£ $2Z UITISH MUSEUM. CATALOGUE OP PRINTED BOOKS. S HAKE SPEARE (William) ^0n’&0it: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. 1897. "Dobell SHAKESPEARE William) CONTENTS. COL. Works ......... 3 Smaller Collections of Plays ..... 34 Collected Poems . . . . . . .39 Separate Works under Subheadings .... 43 Selections and Extracts . . . . . .166 Works attributed to Shakespeare . . . .177 Concordances and Dictionaries ..... 182 Tales from Shakespeare . . . . . .184 Will.184 COL. Appendix:— Biography . . . . . . . 185 Bibliography . . . . . . .191 Criticism . . • . . . .193 Bacon Controversy’ . . . . . .212 Collier Controversy . . . . . .215 Ireland Forgeries . . . . . .216 Pictorial Illustrations . . . . .217 Anniversary and Centenary Celebrations' . . 220 Miscellaneous ....... 223 ± All’s Well That Ends Well r i c* Ci ^ Antony and Cleopatra As You Like It Comedy of Errors . Coriolanus Cymbeline Hamlet . Julius Csesar . King Henry iv., Part x. King Henry iv., Part n. King Henry iv., Parts I. King Henry v. King Henry vi., Part i. King Henry vi., Part ii. King Henry vi., Part in. King Henry vi., Parts I., King Henry viii. King John King Lear King Richard n. King Richard hi. . and ii. i., and in INDEX. COL. 43 Love’s Labour’s Lost 44 Macbeth ..... 45 Measure for Measure 49 Merchant of Venice. . 50 Merry Wives of Windsor. . 52 Midsummer Night’s Dream . 54 Much Ado About Nothing 69 Othello ...... 76 Pericles...... 78 Rape of Lucrece ... .5 80 Romeo and Juliet .... . 81 Sonnets...... . 84 Taming of the Shrew 84 Tempest ..... . 84 Timon of Athens .... . 85 Titus Andronicus .... . 86 Troilus and Cressida . 88 Twelfth Night .... , 90 Two Gentlemen of Verona 95 Venus and Adonis .... . 99 Winter’s Tale. .... i COL. 104 105 114 115 123 126 131 132 138 140 141 148 150 153 157 159 159 x 160 162 163 164 160124 3 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 4 SHAKESPEARE (William) WORKS. - Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. [Edited by J. Heminge and H. Condell.] 3 pt. ed. pr. Printed by Isaac laggard and Ed. Blount: London, 1623 . fol. G. 11631. The titlepage, which bears the portrait of Shakespeare, engraved by Droeshout, is preceded, by a leaf containing verses “ To the Reader,” signed, B. I. [i.e. Ben Jonson.'] Following the titlepage are seven unpaged leaves of intro¬ ductory matter. The first of these contains the dedication, signed, Iohn Heminge, Henry Condell; the second, the preface “ To the great Variety of Readers,” signed, Iohn Heminge, Henrie Condell; the third, verses “ To the memory of my beloued, The Author Mr. William Shakespeare : and what he hath left us,” signed, Ben: Ionson ; the fourth, verses “ Upon the Lines and Life of the Famous Scenicke Poet, Master William Shakespeare,” signed, Hugh Holland ; the fifth, “ A Catalogue of the seuerall Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies contained in this Volume”; the sixth, verses ‘■‘■To the memorie of the deceased Authour Maister W. Shakespeare,” signed, I. Digges, and “ To the memorie of M. W. Shakespeare,” signed, 1. M.; the seventh, a heading, “ The Workes of William Shakespeare,” etc., followed by “ The Names of the Principall Actors in all these Playes.” The volume is paged in three parts, 1—303, 1—232, 1-399, with the following irregularities: in pt. I., pp. 50, 59, 86 , 153, 161, 164, 165, 189, 249, 250, 265 are respectively misprinted 58, 51, 88 , 151,163, 162, 163,187, 251, 252, 273; in pt. II, p. 49 follows p. 46, and pp. 89, 90, 165, 166, 216, are respectively misprinted 91, 92, 167, 168, 218 ; in pt. Ill, the first fifteen leaves are unpaged (with the exception of the second, which is paged 79, 80), and in the paged portion p. 79 follows p. 76, the pagination 82 is followed by 81 and 82 repeated, p. 156 is followed by p. 257, and pp. 279, 282, 308, 379, 399 are respectively misprinted 259, 280, 38, 389, 993. The running titles to pp. 37, 38 are mis¬ printed “ The Merry Wiues of Windsor ” for “ The Two Gentlemen of Verona.” In this copy, pp. 214 and 237 of pt. I. are respectively misprinted 212 and 233, errors which do not occur in all copies. Sig.: pt. I., a, eight leaves; a-v, x-z, in sixes; Aa-Bb, in sixes: Cc, two leaves. Pt. II., a-g in sixes; gg, eight leaves ; h-v, x, in sixes ; If, ^f, in sixes; m, one leaf. Pt. ill, aa-ff, in sixes; gg-hh, kk-vv, yy-zz, aaa-bbb, in sixes. In pt. II., sig. a 3, m 3, are respectively misprinted Aa 3, 1 3, and x 3 is not marked.. In pt. III. the first five leaves of sig. gg are marked gg, gg 2, Gg, gg 2 , gg 3; sig. bb 2 , nn, nn 2 , on, tt 2 , yy 2 , yy 3 are respectively misprinted Bb 2, Nn, Nn 2, Oo, tt 3, y 2 , y 3, and 00 2 is not marked. In this copy sig. V of pt. I. is misprinted Yv, an error which does not occur in all copies. The colophon reads: “ Printed at the charges of W. laggard, Ed. Blount, I. Smithweeke, and W.Aspley, 1623 .” - [Another copy.] C. 21. e. 16. Imperfect; wanting the sixth and seventh leaves of intro¬ ductory matter. The leaf preceding the titlepage, bearing the verses “ To the Reader,” has been inlaid. An engraved portrait of Shakespeare and a leaf bearing engraved fac¬ similes of his handwriting have been inserted at the beginning of the volume. In this copy the pagination of p. 37 of pt II. is misprinted 39, and sig. V of pt. I. misprinted Vv, errors which do not occur in all copies. The misprints of the pagination of pp. 214 and 237 of pt. 1 do not occur in this copy. - [Another copy.] C. 39. i. 12. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage, for which a reprint has been substituted, with a photographic reproduction of Droeshout's portrait pasted on to it. Also tvanting the pre¬ liminary leaf containing the verses “ To the Reader,” which is replaced by that from the second edition. A second title- page has been added in MS., and at the end of the volume is inserted a leaf bearing an engraved facsimile of Shake¬ speare's autograph. The irregularities of pagination and signatures in this copy are those common to all copies. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - [Another copy.] Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. 3 pt. London, 1623 . fol. C. 9. d. The titlepage of this copy differs from each of the pre¬ ceding in having the word “ and ” printed in full, instead of “ All the leaves have been pasted over with tissue-paper on each side. Imperfect; wanting the preliminary leaf con¬ taining the verses “ To the Reader.” In this copy the pagination of pp. 214 and 237 of pt. I, and of p. 37 of pt. II. are respectively misprinted 212, 233, and 39; and sig. V of pt. I. is misprinted V v, errors which do not occur in all copies. - Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Copies. The second Impression. 3 pt. ms. notes [by T. Tyrwhitt]. Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot: London, 1632 . fol. C. 39. i. 13. The titlepage, which bears Droeshout's engraved portrait of Shakespeare, is preceded by a leaf containing Ben Jonson's verses “ To the Reader,” signed, B. I., and is followed by eight unpaged leaves of introductory matter. The first of these contains the dedication, and the second the preface “ To the great variety of Readers,” each signed, John Heminge, Henry Condell; the third, two sets of unsigned verses, “ Upon the Effigies of my worthy Friend, the author blaster William Shakespeare ” and “ An Epitaph on the admirable Dramaticke Poet, W. Shakespeare,” the latter being by Milton; the fourth, verses “ To the memorie of the deceased Author, Master W. Shakespeare,” signed, L. Digges, and “ To the Memory of M. W. Shake-speare,” signed, 1. M.; the fifth, a heading “ The Workes of William Shakespeare,” etc., followed by “ The Names of the Principall Actors in all these Playes ”; the sixth, verses “ To the memory of my beloved. The Author Mr. William Shakespeare And what he hath left ns,” signed, Ben. Jonson; the seventh, verses “ On Worthy Master Shakespeare and his Poems,” signed, “ The Friendly admirer of his endowments. I. M. S." ; the eighth, verses “ Upon the Lines and Life of the famous Scenicke Poet, Master W. Shakespeare,” signed, Hugh Holland, and “ A Catalogue of all the Comedies,” etc. The volume is paged in three parts, 1-303, 1-232, 1-419, with the following irregularities: in pt. I., pp. 46, 58, 153, 194, 249, 250, 265 are respectively misprinted 64, 80, 151, 494, 251, 252, 273; in pt. II., p. 46 is followed by p. 49; pp. 89, 90 are misprinted 91, 92. 100 is followed by an unpaged leaf and that by pp. 69-100 repeated; and pp. 94, 95, 164, 209 are respectively misprinted 49, 59. 194, 120; in pt. Ill, p. 168 is followed by p. 269, and pp. 96, 154, 286, 287, 341, 342, 351, 352, 355, 389 are respectively misprinted 67, 134, 186, 187, 143, 144, 151, 152, 335, 399. In this copy p. 49 of pt. II. is mis¬ printed 45, an error which does not occur in all copies. Sig. A-Cc 2, in sixes, a-y, in sixes, aa-ddd 4, in sixes, with the following irregularities: sig. 1 3, m, m 2, cc are respe< tively misprinted h 3, M, m 3, bb. The colophon reads: “ Printed at London by Thomas Cotes, for John Smethwick, William Aspley, Richard Hawkins, Richard Meighen, and Robert Allot, 1632 .” In this copy the prospectus of Malone’s edition of Shakespeare's Works has been inserted after the titlepage. - [Another copy.] 79. 1. 5. In this copy p. 49 of pt. II. is correctly paged. - [Another copy.] G. 11632. In this copy p. 49 of pt. II. is correctly paged. - M r William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true original copies. The third Impression. And unto this Impres¬ sion is added seven Playes, never before printed in Folio, viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigall. The History of Thomas L d - Cromwell. Sir John Oul- castle Lord Cobh am. The Puritan Widow. AYork-shiie Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. 3 pt. Printed for P. C.: London, 1664 . fol. 80. 1. 3. The titlepage, ivhich is preceded by a leaf bearing Droeshout's engraved portrait of Shakespeare and Ben 5 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 6 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] Jonson’s verses “ To the Reader ,” signed, B. J., is followed by eight unpaged leaves of introductory matter. The first of these contains the dedication, signed, John Heminge, Henry Condell; the second, the preface “ To the great Variety of Readers,” signed J. Heminge, H. Condell; the third, the verses “ To the Memory of the deceased Authour ” ( signed, L. Bigges), ‘‘ Upon the Effigies of my worthy Friend, the Authour, Mr. W. Shakespeare, and his Works,” and “ To the Memory of Mr. W. Shakespeare ” ( signed, J. M.) ; the fourth, and the recto of the fifth, verses “ To the Memory of my beloved the Authour,” signed, Ben. Johnson [sic] ; the verso of the fifth and the sixth, verses “ On worthy Mr. Shake¬ speare, and his Poems,” signed, “ The friendly admirer of his Endowments, J. M. S.”; the seventh, Milton’s “Epitaph ” (unsigned), and verses “ Upon the Lines and Life of the Famous Scenick Poet,” signed, Hugh Holland ; the eighth, a heading, “ The Works of William Shakespeare,” “ The Names of the principal Actors,” and “ A Catalogue of all the Comedies,” etc. The volume is paged in three parts, 1-877, 1 - 20 , 1 - 100 , with the following irregularities: In pt. I.,pp. 39, 108, 196, 201, 203, 223, 373, 428, 433, 576, 579, 619, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666 , 779, 798, 858, 861, 868 , 873, 875, 876 are respectively misprinted 36, 56, 194, 103, 103, 123, 374, 433, 428, 556, 559, 617, 659, 646, 662, 663, 664, 787, 799, 859, 961, 669, 973, 879, 990; pp. 560-568 are repeated, p. 607 is followed by p. 609, and pp. 714, 715 are repeated; in pt. III., pp. 49, 50, 51, 52 aye respectively misprinted 50, 51, 52, 53. In this copy, in pt. I., pp. 109, 120 are respectively misprinted 111, 119; p. 478 is paged in the ivrong corner; pp. 650, 651, 659, 663 are respectively misprinted 649, 650, 657, 655; in pt. IIT., pp. 12, 13,18, 27, 30 are respectively misprinted 4, 5,16, 30, 27 —errors which do not occur in all copies. Sig.: pt. I, a, four leaves; b, six leaves; A-Z in sixes; Aa, six leaves; Bb, eight leaves; Cc—Zz, Aaa-Zzz, Aaaa-Dddd, in sixes; Eeee, four leaves. In pt. II., a, six leaves; b, four leaves. In pt. III., *, **, *f*, ****, in fours; IT A, 1[B, in sixes; IFC-lfF, in fours; IfG, six leaves. 3 is misprinted IB 2 . This edition was first issued in 1663 , without the “ seven Playes ” constituting pt. II. and III., and with a titlepage reading as above down to the words “ third Impres¬ sion,” and bearing the imprint, “ London. Printed for Philip Chetwinde, 1663 /’ - [Another copy.] ms. notes and additions. 0. 39. i. 20. In this copy, besides the irregularities of pagination common to all copies, in pt. p. 478 is paged in the ivrong corner, and pp. 650, 651, 659, 660, 662, 663, are respec¬ tively misprinted 649, 650, 657, 658, 660, 661 ; in pt. III., pp. 12, 13, 18, 41, 36, are respectively misprinted 4, 5, 16, 36, 41 ; and pp. 36 and 41 are both paged in the ivrong corner, and both bear the ivrong portion of the running title. - [Another copy.] C. 39. k. 13. In this copy, besides the irregularities of pagination common to all copies, in pt. p. 478 is paged in the wrong corner, pp. 657, 658 are repeated, p. 664 is followed by p. 667, and, pp. 109, 120, 650, 651, 877 are respectively mis- printed 111, 119, 649, 650, 881 ; in pt. III., pp. 12, 13, 18 are respectively misprinted 4, 5, 16. - [Another copy.] G. 11633. This copy has the earlier titlepage of 1663 , as well as that of 1664 . On the former a blank space has been left for the portrait, which in some instances is engraved upon it. In this copy, besides the irregularities of pagination common to all copies, in pt. I, p. 478 is paged in the wrong corner, pp. 657, 658 are repeated, p. 664 is followed by p. 667, andpp. 650, 651 are respectively misprinted 649, 650; in pt. III., pp. 36, 41 are respectively misprinted 41, 36, both are paged in the wrong corner, and both bear the wrong portion of the running title. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - M r - William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, seven Plays, never before Printed in Polio: viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigal. The History of Thomas Lord Crom- wel. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. The Fourth Edition. 3 pt. Printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley : London, 1685 . fol. 643. m. 2. The titlepage, which is preceded by a leaf bearing Droeshout's engraved portrait of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson’s verses “ To the Reader,” signed, B. J., is followed by four unpaged leaves of introductory matter. The first of these contains the dedication, signed, John Heminge, Henry Condell; the second, a heading “ The Works of William Shakespear,” “ The Names of the principal Actors,” and “ A Catalogue of all the Comedies,” etc.; the third, the preface “ To the Great Variety of Readers,” signed, J. Heminge, H. Condell, the verses by L. Bigges, those “ Upon the Effigies of my worthy Friend” (unsigned), those signed J. M., and a portion of those “ To the Memory of my beloved, the Author ”; the fourth, the remainder of the latter verses, which are signed, Ben. Johnson [sic], those signed, “ The friendly Admirer of his Endowments, J. M. S.,” Milton's “ Epitaph ” (unsigned), and the verses by Hugh Holland. The volume is paged in three parts, 1-272, 1-328, 1-303, with the following irregularities: in pt. /., the pagination 96 is followed by 99, 160 by 163, 254 by 243, and that by 254 repeated, and pp. 33, 107, 109, 190, 191, 219, 246 are respectively misprinted 23, 109, 111, 186, 187, 221, 234; in pt. II., p. 225 is misprinted 224; in pt. III., p. 67 is mis¬ printed 76. In this copy pp. 88 , 93 of pt. II. are respectively misprinted 87, 92, errors which do not occur in all copies. Sig. A, a-u, x-y, in sixes ; z, four leaves ; b-c, Dd-Uu, Xx-Zz, *Aaa—*Ddd, in sixes; Fee, eight leaves ; Aaa-Yvv, Yyy—Zzz, Aaaa—Bbbb, in sixes ; Cccc, two leaves. Sig. Oo is misprinted Pp. - [Another copy.] ms. notes [by T. Hawkins ?]. 644. m. 5. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage, the leaf preceding it, the two first leaves of introductory matter, pp. 47, 48, 181, 182 of pt. I., pp. 51, 52 of pt. II., and pp. 193—303 of pt. IIT. Some of the leaves are slightly mutilated. This copy has the erroneous pagination 87, 92 for 88 , 93 respectively in pt. II. - [Another copy.] 80. 1. 2. Imperfect; wanting the leaf preceding the titlepage. In this copy the pagination of pp. 88 , 93 in pt. II. is correct. - [Another copy.] G. 11634. This copy has the erroneous pagination 87, 92, for 88 , 93 respectively in pt. II. - The Works of Mr. William Shakespear, in six volumes. Adorn’d with cuts. Revis’d and corrected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By N. Rowe, Esq. 6 vol. Jacob Tonson : London, 1709 . 8 °. 81. g. 16-21. With a frontispiece engraved by M: V. dr. Gucht, bearing a portrait. - Volume the Seventh. Containing Venus & Adonis. Tarquin & Lucrece And his Miscellany Poems. With critical remarks on his Plays, &c. to which is prefix’d, an Essay on the Art, Rise, and Progress of the Stage in Greece, Rome and England [by C. Gildon. Edited by S. N.]. pp. lxxii. 472. E. Curll and E. Sanger: London, 1710 . 8 °. 81. g. 22 . This volume was issued as a supplement to Rowe’s edition. 7 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE .8 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Works of Mr. William Shakespear, in nine volumes : with his Life, by N. Rowe, Esq; Adorn’d with Cuts. To the last Volume is prefix’d, I. An Essay on the Art, Rise, and Progress of the Stage, in Greece, Rome, and England [by C. Gildon]. n. Observations upon the most Sublime Passages in this author [by C. Gildon]. hi. A Glossary, explaining the Antiquated Words made use of throughout his Works. [With engraved frontis¬ piece and plates.] 9 vol. Printed for J. Tonson, E. Curll, J. Pemberton, and K. Sanger : London, 1714 . 12 °. 11763. aa. - [Another copy of vol. 9.] 1162. f. 2. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage. - [Another copy of pp. 365-442 of vol. 2.1 642. b. 28. (1.) - The Works of Shakespear. In six volumes. Collated and corrected by the former editions, by Mr. Pope. (Some Account of the Life, &c., of Mr. William Shake¬ spear. Written by Mr. Rowe.) 6 vol. Jacob Tonson: London, 1725 , 1723 . 4°. 78. 1. 7-12. With a frontispiece engraved by G. Vertue, bearing a portrait inscribed: “Ad Originalem Tabulam penes Ed- wardum Dominum Harley .” The titlepages to vol. 2-6 bear the date 1723 . - The Seventh Volume. Containing Venus and Adonis ; Tarquin and Lucrece, and Mr. Shakespear’s Miscellany Poems. To which is prefix’d, An Essay on the Art, Rise, and Progress of the Stage, in Greece, Rome, and England. [By C. Gildon.] And a Glossary of the old words used in these works. The whole revis’d and corrected, with a preface by Dr. Sewell, pp. lvii. 454. Printed by J, Darby, for A. Bettesworth, F. Fayram, W. Mears, J. Pemberton, J. Hooke, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley, E. Symon : London, 1725 . 4°. 78. 1. 13. This volume icas issued as a supplement to Pope's edition. - The Works of Shakespear. . .Collated and corrected by the former editions, by Mr. Pope. (Vol. vnr. revis’d. .. by Dr. Sewell.) 8 vol. G. Grierson: Dublin, 1726 . 8 °. 011765. de. 2. Imperfect ; wanting vol. 2. - The Works of Shakespear. In eight volumes. Collated and corrected by the former editions, by Mr. Pope. The second edition. [With plates.] few ms. notes [by Horace Walpole]. 9 vol. J. Tonson : London, 1728 . 12°. 11761. b. Imperfect; wanting vol. 6. Vol. 1 only bears the icords : “ The second edition.” Vol. 9, containing Pericles and the spurious plays, was issued as a supplement to this edition. With the book-plate of “ Mr. Horatio Walpole.” - [Another copy.] 10 vol. J. & J. Knapton, etc.: London, 1728 . 12°. 11761. b. A duplicate of the preceding, with aneic titlepage to vol. 1 , and with the addition of a second supplementary volume containing the Poems. - [Another copy of pp. i.-li. of vol. 1., consisting of Pope’s Preface and Rowe’s “ Life.”] 641. b. 39. - [Another copy of pp. 1-109 of vol. 7, consisting of the play of “ Antony and Cleopatra.”] copious ms. notes and additions [by L. Theobald]. C. 45. b. 11. - The Works of Shakespeare.. .Collated with the oldest copies and corrected, with notes explanatory and critical, by Mr. Theobald. 7 vol. A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch : London, 1733 . 8 °. 1344. e. 4-10. - [Another copy.] L. P. 80. f. 1-7. - [Another copy.] L. P. G. 18640. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Dramatick Works of William Shakespear. 7 vol. R. Walker: London, 1734 , 35 . 12°. 11762. aa. 5. - The Works of Shakespeare. [Pope’s edition.] In eight volumes. (Some account of the life, &c. of Mr. William Shakespear. Written by Mr. Rowe.) [With plates.] 8 vol, Printed for J. Tonson and the rest of the Proprietors : London, 1635 [or rather, 1735 , 36 , 34 ]. 12 °. 11763. aa. Each play has a separate titlepage and pagination. - The Works of Shakespeare : in eight volumes.. .With notes, explanatory, and critical: by Mr. Theobald. The second edition. 8 vol. H. Lintott, C. Hitch, J. and R. Tonson, etc.: London, 1740 . 12°. 11762. b. - The Works of Shakespear. In six volumes. Care¬ fully revised and corrected [by Sir T. Hanmer] bv the former editions, and adorned with sculptures [after designs by F. Hayman], etc. (Mr. Pope’s Preface.— Some account of the life of W. Shakespear, by Mr. Rowe.) 6 vol. L. P. Printed at the Theatre : Oxford, 1744 , 43 . 4°. 79. 1. 6-11. Vol. 2-4 bear the date 1743 . - The Works of Shakespear. In six volumes. Carefully revised and corrected [by Sir T. Hanmer] by the former editions. 6 vol. J. & P. Knapton: London, 1745 . 8 °. 11766. f. Printed from the Oxford edition of 1744 . - The Works of Shakespear in eight volumes. The genuine text, collated with all the former editions, and then corrected and emended, is here settled; being restored from the blunders of the first editors, and the interpolations of the two last: with a comment and notes, critical and explanatory. By Mr. Pope and Mr. W'arburton. [Edited by the latter.] 8 vol. J. and P. Knapton, etc. : London, 1747 . 8 °. 81. b. 15-22. - The Works of Shakespear in nine volumes. With a glossary. Carefully printed from the Oxford edition in quarto, 1744. [With plates.] 9 vol. J. & P. Knapton, etc.: London, 1747 . 12°. 11764. b. - [Another edition.] 9 vol. J. & P. Knapton : London, 1748 . 12 °. 11761. a. - The Works of Shakespeare... With notes...by Mr. Theobald. The third edition. 8 vol. J. & P. Knapton : London, 17 5 2 . 12°. 642. c. 1-8. A duplicate of the second edition ( 1740 ), with new title- pages. Imperfect; wanting vol. 2. - The Works of Shakespear. In Avhich the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes ; and a list of various readings. [Edited by Hugh Blair.] 8 vol. W. Sands, Hamilton A Balfour, etc.: Edinburgh, 1753 . 8 °. 11763. b. - The Works of Shakespeare ... With notes ... by Mr. Theobald. 8 vol. C. Hitch A L. Hawes : London, 1762 . 8 °. 11764. c. - The Plays of William Shakespeare, in eight volumes, with the corrections and illustrations of various com¬ mentators, to which are added notes by Sam. Johnson. 8 vol. J. A R. Tonson: London, 1765 . 8 °. 11761. c. - The Works of Shakespeare. With corrections and illustrations from various commentators. 10 vol. Martin A Wotherspoon: Edinburgh, 1767 . 12°. 11762. aaa. SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 10 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - M r William Shakespeare his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, set out by himself in quarto, or by the players his fellows in folio, and now faithfully repub¬ lish’d from those editions in ten volumes octavo, with an introduction [by E. Capell] ; whereunto will be added, iu some other volumes, notes, critical and ex¬ planatory, and various readings entire. 10 vol. J. & R. Tonson: London, [ 1768 , 60 .] 8 °. 11761. d. - [Another copy.] ms. notes and corrections [by E. Malone]. 11761. bb. With a portrait of Capell inserted. - [Another copy.] 82. b. 8-17. - [Another copy.] G. 18586-95. - The Plays of William Shakespeare, in eight volumes, with the corrections and illustrations of various com¬ mentators; to which are added notes by Sam. Johnson. 8 vol. H. Woodfall, C. Ratliurst, etc.: London, 1768 . 8 °. 81. c. 20-27. - The Works of Shakespear, from Mr. Pope’s edition. 9 vol. R. Martin: Birmingham, 1768 . 8 °. 11764. c. - The Works of Shakespear. Adorned with sculptures [by Gravelot]. (Various readings of M r Theobald and M r Capel.) Second edition. [Edited by Sir T. Hanmer.] 6 vol. L. P. Printed at the Clarendon Press : Oxford, 1771 , 70 . 4°. 78. 1. 1-6. - The Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary, copious indexes, and a list of the various readings. [Edited by Hugh Blair.] 8 vol. A. Donaldson: Edinburgh, 1771 . 8 °. 11763. d. - The Plays of Shakespeare, from the text of D r S. Johnson. With the prefaces, notes, &c. of Eowe, Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, Johnson, and select notes from many other critics. Also, the Introduction of the last Editor M r Capell, and a table shewing his various readings. (Shakespeare’s Poems.) 7 vol. T. Ewing: Dublin, 1771 . 16°. 11764. aaa. Each of the first six volumes is in tico parts. - The Works of Shakespeare ... With notes ... by Mr. Theobald. 12 vol. R. Crowder & Co. : London, 1772 . 12 °. 11763. d. 9. - The Plays of William Shakespeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various com¬ mentators; to which are added notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. With an Appendix. 10 vol. C. Bathurst, etc.: London, 1773 . 8 °. 642. e. 1. Imperfect ; wanting vol. 5. - The Works of Shakespeare ... With notes ... by Mr. Theobald. Printed verbatim from the octavo edition. ms. notes [by S. T. Coleridge]. 8 vol. C. Bathurst, etc. : London, 1773 . 12°. C. 45. a. 21. - Bell’s Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays, as they are now performed at the Theatres Royal in London, regulated from the Prompt Books of each House. (Poems written by Shakespeare).. .With notes critical and illustrative (an essay on oratory, and the life of Shakespeare) by the Authors of the Dramatic Censor [i.e. F. Gentleman], 9 vol. J.Bell: London, 1774 . 12°. 82. c. 1-9. Vol. 1-8 have each a general engraved titlepage. The several plays, and, the vol. of poems, have special titlepages. • [A fragment, consisting of pp. 207-294 of a volume of an edition, published in 1777, of “ Bell’s Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays; ” consisting of “ Love’s Labour’s Lost.”] MS. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. ,T. Bell : London, 1777 . 12°. 1344. d. 1. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The plays of William Shakspeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various com¬ mentators ; to which are added notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. (An attempt to ascertain the order in which the plays attributed to Shakespeare were written, by E. Malone.) The second edition, revised and augmented [by I. Reed]. 10 vol. C. Bathurst, etc.: London, 1778 . 8°. 642. f. 1-10. - [Another copy.] copious ms. notes [by I. Reed]. 11764. g. Imperfect; wanting the titlepages and all the matter pre¬ liminary to the text of the plays. - Supplement to the edition of Shakspeare’s Plays published in 1778 by S. Johnson and G. Steevens ... containing additional observations by several of the former commentators: to which are sub¬ joined the genuine Poems of the same author, and seven Plays that have been ascribed to him ; with notes by the editor [E. Malone], and others. 2 vol. C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, etc.: London, 1780 . 8 °. 686 . f. 17, 18. -- Stockdale’s Edition of Shakspeare; including, in one volume, the whole of bis Dramatic Works ; with ex¬ planatory notes compiled from various commentators. Embellished with a striking likeness of the author, pp. 1079. J. Stoclcdale: London, 1784 . 8 °. 642. k. 9. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, in ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various com¬ mentators ; to which are added notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. The third edition, revised and augmented by the editor of Dodsley’s Collection of Old Plays [I. Reed]. 10 vol. C. Bathurst, etc. : London, 1785 . 8 °. 642. f. 11-20. - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, in six volumes ; with notes by J. Rann. 6 vol. At the Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1786 . 8 °. 11763. g. - Bell’s Edition of Shakspere. Yol. 1 , 2 . Prolegomena to the Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere. Vol. 3-18. The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere, with the notes of all the various commentators; printed complete from the best editions of Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens. [With plates.] 20 vol. J.Bell: London, 1788 . 12°. 11762. a. - The Plays of William Shakspeare. Accurately printed from the text of Mr. Malone’s edition; with select explanatory notes [by J. Nichols]. 7 vol. J. Rivington & Sons : London, 1790 , 86 . 12°. 642. c. 9. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, in ten volumes ; collated verbatim with the most authentick copies... With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators, to which are added, an Essay on the chronological order of his plays; an Essay relative to Shakespeare and Jonson; a dissertation on the three parts of King Henry vi.; an historical account of the English Stage ; and notes, by E. Malone. (The tragicall hystory of Romeus and Juliet [translated from the Italian by A. Brooke].—Appendix.—Glossarial Index.) 10 vol. J. Rivington & Sons: London, 1790 . 8 °. Vol. 1 is in 2 pt. 80. c. 5-15. - Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works ; with explanatory notes. A new edition. To which is now added, a copious index to the remarkable passages and words, by the Rev. S. Ayscough. Embellished with a striking likeness of Shakspeare from the original folio edition. 3 vol. J. Stoclcdale : London, 1790 . 8 °. 80. i. 20-22. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, complete, in eight volumes. [With plates.] 8 vol. Bellamy & Robarts: London, 1791 . 8 °. 11761. d. 11 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 12 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works ; with explanatory notes. To which is now added, a copious index to the remark¬ able passages and words. By the Rev. S. Ayscough. A new edition. 3 vol. W. Jones: Dublin, 1791 . 8 °. 11762. cc. The pagination is continuous throughout the three vol. -■■■- The Dramatick Works of William Shakespear. Printed complete from the best editions of Samuel Johnson, G. Steevens and E. Malone. To which is prefixed, the Life of the author (by N. Rowe). 8 vol. W. Gordon, etc.: Edinburgh , 1792 . 12°. 11766. aaa. The titlepage of each vol. is engraved. - The Plays of William Shakspeare. In fifteen volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various com¬ mentators. To which are added, notes by Samuel Johnson and G. Steevens. The fourth edition. Revised and augmented, with a glossarial index, by the editor of Dodsley’s Collection of Old Plays [I. Reed]. 15 vol. L. P. T. Longman, etc.: London, 1793 . 8 °. 80. e. 3-17. Only twenty-five large paper copies printed. - [Another copy.] L. P. 681. f. 1-15. With Harding's plates and two portraits of Shakespeare, engraved after Felton's picture, inserted. - [Another copy.] L. P. G. 18662-76. With Harding's plates inserted. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare.. .to which are added an Essay on the chronological order of his plays; an essay relative to Shakspeare and Jonson; a dissertation on the three parts of King Henry vi.; an historical account of the English stage, and notes, by E. Malone. 16 vol. J. Exshaiv : Dublin, 1794 . 8 °. 11761. e. ■ The Plays of William Shakspeare, complete, in eight volumes. 8 vol. Bellamy d Robarts: London, 1796 . 8 °. 11761. d. A duplicate of the 1791 edition, published by Bellamy d Robarts, with new titlepages. - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, in eight volumes : the last containing select explanatory notes. Published by C. Wagner. 8 vol. Brunswick, 1797 - 1801 . 8 °. 11766. c. 16. —— The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the cor¬ rections and illustrations of various commentators. To which are added notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. A new edition, revised and augmented, with a glossarial index, by the editor of Dodsley’s Collection of Old Plays [I. Reed]. 23 vol. J. J. Tourneisen : Basil, mdcccc. [ 1799 ]-! 802 . 8°. 642. g. 1-12. 1 A reissue of the London edition of 1793 , with neio title- pages. —■— [Another copy.] ms. notes [by L. Tieck]. 11761. g. - The Plays of William Shakspeare. (An Essay on the learning of Shakspeare [by R. Farmer].) 12 vol. Vernor A Hood, E. Harding, & J. Wright: London, 1800 , 1798 - 1800 . 8 °. 11761. f. -- The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. Revised by G. Steevens. [Edited by J. Boydell.] L. P. 9 vol. J. & J. Boydell: London, 1802 . fol. 685. k. 6 . - [Another copy.] 76. i. 1-9. - A Collection of Prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. 2 vol. J. d J. Boydell: London, 1803 . fol. The dedication is dated 1805 . Tab. 599. c. - [Another copy.] 4. Tab. 57. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - [A new edition of Shakspeare’s Plays, from the corrected text of Johnson and Steevens, with prints engraved by Mr. Heath.] pt. 1-10. [Ten plays.] \_Heath d Robinson: London, 1802 - 4 .] 4°. 644. m. 6 , 7. Without a titlepage. The above title is taken from the Prospectus, inserted at the beginning of pt. 1 . - The Plays of William Shakspeare. ... With the cor¬ rections and illustrations of various commentators. To which are added, notes by Samuel Johnson and G. Steevens. The fifth edition. Revised and augmented by I. Reed, with a glossarial index. 21 vol. J. Johnson, etc.: London, 1803 . 8 °. 2046. b, c. - [Another copy.] 81. e. 1. - Begin. Some account of the Life, &c., of William Shakspeare. [According to a ms. note on the fly¬ leaf, these are the proof sheets of the preliminary matter to the fifth edition of Shakespeare’s Works by Isaac Reed.] 2 vol. ms. corrections. [ London, 1803 .] 8 °. 1344. f. 12, 13. - The Plays of William Shakspeare accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. With glossarial notes. 10 vol. J. Johnson, etc.: London, 1803 . 12 °. 11761. a. - The Plays of William Shakspeare. (Accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens’s last edition. Illustrated by the prefaces and annotations of the various com¬ mentators.) 10 vol. Wynne d Scholey: London, 1803 - 05 . 8 °. 11762. g. A “ Glossary ” is inserted at the end of vol. 8 . - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steeven’s last edition, with a selection of the most important notes. 20 vol. G. Fleischer the Younger: Leipsick, 1804 - 11 . 16°. 11763. de. 2. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. With a series of engravings, from original designs of H. Fuseli, and a selection of ex¬ planatory aud historical notes; ... a history of the Stage [by E. Malone], a life of Shakspeare, &c., by A. Chalmers. 10 vol. L. P. F. C. d J. Riving ton : London, 1805 . 8 °. 80. f. 8-17. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, with notes of various commentators. Edited by M. Wood. [With plates.] L. P. 14 vol. G. Kearsley: London, 1806 . 8 °. 11763. f. - The Plays of William Shakspeare. 10 vol. P. Wynne d Son: London, 1807 , 03 - 05 . 8 °. 11764. e. A duplicate of the 1803-05 edition published by Wynne d Scholey, with a new titlepage to vol. 1 , bearing the date 1807 , and new frontispieces to “ Much Ado about Nothing,” and “ A Midsummer Night's Dream.” - M r William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories Tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. 3 pt. Isaac laggard and Ed. Blount: London printed, 1623 ; [reprinted, 1807 .] fol. A reprint of the first folio edition. 11765. k. 3. - [Another copy.] 11765. k. 2. Printed on India paper. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: with explanatory notes. To which is added, a copious index to the remarkable passages and words, by S. Ayscough. 2 vol. ms. notes [by S. T. Coleridge]. J. Stockdale: London, 1807 . 8 °. C. 61. h. 7. -The Family Shakespeare. [Expurgated by T. Bowdler] 4 vol. R. Cruttwell: Bath, for J. Hatchard: London, 1807 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 2L 13 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 14 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Plays of William Shakespeare, from the correct edition of I. Reed. L. P. 12 vol. Vernon, Hood & Sliarpe, etc. : London, 1809 . 8 °. 11763. c. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. With glossarial notes and a sketch of the life of Shakspeare. 8 vol. J. Nichols & Son, etc. : London, 1811 . 12 °. 11761. a. - The Plays of William Shakspeare ... with the cor¬ rections and illustrations of various commentators. To wich are added notes by Samuel Johnson and G. Steevens. Revised and augmented by I. Reed, with a glossarial index. The sixth edition. L. P. 21 vol. J. Nichols & Son, etc.: London, Weyhridge, 1813 . 8 °. 81. f. 1 - 21 . Imperfect; wanting the half-titles to each vol. Vol. 11-21 pnnted at Weyhridge. - [Another copy.] copious ms. notes [by T. Caldecott]. 11762. dd. & 11763. dd. Imperfect; to anting pp. 1-198 of vol. 8 , and pp. 1-398 of vol. 18, icith their titlepages. Also the half-title to vol. 4. Vol. 4-21 are interleaved. - [Another copy of pp. 1-174 of vol. iv., containing “The Tempest.” Interleaved.] ms. notes [by W. Gifford], C. 45. f. 13. - The Plays of William Shakspeare_Printed from the text of I. Reed. 6 vol. C. Williams: Boston [Mass.], 1813 . 12°. 11761. a. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare . . . Whit- tingham’s edition. (Remarks on the life and writings of William Shakspeare ... by J. Britton.) 7 vol. C . Whittingham: Chiswiclc, 1814 . 16°. 11763. a. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens’s last edition, with a selection of the most important notes. [With plates.] 20 vol. Anton Doll : Vienna, 1814 . 16°. 11761. de. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare . .. Whit- tingham’s edition. 7 vol. C. Whittingham : Chiswick, 1818 . 12°. - 641. a. 1.8-24. —— The Family Shakspeare in ten volumes; in which nothing is added to the original text; but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family. By T. Bowdler. Second edition. 10 vol. ' Longman & Co. : London, 1820 . 12°. il761. aa. 1. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, from the con’ect edition of Isaac Reed, Esq. With copious annotations. (Stereotype edition.) 12 vol. J. Walker, etc.: London, 1821 . 8 °. 11762. cc. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, to which are added his miscellaneous poems. 6 vol. J. Walker, etc. : London, 1821 . 12°. 11763. a. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, to which are added his miscellaneous poems. (Life of William Shakspeare, by Mr. N. Rowe.) pp. vii. 794. Sherwin <& Co.: London, 1821 . 8 °. 11763. g. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators: comprehending a life of the poet and an enlarged history of the stage by the late E. Malone, with a new glossarial index. [Edited by J. Boswell.] 21 vol. F. C. & J. Rivington: London, 1821 . 8 °. 2046. b. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, from the text of Johnson, Stevens and Reed. With glossarial notes, his life, and a critique on his genius and writings, by N. Rowe. pp. 971. Jones and Co.: London, 1823 . 8 °. 11763. li. 26. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With a glossary, pp. G 66 . C. Whittingham: Chiswick, 1823 . 8 °. 11761. d. 2. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. With glossarial notes. (Some account of the life of Shakspeare, written by Mr. Rowe. Dr. Johnson’s preface to his edition of Shakspeare’s plays.) 10 vol. F. C. & J. Rivington, etc.: London, 1823 . 12 °. 11763. b. - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, from the text of Johnson and Stevens [sic], pp. xii. 1062. Black, Younq & Young: London, 1824 . 12°. 11765. aa. 20. - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, printed from the text of S. Johnson, G. Steevens, and I. Reed. (An Appendix .. . Contents: The Life of the Author by A. Skottowe; his Miscellaneous Poems; A Critical Glossary, etc.) 2 vol. E. Fleischer: Leipsic, 1824 - 26 . 8 °. 11761. h. 2. - [Shakespeare’s Plays, with notes by H. Neele. With engraved plates.] pp. 1-322 [four plays]. [ London, 1824 .] 8 °. 11764. h. 14. No more published. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare; with notes .. . selected from the most eminent commentators : to w'hich is prefixed a life of the author, by the Rev. W. Harness, etc. 8 vol. Saunders & Otley : London, 1825 . 8 °. 642. g. 13-20. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. (Preface to Shakespeare by Dr. Samuel Johnson.; 11 vol. W. Pickering: London, 1825 . 8 °. 11761. c. - The Plays of Shakespeare. [With engravings, prin¬ cipally from designs by Stothard.] 9 vol. W. Pickering: London, 1825 . 32°. 11764. a. Printed on India paper. - The Works of Shakspeare ; from the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. With a biogi-aphical memoir, and a variety of interesting matter, illustrative of his life and writings. By W. Harvey, pp. lxxx. 896. Published for the Proprietors of the “ London Stage,” by Sherwood, Jones & Co.: London, 1825 . 8 °. 642. f. 21. - The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, pp. 783. William Pickering: London, 1826 . 12°. 11764. bb. 10. With a second titlepage, engraved. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies, left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. and E. Malone, Esq. With a glossary, pp. 791. xii. Hurst, Robinson & Co.: London , 1826 . 8 °. With a second titlepage, engraved. 11763. bb. 6 . - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies left by the late G. Steevens, Esq., and E. Malone, Esq. With Mr. Malone’s various readings; a selection of explanatory and historical notes from the most eminent commen¬ tators ; a history of the stage [by E. Malone] and a life of Shakspeare. By A. Chalmers. A new edition. 8 vol. C. & J. Rivington, etc.: London, 1826 . 8 °. 11764. f. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With notes, original and selected, by S. W. Singer, f.s.a., and a life of the poet by C. Symmons. 10 vol. C. Whittingham: Chiswick, 1826 . 12 °. 642. c. 16-25. 15 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 16 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Dramatic Works of William Skakspeare ; accurately printed from the text of Dr. S. Johnson, G. Steevens, Esq., and I. Reed, Esq. ; with explanatory and glossarial notes, a sketch of his life, an essay on his writings, and a literary and historical notice prefixed to each play. Newly arranged ... and ... edited by C. H. Wheeler. Illustrated by.. .engravings by Thompson, from designs by Thurston, pp. xii. 908. R. Thurston, etc.: London, 1827 . 8 °. 11763. g. - [Another copy, with a different portrait of Shakespeare, a different titlepage bearing the imprint: “ Printed at the Caxton Press by H. Fisher: London, 1827,” and without the engravings.] - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. With a life (by C. Symmons) and glossary. 8 vol. C. & 0. Whittingham: Chiswick, 1828 . 16°. 11764. a. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare; with glossorial [s?c] notes, a sketch of his life, & an estimate of his writings. Newly arranged and edited. [With woodcuts.] pp. xii. 908. Fisher, Son & Co.: London, Paris, New York, [ 1829 .] 8 °. 11766. i. 33. A reprint of the 1827 edition edited by C. H. Wheeler. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. (With notes, original and selected, by S. W. Singer.) 10 vol. Bronner: Francfort 0 . M., 1829 - 31 . 8 °. 11761. df. - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens last edition, with historical and grammatical explanatory notes in German, by J. M. Pierre, vol. 1 - 8 . J. D. Sauerlsender : Francfort o. 31., 1830 - 40 . 12°. 11765. aa. 3. No more published. - The Comedies, Histories and Tragedies of Shakespeare. [With engravings after designs by T. Stothard and others.] W. Pickerinq : London, 1831 . 8 °. 11764. bb. Printed on India paper. With a second titlepage, engraved. - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. pp. 791. xii. T. Tegg: London, 1831 . 8°. 011765. e. 1. The titlepage is engraved. - The Family Shakspeare . . . By T. Bowdler ... Sixth edition, pp. viii. 910. Longman & Co.: London, 1831 . 8 °. 11761. f. - The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare. With a life, glossarial notes, and ... illustrations from the plates in Boydell’s edition. Edited by A. J. Yalpy. 15 vol. A. J. Valpy: London, 1832 - 34 . 12°. 641. c. 1-7. —— The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakspeare, with notes, original and selected, and introductory re¬ marks to each play by S. W. Singer, f.s.a., and a life of the poet, by C. Symmons. 2 vol. G. Dearborn : New York, 1834 . 8 °. 11765. h. •- The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare; with historical notices, glossarial notes, etc. Magnet edition. 5 vol. W. M. Clark: London, 1834 - 36 . 16°. 11763. a. - A Penny Shakspeare; complete, with life, glossary, &c. pt. 1-4 [six plays]. [1835 ?] See Penny National Library. The Penny National Library, etc. vM. 8 . [ 1830 ?] 8 °. _ 1157. 1. 8 . Imperfect; wanting all after pt. 4. - The Complete Works of William Shakspeare. Printed from the text of the most renowned editors, with . . . engravings, accounts historical and explanatory of each play, a copious and elaborate glossary, and the author’s life [by C. Symmons]. pp. xvi. 1105. Baumgartner: Leipzig, 1837 . 8 °. 11762. g. 2. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies left by the late G. Steevens Esq., and E. Malone Esq. With Mr. Malone’s various readings; a selection of explanatory and historical notes from the most eminent commentators; a history of the stage [by C. Malone] and a life of Shakspeare ; by A. Chalmers, f.s.a. New edition. 8 vol. Longman & Co., etc.: London, 1837 . 8 °. 11766. h. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With, remarks on his life and writings by T. Campbell, pp. lxix. 960. E. Moxon: London, 1838 . 8 °. With a second titlepage, engraved. 841. i. 9. - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. 6 vol. T. T. Ash & H. F. Anners: Philadelphia, 1838 . 32°. 11764. a. - - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. From the text of the corrected copies of Steevens and Malone, with a life of the poet, by C. Symmons, d.d. The Seven Ages of Man ; embellished with elegant engravings, and a glossary, pp. xx. 844. J. Conner : New York, 1839 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 10. - The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere, edited by C. Knight. (Histories, 2 vol. Comedies, 2 vol. Tragedies. Poems, 2 vol. Doubtful plays, etc. 1 vol. William Shakspere, a biography, 1 vol.) 8 vol. C. Knight & Co.: London, [ 1839 -J 42 . 8 °. 2300. g. - The Complete Works of William Shakspeare : with Dr. Johnson’s preface; a glossary, and an account of each play ; and a memoir of the author, by the Rev. W. Harness, etc. pp. xxxvi. 926. Scott, Webster and Geary : London, 1840 . 8 °. 11763. h. 5. - Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. Second edition. 12 vol. C. Knight & Co.: London, 1842 - 44 . 8 °. 2046. d. - Knight’s Cabinet Edition of the Works of William Shakspere. 10 vol. C. Knight d Co.: London, 1843 . 16°. 1344. b. 27-36*. - The Works of Shakspere revised from the best au¬ thorities : with a memoir, and essay on his genius, by Barry Cornwall: and, annotations and introductory remarks on the plays, by distinguished writers: illus¬ trated with engravings on wood, from designs by Kenny Meadows. 3 vol. R. Tyas : London, 1843 . 8 °. 841. k. 21-23. - [Another copy.] C. 43. d. 19-21. Printed on India paper, on one side of the page only. - The Dramatic Works of W. Shakspeare, with remarks on his life and writings by T. Campbell. [With plates.] pp. 828. Baudry's European Library : Paris, 1843 . 8 °. 11763. h. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspere. (The life of Shakspere by C. Symmons, d.d.) 37 pt. Brothers Schumann: Leipsic, [ 1843 , 44*] 16°. 11766. a. 12. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare; with a life of the poet [abridged from that by Dr. Symmons], and notes, original and selected [mainly from Singer’s edition. Edited by O. W. Peabody]. 7 vol. C. C. Little & J. Brown : Boston [Mass.], 1844 . 8 °. 11761. f. - The Complete Works of William Shakspeare, with ex¬ planatory and historical notes by the most eminent com¬ mentators accurately printed from the . . . edition of A. Chalmers. (Life of Shakspeare by A. Chalmers.) 2 vol. Baudry's European Library: Paris, 1844 . 8 °. 11764. k. 1. 17 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 18 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Works of William Shakespeare.- The text formed from an entirely new collation of the old editions : with the various readings, notes, a life of the poet, and a history of the early English Stage, by J. P. Collier. (Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare’s plays, from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in the possession of J. P. Collier ... Forming a supplemental volume.) 9 vol. Whittaker d Co.: London, 1844 , 42 - 53 . 8 °. 11764. f. - [Another copy.] ms. notes [by J. P. Collier]. 11765. dd. In this copy the titlepage to the supplemental volume hears the words: “ Second edition, revised and enlarged .” Letters from various correspondents to J. P. Collier are inserted. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare : with introductory notices, glossary and notes, illustrations, etc. ... Edited by J. S. Moore, pt. 1 , 2 , and 4. J. C. Moore: London, 1846 . 8 °. 11762. g. 4. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and all after p. 102 of the Historical Plays, and pt. 3, containing the Tragedies. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With remarks on his life and writings by T. Campbell. A new edition, pp. lxxx. 960. E. Moxon : London, 1848 . 8 °. 11765. dd. 10. -- The Plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies, left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. and E. Malone, Esq. With a glossary, pp. 791. xii. W. Tegg d Co.: London, 1849 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 11. —— The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare; from the text of the corrected copies of Stevens and Malone. With a life of the poet by C. Symmons, d.d. ; the Seven Ages of Man embellished with engravings ; also, a glossary, pp. xx. 844. S. Andrus & Son : Hartford [Gown.], 1849 . 12°. 11764. b. - The Complete Works of Shakespeare. [Edited by A. S., i.e. Anna Swanwick ?] With a memoir by A. Chalmers, pp. xii. 708. E. G. Bohn: London, 1851 . 8 °. 11762. e. 5. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ; from the text of Johnson, Stevens [sic], and Reed; with glossarial notes, life, etc. A new edition, by W. Hazlitt. 4 vul. G. Routledge d Co.: London, 1851 . 8 °. 1155. k. -- The Plays of William Shakspeare, collated from the editions of the late G. Steevens, Esq., E. Malone, Esq., and Dr. Samuel Johnson. A sketch of the author’s life, and glossarial notes, with introductory observations on each play written expressly for this edition. The whole revised by S. Maunder, pp. x. 716. L. A. Lewis: London, 1851 . 8 °. 11766. h. 31. - The Works of Shakespeare. The text carefully re¬ stored according to the hrst editions; with introduc¬ tions, notes original and selected, and a life of the poet; by the Rev. H. N. Hudson. 11 vol. J. Munroe & Co.: Boston [Mass.], 1851 . 12°. 11761. e. 1. Imperfect; wanting vol. 3-11. - Tallis’s Acting Edition of Shakspere, as produced at the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane, whilst under the management of W. C. Macready, etc. pt. 1 , 2 [“Hamlet” and “Macbeth”]. J. Tallis & Co.; London, [ 1851 .] 8 °. 11764. b. 9. No more published. - The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. The National Edition. [Illustrated.] 6 vol. C. Knight: London, 1851 , 52 . 8 °. 11762. f. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Complete Works of Shakspere, revised from the original editions. With historical and analytical intro¬ ductions to each play, also notes explanatory and critical, and a life of the poet. By J. O. Halliwell, and other eminent commentators. (The doubtful plays of Shakspere .. .revised. Accompanied with.. .introductions. . .and notes.. .by H. Tyrrell.) 4 vol. J. Tallis d Co. : London and New York, [ 1851 - 53 .] 8 °. 2300. h. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With a glossary. [Edited by W. White.] pp. viii. 1124. W. White: London, 1852 . 8 °. 11762. e. 7. - Vickers’s Penny Shakspeare. 33 no. [33 plays.] G. Vickers: London, [ 1852 .] 12 °. 11762. a. - The Complete Works of Shakespeare; revised from the original text. With introductory remarks and copious notes ... by S. Phelps, Esq. ... With ... engravings, designed by T. H. Nicholson. 2 vol. Willoughby d Co.: London, [ 1852 - 54 .] 8 °. 11764. g. —— The Plays of Shakespeare; the text regulated by the old copies, and by the recently discovered folio of 1632, containing early manuscript emendations. Edited by J. P. Collier, pp. xv. 884. Whittaker d Co. : London, 1853 . 8 °. 2300. f. For the controversy excited by this edition, See infra: Appendix.—Collier Controversy. - The Plays of Shakspere, carefully revised from the best authorities. With a numerous selection of en¬ gravings on wood from designs by K. Meadows. (A memoir of, and essay on the genius of, Shakspere [by Barry Cornwall, i.e. Bryan Waller Procter].) [Edited by J. O.] 2 vol. W. S. Orr d Co. : London, 1853 . 8 °. 841. 1. 17, 18. - Shakspeare’s Werke im Englischen, nach den besten Quellen berichtigten Text. Mit kritischen und erlau- ternden Anmerkungen von Dr. H. Ulrici. Erst s Bandchen : Romeo und Julie, pp. x. 200. C. E. M. Pfeffer: Halle, 1853 . 8 °. 11765. b. 34. No more published. - The Family Shakspeare. By T. Bowdler. 6 vol. Longman d Co.: London, 1853 . 16°. 11761. e. - The Works of William Shakespeare; the text formed from a new collation of the early editions : to which are added, all the original novels and tales, on which the plays are founded ; copious archaeological annotations on each play; an essay on the formation of the text; and a life of the poet. By J. O. Halliwell. .. The illus¬ trations and wood-engravings by F. W. Fairholt. 