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Gear June 1980 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URB ANA- CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 Supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, grant ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383, Presented at the Differential Equation Workshop, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Zif ) , University of Bielefeld, West Germany, April 21, 1980. 1. Introduction A truly automatic code for ordinary differential equations must not only handle the most general case reasonably efficiently, but must also automatically detect those classes of problems which are unreasonably expensive by general methods and switch to methods which are more efficient for those problems. This paper will consider two classes of problems, stiff and oscillatory, for which special methods can be far more efficient than general methods. This is not to say that there are not other classes of problems that are worthy of special treatment. For example, linear equations probably can be solved more efficiently if this fact is known [1] , but at this time there are no methods that are sufficiently more efficient for linear problems than the general methods that it seems worth the effort to detect linear problems automatically. (Furthermore, most users can tell if a problem is linear, while it may be difficult for them to tell when it becomes stiff or oscillatory.) Although it is common to talk about "stiff differential equations," an equation per se is not stiff, a particular initial value problem for that equation may be stiff, in some regions, but the sizes of these regions depend on the initial values and the error tolerance. For most problems the solution is initially in a transient and an accurate solution demands a stepsize sufficiently small that the truncation error of that transient is small. For such stepsizes stability is not a problem. When the transient has decayed below the error tolerance, the problem may be stiff. At this time a stiff method must be used. Many techniques and programs are available for stiff equations ([2], [3], [4], [5], [6]) so we will not repeat that material. Until recently stiff methods have also been used in the transient region, but the fact that they are generally less efficient than nonstiff methods (both because of smaller error coefficients and the linear algebra involved) has encouraged several people to investigate automatic detection of stiffness. The problem of highly oscillatory solutions has some parallels to the stiff problem. Again, the solution may not be nearly periodic initially, but after a transient starting phase, may tend towards a periodic solution - 2 - or have a nearly periodic behavior. There are some methods that are applicable in the latter phase, for example, Mace and Thomas [9], Graff [6] , Graff and Bettis [7] and Petzold [10]. However, these methods cannot be used in the transient phase so it is essential to detect the time when nearly periodic behavior has begun and to estimate the period reasonably accurately. There are, of course, problems for which the user knows that the solution is nearly periodic throughout. Satellite orbits are a case in point. (Most of the early methods were developed for these problems.) In such cases the period is known reasonably accurately so there is no detection problem. This paper is particularly concerned with those problems which may become nearly periodic in later stages and methods for detecting this behavior in order to switch to an appropriate scheme. Methods for nearly periodic problems are generally known as mult Revolutionary from their celestial orbit background. The idea of such methods is to calculate, by some conventional integrator, the change in the solution over one orbit. If the period of an orbit is T (for a moment assumed fixed), then a conventional integrator is used to compute the value of d(t) = y(t + T) - y(t) by integrating the initial value problem y' = f(y) over one period T. If we consider the sequence of times t = mT, m integral, we have a sequence of values y(mT) which are slowly changing if y is nearly periodic. The conventional integrator allows us to compute the first differences d(mT) of this sequence at any time mT. Under appropriate "smoothness" conditions (whatever that means for a sequence) we can interpolate or extrapolate for values of d(mT) from a subset of all values of d, for example from d(kqT), k = 1, 2, 3,..., where q is an integer > 1, and thus estimate y(mT) by integrating only over occasional orbits. In a satellite orbit problem it is fairly easy to define the meaning of "one period." For example, one could use a zero crossing of a particular coordinate, or even a fixed period based on a first order theory. In her thesis, Petzold considered problems for which it is difficult to find physical definitions of the period and examined a method for determining the approximate period by minimizing a function of the form - 3 - I(t, T) = | |y(T + T) - y(T) | | t where the norm measures the values of y(r + T) - y(t) approximately over the range Tf:(t, t + T). The actual norm she used was I(t, T) = / y(T + T) - y(T) L dx t z where T was the last estimate