L I E, R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVLR.SITY or ILLINOIS 510.84 no. 140-147 copo2 CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its renewal or its return to the library from which it was borrowed on or before the Latest Date stamped below. You may be charged a minimum fee of $75.00 for eacii lost book. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasoni for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. TO RENEW CALL TELEPHONE CENTER, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN OCT 05 NOV 2 199 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. L162 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/transfermemory145rays 0.84- - ^ ^ DIGITAL COMPUTER lABORATORY 14-5' '^-^ UN.TVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ^' URBANA^ ILLINOIS REPORT NO, 145 THE TRANSFER MEMORY by - S. R, Ray August l6p 1963 This work was supported in part "by Contract NOo AT(11-1)-1018 of the Atomic Energy CoKmission lo Introduction The design of the ILLIAC III; a general-purpose Information processing computer_^ calls for a specialized memory unit to mediate -che flow of information from the primary processing logic (the "stalactite" array) to the control and hulk storage areas (the "control computer" )o One opera- tional function of this specialized niemory unit;, called the Transfer Mem.ory (TM);, is based on xne disparity in word length between control computer words (32 bits) and stalactite words (102^ blts)„ The TM affords a high-speed means of word length conversion by allowing information to be rea.d or written as either short words (32 bits) or long words (1024 bits). Bi-directional operation is the phrase used here to describe this property » It is also necessary that the TM be addressable on an information- content basis o This requirement^, which is described in Section VI^ arises from the need for rapid access to the typically few words in the TM proper which contain vital Information. The addresses of such word.s can be deterrrilned only by Infonnatlon content;, however. The device which enables content addressibility^ the Pyramidal Readout Encoder (PRE); is functionally distinct from the ^'Transfer Memory proper" and iS; therefore^ discussed separately. At the circuitry level; however^ the PRE and TM partially merge, II, General Design A, Specifications The general specifications of the Transfer Memory are as follows:. 1, Size, 32.,768 bits arranged in a 32 x 102^4- matrix, 2, Operating Modes: Random Access^ F'arallel Read and Write Modes in either of two subrnodes „ (a) Long Word Submode--the 32^768 bits arranged as 32 lG24-bit words o (b) Short Word, Submode--the 32; 7^8 bits arranged as 1024 words of 32~bit length. Tbe phrase '90 buffer'' is also in occasional use with regard to row-column interchanges of information; especially with respect to punr'hed cards, -1- It is necessary that the information in the Transfer Memory be readable in either submode independent of the submode in which the inform_ation was written. Briefly^, the submodes must be compatible o It is convenient to consider the TM "normal" configuration as 1024 32-bit wordS; in which case the short -word submode corresponds to a "parallel -by-word'' operation while the long-word submode is a "parallel-by-bif' operationo B. Basic Considerations Magnetic cores were chosen as the basic storage elements of the TMo Their general availability^ adiAantages for bi-directional operation^, and ease of driving clearly overshadow the virtues of other components. Operation in the long word subm.ode for wb_ich 102^ bits must be handled is a particularly influential factor in establishing the design outlines . Tb.e 102^ sense amplifiers and digit drivers required, by the long words constitute more electronics than a large _, standard -variety computer memory. It is therefore proper to r>oncentrate special effort on economy and reliability of these