be raised to admit packing to the stuffing box. Shipped with the Tee handle as shown in the cut, but can be furnished with wheel handle if desired, without extra charge if extra time is allowed for making up. We can also furnish valves nickel plated if desired. LIST PRICE Size, Inches Price List, each Size, inches Price list, each 1 1% IVa $3.15 3.70 4.75 2 2V2 $7.00 8.50 We also make our Chicago Valve with a soft rubber disc at a slight additional cost REGULATION FIRE AXE AND PIKE POLE HOLDERS For Buildings Fire Axe Holder, Japanned or copper plate per set !{;o.50 Pike Pole Holders. .. .per set of two .40 Fig. 173A Fire Axe Set ™E axe PiK^Po'i?iet 5-Ib. pick head each $1.75 8-lb. pick head " 3.00 6-lb. pick head '■ 2.00 ^t„ i-Tor^ ^-^^- flfit head ^. " 2.00 Fig. 172C 6-lb. fiat head " 1.75 Can be furnished with handles in the natural color of the wood, or painted, as desired. GEO•B•eAR^PE^fTER ^ CO. 885 CHEMICAL ENGINES AND EXTINGUISHERS CHEMICAL ENGINES For manufacturing plants, railroads, warehouses, public buildings and private property in general. Operate by tlie generation of carbonic acid gas in large quantities under high pressures. Engines have heavy drawn steel cylinders with tops secure- ly riveted, seams being backed up on the inside with a heavy ring of noncorrosive solder. Attach- ments, such as collar and outlet, are flanged on the inside and riveted, being also heavily backed up with noncorrosive metal. Wheels have iron hubs with brass hub caps, sixteen spokes, and round edge steel tires. The No. 20 outfit can be wheeled through crowded aisles and narrow doorways, and can be success- fully operated from 40 to 60 feet from the nozzle. List price, No. 20 Outfit, 20 gal. capacity, $85.00 List price, No. 7 Outfit, 40 gal. capacity, 185.00 Fig. 909A. 40 gaUoos Capacity Fig. 900AA 20 prallous Capacity HAND FIRE PUMP BUCKETS This type of pump is carried on every hook and ladder truck in the Chicago Fire Department and has demonstrated for itself that it is very efiicient for putting out small fires. It is especially adapted for use in factories, public buildings and schools. It is simple in construction, easy to operate, strong and well made. The body is of heavy gal- vanized iron finished in red enamel. The pump is of brass, 21 inch stroke and double acting, throw- ing a continuous stream about 40 feet. As the pump is used with Fig. ao9B plain water it can always be refilled at the nearest water supply. Capacity, 5 gallons, list each $7.00 PEERLESS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (Approved by the National Boai'd of Underwriters). Built of very heavy cold rolled copper. Differs from other extinguishers in that the method of attaching the dome to the body of the shell ac- tually makes that joint the strongest part of the machine. A cast brass bottle-holder is used. Hose is attached to the extinguisher by a swivel ground joint and it is utterly impossible to detach this hose without a wrench. Price, each PYRENE This is a hand extinguisher for home, factory and automobile use, so well known that it needs no de- tailed description. There is within the container a manually operated double-acting pump which throws a continuous stream. It is absolutely reliable and dependable, always ready for instant use. There is no time lost at the start of a fire in pumping up air, or opening different valves, etc. Its use on an automobile will reduce insurance premiums 1"% each year. Over a million in use. Earli Brass Extinguisher and Bracket .$12.00 Nickel Extinguisher and Bracket ^ l.'i.OO Metal Wood Boxes for (1) Extinguisher $1.50 each $2.00 each Boxes for (2) Extinguishers 2.00 " 2.50 " Boxes for (3) Extinguishers 4.00 " 3.00 " Refills. One Quart $2.00 One Gallon (in one, two or four quart cans) . . 6.00 FlK. 009D Figr. 909F 886 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « So, HOSE SPANNERS AND FITTINGS Fig. S SPANNER AND HYDRANT WRENCH COMBINED Be Sure to Specify Size of Hole Required We carry in stock Fig. 8 Spanners with three sizes of pentagonal holes. Measuring from one side of the hole across to the opposite angle the dimensions are as follows: 1% inch, 1% inch, l^A inch. These holes correspond to the size of the nut on the top of hydrant. In ordering please specify which size is ■wanted. Price per doz. $5.00 Fig. 7 Reversible Spanner Fig. 9 Common Ho.se Spanner Fig 11 « « ^S,** *??" *y^'o^ ""*^ ^^- '"*"* Couplings Tabor Spanner Wo. 6. Two-Eyed Spanner pgj. No. 7. Reversible Spanner '.'.'.*..'.......... No. 9. Common Spanner, ly^ inch 2 inch 2 1/2 inch ; ; No. 11. Tabor Spanner ...........'...'. HOSE FITTINGS doz. $4.50 4.75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.75 Fig. 911A Fig. 911B Fig. 911C Fig. 911D Pig. 911E Fig. 911F Hose Cap Hose Reducer Bushing Reducer Male Nipple Male and Female Nipple Fig. 911 A HOSE CAPS Siz e inches | % | 1 I 1 ^ I 1^^ | 2 | 2 % | 3 | S Va | 4 Price per doz. | 4.00 | 6.00 | 8.00 | 10.00 | 15.00 | 24.00 | 31.00 | 39.00 | 43.00 Sample of hose thread reqtuired must be furnished with order. Fig. 91 IB HOSE REDUCERS Size inches I lx% | l^x% | l^xl|lV2X%| IVzxl 111/2x1^41 2x% | 2x1 | 2x1% ' Price per doz. | 6.50 | 8.00 | 10.00 | 11.50 | 11.50 | 12.00 | 13.00 | 14.00 | 16.00 Size inches I 2x1^ I 2y2X% | 2 Vzxl 12^^x1141 2i^xli^| 2y2x2| 3x2 | 3x2% | .T Price per d oz. | 18.00 | 20.00 | 22 . 00 | 23.00 | 24.00 | 26.00 | 30.00 | 36.00 | Specify whether hose or iron pipe thread is required. Figs. 91 IC and 91 ID HOSE BUSHINGS AND REDUCERS Size inc hes | IxVg | lx% I l^xljTll^xl^TrVox^ | IV2XI UVsxl^l 2x% | 2xl ~ Price .j^er doz. | 5.50 | 6.50 ) 8.00 | 10.00 | 11.50 | 11.50 | 12.00 | 13.00 | 14.00 Size ^ . i'lTEh es | 2x11/4 I 2xlV2 | 2V2X% | 2i^xl | 2 Vzxl^ 1 2%xiy2 | 2V2x2 | 3x2 | 3x2% Price per doz. | 16.00 | 18.00 | 20.00 | 22.00 I 23.00 | 24.00 | 26.00 | 30.00 | 36.00 Figs. 91 IE and 91 IF MALE OR MALE AND FEMALE HOSE NIPPLES -^'''^ "T:^T77. T7inches I % | % | 1 | 1% I IVz I 2 | 2V2 | 3 | 3% | 4 -P^'ce per doz. I 3.50 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 9.00 I 10.00 | 14.00 | 28.00 | 40.00 | 50.00 | 75.00 In ordering any of the above goods, specify whether hose or iron pipe thread is required. FOR FIRE PLUG WRENCHES, SEE INDEX GEO-BCARPEN'TER ^ CO 887 HOSE COUPLINGS THE JOY AUirOMATIG AIR HOSE COUPLER Fig. 0259 (Female Half with Irou •ipe Thread) Fig. 0258 (Male Half for Hose) (Female Half for Hose) Positively will not leak air. Equally successful for heavy or light work. The simplest and most reliable Air Hose Coupling on the market. i , ^ o.,^ oe ^r^cfantiv Made in two parts, which may through but a turn of the wrist become locked, and as instantly unlocked by a reverse action; all mechanism is enclosed; internally there is but one part to be- come worn— the rubber washers, which may be easily replaced by removing two lock nuts. The locking is a simple operation whereby a quarter turn against a cam-sleeve, after passing the lug through the groove (as show,n in the illustration) to notch at extreme end, expands a rub- ber gasket to fill a cylindrical wall, as in a stuffing box. Any Joy Coupler can be furnished interchangeable with the size next larger or smaller Orders should state plainly the size of the coupling wa^nted; also the internal diameter ot hose or size pipe thread ^vith which each half connects. Both the male and female halves can be furnished with either hose end or iron pipe end. Prices. Size Price, per Pr. 1 Size % inch $1-50 ^ ^ inch 1-50 I 1 Half pairs, take one-half list. Price, per Pr. inch $3.00 inch 4.00 HOSE COUPLINGS Fig. 366A Spun yo and % ini-b Fig. 3688 Plain 1 inch and smaller Fig. 36eC liUg 114 inoh and larger Size inches I 1J4 I 21/2 Price Pipe Thread. per dozen 2.65 4.6.5 10.50 I 15.00 26.00 I 50.00 31/^ Size inches | 3 Price Pipe Thread.per dozen I 76.00 | 120.00 I 150.00 | 250.00 STEAM HOSE COUPLINGS Fig. 366D Steam Fig. .'{(><>£} Boss High Pressure Steam and Rock Drill Size inches ^k % I 1 I ly* I 1^^ I 2% Iron Pipe Thread per dozen | lo.OO Female Half Hose Thread... " I 10.00 Female Half Iron Pipe Thread I 10-35 15.00 10.00 10.35 18.00 12.00 12.75 24.00 16.00 17.00 30.00 20.00 21.50 42.00 28.00 30.00 72.00 48.00 50.00 BOSS HIGH PRESSURE STEAM AM) ROCK DRILL COUPLINGS ■sTTe inchesi ^ | i 1 i IV4 I 1^ I 2 I 2% pH^^TsiTc^plete each |$1.25 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 8.75 |11.2o NOTE: All Hose Couplings, 1 inch and larger will be fuinished with iron pipe or hose thread unless otherwise specified. If Special Thread is desired, sample should accompany order. 888 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. HOSE BANDS AND COUPLINGS WATER HOSE CLAJVIPS Size inches I i/i 1/2 I 1/2 1/2 I % I % I 1 Hose. ply I 3 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 2 I 3 Price per dozen | . 60 | . 60 | . 60 | . 60 | . 60 ( . 60 | . 60 | . 60 | Size inches I 1 1 1 1/4 1 1 y4 1 1 y2 1 1 ¥2 1 2 1 2 1/4 1 2 1/2 1 Hose piy| 3 I 4 4 I I 4 I 3-4 I 3-4 I 3-4 | 3-4 Price per dozen |2 . 00|2. 00|2 . 5012. 50|3 . 0013 . 00|4 . 00|6. 50|7 . 00|10 . 00 STEAM HOSE CLAMPS Size inches \ % \ % \ 1 | 1 \lVi \1V4, Hose . ply I 4 I 3 I M 3 I 4 Inside Diameter inches j li^ j 1^^ j 1% j Ijj j lj| j 1§^ Price per dozen |2 . 00|2 . 0012 . 5012 . 5013 . 0013 . 00 inches 1 1 V2 | 1 V2 1 2 | 2 12 1/2 | 2 1/2 Fig. 012A Hose, ply 1 3-4 I 5 I 3-4 | 5 1 3-4 | 5 Inside Diameter, inches | 23^2 1 2h^ \ 2\}. | 2 Yg 1 3 14 | 3 i^g Price per dozen |3 . 50|4 . 00|5 . 5016 . 5018 . 5019 . 50 DOUBLE BOLT CLAMPS = Size . . inches | 4 j 4^^ | 41/2 1 4' 5 I 51/4 1 51/2 I 5% 61/2 I 6% Price per doz. |11 . 25|13 . 75|15 . 25|16 . 75118 . 25|19 . 75 121 . 25|22 . 75124 . 25 126 . 00128 . 00130 . 00|32 . 00 •Size, .inches 1 71/4 | 7 V2 | 7 % | 8 1 8 14 1 8 1/2 I 91/4 1 91/2 I 9% I 10 Price per doz. |34 . 00136 . 00138 . 00140 . 00142 . 00144 . 00146 . 00|48 . 00|50 . 00|52 . 00154 . 00156 . 001 *Measurement of inside diameter. CALDWELL HOSE STRAPS If, 01s CALDWELL HOSE STRAPS Fig. 912 C Hose inches 1 V2 \ V2 \ % \ % \ 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 1 1/4 1 1 Va 1 1 1^ Length inches 1 3 % 1 3 % | 4 Vs | 4 1/2 | 5 1 5 % 1 6 1 6 3/8 1 6 % 1 7 Vs ■ Price per dozen 1 .401 -401 .601 -^O] .80| . 8011. 00|1.00|1. 2011. 20 HOSE STRAP FASTENERS Size inches 1 1/2 to 1 |li4 to 1 1/2 . each 1 .50 1 .75 HOSE MENDERS Fig. OlliD Iron mOX HOSE MENDERS. Pf^r doz. Per doz. Plain Galvanized 1/2 inch $1.00 $1.10 % inch 1.10 1.20 1 inch 1.25 1.35 Fig. 912E Clinclier Improved Clincher Hose All that is needed is a hammer to bend down the clamps on the hose to make a perfect mend. Size, inches i^ % % Price each $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Price per dozen 1.00 1.00 1.00 Weight per dozen, lbs. . 1 Vs 1% 2% GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ eo. RS9 BRASS SUCTION HOSE STRAINERS Fig. 907A GALVANIZED IRON LEAKY HOSE NOZZLES size, inches Price, each 1 Size, inches Price, each 1% 2 2y2 3 31/2 $ 7.50 7.50 8.50 10.00 15.00 4 41/2 5 6 $19.00 25.00 31.00 46.00 BLACK IRON FOOT VALVES BLACK IRON STRAINERS FiR. 907B Fii^. 907C Fig. »07IJ Size, inches 21/2 3 4 6 8 Leaky, each , Foot Valve, each $1.50 3.30 1.50 2.00 3.90 2.00 3.30 7.30 3.75 1V.75 6.50 41.00 Black Iron, each 15.00 SIAMESE CONNECTIONS Fig. 26 FiR. 29 Fig. 31 Fig. 20. This Siamese is. for use at the base of an outside, exposed standpipe in connection with iire escape. Fig. 26 is made with a Clapper Valve so that one or both streams can be used. LIST PRICES, SIAMESE, FIG. NO. 26. 2%x2i^x2i/^ inches each 2^x21^x3 inches " 2i^x2%x4 inches " 2^/^x21/2x5 inches " Rough $10.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 Finish. 3x3x3 inches each $18.00 3x3x3 1/^ inches " 18.00 3x3x4 inches " 18.00 Net extra for polishing $1.00 each. Fig. 29 is a short, straight Siamese with one clapper, as shown in the cut. It is intended to be used in connection with inside standpipe or automatic sprinkler systems, where the standpipe emerges at right angles to the wall. LIST PRICES, SIA3IESE, FIG. NO. 29 Rough Fifiish. 2 1/2x21^x3 inches each $ 9.50 2%x2i^x4 inches " 9.50 3x3x6 inches " 24.00 Fig. 31. This style of Siamese Connection is designed for what is called the wet system for fire protection in a building where the water remains continually in the standpipe, and it is pro- vided with two valves which act independently of each other. This Siamese may be used either with the wet or dry system. LIST PRICES, SIAMESE, FIG. NO. 31 Rough Finish. 21^x21/2x4 inches each $16.50 2%x2i/2x3 inches " 16.50 2%x2i/2x5 inches " 20.00 21/2x21/^x6 inches each $24.00 3x3x4 inches " 24.00 Net extra for polishing $2.00 each. 890 GEO-BCARPEffTER S CO. The Rubberhidc Way RUBBERHIDE BOOTS '*''"" Ordinary Way Leather soled rubber boots cost money. A low grade boot costs less, does not wear long, and cannot be made watertight. It is not what you pay but what you get out of a boot that counts. Rubberhide boots are of the best known construction. The uppers are the best that can be put into such a boot. Made by people who know the rubber game from start to finish. The leather is cut from bends only; no bellies, shoulders or heads; high priced and has the wear. There is an added heel protection that is easily worth a dollar, and which no other boot of this kind has. Rubberhide boots can be resoled. This feature alone is one that no manufacturer can boast — economically. Nearly all Rubberhide boots are resoled wherever used; it adds one third to their value. They are light, which means much in a day's work, and are much more comfortable than the average boot of this kind. Note the illustrations at the top of the page. They show the cross section views of the Rubberhide and the average nailed leather soled rubber boot. The advantages of the Rubber- hide are at once apparent. The most important feature is that the Rubberhide is absolutely watertight. Then note the different layers of rubber and leather that add to the protection rendered against water, mud, concrete or moisture of any kind. Now look at the other cut. It is typical of all nailed boots. It is practically nothing more than a rubber boot with a leather insole and the outer sole nailed on, or a cheap sole nailed through the in- sole and an outer sole nailed to this. The place where leaks come is between the upper and first sole — which is nailed on, not sewed. Compare these two demonstrations closely. They show exactly how you make money by buying Rubber- hide boots in preference to any other boot made. A boot fifty cents cheaper than Rubberhides is a mighty high priced boot when you figure that you must buy one-third more boots to get the same amount of ser- vice. No matter what you pay for boots, Rubberhides will pavo vnu money. The "EZOA" Shoe is made with the same construction as the Rubberhide Boot in every respect. It is used prin- cipally in creameries, breweries and places where a rub- ber boot is not necessary or desired. It is light in weight, flexible, and does not tire the feet like an ordinary rubber boot. The leather insole prevents this. Furnished plain or hobnailed. The l8th- mlam Canal ConimiiDsiou used up- wards of 2,200 pairs o f Rubher- hides. It proves most conclusively the superi- ority of this boot over all others. PRICES Per pair Short, or Knee Boots. .$7.50 Storm King, or Thigh. 8.25 Hip 8.75 Shoes, 7 inch 6.75 Shoes. 10 inch. ...... 7.00 GEO-B-CAIiPEffTER « eO. 891 RUBBER BOOTS Fig. 916A Hip Fig. 916B Knee Fig. 916C Sporting HIP BOOTS There is no better general purpose boot than our Wales Goodyear. It is made with a gum leg tand duck foot and has proved to be a satisfactory boot for severe service Hip Boots Per pair net $6.00 I SHORT BOOTS The yearly growth in the sale of our Wales Goodyear snag proof short boots convinces us that we have successfully responded to the demand from the consumer for a tough, shapely, well made iboot that will withstand the severest service. ; Short or knee boots Per pair net $4.50 SPORTING BOOTS Sporting boots are carried in two weights: light and heavy. The light weight are more popu- Aav, and are always sent unless otherwise specified. Men's sjjorting gum $6.00 We also carry a complete stock of second grade boots in the knee, sporting and hip boots, known as the Connecticut grade. Connecticut Hip Boots. Price per pair $5.73 Connecticut Knee Boots. Price per pair > 4.25 "BULLSEYE" PRESSURE CURED BOOTS This boot is the Original Pressure Cured boot and made under the original patents covering this process. "Bullseye" boots are cured under great pressure in open steam, which pro- cess toughens the rubber and welds every part together so there are no loose spots and no seams which can come apart. Every part is cemented and lapped, making a double thickness where the different parts overlap each other. They are made with a gray sole and gray foxing strip which extends over the edge of the boots, adding strength to the uppers and protection against rocks and snags. The sole extends under the heel which makes the shank solid and gives extra wear where it is most needed and as they are all made over aluminum lasts uniformity of sizes and a correct fit are assured. "Bullseye" Boots are guaranteed by the manufacturers to give greater service and greater satisfaction to the wearer than any rub- ber boot on the market. Price hip style $6.50 resMurc Cured Price knee style 4.75 892 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter s eo. WADING BOOTS, PANTS AND APRONS Piff. 376C. Wading Pants with weight 6 lbs., 5 oz Fig. 376E. Wading Hip Boots, 3 lbs., 14 oz Pig. 376D. Wading Pants with color, weight 4 lbs., 12 oz Fig. 376C. Wading Pants with 7 lbs., 5 oz Pig. 376D. Wading Pants with weight 3 lbs., 5 oz Fig. 3S2H Fig. 382K EXCELSIOR BRAND BARVEL FOR FISHERMEN AXD TANNERS Black and Yellovr The Apron Barvel is made double throughout, with band to go over head and eyelets at side. Used by fishermen, canners, packers, tanners and those engaged in similar work. Width, 36 inches; length, 50 inches. Fig. 382,1 EXCELSIOR BRAND DUCK APRON FOR BUTCHERS OR TANNERS Black and Yellow This Apron is reinforced in the center, fitted with suspenders, buckle and leather strap at back. Width, 40 inches; length, 50 inches. We also carry a drill apron, same size as above, black and yellow, with round patch. 37eE boots, dead grass color, per pair $20.0(» dead grass color, weight per pair is.OO stocking feet, dead grass per pair 12.00 boots, dull flnisb, weight per pair 15.00 stocking feet, dull finish, per pair 12.00 Pig. 3sai Fig. 3821 STRING PANTS ALL BRANDS Tan, Black and Yellow A very convenient style for use with Jackets. Fig. 382H OVERALL APRON PANTS ALL BRANDS Tan, Brown, Black and Yellow They are whole waisted and consequently cut very large, as the measurements indicate. RUBBER APRONS (Not illustrated) For Buggy Washers Light weight each $1.50 Heavy weight each 2.00 Fig. 382L ICE APRONS Regular double coated drill Apron. Made with two grommets at top to fasten around the neck and grommet on each side to fasten around waist. Average length 46 inches. Fier. 3S2J Pig. 382L Fig. ssaicw GEO-BeAR.P.EM"TER S SO. SAWYER'S SLICKERS WHY SAWYER SLICKERS AND WATERPROOF CLOTHING ARE SUPERIOR The best reason why it is to your interest to buy Sawyer Slickers and Waterproof Garments is because they are best. Sawyer goods are made under the direct supervision of the owners of the business — every detail carefully watched, possible improvements searched out, quality kept up, rigid inspection maintained. Highest grade materials are used, especially those most vital — the oils. AND MARK THIS— Every garment is coated five times, which is one more than in any other make. And every coat is thoroughly seasoned before the next is applied. Such carefulness has made Sawyer's lead for quality, and such final extra betterments give the satisfaction which all users of oiled clothing demand. The next two pages show some of the Sawyer styles. ^WYERIS 'Jj^nRADE MARK ^ EXcELsioR EXCELSIOR BRAND CLOTHING Made from fine heavy sheetings especially woven for this brand from selected yarns and according to directions of the manufacturers as to count and weight. All seams are double-stitched and those liable to severe strain are treble-stitched differing thereby from any other make or brand of goods. They are treated with a special compound that renders them thoroughly waterproof, imparting a soft, smooth finish that does not crack, peel or stick. Coats are made with soft woolen collars, and all garments are fur- nished with Sawyer's double fastened brass buttons that will not corrode, rust or pull off. Every garment guaranteed. LIGHT-HOUSE BRAND CLOTHING Made double throughout from sheetings carefully selected. They are double-stitched and thoroughly waterproof with a special com- pounds; also furnished with double fastened brass buttons. Second only to Excelsior Brand in quality. EXCELSIOR OIL DRESSING One of the many advantages this line of waterproof goods possesses over any other is that when the surface becomes impaired through exces- sive wear it can easily be renewed by application of one or more coat- ings of Excelsior Oil Dressing. This can be applied with brush or sponge, and will dry in ten or twelve hours. A badly impaired surface requires two or three coatings; the garment should be allowed to dry between each application. By applying dressing to such spots as show wear, a garment may be preserved for years. This dressing is put up in pint cans for black, yellow or brown clothing. Price, per pint $0.50 894 GEO-B-eAIiPEl^TER « QO: SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND SLICKERS Fig. 22 Slicker Fig. 201 Motor Coat Fig. 363 Nobby Coat I EXCELSIOR BRAND SLICKERS No. 22. Made double throughout, trimmed with the improved "overlap" collar, faced with corduroy; storm lap; two "no-rip" pockets, inner sleeves and brass buttons that will not corrode or rust. The "over-lap" collar is a new feature of real merit to this garment. It adds to its out- ward appearance, as well as gives absolute protecton from the hardest storm, whether walking or riding. Made in Yellow, Black and Olive. Piices and sizes on following pages. EXCELSIOR BRAND MOTOR COATS No. 201 — Black, Brown Double throughout, trimmed with velvet lined 6 inch collar and throat tab, reinforced inner sleeves. Two No-Rip pockets, long outside storm lap, which absolutely prevents water running into front. Brass buckles attached by brass rivets through leather stays. No. 342 — The long storm lap, fitted with brass buckles, prevents all water running in at front of coat, simple but positively effective, and has stood the test of service for twenty-five yeare. Waterproofed in Khaki and Olive colors. Prices and sizes on following pages. EXCELSIOR BRAND NOBBY COAT No. 363 — Dull Black The Nobby is made of strong but light weight material and waterproofed in a dull black finish, renders this coat distinctive in the line of oiled garments. Lined shoulders and sleeves, rolling collar, with velvet faced collar band, two No-Rip pockets and inside interlocking storm laps in addition to its natty appearance and features that appeal to many desiring a light- weight serviceable waterproof coat. Prices and sizes on following pages. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER 55 60, 89; SAWYER SLICKER SUITS— OILED CLOTHING SIZES EXCELSIOR BRAND SUITS Excelsior Brand Jackets are made double throughout. The front opening is protected by a storm lap. Brass buttons for fastening. Excelsior Brand Apron Pants are similar in style to the ordinary overall. Made double throughout. The side openings are furnished with brass but- tons. Excelsior Jackets and Apron Pants are made in yellow, black, brown and olive. Excelsior Brand String Pants are made with draw string at waist. Yellow and black. The combination makes a very serviceable Oil Suit for fishermen, teamsters, miners and farmers and all men who work out-of-doors. Prices on Following Pages. FIgr. 212A Slicker Suit SIZES OF OILED CLOTHING Oiled Clothing is usually worn in cold, stormy weather, over heavy undergarments, and con- sequently the actual breast measurements of our garments are much larger than indicated bj' sizes over which they are intended to fit. Always state size when ordering. FROCKS OR HALF COATS MEN'S LONG COATS AND SLICKERS Size Actual Breast Measure Sleeve from Center of Back, Inches Length Inches or 4 2 1 or 40 2 or 38 3 or 36 58 •56 54 52 33 Va 321/2 311/2 30 y2 58 56 54 52 THREE-QUARTER OR MEDIU»I COATS size Breast, inches Length, inches 42 43 1 40 43 2 38 43 3 36 43 APRON PANTS size "Waist, inches Leg, inches 46 31 1 44 30 2 42 29 3 40 28 Size Breast, inches Length, inches 1 2 3 42 40 38 36 39 • 39 39 39 JACKETS Size Breast, inchPa LPHKth, inches 1 2 3 42 40 38 36 31 30 1^ 30 29 1^ JTS STRING PANTF ' size Waist, Inches Le^,', Inches 1 2 3 44 42 40 39 30 29 . 28 27 Duck. Drill. BUTCHER'S APRONS Width 40 inches; length 50 inches. Width 37 inches; length 46 inches. APRONS AND BARVELS APRON BAR^Ti]LS Width 36 inches; length 48 inches. 896 Geo -B- Carpenter ^ So. PRICE LIST SAWYER'S OILED CLOTHING AND HATS Price List No. 715. .May 1, 1917. EXCELSIOR BRAND — Garments Made in Colors 20 31 331 22 201 202 353 24 25 26 27 34 28 29 364 366 30 31 32 Officers' Coats, leather bound..., Pommel Slickers, buttons Pommel Slickers, buckles Slickers Motor Coats, buckles Firemen's. Coats, 46 in., buckles. Nobby Coats Medium Coats Medium Coats, buckles Half Coats Jackets Jackets, buckles Apron Pants String Pants Boys' Coats Boys' Coats, buckles Boys' Pommels Boys' Jackets Boys' Apron Pants Yellow and black Yellow, black and olive... Khaki and olive Yellow, black and olive... Black, brown and khaki.. Brown Dull black Yellow, black and brown. Yellow, black and brown. Yellow and black Yellow, black and brow^n. Brown Yellow, black and brown. Yellow and black Black and yellow Black and olive Yellow and black Yellow and black Yellow and black EXCELSIOR BRAND — Sporting Garments 60 Men's Coats Yellow . ?52.80 52.80 Yellow 67 Boys' Coats Yellow . . . 27.50 Children's Coats Jackets Yellow 23.65 63 Yellow ... 33.00 64 Yellow 31.90 68 Waist Pants Yellow 3i.no 375 Olive 44.00 3S9 Gunning Pants Olive 31.90 LIGHT-HOUSE BRAND — Garments FISHERMEN'S GARMENTS — Soft Finish SAAVYER'S OILED HATS Special Duck. Sauare patch. Duck Aprons, lined. Oval patch. Drill Aprons, lined. Oval patch. Double Barvels, lined. Oval patch. APRONS Yellow or black. 40x50 inches , Yellow or black. 40x50 inches. Yellow or black. 40x50 inches. Yellow or black. 36x48 inches. 420 Motor Coats, buckles Yellow and black Yellow and black Yellow and black Yellow and black Yellow and black Yellow and black Yellow and black .<^44.00 410 37.40 422 Medium Coats 31.07 424 28.60 425 Jackets 19.80 426 19.80 427 18.70 600 EXCELSIOR BRAND Yellow and black $22.00 601 22.00 635 Jackets Patched Yellow and black Yellow and black 19.80 636 19.80 623 LIGHT-HOUSE BRAND Jackets, Double Yellow and black Yellow and black $19.80 624 Pants, Double . . 19.80 627 18.15 628 Pants, Patched Yellow and black 18.15 851 Black $ 8.25 7.15 852 Cape Ann Yellow and black Yellow and tan 863 Sun 13.75 854 Nobby ■ ■ . . : ■ ■ 7.15 856 Yellow and black Olive 6.60 861 Gossamer, silk lined 9.90 857 Squam Yellow and black Yellow and black 4.12 858 Squam. leathered 4.40 864 Bovs' soft 6.60 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ 60. 897 HATS, GLOVES AND YACHT CLOTHING Fig. 3S2A. Fig. 382B. Squam. Fig. 3S2C. Sun (soft). Fig. 3S2D. Fig. 3S2E. Cape Ann. 11 Fig. 376A. With Gauntlet. SEE OILED CLOTHING PRICE PAGE FOR SIZES AND PRICES OF THESE HATS AND SOU' WESTERS RUBBER GLOVES AND MITTENS Fig. 382G. Sawyer's Storm. RUBBER GLOVES style Ladies' fine, tan or black Men's fine, tan or black Men's heavy, black ]\Ien's acid, white 5 inch gauntlet, ]\Ien's acid, white 9 inch gauntlet. Per dozen with Gauntlet $16.50 18.00 30.00 36.00 39.00 Per dozen without Gauntlet $13.00 15.00 24.00 I Fig. 376B. Without Gauntlet. RUBBER MITTENS Men's heavy, unlined . Men's heavy wool lined per doz. $19.50 • per doz. 22>50 RUBBER BUGGY APRONS YACHT CLOTHING AND SHOES Fig. 378B. White Drill Blue Denim Tan Drill Jumpers Trousers Hats each each each $1.00 1.00 .50 11.25 1.25 .60 $1.50 1.50 .75 Dress Jumper, bleached white drill, blue collar and cuffs each .$3.00 Dress Trousers, bleached white drill each 1.50 White duck with black soles per pair .75 White duck with white soles per pair 1.25 each $2.10 ■ each 2.40 Fig. 378A. 898 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « (EO, Fig. »1SA Suffolk Fig. 918 Firemen's Fig. 918B Red Stripe MEN'S SUFFOLK Heavy double texture waterproof garment made of either tan covert outside with white sheet- ing lining; interlined with a fine coating of rubber. Storm fly front, ball and socket or snap fast- eners, two outside pockets with flap. Coat is 52 inches long, has band collar fitting snug at neck. An excellent garment, constructed for hard service and general uses. MEN'S WESTERN— Not Illustrated This is a good quality of men's cloth surface rubber lined medium weight grey coat. Single breasted slot and buckle fasteners; corduroy tip collar; ventilated under arms; two outside pock- ets with flap; riveted collar, pockets and tail vent. This is a vulcanized coat, built for service, adapted for many purposes. It makes an excellent driving, riding or walking coat. MEN'S RED STRIPE This garment is made on a high quality of rubber coating, run on very fine fancy striped lin- ing. It is made with plain band collar, slot and buckle fasteners, two outside pockets, with flap, back vent in skirt, and has double outside back. All seams are cemented and strapped, and we can especially recommend this garment. MEN'S D C FIRE This is made on a new quality of jean, coated on both sides with an extra fine quality of pure gum para rubber. It has snap and ring fasteners, storm fly front, strap at neck and sleeves. Seams sewed, cemented and strapped. 49 inches long. A high class coat in every way. MEN'S BATES— Not Illustrated Single breasted, buttoning through, square shoulders, vertical pockets, tab on sleeves, con- vertible collar, 50 inches long. Garment is sewed, cemented and strapped throughout, tail vent reinforced with wide facings. Cemented pockets, ventilated under the arms. A splendid model cut on up to date lines. Cloth 4347/324 — Fine black and white mixture, tweed effect, with plaid lining to match. Cloth 4992/397 (velvet collar) — Fine dark oxford tweed with plaid lining to match. Cloth 5523/90 (velvet collar) — Fine grade woolen mixture, oxford shade, knickerbocker lining, with plaid lining to match. Cloth 5322/205 — Fine high grade wool mixture, dark oxford tweed pattern with plaid lining to match. In addition to the line of rubber coats listed above we carry in stock, a large line of models in rubberized and waterproofed cloth. These coats represent the latest models and fabrics and are cut on the best lines — in fact they are dress coats in every way and can be worn as an ordinary over- coat as well as a raincoat. We wilj mail, upon request, sample swatches of the different patteras from which these coats are martle. GEO-B-eARPEhfTER ^ Go. 899 COTTON WASTE POLISHING WHITE This Waste is made of nothing but pure mule spun quill cop thread, recognized as the finest available material for Waste, that will stand the test of polishing high grade furniture with absolute satisfaction. While it will also per- form duties of other Waste, its long length and soft texture make it specially adaptable for polishing furniture, automobile bodies and similar surfaces. 100 lb. bales only. EXTRA MACHINE COP The best general commercial grade of White Waste obtainable. Made from single spun soft long yarn, and carrying absorbent and cleaning qualities that cannot be excelled. 100 lb. bales only. NUaiBER ONE WHITE A strict No. 1 White Waste, carrying no rags or hard material to detract from its absorbing and cleaning properties, and differing only from Extra Machine Cop in class of thread. The threads used are of full absorbent quality though produced in different manner from that of the Cop, and the No. 1 White itself is a long soft absorbing Waste. For straight general use the No. 1 is a real No. 1 that cannot be dis- counted. Put up in 10 lb. packages, 10 to a bale, also in 25, 50, 100 and 500 lb. bales. A — White In marked contrast to some grades that are so sold, this is a No. 1 grade in every respect, as it carries no rag, nor harsh material to de- tract from its properties. For any ordinary purpose, including garage work, this grade will give absolute satisfaction where a long ab- sorbent waste is wanted. In buying this grade you are securing a Waste that exceeds in qual- ity many other brands of the so-called No. 1. 50 and 100 lb. bales. Our B — White 'B" White Waste is a cheaper grade than the "A" and is made to meet conditions where a cheap white waste of this kind will answer the requirements. It contains a good portion of cot- ton threads, and has a good absorbing quality. 100 lb. bales. SEMI-COLORED Best grade of this class of Waste on the market, carrying all the essential properties of extra Machine Cop and No. 1 White combined, though containing a fair percentage of colored thread. The colored threads used, however, bear same relation to quality in their colored class as the Extra Machine Cop and No. 1 bear in the White. The colored threads make pos- sible cheaper price. 100 lb. bales only. FANCY COLORED Occupying the same relative position among colored Wastes as Extra Machine Cop and No. 1 White do among different grades of White Waste, Fancy Colored is only made of straight colored thread. 100 lb. bales only. A— COLORED Surpassing all grades of colored Waste at or near the price. Mixed with no material that will detract from its proper functions, for general shop use where pure cotton prodiwt is a necessity, it is splendid value. 50 and 100 lb. bales. B— COLORED For rougher usage, where price is an object, this grade stands alone. Necessarily mixed to obtain the price, it still carries those virtues of length and absorption that make it particularly desirable and a grade to be sought for. 100 lb. bales only. We also carry on hand at all times a complete stock of wiping cloths and sanitary rags, both white and colored. Furnished in 50, 100 and 500 lb. bales. WOOL WASTE Wool Waste, both in machine and skein form. Carried in stock in 100 lb. bales. Especially adapted for Journal Box Packing. Cotton Duck IN this department we carry a large and varied stock of cotton fabrics used by Tent and Awning Makers, Car Builders, Trunk Makers, Contractors, Sail Makers, Ship Builders, Railroads, Camp Furniture manufacturers. Wagon Builders, Roof- ers, Book Binders, etc. In addition to Standard Ounce Ducks, Sail Ducks, Wide Ducks, Narrow and Heavy Naught Ducks, we are offering, under our famed "Lakeside" brand, a won- derful assortment of woven Awning Stripes, also Textol and Painted Stripes, and other special materials for this purpose in Khakis and imported solid color design. In Waterproof Ducks we are selling agents for Tan Textol, a strong, flexible and highly satisfactory fabric. We also carry brown and white Paraffine Ducks, Black Oiled Ducks, "Five Star" Waterproof Ducks, the latter replacing to a larger extent the imported Belgian Flax Cloths which are not now on the market. In Roofing Canvas we are western selling agents for the "Con-Ser-Tex" prepared canvas roofing, a waterproof and mildew-proof product, especially adapted for porch roofs and floors, or other flat surfaces where an absolutely watertight, durable and sightly covering is essential. In Dyed Ducks and Drills we offer a large assortment of commercial dyed fabrics in slate, tan and brown; also genuine mineral dyed Khakis and fast colors in solid greens, blues, yellows, etc., for decorating, curtain and book binders' use. In this same department are handled various closely related lines, such as Cotton Rope, Awning Braid, Threads, Fringes, Webbing, Tapes, Awning Hardware, Cotton Seine Twine, etc. In short, no dependable canvas fabric or accessory known to the industry is omitted from our stock, and we are constantly adding new lines to take care of the increasing demands of the trade. GEOBeAR.PEM"TER S 60. GEO-B-eARPEN*TER « CO. 901 ALL. STANDARD BRANDS Our stock of Cotton Duck is without exception the largest and most varied in the country. We are agents for several of the standard brands, and can supply all widths and weights. STANDARD WIDE DUCK In rolls of about 100 yards each LIST PRICE PER YARD — List Adopted July 9, 1917 IMos. II U 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 II Nos. 26 inch 28 inch 30 inch $1.38 1.50 1.60 $1.32 |$1.24 ■ 1.42 1 1.34 1.52 1 1.42 $1.16 1.26 1.34 $1.10 1.20 1.28 $1.04 1.12 1.20 $^.98 $0.94 1.04 1.00 1.12 1.08 $0.86 .92 .98 $0.80 .'92 $0.72 .78 .84 $0.68 !78 $0.60 .64 .70 26 inch 28 inch 30 inch 32 inch 34 inch 36 inch 1.70 1.80 1.92 1.62 1.72 1.82 1.52 1.44 1.62 1.52 1.72 1.62 1.36 1.44 1.52 1.26 1.34 1.42 1.20 1.26 1.34 1.14 1.22 1.28 1.04 1.12 1.18 1.'04 1.10 .90 .94 1.00 .82 .88 .92 .74 .78 32 inch 34 inch 36 inch 38 inch 40 inch 42 inch 2.02 2.12 2.24 1.92 2.02 2.12 1.80 1.90 2.00 1.70 1.80 1.88 1.62 1.70 1.78 1.50 1.58 1.66 1.42 1.48 1.56 1.36 1.42 1.50 1.24 1.30 1.38 1.16 1.22 1.28 1.06 1.12 1.16 .98 1.02 1.08 .88 .92 .96 38 inch 40 inch 42 inch 44 inch 46 inch 48 inch 1 2.34 1 2.44 2.60 2.22 2.32 2.46 2.10 2.18 2.32 1.96 2.06 2.20 1.86 1.94 2.08 1.74 1.82 1.94 1.64 170 1.82 1.56 1.64 1.74 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.34 1.40 1.48 1.22 1.28 1.36 1.12 1.18 1.26 1.00 II 44 inch 1.06 II 46 inch 1.12 II 48 inch 50 inch 52 inch 54 inch 2.70 2192 2.56 2.66 2.78 2.42 2.52 2.62 2.28 2.38 2.48 2.16 2.24 2.34 2.02 2.10 2.18 1.90 1.96 2.04 1.82 1.88 1.96 1.66 1.74 1.80 1.54 1.60 1.66 1.42 1.48 1.52 1.30 1.36 1.40 1.16 1.20 1.26 50 inch 53 inch 54 inch 56 inch 58 inch 60 inch 3.04 3.14 3.28 2.88 2.98 3.10 2.72 2.82 2.94 2.56 2.64 2.76 2.42 2.50 2.64 2.26 2.34 2.46 2.12 2.20 2 32 2.04 2.10 2.22 1.86 1.94 2.04 1.72 1.58 1.78 1.64 1.88 1.72 1.46 1.52 1.60 1.30 1.34 1.42 56 inch 58 inch 60 inch 62 inch 64 inch 66 inch 3.38 3.50 3.60 3.22 3.04 3.32 3.14 3.42 3.22 2.86 2.94 3.04 2.74 2.82 2.90 2.54 2.64 2.72 2.40 2.46 2.54 2.30 2.36 2.44 2.10 2.16 2.24 1.94 2.00 2.08 1.78 1.84 1.90 1.64 1.70 1.74 1.46 1.52 1.56 62 inch 64 inch 66 inch 68 inch 70 inch 72 inch 3.72 3.82 4.06 3.52 3.62 3.84 3.32 3.42 3.62 3.14 3.22 3.42 3.00 3.08 3.22 2.80 2.88 3.02 2.62 2.70 2.82 2.52 2.58 2.70 2.32 2.38 2.50 2.14 2.20 2.30 1.96 2.02 2.10 1.80 1.86 1.94 1.60 1.66 1.72 68 inch 70 inch 72 inch 74 inch 76 inch 78 inch 4.16 4.28 4.38 3.94 4.06 4.16 3.72 3.82 3.92 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.32 3.10 3.42 3.18 3.50 3.26 2.90 2.98 3.06 2.78 2.86 2.94 2.56 2.62 2.70 2.36 2.42 2.50 2.16 2.22 2.28 2.00 2.04 2.10 1.78 1.82 1.88 74 inch 76 inch 78 inch 80 inch 82 inch 84 inch 4.50 4.70 4.82 4.26 4.46 4.56 4.02 4.20 4.32 3.80 3.96 4.06 3.60 3.36 3.74 3.50 3.84 3.58 3.14 3.28 3.36 3.00 3.16 3.22 2.76 2.88 2.94 2.56 2.66 2.74 2.34 2.44 2.50 2.16 2.24 2.30 1.92 2.00 2.04 1 80 inch 82 inch 84 inch 86 inch 88 inch 90 inch 4.94 5.04 5.16 4.68 4.78 4.88 4.42 4.52 4.62 4.16 4.24 4.34 3.94 4.02 4.12 3.68 3.76 3.84 3.44 3.52 3.60 3.30 3.36 3.44 3.02 3.08 3.16 2.80 2.86 2.92 2.56 2.62 2.68 2.36 2.40 2.46 2.10 2.14 2.20 86 inch 88 inch 90 inch 92 inch 94 inch 96 inch 5.38 5.48 5.60 5.10 5.20 5.32 4.80 4.92 5.02 4.52 4.28 4.62 4.38 4.72 4.46 3.98 4.08 4.18 3.74 3.84 3.90 3.58 3.66 3.74 3.28 3.36 3.42 3.04 3.10 3.18 2.78 2.84 2.90 2.54 2.28 2.62 2.32 2.68 2.38 92 inch 94 inch 96 inch 98 inch 100 inch 102 inch 5.82 5.94 6.06 5.52 5.64 5.74 5.22 5.32 5.42 4.90 5.00 5.10 4.64 4.34 4.74 4.42 4.84 4.52 4.06 4.14 4.22 3.88 3.96 4.04 3.56 3.30 3.64 3.36 3.70 3.42 3.02 3.08 3.14 2.78 2.82 2.88 2.46 2.52 2.56 98 inch 100 inch 102 inch 104 inch 106 inch 108 inch 6.18 6.42 6.54 5.86 6.08 6.20 5.54 5.20 4.94 4.60 5.74 5.40 5.12 4.78 5.86 5.50 5.20 4.86 4.32 4.48 4.56 4.12 4.28 4.36 3.78 3.92 4.00 3.50 3.62 3.70 3.20 2.94 3.32 3.04 3.38 3.10 2;70 2.76 104 inch 106 Inch 108 inch 110 inch 112 inch 114 inch 6.66 6.78 7.13 6.30 6.42 6.77 5.96 6.06 6.39 5.60 5.30 4.96 5.72 5.40 5.04 6.02 5.69 5.31 4.64 4.72 4.97 4.44 4.52 4.75 4.06 4.14 4.35 3.76 3.44 3.82 3.50 4.02 3.68 3.16 3.22 3.37 2.80 2.86 3.00 110 inch 112 inch 114 inch 116 inch 120 inch 128 inch 7.27 7.52 8.30 6.88 6.50 7.12 6.73 7.86 7.42 6.12 6.33 7.00 5.79 5.99 6.60 5.40 5.06 5.59 5.23 6.16 5.78 4.83 5.00 5.50 4.43 4.58 5.04 4.09 4.23 4.66 3.74 3.87 4.26 3.43 3.55 3.90 3.05 3.15 3.48 116 inch 120 inch 128 inch 132 inch 136 inch 144 inch 8.98 10.44 11.04 8.52 9.88 10.46 8.04 9.34 9.88 7.56 7.12 8.78 8.30 9.30 8.78 6.66 7.74 8.20 6.24 1 5.94 7.24 1 6.88 7.66 1 7.28 5.46 6.30 6.66 5.04 5.80 6.14 4.60 5.30 5.60 4.20 4.76 5.04 3.74 4.28 4.54 132 inch 136 inch 144 inch Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch widths, 26 to 120 inches, usually in stock. Enameling Duck, 38, 46, 51, 57, 60 and 72 inches. 902 GEO-BCAItPEM'TER S Co. SAIL DUCK STANDARD BRANDS HARD, SOFT AND MEDIUM List Price Per Yard. July 9, 1917 List July 9, 1917 No. 22 Inch 2/0 1 2 3 4 5 $1.28 1.22 1.16 1.08 1.02 .98 .92 24 Inch $1.40 1.32 1.26 1.18 1.12 1.06 1.00 22 inch. $0.88 .84 .80 .76 .70 .66 .62 $^.96 .92 .86 .82 .76 .72 .68 NAUGHT DUCK List July 9, 1917 Nos. 3/0 4/0 5/0 $0.86 G/O 8/0 10/0 12/0 12 in. $0.78 $0.82 $0.90 $0.96 $1.04 $1.12 14 in. .89 .94 .98 1.03 1.10 1.19 1.28 15 in. .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.18 1.28 1.36 16 in 1.00 1.06 1.12 1.17 1.26 1.36 1.46 18 in. 1.13 1.20 1.26 1.32 1.42 1.52 1.64 20 in. 1.23 1.30 1.36 1.42 1.54 1.66 1.78 22 in. 1.34 1.41 1.48 1.54 1.66 1.80 1.92 24 in. 1.47 1.54 1.61 1.68 1.82 1.96 2.10 26 in. 1.53 1.60 1.68 1.75 1.90 2.05 2.18 28 in. 1.64 1.72 1.80 1.88 2.04 2.20 2.34 30 in. 1.76 1.84 1.93 2.02 2.18 2.35 2.52 EXTRA NARROW DUCK 4 to 12 inches List July 9, 1917 Nos. |2/lil/0| 1|2|3)4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12 4 in. 50148 46 42 40 38136 32 30128 26 22 20 18 5 in. 54150 48 46 42 40|38 36 32 30 28 26 22 20 6 in. 56|52 50 48 44 42]40 38 36 32 30 28 24 22 7 in. 58154 52 50 46 44|42 40 38 34 32 30 28 24 8 in. 62 5 8 56 52 50 48|46 42 40 38 36 32 30 26 9 in. 66162 60 56 54 50|48 46 44 40 38 36 32 30 10 in. 70166 64 60 58 54J52 50 48 44 40 38 36 32 11 in. 72170 66 64 62 58|56 54 50 46 44 40 38 34 12 in. 74172 70 66 64 62|58 56 52 48 46 42 40 38 PAPER MFRS. DRYER FELTS 26 inch to 60 inch inclusive. .Per lb. $0.82 61 inch to 121 inch to 133 inch to 145 inch to 167 inch to 185 inch to 205 inch to 120 inch inclusive, 13 2 inch inclusive, nch inclusive. 144 166 184 204 240 inch inch inclusive. inclusive, inch inclusive, inch inclusive. .72 .74 .76 .80 .84 .94 1.08 NARROW DUCK Over 12 inches List July 9, 1917 No. 14 inch 16 inch 18 inch 20 inch 00 $0.84 $0.96 $1.08 $1.18 .80 .92 1.02 1.12 1 .76 .86 .96 1.08 2 .72 .82 .92 1.02 3 .70 .78 .88 .96 4 .68 .74 .84 .92 5 .64 .70 .78 .86 6 .60 .66 .74 .82 7 .56 .64 .70 .78 8 .52 .60 .66 .74 9 .50 .56 .62 .70 10 .48 .54 .58 .66 11 .46 .52 .56 .62 12 .44 .48 .52 .58 YACHT DUCK List July 9, 1917 GEo•B•eAIiPE^^TER ^ eo, 903 OUNCE DUCK ARMY DUCK List July 9, 1917 28^^ inches Bales about 600 yards. Pieces about 50 yards Made according to the specifications of the United Slates Government 7 oz., 28 1^ inches $0.46 8 oz., 281/2 inches 50 9 oz., 281/^ inches 56 10 oz., 28 Vz inches 61 12 oz., 281/2 inches 72 15 oz., 281/2 inches 92 DOUBLE FILLING This Duck is made of two or more double and twisted yarns in the filling, with double thread warp. Bales about 800 yards. Bolts about 50 yards. BRANDS Kenwood, Monarch, Selkirk, Dreadnaught a oz 2iy Inches wide 9 oz 29 inches wide 10 oz 29 inches wide 12 oz 29 inches wide 15 oz 29 inches wide 10 oz 36 inches wide 12 oz 36 inches wide 10 oz 40 inches wide 8 oz. Fabric 56 inches wide 8 oz. Fabric 60 inches wide 8 oz. Fabric 72 inches wide SINGLE FILLING This Duck is made of a single twisted yarn in both filling and warp. Bales about 8 00 yards. Bolts about 50 yards, BRANDS Oregon, Lakewood, Magnolia, Lakeview 7 ounce . .29 in. wide 8 ounce . .36 in. wide 8 " .29 " 10 .36 " " 9 " .29 " 12 .36 " " 10 .29 " 7 .40 " 11 .29 " 9 .40 " 12 IK " .29 " 2ft " 10 11 .40 " 40 " '• SPECIAL YACHT DUCK 281^ Inch 7 ounce $.... 10 ounce .... ? 8 " 12 " 9 " 15 ■' YACHT DUCK 281,^ Inch 7 ounce $.... 10 ounce .... ? TWILLS AND DRILLS Bales about 1000 yards. Pieces about 50 yards 30 inch, 325 $ 30 inch, 300 30 inch. Standard 285 250 5 1/2 oz. Yacht Twill 30 inch, 6% oz. B. C. Special Yacht Twill 31 inch, 8 oz. G. B. C. Special Yacht Twill 37 inch. Standard Drill 235 37 inch, 8 oz. Twill IMPORTED UNION SILK For Fancy Yacht Sails, 36 inches wide 30 inch 30 inch No. No 7 8 9 10 11 r. B nch B. ( inch. $ No No No G ■^0 1 C. SPECIAL SAIL CLOTH $. . . . ?9 30 G. SPECIAL No. 1 SAIL CLOTH $. . . . 30 " 2 We make a specialty of fine fabrics, both domestic and imported, for yacht sails, and can be depended on for all the up-to-date goods in this line. WOOL BUNTING U. S. Bunting Co. Rolls 40 yards each Red, White, Blue, Green, Black, Yellow 18 in. Standard $.... 24 in. Yacht. . . $.. 24 " " .... 18 " Anchor. . 18 " Yacht 24 " " . . . . 18 in. R. R. Signal. . $ 904 GE0'B(2AR.PEN"TER « Co. COLORED DUCK DOUBLE AND SINGLE FILLING Bales About 800 Yards. Pieces About 50 Yards 28 Inches Wide WIDE DUCK Rolls About 100 Yards Tan, Brown and Slate Black, Tan, Brown and Slate 4 4 in No 4 3 7 r.'y OQ in $ 44 in., No. 8 44 in.. No. 10 50 in., No. 10 10 oz , 28 in 60 in., No. 10 12 oz., 28 in Any Width or Weight Dyed to Order 11 oz., 38 in. S. P. Brown ENAMELED GOQpS List Price Per Yard 4-4 black enameled muslin $0.39 BOOKBINDERS' AND TRUNK-MAKERS' DUCK 6-4 black enameled muslin 53 Below is a Partial List of the Special Duck We Carry 4-4 black enameled drill 58 K(\ in HlQ/^lr onamolofl firill fi4 6-4 black enameled drill 74 44 in. slate and brown, Lewlston No. 2 44 in drab D F linen finish 38 in. black enameled duck 72 '")-4 black enameled duck . . . .76 40 in. salmon or baker plaid 40 in starched open pick, 7%, 9 and 10 6-4 black enameled duck 88 60 in black enameled duck 1.08 4 8 in tan back drill 82 HOSE DUCK 5-4 imitation gum drill 60 50 in. imitation gum drill 64 50 in leather cloth 1.70 6-4 in leather cloth 1.82 Rolls About 100 to 200 Yards. 40 Inches Wide Open Weave, Giving Heavy Appearance; for Trunk-Makers and Rubber Manufacturers 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 Ounce 60 in. leather cloth 1.94 Colored back muslin, additional 08 Colored back drill and duck 14 Figured or printed back, additional 10 5-4 green and brown muslin 53 6-4 green and brown muslin 67 BLACK ENAMELED TRUNK DUCK, GLAZED In 12 Yard Pieces Only 5-4 yellow, drab, blue and imitation crim- son muslin 67 Green and brown drill and duck, addi- tional 20 Yellow, drab, and blue drill, and duck, additional 32 Oil back, additional 28 44 in. No. 8 standard duck $ 44 in. No. 10 standard duck 44 in. No. 12 standard duck 45 in. special 5-4 English Moleskin 1.76 Cream, tan, russet and white shoe goods .46 Green, brown, chocolate, wine and all other colors *46 Double japanned, additional 80 COTTON DUCK FOR Tents, Awnings, Sails, Paulins, Horse and Wagon Covers, Stack and Ma- chine covers. Boat Covers, Floor Cloths, Clothing, Harvester Aprons, Belting and Hose, Bookbinders, Trunk-makers, Upholsterers, Sporting Goods, Scenery and Drop Cloths, Mail Bags, Coal Bags, Feed Bags, Tool Bags, Coin Bags; ROOF ING— Cars, Buildings, Verandas, Boat Decks. GEO-B-eARPEM*TER « CO. 905 WATER PROOF DUCK PARAFFINED OUNCE DUCKS Water and Mildew Proof List Nov. 15, 1916 M'hite Brown 8 oz., 28 Vz in. Superior $0.62 $0.76 10 oz., 281/^ in. Superior 74 .88 12 oz., 28 Vz in. Superior 84 1.00 13 oz., 371/2 in. Superior (10 oz. Fabric) .96 1.12 lOoz., 36 in. Superior ( 8 oz. Fabric) .78 .92 11 oz., 40 in. Superior ( 8 oz. Fabric) .82 .98 Also 8, 10 and 12 oz. 28 in. and 12 oz. 36 in. Double Filled Brown PARAFFINED WIDE DUCKS White -Brown II No. 6 I No. 8 |No. lO|No. 1211 No. 6 | No. 8 |No. 10|No. 12 36| $1.58 $1.40 $1.18 $0.98 $1.76|$1.56 $1.34 $1.14 40 1.76 1.54 1.32 1.10 1.92 1.70 1.48 1.28 42 1.84 1.62 1.38 1.16 2.00 1.80 1.54 1.32 44 1.94 1.70 1.44 1.20 2.10 1.86 1.60 1.36 46 2.00 1.76 1.52 1.28 2.18 1.94 1.68 1.44 48 2.12 1.84 1.60 1.34 2.30 2.00 1.78 1.52 50 1 2.22 1.96 1.68 1.40 1 2.44 2.16 1.88 1.60 54 2.40 2.12 1.80 1.52 1 2.60 2.32 2.02 1.74 601 2.70 2.38 2.02 1.72 1 2.94 2.62 2.26 1.94 661 ' 2.98 2.62 2.24 1.98 1 3.22 2.86 2.48 2.10 72| 1 3.32 2.92 2.46 2.06 1 3.58 3.18 2.72 2.32 Number 10 and Ounce Duck is kept in stock. The other numbers are finished to order. TAN TEXTOL Tan colored, chemically treated, soft and pliable. We recommend these goods for protection against rain and water. No 105, 281A Inches, rolls 2 00 yards $ . .. . No 125, 28% inches. rolls 200 yards No 145, 28Vc inches. rolls 200 yards No 125, 36 inches. rolls 100 yards No 145, 36 inches. rolls 100 yards No 9, 37 inches. rolls 100 yards No 10 60 inches. rolls 100 yards No 10 72 inches rolls 100 yards No. 10 84 inches rolls 100 yards BLACK OILED DUCK AVATERPROOF We guarantee our goods not to stick or crack, and to be absolutely waterproof. Inch No. 214 No. 10 No. 12 36 $0.48 $1.43 $1.21 40 1.60 1.35 44 .58 1.75 1.47 48 1.94 1.64 50 .63 2.03 1.70 54 .... 2.17 1.85 56 .70 .... 60 ,75 2.45 2.08 66 2.71 2.28 72 .90 2.99 2.51 84 3.55 2.97 Above are stock sizes. Other widths to order. YELLOW OILED DUCK WATERPROOF These goods are used by many in preference to the Black Oiled. WILFORD MATCHLESS WATER- PROOF CLOTH IMPORTED For Hatch Covers, Paulins, etc., 40 }& in. Wide These goods are made in Belgium from se- lected flax; they are dyed a dark brown, and are chemically treated in a way which renders the fabric waterproof without destroying the strength or flexibility of the fiber. OLD CANVAS We have in stock at all times. Old Sails, and can furnish at short notice anything made of 906 GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « Co, LAKESIDE" AWNING STRIPES (Registered) Pieces about 50 yards each. Standard Duplex, Blue, A. D. G. I. T 31 in. Standard Duplex, Brown, A. D. G. I. S. T. .31 in. Standard Duplex, Tan, Nos. 22, 24 and 25.31 in. Standard Duplex, Green, Nos. 32, 33 and 34.31 in. Yale, Blue, Nos. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 46. .31 in. .Van Dyke, Brown, Nos. 52, 53 and 54 31 in. Princeton, Tan, Nos. 60, 61, 63, 64, 65 31 in. Illinois, Tan, Nos. 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81 31in. Dartmouth, Green, Nos. 120, 121, 123, 124, 125 and 128 31 in. Harvard, Red, Nos. 140, 142, 143 and 144.31 in. Chicago, Terra Gotta, No. 164 31 in. Carlisle, Nos. 3 and 4 31 in. Cases about 1,000 yards each Lehigh, Nos. 13 and 14 31 in. 10 oz. Army, Blue and Brown, Nos. 300 and 301 28 1/^ in. 9 oz. Army, Blue, Nos. 400, 500, 505 and 510 28i^ in. 9 oz. Army, Brown, Nos. 401, 600, 605 and 610 28i^ in. 9 oz. Army, Tan, Nos. 700, 705, 710, 715 and 720 28^ in. 9 oz. Army, Green, Nos. 800, 805, 810 and 815 28^^ in. Tan Twill Stripe 36 in. Car Curtain, B B 32-38 in. Awning Ducks, Red 29 in Awning Ducks, Green .29 in. Awning Ducks, Blue 29 in Awning Ducks, Yellow 29 in. Awning Ducks, Tan 29 in. FANCY STRIPES We carry a very complete assortment of Fancy Awning Stripes and we are constantly getting up novelties in these goods. We issue, every spring, a sample book, showing over 100 patterns of stripes, which we /^wnd to the trade without charge. O CANVAS'^i For All Roofing Purposes. Particularly Adapted for Porch Roofs and Piazza Floors Con-Ser-Tex is a specially woven cotton fabric, scientifically treated by chemical processes to preserve the fibre from mildew germs. The canvas is so impregnated that paint will not come in direct contact with the cotton fibre; consequently the detrimental action of oil is eliminated. No oils or injurious pigments are used to fill the goods. Both sides are finished with a "tooth" to which paint readily adheres, but our treatment keeps paint from destroying the fibre. PER LINEAL YARD Widths E G I 30 inch $1.06 $1.18 $1.44 36 inch 1.28 1.42 1.62 Other widths processed to order DIRECTIONS Paint the wood roof or deck with one heavy coat of lead in oil paint, and lay the brown side down, while the paint is wet. This is not absolutely essential, but will give better results, as the brown side is finished in surplus and combines ingredients that form a perfect cement when fully oxidized. Laps of canvas to be 1% inch. Galvanized or copper tacks to be % inch apart, to be tacked while being slightly stretched. After it has been laid and set, paint the tanned or primed side with a light coat of good lead in oil paint; add a second and heavier coat after the first is thoroughly dry. Con-Ser-Tex is very easily laid and does not require much paint, being already primed. The chemicals used contain no oils or injurious pigments. Owing to the special construction of the fabric and the advantages of the processing, Con- Ser-Tex presents a neater appearance than other roofing. GEO-B-eARPEM*TER ^ 60. GROMMETS SHEET BRASS WASHER SHEET WASHER GROMMETS Fig. 6591 it« No. Diam. of Hole Inserted inches Per gross 00 1 2 3 4 5 t IS % SHEET BRASS TEETH Diam. of Hole Per No. Inserted inches gross 3^ 1 T^a 2 % 3 To 4 1/2 5 % CONICAL POINTED, ROLLED RIM BRASS GROMMETS Diam. of Hole Per gross No. Inserted inches 2 % $2.00 3 r\ 2.70 4 V2 3.60 5 % 4.75 6 % 6.25 7 % 8.50 8 l~h 10.00 SHEET BRASS SPUR GROMMETS Diam. of Hole Per gross No. Inserted inches y* $1.60 1 A 1.80 2 % 2.00 3 T^^ 2.70 4 1/2 3.60 5 % 4.75 6 % 6.25 7 yg 8.50 8 iiV 10.00 SMALL OBLONG BRASS GROMMETS Size of Opening when Inserted 1. Hxfs in..gro. 11-75 2. 78x1/4 in.. " 2.00 Fig. 6595 GALVANIZED GROMMET RINGS inside dia. % in. ^ " " " % to % in. inside dia.. 58 Fi)?. 6596 In Bulk % to 1 1/4 in. inside dia. •• • 1% to3 " " GROMMET OR CARPET KNOBS Brass Heads Length Length Per No. Head Nail inches ' inches M IVs $3.00 1 41 IVs 3.00 2 % 4.00 3 il 1% 7.00 4 IVs 11/2 7.50 For use with No. 3 Conical Pointed Grommets or No. 3 Spur Grommets in putting down carpets in railroad cars, steamboats, halls, '^- """"' etc. SHEET BRASS EYELET GROMMETS Fig. 6597 Diam. at Per No Bottom inches 1 % $1.15 2 1/2 1.35 3 % 1.60 4 % 1.80 5 78 2.25 6 1 2.70 7 IVs 3.15 8 11/4 5.00 10 11/2 7.00 15 21/2 10.00 THREE-PART GROMMETS No. Dia m. of Hole Per gross Inse rted, inches Brass 1 1/4 $1.80 2 T% 2.00 3 % 2.70 4 V2 3.60 5 % 4.75 6 % 6.25 7 it 8.50 8 ill 10.00 9 1^ 12.00 10 ly* 14.00 BRASS MAIL BAG GROMMETS Fisr. 6599. Opening Inserted Small, l%x% per gross 5.00 Large, l%x/g " " 6.00 For Inserting Dies, see Index 908 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S CO. Pig. 91 Regular GUTTING PUNCHES No Regular Side each each $1.00 $0.50 1 1.00 .50 2 1.20 .50 3 1.30 .65 4 1.50 .75 5 1.75 .80 6 2.00 1.00 7 2.25 1.50 8 2.50 1.75 9 2.75 2.25 10 3.00 2.50 I Fig. 92 Side SETTING DIES Fig. 93 For "Washer and Teeth For C. P. R. R.' For Eyelet and Spur Grom- each Grommets each mets each $2.00 $2.00 1 2.15 2.15 $2.15 2 2.25 2.25 2.25 3 2.35 2.35 2.35 4 2.50 2.50 2.50 5 2.70 2.70 2.70 6 3.00 2.80 2.80 7 3.00 3.00 8 3.25 3.25 9 3.50 10 4.50 15 15.00 INSERTING DIES AND CUTTERS For Small Oblong No. 1 I $5.00 2 1 6.00 $2.00 2.50 Fig. 101 For Mail Bag Grom- mets, Small and Large Dies each $20.00 Cutters ..." 15.00 THE No. 9 GROMMET SETTING MACHINE Fig. 121. Foot Power This Machine will set Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 washer grommets and is furnished to set any one of the above sizes or all sizes desired. Has a 6 inch throat opening which is very desirable fea- ture in working on bulky material. All parts are perfectly interchangeable, all working parts are of hardened steel, and are fully guaranteed as to workmanship and material. No adjustment of any kind required. Full instructions for setting up machine are packed in each box. Finish 2 coats black enamel. Weight, complete with foot power, 26 lbs. Weight, complete for shipment, 35 lbs. Machine only net $8.50 Extra for dies to set Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 each size net 1.50 Hollow punches for canvas Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3; each size net Cutter plate for above punches; each size net .50 .25 THE "UNIVERSAL" GROMMET SETTING MACHINE This Machine is just what you want for manufacturing or re- pairing awnings, tents, sails, or automobile covers and aprons. Is finished in black japan and gilt and guaranteed to do perfect work. As carried in stock, is fitted to set Nos. 0, 1, 2 and 3 washer grom- mets, and is furnished complete for the four sizes, or the machine and any of the above sizes singly as desired. The point is the part that screws in the upper plunger. The pocket is the part that fits in the bottom of machine. The parts are hardened steel and plainly marked to avoid confusion. Can Be Used With Foot Power PRICES Machine complete, 4 sizes $3.50 Machine and 1 size 2.25 Parts to set, any one size, Nos. to 3. . per set .75 Figr. 131 Extra for foot power attachment 1.00 GEO-B-eAKPEM*TER ^ eO^ 909 AWNING HARDWARE EYE ENDS Tapped with Pipe Thread LARGE EYES GalVd rsiack Fits Fits No. No. Size Iron Size Pipe 00 % Vs A OA A 1 01 % 14 IV2 011/2 1^ ^A 2 02 % % 3 03 % 14 4 04 1 % 5 05 m 1 Fie. 221 Nos. 0, OV^ f No. 11 Cotter Slides, No. 11 Cotter and 1 fit 1 Hinges, % Nut Slides of our make. No. 11/2 fits % Nut Slides of other makes. {No. 21 Cotter Hinges, Bracket Hinges. Nos. 33 to 35 Jaw Slides, Bracket Jaws. Double Arm Ends, Jaw Ends. Nos. 43 and 44 Square Jaw Slides. Nos. and A have standard bolt threads. Nos. 1 to 5 have pipe threads. EYE ENDS Tapped with Pipe Thread SMALL EYES Fig. 222 Galv'd Black Fits Fits No. No. Size Iron Size Pipe 10 010 % B OB ^ 11 Oil V2 Vi 12 012 % % 13 013 % V2 14 014 % {Nos. 30, 31 and 32 Jaw Slides. Nos. 1 and 2 Jaw Hinges. Old Style Jaw Plate Hinges. Nos. 10 and B have standard bolt threads. Nos. 11 to 14 have pipe threads. EYE STUBS Eye takes a % diam. Bolt f Galv'd No. Black No. Length 21 22 23 24 021 022 023 024 1 2 3 4 Fig. 212 Screws into Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 Plates CARPENTER'S NEW PATENT AWNING HOOK Fig. 211 This is our new patent hook end, which we believe will be universally used by the awning trade as a substitute for, and improvement on, the old style eye end. Made in galvanized malleable iron, tapped with pipe thread to fit % in. iron. FORK ENDS Tapped with Pipe Thread Fig. 231 Threaded to Black No. Screw on to Horn? No. Round Iron Pipe take Size Pipe 12 012 V2 V4. % 22 022 % % % 23 023 % % t 24 024 % % 33 033 % V2 Vi 34 034 % V2 % JAW ENDS With % dia. Square Head Bolt Rivet or Cotter GalVd Black No. Screws on to No. Round Iron Pipe 2 3 02 03 « S Fig. 232 Takes Nos. 1, 11/2, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Eye Ends. JAW ENDS With 14 dia. Stove Bolt Black No. Screws on to No. Round Iron Pipe 12 13 012 013 t Fig. 233 Takes Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 13 Eye Ends JAW STUBS With % dia. Square Head Bolts and Nut Galv'd Black Length No. No. Overall 02 2 03 3 04 4 06 6 08 8 Fig. 234A Threaded with % pipe thread. Screws into Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 Plates. Take Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 Eye Ends. I Fig. 234 JAW STUBS With 14 dia. Stove Bolts Galv'd Black Lenpth No. No. Overall 12 012 2 13 013 3 14 014 4 16 016 6 18 018 8 Threaded with % pipe thread. Screws into Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 Plates. Take Nos. 10. 11, 12 and 13 Eye Ends. 910 GEO•B•eAR.PE^fTER S 60, No. 1 with Screw AWNING JAW HINGES No. 3 with Screw HARDWARE BRACKET HINGES With Jaws Fig. 271 Fig. 272 Use 1x8 Use 1x12 Wood Screw Wood Screw These Jaw Hinges take our Nos. Eye Ends. Fig. a73 Use 1x12 Wood Screw 11. 12 and IJ 3 STAR PRESSED STEEL JAW HINGES Fig. 274 Fig. 275 Fig. 276 No. 1, Cotter Pin, % in. opening. No. 1, Machine Screw, % in. opening. No. 2, Stove Bolt, heavy, % in. opening. No. 11 SIDE COTTER HINGES Galvanized. Use a 1x10 Wood Screw. Our No. OA and No. 1 Eye Ends fit this Hinge. Fig. 261 COTTER HINGES (Front) Galvanized Malleable Iron Number Length inches Use Wood Screw 1 21/4 1x8 Fig. 202 These Hinges take the place of the old No. 1 and No. 2 Jaw Hinges. Our Nos. 0, Ol^ and 1 Eye Ends fit these Hinges. Number Length inches Use Wood Screw 1x8 Our Nos. 1%, 2 and 3 Eye Ends fit these Hinges. Long Bolt Short Bolt Short Rivet for for for Double Single Single Hinge. Hinge. Hinge. Til ^^ Fig. Fig. ^^P 294 295 These Bolts and Rivets also fit all the Bracket Hinges illustrated on the, Fig7^93 following page. Galvanized Nos. 21 22 Black Nos. 021 022 Length of Arm 1 2 Inches Length of Plate. 4 5 Inches These Hinges are concave on the bottom and fit a fiat or round surface. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Eye Ends fit these Hinges. HOW THEY WORK These Hinges can be used as a Single Hinge or as a Double Arm Hinge. We furnish them with % Rivets or % Bolts, but we always send them with Rivets unless orders specify with Bolts. As a Single Hinge As a Double Hinge Fig. S63 296 BRACKET HINGES Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Eye Ends| Fit These Hinges Fig. 297 Fig. 281 Galv'd Black Length of Length of No. No. Arm, inches Plate, inches 23 023 3 3 24 024 4 31/2 25 025 5 4 26 026 6 41/^ 27 027 8 4^ 28 028 10 6 29 029 12 6 Fitted with % inch diameter Cotter Rivets. Square Head Bolts furnished instead, if de- sired. GEO-B-eARPEhfTER ^ CO. 911 AWNING HARDWARE JAW SLIDES With Machine Screw Galvanized No. To Fit Dia. Round Iron, inches 30 31 32 % % Fig. 381 Nos. 10, B, 11, 12 and 13 Eye Ends fit these Slides. JAW SLIDES With Stove Bolt Galvanized No. To Fit Dia. Round Iron, inches 40 41 42 % V2 % Fig. 3S1A Nos. 10, B, 11, 12 and 13 Eye Ends fit Slides. JAW SLIDES With % Bolt or Cotter Rivet Galv'd No. Fig. 383 To Fit Rounc Iron To Fit Pipe These Slides all have vi^ide Jaws to fit Nos. 2, 3 and 4 Eye Ends. COTTER SLIDES Galvanized Fig. 392 No. To Fit Round Rod 11 % 21 Vz This Slide takes our Nos. 0, A and 1 Eye Ends NUT SLIDES Galvanized Fig. 391 No. To Fit Round Rod 10 12 % SQUARE JAW SLIDES New Style Fitted with % Diameter Cotter Rivet Always put end up. this ^^ Galvanized No. Fits Square Iron of Full Size Fig. 383 43 44 V2 % Nos. 2, 3 and 4 Eye Ends fit these Slides. Use Nos. 43 and 44 Square Sockets. SQUARE SLIDES Diamond Shape, Galvanized Fig. 373 No. 11 — % in. iron Fig. 403 JAW SLIDES With thumb screw (to prevent rattling). Size, % In.perdoz. $. . . . Size, ^/^ in. " .... ROLLER BEARING SLIDES For % in. Diameter Round Iron, with Ma- chine Bolt. Galvanized or Black "PACIFIC" ROLLER SLIDES For % and % in. Iron Galvanized or Black 912 GEO•B•eAItPE^fTER ^ eo. AWNING HARDWARE DOUBLE ARM ENDS Tapped to screw on to % iron or % pipe. The Arms take Nos. 2, 3 and 4 eye ends. With Nuts me. 241 Fig. 24a — i^ Galvanized mm Black No. 2 02 With Cotter Pins ^ « Galvanized Black No. 12 012 ROUND SOCKETS Galvanized For Ends of Slide Rods Threaded f m Fig. 362 r To Fit Diam- eter Iron To Fit Size Pipe Threaded No. To Fit Diam- eter Iron To Fit Size Pipe 20 21 % % Not Threaded No. To Fit Diam- eter Iron To Fit Size Pipe 10 11 12 13 % V2 % % ROUND SOCKETS For Iron Columns With Hole for % Bolt Threaded w Fig. 361A- Galv'd No. To Fit Round Iron To Fit Pipe SQUARE SOCKETS Diamond Shape, Galvanized Fig. 372 in. iron. No. 1 — Vz in. iron. '^^^^ No. 2- SQUARE SOCKETS New Style These Sockets allow the iron to stand with the flat side towards the wall. Galva- nized No. Black No. To Fit Diameter Square Iron Per doz. 43 44 043 044 V2 % Fig. 3«4 Use Nos. 43 and 44 Square Jaw Slides with these Sockets. COUPLINGS Galvanized or Black Fig. 351 ho o To Fit Size of Round Iron Pipe 1 2 3 4 01 02 03 04 1/2 % % 1 % % ELBOWS Galvanized or Black # Fig. 352 "O .isj To Fit Size of liZ Round Iron Pipe 1 01 V2 V4 2 02 % % 3 03 % 1/2 4 04 1 % SLIP TEES Galvanized or Black Fig. 353 V 6 ft s ^ -".r CO "3^ pq °oS^ H m CO 22 022 % % 23 023 % % 24 024 % % 33 033 ^ % 34 034 V2 % 35 035 % 1 44 044 % % 45 045 % 1 55 055 1 1 GEO-B-CAIiPEffTER « Co. 913 AWNING HARDWARE SPIKE AWNING HINGES Galvanized Malleable Iron 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in. PLATE AWNING HINGES Galvanized Pitted with % i: Diameter Stove Bolts Fis. 377 Size in inches: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Take Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 13 Eye Ends. BRACKET JAWS Short Rivet Short Bolt Long Bolt for Single Hinge for Single Hinge Double Hinge Fig. 301 Fig. 303 Fig. 303 Fig. 304 Bracket Jaws with short bolts sent unless otherwise ordered. Galvanized No. Black No. Screws on to Round Iron Pipe 1 2 01 02 V2 % V4 Takes Nos. 1, 1%, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Eye Ends ^rnnt IRI Method of Use ^'^'"'"^ "»" Side Hinge Any length of Bracket can be made with these fixtures with Plates on oppo- site page. Fig:. 305 As a Single Hinge Fig. 307 JAW AND Y STUB For % by 1^ in. iron. Black — Galv. Fig. 391 NUT ENDS For Extension Rods Shank 1 % Inches Long <3alvanized Black No. To Fit Size of No. Round Iron Pipe 1 2 3 4 01 02 03 04 % % Regular Fig. 351 Tapped with Pipe Thread NUT ENDS For Use with Wooden Front Rod Shank 294 Inches Long Special Galvanized Black No. To Fit Size of No. Round Iron Pipe 12 13 14 012 013 014 % y2 % Shank 4 Inches Long 22 23 • 24 022 023 024 % % Fig. 353 Tapped with pipe thread. BOLT ENDS For Extension Rods Malleable Iron Sockets. Wrought Iron Bolts With 7cXl Bolts Regular Fig. 343 Galvanized Black No. To Fit Size of No. Round Iron Pipe 1 01 1/2 % 2 02 % % 3 03 % Ys 4 04 1 % Tapped with pipe thread. Fig. 308 These fittings can be furnished with long bolta for wooden front rods, if desired. 914 GEO'B-CAIiPEhfTER S eO, PLATES All Plates are concave on the bottom to fit a flat or round surface. All tapped with pipe thread. Fig. 342 Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron % Pipe 31 1 031 01 3 41/8 % Galvanized Black No. Leng-th inches Screws on to No. Iron 1/2 % Pipe 21 22 021 022 21/2 3 % Fig Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron Pipe 16 6 016 06 31/2 4 V2 % % Fig. 348 Black No. No. inches Iron % Pipe 7 07 3 % 8 08 4 % % 9 09 4% V2 10 010 31/2 1/2 11 Oil 4 % 12 012 4 .. 1 Pig. 341 Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron 1/2 Pipe 00 2 ¥4 Fig. 343 Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron % Pipe 2 02 2% % Fig. 344 Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron 1/2 % Pipe 13 3 013 03 31/4 31/2 1/4 % Fig. 345 Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron 1/2 % Pipe 14 4 014 04 3 3 1/4 % Galvanized Black No. Length inches Screws on to No. Iron 1/2 % Pipe 15 5 015 05 2% 3 CLAMP HINGES Galv'd No. Black No. To Clamp on Size of Pipe 2 02 % 3 03 1/2 4 04 % 5 05 1 Fig. 403 Fitted with i/4 inch Diameter Stove Bolt to hold Hinge to Pipe, and % Diameter Cotter Rivet to take Eye Ends. Use our Nos. 2, 3 and 4 Eye Ends in Jaws. PIPE CLAMPS Galv'd Black To Clamp on No. No. Size of Pipe 12 012 % 13 013 V2 14 014 % 15 015 1 Fig. 403A Fitted with Va, inch Diameter Stove Bolt. Use Nos. 11, 12, 13 and 14 Eye Ends. Il GEO-B-eARPEM*TER ^ 60. 915 AWNING HARDWARE GALVANIZED AWNING BLOCKS Malleable Iron, Swivel Eyes fi(Tj SIXGLE SHEAVES Fis. :;oi Xo. Length of Shell inches Diam. of Kope inches Per dozen 1 3 5 1 11/2 1% 2% 21/2 1/4 % 1/2 DOUBLE SHEAVES Length Diameter Per dozen No. of Shell inches of Rope inches 00 1 1/8 2 iy2 V4. .... 4 1% ^ .... 6 21/4 % .... 8 21/2 1/2 AWNING SLIDE RODS Galvanized Wrought Iron % inch diameter. 1/^ iucli diameter. per foot $. AWNING CLEATS Galvanized Malleable Iron Fig. 441 Number Length Takes Screw Galvanized per dozen 1 2 3 4 41/2 6 8 10 % X No. 10 % X No. 12 1 xNo. 12 11/4 xNo. 12 '.'.*.'. AWNING CHAIN No. 32 PRESSED STEEL AWNING BLOCKS Swivel Eye SINGLE SHEAVES No. Sheave Diameter inches Diameter of Rope inches Per dozen 1 3 1/2 % 1 1/8 1/4 Fig. 203 DOUBLE SHEAVE No. Diameter Sheave inches Diameter of Rope inches Per dozen 2 % 1/4 Carpenter's Patent Combination Head Rod and Pulley Holder For Window Awnings PATEXTED Pis. 431 This fixture is made with a retaining lug above and two hooks below, upon which the pul- leys are hung. The retaining lug turns freely on the base of the fixture, forming a circular space large enough for the head rod. When the head rod is in place the hoolfs are closed so that tlie pulleys cannot come off until the head rod is removed. HEAD ROD HOLDERS Galvanized No. 1, WITH 2 HOOKS FOR PULLEYS ^ Fig. 432 For window awnings with %-inch iron head rod. The screws are made of brass so they can't j rust in the holes, they are also upset on the end so they can't be taken out from the clamp and lost. Xos. 2 AND 3 WITH 3 HOOKS FOR PULLEYS No. 2. For double and triple windows, also small porch awnings using %-inch iron head rods. No. 3 is for large porch and store awnings using 14 -inch iron head rods. 916 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ So. SCREW EYES e No. 8 No. 10 Illiiiiitrntions are full size BRIGHT WIRE SCREW EYES Prices per Gross k NO. Price No. Price No. Price No. Price 1« 000 $40.00 9 $2.80 109 $2.80 208 $3.30 11 00 30.00 10 2.50 110 2.50 209 2.80 mm 16.00 11 2.00 111 2.00 210 2.50 V 1 13.00 12 1.70 112 1.70 211 2.00 2 11.00 13 1.50 113 1.50 212 1.70 3 9.00 14 1.50 114 1.50 213 1.50 4 7.00 104 7.00 115 1.50 214 1.50 5 5.80 105 5.80 204 7.00 215 1.50 6 4.50 106 4.50 205 5.80 7 3.80 107 3.80 206 4.50 ► 8 3.30 108 3.30 207 3.80 BRASS AVIRE SCREW EYES No. Price No. Price No. Price No. Price 1000 $70.00 1011 $ 7.00 1111 $ 7.00 1209 $10.00 1001 57.50 1012 5.50 1112 5.50 1210 9.00 1002 48.00 1013 4.50 1113 4.50 1211 7.00 1003 37.00 1014 3.50 1114 3.50 1212 5.50 1004 30.00 1104 30.00 11141/2 3.50 1213 4.50 1005 26.00 1105 26.00 1115 3.50 1214 3.50 1006 21.00 1106 21.00 1204 30.00 12141/2 3.50 1007 16.00 1107 16.00 1205 26.00 1214% 3.50 1008 13.00 1108 13.00 1206 21.00 12161/2 3.50 1009 10.00 1109 10.00 1207 16.00 1010 9.00 1110 9.00 1208 13.00 » BRASS WIRE j 3CREW HOOK S No. Price No. Price No. Price 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 $125.00 105.00 85.00 65.00 45.00 37.00 1006 10061/^ 1007 1008 1009 1010 $30.00 26.00 21.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 1011 1012 1013 1014 $8.00 6.50 5.00 4.00 SCREW HOOKS BRIGHT WIRE SCREW HOOKS No. Price No. Price No. Price $21.00 6 $6.00 11 $2.80 1 18.00 6 1/2 5.30 12 2.50 2 15.00 7 4.50 13 2.30 3 12.50 8 4.00 14 2.00 4 10.00 9 3.50 .... 5 8.00 10 3.00 THE AUTO-LOCK Snap, Buckle, Clasp, or Hook and Ej e. Is the Quickest to Fasten or Unfasten Is Automatic and Perfect in Action NICItEL Fig. 671 Unlocked Sizes, inches % 1 % 1 78 1 IVs 1 11/2 i 1% 1 2 1 21/2 Standard, per gross $1.00 $1.10 1.30 $1.56 $1.60|$1.80 $2.30 1.80| 2.20 $2.40 2.80 $2.70 3.40 SLIDES Sizes, inches % 1 % 1 % 11/8 1 11/2 1 1% 1 2 1 21/2 Price, per gross $0.40|$0.50|$0.50 $0.60|$0.90|$1.00|$1.20|$1.50 Geo-B-Car^pei^ter ^ So, 917 AWNING HARDWARE Fig. 8651 ill's Eye or Lizard Fig. ee.-is SallmatverM' Tliimble Fig. 66.53 Egg Sliaped Tliimble Fig. 6654 "Wire Strapped Lizard Fig. 6654B Iron Strapped Lizard BULL'S EYES OR LIZARDS No. 6651. LIGNUM- VITAE— Unstrapped Outside diameter, inches. Diameter of hole, inches. Width of score, inches. . . Price per doz 1 % $0.60 $0.60 % $0.70 1% $0.70 2 % y, $0.80 2yt $0.90 2% 1 % $1.00 2% lys % $1.20 3 IV4 $1.50 3 ',4 1% 1 $2.00 172 lys $2.80 SAILMAKERS' THIMBLES No. 6652. GALVANIZED MALLEABLE IRON Outside diameter, inches % % 78 1 lys : iy4 lyj iy4 2 2Vi 2% $0.25 $0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.38 $0.40 $0.45 $0.55 $0.60 .70 $0.70 .85 $0.80 Heavy, per doz 1.25 Outside diameter, inches 2y4 1 3 1 3y4 1 sy^ 3y4 4 4y4 4yo 4y4 5 $0.95 1.60 $1.10 1.70 $1.35 1.90 $1.70 2.15 Heavy, per doz $2.80 $3.25 $3.60 $4.30 $5.40 $6.30 SAILMAKERS' BRASS THIMBLES No. 6652. SPUN — Measure Extreme Diameter Outside, from Edge to Edge Size, inches % % Vs 1 1% 1V4 Per doz $0.60 $0.65 $0.68 $0.70 $0.75 $0.80 Size, inches 1% 1^2 iy4 2 2yi- 2\'-i $0.95 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.25 $2.75 EGG SHAPED THIMBLES No, 6653. GALVANIZED MALLEABLE IRON Measure Extreme Length of Tliimble on the Outside Size, inches 1!4 1% iy2 1% 1% 2 2y4 2y. 2y4 3 VA VA Per doz $0.45 $0.50 $0.50 $0.55 $0.60 $0.70 $0.80 $0.90 $1.25 $1.75 $2.00 $2.75 STRAPPED LIZARDS No. 6654. 1 inch wire strapped per _doz. $0.50 No. 6654. 1 1^ inch wire strapped " No. 6654B. 1 y^ inch iron strapped Fig. 6655 GLASS RINGS Small per 100 $3.00 Medium .... " 3.40 Large " 3.80 'F. G. L." WIRE SNAP HOOKS 60 .75 HOOKS AND EYES Fig. 66.57^9' No, la Wire. Length Over All, 3 inches Brass per gross $2.40 Galvanized " 1.40 HARNESS SNAPS Fig. 665,S — Oval Eye No. Diameter Eye Inside, inches Tinned per gross 3 y2 % 1 $1.80 2.40 2.40 918 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « Co. HAND FIDS Fig. 1710 No 1 2 3 4 5 Length, inches 14 16 18% Price, each $0.50 .60 .75 20 Vz 22 1.00 1.25 STANDING FIDS Fig. 1711 No 1 2 3 4 Length, inches 3 32 36 40 Diameter, Butt, inches. 4 5 6 6V2 Price, each $2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 TRAWL SPLICERS Ball Head, Polished Steel Fig. 1712 Size, Number Length, Inches Per Dozen 1 2 3 4 4 41/2 7 $2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 No. 4 is extra steel and fiat pointed for sail- makers' use. Wood Handle Fig. 1713 Size, Number Entire Length, Inches Per Dozen 1 2 4 41/2 $2.25 2.50 SAILORS' PALMS Fig. 1714 No. 1. Half Hide Mounted, Seaming, .per doz. $1.50 2. Full Hide Mounted, Seaming. . " 2.00 3. Brass Mounted, S:aming " 2.00 4. Hide and Brass Mounted, Seam- ing " 2.25 5. Hide Mounted, Seaming, Buckle " 2.50 Nos. 1 and 2 for left hand also. Sallmakers' Palms Best Seaming each $1.50 Best Roping " 1.75 SAILMAKERS' PRICKERS Best Tool Steel, Wood Handles Fig. 1715 No. 1. 10 inches long each $0.75 No. 2. 10% inches long '\ -90 No, 3. 8 inches long " -50 SAILMAKERS' STEEL BENCH HOOKS With Brass S^vivel c O Fig. 1716 Per dozen $1.50 SAILMAKERS' MARLINE SPIKES Best Tool Steel, Wood Handles No. No. Fig. 1717 13 inches long each $2.00 14% inches long " 2.25 SAILMAKERS' HEAVERS No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Fig. 1718 6% in. long. Common each $1.00 6 % in. long. Wrought Iron, . Case Hardened " 1.75 6% in. long, Best Tool Steel, well finished " 2.50 SHEATHS AND BELTS Fig. 1719 No. 1. Common, % inch wide. . . .dozen $2.75 No. 2. Medium, % inch wide. ... " 3.50 No. 3. Extra, 1 inch wide " 4.25 Belts Only No. 1. % inch wide ....dozen $1.85 No. 2. 7/8 inch wide " 2.25 No. 3. 1 inch wide " 3.10 GEO-B-CARPENfTER « QQl. 918 A MURPHY CURTAIN FASTENERS Polished Cast Brass and Nickel Plated Single Flat Base Complete with eyelet for ordinary goods or with eyelet for heavy goods will be furnished in- stead, if called for. Stock Nos. Pol. Brass Nickel Plated M 3401 E M 3601 E Single Screw Complete with one eyelet for ordinary goods or for heavy goods if specified. Stock Nos. Pol. Brass. Nickel Plated. M 3501 £ M 3603 £ Dimensions of Base, inch. rxfff Eyelet for Ordinary Goods These eyelets are made to be used with the cur- tain fasteners illustrated above. Stock Nos. Pol. Brass. Nickel Plated. M 3301 E M 3605 E EYELET PUNCH ^ This punch is made to cut all the holes neces- sary in the goods for inserting the eyelets at one blow. The punch itself is of brass with tool steel and cutters for inserting. Stock No.— M 3608 E Double Flat Base Complete with two eyelets for ordinary goods or for heavy goods if specified. Stock Nos. Dimensions of Pol. Brass. Nickel Plated. Base, inch. M 3402 E M 3602 E ^xl% Double Screw Complete with two eyelets for ordi- nary goods or for heavy goods if speci- fied. Stock Nos. Pol. Brass. Nickel Plated. M 3502 E M 3604 E Dimensions of Base, inch. Eyelet for Heavy Goods These eyelets are made to be used in connec- tion with any of the above curtain fasteners. The prongs on the eyelets being longer than on eyelet No. IM 3301 E, make them suitable for Jieavy ma- terial. Stock Nos. Pol. Brass. Nickel Plated. M 3302 E M 3606 E If Rivets Burr Rivets and Burrs These rivets and burrs are made to be used in connection with cither single or double Flat Base Fasteners, where they are used to attach to can- vas or leather. Stock No. Description, Stock No. Description. M3609E Rivets M 3610 E Burrs 919 GEO-BCAIiPEffTER :R eOc WAGON CURTAIN PATCHES CRANDALL'S AVith Six Prong Fasteners Staple. Screw Eyes. Fig. 66HA Fig. 6611B With With Screw Staples Eyes fl in. inside dia., per gro., $3.50 $3.50 1 in. inside dia., per gro., 5.50 5.50 Paclfed V2 gross in a box KNOB EYELETS Six Prongs Front View Ring Reverse, Show- ing Fastener Fig. 6612A Fig. 6612B Fig. 6612C Knob eyelets consist of a black japanned metal fastener with leather center and with outside prongs to pass through the curtain, and inside prongs to hold the leather center, and a black japanned ring on which the outside and inside prongs are clinched. No. 1. Best harness leather, for leather curtains per gross $0.72 No. 2. Best goat leather, for rubber cur- tains, pebbled leather per gross .64 SAIL NEEDLES James Smith & Sons DRIVE KNOBS JAPANNED fTtff ■No. 83. No. 80. .No. 81. No. 2- No. 99. . 82, % inch nail shank . . . .per gro. $0.44 . 80. % inch barbed shank. .50 . 81. % or % inch shank . . .44 . 2. Double curtain . " .48 . 99. Heavy coach . " .90 TALCOTT'S ELASTIC BUTTON- HOLES For Carriage and Street Car Curtains Round Hole Fig. 6614B Inside ring and rubber eyelet. The rubber used in these buttonholes is pure gum. Japanned per gross $3.50 Packed in boxes containing one gross complete. SPRING EYE SACKING NEEDLES . 111 , 11 , 1 ., >.-. i HJL.x.Ui i l .jlJ,.l !! „..l i lJ - I ■ .1 1 II ^— -^i-- Fig. 171 Long Square No. Leng-th inches Per 100 No. Leng-th Inches Per 100 17 21/4 $1.50 13 3i§ $2.75 17 y2 2% 1.50 12 3% 3.60 16 21/2 1.50 11 3% 5.50 161/2 2% 1.50 10 4 6.50 15 2]i 1.50 9 41/4 7.50 151/2 2% 1.50 8 41/2 8.50 14 2% 1.65 7 9.75 141/2 3 1.75 6 11.00 Fig. 172A Length, inches 3 4 4l^55%6 Price, per doz. $1.00 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.40 1.50 PACKING OR SACK NEEDLES 25 in a Package REDUCED EDGE SAIL NEEDLES No. 17 16 16 1/2 15 151/2 perhd. $1.70 No. 14 141/2 " 1.85 No. 13 " 2.58 Fig 173 NO. Length inches Per 100 No. Length inches PerlOO 14 13 12 11 10 3 31/2 4 4y2 5 ' $1.00:'' 1.10 1.30 1,65 2.00 9 8 7 6 5 5^ 6y2 7 8 $2.75 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.00 3 dozen in a Package GEO-BeAR.PEK"TER S (EO. 980 e TENT POLE BANDS Galvanized AVrought Iron Diameter inches 1%, 11/2, 1% 2, 2%, 21/2 3 Per dozen .$1.25 . 1.50 . 1.75 Pig. 6751 RIDGE POLE BANDS Galvanized Wrought Iron Diameter Per inches dozen Sizes 11/2, 1% $1.75 Sizes 2, 2 1^, 21/2 2.00 Fig. 6752 FERRULES Galvanized or Tinned Malleable Iron Per Inches dozen Size % $0.20 % 30 Pig76753 1/2 % % % 1 IVs 1% 1% IV2 1% 2 21/4 .45 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.75 5.00 7.00 GOVERNMENT TENT SLIDES Size Leng-th Diameter of Hole inch Galv. Mall. Iron uer dozen Brass per dozen 1 2 3 5 4 3 V2 % $0.75 .50 .30 $1.50 1.00 .60 WOOD TENT PINS Fig. 6754 12 inch per M $, 14 " 16 " 18 " 20 " WOOD ROUND TENT STAKES With Iron Ferrules B! Fig. 6755 2 4 inch. 30 " , 36 " 42 " 46 " per 100 $. MALLEABLE IRON TENT PINS 8% inches long per doz. $0.60 13 inches long " .80 WOOD TENT SLIDES OR KEYS i^^^' Fig. 6756 tV inch Hole per M $ % " " ¥2 " " WOOD TENT BUTTONS Fig. 6751 Small, for i/4 inch Rope per M $ Large, for ^^ inch Rope " TENT POLES OCTAGON UPRIGHTS Fig. 675» 7, 9 and 12 feet per foot $, 14 and 16 feet 18 and 20 feet 24. 30 and 35 feet. Spliced 921 GEO-BCAIiPEffTER ^ Co. UNIVERSAL OR KNUCKLE JOINT WITH SQUARE KNUCKLES No. 1. Ko. 2. Figr. 371 Fits % in. round iron. Fits % in. round iron. Fig. 443 WOOD HOOKS Gross in Package Fig. 443 BRICK HOOKS Square •with Flat Points Xo. Round with Flat Points No. 2V2 21 1 31 3 22 1 32 4 23 1 33 5 24 1 34 6 25 1 35 MACHINE THREAD Carried in Stock on Spools Only Price per doz. 600 Yards | 6000 Yards 7200 Yards No. i;n- b.'ch'd Black ^. i Black or ,;-"" or Col'rs i^Jcli'd col'rs t-n- blch'd Black or Col'rs 1'^ to 20.3 Cord 30.3 Cord 36.3 Cord ? . . . ? . . . $ . . . .$ . . . 1 . . . $ . . . • ' ' 1 1 3 2 to 20.4 Cord 30.4 Cord 36.4 Cord 1 12 to 20.6 Cord 30.6 Cord 36.6 Cord i '. .. ■ ^ "1 ■■ ....' :.:: ::::i:::: Xeedle Points ITand Made inches Galv'd. No. E3ack Xo. Black No. lU ! 1 ; 01 1 11 U^ 1 2 ■ 02 1 12 2 3 03 ■ 13 AWNING BRAID Worsted and Cotton We carry only the best braid. We -svill take back any braid found defective, but cannot be responsible for anything further. Scarlet White Blue Green Brown Khaki Tan All Cotton Braid % Gross Hanks or 3 Gross Spools. COTTON BULLION FRINGE For Awnings WeJiave in stock 2i^, 3, 4 and 5 inch Cotton Bullion Fringe. Colors: Unbleached Tan Bleached Khaki Red Brown Blue Green Can also furnish Tassels to match. WESTERN ELECTRIC MOTORS For Sewing 3Iachine.s. Direct Current Type D. S. D. Alternating Current Single Phase Type D. S. S. Also larger motors for all purposes. Prices on application. rig. 641 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER S QO. COLUMBIA GALVANIZED IRON AWNING ROLLERS V \ \ Fig. 377A Are constructed for heavy work. They are exceedingly well made and contain an unusally power- ful spring and heavy mechanism. The Columbia method of attaching awning to roller is simple and sure, and gives absolute satisfaction. A wire runs the entire length of the barrel and is soldered to the roller in several places. To the unattached portions of this wire the awning can be quickly sewed. This fastening is secure against hard usage. An awning attached in this manner is more neatly finished than in any other way. PRICE LIST 1 % in. diameter, 4 ft. long and under each $. . . . 1 % in. diameter, over 4 ft. — up to and including .5 ft " .... 1 % in. diameter, over .5 ft. — up to and including 6 ft " .... 2 in. diameter, 6 ft. and under " .... 2 in. diameter, over 6 ft. — up to and including 10 ft *. per ft. *. . . 3 in. diameter, 6 ft. long and under each .... 3 in. diameter, over 6 ft. to 1 ft per ft 3 in. diameter, over 10 ft. to 20 ft. inclusive " .... 4 in. diameter, over 6 ft. to 10 ft " .... 4 in. diameter, over 10 ft. to 20 ft. inclusive " .... 4 in. diameter, over 20 ft. to 25 ft. inclusive " .... Brackets extra as follows: 2 in. $0.20 per pair; 3 in. $0..50 per pair; 4 in. .SO. 70 per pair ANTON'S LATERAL ARMS Detiigrned for Oiiea Trunsoni Bar Construction ft. A. 9 ft. A. 8 ft. A. 7 ft. A. 6 ft. 6 in. A. 6 ft. A. 5 ft. 6 in. A. 5 ft. A. 4 ft. 6 in. A. 4 ft. A. 3 ft. 6 in. A. PRICE LIST -L. Arms $9.75 -L. Arms 9.25 -L. Arms 8.25 -L. Arms 7.50 L. Arms 7.20 -L. Arms 7.00 -L. Arms 6.25 -L. Arms 5.95 -L. Arms 5.65 -L. Arms 5.30 -L. Arms 5.00 SEND FOR SPECIAL BOOKLET OX AXTOX LATERAL ARMS This cut is an enlarged vie^v of the hanger brack- et of the Xo. 6 Anton's Lateral Arm. 927 GEO-BCAIiPErfTER S eo, CURTAINS AND PORCH ENCLOSURES Fig. J> SPRING ROLLER CURTAINS AND AWNINGS For Sleeping Porches The sleeiping- porch, while comparatively a new idea, has become almost a necessity. Open air sleep- ing has been recommended and adopted by many prominent medical authorities. The' slogan today is not so much how to cure disease but how to prevent it. Sleeping out-of-doors is beneficial to the strong and healthy as well as to the invalid. A sleeping porch properly equipped has curtains mounted on G. B. C. galvanized spring rollers set at the bottom of the opening and raised by means of ropes and pulleys, as shown above. The curtains can be raised part way up, giving proper seclusion, and at the same time' affording perfect ventilation. In time of storm, the curtains can be raised the entire way and the sides are equipped with fasteners which, when clasped, prevent the' rain from beating in at the ends of the porch. The modern sleeping porch has its rugs, furniture, etc., that cannot be removed to the inside of the room in a moment's notice'. Our sleeping porch arrangement, with the spring roller cur- tains on the inside, fastened at the bottom of the opening, operating upwards, or with the' awning on the outside, makes the sleeping porch the acme of perfection and comfort. SPRING ROLLER CURTAINS For Sun Porch Shades Fig. 10 These are mounted on Carpenter's spe'cially con- structed galvanized spring rollers. The' spring roller is attached at the top of opening and is raised and lowered in the same' manner as an ordinary window shade, as shown In Fig. 10. Fasteners are set at intervals down each side of curtain to hold the curtain in place in time of stormy weather. Prices on Application REGULAR ROLLER ROPE CURTAINS 1 — — O/Lfli A ! m «u i E i iP y i 1 1 J 1 ^ — 1 Fig. 11 Our regular rop^ curtains are not only a practical and serviceable means of enclosing porches for sleeping purposes, but sunshades as well. They can be raised by means of ropes and pulleys to any deteired height as shown in cut. They are simple to install. For pulleys and rope arrange- ment, see Fig. 11. Prices on application. Geo-B-CarpeH'ter « eo. 928 THE CARPENTER Smith Patent — Patented August 24, 1909. The Only Practical, Up-to-Date Roller Window AwTiing for Residences, Office Buildings, Factories, etc. "It ^vorks from the inside." Cut stio^YS position of ''Spring; Shade," when rolled up. The mid- dle sash makes it practically in- visible from the inside. Cut showing "Spring Shade'' extended. The "Spring Shade" is built on a simple yet unique principle. It consists merely of a one-piece canvas or stripe cover which rolls up from its center on a specially constructed spring roller. The roller is suspended from galvanized brackets at the center of the window. A pocket in the top of the upper canvas conceals a wood batten, to the center of which is attached the operating cord. The cord is led through a small jam pulley at the top of the window. When the cord is pulled the spring roller is released and permits the two parts of canvas to unroll from the roller, the upper part moving up flat against the upper sash, the lower part, which carries the hinged extension arms, falling downward and outward to any position desired, the jam pulley holding the cord whenever it is released. The adjustable feature of the "Spring Shade" is of the utmost value in any office building or factory where light is an essential consideration, as it can be opened part way in the morning, and as the position of the sun's rays change during the day, the position of the awning can be altered to meet the varying conditions. The "Spring Shade" will also make a strong appeal to everyone who has struggled with the heretofore impossible combination of window screens and awnings. By making a small groove in the screen frame, the operating cord can be let down between the screen and the window sash, and the awning operated easily and quickly without the necessity of raising the screens. It is a very simple matter to carry this still further and lead the operating cord through a small hole at the top of the window sash directly into the room, thus making the operation of the "Spring Shade" the perfection of ease and convenience as compared to the awkward, and often diffi- cult, operation of the old style awning. Not the least surprising feature of the "Spring Shade" is the amount of sun protection it affords. It may seem to the casual observer that an awning without side wings, like the "Spring Shade," cannot give as much protection as the old style awning with side wings. This is a wrong impression, however, as in actual shade area the "Spring Shade" exceeds the old style awning with wings. When fully extended the "Spring Shade" drops to a much lower point than is practical in the old style awn- ing, thus more than making up for the small amount of sunlight admitted during certain hours at the side. The sunlight admitted at the side consists only of oblique rays, lasting for only a short period each day. The sunlight that annoys is the direct glare coming straight through the window — against this direct glare, the Carpenter "Spring Shade" gives more protection than the old style awning. The "Spring Shade" is so extremely simple in construction that after the original installation it can be taken down and rehung by any janitor or house man. In taking down, all that is necessary is to allow the cloth to roll up on the roller — pull the operating cord out of the pulley — lift the roller from its brackets and the extension arms from their hinges, and the work is done without the necessity of a single tool. The few simple fixtures which are used in connection with the "Spring Shade" are fastened permanently to the window and there is never any necessity for marring the window frame with new screw or nail holes. We guarantee the spring roller and all metal parts for two years. There are no slide rods or slides to stick and jam. There are no braces to be released before awning can be operated, with the attendant nuisance of raising window and screen. There is noth- ing to rattle or jar loose. Send for descriptive booklet. For Prices See Next Page. 929 Geo-BCarpeM'ter « eo; CARPENTER ^jjring ^jjaDr PRICE LIST COMPLETE VIDTH For AVindow8 6 Feet High or 1.688 1 For Windows 7 Feet to 6 Feet High For Windows 8 Feet 1 to 7 Feet High j For Windows 9 Feet to 8 Feet High ■s il 02 ^ IPs » -P.H I m I. W A O 5 c c m QoWca A t i n t. A O Ia it u d » -ft y. A 1 u A O u 3 -0 ° -0 1 73 iPl %\ PoMca i -ft «■ mi A OJ B w u A 2' 6" or less $5.32 $5.62 $5.80 $5.40 $5.72 $5.90 $5.74 $6.12 $6.30 $5.88 $6.12 $6.30 3' 0" to 2' 6". . 5.82 6.24 6.48 6.10 6.24 6.46 6.40 6.64 6.80 6.28 6.64 6.90 3' 6" to 3' 0".. 6.10 6.58 6.84 6.44 6.58 6.82 6.74 7.22 7.50 6.80 7.22 7.46 4' 0" to 3' 6".. 6.40 6.74 7.02 6.76 7.14 7.28 7.10 7.62 7.80 7.18 7.62 7.90 4' 6" to 4' 0".. 6.78 7.18 7.28 7.24 7.78 8.00 7.58 8.22 8.40 7.66 8.20 8.50 5' 0" to 4' 6". . 7.12 7.78 8.12 7.62 7.90 8.40 8.24 8.94 9.20 8.32 8.94 9.28 5' 6" to 5' 0". . 7.52 8.06 8.42 8.18 8.46 8.60 8.76 9.52 9.90 8.84 9.52 9.88 6' 0" to 5' 6".. 8.16 8.70 8.84 8.78 9.10 9.00 9.18 9.90 10.30 9.70 9.90 10.30 7' 0" to 6' 0".. 9.52 10.00 10.42 10.40 11.00 11.40 11.40 12.94 13.40 8.80 13.14 13.40 8' 0" to 7' 0".. 10.46 11.10 11.58 11.40 11.30 11.50 12.38 14.24 14.80 13.36 14.24 14.70 9' 0" to 8' 0".. 12.18 12.88 13.42 13.00 13.40 13.76 14.26 16.44 16.90 16.28 17:50 18.10 10' 0" to 9' 0".. 14.60 15.40 16.00 16.00 17.00 17.60 17.42 19.56 20.36 18.64 21.26 21.92 11' 0" to 10' 0".. 16.74 17.52 18.48 17.26 17.50 18.20 18.96 21.36 22.00 20.28 22.94 23.30 12' 0" to 11' 0".. 18.64 19.64 20.36 18.84 18.64 20.24 20.22 22.86 23.70 21.70 24.86 25.40 For Windows 10 Feet to 9 Feet High •0 2 %Aua ■S,„-dO .2 -ftx" For Windows to 10 Feet 11 Feet High ft® if -OX t^S^ft For Windows 12 Feet to 11 Feet High n o3 (1) 2' 6" or less. . 3' 0" to 2' 6" 3' 6" to 3' 0" 4' 0" to 3' 6" 4' 6" to 4' 0" 5' 0" to 4' 6" 5' 6" to 5' 0" 6' 0" to 5' 6" 7' 0" to 6' 0" 8' 0" to 7' 0" 9' 0" to 8' 0" 10' 0" to 9' 0" 11' 0" to 10' 0" 12' 0" to 11' 0" $6.36 6.68 7.04 7.46 8.06 8.92 9.76 10.36 13.28 14.40 16.40 20.66 21.70 23.54 $6.62 7.04 7.48 7.94 8.64 9.56 10.96 11.20 14.16 15.40 17.52 21.46 22.94 24.86 $6.80 7.30 7.80 8.10 9.00 9.90 11.50 11.80 14.60 16.00 18.20 22.30 23.68 25.00 $6.58 7.02 7.38 8.10 8.52 9.34 10.18 11.30 14.20 15.34 21.50 23.14 24.00 25.20 $7.00 7.50 7.80 8.60 9.10 9.78 11.10 12.00 15.10 16.40 22.60 24.10 24.90 26.60 $7.20 7.80 8.10 8.90 9.50 10.40 11.70 12.60 15.70 17.00 22.14 24.90 25.80 27.40 $6.94 7.20 7.64 8.28 8.70 9.38 10.40 11.24 14.70 16.80 18.64 23.56 25.60 27.90 $6.98 7.60 8.20 8.84 9.40 10.00 11.10 12.08 15.86 18.10 20.00 24.20 26.20 28.90 $7.20 8.00 8.60 9.30 10.10 10.50 11.60 12.80 15.90 20.60 20.80 25.20 27.00 29.70 For any size lying between the above divisions take the list of the next higher size. GEO-BeARPEN*TER S SO. 930 A WORD REGARDING THE SIZES OF TENTS Attention is called to the fact that our list prices on Tents are based on the actual yardage of cloth in each Tent, which of course is the only fair way to figure list price. When this list was decided on by the manufacturers interested, the sizes were in some instances incorrectly stated, evidently through an oversight. The following sizes of Tents, either in width or length, will be found to be exactly as stated: ", 9y2. 14, 16, 30 and 3^ feet. The following sizes will differ from the list, for the reason that the goods will not cut profitably to the exact dimensions specified. Tents listed as 9 feet will measure dVz ft. Tents listed as 20 feet will measure 19% ft. 12 " " " 111/2 " " " 24 " " " 23 18 " " " 171/2 " HINTS ON COTTON DUCK n the manufacture of Tents, etc.. can be divided into three Cotton Duck, such as is used general divisions, based on quality. BEST. U. S. ARMY STANDARD DUCK 2Sy2 inches wide, made in the following weights, per lineal yard: 8 oz., 10 oz., 12 oz., and 15 oz. Used for all government purposes, and the cleanest, closest, strongest and most durable Duck possible to construct. GOOD. DOUBLE FILLING DUCK 29 inches wide, made in same weights as Army Duck, but not of such good cotton nor so finely woven. This Duck when made as ours is, is well suited for tents and covers where a first- class article at a moderate price is required. Excepting on government work we use more of this grade than any other. FAIR. SINGLE FILLING DUCK 29 inches wide, made in 7 oz., 8 oz., 10 oz., 12 oz., per lineal yard. These goods are made of coarser yarns and of poorer cotton than the above grades. They are low priced, and make fairly satisfactory tents and covers where great durability to withstand hard usage is not the first es- sential. Jhis is the grade on which many department stores quote such very attractive prices, claiming that they are "Standard Army Goods." A View in One of Our Machine Rooms Showing force at work on Tents, Awnings, etc. The Machines are of a special type made for our use and are run entirely by power; the operators are kept very busy, however, merely handling the cloth, as these machines have a speed of 2,500 stitches to the minute. 931 GEO-BeARPEM*TER ^ QO, SPECIAL WALL TENTS Fig. 515 KHAKI Khaki is the name generally applied to duck, drill and canvas dyed an olive drab or tan color. It is very popular for its sun-glare and heat resistance, and makes an ideal covering for camping purposes. It is specified by national governments for housing armies both in the field and permanent camps. For this service mineral dyed Khaki is used because it is vs^ater repellant. TAN-TEXTOL For an "All Summer Camp," where an absolutely vv^aterproof and mildewproof tent is desired, we unhesitatingly recommend our Tan-Textol. This is a special processed fabric of tan color which will stand up under all weather conditions and not deteriorate as rapidly as most materials which are subjected to rain, dew or moisture of any kind, or exposed to the sun's rays. WALL TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys and Keys Height Center Height Wall 8 oz. Drill 10 09. Army 10 oz. Army Size Khaki Khaki Tan-Textol i%x 7 6 21/2 $12.00 $13.65 $16.80 7x7 7 3 16.00 18.20 22.40 7x9 7 3 19.40 22.10 27.20 9x9 71/2 3 23.40 26.65 32.80 9 xll% 71/2 3 27.40 31.20 34.80 9 xl4 71/2 3 30.80 35.10 43.20 111/2x111/2 8 3y2 34.20 39.00 48.00 111/2x14 8 3% 38.20 43.55 53.60 II1/2XI6 8 8 1/2 43.60 49.75 61.20 II1/2XI8 8 31/^ 48.45 55.25 68.00 14 xl4 9 4 46.20 52.65 64.80 14 xl6 9 4 52.45 59.80 73.60 14 xl8 9 4 1 58.15 66.ao 81.60 14 x21 9 4 63.30 72.15 88.80 14 x23 9 4 68.40 78.00 96.00 16 xl6 5 65.00 74.10 91.20 16 xl8 5 71.25 81.25 100.00 16 x21 5 76.95 87.75 108.00 16 x23 5 83.25 94.90 116.80 16 x30 6 106.20 120.60 147.60 16 x35 5 118.60 134.70 164.85 18 xl8 5 79.80 91.00 112.00 18 x21 6 86.10 98.15 120.80 18 x23 5 92.95 105.95 130.40 18 x30 5 118.00 134.00 164.00 18 x35 5 131.60 149.45 182.90 Note. — The above prices do not include flies. Regular flies for any size Tent will be fur- nished without poles at one-half the price of the Tent quoted on application. If higher walls than list specifies are wanted, add 5% to list of each additional 6 inches of wall so added. GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER « eo. 932 WATERPROOF SILKELENE TENTS In our Waterproof Silkelene Tents we offer the result of years of experimenting with light weight, waterproof fabrics for use in tents for camping purposes. There has been a growing de- mand for such a covering, and we believe we have the best materfSl on the market to meet the conditions usually found on an outdoor trip. It combines strength and light weight and is as waterproof a material as can be manufactured. We recommend it as the most desirable tent made. These tents are all constructed and finished in the very best workmanship, all holes being hand worked, using galvanized steel rings in place of the brass grommets. The ridge is reinforced with a band, aiid rope is attached to this band by hand. All rope used throughout is of very best cotton. The stove-pipe holes are placed in rear wall unless ordered otherwise. All tents are made with sod cloths 9 inches wide and sewed to bottom of wall. If light weights are put on the sod cloths after tent is put up, they will prevent insects from crawling into the tent. We can furnish these tents with canvas floors. Windows, covered with bobbinet netting, can be placed in tents. One door in each tent. Additional doors can be furnished if desired. Protection against flies, mos- quitoes, etc., can be secured by using bobbinet netting which can be sewed across the entire front when ordered. We always send tents with rope ridge and pins. If poles are wanted, they should be specified. All tents are packed in waterproof bag. WALL TENTS ^//A/' II F. V Fig. 513 Height In Feet With Rope Ridge Each Weight Lbs. Extra for Bobbinet Netting Front Extra for Spliced Poles. Pins Size. Feet Center Wall 4y2X 7y2 6 X 7y2 7y2x 7y2 7y2x 9y2 9y2x 9y2 91/2Xliy2 10 xl2 12 xl4 6 6y2 7 7y2 7y2 7y2 8% 9 iy2 2 2 3 3 3 3y2 sy. $27.50 32.50 40.00 50.00 57.50 63.00 78.50 92.50 8 14 9% 10% 12% 15 17 y2 21 25 $ 4.00 5.25 7.25 7.50 9.50 9.50 12.00 12.50 $2.75 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.50 5.00 5.50 Window covered with Bobbinet Netting and Silkelene Flap additional, $3.50. Asbestos Stove Pipe Collar additional, $3.00. Extra doors additional, $2.50. 933 GEO-BCAIiPEl^TER « Co, WATERPROOF SILKELENE TENTS AMAZON Size Height Feet With Weight Rope Ridge lbs. Extra for Bobbinet Netting Front Extra for Spliced Poles feet Front Back Pina 4y2X 7% 7i^x 7% 9y2X 9% 10 xl2 5 5 7% 7% 1% IVz 3 3 $25.00 61/2 35.50 9y4 57.00 16 68.00 20 $ 8.00 8.00 15.00 18.00 ?3.25 3.50 5.00 5.75 PROTEAN TENT :/ Ht. Ft. « D u^ti p? £5 bo 1" a (B u 5 X 71/2 6 iy2 ?22.00 5% $3.50 f,//7y2x 71/0 ^'<^7V2X 91/2 7 2 35.0c 9% 5.25 7% 3 42. OC 12 5.50 ^i^9y2X 9% '*-9 1/2X111/2 71/^ 3 45.0c 13 7.50 3 57.00 17% 8.00 WEDGE OR A TENT ^ « ""c"" ^^ ■sS .cS A 2p« 2ls« wS Xot ^s ^a aezfe HCOCKCL, 3 X 71/2 4 $15.50 5 $2.00 $2.50 4i^x 7% 5 23.00 61^ 3.50 2.75 7%x 71/2 7 29.00 10 5.00 3.00 7%x 9V^ 7 35.00 11 y* 5.00 3.50 9%x 9% 8 41.00 131,^ 7.25 4.00 10%xl2 9 66.00 19 9.00 5.00 Windows covered with Bobbinet Netting and Silkelene Flaps, additional $3.50 Asbestos Stove Pipe Collar, additional. . . 3.00 Extra Doors, additional 2.50 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter « Go, 934 TENTS Regular Wall Tents Complete With Poles, Stakes, Guys, and Keys Copyright 1899 GcoBCarpenierSCo MACHINE SEWED ■prices do not include Flies. Flies for any size Tents will be furnished without poles at one- haii' ihe price of the Tent. If higher walls than list specifies are wanted, add 5 per cent to list for each additional 6 inches of wall so added. 10 oz. Duck 12 oz. Duck Size Height Center Height Wall 8 oz. Duclc Single Filling 10 oz. Duck Single Filling Double and Twisted Filling, or 8 oz. Army Double and Twisted Filling. 10 oz. Army 12 oz. Army Duck or No. 10 15 oz. Army Duck or No. 8 7 X 7 61/2 3 $10.65 $12.75 $13.45 $16.00 $18.20 $22.40 7 X 9—4. . ■ 6V2 3 12.95 15.50 16.35 19.40 22.10 27.20 9 — 4x 9 — 4 . . . 7 3 15.60 18.65 19.70 23.40 26.65 32.80 9 — 4x11—8. . . 7 3 18.25 21.85 23.05 27.40 31.20 38.40 9 — 4x14 7 3 20.55 24.60 25.95 30.80 35.10 43.20 11 — 8x11—8. . . 8 3% 22.80 27.30 28.80 34.20 39.00 48.00 11—8x14 . 8 3% 25.50 30.50 32.20 38.20 43.55 53.60 11 — 8x16—4. . . 8 3% 28.35 33.90 36.75 43.60 49.75 61.20 11—8x18—8. . . 8 3% 31.20 37.35 40.80 48.45 55.25 68.00 14 xl4 9 4 30.80 36.85 38.90 46.20 52.65 64.80 14 xl6 — 4.. 9 4 34.20 40.95 44.20 52.45 59.80 73.60 14 xl8— 8.. 9 4 37.65 45.05 49.00 58.15 66.30 81.60 14 x21 . 9 4 41.05 49.15 53.30 63.30 72.15 88.80 14 x23— 4.. 9 4 44.10 52.80 57.60 68.40 78.00 96.00 16—4x16—4. . . 10% 5 42.20 50.50 54.75 65.00 74.10 91.20 16 — 4x18 — 8. . . 10% 5 46.40 55.55 60.00 71.25 81.25 100.00 16—4x21 . 10% 5 50.00 59.85 64.80 76.95 87.75 108.00 16—4x23—4. . . 10% 5 54.35 65.05 70.10 83.25 94.90 116.80 16 — 4x30 — 4. . . 10% 5 72.00 85.50 90.00 106.20 120.60 147.60 16—4x35 . 10% 5 80.40 95.50 100.50 118.60 134.70 164.85 18—8x18—8. . . 11 5 52.10 62.35 67.20 79.80 91.00 112.00 18—8x21 . 11 5 56.25 67.35 72.50 86.10 98.15 120.80 18—8x23—4. . . 11 5 61.20 73.25 78.25 92.95 105.95 130.40 18—8x30—4. . . 11 5 80.00 95.00 100.00 118.00 134.00 164.00 18—8x3 5 . 11 5 89.20 105.95 111.55 131.60 149.45 182.90 We recommend and always Insert an Asbestos Stone Pipe Ring — which is noiseless, and can be rolled up without injury — in the rear end wall. Extra for same $3.00. All Tents are made with one door as illustrated. For an extra door, extra, $1.50. Sod Cloths 9 inches wide are attached to bottom of wall of Tents to keep out insects, at 6 cents per lineal foot. If Rope Ridge is wanted — without poles — same will be furnished without an additional charge. SEE IXDEX POU BILKOLE.XE WALL TEXTS 935 GEO-BCAIiPErfTER ^ So. LARGE WALL TENTS ROPED Complete With Poles, Stakes and Guys Extra hand roped and finished. Complete with center and wall poles, iron banded stakes and two tackle blocks for stretching the ridge. These Tents are used mainly by contractors to house a large number of men, where a temporary shelter is necessary. Made in the best possible manner, strongly roped by hand on ridge, eaves, gables and across the roof. MACHINE SEWED Flies without poles will be furnished at one-half the prices for any given size Tent. If higher walls than list specifies are wanted, add 5 per cent to list for each foot or fractional part of a foot of wall so added. Prices are for Tents made in best manner, properly roped on ridges, gables, and every 9 feet of top. Additional roping will be charged for at 7 cents per foot of roping. Height of Pole Height of Wall 8 oz. Sin- gle Fill- ing Duck 10 oz. Sin- gle Fill- ing Duck 10 oz Double Filling 12 oz. Double Filling 12 oz. Army- IB oz. Army or No. 8 Duck -8x18—8 -8x21 -8x23 — 4 -8x28 -8x3 — 4 -8x35 x21 x23— 4 x28 x35 x42 x49 -4x28 -4x35 -4x42 -4x49 -4x56 -4x63 $ 91.80 99.00 106.20 120.60 127.80 142.20 108.00 116.40 132.00 156.00 180.00 204.00 151.20 178.80 206.40 234.00 261.60 289.20 $103.30 111.40 119.50 135.70 143.80 160.00 121.50 130.95 148.50 175.50 202.50 229.50 170.10 201.15 232.20 263.25 294.30 325.35 $108.65 117.15 125.70 142.75 151.25 168.30 127.80 137.75 156.20 184.60 213.00 241.40 178.95 211.60 244.25 276.90 309.60 342.25 $121.65 131.20 140.75 159.80 169.35 188.45 143.10 154.25 174.90 206.70 238.50 270.30 200.35 236.95 273.50 310.05 346.65 383.20 $133.15 143.55 154.00 174.90 185.35 206.20 156.60 168.80 191.40 226.20 261.00 295.80 219.25 259.30 299.30 339.30 379.35 419.35 $163.75 176.55 189.40 215.10 227.95 253.60 192.60 207.60 235.40 278.20 321.00 363.80 269.65 318.90 368.10 417.30 466.55 515.75 Roped on Ridge, Eaves, Gables and every third cloth or 7 feet on roof. If higher walls than above list specifies are wanted, add 5 % to list for each foot. Hand roping on flies, add 7c per lineal foot net. Additional hand roping on tent at 7c per lineal foot net. Sod Cloth 14 inches wide sewed around bottom wall, 3c per lineal foot net. GEO-B-CAIiPEM'TER 5E SO. 93(5 AMAZON TENTS Complete Avith Poles and Stakes ^ MACHINE SEWED Size Height of Pole Height of Wall S oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Double Filling 12 oz. Double Filling or 10 oz. Army Duck 7x 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $15.58 19.38 23.18 23.18 27.36 31.54 35.72 $18.66 23.21 27.76 27.76 32.76 37.76 42.77 $20.20 25.12 30.04 30.04 35.46 40.88 46.30 $23.58 7x 9 .... 29.32 7x12 9x 9 35.08 35.08 9x12 9x14 9x16 41.40 47.73 54.05 "A" OR WEDGE TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, etc., or A\ith "Rope Ridge" (as per cut) These Tents make a good addition to a boating or fishing outfit, and without poles (furnished with rope ridge, if desired, as in cut) can be packed in a very small space. They are also used by hunters, pros- pectors and others who wish to reduce the load carried to a minimum. size Height of Pole 8 oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Single Filling Duck 12 oz. Duck Double and Twisted Filling 5 X 7 7 X 7 7 X 9 9 X 9 91/^x12 12 xl2 12 xl4 ? 7 7 7 8 8 $ 6.66 8.82 10.80 12.24 14.22 17.28 20.16 $ 8.05 10.66 13.05 14.79 17.18 20.88 24.36 $10.26 ■ 13.60 16.65 18.87 21.92 26.64 31.08 MACHINE SEWED If 9-inch sod cloth is wanted, tent, add 2c per lineal foot net. around bottom of ; 937 GEO-BCAIiRESrTER « GO. MINERS' TENTS Complete with Pole, Stakes, etc. •pyrighl 1899 /^ 6foeC»rpem,aC« C Without Wall MACHINE SEWED With 2i^^ Foot WaU Size Height of Pole 8 oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Single Filling Duck 12 oz. Double and Twisted Filling Duck Size Height of Pole Height Wall 8 oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Single Filling Duck 12 oz. Double and Twisted Filling Duck 7x 7. . . 9x 9... 12x12. . . 7 7 8 $ 6.30 9.00 12.96 $ 7.61 10.88 15.66 $ 9.71 13.88 19.98 7x 7... 9x 9... 12x12. . . 8 9 2-6 2-6 3 $ 8.64 12.24 20.52 $10.44 14.79 24.80 $13.32 18.87 31.64 Any additional hand roping, add 7c per lineal foot net. If 9-inch sod cloth is wanted around bottom of tent, add 2c per lineal foot net. SIBLEY TENTS Complete with Pole, Stakes, etc. Without Wall MACHINE SEWED With 2^^ Foot Wall 12 oz. 1 12 oz. ' 8 oz. 10 oz. Double 8 oz. 10 oz. Double Size Height Single Filling Single Filling and Twisted Size Height Single Filling Single Filling and Twisted Duck Duck Filling Duck Duck Duck Filling Duck 10 feet 8 $ 9.12 $10.92 $13.80 10 feet 8 $12.54 $15.02 $18.98 12 feet. . . . 9 12.54 15.02 18.98 12 feet 9 15.20 18.20 23.00 14 feet 10 16.72 20.02 25.30 14 feet 10 18.62 22.30 28.18 16 feet 11 20.14 24.12 30.48 16 feet 11 24.70 29.58 37.38 20 feet 13 36.86 44.14 55.78 Geo -B- Carp E N'T ER ^ Qo. 938 CAMPING TENTS With Portable Walls and Partitions. Complete AVith Poles, Stakes, Guys and Two Partitions. MACHINE SEWED For "Camping" this style of Tent will be found very desirable. By raising the end walls, awnings can be formed providing a space which can be used for cooking. Side walls are de- tachable at corners, so they can be rolled up and tied to the eaves. Two partitions are furnished, which can be qTIickly changed to lessen or increase the size of rooms. If tents with higher walls than listed are required, add 5 per cent to list for each foot or fractional part of a foot of wall so added. Flies will be furnished without poles at two-thirds the price of tent. If any hand roping is wanted, add 7c per lineal foot net. If 9-inch sod cloth is wanted around bottom of tent, there will be an additional charge of 3c per lineal, foot net. If walls are wanted of one grade lighter duck than top, deduct 3%. Partitions are made of 8-oz. duck, 6c per square foot, and subject to same discount as tents. Slse - 1 6 H £ 1 to c 1 >> < i 12 Xl4 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $47.93 53.25 58.58 63.90 69.23 78.28 83.60 61.24 67.10 72.95 78.81 89.99 95.85 74.55 80.90 87.06 100.11 106.50 $55.35 61.50 67.65 73.80 79.95 90.41 96.56 70.73 77.49 84.26 91.02 103.94 110.70 86.10 93.40 100.55 115.62 123.00 $62.10 12 xl6% 69 00 12 xlSYz 75.90 12 x21 82.80 12 x24 89.70 12 x28 . . . 101.43 12 x30 108.33 14 XI614 79 35 14 XI814 86.94 14 x21 V2 94.53 14 x23% 102.12 14 x28 116.61 14 x30 124.20 161^x181/^ 96.60 16%x21 V2 - . 104.88 161/2x23% 112.82 161^x28 129.72 16^x30 138.00 GEOB-eAR.PEK'TER S SOc FAMILY COMPARTMENT TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys, Partitions, etc. Uwf. BoomTxT. BoomTxT. Hall and .Dlningr Room 7x14. Boom7z7. Door. RoomTxT. Compartment Tent*- . : Size Height of Pole Height of Wall 10 oz. S. F. 8oz. D. F. 10 oz D. F. or 8 oz. Army 12 oz. D. F. 10 oz. Army 12 oz. Army 15 oz. Army 9x18 6 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $48.15 57.78 63.13 69.55 76.24 84.00 90.42 96.84 $44.10 52.92 57.82 63.70 69.83 76.93 82.81 88.69 $51.53 61.83 67.56 74.43 81.59 89.88 96.75 103.62 $58.95 70.74 77.29 85.15 93.33 102.84 110.70 118.55 $58.50 70.20 76.70 84.50 92.62 102.05 109.85 117.65 $65.70 78.84 86.14 94.90 104.03 114.61 123.37 132.13 $78.53 12x19 94.23 12x21 102.96 14x21 113.43 14x23 124.33 16x23 136.98 16x26 147.45 16x28 157.92 These tents are hand roped on the rim and reinforced on hips with webbing; double guy ropes on corner. For 9 inch sod cloth, around bottom of tent, add 2c per lineal foot net. If higher walls are wanted, add 10% to list for each foot. Partitions are made of 8-oz. duck at 6c per square foot, subject to same discount as tents. Flies will be furnished without poles at two-thirds the price of tent. For family camping tents the above will be found very useful. The middle section of the wall on either side can be extended like an awning as shown in cut, allowing a free circulation of air. GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So. 940 SQUARE HIP ROOF TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys, etc. These Tents are made in best manner, properly roped where strength is required. Add 10 per cent for each additional foot or fractional part of a foot of wall, if higher walls than are listed are required. We can furnish with regular door if desired. They are hand roped on rim and banded on hips up to 16x1 Large'r sizes are fully hand roped every three cloths or seven feet. If walls are wanted one gradd lighter duck than top, deduct 7 per cent. Flies will be furnished without poles at two-thirds the price of the tent. If 9 inch sod cloth is wanted around bottom of te'nt, add 2c per lineal foot net. ■'■it Height Height 8 oz. Single Filling 10 oz. Single Filling 10 oz. Double 12 oz. Double 12 oz. Army 15 oz Army of Pole of Wall Duck Duck Filling Filling Duck 7x 7 9-6 6 $20.88 $24.14 $25.77 $29.36 $32.63 $38.82 9x 9 10 6 28.32 32.75 34.96 39.83 44.25 52.66 12x12 11 6 38.40 44.40 47.40 54.00 60.00 71.40 12x14 11 6 42.72 49.40 52.73 60.08 66.75 79.43 14x14 12 6 48.00 55.50 59.25 67.50 75.00 89.25 16x16 13 6 72.60 81.68 86.21 96.20 105.27 122.51 18x18 14 6 87.60 98.55 104.03 116.07 127.02 147.83 20x20 14 6 98.40 110.70 116.85 130.38 142.68 166.05 24x24 15 6 127.80 143.78 151.76 169.34 185.31 215.66 30x30 15 6 177.00 199.13 210.19 234.53 256.65 298.69 40x40 20 6 279.00 313.88 331.31 369.68 404.55 470.81 OCTAGON GARDEN TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys, etc. T-U^: If higher walls than those listed are wanted, add 5 per cent for each foot or fractional part thereof. Flies will be furnished without poles at two-thirds price of tent. MACHINE SEWED a^ s >> fe =n ?. B Q M "«, < rt o °iS § 5 ^ ^ 00 1^ SE o 12 6 11-6 $3ft.72 $42.6ft $48.24 18 6 13 60.69 70.51 79.73 23 7 15 93.84 109.02 123.28 m 941 GEO•B•CAItPE^fTER « 60. PALMETTO LAWN TENTS Complete ivith Poles, Stakes, etc. MACHINE SEWED WITH AWNING EXTENSION size Height of Pole 8 oz. S. F. 10 oz. S. F. 10 oz. D. F. Champion Stripe Duplex Stripe Bed. Blue and Brown Army StriBe 7x 7 8 8 9 10 10 $11.76 13.44 16.38 18.48 21.00 $13.86 15.84 19.31 21.78 24.75 $14.91 17.04 20.77 23.43 26.63 $14.56 16.64 20.28 22.88 26.00 $15.12 17.28 21.06 23.76 27.00 $18.48 8x 8 21.12 9x 9 25.74 10x10 12x12 29.04 33.00 IVITHOUT AWNING E XTENSION Size Height of Pole s. f! 10 oz. S. F. 10 oz. D. F. Champion Stripe Duplex Stripe Red, Blue and Brown Army Stripe 5x5 6 7-6 8 8-6 $ 5.20 8.80 10.00 13.60 $ 6.18 10.45 11.88 16.15 $ 6.66 11.28 12.81 17.43 $ 6.50 11.00 12.50 17.00 $ 6.76 11.44 13.00 17.68 $ 8.32 7x7 14.08 8x8 16.00 9x9 21.76 BEACH TENT Complete with Poles, Guy Ropes and Pins Those desiring Tents for bathing and picnic parties, or outdoor games, will find the one illustrated peculiarly- adapted to their require- ments. It rolls up snugly, and the center pole being spliced makes it very con- venient to carry. The fea- ture of this Tent is the ease and quickness with which it can be put up and taken down. We make these of fancy colored striped duck. 10x10 feet, pole 9 feet 12x12 feet, pole 9 feet Price on AppIicatioQ GEOBCARPEffTER « eo, 942 OBLONG TENTS, SQUARE ENDS Complete ivith Poles, Stakes, Guys, etc. MACHINED SEWED These prices are for Tents made In the very best manner, thoroughly roped where strength is required. If higher walls than list specifies are wanted, add 10 per cent to list for each additional foot or fractional part of a foot of wall so added. If walls are wanted one grade lighter duck than top, deduct 3 per cent. Flys will be furnished without poles at 75 per cent the price of tent. Tents made of fast colors, tan, khaki or brown, add 30 per cent. s ^ I2 ■D CD ■3 L fiio 3 t. <'! I i^ §1 i6 Ml to ^a i^ E C 3 1 E ss ss v,< u,J5 tn w si ^s "•< i.-.A 7x12 9-6 6 % 33.78 % 38.65 % 43 07 $ 51.48 28x38 16 7 253.65 283.02 309.72 360.45 7x14 9-6 6 38.36 43.89 48.91 58.46 28x42 16 7 280.01 312.44 341.91 397.91 9x14 10 6 42.94 49.13 54.75 65.44 28x47 16 7 306.38 341.85 374.10 435.38 9x16 10 6 48.66 55.67 62.05 74.16 28x51 16 7 332.74 371.27 406.29 472.84 9x19 10 6 53.82 61.57 68.62 82.02 28x56 16 7 359.81 401.48 439.35 511.31 12x19 12 7 70.99 81.22 90.52 108.19 28x60 16 7 387.60 432.48 473.28 550.80 12x21 12 7 78.43 89.74 100.01 119.53 28x70 16 7 442.46 493.70 540.27 628.76 12x23 12 7 87.02 99.56 110.96 132.62 30x50 16 7 339.86 379.21 414.99 482.96 14x21 13 7 86.45 98.91 110.23 131.75 30x60 16 7 393.30 438.84 480.24 558.90 14x23 13 7 93.89 107.42 119.72 143.09 30x70 16 7 446.74 498.47 545.49 634.80 16x23 14 7 125.40 139.92 153.12 178.20 30x80 16 7 499.46 557.30 609.87 709.76 16x26 14 7 137.51 153.44 167.91 195.41 33x38 17 7 278.59 310.85 340.17 395.89 16x28 14 7 146.78 163.77 179.22 208.58 33x42 17 7 307.09 342^65 374.97 436.39 19x28 15 7 162.45 181.26 198.36 230.85 33x4 7 17 7 335.59 374.45 409.77 476.89 19x33 15 7 180.26 201.14 220.11 256.16 33x52 17 7 364.09 406.25 444.57 517.39 19x40 15 7 212.33 236.91 259.26 301.73 33x56 17 7 392.59 438.05 479.35 557.89 23x30 16 7 191.66 213. S6 234.03 272.36 33x60 17 7 421.09 469.85 514.17 598.39 23x33 16 7 203.78 227.37 248.82 289.58 S.'^xTO 17 7 478.09 533.45 583.77 679.39 23x38 16 7 228.00 254.40 278.40 324.00 33x80 17 7 535.09 597.05 653.37 760.39 2§^fl 16 7 249.38 281.43 307.98 358.43 37x47 18 7 361.24 403.07 441.09 513.34 23x47 15 7 276.45 308.72 337.56 392.85 37x.'')2 18 7 391.88 437.25 478.50 556.88 23x51 16 7 300.68 335.50 367.14 427.28 37x56 18 7 422.51 471.44 515.91 600.41 23x60 16 7 349.13 389.55 426.30 496.13 37x60 18 7 453.15 505.62 553.32 643.95 60 r 943 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER S So, REFRESHMENT TENTS Complete Avith Poles, Stakes, Guys and Keys These Tents are generally used for commercial purposes, for the sale of refreshments or fancy articles at fairs^ etc. Can also be used for the ex- hibition of goods. With walls detachable and lace corners so walls can be raised as awning extension. Tent has 14-inch border or sun curtain all around. Hand roped on rim or eaves and stripped with webbing on ga- bles. Double guy ropes on corners. If higher walls are wanted, add 10% to list for each foot. Any additional hand roping, add 7c per lineal foot net. MACHINE SEWED With One Side Wall Detachable Size Height of Pole Height of Wall S oz. S. F. 10 oz. S. F. 10 oz. D. F. Champion Stripe Duplex Stripe Army Stripe 9x14 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 $41.76 46.56 51.36 53.76 59.04 64.32 72.00 77.76 $48.29 53.84 59.39 62.16 68.27 74.37 83.25 89.91 $51.55 57.47 63.40 66.36 72.88 79.40 88.88 95.99 $58.73 65.48 72.23 75.60 83.03 90.45 101.25 109.35 $50.46 56.26 62.02 64.96 71.34 77.72 87.00 93.96 $52.20 58.20 64.20 67.20 73.80 80.40 90.00 97.20 $62.64 9x16 69.84 9x19 77.04 12x16 80.64 12x19 88.56 12x21 14x21 96.48 108.00 14x23 116.64 GOLF TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys, etc. Are made in best possible manner, of the better grades of white duck, or fancy stripe, prop- erly roped and strengthened. Samples of stripes on application. MACHINE SEWED "'^^^li'^^^-z- -." § S 1 OcoX h til N==S N=S N <^% :•£< '>ih< >J xn 7 X12 9 $1.3.63 $15.53 $16.56 7 xl4 ^ 16.00 18.23 19.44 9 xl4 If 20.15 22.95 24.48 9 xl6y2 10 23.11 26.33 28.08 9 xl9 10 26.66 30.38 32.40 12 xl9 34.96 39.83 42.48 12 x21 39.11 44.55 47.52 12 x23y2 43.25 49. 2S 52.56 14 x21 42.66 48. 6C 51.84 14 x23y2 16y2x23i/| 164x26 46.81 53.33 56.88 55.70 63.45 67.68 61.03 .69.53 74.16 16y2x28 66.36 75.6C 80.64 19 x28 76.43 87.0S 92.88 19 x33 88.88 101.25 108.00 GEO-BCARPErrTER S eo. 944 PHOTOGRAPHERS' TENTS Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys and Keys MACHINE SEWED The Photographer's Tents are used for the purpose the name implies. They are fitted with sin- gle or double skylight openings, extending close to the eave of the tents or down the wall, and fur- nished with flap for a covering when not in use. "We make dark rooms, when desired, of black duck, lined with either red or yellow material, making a perfectly light-proof compartment for developing, etc. If higher walls are wanted than list specifies, add 10% for each additional foot. Dark room size 6x6, $20.72. Dark rooms are made of 8-oz. blue or black duck, and lined with red or yellow drill. Dark rooms size 41^x414, $16.28. These rooms are fitted with poles. Door laps 29 inches. For side sky-light, add $2.00 net extra. Any hand roping on tents, add 7c per lineal foot. Sizes Height of Center Height of VV^all 8 oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Single Filling Duck 10 oz. Double Filling 12 oz. Double Filling 12x14 12x16 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $40.92 45.32 49.72 54.12 58.52 66.00 70.40 51.92 56.76 61.60 66.44 76.12 80.96 62.48 68.64 73.92 84.92 89.76 $47.90 53.05 58.20 63.35 68.50 77.25 82.40 60.77 66.44 72.10 77.76 89.10 94.76 73.13 80.34 86.52 99.40 105.06 $51.38 56.91 62.43 67.96 73.48 82.88 88.40 65.20 71.27 77.35 83.43 95.58 101.66 78.46 86.19 92.82 106.63 112.71 $59.06 65 41 12x18 12x21 12x24 71.76 78.11 84.46 12x28... 95.25 12x30 14x16 101.60 74.93 14x18 81.92 14x21 88.90 14x24 95.89 14x28 109.86 14x30 116.84 16x18. . .-. 90.17 16x21 99.06 16x24 106 68 16x28 122.56 16x30 129 54 yub GEO'BeAIiPEN*TER ^ CO, GRAVE TENTS Complete with Poles and Stakes Without Wall Single Filling 10 oz. Single Filling Double Filling Wall Half Way Around S oz. Single Filling Top 10 oz. Single Filling Wall 8 oz. Single Filling Top 12 oz. Double Filling Wall 8 oz Single Filling Single Filling Top 10 oz. Single Filling Wall 8 oz. Single Filling Top 12 oz. Double Filling Wall 8 oz. Single Filling 7 xl2 7 xl4 9 xl4 9 xl6% 9 xl9 12 xl9 12 X211/2 14 x2iy2 14 X23V2 16^x231/2 16%x26 16%x28 19 x28 19 'x33 510.90 12.70 15.85 18.25 20.50 24.80 27.60 31.95 35.45 40.50 44.15 48.25 54.30 63.00 $12.50 14.55 18.15 20.80 23.45 28.25 31.70 36.60 40.50 46.50 50.75 55.20 62.10 72.00 il5.60 18.80 22.55 25.75 29.20 35.20 39.30 45.35 50.35 57.60 62.95 68.55 77.20 89.45 $16.00 18.40 23.35 26.40 29.45 34.40 38.00 43.05 47.30 53.10 57.50 62.10 69.00 79.10 $17.60 20.25 25.70 29.00 32.40 38.00 42.80 47.70 52.50 58.90 63.85 69.10 76.80 88.15 $20.65 23.75 30.10 34.00 38.10 44.80 49.60 56.50 62.25 70.25 76.15 82.40 91.85 105.50 $21.05 24.10 27.20 34.75 38.40 44.15 48.40 54.30 59.10 65.60 70.70 76.10 83.70 95.20 $22.65 26.00 33.15 37.30 41.30 47.70 52.40 58.90 64.25 71.50 77.10 83.05 91.50 104.35 $25.70 29.45 37.60 42.35 47.05 54.50 60.00 67.70 74.10 82.75 89.35 96.40 106.55 121.75 If higher walls are wanted, add 6 per cent for each foot, or fractional part of wall so added. Size usually used is 12x19 feet. GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S Co. 946 LAWN CANOPY Size Spread Eight Feet. PRICE LIST. Heavy Drills each $ 9.00 Fancy Stripe each 11.00 Blue and White-Red and White-Orange and White. Prices include a heavy Ground Screw with a receptacle for the handle. TABLE EXTRA 36 inch diameter each $15.00 42 inch diameter each 16.00 48 inch diameter each 17.00 Fig. 5t2A GARAGE TENTS Complete \vith Poles and Stakes. r^N. Fig. 512B Top is 131/^ oz. Army Tan Textol. Walls and ends 10 oz. D. F. Duck. Sizes listed are most generally used. Any size to order. Prices and samples of material on application. Size, feet Height, Cen- ter, feet. Height, Wall. feet. Runabout . . Tonneau ... Touring Car 10x12 10x16 10x20 GEO-BGAiiPErfTER ^ So. THE LA POINTE ADJUSTABLE WINDOW TENT Fig. 519A The La Pointe Adjustable Window Tent is unique in its construction, being a departure from all previous attempts in the building of window tents, and open air sleeping rooms. It is intended to, and does permit the user to have the benefit of fresh air, at the same time keeping the body warm while sleeping in his or her bedroom. It can be used either in connection with a bed or a cot as desired. It consists of an adjustable window frame, the center part screened, and both sides, which adjust to fit window, covered with a special closely woven duck. It will fit any window varying from 2 feet 10 inches to 4 feet 9 inches wide. It is easily and quickly adjusted. Any desired size to order at special price. This illustration shows tent used in connection with a bed. inches square permitting occupant to see into the room. It has a transparent window 10 The opening is fitted with a tape which enables the user to fasten it snugly around the neck. The pillow can be put in tent or left on bed as desired. Dimensions of tent are 38 inches by 28 inches by 28 Inches in height. Fig. 519B This illustration shows exterior with awning. The awning can be attached before tent is placed in window and is easily and quickly adjusted or removed. The awning not only protects occupant from rain and snow, but acts as a wind-break as well. Fig. 519C This illustration shows exterior view, screen center, adjustable duck covered sides without awning. Tent when closed makes a package 34 inches by 30 inches by 2 inches thick. It is packed in a neat canvas bag. Price complete, khaki duck each $15.00 GEO-B-CAI^PEhfTER « Co. 948 THE LA POINTE PORTABLE HOUSE TENT Fig:. 517 The La Pointe Portable House Tent is in reality a handsome cottage complete with door, windows, floor and screens. The top is double and made of heavy serviceable canvas. The fly, or outer roof, extends 12 inches beyond the edge of the inner roof, with ample air space between the two roofs to insure per- fect ventilation and equable temperature. The outer roof has a handsome scalloped valance at the eaves. All sides of the tent have wire netting screens in addition to the canvas side curtains. The side curtains are fastened to the frame with Murphy fasteners on each side, and the canvas is so arranged that it can be pulled up as a curtain, or, if preferred, extended as an awning. This arrangement insures the most perfect ventilation either in summer or winter. The front awnings and side curtains are operated from within the Tent. The side curtains, if so desired, can also be arranged as awnings, as shown in cut, at a small additional cost. The frame of the La Pointe Tent is rigidly constructed of well-seasoned pine, carefully fitted and well braced. It is bolted together in a very simple manner and can be easily put up or taken down by anyone following the directions sent with each Tent. To further insure perfect fit of all parts of the frame, as well as the canvas covers, screens, etc., the Tent is completely erected and carefully inspected in our shop before being packed for shipment. The La Pointe Tent lias been very hi|?hly endorsed by Dr. J. "W. Pettit, of the Ottawa Tent Colony, and other leadiuj? Itliysieians. It was exhibited at the Household Show held in Chicago, and very favor- ably commented on by all who examined it. As a permanent home for campers or invalids, as a play-house for children, and for many other pur- poses, it is the most desirable Tent in the market. It carries our guarantee to be insect-proof, water- proof and weatherproof. Size of Tent Height of Center feet HeiRht of Wall feet Size of Fly Price Natural Finish Extra for Pain tod Woodwork Extra for .