UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URSAuA OrlAMPAIGN ILL HIST. SURVEY $*& 7 ' "3? &:#. '*? JK X This book has been digitized through the generosity of Robert O. Blissard Class of 1957 University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign S7N *,* :>*. y ^ / J THE \ CHICAGO ^^> ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO, ILL.: LCANWA^D PUBLISHING (COMPANY, 5OO AM) 501 RlALTO lUlI.IHM.. 1888. COPYRIGHT, 1887, BY CLEVELAND D. MILLER. '228 TABLE, OF CLUBS. CALUMET CIXJB, CHICAGO CLUB, DOUGLAS CLUB, FABKAGUT BOAT CLUB. ILLINOIS CLUB, INDIANA CLUB, JOHN A. Loo AN CLUB, KENWOOD CLUB, LAKESIDE CLUB, LASALLE CLUB, OAKLAND CLUB, OAKS CLUB, PARK CLUB, STANDAED CLUB, DNION LEAGUE CLUI;, UNION CLUB, UNIVEKSITT CLUB, WASHINGTON PABK CLUB. 803Q1J3 CALUMET CLUB HAT the Union is to the North Side and the Illinois to the West, the Calumet is to the South Side. Organized in 1878, it occupied for the first few years of its existence the residence of the late General Anson Stager, at the corner of Michi- gan Avenue and Eighteenth Street. As the Club grew and these quarters became too restricted for its needs, a site was selected two blocks below (on the corner of Twentieth Street) and a magnificent building of lordly proportions was erected. It is four stories high, with fronts on both Michigan Avenue and Twentieth Street. The hall is superb, reminding one (with its broad fireplace, handsome staircase and stainod glass windows,) of that of an old English manor house. To the left of the hall are the drawing rooms, with windows the whole length of the Michigan Avenue front, and to the right the offices, the cai'e and the billiard room. On the second floor are the card rooms and the ball room, where from time to time during the winter months en- tertainments of various sorts are given to the lady friends of the members. The third floor is devoted to private apartments, and the top floor to the dining rooms and kitchens. The Club possesses a fine picture gallery, in which great interest is taken, and to which donations are constantly made. A feature of the Calumet is its Annual Reception to Old Settlers, where the first inhabitants of Chicago meet and talk over their early experiences, and are royally entertained by the Club. The admission fee to the Calumet is one hundred dollars, and the yearly dues eighty dollars. The Presidents have been Messrs. Anson Stager, Edson Keith, and J. W. Doane. For 1888, the Board of Management is as follows : President, Mr. H. J. Macfarland ; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Alfred Cowles and J. J. Knickerbocker; Secretary, Mr. E. Walter Herrick; Treasurer, Mr. George L. Otis; Directors, Messrs. George F. Baldwin, E. L. Brewster, Alfred Cowles, E. Walter Herrick, J. J. Knicker- bocker, H. J. Macfarland, Wm. Monro, Norman B. Beam, A. F. Seeberger, Moses J. Wentworth, and J. C. Whitney. GbfclB. REGULAR M EMBERS. Adam, A. B. Coleman, Seymour Goodman, Wm. O. Keep, William B. Newell, E. G. Stevens, F. L. Adams, Isaac A. Colvin, W. H. Gore, George P. Keith, D. W. Nichols, C. W. Stiles, George N. Adcock, Edmund Council, Charles J. Gorton, Frank S. Keith, Edson Norris, C. S. Stiles, Josiah Adsit, Chas. C. Conrad, John H. Grannis, W. C. D. Keith, Edson, Jr. Nye, Jas. W. Stone, H. O. Adsit, James M., Jr. Conrad, G. E. Grant, George R. Keith, O. B. Stough, O. J. Aldrich, P. C. Cook, George T. Gray, A. R. Kelley, Addison D. Oakley, J. W. Strobel, Chas. L. Alexander, G. M. Cooper, John S. Gray, Charles H. Kellev, Charles B. Olmstead, Edmund Stubbs, J. B. Allen, Benj. Corneau, D. E. Gray, Franklin D. Kelley, David Orvis, O. 1). Studebaker, P. E. Allen, Charles L. Corwith, C. B. Green, A. W. Kelley, Wm. E. Otis, Charles T. Sweet, S. H. Allen, Charles W. Corwith, Henry Green, M. T. Kellogg, Wm. F. Otis, George L. Allerton, Samuel W. Corwith, Nathan Grey, Wm. L. Kellogg, W. H. Otis, Joseph E. Taft, O. B. Andrews, Joseph H. Corwith, Nathan, Jr. Griswold, H. F. Kelsey, Chauncev Otis, Philo A. Tenney, D. K. Armour, J. O. Cottrell, J. O. Groff, Edward L Kent, S. A. Thomas, B. W. Armour, P. D. Counselman, Charles Grosscup, P. S. Kettle, B. A. Packard, E. A. Thompson, C. C. Armour. William Cowles, Alfred Keyes, B. A. Page, William R. Thompson, W. A. Austin, F. C. Crane, W. N. Hale, Clinton B. Kimball, C. Fred. Paltzer, Charles A. Thomson, A. M. Averill, A. J. Crawford, Wm. R. Hale, G. W. Kimball, Mark Pardridge, Edwin Thrall, W. A. Crerar, John Hale, W. E. Kimball, W. W. Parker, Samuel W. Tobey, Edgar P. Bacon, Henry M. Cromwell, Charles Hall, F. G. Kimbark, Charles A. Paxton, George P. Tobey, Orville H. Bacon, Roswell B. Crouch, Robert B. Hall, G. A. Kirnbark, S. D. Peacock, C. D. Towne, Arthur F. Balcom, Uri Crouse, John N. Hamill, Chas. D. Kirkman, M. M. Pearce, J. Irving Trego, Chas. T. Baldwin, Geo. F. Cudahy, John Hamilton, D. G. Kirkwood, William Peck, Clarence I. Tuley, M. F. Ballard, D. P. Culbertson, J. A. Hamlin, Harry L. Knickerbocker, J. J. Peck, Ferd. W. Tuttle, Frederick Barker, Jno. H. Cummings, C. B. Hamline, John H, Knickerbocker, J. C. Peck, Walter L. Tuttle, Frederick B. Barker, S. B. Cummings, D. M. Hanecy, Elbridge Knight, W. S. Perry, L. S. Tyler, W. O. Barnes, Charles J. Curtiss, Chas. C. Handford, P. C. Phelps, Erskiue M. Tyrrell, John Barrell, James Cushing, F. W. Harper, W. H. Laflin, Arthur King Phillips, Charles H. Barrett, O. W. Custer, J. B. Hartog, John H. Laflin, Geo. H. Pike, Eugene S. Ullmann, Daniel Bartlett, A. C. Cutter, John M. Harvey, T. W. Laflin, Louis E. Pitcher, L. W. Bartlett, Charles S. Hately, John C. Lancaster, E. A. Porter, Alfred S. Valentine, Alister J Bass, George Dandy, John M. Hayden, Albert Lane, Ebenezer Porter, Gilbert E. Van Osdel, John M. Baxter, T. M. Dempster, Wesley Hayden, H. S. Lapp, Peter Porter, H. H. Van Schaack. H. C. Beecher, Jerome Denton, D. H. Heaton, E. S. Law, Bobert Powell, Samuel Van Schaick, A. G. Beman, S. S. Dexter, A. F. Henderson, C. M. Lay, A. Tracy Preston, William D. Viles, James Bentley, Cyrus De Veny, S. Charles Henderson, Edgar F. Lefens, T. J. Price, Cornelius Bigelow, A. A. Doane, J. W. Hendersou.Wilbur S. Leiter, Lev! Z. Price, Jas. S. Wadsworth, E. R Bigelow, N. P. Dodge, George E. P. Herrick, E. Walter Leland, Warren F. Pullman, George M. Waggoner, I. H. Birch, Hugh T. Downs, A. O. Hess, C. J. Lester, John T. Wahl, Louis Bishop, B. W. Drake, John B. Hibbard, Wm. G. Libby, A. A. Quick, John H. S. Walker, Edwin Blackstone, T. B. Drew Charles W. High, James L. Libby, Charles P. Walker, Geo. C. Blair, Chauncey B. Dupee, Cyrus Higinbotham, H. N. Linn, W. R. Randolph, Bobt. Walker, Wm. B. Boddie, M. M. Dyer, W. C. Hill, D. K. Listman, C. F. Bathborne, W. W. Walker, Wirt D. Bogue, Charles H. Hill, H. L. Little, Josiah Bay, Frederick A. Waller Charles J. Boice, H. M. Ennis, Alfred Hill, Lysander Loomis, John Mason Raymond, Charles L. Walsh, John R. Booth, A. Hills, C. F. Lord, Edgar A. Ream, N. B. Walter, Joel C. Booth, Frank Fairbank, N. K. Hinde, T. W. Ludlam, B. Reed, Wm. Kelsey Warren, Robert Booth, W, Vernon Fargo, Charles Hodges, L. Beibold, Leonard E. Washburn, Frank Borden, J. U. Fargo, Charles H. Hodges, L. M. McAvoy, C. P. Bew, Henry, C. Wells, Breuton R. Botsford, Henry Farnum, A. H. Hough, A. J. McAvoy, J. H. Bobinson, j. K. Wells, C. S. Brega, Charles W. Farwell, Granger Hough, W. C. McClellan, H. W. Boloson, R. W. Wells, M. D. Brewster, E. L. Ferguson, Charles H. Howard, Wm. B. McKinlock, GeorgeA. Roys, Cyrus D. Wentworth, John Briggs, Clinton Field, George D. Hoyt, Douglas McLaury, T. G. Wentworth, Moses J. Bross, William Field, John S. Hoyt, Henry W. McNeill, A. Sard, Wm. H. Wheeler, A. W. Brown, H. E. Field, Marshall Hughes, Edwin McVicker, J. H. Sawyer, E. T. Wheeler, Chas. W. Brown, Jas. P. Fisher, L. G., Jr Hughes, John B. McWilliams, J. G. Schimpferman, W.H. Wheeler, Francis T Bi'own, S. A. Fisk, D. B. Hughitt, Marvin Macfarland, H. J. Schmitt, Anthony Wheeler, G. H. Bryant, H. B. Fisk, Eugene D. Hughitt, Marvin, Jr. McLeod, Kenneth Schneider, Eugene Wheeler, Hiram Buck, George Fitch, Henry S. Hulbert, Thos. L. Magiu. F. J. Schwartz, Charles Wheeler, H. N. Burley, A. G. Fleetwood, Charles Hull, Morton B. Mair, Charles A. Seaverns, George A. White, C. B. Burley, Frank E. Fleming, Robert H. Hutchinson, C. L. Marklev, John A. Seaverns, GeorgeA. Jr Whitehead, E. P. Burlingham, E. P. Byford, Henry T. Forsyth, Robert Frost, Charles S. Isham, E. S. Marsh, 'M. M. S. Marten, R. B. Seeberger, A. F. Seeberger, C. D. Whitney, H. H. Whitney, J. C. Fry, I. H. Martin, S. K. Shedd, E. A. Wicker, Charles G. Callahan, A. P. Fuller. Leroy W. Jackson, H. W. Mattocks, Walter Shepard, J. H. Wiley, W. H. Carson, John B, Fuller, Wm. A. Jansen, E. L. Mayo, John B. Sherman, F. T. Williams, Abram Case, John Bi. Jay, Milton Mead, G. W. Sherwin, J. P. Williams, Norman Cass, George W. Gage, Albert S. Jeffery, E. T. Merriam, C. W. Shipman, Daniel B. Williams, W. B. Cassidy, J. A. Gardiner, C. 8. Jeffery, John B. Merriman, H. P. Shirk, E. W. Willoughby, C. L. Caton, Arthur J. Geddes, Alex. Jenkins, J. E. Michener, W. W. Shortall, John G. Wilmarth, Thos. W. Chandler, E. E. Getty, H. H. Jenkins, T. R. Miller, J. A. Shissler, Louis Wilson, F. P. Chapin, S. B. Gibbs, F. C. Jennings, J. D. Miner, Noyes B. Silverthorn, A. E Wilson, Hugh R. Chapman, C. A. Gibbs, W. B. Johnson, F. E. Mitchell, M. C. Singer, C. J. Winterbotham, J. E. Cherrie, K. M. Giles, C. K. Johnston, William J. Mitchell, Walter B. Singer, H. M. Wood, George E. Chumasero, John T. Giles, Wm. A. Jones, J. Russell Mixer, C. H. S. Slaughter, A. O. Wood, S. E. Clark, John M. Gillette, E. W. Judah, Noble B. Moore, J. H. Smith, Byron L. Wrenu, John H. Clark, Stewart Gillette, James F. Moore, Willinm H. Smith, Charles W. Wright, James Clarke, Charles E. Oilman, Willis E. Keen, Geo. Moseback, Win. Smith, F. C. Wyatt, S. W. Cobb, Silas B. Gleason, W. H. Keen, W. B. Jr. Munger, A. A. Smith, Pliny B. Coburn, Lewis L. Glessner, J. J. Keep, Albert Munro. William Sprague, A. A. Young, Caryl Coffeen, William Glover, Samuel J. Keep, Chauncey Murdoch, Thomas Starkweather, C. H. Young, Otto Coleman, Joseph G. Goodman, James B. Keep, Henry Murison, Geo. W. Stearns, M. C. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Avery. Stephen Armour, C. W. Barnard, E. J. Boshamer, C. S. Coan, C. C. Collier, Clinton, Cooper, E. M. Corwith, Gurden Crawford, H., Jr. Davis, Henry, Jr. Fairchild, Ben). F Gage, James P. Hardin, S. H. Running, J. O. Johnson, E. N. Johnson, O. W. Layng, J. D. Loomis, H. G. Makenzie, James May, Edward Merriam, A. B. Miller, N. C. Miller, Roswell Pearsons, H. A. Sawyer, Philetus Spruance, L. J. C. Stewart, C. T. Watson, Wm. Jr. Watson, Wm., P. Wicks, E. D. L. Williston, Horace HONORARY MEMBERS. Lieut. General P. H. Sheridan, U.S.A. .Maj. (i.'lH'i-Hl .1. M. Schofleld. U.S.A. Maj. (ic-m-ral A. H.T i-rry, U.S.A. Maj. General Geo. Crook, U.S.A. Judge J. M. Harbin. .|IH|L!<> Walter y. Gresham. 8 Judge Thomas Drumiuond. Judye H.W. Blodgett. CHICAGO CLUB. MONROE ST. GRIGAGS HE Chicago Club is the oldest organization of the kind in the City, and among its list of members figure the names'of a large majority of the gentlemen who are most prominent in business and social circles. The present Club, which had its origin in the old Dearborn Club, with headquarters on Michigan Avenue near Jackson Street, was incorporated in 1869. Its first club house was at the corner of Wabash Avenue and Eldridge Court. After the fire the present building was erected on Monroe Street, just opposite the Palmer House, an admirable situation, in the very centre of the business portion of the city. The in terior is excellently arranged .for the comfort and convenience of the members, with parlors, library, reading room, cafe\ dining room, private supper rooms and sleeping apartments, all furnished with quiet and unostentatious elegance. The dining room and kitchen are at the top of the house, the cuisine being noted throughout clubland. The members of the Chicago claim, with pardonable pride, that in the excellence of its service and the perfection of its internal arrangements their Club is unequaled throughout the West. Unlike some of the other clubs, the Chicago is very strict in the exclusion of residents as visitors to the Club. The initiation fee is three hundred dollars, and the annual dues eighty dollars, payable semi-annually. From 1809 to 1871, Mr. Ezra B. McCagg was President, and the three years following Mr. Philip A. Hall filled the office. Since 1875, Mr. Nathaniel K. Fairbaiik (who has been most instrumental in furthering the interests of the organization) has been its presiding officer. Mr. Robert T. Lincoln is the present Vice-President, and Mr. Frank A. Marsh the Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Committee is composed of the following members: Messrs. Eobert T. Lincoln, Frank A. Marsh, Henry Field, Will- iam H. Kellogg, George H. Wheeler, Erskine M. Phelps, Arthur J. Caton, Gustavus A. Schwartz and Perry Trumbull. 11 GHIGAG0 Gb(dB. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Adams, Inane K. Adams, Geo. Everett Adams, Abbott L. Adams, Joseph Adams, John R. Adam, Alexander B. Aldis, Owen F. Allen Chas. W. Allen, Cotton Haydeu Allerton, Samuel W. Ailing, John Armour, Allison V. Armour, George A. Armour, Philip I). Armour, William Armsby, Jaiiiee K. Ayer, Benjamin F. Ayer, Edward E. Bakerv William T. Ball, George C. Bangs, Edward W. Baimard, Henry C. Barker, Samuel B. Barnes, Charles J. Barrell, James Bartlett, Benjamin Beale, William G. Beckwith, Corydon Bellas. Thomas H. Billings, Albert M. Birch, Hugh T. Bishop, Henry W. Black, John C. Blackstone, Tim. B. Blair, Watson F. Blair, Chauncey B. Blair, Cbauiicey J. Blair, Henry A. Blanchard/Georgo K. Blatchford, E. W. Boal, Charles T. Borden, William Boweii, Joseph T. Breese, Jacob B. Brews ter, Edward L. Brown, William L. Budd, Wayman C. Sullen, George Burch, Thomas R. Burke, Edmund Burley, Arthur G. Burnet, William H. Butterlield, Chas. W. Campbell, Treat Carpenter, August us A Carson, James D. Carson, John B. Carter, Leslie Carter, Ernest Cary, Eugene Caton, Arthur J. Cavaroc, Charles, Jr. Chandler, Joseph H. Chatfleld, Wayne B. Chisholm, Samuel S. Chuniasero, John T. Clark, .TohnM. Gage, Eliphalet B. Kimliall, C. Fred. Murray, William H. Sheldon. Edwin B. Clark, Alson E. Gage, Lyinan J. Kimball. William W. Shortall, John G. Clark, Stewart Gale, Stephen F. King, Henry W. Nelson, Murry Shufeldt, Henry H. Clarkson, John T. Gardner, Horatio H. Kirk, John B. Newell, John Singer, Charles J. Cobb, Walter F. Geddes, Alexander Kirk, Milton W. Nickerson, Roland C. Slaughter, Arthur O. Cobb, Albert W. Getty, Henry H. Kirk, Wallace F. Nickerson, Samuel M. Smith, Byron L. Cobb, Henry I. Gilbert, Albert M. Kirkwood, William Norton, J. Henry Smith, Ernest F. Collins, Charles C. Glover, Henry T. Kirkwood, Thomas S. Norton, James S. Smith, George Colvin.lWilliam H. Glover, Otis R. Knight, William S. Norton, Lemuel D. Smith, George T. Coinstock, Win. C. Goodman, James B. Smith, Orson Connell, Charles J. Gorton, Frank S. Lamed, Walter C. Oakley, James W. Smith, Perry H., Jr. Conrad, John H. Grannis, Win. C. D. Lathrop, Charles D. Odell, James W. Spoor, John A. Couiiselman, Charles Grillin, Thomas A. Lathrop, Bryan Osgood, John C. Kpalding, Jesse Cowles, Alfred Lawrence, Edward F. Otis, George L. Sprague, Albert A. Crane, Richard T. Hamill, Charles D. LeBaron, William Sprague, Otho S. A. Cramer, Eliphalet W. Hannah, John H. Lei ter, Levi Z. Palmer, Potter Stevenson, Donald M. Crerar, John Harding, George F. Lester, John T. Parker, Samuel W. Stirling William B. Cudahy, John Harrinian, Edward H. Lincoln, Robert T. 1'armelee, John W. Stone, Henry B. Cumining8,Cormb's R Harvey, Joel T>' Linn, William R. Patterson, Austin L. Strauffer, Benj. F. Currrn,n, Orville P. ' Harvey, Turlington W Lloyd, Henry D. Patterson.Hobt.W. Jr Strong, William E. Cutler, John A. Havemeyer, Wm. A. Loomis, John Mason Peasley, James C. Studebaker, Peter E. Hayden, Albert Long, M. David Peck, Clarence I. Sturges, George Dalziel, Davison Henrotin, Charles Lyman, David B. Peck, Ferdinand W. Switzer, Edward M Davis, Richard L. Henderson, Chas. M. Lyon, George M. Peters, Boswell A. Deering, James Henderson, Wilbur S. Lyon, John B. Phelps, Erskine M. Taylor, Hobart C. Deering, Charles W. Hibbard, William G. Lyon, William C. Phillips, George L. Tree, Lambert DeKoven, John Hills, D. Hobart, Pickands, Henry 6. Tripp. Dwight K. Dexter, Wirt Hosmer, Kockwood W Macdonald, Chas. B. Pike, Eugene S. Trumbull, Perry Dibblee, Henry Holmes, George P. Macdoiiald, Godfrey Porter, Henry H. Tufts, Eugene L. Dickey, Valentine B. Hotz, Chris toph Macfarland, Henry J. Potter, Orrin W. Doane, John W. Howard, William B. Mackay, Alexander Prentiss, John H. Ullrich, Michael Dodge, George E. P. Howard, William D. MacLeod, Kenneth Pretyman, William Dole, Charles S. Howe, Charles T. MacVeagh, Franklin Pullman, George M. Vanlnwagen, James Drake, John B. Howe, James H. Mair, Charles A. Pullman, Albert B. VanNortwick, John Driver, Edward A. Howe, James T. Manierre, George Ducat, Arthur C. Howland, George Marble, Andrew J. Quacienboss, Aug. Q. Walker, Edwin Duulap, George L. Howland, William I. Marsh, Frank A. Walker, George C. Dupee, Horace M. Hughitt. Marvin Mason, Edward G. Raymond, Samuel B. Walker, James H. Dupee, John, Jr. Hulburd, Charles H. Maxwell, Samuel A. Ream, Normnn B. Walker, William B. Durkee, Richard 1'. H. Hunt, Robert W. May, Horatio N. Rhodes, Charles D. Walker, Wirt D. Dwight, John H. Hutchinson, Chas. L. Maynard, Preston C. Rhodes, J. Foster Walsh, John R. McAuley, John T. Rice, John A. Wampold, Louis Eames, Frederick S. Irving, William McAvoy, John H. Ripley, Edward P. Ward, George R. T. Easton, Charles