BALANCE SHEETS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA LETTERS FROM THE t/ CHAIRMAN OF PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TRANSMITTING THE BALANCE SHEETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1916, AND OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COM- MISSION OF THE VARIOUS UTILITIES UNDER ITS JURISDICTION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19J7 - ■■■■ — BALANCE SHEETS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA LETTERS FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TRANSMITTING THE BALANCE SHEETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1916, AND OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COM- MISSION OF THE VARIOUS UTILITIES UNDER ITS JURISDICTION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates o D b i P Ol-b LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. Public Utilities Commission, Washington , February 5, 1917 . The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington, I). C. Sir: In accordance with paragraph 14 of section 8 of — an act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the Government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes — approved March 4, 1913, which reads as follows: That the accounts shall bfe closed annually on the thirty-first day of December, and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken therefrom. On or before the first day of February following such balance sheet, together with such other information as the commission shall prescribe, verified by an owner or officer of the public utility, shall be filed with the commission, and a copy thereof transmitted to Congress — I have the honor to forward herewith the balance sheets for the vear ended December 31, 1916, and other information required Dy the Public Utilities Commission of the various utilities under its jurisdiction. The following is a list of the reports received on or before February 1, 1917: The Capital Traction Co. East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Co. Washington Gas Light Co. Georgetown Gas Light Co. Barnett Taxicab Co. Terminal Taxicab Co. The Washington Market Co. Washington Missionary College. Union Transfer Co. In addition, there are transmitted affidavits of the following com- panies, certifying that they are unable to furnish the required report within the time fixed by law : City & Suburban Railway of Washington. r Georgetown & Tennallytown Railway Co. Washington Railway & Electric Co. Potomac Electric Power Co. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. Western Union Telegraph Co. Washington Interurban Railroad Co. Washington & Maryland Railway Co. Auto Livery Co. Federal Taxicab Co. Semmes Motor Line (Inc.). Amendments by Congress to the act creating the Public Utilities Commission have removed the following street railways from the 9 Kd cr^ CP r r Vd 4 LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. jurisdiction of this commission, as they operate principally outside of the District of Columbia: Washington-Yirginia Railway Co. Washington & Old Dominion Railway Co. Great Falls & Old Dominion Railway Co. The following operators of motor-bus lines to whom permission has been granted by this commission to operate within the District of Columbia have discontinued their services as far as information can be obtained, and have consequently submitted no annual reports: Louis Jackson. Henry Sew all and Stewart A. Geibhart. James M. Swain. Ernest C. Eschinger. Miss Beatrice A. Rudes. Very respectfully, C. W. Kutz, Chairman. Public Utilities Commission, Washington , March 2, 1917. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington , D. C. Sir: In accordance with paragraph 14 of section 8 of — an act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes — approved March 4, 1913, which reads as follows: That the accounts shall be closed annually on the thirty-first day of December, -and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken therefrom. On or before the first •day of February following such balance sheet, together with such other information as the commission shall prescribe, verified by an owner or officer of the public utility, shall be filed with the commission, and a copy thereof transmitted to Congress — K have the honor to forward herewith the balance sheets for the year fended December 31, 1916, which were received by this commission subsequent to February 1, 1917. The following is a list of the reports which are transmitted herewith : Auto Livery & Federal Taxicab Co. Auto Livery Co. City & Suburban Railway of Washington. Federal Taxicab Co. Georgetown & Tenallytown Railway Co. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. Potomac Electric Power Co. Semmes Motor Line (Inc.). Washington Interurban Railway Co. Washington Railway & Electric Co. Reports of the following companies will be transmitted as soon ~as received: The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. Washington & Maryland Railway Co. Western Union Telegraph Co. Very respectfully, C. W. Kutz, Chairman. LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. 5 Public Utilities Commission, Washington , April 5, 1917.. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington , D. C.. Sir: In accordance with paragraph 14 of section 8 of — an act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes — approved March 4, 1913, which reads as follows: That the accounts shall be closed annually on the thirty-first day of December, and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken therefrom. On or before the first day of February following such balance sheet, together with such other information as the commission shall prescribe, verified by an owner or officer of the public utility, shall be filed with the commission, and a copy thereof transmitted to Congress — I have the honor to forward herewith the balance sheets for the year ended December 31, 1916, which were received by this commission subsequent to March 2, 1917. The following is a list of the reports which are transmitted here- with completing the reports for the year 1916: Western Union Telegraph Co. Washington & Maryland Railway Co. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. • Very respectfully, C. W. Kutz, Chairman .. ■ ' ■ ■ ' V BALANCE SHEETS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1916. AUTO LIVERY CO. AND FEDERAL TAXICAB CO. (COMBINED). Earnings and expenses. aings : Motor car earnings $127, 970. 38 Miscellaneous earnings 5, 213. 95 Total earnings $133, 184.33 lenses : Vehicle operation — . salaries, operating office * 22, 615. 10 Chauffeurs’ wages 17, 416. 10 Gasoline 13, 864. 31 Lubricants 821. 93 Tires 6, 997. 77 Garage operation, light, heat, and power 1, 229. 20 Maintenance — Body repairs, materials 585. 70 Motor car accessories and sundries 2, 809. 69 Rent and insurance — Rent proportion 2, 775. 46 Insurance other than on buildings 8, 209. 79 Taximeters, rental 1, 614. 30 Licenses and taxes 915. 36 Commissions 15, 460. 75 General expenses — Salaries ot officers 7,500.00 Telephone 652 . 44 Stationery and postage 522. 55 Advertising 1, 490. 61 Freight and expressage . 124. 61 Miscellaneous 6,045.11 Reserves — Motor cars, equipment, and repair stock, deprecia- tion 14, 964. 34 Bad debts 121. 70 Total expenses 126, 736. 82 Earnings less expenses 6, 447. 51 Current operating profit, motor department 6, 447. 51 Additions to income: Interest on deposits 178. 55 Discounts earned 1, 129. 74 Total income 7, 755. 80 Balance, credit Corporate surplus (or deficit) account. DEBIT. $70, 761. 74 CREDIT. Balance as of Dec. 31, 1915 Balance from income account 63, 005. 94 7, 755.80 Total 70, 761. 74 7 8 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Balance sheet. ASSETS. Plant and equipment: Office furniture and fixtures $964. 44 Motor cabs 55, 338. 64 Shop machinery and tools 818. 79 Motor cab accessories 5, 249. 73 Chauffeurs’ clothing 68. 82 Inventory, supplies, etc., postage and stationery 389. 49 Cash: In bank 7, 181. 35 Petty cash 250. 00 Accounts receivable 1, 150. 05 Deferred debits: Insurance, prepaid . , 1, 949. 89 Licenses and taxes, prepaid. 840. 00 Goodwill 5,000.00 Capital stock 140, 000. 00 Total assets • 219, 201. 20 LIABILITIES. Capital stock: Common $107,000,00 Preferred 33,000.00 140,000.00 Bonds, chauffeurs’ 6. 00 Coupon book (outstanding) 2. 50 Accounts and notes payable: Accounts 2, 530. 96 Notes; other than secured by mortgage 5, 500. 00 8, 030. 96 Consignment 400. 00 Surplus 70, 761. 74 Total liabilities 219, 201. 20 DIRECTORS. A. L. Cline, 212 Thirteenth Street NW. A. G. Cline, 212 Thirteenth Street NW. L. L. Harban, 212 Thirteenth Street NW. Employees other than officers. Class. Number of em- ployees. Average wages per year. Attorney 1 $3, 125.00 300.00 Auditor 1 Clerks, bookkeepers and stenographers 4 1, 248. 00 Superintendent of shop 1 1, 71G.00 875.00 Machinists and helpers, other machine-shop employees 7 Foreman 1 780.00 W ashers and polishers 4 533.00 Starters 8 763. 75 Chauffeurs 36 483.78 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 9 OATH. District of Columbia,) City of Washington. J ’ We, the undersigned, A. L. Cline, president, and Geo. M. Mattingly, of Auto Livery Co., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said respondent, that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct state- ment of the business and affairs of said respondent in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and that the accounts and figures contained in the fore- going return embrace all of the financial operations of said respondent during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. A. L. Cline, President. George M. Mattingly, Officer in Charge of the Accounts. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of May, 1917. [seal.] A. L. Cheney. BARNETT TAXICAB CO. Earnings and expenses. aings: Motor-car earnings $21, 644. 58 Miscellaneous earnings 4, 480. 47 Total earnings $26, 125. 05 lenses: Vehicle operation — Salaries, operating office, chauffeurs’ and starters’ wages 6, 345. 00 Gasoline 2, 480. 32 Lubricants 250. 00 Tires . 2, 000. 00 Garage operations — • Salaries, garage office 634. 69 Wages, garage 1, 963. 25 Light, heat, and power 225. 00 Garage supplies 200. 00 Maintenance — Body repairs, labor and materials, and chassis repairs, labor 1, 728. 02 Motor-car accessories 103. 19 Rent proportion 1, 800. 00 Taxes proportion 203. 89 Taximeters *. 360.00 Licenses . 53. 75 Commissions. 3, 357. 53 General expenses — - Salaries of officers 1, 200. 00 Telephone, office expense, stationery, postage, advertising, freight and expressage, and miscel- laneous 852. 44 Reserves, bad debts 150. 00 Total expenses 23, 907. 08 Earnings less expenses 2, 217. 97 Deductions from income, interest on notes 78. 72 Total deductions 78. 72 Net income 2, 139. 25 Corporate surplus ( or deficit) account. DEBIT. Balance, credit $2, 207. 38 CREDIT. Balance as of Dec. 31, 1915 $68. 13 Balance from income account 2, 139. 25 Total 2,207.38 Balance sheet. ASSETS. Plant and equipment: Office furniture and fixtures $15. 92 Motor cabs 3, 831. 64 Garage equipment, shop machinery and tools, stand equipment, and motor-cab accessories 150.00 Inventory, supplies, etc 125.00 Cash in bank 583. 81 Accounts receivable 1, 622. 81 Total assets 6, 329. 18 10 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 11 LIABILITIES. Accounts and notes payable : Accounts $1, 224. 19 Notes other than secured by mortgage 2, 897. 61 $4, 121. 80 Surplus 2,207.38 Total liabilities - 6, 329. 18 Detailed report of officers and employees. • Salaries and wages. Number of em- ployees. Maximum hours con- tinuous service. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. President _ $1,200 1 12 MACHINE SHOP. Machinists and helpers $100 per 1 12 GARAGE. Washers month. $14 per week. $15 per week. l 12 Other garage employees 1 12 BRANCH OFFICES. Agents $2 per day. . . do 1 12 Chauffeurs 6 12 Directors. Name. Post-office address. Expiration of term. Homer Barnett The Alabama Election of successor. Do. Do. Do. W. C. Sterling White Motor Car Co Mrs. E. M. Barnett 738 Third Street NW W. Henry White Bond Building OATH. District of Columbia, City of Washington, ss: We, the undersigned, Homer Barnett, president, and Louis C. Carl, of Washington, D. C., on our oaths do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said respondent, that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said respondent in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said respondent during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief. Homer Barnett, President. Louis C. Carl, Officer in Charge of the Accounts. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of February, 1917. [seal.] # Fred. C. Geiger, Notary Public. THE WASHINGTON MARKET CO. Officers . — Edward 0. Whitford, president, office of Center Market; William V. Cox, vice president, office of Center Market; Frank G. Wilkins, secretary, office of Center Market; Samuel W. Curriden, treasurer, office of Center Market. Directors. Name. Post-office address (Washington, D. C.). E xpiration of term. William G. Carter 922-928 Louisiana Avenue NW January, 1918. Samuel W. Curriden Office of Center Market Do. William V. Cox Second National Bank Building Do. Appleton P. Clark, ir 816 Fourteenth Street NW Do. Samuel E. Lewis 1418 Fourteenth Street NW Do. James B. Lambie 1415 New York Avenue NW Do. Ralph W. Lee 708 Fourteenth StreertNW Do. James Lansburgh 420 Seventh Street NW Do. Samuel J. Prescott 814 Thirteenth Street NW Do. William P. Reeves The Congressional, First and East Capitol Streets Do. William B. Thompson Munsey Building Do. Edward O. Whitford Office of Center Market Do. Frank G. Wilkins do Do. Local officer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed: Edward O. Whitford, president, office of Center Market. Depreciation on conduit, physical, covering wear and tear, $500. Conduit service income account. Operating revenues *. $12, 263. 32 Operating expenses (estimated) 7, 250. 00 Net operating revenue $5,013.32 Deductions from income: 4 per cent on year ended June 30, 1916: Taxes paid May, 1916 . 486. 14 f Interest on estimated cost of installation 500. 00 Other deductions from income depreciation 500. 00 Total deductions 1, 486. 14 Net income 3, 527. 18 Revenue from business done in District of Columbia only 3, 527. 18 Owing to the fact that the conduit across Seventh Street into square 461 is merely an incident to the general cold-storage, ice-making, and other business of this company, it is impossible to make other than an estimate of the expense of operating and main- taining the conduit service. It has been found impossible to segregate the cost of this service from our general cold-storage accounts so as to make a balance sheet covering same. No increase in salaries has been made in connection with this service. No additional capital stock or bonds have been issued to meet the cost of this instal- lation. By act of Congress approved February 23. 1905, amended by act of Congress ap- proved March 31, 1906, authority was given The Washington Market Co. to lay a con- duit and pipe across Seventh Street west to square 461 for the foregoing service, this company paying 4 per cent per annum of gross earnings, sworn statements of these to be submitted at the close of each fiscal year, June 30. The foregoing report covers refrigerating service during the calendar year 1916 to the six beef and provision houses. 12 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 13 OATH. District of Columbia, City of Washington , ss: We, the undersigned, Edward O. Whitford, president, and Frank G. Wilkins, secre- tary, of The Washington Market Co., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said company; that we have carefully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of the refrigerating conduit service of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and we further say that no deductions were made before stat- ing the operating revenues herein set forth, except those shown in the foregoing accounts ; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of the refrigerating conduit service of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, infor- mation, and belief. Edward 0. Whitford, President. Frank G. Wilkins. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of January, 1917. [seal.] George H. Campbell, Notary Public for the District of Columbia. Commission expires May 25, 1919. UNION TRANSFER CO. Exact name of company: Union Transfer Co., 907 Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. List of officers, title, and salary. William J. Crout, president and general superintendent $4, 300. 00 Charles A. Bothell, vice president 2, 500. 00 Frank E. Harkness, secretary and auditor 2, 400. 00 Daniel K. Watson, jr., treasurer 2, 100. 00 Directors. Name. Post-office address. Expiration of term. Wm. J. Crout Philadelphia Fourth Monday in April, 1917. Do. Geo. W. Boyd do E. T. Stotesbury do Fourth Monday in April, 1919. Fourth Monday in April, 1917. Fourth Monday in April, 1919. Do. Agnew T. Dice do John S. Jenks, jr., do Chas. A. Bothell do S. W. F. Draper New York City Fourth Monday in April, 1918. Do. John Gribbel Philadelphia Daniel Hertz do Do. Local officer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed : W. A. Gundaker, division superintendent, 1358 D Street NW. Total amount of capital stock outstanding $663, 750. 00 Total amount of bonds outstanding None. Total amount of securities owned (not held in sinking or other funds) .... 154, 823. 55 Balance sheet, Dec. 31, 1916. ASSETS. Permanent and long-term investments $154, 823. 55 Working assets 1, 045, 528. 50 Deferred debit items 7, 994. 08 Total 1,208,346.13 LIABILITIES. Stock $663,750.00 Long-term debt 9, 255. 25 Working liabilities 409, 573. 84 Deferred credit items 7, 994. 08 Appropriated surplus 69, 685. 09 Profit and loss 48, 087. 87 Total 1,208,346.18 Depreciation (figured as per commissioner’s order Sept. 27, 1916) on plant, physi- cal, covering wear and tear, $7, 994. 08. Income account. Operating revenues $98,675.74 Operating expenses 70, 991. 39 Net operating revenue $27, 684. 35 Deductions from income 1, 479. 58 Other deductions from income 9, 842. 87 Total deductions. 11, 322. 45 N et income R>> 361. 90 Disposition of net income, dividends, 6 per cent on common stock 12, 669. 48 Surplus - 3, 692. 42 Revenue from business done in District of Columbia only 3, 692. 42 14 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 15 Employees , Dec. 31, 1916. Class. Number. Total number of days worked. Average daily com- pensation. Maximum hours worked per day. Superintendent 1 340 $4.41 10 Agents 19 340 1.95 10 Drivers 23 340 1.81 10 Helpers 6 340 1.06 10 Stablemen 2 340 1.68 10 Garagemen 2 340 2. 21 10 OATH. District of Columbia, City of Washington , ss: We, the umdersigned, William J. Crout, president, and Charles A. Bothell, vice P resident, of Union Transfer Co., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return as been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said company; that we have carefully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and we further say that no deductions were made before stating the operating revenues herein set forth, except those shown, in the foregoing accounts ; and that the accounts and figures con- tained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, infor- mation, and belief. Wm. J. Crout, President. Ghas. A. Bothell, Vice President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of February, 1917. [seal.] Maud Fellheimer, Notary Public , District of Columbia. TERMINAL TAXICAB CO. (INC.). Earnings and expenses. Earnings: Motor-car earnings $263, 461. 55 Repair shop earnings 1, 625. 96 Miscellaneous earnings 16, 424. 62 Total earnings $281, 512. 13 Deductions, refunds and allowances 240. 02 Net earnings 281, 272. 11 senses: Vehicle operation — . ' Salaries, operating office 10, 255. 36 Chauffeurs’ wages 46, 372. 86 Starters’ wages -. 5, 667. 78 Gasoline 12, 657. 28 Lubricants 982. 80 Tires..... 14,647.01 Garage operation — Salaries, garage, office 3, 418. 44 W'ages, garage 8, 031. 94 Light, heat, and power 2, 949. 65 Garage supplies 2, 869. 49 Maintenance — Body repairs, labor and materials, chassis repairs, labor and materials 17, 937. 55 Repairs to equipment 4, 322. 86 Rent and insurance — Rent, L Street garage 1, 131. 05 Insurance on buildings 892.22 Insurance other than on buildings 11, 765. 55 Taximeters 2,258.87 Licenses 717.51 Commissions 23, 550. 23 Free riding 41. 70 General expenses — Salaries of officers 11, 690. 08 Telephone 2,788.60 Stationery 1, 410. 38 Postage 351.62 Advertising 2, 248. 78 Miscellaneous 2,177.87 Reserves — Motor cars 32, 147. 97 Equipment 3, 776. 28 Injuries and damages 7, 116. 39 Total expenses 234, 178. 12 Earnings less expenses 47, 093. 99 Current operating profit, motor department 47, 093. 99 Additions to income, discounts earned 1, 571. 32 Total income 48,665.31 Deductions from income, taxes 2, 578. 68 N et income 46, 086. 63 16 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 7 Corporate surplus (or deficit ) account. DEBIT. Dividends on preferred stock $7, 952. 00 Dividends on common stock 10, 990. 00 Balance, credit 84,663.24 Total 103,605.24 CREDIT. Balance as of Dec. 31, 1916 57, 518. 61 Balance from income account 46, 086. 63 Balance, debit Total 103,605.24 Balance sheet. ASSETS. Plant and equipment: Real estate $101, 904. 35 Office furniture and fixtures 3, 784. 89 Motor cabs 162, 001. 45 Garage equipment 13, 890. 84 Shop machinery and tools 3,464.76 Inventory, supplies, etc Cash: In bank 13,103.79 Petty cash 600. 00 Accounts and notes receivable : Accounts 6,825.73 Notes 525.00 Deposits Deferred debits: Insurance, prepaid 1, 632. 62 Lincenses, prepaid 676.66 Investments Good will . . . $267, 690. 69 17, 355. 60 6, 576. 65 13, 703. 79 7, 350. 73 450. 00 2, 309. 28 49, 340. 38 109, 900. 00 Total assets 474, 677. 12 LIABILITIES. Capital stock : Common $109,900.00 Preferred 113, 600. 00 — $223, 500. 00 Accounts and notes payable: Accounts 11, 776. 20 Notes; other than secured by mortgage 1, 650. 00 13, 426. 20 Deferred credits: Taxes 1, 364. 91 Sundry expenses 7, 194. 18 8, 559. 09 H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 2 18 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Reserves: For depreciation on — Real estate $9,709.81 Office furniture and fixtures 3, 096. 38 Motor cabs 98, 779. 12 Garage equipment 10, 638. 30 Shop machinery and tools 2, 774. 03 $124, 997. 64 Doubtful accounts 2, 000. 00 Car liability (damages) 17, 530. 95 19, 530. 95 Surplus 84,663.24 Total liabilities 474, 677. 12 Detailed report of officers and employees. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. President General manager Secretary Attorney Auditor) 'Cashier, $55 and $80 per month Clerks, bookkeepers, and stenographers, $50 to $120 per month Other general office employees, $36 to $60 per month ■ MACHINE SHOP. Machinists and helpers, 30 to 47J cents per hour Other machine-shop employees, $60 to $105 per month. BODY BUILDING SHOP. Painters, $1.75, $3.25, and $3.50 per day STOCK ROOM. Clerks, $50 and $90 per month Other stock room employees GARAGE. Foreman, $75 and $100 per month Washers, $2 per night Polishers, $10 per week Other garage employees, $50 to $62.50 per month BRANCH OFFICES. Agents, $36 to $85 Chauffeurs (22 per cent gross receipts, less gasoline, 17 cents per gallon) average per day, $2.25 to $2.95 per day . Salaries and wages. p. a. $3, 000 p. a. 3,400 p. a. 1, 800 p. a. 300 p. a. 2,700 Average rate per month. $67. 50 82.00 45. 00 93.00 86.00 70. 00 70.00 20. 00 87.50 55.00 57.00 Maximum Number of hours employees. | continuous service. 2 ”"io 6 10 5 8 7 11 4 10 3 9 3 9 1 8 2 12 4 12 7 12 5 12 10 12 Cabs used: White (capacity, 5 passengers) 70 White (capacity, 7 passengers) 6 Total number of passengers carried 384, 716 Total mileage 778, 626 Average mileage per trip 3. 74 Average number of trips per day 568 Rate charged per person, average $0,685 per annum. Date of first operation, May 15, 1908. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 19 Directors . Name. Post-oiTice address. Expira- term of term. John J. Boobar 1231 Twentieth Street NW May, 1917. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. James A. Cahill Commercial National Bank Appleton Clark, jr 816 Fourteenth Street NW John Herbert Corning 520 Thirteenth Street NW (t Thnmas Dim lop Evans Building Max Fischer Woodward & Lothrop Isaac Gans Saks & Co Reeve Lewis 700 Tenth Street NW Statistics. Results per unit. 12 months ended Dec. 31, 1916. Cabs used (own 75), average number in service 49 Live miles run 502, 214. 1 276,411.9 Dead miles run Total miles run 778,626.0 64.50 Percentage of live mileage Miles run per cab owned 10,381.7 Drivers’ wages per live mile $0. 0923 Gasoline per gross mile .0162 Lubricants per gross mile .0013 Tires per gross mile .0188 Chassis repairs per gross mile .023 Garage wages per cab used Garage supplies per cab used Body repairs per cab used Net revenue per live mile .56 Total expenses per live mile .3826 Total reserves per live mile .0857 Total cost per live mile .4683 Current profit per live mile .0917 OATH. District of Columbia, City of Washington , ss: We, the undersigned, James A. Cahill, vice president, and A. N. Huttel, auditor, of Terminal Taxicab Co. (Inc.), on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said respondent, that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said respondent in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said respondent during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief. James A. Cahill. A. N. Huttel. Suscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of April, 1917. [seal.] Alexander R. Varela, Notary Public, District of Columbia. EAST WASHINGTON HEIGHTS TRACTION RAILROAD CO. OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Name of officer in charge of correspondence with the commission regarding this report: L. E. Bayne, secretary, 2500 Pennsylvania Avenue, Randle Highlands. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. Exact name of company making this report: East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Co. of the District of Columbia. Date of organization: July 15, 1898. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized? District of Columbia, act passed by Congress, approved June 18, 1898, amended April 30, 1900, July 1, 1902, and April 26, 1904. If a consolidated or a merging company, name all constituent and all merged com- panies. No. Date and authority for each consolidation and for each merger: None. If a reorganized company, give name of original corporation, refer to laws under which it was organized, and state the occasion for the reorganization. No. State whether or not the respondent during the year conducted any part of its business under a name or names other than that shown in response to first inquiry above. No. Give name of operating company, if any, having control of the respondent’s property. None. Directors. Name of director. Office address. Date of beginning of term. Date of expiration term. A. E. Randle Randle Highlands Aug. 16,1916 do Aug. 15,1917 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. O. C. Brothers Fair lawn, D. C B. T. Woodward Randle Highlands. . . do M. A. Frazier do do J. E. Melton do do D. C. Fountain Washington, T)fC... do C. A. Barker do. . . . do L. E. Bavne Randle Highlands do E. E. Fisher Washington, D. C do Give the names and titles of all officers of the board of directors in control of the respondent at the close of the year. Chairman of board, A. E. Randle; secretary (or clerk) of board, L. E. Bayne. Name the members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year (naming first the chairman), and state briefly the powers and duties of that committee. None. Principal general officers. Title of general officer. Name of person holding office at close of year. Office address. Salary. President A. E. Randle 2500 Pennsylvania Avenue, Randle High- lands. do None. First vice president . J E Melton None. Secretary. . L E Bayne do None. Treasurer . . . do. . . do None. EXPLANATORY REMARKS. The division superintendent is also motorman and conductor at a salary of $2 per day; he receives in addition $10 per month as superintendent. 20 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 21 Employees other than officers. Class. Number of Average wages. Maximum horns employees. Per month. Per day. continuous service. TRANSPORTATION. Division superintendent 1 $62. 83 $2.00 10 Conductors 2 110. 91 2.00 10 Motormen 2 lit). 91 2. 00 10 Transportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. Nontransportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $50 per share. 2. State whether or not each share of stock has the right to one vote. Yes. 3. Are voting rights proportional to holdings? Yes. 4. Are voting rights attached to any securities other than stock? No. 5. Has any class or issue of securities any special privileges in the election of direc- tors, trustees, or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method? No. 6. Give the date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to the actual filing of this report, and state the purpose of such closing. December 31, 1916. 7. State the total voting power of all security holders of the respondent at the date of such closing, if within one year of the date of such filing; if not, state as of the close of the year. Two hundred and ninety-six votes, as of December 31, 1916. 8. State the total number of stockholders of record, corresponding to the answer to inquiry No. 7. Twenty-seven stockholders. 9. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respon- dent (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report), had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect to securi- ties held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. Name of security holder. Address of‘security holder. Number of votes to which security holder was entitled. Number of votes classi- fied with respect to securities on which based, common stocks. A. E. Randle Randle Highlands 2251 225i O. C. Brothers Fair lawn, D. C. 10 10 C. A. Barker Washington, D. C 61 61 H. P. Blair do 2 2 T. J. Brown do 6J 61 E. C. Carpenter Rome, N. Y 2\ 2z D. C. Fountain Washington, D. C 2 2 P. L. Hadley do 5 5 C. Marshall New York City 4 4 A. M. Pollard Washington, D. C l\ li T. E. Roessale do 2 2 Geo. H. Judd do 13| 13| J. S. Brothers do 1 1 J. H. Brown do 1 1 W. E. Lester 1 1 M. A. Trozier Randle Highlands 1 1 A. M. Bliss Washington, D. C 1 1 G. F. Lever Philadelphia, Pa.. 1 1 J. E. Melton Randle Highlands 1 1 J. S. Dyett Rome, N. Y 2 h 21 22 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 10. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the election of directors of the respondent. Two hundred and twenty-six and one-fourth votes cast. 11. Give the date and place of such meeting. February 1, 1917, at 2500 Pennsyl- vania Avenue, Randle Highlands, Washington, D. C. CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. 1. Did any corporation or corporations, transportation or other, hold control over the respondent at the close of the year? Yes. If control was so held, state: (а) The form of control, whether sole or joint. Joint. (б) The name of the controlling corporation or corporations. The United States Realty Co. of Washington, D. C. (c) The manner in which control was established. By purchase of stock. (d) The extent of control. Seventy-five per cent. ( e ) Whether control was direct or indirect. Indirect. (/) The name of the intermediary through which control, if indirect, was estab- lished. A. E. Randle. 2. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of the year? No. Guaranties and suretyships: None. Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Net change during year (increase in roman, de- crease in italic). $58,444. 12 1,775.50 2,000. 00 INVESTMENTS. Road and equipment $57, 690. 90 3, 104. 35 2,000.00 $ 753.22 1,328.85 CURRENT ASSETS. Cash DEFERRED ASSETS. Other deferred assets Grand total 62,219.62 62,795.25 575. 63 LIABILITIES. $14,800.00 40,000.00 STOCK. Capital stock $14, 800. 00 40,000.00 LONG-TERM DEBT. Funded debt miniatured (/>*) Total book liability at close of year $50,000. 00 (6 2 ) Respondent’s holdings included in (6 1 ) 10, 000. 00 CURRENT LIABILITIES. Loans and notes payable • 4,548.79 2, 702. 18 191. 76 3,818.79 2,947. 81 158. 47 $ 730.00 245. 63 S3. 29 Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 7, 442. 73 6,925. 07 517.66 Profit and loss (debit) balance 23. 11 1,070. 18 1,093.29 Grand total 62,219. 62 62, 795. 25 575. 63 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTBICT OF COLUMBIA, 23 Road and equipment. Account. Investment in road and equipment, Jan. 1, 1915, to close of preceding year. Investment in additions and better- ments dur- ing the year. Total in- vestment in road and equipment since Dec. 31, 1914. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Other land used in electric railway operations Paving $423. 66 $1,191.75 1 1,191.75 423. 66 438. 53 Shops and carhouses 438. 53 Total expenditures lor way and structures GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Interest during construction 423. 66 753.22 329.56 839.57 139. 98 839.57 139. 98 Taxes Total general and miscellaneous expenditures Grand total 699. 59 699.59 275.93 . 753.22 1,029. 15 Block 5551 condemned by District and the company allowed $1,191.75 account of same. Respondent's investment in road and equipment at close of year. Investment to Dec. 31, 1908 $58, 720. 05 Investment since Dec. 31, 1914 1, 029. 15 Total investment in road and equipment 57, 690. 90 Length of road owned, 0.75 mile. Average investment per mile of road, exclusive of improvements on leased lines, $76,921.20. Length of track owned, 0.75 mile. Average investment per mile of track, $76,921.20. Memorandum of securities included in investment in “Road and equipment None. Summary of securities owned. Bonds and other evidences of funded debt, securities held unencumbered, total securities owned, par value $10, 000 Sinking funds: None. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold: Real estate condemned by the District, company allowed $1,191.75. The property to be replaced by lot 15, block 5579, the site of new car shed. Description of deposit, cash. Miscellaneous physical property: None. Special deposits: None. Investments in securities of noncarrier companies affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of carriers affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of nonaffiliated companies: None. Investment advances to other companies: None. Securities and other intangibles owned or controlled through nonreporting sub- sidiaries: None. Insurance and other funds: None. Discounts and premiums on securities outstanding: None. Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses: None. Other unadjusted debits: None. 24 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Capital stock. Common stock, authorizations closed prior to present year: Par value of amount authorized $15 ; 000 Amount of authorization canceled prior to issue 200 Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year 14, 800 Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year 14 800 Receipts outstanding at the close of the year for installments received on sub- scriptions for stocks: None. Stocks actually issued prior to present year: Par value $14, 800 Cash received as consideration for issue 14, 800 Purposes of open authorizations and particulars of authorizations closed during the year: None. Stock liability for conversion of securities of other companies: None. Summary statement of unmatured funded debt. Mortgage bonds: Amount nominally but not actually issued at close of year, held by respondent unencumbered * $10, 000. 00 Reacquired after actual issue and held alive by or for respondent, unencumbered 1. 000. 00 Amount actually outstanding at close of year 40, 000. 00 Interest liability at close of year on actually outstanding debt — Interest matured and unpaid 1, 687. 50 Interest accrued not due 1, 300. 00 Interest during year on actually outstanding debt — Interest accrued 700. 00 Interest paid 375. 00 SECURITY FOR UNMATURED FUNDED DEBT. Designation of mortgage, pledge, or other lien: First mortgage bonds. Road mortgaged from Seventeenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue to Minnesota and Pennsylvania Avenues. Miles of road, 0.75; miles of track, 0.75. Equipment, securities, income, etc., mortgaged or pledged: All property held by road or that may be hereafter acquired. The mortgage debt of the road is limited to $100,000 under the mortgage. Equipment obligations: None. TJnmatwred funded debt other than equipment obligations. Mortgage bonds, first mortgage 20-year gold bonds: Nominal date of issue, 1903. Date of maturity, 1923. Interest provisions — Rate per cent per annum, 5 per cent. Dates due, October and April. Par value of extent of indebtedness authorized $100, 000. 00 Extent of authorization canceled or revoked 50, 000. 00 Par value of evidences of debt — • Nominally but not actually issued 10, 000. 00 Actually issued to close of year 40. 000. 00 Par value of evidences of debt — Reacquired after actual issue and held alive at close of year 1, 000. 00 Actually outstanding at close of year 40, 000. 00 Evidences of debt actually issued prior to present year — Par value of total amount 41. 000. 00 Cash received as consideration for issue 25, 500. 00 Receipts outstanding at the close of the year for installments re- ceived on subscriptions for bonds and other evidences of funded debt in process of issuance None. Total discount on actual issues of prior years 15, 500. 00 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 25 Mortgage bonds, first mortgage 20-year gold bonds— Continued. Total discounts extinguished to close of year, charged to operating expense, income, or profit and loss - $15, 500. 00 Amount of interest accrued during year, charged to income 700. 00 Amount of interest paid during year 375. 00 Interest liability at close of year — Matured and unpaid 1, 687. 50 Accrued not yet due 1, 300. 00 Analysis of evidences of funded debt nominally but not yet actually issued — Par value of amount held by or for respondent free from all liens and restrictions 10, 000. 00 Analysis of evidences of funded debt reacquired after actual issue and held alive — Par value of amount held by or for respondent free from all liens and restrictions 1, 000. 00 Purposes for which bonds and other evidences of funded debt were issued or assumed during the year: None. Receiver’s certificates: None. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies: None. Sundry current liabilities. Name of creditor or of obligation. Character of liability or of transactions involved. Credit balance at close of year. LOANS AND NOTES PAYABLE. W A Clark note Balance of note given to pay for rails *2,628. 79 1,050.00 140.00 United States Realty Co Note given to United States Realty Co. for money advanced to pay for use of Pennsylvania Avenue bridge and other purposes dated Apr. 29, 1913, cur- tailed and renewed at various times. Minor notes, 2 in number Total 3,818. 79 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. United States Realty Co Money advanced for the purpose of meeting the cur- rent obligations of the road. 2,840.34 107.47 Minor accounts, 1 in number Total 2,947. 81 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES. Ticket account Tickets sold and not redeemed 158.47 SUNDRY UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Deposited with the District of Columbia as a guaranty for the completion of the road, and to pay for use of Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge, $2,000. Depreciation, road, equipment, and miscellaneous physical property: None. Profit and loss statement. Item. Debits. Credits. Credit balance transferred from income account $1,093.29 Debit balance at beginning of fiscal period $23. 11 1,070.18 Balance carried forward to balance sheet Total 1,093.29 1,093.29 Dividends declared during the year: None. 26 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Income statement for the year. Item. Amount appli- cable to the year. Comparison with preced- ing year (increase in roman, decrease in italic). OPERATING INCOME. Railway operating revenues $7,857.85 5, 107. 24 $ 86.30 62.38 Railway operating expenses Net revenues, railway operations 2,750.61 Net operating revenue 2/750.61 1, 194. 22 23.97 833.93 Taxes assignable to railway operations: On real and personal property $258. 74 On earnings 535.48 Miscellaneous 400.00 Operating income (gross) 1,556.39 857.90 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Interest on funded debt 375.00 88.10 Interest on unfunded debt 42.66 699.59 Miscellaneous debits Total deductions from gross income 463.10 742.25 Income balance transferred to profit and loss 1,093.29 115.65 Railway operating revenues. State the railway operating revenues of the respondent for the year (classified in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for Electric Railway Corporations), and the comparison of such revenues with those of the preceding year (showing in- creases in black and decreases in red) for each of the several classes. Class of railway operating revenues. Amount of revenue for the year. Comparison with revenue of preceding year (in- creases in roman, de- creases in italic. REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTATION. Passenger revenue $7, 857.85 $86. SO Auxiliary operations: None. Miscellaneous operations: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 27 Railway operating expenses. Name of railway oper- ating expense account. Amount of operating expenses for the year. Compari- son with expenses of preceding year (in- creases in roman, decreases in italic). Name of railway oper- ating expense account. Amount of operating expenses for the year. Compari- son with expenses of preceding year (in- creases in roman, decreases in italic). WAY AND STRUCTURES. Superintendence of way and structures . $130. 00 $10. 00 GENERAL AND MISCEL- LANEOUS. 1 General expenses ? . . $156.30 $80. 89 Maintenance of way . . . 132. 86 70.40 8.08 Injuries and damages 18.50 1.50 Maintenance of electric ^ nes 43.08 Stationery and printing... 68.18 25.70 Total general and miscellaneous Total way and struc- ures 242.98 53.69 305.94 63.48 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT. Maintenance of cars 171.36 115.70 Wav and structures 305. 94 63.48 117.54 3.00 Maintenance of electric equipment of cars Equipment 174.32 2.96 l.o4 Power 1.098.00 Conducting transportation General and miscellaneous 3, 286.00 242.98 62.00 53.69 Total equipment 174.32 117.54 POWER. Grand total operating expenses 5, 107. 24 62.38 Power purchased 1,098.00 3.00 CONDUCTING TRANSPOR- TATION. Conductors, motor men, and trainmen 3,286.00 62.00 Operating ratio (ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues), 64.00 per cent. Income from lease of road: None. Miscellaneous rent income: None. Dividend income: None. Income from funded securities: None. Income from unfunded securities and accounts: None. Contributions from others: None. Miscellaneous income : N one . Rent for leased roads: None. Abstracts of leasehold contracts: None. Miscellaneous rents: None. Interest on unfunded debt. Amount of Description of security, advance, loan, or account showing characteristics of such security, etc., interest and name of the creditor or class of creditors In case of open accounts. charged to income. Interest paid to U nion Savings Bank on note of the company at 3 months; note curtailed and renewed when due Interest paid to other banks on notes of company $74. 98 13.12 Total 88. 10 Income transferred to other companies: None. Miscellaneous debits: None. Appropriations of surplus to sinking fund and other reserves: None. Appropriations of surplus for investment in physical property: None. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus: None. Miscellaneous items in profit and loss account for the year: None. 28 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Road operated at close of year. Name of road or track: East Washington Heights Traction Railroad. Termini between which road named extends: Seventeenth Street and Penn- sylvania Avenue to Minnesota and Pennsylvania Avenues. Miles of road 0. 