\wning Attach- ments on Side Curtains 9y2Xlli^ 10 fi liyaXlSVa $196.00 $20.50 $10.00 12 xl4 10 6 14 xl6 245.00 24.00 10.00 12 xl6 10 6 14 xl8 285.00 28.00 10.00 12 xl8 10 6 14 x20 324.00 32.00 10.00 12 x20 10 6 14 x22 352.50 36.00 10.00 14 xl6 10 6 16 xl8 343.00 39.50 10.00 14 xl8 10 6 16 x20 383.00 43.00 12.00 14 x20 10 6 16 x22 440.00 47.00 12.00 14 x24 10 6 16 x26 509.00 51.00 12.00 14 x28 10 fi 16 x30 606.00 55.00 12.00 14 x30 10 6 16 x32 627.00 59.00 12.00 Prices include frame, flooring, doors, screws, hardware, canvas covering, etc., complete, delivered P. O. B. cars, Chicago. An Extra Charge of i|U>.00 is Made for Crating: Each Tent for «ihipmentl 949 GEO•B^eAIiPE^fTER S CO THE CARPENTER PORTABLE COTTAGE TENT Fig. 1 Curtains Rolled TJp. Fiff 2 !*'*»• 3 Curtains Extended Outward as Awnings. Curtains Down and Securely Fastened. The Carpenter Portable Cottage Tent is constructed throughout of the best possible materials in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. The roof is double and is made of heavy serviceable Khaki Duck. The outer roof, or fly, is 6 inches from the inner roof, thus providing an ample air space to insure perfect ventilation. The fly extends 9 inches over front and rear and both sides of tent, and its outer edge is finished with a handsome scalloped valance bound in white braid. The sides also are made of heavy serviceable Khaki Duck from floor line to a point about 30 Inches above; the upper part is entirely enclosed with wire screens and screened door with canvas side curtains on the outside. These curtains are provided with rollers and can be operated from within the tent. They are also fitted with Murphy fasteners to permit of tight closing when desir- able. At a small additional cost the curtains can be arranged to extend outward as awnings. The framework is constructed of well seasoned hard pine, smoothly finished and neatly painted. All parts are carefully fitted, plainly marked and bolted together with thumb screws in a very simple manner. The entire tent can be erected or taken down without the use of any tools whatsoever. Before being packed for shipment each tent is rigidly inspected and completely erected. This Tent was designed to be used with a wooden floor. Our prices, however, do not include a wooden floor, as we advise the purchase of this wherever possible from your local mechanic in order to save freight. If desired we can furnish a floor of hard pine at an additional cost of $0.10 per sq. ft. Fig. 1 shows Tent with curtains rolled up. Fig. 2 shows Tent with curtains extended out- ward as awnings. Fig. 3 shows Tent with curtains down and securely fastened. Size feet Approximate Weig-ht Without Floor, lbs. Price Size feet Approximate Weight Without Floor, lbs. Price 7x 9 10x12 10x18 10x24 10x30 325 400 475 550 625 $ 95.00 130.00 180.00 220.00 250.00 12x12 12x18 12x24 12x30 475 550 625 700 $175.00 220.00 260.00 310.00 Packed ready for shipment F. O. B. Chicago. An extra charge of $5.00 is made for crating each Tent for shipment. Geo-B-Carpem'ter ^ eo, 950 CIRCUS CANVASES These tents are made 60 feet in diameter and larger, of drills and ducks especially manufactured for our trade, with one or more middle pieces to make any desired length. The tops are reinforced with strong extra bands along the ridge, quarter, intermediate sections and rim, and in addition are roped every five feet or tw^o cloths, and also along the ridge, quarter and rim. The tops are laced at each center pole, and each job is furnished complete with center, side and quarter poles, tackles, bail rings, stakes and all necessary guy ropes. For a moderate extra cost our tents can be waterproofed by our own special process, and we believe the extra expenditure is more than ofifset in the increased life and useful- ness of the tent. While these big tents are used principally for show purposes, they are also in de- mand for political gatherings, chautauquas, fairs and other outdoor conventions. We generally carry a few of the smaller stock sizes on hand, but in the main these tents are built to order, to suit the particular requirements of the purchaser. We shall be pleased to quote and give full specifications on any size tent desired, and our long experience in supplying some of the largest shows in the country is the best rec- ommendation we can offer. * 051 Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ So. OBLONG ROUND END TENTS PUSH POLE Same style Tent as illustrated on preceding pageu Hand roped on rim and banded every two cloths or 5 feet. 14 inch Border or Sun Curtain De- tachable Walls. Side Poles every five feet. Complete with Poles, Banded Stakes and Guy Ropes Size Height of Pole Height of Wall 250 Drill or 6 ^ oz. 8oz. Double Filling 10 oz. Double Filling 8oz. Army 10 oz. Army 12 oz. Army 12x21 11-6 13 13 13 15 15 15 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 $ 52.51 71.20 88.56 100.13 104.13 125.49 146.85 $ 60.18 81.60 101.49 , 114.75 i 119.34 143.82 168.30 $ 69.92 94.60 117.91 133.31 138.65 167.09 195.53 $ 68.44 92.80 115.42 130.50 135.72 163.56 191.40 $ 79.06 107.20 133.33 150.75 156.78 188.94 221.10 $ 88.50 18x24 120.00 18x31 149.25 18x36 168.75 23x30 175.50 23x37 23x44 211.50 247.50 Push Poles, Hand Roped on Rim and Every Three Cloths Over Top. 14 inch Border or Sun Curtain Side Poles Every 7 feet. Height Height 250 Drill 8 oz. 10 oz. 8 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. of Pole of Wall or 6% oz. Filling Filling Army Army Army 26x33 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 $152.69 183.69 214.70 245.70 212.94 245.70 277.88 $169.65 204.10 238.55 273.00 236.60 273.00 308.75 $191.18 230.01 268.83 307.65 266.63 307.65 347.94 $187.92 226.08 264.24 302.40 262.08 302.40 342.00 $211.41 254.34 297.27 340.20 294.84 340.20 384.75 $232.32 26x40 . . . . 279.46 26x47 326.63 26x54 373.80 30x44 323.96 30x51 373.80 30x58 422.75 30x65 16 310.64 345.15 388.96 382.32 430.11 472.59 30x72 16 342.81 380.90 429.25 421.92 474.66 521.54 35x49 17 253.89 282.10 317.91 312.48 351.54 386.26 35x56 17 289.56 321.75 362.59 356.40 400.95 440.55 35x63 17 325.25 361.40 407.27 400.32 450.36 494.84. 35x70 17 360.95 401.05 451.95 444.24 499.77 549.13 40x54 19 19 19 19 304.79 345.15 385.52 425.88 338.65 383.50 428.35 473.20 381.63 432.18 482.72 533.26 375.12 424.80 474.48 524.16 422.01 477.90 533.79 589.68 463.69 40x61 525.10 40x68 586.51 40x75 647.92 40x82 19 466.25 518.05 583.80 573.84 645.57 709.33 MERRY-GO-ROUND TOPS Without walls, poles or stakes. Tents used for swings or merry-go-rounds. Hand roped rim and every two or three cloths. Tents have 14 inch border or sun curtain. Made to lace up one side and fitted with guy ropes. For lacing on two sides add $5.00 extra. Diameter Raise 250 Drill or 6V2 oz. 8 oz. Double Filling 10 oz. Double Filling 8 oz. Army 10 oz. Army 12 oz. Army 2b-ft 9-ft. 9-ft. 10-ft. 12-ft. 13-ft. 14-ft. 15-ft. $ 62.67 80.11 103.55 134.07 188.03 206.55 227.81 $ 70.15 89.67 115.90 150.06 210.45 231.20 254.98 $ 79.64 101.80 131.58 170.36 238.91 262.46 289.47 $ 78.20 99.96 129.20 167.28 234.60 257.72 284.24 $ 88.55 113.19 146.30 189.42 265.65 291.83 321.86 $ 97.75 30-ft 124.95 35-ft 161.50 40-ft 209.10 48-ft 293.25 50-ft 322.15 52-ft 355.30 SIDE WALLS Height 6H oz. Drill 7 oz. Single Flllincr 8 OZ. Single Filling 10 oz. Single Filling 12 oz. Single Filling 6-ft. Per Running Foot 7-ft. Per Running Foot $0.31 .39 .44 .49 .54 .59% .65 .69% .75 $0.31 .39 .44 .49 .54 .59% .65 .69% .75 $0.37 .43 .48 1^ .54 .60 .65% .71 .741/4 .83 $0.44 .50 .57% .6414 .71 .78 .85 .91 .98% $0.51% .59 8-ft. Per Running Foot .67 9-ft. Per Running Foot .74^ 10-ft. Per Running Foot .82% 11-ft. Per Running Foot .90 12-ft. Per Running Foot .98 13-ft. Per Running Foot 1.06 1.14 The above list is based on walls roped oh top and bottom with pole holes and guys at every 3 or 4 cloths. Without poles. GEO•B•eAItPE^fTER S eo, 952 ROUND TENTS PUSH POLE Complete with Poles, Banded Stakes, etc. Hand roped on rim. Webbing and side pole every five feet or two cloths. 14 curtain. inch border or sun Diam. Height feet of Pole Height of Wall 250 Drill or 61/2 oz. 8 oz. Double Filling 10 oz. Double Filling 8 oz. Army 10 oz. Army 12 oz. Army 12 1 11-6 18 1 13 23 1 J5 6 6 7 $32.40 53.55 82.80 $36.72 60.69 93.84 $42.66 70.51 109.02 $41.76 69.02 106.72 $48.24 79.73 123.28 $54.00 89.25 138.00 Fully hand roped and side pole every seven feet or thre'e cloths. 14 inch border or sun curtain. Diam. feet Height Of Pole Height of Wall 250 Drill or 61^ oz. 8 oz. Double Filling 10 oz. Double Filling 8 oz. Army 10 oz. Army 12 oz. Army 26 16 30 16 35 17 40 19 44. 21 7 7 7 7 $120.51 149.18 182.52 224.05 262.67 $133.90 165.75 202.80 248.95 291.85 $150.90 186.79 228.54 280.55 328.90 $148.32 183.60 224.64 275.76 323.25 $166.86 206.55 252.72 310.23 363.70 $183.34 226.95 277.68 340.87 399.60 If tents are made to hoist with block and tackle, add 6 per cent to list. WITH BALE RING, BLOCK AND TACKLE Complete with Poles, Stakes, Guys, etc. Made in two sections which lace togethe'r. Fully hand roped on rim, and every three cloths are detachable. Diameter feet Center feet Height Wall 250 Drill or 6Vz oz. 8 oz. Double Filling 10 oz. Double Filling 8 oz. Army 10 oz. Army 52 60 TO 80 90 23 25 25 26 30 8 8 8 8 9 $414.96 547.96 678.97 822.60 1147.79 $455.52 601.52 745.33 • 903.01 1259.98 $507.00 669.50 829.56 1505.06 1402.38 $499.20 659.20 816.80 989.60 1380.80 $555.36 733.36 908.69 1100.93 1536.14 The 52 foot tent has stay bands between rim and pe'ak. Larger tents have quarter band and two stay bands and fitted with quarter poles. If walls are not wanted, deduct 30 per cent. If walls are wanted one grade lighter duck than top. deduct 3 pe"r cent. If higher walls are wanted, add 5 per cent to list for each additional 6 Inches. Tents made of fast color, tan, khaki brown, add 30 per cent. 953 Geo-BCar.pxN'ter « Co. IMPROVED CONCESSION TENTS With or Without Portable Frame These Tents are especially constructed for fairs, carnivals, amusements parks and for general outdoor use. They can be quickly put up or taken down and are easily packed for shipment. The prices include 7 foot side walls on all sides, made in four pieces with snaps and rings at top. Any one or all of the four walls can be taken off or put on with ease. The walls are fitted with grom- mets at all corners and with a light cord for lacing. The framework is smoothly finished and neatly painted. The eaves, front and back of tent are fitted with a scalloped bound curtain 14 inches in depth. This curtain can be furnished in any color. IMPROVED CONCESSION TENTS PAINTED PORTABLE FRAME Without Frame For Improved Concession Tent width Depth 10 oz. D. F. W^hite Duck or Standard Blue or Brown and White Stripe Fancy Red and White Stripe 8 02. Khaki Duck 10 oz. Khaki Duck Width Depth Frame Only \l 8 $32.15 1 $39.70 $37.50 $42.88 10 8 $21.60 10 10 37.00 45.60 43.10 49.30 10 10 23.20 12 10 40.80 50.30 47.60 54.40 12 10 24.00 14 10 44.15 54.40 51.50 58.90 14 10 24.80 12 12 43.70 53.85 50.95 58.25 12 12 24.80 14 12 47.30 58.30 55.20 63.05 14 12 26.40 15 12 49.90 61.60 58.25 66.55 15 12 28.80 16 12 52.55 64.80 61.35 70.10 16 12 30.40 18 12 58.10 71.60 67.75 77.45 18 12 32.00 Bally-Ho or Counter Curtain, 3 feet In height, made of fancy red and white or blue and white .stripe, together with bound scalloped curtain, fitted with rings at the top, 32c per lineal foot ad- ditional. GEO-B-eARPEhfTER « 60. 954 STABLE TENTS The Stable Tents are used by contractors and circusmen, and are complete portable barns. One double section, 12 feet is allowed for six horses facing each other from opposite sides of the tent, the mangers being placed down the center of the tent, between the two rows of horses. Can- vas mangers are furnished if desired, at an additional cost, or the common feed bag can be used for grain, the hay being placed on the ground. These Tents are easily set up, being provided with tackle for hauling the lines taut when the poles and canvas are up. An entrance is placed at right of each end, the covering of which forms an awning as shown in sketch. Fully hand roped on Ridge, Eaves, Gables, across Gable Ends and every three widths or seven feet on the top, also around the bottom of wall. Complete with Poles, Iron Banded Stakes, Guy Ropes and Two Tackles ^f%^Y. ^e^^^n I^'^blo Double of Pole of Wall Killing Filling 12 oz. Double Filling 8 oz. Army 10 oz. 12 oz. Army Army 15 oz. Army 17 oz. Army 28x21. 28x28, 28x35 28x42 28x49 28x56 28x63 28x70 28x77 28x84 30x21 30x28 30x35 30x42 30x49 3 0x56 30x63 30x70 30x77 30x84 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 $170.82 205.86 241.63 276.67 311.71 347.48 382.52 417.56 453.33 488.37 180.31 216.81 254.04 290.54 327.04 364.27 400.77 437.27 474.50 511.00 $190.13 229.13 268.94 307.93 346.94 386.75 425.75 464.75 504.56 543.56 200.69 241.31 282.75 323.38 364.00 405.44 446.06 486.69 528.13 568.75 $209.44 252.39 296.25 339.20 382.17 426.02 468.98 511.94 555.80 598.75 221.07 265.81 311.46 356.21 400.96 446.61 491.35 536.11 581.75 626.50 $187.20 225.60 264.80 303.20 341.60 380.80 419.20 457.60 496.80 535.20 197.60 237.60 278.40 318.40 358.40 399.20 439.20 479.20 520.00 560.00 $208.26 250.98 294.59 337.31 380.03 423.64 468.36 509.08 552.69 595.41 219.83 264.33 309.72 354.22 398.72 444.11 488.61 533.11 578.58 623.00 $226.98 273.54 321.07 367.63 414.19 461.72 508.28 554.84 602.37 648.93 239.59 288.09 337.56 386.06 434.56 484.03 532.53 581.03 630.50 679.00 $260.33 313.73 368.24 421.64 475.04 529.55 582.95 636.35 690.86 744.26 274.79 330.41 387.15 442.77 498.31 555.12 610.74 666.76 723.49 779.11 $283.72 341.93 401.34 459.54 517.74 577.15 635.35 693.55 752.96 811.16 299.50 360.11 421.95 482.57 543.20 605.04 665.68 726.28 788.13 848.75 Where walls are wanted one grade lighter than the top of tent, an allowance of 4% will be made. "When higher walls are wanted, add 5% for each additional six inches. If no walls are wanted, an allowance of 21 % will be made. Other hand roping than stated above, will be charged at 7c per lineal foot net. 955 GEOBCAIiPEhfTER « Go. UNITED STATES ARMY TENTS U.S. THOS. J. WHEEDBN, U. S. INSPECTOR. GEO B. CARPENTER & CO., 7VVKKERS *5^ CHICKCO. r of itamping government teou. U. S. ARMY SHELTER TENTS MACHINE MADE The Army Shelter, or "Pup" Tent, is one of the most popular styles now in use. It is a great favorite with the Boy Scouts and hikers, who like it because it is light and easily carried. The poles are jointed, which permits them being wrapped up with the pegs and rolled into a small package or roll to sling on the back. Made in two sections, each consisting of one side and half an end, buttoned at the corners. Five feet, 3 inches long, by 3 feet 6 inches wide, by 3 feet 9 inches center height, &V2 oz. white special yacht twill $7.00 8 oz. army khaki 9.00 Price includes poles, pins and guys. Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ eo. 956 U. S. ARMY WALL TENTS WITH PLY These Tents are furnished with a fly. They are the reg- ulation Camp Tents for ofl&cers. Complete, with poles, stakes, guys, etc. Dimen- sions are 9 feet long, 9 feet wide, 8 V2 feet high, with foot 9 inch wall. Tent, 12 oz. army duck, with 8 oz. army duck sod cloth. Fly 10 oz. army duck. White Army Duck... $60.00 Drab Army Dock. .. . 63.00 ^.c Prices include fly. If no fly is wanted, deduct 33% c.p,r,gh, r899 per cent from list. ^•^C^^fe^ U. S. ARMY COMMON TENTS These Tents are made in two different styles; with closed corners and open corners. They are the regulation Camp Tents for soldiers. Complete with poles, stakes, guys, etc. Dimensions are 8 feet 4 inches long, by 6 feet 11 Inches wide, by 6 feet 10 inches high, with 2 foot wall. Tent, 10 oz. army duck, with 8 oz. duck sod cloth. WITH CLOSED CORNERS ■o c II d ss ss .CO ■d-d oc c c d d rtd gffi KK White Army Duck... $33.00 $44.00 Drab Army Duck.... 36.00 47.00 WITH LACED CORNERS •a a ^^ if. ^A ^si B > ss S-o -d-o c c d d d d Sffi Kffi White Army Duck... $41.00 $50.00 Drab Army Duck.... 44.00 55.00 9-57 GEO-B-eARPEtfTER S So. U. S. ARMY HOSPITAL TENTS WITH FLY .-^^ These are the regulation Hospital Tents and are also used for regimental head- quarters. Complete with poles, stakes, and guys. Di- mensions are: 14 feet long, 14 feet wide, 11 feet high, with iVz foot wall. Tent, 12 oz, army duck with 8 oz. army duck sod cloth. Fly, 10 oz. army duck. Fig. 528A Machine Sewed Hand Finished Hand Stitched and Hand Finished White Army Duck $115.00 122.50 $145.00 Drab Army Duck 150.00 Note. — Prices include fly. If no fly is wanted, deduct 33^^ per cent from list. U. S. ARMY CONICAL WALL TENTS Are the latest style of Army Camp Tents, being an improvement on the Sib- ley. The advantages of these tents lie mainly in the fact that they will house a greater number of soldiers than any of the other styles. Complete with pole, tri- pod, stakes, guys, etc. Di- mensions of tent are: 16 feet 5 inches diameter; 10 feet high; 3 foot wall. Tent, 12 oz. army duck with 8 oz. army duck sod cloth. Fig. 52SB Machine Sewed Hand Finished Hand Stitched and Hand Finished White Army Duck $82.00 90.00 $106.00 Drab Army Duck *■■■ 112.00 We furnish for use in these Tents the regulation cone shaped stove and necessary pipe for $5.00 GEO-BCAIiPEirTER S eO. 958 WAGON COVERS These Covers are cut with the width running the long way with shed seams and have ^A inch draw ropes in each end. Canvas loops on sides. 250 Drill 10 oz. Single 12 oz. Single or 6 1,2 oz. Filling Filling Filling Filling 9^x12 $ 5.00 $ 5.67 $ 6.92 $ 8.17 $ 8.84 $12.54 $14.33 9%xl3 5.44 6.12 7.47 8.82 9.63 13.55 15.48 9%xl4 5.84 6.57 8.02 9.47 10.35 14.54 16.63 9%xl5 6.30 7.03 8.57 10.12 11.06 15.55 17.77 9%xl6 6.71 7.48 9.13 10.78 11.77 16.56 18.92 11 xl3 6.17 6.89 8.40 9.92 10.84 15.24 17.42 11 xl4 6.61 7.40 9.03 10.66 11.64 16.37 18.71 11 xl5 7.09 7.91 9.65 11.39 12.44 17.50 20.00 11 xl6 7.53 8.41 10.27 12.13 13.25 18.62 21.29 11 xl7 8.00 8.93 10.89 12.86 14.05 19.75 22.58 11 xl8 8.45 9.44 11.52 13.60 14.85 20.88 23.87 12 xl2 6.40 7.14 8.72 10.29 11.24 15.80 18.06 12 xl4 7.39 8.25 10.07 11.88 12.98 18.25 20.86 12 xl6 8.39 9.35 11.41 13.48 14.72 20.69 23.65 12 xl8 9.45 10.54 12.87 15.19 16.59 23.33 26.66 12 x20 10.44 11.65 14.21 16.78 18.33 25.77 29.46 12 x22 11.43 12.75 15.56 18.38 20.06 28.22 32.25 12 x24 12.50 13.94 17.02 20.09 21.94 30.85 35.26 Covers other sizes than listed will be figured on same basis per square foot. If covers are wanted fast color, tan khaki or brown, add 30% to the list, according to the weight. BLACK RAINPROOF GROUND BLANKETS MACHINE SEAY'ED WITH GROMMETS IN CORNERS 3x6 feet each 5x6 feet each $1.75 4.00 5x7 feet each $4.50 6x7 feet each 5.50 Sizes not named in list prices in proportion. 61 959 GEO-B-GAIiPEffTER ^ Go. PAULINS OR STACK COVERS Complete with Eyelets and Tie Ropes MACHINE SEWED 8 oz. 10 08. 12 08. Single Filling 12 oz. 8 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. Size Single Single Double size Single Single Single Double Filling Duck Filling Duck Filling Duck Filling Duck Filling Duck Filling Filling Duck 3-6x 3-6 $0.70 $ 0.85 $ 1.00 ? 1.10 11-8x18 $10.55 $12.90 $15.20 $16.60 4-8x 5 1.25 1.55 1.80 2.00 11-8x20 11.65 14.25 16.80 18.35 4-8x 7 1.70 2.10 2.45 2.70 11-8x22 12.75 15.60 18.40 20.10 4-8x 9 2.15 2.65 3.10 3.40 11-8x24 13.95 17.05 20.10 21.95 7x7 2.55 3.15 3.70 4.05 14 xl4 9.90 12.05 14.25 15.55 7x9 3.25 3.95 4.65 5.10 14 xl6 11.25 13.70 16.20 17.65 7 xlO 3.60 4.35 5.15 5.65 14 xl8 12.60 15.35 18.15 19.80 7 xl2 4.25 5.20 6.15 6.70 14 x20 13.95 17.05 20.10 21.95 7 xl4 4.95 6.05 7.10 7.75 14 x24 16.70 20.35 24.05 26.25 7 xl5 5.30 6.45 7.60 8.30 14 X30-4 21.45 26.15 30.90 33.70 7 xl6 5.65 6.85 8.10 8.85 16-4x16 13.10 16.00 18.90 20.60 7 xl7 5.95 7.30 8.60 9.40 16-4x18 14.70 17.95 21.20 23.15 7 xl8 6.30 7.70 9.10 9.90 16-4x20 16.35 19.95 23.55 25.70 9-4x12 5.70 6.95 8.20 8.95 16-4x24 19.50 23.80 28.05 30.65 9-4x13 6.15 7.50 8.85 9.65 16-4x28 22.80 27.80 32.85 35.84 9-4x14 6.60 8.05 9.50 10.35 16-4x30-4 24.85 30.30 35.80 39.05 9-4x15 7.05 8.60 10.15 11.05 18-10x20 18.60 22.70 26.80 29.25 9-4x16 7.50 9.15 10.80 11.80 18-10x24 22.25 27.15 32.05 34.95 9-4x18 8.40 10.25 12.10 13.20 19 x28 26.55 32.40 38.25 41.75 9-4x20 9.30 11.35 13.40 14.65 19 X30-4 28.90 35.30 41.65 45.50 10-6x13 6.90 8.40 9.95 10.85 19 x35 33.70 41.10 48.55 53.00 10-6x14 7.40 9.05 10.65 11.65 19 X39-8 37.75 46.10 54.40 59.40 10-6x15 7.90 9.65 11.40 12.45 21 x22 22.95 28.05 33.10 36.15 10-6x16 8.45 10.30 12.15 13.25 23-4x24 27.80 33.90 40.05 43.70 10-6x17 8.95 10.90 12.90 14.05 24 X30-4 36.40 44.40 52.45 57.25 10-6x18 9.45 11.55 13.60 14.85 24 x35 42.20 51.50 60.80 66.35 11-8x12 7.15 8.75 10.30 11.25 24 X39-8 47.60 58.10 68.60 74.90 11-8x14 8.25 10.10 11.90 13.00 24 x49 58.85 71.80 84.80 92.55 11-8x16 9.35 11.45 13.50 14.75 24 X60-8 72.80 88.85 104.90 114.50 24 x70 83.65 102.10 120.55 131.65 We Make Special Oiled or Watei*proof Covers Write for Price per Square Foot. HAY-COCK COVERS Hay-Cock Covers are especially valuable in case of sudden storms coming up while the hay is in the shock. No good farmer can afford to be without a supply of these covers. Made with Eyelets and Ropes in each corner, to which pegs can be attached, or the rope forced into the hay by a finishing thrust of the hay fork. Prices on application. GEO-B-eARPErTTER s Go. 960 SEPARATOR, HARVESTER AND BINDER COVERS "Pattern" covers are made so that they protect the machine completely when it is not in use, or when being moved from place to place. When the Separator is at work the cover fits between the wheels on the ground, making an excellent grain cloth. In ordering, give length and width of top of separator. Those who prefer "spread" covers may order from our list of Paulins. We make covers of every description, and will quote price for any special design wanted. OUR PERFECT FIT HARVESTER AND BINDER COVERS Will Fit Any Machine m ^ i\ We can furnish promptly any of the above covers in 8, 10 or 12 oz. single or double filling duck, or with 10 oz. double filling duck sides and ends and waterproof center. Pi'ices on application. STOCKMEN'S BED SHEETS Made from One Width Best White Duck Prices include Snaps, Rings or Eyelets, as may be ordered. Size 11 oz. 13 oz. 15 oz. IS oz. 20 oz. Size 11 oz. 13 oz. 15 oz. 18 oz. 1 20 oz. 6 xl2 $ 5.04 $ 6.40 1 7.60 $ 8.56 $ 9.84 7x14 $ 7.28 $ 8.68 $10.26 $11.66 $13.34 6 xl4 5.88 7.46 8.86 9.98 11.48 7x15 7.80 9.30 11.00 12.50 14.30 6 xl5 6.30 8.00 9.50 10.70 12.30 7x16 8.32 9.92 11.73 13.33 15.25 6 xl8 7.56 9.60 11.40 12.84 14.76 7x17 8.84 10.54 12.46 14.16 16.20 6-8x12 5.84 7.12 8.48 9.44 10.88 7x18 9.36 11.16 13.20 15.00 17.16 6-8x14 6.82 8.30 9.90 11.02 12.70 8x12 7.36 8.56 10.48 11.84 13.68 6-8x15 7.30 8.90 10.60 11.80 13.60 8x14 8.58 9.98 12.22 13.82 15.96 6-8x16 7.79 9.49 11.31 12.59 14.51 8x15 9.20 10.70 13.10 14.80 17:i0 6-8x17 8.28 10.08 12.02 13.38 15.42 8x16 9.81 11.41 13.97 15.79 18.24 6-8x18 8.76 10.68 12.72 14.16 16.32 8x17 10.42 12.12 14.84 16.78 19.38 7 xl2 6.24 7.44 8.80 10.00 11.44 8x18 11.04 12.84 15.72 17.76 20.52 961 GEO-BeARPEN"TER « SO. WATERPROOF COVERS Fig. 532 FINISHED WITH PATCHES AND ROPES We carry in stock the largest assortment in both Imported and Domestic Waterproof Flax and Ducks in the United States — embracing Belgian Plax, Parafflne, Aquepella, Textol Army, Yellow and Black, Oiled, etc. 7 X 9 7 xlO 7 xl2 7 xl4 8 xlO 91/2x12 91/2x14 9 1/2x16 xl4 feet $6.30 12x16 feet 7.00 12x18 feet 8.40 12x20 feet 9.80 14x16 feet 8.00 14x20 feet 11.40 16x18 feet 13.30 16x20 feet 15.20 16x22 feet 14.00 16x24 feet $19.20 feet 21.60 feet 24.00 feet 22.40 feet 28.00 feet 28.80 feet 32.00 feet 35.20 feet 38.40 Belgian Flax List No. 10 Brown Parafflne 12 oz. Army Brown Parafflne 10 oz. Army Brown Parafflne 8 oz. Army Brown Parafflne 1 2 oz. Army White Parafflne 10 oz. Army White Parafflne 8 oz. Army White Parafflne 10' oz. U. S. Army Tan Textol 1 2 oz. U. S. Army Tan Textol 10 oz. Yellow Oiled 10 oz. Brown Oiled ' , . . 10 oz. Black Oiled Write for Discoant less Geo-B-CarpeN'ter ^ (Eo. 965 COLUMBIA CANVAS LINED STREET BLANKETS CpLUMBi "GEO. B. CAR RENTER & CO MAKERS HORSE BLANKETS. STREET BLANKETS Finished witl» Harness Leather Breast and Tug Straps and Hame Leathers STREET BLANKETS BARN BLANKETS Finished ^vith Harness Leather Breast Strap and Two Surcingles Attached No. Size Covering Each ] No. Size Covering Each lA 76x88 12 oz. Brown Paraffine $4.80 13B 80x96 12 oz. Brown Canvas $4.80 2A 84x90 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 5.20 lie 76x88 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.00 3A 84x96 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 5.60 12C 80x90 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.25 IB 76x88 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 4.60 13C 80x96 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.50 2B 84x90 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 5.00 21A 80x88 oz. White Canvas 4.00 3B 84x96 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 5.40 22A 80x90 oz. White Canvas 4.50 IC 76x88 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 4.30 23A 80x96 1 1 oz. White Canvas 4.80 2C 84x90 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 4.80 21B 80x88 oz. White Canvas 3.85 3C 84x96 12 oz. Brown Paraffine 5.00 22B 80x90 oz. White Canvas 4.30 llA 76x88 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.20 23B 80x96 oz. White Canvas 4.60 12A 80x90 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.70 21C 80x88 oz. White Canvas 3.60 13A 80x96 12 oz. Brown Canvas 5.00 22C 80x90 oz. White Canvas 4.10 lie 76x88 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.10 23C 80x96 oz. White Canvas 4.25 12B 8 0x90 12 oz. Brown Canvas 4.50 BARN BLANKETS No. Size Covering- Each j No. Size Covering Each 51A 76x76 12 oz. Brown $4.00 61A 78x76 12 oz. Burlap $3.25 51B 76x76 12 oz. Brown 3.85 61B 78x76 12 oz. Burlap 3.10 51C 76x76 12 oz. Brown 3.70 61C 78x76 12 oz. Burlap 3.00 52A 78x76 11 oz. White 3.85 63A 78x76 10 oz. Burlap 3.15 52B 78x76 11 oz. White 3.70 63B 78x76 10 oz. Burlap .1 00 52C 78x76 11 oz. White 3.60 63C 78x76 10 oz. Burlap 2.S.> WAGOX APRONS Black Oiled No. 1. 4 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 6 inches, with pocket each $3.50 HAME COVERS Reaching About 9 inches in Front of the CoIl«r nuil Used with any Style of Harness Adapted to Draft Horses No. 1. 84x72 in., Black Oiled each $4.00 No. 1. 84x72 in., Brown Paraffine " 5.00 No. 1. 84x72 in.. Tan Textol " K.OO No. 2. 78x72 in., Black Oiled " 3.75 No. 2. 78x72 in.. Brown Paraffine " 4.75 No. 2. 78x72 in., Tan Textol " 4.75 In orderinar state if for Single or Teams. GROUND BLANKETS With Grommets in Corners. Black Oiled 3x6 feet each $1.75 5x6 feet " 2.75 5x7 feet S.a.'S 6x7 feet ' a.75 963 GEOBeAIiPEM*TER S eO. WAGON, TRUCK, AND BUGGY UMBRELLAS Prices on application Fig. 534A With New Seat Fixture and Socket Complete All XXX quality have heavy one-eighth inch Steel Ribs, Hook and Ring Notcher, best Hardwood one and one half inch handle, com- plete with our new type Malleable Fixture. *Denotes style carried in stock. Other styles or sizes furnished on short notice. THREE BOW WAGON TOPS FOR WAGONS, TRUCKS AND BUGGIES . Covers Size Frame inches Buggy or Wagon Cloth Colors: White, Blue, Buff, Green, Red, Orange. 36 38 40 Heavy Drill Colors: *White, *Blue, *Tan, Black, Red, Orange. 36 38 40 Double-Faced Duck Buff outside and Green inside 36 38 40 Fancy Stripe Duck Colors: *Blue and White, *yerio\v and White. 36 38 40 Fig. 534B With All Irons Ready to Attach to Seat First class in every respect; neat, attractive and substantial. PRICES ON REGULAR SIZES Covered with blue striped duck On application Covered with plain white, blue or brown duck On application Regular sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, and 46 inch. For larger sizes add $0.50 to list price. EW* Send measure of seat from out to out on ton. Geo-B-CarpeM'ter ^ eo, 064 FEED BAGS Raymond Fig. O Fl£r> 3 RAYMOND 18 oz. duck top, heavy harness grain leather bottom, sides and straps per dozen $21.00 No. 18 oz. duck top, split leather bottom straps and 2 i/^ inch sides per dozen $16.00 No. 3 12 oz. duck top, russet split leather bottom and black strap per dozen $8.50 PIANO COVERS 8 oz. duck each $5.00 10 oz. duck " 5.60 No. 10. White, lined with Canton flannel " 12.00 No. 10. Brown, lined with Canton flannel " 14.00 10 oz. white, lined with Canton flannel " 10.50 10 oz. brown, lined with Canton flannel " 11.50 GAB CURTAINS FINISHED WITH GROMMETS ALL AROUXD— No. 6 AND No. 8 DUCK 5 feet 4 inches by 7 feet 6 inches each $ . . . . 5 feet 1 inch by 5 feet 11 inches " .... 3 feet 1 inch by 6 feet 10 inches " .... 6 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches " .... COAL BAGS For Delivering Coal Made of No. 4 duck, sewed and riveted with copper- ized rivets. per hundred. $150.00 Same, mildew proofed, to prevent rusting. Per hundred 175.00 SAILOR BAGS Navy Pattern, with Drawstring HOUSINGS This is the Sailor's Trunk. It will be found to be the ideal way to carry clothing to camp. White duck each $0.75 Waterproof " 1.75 Made of heavy cotton duck, finished with rawhide hame leathers all hand sewed. No. 1. 50x19 inches. Per pair $6.00 965 (JEO•B•eATlPE^fTER S CO. SAILMAKING AN ABT Sailmaking is very much more of an art than is ordinarily supposed, and perfection in it can only be attained by long and careful study of the various uses to which sails of different kinds are put, and also of the many fabrics and methods of cutting employed in their construction. It is a well-known fact that Duck or Sail-Cloth has threads running across it called the "filhng," and others running lengthwise, over and under the filling, called the "warp," and that when strain is applied to the angle of the cloth it will stretch. The threads of the Duck which run directly across upon the square line from the selvage will stretch but little, and the difficulty which the sailmaker has to encounter is to calculate to what extent the cloths which are cut on an angle (or "gores," as they are called), will stretch when strained by the force of the wind. This is especially difficult in the modern Crosscut Racing Sails. It is necessary to know exactly how the different materials will act under strain, and also the nature and direction of the forces to which each sail will be subjected. Unless calculations and allowances are correctly made, an uneven and pressing sail will result. An old racing skipper once said that in winning a race one-third of the credit belonged to the boat, one-third to the sails, and one-third to the man at the stick. Carpenter Sails guarantee your winning, provided you have the boat and the man. Sailmaking is the oldest department of our business and the one in which we take the greatest pride. Our foremen are all men of long practical experience both afloat and ashore, and we employ none but the most skilful yacht sailsmakers to be found in the country. Most of our materials are made especially for us and cannot be purchased elsewhere. They comprise the best the market affords, both domestic and foreign. The best of yesterday is not good enough to-day. This is our motto, which we adhere to in every sense of the word, and our large business and facilities enable us to guarantee our patrons fair prices and prompt shipments. An idea of the magnitude of this department of our business can be gained from the fact that we cut up, and sell annually, over two and one-half million yards of canvas. An experience of many years enables us to refer to thousands who know us and the class of work we turn out. No order is too large for our facilities. None too small to receive our best attention. Our Marine Department issues a special 500 page catalog of Motor Boat Hardware, Sails ana Rigging, and we send it to any address on receipt of 20 cents in stamps. OEOBeAIV>EFlTER « Ca Geo-B-CarpeH'ter s eo. 966 MEASURING Exercise the greatest care in taking measurements. If your boat or yacht is already sparred, send us the exact length of her masts, boom and gaffs, together with the following measurements: The distance from bowsprit end to mast. The distance from stem to mast. The distance from goose neck or saddle to throat halyard block. The distance fi-om saddle or goose neck to deck. The distance from throat to clew, called "diagonal." The length of each jib stay. Send designs, plan or blue print, if possible. FORE AND AFT SAILS A to B. Length of gaff Feet Inches A " C. Diagonal " " A " D. Length on mast " " D " C. " of boom.... " " B " C. " on leach .... " " JIB AND STAY SAILS A to B. Length on stay Feet Inches A " C. " on leach " " B " C. " of foot " " GAFF TOPSAILS For gaff topsails, it is necessary to know the distance from the gaff topsail halyard block to sheave hole at end of gaff, and from same to throat halyard block; also length of gaff from center of jaws to sheave hole. FOR SAILS State whether you wish a working topsail or a club topsail — if the latter, state length of club and yard. BALLOON JIBS AND SPINAKERS Distance from bowsprit end to mast. Distance from mast at deck to spinaker or balloon jib halyard block. ' Length of spinaker pole. SAIL COVERS For Jibs. — State length of sail when furled and the girth at three or four points. For Fore and Aft Sails. — State length of both boom and gaff, diameter of mast at goose neck, girth of furled sail (including spars) at mast, at gaff end and at boom end; also the exact distance from mast to each block on the gaff, and to topping-lift-band on boom, if any. A VIKW IN OUR MAIN SAIL LOFT 967 GEO-BCARPXrfTER ^ Go. FLAG POLES CARPENTER STEEL FLAG POLES f! Our Flag Poles are made of steel tubing in sections, which telescope and are fastened by cross bolts, making tight and rigid joints. The joints are furnished with iron collars to keep out the water and improve the appearance. They are weather and lightning proof, and are espe- cially suitable for suburban homes, schools, country clubs, yacht clubs, parks and buildings. Our standard poles are fitted with lignum-vitae trucks, gilt ball, manila rope halyards and cleat. We can also fur- nish them with a ball bearing revolving halyard top if de- sired, at an additional price. PRICES 40 feet, each $46.70 Made in 3 sections, 4 i^ inch tubing, tapering to 2 ^ inches. 50 feet, each $60.00 Made in 3 sections, 5 inch tubing, tapering to 3 inches 60 feet, each $93.50 Made in 4 sections, QYz inch tubing, tapering to 3 inches. 70 feet, each $120.00 Made in 4 sections, 6 % inch tubing, tapering to 3 inches. 75 feet, each $167.00 Made in 5 sections, 7 % inch tubing, tapering to 3 inches. Ornamental base shown in cut not included in the above prices. Price upon application. IMPROVED STEEL AMALGAM BELLS Adapted for Factories, Contractors, Schools, etc. Steel Flag Pole. ' 75 FT. Above GROUND 5 FT. BELOW • •• ^ ..i— . Fig. 652 Style Ko, Steel amalgam Bell, iron frame supporting yoke from which bell is hung. Arm for attach- ing bell rope. All bells handsomely gilded. Concrete. BASE" Diameter 1 Approximate inches 1 Weight, lbs. 15 1 40 $4.00 17 50 5.00 19 75 7.50 21 100 10.00 We are also prepared to furnish promptly any kind of a bell you may want. Send us your specifications for lowest prices. GEO-B-CAIiPEN'TER S CO. 9G8 FLAG POLES Complete with IMast Head Truck, Gilt Ball, Halyard, and Cleat Painted One Coat White Lead IN ONE LENGTH Length feet| f-^ Dia. Square Base inches Dia. Round Top " Est. Weight pounds Each Length feet| Dia. Square Base. . . .inches Dia. Round Top " Est. Weight pounds Each Length feet | 26 28 I 30 I 36 I 40 I 46 I 50 | 40 Dia. Square Base inches Dia. Round Top " Est. Weight pounds 21/2 216 Each $28.50 22.50|24.50|26.50 32.50 39.50(46.00 52.00 53.00 8 31^ 278 8 3% 298 31/4 320 8 31/4 384 8 31/4 480 8 31/4 520 10 31^ Length feet | 44 | 48 | 50 | 56 | 60 66 I 70 I 76 Dia. Square Base. Dia. Round Top . , Est. Weight . . . Each . inches pounds 10 10 31/2 3% 734 800 $59.50 69.50 10 31/2 832 I 932 73.00 83.00 10 31/2 12 3% 1440 109.00 12 3% 1584 127.00 12 3% 1680 150.00 12 3% 1824 165.00 SCHOONER MAST IN TWO PIECES As illustrated above. Length feet I 70 I 80 90 I iQQ I Dia. Square Dia. Round Top Each inches 31/4 $75.00 10 31/2 100.00 10 31/2 130.00 10 31/2 160.00 12 31/2 180.00 12 4 200.00 12 350.00 LIGNUM-VITAE MAST-HEAD TRUCKS Fig. 270B Flff. 270C Vlg. 270D One Brass Two Brass Size Two Holes Sheave and Sheaves inches each Two Holes each each 3 $0.20 $0.45 $0.65 31/2 .22 .50 .70 4 .25 .55 .80 41/^ .28 .60 .90 5 .33 .65 1.00 51/^ .38 .75 1.10 6 .45 .85 1.20 61/^ .75 1.25 1.60 7 1.00 1.50 2.00 8 1.50 2.00 2.50 9 2.50 3.00 3.50 10 3.50 4.00 4.50 A complete line of 3Iarine accessories is sIioa^ti in our IMarine Catalog. Send for a copy. FLAG POLE BALLS 5?g ill Copper with Bronze Spindles i4 2 21/2 3 $0.30 .40 .60 .... 4 5 .75 1.15 $2.25 2.50 $3.25 3.75 6 1.50 2.75 4.00 7 2.50 3.50 5.25 8 3.00 4.50 6.25 10 6.50 1 9.00 12 9.00 12.00 14 10.25 15.00 16 13.00 I 17.50 GILT BALU IRON SPINDLE TRUCK HALYARDS Fis. 270F 9G9 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « 60. FLAG POLES AND FIXTURES FLAG POLES Hardwood Mahogany Finish, Complete with Halyards and M. H. Truck For Residences, Stores, etc. Can be used with Holders shown below. Length, feet 8 10 12 14 Use Ineeda Holder, diameter, inches 1 i/i 1 1/^ 1% 2 Use Regular Holder, diameter, inches.... 1% 1 1/^ 1% 2 Per dozen $15.00 18.00 21.00 25.00 Each 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 16 2 2 30.00 2.50 FLAG STAFFS Walnut, 9 Feet Long, Finely Polished, with Brass Ferrule Plain each .$3.15 With brass spear " 4.00 With brass eagle, 7 1^ inch " 6.75 Either of above with brass screw joint, $2.50 extra. These Staffs are suitable for fine silk banners, silk company or regimental flags, etc. INEEDA GALVANIZED IRON FLAG "BRACKET It has fewer parts than any other Adjustable Bracket. It can be set to nearly four hundred different angles by one thumb screw. It leaves only one small casting on window sill when detached. Every Bracket has a cleat for flag halyards. For pole, 1^/4 inch diameter each $0.75 For pole, 1 1/^ inch diameter " 1,00 For pole, 1 % inch diameter. " 1.25 For pole, 2 inch diameter " 1.50 GALVANIZED IRON FLAG STAFF HOLDERS REGULAR Fig There are more of these Staff Holders in use than any other. They will serve very well where an adjustable holder is not wanted. PRICES For pole, V2 inch diameter each $0.10 For pole, % inch diameter " .12 For pole, % inch diameter " .15 For pole, 1 inch diameter " .35 For pole, 1 1/4 inch diameter " .45 For pole, 1 ^ inch diameter " .50 For pole, 2 inch diameter , " 1.00 GEO-B-CARPEffTER ^ CO. 970 All wool double warp FLAGS UNITED STATES FLAGS Best Bunting Made in the best manner, from the best goods Universal Uniform List adopted and in effect Nov. 6, 1913. Made of best Government Standard wool bunting, seams all double stitched; all sizes up to 8x16 feet, finished with canvas heading and grommets; 10x15 feet and larger with rope headings, 3 foot and 4 foot flags with 13 stars; all lar&er sizes with full complement, arranged according to the latest Government regulations, superior workmanship throughout. Size Inches Price each 15 s24 $0.80 20 x30 90 Size feet 2x3 2y2X 4 3x5 3x6 Price each . . .$1.36 .. . 1.80 ... 2.30 . . . 2.70 Size feet Price each 4x 7 $3.70 4x 8 4.16 5x 8 5.00 5x 9 5.60 5x10 6.10 6x12 8.60 7x14 11.10 Size feet Price each 8x15 $13.30 8x16 14.10 10x18 19.40 10x20 21.40 10x22 25.50 12x24 30.30 15x30 47.30 Size feet Price each 20x30 ... ....$ 61.20 20x36 , . . ... 72.70 20x40 . . . ... 80.60 30x50 . . . . . . 148.00 40x60 . . . . . . 250.00 50x75 .. . . . . 400.00 COMPANY BUNTING FLAGS Company Flag, 4 1/3x5 Va feet (new standard) ... $ 7.50 Company Flag, 6X6V2 feet (old standard) .... $11. oO bame, witn staff, spear, frmge, tassels and boot 18.00 Same, with Staff, spear, fringe, tassels and boot 22.00 SILK COMPANY FLAGS With either Silk Ribbons to tie on Pole or Slip Heading to slip over Pole U. S. National Regulation Flag, made of best quality flag silk, with gold-leaf stars, trimmed with 2- inch gold colored Silk bullion fringe, 7-inch Silk tassels and cord, imitation walnut or cherry pole with tube jomt and brass spearhead, patent leather belt, and enameled cloth cover V^'ll'ilHl ■ $33.00 ^ ^^^ feet 47 QQ TT o .KT .. , T, , . , ^"'^^ '^°^^^' $1-35 Extra L. S. National Regulation Flag made of best quality Flag Silk, gold-leaf stars, trimmed with 2-inch gold colored Silk bullion fringe, and Silk tassels and cord, ash pole, with screw joint, and fine 6-inch gilt eagle and enameled cloth cover. ^ xeVafeet 54^^ TT o 7vT„+,-^ IT, , X. ^, Double Screw Joint, 50 Cents Extra ^fo o V •■ ^^"°"al Regulation Flag, made of the best quality banner Silk, sewed by machine, gold-leaf ^tars trimmed with 2-inch gold colored Silk bullion fringe, 7-inch Silk tassels and cord, ash pole with fi/viv^f''''r ^°'''^ ^°^ ^""^ ^-'"''^^ S"*^ e^^^^' patent leather belt and enameled cloth cover. 41/3x5% feet ^x2 $ 1.40 l%x2% 1.70 2 x3 1.90 3 x4i^ 2.80 3%x5 3.50 4^x6 4.50 6 x7 5.75 71/4x91^ 10.50 This list for above or simi- lar designs. Special for extra designs. ^ ^ •< -» 12x18 inches Each ?1.60 18x24 inches. 20x30 inches. 24x36 inches. 28x42 inches. 32x48 inches. 40x60 inches. 1.75 2.25 3.00 3.50 4.00 6.50 973 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S So. Q M ^p ■n w "CODE FLAG" AND 'ANSWERING PENNANT. INTERNATI TERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNALS Made in best manner of U. S- standard bunting, roped and tog- gled, and with canvas heads, dis- tinctly lettered. Each set in can- vas bag, marked with name of ship or yacht. Feet Per Set $21.50 Size No. ^Oof21 Flags ••••1, X IVz OOO j 6 Pennants. %x 3 '21 Flags IVsX 2 6 Pennants. 1 x 4 21 Flags 2 X 3 6 Pennants. 11/^ X 6 21 Flags ... .3 X 4 6 Pennants. 2 x 8 21 Flags 4%x 6 6 Pennants. 3 xl2 21 Flags 6 X 8 6 Pennants. 4 1/2x16 Code Book net each, $3.00 Code Book is not subject to dis- count. For Code Signal Bags, see page 974. OO O A B C 24.50 33.00 47.50 79.50 141.00 I* GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ eo. 974 G. B. G. SIGNAL BAG FOR CODE SIGNALS Has a separate pocket for each Signal, and also for Code Book, Ensign and Burgee I I r- Wa;,. i ^ag for ll|5iC51^i\|M ""oO each $4.50 ' ' ■;^/C~^<'A fn " 5.25 t(Mj ij B ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: l ^ FOREIGN NATIONS' FLAGS STANDARD BUNTING — NATIONAL, FLAGS The Countries having a Common Man of "War Flag and Merchant Flag ^vhich are called National Flagf* Nation 2x3' 21/2x4' 3x5' 4x6' 41/2x7' 1 5x8' 6x10' 8x12' 0x15' 12x20' Belgium each Brazil " $1.00 3.60 3.60 3.60 1.80 2.20 1.80 3.60 1.00 3.60 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.20 3.60 1.00 1.00 2.40 1.00 2.20 1.80 2.20 3.60 3.60 1.80 2.20 3.60 2.20 1.80 2.20 2.20 $1.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 2.40 3.25 2.40 4.80 1.80 4.80 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.25 4.80 1.80 1.80 3.60 1.80 3.25 2.40 3.25 4.80 4.80 2.40 3.25 4.80 3.25 2.40 3.25 3.25 $2.75 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.35 4.20 3.35 6.00 2.75 6.00 2.30 4.00 4.00 4.20 6.00 2.75 2.75 4.80 2.75 4.20 3.35 4.20 6.00 6.00 3.35 4.20 6.00 4.20 3.35 4.20 4.20 $3.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 4.50 5.70 4.50 9.60 3.60 9.60 3.20 6.00 6.00 5.70 9.60 3.60 3.60 6.60 3.60 5.70 4.50 5.70 9.60 9.60 4.50 5.70 9.60 5.70 4.50 5.70 5.70 $ 4.60 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.50 6.60 5.50 12.00 4.60 12.00 4.00 7.20 7.20 6.60 12.00 4.60 4.60 7.75 4.00 6.60 5.50 6.60 12.00 12.00 5.50 6.60 12.00 6.60 5.50 6.60 6.60 $ 5.50 15.60 15.60 15.60 6.60 7.80 6.60 15.60 5.50 15.60 5.00 8.80 8.80 7.80 15.60 5.50 5.50 10.20 5.50 7.80 6.60 7.80 15.60 15.60 6.60 7.80 15.60 7.80 6.60 7.80 7.80 $ 7.50 21.60 21.60 21.60 9.00 10.25 9.00 21.60 7.50 21.60 7.00 11.00 11.00 10.25 21.60 7.50 7.50 14.40 7.50 10.25 9.00 10.25 21.60 21.60 9.00 10.25 21.60 10.25 9.00 10.25 10.25 $12.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 14.40 15.60 14.40 30.00 12.00 30.00 11.00 16.00 16.00 15.60 30.00 12.00 12.00 21.00 12.00 15. GO 14.40 15.60 30.00 30.00 14.40 15.60 30.00 15.60 14.40 15.60 15.60 $16.75 36.00 36.00 36.00 19.20 20.40 19.20 36.00 16.75 36.00 15.00 22.00 22.00 20.40 36.00 16.75 16.75 28.75 16.75 20.40 19.20 20.40 36.00 36.00 19.20 20.40 36.00 20.40 19.20 20.40 20.40 $27.50 54.00 54.00 Canada " Chili 54.00 30.00 31.25 Cuba " 30.00 54.00 Ecuador " 27.50 54.00 France . . " 25.50 Great Britain " Ireland " Liberia " Montenegro " 33.00 33.00 31.25 54.00 27.50 Morocco " Mosquito Indians " Netherlands " 27.50 40.00 27.50 New Zealand " Panama " Paraguay " 31.25 30.00 31.25 54.00 Portugal " Ratatonga " 54.00 30 00 Samoa " Scotland " Switzerland " 31.25 54.00 31.25 30.00 Turkey — Egypt " Uruguay " 31.25 31.25 In ordering, state that National Flags are wanted. For Merchants' Flags, see Index. PRINTED SILK UNITED STATES FLAGS Quantities less than half a dozen of any size will invariably be charged at piece prices. Not 3Iounted Alounted on Staffs with Gilt Tops Fringed with Yellow Cut Sillt Fringe Width - Length Per Piece Dozen Per Piece Dozen Not Mounted Per Piece Mounted On Staff.s with Gilt Tops per Piece $0.03 .08 .11 .12 .15 .27 .31 .57 1.14 1.94 3.75 6.40 $0.30 .80 1.10 1.20 1.60 2.70 3.10 5.70 11.40 19.40 40.00 70.00 $0.04 .09 .14 .16 .20 .31 .35 .63 1.24 2.10 4.00 6.80 .04 .11 $0.40 .90 1.40 1.60 2.00 3.10 3.50 6.25 12.40 21.00 42.50 74.00 .40 • 1.10 $'o'.22 .25 .28 .32 .50 .56 1.00 2.10 3.15 5.50 9.50 4x 6 " • • • $0.24 .28 7x10 " .... .32 .36 10x15 " .54 12x18 " .60 16x24 " 1.04 2.20 32x48 " 3.30 5.75 48x72 " 10.00 2x 3 " 4x 6 " mountec on pins For Printed Silk Flag^s, Forelgrn Nations, see page 97 975 GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER ^ So. FOREIGN NATIONS' FLAGS STANDARD BUNTING MERCHANT FLAGS Nation 2x3' 21/2x4' 3x5' ^ 4x6' 4 1/2x7' 5x8' 6x10' 8x12' 9x15' 12x20' Argentine Rep . each $1.00 $1.80 $2.75 $3.60 $ 4.60 $ 5.50 $ 7.50 $12.00 $16.75 $27.50 Austro-Hungary " 3.60 4.80 6.00 9.60 ' 12.00 15.60 21.60 30.00 36.00 54.00 Bolivia " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Bulgaria " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 China 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Colombia .... " 2.20 3.25 4.20 5.70 6.60 7.80 10.25 15.60 20.40 31.25 Costa Rica ... " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Denmark .... " 1.80 2.40 3.35 4.50 5.50 6.60 9.00 14.40 19.20 30.00 Germany " 1.00 1.50 2.30 3.20 4.00 5.00 7.00 11.00 15.00 25.50 Greece " 2.20 • 3.25 4.20 5.70 6.60 7.80 10.25 15.60 20.40 31.25 Great Britain . " 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 7.20 8.80 11.00 16.00 22.00 33.00 Guatemala ... " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Haiti " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Honduras .... " 1.80 2.40 3.35 4.50 5.50 6.60 9.00 14.40 19.20 30.00 Italy " 2.00 3.00 3.80 5.00 6.00 7.00 9.50 14.50 19.00 29.00 Japan " 2.20 3.25 4.20 5.70 6.60 7.80 10.25 15.60 20.40 31.25 Mexico " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Nicaragua .... " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Norway " 2.20 3.25 4.20 5.70 6.60 7.80 10.25 15.60 20.40 31.25 Peru " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Roumania .... " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Russia " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Salvador " 2.20 3.25 4.20 5.70 6.60 7.80 10.25 15.60 20.40 31.25 Santo Domingo " 1.80 2.40 3.35 4.50 5.50 6.60 9.00 14.40 19.20 30.00 Siam " 2.20 3.25 4.20 6.30 7.25 9.00 12.60 18.00 24.00 36.00 Spain " 1.00 1.80 2.75 3.60 4.60 5.50 7.50 12.00 16.75 27.50 Sweden " 1.80 2.40 3.35 4.50 5.50 6.60 9.00 14.40 19.20 30.00 Venezuela .... " 1.80 2.40 3.35 4.50 5.50 6.60 9.00 14.40 19.20 30.00 For National Flags, see index. PRINTED SILK FLAGS OF FOREIGN NATIONS Not Mounted Mounted on Staffs with Gilt Tops Fringed with Yellow Cut Silk Fringe inches Per Piece Dozen Per Piece Dozen Not Mounted Per Piece Mounted on Staffs with Gilt Tops, Per Piece ■ 2x 3 4x 6 ■ 8x12 12x18 24x36 2x 3 4x 6 $0.04 .09 .24 .47 1.70 mounted moirnted $0.40 .90 2.40 4.70 17.00 on pins on pins $0.05 .10 .28 .52 1.80 .05 .12 $0.50 1.00 2.80 5.20 18.00 .50 1.20 Vo'.23 .42 .72 2.65 '$b!25 .46 .76 2.75 Notice: We always send the flags unmounted if the order does not state that flags are wanted mounted. For Printed U. S. Silk Flags, see index. GEO-B-CAIiPENfTER « QO, 976 U. S. COTTON FLAGS SEWED STARS AND STRIPES Stars Sewed on Both Sides with Canvas Headings and Gronimet Sewed throughout in the same superior man- ner as our all wool bunting flags. The colors are bright and when displayed resemble silk flags very closely. Each Size 2x3 feet. 13 stars $ 0.60 Size 2%x 4 feet, 13 stars 80 Size 3x5 feet, 48 stars 1.30 Size 4x6 feet, 48 stars 1.60 Size 4x7 feet, 48 stars 1.70 Size 4x8 feet, 48 stars 1.90 Size 5 X 8 feet, 4 8 stars 2.30 Size 5 xlO feet, 48 stars 2.70 Size 6x9 feet, 48 stars 2.90 Size 6 xlO feet, 48 stars 3.10 Size 6 xl2 feet, 48 stars 3.40 Size 8 xl2 feet, 48 stars 4.20 Size 8 xl5 feet, 48 stars 5.00 Size 9 xl4 feet, 48 stars 5.20 Size 9 xl8 feet, 48 stars 6.30 Size 10 xl5 feet, 48 stars 6.00 Size 10 xl6 feet, 48 stars 6.30 Size 10 xl8 feet, 48 stars 6.90 Size 10 x20 feet, 48 stars 7.50 Size 12 xl8 feet. 48 stars 8.50 Size 12 x20 feet, 48 stars 9.50 Size 12 x22 feet, 48 stars 10.50 Size 13 x24 feet, 48 stars 11.50 Size 13 x25 feet, 48 stars 12.00 Size 15 x25 feet, 48 stars 15.00 Size 20 x30 feet, 48 stars 24.00 Size 20 x36 feet, 48 stars 29.00 Size 4y3x5y2 feet, U. S. Regulation 1.7 Size 6 x6i/^ feet, U. S. Regulation 2.30 U. S. COTTON FLAGS LIBERTY BRAND — FAST COLOR All except li^x2 and 2x3 feet finished with canvas heads and grommets. Size feet Per doz. Each ll^X 2 $ 1.20 $0.10 2x3 2.30 .20 2^x 4 4.50 .40 3x5 6.60 .55 4x6 10.50 .90 4 X 7 13.00 1.10 5 X 8 17.60 1.50 5 xlO 19.80 1.60 6 xl2 27.00 2.25 9 xl5 44.00 3.75 U. S. PRLNTED MUSLIN FLAGS MOUNTED ON STICKS Full Number of Stars Best Quality, Fast and Bright Oil Colors Will Stand Rain No. Width Length inches Per Gross 1 2 X 3 $ 0.35 2 2y2X 4 .45 3 3y2X 6 .65 4 4i^x 71^ 1.00 5 6 X 9% 1.60 51/2 7 xioy2 2.00 6 8 xl4 3.20 7 11 xl8 5.40 71/2 12 x22 7.00 8A 14 x24 8.00 8 18 x27i^ 12.00 9 20 x36 . 18.00 10 27 x43 27.00 11 30 x50 36.00 11 y2 36 x56 45.00 12 40 x66 66.00 i2y2 40 x72 72.00 FLAGS OF FOREIGN NATIONS PRINTED MUSLIN MOUNTED ON STICKS Best Quality — Fast and Bright Oil Colors IN SETS OF 12 DIFFERENT NATIONS Length 10 inches per set $0.30 Length 18 inches " .60 Length 23 inches " 1.00 Length 36 inches " 1.90 IN SETS OF 24 DIFFERENT NATIONS Length 18 inches per set $1.20 Length 23 inches " 2.00 Length 36 inches " 3.80 IN SETS OP 42 DIFFERENT NATIONS Length 18 inches per set $2.10 Length 23 inches " 3.50 Length 36 inches " 6.65 977 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S Co. Fig. 315A. No. 1 GOLD MEDAL FOLDING CAMP BED Covered with an extra good quality of 12 ounce brown duck. Can be furnished in same quality white duck. It is easily and quickly opened and folded, and stands firmly on the floor or adjusts itself to uneven ground when necessary. It has a duck fold which is readily converted into a pillow. Opened: 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 4 inches wide. Folded: 39 inches long, 4 inches thick, 5 inches wide. Weight: 16 pounds. Per doz $40.00 Each $3.35 No. 1 1/^ same as No. 1 except it has 12 ounce double filled duck top and leather straps. Per doz $42.00 Each $3.50 \o. 50. Same construction as No. 1 with ex- ception of duck, which is 14 ounce, and bed 36 inches wide. Per doz .$60.00 Each $5.00 Xo. 9 MOSQUITO-BAR FRAME Per doz .^0.00 Each $0.75 No. 9N MOSQUITO NETTING Per doz $18.00 Each $1.50 Can be used on No. 1 and 5 beds. No. 2 Brovm Duck Covering GOLD MEDAL FOLIIIXG HOLSE COT Dimensions. Opened: 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches wide. Folded: 6 feet 6 inches long, i inches square. Weight, 12 pounds. ■r'cr doz f;2S.ao Each $2.35 Fig. 65 Hardwood Frame GOLD MEDAL DOUBLE-DECK COT Cot is 6 feet 6 inches long by 27 inches wide, covered with 12 ounce double filled brown duck with fold for pillow. ITpper cot is about 40 inches from floor. When folded are 6 feet 6 inches long by about 8 inches square. Weight, about 30 pounds. Per doz $56.00 Each $4.70 Fig. 315B THE IMPROVED YANTCEE COT The best canvas cot on the market. Will sup- port 1,000 lbs.; has brown duck top. 29 inches wide by 6 feet 6 inches long. Weight, 15 lbs. Folded, 32x4x6 inches. Per doz $42.00 Each $3.50 'GOLD MEDAL" SHORT COTS Each $3.34 Fig. 315D HOUSE COTS 27 No. 2 House Cot, made only 5 feet long, inches wide. Weight, 14 pounds. Each $2.33 C03IM0N CAMP COT ^ Fig. 315C Per doz $24.00 Each >v Has white =^duck cover- ing, it is 6 ft. 3 in. long, 2 ft. 4 inches wide; weight 171^ lbs. $3.00 UNITED STATES ARMY LITTER Adopted by the Medical Department of the United States Army. The wood work all air- dried white ash, the feet malleable iron, the braces forged steel, the duck 12 ounce double filled, brown or khaki; all the iron-work is tinned. Fig. 100 Litter per doz. Slings (pair) ... *' $84.00 36.00 Each Pair .$7.00 . . 3.00 GEO-B-eAIiPEM*TER S GO. org THE CARPENTER HAMMOCK AND STAND mmnmm^ illlllliWiMiMii This cut shows bottom construction of wire mattress, all steel tubing frame with patent joint, making a strong and rigid frame. Rust proof. Fig. 3:i:iA Hammock made of 12 oz. tan duck. Size of wire mattress, 2 8x7 2 inches. Mattress cotton felt covered with tan drill. Stand and Hammock, with 2 inch mattress each $14.25 Stand and Hammock, with 4 inch mattress Stand and Hammock, canopy, with 2 in. mattress . Stand and Hammock, canopy, with 4 in. mattress . Hammock only with 2 inch mattress Hammock only, with 4 inch mattress Stand only Stand with canopy 16.50 20.00 22.50 9.75 12.00 5.00 10.00 NAVY CANVAS HAMMOCKS Fis. ST2a Made of No. 6 heavy brown duck, finished by practical sail-makers. Size of body, 36x80 inches. Price ainted red or green. Slats finished natural colot No. 41. :}>/j ft. long; weight, each, 20 lbs per doz., $24. OG No.42. 4V4 " " " '-27" " 30. DC GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ (EO. 980 GOLD MEDAL FOLD- ING GAMP CHAIR Fig. This chair may be folded and carried as easy as an umbrella. Size, folded, 3 feet long by 3 inches square. Weig-ht, iVz lbs. Per doz . . . $20.00 Each $1.70 No. 4. Same style and con- struction as above, but 6 inches higher so as to afford a rest for the head. Guaranteed to support 400 pounds. Per doz . . . $25.00 Each .?2.10 GOLD MEDAL FOLDING CAMP STOOL Pig. 5 Has brown duck top, hardwood frame. Is braced a.s shown. Will support 500 pounds. Weight, 3 lbs. Per doz $fi.00 Each $0.50 METAL FOLDING STOOL Fig. 111.S The seat is 11 inches square, with corners cut. It is uphol- stered in imitation leather, black or maroon, tufted with hair. Seat is made of three ply V2 inch veneer and will not warp or break. Finished in japan. Folds very compact. A very handy comfortable stool, much in de- mand by automobiling and camp- ing parties. Size Seat, in. HeiKht, in. Price, each 11x11 11 $.... FOLDING PORCH CHAIR FOLDING EASY CHAIR Fig. 35 No. 35. This chair can be folded in two ways as illustrated. Manufactured from selected hardwood. Very heavy No. 4 drab duck seat and back. A comfortable chair. Per doz. . .$33.00 Each $2.75 R. R. CAMP STOOL Fig. 115 The strongest camp stool made. Carpet cover, extra heavy frame, stained dark. It is used on ob- servation and parlor cars. Makes an ideal stool for house. Weight, 61/4 lbs. Per doz $12.00 Each $1.00 CAMP STOOL Pig. 32 This stool when folded is 2 feet long and 2% inches square. Weight, 2 lbs. Strong enough to support 300 pounds or more. A comfortable seat for ladies as well as gentlemen. The seat is of heavy brown duck, reinforced and tacked at corners. Can be carried under the arm as one would carry an umbrella. Packed two dozen to a package measuring 10x17x27 inches, weighing 46 lbs. Price each $0.34 Has heavy white canvas cover and back. Is the favorite porch chair. Weight, each, 7\i> lbs. Per doz. . .$30.00 Each $3.0O GOLD MEDAL STOOL Fig. 26 This is a very attractive and comfortable chair; guaranteed strong enough to support 300 pounds; folds very compactly. It is made of hardwood, has turned legs, nicely finished with filler and varnish. It is thoroughly protected with cross rivets where liable to split. Seat of fine brus- sels carpet. Weight, 31/2 lbs. Per doz $9.00 Each $0.75 COaiMOX CAMP STOOL Made of the best hardwood, nicely finished in the white, and the back slat is fastened with rivets instead of nails. The seat is 10 oz. duck. No. 28. Without back. Price each $0.35 Packed for shipment in pack- age 13x20x25 inches, weight 39 lbs. 981 Geo-BCarpen'ter s eo, No. 7 GOLD MEDAL FOLDING GAMP TABLE This table is all made of hard wood, with top 2 feet 3 inches wide and 3 feet long-, and is finished with filler and var- nish. In use it is very strong and rigid, and is guaranteed to support 300 pounds. Size, folded, 3 feet long by 5x7 inches. Weight, 16 pounds. Per dozen $40.00 Each $3.35 Mo. 8. Folding Shelf, to use with table'. Per dozen $8.00 Each 75 Fig. 301 Fig. 311 PEERLESS FOLDING TABLES An ideal table for house, porch or camp. Will support 1,000 pounds. Is an attractive table in appearance and finish. Legs fold under table top. No. 301. Weathered oak finish. 30 inch diameter. Weight, 16 lbs. So. 311. Weathered oak fin- ish. 30x30 inches. Weight, 16 lbs. Per dozen .$54.00; each. .$4.50 Fig. 6 This chair is braced; will sup- port 500 pounds. Folds into small space. A comfortable chair for any use. Weight, 4i^ lbs. Per dozen $9.00 Each 75 Fig. 25 A very attractive and comfort- able chair, guaranteed strong enough to support 300 pounds, folds compactly. Made of hard- wood, thoroughly protected with cross rivets. Seat of fine brussels carpet. Weight, 4 lbs. Per dozen $10.80 Each 90 Fig. 10 This chair has a seat of good brussels carpet, frame is all made of hardwood, bircli or rock elm, nicely finished with filler and varnish. Weight, each, 5 lbs. Per dozen $13.80 Each 1.15 Fig. 200 One of the best folding wood chairs on the market. Handsome in appea.rance, strong and durable. Very desirable for those having little' space for storing. Weight, 914 lbs. Per dozen $12.75 Bach 1.10 A FULL LINE OF WICKER DECK FURNITURE IS SHOWN IN OUR M^IRINE CATALOG Fig. 27 Has striped duck seat, hardwood frame and back. Is a comfortable chair. Weight, 4% lbs. Per dozen $5.40 Each 47 GEO-B-CARPEffTER ^ Go. 982 Cut Showing it Ready for Use and Folded Ready for Traveling PATENT CAMP STOVES These Stoves are Made from No. 20-Gauge Sheet and Fully Warranted They are indestructible. These stoves cost only about one quarter as much as a cast iron stove, and will do the work much quicker and better. They will not break or bend. They are light and easy to handle. You can cook, bake, roast, broil and heat, no matter what condition of weather. Biscuits can be baked with one of these in 15 minutes. They burn anything except coal. THE SPORTSMAN'S FRIEND The Sportsman's Friend is a folding stove fitted to- gether with such exactness that it takes only a minute to take it apart and prepare it for travehng, while it can be put together ready for use in the same length of time. The stove is large enough to supply all the cooking necessary for a party of fifteen people. It is packed in a neat pine box, 4 inches high, 32 inches long, and 17 inches wide. This stove is 29 inches long, 17 inches wide, 16 inches back of oven, and 10 inches high at fire place, when standing on legs ready for use; total height, 23 inches. The oven is 10x10 inches square and 17 inches deep. Full instructions with each stove in regard to putting them together. Weight of stove, 42 lbs.; crated, 60 lbs. Each $16 . 50 THE SPORTSMAN'S DELIGHT The size of this stove is 29 inches long, 17 inches wide, 16 inches high back of the oven, and 11 inches high in the fireplace. These dimensions do not include height of legs. The legs are 7 inches long, making the stove in all 23 inches high when in use. The pipe hole is for 5-inch pipe, and the cooking holes are 5 inch. The oven is 10 inches wide, 11 inches high, and 17 inches deep. Every cooking hole on top of stove is protected with a cast iron ring i.|-inch thick by 1}4 inches wide, riveted firmly on inside of each hole. There is also a damper attachment which regulates the heat by three movements. The legs are detachable and can be packed inside of stove, and at the same time all the cooking utensils can be put in- side the stove. Weight of stove, 50 lbs.; crated 70 lbs. Each.. $13. 50 The "Little Pet" is small, easily supplies the desires and wants of small camping parties, such as individual hunters or small families. These stoves are manufactured in two ways, one of which can be folded as shown in cut, and one which does not fold, but can be carried as conveniently as a valise. This stove occupies a space 23 inches in length, 12 inches high and 12 inches wide. The oven is 8x8 inches square by 12 inches deep. The stove is 18 inches high when standing on its legs, is packed in a box ready for use. The box is 4 inches high, 27 inches long and 14 inches wide. This stove has two cooking holes, each 5 inches, and a pipe hole for a 5-inch standard pipe. Weight of stove, 25 lbs,; crated, .35 lbs. Folding stove, each $13.50 Non-folding stove, each 10.00 Pipe (telescopic), 6 lengths 15 inches long 1 . 75 SHIPMATE RANGES THE "LITTLE PET" Cut Showing Stove Ready for Use and Folded Ready for Traveling For Coal or Wood We show in our Marine Catalog a complete line of stoves and ranges for camping and marine use. We are agents for the Shipmate ranges and can furnish promptly any of the various numbers made by that company. SIBLEY HEATING STOVES The only stove to use for heating. Has no bottom. Burns everything. 