mi jw f ' \ .X: mm V*4 f or ^IjHflsogljkal Scttttg of irrat Britain, 10, ADBLPHI TERRACE, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. OBJECTS. rpHIS SOCIETY has been founded for the purpose of promoting the following -■- Objects, which are of the highest importance both to Eeligion and Science, and such as have not been attempted to be attained by any previously-existing scientific Society, viz. : — First, — To investigate fully and impartially the most important questions of Philosophy and Science, but more especially those that bear upon the great truths revealed in Holy Scripture, with the view of reconciling any apparent discrepancies between Christianity and Science. Second. — To associate men of Science and authors who have already been engaged in such investigations, and all others who may be interested in them, in order to strengthen tneir eflforts by association, and by bringing together the results of such labours, after full discussion, in the printed Transactions of an Institution ; to give greater force and influence to proofs and arguments which might be little known, or even disregarded, if put forward merely by individuals. Third. — To consider the mutual bearings of the various scientific conclusions arrived at in the several distinct branches into which Science is now divided, in order to get rid of contradictions and conflicting hypotheses, and thus promote the real advancement of true Science ; and to examine and discuss all supposed scientific results with reference to final causes, and the more comprehensive and fundamental principles of Philosophy proper, based upon faith in the existence of one Eternal God, who in His wisdom created all things very good. Fourth.— To publish Papers read before the Society in furtherance of the above objects, along with full reports of the discussions thereon, in the form of a Journal, or as the Transactions of the Institute. Fifth. — AVhen subjects have been fully discussed, to make the results known by means of Lectures of a more popular kind, and to publish such Lectures. Sixth. — To publish English translations of important foreign works of real scientific and philosophical value, especially those bearing upon the relation between the Scriptures and Science ; and to co-operate with other philo- sophical societies at home and abroad, which are now or may hereafter be formed, in the interest of Scriptural truth and of real Science, and generally in furtherance of the objects of this Society. Seventh.— -To found a Library and Eeading Eooms for the use of the Members of the Institute, combining the principal advantages of a Literary Club. THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR 1874-75. President— The Eight Honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vice-Presidents. Philip Henry Gosse, Esq., F.KS. Charles Brooke, Esq., M.A., F.RS., P.E.M.S., & C B Kadcliffe, Esq., M.D., &c. Rev. Robinson Thornton, D.D. W. Forsyth, Esq., Q.C., LL.D., M.P. Rev. Principal T. P. Boultbee, LL.D. Honorary Foreign Correspondents. Constantin db Tischendorf, LL.D., D.C.L. Principal J. W. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S. M. Joachim Barrande, &c. Honorary Treastorer.