16 vol. Printed for the Editor by C. d J. Adlard: London, 1853 - 65 . fol. C. 44. i. No. 67 of 150 copies printed. The plates in this copy are printed on India paper. - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. The text regulated by the old copies and by the recently discovered folio of 1632, containing manuscript emenda¬ tions. With notes, selected and original, a ... glossary, the poet’s life (by C. Symmons) and portrait. [Edited by Dr. D., i.e. Nicolaus Delius.] pp. xx. 1060. Baumgartner: Leipzig, 1854 . 8 °. 11762. g. 3. - The Stratford Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. 20 vol. T. Hodgson: London, 1854 - 56 . 8 °. 11762. b. - Specimen. The Stratford Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. To be published in twelve monthly volumes, etc. London, 1853 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 12. - Shakspere’s Werke. Herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius. 7 Bde. L. Friderichs: Elberfeld, 1854 - 61 . 8 °. 2300. f. 19 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 20 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Dramatic W T orks of William Shakespeare. The text carefully revised, with notes, by S. W. Singer. The Life-of the poet and critical essays on the plays by W. W. Lloyd. (With vignettes engraved on wood by J. Thompson from drawings by Stothard.) 10 vol. Bell & Daldy : London, 1856 . 8 °. 2046. a. - The Works of Shakespeare. The text regulated by the recently discovered folio of 1632, containing early manu¬ script emendations. With a history of the stage, a life of the poet, and an introduction to each play, by J. P. Colliei-. To which are added, glossarial and other notes, and the readings of former editions, pp. cvii. 968. Redfield: New York, 1856 . 8 °. 11763. g. - The Works of William Shakspere, dramatic and poetical, with an account of his life and writings. Knight’s Cabinet Edition, with additional notes [by W. and R. Chambers]. 12 vol. IF. & R. Chambers : Edinburgh, 1856 . 16°. 11763. b. -The Works of William Shakspeare, complete. Accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late G. Steevens. With a memoir by A. Chalmers, pp. ix. J. W. Sewell: Cincinnati, 1857 . 8 °. 11763. g. - The Works of William Shakespeare. The text revised by the Rev. A. Dyce. 6 vol. E. Moxon : London, 1857 . 8 °. 11763. dd. - The Complete Works of Shakespeare.. .With a memoir and essay on his genius by Barry Cornwall, also his¬ torical and critical studies of Shakespeare’s text, charac¬ ters and commentators, annotations and introductory remarks on the plays, by R. G. White, R. H. Horne and various other distinguished writers. Illustrated by K. Meadows. 2 vol. The London Printing & Publishing Company: London, [ 1857 - 59 .] 8 °. 11765. h. - The College Shakspeare. In which . . . those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with pro¬ priety be read before young students. With copious English explanatory notes by Dr. 0. Fiebig. vol. 1 ., containing Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, pp. vi. 231. T. Thomas: Leipsic, 1857 . 8 °. 11765. c. 7. No more published. - Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. Edited by J. P. Collier. Second edition. 6 vol. Whittaker & Co.: London, 1858 . 8 °. 2046. d. - The Plays of Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staunton ; the illustrations by John Gilbert; engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. 3 vol. G. Routledge & Co. : London, 1858 - 60 . 8 °. 11764. g. -- Shakespeare’s Works. Edited, with a scrupulous re¬ vision of the text, by M. Cowden Clarke, pp. Ixi. 1002 . D. Appleton & Co. : New York, i 860 . 8 °. 11764. i. - The Plays of William Shakespeare. Uitgegeven en verklaard door C. W. Opzoomer. 3 stuk. [Three plays.] Gebroeders Binger: Amsterdam, 1860 - 72 . 12°. 11762. bb. 28. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare : adapted for family reading by T. Bowdler.. .New edition, with steel engravings, pp. 864. R. Griffin & Co.: London [printed] and Glasgow, 1861 [i 860 ]. 8 P . 11764. c. - Chambers’s Household Edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by R. Carruthers and W. Chambers. Illustrated by Keeley Halswelle. 10 vol. W. & R. Chambers: London and Edinburgh, 1861 — 63 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 1. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: with life and a copious glossary. [With plates.] pp. kxiii. 1061. T. Nelson & Sons: London, Edinburgh, & New York, 1863 . 8 °. 11763. g. 3. SHAKESPEARE (WTlliam) [Works.] - The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by W. G. Clark and J. Glover. (Yol. 2-9 edited by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright.) 9 vol. Macmillan & Co.: Cambridge and London, 1863 - 66 . 8 °. 2046. e. The Cambridge Shakespeare. - The Works of William Shakespeare. The text revised by the Rev. A. Dyce. . .Second edition. 9 vol. Chapman & Hall: London, 1864 [ 1863 ]— 67 . 8 °. 2046. c. - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. From the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. With bio¬ graphical sketch, by M. Cowden Clarke, pp. xx. 715. IF. P. Nimmo : Edinburgh, 1864 . 8 °. 11763. h. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, with copious glossarial notes and biographical notice. By R. Inglis. Eight steel engravings, pp. viii. 934. Gall & Inglis: Edinburgh, [ 1864 .] 8 °. 11765. e. -[Another edition.] 2 vol. Gall & Inglis: Edinburgh, [ 1864 .] 16°. 11765. aaa. 29. - The Plays of William Shakespeare. Carefully edited by T. Keightley. 6 vol. Bell & Daldy : London, 1 864 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. - The Reference Shakspere : a memorial edition of Shakspere’s plays, containing 11600 references. Com¬ piled by J. B. Marsh. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. : London, 1864 . 8 °. 11763. h. - Shakespeare as put forth in 1623. A reprint of Mr. W r illiam Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. 3 pt. Reprinted for L. Booth: London, 1 864 . 4°. 2300. e. - The Works of William Shakespeare, complete. Ac¬ curately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late G. Steevens, Esq. With a memoir by A. Chalmers. [With portrait and illustrations.] pp. x. 980. D. Appleton dk Co.: New-York, [ 1864 .] 8 °. 11764. h. - The Works of William Shakespeare. ' Edited by Howard Staunton. With copious notes, glossary, life, &c. 4 vol. Routledge, Warne & Routledge : London, 1864 . 8°. 2046. d. - The Globe edition. The Works of WTlliam Shakespeare. Edited b}’ W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright. pp. viii. 1079. Macmillan & Co.: Cambridge and London, 1864 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited, with a scrupulous revision of the text, by C. and M. Cowden Clarke. 4 vol. Bickers & Son : London, 1864 . 8 °. 11762. cc. - [Another edition.] pp. Ixi. 1002. Bickers & Son : London, 1864 . 8 °. 2300. f. - Cassell’s Illustrated Shakespeare. The Plays of Shakespeare. Edited and annotated by C. and M. Cowden Clarke. .. Illustrated by II. C. Selous. (The Story of Shakespeare’s Life.) 3 vol. Cassell, Petter & Galpin : London, [ 1864 - 68 .] 4°. 11765. h. 21. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With biographical introduction, by H. Glassford Bell. 6 vol. Porteous Brothers: Glasgow, 1865 . 12°. 11762. aa. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. Edited by T. Keightley. pp. viii. 943. Bell & Daldy : London, 1865 . 8 °. 11763. i. - The Works of William Shakespeare. . .Edited.. .by R. G. White. 12 vol. Little, Brown <£• Co.: Boston [Mass.], 1865 . 8 °. 2046. a. 21 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 22 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Works of William Shakespeare. The Plays edited from the folio of mdcxxiii., with various readings from all the editions and all the commentators, notes, intro¬ ductory remarks, a historical sketch of the text, an account of the rise and progress of the English drama, a memoir of the poet, and an e.-say upon his genius. By R. G. White. 12 vol. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston [.Mass.], 1865-57-61. 8°. 11763 . c. - Shakespeare. The first collected edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. A reproduc¬ tion in exact fac-simile of the famous first folio, 1623, by the newly-discovered process of photo-lithography. Executed . . . under the superintendence of Howard Staunton. 3 pt. Ban & Son : London, 1866 . fol. 2044. g. - [Another copy.] 11765. k. 4. - The Globe edition. The Works of William Shake¬ speare, edited by W. G. Clark and W. Aid is Wright, pp. viii. 1075. Macmillan & Co.: London and Cambridge, 18 66 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 3. - The Works of William Shakespeare. The text regulated by the Folio of 1632; with readings from former editions, a history of the stage, a life of the poet, and an introduction to each play. To which are added glossorial [sic] and other notes, by Knight, Dyce, Collier, Halliwell, Hunter and Richardson. 8 vol. W. J. Widdleton: New York, 1866 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. - The Handy-Volume Shakspeare. [Edited by Q. D.] 13 vol. Bradbury, Evans & Co.: London, 1866 , 67 . 16°. 11764. a. - The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. The second edition, revised. 0 vol. G. Routledge & Sons: London, 1867 . 8 °. 841. 1. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Kuight. Blackfriars Edition, pp. viii. 1073. G. Routledge & Sons: London , 1867 . 8 °. 11763. b. •- The Complete Works of Shakspere. With a memoir. pp. xii. 1007. J. Dicks: London, 1868 . 8 °. 11763. b. - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. From the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. With bio¬ graphical sketch, b}’ M. Cowden Clarke, pp. xx. 715. C. Griffin & Co.: London, [ 1868 .] 8 °. 11764. h. - The Works of William Shaksptere. Edited by C. Knight. pp. iv. 764. G. Routledge & Sons: London, 1868 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. “ Routledge 1 s Skilling Shakspere .” - [Another copy, with Sir John Gilbert’s illustrations.] 11765. aa. - The Works of William Shakespeare, from the text of ...A. Dyce’s second edition. 7 vol. 1868. See British Authors. Collection of British Authors, vol. 40-46. 1841 , 6 * 0 . 16°. 12267.n. - The Works of William Shakspeare. Life, glossary, &c. Reprinted from the original edition, and compared with all recent Commentators, pp. xvi. 748. 1868. See Ch andos Classics. “ Chandos Classics.” 1868 , etc. 8 °. 12204. ff. 1. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, with copious glossarial notes and a biographical notice by R. Inglis. Six steel engravings, pp. 944. Gall A Inglis: London; Edinburgh, [ 1871 .] 8 °. 11766. b. 7. - [Shakespeare’s Works. Edited by W. J. Rolfe.] 40 vol. Harper and Brothers: New York, 1871 - 96 . 8 °. 011765. g. 4. - [Another copy, with new titlepages bearing the im¬ print: W. B. Clive: London.] [ 189 6 , etc.] In progress. 11763. ee. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. Edited by H. H. Furness. J. B. Lippincott & Co.: Philadelphia, 1871 , 6 * 0 . 8 °. 2300. g. In progress. - The Globe edition. The Works of William Shake¬ speare, edited by W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright, pp. viii. 1075. Macmillan A Co.: London and Cambridge, 1873 . 8 °. 2300. a. - The Library Shakspeare. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, G. Cruikshank, and R. Dudley. [With coloured plates.] 3 vol. W. Mackenzie: London, [ 1873 - 75 .] 4°. 11764. m. 1. —— - The Works of Shakspere. Imperial edition. Edited by C. Knight. With illustrations on steel from pictures by C. W. Cope, W. P. Frith, C. R. Leslie,. . .and others. (A biography of William Shakspere by C. Knight... revised.) 2 vol. Virtue & Co.: London, [ 1873 - 76 .] fol. 1871. f. 1. —— The Reference Shakespeare: a self-interpreting edition of Shakespeare’s plays, containing 11,600 references compiled by J. B. Marsh. (Second edition.) col. 1842. E. E. Barrett: London, 1874 . 8 °. 2300. e. — — The Plays of William Shakespeare. Edited and anno¬ tated by C. and M. Cowden Clarke. Illustrated bv H. C. Selous. 3 vol. Cassell, Petter A Galpin. London, [ 1874 - 78 .] 4°. 11765. i. 2. —— The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. With.. .illustrations by Sir John Gilbert [and preface signed, W. B. S., i.e. William Bell Scott]. 2 vol. G. Routledge & Sons: London, 1875 [ 1874 ]. 8 °. 11766. lc. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. Printed in phonography or phonetic shorthand. [Containing “ The Tempest,” “ The Two Gentlemen of Verona,” and a portion of “ Macbeth.”] pp. 128. J. Thomas: Birmingham, 1875 . 8 °. 11762. a. 6 . No more published. - The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. The text care¬ fully revised, with notes, by S. W. Singer. . .With a life by W. W. Lloyd. 10 vol. G. Bell and Sons: London, 1875 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With biographical introduction by H. Glassford Bell. 6 vol. W. Collins, Sons & Co.: London and Glasgow, 1875 . 8 °. 11764. aa. 1. A duplicate, with new titlepages, of the 1865 edition published by Porteous Brothers, Glasgow. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited with ... revision of the text by C. and M. Cowden Clarke. The Leicester Square edition ; with portrait and.. .illustra¬ tions from the Boydell Gallery in permanent photo¬ graphy. pp. lxi. 1002 . Bickers & Son: London, 1875 . 8 °. 11766. i. 1. - The Works of William Shakspeare. Life, glossary, &c. Reprinted from the early editions, and compared with recent commentators. Y\ itli a steel portrait, pp. xii. 1124. F. Warne A Co.: London, [ 1875 .] 8 °. Part of the “ Chandos Poets." 11764. cc. - The Complete Works of Shakspeare: containing the celebrated illustrations of Kenny Meadows, Frith, Nicholson, Corbould, Ilayter, etc. etc.; and portraits, from photographs, of eminent actors. (A memoir of and essay on the genius of Shakspeare, by B. W. Procter.) 3 vol. The London Printing and Publishing Company: London, [ 1875 - 80 .J 4°. 11764. m. 2. - The Complete Works of William Shakspeare . .. With explanatory and critical notes ; and a. . .biography. . . Illustrated with . . . chromo-engravings designed ex¬ pressly for this edition. 2 vol. J. G. Murdoch: London, 1876 . 4°. 11765. i. 1„ 23 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 24 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The First Edition of Shakespeare. The Works of William Shakespeare in reduced facsimile from the famous first folio edition of 1623. With an introduction by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. 3 pt. Chatto dk Windus : London, 1876 . 8 °. C. 34. i. - Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works. With 370 illustrations by the late F. Howard, r.a., and with explanatory notes, parallel passages, historical and critical illustrations, a copious glossary, biographical sketch, and indexes. “The Howard Shakspeare.” [Edited by W. H. Daven¬ port Adams.] pp. xvi. 1421. T. Nelson dk Sons: London, 1876 . 8 °. 11764. ccc. 1. The half-title reads: “ The Annotated Household Shak- speare.” - The Works of William Shakespeare, complete. With life and glossary, pp. viii. 974. Ward, Lock dk Tyler : Ljondon, [ 1876 .] 8 °. 11764. e. 1. - The Leopold Shakspere. The poet’s works, in chrono¬ logical order, from the text of Professor Delius, with “ The Two Noble Kinsmen ” and “ Edward 111 .,” and an introduction by F. J. Furnivall. Illustrated, pp. cxxvi. 1056. Cassell, Petter & Galpin : London, Paris, & New York, [ 1877 .] 8 °. 2046. c. - [Another copy, with a different frontispiece.] 11764. h. 10. - The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare . . . Edited by S. C. Mullick. No. 29. King Henry vm., pt. 11 . Sonatun Press : Calcutta, 1878 . 8 °. 11764. h. 12. —— The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, with the purest text and the briefest notes. Edited by J. P. Collier. 8 vol. Privately printed for the Subscribers: London, 1878 . 4°. 2300. d. One of 58 copies printed. - The Harnnet Shakspere : according to 1 the first folio (spelling modernised). Edited by A. P. Paton. Edmonston dk Co.: Edinburgh, 1879 [ 1877 ], etc. 8 °. Ln progress. 11765. d. 1. —— [Another copy of vol. 1.] 11763. h. 2. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Id. Staunton. With copious notes, glossary, life, &c. 6 vol. G. Routledge dk Sons: London, [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11762. h. 1. - The Works of William Shakespeare. From the text of Clark and Wright. With a copious glossary [by J. M. Jephson]. . .and an index to the characters in each play. American edition, pp. vi. 1097. T. J. Crowell: New York, [ 1879 .] &°- 11763. df. 30. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited, with critical notes and introductory notices, by W. Wagner (and L. Proescholdt [vol. 3-12].) 12 vol. K. Gradener: Hamburg, 1879 - 91 . 8 °. 11761. bb. Part of “ Asher s Collection of British Authors." - The Complete Works of Shakespeare. With a critical biography by W. M. Ros[s]etti. Glossary and . . . illustrations, pp. xvi. 984. [1880.] See Moxon (e.) Moxon’s Popular Poets. [ 1879 , etc.] 8 °. 11604. ee. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight, pp. 764. Routledge & Sons: London, [ 1880 .] 8 °. 11609. f. Part of the “ Excelsior Series.” •- The Works of Shakespeare. Edited from the best texts. With a glossary. 12 vol. W. Kent & Co. : London, 1880 . 16°. 11761. aa. 2. ■- The Royal Shakspere. The poet’s works in chrono¬ logical order, from the text of Piofessor Delius. With the Two Noble Kinsmen and Edward ill., and an intro¬ duction by F. J. Furnivall.. .With illustrations, etc. 3 vol. Cassell d Co.: London, Paris & New York, [ 1880 - 84 .] 8 °. 11761. i. 1. SHAKESPEARE ("William) [Works.] - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. With a life of the poet, explanatory foot-notes, critical notes, and a glossarial index. Harvard edition. By. . .H. N. Hudson. 20 vol. Ginn, Heath & Co.: Boston [Mass.], 1881 . 8 °. 2300. c. - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, with... notes. . .by R. Inglis. pp. 944. Gall & Lnglis . Edinburgh, [ 1882 .] 8 °. 11765. bob. 17 - Sir John Gilbert’s Shakespeare. The Works of Shake¬ speare, edited by H. Staunton, with ... illustrations by Sir John Gilbert, pp. 675. Routledge dk Sons : London, 1882 . 4°. 11765. g. 5. - [Another copy.] See Routledge (g.) and Sons. Rout- ledge’s Sixpenny Series. [ 1882 , etc.] 4°. 12205. 1. - Shakspere’s Werke. Herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius. Fiinfte . .. Anflage. 2 Bde. R. L. Fridericlis : Elberfeld, 1882 . 8 °. 11765. ff. 13. - Shakspere’s Works. [From the text of Delius.] 12 vol. Kegan Paul & Co. : London, 1882 , 83 . 8 °. 2318. aa. Part of the Parchment Library. - [Another copy.] L. P. 11765. d. Imperfect; wanting vol. 7 and 12. - The Complete Works of Shakespeare, revised from the original text; with introductory remarks, and copious notes ... by S. Phelps. With illustrations by H. K. Browne, etc. Ward, Lock dk Co.: London, [ 1882 — 84 .] 8 °. 11764. i. 5. - The Works of William Shakspere, edited by C. Knight. .. .With illustrations by Sir John Gilbert. 3 vol. Routledge dk Sons: London, 1883 [ 1882 ]. 8 °. 11764. ccc. 2. - Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. The text of the first edition. Illustrated with etchings. 8 vol. W. Paterson: Edinburgh, 1883 . 8 °. 11764. h. 9. - The Leopold Shakspere ... From the text of Professor Delius. With “The Two Noble Kinsmen” and “ Edward in.” ; and an introduction by F. J. Furnivall. Illustrated. Thirty-second thousand, pp. cxxxvi. 1056. Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.: London, [ 1883 .] 8 °. 11763. bbb. 1. - Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems. The text newly edited with ... notes by R. G. White. (“ The Riverside Shakespeare.”) 3 vol. Sampson LjOW dk Co.: London ; [ Cambridge , Mass, printed,] 1883 . 8 °. 2300. b. - Shakespeare’s Plays, vol. I., II. [Ten plays.] J. Cameron: Glasgoio, [ 1883 .] 8 °. 11765. d. - The Student's Shakspeare. pt. 1 . The Tragedy of Othello.. .Edited, with notes by R. Mnngan. pp. x. 179. Sonnenschein dc Co. : London, 1883 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 2. No more published. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight, pp. x. 1073. Routledge dk Sons : London, 1883 . 8 °. 11.607. f. 8 . - The Works of William Shakespeare from the text of . . . Dyce’s fourth edition, and an arrangement of his glossary in each volume, with a life of the poet, and an account of each play, by A. R. Macfarlane. 7 vol. H. Holt & Co.: New York, 1885 . 8 °. 11766. e. 16. - Complete Works of Shakespeare, with notes by Malone, Steevens, and otheis. Together with a biography (by A. Chalmers), concordance of familiar passages, index to characters, and glossary...Illn.-trated, etc. 4 vol. D. McKay: Philadelphia, 1886 . 8 °. 11766. 1. 3. - The Illustrated Pocket Shakespeare. Complete with glossary.. .Edited. . .by J. T. Blair. 2 vol. D. Bryce dk Son : Glasgow, [ 1886 .] 32°. 11766. a. 22. 25 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - Shakspere’s Works. (The Avon edition.) 12 vol. Keg an Paul & Co.: London, 1886 . 8 °. 11766. e. A stereotype reprint of the edition of 1882 , 83 . - The Reader’s Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s Works. 9 vol. Walter Smith: London; Oxford, 1886 - 87 . 8 °. 11766. g. - The Works of Shakspeare.. .With a memoir and essay on his genius by B. W. Procter, ... and .. . illustrative engravings from designs by K. Meadows and T. H. Nicholson. 6 vol. Blaclcie A Son : London ; Glasgow, [ 1886 — 88 .] 4°. 11766. 1. 6 . - The Plays of William Shakespeare. Edited and anno¬ tated by C. and M. Cowden Clarke. 3 vol. Cassell & Co.: London, [ 1886 - 90 .] 4°. 11764. m. 6 . - The Complete Dramatic and Poetical Works of William Shakespeare. With a summary outline of the life of the poet;.. .collected. . .by J. S. Hart.. .The text edited by W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright. With .. . illustra¬ tions, etc. (The Avon edition.) pp. lxx. 896. E. Mcelcs: Philadelphia, 1887 . 8 °. 11766. 1. 5. - The Works of William Shakespeare. (Victoria edition.) 3 vol. Macmillan & Co.: London, 1887 . 8 °. 11763. df. 19. - The Works of William Shakespeare, ... from the text of the col lected copies left by ... G. Steevens and E. Malone. With a glossary of terms, pp. 831. Ward, Lode A Co.: London, [ 1887 .] 8 °. 11763. aaa. 14. - The Works of Shakespeare . .. With illustrations and a gl< 'ssary. 12 vol. Cassell & Co.: London, [ 1887 .] 16°. 11607. cc. 8 . ' Part of “ Cassell's Miniature Library of the Poets.” - The International Shakspere. [Introductions bj r E. Dowden. Illustrations by E. Gruetzner, etc.] Cassell A Co.: London, 1887 , etc. fol. K.T.C. 2. a. 4. Ln progress. -- The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare : adapted for family reading by T. Bowdler. New edition, pp. 864. Ward, Lode & Co.: London, [ 1887 .] 8 °. 11765. d. 4. - The Henry Irving Shakespeare. The Works of Wil¬ liam Shakespeare, edited by Henry Irving and F. A. Marshall. With notes and introductions ... by F. A. Marshall and other Shakespearian scholars, and. . .illus- tions by G. Browne. 8 vol. Blackie & Son : London, 1888 [j 887 ]- 90 . 4°. 11765. i. 6 . -The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Edited by W. C. Bryant, assisted by E. A. Duyckinck, containing .. .photogravure illustrations from original designs by F. O. C. Darley and A. Chappel, etc. 3 vol. Amies Publishing Co.: New York, 1888 . 4°. 11764. m. 3. - Complete Works of Shakespeare. With notes bj r Malone, Steevens and others. Together with a bio¬ graphy, concordance of familiar passages, index to characters, and glossary of obsolete terms. Illustrated, etc. 8 vol. David McKay: Philadelphia, 1888 . 8 °. 11762. h. 3. -The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight pp. viii. 1073. G. Routledge & Sons : London, 1888 . 8 °. li.762. e. 4. Part of “ Routledge's Popular Library of Standard Authors.” - The Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies of Mr. William Shakespeare . .. Being the text furnished the Players, in parallel pages with the first revised folio text, with critical introductions. The “Bankside” Shakspeare. Edited by A. Morgan, ln progress. 1888 , etc. 8 °. See Academies, etc .—New York .—New York Shakspeare Society. The Bankside Shakespeare. 11762. ee. SHAKESPEARE 26 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. 3 vol. G. Routledge & Sons : London, 1889 . 8 °. 012207. e. 17. Part of “ Routledge's Popular Library.” - The Works of William Shakspeare, with life and glossary. Carefully edited from the best texts. (The “ Bedford” edition.) 12 vol. F. Warne & Co.: London & New York, 1889 . 8 °. 11764. d. 1. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. 6 vol. G. Routledge & Sons : London, 1890 . 8 °. 11762. g. 8 . - The Works of William Shakspere. [From the text of Delius.] (Index.) pp. viii. 1111 . Kegan Paul A Co.: London, 1891 . 8 °. 11766. 1. 11. - The Works of Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. With ... illustrations by Sir John Gilbert. (The Mignon edition.) 6 vol. G. Routledge & Sons : London, 1891 . 12 °. 11764. d. - The Works of William Shakespeare : edited by W. A. Wright. 9 vol. Macmillan A Co. : London, 1891 - 93 . 8 °. 11763. i. Another edition of the Cambridge Shakespeare published in 1863 - 66 . - The Oxford Shakespeare. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Edited with a glossary by W. J. Craig, pp. viii. 1264. Clarendon Press : Oxford, [ 1892 .] 8 °. 11763. df. 37. - [Another copy.] Printed on India paper. - [Another edition.] (The speare.) 6 vol. Oxford, [ 1892 .] 16°. Printed on India paper. K.T.C. 12. b. 10. Oxford Miniature Shake- Clarendon Press: K.T.C. 12. a. 1. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight, pp. viii. 1073. 1892. See Lubbock ( Right Hon. Sir j.) Bart. Sir John Lub¬ bock’s Hundred Books, no. 23. 1891 , etc. 8 °. 012207. 1. 23. - The Plays of William Shakespeare. Edited by T. Keightley. [New edition. With poi'traits of actors of the day.] 4 vol. J. S. Virtue & Co. : London, [ 1892 - 94 .] 8 °. 11766. 1. 12. Imperfect; wanting the frontispiece to vol. 3. - The Reader’s Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s Works. 9 vol. Innes & Co. : London, 1893 . 8 °. 11762. h. 5. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by W. Aldis Wright. (The Cambridge Shakespeare.) F. P. 40 vol. Macmillan & Co.: London, 1893 — 95 . 8 °. 11766. dd. 1. - The Dallastype Shakespeare; a reduced facsimile of the first folio (1623) edition, in the Biitish Museum, etc. [Pt. 1-3, containing the Introductory matter, “ The Tempest,” and part of “ The Two Gentlemen of Verona.”] L. P. D.C. Dallas: London, [ 1893 .] fol. 11762. m. 4. - [Another copy of “The Tempest” only, on small paper.] 11766. k. 1. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited.. .by H. A. Doubleda 3 - , with the assistance of T. G. Foster and R. Elson. (The Whitehall edition.) A. Constable A Co.: Westminster, 1893 , e ^ c< 8 °. 11764. 1. In progress. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by II. Staunton, etc. 6 vol. G. Routledge & Sons : London, [ 1894 .] 8 °- 0li765. h. 2. 27 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 2 $ SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] - The Works of William Shakspeare, with life and glossary, etc. (The Lansdowne Pocket Shakspeare.) 6 vol. F. Warne d Co.: London, 1894 . 32°. Printed on India paper. 11762. de. 11. -- The Royal Shakspere. The poet’s works in chrono¬ logical order, from the text of Professor Delius. With The Two Noble Kinsmen and Edward hi., and an intro¬ duction by F. J. Fumivall. With illustrations, etc. 3 vol. Cassell & Co.: London, 1894 — 96 . 8 °. 11766. 1. 13. - The Temple Shakespeare. [Edited by I. Gollancz.] 40 vol. L. P. Dent & Co. : London, 1894 - 96 . 8 °. 011765. e. -The Ariel Shakespeare. Illustrated [by Frank Howard], G. Routledge & Sons : London, 1895 , etc. 16°. In progress. 011765. de. - The Works of William Shakspere. Edited by C. Knight. (“ The People Shakspere.”) pp. 770. Routledge and Sons: London, 1895 . 8 °. 011765. g. 6 . - Double Text Dallastype Shakespeare ... A reduced Dallastype facsimile .. . from the hrst folio (1623) edition, and facing each page thereof the modern text as determined by the late Charles Knight. Introduction by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. . . . Edited, with a glossarial index, by F. A. Hyndman and D. C. Dallas. G. Redway: London, 1895 , etc. fol. 11766. m. 3. In progress. - Bell’s Reader’s Shakespeare. Condensed, connected and emphasized for school, college, parlour, and plat¬ form, by D. C. Bell. Hodder d Stoughton : London, 1895 , etc. 8 °. 011765. gg. 6 . In progress. - The Works of William Shakespeare, pp. 1100. Bliss, Sands de Co.: London, 1896 . 8 °. 11765. g. 27. The “ Falstaff ” edition. - The Works of William Shakspeare. With life, glos¬ sary, etc. Prepared.. .by the editor of the “ Chandos ” Classics. The “ Victorian ” edition, pp. xvi. 1136. F. Warne & Co.: London, 1896 . 8 °. 011765. h. 7. - The Works of William Shakspeare. With life, glos¬ sary, etc. . . . By the editor of the “ Chandos ” Classics. The “ Universal” edition, pp. xii. 1124. F. Warned Co.: London, 1896 . 8 °. 11764. dd. 2. - Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, Tra¬ gedies, and Poems. George Newnes: London, 1896 , etc. 12°. 11761. aa. 6 . In progress. ENGLISH AND GERMAN. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Translated into German by A. W. von Schlegel and L. Tieck. With a preface and introduction by C. Sachs.— William Shake¬ speare’s samtliche Werke, etc. 37 pt. M. Schafer : Leipzig ; Philadelphia, [ 1884 - 87 .] 8 °. 11762. bbb. - [Another copy of pt. 1-19, with new tit-lepages bearing the imprint: Whittaker and Co.: London .] 11763. aaa. BOHEMIAN. -- Dramaticka Dila Williama Shakespeara, [Translated into verse by J. Cejka, L. Celakovsky, F. Doucha, J. J. Kolarand J. B. Maly.] (Shakespeare a jeho dila. Sepsal J. Maly.) 9 dil. v Praze, 1856 - 73 . 8 °. Imperfect; wanting Dil 3. 11762. bbb. -- [Another copy of Dil 1 , pt. 2 and 3.] 11764. bbb. 4. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.] CROATIAN. - Dramaticka Djela Williama Shakespeare-a, u hrvatskom prievodu [in verse], pt. i.-m. [Three plays.] u Zagrebu, 1883 . 16°. 1176L aaa. 9. DANISH. - William Shakspeare’s Dramatiske Vaerker oversatte [in verse] af P. Foersom, P. F. Wulff og FI, Tredie for 0 gede Udgave. Giennemseet af S. Beyer. 5 Hefte. [Three plays.] Kiyibenhavn, 1859 , 60 . 8 °. No more published. 11762. hb. 27. - William Shakspeare’s dramatiske Vaerker oversatte [in verse] af P. Foersom (og E. Lembcke). Tredie Udgave. Omarbeidet af E. Lembcke. 18 del. Kjgbenhavn, 1861 - 73 . 11765. aaa. DUTCH. - De Werken van William Shakespeare vertaald [in verse] door Dr. L. A. J. Burgersdijk. 12 din. Leiden, 1886 , 1884 — 88 . 8 °. 11766. g. - Tweede, herziene druk. [Illustrated by Gordon Browne.] Leiden, [ 1895 , etc.} 8 °. 11766. d. In progress. - Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werken. Vertaald [in prose] en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. [With plates.] aflev. 1-50. Amsterdam, 1880 [ 1873 - 80 ]. 8 °. 11763. c. FINNISH. - Shakespeare’n Dramoja. (Suomentanut Englannin kielestii P. Cajander [in verse].) In progress. 1879, etc. See Academies, etc. —Helsingfors.— Suomalaisen Kirjal- lisuuden Seura. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia. Osa 60. 1835 , etc. 8 ° and 4°. Ac. 9080. FRENCH. Letournem’s translation, 1776. - Shakespeare traduit de l’anglois. [In prose, by P. Le Tourneur, the Count de Catuelan, and J. Fontaine Malherbe.] (Jubile de Shakespeare.—Vie de Shake¬ speare.—Discours des Prefaces.) 20 tom. L. P. Paris, 1776 - 83 - 82 . 4°. 80. g. 1-10. - [Another copy of tom. 1, 2.] 642. e. 20. - Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee par F. Guizot et A. P[ichot], traducteur de Lord Byron ; precedee d’une notice biographique et litteraire sur Shakspeare, par F. Guizot. 13 tom. Paris, 1821 . 8 °. 840. f. 2-8. - (Euvres de Shakspeare, traduites de l’anglais par Letourneur. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et enrichie de notes de divers commentateurs sur chaque piece. 12 tom. Paris, 1822 . 12°. 11762. de. 1. Tom. 1-12 of the “ Repertoire des Theatres Strangers.” - [Another edition.] [Traduction entiereraent revue ... par M. F. Michel ... et precedee de remarques sur la vie et les ouvrages de Shakspeare par T. Campbell.] 3 vol. [Pam, 1839 , 40 .] 8 °. 11763. i. 11. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage, and consisting only of pp. 99-192, 197-306, 349-460, 503-630 of vol. L, pp. 1- 64, 117-408 of vol. II., and pp. 281-402, 507-560 of vol. III. ; comprising in all, seventeen plays. —— [Another edition of Letourneur’s translation.] [Paris, 1844 ?] 8 °. 11763. h. 32. Part of the “ Magasin thSdtral Stranger .”— Imperfect; consisting only of “ Les Deux Gentilshommes de VSrone,” “ Les Joyeuses Commeres de Windsoi-,” “ Mesure pour Mesure,” “ Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien,” and “ Peines d’Amours Perdues." 29 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 30 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works. — French. — Letour- neur’ s translation, 1776.] - [Another edition.] (Euvres completes . .. Traduction entierement revue sur le texte anglais par M. F. Michel .. .et precedee de la vie de Shakspeare par T. Campbell. 3 tom. Paris, 1855 . 8 °. 11765. g. A duplicate of the edition of 1839 - 40 , with new titlepages and covers. On the covers the name “ Campbell ” is mis¬ printed “ Woodsworth.” Laroche's translation, 1843. - QEuvres completes de Shakspeare. Traduction nouvelle [in prose] par B. Laroche. 7 tom. Paris, 1843 . 12 °. 11766. b. - Troisieme edition. 6 tom. Paris, 1854 . 12°. 11761. df. 3. -[Another edition.] Edition illustree de gravures sur hois, gravees par Deghouy sur des dessins originaux de F. Barrias. 2 tom. Paris, [ 1856 .] 8 °. 1343. n. 10. Victor Hugo's translation, 1859. - GEnvres completes de W. Shakespeare. [Translated into prose.] F. V. Hugo traducteur. (Les Apocryphes.) 18 tom. Paris, 1859 - 66 . 8 °. 11765. f. -[Another edition, without the “ Apocryphes.”] 16 tom. Paris, [ 1875 - 80 .] 12°. 2302. a. Guizot's translation, 1860. -- CEuvres completes de Shakspeare. Traduction [in prose] de M. Guizot. Nouvelle edition, entierement revue, avec une etude sur Shakspeare, des notices sur chaque piece et des notes. 8 tom. Paris , 1860 - 62 . 8 °. 11763. f. Monte gut's translation, 1872. - CEuvres completes de Shakespeare. Traduites par E. Montegut. 10 vol. Paris, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. bb. Imperfect; wanting vol. 1-8 and 10. The second edition ( 1876 - 78 ) is complete. See infra. - - Deuxieme edition. 10 tom. Paris, 1876 - 78 , 77 - 73 . 8 °. 11761. df. 1. Translation “par un Marin,” 1886. -- Shakspeare traduit [in verse] par un Marin, vol. 1 ., ir. [Five plays.] Toulon, 1886 , 87 . 8 °. 11763. cc. GERMAN. Wieland's translation , 1762. - Shakespear. Theatralische Werke. Aus dem Eng- lischen iibersetzt [in prose] von Herrn Wieland. (A. Pope’s Yorrede zu seiner Ausgabe.) 8 Bde. Zurich, 1762 - 66 . 8 °. 11762. c. Eschenburg’s translation, 1775. ■- William Shakespear’s Schauspiele. Neue Ausgabe. [A prose translation.] Yon J. J. Eschenburg. 13 Bde. Zurich, 1775 - 82 . 8 °. 641. c. 16-28. - Neue verbesserte Auflage. [Edited by G. Eckert.] 22 Bde. Mannheim, 1780 - 87 , 78 - 89 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. Bd. 1 has a half-title reading: “ Sammlung der poet- ischen und prosaischen Schriften ausldndischer schoner Geister. Hie Schriften des Wilhelm Shakespear.'' . — Neue ganz umgearbeitete Ausgabe. 12 Bde. Zurich, 1798 - 1806 . 8 °. 11763. bb. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works. — German .] Anonymous translation, 1796. - Shakespear fur Deutsche bearbeitet. [In prose. The dedication is signed, W. von B.] Erste Abtheilung : Johann, Konig von England, pp. 127. Altona, 1796 . 8 °. 11762. c. 11. Schlegel's translation, 1797. - Shakspeare’s dramatische Werke, iibersetzt [in verse] von A. W. Schlegel. 9 Thle. Berlin, 1797 - 1810 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. Schlegel and Eschenburg's translation, 1810. - Shakspeare’s dramatische Werke, iibersetzt [in verse] von A. W. Schlegel und J. J. Eschenburg. (Supple¬ ments.) 20 Bde. Wien, 1810 - 12 . 8 °. 11762. df. 2. J. II., H. and A. Foss’s translation, 1810. - Shakspeare’s Schauspiele. VonJ. H. Voss und dessen Sohnen H. Voss und A. Voss. [A verse translation.] Mit Erlauterungen. 9 Bde. Leipzig, Stuttgart, 1818 - 29 . 8 °. 11762. e. * Meyer’s translation, 1824. - William Shakespeare’s sammtliche Werke. Deutsche Volksausgabe. [J. Meyer’s verse translation.] Neu durchgesehen und mit einer Biographie . . . heraus- gegeben von M. Moltke. Mit Shakespeare’s Bildniss und gegen dreihundert eingedruckten Holzschnitten. Leipzig, [ 1865 .] 8 °. 11765. bbb. 45. Benda's translation, 1825. - Shakespear’s dramatische Werke, iibersetzt [in verse] und erlautert von J. W. O. Benda. 19 Bde. Leipzig, 1825 , 26 . 8 °. 1344. a. 3-12. Schlegel and Tieclc’s translation, 1825. - Shakspeare’s dramatische Werke. Uebersetzt [in verse] von A. W. von Schlegel, erganzt und erlautert von L. Tieck [Count W. von Baudissin, and Dorothea Tieck]. Berlin, 1825 - 33 . 8 °. 11762. c. - [Another edition.] 12 Bde. Berlin, 1839 , 40 . 8 °. 1344. d. 28-30. - [For an edition, printed at Konigsberg in 1840, of which only one vol., containing the Poems, was pub¬ lished :] See infra: Collected Poems. — German. - Neue Ausgabe, etc. 9 Bde. Berlin, 1853 - 55 . 8 °. 11762. df. 1. - Shakespeare’s dramatische Werke, nach der Uebersetz- ung von A. W. Schlegel und L. Tieck . .. Revidirt und theilweise neu bearbeitet, mit Einleitungen und Noten versehen, unter Redaction von H. Ulrici. Heraus- gegeben durch die Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. 12 Bde. Berlin, Leipzig, 1867 - 71 . 8 °. 2300. c. - Shakespeares dramatische Werke, iibersetzt von A. W. v. Schlegel und L. Tieck. [Edited by M. Bernays.] 12 Bde. Berlin, Leipzig, 1871 - 73 . 8 °. 11764. aa. - [Another edition.] Herausgegeben von R. Gosche und B. Tschischwitz. Erste illustrirte Ausgabe. 8 Bde. Berlin, Leipzig, 1874 . 8 °. 2300. b. - Nachtrage zu Shakspeare’s Werken von Schlegel und Tieck. Mit 40 Stahlstichen.. .Uebersetzt von E. Ortlepp. [A translation, in verse, of the Poems, Supposititious Plays, etc.] 4 Bde. Stuttgart, 1840 . 8 °. 11762. c. 31 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 32 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works.— German .] Translation by Schlegel and others, 1825. - William Shakspeare’s sEemmtliche dramatisclie Werke iibersetzt [by A. W. Schlegel, E. von Bauernfeld, J. H. Voss, the younger, G. W. Kessler, J. Fick, F. von Mayerbofer, F. von Hermannsthal, H. C. Dippold, L. Krause and J. L. von Tieck], im Metrum des Originals. (W. Shakspeare’s Leben. Aus dem Englischen des A. Skottowe. Deutsch bearbeitet von A. Wagner.—An- merkungen, etc. —Kritische Erlauterungen zu W. Shak¬ speare’s sammtlichen dramatischen Werken.—-W. Shak¬ speare’s Gedichte, Iibersetzt von E. v. Bauernfeld und A. Schumacher.) 43 Bdchn. Wien, 1825 - 27 . 8 °. 11763. de. 1. - [Another edition.] 2 pt. Wien, 1826 . 4°. 11765. g. 4. Kaufmann's translation, 1830. - Shakspeare’s dramatische Werke, iibersetzt [in verse] von P. Kaufmann. Thle. 1—4. Berlin und Stettin, 1830 - 36 . 8 °. 11766. bb. No more published. Korner's translation, 1836. - W. Shakspeare’s Sammtliche Werke in einem Bande. . . . 1m Verein mit Mehreren [G. Regis, J. M. H. Doering, G. N. Baermann, B. Pandin, and K. Richter] iibersetzt [in verse] und herausgegeben von J. Korner. pp. xii. 932. Schneeberg, Wien, 1836 . 4°. 642. k. 12. Translation by Bottger, Boring and others, 1836. - Shakspeare’s Dramatische Werke. [Translated by A. Boettger, H. Doering, L. Petz, T. Miigge, E. Ortlepp, A. Fischer, K. Simrock:, L. Hilsenberg, T. Oelckers, W. Lampadius, E. Susemihl, and E. Thein.] 37 Bdchn. Leipzig, [ 1836 - 37 .] 16°. 836. a. 6-11. - [Another edition. With plates.] 2 pt. Leipzig,[ 1838 .] 8 °. 11761. d. 1. - [Another edition. Preceded by “ W. Shakspeare’s Leben von A. Chalmers,” and “ Uebersicht der neueren Shakspeare-Literatur, von E. Susemihl.”] 1 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1839 . 16°. 1344. a. 13-16. - [Another edition.] 25 no. [Twenty-five plays.] Ijeipzig, [ 1865 - 67 .] 16°. 11765. a. No more published. Ortlepp's translation, 1838. - W. Shakspeare’s dramatische Werke, iibersetzt [in verse] von E. Ortlepp. 8 Bde. Stuttgart, 1838 , 39 . 12°. 11761. aaa. 1. Keller and Rapp's translation, 1843. - William Shakspere’s Schauspiele, iibersetzt [in verse] und erliiutert von A. Keller und M. Rapp. 8 Bde. Stuttgart, 1843 - 46 . 12°. 11766. aa. - Zweite Ausgabe. 8 Bde. Stuttgart, 1854 . 8 °. 11764. Miscellaneous translations. -- Shakespeare’s Dratnen. In deutscher Uebertragung [in verse] von F. Jencken. .. . Zweite ... Auflage. 6 pt. [Six plays.] Mainz, 1856 , 55 - 56 . 16°. No more published. 11764. b. - Shakspere’sche Dramen. Uebersetzt [in verse] von C. Heinichen. Hfte. 1-5. [Five plays.] Bonn, 1858 - 61 . 12°. 11762. bb. 26. No more published. - Shakespeare in deutscher Uebersetzung. [Translated in verse by F. Dingelstedt, W. Jordan, L. Seeger, C. J. Simrock, H. Viehoff and F. A. Gelbcke.] Bde. i-ix. Hildburghausen, 1867 . 8 °. 11763. bb. Lmperfect ; wanting Bd. X. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works. — German. — Mis¬ cellaneous translations .] - [Another copy, with new titlepages bearing the date 1871.] Shakespeare in deutscher Uebersetzung. 10 Bde. See Bibliothek. Bibliothek auslandischer Klassiker, etc. 1865 , etc. 8 °. 12209. e. - William Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke. Uebersetzt [in verse] von F. Bodenstedt, F. Freiligrath, 0. Gilde- meister, P. Heyse, H. Kurz, A. Wilbrandt u. a. Nach der Textrevision und unter Mitwirkung von N. Delius. Mit Einleitungen und Anmerkungen. Herausgegeben von F. Bodenstedt. 38 Bdchn. Leipzig, 1867 - 71 . 8 °. 11764. cc. - Vierte Auflage. Illustrirt von J. Gilbert. 4 Bde. Stuttgart, [ 1881 .] 4°. 11764. i. 3. - Shakespeare’s Werke. [In verse. Based upon Schle- gel’s translation.] Fur Haus und Schule, deutsch mit Einleitungen und Noten bearbeitet von Dr. A. Hager. 6 Bde. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1877 - 80 . 8 °. 11761. df. 2. - Shakespeares dramatische Werke nach der Ueberset¬ zung [in verse] von A. W. Schlegel, P. Kaufmann und Yoss, revidiert und teilweise neu bearbeitet, mit Einleit¬ ungen versehen und herausgegeben von Max Koch. 12 Bde. Stuttgart, [ 1885 .] 8 °. 11762. bb. Part of the “ Cotta'sche Bibliothek der Weltlitteratur." HUNGARIAN. - Shakspeare Yilmos’ Osszes Szinmiivei. Forditotta [in prose] Lemouton Emilia, fiiz. 1-5. [Five plays.] Pesten, 1845 . 16°. 11762. b. No more published. -Shakspeare Osszes Szinmuvei. Angolbol forditjak Arany, Petofi, Yorosmarty. [In verse.] 1 . Coriolanus. (For¬ ditotta Petofi S.) pp. 182. Pest, 1848 . 12 °. No more published. 11765. b. 33. - Shakspere minden munkai. Forditjak tobben. [In verse.] 19 kot. 1864 - 78 . 8 °. See Academies, etc .— Pest.— Kisfaludy Tdrsasag. Shakespeare (w.) 11764. ccc. - [Another edition.] Bevezetesekkel es jegyzetekkel ellatta Csiky Gergely ... Kozel 600 illustratioval. 6 tom. Budapest, [ 1889 - 92 .] 4°. 11766. m. 1. ITALIAN. Anonymous translation, 1797. - Opere drammatiche di Shakspeare volgarizzate [in prose] di una Cittadina Yeneta. Tomo 1 . Vita di Shakspeare. — Giudizio sopra la tragedia d’ Ottello.— Ottello. pp. 320. Venezia, 1797 . 8 °. 840. c. 2. Rusconi'8 translation, 1838. - Teatro completo di Shakespeare, tradotto dall’ originale Inglese in prosa Italiana da C. Rusconi. pp. x. 1233. Padova, 1838 . 8 °. 11763. g. - Sesta edizione. 3 vol. Firenze, 1873 , 74 . 4°. 11765. ff. 3. - [Another edition.] pt. 1-12. [Twelve plays.] Milano, 1876 . 8 °. 11765. g. 11. Carcano's translation, 1875. - Opere di Shakspeare. Traduzione [in verse] di G. Carcano. Prima edizione illustrata. 12 vol. Milano, 1875 - 82 . 8 °. 11766. b. POLISH. - Dziela Williama Shakspeare. Przekladal I. Kefalinski. tom. 1 ., 11 . [Six plays, translated in verse.] Wilno, 1840 , 41 . 8 °. 11762. c. 1. - Dziela dramatyczne Szekspira.. .Przeklad S. Kozmiana. tom. i.-iii. [Seven plays, translated in verse.] Poznan, 1866 - 77 . 8 °. 11765. dd. - [Another copy of tom. 1.] 11763. cc. 6 . 33 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 34 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works. — Polish.] - Dziela Dramatyczne.. .wydanie illustrowane ozdobione 645 drzeworytami rysunku H. C. Selousa. Przeklad S. Kozmiana, J. Paszkowskiego i L. Ulricha, z dodaniem zyciorysu poety i objasnieh pod redakcya J. I. Kraszew- skiego. 3 tom. Warszawa, 1875 - 77 . 8 °. 11765. g. 3. RUSSIAN. - HleKcnnp't nepeBonB cb aHmilcicaro H. KeTTepa. 5 >iacT. [Eighteen plays, translated in prose.] MocKea, 1841 - 50 . 8 °. 11762. c. 2. No more published. - [Another edition.] 9 KacT. Mocnea, 1862 - 79 . 12°. 11764. i. 6 . -- IIo-iHoe codpame .upaMaTiniecKiixB npoii3Be,a,eHi]1 Illeic- cniipa bb nepeBO.uk PyceuiixB nncaTeJieil [A. V. Druz- hinin, P. I. Veinberg, N. M. Satin, D. L. Mikhalovsky, A. I. Kroneberg, A. L. Sokolovsky, N. P. Grekov, A. N. Ostrovsky, L. 0. Korzhenevsky, Th. B. Miller, and A. I. Euizhov. Translated in verse.] (.IiiTepaxypa n TeaTpt bb AHrjiiii .no IUeKcniipa [by Y. P. Botkin]. B. UleKcnnpB: CiorpatJuiaecKiii oiepKB [by P. N. Pole¬ voi].) 4 tom. CarnmnemepSypiz, 1865 - 68 . 8 °. 11766. k. - Hajame TpeTie.. .nonojraeHHoe nojtB penaicitien H. B. TepSeJUi. 3 tom. CaHKmnemepftypiz, 1880 . 8 °. 11765. h. 1. .- YeiBepToe H 3 name. [Edited by N. V. Gerbel.] (Bei- niaMB UleKcnnpB. EiorpanpacrOev [in prose] €k T7 ]s ’Attik^s vtto M. N. Aa/upaAiy. pp. 90. ev ’A^ijvais, 1882. 8°. 11762. f. 1. (4.) Polish. - Antoniusz i Kleopatra : dramat w pieciu aktach ... Tlomaczenie K. Ostrowskiego. pp. vi. 209. Paryz, 1872. 16°. 11764. b. 3. Roumanian. - W. Shakespeare. Antoniu §i Cleopatra ... Tradusa in Romane§te de S. I. Ghica. pp. 134. Bucuresci, 1893. 8°. 11762. e. 25. Swedish. - Antonius och Cleopatra . . . Ofversiittning af J. H. Thomander. pp. 246. Stockholm, 1825. 8°. 11765. e. 18. APPENDIX. - See Adler (f.) Das Verhaltniss von Shakespeare’s “ Antony and Cleopatra ” zu Plutarch’s Biographie des Antonius. 1895. 8°. [Jahrbuch der deutschen Shake¬ speare- Gesellschaft. 31.] 2300. f. - See Brinckner (f.) Poetik Shakespeare’s in den Romerdramen Coriolanus, Julius Caesar und Antony und Cleopatra, etc. 1884. 8°. 11763. bbb. 4. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Selected Notes upon Shakespeare’s . . . Antony and Cleopatra. 1868. 4°. 11765. bb. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Some Account of the popular belief in animated Horse¬ hairs, alluded to by Shakespeare in the play of Antony and Cleopatra. 1866. 16°. 11765. a. - See Plutarch. [Vitse Parallelse. — English. — North's Translation .] Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch . . . As sources to Shakespeare’s tragedies Coriolanus . .. Antony and Cleopatra, etc. 1878. 4°. 1869. a. 7. AS YOU LIKE IT. - As Yon Like It. A comedy; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Aungier-street, Dublin. . .. Collated with the oldest copies and corrected, by M r Theobald, pp. 72. A. Reilly, for A. Bradley: Dublin, 1741. 12°. 11773. a. SHAKESPEARE (William) [As You Like It.] - As You Like It ... as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 23. J. Wenman: London, 1777. 8°. 11770. g. 1. (14.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. King in the character of Touchstone ” as frontispiece. - As You Like It, a comedy. Taken from the Manager’s Book, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. pp. 52. R. Butters: London, [ 1785?] 12°. 12331. ee. 25. (6.) - As You Like It ... Marked with the variations in the Manager’s Book, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent- Garden. copious ms. notes, pp. 75. C. Bathurst, etc. : London , 1786. 12°. 11763. aaa. 21. Interleaved. With an engraved frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s As You Like It . . . Revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 76. J. Miller: London, 1815. 8°. 2304. d. 4. (1.) - As You Like It...With prefatory remarks [signed: W. H.], marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. ii. 68. 1819. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 7. 1818, etc. 8°. 11770. f. 7. - As You Like It. [Edited by T. Caldecott.] See infra : Hamlet. Hamlet, and As You Like It. A specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare. 1819. 8°. 642. k. 10. - As You Like It ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added a ... cast of the characters . . . and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Rojml, etc. pp. 67. [1829.] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 111. 1829, etc. 12°. 642. a. 2. - As You Like It. [Edited by T. Caldecott.] See infra : Hamlet. Hamlet, and As You Like It. A specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare, etc. 1832. 8°. 642. k. 11. - As You Like It. pp. vi. 64. [1856.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 25. [1850, etc.} 12°. 2304. d. 29. - As You Like It. . .. With explanatory French notes by A. Brown . . . improved with a copious selection of notes from Johnson, Steevens, Malone, Theobald, Warburton, etc., etc. Truchy’s edition, pp. 248. J. H. Truchy : Paris, 1869. 12°. 11765. a. 1.9. - Shakespeare’s comedy of As You Like It. With intro¬ ductory remarks; explanatory, grammatical and philo¬ logical notes; etc., by S. Neil. pp. 156. 1876. See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873, etc. 8°. 12204. cc. - Shakespeare’s As You Like It, with introduction and notes ... by the Rev. H. N. Hudson, pp. xxvi. 159. Ginn & Heath: Boston [Mass.], 1880. 8°. 11762. aaa. 2. Part of the “ Annotated English Classics.” - As You Like It. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 43. [1S83, etc. 1 12°. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s As You Like It: with notes, examination papers, etc. pp. 96. W. A R. Chambers: London, Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. 11762. bb. 19. - The Comedy of As You Like It. . .With notes, pp. 95. [1886.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879, etc - 16°* 12200. c. SHAKESPEARE 47 SHAKESPEARE (William) [As You Like It.] - As You Like It ... With the Tale of Gamelyn. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1886. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Libi'ary. vol. 50. [ 1886 , etc.] 8 °. 12208. aaa. ■- Love in a Forest. A comedy ... by Mr. Johnson. [Adapted from “ As You Like It.”] 1723 . 8 °. See Johnson (charles) Dramatist. 11763. e. 17. - The Modern Receipt; or, a Cure for Love. A comedy altered from Shakespeare [“ As You Like It”]. With original poems, letters, &c. [The dedication is signed J. C.] pp. 178. Printed for the Author: London, 1739 . 12 °. 238. c. 23. - Shakespeare’s Seven Ages of Man illustrated. [Engra¬ vings by W. Bromley from drawings by T. Stothard.] W. Bromley: [London,] 1799 . fol. 1752. b. Engraved throughout. •- The Progi-ess of Human Life; Shakspeare’s Seven Ages of Man illustrated by a series of extracts in prose and poetry. ... Introduced by a brief memoir of Shak- speare and his writings. 1818 . 12 °. See Evans (j.) LL.D. 11765. b. - [Another edition.] 1834 . 8 °. 11763. e. - The Seven Ages of Shakspeare. [With engravings on wood from drawings by Mulready, Constable, Wilkie and others; and an introduction by Lady Callcott. Edited by J. Martin.] L. P. pp. 20. J. Van Voorst: London, 1840 . 4°. 11805. m. 2. - [Another edition.] pp. 18. J. Van Voorst: London, 1848 . 8 °. 1344. f. 43. - Shakspear’s Seven Ages of Man. [Illustrated.] J. T. Wood: London, [ 1840 .] a card. 1881. a. 1. (100.) Engraved. - Shakspeare’s Seven Ages of Man comically illustrated in jest and earnest. By a Funny Fellow. With en¬ gravings. pp. 10 . B. Macdonald: London, [ 18 ^ 0 .] 8 °. 11765. c. 13. - Shakspeare’s Seven Ages, etched by E. Goodall, after designs by D. Maclise. Art Union of London: London, 1850 . fol. 1752. c. -The Seven Ages of Man. ... Depicted by R. Smirke. [Illustrated with photographs.] pp. 23. L. Booth and S. Ayling: London, 1864 . 16°. 11765. a. 18. - The Seven Ages of Man . . . The Artists’ edition. Illustrated with photogravures from original paintings. T. Fisher Unwin: London, 1885 [ 1884 ]. 4°. 11765. g. 6. - [Another edition.] Illustrated [with engravings]. T. Fisher Unwin: London, 1885 [ 1884 ]. 8 °. 11766. f. 7. SHAKESPEARE 48 SHAKESPEARE (William) [As You Like It .—English and Greek.] - Senarii Graeci. [A translation by G. J. Kennedy from “As You Like It,” Act 11 ., Sc. 1 .] 1831. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cambridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 12. (1.) Danish. - Livet i Skoven ... En Bearbeidelse af Shakspeare’s “ As You Like It.” Ved S. Beyer. 1850 . 12°. See Beyer (s. h. c.) 11762. e. 20. (5.) Dutch. - Orlando en Rosalinde. (As You Like It.) ... Uit het Engelsch vertaald door A. S. Kok. pp. vi. 194. Haarlem, i 860 . 12°. 11765. bb. 44. French. - Comme il vous plaira. Comedie en trois actes et en prose, tiree de Shakspeare et arrangee par George Sand, pp. 104. Paris, 1856 . 12 °. 11736. e. Frisian. - As Jiemme It Lije Meie. . .. Uut it Ingels .. . for- fryske in mei forkleerjende noten forsjoen troch R. Posthumus, pp. viii. 162. Dockum, 1842 . 12 °. 11763. b. 2. - [Another copy.] 11754. aaa. 7. German. - So wie es euch gefallt. Lustspiel in 3 Aufziigen ... Nach der Uebersetzung von Schlegel und Tieck, bear- beitet von L. Jenke. pp. 80. Berlin, 1850 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 25. - Wie es euch gefallt ... Fur die deutsche Biihne ein- gerichtet, von A. von Winterfeld. pp. 79. Berlin, 1859 . 8 °. 11766. f. 10. (2.) - Wie es euch gefallt. Nach A. W. von Schlegel’s Ueber¬ setzung fiir die deutsche Biihne eingeriohtet von Dr. J. Pabst. Als Manuscript gedruckt. pp. 76. Dresden, 1864 . 8 °. 11766. f. 8 . (4.) Swedish. - Som ni behagar ... Ofversattning af J. H. Thomander. pp. 180. Stockholm, 1825 . 8 °. 11765. e. 19. Page 180 is wrongly paged 178. TRAVESTIES. - A Parody on Shakespear’s celebrated Description of the Seven Stages of Human Life. Fowler: Salisbury, [ 1790 ?] s.sh. 8 °. 1347. m. 8 . (39.) APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of “ As You Like It.” 1895 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. 19. - See Oxon. An analysis and study of the leading characters of Macbeth and As You Like It. 1886 . 8 °. 11766. e. 15. - The Seven Ages of Man. A series of seven repro¬ ductions from original photographs. Cassell & Co.: London, 1894 . 8 °. 