18 inches diamete- at base; 4 inches diameter at top. Height, 28 inches. Including 9 foot pipe, each $5.00 98.: GEO•B•eARPE^fTER ^ 60. G. B. G. KEROSENE RANGE Single and Double Burner A very serviceable and compact range for marine use. The framework is of galvanized iron. The tank is of polished brass. The tank burns common kerosene as a fuel, which is fed to the burner under pressure. The design of the burner is very simple and contains no brass gauze in the burner head to fill up and clog the burner. The flame can be regulated by the small valve on top of the filler cap of the tank. To operate, heat the burner by priming with alcohol. When the alcohol is nearly consumed give the pump a few strokes and the kerosene vaporizes, and the stove will burn properly, after which additional pumping will heighten the flame to suit requirements. The tank holds one quart, which will operate to the average of from 14 to 16 hours. One quart of water at 15° can be brought to boil in three or four minutes. Single Burner Length Width Height to Inside Over All Over All Top of Rail of Rail inches inches Inches inches 13% 10 Va 7y2 91/4X8% Double Burner Length Width Height to Inside Over All Over All Top of Rail of Rail Inches inches inches inches 23 Va 10% 7% 18x91^ stock No. M501FF stock No. M401FF THE OPTIMUS PORTABLE GAMP STOVE The stove is identical with the one shown op- posite. It is, however, constructed in a more convenient form for carrying. Case is made of metal. It contains the stove and a bottle for alcohol. These Optimus stoves burn equally well in- door or in exposed places. There is no wind . that will blow them out. Easy to keep clean as there is no wick of any kind stock No. M 701 FF DOUBLE BURNER UNIVERSAL ALCOHOL STOVE This double burn- er stove is con- structed along the lines of the single burner and operates in the same manner. It is large enough to accommodate a bake oven as well as all ordinary cooking utensils. The tank is large, holds two quarts, to avoid frequent refilling. Thoroughly reliable, nothing to get out of order. Made of galvanized steel with dull nickel grate and brass tank and rail. Weighs packed in wood box, 30 lbs. Height Length Depth Over All Stock No. inches inches inches M201FF 22 17 13 14 UNIVERSAL ALCOHOL STOVE This stove converts dena- turned alcohol into gas and I burns with an intensely hot^ blue flame. Simple to oper- ate, regulates like an ordi- nary gas range. Boils one quart of water at 50° F. in seven minutes. Accommo- dates all ordinary cooking utensils. Clean, odorless and absolutely safe. Body of burner enclosed to protect it from wind when used in exposed places. Body of stove, galvanized steel; grate, dull nickel; rail and reservoir, polished brass. Diameter of grate is 10% inches; weighs packed in wood box, 11 lbs. stock No. M 301 FF Single Burner Height to Top of Rail inches 5 Extreme Height inches 10% stock No. M 101 FF Three Burner Length Depth inches inches 29% 19 Height Over All Weight, Iba. 5 THE OPTIMUS STOVE Burns kerosene, is ab- solutely safe, clean and odorless. Will boil quart of water in three minutes. When burn- ing at its highest power it will consume one quart of kerosene in six houis Flame regulated by turn- ing of a thumb screw Tank is of polished brass, holds one quart, and a combination silent and roaring burner is fur- nished. Stock No. M 601 FF GEO-BeARPEN*TER ^ CO. 9Hi "UNIVERSAL" VACUUM BOTTLES AND LUNCH SETS Sanitary. Durable. Equipped with steel spring shock absorber. No paper or felt pads used in construction of these bottles. Black Enameled Case. Tinned Steel Cap. No. 61. Pint $1.25 No. 62. Quart 2.00 Extra Fillers. No. 00. V2 Pint $0.90 No. 01. Pint 1.00 Black Enameled Case. Nickeled Shoulder and Cap. No. 70. % Pint $1.50 No, 71. Pint 1.75 No. 72. Quart 2.75 Full Nickel. No. 80. % Pint .$2.25 No. 81. Pint 2.50 No. 82. Quart 3.75 Leather Covered. Pints No. 871, Black Levant . . .,$.3.50 No. 881. Tan Hide 3,50 No, 891, Genuine Pig Skin 3.50 Quarts No. 872, Black Levant ...$5.00 No. 882. Tan Hide 5.00 No. 892, Genuine Pig Skin 5.00 Guaranteed to keep liquids Food Jar THE "U Full Nickel. No. f:oo. 1/^ Pt. Butter Jar. $2.50 No. 811. Pint . 3,00 No. 812. Quart -1,00 Extra Fillers. No. 010. 1/2 Pint $1,15 No. Oil. Pint 1,25 No. IV 012. ERS^ Quart 2,00 ^L" LUNCH KIT With Vacuum Bottle, Drinking Cup and Aluminum Trays No. 20. Tan, brass trimmings $2,7.5 No. 320. Black, nickeled trimmings 2.75 No. 01. Extra filler for "Universal" Lunch Kits 1.00 CARAFE CARRIER lull Nickel Plated Case, Covering Chiss Filler Completely No, 39 .... $3,50 Carrier and Glasses (No Bottle) No. 391822 . . ..$9.00 Complete with 1822 Bottle No, 1822. ..$5,50 Bottle Only. Quart with Metal and Cork Stopper No. 01 22.. $3,50 Extra Filler. Quart Carafe hot 24 hours, cold 72 liours 985 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « CO, CANVAS BUCKET Hand Sewed A canvas bucket is prefera- ble to any other type on board a boat inasmuch as it will not mar the sides as is the case with the wood and iron bucket. Ox , TVT Depth, Diain., Stock No. j„,,i,es. inches. M1512B 12 9 DUPLEX FOLDING PAIL Folded Open No. 5 has splash guard strainer and spout. All have wire handles and japanned mountings. Stock No. M 1501 B M 1502 B M 1503 B M1504B Capacity in Quarts. Diameter, inches. 10 10 11 11 Depth, inches.- 71/2 71/2 91/2 91/2 KAMP KOOK'S KIT Tn Shipping Order. Size 14 %xlO 1/2x8 inches Regular Size for Six Persons Kit consists of fire jack, dish pan, boiler, fry- ing pan, cofifee pot, cover, adjustable handle, broiler, two ladles, cake turner, basting spoon, fork, can opener, pot cleaner, towel, match box, flour dredge, salt and pepper boxes, candle lantern. Table ware consists of six each, knives, forks, tea spoons, tin cups, tin plates, two table spoons, one butcher knife. Weight Description. -^^ pounds. Kamp Kook's Kit, 21 pieces 15 Reg. Table Ware, 33 pieces 5 Reg. Kit & Table Ware, 54 pieces 20 Squad Size for Twelve Persons Stock No. Description. ^nfbs!' M 116 C Kamp Kit, 28 pieces 60 M 117 C Table Ware, 64 pieces 10 M118C Kamp Kit & Table Ware, 92 pieces 70 Stock No. M113C M 114 C M115C BONE HANDLED YACHT- MAN'S KNIFE With one blade and marlin spike with shackle for lanyard. Imported tool steel. Bone handle. Stock No.— M 275 V DUPLEX FOLDING BASIN Folded Open Duplex Basins are made of waterproof canvas sides and pantasote bottom. Japanned mount- ings. Stock No. M 1505 B M 1506 B M 1507 B Diameter, inches. 12 14 16 Depth, inches. 51/2 7% 91/2 HAWKEYE REFRIGERATOR BASKET Stock No. MllOC Mine M112C Length, inches. Width, inches. 13 18 20 10 12 13 Depth, inches. 7% 8 ¥2 10 A MORE COMPLETE SHOWING OF THESE GOODS CAN BE FOUND IN OUR aiARINE CATALOG GEO-B-CARPEhfTER « Go. 986 'PRESTO" CIGAR LIGHTERS No. 200 Combination "Presto" Cigar Ligrht< and Lamp No. 205 "Presto Star" Cigar Lighter COMBINATION "PRESTO" CIGAR LIGHTERS AND LAMPS New design, handle of ebony finish, nickel plated cigar lighter tip and reflector. Polished ivory finish push buttons. Furnished with 10 feet of silk cord. No. 200. Complete with regular terminals, each *3.50 "PRESTO" CIGAR LIGHTERS Fni-nished witli 10 feet of silk cord No. 202. Complete' with regular terminal.s and pure platinum tip each $2.50 "PRESTO" DE LUXE CIGAR LIGHTER No. 203. Complete with 6 feet black silk cord, ebony finish handle pearl push button, in- terchangeable tip and bulb and nickel plated holder each $4.50 "PRESTO STAR" CIGAR LIGHTERS Designed to get their power direct from magneto on any standard 6 V. system. Equipped with 10 feet silk cord. Made with wood handle ebony fin- ish, heavy nickel plated trimmings. No. 205. Complete with holder each $2.50 No. 206. Extra Platinum Tip, 6 V " l.OO AUTOSIATIC CORD WINDER This winds up the cord automatically and can be placed under the seat or at the side of car, or be- hind the dash; can be used to wind up the cord on any "Presto" cigar lighter or inspection lamp. No. 240. Automatic Cord Winder (only). each $2.50 No. 250. Automatic Cord Winder with Com- bination "Presto" No. 200, complete with holder each 6.0O No. 252. Automatic Cord Winder, with cigar lighter No. 202, and holder each 5.00 For any other combinations of cigar lighters and winder add prices of both articles together. A nickel plated holder is furnished with each cigar lighter, which can be attached anywhere in the' car. FLASH LIGHTS Stjle of No. 12, 22 and 2:{ ^\ith Vulcanized Fibre Cases Williffiiii^'tfaffffiBB'fci'iliriiii I -Style of Xo. M22 and M23 with Vulcanized Fibre Cases Style of No. 72, 42 :i?i.i i:: with Nickel Plated Cases The flash lights made with vulcanized fiber cases have nickel plate' trimmings. The cases on the oblong flash lights are entirely nickel plated. The batteries are of the best quality. As they are used for intermittent service, it is impossible to state the exact length of time they will last. The average continuous life of the battery is fourteen hours, but for intermittent service the life of the battery is increased to 100 per cent. We guarantee them equal to any flash lights on the market, and should you find any battery that is not up to stand- ard it will be promptly replaced without charge. No. 12, Vulcanized Fibre — Size 1^/4x5 Inches Case complete, with batterv and lamp .$1.00 No. 121 battery, lx3?4 inches SO G-31^, 2.8 V. Mazda lamp, No. 1210 13 No. 22, Vulcanized Fibre — Size lYzxAVj, Inches Case complete, with battery and lamp $1.20 No. 221 battery, l?sx4% inches 30 G-41^, 2.9 V. Mazda lamp. No. 2210 13 No. 23, Vulcanized Fibre — Size l%x8% Inches Case complete', with battery and lamp $1.40 No. 231 battery. Ilsx7 inches 40 G-4%, 3.8 V. Mazda lamp, No. 2310 13 No. M22, Vulcanized Fibre Miner's Head Size IV^xOVa Inches Case complete with battery and lamp $1.50 No. 221 battery, l?vsx4% inches 30 G-iV2, 2.9 v. Mazda lamp, No. 2210 13 No. M23, Vulcanized Fibre, Miner's Head — Size ly-xSM: Inches Case complete, with battery and lamp $1.70 No. 231 battery, l-\sx7 inches .40 G-iVz, 3.8 v. Mazda lamp, No. 2310 13 No. 72, Nickel Plated — Size Z-'Axiy^xU Inches Case complete, with battery and lamp $0.75 No. 721 battery, 2xli/8X% inches 30 FE-31^, 2.8 v. Mazda lamp. No. 4210 13 No. 42, Nickel Plated — Size 2%xl%x% Inches Case complete, with battery and lamp $0.75 No. 421 battery, 2%xli/ix% inches 30 FE-3^, 2.8 V. Opal Mazda lamp, No. 4210 13 No. 43, Nickel Plated— Size 2%x2x% Inches Case complete, with battery and lamp $1.00 No. 431 battery, 2i4x2x% inches 40 FE-31^, 3.8 v. Opal Mazda lamp. No. 4310 13 Marine Department OUR Marine Supply Department, in point of age, represents the corner stone of our business. We have always catered to the "men who go down to the sea in ships," and the best smell we know is — TAR. The following pages show only a few items in our very extensive stock of Marine Hardware. The marine supply line is so varied and distinctive that we have thought best to cover it with a separate catalog. We therefore urge all those who are interested in boating, or boat building to Send for our Marine Supply Catalog It is free for the asking to all holders of this, our General Catalog No. 1 1 0. We take this opportunity of stating that we also issue separate catalogs covering tents and camp equipment, awning hardware, mechanical rubber goods, as well as innumerable pamphlets and circulars covering other lines. GEO-B-CARPEhfTER X SO: GEO•B•CARPE^fTER « eo. 988 OAR LOCKS GALVANIZED IRON AND BRASS We do not recommend Cast Iron Rowlocks. All Rowlocks ai"e Listed per pair. Fig. 105 Standard Socket Fig. 110 Ribbed Socket Fig. 103 Round Socket North River Socket STANDARD SOCKET ROWLOCKS Size Width Between Horns, inches Malleable Polished Brass No. No. 1 No. 1 Va No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 1% 2 21/8 2% 21/2 3 $0.30 .35 .45 .50 .65 .90 $1.25 1.40 1.60 2.00 2.60 3.25 RIBBED SOCKET ROWLOCKS GALVANIZED IRON AND BRASS Size Width Between Horns, inches Malleable No. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 1% 2 21^ 2% 3 $0.25 .30 .40 .60 .80 ROUND ROWLOCKS — Side Plate Size Diameter of Hole in the Clear, inches Malleable Iron Polfshed Brass No. No. 1 No. 2 2 2y4 2^ $0.45 .50 .60 $1.65 1.75 2.25 Socket No. ■No. 1 No. 2 2 2% $0.35 .40 .50 $1.40 1.50 2.00 Jillllilinliill.lliUiliiiMiiUiiiiliiii Fig. 65eA A COMPLETE LINE OF ROAVLOCKS IS SHOWN NORTH RIVER ROWLOCKS GALVANIZED IRON AND BRASS All Rowlocks Are Listed Per Pair c , . Malleable Poli-shed Socket Iron Brass 2 inches between horns .$0.40 $1.75 ALLEN'S BOW-FACING OARS Rowing Gear, with copper tipped spruce blades, complete, 7 or 8 feet, and ready to screw on gunwale per set, . . , Rowing Gear Irons (without blades) Extra Spruce Oars per foot . . . Pocket Oil Cans each . . . Tn ordering mention beam of boat. IN OIR MAUINK C.VTALOG. SEND FOR A COPY. 989 Geo-BCarpeN'ter ^ Qo. ASH BOAT OARS Fig. 148A With Plain Tip Made of straight grained stock in the follow- ing lengths: jth, feet Length, feet Length, feet 6 9 14 61/2 10 15 7 11 16 TVa 12 18 8 13 With Copper Tips Similar to our plain ash oars, but with copper tips an all sizes to 10 ft. inclusive and copper bands on longer lengths. Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet 6 9 14 61/2 10 15 7 11 16 7y2 12 18 8 13 OAR LEATHERS Fig. 148D Come put up in envelopes containing 1 set of leathers with collars (for 1 pair of oars) with necessary nails. The 6x6 inch leathers are for oars up to 8 feet. 6x7 inch leathers are for larger oars up to 10 feet. Inches 6x6 Inches 6x7 SINGLE CANOE PADDLES Fig. 149A Spruce Made of selected eastern spruce, hand finished and varnished with either plain or copper tip in the following lengths: 4, 41/2, 5, 51/2 and 6 feet. Maple Made of selected hard maple, hand finished and varnished. While heavier than spruce it is tougher. Plain tip. Lengths: 4, iV2, 5, 5^2 a»vd 6 feet. SPRUCE BOAT OARS Fig. 14SB Plain with Copper Tips Made of selected Eastern spruce, very light. Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet 6 7 8 10 61/2 71/2 9 Leathered and Varnished with Copper Tips Similar to our plain spruce oar, finished with good spar varnish and leather. Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet 6 7 8 10 6 1/2 7 1/2 9 SPOON OARS Fig. 148C Selected Eastern spruce leathered and var- nished, furnished with taper handles. Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet Length, feet 6 7 8 10 6 1/2 7 1/2 9 PUSH PADDLES Ash Straight grained ash in the following lengths: 9, 10 a^d 12 feet. Spruce Selected eastern spruce, plain tip in the fol- lowing lengths: 9, 10 and 12 feet. GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « CO, 990 MARINE GLASSES With Sole Leather Ckse and Sti-ap These glasses are our own im- portation direct from the cel- ebrated factories of Colmont and Lemaire. Colmont Marine Glasses while moderate in price are of supe- rior finish and have excellent opti- cal qualities. The line of I^en^aire Marine Glasses ranlis .-^s the best that can be produced abroad. Stock No. Lignes Lignes Lignes Make Description MIOIV MHIV Colmont Black morocco covered body, met- al parts finished in bronze. Good quality. Achromatic lenses, sun- shades to draw over obective lenses. M102V M112V Colmont Black morocco covered body, met- al parts black japan. M103V M113V Colmont Black morocco covered body, ja- pan mountings, oxidized cross- bars, adjustable to pupillary distance, 10 lenses. M104V MH4V Lemaire Black morocco covered body, met- al parts finished in japan, high tops. M105V M115V I.,emaire Black morocco covered body, ja- pan mountings, with sunshades, double draw extension. 5I116V Lemaire Black morocco covered body, ja- pan muuntings, high model. Grand power. This is the most powerful glass made in power, breadth of field of vision and clear definition. ANEROID BAROMETERS Our line of Aneroid Barometers consists of both German an^ French made. The p'jJb brand of barometers are imported by us direct from the famous French makers, who have a loputation of turning out the finest instru- ments manufactured. The unbranded instru- ments are of German manufacture, not of as high a grade as the French make, but very accurate and servicea- ble instruments for the money. Both types can be set for altitude by turning a small set .•jcrow in a recess in the back of the instrument. Stock Diam. of Face No. inches 3I158V 5 M159V MIGOV M161V lAIlGSV M163V M164V p5b Description Closed face, with card dial, in brass case. Open face, with card dial, in brass case. brand, closed face, with card dial, in brass case, brand, open face, with card dial, in brass case, closed face, with metal dial, in brass case, open face, with metal dial, in brass case, open face, with metal dial, in brass case and one thermometer at- tached, cpen face, with metal dial, in brass case and two thermometers at- tached, showing Fah- renheit, Centigrade, and Reaumer scales. CHELSEA CLOCKS Marine Figr. 618A Time Clock Fig. 018B Sbo^viugr Buse Fig. 618C Striking: Ship Bell Cases are solid brass, highly polished. Bases are poli.shed mahogany and cast brass, finished same as clocks. The finest clocks made, perfect timekeepers and beautiful ornamenls to an engine room, yacht or residence. EIGHT DAY MOVEMENTS Time Clock Strikiner Ship's Bell Clock Size Face Inches Q^,.,.™ •R-.^^i JHinped Bezel with Screw Bezel | Lock and Key Screw Bezel Hinged Bezel with Lock and Key Extra for Base V $21.00 , $24.00 i 42.00 $12.00 47.00 $4.1.00 50.00 55.00 1 60.00 $ 9.00 12.00 17.00 27.00 991 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « 60. TRIP GONG Polished BeU Metal Diameter Diameter Inches inches inches 3 6 10 4 7 12 5 8 14 Diameter inches 16 18 HEAVY SHIP'S BELL WITH BOLT AND NUT ♦ " Genuine iSell Metal stock No. Weight Diameter Bright In lbs. inches MllOlB 13 81/2 M1103B 20 101/2 M 1105 B 30 12 M1107B 40 13 M1108B 50 14 M1109B 60 15 MlllOB 70 16 MllllB 80 17 M1113B 100 17% JINGLE BELLS Polished Brass Bells, Rolled Brass Carriages The clappers are suspended from a heavy brass loop cast into the bell. $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 Jingle Bells Size 21/^ inches each, " 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 HEAVY ^ x^ YACHT BELL l^w ^m WITH l^Sn STATIONARY Jp' BRACKET L Bell Metal ^^g t> stock No. Opening Polished inches M 1305 B 6 M 1307 B 8 M 1309 B 9 Stock No, Polished M1311B M 1313 B Opening Inches 10 11 HEAVY fiP^^ % YACHT BELL H^IH 1 WITH ■I^^Hi %1^ DETACHABLE ilHn) ^li BRACKET ^ ^^^H I. Bell Metal ^ -^^^ % Diam. of Stock No. Opening Polished inches M 1306 B 6 M 1308 B 8 M 1310 B 9 Stock No. Polished M 1312 B M 1314 B Diam. of Opening inches 10 11 BELL CRANKS Side or Flat Length of Size Crank, inches No. 1 3 No. 2 3% No. 3 41/2 Side or Flat each $0.40 .50 .60 $0.50 .60 .75 BRASS BELL PULLS Bell Springs Size 4 inches per doz., $1.00 " 5 " " 1.25 " 6 " " 2.00 " 8 " " 4.00 "10 " " 5.00 A MORE COMPLETE OFFERING OF BELLS IS SHOWN IN OUR MARINE CATALOG Size Length Pull, inches Polished Brass, each No. 1 2 $0.50 No. 2 2 1/2 .60 No. 3 3 1/4 .75 No. 4 3 Heavy 1.00 No. 5 21/^ Extra Heavy 2.00 Geo-BCarpenTter « eo. 992 stock No. M200i5B Block Cork 31 2002 X Children's size BLOCK CORK LIFE PRESERVER Every preserver has the U. S. in- spector's s t a m p made of good can- vas and solid cork blocks with shoulder straps. List Price $2.(»0 1.50 BLOCK CORK RING BUOYS passenger Made up of solid block cork slabs turned round and smooth. Canvas cov- ered and roped government inspection for use on vessels, etc. stock No. M 1139 B M1140B M 1141 B M1142B 31 1143 B 31 1144 B them painted, which not Painted with two coats of white PAINTTXG AND LETTERING RING BUOYS Ring Buoys are usually exposed to the weather, and it is well to ha only preserves them but keeps them from getting water soaked lead and lettered in black — extra. On boats carrying passengers for hire (this includes rented launches at boat liveries only) the never-sink jacket or block cork life preserver will be approved. METALLIC LIFE BOATS tion Service and approved All sizes are constructed in i < 'idinio ^^\\h tin 1 ■- ^i iim it In-^pr recommended by the Boaid of SupeiMsmt,' Inspectors ot Sti am Ve^soLs Sizes and Capacity for Yessels over 150 Tons Capacity Cubic On Ocean, Bay, Beim Depth X 3 ft. 6 in. X 1 ft. 6 in. X 4 ft. in. X 1 ft. 9 in. X 4 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. in. X 5 ft. in. X 2 ft. 2 in. X 5 ft. in. X 2 ft. 1 in. X 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. X 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. X 6 ft. in. X 2 ft. 6 in. X 6 ft. in. X 2 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft. in. X 3 ft. in. X 7 ft. 9 in. X 3 ft. 4 in. X 8 ft. 4 in. X 3 ft. 7 in. CLARK'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT 10 ft. 12 ft. 14 ft. 14 ft. 16 ft. 16 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 ft. 26 ft. 28 ft. feet Lake and Sound On Rivers 32 3 persons 4 persons 50 5 persons 6 persons 76 7 persons 9 persons 91 9 persons 11 persons 100 10 persons 12 persons 120 12 persons 15 persons 134 13 persons 17 persons 180 18 persons 22 persons 198 20 persons 25 persons 302 30 persons 38 persons 402 4 persons 50 persons 500 50 persons 03 persons Of the latest revised type built aocordingr to Rules and Regulations of the Board of Stipervising Steamboat Inspectors. Each raft, is furnished with oars, oarlocks, lifelines, floats, boat hook, paddies and painter. , ■ ^ Rafts are composed of independent galvanized iron tanks, securely fastened together ma wooden frame thoroughly braced and bolted. Tanks are constructed of No. 20 galvanized iron with flanged heads, double riveted and soldered. Kach tank is fitted with testing flange and cap for air pump con- nection and tested and painted before being assembled within framework. Capacity Nuinlier Person Allowed on Ocean, I..ake, r):mensions of Raft Sound and River T,engrth Width 4 5 ft. 1 in. 3 ft. 10 in. 6 7 ft. 9 in. 3 ft. 10 in. 8 7 ft. 9 in. 4 ft. 10 in. 10 10 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 15 12 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 7 in. 20 12 ft. 10 in. 7 ft. 2 in. List of S izes Number Cubic Feet of Tanks Dimensions of Tanks in Boat •Weight In Haft Length Width Mea.surement of Raft 24 in. 12 in. 40 ft. 150 9 24 in. 12 in. 60 ft. 225 12 24 in. 12 in. 80 ft. 300 16 241/2 in. 13 in. 100 ft. 425 15 24 in. 16 in. 150 ft. 670 20 24 in. 16 in. 200 ft. 760 993 GeoBCar.peM"ter s eo, Pig. A476 THE WATER LIGHT Showing outside of light and nietliod of attacliing light and buoy to ship's rail. Fig. A476 IjTFE BUOY WATER LIGHT Approved by the XJ. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors Bv attaching a line to the ring- at the bottom of the light and then to the ring buoy, and hanging the light on the rail by the ring at the top, it is only necessary to pull the light from the hook (which un- seals a soft metal cap"), and this operation makes the light self- igniting the moment it strikes the water. Size, 8x10 inches. Weight, 5% lbs. 250 candle power. Burns 45 minutes. Price each .^5.00 Fig. A477 Fig. A477 WATER LIGHT For Life Boat and Raft Equipment As Approved by the U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors This light has a small metal cap attached to a ring, i. e., A. By pulling this ring unseals the light; same is then ready for emergency use, either on board ship, or can be thrown overboard attached to a rope. This light is also buoyant, burns for over one hour and gives 300 candle power light. Each $5.00 DISTRESS OUTFITS For Life Boats As Approved by the U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors Fig. A478 2 RHNUTE SELF-IGNITING RED LIGHTS Packed in Water-Tight Cans 12 for Life Boats per set ipT.OO 6 for Life Rafts " 4.00 SEA ANCHOR OR MARINE DRAG Pig. M30 A sea anchor should be on board every boat that is liable to be caught out in a blow. Their value in such a case cannot be overestimated, being made for heavy water. Our sea anchors are heavily roped, being made of heavy canvas and fitted with wrought iron folding ring so that they can be con- veniently stowed in a locker or small place. Prices on apiilication. Diameter Length Stock No. Inches inches M283X 18 42 M284X 24 48 M285X 30 54 M280X 36 60 M287X 42 66 BI288X 48 72 Suitable for Boat Length, feet 20 22 25 SO to 35 36 to 40 41 to 50 MARINE NIGHT SIGNALS Percussion Pig. A479 Red or Blue per doz. $5.00 Holders each 2.50 SHIP ROCKET These rockets rise to a height of over 400 feet and throw a shower of red balls that can be seen at a great distance. 2 pounds per doz. $7.00 Galvanized Magazine for same each 3.00 CARPENTER LIFE BOAT DRAG With Oil Attachment, U. S. Standard Fig. A481 This drag combines strength with simplicity, oc- cupies small space and can be opened for use im- mediately. No. 1. For boats up to 24 feet each $6.00 Ao. 2. For boats up to 28 feet " 6.75 ISO. 3. For boats over 28 feet " 9.00 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter 5e eo. 994 MOTOR BOAT LIGHTS For Class 2 and Class 3 Boats Galvanized Iron and Polished Brass Side Light Bow Ltght. Anchor Light. ' CLASS 3 MOTOR BOAT LIGHTS For Boats 40 ft. to 65 ft. These Motor Boat Lights are made to comply with government regulations governing boats of Class 3, 40 to 65 ft. in length, and will pass government inspection on such boats. In Sets of 3. Galvanized. M 1301 E M1103E Stock Nos. Style of Light. Side Bow Stern Size Glass, Width, Height inches. 5%x5y4 7%x4y2 5%x5 Height, Frame, inches. Extreme Height, inches. 8 14 8 14 13 15 Pol. Brass. M 1307 E M1116E CLASS 2 MOTOR BOAT LIGHTS For Boats 26 ft. to 40 ft. ■ u e These Motor Boat Lights are made to comply with government regulations governmg boats ot Class 2, 26 to 40 ft. in length, and will pass inspection on such boats. In Sets of Galvanized. M 1401 E M 1101 E Stock Nos. Style of Light. J Side JBow Stern M 1407 E M1115E CLASS 1. FRESNAL MOTOR BOAT LIGHTS Size Glass. Width, Height, inches. 5 x4 71/2x4 4%x4V4 Height, Frame, inches. 8V2 10 Extreme Height, inches. ioy2 10 y2 14 Galvanized Iron and Polished Brass These lights are made to comply with government regulations governing boats of Class 1, undcr 26 ft. in length, and will pass inspection on such boats. Inasmuch as the law does not specify that a Fresnal lens must be used on lights for boats under Class 1, either Fresnal or plain lens, which are listed on the following page, will be accepted. ■ c j The forward light, which is a combination lantern having a red and green Fresnal lens, is httm with a removable screen in front, projecting 3^ inches. No. 5. COMBINATION LIGHT Stock Nos, Galvanized. M 1502 E Pol. Brass. M 1508 E Size of Gl,7s- Width and Hei inches. Extreme Height, inches. No. 1. STERN LIGHT Stock Nos. Galvanized. Pol. Diam. of Glass, inches. M 1505 E M1510E Height of Glass, inches. 3% Width of Base, inches. Extreme Height, inches. We are headquarters for Marine Hardware, shown in our Marine Catalog. The full line is 99^ Geo-B-Carpen'ter ^ So. FRESNAL TUG AND STEAMER LIGHTS Galvanized Iron and Polished Brass Side Light SIDE LIGHTS IN PAIRS Bow Light Anchor Light ANCPIOR LIGHTS WITH COLORED LENS Stock Nos. Gal. Pol. Brass. M 901 F M 909 F M902F M910F Suitable for Tug Steamer Dimensions Extreme of Lens, Height, inches. inches. 6%x6% lOxTVi BOW LIGHTS Stock Nos. Galvanized. Pol. Brass. M 903 F M 911 F M 904 F M 912 F Suitable for Dimensions Extreme of Lens, Height, inches. inches. Tug 6%X6% 15 Steamer 9 x8 21 ANCHOR LIGHTS WITH WHITE LENS Stock Nos. Galv. Pol. Brass. M1112E M1124E M 907 F M 908 F Suitable for Dimensions Extreme of Lens, Height, inches. inches. Tug 6%x6% 19 Steamer 8y2x7 23 Stock Nos. Galv Pol. Brass. M1105E M1117E M1103E M1118E M1107E M1119E M1108E M1120E MlllOE M1122E MllllE M1123E M1113E M1125E M1114E M1126E Color of Lens. Red Green Red Green Red Green Red. Green Dimensions Extreme of Lens, inches. 4%x4yi 5%x5 G xSV- .6%x6% Height, inches. BUFFALO PATTERN STEAM- ER SIGNAL LIGHTS Japanned Tin, Galvanized Iron and Planished Brass SIDE LIGHTS (1 PR.) AND BOW LIGHTS (1) IN SET OF 3 LIGHTS Stock Nos. Tin. Galv. M915F M916F M918F M919F Size of Brass. Lens, inches. M917F M 920 F Tin. M921F ANCHOR LIGHTS Stock Nos. Galv. Brass. M 922 F M 923 F Size of Lens, inches. We carry a complete assortment of 'Lens and parts for all our lights. Repairs attended to promptly. ^^ Uovv Light Anchor Light Geo-B-Garpei^'ter s Go 99 fi CARPENTER ELECTRIC RUNNING LIGHTS lis. 3I150«fc:-V rolislied Bruss These lights are made in three sizes for motor boats of Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. The bodies of the lamps are thin brass castings. The removal of two screws releases the tops of the lamps so that lens and bulbs can be removed. Rubber gaskets keep lenses from rattling and prevent breakage. Fitted with Bayonet base sockets and 6 V. Mazda bulbs, approximately 3 C. P., with wires extending through the back of the lamps. Wires will be extended through the bottom of lamps if preferred, and low voltage bulbs for operating on dry cells furnished in place of regular equipment if desired. Class 1 lights consist of one pair of side lights, which can be used in place of a combination light. Class 2 and Class 3 lights are made up in sets, consisting of a pair of side lights and one bow light. Keyhole slots are cut in the back of the lamps so that round head screws set on the light boxes will hold them in place. M1506EX M1606EX M1607EX Height Over-AU inches 4% "Width of Base inches 2 ¥2 Weight per Set 2% CARPENTER ELECTRIC POST LIGHT Fig. 31 1511 EX PuIiMked Drouze Combines Class 2 bow light with a heavy and practical snubbing post. Will match our Class 2 electric running lights. The post light is made to screw on to the deck, and is fitted with Bayonet base socket and 6 V., 3 C. P. Mazda bulb, with wires for making connections. Stock Height. Number inches MlollEX 5% Diam.. of Post inches 51/4 ofBa.se Weight inches ^bs. 6% 6 CARPENTER CLASS I ELECTRIC COMBINATION LIGHT lis. M1611EX A combination light for Class 1 boats, that is compact, neat and durable, and that will add to the appearance of any craft upon which it is put. The body is cast bronze. The top, to which the lamp is fastened, is detached by a half turn. For a more detailed description see specifications of other lamps on this page. stock Height Base Number inches inches M1611EX 4 2%x5% Weight Lbs. A full line of Marine lights is shown in our Marine catalog. 997 GEO•B•eAIlPE^fTER « eo. THE CARPENTER WIRELESS SEARCHLIGHT The Carpenter Wireless Searchlight is constructed to harmonize with other deck hardware. It is perfectly balanced and makes an ideal installation on any craft. All parts are cast bronze, highly polished. The wiring is concealed within the fork and base, which are cast hollow, eliminating all exposed wiring, and reducing the wear to a minimum. The lamp and fork are removable from the base; the plug contact in the base breaks the contact when the lamp is removed. The reflector is 8 inches in diameter in the Cabin type, and 5 or 8 inches in the Deck type. The reflectors are of highest grade silver and the lights are fitted with 6 volt Mazda lamps. Other voltages will be furnished if specified at time of ordering. Prices on application. THE CARPENTER SEARCHLIGHT CONTROL The Carpenter Searchlight Control is the only control of its kind on the market, that will control both actions of the searchlight with one lever. It has a Universal action, allowing the beam to be thrown up or down, or to right or left, with but the single control lever shown in the illustration. It can be attached to any type of Cabin searchlight having a % inch control rod, and can be installed any distance from the searchlight. Furnished with a bulkhead plate, handle, etc., complete with the exception of the rod used in making the connection. Fig. 172B Used in combination with the Carpenter Wireless Searchlight, it forms the most compact and efficient article of its kind in use today, and its simple — yet sturdy — construction, and satisfac- tory service have made it an instant favorite in the boating fraternity. Fig. 172A Prices on application. DECK TYPE ARC SEARCHLIGHT PROJECTORS This searchlight is made for 110 or 125 volt direct current unless otherwise specified. The light is made of heavy brass, highly polished and supported on ball bearings so that it can be oper- ated with the least possible friction. The base is made of polished brass ■and aluminum. Mangin ground glass silver plated mirrors are used. The carbon feeding mechanism is made so that it is impossible for it to stick as the carbon holders are pivoted on the lower ends, doing away with the slides. An automatic cut-off is pro- vided to break the current to the feed coil, thereby stopping the feed, should the operator neglect to pull the switch when the carbons are consumed to a safe distance from the carbon holders. stock No. size, inches Stock No. M 690 X 8 M 692 X M691X 10 M693X Size, inches 15 20 CABIN TYPE ARC SEARCH- LIGHT PROJECTORS This cabin type searchlight is simi- lar in other respects to the 10 inch deck type projector, ex- cepting the control- ling device, which is made of polished brass and can also be furnished for dis- tant control, which is operated by wire ro 15 20 stock No. M 694 X M 695 X M 696 X M 697 X GEO-B-eAIlPEM*TER ^ QO. 998 GENERATING SETS DIRECT CONNECTED, STEAM DRIVEN Engberg Direct Connected Steam Driven Generator Sets are made within a range of from 2 14 to 50 Kilowatt. They are well known to the trade and have an established reputation for long service and freedom from repairs. Accessibility anc ease of adjustment of all working parts is a distinctive feature. Each set before being shipped is carefully tested and guar- anteed in perfect working order and they specially guarantee the rating, stability and performance of sarne. these gen- erators are of the Multipolar type and compound, wound for 110 vojts, unless otherwise specified. -*"• " '" ■ be furnished on application. Detailed information K. W, No. of Poles. Size of Eni t^ 6 3%x3% 6 41/2x4 6 6 6x5 8 6 7x6 10 6 7x6 15 6 7x8 20 6 8x8 25 8 10x8 30 8 10x9 40 8 10x10 50 8 12x10 Engine. Steam Pressure. Rev. per Minute. 625 525 400 375 350 325 325 325 300 300 275 Net Weight, Lbs. 570 940 1775 2350 2675 3400 4950 6100 7000 10000 11000 DIRECT CONNECTED, GASOLINE DRIVEN bcic two sizes of direct connected gasoline driven generator sets, which have been meet- We are listing and describin ing with general approval. , , r - ^ r^ t, u -ri w« The No. 1 size has a single cylinder, 4 cycle engine and will light 25 incandescent lamps of 16 C P. each. The No, 2 has double cylinder, 4 cycle engine and will light 50, IC 0. P. lamps. The dynamos are wound to 110 volts. The engines are fitted with heavy fly-wheel and the speed at which they are run makes the lights absolutely steady, There is no disagreeable flickering such as is sometimes associated with gasoline engine driven dynamos. On one side of the engine is a circulating pump for pumping the cooling water through the water jacket, is fitted with carburetor, batteries, coil and multiple tank oiler. Ignition by jump spark. Gasoline may be tak supply tank or auxiliary, whichever is more convenient to the user. Weight, Lbs, The engine taken from main Length, inches. Width, inches. Height, inches. 34 20 30 42 20 30 Speed. 750 r.p.m. 750 r.p.m. 475 Other sizes of gasoline driven generator sets can be furnished, and prices, together will be furnished upon application. ith illustrations and description, 999 GEO-BeAIiPEM*TER ^ CO. BAKER'S PATENT OIL COMPASS We believe this to be the finest compass made. It has been on the market for over 25 years and is well known to the marine trade. It will regularly be supplied with the new style navy card, reading from to 360°, but the old style card can be supplied to order, if preferred. Prices on Application. stock No. M148V M149V M151 V M153 V M154V Diameter of Card inches 3 4 5% 6% 7V2 Size of Square Box Stock No. inches M118V 6 M119V 8 M120V 9% M 121 V 11 M 133 V 12 LOTHROP'S FOG HORN Cut Shows Interior Arrangement for less than a dollar on all but the largest size. The Lothrop's Fog Horns are well known and need no intro- duction. They are well made in every respect, strong, service- able and will last for years. The only part that is likely to become worn out in time is the reed, and this can be replaced Pi'ices on Apijlication. Dimensions, Inches Vi^eight Stock No. Type Length Width Height Lbs. Boat 171/2 9 101/2 19 Yacht 171/2 9 15 26 M 834 X Vessel 201/2 91/2 16% 33 M 835 X Double Horn 20 1/2 91/2 18 39 M 836 X CARPENTER SPIRIT COMPASS A reliable liquid compass, well answer all requirements for motor Mounted in mahogany box with cover Pi'ices on Application. Diameter of Card inches 2 21/2 made, to boat use. Size of Square Box inches 41/2 5y4 CARPENTER TAFFRAIL LOG THE ARTICLES SHOWN ABOVE ARE ONLY A SMA A moderate priced Log. More of them used on the Great Lakes than any other make. A complete Log packed in a wood box consists of Register, Line, Rotator and Hook. Prices on Application. Complete Log. Extra Rotator. Extra Line (200 ft.). Jj PART OF THE LARGE LINE WE CARRY, AND LIST, IN OUR MARINE CATALOG GEO-B-eARPEN*TER ^ CO. 1000 SHIP CLEATS OPEN BASE CLEATS Galvanized Cast Iron Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze ^ ^^p m Stock Mos. ^0^ Polished Length Stock No. Length Dimensions of Galvanized Bronze inches Galvanized inches Base, inches M 1301 D 21/^ M 1201 G 4 l%Xll/4 M 1307 G M 1302 D 31/2 M 1202 G 5 2 xl% i\I 1308 G M 1303 D 41/2 M 1203 G 6 2%xli/2 M 1309 G M 1304 D 51/2 M 1204 G 7 3%xl% M 1310 G M 1305 D 6 M 1205 G SVa 41/4X2 3/8 IM1311G M1306D 7 M1206G 10 ys 4ysx2 3/4 M 1312 G M 1307 D 8 M 1207 G 13 61/2x3% M 1313 G M 1308 D 9 M 1208 G 15 71/8x3% M 1314 G M 1309 D 10 31 1209 G 18 7%x3y8 M 1315 G M 1310 D 12 M1210G 24 81^x51/2 M1310G M1311D 14 M 1211 G 28 10 1/8X51/8 M 1317 G 18 NOTE. — The IS inch galvan ized is cast iron. BOW CHOCKS OPEN STRAIGHT CHOCK Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze stock Nos. stock Nos. Polished Length Width Opening Polished Length Galvanized Bronze inches inches inches Galvanized Bronze inches M 1501 G M 1701 D 3 1/2 \l V2 M 1422 G M 1601 D 3 31 1502 G M 1702 D 4 li/s W M 1602 D 4 M1503G M1703D 41/2 11/4 W M 1423 G 41/2 M1505G M1705D 51/2 11/2 1^ M 1604 D 5 MISOOG M1707D 6 1/2 11/2 1t% M 1424 G 51/2 M1509G M1709D 71/2 li^ 1% M1425G M 1606 D 6 1/2 M1511G M 1711 D 8 1/2 178 1% M142GG M 1607 D 8 M1512G M1713D 10 1/2 21/4 I'/s M 1608 D 9 M1513G M1714D 13 2% 2% M 1427 G M 1609 D 10 M 1213 G IT) 2 78 31/8 31^ M 1428 G M 1610 D 121/2 M1214G 18 3% MllllG 15* M1215G 20 3% 4% M1112G 18 31 1216 G 22 3% 5% M 1113G 20 31 1217 G 24 4% 6 M1114G M 1115 G 24 30 M1318G 30 41/2 6 ROUND BOTTOM CLEATS CANOE CT.EATS Galvanized and Polished Bronze Polished Bronze ^fe^^ P . ^ ^^--^ S0» stock Nos. Length Length Base Dimensions Galvanized Polished Bronze inches stock No. Inches inches 31 1401 G 31 141 9 D 2% M1415D 2% 1 x/. M 1402 G 31 1420 D 3 M 1416 D 3% l%x% 31 1403 G 31 1421 D 3% 1001 GEO-BeAItPEN*TER « CO. KEDGE ANCHOR Galvanized and Black Wrought Iron The following sizes are carried in stock, both Galvanized and Blacked. Larger sizes furnished to order. Prices upon application. Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 4 50 225 400 8 70 250 425 12 90 275 450 16 125 300 475 20 150 325 500 30 175 350 40 200 375 MUSHROOM ANCHOR Black or Galvanized Iron Steel shank — rivited to head. Other sizes to order. Made in the following sizes; prices upon ap- plication : Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 5 35 125 500 10 40 150 600 Mad 15 50 300 800 size to 20 70 350 1000 Pounds 25 75 400 1200 3 30 100 450 5 DIRIGO FOLDING ANCHOR Galvanized Iron This is the only practical Anchor on which both stock and flukes fold up. They are kept either open or closed, as desired, by the same pin. It has all the good qualities of a regular Anchor when in use, and in addition the advan- tage of being compact for stowage. Prices upon application. ^Veight lbs. 4 Length inches 17 Weight lbs. 25 Length inches 33 8 22 30 34 12 25 44 38 16 28 55 41 20 30 76 44 GRAPNELS Black and Galvanized Wrought Iron Made in the following sizes for stock, size to order; prices upon application. Pounds Pc 8 12 A MORE COMPLETE LINE OF ANCHORS TO SELECT FROM IN OUR MARINE CATALOG any GEO-BeARPEM*TER ^ GO. 1002 DOUBLE BARREL WINDLASS WITH BITTS Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze CAVEL CAPSTAN Cast Iron, Painted It contains all the qualities of the Windlass, and is besides an improved Bitt and Cleat. Made with solid base for launches or with opening for step of bowsprit heel on sail boats. S o -d VI Stock Nos. Galvanized Polished Iron Bronze Helpht Inches Lgth. fr Outside to Outsi inches ill 5o.S k5£ M3o3X M256X 9 15 31/4 8%x8% % M254X M257X 10 17 3% 8%x9 % M255X M2o8X 12 1^ 20 41/2 101/2x11 % IMPROVED GYPSEY WINDLASS Painted or Galvanized Iron Bitts are measured from outside to outside^ there may be one or two. Will be furnished to fit any size bitts to order. Regular Size from Outside to Outside Estimated Size of Size E D C B 1 2 2% 3 3% Length of Head Inches 12 13 141/2 16 1/2 Dlam. of Head on Outside End inches 41/^ 7V^ 71^ 81^ 10 111/^ 13 131/2 14 V2 of Bitts inches 10 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 .'eight Chain Lbs. 35 55 80 100 155 200 280 340 425 588 inch i\ % % V2 This Capstan is single purchase and revolves with the Sun. It will stand all that four men can pull on it and will handle line up to 2 inches in diameter, hauling up anchors from 500 to 700 pounds weight. A piece of 1 % inch pipe about four feet long usually serves for levers. To lubri- cate, oil through either horn. Height inches 18 Tip to Tip Diameter of Horns of Base Weight inches inches lbs. 16 1/2 141/2 115 VICTOR CAPSTAN A compact and strong little machine furnished in galvanized iron or painted red and black. Si 3Q.a Q"o5 i 9 10 28 50 12 16 36 120 Stock Nos. Painted Red -^^ and Black Galvanized Po.5 M 241 X M 243 X 4 M a42 X M 244 X 5 CAPSTAN BARS None of the capstans catalogued are furnished with capstan bars, excepting the Victor. We will furnish capstan bars to order, and in ordering specify for what size and make of capstan the bars are wanted or send a sketch giving the diameter at the small as well as the large end of taper and length of handle over all. These are only a fev* of the Capstans vre stock. The rest are listed In our Marine Catalog. Have yon a copy? 1003 Geo-B-CaiipeN'ter s Go. THE PROVIDENCE Single Barrel Steam Capstan The Single Barrel Steam Capstan is especially- useful for working the hawsers of steamships while backing toward wharves or turning in nar- row channels, and for barges, schooners and tugs in rapid currents. It also is available for elevators and drj^docks and for warping vessels through locks, and for all kinds of hoisting on shipboard or land. Double gearing provides power or speed. The changes are effected by placing the block key in the base for power and in the head for speed. The speed can be increased about three times in this way when the load does not require the low gear for power. The engines can be hung under the deck, as represented in the illustration, or can be laid on top of the deck below. Non-reversing or brass-link reversing engines are furnished. Before shipment the capstan and engines are tested under actual working conditions. With Non-Reversing Engines No. 6k^« 5S.5 A 8 21 B 81/2 221/2 C 91/2 27% D 101/2 291/4 E 111/2 3114 F 12% 33 F 121/2 33 G 15% 42 G 15% 42 K.S 251/2 31 331/2 38 38% 421/2 421/2 42 42 O0.S 4x4 4x6 4x6 5x7 6x8 7x8 8x8 7x8 8x8 i®2 4 4y2 5 6 71/2 91/2 91/2 11 11 900 1,600 1,900 2,850 3,650 4,600 5,000 5,350 5,750 THE PROVIDENCE CRANK CAPSTAN Arranged for both speed and power. Rever- sal in direction of rotation of cranks the only- change necessary. Diam of Bbl. Circum- Over Diam. of ference ■Whelps, Base Height -Weight of Rope, Size inches Inches inches lbs. inches 7l^ 19 21 250 31/^ A 8 23 271/2 400 4 B 8 1/2 241/2 30% 600 4% C 91/2 291/2 341/4 800 5 D 101/2 32 36 1000 6 E 111/2 34 37 1200 7^ F 121/2 38 41 1500 9 THE PROVIDENCE POWER CAPSTAN Arranged for both speed and power, in direction of rotation of capstan bars change necessary. Diam. of Bbl. Over Diam. of ■V\'helps, Base Height Weigh Size inches inches inches lbs. O 71/2 19 21 250 AS 23 28 400 AA 8 23 28 450 B 8 1/2 241/2 31% 500 BB 8% 241/2 311.4 550 C 91/2 291/2 34% 750 D 10% 32 38 1100 E 11% 34 39% 1250 Reversal the only Circum- ference t of Rope inches 3% 4 4% 4% 5 5 6 7% GEO-B-CAR^PEffTER S 60 lOOi STEAMBOAT STEERING WHEEL Mahogany wheel, with hickory spokes and hard wood drum. Ash standards, with bronze shaft and roller bearings. Stock No. M120X 31 121 X M122X M 123 X M 124 X M125X M126X size of Wheel inclies 30 36 42 48 54 60 Diam. of Drum inches .5 51/2 6 7 71/2 8 10 Height from Deck to Center of Wheel inches GALVANIZED DRUM STEERER Diameter of Wheel Dimensions of Drum, Inches stock No. inches Diameter Length MllOl C 20 4V2 5 M 1102 c 22 41/^ 6 M 1103 C 25 6 7 M1104C 28 61^ 81/2 M1105C 30 7 10 M 170 X 36 8 12 M 171 X 42 9 14 COMBINATION STEERER Polished Bronze Outfit complete with liquid compass, bin- nacle head, with night hood and lamps and with either fancy wood or polished bronze steer- ing wheel. All bronze and heavy construction throughout. Gears, shaft, rack and pinion of bronze. When ordering, send vertical distance from center of rack to top side of deck. stock No. Diam. of Wheel inches Fitted with Compass Diam. of Card, inches Distance from Center.of Wheel to Deck, inches MIOIX 30 4 31% M 102 X 36 5^ 37 M 103 X 40 6% 37 BRACKET STEERER Galvanized and Wood Wheels Galvanized M 1223 C M 1224 C M 1225 C Stock Nos. Polished Brass with Wood Wheel M 1226 C M 1227 C M1228C Diam. of: Drum Inches 4 4% 1005 GEO-B-CAIiPEM^TER S So. STEERING WHEELS WITH- OUT DRUM Galvanized Iron Wood Handles Avith Brass Tips stock No. M 1235 C M1236C M1337C M 1238 C M 1239 C M 1240 C M 1241 C M163X M164X M165X Diameter of Wheel inches 12 16 22 25 28 30 36 42 48 Shaft inches % % ii Vs % % % % 30 to 48 inch wheels have sizes 6 spokes. Size of Keyway inches 1% T% 1/4 y* y* y* spokes; other CARPENTER AUTO TYPE BOAT STEERER Drum Type Height from Dlam. of Blhd. Bracket Style of Wheel to Wheel Stock No. Controls Inches Inches M 332 A Smooth Friction 16 24 M 333 A Smooth Friction 18 24 M 1342 A None 16 24 M 1343 A None 18 24 STANDARD STEERING WHEEL Polished Brass, Mahoganized Drum and Handles Stock No. M 1201 C M 1205 C M 1209 C M 1210 C Dlam. of Wheel Over All, inches 12 16 20 25 Size of Drum inches 2% 3 4 4 Length inches 2^ 3% 4% 5 FANCY WOOD STEERING WHEELS With Polished Brass Hub These steer- ing wheels are made from well seasoned stock and fastened throughout with brass screws and screw heads capped with white holly plugs in the following com- binations, all with brass hub and' fastenings: B. Mahogany rim, spokes, handles, and felloes (all mahogany). C. Mahogany rim felloes, spokes and handles, white holly plugs. H. Inlay of ribbons on combination B. wheels, two sets white holly ribbons on forward side of wheel; white holly plugs on aft side of wheel. Stock Nos. Comb. B Comb. C Comb. H WHEELS FOR ALL PURPOSES ARE M 137 X M 144 X M 151 X M 138 X M 145 X M 152 X M139X M146X M 153 X 31 140 X M147X M154X M 141 X M 148 X 31 155 X 31 142 X 31 149 X 31 156 X 31 143 X 31 150 X 31 157 X The 36, 42 and 48 inch wheels with eight spokes; smaller sizes with 6 spokes, Wheels larger than 48 inches made to order, LISTED IN OUR SIARINE CATALOG inches 20 24 28 30 36 42 48 inches lys lyg lys 1% 1% Size of Keyway inches • % y* y* y* made GEO-B-CARPEffTER ^ eO. lOOG BLOCKS AVITH GALVANIZED WROUGHT IRON LOOSE HOOKS Galvanized Malleable Iron Shells In ordering specify number and state if wanted with or without becket. Length of Shell, inches Size of Sheave inches For Rope Diam. inches Single Number. . . Each Double Nmnber. . , Each 1% 1% 2 21/4 3 3^4 4 %xfe Ixjl 1%X% li/^xVs i%xyo 2x% 2%x% -h % A % ■Id Vz % 1 .19 3 .22 5 .25 .31 9 .43 11 .48 13 .75 2 .23 4 .27 6 .32 8 .38 10 .50 12 .60 14 95 5 3x% 15 1.10 16 1.35 Donble, with Becket BLOCKS WITH MATCH HOOKS Galvanized Malleable Iron , In ordering specify number and state if wanted with or without becket Single, with Becket Length of Shell, inches. Size of Sheave Inches For Rope Diam. Inches. Single Number. . . Each Double Number. . . Each 1% 1% 2 21/4 3 31/4 4 %xA Ix^i l%x% 11/2x1/2 l%xi/2 2x% 21/2X% ^ V4. 1^. % ^. 1/^ % 1 .41 3 .45 5 .50 7 .58 9 .66 11 .75 13 1.00 2 .50 4 .54 6 .60 8 .70 10 .80 12 1.00 14 1.37 Double no Becket !»lngle. with Becket BLOCKS \^^TH FAST EYE Galvanized Malleable Iron and Brass Lenffth Shell inch Dia. Rope inch Sheave Galv. each Pol. Size Dia. 1 Th.ck inch] inch Brass each No. 11/8 ,1 % ^ $0.05 $0.17 No. 1 1% ■h % tV .05 .23 No. 3 1% 1/4 1 ^i .07 .33 No. 5 2 I'rt 1% ^\ .11 .45 No. 7 21/4 % 11^ % .16 .50 No. 9 2% ^\ 1% % .25 .70 No. 11 3 ^ 2 % .29 .96 No. 13 3% % 2% % .62 No. 15 4% % 3 % .90 Houltle, uu Becket LenBfh Shell inches Dia. ' Sheave Galv. each Pol. Size Dia. Thick inchj inch Brass eacb No. 00 1 1/8 li A $0.06 $0.23 No. 2 1% 1^,; % i'ff .09 .29 No. 4 1% 1/4 1 ^i .13 .44 No. 6 2 !*« 1% % .18 .58 No. 8 21/4 % ll^ % .23 .70 No. 10 3 ^\ 1% % .33 .92 No. 12 3V4 % 2 % .41 1.16 No. 14 4 % 2% % .77 .... No. 16 5 % 3 % 1.12 Furhisbed with Patent Roller Sheaves to order 1007 'Geo-bcakpem'ter « Co, SINGLE DECK HALYARD BLOCKS Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze Galvanized. M401 G M402G M403G M404G M405G Stock Nos. Pol. Bronze Diameter Thickness of Sheave, of Sheave, ch. inches. 1% iy2 21/2 3 SINGLE CHEEK HALYARD BLOCKS Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze Diameter Diameter Thickness Stock IN OS. Galvanized. Pol. Bronze. of Rope, inch. of Sheave, inches. of Sheave, inch. Stock Nos. M410G M210F %. iVs % Galvanized. Pol. Bronze M411G M211F A 1% l\ M416G M214F M412G M212F % 11/2 V2 M418G M215F M413G M213F 1/2 2 % M415G M216F M414G % 3 78 SINGLE STANDARD SIDE PULLEY Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze Stock Nos. Diameter of Rope, Sl70 of Sheave, Base Dimensions, jroi. rsronze. inch. inches. inches. M305F 1/4 %X^ 2V8X 7s M 430 G M306F V4 1 XT^ 2%xlV8 M427G M307F -fc 1%X% 3%xiy2 M429G M308F % 1%X^\ 4V2Xiy8 DOUBLE DECK HALYARD BLOCKS Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze Stock Nos. Galvanized. Pol. Bronze. M409G M406G M207F M208F Diameter Diameter Thickness of Rope, of Sheave, of Sheave, inch. inches. inch. % 11/2 V2 1/2 2 % DOUBLE CHEEK HALYARD BLOCKS Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze Diameter Diameter Thickness of Rope, of Sheave, of Sheave, inch. inches. inch. 11/4 iy2 V2 DOUBLE STANDARD SIDE PULLEY Polished Bronze Diameter Size Stock No. of Rope, of Sheave, inches. inches. M 311 F Vi Ix^ Base Dimensions, inches. 2%xiy8 Geo-B-CaiipeN'ter ^ Co. 1008 WIRE ROPE DECK BLOCK Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze Galv. M423 G M 424 G M425 G M426G Stock Nos. I'ol. Uronze Diameter Thickness of Sheave, of Sheave, inches. inch. 1% T^5 3 Vz 4 fs 5 • % ROPE SINGLE FLAT WIRE PULLEY Galvanized Iron, Plain and Polished Bronze pi A 2y2 % % 31/4 t'*. Stock Nos. P,,„ Plain Pol. '^^'^- bronze. Bronze. M 501 G M 226 F M 320 F M502G M227F M321 F M 503 G M 229 F M 322 F i'^ and % 4^/2 DOUBLE FLAT WIRE ROPE PULLEY Galvanized Iron, Plain and Polished Bronze Stock Nos. r , Plain Pol. '^^'^'- Bronze. ' Bronz.. M 504 G M 232 F M 326 F M 505 G M 233 F M 327 F 3% M 506 G M 234 F M 328 F tV and % 4% WIRE ROPE CHEEK BLOCK Galvanized Iron and Polished Bronze SINGLE UPRIGHT WIRE ROPE PULLEY Galvanized Iron, Plain and Polished Bronze ^i Ss^ c S i^- e^-s .yi^js 3'o.s i-o.a H^.S t\ 2V2 % 1/4 31/4 i'n and % 41/2 % Stock Nos. r^ , , Plain Pol. *"^'^- Bronze. Bronze. M 501 G M 229 F M 323 F M 508 G M 230 F M 324 F M 509 G M 231 F M 325 F DOUBLE UPRIGHT WIRE ROPE PULLEY Galvanized Iron, Plain and Polished Bronze Stock Nos. r.,! . Plain ^''''- Bronze. M 510 G M 235 F M 329 F M511 G M236F M 330 F Pol. Bronze. SS A Q o.S 21/2 W4. lYj, ujLi vj ivji Aoo i" ivi ooyj r 74 074 M 512 G M 237 F M 331 F -fij and % 4% 1009 Geo-BCarpen'ter « eo- SINGLE UPRIGHT CHAIN LEADER Finished Bronze Sheaves. Plain Bronze Frame Stock No. Diameter of Sheave, inches. Width of Groove inch. M303F 2 ^ M304F 3^4 fiJ SINGLE FLAT CHAIN LEADER Finished Bronze Sheaves. Plain Bronze Frame DOUBLE UPRIGHT CHAIN LEADER Finished Bronze Sheaves. Plain Bronze Frame DOUBLE FLAT CHAIN LEADER Finished Bronze Sheaves. Plain Bronze Frame Diameter Width Stock No. of Sheave, of Groove, inches. inch. M301F M302F 2 CENTERBOARD BLOCK Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronz; Stock Nos. Size of Sheave, Galvanized. Pol. Bronze. inches. M435G M436G M426F M427F Base Dimensions, inches. V2xiy2 2x2% %x2 21/2x2% Stock No. M405F M406F ERICKSON ELECTRIC LIGHT BLOCK Galvanized Malleable Iron For Wire Rope with or without Beckets. Description. Length Diameter Thickness of Shell.of Sheave, of Sheave, inches, inches. inch. With Eye 5 With Eye and Becket 3 ^^' ith Wrought Single Hook 5 4 1/^ 4 % 4 % Geo-B-Car.peM'ter « eo. 1010 BULL DOG CHAIN Pig. 6/0 CutH are exaot size of wire and obain. The most popular weldless chain on the market. Both ends of a link are identical in shape, the planes lying at right angles to each other, the tie being at the center. The neatest, lightest chain, size for size, of any weldless wire chain, its uniformity and smoothness making it peculiarly adaptable to a wide variety of purposes. Supplied in coil (100 tt. packages, 250 ft. reels, kegH or barreln), out to any lenRth or fitted with attaehnientn. j -,-,,.». -r. • i-» This chain is largely adopted by Porch Swing Manufacturers in the Hot Galvanized Polish Bright Finish and is supplied to such trade to their order. Samples and prices upon request. Send specifications and full data. pniCES In 100 ft. PaekaKCS. 250 ft. Reels or 500 ft. Kegs List per 100 feet No. 6/0 $7.50 No. 5/0 6J^0 No. 4/0 6.00 No. 3/0 ."i.OO No. 2/0 4,00 No. O 3.50 No. 1 No. 2 No. .1 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 List per 100 feet $3.20 3.0O 2.80 2.70 2.50 2.30 1011 GEO-BCAIiPElfTER « So. HODELL SASH CHAIN Fig. 5/0 PIgr. 4/0 Flgr. 3/0 Fig. a/0 Pig. O Figr. 1 Fig. a Fig. 3 Fig. 4 '^^^^^^^^^!''^^^^>^^S^^^ Fig. 5 Fig. 6 ,^_„»._^_:»____™__^__^__ Cuts Are Exact Size In presenting Hodell Chain, we offer a flat chain which is novel and unique from the standpoint of being the only practical chain made from flat wire, embodying- all the necessary qualifications for a flat chain combined with many important improvements. PRICES In 100 Feet Pacliages, 250 Foot Reels or 500 Foot Kegs List per 100 feet No. 6/0 No. 5/0 Jiil.'.OO No. 4/0 IS.OO No. 3/0 10.00 No. 2/0 8.80 No. O 7.50 List per 100 feet No. 1 «7.00 No. 2 6.30 No. 3 5.80 No. 4 5.40 No. 5 5.00 No. 6 4.60 GEO-BeAIiPEN"TER S SO. iota SWIVEL HOOK WITH SWIVEL HOOK WITH WIRE MANILA ROPE THIMBLE ROPE THIMBLE Galvanized and Black Wrought Iron Galvanized and Black Wrought Iron With Regular Eye (T With Snmll Eye ^ Diam. of Diam. of Diam. of Stock No. Irmi"in'TW,k Iron in Hook, Iron in Hook, Iron in Hook, Galvanized. inches. inches. inches. inches. M 1224 H % % % 1% M 1225 H % il' 1 1% M 1227 H % Vz iVi 178 M 1228 H % % 1% 2 M 1229 H M 1230 H Ys % 11/2 1 1% SMALL EYE SINGLE HOOK 1% 1^ Galvanized and Black Wrought [ron 1% J f^^^ 1% J w 1% 2 1 L^ ^S^ SMALL EYE SWIVEL HOOK ^ ^^pg ^^ Inside Diameter Galvanized and Black Wrought Iron Stock No. Diam. of I.en-th ^ Ml^^ Galvanized. Iron in Hook, inches. of Hook, inches. of Eye, inches. ^'"■1^ "-^^|k M1214H 1/4 2T'i5 fff /^^^^ sf a M1215H -h 2h % fiif^^m^ S 1 M1216H % 2% % 11 s^jr^ \jif,r^ a M1218H Vz 3 % \V— ^Pr"^^ /'^dy M 1220 H % 3% il ^m»J^^^ M 1222 H % 4% J Fop Dlocks or Chnin M 1223 H ys 572 iVi Stock No. Iron in Hook, 1 678 1% Galvanized. inches. iy4 778 1% M 1324 H % 1% 8% 1% M 1326 H % iVs 9 1% M 1327 H % 1% 914 2tV M 1328 H % 1% 11 274 M 1329 H 1 178 11% 2^ 11/4 1274 2^ 1% 274 1378 2Vi IV2 1% 1% 2% 14% 2% ROUND EYE BOAT SNAP 178 9 SWIVEL EYE SNAP HOOK Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze <^X Inside For Forging Size of Shank Length under Ins ide Diam. stock No. inch Eye, inches of Ring, Inches 31 IGOl R M 4 1% 31 1602 R i\- 4 Vi 2 31 1603 R % 4% 2 31 1605 R V2 51/L 2% 31 1607 R % 5 1/2 2% 31 1608 R % 6 3 31 1609 R % 7 31/4 31 1610 R 1 8 3% Larger sizes and extra lengths furnished to order. SCREW RING BOLT Galvanized Drop Forging EXTRA LONG "^ ^^^ Size of Shank Length under Inside Diam. Size Bolt Length, under Inside Diam. Stock No. inch Eye, inche.H ( f Ring, inches Stock No. inch Eye, inches of Ring, .nchef. 31 1501 R 1/4 4 1% 31 1301 R 1/4 2 1% 31 1502 R A 4y4 2 31 1302 R A 2V4 2 M 1503 R % 4% 2 31 1303 R % 21^ 2 31 1505 R ^ sy* 21/2 31 1305 R 1/2 sy* 21^ 31 1507 R % 6 2% 31 1307 R % 4 2% 31 1508 R % 6 1/2 3 311 308 R % 4% 3 31 1509 R % 8 3% 31 1309 R Vs 5 31/4 M 1510 B 1 9 3% 31 1310 R 1 6 3% 1017 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « QO. S HOOKS Galvanized Wrought Iron Size, Inbhes z\ % i^c % I's % % Length IV2 1% 2y4 2% 3 3 1/2 4 Per Doz $0.35 $0.40 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.60 FlB. 678 SHOULDER SCREW EYE BOLT Galvanized Drop Forging I yvn-nivn'M^ww stock No. M 901 R M 902 R M903R M905R M 907 R M908R M 909 R M910R Size of Shank Inch % le % V2 % . % % 1 Length under Shoulder inches 2% 21/2 31/4 4 41/2 5 Inside Diameter of Eye inches V2 % Vs IV4. Size of Iron in Eye, inch % 1/2 H % NUT EYE BOLT Galvanized Drop Forging REGULAR LENGTH stock No. Size of Shank inch Length under Eye inches M501R 1/4 2 M502R 21/4 M503R % 21/^ M 505 R V2 31/4 M 507 R % 4 M 508 R % 41^ M510R 1 6 EXTRA LONG Stock No. Size of Shank inch Length under Eye inches M601 R M 4 M C02 R A 4V4 M 603 R % 4V2 M 605 R 1/2 51/4 M607R % 5% M608R % 6V2 M609R Vs 8 M 610 R 1 9 Inside Diam. of Hye, inches 1/2 % % 1 IV4 IV2 Inside Diam. of Eye, indies V2 % % 1 IV4 11/2 1% 2 NAVY SHOULDER EYE BOLT Polished Bronze Stock No. Size of Shank inch Length under Eye inches Inside Diam. of Eye, inches M 3201 R y* 21/2 1/^ M 3202 R ,% 3 % M 3203 R % 3V2 % M 3205 R V2 , 4^ 1 M 3207 R % 6 IV4 M 3208 R % 7 1% RIVET EYE BOLT Galvanized Drop Forging REGULAR LENGTH Stock No. M 1801 R M 1802 R M 1803 R M 1805 R M 1807 R M 1808 R M 1809 R M 1810 R stock No. M 1901 R M 1902 R M 1903 R M 1 905 R M1907R M 1908R M 1 909 R M 1910 R Size of Shank inch ^n % V2 Length under Eye inches 4 414 41/2 51/4 51/2 6 7 8 EXTRA LONG Size of Shank inch 1/4 % • V2 % Length under Ey( inches Inside Diam. of Eye, inches % % 1 IV4 11/^ 1% Inside Diam. of Eye, inches % 1 IV4 1% 1% 2 Complete assortment of these goods in our Marine Catalog. If interested, send for It Geo-BCarpeM'ter « So. 1018 TURNBUGKLES Fig. M80 FORGED STEEL Plain and Galvanized with Hook and Swivel Eye Furnished with two eyes, two hooks, two shackles or shackle and eye if wanted. Diameter Length in Clear Length of Estimated f Thread Galvanized Self-colored Uett\een Heads Buckle Outdide Weight Each inches each each incbeit inches lbs. tk $0.80 $0.70 3% 4y8 v* y* .85 .75 4 4% % A .90 .80 4y4 sy* % % 1.10 .95 4% 5% % A 1.25 1.05 5 ey* 1 % 1.50 1.30 6 1V2 1% ^ 1.85 1.65 7% 9 2% % 2.20 1.75 syz 101/^ sy* ^4 3.25 2.60 9y4 11% 4% % 4.25 3.60 10 12% 7% 1 5,50 4.75 11 14 10 y2 1V6 6.75 5.50 12 15% 15% iy4 8.25 6.75 13 16% 21 1% 9.75 7.75 14 18 27 1% 12.00 9.50 15 19% 35 1% 15.00 13.00 16 21 1% 20.00 17.00 18 23 lYs 25.00 22.00 18 23 2 28.00 25.00 24 31 2% 33.50 30.50 24 31 2V4. 38.50 35.00 24 32 *Order by this dimension. Larger sizes furnished to order. Prices on receipt of specification. PIPE TURNBUGKLES FORGED STEEL Fis. G2:J0 AVith Shactile and Eje ^js^ €s«*^ Fig. G232 AVith Hook and Eye @»=^ Fis. G233 AVith Shackle and Shackle Fig. G231 AVith Two Eyes jass=^ ♦Outside i ♦Outside Diameter Estimated Diameter of Thread Galvanized Length of ripe Weight Each of Thread Galvanized Length of Pipe inches each inches lbs. inches each inches A $0.95 4 % % .$3.50 12 y* 1.00 5 % 78 4.25 13 A 1.10 5!4 % 1 5.50 15 % 1.30 6 IV4 lyg 7.00 16 A 1.50 6y2 1% IVa 8.25 16 % 1.80 7y2 2% 1% 10.00 18 fn 2.10 10 3y4 iy2 12.00 18 % 2.40 10% 4% 1% 15.00 18 Estimated Weiglit Each lbs. TV* 11 16 20 Larger sizes furnished to order. Prices upon receipt of specifications. 'Order by this dimension and give figure number. 1019 GEO-B-CAIiPEffTER S eo. A BARREL HOOKS Size Small Large Wrought Iron Galvanized, per pair $0.83 1.00 Blacked, per pair $0.75 .90 A FIs. 681B Fig. esic C- CAN HOOKS Wrought Iron Iron, diameter, inches % -^^ % Galvanized, per pair $0.65 $0.8O $1.00 Blacked, per pair 60 .70 .83 CHAIN HOOKS Wrought Iron Galvanized ingth Size of Iron ches inches Each 24 % $0.50 , 24 26 Va .75 26 28 % 1.00 I 2i % % 78 $1.25 $1.75 $2.25 1.10 1.50 2.00 1/2 Each .$0.45 .70 .90 SINGLE NAVY BOAT HOOK Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze stock Nos. For Pole Diameter Galvanized Polished Bronze inches MllOlK 31 1305 K 1 M1103K M1306K 1 1^ M1105K M1307K 1 1/2 M1107K M1308K 2 SHARP POINT BOAT HOOK Galvanized Malleable Iron and Polished Bronze stock Nop. For Pole Diameter Galvanized Polished Bronze inches M 1201 K M1301 K 1 M 1203 K M 1302 K 1 1/4 M 1205 K M 1303 K I'-A M 1207 K M 1304 K 2 BOAT HOOK HANDLES Varnished Fir gAr^s^efeMJ^^^y^d^amyuriak^^teii Stock No. M 1102 J M 1105 J M 1107 J M 3104 J Length feet 4 5 Stock No. M 3204 J M 3304 J M 3405 J M 3404 J OUR MARINE CATALOG LISTS A FULL LINE OP BOAT HOOKS AND EQUIPMENT GEO-BGAIiPENfTER ^ CO RIGGER SCREWS AND LOBSTER CLAWS 1020 Fop 3Ianila Rope Lobster Claw For Wire Hope Di ameter of Price Diameter of Price Diameter of Price Size Sci e\v, inches each Size Screw, inches each Siz« Screw, inches each No. 1% $8.50 Xo. 1 1% $3.50 Xo. l^A ,$5>.00 No. 1 1% 4.30 Xo. 2 1 3.25 Xo. 1 IVi 0,23 \o. 2 IVs 3.73 Xo. 3 % 3.00 Xo. 2 IVs 4.73 \o. 3 1 2.73 Xo. 3 1 3.50 Xo. 4 % 2.50 Xo. Xo. 4 5 % 2.73 2.25 State whether for Manila or AVire Kope MARLINE SPIKES Tempered Steel Length. Fig. 6S0C inches i 6 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 18 Japanned Polished. per dozeu^$1.7 5 ? 2.00; $2.60 1 $3.00 1 $3.25 1 $3.50i$ 4.001 $5.00 '$5,501 $6,501 $8.. 5 i a-.QOI 13.501 3.75| 4.00| 4.50| 5.00| 5.50| 6.T0| 7.50| 9.50jlX50 W^RE KOPE MARLIXT: spikes — Tool Steel, Polished Fig. 6SD Length inches | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 '$16.00iS18.001S21.001S24 ftni$07 ftfi GUY GRIPPER OR "COME-A-LOXG" A guy can be tightened in one-eighth the time usually consumed by old fashioned methods. Positively cannot slip, for the harder the strain, the tighter the grip. For ■wire rope. PricG, each . . . No.l No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 ch and smallej 1 to 1 Vg inch IVa inch 2 inch $10.00 $12.00 $16.00 $24.00 Always give size of rope gripper is to be used on. 1021 GEO-BCAIiPEH^TER ^ QO, CAULKING IRONS CAST STEEL Caulking Irons, No, Crease, J^ inch thick " " No. 1 " (or making) 3^ inch thick. " No. 2 " " " 5i6 " « No. 3 " " " M " Deck or Dumb Irons Crooked or Bent Irons Double Bent Irons Spike Irons Sharp or Butt Irons .