^/r. /^ -^^^ CHArTeR^ rJ^M OF THE YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OP CHICAGO. o TOGETHER WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS \) ADOPTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. CHICAGO: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE DAILY JOURNAL. 1851. MtT >hJ Ovrtfc CHARTER OF THE YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO. TOGETHER WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ADOPTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. CHICAGO: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE DAILY JOURNAL. 1851. ^I^^fmm 1394 5a^i3^>ao OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. President^ THOMAS HOYNE. First Vice-President, WILLIAM E. DOGGETT. Second Vice-President, DAVID C. BEATTIE. Corresponding Secretary. JAMES A. BASSETT. Recording Secretary, GEORGE W. LAY, Jr. Treasurer, HORATIO G. SHUMWAY. Managers. H. R. Stebbings, James H. Rees, Charles H. Quinlan, William T. Barron, Henrf a. Clark, Amzi Benedict, Si LocKwooD Brown. HISTORICAL SKETCH. " The Young Men's Association of the City of Chicago" was or- ganized on the sixth day of February, A. D. 1841, Its objects, as ex- pressed in the Constitution adopted for its government at tliat time, were, " to establish and maintain a Reading Room and Library, and to procure Literary and Scienlific Lectures, and to promote the intellectual improve- ment of its members." The founders of the Association were young men, who, having selec- ted this city as their future place of residence, were desirous of securing, at an early day, the establishment of an institution which should afford, at comparatively trifling expense, the means of intellectual improvement for themselves and for those who might afterwards avail themselves of its privileges. From the time of its first organization up to the winter of 1850 — '51, it was sustained by the voluntary contributions and effoi-ts of its membei-s, without having corporate powers, and thus far during the period of its existence, its success has been all that could reasonably have been anticipated, and fully equalled the expectations of its projectoi-s ; the number of members has gradually increased — the Reading Room hasi been kept open and supplied with the most impoiiant newspapers of the country, and with the various American and foreign Reviews and Period- icals — the Library, which, at the outset consisted of about one hundred volumes only, contributed by the friends of the Association, has become one of the largest in the city, embracing a valuable selection of works in all the departments of literature and science. Within the past year, efforts have been made by the Executive Committee and members generally, to place the Association on a more permanent basis than it has heretofore occupied. Over two hundred names have been added to the list of mem- bers, and about the sum of six hundred dollai-s contributed for the purpose of increasing the hbrary ; and besides this, during the last session of the legislature of this State, a liberal act of incorporation was granted, under which its affairs are now managed ; and it is hoped, that within a short time, under the operation of this Charter, the Association will be per- manently located in its own edifice, and placed upon a footing which will insure its success and increase its usefulness. In the language of the last Annual Report of the Executive Committee, " we have now every requi- "site for making this Association one of the largest and most flourishing " institutions of the kind in the country. Our city is increasing rapidly " in wealth and population, and is filled with young and enterprising men, " who should become connected with it, and aid in its advancement ; and " well directed efforts in future, will secure to us an institution which will " remain a monument to the intelligence, enterprise and benevolence of " our citizens, ' more lasting than brass.' " ACT OF WCORPOEATION. AN ACT To Incorporate the Young Men's Association of the City of Chicago. Section 1, Be it enacted hy the people of the State of Illinois rep- resented in the General Assemblf/, That the members of the Young Men's Association of the city of Chicago, and all persons who shall hereafter become associated "with them, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Young Men's Association OF the Citv of Chicago, and by that name shall have perpetual success- ion, with power to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at pleasure, to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in all courts of competent jurisdiction, and shall have all other powers and priv- ileges necessary to fultil the objects of their incorporatioa. Sec. 2. The objects of said corporation shall be, to establish and maintain a reading room and library, and to procure literary and scientific lectures, and to promote the intellectual improvement of its members. Sec. 3. The ofiicers of said corporation shall be, a President, two Vice-Presidents, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretar}-, Treasurer and seven Managers, They shall be chosen annually by ballot, by the members of the corporation, and the persons receiving a majority of the votes of the members present shall be declared elected, and shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until their successors shall be appoint- ed. The above named officers shall compose the Executive Committee. Sec. 4. There shall be an annual meeting of the corporation on the first Saturday of February, in each and every year, for the purpose of electing officers, hearing the report of the Executive Committee, and transacting all other necessary business. Sec. 5. Said corporation shall have the power to