11766. m. 2. - Selections from As You Like It. pp. 32. [1896.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s English Classics. [189 6 , etc.] 16°. 012200 .e. English and Greek. •- Senarii Graeci. [A translation by J. Wordsworth from “ As You Like It,” Act 11 ., Sc. 3.] See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cambridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1827 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (48.) - See Raffles (r. b.) Introductory Questions on Shakespeare’s As You Like It. 1884 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. 4. - See Sand (george) pseud. A Letter to M. Rtgnier... by George Sand upon her adaptation to the French stage of Shakespeare’s “ As You Like It,” etc. 1856 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 44. (1.) -- See Sheldon (c.) Notes to Shakespeare’s As You Like It, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. b. 6 . - See Woodforde (f. c.) An etymological index to Shakespeare’s play of As You Like It, etc. 1884 . 12°. 11766. aaa. 6 . (4*) 49 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 50 SHAKESPEARE (William) COMEDY OF ERRORS. - The Comedy of Errors ... Now acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden, pp. 59. J. Rivington, etc.: London, 1770 . 12 °. 11763. aa. 7. ——■ The Comedy of Errors. As it is acted at the Theatres- Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 16. Harrison & Co.: London, 1779 . 8 °. 11770. g. 3. (23.) With an engraved portrait of“ Mr. Brunsdon in Bromio of Syracuse ” as frontispiece. - Comedy of Errors, pp. 52. 1797. See Periodical Publications. — London. The English Magazine, vol. 2 . 1796 , etc. 8 °. P.P. 5453. —— Shakspeare’s Comedy of Errors, adapted to the stage by T. Hull; revised by J. P. Kemble, and now first published as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, few ms. NOTES, pp. 55. Printed for the Theatre : London, 1811 . 8 °. 11765. c. 14. - [Another edition.] pp. 57. J. Miller : London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 4. (7.) - The Comedy of Errors ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a .. . cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 52. [1827.] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xvi. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 8 . - The Comedy of Errors, pp. 38. [1866.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 72. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. f. 17. - Comedy of Errors, pp. 16. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 157. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - The Comedy of Errors.. .With a pleasant and fine con¬ ceited comoedie, called Menechmus, taken out of the most excellent poet Plautus. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 164. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. -- The Twins; or Which is Which ? A farce in three acts, altered from Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors. By W. Woods, etc. [An abridgment.] 1780 . 8 °. See Woods (w.) Actor. 11763. f. 2. - [Another edition.] 1784. See Bell (j.) Supplement to Bell’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 4 . 1784 . 12 °. 82. b. 21 . - [Another edition.] 1786. See British Stage. A col¬ lection of the most esteemed farces, etc. vol. 4 . 1786 , etc. 12°. 1344. c. 9. German. —— William Shakespeare’s die Irrungen. Fur die Biikne iibersetzt von Beauregard Pandin [pseud., i.e C. F. von Jariges]. pp. 154. Zwickau, 1824 . 16°. 11762. de. 2. No. 105 of the “ Taschenbibliothek der auslandischen Klassiker in neuen Verdeutschungen.” -- Die Komodie der Irrungen. Lust.spiel in 3 Aufziigen. Nach Schlegel’s Uebersetzung fur die Darstellung neu eingerichtet von F. Wehl. pp. 72. Altana, [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11763. bb. 4. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Comedy of Errors.] appendix. - See infra: Selections. Airs, duets, glees and chorusses introduced in the Comedy of Errors... entirely selected from the plays, poems and sonnets of Shakspeare, etc. [ 1820 ?] 8 °. 11824. g. 2. C0RI0LANUS. - Coriolanus. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres- Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 22 . Harrison & Co.: London , 1780 . 8 °. 11770. g. 4. (9.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Sheridan in the character of Coriolanus ” as frontispiece. - [Another copy.] 642. e. 19. (7.) - Shakspeare’s Coriolanus.. .Adapted to the stage, with additions from Thomson, by J. P. Kemble ; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 63. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 1. (5.) - Coriolanus. . .. With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] .. .Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. iii. 62. 1820. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 8 . 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 8 . - Shakspeare’s Coriolanus .. . From the prompt copy of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. [Edited by R. W. Elliston.] pp. vii. 61. J. Tabby : London, 1820 . 12 °. 11764. bbb. 6 . - Coriolanus... Printed from the acting copy, with re¬ marks, biographical and critical, by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a... cast of the characters .. .and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 57. [1824 ?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. vii. 1829 , etc. 12°. 642. a. 4. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 95. [ 1850 , efc.] 12°. 2304. g. 13. - Coriolan : tragedie . .. accompagnee de notes gram- maticales et explicatives, par M. Correard.—Coriolanus : a tragedy, etc. pp. vii. 151. C. Hingray : Paris, 1845 . 12°. 11762. df. 6 . (3.) - William Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. Edited by F. A. Leo ... With a quarto-facsimile of the tragedy of Coriolanus from the folio of 1623, photolithographed by A. Burchard, and with extracts from North’s Plutarch, pp. ix. 127. 30. 10. J. R. Smith: London, 1864 . 4°. 11765. g. 13. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Coriolanus. With introduc¬ tory remarks.. .notes, etc., by J. Colville, pp. 164. 1878. See Collins (w.) Publisher, of Glasgow. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. ccc. - Shakespeare’s “ Coriolanus.” Arranged especially for school use by H. Irving, Esq. Edited by W. H. Baker, pp. 38. Wightman & Co.: London, 1880 . 8 °. 11764. aa. 3. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of Coriolanus. With introduc¬ tion and notes. . .by H. N. Hudson, pp. 221. Ginn & Heath: Boston [Mass.], 1881 . 8 °. 11762. clclcl* 10 . One of the “ Annotated English Classics.” - Coriolanus. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 118. [ 1883 , etcA 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s Coriolan. Fur den Schulgebrauch bear- beitet von Dr. E. Fritsche. pp. 127. O. Wigand: Leipzig, 1885 . 8 °. 11764. i. 8 . 51 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 52 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Coriolanus.] -- Shakespeare’s Coriolanus, with introduction,...glossary ... and an appendix... by John W. Allen, pp. xvi. 208. 1885. See Longmans, Green & Co. Longmans’ Modern Series. [ 1881 , etc.\ 8 °. 12200. cc. - Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. . .With introduction and notes, pp. 148. 1886. See Gill (george) Schoolmaster. Gill’s School Series. 1868 , etc. 12 °, etc. 12202 . df. - Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. With notes, examination papers, and plan of jrreparation. pp. 131. W. & R. Chambers: London, Edinburgh, 1887 . 8 °. 11765. b. 12. - Coriolanus. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 119. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - Coriolan. Avec une notice litteraire et des notes par J. Sevrette. pp. 183. Belin freres: Paris, 1895 . 12°. _ 11765. aa. 45. - See Tate (n.) The Ingratitude of a Common-Wealth : or, the Fall of Caius Martius Coriolanus. [Adapted from Shakespeare] by N. Tate. 1682 . 4°. 644. f. 66 . - Coriolanus; or, the Roman Matron. A tragedy. [By T. Sheridan.] Taken from Shakespear and Thomson. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. To which is added, the order of the Ovation. few ms. notes, pp. 78. A. Millar: London, 1755 . 8 °. 643. i. 17. (1.) English and Greek. - Senarii Grseci, etc. [A translation, by H. Waddington, from Coriolanus, Act 5, Sc. 3.] [ Cambridge, 1819 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (19.) English and French. - Coriolan. [Translated and annotated by C. Fleming.] pp. xv. 661. 1850. See English Authors. Les Auteurs Anglais expliques d’apres une nouvelle methode par deux traductions franQaises, etc. 1850 . 8 °. 11764. b. German. - Coriolan frey nach Shakespeare. Yon J. Falk. pp. xii. 341. Amsterdam und Leipzig, 1812 . 12°. 11764. aaa. 10. •- Coriolanus. Ein Trauerspiel . . . Nach der Uberset- zung von L. Tieck bearbeitet und mit.. .Anmerkungen versehen von E. Nader, pp. vii. 110 . Wien, 1884 . 8 °. 11764. g. 4. (3.) - William Shakespeare. Coriolanus. Ein Trauerspiel. Fur den Schulgebrauch herausgegeben von W. Swoboda. pp. 143. Wien, 1894 . 8 °. 11764. aa. 32. Hungarian. - Coriolanus. (Forditotta Petofi S.) [Pt. 1 . of “ Shak- speare Osszes Szinmuvei. Angolbol forditjak Arany, Petofi, Vorosmarty,” of which no more was published.] 1848 . 12°. See supra : Works. — Hungarian. Ralian. - Coriolano, tragedia, ... recata in Italiano [in prose] da I. Valletta, pp. 198. Firenze, 1834 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 22. Russian. - KopiojiaHL. TpareniH.. .nepeBogt A. B. .HpyatiiHima. pp. xv. 157. C.-HemepOypa, [ 1889 .] 8 °. 11764. aa. 24. APPENDIX. - See Brinckner (f.) Poetik Shakespeare’s in den Bomerdramen Coriolanus, Julius Caesar und Antony und Cleopatra, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 4. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Coriolanus.—Appendix.] - See Leo (f. a.) Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. Die Delius’sche Ausgabe dieser Tragoedie kritischbeleuchtet. 1861 . 8 °. 11764. f. 6 . (2.) - See Plutarch. [ Vitse Parallelse. — English. — North's Translation.] Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch ... As sources to Shakespeare’s tragedies Coriolanus, Julius Crnsar, etc. 1878 . 4°. 1869. a. 7. - See Westenholz (f. von) Die Tragik in Shakspeares Coriolanus, etc. Stuttgart, 1895 . 8 °. Pam. 80. CYMBELINE. - Cymbeline : King of Britain. A tragedy . . . With some alterations, by C. Marsh. As it was agreed to be acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden, etc. pp. 82. London, [1758 ?] 8 °. 11763. e. 19. - Cymbeline. A tragedy. Altered from Shakespeare. As it is perform’d at the Theatre-Royal in Covent- Garden. By W. Hawkins, pp. xi. 92. J. Rivington & J. Fletcher: London, 1759 . 8 °. With an engraved frontispiece. 643. g. 12. (3.) - Cymbeline. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres- Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 21 . J. Wenman: London, 1777 . 8 °. 11770. g. 1. (19.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Reddish in the character of Posthumus ” as frontispiece. - Cymbeline. A tragedy. Altered from Shakspeare, by David Garrick, Esq. Marked with the variations in the Manager’s book at the Theatre-Royal in ,Drury- Lane. pp. 70. C. Bathurst, etc.: London, 1784 . 12°. 11764. bbb. 7. -[Another edition.] With an introduction and notes, etc. pp. 71. Printed (by Assignment] for J. Barker: London, 1795 . 8 °. 643. i. 4. (9.) - Shakspeare’s Cymbeline.. .Revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 86 . J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 4. ( 6 .) - Cymbeline. ..With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.]... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. iii. 79. 1821. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 12 . 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 12. - Cymbeline . . . Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a.. . cast of the characters, and the whole of the stage business as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 73. 1829. See Cumberland (j.) Cum¬ berland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 11 . 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 1. - Cymbeline. pp. 86 . [1865.] /See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Aciing Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 64. [ 1850 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. f. 9. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of Cymbeline. With introduc¬ tion and notes.. .by.. .H. N. Hudson, pp. 224. Ginn & Heath: Boston [Mass.], 1881 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. 8 . - Cymbeline. pp. 32. [1883.] See Dicks (j.)P ublisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 87. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - The Tragedie of Cymbeline. Reprinted from the first folio, 1623, with collations of the second, third, and fourth folios, by W. J. Craig, pp. 145. 1883. See Academies, etc.—London.— New Shakspere Society. Shakespeare (w.) Ac. 9487/11. - Shakespeare’s Cymbeline: the text revised and an¬ notated by C. M. Ingleby. pp. xx. 213. Trubner & Co.: London, Birmingham [printed], 1886 . 4 °. 11765. e. 9. 53 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 54 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Cymbeline.] - Cymbeline. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 152. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - Shakspeare’s Cymbeline. Edited with notes by C. M. Ingleby... Revised and adapted for the use of schools by H. Ingleby. pp. xvi. 200. Trubner & Co. : London, 1889 . 8 °. 11763. bb. 10. - Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. Edited by E. Winckler. pp. xix. 282. V. Kalyanaram Iyer: Madras, 1893 . 8 °. Part of the “ Indian University Series .” 011765. ee. 2. — ■ - Cymbeline... As arranged for the stage by Henry Irving, and presented at the Lyceum Theatre on Tuesday 22nd September, 1896. L. P. pp. 65. Chiswick Press: London, 1896 . fol. 11764. i. 20. Danish. - Cymbeline. .. .Bearbeitet for den danske Scene. Med et Tillasg om de Shakespeareske Skuespil og det moderne Theater. Af J. Martensen. pp. 157. Kjfibenhavn, 1871 . 8 °. 11766. b. 23. (4.) Dutch. - Cymbeline ... Vertaald door.. .L. A. J. Burgersdijk. pp. xi. 155. Utrecht, Deventer, 1878 . 8 °. 11763. df. 7. (2.) 1 German. - Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, iibersetzt von G. W. Kessler. pp. 204. Berlin, 1809 . 8 °. 11761. aaa. 7. (1.) - Cymbelin. Schauspiel . . . Uebersetzt von A. Biirck. pp. xviii. 216. Wien, 1851 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 6 . - Shakespeare’s Konig Cymbeline. Fur die deutsche Biihne bearbeitet von E. Rommel, pp. 89. Hannover, i 860 . 8 °. 11765. b. 56. (4.) - Cymbelin . . . Mit freier Benutzung der Schlegel- Tieck’schen Uebersetzung fur die deutsche Biihne bear¬ beitet von A. v. Wohlzogen, etc. pp. 123. Leipzig, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. b. 24. (4.) - Cymbelin. . . . Nach Delius Ausgabe fur die Biihne iibersetzt und bearbeitet von G. Frhr. Yincke. pp. 85. Freiburg i. Br., 1873 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. (4.) - Imogen. (Cymbelin.) . . . Mit freier Benutzung der Hertzberg’schen Uebersetzung fur die deutsche Biihne bearbeitet von H. Bulthaupt. pp. xv. 92. Oldenburg, [ 1885 .] 8 °. 11763. cc. 4. (3.) Italian. - Cimbelino. Tragedia... recata in versi italiani da M. Leoni, etc. pp. 219. Pisa, 1815 . 8 °. 11824. dd. 18. Russian. - UiuviOejmirL.. .IlepeBOATj cl rh mile Karo A. EopofliiHa. See Russian Theatre. naHTeoHL Pyccicaro 11 BckxT. EBponeficiiiixL TearpoBL. tuct. 4. 1840 . 8 °. 11758. i. 1. APPENDIX. -- See D’Urfey (t.) The Injured Princess; or, the Fatal W r ager. [Founded upon Cymbeline.] 1682 . 4°. 644. h. 14. - See Elze (k.) A Letter to C. M. Ingleby.. .containing notes.. .on Shakespeare’s “Cymbeline.” 1885 . 8 °. 11766. i. 22. (3.) -- See Golisciani (e.) Cimbelino, dramma lirico, etc. [Founded on Shakespeare’s Cymbeline.] [ 1892 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Lembcke (e.) Til mermere Oplysning om Theater- overssettelsen af Cymbeline. 1872 . 8 °. 11765. f. 28. (7.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Cymbeline.—Appendix.] - See Martin (helena) Lady. On Imogen. [ 1882 .] 8 °. 11763. bbb. 12. - See Ohle (r.) Shakespeares Cymbeline und seine romanischen Yorliiufer, etc. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Stryienski (c.) Othon, Roy d’Espaigne, et Cym¬ beline. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. HAMLET. - [The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By William Shake-speare, as it hath beene diuei se times acted by his Highnesse servants in the Cittie of London: as also in the two Vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxford, and else-where.] ms. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. [Printed for Nicholas] L[ing] and John Trundell: London, 1603 .] 4°. C. 34. k. 1. 33 leaves, without pagination ; sig. b-i, in fours. Imper¬ fect; wanting the first leaf , containing the title. Interleaved, with MS. notes and printed extracts from subsequent editions of the play. The only other copy known (that in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire) wants the last leaf, which is con¬ tained in this copy. - The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By William Shakespeare. Newly imprinted and en¬ larged to almost as much againe as it was, according V> the true and perfect Coppie. Printed by I. R., for Nicholas'] L[ing]: London, 1605 . 4°. C. 34. k. 2. 51 leaves, without pagination ; sig. B-o 2. Imperfect ; wanting the last leaf (sig. 0 2 ). - The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By William Shakespeare. Newly imprinted and enlarged to almost as much againe as it was, according to the true and perfect Coppy. Printed for John Smethwicke : London, 1611 . 4°. C. 34. k. 4. 51 leaves, without pagination; sig. b-o 2, in fours. - The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke. Newly Imprinted and inlarged, according to the true and per¬ fect Copy lastly Printed. By William Shakespeare. Printed by W. S., for John Smethwicke : London, [ 1636 ?] 4°. C. 34. k. 3. 51 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-n 3, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. h. 14. - The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Newly imprinted and inlarged, according to the true and per¬ fect Copy last Printed. By William Shakespeare. Printed by R. Young, for John Smethwicke: London, 1637 . 4°. C. 34. k. 5. 52 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-n, in fours. - The Tragedy of Hamlet. As it is now acted at his Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre, pp. 88 . A. Clark, for J. Martyn and H. Herringrnan : London, 1676 . 4°. 1344. f. 25. - [Another edition.] The Tragedy of Hamlet, etc. pp. 88 . A. Clark, etc.: London, 1676 . 4°. 1344. f. 30. - [Another edition.] pp. 88 . H. Heringman and R. Bentley: London, 1683 . 4°. 11762. f. 4. - The Tragedy of Hamlet ... as it is now acted at the Theatre Royal by their Majesties Servants, pp. 82. R. Bentley: London, 1695 . 4°. 644. i. 46. - [Another copy.] 841. d. 39. (5.) Imperfect; wanting the first two leaves. - The Tragedy of Hamlet, etc. ... As it is now acted by Her Majesties Servants, pp. 82. R. Wellington and E. Rumball: London, 1703 . 4°. 841. c. 3. (10.) - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. ... Collated with the old and modern editions [by C. Jennens]. pp. 207. W. Bowyer and J. Nichols: London, 1773 . 8°. 80. i. 23. (2.) 55 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 56 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet] - Hamlet, pp. 127. 1710. See English Plays. A Collection of the best English Plays, vol. 1 . liu, etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 16. - Hamlet, a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres- Royal in Drnry-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 22. Harrison d Co.: London , 1779 . 8 °. 11770. g. 3. (22.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Henderson in the character of Hamlet ” as frontispiece. ■- Shakspeare’s Hamlet... Revised by J. P. Kemble; and now first published as it is acted by Their Majesties Servants of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. pp. 91. C Lowndes: London , [ 1800 .] 8 °. 1344. f. 37. - [Another edition.] pp. 85. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 1. (3.) - Hamlet. (Put in a light now entirely new ... by R. Deverell.) See Deverell (r.) Discoveries in Hiero¬ glyphics, etc. vol. 2 . 1816 . 8 °. 012330. h. 1. - Hamlet.. .Marked with the.. .stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. xxviii. 84. 1818. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 3. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 3. - Hamlet, and As You like It. A specimen of a new edition [by T. Caldecott] of Shakespeare. pp. xiii. 174. 135. 116. 41. J. Murray: London, 1819 . 8 °. 642. k. 10. - [Another copy.] copious ms. corrections and additions [by the editor]. 11766. k. 20. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the date 1820.] copious ms. corrections and additions [by the editor]. 11766. k. 21. Interleaved. - The First Edition of the Tragedy of Hamlet.. .London. Printed for N. L. (Nicholas Ling) and John Trundell, 1603. Payne and Foss: reprinted London, 1825 . 8 °. T. 1066. ( 8 .) - [Another copy.] G. 18647. - The First Edition of the Tragedy of Hamlet. Reprinted for E. Fleischer: Leipsic, 1825 . 8 °. 11762. b. 21. (2.) - Hamlet. . . Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ...by D--G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a.. .cast of the characters, and the whole of the stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 78. 1829. See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. iv. 1829 , etc. 12°. 642. a. 2. ■- Hamlet, and As You Like It. A specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare. By T. Caldecott, Esq. pp. xvi. 178. 150. 115. 43. 4. Printed for the Editor: London, 1832 . 8 °. 642. k. 11. - [Another copy.] 11766. k. 22. - Hamlet . . . Nouvelle edition, precedee d’une notice critique et historique et accompagnee de notes par O’Sullivan, pp. xxiv. 187. L. Hacliette : Paris, 1843 . 12 °. 1344. a. 33. —— Shakspeare’s Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Grammatisch und sachlich zum Schul- und Privatgebrauch erliiutert von J. Hoffa. pp. 168. G. Westermann : Braunschweig, 1845 . 8 °. 11764. aaa. 3. - Hamlet: a tragedy . . . Mit Sprache und Sachen erlauternden Anmerkungen.. .von Dr. C. L. W. Francke. pp. vi. 150. Leipzig, 1849 . 8 °. 11766. e. 8 . (1.) - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. ... Ten gebruike der Gymnasia. Met ophelderingen voorzien door S. Susan, pp. vii. 124. J. De Lange: Deventer, 1849 . 8 °. 11762. f. 5. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.] — Hamlet; with portrait of Mr. C. Kean as Hamlet, and Memoir. [Pt. 1 of “ Tallis’s Acting Edition of Shak- spere,” of which only two parts were published.] [1851.] Nee supra: Works. Tallis’s Acting Edition, etc. [ 1851 .] 8 °. 11764. b. 9. 1 — Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, etc. pp. vi. 80. [1855.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 23. [ 1850 , etc.'] 12°. 2304. d. 27. - Hamlet. First edition (1603). The last leaf of the lately discovered copy, carefully reprinted, with a narrative of its discovery. . .By M. W. R(ooney). pp. 12. M. W. Rooney: Dublin, 1856 . 8 °. 11762. f. 23. (8.) - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark .. .With copious English explanatory notes by Dr. O. Fiebig. [Yol. 1 . of “ The College Shakspeare,” of which no more was published.] See supra: Works. — English. The College Shakspeare, etc. 1857 . 8 °. 11765. c. 7. - Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Herausgegeben von K. Elze. pp. lxiv. 272. G. Mayer: Leipzig, 1857 . 8 °. 11764. e. 7. - The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By W. Shake-speare. As it hath beene diverse times acted by his Highnesse servants in the Cittie of London, etc. Printed for N. L. & John Trundell: London, 1603 [reprinted 1858 ]. 4°. C. 34. 1. 16. One of forty copies, privately printed, of a facsimile executed by the direction of the Duke of Devonshire. - The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet ... Newly imprinted and enlarged to almost as much againe as it was, accord¬ ing to the true and perfect Coppie. ms. note. Printed by J. R., for N. L : London, 1604 [reprinted 1859 ]. 4°. 11764. c. 6. One of forty copies, privately printed, of a facsimile executed by the direction of the Duke of Devonshire. - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. With notes, glossarial, grammatical, and explanatory, pp. 126. Routledge d Co.: London, 1859 . 8 °. 11765. b. 21. - Fac-simile copies from the edition of Hamlet dated 1605, made for the purpose of showing that it is the same impression as that of 1604, the date only being- altered. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. Printed for private circulation: London, i 860 . 4°. One of 26 copies. 11765. f. 18. - Hamlet, 1603; Hamlet, 1604; being exact reprints of the first and second editions of Shakespeare’s great, drama, from the very rare originals in the possession of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire; with the two texts printed on opposite pages, . . . and a bibliographical preface by S. Timmins. Sampson Low d Co. : London, i 860 . 8 °. 11764. f. 1. - [Another copy.] copious ms. notes [by J. O. Halliwell- Phillipps]. C. 34. i. - Hamlet; performed at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, under the management of Mr. Fechter. [ 1864 .] 8 °. Nee Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 11766. b. 25. (4 ) - Hamlet ... With explanatory French notes, etc., by A. Brown. New edition, improved with new notes, etc. pp. 178. J. H. Truchy: Paris, 1865 . 12°. 11765. a. 20. - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Uitgegeven en verklaard door A. C. Loffelt. pp. vii. 202. J. L. Beijers en J. van Boekhoven: Utrecht, 1867 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 27. - Shakespeare’s Hamlet, facsimiled from the edition printed at London in the year 1604, by E. W. Ashbee. If. 99. For private circulation only : London, 1867 . 4°. C. 34. i. One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed. 57 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 58 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.] - Shakspeare’s Hamlet. Erklart von J. Heussi. pp. vi. 307. J. Heussi: Parchim, 1868 . 8 °. 11764. cc. 18. - [Another copy.] 11765. cc. 12. - The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. .. .Edited according to the first printed copies with the various readings and critical notes, by F. H. Stratmann. pp. vi. 118. N. Triibner & Co.: London; Krefeld [printed], 1869 . 8 °. 11164. f. 6 . (4.) - Shakespeare’s Play of Hamlet. (Julius Caesar.) 2 pt. Perkins Institution for the Blind : Boston [.Mass.], 1871 . 4°. 13008. a. 30. Printed in embossed Homan type. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet.. .With introductory remarks; ... notes, etc., by S. Neil. pp. 224. 1877. See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’s School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. ccc. - Hamlet, a tragedy in five acts ... as arranged for the stage by Henry Irving ... Revised edition [with a preface by F. A. M., i.e. F. A. Marshall]. Eighth thousand, pp. xiii. 32. Chiswick Press: London, 1880 . 8 °. 11775. g. —— Shakspere’s Hamlet: the first quarto, 1603, a facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs .. . With fore-words by F. J. Furnivall. pp. xii. 64. W. Griggs: London, [ 1880 .] 4°. 11764. k. 3. No. 1 of the “ Shalcspere-Quarto Facsimiles .” - Shakspere’s Hamlet: the second quarto, 1604, a fac¬ simile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs... With fore¬ words by F. J. Furnivall. pp. xx. 100. W. Griggs : London, [ 1880 .] 4°. _ 11764. k. 4. No. 2 of the “ Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles.” - Shakespeare’s Hamlet, with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation. Edited by J. M. E. Meikle- john. pp. 192. IF. & It. Chambers : London and Edinburgh, 1880 . 8 °. 11763. e. 5. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet. Edited by K. Elze. pp. xvi. 258. M. Niemeyer: Halle, 1882 . 8 °. 11765. ff. 14. - Hamlet, pp. 32. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’Standard Plays, no. 11. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of Hamlet, as arranged for the stage by Wilson Barrett, etc. pp. 96. D. Bogue: London, [ 1884 .] 8 °. 11766. e. 8 . ( 6 .) - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Lines pronounced corrupt restored, and mutilations before unsuspected emended; also, some new renderings. With preface and notes... By Matthias Mull. 2 pt. Kegan Paul & Co.: London, 1885 , 88 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 8 . - The Tragedie of Hamlet ... A study, with the text of the folio of 1623, by George MacDonald, pp. xiv. 277. Longmans <& Co.: London, 1885 . 8 °. 11765. ff. 16. - Hamlet. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1886. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 22. [ 1886 , etc.] 8 °. 12208. aaa. - Hamlet. With notes, etc. pp. 62. [1886.] See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s Modern School Series. [ 1884 , etc.] 8 °. 12205. aa. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet as arranged for the stage by Wilson Barrett.. .With notes and an introduc¬ tion by C. J. Ribton-Turner. pp. 96. J. S. Virtue & Co.: London, [ 1886 .] 8 °. 11766. f. 20. (3.) - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark . .. Arranged for stage representation from the “Famous Folio of 1623,” by Walter Bentley, pp. 59. D. Allen & Sons : Belfast, [ 1888 .] 8 °. 11763. bb. 9. (1.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.] - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark . . . With introduction, emendations, notes, and appendix by D. Maclachlan. pp. xxiii. 175. Beeves and Turner: London, 1888 . 8 °. 11765. c. 6 . - The Tragedy of Hamlet ... With notes, pp. 128. [1888.] See Blackie (w. g.) Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200 . d. - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark ... Mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen von D r Fritsche. pp. 164. Leipzig, [ 1890 ?] 8 °. 11763. e. 56. - Hamlet. (Phonographic edition.) pp. 96. 1892. See Library. National Phonographic Library. 1887 , etc. 16°. 12991. bb. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet. A study for classes in English literature. [With the text.] By C. L. Maxcy. pp. viii. 196. Ginn & Co.: Boston, U.S.A., 1892 . 8 °. 11764. aa. 25. - The Droll of the Gravemakers. [Taken from “ Hamlet.” Reprinted from Kirkman’s “ The Wits; or. Sport upon Sport.”] See Kirkman (f.) The Wits, etc. i 860 . 16°. 11773. a. English and French. - Hamlet, Prince de Danemark: tragedie ... traduite en prose et en vers avec une preface et un commentaire.. . par T. Reinach. Texte revise en regard, pp. xxxii. 427. Hachette & Co.: Paris, 1880 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 8 . - Une scene d’Hamlet [the Play Scene from Act in. Sc. 2 ] .. .traduite en vers par J. Laine. pp. 26. Barba: Paris, 1836 . 8 °. Pam. 80. English and German. - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.—Hamlet, Prinz von Diine- mark. Deutsch durch Dr. F. Kohler, pp. vi. 226. P. Reclam, jun.: Leipzig, 1856 . 16°. 11763. a. 3. - Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Englisch und Deutsch. Neu ubersetzt und erlautert von M. Moltke. Hefte i.-iv. A. Fritsch: Leipzig, 1869 - 71 . 8 °. 11766. i. 34. No more published. - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark ... English and German according to the translation of A. W. v. Schlegel, edited by Max Moltke.—Hamlet, Prinz von Danemark, etc. pp. 319. O. Lenz : Leipzig, [ 1880 ?] 32°i 1451. a. Part of the “ Salon-Bibliothek.” English and Italian. - Amleto, Principe di Danimarca: ... tragedia.. .vollata in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Settima edizione col testo inglese di riscontro. pp. 271. Successori Le Monnier: Firenze, 1867 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 9. - Hamlet ... By M. Carre and J. Barbier. The Italian version by A. de Lauzieres . . . Translated into English by T. J. Williams, etc. [ 1869 .] 8 °. See Carr^: (m.) and Barbier (p. j.) 11764. bb. 50. (3.) French and Italian. - Hamlet, Prince de Danemark; tragedie en six actes.. . Traduction italienne [in prose] de C. Rusconi, avec le frany§ingu eptir M. Jochumsson. pp. 152. Reykjavik, 1878 . 8 °. 11763. df. 5. Italian. -Amleto; tragedia . . . recata in versi italiani da M. Leoni, etc. pp. 264. Firenze, 1814 . 8 °. 642. e. 22. (1.) - Amleto ... Traduzione di G. Carcano. pp. 287. Milano, 1847 . 8 °. 11764. i. 10. - Amleto ... Tragedia ... voltata in prosa italiana da C. , Rusconi. Sesta edizione, etc. [With a preface, signed, A. D. G.] pp. 275. Firenze, 1866 . 16°. 11764. a. 4. . — Amleto Principe di Danimarca. Tragedia. [Trans¬ lated in prose.] pp. 124. Milano, 1866 . 16°. 11763. df. 9. - Amleto .. . Tradotto in versi e prosa conforme al testo. [By L. Matteucci.] pp. 134. Milano, 1875 . 8 °. 11763. e. 1. - Amleto Principe di Danimarca, tragedia. ... Ridotta per la scena italiana dall’ artista comico G. Yestri. [In prose.] pp. 62. Milano, 1877 . 16°. 11762. a. 1. (4.) ■ .. ■■ Amleto; melodramma tragico di F. Romani, etc. [Founded on Shakespeare’s “ Hamlet.”] [ 1823 .] 12°. See Romani (f.) 11762. a. 1. (1.) Polish. - Hamlet, Krolewic Dunski, tragedyia. [Translated in prose.] . . . z Niemieckiey, podtug poprawy Schroedera przelozona. 1797. See Boguseawski (w.) Dziela drama- tyczne. tom. iv. 1820 , etc. 8 °. 1343. i. -- Hamlet ... TIomaczenie K. Ostrow 6 kiego. pp. 171. we Lwowie, 1870 . 8 °. 11766. i. 9. (2.) --[Another copy.] 11765. f. 7. - Hamlet ... PrzeloiyI J. Kasprowicz. pp. 183. Lwow, [ 1890 ?] 16°. 11764. aa. 22. ■ Hamlet: tragedya w 3 aktach z Szyllera [or rather, founded on Shakespeare’s “Hamlet ”]. 1865 . 16°. See Schiller (j. c. f. yon) [Supposititious Works.'] 11766. aa. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.] Portuguese. - - William Shakespeare. Hamlet, drama em cinco actos. Traducgao Portugueza [by Louis, King of Portugal], pp. 149. Lisboa, 1877 . 8 °. C. 43. b. 1. Privately printed. A presentation copy from the King oj Portugal to the British Museum. - Hamlet, tragedia em cinco actos. Traducgao [in prose] de Bulhao Pato. pp. 225. Lisboa, 1879 . 8 °. 11763. h. 3. - [Another copy.] 11763. cc. 1. - Hamlet . . . Estudo critico e versao portugueza [in prose] de J. A. de Freitas, pp. 404. Lisboa, 1887 . 8 °. 11763. df. 21. Roumanian. - Hamlet Prin^nl Danemarcei ... Tradusa de A. Stern. pp. xxii. 161. Bucuresci, 1877 . 8 °. 11764. h. 6 . Russian. - PaM-nerB, xparegia . . . IIepeBe.iL cl aHr.iiftcKaro M. B[pomieHKo]. pp. xxiv. 205. CauKmnemepOypn, 1828 . 8 °. 11765. c. 15. - raM.uexT>, Tparejia bt iuitii jikficTBiaxT, bt> CTiixaxi., 4 . 1/1 PocciiicKaro TeaTpa oOpaboxaHna/i C. BucKOBaxoBBurb... HoBoe iiaganie. pp. 56. C. UemepCypn, 1829 . 8 °. 11765. c. 40. (1.) - raM-ieiT, IIpiiHUT J(axcKin... IlepeBo^i. cl aHMificKaro H. IIojeBaro. pp. 207. Mocnea, 1847 . 8 °. 11765. g. 14. - [Another edition. With notes by Y. G. Byelinsky and I. S. Turgenev, and a life of the author by P. K. Polevoi.] pp. viii. lxxviii. 177. CaHumnemepdypn, 1876 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 4. - Il3jiaHie BTopoe. pp. xl. 140. C.-IIemep6ypii, [ 1887 .] 16°. 11758. aaa. 16. Part of the “ Jjemeean EuSniomeua, U3danie A. C. Cyeopuua.” - raMJiexL: xparejua B. IIIeKcnnpa. IlepeBogL A. Kpo- ne 6 epra. H34,aHie Biopoe. pp. 234. Mocnea, 1861 . 8 °. 11765. e. 20. Imperfect; wanting all before p. 17. - TaMJiexX), npiiHgL J(axcKiu.. .IlepeBosL cl aHpiiflcKaro M. daryaaeBa. pp. xxxviii. 151. C. nemepOypn, 1861 . 8 °. 11763. e. 10. (1.) - H34ame Bxopoe.. .ncnpaBaeHHOe. pp. 74. CauumnemepCypn, 1877 . 8 °. 11763. g. 1. (3.) - raMieTL, IIpimn,L J(axcKifi ... TlepeBOjiL bl npo3!> cl HkMen,Karo no A. B. UlaerejiK) A. M. JlamuieBCKaro. [In prose.] pp. 115. Bumeficm, 1878 . 8 °. 11763. df. 7. (3.) - raMJtexL, IIpnHiiL TaTcitin,...BL hoboml nepeBogk A. A. ComiOBCKaro. pp. 151. C.-Uemep6ypn, 1883 . 8 °. 11766. i. 13. ( 6 .) - TajuiexL ... Tparejtfa ... IlepeBOjtL 11 npiDiimeHie kl ycaoBiaML coBpeMeHnoff enema A. MecKOBCKaro. pp. xv. 128. C.-lIemep6ypn, 1889 . 8 °. 11762. aa. 13. Ruthenian. -TaMJi[exL], IIpiimiL J(aHCLRnfi... Hep. M. II. CxapiuibKifr. 3l iipiLioroio MysHKii M. Jlnceinta. pp. 201. Kieei, 1882 . 8 °. 11765. bb. 7. Titlepage slightly mutilated. Servian. - - Xaiuex : xparejiuja y nex minoBa.. .c nnr.iecEor npeBeo K. CraHumuti CxaHinua. pp. 191. Eeoipad, 1878 . 8 °. 11715. bbb. 30. 63 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 64 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.] Spanish. - Hamlet. Tragedia, traducida Tin prose] e ilustrada con la vida del autor y notas criticas por Inarco Celenio, P. A. [i.e. F. Fernandez de Moratin.] pp. 379. Madrid, 1798 . 4°. 840. f. 10. - Hamlet, Principe di Dinamarca. Tragedia.. .vertida al Espanol [in prose] por Moratin (D. Leandro), pp. 42. Madrid , 1866 . 8 °. 11766. k. 12. (1.) - Hamlet, Principe de Dinamarca.. .Version al Castellano de G. MacPkerson. Segunda edicion. pp. xvii. 145. Madrid, 1879 . 8 °. 11763. bb. 3. - [Another edition.] pp. xvi. 180. 1882. See Biblioteca. Biblioteca Universal. Coleccion de los mejores autores antignos y modernos, nacionales y extranjeros. tom. 78. 1876 , etc. 16°. 732. a. - El Principe Hamlet; drama . . . inspirado por el Hamlet de Shakespeare, y escrito ... por C. Coello, etc. 1872 . 8 °. See Coello (c.) 11766. bbb. 45. (4.) - [Another edition.] 1876 . 8 °. 11764. h. 1. Swedish. - Hamlet, Sorgespel i fern akter ... Fri Ofversattning [in prose! fran Engelskan. pp. 88 . Stockholm, 1819 . 8 °. 1 J 11766. aaa. 25. (2.) - [Another copy.] 11765. aa. 42. (1.) TRAVESTIES. - See Gilbert (w. s.) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, etc. [A travesty of Hamlet.] [ 1893 .] 12°. [ Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, no. 1989.] 2304. h. 24. - See Griffin (g. w. ij.) Hamlet the Dainty. An Ethiopian burlesque on Shakespeare’s Hamlet ... By G. W. H. Griffin. [ 1877 .] 8 °. [The Darkey Drama. pt. 9 .] 11770. bb. - See Schink (j. F.) Schakespear in der Klemme ; oder, Wir wollen doch auch den Hamlet spielen. Ein Vor- bereitungsspiel zur Vorstellung des Hamlets durch Kinder. 1780 . 8 °. Pam. 80. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.] APPENDIX. - See Alfonso (n. r. d’) Lo Spettro dell’ Amleto. Note psicologiche. 1893 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See B., d. c. c. t. d. d. u. d. f. d. Examen de la tragedia intitulada Hamlet . . . traducida al Castellano por I. Celenio, etc. 1800 . 8 °. 11765. b. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of Hamlet. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 27. - See Barth (c. l.) Hundertjahrige Auffuhrung des Trauerspiels Hamlet, Prinz von Dauemark. [ 1877 .] fol. Pam. 80. - See Baumgart (h.) Die Hamlet-Tragodie, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11765. ec. 1. - See Besser (h.) Zur IJamletfrage, etc. 1882 . 8 °. 11763. df. 1. ( 6 .) - See Biaute ( ) llltude medico-psychologique sur Shakespeare et ses oeuvres, sur Hamlet en particulier. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 14. (9.) - See Boerne (l.) Il3i> xHeBEnita EepHe, ct. npiuioiKeHieMfc ero CTaTbii 0 “ TaMJieTk ” IlIeKcnupa. [1886.] 16 °. 11766. a. 24. - See Brauns (c. w. e.) Die Schroder’sche Bearbeitung des “ Hamlet,” etc. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Carreras (l.) Retratos a la pluma, etc. (Shake- pere: Refutacion de las notas de Moratin contra el Hamlet.) 1884 . 8 °. 11840. g. 36. (4.) - See Cartwright (n.) The Prince, and the Offered Crown. ( Hamlet’s Philosophy, etc.) [Essavs.] [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11766. bbb. 14. - See Conolly (j.) A Study of Hamlet. 1863 . 8 °. 11762. aa. - See Cooke (m. w.) The Human Mystery in Hamlet, etc. 1888 . 8 °. " 11764. b. 8 . - See Corbin (john) of Harvard. The Elizabethan Hamlet. A study of the sources, and of Shakspere’s environment, etc. 1895 . 8 °. 11764. 1. 2. _ See Teetgen (a. t.) The Bubble Ghost and his Son, etc. [A travesty of Hamlet.] 1869 . 8 °. 11781. 41. (2.) - Hamlet travestie: in three acts [in verse]. With annotations by Dr. Johnson and G. Steevens, Esq., and other commentators. [By J. Poole.] pp. xiii. 94. J. M. Richardson: London, 1810 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 10. - Third edition. 1811 . 8 °. See Poole (j.) Dramatist. 11764. bbb. 8 . - Sixth edition. 1817 . 12°. See Poole (j.) Dramatist. 11762. 13. - [Another edition.] [ 1853 .] 12°. [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 10.] 2304. d. 14. _ Prinz Hamlet von Dannemark. Marionettenspiel. [Travestied from Shakespeare by J. F. Schink.] 17QQ. 8°. See Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 11762. aa. 1. _ [Another edition.] See Momus. Momus und sein Guckkasten. 1799 . 8 °. 11745. bbb. 5. - Zweite ... Auflage, etc. 1 800 . 8 °. See Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 11762. b. - A Travesty without a Pun ! Hamlet revamped, modernized, and set to music. By the author of “ Romeo and Juliet ” [C. C. Soule ?]. pp. 48. G. I. Jones and Co.: St. Louis, 1880 . 8 °. 11775. g. 4. (10.) - See Corson (h.) Jottings on the text of Hamlet, etc. 1874 . 8 °* 11766. cc. - See Cox (e. w.) The Psychology of Hamlet. 1879 . 8 °. [Psychological Society of Great Britain. Papers, no. 17.] Ac. 3833. - See Davis (w. j.) Dr. Philosophical Explanation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, etc. 1867 . 8 °. 11765. f. 28. (5.) - See Dehlen (a.) Shakespear’s Hamlet ... Besprochen von A. Dehlen. 1883. 8°. 11762. f. 1. (5.) - See Delacroix (f. v. e.) Hamlet. Seize sujets dessines et lithographies par E. Delacroix. 1864 . fol. 1872. c. - See Delbrueck (a.) Ueber Hamlets Wahnsinn, etc. 1893 . 8 °. [Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaft- licher Vortrage. Neue Folge. Serie 8 . Heft 172.] 12249. 1. - See Dietrich (c.) Hamlet der Konstabel der Vorse- hung, etc. 1883 . 8 °. 11763. e. 10. (9.) - See Doering (a.) Shakspeares Hamlet ... erlautert. 1865 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 48. (2.) - See Dugit (e.) Oreste et Hamlet. 1889. 8°. 11766. cc. 14. (10.) - See Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (a.) the Elder. Etude sur Hamlet, etc. 1867 . 4°. 11765. h. 65 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE GG SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.—Appendix.] - See Farren (g.) Resident Director , etc. Observations on the Laws of Mortality. . . . With an appendix con¬ taining illustrations of the progress of Mania, Melan¬ cholia, Craziness and Demonomania, as displayed in Shakespeare’s characters of Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Edgar. 1829 . 8 °. 7680. aa. 65. (3.) - _ i833 . 8 °. 11765. f. 23. - See Feis (j.) Shalcspere and Montaigne : an endeavour to explain the tendency of Hamlet from allusions in contemporary works. 1884 . 8 °. 11763. df. 18. - See Feist (l.) Uber das Verhiiltniss Hamlet’s und Ophelia’s, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. (5.) - See Fischer (kuno) Shakespeares Hamlet. [1896.] 8°. [Kleine Scliriften von Iv. Fischer. Nil 5 .] 12251. h. - See Flir (a.) Briefe uber Shakspeare’s Hamlet. 1865 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 7. - See Friesen (h. von) Baron. Briefe iiber Shakspere’s Hamlet. 1864 . 8 °. 11765. e. - See Garnier (e.) Musical Critic. Hamlet, tragedie lyrique en cinq actes.. .Paroles traduites de Shakspeare par P. de Garal. Musique de A. Hignard. Analyse de la partition, etc. 1868 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 45. (2.) - See Gelber (a.) Shakespeare’sche Probleme. Plan und Einheit im Hamlet. 1891 . 8 °. 11763. h. 27. - See Gerth (a.) Der Hamlet von Shakspeare. Acht Vorlesungen, etc. 1861 . 8 °. 11765. bb. - See Gilchrist (f. b.) The True Story of Hamlet and Ophelia. 1889 . 8 °. 11763. df. 22. - See Graf (a.) Studii drammatici ... Amleto, etc. 1878 . 8 °. 011795. ee. 4. - See Gregori (f.) Shakespeares Hamlet im Lichte einer neuen Darstellung, etc. [ 1894 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Grimm (h.) Hamlet. [An essay.] [ 1875 .] 8 °. 11761. f. 2. (5.) - See Grundlinien. Grundlinien zu einer Theorie der Schauspielkunst. Nebst der Analyse einer komischen und tragischen Eolle Falstaf und Hamlet von Shake¬ speare. 1797 . 8 °. 11795. ccc. 17. - See Guernsey (r. s.) Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet:— The Burial of Ophelia. 1885 . 8 °. [New York Shake¬ speare Society. Papers, no. 1 .] Ac. 9509. - See Halliwell, afterwards PIalliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet. 1879 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Hansen (g. p.) The Legend of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, as found in the works of Saxo Grammaticus and other writers of the twelfth century, etc. 1887 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 43. ( 6 .) - See Hardy (edmund) Hamlet. Ein tragisches Oharakterbild. 1881 . 8 °. [Frankfurter zeitgemdsse Broschiiren. Bd. 2.] 12209. g. - See PIauff (g.) Shakspeares Hamlet. 1891 . 8 °. [ VlRCHO W and HOLTZENDORFF- VlETMANSDORF. Samm- lung gemeinverstandlicherVortrdge. Neue Folge. no. 117.] 12249. m. - See Henderson (j.) Actor. An Essay on the character of Hamlet, as performed by M r Henderson, etc. [ 1777 ?] 8 °. 164. i. 57. - See Herford (c. h.) The first quarto edition of Hamlet, etc. 1880 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 18. - See Hernon (j.) The Query “Was Hamlet Mad?” fully answered in original and critical observations on Shakspeare’s Hamlet, etc. 1864 . 8 °. 11765. c. 46. (5.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.—Appendix.] - See PIeuse (e.) Ueber die Erscheinung des “ Geistes ” im Hamlet. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Hirschfeld ( ) of Bantzic. Ophelia, ein poetisches Lebensbild von Shakespeare, zum ersten Male im Lichte arztlicher Wissenschaft zugleich als Beitrag zur iisthetiscken Ivritik der Tragodie “Hamlet,” etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11761. aaa. 8 . (4.) - See Horne (r. h.) Was Hamlet mad? etc. [ 1871 .] 8 °. 11765. b. 57. (9.) - See IPowison (jack) Hamlet. A descriptive account of its performance witnessed by J. Howison, aged 12 . 1894 . 8 °. Tam. 80. - See Jaenicke ( ) Teacher at Potsdam. Observations sur Hamlet. 1858 . 4°. 11766. k. 13. (2.) - See Klix (g. a.) Andeutungen zum Yerstiindniss von Shakespeare’s Hamlet. 1865 . 4°. 11762. g. 7. (3.) - See Knights (m.) Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” interpreted, etc. [i 8 g 3 .] 8 °. 11766. c. 45. - See Knortz (c.) Hamlet und Faust. 1888 . 8 °. 11766. f. 20. ( 6 .) - See Kornfeld (h.) Ueber den Sitz der Geistes- storungen.. . Nebst einem Anhange : Hamlet, zur Auf- fassung der Psychosen nach Shakespeare. 1878 . 8 °. 7660. cc. - See Latham (r. g.) Two Dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespear, etc. 1872 . 8 °. 11766. i. - See Leo (f. a.) The Autograph of Rosenkranz and Giildenstern, etc. [ 1890 .] 4°. 11765. li. 16. - See Levinstein (s.) Faust und Hamlet. Blatter an Varnhagen von Ense, etc. 1855 . 8 °. 11805. c. 39. (3.) - See Liepert (j.) Rector of the Konigliches Gymnasium , Straubinq. Shakespeares “ Hamlet,” etc. 1892. 8°. Pam. 80. - See Loening (r.) Die Hamlet-Tragodie Shakespeare’s. 1895 . 8 °. 11763. i. 12. - See Lupini (g. m.) Shakspeare e 1 ’ Amleto. Studio critico-psicologico. 1895 . 8 °. 011765. f. 6 . - See Macdonell (p.) An Essay on the tragedy of Hamlet; .. .with reflections on the writings and genius of Sliak- spere, etc. 1845 . 8 °. 11763. g. 5. - See Mahony (j. w.) Hamlet’s Mission : a critical en¬ quiry into ... his mode of carrying out the command of the Ghost. 1875 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 6 . - See Marshall (f. a.) A Study of Hamlet. 1877. 8°. 11765. e. 22. - See Martin (helena) Ladq. On Ophelia and Portia. 1880 . 8 °. ‘ Pam. 80. - See Martin (helena) Lady. Ophelia und Porzia, etc. 1890 . 8 °. 11763. h. 31. - See Mauerhof (e.) Ueber Hamlet. 1882. 8°. 11766. h. 17. - See Meadows (arthur) Hamlet: an essay. 1871 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 47. ( 6 .) - See Meyer (hugo) Hamlet und die Blutrache, etc. 1892 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Meijboom (l. s. p.) Hamlet. [An essay.] [ 1870 ?] 8 °. ' 11765. f. 28. ( 6 .) - See Miles (g. h.) A Review of Hamlet. [ 1870 .] 8 °. 11766. cc. 13. (3.) - See Moltke (m.) Shakespeare’s Hamlet-Quellen, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11766. f. 14. (5.) 67 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 63 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.—Appendix.] - See Mueller (johannes) Writer on Shakespeare. Die politischen. Anspielungen in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. [i 860 ?] 8 °. 11764. g. 4. (1.) - See Mull (m.) Hamlet.. .Supplementary notes...to my edition of the play.. .By M. Mull. 1888 . 8 °. 11766. h. 30. (3.) - See Nedich (l.) 0 XaM.ieTy jaBHO npeflaBame. 1892 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Neumann (h.) Ueber Lear und Ophelia, etc. 1866 . 8 °. 11765. f. 28. (4.) - See Noir£ (l.) Hamlet. Zwei Vortrage, etc. 1856 . 16°. 1 11765. a. 43. - See Owen (john) Rector of East Anstey, etc. The Five Great Skeptical Dramas of History (Shakespeare’s Hamlet, etc.'). 1896 . 8 °. 11824. i. 10. - See Oxon. An analysis and study of the leading characters of Hamlet, etc. 1885 . 8 °. 11765. b. 9. - See Periodical Publications.— Bucharest. Bukarester Tagblatt. Jalirgang v. no. 234—235 [containing an account of the first representation of Hamlet at Bucharest]. 1884 . fol. 1881. c. 17. (142.) - See Petersen (johannes) Faust und Brand. Hamlet. Zwei Vortrage [on these tragedies of Goethe, Ibsen, and Shakspere]. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Pinloche (a.) De Shakespearii Hamleto et ger- manica tragcedia qurn inscribitur Der bestrafte Bruder- mord oder Prinz Hamlet aus Dtennemark, etc. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Plumptre (j.) Observations on Hamlet, and on the motives which most probably induced Shakspeare to fix upon the story of Amleth, from the Danish Chronicle of Saxo Grammaticus, for the plot of his tragedy, etc. 1796 . 8 °. i087. c. 42. - See Plutarch. [ Vitae Parallelae. — English. — North’s Translation .] Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch... As sources to Shakespeare’s tragedies Coriolanus, Julius Ca 3 sar...and partly to Hamlet, etc. 1878 . 4°. 1869. a. 7. - See Pries (j. f.) Ueber Shakespeare’s Hamlet. 1825 . 8 °. 1344. d. 20. - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1878 . 16°. [Erlauterungen zu den aus- landischen Klassikern. Bdchn. 7, 8 .] 816. b. - See Rohrbach (c.) Shakespeare’s Hamlet, erlautei-t durch C. Rohrbach. 1859 . 8 °. 11765. b. 40. - See Romdahl (a.) Obsolete words in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, etc. 1869 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 4. (1.) - See Rosner (c.) Shakspere’s Hamlet im Lichte der Neuropathologie, etc. 1895 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Russell (e. r.) Irving as Hamlet, etc. 1875 . 8 °. 11795. c. 39. ( 8 .) •- See Salazar (c. r.) Ensayo critico sobre el Hamlet, etc. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. —— See Saupe (e. j.) Shakespeare’s Hamlet fur obere Gymnasial-Classen erlautert, etc. [ 1868 .] 4 °. 11766. k. 14. (3.) - See Schindhelm ( ) Abhandlung ... iiber Hamlet von Shakespeare, etc. [ 1866 .] 4°. 11762. g. 7. (4.) - See ScniPPER (l.) Shakspeare’s Hamlet. Aesthetische Erlauterung, etc. 1862 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 11. - See Schmalfeld (f.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Elektra des Sophokles, mit einem Seitenblick auf Shakespeare’s Hamlet, etc. 1868 . 4°. Pam. 80. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.—Appendix.] - See Schmidt (f. l.) Sammlung der besten Urtheile fiber Hamlets Character, etc. 1808 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 17. - See Schmidt (r.) Hamlet. Ein Commentar fur Laien. 1878 . 8 °. 11762. df. 4. (4.) - See Schroeder (c. von) Wille und Nervositat in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, etc. 1893 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Semler (c.) Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Die Weltan¬ schauung und der Styl des Dichters. 1879 . 8 °. 11762. df. 4. (5.) - See Sevin (a. m.) Etudes de litterature an^laise. Hamlet, tragedie de Shakespeare. Le cote chretien du caractere de Hamlet. 1895 . 6 °. Pam. 80. - See Spanier (i.) Der “ Papist ” Shakespeare im Hamlet. 1890 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 9. - See Stedefeld (g. f.) Hamlet, ein Tendenzdrama Sheakspeare’s [sic] gegen die skeptische und kosmopo- litische Weltanschauung des Michael de Montaigne, etc. 1 871 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 44. (5.) - See Stenger (e.) Der Hamlet-Charakter, etc. 1883 . 8 °. 11762. f. 1. (7.) - See Storffrich (d. b.) Psychologische Aufschliisse iiber Shakspeare’s Hamlet. 1859 . 8 °. 11764. c. - See Strachey (Sir E.) Bart. Shakspeare’s Hamlet: an attempt to find the key to a great moral problem, etc. 1848 . 8 °. 1344. e. - See Struve (ii.) Professor of Philosophy at Warsaw. Hamlet. Eine Characterstudie. 1876 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 2. - See Teichmann (e.) On Shakespeare’s Hamlet. History of the old Tale of Hamlet, etc. 1880 . 4°. 11766. i. 20. (5.) - See Thom (w. t.) Two Shakespeare Examinations [on “ Hamlet ” and “ Macbeth ”], etc. 1883 . 12 °. 11763. aaa. 1. - See Tomlinson (c.) On Goethe’s proposed alterations in Shakspere’s Hamlet, etc. 1889 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Trahndorff (c. f. e.) Abhandlung . . . iiber den Orestes der alten Tragodie und den Hamlet des Shake¬ speare. 1833 . 4°. 11705. cc. 39. - See Tuerck (h.) Hamlet ein Genie, etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11766. h. 30. ( 6 .) - - 1893 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Tuercic (ii.) Das psychologische Problem in der Hamlet-Tragodie, etc. 1890 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 13. (5.) -- See Tuerck (h.) Die Uebereinstimmung von Kuno Fischers und Hermann Tiircks Hamlet-Erklarung. 1894 . 8 °. 11826. f. 38. - See Tuerck (h.) Das Wesen des Genies. Faust und Hamlet. 1888 . 8 °. 011840. f. 24. (7.) - See Tyler (t.) The Philosophy of “ Hamlet.” 1874 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. - See Vining (e. p.) The Mystery 7 of Hamlet, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 27. - See Vining (e. p.) Das Geheimniss des Hamlets . . . Aus dem Englischen, etc. 1883 . 