of the period. The use of T was for pragmatic reasons. Ignoring that detail, the value of T which minimizes I(t, T) is a function of t, and T(t) was said to be the period of the solution. This enabled d(t) = y(t + T(t)) - y(t) to be calculated and multirevolutionary methods to be used. The variable period was handled easily by a change of independent variables to s in which the period is constant, say 1. The equation t(s + 1) - t(s) = T(t) was appended to the system z(s + 1) - z(s) = g(s) where z(s) = y(t(s)) and g(s) = d(t/s) for integer values of s. (When T is constant, this is the analog of the old device for converting a non- autonomous system to an autonomous system by appending the differential equation t' = 1.) The scheme for period calculation used by Petzold suffers from three drawbacks. The first drawback is that it is fairly expensive, involving a numerical approximation to the first two derivatives of I(t, T) by quadrature which requires integration for y(x) over two periods. In the experimental implementation, integration was repeated for every iteration of a Newton method to minimize I(t, T) by solving 8I/8T = 0. This could have been eliminated by saving all values and interpolating, but the storage cost becomes high and the quadrature/interpolation cost remains non-negligible. The second drawback is that a reasonably accurate period estimate is needed for the Newton iteration to converge. Outside the region of convergence for Newton's method a search scheme for a minimum could be used but this would be very expensive because of the computation involved in each quadrature even if all previously computed values could be saved. This makes the approach very unattractive for initial period - 4 - detection when there is no starting estimate. The third drawback is that minimizing a function subject to several sources of error (including truncation errors in the integration and quadrature, and roundoff errors revealed by considerable cancellation in || |y(T + T) - y(f)||) is likely to yield a fairly inaccurate answer. Since the value of d(t) = g(s) is quite sensitive to small absolute changes in the period T which may be large relative to the period, the function g(s) may not appear to be very smooth. This paper discusses an alternate approach to the period identification problem. It overcomes the cost and convergence problems, and also seems to help with the sensitivity problem. This is discussed in the next section along with stiffness detection. The third section reviews multirevolutionary multistep integrators and a technique for handling variable periods based on the period identification algorithm. The fourth section discusses a numerical example while the final section discusses unsolved problems. - 5 - 2. Periodic and Stiffness Detection A fully automatic method should be able to detect problems with special properties that can be solved more efficiently, but the cost of detection should be low compared to the integration cost so that problems without those properties do not cost appreciably more. Since stiffness and nearly periodic behavior are properties that may appear at any point in the solution, the detection process must operate continuously. If it is to have a low cost, it must not take more than a few operations on available intermediate or final results of a standard integrator. This section first discusses periodic behavior detection, then stiffness detection. We have been deliberately imprecise about the meaning of "nearly periodic," and will continue that way with the working definition In our minds of "the type of problem that can be handled efficiently by multirevolutionary methods." The types of problems that have the required properties are differential equations for which there exist functions F(t, t) and T(t) such that y(t) = F(t, t) is a solution of the differential equation dy/dt = f(y, t) , F is periodic in t with period T(t), that is, F(t + T(t), t) = F(t, t), for all t and t, 9F/9t is very small compared to 3F/8t, and T(t) is slowly varying. Here, t and t are the "fast" and "slow" times as shown in Figure 1. The "meaning" of this representation is that P(t) = {F(t, t), te[0, T(t)]} is the local periodic behavior of the solution, and the change of P(t) with respect to t represents the way this behavior slowly changes. (This representation is only valid for problems which are not phase locked to a periodic driving function.) F(0, t) was called a quasi-envelope by Petzold. It is the function z(t) defined - 6 - earlier for a discrete set of points only t olution T(t) periodic direction Figure 1. Nearly Periodic Solution Family This representation is not unique, but depends on the choice of the period T(t) and the values of F(0, t) over the initial period. It is convenient to consider a change of variables to (s, t) with s = x/T(t). In the new coordinate system, F(s, t) has period 1 in s and a unique quasi- envelope is defined for any fixed s in terms of F(0, t). The "period" of a nearly periodic function has not yet been defined. We could use some intuitively reasonable mathematical description, in which" case we would have to seek computational algorithms for its approximation. However, the period is most easily defined in terms of the