circuits » For example,, the number of turns of the sense windings is two rather than one in order to decrease the required sense amplifier gain and the digit current. The unusual shortness of the sense windings (32 bits) is also a substantial advantage in minimiizing tb.e recovery time of the lines^ although it does not simplify the sense amplifier much. Destructive m,ode switching of the cores also provides relatively easily amplified signals at the cost of cycle tiirxe^, of course, Ix is possible to economize by using som^e drivers in two roles^ either as "digit drivers" or as "write drivers" depending upon the submode , C. Core Mode The magnetic cores are operated, in a nearly com^plete switching mode;, that is 8C to 9O per cent of the fliox is switched. This mode is attractive in a numiber of respects. An 80~90 jier cent setting provides maximum, signal amplitude per unit drive current (83 per cent -2- p setting In some Mg-Mn cores). The time for switching is substantially less than that required for complete switching (about 2/3) and the stability of the flux state approaches that of a completely switched core. Ill, Organization A. General The general organization of the TM is recognizable as an elaboration of word-organized core mem.ory techniques. Bi-directional operation complicates the terminology to the extent that a brief explanation is necessary. Referring to Fig. III.l;, during the READ portion of a memory cycle ^ the read drive is produced by the simultaneous operation of one of n read "source '" drivers and one of m read "sink." drivers j, where n ■■ m > the number of words. The sense signals from the selected word are amplified and gated to the register or "buffer" flipflops. Rewriting of the buffer information occurs during the "write" portion of the mem.ory cycle. A "write driver" delivers current to the word which was previously read out. Simultaneous ly^ the "digit drivers" (one driver per bit) are either turned on or remain of,f depending upon the state of their associated flipflop^ i.e. upon the information just delivered from, the cores in the case of a cycle for reading the stored information. Note that the term ''digit driver" is used in the sense of "the driver which is controlled by the buffer register during the writing portion of the cycle"' and that the term ''write driver" mieans "the driver which selects the w ord into which information is written." Specifically^ these terms refer to the operational use of a driver during a given memory cycle^ not to a particular physical circuit. 2 Ray^ S. R._, "Engineering Model of a Partial Switching Effect in Ferrites_," University of Illinois^ Digital Computer Laboratory_, Report Wo. 111^ September I96I. -3- LRS LRK SRS SRK LWD SWD LS SS LB SB LA SA Long Word Read Source Driver Long Word Read Sink Driver Short Word Read Source Driver Short Word Read Sink Driver Long Word Write Driver Short Word Write Driver Long Word Sense Amplifier Short Word Sense Amplifier Long Word Buffer Register Short Word Buffer Register Long Word Address Register Short Word Address Register WL - Word Line Long WS - Word Line Short RL - Read Line Long RS - Read Line Short LB (102^) r Address (A) Gate SWD (IO2U) Gate (A) r 1024 bits Core Array LA (5) D e n O d e r k lines a»- 8 lines LRS LRK (8) ms WL RL RS Select 1 of 32 Drivers per Sector for Write Long Word (8 sectors ) Select 1 of 1024 Drivers for Write Short Word 32 bits SB (32) LWD 1 (32) SRS I SRK (32) I (32) L 32 Lines I t^ I Ml I l\ PRE Encoder SOME MARK To PAU Control Z Address (lO bits) Figure VI»3. PRE Encoder and Eras« -16- 3. Content-Addressable Operations Assume a specified set of "bits of all 32-blt -words Is considered to constitute a tag. These bits may be read from the TM into the PAU in the parallel-by-blt (or long word) submode. In the PAU^ any desired logical operations may be performed^ with programmed control^ on the tag bits. The set of words whose tags meet the programmed criterion could then be read from the TM or, alternatively, only the addresses of such words. The case of a vacuous set would be indicated by falsity of the "some mark" signal. The mechanism described, therefore, allows tags of 1 to 32 bits to be employed. It is also interesting to note that since any singlet, pair, triplet, etc, of bits may be used as tag, the number of possible tag arrangements is: 32 Z k=l ^ ^ k!