L. Ishain, Edward 8. McCagg, Ezra B. Bobbins, Henry S. Warner, Ezra J. Fddy, Augustus N. McClurg, Alex. C. Roloson, Robert W. Warren, Robert Eldredge, George C. Jackson, Hunt'u W. McCormick, C. H., Jr. Roloson, Walter L. Warren, William Jacobson, Augustus MoCormick, Robt. S. Rood, James, Jr. Washburn, Edw'd S. Farwell, John V., Jr. James, Frederick S. McCormick, B. Hall Roper, John Weare, Portus B. Farwell, Walter Janes, John J. McCormick. Wm. G. Rozet, George H. Webster, Lewis D. Fairbank, Nathan 'I K. Johnson, Hosmer A. McHenry, William E. Ruggles, Oliver W. Wells, Moses D. Fargo, Charles Johnston. John, Jr. McKay, James R. Hunnion, James B. Wells, Thomas E. Fargo, Charles H. Jones, Samuel J. McLaury, Thomas G. Rust, Henry A. Wheaton, George D. Farwell, Charles B. . Jones, Samuel M. McMullin, James C. Ryersou, Martin A. Wheeler, Charles W. Fay, Charles N. Jones, Judson M. W. McVicker, James H. Wheeler, Eugene Field, Marshall Jones, Nathaniel S. McWilliams, John G. Sard, William H. Wheeler, George H. Field. Henry Judson. Charles E. Merryweather, Geo. Schimpfermau.Wm.H. Wheeler, Hiram Fisher, Archie J. Miller, James A. Schoyer, Ernest A. Wheeler, Samuel H. Fisher, James K. Keep, Frederic A. Montgomery, Geo. W. Schuttler, Peter Whitehead, Wm. M. Fisk, David B. Keep, William B. Moore, Gurdon G. - Schwartz, Charles Wicker, Henry C. Fitch, Henry 8. Keep, William F. Morse. Charles H. Schwartz, Gust. A. Williams, Norman Fleming, Robert H. Keith, Edson Morsel Jav C. Scudder, Moses L., Jr. Willits, George S. Flint, Edward E. Koitb, Elbridge G. Mulliken, Charles H. Sears, Joseph Willing, Henry J Flower, James M. Keith, Samuel L. Mundy, Norris W. Seaverns, George A. Wilson, Benj. M. Forsyth, Robert Keith, W. Scott Munger, Albert A. Seaverns, Geo. A., Jr. Woodward, James L. Fuller, Melville W. Kellogg, William H. Munn, Charles A. Seeberger, Anthony F. Worthington, Edw. S. Fuller, William A. Kennett, Francis J. Munro, William Seeberger, Charles D. Fullerton, Charles W Kent, Sidney A. Murdoch. Thomas Sellers, Alfred H. Young, George W. Gage, Albert S. Key, John R. NON=RESI1DENT MEMBERS. Abbey, Henry E. Adams, Thatcher M Aikens, Andrew J. Alley, William S. Allison, William B. Ayer, Herbert C. Bacon, Don H. Ballon, Geo. Wm. Barker John H. Bartlett, Francis Benkard, James Bentley, Robert Berdell, Theodore Blodgi'tt, John W. Bradbury, Geo. L. Brown, Harvey H. Buim, John W. Cable, Ben. T. Caldwell, Daniel W. Campbell, James D. Carriugton, Win. T. Cathcart, George R. Chapman, Jos. G. Chapman, Nelson C. Chisholm, William Clark, M. Lewis Clement, Wallace C. Cobb, Emory, Colby, Charles L. Collins William A. Crouse, Daniel E. Curley, Edmund J. Gushing, Albus R. Dalziol, Davison DeCastro, Hector, Dewey, Eugene K. Dudley, Ethelbert L. Duulap. Bobert, Durand, John M. Ely, Arthur C. Farrar, Samuel F. Kish, St uy vi'simt . Francis, David It. Frick, Henry C. Getty, Henry H. Gulliver, W.lliam C. Harriman, Edward H. Hazeltine, Leonard, Hebard, Augustus H. Hegewisch, Adolfo, Hickox, Ralph W. Hill, James J. Hilton, Henry G. Holland, Arthur Hopkins. Amos L. Hopkins, George B. Houston, A, Ross Hoyt, James H. Huntingtou. Henry A. Jewett, Josiah Johnson, Lorenzo M. Jones, Mahlon O. Kondrick, Charles D. Lavton, Frederick, Law. Walter W. lieamau. Robert F. Ledyard, Henry B. Leith, Alexander J. Lewis, John V. Lowry, Thomas Mallory, Smith H. Martin, Thomas J. Mason, Alfred Bishop, Mather, Samuel McLaren, William P. Millard, Charles S. Mitchell, John L. Moffat, David H. Neff, James M. W. Nelson, Ephraim Newell, Stanford Nutt, Henry C. Onderdonk, Andrew O'Sullivan. Sylv'st'r J. Outhwaite, Joseph H. Page, J. Seaver Perkins, Charles E. I'hmney. Theodore W. Pickands, James Pollock, Wm. G. Procter, Harley T. Quinlin, Leonard G. Ramsey, Charles M. Rathboiie, Clarence Reynolds, Sheldon C Ridgely, Charles Robbins, George A. Robbins, S. Howland Robineon, Daniel B. Rogers, Henry J. Sanderson, Edward Sauuders, Edward N. Savin, Frank W. Savin, John W. Scott, William L. Seymour, James M. Sheridan. Gen. Ph. H. Simmons, Edward C. Simmons, Zalmon G. Smith Henrv D. Smith, William S. Spears, Hairy D. Spriggs, George B. Bwan, Alexander H. Swan, Frederick G. Talmage, Archib'ld A. Thayer, Nathaniel Thomas, Theodore Truesdell, John P.' VanXortwick.Wm. M. Veiller, Philip B. Wainwright, Ellis Warren, Walter P. Webb, H. Walter White, Horace Whittaker, John Willord, Edward K. Wolcott, Henry R. Wood, William Wright.Albert J. Yonilg, Alexitn. McD. Young, William Bingham, Judson D. ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS. Corbin, Henry C. 12 Lei-, James G. C, Penney, Chas. G. CD _i O CO o o o RGANIZED in April, 1885, the Douglas Club has its quarters at 3518 Ellis Avenue. The house is a three story and basement frame building, which was formerly a dwelling, but which has been greatly added to and improved since the Club took possession. There is a handsome lawn on the front and sides of the house, with a fine tennis 'court. The basement is devoted to the bowling alleys. On the first floor are the dancing hall, the ladies' reception room, the smoking room, the secretary's office, the library and the reading room. The second floor contains the dressing rooms and four private rooms. The third floor consists of a large hall, fitted up with a portable stage, scenery, etc., and where excellent dramatic entertainments are given by a corps' selected from members of the Club. The ladies of each member's family, and the males from fourteen to twenty-one years of age, are entitled to the privileges of the Club, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by the directory. Until the 1st of May, 1888, the initiation fee was fifty dollars, but, at a meeting held on that date, it was voted to reduce it to twenty-five dollars, and the memberships were made transferable. The dues remain as tiiey have always been, thirty dollars a year. The President of the Douglas Club is Mr. John W. Hepburn ;. the Vice-Presidents are Messrs. George W. Ludlow, W. W. Watkins, and W. H. Hagedou ; Treasurer, Mr. Frank E. Barnard, and Secre- tary, Mr. Melancthon Smith. The Board of Directors consists of the following gentlemen: Messrs. Spoor Mackey, Frank Baker, Frank Compton, Thomas B. McGovern, Rollin Sherman, Geo. W. Lawrence, S. H. Hale, John W. Hepburn, George W. Ludlow, W. W. Watkiiis, W. H. Hagedon, F. E. Barnard, and Mc]i!i:cthon Smith. 15 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Blair, O. S. Buhrer, J. S. Best, William Buchanan, E. P. Barber, A. H. Baxter, T. M. Beebe, A. A. Baker, Frank Brown, J. Mabbott Belding, H. H. Buchanan, J. N. Bohner, George Bloomings ton, Jno. S. Baldwin, A. Blake, H. H. Brooks, W. C. Bradley, D. E. Ballard, E. A., M. D. Barnett, C. W. Clark, Geo. H. Cook, Geo. D. Crow, W. J. Connor, T. V. Comrjtou, Frank Caswell, C. L. Cook, O. 8. Cleaver, F. W. Cratty, Josiah Critchell, B. S. Cbandler, Walter T. Day, Thomas G. Dunham, B. W., Hon. Doolittle, Jas. B., Jr. Deming, E. G. Dousman, H. F. Endicott, E. M. Ewing, W. G. Eddy, A. D. Frye, Geo. C. Fowler, C. I. Flagg, W. W. Fowler, B. Fretts. Geo. W' Flanders, J. J. Grier, H. B. Goddard, L. O. Graves, W. M. Glennon, E. T. Gardner, B. Harry Gardner, James P. Harvey, S. A. Horton, E. M. Holton, Geo. D Hale, Geo. W. Hunt, C. H. Hlldreth, C. H. Holdom, Jesse Hepburn, Jno. W. Hill, E. N. Hovey, Goo. H. Hagedon, W. H. Hale, S. H. Howard, H. E. Jackson, W. S. Jewett, E. A. Johnes, Geo. H. Jones, Otis Jerrems, W. G. Jerrems, W. G., Jr. Knapp, Thomas Kerr, J. S. Lawrence, Geo. W. Lee, Geo. N. Ludlow, Geo. W. Mackey, Spoor Mead, M. A. Mead, S. B. Miller, J. M. McPherran, S. H. Mitchell. J. C. Morton, Paul Morton, Joy Morton, Carl Marsh, J. H. McGovern, T. B. Marr, Benj. C. Marr, W. W. Ogden, W. L. Parsons, C. F. Penhallov, W. V. Patterson, A. L. Pickering, Arthur Phillippi, H. Parkhurst, H. S. Boss, James L. Kumsey, J. Frank Bussell, W. H. Bichards, C. A. Bobinson, J. K. Kea, Ridgeley Smith, Abner Smith, A. P. Smith, H. D. Smith, Melancthon Smith, James B. Somers, E. L. Sidley, W. K. Selleck, W. E. Squires, J. , Jr. Sutter, Adolph Sutter, Jacob Sutter, E. A. Sewell, Barton Stanton, W. A. Streeter, Jno. W. Sheldon, A. M. Shermnn, Bollins Stone, Geo. W. Sterling, W. H. Stevenson, D. M. Shayne, J. T. Tucker, Horace Tiffany. H. S. Thomas, W. G. Thomas, A. L. Thomas, D. M. Trude, F. H. Townes, J. T. Upham, B. P. Woodward, J. L. Watkins. W. W. Wade, J. W., Jr. Wells, Frank Wolcott, E. A. Wilson, James E. Wheeler, C. S. Warden, T. G. White, A. J. HONORARY MEMBERS. Gleetwood, Eev. B. F. Wilson, Bev. Jas. D. Winston, Bev. M. S. 16 FARRAGUT BO AT CLUB BSAT HE Farragut Boat Club was organized in 1872, and, as its name indicates, for the purpose of promoting the interests of boating. Beginning with a limited number of members, and a small boat house at the foot of Twelfth Street, it has gradually increased until it has reached its present flourishing condition. The present club house (at 3016 Lake Park Avenue) was completed in the spring of 1886. It is a handsome building of brick, with stone trimmings, and consisting of two stories and a basement. In the basement are the bowling alley, the pool room and the lavatories. The first floor contains the parlors, the reception room, the billiard room, the card room, and the library. The second floor is devoted to the dancing hall and a perfectly appointed little theatre, with a full stock of scenery and properties, and a seating capacity of four hundred. A series of entertainments are given here each winter, and the Farragut Boat Club Theatricals have become famous, attaining as they do to a pitch of excellence rarely reached by amateur efforts. The boat house proper is a one story brick buildirig, at the foot of Thirty-third Street. The Club owns about twenty-five boats, including an eight-oared barge, four-oared shells, four-oared gigs, single and double shells, single and double training boats, and pleasure boats of all descriptions. The initiation fee to the Farragut is fifty dollars and the dues are twenty-four dollars a year. The Board of Management is composed of the following gentlemen: President, Mr. Henry C. Van Schaack; Vice-President, Mr. Harrison Kelley; Secretary, Mr. C. F. Bryant; Treasurer, Mr. F. M. Staples; Captain, Mr. George B. Jennisou; Commander, Mr. Harry C. Avery; Lieutenant-Commander, Mr. John L. Corbett; Ensign, Mr. John M. Keogh; and Chairman of the Board of Admissions, Mr. Charles D. Hoard. 19 B0AT GLfclB. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Adams, Jos. Crouch, A. W. Harpole, W. S. Lees, Wm. H, Palmer, P. B. Southworth, H. E. Agnew, Alexander CuiHiniugs, J. N. Havtog, John H. LeFurgy, Ludlow Parkinson, Jos. G. Staples, Chas. B. Andrews, W. H. Harvey, Herbert C. . Lindman, John Parks, Chas. E. Staples, Frank M. Allen, J. W. Curtis, J. F. L. Havward, Paul D. Loper, W. H. Patrick. Ben). F., Jr. Steffens, Mathew J. Avery, H. C. Curtis, J. Lafe Heaney, Frank W. Ludlow, (i. M. Patterson, W. R. Stewart, M. Ayers, E. L. Heasert, Gustav, Jr. Lyfortl, Will H. Paul, Chas. R. Stiles, L. B. Dandy, John M. Hill, Geo. H. Payson, Wm. (!. Stone, J. D. Bain, R. C. Davis, Geo. W. Higgins, C. W. McArthur, Dr. L. L. Penfteld, H. S. Sturges, Solomon Barrel!, J. F. Daviea, Chas. F. Hoard, Chas. de V. McClellan, Geo. A. Peterson, Andrew Sweet, Jno. W. Bacon, George Day, Frank H. Hoffman, Geo. D. McCook, ChttS. M. Pfirsbing, Jos. Barrett, C. R. Denegre, W. P. Hoon, J. M. McCoull, Neil Pitcher, L. W. Thacker, J. F. Bassett, Norman C. Dennis, H. H. Hough ton, Geo. B. McDonald, J. A. Plummer, Cbas. G. Thomson, Dr. Geo. A. Battin, H. S. Devore, John A. Howard, Frank E. McDonald, D. W. Porch, E. L. Thompson, C. F., Jr. Baum, Bobert H. Dickie, K. S. Rowland, A. M. Macdonell, J. A. Porter, Gilbert E. Thompson, Cbas. G. Beck, C. A. Dickey. Frank T. Hubbard, H. A. McFarlin, W. W. Putnam, A. C. Trade, Frederick H. Bennett, Thos. Downs, Chas. S. Hull, Walter S. McGarry, E. J. Purcell, Wni. A. Trombull, Henry Biggs, Prank K. Dunton, Frank H. Hunter, C. L. Madison, Dr. Frank M Billings, Chas.'A. Hunter, F,d. S. Manasse, Louis Raber, Philip W. VanSchaack. H. C. Binz, E. W. A. Eiker, Chas. F. Hutchinson, Jonas Manasse, N. Rappal, L. L. VanSchaack, R. H. Blodgett, Geo. K. Ennis, Alfred Mapes, Dorchester Kavmond, E. H. Vierling, Louis Booth, Frank Jackson, Samuel W. Mathews. G. W., Jr. Raymond, Harry Vierling, Bobt. Brooks, J. H. Favorite, Geo. C. Jefferson, Benj. H. Matteson, Dr. Jos. Rawson, Hart VanSchaack, C. P. Brown, Everett C. Faxon, Clarence H. JenniBOn, Geo. B. May, John A. Reed, Wm. Kelsey Brown, E. W. Finley, J. M. Jenkins, Thos. R. Messer, George C. Reiling, H. J. Waite, D. B. Brown, W. H. Fleming, Carev K. Jonhson. F. E. Metcalf, Herbert C. Riley, Albert A. Walsh, Jno. H. Brush, D. Eugene Fletcher, Win.' A. Johnson, Walter L. Miller, Jas. F. Hitter, Chas. H. Wachsmuth, Louis C. Bryant, C. F. Plunders, Geo. B. Jones, G. Edwin Mitchell, L. B. Rogers, Chas. 1). Wacbsmuth. F. H. Black, S. H. Fowler, W. F. Mitchell, M. C. Roloson, Walter L. Wallach, J. F. Kelley, Harrison Montgomery, P. A. Ruff, JOB. Warner, C. H. Cadow, S. B. Gardner, Fred. Kelley, J. Frank Morrill, Cluis. E. Russell. H. D. Washburn, C. L. Capelle, M. E. Gaylord, E. L. Kelley, J. W. D. Morrill. Fred. K. Webster, Frank Carey, Frank T. Gerow, F. P. Keen, Jos. B. Morton, A. H. Scott, Jas. W. Weddle, J. Robsoii CIWB, Geo. W. Gilbert, F. F. Keogh, John W. Murison, Geo. W. Sharp, Edward F. Wells, Frank Cassard, Morris Glover, Lyman B. Kettelle, Geo. H. Seymour, E. O. Wheat, Fred. A. Chalmers, Wni. Gordon, Robt. King, Steve T. Nelson, O. C. Shaw, John M. White, Augustus J. Chapman, W. B. Gordon, W. H. Kilgour, Jos. T. Nelson, Wm. P. Shedd, A. F. Whiting. F. G. Chumasero, E. K. Gray, L. H. Kniskern, Chas. A. Nixon, Miles G. Sidway, H. T. Wiley, W R. Clifton, C. E. Grey, John J. Kniskern, W. B. Neff, E. D. Sills, E. P. Wing, Dr. Elbcrt Collins, Win. K. Grow, Ed. C. Neely, W. I. Shearson, H. H. Wood, Wm. F. Conrad, John Tjaniug, Chas. Smith, H. S. Wood, Frank F. Corbett, J. F. Hafner, W. H., Jr. Lape, Arthur Osmun, D. C., Jr. Smith, Jas. B. Woodruff, Jas. K. Coryell, Geo. K. Hall, Henry G. Lawrence, James A. O'Brien, W. N. Somes, W. W. Whyland, C. A. Cox, LeBoy B. Hancock, Geo. W. Lee, Chas. W. Somes, C. F. Courtright, H. H. Harding, E. M, Lee, Charlie Palmer, Harry Spalding, C. F. Young, W. W. LIKE MEMBERS, Ayerb, Enos Ball, Geo. C. Booth, W. Vernon Ca irley, ,rr, H. H. Crerar, John Downs, A. O. Eldrige, Geo. C. Goodman, J. B. Hayden, Albert Hale, Clinton B. Herrick, E. W. Hersey, H. A. Hughitt, Marvin Jeffery, E. T. Libby, C. P. Mair, Chas. A. Osgood, J. C. Ostrom, Jno. N, Phillips H. W. Ray, F. A. St. John, J. A. Rae, Bobt., Jr. Shcpard, J. H. Shortall, Juo. G. Smith, B. L. Wait, H. L. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Billings, Frank Booth, Geo. W. Chapman, C. C. Curtis, Wm. B. Raymond, E. T. Hurlburt, Harmon McArthur. B. R. Magill, E. S. Miller, Alex. W. Moffat, E. O. Morton, E. C. Murison, Alex. J. Oliphant, R. C. Porter, Alfred S. Richards, Chas. D. Robinson, J. D. Khortall, Jno. L. Smith, Henry 1'. Stephens, H. F. Wood, B. F. Mason, D. Pierce 20 GO 3 _J O IiLiNeis N 1878, an organization was formed by prominent citizens of the West Side, and called the Illinois Club. Its purposes were the cultivation and promotion of literature and the fine arts and of social intercourse. A house was procured at No. 401 Washington Boulevard, and in May the Club took possession, remaining here until May, 1879, when it removed to the southwest corner of Ashland Avenue and Madison Street. In 1881, the property which is the present quarters of the Club (154 Ashland Avenue) was purchased, and, in 1884, a large addition was built. It is a fine roomy house, with every convenience and comfort, parlors, reading rooms, caf6, dining room, billiard room, bowling alley, private rooms, and a superb ball room. The Illinois is the possessor of a fine collection of pictures, and its list of magazines and periodi- cals is the most complete of that of any club in the city. Its entertainments given during the winter season are unrivalled in point of elegance and good taste. The admission fee to the Illinois is one hundred dollars, and the annual dues forty dollars. Mr. John G. Eogers was the first President of the Club. The others have been Messrs. S. H. McCrea, Kichard T. Crane, J. Harley Bradley, Simeon H. Crane, and Eobert J. Smith. The present officers are as follows: President, Alson E. Clark; Vice-President, M. O. Brown; Treasurer, Wm. A. Hammond; Secretary, Chas. N. Bishop; Trustees, Messrs. A. E. Clark, M. O. Brown, W. A. Hammond, C. N. Bishop, S. P. McConnell, J. B. HcDonald, J. W. Skinkle, C. K. G. Billings, Oscar Burdick, W. J. Wilson, Wm. Cochrane, I. H. Holden, and H. J. Jones. '28 ILLINOIS GLUB. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Atlcock, A. W. Collier, Frank H. Handv, H. H. Morey, H. C. Roll.., Chas. E. Trimmer, Wm. A. Allen, W. A. Clark, A. K. Harding, A. J. Morgan. Wm. Hollo, Wm. E. Thomas, Homer M. Auten, P. L. Christy, Henry A. Hoyt, Henrv C. Mortimer, Wm. H. Hollo, Wm. F. Tomblin, Ira Avery, Frank M. Crane,' Chas. K. Holmer, FA'. K. Mortimer, W. E. Ruddock, Chas. H. Tapper, George Avery, Dan'l J. Crane, B. T. Holden, I. H. Miller, Jas. A. Russell, H. M. Tntliill. R. S. Aklri'ch, W. H. Crane, Simeon H. Holmes. Ge,j. P. Messenger, W. D. Hoche, John A. Titus, Virgil E. Anslev, Bobt. Champlin, Win. li. Hotz, Chris. Meachan, F. D. Itipley, Bradford \V. Taylor, W. H. Aldrich.H. H. Cimkey, Walter B. Hinchliff, Wm. E. Montgomery. Wm. T. Reed, C. C. Taylor. Geo. H. Ames, Henry W. Chamberlain, Chas. H. Huyck, John H. Merriman, A. T. Kogerson, Edward J. Tuttle, W. P. Alexander, Charles A. Conyue, C. B. S. Hodge, A. T. Mason, Geo. Roilly, Leigh Talbot, J. F. Ashley, Fred. S. Coffin, G. B. Hewett, Austin C. Mason, Jas. A. Keece, Alonzo Thatcher, A. T. Alsip, Win. H. Cornell, Geo. B. Hyde, Chas. E. Marshall, H. L. Requa, Stephen F. Taylor, Henry A. Carson, Sanf 1 Henderson, A. M. Merriman, Wm. A. Requa, Harry L. Thomas, John W. Beidler, A. F. Crane, H. P. Holdeu. Nelson B. Mark, Clayton Rollins, Chas. E. Beidler, Francis Clark, Jas. L. Heap. Arnold Moll, Carl Reed, David Vaughn, Alexander Bond, Thos. N Clark, Walter F. Harlan, A. W. Main, W. F. Riggs, Leonard C. Vanderkloot, Adrian Bowes, F. K. Grossman, F. M. Holtz, F. C. Mason, Carlile Ross, Geo. Vaughn, J, C. Boyeeen, I. K. Chalmers, W. .7. Hammond, L. D. Marshall, George A. Rutherford, William Bradley, J. Harley Clingniau, C. W. Harrison, Carter H. Martin, Robert L. Waller, Henry, Jr. Brown, H. H. Champlin, Fred. L. Hall, L. B. Marshall, Jas. D. Salisbury, W. H. ' Wallis, O. W. Brown, M. O. Chalmers, Thos. , Jr. Healey, P. J. McConnell, S. P. Shoemaker, Walter Waters, Willev B. Buchanan, M. D. Chappell, C. H. Harrison, CarterH.,. Jr. McCrea, W. S. Skinkle, J. W. Weare, P. B. ' Buckinan, R. M. Hutchinson. Geo. C. McDonald, John B. Smith, Cbas. H. Willard, Gardiner G. Bulkley, B. H. Dalton, John E. Henneberry, W. P. McLaren, John Smith, B. J. Willett, Jas. R. Bishop, Chas. N. Davis, Geo. B. Hartwell, A. V. McMullin, J. C. Sprague, O. S. A. Wilson, F. C. Brown, John M. Darrow, Alex. H. Hoyt, Geo. W. McLeish, Andrew Spry, John Willard, Monroe L. Bond, L. L. Dow, Asa McCourtie, A. B. Stiles, I. N. Wells, Wm. H., Jr. Billings, C. K. G. Dunn. John Ingalls, E. Fletcher McDonald, Malcolm Jr Stanford, Geo. W. West, E. A. Binkhardt, Henry S. Dickinson, D. H. Ingalls, Ephraim McCarthy, J. G. Strong, Wm. H. Wilson, Wm. J Burdick, Oscar McMullen, F. B. Spry, John C. Wirts, J. C. Banning, Ephrairu Evans, W. W. Jackson, Willis G. McQuiston, W. E. Shepard, Henrv O. Wheeler, H. A. Birkhoff, George, Jr. Elmer, F. H. James, Fred. S. McArthur, Arch. Salisbury, W. D. Wilkins, S. Grafton Booth, Henry W. Eliues, Chas. F. Jones, Hiram J. McDonald, A. Shaw, W'. A. Wilson, J. K. Borland, M. W. Kckhart, Bernard A. Jones, John H. Stewart, A. M. Wells. W. A. Berg, Henry W. Emigh, G. Jordon, C. H. Newton, Henry S. Stewart, Graeme Wells, A. E. Brown, D..R. Newcomb, John C. Schuttler, Peter Wallace, Jas. D. Beidler, Win. H. Featherstoue, John King, Ulrie Nutting, Wm. W. Showalter, John W. Webb, H. E. Broomell, Chester C. Forman, Geo. L. Kohlsaat, C. C. Nichols, Geo. B. Smith, Fred. W. Wood, Joseph H. Bremner, David F. Foster, E. N. Knox, J. Luydam Noyes, La Verne W. Scully, D. B. Woodruff, Charles E. Blackman, C. S. Ferguson, B. F. Keeler, Jos. B. Solberry, A. F Wood, Chas H. Binghain, James A. Fisher, Alonzo G. King, John A. Oliver, J. Milton Sands, Oladiah Williams, N. A. Baldwin, L. Forman, John Kendig, John A. J. Owsley, Heaton Strong, A. B. Wetmore, Henrv H. Burgett, J. M. H. Fisk, Franklin P. Kerr, William Outhel, B. M. Swett, Leonard Weigley, Frank's. Beidler, Adam W. Farwell, John W. Kerr, Sam'l Samson, Clark B. Wright, A. M. Brown. E. C. Fairbanks, John Kremer, Chas. E. Pond, Walter M. Stephens, Plowdon Williams, Frank B. Brophy, Truman W. Fulton, J. L. Kent. W. D. Pope, W. J. Strong, Chas. E. Wright, Frank S. Bartlett, F. O. Fitz Simons. Chas. Kohlsaat, Ernest W. 1'itkin. Geo. W. Spry, George E. Weeks, Harvey T. Bidwell, Theo. S. Fritze, Geo. Pashley, Alfred F. Somerville, Robert Work, A. S. Beidler, H. A. Fraser, Norman D. Lake, J. K. Palmer, W. C. B. Stover, Ira White, W. J. Badenoch, John J. i'oskett, Chas. M. Lane, W. H. Price, O. J. Sosman, J. S. Wygaiit, Alonzo Baxter, A. J. Lawrence, J. Frank Parker, Thos., Jr. Stone, A. J. Wood, Walpole Bullock. M. C. Gregory, Walter D. Little, L. H. Potter, F. P. Smith, T. P. Weigley, Fillmore Booth, Win. M. Grier, John A. Lyon, Rich. S. Parker, Geo. G. Soper, Jas. P. Williams, Geo. H. Brooks, H. G. Golder, W. A. Linington. C. M. Price, P. Bird Squair, Francis Whitcomb, R. S. Barrett, O. W. Gibson, Wm. D. Lyon, Jessie B. Payne, Eobt. E. Smith, Frank W. Wakeman, A. C. Blair, Geo. P. Garfield, Albert G. Landis, Perry Palmer, G. E. Wood, Charles J. Gadsden, James S. Leszyusky, Edw'd G. Tatham, B. L. Camp, I. N. Griffin, Thomas A. Bawsou. S. W. Teall, Edward M. Yaggy, L. W. Carpenter, W. O. Grassie, Henry Marder, John Ealeigh, Jas. T. Thomas, E. A. Champlin, Goo. W. Marsh, Wm. D. Bichey, Geo. H. Toune, Henry Zeigfeld, Dr. F. Cochrane, Win. Hammond, W. A. Mead, Theo. H. Roberts. E. P. Twitty, Edw'd ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Adolphus, W. Davis, Geo. W. Glaspel, Albert H. Morrill, Fred. K. Pullman, A. B. Symonds, H. B. Bennett, J. W Blackinan, C. H. Eldritlge, S. I). Egan, W. M. Glessner, John J. Hale, Geo. W. Morse, John F. Moore, Silas S. Peabody, J. B. Preston, Deming H. Salisbury, Eugene F. Stone, H. M, Barrett, M. L. Fair, M. A. Hill, Geo. B. Malany, LeGrand M. Pitkin, Frank Scott, J. E. G. Borland, L. C. Ferry, Jas. W. Heath, Ernest W. Matsoii. Roliu N. Parker, Francis W. Trunkey, A. J. Butler, E. K. Fredorickson, N. C. Hodgkins, Jefferson Morris, Thomas G. Rogers, George Mills Thompson, W. B. Culver, Geo. N. Coyne, Jas. H. Fisk, Henry E. Farson, John Hardy, Cyrus A. Hair, James A. Morse, Charles H. Moore, Berney J. Rhodes, Geo. L. Bogers, Joseph M. Trimingham, B. N. Valentine, E. H. Dean, Thad Gettv, H. H. Kerr, W. R. McHenry, W. E. Rising, C. L. Wilson, John O. Durgin, John C. Gillett, E. W. Ijistman, C. F. McKnight, Geo. F. Sprague, A. A. Wood, John H. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Andrews, F. L. Behrens, Max Dickason, L. T. Gilbert, Albert M. Miller, N. C. Smith, Amos T. Bodman, Wm. C. Carpenter, W. S. French, Harry D. Gunderson, G. M. Munson. Louis I*. Street, K. R. Butts, Hayden H. Dickinson, O. P. Frost, Chnrle's H. Letton, Theodore W. Pierce, GeraM VauZant, Harry M. HONORARY MEMBERS. President, Calumet Club Kev. W. M. Lawrence Prof. W. M. Salter President, Union Club Kev. T. N. Morrison. Jr Rev. H. W. Thomas Kev. James Vila Blake Kev. W. T. Mel.n Rev. .7. L. Wethrow Kev. Charles Conklin Bev. F. A. Noble Rev. J. Wolfenden Bev. Samuel Fallows Kev. A. K. Parker Rev. Charles S. Hoyt Prof. F. W. Fisk Bev. Luther Pardee Rev. Thomas D. Wallace Bev. T. K. Green Bev. Theodore P. Pradden INDIANA CLUB. INDIANA 'HE Indiana Club was organized in 1883, for the purpose of promoting social inter- course among its members and their families. The Club occupies the premises at 3349 Indiana Avenue, a handsome and commodious two story brick house, furnish- ed throughout with every comfort and luxury. The billiard and pool rooms, the bowling alley and the dressing rooms are on the first floor, and on the second floor are the parlor, the reception room, the card room and a spacious dancing hall. The Indiana is essentially a family club, the wives and children of the members being entitled to all its privileges. During the course of the year, entertainments of various kinds, lectures, concerts and balls, are given under the auspices of the Club. The initiation fee is fifty dollars and the dues are twenty dollars a year. Mr. William H. Harper was elected as the first President of the Indiana, and retained the office for three succeeding terms. Mr. Harper was also again elected in 1887. In 1886, Mr. E. F. Gorton filled the position. The present management of the Club is as follows: President, Mr. C. E. Seaton; Vice-President, Mr. J. E. Kimball; Secretary, Mr. W. E. Frost; Treasurer, Mr. J. B. Marsh; Board of Directors, Messrs. J. M. Phelps; E. E. Barnard, H. H. Carr, James H. Cooley, J. H. Gilman, C. E. Seaton, J. E. Kimball, W. E. Frost, and J. B. Marsh. INDIANA RESIDBNT MEMBERS. Agnew, Alexander Bowen, George H. Burrows, William F. Blake, Jessy T. Bliss, A. H. Bliss, Raymond Baine, Lrvi B. Beardsley, A. Buttler, E. B. Barnard, E. E. Burley, Frank E. Clay, W. W. Coolev, Charlie H. Carr, H. H. Curtis, J. L. Clarke, E. A. Crombie, Charles B. Chase. Ben. F. Cobb, Joseph P. , M. D. Caldwell, Henry J. Clarke, W. C.,Dr. Daniels, E. F. Davis,WilsonH.,M.D. Doud, L. B. Dandy, John M. Drake, Frank DeYoung, B. K. Dickie, K. H. Eldredge, Isaac Ewart, W. D. Foster, W. A. Frost, Walter A. Fauntelroy, T. S. French, Win. B. Fitch, Henry S. Gibbs, Platt P. Garnett, G. Wynn Green, A. W. Googins, David S, Gauger, John A. Getz, George F. Greene, Frank K. Gilbert, J. H. Green, John W. Gibson, M. H. Hencey, E. Harper, Win. H. Hammer, D. Harry Hayden, P. A. Hale, A. H. Howell, S. R. Hughett, M., Jr. Harper, C. L. Head, E. T. Hensner, L. D. Jacobus, J. S. Jones, Graham P. Jones, B. D. Johnson, Ira C. Kimball, Josiah E. Knight, Clarence A. Keeney, Charles P. Kellogg, H. P. King, Stephen T. La Monte, Wm. O. Libby, C. P. Libby, A. A. Laviiiia, Wm. B. Leeming, Dr. John McWilliams, Dr. S. A. McCullough, H. B. Meech, George A. McCord, John C. Manning, Wm. J. Marsh, James B. Montague, Gilbert Miller, E. B. Montgomery, P. A. Massey, Charles R. Mass, Charles M. Madison, Dr. F. M. Mason, A. O. Mix, Ira J. McBean, D. S. Mills, James M. Mills, Fred. N. McKuight. R. Phelps, W. W. Phelps, J. M. Purcell, W. A. Packer, Charles Perry, Charles N. Petty, C. J. Palmer, E. P. Pardridge, E. Parkhurst, H. S. Phelps, E. H. Reid, Win. H. Bichardson, O. W. Reid. John F. Hittenhouse, M. F. Shessler, Louis Sibley, James A. Sibley, Dennis E. Seatou, Chaucey K. Somes, C. H. Shaw, G. B. Seeley, A. H. Straight, L. C. Starrett, Julius Sibley, John B. Sturtevant, E. Somes, C. F. Sibley, George M. Smith, H. W. Stevenson, A. H. Swasey, Dr. Jas. A. Stedman, E. A. Stubbs. J. B. Sweet, 'S. H. Swasey, Joseph A. Stebbins, Henry S, Stiles, Clarence M. Smith, I. S. Taylor, Abner Tobin, F. J. Taylor, J. E. Taft, O. B. Thaiu, Joseph A. Tibbetts, C. H. Ulm, John W. Vierling, Louis Vierling, F. C. Vierliug, Col. Robert Voorhees, L. P. Wai work, John Weaver, H. E. Wetherell, O. D. Wells, Willis J. Williams. Clifford Wilson, H. E: Woodbridge, J. R. Weaver, C. H. Wheeler, Dr. Thos. B. Weidenfeller, Chas. A Woodward, James L. Walters, Wm. A. Williams, David HONORARY MEMBERS. Beecher, Jerome JUNIOR MEMBERS. Sibley, James W. Somes, Fred. M. Thain, Geo. A. French, Wm. A. 28 00 3' o o LU KENW00B GtfclB. r^^g^^ESP; ATE in 1883, Messrs. E. A. Potter, J. H. Long, J. P. Taylor, John Dunn, G. Steever, and several other gentlemen, residents of Kenwood, came together for the /purpose of discussing the feasibility of establishing a social and family club in that beautiful suburb of Chicago. From this meeting resulted the present Ken- wood Club, the organization of which was perfected in February. 1884. In June of the same year the Club took possessisn of the house on Forty-seventh Street, near Lake Avenue, which was formerly the residence of Norman B. Judd, Esq. To this house, a two story and basement frame building, a large addition. 40x75 feet, was made in the fall of 1886. In the basement are situated the bowling alley, the dining room and the kitchens. On the first floor are the hall, the office, the reception room, and a splendid dancing hall which occupies the whole of the addition. The second floor is taken up by the card rooms, the billiard room, the reading room, the library, and ladies' and gentlemen's dressing rooms. The ladies of the different members families are entitled to all the privileges of the Club, and they have established several musical and literary societies and art classes, which meet regularly in the Club house. The Kenwood has recently purchased a fine lot of land on the corner of Lake Avenue and Forty- seventh Street, adjoining its present location, where it is proposed to erect a new and handsome club house. The initiation fee of the Kenwood Club is one hundred dollars, and the annual dues are forty dollars. Mr. Edwin A. Potter was the first President of the Club ; Mr. Potter was succeeded by Mr. John Dunn, and Mr. Dunn in turn by Mr. John Driggs. The officers and directors for 1888-1889 are: Presi- dent, Mr. Nathaniel S. Bouton; 1st Vice-President, Mr. J. B. Knight; 2d Vice-President, Mr. W. G. Purdy; Treasurer, Mr. S. H. Wright; Secretary. Mr. Charles Webster; Directors, Messrs. George E. Thorn, C. B. Van Kirk, M. W. Ahvood, E. R, Woodle, W. W. Hunter, E. C. Potter, M. A. Fair, and F. W. Boot. KENV00B LIST OK MEMBERS. Adams, John R. Cooliuge, Walter G. Furber, Wm. E. Lane, John Peale, R. S. Adolphus, Wulf Cooper, Andrew J. Lane, John A. Phillips, Chas. H. Aldrich, J. Frank Cornell, John E. Gee, Wm. S. Lt-'hLinl. Wiirren F. Plnooffa, Ludwig Alister, Win. M. Cowles, John E. Gifford, Chas. E.. Jr. Lewis, Henry F. 1'incoffs, Maurice Andrus, Frederick Craig, Wm. M. Gifford, I. Cushman Lewis, I. Giles Pincoffs, Peter Armstrong, Frank H. Craine, Wm. N. Glessner, Arthur W. Lewis, W. H. DfiiHlow Potter, Edwin A. Ash, Isaac N. Cmry, Chas. W. Grant, James Little, Geo. W. Potter, Edward C. Ash, Levi H. Crocker, Jus. R. Graves, Albert M. Little, Wm. H. Pratt, Clayton A. Atwood, Myron W. Cruttendeu, Thou. S. Griswold, Henry F. Long, Eugene C. Pratt, Lorenzo Ayer, Benjamin F. Cummins, Benj. F. G \vinn, J. Morris Long, J. Henry Pride, Joseph F. Ayer, John M. Cunningham, Win. H. Gwinn, Wm. R. Lord, Daniel M. Proby, Walter Cumin, Orville P. Loughridge, Chas. Purdy, Warren G. Barker, Frank W. dialling, Edward T. Hageman, A. J. Lunt, Alfred F. Barker, Joseph N. Hale, Win, E. Lyon, Geo. W. Quigg, David Barton, Enos M. Daniels, E. F. Bashford, Kobert M. Davis, John Hamilton Irenus K. McArthur, Warren Rand, Wm. H. Bayley, Edwin F. Davol, Jos. A. Haniilton John M. McClellan.John J. Read, Nathaniel T. Beachum. C. J. Dayan, Louis F. Hammond CliaK. L. McKey, Henry, Remmer, Oscar Belden, John S. Dayton, Melville E. Hammond J. D. McMurray, Robt. H. Ritchie, Wm. E. Bennett, Frank I. Dean, Thadeus Hanson, Albert H. McMurray, Geo. N. Root, Frederick W. Bigelow, Thos. M. Bingham, Arthur E. DeProsse, Aiigelo M. DeWolf, Calvin Harper, Harvey M. Heckinan, Wallace McNeil, Halmer E. Madden, Frank H. Rosing, Win. H. V. Ross, Chas. B. Bissell, Josiah H. DeWolf, Wallace L. Henderson Howard Marsh, Chas. V. Black, Henry B. Donnelley, Richard R Henning Edwin Marshall, Jas. M. Sargent, Chas. H. Bogue, George M, Donnelley, Reuben H. Hlbbard, W. N. Mason, Leonard B. Schmidt, Anthony Bogue, Hamilton B. Donohue, Michael A. Hibbard' J. D. Merigold, Wm. A. Schoyer, Ernest A. Bogue, Oswell A. Douglas, Frank Higgins, Van H. Miller, Geo. L. Scott, Wm. C. Boice, Hugh M. Douglas. Frank L. Higlev, Wm. E. Miller, H. L. Seaverns, Wm. S. Bonmphrey, A. G. Douthart, Simon P. Hill. Geo R Miller, Jas. F. Shepard, Henry M. Bou ton, Archibald Dow Arthur C. Hill, W. B. Mills, Abbott L. Sherman, John D. Bou ton, Christophers Drake, Wm. H. Moore, Sam'l M. Sherman, Lucius B. Bouton, Nathaniel S. Dreiei , Carl Hitchcock Mrs. Annie Moore, Will H. Sherman, Penoyer L. Bowen, Arthur P. Driggs, Geo. Hoagland John R. Morehouse, Lewis P. Sherwood, Nehemiah Bremer, Albert H. Dunn, John Howard, J. H. Morgan, Jas. Shorey, Daniel L. Bridge, Reuel W. Dupee, Horace M. Hoyt, Geo. M. Morse, C. H. Shunawav, Edward G. Brooks, John \V., Jr. Hunter, Rob't J. O. Murray, Chas. A. Sibley, Edwin S. Brooks, Chas. M. Ellsworth, Jas. W Hunter, Wm. W. Musser, B. J. Srnale, Jas. 8. Browne, Anthony Ely, Oliver C. Hutchins, Jas, C. Spalding, Albert G. Brown, Wm. T, Nash, Samuel J. Spooner, Frank E. Buchanan, Jas. O. It. Fairman, Frank Neemes, John C, Sprague, Henry H. Burchard, Mortim'rN Farr, Marvin A. Jackson, FrederickW. Nellegar, John B. Squires, Chas. Burnet, Win. H. Bnrnham, Wai tor Fauntleroy. T. S. Flake, John M. Johnson, Jas. B. Johnston, Mervyn E. Nelson, Walter C. Niblack, Win C. Steele, Joseph H, Steele, Julius Butlin, Thos. G. Fiske, Henry E. Johnson, E. C. Nolan, J. H. Steever, Jerome G. Buttolph, Albert C. Flood, J. Ramsay Jones, Henry D. Norton, Chas. L. Stinson, Jas. Follansbee, Chas. E. Norwood, Fred'k W. Stirling, J. Carolus Cameron, John Foster, Thos. Kapisb, Leopold P. Noyes.Wm. S. Strahorn, Robert Carton, Ijawrence A. Fowler, Hervey W. Keen, Edwin H. Strong, David O. Chapiu, Eugene C. Fowler, Robt. 1). Kellogg, Edgar H. Oakley, Jas. W. Stuart, Robt. Coffin, Chas. H. Frasher, John E. L. Kellogg, Milo G. Swett, Fred. C. Colcord, Win. H. French, C. G. Kimball. Eugene S. Packer, Chas. P. Sy>r, Edwin W. Colvin. Horatio J. French, Henry C. Kirkland, Robert Paddock, Geo. L. Condee, Leauder I). Frothiugham. H. Kirk, C. W. Page, Wm. B. Talcott, Lester A. Cook, Harry B. Furber, Henry J. Knight John B. Parke, Edwin J. Taylor, John P. Tenney, Horace K. Thomas. F. S. Thompson. Kit-hard S. Thome, Win. C. Thome, Goo. K. Thorpe, J. Ward Thrall, Sam'l E. Thrall, Wm, A. Tobey, Chas. H. M. Turner, Addison A. Turner, E. A. Tun-ill, John F. Twyman, Joseph Ullmann, Frederic Valentine, Alister J. Valentine, Edward H. Van Bokkelen, B. O. Vankirk, Chas. B. Vau Uxem, Jas. L, Wait, Horatio L. Wait, Jaa. J. Walbridge, Walter P. Waldo, Otis H. Walker, Augustus E. Ward, A. Montgom'ry Ward, Geo. K. T. Warren, C. 1). Warner, Geo. L. Waters, Harry C. Webster, Chas. H. Webster, Hosea Welling, John C. Wells, Chas. W. West, Jas. J. Woodruff, Edward Wheeler, Chas. P. White, A. S. Whitacre, Chas. C. Whitney, Frank I. Wiley, Edward N. Wilkinson, Jerome B. Willard, George Willard, Henry G. Williams, John S. Williamson, Geo. T. Wilson, George C. Winslow, Chas. W. Woodle, Edward K. Wormer, Frederick F. Wright, Henry M. Wright, Samuel H. Ayer. Walter Drake, Geo. H. rrashi-r, Edward S, Frasher, John >. Furber, Frank 1. Griswold, Harry S. JUNIOR JS/TEIVIRERS. Kellogg, Norman Marsh, T. Clarence Marshall, Phillip Mcrii-llan, Edw'd W. McKey, Richard M. Proby', Jas. W. Strahorn, Harry C. Thome. Chas H. HONORARY MEMRRRS. Bixby, Rev. Chas. H. Hale, Rev. John P. LAKESIDE CLUB. LlAKESIBE HE Lakeside Club was organized in 1884, for the purpose of promoting social intercourse between its members and their families. Two houses were taken at the corner of Wabash Avenue aud Thirtieth Street, and here the Club remained until 1888, when the new Club house on Indiana Avenue (between Thirty-first and Thirty-second Streets) was opened with a grand New Year ball. The present house is an imposing structure of brick and stone, containing three stories and a basement. In the basement are the billiard rooms, caf6, the bowling alley, private supper rooms, and a dining room capable of seating four hundred guests. On the first floor are situated the ladies' and gentlemen's parlors, the reception room, the dressing rooms, and a fine assembly room and dancing hall, fifty -five feet wide by one hundred feet long. In the second story are the card rooms and a splendid gymnasium complete in every detail. The third floor is devoted to private apartments and the servants rooms. Entertainments of various kinds are frequently given in the Club house and in particular the general gatherings every Thursday evening have proved highly successful. The initiation fee of the Lakeside Club is fifty dollars, and the dues are forty dollars a year. The officers are as follows:. President, Mr. L. M. Friedlander; Vice-President. Mr. M. L. Frei- berger; Secretary, Mr. S. W. Roseufels; and Treasurer, Mr. D. B. Falter. The Trustees are Messrs. Martin Barbe, Martin Meyer, H. Hefter, David Witkowsky, A. Mahler, E. A. Singer, C. Witkowsky and J. S. Mendelsohn. 