— William. No well West, Esq. Hon. Sec. and Editor of Journal— Ga,^i?an F. W. H. Petrie, F.G.S., F.R.S.L., &c. Honorary Foreign Secretary. — Edward J. Morshead, Esq., H.M.C.S. Coimcil. Robert Baxter, Esq. {Trustee). Rev. A. De la Mare, M.A, Rear- Admiral E. G. Fishbourne, C.B. R. N, Fowler, Esq. {Trustee). William H. Ince, Esq., F.L.S., F.R.M.S. Alex. M 'Arthur, Esq., M.P. Alfred V. Newton, Esq., F.A.S.L. William M. Ord, Esq., M.D. S. D. Waddy, Esq., Q.C., M.P. William Vanner, Esq., F.R.M.S. Alfred .J. Woodhouse, Esq., F.R.M.S. Rev. J. H. RiGG, D.D. Rev. Prebendary C. A. Row, M.A, Rev. J. H. TiTCOMB, M.A. J. A. Eraser, Esq., M.D., I.G.H. Rev. G. Henslow, M.A., F.L.S. Rev. Charles Graham. T. W. Masterman, Esq. H. Cadman Jones, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Rev. J. G. Wood, M.A., F.L.S. Rev. W. Arthur, D.D. C. R. Bree, Esq., M.D., F.Z.S., &c. John Eliot Howard, Esq., F.R.S. Rev. G. W. Weldon, M.A., B.M., F.L.S. Rev. Principal J. Angus, M.A., D.D. J. Bateman, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. MEMBERSHIP. Forms of Application for Admission, and all information, may be had on application. The Annual Subscription for Members is Tivo Guineas, with One Guinea Entrance Fee ; * the Annual Subscription for Associates is One Guinea, without Entrance Fee. In lieu of Annual Subscriptions, the payment of Tioenty Gui7ieas will constitute a Life Member, and Ten Guineas will constitute a Life A ssociate. The payment of a Donation of not less than Sixty Guineas qualifies for the office of Vice-Patron, with all the privileges of a Life Member or Life Associate. [It is to be understood that only such as are professedly Christians are entitled to become 3Iembers.'] %* All Subscriptions are due in advance on the First day of January in each year, and should be promptly paid to the " Victoria Institute's" credit at Messrs. "Ransom," 1, Pall Mall East, S. W., or remitted to W. N. West, Esq., at the Institute's Office. In the latter case Cheques should be made payable to the "Victoria Institute or Order," and crossed "Ransom & Co." — Post-office Orders, drawn on "London (Chief Office)," should be made payable to " W. N. West," and crossed in like manner. PRIVILEGES. Members and Associates have the right to be present and to state their opinion at all Meetings of the Society ; but Members only are entitled to vote by ballot, in determining any question at a General Meeting. Members are entitled to introduce two Visitors at each Ordinary Meeting, to receive a copy of the Journal of Transactions, 'f and of all other documents or books published unde^. the auspices of the Society in furtherance of Object VI., and to the use of the Library, Reading, and Writing Rooms. Associates may introduce one Visitor at eacb Ordinary Meeting, and are entitled to receive a copy of the Journal of Transactions. '^ Membei's and Associates may obtain, at reduced prices, any publications issued prior to their joining the Institute ; the Vohimes of the Transactions (issued at One Guinea) may bo so obtained, for Half-a-Guinea each, and the Parts of the Journal for Half-a-Crown each. The Council and Officers are chosen from among the Members, who are alone eligible. The Ordinary Meetings are held at 8, Adelphi Terrace, at Eight o'clock on the evenings of the First and Third Mondays of the Winter and Spring Months. Due notice is given by Advertisement and by Circular. The Papers read, and the Discussions thereon, are printed in full in the "Journal Transactions," of which the Eighth Volume is now in course of issue. The Library, Reading, and Writing Rooms are open from ten till five (Saturdays till TwoA^ ^ — — r^ ^'f * All Members are presented with the first Volume of Transactions. 