algorithm used to calculate it. It should, of course, yield the exact period for periodic functions and be close for small perturbations of periodic functions. This replaces an analysis of the accuracy of period calculation with an analysis of the efficiency of the multirevolutionary method with respect to different period definitions. This latter may be an easier task. Petzold's period definition, based on minimizing the norm in eq. (1), is very expensive to apply and cannot be considered as a technique for determining if an arbitrary output of an integrator is nearly periodic. - 7 - Therefore, we look for alternate definitions of the period. First, note that if the oscillation is due to a periodic driving function, we probably know its period or can examine the system which generates the driving function directly. Hence, we can restrict ourselves to autonomous systems or systems which when made autonomous are nearly periodic. (This means that the partials of the system with respect to time are small. ) The solution of an autonomous system is completely determined by the specification of the value of the solution vector y_ at one time. That is to say, if we identify two times on the solution such that y_(t^) = x( t 2^' we know that the solution is periodic with period to - ti. This suggests determining the period by looking for minimum of | y_(t ^ ) ~ 7.^2^11* ^he cost of this is not particularly low and it requires a clever adaptive program with a lot of heuristics. The form of the program is to choose an initial point t, and, as each new value y^(t) is calculated, to see if |y_(ti) - y_(t)| has passed a local minimum. If so, interpolation is used to locate the minimum. If the value of the norm at the minimum is small (first heuristic parameter), we have possible periodic behavior. If not, we must continue to examine more y(t). However, since the periodic behavior of y may not have started by t-., we must also advance t-, occasionally (next heuristic parameter). After some experiments, we abandoned this approach. Another way of defining the period is to identify certain points on the solution at which a simple characterization is repeated, such as zero crossing. The solution itself may not have zero crossings and if it consists of a periodic function superimposed on a slowly growing function, it may be difficult to choose any value which is crossed periodically. However, its derivative will have periodic sign changes, so we have experimented with a definition of period based on the zero crossings of T *■ T c_ y_ where c^ is the transpose of a vector of constants. The program T examines the integrator output for positive-going zero crossings of _c y_'. (Currently, c_ is a vector of the weights provided by the user for error norm calculations.) Anything but a simple periodic solution may lead to more than one zero crossing in a single period, so the norm |y'(tj_) - y' (t2 ) I is also examined, where ti and t^ are a pair of zero crossings. If the norm is small, the possibility of a period is - 8 - considered. The procedure used is as follows: T 1. Identify a positive going sign change in c y . 2. Interpolate to find the t value t t of the zero crossing. Also compute interpolated values of y_, y_'. 3. Save these values. (Up to ten prior values are saved.) 4. Compare current value with each prior value in turn until a small y'^i j - y' .„...,„.. is found. i ii old J- current 1 ' 5. Save period,,^, = t _„____«. - t^ 1 A . r new current old 6. Compare period with period ■, . if one has previously been calculated. If they are relatively close, accept the new period and switch to multirevolutionary methods. 7. Examine several backward differences of recent periods. If they seem to be smoothly varying, accept new period. The last test was found to be necessary for some problems with variable periods. As can be seen, there are numerous heuristics, which implies that much tuning is possible. However, it is important to note that tuning effects efficiency only. If the tests for periodicity are too stringent, the standard integrator will continue too long; if they are too lenient, multirevolutionary methods will be invoked before they are efficient. However, since they will then run using a stepsize of one period, they will perform very little worse then the conventional integrator. (The only losses are additional overhead. ) The multirevolutionary method, described in the next section, is a modification of a standard integrator. It calls on a subroutine to evaluate g(z) = z(s + 1) - z(s) given z(s). It can suffer from stiffness in exactly the same way that an ordinary integrator can suffer from stiffness: if H9g/9z is large the method may be unstable and the corrector iteration will not converge unless a Jacobian J = 3g/8z is used in a Newton iteration. Shampine [11] has suggested monitoring the size of the Jacobian - 9 - by estimating its norm when two or more function evaluations are used in a single step. Essentially, | | g(z-, ) - g(z 2 )| L = max — lf Z l ' Z 2|| is calculated, where the max is taken over all steps and z^ and z 2 are two different values of z for which g is evaluated in one step. (In practice, it seems preferable to take an exponentially weighted max such as ,r, n T