72 Miles of sidings and turnouts 03 Total .75 Miles of road at close of year ( single track ) . District of Columbia: Line owned — Main line 0. 72 Branches and spurs 03 Total mileage operated 75 New line constructed during year: None. Road owned at close of year, by States and Territories: None. Auxiliary operations carried on at the close of the year: None. Miscellaneous physical properties operated at the close of the year: None. Mileage , traffic , and miscellaneous statistics. Item. (a) Number or amount. <&) Item. (a) Number or amount. (6) Passenger-car mileage Passenger car-hours Regular fare passengers carried Free transfer passengers carried 52,155 6,954 Total revenue from transportation Revenue from transportation per car- mile $7,857.85 .15066 1. 12997 7,857.85 .15066 1. 12997 5,107.24 .09792 . 73443 184,184 181,574 365,758 1,959 $7,857.85 .04266 .02148 Revenue from transportation per car- hour Total passengers carried Employees and others carried free Passenger revenue Average fare, revenue passengers Average fare, all passengers (including transfer passengers) Total operating revenues Operating revenues per car-mile Operating revenues per car-hour Total operating expenses Operating expenses per car-mile Operating expenses per car-hour Accidents to persons: None. Employees. General administration : General officers 3 General office clerks 1 Maintenance of way and structures, superintendent 1 Transportation employees * 4 Aggregate salaries and wages paid for the year $3, 416 Description of equipment: Closed passenger cars, with electric equipment, 2. Contracts, agreements, etc.: None. VERIFICATION. District of Columbia, ss: L. E. Payne makes oath and says that he is secretary of East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Co. of the District of Columbia; that it is his duty to have super- vision over the books of account of the respondent and to control the manner in which such books are kept; that he knows that such books have, during the period covered by the foregoing report, been kept in good faith in accordance with the accounting and other orders of the Public Utilities Commission effective during the said period; that he has carefully examined the said report, and to the best of his knowledge and belief the entries contained in the said report have, so far as they relate to matters of account, been accurately taken from the said books of account and are in exact accord- ance therewith; that he believes that all other statements of fact contained in the said BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 29 report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. L. E. Payne. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the District named, this 30th day of January, 1917. [seal.] William A. Lee, Notary Public , District of Columbia. My commission expires November 23, 1921. SUPPLEMENTAL OATH. District of Columbia, ss: Arthur E. Randle makes oath and says that he is president of East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Co. of the District of -Columbia, that he has carefully exam- ned the foregoing report; that he believes that all statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and ificluding January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. Arthur E. Randle. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the District above named, this 30th day of January, 1917. [seal.] * William A. Lee, Notary Public , District of Columbia. My commission expires November 23, 1921. THE CAPITAL TRACTION CO. Name of officer in charge of correspondence with tiie commission regarding this report: George E. Hamilton, president, Thirty-sixth and M Streets N\V., Washington, D. C. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. Exact name of company making this report: The Capital Traction Co. Date of organization: September 21, 1895. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized? United States. If a consolidated or a merging company, name all constituent and all merged com- panies. See “Remarks, ’ ’ above. Date and authority for each consolidation and for each merger. See “Remarks,” above. If a reorganized company, give name of original corporation, refer to laws under which it was organized , and state the occasion for the reorganization. See ‘ ‘ Remarks, ’ ’ above. State whether or not the respondent during the year conducted any part of its busi- ness under a name or names other than that shown in response to first inquiry above. No. Give name of operating company, if any, having control of the respondent’s prop- erty. None. REMARKS. The Washington & Georgetown Railroad Co. was organized under authority of an act of Congress approved May 17, 1862 (12 Stats., p. 388). The Rock Creek Railway Co. was organized under authority of an act of Congress approved June 23, 1888 (25 Stats., p. 199); amended May 28, 1890 (26 Stats., p. 121); amended March 3, 1891 (26 Stats., p. 835); amended April 30, 1892 (27 Stats., p. 23); amended March 1, 1895 (28 Stats., p. 700). Under authority granted in this amend- ment the Rock Creek Railway Co. purchased the Washington & Georgetown Railroad Co. September 21, 1895, and, by virtue of said amendment, operates under name of the Capital Traction Co.; amended June 2, 1900 (Public. No. 136); amended June 4, 1900 (Public, No. 143); amended May 23, 1908 (Public, No. 134). In addition to the foregoing, there are provisions in other acts of Congress, some having relation to charters of other roads and some of general application, which refer to the Capital Traction Co. Directors. Name of director. Office address. Date of beginning of term. Date of expiration of term. George E. Hamilton Thirty-sixth and M Streets, NW., Wash- ington D. C. Jan. 12,1916 Jan. 10,1917 Henry Hurt 1 1625 P Street NW., Washington, D. 0 do Do. Edward J . Stellwagen Union Trust Co., Washington, D. O do Do. John S. Larcombe 808 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. do Do. David S. Carll Thirty-sixth and M Streets NW., Wash- ington, D. ('. do Do. Benjamin W. Guy 315 Ninth Street NW., Washington, D. C . do Do. John M. Perrv 54 Wall Street, New York City do Do. John H. ITanha 2 Thirty-sixth and M Streets NW.. Wash- ington, D. C. Mar. 8, 1916 Do. 1 Died Jan. 24, 1916. 2 Elected Mar. 8, 1916, vice H. Hurt, deceased. Give the names and titles of all officers of the board of directors in control of the respondent at the close of the year. Chairman of board, George E. Hamilton; secre- tary of board, H. D. Crampton. 30 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 31 Name the members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year (naming first the chairman) and state briefly the powers and duties of that committee. George E. Hamilton (chairman), E. J. Stell- wagen, D. S. Carll, and J. H. Hanna. Under Article XI of by-laws of the company it is provided as follows: “The executive committee shall consist of three members of the board of directors, besides the president, who, by virtue of his office, shall be chairman of the executive committee; and of this committee three shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All powers and duties of the board of direc- tors not herein delegated to the officers of the company shall be exercised and dis- charged during the recess of the board by the executive committee subject to such restrictions as the board may from time to time impose.” Principal general officers . Title of general officer. Name of person holding office at close of year. Office address. Salary. President First vice president George E. Hamilton David S. Carll Thirty-sixth and M Streets N W. , Washington, D. C. do $12, 000 5.000 10,000 4,600 4.000 See above. 6.000 6,000 Second vice president John H. Hanna. do Secretary H. D. Crampton do Treasurer R. D. Simms do General counsel George E. Hamilton do Attorney Do G. Thos. Dunlop Frank J. Hogan Evans Building, Washington, D. C. do Employees other than officers. Class. Number of em- ployees. Ai Per month. rerage wag Per week. es. Per day. Maxi- mum hours con- tinuous service. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Assistant engineers 2 $132. 50 ■* Roadmaster 1 150. 00 Clerks, bookkeepers, stenographers 13 117. 44 7J-10J Do. .n 31 $12. 35 7§- 8 Janitors, messengers, etc 6 $1.80 8 -12 POWER. Engineers 7 109. 18 8 Oilers 8 2. 25 8 Firemen 15 2. 21 8 Electrician (chief) 1 225.00 Electrician 1 92.50 9 Lineman (chief) 1 118. 75 9 Linemen 2 2. 35 9 Substation employees 4 2.50 i 11 -13 Other power-plant employees (including repair men) 10 2. 25 8 TRANSPORTATION. Division superintendents 10 114.37 10 Inspector (chief) 1 104. 00 Inspectors 8 22. 75 10 Starters 2 2.37 10 Conductors (see “Remarks”) 307 / 2 10 Motormen (see “Remarks”) 299 \ 3 12 r 2 io Switchmen, flagmen, yardmen . 16 1.77 \ 3 12 10 Road and track men 61 1.95 91-10 Shed men 35 1.70 1 10 Other transportation employees 13 118.98 10 -12 Do 6 j 3.05 1 io -lii 1 The employees who are at the substations lor 13 hours usually sleep from 2 to 3 hours, beds being pro- vided for them. 2 Average. 8 Maximum. 32 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Employees other than officers — Continued. Class. Number of em- ployees. A^ Per month. rerage wag Per week. es. Per day. Maxi- mum hours con- tinuous service. CAR HOUSES AND SHOPS. Master mechanic 1 §162. 50 Foremen 4 106. 25 9 Clerk 1 82.50 8 Armature winders 2 $2.75 9 Electricians 2 3.00 9 Car cleaners 5 1.70 9 Car-house men and shopmen 47 2.38 I 91 Carpenter 1 3.50 9* Machinists 4 3. 11 9 Woodworkers. 4 3.00 9 Painters 8 2.47 9 Other car-house and shop employees 11 1.59 91-12 Do 1 60.00 ! REMARKS. Up to March 14, 1916, the payoi conductors and motormen was based on a rate of 22\ cents per hour and, in addition bonus wage was paid as described on page 102 of report of this company to the Pub- lic Utilities Commission for year 1915. Beginning March 15, 1916, the following rates of wages of trainmen were established, based on length of service, as follows: 23§, 24J, 2%, 26£, and 27 cents per hour. The wages paid under the above classification were distributed between different rates, respectively, as follows: 28.6, 29.2, 10.6, 12.6, and 19 per cent. Transportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. Nontransportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $100 per share. 2. State whether or not each share of stock has the right to one vote. Yes. 3. Are voting rights proportional to holdings? Yes. 4. Ape voting rights attached to any securities other than stock? No. 5 . Has any class or issue of securities any special privileges in the election of directors, trustees, or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method? No. 6. Give the date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to the actual filing of this report, and state the purpose of such closing. December 11, 1916: for payment of dividend, January 1, 1917; and for election of directors, January 10, 1917. 7. State the total voting power of all security holders of the respondent at the date of such closing, if within one year of the date of such filing; if not, state as of the close of the year. One hundred and twenty thousand votes, as of December 11, 1916. 8. State the total number of stockholders of record, corresponding to the answer to inquiry No. 7. One thousand nine hundred and thirty-two stockholders. 9. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the re- spondent, (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report), had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect to securities held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 33 Name of security holder. Address of security holder. Number of votes to which securely holder was entitled. Number of votes, classified with respect to securities on which based, common stocks. American Security & Trust Co., trustee 1 . Washington, D. C 1,000 1,000 C. Brooke Baker. \ 1912 Sunderland Place, Washington, 2, 43S 2, 438 Annie V. Barbour D. C. 1741 Rhode Island Avenue, Washing- 1,246 1,246 S. Thos. Brown ton, D. C. National Savings & Trust Co 1,150 1,431 1,150 Virginia W. Lowery Brunette Care Woodbury Blair, Hibbs Building. 1,431 John Dickson Home Washington, D. C 1,000 1, 658 1,225 1,000 1,658 G. Thos. Dunlop Care Union Trust Co John Dunlop do 1,225 Grace G. D. Ecker do 1,055 6,000 1,055 6,000 Louise E. Hitchcock Care Second National Bank, New Robert Walton Goelet York City. 9 West Seventeenth Street 1,117 1,117 Ethel B . and A. Gordon Norrie, trustee 2 . Care A. Iselin & Co., Wall Street, New 1,000 1,000 Chas. Remsen, trustee 3 York. 55 William Street, New York City 1,720 1,720 1,720 2,238 1,720 Do. 4 do 1,720 Do. 5 do 1,720 Fred W. Sharon Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal., care 2,238 Emily R. D. Simms J. C. Newlands. Care Union Trust Co 1,031 1,031 United States Trust Co. of New York, 45 Wall Street, New York 900 900 trustee. 6 Helen D. Urquhart Care Union Trust Co 1,268 1,605 1.268 Henry K. Willard 1416 F. Street 1,605 1 Trustee under will of Ellen D. Lane. 2 Trustee under will of A. Laufear Norrie. 2 Charles Remsen, trustee, and Central Trust Co., of New York, substituted trustee for benefit of Sarah Re insen Manice. 4 Charles Remsen, trustee, and Central Trust Co., of New York, substituted trustee for benefit of Charles Remsen. 5 Charles Remsen, trustee, and Central Trust Co., of New York, substituted trustee for benefit of Eliza- beth Remsen. 6 Trustee under will of E. A. Hammond. 10. State the total Aumber of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the election of directors of the respondent. Ninety-six thousand and seventy-three votes cast. 11. Give the date and place of such meeting. General offices, Thirty-sixth and M Streets NW., Washington, D. C., January 10, 1917. CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. 1. Did any corporation or corporations, transportation or other, hold control over the respondent at the close of the year? No. 2. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of the year? No. Guaranties and suretyships: None. H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 3 34 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Net change during year (increase in roman, decrease in italic). *17,663,424.02 138,674.05 INVESTMENTS. $17, 651,153.49 15,977.50 102, 813. 59 $12,270.53 15,977.50 35,860. 46 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Total investments 17,802,098. 07 17, 769,944.58 32,153.49 CURRENT ASSETS. Cash 76,083.50 308. 176. 59 1,500.00 51,507. 21 58, 065. 37 300. 00 84,586.83 313,882. 81 79, 000. 00 52, 399. 95 64, 695. 29 300.00 8,503.33 5, 706. 22 77,500.00 892. 74 6, 629. 92 Special deposits Loans and notes receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Total current assets DEFERRED ASSETS. Insurance and other funds ( bi ) Total book assets at close of vear $375, 205. 40 (6 2 ) Respondent’s own issues included in (5i). 194,000.00 UNADJUSTED DEBITS. Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses Other unadjusted debits 495, 632. 67 594, 864. 88 99, 232. 21 120, 894. 08 181, 205. 40 60,311.32 29,595.20 38,141.28 18, 532. 37 25,895. 80 40, 241. 28 18,532.37 3,699.40 2, 100. 00 Total unadjusted debits Grand total 67, 736. 48 84, 669. 45 16,932. 97 18, 486, 361.30 18, 630, 684. 31 144,323.01 * 12 , 000 , 000.00 5,611,000.00 143.51 7, 184. 75 185, 672. 63 23, 387. 52 31, 880. 00 248, 268. 41 15,083.36 66, 857. 83 5, 925.25 189, 400. 00 11,250.00 120, 494. 08 23, 068. 18 416, 995.34 195, 014.19 18,486,361.30 LIABILITIES. STOCK. Capital stock Il2, 000, 000.00 LONG-TERM DEBT. Funded debt unmatured 5,606,000.00 $5,000.00 (fti) Total book liability at close of year. . . $6, 000, 000. 00 (62) Respondent’s holdings included in (6i) 394,000.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES. Audited accounts and wages payable 162. 14 8,365.37 193, 743.40 23,358.32 31,725.00 18.63 1, 180. 62 8,070. 77 29.20 155.00 Miscellaneous accounts payable Matured interest, dividends, and rents unpaid Accrued interest, dividends, and rents payable Other current liabilities Total current liabilities DEFERRED LIABILITIES. Other deferred liabilities UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Tax liability 257,354.23 9,085.82 11,489.39 3, 593, 97 71,292.54 5, 734.-25 194,150.00 4,434.71 191,00 4, 750. Q0 11,250.00 60,561.32 3, 667. 13 Premium on funded debt Insurance and casualty reserves Operating reserves Accrued depreciation — road and equipment 181,055.40 19, 401.05 Other unadjusted credits Totql unadjusted credits CORPORATE SURPLUS. Profit and loss, credit balance 471,633.24 54,637.90 284,207.45 i 89,193.26 Grand total 18,630,684.31 144,323.01 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 35 Road and equipment. Account. I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Engineering and superintendence Right of way Other land used in electric railway operations. Rails, rail fastenings, and joints Special work Underground construction Track and roadway labor Paving Roadway machinery and tools Signals and interlocking apparatus Underground conduits Distribution system General office buildings Shops and carhouses Stations, miscellaneous buildings, and struc- tures. Total expenditures for way and structures. II. EQUIPMENT. Passenger and combination cars . Electric equipment of cars Shop equipment Furniture Miscellaneous equipment Total expenditures for equipment. III. POWER. Power plant buildings. . Substation buildings Power plant equipment. Transmission system . Total expenditures for power IV. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous Grand total Invest- ment in road and equip- ment, Jan. 1, 1915, to close of preceding year $41.77 12.05 325.99 1,898.74 5.20 " ' 51.87 21.57 105.62 20.00 2,368. 67 774. 70 10.00 210. 15 974.85 703.02 25.00 340. 78 1,018.80 99.80 4, 462. 12 Invest- ment in additions and bet- terments during the year. $778. 76 1,841.32 8.00 3,861.58 10,656.35 14, 756. 11 3, 713. 89 7, 999. 66 1,856.45 3,867.17 50 , 895.08 667. 75 1,210.31 4.70 326. 97 3 , 181.07 27.31 19.50 7Q0. 11 32.11 2,466.26 258.36 8.22 8 , 357.32 2 , 040.50 10 , 131.24 12 , 270.53 12 , 270.53 Total invest- ment in road and equip- ment during the year. $778. 76 1,841.32 8.00 3,861.58 10, 656.35 14, 756. 11 3,713.89 7, 999.66 1,856.45 3, 867. 17 50 , 895.08 667. 75 1,210.31 4.70 326. 97 3 , 181.07 27.31 19.50 700. 11 32.11 2,466.26 258.36 8. 22 8 , 357. 32 2 , 040.50 10 , 131 .. Total invest- ment in road and equip- ment since Dec. 31, 1914. $778. 76 1,841.32 8.00 3,903.35 10, 656. 35 14, 768. 16 4, 039. 88 9, 898. 40 1,856.45 5.20 3, 867. 17 50 , 946. 95 689.32 1,315.93 24.70 2,695.64 2 , 406.37 17.31 19.50 910. 26 32.11 1,491.41 961.38 8. 22 8 , 382. 32 1 , 699.72 9,112.44 99.80 Remarks. Sale of old cop- per cable. Sale of old cars. Sale of old boil- ers. Sale of old cop- per caDle. Respondent's investment in road and equipment at close of year. Investment to Dee. 31, 1908 $14, 808, 858. 49 Investment from Dec. 31, 1908, to Dec. 31, 1914 2, 850, 103. 41 Investment since Dec. 31, 1914 7, 808. 41 Total investment in road and equipment 17, 651, 153. 49 Figures as shown by last report being reduced by $138,214.57 value of miscellaneous physical property Dec. 31, 1914. Length of road owned, 29.075 miles. Average investment per mile of road, exclusive of improvements on leased lines, $607,090.40. Length of track owned, 63.23 miles. Average investment per mile of track, $279, 157.89. Memorandum of securities included in investment in “road and equipment: ” None. 36 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Summary of securities owned. SECURITIES ISSUED OR ASSUMED BY RESPONDENT — BONDS AND OTHER EVIDENCE OF FUNDED DEBT. Securities held in sinking and other special funds Par value Book value Securities held unencumbered : Par value Book value Total securities owned : Par value Book value Sinking funds: None. DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY SOLD. Name of mortgage: First mortgage. Description of deposit: Cash payment account of sale of land at Fourteenth and Decatur Streets northwest covered in the mortgage deposited at Union Trust Co. Book value at close of year, $15,977.50. $194, 000 194, 000 200,000 200, 000, . 394, 000 394,000 Miscellaneous physical property. Name and description of physical property held at close of year as an investment. 1 Date I of acquisi- tion. Actual money cost to re- spondent. Amount at which carried on respond- ent’s books at close of year. Blacksmith shop, brick, square 1200, part lot 43 1878 $] , 300. 00 81,300.00 90,923.02 3, 705. 70 Old car-barn property, square 635, part lots 6,7,8, 9, all lot 11 1884 90, 923. 02 3, 705. 70 Old power station, square 2563, lot 34 1892' Lunch room, square 504, part lot 13 1889 | 2,255.81 j 4, 629. 06 2, 255. 81 4,629.06 3 store buildings, square 235, part lots 169, 170, and 171 1909 j ' Total 102,813.59 Special deposits. N ame of depositary. Purpose of deposit. Amount at close of year. Riggs National Bank To cover matured dividends 8159, 552. 72 Do To cover unreleased premium on bonds sold 5, 734. 25 Do To credit of road and equipment account 8, 264. 91 71,292. 54 American Security A Trust Co To cover accrued taxes Union Trust Co To cover matured and accrued interest on funded 57, 549. 00 Do debt. To cover income tax deductions from salaries 216.03 Capital Traction Employees’ Relief As- To cover deposits of conductors and motormen on 11,273. 36 sociation cash in hands of treasurer entering service. Capital Traction Co. Total 313, 882.81 1 Investments in securities of noncarrier companies affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of carriers affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of nonaffiliated companies: None. Investment advances to other companies: None. Securities and other intangibles owned or controlled through nonreporting sub- sidiaries: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 37 Insurance and other funds. Fund mark. Name of fund. Purpose of fund. Name of trustee of fund. A Insurance reserve fund To provide against losses by fire. . To cover depreciation on road and equipment. No trustee; securities held by treasurer; cash deposited in bank. Cash deposited in bank. B Depreciation reserve fund . . . Fund mark. Balance in fund at beginning of fund. Additions to fund during year. With- drawals from fund during year. Balance in fund at close of year. Cash in fund uninvested at close of year. Income from invest- ment of fund. Cash appropria- tions to fund. Total additions to fund. A .$189, 400. 00 $4, 750. 00 121, 878. 55 $4,750.00 : 124,883.36 j $194,150.00 181, 055. 40 $150. 00 181,055.40 B Total 120, 494. 08 $3, 004. 81 $64, 322. 04 309, 894. 08 3,004.81 126, 628. 55 129,633.36 64,322.04 375, 205. 40 181,205.40 Fund mark. Names of securities and other investments in fund at close of year. Securities i sumed bj and held close of ; Par value. ssued or as- t respondent in fund at pear. Book value. A Capital Traction Co. 5 per cent gold coupon bonds $194,000.00 $194,000.00 Discounts and 'premiums on securities outstanding. Capital Traction Co. 5 per cent 40-year gold coupon bonds: Unextinguished discount at beginning of year 1 $5, 925. 25 Discount written off during year to “Income” 1 191. 00 Discount un extinguished at close of year 1 5, 734. 25 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. Carhouse at Water and P Streets SW. (loss in remodeling): Date of abandonment, 1914. Amount charged to this account as of time of abandonment $36, 994. 00 Amount written off to operating expenses prior to beginning of year 7, 398. 80 Amount written off to operating expenses during year 3. 699. 40 Remainder not yet written off 25, 895. 80 Other unadjusted debits. Valuation expenses— cost of appraisal of company’s property to be charged to operating expenses, distributed in monthly charges over a period of 10 years: Amount charged to this account Amount written off to operating expenses prior to beginning of year Amount written off to operating expenses during year Remainder not w'ritten off $54, 759. 71 7, 800. 00 6, 718. 43 40, 241. 28 Credit. 38 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Capital stock. Common stock, authorizations closed prior to present year: A * aiuu v/x amount • - - - - - - "l/vj vvl/. vv Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year 12, 000, 000. 00 Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year 12, 000, 000. 00 Stocks actually issued prior to present year — Par value 12,000,000.00 Cash value of other property acquired as consideration for issue ‘ 12,000,000.00 Rates and dates of declaration of dividends during year, 5 per cent per annum, Mar. 8, June 14, Sept. 13, and Dec. 13 — Amount of dividends declared during year 600, 000. 00 Amount of dividends paid during year 598, 629. 23 Amount of dividends due and unpaid at close of year 159, 552. 72 Stock liability for conversion of securities of other companies: None. Summary statement of unmatured funded debt. MORTGAGE BONDS. Amount nominally but not actually issued at close of year held by respondent unencumbered . . . *. $200, 000. 00 Reacquired after actual issue and held alive by or for respondent, pledged or otherwise encumbered 194, 000. 00 Amount actually outstanding at close of year 5, 606, 000. 00 Interest liability at close of year on actually outstanding debt: Interest matured and unpaid 34, 190. 68 Interest accrued not due 23, 358. 32 Interest during year on actually outstanding debt: Interest accrued .V 280, 395. 80 Interest paid 273, 725. 00 Security for unmatured funded debt: Copy of mortgage filed with report for period ending December 31, 1915. Equipment obligations: None. Unmatured funded debt other than equipment obligations. Capital Traction Co. first mortgage 5 per cent gold coupon bonds 1907-1947: Nominal date of issue, June 1, 1907. Date of maturity. June 1, 1947. Interest provisions — Rate per cent per annum. 5 per cent. Dates due, December 1 and June 1. Par value of extent of indebtedness- authorized $6, 000, 000. 00 Par value of evidences of debt — Nominally but not actually issued 200, 000. 00 Actually issued to close of year 5, 800, 000. 00 Reacquired after actual issue and held alive at close of year. . 194, 000. 00 Actually outstanding at close of year 5, 606, 000. 00 Evidences of debt actually issued prior to present year — Par value of total amount 5, 800, 000. 00 Cash received as consideration for issue 5, 809, 656. 26 Total discount on actual issues of prior years 1 9, 656. 26 Discounts written off to. income or profit and loss during year 1 191. 00 Total discounts extinguished to close of year, charged to operating expense, income, or profit and loss 1 3, 922. 01 Amount of interest accrued during year, charged to income 280, 395. 80 Amount of interest paid during year 273, 725. 00 Interest liability at close of year — - Matured and unpaid 34, 190. 68 Accrued not yet due 23, 358. 32 1 Excess of premiums over discount. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 39 Capital Traction Co. first mortgage 5 per cent gold coupon bonds 1907-1947 — Continued . Analysis of evidences of funded debt nominally but not yet actually issued, par value of amount held by or for respondent free from all liens and restrictions $200, 000. 00 Analysis of evidences of funded debt reacquired after actual issue and held alive, par value of amount pledged or otherwise subject to lien or restriction 194, 000. 00 Name of pledgee or lienor, insurance reserve. Purposes for which bonds and other evidences of funded debt were issued or assumed during the year: None. Receiver’s certificates: None. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies: None. Sundry current liabilities. Name of creditor or of obligation. Character of liability or of transactions involved. Credit balance at close of year. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Washington & Maryland R. R. Co... Minor accounts, 3 in number, each less than $1,000. Total Amount of tickets and transfers of this company in hands of Washington & Maryland R. R. Co. awaiting adjustment. $7,028.31 1,337.06 8,365.37 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES. Washington Railway & Electric Co. . Washington & Old Dominion Ry.... East Washington Heights Traction R. R. Co. Washington & Virginia Ry Estimated amount of liability of this company, account of tickets collected during December, 1916, by the various other railway companies. 30,000.00 800.00 225.00 450.00 250.00 Washington & Maryland R. R. Co. 1 . . Total 31,725.00 1 Includes November also. Sundry unadjusted credits. Name of subaccount. Character of subaccount. Credit balance at close of year. INSURANCE AND CASUALTY RESERVES. Insurance reserve This account represents the liability for the fund created to provide against loss by fire. [Tickets other than those estimated as being held by 1 other railway companies (shown in preceding table) | issued by this company and outstanding Dec. 31, l 1916. $194,150.00 OTHER UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Tickets (4J cents) ] 17, 254. 20 1 1,178.89 f 613.96 J 354.00 Commutation tickets (2 cents) Metropolitan tickets (6? cents) Transfers (2 cents) Total 19,401.05 40 balance sheets public utilities district OF COLUMBIA. Depredation — road, equipment, and miscellaneous physical property. DEBIT ITEMS. Retirement of passenger and combina- tion cars $69.83 Retirement of miscellaneous equip- ment 1,926.93 Renewal of track and roadway during year charged to depreciation 62, 325. 28 Balances at close of year: Accrued de- preciation, road, and equipment 181, 055. 40 Total 245, 377. 44 CREDIT ITEMS. Balances at beginning of year: Accrued depreciation, road and equipment . . . 120, 494. 08 credit items— continued. Credit to depreciation of road and equipment by charges to operating expenses during year: Wav and structures $85,315.00 Equipment 22,547.53 Power-plant building and equip- ment 14,016.02 Interest on deposits in bank to credit of the fund during year: Way and structures 1, 732. 93 Equipment 917.91 Power-plant building and equip- ment 353.97 Total 245,377.44 BASES OF DEPRECIATION CHARGES. Pending establishing by the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia of rates of depreciation, the company credited to “Depreciation reserve” by charges through operating expenses $121,878.55, approximately 5£ per cent of the railway operating revenue for the year compared with 3£ per cent for the year 1915, the apportionment of charges between the different classes of property being based on the relative value of same. Cash to the above amount was deposited in bank to credit of the depreciation reserve fund and during the year accumulated $3,004.81 interest, which remained as a credit to the fund, bringing the total amount by which the fund increased during the year to $124,883.36. Profit and loss statement. Item. Debits. Credits. Credits: Credit balance at beginning of fiscal period $195,014.19 636, 176. 86 59, 134.30 Credit balance transferred from income account Miscellaneous credits Debits: Dividend appropriations of surplus $600,000.00 6,117.90 284,207. 45 Miscellaneous debits Balance carried forward to balance sbeet Total 890,325.35 890,325.35 Dividends declared during the year. Name of security on which dividend was declared. Regular rate. Bar value of amount Amount of dividend Date. on which dividend was declared. Declared. Payable. Per cent. [ n $12,000,000 $150,000 Mar. 8, 1916 Apr. 1,1916 Capital stock H 150,000 June 14,1916 July 1,1916 1 H 150,000 Sept. 13,1916 Oct. 1,1916 1 U 150,000 Dec. 13,1916 Jan. 1,1917 Total 600,000 1 1 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 41 Income statement for the year. Item. Amount applicable to the year. Comparison with pre- ceding year (increase in roman, de- crease in italic). I. OPERATING INCOME. $2.289,250. 84 1,237,410. 29 $82,757.25 85, 126.32 1,051,840. 55 142,812.77 2 , 369.07 7,012.79 Taxes assignable to railway operations: On real and personal property $21, 457. 47 On earnings 98,932.36 Miscellaneous 22,422.94 Operating income 909,027.78 9 , 381.86 n. NONOPERATING INCOME. Net income from miscellaneous physical property 2,508. 31 6,232.90 191.00 4.00 608. 72 3,015. 13 Income from unfunded securities and accounts "Rplpfisp nf prp.Tninms rm fnndpd, Miscellaneous income 10.38 Total nonoperating income 8,928. 21 2,396.03 Ornss inenme 917,955. 99 6 , 985.83 m. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Interest on funded debt 280,395.80 2,755.48 2 , 435.07 90.4(5 Interest on unfunded debt M iscellaneous debits 1,383.33 Total deductions from gross income 281, 779. 13 410.81 Income balance transferred to profit and loss 636, 176. 86 7 , 396.64 Railway operating revenues . Class of railway operating revenues. Amount of revenue for the year. Comparison with revenue of preceding year(increases in roman, decreases in italic). I. REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTATION. Passenger revenue $2, 273,594.30 100.50 504.39 $82, 135. 21 67.50 61. 21 Parlor, sleeping, dining, and special car revenue Mail revenue Total revenue from transportation 2,274, 199. 19 82,263.92 II. REVENUE FROM OTHER RAILWAY OPERATIONS. Station and car privileges 10,833. 74 555.00 3,662.91 815. 19 141.00 180.86 Rent of equipment Power Total revenue from other railway operations 15,051.65 493.33 Tota'l operating revenues 2.289,250. 84 82,757.25 Auxiliary operations: None. Miscellaneous operations: None. 42 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Railway operating expenses. Name of railway operating expense account. I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. .Superintendence of way and structures Ties Rails Rail fastenings and joints Special work Underground construction Track and roadway labor Miscellaneous track and roadway expenses Paving Cleaning and sanding track Removal of snow and ice* Bridges, trestles, and culverts Crossings, fences, and signs Signal and interlocking apparatus Poles and fixtures Underground conduits Distribution system Buildings, fixtures, and grounds Depreciation of way and structures Total way and structures n. EQUIPMENT. Superintendence of equipment Passenger and combination cars Service equipment Electric equipment of cars Shop equipment Shop expenses Vehicles and horses Miscellaneous equipment expenses Depreciation of equipment Total equipment in. POWER. Superintendence of power Power plant buildings, fixtures, and grounds Power plant equipment Substation equipment Transmission system Depreciation of power plant buildings and equipment. Power plant employees Fuel for power ." Water for power Lubricants for power Miscellaneous power plant supplies and expenses Substation employees Substation supplies and expenses Total power IV. CONDUCTING TRANSPORTATION. Superintendence of transportation Passenger conductors, motormen, and trainmen Miscellaneous car-service employees Miscellaneous car-service expenses Station employees Station expenses Carhouse employees : Carhouse expenses Operation of signal and interlocking apparatus Other transportation expenses Total conducting transportation V. TRAFFIC. Advertising Parks, resorts, and attractions Amount of operating expenses for the year. Comparison with ex- penses of pre- ceding year (increases in roman, decreases in italic). S3, 747. 84 tS78. 28 475.84 591.^1 243 % 126.63 911.06 28.98 4, 742. 18 808.28 6,178. 16 3, 457. 84 22, 809. 86 42.01 1,572. 18 667.09 21.: 3 6,682.91 5, 597. 16 294.05 1,169. 58 866.76 46. 20 1,988.63 31.21 30. 41 281.92 240. 31 221. 98 164. 12 815. 43 705. 53 4,473.00 1,502.95 7, 767. 12 785. 18 85,315.00 68,310. 10 167, 753. 54 65, 122. 23 5, 128. 80 5,065.39 43,000.56 5, 485. 58 200.06 73.22 18,393.86 1, 447. 57 377. 17 65.16 6,889.66 1,356. 71 2,208.95 582.34 603.60 24. 75 22, 547. 53 22, 995. 38 99,350. 19 20,466.88 3,005.75 589. 14 . 1,066.11 409. 54 9, 785.99 396. 54 308. 72 214. 13 62. 30 88. 25 14,016.02 6,516. 02 25, 899. 78 1, 752. 86 126,985. 85 13,421.72 225.00 63.60 2,559.29 198. 27 2,294.99 101. 54 3,568.59 241. 28 588. 96 208.29 190,367. 35 22,852. 64 52,101.94 8, 894. 45 471,362.33 6, 175. 11 9,642. 01 93. 31 9, 450. 93 3,335.80 ' 888. 80 69.80 113. 83 4.08 36, 221. 79 746. 16 3, 848. 00 321. 51 1.718. 47 608. 21 5,929. 74 639.70 591, 277. 84 19, 663. 55 332. 28 995.66 995. 28 995. 28 1,327.56 .38 Total traffic BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 43 Railway operating expenses — Continued. Name of railway operating expense account. VI. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of general office clerks General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Relief department expenses Pensions and gratuities Miscellaneous general expenses Valuation expenses Injuries and damages Insurance Stationery and printing Store expenses Garage and stable expenses Rent of tracks and facilities Total general and miscellaneous RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. I. Way and structures II. Equipment III. Power IV. Conducting transportation V. Traffic VI. General and miscellaneous Grand total operating expenses Amount of operating expenses for* the year. Comparison with ex- penses of pre- ceding year (.increases in roman, decreases in italic). $37, 196. 71 $4,853 . 29 23, 865. 17 694. 93 4,320.36 323.91 2,411.00 11.00 533. 00 8.00 1 1,780.20 582.95 9,279.82 810. 10 6, 718. 43 1,918. 43 70,816.45 4,619.93 5,199.26 6,622.09 14,612.26 1,259. 14 | 1,723.51 230. 28 4,155.94 524. 45 4,721.70 162. 72 . 187,333.81 2,0U. U 167, 753. 54 65, 122. 23 99, 350. 19 20,1,66.88 190, 367. 35 22,852.64 591,277.84 19,663. 55 1, 327. 56 .38 187, 333*. 81 2, 044.84- . 1,237,410.29 85, 126. 32 Operating ratio (ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues), 54.05 per cent. Income from lease of road: None. Miscellaneous rent income: None. Dividend income: None. Income from funded securities: None. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Deposits in various banks: Period covered by interest, Jan. 1, 1916, to Dec. 31, 1916. Amount to which interest relates 1 $‘262, 000. 00 Income derived as interest 6, 232. 90 Contributions from others: None. Miscellaneous income. To adjust error in December, 1915, in crediting excessive amount to miscellane- ous income as “overs in treasurer’s cash”: Expenses and other deductions $4 Net miscellaneous income expenses 4 Rent for leased roads: None. Abstracts of leasehold contracts: None. Miscellaneous rents: None. Interest on unfunded debt: None. Income transferred to other companies: None. Miscellaneous debits: Payments of income tax chargeable to holders of bonds, the interest on which is guaranteed under terms of mortgage free from taxation, $1,383.33. Appropriations of surplus to sinking fund and other reserves: None. Appropriations of surplus for investment in physical property: None. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus: None. 1 Average monthly balance. 44 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Miscellaneous items in ‘profit and loss account for the year. Item. Debits. Credits. Gross profit realized from sale of land at Fourteenth and Decatur Streets, NW., carried in balance sheet account No. 404, miscellaneous physical property Expenses incident of sale of above property $6, 357. 23 $63, 964.52 Increase in value of material and supplies as disclosed by inventory of Nov. 27, 1916 1,527.01 Loss on power plant equipment sold during the year, said loss being due to depre- ciation equitably assignable to the period prior to July 1, 1914 Minor item ~ 6,114.90 3.00 12, 475. 13 Total i 65,491.53 Road operated at close of year. 1 Miles of Miles of sidings and turn- outs. Miles of track Class. Name of road or track. Termini between which road named extends. Miles of road. second main in car- houses, Total. track. 1 shops, etc. 1A Pennsylvania Avenue line. Thirty-sixth and M Streets 5. 28 5.24 .43 3. 14 14.09 NW. to Eighth and M SE. Pennsylvania Avenue, SE. Eighth and Pennsylvania .85 .86 .01 1.72 extension. Avenue SE. to Seven- teenth and Pennsyl- vania Avenue SE . F and G Streets line Twenty-sixth and Penn- sylvania Avenue NW. to 2.55 .14 2.69 Seventeenth and Penn- sylvania Avenue NW. Fourteenth Street line Fifteenth and New York 4. 13 4.06 .22 2.03 10.44 Avenue to Fourteenth and Colorado Avenue NW. First Street NW First and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. to First .23 .23 .46 Baltimore & Ohio loop ex- tension. and C NW. First and C NW. to New .09 .09 Jersey Avenue and C Street north tracks. Do Delaware Avenue and C .23 .23 Union Station extension.. NE . to First and B NE . Northwest curves at Dela- .03 .02 .05 ware Avenue and C NE . Seventh Street line Water and P Streets SW. to Seventh and Florida 3.25 3.17 .16 .50 7.08 Avenue NW. U Street line Ninth and U Streets NW. 1.65 1.66 .01 3.32 to Twentieth and Cal- vert Streets. Chevy Chase line Twentieth and Calvert to 5.43 5.43 .50 .47 11.83 Chevy Chase Lake Loop, Md. New Jersey Avenue line. . Seventh and Florida Ave- 1.62 1.45 3.07 nue to Massachusetts Avenue and G NW. Florida Avenue and New Jersey and Florida Avenues NW. to Eighth 2.86 2.86 .02 5.74 Eighth NE. line. and Pennsylvania Ave- nue SE. F Street NE. line Eighth and F NE. to Union Station Plaza. .62 .62 1.24 Georgetown Power Station Baltimore & Ohio R. R. .12 .12 siding. Subtotal 28.59 25.60 1.84 6.14 62. 17 1AJ U Street line Seventh and Florida A ve- .09 .09 .18 to Ninth and U NW. Union Station extension.. Massachusetts Avenue and .73 .72 .18 1.63 G to Delaware Avenue and CNE. Do First and B SE. to First .15 .16 .31 and East Capitol. Subtotal .97 .97 .18 I 2. 12 i First and C Streets NW. .57 .48 ! 1.05 to First and East Capitol. 1 Total 30. 13 27.05 2. 02 6.14 65.34 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 45 Miles of road at close of year — By States and Territories {single track). State or Territory. Main line owned. Line oper- ated under trackage rights. Total mileage operated. New line constructed during year. District of Columbia 59.73 1.05 60. 78 10.56 Maryland 4.56 4.56 2.51 Total mileage operated (single track) 64.29 1.05 65. 34 3 .05 1 Abandoned. 2 Constructed. 3 Net decrease. Road owned at close of year — By States and Territories: None. Auxiliary operations carried on at the close of the year: None. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OPERATED AT THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR. Designation of property or plant: Real estate as described on page 36. Character of business: Rent of miscellaneous real estate. Character of title under which property is held: Ownership. Location of property: Washington, D. C. Mileage , traffic, and miscellaneous statistics. Item. Number or amount. Item. Number or amount. Passenger-car mileage 7, 769, 389 Passenger-car hours (estimated) . . . 956. 821 Regular fare passengers carried 51, 399, 506 Revenue transfer passengers car- ried 2,083,040 Total revenue passengers carried Free transfer passengers carried (employees and others carried free) 53, 482, 546 16, 487, 820 Total passengers carried Passenger revenue Average fare, revenue passengers. . Average fare, all passengers (in- cluding transfer passengers) 69,970,366 $2,273,594.30 .04251 .03249 Total revenue from transportation . Revenue from transportation per car-mile Revenue from transportation per car-hour Total revenue from other railway operations Revenue from other railway oper- ations per car-mile Revenue from other railway oper- ations per car-hour Total operating revenues Operating revenues per car-mile. . . Operating revenues per car-hour. . . Total operating expenses Operating expenses per car-mile. . . Operating expenses per car-hour. . . $2, 274, 199. 19 .29271 2.3768 15,051.65 .00193 .01573 2,289, 250.84 .29465 2.3925 1.237,410.29 . 15926 1. 2932 Accidents to persons. Item. Killed. Injured. Total. ■ Passengers 348 348 Employees 99 99 Other persons 5 166 171 Total 1 5 613 618 Employees. General administration: General officers 5 General office clerks 59 Maintenance of way and structures: Superintendents 3 Other employees 57 Maintenance of equipment: Superintendents 6 Other employees 81 46 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Power: Superintendents 1 Other employees 46 Transportation : Superintendents 33 Other employees 678 Total 969 Aggregate salaries and wages paid for the year, $834,252.55. Description of equipment. Class. With electric equip- ment. Without electric equip- ment. Total number. Closed passenger cars 315 103 418 Open passenger cars 102 126 228 Total passenger ears. . 