- Clearing or Reefing Irons Reed's Boat Builders' Irons, ^ inch thick Klondike Boat Builders' Irons, ^W inch thick " Xe " " HAWSING IRONS _ SOLID STEEL liitiiiliiiiiiiiiiiisi^ rig. 676D G. B. C. &COS Dozen S4.50 4.65 4.75 4.85 5.25 5.25 5.75 5.00 ■6.00 5.25 3. '66 3.25 3.50 Drews Dozen 88.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.50 10.00 8.00 10.00 9.00 7.00 HAWSING BEETLES WROUGHT RINGS Live Oak, extra per dozen $22.00 White Oak " 17.50 Handles only " 3.50 CAULKING MALLETS Blades Polished Blades Blacked.. fV or Vi inch thick, per dozen Regular ; or % inch thick, per dozen $20.00 15.00 $22.50 17.50 $25.00 20.00 We always send % inch thick unless otherwise ordered. SHIP SCRAPERS Tempered Steel Blades, Galvanized Sockets No. 1. " 2. " 3. No, 000, No. 00, No. 0, No. 1, No. 5, No. 8, Live Oak, tempered Steel Rings, doz. $30.00 polished " " " 25.00 " 22.00 Iron Rings " 18.00 White Oak " " " 12.00 DECK PLUGS Per lig. G7GE ^"^8 ^°^' Blade H inch thick $7.50 " Vs " " 4.50 " 2}4 inches square 5 . 00 YACHT OR BOAT Fig. 676G Xriansrular Per doz. Oval, 5 inch long; blade, 2^x1 inch. |3. 50 Triangular, " " " 2 x2 " . 3.50 Price Per Thousanti White Pine. Oak Mahogany. . $1.50 2.00 2.50 K2 $1.50 2.00 2.50 $1.50 2.00 2.50 Va $2.00 2.50 3.00 $2.00 $2.00 2.50 3.00 l_l 1^ $2.50 f^. YACHT SPAR 3.00 50 3.00 FiK. r.7fiH Triangular 3.50 Triangular or Curved ..$6.00 GEO-B-CARPEhfTER ^ QO, 1024 JEFFERY'S SPECIAL MARINE CANOE GLUE Guaranteed to Be Waterproof Its peculiar proper- ties are those of flexi- bility and durability, and although it be- comes soft and pliant under heat, it still re- tains its adhesion to timber, fiber, etc., and is clean and insoluble in water. No canoeist should be without a can of this Glue; it is invaluable for quick repairs on either canvas or cedar canoes. In cans of. . (emergency) 1 lb. 2 lb. 5 lb. For temporary repairs only a candle is needed. Dig out a piece of glue as large as re- quired, mold it in the hand after greasing with the candle, melt the face of the glue and apply to the hole. No. 1. BLACK, WHITE OR YELLOW YACHT GLUE Extra Quality For Deck and Hull Seams of Yachts and Boats. In cans of 1 lb., 2 lbs., and 5 lbs. In bulk, packed in wooden cases containing: 14 lbs.. 28 lbs., 56 lbs., and 112 lbs. No. 2. BLACIv OR YELLOW SHIP GLUE First Quality. For Deck and Hull Seams of All Classes of Vessels. In bulk, packed in wooden cases containing: 14 lbs., 28 lbs., 56 lbs., and 112 lbs. No. 7. BLACK GLUE Soft Quality Used largely by manufacturers of knock- down boats. Also used in combination with canvas for decks and canvas boats and canoes, and in com- bination with calico for sponsons. It is invaluable for quick repairs. In cans of 1 lb., 2 lbs., and 5 lbs. In bulk, packed in cases containing: 14 lbs., 28 lbs., 56 lbs., and 112 lbs. No. 10. BLACK GLUE Soft Quality Very elastic, especially recommended for Joining hollow spars. In cans of 1 lb. 65 LeP AGE'S LIQUID GLUE In Tin Cans Half pints, packed 2 dozen in box. Pints, packed 1 dozen in box. Quarts, packed 1 doz- en in box. Half gallon cans, packed ^ dozen in box. Gallon cans, packed ^ dozen in Dox. In Bottles Small size, 1 doz. in box, packed in gross and Vz gross cases. Large size, 1 doz. in box, packed in gross and 1/^ gross cases. WATERPROOF LIQUID MARINE GLUE "C" QUALITY Ready for use. For attaching canvas, felt, oilcloth, rubber, leather or linoleum to iron, steel or wood, rendering same absolutely water- proof. In applying can should be placed In hot water if glue is too thick to work freely. Spread glue over the surface with a stiff brush after which canvas or other material can be laid over glue and a warm flat iron passed over same to smooth out wrinkles and make perfect contact. 1 gal. will cover about 10% square yards. MARINE GLUE THINNER Thinning should be used sparingly in the same manner as a carpenter adds a little water to animal glue when it becomes too hard or brittle. Put up in cans of % pint, 1 pint, 1 quart, 14 gallon and 1 gallon. INLAND LAKE CUSHION LAG An elastic, durable flnish for dressing up leather, pantasote, etc., restoring the color and lustre the leather originally had. It is waterproof and is warranted not to crack leather or pantasote. Dries in 15 minutes so that the cushion can be used shortly after being coated without danger of either sticking or softening. It is a leather preservative, and is made in the following colors: Black, red, brown, dark, green, blue and transparent. Put up in cans of V4, pint, ^ pint. 1 pint, 1 quart, % gallon, and 1 gallon. 1025 GEO-BCAIlREffTER ^ GO. USEFUL INFORMATION WATER Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times. Friction of liquids in pipes increases as the squai-^e of^ lfo1jndi"pei^'square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by 434. Approximately, we say that every foot elevation is equal to 1/2 pound pressure r>«r Qfiiiarp inch' this allows for ordinary friction. . „ . ..„. „ V •T'o find the diameter of a pump cylinder to remove a given quantity of water per minute (100 feet of Diston being- the standard of speed), divide the number of gallons by 4, then extract the square root, nnd the nroduct will be the diameter in inches of the pump cylinder. ^"^ ri-ofiPj quantity o£ water elevated in one minute, running at 100 feet of piston speed per minute, sauare the diameter of the water cylinder in inches, and multiply by 4. , . . „. Elcamnle— Capacity of a 5 inch cylinder is desired. The square of the diameter (5 inches) is 25, whiph multiDlied by 4, gives 100, the number of gallons per minute (approximately). To find the horse-power necessary to elevate water to a given height, multiply the weight of the water elpvated per minute in pounds by tlie height in feet, and divide the product by 33,000 (an allow- ance should be added for water friction, and a further allowance for loss in steam cylinder, say from : *The area of"the steam piston, multiplied by the steam pressure, gives the total amount of pressure that can be exerted. The area of the water piston, multiplied by the pressure of water per square inch Rives the resistance. A margin must be made between the power and the resistance to move the Distons at the required speed, say from 20 to 40 per cent, according to speed and other conditions. To find the capacity of a cylinder in gallons, multiply the area in inches by the length of stroke in inches will give the total number of cubic inches: divide this amount by 231 (which is the cubical contents of a U. S. gallon in inches), and product is the capacity in gallons. ELECTRICAL. UNITS Volt — The unit of electrical motive force. Force required to send one ampere of current through one ohm of resistance. „ , ., . , . ,, ^ . Ohm — Unit of resistance. The resistance offered to the passage of one ampere, when impelled by Ampere — ^Unit of current. The current which one volt can send through a resistance of one ohm. Coulomb — Unit of quantity. Quantity of current which, impelled by one volt, would pass through one ohm in one second. , , , -, ^. Farad — Unit of capacity. A conductor or condenser which will hold one coylomb under the pres- sure of one volt. Joule — Unit of work. The work done by one watt in one second. Watt — The unit of electrical energy, and is the product of ampere and volt. That is, one ampere of current flowing under a pressure of one volt gives one watt of energy. One electrical horse-power is equal to 746 watts. One Kilowatt is equal to 1,000 watts. To find the watts consumed in a given electrical circuit, such as a lamp, multiply the volts by the amperes. To And the volts, divide the watts by the amperes. To find the amperes, divide the watts by the volts. To find the electrical horse-power required by a lamp, divide the watts of the lamp by 746. To find the number of lamps that can be supplied by one electrical horse-power of energy, divide 746 by the watts of the lamp. To find the electrical horse-power necessary, multiply the watts per lamp by the number of lamps, and divide by 746. To find the mechanical horse-power necessary to generate the required electrical horse-power, divide the latter bv the efficiency of the genei'ator. To find the amperes of a given circuit, of which the volts and ohms resistance are known, divide the volts by the ohms. To find the volts, when the amperes and watts are known, multiply the amperes by the ohms. To find the resistance in ohms, when tl.e volts and amperes are known, divide the volts by the amperes. STEAM Saturated Steam — Steam at a given temperature is said to be saturated when it is of maximum density for that temperature. Steam in contact with water is saturated steam. Wet or Supersaturated Steam — Steam which has water (in the form of small drops) suspended in it is called wet or supersaturated steam. If wet steam be heated until all the water in it is evapo- rated, it is said to be dried. Superheated Steam — If dry saturated steam be heated when not in contact with water, its temper- ature is raised and its density diminished or its pressure is raised. The steam is then said to be super- heated. Dryness Fraction of Steam — Let W = weight of a given quantity of wet steam, w = weight of water W-w suspended in this steam, then dryness fraction = . w Under ordinary conditions and good stoking, the dryness fraction is about 95 per cent. Properties of Saturated Steam — Nearly all published tables giving the properties of saturated - steam have been constructed on empirical formulae based on the researches of Regnault. The table below has been prepared with great care after comparing the tables given by Clark, Cotterill, Dwel- shauvers-Dery, Marfarlane, Gray, Peabodv, Thurston, Weisbach and others. The temperature it was first decided on by a system of averaging and plotting, H was then calculated from the formulae, U=1081 94-t- 305t. The quantity t-h was next determined in the same way as t was found, and this decided the value •;",;;■ ' 1 of h. Then, L = H-h. w was next determined, and then v = — . ■('•::■ ' w , .. The quantities H, h an,d L are for one pound weight of steam or water. j»= absolute pressure or pressure above a perfect vacuum, in pounds per square inch. t.f;= temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. H=^ total heat in steam above that in water at 32°. h = heat in water (at t°) above that in water at 32°. L= latent heat or heat of vaporization = H-h. w = weight of one cubic foot of steam in pounds. 1 T = volume of one pound weight of steam in cubic feet = — . ■w Quantities of heat are expressed in British thermal units. A British Thermal Unit is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water 1° F.. when the water is at its greatest density, namely, from 39° to 40° F. GEO-BCAIiPEhfTER « eO, 1026 USEFUL INFORMATION WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES PER CUBIC FOOT Average Weigiit, Names of Substances lbs. Anthracite, solid, of Pennsylvania 93 Antliraciie, broken, loose 54 Antliracite, broken, moderately sliaken 58 Antliracite, heaped bushel, loose (80) Ash, American white, dry 38 Asphaltum S7 Brass (copper and zinc), cast 504 Brass, rolled 524 Brick, best pressed 150 Brick, common hard 125 Brick, soft, inferior 100 Brickwork, pressed brick 140 Brickwork, ordinary 112 Cement, liydraulic, ground, loose, American, Rosendale 56 Cement, hydraulic, ground, loose, American, Louisville Cement, hydraulic, ground, loose, English, Port- land 90 Cherry, dry 42 Chestnut, dry 41 Coal, bituminous, solid 84 Coal, bituminous, broken, locse 49 Coal, bituminous, heaped bushel, loose (74) Coke, loose, of good coal 27 Coke, loose, heaped bushel (38) Copper, cast 542 Copper, rolled 548 Earth, common loam, dry, loose 76 Earth, common loam, dry, moderately rammed 95 Earth, as a soft flowing mud 108 Ebony, dry 76 Elm, dry 35 Flint 162 Glass, common window I'l? Gneiss, common 168 Gold, cast, pure or 24 carat .1204 Gold, pure, hammered 1217 Granite 170 Gravel, about the same as sand, whicli see. Hemlock, dry 25 Hickory, dry 53 Hornblende, black 203 Ice 58. 7 Iron, cast 450 Iron, wrought, purest 485 Iron, wrought, average 480 Ivory 114 Lead 711 Lignum Vitse, dry 83 Lime, quick, ground, loose or in small lumps. 53 Lime, quick, ground, loose, thoroughly shaken 75 struck bushel, in irregular Average Weififht, lbs. 66 168 Names of Substances Lime, quick, ground, loose, per Limestones and Marbles Limestones and Marbles, loose, fragments Mahogany, Spanish, dry 53 Mahogany, Honduras, dry 35 Maple, dry 49 Marbles, see Limestones. Masonry, of granite or limestone, well dressed 165 Masonry, of mortar rubble 154 Masonry, of dry rubble (well scabbled) 138 Masonry, of sandstone, well dressed 144 Mercury, at 32° p-ahrenheit 849 Mica 183 Mortar, hardened 103 Mud, dry, close 80 to 110 Mud, wet, fluid, maximum 120 Oak, live, dry 59 Oak, white, dry 52 Oak, other kinds 32 to 45 Petroleum 55 Pine, wbite, dry 25 Pine, yellow. Northern 34 Pine, yellow. Southern 45 Platinum 1342 Quartz, common, pure 165 Rosin 69 Salt, coarse, Syracuse, N. Y 45 Salt, Liverpool, fine, for table use ... 49 Sand, of pure quartz, dry, loose 90 to 106 Sand, well shaken 99 to 117 Sand, perfectly wet 120 to 140 Sandstones, fit for building 151 Shales, red or black 162 Silver Slate Snow, freshly fallen 5 to Snow, moistened and compacted by rain.. 15 to Spruce, dry Steel -. Sulphur Sycamore, dry Tar Tin, cast Turf or Peat, drv, unpressed. Walnut, black, dry as Water, pure rain or distilled, at 60° Fahrenheit. 62 1^ Water, sea 64 Wax, bees 60.5 Zinc or Spelter 437 Green timbers usually weigh from one-fifth to one-half more than dry. 655 175 12 50 25 490 125 37 ,20 to 30 MELTING POINT OF METALS Name Fahr. liahr. Authority Platina 4593 ^ Antimony 955 842 J. Lowthian Bell Bismuth 487 507 " Tin (average 475 Lead (average) 622 620 " Zinc 772 782 n.ot T^^r, 9nift J 1922 2012 White ) Poulllet Cast Iron 2010 | 2OI2 2192 Gray ] Wrought Iron 2910 2733 Welding Heat Steel 2370 2550 Copper (average) 2174 GENERAL RULES FOR DETERMINING THE WEIGHT OF ANY PIECE OF WROUGHT IRON One cubic foot of wrouglit iron =480 lbs. One square foot, one inch thick ^='^W\2= 40 lbs. One square inch, one foot long = *%2 = 2^ lbs. One square inch, one yard long =3i^x3= 10 lbs. Hence, the weight of any piece of wrought iron in pounds per yard is equal to 10 times its area in inches. Example — The area of a bar 3"xl"=3 square inches, and its weight is 30 lbs. per yard. For round iron tha weight per foot may be found by taking the diameter in quarter inches, squaring It, and dividing by 6. Example — What is the weight of 2 inch round iron? Example — What is the weight of %" round iron? 2"=S quarter inches. 8«=fi4. %"=3 quarter inches. 32=9. «%=:10% lbs. per foot of 2" round. %=1% lbs. per foot of 94" round. 1027 GEO-BCAIiREffTER S GO. USEFUL INFORMATION RULES FOR FINDING THE HORSEPOWER OF AN ENGINE Problem — What Is the horse-power of an engine whose piston is 12 inches in diameter, stroke 16 inches, revolutions 140 per minute, mean steam pressure 30 lbs. per inch on piston? Rule 1 — Multiply the area of piston's square inches by the mean pressure per square inch, then multiply this product by the speed of the piston in feet per minute, then divide this last product by 33,000 foot pounds per horsepower. Kxample — Diameter of piston, 12 inches. Multiply by itself 12X12=144 square inches of piston. Re- duct this to square inches of area by multiplying 144X.7854 (785y^oooo) =113.0976 square inches of area, then multiply this by mean pressure on piston, 30 lbs., 113.0976X30 = 3392.928 lbs. total pressure on piston, then multiply this product by speed of piston, 373.3 feet per minute = 1266580.0224. Now divide this by 33,000 foot pounds per horse-power = 38.3 horse-power which this engine will generate with the steam pressure and speed given. Rule 2 — Multiply the square of the piston's diameter in inches by stroke in inches. Multiply result- ant by revolutions per minute. Then multiply this product by 4. Now point off 5 figures from the right and multiply by the mean pressure in lbs., the final product is the horse-power of an engine. Example — Square inches of piston's diameter is 144xby stroke 16 inches = 2304. This x by revolu- tions per minute 140 = 32.2560, resultant X by 4 = 12.90240 which X by mean pressure 30 lbs. = 38.70 horse-power of engine. This rule is correct within % of a horse-power in 100. Rule 3 — Multiply the square of piston's diameter in inches by mean pressure in lbs. Multiply the product by twice the stroke in feet. Multiply resultant by revolutions per minute. Then multiply this product by constant .238, the final resultant will be the horse-power. Kxample — Square inches of piston 144 X by mean pressure 30 = 4,320 X by twice the stroke in feet 2%=11.520Xby revolutions . 140 = 161. 2800Xby constant .238 = 38.38 horse-power of engine. The constant .238, is found by dividing .7854 by 33,000 foot pounds. Rule 4 — Multiply the area of piston by mean pressure. This product by the stroke in inches. Mul- tiply resultant by 2. Again multiply by the revolutions per minute. Then divide oroduct by 12, and divide final resultant by 33,000, the quotient will be the horse-power of engine. Bxample — Area of piston 113.0976Xby mean pressure 30=339. 2928Xby stroke 16 inches = 5428 6848X by 2 = 10587. 3696xby revolutions per minute. 140 = 152003.1744 h- by 12 = 12666. 9312-=-33,000=38.38 horse- power of engine. In the foregoing rules no allowance is made for the piston-rod, which. If so accounted for, would slightly reduce the horse-power in each example. To find the side contents of an equal square, multiply its diameter by .8862. TO FIND THE HORSE-POWER OF SHAFTING To find horse-power of a shaft, multiply the cube of its diameter in inches by the revolutions per minute, and divide product by 82 for steel or 110 for iron shafting. Elxample. Diameter of shaft. 2 inches; revolutions, 160; then 23x160 = 1280-^82 = 14.4 horse-power, or 23x160 = 1280-^110 = 11.6 horse-power of iron shaft. FLY WHEEL To find the weight of the rim of the fly wheel for an engine: Nominal H. P.X200-f-the square of the velocity of the circumference in feet per second = weight in cwt. RELATIVE VALUE OF HEATING SURFACE Horizontal surfaces above the flame equal 1.00 Vertical surfaces above the flame equal 50 Horizontal surfaces beneath the flame 10 Tubes and flues equal IM times their diameter. Convex surfaces above the flame equal 1% diameter. FEED WATER REQUIRED BY SMALL ENGINES Gauge Pressure at Boiler Pounds Water per Efifective H. P. per hour Gauge Pressure at Boiler Pounds Water per Effective H. P. per Hour 10 118 60 75 15 111 70 71 20 105 80 68 25 100 90 65 30 93 100 .63 40 84 120 6J 50 ' 79 150 58 TO DERIVE WEIGHT OF IRON The average weight of wrought iron is 480 lbs. per cubic foot. To find the sectional area, given the weight per foot: — Multiply by ^,0. To find the weight per foot, given the sectional area: — Multiply by i%. For round iron the weight per foot may be figured by taking the diameter in ^ Inches; square It and divide it by 6. Example — WTiat is weight per foot of 2 inch round iron? 2 inches=8 quarter-inches. 8X8=64 644f6=10% lbs. per foot. Example — What is weight per foot of % inch round iron? % lnch=3 quarter inches. 3X3=9 94^6=1% lbs. per foot. Steel weighs 2% heavier than wrought iron. GEO-BCARPEhfTER « CO. 1028 USEFUL INFORMATION HORSE POWER OP TURNED SHAFTING — (Kent) As second movers or line shafting, bearings eight feet apart. D-xR Formula: H. P.= Diameter of Shaft 2JJ Number of Revolutions Per Minute 100 I 150 I 175 I 325 12.6 17. 23. 30. 38. 47. 58. 71. 7.4 11.1 15.8 21. 29. 37. 47. 59. 73. 13.3 19. 26. 34. 45. 57. 71. 10.4 15.5 " 22. 30/. 40. 52. 66. 83. 102. 125. 11.9 17.7 25. 34. 46. 60. 76. 95. 117. 142. 250 13.4 20. 28. 39. 52. 67. 85. 107. 132. 160. 14.9 16.4 17.9 22.2 24.4 26.6 31. 35. 38. 43. 47. 52. 58. 64. 69. 75. 82. 90. 95. 104. 114. 119. 131. 143. 146. 162. 176. 178. 196. 213. 19.4 28.8 41. 56. 75. 97. 123. 155. 190. 231. 20.9 31. 44. 60. 81. 105. 133. 165. 205. 249. HORSE POWER OF TURNED SHAFTING— (Kent) As prime mover or head shaft carrying main driving pulley or gear, well supported by bearings D'xR Formula: H. P.= 125 Diameter of Shaft Number of Revolutions Per 3Iinute 60 80 100 125 1 150 1 175 1 200 1 225 250 275 300 m 2.6 3.4 4.3 5.4 6.4 7.5 8.6 9.7 10.7 11.8 12.9 m 3.8 5.1 6.4 J- 9.6 11.2 12.8 14.4 16. 17.6 19.2 a^g 5.4 7.3 8.1 10. 12. 14, 16. 18. 20. 22. 24 2A 7.5 10. 12.5 15. 18. 22. 25. 28. 31. 34. 37 2 jt 10. 13. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. 36. 40. 44 48 2 1 13. 17. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 6o: 3/ff 16. 22. 27. 34. 40. 47. 54. 61. 67. 74. 81 3,V 3{| 20. 27. 34. 42. 51. 59. 68. 76. 85. 93 10"> 30. 41. 51. 64. 76. 89. 102. 115. 127. 140. 153. 4tV 43. 58. 72. 90. 108. 126. 144. 162. 180. 198. 4\i 60. 80. 100. 125. 150. 175. 200. 225. 250. 275 300 5^ 80. 106. 133. 166. 199. 233. 266. 299. 333. 366. 400. SPEED OF GRAIN ELEVATOR BELTS Size of Head Polley, Diameter. inches Speed of Belt, feet per minute Revolutions Per Minute of Head Shaft Size of Head Pulley, Diameter, inches Speed of Belt, feet per minute Revolutions Per Minute of Head Shaft 24 30 36 42 48 250 to 300 300 to 350 350 to 375 375 to 400 400 to 425 40 to 48 38 to 44 37 to 40 34 to 36 32 to 34 ."54 60 72 84 425 to 450 475 to 500 575 to 600 625 to 650 30 to 32 30 to 32 30 to 32 28 to 30 TEE-RAILS AND TRACK EQUIP3IENT RAILS, SPLICES, SPIKES AND BOLTS For Single Track, (Tvfo Rails), Ties 2 Feet Center to Center, 4 Spikes Each Size of Rails, pounds, per yard 8 12 1« 20 25 30 40 Rails, per mile, tons of 2,000 pounds 14.08 19 70 2,160 %xiy2 1,800 21.12 800 3.44 %x2i^ 1.320 25 63 1,600 %xiy2 1.800 28.16 1,067 4.36 1.370 %x2 1.560 35.20 1,333 4.86 % x3 1/2 1,790 33 51 1.180 44.00 1,667 5.70 %x3y2 1,790 33 41 1,180 52.80 2,000 10.45 f 600 70.40 2.667 16.10 76 56 530 Splice bars, weight, per pair, pounds Spikes, size under head, inches Spikes, per mile, pounds Spikes, per 100 feet, pounds Spikes, number per keg of 200 pounds Bolts, size, inches Bolts, number per keg of 200 pounds NEAREST NUMBER OF RAILS. SPLICES AND BOLTS For Sini^le Track (2 Rails) Length of Rails, feet. Per 100 feet, number of rails Per 100 feet, pairs splices Per 100, number bolts, 4 per joint., . Per 100, number bolts, 2 per joint... Per mile, number rails Per mile, pairs splices Per mile, number bolts, 4 per ioint, P«r mile, number bolts, 2 per joint. 8-pound rails, number, per ton 12-pound rails, number, per ton 16-pound rails, number, per ton 20-pound rails, number, per ton 25-pound rails, number, per ton 80-pound rails, number, per ton 40-pound rails, number, per ton 12 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 18 I 20 I 22 3,520 1,760 62.5 41.7 31.3 25.0 20.0 16.7 12.5 813 3,252 1,626 57.7 38.5 28.9 23.1 18.5 15.4 11.5 14 14 56 28 755 755 3.020 1,510 53.6 35.7 26.8 21.4 17.1 14.3 10.7 13 13 52 26 704 704 2.816 1.408 50.0 33.3 25.0 20.0 16.0 13.3 10.0 12 12 48 24 660 660 2,640 1,320 46.9 31.3 23.4 18.8 15.0 12.5 9.3 11 11 44 22 578 578 2,312 1,156 41.7 27.8 20.8 16.7 13.3 11.1 24 I 30 10 9 8 7 10 9 8 7 40 36 32 28 20 18 16 14 528 480 440 352 528 4S0 440 353 2.112 1,920 1,760 1,408 1.056 960 880 704 37.5 34.1 31.3 25.0 25.0 22.S 20.8 16.7 18.8 17.1 15.6 12.5 15.0 13.6 12.5 10.0 12.0 10.9 10.0 SO 10.0 9.1 8.3 6.7 7.5 6.8 6.3 5.0 1029 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S eo. USEFUL INFORMATION TO TEMPER STEEL ON ONE EDGE ONLY Dip the edge to be tempered into hot lead until proper color; then temper in ordinary fashion. TO DRILL HARDENED STEEL Cover your steel with melted beeswax; when coated and cold, make a hole in the wax with a fine- pointed needle or other article the size of hole you require, put a drop of strong- nitric acid upon it; after an hour rinse off and apply again; it will gradually eat through. A mixture of 1 ounce of sulphate of copper, % ounce of alum, V2 teaspoonful of powdered salt. 1 gill of vinegar and 20 drops of nitric acid will make a hole in steel that is too hard to cut or file easily. A small hole drilled at the end of a crack in sheet steel will stop it from growing lohger. ANNEALING STEEL For small pieces of steel, take a piece of gas pipe, 2 or 3 inches in diameter, and put the pieces in it, first heating one end of the pipe, and drawing it together, leaving the other end open to look into. When the pieces are of cherry red, cover the fire with dust, use a charcoal fire, and leave the steel in over night. IN TURNING STEEL OR OTHER HARD METAL Use a drip composed of petroleum two iJarts and turpentine one part. This will insure easy cutting and perfect tools when otherwise the work would stop, owing to the breakage of tools from the severe strain. TEMPERING RECIPES Resin, 2 pounds; tallow, 2 pounds; pitch, 1 pound. Melt together and dip the hot steel in it. Salt, V2 cupful; saltpetre, V2 ounce; alum, pulverized, 1 teaspoonful; soft water, 9 gallons. Never heat above a cherry red or draw any temper. By melting together 1 gallon spermacetti oil, 2 pounds tallow and H pound wax, a mixture is ob- tained very convenient for tempering any kind of steel article of small size. Adding 1 pound resin makes it suitable for larger articles. TO HARDEN GRA\^RS Heat in charcoal dust fnot too hot), and plunge into a box of wet, yellow soap. This renders the end of the graver very hard and very tough. Strong sal soda water or soapy water is much better than clean water to use where water cuts are being taken, either on lathe or planer. When cutting brass, sweet milk is recommended as being better than either the foregoing. TENSILE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Average Value in Pounds per Square Inch Antimony 1053 Aluminum — castings 15000 Aluminum — sheet 24000 Aluminum — bars 28000 Brass — yellow 268S0 Bronze — cast — Lunkenheimer 34000 Bronze — delta metal — cast 44800 Bronze — delta metal — rolled 67200 Bronze — gun metal 32000 Bronze — phosphor 40000 Bronze — manganese 62720 Bronze — Toliin 78500 Copper — cast 22400 Copper — sheet 30240 Copper — wire 40000 Cast Steel — Lunkenheimer 80000 Gold 20384 Iron — cast — Lunkenheimer 25000 Iron — cast 18000 Iron — wrought 45000 I^ead — cast 1800 Lead — rolled sheet 3320 Platinum wire 53000 "Puddled" Semi-.steel — Lunkenheimer . 35000 to 42000 Silver — cast 40000 Steel — cast 60000 to 80000 Steel — f orgings 60000 to 95000 Tin — cast 3^60 Zinc — cast 3360 Zinc— sheet 15680 WOODS Ash 11000 to 17000 Beech 11500 to 18000 Cedar 10300 to 11400 Chestnut 10500 Kim 13000 to 13489 Hemlock 8700 Hickory 12800 to 18000 Locust 20500 to 24800 Maple 10500 to 10584 Oak— white 10253 to 19500 Pine — white 10000 to 12000 Pine — yellow 12600 to 19200 Spruce 10000 to 19500 Walnut — black 9286 to 16000 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter « eo. 1030 USEFUL INFORMATION SQUARE OR LAND MEASURE United States and British Square Miles Acres Square Rods Square Vards 3097600. 4840. 30.25 1. 0.111 Square Feet Square Inches 1 640. 1. : : : : 102400. 160. 1. 0.0331 27878400. 43560. 272.25 9.0 1. 0.00694 6272640". 39204. 1296. 144 1 Acresx'.0015625=square miles. Square yardsX.000000325=square miles. AcresX.4840=square yards. Square yardsX.0002066=acres. A section of land is 1 mile square and con- tains 640 acres. A square acre is 208.71 feet at each side, or 220X198 feet. A square % acre is 147.58 feet at each side, or 110X198 feet. A square V^ acre is 104.355 feet at each side, or 55X198 feet. A circular acre is 235.504 feet in diameter. A circular % acre is 166.527 feet in diameter. A circular V^ acre is 117.752 feet in diameter. CUBIC OR SOLID MEASURE United States and British 1728 cubic inches=l cubic foot. 27 cubic feet=l cubic yard. A cord of wood = 4' X4'X8'=128 cubic feet. A perch of masonry=16.5' Xl.5' Xl' = 24.75 cubic feet, but is generally assumed at 25 cubic feet. LIQUID MEASLT^E This measure is founded upon the old British wine gallon, which contained 231 cubic inches of distilled water at a temperature of 39.85° Fahrenheit, the barometer standing at 3 inches. 4 gills=l pint. 2 pints=l quart. 4 quarts=l gallon. 2 barrels=l hogshead. 2 hogsheads=l pipe, or butt. 2 pipes=l tun. 311/^ gallons=l barrel. A puncheon is 84 gallons. A tierce is 42 gallons. NAUTICAL MEASURE A nautical or sea mile (a knot) is the length of a minute of longitude of the earth at the equa- tor at the level of the sea. It is assumed= 6086.07 feet=l. 152664 statute or land miles by the United States coast survey. 3 nautical miles=l league. DRY MEASURE United States Only Bushel Pecks Quarts Pints Gallons Cubic Inches 1 4 32. 1 8. 1. 0.5 4. 64 16 2 1 8 8. 2. 0.25 0.125 1- 215 0. 537.6 67.2 33.6 268.8 A gallon of liquid measure=231 cubic inches. A heaped bushel=li4 struck bushels. The cone in a heaped bushel must not be less than 6 inches high. A barrel of U. S. hydraulic cement=300 to 310 lbs., usually, and of genuine Portland cement= 425 lbs. To reduce U. S. dry measures to British im- perial of the same name, divide by 1.032. THE SIZE OF BOLT HEADS, NUTS AND WASHERS Diameter of bolt=l. Diameter of the head and nut, square or hex- agon=l% from side to side. Diameter of head and nut, hexagon=2 over the angles. Thickness of head=% of diameter of bolt. Thickness of nut=l% of diameter of bolt. Washers should equal half the thickness of the head, and have twice the area. Approximately — The weight of a hexagon head and square nut together will equal a rod of iron in length five times the diameter of the bolt; For square heads and nuts, six times the diam- eter; And for rose heads and square nuts, four times the diameter. RIVETS Diameter of rivet for plates less than % Inch thick=twice the thickness of the plate. Diameter of rivets for plates i/^ inch thick and upwards=once and a half the thickness of the^ plate. Length of rivet measured before clinching= the thickness of the plate-|-2^ times the diam- eter of the rivet. SHRINKAGE OF CASTINGS In locomotive cylinders is tV inch in a foot. Pipes is Vs inch in a foot. Girders, beams, etc., is % inch in 15 inches. Engine beams, connecting rods, etc., is Vs inch in 16 inches. Large cylinders, say 70 inch diameter, 10 foot stroke, the contraction of diameter is % inch at top, V2 inch at bottom, and % inch in 16 inches in length. Thin brass is % inch in 9 inches. Thick brass is Vs inch in 10 inches. Zinc is -^ir inch in a foot. Lead is ti inch in a foot. Copper is ^s inch in a foot. Bismuth is 3% inch in a foot. Tin is % inch in a foot. 1031 GeoBCAr^peM'ter s eo. USEFUL INFORMATION Square Inches X .00695 = square feet. Cubic Inches X .00058 = cubic feet. Cubic feet X .03704 = cubic yards. Cylindrical inches X .0004546 = cubic feet. Cylindrical feet X .02909 = cubic yards. Cubic inches X .003607 = imperial gallons. Cubic feet X .6232 = imperial gallons. Cylindrical inches X .002832 = imperial gallons. Cylindrical feet X 4.895 = imperial gallons. 183.346 circular inches = 1 square foot. 2,200 cylindrical inches=l cubic foot. Avoirdupois pounds X .009 = cwts. Avoirdupois pounds X .00045 = tons. Lineal feet X .00019 = statute miles. Lineal yards X .000508 = statute miles. Diameter of a circle X 3.1416 = circumference. Diameter af a circle X .8862 = side of an equal square. Diameter of a circle X .7071 = side of an inscribed square. Square of a diameter X .7854 = area of circle. Circumference of a circle x .31831 = diameter. Side of a square X 1.128 = diameter of equal circle. Square root of an area X 1.12837 = diatneter of equal circle. Square of the diameter of a sphere X 3.1416 = con- vex surface. Cube of the diameter of a sphere X .5236 = solidity. Diameter of a sphere X .806 = dimensions of equal cube. Diameter of a sphere X .6667 = length of equal cyl- inder. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply height of column in feet by .434. Doubling the diameter of a circle increases its area four times. Area of a triangle = base multiplied by half the altitude. Area of a sector of a circle = one-half the length of the arc multiplied by the radius of the circle. To find the capacity (U. S. gallons) of cylindrical tanks, square the diameter expressed in inches, multiply by the length and by .0034. VOLUME OF AIR DISCHARGED THROUGH A ROUND ORIFICE IN RECEIVER INTO ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Giveu In Cubic Feet of Free Air Per Minute RECEIVER GAUGE PRESSURE DIam. S2Se%* 2 lbs. ^ 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 15 lbs. 20 lbs. 30 lbs. 40 lbs. 50 lbs. 60 lbs. 70 lbs. SOlbB. 90 lbs. «w .04 .05 .08 .10 .12 1 .15 .19 .22 .26 .29 .33 .36 A .15 .24 .34 .41 .48 1 .63 .77 .91 1.05 1.19 1.33 1.47 , ^ .64 .96 1.36 1.67 1.93 1 2.52 3.07 3.64 4.20 4.76 5.32 5.87 % 2.43 3.86 5.45 6.65 7.70 1 10.00 12.27 14.50 16.80 19.00 21.20 23.50 ^ 9.74 15.40 21.80 26.70 30.80 1 40.00 49.09 58.20 67.00 76.00 85.00 94.00 % 21.95 34.60 49.00 6()(00 69.00 1 90.00 110.45 130.00 151.00 171.00 191.00 211.00 % 39.00 61.60 87.00 107.00 123.00 1 161.00 196.35 232.00 268.00 304.00 340.00 376.00 % 61.00 96.50 136.00 167.00 193.00 1 252,00 306.80 364.00 1 420.00 476.00 532.00 587.00 % 87.60 133.00 196.00 240.00 277.00 1 362.00 441.79 522.00 604.00 685.00 765.00 843.00 % 119.50 189.00 267.00 326.00 378.00 1 493.00 601.32 622.00 710.00 930.00 1004.00 1 156.00 247.00 350.00 427.00 494.00 1 645.00 785.40 930.00 11/4 242.00 384.00 543.00 665.00 770.00 11000.00 1% 350.00 550.00 780.00 960.00 1 2 625.00 985.00 1 USEFUL INFORMATION FOR CONTRACTORS One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of square feet of surface to be covered because of the lap in siding and flooring. One thousand laths will cover seventy yards of surface and eleven pounds of lath nails will nail them on. Eight bushels of good lime, sixteen bushels of sand and one bushel of hair will make enough, good mortar to plaster 100 square yards. One cord of stone, three bushels of lime and a cubic yard of sand will lay 100 cubic feet of wall. Cement, one bushel, and sand, two bushels, will cover 3^ square yards, 1 inch thick; 4% square yards, % inch thick; and 6% square yards, V2 Inch thick. Oue bushel of cement and one bushel of sand will cover 2^/4 square yards, 1 inch thick; 3 square yards, % inch thick; and iVz square yards, % inch thick. AMOUNT OF PAINT REQUIRED FOR A GIVEN SURFACE It is Impossible to give a rule that will apply in all cases, as the amount varies with the kind and the thickness of the paint, the kind of wood or other material to which it is applied, the age of the surface, etc. The following is an approximate rule: Divide the number of square feet of surface by 200. The result will be the number of gallons of liquid paint required to give two coats; or divide t)y 18 and the result will be the number of pounds of pure ground white lead required to give three coats. ROOF ELEVATIONS By the "pitch" of a roof is meant the relation which the height of the ridge above the level of the roof-plates bears to the span, or the distance between the studs on which the roof rests. The length of rafters for the most common pitches can be found as follows from any given span: 15 Vf P|*^|}' multiply span by .559 or V^ nearly. If H pitch, multiply span by .71 or A nearly. If % pitch, multiply span by .6 or % nearly. If % pitch, multiply span by .8 or % nearly. If % pitch, multiply span by .625 or % nearly. If full pitch, multiply span by A or 1.18 nearly. To length thus obtained must be added amout of projections of rafters at the eaves. As rafters must be purchased of even lengths, a few inches more or less on their lengths will make a difference to the pitch so slight that it cannot be detected by the eye. „. Example — To determine the length of rafters for a roof constructed one-half pitch, with a span of 24 feet: 24 X. 71=17.04, or, practically, just 17 feet. A projection of one foot for eaves makes the length to be purchased 18 feet. Geo-BCarpek'ter « eo. 1032 USEFUL INFORMATION Drachms 16= 256= 6.400= AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT 1 oz.=437.5 grains troy. 16= 1 lb.=1.2153 lbs. troy. 400= 25= 1 quarter. 25.600= 1.600= 100= 4= 1 cwt. 512,000=32,000=2.000=.80=.20=1 ton. TROY WEIGHT Grains 24= 1 dwt. 480= 20= 1 oz. 5,760=240=12=1 lb.=22.816 cubic inches of distilled water at 62° Fahr. DRY MEASURE PInt»=33.6 cubic inches. 2= 1 quart=67.2 cubic inches. 8= 4=1 gallon=268.8 cubic inches. 16= 8=2=1 peck=537.6 cubic inches. 64=32=8=4=1 bushel. Note. — The standard U. S. bushel is the Win- chester bushel, which is in cylinder form, 18% inches in diameter and 8 inches deep, and contains 2150.42 cubic inches. SQUARE MEASURE Inches 144= 1 foot. 1.296= 9=1 yard. 39.204= 272.25= 30.25=1 perch. 1,568.160=10,890 =1,210 = 40=1 rood. 6,272,640=43,580 =4,840 =160=4=1 acre. An acre is 69.5701 yards per square; or, 208.710321 feet square. A township is 6 miles square= 36 sections. A section is 1 mile square=640 acres. A section is % mile square=160 acres. A section is % mile square= 40 acres. A span is the distance that can be reached be- tween the end of the middle finger and the end of the thumb. Among sailors 8 spans are equal tO' 1 thumb. A geographic mile is %i600 of the distance around the center of the earth. A square mile of land is called a section. A Gunter's chain, used by land surveyors, is 4 rods, or 66 feet long, and consists of 100 links. 7.92 inches make a link. Canal and railroad engineers use an engineer's chain, which consists of 100 links, each 1 foot long. PAPER MEASURE Quire of paper 24 sheets. Ream of paper 20 quires or 480 sheets. Bundle 2 reams. Bale 5 bundles. Boll of parchment 60 skins. Sheet of paper folded into— 2 leaves is termed folio size. 4 leaves is termed 4to. or quarto. 8 leaves is termed 8vo. or octavo. 12 leaves is termed 12mo. or duodecimo. 16 leaves is termed 16mo. 18 leaves is termed 18mo. 24 leaves is termed 24mo. 48 leaves is termed 48mo. APOTHECARIES' 'WEIGHT Grains 20= 1 scruple or 3 60= 3= 1 drachm or 3 480= 24= 8= 1 oz. or 5 6,760=288=96=12=1 lb. APOTHECARIES' MEASURE 60 minims =1 fluid-drachm. 8 fluid-drachms =1 fluid-ounce. 16 fluid-ounces =1 pint. 8 pints =1 gallon. Forty-five drops, or a common teaspoonful, make about 1 fluid-drachm; 2 tablespoonsful, about 1 fluid-ounce; a wineglassful, about 1% fluid-ounces; and a teacupful, about 4 fluid-ounces. LIQUID OR WINE MEASURE GIIIs=7.2187 cubic inches. 4= 1 pint=28.875 cubic Inches. 8= 2= 1 quart=57.75 cubic inches. 32= 8= 4= 1 gallon. 2.016= 404= 252= 63=1 hogshead. 4.032=1.008= 504=126=2=1 pipe. 8.064=2,016=1,008=262=4=2 = 1 ton. Note. — The standard unit and liquid measure adopted by the U. S. Government is the Winchester wine gallon, which contains 231 cubic Inches, and holds 8.339 pounds, avoirdupois, of distilled water, at its maximum density weighed in air, the barom- eter being at 30 inches. The imperial gallon, adopted by Great Britain, contains 277.274 cubic inches, and equals 1.20032 U. S. gallons. The following cylinders contain some of these measures very closely: Gill, diameter, 1% inches; height, 3 inches. Pint, diameter, 3% inches; height. 3 inches. Quart, diameter. 3% inches; height. 6 inches. Gallon, diameter, 7 inches; height. 6 inches. 8 gallon, diameter, 14 inches; height, 12 inches. 10 gallon, diameter, 14 inches; height, 15 inches. WEIGHT OP WATER 1 cubic inch 12 cubic inches 1 cubic foot 1 U. S. gallon 1.8 cubic feet 2.240 pounds =268.8 .03617 pounds. .0434 pounds. 7.48052 U. S. gallons. 8.355 pounds. .2240 pounds. U. S. gallons. LldUID WEIGHT Libs. Avolrdnpols 1 gallon distilled water 10 1 gallon sea water 10.32 1 gallon proof spirits 9.08 ;?l| :?ll 1 gallon sperm 1 gallon whale 1 gallon lard 1 gallon tallow 1 gallon neat's-foot 7% 1 gallon paraffine, 28° gravity 7% 1 gallon parafiine. 25° gravity 7% 1 gallon reduced Franklin 7% 1 gallon castor 8 1 gallon kerosene 6% TABLE OF LENGTHS AND WEIGHTS AND THEIR APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENTS IN THE METRIC SYSTEM WEIGHT OP OILS Lbs. Avolrdnpols LENGTH 1 meter =39.37 inches. 1 meter = 3.3 feet. 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters. 1 foot (twelve inches) =30.48 centimeters. 2 inches = 5. centimeters. 4 inches =10. centimeters. 5 inches =20. centimeters. 12 inches (one foot) =30.48 centimeters. 16 inches =40. centimeters. 20 inches =50. centimeters. 4 feet = 1.22 meters. 8 feet = 2.438 meters. 12 feet = 3.658 meters. 16 feet = 4.877 meters. 20 feet = 6.096 meters. 24 feet = 7.315 meters. 30 feet = 9.144 meters. 72 feet =21.9456 meters. WEIGHT 1 pound =458.592 grams^ .4536 kilogrrams* 1 gram = .03527 ounce. 100 pounds =45.36 kilograms. 1 kilogram = 2.204? pounds. 25 pounds =11.34 kilograms. 100 pounds =45.36 kilograms. 1033 GEOBCAIiPEJTTER S Go. USEFUL INFORMATION STRENGTH OF BOLTS, STAYS AND SUSPENSION RODS U. S. Standard — At Reduced Area No. of Tensile Strength per Square Inch Dlam. of Diam. at Reduced Thread Bolt Bolt Thread Area per inch IhT '■iT 7.50» ir Z"* 10.000 12,000 lbs. y* .04909 .185 .0269 20 161 188 201 215 242 269 322 A .0767 .240 .0452 18 271 316 339 361 406 452 542 % .11045 .294 .0678 16 406 474 478 542 610 678 813 T^ .15033 .344 .0930 14 558 651 697 744 837 930 1,116 1/2 .19635 .400 .1257 13 754 879 943 1,005 1,131 1,257 1,508 ^ .2485 .454 .1619 12 971 1,133 1,214 1,295 1,457 1,619 1,942 % .30679 .507 .2019 11 1,211 1,413 1,514 1,615 1,817 2,019 2,422 % .44178 .620 .3019 10 1,811 2,113 2,384 2,415 2,717 3,019 3,622 % .60132 .731 .4197 9 2,518 2,937 3,147 3,357 3,777 4,197 5,036 1 .7854 .837 .5502 8 3,301 3,851 4,126 4,401 4,951 5,502 6,602 IVs .99402 .940 .6940 7 4,164 4,858 5,205 5,552 6,246 ■ 6,940 8,328 IV^ 1.2271 1.065 .8908 7 5,344 6,235 6,681 7,126 8,017 8,908 10,689 1% 1.4848 1.160 1.0568 6 6,340 7,397 7,926 8,454 9,511 10,568 12,681 11/2 1.7671 1.284 1.2950 6 7,770 9,065 9,712 10,360 11,655 12,950 15,540 1% 2.0739 1.389 1.5152 51/2 9,091 10,606 11,364 12,121 13,636 15,152 18,182 1% 2.4052 1.491 1.7460 5 10,476 12,222 13,095 13,968 15,714 17,460 20,952 1% 2.7611 1.616 2.0510 5 12,306 14,357 15,380 16,408 18,459 20,510 24,612 2 3.1416 1.712 2.3020 41/2 13,812 16,114 17,265 18,416 20,718 23,020 27,624 2% 3.976 1.962 3.0235 41/2 18,141 21,164 22,676 24,188 27,211 30,235 36,282 21/2 4.9087 2.176 3.7187 4 22,312 26,030 27,890 29,749 33,468 37,187 44,624 2% 5.9395 2.426 4.6225 4 27,735 32,357 34,668 36,980 41,602 46,225 55,470 3 7.0686 2.629 5.4284 31/2 32,570 37,998 40,713 43,427 48,855 54,284 65,140 3% 8.2957 2.879 6.5099 31/2 39,059 45.569 48,824 52.079 58,589 65,099 78,118 31/2 9.6211 3.100 7.5477 ^% 45,286 52,833 56,607 60,381 67,929 75,477 90,572 3% 11.0446 3.317 8.6413 3 51,847 60,489 64,809 69,130 77,771 86,413 103,695 4 12.5664 3.567 9.9930 3 59,958 69,957 74.947 79,944 89,937 99,930 119,916 414 14.1862 3.798 11.3292 278 67,975 79,304 84,969 90,633 101,963 113,292 135,950 41/2 15.9043 4.028 12.7429 2% 76,457 89,200 59,571 101,943 114,686 127,429 152,914 SHEARING AND BEARING VALUE OF RIVETS Diameter-rivet . — All Dimensions in Inches Area Single Shear in U.S. Inches Bearing value in pounds per square inch for different thickness plate Dec. % 1 5/16 1 % 1 7/16 Va 19/16 1 % 111/161 % 113/161 7^ |l5/16|lin. % .375 .50 .625 .75 .875 1.00 .1104 .1963 .3063 .4418 .6013 .7854 6000 lbs. 660 1180 1840 2650 3610 4710 12000 lbs. 1130 1500 1880 2250 2630 3000 1410 1880 2340 2810 3280 3750 1690 2550 2810 3380 3940 4500 1/ 2630 3280 3940 4590 5250 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 5/ 4220 5060 5910 6750 4690 5630 6560 7500 % 6190 7220 8250 6750 7880 9000 lln. 8530 9750 9190 10500 9840 12250 12666 % .375 .50 .625 .75 .875 1.00 .1104 .1963 .3063 .4418 .6013 .7854 7500 lbs. 830 1470 2300 3310 4510 5890 15000 lbs. 1410 1880 2340 2810 3280 3750 1760 2340 2930 3520 4100 4690 2110 2810 3520 4220 4920 5620 vl 3280 4100 4920 5740 6560 3750 4690 5630 6560 7500 5280 6330 7380 8440 5860 7030 8200 9380 % 7720 4030 10310 8440 9850 11250 10670 11670 12190 li^. 11480 13130 12300 14060 15666 % .375 .50 .625 .75 .875 1.00 .1104 .1963 ..".063 .4418 .6013 .7854 10000 lbs. 1100 1960 3070 4420 6010 7850 20000 lbs. 1880 2500 3130 3750 4380 5000 2340 3130 3910 4600 5470 6250 2810 3750 4690 5630 6570 7500 ^ 4380 5470 6560 7660 8750 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 7030 8440 9840 11250 7810 9380 10940 12500 % 10310 12030 13750 11250 13130 15000 % 1 In. 14220 16250 15310 17500 16410 18750 26666 % .375 .50 .625 .75 .875 1.00 .1104 .1963 .3063 .4418 .6013 .7854 12000 lbs. 1320 2360 3680 5300 7220 9430 25000 lbs. 2350 3130 3910 4690 5470 6250 2930 3910 4880 5860 6840 7820 3520 4690 5860 7030 8210 9380 14 5470 6840 8210 9580 10940 6250 7810 9380 10940 12500 % 8790 9770 10550 11720 % 12890 15040 17190 14060 16410 18750 lit 12310 14060 13670 15630 17770 20320 19140 21880 20510 23400 25666 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter s eo. 1034 THE SPEED OF DRILLS for dr and ind Irom .0 .015 for larger is about al A feed per revolution of .004 to that should be required. This feed is based on a peripheral speed of a drill equal to: 30 feet per minute for steel; 35 feet per minute for Iron; 60 feet per minute for brass. It may also be found advisable to vary me speed somewhat according as the material to be drilled is more less refractorv. We believe that these speeds should not be exceeded under ordinary circumstancss. Table of Cutting Speeds It. per Minute 15 ft. 20 ft. 35 ft. 30 ft. 35 ft. j 40 ft. 1 45 ft. 50 ft. 00 ft. 70 ft. 1 80 ft. Diam. in. REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE 1/16 917. 1223. 15 ''8 1S34. 2140. 2445. 2751. 3057. 3668. % 459. 611. 764. 917. 1070. 1222. 1375. 1528. 1834. 2445. 3/16 306. 408. 509. 611. 713. 815. 917. 1019. 1222. 1426. 1630. % 229. 30C. 382. 458. 535. 611. 688. 764. 917. 1070. 5/16 183. 245. 306. 367. 428. 489. 550. 611. 733. 856. 978 % 153. 204. 255. 306. 357. 408. 458. 509. 611. 713. 7/ie 131. 175. 218. 262. 306. 349. 393. 437. 524. 611. 699. •/4 115. 153. 191. 229. 268. 306. 344. 382. 459. 535. 611. % 91.8 123. 153. 184. 214. 245. 276. 306. 367. % 76.3 102. 127. 153. 178. 203. 229. 254. 306. 357. 408. % 65 5 87.3 109. 131. 153. 175. 196. 262. 306. 349. 57.3 76.4 95.5 115. 134. 153. 172. 191. 229. 267. 306. 1% 51 6S.0 85.0 102. 119. 136. 153. 170. 204. 238. ly* 45 8 61.2 76.3 91.8 107. 123. 137. 153. 183. 214. 245. 1% 41.7 55.6 69.5 83.3 97.2 125. 139. 167. 195. 222. IVi 38.2 50.8 63.7 76 3 89 2 102. 115. 127. 153. 178. 2-04. 1% 35.0 47.0 58.8 70.5 82.2 93 9 106. 117. 141. 165. 188. 1% 32.7 43.6 54.5 65.5 76.4 87.3 109. 131. 153. 175. 1% S0.6 40 7 50.9 61.1 71.3 81.5 91 9 102. 122. 143. 163. 28 7 38.2 47.8 573 76.4 86.0 95.5 115. 134. 153. 2y4 25.4 34.0 42.4 51.0 59.4 68 76.2 85.0 102. 119. 136. 2% 22 9 30.6 45. 8 68.8 76 3 91.7 107. 2% 20.8 27 8 34.7 41.7 48 6 55.6 62.5 69.5 83 4 97.2 Ill 19.1 25.5 31.8 3S.2 44.6 51.0 57 3 6. ■5.7 76.4 811.1 102. DIFFERENT STANDARDS FOR WIRE GAUGE IN USE IN THE UNITED STATES Dimensions of Sizes in Decimal Parts of an Inch Number of Wire Gauge American Birmingham American Imperial Wire Gauge Stubs' United States Standard for Plate Number of Wire Gauge or Brown & Sharpe or Stubs' Iron Wire Steel & Wire Co. Steel Wire OOouOO Atji . 10875 000000 00000 .432 .4375 00000 0000 .46 .454 .3938 .400 .40625 0000 000 .40964 .425 .3625 .372 .375 000 00 .3648 .38 .3310 .348 .34375 00 .32486 .34 .3065 .324 .3125 1 .2893 .3 .2830 .300 .227 .2S125 1 2 .25763 .284 .2625 .276 .219 .265025 3 .22942 .259 .2437 .252 .212 .25 3 4 .20431 .2253 .207 .234375 4 B .18194 ;22 .2070 I2I2 .204 .21875 5 6 .16202 .203 .1920 .192 .201 .203125 6 7 .14428 .18 .1770 .176 .199 .1875 7 8 .12849 .165 .1020 .160 .197 .171875 8 9 .11443 .148 .1483 .144 .194 .15625 9 10 .10189 .134 .1350 .128 .191 .140625 10 11 .000742 .12 .1205 .116 .188 .125 11 12 .0a0808 .109 .1055 .104 .185 .109375 12 13 .071961 .095 .0915 .092 .182 .09375 13 14 .064084 .083 .0800 .nso .180 .078125 14 15 .057068 .072 .0720 072 .178 .0703125 15 16 .05082 .065 .0625 !h64 .175 .0625 16 17 .045257 .058 .0540 .056 .172 .05625 17 18 .040303 .049 .0475 .048 .168 .05 18 19 .03589 .042 .0410 .040 .164 .04375 19 20 .031961 .035 .0348 .036 .161 .0375 20 21 .028462 .032 .03175 .032 .157 .034375 21 22 .025347 .028 .0286 .028 .155 .03125 22 23 .022571 .025 .0258 .024 .153 .028125 23 24 .0201 .022 .0230 .022 .151 .025 24 25 .0179 .02 .0204 .020 .148 .021875 25 26 .01594 .018 .0181 .018 .146 .01875 26 27 .014195 .016 .0173 .0164 .143 .0171875 27 23 .012641 .014 .0162 .0149 .139 .015625 98 29 .011257 .013 .0150 .0136 .134 .0140625 29 30 .010025 .012 .0140 .0124 .127 .0125 30 31 .008928 .01 0132 .0116 .120 .0109375 31 32 .00795 .009 .0128 .0108 .115 .01015625 32 33 .00708 .008 !0118 .0100 .112 .009375 33 34 .006304 .007 .0104 .0192 .110 .00859375 34 35 .005614 .005 .oons .00S4 .108 .0078125 35 36 .005 .004 .0090 .0076 .106 .00703125 36 37 .0*04453 .0068 .103 .006640625 37 38 .003965 .00(71 .101 .00G25 39 .003531 nnr,". 009 39 40 .003144 .0048 .097 40 "WTitle we give the above table for purposes of reference, there Is Kauge number, that wc urge all parties when ordering, to give decimal i FO much chance for error In ordering by Izes instead of gauge number. 1035 GEO-B-eAR^PElfTER ^ SO. SIZES OF TAP DRILLS FOR TAPS WITH «V THREAD Threads per Inch Diameter Tap, in inches Threads per Inch Diameter Tap, in Inches 30 29 28 29 28 27 26 24 26 22 20 18 20 17 16 15 16 12 10 17 14 No. 9 No. 10 SIZES OF TAP DRILLS These Sizes are for a Full Thread FOR TAPS WITH <'V» THREAD Threads per Inch Size of Drill Inches Diameter Tap, in Inches Threads per Inch Size of Drill Inches Diameter Tap, in Inclies 1 k 5 5% 5 51/^ 5 5 ¥2 5 5 5 5 5 4% 5 1^ 4% 5 1^ 4% FOR TAPS WITH U. S. STANDARD THREADS % % y» 1 1% ly* .g 6 5 4% GE0B-(5AR.PEfi"TER S CO* 1036 CONTENTS OF FUIiL CASES OF MACHINE BOLTS tee V4 In. Diam. 5/16 In. Diam Diam* 7/16 In. Diam. % In. Diam. Length Inches 1 DVm": 1 5/16 In. 1 1 Diam. 1 D?am' 7/16 In, Diam. Diam.' % 14.000 7,000 5,000 .... a 1 5.000 1 3,000 2.200 l,.^.oo 1,000 1 10.000 S,000 5,000 2.500 1,700 5V. 1 ... 1 .... 1 .... 1,400 1,000 1% 10,000 5,000 4,000 2,500 1,700 5^, 1 4.000 1 2,500 2,100 1.400 1 i/j 8,000 5,000 4,000 2,200 1,500 5% 1 .... 1 .... 1 .... 1% 6,000 4,000 3.000 2,200 1,500 6 1 6,000 1 2,500 1,900 1,400 900 2 6,000 4,000 3.000 2,400 2,000 6>/2 1 1 .... 1,500 1.200 900 2>4 9,000 5,000 3.500 2,400 1.600 7 1 ... 1 .... 1,400 1.000 900 2'^ 9,00-1 4.500 3,400 2,300 1.500 7% 1 1 .... 1,400 I.OOO 800 2% 7,000 4,500 3,300 2,100 1,500 8 1 1 1 1.300 1,100 750 3 7,000 4.000 3,000 2,300 1,500 S 1 5 1 .... 1,300 900 650 3% 6,500 4,000 3,000 1,800 1.400 9 1 .... 1.300 900 650 3U 6,500 4,000 3,000 1,800 1,500 9% 1 .... 1.310 850 650 3% 6,000 3.750 3,000 1,800 1,100 10 1 ... 1,150 800 600 4 7,500 3,750 2.300 1,650 1,000 ion 1 .... 1,000 800 600 4% .... 3,500 2,200 1,600 1,200 11 1 1 1 1.000 800 550 4>/2 5,000 3,000 2,200 1,600 1.200 11 1.4 1 ... 1 .... 1 .... 400 4% .... .... 1 2.400 1.600 1.200 12 1 .... 1 .... 700 700 500 %xl3 to 24 — 200 in a case CONTENTS OF FULL KEGS OF MACHINB AND PLOW BOLTS MACHINE BOLTS PLOW BOLTS % Incli I 1 Inch Diam. | Diam. Lengtlil 5/16 Inch I % Inch 17 /16 Inch Inches! Diam. 1 Diam. I Diam. 1 1 1,500 1 800 1 500 1 ... 1 lU 1 1,400 1 750 1 500 I ... I l'/2 1 1,300 1 700 1 450 1 ... 1 1% i 1,200 1 650 1 400 1 ... 1 2 1 1,000 1 600 1 375 I 2.^.0 1 175 2V4 1 l.OffO 1 550 1 375 | 250 1 2% 1 900 1 500 1 .350 I 250 I 150 2% 1 850 1 475 1 325 I 225 1 3 1 800 1 450 1 300 I 200 1 150 SU 1 1 400 1 275 1 21110 1 3% 1 750 1 400 1 250 I 200 1 125 3% 1 ... 1 375 1 250 1 175 1 4 1 600 1 350 1 250 | 175 I 125 4H 1 ... 1 325 1 225 | 150 | 41/2 1 550 1 300 1 225 | 150 1 125 4% 1 ... 1 300 1 210 1 800 1 600 300 11 H 1 900 1 700 1 600 1 400 300 1 900 1 700 1 600 1 500 300 12 U 1 5 00 300 13 1 500 300 13% 1 1 1 500 ' 14 ... 1 .... 1 .... 1 500 !Xl4^ inches to 24 ixlSVi laches to 24 1037 Geo-bcarpem'ter X eo, MACHINE BOLTS With Square Heads and Square Nuts AVERAGE AVEIGHT PER HUNDRED Diameter V4, 5/16 % 7/16 Va 9/16 % % % 1 tei" ' bs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 3 1 5.6 8.8 13.5 18.5 25.8 33.4 53.8 88.0 130.0 3.7 6.5 10.2 15.4 21.0 29.2 37.5 59.7 96.2 140.8 4.4 7.5 11.7 17.4 23.6 32.7 41.6 65.7 104.4 151.6 5.0 8.4 13.1 19.3 26.1 36.1 45.7 71.6 112.6 162.4 3% 4 5.7 9.4 14.6 21.3 28.7 39.6 49.8 77.6 120.8 173.2 6.3 10.3 16.0 23.2 31.2 43.0 53.9 83.5 129.0 184.0 I^A 7.0 11.3 17.5 25.2 33.8 46.5 58.0 89.5 137.2 194.8 7.6 12.2 18.9 27.1 36.3 49.9 62.1 95.4 145.4 205.6 5^^ 8.3 13.2 20.4 29.1 38.9 53.4 66.2 101.4 153.6 216.4 8.9 14.1 21.8 31.0 41.4 56.8 70.3 107.3 161.8 227.2 9.6 15.1 23.3 33.0 44.0 60.3 74.4 113.3 170.0 238.0 7 " ] 0.2 16.0 24.7 34.9 46.5 63.7 78.5 119.2 178.2 248.8 I^^ ] 0.9 17.0 26.2 36.9 49.1 67.2 82.6 125.2 186.4 259.6 1.5 17.9 27.6 38.8 51.6 70.6 86.7 131.1 194.6 270.4 9 30.5 42.7 56.7 77.5 94.9 143.0 211.0 292.0 10 33.4 46.6 61.8 84.4 103.1 154.9 227.4 313.6 11 36.3 50.5 66.9 91.3 111.3 166.8 243.8 335.2 12 39.2 54.4 72.0 98.2 119.5 178.7 260.2 356.8 13 77.1 105.1 127.7 190.6 276.6 378.4 82.2 112.0 135.9 202.5 293.0 400.0 15 87.3 118.9 144.1 214.4 309.4 421.6 16 92.4 125.8 152.3 226.3 325.8 443.2 17 97.5 132.7 160.5 238.2 342.2 464.8 18 102.6 139.6 168.7 250.1 35«.6 486.4 19 107.7 146.5 176.9 262.0 375.0 508.0 20 112.8 153.4 185.1 273.9 391.4 529.6 21 193.3 285.8 407.8 551.2 22 201.5 297.7 424.2 572.8 23 209.7 309.6 440.6 594.4 24 217.9 321.5 457.0 616.0 25 226.1 333.4 473.4 637.6 26 234.3 345.3 489.8 659.2 27 242.5 357.2 506.2 680.8 28 250.7 369.1 522.6 702.4 29 258.9 381.0 539.0 724.0 30 267.1 392.9 555.4 745.6 MACHINE BOLTS With Square Heads and Squa re Nuts AVERAGE Vl^EIGHT PER HUNDRED Diameter 1% IV4. 1% IVa 1% 2 length Inches lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. ^ -Vj 210.0 286.0 ■370 '4Yt) 31/2 223.8 302.5 391 495 237.6 319.1 412 520 750 ioio 4% 251.4 335.6 433 545 784 1114 5 265.2 352.2 454 570 818 1158 5i/> 279.0 368.7 475 595 852 1202 6 292.8 385.3 496 620 886 1246 61/2 306.6 401.8 517 645 920 1290 7 320.4 418.4 ■ 538 670 954 1334 71/0 334.2 434.9 559 695 988 1378 8 348.0 451.5 580 720 1022 1422 a 375.6 484.6 622 770 1090 1510 10 403.2 517.7 664 820 1158 1598 11 430.8 550.8 - 706 870 1226 1686 12 458.4 583.9 748 920 1294 1774 13 486.0 617.0 790 970 1362 1862 14 513.6 650.1 832 1020 1430 1950 15 541.2 683.2 874 1070 1498 2038 16 568.8 716.3 916 1120 • 1566 2126 17 596.4 749.4 958 1170 1634 2214 18 624.0 782.5 lOCO 1220 1702 2302 - 19 651.6 815.6 1042 1270 1770 2390 20 679.2 S4S.7 1084 1320 1838 2478 21 706.8 881.8 1126 1370 1906 2566 ■ 22 734.4 914.9 1168 1420 1974 2654 23 762.0 948.0 1210 1470 2042- 2742 24 789.6 981.1 1252 1520 2110 2830 25 817.2 1014. 2 1294 1570 2178 2918 26 844.8 1047.3 1336 1620 2246 3006 27 872.4 1080.4 1378 1670 2314 3094 28 900.0 H13.5 1420 1720 2382 3182 29 927.6 1146.6 1462 177-0 2450- 82"0 -St> - - 95S-.2- 1179.7 1504 1820- - ~25T8 •-- -^53 • Geo-BCarpeM'ter ^ eo. 1038 COACH AND LAG SCREWS WITH SQUARE HEADS A^'ERAGE V.EIGHT PER HUNDRED Diaia. 5/16 % 7/16 % % % % 1 Lensrtb. Ina. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1^2 3.8 5.4 8.4 11.4 2 4.7 6.6 10.2 13.8 22.2 iVi 5.6 7.9 11.9 16.1 26.0 41.0 3 6.5 9.1 13.6 18.4 29.8 46.5 64.8 3V^ 7.4 10.4 15.4 20.8 33.7 52.0 72.5 103 4 8.3 11.6 17.1 23.1 37.5 57.5 80.2 113 4',^ 9.2 12.9 18.9 25.5 41.4 63.0 87.9 123 5 10.1 14.1 20.6 27.8 45.2 68.5 95.6 133 51y^ 11.0 15.4 22.4 30.2 49.1 74.0 103.3 143 6 11.9 16.6 24.1 32.5 52.9 79.5 111.0 153 7 13.7 19.1 27.6 37.2 60.6 90.5 126.4 173 8 15.5 21.6 31.1 41.9 68.3 101.5 141.8 193 9 17.3 24.1 34.6 46.6 76.0 112.5 157.2 213 10 19.1 26.6 38.1 51.3 83.7 123.5 172.6 233 11 20.9 29.1 41.6 56.0 91.4 134.5 188.0 253 12 22.7 31.6 45.1 60.7 99.1 145.5 203.4 273 CONTENTS OF FULL KEGS OF COACH AND LAG SCREWS inches Diameter %inch Diameter Vainch Diameter % inch Diameter %inch 2 3,500 1,800 2^. 2.500 1,50U 900 3 2,000 1,200 800 3^i 1.800 1,000 650 450 4 1,500 800 550 400 4y. 1,200 7.50 500 350 5 1,000 650 450 350 r.% 900 600 400 300 6 700 600 40J3 300 7 .... 500 350 250 S 500 30'0 250 9 .... 400 300 200 STANDARD THREADS FOR BOLTS Civins the > umber o£ Threads per Inch for Each Form Size, inches 1.% |o/i(i| % |-V16i % % 1 % 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 \V4. 1 1% 1 IVa 1 1% 1 1% I 1% I a V-thread . . . . 20 18 16 Si 14 1 11' 14 1 13 14 1 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5., 5 4% 4y2 5.. \\ U. S. Standard Whitworth 20 18 20 18 V-form thread is supplied unless otherwise ordered SIZES OF TAP DRILLS For 3Iachlne Screw Taps Size of Size of Size of Size o£ Size of Size of Size of Sire of Tap. Drill, Tap. Drill. Tap. Drill. Tap, Drill. Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Numbef 2 X 48 50 7 x32 30 13 x20 15 18 X 20 B 2x56 49 8x24 30 13 x22 15 • 19x16 A 2x64 48 8x30 30 13x24 13 19 X 18 C 3x40 47 8x32 29 14x20 13 19 X 20 D 3x48 45 9x24 29 14x22 11 ■ 20 X 16 D 3x56 44 9x28 28 14x24 9 20x18 P 4x32 43 9x30 27 15x18 10 20x20 H 4x36 42 9x32 25 15x20 8 22 xl6 J 4x40 41 10x24 25 15x22 6 22 X 18 L §^^§2 40 10x30 22 15 x24 5 24 xl4 M 5x32 40 10x32 21 16x16 7 24x16 N 5x36 38 . 11 x24 21 16x18 6 24x18 o 5x40 37 11x28 17 16x20 5 26x14 o 6x30 35 11x30 17 17x16 26x16 p 5^^? 35 12x20 19 17x18 2 28x14 R . 6x36 33 12x22 17 17x20 2 28x16 6x 40 32 12x24 17 18x16 2 30 X 14 U- 7 X 28 32 12x28 15 18x18 1 30 X 16 V 7x30 31 SIZES OF TAP DRILLS For Pipe Taps Size of Tap % 1 1^4 1 Vi ■ Size of Drill IVo iss Size of Tap I Size of Drill 2 1^ 2ft 1039 GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER ^ SO. USEFUL INFORMATION NUMBER OF TANK RIVETS TO THE POUND » %ln. 13/16 In. 1 % in. 1 5/16 in. 1 % In. 1 7/16 In. 1 Diam. I Diam. 1 Dlam. 1 Diam. 1 Dlam. | Diam. | Length Inches Hln. 13/16 in. 1 % in. 15/16 in. 1 % In. 1 7/16 In. Diam. 1 Diam. | Diam. 1 Diam. | Diam. 1 Diam. Length Inches bS =3W bS few bS .aw 11 bS u bS SO bS « u 204 190 175 280 250 222 165 153 135 230 200 172 103 92 81 155 128 108 67 89 58 78 50 69 35 31 1% 1% 1% 87 81 104 96 58 54 51 tl 58 34 32 30 41 38 36 22 21 20 27 25 24 15 14 13 19 10% 13% 18 10 12% 17 9% 11% 45 1 160 144 135 200 180 165 III 92 148 129 114 71 56 93 80 70 44 39 35 60 53 47 27 39 24 34 22 30 2V4 2% 48 43 39 54 29 49 27 45 24 34 32 29 19 17 16 23 21 20 12 11 10 16 15 14 k XI 17 15 22 19 'S^ 1 126 116 108 150 140 130 84! 102 77 93 72 85 5'0 46 43 62 56 51 32 30 28 42 37 34 20 27 14 19 24 13 18 22 13 15 2% 31/2 ... 35 31 40 36 22 20 18 26 14 24 13 21 11 171 9 16 8 14 7 12 11 10 U: k 15 10011201 (571 781 401 47l 2Bl .^l 1 171 9A\AM4.\M1^ 4 1 1 1 . 1 161 ^01 ml i.^ II I* 6^ It 7 7y2 2.1752 2.3527 2.5371 2.7286 2.9269 3.1323 3.3446 3.5638 3.7900 4.0232 4.2634 4.5105 ^.7645 5.0255 5.2935 5.5685 5.8504 6.1392 6.4351 6.7379 7.0476 7.3643 7.6880 8.0186 8.7007 9.4107 10.1485 10.9142 12.5291 14.2553 Weight per inch Weight per Inch 2.7719 2.9954 3.2303 3.4740 3.7265 3.9880 4.2582 4.5374 4.8254 5.1223 5.4280 5.7426 6.0662 6.6276 6.7397 7.0897 7.4496 7.8164 8.1930 8.5786 8.9729 9.3762 9.7883 10.2192 11.0877 11.9817 12.9211 13.8960 15.9520 18.1497 2.3986 2.5918 2.7977 3.0083 3.2275 3.4539 3.6880 3.9298 4.1792 4.4364 4.7011 4.9736 5.2538 5.5416 5.8371 6.1403 6.4511 6.7697 7.0959 7.4298 7.7713 8.1214 8.4774 8.8420 9.5943 10.3673 11.1908 12.0351 13.8158 15.7192 Multiply above weights by 1.125 for high speed steel, ,993 for wrought iron, ,918 for cast iron. 1,0331 for cast brass, 1.1209 for copper, and 1.1748 for phosphorus bronze. WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS standard Steel Tees with Equal Legs. 8ize Thickness of inches Metal inches g c n Ul n Ui M h S 4 1 4 V2 to ^. % to T^ % to -^ff 4 4 % to /s m 31^ 31^ 4 to S % to ^ y2 to -^3 % to tfe 3 3 V2 to ^5 /b to y2 A to Vs % to -^V Ato% 3 3 % to^ 3 3 3 3 •fff to % % to X 2% 2^ 21/1 2% Ef.cu M 0) O 13.5 10.5 11.7 9.2 7.8 6.7 6.4 5.5 Thickness of inchea Metal Inches ^ to % % to ^ ^ to % y* to ^ y* to A re „ to ^5 .» to ^5 Vi to ^, i\ to /a T^ff to % Vi to ^ % to y* to #, fs to ^2 I4 to /, A to ^, ■4.0^ Size inches Thickness of Metal Inches ftt*o°* ■fW to A %to A 53^ = ^^i 1.09 1.37 9.7 1.53 1.25 0.89 0.73 0.61 0.5 Standard Steel Tees with Unequal Legs 4 4 3y2 3 % to i^ A to % y-. to A % tOT^ A to% % to t\ fs to 3/8 Vz to ^5 % to A % to A %t^0^ % toA t's to^ 7.9 3 4 6.7 3 3Vv 12.8 3 10.0 3 3 V. 11.0 k 8.7 3 7.7 1% 2 11.9 21/. 3 10.6 2y2 3 % to 1% V2 to ,\ /b t0% % to^ % tOT^ A to % % A to % -1-^1/, ^stoA A Tot 2 lA 2% A to% 21J k 1^ % % tott A to /j % to A !