I I sCz, ) - g(z 2 )| I L = max (0.9 L -,., * 4 ) new v old' z^ - z 2 but this is yet another tuning heuristic.) This technique can be used in both the regular integrator used to calculate g and the multirevolutionary integrator. However, there are a number of tuning questions that pose some difficulties. One could decide to switch to a stiff method the moment that J becomes large enough to restrict the stepsize in which case there are no problems. However, that is not efficient because nonstiff methods are both considerably lower in cost per step and have a smaller error tolerance. The natural solution to consider is to continue with the nonstiff method until the estimated stepsize that could be used in a stiff method is sufficiently larger to offset the increased cost per step. This requires estimating the error in stiff methods by estimating various derivatives. This is done with suitable difference formulas but if care is not used, the derivatives estimated may appear to be such that little step increase is possible with a stiff method. The reason for this difficulty is that most codes do not directly restrict their stepsize on the basis of a Jacobian estimate and stability needs. At the most they restrict h||j| so that the corrector would converge if iterated. However, higher order methods may be on the verge of instability. Once h||j| is too large for stability, small errors grow rapidly. The automatic error control quickly reduces the step to keep the error near the tolerance level and a well-engineered nonstiff solver will produce a perfectly good solution, albeit slowly. However, the solution contains errors of the order of the error tolerance due to these marginally stable components, and these errors usually oscillate. When a - 10 - difference formula is applied to them, large values result, and completely obscure the derivatives we want to estimate. For example, the marginal stability could introduce an error of (-l) n e into the numerical solution y at the n-th step. If we form the k-th backward difference to estimate k (k^ n k h y v ' we have a component due to this error of (-1) 2 e. If we now ask k fk") what stepsize ah can be used in a stiff method whose error is C, h y v ' to achieve an error of t, we find that a = (2 Ci ) ' independent of current h. For BDF, C^ = 1/k so a is always less than one, falsely indicating that the stepsize cannot be increased. To avoid this difficulty it is necessary to keep h||j| small enough that components with the most negative eigenvalues are at least moderately damped. In addition to estimating |j||, it is possible to estimate the largest eigenvalue (or eigenvalue pair if complex conjugate) using evaluations of g(z) from more than one step, as suggested in Gear [12]. However, experiments on that technique indicate that the eigenvalue estimates are not too reliable. The reason for wanting to know the largest eigenvalue is to know whether to use a technique efficient for real eigenvalues, such as BDF, or a technique better suited to eigenvalues close to the imaginary axis, such as BLEND [13] or implicit Runge-Kutta [3]. K. Stewart* pointed out that it is sufficient to wait until a decision to use stiff methods has been made. At that time a Jacobian must be calculated, and power methods can be used to determine the arguments of the large eigenvalues. (This poses an interesting question for the numerical linear algebraist: how to calculate cheaply the maximum argument of all eigenvalues exceeding a certain size in a matrix. ) At the time the Jacobian is first calculated, it can also be checked for other properties such as handedness and sparsity so that a decision on which linear equation scheme to use can be made. *K. Stewart, Jet fropulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA. Private communication. - 11 - 3. Variable Period Mult Revolutionary Methods In the original coordinates we have z(t + T) - z(t) ■ d(t). For small T this says z'(t) = d(t)/T. Hence, it is not surprising that the numerical interpolation for z(t) given a technique for computing g(t) ■ d(t)/T is very similar to a numerical integration technique. In the new coordinate system, the basic structure of the program is an outer integrator which solves the equations z(s + 1) - z(s) - g(z) t(s + 1) - t(s) = T(t(s)) using an outer stepsize H. The method varies the order and stepsize just as an ordinary integrator does. See Petzold [10] for details. It calls a subroutine to evaluate g and T given z and t. This is done by integrating the underlying ordinary differential equation y' = f(y) starting from y(t) = z, determining when a period has elapsed and computing g(z) - y(t + T(t)) y(t). Both methods for defining the period discussed in the pevious section have been tried. The first, minimizing | |y(t + T(t)) - y(t)|j, is now easier to implement because the left end, y(t), is fixed. The only tuning difficulty is to ignore intermediate minima, and we have done this by considering only values of T starting from 0.9 of the previous period estimate. (If T changes more rapidly over H than this, either H is too large or the nearly periodic assumption is questionable.) The norm actually used has the form ' i " to I A - ( * )): where vi^ is the j-th derivative of