417 229 646 W ork cars . . 2 25 27 Snowplows, sand cars 5 5 Sweepers 9 9 Miscellaneous 1 4 5 Obsolete 4 4 Total equipment of all classes 434 262 696 CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS, ETC. The agreement between this company and the Washington & Old Dominion Railway Co. relative to transfers, which expired in November, 1915, and which by mutual agreement had been extended, was terminated in accordance with the revised tariffs filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission by the Washington & Old Dominion Railway Co., effective August 8, 1916. On the date named the transfer privilege between the lines of that company and The Capital Traction Co. was accordingly terminated. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. All extensions of road put in operation: Loop at Seventh and Louisiana Avenue NW.; 0.07 mile single track; September 18, 1916. All decreases of mileage : Change of tracks from M and Twenty-sixth Streets between Twenty-ninth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue between Twenty-ninth and Twenty-sixth Streets; net decrease in mileage, 0.11 mile single track; car operation changed eastbound July 7, 1916, westbound July 15, 1916. Track abandoned at Georgetown car barn; 0.01 mile single track; February, 1916. New track built: Pennsylvania Avenue from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-ninth Streets, 0.22 mile first main track, 0.21 mile second main track; loop at Seventh and Louisiana Avenue NW., 0.07 mile first main track. Old track abandoned: M and Twenty-sixth Streets from Twenty-ninth Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, 0.28 mile first main track, 0.26 mile second main track; Georgetown car barn, 0.01 mile car-house track. VERIFICATION. City of Washington, 1 District of Columbia ,/ R. D. Simms makes oath and says that he is treasurer of the Capital Traction Co.; that it is his duty to have supervision over the books of account of the respondent and to control the manner in which such books are kept; that he knows that such books have, during the period covered by the foregoing report, been kept in good faith in accordance with the accounting and other orders of the Public Utilities Commission effective during the said period; that he has carefully examined the said report, and to the best of his knowledge and belief the entries contained in the said report have, so far as they relate to matters of account, been accurately taken from the said books of account and are in exact accordance therewith; that he believes that all other statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the * BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 47 said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. R. D. Simms. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the District above named, this 31st day of January, 1917. [seal.] Louise F. Dyer, Notary Public , District of Columbia. My commission expires May 12, 1917. SUPPLEMENTAL OATH. City of Washington, 1 District of Columbia ,/ ’ George E. Hamilton makes oath and says that he is president of the Capital Trac- tion Co.; that he has carefully examined the foregoing report; that he believes that all statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. George E. Hamilton. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the District above named, this 31st day of January, 1917. Louise F. Dyer, Notary Public , District of Columbia. My commission expires May 12, 1917. GEORGETOWN GAS LIGHT CO. HISTORY. 1. Exact name of company making this report: The Georgetown Gas Light Co. 2. Date of organization: 1854. 3. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized? Chartered by Congress of the United States. 4. If a consolidated company, name the constituent companies: None. 5. Date and authority for each consolidation: None. 6. State whether respondent is a corporation, a joint stock association, a firm or partnership, or an individual: Corporation. 7. If a reorganized company, give name of original organization and refer to laws under which it was organized: None. Directors. Name. Post-office address. Expiration of term. George L. Nicolson Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co June 1, 1917 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Chas. P. Williams 1675 Thirty-first Street NW Henry H. Flat her 729 Fifteenth Street NW R. H. Goldsborough 1526 Twenty-ninth Street NW Wm. A. Leetch Union Trust Building Wm. B. Orme Washington Gas Light Co Maurice E. Weaver 2501 Wisconsin Avenue NW Principal officers. Name. Title. Salary. Total. Applicable to District of Colum- bia. Robert D. Weaver President (June 1, 1916) $4, 000. 00 None. 2.700.00 1.620.00 2.700.00 1.600.00 2.700.00 600.00 2. 400.00 $2,927.03 1,668.69 1,152.66 2.325.00 1,093.75 2.700.00 600.00 1,543.89 Geo L. Nicolson First vice-president Chas P Williams Secretary (June 1, 1916) Frederick K. Hewpel Assistant secretary 1 Henry H. Flather . Treasurer (June 1, 1916) 1 R. H. Goldsborough Attorney or general counsel (June 1, i 1916). General superintendent (June 1, 1916). Thos. F. Holden 6 directors ($10 a meeting when present) General office force Employees other than officers. Class. Number of em- ployees. Average wages — Maxi- mum hours Ber month. Per week. Per day. contin- uous service. Commercial: Manager 1 1 $18.00 10.00 $3.00 9 Stenographer 8 General expenses: Bookkeeper Cashier 1 $100.00 100.00 g Clerk 1 9 Meter inspectors’ roll: Inspectors 5 75.00 2.50 9 Clerks 1 18.00 3.00 9 48 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 49 Employees other than officers — Continued. Class Number of em- ployees. | Average wages — Maxi- mum hours Per month. Per week. Per day. 1 contin- uous service. Storeroom roll, clerk 1 120. 00 9 Transmission and distribution: Meter shop, foreman 1 18.00 $3.00 9 Distribution (street) 6 63.00 1.75 9 Foremen 2 36.00 3.00 9 Installation ' 3 45.00 2.50 9 Fitters 2 30.00 2.50 9 Production, gas works: Foreman 1 24.50 3.50 9 Clerk 1 22.75 3.25 9 Runners 6 101.50 2.62 9 Coal men 4 56.00 2.00 9 Laborers 7 82.67 1.69 9 Stokers 8 17.50 2.50 9 Furnace men 2 12.25 1.75 9 Corporations controlled by respondent. Control. Name. Sole or joint. How established. Extent. Direct or indirect. ACTIVE CORPORATIONS. Georgetown Gas Light Company of Montgomery County, Md. Sole Through title to all the securities of the company and all the property of the company. Whole. . Direct. FACTS PERTAINING TO CONTROL OF THE RESPONDENT. Date of last meeting of stockholders for election of directors: June 1, 1916. Date of last closing of stock books before end of year for which this report is made : December 31, 1916. Total number of stockholders of record at the date required in answer to second question: Seventy, and one in question. Has any issue of securities contingent voting rights? No. Has any issue of securities special privileges in the election of directors? No. Did any individual, association, corporation or corporations, gas, electric, or other, control the respondent on December 31, 1916? No. If control was so held, state: (а) The form of control, whether sole or joint: The claimed ownership is sole. The Washington Gas Light Co. had registered in its name 3,530 shares, or a majority of 530 shares, but it was not allowed to vote them nor paid any dividends thereon, and its right to the stock is being litigated by this company. A decision on the outcome of this suit is still pending. (б) The mame of the controlling corporation or corporations: Washington Gas Light Co. (c) The manner in which control was established : By secret purchase of stock in names of private parties. (d) The extent of control: 3,530 shares, a majority of 530. (e) Whether control was direct or indirect: Shares since October, 1907, have been in name of Washington Gas Light Co. (/) The name of the intermediary through which control, if indirect, was established : B. H. Barthol, William B. Orme, H. C. Winship, George A. Mcllheny, C. C. Glover, and John R. McLean. Did any individual association or corporation, as trustee, control the respondent on December 31, 1916? No. Companies operated: The Georgetown Gas Light Co. H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 4 50 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Capital stock. Number of shares authorized . 6, 000 Par value of one share c $25. 00 Total par value authorized $150, 000. 00 Total par value outstanding $150, 000. 00 Total par value held by respondent corporation None. Total par value not held by respondent corporation None. Dividends declared during vear: Rate $1. 25 Amount . $15, 000. 00 Nuuber of shares issued during year: None. Funded debt. Designation of bond or obligation. \ Date. Total par value authorized. Total par value out- standing. Total par value held by respondent cor- poration. Issue. Matu- rity. In treas- ury. In sink- ing or other funds. Certificate of indebtedness 50-year 5 per cent gold bonds Total 1908 1912 1918 1962 $250,000.00 1,000,000.00 $177,000.00 473,000.00 $25,000.00 527,000.00 None. None. 1,250,000.00 65,000.00 552,000.00 Designation of bond or obligation. Total par value not held by respondent corpora- tion. Interest. Rate. Payable. Amount accrued during year. Amount paid during year. Certificates of indebtedness 50- vear 5 per cent gold bonds Total $177,000.00 473,000.00 Per cent. 5 5 Feb. land Aug.l do $9, 145. 00 20,029. 72 $9,145.00 20,029. 72 650,000.00 29, 174. 72 29, 174. 72 Receiver’s certificates: None. Security for funded debt: Five per cent 50-year gold bonds; property mortgaged and securities pledged, entire property rights and franchises of company. Recapitulation of capitalization. Total par value outstanding : Capital stock $150,000 Funded debt 650,000 Total 800, 000 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 51 Income account statement. Operating income : Operating revenues $193,815.33 Operating expenses 148,245.66 Net operating revenue $45, 569. 67 Deductions from total net revenue, taxes 10, 77 6. 72 Net operating income $34,792.95 Other income, miscellaneous rent revenues. 510. 00 Gross corporate income . * 35, 302. 95 Deductions from gross corporate income, interest 29, 174. 72 Net corporate income 6, 128. 23 Disposition of net corporate income, dividends declared on common stock 15, 000. 00 Deficit for year 8, 871. 77 Note. — Dividends paid. The one paid February 12, 1916. was for the last half of 1915, and the one paid June 29, 1916, was for first half of 1916. Deficit has occurred since gas was reduced to 85 cents per 1,000 cubic feet; increase in consumption has not been great enough to offset increased cost of materials used in manufacture of gas and reduced price to consumers. Operating revenues. Sale of gas for municipal purposes $5, 815. 82 Prepaid gas sales 11, 214. 50 Commercial gas sales 132, 496. 37 Sale of gas to other gas corporations 10, 591. 50 $160, 118. 19 Sale of residuals and by-products: Sale of gas coke 28, 362. 33 Sale of tar 4, 991. 06 Sale of ammoniacal liquor 343. 75 — — 33, 697. 14 Total operating revenues 193, 815. 33 Operating expenses. Account. Amount. Ratio to total of general account. Ratio to total operating expenses. Production expenses: Works superintendence $4. 765. 00 4. 26 3. 21 Works labor IS, 81 2. 64 16. 80 12. 68 Boiler fuel 5. 582. 86 4.99 3. 77 .39 Water 585. 56 .52 Fuel under retorts 4,944. 56 31.852.41 4. 42 3. 34 Coal carbonized 28. 46 21.49 Generator fuel 14! 5S5. 16 13.03 9.84 W ater-gas oil 27, 638. 82 24. 70 18. 65 Purifying supplies 340. 28 .30 .23 Miscellaneous works expense 2, 806. 81 2.52 1.89 Total production expenses 111,914. 10 m. oo 75. 49 Transmission and distribution expenses: Transmission pumping 128. 00 3. 48 .09 .70 Distribution superintendence 1,034. 81 218. 68 28.14 Distribution supplies and expenses 5. 94 . 15 Gas meter and installation work 2, 296. 33 62.44 1.55 Total transmission and distribution expenses 3,677. 82 100. 00 2.49 Commercial expenses, administration 2,368. 27 100.00 1.59 52 BALANCE sheets PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 0 perat l ng expenses — Continued . Account. Amount. Ratio to total of general account. Ratio to total operating ; expenses. General and miscellaneous expenses: Salaries and expenses of general officers $8, 673. 38 1,543.89 964. 94 4, 108. 55 1,081.53 901. 79 fc 364. 00 292.31 8, 782. 18 863. 04 1,004.00 1,705.86 28. 64 5. 10 3. 19 13. 56 3. 57 2.98 1.20 .96 29.00 2.85 3. 32 5.63 5. 85 1.04 .65 2. 77 .73 .61 .25 .20 5.92 .58 .68 1.15 General law expenses. . MiSAAllanenilS general flYpftTlSAf? Insurance . Relief HA.part.mAnt a.nH pensions Residuals expense General amortization . Stationery and printing Store expenses Stable expenses Total general and miscellaneous expenses 30, 285. 47 100.00 20. 43 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. Production expenses (labor $26 384 45* materials $85,529. 65) 111,914. 10 3, 677. 82 2, 368. 27 30, 285. 47 75. 49 2. 49 1.59 20. 43 Transmission and distribution expenses Com mer eial expenses General and misnellqnerms expenses Tnt.a.1 operating expenses 148. 245. 66 100.00 76.49 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues Balance sheet accounts. ASSETS. Permanent and log-term investments: Fixed capital, plant and equipment, Dec. 31, 1909 (de- voted to operation) Expenditures for plant and equipment since Dec. 31, 1909 Accrued amortization of capital Total Securities owned of proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies Working assets: Materials and supplies Cash Other special deposits Bills receivable Accounts receivable Other working assets Total Tax-reserve account Grand total LIABILITIES. Capital stock Long-term funded debt • Working liabilities: Consumers’ deposits Loans and bills payable Other working liabilities Total Accrued liabilities not due: Taxes accrued Interest accrued Total Deferred credit items, unamortized premium on debt Current accounts payable Consumers’ proportion of gas services Free surplus, balance Dec. 31, 1915. Dec. 31, 1916. Increase or decrease. 81,231,953.56 262,269.90 $1,231,953.56 300,745.34 $38,475.44 1,494,223.46 1,865.69 1,532,698.90 3,636.91 1,771.22 1,492,357.77 1,529,061.99 36, 704. 22 51,458.20 51,458.20 12,741.09 1.136. 25 753. 95 76,000.00 17,464.60 4,988.39 23,552.74 2,688.26 753. 95 87, 200. 00 15, 886. 83 2,413. 81 10,821.65 1,552. 01 11,200.66 1,577.77 2,57158 113,084.28 132, 505. 59 19,421.31 5,710. 12 5,710.12 1,662,610.37 1,713,025. 78 50,415.41 150. 000. 00 525.000. 00 150.000. 00 650.000. 00 125,000.00 7,035.24 82,000.00 3,472.40 7,631.11 595.87 82,000.00 2,673. 37 6, 145. 77 92, 507. 64 13,776.88 78, 780. 76 21,030.83 11, 169. 11 13.911.51 15, 139. 96 7,119.82 3,970.85 32, 199.94 29.051.47 8.148.47 2, 500. 00 9, 154. 13 2,452.27 856,091.03 2,500.00 1,839.11 2,452.27 503.26 7,315.02 855.587. 77 1,662,610. 37 1.713,025.78 50,415.41 Grand total BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 53 Capital accounts. Accounts. Land devoted to gas operations General structures and equipment: General structures General office equipment. : General shop equipment General stable equipment Total general structures and equip- ment Production plant: Works and station structures Furnaces, boilers, and accessories. Water-gas sets and accessories — Purification apparatus Accessory equipment at works . . . Total production plant. Transmission and distribution plant: Trunk lines and mains Gas services Gas meters Gas-meter installation. Total transmission and distribution plant Ancillary equipment: Gas tools and implements Gas laboratory equipment . Total ancillary equipment Undistributed construction expenditures: Engineering and superintendence Miscellaneous construction expendi- tures Total undistributed construction ex- penditures RECAPITULATION. Land devoted to gas operations Total general structures and equipment Total production plant Total transmission and distribution plant . . Total ancillary equipment Total undistributed construction expendi-' tures Grand total. Installed dur- ing year 1916 from assets. $192.67 141. 70 664.05 3. 42 69. 25 Total, year 1916. Installed Dec. 31,1909, to Jan. 1, 1916. $38,635.20 $192. 67 141. 70 664.05 3.42 69.25 63.00 63. 00 132. 25 132. 25 29, 698. 66 4, 856. 85 2, 172. 17 572. 57 29,698.66 4,856.85 2, 172. 17 572. 57 37,300.25 37, 300. 25 44.52 44. 52 44.52 44.52 36,308. 22 1,522.38 58.00 5,594. 33 43,482.93 8,990.58 2,413. 55 3, 776. 24 21,956. 79 6,848. 67 43,985.83 102,210.02 9.708. 12 11,821.53 2. 124. 12 125,863. 79 1,415. 88 71.20 1,487.08 8,636. 73 178.34 8,815.07 998. 42 132.25 37,300.25 44. 52 38,475.44 998.42 132. 25 37,300.25 44. 52 38,475.44 38,635.20 43,482. 93 43,985.83 125,863.79 1,487.08 8,815.07 262,269. 90 Total to Dec. 31, 1916. $38,635.20 36, 500. 89 1, 664. 08 58.00 6, 258. 38 44,481.35 9,059.83 2,413.55 3,776.24 21,956. 79 6, 911.67 44, 118. 1 131,908. 68 14,564. 97 13,993.70 2,696. 69 163, 164. 04 1,460.40 71.20 l,531.i 8,636. 73 178.34 8,815.07 38, 635. 20 44,481.35 44,118.08 163, 164. 04 1,531.60 8,815.07 300,745. 34 Corporate surplus. DEBITS. Debit balance transferred from income account $8, 871. 77 Deductions for year, shortages in cash 93. 63 Balance carried to balance sheet 856, 091. 03 Total 865,056.43 CREDITS. Balance 855,587.77 Additions for year : Cash $100. 00 Tax adjustment 4, 463. 34 District of Columbia Government (cash) 3, 574. 80 Miscellaneous adjustment 1, 330. 52 9, 468. 66 Total 865, 056.43 54 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Stocks and funded debt owned. STOCKS. Par value of stocks owned $9, 875. 00 Dividends declared None. Valuation of stocks owned 51, 458. 20 Securities owned of proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies: Georgetown Gas Light Co. of Montgomery County, Md. Funded debt: None. Contracts and agreements: None. Taxes and assessments. Ad valorem on real and personal property, District of Columbia $10, 531. 18 Internal revenue United States Government 245. 54 Total 10, 776. 72 Property abandoned: None. GAS STATISTICS. Location of works: 1118 Twenty-ninth Street NW., Washington, D. C. Real estate devoted to gas operations: Not available. Description of meters. Record of all meters in use during year. Prepay- ment Size, No. oflighis.- In use Dec. 31, 1915. Removed since. Added since. In use Dec. 31, 1916. meters of each size in use Dec. 31, 1916. 3 1,394 1,620 55 1,449 510 148 1, 708 10 88 62 150 20 207 17 224 30 12 1 11 45 6 1 7 60 9 1 8 100 3 1 2 Total 3,339 3 283 3,619 510 Feet. Gas on hand Dec. 31, 1915 277, 205 Gas made during year: Coal gas 90,528,000 Water gas 140. 844, 100 231, 649, 305 Gas sold by meter during year 150, 289, 900 Gas supplied to public lamps during year 11, 996, 280 Gas sold to other plants during year 21, 183, 000 Gas used at works and offices during year 2, 507, 000 Gas on hand Dec. 31, 1916 290, 755 Total gas sold, used, and on hand 186, 266, 935 Gas unaccounted for during year 45, 382, 370 Description of purifiers: Location, 1118 .Twenty-ninth Street; number, 2; length, 20 feet; width, 20 feet; depth, 7 feet 10 inches. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 55 Description of holders and their location. No. Location. Open or covered. Dimensions. Date of construc- tion. Working capacity. 1 1118 Twenty-ninth Street Open.... . . .do 91 feet 3 inches by 44 feet 2 inches. 58 feet 3J inches by 38 feet 4 inches. 40 feet 1 inch by 38 feet 2 inches . 1908 Cu. ft. 300.000 100.000 50,000 2 Do 1894 3 Do . . .do 1889 Greatest output in 24 hours, with date of same, 809,404 cubic feet, December 19, 1916. Least output in 24 hours, with date of same, 509,302 cubic feet, August 20, 1916. Usual day pressure on street mains as indicated at works, 50/10. Usual night pressure on street mains as indicated at works, 57/10. Comparative statement of costs of materials and supplies used generally in the making of gas, showing increases Dec. 31, 1916, over Dec. 31, 1915 — ■ Average costs in report show changes in prices during the year. Gas coal, Dec. 31, 1915: Freight ' $1. 90 Drayage 45 Cost of coal 1. 325 Trimming in shed 30 3. 975 Gas coal, Dec. 31, 1916: Freight 1. 90 Drayage 55 Cost of coal . 2.50 Trimming in shed 30 5. 25 Dec. 31, 1916 5. 25 Dec. 31, 1915 3. 975 Increase in cost (per ton) 1. 275 Water gas oil: Dec. 31, 1916 0485 Dec. 31, 1915 0425 Increase in cost (per gallon) 0060 Boiler fuel, coal: Dec. 31, 1916 4. 25 Dec. 31, 1915. 3.75 Increase in cost (per ton) . . .50 Generator fuel, coal: Dec. 31, 1916 6.00 Dec. 31, 1915 5.55 Increase in cost (per ton) 45 Total increases: Gas coal (per ton) 1. 275 Water gas oil (per gallon) 0060 Boiler fuel (per ton) 50 Generator fuel (per ton) 45 Increased cost in materials used 2. 2310 56 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. RULES REGARDING GAS MAIN EXTENSIONS AND SERVICE PIPE INSTALLATIONS OF THE GEORGETOWN GAS LIGHT CO. [By order of the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia.] (1) Upon application to serve premises with gas, the gas light company shall extend its main, without cost to the applicants, a distance of 125 feet in length per house to be connected with the extension, provided that this length of extension is sufficient to reach the premises. In cases in which this length of extension is not sufficient to reach the premises, the gas light company shall make the entire extension provided that the applicants deposit with the gas light company 75 cents per linear foot of fur- ther extension necessary, the applicants to receive no interest on the deposit, and the deposit to be returned by the gas light company to the depositors at the rate of $93.75 (the amount of deposit to cover 125 feet in length of the extension) for each additional house served from the extension, until the entire amount of deposit is returned. (2) These regulations shall not be construed as requiring a gas light company to ex- tend its mains in streets that are not at or near established grade, nor as prohibiting a gas light company from making extensions of mains of greater length than required herein. (3) Upon application for connection between a gas main and a house, the entire installation of the gas service pipe from the main to the meter shall be made by the gas light company, and half the cost thereof shall be borne by the gas light company and half by the applicant. (4) The gas light companies shall hereafter maintain and bear the expense of main- tenance of the entire service pipe. (5) Petition may be made to the commission for special action in any case in which it is claimed that the application of these regulations causes injustice. A true copy. [seal.] J. L. Schley, Executive Officer. Kind and sizes of street mains and length of each size in feet. Kind. Diameter in inches. Total length, in feet, Dec. 31, 1915. Laid since. Total length, in feet, Dec. 31, 1916. Wrought iron 2 5, 100 None. 5,100 Cast iron 3 42, 332 None. 42, 332 Do 4 86, 298 2,359 88, 657 Do 6 85, 949 4,179 90, 128 Do 8 18, 378 13,084 31,462 Do 10 4,100 None. 4,100 Do 12 37, 930 N one. 37, 930 Do 10 250 None. 250 Total 280,337 299,959 Statement of coal gas materials for year ending Dec. 31, 1916. On hand Dec. 31. 1915. Received during the year. Carbon- ized dur- ing the year. Unac- counted for. On hand Dec. 31, 1910. Average cost. Other than enriching gas coals tons.. N aphtha trallons . . 447 37, 660 8,099 623,839 8, 675^-jlf 628, 418 129 288 33,081 i $3. 67 2. 0442 1 Per ton of 2240 pounds. 2 Per gallon. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 57 Statement of water gas materials for year ending Dec. 31, 1916. On hand Dee. 31, 1915. Received during the year. Used dur- ing the year. Unac- counted for. j On hand i Dec. 31. j 1916. Average cost. For generating the gas: Coal Tons. 184 Tons. 1,889 Tons. 1 , 158j|§§ 1,543 1, 169 T VA 629 Tons. 34 Tons \ 883 ! 1 So. 85 Coke 712 1 5.05 For generating steam: Coal 1,329 74 i 4. 78 Coke i 1.27 Naphtha Gallons. 37, 660 Gallons. j 623, 839 759 Gallons. 628,418 752 Gallons. Gallons. 33, 081 2 . 0442 Other oils 70 2 .22 1 Per ton of 2240 pounds. 2 Per gallon. Statement of residual 'products for the year. On hand Dec. 31, 1915. Made during year. Used during year. Sold during year. Coke, tons 12 5,507 128,000 69,915 2,556 3,051 tons, at §6.80 per ton. 128,000 gallons, at $0.29 per gallon. 69J15 gallons, at $0. 19 per gallon. Tar (coal gas), gallons Tar (water gas), gallons Prices now obtained for residuals: Tar (coal gas), per gallon Tar (water gas), per gallon Coke, per ton Coke, per bushel Ammoniacal liquor, per 10 ounces $0.03 .02 4.68 • 07| Length and sizes of mains laid during the year for which contributions have been required of customers or others, and amount of such contributions: 75 feet of 2^-inch main, $56.25: 350 feet of 4-inch main, $262.50; 1,135 feet of 6-inch main, $851.50. Service pipes and fittings. Diameter in inches. Number at first of year. Added within the year. Number available at close of year. Number. Length in feet. Material. All 4,216 191 10 180 1 167,395 Wrought., do . . 4,407 1-inch 1 J-inch . . .do 2-inch .. do.... Number of services laid from main to curb and not yet used: None. “Dead ” services at the close of the year: None. Residences piped by respondent in the year: None. Business places piped by respondent in the year: None. Are service pipes laid free from main to meter? No. For what portion of pipe is charge made? One-half cost. At what rates per foot are consumers charged? As per schedule of Public Utilities Commission. Page 56. Give detailed schedules of all prices on December 31, 1916, charged to private cus- tomers, including all special prices and all prices for gas sold for power, mechanical, or manufacturing purposes. Gross price $0.95; discount for prompt payment, 10 cents, if paid within 10 days. 58 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. DEPRECIATION. This account includes monthly charges to general amortization (which are concur- rently credited to accrued amortization of capital) of 0.0472 cent per 1,000 cubic feet of gas sold to cover such wear and tear and casualties as have occurred during the month . Deductions are made from accrued amortization of capital for repairs or maintenance accounts and balance carried on books to cover future wear, tear, or casualties as may occur. The whole amount of general amortization is carried into income and expense account as an expense. OATH. City op Washington, District of Columbia , ss: We, the undersigned, Robert D. Weaver, president, and Charles P. Williams, sec- retary, of the Georgetown Gas Light Co. , on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said company, which are kept in accordance with the accounting rules promulgated by the Public Utilities Commission; that we have carefully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and we further say that no deductions were made before stating the operating revenues herein set forth, except those shown in the foregoing accounts; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowl- edge, information and belief. Robert D. Weaver, President. Chas. P. Williams. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, 1917. Jseal.] J. McKenney Berry, Notary Public. WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO. HISTORY. 1. Exact name of company making this report: Washington Gas Light Co. 2. Date of organization: July 8, 1848. 3. Under laws of what Government, State or Territory organized? United States Government; act of Congress approved July 8, 1848. See copy “ Revised charter” attached to annual report for year 1913. 4. If a consolidated company, name the constituent companies. No. 5. Date and authority of each consolidation. No. 6. State whether respondent is a corporation, a joint stock association, a firm or partnership or an individual. Corporation. 7. If a reorganized company, give name of original organization and refer to laws under which it was organized . No. Directors. Name. Post-office address. Expiration of term. Howard S. Reeside 1830 Nineteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. . Dupont Circle. Washington, D. C Feb. 5. 1917. Joseph Lei ter Do. James M. Green 1336 New York Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. 1303 New Hampshire Avenue NW., Washing- ton, D. C. 1822 R Street NW., Washington, D. C Do. Guy F. Whiting Do. Ord Preston Do. Daniel Fraser 458 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. 1339 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa Do. John D. Mcllhenny Do. Principal officers. Salary. Name. Title. Total. Applicable to District of Colum- bia. Howard S. Reeside . . William B. Orme George M. Whitwell. Lawrence Townsend . Rawlins Hume Sanford N. Whitwell A. B. Kelly Berry & Minor H. G. Reed E. S. U instead James S. Mcllhenny. Thomas B. Hopper.. Timothy S. Tincher. J. J. Darlington General office force . . President Secretary Assistant secretary Treasurer Assistant treasurer General auditor Cashier General counsel Manager sales department Superintendent of distribution Chief engineer Superintendent of manufacture, west station Superintendent of manufacture, east station. Consulting counsel $18, 000. 00 7. 500. 00 3, 500. 00 5.000. 00 3.000. 00 5.000. 00 4, 200.00 6. 000. 00 2. 300. 00 2. 500. 00 6, 000. 00 2,645.77 4.000. 00 5. 000. 00 10,587.06 $18,000.00 7, 500. 00 3. 500. 00 5.000. 00 3.000. 00 5.000. 4, 200. 6 . 000 . 2, 300. 2.500.00 6,000.00 2, 645. 77 4.000. 00 5.000. 00 10,587.06 Officer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed: San- ford N. Whitwell, general auditor, Washington Gas Light Co., 411 Tenth Street NW. 59 8888 60 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Employees other than officers. - Number of em- ployees. Average wages. Maxi- mum Class. Per month. Per week. Per day. hours continu- ous service. Commercial: 1 $200. 00 1 160. 00 5 92. 66 8 8 116. 14 8 Clerks . ..... 13 94.29 8 Meter inspectors’ roll: 39 $2. 72 8 1 5. 65 8 Assistant superintendent 1 3.76 8 Clerks * 20 2. 74 8 Storeroom roll: Superintendent 1 5.50 8 Clerks 5 2. 70 8 Laborers 4 1.94' 8 General office roll: Clerks 7 123.28 8 Stenographers 2 66. 75 8 Superintendent of buildings 1 4.00 8 Carpenters 2 1 2.75 8 Janitors 7 1.98 10 Other employees 9 2.09 8 Sales department: Salesmen 7 $17. 50 8 Clerks and other employees 10 13. 90 8 Transmission and distribution: Meter shop— Foreman 1 5.04 8 Repairers, testers, clerks, etc 21 2.91 8 Distribution (street) — Assistant superintendent 1 166.66 Clerks 4 2.88 8 Foremen 13 2. 98 8 Inspectors 9 2. 98 8 Laborers 71 1.56 8 Draftsmen 2 3.00 8 Other employees 20 2. 19 8 Fitting shop — Superintendent 1 166. 66 Fitters and helpers 78 2. 37 8 Clerks 11 2.95 8 Foremen 10 3.86 8 Laborers and other employees 17 1.75 8 Production, gas works: Foremen and engineers 13 3. 70 10 Chemist 1 4. 11 10 Assistant chemists 2 2. 52 10 Draftsman 1 4.00 8 Clerks 3 ! 2.44 8 Firemen 7 2. 21 10 Runners 15 2.50 10 Coal men 32 2.00 10 Laborers 72 1.67 10 Other employees 51 1 2.31 10 Carpenters 2 4.50 10 Machinists and helpers 5 i 3.00 10 Masons 9 5.42 8 1 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 61 Corporations controlled by respondent. Name. Control. Sole or joint. How established. Extent. Direct or indirect. Other parties to agreement for joint control. ACTIVE CORPORATIONS. Washington Gas Light Co. of Montgomery County, Md. Georgetown Gas Light Co. Joint Through own- ership of major- ity of stock. Washington Gas Co. owns 3,530 out of 6,000 shares of capital stock. Shares. 497 Joseph Leiter, Ord Preston, Wil- liam Orme. Do not control either directly or indirectly. Inactive corporations: None. FACTS PERTAINING TO CONTROL OF THE RESPONDENT. 1. Date of last meeting of stockholders for election of directors: February 7, 1916. 2. Date of last closing of stock books before end of year for which this report is made: October 15, 1916. 3. Total number of stockholders of record at the date required in answer to question 2: 1,579? 4. Has each share of stock one vote? Yes. 5. Has any issue of securities contingent voting rights? No. 6. Has any issue of securities special privileges in the election of directors? No. 7. Did any individual, association, corporation or corporation's, gas, electric or other, control the respondent on December 31, 1916? No. 8. Did any individual, association or corporation, as trustee, control the respondent on December 31, 1916? No. Name of every company the operations of which are included in this report: Wash- ington Gas Light Co. Companies jointly operated: None. Capital stock. Common: Number of shares authorized 130, 000 Par value of 1 share $20. 00 Total par value authorized 2, 609, 000. 00 Total par value outstanding 2, 600. 000. 00 Total par value held by respondent corporation None. Total par value not held by respondent corporation 2, 600, 000. 00 Dividends declared during year — Rate per share 4. 8 0 Amount 624, 000. 0 0 Number of shares issued during year N one Funded debt. 50-year 5 per cent gold coupon bonds, general mortgage: Issue, November, 1910. Maturity, 1960. Total par value authorized $5, 200, 000. 00 Total par value outstanding . 4, 059. 652. 00 Total par value held by respondent corporation — In treasury 1,140,348.00 In sinking or other funds None. Total par value not held by respondent corporation 4, 059, 652. 00 Interest — Rate, 5 per cent. Payable, May 1 and November 1. Amount accrued during year 202, 975. 00 Amount paid during year 202, 975. 00 Total par value issued during year: None. Receiver’s certificates: None. Security for bonded debt: Fifty-year 5 per cent gold coupon bonds, general mort- gage; property mortgaged and securities pledged, all real estate and personal property 'of the company. 62 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Recapitulation of capitalization. Total par value outstanding: Capital stock $2, 600, 000. 00 Funded debt 4, 059, 652. 00 Total 6,659,652.00 Income account statement. Operating income: Outside operations: Outside operations, revenues 214, 330. 04 Net deficit from outside operations 831. 47 Total net revenue 1, 020, 190. 56 Deductions from total net revenue: Uncollectible customers’ bills 46. 06 Total deductions from net revenue 156, 698. 86 Net operating income $863, 491. 70 Other income: Miscellaneous rent revenues, 1, 603. 96 Dividend revenues 9. 421. 40 Interest revenues 9, 129. 49 Total other income 20, 154. 85 Gross corporate income. 883, 646. 55 Deductions from gross corporate income: Interest deductions 215, 103. 78 Bad debts written off 519. 43 Amortization of debt discount and expense 3, 528. 60 Amortization of premium on debt — Cr 3, 024 . 17 Other deductions from gross corporate income 1, 535. 51 Total deductions from gross corporate income 217, 663. 15 605, 983. 40 Disposition of net corporate income, dividends declared on common stock 624, 000. 00 Surplus 41, 983. 40 Operating revenues. Sale of gas for municipal purposes $78, 848. 32 Prepaid gas sales 50, 998. 66 Commercial gas sales 2, 125, 614. 60 Sale of gas to other gas corporations 7, 345. 87 Sale of residuals and by-products: Sale of gas coke 11. 80 Sale of tar 9, 051. 47 Sale of other residuals and by products 67, 194. 60 Other miscellaneous gas revenue 6, 051. 85 Total operating revenues 2, 345, 117. 17 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 63 Operating expenses. Account. Amount. 1 Ratio to total of general account. Ratio t© * total operating expenses. Production expenses: 118,450.66 75, 837. 55 Per cent. 0. 0217 Per cent. 0.0138 Works labor .0894 .0573 59, 251. 97 .0698 .0447 Water 245.38 .0003 .0002 245,582. 06 365,002.51 .2891 .1855 Water-gas oil .4298 .2759 4,576.70 22, 207. 41 .0054 .0034 Miscellaneous works expense .0262 .0168 7, 484. 61 .0088 .0056 Works and station structures, maintenance 12, 406. 08 8,507.11 29, 157. 66 666.08 .0145 .0094 Power-plant equipment, maintenance . 0100 .0064 Gas apparatus," maintenance .0343 .0220 Works "tools, maintenance .0007 .0005 Total production expenses 849, 375. 78 1.00 .6415 Transmission and distribution expenses: 4,248. 61 23, 918. 71 10, 296. 07 27, 305. 18 20, 032. 52 33, 352. 21 25, 453. 47 664. 27 2, 962. 02 .0288 .0032 Distribution superintendence . 1614 .0181 . 0695 .0078 Gas meter and Installation work .1840 .0206 Work on consumers’ premises . 1350 .0151 Gas mains and services — maintenance .2250 .0252 Gas meters — maintenance .1718 .0192 Distribution tools— maintenance and equipment maintenance Gas appliances — maintenance .0045 .0200 .0005 .0022 Total transmission and distribution expenses 148, 233. 06 1.00 .111® Street and park lighting expenses: Street-lamp operation 2,386. 63 1,917.92 .5544 .0018 Street lamps — maintenance .4456 .0014 Total street and park lighting expenses 4,304. 55 1.00 .0032 Commercial expenses: Commercial administration 98,503.11 9, 464. 78 6, 977. 06 .8570 .0743 Advertising .0823 .0072 Other commercial expenses .0607 .0053 Total commercial expenses 114, 944. 95 1.00 .0868 General and miscellaneous expenses: Salaries and expenses of general officers 43, 705. 00 .2108 .033® Salaries and expenses of general office clerks 10,587.06 7, 146. 33 .0511 .0086 General office supplies and expenses .0345 .0054 General law expenses 11,462. 23 .0553 .0087 Miscellaneous general expenses 16, 423. 67 6,070. 23 12,541.96 .0792 .0124 Insurance .0293 .0046 Relief department and pensions .0605 .0094 Residuals expense 564. 28 .0027 .0004 .0517 General amortization 68,307.82 2,091.38 7, 247. 69 .3295 Injuries to persons and property .0101 .0016 Stationery and printing .0350 .0055 Store expenses 8, 526. 45 .0412 .0065 Stable and automobile expenses 33, 867. 59 24,008.54 2, 703. 65 . 1638 .0256 Miscellaneous adjustments, balance .1160 .0182 General structures, maintenance .0130 . 0026 Total general and miscellaneous expenses 207, 236. 80 1.00 .1566 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. Production expenses 849,375. 78 148,233.06 .6415 Transmission and distribution expenses . 1119 Street and park lighting expenses 4, 304. 55 114,944.95 207, 236. 80 .0032 Commercial expenses .0868 General and miscellaneous expenses .1566 Total operating expenses 1,324,095.14 1.00 Rates of operating expenses to operating revenues, 56.46 per cent. 64 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Balance sheet accounts. . Dec. 31,1915. Dec, 31, 1916. Increase or decrease. ASSETS. Permanent and long-term investments: Fixed capital, plant and equipment, Dec. 31, 1909 (de- voted to operation) $12, 268, 100. 29 1,148,200.80 $12,238,325.09 1,327,568.63 1 29,775.20 179,367.83 Expenditures for plant and equipment since Dec. 31, 1909 Accrued amortization of capital 13,416,301.09 I 421, 220. 60 13, 565, 893. 72 461,292.05 149,592.63 40,071.45 Total 12,995,080. 49 13,104,601.67 109,521.18 Securities owned of proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies 314,379.00 314,379.00 Working assets: Materials and supplies Cash Bills receivable Accounts receivable Advances Other working assets Total Accrued income not due, interest and dividends receivable. . Deferred debit items: Insurance premiums paid in advance Suspense accounts Other prepayments Unamortized debt discount and expense Construction work in progress Total Grand total LIABILITIES. Common stock Long-term funded debt Working liabilities: Consumers’ deposits Loans and bills payable Audited vouchers and wages unpaid Other working liabilities Total Accrued liabilities not due: Taxes accrued Interest accrued Total Deferred credit items, unamortized premium on debt Consumers’ proportion of gas services Free surplus— balance 266, 408. 24 104, 812. 25 4. 750. 00 340,934.97 5.825.00 1.106.00 199, 511.00 160,891.88 4.750.00 344.141.13 5. 475. 00 1. 106. 00 66,897. 24 56,079.63 3,206. 16 350.00 723,836. 46 715,875.01 7,961.45 29,231.25 38,178.75 | 8,947.50 2, 593. 79 9,562.20 5,076. 10 v 20,016.66 14, 114. 77 28,042.85 6.968. 41 5,076. 10 5.375.41 3,528.60 15,827. 97 14,641.25 17,643.37 12,214.88 47,093.29 76,812. 58 29,719.29 14,109,620. 49 14, 249, 847. 01 140,226. 52 2,600,000.00 4,059, 652.00 2,600,000.00 4,059,652.00 225, 284. 55 228, 211. 55 100,000.00 53.266. 49 1,087. 67 2,927.00 100,000.00 21,915.81 518. 50 75,181.80 569. 17 301,035.52 382,565. 71 81,530. 19 244,213.83 33.829.16 157,329.74 36,497.17 86,884-09 2,668.01 278,042.98 193,826.91 84,216.08 15,120.83 14, 734. 77 6,841,034. 38 12,096.66 30, 933. 58 6, 970, 772. 15 3,024,17 16, 198. 81 129, 737. 77 14, 109, 620. 49 j 14,249,847.01 140,226.52 Grand total BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 65 Capital accounts. Accounts. Total, year 1916. Installed Dec. 31, 1909, to Jan. 1, 1916. Total to Dec. 31, 1916. Land devoted to gas operations $22,938.05 $76,576.85 $99,514. 90 500. 00 500.00 General structures and equipment: 8, 440. 65 528. 95 209. 33 1,805.84 15,572.69 4, 156. 48 189. 47 28,563.85 10, 246. 49 16, 101. 64 4, 365. 81 189. 47 30,560.85 Genera] office equipment General shop equipment General stable equipment Total general structures and equipment Production plant: Works and structures Holders 1,997.00 11,175.93 50, 288. 33 61,464. 26 17,246. 07 10, 058. 10 396. 00 64,649.28 1,964.11 21,440. 77 15, 072. 51 81,895. 35 12, 022. 21 21,836. 77 15, 072. 51 193. 32 2,338. 71 3,262. 86 71,843.30 8,403. 98 81,354.83 Furnaces, boilers, and accessories Steam engines 193. 32 36.90 Miscellaneous power-plant equipment Benches and retorts 2, 375. 61 3, 262. 86 68,456.6.? 6, 288. 71 66, 202. 95 Water-gas sets and accessories Purification apparatus Accessory equipment at works Total production plant Transmission and distribution plant: Trunk lines and mains (distribution department equip- ment, Booster station eouipment, Brightwood) Gas services 3, 386. 65 2, 115. 27 15, 151.88 48, 510. 39 249, 713. 45 298, 223. 84 28,635.84 36, 860. 74 25, 107. 37 2, 929. 92 471, 579. 42 49, 889. 26 195, 949. 32 2, 102. 89 500, 215. 26 86, 750. 00 221,056. 69 5,032. 81 Gas meters Gas meter installation Total transmission and distribution plant Municipal street-lighting fixtures Ancillary equipment: Gas engines and appliances Gas tools and implements Gas laboratory equipment Total ancillary equipment Undistributed construction expenditures, engineering and superintendence 93,533. 87 719, 520. 89 813,054.76 1,032.80 30,309.92 31,342. 72 3,475.81 37.26 148. 79 6,338.33 1,253.48 3, 839. 47 3, 862. 52 1,290.74 3,988.26 2,289.76 11,431.28 9, 141.52 4, 466. 55 9, 860.08 14,326. 63 RECAPITULATION. Land devoted to gas operations.., Total intangible capital 22,938.05 73, 576. 85 500. 00 50,288. 33 249, 713. 45 719,520.89 30,309.92 11,431.28 9, 860. 08 99, 514. 90 500.00 61,464.26 298, 223. 84 813,054. 76 31,342. 72 9,141.52 14, 326. 63 Total general structures and equipment Total production plant 11,175.93 48,510. 39 93,533.87 1,032.80 2, 289. 76 4, 466. 55 Total transmission and distribution plant 1 Municipal street-lighting fixtures Total ancillary equipment Total undistributed construction expenditures Grand total 179,367.83 1,148,200.80 1,327,568. 63 Corporate surplus. DEBITS. Deductions for year: Federal income tax, balance 1914 $88. 25 Bad checks, 1915 56. 94 Loss on gas service bills, prior to 1916 38. 66 Adjustment cuts in streets, prior to 1916 20. 59 Refund consumers’ deposits, etc 29. 57 Balance carried to balance sheet 6, 970, 772. 15 Total 6,971,006.16 H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 5 66 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. CREDITS. Balance $6, 841, 034. 38 Credit balance transferred from income account 41, 983. 40 Additions for year: Adjustment of personal taxes, prior to 1916 81, 822. 65 Interest on personal tax, 1914, and costs paid by District of Columbia 1, 966. 06 Refund taxes, 1915, on sublot 4, square south of square 1025 45. 00 Refund of tax on coal by Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co. . . 3, 580. 38 Discounts, 1914, 1915, Standard Oil Co 48. 95 Water gas tar, 1915 90. 00 Sale of typewriter 86. 65 Damage to electric light post, prior to 1916, collected 23. 46 Gas sales, 1915 218. 49 Refund on G. A. R. encampment donation, 1915 83. 33 Collected on bad account 4. 