35 LJAKESIBE Auerbach. B. Brady, H. Bt'tolzheim, J. Barbe, Martin Beifeld, A. Beifeld, M. Bai-th, A. Bauland, J. H. Baum, Jacob Blum, E. C. Bert, E., Dr. Beiersdorf, J.R. Bloch, J. Barbe. Simeon Bensinger, A. W. Benjamin, Louis Cole, S., Dr. - Cohen, D. M. Cantrovitz, J. 8. Cantrovitz, S. M. Davis, L. D. Danziger, B. P. Daube, A. Elson, H. Eisendrath, O. L. Eisendrath, B. W. Eisendrath, Louis Eliel, E. F. Eliel, A. B. Ellbogen, M. Feibelman, A. L. Falk, H. B Friedlander, L. M. Freiberger, M. L. Foorman, Carl Falter, D. B. Felsenthal, E. B. Frank, Jules Friedlander, J. B. Fleishman, M. S. Frankel, L. Greenebaum, J. M. (iuthman, S. Hefter, H. Hexter, K Hasterlik, S. Harris. M. C. lleinoman, Theo. Hart. Leo. II. llofter, M. Hnsterlik, Chas. MEMBERS. Jacobs, Leon Julius;, Louis Joseph* Mich. Jacobs, Ad. Kiefer, L. Kahn, Felix Kohn, S. H. Kahn, Henry Kahn. Jacob Katz, Henry Kramer, E. Kuh, Jul. S. Klein, N. Katz, S. H. Livingston, I. Lindauer, 8. Lesem, M. Lichtstein, Is. Levy, J. B. Livingston, Chas. I. Livingston, Chas. Livingston, S. Lilienfeld. Win. Lazarus, H. Loeb, Juluis Leopold, A. F. Lamm, A. G. Levy, E. E. Loeb, 8. J. Louis, A. Levy, Jul. M. Loeb. M. Loewenthal, A., Jr. Mayer, Leopold Moses, Adolph Meyer, Martin Mendel, Marx Meyer, M. A. Mann, E. K. Mendelsohn, J. S. Mahler, Ad. Marks. S. L. Mandel, Nimon Mayer, M. Harry Mitchell H. C. May, Jacob Mayor. N. A. Maas, I. L. Neuberger. F. Neubergcr, Jos. Nye, W. A. Nusbaum, E. Neu, Ben. Newman. .1.. Jr. Nessler, H. D. Nessler, 8. C. Oppenheimer. A. Organ, R. B. Prins, R, J. Peiser, 8. C. Perlinsky. H. Polacheck. Leo. Rosenfels, S. W. Reigelman, A. Hosenbaum, M. Rosenberg. Benj. Rothschild. Harry Rittorband, M. M. Raphael, Ph. L. Rosenfield, Henry Sincere, Ed. Simon, A. L. Seaman, L. Stein, Jacob Sumerfield, G. C. Saunders, Thos. W. Stonehill, E. A. Singer, E. A. Seaman. E. Strauss, J. N. Strauss, Levi Schroder, M. Theobald. J. H. Vierling, F. C. Wolff, Milton J. Wolff, P. F Wemschenk, L . Wolf, B. Witkowsky, C. Wormsor. I). Witkowsky, I). Witkowsk}', David Wormser, L. Weil, A. 8. Witkowsky, L. Wheeler, M. Weil. Henry Wallach. D. Weinberg. A. M. Wolff. J . M . Wolff, Leo. LA SALLE CLUB. LlASALLE HE LaSalle Club is a political and social organization. All the leading Republi- can politicians belong to it, and it is the centre of Republican activity in Chicago. Beginning in a humble way, the growth of the Club in prosperity and influence has been wonderful, until its membership now embraces the names of seven hundred and fifty men. Organized in 1884, the LaSalle Club began its existence in a few rooms at No. 9 Lafliu Street. Thence it moved to No. 28 Warren Avenue, and early in 1888 it took possession of the fine building it now occupies, at 252 West Monroe Street, formerly the residence of C. C. Holton, Esq. The house is of marble, three stories and a basement, a frontage of 125 feet and a depth of 95 feet, with addition, built by the Club, 48 feet by 125. In the basement are the lunch room, the cafe, cigar stand, gymnasium, and a magnificent bowling alley, containing five alleys and two shuffle boards. On the first story are the hall, two large parlors, the reading room and the office, and in the addition the billiard room, with twelve tables. The second story contains eighteen card rooms, and a superb assembly room in the addition. The third story is as yet unfinished. The house is very handsomely furnished throughout, and no pains are spared by the Board of Management to make the LaSalle one of the finest and most popular clubs in the city. The initiation fees and dues are comparatively small, the former being fifty dollars and the latter twenty dollars. The first President of the LaSalle was E. Nelson Blake, who served two years ; H. S. Burkhardt succeeded him, and Mr. Burkhardt was in turn succeeded by George H. Williams, the present incumbent. The Vice-Presidents are Messrs. D. B. Scully, William Law (Jr.), James M. Johnson, and John Spry. George B. Swift is Treasurer, and F. S. Cable is Secretary. The Board of Directors consists of Messrs. C. H. George, J. W. Wainright, G. W. Stanford, C. A. Dew, J. W. Fernald, Samuel Simons, AV. D. Kent, D. F. Flannory and Col. A. H. Wheeler. LASALLE RESIDENT MEMBERS. Abbott, E. F. Chase. W. A. Galpin, H. B. Keith, J. G. Moore, E. D. Saltonstall, B. Abercrombie, C. Chiiiiquv, N. F. Gardner, G. A. Kelsey, C. M. Moyer, H. N. Sanborn, J. H. Adams, Geo. E. Christy, H. A. Gardner, W. H. Kennedy, R. B. Moyer, L. M. Sanborn, G. C. AiiiHlev. Robert Clark, A. B. Garrott. E. Kent, W. D. Morey, G. J. Sawin, J. S. Alberger, M. H. Clark, W. T. Genung, W. H. Kerwin, H. Morgan, A. B. Schnaeko, S. H. Aldeu, W. A. Clark, M. George, C. H Kerwin. W. P. Morrison, J. J. Schultz, W. W. Aldrlch, C. E. Cobb, D. W. Gibbons, J. Kester. P. J. Murphy, H. P. Scott, J. A. Amberg, F. Cobb, L. K. Gibson, C. B. King, J. C. Murray, A. D. Scrafford, M. J. Amberg, J. H. Coburn, R. G. Giffert, W. Kingwill, J. H. Scribner, W. N. Auiberg, A. L. Coen, E. J. Gilbert, J. H. Kiniston, L. C. Nagle, C. F. Scully, D. B. Anibuhl, Geo. E, Coffin, G. B. Gilbert, G. F. Kirkham, F. R. Neeley, C. G. Scully, Maurice H. Andrews, C. W. Coffin, R. S. Oilman, W. T. Kirkham, Goo. D. Newell, F. V. Scully, D. Angel, H. A. Colburn, F. A. Gilmore, T. J. Knight, O. B. Newman, H. P. Scully, Thos. Appleby, A. S. Colburn, J. E. Gleason, W. H. Kniselv, J. A. Newman, B. L. Seege'r, E. Armbrecht, L. Colby, Francis T. Goodwillie, D. M. Knoch,' W. F. Newton, H. S. Sennott, Thos. W Arnold, F. A. Collier, F. H. Goss, S. A. Knowles, H. Newton, A. Shaffer, H. R. Arnold, D. A. Collins, L. C. Gould, E. T. Knox, R. C. Noble, T. G. Shaw, W. F. Austin, A. N. Collman, J. S. Graham, W. A. S. Knox, S. B. Nolan, L. E. Shelbv, Daniel A vary, Daniel J. Commons, R. Graham. D. W. Kohlsaat, C. C. Nickerson, D. W. Shepard, H. O. Ayres, C. B. Conger, R. M. Graves, Neil S. Kraus, Adolt, Nutting, J. C. Shepard, W. L. Conkey, W. B. Graves, D. W. Kruin, I. R. Nye, W. J. Shuman, A. F. Badenoch, J. J. Cooper, A. O. Graves, W. P. Kuppenheimer, J. Silva, C. C. P. Bailey, F. M. Cornell, G. B. Gray, F. M. Ogden, M. D. Simmons, C. H. Bain, L. K. Cotton, A. C. Gray, C. W. Landon, J. A. Oldenburg, A. C. Simons, Sani'l Baker, W. H. Coughlin. T. E. Gray, A. Larson, L. H. O'Hara, W. S. Sims, W. Baker, B. F. Cowlea, J. T. Greely, S. F. Lasier, D. S. Oliver, J. B. Skinner, N. A. Baker H. Cox. E. J. Green, J. W. Lathrop, E. B. Oliver, F. S. Slack, C. H. Balkwill, J. F. Coy, W. S. Griffith, C. W. Law, W., Jr. Orr, C. F. Slagle, E. R. Baldwin, E. B. Cremin, J. F. Griffin, J. F. Lawton, E. C. Otis, E. A. Sloan, G. S. Bangs, F. B. Grossman, F. M. Leddy, Jas. Sloan, T. L. Barker, Alfred Cruzen, R. E. Hahn, C. H. Lee, F. E. Palmer, T. D. Small, H. H. Barnes, F. A. Cummings, E. S. Hall, L. R. Lee, G. P. Palmer, Percy W. Smart, James Barnes. B. C. Curran, Win. Halladay, J. C. Leland, W. F. Palmer, G. E. Smith, E. C. Barrett, O. W. Curtis, D. H. Halladay, W. H. Leonard, S. F, Parker, Thos., Jr. Smith, W. R. Bartels H. C Cusack, E. J. Hanks, A. L. Lonergan, T. E. Parker, C. W. Smith, Geo. W. Bartholf, C. S. Gushing, W. T. Harkness, E. J. Longnecker, J. M. Parks, F. W. Smith, J. H. Bartlett, B. H. Harkness, L. i\ Lusk, Wm. H. Parsons, J. B. Smyth, John M. Bass, Geo. Daly, J. H. Harlan, A. W. Lyon, D. J. Patch, G. M. Soper, J. P. Batdorf, C. S. Danfbrth, I. N. Harlow, A. D. Patten, J. A. Spry, S. A. Bayless. T. Danz, C. A. Harper, Win. H. MacDonald, C. A. Pearson, J. L. Spry, Geo. E. Beale, W. G. Darrow A. H. Harris, Geo. P. MacMillan, T. C. Pearson, R. K. Spry, John Beebe, W. H. Davenport B. F. Harris, S. K. Magill, J. C. Peck, H. S. Spry, J. C. Begley, F. A. Davis Geo. R, Harris, M. K. Main, Wm. F. Perce, L. W. Squair, Francis Roidler, W. H. Davis, T. A. Harris, A. Manier, C. Perkins, H. S. Stanley, P. E. Beidler, Francis Davis C. G. Hart, J. J. Manahan, F. T. Perkins, C. G. Stanford, Geo. W. Benner, M. Davis Will J. Hart, J. P. Mandelbaum, M. R, Perkins, C. Stearns, E. G. Bergman, F. A. Berry, L. P. Davis] L. L. Davy E. W. Hartigan, T. L. Hartman, H. A. Mark, Clayton Marks, W. J. Perry A. J. Pinkerton, W. A. Steffen, C. T. Stevens, L. W. Berry, B. F. Deal, Geo. W. Hartwell, M. W. Mark, Anson Phillips, J. F. Stevens, J. S. Berry. John Deal] H. M. Haskett, I. R. Marlor, C. E. Plamoudon, A. Stevens, J. K, Best, J. G. S. Deaue ~W. Hauxhurst, J. M. Marshall, H. L. Plamondon, C. A. Stevers, M. D. F. Bidwell, J. E. Deuue J. M. Havens, A. E. Marshall, C. G. Plamondon, Geo. Stewart, Graeme Bigelow, J. K. Decker, M. A. Hawes, Kirk Marshall, G. A. Plautz, C. H. Stewart, H. M. Bigelow, B. A. Dew, c! A. Hayman. B. C. Martin, R. L. Pollard, J. B. Stewart, G. A. Billings, C. K. G. Dibble, C.' A. Heath, F. A. Martindale, D. M. Pomeroy, J. Stewart, J. P. Bird, H. G. Dick P. C. Helm, D. T. Mason, J. A. Pond, Walter M. Stewart, W. F. Birkhoff, Geo., Jr. Dixon, G. S. Hemstreet, W. J. Mason, Geo, Potwiu, Homer Stone, E. B. Birkhoff, N. W. Dixou Arthur Henry, J. E. Mason, E. T. Powell, J. S. Storm, P. S. Bisbee, L. H. Dodge, P. G. Henshaw, H. H. Mason, T. J. Powell, Geo. J. Story, J. B. Blair, F. M. Herson, J. McAdam, J. V. Powell, G. W. Strong, Albert B. Blaisdell, S. E. Douglas, F. W. Hertz, Henry L. McArthur, J., Jr. Powell. W. H. Sweet, E. C. Bliss, E. R. Hickox, W. C. McArthur, C. Price, P. Bird Sweet, A. ],. Blodgett.E. A. Drake C T Higgie, J. L., Jr. McArthur, J. N. Pullman, ChnK. L. Sweet, J. Blount, F. M. Hilderbrandt, A. M. McAulev, D. R. Pullman, W. C. Sweet, L. Blume, Jarvis Dunham R. W. Hill, F. H. McCarthy, D. M. Puster, R. T. Swift, Geo. B. Boener, R. E. Dunn, J. \V. Hinckley, W. H. McCarthy, Florence Putnam, F. W. Swift, L. J. Bohanon, C. H. Dunne, M. W. Hiuckley, O. W. McCoutrie. A. B. Pyott, D. A. Bond, T. N. Durant, W. H. Holden, W. H. McDonald, B. Pyott, J. M. Tarbell, F. H. Bond, L. L. Dykins,' C. F. Holden, C. N. McDonald, M Taylor, J. B. Booth, W. M. Holmes, O. W. McEvoy, J. E. Qualey, J. A. Taylor, Abner Boucher, C. W. Holt, G. M. McFarland, F. W. Quirk,' J. Teeple, F. W. Bourke, E. J. Eagle, W. H. Hough, S. L. McHenry, C. S. Quirk, B. Tenney, J. F. Brabrook, W. F. Eagle, T. 1>. Hough, E. M. Mcllvaine, Frank Thatcher, A. T. Brainerd, E. R. Eastland, 1.. J. Hough, D. L. McKay, F. M. Rawle, J. Thatcher, G. Brentano, T. Eckhart, P. A. Howe, A. T. McLaren, John Raymond, S. B. Thayer, F. A. Brenton, H. N. Eckhardt, Thos. Howe, D. H. McLean, A. B. .Raymond. G. B. Thoen, L. Brown Sam Edwards, T. K. Hubbard, Geo. W. McLean, W. H. Reece, A. N. Thomas, E. A. Brown, W. G. Elliott, W. S., Jr. Hutchings. W. A. McNeill, B. F. Reed, N. A., Jr. Thompson, H. 1'. Bucklev, J. C. Ellis, E. D. Hydi-, C. E. Meacham, F. D, Heichard, G. H. Thompson. H. I.. Burdick, O. English, G. P. Mead, D. S. Reillv, Frank Thoraburgh, H. I,. Burkhardt, A. A. W. Ensley, T. D. James, W. F. Mead, M. E. Rew.'F. E. Thornburgh. .1. c. Hurkhardt, H. K. Erviu, L. D. Jenkins, R. E. Mecartnev, H. S. Reynolds. H. J. Tilden, C. C. Burkhardt, M. I.. Johnson, Ja*. M. Meyer, John Rice, F. A. Titus, G. P. Burns, C. F. Fagan, M. E. Johnson, A. B. Middleton, G. Hicholsou, B. F. Towler, J. P. Bushnell, G. W. Fugan, J. J. Johnson, W. S. Miksch, A. J. Riddle, Francis A. Towne, Henry Buzzell, M. H. Faikbanks, John Johnson, Chas. J. Miles, G. S. Riderburg. S. \V. Trevser, Ge. A Kails, S. K. Johnston. AY. Mills, D. W. Risdon, A. Tuthill, R. S. Cable, F. S. Talk, Louis Johnston, C. S. Mills, B. L. Robinson, T. H. Twohig, J. Cable. H. D. Farwell, Chns. li. Johnson, 11. M. Miller, W. F. Robinson, J. A. Calhoun, T. C. Featherstone, A. .1. Johnston, A. H . Milner, J. T. Roche, John A. Dnderwood, W. T. Cameron, N. Ferguson, B. P. Jones, J. M. W. Minkler, W. S. Rogers, J. E. rilman. P. G. Cameron, G. M. Fernald, J. W. .lours, H. J. Minor, R. C. Rollins, C. E. Campbell, M. Fisk, Frank P. Jordan, C. H. Mitchell, R. Rollo, W. E. Valentine, G. F. Campbell. F. W. Fitz Simons, ('has. Mitchell, W. Ross, A. S. Vanliuren, A. Campbell, W. J. Flannerv, D. F. Kahler, J. Mitchell, J. 8. Ross, C. K. Vanderkloot, A. Campbell, J. L. Forch, F W., Jr. Kamper, C. A. Mitchell, \V. S. Rounds, C. H. VanderkliM't. 11. Carpenter, Grant Foss, \V. \V. Kantzler, F. 11. Monaghan, Guy Roundy, F. C. Vanderploeg, H. Carter, J. N. FOBS, H. B. Kaufman, W. S. Monroe, W. F. Ruddock, C. H. Vanderpoel, John Carter. Z. R. Foster, S. B. Keats, J. Montgomery, M. A. Rush, D. G. Case, E. B. Frary, O. D. Keeler, J. B. Montgomery, L. H, Russell, A. Van Sands, R. Casev, J. J. Freeman, A. B. Keen an, W. S. Moody, W. J. Kussell. EbbertE. Van Sicklen, A. Catlin, Clms. French, W. H. Keep, W. B. Mooney, J. Huss, B. S. Van/wool, A. H. Chalmers. T.. Jr. Fnllemvider, S. A. Keip, J. G. Moore, J. E. Yait/wool. (i. M. Chamberlain, C. H. Fuller, A. M. Keith, E. G. Moore, W. J. Salsbury, F. L. Vaughn, J. W., Jr, 40 LASALLE RESIDENT MEMBERS. Continued. Vaughan, J. 8. Vickery, J. W. Vierling, Kobert Wilde, J. J. Wain-Wright. J. W. Walker. K H. Walker. E. 11. Ward, F. C. Warriugtou. W. H. Waterman, A. N. Waters, C. . Watson, A. D. Watts, G. C. Weigley, F. 8. Welch, H. D. Wellington, G. D. Wella, A. E. Westerneld, H. Weston, J. W. Wetmore, F. C. Wheeler, John R. Wheeler, H. A. Whipple, J. H. White, Geo. E. White, Alex. White. A. P. Wilce, E. H. Wilk, Fred I,. Wilk, W. F. Wilkins, S. G. WillitB, W. W. Williams, Geo. H. Williams, F. B. Williams, Win. Williams, K. A. Willits, Geo. H. Willy, A. Wilson, G. Wilson, W. J. Wilson, C. H. Wing, W. P. Wise, A. J. Woodman, C. W. Woodward, J. L. Woodward, C. S. Woolf, Isauc Wright, F. H. Wright, C. E. Wuichet, I,. Wyatt, H. I.. Wygant. A. Wygant, B. Wynian, \V. D. Wynil, E. Yerkes, Cbas. T. Yonng, F. S. Youngblood, W. B. /icgfeld, F. /ii'Kfeld, F., Jr. XinuiH-runin, J. S. = RESIDENT IVlEVIFiERS. Ames, J. C. Burkhardt, C. G. Hunt, Geo. H. Neustadt,!,. C. Oglesby, Kobert Pearson, I. N Tanner, John li. HONORARY MEMBERS. Joseph Medill. Andrew Hhuman. Win. 1'Biin Nixon. J. J. West. George Ij, Webb. W. K. Knllivan. H. W. Patterson. 41 JeHN A. beGAN HE John A. Logan Club, the youngest organization of the kind in the city, was chartered February 12th, 1888. Its objects are to promote the interests of the Republican party and to encourage the social and friendly intercourse of Republicans. A well furnished house at 466 La Salle Avenue has been procured, and much interest has been manifested and the list of members is constantly increasing. Embracing as it does, the names of the most prominent Republicans on the North Side, the Club is assured of success and will undoubt- edly do good and effective work in the various campaigns. The admission fee is ten dollars and the dues twelve dollars a year. Mr. Charles Catlin is the President; Mr. Frank M. Blair, Treasurer; Mr. Edward D. Cooke, Secretary ; and Mr. Geo. S. Dickson, Corresponding Secretary. The Board of Directors is composed of the following gentlemen : Messrs. Samuel B. Raymond, Frank M. Blair, John J. Healey, James A. Sex- ton, Edward D. Cooke, Charles Catlin and J. A. LeBrun. 42 J0HN A. LOGAN GLUB. Hon. Charles B. Farwell Hon. Benj. 1). Magruder Hon. George E. Adams I Icmpstoad Washburn Samuel B. Raymond Frank M. Blair Charles Catlin William G. Beale James A. Sexton John J. Healy Charles W. Andrews, Jr. Ivlward D. Cooke John M. Smyth Alexander Sullivan George B. Swift Charles T. Yerkes, Joseph II. Dixon, Henry L. Hertz Henry W. Leman Canute R. Matson William Stewart Eugene A. Sittig John Worthy James Pease David Hogg George S. Dixon Daniel B. Scully' E. C. Hamburger Elias Shipman George K. Rix J. A. Le Brim James C. Brookes M. C. Light ner Abbott L. Adams Gen. Win. I.. Distin William R. Manierre James Leddy Dr. J. F. AVilliams J. McGregor Adams William T. Ball Allen Tuell J. S. Runnells Patrick MeGrath John W. Foster LIST OK MEMBERS. Nate A. Reed Joel M. Longenecker John Harper II. W. Jennev George F. Hoy to J. S. Sheahan W. II. Heed F. I). Turner Otto G. Ilottinger Dr. Truman W. Miller J. S. Phillipps H. G. Bottum E. S. Bottum Charles J. Sundell Wm. J. Ilaertlicr Dr. A. G. Haerther E. F. C. Klokke J. M. Getman Joseph Kasper Nathaniel C. Sears Geo. S. Willits Judson F. Going Gen. H. II. Thomas H. J. Willing T. C. Thielepapa Charles Arnd Wiley S. Scribner A. W. Adamick H. S. Boutell W. H. Johnson F. V. Bushick Wm. Eisfedt, Jr Ivlward Rutz Alex. II. Revell M. Umbdenstocfc E. A. Robinson Eugene Neufer Conrad Folz G. E. Chappoll John L. Crist 1 1 en iv Spears, Jr. John Reich Charles L.Griebenow M. J. Swatek C. C. llolton J. M. Roach N. II. IJarnos John Anderson A. V. Lee S. L. Robinson J. L'. Sullivan D. W. Nickerson Louis Kistler Win. T. Belfield Chas. Schoene Frank D. Cooke N. M. Plotk S. 1'. Shields George II. Woods A. W. Fries George II. Williams G. A. Busse Burton Johnson Henry Englchardt S. II. Gammon Ivhv:ird S. Taylor L. 1'. Smith E. R. Brainerd Elbridge Ilanecy John Spry J. M. Flower Chris. Pfeiffer Homer S. Taylor John Hart wick John C. Folz Frank S. Wheeler Frank L. Danforth Thomas Burke Charles K.