8 °. 11766. f. 11. (5.) - See Vining (e. p.) Time in the play of Hamlet. 1886 . 8 °. [New York Shakespeare Society. Papers. no. 5.] Ac. 9509. - See Tschischwitz (b.) Shakspere’s Hamlet in seinem Verhiiltniss zur Gesammtbildung, namentlich zur Theo- logie und Philosophie der Elisabeth-Zeit, etc. 1867 . 4°. 11766. k. 14. (2.) 69 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 70 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Hamlet.—Appendix.] - See Wade (t.) Dramatist. “ What does ‘Hamlet’ mean”? A lecture. [ 1840 .] 8 °. 11763. f. - See Watts (n.) Was Hamlet mad? etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11763. e. 14. (5.) - See Werder (c.) Yorlesungen fiber Shakespeare’s Hamlet, etc. 1875 . 8 °. 11766. b. 3. -1893. 8°. 11762. c. 12. - See Whately (e. w.) The Character of Hamlet: a lecture, etc. [ 1863 .] 8 °. 11765. aaa. 31. (4.) - See Wood (w. d.) Hamlet; from a psychological point of view. 1870 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 47. (5.) - See Yaroslavtsov (a. i.) 0 juithoctii TaM-iexa, etc. 1865 . 8 °. 11766. f. 14. (1.) - See Zerbi (r. de) Amleto : studio psicologico, etc. 1880 . 8 °. 11762. dt. 4. (7.) - See Ziegler (f. w.) Hamlet’s Charakter, etc. 1803 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. - 1820 . 8 °. 11795. b. - See Zingow (a.) Die Hamletsage an und mit ver- wandten Sagen erlautert, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 3. - See Zinn ( ) Serjeant-at-Law, pseud. A Throw for a Throne, etc. [Maintaining that Shakespeare’s words in “ Hamlet ” show Claudius to have been innocent of murder, etc.] [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11766. g. 4. - Miscellaneous observations on the tragedy of Hamlet. .. .With a preface, containing some general remarks on the writings of Shakespeare, pp. xii. 9-51. W. Clarke: London, 1752 . 8 °. 642. d. 27. ( 6 .) - Psychophysische Studien iiber Shakespeare’s Hamlet. pp. 41. [ 1880 ?] 8 °. 11766. f. 20. (1.) - Some Remarks on the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, written by Mr. William Shakespeare, pp. viii. 63. W. Wilkins: London, 1736 . 8 °. 642. d. 3. (1.) - [Another edition.] pp. vi. 52. W. Wilkins: London, [reprinted, 1864 ]. 8 °. 11763. aa. 8 . JULIUS CiESAR. - Julius Caesar. A tragedy. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, pp. 64. Printed by H. H., Jun., for H. Herringman & R. Bentley: London, [ 1680 .] 4°. 642. e. 18. (1.) - [Another edition.] pp. 61. Printed by H. H., Jun., for H. Herringman & R. Bentley: London, 1684 . 4°. 11763. e. 21. - [Another edition.] pp. 60. H. Herringman dc R. Bentley: London, 1691 . 4°. 841. c. 3. (1.) - Julius Caesar, pp. 90. 1711. See English Plays. A Collection of the best English Plays, vol. 1 . 171 1 , etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 16. - The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.. .Alter’d by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden. As it is now acted by His Majesty’s Company of Comedians at the Theatre Royal. To which is prefix’d, the Life of Julius Caesar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. pp. xi. 77 . 1719. See Collection. A Collection of Plays, etc. vol. 1 . 1719 . 12 °. 642. b. 1. - Julius Caesar. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, etc. pp. 70. J. dt R. Tonson: London, 1741 . 12°. 11763. aa. 9. - Julius Caesar, a tragedy, etc. pp. 74. D. Williams: London, [ 1766 .] 12 °. 11770. b. 1. (1.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Julius Caesar.] - Julius Caesar, a tragedy. Collated [by C. Jennens] with the old and modern editions, pp. 144. W. Owen: London, 1774 . 8 °. 80. i. 24. (3.) - Julius Caesar ... With explanatory notes selected from Dr. Johnson’s and Mr. Steevens’s commentaries, pp. 94. A. Vandenhoek's Widow: Goettingen, 1777 . 8 °. 11762. bbb. 5. (1.) - Julius Caesar. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 19. Harrison & Co.: London, 1780 . 8 °. 11770. g. 5. (4.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Bensley in the character of Mark Antony ” as frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s Julius Cae>ar... .Adapted to the stage by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 7 4. J. Miller : London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 1. (7.) - Julius Caesar.. .With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] .. .Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. 80. 1822. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 16. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 16. - Julius Caesar ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. [i.e. G. Daniel.] To which are added... cast of the characters,... the whole of the stage business as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 63. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. v. 1829 , efc. 12 °. 642. a. 3. - Shakspeare’s Julius Caesar. Grammatisch und sachlich .. .erlautert von D r J. Hoffa. pp. iv. 130. F.Mauke: Jena, 1848 . 8 °. 11762. e. 21. (2.) - Julius Caesar. . .Erklart von Dr. E. W. Sievers. 1855. See Herrig (k.) Sammlung englischer Schriftsteller, etc. 1853 , etc. 8 °. 11603. d. 21. - Julius Caesar.. .Grammatisch und sachlich zum Schul- und Privatgebrauch erlautert und mit einem aus- fiihrlichen Worterbuche versehen von D r J. Bucher, pp. iv. 131. Renger'sche Buchhandlung : Berlin, 1856 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 43. (1.) - The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philo¬ logical commentary on his Julius Caesar. [With the text of the play.] By G. L. Craik. pp. xxxviii. 352. Chapman dt Hall: London, 1857 [ 1856 ]. 8 °. 2300. a. - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar mit sprach- und sach- anmerkungen begleitet von E. Meyer, pp. xiv. 154. Nolte & Koehler: Hamburg, 1857 . 8 °. 11762. c. 3. - Julius Caesar. A tragedy. ... With notes by Dr. O. Fiebig. pp. iv. 96. G. Grsebner: Leipzig, 1859 . 8 °. 11765. e. 23. - Julius Caesar, etc. pp. 70. [1859.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 40. [ 1850 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. e. 14. - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Erklart von T. Jancke. pp. iv. 96. Verlag der M. Du Moni-Schauberg'schen Buchhandlung: Koln, 1861 . 8 °. 11764. f. 6 . (3.) - Julius Caesar ... With grammatical and explanatory notes by Correard. pp. 72. C. Four ant: Paris, [ 1865 .] 12 °. 11765. aa. 42. (5.) - Julius Caesar, a tragedy ... New edition, with notes. Revu et adapte a l’enseignement dans les Lycees .. . par C. Witcomb. pp. 80. Baudrys European Library: Paris, 1865 . 8 °. 11765. f. 29. (3.) - Jules Cesar. Nouvelle edition, publiee avec une notice, un argument analytique et des notes en frangais par C. Fleming, pp. 174. L. Hachette et Cie.: Paris, 1866 . 16°. 11765. a. 21. 71 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 72 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Julius Gesar.] - Jules Cesar. [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words : “ Nouvelle edition,” and the date 1881.] Paris, 1881 . 8 °. 11763. df. 10. - TAnother copy, with a new titlepage hearing the date 1884.] 11762. aa. 15. - Julius Caesar, annote par C. Graeser. pp. 84. F. A. Brockhaus: Leipzig, 1870 . 8 °. 11766. b. 23. (3.) - Julius Caesar, tragedi ... Med inledning och anmark- ningar [by V. H.]. pp. xviii. 116. S. Hellstroms Forlag : Hudiksvall, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 2. - W. Shakespeare’s Julius Casar, zur Uehersetzung in’s Deutsche bearbeitet.. .von Dr. H. Klose. pp. 35. Heidelberg, 1872 . 8 °. 11761. f. 2. (3.) - Julius Caesar. Nouvelle edition, avec une notice sur la piece et des notes philologiques et litteraires par M. Grouillard. pp. 154. C. Delagrave: Paris, 1875 . 12°. 11766. aaa. 14. Part of the “ Collection des classiques anglais .” - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Julius Caesar. With intro¬ ductory remarks.. .and.. .notes, etc., by S. Neil, pp. 160. 1877. See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’s School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. 31. - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. With notes, examination papers and plan of preparation. Edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn, etc. pp. 130. W. & R. Chambers: London & Edinburgh, 1878 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 10. - Julius Caesar...Fur den Schulgebrauch erklart von Dr. L. Riechelmann... .Zweite Auflage. pp. xl. 123. B. G. Teubner: Leipzig, 1879 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 14. - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. With introduction, and notes,.. .for use in schools.. .by.. .H. N. Hudson, pp. 205. Ginn <& Heath: Boston [ Mass .], 1879 . 12°. 11761. aaa. 3. ■ — Jules Cesar: tragedie. .. . Edition classique precedee d’une notice litteraire par A. Elwall. pp. xxiv. 116. Delalain Freres : Paris, [ 1881 .] 12°. 11762. de. 9. - Jules Cesar: tragedie en cinq actes. Texte anglais revu et annote par M. l’Abbe Julien. pp. xii. 142. Poussielgue Freres: Paris, 1881 . 12°. 11763. df. 13. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words, “ Troisieme edition,” and the date 1895.] 11764. aa. 31. - Jules Cesar: tragedie. Nouvelle edition avec notice biographique, sommaires, notes. . .par E. Hnussaire. pp. 213. P. Dupont: Paris, 1881 . 12°. 11763. df. 8 . - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; with introduction, notes, examination papers, and an appendix of prefixes and terminations, by T. Parry, pp. viii. 149. 1882. See Longmans, Green and Co. Longmans’ Modern Series [of school books]. 1881 , etc. 8 °. 12200 . cc. - Julius Caesar. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 95. [ 1883 , etc.'] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Julius Caesar. Edited by Capt. F. S. Dumaresq de Carteret - Bisson and R. Mongan. [Pt. 1 of “The Dumaresq Series,” of which no more was published.] [ 1883 .] 8 °. See supra : Smaller Collections.— Engish. - The Tragedy of Julius Caesar ... With notes, pp. 96. [1884.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 8 °. 12200. c. -Julius Caesar.. .Mit Anmerkungen von Dr. E. Fritsche. pp. xi. 108. O. Meissner: Hamburg, 1885 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 4. (4.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Julius Caesar.] - Julius Caesar. . . . With illustrations from North’s Plutarch [and an introduction by H. Morley]. pp. 192. 1887. See Cassell (john) Cassell’s National Library, no. 73. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. aaa. - Julius Caesar....Herausgegeben von Dr. L. Proescholdt. pp. 82. Dr. H. Schlutters Verlag: Gera, 1889 . 8 °. 11763. df. 27. - Shakespeare. Julius Caesar, with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton. pp. xxxi. 184. Macmillan & Co.: London, 1890 . 8 °. 11763. df. 30. - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Edited by T. D. Barnett. pp. 133. G. Bell & Sons: London, 1893 . 8 °. 12268. c. 3. - A Selection from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, pp. 46. 1880. See Lines. Lines from the Poets, etc. no. 7. 1879 , etc. 16°. 11603. cc. - Selections from Julius Caesar ... with introduction, notes, and an appendix of prefixes and terminations. An English text book for upper standards under the Mundella code by T. Parry, pp. 52. 1883. See Longmans, Green and Co. Longmans’ Modern Series. [ 1881 , etc. ] 8 °. 12200. cc. - Selections from Henry Eighth and Julius Caesar, etc. [1885.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200. d. - Selections from Julius Caesar, pp. 32. [1896.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s English Classics. [ 1896 , etc. ] 16°. 012200. e. English and French. - Jules Cesar, tragedie traduite en vers frangais, avec le texte anglais au has des pages, precedee d’une etude et suivie de notes, par C. Carlhant. pp. lxxx. 168. Firmin Didot Freres : Paris, 1856 . 8 °. 11765. g. 15. Jules Cesar. Traduction frangaise [in prose] par E. Montegut. Avec le texte anglais, pp. viii. 129. Hachette et Cie.: Paris, 1881 . 8 °. 11766. f. 11. (3.) English and Greek. - Versus Preemio Porsoniano.. .dignati, auctore Gulielmo Barham. (From Julius Caesar, Act iv. Sc. in.) [' Cambridge, 1822 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (32.) - [A translation, in Greek iambics, by H. Lushington, from “Julius Caesar,” act II., sc. 2.] 1832. See Academies, etc. — Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. C. 59. e. 9. (2.) English and Italian. - Giulio Cesare, tragedia ... voltata in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Quinta edizione col testo inglese di riscontro. pp. 187. Successori Le Monnier: Firenze, 1868 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 10. Croatian. - Julio Cezar.. .Po njemackome od L. Peca, preveo §. D. Kotaranin. pp. 132. U Zagrebu, i 860 . 8 °. 11766. f. 12. (1.) Danish. - Julius Caesar.. .Oversat af H. Lassen, pp. 119. Kristiania , 1882 . 8 °. 11766. c. 30. Tillsegshefte til “ Folkevennen ” for 1882 . Dutch. - Julius Caesar.. .in vlaainsche tale door E. Lauwers... overgedicht. pp. 94. Leuven, 1882 . 8 °. 11766. f. 11. (4.) 73 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 74 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Julius Caesar.] Dutch, Frisian Dialect. - Julius Cesar. [Translated, in the Frisian dialect, by R. Posthumus.] See infra: Merchant of Venice. — Dutch, Frisian Dialect. De Keapman fen Venetien, etc. 1829 . 8 °. 11762. f. 3. French. - Jules Cesar, tragedie . . . traduite de l’anglais en vers framjais par A. Barbier. pp. 208. Paris, 1848 . 12 °. 11762. c. 4. - Nouvelle edition, etc. pp. 243. Paris, 1855 . 12 °. 11763. c. 1. - Julius Cesar : tragedie ... Traduite en vers frangais par le chevalier de Chatelain. pp. x. 142. Londres, 1866 . 8 °. 11765. e. 24. - fitudes dramatiques par A. Barbier. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et ornee de deux gravures. Jules Cesar (tragedie de Shakspeare, traduite en vers frangais). Benvenuto Cellini (opera en deux actes, paroles de L. de Vailly et A. Barbier, etc.'), pp. 332. Paris, 1874 . 12°. 11762. c. 5. - Jules Cesar. Traduction (par J. Baschet) des trois premiers actes. See infra: Romeo and Juliet. Romeo et Juliette, etc. 1878 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 3. - Brutus et Cassius; ou, La Bataille de Philippes. Tragedie ... imitee de l’anglais de Shakespear. Par S. Buffardin. an iv. [ 1796 .] 8°. See Buffardin (s.) F. 433. (4.) German. - Versuch einer gebundenen Uebersetzung [by C. W. von Bork] des Trauer-Spiels von dem Tode des Julius Casar ; aus dem englischen Wercke des Shakespear. pp. 139. Berlin, 1741 . 8 °. 11766. e. 10. - Julius Casar, oder die Verschworung des Brutus. Ein Trauerspiel in sechs Handlungen [in prose, trans¬ lated by W. H. von Dalberg], Fur die Mannheimer Biihne bearbeitet, etc. pp. 122 . Mannheim, 1785 . 8 °. 11762. e. 10. - Shakespeare’s Julius Casar, iibersetzt von E. Vollbehr. pp. 108. Kiel, 1853 . 8 °. 11765. c. 40. (2.) - Julius Casar. Eine historische Tragodie.. .Uebersetzt von A. Kolb. pp. 126. Stuttgart, 1861 . 16°. 11765. a. 22. - Julius Casar. Trauerspiel in fiinf Akten. Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais, pp. 58. Stuttgart, [ 1878 .] 8 °. 11747. bb. - Julius Casar, etc. [Adapted to the stage from the translation of A. W. von Schlegel.] pp. 72. Dresden, 1879 . 16°. 11762. de. 3. (2.) Heft 10 of the “ Repertoir des Herzoglichen Meiningen’- schen Hof-Theaters.” - [Another edition.] pp. 72. Dresden, 1880 . 8 °. 11762. de. 3. (7.) - Julius Casar ... Uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel. Herausgegeben und erlautert von J. Scheuffgen. pp. 94. Munster, 1883 . 16°. 11763. aaa. 9. - Julius Casar. Ein Trauerspiel.. .In der Ubersetzung von A. W. Schlegel herausgegeben und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von J. Reach, pp. xii. 74. Wien, 1884 . 8 °. 11764. g. 4. (4.) German, Jewish. -jin [in prose] avcynyi'K "id • • • iNiyv |KS fWINB’T jytJ"Tl'-DDtaS pp. 148. Bapmaea, 1886 . 8 °. 1979. c. 69. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Julius Caesar.] Greek, Modern. - ’JovAios Kaicap. TpaywSia . . . th rrjv ’EAAiji/ik^v p.tra- yXwTTiaOtiara viro N. K. ’lajt'iSov. pp. 124. ’A6r)vr](ri, 1858 . 8 °. 11762. f. 1. (1.) - — - SauceoTreipov ’IovAios Kaicrap. [Translated by A. Rhizos Rhankabes.] 1885. See Rhizos Rhankabes (a.) 'Airavra ra $iAoAoyi»ca, etc. tom. 12. 1874 , etc. 8 °. 012264. k. - ’IovAios Kanrap. TpayySia . . . p.tTapacrOa(Ta t* t??s ’AyyAiKTys viro M. N. AapupaXg. pp. 96. iv ’AOyvais, 1886 . 8 °. 11766. CC. 14. (5.) Ralian. - 11 Giulio Cesare. Tragedia ... tradotta [in prose] ... dal dottor D. Valentini. pp. 154. Siena, 1756 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. 8 . - Giulio Cesare, tragedia di Guglielmo Shakespeare; tradotta dall’ originale inglese in versi italiani da M. Leoni. pp. 191. Milano, 1811 . 8 °. 642. e. 24. - [Another edition.] La Morte di Giulio Cesare, etc. pp. vii. 159. Pisa, 1815 . 8 °. 642. e. 23. (2.) - Giulio Cesare, tragedia di Shakspeare, recata in italiano [in prose] da I. Valletta, pp. 165. Firenze, 1829 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 10. - Giulio Cesare ... Traduzione di G. Carcano. pp. 225. Milano, 1847 . 6 °. 11764. i. 15. - Giulio Cesare. Tragedia in cinque atti ... ridotta per le scene italiane [in prose] da T. Garagnani. pp. 59. Firenze, 1883 . 8 °. 11766. c. 22. Latin. - Gulielmi Shaksperii Julius Caesar. Latine reddidit [in prose] H. Denison, pp. 169. J. H. & J. Parker: Oxford & London, 1856 . 8 °. 11763. f. 5. - Shaksperi Julius Caesar. Ad textum qualem N. Delius constituit Anglicum, in senarios Latinos transtulit Dr. T. J. Hilgers. pp. 91. Dessaviae, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. b. 25. (5.) Polish. - Juljusz Cezar : tragedja ... Przeklad A. Pajgerta. pp. x. 158. Lwow, 1859 . 12°. 11762. df. 3. (1.) Roumanian. - Iuliu Cesar ... Traducere metrics, dupa textul original de A. Stern, pp. 106. [Bucharest,) 1879 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 6 . Russian. - KMB E[e 3 api>. Tparejux ... nepeBOjiL A. JI. Cokohob- CKaro. pp. 100. C.-Ilemep6ypn, 1885 . 8 °. 11763. g. 4. (1.) Swedish. - Julius Cesar ... Ofversattning. pp. viii. 130. Stockholm, 1816 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 30. (2.) - Sammansvarjningen emot Julius Caesar ... Fritt ofver- satt och lampad for Scenen af P. Westerstrand. pp. 136. Stockholm, 1839 . 8 °. 11765. bb. 39 APPENDIX. - See Asch (m.) Shakspere’s and Voltaire’s Julius Caesar compared, etc. [ 1881 .] 4°. 11764. i. 18. (9.) - See Behne (h. f. t.) Comparaison entre le “ Jules Cesar ” de Voltaire et celui de Shakspeare, etc. 1872 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 4. (2.) 75 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 76 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Julius C-esar.—Appendix.] - See Brinckner (f.) Poetik Shakespeare’s in den Romerdramen Coriolanus, Julius Caesar und Antony und Cleopatra, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 4. - See Collischonn (g. a. 0 .) Jacques Grevin’s Tragodie “Caesar” in ihrem Verhaltniss zu Muret, Voltaire und Shakespere. 1886 . 8 °. [STENGEL. Ausgaben und Abhandlungen am dem Gebiete der romanischen Philologie. No. 52.] 11498. i. - See Doerries (l.) tlber Shakspeare’s Casar, etc. 1865 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. (1.) - See Gomont (h.) Le Cesar de Shakespeare. 6 tude, etc. 1874 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Goonewardena (d. g.) A Companion to Shake¬ speare’s “ Julius Caesar.” 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Haeusser (f. e.) Shakspear’s Julius Caesar. Objective dramatic table. 1879 . 8 °. 1881. c. 16. (97.) - See Hunter (john) M.A., Uxbridge. Studies for candi¬ dates in select plays of Shakspeare. 1880 , etc. 12 °. 11766. bbb. - See Kreutzberg (p.) Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, etc. 1894 . 4°. Pam. 80. - See Lees (john) B.A., Lond. Questions on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, etc. [ 1896 .] 8 °. 011765. f. 9. - See Moberly (m. g.) Hints for Shakespeare-study, exemplified in an analytical study of Julius Caesar, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 16. - See Morf (h.) Die Casartragodien Voltaire’s und Shakspere’s, etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11766. h. 30. (2.) - See Peters (j.) Ueber die Voltaire’sche Uebersetzung des Julius Caesar von Shakspere. [ 1871 .] 8 °. 11763. e. 10. (4.) - See Plutarch. [Vitae Parallelae. — English. — North’s Translation.'] Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch ... As sources to Shakespeare’s tragedies Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, etc. 1878 . 4°. 1869. a. 7. - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeare’s Julius Casar. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1875 . 16°. [ Erlauterungen zu den auslandischen Klassilcern. Bdchn. 3, 4.] 816. b. - See Qvennerstedt (a. w.) Caesars-Karakteren. 1 . Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, etc. 1880 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. ( 8 .) - See Schmid (e.) Director der stddt. hoh. Tochterschule zu Bromberg. Worterbuch zu.. .Julius Caesar, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. e. 8 . (5.) - See Schneeberger (h.) Die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Schillers Tell und Shakespeare’s Julius Casar, etc. 1882 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 5. (4.) - See Tetschke (w.) Einleitung zu Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. [ 1855 .] 4°. 11766. k. 13. (1.) - See Trabaud (p.) Ctude comparative sur 'le “ Julius Caesar” de Shakespeare et le meme sujet par Voltaire. [ 1889 .] 8 °. 11766. cc. 15. (4.) - SeeWiARDA( ) Oberlehrer zu, Ernden. Bemerkungen zu Shakspeares Julius Caesar. 1870 . 4°. 11766. k. 13. (3.) - See Wilken ( ) of the Realprogymnasium, Biedenkopf. An historical and metrical introduction into the study of Shakspeare’s works, with particular regard to his Julius Caesar. 1883 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (11.) - See Woodforde (f. c.) An Etymological Index to Shakespeare’s play of Julius Caesar. [ 1886 .] 8 °. 11762. bbb. 4. ( 6 .) - See Zollmann (w.) Marcus Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, etc. 1867 . 4°. 11765. g. 10. SHAKESPEARE (William) KING HENRY IV. —PART I. - The History of Henrie the Fourth; With the battel 1 at Shrewsburie, between e the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henrie Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceits of Sir John Falstalife. Printed by P[eter] S[hort], for Andrew Wise : London , 1598 . 4°. C. 34. k. 5*. 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-k, in fours. Im¬ perfect ; wanting sig. e 4 and sig. K 4. Shakespeare’s name does not appear in this edition. - The History of Henrie the Fourth ; With the battell at Shrewsburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceits of Sir John Falstalife. Newly cor¬ rected by W. Shake-speare. Printed by S[imon ] Stafford], for Andrew Wise: London, 1599 . 4°. C. 34. k. 6 . 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-k, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. h. 12. This copy is inlaid, and bears the autograph of G. Steevens. - The History of Henry the fourth, With the battell at Shrewseburie, betweene the King, and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceites of Sir John Falstalife. Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. ms. note [by J. O. Halli- welll Printed for Mathew Law : London, 1608 . 4°. C. 34. k. 7. 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-K, in fours. One 0/ the only two perfect copies known. - The History of Henrie the fourth, With the Battell at Shrewseburie, betweene the King, and Lord Henrie Percy, surnamed Henrie Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceites of Sir John Falstaffe. Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. Printed by W. W., for Mathew Law : London, 1613 . 4°. C. 34. k. 9. 40 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-k, in fours. With the autograph of George Steevens on the titlepage. - [Another copy.] ms. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. C. 34. k. 8 . In this copy there are variations from the preceding at sig. h 1, line 5 from bottom, and at sig. h 4, verso, line 4 ; apparently corrections made subsequent to the issuing of earlier copies. Imperfect; wanting the last leaf, which is supplied in MS. - The Historie of Henry the Fourth. With the Battell at Shrewseburie, betweene the King,and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceits of Sir Iohn Falstaffe. Newly cor¬ rected. By William Shake-speare. Printed by T. P., and are to be sold by Mathew Law: London, 1622 . 4°. C. 12. g. 21. 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-k, in fours. - The Historie of Henry the Fourth : with the battell at Shrewesbury, betweene the King, and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceits of Sir John Falstaffe. Newly corrected, by William Shake-speare. ms. note [consist¬ ing of a list of the Dramatis Personae]. Printed by John Norton, and are to be sold by William Sheares: London, 1632 . 4°. C. 34. k. 10. 40 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-k, in fours. - The Historie of Henry the Fourth: with the battell at Shrewsbury, betweene the King, and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North. With the humorous conceits of Sir John Falstaffe. Newly corrected, by William Shake-speare. Printed by John Norton, and are to be sold by Hugh Perry: London, 1639 . 4°. C. 34. k. 11. 40 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-k, in fours. Follow¬ ing the titlepage, which is slightly mutilated, a fragment of a duplicate titlepage, much mutilated, is inserted. 77 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 78 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry iv.— Part x.] - K. Henry iv., with the humours of Sir John Fa 1 staff.. .As it is acted at the Theatre in Little- Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by His Majestys Servants. Re¬ vived, with alterations [by F. Betterton], pp. 54. Printed for R. W.: London, 1700 . 4°. 841. c. 3. (5.) - [Another copy.] 644. f. 51. - [Another copy.] 163. h. 69. - K. Henry iv. With the humours of Sir John Falstaff, etc. pp. 100. London, 1710 . 16°. 11765. a. 23. - Iv. Henry iv. With the Humours of Sir John Falstaff. pp. 92. 1721. See English Flays. A Collection of the best English Flays, vol. 2. 1711 , etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 17. - K. Henry iv. With the humours of Sir John Falstaff, etc. pp. 82. T. Moore : Dublin, 1731 . 12 °. 11763. a. 5. - The First Part of Henry iv., etc. pp. 96. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12°. 11765. aa. 41. (3.) - The First Part of Henry iv. ... marked with the variations in the manager’s book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. pp. 83. C. Bathurst: London, 1785 . 12 °. 11763. b. 1. With MS. alterations, stage directions, etc. - Shakspeare’s King Henry the Fourth; the first part. ... Revised by J. P. Kemble, and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 76. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 2. (9.) - King Henry iv. Part 1. ... With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.]. ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. ii. 82. 1822. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 14. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 14. - King Henry iv. Part 1 . ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G [i.e. G. Daniel], to which are added a ... cast of the characters .. . and the whole of the stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 68 . [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. iv. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 2. - King Henry iv. Part 1 . pp. 70. [1859.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 37 . [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. e. 11. _ The First Part of Henry the Fourth .. . The text from the folio of 1623 ; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. iv. 26. L. Booth : London, 1863 . 4°. 11763. h. 9. Interleaved. _ Shakespeare’s First Part of Henry the Fourth, fac¬ similed from the edition printed at London in the year 1604. By E. W. Ashbee. ff. 78. London, 1871 . 4°. 11765. ff. 23. 50 copies printed for private circulation, of ivhich 31 selected copies only were preserved. _Shakspeare’s King Henry iv. Part 1 . Con tante note spiegative ed osservazioni sulla grammatica di Shak- speare da rendere il dramma intelligibile a chiunque conosce anche solo mezzanamente 1’ inglese. Saggio del padre Viani Carlo, pp. viii. 108. E. Loescher: Torino, 1872 . 8 °. 11761. h. 4. (2.) _. Shakspere’s King Henry the Fourth, Part 1 .: the first quarto, 1598, a facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs, ... with forewords by H. A. Evans, pp. xiii. 79. W. Griggs: London, [ 1881 .] 4°. Shalcspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 8 . 11764. k. 10. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry iv.—Part i.] - King Henry the Fourth. Part 1 . Arranged for per¬ formance at the A[mateur] D[ramatic] C[lub], Michael¬ mas Term, 1886. pp. 70. University Press : Cambridge, 1886 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 1. - King Henry iv. Part 1 . [1883.] See Dicks (.;.) Pub¬ lisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 219. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - First part of King Henry iv. ... and the old play of ‘ The famous victories of Henry v.’ [With introduc¬ tion by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 128. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - King Henry the Fourth.. . .By Shakspere 11 . [A prose romance founded upon Shakespeare’s play. Forming vol. 1 , 2 of “Shakspeare’s Romances; collected and arranged by Shakspere 11 .,” of which no more was published.] 1825 . 8°. See Shakspere ii. 11763. aaa. 22. - The Boaster; or, Bully-Huff catch’d in a trap. [Taken from King Henry iv., pt. 1.] Nee Theatre. Shaksperian Drolls, from a rare book, printed about a.b. 1698, entitled The Theatre of Ingenuity, etc. 1859 . 16°. 11764. b. 11. - The Droll of The Bouncing Knight, or the Robbers Robbed. [Taken from King Henry iv., pt. 1 . Reprinted from Ivirkman’s “The Wits; or, Sport upon Sport.”] See Kirkman (f.) The Wits, etc. i 860 . 16°. 11773. a. French. - Auguste Vacquerie et P. Meurice d’apres Shakespeare. Falstaff.—Scene de la Taverne. pp. 24. Paris, [ 1895 .] 8 °- 11766. cc. 16. APPENDIX. - See Beamont (w.) On three dramas of Shakspere : Richard 11 ., Henry iv., Pt. 1 ., Henrj 7 iv., Pt. 11 ., etc. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. c. 9. - See Hackett (j. h.) Falstaff; a Shakesperian tract, etc. 1840 . 8 °. 11763. f. KING HENRY IV.— PART II. - The Second part of Henrie the fourth, continuing to his death, and coronation of Henrie the fift. With the humours of Sir John Falstaffe, and swaggering Pistoll. As it hath been sundrie times publikely acted by the right honourable, the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. Printed by V[alentine] S[ims], for Andrew Wise and William Aspley : London, 1600 . 4° C. 34. k. 12. 43 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-l i, in fours, except sheet E, which consists of six leaves. In the earliest copies issued, sheet e consisted of four leaves; but on the printer s discovering that he had omitted a portion of the scene, the sheet ivas reprinted with six leaves, including the missing portion. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 20. With the autograph of G. Steevens. - [The Second part of Henrie the fourth, etc.] ms. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. [Printed by V[alentine] N[ms], for Andrew Wise and William Aspley: London, 1600 .] 4 °. C. 34. k. 13. This consists only of the original four-leaved sheet k, referred to in the note appended to the preceding. - The sequel of Henry the fourth ; with the humours of Sir John Falstaffe, and Justice Shallow. As it is acted by His Majesty’s Company of Comedians, at the Theatre- Royal in Drury Lane. Altered from Shakespear, by the late M r Betterton, pp. 82. W. Cherwood and T. Jauncy : London, 1719 . 8 °. 163. h. 70. Titlepage slightly mutilated. 79 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 80 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry iv.—Part ii.] - The Second Part of Henry iv. pp. 93. J. Tonson : London, 1734 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 41. (4.) - The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth. Altered [by R. Valpy] from Shakespeare, as it was acted at Reading School, in October, 1801, etc. pp. 96. Smart & Cowslade: Reading, 1801 . 8 °. 1344. f. 15. (2.) - Shalcspeare’s King Henry the Fourth ; the second part. .. .Revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 70. J. Miller : London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 2. (10.) - [Another edition.] Printed as it was revived at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, etc. 1821 . 8 °. See Henry iv., King of England. 11825. dd. - [Another edition.] Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D- G [i.e. G. Daniel]. To which are added a.. .cast of the characters.. .and the whole of the stage business as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 60 . [1831 ?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xxvii. 1829 , etc. 12°. 642. a. 14. - The Second Part of Henry the Fourth . . . The text from the folio of 1623; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 27. L. Booth: London, 1863 . 4°. 11763. h. 10. Interleaved. - King Henry iv., Part 11 . pp. 71. [I 860 .] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 64. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. f. 9. - Shakspere’s King Henry the Fourth, Part it. : the Quarto of 1600, a facsimile in Photo-lithography by W. Griggs.. .with forewords by LI. A. Evans, pp. xii. 85. IF. Griggs: London, [ 1882 ?] 8 °. 11764. k. 10. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimilies, no. 9. - King Henry iv. Part 11 . [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 231. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Second Part of King Henry iv. [With introduction by IL. Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 132. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - Selections from King Richard 11 . and Heniy iv., Part 11 . [1885.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200. d. - Falstaff’s Wedding : a comedy. Being a sequel to the second part of. ..Henry the Fourth... in imitation of Shakespeare. By W. Kenrick. 1760 . 8 °. See Kenrick (w.) ll.d. 642. d. 6 . (1.) - [Another edition.] 17 66 . 8°. See Kenrick (w.) LL.D. 642. d. 27. (10.) English and Greek. - Senarii Greeci. [A translation from Henry iv., Pt. 11 ., Act 3, Sc. 1 .]... Auctore G. I. Pennington, pp. 5. [Cambridge, 1817 .] 8 °. T. 1055. (33.) - [Another copy.] 732. c. 10. (12.) - The Gaisford Yerse, 1884. [A translation into Greek iambics from King Henry iv. pt. 2, Act 1 , sc. 1.] By H. IL. House, pp. 11 . B. H. Blaclcwell: Oxford, 1884 . 8 °. 11409. f. 30. (1.) - Gaisford Prize, 1886. Greek comic verse [a trans¬ lation from King Henry iv., Pt. 11 ., Act 3, sc. 2 ] by G. G. A. Murray, pp. 9. B. H. Blackwell: Oxford, 1886 . 8 °. 11409. f. 30. (4.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [King LIenry iv.—Part ii. —English and Greek.] - Gaisford Prize 1894 . Shakespeare’s King Henry iv., part 11., act 2, scene 11., lines 1-100, translated into comic iambic verse by G. S. Robertson, pp. 15 . B. H. Blackwell: Oxford, 1894. 8°. Pam. 63. APPENDIX. - See Beamont (w.) On three dramas of Shakspere: Richard 11., Henry iv., Pt. 1., Henry iv., Pt. 11., etc. 1879. 8°. 11766. c. 9. - See Halliwell, afterwards LIalliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Observations on the Charlecote traditions and on the personation of Sir T. Lucy in the character of Justice Shallow [in the ‘ Merry Wives of Windsor ’ and ‘ King Henry iv., ! Pt. 2 ]. 1887. 8°. 11765. f. 10. - See Raffles (r. b.) Introductory Questions on the Second Part of Shakespeare’s King LIenry iv. 1883. 8°. 11763. aaa. 3. KING HENRY IV.— PARTS I. AND II. - King Henry iv. Drama in two parts. Mit kritischen, historischen, besonders aber mit erklarenden Noten fur den Gehrauch in hohern Lehranstalten von F. E. Feller, pp. xxiv. 222. Baumgartner's Buclihandlung : Leipzig, 1830. 8°. 11765. d. 6. - The Life and Humours of Falstaff; a comedy formed out of the two parts of Shakspeare’s Henry the Fourth, and a few scenes of Henry the Filth. Compiled, &c., by C. S. pp. ii. 93 . Calkin d Budd : London, 1829. 12°. T. 1364. (6.) - Shakespeare’s Play of King Henry the Fourth. Printed from a contemporary manuscript. [Consisting of Henry iv., Pt. 1. and a portion of Pt. 11.] Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 1845. 8°. See Academies, etc. —London. — Shakespeare Society. Shakespeare (w.) Ac. 9485/26. - The Story of Falstalf, selected from King Henry iv., for drawing-room representation, by Mark Lemon. See Hatton (j.) With a Show in the North, etc. 1871 . 8 °. 10855. aaa. French. - E. Prarond. Falstaff, comedie.. .D’apres Merry Wives et King Henri iv. 1895. 8 °. See Prarond (e.) 011765. g. 1. German. - Heinrich der vierte. Ein Schauspiel, in funf Aufziigen [in prose]. Nach Shakespear [Henry iv., Parts 1 and 2] Itirs deutsche Theater eingerichtet, von Schroder, pp. 107 . Wien, 1782. 8°. 11763. aaa. 10. - [Another edition.] pp. 128 . 1804 . See German Stage. Deutsche Schaubiihne. (Neueste . . . Schaubiihne.) Jahrg. 2 . Bd. 6. 1788, etc. 8°. 11745. aaaa. - Heinrich der Vierte . . . Uebersetzt von R. T. L. Samson v. Llimmelstiern. See supra: Smaller Collec¬ tions.— German. W. Shakspeare’s Richard der Zweite, etc. 1848. 8°. 11765. f. 8. Swedish. - Falstaff och hans Stab. Silhuetter af P. Konewka till text ur William Shakspeare’s “ Konung Hendrik iv.” och “ Muntra Fruarne i Windsor.” [ 1880 .] See Konewka (p.) Silhuetter, etc. [1875, etc.] 4 °. 1876. c. 3. - [Another edition.] [1881.] 4 °. 1876. c. 2 . appendix. - See Grundlinien. Grundlinien zu einer Theorie der Schauspielkunst. Nebst der Analyse einer komischen und tragischen Rolle, Falstaf und Hamlet von Shake¬ speare. 1797 - 8 °. 11795. ccc. 17. SHAKESPEARE 81 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry iv.—Parts i. and ii.— Appendix.] - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. o.) On the character of Sir John Falstaff, as originally ex¬ hibited by Shakespeare in the two parts of King Henry iv. 1841 . 8 °. 840. b. 16. - See Rusden (g. w.) Lecture on the character of Falstaff, etc. 1870 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 2. - See Sievers (e. w.) Shakespeare’s zweiter mittelalter- licher Dramen-Cyclus [i.e. King Richard 11 ., King Henry iv. and King Henry v.1, etc. i8q 6 . 8 °. 011765. gg. 5. ■- See Struve (e. a.) Studien zu Shakspeare’s Heinrich iv., etc. 1851 . 4°. 11765. h. - See Tschischwitz (b.) Shakspeare’s Staat und Konig- thmn. Nachgewiesen an der Laneaster-Tetralogie [“King Richard 11 .,” “ King Henry iv.,” Pt. 1 . & 11 ., and “ King Henry v.”], etc. 1866 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 32.(7.) - See Uhlmann (j.) Schakespear in sechzehnten Jahr- hundert fur die englische Nation, Schroder in achtzehnten Jahrhundert fiir die deutsche Nation. [On Schroder’s adaptation of Henry iv.] 1783 . 8 °. 11762. b. KING HENRY V. - The Chronicle History of Henry the fift. With his battell fought at Agin Court in France. Together with Auntient Pistoll. As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right honorable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Printed by Thomas Creede, for Tho. Millington, and John Busby : London, 1600 . 4°. C. 12. g. 22 . 27 leaves, without pagination. Sig. a-g 3, in fours. Sig. G 2 is erroneously marked G 3 ; sig. g 3 is not marked, and its verso is blank. Shakespeare's name does not appear in this edition. - The Chronicle History of Henry the Fift, with his battell fought at Agin Court in France. Together with ancient Pistoll. As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right Honourable Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. Printed for T. P.: [London,] 1608 . 4°. C. 34. k. 14. 27 leaves, without pagination. Sig. A-G 3, in fours. Shakespeare's name does not appear in this edition. - The Life of Henry v. pp. 96. J. Tonson : London, 1734 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 41. (5.) - King Henry v. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Itoyal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 19. Harrison & Co.: London, 1780 . 8 °. 11770. g. 4. (28.) With an engraved portrait of “Mr. Baddeley in the character of Pistol ” as frontispiece. - King Henry v.; or, the Conquest of France: . . . Printed exactly conformable to the representation on its revival at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Oct. 1 ., 1789. [Adapted to the stage by J. P. Kemble. Edited by J. Wrighten.] pp. 62. J. Debrett: London, 1789 . 8 °. 643. e. 17. ( 6 .) - Shakspeare’s King Henry the Fifth_Revised by J. P. Kemble; and now first published as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, pp. 66 . Longman & Co.: London, 1806 . 8 °. 11777. cc. 1. (5.) - [Another edition.] pp. 68 . J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 4. (2.) - King Henry v. ... With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. ix. 68. 1823. See Oxbeuiiy (w. ii.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 18. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 18. 82 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry v.] - King Henry v... . Printed from the acting copy, with re¬ marks, biographical and critical, by D-G [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a.. .cast of the character's. ... and the whole of the stage business, as now per¬ formed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 56. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xi. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 6 . - King Henry the Fifth, etc. pp. 76. [1859.] See Lacy (t. h. ) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. xml. 39. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. e. 13. - Shakespeare’s play of King Henry the Fifth, arranged for representation at the Princess’s Theatre, with his¬ torical and explanatory notes, by C. Kean. . . . Second edition, pp. 96. ■ J. K. Chapman & Co. : London, [ 1859 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 23. ( 6 .) - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words : “ Third edition.”] 11764. cc. 22. (7.) - The Life of Henry the Fifth ... The text from the Folio of 1623; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 27. L. Booth: London, 1863 . 4°. 11763. h. 11. Interleaved. - Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth, facsimiled from tho edition printed at London in the year 1602. By E. W. Ashbee. ff. 49. Printed for private circulation : London, 1867 . 4°. C. 34. i. One of fifty copies, privately printed, of which nineteen have been destroyed. - The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth. Reprint of first quarto, 1600. [Edited by B. Nicholson.] 1875 . 4°. See Academies, etc.—Loudon .—Neiv Shak- spere Society. Ac. 9487/5. - The Life of Henry the Fifth. Reprinted from the first folio, 1623. [Edited by B. Nicholson.] pp. 105. 1875. See Academies, etc. —London .—New Shakspere Society. Ac. 9487/6. -- King Henry v. Parallel Texts of the First Quarto (1600) and First Folio (1623) editions. Edited by Dr. B. Nicholson. With an introduction by P. A. Daniel, pp. xv. 213. 1877 . 4°. See Academies, etc. — London.— New Shakspere Society. Ac. 9487/9. - Shakespeare’s History of King Henry the Fifth. With introductory remarks, explanatory . .. notes, etc., by S. Neil. pp. 160. 1878. See Collins (av.) Publisher, etc. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. ccc. - King Henry the Fifth . . . With notes and an intro¬ duction, by K. Deighton. pp. xxxii. 287. W. H. Allen & Co.: London, 1880 . 8 °. 11763. e. 4. - The Life of Henry the Fift . .. The edition of 1623, newly revised and corrected, with notes and an intro¬ duction by W. G. Stone. pp. cvi. 180. 1880 . 8 °. See Academies, etc. —London .—New Shakspere Society. Ac. 9487/10. - Shakespeare’s King Henry v., with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation, pp. 128. W. <£• B. Chambers: London and Edinburgh, 1882 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 14. - King Henry v. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plax's. no. 235. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. .- King Henry v. ... The first quarto, 1600. A facsimile from the British Museum copy ... by C. Praetorius . .. With an introduction by A. Symons, pp. xvii. 53. C. Praetorius: London, 1886 . 4°. 11764. k. 27. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 27. 83 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 84 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry v.] - King Henry v... .The third quarto, 1608. A facsimile from the British Museum copy ... by C. Praetorius. With an introduction by A. Symons, pp. viii. 54. C. Praetorius: London, 1886 . 4 °. 11764. k. 28. Shalcspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 28. - King Henry v. With notes, etc. pp. 59. [1886.] See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s Modern School Series. [ 1884 , etc.] 8 °. 12205. aa. - King Henry v. [With introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 140. [ 1886 , etc.] 16°. 12208. bb. - King Henry the Fifth ... With introduction and notes by B. Jonson. pp. 128. 1889. See Gill (george) Schoolmaster. Gill’s School Series. 1868 , etc. 12 °, etc. 12202. e. - Shakespeare’s Play of King Henry v. With intro¬ duction and notes by W. Barry, pp. 127. 1892. See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200 . c. - Shakespeare’s King Henry v., abridged to 673 lines. With notes and introduction, pp. 32. TF. & R. Chambers: London, 1885 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 10. (3.) - The Half-Pay Officers, etc. [Altered from Davenant’s “ Love and Honour,” with some scenes taken from “ King Heury v.”] 1720 . 12°. Nee Half-Pay Officers. 11775. b. - King Henry the Fifth. ... A tragedy [founded upon Shakespeare] . . . By A. Hill. 1723 . 8 °. See Hill (a.) 11765. aaa. 30. (1.) English and Greek. • - [A translation, in Greek iambics, by Thomas Evans, from “King Henry v.,” act iv., sc. 1.] 1838. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 13. - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by G. Druce, from “ King Henry v.,” act iv., sc. 1 .] 1842. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 13. - Gaisford Prize — Greek Yerse, 1890. Shakespeare, Henry v., Act 11 ., Scene iil, translated into comic iambics, by W. M. Geldart. pp. 7. B. H. Blackwell : Oxford, 1890 . 8 °. 8367. aa. 15. (5.) German. - Heinrich der Fiinfte. . .Uebersetzt von E. T. L. Samson v. Himmelstiern. See supra: Smaller Collections.— German. W. Shakspeare’s Eichard der Zweite, etc. 1848 . 8 °. 11765. f. 8 . APPENDIX. - See Schmeding (g. a.) Essay on Shakspere’s Henry v., etc. 1784 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. (7.) - See Sievers (e. w.) Shakespeare’s zweiter mittelalter- licher Dramen-Cyclus [i.e. King Eichard 11 ., King Henry iv. and King Henry v.], etc. 1896 . 8 °. 011765. gg. 5. - See Tschischwitz (b.) Shakspeare’s Staat und Konig- thum. NachgewiesenanderLancaster-Tetralogie[“King Eichard 11 .,” “ King Henry iv.,” pt. 1 and 2, and “King Henry v.”], etc. 1866 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 32. (7.) - See Woodforde (f. c.) An Etymological Index to Shakespeare’s play of Henry v. [ 1888 .] 8 °. 11762. b. 21. (4.) SHAKESPEARE (William) king HENRY VI.— PART I. - The First Part of Henry vi. pp. 82. J. Tonson : London, 1735 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 40. (1.) - King Henry vi. Part the first. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 241. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - First Part of King Henry vi. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886 , etc. 8 °. _ 12208. c. - Henry the Sixth, the first part . . . Written by Mr. Crown. [Founded upon Shakespeare’s “ King Henry vi.,” pt 1 .] 1681 . 4°. See Crowne (j.) 81. d. 22. (5.) , Hungarian. - Shakespeare. vi ik Henrik Kiraly elso resz, drama ot felvonasban. Dr. Delius M. eredeti angol kiadasabol forditotta Kalmar G. pp. xiv. 123. Bdnfalvdn, 1862 . 8 °. 11765. g. 16. APPENDIX. - See Kummer (c. f.) Die Jungfrau von Orleans in der Dichtuug (Shakespeare [“ King Henry vi.,” pt. 1 .], Voltaire, Schiller). 1874 . 8 °. 11765. f. 28. ( 8 .) KING HENRY VI.— PART II. - The Second Part of Henry the Sixth ; with the Death of the Good Duke Humphry: a tragedy, pp. 84. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 40. (2.) - King Henry vi. Part the second. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’Standard Plavs. no. 249. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - The First Part of the Contention. The First Quarto, 1594, from the unique copy in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. A facsimile, by photolithography, by C. Prae¬ torius. With forewords embodying the late L. Grant White’s argument on Shakspere’s right to the whole of 2 & 3 Henry vi., by F. J. Furnivall. 1889 . 4°. See York, House of. 11764. k. 39. - See Crowne (j.) The Misery of Civil-War, a tragedy . . . Written by Mr. Crown. [Founded upon Shake¬ speare’s “King Henry vi.,” pt. 11 .] 1680 . 4°. 644. g. 44. - 1681 . 4°. 81. d. 22. (4.) KING HENRY VI. —PART III. - The True Tragedie of Richarde, Duke of Yorke, and the death of good King Henrie the sixt: With the whole contention betweene the two Houses, Lancaster and Yorke; as it was sundry times acted by the Eight Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke his seruantes. The second edition. Printed at London by W[illiam] W[kite], for Thomas Millington, 1600 . 4°. C. 12. h. 9. 32 leaves, without pagination. Sig. a-h, in fours. Inlaid. With the autograph of George Steevens on the titlepage. Shakespeare's name does not appear in this edition. - The Third Part of Henry the Sixth. With the Death of the Duke of York. pp. 96. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12°. 11765. aa. 40. (3.) - King Henry vi. Part the third. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 253. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. SHAKESPEARE 85 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry vi.—Part in.] - Third Part of King Henry Vi. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 188 6 , etc. 8 °. _ 12208. c. - The Roses; or, King Henry the Sixth ; an historical tragedy. Represented at Reading School ... Compiled [by R. Yalpy] principally from Shakespeare, etc. pp. 46. Smart & Cowslade: Reading , [ 1795 .] 8 °. 1344. f. 15. (3.) - Second edition, pp. vii. 59. Longman & Co.: London , 1810 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 12. (3.) SHAKESPEARE 86 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry vi.—Parts ii. AND III.] - The First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of K. Henry the Sixth. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. pp. xl. 224. 1843. See Academies, etc.— London.— Shakespeare Society. Ac. 9485/14. - The Whole Contention, 1619. ... The third quarto, 1619... A facsimile by photolithography from the British Museum copy...by C. Prastorius. With fore¬ words by F. J. Furnivall. 2 pt. C. Preetorius : London, 1886 . 4°. 11764. k. 21. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 23 and, 24. English and Greek. - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by G. J. Kennedy, from “King Henry vi.,” Pt. III., Act 11 ., sc. 2.] 1831. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 12. (2.) - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by E. M. Cope, from “ King Henry vi.,” Pt. hi., Act 11 ., sc. 5.] 1839. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 13. KING HENRY VI.— PARTS I., II., AND III. - Richard, Duke of York; or, the contention of York and Lancaster. As altered from Shakspeare’s three parts of Henry vi. In five acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. [By E. Kean.] pp. xx. 81. R. White: London, 1817 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 13. APPENDIX. - See Rives (g. l.) An Essay on the authorship of the First, Second, and Third Parts of Henry the Sixth; com¬ monly attributed to Shakespeare. 1874 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 5. - See Malone (e.) A Dissertation on the three parts of King Henry vi., tending to shew that those plays were not written originally by Shakspeare. 1787 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. - See Wesskl (c.) Richard in. in Shakespeare’s plays [i.e. “ Henry vi. ” and “ Richard in.”] compared with Richard in. in history. 1876 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (3.) KING HENRY VI.— PARTS II. AND III. - The Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke. With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the sixt. Diuided into two Parts : And newly corrected and enlarged. Written by William Shakespeare, Gent. (The History of Pericles, Prince of Tyre.) Printed for T. P.: London, [ 1619 .] 4°. C. 34. k. 38. 97 leaves, without pagination. Sig. A-z, Aa-Bb 1, in fours. “ The History of Pericles" begins on sig. R 1. - [Another copy of sig. a-q, comprising “ The Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke” only.] C. 12. g. 13. - An Historical Tragedy of the Civil Wars in the reign of king Henry vi. [in five acts]... Alter’d from Shake- spear [“ King Henry vi.,” Pt. 11 . and 111 .] by T. Cibber, pp. 60. J. Walthoe, jun.: London, [ 1720 .] 8 °. 11777. b. 5. (2.) - [Another copy, with a newtitlepage bearing the words: “ Second edition,” and with a Prologue substituted for the Preface.] 163. h. 71. KING HENRY VIII. - The Life and Death of King Henry the Eighth, pp. 95. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 40. (5.) - The Life of Henry vm. ... In which are interspersed, historical notes, moral reflections, and observations [by J. Grove]... never before publish’d. Adorned with several copper-plates, pp. iv. 116. D. Browne: London, 1758 . 8 °. 642. e. 19. (1.) Imperfect ; wanting the copper-plates. - [Another copy.] 163. h. 72. With the copper-plates. - King Henry vm. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 18. J. Wenman: London, 1778 . 8 °. 11770. g. 2. (21.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Clarke in the character of Henry VIII.” as frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s King Henry the Eighth ... Revised by J. P. Kemble; and now first published as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, pp. 64. T. N. Longman & O. Rees: London, 1804 . 