00 Service pipe, 1907 15. 80 Unclaimed wages, 1915 2. 12 Unclaimed balance of consumers’ deposits 1. 49 Total 6,971,006.16 Stocks and funded debt owned . stocks. Name. Par value of stocks owned. Dividends declared. Valuation of stocks owned (our book values). Rate. Amount. Securities owned of proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies: Washington Gas Light Co. of Montgomery County, Md $9. 940. 00 88, 250. 00 Per cent. 6 15 $596.40 8,825.00 $10, 000.00 172,004.00 Georgetown Gas Light Co Total 98, 190.00 9,421.40 182,004.00 FUNDED DEBT. Name. Par value of funded debt owned. Interest accrued. Valuation of funded debt owned. Rate. Amount. Securities owned of proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies: Georgetown Gas Light Co. certificates of indebtedness $132,375.00 Per cent. 5 $6, 615.00 $132,375.00 1 Semiannually. Sinking, redemption, and other special funds: None. Outside operations, revenues and expenses: None. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. Extensions or additions to plant or equipment: West station. — Converted storage holder into a relief holder, necessitating the installation of a new 36-inch inlet connection, and other work; installed larger gas mains connections from gas genera- tors to new relief holder and back to exhausters; dry seals on eight purifier boxes to increase capacity of same; automatic safety seal on exhauster outlet; new 500,000- gallon oil tank with brick retaining wall, pipe line to oil tank; water gas tar pipe line from relief holder to tar separators; built new stable and garage; new pump house. East station.— Installed carburetor blast control and hydraulic valve, Terry turbine blowing set, new 500,000-gallon oil tank, pipe line to oil tank, 150-foot extension to trestle. Decrease or abandonment of plant or equipment: Mains, 1, 177 feet; service pipe, 2,857 feet; coal shed and trestle, east station; 2 stables at west station. Contracts and agreements: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 67 Taxes and assessments. State or Territory. Ad valorem on real and personal property. Specific. Internal revenue United States Gov- ernment. Total. On bonds. On earn- ings, rev- enue or dividends. .Washington, D. C $29, 574. 74 $1, 122. 67 $8, 006. 80 Personal tax for year ending June 30, 1915 (see insert in year, 1915, annual report as to status of personal tax) $74, 057. 12 80,289.53 Personal tax for year ending June 30, 1916. . Total 29, 574. 74 1, 122. 67 154, 346. 65 8, 006. 80 $193, 050.86 Property abandoned , 1916. Description of property. Account credited. Total amount chargeable and charged off. Mains (1,777 feet) Services (2, 857 feet) Fixed capital, plant and equipment, Dec. 31, 1909 do $1,021.59 820. 17 GAS STATISTICS. Location of works: Twenty-sixth and G Streets NW., and Twelfth and M Street SE. Real estate devoted to gas operations. Description of land and buildings owned or occupied: See insert in back- of book for year 1914. Area of land: See insert in back of book for year 1914. Whether owned or leased: Owned. Year of acquisition: Lot 9, square 31, 1913 (cost, $175,000); Analostan Island, 1913 (cost, $7,281,597); north half lot 11, square 378, 1916 (cost, $3,122,295); year of acquisition and cost of balance of real estate not available. Size and material of buildings: See insert in back of annual report for year 1914. Book value: In the appraisal of Humphreys & Glasgow (Inc.) the value of all real estate, exclusive of lot 9, square 31, Analostan Island, and north half lot 11, square 378, was placed at $1,083,221.35. Description of meters A Size, number of lights. Record of all meters in use during year. Number of prepay- ment me- ters of each size in use Dec. 31, 1916. Meters con- demned during year ending Dec. 31, 1916. Number in use Dec. 31, 1915. Removed since. Added since. Changed in size. Number in use Dec. 31, 1916. 3 23, 905 1,333 2, 107 -297 24,382 * 4, 039 334 5 and 5a 33, 465 863 3, 765 +259 36, 626 81 10 and 10a 2, 727 103 324 + 50 2, 998 8 20 872 27 15 — 5 855 30 and 30a 538 20 40 558 45 250 10 5 — 4 241 2 60 133 2 3 + 2 136 1 100 110 3 — 5 102 2 200 24 1 2 25 300 7 1 8 Total. . . 62, 031 2, 362 6, 262 65, 931 4,039 428 1 Do not include meters in stock. . 2 All 3-light. 68 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Gas on hand on Dec. 31, 1915 Water gas made during year Gas sold by meter during year Gas supplied to public lamps during year Gas sold to other plants during year Gas used at works and offices during year. Gas on hand Dec. 31, 1916 5, 679, 000 3,050, 141, 000 2, 644, 895, 000 162, 820, 625 11, 906, 800 14, 225, 300 5, 200, 000 Feet. 3, 055, 820, 000 Total gas sold, used, and on hand 2, 839, 047, 725 Gas unaccounted for during year 216, 772, 275 Description of purifiers. Location. Number. Length. Width. Depth. Northeast corner Twelfth and M Streets SE 8 Feet. 24 Feet. 24 Feet, 7 Southeast corner Twenty-sixth Street and Virginia Avenue N W 8 25 20 7 Northwest corner Twenty-sixth and G Streets NW 4 25 20 4 Northeast Corner Twenty-seventh and H Streets 4 25 25 4 Description of holders and their location. Location.' Number. Open or Dimensions. Date of construc- tion. Working capacity. covered. Diameter. Height. Southwest corner Twenty-sixth and G 1 Open.... Feet. 113 Feet. 60 1893 Cu.feet. 600,000 Streets NW. Southwest corner New Hampshire and Vir- 1 113 60 1883 600,000 ginia Avenues NW. Northeast corner New Hampshire and Vir- 1 145 90 1898 1,500,000 ginia Avenues NW. Southeast corner Twelfth and M Streets 1 152 66 1889 1,200,000 SE. Southwest corner Thirteenth Street and 1 123 86 1895 1,000,000 Virginia Avenue SE. First and K Streets SW 1 . . .do 112 60 1876 600,000 2, 600, 000 Do 1 150 115 1909 Greatest output in 24 hours, with date of same, December 16, 1916, 12,018,000 cubic feet. Least output in 24 hours, with date of same, August 6, 1916, 5,020,000 cubic feet. Usual day pressure on street mains as indicated at works. 40/10 from 5 a. m. to 11 p. m., gradually reducing to — Usual night pressure on street mains as indicated at works, 30/10 from 11 p. m. to 5 a. m. Kind and sizes of street mains and length of each size in feel. Kind. Diameter, in inches. Total length, in feet, Dec. 31, 1915. Taken up since. Aban- doned but not re- moved. Laid since. Total length, in feet, Dec. 31, 1915. Cast iron 24 34, 715 34, 715 32, 108 Do . 20 32, 108 Do 16 25,525 202, 610 44, 386 14, 028 660, 476 1,266,393 268, 712 25,525 202, 674 44, 386 Do... 12 64 Do 10 Do 8 14,028 670,411 Do 6 492 10, 427 11,490 Do 4 245 1, 277, 638 268,652 Do . 3 18 42 Subtotal 2, 548, 963 25, 692 14, 443 755 42 21, 981 372 2,570, 137 25, 658 22,629 142,518 75, 956 Wrought iron 2 406 Do 8, 186 4,883 Do li 137, 952 76, 213 317 Do 1 257 Total 2, 803, 253 1,735 42 35, 422 2, 836, 898 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 69 Statement of gas-making materials for the year ending Dec. 31, 1916. Anthracite coal. Gas coal. Steam coal. Retort coke. Oven coke. Gas oil. On hand Dec. 31. 1916 Received during the year — Sold during the year Tons. Lbs. 19, 143 28,381 2,166 485 34,350 1,746 3,412 Tons. 2,592 4 Tons. Lbs. 2,530 4,063 508 Tons. Lbs. 24 960 1 1,600 2 1,280 11 1,920 Tons. Lbs. 11,084 2,040 Gallons. 2,231,812 10,727,191 (reneratinp’ wa t.p.r gas 10,687 539 60 1,560 Generating steam Carburetting the gas 1,106 6,275 1,588 11,844,398 Used for other purposes Lost . 191 1 3,004 1,240 6,080 1,420 88 54 8 640 1 660 Shortage (by inventory) 665 729 On hand Dec. 31, 1916 Average unit cost 263 1,160 335 1,521 1,114,605 $5.35 $3.54 $3.28 $5.91 $0.0308 Statement of residual products for the year 1916. Coke. Water-gas tar. Holder oils. Light oils. On h^nd Dec. 31, 1915 Made during the year Tons. Lbs. 24 960 Not measured... do Not measured... do Not measured. Do. None. Not measured. Do. Used during the year Sold during the year On hand Dec. 31, 1916 22 1,600 1 1,600 13,013,530 gallons 328,742 gallons.. Not measured... None 84,910 gallons Not measured... Prices now obtained for residuals: Coke, none for sale; water-gas tar, 2 and 2\ cents per gallon; light oils sold by flat rate contract. Length and sizes of mains laid during the year for which contributions have been required of customers or others, and amount of such contributions: None. Service pipes and fittings. Added within the year 1916. 1 1 Removed Diameter, in inches. Number. Length, in feet. Material. Total cost per foot. Total cost in- stalled. or aban- doned in year. Independent of size $99.96 $0.0371 $3,347.00 f-inch 9 1-inch 891 39. 23 .1149 102.35 47 1^-ineh 1,350 113 69,003 8, 131 5,737 5,257 ; 1, 090 6,080.07 1,083.55 .3172 21,888. 07 3, 124.33 3, 227. 84 3,871.16 1,711.13 15 lj-inch .3842 1 2-inch 76 1,144.75 .5626 4 3-inch 28 1,836.23 .7364 2 4-inch 14 1,131.81 1.5698 Total 1,581 90,109 ! 1 11,415.60 .4136 37,271.88 78 Number of residences piped by respondent in the year: 194. Number of business places piped by respondent in the year: None. Are service pipes laid free from main to meter? No. If not, for what portion of pipe is charge made? For one-half of entire cost of all pipe laid. At what rates per foot are consumers charged? 70 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Size. Inside exten- sion. I I Dirt. | Brick. Belgian block or cobble. Macad- am. Granite block. Ce- ment. Asphalt block. Wood- en block. Bitu- minous macad- am or sheet asphalt. Vitri- fied block. 1-inch $0. 1743 $0.2751 $0.3975 $0. 4083 $0.5417 $0.6083 $0. 6417 $0. 6563 $0.9417 $0.9973 $1.0528 11-inch .1953 .3232 .4456 .4564 .5898 .6564 .6898 .7044 .9898 1.0454 1.1009 11-inch .2929 .4275 .5499 .5607 .6941 .7607 .7941 .8087 1.0941 1.1497 1.2052 2-inch .3152 .4963 | .6187 .6295 .7629 .8295 .8629 .8775 1. 1629 1.2185 1.2740 3-inch .4408 .6505 1 .7729 .7837 .9171 .9837 1.0171 1.0317 1.3171 1.3727 1.4282 4-inch .5627 1.0267 1.1491 1. 1599 1.2933 1.3599 1.3933 1.4079 1.6933 1.7489 1.8044 One-half of the above charge payable by applicant. Total number of street lamps in use in District of Columbia: 10, 577. Number of street lamps and posts owned by the respondent: 2,940. Schedules of all prices on December 31, 1916: Price to private customers, 75 cents per thousand cubic feet with a penalty of 10 cents per thousand of not paid within 10 days from rendition of bill; 70 cents per 1,000 cubic feet municipal purposes, build- ings; 70 cents per 1,000 cubic feet United States buildings. Is any meter rent or minimum charge made? No. DEPRECIATION. On the 1st day of each month operating expense account “general amortization” is charged with 7 cents on each 1,000 cubic feet of gas sold during the previous month, the same account being credited with the total maintenance charges for the previous month. The balance being credited to “accrued amortization of capital.” The amount so deducted from revenues is designed to cover the total estimated depreciation for the year of all depreciable property of the plant. OATH. City of Washington, District of Columbia , ss: We, the undersigned, Howard S. Reeside, president, and Sanford N. Whitwell, general auditor, of the Washington Gas Light Co., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said company, which are kept in accordance with the account- ing rules promulgated by the Public Utilities Commission; that we have carefully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and we further say that no deductions were made before stating the operating revenues herein set forth, except those shown in the foregoing accounts; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief. Howard S. Reeside, President. Sanford N. Whitwell. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of January, 1917. [seal.] A. B. Kelly, Notary Public. SEMMES MOTOR LINE (INC.). Earnings and expenses. Earnings: Motor-car earnings $32, 825. 22 Expenses: Vehicle operation — Chauffeurs’ wages $4, 802. 20 Gasoline 4, 268. 05 Lubricants 924. 7.1 Tires 5, 893. 77 . Maintenance — Body repairs, labor 5, 509. 23 Chassis repairs, materials 7, 270. 07 Rent, proportion 1, 404. 87 Taxes, proportion 132. 75 Insurance other than on buildings 48. 57 General expenses — Salaries of officers 2, 912. 00 Office expense 242. 93 Advertising 61. 44 Miscellaneous 476. 74 Total expenses 33, 947. 33 Net deficit 1,122.11 Corporate surplus ( or deficit) account. DEBIT. Balance from income account $1, 122. 11 Balance sheet. ASSETS. Plant and equipment: Real estate $300. 00 Motor cabs 21, 625. 14 Inventory, supplies, etc 800.00 Cash: In bank 39. 09 Cashier 243. 25 Accounts 50. 00 Deferred debits, taxes, prepaid 1, 140. 22 Deficit 1, 122. 11 Total assets 25, 319. 81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, common 10, 000. 00 Accounts payable * 15, 319. 81 Total liabilities 25, 319. 81 71 72 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Detailed report of officers and employees. • Salaries and wages. Average rate. Number of em- ployees. President $2,400.00 4,802.20 i $200. 00 2 1,200.55 Chauffeurs 4 1 Per month. 2 Per annum. Cabs used, Wilcox; capacity, 16 to 30 passengers. Washington, D. C., March 1, 1917. Public Utilities Commission of District of Columbia. Gentlemen: In lieu of salaries and wages (besides that of the president and chauf- feurs), telephone messages, and other incidentals connected with the office work, a monthly charge of $20 for storage is made against each bus. Very truly, yours, Semmes Motor Line (Inc.), By J. E. Kane, Auditor. Washington, D. C., March 1, 1917. Public Utilities Commission, of District of Columbia. Gentlemen: We beg to advise that there were no intra-District passengers on our busses during the year of 1916. Very truly, yours, Semmes Motor Line (Inc.), By J. E. Kane, Auditor. OATH. District of Columbia, City of Washington ss: We, the undersigned, Raphael Semmes, president, and J. E. Kane, auditor, of Semmes Motor Line (Inc.), on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said respondent, that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said respondent in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said re- spondent during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. Raphael Semmes, President. J. E. Kane. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of March, 1917. [seal.] Rae A. Serwer, Notary Public, District of Columbia POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE CO List of officers. Title. Name. Address. Salary per | month. President Clarence H. Mackay 253 Broadway, New York City. do Vice president and general manager. Vice president Edward Reynolds Charles C. Adams $1,424.40 1,305. 70 949. 60 Do Charles P. Bruch do Do Edward C. Platt Treasurer do do 356. 10 Assistant treasurer Joseph J. Cardona do 284. 88 Do Milton W. Blackmar do.... Do Robert J. Hall do 206.54 Secretary William B . Dunn do 284. 88 Directors. Name. Address. Expiration of term. Clarence H. Mackay 253 Broadway, New York City June 12, 1917. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Edward Reynolds . do Charles C. Adams do Charles P. Bruch - . do Welcome I. Capen do George G. Ward 7 do Edward C. Platt do William B . Dunn . do W. W. Anderson.. Wilmington, Del Local officer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed: G. M. Foote, manager, 1420 New York Avenue. Total amount of capital stock outstanding, $50,000. Balance sheet. ASSETS. Plant $50, 000. 00 Cash in bank 94, 556. 68 Due from agents 170, 094. 53 Accounts receivable 98, 025. 06 Profit and loss (deficit) 13, 783. 48 $426, 459. 75 LIABILITIES. Capital stock 50, 000. 00 Accounts payable 376,459.75 426,459.75 Income account. Operating revenues $1,223,197.30 Operating expenses 1, 183, 929. 00 Net operating revenue $39,268.30 73 74 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Deductions from income : Taxes $33,963.64 Other deductions from income 15, 508. 55 Total deductions $49, 472. 19 Net deficit 10, 208. 89 Deficit for year 10, 203. 89 Deficit at beginning of year ,. 3, 579. 59 Deficit at close of year 13, 783. 48 Revenue from business done in District of Columbia only 2, 931. 71 Employees. Class. Number. Average daily com- pensation. Maximum hours worked per day. Managers 7 $3. 01 9 Chief operators 11 3. 86 9 Operators 70 2.60 9 Clerks 45 1.24 9 Messengers 56 1.07 9 OATH. State of New York, County of New York, ss : We, the undersigned, Charles P. Bruch, vice president, and Joseph J. Cardona, assistant treasurer, of Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction from the original books, papers, and records of said company; that we have carefully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and we further say that no deductions were made before stating the operating revenues herein set forth, except those shown in the foregoing accounts; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief. Charles P. Bruch, Vice President . Joseph J. Cardona. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of February, 1917. [seal.] Robert J. Hall, Notary Public, Kings County, No. 65. Certificate filed in New York County, No. 136. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Exact name of company: The Western Union Telegraph Co. List of officers, title, and address . Name. Title. Address. Salary. Newcomb Carlton President 195 Broadway, New York City. do $40, 000 12. 500 22. 500 9, 717 10,000 7, 500 9,000 4, 166 6,800 G. W. E. Atkins Vice president Rush Taggart Vice president and general counsel. Vice president and comptroller Vice president in charge of coml. Vice president in charge of traffic. Vice president in charge of pit. and eng. Secretary do E. Y. Gallaher do J. C. Willever do W. N. Fashbaugh do G M. Yorke do A. F. Burleigh do L. Dresdner Treasurer do Directors. Name. Address. Expiration of term. Oliver Ames William Vincent Astor. Henry A. Bishop Newcomb Carlton R obert C. Clowry Henry W. De Forest Chauncey M. Depew William Fahnestock. . . Donald G. Geddes George J. Gould Chauncey Keep Robert S. Lovett Edwin G. Merrill Percy A. Rockefeller Jacob H. Schfff Mortimer L. Schiff Joseph J. Slocum James Stillman William H. Truesdale. . William K. Vanderbilt, Albert H. Wiggin 96 Ames Building. Boston, Mass 23 West Twenty-sixth Street, New York City . . . .. Post office box 296, Bridgeport, Conn 195 Broadway, New York City 30 Church Street, New York City 30 Broad Street, New York City Grand Central Station, New York City 2 Wall Street, New York City ! 51 Wall Street, New York City I 165 Broadway, New York City 112 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111 165 Broadway, New York City 80 Broadway, New York City 26 Broadway, New York City 52 William Street, New York City I do "Ill Broadway, New York City.. 52 Wall street, New York City 90 West Street, New York City jr | Grand Central Station, New York City 51 Broadway, New York City April, 1917 Do. Do. Do. I Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. I Do. Do. Do. | Do. Localjofficer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed: E. Y. Gallaher, vice president and comptroller, 195 Broadway, New York City. Total amount of capital stock outstanding $99, 786, 726. 66 Total amount’of bonds outstanding 31, 994, 000. 00 Total amount of securities owned (not held in sinking or other funds) . 26, 707, 534. 92 Total amount acquired during year 1, 914, 885. 92 Total in sinking and other funds at end of year 279, 977. 65 Miscellaneous income 1, 702, 460. 09 Balance sheet . ASSETS. Permanent and long-term investments $159, 304, 859. 36 Working assets 31, 232, 779. 95 Accrued income not due 419, 203. 91 Deferred debit items 802, 826. 11 Total $191, 759, 669.33 75 76 balance sheets public UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. LIABILITIES. Western Union $99,786,726.66 Stock subsidiary companies 1, 860, 450. 00 Long-term debt Working liabilities Accrued liabilities not due Deferred credit items Profit and loss $101, 647, 176. 66 31, 994, 000. 00 12, 879, 795. 59 3, 325, 668. 56 4, 185, 862. 96 13, 159, 096. 97 24, 568, 068. 59 Total $191, 759, 669. 33 Income account. Operating revenues $61, 919, 140. 52 Operating expenses 43, 018, 328. 45 Net operating revenue $18, 900, 812. 07 Miscellaneous income 1, 702, 460. 09 Gross income less operating expenses 20, 603, 272. 16 Deductions from income: Taxes 1, 581, 000. 00 Interest 1, 334, 175. 39 Other deductions from income 5, 292, 691. 73 Total deductions 8, 207, 867. 12 Net income 12, 395, 405. 04 Disposition of surplus: Adjustments 725, 738. 23 Dividends, 6 per cent on $99,786,726 common stock 5,984,566.75 6, 710, 304. 98 Surplus or deficit for year 5, 685, 100. 06 Surplus or deficit at beginning of year 18, 882, 968. 53 Surplus or deficit at close of year 24, 568, 068. 59 Receipts from business done in District of Columbia only 9, 283. 29 OATH. State of New York, County oj New York , ss: We, the undersigned, E. Y. Gallaher, vice president, and H. W. Ladd, general auditor of the Western Union Telegraph Co., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said company; that we have carefully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth; and we further say that no deductions were made before stating the operating revenues herein set.forth, except those shown in the foregoing accounts; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief. E. Y. Gallaher, Vice President. H. W. Ladd, General Auditor. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of March, 1917. [seal.] * C. A. Van Brunt, Notary Public , Kings County , No. 6. Certificate filed in New York County. My commission expires March 30, 1918. CITY & SUBURBAN RAILWAY OF WASHINGTON. Name of officer in charge of correspondence with the commission regarding this report: William F. Ham, comptroller, 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. 1. Exact name of company making this report: City & Suburban Railway of Wash- ington . 2. Date of organization: June 19, 1888, under name of Eckington & Soldiers’ Home Railway Co. 3. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized: Under act of Congress approved June 19, 1888 (25 Stat., p. 190), amended April 30, 1890 (26 Stat., p. 77); April 30, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 23); July 5, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 65); February* 13, 1893 (27 Stat., p. 444); August 23, 1894 (28 Stat., p. 492); June 10, 1896, February 3, 1897, June 27, 1898, March 3, 1899, June 5, 1900. 4. If a consolidated or a merging company, name all constituent and all merged companies. Under act of Congress approved June 27, 1898, the Eckington & Soldiers’ Home Railway Co. acquired the franchises and property of the Maryland & Washing- ton Railway Co. and the Columbia & Maryland Railway Co. of Maryland, lying between the District line and the town of Laurel, Md.. and changed its own name to the City & Suburban Railway of Washington. Maryland & Washington Railway Co., incorporated under act of Congress approved August 1, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 341), amended August 23, 1894 (28 Stat., p. 590); March 2, 1895 (28 Stat., p. 713); February 20, 1896; June 27, 1898. Columbia & Maryland Railway Co. of Maryland, organized March, 1892, under section 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland; charter amended April, 1892, April, 1894, April, 1896. Washington, Berwyn & Laurel Elec- tric Railroad Co., incorporated December 12, 1901, under section 23 of the code of Public General Laws of Maryland. Tts property sold under foreclosure on September 1, 1910, and acquired October 19, 1910, by the Washington, Berwyn & Laurel Electric Railway Co., incorporated September 27, 1910, under section 275, article 23, of the Public General Laws of Maryland. Acquired by the City & Suburban Railway of Washington on October 20, 1910, under approval of Public Service Commission of Maryland. 5. Date and authority for each consolidation and for each merger: As above stated. 6. If a reorganized company, give-name of original corporation, refer to laws under which it is organized, and state the occasion for the reorganization. As above stated. 7. State whether or not the respondent during the year conducted any part of its business under a name or names other than that shown in response to inquiry No. 1, above. No. 8. Give name of operating company, if any, having control of the respondent’s property. Operates its own road. Directors. Name of director. Office address. Date of begin- ning of term. Date of expi- ration of term; Milton E. Ailes Riggs National Bank, Washington, D. C. American Security A Trust Co., Washington, D. C. Hibbs Building, Washington, D. C. Jan. 15, 191G Jan. 20,1917 Do. Charles J. Bell do Woodbury Blair do Do. Wm. F. Ham 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Wash- ington, D. C. do do Do. Clarence P. King do Do. Clarence F. Norment National Bank of Washington, Washington, D. C. Lincoln Avenue and R Street NE., Washington, D. C. 1 fi. r i Broadway New York Cit.v do Do. Geo. Truesdell do Do. Wm. Loeb, jr do Do. Oscar L. Gubelman 120 William Street, New York City. . do Do. 77 78 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Give the names and titles of all officers of the board of directors in control of the respondent at the close of the year. Chairman of board, Clarence P. King; secretary of board, S. R. Bowen. Name the members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year (naming first the chairman), and state briefly the powers and duties of that committee. Clarence F. Norment (chairman), Clarence P. King, Charles J. Bell, Woodbury Blair, Milton E. Ailes. Powers and duties: Imme- diate charge, management and control of business of company subject to the direction of board of directors. Full powers in the intervals between the meetings of board of directors to exercise all powers of the board excepting those of electing officers or of fixing the compensation of officers. Principal general officers. Title of general officer. N ame of person holding office at close of year. Office address. Salary per annum. President Clarence P. King 231 Fourteenth Street NW„ Washington, D. C. do $2,500 1,300 500 200- 300 500 350 1,000 0) 300 900 1,000 700 270 Vice president W. F. Ham Assistant to president It. W. King do Chairman of the executive committee. Assistant secretary Clarence F. Norment Care National Bank of Washing- ton, Washington, D. C. 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D.C. do Wm. L. Clarke Secretary S. R. Bowen Treasurer C. E. Brown do General attorney John S. Barbour do Comptroller W. F. Ham do.. Medical officer L. W. Glazebrook do Engineer of ways and struc- tures. Superintendent of railways Superintendent of transporta- tion. Purchasing agent C. S. Kimball do J. H. Stephens do J. T. Moffett do R. W. Crowell do 1 See above. Employees other than officers. Class. 1 | Number of em- j ployees. Average wages. Maximum hours continuous service. Per month. Per day. general and miscellaneous. Attorneys 4 $34. 79 Chief clerks 1 30.00 8 Clerks, bookkeepers, stenographers 16 74. 66 8 POWER. Substation employees 10 $2.23 9-12 TRANSPORTATION. Division superintendent .. 1 130. 00 Inspectors 1 100. 00 Dispatchers and depot clerks 2 3.00 12 Starters 1 2. 75 12 Conductors 91 (i) 12 Motormen 88 (!) 12 Switchmen, flagmen, yardmen 8 1.83 10 Road, track and linemen 60 1. 77 9-10 Tube cleaners 3 1.50 9 Instructors, agents, clerks, etc 3 83.85 8 CAR HOUSES AND SHOPS. Foremen 4 115. 25 10 Car cleaners 6 1.61 10 Car-house men. 14 2. 10 10 1 23$ to 27 cents per hour. Transportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. Nontransportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 79 VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $50 per share. 2. State whether or not each share of stock has the right to one vote; if not, give full particulars in a footnote. Yes. 3. Are voting rights proportional to holdings? Yes. 4. Are voting rights attached to any securities other than stock? None. 5. Has any class or issue of securities any special privileges in the election of direc- tors, trustees, or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method? None. 6. Give the date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to the actual filing of this report, and state the purpose of such closing. December 29, 1916, for stock- holders’ meeting. 7. State the total voting power of all security holders of the respondent at the date of such closing, if within one year of the date of such filing; if not, state as of the close of the year. Thirty-five thousand votes, as of December 29, 1916. 8. State the total number of stockholders of record, corresponding to the answer to inquiry No. 7. Eighty-five stockholders. 9. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report) had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect to securities held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. Name of security holder. Address of security holder. Number of votes to which secu- rity holder was entitled. Number o f votes, classi- fied with re- spect to secu- rities on which based, common stocks. John Bauernschmidt Harford and Erdman Avenue, 86 86 Catholic University of America Baltimore, Md. Washington, D.C 32 75 32 75 Chas. B. Calvert 405 Stoneleigh Court, Washington, Belle Golden D.C. 1201 M Street NW., Washington, 16 16 James B. Lackey D.C. 220 West Forty-second Street, New 38 38 D. W. Magrath York City. 1336 Vermont Avenue, Washing- 20 20 Lawrence Mangan ton, D. C. 1637 L Street NW., Washington, 20 20 Mrs. Nannie Clark Smith DC 4 Pittsfield Street, Cranford, N. J... 33 33 R. S. Scammell 313 Eleventh Street SW., Washing- 40 40 Theodore Schmeckebier ton, D. C. 1620 West Lexington Street, Balti- 155 155 Paul A. Seeger more, Md. Care Drovers & Mechanics National 184 184 Miss Bessie Oland Sensner Bank, Baltimore, Md. 1331 Kenyon Street, Washington, 42 42 Townsend Scott & Son D C 209 East Fayette Street, Baltimore, 34 34 United States Mortgage & Trust Co., Md. New York City 26,427 26,427 trustee. 1 United States Mortgage & Trust Co. . . do 4,950 2,223 4,950 2,223 Washington Railway & Electric Co. . . Washington, D. C Phillip H. Hoffman Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md.. 25 25 Gustave Lieblich 609 Union Trust Building, Balti- 50 50 Mickael Schloss *. more, Md. 500 West Baltimore Street, Balti- 50 50 Robert Taylor & Co more, Md. 50 60 1 Held as security under Washington Railway & Electric Co., consolidated mortgage. 80 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 10. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the elec- tion of directors of the respondent. Thirty-one thousand four hundred and three votes cast. 11 . Give the date and place of such meeting. January 15, 1916, Washington, D. C. CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. 1. Did any corporation or corporations, transportation or other, hold control over the respondent at the close of the year? Yes. If control was so held, state: (a) The form of control, whether sole or joint. Sole. (b) The name of the controlling corporation or corporations. Washington Railway & Electric Co. (c) The manner in which control was established. Through ownership of stock. (d) The extent of control. 96.07 per cent. (e) Whether control was direct or indirect. Direct. 2. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of the year? No. The Washington Railway & Electric Co. is the equitable owner of $1,681,150 out of a total of $1,750,000 capital stock of this company and as such, through its board of directors may direct the voting of such stock at stockholders’ meetings for the election of directors and for certain other corporate purposes; subject however to restrictions contained in its consolidated mortgage, under which most if not all of said stock is pledged. This corporation is managed and controlled by its own board of directors and officers and is therefore not under the control of the Washington Railway & Electric Co. (See P. P. Car Co. v. Mo. Pac., 150 U. S., 587.) Limiting therefore the sense of the word “control” to a present right to direct the vote of sufficient stock to elect directors of its selection, the schedules above have been filled out. Guananties and suretyships: None. Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Net change during year (increase in roman, decrease in italic). $3,812, 172. 46 INVESTMENTS. Road and equipment $3, 811, 808. 47 $868. 99 CURRENT ASSETS. Cash 69, 851. 75 975.00 5,649.36 101,356.38 275.00 7, 467. 84 31,504.63 700.00 1,818. 48 Special deposits Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total current assets UNADJUSTED DEBITS. Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses Other unadjusted debits 76, 476. 11 109,099.22 32,623.11 790.05 4, 186. 73 263.25 3, 140.05 53.33 526.80 1,046.68 53.33 Total unadjusted debits Grand total 4,976.78 3, 456.63 1,520. 15 3,893,625.35 3,924,364.32 30, 738.97 LIABILITIES. $1,750,000.00 1,750,000.00 89,909.02 1,839,909.02 Capital stock. LONG-TERM DEBT. Funded debt unmatured Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies: Notes. $1, 750, 000. 00 1,750,000.00 89,909.02 1,839,909.02 Total long-term debt BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 81 Comparative general balance sheet — Continued. LIABILITIES— Continued. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Net change during year (increase in roman, decrease in italic). $10, 295. 31 2,323.90 31,291.07 2,071.00 36,458.30 CURRENT LIABILITIES. Loans and notes payable $ 10,295.81 1,320. 78 27,864.30 1,71.00 Audited accounts and wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Matured interest, dividends, and rents unpaid. Accrued interest, dividends, and rents payable $3,644.68 59, 155. 37 1,600.00 36,458.30 82,439.58 Total current liabilities 100,858.35 18,418. 77 10,468.29 10,758.05 59,872.64 UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Tax liability 11,419. 69 4,602. 42 79,604.89 690. 16 951. 40 6,155.63 19, 732.25 690. 16 Operating reserves Accrued depreciation, road and equipment Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits CORPORATE SURPLUS. Profit and loss, debit balance Grand total 81,098.98 96,317. 16 15,218. 18 140, 177. 77 137,279. 79 2,897.98 3,893,625.35 3,924,364.32 30, 738.97 j Road and equipment. Account. Investment in road and equipment, Jan. 1, 1915, to close of preceding year. I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Right of way Ties Rails, rail fastenings, and joints. Track and roadway labor Poles and fixtures $500. 00 65.79 246. 47 130.83 14.70 Underground conduits Distribution system Shops and carhouses Stations, miscellaneous buildings, and structures Other expenditures, way and structures 95. 93 97.30 1.76 Total expenditures for way and structures*. 152. 78 Total invest- ment in road and equipment during the year. Total invest- ment in road and equipment since Dec. 31, 1914. $500.00 65. 79 246. 47 130. 83 14.70 $316. 86 ' 316.86 95.93 45.98 143. 28 95.71 . 95.71 1.76 458. 55 611.33 n. EQUIPMENT. Passenger and combination cars Electric equipment of cars Shop equipment Total expenditures for equipment m. POWER. Substation buildings Transmission system Total expenditures for power Grand total 279.07 415.00 50.00 429. 37 1,313.60 708. 44 898.60 50.00 744.07 884.23 140.16 2, 249. 82 61.69 2,311,51 631.32 631.32 2,881.14 61.69 2,942.83 3, 777. 99 363. 99 3,414.00 The uniform system oi accounts for electric railway corporations in accordance with which books of this company are kept does not provide for a separation oi investments in new lines and extensions and invest- ments in additions and betterments. H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 6 82 balance sheets public UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Respondent's investment in road and equipment at close of year. Investment to Dec. 31, 1908 $3, 667, 537. 37 Investment from Dec. 31, 1908, to Dec. 31, 1914 140, 857. 10 Investment since Dec. 31, 1914 3, 414. 00 Total investment in road and equipment 3, 811, 808. 47 Length of road owned, 25.36 miles. Average investment per mile of road, exclusive of improvements on leased lines, $150,307.91. Length of track owned, 41.427 miles. Average investment per mile of track, $92,012.66. Memorandum of securities included in investment in “Road and equipment”: None. Summary of securities owned: None. Sinking funds: None. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold : None. Special deposits at close of year: Baltimore Trust Co., for payment of coupons, $275.00. Miscellaneous physical property: None. Investments in securities of noncarrier companies affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of carriers affiliated with respondent: None Investments in securities of nonaffiliated companies: None. Investment advances to other companies: None. _ Securities and other intangibles owned or controlled through nonreporting sub- sidiaries: None. Insurance and other funds: None. Discounts and premiums on securities outstanding: None. Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. Description of property abandoned. Date of aban- don- ment. Amount charged to this ac- count as of time of abandon- ment. Amount written off to operat- ing ex- penses prior to beginning of year. Amount written off to operat- ing ex- penses during year. Remain- der not yet writ- ten off. Surface tracks on North Capitol Street between T and VV Streets 1910 $9, 473. 26 $5,683. 95 $947.33 $2,841.98 One switch and curve and 107.9 feet of straight track on Michigan Avenue between Monroe Street and the terminus near the B. & O. tracks', Brookland 1910 993. 55 596. 13 99.35 298.07 Total : 10,466. 81 6,280. 08 1,046. 68 3,140.05 Other unadjusted debits: Minor item, one in number, book value of item of year, $53.33. Capital stock. at close Common stock, authorizations closed prior to present year: Par value of amount authorized $1, 750, 000 Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year 1, 750, 000 Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year 1, 750, 000 Stocks actually issued prior to present year — Par value 1,750,000 Cash received as consideration for issue 642, 000 Cash value of other property acquired as consideration for issue . 1, 108, 000 NOTES AND MEMORANDA ON CAPITAL STOCKS. Note. — The sum of $760 is due the company for unpaid subscription to capital stock. Stock sold to stockholders at par (less unpaid subscription to capital stock now amounting to $760), $642,000. Issued to Elkins and Widener in exchange for $10,000 bonds of the Belt Railway Co., $10,000. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 83 Issued in part payment for all the property and franchises of the Maryland & Wash- ington Railway Co. for the District of Columbia, purchased per authority contained in act of Congress approved June 27, 1898, $500,000. Issued in part payment for corporate property and franchises of the Columbia & Maryland Railway, which includes the line of railway extending from the northeast outline of the District of Columbia, at its intersection with Rhode Island Avenue, through the town of Hyattsville, to the town of Laurel, in the State of Maryland, purchased per authority contained in act of Congress approved June 27, 1898, $598,000. Rates and dates of declaration of dividends during year (in- cluding rate per cent per annum and dates of maturity of interest on debenture stock, if any). Amount of dividends declared during year. Amount of dividends paid during year. Amount of dividends due and un- paid at close of year. 2 per cent June 15, 1916 $34,913 34,913 $34, 650 34, 650 $263 2 per cent Dec. 21, 1916 263 Prior dates 799 • Grand total, all classes of stocks 69,826 69,300 1 1,325 Particulars of obligations in support of which stocks are pledged and of stocks pledged thereunder: None. Purposes of open authorizations and particulars of authorizations closed during the year: None. Stock liability for conversion of securities of other companies: None. Summary statement of unmatured funded debt. Equipment obligations: Amount actually outstanding at close of year $1, 750, 000. 00 Interest liability at close of year on actually outstanding debt — Interest matured and unpaid 275. 00 Interest accrued not due 36, 458. 30 Interest during year on actually outstanding debt- interest accrued 87,500.00 Interest paid 88, 200. 00 SECURITY FOR UNMATURED FUNDED DEBT. First mortgage 5 per cent (printed copy of mortgage previously filed). Road mortgaged, City & Suburban Railway of Washington. Miles of road, 25.36. Miles of track, 41.427 (no limitation per mile of road). Equipment, securities, income, etc., mortgaged or pledged: All franchises and property of the City & Suburban Railway of Washington . Equipment obligations: None. XJnmatured funded debt other than equipment obligations. Name and character of obligation: First mortgage bonds: Nominal date of issue, Aug. 1, 1898. Date of maturity, Aug. 1, 1948. Interest provisions — Rate per cent per annum, 5 per cent. Dates due, February and August. Par value of extent of indebtedness authorized Par value of evidences of debt — Actually issued to close of year Evidences of debt actually issued prior to present year — Actually outstanding at close of year Par value of total amount Cash received as consideration for issue Cash value of other property acquired as consideration for issue Cash value of services received as consideration for issue Bonds sold for $237,500 $ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ■ 1 , 750, 000. 00 750, 000. 00 750, 000. 00 750, 000. 00 237, 500. 00 500, 000. op 250, 000. 00 84 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Bonds issued in part payment for the property and franchises of the Maryland & Washington Ry. Co. of the District of Columbia, purchased per authority given by act of Congress approved June 27, 1898 $200, 000. 00 Bonds issued in part payment for the property and franchises of the Columbia & Maryland Ry. Co., purchased per authority given by act of Congress approved June 27, 1898 100, 000. 00 Bonds issued in accordance with contract dated August 25, 1898, between the Baltimore Security & Trading Co. of Baltimore and the City & Suburban Ry. of Washington. Under said con- tract the Baltimore Security & Trading Co. for $1,200,000 bonds and $200,000 in cash agreed to retire the bonds of the Eckington & Soldiers’ Home Ry. Co., paying principal and interest due; make deed to property, carbarn, etc., at Thirteenth and D Streets NE., pay floating debt of the Maryland & Washington Ry. Co.; refund one month’s interest on bonds for period Aug. 1, 1898, to Sept. 1, 1898, construct, reconstruct, and equip the lines of railway owned by the City & Suburban Ry. of Washington, and other valuable considerations. 1, 200, 000. 00 Total discount on actual issues of prior years 12, 500. 00 Total discounts extinguished to- close of year charged to construc- tion or other investment account 12, 500. 00 Amount of interest accrued during year charged to income 87, 500. 00 Amount of interest paid during year 88, 200. 00 Interest liability at close of year — Matured and unpaid 275. 00 Accrued not yet due 36, 458. 30 Purposes for which bonds and other evidences of funded debt were issued or assumed during the year: None. Receiver’s certificates: None. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Name of creditor company: Washington Railway & Electric Co. Oct. 31, 1914, demand, 6 per cent, total amount owing at beginning of year $89,909.02 Interest : Rate per annum, 6 per cent. (No interest charged to cost of property). Dates due, demand. Amount accrued during year 5, 394. 54 Amount paid during year 5, 394. 54 Total amount owing at close of year 89,909.02 Sundry current liabilities. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Credit balance at close of year. Washington Railway & Electric Co $43, 796. 32 Potomac Electric Power Co 1 5, 359. 05 Total 59,155.37 Sundry unadjusted credits. OPERATING RESERVES. Credit balance at close of year. Damage reserves, amount set aside for injuries and damages $4, 602. 42 OTHER UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Minor accounts, 2 in number, 690. 16 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 85 Depreciation — Road, equipment, and miscellaneous physical property. DEBIT ITEMS. Retirement of electric equipment of cars $1, 004. 23 Balances at close of year, accrued depreciation, road and equipment. . 79, 604. 89 Total 80, 609. 