-inislinu Charles E. Ilollis Ivlward A. Filkins Charles 1C. Krby M. Ln Bounty Seth F. Hanchett ( li:i.. K. ( |I:IM> John S. Dunham 43 IAK12ANB HE Oakland Club was incorporated November 1st, 1887, and about the same time purchased the building at the corner of Ellis and Oakwood Avenues, which was formerly the Lakeside Skating Rink. This building was entirely renovated and fitted up as a club house at a cost of ten thousand dollars It is a large structure, built of brick, and two stories high. On the first floor are the office, the gentle- men's reading room, the ladies' reading room, a spacious promenade hall, two ladies' parlors, two gentlemen's sitting rooms, a billiard hall one hundred feet long, two card rooms, the kitchen, and a dancing hall one hundred feet by eighty. The second floor is only partially finished off, the chief apartment being the assembly room. The Oakland is distinctly a family club, all intoxicating liquors and games of chance being strictly prohibited. Many private and public entertainments are given at the club house in the course of the year, such as dancing parties, card parties, concerts and lectures. Saturday night is set apart for general gatherings. The initiation fee is fifty dollars and the annual dues are thirty dollars. Mr. John E. Bensley, to whom much of the success of the Club is due, is the President. The other officers are: First Vice-President, Mr. Charles T. Teegs; Second Vice-President, Mr. James B. Mann; Treasurer, Mr. F. B. Ullery; Secretary, Mr. J. C. Thomas. The Directors are, in addition to the above gentlemen, Messrs. S. A. Maxwell, L. H. Bisbee, J. H. Trumbull, Wm. Turkington, J. H. Conrad, E. F. Gorton, Frank Shepard and W. A. Merigold. 44 0AKUANB GlJUB. LIST OK MEMRERS. Adams, Edgerton Caster, H. E. Fisher, L. G. Koeherspergin-, D. H. Parker, Lamont E. Spinney, E. C. Aldrich, Charles H. Cleaver, F. W. Fletcher, 1). H. Kochersperger, H. Ij. Ptirmly, S. P. Straus, Simeon Allyn, Arthur W. Clark, B. F. B. Foltz, W. W. Kline, George E. Persons, Voliiey T. Stone, Burke Anderson, Wm. D. S. Clark, W. D. Follansbee, C. E. Lamson, S. W. Peningtou, T. C. Andrews, Matthew Conrad, J. H. Gano, B. M. Lamos, Charles C. Peters, D. S. Taylor, Dr. G. O. Aubery, James M. Colvin, W. H. Gartside, John M. Landt, Charles C. Perkins, H. A. Taylor, R. J. Cone, Albert G. Galloway, James B. Lee, Walter L. Perry, William Thomson, Alex'r M. . Ball, Godfrey H. Cooper, A. J. Gorton, Edward F. Loker, G. T., Sr. Prickett, Geo. W., Jr. Thonias-, J. C. Bailey, E. W. Cowles, John E. Griffin, Joseph A. Trumbull, Lyman Ballard, Dr. E. A. Coffee, H. T. Maxwell, S. A. Rand, William H. Trumbull, Henry Barrett, M. L. Cram, Geo. F. Hateley, J. C. Muull, Dr. W. C. Rand, Charles E. Trnmbull, George Barton, Jesse B. Grossman, Henry Hammond, Dr. J. D. Mann, James R. Reed, Charles A. Trumbull, John H. Bangs, John D. Crane, Simeon H. Hayne, W. W. Mavor, William Rhodes, George L. Trego, Charles T. Bensley, Jno. B. Crawford, Charles H. Head, B. F. Mackey, Spoor Robertson, John B. Trego, W. T. Bell, J. H. Curran, Orville P. Herring, Fred. A. Macftirlane, J. W. Rogers, E. P. Tiirkiugtou, Wm. Beeman, C- W. Hills, E. W. McWillinms, John (i. Robinson, W. H. Bennett, Isaac M. Dexter, W. W. Higgins, Hiram Me Williams, Lafa'ette Bobbins, W. S. Ullery, Dr. F. B. Bissell, Frank B. Donohue, M. A. Hicks, George C. McKeever, J. L. Bisbee, L. H. Dodson, J. H. Hill, James M. McCarty, W. W: Sage, W. M. Walls, James R. Bond, William A. . Dray, Walter S. Holdom, Jesse McConnell.Wasih'n A. Sage, W. G. Walls, William W. Borden, John Dunham, B. W. Holmes, Dr. Bayard Merigold. William A. Scott, W. D. Wadsworth, John Bobo, John L. Dunbar, C. C. Hobart, H. R. MeHser, George C. Scott, Charles B. Walker, George R. Blackmail, C. H. Dunlop, Alexander Hood, James Miner, J. A. Scovel, R. A. Waite, George H. Bliven, C. E. Huey, J. S. Miller, James H. Sea, Sidney W. Wager, E. F. Bradford, Albert J. Edlirooke, W. J. Moore, Stewart L. Sedgwick.'E. H. Wetherell, Dr. G. F. Bradley, David E. Elliott, J. H. Jackson, C. E. Mowen, S. J. Sherman, E. B. Wheeler. Martin L. Bradley, C. H. Ely, Frederick G. Jamison, T. N. Moore, John W. Shepord, Frank White. Charles F. Brown," Dr. Sanger Ellett, E. H. Jenison, E. S. Murray. EdwardD.Jr. Shute, S. W. White. William M. Brown, Chas. K. Espey, J. E. Jefferson, W. J. Murray, Allen F. Sidwell, George H. Wheelock, H. B. Burnham, Telford Everinghaui, L. Johnston, John Smith, H. C. Wiley, E. N. Bunker, C. H. Jones, J. Blackburn Needham, Charles W. Smith, Shea Withrow.Dr. Harris'n Boyington, Homer H. Fairchild, James H. Newkirk, Dr. Garrett Smith, L. M. Wixon, C. F. Farr. Albert G. Kerr, John L. Nickerson, Benj. R. Smith, Calvin S. Wolfo, Albert H. Carson, R. B. Ferris, L. I,. Keeslor, W. S. Soper, H. W. Carson, Dr. C. W. Ferris, J. M. Kinney, W. C. Ogdeu, William L. Soper, Alexander C. Ziess, Henry J. Carson, Dr. H. Fenn Field, Henry D. 45 TRE OAKS 'HE Oaks was organized in January, 1882, and incorporated September 3d, 1884, its object being to promote social intercourse between its members and their families. In its early days the club occupied rooms in the Giles Block until the building was destroyed by fire November 13th, 1885, at which time it suffered the loss of all furniture and records. When the block was rebuilt it occupied a suite of rooms therein until the new Austin Club ami Library Building was completed, into which they have recently moved. The apartments occupied by the Club consist of reception hall, parlors, card and billiard rooms, banquet hall, etc., also a beautiful and completely appointed theatre, all of which are furnished with much taste and elegance. The officers of the Club are as follows : President, Mr. F. R. Shock; Vice-President, Mr. G. W. Church; Treasurer, Mr. C. S Castle; Secretary, Mr. H. T. Emerson. Board of Directors, Messrs. P. V. Castle, R. H. Traill, E. G. Hobler. Executive Committee, Messrs. H. D. Schall, T. C. Hood and S. J. Crafts. TRE 0AKS LIST OK Austin. H. W. Baker, E. O. Bassett, N. M. Barker, C. V. Beeson, F.C. Crafts, M. B. Gamble, II. C. Crafts, C. E. Church, G. W. Crofoot. A. B. Davis, G. M. Giles, W.A. Gammon, C. I). Hall. L. E. Hood,,!. C. Hitchcock, C. A. King. II. B. Leeland, C. F. Lawson, W. Libby, Cyrus Macfarland, W. W. McCarthy, I. I. Murry, M. F. Miller, I. I. Newland, \V. D. Trivess, C. N. Royw. (r. H. Swinscoe, (i. W. Woodbury, S. II. Whitclicad. E. .T. 49 PARK HE Park Club had its beginning at a social gathering of the leading gentlemen of South Park early in the spring of 1886. Soon after, some fifty or sixty names being on the roll, the Club was regularly incorporated under the state laws of Illi- nois. The selection of its name was the natural sequence of its unrivalled location in the midst of the grand system of parks and boulevards, over whose thousands of acres of lawn and lake its windows look. While the majority of the members of the Park Club live in South Park and Hyde Park, there are many who are resi- dents of the city, appreciating, as they do, the advantages of having a stopping place while driving to the parks. The Park is a family club, ladies being admitted to all its privileges. The Club building, fonr stories in height, is composed of brick and rough hewed stone. The basement is occupied by the bowling alleys, the pool room and the janitor's room. The first floor contains the parlor, ladies' reception room, the caf6 and a handsome hall. On the second floor are located the billiard room, card rooms and di- rector's room. Both these floors are entirely finished in red oak. The entire upper floor, with the ex- ception of two small boudoirs, is thrown into a fine assembly room, with floor, walls and ceiling of white wood and southern pine. The spacious verandahs on the first and second floors are an attractive feature in the summer months. The admission fee to the Park is fifty dollars and the dues are twenty-five dol- lars a year. The Club is under the management of the following gentlemen: President, Mr. Newton A. Pard- ridge ; 1st Vice-President, Mr. Henry S. Hawley ; 2nd Vice-President, Mr. Melville E. Dayton ; Treasurer, Mr. John E. Cornell; Assistant Secretary, Mr. John F. Gilchrist; Directors, Messrs. Henry F. Freeman, A. Judson Cole, Kobert Boyd, Ernest W. Heath, Fred. K. Boot, T. W. Hamill, Wm. H. ileay, Alex. E. Garceau and Win. C. Niblack. PARK CLUB. PARK MEMBERS. Aldricb, J. Frank Chandler, Frank R. Garceau, Alex. E.M.D. Judson, William B. Munger, Pliny P. Scainmon, J. Young Allen, Wm. H., Jr. Chandler, Peyton K. Garrigue, Rudolph H. Murray, Thos. H. Shailer, Robert A. Armour, M. C. Child, Gerald K. Gee, Wm. S., M. D. King, Sam 1 B. Shavne, J. T. Cole, A. Judson Gilehriat, Jno. F. Knapp, Homer P. Nelson, Walter C. Slioi-ey, D. L. Bailey, Geo C. Cook, John C., M. D. Gitbens, W. L. Niblack. Wm. C, Simmons, Wm. M. Baldwin, John H. Cooper, Andrew J. Lally, Frank J. Norton, Chas. L. SnitM'nk, Warner Banning, TLios. A. Cornell, Edward E. Hall, Chas. B., M. D. Lane, Charles E. Springer, Frank G. Belfielct, Henry H. Cornell, John E. Hall, W. F. W. Lansiugh, K. V. R. O'Brien, Maurice G. Stoddard, Geo. B. Bemau, Solon's. Cornell, Paul Hammond, J. D., M.D. Law son, Wm. C. Stiles, Everell D. Berry, Fred. A. Cracraft, Archie C. Hamill, T. W. Le Brett, Eugene W. Parry, Henry N. Stone, Frank B. Beet, George Hartzell, Elmer E. Leddy, James Parsons, Lucius W. Bouton, S F. Dayton, Melville E. Hawley, Henry S. Lewis, Cass M. Partridge, Newton A. Turner, Edward H. Buutou. Win C. Dixon, T. S. K. Heath, Arthur M. Lewis, Leslie 1 Pierce, Daniel A. Boyd, Chas. L. Dory, Melville R. Heath, Ernest W. Lint's, Frank B. Platt, O. H. Underwood, Sidney L. Boyd, Edward K. Drant, John Wm. Hinkins, John E. Lundie, John Potter, Wm. H. Wear, Chas. A. Boyd, James Dunn, Frank A. Hobbs, W. C. Poucher, Morris R. Weut'worth. Fr'kl'n H. Boyd, Robert Duraud, Elliott McAndrew, Wm. A. Prescott, A. H. \Vill\inson, Harry Brewer, Chas. Ingraham,GranvilleS. McDonnell, E. J. \Vilkinsoii Hurry Brower, John E. Eaton, Clemen tL. McKev, Henry Ray, Win. H. Wilson, Geo. C. Button, Wm. J. Jackman, J. A. Mara ton. Win. Lane Reynolds, F. M. Wolseley, Henrv W. Field, Chas. G. Jackson, John M. Mettler. John K. Root, Chas. H. Wood, John H. Calhoun, John C. Fraser, J. Wm. B. Jayne, Edgar L. Miller, Hnrrv L. Root, Chas. P. Wright, Walter C. Castle, Chas. B. Freeman. Henrv V. Johnson, Herbert B. Minor, Wm. H. Root. Frank H. Cameron, Peter F. Fulton, Henry A. Johnson, W. S., M. D. Morley, K. L. Root, Fred. K. Zimmerman, Wui. Chambers, Geo. A. .53 TRE STANBARB HE Standard Club was organized in 1869, and chartered February 14th, 1887. The object for which it was formed is the social and mental improvement of its members by social intercourse and by various educational means, to-wit: The establishment and maintenance of a library, a gymnasium, a theatre, a lecture and music hall, a reading room, the collection of paintings and other objects of art, all of which will be embodied in the new and magnificent structure which is now being finished, and which will be completed and opened about March 1st, 1889. The new Club House is situated on the corner of Michigan Avenue and Thirteenth Street, and its esti- mated cost when finished is two hundred thousand dollars. It one of the finest club houses in the West. In the basement are the bowling alleys and gymnasium. On the first floor are the parlors, library, caf6, billiard rooms, etc. The second floor is occupied by the ladies' parlors and retiring rooms, and three dining rooms. On the third floor is a superb dancing hall, and also a beautiful and completely appointed theatre, and the whole is furnished with much taste and elegance. The membership is limited to three hundred and fifty; the admission fee is one hundred dollars, and the annual dues eighty dollars. The following is the present board of managers: President, Edward Kose; Vice-President, Moses Bensinger; Treasurer. Abraham G. Becker; Financial Secretary, Adolph Loeb ; Recording Secretary, Joseph Gerstley; Directors, Leopold Bloom, Bernhard Mergentheim, Morris Selz, Louis I. Levy, J. S. Kirn- melstiel and Fred. Siegel. 54 STANDARD CLUB. STANBARB LIST OK MEMBERS. Adams, Moses Kiigcl, Bernhard Hart, Hurry Leopold, Nathan F. Oburfelder, Max Siegi'l, Henrv Adler, Dankmar Ettliuger, Simon Hart, Henry N. Leopold, S. F. Oppenheimer, Ber'h'd Silbi'rinaii. Sig. Adler, Henry Hart, Max Levi, Jacob Oppenheimer, Henry Silverman, C'lias. Arnold. Walter C. Falk, Max L. Heilprin. L. Levy, Louis I. Oppenheimer, Xach Simon, Leop. Arnstein, Eugene Feibelman, D. L. Herman, L. M. Laudauer, H. Opper, Philip Snyducker, A. M. Aruheim, Benj. Fischer, S. M. Heppner, Henry Loeb, W. Oberfelder, Tobias Snydacker, Godfrey Austrian, Jos. Fish, Jos. Heyuiau, E. S. Liehteuheim, Louis Strauss, Simon W. Austrian, Sol. Florsheim. Norman Hirsch, Isaac Liebenstein, Chas. Prenzlauer, Herman Sax, Charles Florsheim, Moses Hirsh, Jacob Lilienfield ; Win. Price, Leopold Snydacker, Joseph G. Baer, Jos. S. Florsheim, Sigmund Hirsh, Manuel Lindauer, Ben. Sondheimer, E. Hallenberg, .Julius Florsheim, Simon Hirsh. Sol. Lindauer, M. K. Regensburg, Sam. Spiegel, Jos. Barth, Alex. Foreman, Edwin G. Hirsh, Solomon Lindauer, Seligman Rose, Edward Straus, F. W. Bauland, Jacob H. Foreman, Ed. H. Hoffman, Ed. Loeb. Adolph Rosenbaum, Jos. Steele, Henry B. Becker, A. G. Foreman, Gerhard Hotner, Angell Longini, A. Rosenbaum, Morris Stein, D. A. Beifeld, Joseph Foreman, Hy. G. Horner, Isaac Lowenbach, Jos, Koscnbaum, Sam. Stein, Louis Bensiuger, Moses Foreman, Oscar G. Horner, Jos. Lowenberg, Isaac Rosenblatt, Aaron Stettheimer, Jos. Bauland, Jos. H. Foreman, Rudolph Horner, Maurice L. Loewenstein, I*. Rosenblatt. H. M. Stern, Oscar Berg, Morris H. Foreman, Sam. Hymai:, S. Loewenthal, A. S. Rosenberg, Ben. Stieglitz, Norbert Bergman, Alex. Frank, David Loewenthul, B. Rosenberg, Jacob Strauss, Abe Bloom, Leopold Frank, Jos. Joseph, Sain. L. Lamm, Louis L. Rosenberg, Julius Straus, Aurnn Bloom, Moses Frank, Louis K. Levy, Henry C. Rosenthal, Oscar Straus, Eli M. Bloom, Moses J. Frankenthal, Chas. E. Kahn, Jacob RoHeiithul, Rudolph Strauss, Leo Bloom, Simon Frankenthal E. - Kaiser, Sol. Mandel, Emanuel Roscnwald, Jul. Strauss, Leopold Born, Moses Friedman. Jacob Kantrowitz, Gus. Mandel, Simon Rothschild, A. M. Snlxberger, Sol, Buxbaum, Emauuel Friend, Ed, Katz t Henry Maimheinier, Dr. M. Rothschild, Emanuel Suttenheimer, W. N. Friend, Jos. E. Kohn, Harry Marks, H. M. Rothschild, Felix Stern, Hy. Calm, Ben. Freudenthal, Jos. Kohu, Isaac A. Meyer, Isaac Rothschild, Isaac D. Stern, Sam. Cahn, Bernhard, Kraus, Adolf Meyer, M. A. Rothschild, Jacob A. Sulzbacher, Jos. H. Cahn, Martin B. Gatzert, J. L. Kraus, J. M. Miller, Chas. L. Uotlischild, Max M. Cahn, Jos. Gerstley, Jos. Kaufman, Win. H. Miller, Isaac H. Roseufeld, Maurice Vogel, Frank E. Clayburgh, M. Gatzert, August Kimmelstiel, .1. S. Minchrod, Simon Rosenheim, M. B. Grossman, Herman Kuppenheimer, B'nhd Mayer, Leopold Kosenthal, Emil R. Waixel, David Daube, Leopold Goodman, Hugo Kuppenheimer, J. B. Mayer, Leo. W. Rosenberg, Oscar Waixel, Isaac Davis, Louis D. Grossman, A. Kuppenheimer, L. B. Mayer, M. H. Rothschild, Moses L. Winemau, Max Deimel, Jos. Goldsmith S. K-ihn.H. A. Mayer, Nathan Rothschild, S. M. Wise, Maurice Deimel, Rudolph Gimbel, Horace B. Kuh, Abraham Mayer, Nathaniel A. Rubel, IraW. Wallach. David IViiuel, Simon Gimbel, Jacob W. Kuh, Julius S. Morgentheim, Ber'h'd Rubel, Isaac H. Wampold. Louis Dernburg, Carl Gimbel, Moses Kohn, Alfred Mergentheim, David Weil, Jacob (ilaser, Edward Kohn, E. J. Monht'imer, Isidore Salomon, W. Weil, Morris Ederheinier, Max Glaser, Gus D. Kohn, D. A. Monheimer, Levi Schaffner, Joseph Weil, Theodore Eichberg, Max Glaser, Victor L. Morgenthau, G. L. Schnadig, Jacob Wendell, Maurice Einstein, Arthur M. Glick, Lipman Lamm, Abe Morris, Nelson Schnadig. Jos. M. Wersheiner, B. J. Einstein Ben M. Goodman, Maurice Lamm, Jos. C. Moss, M. F. Schmaltz, N. J. Wolbach, J. S. Einstein, George (irubneld, Max Lehman, H. Morris, Edward Schwabacher, Julius Wolf, Aaron Einstein, Morris Greenebaum, Solig Leopold. Chiis. M. Miller, Leopold Schwab, Chas. H. Wolff, Isaac Einstein, Sol Greensfelder, Isaac Leopold, Henry C. Selz. J. Harrv Wolff, Max Eisendrath, Jos. N. Guthmon, Sol. Leopold, Henry Nathan, Herman Selz, Morris \Voolf, Isaac Eisendrath, Sig. L. Goodman. Lewis Leopold, H. F. Nathan, Sam. Sliot'iiemann, C'h; Witkawsky, Conrad KHcl. Levi A. Leopold, Hy., Jr. Newman, Jacob Shoniugcr, Jos. Eisner, Sam. Halm, H. F. Leopold, Louis Nussbauui, Aaron E. Siegel, Ferdinand Youdorf, Simon Elsou, Herman Hart, Abe Leopold, Max / , .:-XM*f---T! 57 NI0N LiEAGfelE HE purposes of the Union League Club of Chicago (which was incorporated in 1879, ami began its existence in a modest suit of rooms in the Honors' Block, on Dear- born Street,) are to encourage and promote by moral, social and political influence, unconditioned loyalty to the Federal Government, and to defend and protect the integrity and prosperity of this Nation; to inculcate a higher appreciation of the value and sacred obligations of American citizenship; to maintain the civil and political equality of all citizens in every section of our common country, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws enacted to preserve the purity of the ballot box , to resist and expose corruption, and promote economy in office, and to secure honesty and efficiency in the administration of national, state and municipal affairs. Absolute and unqualified loyalty to the Government of the United States is a condition of membership. While the personnel of the Union League is largely ^Republican, its list of members is by no means confined to that party. By a wise and judicious action and expression of opinion, the Club has made itself a power. Its house, one of the finest in Chicago, arranged and furnished with every comfort and luxury, is situated on Jackson Street and Foiirth Aveuue, close to the Board of Trade. There is a Ladies' Depart- ment of the Club, to which ladies holding cards issued by the management are admitted. The east en- trance is exclusively reserved for ladies and gentlemen accompanying them. The initiation fee of the Union League is two hundred dollars and the yearly dues eighty dollars. The Presidents of the Club since its organization have been Lewis C. Coburn. John C. Coonley (two years), Elbridge G. Keith, J. McGregor Adams (three years), and George W. Smith. General John L. Thompson, who was elected President for 1888, died shortly after his election, and First Vice-Presi- dent Franklin H. Head is now acting President. Mr. Albert L. Coe is Second Vice-President, Mr. Rollin A. Keyes, Treasurer, and Mr. Henry M. Bacon, Secretary. Messrs. J. Harley Bradley, Ferd. W. Peck, Simeon H. Crane, Amos J. Harding, John J. Knickerbocker, and Ernest A. Hamill compose the Board of Directors. 