define tho duties of its officers, appoiiit such (committees and adopt such) l)y-la^vs as may be necessaiy for its government, the management of it« concerns, and the fulfillment of its objects; and shall be competent in law and equity to take to itself, in its corporate name, real, personal or mixed property, by gift, grant, bargain and sale, conveyance, will, devise or bequest of any person or persons whomsoever, and the same estate to grant, bargain, sell, conve}', demise, let, or place out at any interest, or otherwise dispose of the same for the use of said corporation, in such manner as shall seem most beneficial thereto. Sec. 6. Said coi"poration may require bond, and satisfactory security of its Treasurer, for the faithful performance of his duties as such officer. Sec. 7. The Constitution and By-Laws now adopted by said Asso- ciation, shall continue in force until the next annual meeting of said Association after the passage of this act; and all personal property and efltects of whatever kind or description, now held by said Association, or any person or persons in trust therefor, shall, by vutue of this act, vest in and become the property of the corporation hereby created, and may be sued for and recovered in the name of said corporation. Sec. 8. The Association hereby incorporated shall have power and authority, and are hereby authorised to purchase real estate or other prop- erly, in the city of Chicago, not exceeding the capital stock created at such times as it may be detei-mined by the Executive Committee afore- said, to ci-eate a capital stock as in this act provided, for the purpose of erecting necessary buildings for the permanent occupation of the Associa-. TiON, reading room, library and lecture room. Sec. 9. For the purpose of purchasing such real estate, and erectioi^ of permanent buildings as aforesaid, thereon, the said Executive Commit- tee are hereby authorised and empowered, at such times as they may think proper, by resolution to that efi'ect, entered upon the Record of their proceedings, to create a capital stock of twenty thousand dollai-s, didded. into shares of fifty dollars each, with the privilege at any time thereafter of increasing the same to fifty thousand dollars, if such amount shall by them be deemed necessary for the purj^oses aforesaid, upon publishing twenty-five days' notice of such resolution, in one of the daily newspapers printed in the city of Chicago; at the expiration of which time, books, shall be opened for the subscription of said stock, at the reading rooms of the Association, by Thomas Hoyne, William T. liAunox, (JEOiiGE Manierre, William E;-Doggett, James H. Rees and H. G. Shumway, who are hereby constituted a c-ijminittee to open said books, and solicit subseriptions to said stuck, and the same shall be pa}ablc in such instal- ments, and at such times, and subject to such forfeitures, as shall be pre- iscribed by said Executive Committee. Sec. 10. After all said ca]>ital stock so created as aforesaid, shall have been subscribed, a meeting of all the stockholders and members of the Association shall be called by the said stock committee, who shall re- quire a i)ayment of five dollars on each one hundred dollars of stock, in cash, at tlie time of said meeting, from each subscriT)er of stock, on the amount subscribed for by him ; and a new election of ofHcei's shall then take place, who shall hold their offices until the next and ensuing regular election ; and at such election and all elections thereafter held, each mem- ber of the Association shall be entitled to one vote, and each stockhold- er to one vote, for each and e\ery share of stock he may hold ; and a majority of all the votes cast shall be required to make an election : Pro- vided^ that no stockholder shall be entitled to vote at such elections, who may be in arrears for his payment of the instalment required or called for on his stock ; and no member of the Association shall vote, unless he has first paid up his regular annual and quarterly dues, to the Association. Sec. 11. As soon as said stock is subscribed, the said Executive Com- mittee shall have power to borrow any sum or sums of money, not exceed- ing the amount of said capital stock, to secure the early completion of said buildings, and for this purpose they are hertby authorised to issue bonds therefor, and pledge all property real or personal owned by said Asso- ciation, for the re-payment thereof. Sec. 12. This act shall be a public act, and as such shall be received in all courts, and receive a construction favorable to the accomplishment of its objects. Sec. 13. Persons not stockholdei-s may become members, on payment of such dues as may be fixed upon by the Executive Committee, from time to time. Sec. 14. After the pajrment of all expenses of the Association, in keeping up the lecture room, library and reading rooms, in such manner as the Executive Cominittee shall think proper, and after said buildings are erected for the use of the Association, then the overplus arising from 8 rents or profits of any such real estate or buildings owned by the Asso- ciation, or purchased or erected as aforesaid, shall be divided annually, •pro rata, among the stockholders of said Associatiok", according to the amount of the stock held by them respectively. Sec. 15, This act shall take effect from and after its passage. SIDNEY BREESE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM McMURTRY, Speaker of the Senate, Approved January 30th, 1851. AUG. C. FRENCH. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA )^ State of Illinois. ) I, David L. Gregg, Secretary of State of the said State of Illinois, do hereby cer- tify, that the foregoing is a true copy of the enrolled law now on file in my office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the great seal of [l. s.] State, at the city of Springfield, this twenty-first day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one. DAVID L. GREGG, Secretary of State. 