^ toll A to A 5.9 3.6 2.9 3.0 3.2 0.9 0.7 WEIGHTS OF ROUNT) AND SQUARE IRON Estimated weight per lineal foot. Round Square Size in inches Round square Estimated Weight In Pounds Round Square Size in Inches Estimated Weight In Pounds Estimated Weight In Pounds Estimated Weight in Pounds Size in inches Estimated Weight in Pounds Estimated Weight In Pounds k .0930 .1653 .2583 .3720 .5063 .6613 .8370 \iU 2.025 2.645 3.348 4.133 .1184 .2105 .3290 .4736 .6446 .8420 1.066 1,316 1.895 2.579 HI! 5.263 1% 1% 1% 1% 1* 2% 2% 2% 5.001 5.952 6.985 8.101 9.300 10.58 11.95 13.39 , 14.92 16,53 nil 6.368 7.578 8.893 10.31 11.84 13.47 15.21 17.05 19,00 21.05 23.21 25.47 3 2% SVz 3% 4 41^ 5 I'' 8 23.81 27.94 32.41 37.20 42.33 53.57 66.13 80.02 95.23 111.8 129.6 169.3 50.31 5.57 U.26 17.37 3.89 1041 GEO-BCAIiPEN'TER ^ GO. WEIGHTS OF FLAT STEEL BARS Kstimated weight per lineal foot. Tliicliness in Inches 1/16 y» 3/16 % 5/lC % 7/lC % 9/lC 1.9L 2.39 2.87 3.35 % 2.12 2.65 3.19 3.72 11/16 % 1 13/16 % 15/16 1 1 in. 1% in. IVa in. 1% in. .2125 .265 .32 .3725 .425 .53 .64 .745 .638 .797 .957 1.11 .85 1.06 1.25 1.49 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 1.28 1.59 1.92 2.23 1.49 1.S6 2.23 2.60 1.70 2.12 2.55 2.98 2.34 2.92 3.51 4.09 2.55 3.19 3.83 4.47 2.76 3.45 4.14 4.84 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.20 3.19 3.99 4.78 5.58 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 2 in. 2% in. 2% in. 2% in. .425 .4775 .53 .585 .85 .955 1.06 1.17 1.28 1.44 1.59 1.75 1.70 1.91 2.12 2.34 2.12 2.39 2.65 2.92 2.55 2.87 3.19 3.51 2.98 3.35 3.72 4.09 3.40 3.83 4.25 4.67 3.83 4.30 4.78 5.26 4.25 4.78 5.31 5.84 4.67 5.26 5.84 6.43 5.10 5.75 6.38 7.02 5.53 6.21 6.90 7.60 5.95 6.69 7.44 8.18 6.38 7.18 7.97 8.77 6.80 7.65 8.50 9.35 3 in. 3% in. 3% in. 3% in. .6375 .69 .745 .7975 1.275 1.38 1.49 1.595 1.91 2.07 2.23 2.39 2.55 2.76 2.98 3.19 3.19 3.45 3.72 3.99 3.83 4.15 4.47 4.78 4.46 4.83 5.20 5.58 5.10 5:95 6.38 5.74 6.22 6.70 7.17 6.38 6.91 7.44 7.97 7.02 7.60 8.18 8.76 7.65 8.29 8.93 9.57 8.9s 9.67 10.36 8.93 9.67 10.41 11.16 9.57 10.36 11.16 11.95 10.20 11.05 11.90 12.75 4 in. 4% in. 41/2 in. 4% in. .85 .9025 .9575 1.01 1.70 ' 1.805 1.915 2.02 2.55 2.71 2.87 3.03 3.40 3.61 3.83 4.04 4.25 4.52 4.78 5.05 5.10 5.42 5.74 6.06 5.95 6.32 6.70 7.07 6. SO 7.22 7.65 8.08 7.65 8.13 8.61 9.09 8.50 9.03 9.57 10.10 9.35 9.93 10.52 11.11 10.20 10.84 11.48 12.12 11.05 11.74 12.43 13.12 11.90 12.65 13.39 14.13 12.75 13.55 14.34 15.14 13.60 14.45 15.30 16.15 5 in. 5% in. 51/2 in. 5% in. 1.0625 1.115 1.1675 1.2225 2.125' 2.23 2.335 2.445 3.19 3.35 3.51 3.67 4.25 4.46 4.67 4.89 5.31 5.5S 5.84 6.11 6.38 6.69 7.02 7.34 7.44 7.81 8.18 8.56 8.50 8.93 9.35 9.77 9.57 10.04 10.52 11.00 10.63 11.16 11.69 12.22 11.69 12.27 12.85 13.44 12.75 13.39 14.03 14.67 13.81 14.50 15.19 15.88 14.87 15.62 16.36 17.10 15.94 16.74 17.53 18.33 17.00 17.85 18.70 19.55 6 in. eVi in. 61/2 in. 6% in. 1.275 1.3275 1.3825 1.435 2.55 2.655 2.765 2.87 3.83 3.99 4.14 4.30 5.10 5.31 5.53 5.74 6.38 6.64 6.90 7.17 7.65 7.97 8.29 8.61 8.93 9.29 9.67 10.04 10.20 10.63 11.05 11.48 11.48 11.95 12.43 12.91 12.75 13.28 13.81 14.34 14.03 14.61 15.20 15.78 15.30 15.94 16.58 17.22 16.58 17.27 17.95 18.65 17.85 18.60 19.34 20.08 19.13 19.92 20.72 21.51 20.40 21.25 22.10 22.95 7 in. 7% in. l^A in. 7% in. 1.4875 1.54 1.59 1.645 2.975 3.08 3.18 3.29 4.46 4.62 4.78 4.94 5.95 6.16 6.36 6.58 7.44 7.70 7.97 8.23 8.93 9.25 9.57 9.88 10.41 10.78 11.16 11.53 11.90 12.32 12.75 13.18 13.39 13.86 14.34 14.82 14.87 15.40 15.94 16.47 16.36 16.94 17.53 18.12 17.85 18.49 19.13 19.77 19.34 20.or 20.72 21.41 20.83 21.57 22.32 23.05 22.32 23.11 23.92 24.70 23.80 24.65 25.50 26.35 8 in. 8% in. SVz in. 8% in. 1.70 1.7525 1.8055 1.8575 3.40 3.505 3.61 3.715 5.10 5.26 5.42 5.58 6.80 7.01 7.22 7.43 8.50 8.76 9.03 9.29 10.20 10.52 10.84 11.16 11.90 12.27 12.64 13.02 13.60 14.03 14.44 14.87 15.30 15.78 16.26 16.74 17.00 17.53 18.06 18.59 18.70 19.28 19.86 20.45 20.40 21.04 21.68 22.32 22.10 22.79 23.48 24.17 23.80 24.55 25.30 26.04 25.50 26.30 27.10 27.89 27.20 28.05 28.90 29.75 9 in. 914 in. 91/2 in. 9% in. 1.9125 1.965 2.02 2.0725 3.825 3.93 4.04 4.145 5.74 5.90 6.06 6.22 7.65 7.86 8.08 8.29 9.56 9.83 10.10 10.36 11.48 11.80 12.12 12.44 13.40 13.76 14.14 14.51 15.30 15.73 16.10 16.58 17.22 17.69 18.18 18.65 19.13 19.65 20.19 20.72 21.04 21.62 22.21 22.79 22.96 23.59 24.23 24.86 24.86 25.55 26.24 26.94 26.78 27.52 28.26 29.01 28.69 29.49 30.28 31.08 30.60 31.45 32.30 33.15 10 in. 1014 in. 101/2 in. 10% in. 2.125 2.1775 2.23 2.285 4.25 4.355 4.46 4.57 6.38 6.54 6.70 6.86 8.50 8.71 8.92 9.14 10.62 10.89 11.16 11.42 12.75 13.07 13.39 13.71 14.88 15.25 15.62 15.99 17.00 17.42 17.85 18.28 19.14 19.61 20.08 20.56 21.25 21.78 22.32 22.85 23.38 23.96 24.54 25.13 25.50 26.14 26.78 27.42 27.62 28.32 29.00 29.69 29.75 30.50 31.24 31.98 31.88 32.67 33.48 34.28 34.00 34.85 35.70 36.55 11 in. 11% in. 11 V, in. 11% in. 2.335 2.3925 2.445 2.50 4.67 4.785 4.89 5.00 7.02 7.17 7.K2 7.49 9.3 4 9.57 9.78 10.00 11.68 11.95 12.22 12.49 14.0? 14.35 14.fiS 14.99 16.36 16.74 17.12 17.49 18.70 19.13 19.55 19.97 21.02 21.51 22.00 22.48 23.38 23.91 24.44 24.97 25.70 26.30 26.88 27.47 28.05 28.68 29.33 29.97 30.40 31.08 31.76 32.46 32.72 33.47 34.21 34.95 35.06 35.86 36.66 37.46 37.40 38.25 39.10 39.95 12 in. 13 in. 14 in. 15 in. 2.55 2.765 2.975 3.1875 5.10 5.53 5.95 6.375 7.6.^ 8.28 8.92 9.56 10.20 n.nfi 11.90 12.75 12.75 13.81 14.88 1.^.94 15. 3P 16.58 17.86 19.14 17.85 19.34 20.82 22.32 20.40 22.10 23.80 25.50 22.95 24.86 26.78 28.70 25.50 27.62 29.74 31.88 28.05 30.39 32.72 35.06 30.60 33.16 35.71 38.26 33.15 35.91 38.67 41.43 35.70 38.68 41.65 44.62 38.25 41.44 44.63 47.82 40.80 44.20 ^7.60 51.00 16 In. 17 in. 18 in. 19 in. 3.40 3.61 3.S25 4.04 6.80 7.22 7.65 8.08 10.20 11.84 11.48 12.10 13.60 14.44 15.30 16.16 17.00 18.06 19.12 20.20 20.40 21.68 22.9fi 24.24 28.80 25.28 26.79 28.28 27.20 28.89 30.60 32.31 30.60 32.52 34.44 36.34 34.00 36.12 38.25 40.37 37.40 39.72 42.08 44.42 40.80 43.36 45.92 48.46 44.20 46.96 49.72 52.48 47.60 50.60 53.56 56.52 51.00 54.20 57.38 60.57 54.40 57.80 61.20 64.60 20 in. 21 In. 22 In. 23 in. 4.25 4.46 4.6725 4.89 8.50 8.92 9.345 9.78 12. 7P 13.40 14.04 14.64 17.or\ 17.84 18.60 19.5C 22:32 22. 3f; 24.44 '>5 50 26:78 28.06 29.33 29.75 31.24 32.72 34.24 34.00 35.70 37.40 39.10 38.27 40.16 42.04 44.00 42.50 44.64 46.76 48.88 46.74 49.08 51.40 53.76 51.00 53.56 56.10 58.66 55.25 58.01 60.79 63.53 59.50 62.49 65.44 68.43 63.76 66.96 70.13 73.32 68.00 71.40 74.80 78.20 24 f n. • 25 in. 26 in. 27 in. 5.10 5.:^15 5.53 5.74 10.20 10.63 11.06 11.48 15.32 15.96 16.56 17.20 20.40 21.26 22.12 22.96 25.52 26.56 27.62 28.68 30.60 31.88 33.16 34.44 .'55.72 37.20 38.68 40.17 40.80 42.50 44.20 45.92 45.92 47.80 49.73 51.64 51.00 53.12 55.24 57.37 56.12 58.44 60.78 63.11 61.20 63.76 66.32 68.88 66.29 69.06 71.82 74.58 71.40 74.38 77.36 80.33 76.50 79.68 82.88 86.07 81.60 85.00 88.40 91.80 28 in. 29 in. 30 in. 31 in. 5.95 6.16 6.375 6.59 11.90 12.32 12.75 13.18 17.84 18.48 19.12 19.75 23.80 24.64 25.50 26.36 29.76 30.80 31.88 32.94 35.72 37.00 38.28 39.54 41.65 43.14 44.64 46.12 47.60 49.28 51.00 52.10 53.56 55.48 57.40 59.32 59.49 61.60 63.76 65.88 65.44 67.77 70.13 72.48 71.42 73.97 76.53 79.08 77.34 80.10 82.86 85.62 83.30 86.29 89.24 92.20 89.26 92.44 95.64 98.82 95.20 98.60 102.00 105.40 32 in. 33 in. 34 in. 35 in. 36 in. 6.80 7.01 7.22 7.43 7.648 13.60 14.02 14.44 14.86 15.295 20.40 21.04 21. 6S 22.32 22.96 27.20 38.04 28.88 29.72 30.59 34.00 35.04 ."^6.12 37.16 38.24 40.80 42.08 43. 3n 44.64 45.92 47.60 49.08 BO.'B? 52.07 53.58 1 54.40 56.10 57.78 59.50 61.20 61.22 63.12 65.04 66.96 68.88 68.00 70.13 72.24 74.36 76.50 74.80 77.12 79.44 81.79 84.15 81.61 84.16 86.72 89.28 91.84 88.39 91.15 93.91 96. 6S 99.44 95.20 98.20 101.20 104.16 107.1 102.00 105.20 108.4 111.6 114.8 108.80 112.20 115.6 119.0 122.4 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER S eO. 1042 WEIGHTS OF STEEL ANGLES Estimated weig^ht per lineal foot in pounds. s Izeln aches Thlclsness in Inches % 3/16 1 7/33 1 % 5/lC % 7/16 % »/10| % 11/16 % 13/16 % 1 1 8 X 8 26.4 23. 3 32.7 35.8 38.9 42.0 45.0 51.0 7 X 31^ 15". 6 17.0 19. L 21.0 23.0 26.8 28.7 32. 6 X 6 14". 9 17.2 19.6 21. ) 24.2 26.5 28!7 31.0 33.1 37. 6 X 4 '12.3 14.3 16.2 18. L 20.0 21.8 23.6 25.4 27.2 30. 6 X 3^ 11.7 13.5 15.3 17. L 18.9 20.6 22.4 24.0 25.7 28 5 X 5 12.3 14.3 16.2 18. L 20.0 21.8 23.6 25.4 27.2 30 5 X 4 11.0 12.8 14.5 16. 2 17.8 19.5 21.1 22.7 24.2 5 X 3'^ . . . v. 7 10.4 12.0 13.6 15. 2 16.8 18.3 19.8 21.3 22.7 5 X 3 . . . 8.2 9.8 11.3 12.8 14. } 15.7 17.1 18.5 19.9 41/2 X 3 7.7 9.1 10.6 11.9 13. J 14.7 16.0 17.3 18.5 4 X 4 5.2 6.6 8.2 9.8 11.3 12.8 14. 5 15.7 17.1 18.5 19.9 4 X 31/2 . . . 7.7 9.1 10.6 11.9 13. 5 14.7 16.0 17.3 18.5 4 X 3 V.8 7.2 8.5 9.8 11.1 12. [ 13.6 14.8 16.0 17.1 3% X 2% 6.4 7.7 8.8 10.0 11. L 12.2 13.3 14.3 3V2 X 31/^ 5.7 7.2 8.5 9.8 11.1 12.' t 13.6 14.8 16.0 iV.i 3% X 3 6.6 7.9 9.1 10.2 11. I 12.5 13.6 14.7 15.8 3% X 2y2 V.9 6.1 7.2 8.3 9.4 10. I 11.5 12.5 3% X 3% 4.9 6.1 7.8 9.0 10.2 11. 12.5 13.6 14.7 3% X 2 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.2 8.1 9. 3 X 3 2'. 5 '3.7 4.9 6.1 7.2 8.3 9.4 10. 11'. 5 1V.4 13.4 14'.4 3 X 21/2 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.5 9. 3 X 2 3.1 3.6 4.1 5.0 5.9 6.8 7.7 ::: 2% X 2% '2.3 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.5 21/^ 21/2 X 21^ 2.1 3.1 3.6 4.1 5.0 5.9 6.8 7.7 v. 5 V.3 iV.i X 2 2.8 3.7 4.5 5.3 6.1 6.8 2% X 1% 2.6 3.4 2% X 1% 2.4 3.2 3.9 V.6 5.3 6.6 [ _ 2V4 X 21^ V.9 2.8 3.7 4.5 5.3 6.1 6.8 . . . . . . 21/4 X 1% 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.0 5.6 2 X 2 1.7 2.5 3.2 4.0 4.7 5.3 2 X 1»^ 2 2 2.8 3.4 4.0 2 X 1% 211 2.7 3.3 3.8 1% X 1% ■1.4 2.2 2.8 3.4 4.0 '4.6 X 1% 2.0 2.6 3.3 3.9 1% X 11/2 v. 3 1.8 2.4 2.9 3.4 . . . . . . X 1 1.0 1.6 1 % X T^, 0.9 v. 3 v. 9 1 % X 11/4 1.1 1.5 2.0 V.4 ! .' .' . r X 1% X 1 X % X % 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.9 1.7 1.5 2.1 % X % 0.7 1.0 % X 3^1 0.6 0.9 % X % 0.5 ::: V2 X 1/2 0.4 ESTIMATED WEIGHTS OF FLAT IRON Per Lineal Foot in Pounds AVidth in Inches Thiclcness in Inches 1/16 % 3/16 •% 5/16 % 7/16 % % % % 1 1 .21 .42 .63 .84 1.05 1.26 1.47 1.68 2.11 2.53 .24 .47 .71 .95 1.18 1.42 1.66 1.90 2.37 2.84 IV* .26 .53 .79 1.05 1.32 1.58 1.84 2.11 2.63 3.16 3.68 4.21 .29 .58 .87 1.16 1.45 1.74 2.03 2.32 2.89 3.47 4.05 4.63 1% .32 .63 .95 1.26 1.58 1.90 2.21 2.53 3.16 3.79 4.42 5.05 1% .34 .68 1.03 1.37 1.71 2.05 2.39 2.74 3.42 4.11 4.79 5.47 1% .37 .74 1.11 1.47 1.84 2.21 2.58 2.95 3.68 4.42 5.16 5.89 2 .42 .84 1.26 1.68 2.11 2.53 2.95 3.37 4.21 5.05 5.89 6.74 1^ .47 .95 1.42 1.90 2.37 2:84 3.32 3.79 4.74 5.68 6.83 7.58 .53 1.05 1.58 2.11 2.63 3.16 3.68 4.21 5.26 6.32 7.37 8.42 2%. .. ,. . .58 1.16 1.74 2.32 2.89 . 3.47 4.05 4.63 5.79 6.95 8.10 9.26 3 .63 1.26 1.90 2.53 3.16 3.79 4.42 5.05 6.S2 7.58 ■ 8.84 10.10 3V4. .68 1.37 2.05 2.74 3.42 4.11 4.79 5.47 6.84 8.21 9.58 10.05 Z^k .74 1.47 2.21 2.95 3.68 4.42 5.16 5.89 7.37 8.84 10.32 11.79 3% .79 1.58 2.37 3.16 3.95 4.74 5.53 7.89 9.47 11.05 •12.63 4 .84 1.68 2.53 3.37 4.21 5.05 5.89 6.74 8.42 10.10 11.79 13.47 4% .95 1.90 2.84 3.79 4.74 5.68 6.63 7.58 9.47 11.38 13.26 15.16 5 1.05 2.11 3.16 4.21 5.26 6.32 7.37 8.42 10.53 12.63 14.74 16.84 5% 1.16 2.32 3.47 4.63 5.79 6.95 8.10 9.26 11.58 13.89 16.21 18.52 6 1.26 2.53 3.79 5.05 6.32 7.58 8.84 10.10 12.63 15.16 17.68 20.21 7 i-"*! 2.94 4.42 5.90 8.84 10.32 11.79 14.74 17.68 20.64 23.58 8 1.6S 3.36 5.05 6.74 8.42 10.10 11.78 13.48 16.84 20.20 23.58 26.94 For List of Sizes of Iron, see Index. 1043 GeoBCarpeH'ter 5E eo. ESTIMATED WEIGHTS OF BLACK SHEETS u. Gai S. iige q.Pt. 10 12 14 15 16 18 , 30 22 1 24 26 27 , 28 29 30 Lbs.S 5.625 4.375 3.125 2.8125 2.50 2,00 1.50 1.25 1.00 .75 .6875 .625 .5625 .50 Thick. Ins. 9-64 7-64 70.00 5-64 9-128 1-16 1-20 3-80 1-32 1-40 3-160 11- 640 11.00 1-64 &-640 1-80 24 T 96 90.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 32.00 83.67 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 101 94.69 73.65 52.68 1 47.34 42.08 .25.25 21.04 16.84 12.63 11.57 10.52 9.47 8.42 108 101.25 78.75 56.25 50.63 45.00 36.00 27.00 22.50 18.00 13.50 12.38 11.25 10.13 9.00 1J!0 112.50 87.50 62.59 56.25 50.00 40.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 13.75 12.50 11.25 10.00 138 129.38 100.63 71.88 64.69 57.50 46.00 34.50 28.75 23.00 17.25 15.81 14.38 144 135.00 105.00 75.00 67.50 60.00 48.00 36.00 30.00 24.00 18.00 i 16.50 15.00 ....1 26 X 96 97.50 75.83 1 54.17 1 48.75 43.33 34.67 26.00 21.67 17.34 13.00 11.92 10.83 9.75 8.67 101 102.58 79.78 57.00 51.29 45.59 36.47 27.35 22.79 18.24 13.68 12.54 11.40 10.26 9.12 108 109.69 85.31 60.94 54.84 48.75 39.00 29.25 24.37 19.50 14.63 13.41 12.19 10.97 9.75 120 121.88 94.79 67.71 60.94 54.17 43.33 32.50 27.08 21.67 16.25 14.90 13.54 12.19 10.83 188 140.16 109.01 77.87 70.08 62.29 49.83 37.38 31.15 24.92 18.69 17.13 15.57 144 146.25 113.75 81.25 73.13 65.00 52.00 39.00 32.50 26.00 19.50 17.88 16.25 28 X 96 105.00 81.67 58.33 52.50 46.67 37.33 28.00 23.33 18.67 14.00 12.83 11.67 10.50 9.33 101 110.47 85.92 61.37 1 55.23 1 49.09 39.28 29.46 24.55 19.64 14.73 13.50 12.27 11.05 9.82 108 118.13 91.88 65.63 59.06 52.50 42.00 31.50 26.25 21.00 15.75 14.44 13.13 11.81 10.50 120 131.25 102.08 72.92 65.63 58.33 46.67 35.00 29.17 23.33 17.50 16.04 14.58 13.13 11.67 30 X 96 112.50 87.50 62.50 1 56.25 50.00 40.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 1 13.75 12.50 11.25 101 118.36 92.06 65.76 59.18 52.60 42.08 31.56 26.30 21.04 15.78 14.47 13.15 108 126.56 98.44 ! 70.31 ' 62.69 56.25 45.00 33.75 28.12 22.50 16.88 15.47 14.06 120 140.63 109.38 78.13 1 70.31 62.50 50.00 37.50 31.25 25.00 18.75 17.19 15.63 188 161.72 125.78 89.84 80.86 71.88 57.50 43.13 35.94 28.75 21.56 19.77 17.97 144 77 168.75 108.28 131.25 84.22 93.75 ! 60.17 84.38 1 54.14 75.00 1 48.13 60.00 38.50 45.00 28.88 37.50 24.06 30.00 19.25 22.50 20.63 18.75 36 X 14.44 13.23 iiiM 96 135.00 105.00 75.00 67.50 60.00 48.00 36.00 30.00 24.00 18.00 16.50 15.00 .... 108 151.88 118.13 84.38 75.94 67.50 54.00 40.50 33.75 27.00 20.25 18.56 16.88 . . • • .... 120 168.75 131.25 93.75 84.38 75.00 60.00 45.00 37.50 30.00 22.50 20.63 18.75 138 194.06 145.47 107.81 97.03 86.25 69.00 51.75 43.13 34.50 25.88 23.72 21.56 _ _ . . 144 202.50 157.50 112.50 101.25 90.00 72.00 54.00 45.00 36.00 27.00 24.75 22.50 42 X 77 126.33 98.26 70.18 ' 63.16 ( 56.14 44.92 83.69 28.07 22.46 16.84 15.44 14.04 96 157.50 122.5» 87.50 78.75 70.00 56.00 42.00 35.00 28.00 21.00 19.25 17.50 108 177.19 137.81 98.44 88.5? 98.44 78.75 63.00 47.25 39.37 31.50 23.63 21.66 19.69 120 196.88 153.13 109.38 87.50 70.00 52.51 43.75 35.00 26.25 24.06 21.88 138 226.41 176.09 125.78 113.20 100.63 80.50 60.38 50.31 40.25 30.19 27.67 25.16 144 77 236.25 144.38 183.75 112.29 131.25 80.21 118.13 72.19 105.00 64.17 84.00 51.33 63.00 38.50 52.50 42.00 31.50 19.25 28.88 17.65 26.24 16.04 .... .... 48 X 96 180.00 140.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 64.00 48.00 40.00 32.00 24.00 22.00 20.00 108 202.50 157.50 112.50 101.25 90.00 72.00 54.00 45.00 36.00 27.00 24.75 22.50 120 225.00 175.00 125.00 112.50 100.00 80.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 27.50 25.00 . . • • .... H? 258.75 201.25 143.75 129.38 115.00 92.00 69.00 57.50 46.00 34.50 31.63 28.75 144 77 270.00 162.42 210.00 126.33 150.00 135.00 120.00 96.00 72.00 60.00 48.00 36.00 33.00 30.00 S4 X 96'.i6" 96 201.50 157.50 112.50 NOTE 108 227.82 177.20 126.57 120 253.13 196.88 140.63 138 291.09 218.21 161.71 AboTe « istlmat ed vrelshts are basec ! on IT . S. Standard 144 303.75 236.25 168.75 gnuge for 1 j-on. 1 for Steel, add 2 per cent. These ilgrure* 77 are given ft ■oniewhat 1 >r conv n actii enience in estimating al practice. Tlie «lz only, and ma' em below the y v«ry 60 T UdAS, heavy 96 225.00 175.00 black Une win pr obably considerably exceed the welebts 108 253.12 196.88 grlven, and t is sa fe therefore, to allov V for a n overweight 120 281.26 219.36 of at least 1 LO per c ent. 138 328.44 251.56 144 337.50 262.50 ESTIMATING WEIGHTS OF IRON AND STEEL Thickness Wt. per Sq. Ft. Thickness in Inches Wt. per Sq. Ft. Thickness in Inches Wt. per Sq. Ft. In Inches Iron Steel Iron Steel Iron Steel J'H hP.l 1.35 13-32 16.42 16.75 1 1-1 42.50 43.50 1-1$ 2.526 2.75 7-16 17.68 18.50 1 1-8 45.00 46.00 3-32 3.789 4.00 15-32 18.95 19.25 1 3-16 47.50 48 50 1-8 5.052 5.35 1-2 20.21 21.00 1 1-4 50.00 51 00 5-32 6.315 6.75 9-16 22.73 23.50 1 5-16 52.50 53.50 3-16 2-iII 7.85 5-8 25.26 26.00 1 3-8 55.00 7-32 8.841 9.25 11-16 27.79 28.50 1 7-16 57.50 58 65 l-L 10.10 11.00 3-4 30.31 31.00 1 1-2 60.63 61 20 9-32 11.37 11.75 ^H^ 32.84 33.50 1 3-4 70.73 71.40 J-15 }5'S5 13.50 7-8 35.37 36.00 1 7-8 75.00 '\:l' 13.89 15.16 14.25 16.00 15-16 1 87.89 40.42 38.50 41,00 2 80,83 81.60 GEO•B•eARF^E^fTER S QO. USEFUL INFORMATION WEIGHTS OF PIPE FITTINGS In Pounds, Per Hundr^ 1044 Size, inches . li 1 3< 1 1 l^4|l% *> 1 o.iz 3 s% 4 4H 5 6 ^ I -\ ' Bushings 5 13 25 45 58 71 104 163 218 300 312 375 613 Caps cast 1 750 800 1500 Caps, malleable 13 23 . 34 57 73 121 205 229 ''290 455 Ti ?5 ' 46 61 85 140 150 265 1. . . . 400 440 575 975 1050 Couplings, R. & L 18 , 31 / 43 70 100 130 Crosses, malleable 25 , 45 ' 80 145 195 315 540 945 lioo 1575 ( Elbows, cast 40 70 100 145 180 290 535 ' 740 1100 1400 1585 25^00 3400 Elbows, malleable • 25 40 60 90 125 190 310 510 855 960 Elbows, 45°, cast 40 55 85 130 160 250 415 565 800 1000 1300 1500 3400 Elbows, 45°, malleable 22 35 60 90 110 200 275 355 430 480 Elbows, malleable, street 25 40 65 260 90 395 135 440 220 640 395 820 Flange unions, cast 1020 1120 1580 1740 ?M0 3580 '. . 1 165 ?75 440 640 815 1025 1415 1525 1800 2400 2765 Lock-nuts, malleable 6 6 • 10 11 ; 16 ' 16 18 21 30 25 47 50 Nipples, close 80 ' 120 140 180 265 335 Nipples, per inch 6 8 ' 10 15 17 26 40 48 63 65 100 135 Plugs 9 15 20 35 50 80 120 140 260 800 420 500 630 Reducers, cast 1 1 |. . . 1050 1400 1900 Reducers, malleable 12 25 1 35 50 80 125 220 300 460 465 Return bends, cast, close pattern.. 90 140 200 290 510 720 1000 Return bends, cast, open pattern . . 39 40 65 120 65 70 85 175 90 120 135 270 135 165 190 350 205 250 270 560 300 340 425 1000 1350 Return bends, malleable, close pat. Return bends, malleable, open pat. 515 755 • 840 1065 Tees, cast 1375 2045 2200 3935 3470 Tees, malleable 25 45 80 115 160 240 410 650 890 1210 Tees, reducing 65 95 150 210 300 470 830 1175 1510 2250 2420 3320 3830 Unions, malleable 50 75 100 125 150 250 440 515 WEIGHTS OF COCKS AND BRASS VALVES In Pounds, Each Size, inches | ^^ | M | %\ }k\% 1 1 |1M |1^ 2 1 2^^ 1 « 3% 4 Cocks, asbestos packed 1 iy2 2 4 7 11 14 20 35 58 Cocks, bibb 1 2 3 1 4 1% Cocks, brass service 2 3 Cocks, brass steam % V2 V2 1 1% 2 4 6 Cocks, rough stop 1 IV2 2 4 5 8 Cocks, straight-way, all iron IVa 2y2 4% 7 11 18 38 41 Cocks, straight-way, brass plug .... '. . . 1^! 3 5 7 11 19 39 Cocks, 3-way, all iron 4% 6 7 12 20 34 44 Valves, blow-off, Jenkins ... 2 4 6 Valves, check, horizontal % V?. % 1 1V4 2 4 Valves, check, Jenkins swing % % m 21^ 4 Valves, check, standard horizontal. Vs % V4 ^^ 1 2 2Vo 3 ■ 8 Valves, check, standard swing % 1 iH 1% 2Vd Valves, check, standard vertical... ^ % 1 1% Valves, gate, Lunkenheimer V4 ' ^ 1 IV4 m 3 5 Valves, gate, Chapman % V4 % 1 2 3 4 11 18 Valves, gate, standard '/fl ' % 1 2 3 4 6 15 20 Valves, globe, Jenkins 1 1 m 2V^ 3 5 7 11 Valves, globe, Lunkenheimer 1 1 IV, 2 3 4 6 Valves, globe. Standard . V4 % ^ % IV0 2 3% 5 Valves, safety, lever 1 IV1 2 2 4 Valves, safety pop, standard 8 9 10 13 16 24 Valves, safety pop, Lunkenheimer. 1 IV. 3 3 4 5 8 15 18 Valves, throttle, standard 3 6 7 9 Valves, throttle, Lunkenheimer 3 4 5 fi 10 Valves, whistle a i 1^ 2 3 4 7 10 12 .... 1045 GEO•B•eAIiPE^fTER ^ So. USEFUL INFORMATION WEIGHTS OF IRON BODY VALVES In Pounds, Each fii7^ iTir^hf»« 1 IM IH 2 2J^ 3 s^i 4 4U n a 7 8 9 10 12 ^ 1 - Blow-off, Jenkins Check, Jenkins horizontal Check, Jenkins swing Check, standard horizontal. .. Check, standard swing Check, standard vertical Foot with strainer 2 4 4 3 '5' 5 4 'e' 6 v 20* 10 10 11 17 22 53 28 32 14 19 16 7 28 37 18 18 16 22 35 64 40 44 20 30 28 10 50 42 55 40 40 23 32 60 .. 1 . - 50 49 30 45 39 12 '50 60 45 45 64 64 52 50 52 16 88 63 75 60 58 86 100 142 56 90 125 54 20 "67 85 30 io2 125 45 135 155 120 170 200 210 140 280 240 280 300 330 200 450 410 425 ^^0 Gate, hub end Gate, standard, screwed Gate, standard flanged Gate, Lunkenheimer Gate, Lunkenheimer, all iron. Globe, std, screwed, no yoke. Globe, std. screwed, with yoke Globe, Jenkins screwed ninho Tonkintj flpns'Pd 680 415 43 70 54 100 70 120 90 140 160 125 130 210 230 170 180 280 240 240 380 420 290 ... Safety, standard lever Safety, standard pop 20 36 57 45 35 57 75 50 40 80 105 70 50 100 125 95 65 105 WEIGHTS OF FLANGED, EXTRA HEAVY AND LONG SWEEP PIPE FITTINGS In Pounds, Each Size, inches 1 1^1^^ 2 ZVz 3 SVz 45^1 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 10 I 12 Standard flanged tees Standard flanged elbows .... Standard flanged crosses . . . Extra heavy flanged tees Extra heavy flanged elbows. . Extra heavy flanged crosses. Extra heavy screwed tees. . . . Extra heavy screwed elbows. Extra heavy screwed crosses Long sweep tees Long sweep elbows Long sweep crosses 110 70 140 180 120 240 44 32 51 60 40 80 235 1390 180 1 260 520 590 400 800 205 150 235 285 190 390 WEIGHTS OF EXPANSION JOINTS Iron Body. Brass Sleeve Size, inches 2\2^i 2Mx2^^ 3x2 M 3J,^x3 4x3 M 5x4 6x3 7x6 8x7 10x7 12x8 Screwed, each, pounds 9 Flanged, each, pounds 20 13 30 19 35 28 45 36 55 63 80 90 110 120 170 200 235 275 390 450 WEIGHTS OF BUNDLING SCHEDULE OF PIPE 1 bundle, H inch dlameter=179 pounds. 1 bundle, % inch diameter=193 pounds. 1 bundle, i^ inch diameter=204 pounds. 1 bundle, % inch diameter=159 pounds. 1 bundle, 1 inch diameter=168 pounds. 1 bundle, 1^4 inch diameter=137 pounds. 1 bundle, IVz inch diameter=164 pounds. GEO-B-CARPEffTER ^ Q0\ 1046 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS American Standard Kffective January 1, 1914 Size Diameter Thickness Bolt Number of ! Size of Length length of Studs with inches of Flanges of Flanges Circle Bolts Bolts of Bolts 2 Nuts inches inches inches inches inches inches 1 ■1 /^ 3 A 1% 1% 41/2 % 3% 1% 11/^ 5 ^ 3% % 1% 2 6 % 4% % 2% 7 a 5% % 2% 3 7 ¥2 6 % 2% 3^ r 1 k 8 % fi 4% 9% 8 % . . . 5 10 il 8% 8 % 6 11 1 9% 8 % 7 12% l-i^ 10% 8 8 13^ 1% 11% 8 % 3% 9 15 lys 13% 12 % 3% 10 16 lA 14% 12 % . 12 19 1% 17 12 % 3 % 14 21 1% 18% 12 4 % 15 22% 1% 20 16 4% 16 23 y2 •It's 21% 16 4% 18 25 1 "5 22% 16 lys 4% 20 21% If 1 i 25 20 lys 22 29% 27% 20 1% 5% 24 32 ns m 20 5% 26 341/4 24 1 % 5% 28 36% 2-fg 34 28 ■ 1 14 6 30 32 38% 41% 2% 2% 36 38% 28 28 1% 'A 34 43% 2ft 40% 32 1 % 6% 36 46 2% 42% 32 1% 7 38 48% 2% 45% 32 7 ■9' 40 50% 2% 47% 36 1 % 7 9 42 53 2% 49% 36 1 % 7% 9% 44 5514 2% 51% 40 1 % 7% 9% 46 57 y* 2H 53% 40 1% 7% 9% 48 59 Va 2% 56 44 1% 8 9% 50 61% 2% 58% 44 8 10 15 64 2 78 60% 44 ii 8 10% 54 66% 3 62% 44 8% 12SI 56 68% 3 85 48 li 8% 58 71 3% 67% 48 9 11 60 73 3% 69% 52 1 % 9 11 62 75% 3% 71% 52 1 % 9 11% 64 l^ 3% 74 52 1 % 9 11% 11% 66 So 3% 76 52 1 % 9% 68 82% 3% 78% 56 1 % 9% 11% 70 84% 3% 80% 56 1% 10 12 72 86% 3% 82% 60 1% 10 12 74 88% 90% 3% 84% 60 1% 10 12 76 3% 86% 60 1% 10 12 78 93 l^ 88% 60 2 10% 12% 80 95% 3% 91 60 2 10% 12% 82 97% 3% 93% 60 2 p 13 84 86 99% 102 r* 95% 97% 64 64 2 2 13 13 88 90 104 % 106% 4 4% 100 102% 68 68 2 2% 11 11% 13 14 92 108% 1t^ ' 104% 68 11% 14 u 98 111 113% 115% 4% 106% 68 2% 11% 14 ^ 108 y2 110 y, 68 68 2% 2% ll'' im 100 117% 4% 113 68 2% 12 14% These Drilling: Teniplntea are in inultiplei, of four, so that fittines may be made to face in any quarter and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled 14 inch larger than nominal diameter of bolt«. ^ GEO-BCAIiPEl^TER Zl SO, TABLE OF THE PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM FROM PEABODY'S TABLES Gange Pressure in lbs. Per Sq. Inch Tempera- ture in DegrecB F. Total Heat in Heat Units From Water at 32° F. Heat Units in Liquid Fronx 32° F. Heat of Vaporiza- tion in Heat Units Density of AVeiglit of 1 cu. ft. in lbs. Volntae of lib. in Cubic Feet Weight of 1 Cu. Foot of Water 1146.6 180.8 965.; 913.4 905 7 CAST IRON PIPE Nominal Weight of a Lineal Foot, Without Flanges Bore in Thickness of Metal in Inches inches % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 y* 1 % 1 1 1 1% 1 1% 2 Iba. J lbs. ) lbs. 1 lbs. 1 lbs. 1 lbs. 1 lbs. 1 lbs. 1 Iba 5.52 I 8.74 1 12.27 f 16.11 | 20.25 | 24.70 | 29.45 I 34.52 | 39.88 21/2 6.75 1 10.58 1 14.73 ] 19.18 | 23.95 | 28.99 | o4.36 | 40.04 | 46.02 3 7.93 1 12.43 1 17.18 | 22.24 | 27.61 | 32.29 | 39.27 | 45.56 | 52.16 3% 9.20 1 14.27 1 19.64 | 25.31 | 31.29 | 37.58 | 44.18 51.08 | 58.29 ' 4 10.43 1 16.11 1 22.09 | 28.38 | 34.98 | 41.88 j 49.09 56.60 | 64.43 4% 11.66 1 17.95 1 24.54 | 31.45 | 38.66 | 46.18 | 54.0-0 | 62.13 | 70.56 5 12.89 1 19.79 1 27.00 | 34.52 | 42.34 | 50.47 | 58.91 | 67.65 | 76.70 5% 14.11 1 21.63 1 29.45 | 37.58 | 46.02 | 54.76 | 63.81 | 73.17 | 82.84 6 15.34 1 23.47 | 31.91 | 40.65 | 49.70 | 59.06 | 68.72 | 78.69 | 88.97 7 17.79 1 27.15 1 36.82 | 46.79 i 57.06 | 67.65 | 78.54 | 89.74 | 101.24 8 20.25 1 30.83 | 41.72 | 52.92 | 64.43 | 76.24 | 88.36 | 100.78 | 113.52 ' 9 22.70 1 34.52 | 46.63 | 59.06 | 71.79 j 84.83 | 98.18 j 111.83 | 125.79 10 25.16 1 38.20 1 51.54 | 65.19 | 79.15 | 9*42 | 107.99 | 122.87 | 138.06 " 11 27.61 1 41.88 1 56.45 | 71.33 | 86.52 | 102.01 | 117.81 | 133.92 | 150.33 12 30.07 1 46.56 | 61.36 | 77.47 | 93.88 | 110.60 | 127.63 | 144.9§ | 162.60 ~ 13 32.52 1 49.24 | 66.27 | 83.60 | 101.24 | 119.19 | 137.45 | 156.01. | 174.87 14 34.98 1 52.92 | 71.18 t 89.74 | 108.61 | 127.78 | 147.26 ' | 167.05 | 187.15 " 15 1 56.60 1 76.09 1 95.87 | 115.97 1 136.37 | 157.08 | 178.10 | 199.42 16 1 60.29 1 80.99 | 102.01 | 123.33 | 144.96 | 166.90 | 189.14 | 211.69 18 1 67.65 1 90.81 1 114.28 | 138.06 | 162.14 | 186.53 | 211.23 | 236.23 20 1 1 100.63 I 126.55 | 152.79 | 179.32 | 206.17 | 233.32 | 260.78 22 1 1 110.45 1 138.83 1 167.51 | 196.50 | 225.80 | 255.41 | 285.32 24 1 1 120.26 1 151.10 1 182.24 | 213.68 | 245.44 | 277.50 | 309.87 Note — For each flanged joint add a foot In length of the pipe. GEO-BCARPEhfTER « 60. 1047a PARCEL POST INFORMATION AND RATES Rand McNally & Company'* PARCEL POST RATE MAP ! convenience of our customers ordering shipmenti Weight Local First Second Third Fourth Fiftli .Si.xth 1 Seventh Eighth pounds rate Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone 1 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.06 $o.ov $0.08 $0.09 $0.11 $0.12 2 .06 .06 ,06 .08 .11 .14 .17 .21 .24 3 .06 .07 .07 10 .15 .20 .25 .31 .36 4 .07 .08 .08 .19 .26 .33 .41 .48 5 .07 .09 .09 .14 .23 .32 .41 .51 .60 .08 .10 .10 .16 .27 .38 .49 .61 .72 .08 .11 .11 .18 .31 .44 .57 .71 .84 8 .09 .12 .20 .35 .50 .65 .81 .96 9 .09 .13 .13 .22 .39 .56 .73 .91 1.08 10 .10 .14 .14 .24 .43 .62 .81 1.01 1.20 11 .10 .15 .15 .26 .47 68 .89 1.11 1.32 12 .11 .16 .16 .28 .51 .74 .97 1.21 1.44 .11 .17 .17 .30 .55 1.05 1.31 1.56 .12 .18 .18 .59 86 1.13 1.41 1.68 15 .12 .19 .19 .34 .63 .92 1.21 1.51 1.80 16 .13 .20 .20 .36 .67 .98 1.29 1.61 1.92 17 .21 .38 .71 1.04 1.37 1.71 2.04 18 .14 .22 00 .40 .75 1.10 1.45 1.81 2.16 19 .14 .23 .23 .42 .79 1.16 1.53 1.91 2.28 20 .15 .15 .16 16 .24 .25 .26 27 .24 .2.=) .26 97 . 44 1.22 1 1.61 1 2.01 2.40 22 PARCEL POST RATES 24 .17 .28 .28 The Local Rate applies to deliveries made within the 26 18 30 30 limits of the Chicago postal district — the Zone Rate applies ;i8 ii i\ to deliveries beyond that district. 29 .19 :M '.Z3 Parcels weighing four ounces or less are mailable at the SO .20 .34 .34 rate of 1 cent per ounce or fraction of an ounce, regardless 31 3' .21 .35 36 .35 36 of distance. All other parcels are mailable at rates in table 33 .21 •.37 .37 herewith. A fraction of a pound is considered a full pound. n .39 .39 Limit of delivery weight in first and second Zones, 50 36 .23 .40 .40 pounds; all other Zones, 20 pounds. 38 .24 .42 .42 Parcels must not be more than 84 inches in length or 39 40 it .43 .43 .44 girth, nor fastened together in any manner liable to cause .25 injury to postal employees or equipment. It must be of a 42 .26 .46 .47 .48 .46 character not perishable within a reasonable period. 44 .43 All pieces of machinery and sharp pointed or edged 45 .27 .49 .49 pieces must be thoroughly protected and wrapped in cloth 1? .28 .51 fl or strong paper, or be crated or boxed. 48 .29 .52 .52 Regular mail carriers deliver parcel post maii whenever 60 .30 .54 possible. Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo< GEOB-eARPEhfTER « eo. 1047c L. G. L. FREIGHT GLASSIFIGATIONS. Freight shipments originating in Chicago are divided into four general territories for purposes of classifications — the Eastern, or official, the Southern, Western and Illinois, officially designated as E. S. W. and I. The Eastern, oi- Official, Territory embraces all states east of Lake Michigan and Illinois, and north of the Ohio River, including West Virginia, and points on and north of the N. & W. Ry. in Virginia. It also includes all the Central, North Atlantic and New England States and Eastern Canada. In addition it includes Louisville, Henderson and Owensboro, Kentucky, Bristol, Tenn., as well as points on the C. & O. in Kentucky. It also includes tlie Eastern portion of the Upper Penin- sula of Michigan, and all Virginian Ry. Stations. The Southern Territory embraces all states south of the Ohio River, and those points south of the N. & W. Ry. in Virginia except as shown under the Eastern classification. It also covers points on the west bank of the Mississippi from Helena, Ark., south to New Orleans, La. The Western Territory includes Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, except as covered by the Eastern Classifications, and the state of Minnesota except as provided for in the Illinois Classifications, and all points west of the Mississippi River. The Illinois Territory includes the state of Illinois, and those points on the west bank of the Mississippi from St. Louis, Mo., to Dubuque, Iowa, inclusive. -First Class -Second Class Explanation of Characters in the Tables Below. 3 — Third Class 5 — Fifth Class 4 — Fourth Class 6 — Sixth Class 11/2 — 11^ times First Class Dl — Double First Class R25 — Rule 25, E Classification only, 15% less than second class. R26 — Rule 26, E Classification only, 20% less than third class. N. O. S. — Not otherwise specified. K. D. — Knocked down. S. U. — Set up. The minimum charge on any shipment IS usually at the rate of 100 lbs. at First Class Rate. Classes ITEMS Classes ITEMS w 1 ^ s W 1 E s 2 1 3 4 4 4 3 4 i 2 2 4 4 4 1 4 'f 1 1 4 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 4 4 4 3 4 ^^ 1 2 3 3 \h S 2 1% 2 2 2 t 3 s 3 2 4 4 4 B26 B26 3 B25 1 3 3 3 3 4 i 4 4 3 1 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 t R26 3 2 2 '5' 6 5 5 3 3 1 1 3 4 4 4 1 5 3 3 1 2 2 3 5 5 3 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 S 1 3 3 Cms 1 3 T 2 4 } 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 d"i 4 2 2 1 3 2 I 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 4 ^^ 2 4 1 2 { I 3 1 1 1V4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 1 Dl 4 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 B26 t 1 1 3 2 2 t 1 2 B25 3 2 1 3 B26 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 B20 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 B25 i 1 2 1 1 Carts, Hand, K. D 1 Chain, Coil, Iron 2 Angles, Steel Anvils 3 Clips Wire Bope j 4 2 2 Awning Hardware, boxed Awning Framed (crated or boxed) 3 4 Rahbitt Metal 1% coti: vfTrl K.Di'craied::::::::::::::: Bars, Grate 3 Hatteries, Storage 2 Derrick.s l!"nohe.s. Work, K. D Benders Kail Derrick Irons Dies and Stocks Diving Apparatus Dogs, Mill 2 Hellows . R-Iting, Link Bits, Auger IJloclis Tackle Dollies Timber 3 Drills, Post 5 Hlocks Swage Drills, Power niowcrs. Blacksmith Boilers: 10 feet and under 10 to 30 feet 2 3 Klevators K D., boxed 3 Boilers, Heating, C. I.: Set UD 3 Engines, Semi-Portable 3 K D Engines, Hoisting 3 3 Extinguishers. Fire 1 Bolts, Iron, in bags Bolts. 12 inches long or over, bdl Files 1 G Fittings Pipe Brass 1 3 Flue Cleaners 2 Forges, S. U., crated 1 Pohia flffW a U Oasohne Engines Henerators, Electric 3 1 Carbide (3te«l barreU or drums) Oongs. Steel, boxed 3 GeoBCar.pxm'ter « eo, L. G. L. FREIGHT GLASSIFIGATIONS (Gontinued) ITEMS Classes ITEMS ClassM W I 1 E s W E 1 1 8 Gongs, Brass, boxed 2 1 2 2 2 ! 4 2 2 1 4 3 4 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 4 1 2 3 1 4 1 3 3 4 1% - 1 4 4 1 1 ^2 4 3 1 2 4 2 i \ Dl Dl Dl • \ 3 2 2 2 3 1 4 4 3 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 4 1 Dl 1 2 1 B26 B^26 B26 3 1 1 1 3 R26 4 3 1 2 B26 2 B25 B26 2 3 3 B26 R25 1% B26 B25 B26 B26 B26 rL 3 t 2 3 4 5 4 3 1 3 4 6 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 \ 6 3 3 Dl Bakes 2 Dl \^ 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 \ k Dl Dl \ 3 3 1% 1% 2 2 3 1 I 4 4 4 5 5 4 2 d\ 2 3 4 4 2 3 ■3' 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 1% \ 1 4 bIb 4 Rie 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 R25 R25 R25 S^ 1 2 2 3 4 3 R25 2 4 2 1 2 3 4 4 Bf R26 If R25 d\ \ 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 ■4' R25 B25 4 4 3 B26 2 2 B26 1 i r15 3 B26 -r 1 i Graphite . leeis. Hose, wheels off, crated Grinders Kods. Iron Grindstones, with frames. K. D. Hammers Hand Rope Manila, burlapped 4 Hammers. Power Hammers, Steam 5 1 1 .Sand Blast Outfits Dl 1 1 1 3 3 Hinges or Butts Saw Mill Machinery. K. D., crated 3 2 Hoes Garden . 3 Hoes Grub ... 4 Hoists, Chain Sorapers Sidewalk 3 Hoists Steam 1^ 4 Hooks Lug • 1% Hooks Steel bundles Screens Bev K D 2 2 2 5 Screws Wood Hand 2 Scythes 2 2 5 3 Shears loose 2 SheaTs K D crated 3 Sheaves 3 Sheets Steel 6 Shields Expansion 4 Shoes Horse Lanterns with Globes Shovels 3 Lath Metal 2 Lath Yarn Sledges' 4 Lead Bar Sheet 3 Lead. White :::.:..;.,;.;:;..; Soap Powder Solder 3 4 Lights Spades 3 Spikes. Steel 6 Machinery. S U Dl Machinery, K D boxed . IV2 IMandrels. Blacksmith Mattoclis Sprayers. K. D.. crated \ iMlxers, Concreta Mops Staples 6 [Motors. Electric Nails Surveyors' Instruments, in boxes Surveyors' Instruments, not boxed Tampers Nozzles. Brass Dl J g Oils. ' barrels ■■:::::;: ::::::::::::::■■■■■. ■ Tar, Pine, in cans, crated Tarpaulins J 2 Oil Cans ; : J Oil Cans. Jacketed, crated Oiled Clothing Thimbles, Bope Tools 4 packinl: lubber ■.■:::::::::::::;:::::■"■ Pails, Ga vanlzed, nested Tools, Mechanics . 2 Pails. Wood, nested Tools, Logging Tools, Track Tongs, Skidding 2 Paints ■ ■ 3 1 Track, Portable Traps, Steam, crated Traps. Steam, over 100 lbs Trench Braces TVucks. Hand Trucks. House Turntables Turnbuckles 4 2 2 S 3 3 3 g Paper, Roofing 'eavles Pidcs. boied Pile Hammers Pile Hammers. Steam Pipe, ron or Steel Pipe, Riveted, loose Twine, baled S g Valvis! Brws W. '. \ '. '. '. ! '. '. '. '. '. '. ". '. '. '. '. '. ". ". '. '. '. Varnishes . . 2 2 Pipe, liveted. nested and crated Pipe i'ittlngs. Iron Vises Washers. Iron Waste. Cotton Wedges. Iron Welding Compound Weights Sash 2 4 4 4 4 |{t"c1; ^.'!". ::::::: • Planes .:....:.... Plates, Steel ; Plows. S. U Plows. K. D.. boxed 1 Poles. Pike \\Tieelbarrows. K. D Wheels, Buffing WTieels. Grinding 8 i Post Drills Pulleys, loose Pulleys, loose, oyer 190 lbs Pulleys, boxed \\Tii8tles. Steam Winches WiTe Cloth Steel 1 8 Pumps, Hand Pumps. Power 1 Wire Netting GEO•B•eAKPE^fTER 55 So. 1047e FREIGHT RATES (per 100 lbs.) LESS THAN CAR LOTS The tables below give rates to several points in each state. Other towns, not listed here, but in the same parts of states, take practically the same rates, or within a few cents per 100 pounds, more or less. First refer to Classification Tables and ascertain class to which goods belong. Then note rate per 100 pounds for that class, in table below. Shipments of less than 100 pounds are usually charged as 100 pounds at First Class Rate. NOTE. — At the time of going to press Avith this catalog the Interstate Commerce Commission has increased ALL rates approximately 15%, but official rate tables have not yet been compiled. Freight Rates per 100 lbs. From CHICAGO To Freight Rates per 100 lbs. From CHICAGO To 1st Class 2nd 1 Class 1 3rd 1 Class 4th 1 Class 1st Class 1 2nd 1 Class 1 3rd 1 Class 1 4th 1 Class ALABAMA $1.14 1.10 1.33 1.3S 1.20 1.47 1.10 1.55 1.20 1.11 1.20 1.4T 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 III 2.81 2.65 2.T5 2.69 2.90 .35 .42 .34 .31 .37 .42 .35 .38 !33 .27 .42 .38 .52 .80 .39 -.11 .63 .55 .56 .80 .62 .43 .50 1.60 1.47 1.10 .56 .39 .49 .86 .58 !60 .39 .52 :E? .65 .80 .65 1.14 ■.n .60 .90 .50 $0.99 .90 1.17 1.22 1.01 1.27 .90 1.32 1.01 .91 1.01 1.27 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 1.1? 2.41 2.23 2.34 2.29 2.51 .27 .34 .27 .25 .30 .35 .28 .31 .33 .23 .36 .26 i\ .36 .33 .42 ;i .52 .50 .44 .45 .69 .53 .37 .42 1:1? .90 .47 .34 ■.tl .47 .50 .30 .33 .50 :l\ .50 .80 .55 1 .68 .70 .50 $0.80 1.00 1.01 .77 1.05 .75 1.05 .77 .70 .77 1.08 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 dl 2.00 1.85 1.92 1.91 2.09 .21 .20 .23 .27 .22 .24 .24 .21 .26 .21 .23 .21 .26 .24 .31 il .40 .33 .34 .54 .41 .27 .35 1.08 .75 .36 .25 .33 .58 .37 .40 ;i .25 .34 .40 .64 .44 .45 .43 :I? .56 .40 .61 .38 .77 .79 ..59 .81 .58 .81 .59 .58 .59 .92 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 i:^i in 1.55 1,56 1.75 .17 .21 .17 .15 .19 .22 .17 .19 .17 .13 .18 .14 .15 .14 .18 .17 .23 .32 .20 .27 .29 .26 .25 .25 .41 .31 .19 .27 1.01 .92 .58 .27 .17 .24 .39 .27 .28 .16 .17 .28 .17 .25 .25 .43 .28 1 .25 .41 .23 MISSISSIPPI $1.07 1.10 1.18 1.10 1.10 1.16 .63 1? .62 .80 .46 2.50 2.65 2.08 lis m 2.75 ": 1.15 .80 3.65 3.72 2.90 4.45 1.60 1.56 Ul in 1 .42 .39 .47 .39 .46 2.90 3.40 .47 .47 1.14 •:i il 1.05 1.11 .85 .73 .88 3.40 3.17 3.40 2.90 2.90 .47 .47 .1? .60 .43 .'43 $0.91 .90 s .95 .49 .37 .55 .49 .69 .37 2.09 2.26 1.77 1 2.09 .70 .95 .65 3.28 3.28 2.51 3.93 1.35 1.32 .98 1.04 1.23 1.49 .39 :l? i\ i\ .39 2.51 2.95 .41 .41 .95 .95 1.57 .68 .82 .73 .90 .95 .65 .63 .75 til 2.51 :t\ .55 .18 .86 .86 $0.75 .80 .75 :?i il .40 .37 .58 .29 1.69 1.85 1.42 1.93 1.69 .49 .72 .45 2.89 2.82 2.09 3.37 1.07 1.03 .77 .83 .97 1.20 .30 .26 .27 .26 1 2.09 2.45 .32 .32 .67 .67 1.30 .47 .64 .51 .75 .57 2.45 2.28 li .32 .32 .44 ■.It .29 il $0.62 Greenville .lackson Natchez Vicksburg Yazoo City MISSOURI 67 58 ARKANSAS 165 .26 Hot Springs Hannibal .23 Little Bock KirksvlUe . . .27 Mexico .28 Pine Bluff Poplar Bluff .47 St. Louis MONTANA .23 CALIFORNIA Fresno Butte 1.49 Lo3 Angeles Glendive 1.06 Great Falls 1.42 FLORIDA Helena Medicine Lake Missoula '°^£ NEBRASKA Lincoln 36 Norfolk .53 Omaha 32 w^daer ....::::::. .\::\:::.:: NEVADA ILLINOIS Ely ilo Reno 1.75 Champaifin 2.91 NORTH DAKOTA Indiana Jamestown .... 63 Elkhart OHIO Ashtabula 20 Ft Wayne Cincinnati 18 Indianapolis liOgansport New Albany Richmond IOWA Cedar Rapids Council Bluffs .18 17 Youngstown ■■.'.■.■.■■.■.■.■ .11 OREGON |r.«r/.::::::::;::::::::: Portlnnd 2:07 PENNSYLVANIA Erie SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdeen KENTUCKY 50 .50 1.06 LO^u'^sfl'S.A .45 .37 Monr^oe'T.:: TENNESSEE New Orleans ... .59 1 MICHIGAN Knoxvllle Alpena Memphis Ann Arbor Niishville VIRGINIA .41 WASHINGTON Bellingham Grand Rapids 2 07 ■Jo. Yakima Marquette Seattle Spokane 1?5 Traverse City MINNESOTA Walla Walla WEST VIRGINIA ParkersbuTg ■U Brainerd Duluth WISCONSIN Ashland Mankato Chippewa Falls .25 Green Bay La Crosse •IS Stillwater ;i Virginia Winona Milwaukee O'hkosh :Ctf47f GEO-BCAIiPEM'TER « QO. EXPRESS RATES (Per 100 Pounds) TO CITIES IN EACH STATE From CHICAGO To Express per TOO Pounds ALABAMA $2.40 Ifo 8.00 7.15 2.50 2.90 2.90 2.65 3.15 8.90 III 4.20 5.90 5.50 5.00 2.55 2.30 2.25 3.45 4.55 3.10 3.20 4.00 2.60 2.85 3.20 7.85 7.00 Mobile ARIZONA Phoenix Tucson ARKANSAS Arkansas City Sttit^iu'cr :;■.■. CALIFORNIA San Francisco COLORADO Duraniro Grand Junction Leadville CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Wasliiiigtuu FLORIDA Jacksonville Miami . . . Tallahassee Tampa GEORGIA Atli.ita Macon IDAHO Boise Pocatello From CHICAGO To ILLINOIS Cairo Joliet Rock Island Springfield INDIANA Evansville Fort Wayne Indianapolis ... South Bend .... IOWA Des Moines Fort Dodge bloux City KANSAS • Dodge City K;nisas City . . . . Topeka Wichita KENTUCKY Frankfort Louisville LOUISIANA New Orleans Shreveport MAINE Bnngor MARYLAND Baltimore MASSACHUSETTS Boston MICHIGAN Bessemer Detroit Grand Rapids . .. Traverse City . . . MINNESOTA Crookston Duluth Grand Rapids . . . Minneapolis . . . . Winona MISSISSIPPI Hattiesburg Jackson Natchez Express per 100 Pounds 1.80 1.95 2.45 3.55 2.10 3.15 2.25 1.25 1.00 1.60 From CHICAGO To MISSOURI Kansas City St. Louis SpriiigHeld MONTANA Billings Havre Helena Kalispell Miles City NEBRASKA Lincoln Omaha North Platte NEVADA Carson City NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord NEW JERSEY Atlantic City Trenton NEW MEXICO Santa Fe Silver City NEW YORK Albany Buffalo New York Syracuse NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh Wilmington NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck Fargo Grand Forks Minot Williston OHIO Cincinnati Columbus Toledo OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City ... OREGON Portland Express per 100 Pounds 5.40 5.55 6.55 6.80 4.70 2.45 3.40 2.25 3.65 2.90 3.25 3.80 4.10 From CHICAGO To PENNSYLVANIA Haprisburg Philadelphia Pittsburgh RHODE ISLAND Frovidance SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Greenville Sumter SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdeen BellefouTche . . . . , Sioux Falls Watertown TENNESSEE Jackson Knoxville Memphis Nashville TEXAS El Paso Fort Worth Houston UTAH Salt Lake City.... VERMONT Montpelier VIRGINIA Richmond WASHINGTON Seattle Spokane WEST VIRGINIA Charleston , Wheeling , WISCONSIN Ashland La Crosse Madison Marinette Milwaukee WYOMING Cheyenne Green River Lander Sheridan Express per 100 Pounds $2.15 2.30 1.70 3.40 2.95 3.20 1.95 2.40 2.10 1.75 5.95 3.85 4.10 6.60 2.50 2.60 4.15 5.80 5.35 4:70 SCALE OF FIRST-CLASS EXPRESS CHARGES Official Scale of Graduated Charges Used by All Express Companies In the column under your rate, opposite the figures corresponding with weight of your package, will be found the amount you will be required to pay. If the rate to your Station is not shown, r^'fer to the next higher weight of rate, and the result will be within a few cents of the correct charge. For example: If your rate is $3.u0 per 100 pounds, and your package weighs 15 pounds, the express charges will be 66 cents. When the rate per 100 lbs. Is $0.60 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 1 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 1 $2.75 $3.00 Pkg. not over 1 pound $0.26 $0.26 $0.26 $0.26 $0.26 $0.26 $0.27 $0.27 $0.27 $0.27 $0.28 B pounds .26 .26 .27 .27 .28 .28 .29 .29 .30 ,30 3 pounds .26 .26 .27 .28 29 .29 .30 .31 .32 .32 .33 4 pounds .26 .27 .28 .29 30 31 32 .34 .35 .36 5 pounds .27 .27 .29 .30 .31 .32 .34 35 .36 .37 .39 6 pounds .27 .28 .29 .31 .32 .34 .35 37 .38 .40 .41 7 puonds .27 .28 .30 39 8 pounds .28 .29 ;47 9 pounds. .29 .30 .34 .35 .38 .40 .41 .42 .43 .45 .45 .47 .47 .50 .50 .52 10 pounds 00 .32 .37 .30 .32 .36 .40 44 47 .51 55 59 .62 .66 .35 .37 .40 .42 .45 .40 .44 .47 .51 .55 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 .50 .56 .62 .75 .55 .62 .70 .77 .85 i .60 .69 .77 .86 ! .95 .65 .75 .85 .95 1.05 .70 .81 .92 1.04 1.15 .75 1^25 .80 .94 .34 .35 .37 .39 .41 45 pounds 50 pounds .42 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 ■ 1.12 1.25 1.37 1.50 1.62 When the rate 100 lbs. is... $3.25 $3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $9.00 Pkg. not over 1 pound .... $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 10.29 $0.29 $0.30 $0.30 $0.31 $0.31 $0.32 $0.33 $0.34 2 pounds .31 .31 .32 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .40 .42 .34 .35 .35 .36 .38 .39 .41 .42 .44 .45 .48 4 pounds.... .37 .38 .39 .40 .42 .44 .46 .48 .50 .52 5 pounds. . . . .40 .41 .42 .44 .46 .49 .51 .54 .56 .59 :64 .43 .44 .46 .47 .50 .53 .56 .59 .62 .65 7 pounds .46 .48 .49 .51 .55 .58 .62 .65 .69 .72 .79 .86 8 pounds .49 .55 .59 .63 .67 .71 .75 .79 .87 95 9 pounds .52 .56 .59 .63 .68 .72 .77 .81 .86 .95 1 04 10 pounds .57 •II •ss .62 .67 .72 .77 .82 .87 1:12 J5 pounds .70 ■lli .77 .81 .89 .96 1.04 1.19 20 pounds.... .85 .90 .95 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 25 pounds. . . . 1.00 1.06 1.12 1.19 1.31 1.44 1.56 1.69 1:94 2.19 30 pounds.... 1.15 1.22 1.30 1.37 1.52 1.67 1.82 1.97 2.12 35 pounds.... 1.30 1.39 1.47 1.56 1.74 1.91 2.09 2.26 40 pounds. . . , 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.95 2.15 2.35 1 2.55 2.75 2.95 3.35 3.75 45 pounds 1.60 1.82 1.94 2.16 2.39 2.61 2.84 3.06 3.29 3.74 4 19 1.75 JL87_ 2.00 2.12 2.37 2.62 2.87 3.12 3.37 3.62 4.12 4.62 GEO•B•eATiPE^fTER « QO. 1048 INDEX A "A" Frame Bottom Plates 559 Derricks 547 Derrick Cars 543 "A" Tents 936 "U'aterproof Silkelene 933 AeeeMHuries, Awning ...907 to 922 Belting 846 Acid Proof Solid Woven Cot- ton Belting 844 Resisting Ejectors 459 Acme Links 603 Oil Cans 474 Adze Eye Hammers 19 Eye Mattocks 196 Adzes, Carpenters' 22 Handles 211 Railroad 22 Ship 22 Track 22 Adjustable Cement Tool Han- dles 401 Combination Wrenches . . . 432 Dating Stamps 406 Levels 53 Plumb Bobs 650 "S" Wrenches 427 Scrapers 43 Serge Drums 574 Spring Hinge Sets 731 Trips 571 Try and Miter Squares... 51 Wrenches 427 Wrenches, Queen City . . . 427 Agricultural Suction Hose.. 869 Air Cocks 662, 603 Compressor Oil 805 Compressors ...365, 604 to 608 Compressors, Gardner-Rix 607 Compressors, Ga s o 1 1 n e Driven 608 Compressors, I n g e r soll- Rogler 604, 605 Drills 366 Guns 367, 609 Gun Snaps 367 Hoists 345, 346 Hose Couplers 887 Hose, Divers' 581 Hose. Moulded S66 Information 1031 Pressure Regulators .... 668 Pump Valves 862 Receivers 609 Sheeting Hammers 567 Whistles 702 Alcohol Stoves 983 Alkali Proof Solid Woven Cotton Belting 844 All-Rubber Goggles 409, 410 Alligator Jaw Wrenches 429 Steel Belt Lacings 852 Aloxitc Clotli 82 In rolls 82 In strips 82 Powder 83 Aluniiniim Darbies 401 Floats 401 Hawks 401 AmaTion Tents 936 Waterproof Silkelene . . . 933 American Chain 602 Ejectors 458 Family Soap 801 Pelt Roofing Nails . . . .393, 772 Hemp Packing 824 Jet Pumps 458 Ames Sliovels 206, 207 Ammonia Crosses 687 Elbows 687 Fittings 687 Flange Unions 687 Gauges 450 Pipe Covering 396 Reducers 687 Return Bends 687 Tees 687 Anclior Caulking Tools, Cinch 711 Lights 995 Anclioringr Devices 710 to 713, 715 Devices, Cinch 710, 711 Ancliors. Brick ..710 to 713 715 Cement 710 to 713, 715 Concrete 710 to 713, 715 Dirigo Folding 1001 Folding Dirigo 1001 Kedge 1001 Machine Bolt 715 Mushroom 1001 Pin 754 Pole 292 Screw 715 Sea 993 Wall 754 Aneroid Barometers 990 Angle Checlf Valves. Standard 649 Jaw Tong.s; 192 Valves, Crane Disc 647 Valves, extra heavy cop- per disc 651 Valves, Fairbanks' 646 Valves, Jenkins' 641 Valves, Needle Point 650 Valves, Standard 647 Valves, Standard, Iron body 654 Valves, Standard, iron body with yoke 654 Valves with yoke. Jenkins 643 Angle Washers 724 Ans-les, Steel 760 Steel, Weights of 1042 Annealed Reinforcing Wire. 750 Sheet Steel 764 Annealing Steel, Rules for.. 1029 Anti-freezing Force Pumps.. 273 Fouling Paints 799, 800 Anions Lateral Arms 922 Anvil Vises 105 Anii-ils 187 Hay-Budden 187 Peter Wright 187 Vulcan 187 Saw Makers' 16 Apparatus. Diving 576 to 581 Oxy-acetylene 368, 369 Apron Pants. Overall 892 Aprons, Duck 892 Ice 892 Leather 287 Lumber Handlers' 287 Rubber 892 Rubber Buggv 897 Rubber, Buggy Washers'. 892 Wagon 962 Apothecaries' Measure Table. 1032 Weight Tnbles 1032 Arl(ors and Taps 140 for Sliell Reamers 140 Pile Saw 574 Arcliiteits' Levels 126 Arc Light Cord 826 S e a r c h 1 ight Projectors, cabin type 997 S ea r c h 1 ight Projectors, deck type 997 Armor Plate Bar Cutters 186 Plate Punches and Shears 186 Plate Steel Shears 186 Armstrong's Adjustable Stocks and Dies 154 Tool Holders 12? to 129 Universal Ratchets 146 Army Common Tents 956 Conical Wall Tents 957 Duck 903 Hospital Tents 957 Litters 977 Tents 955, 957 Wall Tents 956 Artesian Well Cylinders 281 Asbestos Boiler Lagging .... 396 Brake Lining 746 Building Felt 394 Cement 397 Cement Felting 397 Corrugated 397 Flexible Roofing Cement. 397 Furnace Cement 397 Glass-house Sheets 397 Goods 394 to 397 Hot Blast Cement 397 Mill Board 397 Moulded Blocks 396 Moulded Covering 395 Packed Iron Cocks 646 Packed Valves 646 Packing 854 Packing, High Pressure Spiral 857 Paper 394, 397 Pipe Covering 395 Products 394 to 397 Retort Cement 397 Sheathing 394 Sheet Packing, White 854 Tubular Gaskets 855 Valve Stem Packing 860 Ash Hoists 353 Oars 989 Soda 802 Asplialt Cutters 388 Mattocks 196 Patching Hoes 388 Pots 383 Rakes 388 Sandals 388 Shovels 199, 202 Smoothers 388 Tools 383 to 388 Ass-Skin Tapes 62 Assorted Screw Plates 155 Assortments. Mounted Stocks 159 Atrament Paint 795 Attachment, "Little Fiend".. 375 Attachments, Shearing 185 Auger Bits 27. 28 in sets 36 in boxes 36 in rolls 36 Sets 27 Auger Handles 47 -Vugers, Boring-machine .... 33 Bridge 47 Dirt 279 Earth 279 Machine 33 Nut 33 Post-hole 291 Rafting 33 Ship 29, 31 .\uto-Lock Snaps 916 Top Dressing 803 Kits 434 to 436 Torch Furnaces 375 Truck Tool Kits 436 Tvpe Boat Steerers 1005 Vises 105 1049 Geo-B •CarpeH'ter s So. 882 Automatic Boring Tools Coupling Expanders Couplers, Joy ^-i- .Drills •^- •••;•■ "^^ CR9 Expansion Ring Couplings 882 Fire Door Fixtures '^^ Hand Borers .^° Holding Drums *>»^ Screw Drivers °° Shut-Off Measures 4»^ Tool Sets ••:••;■.••, Au t o m o b ile and Industrial Jacks g„. Casings ....• °5^ First Aid Kits lY Funnels g-[^Q ilS-lc'ants' •. •. '. ■ ■. sbV io "soe. 810 Polishes Pump Oilers Repair Kits ■ • • • Service Wrench Sets Soap StJonges Tents ?oofsets- ■.■.■.•.■.■. ■"■■.434 to 436 Top Fasteners 1"^^ Towing Lines o^' Trailers '^i Tubes •„•• °°\ Wrench Sets 432, 433 Autowline Basline §?I Auxiliary Rail Fitting^. Avoirdupois '"-'-'■ Awls. Belt Brad Axe 478 433 433 801 793 946 861 c Handles 211 Holders, Fire »°^ Axes, Boys' ^[ Boy Scouts' ;^ Broad if. Double Bit ••• ^" Fire ..., 21. 884 Firemen s -^' '^%t Handled ^| Hunters' %\ Pole on Single Bit ^" Stone, with Teeth ^»^ B Babbitt Metal .•••••; Ill Back Leg Bottom Plates 559 Saws •••••■••■ iqn Backing-j3ut Punches 19^ ■.■.'.. 790 Weight Table.. 1032 846 67 Hollow "Handle |8 Scratch Awning Accessories ...907 to 922 Blocks, Galvanized y^° Bolt Ends Bracket Hinges . . Braid Brick Hooks Bull's Eyes Chain Clamp Hinges Cleats Cotter Hinges Cotter Slides Double Arm Ends. Duck Eye Ends Eye Stubs Fork Ends • • »"» Hardware 907 to 922 Head Rods and Pulley Holders l\l Hooks Jaw and "Y" Stubs Jaw Ends Jaw Hinges Jaw Slides Jaw Stubs Knuckle Joints . . Lateral Arms . . . • Lizards „,„ Nut Ends 913 Nut Slides 911 Pipe Clamps 9i* Plates Rod Couplings Rod Elbows Rod Slip Tees Rollers Roller Bearing Slides Roller Slides Round Sockets Side Cotter Hinges . Slide Rods Snaps, Auto Lock . . . Square Jaw Slides . . Square Slides Square Sockets Stripes Universal Joints Wood Hooka 921 Axle Grease 805 Axles, with Sheaves 54 b 356 974 964 ... 444 ... 964 Code"."..... 974 . . . 444 ... 444 ... 499 ... 14 913 .910, 913 921 921 917 915 914 915 910 910 912 909 909 913 909 910 911 909 •921 922 917 557 759 920 557 418 854 657 844 230 71 230 230 829 766 502 512 195 661 642 378 700 18 914 912 912 912 922 911 911 912 910 915 916 911 911 912 906 921 Badger Car Movers Bails, Safety Bag Holders Trucks Bags, Code Signal Coal Feed J^T Mail .. ^** Masons' Sailors' Signal Tool, Plumbers Tool, Steamfitters Band Clutch Pulleys • BandsT Boom,' Welded Exten- sion Heading •. . . • ^^7 Open with one link 557 Bid^e ■ PoVe" 920 Shingle ••■• ill Steel 296, Tent Pole Split, with two links Banjo Torches . . ... • • . ■• • ■ • Banner Superheat Sheet Pack- Balance ^Tank 'Float Valves.. Balata Belting Balers, Cement Sack Paper Plaster Sack Baling Twines ^""'InTfSt 'Post'H'an^rs Bearing Jacks oi\. Drills Gauge Cocks ....•.•.•, Gauge Cocks. Jenkins ... Metal Pattern Rail Fittings Pein Hammers Ballast Jacks . |"" Snatch Blocks ^^^ Bally-ho Curtains »»^ Bans, Bronze ^|^ Fall Line ^ Flag Pole 9bs Weighted ^48 Tirith Hooks °l° Steel Ill Bar Benders . . • ■. "° Bending Machines ^.^ -^.^.^-^ ^^^ Bending Tools 1^1 Chisels, Ice Clamps Cutters, Cutters, Gauges T.,pad Lifts Tin Barbed Box Nails Car Nails . _„. Car Nails, Heavy 771 Car Nails, Light 771 Dowel Pins '" Roofing Nails • • • • 770 Roofing Nails, Large Head 772 Staples 772 Bark Covered Mauls ^92 Barn Blankets • • • 96^ Barn Door Binders 741. ii^ Latches 743 Stay Binders '41 Stay Rollers ■•■^•V' JfJ Barn Lanterns 413 to 415 Barnes' Three-Wheel Pipe Cutters • «31 Barometers. Aneroid »»" Barrel Bolts 'f» Hooks 1019 Hoop Fasteners 77^ Nails •••• 7.71 Pumps ''<•». ^'* Skids 357 Sprayers '^j: Barrels, Rubbish 610 Barreling Hatchets ••;,•••;• ofo Barrows 213 to ^^0 gox '^■'• Brick' '.' 213 to 215 Armor Plate Contractors' 582 122 186 186 55 377 734 377 769 771 Charging Concrete . . Full Bolted Garden • • • • Mortar 213, Pan American Pay Out Railway Repair Parts for Stone Tile Tubular Wheel 214, 215, 217 Wheel 213 to 217 Bars, Capstan _ lOOZ Carpenter ,213. .219, 215 214 216 216 214 215 293 216 220 215 215 claw 296 Claw 295. 296 Claw and Bent Chisel.... 296 Claw and Straight Chisel. 296 Claw, Goose-neck 295. 296 Compound Lever 296 Concrete Reinforcing 748 Crow 294, 295 Digging 294, 295 Flat Steel, Weights of . .1041 Goose-neck ^9b Grate ,,•... dZd Grate Upright Boiler 625 Lining 295 Light 296 Mastic Mixing ^»" Pinnh *"5 Roofers' 387. 390 Round Steel 759 Shackle ■^95 Slash 447 Slicing 447 Steel, Half Oval 759 Steel Reinforcing 748 Square Steel 759 Tlm^ping'.'.'.".'.^.^.'.".'."-".".29'4. 295 Wrecking ^96 Barvels . . ... »9^ Basement Hoists • ^5| Bases, McDermid Patent..... 568 Warrington Open End... obs Basin Crosses 697 rpggg , oy/ Basins, Folding 9|5 Bases for Steam Hammers.. 5b8 Basis, Cordage 819 Basket Nails 773 Basliets, Divers' 5»1 Galvanized Coal 489 Refrigerator Steel Basline Autowline 587 Bass Push Brooms 781 Batteries. Blasting 575 BB Chain 599 BBB Chain 600 Beach Tents -• ^*J Beacon Lamps '^* Beading Tools • • • l°* Be«m Clamps 535. 755 Hooks for Pipe 640 GEO-B-CAR^PEhfTER ^ QO. 1050 Bearlues. Ball 766 Journal 502 to 504 Rig-id Roller 570 Split Post Journal 502 Beaver Square End Pipe Cutters 147 Stocks and Dies 147 Beds, Folding- Camp 977 Bed Sheets, Stockmen's 960 Springs 410 Beetles, Hawsing- 1021 Bell Base Ratcliet Jacks.... 516 Base Ratchft Screws .... 516 Cord, Braided Cotton 826 Cord. Cotton Braided 826 Cord Couplings 826 Cord, Hemp Cable-laid... 824 Cord, Wire 590 Couplings 826 Cranks 991 Hangers' Chain 602 Hangers' Drills 3<> Jacks 515, 516 Pulls 991 Bellows 298 Hand 298 Moulders' 298 Bells 967 Contractors' 967 Factory 967 Jingle 991 School 967 Ship's 991 Yacht 991 Belt Awls 846 Buckets 485 Cement. Leather 852 Cement, Rubber 852 Clamps 845 Couplings, Steel 846 Dressing 852 Dres.<;ing-, Dixon's 809 Driven Builders' Hoists. 528, 529 Fasteners 848 to 852 Groovers 846 Hooks 848 Hooks, Potters' 849 Knives 845 Knives, divers' 581 Lace Cutters 846 Lace Leather, Rawhide.. 847 Laces, Cut 841 Lacing-, Alligator Steel... 852 Lacing-, Bristol's Steel 851 Lacing. Cut * 841 Makers' Planes 46, 845 Makers' Tools 845 Markers 846 Punches 846, 847 Rivets and Burrs 848 Rivets, Crescent 850 Scrapers 845 Shaves 845 Studs 848 Belting 835 to 844 Accessories 846 Balata 844 Black Diamond Solid Woven Cotton 844 Canvas Stitched 842 Conveyor S.'iS Cotton Sand 84.3 Cotton, Solid Woven White 843 Kndless Thresher 842 Genuine Balata 844 Glue Heaters 845 High Speed Leather 840 How to Measure for 837 Installation and Mainte- nance 836 Leather 839 to 841 Leather, Round Solid.... 841 Leather, Round Twisted.. 841 Leather, Solid Round.... 841 Leather. Twisted Round.. 841 Maintenance and Instal- lation 836 Price List Leather 841 Price List, Rubber 836 Punches 846 Round Solid Leather 841 Round Twisted Leather . . 841 Rubber 835 Rubber Conveyor 838 Rubber Elevator 838 Rubber, Hints on 837 Sand, Cotton, Gold Line.. 843 Solid Round Leather 841 Solid Woven White Cotton 843 Stitched Canvas 842 Thresher, Endless 842 Twisted Round Leather . . 841 Waterproof Leatlier 840 White Solid Woven Cotton 843 Belts and Sheaths 918 Detachable Link 766 Divers' 576 Electricians' 72 Endless Thresher 842 Grain Elevator, Speed of. 1028 How to Lace 837 Rubber 835 Safety 72 Thresher, Endless 842 Tool 72 Bem-h Brushes 784 Drill Presses 93 Grinders 86, 89, 90 Handles 211 Hooks, Sailmakers' 918 Levels 122 to 124 Screws, Iron 56 Shears 146 Snips 146 Stops 56 Benderfi. Eye 180 Frame 181 Jim Crow 361 Rail 361 Reinforcing- Bar 748 Rod 154 Tire 182 Bendin;; Irons 379 Bends, Brass Return 675 Brass "Y" 675 Return 684 Return, extra heavy mal- leable 687 Bent Chisel and Taper Round End Bars 296 Bernard's Cuttiner Pliers 71 End Cutting Nippers .... 71 Plat Nose P.liers 71 Pliers 71 Berry Box Nails 772 Best Oakum 391 Beve! Protractors 108 Washers 724 Bevels 60, 114 Carpenter 60 "T" 51 Bibb Cocks 664 "^''ashers 862 Bibbs, Hose 664 Hydrant 664 Bilge Pumps 272 Binder Covers 960 Twine 820 Binding Chains 601 Bi-Treadle Mounted Grind- stones 87 Bit Brace Collets 156 Dies 156 Taps 138 Bit Braces 26 Bit Holders 56 Bit Stock Drills 134 Taper Reamers 144 Bitsi. Autrer 27. 28 Extension Lip 27 in boxes 36 in rolls 36 in sets 36 Single Twist 27 Solid Center 27 Utilitv 27 Bits, Boxes for 36 Car 28 Car, Double Spur 28 Car. Solid Center Shw • ■ 29 Expansive 30 Machine 32, 34 Machine, Boring 34 Screwdriver 66 Ship-auger Car .' . . . 29 Wood 27 to 32 Wood, Machine 32 Wood, "Mephisto" 32 Black Annealed Wire 750 Carbolized Paper 393 Enameled Trunk Duck, Glazed 904 Glue 1024 Soap 801 Soft Sheet Steel 764 Yacht Paint 797 "Black Diamond" Solid Woven Cotton Belting- 844 Tool Steel 762 Blacksmiths' and Farriers' Tools 191 Calipers 123 Drills 133 Forges 173, 174. 177 Hammer Handles 211 Hand Hammers 18 Pincers 191 Punches 190 Rules 60 Rules 107 Sledges 189 Structural Tools ...190 to 192 Tongs 192 Tuyeres 176 Blades. Compass Saw 11 Coping Saw 11 Hacksaw 96 Hand Hacksaw 96 Machine Hacksaw 96 Power Hacksaw 96 Rail Hacksaw 96 Blake's Belt Studs 848 Blakeslee Bilge- Pumps 272 Duplex Steam Pumps.... 269 Jet Pumps 458 Steam Siphons 458 Blankets. Barn 962 Canvas Lined 962 Ground, Rainproof 958 Horse 962 Rainproof Ground 958 Blast Furnace Protectors.... 409 Shovels 20 Blast Gates 17S Blasting Batteries 575 Caps 575 Fuse 575 Supplies 575 Blind Flanges -. 692 "Blizzard" Dash Lamps 413 Block Hooks, Swivel 323 Planes 45 Planes, Iron 45 Oil 805 Blocking Cord 829 Blocks, Asbestos, Moulded . . 396 Ballast Snatch 813 Bushings for 324 Cargo Hoisting 314. 315 Carpenters' Differential Pulley 351 Centerboard 1009 Cheek, Wire Rope 1008 Common Iron Strapped . . 299 Contractors' 300 Deck. Wire Rope 1008 Derrick Strap 558 Differential 351 Double Deck Halyard 1007 Drill 117 Electric Light 1009 Extra Heavy Pattern Square Cheek Wire Rope 321 Extra Heavy Thick Mor- tise Wood 303 Extra Heavy Wood Snatch 303 Foot 553 1051 Geo-BCaiipeN*ter ^ So. Blocks, Foot Offset 553 Galvanized Awning 915 Galvanized Iron 1006 Galvanized with Fast Eyes 1006 Galvanized with Match Hooks 1006 Halyard, Double Cheek ..1007 Halvard, Double Deck... 1007 Halyard, Single Cheek... 1007 Halyard Single Deck 1007 Hartz Steel Derrick .... 316 Hartz Steel Tackle 309 Hay Fork 313 Head for Pile Drivers.. 569 Heavy Pattern Square Cheek. Wire Rope 319. 320 Hooks for 323 Ice 310 Improved Metal Snatch.. 311 Improved Skidder 323 Improved Steel Tackle 306, 307 Iron Gin, Ice 310 Loading and Lumberman's 312 Manila Rope 299 to 315 Manila Rope, Gin 310 Manila Rope, Snatch 302, 303 Marine 1006 Metal Cargo Hoisting.... 315 Metal Snatch 311 New Style Cargo Hoisting 314 Parts for Yale Duplex . . 344 Pile Driving 572 Pillow 501 Perfect Head 569 Perfect Metal 304, 305 Pulley 299 to 323 Railroad Ballast Snatch.. 313 Regular Square Cheek Wire Rope 318 Rigid Ring Oiling Pillow 501 Sheaves for 324 to 327 Single Deck Halyard 1007 Skidder 323 Snatch . . .302, 303, 311, 313. 317 Square Cheek 318 to 322 Special Extra Heavy Square Cheek Wire Rope 322 Special Steel Tackle 308 Steel 302 to 323 Steel Loading 312 Steel Lumberman's 312 Steel Manila Rope. . .304 to 313 Steel Shell Snatch 302 Steel Tackle 309 Strap 558 Sure Grip Tackle 350 Swage 188 Team Snatch 313 Telegraph 313 Thick Mortise Wood 301 Triplex 340 to 342 Weighted Sheave 548 Well Wheel 313 Weston's Differential Pul- ley 351 Wire Rope 315 to 322 Wire Rope Gin 316 Wire Rope Regular Square Cheek 318 Wire Rope Snatch 317 With Weights 548 Wood 299 to 303 Wood Shell Snatch 302, 303 Wrought Iron for Wire Rope 315. 318 to 322 Wrought Iron Gin 310 Tale Duplex 343, 344 Yale Triplex 340 to 342 Blow-off Crosses 657 Valves, "Everlasting".... 646 Valves, Jenkins' 643 Blow Torches 374. 375 Blower Forges 173, 174, 177 Blorrers 178, 179 Electric 179 Flue .• 447 Forge 178, 179 Pressure 178, 179 Steam Flue 626 Western Chief 178 Blued Lath Nails, Sterilized. 772 Blunt Point Boat Nails 775 Blue Soft Sheet Steel 764 Board, Davey 398 Friction 398 Granite 398 Mill 397 Mill, Asbestos 397 Plaster 393 Rules 60 Standard 393 Wall 393 Boat Chains 1010 Clamp Screws 57 Drags 993 Hook Handles 1019 Hooks 1019 Hooks, Navy 1019 Lights, Motor 994 Nails. Blunt Point 775 Nails. Chisel Point, Round Head 775 Nails, Galvanized Wire... 775 Nails, Light 770 Nails, Heavy 770 Nails, Round Head, Chisel Point 775 Oars 989 Snaps, Round Eye 1012 Scrapers 1021 Spikes, Square 776 Steerers, Auto Type 1005 Top Fasteners 1022 Varnish 800 Boats. Life 992 Bobs, Plumb 50 Plumb, Adjustable 50 Plumb, Mercury 117 Boiler Compound 788 Couplings 678 Covering 396 Elbows 678 Feed Pumps 269, 270 Fittings, Circulating .... 678 Flue Cleaners 447 Flue Scrapers 447 Front Paint 795 Grate Bars 625 Patch Bolts 706 Picks 190 Ratchets 145 Rivets 767 Stay Bolts . 709 Test Pumps 259 Tube Cutters 431 Tube Expanders 431 Tubes 624 Boilermakers' Punches 177, 183 to 185 Screw Punch 183,184 Boilers 619 to 623 Farm 382 Heating, Hot Water 630 Heating, Steam 630 Hoisting Engine 613,615 Horizontal 620,621 Locomotive • 621 Mastic 389 Open Bottom 619 Portable Open Bottom... 619 Steel 382 Upright 623 Vertical 622, 623 Bolt Clippers 720A Cutters 720A Dies 157 Ends 709 Ends, Awning 913 Dimensions, Standard ...1030 Threading Machines 158 to 160 Tongs 192 Bolts. Barrel 735 Boiler Patch 706 Boiler Stay 709 Cant Hook , 286 Carria ge 704 Coupling 707 Cultivator 720 Door 734 Door Chain 735 Drift 775 Elevator 489, 706 • Expansion 710 to 713, 715 Eye, Navy Shoulder 1017 Eye, Nut 1017 Eye Rivet 1017 Eye Screw 1016 Eye Shoulder Screw 1017 Foot, Door 735 Machine 703 Nut Ring 1016 Peavy 286 Planer Head 706 Plow 720 Ring Nut 1016 Ring Screw 1016 Ring, to Rivet 1016 Rivet Eye 1017 Screw Eye 1016 for Spiral Riveted Pipe. 637 Siamese Twin 752 Standard Thread List 1038 Stove 706 Stud 705 Tire 707 Toggle 752 Track 708 Transom 735 Twin 752 Bonds, Brick 754 Boom Bands, Welded Exten- sion 557 Points . 560 Points, Steel 560 Seat Castings 554 Bookbinders' Duck 904 Boot Top Paint 799 Boots, Hip 891, 892 Rubber, Leather Soled... 890 Rubberhide 890 Sporting 891 Wading 892 Wrought Iron 486 Borax 380. 802 Borers, Hand Automatic 4 8 Pocket 48 Sill 26 Boring Machine Augers .... 33 Machine Bitts 34 Boring Machines 47 Pneumatic, Wood 366 Wood 47 Boring Tools 47, 129 Boss Tube Expanders 431 Bottle Jacks 515, 516 Bottles, Vacuum 984 Bottom Boom Wearing Plates 559 Dump Buckets 238 Plates for Back Legs 559 Sheaves 234 Bottoming Taps 138 Bow Chocks 1000 Facing Oars 988 Shackles 1015 Bowes Hose Racks 880 Box Barrows 216 Castings 554 Hooks 357 Joint Side Cutting Pliers 68 Joint Slip Joint Pliers... 70 Nails, Barbed 769 Nails, Cigar 772 Nails, Smooth 769 Posts, Ring Oiling 502 Scrapers 43 Steel Mortar 403 Trucks 357 Twine 830 Vises 106 Boxes, Car 549 Common Flat 501 Flat 501 for Auger Bits 36 Miter 52 Mortar 403 Rigid 502 Polishing 788 Boxwood Rules 59 Boy Scout Axes 21 Boiyer Riveting Hammers... 367 Boys' Axes 21 Geo-B-CarpeM^ter ^ So, 1053 Brace Drills 28 Ratchets. Hold-All 26 Braces, Bit 26 Bit Corner 26 Dunn Safety Trench 275 Plain 26 Ratchet 26 Sf wer 275 Trench 275 Brad Awls 67 liruds. Common 769 Flooring 769 Wire 768 Bracket Hangers, Ring Oil- ing 501 Hinges. Awning 910, 913 Steerers 1004 Brackets. Derrick Sheaves.. 