58 UNION LEAGUE CLUB tiNi0N LEAGUE GLUB. RESIDENT M EMBERS. Abbott, JohuN. -V, I'. H.,.Tr. Cullen, James K. Foote, ErttKtus, Jr. Hobbs, J. B. 1 jO if " n Kriiiik (i Adams. A. Ef-'.rton Bradley. Wm. H. Culver, (ieorge N. Fowler, Robert I). Hottman, Geo. W. 1 ,1 nil 1 >n i"i 1 1 -iiiu' 1 ( i Adams, (in.r^r I-'.. Brad\vell, James B. Cummings, C. R. Frank, Joseph Holloway. <;,-o. \ 1 iOiii 1 >i! i'i 1 , Jnsiuh Ij. Adams, Isaac E. Brainerd, Ed. U. Cummings, Andrew Fraser, Normon D. Holmes, 'Ira Ix>Tl{4, JlllUeN H. Adams. .T. McGregor Brega, C. W. Cummins, B. F. Frasher, John E. L. Holt, Chas. S. Ijord ( ieo. S Adams. Milward Brewer, John K. Cunningham, Thos.S Frost, Charles S. Holt, Geo. H 1 jord John B Adlcr, Dankmtir Bridge, Keuel W. Cunningham, Wm. H. Frost. William E. Hooker. F. B. Ludlow, Geo. W. Affeld, Charles ]:. BroiiHoii, Leonard Curry, J. Seymour Fuller. Henry C. Horlon, Oliver H. 1 j\ in n u ]'.< 1-^1 >n \\ A^'nrw, Alexander AMrk-h, Charles H. BrophY, Truman W. Rross, William Curtiss, Charles C. Cushing. E. T. Fuller, William A. Fulton, J. L. Hosmer, Jos. W. How, (ieo. M. l.wich. 'Richard W. McBiriit'v, HiiLili Aldrk-h. ,7. Frank Brower, A. T. H. Cutler, Charles H. Fyffe, John L. Howard, J. H. McBirney Jos. L* Allen, Benjaman Brown, Charles A. Howard. Win. B. ftfcClellan, John J. All. rton. S. \V. Brown, Charles T. Dainty, Albert H. Gadsden, James 8. Howtev. John McConnell Geo. Ailing, John Brown, Edwin Lee Dana, Charles D. Garnett, Gwvnn Hoyne, Philip A. MeConnell.'L. W. Angell.Win. A. Brown, George F. Dauchv, George K. Cassette, N. T. Hoyt, C. L. McCormick, A. J. Anthony, Elliott Brown, f-anger Davidson, Alex. Gates. Caleb F. Hoyt. Henry W. McCoy, Alex. Aplin, F. A. Archer, J. L. Brown, Spencer A. Bryan, Thou. B. Davis, Chester B. Davis, George B. Gay, Henry L. Gaylord, W. S, Hubbiml. Harry M. Hubbard. Wm. H. McCrea, Willey S. McCullough, H. K. Ames, Franklin Bryant, lohn J. Davis. John Gerow, Floyd P. Hubbart, Joseph McDoel, W. Henry Armour, John O. Buckingham, Clar'e Davis, Lewis H. Gerts, George E. Huck. Louis C. McGoveru, Thos.'B. Armour, Philip D. Bucll, A. C. Dayton, Melville E. Getchell, Edwin F. Hughes, John B. McGrath, John J. Armour, William Buell, Ira W. Delamater, N. B. Giddings, L. E. Hughitt, Marvin McKay, Geo. A. Arnold, Frcd'k A. Buffum, Joseph H. Dent, Thomas Glaspell, A. H. Hulburd, Chas. H. McKay, John A. Atwood, F. M. Bullock, (ieorge 8. DeGolyer, Chas. F. Glessner, John J. Hunter, W. W. McKindlev, James Avery, Frank 11. Bullock, Milan C. DeKoven, John Glover, Samuel J Hurd. Harvev B. McLaren, John Avery, John C. Burchord, M. N. DeMuth, B. F. Gobel, E. F Hutehins, Jas. C. McLoish, Andrew Avci -\ . Thomas M. Burhams, James A. Dickson, H. M. Gordon, John Hutchinson, Chas.L. McLetinaii, J. A. Aycri E. E. Burkhardt, H. S. DeKoode, Holger Gorton, F. S Hyde, James Nevins McMullin. J. C. Burlingham, E. P. Devore, John A. (iormully. R. Philip McNallv, Andrew Bacon. Henry M. Burnham, Daniel H. DeWolf, Wallace L. Grannis, Amos Ide, Henry P, McWilriams, J. G. Bailey, Edward P. Burrell, Louis F. Dewey, David B. Gray, Elisha Irwin. C. D. McWilliams, L. Haird, Frank T. Burrows, Daniel W. De Young, Benj. R. Green, Augustus W. Irwiii, David W. MacFarland, H. J. Baird. Fredrick B. Bush, K. G. Dickinson, Albert Gregory, Walter D. MacFarlane, V. W. Haird, Lvmall Butler, E.B. Dickinson, Fred'k Grey, William L. Jacobs. William V. MacMillan, Hugh Baird, W'yllys W. Butler, E. K. Dickinson, John W. Grey, Charles F. Janney, James W. Madden, Kdgar Baker, Samuel Butler, J. W. Dickinson, Theo. G. Grit'lin. Thomas A. Jefferson, W. J. \l;i:i,i -! L. linker, Win. Vincent. Dickinson. William Griggs, Charles W. Jeffery, John B. Miiun, Henry N. Baloom, I'ri Cable, K. B. Dietz, Jacob C. Grimiell, Julius 8. Jenkins, Robert E. Manning. \Viu. J. Baldwin. Willis M. Cabn, Bernard Donnell, James W. Gunther, Chas. F. Jenney, Wm. L. B. Marsh, Wm. D. Ball. James M. Callahaii, A. P. Donovan, Wm. F. Gurley, Wm. W. Jerrems, Wm. Geo. Mnrshall. Geo. E. Baue,Levi B. Cameron, Dwight F. Doolittle, J. K.,Jr. Gurney, Chus. H. Jewett, John N. MarHliall, Jas. M. Bane, Oscar F. Camp, Isaac N. Douglass, Wm. A. Gray, W. H. Jocelyn, F. C. MarBhall, Thos. H. Banning, Ephrailll Banning, Thos. A. Campbell, Wm. J. Campbell, Win. N. Down, J. Edward Drake, John B. Haines, E. H. John, James Johnson, Ernest V. Martin, J. E. Martin, T. J. Barker, Frank W. Carpenter, Geo. B. Dupee, Charles A. Halback, J. F. A. Johnson, Frank E. Mason , Ira J. Barker, Joseph N. Cary, Eugene Drew, Charles W. Hale, Geo. W. Johnson, Wm. T. Maaten, B. F. Barker, Samuel B. Cary, William H. Dreyer, E. 8. Hale, Steadman H. Johnston. Jas. W. Matthews, Geo. W. Barney, Bruce B. Case, Charles H. Drigggs, George Hale, Win. E. Jones, Geo. P. Maxwell, Chas. Barnum, Wm. L. Case, Chas. Lyman Dudley, W. W. Hall, Augustus O. Jones. Otis Maxwell, Ed. E. Barrett, Marcus L. Chaawick, Win. H. Dunham, Kansom W. Hall, Frank G. Jones, Wm. H. Maxwell, S. A. Barrett, Oliver W. Chalmers, Thos., Jr. Dunn, F. K. Halle, E. G. Josselyn, Benj. W. Mayer, David Barrett, Oscar W. Chalmers, Wm. J. Dunn, William Hamburger, L. M. Judson, Chas E. Mayer, ]jt>vy Barrett, Samuel E. Chamberlain, Geo.M Dutch, J. B. Hamer, Robt. W. Judsou, Wm. B. Mayo, John B. Bartlett, Alvin C. Cham berlin, Geo. W. Dwight, Charles F. llamill, Chas. D. Mead, Aaron B. Barton. E. M. Chandler, Peyton K Dunham, J. S. Hamill, Ernest A. Kane, Thomas Medill, Joseph Hurt on, George P. Cliiindlor, K. G. Dwight, John H. Hamilton, David G. Keeler, Jos. B, Meeker, A. B. Bauinann, Edward Bayley, Edwin F. Chandler, Walter!'. Chard, Thomas 8. Eaines, John H. Hamilton, H. H. M;mi 1 in. John A. Keep, Chauncey Keith, Edson Merrill, Joseph, Jr. Metcalf, H. C. Beem, Martin Cheney, Clarence C. Eastman, Sidney C. Hamliue, John H. Keith, Elbridge G. Meyer, Max A. Beidler, Francis Clletlaiu, August L. Ecklmrdt, George Hammer, Chas. D. Keith, 0. R. Meysenburg, O. W. Bclden, John S. Christy, Henry A. Eddy, H. C. Hammer, D. Harry Kelley, Asa P. Millard. S. M. Belding, Hiram H. Chumasero, John T. Eddy. Morris H. Hannnou, Chas. N. Kelley, Chas. B. Miller, James A. Human, H. S. Clapp, Ozro W. Edsall, J. K. Hammond, Thos. C. Kellev, David Mill man, Henry J. Benedict, A. Clark, Alfred C. Elliott, John G. Hammond, Wm. A, Kelley, Wm. E. Mills, A. L. Benham.Jolm Clark, George M. Ellis, John C. Handy, Henry H. Kellogg, Milo G. Mitchell, John J. Bennett, Thomas Clark, John M. Ellsworth, Jas. W. Ham-cv, Klbridge Kendall, Benj. W. Mitchell, Lewis B. Bensley, John K Clark, Jonathan Ely, H. B. Hannah, Richard C. Kent. Sydney A, Mitchell. W. B. Beutley, Wilber G Clarke, Thomas C. Etheridge, Jas. H. Hannah, Wm. H. Kerfoot, Win. D. Montgomery, P. A. Besley, Charles H. Clement, Henry C. Ettiuger, Chas. 1). Harding, Abner C. Keyes, Rollin A. Moore, B. J.' Billin, Charles E. Clough, John H. Everingliaui, Lyman Harding, Amos J. Kiml.all. Qeo, I . Moore, (iurdon G. Billings, C. K. G. C'lowry, Robert C. Ewart, William D. Harding, George F. Kimbark, Chas. A. Moore, Jas. Hob't Birrh. Hugh T. Coburn, Lewis L. Hare, R. W. Kimbark. Seneca D. Moore, James H. Bissell, George F. Cochrane, William Fairbank, N. K. Harkness, Edson J. King. Rockwell Moore, Kilas M. Blackall, A. H. Coe. Albert L. Falkeimu, Victor Harmon. John K. Kirk, Arthur K. Moore, Will H. Bluckstone. T. B. Coffin, Gorhttln B. Fargo, Chas. E. Harper, Harvev M. Kirk, James A. Moore, Wm. H. Blackwi-ldi-r. I. S. Cole, George E. Fargo, Charles H. Harper, Wm. H. Kirk. John B. Morford, T. T. Blair. Chauncey J. Cole, Wm. O. Fargo, Frank M. Harris. Elijah T. Kirk, M. W. Morganihau, Max Blair. Frank M? Collins. .Joseph H Farr, Marvin A. Harris, N. W. Kirkwood, Thos. S. Morse, Chaw. H. I'.lak.-. Frank L. Collins. Lorin C.,Jr. Harvey, Geo. V. Knickerbocker. J.C. Morse, Francis E. Blatchford. K. W. Conxion, Cluu. H. Farsou, John Harvev, Joel D. Knickerbocker, J. J. Morse, H. A. Blatchford. N. H. Conoyer. Frank Farwell, ('has. B. Harvev, S. A. Knn]>)i, Homer 1'. Morse. Juhii F. Illiss, George H. CooIidKe. Walter G. Farwell. Granger Hatch, Azel F. Knot t , Henry A. Morton, Paul Bliven, Charles E. Cooper, William D. Farwell. John V- Hately, John C. Kreidler, W. A. Moselmrk. Win. Blodgett. (ieoli. Corbin. C. H. Fliun, William W. Hauk.'Cbas. D. Kultchur, M. R. Moss, Win. Latln'op Blossom, (iro. W. CouiiM-Inmn. ('has. Farwell, Marcus A. lbu\ cs. Kirk Moul ion. (ieo. M. Bodnian, Luther W. r.'x. H. W. Fauntleroy, T. S. Havdeii, Albert Landt, Chas. C. Munrur, < Ico. H. Bottle, George M. Cra^'in. K.hvurd F. Fay, A. O. Bead, Franklin H. Law son. Victor F. MiiiT:i\, 1,. \V. Hcnd, Lester L. ' Cramlon. Frank P. Fay, C. N. Healv, 1'. .1. Lay. A. Tracy NffillullM, CllllN. W. Honlen, lljtniilton Crane. Charles H. Ferguson. Chas. H. M.'.-lit, Frank A. Lay. ('has. C. Neely, John C. Borden, James U. ('rune, Richard T. Ferry, diaries H. Henderson, C. M. Leake, Jos. B. Nelson, Murry Hot >t'ord, Henrv ('rune, Simeon H. Field, Henry Henderson. W. S. I.efens. Tllies J. Newman, Jac<>b H.iut.-ll. Henry's. ('rat ty, Thomas Field, John's. Hevwood, 1'orterp, Lehman. A. A. Nelson, Oliver C, Bouton, C. B. Crawford. Andrew Field, Marshall Blglnbottuun, H. D. Leiter, Levi /. Newell, John ItMiiton. Natlmn'l S. Crillv, DanielF. Fiero, Albert W. Higinbothiim. H. N. Leiter, T. Benton Nickell, Jas. M. Hovden. (ieorge 1). Critobell, Robert 8. Fisher. George M. Hildreth. (has. H. Leonard, Arthur G. Nixon, \V. K. Boyenen, I. K. Crumbie. Charles B. Fisher, L. G., Jr. Hill. D. K Leo)>.il.l. Hrnrv Nixon, \Vm. I'l-ini Hiivntoli. Win. W. Cross, Clarence L. Fischer, August C. Hillis. David M. Lewis. Edwin C. Nolan, John H. Bradley, Carl 1) Crtittemlen, Thos.S Fitz Kimons. Chas. Hills. Chas. F. Linn, Wm. K. Northup. Willet Bradley. J. Harley Cudahv, John Flower, James M. Himrod, Chas. l...l..loll,E. L. Norton, Ertwin Bradley, John H, ('Udell. Adolpli A. Follttiisbee, Geo. A. Hiukley. Watson S. Lockett, Oswald \orion. John I,. .11 tiNi0N LEAGUE GLGB. RES I HE NT MEM HERS. Continued. Koyee, E. H. Pratt, J. H. Byerson, Edward L. Smith, H. Bussell Thatcher, Aug. T. Weare, 1'ortus B. Noyes, La Verne W. Pratt, N. D. Smith, H. S. Thomasson, Nelson Wrary, E. D. Nye, Jas. W. Preston, Wm. D. Sage, Win. M. Smith, James B. Thompson, R. S. Weaver, Henry E. Prevost, H. C. Sargent, Geo. M. Smith, Pliny B. Thompson. Win. H. Webster. Thos. H. Oakley, Jas. W. Price, Edward B. Sargent, H. E. Smith, Bobert J. Thorn, Frank Weigley, Erank S. Officer, Alex. Price, Frank Savage , H. G. Smith, Shea Thorne, George B. Weinsheimer, A. S. Offield, Chas. K. Price, Bnxdeon'W. Saver, Bock well Smith, Thomas H' Tobey, Chailes Weiss, George A. Oliver, John M. Price, Eusael C. Scammon, J. Young Smith, Willard A. Tobey, Edgar P. Welling, J. C. Orr, Arthur Price, V. C. Schlesinger,L. Smith. William E. Tobey, Frank B. Wells, Brenton B. Orr, Frank B. Prussing, Eugene E. Schneider, Geo. Smith, William F > Towle, Henry S. Wells, George S. Osmun, Dan. C. Prussing, Geo. C. Schwab, Chas. H. Soper, Alexander C. Treat, Charles 1'. Wells, Moses D. Owen, James B. Pullman, Geo. M. Scott, James W. Soper, Horace W. Treat. Samuel A. Wells, Wm. H., Jr. Purely, Warren G. Scott, Robert Soper, James P. Trego, Charles T. Wentworth, John Packard, Edward A. Puriugton, D. V. Scoville, Chas. B. Spalding, Albert G. Tripp, Charles E. West, James J. Packer, Chas. P. Scoville, James W. Spaldiug, Jesse Tripp, Dwight K. Wetherell. O. D. Palmer, John W. Rand, Chas. E. Scribuer , Chas. E. Spooner, F. E. Trowbridge, C. W. Wheeler. Calvin T. Palmer, Percy W. Band, Wm. H. Seckel, Adolph Sprague, A. A. Trumbull, John H. Wheeler, Geo. A. Parker. Frank L. Rathborue, Jos. Seipp, W. C. Sprage, O. S. A. Turner, F.dward A. Whelplev, B. T. Parkes, John C. Baymond, Chas. L. Selfridge, H. G. Springer, Edw. B. Turner, Wm. H. White, Horace F. Parkhurst, J. J. Raymond, Jas. H. Selleck, William, E. Stanley, Philisky E. Tuthill, Richard S. Whitehead, Jaa. M. Parmly, Henry Beam, Norman B. Sellers, A. H. Stantou, William A. Wight, P. B. Pashley, Alf. F. Beddon, W. B. Selz, Morris Starrett, Julius Ullniann, Frederic Wilcox, George G. Patten, Geo. W. Beed, Wm. Shaver. C. H. Stearns, John K. Underwood, P. L. Wilcox, J. Fred Peabody, Francis S. Beiny, Curtis H. Shaw, Gilbert B. Stebbins, Leonard C. Upton, George P. Wilkinson, John Peacock, Chas. D. Bend, Wm. P. Shedd, Charles li. Steever. J. G. Willett, James B. Pearsons, Henry A. Bevell, Alex. H. Shedd, John G. St. Clair, W. D. Valentine, E. H. Williams. Alinim Peck, Clarence I. Kevell, John T. Sheldon, George W. St. John, Everitte Van Cleave, J. B. B. Williams, John A. Peck, Ferd. W. Kew, Brank, E. Sheldon, Theodore Stelle, Nelson Van Kirk, Chas. B. Williams, Wm. P. Peck, Oliver D. Bice, Calvin F. Shepherd, Edward S. Stewart, William VanNortwick, J. S. Willing. Henrv J. Peck, Walter L. Bice, F. Willis, Sherman, Elijah B. Stiles, George N. VanVoorhis. Frank Willits, Ward'W. Pence, Abram M. Bice, Sidney W. Sherwood, Henry M. Stiles, J. N. Viles, James, Jr. Wilson. K. Crime Penny, Arthur W. Bice, Theo. F. Sickels, Frank Still, E. A. Vocke, William Wilson, Everett Penny, Chas. H. Bichardson, O. W. Sidway. Leverett B. Stirling, J. C. Wilson, Hugh B. Peterson, Andrew Bichardson, B. J. Simmons. Charles E. Stirling, W. R. Wachsmuth, L. C. Wilson, John O. Pettet, Freeman E. Bickcords, Geo. E. Simonds, Edwin A. Stone, Frank B. Waggoner, I. H. Wilson, John P. Pettlbone, Asa G. Biddle, Francis A. Simpson, Joseph B. Stone, Melville E. Walker. Eilwin Wilson, M. J. Pettibone, P. F. Bobertson, John B. Singer, A. L. Straight, Hiram J. Walker, H. H. Wilson, Milton H. Phelps, Elliott H. Bobius, Bichard Singer, C. J. Streeter, David L. Walker, James R. Wilson, W. M. Phillips, Geo. L. Bobinson, J. K. Singer, Edward T. Sturgis, W. S. Walker, Robert. P. Winslow, E. D. Phillips, Thos. P. Bockwood, Frank B. Singer, Horace .M. Suesxnan, A. L. Wallach. David Winslow, Wm. H. Pickering, Philander Boche, John A. Singer, W. H. Sullivan, A. W. Wallach, John F. Wood, George K. Pierce, Chas. F. Bogan, John B. Smith, Abner Sullivan, Louis H. Waller, E. C. Wood. Milton R. Pierce, Wm. L. Boloson, B. W. Smith, Byron L. Sunny, B. E. Waller, J. L. Wood, William H., Eugene S. Boot, John W. Smith, Calvin S. Swift, William H. Waller, Bobert A. Woodward, ,Jas. L. Pitkin, E. H. Bosenthal, Julius Smith, C. M. Syer, E. W. Walsh, John B. Wonuer, F. F. Poole, Abram Bowe, James L. Smith, C. W. Wampold. Louis Wright, Andrew J. Poole, Geo. A. Boyce, Henry F. Smith, D. S. Taft, O. B. Ward. Charles H. Wright, Samuel H. Poole, Win. H. Boys, Cyrus 1>. Smith' Frank J. Talbott.E. H. Warren, Bobert Wyman, W. C. Porter, Jan W. Buddock, C. H. Smith, Frederick A. Talcott, E. N. K. Washburne, H. Porter, Rogers Bumsey, Israel P. Smith, George W. Taylor, Abner Waterman, Arba N. Yaggy, L. W. Potter, Edward C. Bumsev, J. F. Smith, Geo. Watson Taylor, Hobart C. Watkins.Wm. W. Yerkes, C.T., Jr. Potter, Edwin A. Bliinsey, J. T. Smith, Granger Templeton, Thomas Watson, William J. Young, Hugh Potter, Orrin W. Bunuells, John S. Smith, H. D. Thacher, John E. Watson, Win., Jr. Young, Otto Potwin, W. S. Bust, Henry A. NON=RESIDENT MEMBERS. Abbott, William L. Brown, Stephen F. Fenner. Wm. H., Jr. Jackson, C. H. Hunger, George M. Sticknev, A. B. Adams, George W. Bull, E. Follett Ferris, Frank Jarvis, William F. Murphy, Franklin Strong. Fred. M. Allis, Charles Bunn, John W. Finuey, F. N. Johnson, Charles B. Studelmk* T. Pt U r E. Andrews, Edgar M. Andrews, W. E. Andrus, Leonard Anthony, Charles E. Casgrain, W. T. Campau, Daniel J. Catlin, Thomas D. Chase, Horace B. Floyd,' Bobert M. Forbes, M. J. Frost, Charles H. Frost, George E. Kingman, Martin Kittrcdge, Abbott E. . Lahee, Eugene H. Leonard. Edward F. Olson, Edward Osborne, William H. Osborne, Kugene F. Palmer, Charles M. S\vartwout. N. K. Swigert, Charles 1'. Talcott, Win. A. Toothe. William Anthony, Clifford M. Choate, Charles P. Graves, Charles H. Lobdell, C. W. Patrick, Henrv E. Truesdale, W. H. Armstrong, A. C. Clarke, Haswell C. Gregg. William H. Lunt, Horace G. Phelps, M. H.' Tucker, Joseph F Bailey, A. M. Cobb, Emery Griffin, A. T. MacClaughry, R. W. Plumb, Bobert E. Upham. J. H. Bain, Charles H. Colby, Charles L. Gross, Robert J. Mahler, '1 heodore R. Pope, A. A. Upham. W. H. Baldwin, William A. Colby, Joseph L. Harton, G. Bruce Marsh,, E. J. Prime, S. T. K. Vance, Duvid Barker, James Conover, Allan Daist Hawes, C. L. May, Edward Reynolds, A. E. Van Ingen, H. S. Barlow, H. C Crawford, George Hawley, John B. McCrea, James Rogers, J. H. Whittemore. .lolmH. Bartle, James S. Cressler, A. D. Hegewisch, Adolfo McDonald Ronald T. Bosenfield, Morris \\hittc W. C. Bartlett, S. C. Cummins, A. B. Hill. Samuel McKinnev Henry N. Sherwin, H. A. Wicker, Cassius M. Bartlett. William H. Dammann, Joseph T. Hinton, Francis Melleu, Win. S. Sooysmith, Charles Wickes, James H. Barton, Henry P. Davis, H. C. Holmes, G. I. Miller, Charles Spencer. George Williams. E. P. Bigelow, William Deere, Charles H. Howard, C. 8. Miller, N. C. Stanton, Walter Windsor. J. H. Block, Williard T. Dickason. Liv. T. Humphrey, Henrv M. Moore, Cearles A. Steele, W. K. Winter. F,. W. Bonynge, C. W. Ellwood, I. L. Ide, Albert L. Moulton, Byron P. Stevens, George E. Wood Jose] h Brinkerhoff, Geo. M. Felt, George W. Isenberg, William Mullikeu, John B. Stewart, John T. YOIUIL: , A. Mel). HONORARY MEMRERS. Butherford B. Hayes. Ex-President of the U. S. William T. Sherman (Retired) . Gen. r.S. Arm y Philip H. Sheridan. I.ieut.