0^ ez) ^) -^>^^%-^§- OF MEMBERS, 1. Any white male person, being a resident of the city of Chicago, of the age of fourteen years and upwards, may become a member of this Association, and be entitled to vote therein, on being nominated by a member thereof, elected upon such nomination by the Executive Com- mittee, subscribing to the Charter and By-Laws, and paying to the Treasurer an initiation fee of one dollar and fifty cents, and quarterly thereafter in advance, the sum of fifty cents ; but no member imder the age of twenty- one years, and over the age of forty years, shall be eligible to ofiice. 2. The payment of twenty-five dollars to the Treasurer, shall entitle the donor to the privilege of honorary life membership. 3. Any person may become an honorary member of the Association, upon being elected by the Executive Committee. 4. Life and honorary members are entitled to all the privileges of regular membership. 5. Any member of the Association may introduce any non-resident to the Association, on entering his name and place of residence in a book to be provided for that purpose ; and after such introduction, such person shall be entitled to admission to the reading rooms for the period of one month. Any member shall also have the privilege of introducing ladies to any lecture delivered before the Association. 2 10 DUTIES OF THE SEVERAL OFFICERS. 1. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association, preserve order therein, and in case of the equal division of the members on any question, give the casting vote. 2. He shall also, at the annual meeting of the Association, and at such other times as he shall deem proper, communicate to the Associa- tion or the Executive Committee, such matters, and make such sugges- tions relative to the affairs of the Association, as may, in his opinion, tend to promote its prosperity and welfai-e. 3. The President shall call special meetings of the Association at any time he may see fit, and also when requii-ed to do so by any five members of the Executive Committee, or any fifteen members of the Association. 4. In case of the death or absence of the President, or his inability to actj the Vice-Presidents, in their order, shall perform the duties of the oflBce; and in case of the absence or inability of the President and all the Vice-Presidents, then some person to be appointed by the Executive Com- mittee, shall perform the duties of the office for the time being. 5. The Recording Secretary of the Association shall keep a record of its proceedings ; he shall also be the Recording Secretary of the Exe- cutive Committee, keep a record of their transactions, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time, by the Execu- tive Committee. 6. The Corresponding Secretary shall, under the direction of the Ex- ecutive Committee, receive and answer all communications addressed to. the Association, or any of its officers, and perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Executive Committee. 7. The Treasurer shall receive all sums due the Association, and all donations in money made for its benefit. He shall not pay out any funds, unless by direction of the Executive Committee. The drafts made upon 11 him shall be signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the President. He shall keep an account of all his receipts and disbursements, and report the same to the Executive Committee, at the first regular meeting each month, 8. The Treasurer, with two sufficient sureties, shall execute a bond to the Association for th« faithful performance of his duties, in such penal sum as tlie Executive Committee shall prescribe. 9. A Librarian, to be appointed by the Executive Committee, shall attend at the rooms of the Association daily, (Sundays excepted,) from seven o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock in the evening, to take charge of the rooms, and of the library and other property belonging to he Association. He shall keep a register of all books, maps, charts- and other property belonging to the Association, (with the names of the donors, in cases where the books or articles have been presented,) arrange them in proper order, and perform such other services as may be required of him from time to time by the Executive Committee. 1 0. If any member of the Executive Committee shall absent himself from the regular meetings of the Committee twice in one month, without absence from the city, sickness, or other extraordinary reason to excuse the same, (the reason of which absence he shall communicate to the President as soon after its fii-st occurrence as may be,) it shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary in virtue hereof, and without any special direction from the Committee to that effect, to enclose to the said member a copy of this article, and request him in the name of the Committee to attend its meetings, or resign his situation as one of the officers of the Association. In default of such resignation his office may be declared vacated at the option of the Executive Committee. LECTURES. 1. From the first day of November in each year, to the first day of March next ensuing, or as nearly within those times as may be, there 12 shall be at least one Public Lecture delivered each week, before the Association, on some hterary or scientific subject. 2. The Executive Committee shall make such arrangements for the dehvery of Lectures as they shall deem necessary and proper. ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the Associa- tion, at their Rooms, on the first Saturday in February, for the purpose of the election of officers and of receiving the reports of the Executive Committee and the Treasurer, and for the transaction of such other busi- ness, connected with the affaii-s of the Association, as may be presented for consideration; and notice of the time and place of meeting shall be given, at least three days previonsly, in one or more of the pubUc news- papers published in the city. ORDER OF BUSINESS, &c. 1. At each annual meeting of the Association, after the minutes of the last meeting shall have been read, the order of business shall be as follows : I. Report of the Executive Committee. II. Resolutions, Motions and Notices. III. Miscellaneous Business. IV. Election of Officei-s. 2. All questions as to priority of business shall be decided by the presiding officer without debate. 3. All life, honorary and regular members of the Association, shall be entitled to vote at any election. 4. The rules adopted for the government of the Executive Committee, shall be the rules at the annual meetings of the Association, as far as the same are applicable. RULES AND ORDERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1. The Executive Committee shall meet every other Saturday evk- j^iNG, at the rooms of the Association, unless otherwise ordered. 13 2. At ten minutes after the hour nameeing, shall have power to name any member to perform the duties of the Chair, who shall be vested, during such time, with all the powers of the President. The President shall pre- serve order and decide upon all questions relative thereto ; but an appeal from his decision may be had, which shall be determined without debate. He shall also have power to call special meetings of the Executive Committee. 5. The President may vote on any question as a member of the Com- mittee, and in such case he shall not have a ri^ht to a castino- vote: and if he votes as a member, and there is an equal division of votes, the ques- tion shall be considered lost. 6. No member shall, by conversation or otherwise, interrupt the busi- ness of the Committee ; and all raembei-s desirous to speak on any subject shall address the Chair standing. 7. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject, with- out leave, and not more than once until all members desirous of addressing the Committee shall haxe had an opportunity to do so. 8. When two or more persons rise at the same time, the President shall name the member who shall speak first 9. All motions, notices, and resolutions, shall be reduced to writing, if desired by the President or any member, and endoi-sed with the name of the mover, and delivered to the Secretary before being considered ; and no motion shall be debated until it is seconded, but it may be withdrawn at any time before amendment or decision. 10. If the question under debate contain several points, any member may have the same divided. 11. Upon request of any two members, the names of the persons voting for and against any proposition pending before the Committee, shall be recorded in the minutes. 12. When a question is pending, no motion shall be received, unless for the previous question, for an amendment, for postponement, for refer- ing it to a committee, or to adjourn ; which latter motion shall always be in order, and be decided without debate. 13. A member called to order shall immediately resume his seat, un- less permitted by the President or Committee to explain or proceed. 14. Any member may move for the reconsideration of any question, but such motion shall be made either at the same or the subsequent meet- ing to that at which the question was decided ; nor shall any question bo reconsidered more than once. 15. At the first or second meeting of the Executive Committee after the Annual Election of Officers by the Association, the President shall appoint the following Standing Committees, each to consist of three mem- bers, except when otherwise directed : 15 I. A Committee of Ways and Means. II. A Library Committee, to consist of fi\ e members. III. A Committee on Lectures. IV. A Committee on Donations and Subscriptions. V. A Committee on Rooms and Fixtures. VI. A Law Committee. VII. A Committee on Periodicals and Newspapers. Wbicli several Committees shall perfoim such duties as may be neces- sarily incident to the purposes of their appointment and subjects committed to their charge, and such as may be required of them by the Executive Committee from time to time. ] 6. Special Committees shall be appointed by the Presiding Officer, unless directed to be chosen by ballot ; and shall consist of such number as may be ordered at the time of their appointment. 17. Repoi-ts of Committees shall be made in writing, and signed by a majority of the members thereof. 18. Wlienever it shall become the duty of the Executive Committee to fill any vacancy that may exist in the officers of the Society, such va- cancy shall not be filled until at least one week after it shall have been created. 19. None of the foregoing By-Laws shall be suspended, altered or re- scinded, except by unanimous consent, unless previous notice of the inten- tion to move therefor, shall have been given at the previous meetuig of the Committee to that at which a resolution for alteration or rescinding shall be intended to be ofiered. PRESIDENTS OF THE ASSOCIATION FEOM THE PERIOD OF ITS ORGANISATION TO THE PRESENT TIME. Walter L. Newberry, Hugh T. Dickey, Setii T. Otis, Peter Page, Davis S. Lee, - George Manniere, - Samuel J. Lowe, Walter Wright, James H. Rees, Thomas Hoynb, - Elected Feb'y, - 1841. - u u - 1842. - u u - 1843. - u u - 1844, - u u - 1845. - u u - 1846. - u u - 1847. - u u - 1848. - u u - 1849. - u u 1850. 1861. H ■ mi