1 111 ir ' t Issued in quarterly Parts, or in an annual Volume, to all Members and Associates «. -'"^^ > \ / THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. The Society is now supported by 520 Subscribing Members ; including His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and other Prelates and leading Ministers of Eeligion, Professors of English and Foreign Universities, Literary and Scientific Men in general, and others favourable to the Objects. The following are the names of some of the Members :— The Eight^Eev. Bishop Abraham. G. W. Allen, Esq., M.L.A.,N.8. Wales. William S. Allen, Esq., M.P. The Hon. Sir T. D. Archibald. Eev. Canon Argles, M.A., Stamford The Hon. William Ashley. Eev. Prebendary E. Auriol, M.A. The Eight Hon, A. S. Ayrton. H. T. Bagster, Esq. The Hon. C. Barter, Natal. Eev. G. Bartle, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D. Eev. J. Baylee, D.D., Ilfracomhe. Eight Eev. Bishop E. H. Beckles, D.D. F. A. Bevan, Esq. E. 0. L. Bevan, Esq. Eev. Eugene Bersier, Paris. The Ven. Archd. E. Bickersteth,D.D. Eev. T. E. Birks, M.A., Professor of Moral Philosophy, Cambridge. Eev. J. Stevenson Blackwood, D.D,, LL.D., Hemel Hempstead. Eev. Sir T. E. W. Blomefield, Bart. The Ven. Archd. Boutflower, M.A. Eev. W. B. Boyce, D.D. Eev. Preb. Brooks, M.A., Grantham. Isaac Braithwaite, Esq. W. H. BuDGETT, Esq., Bristol. Capt. Boughey Burgess, U.S. Inst. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq., F.E.S. Eev. W. Cadman, D.D. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Very Eev. the Dean of Canterbury. The Very Eev. the Dean of Carlisle. Eev. Canon W. Carus, M.A., Winton. The Eight Hon. Stephen Cave, M.P. Eev. Professor J.Challis, F.E.S.(Cam6.) The Master of the Charterhouse. The Eight Eev. the Lord Bishop of Chester. Eev. a. M. W. Christopher, M.A. (Oa/.) The Lord A. S. Churchill. The Eight Eev. Bishop Claughton. T. CoLAN, Esq., M.D., E.N. Eev. Canon Conway, D.D. The Et. Eev. Bishop Cotterill, Edin. \ Lieut.-General Crawford, E.A, E. H. CuRRiE, Esq. Eev. C. Deane, D.C.L. The Eight Hon. the Earl of Dartmouth. Principal J. W. Dawson, LL.D., F.E.S. McGill College, Montreal. The Eight Eev. the Lord Bishqp of Derry. W. W. Fitz-William Dick, Esq., M.P. Lt.-Colonel a. W. Drayson, E.A., Professor of Military Drawing and Practical Astronomy, Woohvich. Eev. a. Duff, D.D., Moderator of the General Assembly. The Lord Provost of Edinburgh. The Eev. Preb. E. B. Elliott, M.A. J. Fairfax, Esq., New South Wales. S. FiNLBY, Esq., Canada. The Ven. Archd. P. Freeman, M.A. Eev. E. Garbett, M.A. [Boijal. Eev. F. Garden, M.A., Sub-Dean^Chapel Eev. W. B. Galloway, M.A. A. E. Gayer, Esq.,«Q.C., LL.D. Sydney Gedge, Esq. Eev. Sir George L. Glyn, Bart. J. N. GoREN, Esq. [Scrapis. Captain H. D. Grant, E.N., H.M.S. A. Haldane, Esq. E. Hardwicke, Esq., F.L.S. The Eight Hon. the Earl of Harrowby, K.G. Eev. J. Harvard, Birmingham. BissET Hawkins, Esq., M.D., F.E.S. Eev. Preb. J. A. Hessey, D.C.L. The Eev. Canon C. A. Heurtley, D.D. M. Professor of Divinity, Oxford. Eev. J. Hill, D.D. The Ven. Archdeacon T. Hill, B.D. Eev. Canon Hoare, Tunbridge Wells. Eev. William H. Hoare, M. A., Crawley. Eev. C. Hodge, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Theology, Princetoion Univ., N.J. Sir J. M'N. Hogg, K.C.B., M.P. Capt. W. Horton, E.N. J. HouLDswoRTPi, Esq. David Howard, Esq. James Howard, Esq. THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. The Ven. Archd. A. Huxtable, M.A. Joseph Inge, Esq., I.L.S., F.C.S., &c. Key. Prebendary Irons, D.D. The Ven. Archdeacon Jacob, M.A. Sir a le G. Jacob, K.C.B. J. Jardine, Esq., LL.D. The Ven. Archdeacon Jennings, M.A. G. M. Keill, Esq. Rev. Prebendary Kemble, M.A., Bath Rev. T. L. Kingsbury, M.A., Pewsey. Rev. J. Kirk, Edinburgh, Professor of Practical Theology. Rev. J. G. F. H. Knapp, A.C.K., Portsea. Rev. W. F. Erskine-Knollys, M.A. John Laird, Esq., M.P. Lt.-Gen. Sir A. J. Lawrence, K.C.B. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop OF Llandaff. J. W. Lea, Esq., B.A., &c. Rev. William Lee, D.D., Kelso. Rev. Canon Liddon, D.D., D.C.L I. Prof, of Exegesis, Oxford. The Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London, The Ven. Archdeacon Long, M.A. The Hon. Sir R. Lush. Sir Francis Lycett. [Gloucester. Rev. Canon Lysons, M.A., F.S.A., W. Macdonald, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.P., Prof. Nat. and Civ. Hist, St. Andrews ^ Rev. M. Margoliouth, LL.D., Ph.D. His Grace the Duke of Marl- borough, K.G. Mr. Alderman McArthur, M.P. Rev.A.I.McCAUL, M.A., King's College. Rev. Canon J. B. McCaul, M.A. Rev. J. M'Cann, M.A., LL.D., Glasgow. The Right Rev. Bishop M'Dougall. Lt.-Col. the Hon. H. M. Monckton. Rev. J. Moorhouse, M.A. Samuel Morley, Esq., M.P. Professor G. S. Morris, M. A., Michigan University, U.S. Rev. H. Moule, M.A., Fordington. Rev. Canon J. B. Mozley, D.D., Begins Professor of Divinity, Oxford, R. Napier, Esq., Glasgoiv. The Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Nelson, New Zealand. Professor H. Alleyne Nicholson, M. A., M.D., D.S.c, Ph.D., Trinity College, Dublin. Captain Nolloth, R.N. The Very Rev. the Dean of noravich. Sir Henry W. Peek, Bart, M.P. John Penn, Esq., F.R.S. J. S. Phen^, Esq., F.L.S., &c. Rev, Aubrey C. Price, M.A. John Rae, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K.G. Mr. Serjeant Sargood, Q.C. Rev. Robinson Scott, D.D., Belfast. The Right Rev. Bishop Ryan. Rev. W. Saumarez Smith, B.D., Prin- cipal of St. Aidants College. Rev. Canon W. Selwyn, D.D., M. Pro- fessor of Divinity, Cambridge. Captain J. H. Selwyn, R.N., Tring. G. Shann, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.P., York, Benjamin Shaw, Esq. J. Shaw, Esq., M.D., F.L.S., Boston. Protheroe Smith, Esq., M.D.,M.R.C.P. P. Vernon Smith, Esq., Bar.-at-Law. Samuel Smith, Esq., Liveri^ool. The Ven. Archdeacon Stanton, M.A. Rev. A.W. W. Steel, M.A. {Cains Coll.) Mark J. Stewart, Esq., M.P. Mr. Alderman Stone. The Hon. P. C, Sutherland, Surveyor- General, Natal. The Rev. Canon C. A. Swainson, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity, Cam- bridge. The Right Hon. the Lord Teign- MOUTH. Rev. Sir W. R. T.-M.-L.-Tilson, Bart. Rev. F. W. Tremlett, D.C.L., Ph.D. R. Trotter, Esq. The Right Rev. Bishop Trower. P. Twblls, Esq., M.P. Samuel Vincent, Esq. Rev. S. D. Waddy, D.D., Bristol. John Walter, Esq., M.P. The Ven. Archdeacon Whately. J. H. Wheatley, Esq., Ph.D., Sligo. N. Whitley, Esq., C.E., Truro. The Ven. Archd. Wickham, M.A. Rev. Canon Woodrooffe, M.A. • Professor J. Woodrow, D.D., M.D., Ph.D., Columbia, S. Carolina. T. V, WoLLASTON, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., &c., Teignmouth. ''^* The names of those Prelates and others, who are supporters, but have as yet not joined as Members, are omitted in this List. TPIE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. PROGRESS OF THE INSTITUTE. Members and Associates— 1st January, 1871, 203. Joined since— In 1871, 91 ; in 1872, 109 ; in 1873, 110. PUBLICATIONS. Since the Inauguration of the Society, on the 24th of May, 1866, the following Papers have been read :— The Quarterly Parts are indicated by the numbers. In 1866-7. 1. A Sketch of the Existing Eolations between Scripture and Science. By the late George Warington, Esq., F.C.S. On the Difference in Scope between Scripture and Science. By the late C. MountforD Burnett, Esq., M.D., Vice-President V.I. 2. On Comparative Philology. By the Kev. EoBiNSON Thornton, D.D., Vice-President V.I. On the Various Theories of Man's Past and Present Condition. By the late James Beddie. Esq., Hon. Sec. V.I. ' 3. On the Language of Gesticulation and Origin of Speech. By Professor J. K, Young. On Miracles : their Compatibility with Philosophical Principles. By the Rev. W. W. English, M.A. Thoughts on Miracles. By