-Gen. I". S. Army John M. Harlan. Ass. Justice U. S. Supreme Ct. Thomas Drummond. Ex-Judge U.S. Circuit Cr't Henry W. Blodgett. Judge U.S. District Court Shelby M. Cullom. U. S. Senator from Illinois John M. Scholield. Major-General I". S. Army Walter Q. Gresham. Judge U. S. Cireuit Court Alfred H. Terry. Major-General I'. S. Army 62 UNION CLUB. 6NI6N HE Union Club was organized in 1878, and had its quarters for the first year of its existence at the corner of North State Street and Chicago Avenue. In 1879 it took possession of the Ogden Estate, on Washington Place, where it rapidly in- creased in membership, influence and wealth: the beautiful grounds and the lawn concerts given from time to time proving potent attractions. In 1881, the present handsome club house was built. Admirably situated on Washington Place (at the corner of Dearborn Avenue) it attracts the atten- tion of every passer-by by the grace and beauty of its proportions. As you pass through the broad front door, you enter a spacious hall with walls and ceiling of exquisitely carved oak. To the left of the hall are broad parlors, extending the length of the Dearborn Avenue side, and behind the parlors is the cafe, with its large bow window looking down the Avenue. On this floor are also the billiard room, the reading room, coat room and lavatory. The second floor is occupied by the dining room, card rooms, and the directors' room, while the third floor is devoted to the private rooms of the members. In the base- ment are the kitchen and servants' apartments, and also a well-appointed bowling alley. The first President of the Club was Mr. Henry W. Bishop, who held that office for six consecutive years. In 1884, Mr. Bishop retiring, Mr. Augustus A. Carpenter was elected President, and re-elected in 1885. In 188<5 and 1887, Mr. Abbot L. Adams filled the office. The present incumbent is Mr. J. McGregor Adams, with Mr. Milton C. Lightner as Vice-President, Mr. John R. Gott as Secretary, and Mr. Henry A. Keith as Treasurer. The Board of Directors comprises the following gentlemen: Messrs. Milton ('. Lightner, Augustus H. Bur ley, Jacob C. Breese, Leslie Carter, Andrew J. Marble, James T. Howe, Edward F. Lawrence, Edward F. Comstock, and James E. McKay. The Union is purely a social club. The admission fee is one hundred dollars, and the yearly dues sixty dollars. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Adams, Abbott L. Chesbrougb, E. S., Jr. Garrett, T. Mauro Kirk, Charles S. Norton, J. Henry Snow, Samuel W. Adams, Cyrus H. Christoph, E. G. Gilbert Albert M. Kirk, James A. Noyes, John T. Spencer, Robert Adams, Edward S. Clarke, John V. Gott, John R. Kirk, JolinB. Spilman, G. T. Adams. George E. Clarkson, J. Thorne Goudy, William C. Kirk, Milton W. Odell, John J. P. Spoor, J. A. Adams, James W. Clinton, George O. Goudy, William J. Kirk. Wallace F. Odell, James W. Sprague, Win. Adams, J. McGregor Cobb, Henry Ives Gowan, Victor D. Kirk wood, A. J. Oiiderdonk, A. Stanley, Frank W. Adams, Joseph Cobb, Walter F. Grannis Herman W. Kitchen, John B. Otis, William A. Stanley, Pbili'skv E. Aldis, Owen F. Coburn, Louis F. Gray, Edward E. Osborue, Chas. M. Starin.'Wui. A. Amos, Azel, Jr. Armstrong, William Arud, Charles Atkinson, Fred. M. Atkinson, Geo. W. P. Ayer, Ed. E. Bacon, George W. Barber, J. Allen Barbour, Edward Barrou, Gregor. Beale, William G. Beall, Wm. Dent Cochran, J. Lewis Cohrs, J. B. Comstock, E. F. Conover, Chas. H. Comstock, Wm. H, Cooke, Alexander W. Cotton, J, Whitcomb Cramer, Eliphalet W Cramer, Frank Crerar, John Crerar, John, Jr. Crosby, Frederick W. Culver, F. H. Gray, John Gregory, George D. Gregory, Stephen S. Gross, Samuel E. Hadduek. Beuj. F. Hale, G. W. Hall, Arthur D. Hall, William B. Hallberg L. Gustav Hammond Thos. C. Hannah, John Hannah, Richard C. Lamb, Benjamin B. Lathrop, Bryan Lathrop" Charles D. Lathrop, Joseph Lawrence, Edward F. Lawson, Victor F. Lenke, Joseph B. Le Baron, William Leiter, Levi Z. Leman, Henry W. Leonard, H. Ward. Lester, John T. Lewis, Robert H. Page, Benjamin V. Paige, Alonzo W. Palmer, Potter Parker, Charles W. Parker, James H. Parkes, Charles T. Parsons, J. B. Patterson. R. W., Jr. Peabodv, Francis B. Peabody, Francis S. Peasly, James C. Peckliain, Orville Stone, Henry B. Street, Charle A. Sturges, George Sturgis, Charles I. Sullivan, James B. Sullivan, Michael J. Symonds, Henry R. Taylor, George H. Taylor, Hobart C. Thomas, Horace H. Thompson, J. H. Thoiburn. Robert H. Belfleld, William T. Bevier, Dubois Culver, George N. Cutler John A. Hardy, Cyrus A. Harriman, E. H. Lightner, Milton C. Lincoln, John L., Jr. Pennoyer, G. Milton Peters, Ross A. Towner, Henry A. Turner, Volun'tineC. Billings, Harry F. Bishop, Henry W. Black, John C. Blaine, Emmons Blaine, Walker Blair, Edward T. Blair, Frank M. Blair, Watson F. Booth, W. Vernon Borden, William Boynton, William E. Bradlev, Wm. H. Brackebush, A. C. Breese, Jacob B. Brooks, James C. Brooke, John H. Brown, Edward O. Davidson, Alexander Dawes, Chester M. Deane, Charles E. Deane, Ruthven Deering, James E. DeKoven, John deWindt.H. A. De Wolf, Henry Dickey, Valentine B. Dole, James H. Dox, Hamilton B. Drake. Thomas D. Dudlev, Peter Dunlap, George L. Dunn, Win. Dyer, Clarence H. Harris, N. W. Hawkes, William J. Healy, George L. H9nrotiu, Charles Henrotin. Ferdinand Hynshaw. Horace W. Hi f _'Kins, Charles Hillard, Charles W. Holdswortb, Jas. J. Hooper, Henry Hosmer, Edward D. Hosmer, R. W. Houghteliup, Jas. L. Houghton. George F. Howard, Willinm B. Howe, James T. Rowland, William I. Lincoln, Robert T. Lowe, John W. Lynch, James D. Lynch, John A. Lynde, Samuel A. MacArthur, R. D. MacDouald, Chas. B. Mackay, Alexander MacV'eagb, Franklin MacVeagh, Lincoln Magnus, Arthur J. Maltby.AdolphusW. Manierre, George Manierre, Wm. K. Marble, Andrew J. Mason, Edward G. Pond, Alexander W. Porter, Henry H. Porter, Washington Porter, William D. Prentice, Sartell Preston, Everett B. Pullman, Albert B. Pullman, George M. Quan, Henry W. Quan, James E. Raeder, Henry. Randall, Henrv A. Rathbone, W. N. Raymond, Samuel B, Head, Frederick P. Robbins, Henry S. Tullv, A. M. Tuttle, E. B. Twining, E. H. B. Tyrrell, John Ullrich, Michael. Vilas, Charles H. Wadsworth, F. L. Walker, Charles M. Walker James H. Waller. James L. Ward, James L. Warren, N. H. Warren, Paul. Washburn, E. S. WashburnHempstead Wassail, Joseph W. Brown, Francis C. Eaines, Fred. S. Huck, Louis C. Matthieson E. A Roberts, George W. Watkins, Elias T. Brown, William L. Edwards, Thomas C. Rogers, E. K., Jr. Watriss, Franklin H. Browuing.GrauvilleW Bryan, Charles P. Bullen, A. F. Ellis, J. Alder Elv, Arthur C. Engle, Edward Isham, Edward S. Isham, George S. Isham, Henry P. McCagg, Ezra B. McClurg, Alex. C. McCorniick C. H. Jr. Rood. James, Jr. Root, John W., Jr. Rozet, George H. Weaver, John V. A. Webber, Charles M. Webster, Louis D. Buun, William F. English, George P. Jamieson, M. M. McCormick] L. H.' Ruinsey, J. Turner Wheeler, Frank S. Burdett, Edward A. Fabian, ^^illium J. Jamieson, Egbert, McCormick! R. Hall Russell, Edward F. Wheeler, Samuel H. Burke, Edmund Farnsworth, George Jacobson, Augustus McCorniick, R. S. Russell, Edward P. White, Horace F. Burley, Augustus H. Farwell, Arthur L. Jackson, Horace McCormick, Win. G. Rutter, Joseph O. Whitehouse, F. M. Hurley, Clarence A. Farwell, Frank C. James, Newbury S. McKay James R. Ryerson, Arthur Wilbor, Albert G. Burrows, Daniel W. Farwell' Walter Jenkins, George R. McKnight, C. H. Ryerson, Edward L. Wilkins, Joseph R. Burry, George Burry, William Burton, Le Grand Fay, Charles N. Felix, Benjamin F. Fenner, W. H. Jewett, John N. Johnson, John H. Johnson, Willis F. McLaughliu, Geo. D. Mears, Charles S. Mears, Nathan Ryerson, Martin A. Salisbury, Warren M. Savage, Charles H. Wilkinson, D. P. Willnrd, Charles P. Williams, S. L. Cable. Ransome R. Ferguson, Edward A. Johnson, W. H. Meeker, Geo. W. Schmitt, Francis P. Willing, Henry J. Cady, J. K. Campbell, B. H. Campbell, B. H., Jr. Ferry, Charles H. Ferry, James W. Fessenden, Chas. N. Johnston, Clifford P. Jones, Nathaniel S. Jones Samuel J, Merryweather, Geo. Mickle, J. C. Millar, Allan B. Schmitt, Frank P. Schwartz, Charles Sellers, Morris Willits, Georg'e S. Wilson, Benjamin M. Winchester, Chas. J. Campbell, T. H. Field. Henry Jones, Samuel M. Miller, Truman Sharp, James S Winston, D. Campbell, Treat Field, Marshall Kasson, C. Vallette Moore, Gurdon G. Sheldon, Henry I. Winston, F. H. Campbell, Wm. N. Fisher, Archibald J. Keen, George Morse, Jay C. Sherman, Fred. S. Winston, F S. Carpenter, A. A. Fitz Hugh, Carter H. Keep, Frederick A. Meysenberg, O. W. Sherman, Henry B. Winston. H. S. Carson, James D. Flint, Edward E. Keep, William F. Mulliken, Chas. H. Shimian. Percy L. Woodbridge, J. E. Carter, Ernest Flower. James M. Keith, Edson Munger, Albert A. Smith, Chas. M. Worthington, E. S. Carter, Leslie Forsyth. Robert Keith, Henrv A. Newell, John Smith, Delavaii Worthy, John Cavaroc, Charles, Jr. Foster, Henry A. Kellogg, William H. Nickerson, Roland C. Smith, Dimlap Wright, Augustine W. Chandler, Frank H. Fuller, George A. Kennett, Francis J. Nickerson, Sana. M. Smith, Ernest F. Wyman, Edward F. Chandler, J. H. Fullertou Chas. W. Kerfoot, Sam. H., Jr. Northcote, Amyas S. Smith, Frederick B. Wyman, Walter C. Chapiii, Edward F. Gage, Lyman J. King, Henry W. Norton, Edmund Smith, Lot P. Yoe, Caarles C. Cheney, Lucian P. Gardner, Horatio H. King, Rockwell Norton, James S. Smith, Orson toe, Peter L. NON=RESIDENT MEMBERS. Adams, Hugh L. De Wolf, Edward P. Hall, William S. Jones, Mahlon O. Nixon, Miles G. Sanderson, Henrv B. Chapman. Wm. H. Dix, Clarence R. Harriott, Frank Kenly, David F. Papiu, F. Sidney Scudder, Moses L. Oonnell, Charles J. Eddy, Augustus N. Harvey, Joel D. Larued, Walter C. Peet, Emerson \V. Tausill, Robert W. Conrad, John H. Ellison, John B. Harvey, Joel D. Lefflngwell, Rev.C.W. Redferu, S. Edward Tree, Lambert Cramer, John F. Fariar. Samuel F. Himgtiteling, Wm. D. Loomis, Luther. Robbins, Arden M. W'-ston. Edward D. Dalliba. William S. (iilman. E. Coburn Howe, Richard F. Loomis, Luther Rutter, Nathaniel E Williams, I.ucian M. DeKoveu,! Reginald. Gilpiu, Frederick M. Jacassy, Alfredo F. I.upher, John D. HONORARY MEMBERS. Miijor-Ueni-ral John M. Scbofield Major-General Alfred H. Terry Hon. Walter (J. Cireshum Hon. Henry M. Blodgett Hon. Benjamin D. Magruder The President of the Calumet Club Tlie President of the Illinois Club NlVERSItY N the early part of 1887, a project was formed to organize a club to be composed exclusively of men who had received a degree from a university or college. This plan met with great favor, the applications for membership were large, and in February a charter was obtained. Temporary quarters were procured at 125 Dearborn Street, and the rooms handsomely fitted up. The total membership is now three hundred and seventy, and every college of any prominence is repre- sented. Although the University is still in its infancy its prospects are very bright, and there is every reason to believe that it will in a short time equal its sister organizations in other large cities. The initiation fee has been fixed at one hundred dollars and the annual dues at sixty dollars. The officers of the Club are: President, Edward G. Mason; Vice-President, Henry W. Bishop; Secretary, Heyliger A. DeWindt; Treasurer, Wirt D. Walker; Directors, Win. A. Furuess, J. L. Lincoln, Jr., 0. H. McCormick, Wm. M. LeMoyne, James S. Morton, Robert F Shnnklin, and Henry B. Stone. 07 UNIVERSITY RESIDENT MEMBERS. Ackerman.F.Stlllwell Charuley, James Fleming, Robert H. Kasson, Chas. V. Nixon, Wm. W. K. Smith, Chas. G. Adams. Edward S. Charnley, Walter H. Forsyth, Robert- Keator. Frederic W. Northrup, Geo.W., -Jr. Smith, Dunlap Adams, Geo. E. Chase, Horace B. Foster, Geo. A. Keep, Wm. B. Nprton, Jas. Hill Smith, Harold Aldis, Owen F. Chase, Samuel B. Freeman, Henry V. Keith. Edson, Jr. Norton, Jas. Sager Smith, Le Grand Aldrich, Chas. Henry Clark, John M. French, Henry C. Kelsey, Henry S. Noyes, Geo. C. Smith, Perry H., Jr. Aldrich, J. Franklin Clark, Stewart Fuller, Chas. G. Kernan, Jos. F. Sprilglle, Albert A. Allen, Charles L. Clarke, Edmund A. S. Fuller, Melville W. King, Francis Oakley, Horace S. Stevens, Harrv S. Alton, Williiim, Jr. Clarke. Frederic W. Fnllerton, Chas. W. Knight, Thos. D. Osboru, Chas. M., Jr. Stone, Henrv B. Andrews, Edward W. Cobb, Henry Ives Furnesfi, Wm. E. Knott, Henry A. Osborn, Louis S. Strobel, Chas. L. Andrews, Frank T. Cochran, John L. Fyffe, Colin C. H. Otis, Chas. T. Sturgis, Chas. I. Andrews, John W. Collins, Holdridge O. Laflin, Louis E. Otis, Ephraim A. Armour, Allison V. Corthell, Elmer L. Gallowav, Jas. B. Laflin, Arthur K. Otis, Philo A. Taber, Sidney H. Armour, George A. Corwith Chas. K. Gait, Azariah T. Lamb, Benjamin B. Otis, Wm. A Taylor, Hobart C. Armour, Jonathan O. Cramer, Ambrose Gamble, Wm. C. Lanehart, John W. Owsley, Heaton Taylor, Thos., Jr. Armour William Cramer, Eliphalet W. Gardiner, Edwin J. Lamed, Walter C. Thompson, Slason Augur, Walter W. Cramer, Frank Gardner, Henry A. Lathrop, Bryan Page, Frank E. Til ton, John N. Culver, Belden F. Gardner, Wm. A. Leiter, Thos. B. Page, Wm. R. Todd, John J. Babcock, Robert H. Currier, A. D. Gardner, James P. Le Moyne, W. M. Patterson, R. W., Jr. Treat, Chas. P. Bacon, Edward R. Curtis, Russell H. Goddard, Lester O. Leonard, Harry W. Patton, Normand S. Tuekerinan, Chas. S. Bacon, Koswell B. Goudy, Wm. Judd Lightner, Milton C. Patton, Robt. W. Tully, Andrew M. Barber, Joel Allen Dauchy, George K. Grant, Louis Moen Lincoln, John L , Jr, Payson, Geo. S. Tuttle, Emerson B. Bates, William S. Davidson, Geo. M. Green, Adolphus W. Lincoln, Robert T. Peabody, Francis S. Tattle, Henry N. B:iylev, Edwin F. Davis, Na.than S., Jr. Gridley, Martin M. Lowrey, Wm. K. Peabody, Francis B. Baall, William D. Dawes, Chester M. Lyman, Chester W. Peckham, Orville Waldo, Otis H. Bentlcy, Cyrus, Jr. Day, Albert M. Hale, Albert B. Lyman, David B. Peet, Heurv J. Walker, Chas. M. Bigelow, Nelson P. Deaiie Charles E. Hall,' Thomas C. Lyman, Francis O. Penfleld, Edward W. Walker, Wirt D. Birch, Hugh Taylor Peering, Jnmes Ham'ill, Robert W. Lynde, Samuel A. Peters, Wm. M. Waller, Jas. B. Bishop, Henry W. DeKoven, Reginald Hamilton, Win. H. Pierce, Jas. H. Waller, Jas. L. Bissell, Richard M. Delano, Frederic A. MacVeagh Franklin Pierce, Luther H. Waller, Robt. A. Blaine, Emmons DeWindt, Heyliger A. Harlan Jas. S. MacVeagh, Lincoln Pond, Irving Kane Waller, Wm. Blaine. Walker Dexter, Wirt Madden, Edgur Poole, Wm. F. Warner, Ezra J. Blatchford. E. Wickes Blatchford, Paul Dillingham, E. R. Jr. Donovan. Win. F. Harmon! Henry W. Harrison CavterH Jr Manierre, Geo. Marsh, Henry W. Pope, Chas. E. Potter, Edward C. Wurren, Lansing Warrington, Jas. N. Bogert, William B. Donelson, Dexter P. Hatch Azel F Marston. Thos. B. Putnam, Joseph R. Weaver, Chas. S. Boutelle, Henry S. Douglass, Frank M. Head, Franklin H. Mason, Edward G. Weaver, John Van A. Boutelle, Lewis H. Douglas, John M., Jr. Helmor Frank A. Mason, Henry B. Quick, John H. S. Webster, Hosea Boyce, Simeon L. Boynton, Wm. E. Brackett, Wni. Starr Douglass, Wm. A. Dudley, Emilius C. Dunlevy, Hulburd Henderson, Howard Herr, Hiero B. Mtttz, Rudolph McBirney, Hugh J. McClarv, Nelson A. Raeder, Henry Rand, Chas. E. Wells, Chus. W. Wells, John Q. Wentworth, Moses J. Bradley, Wm. H. Dupee, Chas. A. High Jas. L McCluer, Wm. B. Reynolds, Win. C. Westcott, Oliver S. Bross, Mason Durkee, Henry R, Holabird Wm. McClurg, Alexander C. Rice, Frank L. Wheeler, Chas. P. Brown, Edwin Lee Brown, Edward O. Dyche, Wm. A. Holbrook'.Zephaniah S McClurg, Walter L. McCounell, Benj. F. Rodman, Thos. J. Rogers, Geo. M. Wheeler, Samuel H. Whitehead, ElislmP. Browning, G. W. Bryan, Charles P. Eliot, Frank M. Elliott, Howard Houghteling, Jas. L. McConnell, John McConnell, Sam'l P. Rogers, Joseph M. Root, John W. Whitehouse, Franc. M. Whitman, Russell Bryant, Henry W. Etheridge, Jas. H. Rowland^ Walter M. McCormick, Cyrus H. Rose, Hiram H Whitney, Geo. B. Kurch, Chas. S. Evans, Lynden Hubbard Henry M McCormick, L. Ham'n Roundy, Wm. N. Wlllard, Gardner G. Burdett. Edward A. Hubbard Wm. H. McFadon, Robert D. Rumse'y, John T. Willnnl, Monroe L. Burley, Clarence A. Fabian, Wm. J. Hutchison Mahlon McGeuniss, Chas. B. Russell, Edward O. Willard, Norman P. Burnett, Chas. C. Fales, David Hyde. Jas. N. McGenuiss, John W. Ryerson, Arthur Williams, John C. Burry, George Fargo, Chas. E. Mcllvaine, Wm. B. Ryerson, Edward L. Williams, Norman Burry, William Fargo, Edward A. Meeker, Arthur Williams, Samuel L. Fargo, Livingston W. Isham, George S. Meeker. Geo. W. Scott, Frank H. Williams, Wm P. Cable, Ben Taylor Farwell, Arthur L. Miller, Humphr'sH.C. Shanklin, Robert F. Willits, Geo. S. Cady, Jeremiah K. Farwell, Francis C. Jackson, Hunt'gt'nW. Miller, John S. Sheldon, Henry I. Wilson, John P. Campbell, Treat Furwell, John V,. Jr. Jenny, Wm. Le Baron Mitchell, Clifford Sheldon, Theodore Winston, Dudley Carpenter, Frederic I. Farwell, Walter Jewett, Samuel R. Montgomery, Wm. A. Shepard, Henry M. Winston, Frederick S. Caruthers, Malcom Fay, Chas. N. Johnson, Frank S. Moore, Nathan G. Shorey, Daniel L. Wolf, Henrv M. Case, William W. Ferguson, Edward A. Johnston, Clifford P. Musgrave, Harrison Silsbee, Joseph L. A^ood, Chas. B. Cass, Geo. Willis Ferry, Chas. H. Johnston, John Simmons, Park E. Caton, Arthur John Fisher, Geo. P., Jr. Jones, David B. Neef, Walter Skinner, John li. VIM'. Lucieu G. Chandler, Samuel Fisher, Walter L. Jones, George I. Newell. John E. Slocum, Edward Le C. Young, George W. Charnley, Chas. M. Fiske, Geo. F. Jones, Thomas D. Nixon, Miles G. Smith, Byron L. Young. Kimhall NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Howe, Elmer Parker Lewis, loll Manning. Wm. Hobbs Merrill/William F. Ne\\ berry, Truman H. Peck, George Record Reeves, Arthur M. Russell. Henry Schaeffer, Charles A Scott, Henry B. Strung, Henry Thomson, Arthur C. Tlillock. AlunznJ. 