(32 - k): If this statement appears to defy information theoretic laws, it is because part of the information, namely, the knowledge of which bits are to be taken as the tag, does not exist in the transfer memory but in the programmer's memory. The combination of transfer memory, pyramidal readout encoder, PAU and associated control may be considered as a versatile, if somewhat bulky, associative memory of 102^ words. -17- APPENDIX 1, Drawing: SRS-LRS 2, Drawing: SRK-LRK 3, Drawing: SWD-LWD k. Drawing: Sense Amplifier- -Mark 1 5. Drawing: Sense Amplifier- -Mark 2 6„ Drawing C-3095 (PRE: Pyramidal Readout Encoder) I -18- a O h i P»E:S\STAP7S i: 5"^ T = S»TAN:>DAVa,o ' 1 XfOPOT SltKOAl vv CCiiOC F^¥2, uPtS> UNIVERSITY of ^ aTQRY FOR S.R. BY K.C.u- CH APP. & I a Q T I Z.ZK ^ l(0 74-q P)ESlSTAPjS i S% Dl^DE^ TI-2.S2. T = STAKODAVaiO T R AtO S t-^Rt-^e FS fOCiTELS. 2(M2 2-.q 1 GrUAPtAS^TEED CUT-AFF FAP, V7v^t^ 4-vj. ^- '' CONDUCT lAVO " -^ ^ \ .4fV r<:iva, L-P,s •■ i (!) i (!) 6 -»- ENiDS OP "PiL" OP, P.s" 1-HOES. I F£iP, SP,<^- c^ - Ji0Lt>r\ji 0.= SVAi<:i-PiAT b • sarn^ to = l_N^<^ • FSAT UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS - GRADUATE COLLEGE - DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY FOR_S_R. BY >^.c.u. CHK D 5. Rg^ l APP. & I -24-1-5 I s"0P."rl_" L_irsiES a b A T 9 ..2 K, 1^ Tl f^ , 1 PjD'7Si2k i < > ♦— Z 2W, * ' r " (ov OUEhs> NiOT SPCCIF\ED b= L^vOO- p I. GUAPiAtOTE 2. UNIVERSITY oi RATORY FOR S.R. RY K.C.L( APP. <^ ■■^ I s SlcV^ ^ 2 2H, \K>~iA-e> ~(oy rCit^ LP.K a = jK-OLje-^ 0-' sqT^/ b= lsa:)(0' Pi^^t (o - sWii^ ♦ Rot k:><::^tcs> &UAP.AIOTEE.O CUT-OFr POP, 1 Ni PUT V£M_TA&E -i <^ . I V If0277 TI-5-1 12t^ -4^ J 2.2 »^ P.D'7S;:^ 2t022iq t-OUEK> K)OT SPCCIF\ED P>ES»lSTOP,S tl% DIODE-S. TI - 25r2 UNIVERSITY of ILLIN OIS - GRADUATE COLLEGE - DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY :^| S>RK -LRK DRIVERS' APP 1-25- ^ I z.eK LUUEIO K)^T SPEClFveO - STAfODAPjD TRAk>srAPiK>E:R I. A^AX. IN>PUT a 3. MAX. P^E:(^UIP\i UNIVERSITY of FOR S.R. BY ^C.L. C APP.__ & Pi - L. VO D 01= SW6-V0AT L\/Oo • vo<:iT b= swb^ ^u.b^ C= LvvO^-VOAT SVa)<^ -Sa^^C^T scumx ATORY A-\7.' > \z^ \ro74-fc 1 1 <^ N i ► c d e I I I • — ♦ 1 -^v 2.ZK 2.ZV^ + 4v 1. MAX. IMPUT G-UAF».AV>TEtD X£i CAOSE T'JRri-^i»0 =■ l.5"v 2. r^ItO. " '< « " CUT-:^PP" -^ 4-.S'v 3>. MAX. P,E:<^L>lt^E:D rs:>puT CDRKEJOT = -S.V-A WAau. OJUEtO K)AT SPEClFVtD va)S op. V/Ou l.i:oe 6 > p« 2N>2221 -■!b^^ T = STAI^DAPSD TF\AI0SFAPiK>eiP| DlADt9» TX-ZS:2- P7 = ± t % a= swo-voAT L\aJC> • VO£^T d = S.(x yr\x. SCLVYvX e = -£ a- J^x sqlX^ ^UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS - GRADUATE COLLEGE - DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY FOR S.fi. RY HCL. CHK D 5. Ruul^ I TfiAtOSFLP, r>En^P>V APP. & \-2.S-(, L\a)D- S\a:>D DRWEP^S r ^A/S LltOET -<^ [ S\a)D- l\a>c:) + (oV UNIVERSITY o l^ATORY FOR S.R^ RvTcr APP & STPSCac: r -6 \a;s hvoe: -9- swD- i_\a:>d IDv/ D.C. (2) i£)<:i ^ l^v D.C- (2) i 1 ^^ ^1— — f I i T T J2.2IS 166 5Z ~fc>v/ ('spec.} + (oV V0V4EIO IO<:::iT SPECIFIED Dl<:iDES TI - Z52 prop » 2.to<^(on UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS - GRADUATE COLLEGE - DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY FOR S. ft. BY h.C.L. CHK D ^-R APP & l-4-<^ senjse: AnPLinEP7 (r^AP,h i) -EXTERNAL i I StNSt WIRE X -TO(D O no I O ® 2N'»6T 3 flL o (J IT < cr ? SMI500 a: coj O '^ n .TO© _ StNSC WIRE -K -™® '5®^J!??5L^^* > 2K U, © PtsisroRS I t 1 *?. 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