8 °. 1344. f. 22. - [Another edition.] pp. 67. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 2. (7.) - King Henry vin. ... With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. xvi. 70. 1823. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 19. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 19. - King Henry vm. ... As performed at the Theatres Royal Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Printed . . . from the Prompt Books, pp. 52. Oliver & Boyd: Edinburgh, [ 1825 ?] 12°. 11765. a. 24. - King Henry vm. ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D- G. [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a .. . cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 63. [1830 ?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. v. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 3. - King Henry the Eighth, etc. [With notes. Edited by T. H. Lacy.] pp. xxvi. 64. [1855.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 22 . [ 1850 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. d. 26. - Shakespere’s historical play of King Henry the Eighth, arranged for representation at the Princess’s Theatre, by C. Kean, etc. pp. 91. J. K. Chapman & Co.: London, [ 1855 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 22. (2.) - Third edition, pp. 89. London, [ 1855 .] 8 °. J. K. Chapman d: Co. : 11764. cc. 23. (1.) 87 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 88 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry vrn.] - Shakespeare’s tragedy of King Henry vm. With ... notes, critical remarks and historical extracts by W. Lawson, pp. 122. 1875. See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. 21. - King Henry vm. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’Standard Plays, no. 166. [ 1883 , e#c.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - The play of Henry vm. . . . With notes, pp. 100. [1884.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 8 °. 12200. c. - Shakespeare’s Henry vm. With notes, examination papers, etc. pp. 116. W. & R. Chambers: London ; Edinburgh , 1884 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 4. — 1 — King Henry vm. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1887. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. b. - Shakespeare’s King Henry the Eighth. Edited by W. H. Low. pp. 123. [1890.] See Tutorial Series. The Tutorial Series. [ 1887 , etc.] 8 °. 12205. c. 197. - King Henry the Eighth, with introduction and notes by K. Deighton. pp. xlv. 183. Macmillan: London, 1895 . 8 °. 11763. aa. - King Henry vm., pt. 11 . [A fragment of “ The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare ”... Edited by S. C. Mullich.] See supra : Works. The Plays and Poems, etc. 1878 . 8 °. 11764. h. 12. - Selections from King Henry vm. pp. 32. [1896.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s English Classics. [ 1896 , etc.] 16°. 012200 . e. - Selections from Henry Eighth and Julius Ceesar... With ... notes, pp. 32. [1885.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200 . d. - 150 Lines from Shakspere’s Play of Henry vm. With ... notes, pp. 8 . [1888.] See World School Series. World School Series, etc. [ 1879 , etc.] 16°, 8 ° & fol. 12200 . aa. English and French. - Henri vm. Traduction framjaise [in prose] par E. Montegut, avec le texte anglais, pp. iv. 184. Hachette et Cie.: Paris, 1883 . 8 °. 11766. f. 12. (4.) —— Henri vm. (Explique litteralement par M. Morel ... Traduction frangaise [in prose] ... de M. E. Montegut.) pp. x. 322. Hachette et Cie.: Paris, 1883 . 8 °. 11764. b. English and Greek. - Senarii Graeci, etc. [A translation, by G. S. Walker, from Henry vm., Act 3, Sc. 2.] pp. 5. [Cambridge, 1818 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (15.) A MS. copy of the Greek version, with a Latin translation, is bound up with the above. - Senarii Graeci, etc. [A translation, by B. H. Kennedy, from Henry vm., Act v., Sc. 4.] [Cambridge, 1823 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (35.) - Senarii Graeci. [A translation, by C. R. Kennedy, from Henry vm., Act iv., Sc. 2.] 1829. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cambridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. C. 59. e. 9. English and Italian. - II Re Enrico vm. Dramma... voltato in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Ottava edizione, col testo inglese di riscontro. pp. 226. Successori Le Monnier: Firenze, 1880 . 8 °. 11764. b. 2. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Henry viil] German. - Shakspeare’s Konig Heinrich der Achte iibersetzt von Wolf Grafen von Baudissin. pp. 157. Hamburg, 1818 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 14. - Konig Heinrich vm. Schauspiel von Shakespeare. In das Deutsche iibertragen von S. H. Spiker. pp. x. 165. Berlin, 1837 . 8 °- 11766. b. 10. - Konig Heinrich der Achte. Deutsch von H. Viehoff. pp. 124. 1868. See Bibliothek. Bibliothek aus- landischer Klassiker, etc. Bd. 70. 1865 , etc. 8 °. 12209. e. Italian. - Arrigo vrn. ... Traduzione di G. Carcano. pp. 259. Milano, 1855 . 8 °. 11764. i. 9. KING JOHN. - [For editions of the supposititious play “ The First and Second Part of the troublesome Raigne of John, King of England. ... Written by W. Shakespeare,” 1611, 1622, etc. See infra: Supposititious Works. - The Life and Death of King John. A tragedy, pp. 72. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . • 12°. 11765. aa. 41. (1.) - King John.. .Altered [by R. Yalpy] from Shakespeare. As it was acted at Reading School, etc. pp. 82. Smart & Cowslade: Reading, 1 800 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 12. (1.) - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words : “ Second edition” and the date 1803.] 1344. f. 15. (1.) - Shakspeare’s King John ... Revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 64. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 2. (5.) - King John.. .With prefatory remarks.. .Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is per¬ formed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. ii. 62. 1819. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 7. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 7. - King John ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D- G [i.e. George Daniell. To which are added a ... cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 59. 1829. See Cumberland (j.) Cum¬ berland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. iv. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 2. - King John, etc. pp. 72. [1859.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 38. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. e. 12. - The Life and Death of King John. ... Together with The Troublesome Reign of King John, as acted by the Queen’s Players, c. 1589. ... Edited with notes ... by F. G. Fleay. pp. 224. 1878. See Collins (w.) Publisher, of Glasgow. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. - Shakespeare’s History of the Life and Death of King John. Edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe, etc. pp. 190. Harper & Bros.: New York, 1880 . 8 °. 11761. aaa. 5. - Shakespeare’s History of King John. With introduction and notes.. .by.. .H. N. Hudson, pp. xxvL 165. Ginn & Heath : Boston [Mass.], 1880 . 16°. 11762. aaa. 5. - King John. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 65. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. 89 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 90 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King John.] - Shakespeare’s play of Kina; John : with ... notes, etc. pp. vi. 48. [1883.] See World School Series. World School Series. [ 1879 , etc.] 16°. 12200. a. - Shakespeare’s King John; with introduction, notes* examination papers and an appendix ... Edited ... hy T. Parry, pp. 152. 1884. See Longmans, Green & Co. Longmans’Modern Series. [ 1881 , etc.] 8 °. 12200 . cc. - The Play of King John.. .With notes, pp. 96. [1885.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200 . d. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King John.] Polish. - Krol Jan ... W. Szekspira. Przeklad J. Korzeniow- skiego. 1845. See Korzeniowski (j.) and Walicki (a.) Arcydziela dramatyczne. tom. 2 . 1844 , etc. 12 °. 11758. c. APPENDIX. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillips (j. 0.) Memoranda on Love’s Labour’s Lost, King John, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. h. 6 . KING LEAR. - Shakespeare’s King John, abridged, with notes. pp. 64 . 1885. See Meiklejohn (j. m. d.) Blackwood’s Educational Series. 1883 , etc. 8 °. 12204. bbbb. - Shakespeare’s King John: with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation, pp. 88 . W. & R. Chambers: Edinburgh , 1885 . 8 °. 11764. b. 5. - Shakspere for schools. King John, as abridged by C. Kemble, with notes for school use. pp. 51. G. Bell & Sons : London, 1886 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. - Shakespeare’s play of King John : with the meaning of the words, paraphrase of difficult passages, and ... notes.. .For Standards v., vi., and vii. pp. vi. 48. J. B. Ledsham: Manchester, [ 1886 .] 8 °. 11766. bb. 24. -Tbe Life and Death of King John. [With an intro¬ duction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1887. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886 , etc. 16°. 12208. b. - Shakespeare’s King John ... With introduction and notes [by Ben Jonson]. pp. 112 . 1887. See Gill (george) Schoolmaster. Gill’s School Series. 1868 , etc. 12 °. 12202 . df. - A Selection from Shakespeare’s ‘King John.’ pp. 30. 1879. See Lines. Lines from the Poets, no. 5. 1879 , e ^ c ’ 16°- 11603. cc. - Selections from Shakespeare’s King John... An English text-book ... by T. Parry, pp. 48. 1884. See Longmans, Green and Co. Longmans’ Modem Series. [ 1881 , etc.] 8 °. 12200. cc. English and Greek. - Senarii Graeci, etc. [A translation, by J. Hodgson, from King John, Act iv., Sc. 2 .] Cambridge, [ 1825 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (43.) - Senarii Greeci, etc. [A translation, by B. H. Kennedy, from King John, Act in., Sc. 3.] [Cambridge , 1826 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (47.) French. - Les Frangais en Angleterre (King John). [A free translation by E. Prarond. Founded upon Shakespeare.] See Prarond (e.) Etudes sur Shakespeare, etc. 1853 . 12 °. 11762. bbb. 13. - [Another edition.] 1883 . 8°. See Prarond (e.) Le Theatre sous le Chene. 11763. df. 3. German. -- Johann, Konig von England. [Translated, in prose, by W. von B. A single part of “ Shakespear fur Deutsche bearbeitet.”] 1796 . 8 °. See supra: Works.— German. —Anonymous translation, 1796. 11762. c. 11. - Konig Johann.. .Nach Schlegels Uebersetzung fur die deutsche Btthne bearbeitet von E. Hopffer. pp. 50. Leipzig, [ 1850 ?] 8 °. 11766. f. 8 . (1.) - M. William Shak-speare: his True Chronicle Historie of the life and death of King Lear and his three Daughters. With the unfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Gloster, and his sullen and assumed humor of Tom of Bedlam. As it was played before the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall vpon S. Stephans night in Christmas Hollidayes. By his Maiesties seruants playing usually at the Gloabe on the Bancke- side. Printed for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, etc.: London, 1608 . 4°. C. 34. k. 18. 41 leaves, without pagination ; sig. b-l, in fours. - [Another copy.] ms. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. C. 34. k. 17. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage, which is supplied in facsimile. This copy presents several textual variations from the preceding, particularly on G 2 verso, H 3 verso, and H 4 recto. - M. William Shake-speare; his True Chronicle History of the life and death of King Lear, and his three Daughters. With the unfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and his sullen and assumed humour of Tom of Bedlam. As it was plaid before the Kings Maiesty at White-Hall, vppon S. Stephens night, in Christmas Hollidaies. By his Maiesties Seruants, playing vsually at the Globe on the Banck-side. Printed for Nathaniel Butter: [London,] 1608 . 4°. C. 34. k. 19. 44 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-l, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 27. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 20. Imperfect; wanting titlepage, which is supplied in MS., and sig. b 1 . Sig. a 2-a 4, mutilated. - M. William Shake-speare, his true Chronicle History of the life and death of King Lear, and his three Daughters. With the unfortunate life of Edgar sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, etc. Printed by Jane Bell: London, 1655 . 4°. C. 34. k. 54. 44 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-L, in fours. - The History of King Lear. Acted at the Duke’s Theatre. Reviv’d with alterations. By N. Tate, pp. 67. Printed for E. Flesher: London, 1681 . 4°. 841. d. 39. (7.) - [Another edition.] pp. 56. Printed by H. Hills, for R. Wellington: London, 1699 . 4°. 1344. f. 31. - [Another copy.] 644. i. 47. - [Another edition.] pp. 60. London, [ 1710 ?] 4°. Printed for R. Wellington : 644. f. 65. - [Another copy.] 841. c. 3. (4.) - [Another edition.] pp. 60. London, 1712 . 4°. Printed for R. Wellington: 83. b. 11. ( 8 .) - [Another edition.] pp. 77. Dublin, 1733 . 12°. William Smith : 11774. aaa. 13. (2.) - [Another edition.] London, 1759 . 12°. pp. 69. C. Hitch & L. Hawes, etc.: 642. e. 19. (2.) 91 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 92 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Lear.] — The History of King Lear. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. [With a preface by G. Colman.] pp. v. 71. R. Baldwin : London, 1768. 8°. Pam. 80. - King Lear. A tragedy. Collated [by C. Jennens] ■with the old and modern editions, pp. xiv. 192. W. White: London, 1770. 8°. 80. i. 23. (1.) With two copies of a portrait of Shakespeare engraved by R. Earlorn after a painting by C. Jansen. - King Lear ... As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 20. Harrison & Co.: London, 1779. 8°. 11770. g. 3. (28.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Garrick as King Lear ” as frontispiece. - King Lear, a tragedy. Altered from Shakspeare by David Garrick, Esq. Marked with the variations in the manager’s book at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. ms. notes, pp. 67. C. Bathurst: London, 1786. 12°. 11762. bbb. 3. (1.) - The King Lear . . . With explanatory annotations by Kiichler. ms. notes, pp. 187. G. H. Heinse : Zeiz, 1794. 8°. 11762. bb. 10. - Shakespeare’s King Lear, from Nahum Tate’s altera¬ tions ... Revised by J. P. Kemble, and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 75. J. Miller: London, 1815. 8°. 2304. d. 4. (10.) - King Lear. (Put in a light now entirely new ... by R. Deverell.) See Deverell (r.) Discoveries in Hiero¬ glyphics. vol. 2. 1816. 8°. 012330. h. 1. - King Lear, altered from Shakspeare by N. Tate. With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] . . . Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. x. 71. 1820. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 10. 1818, etc. 8°. 11770. f. 10. - King Lear . . . Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added a . .. cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 65. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. vi. 1829, etc. 12°. 642. a. 3. - King Lear. A tragedy, etc. pp. 80. [1857.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 31. [1850, etc.] 12°. 2304. e. 5. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of King Lear.. .With historical and explanatory notes by C. Kean, etc. pp. 90. J. K. Chapman & Co.: London, [1858.] 8°. 11764. cc. 23. (5.) - King Lear ... With explanatory notes ... Edited by R. H. Westley. pp. 113. G. Grsebner : Leipzig, 1861. 8°. 11765. c. 16. - King Lear, a tragedy . . .New edition, with notes. Revu et adapte a l’enseignement dans les lycees ... par C. Witcomb. pp. 120. Baudrys European Library: Paris, 1865. 8°. 11765. f. 29. (4.) - King Lear, etc. pp. 102. American Printing House for the Blind: Louisville, Ky., 1871. 4°. 13007. a. 61. Printed in embossed Roman type. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of King Lear. With...notes .. .by Dr. W. B. Kemsbead. pp. 136. 1875. See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873, etc. 8°. 12204. cc. 7. - Shakespeare’s King Lear, with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation. Edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. pp. vii. 148. W. & R. Chambers: London and Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. 11764. aaa. 4. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Lear.] - King Lear. pp. 32. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’Standard Plays, no. 6. [1883, etc.] 12°. 4 11770. bbb. - M. William Shak-speare’s King Lear. The first quarto, 1608. A facsimile, with an appendix ... With intro¬ duction by P. A. Daniel, pp. xxii. 80. C. Proetorius: London, 1885. 4°. 11764. k. 17. No. 33 of Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. - M. William Shake-speare’s King Lear. The second quarto, 1608. A facsimile ... with introductory notice by P. A. Daniel, pp. 87. C. Praetorius : London, 1885. 4°. 11764. k. 16. No. 34 of Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. - King Lear. [With an introduction by Henrv Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886, etc. 8°. 12208. aaa. - The Tragedy of King Lear ... With notes, pp. 128. [1888.] See Blackie (w. g.) Blackie’s School Classics. 1879, etc. 16°. 12200. d. English and Greek. - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by C. J. Yaughan, from King Lear, act 111., sc. 2.] 1837. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [1828, etc.] 8°. 732. c. 13. English and Ralian. - King Lear: ... As performed by Signor Salvini at Covent Garden Theatre, Season 1884, etc. [With an Italian verse translation.] pp. 55. Emmett's Printing Works: Manchester; London, 1884. 8°. 11766. i. 22. (2.) - Re Lear, tragedia ... voltata in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Sesta edizione col testo inglese de’ris- contro. pp. 248. Successori Le Monnier: Firenze, 1868. 8°. 11762. bb. 5. French and Italian. - Le Roi Lear . . . Traduction italienne [in prose] de C. Rusconi, avec le fran^ais [in prose, translated by J. de Filippi] en regard. Seule edition conforme a la representation, pp. 38. Milan, [1870?] 8°. 11765. ff 20. - [Another edition.] pp. 41. Paris, 1875. 8°. 11765. ff. 8. (1.) - [Another copy.] 11763. i. 8. Danish. - Kong Lear. ... Oversat af P. Foersom. pp. 160. Kjfbenhavn, 1859. 12°. 11762. df. 6. (4.) - Kong Lear ... Oversat af Y. Osterberg. pp. 144. Kfbenliavn, [1889?] 16°. 11764. b. 15. No. 43 of the “ Danslc Folkebibliothek.” Dutch. - Koning Lear ... Uit het Engelsch vertaald [in prose] door W. van Loon. pp. vii. 156. Utrecht, 1861. 12°. 11764. bb. 18. - Koning Lear ... Vertaald en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. [In prose.] Amsterdam, [1880?] 8°. 11762. df. 5. (4.) French. - Le Roi Lear, drame en cinq actes, en vers, imite de Shakspeare, par J. Lacroix, pp. xiv. 144. Paris, 1868. 8°. 11739. b. 16. - Le Roi Lear . . . Traduction en vers par M. l’abbe P.-E.-P. Herpin. (fitude sur le roi Lear [by F. V. Hugo].) pp. xxiii. 211. Rennes, 1869. 8°. 11763. bbb. 6. 93 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 94 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Lear.— French.] - Le Roi Lear. Tragedie ... Traduite en vers fran 9 ais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. pp. xiv. 212 . Londres, 1873 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 39. - Le Roi Lear. Drame ... Par F. Duhomme et E. Sauvage. (Imite de Shakspeare.) 1844 . 8 °. See Duhomme (f.) and Sauvage (e.) Pam. 80. German. - Kdnig Lear. Ein Trauerspiel ... Nach Shakespear. [Translated, in prose, by F. L. Schroder.] pp. 110. Hamburg, 1778 . 8 °. 11762. e. 11. - Konig Lear. Ein Trauerspiel . . . Nach Shakespear, von J. C. Bock. [In prose.] pp. 152. Leipzig, 1779 . 8 °. 11766. b. 23. (1.) - Neue Auflage. pp. 144. Leipzig, 1794 . 8 °. 11762. df. 7. (1.) - Konig Lear. Ein Trauerspiel in fiinf Aufziigen nach Shakespeare. [By F. L. Schroeder, in prose.] pp, 248. Wien, 1780 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 7. - Konig Lear, iibersetzt von J. H. Yoss. See infra: Othello.— German. Shakspeare’s Othello und Konig Lear, etc. 1806 . 8 °. 11762. b. 2. -[Another edition.] Shakspeare’s Konig Lear. Von H. Voss. Mit Erlauterungen. pp. 211. Leipzig, 1819 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 12. - Konig Lear. [Translated by L. Petz.] See Petz (l.) Tetralogie tragischer Meisterwerke, etc. 1824 . 8 °. 1343. k. 21. - Konig Lear. ... Neu iibersetzt und fur die deutsche Biihne frei bearbeitet [in verse] von J. B. von Zahlhas. pp. 125. Bremen, 1824 . 8 °. 11765. b. 6 . - William Shakespeare’s Konig Lear. Fur die Biihne iibersetzt von Beauregard Pandin [pseud., i.e. C. F. von Jariges]. pp. 224. Zwickau, 1824 . 16°. 11762. de. 2. No. 104 of the “ Taschenbibliothek der ausldndischen Klassiker in neuen Verdeutschungen.” - Shakspeare’s Konig Lear. Deutsch und mit einer Abhandlung iiber dieses Trauerspiel von E. Schick, pp. 206. Leipzig, 1833 . 8 °. 11766. b. 11. - Konig Lear. . .. Fiir die Darstellung eingerichtet von C. A. West. pp. 139. Wien, 1841 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 38. - Konig Lear.. .Deutsch von F. Bodenstedt. pp. viii. 164. Berlin, 1865 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 32. (5.) - Shakespeares Koenig Lear. Uebersetzt von E. Tiessen. pp. 151. Stettin, 1871 . 16°. 11761. aa. 4. - Konig Lear. ... Fiir die Darstellung bearbeitet von E. Possart. pp. ix. 115. Miinchen, 1875 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 6 . (3.) - Shakespeare’s Konig Lear. Eine deutsche Biihnen- Ausgabe mit dramaturgischen, scenischen und schau- spielerischen Anmerkungen von M. Kochy. pp. iv. 134. Leipzig, 1879 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. ( 6 .) Hungarian. —— Lear Kiraly Shakespearetol. Forditotta Vorosmarty M. pp. 214. Pest, 1856 . 8 °. 11763. a. 6 . Icelandic. —— Lear Konungur ... 1 Islenzkri I 3 ySingu eptir Steingrim Thorsteinsson. pp. 143. Reykjavik, 1878 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 4. Polish. - Krol Lir: tragedja ... Przelozyl A. Plug [pseud., i.e. A. Pietkiewicz]. pp. 224. Lwdw, 1870 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 25. (4.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Lear.] Roumanian. - Regele Lear .. . Traducere din Engleze§te de A. Stern. Cu 24 illustra^iunl. pp. 63. Bucuresd, 1881. 8°. 11766. i. 8. Russian. - Kopo.iL JIupL ... IlepeBejX'b cl aHmficKaro [in verse] B. KidMOBL. pp. vi. 253. CauumnemepCypn, 1833. 8°. 1344. n. 35. - KopojiL JIiipL . . . IIcpeBojiL A. JJpymiiHHHa. (Bcxy- Merne.) pp. 262. CanumnemepCypiz, 1858. 12°. 11758. d. Pp. 261, 262 are erroneously paginated 161, 162. - Kopo.iL JIiipL.. .IlepeBojyL B. JIa3apeBCKaro. pp. 184. xii. CanKmnemepGypiz, 1865. 4°. 11765. i. 8. - Kopo.iL JIiipL... IlepeBO^L A. JI. CoitoJioBCKaro. pp. 136. C. -IIemep6ypn, 1884. 8°. 11763. g. 4. (2.) - Kopo.iL JIiipL.. .IlepeBojL A. B. Tpy^nHima... Bea¬ nie BTopoe. pp. xxviii. 120. C.-JIemep6ypiz, [1887.] 16°. 11763. a. 2. No. 44 of the “ jjeuicean Euo.iiomeKCi.” Servian. - Kpa.L .Tup ... IIpBir hiih npeBeo ... JI. Kocmti, npBy noAOBirny Tpeiiera Tima A. Xayiiii, a ocxa.io J. JI,. CTeijia- HOBiih. 3a opacity no3opHiiu,y yjteceo A. Xaunli. pp. 119. namieeo, [1882 ?] 16°. 11763. aaa. 5. Swedish. - Konung Lear, Tragedi af Shakspeare. Ofwersattning. pp. 153. Upsala, 1818. 8°. 1344. d. 18. Travesties. - Der moderne Lear; oder, Schmul in der Plaite! Schauer- gemiilde in 5 Akten ... Von M. R. Ing. See Ephemerides. Humoristisch-gemiithlicher Berliner Volkskalender, etc. 1855. 8°. P.P. 2423. h. APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of King Lear. 1891. 8°. Pam. 80. - See Basiliades (s. N.) SiAAoyos “ EuayyeAnx/xos.” ZaiK- airnpov 6 BacnAeus Aiyp. MtAer?;. 1870. 8°. 11758. f. 18. - See Cohn (albert) Bookseller, of Berlin. Konig Lear 1692 ... in Breslau aufgefiihrt. [1888.] 8°. 11766. cc. 14. (8.) - See Farren (g.) Resident Director, etc. Observations on the Laws of Mortality and Disease ... With an appendix containing illustrations of the progress of Mania... and Demonomania, as displayed in Shakespeare’s characters of Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia and Edgar. 1829. 8°. 7680. aa. 65. (3.) -!833. 8°. 11765. f. 23. - See Gerth (a.) Warum hat Shakspeare seinem Lear keinen gliicklichen Ausgang gegeben ? [1849.] 4°. 11762. g. 7. (1.) - See Hirschfeld ( ) M.D., of Dantzig. Konig Lear, ein poetisches Leidensbild von Shakespeare. . .im Lichte arztlicher Wissenschaft, etc. 1882. 8°. 11766. bbb. 26. - See Kirkman (j.) Animal Nature versus Human Nature in King Lear, etc. [1880?] 8°. 11763. e. 10. (6.) - See Koppel (r.) Textkritische Studien iiber Shake¬ speare’s “Richard in.” und “ King Lear.” 1877. 8°. 11761. h. 4. (4.) 95 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 96 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Lear.—Appendix.] - See Lemme (l.) Shaksperes Konig Lear. 1892 . 8 °. \Neue Hcidelberger Jahrbiicher. Jahrg. 2. Heft 2.] Ac. 890. - See Neumann (h.) Ueber Lear unci Ophelia, etc. 1866 . 8 °. 11765. f. - See Pignone (c.) II Re Lear. [An analysis of Shake¬ speare’s play.] 1 885. 8 °. 11765. b. 15. - See Richter (j. j.) Professor. Oidipus und Lear. Eine Studie zur Yergleichung Shakspeare’s mit Sophokles. 1884 . 4°. 11765. h. 5. (2.) - See Schmidt (a.) of Ednigsberg. Zur Textkritik des King Lear. 1879 . 4°. 11766. i. 20. (4.) - See Schwartzkopff (a. h. t.) Gothe’s Faust, Shake¬ speare’s Macbeth und Konig Lear, im Lichte des Evan- gelii, etc. 1868 . 8 °. 11824. f. 35. (3.) - See Seeley (Sir j. r.) K . C . M . G . Three Essays on Shake¬ speare’s tragedy of King Lear. By Pupils of the City of London School (J. R. Seeley, W. Young, and E. A. Hart). 1851 . 8 °. 11763. f. 6 . - See Stark (c.) Konig Lear. Eine psychiatrische Shakespeare-Studie, etc. 1871 . 16°. 11825. aaa. - See Woelffel ( 11 .) Ueber Shakespeare’s King Lear. 1855 . 8 °. [Album des Literarischen Vereins in Niirnberg fiir 1855.] Ac. 8960. - The Tragedy of King Lear as lately published, vindicated from the almse of the Critical Reviewers .. . By the Editor of King Lear [C. Jennens]. pp. 42. TP. Oiven: London, 1772 . 8 °. 11824. g. 1. - [Another copy.] 1344. f. 33. KING RICHARD II. - The Tragedie of King Richard the second. As it hath beene pnblikely acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare. Printed by Valentine Simmes, for Andrew Wise: London, 1598 . 4°. C. 34. k. 42. 36 leaves, 'without pagination; sig. a-i, in fours. - The Tragedie of King Richard the second. As it hath been publikely acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruautes. By William Shake-speare. Printed by TP. TP., for Mathew Law: London, 1608 . 4°. C. 34. k. 43. 39 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-k 3, in fours. * - The Tragedie of King Richard the Second: With new additions of the Parliament Sceane, and the deposing of King Richard. As it hath been lately acted by the Kinges Maiesties seruants, at the Globe. By William Shake speare. Printed for Matthew Law : London, 1615 . 4°. C. 34. k. 44. 39 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-ic 3, in fours. - The Life and Death of King Richard the Second. With new Additions of the Parliament Scene, and the Deposing of King Richard. As it hath beene acted by the Kings Majesties Servants, at the Globe. By William Shakespeare. Printed by John Norton : London, 1634 . 4°. C. 34. k. 45. 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-k, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 19. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and three following leaves, ivhich are supplied in MS. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard ii.] - The History of King Richard the Second. Acted at the Theatre Royal under the name of the Sicilian Usurper. With a prefatory epistle in vindication of the author, occasion’d by the prohibition of this play on the stage, by N. Tate. pp. 51. Printed for Richard Tonson and Jacob Tonson : London, 1681 . 4°. 644. i. 60. - [Another copy.] 63. b. 11. (3.) - [Another copy, with a new titlepage reading : “ The Sicilian Usurper : a tragedy,” etc., and bearing the date 1691.] ' 644. f. 67. - The Tragedy of King Richard the 11 .; as it is acted at the Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields ; alter’d from Shakespear, by M r Theobald, pp. 60. G. Strahan, TP. Mears, etc.: London, 1720 . 8 °. 163. i. 6 . - [Another copy.] 642. d. 27. (2.) - The Life and Death of Richard the Second, pp. 84. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 41. (2.) - King Richard 11 ., a tragedy. Alter’d from Shakespear ... by J. Goodhall. pp. iii. 52. J. Harrop: Manchester, 1772 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 15. - [Another copy.] 163. i. 5. - Shakspeare’s King Richard the Second . . . Adapted to the stage, with alterations and additions, by R. Wroughton, Esq., and published as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. pp. 71. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 16. - King Richard 11 ... .Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added a ... cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 54. [1831.] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xxix. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 15. - King Richard 11 . pp. 140. Brunswick, 1850 . 16°. 11765. a. 3. - Shakespeare’s play of King Richard 11 ., arranged for representation at the Princess’s Theatre, with historical and explanatory notes, by C. Kean, etc. pp. 88 . J. K. Chapman & Co.: London, [ 1857 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 23. (3.) - Shakespeare’s Richard the Second, facsimiled from the edition printed at London in the year 1597, by E. W. Ashbee. For private circulation only: London, 1862 . 8 °. C. 34. i. The impression was limited to fifty copies, of which nineteen were destroyed. - The Life and Death of King Richard the Second... The text from the folio of 1623; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 23. L. Booth : London, 1863 . 4°. 11763. h. 12. Literleaved. \ - King Richard the Second, with historical and critical introductions; grammatical, philological and miscel¬ laneous notes, etc... .By the Rev. H. G. Robinson, etc. pp. xxvii. 103. Oliver <& Boyd : Edinburgh, 1 S 67 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 19. - King Richard 11 . A tragedy, etc. pp. 68 . [1868.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 77. [ 1850 , etc.~\ 12°. 2304. f. 22. - King Richard 11 _Mit Einleitung tind Erkhirungen herausgegeben von Dr. Noire, pp. 128. V. V. Zabern : Mainz, 1868 . 16°. 11764. aa. 8 . 97 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 98 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard ii.] - The Tragedy of King Richard n....Fur den Schul- gebrauch erklart von Dr. L. Riechelinann. pp. vii. 150. B. G. Teubner: Leipzig, i 86 g. 8 °. 11766. cc. 13. (2.) - The Tragedy of King Richard Ii... .With a memoir of the author, an introduction, explanatory notes, and appendixes comprising a prosody of Shakspere and extracts from Holinshed’s chronicle, by F. H. Ahn. pp. vi. 168. E. Groppe: Treves, 1870 . 8 °. 11766. c. 20. Part of the “ Collection of British and American Stan¬ dard Authors.” —— Shakespeare’s Tragedy of King Richard 11 . With... notes.. .by D. Morris, etc. pp. 128. 1873. See Collins (w.) Publisher, of Glasgow. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. 9. - Shakespeare’s Richard 11 . With notes.. .Edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. pp. 136. W. & R. Chambers: London and Edinburgh, 1880 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 4. - The Tragedy of King Richard 11 . ... With notes. pp. 96. [1882.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200. c. — — King Richard 11 . [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 124. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s.. .King Richard 11 . With ... notes, etc. pp. 136. [1883.] See Granville Series. The Gran¬ ville Series. 1881 , etc. 8 °. 12200. cc. - Shakespeare’s King Richard 11 . With introduction, story of play, notes.. .and an appendix.. .to meet the requirements of the New Code in ‘English,’ by J. W. Allen. 1885. pp. xx. 164. See Longmans, Green and Co. Longmans’ Modern Series. [ 1881 , etc.] 8 °. 12200 . d. - The Life and Death of King Richard the Second. By W. Shakespeare. Qo. 5, 1634. A facsimile in photo¬ lithography by C. Praetorius. With an introductory notice by P. A. Daniel, pp. iv. 80. C. Praetorius : London, 1887 . 4°. 11764. k. 35. No. 20 of the Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles. - King Richard 11 . [With introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 124. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - King Richard the Second. .. . The First Quarto, 1597, a facsimile in photo-lithography by C. Praetorius, from the copy in the possession of H. Huth . . . With an introductory notice by ... W. A. Harrison, pp. 75. C. Praetorius: London, 1888 . 4°. 11764. k. 34. No. 18 of the Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles. - King Richard 11 . ... The Third Quarto, 1608, a facsimile in photo-lithography by C. Praetorius, from the copy in the British Museum. . .With an introductory notice by .. .W. A. Harrison, pp. iv. 77. C. Praetorius: London, 1888 . 4°. 11764. k. 33. No. 19 of the Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles. - King Richard the Second ... The First Quarto, 1597. A facsimile.. .by W. Griggs.. .With an introduction by P. A. Daniel, pp. xxiii. 74. W. Griggs: London, 1890 . 4°. 11764. k. 41. - Selections from King Richard 11 . and King Henry iv. Part 11 ... .With.. .notes, pp. 32. [1885.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , e ^ c - 1 ®°* 12200 . d. -- Selections from King Richard 11 . p 32. [1896.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s English Classics. [ 1896 , etc.] 16°. 012200. e. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard ii.] English and Greek. - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by H. Lushington, from King Richard 11 ., act hi., sc. 2.] 1833. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 12 . ( 2 .) - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by E. Howes, from King Richard 11 ., act ill., sc. 2.] 1834. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 12. (2.) - [A translation, into Greek iambics, by C. J. Vaughan, from King Richard 11 ., act 11 ., sc. 1.] 1836. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. 732. c. 13. German. -Richard der zweyte.. . Fiirs Prager Theater eingerichtet von F. J. Fischer. (Timon von Athen.) [Both trans¬ lated in prose.] 2 pt. Prag, 1778 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 5. (2.) - Shakespear’s Richard der Zweite. Ein Trauerspiel, fur die deutsche Schaubiihne, von O. von Gemmingen. [In prose.] pp. 87. Mannheim, 1782 . 8 °. 11765. bb. 49. - W. Shakspeare’s Richard der Zweite ... Uebersetzt von R. T. L. Samson v. Himmelstiern. See supra : Smaller Collections.— German. W. Shak¬ speare’s Richard der Zweite, Heinrich der Vierte, etc. 1848 . 8 °. 11765. f. 8 . - Konig Richard der Zweite.. . Ubersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel. pp. 78. Elberfeld, [ 1881 .] 8 °. 11762. df. 3. (5.) No. 326 of the “ Museum. Sammlung litterarischer Meisterwerke.” Swedish. - Konung Richard den Andre . .. Ofversattning af J. T. Thomander. pp. 158. Stockholm, 1825 . 8 °. 11765. e. 25. APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d. ) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of Richard 11 . 1890 . 8 °. 11762. df. 9. (7.) - See Beamont (w.) On three dramas of Shakspere : Richard 11 ., Henry iv. pt. I., Henry iv. pt. 11 ., etc, 1879 . 8 °. 11766. c. 9. - See Elze (k.) Alexandrines in the Winter’s Tale and K. Richard 11 . [ 1881 .] 8 °. 11761. f. 3. ( 6 .) - See Flatiie (j. l. f.) Konig Richard 11 . Shakspeare in seiner Wirklichkeit, etc. 1865 . 8 °. 11766. b. - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeare’s Richard it. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1877 . 16°. \Erlduterungen zu den aus- landischen Klassikern. Bdchu. 6 .] 816. b. - See Rieciielmann (l.) Eine Abhandlung: . . . zu Richard 11 . : Shakespeare und Holinshed. [i 860 .] 4°. 11766. i. 20. (2.) - See Silvers (e. w.) Shakespeare’s zweiter mittelalter- licher Dramen-Cyclus [i.e. King Richard 11 ., King Henry iv. and King Henry v.], etc. 1896 . 8 °. 011765. gg. 5. - See Tschischwitz (b.) Shakspeare’s Staat und Konig - thum. Nachgewiesen an der Lancaster - Tetralogie [“King Richard 11 .,” “King Henry iv.,” pt. 1 and 2, and “King Henry V.”], etc. 1866 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 32. (7.) SHAKESPEARE 100 99 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard ii. —Ap¬ pendix.] — Verklarende aanteekeningen ten gebruike by de lezing van Shakespeare’s Richard n. Explanatory notes illus¬ trative of Shakespeare’s King Rieliai d Ii. Eng. See Bibliotheek. Bibliotheek voor Hoogere Burger- scholen. no. 2 . [ 1871 , etc.'] 8 °. 12203. bbb. 24. KING RICHARD III. - [The Tragedy of King Richard the third. Containing His treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence : the pittiefull murther of his iunocent nephewes : his tyran¬ nical vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life and most deserued death. As it hath been lately Acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants.] [Printed by Valentine Sims, for Andrew Wise: London, 1597 .] 4°. C. 39. i. 14. A fragment, consisting of two sheets, sig. c and n, of the first edition of the play, published anonymously. Complete copies (of which only two are knoivn) contain 47 leaves. Shakespeare's name does not occur in this edition. —— The Tragedie of King Richard the third. Conteining his treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence: the pitiful murther of his innocent Nephewes : his tyran- nicall vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately Acted by the Right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare. Printed by Thomas Creede, for Andrew Wise : London, 1798 . 4°. C. 34. k. 46. 47 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-m 3, in fours. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage, which is supplied in fac¬ simile. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 47. Imperfect; wanting the last two leaves, sig. m 2 and m 3, which are supplied in facsimile. - The Tragedie of King Richard the third. Conteining his treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence: the pittifull murther of his innocent Nephewes : his tyran- nicall vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath bene lately Acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Newly augmented, by William Shake¬ speare. Printed by Thomas Creede, for Andrew Wise: London, 1602 . 4°. C. 34. k. 48. 46 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-m 2, in fours. - The Tragedie of King Richard the third. Conteining his treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence: the pittifull murther of his innocent Nephewes : his tyran- nicall vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath bin lately Acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Newly augmented, by William Shake¬ speare. MS. note [by .T. O. HalliwelL]. Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by Mathew Lawe : London, 1605 . 4°. C. 34. k. 49. 46 leaves, ivithout pagination; sig. a—m 2, in fours. In setting up the inner side of sheet g, the second and seventh pages were made to change places with the sixth and third; the sheet was then folded so as to bring the catchwords right. The pages should be read in the following order: g, g 3 verso, g 2, G 4 verso, G 3, G verso, G 4, G 2 verso. - The Tragedie of King Richard the Third. Containing his treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence : the pittifull murther of his innocent Nephewes: his tyran- nicall vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserved death. As it hath beene lately Acted by the Kings Maiesties seruants. Newly aug¬ mented, By William Shake-speare. Printed by Thomas Creede, and are■ to be sold by Mathew Laive: London, [ 1612 .] 4°. C. 12. h. 10. This edition is a duplicate of the preceding, with a new titlepage. This copy is inlaid; the titlepage and sig. k 2 are mutilated. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard iii.] - The Tragedie of King Richard the Third. Contayning his treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence : The pittifull murder of his innocent Nephewes : his tyran- nicall Vsurpation: with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath been lately Acted by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. Newly aug¬ mented. By William Shake-speare. Printed by Thomas Purfoot, and are to be sold by Mathew Law: London, 1622 . 4°. C. 34. k. 51. 46 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a—M 2, in fours. The titlepage is cropped; part of the imprint, with the date, having been cut off. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 14. The titlepage is cropped; part of the imprint, with the date, having been cut off. - [Another copy.] ms. note [by J. 0. Halliwell]. Imperfect; wanting all after sig. K 4. C. 34. k. 50. - The Tragedie of King Richard the Third. Contayning his trecherous Plots, against his brother Clarence : The pittifull murther of his innocent Nephewes: his tiranous vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately Acted by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. Newly agmented [sic]. B} r William Shake-speare. Printed by John Norton, and are to be sold by Mathew Law: London, 1629 . 4°. C. 34. k. 52. 46 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-m 2, in fours. - The Tragedie of King Richard the Third. Contayning his treacherous Plots, against his brother Clarence: The pitifull murder of his innocent Nephewes : his tyranous vsurpation : with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene Acted by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. Written by William Shake-speare. John Norton : Landon, 1634 . 4°. C. 34. k. 53. 46 leaves, without pagination; sig. a—m 2 , in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 54. Imperfect; wanting sig. E 2. - The Tragical History of King Richard in., as it is acted at the Theatre Royal. By C. Cibber, pp. 56. B. Lintott: London, [ 1700 .] 4°. 11764. f. 7. - [Another edition.] pp. 71. 1718. See Collection. A Collection of Plays, etc. vol. 1 . 1719 . 12°. 642. b. 1. - The Life and Death of Richard ill. With the Landing of the Earl of Richmond, and the Battle at Bosworth- Field. pp. 96. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12 °. 11765. a. 40. (4.) - The Tragical History of King Richard 111 . As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Altered from Shakespear, bv C. Cibber, pp. 62. [London,] 1754 . 12°. 162. b. 16. - The Life and Death of Richard ill. pp. 117. Martin & W other spoon: Edinburgh, 1768 . 12°. 11778. aaa. (1.) - King Richard hi. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 19. J. Wenman : London, 1778 . 8 °. 11770. g. 2. (7.) With an engraved portrait of “Mr. Garrick in the character of King Richard ” as frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s King Richard the Third; a historical play. Adapted to the stage by Colley Cibber; revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed ar. the Theatres Royal, pp. 72. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 1. (1.) - [Another edition.] pp. iv. 68 . 1818. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 3. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 3. 101 SHAKESPEABE SEAKESPEABE 102 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard iii.] - Richard the Third.. .Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added a.. .cast of the characters.. .and the whole of the stage business, as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 66 . [1829.] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. I. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 1. -- Richard the Third... The only edition correctly marked ... irom the prompter’s book ... as performed at the London Theatres, pp. 54. [1831.] See Duncombe (j.) Duncombe’s Edition [of the British Theatre], vol. 7. [ 1825 , etc.] 12°. 2304. a. 4. —— Richard hi. ... Nouvelle edition, precedee d’une notice critique et historique, et accompagnee de notes par O’Sullivan, pp. xxxii. 170. L. Hachette: Paris, 1843 . 12 °. 1344. a. 32. - King Richard the Third_Adapted by Colley Cibber. pp. 68 . [1854.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 13. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. d. 17. - King Richard the Third. ... With historical and other explanatory notes.... Edited by R. H. Westley. pp. 114. G. Grsebner: Leipzig, 1861 . 8 °. 11765. c. 18. ■ Shakespeare’s Richard the Third, facsimiled from the edition printed at London in the year 1597, by E. W. Ash bee. For private circulation only : London, 1863 . 8 °. C. 34. i. The impression was limited to fifty copies, of which nineteen were destroyed. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of King Richard in. as produced by E. Booth. Adapted from the text of the Cambridge Editors, with introductory remarks, etc., by H. L. Hinton, pp. 98. Hurd & Houghton : New York, [ 1868 .] 12 °. 11824. cc. 8 . No. 1 of “ Booth'8 Series of Acting Plays." —— The Tragedy of King Richard hi. ... Uitgegeven met verklarende aanteekeningen en eene beschouwing van het treurspel door A. S. Kok. pp. 226. E. F. Bohn: Haarlem, 1871 . 8 °. 11766. b. 12. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of King Richard in. With... notes, critical remarks and historical extracts, by W. Lawson, pp. 142. 1874. See Collins (w.) Publisher, of Glasgow. Collins’School Series. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. 1. - Shakespeare’s King Richard in. Arranged for the stage exclusively from the author’s text by Henry Irving, and originally produced January 29, 1877, at the Lyceum Theatre, pp. 93. E. S Boot: London, [ 1877 .] 16°. 11764. aaa. 1. —— Richard 111 . ... Edition classique precedee d’une notice litteraire par A. Elwall. Eng. pp. xxiv. 167. Delalain Freres : Pan’s, [ 1881 .] 12°. 11762. de. 8 . — ■ Richard ni. ... Nouvelle edition collationnee sur les textes originaux avec des notes en franqais . . . par Haussaire. Eng. pp. ix. 169. Gamier Freres: Paris, [ 1885 .] 12°. 11763. aaa. 15. — Richard iii., tragedie. Texte anglais, publie, avec un avant-propos et des notes en fransais, par A. Buchner, pp. 363. P. Dupont: Paris, 1882 . 12 °. 11762. bb. 20. - King Richard in. pp. 32. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 76. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s King Richard in., with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation, pp. 128. W. & B. Chambers: London; Edinburgh, 1883 . 8 °. 11763. df. 2. SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard iii.] - King Richard iii. With notes and illustrations. pp. 62. [1886.] See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s Modern School Series. [ 1884 , etc.] 8 °. 12205. aa. - Richard the Third ... The first quarto, 1597. A fac¬ simile in photo-lithography.. .With an introduction by P. A. Daniel, pp. xxi. 93. W. Griggs: London, [ 1886 .] 4°. 11764. k. 14. No. 11 of Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. - Richard the Third. ... The Third Quarto, 1602. A facsimile in photo-lithography by C. Praetorius. With an introductory notice by P. A. Daniel, pp. iii. 92. C. Praetorius: London, 1888 . 4°. 11764. k. 37. No. 42 of the Sliahspere Quarto Facsimiles. - Richard iii., avec une introduction et des notes par M. J. Guiraud. pp. 158. Vve. E. Belin et Fils : Paris, 1888 . 8 °. 11764. aaa. 9. - King Richard the Third. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. c. - King Richard the Third. As arranged for production at the Globe Theatre.. .1889, Mr. R. Mansfield appear¬ ing as the Duke of Gloucester. [Edited by R. Mansfield, with a preface signed, F. S. A.] pp. 31. London, [ 1889 .] 4°. 11765. g. 26. (4.) - Richard the Third ... The sixth quarto, 1622. A facsimile ... by C. Praetorius. With an introductory notice by P. A. Daniel, pp. iv. 92. C. Praetorius: London, 1889 . 4°. 11764. k. 42. One of the “ Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles." English and French. - Richard iii. ... Conforme aux representations donnees a Paris. Anglais-fran^ais. [The French translation in prose.] pp. 149. Madame Vergne: Paris, 1828 . 12 °. 11763. a. 13. - Le Roi Richard in. (Piece traduite en franc^ais et annotee par M. H. Bellet.) pp. 443. L. Hachette et Cie.: Paris, 1882 . 8 °. 11764. b. English and Greek. - Gaisford Prize: Greek Iambics ... By C. W. Chute. [Translated from Richard ill., Act iv., Sc. 4.] T. & G. Shrimpton: Oxford, i 860 . 12°. 8364. aa. 46. Dutch. - Koning Richard in... .Uit het Engelsch vertaald door A. S. Kok. pp. viii. 229. Amsterdam, 1861 . 12 °. 11765. bb. 45. - Koning Richard ill.... Yertaald [in prose] en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. Amsterdam, [ 1880 ?] 8 °. 11762. df. 5. (5.) French. - Vie et Mort de Richard iii. Tragedie ... Traduite en vers franQais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. pp. 181. Londres, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. f. 30, - Richard iii. et Jeanne Shore, drame historique, .. . imite de Shakespeare et de Rowe, par N. L. Lemercier. 1824 . 8°. See Lemercier (l. j. n.) 11738. h. 21. (3.) German. - Richardt der Dritte. Ein Trauerspiel.. .Nach Weisse. Fur die Schuchisehe Biihne bearbeitet von dem Schau- spieler Carl Steinberg. [A free adaptation, in prose.] 1789. See German Stage. Deutsche Schaubiihne. Bd. 9. 1788 , etc. 8 °. 11745. aa. 103 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard hi.— German .] - Konig Richard der Dritte. ... Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais, pp. vi. 80. Stuttgart, 1869 . 8 °. 11764. aa. 10. - Shakespeare’s Konig Richard der Dritte. Uebersetzt von E. Tiessen. pp. 160. Stettin, 1871 . 16°. 11766. a. 29. - Konig Richard der Dritte ... Ubersetzt. von A. W. von Schlegel. pp. 103. Elberfeld, [ 1881 .] 8 °. 11762. df. 3. ( 6 .) Italian, - Riccardo m. Tragedia . . . recata in versi italiani da M. Leoni, etc. pp. 268. Firenze, 1815 . 8 °. 642. e. 23. (3.) - Vita e morfe del Re Riccardo Terzo . .. Traduzione di G. Carcano. pp. 276. Milano, 1850 . 8 °. 11764. i. 11. - Riccardo 111 . ; melodramma .. . Parole di A. Codebo, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] [ 1859 .] 12 °. 11761. aaa. 8 . (1.) Portuguese. - Ricardo in., drama historico em cinco actos. [Trans¬ lated, in prose, by Louis, King of Portugal.] pp. 170. Lisboa, 1880 . 8 °. 11765. f. 3. Roumanian. - Via^a §i mortea Regelui Richard in. Tragedie ... tradusa in Romanesce de S. I. Ghica. pp. 136. Bucuresci, 1884 . 8 °. 11764. g. 2. Spanish. - Ricardo hi. .. .Version al Castellano de G. Macpherson. pp. xiii. 125. Madrid, 1882 . 8 °. • 11763. df. 4. TRAVESTIES. - A Parody on the Tent-Scene in Richard the Third. Principal characters—Lord Castlebrag [Castlereagh], etc. From the Independent Whig. pp. 8 . R. Carlile: London, 1818 . 8 °. Pam. 51. - King Richard in. Travestie ; a burlesque, operatic, mock terrific tragedy, in two acts. Marked with the stage business and directions by the author, pp. 57. E. Buncombe: London, 1823 . 12°. 11765. c. 17. - [Another copy.] 1103. e. 40. (9.) APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of King Richard hi. 1895 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 33. - See Caine (t. h. h.) Richard in. and Macbeth, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11840. f. 1. (14.) - See Fischer (k.) Shakespeare’s Charakterentwickelung Richards in., etc. 1868 . 16°. 11765. aa. - See Kemble (j. p.) Macbeth and King Richard the Third: an essay, etc. 1817 . 8 °. 642. d. 20. - See Koppel (r.) Textkritische Studien iiber Shake¬ speare’s “ Richard hi.” und “ King Lear.” 1877 . 8 °. 11761. h. 4. (4.) - See Lowell (j. r.) Richard the Third and the Prim¬ rose Criticism. 1887 . 8 °. 11840. bbb. 48. - See Moeser (l.) A Few Observations on... Richard in., etc. 1868 . 4°. 11763. g. 2. (2.) - See Mueller (Hermann) Lehrer am Realgymnasium zu Dortmund. Grundlegung und Entwickelung des Charakters Richards hi. bei Shakespeare. 1889 . 4°. 11763. i. 4. (5.) - See Oechelhaeuser (w.) i. Ueber eine neue Biihnen- bearbeitung von Konig Richard in., etc. 1869 . 8 °. 11761. f. 2. (1.) - See Planch^ (j. r.) Twelve Designs for the costumes of Shakspeare’s Richard the Third, etc. 1830 . 4°. 840. m. 2. SHAKESPEARE 104 SHAKESPEARE (William) [King Richard hi.—Ap¬ pendix.] - See Schoene (i. f.) Ueber den Charakter Richard’s in. bei Shakespeare. 1856 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. (2.) - See Wessel (c.) Richard in. in Shakespeare’s plays [i.e. Henry vi. and Richard hi.] compared with Richard hi. in history. 1876 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (3.) - Remarks on the character of Richard the Third, as played by Cooke and Kemble. The second edition, etc. pp. 56. Parsons & Sons: London, [ 1801 .] 8 °. 1344. e. 31. LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST. - A Pleasant Conceited Comedie called, Lones labors lost. As it was presented before her Highnes this last Christ¬ mas. Newly corrected and augmented by W. Shake- spere. Imprinted at London by W. W., for Cutbert Burby, 1598 . 4°. C. 34. 1. 38 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-k 2, in fours. - Loues Labours lost. A wittie and pleasant comedie. As it was Acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blaeke- Friers and the Globe. Written by William Shakespeare. [The second edition.] Printed by W. S., for John Smethwicke: London, 1631 . 4°. C. 34. k. 21. 38 leaves, ivithout pagination ; sig. A—K 2, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. h. 11. Inlaid. - Love’s Labour’s Lost ... An introduction, and notes, critical and illustrative, are added, by the Authors of the Dramatic Censor [i.e. F. Gentleman]. [Pp. 207-294 of an edition, published in 1777, of “Bell’s Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays.”] 1777 . 12°. See supra : Works.— English. 1344. d. 1. - Love’s Labour’s Lost ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added a ... cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business, as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 58. [1838.] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 40. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 20. - Love’s Labour Lost, a comedy ... As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, pp. vi. 66 . Chapman & Hall: London, 1839 . 