the i-th component, and the A . are weights. It appears to be best to use A . =0, s ^ 1, and A^., = weight of i-th component of error weight vector. This allows for arbitrary nonperiodic linear functions to be ignored. Higher derivatives can be Included, but knowledge of them is subject to larger errors due to the inner integration. The second method, looking for a zero crossing, has a difficulty: the T ~ function c y_' will not necessarily be zero at y(t) ■ z. (It can be shown that it will be zero except for roundoff error for linear problems.) This - 12 - has been overcome by choosing a vector c^ separately for each period such that p(t) = c j_' = at the start of the period. A future zero of p(t) defines the length of the period. A unique c_ is defined by choosing c_ to maximize p'(t) at the start of the period subject to |cj ■ 1. This value is chosen because it minimizes the roundoff error effects in determining a zero of p(t). The value of £, apart from scaling, is £ = z " - ft i, 7 ,2* 1 This requires a knowledge of y" at the initial point y(t). This is available because a Runge-Kutta starter which computes the first four derivatives is used for the multistep inner integrator [14]. After c_ has been calculated, future positive going zero crossings of p are examined, y_ and its derivatives are calculated by interpolation at the zero crossing point t + t, and |y_'(t + t) - y_'(t)| is evaluated. If it is small enough, the period is set to t and g is calculated. The variable period multirevolutionary integrator is based on a modified Nordsieck scheme. Each component of z is represented by the history vector a = [z, Hg, H 2 g'/2, H 3 g"/6,..., H^" 1 ^! ] T Petzold has shown that in this representation the predictor has the form ln,(0) = ^-1 where A is the Pascal triangle matrix except for the first row which is [1, 1, a L (r), a 2 (r),..., ot^Cr)] where r = 1/H. She also showed that the corrector takes the form £n = ^n,(0) + l u where m is chosen so that a„ "satisfies" the relation — n z(s n + 1) - z(s n ) = g(s n ) and %_ is the conventional corrector vector except in the first component which is a function of r = 1/H. Petzold gives these functions for generalized Adams methods. (They are polynomials in r. ) The corresponding functions for BDF methods are inverse polynomials in r. They - 13 - are Order First Coefficient of l_ 1 -1 2 -1/(3/2 + r) 3 -1/(11/6 + 2r + r 2 ) 4 -1/(25/12 + 35r/12 + 5r/2 + r 3 ) 5 -1/(137/60 + 15r/4 + 17r 2 /4 + 3r 3 + r 4 ) 6 -1/(147/60 + 203r/45 + 49r 2 /8 + 103r 3 /12 + 7r 4 /2 + r 5 ) Petzold suggests a linear combination of the generalized Adams and BDF coefficients, for example, r • Adams + (1 - r) • BDF so that the method has the properties of BDF formula for large H (r -> 0), namely stiff stability, and the property of Generalized Adams for r = 1, namely the outer integrator is exact. Since it is not proposed to use BDF methods until stiffness has set in (when H is large), it does not seem worth considering this complication. - 14 - 4. A Numerical Test Several example problems have been constructed using the Van der Pol oscillator to give a nonlinear oscillation. Typical of these problems is the following system of four equations ii " Q L "l " U' = -(u, - Uo) + 2(uo - (u, - Uo) )u. u 3 u 4 -10" 3 (u 3 - 1) 10" 3 sin 10" 3 t All initial values were zero so uo = 1 - e~ and ua = 1 - cos .OOlt. u^ and u£ are the solution and first derivative of a Van der Pol oscillator oscillation about a level U3 and peak amplitude about 2uo. The period is about 2tt for small Ui and steadily increases to about 7.63 for u<% = 1. The matrix Q used was -1 111 1-111 11-11 111-1 1/2 ,-1 (It is idempotent and Q = Q .) All components of y oscillate after an initial period. The periodic detector located the oscillation at about t = 156. The integration was continued to t = 10,000 with an average outer step of about 28 periods. At that stepsize the outer problem is quite stiff. The oscillatory behavior is initially close to sinusoidal and changes to the steep-edged behavior typical of the Van der Pol oscillator by t = 1000. A local error tolerance of 10 in the inner integrator required about 400 inner steps per period at first, increasing to about 1200 at the end. The outer integrator took 50 steps with local tolerance _3 of 10 from t » 156 to t = 10,000, using 154 inner integrations over one period including those for occasional Jacobian evaluations of g by numerical differencing, an average speed up of ninefold over the standard - 15 - inner integrator which would have used about 10 steps for the whole problem. Plots of the phases of the solution are shown in Figures 2 to 5. In all of these figures the vertical scales for the four components have been renormalized to put y^ between 2i - 1.9 and 21 - 0.1 for I = 1 to 4. Figure 2 shows the first phase of the integration prior to detection of the oscillation. Figure 2. Initial Phase before Period Detected (For extraneous reasons, only one integration point in ten has been plotted here, hence the jagged curves.) The amplitude of the oscillation at this point is 0.99. The shape of the oscillation at t = 156 is shown in Figure 3. This shape changes and grows in amplitude to 3.02 by t = 10,000, as is shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the smooth "quasi-envelope" z found by the multirevolutionary integrator. It was generated using the 50 outer integration steps so the actual solution y is found by superimposing the oscillatory behavior of the form shown in Figures 3 and 4 and the - 16 - appropriate t values in Figure 5. i .i iiHi 7.1 e. t 6. I 5. 