TH 1 TO OJIY0FOHIOAGO E.F.HOLLISTER&CO. DEALERS IN CARPETS/ FURNITURE, Curtains, Bedding, Ho^l,se F^lrn^sh^ng AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, N os 117, 119, 121 & 123 STATE STREET, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY, DINING-ROOM AND FIXE FURNITURE. HOUSES, HOTELS, PUBLIC BUILD- IXGS, CHURCHES, ETC., ETC., FURNISHED THROUGHOUT WITH , Jfnrnifitrc, OUR COMBINED STOCK WILL BE FOUND THE LARGEST AND FINEST IN THE CITY, AND AN EXAMINATION OF GOODS AND PRICES EARNESTLY SOLICITED. MANUFACTORY ESTABLISHED FAIR BANKS Standard Scales MADE WITH THK LATKST AM) MOST VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS, AND Al'APTKI) TO ALL R Eol I K K 1 ) USES. Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Grain Wagons, Improved Money Drawers, Etc. >, .HK A CO. Ill & 113 LAKE STREET. SCALES OJ I 1. 1, It 1. \ Its I'ltOMl'TLY ItKr TOWLiE SUCCESSORS TO CT. W. IDCX^ItTIE & CO. Wholesale Grocers 41 AND 43 WABASH AVENUE, .!. TOWLE. JOHN ROPKR. J. W. DOANE, - GEORGE CLAPP, Agent, Formerly "Rubber Clothing Company," MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS Excepting only our New York House, we carry the LARGEST stock of Rubber Goods of my house in the United States. All Goods quoted at New York Prices, thus giving the advantage of the freight. Rubber and Leather Belting, Packing and Hose. F. M. SHEPARD, Pres't. J. A. MINOTT, Sec'y. OFFICES OF RUBBER CLOTHING : & 307 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT, MICH. ALBANY, N. Y. M. _':( .M (.>. !i \ II i.ii'.-ii M. RATHBONE, SARD & CO. MANl'KAriTRKUS ()K TIIK Feai'loNN !i BRILLIANT BASE BURNER, With Anti-Clinker Grate, and numerous improvements, making it uncqualed as .1 lianl coal heating Stove. BEAUTY. ECONOMY. UTILITY. DURABILITY. Combining many Itt-siritlili- 1'i'iitiii-rn. Apparent on inspection. Rathbone Range AND PACIFIC COOK, Adapted to city use for hard coal. i' r "w viri * F Jf iMtS** ' an<1 lnost ^""P'ete as- THK I.ARGKST ost oomplc-t sortment of Sliives and Hollow Ware. Prices guaranteed as low ny good Sto be bought fo as any good Stove can e bought for. For Wood. 38 & 40 Lake Street, - CHICAGO. FIELD, LEITER & CO. DRY GOODS AT BO TTOM PRICES. Madison and Market Streets. FIELD, LEITER & CO. Dry Goods ^Carpets The Latest European Novelties Received as Appear. State and Washington Sts. THE Strangers' of Aim^ement, Banks, Cemeteries, Churches, City Offices, Educational Institutes, 1-Yeight Offices. Foreign Consuls, Hotels, Hospitals and Asylums, Societies, Newspaper Offices, Parks, Public Buildings, Railway Depots, Ticket Offices, Transportation Lines, Telegraph Offices, United States Offices, Hack Ordinances, Suburban Towns, Etc. ALSO A Complete and Reliable gtfeet Di Nl WITH UKMS OF PUBLIC Bl'UDlXGS. ETC. o : SOUTHARD & CULLATON. PRINTERS. MONROE STREET. 1873. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF GROCERIES Cor, Lake Street and Wabash Ave, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. TIE-A. TOBA-CCO -A-OSTX) F^.3STCY O-IiOCES-IES EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER \" ats a T\ F ,"*, Buok 272 ft 274 MADISON ST. I OOd8 at Wholesale. CONTENTS. PAGE. ASSOCIATIONS 41 A MUSEMENTS 25 BANKING INSTITUTIONS 45 BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF CHICAGO 39 CEMETERIES 29 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 13 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 41 CHICAGO STREET GUIDE 59 CHICAGO BUSINESS DIRECTORY 97 CHURCHES 19 COURTS ii EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 1 1 EXPRESS OFFICES 35 FOREIGN CONSULS 33 GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL 17 HACK ORDINANCE 37 HOTELS 15 INTER-STATE INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION BUILDING 57 LIBRARIES 41 MCVICKER' s THEATRE 25 NEW CUSTOM HOUSE AND POST OFFICE 53 NEWSPAPER OFFICES 9 NOTABLE BUILDINGS 27 PARKS 23 POST OFFICE 33 RAILWAY DEPOTS 55 RAILWAY TICKET OFFICES 55 REGISTER OF CITY OFFICIALS 7 SCHOOLS 43 SUBURBAN TOWNS 29 STREET CAR AND OMNIBUS ROUTES 21 TABLE OF DISTANCES AND RAILROAD FARES 49 TELEGRAPH OFFICES 35 TRANSPORTATION LINES 51 TUNNELS 41 VIEW OF THE FIRST HOUSE BUILT IN CHICAGO 47 WATER WORKS 31 CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. 1 118 & 12 Monroe st - WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. J Opp. Old Post Office. AD VER TISEMENTS. Illinois Central R.R. CHICACO to ST. LOUIS "WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS! Making DIRECT Connections at ST. LOUIS for Kansas City, Leavenworth ST. JOSEPH, FT. SCOTT, LAWRENCE, ATCHISON, TOPEKA, DENVER, AND ALL POINTS SOUTHWEST. y 5-TVITHOTTT CHA/XGIE OF CA.R,S.-=*L ]QQ MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE To MEMPHIS, VICKSBUItG, MOBILE, AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. This is also the Direct Route to DECATUR, VINCENNES, PEORIA, PAN A, EVANSV1LLE, CANTON, Vandnlia, Shawneetown, Keokuk, Terre Haute, Warsaw. **WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS.-=& The Direct Route to FARMER CITY. CLINTON. MT. PULASKI and SPRINGFIELD. GTTTfAHTI TH inuxiuu iy T CHANGE OF CARS.=> The only Direct Route to GALENA, DUBUQUE, WATERLOO, CEDAR FALLS, CHARLES CITY, ACKLEY, FORT DODCE AND SIOUX CITY. Elegant DRAWING-ROOM SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains, BAGGAGE CHECKED TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. A HI nUTn Ann- l-l Randolph St. (near Clark); Great Central De- Al UmUAuU-pot, foot of Lake St.: Union Depot, foot of 22d St. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Chicago. I A MITCHELL. Gen'l Sup't. Chicago. II I < A<;IJ SllOVVJIlt. Ill, WARDS.STREETS AND PARK SW them (*> limin nfilt, ,,,,,n t,,, ,> 0, t,,r,-7.fl *.9.- M . m\ ^ w : if cf OPPOSITE FIELD, LEITER 6- C0., THE ONLY GALLERY USING A WATER POWER ELEVATOR IlsT TIHIIE "WOIR-LID. Establishment has the largest and best Operating Rooms in the United States. Is fitted up with all the most Modern Improve- ments, including a Patent Sky-Light, not surpassed by any thing yet constructed. The easiest of access in Chicago, having the most elegant Elevator in the world. Portraits taken in all styles, from the Smallest Locket Picture to a Life-Size Portrait in Oil, at most reasonable prices. The proprietors employ only the very best Artists, and buy only the finest material obtainable in this country and in Europe. STUDIOS, OVER RODDIN & HAMILTON'S JEWELRY STORE. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. REGISTER OF CITY OFFICIALS. Mayor Hon. Joseph Medill, office, 2 City. Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Clerk C. T. Hotchkiss, office, 5 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Comptroller A. H. Burley, office, 3 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. ( 'ity Treasurer David A. Gage, office, 9 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Attorney I. N. Stiles, office, 8 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. Corporation Counsel M. F. Tuley, office, 8 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance-. Tax Commissioner C. N. Holden, office, 5 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. Assessor South Div. W. H. Gray, office, 5 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. Assessor West Div. James N. Clark, office, 5 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. Assessor North Div. C. Dennehy, office, 5 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. City Collector Geo. Von Hollen, office, i City Hall, La Salle street entrance. Oil Inspector John O'Neill, Ft. Wayne Oil House. Fish Inspector John F. Brown, 43 W. Washington. Wood Inspector J. McDermott. Strain Inulcr Inspector J. I). Murphy, 131 W. Randolph. City Physician Dr. John Guerin, 119 Archer av. City U'ci^/icr K. Powell, cor. Randolph and Desplaines. City Ganger A Mueller, 83 W. Randolph. Corporation J\iper Chicago Post Co., 86 and 88 Dearborn. City Sealer F. S. Gardner, 128 W. Washington. Superintendent House of Correction C. E. Felton. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I * 120 MONEOE ST., ) Opp. Old Post Office. AD VER Tf SEME NTS. l.W Manufacturers and Importers of Cloaks, Suits and Underwear. CLOAKINGS, VELVETS, VELVETEENS, BEAVEES, Etc. L.ICES. GIMPS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, CORDS, TASSELS. ETC. A Large Stock and Latest Styles. Close Buyers are invited to Examine. ,",4 & 56 'Wholesale JoVobers and Dealers in s> COFFEES, SPICES * Fancy Groceries, 29 & 31 RIVER STREET, - - - CHICAGO. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER HaT6 272 It 274 MADISON 8T. I G dS m the Clt *' The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago, 9 Common Council meets room 17, City Hall, Adams street; east en- trance. J. H. McEvoy, President. J^oard of Public Works Headquarters, City Hall, Adams St.; west entrance. W. H. Carter, Pres.; E. S. Chesbrough, City Eng. BoaAt of Health Headquarters, City Hall, Adams street; west entrance. Dr. H. A. Johnson, Pres. Police Department Headquarters, City Hall; La Salle street en- trance. Elmer Washburn, Superintendent Police. Police Courts South Division, cor. Harrison st. and Pacific av.; A. H. Banyon, Justice. West Division, cor. Madison and Union sts. ; Dan'l Scully, Justice. North Division, 180 N. Dearborn Fire Department Headquarters, City Hall; Quincy street entrance. Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph City Hall; Quincy street en- trance. E. K. Chandler, Supt. DAILY NEWSPAPERS. The Tribune Southeast corner Dearborn and Madison. The Times Northwest corner Washington and Fifth av. The Inter- Ocean 118 and 121 Lake, near corner Clark. The Journal 159 and 161 Dearborn. The PostSS Dearborn. The Mail 123 Fifth av. The Staats '/.eitung Northeast corner Washington and Fifth av. The Daily Union 124 Franklin. The Freie Presse 185 Washington. The Hotel Reporter (>$ S. Canal. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, BOX MAKEKS' STOCK & TOOLS, 118 & 120 MONROE ST. A D VER TISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED, 1855. VER6HO, RDHLING & CO, 138, 140 IMPORTERS OF GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES BASKET FACTORY in KRONACH, State of BAVARIA, GERMANY. A Retail Department is Connected with our House. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. I ana tui3Jijto. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 1 1 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. THEOLOGICAL. Presbyterian Theological Seminary Cor. Halsted and Fullerton av. , North Chicago. Rev. R. W. Patterson, D. D., Pres't; S. M. Moore, Vice-Pres't; Rev. L. H. Reid, Sec'y. Chicago Theological Seminary Cor. Warren and Ashland avs. K. W. Blatchford, Pres't; Rev. G. S. F. Savage, Sec'y; Rev. H. S. Hammond, Treas. Garrett Biblical Institute Evanston. Baptist Theological Seminary Cor. Rhodes and Crittenden avs. J. E. Tyler, Pres't; Rev. G. S. Bailey, D. D., Sec'y; Edward Goodman, Treas. MUSICAL. Chicago Academy of Music 800 Wabash av. MEDICAL. Rush Medical College County Hospital, cor. iSth and Arnold. Dr. J. W. Freer, Pres't. Hahnemann Medical College Cottage Grove av., cor. 29th. Dr. A. E. Small, Pres't. Bennett Medical College 461 South Clark. L. S. Major, M. D., Pres't. Chicago Medical College Dr. Lyman Ware, Pres't ; Dr. P. Bramen, of Peoria, 111., ist Vice-Pres't; Dr. H. P. Hatfield, 2d Vice- Pres't. UNITED STATES, COUNTY AND CRIMINAL COURTS. United States Circuit and District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Republic Building, 157 and 159 LaSalle. Terms, first Monday in each month. Superior Court of Chicago City Hall; Adams st. entrance. Terms, first Monday in each month. Circuit Court of Cook County City Hall. Terms, third Monday in each month. County Court East wing of Court House. Terms, first Monday in each month. ( 'riminal Court of Cook County East wing of Court House. Terms, first Monday in each month. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. "* * MONEOE ST., Publishers of Blanks and Books for Insurance Co.'s. J Opp. Old Post Office. AD VER TISEMENTS. W. B. KEEN, COOKE & CO AKnEIOLIES^IjIE 113 & 115 State St., CHICAGO, - - ILLI1VOIS. Country Merchants will find in Stock a Full Line of Miscellaneous and School BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, BIBLES, GAMES, Etc., Which ive Sell at LOW PRICES FOR CASH, or Ap- proved Credit. Catalogues and Price List Furnished on Implication, EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. Sell FURS and ROBES at Manufacturers'JPrices. The Strangers' Guide to the City [of Chicago. \IK\V OF CHAMHKR OF COMMKRCK. Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co. \l\los. 118 & 120 Monroe St. COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS ) Opposite Old Post Office. i 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. S. B. PARKHURST, IMPORTER AND JOl'.BER OF Crockery, China and Glassware OHIO, YELLOW AND ROCKINGHAM WARE, flSail Makers. MAKE TO ORDER, AT SHORT NOTICE, TENTS, of all sizes, TARPAULINS I AWES, for Store I House Fronts, - FLAGS AND BANNERS, OF SILK OR BUNTING, ALL SIZES ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. COTTON DTTCK, All Widths and "Weights. STEEL and IRON WIRE ROPE, For Hoisting, Mining and Ferry uses. CRANE and DREDGE CHAINS, Best Imported Qualities. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CLOSE BUYERS. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 3 1 CULVER, P4GE, HOYHE & GO. I & 120 MONKOE ST., Manufacturers of Paging Machines. ) Opp. Old Post Office. AD I ]<: A' 7 7.VA Ml-. NTS. Sail, Kiii^afk & Co. INI'OKTKKS. MAM KAMI liMKS AMI lli:U.KHS l\ HEAVY HARDWARE, ANVI LS, VISES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS,' PICKS, MATTOCKS, I MI N ING TOOLS, &c. SPRINGS. AXLES, BO LTS. NUTS. WASHERS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, WAGON MATERIAL Generally. SOLE WESTERN AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED CHROME STEEL 80, 82 & 84 MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO. the firm name of d by mutual con- ty the junior part- OS. & CO., either g e * . < S < \e, 3sa . ^ E * 2 artnership as suc- & CO., under the C3 O hereby assumed, s i m m M 51 S- 8 a , < a ta* aj M M V o M S M . (X > ( " r/> c3 M ^A 2 "S M JTION *2 S) 3 . .2 ^ 11 be settle^ IMBARK 'C t; t O 3 PQ o 5 i ERSH formed a ( , KIMBAR o Pi KIMB, u II -3|! O 5 S * J S 3 g W to z oS ^ P-J ^ p -3 ^ o,^ ^ o 1.2 6 "3 S H a ^ C O 1 5" I S f GO C/) lo r a i PC < t! "s M O . , 121 1 ffl si | 5 copartnership he ,, KIMBARK & C S a * g w* 0> II B rp ^ So" 5 - 3 - !1- 1 25 OH undersigned hav s to the late firm ame of PCJ 1 w g assets and liabilit ill be settled by us . KIMBARK, . M. KIMBARK, j. VV. UNDERWOOD, . KIMBARK. j- "^ CO o" fliiall K * 1 1 s I i S '3 * "> S -o a tao o a >> o q 'C .3 1 a 8 s S 3 1 g s 1 1 1 * f '/ S. c < (JJ g^ B Fl s 1 a 1 1 5 o. c u H i s Si W ^ ^ "2 3 so' - W Q ^ u s O * 8 s c3 | a .j^ *Z3 ^3 -fcj . 5 EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. of Buck Goods in the City. AD VKR T1SEMENTS. THK POST OFFICE. The Post Office is situated on the northwest corner of VVabash avenue and Harrison street, nine blocks south of Lake street, and can be reached either by street cars or omnibuses. The office is open for the delivery of letters from 7:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. The retail stamp window from 7:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. The Postmaster's room from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The Money Order department from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Registered Letter depart- ment from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Revenue stamps can be procured at the Cashier's office from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. There is a branch Post Office at the corner of Washington and and Halsted streets, but no mails are delivered from that office. Here all mails for the East close at 3:20 P. M. It is open from 7.30 A. M. to 7.30 P. M. FOREIGN CONSULS. German I-lmpire H. Claussenius, 125 Fifth av. Austria Robert Schnit/ler, 125 Fifth av. France E. Carrey, St. Caroline's court. Ht'lgium Dr. C. F. Henrotin. 191 LaSalle. Denmark Emil Dreier, 137 Milwaukee av. Netherlands 104 LaSalle, I'nion building. Norway and Sivcden Peter Savanoe, northeast corner LaSalle and Monroe. Great Britain James Warrack, V. C., 135 LaSalle. Italy G. L. Cella, 251 S. Clark. Switzerland H. Emleris, 16 \V. Randolph. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & GO. Publishers of Blank Books for Public Officers. 34 AD VER TISEMENTS. N. S. LEPPERR & Co, DEALERS ITE ZINC, COLORS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, WINDOW AND PAINTERS' MATERIALS GENERALLY. 175 Randolph St., CHICAGO. A RAPIDLY GROWING WESTERN ENTERPRISE. Peters' Improved Woven Wire Mattress One very thin Mattress over this fabric makes the most Healthy, Economical and Comfortable Bed in use. It is wonderfully Elastic; does not harbor vermin, mid will not get out of repair for many years. Every Mattress Warranted. Call and examine it. WHITTLESEY & PETERS, Manufacturers, 129 LaSalle St, 3d Door North of Madison St., CHICAGO. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER I Ma 272 & 274 MADISON ST. \ atl( tES " 77^ Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 35 EXPRESS OFFICES. Adams Express Co. 120 and 122 Dearborn. American Express Co. Corner Randolph and Michigan av United States Express Co. 87 and 89 Washington. Jl rink's City Express 37 Randolph. Fran/- J \irmelee 6 Co.' s Baggage Express 156 Dearborn. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Atlantic and Pacific General office, corner LaSalle and Madison. BRANCH OFFICES Briggs House, 2 and 4 Wabash av., Matte- son House, Exchange court, Board of Trade. Pacific and Atlantic General office, 124 LaSalle. BRANCH OF- FICES Commercial Hotel, 48 S. Water, Chamber of Com- merce, 49 W. Lake, West Side Briggs House, 172 Twenty- second, U. S. Union Stock Yards. Western Union General office, Union building, corner Washing- ton and LaSalle. BRANCH OFFICES Board of Trade, Gard- ner House, Sherman House, Grand Pacific Hotel, northeast corner State and Lake, southwest corner Canal and Madison, southwest corner Clark and Randolph; Freight depot, L. S. & M. S. R. R.; Porter's Telegraph College; L. S. & M. S. R. R., Forty-third; R. I. Shops, Forty-eighth; Joliet Iron & Steel Co.'s office, 92 E. Washington; Pullman's office, corner Adams and Michigan av.; Fire Alarm office, City Hall; C. & D. R. R., 299^ W. Randolph; Pass, depot, R. I. R. R.; Pass, depot L. S. & M. S. R. R.; Ticket office, L. S. & M. S. R. R.; Freight depot, C. & A. R. R.; Brighton Course, C. & A. R. R.; Archer av. and Reuben, C. & A. R. R.; Archer and Stewart avs. , Pittsburgh & Fort Wayne station ; Freight depot, C., B. &. Q. R. R.; Pass, depot, Pittsburgh & Fort Wayne R. R.; Pass. Depot, C. A. & St. L. R. R.; Superintendent's room, I. C. R. R.; Baggage room C. B. &. Q. R. R. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, I Agents for Amberg's Letter 118 & 120 MONROE ST. I Holder, File and Binder. A D VER TISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED IN 1844.] [Successors to J. H. REED & CO. HURLBUT & EDSALL, IMPORTERS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Office in New York, 36 Platt Street. ca s EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER I Se " FU * S t and B P OBBS at 272 & 274 MADISON ST. | Manufacturers Prices. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 37 HACK ORDINANCE. The price to be charged by, the owner or owners, or drivers of any hackney-coach, carriage or vehicle for the conveyance of pas- sengers, except omnibuses, for hire within the city of Chicago, shall be as follows, to be regulated and estimated by the distance on the most direct routes, namely: For conveying each passenger from one railroad depot to another railroad depot, fifty cents. For conveying each passenger not exceeding one mile, fifty cents. For conveying a passenger any distance over one mile and less than two miles, one dollar. For conveying each additional passenger of the same family or party, fifty cents. For conveying a passenger in said city any distance exceeding two miles, one dollar and fifty-cents. Foreach additional passenger of the same family or party, fifty cents. For conveying children between five and fourteen years of age, half the above rates may be charged for like distances, but for children under five years of age no charge shall be made. Pro- vided, that the distance from any railroad depot, steamboat land- ing or hotel, to any other railroad depot, steamboat landing or hotel, shall in all cases be estimated as not exceeding one mile. For the use by the day of any hackney-coach or other vehicle drawn by two horses or other animals, with one or more passen- gers, eight dollars per day. For the use of any such carriage or vehicle by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required, as follows : For the first hour, two dollars; for each additional hour or part of an hour, one dollar. For conveying one or more passengers to or from any place in said city, between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and seven A. M., for each trip, without regard to distance or number of pas- sengers, two dollars. For the use of any cab or other vehicle drawn by one horse or other animal, by the hour, with the privilege of going from place to place, with one or more passengers, and stopping when required : for the first hour, one dollar; for each additional hour or part of an hour, fifty cents. For the use of any such carriage by the day, four dollars. Every passenger shall be allowed to have conveyed upon such vehicle, without charge, his ordinary traveling baggage, not exceed- ing in any case one trunk and twenty-five pounds of other baggage. For every additional package, where the whole weight of baggage is over one hundred pounds, if conveyed to any place within the city limits, the owner or driver shall be permitted to charge fifteen cents. CULVER, PAGE, HOYHE & CO. I "WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. j 38 ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ani Surgical Instr 171 & 173 RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. Druggists' Scales. Trusses. Chamois Skins. Supporters. Traveling Flasks. Elastic Stockings. Pocket Books. Knee Caps. Shop Ware. Crutches. Glass Labels. Shoulder Braces. Percelain Mortars. Galvanic Batteries. Wedgewood Mortars. Rubber Urinals. Chemical Ware. Artificial Limbs. Perfumeries. Skeletons. Toilet Soaps. Manikins. Toilet Powders. Saddle Bags. Sponges. Medicine Chests. Rubber Goods. Spirometers. GEO, TIEMANN & CO.'S CELEBRATED SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Deformity Apparatus of every description Made to Order. HALLOCK & WHEELER, (The Original Dealers in Goodyear's Rubber Goods in Chicago, established \o. 169 fjkudolpli gtfeet, qekf I^a Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in RUBBER GOODS Of all Kinds, RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING ENGINE AND CONDUCTING HOSE, ETC. T'OH. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. HAVE OP PI Z^ UMBRELLAS. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 39 CULVER, PAGE, HOYHE & CO. & 120 MONROE ST , Opp. Old Post Office. ADVEK TISEMENTS. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. Make the Lowest Prices on all Goods in their line. 7'he Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Cook County Hospital Arnold, "bet. Eighteenth and Nineteenth. Reached by Archer av. cars. JIahnemann Hospital Corner Cottage Grove av. and Twenty- ninth. Reached by Cottage Grove av. cars. Home for the Friendless Corner Wabash av. and Twentieth. Relief and Aid Society 51 and 53 LaSalle. Woman's Hospital Corner Harrison and Lytle. Reached by Van Buren st. cars to Morgan, or Blue Island av. cars to Harrison. ASSOCIATIONS. Young Me it's Christian Association Northwest corner W. Randolph and Jefferson. Chicago Christian Union 114 Madison. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chicago Public Library Temporarily occupying rooms in the City Hall, corner LaSalle and Adams. This Library was estab- lished January i, 1872. ART GALLERY. Chicago J-'inc Art Institute and Gallery Southwest corner Michi- gan av. and Van Buren. RIVER TUNNELS. Washington Street Tunnel From Washington, near Market, to Canal. LaSalle Street Tunnel From LaSalle, near Lake, to N. LaSalle, near Kinzie. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, I BOX MAKERS- STOCK & TOOLS, :*r ( 118 A: 120 MONROE ST. 42 ADVERTISEMENTS. J, 6, MERRIMAN, 56 and 58 South Canal Street, (^ CHICAGO.^) 1 fox- < li<- WHITESBORO IRON WORKS, COPE & MAXWELL MAN'F'G-. CO., G-UTTA PERCHA AND RUB- BER MAN'F'G. CO., COLE BROS. STEAM FIRE ENGINES. COLE BROS. STEAM FIRE ENGINES. CARBOLIZED FIRE ENGINE HOSE, Adopted by the Fire Departments of New York, United States Navy, Brooklyn, "Washington, Pittsburg, San Francisco, Milwaukee and Chicago. 56 & 58 S. Canal St., - CHICAGO. 1 Are sole agents formanyEle- In Hats and Caps. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Board of Education 155 W. Monroe; meets first and third Tuesdays each month. Eben F. Runyan, Prest. High School Monroe, between Halsted and Desplaines. Geo. Rowland, Principal. Normal School Monroe, between Halsted and Desplaines. Edward C. Delano, Principal. Scammon School Madison, between Halsted and Union. A. H. Vanzwoll, Principal. Washington School W. Indiana, corner N. Sangamon. Benj. R. Cutler, Principal. Mosely School Michigan av. , corner Twenty-fourth. Samuel N. Griffith, Principal. Brown School Warren av., between Wood and Page. J. K. Mer- rill, Principal. Foster School Union, between O'Brien and Dressold. Orville T. Bright, Principal. Newbury School Orchard, corner Willow. Corydon G. Stowell, Principal. Wells School Corner N. Reuben and Cornelia. Jeremiah Mahony, Principal. Skinner School Jackson, cor. Aberdeen. Ira S. Baker, Principal. Haven School W abash av., corner Sixteenth. Leslie Lewis, Prin- cipal. Cottage Grove School Douglas Place, near Cottage Grove av. James H. Bromell, Principal. Holden School Corner Deering and Thirty-first. Charles F. Bab- cock, Principal. Holstein School Cortlandt, near Henshaw. Eliza Lundergreen, Principal. Dore School Harrison, east of Halsted. H. H. Belfield, Principal. Carpenter School Corner Centre av. and Second. Alfred Kirk, Principal. Hayes School Leavitt, between Walnut and Fulton. A. N. Mer- riman, Principal. Clarke School Ashland av., between Sampson and Leavitt. F. B. Williams, Principal. Douglas School Bounded east by the lake, north by Twenty-ninth, west by Halsted, and south by Thirty-fifth. Albert R. Sabin, Principal. Lincoln School North Division, lying north of Wisconsin, from the lake to Larrabee. Francis Hanford, Principal. {'".Ihabeth Street Primary School Elizabeth, corner Lake. Hattie N. Winchell, Principal. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & GO. * 12 M m o E ST., Publishers of Blanks and Books for Insurance Co. 's. J Opp. Old Post Office. 44 AD VER TISEMENTS. SONTAG & STAUDINGER, IMPORTERS OF GOODS, PARIAf( MARBLE, CHINA TOYS, 1 60 State St., bet. Madison (f Monroe, OPPOSITE PALMEFS HOTEL. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER Sh ~ a ' n 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 45 BANKING HOUSES. Clearing House 124 Clark. Adsit J. M. 96 Washington. Badger A. C. 6 O. F. So Washington, cor. Dearborn. Bank of Chicago Cor. Randolph and La Salle. Bank of Montreal Major Block. Barclay, 1'oor/iies &* Co. Cor. Washington and Dearborn. ('ook County National Bank Northwest cor. Washington and Dearborn. Cook County Savings Bank Northeast cor. Clark and Washington. Corn Exchange National Bank Room 15, Board of Trade Building. Chicago Savings Institution and Trust Co. Northwest corner Dearborn and Madison. Citi-cns' Hank of Chicago 149 ositor\ 143 to 147 East Randolph. Fifth Xational Bank Northwest cor. La Salle and Washington. First National Bank- Washington, cor. State. Follansbee & Son Southeast i or. Washington and Clark. l-'ottrtli Xational Bank Northeast cor. Washington and Clark. German Savings Bank Fifth ave., bet. Randolph and Washington. Gennania Bank Southeast cor. Washington and Fifth ave. German National Bank Fifth ave., bet. Randolph and Washington. Greenebaiun & Foreman 54 Washington. Greenebanin, llenrv fr Co. Fifth ave., bet. Randolph and Washington. Hihernian Banking Association Southwest cor. Clark and Lake. Hide and Leather Bank of Chicago Southwest cor. Randolph and La Salle. Home National Bank 56 & 58 South Halsted. International Bank Southwest cor. La Salle and Washington. Lunl, Preston & Kcan Republic Life Building. Manufacturer^ National Bank Southeast cor. Randolph and Dearborn. Marine Co. of Chicago Cor. Lake and La Salle. Mechanics' National Ban/; 152 & 154 Lake. Merchants', Fanners' and Mechanics' Savings Bank 75 South Clark. Merchants' National Room 16, Board of Trade building. Merchants' Savings, Loan and Trust Co. Northeast cor. Madison and Dearborn. Xational Bank of Commerce Madison and Dearborn. National Bank of III. Southeast cor. Washington and Dearborn. Northwestern National Hank 15 Chamber of Commerce. Prairie State Loan and Trust Co. 112 W. Washington. Second National Cor. Clark and Madison. Slaughter, A. O. 136 S. Clark. State St. Savings Bank 281 State. THE STATE SAVINGS INSTITUTION 80 & 82 La Salle. Third National Bank Cor. Washington and Dearborn. Traders' National Bank Cor. Madison and 1. a Salle. Cnion Insurance and Trust Co. Cor. Clark and Madison. Union National Bank. Cor. La Salle and Washington. L'nion Stock Yard National Bank At Stock Yards. Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co. \Nos. 118 & 120 Monroe St. COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. J Opposite Old Post Office. 46 ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAPER HANGINGS Lace Curtains, Draperies, BEDDING AND FEATHERS. A LAHGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. Have the cheapest rent, the finest stock, the lowest prices. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 47 CULVER, P4GE, HOYHE & CO. I Publishers of Blanks and Books for Eailroad Companies. j & 12 Opp. Old Post Office. AD VER TISEMENTS. Ames' Portable and Mounted Engines, 3 TO 40 IHIOIR-SIK: :PO-W:E:R,. Any one wanting an Engine should inquire into the merit of the AMES. They are, without a doubt, the best Portable and Mounted Engines that are made on the American continent. Over fifteen hundred of them now in use. 8 and 10 horse power, mounted, kept in stock for threshing. All sizes mounted on wheels "to order." All sizes thoroughly tested with cold water and steam, and warranted. Forsman Patent Iron Cased Burr Stone Grinding For a Farmer's Feed Mill, for Distillers' use, for grinding Paper Pulp, Drugs, Barks, Spices, Coffee, etc., it excels all other mills ever made, and for Grist or Merchant Flour- ing, it equals any other mill. As to quality and amount of work done, will run three to five times longer with one dreeing. For regrinding Middlings, Shorts and Bran, they are perfection. AMES' ENGINE DEPOT, No.7O South Canal Street, CHICAGO. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. Give special inducements to PACKAGE BUYERS. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 49 COLBY & WIRTS, FURNITURE, Wt c 272 & 274 MADISON ST. I UK1 'ERfa. The Strangers' Guide to the City of C "hiciigo. 