12 CREDIT ITEMS. Balances at beginning of year, accrued depreciation, road and equip- ment 59,872.64 Passenger and combination cars, depreciation 5, 400. 00 Service equipment, depreciation 630. 00 Electric equipment of cars, depreciation 4, 169. 22 Way and structures 9, 551. 20 Power 986. 06 Total * 80,609.12 BASES OF DEPRECIATION CHARGES. Depreciation of cars and car equipment: Basis, 3 per cent per annum on the basis of the following arbitrary values : A. Passenger and combination cars; double-truck suburban cars, $4,500 each. C. Service equipment, $1,500 each. D. Electric equipment of cars, $850 per motor. Depreciation of way and structures: Basis, 9 per cent of revenue from transporta- tion. covering maintenance, renewals, and depreciation balance above in depreciation fund represents excess of amount charged expenses over actual disbursements. Depreciation of power-plant buildings and equipment: Basis, one-fourth per cent of revenue from transportation covering maintenance, renewals, and depreciation balance above in depreciation fund, represents excess of amount charged expenses over actual disbursements. Profit and loss statement. Item. Debits. Credits. Credits: Credit balance at beginning of fiscal period $140, 177. 77 67,829.02 Credit balance transferred from income account Debits: Dividend appropriations of surplus $69, 826. 00 901.00 137.279. 79 208.006. 79 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus (p. 314) Balance carried forward to balance sheet Total 208,006.79 Dividends declared during the year. . Name of security on which dividend was declared. Rate per cent. Par value of amount on which dividend was declared. Amount of dividend. Date. Regular. Extra. Declared. Payable. Common stock Per cent. 2 2 None None $1,745,650 1,745,650 $34,913 34,913 June 15,1916 Dec. 21,1916 June 30,1916 Dec. 30,1916 Do Total 69,826 Dividends were not declared on stock on which there was any unpaid subscription nor on stock the ownership of which is unknown. No obligations were incurred for the purpose of procuring funds for the payment of dividends. 86 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Income statement for the year. Item. Amount ap- plicable to the year. Comparison with preced- ing year (in- crease in ro- man, decrease in italic). I. OPERATING INCOME. Railway operating revenues $603, 208. 63 408,432.73 $19,014.79 32, 720. 63 Railway operating expenses Net revenue, railway operations 194, 775.90 33,200. 61 13,705.84 1,447.76 Taxes assignable to railway operations: On real and personal property $3, 863. 22 On earnings 19.221.16 Miscellaneous 10, 116. 23 Operating income 161,575. 29 15, 153.60 n. NONOPERATING INCOME. Income from unfunded securities and accounts 318. 58 69.53 Gross income 161,893.87 15,084.07 m. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Interest on funded debt 87,500.00 6,012. 26 552. 59 .01 126. 70 364- 18 Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous debits Total deductions from gross income 94,064.85 490.87 Income balance transferred to profit and loss 67, 829. 02 14,693.20 Railway operating revenues. Class of railway operating revenues. Amount of revenue for the year. Comparison with revenue of preceding year (in- crease in ro- man, de- crease in italic). I. REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTATION. Passenger revenue $595,784.16 256. 25 62.22 $22,063.77 90. 75 22.61 Parlor sleeping dining, and special car revenue rflvftniifl Total revenue from transportation 596, 102.63 22,177.13 n. REVENUE FROM OTHER RAILWAY OPERATIONS. Station and car privileges 2,600.04 225.06 3,966.62 567. 72 11.50 T?flpt pf trfl. C 28 28 trustee Alexander Mellvile Memo- rial Fund. 1 25 25 Too E Rjrph do Morv A Thrift do 29 29 A Upp Corv ' do 17 17 E T^nrdpffp do 17 17 Sarah F. Garrison 20 20 Mary F. Goldsbourgh Washington, D. C., care American Se- curity & Trust Co. 30 30 H C Harrison Washington, D. C 15 15 Oprfrndp TT TTnhhiird .do 20 20 Anna G Hurst do i 35 35 Mary Millor do 15 15 Jos H Saville do 75 75 TT SVipp .do 50 50 Geo. M. Sinclair Philadelphia, Pa., Providence Build- 17 17 M. A. Sinclair 1 mg. Care G. M. Sinclair, Philadelphia, Pa. . 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washing- 16 16 L. E. Sinclair 17 17 Harrett G. Bell . ton, D. C. 12 12 Virginia Tayloi 4 Poughkeepsie, N. Y 20 20 United States Mortgage & Trust Co., New York, N. Y 3, 133 3, 133 trustee. 2 110 Washington Railway & Electric Co. 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washing- 110 ton, D.C. r 1 Particulars of trust unknown. 2 Held as security under Washington Railway & Electric Co. consolidated mortgage. 10. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the election of directors of the respondent. Three thousand one hundred and thirty -nine votes ,cast. 11. Give the date and place of such meeting. January 15, 1916. CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. 1. Did any corporation or corporations, transportation or other, hold control over the respondent at the close of the year? Yes. If control was so held , state : (a) The form of control, whether sole or joint. Sole. (b) The name of the controlling corporation or corporations. Washington Railway & Electric Co. (c) The manner in which control was established. Through ownership of stock. ( d ) The extent of control. Eighty -one per cent. (e) Whether control was direct or indirect. Direct. 2. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of the year? No. The Washington Railway & Electric Co. is the equitable owner of $162,700 out of $200,000 capital stock of this company, and as such, through its board of directors, may direct the voting of such stocks at stock- holders’ meetings for the election of directors and for certain other corporate purposes, subject, however, to restrictions contained in its consolidated mortgage under which most, if not all, of said stock is pledged. 94 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. This corporation is managed and controlled bv its own board of directors and officers and is therefore not under the control of the Washington Railway & Electric Co. (see P. P. Car Co. v. Mo. Pac.,150 U. S., 587), limiting, therefore, the sense of the word 'control ” to a present right to direct the vote of sufficient stock to elect directors of its selection. The schedules above have been filled out. Guaranties and suretyships: None. Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. Item. j Balance at close of year. Net change during year i (increase in roman, decrease in italic.); $386, 873.85 INVESTMENTS. Road and equipment $385, 715.45 $1,158. 40 CURRENT ASSETS. Cash 11, 846. 45 6, 663. 90 3,680.99 3,672.11 8,165.46 2,991.79 Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total current assets 18,510.35 7,353.10 11,157.25 UNADJUSTED DEBITS. Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. . . 19.56 2, 048. 48 6.60 12.96 2,048.48 Other unadjusted debits 2,068.04 Total unadjusted debits 6. 60 2,061.44 407, 452. 24 Grand total 393, 075. 15 14, 377.09 LIABILITIES. $200, 000. 00 172,266.48 STOCK. Capital stock $200, 000. 00 172,266.48 LONG-TERM DEBT. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies, notes 860. 94 50, 380. 15 80,100. 00 100, 000. 00 CURRENT LIABILITIES. Audited accounts and wages pavable 958. 49 46,614.43 80, 100. 00 100,000.00 $97.55 3, 765.72 Miscellaneous accounts payable Matured interest, dividends, and rents unpaid Matured funded debt unpaid Total current liabilities 231,341.09 227,672.92 3, 668. 17 UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Tax liability 1,610. 46 279.00 1, 749.06 1,575.42 1,732. 44 352.50 1,905.79 % 35.04 1, 732. 44 73.50 156. 73 Operating reserves Accrued depreciation, road and equipment Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits 3,638.52 5,566.15 1,927.63 CORPORATE SURPLUS. Profit and loss * 199,793.85 212, 430. 40 12,636.55 Grand total 407, 452. 24 393, 075.15 14,377.09 • BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 95 Road and equipment. Account. Investment in road and equipment Jan. 1, 1915, to close of preced- ing year. Total invest- ment in road and equipment during the year. Total in- vestment in road and equipment since Dec. 31, 1914. I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Engineering and superintendence $36.00 36.41 $36.00 36.41 413. 82 750.00 210.98 4,418.92 49.87 18,949.01 Grading Rails, rail fastenings, and joints $. 413.82 Special work 750.00 104-80 150.00 12.00 22.99 Track and roadway labor Paving 106. 18 4,568. 92 37.87 18,972.00 Distribution svstem Shops and carhouses Total expenditures for way and structures II. EQUIPMENT. Service equipment 14,960.95 993.40 15,954.35 165.00 165.00 Grand total 14,960.95 1,158.40 16,119.35 The uniform system of accounts for electric railways corporations, in accordance with which books of this company are kept, does not provide for a separation of investment in new lines and extensions and investments in additions and betterment. Respondent's investment in road and equipment at dose of year Investment to Dec. 31, 1908 ; $441, 711. 06 Investment from Dec. 31, 1908, to Dec. 31, 1914 39, 876. 26 Investment since Dec. 31, 1914 16, 119. 35 Total investment in road and equipment 385, 715. 45 Length of road owned, 4.309 miles. Average investment per mile of road, exclusive of improvements on leased lines, $89,513.91. Length of track owned, 8.514 miles. Average investment per mile of track, $45,303.67. Securities included in investment in “Road and equipment:” None. Summary of securities owned: None. Sinking funds : None. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold: None. Miscellaneous physical property: None. Special deposits: None. Investments in securities of noncarrier companies affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of carriers affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of nonaffiliated companies: None. Investment advances to other companies: None. _ Securities and other intangibles owned or controlled through nonreporting sub- sidiaries: None. Insurance and other funds: None. Discounts and premiums on securities outstanding: None. Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses: None. Other unadjusted debits: None. Capital stock. Common stock, authorizations closed prior to present year: Par value of amount authorized $200, 000 Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year 200, 000 Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year 200, 000 Stocks actually issued prior to present year — Par value 200, 000 Cash received as consideration for issue 200, 000 Receipts outstanding at the close of the year for installments received on sub- scriptions for stocks : None. 96 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Obligations in support of which stocks are pledged and of stocks pledged thereunder: None. Purposes of open authorizations and particulars of authorizations closed during the year: None. Stock liability for conversion of securities of other companies: None. Summary statement of unmatured funded debt: None. Security for unmatured funded debt: None. Equipment obligations : None. Unmatured funded debt other than equipment obligations: None. Purposes for which bonds and other evidences of funded debt were issued or assumed during the year: None. Receiver’s certificates: None. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Name of creditor company. Total amount owing at beginning of year. Interest. Total amount owing at close of year. Rate per annum. Dates due. Amount accrued during year. Amount paid during year. Washington Ry. & Electric Co., $109,000 Washington Ry. & Electric Co., $63,266.48 $109, 000. 00 63, 266. 48 Per cent. 6 On demand $6; 540. 00 None. $6, 540. 00 None. $109, 000.00 63, 266. 48 Total 172, 266. 48 6, 540. 00 6, 540. 00 172, 266. 48 No interest charged to cost of property. Sundry current liabilities. Name of creditor or of obligation. Character of liability or of transactions involved. Credit bal- ance at close of year. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Potomac Electric Power Co $44. 06 5, 042. 24 41, 528. 13 City & Suburban Rv. of Washington Washington Ry. & Electric Co Total 46,614. 43 MATURED FUNDED DEBT UNPAID. First mortgage 6 per cent bonds Unable to liquidate debt when due Feb. 1, 1904. do 70. 000. 00 30.000. 00 Senond mortgage 6 per cent bonds Total 100,000.00 Sundry unadjusted credits. Name of subaccount. Character of subaccount. Credit bal- ance at close of year. OPERATING RESERVES. Damage reserves Amount set aside for injuries and damages . . . $1, 732. 44 OTHER UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Commutation ticket sales Unredeemed tickets 1, 905. 79 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 97 Depreciation — Road, equipment, and miscellaneous physical property. • DEBIT ITEMS. Balances at close of year, accrued depreciation, road and equipment $352. 50 CREDIT ITEMS. Balances at beginning of year, accrued depreciation, road and equipment... Service equipment, depreciation Electric equipment of cars, depreciation 279.00 22.50 51.00 Total 352. 50 BASES OF DEPRECIATION CHARGES. Depreciation of cars and car equipment: Basis, 3 per cent per annum on the basis of the following arbitrary values: C. Service equipment, $1,500 each. D. Electric equipment of cars, $850 per motor. Depreciation of way and structures: Basis, 9 per cent of revenue from transpor- tation, covering maintenance, renewals, and depreciation. This amount being less than actual disbursements for such purposes, no balance was created in the fund for accrued depreciation of way and structures. Profit and loss statement. Item. Debits. Credits. Debits: Debit balance at beginning of fiscal period $199, 793. 85 12, 449. 05 161. 25 26.25 Debit balance transferred from income account Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on road and equipment retired Balance carried forward to balance sheet 212, 430. 40 212, 430. 40 Total 212, 430. 40 Dividends declared during the year: None. Income statement for the year. Item. I. OPERATING INCOME. Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses Net revenue, railway operations Taxes assignable to railway operations: On real and personal property On earnings Miscellaneous Operating income n. NONOPERATING INCOME. Income from unfunded securities and accounts Gross income Amount applicable to the year. Comparison with preced- ing year (increase in roman, decrease in italic). $72,501.98 68, 797. 15 $136. 50 4,537.62 3,704.83 4,401.12 3,883.22 23.80 178.39 4,377.32 269.34 85.60 90.95 4,291.72 H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 7 98 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Income statement for the year — Continued. Item. Amount applicable to the year. Comparison with preced- ing year (increase in roman, decrease in italic). in. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Miscellaneous rents * 766.50 6,000.00 6,000.00 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt i $12, 540. 00 , Total deductions from gross income 12,540.00 766.50 Income balance transferred to profit and loss 12, 449. 05 3,525.22 1 Up to Jan. 1, 1916, interest on matured funded debt was treated as interest on funded debt. Subsequent to that date interest has been treated as interest on unfunded debt. Railway operating revenues. Class of railway operating revenues. Amount of revenue for the year. Comparison with revenue of preced- ing year (increases in roman, decreases in italic). I. REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTATION. Passangpr revenue _ _ $71,574.08 190. 73 194. 80 $ 31.59 134.73 Parlor, sleeping, dining, and special car revenue Mail revenue Total revenue from transportation 71,959.61 103. 14 n. REVENUE FROM OTHER RAILWAY OPERATIONS. Station and car privileges 390.00 152.37 33.75 .39 Rent of tracks and facilities Total revenue from other railway operations 542.37 33.36 Total operating revenues 72,501.98 136.50 Auxiliary operations: None. Miscellaneous operations: None. Railway operating expenses. Name of railway operating expense account. Amount of operating expenses for the year. Comparison with ex- penses of preceding year (increases in roman, decreases in italic). I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Superintendence of way and structures $588. 28 7, 179. 47 1,434.68 279. 61 $267.63 1,117.66 158.26 61.07 Mn.intpxmrip.ft of way _ Maintenance of electric lines Suildings, fixtures, and grounds Total wav and structures 9,482.04 947.22 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 99 Railway operating expenses — Continued. Name of railway operating expense account. Amount of operating expenses for the year. Comparison with ex- penses of preceding year (increases in roman,, decreases in italic). II. EQUIPMENT. Superintendence of equipment $219.96 2.018. 82 1, 499. 80 531. 23 182. 25 $ 16.97 210. SO 428.05 36.63 3.75 4,452.06 622.44 III. POWER. 10, 469. 16 379. 77 IV. CONDUCTING TRANSPORTATION. Superintendence of transportation 2, 175. 46 16,871.33 6,809.92 225. 29 1,209.89 897. 22 Conductors, motormen, and trainmen Miscellaneous transportation expenses Total conducting transportation 25,856.71 2,332. 49 V. TRAFFIC. Traffic expenses 18. 12 1.19 VI. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. General expenses 2, 916. 24 360. 00 6, 597. 97 21.14 703. 68 386. 13 7, 533.90 550. 27 .07 3,723.71 .07 108. 39 66.34 78. 38 V aluation expenses Injuries and damages Insurance Stationery and printing Store, garage, and stable expenses Rent of equipment _ Total general and miscellaneous 18, 519. 06 4, 153. 55 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. I. Way and structures 9,482.04 4,452. 06 10,469. 16 25,856. 71 18.12 18,519.06 947.22 622.44 379. 77 2,332. 40 1.10 4,153.55. II. Equipment III. Power IV. Conducting transportation V. Traffic VI. General and miscellaneous Grand total operating expenses 68,797. 15 4,537. 62 Operating ratio (ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues), 94.89 per cent. Income from lease of road : None. Abstract of terms and conditions of leases: None. Miscellaneous rent income: None. Dividend income : None. Income from funded securities: None. INCOME FROM UNFUNDED SECURITIES .AND ACCOUNTS. Description of unfunded security, advance, loan, or account showing character- istics of such security, etc., and name of the debtor: Interest on bank deposits. Period covered by interest: January 1, 1916, to December 31, 1916. Income derived as interest, $269.34. Contributions from others: None. Miscellaneous income : None. Rent for leased roads: None. Abstracts of leasehold contracts: None. Miscellaneous rents: None. 100 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTBICT OF COLUMBIA. Interest on unfunded debt — Amount of interest charged to income. Interest on nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies $6, 540. 00 Interest on matured funded debt unpaid 6, 000. 00 Total 12,540.00 Income transferred to other companies: None. Miscellaneous debits: None. Appropriations of surplus to sinking fund and other reserves: None. Appropriations of surplus for investment in physical property: None. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus — Amount charged to profit and loss. Distribution to conductors and motormen under profit-sharing plan $161. 25 Miscellaneous items in profit and loss account for the year. DEBITS. Subaccount No. 315. Minor item (1 in number) $26. 25 Road operated at close of year. Class la. The Georgetown & Tennallytown Ry. Co., Thirty-second and M Streets NW., to District line and Wisconsin Avenue: Miles of road 4. 309 Miles of second main track 4. 173 Miles of sidings and turnouts 032 Total 8.514 Miles of road operated at close of year — by States and Territories ( single track). District of Columbia: Line owned, main line 8. 514 Total mileage operated ' 8. 514 Road owned at close of year — by States and Territories: None. Auxiliary operations carried on at the close of the year: None. Miscellaneous physical properties operated at the close of the year: None. Mileage, traffic , and miscellaneous statistics. Item. Number or amount. Item. Number or amount. Passenger-car mileage Passenger car-hours 344,219 31, 140| 1,669,447 787,058 2,456.505 10, 190 $71,574.08 . .04287 .02914 71,959.61 .20905 Revenue from transportation per car-hour $2.31080 542.37 .00158 .01742 72,501.98 .21063 2.32822 68,797.15 . 19986 2.20925 Regular fare passengers carried Free transfer passengers carried Total passengers carried Employees and others carried free. . . Passenger revenue Average fare, revenue passengers Average fare, all passengers (includ- ing transfer passengers) Total revenue from transportation . . Revenue from transportation per car-mile Total revenue from other railway operations Revenue from other railway opera- tions per car-mile Revenue from other railway opera- tions per car-hour , , Total operating revenues Operating revenues per car-mile Operating revenues per car-hour Total operating expenses Operating expenses per car-mile Operating expenses per car-hour Injuries to persons. Passengers 12 •Employees 5 Other persons 7 Total 24 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 101 Employees. General administration: General officers 14 General office clerks 2 Maintenance of way and structures: Superintendents 1 Other employees 13 Maintenance of equipment superintendent 1 Transportation: Superintendents 2 Other employees 34 Total 67 Aggregate salaries and wages paid for the year, $35,185.27. Description of equipment: Sweepers, without electric equipment, 2. This company owns no passenger cars, It operates 15 cars, hiring them from other companies. Contracts, agreements, etc.: None. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. All decreases of mileage: Barn curves at old barn removed, Thirty-seventh Street and Wisconsin Avenue NW., 0.046 mile. VERIFICATION. City of Washington, District of Columbia , ss: William F. Ham makes oath and says that he is comptroller of the Georgetown & Tennallytown Railway Co ; that it is his duty to have supervision over the books of account of the respondent and to control the manner in which such books are kept; that he knows that such books have, during the period covered by the foregoing report, been kept in good faith in accordance with the accounting and other orders of the Public Utilities Commission effective during the said period; that he has care- fully examined the said report, and to the best of his knowledge and belief the entries contained in the said report have, so far as they relate to matters of account, been accurately taken from the said books of account and are in exact accordance there- with; that he believes that all other statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. Wm. F. Ham. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the District above named, this 28th day of February, 1917. [seal.] J. E. Tenly. My commission expires March 3, 1921. SUPPLEMENTAL OATH. City of Washington, District of Columbia , ss: Clarence P. King makes oath and says that he is president of the Georgetown & Tennallytown Railway Co.; that he has carefully examined the foregoing report; that he believes that all statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. Clarence P. King. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the District above named, this 28th day of February, 1917. [seal.] My commission expires March 3, 1921. J. E. Tenly. POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER CO. HISTORY. 1. Exact name of company making this report: Potomac Electric Power Co. 2. Date of organization: April 28, 1896. 3. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized? Organized under general incorporation laws of District of Columbia, articles of incorporation amended June 29, 1898, August 29, 1902, August 13, 1904, April 27, 1912. 4. If a consolidated company, name the constituent companies. In the nature of a consolidated company. Heisler Electric Co.; conditions of incorporation not known. United States Electric Lighting Co., incorporated under laws of the State of West Virginia October 17, 1882; amended January 8, 1890, and April 20, 1891. Brush- Swan Electric Co., incorporated under laws of the District of Columbia July 5, 1884. Potomac Electric Co., incorporated under laws of the District of Columbia April 18, 1891. Potomac Light & Power Co., incorporated under laws of the District of Colum- bia November 3, 1894. Potomac Light & Power Co., incorporated under laws of the State of Virginia January 20, 1896. 5. Date and authority for each consolidation. The United States Electric Lighting Co. acquired the property rights and franchises of the Heisler Electric Co. in 1882 and of the Brush-Swan Electric Co. in 1885. The Potomac Light & Power Co. (of Virginia) in 1896 became the successor to the property, rights, and franchises of the Potomac Electric Co. and the Potomac Light & Power Co. (of the District of Columbia). The Potomac Electric Power Co. acquired by purchase the property, rights, and franchises of the Potomac Light & Power Co. (of Virginia) on June 30, 1896, and of the United States Electric. Lighting Co. on September 27, 1902. 6. State whether respondent is a corporation, a joint-stock association, a firm or partnership, or an individual. Corporation. 7. If a reorganized company, give name of original organization and refer to laws under which it was organized. No. Directors. Name. Post-office address. Expiration of term. Milton E. Ailes Washington, D. C Jan. 20,1917 Do. Charles J. Bell do W oodbury Blair do Do. W. F. Ham do Do. Clarence P. King do Do. Clarence F. Norment do Do. George Truesdale do Do. Oscar L. Gubelman New York City Do. Wm. Loeb, jr do Do. Principal officers. Name. Title. Salary. Clarp.noft F. Norment. Chairman of the executive committee $1,000 Clarence P. King President 12,500 ' W . F Ham Vice president and comptroller 6,500 L R Bowen Secretary and assistant treasurer 3,000 W L Clarke Assistant secretary and asistant treasurer 1,500 C E Brown Treasurer 1,750 J S Barbour Attorney or general counsel 5,000 J. C. McLaughlin Manager commercial department 5,000 L. E. Sinclair General superintendent 10,000 R. W. Crowell Purchasing agent 1,350 .T. B. Hop.llmnn _ _ General storekeeper 1,000 R. W. Kang Assistant to president 2,500 General office force other than clerks and 6,321 bookkeepers. Officer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed: W. F. Ham, comptroller, Fourteenth and C Streets NW. 102 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 103 Employees, other than officers. Class. Number of em- ployees. Average wages. Maxi- mum hours continu- ous service. Per month. Per day. general office. Clerks 40 $66. 09 8-9 5 110. 66 8 5 32. 50 11 POWER PLANT. Chief engineer. . 1 104. 16 8 Stationary engineer. 2 112. 50 8-10 Firemen and boiler-room employees. . . 15 $1. 95 8-10 Other power-plant employees 16 2. 32 8-10 SUBSTATION. Superintendents 2 159. 16 9 Operators . 15 2. 47 9 Other substation employees 1 75.00 9 Do 10 2. 27 9-10 DISTRIBUTION. Superintendents 8 177. 96 8J-9 Clerks 33 58. 40 8|-9 Linemen 20 2. 60 9-10 Laborers 93 1.74 9 Watchmen and miscellaneous 8 1. 84 11-12 Other distribution employees 11 75. 00 8 1-9 Do 97 2.35 9-10 COMMERCIAL. Bookkeepers 20 64. 75 81 Meter readers 11 1. 70 9 Solicitors 15 82.88 81 Other commercial employees 33 60. 45 Sh Corporations controlled by respondent: None. FACTS PERTAINING TO CONTROL OF THE RESPONDENT. 1. Date of last meeting of stockholders for election of directors: January 15, 1916. 2. Date of last closing of stock books before end of year for which this report is made: December 29, 1916. 3. Total number of stockholders of record at the date required in answer to ques- tion 2: Thirteen. 4. Has each share of stock one vote? Yes. 5. Has any issue of securities contingent voting rights? No. 6. Has any issue of securities special privileges in the election of directors? No. 7. Did any individual, association, corporation or corporations, gas, electric, or other, control the respondent on December 31, 1916? Under authority of act of Congress approved June 5, 1900, the Washington Railway & Electric Co. is the equitable owner of the entire capital stock of this company, and as such, through its board of directors, may direct the voting of such stock at stockholders’ meetings for the election of directors and for certain other corporate purposes, subject, however, to restrictions contained in its consolidated mortgage, under which most, if not all, of said stock is pledged. If control was so held, state: (a) The form of control, whether sole or joint. Sole. ( b ) The name of the controlling corporation or corporations. Washington Railway & Electric Co. (c) The manner in which control was established. Through ownership of stock. ( d ) The extent of control. One hundred per cent. (e) Whether control was direct or indirect. Direct. 8. Did any individual, association, or corporation, as trustee, control the respondent on December 31, 1916? No. Companies operated : * Potomac Electric Power Co. Companies jointly operated: None. 104 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTTUCT OF COLUMBIA. Capital stock. Description. Number of shares author- ized. Par value of one share. Total par value au- thorized. Total par value out- standing. Total par value held by respon- dent cor- poration. Total par value not held by re- pondent corporation. Dividends declared during year. Rate. Amount. Common Preferred Total. . . 97, 500 2, 500 $100 100 $9, 750, 000 250, 000 $5, 750, 000 250, 000 None None $5, 750, 000 250,000 Per cent. 11 11 $632, 500 27,500 100, 000 10, 000, 000 6, 000, 000 6,000,000 660,000 As nearly as the present management is able to ascertain, the capital stock has been issued for the following purposes: Purpose. Sold for cash $817,950 (see note below), applied as follows For purchase of property of Potomac Light & Power Co . $255, 000 Part payment of first mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds of issue Jan. 1, 1898 425.000 For general purposes of the company 137, 950 Total ; 817,950 Issued for conduit materials Issued for services in organizing, constructing, developing, and financ- ing the property for period from June 30, 1896 to Apr. 30, 1899. Issued for purchase of United States Electric Lighting Co.’s plant, including real estate, buildings, fixtures, machinery, appliances and equipment, materials and supplies, unexpired contracts for light and power ; and all other properties of said company, real, personal, or mixed, including the good will of the business, subject to a debt of said company represented by the improvement debenture bonds and certificates of Indebtedness of a par value of $650,000 and the assumption of the floating debt, and of unperformed contracts of said company. Issued in part payment of $650,000 par value first mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds ofissue of Jan. 1, 1898, and accrued interest on said bonds, $80,888.85 (balance paid by cash from sale of stock above referred to). Issued for purchase of two-thirds interest in the Great Falls water- power site. Total Shares. Par value. Number. Kind. 8, 179J Common.. $817,950 27 . . .do 2,700 354,350 250,000 3, 250, 000 J 3, 543£ \ $2,500 32, 500 Preferred.. Common. . 3, 250 325,000 10,000 1,000,000 60,000 6,000,000 Note.— Includes amounts charged to individual accounts of subscribers to stock. Funded debt. Designation of bond or obligation. Date. Total par value au- thorized. Total par value out- standing. Total par value held by re- spond- ent corpor- ation in sinking or other funds. Total value not held by respond- ent cor- portion. Interest. Issue. Matu- rity. Rate. Amount accrued during year. Amount paid during year. First mortgage 5 per cent gold bond Consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bond Total 1904 1906 1929 1936 $4, 000, 000 7, 000, 000 $1,700,000 5,300,000 $369, 000 $1,700,000 4,931,000 Per cent. i5 2 5 $85,000.06 265,000.00 $85,000 265,000 ii,ooo,oool 7.000,000 1 . 369, 000 6.631,000 350, 000.06 350,000 1 Payable June and December. 2 Payable July and January BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 105 Total par value outstanding, $7,000,000. Cash realized from the sale of $1,700,000 first mortgage bonds was disposed of as follows: Paid to retire $280,000 first mortgage 41 per cent bonds, issue of Nov. 1, 1902 $280, 000 Paid to retire floating indebtedness 805, 000 For extensions, additions, betterments, and improvements 513,000 Total 1,598,000 Cash realized from the sale of $5,300,000 consolidated mortgage bonds, amounting to $5,086,790, was expended as follows: For redemption of improvement debenture bonds and certificates of in- debtedness of the United States Electric Lighting Co. of a par value of $650,000, matured May 1, 1907 $650, 000 For extensions, additions, betterments, and improvements 4,436,790 Total 5,086,790 Actual amount of coupons retired or canceled during year as reported by Com- mercial Trust Co. of New Jersey, trustee, as follows: First mortgage 5 per cent bonds $83, 925 Consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds 264, 525 Receiver’s certificates: None. Security for funded debt: First mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds and consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds. Property mortgaged and securities pledged: All prop- erty of every kind, real, personal, or mixed now owned or hereafter acquired by the company, including land, buildings, apparatus, appliances, miscellaneous equipment, franchises, etc. Value: Unable to state; now in process of ascertainment. Recapitulation of capitalization. Total par value out- standing. Assign- ment to electric. Capital stock $6,000,000 7,000,000 $6,000,000 7,000, 000 Funded debt Total 13,000, 000 13,000,000 Income account statement. Operating income : Operating revenues $2, 420, 537. 08 Operating expenses 1, 042, 541. 55 Net operating revenue $1, 377, 995. 53 Deductions from total net revenue: Taxes 122, 928. 55 Uncollectible customers’ bills 12, 102. 68 Total deductions from net revenue 135, 031 . 23 Net operating income $1, 242, 964. 30 Other income: Dividend revenues 270.00 Interest revenues 11, 666. 26 11, 936. 26 Total other income Gross corporate income 1, 254, 900. 56 106 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Deductions from gross corporate income: Interest deductions $365, 784. 83 Bad debts written off 232. 85 Sinking funds chargeable to income 106, 000. 00 Amortization of debt discount and expense 11, 022. 36 Total deductions from gross corporate income. $483,040.04 Net corporate income 771, 860. 52 Disposition of net corporate income: Dividends declared 660, 000. 00 Surplus 111,860.52 Operating revenues. Street and park lighting $226, 999. 03 Commercial lighting 1. 648, 891. 24 Commercial power 509, 285. 61 Other electric corporations 14, 748. 89 Electric merchandise and jobbing 13, 984. 40 Other miscellaneous electric revenue 90.00 Rent of land and buildings 3, 528. 10 Rent of equipment - 3, 009. 81 Total operating revenues 2, 420, 537. 80 Operating expenses. Account. Amount. Ratio to total of general account. Ratio to total operating expenses. I. PRODUCTION EXPENSES. Power-plant wages $15,636.32 Per cent. 6. 53 Percent. 1.50 185,945.69 2, 157.35 77. 59 17. 84 Lubricants .90 .21 PlAntriA AtiArgy from other sources 439.48 . 18 .04 Miscellaneous power-plant expenses 2, 200. 27 8,849.89 24,255. 81 3,555. 67 1,435.02 173.91 .92 .21 Power-plant buildings, maintenance 1.61 .37 Motive power, maintenance 10. 12 2.33 Electrical apparatus, maintenance 1.48 .34 Miscellaneous power-plant equipment, maintenance .60 . 14 Power-plant tools and implements, maintenance .07 .01 Total production expenses 239,649.41 100.00 22.99 n. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES. Substation labor 18,956.36 2, 122.51 16.93 67.79 1.82 Substation supplies and expenses 7.59 .20 Transmission poles and fixtures, maintenance .06 Overhead transmission system, maintenance 72.70 .26 Underground transmission system, maintenance 533.58 1.91 .05 Substation buildings, maintenance 573. 57 2. 05 .06 Substation equipment, maintenance 5, 721.21 20. 46 .55 Total transmission expenses 27,963.00 100.00 2.68 HI. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES. Distribution superintendence 35,274.29 1,037.29 16. 13 3. 38 Distribution office expenses .47 . 10 Setting and removing meters and transformers r. 7, 201. 48 3.29 .69 Electric meter operation 22, 090. 59 10. 10 2. 12 Commercial arc lamps, operation 805.04 .37 .08 Commercial incandescent lamps, renewals 16, 069. 58 235. 11 7.35 1.54 Commercial glower lamps, operation . 12 .02 Customers’ signs, operation 3,331.88 4,624.53 8,635.75 6,281.22 491. 11 1.52 .32 Public arc lamps, operation 2. 12 .44 Public incandescent lamps, operation 3.95 .83 Public incandescent lamps, renewals 2. 87 .60 Public glower lamps, operation .23 .05 Miscellaneous distribution labor 19, 067.41 8.72 1.83 Miscellaneous distribution supplies 6,296.93 11,652. 34 2, 719. 95 6, 857. 55 2.88 .60 Distribution poles and fixtures, maintenance 5. 33 1. 12 Overhead distribution system, maintenance 1. 24 .26 Underground distribution conduits, maintenance 3. 14 . 66 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 107 Operating expenses — Continued. Account. in. distribution expenses— continued. Underground distribution system, maintenance Electric meters, maintenance Transformers, maintenance Electric services, maintenance Commercial arc lamps, maintenance Commercial glower lamps, maintenance Public arc lamps, maintenance Public glower lamps, maintenance Miscellaneous distribution equipment, maintenance Total distribution expenses IV. COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. Commercial administration Advertising Other commercial expenses Total commercial expenses V. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of general office clerks General office supplies and expenses General law expenses Miscellaneous general expenses Insurance Relief department and pensions . General amortization Injuries to persons and property Stationery and printing Store expenses Stable expenses General structure, maintenance Total general and miscellaneous expenses RECAPITULATION. I. Total production expenses II. Total transmission expenses III. Total distribution expenses IV. Total commercial expenses V. Total general and miscellaneous expenses Total Amount. Ratio to total of general account. Ratio to total operating expenses. Pee cent. Per cent. $17,911.37 8. 19 1.72 5, 720.08 2. 62 .55 1,552. 17 .71 .15 5,207.80 2. 38 .50 6, 102. 70 2.79 .59 2,394.59 1.10 .23 10,445.38 4. 78 1.00 3, 244. 19 1.48 .31 13,381.64 6. 12 1.28 218,631.97' 100. 00 20.97 46, 842. 18 57. 88 4.49 9,925.57 12. 27 .95 24, 155. 74 29. 85 2.32 80,923. 49 100. 00 7.76 48,242.41 10. 15 4.63 19,519.61 4.11 1.87 5,976.41 1.26 . 57 13,071.30 2.75 1.25 46, 353. 06 9.75 4. 45 5, 819. 17 1.22 .56 1,331. 12 .28 .13 259, 687. 81 54. 63 24.91 6,051.35 1.27 .58 17,018. 17 3. 58 1.63 13,521.09 2. 84 1. 30 31,481. 80 6. 62 3.02 7, 300. 38 1.54 .70 475, 373. 68 100. 00 45.60 239, 649. 41 22. 99 27, 963. 00 2. 68 218, 631. 97 20.97 80, 923. 49 7.76 475,373.68 45. 60 1,042,541.55 L 100.00 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues, 43.07. Property devoted to outside operations: None. Advances to proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies: None. Balance sheet accounts. Dec. 31, 1916. Dec. 31, 1915. Increase or decrease. ASSETS. Permanent and long term investments: Fixed capital, plant and equipment, Dec. 31, 1909 (de- voted to operation) Expenditures for plant and equipmentsince Dec. 31, 1909. Accrued amortization of capital Total $9,314,557.85 3, 195,786.25 $9, 355, 619. 28 2, 610, 140. 27 $11 ,061 AS 585,645. 98 12,510,344. 10 797, 117. 99 11,965,759. 55 558,869. 20 544, 584. 55 238,248.79 11,713,226.11 11,406,890. 35 306,335. 76 Other permanent investments Funded debt 1,588,625.99 367,900.00 1,444,916. 55 367,900.00 143, 709. 44 Total 1,956,525. 99 1.812.816. 55 143. 709. 44 — j 108 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Balance sheet accounts— Continued. Dec. 31, 1916. Dec. 31, 1915. Increase or decrease. assets— continued. Working assets: Materials and supplies Cash Coupon special deposits Other special deposits Bills receivable Accounts receivable Advances Total Accrued income not due: Interest and dividends receivable. Deferred debit items: $157,378. 06 337,094. 68 142, 642. 50 9,542.91 19,833. 95 390, 178. 90 17.672.93 $113, 807. 65 382,630.90 141,092.50 10,692.04 17, 272. 20 313,016.76 22,059. 47 $43,570. 41 45,536.22 1,550.00 1,149. IS 2,561.75 77,162. 14 4,386.54 1,074,343. 93 1,000,571.52 73,772.41 166. 66 166. 66 Property abandoned Insurance premiums paid in advance Unamortized debt discount and expense. Other suspense 2,856. 56 195,663. 24 5,486. 55 7,046. 46 8,043.11 206,685. 60 3,553. 78 7,046.46 6,176.65 11,022.36 1,932. 77 Total 204,016.35 225,328.95 21,312.60 Grand total LIABILITIES. 14,948,279.04 14,445,774.03 502,505.01 Capital stock: Common Preferred Total Long-term funded debt W orking liabilities: Consumers’ deposits Loans and bills payable Audited vouchers and wages unpaid. Other working liabilities Total Accrued liabilities not due: Taxes accrued Interest accrued Total Appropriated surplus, reserves Free surplus, balance Grand total 5,750,000.00 5,750,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 92, 178. 83 193, 763. 28 263, 640. 03 142, 707. 50 87,054. 72 163,763.28 65,524.84 141, 107. 50 5,124.11 30,000.00 198, 115. 19 1,600.00 692,289. 64 457,450. 34 234,839. 30 69,627. 57 14,532.12 58,355.24 11,272.33 10,804.68 3,727.44 84, 159. 69 69, 159. 92 14,999. 77 895,855.95 275,973. 76 762,432.44 133,423.51 156,731.33 119,242.43 14, 948,279. 04 14,445,774. 03 502,505.01 Capital accounts. Accounts. Installed during year 1916 from assets. Total vear 1916. Installed Dec. 3L, 1909, to Jan. 1, 1916. Total to Dec. 31, 1916. Land devoted to electric operations General structures and equipment: General structures General equipment Total general structures and equipment Production plant: Power-plant buildings Furnaces, boilers, and accessories Steam engines $42,051.50 $42,051. 50 $53, 816. 01 $95, 867. 51 31,890. 60 8, 876. 97 31, 890. 60 8, 876. 97 120,686.20 39, 175. 33 152, 576. 80 48, 052. 30 40,767. 57 40, 767. 57 159, 861. 53 200,629. 10 44, 355. 86 15,343.62 129, 456. 66 56, 155. 15 10, 590. 99 61.85 44, 355. 86 15, 343.62 129, 456. 66 56,155. 15 10, 590. 99 61.85 3,620. 64 132, 381. 93 196, 808. 71 107,326. 44 44, 796. 15 1,219.69 47, 976. 50 147,725. 55 326, 265. 37 163, 481. 59 55, 387. 14 1,281. 54 Electric generators Accessory electric power equipment Miscellaneous nower-plant equipment Total production plant 255, 964. 13 255, 964. 13 486, 153. 56 742,117. 69 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 109 Capital accounts — Continued. Accounts. Transmission and distribution plant: Substation buildings Substation equipment Poles and fixtures Underground conduits Transmission system Distribution system Line transformers and devices Electric services Electric meters Total transmission and distribution plant Street and park lighting system Ancillary equipment: Commercial arc lamps Electric tools and implements Electric laboratory equipment Total ancillary equipment Undistributed construction expenditures: Engineering and superintendence Injuries during construction Total undistributed construction expenditures. . . RECAPITULATION. Land devoted to electric operations General structures and equipment Production plant Transmission and distribution plant Street and park lighting system Ancillary equipment Undistributed construction expenditures Grand total Installed during year 1916 from assets. Total year 1916. Installed • Dec. 31 , 1909, to Jan. 1, 1916. Total to Dec. 31, 1916. $8,409.56 351, 812. 84 87, 155. 83 346, 273. 61 170, 404. 97 309, 414. 28 58, 531. 05 241,159.36 154,395.01 $8, 409. 56 397, 286. 08 98, 956. 84 387, 496. 75 171, 996. 82 353, 183. 02 73, 865. 14 283, 637. 48 189, 329. 37 $45, 473. 24 11, 801. 01 41, 223. 14 1,591,85 43, 768. 74 15,334. 09 42, 478. 12 34, 934. 36 $45, 473. 24 11.801.01 41,223.14 1,591.85 43,768.74 15, 334. 09 42, 478. 12 34,934.36 236,604.55 236,604.55 1,727,556.51 1,964, 161.06 3,367.59 3,367. 59 196, 347. £6 199, 715. 