553 I'^lag Staff 969 Sheave 555 Step with Sheaves 554 Braid, Awning 921 Braided Flax Packing, Sfiuare 860 Clothes Lines 827 Cotton Bell Cords 826 Cotton Lariats 823 Cotton Sash Cords 825 Linen Lariats 823 Lines, Small 826 Brake Lining. Asbestos 746 Branch Tee.s, Pipe 640 Branding I ons 407 Brands 405 to 407 Bronze 406, 4Q;7 Burning 407 Cement 407 Steel 405 to 407 Brass Bibb Cocks 664 Bushings 675 Caps 675 Chains 602 Couplings 675 Crosses 675 Elbows 675 Lined Tubular Well Cyl- inders 782 Lock Nuts 675 Mesh Wire 285 Padlocks 737 Perforated Sheet 747 Plugs 675 Reducers 675 Return Bends 675 Screen Wire 285 Steam Fittings 675 Tees 675 Tubing 674 Tubing, Seamless Drawn 674 Unions 674 "Y" Bends 675 Whistles 702 ■\^'ire Cloth 285 'Wire Screw Eyes 916 Wood Screw.s 71 4 A Braxlns- Compound 3S0 Flux 3S0 Machines 373 Breaking Bars, Ice 582 Breaking Down Scoops 204 Breast Drills 25 Brewers' Hose 865 Brick Anchors 710 to 715 Barrows 213 to 215 Bonds 754 Chisels 195 Clamps 404 Drills 711 Hods 404 Hoists 526 Hooks, Awning 921 Trowels 403 Wall Anchors 754 "Wall Pin Anchors 754 ^Vall Reinforcements .... 754 Wall Ties 754 Bricks, Rubbing 408 Bricklayers' Hammers 19 Briggs-Chicago Concrete Carts 224 .BridKc Augers 47 Jacks 507 Reamers 144 Rods 724 Wrenches. Steel Socket. . 432 Bright Coil Chain 602 Briglit Links 603 Brine Cocks 659 Bristol's Steel Belt Lacing.. S51 Broad Axe Handles 211 Axes 22 Butts 730 Hatchets 23. 24 Brobas Wire Rope 593 Bronze Ball Valve Cylinders 280 Balls 282 Brands 406. 407 Name Plates 406, 407. Wire Rope 595 Bronzes 799 Bronzing Brushes, Radiator. . 787 Broom Nails 773 Broonut, Bass Push 781 Brush 785 Chisel Handle 782 Common 782 Corn 782 House 782 Mixed 782 Municipal 781 Push Bass 781 Push, Rattan Street 781 Push, Street 781 Push, Wire 781 Railroad 782 Rattan Street Push 781 Shanty /. . 782 Snow 782 Steel Clamped 782 Street Push 781 Street, Rattan Push 781 Switch 782 Track 782 Warehouse 782 Warehouse Push 781 Whisk 785 Wire Push 781 Browne Chain 602 Brown. Hoist Trolleys 349 Brush Brooms 785 Brushes, Bench 784 Bronzing Radiator 787 Car 783 Casting, Hand 780 Casting, Wire 779 Counter 784 Deck Scrub 783 File 188 Plat Varnish 786. 787 Flat Wall 786 Floor 784 Floor Push 784 Glue 787, 845 Hand Casting 780 Hard Moulders 779 Kalsoniine 785 Knotted Roofing 74 Marking 787 Moulders', Hard 779 Moulders', Soft 779 Oval Varnish 786, 787 Paint 786. 787 Push Floor 784 Radiator Bronzing 787 Roofing 784 Round Casting 779 Sash 787 Scrub 783 Ship Seam 784 Soft Moulders 770 Stencil 787 Varnish 786. 787 Varnish. Flat 786. 787 Varnish, Oval 786, 787 Wall 786, 7S7 Window 7S3 "^""ire Casting 779 "^Hiitewash 785 Buck Scrapers 223 Bucket Hoists 231 Buckets 481 Belt 485 Bottom Dump 238 Buffalo 488 Caisson 533 Canvas Water 985 Clam Shell 236 Concrete Hoist 231 Concrete Tower 231 Contractors' Tip 238 Corn 285 Digging 236, 237 Dwarf Orange Peel 237 Elevator 485 Grain 485 Hand Power, Orange Peel 237 Hayward 236. 237 Orange Peel 237 Pump, Hand Fire 885 Tin Mill 485 Turn Over 238 Warehouse 488 Buckeye Heaters 371 Buffalo Buckets 488 Buffalo Rope 830 Buffers and Grinders. Hand 90 Buggies, Concrete 217 BusKy Aprons, Rubber 897 Tops, Three-Bow 963 Umbrellas 963 Wa.«hers' Aprons 892 Builders' Hoists, Electric Driven 527 Hoists, Gasoline Driven.. 527 Transits 126 Building Paper 392 to 394 Bulk Rivets 767 Mull noK Chain 1010 Die Stocks 148 Bull Nose Rabbet Planes ... 46 Point Handles 388 Points 121. 388 Wheels 551 Wheels. Steel 551 Wheel.s. Wood 551 Bullion Fringe, Cotton 921 Bull's Eyes. Awning 917 Bundling Schedule, Pipe.... 1044 Bunk Hooks 603 Bunk Springs 410 Bunks, Double Deck 410 Bunting W^ool 903 Buoy.?, Cork Ring 992 Burgees 971 Burners, Compressed Air... 372 Lantern 417 Oil, Portable 371 Torch 479 Burning Brands 407 Burrs, Belt Rivet 848 Burrs, Copper 848 Busli Hammers 298 Hooks 297 Scythes 297 Stone, with Teeth 298 Busliines for Blocks 324 Brass 675 Cast Iron 680 Eccentric 683 Hose 886 Phosphor Bronze 324 Sheave 324 Wood Pulley 491 Busters. Rivet 190 Butchers' Duck Aprons S92 Twine 831 Butt Chisels 38 Gauges 55 Butts 729 to 731 Broad 730 Light 729 Light Narrow 730 Loose Pin 729 Narrow Light 730 Reversible "31 Screen Door 731 BKttcrflr Nuts 723 Valves. Iron Body 652 Valves. Standard 649 Button Head Rivets 767 Holes, Elastic 919 Sets 190 Buttons Pliers C" Buttons, Wood Tent aZb 1053 GEO-BCAIiPEl^'TER ^ G "C" Clamps 129 Cabin Type Arc Searchlight Projectors 99J Cabiuet Clamps 57 Makers' Screw Drivers... 65 Saws 11 Scrapers 56 Cabinets, Emergency 412 First Aid 412 Johnson's First Aid 412 Cable Chain 602 Chain Fixtures 739 Laid Hemp Bell Cords 824 Reel Jacks 516 Well Drilling 820 Caboose Stoves 633 Caisson Bucket Hooks 533 Buckets 533 Devices 532,533 Equipment 532, 533 Forks 197 Hand Windlasses 533 Niggerheads 533 Pumps 266 to 268 Rope 816 Safety Devices 532 Shafts 533 Sheaves 533 Calcium Carbide 424 Caldrons 381 Caldwell Hose Straps 888 Caliper Gauges 113 Rules 59 Squares 110 Calipers 118 to 120 Blacksmith 123 Crank Shaft 119 Double 120 Hermaphrodite 120 Inside 118 to 120 Keyhole 119 Outside 118 to 120 Screw Adjusting 120 Side 110 Transfer 120 Calking Cement 806 Calks, Toe 191 Cameron Sinking Pumps 268 Camp Beds, Folding 977 Camp Chairs, Folding. 980 to 981 Cots, Common 977 Kook's Kits 985 Stools, Folding 980 Stoves 982 to 983 Tables, Folding 981 Camping Tents 938 Can Hooks 1019 Candles 391 Coach 391 Electric 391 Plumbers' Acid 391 Cannon Oilers 478 Canoe Cleats 1000 Enamels 799 Glue 1024 Paddles 989 Varnishes 800 Canopies, Lawn 946 Cans, Catching 193 Empty 193 Galvanized 483, 484 Garage 610 Gasoline 483, 484 Gasoline, Non-evaporating 483, 484 Gasoline, Non-explosive.. 484 Kerosene 474, 484 Measuring 474, 483, 484 Oil 474 to 480, 484 Oily Waste 474 Pouring 387 Powder 193 Rivet 193 Safety Gasoline 484 Waste 474 Water 484 Wood Jacket 474 Cant Hooks 286 Hook Bolts 286 Hook Handles 289 Hook Hooks 286 Canvas Belting, Stitched 842 Dresses, Divers' 577 Gloves 410 Gloves, Divers' 577 Hammocks, Navy 978 Hydraulic Pump Packing 859 Lined Street Blankets 962 Old 905 Roofing, Consertex 906 Water Buckets 985 Water Pails 985 Canvases, Circus 950, 951 Cat) Screws 717, 718 Cape Ann Hats 897 Cape Chisels 194 Capnal Roofing Nails 393 Caps, Blasting 575 Brass 675 Casgrains, for pile' driving 573 Cast Iron 680 Dished Pile Head 568 Guy, Cast Steel 556 Guy with Links 556 Guy without Links 556 Hose 886 Jack Screw 515 Malleable Iron 680 Pile Follower 570 Pile Follower, Open End. . 570 Plain for Mast Tops 556 Roofing 393 Sheet Pile 573 Sheet Plank •. 573 Tin Roofing 393 Capstan Bars 1002 Capstans, Cavel 1002 Crank 1003 Power 1003 Providence 1003 Steam 1003 Victor 1002 Car Bits 28 Boxes 549 Brushes 783 Jacks 507 Mover Repair Parts 358 Movers 358 Nails, Barbed, Heavy 771 Nails, Barbed, Light 771 Puller Lead Sheaves 550 Replacers 358 Replacing Jacks 517 Wheels 549 Wheels and Axles 549 Wheels, Flanged 549 Wrenches 437 Carafe Carriers 984 Carbide 424 Flare Lights ...420 to 422,424 Lamps 420 to 422,424 Carbolized Paper 393 Carbornnduni Cloth 82 Cloth, in Rolls 82 Cloth, in Strips 82 Combination Stones 83 Grains 83 Powdered 83 Products 82, 83, 408 Rubbing Stones 408 Wheels 83 Cards, File 188 Carew's Patent Wire' Cutters 70 Cargo Hoisting Blocks ... 314, 315 "Carpenter" Differential Pul- ley Blocks 351 Safety Caisson Devices... 532 Shovels 198,199 Spring Shades 928,929 Wire Rope Clips 596 Carpenters' Adzes 22 Bevels 60 Chalk 404 Claw Bars 296 Diaphragm Pumps 260 Pencils 404A Squares 50 Carpet Warp 831 Carriage Bolts, number in case 1036 Bolts 704 Clamps 129 Makers' Wrenches 437 Carriers, Carafe 984 Carrying Hooks 286 Carrying Jacks 516 Cars, Concrete 232,233 Dump, Two Way 238 Flat 238, 360 Hand 360 Inspectors' 360 Push 238,360 Track-laying 360 Scoop 232 Quarry 233 Carts, Concrete, Briggs Chi- cago 224 Concrete' 217 Concrete Horse 224 Hose 878,879 Spreader, Concrete 224 Tip Over 224 Tool 220 Pick Up 525 Repair Parts for.... 219 Case Hardened Nuts 722 Cases for Diver's Pumps 576 Cases, Emergency 412 Casgrains Caps for Pile' Driv- ers 573 Casing Nails 769 Casings, Automobile 861 Cast Iron Bushings 680 Caps 680 Common Flange 691 Crosses 681 Drainage Elbows 696 Elbows 679, 682 Flanged Elbows, Standard 688 Flanges 691 to 694 Floor Flanges 691 Hack Saw Frames 93 Plue-s 680 Re.^.ucers 680 Return Bends 684 Tees 681 Washers 724 "T" Bends 683 Cast Steel Drive Shoes 284 Guy Caps 556 Washers 724 Castellated Nuts 723 Caster,^ 744, 745 Truck 744,745 Casting Brushes, Hand 780 Brushes, Wire 779 Cleaners 609 Cement 806 Castings, Shrinkage of 1030 Castor Machinery Oil 805 Catching Cans 193 Cavel Capstans 1002 Caulking Chisels 379 Furnaces 387 Hammers 298 Irons ■">21 Mallets l'>21 Tools, Cinch Anchors 711 C. B. S. Gaskets 855 Ceiling Plates 640 Ceiling and Floor Plates.... 640 Celabestos Pipe. Covering. . . 395 Cellar Box Cotters 725 BOX Pins 725 Drawers 458 Cement Anchors ..710 to 713, 715 Asbestos 397 Asbestos Furnace 397 Asbestos Hot Blast 397 Asbestos Retort 397 Bag Pliers ; 73 Bevel Edgers 399 Block Stamps 406 Brands 407 Calking 806 Casting 806 Corner Tools 399 Corrugating Tools 401 Curb Gutter Tools 399 Curb Tools 399 Curbing Edgers 399 Divers S*?© Drills 711 Edgers 399 to 400 Elastic 806 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « CO. 1054 Cement. Finishing Tools.39S to 403 Jointers 400 Leather Belt So2 Mixing Pans 387 Paint 794 Pails 481 Plastic 393 Reinforcing Wire ..748 to 751 Rivet 806 Roofing, Asbestos Flexible 397 Rubber 852 Rubber Belt 852 Sack Balers 230 Square Edgers 399 Stove Lining 397 Tool Handles 401 Water Proofing 794 Centerboai-d Blocks 1009 CeDter Drills 136 Gauges 108 Grinders 166 Keys 136 Oiling Sheave Pins 557 Punches 67, 122 Reamers 136 CentriruKttl Bilge Pumps 263 Power Pumps 254 Pumps 262 to 265 Certainteed Shingles 392 Hoofing 392 Chace Zinc Oilers 476 Chafing Pants, Divers' 577 Chain 599 to 603,1010,1011 American 602 Awning 915 B. B 599 B. B. B 600 Beil Hangers 602 Bolts, Door 735 Browne 602 Bull Dog 1010 Coil, Bright 602 Common 599 Crane 600 Dredge 600 Drills 93 Galvanized 1010 German Machine 602 Hoist Travelers' ...347 to 349 Hoists 328 to 351 Hooks 1019 Leaders, Double Upright. 1009 Leaders, Flat Double 1009 Leaders, Flat Single 1009 Leaders, Single Upright . .1009 Leaders, Upright Double. 1009 Leaders, Upright Single.. 1009 Links 603 Links, Keysto«e 603 Machine 602 Nose Machinists' Pliers... 68 Nose Pliers 68, 70 Pipe Vises 103 Pipe Wrenches, Gealy.... 430 Pipe Wrenches Vulcan Bi- Jaw 430 Plumbers 602 Sash 739,1011 Proof 599 Sign Hangers 1010 Slings 534, 601 Slings, Wheelbarrow .... 519 Steel 600 Stud Link Cable 601 Triumph 602 Twisted Coil 601 Chai^M, Binding 601 Brass 602 Cable 602 Jack 602 Log 601 Measuring l^g Pile Lifting 572 Railroad 601 Sash 602 Surveyors 126 Wrecking 601 CIiairM, Folding 981 Folding Camp 980,981 Folding Porch 980, 981 Folding Reclining 979 Porch Swing ,,. 979 Reclining Folding 979 Chalk, Carpenters' 404 Line Heels 67 Railroad 405 School 404 Lines 826 Challenge Force Pumps 259 Chamois Skins 7S3 Champion Forges 1'75 Forge Parts 175,176 Flour Scoops 489 Screw Drivers 56 Thread Cutting Machines 158 Chandelier Loops 682 Hooks 682 Channels Steel 760 Charging Barrows 215 Charging Scoops 204 Chaser Cutters 128 Chauffeurs' Tool Kits.. 434 to 436 Cheek and Waste Cocks 659 Nuts 722 Valves, Horizontal, Extra Heavy 651 Valves, Iron Body 652 Valves, Iron Body, Jenkins 643 Valves, Jenkins' 641 Valves, Standard Horizon- tal 647 Cheeks, Door 733 Time 407 Tool 407 Cheek Blocks, Wire Rope.... 1008 Chemical Engines 885 Fire Extinguishers 885 Chicago Forges 177 Unions 632 Wire 748 Chicken Wire Staples "774 Chime Whistles 702 Chimneys. Lamp 416 Lantern 416 Chipping Hammers 190 Vises 99 Chi!6 Bars 295, 296 Bars, Heavy 295, 296 Hammers 17 Hatchets 23, 24 Straight Chisel Bars 296 Taper Round Bars 296 Taper Round End Bars... 296 Claws, Lobster 1020 Clay Picks 196 Forks 197 Cleaners', File 188 Flue 447 Pneumatic Casting 366 Sidewalk 582 Cleanser, Lighthouse 802 Cleats. .\ wning 915 Canoe 1'»on Open Base l^^'On Round Bottom 1000 Ship 1000 1065 Geo-B-Car.pen'ter s eo. Climbers, Klein's Eastern Pole' Straps Clinchers, Hose Clinch Rings, Malleable Nails Cling-Surface Clip Tongs Clippers 1 Clips, Carpenter Wire Rope Crosby Wire Rope I Beam Sleeper • . Wire Rope Clocks Marine Ship's Bell Watcli Watcli man's Closers, Door Closet Elbows Flanges Cloth, Aloxite Brass Wire Carborundum Crocus Divers' Patching Emery Garnet Garnet Combination .... Inserted Sheet Packing . Sail Sand Screen Waterproof Clothes Lines Clothing Dressing, Oiled Oiled Oiled, Price List Rubber Yacht Cloths, Drop Clout Nails Club Dollies Club Signals . . ! Clutch Pulleys Gasoline Engine Clutches, Master Friction.... Coach Candles Scre-\vs Varnish Coachmakers' Vises 97. Coal Bags Chutes Forks Picks Scoops 199, 204 to Screens Shovels 199, 201. 204, Sledges Tar 391, Tar Pitch 391, Coats. Firemen's Rubber.... Motor Rubberized Coating. Spar Cochrane Pipe Wrenches.... Cock Wrenches Cocks. Air 662, Ball Gauge Bibb Brass Bibb Brine Check and Waste Compression Bibb Compression Gauge Corporation Stop Cylinder Fairbanks' Asbestos Steam Pour Wav Gas Stove '. . . . Gauge Iron, Asbestos Packed '. '. . Jenkins' Compres- sion Gauge Jenkins' Gauge Lever Handle Rough Rton Medium Balance Four Way Mississippi Gauge Pet 662, Reversible Stop and Waste Round Way, Rough Stop. Spring Key 72 72 888 724 770 852 192 20A 596 596 748 748 596 990 747 905 827 893 894 896 898 897 789 773 193 972 499 499 499 391 705 800 102 964 212 197 196 207 212 207 189 393 8,94 898 800 430 658 663 661 664 664 659 659 664 661 660 661 646 648 65S 661 646 645 645 659 648 661 663 Standard Iron Steam 648 Standard Steam 648 Steam Four Way 648 Steam Gauge ....662, 663, 665 Stop and Waste, Revers- ible 660 Stop, "T" Handle, Rough. 659 Three Way Steam 648 Traction Engine Cylinder. 663 Waste and Check 659 Code Books 973 Flags. International Signal 973 Signal Bags 974 Coes Knife Handle Wrenches 426 Steel Handle Wrenches.. 426 Wrenches 426 Coil Chain, Bright 602 Coil Stands for Pipe 640 Coke Forks 197 Coke Screens 212 Cold Blast Lantern Burners 417 Blast Lanterns 413. 416 Chisels 190. 194 Cutters 190,191 Punched Nuts 721 Rolled Shafting 496,497 Rolled Shafting, Extras.. 497 Shuts 603 Water Paint 796 Water Sheet Packing ... 853 Collapsible Squares 50 Collars, Nail 776 Shafting 500 Safety Set 500 Safety Split 500 Set 500 Split 500 Collets 156 Bit Brace 156 Little Giant 156 Colored Lumber Crayons. ... 404A Colored Duck 904 Double Pilling 904 Single Filling 904 Colors, Dry 796 Colors in Oil, Tinting .'. 796 Colt's Clamps 57 Columbus Scrapers 218 Column Clamps 756 K. & W 756 Columns, Crown 91 Water 662 Combination Adjustable Wrenches 432 Burner Pliers 70 Dollies 288 Electric Marine Lights, Class 1 996 Garnet Cloth 81 Measure and Funnels .... 483 Motor Boat Lights 994 Pipe Vises . .97, 100. 102 to 105 Pipe Vises and Anvils... 105 Pliers 69 Pressure and Vacuum Gauges 451 Rules 59 Saw Rigs 239 to 244 Squares ...» 108 Steerers 1004 Vacuum and Pressure Gauges 451 Vises 97, 100, 102. 104 Water and Steam Gauges 662 Wire and Sleeve Clamps. 73 Wrenches 427, 432. 442 Combined Bases and Steps with Sheaves 554 Drills and Countersinks. . .136 Pipe Taps and Drills 139 Stake Riveter and Punch 185 Travelers with Peerless Chain Hoists 330 Come-a-longs 293, 1020 Commercial Car Tool Kits.. 436 Common Army Tents 956 Brads 769 Brooms 782 Camp Cots 977 Chain 599 Flanges 691 Flat Boxes 601 Iron Strapped Blocks 299 Levels 54 Companion Flanges 693 Company Flags „... 970 Compartment Tents, Family. 939 Compass Saw Blades 11 Saws 11 Compasses, Oil 999 Spirit . . . : 999 Competition Side Cutting Pliers 69 Complex Rope, Sisal 821 Composition Pitch 391 Seam 799 Spar 800 Compound, Boiler 788 End Cutting Nippers 68 Lever Bars 296 Pressure and Vacuum Gauges 451 Smooth-on 806 Soldering 380 Vacuum and Pressure Gauges 451 Welding 380 Brazing 380 Waterproofing 788 Compressed Air Nozzles 609 Paint Burners 372 Receivers 609 Sprayers 372 Compression Bibb Cocks .... 664 Couplings 498 Gauge Cocks 661 Grease Cups 472, 473 Compressors, Air .365.604 to 608 Air. Gasoline Driven.... 608 Gardner Air 606, 607 Portable Air 608 Vertical Air 365 Cooking Kits 985 Concentrated Lye 802 Concession Tents 953 Concrete Anchors.. 710 to 713, "715 Barrows 213, 214 Buggies 217 Cars 232,233 Carts 217 Chisels 195 Chutes 235 Coating 795 Distrbuting Hoppers 231 Drills 195, 711 Facing Shovels 208 Floor Paint 794 Form Clamps 757 Form Nails, Double Head 776 Hoist Buckets 231 Horse Carts 224 Inserts 753. 755 Mixers 226 to 229 Nail Collars 776 Paint 794 Pipe Drills 753 Points 388 Reinforcing Bars - 748 Reinforcing "^Hre ..748 to 751 Reinforcing Wire Clamps 757 Shovels 198 to 208 Spades 208 Spouting 235 Spouting Equipment. 231 to 235 Spuds 403 Towers 234 Cone Head Rivets 767 Cones 188 Step 491 Conical Pump Valve Springs 398 Wall Tents, U. S. Army.. 957 Connectlngr Links 603 Rod Wrenches 44 2 "^^ire 575 Connections, Pin 559 Siamese 889 Stiff Leg Still 559 Stirrup 559 Consertex 906 Construction Men's Tool Kits 443 Paints 796 Wire Rope 583, 585 Wrenches 440 Geo-B-CarpeM"ter s eo. 1056 Contents of Cases, Carriage Bolts 1036 Machine Bolts 1036 Plow Bolts 1036 Contractors' and Builders' Hoists 52S Bar Cutters 186 Bells 967 Blocks 300 Hoisting Engines ..613 to 615 Housing Tents 935 Intormatioii 1031 Plows 221 Shanty Hinges 728 Shanty Lamps 414 Shanty Padlocks 736, 737 Shovels 198 to 207 Shanty Stoves 633 Stable Tents 954 Stoves 633 Tip Buckets 238 Turnbuckles 552 Controls, Searchlight 997 Conveyor Belting, Rubber.. 838 Box Ends 486 Spiral Steel 486 Coping Saws 11 Coping Saw Blades 11 Copper Burrs 848 Funnels 482. 483 Hammers 40SA Paints 799 Plated Oilers 475, 477. 480 Rivets 848 Tank Floats 666 Tubing 674 Coppers. Soldering 377 Corbin Door Checks 733 Conl. Arc Light 826 Blocking 829 Hooks. Valve 826 Maitre, Hand Laid 833 Seaming 830 TroUey 826 Wire Sash 590 Cordage Basis 819 Tarred 824 Cordagre, T\>-ine8 and Rope 811 to 833 Cordwood Saws 249 Cork Life Preservers 992 Ring Buoys 992 TV'ashers 470 Corn Brooms 782 Buckets 485 Corner Bit Braces 26 Chisel 39 Tools. Cement 399 Trowels 403 Valves, Jenkins' 643 Corporation Stup Cocks .... 660 CorruKated Asbestos 397 Asbestos Paper 397 Dredging Sleeves 868 Iron Slieets 765 Roofing 765 Rubber Matting 877 Sheets 765 Siding 765 Cots, Common Camp 977 Double Deck 410. 977 Folding 977 Folding House 977 Gold Medal 977 Tent 978 Yankee 977 Cottage Tents. Portable 948, 949 Cotter Hinges. Awning .... 910 Pins 726 Pin Tool 71 Slides 911 Cotters, Spring 726 Cellar Box 72r) Cotton, Spun 391 Bell Cords. Braided 826 Belting. Black Diamond, Solid Woven 844 Belting, Solid Woven White 843 Belting, White Solid Woven 843 Bullion Fringe 921 Clothes Lines 827 Duck 900 to 906 Flags. U. S 976 Lariats, Braided 823 Mops 831 Rope S24 Rubber Lined Fire Hose. 874 Rubber Lined Mill Hose. 873 Rope, Solid Braided 826 Sail Twine S31 Sand Belting. Gold Line. 843 Sash Cords, Braided .... 825 Seine Twine 832,833 Sewing Twine, Machine. 831 Staging Twines 832 Tapes 63 Trot Lines 832 Twines 831 Waste 899 Wicklng 391 Yarns 831 Compound, Valve Grinding. 408 Counter Box Ends for Con- veyors 486 Brushes 784 Curtains 953 Scales 355 Counters, Tally 287 Revolution 448 Shaft Speed 448 Countershafts, Crown 91 Countersinks 48, 66 Countersinks and Drills Combined 136 for Yankee Chucks 49 Countersunk Head Hinge Nails 771 Rivets 767 Track Nails 771 Couplers, .\Ir Hose 886 Coupling Bolts 707 Expanders, Automatic . . 882 CoupUn!?s 677 Awning Rod 912 Bell Cord 826 Belt 846 Boiler 678 Brass 675 Compression 498 Clamp 498 Extra Heavy 685 Fire Hose 882 High Pressure Rock Drill 887 Hose 886 Hydraulic 685 Offset Reducing 677 Pipe 284, 677 Pipe and Rod 284 Plate 498 Pump 283 Reducer 284 Rod 283. 284 Shafting 498. 501 Sleeve 501 Solid Sleeve 501 Spiro Compression 498 Steam Hose 887 Sucker Rod 283 T^nderwriters' Hose 882 Wood 'Rod 283 Wrought Iron 677 Covering, Asliestos Boiler . . 396 Ammonia 306 Asbestos Moulded 395 Asbestos Pipe 395 Celabestos 395 Eureka 395 Fitting 396 Hair Felt 396 Hot Water 396 Imperial Asbestos 395 Pipe' 395, 396 W. B 395 Cover's Gas Tight Rubber Goggles 410 Cover's Automatic Rubber Respirator -110 Covers, Binder 960 Hame 962 Harvester 960 Hay Cock 959 Pail 481 P?ano 964 Pile Head 573 Prairie Schooner 958 Salamander 352 Separator '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 960 Stack 959 Wagon .. 958 Waterproof Crabs 518 to 525 Crane Chain 600 Disc Angle Valves 647 Disc Globe Valves 647 Radiator Valves 631 Unions 686 Cranes, Portable' 351 Post 352 Traveling 352 Wall 352 Crank Capstans 1003 Crank Shaft Calipers 119 Cranks, Bell 991 Crayons 404, 404A Colored 404A Lumber .\ .404A Metalworkers' 404 Soapstone 404 School 404 Creamery Hose 867 Creosote Paint 794 Crescent Belt Fasteners 850 Crescent Belt Rivets 850 Crimping and Beading Ma- chines 380 Crinoline, Divers' 581 Crocus Cloth 81 Crosby Clips 596 Crosby Wire Rope Clips 596 Cross-Over Tees 678 Cross-overs, Malleable 678 Cross Boring Tools 47 Cut Saw Handles 16 Cut Saws, One Man .... 12 Cut Saws, Two Men 12, 13 Pein Hammers 18 Cross Valves, Standard 647 Fairbanks' 646 Jenkins' 64i Jenkins' with Yoke 643 Standard Iron Body 654 Standard Iron Body, with Yoke 654 Crosses. Ammonia 687 Basin 697 Brass 675 Blow-off 657 Cast Iron 681 Drainage Partition 697 Extra Heavy Cast Iron. 686 Extra Heavy Malleable Iron 686 Malleable Iron 681 Partition 697 Railing 609 to 701 Standard Cast Iron, Flanged 689 Crowbars 294-295 Crown Columns 91 Counter Shafts 91 Grinders 89 Oil Cups 468 Saw Gummers 91 Soap 801 Crucible Cast Steel Wire Rope 589 Cruciform Drill Steel 763 Cubic or Solid Measure Ta- bles 1030 Cuff Expanders. Divers' .... 580 Cultivator Bolts 720 Cup Grease 805 Leathers 282 Wheels 84 Cups, Empress, Grease 473 Grea-se 467 to 473 Grease, Peerless 467 Grease, Plain Steel 472 Grease, Surety 472 Ideal Grease 472 Jewell Grease 472 Lunkenheimer Grease ... 472 Marine Grease 472 Paragon Oil 467 1057 GEOAB\eAR.i^E^fTER S QO. Cups, Tiger Grease 472 Oil 467 to 471 Crown 468 Empress 469 Micliig-an Brass 470 Michigan Glass 470 Liunkenheimer 4&| Pioneer 468 Royal 468 Sentinel 46« Victor 468 Wiper 471 Plumbers' Force 377 Curb Tools, Cement 399 Curb Cutters' Tools. Cement 399 Curtain Fasteners, Murphy. 918A Patches, M^agon 919 Curtains. Bally-ho 953 Counter 953 Roller Rope 927 Spring Roller Porch 927 Sun Porch 927 Curved Lip Tongs 192 Needre Nose Pliers 70 Cuspidors 410 Cut Belt Lacing 841 Lacing 847 Cutters and Pliers 846 Asphalt 388 Bar, Armor Plate 186 Belt Lace 846 Boiler Tube 431 Bolt 720A Carew's Patent Wire 70 Chaser 128 Cold 190 Gasket 846 Glass 793 Gauge Glass 445 Hot 191 Lace 846 Marvel Rod 180 Nut 720A Pipe 430, 431 Pipe, Beaver 147 Pipe. Three-Wheel 431 Pipe, Trimo 430 Pipe, Wheel 431 Rod 180 Tube 431 Washer 846 Wire 70 Cutting Extras, Steel 761 Cutting-off Tools 127 Cutting Outfits 368, 369 Punches 908 Schedule, Steel 761 Torches 368, 369 Cylinder Cocks 661 Head Wrenches 442 Oil 804 Oil Pumps 467, 665 Relief Valves 670 Cylinders 280 to 282 Artesian Well 281 Brass Lined W^ell 282 Bronze Ball Valve 280 Deep Well 280 Bmerv 84 Working Barrel 281 Wrought Iron Tubular... 282 D D Handles 197 D Fork Handles 209 D-lite Lantern 413 D Shovel Handles 209 D Spade Handles 209 D's, Malleable 197 Damar Varnish 800 Damper Regulators 667 Darbies 401 Darbies, Aluminum 401 Dart's Unions 632 Dating Stamps 406 Davey Board 398 Davis Pressure Regulators .. 628 Davis Steam Traps 627 Deadening Felt 393 Deck Blocks, Wire Rope 1008 Brushes 783 Halyard Blocks, Double. 1007 Halvar/^ Blocks, Single.. 1007 Hose 875 Paint 798 Plates with Boom Seats.. 555 Plugs 1021 Type Arc Searchlight Pro- jectors 997 Deep Well Cylinders 280 Depth Gauges 116 Derriclt Bases and Steps with Sheaves 554 Boom Seat Castings .... 554 Box Castings 554 Builders' Hatchets 24 Cars, "A" Frame 543 Drop Hammers 567 Fittings 548 to 562 Footblocks 553 Guy Tighteners 552 Guvs, with Bull Wheel538, 539 Irons 548 to 562 Sheave Brackets 555 Sheaves with Guards .... 550 Steps 554 Steps with Sheaves 554 Strap Blocks 558 Derricks 536 to 547 "A" Frame 547 Builders' Steel Champion. 545 Circle Swing Builders' . . 545 Circle Swing Counter- weight 544 Guy 537 to 539 Hand Power Guy 536 Peerless Circle Swing . . . 545 Pipe Laying 524 Pole 544 Roofers 390 Sasgen 544 to 547 Setters 544 Standard Circle Swing Builders' 547 Stiff Leg 542 Stiff Leg, Hand Pow- er 540, 541, 546 Sulky 524 Tripod 546 Twin Setters 546 Detacliable Link Belt 766 Spring Hinge Sets 731 Detroit "500" Lubricators. . . . 462 Improved Lubricators . . . 462 Improved Standard Lu- bricators 461 "Kid" Lubricator 466 Lubricators 461, 466 Standard Lubricator Re- pair Parts 461 Zero Lubricators 463,464 Zero Lubricator Parts 463, 464 Devices, Caisson 532, 533 Carpenter Safety Caisson 532 Oiling 454 Toledo Pipe Threading. 150, 151 Devoe Metal Polish 803 Diagonal Cutting Pliers ... 68 Diamond Point Chisels . .193, 194 Hinge Nails 771 Scoops 204 Track Nails 771 Diamond Special Pliers 72 Dlaplirn^-in Force Pumps... 260 Pumps 260. 261 Trench Pumps 251, 252 Die Stoeks 147 to 155, 158 to 160 Oster Matchless 149 Dies 156 Bit Brace 156 Bolt 157 Grommet Setting 908 Hexagon 157 Little Giant 156 Machine 157 Mail Bag Grommet 908 Nye 157 Pile Hammer 567 Skip Tooth 157 Solid 157 Dietz Lantern Burners 417 Differential Blocks 351 Pullev Blocks 351 Differentials. Sisal Rope.... 819 Manila Rope 819 Rope 819 Steel 761 Diggers. Post Hole 291 Digging Bars 294, 295 Buckets 236, 237 Spuds with Tampers .... 294 Dippers, Roofers' 389 Tin 481 Direct Drive Drills 165 Dirigo Folding Anchors 1001 Dirt Augers 279 Picks 196 Scrapers 218 to 223 Shovels 198 to 207 Discharge End Boxes 486 Discs, Valve, Hard Rubber. 862 Disinfectant Sprayers 791 Distress Outfits 993 Distress Signals, Water Light 993 Ditchers 223 Ditching Spades 199, 202, 207, 208 Diver.s' Air Hose 581 Air Pumps 576 Baskets 581 Belt Knives 581 Belt 'V\^eights 576 Belts 576 Canvas Gloves 577 Cement 580 Chafing Pants 577 Chafing Shoes 579 Crinoline 581 Cuff Expanders 580 Electric Lights 581 Helmet Cushions 581 Helmet Fittings 580 Helmet Parts 580 Helmets 579 Horseshoe Weights 580 Hose Couplings 580 Overalls 577 Patching Cloth 580 Pumps, Cases for 576 Rings and Clamps 580 Rubber Gloves 577 Rubber Mittens 577 Rubber Repair Cloth 580 Sandals 579 Shoes 579 Snap Tubing 580 Urinals 580 Dividers 118 to 121 Universal ." . . . 121 Diving Apparatus ,...576 to 581 Dresses 577 Helmets with Telephones 578 Sets Complete 578 Suits 577 Dixon's Automobile Lubri- cants 810 Belt Dressing 809. 852 Boiler Graphite 808 Chain Compound 810 Flake Graphite 809 Graphite Cup Grease 810 Graphite Grease 808 Grease No. 675 810 Grease No. 676 810 Grease No. 677 810 Grease No. 680 810 Graphite Pipe Joint Com- pound 808 Graphitoleo 810 Leather Belt Dressing... 852 Lubricants 808, 809 Motor Graphite 810 Paint 807 Silica Graphite Paint 807 Dog Wrenches 128 Dogs, Clamp 117 Lathe 128 Steel 128 Dollies 193 Combination 288 Club 193 Horseshoe 288 Lumber 288 Riveting 193 Spring 193 Straight 193 Timber 288 GEO-BCARREffTER S GO. 1058 Door Bolts 734 Check Springs 733 Checks 733 Chain Bolts 735 Closers 733 Equipment, Sliding 741 to 743 Foot Bolts 735 Handles 734 Hangers 741, 742 Hardware 734 Latches 734. 738 Latches, Barn 743 Locks 738 Rollers 741, 742 Sets, Garage 743 Stops 733 Double Acting Force Pumps 259, 273 Arm Ends, Awning 912 Barrel Windlasses 1002 Bit Axe Handles 211 Bit Axes 20 Branch Elbows 683 Cage Elevators 526 Calipers 120 Cheek Halyard Blocks. . .1007 Cutter Mattocks 196 Cylinder, Double Friction Drum Hoisting En- gines with Boilers .... 613 Deck Bunks 410 Deck Cots 410, 977 Deck Halvard Blocks 1007 Drum Friction Hoists 530 Drum Geared Winches. . . . 519, 523, 524 End Log Stamps 405 End Match Planes 46 Filling Colored Duck 904 Filling Duck 903 Flat Chain Leaders 1009 Flat Wire Rope Pulleys. 1008 Friction Drum Belt Hoists 529 Friction Drum Electric Hoists 612 Grate Bars 625 Head Engineers' Wrenches 438 Head Nails 776 Head Socket Wrenches... 441 Head Tool Post Wrenches 440 Jacket Fire Hose 874 Jaw Drilling Post 193 Jet Torches 374, 375 Pick-up Tongs 192 Platform Reversible Hoists 530 Plumb Levels 123 Ring Oiling Ball and Socket Hangers 504 Spur Car Bits 28 Squares 109 Standard Side Pulleys ..1007 Upright Chain Leaders. .1009 Upright Wire Rope Pul- leys 1008 Dovetail Jaws 11 Dowel Pins, Barbed 777 Draftsmen's Scales 124 Drag Scrapers ....218, 219, 223 Drags, Life Boat 993 Marine 993 Drain Spades 199. 202, 207, 208 Drainage Basin Crosses.... 697 Basin Tees 697 Elbows 696, 698 Fittings 696. 697, 698 Partition Crosses 697 Tees 697 Drainers. Cellar 458 Draw Knives 42 Dredge Chain 600 Dredging Sleeves, Corru- gated 868 DreHHes, Emery Wheel 188 Canvas 577 Diving 577 Wading 577 Dresnlngr, Auto Top 803 Belt 852 Oiled Clothing 893 Standard Floor 803 Drterg. Sand 362 Sand and Gravel 383 Drift Bolts 775 Keys 136 Pins 190 Drifting Pick Handles 211 Picks 196 Drill Blocks 117 Chucks 137 Chucks, Jacobs' 137 Chucks. National 137 Clamps 117 Enameled 904 Gauges 125 Paraffined 905 Pipe Tap Combined 139 Points, for Yankee Screw Drivers 49 Points, Yankee 49 Presses 93 Presses, Bench 93 Presses, Drills 13:5 Presses, Hand 93 Press Vises 102 Rod 763 Rod. Hollow 763 Rod, Octagon 763 Sleeves 136 Sockets 136 Speed Table 1034 Stands 135 Steel 763 Tap and Wire Gauge.... 125 Drillingr Cable, Well 820 Flange Templates 1046 Posts 193 Drills 130 to 134, 903 Air 366 Automatic 49 Ball 195 Bell Hangers' 30 Bit Stock 134 Blacksmith 133 Brace 117 Brace, Wood Boring 28 Breast 25 Brick 711 Cement 711 Center 136 Chain 93 Combined with Counter- sinks 136 Concrete 195, 711 Concrete Pipe 753 Direct Drive 165 Drill Press 133 Electric 161. 165 to 168 Electric Brick 363 Electric Concrete 363 Electric Portable ..166 to 168 Electric Sensitive. Bencli 165 Electric Sensitive, Floor 320 Electric Universal 168 Expansion Bolt 711 Expansion Shield 711 Five-eighths Shanks 133 Floor 161 to 163 Floor Electric 161 Friction Drive 165 Grooved Shank Twist.... 132 Half-inch Shank 133 Hand 25 Hand Electric 166 to 168 Hand Power 161 to 163 High Speed 130 to 134 in Sets 135 ".lackhamer" Rock 364 Morse Taper Shank 130 Paulus Track 362 Pneumatic 366 Post 161 to 164 Post Radial 164 Ratchet 134 Reciprocating 66 Rock 364, 365 Sensitive Bench 161, 165 Sargent Rock 365 g^^j^j. 1^95 Straight Grooved Shank.'.' 132 Straight Shank 131 Steel 195 Taper Shank 130 Taper Square Shank ... 134 Track 362 Tripod Rock 365 Upright 163 Wall Radial 164 Wire Gauge 131 Wood 134 Yankee Automatic 49 Drip Troughs 471 Valves 471 Drive Belt Punches 847 Drive Knobs 919 Drive Well Points 277 Drivers, Pile 563 to 565 Cabinet Makers' Screw... 65 Leader Screw 65 Machinists' Screw 65 Perfect Handle Screw 66 Ratchet Screw 66 Screw 56, 65, 66 Small Shank Screw 65 Driveway Groovers 400 Rollers 402 Driving Blocks 571 Drop Cloths 789 Forged Clamps 129 Forged "S" Wrenches 437 Forged Steel Shackles ..1014 Forged Turnbuckles 758 Forged Wrenches ..437 to 442 Hammer Stops 563 Hammers 567 Head Tool Holders 127 Tees 682 Drum Hoists. Friction 614 Drum Steerers 1004 Drums, Adjustable Serge . . . 574 Automatic Holding 552 Derrick Holding 552 For Hand Powers 518 Dry Colors 796 Dry Measure Tables ..1030. 1032 Dub-L-Kleen Soap : . . 801 Duck Aprons 892 Army 903 Awning 906 Black Enamelled Glazed Trunk 904 Black Oiled Waterproof . 905 Bookbinders 904 Colored 904 Cotton 900 to 906 Extra Narrow 902 Double Filling 903 Hose 904 Narrow 902 Naught 902 Ounce 903 Sail 902 Single Filling 903 Trunkmakers 904 Wide Cotton 901 Yacht 902, 903 Ducks, Paraffined Ounce ....905 Waterproof 905 Dump Wagons 225 Dunn Safety Trench Braces.. 275 Duplex Chain Hoists 343, 344 Levels and Plumbs 53 Planes 46 Steam Pumps 269, 270 Durable Wire Rope 593. 594 Dusters. I'ainters' 786 Dwarf Orange Peel Buckets 237 Dynamite 57 1 Dynamo Oil 805 Earth Augers 279 Eccentric Bushings 683 Clamps 57 Reducers 683 Eclipse Levels ^54 Vises 104 Economy Steam Hose 864 Edgers, Cement 399, 400 Cement Bevel 399 Cement Curbing 399 Cement Square 399 Circle 400 Radius 400 Roller 402 Straight 107 Edson Diaphragm Pumps . . . 261 Egg Shaped Thimbles ...;^-- 917 i Ejectors .458. 459 1059 GEO-B (5AR.PE^fTER S CO* Ejectors Acid Resisting 459 American ^58 H-D 45b Penberthy •••• 459 Steam 458, 459 X L, 459 Elastic Button Holes 919 Elastic Cement 80b Elastic Steel Coating- Paint.. (^95 Elbows, Ammonia 687 Awning P..od 912 Boiler 678 Brass 675 Cast Iron 679, 682 Cast Iron Drainage 696 Closet 698 Double Branch 683 Drainage 696. 698 Extra Heavy Malleable Iron 686 Extra Heavy Cast Iron . . 686 Long Drop 682 Long Sweep • 685 Long Sweep Double Branch 685 Malleable Iron 679 Railing 699 to 701 Speaking Tube 740 Standard Cact Iron flanged 688 Street 682 Stove Pipe 633 Union Radiator 631 Electric Bench Grinders .... 90 Brick Drills 363 Blowers 179 Candles 391 Centre Grinders 166 Cigar Lighters 986 Combination Marine Lights Class 1 996 Concrete Drills 363 Drills 161, 165 to 168 Drills, Universal 168 Flash Lights 986 Floodlights 425 Floor Drills 161 Floor Grinders 90 Generator Sets 998 Grinders 90 Hammers 363 Hoisting Engines 612 Hoists 612 Light Blocks 1009 Lights, Divers 581 Marine Lights, Post 996 Marine Running Lights . 996 Motors 629 Motors, Sewing Machine . 921 Post Lights 996 Running Lights 996 Saw Rigs 239 to 245 Sensitive Bench Drills . . 165 Sensitive Floor Drills ... 165 Electricians' Belts 72 Levels 124 Screwdrivers 122 Pike Poles 290 Tools 290 to 294 Steel Tool Kits 443 Straps 72 Electrical Information 1025 Fuses 575 Elevator Belting, Rubber . . 838 Bolt Wa.shers 489 Bolts 489. 706 Bucket "Wrenches 489 Buckets 485 Equipment 485 to 489 "Wire Rope 590 Elevators, Double Cage 526 Material 526 Stone 233 Enierv Cylinders 84 Cloth 81 Paper 81 Powder 83 "Wheel Dressers 188 "Wheel Grinders 89, 90 "Wheels 84 Emergency Cabinets 412 Cases 412 Jacks 508, 509 Pipe Clamps 638 Empress Grease Cups 473 Empress Oil Cups 469 Empty Cans 193 Enamelled Drill 904 Enamelled Muslin 904 Enamels 799 Canoe 799 Heat Proof 795 Marine 800 Waterproof 795 End Boxes, Iron Discharge.. 48G Cutting Nippers 69 Measuring Rods 113 Rollers 288 Endless Thresher Belts 842 Ends, Bolt 709 Counter Boxes for Con- veyors 486 For Conveyor Boxes 486 Enj^ine and Tender Hose . . . . 868 Governors 627 Lathes 169, 170 Lubricators 467 Oils 804 Stops 658 Engineers Fillers 477 Hammers 18 Levels 123 Oiler Sets 475 Steel Tapes 64 Transits 126 "Wrenches 438 Engines, Chemical 885 Gasoline 611 Feed "Water Required 1027 Gasoline 251 Horizontal 618 Horizontal Steam 618 Hoisting 613, 615 Hoisting "Without Boilers. 614 Kerosene 611 Reversible Hoisting 615 Steam 613, 015 Steam Horizontal 618 Steam Vertical 616. 617 Upright 616, 617 Vertical 616. 617 Vertical Steam 616, 617 English Enamels 800 Ensigns. Yacht 972 Equipment, Caisson 532, 533 Elevator 485 to 489 Paving Contractors .383 to 391 Roofing Contractors 384 to 391 Sliding Door 741 to 743 Street and Side "Walk Con- tractors 383 to 391 Escutcheon Pins, Steel 773 Eureka Pipe Covering 395 Evenrude Unit Centrifugal Pumps 257 Everlasting Blow Off Valves 646 Oilers 476 Torches 480 Excelsior 391 Brand Slickers 894, 895 Exhaust Heads 629 Expanders, Automatic Coup- ling 882 Boiler Tube 431 Divers 580 Tube 431 Expansion Bolts 710 to 715 Bolt Drills 711 Flue Brushes 447 Joints 653 Ring Couplings 882 Shield Drills 711 Shields 710 to 715 Expansive Bits 30 Extension Beam Trammels. . 121 Bit Holders 56 Ladders 789 Ladders, "Windlass 789 Lip Auger Bits 27 Pipe Hangers 639 Rules 60 Extinquishers. Chemical Fire 885 Extra Heavy Angle Valves . . 647 Cast Iron Crosses 686 Cast Iron Elbows 686 Cast Iron Tees 686 Cast Iron T Bends 686 Companion Flanges 694 Copper Disc Angle Valves 651 Copper Disc Globe Valves 651 Couplings 685 Flange Unions 691 Gate Valves 651 Globe Valves 647 Globe Valves with Yoke . . 654 Hinge Hasps 732 Malleable Iron Crosses . . 686 Malleable Iron Elbows . . . 686 Malleable Iron Tees 686 Malleable Iron Reducers.. 686 Malleable Return Bends . 687 Reducing Companion Flanges 694 Square Cheek Wire Rope Blocks 321 Straight Way Valves 655 Swinr Check Valves 656 Thick Mortise Wood Blocks 303 Unions 686 Wood Snatch Blocks 303 Extra Narrow Duck 902 Extras, Cold Rolled Shafting 497 For Flange Faces 656 Shafting 497 Steel 761 Eye Benders 180 Bolt, Navy Shoulder 1017 Ends, Awning 909 Nut 1017 Rivet ...-. 1017 Screw w 1016 Shoulder Screw 1017 Eve Stubs, Awning 909 Evelet Punches 1022 Eyelets, Fastener 1022 Eyelets, Knob 919 Eyes, Padlock 734 Eyes, Screw , 916 F Facing Spades 208 Factory Bells 967 Fairbanks Angle Valves .... 646 Asbestos Steam Cocks . . . 646 Cross Valves 646 Globe Valves 646 Valves 646 Fall Line Balls 548 Falls. Painters 789 Family Compartment Tents. . 939. Fancy Awning Stripes 906 Farm Boilers 382 and Kettles 382- Machinery Oil 804 Farriers' Hammers 19 Knives 191 Fastener Eyelets 1022 Fastener.s. Barrel Hoop. . . , , . 772 Belt 848 to 852 Curtain, Murphy 918A Hoop 772 Meat Tag 772 Sheet Metal 752 Sheet Roofing 772 Fastenings. Wire Rope 598 Faucet Oil Cans 474 Faucets 664 Oil 453 Petroleum 453 Feathers 195 Feathers and Plugs 196 Feed Bags 964 Feed Water Required by En- gines 1027 Felt, Asbestos, Building 394 Deadening 393 Hair 396 Roofing Nails 772 Slaters 393 Tarred 393-394 Felthausen Oil Pumps 467 Felting, Asbestos Cement . . . 397 Pene»>, Xails 770 Post Pile Drivers 563 Staples 774 Ferrules 920 Ferry Blocks and Travelers. 595 GEO-BeAIiPEM*TER ^ eo. 1060 Fids, Hand 918 Standing 918 15° Angle Wrenches 438 Figures and Letters, Steel, in Sets 405 Steel 405 File and Rasp List 78, 79 Brushes 188 Cards 188 Cleaners 188 Handles 211 Files 74 to 79 Platinum 77 Spark Plug 77 Filler, Wood 799 Fillers, Engineers 477 Oil -477 Fillister Head Cap Screws . . 718 Fillister Planes 46 Filters, Oil 453 Fine Nails 771 Steel Wire Brushes 780 Finger Steels 845 Finish, Hard Oil 800 Finished Nuts 722 Finishing Nails 769 Fire Alarm Whistles 702 Axe Holders 884 Axes 884 Door Fixtures 742 Door Hangers 742 Door Hardware 742 Escapes, Rope 789 Extinguishers, Chemical.. 885 Hoes 447 Hooks 447 Pails 481 Pike Pole Holders 884 Plug Spanner Wrenches. . 442 Pump Buckets, Hand .... 885 Room Tools 447 Wagons and Tool Heaters 387 Fire Hose, Cotton Rubber Lined 874 Couplings 882 Double Jacket 874 Gate Valves 884 Pipes 883 Racks 880, 881 Reels 881 Single .Jacket 874 Spanners 886 Underwriters Standard . . 874 Firemen's Axes 21 Carbide Flares ...421, 422, 424 Coal Picks 196 Rubber Coats 898 Firmer Chisels 37 Firmer Gouges 39 First Aid Cabinets 412 Fi-sher Pump Governors 667 Fishermen's Barvels 892 Fittinc: Up Turnbuckles 552 Wrenches 440 Fittings. Ammonia 687 Auxiliarv Rail 700 Boiler Circulating 678 Brass Steam 675 Derrick 548 to 562 Drainage 696 to 698 Flanged 688 to 694 Flanged. Weights of 1045 Flush Joint Rail 700 Gas 678 to 680 Radiator 631 Rail 699 to 701 Rail. Ball Pattern 701 Stair, Flush Joint 700 Stair Rail 699 to 701 Standard Cast Iron Flanged 688 to 694 Steam 678 to 695 Trench Brace 275 Fixtures. Cable Chain 739 Fire Door 742 Sash Chain 739 Flasr Holders 969 Pole Balls 968 Poles. Schooner Mast .... 968 Poles Steel 967 Poles. Wood 968 Staff Brackets 969 Staffs 969 Fla^s, Company 970 Cotton U. S 976 Foreign, Merchant 975 Foreign Nations 974 Foreign, Printed Muslin ■n Sets 976 International Signal Code 973 Merchant, Foreign 975 Printed Muslin 976 Printed Silk, U. S 974 Signal, International Code 973 United States 970 U. S. Printed Silk 974 Flake Graphite, Dixon's 809 Flange, Facing Tables 656 Gaskets 692,695 Pulleys 491 Unions 691 Unions, Ammonia 687 Unions, Extra Heavy .... 691 Unions, Kewanee 673 Flanged Car Wheels 549 Cast Iron Crosses Standard 689 Cast Iron Tees, Standard. 689 Fittings 688 to 694 Fittings for Spiral Riv- eted Pipe 637 Laterals, Cast Iron Stan- dard 690 Reducers, Standard Cast Iron 690 Flanges, Blind 692 Cast Iron 691 to 694 Cast Iron Common 691 Closet 698 Common 691 Companion 693 Extra Heavy Companion. 694 Extra Heavy Reducing Companion 694 Floor 691 For Spiral Riveted Pipe.. 637 Railing 699 to 701 Reducing 693. 694 Reducing Companion . .693, 694 Standard Cast Iron Blind 692 Standard Companion .... 693 Templates for Drilling ..1046 Flare Lights, Carbide . .420 to 424 Flares, Firemen's 421,422,424 Flash Lights, Electric 987 Flat Black Paints 797 Boxes 501 Cars 238, 360 Chain Leaders, Double ..1009 Chain Leaders, Single 1009 Head Cap Screws 718 Head Rivets 767 Standard Steam Cocks . . 648 Mild Steel 759 Nose Pliers 70 Nose Side Cutting Pliers. . 68 Plat Pulleys, Double Wire Rope 1008 Single Wire Rope 1008 Wire Rope Double 1008 Wire Rope Single 1008 Flat Rail Travellers 347, 349 Rail Travellers, Plain. 347, 349 Sash Chain 1011 Spring Keys 727 Scrapers 56 Strand Wire Rope 593 Varnish Brushes 786,787 Wall Brushes 786 White Paint 797 Flatted Hooks 323 Flatters 191 Flax Packing, Braided Square 860 Flax Twines 828. 829 Flexible Concrete Chutes 232 Grain Spouts 488 Pipe Joints 638 Spouting 232 Flint Finishing Paper 80 Flint Paper 80 Float Valves 657 Floats, Aluminum 401 Floating Soap 801 Floats 401 Copper Tank 666 Long Handled 402 Tank 666 Water Barrel 666 Flogging Hammers 193 Floodlight Mazda Lamps .... 425 Floo*lli;;lits, Electric 425 Gasolene 419 Floor and Ceiling Plates 640 Brushes 784 Dressing, Standard 803 Drills 161. 163 Flanges 691 Flanges, Cast Iron 691 Grinders 89, 90 Mops 782 Paint 798 Paint Concrete 794 Plates 640 Push Brushes 784 Squeegees 783 Varnish 800 Flooring Brads 769 Hatchets 23 Flour Scoops 489 Flue Blowers 447 Blowers, Steam 626 Brushes 447 Cleaners 447 Scrapers 447 Flush Joint Rail Fittings 700 Joint Stair Fittings 700 Well Points 278 Flux, Brazing 380 Fly Screening 747 Fly Wheel Information 1027 Fog Horns 999 Folding Anchors, Dirigo ....1001 Basins 985 Camp Beds 927 Camp Cliairs 980, 981 Camp Cots 977 Camp Stools 980 Camp Tables 981 Chairs 981 Chairs, Reclining 979 Cots 977 Handle Draw Knives 42 House Cots 977 Pails 985 Porch Chairs 9S0, 981 Settees 979 Stools 980 Tables 981 Follower Caps 570 Followers, Pile 570 Foot Blocks 553 Blocks, Derrick 553 Blocks. Standard 553 Bolts, Door 735 (longs 4 17 Power Grindstones 87, 88 Valves 652,889 Force Pumps 257 Ford Wrench Sets 432 Foreign Flags 974 Flags in Sets, Printed Muslin 976 Merchant Flags 975 Forge Blowers 178,179 Forge Blower Parts 176 Forge Tuyeres 176 Forged Steel Shoes "■ 2S4 Forges 173 to 177 Blacksmiths' 173,174,177 Blower 173, 174, 177 Champion 401 175,401 Chicago 177 Rivet 175 . Tiger 177 Fork Ends. Awning 909 Fork Handles 209 Forks 197 Caisson 197 Clay 197 Coal 197 Coke 197 Rail 295 Shaving 197 Spading 197 Stone ^97 3061 GEOBeARPEM"TER S CO, Form Clamps, Concrete 957 Form Spades 208 Formula Bolt Dimensions. . . .1030 Formula, Rivet Dimensions. . 1030 Foundation Winch Heads. . . . 533 Foundry Nails, Smooth 771 Foundry Riddles 212 401 Champion Forge 175 Four Way Cocks 648 Four Way Steam Cocks 648 Frame Benders 181 Frame.*!, Hacksaw 93 Hacksaw, Cast Iron 93 Rail Hacksaw 93 Star Hacksaw 93 Framing- Chisels 38 French Chamois Skins 793 White Zinc Paint 798 Fresnal Motor Boat Lights.. 994 Steamer Lights 995 Tug Lights 995 Friction Board 398 Clutch Pulleys 499 Drive Drills 165 Drum Hoists, no Engines. 614 Feed Saw Mill 248 Hoist 530,531 Tape 575 Fringe, Cotton Bullion 921 Fruit Tree Sprayers 791 Full Bolted Barrows 216 Mounted Stocks 152 Fullers 191 Funnels and Measures, Com- bination 483 Funnels 482,. 483 Automobile 482 Copper 482, 483 Garage 483 Gasoline 482,483 Offset Gasoline 483 Shut Off 482 Tin 482 Furnaces, Auto Torch 375 Caulking 387 Gas 377 Lead Melting 376 Plumbers' 375, 377 Plumbers' Coil 375 Portable Melting 375 Torrid 377 Welting Portable 371 Furniture Polishes 803 Fuse, Blasting 575 Fuses, Electrical Blasting... 575 Fusible Plugs 626 G G. B. C. Door Checks 733 Gad Tongs 192 Gaff and Mast Fittings 555 Galvanized Awning Blocks... 915 Blocks with Fast Eyes. . . .1006 Blocks with Match Hooks 1006 Cans 483, 484 Chain 1010 Coal Baskets 489 Grommet Rings 907 Guy Wire 592 Hand Suction Pumps 271 Iron Blocks 1006 Pails 481 Pump Parts 271 Pump Plungers 271 Pump Valves 271 Sheet Steel 765 Strand 592 Wire Rope 590 to 592 Gang Planer Tools 129 Gap Bed and Bridge. Lathe.. 171 Garage Cans 610 Door Hardware 743 Door Hinges 743 Door Sets 74'S Funnels 483 Hardware 743 Measures 483 Repair Kits 436 Tents 94G Garden Barrows 216 Hose, Moulded 870 Hose, Wrapped 871 Hose Nozzles 883 Hose Reels 878, Hose Sprinklers 871, Lines Rakes Tents, Octagon Gardner Air Compressors. 606, Duplex Steam Pumps -Rix Air Compressors.... Spring Governors Steam Separators Garnet Paper Cloth Combination Cloth Gas and Burner Pliers Engine Oil Fitters' Hooks Fitters' Supplies Fittings 678 to Furnaces House Scoops Masks Pipe 634, Protectors Proving Pumps Stove Cocks Gasket Chisels Cutters Gaskets, Asbestos Tubular. . . C. B. S C. I Flange 692, Old Colony Spiral Riveted Pipe Sunshine Superheat Tubular Asbestos Gasoline Cans 483, Driven Air Compressors. . Driven Builders' Hoists. . . Driven Pumps 251, Engine Clutch Pulleys... Engines 251, Flood Lights Funnels 482, Hose Lamps Lanterns Light Mantels Pressure Lamps Saw Rigs 239 to Storage Outfits Torches 374, 375, Gate Hooks and Staples Gate Valves, Extra Heavy... Valves, Extra Heavy with Yokes Valves, Hose A^'ilves, Jenkins' Valves, Quick Opening... Valves, Standard Valves, Standard Flanged Gates. Blast Oil Molasses Gauge and Track Levels. . . . Cocks Cocks, Jenkins' Glass Cutters' Glasses Glasses, Penberthy Gauges 55, 449 to Ammonia Bar Butt Caliper Center Combination Pressui'e and Vacuum Compound Pressure and Vacuum Compound Vacuum and Pressure Depth Drill Drill Tap and Wire Hub Huntington Hydraulic Inspectors' Jointer Lumber Marking 879 872 826 388 940 607 270 607 627 81 81 70 804 658 377 204 409 635 409 687 658 379 846 855 855 855 695 856 637 855 855 855 484 608 527 258 499 611 419 483 867 418 418 419 418 245 610 418 732 651 655 884 642 650 650 653 178 453 453 361 661 642 445 446 457 452 450 55 55 113 108 451 116 125 125 116 361 450 116 46 288 ci6 Micrometer HO, 112 Micrometer Caliper 110 Planer and Shaper 116 Pressure 449, 451 Radius 115 Recording 452 Saw 16 Screw Pitch 115 Steam 449 to 452 Stop Thread 115 Surface 118 Tap 125 Telescoping 114 Thickness 115, 116 Track 361 Traction Engines 451 Vacuum 449, 451 Water 445 Water & Steam Combined 662 Wire 125 Wood Marking 55 Gealy Chain Pipe Wrenches. . 430 Geared Jacks 507 Gearing, Spur 487 Gearings 525 Hand Power 525 Setters Derrick 525 Winch 525 General Purpose Wrenches. . 437 Generator Sets, Electric 998 Genuine Balta Belting 844 Genuine Reed Vises ..97, 98 German Machine Chain 602 Giant Button Pliers 69 Gipsey Windlasses 1002 Glass Cutters 793 Rules 60 Glass House Sheets, Asbestos 397 Rings 917 Setters' Zincs 793 Glasses, Level 54 Lubicator 470 Magnifying 125 Marine 990 Oil Cup 470 Proved 54 Water Gauge 446 Glazed Black Enameled Trunk Duck 904 Glaziers' Points 793 Globes, Lantern 416 Gloss, Semdac Liquid 803 Globe Valves. Crane Disc. . . . 647 Extra Heavy Copper Disc. 651 Extra Heavy with Yokes. 654 Fairbank's 646 Hard Metal 647 Jenkins' 641 Needle Point 650 Standard 647 Standard Iron Body 654 Standard Iron Body with Yokes 654 with Yoke, Jenkins' 643 Gl'oves, Canvas 410 ■~'anvas. Divers' 577 Rubber 897 Glue, Black 1024 Brushes 787, 845 Canoe 1024 Heaters 381 Heaters, Belting 845 Liquid 1024 Marine 1024 Pots 381 Ship 1024 Thinner, Marine 1024 Waterproof 1024 Yacht 1024 Goggles 409, 410 All Rubber 409, 410 Cover's Gas Tight Rubber 410 Mechanics' 409 Special 409, 410 Welders' 409 Gold Dust 802 Line Cotton Sand Belting. 843 Medal Cots 977 Golf Tents 943 Gongs 447 Foot 447 Signal 447 Trip 447 Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. 1062 Gooseneck Bars 296 Gooseneck Claw Bars 295,296 Gossamer Hats 897 Gouf^es 193 Firmer 39 Socket Firmer 39 Government Tent Slides 920 Governors, Engine 627 Fisher Pump 667 Gardiner 627 Pump 667 Spring 627 Spring Gardiner 627 Wide Range 627 Grab Hooks 603 Hooks, Stone 535 Tongs 535 Grading Plows 221 Grain Buckets '• • 485 Scoops .199,204 to 207.489 Spouts 488 Grains. Carborundum 83 Granite .'Board 398 firanhite, Dixon's Boiler.... 808 Dixon's Flake 809 Grease, Inland Lake 805 Paint 794 Grapnels 1001 Grappling Irons 1001 Grass Hooks 297 Grasshoppers, Roofers 390 Grass Scythes 297 Grate Bars 625 Upright Boiler 625 Grates. Salamander 362 Grave Tents 945 Gravel and Sand Pumps 265 Melting 749 Pails 390 Screening 749 Screens 212 Gravers, Rules for Hardening.1029 Grease, Axle 805 Cup 805 Dixon's Graphite 808 Graphite Inland Lake.... 805 Slushing Compound 805 Transmission 805 Grease Cups 467 to 473 Compression 472, 473 Empress 473 Ideal . 472 Jewel 472 Marine 472 Plain Steel 472 Surety 473 Tiger 472 Grease.s 805 Inland Lake 805 Gredag 806 Green River Screw Plates... 153 Parts 15' Grinders, Bench 86, 89, 90 Center 166 Crown 89 Emery Wheel 89, 90 Electric 90 Electric Bench 90 Electric Center 166 Electric Floor 89, 90 Floor 89, 90 Hand 85 to 87, 90 Pneumatic 366 Tool 85 to 90 Grindstones 87 Bi-Treadle Mounted 87 Foot-power 87, 88 Hand 87 Iron Frame 88 Mounted 87 "On the Job" 88 Power 88 Samson Mounted 8 / Unmounted 87 Wooden Frame 87 Grips, "Come-a-Long" 293 Grips, Havens' 293 Grippers, Guy 1020 Wire 293 Wire Rope 1020 Grommet Dies, Mail Bag 90S Inserting Dies and Cutter 908 Knobs 907 Rings, Galvanized 907 Setting Dies 908 Setting Machines 908 Groniniets 907 Roller Rim 907 Sheet Washer 907 Spur 907 Grooved Shank Twist Drills. 132 Groovers 4 00 Belt 846 Driveway 40i) Ground Blankets, Rainproof. 958 Grub Hoe Handles 211 Hoes 197 Hoes and Picks 196 Hoes, Hammer Head 197 Guard Roofing 39i; Guarded Pike Poles 290 Guards, Saw 247 Gudgeons, Wrought 556 Guide Sheaves for Wire Rope 550 Gum Sheet Packing, Pure. . . . 854 Gummers. Crown Saw 91 Saw 91 Guns, Air 367, 609 Guy Caps, with Links 556 Caps, without Links .... 556 Clamps 1020 Derricks 537 to 539 Derricks with Bull Wheels 538, 539 Grippers 1020 Shackles with Sheaves... 552 Tighteners with Sheaves. . 552 Wire, Galvanized 592 H H. D. Injectors 458 Jet Pumps 458 Haclisaw Blades 96 Frames 93 Machines 94, 95 Hacksaws, Marvel 94, 95 Hacksaws, Power 94, 95 Hafts, Peg Awl 67 Hafts, Sewing 67 Hair Felt 396 Covering 396 Half-and-Half Solder 377 Hatchets 23, 24 Inch Shank Drills 133 Oval Bars, Steel 759 Oval Steel Bars 759 Round Steel 760 Hall's Manila Rope Hoists... 350 Halter Chain 1010 Halraid Blocks, Deck Doublel007 Deck Single ' 1007 Double Cheek 1007 Single Cheek 1007 Hame Covers 962 Hammer Handles 211 Head Grub Hoes 197 Hammers 18, 19, 189 Adze Eye 19 Ball Pein 18 Blacksmiths' Hand 18 Boyer Riveting 367 Bricklayers' 19 Brush 298 Caulking 298, 367 Chipping 190 Copper 408A Cross Pein 18 Derrick Drop 567 Drop 567 Electric 363 Engineers' 18 Farriers' 19 Flogging 193 Hand Drilling 189 Hide Faced 408 A Little Giant Power 95 Machinists' 18 Machinists* Riveting .... 19 Masons' 189 Pile, Steam 566, 567 Plow 18 Plugging 193 . Pneumatic Chipping 367 I Power 95 Ripping n Riveting 19, 193, 367 Set 191 Sheet Pile 567 Spalling 189 Steam Sheeting 567 Stone Axe 298 Stone Cutters' 189 Straight Pein 18 Striking 189 Swage 16 Tack, Magnetized 67 Trip 95 Hammock Chain 1010 Hanimorlcs 978 and Stands 978 Navv Canvas 978 Hand Bellows 298 Cars 360 Casting Brushes 780 Cylinder Oil Pumps 665 Drill Presses 93 Drilling Hammers 198 Drills 25 Electric Drills 166 to 168 Feed Pumps 259 Fids 918 Fire Pump Buckets 885 Grinders 85 to 87 Grinders and Buffers .... 90 Grindstones 87 Hacksaw Blades 96 Laid Maitre Cord 833 Lanterns 413 to 416 Oil Pumps 467, 665 Power Drills 161 to 163 Power Gearings 525 Power Guy Derricks 536 Power, Nigger Heads.,.. 51i Power Orange Peel Buckets 237 Power Punch and Shear. 185 Power Threading Machines 158, 159 Powers 518 to 525 Powers, Drums for 518 Pumice 801 Power Punches and Shears 184 Reamers 142 Rotary Force Pump 274 Saw Handles 16 Saws 8 to 10 Screws 57 Screws, Wood 57 Suction Pumps 271 Torches 374, 375, 480 Handled Axes 21 Mops 831 Scrapers 43 Handles 209 to 211 Adze 211 Auger 47 Axe 211 Bench 211 Blacksmiths' Hammer ... 211 Boathook 1019 Broad Axe 211 Bull Point 388 Canthook 289 Cement Tools 401 Clamp, for Tape 64 D 197 D Fork 209 D Shovel 209 D Spade 209 Door 734 Double Bit Axe 211 Drifting Pick 211 File 211 Fork 197, 209 Grub Hoe 211 Hammer 211 Hand Saw 16 Hatchet 211 Long Hay Fork 210 Long Manure Fork 210 Long Scoop 210 Long Shovel 210 Long Shovel 210 Machinist Hammer 211 Mattock 211 Maul .-. 211 Nail Hammer 211 Peavy 28H 1063 Geo-B-Carpen'ter « eo. Handles, Pick 211 Pickaroon 289 Pike Pole 289 Poll Pick 211 Rake 210 Scoop 209 Screen Door 730 Shingle 211 Shovel 209 Sledge 211 Soldering Iron 211 Spade 209 Tape Clamp 64 Tool 211 Handy Saw Kits 10 Hangers, Ball and Socket, Double Ring Oiling... 504 Bracket 501 Door 741, 742 Fire Door 742 Joist 755 Pipe Extension 639 Ring Oiling Bracket 501 Shafting 501, 504 Post, Ball and Socket 501 Universal Wick Oiling. 503, 504 Hanging Lamps 415 Hard Maple Rollers 505 Metal Angle Valves 647 Metal Globe Valves 647 Moulders' Brushes 779 Oil Finish 800 Rubber Valve' Discs 862 Hardies 191 Hardware, Awning 907, 922 Fire Door 742 Garage 743 Garage Door 743 Riddles 212 Screen Door 730 Harness Snaps 917 Harrington Chain Hoists. . . . 328 to 339 Trolleys 347, 348 Hartz Steel Derrick Blocks.. 316 Tackle Blocks 309 Harvester Covers 960 Hasp Staples 728 Hasps, Hinge 728 Hinge, Extra Heavy 732 Safety 732 and Staples 732 Hatchet Handles 211 Hatchets, Barreling 23 Broad 23, 24 Claw 23, 24 Derrick Builders' . 24 Flooring 23 Half 23, 24 Lath 23, 24 Shingling 23, 24 Hats, Waterproof 897 Havens' Grips 293 Havoline Oil 804 Hawks 401 Aluminum 401 Hawser, Laid Manila Rope'. . 820 Laid Rope 816 Wire Rope, Towing 592 Hawsing Beetles 1021 Hay-Budden Anvils 187 Hay Cock Covers 959 Hay Fork Blocks 313 Hay Rope Sisal 821 Hayward Buckets 236, 237 Head Rod and Pulley Hold- ers, Awning 915 Head Rod Holders 915 Headers, Rivet 847 Heading Bands 296 Heads, Exhaust 629 Micrometer 112 Steam Exhaust 629 Whitewash 785 Heat Proof Enamels 795 Paints 795 Heaters and Ground Thawers 371 Surface 371 Belting Glue 845 Buckeye 371 . Glue 381 Glue Belting 845 Steam Glue 381 Tar and Asphalt ..383 to 389 Water 459 Heating Boilers, Hot Water. 630 Boilers, Steam 630 Surfaces, Relative Value of 1027 Heavers, Sailmakers' 918 Tongs 192 Heavy Barbed Car Nails 771 Boat Nails 770 Hings Nails 771 Naught Duck, Narrow... 902 Pattern Square Cheek Wire Rope Blocks. .319, 320 Single Drum Friction Hoists 531 Strap Hinges 728 Swivels 1015 Heel Dollies 193 Heel Shaves for Belts 845 Helmet Cushions, Divers'... 589 Fittings, Divers' 580 Helmets 403 Divers 579 Diving, with Telephone.. 579 Safety 409 Hemaphrodite Calipers 120 Hemp Bell Cords, Cable Laid 824 Clothes Lines 827 Packings 824 Twines 828 Twines, Large 828 Herringbone Wall Ties 754 Hexagon Dies 157 Head Cap Screws 717 Nuts 721, 722 Steel 760 Hickeys 154 Hickory Mallets 52 Mauls 292 Hide Faced Hammers 408A Hide Rope, Sisal 821 High Pressure Rock Drill Couplings 887 Pressure Spiral Asbestos Packing 857 Speed Drills 131, 134 Speed Leather Belting... 840 Topped Boots 890 Hills-McCanna Lubricators. . 466 Hinge Hasps 728 Hasps, Extra Heavy 732 Nails, Heavy 771 Nails, Light 771 Pipe Vises 102 Sets . .^ 731 Hinges, Awning Plate 913 Garage Door 743 Screen Door 730 Spike Awning 913 Strap 728 T 728 Wrought Steel 728 Hip Boots 891, 892 Hodell Chain 1011 Hods 404 Brick 404 Mortar 404 Hoes 404 Asphalt Patching 388 Fire 447 Grub 197 Mortar 404 Patching 388 Scuffle 291 Hoist Buckets 231 Hoisting Engines 613,615 Engines, Contractors'. 613, 615 Engines, Electric 612 Engines, Reversible 615 Engines, with Boilers. 613-615 Engines, with Boiler's. 613, 615 Rope 817 Hoists 612 to 615 Air 345, 346 Ash 353 Basement 353 Belt Driven Builders. .528, 529 Brick 526 Chain 328 to 351 Chain Combined, with Traveler 330,331,336 Chain with Combined Travelers 330 Collapsible Ash 353 Contractors and Builders. 528 Double Friction Drum Belt 529 Double Platform Reversi- ble 530 Duplex Chp,in 343,344 Electric 612 Electric Double Friction Drum 613 Friction 530, 531 Friction Double Drum.... 530 Friction Portable 530,531 Hall's Manilla Rope 350 Harrington Chain ..328 to 339 Heavy Single Drum Fric- tion 531 Improved Screw Chain 335 to 339 Improved Screw, Parts for 337 to 339 Manilla Rope 350 Peerless Chain 328 to 334 Peerless Trolley 331 Pneumatic 345, 346 Screw and Traveler Com- bined 336 Screw Chain 335 to 339 (Screw Parts 337 to 339 Single Drum Friction Re- versible 530 Spur Geared Chain. . 328 to 334 Yale & Towne Chain 341 to 344 Holdall Ratchet Brace 26 Holder-on 367 Pneumatic 367 Holder, Pipe 283 Holders and Lifters, Pipe 279 Armstrong Tool ...127 to 129 Bag 489 Bit 56" Drop Head Tool 127 Extension Bit 56 Fire Axe 884 Fire Pike Pole 884 Flag Bracket 969 Head Rod 915 Lumbermen's Pencil ....404A Offset Tool 127 Side Tool 127 Straight Shank 128 Straight Tool 127 Tool 127 Holding Drums 552 Hole Diggers 291 Hollow Drill Rod 763 Hollow Handle Tool Sets 48 Holy Stones 788 Hondas, Lariat 823 Hoods, Safety 409 Salamander 362 Splash 235 Hook Plates for Pipe 640 Hook Rules 60,107 Hookaroon Stamps 405 Hook Valves for Seating Cyl- inders 284 Hookings, Carrying , 286 Hooks 197 And Eyes 917 And Sockets 598 And Staples 732 And Thimbles 598 Hooks, Awning 909 Barrel 1019 Beam, for Pipe 640 Belt 848 Block 323 Brick, Awning , 921 Boat, Navy 1019 Box 357 Bunk 603 Bush 297 Caisson Bucket 533 Can 1019 Cant . 286 Cant Hook 286 Chain 1019 GEO-BeAIiPEM*TER ^ eo. 1064 Hooks, Chandelier 682 Fire 447 Flattened 323 Gas Fitters 658 Grab 603 Grass 297 I.ug 286 Peavey 286 Pipe 658 Potters Belt 849 ••S" 1017 Safety Link 1015 Screendoor 730 Screw 916, 1016 Single, Small Kye 1012 Single, with Thimbles 1013 Sister 598 Sister, with Thimbles 1013 Snap Swivel Eye 1012 Stone 197 Stone GrS-b 535 Swivel for Blocks 323 Swivel, Small Eye 1012 Swivel with Thimbles 1012 Tape 64 Timber 286 Valve Cords . . 826 Wire Snap 917 Wood Awning 921 Hoop Fasteners 772 Staples 774 Hoppers, Concrete Distrib- uting' 231 Remixing 235 Horizontal Boilers 620, 621 Check Valves, Extra Heavy 651 Centrifugal Pumps 263 Engines 618 Steam Engines 618 Horns, Fog 999 Horse Blankets 962 Clamps 57 Feeding Bags 964 Pails 481 Scrapers 218 to 223 Horse Power, Rules for Find- ing 1027 Of Shafting 1027 Of Turned Shafting 1028 Horse Shoe Dollies 286 Nails 191 Weights, Divers 580 Horseshoes 191 Hose Bibbs 664 Brewers 865 Bushings 886 Caps 886 Carts 878, 879 Cotton Rubber Lined Mill 873 Clamps, Steam 888 Clamps, Water 888 Clinchers 888 Couplings 886 Couplings, Air 886 Couplings, Divers' 580 Couplings Fire 882 Couplings, Steam 887 Couplings, Underwriters'. 882 Creamery 867 Deck 875 Divers Air 581 Double Jacket Fire 874 Duck 904 Engine and Tender 868 Fire, Cotton Rubber Lined 874 Fire, Double Jacket 874 Fire, Underwriters' Stand- ard 874 Fire, Single Jacket 874 Garden Moulded 870 Garden Wrapped 871 Gasoline 867 Gate Valves 884 Gate Valves, Standard.... 650 Linen 873 Menders 888 Metal Steam 868 Mill. Cotton Rubber Lined 873 Moulded Air 866 Moulded Garden 870 Moulded Water 865 Nipples 886 Nipples, Suction 882 Nozzles, Garden 883 Nozzles, Leaky 889 Oil, Suction 869 Pipes 883 Pneumatic Tool 866 Racks 880, 881 Racks, Bowes 880 Racks, Fire 880, 881 Racks, Yale 880 Keducers 886 Reels 878,879 Reels, Fire 881 Sand Blast 866 Single Jacket Fire 874 Spanners 886 Sprinklers, Garden 871, 872 Steam 864 Steam, Price List 863 Steam, Metal 868 Strainers, Suction 889 Straps, Caldwell's 888 Suction 869 Suction, Price List 863 Superheat Steam 864 Tender and Engine 868 Tool 866 Underwriter's S t a n d a rd Fire 874 Vacuum 869 Valves, Standard 649 Valves, Standard Garden. 650 Washout 867 Water 865 Water, Price List 863 Winding 875 Wrapped Garden 871 Hospital Tents, U. S. Army. . 957 Hot Blast Brazing Machines. 373 Blast Lanterns 413,414 Cutters 191 Pressed Nuts 721 Stuff Shovels 199, 202 Water Heating Boilers... 630 "Water Kalsomine 796 Water Pipe Covering 396 Water Radiators 632 Water Sheet Packing. 853 House Brooms 782 Cots, Folding 977 Moving Rollers 505 Raising Jacks 515 Raising Screws 515 Tents, Portable 948, 949 Housing Tents, Contrac- tors 935 Housings 964 How to Measure for Belting. 837 Lace Belts 837 Measure for Sails 966 Hunters' Axes 21 Huntington Track Gauges.. 361 Hub Gauges 116 Hydrant Bibbs 664 Clamps 657 Wrenches 886 Hydraulic Claw Jacks 513 Couplings 685 Dredging Sleeves 868 Gauges 450 Jacks 513 Pump Packing Canvas. . . . 859 Hy-Pol Polish 803 I I Beam Clamps 755 Clips 748 Travelers, Geared ....348,349 Travelers, Plain 348,349 Ice Aprons 892 Bar Chisels 582 Blocks 310 Breaking Bars 582 Markers 582 Picks 67 Plows 582 Saws 5S2 Scales 355 Shavers 582 Tongs 582 Tools 582 Ideal Grease Cups 4T2 Imperial Asbestos Pipe Cov- ering 395 Implement Paint 794 Improved Metal Snatch Blocks 311 Screw Chain Hoists. 335 to 338 Parts 337 to 339 Skidder Blocks 323 Steel Tackle Blocks. . .306, 307 Inclinometers 109 Indentation Rollers 402 Independent Drill Chucks. . . . 137 Indestructible Oilers 476 Indicators, Speed i. 118, 448 Induroid Roofing 394 Industrial Jacks 507, 508 Railway Track 359 Information, Air 1031 Contractors' 1031 Electrical 1025 Fly Wheel 102/ Planes 44 Tents 930 Track Equipment 1028 Paint 1031 Roofers 1031 Steam 1025 Useful 1025 to 1047 Ingersoll-Rogler Air Co m- pressors 604, 605 Injectors 455 to 457 Leader 456 Metropolitan 456, 457 Penberthy Automatic 455 Steam 455 to 457 U. S. Automatic 456 Inland Lake Greases 805 Oils 804 Inner Tubes, Automobile.... 861 Inserts, Concrete 753, 755 Inserting Dies and Cutters, Gromniet 908 Inside Calipers 118 to 120 Insecticide Sprayers 791 Inside White Paints 707 Inspectors' Cars 360 Gauges 116 Test Sets 452 Torches 480 Installation and Maintenance of Belting 836 Instruments, Leveling 124 Insulating; Paper 393 Tape 575 Intercliangeable Screw Driv- ers 66 International Sif^nal Code Book 973 Flags 973 Interior Varnish 800 Iron, to Derive Weight of... 1027 And Steel, Weights of 1043 Bench Screws 56 Block Planes 45 Blocks, Galvanized 1006 Body Butterfly Valves 652 Body Check Valves 652 Body Safety Pop Valves.. 671 Body Standard Angle Valves 654 Body Standard Cross Valves 654 Body Standard Globe Valves 654 Body Throttle Valves 672 Cocks, Asbestos Packed.. 646 Corrugated Sheets 765 Discharge End Boxes.... 486 Flat, Weights of 1042 Foot Valves 652 Frame Grindstones 88 Frame Stone Jacks 514 Framed Wrenches. .518 to 524 Gin Ice Blocks 310 Levels 53,54,123 Mallets 52 Mauls 189,298 Nippers 676 Padlocks 736,737 Paint 794 Pulleys 494 1065 GeoBCar.pen'ter.s Co. Iron Pulley Prices 494, 495 Rivets 767 Sheaves 324,327 Sheets 764 Shields , 712 Strainers 889 Strapped Lizards 917 Tampers 401 Tight and Loose Pulleys. 495 To Find Weights 1026 Weights of Round and Square 1040 Wire Rope 590, 591 Irons, Bending 379 Branding 407 Caulking 1021 Clamps 58 Derrick 548 to 562 Grappling 1001 Hawsing 1021 Leg 559 Plumbers' Bending 379 Scraping 1021 Setters, Derrick 525 Smoothing 388 Soldering 377 Toggle 569 Top Stiff Leg 559 Tuyere 176 Ironworkers' Safety Nets ... . 