5 1 TRANSPORTATION LINES. Allentinun Line Cor. LaSalle and Randolph : over P., Ft. Wayne & Penn. Central ami Allenunvn mads. Anchor Line Cor. Madison and LaSalle; Ne\v York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to Erie, Pa., via railroad, thence to Chicago via lake. Baltimore 6 Ohio Fast Line 120 Washington. Black Star Lint Cor. Randolph and La Salic. Blue Line Cor. Clark and Randolph: over Mich. Central, Great Western, N. Y. Central, Hudson River, and Boston & Albany. Diamond Jo. Line 152^ Washington; C. & N. \V., Galena Div., to Fulton, and beyond to all points bet. Fulton and St. Paul. Erie and North Shore Line 94 Market ; M. C. and G. W. and Erie. Empire Line 146 LaSalle; oxer Lake Shore Ov Mich. Southern, Philadelphia & Erie, N. J. Cent., North. Central, Penn. & Lackawanna S: Bloomsburg. Erie vSr Pacific Despatch 168 Washington. Great Western Despatch Co. Kendall's bldg. , corner Washington and Dearborn. Green Line Via Mich. Central Railroad; 92 Market. Green Line 152^ Washington; over Pitts., Cin. & St. Louis, Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton, Indianapolis, Peru &: Chi- cago, Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis, Louisville & Nashville, and Great Southern. International Line 90 Market; over Mich. Cent., Grand Trunk, and N. Y. Central railroads. Kankakee Fast Freight Line 86 LaSalle; over 111. Central, Cin., Lafayette & Chicago, Ind., Cin. & Laf. railroads. Merchants' Despatch 218 West Randolph. Merchants' Despatch Trans. Co. 106 Dearborn. National Despatch 90 Market; over Mich. Central, Grand Trunk, Vermont Central, Northern, Concord & Boston, Lowell \: Nashua. National Transportation Co. 88 LaSalle. Northern Transportation Co. Foot North LaSalle. Nottingham' s Line 2 West Madison ; via Crestline over P., Ft. W. \ C., Cleve., Col., Cin. & Ind. and Erie railroads. Red Line Corner Randolph and Clark; over Lake Shore & Mich. Southern, N. Y. Central, Hudson River, Boston & Albany. South Shore Line N. W. cor. Randolph and Clark; L. S. iV M. S. and Erie railroads. Star Union Line Corner Randolph and LaSalle; P., Ft. W. & C., and Penn. Central. Union Despatch 65 North Canal. Western Transportation Co. 80 S. Water. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, I Bankers' and Office Outfits a 118 & 120 MONROE ST. I Specialty. A D VER TISEMENTS. ' SAFES HALftSAFE&LOCKCo. CHICAGO. ILL. THE LARGEST STOCK Lowest Prices of any Safe House in the Country. 147 & 149 Dearborn Street. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. ] Hats, Caps, Furs and Buck Goods at "Wholesale. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 53 CULVER, PAGE, HOYUE & CO. I PUBLISHERS OF LEGAL BLANKS, j MOHTOC Street. 54 A D VER TISEMEN TS. D. 3. FISK&CO Importers, Manufaclnrers and Wholesale Dealers in Ladies' Furnishing, Trimmings ': Ccrf. St. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strdngers 1 Guide to the City of Chicago. PASSENGER DEPOTS. Chicago o Alton Cor. Madison and Canal. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Foot of Lake. Chicago, Indianapolis & Cincinnati, via Kankakee Route foot of Lake. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Cor. Madison and Canal. Chicago 6^ Northwestern Railway Council Bluffs & Omaha Line, cor. Wells and North Water. Milwaukee and Wisconsin Lines, cor. Kinzie and W r . Water. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Cor. LaSalle and Van Buren. Chicago, Danville 6 Vincennes Cor. Canal and Kinzie. Illinois Central Foot of Lake. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Cdr. LaSalle and Van Buren. Michigan Central Foot of Lake. Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne 6 Chicago Cor. Madison and Canal. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati 6 St. Louis Cor. Canal and Kinzie. RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. Baltimore 6 Ohio Northwest cor. LaSalle and Washington. Chicago, Alton 6 St. Louis 122 East Randolph. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 59 South Clark. Chicago, Danville & Vincennes 168 East Washington. Chicago, Indianapolis & Cincinnati Thrtf Line, via Kankakee 121 East Randolph. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 61 and 63 South Clark. Chicago & Northwestern Southwest cor. La Salle and Randolph. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Grand Pacific Hotel, near Clark street entrance. Erie & North Shore Lines 75 South Clark. Grand Trunk Tremont House, cor. Lake and Dearborn. Illinois Central 121 East Randolph. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Sherman House, cor. Clark and Randolph. Michigan Central & Great Western 67 Clark, cor. Randolph. Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Penn. Central Northeast cor. Clark and Randolph. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Northeast corner Clark and Randolph. Union & Central Pacific 57 South Clark. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. *"8 * 120 MONEOE ST., Publishers of BLANKS and BOOKS for Banks. j Opp. Old Post Office. 56 ADVERTISEMENTS.' A. FRENCH & Co., BOSTON. WM. (>. CHAI-MAN. THOS. B. KENT. Abram French & Co., Importers and Dealers in Fine DECORATED DINNER SETS CTJT Plated Goods, Fine American and English Cutlery, Etc,, Etc, CHINA DECORATED AND GLASS CUT TO ORDER. BOHEMIAN, FRENCH & GERMAN FANCY GOODS Imported for the Trade. CEOCKEKY BY THE CRATE OR RE-PACKED TO SUIT PURCHASERS. . 101 & 103 15U 153 Milk Street, - * - BOSTON, EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER } K:ave ^;f n e8 t ^ t y f Buok 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 57 CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, Bookbinders' Stock and Tools, 118 & 120 MONROE ST. C/ias. Gossaye fy Co (Successors to Jtoss & Gossnge,) BIT We have completed, and are now occupying, our new and elegant Store at the "Old Location," 1 06, 1 08 & 110 State Street 60 & 62 WASHINGTON STREET, With a magnificent stock of Fall and Winter Goods, including the latest styles of Ladies' Garments, Silks, Novelties in Dress Goods, Fine Laces, Trimmings, Ribbons, Fancy Wares, Fine Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels, Etc., Etc., with a very full and complete assortment of the Best Goods in all departments. We extend a cordial invitation to all visiting our city to an inspection of our premises, and the new and attractive Styles now opening. Sole Agents in Chicago for the "Harris" Kid Glove, EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER I 272 & 274 MADISON ST. I Manufacture FINE FURS and ROBES. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 59 CHICAGO STREET GUIDE. For information in regard to the different routes of street car and omnibus travel, see page 21. ABBREVIATIONS. Av Yvemie. N. W North-west. lilk... Block. S ...South K East. Ki... ...From. S. D South Division. S. E. .. ....South-east. N North. S. W South-west. N. I) North Division. V E.... ...North-east. W. D West Division. W. .. ...West. Aberdeen fr 328 W Madison to Eleventh. Madison st cars. Ada S fr 437 W Randolph s to 461 W Madison. Randolph st cars. Ada N fr 437 W Randolph n to W Erie. Adams fr the lake to the river. Adams W fr the river w to California av. Madison st cars. Adelaide fr Central Park av w i blk. Alaska fr Larrabee i blk \v. Albany av fr Barry Point road s to W Harrison, 3 blks. Alexander fr Stewart av e to Went worth av. Arch fr Lyman to Archer av. Archer av from 924 State s-w to city limits. Cars, cor State and Lake. Ann N fr 362 W Randolph n to W Kinzie. Ann S fr 362 W Randolph s to 369 W Madison. Randolph st cars. Armitage road fr Mendell, near river to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Armour fr 459 W Kin/.ie to 433 W Chicago av. Milwaukee av cars to Chicago av. Arnold fr Sixteenth s to city limits. CULVER, PAGE, HOYHE & CO. 1 118 & 12t > MO >E ST., Itliink Itool; Mninifitrturera. ) Opp. Old Post Office. 6o AD VER TISEMENTS. S. B. MUNSON, JR. & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF CORRUGATED IRON, Metal Shingles and Iron Roofing, 27 NORTH CANAL ST., CHICAGO. CORRUGATED ONE-PIECE For Stove, Steam and Water Pipe, Promotes Draft. Prevents Accumulation of Soot. Cannot Come Apart. "Will not wear out. Is ready for immediate us e Elbows made of one piece of metal, and of any angle. Permits of better flow. Every Crevice made water-tight. No joints to break loose. Are made of the best material. Are stronger and more durable than any other. Manufacturers & Consumers prefer them to Hand-made Elbows, FOR SALE BY ALL STOVE AND METAL DEALERS. MAMKACTURED BY EIGIBOW CO., 27 North Canal Street, CHICAGO. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 6 1 Arthington fr Center av to Loomis, 3 blks. Arthur from W Sixteenth s to Lumber, 3 blks. Ashland fr Robey to Olive, 4 blks. Ashland av fr Park av s to city limits. W S cars. Ashley fr Wood \v to Leavitt. Randolph st cars to Wood, thence 7 blks n. Astor from 561 Division n to Schiller, 4 blks. Clark st cars. Asylum place fr Elston av w to Robey, 6 blks. Attica fr Laurel e to Halsted, 2 blks. Archer av cars to Halsted. Auburn fr Attica s to Esplanade, 6 blks. Archer av cars. Augusta fr 75 Elston av w to Western av. Avery fr 1555 State to Clark, 2 blks. State st cars. B fr Dominick e to Southport, i blk. Baldwin fr 725 W Kinzie n to Hubbard. Banks fr 458 N State e to lake, 3 blks. Barber fr 103 Stewart av w to 580 Halsted. Barker av fr Caroline w i blk. Barrypoint road fr junction Madison and California s-w to city limits. Bates fr Lumber to Stewart av. Bawans fr W 1>1 awk Hawk s-e to Ashland av. Beach fr 40 W Harrison s to W Twelfth. Beers fr Thirty-first s to city limits. Archer av cars. Belden av fr Perry e to lake. N Clark st cars. Belknap fr 425 Morgan l /> blk w. Benson fr Thirtieth s to Lancaster, 3 blks. Benton place fr 45 State e to Dearborn place, 2 blks. Berlin fr Leavitt w to Western av. Better fr Sholto w to May. Bickerdike fr 41 2 W Indiana n to Chicago av. Milwaukee av cars. Birch fr Robey to Kendall, 3 blks. Bishop court fr 470 W Washington to W Madison, i blk. Bissell fr 137 Dayton n to Belden av. N Clark st cars. Black Hawk fr river n-e to Sedgwick. Black Hawk W fr river w to N Reuben. Blackwell fr 240 Eighteenth s to Twentieth. State st cars. Blanche fr river to N Reuben. Milwaukee av cars. Blucher fr Fowler w to N Wood. Blue Island av fr junction of Halsted to Harrison s-w to Western av. Cars fr State and Lake. _ o Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co. \NOS. 118 & 120 Monroe St. Publishers of Blank Books for Public Offices. J Opposite Old Post Office. 