15 6,584.85 262. 04 183. 60 6, 584. 85 262. 04 183. 60 17,084.35 751. 18 1, 065. 42 23,669.20 1,013. 22 1,249. 02 6, 139.21 6, 139. 21 15,267. 75 21,406.96 11,797. 02 11, 797. 02 11,797. 02 1, 232. 83 1, 232. 83 1,672.85 2, 905. 68 13,029.85 13, 029. 85 1,672.85 14, 702. 70 42,051.50 40, 767. 57 255,964. 13 236, 604. 55 3,367.59 6, 139. 21 13,029. 85 42,051.50 40,767. 57 255, 964. 13 236,604.55 3, 367. 59 6,139.21 13,029.85 53,816.01 159, 861. 53 486. 153. 56 1,727,556.51 196. 347. 56 15,267.75 1,672. 85 95, 867. 51 200,629. 10 742,117.69 1,964, 161. 06 199, 715. 15 21,406.96 14, 702. 70 585,645. 98 585,645. 98 2,610,140.27 3, 195, 786. 25 Balance sheet. Corporate surplus. DEBITS. $275, 973. 76 CREDITS. Balance $156,731.33 Credit balance transferred from income account Ill, 860. 52 Inventory adjustment, period prior to Jan. 1, 1916 7, 381. 91 , Total 275, 973. 76 Stocks and funded debt owned. STOCKS. Name. — * Par value of stocks owned. Dividends declared. Valuation of stocks owned. Rate. Amount. Other than proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies: Electric testing laboratories $2, 700 352 Per cent. 10 $270 $2, 700 352 F. H. Geyer Co. (Inc.) Grand total 3,052 270 3,052 110 balance sheets public utilities DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Stocks and funded debt owned — Continued. FUNDED DEBT. Name. Par value of funded debt owned. Interest accrued. Valuation of fufided debt owned. Rate. Amount. Other than proprietary, affiliated, or controlled companies: Washington & Rockville Ry. Co. first mortgage 5 per cent bonds $20,000 Per cent. 5 $1,000 $20,000 See also securities in sinking fund, below. Sinking , redemption, and other special funds. Name of fund and security. ■ Securities in fund. ■ Cash in fund. Total. j Par value. Cost. Sinking fund assets: Potomac Electric Power Co. consolidated mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds $369,000.00 542,000.00 $367,900.00 449,418.19 Washington Railway & Electric Co. consolidated mortgage 4 per cent bonds Total $9,542.91 $826,861. 10 911,000.00 817,318.19 9,542.91 82, 861. 10 Outside operations, revenues and expenses: None. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. Extensions or additions to plant or equipment and decrease or abandonment of plant or equipment: (See details on pages 108 and 109 for plant and equipment since December 31, 1909.) Fixed capital, plant, and equipment, December 31, 1909, see pages 108 and 109, decreased $41,061.43 onaccountof abandonment of storage battery, rotary, etc. Changes in the respondent’s holdings of stocks and funded debt: $176,000 par value Washington Railway & Electric Co. 4 per cent bonds purchased during year for inking fund. Contracts and agreements: None. Taxes and assessments {paid). State or Territory. Ad valorem on real and personal property. Specific on earnings: Revenue or divi- dends. On prop- erty owned not used in operation and mis- cellaneous. Internal revenue, United States Gov- ernment. Total. District of Columbia $19,286.13 1,172.97 State of Maryland District of Columbia $81,373.26 Do $1,604. 90 United States Government $8,465.59 Total ^ 20,459. 10 81,373.26 1,604.90 8,465.59 $111,902.85 Property abandoned. One 2,000 kilowatt turbine: Account credited, plant and equipment, Dec. 31, 1909. Date abandoned, 1912. Total amount chargeable $35, 933. 98 Amount charged off 35, 933. 93 The amount charged off has been charged to operating expenses in accordance with plans approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Ill ELECTRIC STATISTICS CONCERNING. PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Number, character, and location of generating plant: Bennings Road and Eastern Branch, steam turbine plant; Fourteenth and B Streets NW., steam engine plant. Number, character, and location of substations: 405 Eighth Street NW., rotary and battery; 450 Washington Street, rotary and battery; Brightwood, D. C., rotary; alley between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, H and I, rotary and battery; Thirty-third and Water Streets NW., rotary; Sherman Avenue and Harvard Street, rotary; Ben- nings Road, rotary; Fourteenth and B Streets NW., rotary. REAL ESTATE DEVOTED TO ELECTRIC PLANT. Benning power plant and substation: Parcel 169-9, containing 550,163 square feet; acquired 1906; power-plant building 219 by 183 feet, built of concrete block and steel; substation building 46 by 31 feet, built of concrete block. Fourteenth and B Streets power plant, substation, office building, stores buildings, and stable: Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, A, B, C, D, E, of square 259, containing 81,795 square feet; acquired 1890, 1894, 1897, 1912, and 1916; power-plant building and substation building, 246 by 131 feet, built of concrete, brick, and iron; office building approxi- mately 195 by 92 feet, built of concrete, brick, and iron; file room and shop 56 by 27 feet, built of concrete, brick, and iron; stable building, 135 by 120 feet, built of brick. Eighth Street substation: Lot 5, square 431, containing 2,288.6 square feet; acquired 1913; building, 62 by 30 feet, built of brick. Washington Street substation : Part of lots 27, 28, 101, and lot 100, square 518, contain- ing 10, 553 square feet; acquired 1899, 1906, 1907; building, 100 by 90 feet, built of brick. Georgia Avenue substation: Lot 800, square 2896, containing 17,789 square feet; acquired 1905, building 46 by 31 feet, built of brick. I Street substation: Lot 53, square 220, containing 3,948.85 square feet; acquired 1907 ; building 86 by 45 feet built of brick and iron. Sherman Avenue substation: Lot 30, square 2852, containing 6,000 square feet* acquired 1907: building 89 by 32 feet, built of brick. Water Street substation and stores buildings: Part of lots 35, 38, and 39, square 1184. lots 31, 32, and 33, square 1176, lot 40, and part of lots 41 and 80, square 1185, contain- ing 110,185 square feet; acquired 1897, 1899; substation and stores building 220 b\ 90 feet, built of brick. All of the foregoing property is owned by the Potomac Electric Power Co. The cost and book values of land and buildings are not stated separately on the company’s books. Description of motive power. BOILERS. Where located. Num- ber of each kind. Maker. Type. Year of installa- tion. Usual steam pres- sure. Rated horse power of each. Total rated horse power. Bennings Road and East- ern Branch. Do 16 4 4 6 7 Babcock & Wilcox Co. do Water tube. do 1906 1910 1912 1898 1901-1906 185 185 185 185 185 600 525 600 300 450 9,600 2,100 2,400 1,800 3, 150 Do do do Fourteenth and B Streets NW. Do do do do do Total horsepower . . . 19,050 STEAM ENGINES. Num- Year of installa- tion. Rated Total Where located. ber of each Maker. Type of engine. horse- power rated horse- kind. of each. power. Fourteenth and B Streets NW. 2 McIntosh & Seymour Co. Comp osite, f compound, f 1899 1,600 3,200 Do 2 do.. | 1899 l 1902 1907-1912 800 1,600 1,000 75,000 Do 1 .do condensing. 1,000 15,000 Bennings Road and East- 5 General Electric Co Vertical turbines ern Branch. Do 1 do Horizontal tur- 1916 20,000 20,000 bine. Total horsepower.. 100, 800 112 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Description of dynamos at generating stations. Where located. Num- ber of each kind. Maker. Type. Fear of installa- tion. Cur- rent. Capac- ity of each in kilo- watts. Total capac- ity, in kilo- watts. Fourteenth and B Streets 6 General Electric Co... Const a nt 1899 Direct. 240 1,440 NW. potential. . Do 2 do do 1899 480 960 Do 1 do 1902 do. . . 600 600 Bennings Road and East- 3 do Turbo gen- 1907-1912 Alter- 9,000 27,000 ern Branch. erator. nat- Do 2 do do 1907-1912 ing. .do... 5,000 10 000 Do 1 do . . .do 1916 15^000 15^000 Total kilowatts 55,000 Distribution system, overhead lines. Size of wire. Solid conductor. Stranded conductor. Total wire of each size, in feet. Size of wire. Solid conductor. Stranded conductor. Total wire of each size, in feet. 1 1,150 515,308 4,018 1,150 517, 803 691, 653 1,449,198 2,068,876 4, 484 77 460 166.681 2/0 1,644 290 30 272 851 10,099 1,644* 290 30 272 851 10,099 69 2 2,495 687,635 1,449,198 2,065,630 4,484 77 460 3/0 4 4/0 6 250, 000 c. m 8 3,246 500,000 c. m 10 600,000 c. m 12 Mast arm 69 14 Total l/o 166,681 4,210,048 703,589 4,913,637 Poles , commercial. Height in feet. Wooden poles. Iron poles. For what purpose used. Height in feet. Wooden poles. Iron poles. For what purpose used. 20 9 Guy and line. 60 2 Line. 25 124 Do. 65 3 Do. 30 . 5,141 Do. 20 1 Guy and line. 35 2,359 Line. 25 69 Do. 37| 2 Do. 30 81 Do. 40 275 Do. 35 3 Line. 45 132 Do. 40 5 Do. .V) 18 Do 55 7 Do! Total... 8,072 159 Poles r municipal, iron . 10 to 20 feet in height 925 20 feet in height 617 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 113 Distribution system , underground. CONDUITS. Character of duct. Number of ducts. Miles of conduit. Character of duct. Number of ducts. Miles of conduit. 1 96.75 Terra cotta 24 1.15 Do 2 9.45 Do 26 .12 Do 3 .34 Do... .' 28 .46 Do 4 88.06 Do 30 .02 Do .. .. 5 .12 Do 32 . 13 Do ... . 6 26.23 Do 36 .58 Do. 7 .07 Do 42 .08 Do 8 11.27 Do 48 .03 Do. . 9 1.25 Do 60 .004 Do 10 .39 Do 64 .02 Do 11 .03 Cement lined irpn pipe 2 .02 Do 12 8. 14 Do 4 .16 Do 13 .03 Do 6 .16 Do 14 2.14 Do 8 .10 Do 15 .02 Do 12 1.73 Do 16 1.43 Do 13 .18 Do 17 .01 Do 16 .10 Do 18 . 05 Do 17 .04 Do 20 . 14 Do... 22 1 06 Total 251.064 CABLE UNDERGROUND. Size and number of conductor. Miles of cable. Size and number of conductor^ Miles of cable. HIGH TENSION. 500,000, 1-conductor 0. 01 LOW TENSION. 1,500,000, 1-conductor 3.48 250,000, 1-conductor .20 1,000,000, 1-conductor 42.05 3/0, 1-conductor .09 750,000, 1-conductor 5.15 2/0, 1-conductor .79 700,000, 1-conductor 22.96 1/0, 1-conductor 23.26 600,000, 1-conductor 6. 36 No. 1, 1-conductor 31.54 500,000, 1-conductor 44.42 No. 2, 1-conductor 29.25 350,000, 1-conductor 16. 47 No. 4, 1-conductor 59.11 300,000, 1-conductor 5. 48 No. 6, 1-conductor 64. 55 250,000, 1-conductor 45.93 No. 8, 1-conductor 27.52 4/0, 1-conductor. . . 14. 14 No. 10, 1-conductor 211.37 3/0, 1-conductor 40.01 1/0, 2-conductor 29. 88 2/0, 1-conductor 19. 01 No. 2, 2-conductor 1.28 1/0, 1-conductor 65.07 No. 4, 2-conductor 1.95 No. 1, 1-conductor 28. 92 No. 8, 2-conductor .19 No. 2, 1-conductor 244. 15 No. 10, 2-conductor 7.71 No. 4, 1-conductor 28. 95 No. 12, 2-conductor .30 No. 6, 1-conductor 255. 94 250,000, 3-conductor 57.30 No. 8, 1-conductor 4.97 4/0, 3-conductor 10.21 No. 10, 1-conductor 1.11 1/0, 3-conductor 15. 44 1,000,000, 2-conductor 8. 33 No. 2, 3-conductor 6. 87 700,000, 2-conductor . .08 No. 4, 3-conductor .06 1/0, 2-conductor. . . .05 No. 6, 3-conductor .80 No. 6, 2-conductor .02 No. 10, 3-conductor 1.17 250,000, 3-conductor .005 No. 14, 3-conductor .06 1/0, 3-conductor. . . .04 1/0, 4-conductor 4.76 No. 2, 3-conductor .01 No. 1, 4-conductor .96 No. 6, 3-conductor .002 No. 2, 4-conductor 1.61 No. 10, 3-conductor .06 No. 6, 4-conductor 1.67 No. 14, 3-conductor 26.60 Total 589.91 Total ' 929.767 H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 8 114 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Substation and transformer equipment. STORAGE BATTERIES. Where located. Maker. Num- ber of cells. Number of plates per cell. Area of plates in Rate of charg- ing in am- peres. Voltage. Rate of discharg- ing in amperes. Posi- tive. Nega- tive. square inch- es. Maxi- mum. Mini- mum. 1 hour. 5 hours. 10 hours. 405 Eighth Street NW. Electric Storage Battery Co. 144 14 15 930 500 2.6 1.7 2,000 700 500 450 Washington Street NW. do 138 26 27 465 500 2.6 1.7 2,000 700 500 Alley between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, H and I Streets. do 146 14 15 930 500 2.6 1.7 2,000 700 500 OTHER EQUIPMENT. Where located. Rotaries. Booster sets. Step-up or step-down trans- formers. Motor generator sets. Frequency changer sets. No. Capac- ity in kilo- watts. No. Capac- ity in kilo- watts. No. Capac- ity in kilo- watts. No. Capac- ity in kilo- watts. No. Capac- ity in kilo- watts. Corby Bros 2 1,000 2 1, 100 Fidelity Storage 1 100 1 120 American Express 1 100 1 120 Washington Steel & Ordnance Co 2 600 3 960 Bureau of Engraving & Printing 1 500 1 550 405 Eighth Street NW 2 1,500 2 1,650 1 500 450 Washington Street NW 5 6, 000 1 140 5 6, 600 1 500 Fifth and T Streets NE 2 1,000 3 1,130 1 600 Brightwood, D. C 2 1, 000 1 30 2 1,100 Alley, Fourteenth and Fifteenth and H and I Streets NW 4 4, 000 1 100 4 4,400 1 500 Thirteenth and D Streets NE 2 1,000 2 1,100 Thirty- third and K Streets NW 3 2, 000 1 60 4 3, 700 2 1,000 Sherman Avenue and Harvard Street . . . 2 1,500 2 1,650 2 2,000 Bennings Road 2 1,500 1 60 3 5, 250 Fourteenth and B Streets NW 3 3, 000 3 3, 225 3 4, 600 Anacostia 1 500 1 90 2 650 Bureau of Standards 1 220 2 187* LINE TRANSFORMERS. Capacity of each in kilowatts. Number in use Dec. 31, 1916. Capacity of each in kilowatts. Number in use Dec. 31, 1916. 0.6 •• 46 15 64 1 150 20 59 1 5 120 25 26 2 101 30 72 2.5 82 40 1 3 95 75 2 4 63 150 1 165 7.5 178 Total 13.92 10 167 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 115 Connected load on Dec. 81, 1916. Classification. Alter- nating current. Direct current. Total con- nected load in K. W. MUNICIPAL ABCS. 523 167.3 321 160.5 6 3.3 57 28.5 COMMERCIAL ARCS. Inclosed - amperes 4 - watts 440. 5 2.2 Inclosed; amperes, 5; watts, 550 176 93.4 Inclosed* amperes, 6; watts, 500 41 20.5 Photo. - amperes, 10; watts, 1,100 2 2.2 MUNICIPAL INCANDESCENTS. Tnngst.fin lamps 7, 697 118 477. 1 Narrist lamps 64 22.5 COMMERCIAL INCANDESCENTS. Carbon lamps i 878.60.0 43, 930. 0 Tungsten lamps Nernst lamps 9 3.4 Total connected lighting load 44,910.9 POWER. Municipal motors 25. 6825 19, 159. 4 Total connected power load 19, 159. 4 1 50-watt equivalent. Rated capacity of meters and number of each size in use. Current. Number in use Dec. 31, 1915. Removed since. Installed since. Number in use Dec. 31, 1916. Voltage. Direct 7, 128 17,900 27 195 851 1,742 1,125 4,644 7,402 20,802 27 217 110-220 60-cycle. 25-cycle. 550-volt. Alternating Do Direct 27 49 Total 25,250 2,620 5,818 28,448 Note. — With reference to details of physical property, such as overhead lines, poles, conduits, cables, transformers, etc., we have adopted the. quantities as ascer- tained by our consulting engineers on July 1, 1916, and have added or deducted from such ascertainment the additions or deductions in such physical property from July 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. It has not been possible up to the present time to restate the records of the company pertaining to such physical property. Record of output for year ending Dec. 31, 1916. Total kilowatt-hours, generated or purchased, delivered at switchboard for all purposes . . 58, 892, 213 Kilowatt-hours delivered for street lights 3, 550, 256 Kilowatt-hours sold to commercial customers 38, 639, 398 Kilowatt-hours accounted for 42, 189, 654 Kilowatt-hours unaccounted for 16, 702. 559 Is electricity sold to other companies or to municipal plants; and if so, where is the current measured and where delivered? Yes. Measured and delivered at cus- tomers’ premises in Virginia. 116 BALANCE sheets PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Is electricity sold for operating street cars; and if so, where is the current measured and where delivered? No. Electricity is manufactured jointly by this company and the Washington Railway & Electric Co. Other property such as conduits, over- head lines, etc., is also used jointly as contemplated by the act of Congress approved June 5, 1900, thereby preventing duplication and bringing about much greater effi- ciency. DEPRECIATION. In accordance with classification of accounts prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, the company has during the year from month to month charged to operating expenses for repairs, maintenance, and general amortization, sums equal to 16 per cent of operating revenues, which sums were estimated to be necessary to cover such wear and tear, obsolescence, and inadequacy as accrued in the tangible electric capital of the corporation, such portion of the life of intangible fixed capital as expired or was consumed, and the amount estimated to be necessary to provide a reserve to cover the cost of property destroyed by extraordinary casualties. OATH. City of Washington, District of Columbia , ss: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, Clarence P. King, president, and W. F. Ham, comp- troller, of Potomac Electric Power Co. of Washington, D. C., on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared, under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said company, which are kept in accordance with the accounting rules promulgated by the Public Utilities Commission; that we have care- fully examined the same, and declare the same to be a complete and correct state- ment of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and everv matter and thing therein set forth ; and we further say that no deductions were made before stating the operating revenues herein set forth, except those shown in the foregoing accounts; and that the accounts and figures contained in the foregoing return embrace all of the financial operations of said company during the period for which said return is made, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief. Clarence P. King, President. Wm. F. Ham. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of March, 1917. [seal.] J. E. Tenly, Notary Public, District of Columbia. CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO. Name ol officer in charge of correspondence with the commission regarding this report: Robert V. Marye, general attorney, 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. 1. Exact name of telephone company making this report: The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. 2. Date of organization: July 2, 1883. 3. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized? Respondent was organized under the laws of the State of New York, pursuant to an act entitled “An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of telegraph companies” (ch. 265 of the laws of 1848), and the several acts supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof,, now embraced in Article IX of the transportation corporation law (ch. 219 of the laws- of 1909), the general corporation law (ch. 28 of the laws of 1909), and the stock cor- poration law (ch. 61 of the laws of 1909). 4. If a consolidated, combined, or a merging company, name all constituent and all merged companies. The following-named corporations were consolidated with the- respondent on dates mentioned: The Telephone Exchange Co., incorporated February 27, 1882, consolidated July 2, 1883; The National Capital Telephone Co., incorporated June 14, 1881, consolidated July 2, 1883. The telephone companies above mentioned were incorporated and consolidated under the provisions of chapters 53 and 54 of the Code of Public General Laws of the- State of West Virginia. Agreement of consolidation approved by the stockholders of the consolidated companies. The properties and business of the following were purchased by respondent on the dates below mentioned: Name of company. Date purchased. Organized under the laws of— Point Pleasant Telephone Co Nov. 1,1912 Dec. 31,1914 State of West Virginia. Not incorporated. Williamson Telephone Co These transactions were neither mergers, nor consolidations according to the laws, of the State of West Virginia, but the properties were incorporated with, and now form part of that of the respondent. By the sale of their property the companies automatically ceased to exist. 5. Date and authority for each consolidation, combination, or merger. See answer to question No. 4. 6. If a reorganized company, give name of original corporation and refer to laws under which it was organized and state the occasion for the reorganization. Not a reorganized company. 7. State whether or not the respondent dqring the year conducted any part of its business under a name or names other than that shown in response to inquiry No. 1, above. No. Directors. | Name of director. Office address. Date of begin- ning of term. Date of expi- ration of term. U. N. Bethell 15 Dev Street, New. York, N. Y Feb. 14 1916 Feb. 19, 191 « Do. F. H. Bethell do do. C. J. Bell American Security & Trust Co., Washington, D. C. do Do. M. H. Buehler 108 East Lexington Street Baltimore, Md do Do. C. H. Carter Central Savings Bank Building, Baltimore, Md.. do Do. Francis B. Reeves 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa do Do. Thomas J. Shryock Philpot and Thames Street, Baltimore, Md Do. 117 118 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Directors elected to serve one year, or until their successors have been chosen and qualified. Give the names (and titles) of all officers of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year. Chairman of board, U. N. Bethell, secretary of the company, acts as secretary for the board. Name the members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year (naming first the chairman) and state briefly the powers and duties of that committee. Members of the executive committee: U. N. Bethell, F. H. Bethell, Francis B. Reeves, and Thomas J. Shryock. Powers and duties: Article X of by-laws provides that “Except as may otherwise be prescribed by law, the executive committee shall have and exercise all the powers of the board of directors in the intervals between the meetings of the board.” Principal general officers. Monthly salary. Title of general officer. Name of person holding office at close of year. Office address. Total. Applica- ble to District of Colum- bia. President F. H. Bethell 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y $750.00 400. 00 $118.35 63. 12 Vice president H. F. Thurber do Vice president Ford Huntington do 150. 00 23.67 197. 25 Vice president and M. H. Buehler 108 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, 1, 250. 00 general manager. Engineer P. G. Burton Md. do 625. 00 98.63 34. 52 Secretary W. S. Peirsol... 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa do 218. 74 Treasurer . .do 72.92 11.51 35.51 General counsel J. L. Swayze 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y 225.00 General attorney Robert V. Mar ye do 150.00 23.67 63. 12 Auditor J. R. Y. Savage 108 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, 400.00 General auditor J. S. Wiley Md. 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y 175.00 27. 62 Chief engineer. . . . E. F. Sherwood do 150.00 23.67 110. 46 General superintend- W. A. Tower 108 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, 700.00 ent of plant. General superintend- ent of traffic. General commercial 1 E. Corrigan S. M. Greer Md. do | 700.00 833. 33 110.46 131.50 superintendent. j do j Telephone corporations controlled by respondent. Character of control. Name of active telephone corporation controlled. Sole or joint. How established. ACTIVE. Per cent. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City. Sole Stock ownership . . 100 Direct. Maryland Telephone Co. of Baltimore City do 100 Do. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Virginia INACTIVE, i 100 | Do. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Vir- ginia. do 100 Do. 1 1 This above represents qualifying stock issued to directors at the time the company was organized and was temporarily held by respondent, but it has been disposed of since Dec. 31, 1916. Active nontelephone corporations controlled by respondent: None. Inactive nontelephone corporations controlled by respondent: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 119 CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. Did any corporation or corporations, telephone or other, hold control over the re- spondent at the close of the year? Yes. If control was so held, state: (а) The form of control, whether sole or joint. Sole and joint. From the point of view of the Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, the control is sole and direct, and from that of the New York Telephone Co. which controls the Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, the control is joint and indirect. (б) The name of the controlling corporation or corporations. The Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania and the New York Telephone Co. (c) The manner in which control was established. Stock ownership. (d) The extent of control. The Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, 61.5; New York Telephone Co., 38.5. (e) Whether control was direct or indirect. Direct and indirect. (/) The name of the intermediary through which control, if indirect, was established. The Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of the year? No. VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $100 per share. 2. State whether or not each share of stock has the right to one vote. Each share has one vote. 3. Are voting rights proportional to holdings? Yes. 4. Are voting rights attached to any securities other than stock? No. 5 . Has any class or issue of securities any special privileges in the election of directors , trustees, or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method? No. 6. Give the date and state the purpose of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders and their holdings prior to the actual filing of this report (even though such date be after the close of the year). February 19, 1917, annual meeting of stockholders. 7 . State the total voting power of all security holders of the respondent at the date given in answer to inquiry No. 6, if within one year of the date of such filing; if not, state as of the close of the year. 130,000 votes, as of February 19, 1917. 8. State the total number of stockholders of record, corresponding to the answer to inquiry No. 7. Nine stockholders. 9. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report), had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect to securi- ties held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. Name of security holder. Address of security holder. Number of votes to which security holder was entitled. Number of votes, classified with respect to securities on which based, common stocks. Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania New York Telephone Co 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y 79,965 50,000 i 5 79,965 50,000 5 U. N. Bethell do F. H. Bethell do 1 5 5 C. J. Bell American Security & Trust Co.,- Washington, D. C. 108 East Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md. Central Savings Bank Building, Balti- more, Md. 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa Philpot and Thames Streets, Balti- more, Md. 1 5 5 M. H. Buehler i 5 1 5 C. H. Carter 1 5 1 5 Francis B. Reeves 15 5 Thomas J. Shryock 1 5 5 Qualifying stock held by directors. 120 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the election of directors of the respondent. One hundred and thirty thousand votes cast. Give the date and place of such meeting. February 19, 1917; 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Guaranties and suretyships : None. Comparative general balance sheet.. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. $9,016,020. 76 19,313. 19 6,106,811.78 12, 796, 736. 73 50,728.96 27,989,611. 42 125,014. 46 16,625. 00 20.000.00 190,329. 68 198, 554. 80 11,859.29 77,276.70 13,929. 92 653,589.85 217,040.73 19, 747. 83 101.38 236,889. 94 28,880,091.21 Item. INVESTMENT. Fixed capital installed since Dec. 31, 1912 Construction work in progress Investment securities 1 2 $6, 026, 811. 78 Advances to system corporations for con- struction, etc 1 12, 884, 000. 00 Miscellaneous investments Total investment WORKING ASSETS AND ACCRUED INCOME. Cash and deposits 1 $382, 328. 92 Employees’ working funds 1 18, 500. 00 Bills receivable Due from subscribers and agents Accounts receivable from system corporations Miscellaneous accounts receivable Matured interest and dividends receivable Materials and supplies Unmatured interest, dividends, and rents receivable Total working assets and accrued income DEFERRED DEBIT ITEMS. Sinking fund assets 1 $253,993. 83 Prepayments Other suspense Total deferred debit items Grand total Balance at close of year. Net change during year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). $9,337,265. 42 47, 793. 79 6,026,811.78 $321,244. 66 28, 480. 60 2 80,000.00 12,884,000.00 50,728.96 87,263.27 28,346,599.95 356,988. 53 382,328.92 18,500.00 | 257,314. 46 1,875.00 20,000.00 10,355.53 93,863.74 2,008.30 52, 152. 78 83,833. 29 28,840. 08 200,685. 21 105, 191. 06 9,850.99 52, 152. 78 161,109. 99 42,770.00 972,588.95 318,999. 10 253,993.83 12,205. 22 1,872.55 36,953. 10 7,542.61 1,771. 17 268,071.60 31,181.66 29,587,260.50 707,169.29 LIABILITIES. $13,000.000. 00 1,291,000. 00 11,825,000.00 13,116,000. 00 48, 853.33 484. 95 117,414.15 4, 711.18 1, 125. 71 5.50 45,938. 45 58,981.36 277, 514. 63 STOCKS. Capital stock $13,000,000.00 t LONG-TERM DEBT. Funded debt 3 $1, 291, 000. 00 1,291,000.00 11,875,000.00 Advances from system corporations for con- struction, etc 3 11,875,000.00 Total long-term debt $50,000.00 13, 166,000.00 50,000.00 WORKING LIABILITIES AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES. Audited vouchers and wages unpaid 37,570. 64 1,214.88 113, 159. 46 3,895. 49 48,229.17 2, 169. 67 101, 379.’ 66 234,043.73 11,282.69 729. 93 4,254.69 815.69 48,229.17 1,043. 96 Subscribers’ deposits Accounts payable to system corporations Miscellaneous accounts pavable 3 $3,895. 49 Matured interest, dividends, and rents unpaid Service billed in advance Other current liabilities Taxes accrued 55, 441. 21 175,062.37 Other accrued liabilities not due Total working liabilities and accrued liabilities 541,668.20 264, 153. 57 1 Total book assets at close of year. 2 Due to adjustment on account of transferring part of original charge made in 1915, to extraordinary repairs. 3 The fixed capital accounts were classified prior to January 1,1913, to conform to the classification follow- ing and the entire fixed capital is reported under this schedule. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 121 Comparative general balance sheet — Continued. LIABILITIES— Continued. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Net change during year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). $1,855,192.93 42,208.82 85,254.03 DEFERRED CREDIT ITEMS. Reserved for accrued depreciation — Cr Reserved for amortization of intangible capital — Cr Liability on account of provident funds Total deferred credit items UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS. Corporate surplus unappropriated (credit balance).. Grand total $2,149,500. 71 47,703.35 85,254.03 $294,307. 78 5, 494. 53 1,982, 655. 78 2,282,458.09 299,802. 31 503,920.80 597, 134. 21 93,213. 41 28,880,091.21 29,587,260.50 ! 707,169.29 Memorandum of securities included in “Fixed capital installed prior to January 1, 1913,”: None. Entire fixed capital. Name of subaccount. Balance at beginning of year. Charges for capital added dur- ing year. Credits made to subaccount during year. Balance at close of year. Right of wav Land $32,450.57 $4,953.49 $567.24 $36, 836. 82 91 . 809. .88 62.20 91,871.58 584,281.80 Buildings 585,903.29 i 1 , 621.49 Land and buildings Central office telephone equipment Other equipment of central offices Central office equipment Station apparatus Station installations Interior block wires Private-branch exchanges Booths and special fittings Station equipment Exchange pole lines Exchange aerial cable Exchange aerial wire Exchange underground conduits Exchange underground cable Exchange submarine cable 677,712.67 1 1 , 559.29 676,153.38 1,115,314.92 19,831.34 39,333.55 1, 844. 63 23, 145.53 206.41 1,131,502.94 21,469.56 1, 135,146.26 41,178.18 23,351.94 1,152,972.50 395, 168. 89 241,000.00 8,150.43 313, 389. 56 29,113.97 98, 682.20 35, 519. 59 5, 746. 78 48, 537. 51 7,245.21 79, 869. 30 28, 603. 72 6. 244.13 27,538.06 7.594.14 413,981.79 247, 915. 87 7, 653.08 334, 389.01 28,765.04 986,822.85 195,731.29 149, 849. 35 1,032,704.79 146, 777.64 122, 508. 16 427, 894. 63 1,427,119.69 1, 245, 107. 51 1,819.08 6, 441.17 265. 76 21,-909. 30 8, 406. 52 4, 192. 00 11,360.64 10,805.26 41,371.29 27, 331.69 74, 703.17 12,749.86 12, 294. 42 37, 976. 82 222. 16 24, 486. 02 145,388.42 121,019.00 431.289.10 1, 454, 229. 22 1,295,324.66 1,819.08 6, 441.17 265.76 23,352.36 8, 406.52 17,710.28 Toll pole lines Toll aerial cable Toll aerial wire 1,443.06 Toll underground conduit Toll underground cable 13, 518. 28 Office furniture and fixtures .* General store equipment General stable and garage equipment General tools and implements General equipment Total District of Columbia Total outside District of Columbia Total 15,639.21 908.49 21, 782. 72 10,144.26 2,497.80 311.41 10, 978.37 2,394.35 1,814.45 103-93 749.36 2,535.99 16, 322. 56 1,115.97 32,011.73 10,002.62 48,474.68 16,181.93 5, 203. 73 59, 452. 88 6,293,048.49 2, 722,972.27 437, 018.99 289,128.33 266,701.54 138, 201.12 6, 463, 365. 94 2, 873, 899. 48 9,016,020. 76 726,147.32 404,902. 66 9, 337,265.42 1 Due to adjustment on account of transferring part of original charge made in 1915 to extraordinary repairs. 122 balance sheets public utilities DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Summary of fixed capital. Credits made during year. Fixed capital account. Balance at beginning of year. Charges for capital added during year. Charged to reserve for depre- ciation. Charged to reserve for amorti- zation of intan- gible capital. Charged to cor- porate surplus or deficit. 1 Charged to other accounts. Balance at close of year. District of Columbia Outside District of Co- $6,293,048.49 $437,018.99 $98,399. 43 $567. 24 1 $167,734.87 $6, 463,365. 94 lumbia 2,722,972.27 289, 128.33 63, 705. 58 1,550.55 $366.37 72,578.62 2,873,899.48 Total 9,016,020. 76 726,147.32 162, 105. 01 2, 117. 79 366.37 240, 313. 49 1 9,337,265.42 1 1 Amount representing the cost of station equipment charged to account 607, station renmals and changes, and credited to proper fixed capital accounts, $56,746.95; salvage on fixed capital retired, $110,987.92; total, District of Columbia, $167,734.87. Summary of securities owned. Kind of securities held. Securities of other corporations not assumed by respondent. Companies affiliated with re- spondent: Telephone corporations — Activi ictive. Inactive. Total. Nonaffiliated companies: Telephone corporations, active Other corporations, active. Total for nonaffiliated companies BONDS. Nonaffiliated companies: Telephone c o r p o r ations, active Recapitulation of securities of other corporations not assumed. Stocks of companies affiliated with respondent Stocks of nonaffiliated com- panies Funded debt of nonaffiliated companies Total securities of nonaf- filiated companies Grand total. Securities held unencum- bered. Par value. $5, 257,000 5,000 $6,011, 311.78 5,000.00 5,262,000 500 500 10, 000 5, 262,000 500 10,000 10,500 5, 272, 500 Book value. 6,016,311.78 500.00 500.00 Securities held in sinking and other special funds. Par value. $187,000 187, 000 10 , 000.00 6, 016,311.78 500.00 10,000.00 10, 500 00 6,026,811.78 187,000 187,000 187,000 Book value. $185,062 185,062 Total securities owned. Par value. $5, 257, 000 5,000 5, 262,000 Book value. $6, 011,311.78 5,000.00 6,016,311.78 500 500.00 187,000 185,062.00 187,500 , 185,562.00 10,000 | 10,000.00 5, 262, 000 185,062 185, 062 185,062 187, 500 10,000 197, 500 5, 459, 500 6, 016,311.78 185, 562.00 10 , 000.00 195, 562.00 6, 211,873.78 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 123 Investments in securities of telephone companies affiliated with respondent. Unpledged. Class No. Name of issuing company and description of security held. Par value of amount held at close of year. Book value at close of year. A-l 200 shares of common stock of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City 1 $10, 000. 00 $10,000. 00 A-l 42,470 shares of common stock of the Chesapeake & Potomac Tele- phone Co. of Virginia; dividend rate, 4 per cent 4,247,000.00 5,001,311.78 A-l 10,000 shares of common stock of the Maryland Telephone Co. of Balti- more City 1 1,000,000. 00 1,000,000.00 6,011,311.78 Total class A-l 5,257,000. 00 A-2 50 shares of common stock of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Virginia 1 5,000. 00 5,000. 00 Grand total 5,262,000.00 6,016,311.78 1 No dividends paid. Investments in securities of nontelephone companies affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of nonaffiliated companies. Unpledged. Class No. Name of issuing company and description of security held. Par value of amount | held at close of year. Book value at close of year. A-l 50 shares of common stock of the Romney Consolidated Telephone Co. 1 . . $500 $500 B-l io notes of $1,000 each of the Wythe Mutual Telephone Co., dated July 1, 1915, due July 1, 1935; interest, 6 per cent 10,000 10,000 Grand total 10, 500 10,500 1 No dividends paid. Securities and other intangibles owned or controlled through nonreporting sub- sidiaries: None. Long-term advances to other companies. Name of debtor company. Amount of unpaid ad- vances (including in- terest) at beginning of year. , Advances made dur- Interest accrued during year. Principal. Interest. ing year. • Rate per cent per annum. Amount. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City $9,900,000.00 2,165,000. 00 725, 000. 00 $98,287.50 $525,000. 00 ; 109,000.00 Per cent. 6 $605, 437. 50 131, 517. 50 Maryland Telephone Co. of Baltimore City . . Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. "of Virginia 6 3,825.00 33. 69 300,000.00 5 19, 333. 28 122. 37 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Kentucky 6, 736. 73 6 Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Virginia 60, 000. 00 6 910. 00 Total 12, 796, 736. 73 102, 146. 19 l 994,000.00 757, 320. 65 i 124 balance sheets public UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Long-term, advances to other companies — Continued. Name of debtor company. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City Maryland Telephone Co. of Baltimore City Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Virginia.. Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Ken- tucky Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Vir- ginia Total Repayments made by debtor during year. 1 Amount of unpaid ad- vances (includmg inter- est) at close of year. t Principal. Interest. Principal. ! Interest. 1 £50, 000. 00 £652,650.00 131,517.50 1 22,380.50 156. 06 610.00 £10,375,000.00 2, 274,000. 00 175,000. 00 £51,075.00 850,666.66 6, 736. 73 777. 78 60, 000. 00 300.00 906,736.73 807,314.06 12, 884, 000. 00 52, 152. 78 MISCELLANEOUS INVESTMENTS. Land and building located in the city of Washington, D. C., and designated on the municipal records as lot No. 11 in square No. 288 on the east side of Thirteenth Street between G and H Streets, NW. ; not used for operating purposes of the respondent. Date of acquisition, December 15, 1908. Actual money cost to respondent: The above described property was acquired from the American Telephone & Telegraph Co., together with other real estate in the city of Washington, D. C., valued at $1,370,453.75, in exchange for which $1,300,000 par value of capital stock and $70,453.75 cash was given. The above described property was listed at the time of acquisition at a value of $50,707.50. The difference between this amount and that carried on respondent’s books represents additions to this property since date of acquisition. Amount at which carried on respondent’s books at close of year, $50,728.96. Cash and special deposits. Name of depositary. [ Amount Purpose of deposit. at close of 1 year. Collector of taxes for the District of Columbia. . American Security & Trust Co., Washington. D. C. District of Columbia To indemnify the District of Columbia against loss due to resurfacing streets in connection with the construction and main- tenance of the respondent’s plant. ! Advance payment to trustee of bond interest due Jan. 1, 1917. £1,000.00 32, 275. 00 33, 275. 00 60. 00 Outside of District of Columbia j Total special deposits 33,335.00 348,993.92 Cash on hand and in banks, available for gen- ; era! corporate purposes. Total cash and special deposits 382,328.92 Employees' 1 working funds. Name of custodian of fund. Purpose of fund. Amount at close of year. J. H. FitzGerald, Washington, D. C Working funds from which certain expendi- tures are to be made and accounted for. do £1, 700 1, 800 800 S. O. Ford, Washington, D. C One minor fund less than £1,000 District of Columbia 4,300 14, 200 Outside of District of Columbia Total 18,500 Debtor: BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 125 Bills and accounts receivable at the close of year. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. ^4 089 g2 Sundry debtors each owing $1,000 or less p » _ Total Accounts receivable from system corporations. 9. 850. 99 Name of debtor. Character of transaction. Amount at close of year. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City. _ , , ~ Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Vir- ginia. m nn f 1 a»yi ant ouH ■mi'sPPllflTlftOllS $75,085. 43 22, 506. 51 Tramc sgi iiGnieiii duu. 1, 170. 07 Bluefield Telephone Co Limestone Telephone Co. . ... .... ••••■• Traffic settlement and rental of attachments. 2, 272. 70 4,156.35 Sundry debtors each owing $1,000 or less 105, 191.06 Marketable securities: None. SINKING FUND ASSETS. Name of fund: The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., consolidated mortgage 5 Pe i)es e c n rip b tion oTobl^ltionto be redeemed through operation ^oi lund: The ^Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds due July 1, 1929. Name of trustee of fund: The American Security & Trust Co., Washington, D. C. Balance in fund at beginning of year. $217,040.73 Additions to fund during year: 10, 653. 33 lnc ome irom iuvcbuucuu ux 25, 820. 00 uasn appropriations to 479. 77 U Ll id auuiiiuuo iw 36, 953. 10 4 'otal additions to fund 253, 993. 83 Balanci 3 in fund at close of year. 65, 843. 50 Uasn m tuna umnvesicu au 0100c w Names of securities and other investments in fund at close of year. Other securities held in fund at close of year. Class. Par value. Book value A-3 1 700 shares of the 4 per cent corporate stock of the city of Baltimore $170,000 $167, 450 A-3 ($70,000 due 1951, $ 100,000 aue iyui;. — - • r>f "Raitimorp 170 shares of the 4 4 per cent corporate stock of the city of Baltimore 17,000 17,612 187,000 185,062 accrued but not due on investment held in fund, $3,088.*i. Insurance and other reserve fund assets: None. Provident fund assets: None. Discounts and premiums on securities outstanding: IN one. Other suspense — book value of item at close of year. Minor items, 9 in each less than $1,000 $1, 872. 55 126 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Capital stocks. Common stock, authorizations closed prior to present year: Par value of amount authorized (See note B.) Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year. * * * ..... ’ [ ’ Stocks actually issued prior to present year — Par value (Complete information not available; see Note A.) Rates and dates of declaration of dividends during year (including rate per cent per annum and dates of maturity of interest on de- benture stock, if any): per cent dividends declared Mar. 30 June 29, Sept. 28, and Dec. 28, 1916. Amount of dividends declared during year Amount of dividends paid during year Amount of dividends declared but not yet due at close of year .* Note A. $13, 000, 000 13, 000, 000 13, 000, 000 13, 000, 000 780, 000 585, 000 195, 000 Aug. 1, 1883, purchase of property of the National Capital Telephone Co. and the Telephone Exchange Co Dec. 15, 1908: Purchase of real estate (real estate in the District of Columbia purchased from American Telephone & Telegraph Co.; stock and bonds of the Marvland Telephone Co. of Baltimore City) $1, 300, 000. 00 Purchase of securities and accrued interest 870, 083. 33 Retirement of respondent’s notes 7 471’ 076. 57 Accrued interest on notes ’ 105’ 766 67 Cash 603,073.43 $2, 650, 000. 00 10, 350, 000. 00 Total 13,000,000.00 Note B — The total authorized capital stock is $15,000,000, approved by the stock- o? ^°Y' ^’.