8 °. 11764. cc. 5. - Love’s Labour’s Lost.. .Marked.. .from the Prompter’s Book.. .as performed at the London Theatres, pp. 40. [1839.] See Duncombe (j.) Duncombe’s Edition [of the British Theatre], vol. 38. [ 1825 , etc.] 12°. 2304. a. 19. - Love’s Labour’s Lost [in five acts, prose and verse]. The text from the Folio of 1623; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 23. L. Booth: London, 1862 . 4°. 11763. h. 13. Interleaved. - Shakspere’s Loves Labors Lost: the first quarto, 1598, a facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs... .With forewords by F. J. Furnivall. pp. xvi. 75. W. Griggs: London, [ 1880 .] 4°. 11764. k. 7. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 5. - Love’s Labour’s Lost. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 205. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - Love’s Labour Lost. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 181. 1886 , etc. 8 °. __12208. bb. - Shakespeare’s Song of Spring and Winter. [With illustrations.] R. Tuck & Sons : London ; Germany printed, [ 1890 .] 8 °. 11764. ccc. 5. 105 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 106 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Love’s Labour’s Lost.] - The Students ... Altered from Shakespeare’s Love’s Labours Lost and adapted to the stage, pp. 78. T.Hope: London, 1762 . 8 °. 1344. f. 28. - [Another copy.] 161. d. 13. German. — Amor Vincit Omnia. [A German prose translation, by J. M. R. Lenz, of “ Love’s Labour’s Lost.”] See Anmerkungen. Anmerkungen iiber’s Theater, etc. 1774 . 8 °. 11795. d. 30. APPENDIX. - See Halliwei.l, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) Memoranda on Love’s Labour’s Lost, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. h. 6 . LUCRECE. - See infra: Rape of Lucrece. MACBETH. - Macbeth: a tragedy. Acted at the Dukes-Theatre. pp. 67. Printed for William Cademan: London, 1673 . 4°. 1344. f. Shakespeare's name does not appear in this edition. - Macbeth; a tragedy. W ith all the alterations, amend¬ ments, additions, and new songs [by Sir William Davenant]. As it is now acted at the Dukes Theatre. [Anonymous.] pp. 66 . Printed for P. Chetwin : London, 1674 . 4°. 644. i. 45. - Macbeth ; a tragedy. With all the alterations, amend¬ ments, additions, and new songs [by Sir William Davenant]. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal. [Anonymous.] pp. 60. Printed for Hen. Herringman : London, 1689 . 4°. 642. e. 18. (5.) - [Another edition ; anonymous.] pp. 60. Printed for H. Herringman and R. Bentley: London, 1695 . 4°. 642. e. 18. ( 6 .) - Macbeth. A tragedy. With all the alterations, amendments, additions, and new songs [by Sir William Davenant], as it is now acted at the Queen’s Theatre. [Anonymous.] pp. 52. Printed for J. Tonson : London, 1710 . 4°. 11763. cc. — The Tragedy of Macbeth, pp. 83. 1711. See English Plays. A Collection of the best English Plays, vol. 1 . 1711 , etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 16. —— Macbeth ; a tragedy, as it is now acted by His Majesty’s servants, pp. 82. J. Tonson: London, 1729 . 12 °. 11764. aa. 23. - The historical tragedy of Macbeth ...Newly adapted to the stage, with alterations [by J. Lee], as performed at the Theatre in Edinburgh, pp. 88 . W. Cheyne: Edinburgh, 1753 . 8 °. 1344. f. 36. — Macbeth: a tragedy ... To which is added all the original songs, with the life of the author (written by Mr. Rowe), pp. 84. Martin d Wotherspoon : Edinburgh, 1768 . 12°. 11765. a. 25. - - Macbeth. A tragedy. Collated [by C. Jennens] with the old and modern editions, pp. 133. W. Owen: London, 1773 . 8 °. 642. e. 19. (5.) - [Another copy.] 80. i. 24. (1.) - [Another copy.] 83. a. 17. (1.) - Macbeth .. .With explanatory notes selected from Dr. Johnson’s and Mi-. Steevens’s commentaries, pp. 112 . A. Vanderhoelc's Widow: Goettingen, 1778 . 8 °. 11762. bbb. 5. (2.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth.] - Macbeth...as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 19. Harrison d Co.: London, 1780 . 8 °. 11770. g. 4. (25.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Garrick in the character of Macbeth ” as frontispiece. - Macbeth. A tragedy... Taken from the Managers’ Books at the Theatres Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 60. R. Randall: fondon, 1785 . 8 °. 11762. bbb. 4. (1.) - Macbeth.. .As represented by their Majesties Servants, on opening the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, etc. [Ar¬ ranged for the stage by J. P. Kemble.] pp. 64. C. Lowndes : London, [ 1794 .] 8 °. 1344. f. 34. - Second edition, pp. 57. C. Lowndes: London, [ 1794 .] 8 °. 11763. e. 23. - Macbeth.. .With notes by II. Rowe. pp. 88 . Printed for the annotator: York, 1797 . 12 °. 10347. de. 43. - Second edition, pp. 112 . Wilson, Spence d Mawman: York, 1799 . 8 °. 1344. e. 14. - [Another copy.] ms. note [by F. G. Waldron]. 1344. f. 35. - [Another copy.] 163. i. 1. - The Tragedy of Macbeth. .. Accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steeven’s last edition ; with a selection of the most important notes, pp. 254. G. Fleischer the Younger: Leipsick, 1806 . 16°. 11765. a. 27. - Macbeth . .. Printed from the text of S. Johnson and G. Steevens, as last revised by T. Reed. With selected and original anecdotes and annotations, biographical explanatory, critical, and dramatic, pp. 227. Mathews d Leigh: London, 1807 . 8 °. Illustrated with engraved portraits. 11764. ccc. 10. (1.) - Macbeth,. . .With German notes by D. J. C. Fick. pp. 102 . C. G. F. Breuning: Erlangen, 1812 . 12 °. 11763. c. 2. - Shakspeare’s Macbeth ; a tragedy; revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 67. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 1. (10.) - Macbeth ... With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] .. .Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Ox- berry. pp. iii. 74. 1821. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 14. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 14. - Macbeth . . . Printed from the acting copy, with remarks. . .by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a .. . cast of the characters . . . and the whole of the stage business, as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 60. 1829. See Cumberland (j.) Cum¬ berland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 1 . 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 1. - Macbeth. A tragedy . . . Sprachlich und sachlich erlautert fur Schuler von D r C. L. W. Francke. pp. 168. G. C. E. Meyer, Sen.: Braunschweig, 1833 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 30. - Macbeth: a tragedy.. .Marked. . .from the prompter’s book...as performed at the London theatres, etc. pp. 54. [1840.] See Duncombe (j.) Duncombe’s Edition [of the British Theatre], vol. 40. [ 1825 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. a. 20. - Shakspere’s Macbeth, aus der Folioausgabe von 1623 abgedruckt, mit den Yarianten der Folioausgaben von 1632, 1664 und 1687, und kritischen Anmerkungen zum Text herausgegeben von N. Delius, pp. viii. 86 . C. Schiinemann: Bremen, 1841 . 8 °. 1344. f. 16. 107 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 108 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth.] - Macbeth. Historisch treurspel . . . Ten gebruike der Gymnasia met ophelderingen voorzien door S. Susan, pp. 83. J. de Lange: Deventer , 1843 . 8 °. 11762. f. 23. (2.) - Macbeth . . . Nouvelle edition, precedee d’une notice critique et historique et accompagnee de notes par O’Sullivan, pp. xx. 106. L. Hachette : Paris , 1843 . 12°. 1344. a. 34. - Shakspeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth ; with emendations and notes, ... a biographical notice of the author, an account of his contemporaries and critics, and a disser¬ tation on the popular belief in Witchcraft and Magic, by Charles Travers [pseud., i.e. Charles Tweedie]. pp. 183. Leroy-Mabille: Boulogne, 1844 . 8 °. 11763. f. 7. - Macbet; a trajedi. Fonetic famili edi/un, wid bref ecsplanaturi nts, bi A. J. Elis. pp. 77. F. Pitman: Lundun, 1849 . 12°. 12991. e. 19. (3.) - Macbeth; with portrait of Mr. Macready as Macbeth, and memoir. [Pt. 2 of “ Tallis’s Acting Edition of Shakspere,” of which only two parts were published.] [1851.] See supra: Works. — English. Tallis’s Acting Edition, etc. [ 1851 .] 8 °. 11764. b. 9. - Macbeth: a tragedy, pp. 63. [1853.] See Lacy (f. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 9. [ 1850 , etc.'] 12°. 2304. d. 13. - Macbeth. . .Erklart von L. Herrig. 1853. See Herrig (l.) Sammlung englischer Schriftsteller, etc. Bdchn. 1 . 1853 , etc. 8 °. 11603. d. 20. - [Another copy.] 11762. bb. 7. - Shakespeare restored. Elwin].) pp. xxv. 107. Norwich , 1853 . 4°. (Macbeth [edited by H. C. Muskett: 11765. h. 9. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth, with Locke’s music; arranged for representation at the Princess’s Theatre, with historical and explanatory notes, by C. Kean, etc. pp. 92. J. K. Chapman & Co.: London, [ 1853 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 22. (1.) - Shakespeare’s Macbeth. With the chapters of Hollin- shed’s *• Historie of Scotland,” on which the play is based. Adapted for educational purposes, with an intro¬ duction, and notes, philological and analytic, by W. S. Dalgleish. pp. 112. J. Gordon: Edinburgh, 1862 . 8 °. 11765. b. 22. - Macbeth, King of Scotland. A tragedy in five acts [prose and verse. With remarks by D. G., i.e. G. Daniel], pp. xii. 63. London, [ 1864 .] 8 °. 11765. cc. 40. (11.) - [Another copy.] 11765. bbb. 46. (5.) - Shakespeare’s Macbeth: with the chapters of Hollin- shed’s “ Historie of Scotland ” on which the play is based. Adapted for educational purposes, with an in¬ troduction, notes, and a vocabulary, by W. S. Dalgleish. ... Second edition, re-arranged, pp. 118. 1864. See Nelson (t.) Publisher, and Sons. Nelsons’ English Classics. 1864 , etc. 8 °. 12204. bb. 30. - Macbeth, a tragedy.. .New edition, with notes. Revu ... par C. Witcomb. pp. 91. Baudry's European Library: Paris, 1865 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 46. (4.) - Macbeth.. .With an introduction, critical and historical notes, &c., by M. P. Lindo. Second revised edition, pp. 139. D. A. Thieme: Arnhem, 1867 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 45. (1.) - Shakespeares Macbeth. Med inledning och anmark- ningar till ungdomens tjenst utgifven. pp. lxxv. 161. W. Schultz: Upsala, 1867 . 12°. 11765. aa. 4. - [Another copy.] 11764. bb. 20. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth.] - Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Arranged for dramatic reading, with short sketches of some of the omitted scenes, by Lin Rayne. pp. 40. T. Bosworth : London, 1868 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 42. ( 6 .) - Macbeth, etc. pp. 72. American Printing House for the Blind: Louisville, Ky., 1871 . 4°. 13007. a. 62. Printed in embossed Roman type. - Macbeth. . .Erklart von W. Wagner, pp. 1. 116. B. G. Teubner: Leipzig, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 13. (4.) - Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth. With introductory remarks . . . and . . . notes, etc., by S. Neil. pp. 151. 1876. See Collins (w.) Publisher, of Glasgow. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. - Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Fur den Schul- und Privat- gebrauch herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen, sowie mit einem Auszug aus Holinshed’s History of Scotland versehen von A. Ey. pp. 92. C. Meyer : Hannover, 1879 . 8 °. 11762. df. 7. ( 6 .) - Shakespeare’s Macbeth, with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation, edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. pp. 144. W. & R. Chambers: London & Edinburgh, 1880 . 8 °. 11763. bb. 5. - Macbeth. . . . Edition classique precedee d’une notice litteraire par A. Elwall. pp. xxiv. 103. Delalain freres : Paris, [ 1881 .] 12°. 11762. de. 10. - Macbeth. Edition classique avec une preface et des notes par.. .A. Talandier. pp. xvi. 111 . C. Delagrave: Paris, 1881 . 12°. 11763. df. 14. - Macbeth. Edition classique par J. Darmesteter. pp. xciv. 172. C. Delagrave: Paris, 1881 . 12 °. 11763. df. 15. - Macbeth. .. .Texte anglais revu et annote parM. 1’abbe Julien. pp. xiv. 123. Poussielgue freres: Paris, 1881 . 12°. 11763. df. 12. - Macbeth. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 20. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Macbeth... Med Gloser 0 g Anmserkninger af Mr. A. Stewart MacGregor og Mrs. S. Kinney, etc. pp. 136. Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag: Kjfbenhavn, 1885 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 7. - Macbeth ... With the Historie of Macbeth, from R. Holinshed’s Chronicle of Scotland, 1577. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1886. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 40. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. aaa. - The Tragedy of Macbeth . . . With notes, pp. 96. [1888.] See Blackie (w. g.) Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200 . d. - Macbeth. Lines pronounced corrupt restored, and mutilations before unsuspected amended, also some new renderings. With preface, and notes. Also papers on Shakespeare’s supposed negations, the apparitions, and the temptation of Macbeth. By M. Mull. pp. cxv. 89. Kegan Paul & Co.: London, 1889 . 8 °. 11766. h. 29. - Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth. Edited by H. B. Sprague, etc. pp. 237. S. R. Winch ell & Co.: Chicago, [ 1889 .] 8 °. 11763. df. 28. - Shakespeare’s Macbeth.. .With introduction and notes. [By B. Jonson.] pp. 128. 1889. See Gill (george) Schoolmaster. Gill’s School Series. 1868 , etc. 12 °, etc. 12202 . e. - The Tragedie of Macbeth. With illustrations and notes by J. M. Smith, pp. xxx. 87. Sampson Low <& Co. : London, 1889 . fol. Tab. 612. b. 109 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 110 SHAKESPEARE (Wiluam) [Macbeth.] - Shakespeares Macbeth nach der Folio von 1623, mit den Yarianten der anderen Folios, herausgegeben von A. Wagner, pp. iv. 95. M. Niemeyer: Halle , 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. — Macbeth. . .Students’Tanchnitz edition. Mit deutschen Erklarungen von I. Schmidt, pp. xx. 167. B. Tauchnitz: Leipzig, 1893 . 8 °. 11762. e. 24. English and French. - Macbeth. (Explique liiteralement par M. Angellier. . . .La traduction fran^aise est celle de M. E. Montegut.) pp. viii. 266. 1876. See English Authors. Les Auteurs anglais expliques d’apres une methode nouvelle par deux traductions fran^aises, etc. 1850 , etc. 8 °. 11764. b. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the date 1881.] 11764. b. English and German. - Shakspere als Yermittler zweier Nationen. Von K. Simrock. Probeband; Macbeth [translated, in verse], pp. xx. 192. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1842 . 8 °. 1344. f. 38. - Macbeth rendered into metrical German, with English text adjoined, by G. Soiling.—Macbeth metrisch in’s Deutsche iibersetzt, etc. pp. 159. J. & F. Bergmann: Wiesbaden, 1878 . 8 °. 11763. h. 4. - Macbeth. . .Metrisch iibersetzt von G. Messmer. Zweite vielfach verbesserte Auflage mit gegenuberstehendem Original-Text. pp. 193. T. Riedel: Miinchen, 1879 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. (7.) English and Greek. - Trochaici Graeci, prasmio Porsoniano . . . dignati . . . auctore G. H. F. Talbot. [A translation from Macbeth, Act 1 , Sc. 7.] [ Cambridge, 1820 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (23.) English and Radian. - Macbeth, tragedia. .. Voltata in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Quinta edizione col testo inglese di riscontro. pp. 175. Successori Le Monnier: Firenze, 1867 . 8 °. __ 11765. aa. 28. - Macbeth : a melodrama [by F. M. Piave] in four acts. The music by Giuseppe Verdi, pp. 54. G. Stuart: London, [ 1850 ?] 8 °. Pam. 80. Italian and French. - Repertoire de Mme. A. Ristori. Macbeth, tragedie. .. reduite en quatre actes . . . par un auteur anglais. Traduite en vers italieris par G. Carcano. Traduction fran 9 ai.se [in prose] du texte italien par P. Raymond- Signouret, etc. pp. 32. Paris, 1858 . 8 °. 11765. g. 25. (2.) - [Another edition.] pp. 39. Paris, 1876 . 8 °. 11766. k. 12. (3.) - Scene de somnambuiisme dans Macbeth. [Extracted from the preceding.] pp. 7. Paris, 1857 . 8 °. 11765. c. 40. (3.) - [Another copy.] Pam. 80. Italian and German. - Repertoir der Signora Ristori. Macbeth. . .Insltalien- ische iibersetzt von G. Carcano. pp. 29. Hamburg, [i 860 ?] 8 °. 11765. g. 25. (3.) Banish. - Macbeth.. .Oversat [in prose] ved Rahbek og Sander. See Sandee (c. L.) Forelajsninger over Shakspeare og hans S 0 rgespil Macbeth, etc. 1804 . 8 °. 1344. d. 36. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth. — Danish.'] - Macbeth.. .Oversat og fortolket af N. Plauge. pp. 39. Christiania, 1855 . 8 °. 11765. g. 25. (1.) - Macbeth.. .Oversat af H. Lassen, pp. 107. Kristiania. 1883 . 8 °. 11766. c. 28. Tillsegshefte til “ Follcevennen” for 1883 . Dutch. - Macbeth. In de voetmaat van het oorspronkelijke, ver- taald en opgelielderd door Juuliaan Moulin, pp. iv. 120. Kampen, 1835 . 8 °. 11762. f. 6 . - Tweede druk. pp. 106. Deventer, 1843 . 8 °. 11762. e. 21. (1.) - Macbeth. . .Vertaald en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. [In prose.] Amsterdam, [ 1880 ?] 8 °. 11762. df. 5. (2.) - Macbeth. Drama in vijf bedrijven .. . Vertaling van K. R. Pekelharing. Nieuwe uitgave. pp. 112. Amsterdam, 1878 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 3. - Macbeth . . . Vertaald door Dr. L. A. J. Burgersdijk. pp. 123. ’s Gravenhage, 1882 . 8 °. 11763. df. 7. (4.) Finnish. - W. Shakespearin Macbeth . . . Alkuperaisestii suomeu- tanut Kaarlo Sloor. pp. 135. Helsinqissd, 1864 . 8 °. 11765. e. 44. French. — Macbeth... Traduction litterale en vers, par J. Lacroix ; publiee avec une preface par le bibliophile Jacob, pp. 218. Paris, 1840 . 8 °. 11761. aaa. 10. - Macbeth, de Shakespeare,. . .en vers, par E. Deschamps. pp. 84. 1849. See Bibliotheque. La Bibliotheque dramatique, etc. tom. 15. 1847 , etc. 8 °. 2296. b. - Macbeth, tragedie en cinq actes et en vers, d’apres Shakspeare, par L. Halevy. Deuxieme edition, aug- mentee d’un appendice. pp. 163. Paris, 1857 . 12°. 11764. bbb. 12. - Macbeth: tragedie.. .Traduite en vers fran 9 ais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. pp. xv. 108. Londres, 1862 . 8 °. 11764. c. 7. - - Macbeth, de Shakspeare. Drame .. . en vers, par J. Lacroix. Deuxieme edition, pp. 100 . Paris, 1863 . 12°. 11739. bbb. 6 . (9.) - Macbeth. . .Traduction frangaise litterale [in prose] par M. l’abbe E. Daguze. pp. 118. Paris, 1885 . 12°. 11766. Edict. 0 . - Macbeth... .Drame.. .en prose. (Avec etude sur la vie et l’ceuvie de Shakespeare.) pp. 32. Paris, [ 1888 .] 8 °. 11762. df. 9. (3.) - Georges Clerc. Macbeth . . . Traduit de William Shakespeare. Avec preface par E. Harancourt. pp. xvi. 111 . Paris, 1891 . 12°. 11762. bbb. 14. - Macbeth, drame en cinq actes d’apres Shakespeare . . . Guillaume Tell, drame en truis actes. Imite de Schiller. „. .Par l’abbe G. Duiay. [In prose.] Nouvelle edition, etc. pp. 211. Paris, [ 1895 .] 8 °. 11765. cc. 42. - Macbeth ; tragedie lyrique, etc. [An opera libretto, founded upon Shakespeare, by C. J. Rouget de Lisle.] 1827 . 8 °. See Macbeth, King of Scotland. 11740. g. 30. (4.) German. - Macbeth. . . . Furs hiesige Theater adaptirt und heraus- gegeben von F. J. Fischer. [In prose.] pp. 64. Prag, 1777 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 5. (1.) - Macbelh, ein Trauerspiel in fiinf Aufziigen nach Schukespear. [In prose.] pp. 160. [ 1780 ?] 8 °. 11766. b. 13. Ill SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 112 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth. — German.'] - Macbeth, ein Schauspiel in fiinf Aufziigen [in prose] nach Shakespear. . . . Von G. A. Riirger. Zweyte Auiiage. pp. 136. Gottingen, 1784 . 16°. 11765. a. 26. - [Another edition.] 1790. See German Stage. Deutsche Schaubiihne. Bd. 13. 1788 , etc. 8 °. 11745. aa. - Macbeth ... Zur Vorstellung auf dera Hoftheater zu Weimar eingerichtet von Schiller, pp. 161. Tubingen, 1801 . 8 °. 11762. e. 12. - [Another edition.] pp. 136. Mannheim, 1803 . 8 °. 11762. b. 6 . - Macbeth. Ein Trauerspiel. Neu bearbeitet von F. Schiller, pp. 124. 1805. See German Stage. Neueste Deutsche Schaubiihne. 1805. Bd. 5. 1803 , etc. 8 °. 11746. aa. - [Another edition.] pp. vi. 51. Stuttqart, i86g. 8 °. 11766. aaa. 15. No. 57 of the “ Classische Theater-Bibliothelc aller Nationen.” • — [Another edition.] pp. 78. Leipzig, [ 1879 .] 16°. Bd. 8 of the “ Haus-Bibliothek.” 11762. de. 3. (3.) - Macbeth, Tragodie. Frei bearbeitet von Meyer. pp. xii. 130. Gotha, 1824 . 12 °. 11765. a. 40. (2.) - Will. Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Uebersetzt von S. H. Spiker. pp. x. 134. Berlin, 1826 . 8 °. 11762. e. 13. - Shakspeares Macbeth iibersetzt von K. Lachmann. pp. 126. Berlin, 1829 . 8 °. 11762. e. 20. (4.) - Shakspeare’s Macbeth, iibersetzt von A. Jacob. pp. 123. Berlin, 1848 . 8 °. 11762. c. 7. - . Shakespeare’s Macbeth, tlbersetzt und kritisch be- leuchtet von G. Messmer. pp. 183. Miinclien, 1875 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 1. - Macbeth. Ein Trauerspiel ... in der Ubersetzung von L. Tieck, herausgegeben und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von V. Langhans. pp. xviii. 76. Wien, 1885 . 8 °. 11766. h. 22. - Macbeth. Oper in fiinf Akten, nach Shakespeare. Musik von W. Taubert. pp. 64 . Berlin, [1857 ?] 8°. 11765. aa. 8 . (2.) - Macbeth. Tranerspiel in 4 Aufziigen ... fiir Kinder- theater bearbeitet. pp. 24 . Neu-Ruppin, [i860?] 16 °. Pam. 80. Greek, Modern. - ’%ia tov -jtoitjtov. pp. <; [xvi.] 88. ev ’A 6 r)vai.s, 1862. 8°. 11765. bbb. 46. (2.) Hebrew. - Macbeth. Nach Friedrich v. Schiller’s deutscher Bearbeitung in’s Hebraische iibertragen von Isak Barb, pp. 123 . Drohobycz, 1883. 8°. 01980. a. 4. Icelandic. - Macbeth.. .M. Jochumsson hefir islenzkaS. pp. 104 . Reykjavik, 1874 . 8 °. 11762. aa. 3. Italian. - Macbetto, tragedia . . . Recata in versi italiani da M. Leoni, etc. pp. 162 . Pisa, 1815. 8°. 11824. dd. 19. - Macbet. Tragedia . . . recata con alcune variazioni in versi italiani da W. E. Frye, Inglese. pp. 144 . Mannheim, [1827.] 8°. 11764. bbb. 11. -Macbet. Tragedia.. .recata in Italiano da G. Nicolini. pp. xx. 164 . Brescia, [1830.] 12 °. 11765. aaa. 4. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth.— Italian.] - Macbeth, tragedia di Gnglielmo Shakspeare. Torandot, fola tragicomica di C. Gozzi. Imitate da F. Schiller e tradotte dal cav. A. Maffei. pp. 362. Firenze, 1863 . 12 °. 11765. bb. 51. The half-title reads, “ Opere di A. Maffei.” - Macbeth; melodramma in quattro parti [adapted from “ Macbeth ”], etc. pp. 31. Milano, 1850 . 8 °. 11714. aa. 19. ( 6 .) - Macbeth, melodramma, etc. [By S. Cammarano. An opera libretto founded upon Shakespeare.] [ 1853 .] 8 °. See Macbeth, King of Scotland. Pam. 80. Polish. - Makbet: tragedya . . . Przelozona z angielskiego wierszem polskim przez A. E. Kozmiana. pp. 103. Poznah, 1857 . 8 °. 11765. c. 40. (4.) Roumanian. - Macbeth. .. . Traduse d’in englisesce de P. P. Carp. Publica(ie a societatei “ Junimea.” pp. 108. Jassi, 1864 . 8 °. 11761. f. 1. (3.) - [Another edition.] pp. 147. Bucure§ti, 1866 . 8 °. Part of “ Dramele lui Shakespeare.” 11763. bb. 8 . Russian. - MaKfieTT: ... II31 cot. Illinniepa, nepeBojn A. PoTTeBa. pp. 116. CannmnemepOypn, 1830 . 8 °. 11765. e. 4. (1.) - MaitOeTT.: Tparejua bi bbtti jtkficTBiaxi, bi CTiixaxi... HepeBe.Tt ci aHrjiiiicKaro M. B. pp. 142. CaunmnemepSypn, 1837 . 8 °. 11763. g. 1 . ( 1 .) - Maiden.. . nepeBOfli A. KpoHe 6 epra. See Nekrasov (n. a.) IleTepOyprcKifi CoopiiiiKi. 1846 . 8 °. 12352. g. 22. - Maic 6 eTT>: Tparejtia [in prose]...IlepeBojti ct. aHruifi- CKaro M. .IiixoHima. pp. 132. [Moscow,] 1830 . 8 °. 11763. g. 1. (2.) - MaitOen.. .nepeBO^i A. KpoHe 6 epra. pp. 143. Mooted, 1862 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 40. (2.) - Mandei'i.. . nepeBogi ct> aHmfiCKaro 0. K. Yc'rpajioBa. pp. 163. C. Ilemepbypn, 1862 . 8 °. 11765. g. 17. - MaKfien ... PyccKiii nepeBOAi ci aHoificitaro 0. H. YcxpiLioBa.. .H3jtaHie BTopoe.. .nciipaBjieHHoe. pp. viii. 50. CanumnemepCypn, 1877 . 8 °. 11763. g. 1. (4.) - MaK 6 en>.. .IlepeBOjti C. A. IOpteBa. pp. 131. Mocnea, 1883 . 8 °. 11763. h. 28. - MaitCeTi. . .IlepeBOjVL A. JL CoitoJOBCKaro. pp. 94. C.-nemepdypvb, 1884 . 8 °. 11763. g. 4. (3.) Spanish. - Maebe, 6 , los Remordimientos : tragedia . .. refundida en fiances por Mr. Dncis, y acomodada al teatro espauol por D. M. Garcia, pp. vii. 87. Madrid, 1818 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 13. - Macbeth ... version al Castellano de G. Macpherson. pp. viii. 89. Madrid, 1880 . 8 ° 11763. df. 1. (4.) Swedish. - Macbeth. Tragedi .. . Ofversatt af E. G. Geijer. pp. 106. Upsala, 1813 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 29. - Macbeth. ... Fritt ofversatt af H. Sandstroui, etc. pp. 121. Stockholm, 1838 . 12°. 11763. a. 8 . TRAVESTIES. - Confusion’s Master-piece: or, Paine’s Labour Lost. Being a specimen of some well-known scenes in Shake¬ speare’s Macbeth. Revived and improved; as enacted by some of His Majesty’s servants before the Pit of Acheron. By the Writer of the Parodies in the Gentle¬ man’s Magazine [Thomas Ford], pp. 15. J. Nichols: London, 1794 . 4°. 11763. i. 1. 113 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 114 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth.—Travesties.] - Macbeth Travestie; in three acts. With burlesque annotations after the manner of Dr. Johnson, G. Stevens, etc. See Addresses. Accepted Addresses, etc. 1813 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 12. - Macbeth Travestie. A burlesque. In two acts. By the author of “ Mammon and Gammon,” etc. [Francis Talfourd.] Third edition, pp. 28. E. T. Spiers: Oxford, 1850 . 12°. 11781. aaa. 40. (4.) - Fourth edition, completely revised, etc. [1853.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 8 . [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. d. 12. - The Real Macbeth by the Real Macduff, from the text of the late William Shakspeare. [An illustrated satire on Henry Irving’s performance of Macbeth.] Swan Sonnenschein & Co.: London, [ 1889 .] obi. 8 °. Lithographed throughout. 12316. k. 37. appendix. — — See Beckhaus (h.) Gymnasialdirektor. Shakespeares Macbeth und die Schillersche Bearbeitung. 1889 . 4°. Pam. 80. - — See Caine (t. h. h.) Richard in. and Macbeth, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11840. f. 1. (14.) - See Carr (j. c.) Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. An essay. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. i. 32. —— See Fletcher (g.) Author of historical and critical Essays. Character Studies in Macbeth. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. c. 32. -- See Garrett (w. h.) An Essay on the character of Macbeth. 1886 . 8 °. 11766. f. 20. (2.) - See Gombert (marguerite) fitude sur Macbeth. [ 1893 ?] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Gilkes (a. h.) School Lectures on ... Macbeth. 1880 . 8 °. 11794. c. 33. - See Halliwell, afterwards IIalliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Cursory Memoranda on Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth, etc. 1880 . 8 °. 11764. h. 5. - See Hiecke (r. h.) Sliakspeare’s Macbeth, erlautert und gewiirdigt. 1846 . 8 °. 11762. c. - See Hume (a.) LL.D., F . S . A . Who was Macbeth 9 etc. [ 1853 .] 12 °. 8403. bb. 38. (5.) - See Jensch (w.) Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Ein Yortrag. 1871 . 4°. 11766. k. 14. (5.) - See Irving ( Sir j. h. b.) Macbeth at the Lyceum. Mr. Irving and his critics. 1875 . 8 °. 11795. de. 2. - See Kaim (f.) Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Eine Studie, etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11766. f. 20. (5.) - See Kaiser (v.) Macbeth und Lady Macbeth in Shake¬ speare’s Dichtung, und in Kunstwerken von Cornelius und Kaulbach. Psychologischer Essay. 1875 . 8 °. [ Oeffentliche Vortrdge gehalten in der Schweiz. Bd. 3 .] 12201 . e. • - See Kemble (j. p.) Macbeth and King Richard the Third: an essay, etc. 1817 . 8 °. 642. d. 20. - See Knowles (j. s.) Sheridan Knowles’ conception and Mr. Irving’s performance of Macbeth. 1876 . 8 °. 11824. if. 4. (14.) - See Lyceum Theatre, London. Souvenir of Macbeth, produced at the Lyceum Theatre, by H. Irfing, 29th December, 1888, etc. [ 1889 .] obi. 4°. 11766. f. 27. - See Moulin (j.) Tegen den Heer A. vander Hoop, ...als beoordeelaar rnijner vertaling van Shakspeares Macbeth. 1836 . 8 °. 11766. g. • ■— See Muench (w.) Shakespeares Macbeth in Unterricht der Prima, etc. 1884 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (13.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Macbeth.—Appendix.] - See Noel (m. l.) Lady Macbeth, etc. 1884 . 16°. 11764 aa. 5. ——— See Opzoomer (c. w.) Aanteekeningen op Shake¬ speare’s treurspel: Macbeth. 1854 . 8 °. 11765. cc. - See Oxon. An analysis and study of the leading characters of Macbeth and As You Like It. 1886 . 8 °. 11766. e. 15. - See Pfundheller (e.) On the character of Lady Macbeth. 1873 . 4°. 11766. i. 20. (3.) - See Poerschke (c. l.) Ueber Shakspeare’s Macbeth. 1801 . 8 °. 11762. df. 6 . (2.) - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeares Macbeth. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1889 . 16°. [. Erlduterungen zu den Auslandischen Klassiltern. Bdchen. 9.] 816. b. - See Ritter (j. g.) Beitrage zur Erklarung des Macbeth von Shakspeare. 1870 , etc. 4°. 11766. k. 14. (4.) - See Runeberg (j. l.) Ar Macbeth en Chrestlig tra- gedie? 1842 . 8 °. [GROT. Calender.] 8357. h. 7. - See Schwartzkopff (a.) Gothe’s Faust, Shakespeare’s Macbeth und Konig Lear, im Lichte des Evangelii, etc. 1868 . 8 °. 11824. f. - See Sexton (g.) The Psychology of Macbeth, a lecture, etc. [ 1869 .] 8 °. 11765. b. - See Storozhenko (n. i.) MaKdexT.. [A criticism.] 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Thom (w. t.) Two Shakespeare Examinations [on “ Hamlet” and “Macbeth”], etc. 1883 . 12 °. 11763. aaa. 1. - See Timme ( 0 .) Commentar iiber die erste Scene des zweiten Aktes von Shakspeare’s Macbeth, etc. 1873 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. ( 6 .) - See Vieillard de Boismartin (a.) Macbeth a l’Odcon. Etude spirite. 1863 . 12 °. 11765. aaa. - See Werder (c.) Yorlesungen iiber Shakespeare’s Macbeth, etc. 1885 . 8 °. 11765. bb. 2. - See Zerbst (m.) Die dramatische Tecknik des Macbeth, etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11764. g. 4. (7.) - An Essay on the Character of Macbeth, pp. iv. 99. C. Mitchell: London, 1846 . 8 °. 1344. f. 24. - Macbeth reconsidered ; an essay [by J. P. Kemble] intended as an answer to part of the remarks [by T. Wheatley] on some of the characteis of Shakspeare. London, 1786 . 8 °. 642. d. 28. (12.) - [Another copy.] 82. e. 5. - Miscellaneous observations on the tragedy of Macbeth : with remarks on Sir T. H[anmer]’s edition of Shake- pear. To which are affix’d, Proposals for a new edition of Shakeshear [sic], with a specimen. [By Samuel Johnson.] pp. 64. E. Cave: London, 1745 . 12°. Wanting the “ Proposals." 642. d. 28. (3.) - [Another copy.] 82. e. 44. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. - Measure for Measure ; or, Beauty the Best Advocate. As it is acted at the theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Written originally by M r Shakespear : and now very much alter’d [by C. Gildon]; with additions of several entertainments of musick. pp. 48. D. Brown and R. Parker: London, 1700 . 4°. 841. c. 6 . (7.) Pp. 47, 48 are erroneously paged 39, 84. - [Another copy.] 644. f. 52. - [Another copy.] 163. i. 2. 115 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 116 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Measure for Measure.] - Measure for Measure. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 19. J. Harrison & J. Wenman : London, 1779 . 8 °. 11770. g. 3. (20.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. King in the character of Lucio ” as frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s Measure for Measure: as altered by J. P. Kemble, and acted by their Majesties Servants at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. pp. 62. C. Lowndes : London, [ 1803 .] 8 °. 11763. e. 24. - Shakspeare’s Measure for Measure . .. Revised by J. P. Kemble, and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 71. J. Miller: London, 1817 . 8 °. 2304. d. 3. (4.) - Measure for Measure.. .Correctly given, from the text of Johnson and Steevens. With remarks, pp. 91. T. Hughes: London, 1820 ?] 16°. 11781. a. 21. (3.) - Measure for Measure . . . With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. xi. 69. 1822. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 16. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 16. - Measure for Measure .. . Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added, a .. . cast of the characters.. .and the whole of the stage business as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 62. [1830 ?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. vii. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 4. - Measure for Measure. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 145. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - Measure for Measure. With the Historie of Promos and Cassandra [by G. Whetstone, and an introduction by H. Morley]. pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 205. 188 ^, etc. 8 °. 12208. c. French. - Soeur Isabelle. Drame . . . tire de Shakspeare par F. Deschamps. 1873 . 8 °. See Deschamps (f.) 11739. e. 17. German. - Maas-s fiir Maass. .. . Fur die deutsche Biihne nach der Tieck-Schlegelschen Uebersetzung bearbeitet von R. Weiland. pp. 46. Leipzig, [ 1850 ?] 8 °. 11766. f. 8 . (2.) - Mass fiir Mass. Schau spiel in 5 Aufziigen . . . Nach Delius’ Ausgabe fiir die Biihne iibersetzt und bearbeitet von G. Frhr. Yincke. pp. 85. Freiburg i. Br., 1871 . 8 °. '11763. e. 15. (4.) APPENDIX. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) Memoranda on Shakespeare’s comedy of Measure for Measure. 1880 . 12°. 11766. a. 13. (3.) - See T., h. Was Shakespeare a Lawyer ? Being a selection of passages from “ Measure for Measure” and “All’s Well that Ends Well,” which point to the con¬ clusion that their author must have been a practical Lawyer, etc. 1 871 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 34. MERCHANT OF VENICE. - The Excellent Histoiy of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylocke the lew towards the saide Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh. And the obtaining of Portia, by the choyse of three Caskets. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed by J. Roberts: [London,] 1600 . 4°. C. 34. k. 23. 40 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-k. -[Another copy.] C. 12. g. 31. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merchant of Venice.] - The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreame crueltie of Shylocke the Iewe towards the sayd Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh : and the obtayning of Portia by the choyse of three chests. As it hath beene diuers times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. Printed by L. R[oberts], for Thomas Heyes : London, 1600 . 4°. C. 34. k. 22. 38 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-K 2, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 11. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 32. - The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreame crueltie of Shylocke the Iewe towards the said Merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh : and the obtaining of Portia by the choice of three Chests. As it hath beene divers times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Servants. Written by William Shakespeare. Printed by M. P., for Laurence Hayes: London, 1637 . 4°. C. 34. k. 24. 36 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a— 1 , in fours. - The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice : With the extreame cruelty of Shylocke the Jew towards the said Merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh ; and the obtaining of Portia by the choyce of three Chests. As it hath been diverse times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his servants. Written by William Shake¬ speare. Printed for William Leake: London, 1632 . 4°. C. 34. k. 25. A duplicate of the preceding, with a new first leaf con¬ taining a neiv titlepage and list of characters. To the latter the names of the performers have been added in MS. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 26. - The Jew of Venice. A comedy. As it is acted at the theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty’s Servants. [Adapted and altered from Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” by G. Granville, Baron Luns- downe.] pp. 46. Printed for Ber. Lintott: London, 1701 . 4°. 643. i. 20. (12.) - [Another copy.] 841. c. 6. (8.) - [Another copy.] 841. c. 3. (8.) - [Another edition.] See Granville (g.) Baron Lansdowne. Three Plays, etc. 1713 . 8 °. 11775. c. - [Another edition.] 1732 . 12°. 11771. a. - The Merchant of Venice. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent- Garden. pp. 20. J. Wenman: London, 1777 . 8 °. 11770. g. 1. (23.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Macklin in the character of Shyloclc ” as frontispiece. - The Merchant of Venice.. .As it was acted at Reading School, etc. [Edited by R. Valpy.] pp. 82. Smart & Gowslade : Reading, 1802 . 8 °. 1344. f. 7., - [Another copy.] 1344. f. 15. (4.) - [Another copy.] 11763. cc. 12. (2.) - The Comedy of the Merchant of Venice. . .With the notes and illustrations of various commentators, and remarks by the Editor [A. Eccles]. pp. iv. 327. Jones: Dublin, 1805 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 13. - Shakspeare’s Merchant of Venice . . . revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 70. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 2. (6.) 117 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 118 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merchant of Venice.] - The Merchant of Venice. (Put in a light now entirely new ... by R. Deverell.) See Deverell (r.) Dis¬ coveries in Hieroglyphics, etc. vol. 3. 1816 . 8 °. 012330. h. 1. - The Merchant of Venice ... With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. ii. 65. 1820. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 10. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 10. - Merchant of Venice, ... correctly given from the text of Johnson et [sic] Steevens. With remarks .. . selected from the most eminent commentators; and a German vocabulary.—Der Kaufmann von Venedig, ... mit ... Anmerkungen ... herausgegeben von L. Lion, pp. v. 138. Vandenlioeclc und Ruprecht: Gottingen , 1830 . 8 °. 11766. f. 10. (1.) - The Merchant of Venice ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a ... cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business, as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 62. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. vi. 1829 , etc. 12° 642. a. 3. - Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. Der Kaufmann von Venedig, Schauspiel in fiinf Akten. Mit unter- gelegtem kritischem Commentare, einer Einleitung und einem Anhange, enthaltend : historische Erlauter- ungen des Stiicks und eine Biograpkie des Dichters in engliseher Sprache, etc. pp. xl. 245. G. C. E. Meyer, Sen.: Braunschweig, 1836 . 12°. Page xl. is erroneously paged lx. 11766. b. 14. - Le Marchand de Venise. ... Nouvelle edition, precedee d’une notice critique et historique, et accompagnee de notes par O’Sullivan, pp. xx. 115. L. Hachette: Paris, 1843 . 12°. 1344. a. 31. - The Merchant of Venice ... Erklart von L. Herrig. 1854. See Herrig (l.) Sammlung engliseher Schrift- steller, etc. Bdchn. 5. 1853 , etc. 8 °. 11603. d. 20. - The Merchant of Venice, pp. 64. [1856.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 25. [ 1850 , etc.'] 12 °. 2304. d. 29. -- The most excellent historie of the Merchant of Venice. [Illustrated by Birket Foster and others.] pp. 95. Sampson Low, Son & Go.: London, i 860 [ 1859 ]. 4°. 1347. f. 6 . - The Merchant of Venice. ... With explanatory notes. ... Edited by R. H. Westley. pp. 82. G. Grsebner: Leipzig, 1861 . 8 °. 11765, c. 19. - The Merchant of Venice ... The text from the folio of 1623 ; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 22 . L. Booth: London, 1862 . 4°. Interleaved. 11763. h. 14. - The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice. .. . Abbreviated and adapted for social reading in parts by the Swanswick Shakespeare Circle, and edited by J. Earle, pp. xiv. 48. Longman, Green & Co. : London, 1862 . 4°. 11.765. bbb. 46. (3.) - The Merchant of Venice, as produced at the Winter Garden Theatre of New-York, January, 1867, by Edwin Booth. A new adaptation to the stage. With notes, original and selected, and introductory articles by H. L. Hinton, pp. 46. C.A.Alvord: New-York, 1867 . 8 °. 11765. g. 18. - Shakspere’s Merchant of Venice. Fur den Schulge- brauch bearbeitet von Dr. R. Muller, pp. viii. 84. O. Schonpflug: Goslar, 1868 . 16°. 11765. aa. 43. (4.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merchant of Venice.] - Merchant of Venice ... Purified and arranged for the use of schools by A. Zimmermann. pp. 70. O. Struwe: Berlin, 1873 . 8 °. 11761. aaa. 8 . (3.) - Shakespeare’s Comedy of the Merchant of Venice. With introductory remarks and ... notes, by the Rev. D. Morris, pp. 106. 1874. See Collins (w.) Publisher, of Glasgow. Collins’School Series. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. cc. 2. - The Merchant of Venice ... Fur den Schulgebrauch erklart von Dr. L. Riechelmann. pp. xx. 118. B. G. Teubner: Leipzig , 1876 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 15. - Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, with notes, exam¬ ination papers, and plan of preparation. Edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. pp. 121 . W. & R. Chambers: London & Edinburgh, 1879 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 11. - The Merchant of Venice.. .as presented at the Lyceum Theatre under the management of Mr. Henry Irving, etc. pp. 74. Chiswick Press: London, 1880 . 8 °. 11775. g. - Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Med An- mserkninger og Indledning, udgivet af G. Wiesener. pp. 192. J. W. Cappelens Forlag: Christiania, 1880 . 8 °. 11766. c. 31. - Shakspere’s Merchant of Venice : the first (tho worse) quarto, 1600, a facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs. ... With forewords by F. J. Furnivall. pp. xii. 78. W. Griggs: London, [ 1881 .] 4°. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 7. 11764. k. 9. - Merchant of Venice. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’Standard Plays, no. 13. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, with ... notes by T. Parry, pp. xviii. 146. 1883. See Longmans, Green and Co. Longmans’ Modern Series. [ 1881 , etc.] 8 °. 12200. cc. - The Comedy of the Merchant of Venice ... Together with the prose narrative . . . from Lamb’s Tales, etc. pp. 104. [1884.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 8 °. 12205. aa. - The Merchant of Venice . . . Mit Einleitung, Anmer¬ kungen und Worterbuch herausgegeben von Dr. H. Isaac. 2 pt. Friedberg & Mode: Berlin, 1884 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. 12. - Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, abridged . . . With notes, etc. pp. 32. W. dc R. Chambers: London & Edinburgh, 1884 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 10. (2.) - The Merchant of Venice . . . With the adventures of Giannetto (from the Pecorone of Ser Giovanni Fioren- tino), etc. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1886. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 31. [ 1886 , etc.] 8 °. 12208. aaa. - Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, abbreviated for school use, with introduction, notes, and illustrations [by B. Jonson]. pp. 112. [1886.] See Gill (george) Schoolmaster. Gill’s School Series. 1886 , etc. 12°, etc. 12202 . df. - Shakspere’s Merohant of Venice: the second, and better, quarto (printed by I. R. for Thomas Ileyes), 1600. A facsimile in foto-lithography, from the Duke of Devonshire’s copy, by C. Prsetorius. With forewords by F. J. Furnivall. pp. xiv. 75. C. Praetorius : London, 1887 . 4°. 11764. k. 30. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 16. - The Merchant of Venice.. .In the easy reporting style of phonography, pp. 64. 1892. See Library. National Phonographic Library. 1887 , etc. 16°. 12991. bb. SHAKESPEARE 119 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merchant of Venice.] — ■ — The Merchant of Venice. With introduction and notes, pp. 112 . Blachie & Son: London, 1893 . 8 °. 11764. £t£lcl. 18. - Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. Edited by T. D. Barnett, pp. 141. G. Bell & Sons: London, 1893 . 8 °. 12268. c. 4. - The Trial from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. With life of the author, explanatory notes and examin¬ ation questions, pp. 22 . Moffatt, Paige & Co.: London, 1875 . 12 °. 11779. b. 3. (3.) - The Merchant of Venice (Selections from Acts 1 ., in., iv.) ... With prefatory and explanatory notes, pp. 32. 1879. See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s School Classics. 1879 , etc. 16°. 12200. c. - A Selection from Shakespeare’s ‘ Merchant of Venice.’ pp. 44. 1879. See Lines. Lines from the Poets, no. 6 . 1879 , etc. 16°. 11603. cc. - Selections from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. With.. .notes.. .by T. Parry, pp. 48. 1883. See Longmans, Green and Co. Longmans’ Modem Series. [ 1881 , etc.'] 8 °. 12200. cc. - Selections from the Merchant of Venice. pp. 31. [1896.] See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s English Classics. [ 1896 , etc.] 16°. 012200. e. English and German. - Shakespeare’s Kaufmann von Venedig. Englisch- deutsche Ausgabe, mit 27 Scenen und Vignetten in feinstem Holzstich. Die deutsche Uebertragung von A. Fischer, pp. 86 . Dennig, Finch & Co.: Pforzheim, 1843 . 4°. 11765. i. 9. English and Greeh. - Senarii Grseci, prsemio Porsoniano.. .dignati.. .auctore B. H. Kennedy. [A translation from the Merchant of Venice, Act iv., Sc. 1.] [ Cambridge, 1824 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (39.) Italian and Spanish. - Macbeth, drama lirico, etc. [By S. Cammarano. An opera libretto, founded upon Shakespeare.] 1849 . 8 °. See Macbeth, King of Scotland. Pam. 80. Bohemian. - Williama Skakespeara Kupec Benatsky. Prelozil J. J. Kolar. Druhe prehlednute vydani. pp. 92. v Praze, 1880 . 8 °. 11762. df. 6 . (5.) Danish. —:— Kiobmanden af Venedig ... Fordansket, til Skueplad- sens Brug, ved.. .K. L. Kahbek. pp. 110. Kiobenhavn, 1827 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 21. - Kj 0 bmanden i Venedig.. .Oversat af H. Lassen. pp. 106. Kristiania, 1882 . 8 °. 11766. c. 29. Tillseshefte til “ Follcevennen ” for 1881 . Dutch. _ Be Koopman van Venetie . . . Uit het Engelsch door T. N. van der Stok. pp. 122. Zutphen. 1899 . 12°. 11763. df. 6 . (3.) _ T Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words: “ 2 e goedkoope uitgave,” and the imprint: “ Rotterdam, 1863 !”] 11764. bb. 49. (2.) Dutch. — Frisian. _ De Keapman fen Venetien [in prose], in Julius Cesar [in verse].. .nut it Ingels foar frieske trog R. Posthumus, pp. xxvii. 238. Grinz, 1829 . 8 °. 11762. f. 3. SHAKESPEARE 120 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merchant of Venice.— Dutch. — Frisian.] - De Koopman van Venetie . . . Vertaald en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. [In prose.] Amsterdam, [ 1880 ?1 8 °. 11762. df. 5. ( 8 .) French. - Le Marchand de Venise. [Translated by Alfred de Vigny.] See Vigny (a. v. de) Count. Theatre complet, etc. 1848 . 12 °. 2298. b. - W. Shakspeare. Le Marchant de Venise traduit par L. Daffry de la Monnoye. pp. x. 150. Paris, 1866 . 8 °. 11763. f. 8 . - Le Marchand de Venise. Piece ... traduite en vers fran, 1877 . 8 °. 11763. g. 1. (5.) - [Another copy.] 11766. k. 12. (5.) Imperfect; wanting all after p. 36. Swedish. - Kopmannen i Venedig. Skadespel i fern akter. Fran Engelska originalet forsvenskadt och for scenen be- arbetadt af N. Arfwidsson. pp. 116. Stockholm, 1854 . 12°. 11773. b. - Shy locks role uti Kopmannen i Venedig, etc. [A selection ; translated by N. Arfwidsson.] pp. 15. Stockholm, 1837 . 12°. - 11765. b. 56. (2.) APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of the Merchant of Venice. 1889 . 8 °. 11762. df. 9. (5.) - See Bernhardi (w.) Dr. Shakespeare’s Kaufmann von Venedig. Eine kritische Skizze, etc. 1859 . 8°. 11765. c. - See Cross (l.) pseud. Lorenzo of the “Merchant of Venice”: his character, etc. 1885 . 8 °. 11764. i. 16. (2.) - See Farren (g.) President Director of the Asylum Life Office. An Essay on Shakespeare’s character of Shylock. 1833 . 8 °. T. 1485.'(12.) - See Forlani (f.) La Lotta per il Diritto... Variazioni filosofico-giuridiche sopra il Mercante di Venezia e altri drammi di Shakespeare. 1874 . 8 °. 11765. ff. 1. - See Franklin (h. a.) Einladungsschrift ... A few observations on Shakespeare and his “ Merchant of Venice.” 1867 . 8 °. 11765. e. 4. (3.) -- See Graetz (h.) Shylock in der Sage, im Drama und in der Geschichte. 1880 . 8 °. 4033. e. 5. ( 6 .) - See Hebler (r. a. c.) Shakspeare’s Kaufmann von Venedig, etc. 1854 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 31. (1.) - See Heinemann (h.) Dr. Shylock und Nathan. [Studies of the characters in Shakespeare’s “ Merchant of Venice ” and Lessing’s “ Nathan der Weise.”] 1886 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 5. (5.) - See Hunter (john) M.A., of Uxbridge. Examination- questions on. .. Shakspeare’s Merchant of Venice, etc. 1862 . 12 °. 11643. bbb. 10. (13.) - See Hugo (f. v.) Commentary on the Merchant of Venice, etc. 1863 . 8 °. 11763. cc. - See Lobb (s.) of Calcutta. Notes on The Merchant of Venice, etc. 1881 . 12 °. 11763. aaa. 2. - See Lua (a. l.) Venedig.” 1866 . Ueber Shakespeare’s “ Kaufmann von 8 °. 11766. g. 10. - See Martin (helena) Ladu. 1880 . 8 °. On Ophelia and Portia. Pam. 80. • See Martin (Helena) Lady. Ophelia und Porzia, etc. 1890 . 8 °. 11763. h. 31. - See Meurer (c.) Der Sprachgebrauch in Shaksperc’s Merchant of Venice. Grammatisch dargestellt, etc. [ 1875 .] 4°. 11766. k. 14. ( 8 .) - See Pietscher (a.) Jurist und Dichter. Versuch einer Studie iiber .. . Shakspeare’s “Kaufmann von Venedig.” 1881 . 8 °. 11766. i. 9. (7.) 123 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 124 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merchant of Venice.— Appendix.] - See Plath (c. h. c.) Shakespeares Kaufmann von Venedig. Ein Beitrag zum Verstandnisse der Juden- frage. 1882 . 8 °. 11763. e. 10. (7.) - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeare’s Kaufmann von Venedig. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1875 . 16°. [ Erlduterungen zu den ausldndischen Klassikern. Bdck. 5.] 816. b. - See S. Alter Ego. Eine Studie zu Shakespeare’s Kaufmann. 1862 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 40. (3.) - See Schmid (e.) Director der stadt. hoh. Tochterschule zu Bromberg. Worterbuch zu Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11765. e. 4. ( 8 .) MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. - A Most pleasant and excellent conceited Comedy, of Sir Iohn Falstaffe, and the merry Wiues of Windsor. With the swaggering vaine of Ancient Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed for Arthur Johnson : \_London,~] 1619 . 4°. C. 34. k. 27. 28 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-g, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 24. - The Merry Wives of Windsor. With the humours of Sir Iohn Falstaffe, As also the swaggering vaine of Ancient Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. Written by William Shake-Speare. Newly corrected. Printed by T. H., for R. Meighen : London, 1630 . 4°. C. 34. k. 28. 39 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-k 3, in fours. - The Comical Gallant; or, the Amours of Sir John Falstaffe. A comedy. [Adapted from “The Merry Wives of Windsor.”] As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by his Majesty’s Servants. By Mr. Dennis. To which is added, a large Account of the Taste in Poetry, and the Causes of the Degeneracy of it. pp. 49. A. Baldwin: London, 1702 . 4°. 643. i. 19. (5.) - [Another copy.] 83. b. 12. (7.) - The Merry Wives of Windsor; with the Amours of Sir John Falstaff. pp. 87. [1720?] Nee English Plays. A Collection of the best English Plays, vol. 2 . 1711 , etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 17. - The Merry Wives of Windsor... With notes explanatory and critical by Mr. Theobald. A. Bradley: Dublin, 1739 . 12°. 11774. aaa. 23. (2.) Pp. 217—301 of a larger collection. - The Merry Wives of Windsor. ... As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book...hy M r Hopkins.. .An introduction and notes critical and illustrative are added by the authors of the Dramatic Censor [i.e. F. Gentleman ?]. pp. 71. J. Bell: London, 1773 . 12 °. 11762. e. 20. (1.) - The Merry Wives of Windsor. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Convent- Garden. pp. 20. J. Wenman: London, 1778 . 8 °. 11770. g. 2. (11.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Henderson in the character of Falstaff” as frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor. A comedy ; revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 79 . J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 3. (3.) - The Merry Wives of Windsor ... With prefatory re¬ marks [signed, P. P.]-Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. iii. 75. 1820. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 8 . 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 8 . SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merry Wives of Windsor.] - The Merry Wives of Windsor. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D- G [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added, a. . .cast of the characters . .. and the whole of the stage business, as now per¬ formed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 64. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. vi. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 3. - The First Sketch of Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. pp. xxxii. 141. 1842 . 8 °. See Academies, etc. —London. — Shakespeare Society. Shakespeare (w.) Ac. 9485/8. - The Merry Wives of Windsor. The text from the folio of 1623 ; with notices of the known editions pre¬ viously issued. pp. 22 . L. Booth : London, 1862 . 4°. Interleaved. 11763. h. 15. - The Merry Wives of Windsor. A comedy, in five acts. pp. 72. [1865.