790 Vises 99 Irrigation Strainers 280 Italian Hemp Packings 824 J Jackhamer Rock Drills 364 Jack Chain 602 Planes 44 Screws 117 Screw Caps 515 Screw Plates 515 Screws, Telescopic 515 Jacks 506 to 517 Automobile 510 Automobile and Industrial 510 Ball Bearing 511, 512 Ballast 506 Bell 515, 516 Bell Base' Ratchet 516 Bottle 515, 516 Bridge 507 Broad Base, Key Release. 513 Cable' Reel 516 Car 507 Car Replacing 517 Carrying 516 Emergency 508, 509 Geared 507 House Raising 515 Hydraulic 513 Hydraulic Claw 513 Industrial 507, 508 Locomotive 515, 516 Machinery 514 Ordnance 508 Pole 509 Pulling 517 Pushing and Pulling 517 Ratchet Carrying 516 Ratchet Pulling 517 Screw, Track 517 Simplex 506 to 510 Steam Boat Ratchet 517 Steel 506 to 517 Stone' 514 Stone, Wood Frame 514 Stone, Iron Frame 514 Track 506 Trench 275 Trip 506,507 Tripod Ratchet 516 U. S 972 Jacobs' Drill Chucks 137 Jaw Nuts 722 and Y Stubs, Awning 913 Ends, Awning 909 Hinges, Awning 910 Slides, Awning 911 Stubs, Awning 909 Jeffery's Marine Glue 1024 Jenney Pole Supports 294 Jet Pumps 458, 459 American 458 H.-D 458 Jewel Grease' Cups 472 Jewelers' Chain Nose Pliers 68 Jenkins' Angle Valves 641 Angle Valves Iron Body.. 644 Angle Valves with Yoke. . 643 Automatic Air Valves.... 645 Ball Gauge Cocks 642 Blow Off Valves 643 Brass Safety Valves 644 Check Valves 641 Compression Gauges 645 Corner Valves 643 Cross Valves 641 Cross Valves with Yoke.. 643 Gate Valves 642 Gauge Cocks 642, 645 Globe Valves 641 Globe Valves Iron Body. . 644 Globe' Valves with Yoke. . 643 Hose Angle Valves 644 Hose Globe Valves 644 Iron Body Check Valves.. 643 Quick Opening Valves.... 642 Radiator Angle A^alves... 644 Radiator Globe Valves. . . . 644 Radiator Valves 644, 645 Screwed Blow Off Valves 644 Swing Check Valves 641 Valves 641 to 645 Y Screwed Valves 644 Y Valves 643 Jim Crow Rail Benders 361 Jingle Bells 991 Johnson's First Aid Cabinets 412 Joint Clamps, Steam 638 Runners, Lead 378 Jointer Gauges , 46 Planes 44 Jointers 250, 400 -Cement 400 Sidewalk 400 Roller 402 Joints, Expansion 653 Expansion, Weights of... 1045 Flexible Pipe 638 Standard Expansion 653 Steam Swing 653 Swing 653 Joist Hangers 755 Tongs 289 Journal Bearings 502 to 504 Boxes with Sheaves 548 Joy Automatic Couplers 887 Jumbo Nail Pullers 357 Junior Wagon Lamps 414 Jupiter Transmission Rope... 593 Jute Clothes Line 827 Rope 824 Twines 830 Wrapping Twines 830 K K. & W. Column Clamps.... 756 Kalsomine Brushes 785 Hot Water 796 Kaplan Red and Black Sheet Packing 854 Keyseating Wood Pulleys... 491 Kedge Anchors 1001 Kerosene Blow Torches and Paint Burners 372 Cans 474, 484 Engines 611 Lanterns 413 to 416 Ranges 983 Kettles 381 and Boilers, Farm 382 Pitch 384 to 387 Steam, Jacketed 382 Sugar 381 Wash 381 Kewanee, Flange Unions..,. 673 Unions 673 Key Release Broad Base Jacks 513 Seat Clamps 108 Seaters 92 Seating Lathe Attach- ments 172 Way Cutting Lathe At- tachment 172 Keyhole Calipers 119 Saw Pads 11 Saws 11 Keys, Center 136 Drift 136 Flat Spring 727 Tent, Wood 920 Keyseaters, Portable Shaft.. 92 Shaft 92 Keystone Chain Links 603 Ratchets 145, 146 Roofing 394 Khaki Tents 93 Kiel 404 Marking 404 Kits, Auto 434 to 436 Automobile First Aid 412 Cooking 985 Handy Saw 10 Repair 433 Klein's Diamond Special Side' Cutting Pliers 72 Eastern Climbers 72 Electrical Cons truction Tools 72. 73 Knife Handle Wrenches. .426, 427 Knives, Belt 845 Draw 42 Draw Folding Handle 42 Farriers' 191 Putty 793 Scraping 793 Stripping 42 Yachtmen's 985 Knob Eyelets 919 Matting 877 Knobs, Drive 919 Grommet 907 Knotted Roofing Brushes. .. . 784 Knuckle Joints, Awning 921 L Liace Cutters 846 Cutters Belt 846 Leather, Rawhide Belt 847 Lacing, Alligator Steel Belt. . 852 Belt 847 Cut Belt 841 Rawhide 847 Steel Belt, Bristol's 851 Ladders Extension, Windlass 789 Long 789 Painters' Step 789 Rope 789 Windlass Extension 789 Ladles, Melting 377 Pitch 391 Lag Screw Wrenches 72 Screws 705 Screws, Number in pack- age 1038 Screws, Weights of 1038 Lagging, Asbestos Boiler.... 396 Lamp Chimneys 416 Reflectors 417 Wicks 417 Lamps 413 to 415 Beacon 414 Blizzard Dash 413 Contractors' Shanty 414 Copper Plated Steel 480 Electric 425 Gasoline 418 Hanging 415 Junior Wagon / . 414 Mazda 425 Octo Driving 415 Pioneer Hanging 415 Pioneer Street 415 Platform 415 Railroad 414, 415 Steel Hand 480 Wagon 415 Land Measure Tables 1030 Lantern Burners 417 Chimneys 416 Globes 416 Reflectors 417 Wicks • 417 Geo-B-Carpem'ter ^ eo. 1066 L^xterns, Barn 413 to 415 Llold Blast 413,416 D.-L,ite 413 Jrasoline 418 Hand 413 to 416 Hot Blast 413. 414 Kerosene 413 to 416 Little Star 414 Monarch 413 Railroad 414 to 416 Vesta Railroad 414 Wizard 413 Wagon 413 to 415 Steel Clad R. R 416 Lard Oil 805 Large Head Barbed Roofing- Nails 772 Hemp Twines 828 Wall Tents 935 Lariat Hondas 823 Rope 823 Lariats, Braided Cotton 823 Braided Linen 823 Latches, Barn Door 743 Door 734 Night 738 Thumb 734 Lateral Arms Awning 922 Laterals. Standard Cast Iron Flanged 690 Lath Hatchets 23, 24 Metal 748 Nails .^ 772 Nails, Blued Sterilized 772 Lathe Chucks 137 Logs 128 Keyseating Attachments. 172 Keyway Cutting Attacli- ments 172 Milling Attachments 172 Squaring Attachments. .. . 172 Tool Posts 128 Tool Tongs 192 Lathes 169 Engine 169, 170 Gap Bridge Bed 171 Screw Cutting 169, 170 Lathyarn, Sisal 822 Tarred 822 Untarred 822 Lawn Canopies 946 Tents, Palmetto 941 Lead, Bar 377 Joint Runners . 378 Melting Furnaces 376 Pencils 404A • Pig 377 Pot 799 Sheaves 550 Sheet 377 Shields 710 to 715 White 793 Leader Ejectors 456 Screw Drivers 65 Lenders, Chain Double Up- right 1009 Flat Double 1009 Flat Single 1009 Single Upright 1009 Leading Wire 575 Leading Wire Reels 575 Leakies 889 Leaky Hose Nozzles 889 Leather Aprons 287 Belt Cement 852 Belt Laces, Rawhide 847 Belting 839 to 841 Belting, High Speed 840 Belting. Price List 841 Belting. Round Solid 841 Belting. Round Twisted.. 841 Belting. Solid Round 841 Belting. Twisted Round.. 841 Belting. Waterproof 840 Cement, Belt 852 Soled Rubber Boots 890 Washers 489 Leathers, Cup 282 Oar 989 Pump Valve 282 Standard Cup 282 Lee Irons , , 559 Lemon Polishing Oil 803 Letters, Steel 405 Level Glasses 54 Handle Rough Stop Cocks 659 Sights 54 Levelers 223 Leveling Instruments 124 Rods 126 Levels 53, 54 Adjustable 53 And Plum.bs 53, 54 Architects 126 Bench 122 to 124 Common 54 Double Plumb 123 Eclipse 54 Electricians' 124 Engineers' 123 Gauge and Track 361 Iron 53, 54, 123 Macliinists' Iron 54 Masons' 53 Metallic 53, 54 Non-adjustable 53 Plumbers' 123 Pocket 54 Pocket Straight Edge 54 Track 361 Wood 53, 54 Lever Shears 185 Lewises 535 Stone 535 Life Boat Drags 993 Boats 992 Life Preservers, Cork 992 Rafis 992 Lifts, Bar 734 Window 734 Light Barbed Car Nails 771 Bars 296 Boat Nails 770 Hinge Nails 771 Light Loose Pin Butts 729 Narrow Butts 730 Strap Hinges 728 Swivels 1015 Lighthouse Cleaner 802 Soap 801 Washing Powder 802 Lights, Anchor 995 Carbide Flare 420 to 424 Combination 994 Combination Electric Ma- rine 996 Electric Flash 987 Electric Post 996 Electric Running 996 Fresnal Steamer 995 Fresnal Tug 995 Milburn 422, 424 Motor Boat 994 Running Electric 996 Steamer Fresnal 995 Steamer Signal 995 Stern 994 Tug Fresnal 995 Lignum-vitae Mallets 52 Lime, Chloride of 802 Line Rollers 402 Lineman's Heavy Side Cut- ting Pliers 68 Pliers 69 Tool Kits 443 Linen Hose 873 Lariats, Braided 823 Tapes 62 Twines 829 Lines, Chalk 826 Clothes 827 Cotton Trot 832 Garden 826 Masons' 832 Small Braided 826 Tow 597 Trot Cotton 832 Truck 597 Lining. Asbestos Brake 746 Lining Bars 295 Link Belt 766 Hooks. Safety 1015 Links, Acme 603 Bright 603 Chain 603 Connecting 603 Keystone Chain 603 Missing 603 Repair 603 Liquid Glue 1024 Measure Tables 1030, 1032 Weight Table 1032 Wood Filler 799 List, File and Rasp 78, 79 Standard Machine Bit.... 35 Prices, Leather Belting. . . 841 Prices, Oiled Clothing 896 Prices, Rubber Belting 836 Prices. Standard Wide Cotton Duck 90 Prices. Steam Hose' 863 Prices. Suction Hose 863 Prices. Water Hose 863 Litters. Army 977 "Little Fiend" Attachment.. 375 ''Little Giant" Collets 156 Dies 156 Power Hammers 95 Ratchet Nut Wrenches... 42S Stocks 156 Taps 156 Threading Machine 160 "Little Star" Lantern 414 Lizard!^, Awning 917 Iron Strapped 917 Wire Strapped 917 Loading and Lumberman's Blocks 312 Lobster Claws 1020 Lock Nuts 682, 721, 725 Nuts. Brass i . . 675 Seam Speaking Tube..... 74 Washers 725 Locks, Door 738 Oar 988 Row 988 Loeorn'otive Boilers 621 Jacks 515 Jack Screws 515. 516 Switch Ropes 597 Torches 480 Log Chains 601 Rule's 60 Stamps 405.407 Logging Tools 286 to 288 Logs. Taffrail 999 Long Drop Elbows 682 Drop Tees 682 Handled Cement Tools... 402 Handled Floats 402 Handled Shovels ...198 to- 208 Handled Trowels 402 Hay Fork Handles 210 Ladders 789 Manure Fork Handles.... 210 Round Handle Wrenches. 442 Scoop Handles 210 Screws 677 Shovel Handles 210 Sweep Double' Branch El- bows 685 Sweep Elbows 685 Loom Fixers' Pliers 69 Loops, Chandelier 682 Loose Pin Butts 729 Low Pressure Damper Regu- lators 667 Safety Valves 667 Safety Pop Valves 669 Loys 294 Lubricants 806 Dixon's Automobile 810 Glasses 470 Washers 470 Lubricators •x60, 473 Detroit 461 to 466 Detroit "500" 465 Detroit Improved 462 Detroit Improved Stand- ard 461 Detroit Kid 466 Hills-McCanna 466 Plain Engine 467 Engine 467 Madison-Kipp 460 1067 Geo-BCar.peN'ter s Go. Lug Hooks .^°^ Lumber Crayons 404A Dollies Ill Gauges ^°° Lumberhandlers' Aprons ^l' Lumber Rollers • ^°° Lunibermeu'8 Crayons a)Ia\ Pencils 404A Pencil Holders..... ^.^.^..^.^40^4A Lunch Baskets, Refrigerator 985 Lunch Sets • 984 Lunkenheiiner Grease Cups. 47 J Lye'^'!..'^.^::::::::::::::::: tol M Machine Augers 33 Bits ^^' nH Bolt Anchors 'J_» gOltS "Oi Bolts, Amount in Case 1036 Bolts, Weights 1037 Chains 602 Cotton Sewing Twine 831 Dies 1»7 Hack Saw Blades 97 (Screw Nuts 7Z5 Screw Nuts, Square 725 Screw Taps 138 Screws Jl? Thread 829,921 Wood Bits 32 Machinery Jacks 514 Rollers 505 Spraying "^^1' I^? Transmission 490 to 504 Well 276 to 285 Machines, Bar Bending 180 to 182 Brazing 373 Bolt Threading 158 to 160 Boring 47 Champion Thread Cutting 158 Crimping and Beading. .. . 380 Hack Saw 94, 95 Hand Power Threading 158, 159 Hot Blast Brazing 373 Little Giant Threading.. 160 Melting 373 Oster Pipe 148, 149 Pipe Bending 180 Pipe Joint Lead Melting. . 373 Pipe and Bar Bending. 180, 182 Pipe Threading Power... 149 Power Bolt 160 Power Nut 160 Power Pipe 160 Power Threading 160 Sand Blast 370 Shingle, Power Feed 249 Spraying 791,792 Thread Cutting 158 to 160 Wood Working 239 to 250 Machini.sts' Chisels 194 Clamps 129 Hammers 18 Hammer Handles 211 Hand Punches 194 Hand Taps 138 Iron Levels 54 Riveting Hammers 19 Scre'w Drivers 65 Vises 98 McDermid Patent Bases 568 Madison-Kipp Lubricators... 460 Magazine Screw Drivers.... 56 Magnetized Tack Hammers.. 67 Magnifying Glasses 125 Mail Bag: Grommet Dies 908 Grommets 907 Mail Bags 444 Maintenance and Installation of Belting 836 Maitre Cord, Hand Laid 833 Major Roofing 392 Malleable Clamps 129 Clinch Rings 724 Cross Overs 678 "D's" 197 Iron Caps 680 Iron Crosses 681 Iron Drive Shoes 284 Iron Elbows o79 Iron Reducers ooO Iron Return Bends 684 Iron Service Tees 682 Iron Tees 681 Iron "Y" Bends 683 Pipe Vises • • • • 10^ Stocks and Dies 15.3 Washers 7|4 Mallets, Hickory 5^ Iron »^ Lignum Vitae ■ oi Rawhide 408A Tinners' g^ Wood 52 Man, Old 193 Mandrels > ^°° Manila Clothes Lines 827 Lariat Rope 8f3 Plope' °^° Rope Blocks 299 to 315 Rope Differentials •. . . 819 Rope Gin Blocks 310 Rope Hawser Laid 820 Rope Hoists - 350 Rope Ladders 'S^ Rope Sheaves 324, 325 Rope Snatch Blocks 302 Rope Steam Tarred 820 Rope Strength 819 Rope' Tallow Laid 8^0 Rope Transmission Sheaves 500 Mantles, Floodlight 419 Staple Rollers 505 Squares 50a Marine Blocks 1006 Clocks 990 Department 987 to 1024 Drags 99d Enamels »00 Glasses 990 Glue, Jeffreys 1024 Glue Thinner 1024 Grease Cups 47og 60 Slide 59 Steel 107 Zigzag 59 RnleH for Annealing Steel. . . .1029 Drilling Steel 1029 Finding Horse Power .... 1027 Hardening Gravers 1029 Sfiuare Measure .'jO Tempering Steel (,29 Turning Steel 1029 Runners. Lead .Toint . ... 378 Running Lights, Electric 996 Rust Proof Paints 795 s "S" Hooks 1017 «S" AVreiK-beM, Adjustable . . . 427 Drop Forged 439 Sack -Balers 230 Sacking Needles, Spring Eye -919 Saddles, Pipe 685 Steam Pipe 685 Safety Bails 790 Belts 72 Cans, Rubbish 610 Devices 790 Devices, Caisson 532 Gasoline Cans 484 Hasps 732 Helmets 409 Hoods 409 Link Hooks 1015 Nets 790 Rubbish Cans 610 Set Collars 500 Split Collars 500 Straps 72 Straps and Bails 790 Valves 667, 669 to 672 Valves, Standard 669 Sail Cloth 903 Duck 902 Needles 919 Twine 829 Twine, Cotton 831 SaiLs. How to Measure for. . . . 966 Old 905 Sailniakers, Heavers 918 Marline Spikes 918 Palms 918 Prickers 918 Steel Bench Hooks 918 Thimbles 917 Sailmaking 965 Sailors' Bags 964 Palms 918 Sal Soda 802 Salamander Covers 362 Grates 362 Hoods 362 Salamanders 362 Salts, Soldering 380 Samson Car Movers 358 Mounted Grindstones .... 87 Sandals 388 Asphalt 388 Divers 579 Sand and Gravel Pumps 265 And Gravel Driers 383 Belting, Gold Line Cotton. 843 Blast Hose 866 Blast Machines 370 Cloth 80 Driers 362 Netting 749 Paper 80 Points 276 to 278 Pumps 283 ■Screening 749 Screens 212 Sanitary Cuspidors 410 Sapolio 802 Sargent Rock Drills 365 Sasgen Derricks 544 to 547 Sash Brushes 787 Chain 602, 739, 1011 Chain Fixtures 739 Cords. Braided Cotton ... 825 Pulleys 740 Tools 787 Weights 739 Saunders W'heel Pipe Cutter 431 Repairs for 219 Saw Arbors, Pile 574 Blades 11 Blades, Coping 11 Clamps 14 Gauges 16 Guards 247 Glimmers 91 Handles 16 Handles, Two Men .■ 16 Kits 10 Makers Anvils 16 Mills 247 Rigs 239 to 245 Rigs, Gasoline 239 to 245 Rigs, Electric 239 to 245 Sets 16 Swages 16 Tables 239 to 245 Up»et» 16 Saws and Pads, Keyhole 11 Back 11 Band 14 Cabinet 11 Circular 15 Compass 11 Coping 11 Cord Wood 249 Cross Cut, One Man 12 Cross Cut, Two Men ...12, 13 Dovetail 11 Drag, Power 247 Hack 94, 95 Hand 8 to 10 Ice 582 Keyhole 11 Marvel High Speed 95 Metal 92 Metal Slitting 92 Panel 8 to 10 Piling 12, 13 Power Hack 95 Rip 8 to 10 Screw Slotting 92 Slitting 92 Slotting 92 Swing 246, 247 Swing Cut Off 246, 247 Sawyers' Oiled Clothing. . 893, 897 Slickers 893, 897 Scales 353 to 355 Circular Dial 355 Counter" 355 Draftsmen's 124 Ice 355 Pit 353 to 355 Platform 353 to 354 Portable 354, 355 Spring Balance 355 Team 353 "^^agon 353 Warehouse 354 Schedule. Steel Cutting 761 WMre Nails 768 School Bells 967 Chalk 404 Crayons 404 Schooner Mast Flag Poles . . 968 Scoop Cars 232 Handles 209 Scoops 199, 204, 205, 207 Breaking-down 204 Charging 204 Coal 199, 204, 205, 207 Diamond Point 204 Flour 489 Flour, Champion 489 Gas House 204 Grain 489 Starting 204 Scourene 802 Scraper Sharpeners 845 Scrapers 43, 218, 219, 223 Adjustable 43 Belt 845 Box 43 Buck 223 Cabinet 56 Columbus 218 Dirt 218 to 223 Doan Ditching 222 Drag 218, 219, 223 Drag, Square Rack 223 Flat 56 Flue 447 Handled 43 Horse 218 to r-^3 Repairs for 219 Ship 1021 Sidewalk 403 Tongue 223 Veneer 43 Western Wheeled 222 Window 783 Scraping Irons 1021 Knives :.■•. 793 Tools 37R Scratch Awls _67 Screen Cloth 747 1075 Geo-B-Carpei^ter ^ eo. Screen Door Butts 73C Handles 730 Hardware 730 Hooks 730 Sets 730 Springs 730 Screen, Wire iiSo Screening:, Gravel 749 Sand 749 Window 747 Screens 212, 233 Coal 212 Coke 212 Gravel 212 Sand 212 Stone 233 Screw Adjusting Calipers 120 Anchors 715 Cliain Hoists 335 to 339 Clamps 57 Cutting- Lathes 169, 170 Driver Bits 66 Screw Drivers 56, 65, 66 Drivers, Automatic 66 Drivers, Cabinet Makers'. . 65 Drivers, Champion 56 Drivers, Electricians' 122 Drivers, Interchangeable . 66 Drivers, Leader 65 Drivers, Machinists' 65 Drivers, Magazine 56 Drivers, Perfect Handle . . 66 Drivers, Pocket 56 Drivers, Ratchet 49 Drivers, Small Shank 65 Drivers, Three-in-One . . • 56 Eye Bolts 1016 Eye Bolts, Shoulder 1017 Eyes 916 Hoists, Parts 337 to 339 Hoists with Traveller com- bined 336 Hooks 916, 1016 Joint Rail Fittings . .699 to 701 Pitch Gauge 115 Plates 153, 155 to 158, 160 Plates, Assorted 155 Punches 183 Ring- Bolts 1016 Slotting Saws 92 Top Oil Cups 469 Track Jacks 517 Scre-ws, Bench 56 Boat Clamp 57 Brass, Wood 714 A Cap 717, 718 Coach 705 Hand 57 House Raising 515 Jack 117 Jack, Bell Base Ratchet.. 516 Lag 705 •Locomotive Jacks ....515, 516 Machine 719 Rigger 1020 Set 716 Socket Set 716 Telescopic Jack 515 Thumb 723 Wood 714 Wood, Brass 1023 Scribes 117 Timber 48 Scrub Brushes 783 Scrubs and Squeegees 783 Scuffle Hoes 291 Scythes 297 Bush 297 Grass 297 Weed 297 Sea Anchors 993 Seam Composition 799 Paint 799 Seaming Cord 830 Seamless Drawn Brass Tub- ing 674 Drawn Copper Tubing. . . . 674 Searchlight Controls 997 Projectors 997 Searchlights 997 Wireless 997 Seating Tools for Cylinders . . 282 Seine Twine 832 Seine Twine, Cotton 833 Seizing Stuff, Wire 592 Sem Dae Liquid Gloss 803 Semi-Finished Nuts 722 Sensitive Bench Drills ..161, 165 Sentinel Roofing 392 Oil Cups 468 Separator Covers 960 Separators, Steam 628 Service Sets, Wrench 433 Tees 682 Set Collars 500 Hammers 191 Screws 716 Screws, Socket 716 Sets, Auger Bit 27 Automatic Tool 66 Button 190 Chisel 40, 41 Diving, Complete 578 Drills 135 Engineers' Oilers 475 Generator 998 Inspectors' Test 452 Lunch 984 Nail 67 Oiler 475 Patent Nail and Holder. . . 122 Rivet 190, 847 Saw 16 Ship Auger Bits 28 Starrett's Tools 123 Steam Test 452 Taps 138 Tool, Hollow Handle 48 Tools 48, 434 to 436 Yankee Tool 66 Settees, Folding 979 Setters Derrick Gearings.... 525 Derrick Irons 525 Derricks 544 Derricks, Top Point 544 Setting, Dies, Grommet 908 Machines, Grommet 908 Sewer Braces 275 Mauls 292 Pipe Stamps 406 Shovels 198, 202, 205, 206 Sewing Hafts 67 Machine Motors 921 Twine 829 Twine, Cotton Machine . . 831 Shackle Bars 295 Shackles 1014 Bow 1015 Guy with Sheave 552 Swivel 1015 Shade Nails 773 Shades, Porch 927 Spring 928-929 Sun Porch 927 Window 928-929 Shaft Key Seaters 92 Speed Counters 448 Shafting 496, 497 Cold Rolled 496, 497 Collars 500 Couplings 498, 501 Extras 497 Hangers 501 to 504 To Find Horse Power of.. 1027 Turned, Horse Power of.. 1028 Shafts, Caisson 533 Shanty Brooms 782 Hasps 728 Hinges 728 Padlocks 736, 737 Staples and Hasps 732 Stoves 633 Sharpeners,^ Tool 85 to 90 Scraper 845 Shavers, Ice 582 Shaves, Spoke 43 Shaving Forks 197 Shearing and Bearing Values of Rivets 1033 Shearing- Attachments 185 Shears 183 to 185 and Punches 185 Lever 185 Steel 184 Steel Armor Plate 186 Tinners 330 Tinners Bench 146 Wire 146 Sheathes and Belts 918 Sheathing, Asbestos 394 Red Rosin 393, 394 Sheave Brackets 555 Bushings 324 Sheaves, Bottom 234 Caisson 533 Car Puller Lead 550 For Blocks 324 to 327 Guide for Wire Rope 550 Iron 324 to 327 Lead 550 Manila Rope 324, 325 Pile Driver 571 Tackle Block 324. 32a Tandem 558 Top 234 Tower 234 Transmission 500 Wire Rope 326, 327 With Axles 548 With Guards 550 With Journal Boxes 548 Sheet Brass Eyelet Grommets 907 Brass, Perforated 747 Iron 764 Lead 377 Metal Fasteners 752 Packing 853. 854 Packing-, Cloth Inserted... 854 Packing, Old Colony 853 Packing-, Pure Gum 854 Packing-, Rainbow 854 Packing-, Red and Blaqk. . 854 Packing-, Superlieat 853 Packing, White Asbestos. . 854 Pile Caps 573 Pile Hammers 567 Pile Pullers 572 Plank Caps 573 Roofing Fasteners 772 Rubber Tiling- 876 Steel 764 Steel, Galvanized 765 Washer Grommets 907 Sheeting Hammers, Air 567 Sheets, Bed, Stockmen's 960 Black, Weights of 1043 Stockmen's Bed 960 Shell, Reamers 143 Reamers, Arbors for 140 Sheldon Car Movers 358 Shelter Tents 955 Shields, Expansion 710 to 7l5 Iron 712 Lead 710 to 715 Shingle Bands 296 Handles 211 Mills 249 Nails 770 Shingles, Certainteed 392 Roofing 392 Shingling Hatchets 23, 24 Ship Adzes 22 Auger Bit Sets 28 Auger Bits 28 Auger Car Bits 29 Augers 29. 31 Carpenters' Clamps 57 Cleats 1000 Glue 1024 Mauls 189 Scrapers 1021 Seam Brushes 784 Shipmate Ranges 982 Ship-H, Bell Clocks.*. 990 Bells 991 Shoe Thread 829 Shoes, Cast Steel Drive 284 Divers 579 Divers' Chafing 579 Forged Steel 284 High Topped 890 Horse 191 Malleable Iron Drive 284 Mule 191 GEO•B•eAR,PE^fTER ^ CO. 1076 Shoes, Pile 573 Well Drive 2S4 Yacht 897 Shouliler, Eye Bolts, Navy... 1017 Screw Eye Bolts 1017 Shovel Handles 209 Shovel8 19S to 203, 205 to 208 Ames 206, 207 Asphalt 199, 202 Blast Furnace 200 Carpenter 198, 199 Coal 199, 201, 204 Concrete 198 to 208 Concrete Facing 20S Contractors 198 to 207 Dirt 198 to 207 Hot Stuff 199, 202 L.ong Handles 198 to 208 Miscellaneous 208 Moulders 198, 201, 202, 206 Ore 200 Round Point 198 to 207 Sewer 198, 202, 205, 206 Snow 208 Solid Socket 202 Square Point 198 to 207 Street Commissioner 200 Success 205 Telegraph 199, 203 Tiling 208 Track 200 Wet Material 201 Shrinkage of Castings 1030 Shut Off Funnels 482 Shuts, Cold 603 Siamese Connections 889 Twin Bolts 752 Sihley Tents 937 Sickles 297 Side Calipers 110 Chisels 190 Cotter Hinges. Awning . . . 910 Cutting Splicing Pliers ... 69 Pulleys, Single Standard. . 1007 Pulleys. Double Standard. 1007 Tool Holders 127 SldeTcnlls, Tent 951 Merry-Go 951 SIdev»-alk Cleaners 582 Jointers 400 Markers 406 Scrapers 403 Stamps 406 Siding, Corrugated 765 Sight Feed Oil Valves 471 Sights. Level 54 Sign Hangers' Chain 1010 Sigrnal Bags 974' Coke Bags 974 Code Books 973 Flags, International Code. 973 Gongs 447 Lights Steamer 995 Oil 805 Water Lights, Distress . . 993 SIgrnalB. Club 972 Distress. Water Light .... 993 International Code 973 Night Marine 993 Private 972 Storm 971 Weather 970 Silk Companv Flags 970 U. S. Flags, Printed 974 Union 903 Silkelene Tents, Waterproof, 932, 933 Sill Borers 26 Silver Solder 14 Silver Tool Steel 762 Sllicoat Roofing 394 SinKle Bit Axes 20 Cheek Halyard Blocks ...1007 Counter 48 Cutter Mattocks 196 Deck Halyard Blocks ....1007 Drum Geared W^inches 519 to 523 Drum Reversible Friction Hoists 530 Filling Colored Duck .... 904 Flat Chain Leaders 1009 Flat Wire Rope Pulleys. .1008 Filling Duck 903 Grate Bars 625 Head Engineers Wrenches 438 Hooks, Small Eye" 1012 Hooks with Thimbles ....1013 Jacket Fire Hose 874 Pick up Tongs 192 Shaft Geared Winches 519 Upright Chain Leaders ...1009 Standard Side Pulleys 1007 Upright Wire Rope Pulleys 1008 Twist Auger Bits 27 Simplex Jacks 506 to 510 Siphon Pumps 272 Siphons 452 Blakeslee's Steam 458 Radiator 452 Steam 272, 452 Steam Gauge 452 Sisal Clothes lines 827 Hide Rope *. 821 Hay Rope 821 Lathyarn 822 Lathyarn Differentials .... 819 Ring Yarn 822 Sisal Rope 821 Complex 821 Differentials 819 Pure 821 Steam Tarred 820 Sister Hooks 598 Hooks with Thimbles 1013 Sizes, Oiled Clothing 892 Tap Drills 1038 Tents 930 Skew Cutter Planes 46 Skids 357 Barrel 357 Skidding Tongs 289 Skip Tooth Dies 157 Skins, Chamois 793 Skips 534 Skips, Steel Derrick 534 Slaters Felt 393 Slating Nails 770 Slash Bars 447 Sledge Handles 211 Sledges 189 Blacksmith 189 Coal 189 Stone 189 Sleeper Clips 748 Sleeve Couplings 501 Twisters 73 Sleeves, Corrugated Dredging 868 Dredging 86S Drill 136 Nail 776 Pipe 677 Ratchet 145 Steel 136 Suction 860 Slicing Bars 447 Slicker Suits 895 Slickers, Price List 896 Excelsior Brand 894 Slicks 39, 294 Socket 30 Wood 39 Slide Rods, Awning 915 Rules 59 Slides, Government Tent 920 Tent Wood 920 Slidinc Door Equipment 741 to 743 T Bevels 51 Slinsrs, Chain 534, 601 Wheelbarrow 519 Slip Joint Pliers 70 Joint Rail Fittings 699 Tees, Awning Rod 912 Slips 408A Slitting Saws 92 Plotting Saws 92 Slushing Compound Grease. . . 805 Smnll Braided Lines 826 Eye Sinerle Hooks 1012 Eye Swivel Hooks 1012 Shank Screw Drivers Vises Winches, Not Geared .... Wrapping Twines Smith Patent Belt Fasteners Smoke Stack Paint Smooth Box Nails Foundry Nails Smooth-on Compound . . . . Smooth rianes Smoothers, Asphalt Smoothing Irons Snap Hooks, Wire Hooks, Swivel Eye Tubing Snaps, Auto lock Boat, Round Eye Harness Pneumatic Rivet Snatch Blocks 302, 303, 311, 313. Sniffing Relief Valves Snips, Tinners' Snow Brooms Shovels Soap American Crown American Family Automobile Black Dub-L-Kleen Economizer Floating Light House Savers Soft Tar Soapstone Crayons Socket Butt Chisels and Hooks Corner Chisels Firmer Chisels Firmer Chisels in Rolls.. Firmer Gouges Framing Chisels Set Screw Wrenches Set Screws Slicks Socket ^V^enches 432,433 Double Head In Sets 432 Steel Bridge Sockets, Drill Steel TVire Rope Soda Ash Sal Sodium Phosphate Soft Brushes, Moulders' Plugs Soap Steel Sun Hats Solder Half and Half Silver Wire Soldering; Compound Coppers Iron Handles Irons Nipples Paste Salts Sticks Unions Solid Braided Cotton Rope... Center Auger Bits Center Ship Auger Car Bits Dies Round Leather Belting . . . Sleeve Couplings Socket Shovels Woven Belting. White Cot- ton Woven Cotton Belting, Black Diamond 106 518 828 849 795 769 771 806 44 38S 388 917 1012 580 916 1012 917 367 317 670 380 782 208 801 801 801 801 801 801 610 801 .801 610 801 801 404 38 598 ?9 37 40 39 38 716 716 39 , 441 441 , 433 432 136 136 598 802 802 802 779 626 801 759 897 377 377 14 377 380 377 211 377 660 380 380 380 660 826 27 29 157 841 501 202 1077 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER « Co, Solid Woven White Cotton Belting 843 Spade Handles 209 Spades 198 to 208 Concrete 208 Ditching 199,202.207,203 Drain .199,202,207,208 Facing 208 Form 208 Nursery 202,207 Post 207 Spading Forks 197 Spalling Hammers 189 Spanner Wrenches 886 Fire Plug 442 Spanners, Fire Hose 886 Spar Coating 800 Composition 800 Scrapers 1021 Varnish 800 Spark Plug Files 77 Speaking Tube 740 Tube Elbows 740 Special Angle Valves 650 Extra Heavy Square Check Wire Rope 322 Globe Valves 650 Goggles 409-410 Steel Tackle Blocks 308 Wall Tents 931 Wood Rollers 505 Speed Counters, Shaft 448 Indicators 118-448 Grain Elevator Belts 1028 Sperm Oil 805 Spigots, Oil 463 Spike Awning Hinges 913 Spikes 776 to 778 Boat, Square 776 Marlin 1020 Pole and Tie Marking 778 Railroad 778 Square Boat 776 Spindle Wick Oilers 469 Spiral Asbestos Packing, High Pressure 857 Compression Couplings . . . 498 Packing 857 Ratchet Screw Drivers... 49 Riveted Pipe 636 Riveted Pipe Bolts..! 637 Riveted Pipe B , nged Fit- tings 637 Riveted Pipe Flanges 637 Riveted Pipe Gaskets 637 Steel Conveyors 486 Spirit Compasses 999 Stain 799 Splash Hoods 235 Splicers, Trawl 918 Spllfing Clamps 73 "Wire Rope 584 Split Bands with 2 Links 557 Collars 500 Post Journal Bearings . . 502 Splitters, Nut 720A Spoke Shaves 43 Sponges 793 Automobile 793 Painters 793 Spools, Pile Drivers' 574 Roller, and Axles 569 Spoon Oars 989 Spoons, Digging 199-203 Telegraph 199-203 Sporting Boots 891 Spouting, Concrete 235 Equipment 231 to 235 Flexible 232 Spouts, Oiler 479 Oil Can 479 Flexible Grain 488 Grain 488 Trimming 48S Spraying Machines 791 Spreader Concrete Carts 224 Sprayers 372 Barrel 791 Compressed Air 372 Oil and Paint 372 Paint 791-792 WhiteTvasll 791-792 Spring Balance Scales 355 Cotters 726 Dollies 193 Eye Sacking Needles 919 Governors 627 Hinge Sets 731 Key Cocks 666 Keys,' Flat 727 Packing Chisels 379 Roller Porch Curtains 927 Shades. Carpenter 928-929 Steel Sewer Rod 377 Tube Expanders 431 Springs, Bed 410 Bunk 410 Conical Pump Valves .... 398 Door Check 733 Pipe Bending 379 Plumbers' Bending 379 Valve 398 Woven Wire 410 Sprinklers • 871, 872 Garden Hose 871, 872 Spruce Oars 989 Spuds, Concrete 403 Digging, with Tampers . . 294 Spun Cotton 391 Spuv Geared Chain Hoists ,. 328 to 334 Gearing 487 Grommets 907 Squam Hats, 897 Stjiuare Back Drag Scrapers 223 Boat Spikes 776 Braided Flax Packing 860 Cheek Wire Rope Blocks 318 to 322 Drill Rods 763 End Oblong Tents 942 Head Cap Screws 717 Head Standard Steam Cocks 648 Hip Roof Tents 940 Jaw Slides, Awning .... 911 Machine Screw Nuts .... 725 Measure Rules 1030 Measure Table 1032 Nuts 721,722 Pipe Stocks and Dies 152 Plate W^ashers 708 Point Shovels 198 to 207 Slides, Awning 911 Sockets, Awning 912 Steel Bars 759 Tampers 401 Squares, Carpenters' 50 Adjustable Try and Mitre. 51 Caliper 110 Collapsible 50 Combination 108 Double 109 Maple 505 Mitre 51 Steel 50 Take-down 50 Try 51, 109 Squaring Attachments, Lathe 172 Squeegees and Scrubs 783 Floor 783 Window 783 Stable Tents, Contractors* . . . 954 Stack Covers 959 Staffs, Flag 969 Stock Netting 749 Stages 789 Painters • 789 Staging, Twines Cotton 832 Stair Rail Fittings 699 to 701 Stains, Oil 799 Spirit 799 Varnish 799 Stake Riveters 185 Riveters and Punches Combined 185 Stakes, Tent, Round Wood... 920 Stamps, Cetnent Block 406 Dating 406 Dating, Adjustable 406 Double End Log 405 Hookaroon 405 Log 405, 407 Rotary Cement 406 Sewer Pipe 406 Sidewalk 406 Steel 405 to 407 Standard Angle Check Valves 649 Angle Valves Iron Body with Yoke 654 Board 393 Brass Angle Valves 647 Brass Cross A^alves 647 Brass Globe Valves 647 Brass Unions '674 Butterfly Valves 649 Cast Iron Blind Flanges . 692 Cast Iron Flange Fittings 688 to 694 Cast Iron Flanged Crosses 689 Cast Iron Flanged Elbows 688 Cast Iron Flanged Laterals 690 Cast Iron Flanged Reduc- ers 690 Cast Iron Flanged Tees. . . 689 Circle Swing Builders Derricks 547 Companion Flanges 693 Cross Valves Iron Body with Yoke 654 Cup Leathers 282 Expansion Joints 653 Flanged Gate Valves 653 Floor Dressing 803 Foot Blocks 553 Foot Valves 652 Garden Hose Valves 650 Gate Valves 650 Globe Valves, Iron Body with Yoke 654 Horizontal Check Valves . 647 Hose Gate Valves 650 Hose Valves 649 Iron Steam Cocks 648 Machine Bit List 35 M-lleable Unions 678 N^il Card 768 Plunger Power Pump 272 Pop Safety Valves 669 Pre?.sure Regulators .... 668 Quick Opening Gate Valves 650 Safety Valves 667 Screw Monkev Wrenches. 426 Side Cutting Pliers 68 Steam Cocks 648 Steering Wheels 1005 Straight Way Flanged Gate Valves 653 Straight Way Flanged Valves 653 Straight Wav Valves 650 Swing Check Valves 649 Threads for Bolts -....1038 Throttle Valves 649 Vertical Check Valves .... 649 Wide Cotton Duck List . . 901 Standing Fids 918 Stands, Coil for Pipe 640 Drill 135 Micrometer 112 Staples and Hasps 732 and Hooks 732 Chicken Wire 774 Fence 774 Hasp 728 Hoop 774 Meat Tag 772 Metal Lath 774 Poultry Netting 774 Ribbon Wire 774 Wide Top 774 Star Drills 195 Star Hacksaw Frames 93 Starrett's Tools 107 to 125 Starting Scoops 204 Stationary Base Vises. . .97 to 106 Vises 97 to 106 Geo-B-CarpeM'ter s eo. .L078 stave Wedges 298 Stay Rollers 741, 742 Bolt Taps 139 Bolts. Boiler 709 Steam Capstans 1003 Cylinder Oil 804 Ejectors 458, 459 Engines 613, 614 Engines, Horizontal 618 Engines, Vertical 616, 617 Exhaust Heads 629 Fittings 678, 695 Fittings, brass 675 Fitters Tool Bags 444 Flue Blowers 447, 626 Gauge Cocks 662, 663, 665 Gauge Siphons 452 Gauges 449 to 452 Glue Heaters 381 Hammer Bases 568 Heating Boilers 630 Hose 864 Hose Clamps 888 Hose Couplings 887 Hose, Metal 868 Hose Price List 863 Hose, Superheat 864 Information 1025 Injectors 455 to 457 Jacketed Kettles 382 Joint Clamps 638 Pile Hammers 566, 567 Pipe 634, 635 Pipe Saddles 685 Pressure Regulators 668 Pumps 266 to 270 Radiators 632 Separators 628 Sheet Packing 853 Sheeting Hammers 567 Siphons 272, 452 Swing Joints 653 Tarred Manila Rope 820 Tarred Sisal Rope 820 Test Sets 452 Traps 627 Traps, Davis 627 Whistles 702 Steam Cocks, Flat Head Standard 648 Square Head Standard... 648 Standard Iron 648 Three Way 648 Steamboat Ratchet Jacks.... 517 Ratchets 517 Steering Wheels 1004 Steamer Lights, Fresnal 995 Signal Lights 995 Steel 759, 760 Angles 760 Balls 766 Bands 296, 759 Bar Clamps 58 Bars, Half Oval 759 Bar.«>, Oval 759 Bars, Reinforcing 748 Bars, Round 759 Bars, Square 759 Baskets 48!) Belt Lacing, Alligator 852 Belt Lat-ing, Bristols 851 Belt Couplings 846 Blocks 302 to 323 Boilers 382 Boompoints 560 Brands 405 to 407 Brushes, Round 7S0 Bull Wheels 551 Chain 600 Champion Builders' Der- rick 545 Channels 760 Chisels 194, 195 Clad Railroaa Lanterns . . 416 Clamps 12'J Coating Paint 795 Corrugated Sheets 765 Cutting Extras 761 Cutting Schedule 761 Derrick Skips 534 Dogs 128 Differentials 761 Drill 763 Drills 195 Drilling Rules 1029 Escutcheon Pins 773 Faced Tampers 401 Figures 405 Flag Poles 967 Half Round 760 Hand Lamps 4S0 Handle Wrenches 426 Hexagon 760 Jacks 506 to 517 Lamps 480 Letters 405 Letters and Figures in sets 405 Loading Blocks •. . 312 Lumbermen's Blocks 312 Manila Rope Blocks 304 to 313 Mild 759, 760 Mortar Boxes 403 Oilers 476, 478 Pins with Cotters 557 Pins with Square Ends. . . . 557 Pipe 634, 635 Pulleys 492 Pulleys, Prices 493 Rules 107 Shears 184 Sheets 764 Shell Snatch Blocks 302 Sleeves 136 Squares 50 Soft 759 Socket Bridge Wrenches.. 432 Sockets 136 Split Pulleys 492 Stamps 405 to 407 Strap Hinges 728 Structural Shapes 760 Tackle Blocks 310 Tampers 401 Taper Pins 727 Tapes 61, 63, 64 Tees 760 Tool 762 Tool Kits 443 Trucks 356 Turning, Rules for 1029 Warehouse Trucks 356 Weights 1040, 1041 Wool 793 Steels, Finger 845 Steerers, Boat, Auto Type... 1005 Bracket 1004 Combination 1004 Drum 1004 Steering: Wheels, Drum 1004 Standard 1005 Steamboat 1004 Without Drums 1005 Stencil Brushes 787 Stencils 405 to 407 Step Brackets with Sheaves. . 554 Cones 491 Ladders 789 Matting Rubber 877 Steps, Derrick, with Sheaves. 554 Plain 554 Sterilized Blued Lath Nails.. 772 Stern Lights 994 Sticks, Soldering 380 Stiff Leg Derricks 542 Leg Hand Power Derricks 540, 541, 546 Leg Sill Connections 559 StillNon Pipe Wrenches 428 Wrench Repairs 428 Stirrup Connections 559 Stitclied Canvas Belting 842 Stockmen's Bed Sheets 960 Stocks and Dies. Armstrong Adjustable 154 Beaver 147 Bull Dog 148 •Xittle Giant" 156 Malleable 152 Oster 148 Pump Makers' 152 Square Pipe 152 Stocks, Die.. 147 to 155, 158 to 160 Full Mounted 152 Pipe 147 to 154 Stone Axes with Teeth 298 Barrows 215 Bushes with Teeth 298 Cutters' Chisels 195 Elevators 233 Forks 197 Grab Hooks 535 Hooks 197 Jacks 514 Lewises 535 Or Weaving Wire 750 Picks 196 Rakes 388 Screens 233 Sledges 189 Tongs 535 Wire 750 Stonecutters' Hammers 189 Stones, Rubbing Carborun- dum 408 Carborundum Combination S3 Oil 408A Tool Sharpening 83 Stools, Folding Camp 980 Stop Cocks, Lever Handle Rough 659 Round-wav Rough 659 T Handle Rough 659 Stop, Thread Gauge 115 And Waste Cocks, Re- versible 660 Stops, Bench 56 Door 733 Drop Hammer 563 Engine 658 Storage Outfits, Underground Gasoline 610 Store Trucks 356, 357 Storm Hats 897 Signals 971 Stove Bolt Taps 138 Bolts 706 Lining Cement 397 Pipe 633 Pipe Elbows 633 Stoves 633 Alcohol 983 Caboose 633 Camp 982,983 Contractors' 633 Optimus 983 Shanty 633 Tent 982 Yacht 982,983 StruiKlit Chocks, Open 1000 Edge Pocket Levels 54 Edges 107 Grooved Shank Drills 132 Lip Tongs 192 Pein Hammers 18 Shank Drills 131 Shank Tool Holders 128 Tool Holders 127 Way Standard Flanged Valves 653 Way Standard Valves 650 AVay Valves, Extra Heavy. 651 Strainers, Iron 889 Suction Hose 889 Strand, Galvanized 592 Strap Blocks 558 Hinges 728 Hinges, Heavy 728 Hinges, Light 728 Straps 72 Climbers' l^ Electricians' 72 Guv. Two Links 556 Safety ^72 Tinned 658 Streamers 972 1079 ^ GEO•B•eAIiRE^fTER ^ SO. Streei and Sidewalk Contrac- tors' Equipment. . .383 to 391 Blanliets, Canvas Lined.. 962 Brooms, Bass 781 Commissioners' Shovels . . ^00 Elbows 682 Push Brooms 781 Push Brooms, Rattan 781 Streng:tli, Bolts and Rods 1033 Manila Rope °l% Straight Dollies l^^ Strainers, Irrigation ^»0 Straps, Caldwell's Hose 888 Striliins- Hammers 189 String- Pants 892 Stripes, Awning 90b Stripping Knives 42 Striiotural and Blacksmiths' Tools 190 to 192 Iron Paint 794 Rivets 767 Shapes, Steel 760 Tools 193 Wrenches 440 Stub Bolt End Turnbuckles. . 758 Stud Bolts 705 Link Cable Chain 601 Studs 705 Belt ••• 848 Substances, Weights Per Cu. Ft 1026 Success Shovels 205 Sucker Rod Couplings 283 Suction Hose §69 Agricultural 869 Price List 863 Nipples 8b2 Oil 869 Strainers 889 Suction Sleeves 869 Sugar Kettles 381 Suits. Diving 577 Slicker 895 Sulky Derricks 524 Sullivanoils 804 Sun Poroh Curtains 927 Shades 927 Sunshine Gaskets 855 Superlieat Gaskets 855 Sheet Packing 854 Steam Hose 864 Super Wall Brushes 786, 787 Supplies, Blasting 575 Welding 368, 369 Supports, Pole 294 Sure-Grip Tackle Blocks 35 Surety Grease Cups 472 Surface Gauges 118 Surface Heaters 371 Surveyors' Chains 126 Swase Bars ^16 Blocks 188 Hammers 16 Swagres 191 Saw 16 Sfving Chairs, Porch 97 9 Check Valves, Extra Heavy 656 Cherk "Valves, Jenkins... 641 Check Valves, Standard.. 64 9 Cut-OfE Saws 246, 247 Joints 653 Saws 246, 247 Switch Brooms 782 Ropes 812 Ropes, Locomotive 597 Switches, Portable 359 Swivel Base Vises 97, 106 Eye Snap Hooks 1012 Hooks, Small Eve 1012 Hooks for Blocks 323 Hooks with Thimbles. .. .1012 Shackles 1015 Swivels, Light 1015 Heavy 1015 Swiveling Pile Drivers 565 System, Protective Watch.,. 411 T Bevels ,• • • ^51 T Handle Rough Stop Cocks. 659 T Hinges • • • 728 Table, Apothecaries' Measure 1032 Avoirdupois Weight 1032 Clamp Vises 101, 106 Drill Speed 1034 Dry Measure" 1032 Extras for Facing Flanges 656 Keyseating Wood Pulleys 491 Liquid or Wine Measure. 1032 Liquid Weight 1032 Metric Equivalents 1033 Paper Measure 1032 Prices Steel Split Pulleys 493 Square Measure' 1032 Strength of Bolts and Rods 1033 Troy Weight ,V/^?a« Vises 101, 106 Tables, Cubic or Solid Meas- ure 1030 Dry Measure 1030 Folding ^81 Folding Camp 981 Liquid Measure 1032 Metric 1032 Nautical Measure 1030 Saw 239 to 245 Tap Drill 1035 Weights of Oils 1032 Weights of Water 1032 Wire Gauge 1034 Tackle Block Sheaves 324-325 Tack Hammers, Magnetized. . 67 Tacks 775 Taffrail Logs 999 Tag Fasteners, Meat 772 Take-Down Squares 50 Tallow 391 Laid Manila Rope 820 Pots 477 Tally Registers 287 Tally Counter 287 Tampers 401 Iron 401 Pein End 401 Round 401 Square 401 Steel 401 Steel Face 401 Tamping Bars 294, 295 Picks 196 Tan Textol 90.5 Tandem Sheaves 558 Tank Floats 666 Pumps 271 Rivets, Number to Pound. 1039 Valves 657, 666 Tanks, Oil 474 Tanners' Aprons 892 Barvels 892 Tap Drill Tables 1035 Drills, Sizes of 1038 Gauges 125 Wrenches 156 Tape Clamp Handles 64 Friction 575 Hooks ^64 Rubber Insulating 575 Taper Pins, Steel V^Y Beamprs 144 Shank Drills 130 Shank Reamers 141 Square Shank Drills 134 Taps 138 Tapes 61 to 64 Ass-skin 62 Cotton 62 Linen 62 Metallic 62 Pocket 63 • Steel 61, 63, 64 Steel, Engineer's 64 Taps 138 to 140, 156 And Arbors 140 Bit Brace 138 Bottoming 138 Little Giant 156 Machinist Hand 138 Machine Scre'w 138 Mud 139 Patch Bolt l-i^ Pipe 139 Plug 138, 139 Stay Bolt 138 Sets of 138 Stove Bolts 138 Taper 1^° Washout 139 Tar and Asphalt Heaters... 383 to 389 CoaV ' 391, 393 Paper .: 393, 394 i'irp ::::::::: I'l Too?s •::::: 383 to 390 Tarpaulins 959 Tarred Cordage • • 824 Felt 393, 394 Lath Yarn 822 Steam Manila Rope 820 Steam Sisal Rope 820 Team Scales 353 Snatch Blocks 313 Tees, Ammonia 687 Basin 697 Basin Drainage' 697 Branch 640 Brass »75 Cast Iron 681 Cross Over 678 Drainage 697 Drop 682 Extra Heavy Cast Iron... 686 Extra Heavy Malleable Iron 686 Long Drop 682 Malleable Iron 681 Railing 699 to 701 Service 682 Slip, Awning Rod 912 Standard Cast Iron, Flanged 689 Standard Measurements. .1040 Steel 760 Telegraph Blocks . 313 Pole Anchors ^^i Keels 293 Shovels 199, 203 Spoons 199, 203 Telescopic Jack Screws 515 Telescoping Gauge 114 Tempering Recipes 1029 Steel, Rules 1029 Templates for Drilling Flanges 1046 Tender and Engine Hose.... 8b8 Tensile Strength of Mate- rials 1029 Tent Buttons, Wood 920 Cots 978 Keys or Slides, Wood 920 Pins, Wood 920 Pole Bands 920 Poles 920 Slides, Government 920 Slides or Keys, ^Vood 920 .Stakes, Round Wood 920 Stoves 982 Tents 930, 957 j^ 936 A Waterproof Silkelene.. 933 Amazon 936 Amazon, Waterproof Silk- elene ?33 Army 955, 957 Army, Conical 957 Automobile 946 Beach 941 Camping • • • 938 Circus 950, 951 Compartment Family 939 Concession 953 Conical Wall, U. S. Army. 957 Contractors' Housing 935 Contractor's' Stable 954 Cottage Portable 948, 949 Family Compartment 939 Garage 946 Geo-B-Carpen'ter s eo. 1080 Tents, Garden, Octagon 940 Golf 943 Grave 945 Hospital, U. S. Army 951 House, Portable 948,949 Information 930 Khaki 931 Large Wall 935 Lawn Palmetto 941 Miners' 937 Oblong, Round End 951 Oblong, Square End 942 Octagon Garden 940 Palmetto Lawn 941 I'hotographers' 944 Portable Cottage 94S, 949 Portable House 948, 949 Protean, Waterproof Silk- elene 933 Refreshment 943 Regular Wall 934 Round 952 Round End, Oblong 951 Shelter 955 Sibley 937 Sizes 930 Special, AVall 931 Square End, Oblong 942 Square Hip Hoof 940 Stable. Contractors' 954 U. S. Army Common 956 U. S. Army Hospital 957 U. S. Army Wall 956 U. S. Army Wall Conical. . 957 Wall, Large 93 5 Wall, Regular 934 Wall, Waterproof, Silke- lene 932 Waterproof Silkelene. 932, 93 3 Wedge 936 Wedge, Waterproof Silk- elene 933 Window 947 Test Sets 452 Texas Oil 804 Textol, Tan 905 Thawers and Heaters, Ground 371 Thick Morti.se Wood Blocks. 301 Thickness Gauges 115, 116 Thiinblex, Egg-shaped 917 Open 1013 Sailmakers' 917 Tiiimblt's and Hooks 598 Wire Rope 596 Thinner, Marine Glue 1024 Thread Cutting Machines. . 158 to 160 Cutting Oil 805 Machine' 921, 929 Shoe 829 Threading Tools 128 Three Bow Wagon Tops.... 963 -Tn-One Screw Drivers... 56 Part Grommets 907 Way Steam Cocks 648 Wheel Pipe Cutters 431 Thresher Belts, Endless 842 Throttle Valves, Iron Body.. 672 Standard 649 Thumb Latches 734 Thumb Screws 723 Tie Marking Spikes 778 Ties, Wall 754 TiBer Forges 177 Grease Cups 472 TlRht and Loose Pullevs 491 An.l Loose Pulleys. Iron.. 495 Ti;;hteiierH Guy, with Sheave 552 Derrick Guy 550 Tile Barrows . . 215 Tilingr. Rubber Sheet" '.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 876 Tiling Shovels 20S Tiller Wire Rope.. rgn Time Checks 5x2 Timber Dollies.. 900 Hooks 5ofi Scribes ::::: ^se 3,""-;'' 289 Trur-ks 900 Tin. P.nr [[ S»| Pippers '.'.'.'.'.'. 481 Drip Oilers 475 Funnels 482 Pig 377 Roofing Caps 393 Tinned Pipe Straps 658 Straps 658 Tlnner.s' Bench Shears 146 Mallets 52 Paneng Hammers 19 Rivets 766 Shears 379 Snips 380 Tins, Roofing 393 Tinting Colors in Oil 796 Tip Over Carts 224 Tips, Wiper 471 Tire Benders 182 Tire Bolts 707 Tires, Automobile 861 To Derive Weight of lFon...l027 To Find Weight of Wrought Iron 1026 Tobey Furniture Polish 803 Tobacco Nails 770 Toe Calks 191 Tos-ffle Bolts 752 Irons 569 Toledo Pipe Thre'ading Tools 150, 151 Threading Devices ..150, 151 Tongs 192 Angle Jaw 192 Blacksmith 192 Bolt 192 Clip 192 Curved Lip 192 Double Pick Up 192 Gad 192 Grab 535 Heating 192 Ice 582 Joist 289 Lathe Tool 192 IMck 192 Rail 295 Rivet 192 Round .Taw 192 Single Pick Up 192 Skidding 289 Stone 535 Straight Lip 192 Timber 289 Tongue Scrapers 223 Tool Bags 444 Plumbers' 444 Steam Fitters' 444 Tools, Beading 184 Tool Belts 72 Carts 220 Checks 407 Cross Boring 47 Grinders 85 to 90 Handles 211 Heater and Fire Wagon.. 387 Holders 127 to 129 Hose 866 Hose, Pneumatic 866 Kits, Steel 443 Makers' Steel Clamps 123 Post Wrenches, Double' Head 440 Satchels, Mechanics' 444 Sets 48 Sets. 4i4 Sets, Automobile. . .434 to 436 Sharpeners 85 to 90 Sharpening Stones 83 Steel 762 Steel Tempering 762 Wagons 220 Tools. Apphalt 383 to 388 Bar Rending 181 Belt Makers' 845 Blacksmith and Farrier. . 191 Boring 47, 129 Bnrinqr, Automatic 48 Caulkiner. Cinch Anchors.. 711 Cement Corruerating 402 Cement Finishir>sr ..399 to 403 Cement Long Handle 402 Combination Right and Left 379 Cotter Pin 71 Cutting Off 127 Electricians' 290, 294 Fire Room 447 Gang Planer 129 Ice 582 Klein Electrical Construc- tion 72, 73 Logging 286 to 288 Lumberman's 286 to 288 Mound Improved Packing 378 Mound Improved Scraping 378 Packing 378 Pipe Threading 147 to 154 Planer 129 Plumbers' 379 Pneumatic 366, 367 Radius 402 Rod and Bolt Threading. . 155 to 160 Sash 787 Scraping 378 Seating for Cylinders.... 282 Starrett 107 to 125 Starrett, Sets of 123 Structural 193 Tar 383 to 390 Threading 128 Toledo Pipe Threading... 150 to 151 Yankee 66 Toolmakers' Steel Clamps... 116 Top Point Setter Derricks... 544 Sheaves 234 Stiff Leg Irons 559 Tops. Mast 561, 562 Merry-go 951 Three Bow Buggy 963 Three Bow Wagon 963 Torch Burners 479 Wicking 480 Torches 480 Blow 374,375 Cutting 368,369 Double Jet 374, 375 Everlasting 480 Gasoline 374,375,418 Hand 374, 375, 480 Inspectors' 480 Locomotive 480 Plumbers 374, 375 Pyramid 480 Welding 368. 369 Torrid Furnaces 377 Tourist Tool Kits 434 to 433 Tow 391 Lines 597 Tower Buckets 231 Concrete 234 Equipment 231 to 235 Sheaves 234 Township Pile Drivers 564 Track Adzes 22 Bolts 708 Brooms 782 Chisels 194 Drills 362 Equipment Information. .1028 Gauges 361 Industrial Railway 359 Jacks 506 Laying Cars 360 Levels 361 Nails 771 Narrow Gauge 359 Portable 359 Railroad 359 Shovels 200 Traction Engine Cylinder Cocks 663 Engine' Gauges 451 Trailers. Automobile 746 Trammel Points 55 And Pencil Clasps 55 Trammels 121 Extension Beam 121 Transfer Calipers 120 Pump 271 1081 GEO-B-CARPEffTER ^ QO. Transits 124 Builders 126 Eng-ineers 126 Trausiiilssion Grease 805 Machinery 490 to 504 Rope 84-815 Slieaves 500 Transom Bolts 735 Traps, Steam 627 Steam, Davis 627 Travelers and Ferry Block Combined 595 Chain Hoist 347 to 349 Combined with Chain Hoist 330-331-336 Flat Rail Geared 347-349 Flat Rail Plain 347-349 1 Beam Geared 348-349 I Beam Plain 348-349 With Peerless Chain Hoists 330 With Screw Hoists 336 And Chain Hoists Com- bined 330-331-336 Traveling Cranes 352 Trawl Splicers 918 Tree Sprayers 791-792 Trimmers 291 Trench Brace Fittings 275 Brace Parts 275 Braces 275 Jacks 275 Trestles 789 Trench Pumps 260-261 Triangle Mesh Reinforcing Wire 751 Trimmers, Tree 291 Trimming Spouts 488 Trim© Monkey Wrenches.... 426 Pipe Cutters 430 Pipe Wrenches 428,429 Wrench Repairs 428 Trip Gongs 447, 991 Hammers 95 Jacks 506,507 Triple Head Wrenches 437 Triplex Blocks 340 to 342 Pumps 256 Tripod Derricks 546 Ratchet Jacks 516 Rock Drills 365 Trips, Adjustable for Pile Driver 571 Triumph Chain 602 Trolly Cord 826 Trolleys, Brown Hoist 349 Harrington 347,348 Trot Lines, Cotton 832 Troughs, Oil Drip 471 Trowels 403 Brick 403 Corner 403 Long Handle 402 Plasterers' 403 Pointing 403 Troy Weight Tables 1032 Truck Casters 744, 745 Lines 597 Timber 288 Tops, Three Bows 963 Umbrellas 963 Wagon 356 Truckee Pattern Mauls 298 Trucklines, "Powersteel" . . . 597 Trucks 356, 357 Bag 356 Box 357 Mast Head 968 Packing House 356,357 Railroad 356,357 Steel 357 Store 356, 357 Warehouse 356, 357 Trunk Duck, Black Enameled, Glazed 904 Makers' Duck 904 Truss Head Nails 773 Try Souares 51, 109 Tuhe Rope 830 Cutters 431 Expanders 431 Speaking 740 Tubes, Automobile 861 Boilers 624 Tubing 580 Brass 674 Copper 674 Tubular Gaskets 855 Well Points 278 Wheelbarrows 214, 215, 217 Tuck Pointers 402 Pointers, Safety Bails 790 Tuck's Packing 859 Tug Lights, Fresnal 995 Turnbuckles 758, 1018 Contractors' 552 Fitting up 552 Pipe 1018 Stub Bolt End 758 Turnover Buckets 238 Turntables 359 Open .Top 359 Railroad 359 Turret Tank Pumps 271 Tuyere Irons 176 Blacksmiths' 176 Forge 176 Twentieth Century Pipe Vise 101 22%° Angle Wrenches 439 Twills 903 Twin Safety Pop Valves 671 Setter Derricks 546 Twine, Binder 820 Box 830 Butchers' 831 Cotton Sail 831 Cotton Seine 833 Cotton Staging 832 Sail 829 Seine 832 Sewing Cotton, Machine.. 831 Staging Cotton 832 Wall Paper 830 Wool 830 Twines 828 Baling 829 Cordage and Rope 811,833 Cotton 831 Flax 828,829 Hemp 828 Jute 830 Jute Wrapping 830 Large Hemp 828 Linen 829 Mattress 829 Sewing 829 Wrapping 828 Twisted Coil Chain 601 Clothes Lines 827 Round Leather Belting... 841 Twisters Sleeve 73 Two Link Guy Straps 556 Tvo Man Rakes 388 Man Saw Handles 16 Man Cross Cut Saw Han- dles ,«..12, 13 Third Unions 678 Way Dump Cars 238 u umbrellas, Buggy, Wagon, Truck 963 Underground Gasoline Stor- age Tanks 610 Untferwriters' Hose Coupling 882 Gasoline Hose 867 Mill Hose 873 Standard Fire Hose 874 Union Elbows, Radiator 631 Silk 903 Tire Bolts 707 Unions 673. 674, 678 Ammonia Flange 687 Brass 674 Chicago 632 Crane ' 686 Darts 632 Extra Heavy 686 Extra Heavy Flange 691 Flange Cast Iron 691 Kewanee 673 Pipe 673,674,678 Railroad 678 Soldering 660 Standard Malleable 678 Two-third 678 Universal Dividers 121 Electric Drills > 168 Joints, Awning 921 Lathe Chucks 137 Oil Pumps 467 Pliers 70 Ratchets 146 Wick Oiling Hangers. .503, 504 Unmounted Grind Stones.... 87 Untarred Lath Yarn 822 Upright Boilers 623 Boiler Grate Bars 625 -Chain Leaders, Double 1009 Chain Leaders, Single' 1009 Drills 163 Engines 616, 617 Wire Rope Pulleys, Dou- ble 1008 Wire Rope Pulleys, Sin- gle 1008 Upsets, Saw 16 Urinals, Divers 580 Useful Information .1025 to 1046 Utica Pliers 68 to 70 Utility Auger Bits 27 U. S. Army Common Tents.. 956 Army Conical Wall Tents. 957 Army Hospital Tents 957 Army Litters 977 Army Shelter Tents 955 Army Wall Tents 956 Automatic Injectors 456 Cotton Flags 976 Ensigns, Yacht 972 Flags 970 Flags, Printed Silk 974 TrcIcs 973 Muslin Flags,' Printed! '. . . 976 Yacht Ensigns 972 V Vacuum Bottles 984 Hose 869 Pump Valves 862 Water Bottles 984 Valve Cord Hooks 826 Disks, Hard Rubber 862 Handles 645 Hooks for Seating Cylin- ders 284 Grinding Compound 408 Grinding Paste 408 Oilers 478 Rod and Piston Packing.. 858 Springs 398 Steam Packing, Asbestos. 860 Stop Oilers 475 Wheels 645 Valves 641 to 672 Angle Extra Heavy Cop- per Disc 651 Asbestos Packed 646 Balanced Tank Float 657 Brass, Weights of 1044 Crane Disc Angle 647 Crane Disc Globe 647 Cylinder Relief 670 Drip 471 Everlasting Blow Off 646 Extra Heavy Angle 647 Extra Heavy Copper Disc Globe' 651 Extra Heavy Globe 647 Extra Heavy Globe with Yoke 655 Extra Heavy Straight Way 655 Extra Heavy Swing Check 656 Fairbanks 646 Fairbanks Angle 646 Fairbanks Cross 646 Fairbanks Globe 646 Float 657 Foot 889 For Galvanized Pumps... 271 Gates, Extra Heavy 651 GEO•B•eARPE^fTER S GO, 1082 Valves, Gate, Fire Hose 884 Globe, Jenkins' 641 Hard Metal Angle' 647 Hard Metal Globe 647 Horizontal Check, Extra Heavy 651 Iron Body Butterfly 652 Iron Body Check 652 Iron Body Standard Angle 654 Iron Body Standard Cross 654 Iron Body Standard Globe 654 Iron Body Safety Pop.... 671 Iron Body Throttle 672 Iron Body, Weights of 1045 Jenkins' 641 to 645 Jenkins' Angle 641 Jenkins' Angle, Iron Body 644 Jenkins' Angle with Yoke 643 Jenkins' Automatic Air. . . 645 Jenkins' Blow Off 643 Jenkins' Brass Safety 644 Jenkins' Check 641 Jenkins' Corner 643 Jenkins' Cross 641 Jenkins' Cross with Yoke. 643 Jenkins' Gate 642 Jenkins' Globe, Iron Body 644 Jenkins' Hose, Angle 644 Jenkins' Hose, Globe 644 Jenkins' Globe' with Yoke. 643 Jenkins' Iron Body Check 643 Jenkins' Quick Opening.. 642 Jenkins' Radiator 644, 645 Jenkins' Radiator Angle.. 644 Jenkins' Radiator Globe. . 644 Jenkins' Screwed Blow Off 644 Jenkins' Swing Check.... 641 Jenkins' "Y" 643 Jenkins' "Y" Screwed.... 644 Low Pressure Safety «67 Low Pressure Safety Pop. 669 Marine Pop Safety 672 Needle 650 Oil Drip 471 Oil Sight Peed 471 Pop ..669 to 672 Regrinding Swing Check, Extra Heavy 651 Regulator 668 Rubber Pump 862 Safety 667,669 to 672 Safety Pop, Twin 671 Sniffing 670 Special Angle 650 Special Globe 650 Standard Angle Check 649 Standard Angle Iron Body with Yoke 654 Standard Brass Angle 647 Standard Brass Cross 647 Standard Brass Globe 647 Standard Butterfly 649 Standard Cross Iron Body with Yoke 654 Standard Flanged Gate... 653 Standard Foot 652 Standard Horizontal Check 647 Standard Hose 649 Standard Hose Gate. ..*... 650 Standard-Garden Hose 6ro Standard Gate 650 Standard Globe, Iron Body ' • with Yoke 654 Standard Pop Safety 669 Standard Quick Opening Gate 650 Standard' Quick Opening Straightway 650 Standard Safety " . .'; 667 Standard Straight Way.... 650 Standard Straightway Flanged 653 Standard Swing. Check 649 Standard Throttle 649 Standard Vertical Check. . '649 Straightway, Extra Heavy 651 Tank 657, 666 Water Barrel 666 Water Relief 670 Whistle 702 Wind Mill Tank 666 With Unions, Radiator... 631 Varnish Brushes 786, 787 Brushes, Flat .786,787 Brushes, Oval 786, 787 Canoe' 800 Coach 800 L>amar 800 Floor 800 Interior 8C0 Mixing 800 Motor Boat 800 Spar 800 Preservative 800 Stains 799 Veneer Scrapers 43 Vertical Air Compressors.... 3G5 Boilers 622,623 Check Valves, Standard.. 649 Centrifugal Pumps 264 Engines 616,617 Steam Engines 616,617 Vesta Railroad Lanterns.... 414 Aictor Capstans 1002 Oil Cups 468 Vises 97 to 106 Anvil 105 Box 106 Chain Pipe 103 Chipping 99 Coachmakers' 97, 102 Combination 97 to 105 Combination Pipe ...97 to 105 Combination Pipe and Anvil 105 Drill Press 102 Eclipse 104 Hinge Pipe 102 Ironworkers' 99 Genuine Reed 97, 98 Machinists' 98 Monarch Machinists' 101 Pin 124 Pipe, Malleable 102 Parker 103,104 Prentiss 99 to 102 Quick Acting 104 Rock Island • 105 Small 106 Stationary Base 97,106 Swivel Base 97,106 Table 101,106 Table Clamp 101, 106 20th Century Pipe 101 Vulcan Chain Pipe 103 Woodworkers' 97,107 Woodworkers', Rapid Act- ing 103 Vulcan Anvils 187 Bijaw Chain Pipe Wrenches 430 Chain Pipe Vises 103 w Wadins Boots 892 Dresses 577 Pants -892 Wagron Aprons 962 Covers 958 Curtain Patches 919 Lamps : 415 Lanterns .413 to 415 Paint 794 Scales ;...353,354 Tops, Three Bow 963 Trucks ■ -356 Umbrellas '. . -963 Winches .'.■.. :521 ■\Va.«?ons, Dump .■.■.'. 225 Tool . . . . .220 Wall Anchors .". . .\". , 754 Board v. . . .'. 393 Brushes . . .". . 786, 787 Brushes, Flat ...••.'. 786 • Brushes, Super' •.■..;.. .786, 787 Cranes ....%............. 352 Paper TWine .......830 Plates ,.*': '. . •■682 Tents, Conical "U. S. Arifay 957 Tents, Large , 935 Tents, Regular 934 Tents, Special Tents. U. S. Army TentsXU. S. Army, Conical Tents, Waterproof, Silke- lene Ties Ties, Herringbone Torches, Gasoline AVarehoiise Brooms Buckets Push Brooms Scales Trucks 356 Warp. Cotton Warrington Open End Bases. Steam Pile Hammers. .566, Wash Kettles Washer Cutters Well Points AVa.sher8, Angle Bevel Bibb Cast Cast Iron Cork Elevator Bolt • Leather Lock Lubricator Malleable Plate Square Plate Wrought AVashing Powder Lighthouse' W^ashout Hose Taps AVaste Cans Cotton Nuts Wool • And Check Cocks AVatch Clocks Newman Grille Watchman's Clocks Water Barrel Floats Barrel Valves Bottles, Vacuum Buckets, Canvas Cans Columns Gauge Glasses Gauges Gauges, Penberthy Safe- guard Heaters Hose' Hose Clamps Hose, Moulded Hose, Price List Light Distress Signals. . . . Pails, Canvas Pipe 634 Pressure Regulators Relief Valves Weight Table AVaterproof Cloth, Wilford. . . Covers -. Duck, Black Oiled Duck, Yellow Oiled Ducks Enamels Glue Leather Belting . ; Paints 794 Silkelene Tents 9^32 Solid Woven Cotton Belt- ing ; Waterproofing, Cerhent ....; Compounds • • • • • Weather Signals Weatherproof Paint ........ Weaving or Stone Wire. . . ; . . Wedge Tents Waterproof Silkelene AVedges ; v Stave ,..■■ — Weed Scythes . — ..u... ... AVelghted Balls .-.;.. . . • Ball with Hooks. Blocks Sheave Blocks 931 956 957 932 754 754 418 782 488 781 354 357 831 568 567 381 846 276 724 724 862 724 724 470 489 489 725 470 724 708 708 708 802 802 867 139 474 899 682 899 659 411 411 411 666 666 984 985 484 662 446 445 457 459 865 863 993 985 ,-635 668 670 1032 ,•905 961 905- 905 905 795 1024 .840 /795 844' 794' ■ 788 971 794 750 936 ■933 298 "298 297 548~ 548- 548 54& 1083 GEO-B-eAR.PEM'TER S GO. WelsbtM, Black Slheets 1043 Brass Valves 1044 Divers' Belt 576 Flanged Pipe Fittings 1045 Flat Iron 1042 Flat Steel Bars 1040 Iron and Steel 1043 Iron Body Valves 1045 Lag Screws 1038 Machine Bolts 1037 Nuts 1039 Expansion Joints 1045 Pipe Fittings 1044 Round and Square Iron. . .1040 Sash 739 Steel 1040.1041 Steel Angles 1042 Various Substances per Cubic Foot 1026 Weise Oil Cans 474 Welders' Goggles 409 IVelAins Compound 380 Outfits 368,369 Supplies 368.369 Torches 368,369 And Cutting Outfits, Oxy- Acetylene 368, 369 tVell Drilling Cable 820 Drive Shoes 284 Machinery 276 to 285 Packers 284 Points 276 to 278 Pumps 273 to 274 Wheels 313 Wemtern Chief Blowers 178 Differential Fully Blocks. 351 Wet Material Shovels 201 Wheel Pipe Cutters 431 Wbeelbarrow Chain Slings.. 519 Slings •. 519 Wheels 220 Wheelbarrows 213 to 217 Wheeled Scrapers 222 \mieels. Bull 551 Car 549 Car with Axles 549 Carborundum 83 Cup 84 Emery , 84 Standard Steering 1005 Steamboat Steering 1004 Steering. Steamboat 1004 Steering, without Drums. 1005 Well 313 Wheelbarrow 220 "WlieeU, Wire Valve 645 Wood Valve 645 Whisk Brooms . . 7So White Asbestos Sheet Packing 854 Cotton Solid Woven Belt- ing 843 Lead 793 Wash Brushes 785 Wash Heads 7S5 Wash Sprayers 791. 792 Washing Machines ...791.792 Zinc Paint 798 Whistle Valves 702 Whistles 702 Air 702 Brass 702 Ghlme 702 Flffe Alarm 702 Mocking Bird . . ... 702 Steam .;...............'.. 702 Wick Oiling Hangers 503 Wlcklnar. Gottoh ....» 391 Torch .........■....> 480 Wicks. Lamp 417 Lantern . . . ; i . . . 417 W^lde Range Gov^rnora. . . , . . 627 Colored Duck 904 Cotton Duck 901 Cotton Duck List 901 Ducks. Parafflned 906 Top Staples 774 Wilford Waterjjroof Cloth... 905 Wtaches 51/8 to 525 Double Drum Geared^ ^^^ _^^ 519,523.524 Winch Oftarlngs f 25 Heads, Foundation 533 Iron Frame 518 to 524 One Man 521 Peerless Hand Power 518 Single Drum Geared T 519 to 523 single Shaft Geared 519 Small, not Geared 518 Wagon 521 Wood Frame 519 to 525 Worm Geared 518 Wind Mill Tank Valves 666 Winding, Marlin, for Hose... 875 Wire for Hose 875 Windlass Extension Ladders. 789 W^indlasses, Caisson Hand ... 533 Gipsey 1002 WithBitts 1002. W^lndoTV Awning Head Rod and Pulley Holders 915 Brushes 783 Hardware 734 Lifts 734 Rubbers 783 Sash Chain Fixtures '/39 Scrapers 783 Screen Wire Cloth 747 Screening 747 Shade Nails .773 Shades 928.929 Squeegees 783 • Tents 947 Wing Nuts 723 Wiper Cups 471 Tips 471 Wire, Basting Connection... 575 Bell Cord 590 Black Annealed '".50 Blasting Leading 575 Boat Nails 775 Brads 768 Brass Mesh 295 Brass Screen 285 Brushes, Round 780 Casting Brushes 779 Cement Reinforcing 748 to 751 Chicken 748 Cloth. Window Screen.... 747 Concrete Reinfercing 748 to 751 Cutters 70 Flue Brushes 447 Galvanized, Gray 592 Gauge Drills 131 Guy, Galvanized 592 Wire Gauge Drills 131 Gauge Tables 1034 Gauges 125 Grippers 293 Mesh, Triangle Reinforc- ing 751 Nail Schedule 768 Netting 748 to 751 Netting, Concrete Rein- forcement 751 Push Brooms 781 Reinforcing 748 to 751 Wire Rope 583 to 597 Rope Blocks 315 to 322 Rope. Brobas . . . ; 593 Rope Cheek Blocks 1008 Rope Clamps 596 Rope Construction ...583.585 Rope. Crucible Cast Steel. 589 Rope Deck Blocks ... 1008 Rope, Durable 593, 394 Rope. Elevator 590 Rope Fastenings 598 Rope, Flat Strand 593 Rope, Galvanized ..590 to 592 Rope Gin Blocks 816 Rope Grippers 1020 Rope. Iron 590, 591 Rope:Ladders 789 Rope, Marline Spikes ....1020 Rope Mooring Lines 592 Rope. "Patentsteel" 587 Rope, Phosphor Bronze . . 593 Rope, Plow Steel 588 Bopef Pulleys 1008 Rope Pulleys, Plat Single.lOOS Rope Pulleys. Single Up- right 1008 Rope Sheaves 326. 327 Rope Snatch Blocks 317 Rope Sockets 598 Rope Splicing 584 Rope Thimbles 596 Rope Tillers 590 Rope Towing Hawsers . . 592 Rope "Yellow Strand". 585. 586 Sash Cord 590 Scratch Brushes 779.780 Screen 285 Seizing Stuff 592 Shears 146 Snap Hooks 917 Solder 377 Splicing Clamps 73 Stone 750 Strapped Lizards 917 Valve Wheels 645 Weaving 750 Winding for Hose 875 Wireless Searchlights 997 Wizard Lanterns 413 W. B. Pipe' Covering 395 W^ood Bar Clamps 58 Bits 27 to 32 Blocks 299 to 303 Boring Brace Drills 28 Boring Machines 47 Bull Wheels 551 Chisels 37 to 41 Clamps 57 Drills 134 Fibre Pails 481 Filler Liquid 799 Frame Stone Jacks 514 Frame Winches 519, 521 to 523 Hand Screws 57 Hooks. Awning » 921 Jacket Oil Cans 474 Levels 53. 54 Mallets 52 Marking Gauges 55 Mauls 292 Planes 44 to 46 Preservative' 794 Pulley Bushings 491 Pulley Extras 491 Pulleys 490.491 Rod Couplings 283 Rollers 505 Roller Special 505 Shed Padlocks 736. 737 Shell Snatch Blocks. . .302. 303 Screws 714 Screws, Brass . . .^ 714A Stocks 39 Split Pulleys 490,491 Tent Buttons 920 Tent Pins 920 Tent Slides or Keys 920 Valve Wheels 645 Wool Waste 899 Woodchoppers" Mauls 298 Wooden Flag Poles 9?8 Frame Grindstones 87 Woods Emergency Case 412 Woodworkers^ Vises 97, 102 Woodworking Machines 239 to 250 Wool Bunting 903 Steel ■ 793 Twine 830 W^orklnK Barrel CyllndeTs... 281 Barrels 281 Worm Gear Winches 518 Woven Wire Springs 410 Wrapped Garden Hose 871 WVaT.plngr Twine, Jute 830 Twines. Small 828 W^recklngr Bars 296 Chains 601 W^rench Sets, Automobile. 432-433 For Ford Cars 432 Socket 432-433 W^rencltes 426 to 442 Adjustable 427 Adjustable' Combination.. 432 Adjustable "§" «» Geo>'B-©ar.i»eK"ter « exk 1084 Wrenches, AlUsater Jaw . . . 489 Bridge Steel Socket 432 Car 437 Carriage Makers' 437 Cock 658 Coes 426 Combination ...427,432 to 442 Combination Adjustable . 432 Connecting Rod 442 Construction 440 Cylinder Head 442 Dog 128 Double Head Socket 441 Double Head Tool Post... 440 Double Head Wrenches... 438 Drop Forged 437 to 442 Elevator Bucket 489 Engineers' 438 Engineers' Single Head... 438 15° Angle 438 Fire Plug Spanners 442 Fitting Up 440 General Purpose' 437 Hydrant 886 Knife Handle 426,427 Lag Screw 72 Long, Round Handle 442 Monkey 426 Monkey, Railroad Special. 426 Monkey, Standard Screw. 426 Monkey, Trimo 426 Pipe 428 to 430 Pipe, Chain 430 Pipe, Cochrane 430 Pipe, Parmalee 429 Pipe', Stillson 428 Pipe, Trimo 428,429 Queen City Adjustable... 427 Ratchet Head Reverse Brake, Pedal Spring... 442 Ratchet Nut 428 Ronson 427 Servic* Sets 433 Socket 438 to 484 Socket, Double Head 441 Socket, in Sets 432,433 Socket, Set Screv/ 716 Spanner 886 Steel Handle 426 Stillson Pipe 428 Structural 440 Tap 156 Tool Post, Double I^ead.. 440 Trimo Monkey 426 Trimo Pipe 428, 429 Triple Head 437 221/^° Angle 439 "Wringers, Mop 788 Wrought Gudgeons 556 Iron Blocks for Wire Rope 315 to 322 Iron Boots 486 Iron Couplings 677 Iron Gin Blocks 310 Iron Nipples 676 Iron Nipples, Galvanized. 676 Iron Tubular Well Cylin- ders 282 Pipe 634, 635 Steel Broad Butts 730 Steel Strap Hinges 728 Washers 708 X X. L. Ejectors 459 Y "Y" Bends, Brass 675 Cast Iron 683 Extra Heavy Cast Iron... 686 Malleable Iron 683 Valves. Jenkins' 643 Yacht Bells 991 Clothing 897 Duck 902, K03 Ensigns 972 Glue 1024 Hats 897 Paints 797 Scrapers 1021 Shoes 897 Stoves 982, 983 White 797 Yachtsmen's Knives 985 Yale and Towne Chain Hoists 340 to 344 Duplex Blocks 343,344 Hcse Racks 880 Triplex Blocks 340 to 342 Triple'x Block Parts. . .341, 342 Yankee Automatic Drills 49 Cots 977 Drill Points 49 Screw Drivers 49 Tools 49, 66 Tool Sets 66 Yarn, Lath. Tarred 822 Mop 831 Ring, Sisal 822 Sisal Ring 822 Yarning Chisels 379 Yarns, Cotton 831 Yellow Oiled Duck, Water- proof 905 Yellowstrand Wire Rope. 585. 586 Zero Lubricators, Detroit. 463, 4^4 Lubricator Parts 463, 4f 4 Zig Zag Rules 59 Zincs. Glass Setters 793 HAMMOND PRKCa «. a. CONKIV COMFAMV