1 Figure 3. First Period in Multirevolutionary Integration Figure 4. Fiftieth (last) Period in Multirevolutionary Integration - 17 - a. 2»m. 4«m. saaa. saaa. laaaa. isaa. sa*a. ca«a. 7eee. ^aaa. iiaee. Figure 5. Quasi-envelope z 0. aaaa. 4000. aaaa. saaa. 10000. iaaa. sbbb caae . ?aaa. 9000. 11000. Figure 6. Quasi-envelope Corresponding to u (Qz) It should be noted that these are not small oscillations. For example, the range of z, in Figure 5 (bottom line) is -1.13 to -0.6 (approx. ). The - 18 - oscillation changes in amplitude from 0.99 to 3.02 (peak to peak) over the interval. In order to check the accuracy, the equivalent quasi-envelope for _u was recovered from £ by the transsformation _u ■ Qz_. Since uo and ut are not oscillatory, G3 and u^ should also be 1 - exp(-10 t) and 1 - cos(10 t), respectively. Since the cosine component is neutrally stable, any integration errors will not be damped in later steps. The relative error in the cosine component at t = 10,000 was .005 (.008 absolute) . These results were without tuning. There are a number of inefficiencies in the software that can be removed. For example, we did not give the multirevolutionary integrator the information gathered during the period detection phase about g and its differences. These can be used to allow a high order start in the multirevolutionary integrator. We believe that additional improvements are possible. - 19 - 5. Further Problems There are a number of additional problems of concern. Here we will discuss three problems: non-autonomous problems, detecting the end of periodicity, and the multiple oscillator problem. Some problems require only simple extensions; others, in particular the multiple oscillator problem, pose serious difficulties. There are two cases of the non-autonomous problem y" ■ f(t, y) to consider: those in which f(t, y) is a slowly changing function of t and those in which the t-dependence is responsible for the oscillation — we say that the oscillation is driven . In the former case we can conceptually convert to an autonomous system by appending the usual t" = 1. This term is slowly varying so the solution of the enlarged problem remains "nearly periodic. " In the latter case we can determine the period by examining the driving term (that is, the t-dependent terms in f) and continue to use the same method. Some nonlinear oscilltors are such that a variable in the system increases to a point that the oscillation is quenched. Then there is a period of relaxation until it starts again. For such systems an automatic program must detect the end of the oscillation and revert to a conventional method. This is analogous to the problem of detecting a derivative discontinuity in the solution of a conventional differential equation and similar techniques can be used. When the multi-revolutionary integrator calls for an evaluation of the local period and of g(z), the period detection scheme will be unable to find a period anywhere close to prior value, or even to find one at all. After it has looked a modest distance beyond the expected value, it should report failure so that the multirevolutionary integrator can reduce its stepsize to find the "discontinuity" where the oscillator begins to be quenched. When the stepsize has been reduced to one of only a few periods, the software can revert to a conventional integration method. The multiple oscillator problem poses difficulties unless there is a large gap in frequencies between the two highest frequencies. In that case, the lower frequencies can be viewed as the slowly changing components - 20 - of F(t, t) and possibly the method can be used recursively for the second highest frequency, and so on. If the two highest frequencies w, and o>2 are of the same order of magnitude, the behavior will be far from nearly periodic unless u^/wo ■ p/q for small integers p and q. In that case there is a subharmonic w^/p of the two frequencies which can be used as the period. If not, there does not seem to be much hope unless the oscillators can be isolated and treated separately by the techniques discussed above. Suppose we can visualize the system as consisting of two oscillators u' = P(u, y) and v" ■ q(v, y) where y is a slowly varying term, and a slow part described by y" = f(y, u, v). If f is linear in u and v, it is sufficient to find the behavior of the average of u and v and this can be done for each separately. However, if f is nonlinear in u and v, we must also keep track of the relative phases of the oscillations of u and v so that each time f is evaluated on a coarse mesh, the correct relative phases can be used. References [1] Shampine, L.F., Linear equations in general purpose codes for stiff ODEs, Report 80-0429 Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, February 1980. [2] Butcher, J.C., A transformed implicit Runge-Kutta method, Report 111, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Auckland, New