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 62. [ 1850 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. f. 7. - Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor, facsimiled from the edition printed at London in ... 1602. By E. W. Ashbee. London, 18 66 . 4°. C. 34. i. One of fifty copies, privately printed, of which nineteen have been destroyed. - The Merry Wives of Windsor. [With introduction by J. O. Halliwell.] See Collier (j. p.) Shakespeare’s Library, etc. vol. 6 . 1875 . 8 °. 2300. b. - Sbakspere’s Merry Wives of Windsor: the first quarto, 1602, a facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs, .. .with introduction by P. A. Daniel, pp. xv. 53. W. Griggs: London, [ 1881 .] 4°. 11764. k. 8 . Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 6. - Merry Wives of Windsor. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 9. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - The Merry Wives of Windsor ... Edited, with notes from the collections of the late J. F. Stanford ... by H. B. Wheatley, pp. lxviii. 240. G. Bell A Sons : London, 1886 . 8 °. 11766. e. 13. - The Merry Wives of Windsor. [With introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. Nee Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - Shakespeare’s comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor presented in eight pen designs by Walter Crane. En¬ graved and printed by D. C. Dallas, 1894. G. Allen: London, [ 1895 .] fol. K.T.C. 38. b. 4. - Falstaff. A comic opera. By S. M. Maggioni, etc. [Founded on “ The Merry Wives of Windsor.”] 1838 . 12 °. See Maggioni (s. m.) T. 2296. ( 8 .) Italian and German. - Falstaff, osia Le Tre Burle. Dramma giocoso [founded on the “ Merry Wives of Windsor ”], etc. 1799 - 8 °. See Falstaff (Sir john) 11765. aa. 6 . French. - Les Joyeuses Bourgeoises (Merry Wives). [A play, in verse, by E. Prarond. Founded upon Shakespeare.] See Prarond (e.) Etudes sur Shakespeare, etc. 1853 . 12°. 11762. bbb. 13. - [Another edition.] Falstaff, etc. See Prarond (e.) Le Theatre sous le Chene. 1883 . 8 °. 11763. df. 3. - [Another edition.] 1895 . 8 °. 011765. g. 1. SHAKESPEARE 125 SHAKESPEARE 126 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merry Wives of Windsor. — French .] - Les Joyeuses Commeres de Windsor . . . Par P. J. Barbier. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] 1862 . 12 °. See Barbier (p. j.) 11765. aaa. 30. (4.) - Falstaff. Comedie . . . Par A. Boito, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare’s “Merry Wives of Windsor” and “ King Henry iv.”] [ 1894 .] 8°. See Boito (a.) 011765. gg. 4. German. - Die lustigen Weiber zu Windsor. Ein Lustspiel, etc. [Translated, in prose, by G. A. Burger.] pp. 192. Gottingen , 1786 . 16°. 11766. a. 31. - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor ... Neu und getreu iibersetzt. pp. 184. Konigsberg, 1826 . 8 °. 11766. b. 15. - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. ... Uebersetzt von H. Kurz. Mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen. pp. xxiv. 127. Leipzig, 1867 . 8 °. 11765. bb. 5. - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Lustspiel in fiinf Akten. ... Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais, pp. 62. Stuttgart, [ 1872 .] 8 °. 11764. aa. 12. - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Komisch phantas- tische Oper . . . nach Shakespeare’s . . . Lustspiel gedichtet von H. S. Mosenthal. 1849 . 8 °. See Mosenthal (h. s.) 11761. f. 3. (1.) - [Another edition.] [ 1850 ?] 8 °. 11766. i. 13. (1.) - [Another edition.] [ 1870 .] 16°. 11765. aa. 29. - [Another edition.] [ 1888 .] 8 °. 11746. ee. 24. (4.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Merry Wives of Windsor,] Swedish. - De muntra fruarna i Windsor ... Ofversattning af J. H. Thomander. pp. 201 . Stockholm, 1827 . 8 °. 11765. e. 26. - Falstaff och hans Stab. Silhuetter af P. Konewka till text ur William Shakspeare’s “Konung Hendrik iv. ” och “Muntra Fruarne i Windsor.” [With selections from the text.] [1880.] See Konewka (p.) Silhuetter, etc. [ 18 ^, etc.] 4°. 1876. c. 3. - [Another edition.] [ 1881 .] 4°. 1876. c. 2. - Muntra Fruarna i Windsor. Komisk Opera ... af H. S. Mosenthal ... Ofversattning ... af Talis Qualis [i.e. C. W. A. Strandberg], etc. 1875 . 12 °. See Mosenthal (h. s.) 11762. bbb. 4. (5.) TRAVESTIES. - See Broemel (w. h.) Gideon von Tromberg. Eine Posse . . . nach Shakespear. 1794 . 8°. [ Deutsche Schaubiihne. Bd. 61.] 11745. aaa. - Die lustigen Weiber in Wien. Ein Sittengemahide. . . .. .Nach Shakespear’s lustigen Weiber von Windsor. 1794 . 8 °’ Nee Vienna. 11746. de. 29. APPENDIX. - See Grundlinien. Grundlinien zu einer Theorie der Schauspielkunst. Nebst der Analyse einer komischen und tragischen Rolle, Falstaf und Hamlet von Shake¬ speare. 1797 . 8 °. 11795. ccc. 17. German, Low. - De lostgen Wiewer von Windsor; en’t Plattdietsche awersett von R. Dorr. Met ’nem Varword von K. Groth. pp. xxiv. 136. Liegnitz, 1877 . 8 °. 11762. df. 3. (2.) Hungarian. - A Windsori Vig Nok. Vig opera 3 felvnnasban Skakespeare hasonnevii vigjateka utan irta Mosenthal .. .Forditotta Csepreghy L. 1859 . 8 °. See Mosenthal (s. h.) 11758. bb. Italian. - Falstaff o le Allegre Comari di Windsor. Commedia, etc. [Translated in prose.] pp. 96. Milano, [ 1891 .] 8 °. 11763. a. 12. ■ Le Allegre Comari di Windsor. [Translated in prose by A. Tedeschi.] See infra: Selections. — Italian. Falstaff, etc. 1893 . 8 °. 11764. c. 12. - Falstaff. Commedia lirica di A. Boito, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] 1893 . 8°. Nee Boito (a.) 11764. e. 15. - [Another edition.] [ 1894 .] 8 °. 011795. h. 10. Polish. ■ Szekspir. Puste kobiety z Windsor’u. Przelozyl [in prose and verse] John of Dycalp. pp. 206. Wilno, 1842 . 12°. 11773. e. Russian. ■ BojibHoe ho c.iaOoe, nepejio;KeHie 1131 IIIaKecmipa, KoMe/ 1 , 111 : BO'n> KaKOBO 11 mUi b Kop3HHy it 6h.ii,e [in prose. Founded on “ The Merry Wives of Windsor ”]. 1787. See Russian Theatre. Pocciiicitifi Gea'rp'b, etc. aacT. 14. 1786 , etc. 8 °. 1343. h. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) An Account of the only known manuscript of Shake¬ speare’s Plays, comprising some important variations and corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor, etc. 1843 . 8 °. 1344. e. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) The Life of St. Katharine ... and an account of the magical manuscript of Dr. Caius [founder of Caius College, Cambridge; together with some observations on the character of that name in the iVIerry Wives of Windsor]. 1848 . 4°. 11631. h. 25. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Observations on the Charlecote traditions and on the personation of Sir T. Lucy in the character of Justice Shallow [in the “Merry Wives of Windsor” and “ King Henry iv.,” pt. 2]. 1887 .' 8 °. 11765. f. 10. - The diverting history of the life, memorable exploits, pranks, and droll adventures of .. . Sir John Falstaff . . . his jests, drolleries, . . . and most miraculous escapes from the wanton contrivances of the Merry Wives of Windsor, as written by Shakespeare. To which is added, a short dissertation on his character, and the History of the Boar’s Head Tavern in East- Cheap, by D r Goldsmith, pp. xii. 48. H. Lemoine : London, 1789 . 12°. 11762. b. 10. MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. - A Midsommer nights dreame. As it hath beene sundry times publickely acted, by the Right honourable, the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. Imprinted at London , for Thomas Fisher, 1600 . 4°. C. 34. k. 29. 32 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-h, in fours. 127 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 128 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Midsummer Night’s Dream.] -A Midsommer nights dreame. As it hath beene sundry times publikely acted, by the Right Honourable, the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. Printed by lames Roberts: [. London ,] 1600 . 4°. C. 34. k. 30. 32 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-H, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 30. — A Midsummer Night’s Dream... .With alterations and additions and several new songs [by David Garrick]. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Laue. pp. 47. J. & R. Tonsort: London, 1763 . 8 °. 643. i. 4. (11.) - [Another copy.] 642. e. 19. (4.) - [Another copy.] 163. i. 3. - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent- Garden. pp. 19. J. Wenman : London , 1778 . 8 °. 11770. g. 2. (26.) With an engraved portrait of “ Miss Barsanti in the character of Helena.” - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. With alterations, addi¬ tions and new songs [by F. Reynolds]. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, pp. 57. J. Miller: London, 1816 . 8 °. 841. e. 20. ( 6 .) - A Midsummer Night’s Dream . . . Printed from the acting copy, with remarks ... by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added, a.. .cast of the characters .. .and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 67. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xx. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 10. - Shakspere’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. With illus¬ trations, as designed and modelled by W. B. Kirk, etc. pp. 35. J. McGlashan: Dublin, 1853 . 8 °. 11762. f. 7. - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A comedy, etc. pp. 62. [1856.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. voi. 28. [ 1850 , ctc.~\ 12°. 2304. e. 2. - Shakespeare’s play of A Midsummer Night’s Dream ; arranged for representation at the Princess’s Theatre; with . . . notes, by Charles Kean, etc. pp. 60. J. K. Chapman A Co.: London, [ 1856 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 22. (4.) - A Midsommer Night’s Dreame. The text from the folio of 1633 ; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 18. L. Booth : London, 1862 . 4°. 11763. h. 16. Interleaved. - Shakspeare’s Play of A Midsummer Night’s Dream,... with.. . notes, collected... by L. Keene, pp. 59. S. French: New York, 1863 . 12°. 11791. cc. - A Midsummer-Night's Dream ... Illustrated with 24 silhouettes by P. Konewka, etc. pp. 88 . Longmans, Green A Co.: London, 1868 . fol. 11764. m. 7. - Midsummer Night’s Dream, etc. pp. 62. American Printing House for the Blind: Louisville, Ky., 1870 . 4°. Printed in embossed Roman type. 13007. a. 63. - A Midsummer-Night’s Dream. ..With illustrations by A. Fredericks, pp. 101. Bickers A Son: London, 1874 [ 1873 ]. 4°. 11766. k. 26. - The School Edition of Shakespeare, in which all those words are omitted that cannot with propriety be read. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. With memoirs and German notes edited by C. F. de Wickede. pp. 82. H. A. Pierer: Altenburg, 1875 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 10. (1.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Midsummer Night’s Dream.] - Shakespeare’s comedy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. With introductory remarks,.. .notes, etc., by S. Neil, pp. 158. 1878. See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’ School and College Classics. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. ccc. - Shakespeare’s A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, with in¬ troduction and notes.. .by.. .H. N. Hudson, pp. 36. 128. Ginn A Heath : Boston [ Mass .], 1880 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. 1. One of a series entitled, “ Annotated English Classics.” - Shakespere’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The first quaito, 1600 : a fac-simile in photo-lithography, by W. Griggs,. . .with introduction by J. W. Ebsworth. pp. xxii. 63. W. Griggs: London, 1880 . 4°. Shakspere-Quartu facsimiles, no. 3. 11764. k. 5. - Shakspere’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The second quarto, 1600: a fac simile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs.. . .With introduction by J. W. Ebsworth. pp. xxiii. 63. W. Griggs: London, 1880 . 4°. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 4. 11764. k. 6 . - Midsummer Night’s Dream. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 92. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s Midsummer-Night’s Dream, with notes, examination papers and plan of preparation, pp. 112 . W. A R. Chambers: London A Edinburgh, 1886 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 2. - A Midsummer-Night’s Dream...With Nymphidia; or the court of Fairy (by Michael Drayton) &c. [With a selection of Fairy Poems by Herrick, other versions of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe by Chaucer, Ovid, etc., and an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1887. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 79. 1886, etc. 8°. 12208. aaa. - Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream . . . With introduction and notes [by B. Jonson]. pp. 127. 1887. See Gill (george) Schoolmaster. Gill’s School Series. 1868 , etc. 12 °, etc. 12202. df. - Shakespeare’s play of “ A Midsummer-Night’s Dream,” with short notes and glossary by F. C. Woodforde. pp. 57. 42. Bennion A Horne : Market Drayton, [ 1887 .] 8 °. 11763. aa. 3. - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. [Illustrated in colours.] pp. 45. E. Nister : London ; Nuremberg printed, [ 1888 .] fol. 1875. a. 8 . - A Midsummer Nights Dreame. Facsimile Reprint of the text of the First Folio . .. With foot-notes giving every variant . .. occurring in the two Quartos of 1600. .. .With introduction and notes by H. Johnson, pp. xviii. 61. Houghton, Mifflin A Co. : Boston [Mass.], 1888 . 8 °. 11766. h. 26. - A Midsummer Night’s Dream ... Adapted to pastoral representation by N. Newnham-Davis, etc. pp. 64. Thacker A Spink: Calcutta, 1891 . 8 °. 11762. bbb. 15. - A Midsommer Night’s Dreame...Illustrated by J. Moyr Smith, pp. xviii. 36. B. Quaritcli: London, 1892 . fol. K.T.C. 4. b. 19. - A Midsummer Night’s Dream ... Illustrated by R. A. Bell. Edited with an introduction by Israel Gollancz. pp. li. 127. J. M. Dent A Co. : London, 1895 . 4°. K.T.C. 35. a. 7. One of 50 copies of an edition on hand-made paper, with duplicate set of plates. ■ The Merry conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. [Adapted from Shakespeare.] As it hath been often publikely Acted by some of his Majesties Comedians, etc. 1661 . 4°. See Bottom, the Weaver E. 1085. (13.) 129 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Midsummer Night’s Dream.] - [Another edition.] The Merry conceited Humours, etc. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. i 860 . 16°. See Bottom, the Weaver. 11764. b. (1.) - The Fairy-Queen : an opera represented at the Queen’s Theatre, etc. [Founded upon “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”] 1692 . 4°. See Fairy-Queen. 643. d. 52. - [Another edition.] 1693 . 4°. See Fairy-Queen. 1346. e. - The Comick Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe. [Adapted from “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” by R. Beveridge.] As it is perform’d at the Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn Fields, pp. 16. W. Mears: London, 1716 . 8 °. 163. i. 4. - The Fairies. An opera, taken from A Midsummer Night’s Dream ... As it is performed at the Theatre- Royal in Drury Lane. The songs from Shakespear, Milton, Waller, Dryden, Lansdown, Hammond, etc. [By David Garrick.] pp. 48. J. & R. Tonson d S. Draper: London, 1755 . 8 °. 643. i. 3. ( 6 .) — — [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words, “ Second edition.”] 11763. e. 26. - [Another copy.] 11763. e. 25. - [Another copy.] 83. a. 22. (5.) - A Fairy Tale, in two acts. Taken from Shakespeare. [Adapted from the “ Midsummer Night’s Dream,” by George Colman the elder, and David Garrick.] As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market, pp. 24. G. Kearsly: London, 1777 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 17. Danish. - En Skiaersommernats Dr 0 m.. .Oversat af A. Oehlen- schlager. [In five acts and in verse.] pp. viii. 118. Ripbenhavn, 1816 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 30. - [Another edition.] See Ohlenschlager (a. g.) Ud- maerkede Digtervaerker, oversatte af Oehlenschlager, etc. 1848 . 12 °. 11557. aa. - En Skjaersommarnatsdr 0 m.. .Lystspil. . .bearbeidet til Mendelssohn-Barthohlys Musik og indrettet til Brug for det Kgl. Theater af H. P. Holst, pp. 109. Kjfbenhavn, 1879 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 2. French. - Be Songe d’une Nuit d’Ete. [Translated in prose.] pp. 226. Paris, 1894 . 12 °- 11764. a. 10. Part of the “Petite Collection Guillaume'' German. - Ein Sommemachtstraum . . . Ubersetzt von F. W. Wickenhagen. (Anhang [by L. Schneider].) [Berlin, 1845 .] 4°. 11766. k. 25. Pp. 1819-1847 of “ Bath's Biihnen-Repertoir,” Bd. xiii.. No. 100 . - Shakspeare’s Sommemachtstraum. Yon A. Bottger. pp. 121. Leipzig, [ 1848 .] 16°. 11762. b. 22. - Ein Sommemachtstraum.. .Uebersetzt von C. Abel. pp. 108. Leipzig, 1855 . 16°. 11763. a. 9. - Ein Sommemachtstraum. Marchendrama ... Ueber¬ setzt von F. A. Krais, pp. vi. 70. Stuttgart, 1868 . 8 °. 11764. aa. 13. - Ein Sommemachtstraum von W. Shakspeare. Deutsch von A. W. von Schlegel. Mit 24 Schattenbildern von P. Konewka, etc. pp. 88 . Heidelberg, 1868 . 4 °. 1871. d. Hungarian. - A Szent-Ivan eji Alom . . . Forditotta Arany J. Konewka P. 24 rajzaval. pp. 90. Budapest, 1880 . 4 ° 11765. g. 2. SHAKESPEARE 130 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Midsummer Night’s Dream.] Dalian. - Sogno di una notte di mezza estate. Dramma.. .recato in versi italiaui da M. Leoni. pp. 119. Torino, 1818 . 12°. 11763. df. 1. (2.) Portuguese. - Castilho. — Theatro de Shakespeare. l a tentativa. Sonho d’ uma Noite de S. Joao, etc. [Translated by A. F. de Castilho.] pp. 207. xviii. Porto, Braga, 1874 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 7. Roumanian. - Un vis din noptea de Sanziene... Tradusa de G. P. Sterian, etc. pp. 117. Bucuresci, 1893 . 8 °. 11766. aa. 10 Russian. - Com. bt. jrkraioio hohl. KoMe^ia ... nepeBojiT A. JI. CoitoJiOBCKaro. pp. 79. C.-IIcmepGypiz, 1885 . 8 °. 11763. g. 4. (4.) Swedish. - 24 Silhuetter af P. Konewka till En Midsommernatts- drom [with selections from the text]. 1875. See Konewka (p.) Silhuetter af P. Konewka, etc. pt. 1 . [ 1875 , etc.'] 4°. 1876. c. 3. APPENDIX. - See Bell (w.) Phil. Dr. Shakespeare’s Puck and his Folkslore, etc. 1852 , etc. 12°. 4505. c. - See Ebsworth (j. w.) Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The first quarto, 1600, etc. 1880 . 4°. 11764. h. 4. - See Ebsworth (j. w.) Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The second quarto, 1600, etc. 1800 . 4°. 11764. h. 3. - See Finkenbrink ( ) Dr. An Essay on the date, plot and sources of Shakspeare’s “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” 1884 , etc. 4°. 11764. i. 18. (12.) - See H., e. tiber Shakespere’s Midsummer-Nigh t’s- Dream, etc. 1874 . 8 °. 11766. i. 3. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell Phillipps (j. 0 .) An Introduction to Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. 1841 . 8 °. 841. d. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) Memoranda on the Midsummer Night’s Dream, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Hense (c. e.) Shakspeare’s Sommemachtstraum erliiutert, etc. 1851 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. - See Hermann (e.) tiber Shakespere’s Midsummer- Nights Dream, etc. 1875 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 14. (4.) - See Hermann (e.) Ein Wort zur weiteren Begriindung .. .meiner Auffassung des Sommernachtstraumes, etc. 1874 . 8 °. 11765. f. - See Hundt (r.) Shakspeares Sturm und Sommer- nachtstraum. 1878 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (4.) - See Kuehn (c. g.) of Berlin. Drei Bucher Epigramme. (Anhang. Ein Londoner Druck von 1672. 8., enthaltend ‘ Shakspeare’s Sommemachtstraum und die Falstaff- Scenen.’) 1852 . 16°. 11522. aa. 24. - See Lees (j.) B.A., Lond. Questions on Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. [ 1894 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Proescholdt (l. e. a.) On the sources of Shake¬ speare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, etc. 1878 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. (10.) SHAKESPEARE 131 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Midsummer Night’s Dream. — Appendix.] - See Schmid (e.) Director der stddt. hoh. Tochterschule zu Bromberg. Worterbuchzu Shakespeare’s A Midsummer- nights Dream, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. e. 8 . (4.) - See Schmidt (a.) of Konigsberg. Die altesten Ausgaben des Sommernachtstraums, etc. 1881 . 4°. 11766. i. 20. ( 6 .) - See Sidney (Sir p.) Shaksperian Parallelisms, . . . illustrative of the Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, collected from Sir Philip Sydney’s Arcadia, etc. 1865 . IB®. 11765. a. 7. - See Woelffel (h.) Ueber Shakespeare’s Sommernacht- straum. 1852 . 8 °. (Album des Literarischen Vereins in Niirnberg fur 1852.] Ac. 8960. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. - Much adoe about Nothing. As it hath been sundrie times publikely acted by the right honourable, the Lord Chamberlaine his servants. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed by V[alenline] S[ims], for Andrew Wise and William Aspley: London, 1600 . 4°. C. 12. g. 29. 36 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-l in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 31. Imperfect; wanting the last leaf, which has been supplied in MS. - Much Ado about Nothing. ... As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent - Garden, pp. 20. J. Wenman : London, 1778 . 8 °. 11770. g. 2. (18.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Garrick in the character of Benedick ” as frontispiece. - Sliakspeare’s Much Ado about Nothing. .. .Revised by J. P. Kemble, and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 70. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8°. 2304. d. 4. (3.) - Much Ado about Nothing. .. . With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.]. . .Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. vii. 72. 1823. See Oxberry (w. h. ) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 18. 1818 , etc. 8 °. ' 11770. f. 18. -- Much Ado about Nothing. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. To which are added, a. . .cast of the characters. . .and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 61. 1829. See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. in. 1829 , etc. 12°. 642. a. 2. - Much Ado about Nothing. A comedy, etc. pp. 61. [1858.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of , Plays, etc. vol. 35. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. e. 9. - Shakespeare’s comedy of Much Ado about Nothing. Arranged for representation at the Princess’s theatre, witli explanatory notes, by Charles Kean, etc. pp. 68 . J. K. Chapman <& Co. : London, [ 1858 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 22. ( 6 .) - Much Adoe about Nothing. The text from the folio of 1623; with notices of the known editions previously issued, pp. 21 . L. Booth: London, 1862 . 4°. Interleaved. 11763. h. 17. - Shakespeare’s comedy of Much Ado about Nothing. Photo-lithographed . . . under the superintendence of H. Staunton, from the matchless original of 1600, in the library of the Earl of Ellesmere. Day & Son: London, 1864 . 4°. 11765. bb. 22. - [Another copy, without the preface.] 11764. h. 8 . 132 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Much Ado about Nothing.] - Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing, with intro¬ duction and notes. . .by. . .H. N. Hudson, pp. xii. 138. Ginn & Heath: Boston [Mass.], 1880 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. 3. - Much Ado about Nothing. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 17. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Much Ado About Nothing ... Now first, published in fully recovered metrical form, and with a prefatory essay, by W. Watkiss Lloyd, pp. xv. 91. F.Norgate: London, 1884 . 8 °. 11766. f. 5. A specimen of a projected edition of Shakespeare to be called the “ Princeps Edition." - Much Adoe about Nothing.. .The quarto edition, 1600. A facsimile by Charles Praetorius. With introduction by P. A. Daniel, pp. xii. 72. C. Praetorius : London, 1886 . 4°. 11764. k. 31. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 14. - Much Ado about Nothing, etc. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, no. 114. 188 6 , etc. 8 °. 12208. b. Danish. - Stor Staahei for Ingenting . . . Lystspil ... oversat af H. P. Holst og indrettet til Theaterbrug efter W. Oechelhausers Bearbeidelse af 1878. pp. 123. Kjfbenhavn, 1880 . 8 °. 11763. df. 1. (5.) French. - L. Legendre. Beaucoup de bruit pour rien. Comedie .. .en vers, d’apres Shakespeare, etc. 1888 . 8 °. See Legendre (l.) Dramatist. 11765. c. 4. German. - Shakspeare’s Yiel Liirmen um Nichts von A. Bottger. pp. 159. Leipzig, [ 1850 .] 16°. 11766. a. 32. - Yiel Larmen um Nichts. Lustspiel. ... Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais, pp. 60. Stuttgart, [ 1870 .] 8 °. 11764. aa. 14. - Viel Barm um Nichts. ... Nach Delius Ausgabe . . . iibersetzt und bearbeitet von G. Frhr. Yincke. pp. 84. Freib. i. Br., 1876 . 8 °. 11763. e. 15. (5.) - Yiel Larm um Nichts. Lustspiel in vier Akten ... Fur die deutsche Biihne eingerichtet, .. . von K. von Holtei. pp. 69. Halle aJS., 1878 . 8 °. 11766. f. 10. (5.) Hungarian. - Sok zai semmiert.. .forditotta Acs Zsigmond. pp. 175. 1886. See Konyvtar. Olcso Konyvtar, etc. sz. 210 . 1875 , etc. 16°. 12215. aa. APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of Much Ado about Kothing. 1895 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 44. - See Hai.liwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillips (g. o.) Memoranda on All’s Well that Ends Well,.. .Much Ado About Nothing, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeare’s Viel Larmen um Nichts. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1874 . 16°. [Erliiuterungen zu den ausldndischen Klassikern. Baudchen. 2.] 816. b. OTHELLO. - The Tragcedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Maiesties Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare, pp. 91. Printed by N. 0\kes\, for Thomas Walkley: London, 1622 . 4°. C. 34. k. 32. Pp. 74, 75 are erroneously paged 78, 77 ; pp. 78-91 are erroneously paginated 80, 81, 80, 89, 90-99. 133 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 134 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Othello.] - [Another copy.] The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. London, 1622 . 4°. C. 34. k. 33. Imperfect; wanting the last two leaves, which have been supplied in MS., six additional lines having been inserted. The titlepage is mutilated. Sheet c has been wrongly imposed in this copy. The Tragoedy of Othello, The Moore of Venice. As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Maiesties Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare, pp. 92. Printed by A. M., for Richard Hawkins: London, 1630 . 4°. C. 12. g. 28. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 34. Imperfect; wanting pp. 21 and 22, which are supplied in MS. - The Tragoedy of Othello, The Moore of Venice. As it hath beene divers times Acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Majesties Servants. Written by William Shakespeare. The fourth edition, pp. 93. Printed for William Leak : London, i 6 e ; £ J. 4°. C. 34. k. 35. - [Another copy.] C. 12. h. 13. - Othello, the Moor of Venice ... As it hath been divers times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers : and now at the Theatre Royal, etc. pp. 76. R. Bentley & S. Maqnes: London, 1687 . 4°. 841. c. 22. (1.) - [Another edition.] R. Bentley: London, 1695 . 841. c. 8 . ( 6 .) • [Another edition.] pp. 75. London, 1705 . 4°. R. Wellington : 841. c. 3. (3.) - Othello, pp. 114. 1710. See English Plays. A Collection of the best English Plays, vol. 1 . 1711 , etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 16. - Othello ... As it hath been divers times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers : And now at the Theater- Royal, by His Majesty’s Servants, pp. 96. J. Darby, for M. Poulson : London, 1724 . 12°. 1344. d. 2. - Othello, the Moor of Venice . . . Printed exactly agreeable to the representation, pp. 86 . H. Garland: London, [ 1765 ?] 8 °. 1344. f. 18. - Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy .. . Collated [by Ck Jennens] with the old and modern editions, pp. 182. W. Owen: London, 1773 . 8 °. 642. e. 19. ( 6 .) - [Another copy.] 80. i. 24. (2.) - Othello, the Moor of Venice ... As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane and Convent-Garden, pp. 22. J. Wenman: London, 1777 . 8 °. 11770. g. 1. (10.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Barry in the character of Othello ” as frontispiece. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Othello.] - Othello. A tragedy . .. With prefatory remarks . . . Marked with the stage business.. .as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. v. 76. 1819. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 5. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 5. - [Another edition.] pp. v. 76. Simphin and Marshall: London, 1822 . 8 °. 11763. aaa. 23. (1.) - Othello.. .Printed from the acting copy, with remarks .. .by D— G. [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a.. .cast of the characters, and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 72. 1829. See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. n. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 1. - Othello. . .Erklart von Dr. E. W. Sievers. 1853. See Henig (l.) Sammlung englischer Schriftsteller, etc. Bdchn. 4. 1853 , etc. 8 °. 11603. d. 20. - Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy, etc. pp. 76. [1856.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Kdition of Plays, etc. vol. 27. [ 1850 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. e. 1. - Othello. Charles Fechter’s Acting Edition. Second edition, pp. iv. 114. W. R. Sams: London, 1861 . 8 °. 11764. c. 1. - Shakespeare’s tragedy of Othello ... As produced by Edwin Booth. Adapted from the text of the Cambridge editors, with introductory remarks, etc., by H. L. Hinton, pp. 96. Hurd & Houghton: New York. [ 1869 .] 12 °. 11766. bbb. 45. (3.) No. 8 of “ Booth's Series of Acting Plays." - Shakespeare’s Othello.. .With introduction and notes .. .by.. .H. N. Hudson, pp. 209. Ginn & Heath : Boston [Mass.], 1881 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. 9. One of the “ Annotated English Classics.” - Othello. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 1 . [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Othello. Edited by E. K. Purnell, pp. xi. 115. Rivingtons: London, 1883 . 8 °. 11762. df. 8 . - The Tragedy of Othello ... Edited, with notes, by R. Mongan. [Pt. I. of “ The Student’s Shakespeare,” of which no more was published.] See supra: Works. The Student’s Shakespeare. 1883 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 2. - Othello. . .The first quarto, 1622. A facsimile.. .with introduction by H. A. Evans, pp. xvi. 91. C. Praetorius: London, 1885 . 4°. 11764. k. 19. No. 31 of Shalcspere-Quarto Facsimiles. - Othello ... The second quarto, 1630. A facsimile. .. with introduction by H. A. Evans, pp. vii. 93. C. Praetorius: London, 1885 . 4°. 11764. k. 20. No. 32 of Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. - Othello, etc. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, no. 160. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - Othello, the Moor of Venice, tragedy... Marked with the variations in the Manager’s book, at the Theatre- Royal in Drury Lane. pp. 91. C. Bathurst, W. dt A. Strahan, etc.: London, 1784 . 12 °. With engraved frontispiece. 11765. aaa. 3. - Othello, the Moor of Venice.. .With notes .. .For the use of lectures by T. Miller, pp. 134. Kummel: Halle, 1794 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 5. - Shakspeare’s Othello ... Revised by J. P. Kemble, and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 82. J. Miller: London, 1814 . 8 °. 2304. d. 1. (2.) —— Othello. (Put in a light now entirely new ... by R. Deverell.) See Deverell (r.) Discoveries in Hiero¬ glyphics, etc. vol. 3. 1816 . 8 °. 012330. h. 1. - Othello .. . Fur den Schulgebranch eingerichtet und erklart von Dr. C. Wunder. pp. 180. C. Schmidt: Dobeln, 1891 . 8 °. 11763. df. 41. - Othello, etc. (Illustrated by L. Marchetti.) pp. 42. Simphin and Co.: London, [ 1893 .] 4°. K.T.C. 9. b. 10. - Othello, a tragic opera. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] ... Translated and adapted from the Italian by G. Soane, etc. [ 1844 .] 8°. See Othello. 11766. cc. 13. (1.) English and French. - Othello. (Explique litteralement par M. A. Legrand . . . Traduction l'ran 9 aise . . . de M. E. Montegut.) Eng. & Fr. pp. 343. Paris, 1882 . 8 °. 11764. b. 135 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 136 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Othello.] English and Greek. - Versus prasmio Porsoniano ... dignati .. . auctore G. Barham. (Othello, Act 1, Sc. 3.) [Cambridge, 1821 .] 8 °. 732. c. 10. (29.) English and Ralian. - Otello . .. tragedia . .. voltata in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Sesta edizione col testo inglese di riscontro. pp. 239. Successori Le Monnier: Firenze, 1867 . 8 °. __ 11765. bbb. 7. - Othello, a tragic opera [founded upon Shakespeare. By the Marquis Berio]. The translation by W. J. Walter. 1822 . 12°. See Berio ( ) Marquis. 1342. c. - [Another edition.] 1826 . 12°. 1342. b. 14. (3.) French and Italian. - Othello. . . . Traduction italienne de G. Carcano, etc. [With a French translation in prose.] pp. 62. Paris, 1877 . 8 °. 11765. flf. 8 . - [Another copy.] 11766. k. 12. (4.) Italian and German. - Otello, ossia II Moro di Yenezia. Dramma per musica, etc. [By the Marquis Berio. Founded upon Shake¬ speare.] 1820 . 8 °. See Othello. 11765. aa. 8 . (1.) - Otello, tragedia.. . Rappresentata dal Signor T. Salvini e dalla sua compagnia. Othello, Trauerspiel, etc. [Edited by T. Salvini.] pp. 161. Wien, 1877 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 2. Bohemian. - Othello, man fen jn Benatsky. Truchluhra. . .prelozena od J. B. Maleho. pp. 158. w Praze, 1843 . 8 °. 1338. 1. Butch. - Othello. ..Uit het Engelsch.. .vertaald en opgehelderd door J. Moulin, pp. vi. 136. Kampen, 1836 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 38. - Tweede druk. pp. 176. Deventer, 1848 . 12 °. 11762. e. 21. (3.) - Othello.. .Vertaald en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. [In prose.] Amsterdam, [ 1880 ?] 8 °. 11762. df. 5. (3.) French. - Le More de Venise, Othello. Tragedie, traduite ... en vers frangais par le C te A. de Vigny, etc. pp. xxxvii. 200 . Levavasseur: Paris, 1830 . 8 °. 840. f. 15. - [Another edition.] See Vigny (a. v. de) Count. Theatre complet, etc. 1848 . 12 °. 2298. b. - Othello: le Maure de Venise. Tragedie. . .traduite en vers frangais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. pp. x. 180. Londres, 1871 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 18. - Othello, ou le More de Venise, drame en cinq actes et en vers. [Translated, with a preface, by J. Aicard.] pp. xxii. 183. Paris, 1882 . 8 °. 11765. ff. 10. - Othello.. .Traduction en vers de L. de Gramont. pp. 156. Paris, 1882 . 12°. 11762. bbb. 3. (3.) - Othello : le More de Venise ... Acte troisieme traduit en vei's frangais par E. R. [i.e. Eugene Rimmel]. (Supplement au Journal: “ Le Frangais.”) pp. 39. Londres, 1885 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 4. (5.) - Othello: le More de Venise . . . Acte quatrieme. Traduit en vers frangais par E.R.[i.e. Eugene Rimmel], Supplement au Journal: “ Le Frangais.” pp. 36. Londres, 1885 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 4. ( 6 .) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Othello.— French.'] - Othello der Mohr von Venedig. Trauerspiel in fiinf Acten [in prose], pp. 120. Wien, 1785 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - [Another edition.] pp. 119. Wien, 1806 . 8 °. 11762. b. 21. (1.) - Shakspear’s Othello. . . . Aus dem Englischen, von L. Schubart. [In prose.] pp. xii. 156. Leipzig, 1802 . 12°. 11766. b. 16. German. - Shakspeare’s Othello und Konig Lear iibersetzt von J. H. Voss. 2 pt. Jena, 1806 . 8 °. 11762. b. 2. - Othello. Trauerspiel in fiinf Aufziigen, von Shake¬ speare. Fur die Darstellung eingericlitet von C. A. West. pp. 132. Wien, 1841 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 41. - Othello; der Mohr von Venedig. Tragodie nach Shakspeare von O. Marbach. pp. x. 244. Leipzig, 1864 . 12 °. 11764. aa. 9. Icelandic. - Othello; eSa, Marinn fra Feneyjum ... M. Jochumsson hefur islenzkaS. pp. 130. Reykjavik, 1882 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. ( 8 .) Italian. - Ottello. [A single part of “ Opere drammatiche di Shakspeare volgarizzate di una Cittadina Veneta.”] 1797 . 8 °. See supra: Works.— Italian. 840. c. 2. - Otello o il Moro di Venezia. Tragedia . . . recata in versi italiani di M. Leoni, etc. pp. xv. 262. Firenze, 1814 . 8 °. 642. e. 22. (2.) - Otello 0 il Moro di Venezia. Tragedia ... ridotta per la scena italiana da M. Leoni. pp. 78. Torino, 1823 . 8 °. 11761. f. 1. (2.) - Otello, tragedia . . . recata in Italiano da I. Valletta. [In prose.] pp. 206. Firenze, 1830 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 23. - Il Moro di Venezia, etc. [Translated from the French version of Alfred de Vigny into Italian prose, by G. Bar¬ bie) i.] pp. 223. Milano, 1838 . 12°. 11763. de. 3. Tom. 3 of the “ Tealro completo di A. di Vigny." - Otello e la Tempesta di Guglielmo Shakspeare. Arminio e Dorotea di Wolfango Goethe. Traduzioni di A. Maffei. pp. vii. 504. Firenze, 1869 . 8 °. 11765. aaa. 27. The half-title and the title on the cover read: “ Shak¬ speare e Goethe .” - Otello, o il Moro di Venezia . . . ridotto per le scene italiane [in prose] da L. E. Tet.toni. pp. 67. Milano, 1874 . 8 °. 11715. c. Fasc. 300 of the “ Florilegio Drammatico." - Otello, il Moro di Venezia.. .Traduzione di G. Carcano. pp. 291. Milano, 1852 . 8 °. 11764. i. 13. - Otello.. .Traduzione di L. E. Tettoni. pp. 70. Firenze, 1896 . 12°. Pam. 80. - Otello.. .Ballo tragico...di S. Vigano, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] [ 1818 .] 8 °. See ViganO (s.) Pam. 80. - Otello, ovvero l’Africano di Venezia, dramma tragico per musica, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] [ 1819 .] 8 °. See Othello. 11715. g. 13. (4.) - Otello; ossia il Moro di Venezia; dramma tragico in tre atti, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] pp. 48. Genova, [1828 ?] 12°. 11763. e. 7. (1.) - Otello. Dramma lirico [founded upon Shakespeare]... Versi di A. Boito, etc. [ 1887 .] 8 °. See Boito (a.) 11715. cc. 11. (2.) 137 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 138 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Othello.] SHAKESPEARE (William) [Othello.] Polish. - Otello.. .TIumaczyl Sz. Kluczycki. pp. 217. Lwow, [1889 ?] 16°. 11764. aa. 19. Portuguese. - Othello; ou, 0 Mouro de Veneza. Tragedia...imita 9 ao [from Shakespeare] por L. A. Rebello da Silva. 1856 . 8 °. See Othello. 11765. f. 29. (2.) Roumanian. - Otello . . . TradtJci cjio 6 od [in prose] An Jiimda PomaneacKT. de T. Bar,a,at. See Le Tourneur (p.) Bio- rpa aHr-iiil- ci:aro H. PocKOBueHKO. pp. xxvi. 158 . Mocuea, 1861 . 8 °. 11765. e. 27. - PoMeo 11 JiKyji Berra: jipana.. . IlepeBojVB cl anrJiiitcKaro H. II. BpeKOBa. pp. 156 . IlemepSypi^, 1862. 8°. 11765. e. 28. - PoMeo 11 Jiicyji Berra : jipawa bt> rath ^hiiCTBinxi. [and in prose]...IlepeBOjgB ct. aHmiicitaro E. H. T - oft. pp. 52 . CauKmncmepdypn, 1877. 8°. 11763. g. 1, (7.) 147 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 148 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Romeo and Juliet.] Spanish. - Romeo y Julieta, obra del inmortal Shakspeare, traduoida [in prose] directamente del Ingles por R. Gonzalez y Marcial. Barcelona, 1875 . 8 °. 11764. h. 2. - Romeo y Julieta. Drama ... arreglado en verso a la escena espanola por D. L. Vinas y Deza y D. F. Sunols. pp. 100. Madrid, 1875 . 8 °. 11728. bbb. 7. (1.) - Romeo y Julieta . . . Version al Castellano de G. Macpherson. pp. xvi. 156. 1882. See Biblioteca. Biblioteca Universal. Coleccion de los mejores autores antiguos y modernos, nacionales y extranjeros. tom. 82. 1876 , etc. 16°. 732. a. SHAKESPEARE (William) SONNETS. - Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. (A Louers Complaint. By William Shake-speare.) By G. Eld, for T. T.: London, 1609 . 4 °. C. 21. c. 44. 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a, two leaves; sig. b-l 2 , in fours. The Sonnets end on the recto of sig. k 1 ; the Lover’s Complaint begins on the verso of the same. 3 The recto of the second leaf bears the inscription, “ To . the . onlie . begetter . of. these . insuing . sonnets . Mr. W. H., all . happinesse,” etc., signed, T. T., i.e. T. Thorpe. - [Another copy.] G. 11181. In this copy the imprint presents a slight variation from that of the preceding. - Julieta y Romeo, los amantes de Verona. Por D. E. Villalpando de Cardenas. Novela tomada del celebre drama ... escrito por Guillermo Shakespeare, etc. r 187 s ?] 8°. See Villalpando de Cardenas (e.) 12491. k. 24. Swedish. - [Another edition.] 1887 . 8 °. 12489. cc. 34. — Romeo och Julia. Sorgspel ... Ofversattning af F. A. Dahlgren. pp. 124. Stockholm, 1845 . 12°. 11765. aa. 42. (2.) TRAVESTIES. - Romeo and Juliet, travesty. [By R. Gurney.] In three acts. pp. x. 71. T. Hookham, Junr., etc. : London, 1812 . 12°. 840. f. 11. - A new travesty on Romeo and Juliet; as originally presented before the University Club of St. Louis, January 16, 1877 . pp. 53. G. I. Jones &JIo.: St. Louis, 1877 . 8 °. 11779. g. 1. ( 6 .) APPENDIX. - See Fraenkel (j. l.) Untersuchungen zur Stoff und Quellenkunde von Shakespeares “Romeo und Juliet,” etc. 1889 . 8 °. 11764. g. 9. - See Gericke (r.) Romeo und Juliet nach Shakespeare’s Manuscript, etc. [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11762. f. 1. (2.) - See Guenther (m. f.) A Defence of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, etc. [ 1876 .] 8 °. 11766. f. 10. (3.) - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Discursive notes on Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. 1880 . 8 °. 11766. c. 4. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Memoranda on Love’s Labour’s Lost .. . and on Romeo and Juliet. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. h. 6 . - See Greverus (j. p. e.) Ueber Shakespeare’s Romeo und Julie, etc. 1833 . 4°. 11765. cc. - See Hartmann (c. r. e. von) Shakespeare’s Romeo und Julia. 1874 . 8 °. 11765. f. - See Proelss (r.) Romeo und Julia im Lichte der Philosophie des Unbewussten, etc. 1874 . 8 °. 11766. b. 25. ( 8 .) - See Proelss (r.) Shakespeare’s Romeo und Julia. Erlautert von R. Prolss. 1874 . I® 0, [ Erlduterungen zu den ausldndischen Klassikern. Bdchn 1 .] 816. b. - See Straeter (t.) Die Komposition von Shakespeare’s Romeo und Julia, etc. 1861 . 8 °. 11763. cc. - See Whately (e.) Romeo and Juliet. 1869 . 8 °. [ The Afternoon Lectures on English Literature. Lecture vn." 11826. aa. 2 . - Prologue and epilogue to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet; spoken ... by the Gentlemen of the Royal Academy at Woolwich ... October 10 , 1751 . pp. 7 . W. Owen: London, 1751 . fol. 643. m. 16. (18.) - The Sonnets of William Shakspere, rearranged and divided into four parts. With an introduction and explanatory notes, pp. 120. J. R. Smith: London, 1859 . 12°. 11763. e. 16. - Schliissel zu Shakspeare’s Sonnetten. [With the English text.] Von D. Barnstorff. pp. 179. J. Kiihtmann <£• Co.: Bremen, i 860 . 8 °. 11765. b. 23. - A Key to Shakespeare’s Sonnets by D. Barnstorff. Translated from the German by T. J. Graham. [With the text.] pp. 215 . Triibner & Co.: London; Bremen [printed], 1862 . 8 °. 11765. c. 10. - Shakespeare’s Sonnets ; reproduced in facsimile by the new process of photo-zincography . . . From the un¬ rivalled original in the Library of Bridgewater House, etc. Lovell Reeve & Co.: London, 1862. 4 °. 11765. c. 11. - Remarks on the Sonnets of Shakespeare; with the Sonnets. Shewing that they belong to the Hermetic class of writings, and explaining their general meaning and purpose. By the Author of “ Remarks on Alchemy ” (E. A. H. [i.e. Ethan Allan Hitchcock]), etc. pp. 258. J. Miller: New York, 1865 . 12°. 11765. c. 12. - Second edition, enlarged, pp. xxvi. 366. J. Miller: New York, 1 867 . 12°. 11765. aaa. 21. - Shakspeare’s Sennets never before interpreted: his private friends identified : together with a recovered likeness of himself. By G. Massey. pp. xii. 603. Longmans, Green & Co.: London, 1866 . 8". 11764. e. 6 . - Second and enlarged edition. The Secret Drama of Shakspeare’s Sonnets unfolded with the characters identified, by G. Massey, etc. pp. xii. 603 . 56 . Longmans, Green & Co.: London, 1872 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 7. A reissue of the preceding, with the addition of a “ Sup¬ plemental Chapter.” - [Another edition.] pp. viii. 482. Printed for subscribers only: London, 1888 . 8 °. 11763. h. 6 . - Shakespeare’s Sonnets. With a frontispiece, pp. 103. J. R. Osgood & Co.: Boston [Mass.], 1877. 16 °. 11644. e. 40. - Sonnets ... Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, r.a., and others, pp. 96 . G. Routledge & Sons: London, 1878 . 12°. 11601. bbb. 19. - The Sonnets of William Shakspere. Edited by E. Dowden. pp. Ixii. 251. Kegan Paul & Co. : London, 1881 . 8 °. 2318. a. The Parchment Library. - [Another copy.] L. P. 12200. k. 4. - [Another edition.] pp. ix. 306. London, 1881 . 8 °. Kegan Paul & Co.: 2300. d. 149 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 150 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Sonnets.] - Shakspere’s Sonnets. The first quarto, 1609. A fac¬ simile in photo-lithography ... with au introduction by T. Tyler, pp. xxxii. 80. C. Praetorius : London, [ 1886 .] 4°. 11764. k. 18. No. 30 of Shalcspere- Quarto Facsimiles. - Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Edited, with notes and intro¬ duction, by T. Tyler, etc. pp. xix. 316. D.Nutt: London , 1890 . 8 °. 11766. f. 28. - The Sonnets of William Shakespeare. With decorations by E. G. Treglown. L. P. pp. cliv. G. Napier & Co.: Birmingham, 1895 . 8 °. K.T.O. 27. a. 4. One of 50 copies printed on Large Paper. - 5 Some well-known “ Sugar’d Sonnets ” by W. Shake¬ speare, resugar’d with ornamental borders designed by E. J. Ellis and etched by T. J. Ellis. H. Sotheran & Co.: London, 1883 . 4°. 11764. h. 11. - Great Pan Lives : Shakspeare’s Sonnets, 20-126. With paraphrase and references by Clelia [i.e. Charles Down¬ ing]. pp. ix. 207. Luzac & Co.: London, 1892 . 8 °. 11762. df. 10. -- Shakspeare and the Bible. Fifty sonnets with their scriptural harmonies. Interpreted by C. E. pp. 128. S. Bagster & Sons: London, 1896 . 8 °. 11765. a. 45. English and Italian. - I Sonetti di William Shakespeare. Tradotti per la puma volta in italiano da A. Olivieri... Col testo inglese a fi’onte, etc. pp. xxxviii. 318. S. Clausen: Palermo, 1890 . 8 °. 11763. df. 31. Danish. .- Shakespeares Sonetter. Oversatte af A. Hansen, etc. pp. xxiv. 165. Kjfibenhavn, 1885 . 8 °. 11764. aaa. 7. Dutch. - Shakspere’s Sonneten. Vertaald door Dr. L. A. J. Burgersdijk. pp. xx. 193. TJtreclit, 1879 . b°. 11766. f. 1. French. " — Les Sonnets de William Shakespeare, traduits [in prose] pour la premiere fois en entier par F. V. Hugo, pp. 263. Paris, 1857 . 12°. 11765. c. 9. - Les Sonnets de Shakespeare traduits en vers fran^ais par Alfred Copin. pp. 124. Paris, 1888 . 12°. 11765. bb. 8 . - William Shakespeare. Son poeme, les Sonnets. Tra- duit par L. Direy. Poverty Bay, New Zealand, 1891 . 8 °. 11762. aa. 14. German. - Shakespeare’s Sonnette ubersetzt von K. Lachmann. pp. 153. Berlin, 1820 . 16°. 1344. a. 1. - William Shakespeare’s Sonette in deufscher Nach- bildung von F. Bodenstedt. pp. 246. Berlin, 1862 . 4°. 11765. bb. 57. - Yierte Auflage. pp. xii. 275. Berlin, 1873 . 16°. 11764. aa. 4. - Shakspere’s Sonette. Pebersetzt von Herm. Frhr. von Friesen. pp. 154. Dresden, 1869 . 18°. 11764. bb. 8 . - Shakspere’s Sonette, deutsch von B. Tschischwitz. pp. xviii. 156. Halle, 1870 . 16°. 11765. aa. 25. - Shakespeare’s Sonette, ubersetzt von O. Gildemeister. Mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen. pp. xxxii. 181. Leipzig, 1871 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 20. - Shakespeare’s Southampton-Sonette. Deutsch von F. Krauss. pp. xxiii. 246. Leipzig, 1872 . 8 °. 11766. b. 8 . SHAKESPEARE (William) [Sonnets.] Italian. - I Sonetti di Shakespeare. [Selections translated into Italian, with a critical essay, by L. de Marchi.] pp. 79. Milano, 1891 . 8 °. Pam. 80. Swedish. - William Shakspeare’s Sonetter, pa Svenska fitergifna af C. R. Nyblom. pp. 194. Upsala, 1871 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 13. APPENDIX. - See Antiquary. The Sonnets of Shakspere. When, to whom, and by whom, written. [ 1883 .] 12 °. 11766. f. 12. (3.) - See Boaden (j.) On the Sonnets of Shakespeare, etc. 1837 . 8 °. T. 2102. ( 8 .) - See Brown (henry) of Newington Butts. The Sonnets of Shakespeare solved, etc. 1870 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Causton (h. k. s.) An essay on Mr. Singer’s ‘Wormwood,’ etc. (A Reading of Shakspere’s Sonnet, cxi. “ supplementary to all the Commentators.”) 1851 . 12 °. 11762. e. 22. - See Corney (b.) The Sonnets of William Shakspere : a critical disquisition, etc. [ 1862 .] 8 °. 11824. e. 12. - See Direy (l.) William Shakespeare. His Poem, Sonnets and Dedication. 1890 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Hosmer (h. l.) Bacon and Shakespeare in the Sonnets. 1887 . 8 °. 11766. f. 23. - See Ingleby (c. m.) The Soule Arayed. A letter . .. concerning Shakespeare’s Sonnet 146. 1872 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. - See Lichtenberger (e.) De carminibus Shakesperi, etc. 1877 . 8 °- 11766. i- 21. (2.) - See Simpson (r.) B . A ., etc. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. 1868 . 8 °. 11765. b. - See Stopes (c.) Shakespeare’s Sonnets, edited by T. Tyler, etc. [A review.] [ 1890 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Travers (s. s.) of Hobart, Tasmania. Shakespeare’s Sonnets. To whom were they addressed ? 1881 . 8 °. 11766. i. 21. (5.) TAMING OF THE SHREW. - A wittie and pleasant comedie called The Taming of the Shrew. As it was acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke Friers and the Globe. Written by Will. Shakespeare. Printed by W. S., for lohn Smethwicke : London, 1631 . 4°. C. 12. g. 25. 36 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-l, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 59. - The Taming of the Shrew. A comedy in five acts ... Arranged for drawing-room acting. . .by M. B. H. pp. 78. Sampson Low <& Co.: London, 1881 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 5. - Taming of the Shrew. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Pub¬ lisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 197. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - The Taming of the Shrew.. .Med Gloser og Anmaerk- ninger af A. S. MacGregor, S. S. Kinney og H. C. Damm, etc. pp. 182. Gyldendalslc Boghandels Forlag : Kj0benham, 1886 . 8 °. 11763. df. 34. - The Taming of the Shrew. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell's National Library. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. 151 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 152 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Taming of the Shrew.] - Sauny the Scott ; or, the Taming of the Shrew : a comedy [founded upon Shakespeare] . . . Written by J. Lacey, etc. 1698 . 4°. See Lacy (j.) Comedian. 644. e. 60. - [Another edition.] 1708 . 4°. See Lacy (t.1 Comedian. 644. h. 45. - The Cobler of Preston. A farce [founded on the “ In¬ duction ” to “ The Taming of the Shrew ”] . . . By Mr. C. Bullock. 1716 . 12 °. See Bullock (c.) 162. c. 25. - Fifth edition. 1767 . 12°. See Bollock (c.) 11777. a. - The Cohler of Preston. [A farce, founded on the “ Induction ” to “ The Taming of the Shrew.”] By C. Johnson. 1716 . 8 °. See Johnson (c.) Dramatic Writer. 11775. d. - Third edition. 1716 . 8 °. 162. i. 12. - [Another edition.] 1767 . 12°. 11775. b. - The Cohler of Preston. An opera [founded on the “ Induction ” to “ The Taming of the Shrew ”]. 1732 . 12 °. See Preston. 11774. aaa. 19. (2.) A different work from either of the preceding. - A Cure for a Scold. A ballad farce of two acts. Founded upon Shakespear’s Taming of a Shrew. ... By J. Worsdale. [1735.] 8°. See Worsdale (j.) 163. i. 7. - [Another edition.] 1738 . 8 °. 163. i. 8 . - Catharine and Petruchio ; a comedy in three acts. As it is perform’d at the Theatre-Royal in Diury-Lane. Alter’d [by David Garrick] from Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, pp. 56. J. d: R. Tonson, and S. Draper : London, 1756 . 8 °. 643. i. 4. (1.) - [Another copy.] 83. a. 22. (2.) - [Another edition.] [ 1780 ?] 8 °. See Catharine. 11770. g. 4. (30.) - - [Another edition.] 1784. See Bell (j.) Supplement to Bell’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 3. 1784 . 12°. 82. b. 20 . - [Another edition.] The Taming of the Shrew; or, Catherine and Petruchio, etc. pp. 34. C. Bathurst, etc.: London, 178 6. 12 °. 11763. aa. 11. - [Another edition.] Catherine and Petruchio, etc. 1786. See British Stage. A Collection of the most Esteemed Farces, etc. vul. 3. 1786 , etc. 12°. 1344. c. 8 . - [Another edition.] ... As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden, etc. pp. 55. 1806. See Cawthorn (j.) Cawthorn’s Minor British Theatre, etc. vol. 5. 1806 . 8 °. 11770. e. - [Another edition.] Revised by J. P. Kemble, and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 34. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 2.(8.) - [Another edition.] 1815. See Inchbald (e.) Mrs. A Collection of Farces, vol. 4. 1815 . 12°. 1345. b. 12. - [Another edition.] Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, by D-G [i.e. George Daniel], ... To which are added a . . . cast of the characters . . . and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, London, pp. 36. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xviii. 1829 , etc. 12°. 642. a. 9. - [Another edition.] Illustrated with original designs by R. Cruikshank . . . With introductory remarks, pp. 50. J. Thomas: London, 1838 . 12 °. 11764. bbb. 14. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Taming of the Shrew.] - [Another edition.] Katharine and Petruchio, etc. pp. 41. [1865.] With illustrations by R. Cruikshank. See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 62. [ 1850 , etc.] 12°. 2304. f. 7. - The Mad-Wooing.—The Lady’s Advice to Froward Women. [Taken from “ The Taming of the Shrew.”] See Theatre. Shaksperian Drolls, from a rare book, printed about a.d. 1698, entitled The Theatre of In¬ genuity, etc. 1859 . 