the late E. B. Penny, Esq. On the General Character of Geological Formations. By the late E. Hopkins, Esq., C.E. 4. On the Past and Present Relations of Geological Science to the Sacred Scriptures. By the Rev. Professor John Kirk, On the Lessons taught us by Geology in relation to God. By the Rev. J. Brodie, M.A. On the Mutual Helpfulness of Theology and Natural Science. By Dr. Gladstone, F.R.S. On Falhng Stars and Meteorites. By the late Rev. W. Mitchell, M. A., Vice-President V.I. {The above Papers, with the Discussions thereon, and with '' Scientia Scientiarum ; being some Account of the Origin and Objects of the Victoria Institute," with the Heports of the Provisional Proceedings, and the Inaugural Address by the late Puv. Walter Mitchell, M.A., Vice-President, form Volume I. oj the "Journal of Transactions," price One Guinea.) 5. On the Terrestrial Changes and Probable Ages of the Continents, founded upon Astronomica Data and Geological Facts. By the late Evan Hopkins, Esq., C.E., F.G.S. On the Credibihty of Darwinism. By the late George Warington, Esq., F.C.S. On the Credibility of Darwinism. By the late James Reddie, Esq., Hon. Sec. V.I. b. On Utilitarianism. By the late James Reddie, Esq., Hon. Sec. V.I. On the Logic of Scepticism. By the Rev. Robinson Thornton, D.D., V.P. 7. On the Relations of Metaphysical and Physical Science to the Christian Doctrine of Prayer. By the Rev. Professor John Kirk. On Geological Chronology, and the Cogency of the Arguments by which some Scientific Doctrines are supported. (In reply to Professor Huxley's Address delivered at Sion College on 21st Nov., 1867.) By the late J. Reddie, Esq., Hon. Sec. V.I. (1867-68). o. On the Geometrical Isomorphism of Crystals, and the Derivation of all other Forms from those of the Cubical System. (6 Plates). By the late Rev. W. Mitchell, M.A., V.P. {Forming Volume II., price One Guinea.) In 1867-8. 9. On the Antiquity of Civilization. By the Rev. J. H. TiTCOMB, M.A. On Life, with some Observations on its Origin. By J. H. Wheatley, Esq., Ph.D. On the Unphilosophical Character of some Objections to the Divine Inspiration of Scripture. By the late Rev. Walter Mitchell, M.A., Vice-President V.I. On Comparative Psychology. By E. J. Morshead, Esq., Hon. For. Sec. V.L 10. On Theology as a Science. By the Rev. A. De la Mare, M.A. On the Immediate Derivation of Science from the Great First Cause. By R. Laming, Esq. On some of the Philosophical Principles contained in Mr. Buckle's " History of Civiliza- tion," in reference to the Laws of the Moral and Religious Developments of Man. By the Rev, Prebendary C. A. Row, M.A, On the Nature of Human Language, the Necessities of Scientific Phraseology, and the Application of the Principles of both to the Interpretation of Holy Scripture. By the Rev. J. Baylee, D.D. j r j 11. On the Common Origin of the American Races with those of the Old World. By the Rev. J. H. Titcomb, M.A. On the Simplification of First Principles in Physical Science. By C. Brooke, Esq. , F.R.S., &c. On the Biblical Cosmogony scientifically considered. By late G. Warington, Esq., F.C.S. THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. In 1868-69. On Ethical Philosophy. By the Rev. W. W. English, M.A. 12. On some Uses of Sacred Primeval History. By the late D. McCausland, Esq., Q.C., LL.D. On the Relation of Reason to Philosophy, Theology, and Revelation. By the Rev. Pre- bendary C. A. Row, M.A. {Forming Volume III., price One Guinea.) 