-^08; which amount was acted upon by the board of directors, Nov. v ’ i ' A’ ar T cer tifi ca t e filed with and approved by the secretary of state of New York, but further acts of approval are necessary before any additional amounts of stock may be issued. Purposes of open authorizations and particulars of authorizations closed during the year: JNone. & Stock liability for conversion of securities: None. _ r Summary statement of unmatured funded debt. Mortgage bonds: Amount actually outstanding at close of year $1, 291, 000 Interest liability at close of year on actually outstanding debt — interest accrued not due Interest during year on actually outstanding debt- interest accrued Interest paid *’’]*[ SECURITY FOR UNMATURED FUNDED DEBT. Designation of mortgage, pledge, or other lien: Consolidated mortgage. Plant and equipment mortgaged: All real estate and telephone property in the District of Columbia owned by respondent. See page 125 for particulars of sinking fund . THE CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO. CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE 5 PER CENT BONDS. It is further covenanted and agreed by the telephone company that said company, party hereto of the first part, shall and will create a sinking fund for the purchase or payment of the bonds hereby secured, by setting aside for and paying to the trustee, P ar J' heret0 of the second part, semiannually, on the 15th day of January and the 15th day of July in each and every year commencing January 1, 1901, a sum of money equal in amount to 1 per cent of so much of the said $1,500,000 as may be issued 32, 275 64, 550 64, 550 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 127 and then outstanding, being at the rate of 2 per cent per annum, payable semiannu- ally as aforesaid . The trustee shall and will , if and when by the telephone company directed so to do, invest the then amount of the fund created by the sums so set aside and paid in, and the accumulations thereof, in such securities or property as shall be satisfactory to the telephone company. Any securities or property which shall be so purchased with any of the moneys so set aside for and paid into such sinking fund, or with the accumulations thereof, shall come under and be subject to the lien of this deed of trust, and shall by the trustee be held for and applied to the purposes of the trust hereby created, except that if any bonds secured hereby shall have been so purchased such bonds shall be canceled forthwith. Unmatured funded debt. Consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds: Nominal date of issue, July 1, 1899. Date of maturity, July 1, 1929. Interest provisions — Rate per cent per annum, 5 per cent. Dates due, January 1 and July 1. Par value of extent of indebtedness authorized $1, 500, 000 Par value of evidences of debt — Actually issued to close of year 1, 500, 000 Reacquired after actual issue and canceled 209, 000 Actually outstanding at close of year 1, 291, 000 Evidences of debt actually issued prior to present year — par value of total amount 1, 500, 000 Amount of interest accrued during year charged to income 64, 550 Amount of interest paid during year 64, 550 Interest liability at close of year, accrued not yet due 32, 275 Purposes for which bonds and other evidences of funded debt were issued or as- sumed during the year: None. Receiver’s certificates: None. Long-term advances 'payable. 128 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 129 Sundry working liabilities. Name of creditor or of obligation. Character of transactions involved. Credit bal- ance at close of year. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO SYSTEM CORPORA- TIONS. Traffic settlement and miscellaneous $61,688.75 49,168.17 1,692.67 609. 87 Western Electric Co. (Inc.) Supplies New York Telephone Co Services, expenses, and miscellaneous .1 Minor accounts, 17 in number, each less than $1,000. Total 113, 159.46 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Western Union Telegraph Co Balance due in settlement of telegrams tele- 3,526.33 Minor accounts, 230 in number, each less than phoned over the lines of respondent, col- lection for which was made by the respon- dent, month of December, 1916. 369. 16 .$1,000. Total 3,895.49 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES. One minor account, less than $1,000 5.50 Reserve for accrued depreciation. Debit item. Amount. Credit item. Amount. Amount of “ Repairs charged to re- serves’ ’ Retirement of tangible fixed capital . . . Adjustment of reserve, for deprecia- tion on used supplies— Cr Balance at close of year Total $67, 138. 79 185,982.31 1,863. 00 2, 149,500.71 Balance at beginning of year Amount charged for “ Depreciation of plant and equipment’ ’ Depreciation charges in “Stable and garage expense” Depreciation charges in tool expense . Depreciation charges in “Supply ex- pense” Total $1,855,192.93 539,130.47 5,691.32 4,276.62 193. 47 2,404,484. 81 2,404,484.81 Reserve for amortization of intangible capital. Debit item. Amount. Credit item. Amount. Expiration or relinquishment of in- tangible capital Balance at close of year Total $2,117.79 | 47,703.35 1 Balance at beginning of year Amount charged for “Amortization of landed capital” Total $42,208.82 7,612.32 49,821.14 i 49,821.14 Analysis of expiration and relinquishment of intangible capital: No individual item charged to account reserve for amortization of intangible capital exceeded $500. H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 9 130 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Bases of charges for depreciation and amortization of capital. [The amounts of the annual depreciation and amortization charges are determined by applying the annual rates of depreciation an 1 amortization given in the scheiule below to the average annual amounts is the corresponding fixel capital accounts.] Fixed capital account. Estimated average life (years). Net recov- ery value ! (per cent of first cost). Annual rate of de- preciation (per cent of first cost). 24.0 38 2.6 Central office equipment: 8.3 17 10.0 10.0 10.0 Station equipment: Station apparatus— Station installations (taken care of by 9.0 10 10.0 8.0 20 1 7.5 9.0 10 10.0 9.0 10 10.0 10.5 9.5 Exchange aerial cable: Cable 12.0 30 5.8 10.0 10,0 6.22 Exchange aerial wire: 14.0 30 5.0 8.5 2 16 13.7 6.5 30 i 8.9 8.90 Exchange underground conduit: Main 50.0 2.0 Subsidiary 15.0 6.7 Average 3.31 Exchange underground cable: Main 20.0 40 3.0 Subsidiary 13.0 25 5.8 Terminals 10.0 10.0 Average 3.93 Exchange submarine cable 9.0 11.1 Toll pole lines 16.0 6.2 Toll aerial cable: Cable 12.0 30 5.8 Loading coils 20.0 5.0 Average 5.8 Toll aerial wire: Copper 30.0 35 2.2 Iron 15 0 2 16 2.7 Loading coils 20.0 5.0 Average * 3.23 Toll underground conduit 50.0 2.0 Toll underground cable: Cable 25 0 40 2.4 Loading coils 20.0 5.0 Average 3. 16 Toll submarine cable 9.0 11.1 General equipment: Office furniture and fixtures 10.0 10.0 General shop equipment 10.0 10.0 General store equipment 10.0 4.5 10.0 General stable and garage equipment 10 20.0 General tools and implements 4.0 20 20.0 1 A portion of the loss is taken care of by charges to account station removals and changes. 2 Minus. Annual rate for amortization of landed capital carried in account “Right of way. Estimated average life (years) Net recov- ery value (percent of first cost). Annual rate. Exchange right of way 16.6 Per cent. 6 Toll right of way 33.3 3 Analysis of charges made during the year to reserve for accrued depreciation on account of tangible fixed capital. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ffl O ® O - t_ , £ o£ ft.S !828i CO CO CO CO i i +i J.13 ?*! & s a S o l§ £ ft g!?S88 N N CD iO CO CD CO O CO iO CO CO CM L- 05 CO 10 co co g§8 OiCOCD^NOC^ 00 co 00 tH 00 O l> 10 10 CM CM CM O « Ig O § O CM r*< 10 00 S8 O rH ^ to cTeo' SJ)S **-< o O MMON^COO CM^ CM"' CO' ^Co't^' ^ CM O id O CO 10 10 t> rfi co 06 TfH co CO co coV §s &s o o - TJ'O -£®SS2 ® b a W-g.5 ® 8 £ all o ® ® 0 O' o ©‘S m m -2 pj © c ■SMS g g-S c3 0^ iiss 3 c; "3 o' co b ® © C3 111 +ft o w co ' .3,0 el ^ o 52 Og g 3 b 2 POoq: b b b ©00 COO ft ** i e Eh 131 132 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. SUNDRY DEFERRED CREDIT ITEMS. Liability on account of provident funds: Plan for employees’ pensions, disability benefits, and death benefits. Credit balance at close of year, $85,254.03. Corporate surplus or deficit account. Item. Debits. Credits. Credit balance at beginning of year $503,920.80 166,768.46 ' 110. 14 Credit balance transferred from income Miscellaneous additions to surplus Amortization unprovided for elsewhere ' $366.37 64,312.09 8,986. 73 597, 134. 21 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Other deductions from surplus Balance carried forward to credit side of balance sheet Total 670,799.40 670,799.40 Dividends declared during the year. Name of security on which dividend was declared. Regular rate. Par value of amount on which dividend was de- clared. Dis- tribution oi charge, income. Date. Declared. Payable. Common stock Per cent. If 1J 1* $13,000,000 13.000. 000 13.000. 000 13; 000, 000 $195,000 195, 000 195,000 195,000 Mar. 30,1916 June 29,1916 Sept. 28, 1916 Dec. 28,1916 Apr. 12,1916 July 12,1916 Oct. 12,1916 Jan. 12,1917 Do Do Do Total 780,000 No obligations of any kind were incurred in connection with the payment of divi- dends during the year 1916. Income account for the year. Item. Amount applicable to the year. Comparison with preced- ing year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in- italic). I. OPERATING INCOME. Telephone operating revenues $1,947,780.93 1,123,163.17 $72,481.40 55,861.35 Telephone operating expenses Net telephone operating revenue 824,617.76 16,620.05 Uncollectible operating revenues . ................... 17,587.26 114,680.58 5,280.28 18,534.64 Taxes assignable to operations Deductions from net operating revenues 132,267.84 23,814.92 Operating income (District of Columbia) 692,349.92 47,325.50 7,194.87 27,652.85 Operating income outside "(District of Oolumlaia, - Total operating income 739,675.42 20,457.98 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 133 Income account for the year — Continued. Item. Amount applicable to the year. Comparison with preced- ing year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). n. NONOPERATING INCOME. $1,051.91 169,880.00 764,274.79 8,254.01 $752.94 3,547.50 4,131.65 783.92 Sinking and other reserve fund accretions Total nonoperating revenues 943,460.71 7,710. 13 Rent expense 1, 652. 18 2,535.24 1,208.66 2,535.24 Miscellaneous nonoperating expense Total nonoperating expense 4,187.42 47,912.81 1,326.58 7,660.46 Nonoperating taxes Deductions from nonoperating revenues t 52, 100.23 8,987.04 Nonoperating income 891,360.48 1,276.91 Gross income m. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Rent deductions for telephone offices Rent deductions for conduits, poles, and other supports Miscellaneous rent deductions Interest deductions for funded debt 1,631,035.90 19, 181.07 8,822.97 16, 728.92 300.66 64,550.00 586,849.35 7,612.32 4.54 927.22 468.09 495.57 Other interest deductions Amortization of landed capital Miscellaneous deductions from income Total deductions from gross income 1 Net income 1 IV. DISPOSITION OF NET INCOME. Dividend appropriations of income 5,296.48 377.67 1.48 684,267.44 5,874.99 946, 768.46 780,000.00 25,056.06 Amount transferred to credit of corporate surplus or deficit 166,768.46 25,056. 06 The operating revenues and expenses above stated relate to the period beginning January 1, 1916, and ending December 31, 1916. Telephone operating revenues {for the District of Columbia only). Class of telephone operating revenues. Amount of revenue for the year. Comparison with revenue of preceding year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). I. EXCHANGE SERVICE REVENUES. Subscribers’ station revenues $1,693,272.06 205,322.89 $41,928.81 18,986.67 Public pay station revenues Service stations 694.09 2,791.34 11,590. 77 130. 57 222. 29 1,449.96 Private exchange linos Minor rents of exchange plant Miscellaneous exchange service revenues 15,076.20 1,802.82 Total exchange service revenues 1,913,671.15 62, 718.30 134 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Telephone operating revenues ( for the District of Columbia only) — Continued. Class of telephone operating revenues. Amount of revenue for the year. Comparison with revenue of preceding year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). n. TOLL SERVICE REVENUES. Message tolls $84,667.43 475. 55 189.30 97.35 $6,008.30 40. 74 8. 12 52.68 Leased toll lines Telegraph tolls Telegraph service on toll lines Miscellaneous toll line revenues 762.20 3.82 Total toll service revenues 85,429.63 6,004.48 m. MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING REVENUES. Messenger service 313.25 2, 185. 19 24,352.24 4,308.75 5,522.62 13.80 438.83 2,436.97 101.25 3,490.71 Telegraph commissions , Advertising and directory i Rents from other operating property Other miscellaneous revenue Miscellaneous direct revenues 36,682.05 88,001.90 6,453.96 2,695.34 Licensee revenue — Dr Total miscellaneous operating revenues 51 , 319.85 3,758.62 Grand total 1,947,780.93 72,481.40 SUMMARY OF OPERATING REVENUES. Direct operating revenues 2,035,782.83 88 , 001.90 75, 176.74 2 , 695.34 Licensee revenues Total 1,947,780.93 72,481.40 LICENSEE REVENUE. Description of agreement (names of parties, dates, service, etc.): Agreement dated May 23, 1882, March 31, 1883, August 1, 1883, and modifications dated December 11, 1884, March 9, 1897, October 5, 1905, January 15, 1906, December 16, 1912, Janu- ary 2, 1914, between the American Bell Telephone Co., covering rights and privileges and services, and the use of property and compensation therefor computed on specific items of revenue, with additions thereto and deductions therefrom of certain other amounts; District of Columbia, 4^ per cent of $1,955,599.76. Licensee revenue — Dr., $88,001.90. Nontelephone operations: None. Telephone operating expenses ( for the District of Columbia only). Name of operating expense account. Amount of operating ex- penses for the year. Comparison with expenses of preceding year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). I. MAINTENANCE EXPENSES. Supervision of maintenance $17,856.65 23,197.86 13.281.65 42,335.37 54.951.66 14,150.34 50,419.91 367, 298. 31 15,887.52 $ 7 , 957.80 4,855.75 4,150.63 2,572.97 4,838.61 12,637.62 7,066. 16 9, 736.35 11,594.30 Repairs of aerial plant Rppairs of nndfirgroiind plant Repairs of central office equipment Repairs of station equipment Repairs of buildings and grounds Station removals and changes Depreciation of plant and equipment Repairs charged to reserves — Cr Total maintenance expenses 567,604.23 26,305.99 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 135 Telephone operating expenses (, for the District of Columbia only ) — Continued. Name of operating expense account. Amount of operating ex- penses for the year. Comparison with expenses of preceding year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). n. TRAFFIC EXPENSES. $18,377. 79 3,293.98 5,494.43 $13.83 160.06 1,973.25 27, 166.20 2, 147. 14 214,752.22 29,392.78 5,833.58 9,312.29 13,439.81 1,574.56 309. 55 16,227.86 195.48 4, 172. 70 700.51 165.26 46.03 2,904.54 Operators’ schooling Transmission power 46,697.65 7,761.94 6,347.89 8,529.94 496.26 4, 133. 23 303,493.90 45, 768. 72 42,938.83 4,094.20 m. COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. Commercial administration Advertising 9,407.04 5,350.64 1,245.54 1,849.18 3.97 Canvassing Sublicensee relations Promotion expenses 14,757.68 3,090.75 Revenue accounting 29.756.27 32.563.28 32,736.19 1,204.45 982.48 2, 749.04 Revenue collecting Pay station commissions Collection expenses 95,055.74 4,935.97 Directory expenses 32,010.91 2 , 492.29 Total commercial expenses 187,593.05 9,628.63 IV. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Salaries of general officers 11,571.34 13,081.07 595.82 2 , 265.25 Salaries of general office clerks General office salaries 24,652.41 2 , 861.07 Expenses of general officers and clerks 1,157.48 1,483.81 1,402.40 911.75 327.26 91.72 General office stationery and printing Other general office supplies and expenses General office supplies and expenses 4,043.69 676.21 General law expenses 5, 552.65 2,478.96 1,610.45 1,583.81 879.98 2 , 084-74 3 , 254.49 1,332.56 Insurance Accidents and damages Law expenses connected with damages Relief department and pensions 13,688.43 38.25 10,861.59 38.25 6,389.66 .75 20 , 977.83 .75 Telephone franchise requirements Other general expenses. Telephone franchise requirements — Cr Miscellaneous general expenses 24,550.02 14 , 588.17 Total general expenses 64,471.99 23 , 012.10 Grand total 1, 123, 163. 17 55,861.35 Operating ratio — i. e., ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues — 57.66 per cent. 136 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Taxes on telephone property . Name of property. Name of State or Government. Amount charged to “ Taxes assignable to op- erations.’' Total operating taxes paid during year and charged directly or indirectly to income. Tax on property owned, not used in operation, and other miscella- neous taxes. All telephone properties of the re- spondent, group A. Do District of Columbia 893,568. 33 21, 112. 25 892, 140. 14 6,986.58 $30,089.24 5,246. 17 12,577.40 U. S. Government Outside District of Columbia Total 114,680.58 99,126. 72 47,912.81 Rent revenues from lease of telephone plant: None. Abstract of terms and conditions of leases: None. Miscellaneous rent revenues. Minor items, 6 in number, each less than $1,000 per annum, total District of Columbia $385. 25 Total outside District of Columbia 666. 66 Total , 1,051.91 Dividend revenues. Description of dividend, yielding stock. Par value of amount of stock yielding dividends. Dividend rates. Amount of dividends credited to income. Common stock of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Vir- ginia. Total $4,247,000 4,247,000 4,247,000 4, 247,000 Per cent. 1 1 1 1 $42,470 42,470 42,470 42,470 169,880 Interest revenues. Description of security, advance, loan, or account showing char- acteristics of such security, etc., and name of the debtor. Period covered by interest. Income derived From— To— as interest. Long-term advances to other companies $757,320.65 5,397.45 1,556.69 Interest on bank balances received during the year 1916 Jan. 1,1916 Dec. 13,1916 Minor items, 4 in number, each less than $1,000 Total 764,274.79 Profits and losses from operations of others: None. Miscellaneous nonoperating revenues: None. Rent deductions for lease of telephone plant: None. Abstracts of leasehold contracts: None. MISCELLANEOUS RENTS. Minor items, three in number, each less than $1 ,000. Amount charged to ‘ 4 Income, 5 ’ $ 300.66 . Credit due to cancellation of rentals accrued to date, the circuits involved having been purchased by respondent as of dates of installation and accounts adjusted accordingly. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 137 Other interest deductions charged to “Income.” Long-term advances payable $583, 569. 41 Interest on open account with the American Telephone & Telegraph Co . . 3, 267. 08 One minor item less than $1,000 12. 86 Total 586, 849. 35 Miscellaneous deductions from income. Federal revenue tax on telephoned messages not collected from senders of messages $4. 54 Appropriations of income and surplus to sinking and other reserve funds: None. Appropriations of income and surplus for construction, equipment, and better- ments: None. Miscellaneous appropriations of income and surplus charged to “Corporate surplus.” Additional allowances paid to employees $64, 312. 09 Miscellaneous items in corporate surplus account for the year. Sub- account No. Item. Debits. Credits. 401 Minor items, 21 in number, each less than SI, 000 $110. 14 414 One minor item, less than $1,000 $366. 37 417 Difference between the book value and selling price of securities of the Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Kentucky held by the respondent and sold to the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co 8,986.73 Total 9,353.10 110. 14 Plant mileage. Pole line. Aerial cable. Aerial wire. Territorial division. Miles of pole line. Increase during year. Miles of wire in aerial cable. Increase during year. Miles of bare copper wire, exchange. Miles of other bare wire, exchange. Miles of covered wire, exchange. Miles of bare copper wire, toll. Washington division. West Virginia divi- 181 5 6,577 83 2,577 1,588. 408 sion Virginia division i 1,595 5 22 16,535 54 805 963 20 3,826 20 1,246 2 7,684 74 Total 1,781 27 23, 166 888 3,560 3,846 2,836 8, 166 Aerial wire— Concluded. Phantom circuit. Territorial division. Miles of other bare wire, toll. Miles of covered wire, toll. Total miles of aerial wire. Increase during year. Miles of phantom circuit, exchange. Miles of phantom circuit, toll. Total miles of phantom circuit. Increase during year. Washington division. 1 4,574 15,888 116 186 96 96 44 West Virginia divi- sion 2, 159 10 657 659 659 179 Virginia division 6 15 15 Total j 2, 159 11 20,578 849 770 770 223 1 Includes jointly owned poles as follows: 138 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Plant mileage — Continued. Territorial division. Underground conduit. Underground cable. Submarine cable. Length of street occupied. Length of single duct. Miles of wire in under- ground cable. Increase during year. Miles of wire in sub- marine cable. Increase during year. Miles of trench. Increase during year. Miles of duct. Increase during year. Washington division. West Virginia divi- sion Virginia division 146.83 16.09 .13 4.52 1.07 593.29 62. 18 .26 12.94 3.46 133,959 15,204 20 5,424 1,203 2 65 28 Total 163.05 5.59 655. 73 16.40 149, 183 6,629 93 West Virginia division: Total miles of jointly owned poles 7. 23 Respondents’ equity in jointly owned poles .per cent. . 50. 76 The territory comprising the divisions listed in first column is as follows: Washington division, District of Columbia. West Virginia division, entire or parts of the counties of Berkeley, Boone, Braxton, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Fayette, Gilmer, Greenbrier, Hampshire, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mercer, Mineral, Mingo, Monroe, Morgan, McDowell, Nicholas, Putnam, Raleigh, Ran- dolph, Roane, Summers, Upshur, Wayne, Webster, Wood, and Wyoming. Virginia division, part of Alexandria County, Va. Equipment of telephone central offices. Principal type of switchboard in service. Switchboard capacity. Territorial division. Cen- tral offices. Com- mon bat- tery. Mag- neto. Sub- scrib- ers’ and rural line posi- tions. Lines. Out- going tranks. Work- ing lines. Work- ing sta- tions. Work- ing trunks. Washington division 6 6 237 36,200 13,789 2,107 125 31,042 11,375 59,323 18,695 1,533 118 West Virginia division 34 9 25 96 Total 333 49,989 2,232 42,417 78,018 1,651 Stations. Territorial division. Main sta- tions. PBX sta- tions. Exten- sion sets. Total com- pany sta- tions. Private line sta- tions. Serv- ice sta- tions. Total sta- tions. Popu- lation (esti- mated). Sta- tions per 100 people. Washington division 29,921 22,803 6,400 59, 124 233 169 59,526 368,200 16 West Virginia division Virginia division 1 14, 659 10 1,705 17 1,826 3 18, 190 30 76 505 18, 771 30 201,000 2,800 9 Total 1 44,590 24,525 8,229 77,344 309 674 78,327 572,000 14 iThe stations in this division are connected with central offices located in the Washington division. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 139 Gain and loss of company stations. Territorial division. Stations added during year. Stations discontinued during year. Net gain or loss during year. Main sta- tions. Private branch ex- change sta- tions. Exten- sion sets. Total com- pany sta- tions. Main sta- tions. Private branch ex- change sta- tions. Exten- sion sets. Total com- pany sta- tions. Washington division West Virginia division Virginia division 11,320 4,115 3,356 236 4 1,814 538 3 16,490 4,889 7 8,555 2, 758 14 1,483 35 1,609 266 11,647 3,059 14 4,843 1,830 7 Total 15,435 3,596 2,355 21 386 11,327 1,518 1,875 14,720 6,666 Telephone connections. Territorial division. Average number of lo- cal exchange mes- sages originated per month. Average num- ber of toll mes- sages originated per month. Aver- age num- ber of sta- tions. 1 Average num- ber of local ex- change messages originated per station per month. This year. Last year. This year. Last year. This year Last year. Washington division West Virginia division Total 6,391,955 2,805,285 4,974,566 2,405,228 79,635 64,658 68,934 50, 129 56,285 17,763 114 158 94 153 9,197,240 7,379,794 144,293 119,063 74,048 124 107 Territorial division. Average number of toll messages originated per sta- tion per month. Average number of lines. Average number of local exchange messages origi- nated per line per month. Average number of toll messages orig- inated per line per month. This year. Last year. This year. Last year. This year. Last year. Washington division 1 1 29,562 216 182 3 3 West Virginia division 4 3 10,799 260 242 6 5 Total 2 2 40,361 228 198 4 3 i Includes Virginia stations that are connected with central offices located in Washington division. Franchises acquired during the year: None. 140 balance sheets public UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Land acquired during the year and devoted to telephone operations. Description of tract of land or of interest in land. Actual money cost to respond- ent. Amount at which car- ried on bal- ance sheet. Various expenditures in the District of Columbia charged to land, each less than $1,000 $62.20 $62. 20 80.86 Outside District of Columbia Total land 143.06 Various expenditures in the District of Columbia charged to right of way, each less than $1,000 4,953.49 4,953.49 7,900.70 Outside District of Columbia Total right of way 12. 854.19 District of Columbia 5,015.69 7,981.56 Outside District of Columbia Grand total 12,997.25 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. Additions to central office equipment: Additional equipment. Columbia central office, 1420 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C., as follows: (a) Installation in sub- scriber switchboard of 1,000 subscriber multiple, 940 subscriber answering jacks, 40 outgoing trunks, 5 supervisor’s circuits. (6) Installation in trunk switchboard of 1,000 subscriber multiple, 400 subscriber answering jacks, 60 outgoing trunks, 2 supervisor’s circuits. Stocks purchased: July 27, 1916, 50 shares of the capital stock of the Cheaspeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Virginia. Stocks sold: April 19, 1916, 850 shares of the capital stock of the Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Kentucky. Employees in the District of Columbia. Class. Number of em- ployees. Total amount wages (monthly). Average wages per month. Daily maxi- mum hours con- tinuous service. 1 Division commercial manager 1 $475.00 $475. 00 74 74 74 7* 74 74 74 74 74 74 6-8 District manager 1 233.30 233.30 Salesmen 20 1,880. 67 94.03 Cashiers, collectors, and adjusters 12 897. 66 74.81 Clerks, stenographers, and bookkeepers 20 1,339.00 66.95 Division auditor of receipts 1 177.66 177. 66 Subscribers’ billing force 51 3, 083. 14 350.00 60. 45 Division traffic superintendent 1 350.00 District traffic chief _ 1 240. 00 240.00 Traffic chief 3 320.00 106.67 Operators 548 17, 697. 76 32.29 Supervisors a.nd monitors 63 3, 269. 48 286.00 51.90 6-8 Matrons 12 23.83 8 Clerks and stenographers . 28 896. 99 32.04 74 74 74 74 8 Division plant superintendent 1 325.00 325.00 District plant supervisors 2 408.33 204.17 Plant engineering force 23 1,880.66 81.77 Supplies force 21 1,356.95 64.62 Foremen 16 1,607.66 100.48 ! 8 Cable force 34 2,224.00 710. 14 65.41 8 Conduit force 14 50.72 8 Linemen 79 4,842.52 61.30 8 Installation force 55 3,225.27 58.64 8 Central office maintenance force 24 1,917.89 79.91 8 Troublemen and inspectors 69 4,843.45 70.19 8 Maintenance of building force 30 1,224.13 40.80 3-12 Clerks and stenographers 15 1,014.00 67.60 74 1 All general office and clerical workers have 1 hour daily for luncheon. General office and clerical forces given half day Saturday — closing hour 1 p. m. Day and evening operators, lunch period 1 hour. All operators given relief periods as circumstances require. Operators on split trick force work sessions, no one of which exceeds 5 hours in length, with an interval between sessions of 3 hours or more. Night oper- ating force coming on duty at 9 p. m. and remaining until 7 a. m., have rest periods of 34 hours during night. The maintenance of building force is a group of elevator attendants, porters, watchmen, engineers, janitors, and a foreman of buildings, whose work requires varying hours of duty (18 work 10 to 12 hours and the balance 8 hours or less). BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 141 Accidents to employees and other persons occurring in the District of Columbia in 1916. Number injured in 1916. Complete cases with duration of disability of— T3 a> J Grand total killed Total number 1 and injured, injured. Occupation of employees. Less than 1 day(n'o time lost). 1 to 7 days (over 1 day, not over 1 week). 8 to 14 days (over 1 week, not over 4 weeks). 15 to 28 days (over 2 weeks, not over | 4 weeks). 29 to 91 days (over 4 weeks, not over 13 weeks). Total. Incomplete cases at of year. Male. a) £ ® fM Total. 1 Male. 1 Female. Total. Collectors and can- vassers 1 1 1 1 1 1 Operators 2 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 Foremen 2 2 2 2 2 2 Inside plant forces. . . 10 10 10 10 10 10 Outside plant forces. 30 8 4 2 1 45 1 46 46 46 46 Clerks, including storekeepers, stock- keepers, and stu- dents (except oper- ators) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Messengers 2 2 2 2 2 2 Artisans 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unskilled workers. . . 20 4 5 2 31 29 2 31 29 2 31 Total for employees 71 13 11 4 1 100 1 94 7 101 94 7 101 Persons other than employees 5 2 7 5 2 7 Grand total 99 9 108 99 9 108 VERIFICATION. State of Maryland, City of Baltimore , ss: J. R. Y. Savage makes oath and says that he is auditor of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., that it is his duty to have supervision over the books of account of the respondent and to control the manner in which such books are kept; that he knows that such books have, during the period covered by the foregoing report, been kept in good faith in accordance with the accounting and other orders of the Public Utilities Commission, effective during the said period; that he has carefully examined the said report, and to the best of his knowledge and belief the entries contained in the said report have, so far as they relate to matters of account, been accurately taken from the said books of account and are in exact accordance therewith; that he believes that all other statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above- named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. J. R. Y. Savage. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the State and city above named, this 20th day of March, 1917. [seal.] W. Halbert Smith, \ Notary Public. My commission expires May 5, 1918. supplemental oath. State of Maryland, City of Baltimore , ss: Martin H. Buehler makes oath and says that he is vice president of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., that he has carefully examined the foregoing report; that he believes that all statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. M. H. Buehler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the State and city above named, this 20th day of March, 1917. [seal.] W. Halbert Smith, Notary Public. My commission expires May 5, 1918. WASHINGTON & MARYLAND RAILWAY CO. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. Exact name of company making this report: Washington & Maryland Railway Co. DIRECTORS. Charles Selden, jr., 1413 H Street NW., Washington, D. C. Paul Sleman, Washington, D. C. W. H. H. Allen, Washington, D. C. W. M. Terrell, Washington, D. C. Henry W. Williams, Baltimore, Md. Charles E. Wire, Washington, D. C. Norten M. Little, Washington, D. C. Principal general officers. Title of general officer. Name of person holding office at close of year. Salary. President Charles Selden, jr $1,800 First vice president Henry W. Williams Secretary Norten M. Little Treasurer William Clabaugh General manager W. A. Meelen 900 Employees other than officers. Class. Number of employ- ees. Average wages per day. Maxi- mum hours contin- uous service. TRANSPORTATION. Conductors $1.J9 n Motormen 3 Road and track men 3 1. 79 9J 1 1. 50 10 CAR HOUSES AND SHOPS. Machinists 1 2.00 11 Watchmen 1 1. 75 13 ■ » 1 VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $50 per share. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report), had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect to securities held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. 142 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 143 Name of security holder. Address of security holder. Number of votes to which security holder was entitled. Henry W Williams Baltimore, Md 16 W. H. H. Allen Washington, D. C 16 Norten M Little do 85 W M Terrell . . do 52 C. Selden, jr do 16 Charles E. Wire do 1 Paul Sleman do 16 Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Increase in roman, de- crease in italics. $61,634. 12 INVESTMENTS. Road and equipment $64,456.29 $2,822.17 2,071.48 6,217.73 .95 CURRENT ASSETS. Cash 3.99 2,067.^9 Loans and notes receivable 6, 217. 73 / 486. 45 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 485.50 8,290. 16 Total current assets 6,708. 17 1,581.99 UNADJUSTED DEBITS. Discount on lunded debt 27.80 27. 80 12,900.00 Other unadjusted debits 10,360.00 2,51fi.00 12,900.00 Total unadjusted debits 10,387.80 2,612.20 82,824. 28 Grand total 81,552.26 1,272.02 LIABILITIES. $12,900.00 STOCK. Capital stock LONG-TERM DEBT. Receiver’s certificates I $10,360.00 $2,540.00 19,900.00 19,900.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES. Loans and notes payable 32,950.00 7,757.58 1,500.00 38,310.70 15, 713. 14 5,360. 70 7,955.56 1,500.00 Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 42,207.58 54,023.84 11,816.26 CORPORATE SURPLUS. Profit and loss, debit balance 2,731.58 10,548.28 Grand total 7,816.70 81,552.26 1,272.02 Road and equipment — Investment in additions and betterments during the year. I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Shops and carhouses $42. 85 II. EQUIPMENT. Passenger and combination cars 2, 734. 16 Shop equipment 45. 16 Total expenditures for equipment 2, 779. 32 Grand total : 2, 822. 17 144 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. Respondent’s investment in road and equipment at close of year. [Revalued in 1915.] Investment from Dec. 31, 1908, to Dec. 31, 1915 $61, 634. 12 Investment since Dec. 31, 1915 2, 822. 17 Total investment in road and equipment 64, 456. 29 Unadjusted debits: Di. count on securities, book value of item at close of year, $10,360. Capital stock. Grand total, all classes of stocks: Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year $10, 360 Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year 10, 360 Receiver’s certificates: Amount actually outstanding at close of year, principal, $19,900. Sundry current liabilities — Credit balance at close of year. Loans and notes payable: Commercial National Bank, short term and demand notes $38, 235. 00 Overdraft 75.70 Total 38,310.70 Miscellaneous accounts payable : Sundries for unsettled ticket and transfer exchanges 12, 876. 13 Subscriptions and advances by investors 2, 837. 01 Total 15,713.14 Profit and loss statement. Item. Debits. Credits. Credits: Credit balance transferred from income account $7,816. 70 Debits: Debit balance at beginning of fiscal period $8,574.90 1,973.38 Miscellaneous debits Balance carried forward to balance sheet 2, 731. 58 10,548.28 Total 10,548.28 Income statement for the year. I. OPERATING INCOME. Railway operating revenues $6, 209. 70 Railway operating expenses 12, 041. 68 Net revenue, railway operations 5, 831. 98 Taxes on earnings 244.02 Gross income 6,076. 00 III. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Interest on unfunded debt 2, 498. 90 Income balance transferred to profit and loss 8, 574. 90 Railway operating revenues: Revenue from transportation, passenger revenue, $6,209.70. Increase over preceding year, $109.31. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 145 Railway operating expenses. Name of railway operating expense account. Amount of operat- ing ex- penses for the year. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Superintendence of way and structures.. $1,110. 61 192. 31 118. 96 Maintenance of electric lines Total way and structures 1,421.88 EQUIPMENT. Maintenance of cars 417. 06 1,005. 49 74. 62 Maintenance of electric equipment of cars Maintenance of locomotives Total equipment 1,497. 17 POWER. Power purchased 1, 178. 44 CONDUCTING TRANSPORTATION. Superintendence of transportation 450.00 2,698.48 519. 67 Conductors, motormen, and trainmen. . . Miscellaneous transportation expenses . . . Total conducting transportation. . . 3,668.15 Name of railway operating expense account. Amount of operat- ing ex- penses for the year. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. General expenses $1,919.18 33.25 15.00 133. 26 386. 35 1,789.00 Injuries and damages Insurance Stationery and printing Store, garage, and stable expenses Rent of equipment Total general and miscellaneous RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. Way and structures 4,276.04 1,421. 88 1,497. 17 1, 178. 44 3,668. 15 4,276.04 Equipment Power Conducting transportation General and miscellaneous Grand total operating expenses... 12,041. 68 Miscellaneous items in profit and loss account for the year: Debits, charged off to correct errors in cash account occurring prior to January 1, 1915, $1,973.38. Mileage , traffic, and miscellaneous statistics. Passenger-car mileage 82, 120 Passenger-car hours 8, 145 Regular-fare passengers carried 313, 373 Passenger revenue $6,209.70 Average fare, revenue passengers $0. 0198 Description of equipment: Closed passenger cars, with electric equipment, 4. Three cars are rented from the Capital Traction Co. The fourth car was purchased new from the Cincinnati Car Co., in April, 1916. OATH. District of Columbia, ss : Charles Selden, jr., makes oath and says that he is president of Washington & Maryland Railway Co.; that he has carefully examined the foregoing report; that he believes that all statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. Charles Selden, Jr. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, in and for the District above named, this 6th day of March, 1917. [seal.] Norton M. Little. My commission expires Sept. 18, 1918. H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 10 WASHINGTON INTERURBAN RAILWAY CO. [From March 20, 1916, to December 31, 1916.] Name of officer in charge of correspondence with the commission regarding this report: William F. Ham, comptroller, 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. 1. Exact name of company making this report: Washington Interurban Railway Co . 2. Date of organization: January 27, 1918. 3. Under laws of what Government, State, or Territory organized? Organized under the public general laws of the State of Maryland. 4. If a consolidated or a merging company, name all constituent and all merged companies. Not a consolidated company. If a reorganized company, give name of original corporation, refer to laws under which it was organized, and state the occasion for the reorganization. The Washington, Spa Spring & Gretta Railroad Co. of Prince Georges County, Md., was incorporated under the public general laws of the State of Maryland by cer- tificate filed with the secretary of state of Maryland on February 14, 1905. The said incorporation was ratified and confirmed by act of the General Assembly of Maryland, approved April 8, 1908. By act of Congress of the United States approved February 18, 1907, the Washing- ton, Spa Spring & Gretta Railroad Co. was authorized to extend its road into the Dis- trict of Columbia from the District line along Bladensburg Road to Fifteenth and H Streets NE. By certificate filed with the secretary of state of Maryland under date of October 21, 1912, the name of the Washington, Spa Spring & Gretta Railroad Co. was changed to the Washington Interurban Railway Co. On or about June 15, 1914, the Railway Storage Battery Co. filed bill in equity in the district court of the United States for the District of Maryland against said company for a foreclosure on the mortgage of said company. In said cause, at some time there- after, John W. Yerkes and Guy T. Scott were appointed receivers of all the property of said company. On or about May 24, 1915, a decree of foreclosure and sale was entered in said cause, and on December 23, 1915, the assets, property, and franchises of said company were sold to Gustave Herre for the nominal price of $25,000. In accordance with authorization of the Public Service ( ommission of the State of Maryland, dated February 23, 1918 (Order No. 2899), and of the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia, dated February 19, 1918 (Order No. 176), this company issued and delivered to said Gustave Herre $49,750 capital stock and $150,000 first mortgage 5 per cent bonds to purchase the assets, property, and fran- chises of the Washington Interurban Railway Co., previously sold under foreclosure to said Gustave Herre. State whether or not the respondent during the year conducted any part of its business under a name or names other than that shown in response to first inquiry above. No. Give name of operating company, if any, having control of the respondent’s prop- erty. Operates its own road. Directors. Name of director. Office address. Date of begin- ning of term. Date of ex- piration of term. C. P. King 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C* do Mar. 20,1916 do Jan. 3,1917 Do. W. F. Ham C. F. Norment National Bank of Washington, Washing- ton, D. C. 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. do do Do. S. R. Bowen do Do. L. W. Glazebrook do Do. 146 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 147 Organization meeting of the stockholders was held January 27, 1918. ' Give the names and titles of all officers of the board of directors in control of the respondent at the close of the year. Chairman of board, Clarence P. King: secretary of board, S. R. Bowen. Name the members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year (naming first the chairman), and state briefly the powers and duties of that committee. None. Principal general officers. Title of general officer. Name of person holding office at close of year. Office address. President Clarence P. King. Vice president Secretary . Treasurer General attorney Comptroller Engineer of way and streets. . Superintent of railways Superintendent of transpor- tation. Assistant to the president — Wm. F. Ham.. S. R. Bowen... C. E. Brown. . . J. S. Barbour . . Wm. F. Ham.. C. S. Kimball.. J. H. Stephens J. T. Moffett... R. W. King.... 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Salaries: None. Employees other than officers. Average wages. Maxi- mum Class. Number of em- ployees. Per hour. Per day. hours contin- uous serv- ice. Conductors TRANSPORTATION. 4 12 Motormen 4 12 Road and track men 8 $1.86 10 Transportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. Non transportation corporations controlled by respondent: None. VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $50 per share. 2. State whether or not each share of stock has the right to one vote; if not, give full particulars in a footnote. Yes. 3. Are voting rights proportional to holdings? Yes. 4. Are voting rights attached to any securities other than stock? No. 5. Has any class or issue of securities any special privileges in the election of direc- tors, trustees, or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method? No. 6. Give the date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to the actual filing of this report and state the purpose of such closing. Organization meeting of the stock- holders was held January 27, 1916. 