0) o X 00 a _i o DC Ou O h- o to < VASHIN6T0N PARK HE objects of the organization called the Washington Park Club, which was incor- porated in 1883, are to promote good fellowship among its members by providing a club house and pleasure grounds for their entertainment where at all times they may meet for social intercourse, and to encourage, by providing the proper facilities, raising, improving, breeding, training and exhibiting horses, at meet- ings to be held at stated times in each year. The Club House at Sixty-first Street and South Park Avenue is a low, long, rambling two story building, with broad piazzas on all sides of the house. From its situation, within easy driving distance from the centre of the city, and with its beautiful grounds, the Washington Park offers all the advantages of a country club, such as have become so popular of late in the leading eastern cities. The race course, with all its appurtenances, is one of the finest in the country. The racing meetings have been pre-eminently successful, and the Club, by its energy and wisdom, has done much to improve and elevate the sport. Aside from this, the Club offers many attractions in its handsome house and the excellence of its service and cuisine. The initiation fee is one hundred and fifty dollars, from the payment of which, however, subscribers for one thousand dollars or more of the original capital stock of the organization, are exempt. The dues are forty dollars a year. The families of the various members, with the exception of sons who have attained the age of twenty-one years, are entitled to all the privileges of the Club. Owing to the death of General Philip H. Sheridan, the office of President is at present vacant. The Vice-Presidents are Messrs. Samuel W. Allerton, Albert S. Gage, Charles Schwartz and Columbus R. Cummings; Treasurer, John K. Walsh; Secretary, John E. Brewster; Messrs. Norman B. Eeam, James W. Oakley, Charles J. Barnes, J. Henry Norton, Samuel H. Sweet, George H. Wheeler, Charles J. Singer, John E. Brewster, Wirt D. Walker, John B. Carson, James Van Inwagen, Charles D. Hamill, John Dupee (Jr.), John H. McAvoy, Thomas Cratty, Charles Schwartz, Nathaniel K. Fail-bank, Samuel W. Allerton, Columbus K. Cummings, John E. Walsh, Albert S. Gage, Henry J. Macfarland, and Thomar: Murdoch, comprise the Board of Directors. 71 WASHINGTON PARK RESIDENT MEVIRERS. Abel, Johnathau Ackermau, Wm. K. Ackeruiau. Fred S. Adams, Abbott L. Adam, Alexander B, Adams, Claude J Adams, Geo. E. Adams, George Adams, J. McGregor Adams, William S. Adsit, Charles C. Adsit, James M. Adsit, James M., Jr Allen, Benjamin Alcock, William H. Alexander, Elijah S. Allen, Charles W. Allen, Herman G. Allerton, Samuel W. Anderson, Samuel Andrews, William B. Arms, H. Armour, Allison V. Armour, George A. Armour, John Ogden Annour, Philip D. Armour, William Armsby. James K. Asay, William C. Ashby, James H. Austin, Frederick C. Avery, Frank M, Ayer, Ed. E. Ayers, Enos Baker, Samuel Baker, William T. Balcom, Uri Baldwin, George D. Bane, Oscar F. Bangs, E. W. Barker, John H. Barker, Samuel B. Barnes, Charles J. Barnum, William L. Barrel!, James Bartlett, Adolphus C. Bartlett, Ben Baxter, Thomas M. Beecher, Jerome Beman, Solon S. Bennett, Thomas Bensley, John R. Bensinger, Moses Besly, Charles H. Best, William Biglow, Anson A. Billings, C. K. G. Billings, Harry F. Birch, Hugh T. Bisbee, Lewis H. Black, John C. Blair, Charles H. Blair, Henry A. Blair, Frank M. Blair, Lyman, Jr. Blair, Watson F. Blakely, Cyrene H. Bloom, Leopold Boal, Charles T. Bogue, Charles H, Bogue, Hamilton B. Bohner, George Bolton, James Booth, Alfred Booth, Frank Booth, William S, Booth, Wm. Vernon Borden, William Borden, J. TJ. Botsford, Henry Boumphrey, Alfred G. Bournique, A. E. Bournique, Eugene A. Bowles, Joseph B. Boyden, George D. Boynton, Wallace W. Brandt, George W. Brashfteld, George H. Breese, Jacob B. Brega, Charles W. Brewer, John 8. Brewster, Edward L. Brewster. John E. Briggs, Clinton Brosseau, August Brosseau,Zenophile P. Brown, Anthony Brown Charles T. Brown, Daniel G. Brown, Spencer A. Dexter, Wirt Hale, Clinton B. Brown, Thomas H.,Jr. Dickev. Valent ine B. Hale, George W. Bryant, Henry B. Dickey, William W. Hall, George A. Bullen, George Dickinson, John Hamburger, Louis M, Bunker, Hiram S. Doane, John W. Hamill Charles D. Burch, Thomas R. Doble, Budd Hamlin, John A. Burdett, Edward A. Dodge, George E. P. Hammer D. Harry Burkholcler.Charlea S. Doud, L. B. Handy, Henry H. Burke, Michael Dow, A. C. Hanecy, Elbridge Burley, Arthur G. Drake, John B. Hanford, Philander C. Burley, Frank E, Drew, Charles W. Hannah, John 8. Burlingham, E. P. Dunn, Frank K. Harding, George F. Butterfteld, C. W. Dunlevy, Hulburd Harper, William H. Byers, Jacob E. Dunlap, George L. Harvey. Joel D. Dunham, Ransom W. Hately, John C. Cable. KauBora R. Dupee, Cyrus Hately, Walter C. Cnrr, Henry H. Dupee, Horace M. Hayden, Albert Carroll, John C. Dupee, John, Jr. Hayden, Harvey S. Carhart, Charles Durkee, Richard P. H. Henderson. Chas. M. Carson, James D. Dwight, John H. Henderson, Wilbur S. Carson, John B. Hepburn John W. Carter Earnest Eames, Frederick S. Herrick, E. Walter Carter, James S. Eames, H. F. Hesing, Washington Carv, Eugene Eames, L. H. Heth, Henry 8. Cass, George W. Easton, Charles L. Hewes, Daniel A. Cassard, Herbert Edbrooke, George H. Hibbard William G. Cassidv, James A. Eddy, Augustus N. Higginbothan, H. N. Caton, "Arthur J. Eddy, Henry C. Hills, Charles F. Chalmers, Thomas, Jr Edwards, James A. Hill, David K. Chalmers, William J. Edwards, Thomas C. Hill, Henry L. Chamberlain, Geo. M. Eldredgo George C. Hodgkins, Jefferson Champlin, George W. Eldredge, Issac Holmes, Ira Chandler, E. E. Eldredge, Samuel D. Hollinworth, John F. Chapin, Gardner S. Ellis, Almond D. Hoolev, Richard M. Chapin, S. B. Ellis, J. Alder Home", Walter J. Chapman, diaries A. Elkins Henry K, Hough, Charles H. Chatfteld, Wayne B. Elkins, W. L. Houston, Adam, Jr. Christopli, Henry J. Ellsworth, James W. Howard, William B. Chumasero, John T. English, Robert W. Howe. Charles T. Clnpp, Ozro W. Ettiuger, Charles D. Rowland, Wm. I. Clarke. George C. Everhart, George P. Hoyt, Henry W. Clark, John M. Ewart, William D. Hoyt, William M. Clark, Stewart Hughitt, Marvin, Jr. Clement, Henry C. Fairbank, Nathan'l K. Hull, Morton B. Clifton, Charles E. Fargo, Charles Hurlbut, Vincent L. Clifton, Frank Fargo, Charles H. Huston, Albert C. Clowry, Robert C. Farwell, Charles. B. Hiltchinson, A. C. Cobb, Walter F. Fay, C. N. Hutchinson, Chas. Cochrane, William Favorite, C. M. Hutchinson, Chae. L. Cole, Cyrus E. Fenton, J. H. Colemau, Joseph G. Ferguson, Edward W. Ingraham, G. S, Colemau, Seymour Field, George D. Irving, Wm. Colvin, William H. Field, Henry Irwin, David W. Cornea, Charles W. Field, Marshall Isham, Edward F. Comstock, William O. Fischer, A. C. Conger, William 1'. Fisher, Archie J. Jacobs, Wm. V. Couley, John W. Fisher, James K. James, Fred S. Conne'll, Charles J. Fisher, Ijucius G., Jr. Jayne, Edgar L. Conrad, George E. Fisk, David B. Jeffery, John B. Conrad, John H. Fitch, Henry 8. Jenks, Anson B, Cook, Benjamin L. Fitzer. S. B.' Jenkins, John E. Cooley, Henry H. Flagg, Wm. H. Jenkins, Thomas R. Cooper, Andrew J. Fleming, Robert H. Jocelyn, F. C. Corbin, H. C. Flershem. Lem W. Johnson, Frank E. Corueau, David E. Flower, -Tames W. Johnson, Willis F. Corwith, Nathan Foreman, Henry G. Johnston, John, Jr. Counselman, Charles Fowler, Robert D. Johnston, Samuel Covert. George H. Frankentlial, Eman'l Jones, J. M. W. Cowles. Alfred Fraser, Norman D. Jones, Mahlon O. Cowling, John V., Jr. Fuller, Wm. A. Jones, Nathaniel 8. Coy, Irus Fullerton, Charles W. Jones, Samuel J. Craine, William "N. Furber, H. J. Jones, Samuel M. Crane, Charles R. Judah, Noble B. Crapser, Morris H. Gage, Albert S. Judson, Charles E. Cratty, Thomas Gardner, Horatio H. Crawford, Andrew Gaylord, Henry G. Keeler, Charles F. Crawford, Henry Gaylord, Willard S. Keen, George Crawford, Henry, Jr. Geddes, Alex. Keeney, James F. Crilly, Daniel, F. Geltmacher, John T. Keep, Frederic A. Crombie, Charles B. Getty, H<>nr\- H. Keep, Wm. B. Cruttenden, Thos. S. Gifford, Charles E. Keep, Wm. F. Cudahy, Edward A. Giffbrd, Charles E. Jr. Keith, Edson Cudahy, John Gifford, I. Cushman Keith, Edson, Jr. Cudahy, Michael Gilbert, Albert M. Keith, O. R. CnnnningB. C. R. Giles, William A. Keith, Samuel L. Cunningham, Win. H. Gillette, James F. Kelley, Addisou D. Curtis, Theodore H. Glessner, J. J. Kelley, David Guttler, John A. Glover, Otis R. Kelley, Wm. E. Cutter, John M. Goodman, James B. Kellogg, Will. H. Gore. George P. Kendall, K. W. Dalziel, Davison Gore, James J. Kenly, David F. Davis. William J. Gorton, Frank S. Kennett, Francis J. Davidson, Alexander Grannis, Wm. C. D. Kent, Sidney A. Day, Joseph L. Graves, Win. M. Kerfoot, Charles A. Deame, Charles A. Gregory, Walter D. Kern, Charles DoKoven. John Greene, Musher T. Kettle, R. A. Dempster, Weslev Grey, William L. Keyes, Rollin A. Dooring, Charles W. Griswold, Henry I-'. Kimball, Charles F. Dewar, Hamilton Gross. Samuel E. Kimbnll. Charles P. Dewey. A. B. Grossup, P. Stenger Kimball, George F. Kimball, Win. W. Mord.-n. Win. .1. Kimbark, Sener:i I). Morse, I'nincis E. King, Henry C. Morse John F. Kingsley, Herbort M. Morton. A. H. Kirk. Charles W. Moultou, Byron P. Kirk, John B. Manner, Albert A. Kirk, Milton W. Munn, Charles A. Kirk, Wallace F. Munro, Wm. Kirkwood, Thomas S. Murdoch, Thomns Kirkwood. Wm. Murrison, George w. Knickerbocker, J. J. Murray. Win. H. Myricfi, Willard F. Laflin, Arthur K. Laflin, George H. Neeld, Nathan M. Lancaster, Eugene A. Nelson, Murray Lapp, Peter Nelson, Oliver 'C. Lathrop, Charles D. Newman Lawrence Lefens, Thies J. Nichols, H. G. Leiter, Levi Z. Nichols, Frank M. Leiter, T. Bent Nichols, Melville S. Iceland, Warren F. Nickell, James M. Leonard, James Nickel-son, Roland C. Lester, John T. Norris, John W. Libby, Arthur A. Northrop, Clark T. Libby, Charles P. Northup, Willet Linui Wm. R. Norton, J. Henry Linn, Winfteld S. Logan, Frank G. Oakley, James W. Long, Joseph B. Odell.'James W. Long, M. David Orb, John A. Longenecker, C. S. Osgood, John C. Longley, Albert W. Osmuii, Daniel C. Loomis, John Mason Otis, George L. Loomis, Luther Ijoring, Malek A. Palmer, Eugene P. Louderbaek, DeL. H. Palmer, Milton J. Love, James M. Palmer, Percy W. Lowell, Percival Palmer, Potter Lyon, John B. Partridge, Charles W. Lyon, John B.. Jr. Parker, Augustus A. Lyon, Wm. C. Parker, Samuel W. Lynch, John A. Parkes, John C. Lynch, James D. Pannelee, Charles K. Lynch, Thomas Parmelee, Franklin Lynch, Thomas, Jr. Parmeleo John W. Patterson, Frank E. Macdonald, Chas. B. Patterson, John Maedomild, Godfrey Patterson, R. W., Jr. Macfarland, Henry J. Patterson, T. E. Macfarlane, V. W." Peasley, James C. Mackey. Spoor Peck, Ferd. W. MacVeagh, Franklin Pock, Oliver D. Mackay, Alex. Pennock, Homer Mrtgin, Frank J. Peters, Roswell A. Mair. Charles A. Phelps, Erskiue M. Mallory, Herbert E. Manasse, Louis Phelps, Othneil Ji. Phillips, Henry W. Marks, Clarence W. Piatt, Abner Marsh, Charles V. Pierce, Charles F. Marsh, Ebeii J. Pickering, Albert D. Marsh, Frank A. Pickering Philander May Horatio N. Mayo, John B. IMke, Eugene S. Potter, Thonnts J. Maxwell, Samuel A. Potter Wm. C. McAvoy, Charles P. Pray, Wilder H. McAvov, John H. Preston, Everett B. McCagg, Ezra B. Price, Gurdon W. McConnell, Chas. H. Price, Vincent C. McCormick, R. S. Pullman, Albert B. McCormick, Wm. G. Pullman, George M. McCrea, Willey 8. Purdy, Charles W. McDonald, John B. McGrath John J. Qnackenboss, A. Q. McHenry, Wm, E. McKay, James R. Randall, Thomas T. McKinley, James Rathbone, Joseph McMtthon, Steven A. Knymoiul, Hamuel B. MeNeill, Archibald Heain. Norman B. McQuiston, Wm. E. Ueddon. Wm. B. McVicker James H. Keinv, ('urtis H. McWilliams, John G. Reitz. Baltzer K. McWilliams, L. Revell, Alex. H. Mears, Charles H. Hew, Henry C. Mears. Nathan Rhodes, Charles D. Meeker, Arthur B. Kli dew, J. Foster Meeker. George W. Kice, John A. Merriam, Charles W. Richards, Joseph R. Merriam, John W. Kiley, Albert A. Merrick, Levy C. Robertfion, John li. Mersereau, R. C. Roberts, B. H. Miller, George Hobinsou, John K. Miller, George E. Kin-he, O\\ en H. Millikin, Samuel M. Kolimd, Lorenzo B. Miltimore, George W. lioloson. Robert W. Miner, James A. Roloson. Walter L. Monheimer, Isadore lioMS'.'Velt. Wilton C. Montgomery. (1. NY. Moore, Gurdon G. llosenfelil, Munrieo Rowe, Nicholas Moore. Jitmes H. Kozet. (ieorge H. Moore. Win. H. Rubens, Hnrrv 72 WASHIN6T0N PARK RESIDENT MEMBERS. Continued. Buggies, Oliver W. Ruinsey, John W. Kussell, William H. Bust, Henry A. Kyerson, Martin Ryerson, Martin A Sockett, Edward B. Stuiborn, Bufus H. Sard, Win. H. Schimpferman, VV. H. Schmitt, Anthony Schneider, Eugene Schwartz, Charles Swartz, Gustavus A. Scott, James W. Scully, D. B. Sea, S. Guy Sears, Joseph Seaverns, George A. Seaverns, Geo. A., Jr Seip, Conrad Seip, Will. C. Sellers, Alfred H. Sexton, Patrick J. Shaw, George B. Shaw, Wm. A. Shattnck, Charles L. Shayne, John T. Sheldon, Edwin B. Shepard, Henry M. Shepard, Jason H. Sheppard, Thomas D. Sherman, Frank T. Sherman. I. N. W. Sherman, John B. Sherwin, James P. Sherwin, Rodney K. Sherwood, Francis B. Shipman, Daniel B. Shiseler, Louis Shorey, Daniel L. Shoyer, Suniuel Silberhorn, Wm. H. Singer, Charles J. Singer, Edward T. Singer, Walter H. Slater, Henry J. Slaughter, Arthur O. Smith, Byron L. Smith, CharleB M. Smith Earnest F. Smith, Frederick C. Smith, George Smith James B. Smith J. Parker Smith. Orson Smith, Peter Smith, Wm. E. Smith, Wm. D. Spaldiug, Albert G. Spalding, Charles W. Spaulding, Jesse Taylor, George S. Waixel, Isaac Wheeler, John F. Spauldiug, Samuel G. Tewksbury, Wm. J. Walker, A. E. White, A. Stamford Sprague, Albert A. Thatcher, John M. Walker, Edwin White, Charles B. Spruance, Harmon Theuror, Joseph Walker, J. Bryant Whitehead, Wm. M. Stanley, F. G. Thompson Corwin C. Walker, James B. Whitehouse, F. M. Stanley, P. E. Thompson, John L. Walker, Wm. B. Whitney, J. C. Staufler, B. F. Thompson, Wm. A. Walker, Wirt D. Widener, P. A. B. Stearns, Marcus C. Tobev, Charles Wallace, Henry Wiley, Willard R. Stearns, Richard I. Tobey, Edgar P. Waller, Robert .A Williams, George T. Stebbins, Henry S. Tobey, Frank H. Walworth, Nathan J. Williams, G. Titus Stephens, Heury Tobey, Orville H. Walsh, Joan R. Williams, Wm. B. Stevenson, A. F. Torreuce, Joseph F. Ward, A. Montgomery Willits. George S. Stinson, James Travis, E. J, Ward, George B. T. Wilmarth, Thos. W. Stiles, George N. Tucker, Joseph F. Warner, Henry D. Wilson, Wm. M. Strahorn, Bobert Tufts, Eugene L. Warren, Bobert Witbeck, John H. Streeter, John W. Turner, Samuel 31. Washburn, Ed. S. Witherell, James N. Ktudebaker, Peter E. Watkins, Vine A. Wood George E. Studebaker, Wm. F. Ullman, Daniel Watriss, Franklin H. Wood, F. F. Sturtevaiit, Edward Udell, S. R. Watrous, Chris. Wood, Samuel E. Sullivan, J. B. Underwood, P. L. Weaver, H. E. Woodard. W. B. Sullivan, M. J. Wells, Brenton B. Woodbury, Sidney H. Swan, James H. Valentine, Allister J. Wells, Moses D. Wolford, Jacob A. Swasey, James A. Van Bokkelen, B. O. Wells, Thomas E. Worthington, Ed. S. Sweet, John W. Van Inwagen, James Wells, Warren A. Wright, Nathaniel T. Sweet, Samuel H. Van Kirk, Charles B. Wheaton, George D. Wright, Thomas A. Swift, Louis F. Van Shaick, A. G. Wheeler Arthur Vance, Wm. L., J.. Wheeler Charles W. Yerkes, C. T., Jr. Tabor, Ernest W. Wheeler Edgar G. Young, Caryl Taylor. John P. Wachsmuth, Louis C. Wheeler Eugene Young, Otto Taylor, Abuer Wadhams, Henry H. Wheeler George H. Taylor, Douglas. S. Wahl, Louis Wheeler Hiram Zeiss, Henry NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Borden, H. Lee Breslin, James H, Grouse, Daniel E, Cummings, Bobert Daly, Marcus Dean, Henry C. Dunlap, Eobert Everhart, Henry S. Gage, Eliphalet B. Green, Charles Haines, N. J., Jr Lee, W. M. D. Martin, Thomas J. McCampbell, Amos G. Millard, Charles S. Nelson, Ephriam Paxton, Wm. A. Pearsons, Hiram A. Potter, Asa P. Potter, Walter Ramsey, Charles M. Salisbury, Monroe Sheridan, Ph. H. Smith, Pierson D. Stewart, John T. Studebaker, Jacob F. Swan, Alex. H. Swan, Wm. F. Watson, Amasa B. ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS. Benyaurd, Wm. H. H. Schofield, J. M. 73 *J*J - \. -., MN^!5 w* iP^Mf^V '*i TL . ISs^ln ''ir