62 AD VER TISEMENTS. Only Exclusive Window Glass and Bottle House in Chicago, M'CLELAND & SAGE, 167 & 169 EAST RANDOLPH STREET. DKALEKS IN WINDOW CLASS, Ornamental. Out, Enameled, Embossed and Ground Glasses, Floor Glass, Eibbed, Fluted and Corrugated Glass, GLAZIERS' DIAMONDS, RULES, Him KNIVES, POTTY AND POINTS Also a large and complete Stock of HI Consisting of Bluing, Schnapps, Pickle, Clarets.Wine and Brandy, Hock Wine, Ale and Porter, Flavoring Extracts, Mineral and Soda Water, Ink and Packing, Prescription Vials, Demi- johns, Flasks, Mucilage Bottles and Brushes, Oval and Panels, Pomade and Hair Oil Bottles, etc. MACHINE CUT CORKS, For Druggists, Grocers, Brewers, Liquor Dealers and Mineral Water Bottlers. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 63 Boardman fr Archer \v to city limits. Bonfield fr Thirty-first n to Hickory. Archer av cars. Bowery fr 288 W VanBuren s to W Tyler. VanBuren st cars. Bradley fr Elston av to Noble. Milwaukee av cars. Bradwell av fr Waubansia av n to W Asylum. Bremen fr Chicago av n to Division. Chicago av cars. Brigham fr N Reuben 2 blks w. Milwaukee av cars. Bross av fr Long John w to city limits. Brown fr 316 W Taylor s to W Twenty -second. Blue Island av cars. Bryan place fr AV Randolph n-w to lake. Buddan fr 331 Twenty-second s to Thirty-third. Bunker fr Beach w to 442 Halsted. Burling fr 183 North av n to Belden av. Clybourn av cars. Burnside fr Fourteenth s to city limits. Burton place fr N Clark e to Dearborn. Bushnell fr 252 Archer av e to 30 Wentworth av. Butler fr 264 Archer av s to Twenty-ninth. Butterfield fr 150 Sixteenth s to city limits. State st cars. Calhoun place fr 100 Market e to 109 State. California av fr W Twelfth n to W Chicago av. Calumet av fr 15 Twentieth s to Thirty-fifth. Cot. Grove av cars. Campbell fr W Twelfth to Steel, 14 blks. Canal place fr N Branch w to Elston av. Canal N fr 30 W Randolph n to W Kinzie. Canal S fr 30 W Randolph s to Lumber. Canalport av fr 735 Canal s-w to Twenty-second. Carl fr N Wells e to N LaSalle, i blk. Carpenter N fr 301 W Randolph n to river. Carpenter S fr 301 W Randolph s to 393 W Madison. Cass fr Kinzie n to E White. Catharine fr 131 Stewart av w to Cook. Cayuga fr Halsted w to Laurel, 2 blks. Cedar fr Rush e to lake, 2 blks. Center fr Racine road e to 900 N Clark. Center av fr 382 W Madison s to Lumber. Center place fr 23 Desplaines to Halsted. Central av fr S Water s to Randolph. Central Park av fr W Madison to W Sixteenth. Chapin fr Currier to 321 Noble. CULVER, P4BE, HOYNE & CO. I us & 120 MONROE ST., Manufacturers of Paging Machines. j Opp. Old Post Office. 6 4 AD VER TISEMENTS. KAEMPFKK DEALER IN SINGING BIRDS CAGES, SEEDS, A QUA Ft I A, Shells, Plants, Flowers, Immortelles, Moss, Artificial Leaves and Bird Eyes, and prepared MOCKINGBIRD FOOD. SOUTH CLAPfcK STREET. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER l Mak 272 & 274 MADISON ST. I a11 G ds ln their lme " The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 65 Cherry av fr 314 N Branch n to North av. Chestnut place fr N LaSalle e to N State. Chicago av fr the river e to the lake. Chicago av cars. Chicago av W fr the river w to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Church fr i blk s of Black Hawk n to Center. Sedgwick st cars. Churchill fr N Robey w to Wilmot, 2 blks. Clarinda fr 34 Holt w to Wood, 5 blks. Clark fr the river s to city limits. Clark N fr the river n to North av, thence n-w to junction of Lake Shore and Green Bay roads. Horse cars run the entire length of this street, and branch off for Chicago av, Clybourn av and Sedgwick st. Clark av fr Sheffield av e to Green Bay road. Clay fr Sheffield av e to N Halsted. Clayton fr 733 May w to Western av. Cleaver fr Milwaukee av n to Blanche. Clinton N fr 62 W Randolph n to W Kinzie. Clinton S fr 62 W Randolph s to 165 Maxwell. Clybourn av fr 287 Division n-w to Fullerton av, thence n to city limits. Clybourn av cars fr Clark st. Clybourn place W fr the river w to N Robey. Milwaukee av cars. Coblenz fr N Robey w to Western av, 4 blks. Colfax av fr Thirty-second s to 150 Douglas place. Cologne fr Quarry s-w to the river, 6 blks. Columbia fr Ashland av w to Grand, 10 blks. Commercial fr 237 W North av n to Armitage. Congress fr 317 State e to the lake. Cook fr the river s-w to N. Jefferson. Cooper fr 806 Clybourn av n to 121 Fullerton av. Clybourn av cars. Cork fr 208 N Reuben to Paulina, 2 blks. Cornelia fr 439 Milwaukee av to Lincoln. Milwaukee av cars. Cornell fr 400 Milwaukee av w to 321 N Reuben. Milwaukee av cars. Cossitt fr 965 W Lake n to Hubbard. Randolph st cars. Cottage Grove av fr 89 Twenty-second s-e to city limits. Cottage place fr Twenty-ninth s to Thirty-second. Cottage Grove av cars. Coulter fr Robey w to Western av, 5 blks. Courtlandt fr N Robey w to Wilmot. Milwaukee av cars. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. i 11S & 12 Publishers of Blank Books for Public Officers. I MONROE oTREET. 66 AD VER TISEMENTS. H. VOGLER. F. GEUDTNKK. VOGLER Tmvr <*T I & ant Styles in Hats and Caps. 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 67 Coventry fr W Clybourn place s-e to W North av. Milwaukee av cars. Cox fr N Robey to Milwaukee av. Crippen fr Indiana av to State. Crittenden fr Currier w to 285 Noble. Milwaukee av cars. Crosby fr 79 Larrabee n-w to Division. Clybourn av cars. Cross fr Barrypoint road s to W Harrison, i blk. Currier fr 67 Augusta n to Chapin. Milwaukee av cars. Curtis N fr 322 W Randolph n to Second. Curtis S fr 322 W Randolph s to 323 W Madison. Cynthia court fr Ogden av to Twenty-second. Cypress fr Kendall s to W Twelfth, 3 blks. D fr Halsted to Laurel. Dakota av fr Thirty-first to Thirty-second. Damon fr 75 Sholto to 346 May. Dashiel fr Douglas place s to city limits. Cottage Grove av cars. Davis fr 10 Division n to W North av, 4^ blks. Dayton fr Reese n to Belden av. Clybourn av cars. Dearborn S fr the river s to Jackson. Dearborn N fr the river n to North av. Dearborn place fr Randolph s to Madison. Deering fr Thirty-first n-w to river. Archer av cars. Deer Path av fr W Kinzie n to Armitage av, n blks. DeKalb fr Flournoy s-w to Leavitt, 5 blks. DeKoven fr 151 Beach w to 406 Halsted. Depot place fr N Ada w to Ashland av. Randolph st cars. DePuyster fr 259 Desplaines w to 246 Halsted. Derby fr W Jackson n to W Kin/ie. Desplaines N fr 122 W Randolph n to W Erie. Desplaines S fr 122 W Randolph s to 213 W Twelfth. Dexter place fr the river n-w and w to Leavitt, n blks. Dickson fr 636 Milwaukee av n to Bloomingdale road. Diller fr 906 Fulton n to Fourth. Randolph st cars. Division fr the river e to the lake. N Clark st cars. Division W fr the river to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Dix fr the river s-e to Chicago av, 5 blk. Dock fr River n-w to the river. Dodge fr Lumber to Mitchell, 3 blks. Dominick fr Webster av s to Center. Clybourn av cars. Douglas place (or Thirty-fifth) fr the lake w to Halsted. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, I Agents for Amberg's Letter 118 & 120 MONROE ST. ( Holder, File and Binder. 68 A D VER TISEMENTS. WM. H.TURNER. FREDERICK A. RAY. & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 20 & 22 STATE STREET, Bet Lake & S. Water Sis. Colt's and other Cartridges, Boxing Gloves, Fencing Foils, Indian Clubs, and all Goods adapted to the Trade, 79 SO. CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. All kinds of Fire Anns made to order. Muzzle-loading Guns altered to Breech-Loaders. Guns re-bored and warranted to sheot well. Repairs neatly executed. The JAMES H. FOSTER New Patent Breech-Loading Top Fastening Shot Gnu always in Stock. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FISHING TACKLE ALWAYS ON HAND. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BASE BALL GOODS SPORTING GOODS, CROQUET, TOY STEAM ENGINES, FOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS & STAMP ALBUMS, 79 S. Clark Street, . . 244 N. Market Street, EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. ] Show the Latest Novelties in Hats, Caps and Furs. The Strangers 1 Guide to the City of Chicago. 69 Douglas place W fr s branch of the river w to Western av. Dudley fr Augusta n to W Asylum place, 10 blks. Dussold fr 485 Jefferson w to 478 Halsted. Eagle fr 21 N Desplaines w to 21 N. Halsted. Randolph st cars. Eastman fr N Branch n-e to Judson, thence e to 575 Halsted. Eberhart av fr Humboldt av to Kimball. Eda fr State e to Indiana av. Edgar fr 188 Waubansia av n to Clybourn. Egan av (Thirty-ninth) fr S Halsted e to the lake. Eighteenth fr the lake w to the river. Eighteenth W fr the river w to May. Eldridge court fr 483 State e to the lake. Eleventh fr 407 Morgan w to May. Elizabeth N fr 404 W Randolph n to W Erie. Elizabeth S fr 404 W Randolph s to W Madison. Elk Grove av fr 279 W North av n to W Asylum place. Ellen fr Milwaukee av s-w to N. Wood. Ellis av fr Douglas place s-e to city limits. Elm fr Sedgwick e to the lake. Elmira fr Laurel to Halsted. Elston av fr Milwaukee av n-w to Sloan, n to W Black Hawk, and thence n-w to city limits. Ellsworth fr 2 W Harrison s to Ewing. Clinton st cars. Emerald fr Thirty-first s to city limits. Archer av cars. Emily fr 400 N Reuben w to Wood, 4 blks. Emma fr 514 Milwaukee av w to N Reuben, 2 blks. English fr Union w to 698 Center av. Erie fr the river e to the lake. Erie W fr the river w to Western av. Esplanade fr 1492 Halsted e to Wallace, 4 blks. Eugenie fr Sedgwick e to N Wells. Sedgwick st cars. Evans fr Union w to Western ave. Blue Island av cars. Evergreen av fr 788 Milwaukee av s-w to Leavitt, 2 blks. Ewing fr Ellsworth to Blue Island av. Ewing place fr N Robey w 2 blks. F fr Halsted to Laurel. Fabius fr Center n to Lincoln av. Fairfield av fr Hirsch n to Bloomingdale, 6 blks. Fall fr W Lake s to Warren av. Farrell fr Hickey s-e to Thirty-first. Archer av cars. CULVER, PAGE, HOYHE & CO. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. 118 & ISO Monroe Street. A D VER TISEMEN TS. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. Have the cheapest rent, the finest stock, the lowest prices. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. ^ i Fay fr 89 W Erie n to Pratt, 2 blks. Ferdinand fr 158 Ashland av \v to Oakley, 8 blks. Fifteenth fr Clark e to 764 State. Fifth fr 156 W Chicago av n to N branch Chicago river. Fifth av fr the river s to Taylor, i blk w of court-house. Fig fr 550 Milwaukee av w i blk. Fillmore fr California av w to Sacramento av. Finnel fr 156 Archer av e to Wentworth av. First fr May to Rucker, fr Noble to N Wood, and fr N Hoyne to Oakley. Randolph st cars. Fisk fr 188 Evans s to Lumber, 7 blks. Fleetwood fr Redfield s-e to W North av. Flournoy fr Robey w to Sacramento av, n blks. Forquer fr Beach w to 148 Blue Island av. Forrest av fr Thirty-first s to city limits. Indiana av cars. Foster fr W Harrison s to W Polk. Van Buren st cars. Fourteenth fr the lake w to 695 Clark. Fourth fr 216 Desplaines w to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Fourth av fr 102 Jackson s to Fourteenth. Fowler fr Lull to Milwaukee av. Milwaukee av -cars. Fox fr Thirty-first s to Columbia. Archer av cars. Francisco fr W Harrison s to W Twelfth, 5 blks. Frank fr 75 Waller w to 342 Blue Island av. Frankfort fr N Robey w to Western av, 4 blks. Franklin fr the river s to Harrison. Franklin N fr the river n to Division, thence to Fullerton av. Freeman fr Long 'John w to city limits. Fremont fr Bissell n to Belden av. Clybourn av cars. Front fr Halsted w to Elston av. Milwaukee av cars to May. Fry fr 196 Rucker to Noble. Milwaukee av cars. Fuller fr Archer av n-w to the river. Archer av cars. Fullerton av fr the river e to the lake. Fullerton av W fr the river w to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Fulton fr the river w to Central park. Randolph st cars. Gage fr Douglas place s-e to Egan av. Cars to Halsted. Gano fr 1347 Prairie av e to S Park av. Indiana av cars. Garibaldi fr S Twenty-sixth s to Thirty-first. State st cars to Twenty-sixth. Geddes fr W Lake n to Kinzie. Randolph st cars. Genessee av fr W Division n to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & GO. I " & 12 MONEOE ST ) opp. oid Post office. AD VER TISEMENTS. YOU KNOW IT? SELLS TZHZIE Finest Furniture IN CHICAGO, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 266 STATE STREET, (SIGH OF THE GOLDEN CHAIR,) FRED. J. ABBEY & CO. Manufacturers of BKEECH AND MUZZLE-LOADING Shootiny Guns made to shoot well or Scott's Side Snap, Greener's, Woodhill, Wellington, Lefaucheux and American Breech-Loading Guns, Central Fire, at from $40 to $200. Breech-Loading Guns and Rifles, our own make, (F. J. Abbey & Co.'s Patent) from $150 to $400. Shells Loaded to order, and forwarded by express to any part of the United States. All kinds of Breech-Loading Implements and Shells, Ammuni- tion of all descriptions. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Boxing Gloves, Gun Material, etc. 43 S. Clark Street, - CHICAGO. CnilV LJADWCV P PADTCDI Give special inducements to bUUT, HAnVtT & UAn I tn PArK AE BTTVFRS PACKAGE BUYERS. 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 73 George place fr Sheffield av e to N Halsted, 2 blks. George fr Dix w to Elston av. Milwaukee av cars. Gilpin fr Center av w to Loomis, 4 blks. Girard fr W North av n to W Asylum, 7 blks. Goethe fr 305 Sedgwick e to N State. Good fr Sholto w to 324 May. Randolph st cars. Grace fr 157 Division n to Vedder. Clybourn av cars. Grand fr W Douglas place to Bross, 4 blks. Grand av fr Western av n-w to city limits. Randolph st cars. Granger fr 285 Sedgwick e to N Wells. Grand Haven fr 439 N State to the lake. Grant place fr 875 Larrabee e to N Clark. N Clark st cars. Grape fr Herndon e to N Halsted. N Clark st cars. Green N fr 218 W Randolph n to Front. Green S fr 218 W Randolph s to 261 W Harrison. Greenwich fr N Robey w to Leavitt, 2 blks. Grove fr Sixteenth s-w to 255 Archer av. Grove N fr Orchard e to Larrabee. Clybourn av cars. Grover fr Milwaukee n to George. Gurley fr 49 Blue Island av w to Center av. Blue Island av cars. Haines fr the river n-e to Crosby, 6 blks. Hall fr Long John w to Trenton, 2 blks. Halsted N fr 199 W Randolph n to city limits. Halsted S fr 200 W Randolph s to city limits. Hamilton fr 818 W Monroe s to Jackson. Madison st cars. Hamlin av fr W Kinzie n to Fullerton av, 18 blks. Hammond fr Menomonee to Wisconsin. . Hanover fr 200 Archer av s to Twenty-ninth. Harbine fr 637 Center av w to Western av. Blue Island av cars. Harmon court fr 525 State e to the lake. Harris fr Douglas park boulevard s to Sixteenth. Harrison fr the lake w to the river. Harrison W fr the river w to city limits. Hart fr 703 W Kinzie n to Hubbard, i blk. Hastings fr 341 Blue Island av w to Wood. Hawthorne av fr Larrabee n-w to North av. Hein fr 298 Sedgwick w to Clybourn av. Sedgwick st cars. Henry fr Margaret w to Wood. Henshaw av fr Milwaukee av n to city limits. Hernden fr Jones av n-e to Nursery. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, I BOX MAKEES' STOCK & TOOLS, IT f 118 & 120 MONROE ST. 74 AD VER TISEMENTS. LAUNDRY MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. j Agents for the Novelty Clothes Wringer, Family, Hotel and Laundry Sizes. 191 & 193 S. CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. J. M. LYONS. O. A. PECK. GLOBE TOBACCO HOUSE. -s to yVnclx-e-w WHOLESALE DEALERS IS GLOBE TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic Cigars and Smokers' Articles, 120 RANDOLPH STREET, Corner CLARK, CHICAGO. WALKER, McGRAW & CO., .... DETROIT. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER ( Give personal attention to , 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 75 Hermitage av fr junction of Southwestern av and Jackson a to W Polk. Van Buren st cars. Hervey fr N Wood w to Robey. Randolph st cars. Hewes fr W North av to Waubansia av, i blk. Hickory fr Cologne s-w to Ashland av. Archer av cars. Hickory av fr 40 N branch n to Black Hawk. High fr Webster av n to Fullerton av. Clybourn av cars. Hill fr 208 Sedgwick to LaSalle. N Clark st cars. Hinman fr Ashland av w to Lincoln. Blue Island av cars. Hinsche fr 192 Clybourn av n to Black Hawk. Hinsdale fr 240 N State e to the lake. Hinsdale W fr N LaSalle w to N Market. Hobbie fr Hawthorne av e to Sedgwick. Hoey fr Archer av s-w to Mary. Archer av cars. Holden fr 40 W Twelfth to Mitchell, 4 blks. Holstein fr 1170 Milwaukee av n to Stanton, 16 blks. Holt fr 422 W Chicago av n to W North av. Homan fr W Lake s to Steel. Homan av fr W Kinzie n to W Chicago av. Homer fr N Robey w to Holstein av. Honore fr 708 W Madison s to W Harrison. Hooker av fr 409 N Halsted n to Cherry av. Hope fr 69 Blue Island av w to 302 Morgan. Houston fr W Division n-e to Milwaukee av, 2 blks. Howard fr Ashland av w to Western av. Howe fr 28 Willow n to 267 Center. Hoyne fr 233 Park av s to DeKalb. Hoyne N fr 233 Park av n to W North av. Hubbard fr Jefferson w to Seymour. Milwaukee av cars. Hubbard court fr 399 State e to the lake. Hudson fr Milwaukee av n to Wellington, 4 blks. Hunt fr Rucker to Elizabeth. Randolph st cars. Hurlburt fr 66 Clybourn av n to Fullerton av. Huron fr Robert e to the lake. Iglehart av fr Steel to Twenty-second. Illinois fr 57 Kingsbury e to the lake. Indiana fr the river e to the lake. Indiana W fr the river w to Western av. Indiana av fr Fourteenth s to city limits. Ingraham fr Elston av to Noble. Milwaukee av cars. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I & no MONROE ST., Publishers of Blanks and Books for Insurance Co.'s. ) Opp. Old Post Office. A D VER TISEMENTS. Ceo. A. .lliM-h. Ailulph .1. >IK. h. GEO.A.MISCH&BRO. MAXUFACTTRERS OF Stained, Enameled, Embossed, Cnt and Ground GLASS No. 217 E. WASHINGTON ST. lift. Franklin & 'lark. I SK, CHICAGO. j. (BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND RANDOLPH STREETS,) Importer and Manufacturer of OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS. Engineers 1 & Surveyors' Instruments a Specialty. Agent for BECK'S MICROSCOPES and APPARATUSES. Repairs receive the Best Attention. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. | Hats, Caps, Furs and Buck Goods at Wholesale. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 77 Iowa fr Wood w to Western a\ . Iron fr Mulligan s-e to Columbia. Irwin fr Arthur i blk w to Canal. Jackson fr the lake w to the river. Jackson W fr the river to Central Park av. James av fr Laurel w to Pitney, 6 blks. Jane fr 454 Ashland av w to Newton, 5 blks. Jefferson S fr 92 W Randolph s to 34 W Twenty-second. Jefferson N fr 92 W Randolph n to the river. John fr Evans s to W Twenty-second, 5 blks. John place fr 879 Halsted w i blk. Johnson fr 288 W Taylor s to W Sixteenth. Johnson av fr Twenty-sixth s to Twenty-eighth. Jones av fr Division n to Southport av. Judd fr Stewart av w to Jefferson. Julia fr Ashland av 2 blks w. Kane fr the Illinois and Michigan canal n-w to Robey. Kansas fr Throop \v to Ashland av. Kedzie fr Blue Island av s-w to Robey, 7 blks. Kedzie av fr W Madison s to city limits. Kendall fr W Polk s-w to W Taylor, 3 blks. Kingsbury fr Kinzie n-w to Ontario. Kin/ie fr the river e to N Water. Kinzie W fr the river to city limits. Kissam fr Center av to Loomis, 3 blks. Kossuth fr 1022 Halsted e to Western av. Kramer fr Jefferson'to W Halsted. Kroger fr Racine road e i blk. Laflin fr 536 W Madison s to the river. Laimbeer fr W Lake n to Kinzie, 2 blks. Lake fr Central av and railroad depots w to s branch river. Runs parallel with main branch Chicago river. Lake W fr the river w to city limits. Randolph st cars run on this street fr Union Park w. Lake av fr Douglas place to city limits. Langley fr 71 Thirty-seventh s to city limits. Larrabee fr Chicago av n to Fullerton av. LaSalle fr the river s to Van Buren. Tunnel on this street to N D. LaSalle N fr the river n to North av. Laugh ton fr Robey w to Western av, 5 blks. r. Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co. \NOS. 11 8 & 120 Monroe St. COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. ' Opposite Old Post Office. A D VER TJSEMENTS. GENERAL NORTHWESTERN AGENTS and V0SE & SONS AND THE POPULAR .^ w H 05 W o A "WRIITEN GUARftNIEE" Accompanies Each Instrument Sold by Us, INSTRUMENTS SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS OR FOR RENT. WAREROOMS: 211 State St., Chicago. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CLOSE BUYERS. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 79 Laurel fr W Fullerton av n to Diversy av, 4 blks. Leavitt N fr 274 Park av n to W North av. Leavitt S fr 274 Park av s to Steel. Lee place fr N Robey w to Hoyne. LeMoyne fr N Robey w to Leavitt, 2 blks. Lessing rfr 124 W Chicago av n to George, 4 blks. Lewis fr Jones av n-e to Clybourn av. Lexington fr De Kalb w to Waverly, 5 blks. Liberty W fr 75 Stewart av w to 544 Halsted. Lime fr the river s to Rum, 3 blks. Lincoln N fr 723 W Lake n to W Division. Lincoln S fr 723 W Lake s to W Twenty-second. Linden fr 464 Larrabee e to Sedgwick. Lisle fr Union w to 840 Halsted. Lock fr Thirty-first n-w to Hickory, 4 blks. Lockport fr Archer av n-w to Boardman, 2 blks. Long John fr Thirty-first s to city limits, 6 blks. Loomis fr 490 W Madison s to Lumber. Lowe av fr Douglas place s to city limits. Luke fr Union w to Center av. Lumber fr Twelfth, near the river, s and s-w with the river to Loomis. Lumbermen's line stages. Lydia fr 54 Desplaines w to 51 Halsted. Lytle fr 454 W Harrison s to W Twelfth. Madison fr the lake w to the river. Madison W fr the river w to Central Park av. Cars and stages fr State and Lake. Maple fr 364 N LaSalle e to N State. Marcy fr 18 Sheffield av n-w to Waubansia av. Margaret fr 392 Mitchell s to Catharine, 2 blks. Mark fr 695 Union w to 722 Halsted. Mark av fr 122 Second n to W Chicago av. Market fr Lake s to Tyler. Market N fr the river n to Division. Marshfield fr 604 W Jackson s to W Polk. Mary fr Hoey n-w to Hickory, 2 blks. Mather fr 34 Ellsworth w to Halsted. Maxwell fr the river w to Blue Island av. May N fr 342 W Randolph n to W Chicago av. May S fr 342 W Randolph s to Twenty-second. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I & 120 MONEOE ST., Publishers of Blanks and Boots for Railroad Companies. I Opp. Old Post Office. 8o AD VER TISEMENTS. WENDELL & HYMAN, Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Silver and Plated Ware, CLOCKS, WATCH MATERIALS, ETC. FOR SAFES, VAULT DOORS, STORES, DWELLINGS, DRAWERS, ETC. TIHIIE ZF^TZEUsTT j^. ID J~ TJ S T A. IB HL El Can be Instantly Turned to any Angle. SARGENT, GREENLEAF & BROOKS, - 25 Randolph St, EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 8 1 McGlashen fr Twenty-second s to 189 Archer av. McGrath fr 107 Robey w to 208 Leavitt. McGregor fr 346 Archer av e to 302 Wentworth av. McHenry fr N branch Chicago river s-e to Rawson. Meagher fr Stewart av w to Halsted. Menomonee fr 509 Larrabee e to N Clark. Meridian fr 59 Desplaines w to Halsted. Michigan fr Kingsbury e to N Water. Michigan av fr the river s to city limits. Miller fr 346 W Harrison s to Taylor, 3 blks. Milwaukee av fr X Canal n-w to city limits. Mitchell fr the river w to Western av. Mohawk fr Clybourn av n to Center. Monroe fr the lake w to the river. Monroe W fr Canal w to Campbell av. Montgomery fr Long John e to Ashland av, 2 blks. Morgan N fr 281 W Randolph n to W Chicago av. Morgan S fr 281 W Randolph s to Lumber. Morton fr Thirty-third s to Thirty-seventh, 4 blks. Morton av fr W Kinzie n to W Division, 7 blks. Mulligan fr S branch river w to Ashland av, 3 blks. Murray fr 388 Archer av s to Twenty-sixth. Myrick av fr 67 Twenty-ninth s to Thirty-first. Nebraska fr Throop w to Ashland av. Newberry fr 270 W Taylor to W Sixteenth. Newton fr Thomas n to 311 W Division. Nineteenth fr the river to 912 State. Noble fr 451 W Kinzie n to W North av. Noble av fr Sheffield av e to Green Bay road. North av fr the river e to the lake. North av W fr the river w to city limits. North Branch fr Hawthorne av n-w to Division. Norton fr 154 Gurley s to W Taylor. Norwood av fr Humboldt av to Kimball. Nursery fr Lewis n-w to Ward, 4 blks. Oak fr 162 Sedgwick e to the lake. Oakley fr 905 W Lake s to Steel. Oakley N fr 314 Park av n to W North av. O'Brien fr 501 Jefferson w to 498 Halsted. Ogden av fr W Twelfth s-w to city limits. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I 118 & 12 f M ON ROE STR EET. 82 AD VER TISEMENTS. WM. PARMELEE r:irlu>ni > and 14 Adams Street. $ Persons wishing to the best TEAS and COFFEES in the City, will do well to call and ex- amine rnv Goods and Prices. STARCH, Soap. Corn Starch, i Bluing, Crack Cocoanut. Baker's Chocolate, Baker's Broma, Baker's Cocoa, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, Ludlam's Cream Baking Powder, Royal Baking Powder, Extracts of all kinds, etc. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER I Se " F 272 & 274 MADISON ST. ) Manufacturers Prices. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 85 Reuben N fr Park av n to Clybourn place. Rhodes av fr Thirty-second s to 122 Douglas place. Ridgeville road fr 712 Milwaukee av n to Armitage av. River fr 528 Water n-e to Rush st bridge. Robey fr 771 W Lake s to Steel. Randolph st cars. Robey N fr 771 W Lake n to city limits. Rountree fr Lake n to W Kinzie, 2 blks. Ruble fr 153 W Sixteenth s to 125 Canalport av. Rucker fr 350 W Kinzie n to 17 Augusta. Rumsey 499 W Indiana to 223 W Division. Rush fr the river n to Cedar. Sampson fr Waller w to Western av. Samuel fr 550 W Chicago av n to 239 W Division. Sangamon N fr 260 W Randolph n to W Chicago av. Sangamon S fr 259 W Randolph s to W Harrison. Sanger fr 346 Archer av s-e to Twenty-sixth. Saratoga fr W Douglas place n to Bross av. Schiller fr 357 Sedgwick e to the lake. School fr Canal w to Scammon School. Sebor fr Ellsworth w to 290 Halsted. Second fr the river w to Halsted and fr Milwaukee av w to city limits Sedgwick fr Erie n to city limits. Seeley fr.8o4 W Madison s to McGrath. Seventeenth fr 852 State w to Grove. Seward fr 77 W Sixteenth s to Lumber, 2 blks. Seymour fr 1010 W Lake n to Chicago av. Sheffield av fr Hawthorn av n to city limits. Sheldon N fr 468 W Randolph n to Depot place. Sheridan fr W North av n to W Fullerton av. . Sherman fr 1 74 Jackson s to Taylor. Sholto fr 368 W Harrison s to Eleventh. Shurtleff av fr 300 Twenty-sixth s to Thirty-fifth, 5 blks. Sibley fr W Harrison s to 512 W Taylor. Sigel fr 49 Hurlbut e to N Wells, 3 blks. Sixteenth fr the Lake w to the river. Sixteenth W fr the river w to the city limits. Sloan fr Elston av to Noble. Smith fr Ashland av w to Wood. Sophia fr Fabius e to N Franklin, 15 blks. South Park fr Leavitt w to Western av, 4 blks. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I 118 & 12 PUBLISHEKS OF LEGAL BLANKS, j MOHVOC Street. 86 AD VER TISEMENTS. 51 STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL, General Agents for MOSLER, BAH MANN & CO.'S FIHBRGLAR-PBflQF SAFES BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, ETC. A Specialty made in Jewelers'^ House Safes *L 9V " Also in Safes for Hotels, County Records and Silk-. PAKTU TI.ARI.Y ARRANGED FOB SAFETY, CONVENIENCE AND sl'AI 1:. A~ REQUIRED FOR EACH Pl'KI'OSE. Having lately made all our Patterns new, making Thicker ll'afls, adding Extra Steps and Flanges, Solid Angle Corners, with Double Tongue and Groove, Welded Steel and Iron, Conical Bolts, and Heavy Bolt Work, etc., together with Sargent's L'nriralcd Combination Locks, \V1 ( 'ifARANTEB SATISFACTION. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 272 & 274 MADISON ST. J HAVE FINE ASSORTMENT ' " ' " f OF UMBRELLAS. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 87 South Park av fr 9 W Twenty-second s to Egan av. Southwestern av fr 476 W Randolph s-w to city limits. Spaulding av fr W Jackson s to W Van Buren. Springer fr Waterville e to Ullman, 2 blks. Stan ton av fr Douglas place s to Egan av. State fr 80 S Water s to city limits. Two blks e of court house square. Cars run the entire length, fr Lake. State N fr the river n to Schiller. Staunton fr 987 W Lake s to 1005 W Madison. St. Clair fr 300 N Water n to 380 Superior. Stewart av fr 62 W Twelfth s to Lumber. Stewart av fr the river s to city limits. St John's place fr 550 W Lake n to Depot place opp. Union Park. St Louis av fr Douglas park boulevard s to Sixteenth. Stone fr 580 Division n to Banks, 3 blks. Stowell fr 530 Clark w i^ blks. Summer fr Twenty-sixth s to Twenty-eight. Superior fr Roberts e to the lake. Swift place fr Stewart av e to Wentworth av. Taylor fr 504 State to the river. Taylor W fr the river w to city limits. Third av fr Jackson s to Fourteenth, i blk. Thirteenth fr 641 State e to the lake. Thirteenth fr Waller w to Lincoln. Thirtieth fr the lake w to Wentworth av. Thirty-first fr the lake to Halsted. Thirty-second fr Cottage Grove av w to Clark. Thirty-third fr the lake w to Halsted. Thirty-fourth fr Butterfield e to Indiana av. Thirty-seventh fr Halsted e to the lake. Thirty-eight fr Halsted e to the lake. Thomas fr Wood w to Western av, 7 blks. Thornton fr W Twenty-second s-e to Ashland av. Throop fr 438 W Madison s to the river. Todd fr the river s-e to Grove, i blk. Archer av cars. Townsend fr Erie n to Division. Clybourn av cars. Trenton fr Illinois & Michigan canal s to W Douglas place. Trumbull av fr Douglas Park Bouvlevard s to W Sixteenth. Tucker fr Douglas place s to Egan av. Archer av cars. Twelfth fr the lake w to the river. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I "* & 12 MONBOE ST., Publishers of KLAXKS and BOOKS for Hunks. j Opp. Old Post Office. 88 AD VER TISEMENTS. A . J . Manufacturers and Dealers in FURNITURE :AND: UPHOLSTERY GOODS. 2O7 'West Madison St. 59 South Green St. 153 West Washington St. } - CHICAGO. Manufacturer of Gentlemen's 3-4 and 7-8th 4 "MrlP' me ||i THE "PARSONS" SIDE BAR WAGON A SPECIALTY. Weiyht, 12O Pound*. REPAIRING AND PAINTING DONK WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. 155 W. Washington St., Chicago. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER I 272 & 274 MADISON ST. Make the Lowest Prices on all Goods in their line. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 89 Twelfth W fr the the river to city limits. Twentieth fr the lake w to Grove. Twenty-first fr the lake w to Stewart av. Twenty-second E fr the lake w to the river. Twenty-second W fr the river w to city limits. Twenty-third fr the lake w to Archer av. Twenty-fourth fr the lake w to Butler. Twenty-fifth fr the lake w to Sanger. Twenty-sixth fr the lake w to Halsted. Twenty-seventh fr 1 246 State w to Wallace. Twenty-seventh fr 227 S Park av e to the lake. Twenty-eight fr Wallace e to Stewart av, and fr State e to Stewart av. Twenty-ninth fr the lake w to Wallace. Tyler fr Market e to 300 Fifth av. Tyler W fr 259 Clinton w to California av. Van Buren st cars. Ullman fr Thirty-first s to city limits, 7 blks. Union N fr 156 W Randolph n to W Chicago av. Union S fr 156 W Randolph s to Lumber. Union Park place fr 524 W Lake n to Depot place. Upton fr Milwaukee av s-w and w to city limits, 2 blks. Van Buren fr the lake w to the river. Van Buren W fr the river w to California av. Cars. Van Horn fr Ashland av w to Western av, 7 blks. Vedder fr 527 N Halsted e to Vine. Vermont av fr Thirty-first to Columbia. Vernon av fr 155 Douglas place s to Thirty-seventh. Vincennes av fr 620 Cottage Grove av to city limits. Vine fr Division n to Reese, 2 blks. Wabash av from S Water to city limits. Wade fr 97 Elston av w to Currier. Wahl fr Springer av to Thirty-first. Wallace fr 288 Archer av s-e to McGregor, thence s to city limits. Waller fr 370 W Twelfth s to 353 Mitchell, 5 blks. Walnut fr Ashland av w to Western av. Walsh fr N Clark e to the lake, 3 blks. Ward court fr Lumber w to Jefferson. Warren av fr 50 Ashland av w to Falls. Washington fr the lake to the river. Washington W fr the tunnel w to Central Park. Randolph st cars i blk n, Madison st cars i blk s. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO, I Bookbinders' Stock and Tools, N- j 118 A. 120 MONROE ST. 9 o A D VER TISEMENTS. HANNA, BARRETT & Co Bet. Lake and S. Water. -A-ITID :P-A_I3STT Manufacturers Mixed Paints, Barrett's Wood Filling. J. F. & J. E. WHITE, IMPORTERS OF LADIES' FANCY BASKETS. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BUTTER TUBS, BASKETS. MATS, MATCHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, BRUSHES, BROOMS, BROOM MATERIALS, ETC., GET THE BEST "THE BLANCHARD CHURN." Our ll'irre ?> lite />V.v/. //! sell cheap, cm d fill orders promptly. Try in. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER ' Are sole agents formany Ele ~ 272 & 274 MADISON ST. | gant Styles in Hats and Caps. Tlic Strangers* Guiiie to the City of Chicago. Washington av fr the river w to Leavitt. Randolph st cars three blks s. Washington place fr 250 N Clark e to Dearborn. Washtemuv av fr W Kinzie n to Armitage av, 10 blks. Water N fr the river e to the lake. Water S fr the lake s-\v to Lake. Water W fr Madison n to Fourth. Waterville fr Lancaster av s-e to Fox. Archer av cars. Waubansia av fr the river w to 1013 Milwaukee av. and fr West- ern av w to Washtenaw av. Way man fr Halsted to Jefferson. Weed fr Hooker n-e to Hawthorne av, 6 blks. Wellington fr Racine Road e to N Clark, 3 blks. Wells N fr the river n to N Clark. Wendell fr 160 Sedgwick e to N LaSalle. Wentworth av fr Sixteenth s to city limits. Wesson fr Chicago av n to Division. Chicago av cars. Western av N fr 352 Park av to city limits. Western av S fr 352 Park av s to city limits. Wheaton fr Humboldt av i blk. White K fr 300 N Dearborn to the lake. White W fr 256 N LaSalle w to Townsend, 5 blks. Whitehouse place fr Stewart av e to Went worth av, 4 blks. Whiting fr 277 N Market e to N LaSalle, and from N Dearborn e to the lake. Whitney fr 290 N Dearborn e to the lake, 3 blks. Weiland fr North av to Schiller. Wilc.ox fr N Leavitt w to California av. Willard place fr 380 W Randolph s to W Washington. William fr 215 Morgan w to 142 Center av. Willow fr Jones av n-e to Clybourn av, thence to 491 Larrabee. Wilmot av fr N Robey w to Bradwell, 5 blks. Wilson fr Stewart av w to Jefferson. Winchester av fr 754 W Madison s to W Harrison. Winter fr Twenty-sixth s to Twenty-eighth. Wood fr 675 W Lake s to W Twenty-second. Wood N fr 675 W Lake n to city limits. Madison st cars. Wright fr 117 Stewart av w to 570 Morgan. Wrong fr Halsted n-w to Main, 3 blks. Yorktown fr W Douglas place n to Bross av, 3 blks. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I HI'tiik Hool; J & 120 MONROE S' Opp. Old Post Office. AD VER TISEMENTS. SargentGreenleafjBfBrooks.| ll Chicago III. The most Convenient and Durable Elbow made. SOLID BY THE SARGENT, GREEN LEAF & BROOKS, 25 RANDOLPH STREET. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER t sho ^ e ^ atest 239 & 241 MADISOK ST. I HatS - Ca P 8 and FurS ' The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 93 C L -A. SS IF I IE ID Business Directory LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES IN CHICAGO. ARCHITECTS. BOYINGTON WM. W., 89 Washington. ART EMPORIUMS. O'BRIEN'S ART EMPORIUM, 204 and 206 Wabash av., s. e. cor. Adams (see adv't, page 103). ARTISTS 1 MATERIALS. MARTIN O'BRIEN, 204 and 206 Wabash av., s. e. cor. Adams, (see adv't, page 103). ARTIFICIAL LIMBS AND TRUSSES. DR. HIATT & LE ROY, 125 S. Clark. BANKS (Savings). STATE SAVINGS INSTITUTION (see adv't, page 104). BANK LOCKS. SARGENT, GREENLEAF & BROOKS (see adv't, p. 80 and 92). BASE BALL GOODS. PIERCE J. A., 79 Clark (see adv't, page 68). BEDDING AND MATTRESSES. WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS, 129 LaSalle (see adv't, page 34). BEDDING AND FEATHERS. MACKKY \ D1-1VEREAUX, 77 and 79 Randolph (see adv't, page 46). BELTING. MUNSON & CO. (see adv't, colored insert). BIRDS AND GOLD FISH. KAEMPFER FRED., 127 S. Clark (see adv't, page 64). Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co. (NOS. iw & 120 Monroe St. Publishers of Blank Books for Public Offices. ) Opposite Old Post Office. 94 A D VER TISEMENTS. C. C. HOLTON & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Parlor Furniture, 269 & 271 STATE ST., Between Jackson and Van } Suren Street*. J ? 1OV2.) Upholstered Parlor Suites a Specialty, GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. CHAMBER SUITES AND HAIR MATTRESSES. "We Manufacture our own Goods and Guarantee the Quality. Please Examine Here before Purchasing elsewhere. You will Save Money by so doing, as we offer Bargains. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER l Have the cheapest rent > th 239 & 241 MADISON ST. t fine st stock, the lowest prices. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 95 BLANK BOOKS, PRINTING AND STATIONERY. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO., 118 and 120 Monroe (see adv't, lower margin right hand pages). MIDDLETON J. W., 55 State. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. KEEN W. B., COOKE&CO., 113 and 115 State (see adv't, p. 12). BOLT MANUFACTURERS. CREGIER, CLARKE & CO. Salesroom, 144 Lake. Works, cor. Market and Huron. BOOTS AND SHOES (Wholesale). DOGGETT, BASSETT & HILLS, 29 and 31 Lake. FARGO C. H. & CO., cor. Madison and Market. FEAREY THOS. & SONS, 254 Madison. GREENSFELDER, ROSENTHAL cSc CO., 34 and 36 Lake (see H adv't opp. inside back cover). J THOMPSON C. O. & CO., 69 and 71 Wabash av. H WELLS M. D. & CO., cor Madison and Market. jj BOOTS AND SHOES 'Wholesale Manufacturers of). FEAREY THOS. & SONS, 254 Madison. Factory at Albany, N. Y. GREENSFELDER, ROSENTHAL & CO., 34 and 36 Lake (see adv't, opp. inside back cover.) BOTTLES. M'CLELAND & SAGE, 167 and 169 E. Randolph (see. adv't, page 62). BOURBON WHISKY. LEANDER READ, Agent for J. H. Cutter, old Bourbon Whisky, 20 and 22 State. BOXES (Shelf, Shoe, Office, Etc.) RITCHIE & DUCK, 154 and 155 Michigan av. (see adv't, p. 70). ^ BRUSHES (Manufacturers and Dealers . DOUGLAS EDWARD C., Manuf'r and dealer in Brushes, 82 E. Lake, opp. Tremont House. BUTTER AND CHEESE HOUSE. RICHARDS & GOOCH, 181 S. Water. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, Etc. HOLLISTER E. F. & CO., 121 and 123 State (see adv't inside front cover). CARRIAGE GOODS AND WOOD STOCK. BARROWS, CARPENTER & CO. (late Buchanan, Carpenter & Co.,) 202 Lake. BOUTON, SMITH & CO., 7 and 9 Lake. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. I Manufacturers of Paging Machines. ) 9 6 AD VER TISEMENTS. * Importers and Dealers in 59 & 61 Lake, and 39 Me Street, (OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER,) WILLIAM W. PAGE, BOSTON, MASS. ORVILLE PAGE.l c C. E. PAGE, ] CHICAGO. S. H. RANSOM & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED 9 LIGHTHOUSE SELF-FEEDING. BASE-BURNING HEATING STOVES, ALSO A GREAT VARIETY Cooking and Heating Stoves adapted 1o the wants of every section of the Country. ffos, 10, 12, 14 & 16 RIVER STREET, CHICAGO. FOUNDRIES AT ALBANY, N. Y. EDDY, HARVEY & GARTER 239 & 241 MADISON ST. The Strangers' Guide to the City of Chicago. 97 CLOAKS, SUITS AND TRIMMINGS Wholesale and Retail.) GRISWOLD J. W. & CO., 54 and 56 Madison (see adv't, p. 8). HOTCHKIN, PALMER & CO., 137 and 139 State. CLOTHING Wholesale . KELLOGG CHAS. P. & CO., 243 and 245 Madison. TUTTLE, THOMPSON & WETMORE, 219 and 221 Madison. CLOTHING (Retail). WILDE, BLUETT & CO., cor. Madison and State (see adv't, page 18). COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. UNION COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, W. F. McLaughlin, Prop'r, 82 and 84 S. Water. CORRUGATED IRON DOORS AND SHUTTERS. MUNSON S. B., Jr. & CO., 27 N. Canal (see adv't, page 60). CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. FRENCH ABRAM & CO., 101 and 103 Wabash av. (see adv't, page 56). PARKHURST S. B., 33 and 35 Wabash av. (see adv't, page 14). SONTAG & STAUDINGER, 160 State (see adv't, page 44). CRANE AND DREDGE CHAINS. GILBERT HUBBARD & CO., 226, 228 and 230 S. Water (see adv't, page 30). CUTLERY AND FIRE ARMS. SEARS HENRY & CO., 62 E. Lake, cor. State. DRIVING WAGONS. PARSONS J. G., 155 W. Washington (see adv't, page 88). DRY GOODS Wholesale . ANDERSEN, OLSEN & CO., 198 E. Madison. CARSON, PIRIE, SCOTT & CO., Madison and Franklin. FIELD, LEITER & CO., Madison and Market (see adv't, opp. title.) STETTAUER BROTHERS, 246 and 248 E. Madison. DRY GOODS (Retail). CARSON, PIRIE & CO., Madison and Peoria (see adv't, page 20). FIELD, LEITER & CO., State and Washington (see adv't, opp. title). GOSSAGE CHAS. , . 1 8 O X . CAPITAL, $500,000,00 Assets, over $4,000,000.00 Authorized by its Charter to Receive Money on Deposit; Buy and Sell Exchange, Bills, Notes or other Securities; Issue Letters of Credit, Loan Money on Real Estate or other Security; Receive and Execute Trusts of every description, etc. DRAFTS FOB SALE ON ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF EUROPE. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. CHAUNCEY T. BOWEX. DR. JOHN H. FOSTER. JOHN C. DORE. T IRTJS T IE IE S : =S DR. D. S. SMITH. WM. H. TURNER. NATHAN B. KIDDER. DANIEL GOODWIN, JR. DAVID D. SPENCER. PERKINS BASS. THOS. S. DOBBINS. D. D. SPENCER, President. CZ^5= O IF IF I C IE IR, S : =S=O THOS. S. DOBBINS, CHAS. D. BICKFORD, ALBERT D. GUILD, Vice President. Cashier. Ass't. Cashier. 80 & 82 LaSalle Street, No. 974 Wabash Avenue Directly West of Old Court House. Xear 2'2nd Street. EDDY, HARVEY & CARTER 1 239 & 241 MADISON ST. Make the Lowest Prices on all Goods in their line. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ' Publishers of Blanks ini Boois for Eailroii Ccmpitie:. ) 118 & 120 MONEOE ST., Opp. Old Post Office. io6 AD VER TISEMENTS. ROSMTHAI & GO, WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE WHITNEY BOOTS, LAKE ST., COR. WABASH AVE. BOSTON OFFICE, No. 36 & 38 Washington Square. " * ALSO AGENTS FOR DR. SAPP'S WALKING MOTION TREADLE. For full particulars, with Descriptive Circulars and Terms to Agents, a JOHNSON, CLARK <5c CO., 157 State Street, CHICAGO.