7. State the total voting power of all security holders of the respondent at the date of such closing if within one year of the date of such filing; if not, state as of the close of the year. One thousand votes, as of December 31, 1916. 8. State the total number of stockholders of record, corresponding to the answer to inquiry No. 7. Six stockholders. 9. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report), had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect 148 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. to securities held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. Name of security holder. • Address of security holder. Number of votes to which security holder was entitled. Number of votes, classified with respect to securities on which based, common stocks. Washington & Rockville Ry. Co. . 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D.C. 995 995 C. P. King do 1 1 W. F. Ham do 1 1 S. R. Bowen 1 1 C. F. Norment National Bank of Washington, Washington, D. C. 1 1 L. W. Glazebrook 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. 1 1 10. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the elec- tion of directors of the respondent. Five votes cast. 11. Give the date and place of such meeting. January 27, 1916, in Hyattsville, Md. CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. 1. Did any corporation or corporations, transportation or other, hold control over the respondent at the close of the year? Yes. If control was so held, state— (а) The form of control, whether sole or joint. Sole. (б) The name of the controlling corporation or corporations. Washington Railway & Electric Co. (c) The manner in which control was established. Through ownership of stock. ( d ) The extent of control. One hundred per cent. (e) Whether control was direct or indirect. Indirect. (/) The name of the intermediary through which control, if indirect, was established. Washington & Rockville Railway Co. 2. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of thp year? No. The Washington & Rockville Railway Co. is the equitable owner of the entire capital stock of this company and as such, through its board of directors, may direct the vote of such stock at stockholders’ meetings for the election of officers and for certain other corporate purposes. The Washington Railway & Electric Co. is the equitable owner of the entire capital stock of the Washington & Rockville Railway Co. and as such, through its board of directors, may direct the vote of such stock at stockholders’ meetings for the election of officers and for certain other corporate purposes. This company is managed and controlled by its own board of directors and officers and is therefore not under the control of the Washington & Rockville Railway Co. or the Washington Railway & Electric Co. (See P. P. Car Co. v. Mo. Pac., 150 U. S. 687.) Limiting, therefore, the sense of the word “control” to the present right to direct the vote of sufficient stock to elect directors of its selection, the schedules above have been filled out. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 149 Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at close of year. Investments, road and equipment $206, 184. 13 Current assets: Cash 3,115.35 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 1, 020. 91 Total current assets 4, 136. 26 Unadjusted debits 177. 39 Grand total 210, 497 . 78 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $50, 000. 00 Long-term debt: Funded debt unmatured 150, 000. 00 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies, notes 4, 257. 82 Total long-term debt 154, 257. 82 Current liabilities: Audited accounts and wages payable 16. 28 Miscellaneous accounts payable 1, 675. 27 Matured interest, dividends, and rents unpaid 3, 750. 00 Accrued interest, dividends, and rents payable 3, 125. 00 Total current liabilities 8, 566.-55 Unadjusted credits: Operating reserves 840. 81 Accrued depreciation, road and equipment 1, 063. 23 Total unadjusted credits 1, 904. 04 Corporate surplus, profit and loss, debit balance 4 , 230. 63 Grand total 210, 497. 78 150 balance sheets public utilities DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Road and equipment. Account. Invest- ment in new lines and extensions during year. Invest- ment in additions and bet- terments during the year. Total in- vestment in road and equipment during the year. Total in- vestment in road and equipment since Dec. 31, 1914. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Engineering and superintendence $50.00 1.50 $50.00 1.50 1.83 1, 202. 29 159.38 199,050.00 4,764.66 $50.00 1.50 1.83 1,202.29 159.38 199,050.00 4, 764. 66 Crossings, fences, and signs $1.83 1,202. 29 159.38 Distribution system Stations, miscellaneous buildings, and structures Cost of road purchased 199,050.00 Reconstruction of road purchased Total expenditures for way and structures EQUIPMENT. Passenger and combination cars 4, 764. 66 199, 101. 50 6, 128. 16 205, 229. 66 205, 229. 66 75.00 314.47 400.00 10.00 75.00 314.47 400.00 10.00 75.00 314.47 400.00 10.00 Service equipment Electric equipment of cars Furniture Total expenditures for equipment GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Taxes 779.47 779.47 779.47 100.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 Miscellaneous Total general and miscellaneous expenditures Grand total 175.00 175.00 175.00 199,276.50 6,907.63 206, 184. 13 206, 184. 13 Respondent's investment in road and equipment at close of year. Investment since Dec. 31, 1914 $206, 184. 13 Length of road owned, 8.03 miles. Average investment per mile of road, exclusive of improvements on leased lines, $25,676.73. Length of track owned, 8.26 miles. Average investment per mile of track, $24,961.76. Summary of securities owned: None. ^inking funds: None. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold: None. Miscellaneous physical property: None. Special deposits: None. Investments in securities of noncarrier companies affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of carriers affiliated with respondent: None. Investments in securities of nonaffiliated companies: None. Investment advances to other companies: None. Securities and other intangibles owned or controlled through nonreporting sub- sidiaries: None. Insurance and other funds: None. Discounts and premiums on securities outstanding. First mortgage 5 per cent bonds: Total discount suffered on actual issues made during year $75 Discount written off during year to “Profit and loss” 75 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses: None. Other unadjusted debits: Minor items (2), book value of item at close of year, $177.39. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 151 Capital stock. Common stock, authorizations closed prior to present year: Par value of amount authorized $50, 000 Par value of total amount actually issued to close of year 50, 000 Par value of amount actually outstanding at close of year 50, 000 Stocks actually issued during present year — Par value 50, 000 Cash received as consideration for issue 250 Cash value of other property acquired as consideration for issue 49, 750 Forty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars of capital stock issued in part payment for the assets, property and franchises of the Washington Interurban Rail- way Co., previously sold under foreclosure to Gustave Herre. Purposes of open authorizations and particulars of authorizations closed during the year: Two hundred and fifty dollars capital stock issued for cash and $49,750 capital stock issued in part payment for the assets, property, and franchises of the Washington Interurban Railway Co., previously sold under foreclosure to Gustave Herre. Stock liability for conversion of securities of other companies: None. Summary statement of unmatured funded debt. Mortgage bonds: Amount actually outstanding at close of year $150, 000. 00 Interest liability at close of year on actually outstanding debt — Interest matured and unpaid 2 3, 750. 00 Interest accrued not due 2 3, 125. 00 Interest during year on actually outstanding debt, interest accrued . . 1 5, 854. 17 SECURITY FOR UNMATURED FUNDED DEBT. Designation of mortgage, pledge, or other lien: First mortgage 5 per cent bonds. Road mortgaged from Fifteenth and H streets NE., District of Columbia, to Berwyn Heights, Md. Miles of road, 8.03; miles of track, 8.26. Equipment, securities, income, etc., mortgaged or pledged: All its property and franchises. No limitation per mile of road. Copy of mortgage not in print. Said mortgage is recorded in liber 116, folio 87, one of the land records of Prince Georges County, Md. Equipment obligations: None. Unmatured funded debt other than equipment obligations. First mortgage bonds: Nominal date of issue, Feb. 1, 1916. Date of maturity, Feb. 1, 1946. Interest provisions — Rate per annum, 5 per cent. Dates due, February and August. Par value of extent of indebtedness authorized Par value of evidences of debt — Actually issued to close of year Actually outstanding at close of year Evidences of debt actually issued during present year — Par value of total amount Cash value of other property acquired as consideration for issue . Discount on actual issues of present year Discounts written off to income or profit and loss during year Total discounts extinguished to close of year, charged to operating expense, income, or profit and loss Amount of interest accrued during year, charged to income Interest liability at close of year — Matured and unpaid Accrued not yet due $150, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 75. 00 75. 00 75. 00 1 5, 854. 17 2 3, 750. 00 2 3, 125. 00 1 Covers period from February 1, 1916, to December 31, 1916. 2 Covers period from March 20, 1916, to December 31, 1916. 152 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Receipts outstanding at the close of the year for installments received on sub- scriptions for bonds and other evidences of funded debt in process of issuance: None. Purposes for which bonds and other evidences of funded debt were issued or as- sumed during the year: One hundred and fifty thousand dollars first mortgage 5 per cent bonds issued as part payment for the assets property and franchises of the Wash- ington Interurban Railway Co., previously sold under foreclosure to Gustave Herre. Receiver’s certificates: None. N ONNEGOTIABLE DEBT TO AFFILIATED COMPANIES. Creditor Company, Washington Railway & Electric Co.: Principal received during year — Amount $4, 257. 82 Date of receipt, December 27, 1916. Date of maturity, demand. Interest — Rate per annum, 6 per cent. Dates due, demand. Total amount owing at close of year 4, 257. 82 Sundry current liabilities — Credit balance at close of year. Miscellaneous accounts payable: Potomac Electric Power Co 1, 202. 29 Minor items (2) 472. 98 Total 1, 675. 27 Sundry unadjusted credits. — Credit balance at close of year. Operating reserves, minor item (1) $840. 81 Depreciation — road equipment , and miscellaneous physical property. DEBIT ITEM. Balances at close of year, accrued depreciation, road and equipment $1, 063. 23 CREDIT ITEMS. Passenger and combination cars, depreciation 3. 84 Service equipment, depreciation 5. 24 Electric equipment of cars, depreciation 9. 33 Way and structures 1, 044. 82 Total 1,063.23 BASES OF DEPRECIATION CHARGES. Depreciation of cars and car equipment: Basis, 3 per cent per annum on the basis of following arbitrary values: Passenger cars, at $165 each; service equipment. — One at $75 each; one at $150 each; electric equipment of cars, at $200 per motor. Depreciation of way and structures: Basis, 9 per cent of revenue from transportation, covering maintenance renewals and depreciation. Balance above in depreciation fund, represents excess of amount charged expenses over actual disbursement. Profit and loss statement. Item. Debits. Credits. Debit balance transferred from income account $4,155.63 75.00 Debt discount extinguished through surplus Balance carried forward to balance sheet $4,230.63 4,230.63 Total 4,230.63 Dividends declared during the year: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 153 Income statement for the year. OPERATING INCOME. Amount appli- cable to the year. Railway operating revenues $18, 820. 25 Railway operating expenses 16, 568. 28 Net revenue, railway operations 2, 251. 97 Taxes assignable to railway operations: On real and personal property $296. 25 On earnings 246. 87 543. 12 Operating income 1, 708. 85 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Miscellaneous taxes 10.31 Interest on funded debt 5, 854. 17 Total deductions from gross income 5, 864. 48 Income balance transferred to profit and loss 4, 155. 63 Railway operating revenues. Revenue from transportation, passenger revenue $18, 820. 25 Auxiliary operations: None. Miscellaneous operations: None. Railway operating expenses for the year. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Superintendence of way and structures $0. 90 Maintenance of way 428. 90 Maintenance of electric lines 132. 16 Buildings, fixtures, and grounds 87. 05 Depreciation of way and structures 1, 044. 82 Total way and structures 1, 693. 83 EQUIPMENT. Miscellaneous equipment expenses 5.00 Depreciation of equipment 18. 41 Total equipment 13.41 POWER. Power purchased 4, 114. 53 CONDUCTING TRANSPORTATION. Superintendence of transportation 368. 75 Conductors, motormen, and trainmen 5, 664. 53 Miscellaneous transportation expenses 49. 31 Total conducting transportation 6, 082. 59 154 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OE COLUMBIA. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. General expenses $2. 56 Injuries and damages 941.00 Stationery and printing 192. 67 Store, garage, and stable expenses .95 Rent of equipment 3, 526. 74 Total general and miscellaneous 4, 663. 92 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. Way and structures 1, 693. 83 Equipment. . 13. 41 Power... 4,114.53 Conducting transportation 6, 082. 59 General and miscellaneous 4, 663. 92 Grand total operating expenses 16, 568. 28 Operating ratio (ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues'), 88.03 per cent. Income from lease of road: None. Abstract of terms and conditions of leases: None. Miscellaneous rent income: None. Dividend income: None. Income from funded securities: None. Income from unfunded securities and accounts: None. Contributions from others: None. Miscellaneous income: None. Rent for leased roads: None. Abstracts of leasehold contracts: None. Miscellaneous rents: None. Interest on unfunded debt: None. Income transferred to other companies: None. Miscellaneous debits: None. Appropriations of surplus to sinking fund and other reserves: None. Appropriations of surplus for investment in physical property: None. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus: None. Miscellaneous items in 'profit and loss account for the year. Subaccount No. 313. Minor item (1), debits $75 ROAD OPERATED AT CLOSE OF YEAR. Class Ia. Main line. * Termini between which road named extends, Fifteenth and H Streets NE. to Berwyn Heights, Md. Miles of road, 8.03; miles of sidings and turnouts, 0.23; total, 8.26. Miles of road owned and operated at close of year , hy States and Territories ( single trade). Main line: District of Columbia 2. 64 Maryland 5. 62 Total mileage (single track) 8. 26 Road owned at close of year, by States and Territories: None. Auxiliary operations carried on at the close of the year: None. Miscellaneous physical properties operated at the close of the year: None. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 155 Mileage , traffic, and miscellaneous statistics. Item. Number or amount. Item. Number or amount. Passenger-car mileage Passenger-car hours Regular fare passengers carried Free transfer passengers carried Total passengers carried Employees and others carried free. Passenger revenue Average fare, revenue passengers — Average fare, all passengers (includ- ing transfer passengers) 117, 558 12, 055 Total revenue from transportation . . . Revenue from transportation per car-mile $18, 820. 25 . 16009 1. 56120 18, 820. 25 . 16009 1. 56120 16,568. 28 . 14094 1. 37439 426, 325 149,395 575, 720 1,965 $18, 820. 25 .04415 . 03269 Revenue from transportation per car-hour Total operating revenues Operating revenues per car-mile Operating revenues per car-hour. . .. Total operating expenses Operating expenses per car-mile Operating expenses per car-hour Accidents to persons within the District of Columbia: None. Employees. Maintenance of way and structures : Superintendents 1 Other employees 7 Transportation : Superintendents . 1 Other employees 8 Total 17 Aggregate salaries and wages paid for the year, $8,476.24. Description of equipment. Class. With electric equip- ment. Without electric equip- ment. Total number. Closed passenger cars 1 1 Miscellaneous 2 2 Total equipment of all classes 1 2 3 Statement above of cars, etc., is a statement of cars owned. This company operates three passenger cars, hiring from other companies those in excess of cars owned. Contracts, agreements, etc.: None. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. In accordance with authorization of the Public Service Commission of the State of Maryland, dated March 1, 1916 (Order No. 2712), and the Public Utilities Com- mission of the District of Columbia, dated March 16, 1916 (Order No. 179), the re- spondent issued on January 27, 1916, $50,000 capital stock and $150,000 first mortgage 5 per cent bonds, to purchase assets, property rights, and franchises of the Washington Inter urban Railway Co. VERIFICATION. City of Washington, District of Columbia, ss: William F. Ham makes oath and says that he is comptroller of the Washington Interurban Railroad Co.; that it is his duty to have supervision over the books of account of the respondent and to control the manner in which such books are kept; that he knows that such books have, during the period covered by the foregoing report, been kept in good faith in accordance with the accounting and other orders of the Public Utilities Commission, effective during the said period; that he has carefully examined the said report, and to the best of his knowledge and belief the 156 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. entries contained in the said report have, so far as they relate to matters of account, been accurately taken from the said books of account and are in exact accordance therewith; that he believes that all other statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. Wm. F. Ham. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the District above named, this 28th day of February, 1917. [seal.] J. E. Tenly. My commission expires March 3, 1921. SUPPLEMENTAL OATH. City of Washington, District of Columbia, ss: Clarence P. King makes oath and says that he is president of the Washington Inter- urban Railroad Co.; that he has carefully examined the foregoing report; that he believes that all statements of fact contained in the said report are true, and that the said report is a correct and complete statement of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent during the period of time from and including January 1, 1916, to and including December 31, 1916. Clarence P. King. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the District above named, this 28th day of February, 1917. [seal.] J. E. Tenly. My commission expires March 3, 1921. WASHINGTON RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. Name of officer in charge of correspondence with the commission regarding this report: W. F. Ilam, comptroller, Fourteenth and C Streets NW., Washington, D. C. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT. 1. Exact name of company making this report: Washington Railway & Electric Co. 2. Date of organization: July 29, 1892, under name of Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co. 3. Under laws of what government, State, or Territory organized? Under act of Congress approved July 29, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 326); amended August 23, 1894 (28 Stat., p. 492); June 3, 1896, and June 5, 1900; February 25, 1913 (37 Stat., p. 679); September 29, 1914 (38 Stat., p. 724). 4. If a consolidated or a merging company, name all constituent and all merged companies. The Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co. by deed dated July 1, 1896, acquired the West Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co. of Montgomery County. The latter company was incorporated November 5, 1895, under article 23 of the laws of the State of Maryland . By virtue of the provisions of the act of June 5, 1900, the Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co. by deed dated February 4, 1902, acquired the properties and franchises of the Columbia Railway Co. and the Metropolitan Railroad Co. and changed its own name to the Washington Railway & Electric Co. The Washington Railway & Electric Co. acquired on August 31, 1912, the properties and franchises of the Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Co., and on December 31, 1912, the Bright- wood Railway Co. Columbia Railway Co., incorporated under acts of Congress approved May 24, 1870 (16 Stat., p. 133), amended June 13, 1898; joint resolution March 1, 1901. Metropolitan Railroad Co. (embracing the Connecticut Avenue & Park Railway Co., the Union Railroad Co., and the Boundary & Silver Springs Railway Co.), incorporated under act of Congress approved July 1, 1864 (13 Stat., p. 326); amended March 3, 1865 (13 Stat., p. 536); January 30, 1865 (13 Stat., p. 426); March 2, 1867 (14 Stat., p. 440); March 3, 1869 (15 Stat., p. 339); (C. A. & P. Ry. Co.), July 13, 1868 (15 Stat., p. 85); (U. R. R. Co.), January 19, 1872; (B. & S. S. Ry. Co.), January 19, 1872; May 18, 1872 (17 Stat., p. 84); March 3, 1875 (18 Stat., p. 385); August 6, 1890 (26 Stat., p. 310); March 3, 1891 (26 Stat., p. 870); July 22, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 399); July 28, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 290); August 2, 1894 (28 Stat., p. 217); February 26, 1895 (28 Stat., p. 682); February 27, 1897; June 6, 1900. Brightwood Railway Co., incorporated under act of Congress approved October 18, 1888 (25 Stat., p. 560); amended July 26, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 270); February 27, 1893 (27 Stat., p. 490); July 7, 1898; (Met. R. R. Co.), February 26, 1895 (28 Stat., p. 682); (B. & W. T. Co.), June 8, 1896; (W. W. & F. G. Ry. & P. Co.), June 29, 1898; (W. Ry. & E. Co.), June 5, 1900. The Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Co. (embracing the Capital Railway Co. and the Belt Railway Co., formerly the Capitol, North O Street & South Washington Railway Co.), incorporated March 19, 1872, under the general laws of the District of Columbia, as provided by an act of Congress approved May 5, 1870. Act giving ap- proval and sanction of Congress to the route and termini of the A. & P. R. R. Co. and to regulate its construction and operation, February 18, 1875 (18 Stat., p. 328); amended by act of Congress April 5, 1876 (19 Stat., p. 26); sundry civil bill March 3, 1879 (20 Stat., p. 404); act of Congress August 1, 1888 (25 Stat., p. 353); March 24, 1890 (26 Stat., p. 28); April 30, 1892 (27 Stat., p. 22); June 4, 1900, July 1, 1902, March 23, 1908. 5. Date and authority for each consolidation and for each merger. The Metro- politan Railroad Co. absorbed the Connecticut Avenue & Park Railway Co. in June, 1874, the Union Railroad Co. in November, 1872, and the Boundary & Silver Springs Railway Co. in January, 1873. The Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co. acquired the West Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co. of Montgomery County, the Metropolitan Railroad Co., and the Columbia Railway Co. as above noted. The Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Co. purchased the Belt Railway 157 158 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Co. under act of Congress approved June 24, 1898, which was formerly known as the Capitol, North O Street & South Washington Railway; it also purchased the Capital Railway in April, 1899. 6. If a reorganized company, give name of original corporation. Not a reorganized company. 7. State whether or not the respondent during the year conducted any part of its business under a name or names other than that shown in response to inquiry No. 1, above. No. 8. Give name of operating company, if any, having control of the respondent’s property. Operates its own road. Directors. Name of director. Office address. Date of beginning of term. Date of expiration of term. Milton E. Ailes Riggs National Bank, Washington, D. C.. American Security & Trust Co., Washing- ton, D. C. Hibbs Building, Washington, D. C Jan. 15,1916 do do Jan. 20,1917 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Chas. J. Bell Woodbury Blair Wm. F. Ham 231 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. do do Clarence P. King do Clarence F. Norment National Bank of Washington, Washing- ton, D. C. Lincoln Avenue and R Street NE., Wash- ington, D. C. 165 Bread wa,v. New York Citv . _ do George Trusdell do Wm. Loeb, Jr do Oscar L. Gubelman 120 Williams Street, New York City Jdo Give the names and titles of all officers of the board of directors in control of the respondent at the close of the year. Chairman of board, Clarence P. King; secretary of board, S. R. Bowen. Name the members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the respondent at the close of the year (naming first the chairman), and state briefly the powers and duties of that committee. Clarence F. Norment (chairman), Clarence P. King, Chas. J. Bell, Woodbury Blair, Milton E. Ailes. Powers and duties: Immedi- ate charge, management and control of business of company subject to the direction of board of directors; full power in the intervals between the meetings of board of directors to excise all powers of the board excepting those of electing officers or of fixing the compensation of officers. Principal general officers. Title of general officer. Name of person holding office at close of year. Office address (Washington, D. C). Salary per annum. President Clarence P. King 231 Fourteenth Street NW $9,250 4, 810 740 1,850 1,110 1,110 2,220 1,295 3, 700 (1) 3,330 3,700 2,590 999 Vice president W. F. Ham do Chairman executive commit- tee. Assistant to president Chief surgeon Clarence F. Norment R. W. King L. H. Glazebrook National Bank of Washington. . . 231 Fourteenth Street NW do Assistant seeretary Wm L Clarke .. do Secretary S. R. Bowen do Treasurer C. E. Brown do (rfvnpra.1 attorney John S Barbour. . do Comptroller W. F. Ham do Engineer of way and struc- tures. Superintendent of railways . . . Superintendent of transporta- tion. Purchasing agent C S Kimball do .T H Stephens do J T Moffett . . . do R W Crowell do 1 See above. BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 159 Employees other than officers. Number Average wages. Maxi- mum Class. of employ- ees. Per month. Per hour. Per day. hours contin- uous service. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 4 $101.02 Cents. 1 111.00 8 58 74.66 8 3 36. 67 8 POWER. 3 116.39 * 8 2 $2.12 8 12 2.02 8-9 Other power-plant employees 12 2.26 8-9 Substation employees 2 82. 50 9 Do 14 2.25 9 TRANSPORTATION. T>i -vision superintendents 4 130. 00 Inspectors 4 100. 00 Dispatchers and. depot clerks . . . 15 2.85 12 Starters 15 2.77 12 Conductors . 327 23|-27 12 Motormen . . 309 23|-27 12 Switchmen, flagmen, yardmen . 18 1.72 10 Road, track, and linemen 173 1.92 9-10 Tube cleaners 8 1.50 9 Hostlers, stablemeD, etc 2 1.50 12 Instructors, agents, clerks, etc 10 83.85 8 CAR HOUSES AND SHOPS. Foremen 18 102.33 10 Armature winders 5 2.65 9 Electricians 4 3.00 9 Car cleaners 37 57 1.61 10 Car-house men 2.10 10 Carpenters 21 2.76 9 Blacksmiths 3 3.08 9 Machinists 9 2.89 9 W ood workers 1 3.25 9 Painters 8 2. 78 9 Other shop employees 49 2.11 9 Note. — The Washington Railway & Electric Co. is the equitable owner of the majority of the capital stock of certain corporations and as such, through its board of directors, may direct the voting of such stock at the stockholders meeting for the election of directors and for certain other corporate purposes, subject, however, to restrictions contained in its consolidated mortgage under which most, if not all, of said stock is pledged. The corporations in question are managed and controlled by their respective board of directors and officers, and are, therefore, not under the con- trol of the Washington Railway & Electric Co. (See P. P. Car Co. v. Mo. Pac., 115 U. S., 587.) Limiting, therefore, the sense of the word “control” to a present right to direct the vote of sufficient stock to elect directors of its selection, the schedules following have been filled out. Transportation corporations controlled by respondent. Name of active transportation corporation controlled. Character of control. Sole or joint. How established. Extent. Direct or indirect. City & Suburban Ry. of Washington Georgetown & Tennallytown Ry. Co Sole . .do Title to securities. . . . . .do Per cent. 96 81 98 100 100 Direct . Do. Do. Do. Indirect. 1 Washington & Glen Echo R. R. Co Washington & Rockville Ry. Co do. . . . do do Washington Interurban R. R. Co do 1 Control exists through Washington & Rockville Ry. Co. 160 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. NONTRANSPORTATION CORPORATIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT. Name of active nontransportation corporation controlled: Potomac Electric Power Co. Character of control: Sole; how established, title to securities; extent, 100 per cent; direct. Note. — Three thousand three hundred and thirty-four shares of the capital stock of the Great Falls Power Co. have been deposited with the United States Mortgage & Trust Co. in escrow to secure the faithful performance of one certain contract between the Washington Railway & Electric Co. and the Potomac Electric Power Co., pro- viding for the conveyance of an undivided two-thirds interest in power site at Great Falls. These shares are not now shown on the books of the railway company as its property. VOTING POWERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. State the par value of each share of stock. Common, $100 per share; first pre- ferred, $100 per share. 2. State whether or not each share of stock has the right to one vote. Yes. 3. Are voting rights proportional to holdings? Yes. 4. Are voting rights attached to any securities other than stock? No. 5. Has any class or issue of securities any special privileges in the election of direc- tors, trustees, or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method? No. 6. Give the date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to the actual filing of this report, and state the purpose of such closing, December 29, 1916, account stockholders’ meeting. 7. State the total voting power of all security holders of the respondent at the date of such closing, if within one year of the date of such filing; if not, state as of the close of the year. One hundred and fifty thousand votes, as of December 29, 1916. 8. State the total number of stockholders of record, corresponding to the answer to inquiry No. 7. Two thousand one hundred and nineteen stockholders. 9. Give the names of the 20 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the re- spondent (if within one year prior to the actual filing of this report), had the highest voting powers in the respondent, showing for each his address, the number of votes which he would have had a right to cast on that date had a meeting then been in order, and the classification of the number of votes to which he was entitled, with respect to securities held by him, such securities being classified as common stock, second preferred stock, first preferred stock, and other securities, stating in a footnote the names of such other securities (if any). If any such holder held in trust, give (in a footnote) the particulars of the trust. If the stock book was not closed or the list of stockholders compiled within such year, show such 20 security holders as of the close of the year. Name of security holder. Address of security holder. Number of votes to which security holder was entitled. Number of votes, clas- sified with respect to securities on which based. Common stocks. First preferred stocks. Truxton Beale 28 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. 2,528 784 1,744 Daniel Fraser National Bank of Washington Wash- 825 100 725 Fidelity Trust Co., trustee, under indenture of Wash- ington Utilities Co., dated May 1, 1915.1 J. C. Freeland W. B. Hibbs & Co ington, D. C. Baltimore, Md . 27,500 1,000 2,812 800 27,500 1,000 2,068 200 603 Hibbs Building, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C 744 Jos. H. Hunter 1813 G Street NW., Washington, D. C. 600 Norman Grey 104 Market Street, Camden, N. J 1,000 1,213 1,000 1,000 Magdalena Lieb 50 Central Park West, New York 213 Maitland, Coppell & Co City. 52 Williams Street, New York City. . 1,310 1,310 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 161 Address of security holder. Number of votes to which security holder was entitled. Number of votes, clas- sified with respect to securities on which based. Common stocks. First preferred stocks. National Bank of Washington, 925 925 Washington, D. C. 1202 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash- 1,000 1,000 ington, D. C. Trenton, N. J 4.500 3,000 1,500 1703 Rhode Island Avenue, Wash- 2,825 1,600 1,225 ington, D. C. Care Fidelity Trust Co., Baltimore, 2,400 2,400 Md. Wayne, Penn 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 1627 Lincoln Avenue NE. , Washing- ton, D. C. Riggs National Bank 1,015 1,850 1,015 Cedar Hill, Tenn 680 1, 170 1512 H Street NW., Washington, 1,200 1,200 D. C. 1303 New Hampshire Avenue, Wash- 750 750 ington, D. C. Name of security holder. Clarence F. Norment. J. W. Rich Washington A. Roebling. Chas. A. Spalding H. Elmer Singewald . Frederich H. Treat. Geo. Truesdell E. L. de M. Van Swinderon. Mary B. Washington John F. Wilkins Guy F. Whiting. i Unable to state; particulars of trust unknown. 10. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting for the election of directors of the respondent. One hundred and seven thousand five hundred and forty and one-fourth votes cast. 11. Give the date and place of such meeting. January 15, 1916, Washington, D. C. CORPORATE CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT. 1. Did any corporation or corporations, transportation or other, hold control over the respondent at the close of the year? No. 2. Did any individual, association, or corporation hold control, as trustee, over the respondent at the close of the year? No. GUARANTIES AND SURETYSHIPS. The Washington Railway & Electric Co. is under contract of guaranty whereby it has agreed to guarantee the Potomac Electric Power Co. consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds, secured under deed of trust to the Commercial Trust Co. of New Jersey, dated June 30, 1906, to the amount of $7,000,000, principal and interest thereon. Bonds under this mortgage to the amount of $5,300,000 have been actually issued and under said mortgage and guaranteed. The railway company owns all the capital stock of the said Potomac Co. and guaranty is made under provision of act of Congress approved June 5, 1900. The Washington Railway & Electric Co. has guaranteed $462,000 bonds of the Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Co., both principal and interest, issued for the purpose of additions, betterments and extensions in connection with new Union Station. These bonds were issued under the terms of a deed of trust given by the Anacostia Co. to the Baltimore Trust & Guarantee Co., dated April 1, 1899. At the time of guaranty the Washington Railway & Electric Co. owned a majority of the capital stock of the Anacostia Co. On August 31, 1912, the Washington Railway & Electric Co. acquired all the assets, rights, and franchises of the Anacostia Co. H. Doc. 2038, 64-2 11 162 BALANCE sheets PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Comparative general balance sheet. ASSETS. Balance at beginning of year. Item. Balance at close of year. Net change during year (in- crease in roman, de- crease in italic). $32,435,369.51 INVESTMENTS. Road and equipment $32,251,466. 75 $183,902. 76 12,223.30 (W) Total book assets at close of year $13,550.36 (6 2 ) Respondent’s own issues, included in (ft 1 ) 5,000.00 Sinking funds 8, 550. 36 3,672.94 83.53 Miscellaneous physical property 472. 65 389. 12 8,329.63 Investments in affiliated companies: Stocks 33,819.63 25,490.00 8,000.00 Bonds 160, 000. 00 152,000.00 80,033.10 Notes 67, 524. 30 12,508.80 32,544,039. 07 Total investments 32,521,833.69 22,205.38 256,730.68 29,498.49 CURRENT ASSETS. Cash 338,883. 04 32,377.49 82, 152. 36 2,879. 00 Special deposits 173,387. 54 Loans and notes receivable 255,409.70 82,022.16 184,441.84 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 163, 752. 07 20, 689. 77 99,006.98 Material and supplies 110,129.34 11,122.36 825. 00 Interest, dividends, and rents receivable 1,333. 27 508. 27 7,606.41 Other current assets 12,643.38 5,036.97 751,496.94 Total current assets 914,528.29 163,031.35 7,268.90 UNADJUSTED DEBITS. Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance 2,238. 16 5,030. 74 332,087. 09 Discount on funded debt 323,663.51 8,423.58 55,050.45 Other unadjusted debits 47, 108.50 7,941.95 394,406.44 Total unadjusted debits 373,010.17 21,396.27 33,689,942.45 Grand total 33,809,372.15 119,429. 70 LIABILITIES. $15,000,000. 00 16,466,350. 00 67,509. 06 21,762. 34 28,380. 00 1,118. 49 114,482.83 233,252. 72 145. 00 58, 795. 46 5, 134. 71 746,056. 78 121,958.01 931,944.96 536. 94 1,057,712.83 1,058,249. 77 33,689,942. 45 Capital stock STOCK. $15,000,000. 00 LONG-TERM DEBT. Funded debt unmatured (6 1 ) Total book liability at close of year. $16,471,350. 00 ( b 2 ) Respondent’s holdings included in (6i) 5,000.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES. 16,466,350. 00 Audited accounts and wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable. Matured interest, dividends, and rents unpaid. Matured funded debt unpaid Accrued interest, dividends, and rents payable Total current liabilities DEFERRED LIABILITIES. 65,480.01 7, 139. 85 32,259.00 118.49 114,482.83 219,480.18 $2,029.05 U, 622. 49 3,879.00 1,000.00 13,772.54 Deferred liabilities other than for provident funds UNADJUSTED CREDITS. Tax liability Operating reserves Accrued depreciation, road and equipment Other unadjusted credits Total una djusted credits CORPORATE SURPLUS. 153. 00 71,858.99 71,688.68 793,404.43 113,246. 66 1,050,198. 76 8. 00 13,063.53 66,553.97 47,347.65 8,711.35 118,253.80 Sinking fun d reserves Profit and loss, credit balance. 1,267.27 1,071,922. 94 730.33 14,210.11 Total corporate surplus Grand total 1,073,190.21 I 14,940.44 33,809,372.15 | 119,429.70 BALANCE SHEETS PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 163 Road and equipment. Account. I. WAY AND STRUCTURES. Engineering and superintendence Right of way Other land used in electric railway operations Grading Ballast Ties Rails, rail fastenings, and joints Special work Underground construction Track and roadway labor Paving Roadway machinery and tools Bridges,' trestles, and culverts Crossings, fences, and signs Signals and interlocking apparatus Telephone and telegraph lines Poles and fixtures Underground conduits Distribution system Shops and car houses Stations, miscellaneous buildings, and structures Other expenditures, way and structures Total expenditures for way and structures . . II. EQUIPMENT. Passenger and combination cars Service equipment 1 Electric equipment of cars 1 Locomotives Shop equipment Furniture Miscellaneous equipment Total expenditures for equipment III. POWER. Substation buildings Power plant equipment 1 Transmission system Total expenditures for power IV. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Injuries and damages Miscellaneous Total general and miscellaneous expenditures. . Grand tptal Investment in road and equip- ment, Jan. 1,1915, to close of preceding year. Total investment in road and equip- ment during the year. Total investment in road and equip- ment since Dec. 31,1914. $15,207. 60 $1,728.40 $16,936. OO 139. 88 25. 00 164.88 4,348.35 4,348. 35 4,011.11 1,972. 56 5, 983. 67 8,203. 06 4,173.31 12, 376. 37 104. 80 117.45 222. 25 19,256.07 1,295. 88 20,551.95 44, 723. 71 651.00 45, 374. 71 44,643.39 371.24 45, 014. 63 33,474.49 3,354.01 36, 828. 50 12,331.23 12, 279.94 24,611.17 2,695. 03 1.25 2, 696. 28 893.91 8.68 902. 59 388.46 20.12 408.58 276. 48 11.56 264. 92 698.31 698. 31 1,256.96 215. 62 1,472. 58 109. 28 64. 06 173. 34 16,850. 68 1,343.48 18, 194. 16 10, 804. 86 2, 764. 41 13, 569. 27 71.91 1,081.53 1,153.44 6,014.71 1,867.37 7,882. 08 221,602.97 37, 695. 22 259, 298. 19 5, 796. 13 2, 892. 39 2,903. 74 2,230.84 895. 94 3, 126. 78 286. 97 1,274.93 1,516.90 551.07 551.07 2,016.46 1,075.00 941.46 379. 25 1,701.23 2, 080. 48 325.35 1,104. 65 1,430. 00 5,041.81 2, 452. 40 2,589.41 1,025. 71 1,025. 71 67,000.00 67, 000. 00 90.11 90.11 1,115. 82 67,000.00 65, 884. 18 147. 45 2.56 150. 01 5, 841. 29 947. 06 6, 788. 35 5,988.74 949. 62 6, 93S. 36 223, 665. 72 25,902.76 197,762.96 1 Equipment sold and retired. The uniform system of accounts for electric railway corporations in accordance with which books of this company are kept does not provide for a separation of “Investment in new lines and extensions” and “ Investment in additions and betterments.” 164 BALANCE sheets PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Respondent's investment in road and equipment at close of year. Investment to Dec. 31, 1908 $27, 817, 946. 49 Investment from Dec. 31, 1908, to Dec. 31, 1914 4, 235, 757. 30 Investment since Dec. 31, 1914 197, 762. 96 Total investment in road and equipment 32, 251, 466. 75 In addition to securities included in road and equipment, there is included a certain amount of miscellaneous physical property, the book value of which can not be stated separately. It is not possible to state the cost of road and equipment separately from the cost of stocks, funded debt, and promissory notes owned, as the latter and the prop- erties and franchises of the Metropolitan Railroad Co. and the Columbia Railway Co. were acquired at one and the same time, to wit, February 4, 1902, at which time the Washington & Great Falls Electric Railway Co., now the Washington Railway & Electric Co., delivered $14,913,200 of its capital stock and $7,992,350 of its consoli- dated mortgage 4 per cent bonds in payment of certain stocks, bonds, and promissory notes, and the properties and franchises of the Metropolitan Railroad Co. and the Columbia Railway Co. On August 31, 1912, this company also acquired, by consoli- dation, the properties and franchises of the Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Co., and on December 31, 1912, the properties and franchises of the Brightwood Rail- way Co. Investment to 'Dec. 31, 1908, as shown in last report $27, 975, 946. 49 Less following securities of Washington & Rockville Ry. Co. and Washington, Woodside & Forest Glen Ry. & Power Co. retired during present year and replaced by new securities, which are included in “Investments” : Washington & Rockville Ry. Co. first-mortgage bonds. . . $75, 000 Washington, Woodside & Forest Glen Ry. & Power Co. — Stocks 25,000 First-mortgage bonds 32, 000 Promissory notes 26, 000 — 158, 000. 00 27, 817, 946. 49 Memorandum of securities included in 1 1 Investments in road and equipment Par value of amount included. 1 Name, location, and extent of road. City & Suburban Ry. of Washington: Stock SI 667,000.00 City & Suburban Ry. of Washington; Dis- trict of Columbia and State of Maryland; 41.43 miles of single track. Georgetown & Tennallytown Ry. Co.; Dis- trict of Columbia; 8.51 miles of single track. Promissory notes 89,909. 02 161,600.00 Georgetown & Tennallytown Ry. Co.: Stock . First mortgage bonds 70. 000. 00 30.000. 00 109. 000. 00 197, 150. 00 200.000. 00 50.000. 00 22, 061. 25 250, 000. 00 250, 000. 00 5, 750,000.00 Second mortgage bonds Promissory notes Washington