Zealand, May 1977. [3] Butcher, J.C., Burrage, K. and F.H. Chipman, STRIDE: Stable Runge- Kutta Integrator for Differential Equations, Report 150, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Auckland, New Zealand, August 1979. [4] Gear, C.W., The automatic integration of stiff ordinary differential equations, Proceedings IFIP Congress 1968 , 1968 , 187-193 . [5] Hindmarsh, A., GEAR: ordinary differential equation solver, Report UCID-30001, Rev. 3, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, 1974. [6] Byrne, G.D. and A.C. Hindmarsh, EPIS0DEB: An Experimental Package for the Integration of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations with Banded Jacobians, Report UCID-30132, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, - 21 - CA, April 1976. [7] Graff, O.F., Methods of orbit computation with multirevolution steps, Report AMRL 1063, Applied Mechanics Research Laboratory, Univ. Texas at Austin, TX, 1973. [8] Graff, O.F. and D.G. Bettis, Modified multirevolution integration methods for satellite orbit computation, Celestial Mechanics 11 , 1975, 443-448. [9] Mace, D. and L.H. Thomas, An extrapolation method for stepping the calculations of the orbit of an artificial satellite several revolutions ahead at a time, Astronomical Journal 65 (5), June 1960. [10] Petzold, L.R., An efficient numerical method for highly oscillatory ordinary differential equations, Report UIUCDCS-R-78-933, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, August 1978. [11] Shampine, L.F., Lipschitz constants and robust ODE codes, Report 79-0458, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, March 1979. [12] Gear, C.W., Method and initial stepsize selection in multistep ODE solvers, Report UIUCDCS-R-80-1006, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, February 1980. [13] Skeel, R.D. and A.K. Kong, Blended linear multistep methods, ACM Trans . Math . Software 3 (4), December 1977, 326-345. [14] Gear, C.W., Runge-Kutta starters for multistep methods, Report UIUCDCS-R-78-938, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, IL, September 1978, to appear ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. FormAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION J?' 6 ?' UNIVERSITY -TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIF'C AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT I See Instruction* on Raver* Side ) I. AEC REPORT NO. COO-2383-0068 2. TITLE AUTOMATIC DETECTION AND TREATMENT OF OSCILLATORY AND/OR STIFF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): CCI a. Scientific and technical report I I b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): Kl a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I I b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. "2 c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 Signature . ) Date June 1980 FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: D a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. O b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. I~~l c. Patent clearance not required. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-80-1019 4. Title and Subtitle AUTOMATIC DETECTION AND TREATMENT OF OSCILLATORY AND/OR STIFF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date June 1980 6. 7. Author(s) C. W. Gear 8. Performing Organization Rept. '' UIUCDCS-R-80-1019 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois U-C Urbana, IL 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-238: 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address U.S. Department of Energy Chicago Operations Office 9800 S. Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 13. Type of Report & Period Covered technical 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts The next generation of ODE osftware can be expected to detect special problems and to adapt to their needs. This paper is principally concerned with the low-cost, automtic detection of oscillatory behavior, the determination of its period, and methods for its subsequent efficient integration. It also discusses stiffness detection. In the first phase, the method for oscillatory problems discussed examines the output of any inte- grator to determine if the output is nearly periodic. At the point this answer is positive, the second phase is entered and an automatic, nonstiff, multirevolutionary method is invoked. This requires the occasional solution of a nearly periodic initial value problem over one period by a standard method and the re-determination of its period. Because the multirevolutionary method uses a very large step, the problem has a high probability of being stiff in this second phase. Hence, it is important to detect if stiffness is present so an appropriate stiff, multirevolutionary method can be selected. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17o. Descriptors multirate integration differential ODEs 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 17e. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement unlimited FORM NTIS-38 (10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) _„ UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 25 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P71 * FEB 1