13 Analysis of Human Responsibility. By the Rev. Prebendary IiiONS, D.D. (And part 16.) On the Doctrine of Creation accoi-ding to Darwin, Agassiz, and Moses. By Prof. KiEK. 14. On the Noachian Deluge, By the Rev. M. Davison. On Life— Its Origin. By J. H. Wheatley, Esq., Ph.D. On Man's Place in Creation. By Professor Macdonald, M.D. 15. On More than One Universal Deluge recorded in Scripture. By Rev. H. MOULE, M.A. On Certain Analogies between the Methods of Deity in Nature and Revelation. By the Rev. G. Henslow, M.A., F.L.S. On the Respective Provinces of the Observer and the Reasoner in Scientific Investigation. By the Rev. Edward Garbett, M.A. On the Credulity of Scepticism. By the Rev. R. Thornton, D.D., V.P. 16. On Current Physical Astronomy. By the late J. Reddie, Esq., Hon. Sec. V.I. {Forming Volume IV., price One Guinea.) In 1869-70. 17. On the Origin of the Negro. By the Rev. J. H. Titcomb, M.A. On the Testimony of Philosophy to Christianity as a Moral and Spiritual Revelation. By the Rev. Prebendary C. A. Row, M.A. On the Numerical System of the Old Testament. By the Rev. Dr. Thornton, V.P 18. On Spontaneous Generation ; or, the Problem of Life. By the Rev. Professor KiRK. A Demonstration of the Existence of God. By the Rev, J. M'Cann, D.D. Why Man must Believe in God. By the late James Reddie, Esq., Hon. Sec. V.I. d9. On Geological Proofs of Divine Action. By S, R. Pattison, Esq,, F,G.S. On True Anthropology. By W, Hitchman, Esq., M.D. On Comparative Psychology. (Second Paper.) By E. J. Morshead, Esq., Hon, For. Sec. V.I On the Argument from Design. By the Rev. Walter Mitchell, M.A., V.P. In 1870-71. 20. On the High Numbers in the Pentateuch. By P. H. GosSE, Esq., F.R.S., V.P. Israel in Egypt. By the Rev. H. Moule, M.A. {Forming Volume V., price One Guinea.) 21. On Civilization, Moral and Material. (Also in Reply to Sir John Lubbock on ''Primitive Man,") By the late J, Reddie, Esq,, Hon, Sec, V.I, (1869-70,) On Dr. Newman's " Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent," By the Rev, Preb, Row, M, A. 22. On the Evidence of the Egyptian Monuments to the Sojourn of Israel in Egypt. By the Rev, B. W, Savile, M.A. On The Moabite Stone, by Captain F. Petrie, Hon. Sec, On Phyllotaxis ; or, the Arrangement of Leaves in Accordance with Mathematical Laws. By the Rev. G. Henslow, M,A., F,L,S. 23. On Biblical Pneumatology and Psychology. By the Rev. W. W. English, M.A. On Some Scriptural Aspects of Man's Tripartite Nature. By the Rev. C. Graham. On Ethnic Testimonies to the Pentateuch, By the Rev. J, H, TiTCOMB, M.A. 24. On the Darwinian Theory. By the Rev. Prebendary Irons, D.D. In 1871-72. Serpent Myths in Ancient Egypt. By W. R. CooPER, Esq., Sec. Soc. Biblical Archaeology. 129 Illustrations. On Prehistoric Monotheism, considered in relation to Man as an Aboriginal Savage. By the Rev. J. H. Titcomb, M.A. (See part 22 for this.) {Forming Volume VI., price One Guinea.) 25. On Natural Theology, considered with respect to Modern Philosophy. By the Rev. G. Henslow, M.A,, F.L.S. On Fatalism. Contributed by the Rev, J, Robbins, D,D. 26. On Darwinism Tested by Recent Researches in Language. By F. Bateman, M.D,, &c. On Force and its Manifestations. By the Rev, J, M'Cann, D,D, On Professor Tyndall's " Fragments of Science for Unscientific People." By the Rev. Prebendary Irons, D.D. On the Origin of the Moral Sense. By the Rev. Professor Kirk. In 1872-73. On Force and Energy. By Charles Brooke, Esq,, M.A., F.R.S., V.P. 27. On Darwinism and its Effects upon Religious Thought, By C. R, Bree, Esq,, M.D., &c. Remarks on some of the Current Principles of Historic Criticism. By Rev. Preb. Row, M.A. On *' Scientific Facts and Christian Evidence." By J. Eliot Howard, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. 28. On the " Law of Creation— Unity of Plan, Variety of Form." By Rev. G. W. Weldon, M. A. Some Remarks on the Present Aspect of Enquiries as to the Introduction of Genera and Species in Geological Time. By Principal J. W. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S. {Forming Volume VII. ^ price One Guuiea.) On "Force" By the Rev, Professor Kikk. 29. The Paloeolithic Age Examined. By N. Whitley, Esq. and the late W. D. Michell, M.D. (Annual Address. ) On the Moral and Social Anarchy of Modern Unbelief. By the Rev. Principal T. P. Boultbee, LL.D., Vice-President. In 1873-74. 30. On the Identity of Reason in Science and Religion. By the Rev. R. Mitchell. On Buddhism. By the Right Rev. Bishop Piers C. Claughton, D.D., &c., with communi- cations from Professors Chandler and Brewer. On the Contrast between Crystallization and Life, By John Eliot Howard, Esq., F.R.S. 31. On the Brixham Cavern and its Testimony to the Antiquity of Man — examined. ' By N. Whitley, Esq. , Sec. Royal Inst, of Cornwall. On the Rules of Evidence as applicable to the Credibility of History. By W. Forsyth. Esq., Q.C., LL.D., M.P., Vice-President. On the Principles of Modern Pantheistic and Atheistic Philosophy as expressed in the last work of Strauss, Mill, &c. By the Rev. Prebendary C. A. Row, M.A. Papei on the same, by Professor Challis, F.R.S. 32. On " Prehistoric Traditions and Customs in Connection with Sun and Serpent Worship By J. S. Phene, Esq., F.L.S., &c., with Illustrations. (1872-73.) (Formiiig Volume VIII., price One Guinea.) 33. On Magnitudes in Creation and their bearings on Biblical Interpretation. By the Rev. J. H. TiTCOMB, M.A. Paper on the same, by Professor Challis, F.R.S. ; with com- munications from the Astronomer Royal's Department, the Radclifie Observer and Professor Pritchard, F.R.S. On the Harmony between the Chronology of Egypt and the Bible. By the Rev. B. W. Savillb, M.A. On the Ethical Condition of the Early Scandinavian Peoples. By E. W. GossE, Esq. On BibUcal Interpretation in connection with Science. By the Rev. A. I. McCaul, M.A. (King's College), with a communication by Principal J."W. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S. On the Final Cause as Principle of Cognition and Principle in Nature. By Professor G. S. Morris, of Michigan University, U.S. On the Varying Tactics of Scepticism. (Annual Address.) By the Rev. Robinson Thornton, D.D., Vice-President. *^.* Papers by Principal Dawson, LL.D., F.E.S. ; Professors Challis, F.R.S., and E. H. Palmer, of Cambridge ; Professor Nicholson, of Dublin University ; Dr. C. B. Eadcliffe, and others, will be announced in the next list. " The People's Edition" of the AWNUAL ADDRESS FOR 1873 is now ready Fifth Issue, price 2d. ; also Mr. FORSYTH'S Paper on the RULES OF EVIDENCE* price 3d ; and The Rev. Preb. ROW'S MODERN PANTHEISTIC AND ATTTp' ISTIC PHILOSOPHY, price 2d. J^J.a.iu- Professor Huber's reply to Dr. Strauss's " Old and New Faith." has been trans- lated from the German, under the auspices of the Victoria Institute, and is now nearly ready. Amongst others, the following Newspapers publish weekly lists of the meetings of all Scientific Societies, including the Victoria InsiitntQ :—Athen(Bum, Academy, Illustrated News Society oj Arts' Journal, &c., kc, and generally Saturday evening's Globe, Standard, and Fcho ' The Publications are on Sale in Volumes, Parts, or Single Papers, at the Office, and by Mr. Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly. < o •So CO I '^^ "§> o M O M Hi < O o s pq ^ I— I O o < o I— I W o o 3 PM Pi O ■So 5- s CO ^ CO r< 1^ «J a ^ o o 'S ^ «- li M m O O '^ 'Sq W ."S S fl S o ""^ cs o d o C5 C3 05 o ^ r3 o) a ^ -o y CD <1> ' See page 2. H O •— ' r-T M (13 ■ C2^ DO %^ o a o W ment^u^m-^S'tJ V r-.' ,. t», r. mm ^^p mA mm '>Mh^'