16°. 11764. b. 11. - The Taming of the Shrew, Der Widerspanstigen Zahmung. A comic opera in four acts, freely arranged from Shakespeare’s comedy ... by J. V. Widmann ... The English version by J. Troutbeck, etc. 1878 . 8 °. See Widmann (j. v.) 11745. de. 11. (10.) English and German. - Kunst liber alle Kiinste Ein bos Weib gut zu machen. Eine deutsche Bearbeitung von Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew aus dem Jahr 1672. Neu heraus- gegeben, mit Beifiigung des englischen Originals und Anmerkungen von R. Kohler, pp. xliii. 268. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung : Berlin, 1864 . 8 °. 11763. bb. 12. English and French. - Taming of the Shrew...as arranged by A. Daly... Special edition for Paris. (La Megere apprivoisee . .. Traduction de F. Duport.) pp. 193. Paris, 1888 . 12 °. 11766. c. 34. French. - La Megere apprivoisee. Comedie . . . d’apres Shake¬ speare. [A free translation by R. Jeudy.] pp. 176. Paris, [ 1890 .] 8 °. 11764. aa. 21. - La Megere apprivoisee, comedie en quatre actes, en prose, d’apres Shakespeare. [By P. Delair.] Deuxieme edition, pp. 214. Paris, 1894 . 12°. 11740. cc. 9. German. - Die Widerspanstige. Lustspiel . . . Mit Beniitzong einiger Theile der tJbevsetzung des Grafen Baudissin, von Deinhardstein. pp. 112. Wien, 1839 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 25. (3.) - Die bezahmte Widerspenstige . . . Nach der Ueber- setzung von Schlegel und Tieck fur die Biikne ein- gerichtet von. . .W. Koffka. pp. 13. Mannheim, [ 1845 ?] 4°. Pam. 80. - Der Widerspenstigen Zahmung. Lustspiel in fiinf Akten. . . .Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais, pp. 62. Stuttgart, [ 1870 .] 8 °. 11764. aa. 16. - Der Widerspenstigen Zahmung. Lustspiel . . . Nach der Uebersetzung von Wolf Graf Baudissin... fur die deutsche Biibne bearbeitet von R. Kohlrausch. pp. xiv. 120. Minden i. W., [ 1892 .] 8 °. 11763. e. 58. Servian. - YKpoheHa roponaj. inajbiiBa nrpa y Terap Tima ... IIpeBeo M. KocTiih. 3a cpncicy no 3 opHimy ygecuo A. Xagnh. pp. 61. Hanneeo, [1882 ?] 16°. 11763. aaa. 6 . TRAVESTIES. - See Bangs (j. k.) Katharine, a travesty [of Shake¬ speare’s “ Taming of the Shrew”]. 1888 . 8 °. 011765. e. 2. APPENDIX. - See Tolman (a. h.) Shakespeare’s Part in the “ Taming of the Shrew.” 1890 . 8 °. [Publications of the Modern Lanquaqe Association of America, vol. v. no. 4.1 Ac. 2683/2. 153 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 154 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Taming of the Shrew.— Appendix.] - See Urbach (r.) Das Verhaltniss des . .. Lustspiels “The Taming of the Shrew” zu seinen Quellen, etc. 1887 . 8 °. 11766. h. 30. (1.) - See Weilen, (a. von) Shakespeares Yorspiel zu der Widerspanstigen Zahtnung, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. i. 13. (7.) THE TEMPEST. - The Tempest. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre»-Royal in Drury Lane and Covent Garden, pp. 17. J. Wenman: London, 1778 . 8 °. 11770. g. 2. (29.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Baddeley in the character of Trinculo ” as frontispiece. - The Tempest . . . With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. xviii. 56. 1823. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 17. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 17. - The Tempest . .. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a . .. cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 50. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland s British Theatre, etc. vol. vii. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 4. - Be Tempest: a pla ... Fcnetic famili Edifun, wi aHmifiCKaro M. T. pp. 38. 1840. See Russian Theatre. naHTeoHt pyc- CKaro 11 Bckxt eBponeficioix'B xeaTpoBL. uacx. 1. 1840 . 8 °. 11758. i. 1. TRAVESTIES. - See Duffett (f.) The mock-Tempest. [A travesty of Dryden’s version of “ The Tempest.”] 1675 . 4°. 644. h. 5. APPENDIX. - See Boas (f.) Der Sturm und das Wintermarchen... in ihrer symbolischen Bedeutung. 1882 . 8 °. 11763. df. 6. (5.) - See Boyle (r.) B . A . Shakespeare’s Wintermarchen und Sturm. Abhandlung, etc. 1885 . 8 °. 11764. g. 4. (5.) - See Brockerhoff (f.) Ueber Shakespeare’s Sturm. 1880 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. <5.) - See Chalmers (g.) Another account of the incident from which the title and a part of the story of Shak- speare’s Tempest were derived, etc. 1815 . 8 °. 80. b. 26. - See Clement (k. j.) Shakespeare’s Sturm. Historisch beleuchtet. 1846. 8°. 11762. f. - See Cooper (oliverI Explanatory notes on Shake¬ speare’s “ Tempest,” etc. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. a. 26. - See Dirrill (charles) pseud, [i.e. Richard Sill.] Re¬ marks on Shakspere’s Tempest; containing an investi¬ gation of M T Malone’s attempt to ascertain the date of that play, etc. 1797 . 8 °. 82. e. 20. - NeeEGGERS (f.) Yerbinden des Gedicht zu W. Taubert’s Musik zu Shakspeai-e’s Sturm. [ 1870 ?] 8 °. 11766. f. 14. (2.) - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell Phillipps (j. 0.) Memoranda on Shakespeare’s Tempest, etc. 1880 . 4°. 2300. e. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillips (j. 0.) Selected Notes upon Shakespeare’s.. .Tempest. 1868 . 4°. 11765. bb. - See Hense (c. c.) Das Antike in Shakespeare’s Drama : Der Sturm. [ 1879 .] 8°. 11761. f. 2. (7.) - See Hundt (r.) Shakspeares Sturm und Sommernachts- traum. 1878 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (4.) - See Hunter (joseph) F . S . A . A Disquisition on the scene, origin, date, etc. etc. of Shakspeare’s Tempest, etc. 1839. 8°. 642. h. 21. - See Hunter (j.) F . S . A . A few words in reply to the animadversions of the Rev. Mr. Dyce on Mr. Hunter’s ‘Disquisition on the Tempest’ (1839), and his ‘New illustrations of the life, studies, and writings of Shake¬ speare,’ etc. 1853 . 8°. 11762. f. - See KoZmian (s.) Slady historycznych wypadkow polskich w.. .“Burzy ” Szekspira, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11762. f. 1. (3.) - See Lees (j.) B . A ., Lond. Questions on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. [ 1897 .] 8°. 11764. aaa. 5. - See Macdonell (p.) An Essay on.. .the Tempest, with .. .reflections on the writings and genius of Shakspere, etc. 1840 . 8 °. 11763. g. - See Malone (e.) An Account of the incidents, from which the title and part of the story of Shakspeare’s Tempest were derived, and its true date ascertained. 1808 . 8 °. 642. d. 30. 157 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 158 SHAKESPEARE (William) [The Tempest.—Appendix.] - See Meissner (j.) Untersuchungen fiber Shakespeare’s Sturm. 1872 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 7. - See Rich (r.) Gent. Newes from Virginia. (1610.) A poetical tract, describing the adventures supposed to be referred to in Shakespeare’s Tempest, etc. 1865 . 8 °. 11765. a. - See Roden (r.) Shakespeares “ Sturm.” Ein Kultnr- bild. [ 1893 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Sidney (Sir p.) Shaksperian Parallelisms, chiefly illustrative of the Tempest, and a Midsummer Night’s Dream. 1865 . 16°. 11765. a. -- See Woodforde (f. c.) An Etymological Index to Shakespeare’s play of the Tempest. 1885 . 12 °. 11765. aa. 9. (4.) - An attempt to rescue.. .Maister Williaume Shakespere ; from the maney errours, faulsely charged on him by certaine new-fangled wittes. . .By a Gentleman formerly of Grey’s-Inn [John Holt], pp. 94. Printed for the Author: London , 1749 . 8 °. 642. d. 3. (3.) - [Another copy.] 82. e. 2. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage reading: “ Re¬ marks on the Tempest,” etc., and bearing the date 1750.] 80. d. 29. - “ The Tempest,” an outline sketch of the play by William Shakspeare. With introductory remarks and an analysis of the characters, etc. [By G. Stephens.] L. P. pp. 33. P. A. Norstedt & Sons: Stockholm, 1836 . 4°. Printed on pink paper, C. 43. d. 22. TIMON OF ATHENS. - Timon of Athens : a tragedy, ... from the text of Johnson and Steevens. With remarks. pp. 78. T. Hughes: London, [ 1820 ?] 16°. 11781. a. 21. (1.) - Timon of Athens ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a...cast of the characters. . .and the whole of the stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 72. [ 1830 ?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xxvi. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 13. - Timon d’Athenes, tragedie. Nouvelle edition, precedes d’une notice critique et historique, et accompagnee de notes, par O’Sullivan, pp. xvii. 112 . L. Hachette : Paris, 1843 . 12 °. 1344. a. 30. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Timon of Athens.] - Timon of Athens. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal on Richmond-Green. [A tragedy in five acts and in prose and verse], Altered [by J. Love] from Shakespear and Shadwell. pp. 100. M. Hingeston : London, 1768 . 8 °. 11763. e. 31. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words : “ Second edition.”] 163. i. 11. - [Another edition.] As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 19. Harrison & Co.: London, 1780 . 8 °. 11770. g. 4. (22.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mr. Barry in the character of Timon ” as frontispiece, - Timon of Athens, altered [by R. Cumberland] from Shakespear . . . As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. pp. 62. Printed for the Proprietors of Shakespear's Works: London, 1771 . 8 °. 642. d. 27. (12.) - [Another copy.] 163. i. 10. - [Another edition.] As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. pp. 60. J. Exshaw, etc.: Dublin, 1772 . 12 °. 11763. a. 10. - Shakspeare’s Timon of Athens, as revived at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. . .Altered and adapted for representation, by the Hon. G. Lamb. London, 1816 . 8 °. 1344. f. 20. French. - Timon d’Athenes.. .traduit litteralement en vers par A. Eleury. pp. xxx. 134. Paris, i 860 . 12 °. 11765. b. 36. - Timon d’Athenes, drame . . . Suivi de 1’Intermezzo, poeme de H. Heine. Traductions en vers par E. Pcrrot de Chezelles. pp. 214. Paris, 1865 . 8 °. 11765. e. 29. - Timon d’Athenes. Drame.. .Traduit en vers fran^ais par le Chevalier de Chatelain, etc. pp. xvii. 164. Londres, 1874 . 8 °. 11766. g. 12. - Timon d’Athenes, traduit de W. Shakspeare, et precede d’une etude par le traducteur (C. des Guerrois). pp. 216. Paris, 1887 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 3. German. - Will. Shakespeare’s Timon von Athen. Neu iibersetzt von G. Regis. pp. 176. Zwickau, 1821 . 16°. The titlepage is wrongly paginated 134. 11762. de. 2. Polish. - Timon of Athens. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 105. [ 1883 . etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Timon of Athens. (Another play on Timon. From a ms. of Shakespeare’s time.) [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1888. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, no. 156. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. bb. - The History of Timon of Athens, the Man-Hater, etc. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] By T. Shadwell. 1678 . 4°. See Shadwell (t.) 11763. e. - [Another edition.] [ 1680 ?] 12°. 11773. aaa. (5.) - [Another edition.] 1688 . 4°. 11763. e. - [Another edition.] 1696 . 4°. 841. c. 8 . ( 8 .) - [Another edition.] 1703 . 4°. 644. i. 48. - [Another edition.] pp. 108. 1712. Nee English Plays. A Collection of the best English Plays, vol. 2 . 1711 , etc. 8 °. 1345. b. 17. - Tymon z Aten... .Przeklad [in prose] E. Lubowskiego. pp. iii. 79. Warszawa, 1871 . 8 °. 11766. i. 13. (2.) Russian. - Tiimoht> AeiiHiraiiHT,, BOJiBHUe ouepim n3T> jtpaMam- MecKoii noBtcTii IUeiccniipa Timon of Athens. [By N. A. Polevoi.] 1846. Nee Smirdin (a. f.) HoBOcejiue. vacT. 3. 1833 , etc. 8 °. 838. d. 21. - Tiimohb AeiincKia: Tparejua bb iiaxu Hhictb mix'd IIIeK- cnupa. HepeBojub II. H. BeiiHGepra. pp. 114. CauKmnemcp6ypiv, 1865 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 14. (1.) APPENDIX. - See Fresenius (a.) Dr. Phil. Shakespeare's “ Timon von Atlien ” auf der Biihne. 1895 . 8 °. [ Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Jahrg. 31.] 2300. f. - See Mueller (adolf) Teacher at the Dorotheen-Realschule at Berlin. Ueber die Quellen, aus denen Shakespeare den Timon von Athen entnommeu hat, etc. 1873 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. (5.) SHAKESPEARE 160 159 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Timon of Athens.—Ap¬ pendix.] - See Plutarch. [ Vitae Parallelse. — English. — North's Translation.'] Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch.. .As sources to Shakespeare’s tragedies Coriolanus, Julius Cassar... and partly to Hamlet and Timon of Athens, etc. 1878 . 4°. 1869. a. 7. TITUS ANDRONICUS. - — The Most Lamentable Tragedie of Titus Andronicus. As it bath sundry times beene plaide by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. Printed for Eedward White : London, 1611 . 4°. C. 12. g. 16. 40 leaves, without pagination. Sig. A-K, in fours. Im¬ perfect ; wanting sig. H i. Shakespeare’s name does not appear in this edition. - [Another copy.] C. 34. k. 60. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage, which has been supplied in MS. - Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. Facsimiled from the edition printed at London in the year 1600, by E. W. Ashbee. {Privately printed :] London, 1866 . 4°. C. 34. i. One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed. - Titus Andronicus. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 174. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. hbh. - Titus Andronicus, partly by William Shakspere. The first quarto, 1600. A fac-simile.. .with an introduction by A. Symons, pp. xvii. 80. C. Praetorius : London, [ 1886 .] 4°. 11764. k. 15. No. 29 of Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. - Titus Andronicus. By William Shakspeare. With the True Tragedie of Richard the Third. [With an introduction by H. Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 188 6 , etc. 8 °. _ 12208. c. ■ ' Titus Andronicus ; or the Rape of Lavinia ; a tragedy, alter’d from Mr. Shakespear’s works, by Mr. Edw. Ravenscroft. pp. 56. Printed by J. B., for J. Hindmarsh : London, 1687 . 4°. 1344. f. 26. - [Another copy.] 644. f. 50. Titlepage slightly mutilated. — [Another copy.] 81. c. 16. (3.) In this copy an “ Epistle Dedicatory ” to Lord Arundel has been inserted. APPENDIX. - See Cohn (albert) Bookseller, of Berlin. Konig Lear 1692, und Titus Andronicus 1699 in Breslau aufgefiihrt. [ 1888 .] 8 °. 11766. cc. 14. ( 8 .) - See Grosart (a. b.) Was Robert Greene substantially the author of Titus Andronicus ? 1896 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Memoranda on All’s Well that Ends Well . . . and on Titus Andronicus. 1879 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Schroeer (m. m. a.) Dber Titus Andronicus, etc. 1891 . 8 °. 11763. e. 54. TR0ILUS AND CRESSIDA. - The Famous Historic of Troylus and Cresseid. Ex¬ cellently expressing the beginning of their loues, with the conceited wooing of Pandarus Prince of Licia. Written by William Shakespeare. [With the prose preface.] ed. pr. ms. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. Imprinted by G. Eld, for R. Bonian and H. Walley : London, 1609 . 4°. C. 34. k. 61. 46 leaves, without pagination. The second leaf is signed % 2 ; the third, a 2 ; the fourth, A 3, and so on consecutively, in fours, to sig. m. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Troilus and Cressida.] - The Historie of Troylus and Cresseida, etc. [Another copy, with a different titlepage and without the leaf, signed ^[ 2, containing the Preface.] G. Eld for R. Bonian and H. Walley: London, 1609 . 4°. 163. i. 12. Inlaid. - Troilus and Cressida. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 133. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida: the First Quarto, 1609. A facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs. ... With an introduction by... H. P. Stokes, pp. xii. 91. W. Griggs: London, [ 1886 .] 4°. No. 13 of Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. 11764. k. 32. - Troilus and Cressida. [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 170. 1886 , etc. 8 °. _12208. bb. - Troilus and Cressida; or, Truth found too late. A tragedy. [Founded upon Shakespeare.] As it is acted at the Dukes Theatre. To which is prefixed, a preface containing the grounds of criticism in Tragedy. Written by John Dryden. 1679. 4°. See Dryden (j.) 643. h. 18. (1.) - [Another edition.] 1695 . 4°. 644. g. 78. - [Another edition.] 1735 . 12°. 643. g. 8 . (11.) English and Greek. - Senarii Graeci. [A translation by Christopher Words¬ worth, from “ Troilus and Cressida,” act in. sc. 3.] 1828. See Academies, etc. —Cambridge.— University of Cambridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc.] 8 °. C. 59. e. 9. (1.) - [A translation in Greek verse; by R. Andrews, from “ Troilus and Cressida,” act 1 ., sc. 3.] 1840. See Academies, etc. — Cambridge. — University of Cam¬ bridge. Prolusiones Academicae, etc. [ 1828 , etc A 8 °. 732! c. 13. German. - Will. Shakspeare’s Troilus and Cressida ; iibersetzt von Beauregard Pandin [i.e. C. F. von Jariges], pp. 222. Berlin, 1824 . 8 °. 11762. e. 15. - Die Griechen vor Troja.. .Ins Deutsche iibertragen und fur die moderne Biihne frei bearbeitet von Dr. A. A. Bekk. pp. 87. Wien, 1856 . 8 °. 11766. i. 21. (1.) - Shakespeare und Homer. Ein Beitrag zur Literatur und Biihne des englischen Dichters von Dr. A. Bekk. [Another edition of the preceding translation, with a preliminary essay.] pp. 160. Pest, Wien und Leipzig, 1865 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 23. APPENDIX. - See Armin (r.) The Fool and the Ice. A brief account of a singular adventure.. .supposed to be alluded to by Shakespeare in his.. .Troilus and Cressida. 1883 . 8 °. 11768. h. 18. - See Boening (l.) De Shaksperii fabula quae “ Troilus and Cressida ” inscribitur. Di.-sortatio, etc. 1870 . 8 °. 11766. f. 9. (2.) - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillips (j. 0.) Memoranda on Shakespeare’s tragedy of Troilus and Cressida. 1880 . 12°. 11766. a. 13. (1.) TWELFTH NIGHT. - Twelfth Night; or, What You Will. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, pp. 20. London, 1779 . 8 °. 11770. g. 3. (16.) With an engraved portrait of “ Olivia, by Mrs. Abington ” as frontispiece. 161 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 162 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Twelfth Night.] - Twelfth Night . .. Printed conformable to the repre¬ sentation at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane, etc. [With ms. notes by W. Powell.] pp. 59. C. Lowndes : London, 1792 . 12 °. 11764. e. 13. - Shakspeare’s Twelfth Night; or, What you Will: a comedy; revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 73. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 4. (4.) - Twelfth Night. . . . With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.]...Marked with the stage business, and-stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberry. pp. ii. 71. 1821. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 12 . 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 12. - Twelfth Night; or, What You Will.. .Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, by D-g [i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a... cast of the characters... and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 64. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xi. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 6 . - Twelfth Night; or, What You Will: a comedy, in five acts. pp. 66 . [1858.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 36. [ 1850 , etc.] 12 °. 2304. e. 10. - Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night,.. .with introduction and notes ... by .. H. N. Hudson, pp. xxvi. 151. Ginn & Heath: Boston [Mass.], 1880 . 8 °. 11762. aaa. 4. One of a series entitled, “ Annotated English Classics." - Twelfth Night. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 190. [ 1883 , etc.] 12 °. 11770. bbb. - Twelfth Night; or, What You Will. . . . Students’ Tauchnitz Edition. Mit deutschen Erklarungeu. . . von Dr. H. Conrad, pp. xxiii. 171. B. Tauchnitz: Leipzig, 1887 . 8 °. 11765. c. 2. - Twelfth-Night: or, What You Will. By W. Shake¬ speare. (Apolonius and Silla. By Barnaby Rich.) [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, no. 199. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. c. - The Half-Pay Officers, a comedy [by C. Molloy; altered from Davenant’s “ Love and Honour,” with some scenes taken from “ Twelfth Night” and “King Henry v.”]. 1720 . 12 °. See Half-Pay Officers. 11775. b. English and Greek. - Gaisford prize. Greek verse... Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, act ir., scene v., translated into comic iambics by W. R. Hardie. pp. 15. B. H. Blackwell: Oxford, 1882 . 8 °. 8367. aa. 4. French. - Conte d’Avril. Comedie en quatre actes en vers, etc. [Founded upon “ Twelfth Night.” By A. Dorchaix.] (j 1885 . 12°. Nee Dorchaix (a.) 11739. aaa. 29. German. - Viola. Lusfspiel in fiinf Aufziigen nach Shakespeare’s Was Ihr wollt. Fur die Biihne bearbeitet von Dien- hardstein. pp. 123. Wien, 1841 . 8 °. 11766. b. 24. (2.) - Shakspeare’s Was ihr wollt von A. Bottger. pp. 156. Leipzig, [ 1849 .] 16°. 11765. a. 30. ■- Was Ihr wollt. .. . Fur die Biihne bearbeitet von G. zu Putlitz. pp. 46. Leipzig, [ 1850 ?] 8 °. 11766. f. 8 . (3.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Twelfth Night. — German.] - Was ihr wollt, etc. [Abridged from the translation of A. W. von Schlegel.] pp. 73. Dresden, 1879 . 16°. 11762. de. 3. (5.) Heft 12 of the “ Bepertoir des Herzoglich Meiningen’schen Hof-Theaters." - Konigliche Schauspiele. Alien und Gesange aus Cesario; Oper in drei Akten, frei nach Shakespeare’s “ Was Ihr wollt,” von E. Taubert, etc. [ 1874 .] 16°. See Taubert (e.) 11764. aa. 2. Polish. - Szekspir. Polnocna godzina, przekld Johna of Dycalp [i.e. P. Jankowski], pp. 192. Wilno, 1845 . 12°. 11762. c. 8 . Swedish. ■ Trettondagsaften, eller Hvad ni vill . .. Ofversattning af J. H. Thomander. pp. 179. Stockholm, 1825 . 8 °. 11765. e. 30. APPENDIX. - See Barnett (t. d.) Notes on Shakespeare’s play of Twelfth Night, etc. 1895 . 8 °. 011765. f. 8 . - See Coote (c. h.) On Shakspere’s New Map in Twelfth Night. 1878 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 13. (5.) - See Immermann (c. l.) Was ihr wollt. [Illustrations to “ Twelfth Night,” etc.] [ 1840 .] obi. fol. 840. m. 23. - See Lees (j.) B.A., Lond. Questions on Shakespeare’s Twelfih Night, etc. [ 1895 .] 8 °. 11764. aa. 30. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. - The Two Gentlemen of Verona; a comedy [in five acts, prose and verse]. . .. With alterations and additions [by B. Victor]. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. pp. 55. J. & R. Tonson: London, 1763 . 8 °. 642. e. 19. (3.) - [Another copy.] 163. h. 68 . - Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona, a comedy; revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 73. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 4. ( 8 .) - The Two Gentlemen of Verona. . . . With prefatory remarks [signed, P. P.] . . . Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Koyal, by W. Oxberry. pp. viii. 69. 1823. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 17. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 17. - The Two Gentlemen of Verona ... Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical [signed, D-g, i.e. George Daniel]. To which are added a ... cast of the characters ... and the whole of the stage business, as now performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 63. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. xvnt. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 9. - Two Gentlemen of Verona. [1883.] See Djcks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 56. [ 1883 , etc.] 12°. 11770. bbb. - The Two Gentlemen of Verona. By W. Shakspeare. With the Story of the Shepherdess Felismena. (From the 4 Diana ’ of George de Montemayor. Translated by B. Yonge.) [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp. 192. 1889. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library, vol. 174. [ 1886 , etc.] 8 °. 12208. aaa. 163 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Two Gentlemen of Verona.] - Eight Illustrations to Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona. By Walter Crane. Engraved and printed by D. C. Dallas. J. M. Dent & Co.: London, 1894 . fol. K.T.C. 38. b. 2. German. - Die beyden Veroneser. Ein Schauspiel in 4 Aufziigen [and in prose]. Nach Shakespears Schauspiele, gleiehes Namens, bearbeitet, von Kleediz. pp. 164. Schneeberg, 1802 . 8 °. 11765. b. 2. APPENDIX. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Memoranda on All’s Well that Ends Well, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 2300. e. VENUS AND ADONIS. - Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus : mihi flauus Apollo Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua. Diehard Field: London, 1594 . 4°. G. 11180. 27 leaves, without pagination; viz., titlepage and dedica¬ tion, two leaves ; sig. b-h i, in fours. - Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus: mihi flauus Apollo Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua. ms. notes [by George Daniel and Thomas Rodd] Imprinted at London by Rfichard | F[ield\ for John Harison, 1596 . 16°. C. 21. a. 37. 27 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-d iii., in eighis. - Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus, mihi flauus Apollo Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua. ms. notes. Imprinted at London, for William Leake, 1602 . 16°. C. 21. a. 49. 27 leaves, without pagination; sig. a-d iii, in eights. - Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus, mihi flavus Apollo Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua, pp. 47 [46], John Wreittoun : Edinburgh, 1627 . 8 °. Page 46 is erroneously paginated 47. C. 21. a. 31. - Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus, mihi flauus Apollo Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua. Printed by I. H\arrison\, and are to be sold by Francis Coules: London, 1636 . 16°. C. 21. a. 55. 27 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-d iii, in eights. - Venus and Adonis. 1707 . See Poems. Poems on Affairs of State, vol. iv. 1703 , etc. 8 °. 1077. 1. 19. - Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis facsimiled from the copy printed at London in the year 1594. By E. W. Ashbee. Privately printed : London, 1867 . 4°. C. 34. i. One of fifty copies, of ivhich nineteen were destroyed. - Venus and Adonis, from the hitherto unknown edition of 1599. 1870. See Edmonds (c.) Editor of the Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. The Isham Reprints. 1870 , etc. 12°. 12205. cc. 1. - Shakspere’s Venus and Adonis. The first quarto, 1593...A fac-simile in photo lithography ... with an introduction by A. Symons, pp. xix. 52. W. Griggs : London. [ 1886 .] 4°.' 11764. k. 11. No. 12 of Shalcspere-Quarto Facsimiles. German. - Venus und Adonis. . . . Uebersetzt von F. Freiligrath. pp. 73. Diisstl lorfi 1849 . 8 °. 11762. df. 7. (2.) SHAKESPEARE 164 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Venus and Adonis.— German.^ - Venus und Adonis. Ein episches Gedicht ... Deutsch nebst einer Einleitung von B. Tschischwitz. pp. 81. Halle a IS., 1875 . 8 0> 11764. bb. 1. Servian. - Beiryc n Agoiiirc.. .CpScuii og A. IIonoBifha. pp. 69. y Eeuy, 1861 . 8 °. 11586. f. APPENDIX. - See Morgan (a.) Venus and Adonis. A study in Warwickshire dialect. By Appleton Morgan. 1885 . 8 °. [New York Shakespeare Society. Papers, no. 2.] Ac. 9509. - See Wukrzner (a.) Die Orthographie der ersten Quarto-Ausgabe von Shakespeare’s “ Venus and Adonis ” und “ Lucrece,” etc. 1887 . 8 °. 11766. k. 15. (2.) WINTER’S TALE. - The Winter’s Tale. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covenf-Garden. pp. 21 . Harrison c& Co. and J. Wenman : London, 1779 . 8 °. 11770. g. 3. (4.) With an engraved portrait of “ Mrs. Mattocks as Her- niione ” as frontispiece. - Shakspeare’s Winter’s Tale.. .With alterations by J. P. Kemble ; now first published, as it is acted by Their Majesties Servants of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, pp. 86 . C. Lowndes: London, 1802 . 8 °. 1344. f. 23. - Shakspeare’s Winter’s Tale.. .Adapted to the stage by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, pp. 83. J. Miller: London, 1815 . 8 °. 2304. d. 3. (1.) - Winter’s Tale. A play,.. .from the text of Johnson and Steevens. With remarks, pp. 100. T. Hughes: London, [ 1820 ?] 16°. 11781. a. 21. ( 6 .) - The Winter’s Tale. . .With prefatory lcmarks [signed, P. P.] ... Marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W. Oxberrv. pp. ix. 87. 1823. See Oxberry (w. h.) The New English Drama, etc. vol. 19. 1818 , etc. 8 °. 11770. f. 19. - The Winter’s Tale . .. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks.. .by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel.] To which are added a . . . cast of the characters, and the whole of the stage business, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, etc. pp. 71. [1830?] See Cumberland (j.) Cumberland’s British Theatre, etc. vol. v. 1829 , etc. 12 °. 642. a. 3. - Shakspeare’s play of the Winter’s Tale. Arranged for representation at the Princess’s Theatre, with historical and explanatory notes, by C. Kean. pp. 105. J. K. Chapman & Co.: London, [ 1856 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 23. (2.) - Second edition. J. K. Chapman & Co.: London, [ 1856 .] 8 °. 11764. cc. 22. (3.) Imperfect; wanting all after page 100. - Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. With introduction and notes. . .by.. .H. N. Hudson, pp. 196. Ginn & Heath: Boston [ Mass .], 1880 . 16°. 11762. aaa. 6 . One of a series entitled “ Annotated English Classics.” - Winter’s Tale. [1883.] See Dicks (j.) Publisher. Dicks’ Standard Plays, no. 33. [ 1883 , etc.~\ 12°. 11770. bbb. - The Winter’s Tale. . .With Paudosto; or the Triumph of Time (By R. Greene). [With an introduction by Henry Morley.] pp 192. 1887. See Cassell (j.) Cassell’s National Library. 1886 , etc. 8 °. 12208. aaa. 165 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 166 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Winter’s Tale.] - The Winter’s Tale; a play in five acts [and in prose and verse] ... with an illustration, and remarks by D-G. [i.e. George Daniel], pp. 71. [1879.] See Lacy (t. h.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, etc. vol. 113. [ 1850 , etc.'] 12°. 2304. li. 4. - The Winter ’6 Tale,... as arranged by Miss M. Anderson, with illustrations by E. J. Ellis and J. Anderson and selections from the incidental music, etc. pp. 56. Field & Tuer: London, [ 1888 .] obi. 8 °. 11763. df. 36. - Scenes from the Winter’s Tale. [Printed in colours, with selections from the text.] (Illuminators, 0. Jones and H. Warren.) Day <£• Smith: London, [ 1866 .] 4°. 11765. h. 17. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Winter’s Tale. — German .] - Hermione. Grosse Oper ... Text nach Shakespeare’s Wintermarchen von E. Hopffer. [ 1872 .] 8 °. See Hopffer (e.) 11765. aa. 43. (5.) Italian. - Saggio di Novelle di Guglielmo Shakespeare trovate e narrate da M. Ricci. (La Novella d’ Inverno.) 1874 . 8°. See Ricci (mauro) 11766. b. 25. (9.) Polish. - Zimowa powiesc ... Przelozyl [in prose] G[ustaw] E[hrenberg]. pp. 121. Krakow, 1871 . 8 °. 11766. i. 13. (3.) - The Winter’s Tale; a play. Alter’d from Shakespear, by C. Marsh. 1756 . 8°. See Marsh (c.) 11763. e. 34. - Second edition. 1756 . 8 °. 163. i. 13. - Florizel and Perdita. A dramatic pastoral, in three acts. Alter’d from The Winter’s Tale of Shakespear, by David Garrick, etc. 1758 . 8°. See Garrick (d.) 643. i. 3. ( 8 .) -- The Sheep Shearing; or, Florizel and Perdita. A pastoral comedy [by M. Morgan]. Taken from Shake¬ spear. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Dublin, etc. pp. 27 . P. Wilson: Dublin, 1767 . 12 °. 11763. e. 35. - Florizel and Perdita. A dramatic pastoral, etc. [Abridged from the preceding.] 1784 . See Bell (j.) Supplement to Bell’s British Theatre, etc. vol. 1. 1784 . 12 °. 82. b. 18. - [Another copy.] See British Stage. A Collection of the most esteemed Farces, etc. vol. 1 . 1786 , etc. 12 °. 1344. c. 6 . - The Sheep-shearing; a dramatic pastoral in three acts. [By G. Colman, the elder.] Taken from Shakespeare. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay- Market. pp. 39. G. Kearsly: London, 1777 . 8 °. 163. i. 9. Danish. - Et Yintereventyr, romantisk Skuespil i 4 Akter af W. Shakspeare, bearbeitet efter Shakspeares “ Winter’s Tale,” og Dingelstedts “ Ein Wintermiirchen,” af H. P. Holst, pp. 106 . Kjfbenhavn, 1868. 8°. 11754. b. APPENDIX. - See Boas (f.) Der Sturm und das Wintermiirchen ... in ihrer symbolischen Bedeutung. 1882 . 8 °. 11763. df. 6 . (5.) - See Boyle (r.) B . A . Shakespeare’s Wintermiirchen.. .. Abhandlung, etc. 1885 . 8°. 11764. g. 4. (5.) - See Elze (k.) Alexandrines in the Winter’s Tale and K. Richard 11 . [ 1881 .] 8 °. 11761. f. 3. ( 6 .) - See Ko^mian (s.) Slady historycznych wypadkow polskich w “ Zimowej powiesci ”... Szekspira, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11762. f. 1. (3.) SELECTIONS AND EXTRACTS. - The Wits, or Sport upon Sport, being a curious col¬ lection of several drols and farces [selected from Shake¬ speare, Fletcher, Shirley and others]. . .Collected by... F. Kirkman. 1673 . 12°. See Ivirkman (f.) 840. b. 12. - Britons strike home; or, Shakespear’s Ghost to the British Armies. [Extracts from the historical plays.] [London, 1745 .] s. sh. fol. 1850. c. 10. (62.) Engraved. - The Beauties of Shakespear : regularly selected from each play ... Illustrated with explanatory notes and similar passages from ancient and modern authors. By W. Dodd. 2 vol. T. Waller: London, 1752 . 12 °. 11766. aaa. 20. - Second edition, with additions. 2 vol. T. Waller: London, 1757 . 12°. 11763. aaa. 17. French. - Le Conte d’Hiver, drame .. . Traduit en vers fran<;ais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. pp. xiii. 194. Londres, 1875 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 1. German. - Eine Winternachtsma.hr ... Uebersetzt von C. Abel. pp. 122. Berlin, 1834 . 8 °. 11766. b. 25. (2.) - Shakespeare’s Wintermarchen. Uebersetzung von A. W. von Schlegel und L. Tieck. Mit ... Photo- graphieen nach Originalgemalden von L. Bode. pp. 91. Frankfurt am Main, 1881 . fol. 1876. f. 6 . - Das Wintermarchen, etc. [Abridged from the trans¬ lation of J. L. Tieck.] pp. 80. Dresden, 1879 . 16°. 11762. de. 3. ( 6 .) Heft 13 of the “ Repertoir des Herzoqlich Meininqenschen Hof-Theaters:' . -The Modern Characters from Shakespear, alphabetically arranged, pp. 90. Printed for E. Johnson : London, 1778 . 12°. 615. a. 32. (1.) - New edition, few ms. notes, pp. 88. Printed for E. Johnson: London, 1778 . 12°. 642. b. 32. - Shakespeare’s History of the Times: or the original portraits of that Author adapted to modern characters, with notes and observations, pp. iv. 76. D. Bi •oiune and J. Murray: London, 1778 . 12°. 1162. f. 23. (2.) - The Beauties of Shakespear . .. By W. Dodd. Third edition, with large additions, and the author’s last correc¬ tions. 3 vol. J.Macgowan: London, 1780 . 12°. 1344. d. 10-12. - A Select Collection of the Beauties of Shakspeare [by J. Croft]. With some account [by N. Rowe] of the life of Shakspeare. pp* 37. York, 1792 . 8 °. 11763. d. 8 . - Perdita, oder Ein Wintermiihrchen. Romantische Oper . .. frei nach Shakespeare’s gleichnamigem Drama von K. Gross, etc. 1865. 8°. See Gross fc.) Dramatic Writer. 11765. aa. 9. (1.) - Ein Wintermarchen. Epische Dichtung nach Shake¬ speare’s gleichnamigem Schauspiel, von G. Hick. 1869. 16°. See Hick (g.) 11528. a. 30. - [Another copy.] 10347. e. 7. (1.) - The Beauties of Shakspeare, selected from his works. To which are added, the principal scenes in the same author. ... Sixth edition . .., enlarged, pp. xii. 393. G. Kearsley : London, [ 1797 ?] 12°. 11764. bbb. 20. A different selection from that by Dodd : the first edition was published in 1 7 84 . 167 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 168 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - Shakespeare’s Ghost. [Passages selected from Shake¬ speare’s plays by “ H.,” and applied to the topic of the threatened invasion.] L. Hansard: London, [ 1803 .] s. sh. fol. 806. k. 1. (9.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - Readings from the plays of Shakspeare; in illustration of his characters. Edited by the author of “ Aids to Developement ”... &c., &c. pp. viii. 434. J. W. Parker: London, 1848 . 16°. 11762. b. 13. - [Another copy.] 1851. c. (91.) • - Aphorisms from Shakespeare; arranged according to the plays, &c. With a preface and notes, etc. [By C. Lofift.] pp. xxxiv. 456. xxxvi. Longman d Go.: London, 1812 . 12°. 11763. a. 11. - The Beauties of Shakspeare... By the late Rev. W. Dodd. (Remarks on the life and writings of William Shakspeare. By S. Britton.) pp. xliii. 378. Sherwood, Neely and Jones: London, 1818 . 12 °. First edition 1752 . 11762. b. 11. - [Another edition.] pp. xii. 408. C. d J. Rivington : London, 1824 . 24°. 11764. a. 5. - [Another edition.] pp. x. 353. T. Tegg: London, 1825 . 16°. 11763. a. 1. Part of “ Whittingham’s Cabinet Library.” - Selections from Shakspeare. By B. Oakley. pp. xxii. 182. Longman d Co.: London, 1828 . 8 °. 642. e. 17. - The Beauties of Shakespeare selected from the most correct editions of his works, pp. viii. 194. Sainsbury: London, 1830 . 12°. 11762. bb. 33. Earlier edition in 1797 . - Shaksperian Anthology : comprising the choicest pas¬ sages and entire scenes ... With a biographical sketch, pp. xii. 392. Sainsbury: London, 1830 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 21. - The Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare; comprising moral philosophy, delineations of character, paintings of nature and the passions, and miscellaneous pieces ... With . .. notes,and Scriptural references.. .by the Rev. T. Price, pp. x. 462. Scott, Webster d Geary : London, 1838 . 12°. 840. b. 26. - Shakespeare Proverbs ; or, the Wise Saws of our wisest poet collected into a Modern Instance. By M. Cowden Clarke, pp. 144. Chapman d Hall: London, 1848 . 16°. 1344. a. 20. - The Shakspeare Calendar; or, Wit and Wisdom for every day in the year. Edited by W. C. Richards, pp. 118. G. P. Putnam: New York, 1850 . 16°. 11765. aa. - Apophthegms from the plays of Shakespeare. By C. Lyndon, pp. vi. 236. Simpkin d Marshall : London, [ 1851 .] 8 °. 11762. b. 14. - Sentiments and Similes of William Shakespeare. A classified selection of similes, definitions, descriptions, and other remarkable passages in the plays and poems of Shakespeare. By H. N. Humphreys, pp. 100. Longman d Co.: London, 1851 . 4°. C. 30. g. 17. With decorated borders. Imperfect; wanting the first leaf. - The Beauties of Shakspeare. pp. 220. Clarke, Beeton d Co.: London, [ 1853 .] 16°. 11762. b. 16. - Select Scenes from Shakspeare. pp. iv. 203. Clarke, Beeton d Co. : London, [ 1853 .] 16°. 11762. b. - Shaksperean Character Cards ; providing an intellectual and withal a merry game for the Social Circle. London, [ 1853 .] 12 °. 11764. a. 8 . - The Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare; ... with ... notes, and Scriptural references... by the Rev. T. Price. .. .Second edition, enlarged, pp. xv. 576. A. Scott: London, 1853 . 8°. 11762. c. 9. Earlier edition, 1838 . - The Beauties of Shakespeare. [By W. Dodd.] pp. xii. 371. E. Moxon: London, 1854 . 8 °. First edition 1752 . 11764. bb. 34. - [Another edition.] pp. vi. 460. E. L. Carey d A. Hart: Philadelphia, 1839 . 8 °. 11762. bb. 34. - Shaksperian Readings ; selected and adapted for young persons and others, by B. H. Smart. First series, illus¬ trative of English and Roman history, pp. xxiii. 453. J. Richardson: London, 1839 . 12 °. 840. f. 17. - The Philosophy of Shakspere, extracted from his plays, and interspersed with remarks, by M. H. Rankin, pp. xvi. 238. Whittaker d Co.: London, 1841 . 8 °. 1344. d. 14. - Shakspearian Readings, embodying the most interesting parts of English and Roman history ; and intended also as Exercises in elocution, etc. J. G. d F. Rivington : London, 1842 . 12°. 11764. bbb. 22. A duplicate of the edition of 1839 , icitli a new titlepage. - Religious and Moral Sentences culled from the works of Shakespeare, compared with Sacred Passages drawn from Holy Writ. [By Sir Frederick Watson.] pp. xx. 224. Calkin d Budd : London, 1843 . 8 °. 1344. f. 1. - [Another copy.] G. 13377. - Songs from Shakespeare, illustrated by the Etching Club. 2 pt. Gad d Keningale : London, i 842 [~ 52 ]. fol. 550. e. 19. - The Flowers of Shakspeare. With appropriate quota¬ tions. [With coloured illustrations by I. E. Giraud.] if. 30. [ 1846 .] fol. 11764. in. 5. - Gems from Shakspeare. pp. 203. Clarke, Beeton d Co. : London, [ 1854 .] 16°. 11762. e. 17. - Shakesperian Tableaux. [Selections, with coloured illustrations.] London, [ 1855 .] 8 °. C. 30. 1. 7. - The Philosophy of William Shakespeare, delineating, in seven hundred and fifty passages, selected from his plays, the multiform phases of the human mind, etc. pp. li. 643. W. While: London, 1857 . 8 °. 11763. e. 43. -Auswahl aus William Shakspeare’s sammtlichen dichter- ischen Werken, mit Erleichterungen fur die Aussprache und das Verstiindniss. Fiir deutsche Schulen heraus- gegeben von D r Brennecke. pp. iv. 76. R. Levysohn : Posen, 1858 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 13. (2.) - Shakespeare’s Household Words. A selection from the wise saws of the immortal bard. Illuminated by S. Stanesby. pp. 28. Griffith d Farran : London, [ 1859 .] 16°. 11765. a. 31. 11765. a. 32. -- Pearls of Shakspeare ; a collection of the most brilliant passages found in his Plays. Illustrated by Kenny Meadows, pp. vii. 160. Cassell, Fetter d Galpin : London, i 860 [ 1859 ]. 12 °. 11762. b. 17. - The Mind of Shakspeare, as exhibited in his works. By the Rev. A. A. Morgan, pp. xxiii. 321. Chapman d Hall: London, i 860 . 8 °. 11765. b. 51. - Second edition, pp. xxiii. 268. Chapman d Hall: London, 1861 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 35. - [Another copy.] 169 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 170 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - The Beauties of Shakespeare. By W. Dodd. New edition, pp. 380. W. Tegg: London, 1861 [i 860 ]. 12°. 11765. b. 52. - Choice Thoughts from Shakspere. By the author of “ The Book of Familiar Quotations.” pp. viii. 333. Whittaker & Co.: London, 1861 . 8 °. 11765. b. 53. - [Another cop}’, with a new titlepage.] Extracts from Shakspere for the Use of schools. Whittaker A Co. : London, 1862 . 8 °. 11765. b. 54. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage and preface.] Choice Thoughts from Shakspere, etc. G. Routledge & Sons: London, 1866 . 8 °. 11603. ee. 9. - Shakspere’s Memorial. [Selections.] Undertaken with a view to popularise Shaksperian literature amongst all classes. By W. Tegg. pp. vi. 135. J. J. Blundell & Co.: Melbourne, 1861 . 12°. 11766. aaa. 3. - Bible Truths with Shakspearean Parallels; being selections from Scripture ... with passages illustrative of the text, from.. .Shakspeare. 1862 . 8 °. See Bible. [Selections.] 11765. b. 46. -The Shakspere Treasury of subject quotations, synony¬ mously indexed. [By W. Floe.] pp. xvi. 70. Hodson&Son: London, 1862 . 16°. 11764. b. 13. - [Another copy.] 11764. bbb. 18. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the date 1863.] 11762. aa. 4. - Shaksperian Playing Cards ... Selected and arranged bv J. B. Marsh, no. 1 , 2. J. Heywood: Manchester, [ 1862 , 63 .] 16°. 11764. a. 7. No more published. -Familiar, proverbial and select sayings from Shakspere. By J. B. Marsh, pp. viii. 162. Simplcin, Marshall & Co.: London, [ 1863 .] 8 °. 11762. bb. 35. - Bible Truths, with Shakspearian Parallels. By J. Brown. ... Second edition. 1864 . 8 °. See Brown (j.) of Selkirk. 11765. b. 47. - Shakspeare for Schools; being passages from his works to be committed to memory. With notes, original and selected, by the Rev. C. Lenny ... Second edition, pp. iv. 103. Relfe Brothers : London, 1865 . 12°. 11765. aaa. 18. - Shakesperean Gems, newly collected and arranged, with a life of William Shakspere ... By R. L. Gibson, pp. 350. W. Nicholson & Sons: Halifax, 1865 . 16°. 11765. a. 34. - Songs of Shakespeare. Illuminated by H. C. H. Abrahall. Bay & Son : London, [ 1865 .] fol. 1871. c. - Shakspeare’s Mental Photographs, pp. 36. Hurd & Houghton: New York, 1866 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 35. - [Another copy.] 11765. aa. 36. - A Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare: the choice sayings of his principal characters analytically and alphabetically arranged, pp. viii. 368. G. Griffin A Co.: London; Glasgow [printed], 1866 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 37. - Quotations from Shakespeare. A collection of passages from the works of William Shakespeare, selected and ananged by E. Routledge. pp. iv. 175. G. Routledge A Sons: London, 1867 . 16°. 11765. aa. 37. - Gleanings from the Comedies of Shakespeare, pp. 128. W.P.Nimmo: Edinburgh, [ 1868 .] 16°. 11765. a. 35. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - Shakesperian Texts illuminated. [Six plates.] T. Nelson A Sons: London, [ 1868 .] obi. 4°. 1871. d. - The Shakespeare Almanack for 1869 (1870, 72-74, 76). ... With a quotation from his works for every day in the year. [ 1868 - 75 .] 8°. See Ephemerides. P.P. 2496. g. - The Shakspeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge. By C. W. Stearns, pp. viii. 436. G. P. Putnam A Son: New York, 1869 . 8 °. 11764. cc. 10. - The Life and Beauties of Shakspeare, from the approved selections of W. Dodd, etc. pp. 156. National Association for Publishing Musical and Literary Works for the Blind: Philadelphia, 1870 . 4°. Printed in embossed Roman type. 13007. a. 60. - Notes and conjectural Emendations of certain doubtful passages in Shakespeare’s Plays. By P. A. Daniel, pp. 94. R. Hardwicke: London, 1870 . 8 °. 11764. cc. 13. -- Shakespeare for Schools. [Selections.] With notes and glossary, by W. S. Dalgleish. no. 1-5. 1871. See Nelson (t.) Publisher. Nelson’s School Series. (Royal School Series.) 1856 , etc. 8 ° & 12 °. 12202 . ccc. - The Shakespeare Reader: with notes, historical and grammatical, by W. S. Dalgleish. 3 vol. 1871. See Nelson (t.) Publisher. Nelson’s School Series. (Royal School Series.) 1856 , etc. 8 ° & 12 °. 12202. cc. 14. - Bible Truths with Shakspearian Parallels. By J. B. Selkirk .. . Third edition. 1872 . 8 °. See Selkirk (j. b.) pseud. 11766. b. 22. - The Songs of Shakspere. Selected [by J. B.] from his poems and plays, pp. vi. 188. Virtue A Co. : London, 1872 . 8 °. 11764. aaa. 12. With an engraved portrait of Shakespeare as frontispiece. - [Another copy.] 11622. aaa. 3. Imperfect; wanting the frontispiece. - Pearls of Shakspeare... Illustrated by K. Meadows. pp. xi. 160. J. Blackwood cfe Co.: London, [ 1873 .] 8 °. Earlier edition i 860 . 11766. b. 21. - The Beauties of Shakespeare.. .By W. Dodd. pp. vi. 384. G. Routledge A Sons: London, [ 1873 .] 8 °. First edition 1752 . 11765. aaa. 25. - Readings from Shakespeare. Scenes, passages, analyses. Lesebuch aus Shakespeare...Mit Einleituug und Worter- buch, herausgegeben von Dr. K. Bandow. pp. vi. 214. R. Oppenheim: Berlin, 1873 . 8 °. 11766. f. 11. (1.) - Shakspeare in Norwich. [Selections applicable to the principal persons in Norwich.] Fifth edition, pp. 11 . Miller A Leavin: Norwich, 1873 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 14. (3.) - The Shakespeare Argosy; containing much of the wealth of Shakespeare’s wisdom and wit. Alphabeti¬ cally ananged and classified by Capt. A. F. P. Harcourt. pp. vii. 260. H. S. King A Co. : London, 1874 . 8 °. 11766. b. 18. - Shakespeare; his religious and moral sentiments. Gems gathered from his writings, by H. F. Goodson. pp. 55. Simpkin, Marshall A Co. : London, 1874 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 22. - Cupid’s Birthday Book : one thousand love-darts from Shakespeare, gaihered and arranged for every day in the year, by G. Johnston. W. P. Nimmo : London and Edinburgh, 1875 . 32°. 11766. a. 4. - Double Acrostics from Shakespeare by W. Duppa Crotch, pp. 107. Hatchards: London, 1875 . 16°. 11766. a. 2 . 171 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 172 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - The Shakespeare Birthday Book. [Compiled by M. F. P. Dunbar.] Third thousand, pp. 277. Hatchards: London, 1875 . 16°. 11766. a. 33. - [Another copy, illustrated with photographs, and with a new titlepage bearing the date 1876.] 11766. aaa. 23. - The Shakspeare Daily Gem Book and Journal for Birthdays. Ward, Loch & Tyler: London,i 1875 .] 32°. 11766. a. 5. - [Another copy.] 11766. a. 1. Interleaved. - The Birthday Register, with sentiments from Shak- spere. [Edited by J. A. K.] pp. 286. Marcus Ward d Co.: London, 1876 [ 1875 ]. 16°. 11766. a. 3. - The Mind of Shakspeare as exhibited in his works. By the Rev. A. A. Morgan. With illustrations by Sir John Gilbert, pp. xxiii. 360. G. Routledye d Sons : London, 1876 . 8 °. 11766. e. 1. First edition i 860 . - Selections from Shakespeare.. .With notes for teachers and scholars. 7 pt. [1876-84.] See Allman (t. j.) Allman’s English Classics for elementary schools, no. 15. [1874, etc. ] 8°. 12205. cc. - The Natural History of Shakespeare: being selections of flowers, fruits, and animals, arranged by B. Mayou. pp. viii. 220. E. Slater: Manchester, [ 1877 .] 8 °. 11764. bb. 2. - The Sweet Silvery Sayings of Shakespeare on the Softer Sex. Compiled by an Old Soldier, pp. viii. 328. H. S. King d Co.: London, 1877. 8°. 11763. e. 2. - The Beauties of Shakespeare... By W. Dodd. New edition, with twelve illustrations in permanent photo¬ graphy from the Boydell Gallery, pp. xii. 356. Bickers d Son : London, 1878. 8°. 11766. bbb. 5. - The Plant-Lore and Garden-Craft of Shakespeare. By Rev. H. N. Ellacombe. [Reprinted, with additions, from “ The Garden ” newspaper.] pp. 303. Printed for the Author: Exeter, [1878.] 8°. 11766. h. 3. - The new Shaksperian puzzle. [A packet of cards, bearing selections from Shakespeare.] By J. Marriott... With directions, etc. F. Passmore : London, 1878 . 24°. 11766. aa. 2. —— Shakspearian Gems. Six illuminated designs, suitable for Christmas and New Year’s Greetings, or for pre¬ sentation. [With selections.] London, [ 1878 .] 16°. 11766. a. 7. -The Beauties of Shakspeare... By W. Dodd. With ...illustrations by Sir J. Gilbert, Birket Foster, and others, pp. x. 371. G. Routledge d Sons: London, 1879 [ 1878 ]. 8 °. 11766. bbb. 10. First edition 1752 . - Bible Truths with Shakspearian Parallels. By J. B. Selkirk. Fourth edition. [ 1879 .] 16°. See Selkirk (j. b.) pseud. 11766. a. 8 . - The Shakespeare Birthday Book. [Compiled by M. F. Dunbar.] Fifty-ninth thousand, pp. 277. Hatchards: London, 1879 . 16°. 11766. bbb. 15. Earlier edition 1875 . - The Beauties of Shakespeare. . .By W. Dodd. pp. 384. Routledge d Sons : London, [ 1880.] 8°. 11609. f. - The Bard of Avon Birthday Text-book. Compiled from Shakespeare’s plays and poems, pp. 256. Routledge d Sons : London, 1880. 16°. 11761. a. 1. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the date 1881.] 11761. a. 1. - An Index to Shakespearian Thought: a collection of passages from the plays and poems of Shakespeare, classified.. .and alphabetically arranged by C. Arnold, pp. 422. Bickers d Son: London, 1880. 8°. 11766. h. 9. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - Keur van stukken uit de werken van Shakspere... Met ophelderende aanteekeningen van K. Meurer. [Edited after Iv. Meurer’s German edition, for the use of Dutch students, by L. Th. Z.] pp. 102. ii. C. L. Brinkman : Amsterdam, 1880 . 8 °. 11763. e. 15. ( 6 .) - Military Misreadings of Shakspere, by Major Seccombe. Printed in colours by Edmund Evans, pp. 102. Geo. Routledqe & Sons : London: [ 1880 .] obi. 4°. 1780. a. 12. - The Shakespearean Temperance Kalendar and Birthday Autograph Album. Containing a daily Shakespearean quotation, illustrating a record of temperance evenls... By J. Mali ns. J. Kempster & Co.: London, [ 1880 .] 16°. 11766. a. 9. - Shakspere Gems. By the author of “ The Book of Familiar Quotations.” pp. viii. 333. G. Routledge : London, [ 1880 .] 8 °. 11609. f. Part of the “ Excelsior Series .” - The Shakespeare Reader; being extracts from the plays of Shakespeare . . . By C. H. Wykes. pp. 160. 1880 [1879]. See Blackie (w. g.) and Son. Blackie’s Comprehensive School Series. 1879 , etc. 8 °. 12200 . bbb. - Shakespeare’s Morals : suggestive selections, with brief collateral readings and Scriptural references. . .Edited by A. Gilman, pp. xiv. 265. Dodd, Mead & Co.: New York, 1880 . 11766. bb. 17. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the imprint: J. F. Shaw and Co.: London. 11766. c. 3. - Shakspere and Holy Writ. Parallel passages, tabularly arranged by W. H. Malcolm. With forewords by F. J. Fnrnivall. pp. 157. Marcus Ward <£• Co.: London, 1881 . 16°. 11765. a. 1. - Shakespeare for the Young Folk. Midsummer Night’s Dream. As You Like It. Julius Caesar. Edited by R. R. Raymond, pp. vii. 224. [Selections from the text with a connecting narrative.] Fords & Co. : New York, [ 1881 .] 8 °. 11765. fif. 12. - Queen Mab. Gems from Shakspeare. [With a preface signed C. W.] pp. 96. Griffith & Farran : Loudon, [ 1882 .] 16°. 11762. a. 1. - Shakspere. [Selected passages.] pp. 8 . [1882.] See Coles (j.) Schoolmaster, and Tomlin (j. h.) Coles and Tomlin’s School Series. [ 1880 , etc.] 8 ° & 16°. 12202. f. - The Shakspeare Birthday Book, etc. (The Stratford edition.) pp. 127. F. Warned Co.: London, [ 1882 .] 32°. 11766. a. 16. - Twentieth thousand, pp. 252. Marcus Ward d Co. : London, 1883 . 16°. 11764. a. 2. - The Beauties of Shakespeare.. .By W. Dodd. pp. xii. 371. Ward, Lock and Co.: London, [ 1883 .] 8 °. First edition 1752 . 11766. bbb. 29. - Cruces Shakespearian ae, difficult passages in the works of Shakespeare, .. . with ... emendations and notes, by B. G. Kinnear. pp. 507. Bell and Sons: London, 1883 . 8 °. 11766. f. 4. - The Flowers of Shakspeare: depicted by Viola. [Coloured plates; with extracts.] Sampson Low d Co.: London, [ 1883 .] 8 °. 11766. i. 7. - An Illustrated Shakspere Birthday Book, etc. pp. 351. G. Routledge and Sons : London, 1883 . 16°. 11766. a. 18. - The Poet-Priest. Shakespearian Sermons compiled. .. by J. F. Timmins. [Extracts from the works of Shake¬ speare, put into a connected form.] pp. 55. Blackwood d Co.: London, [ 1883 .] 8 °. 11766. bbb. 28. 173 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 174 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Selections and Extracts.] - Sliakespeaiv and Milton Reader, etc. pp. 191. Moffatt and Paige: London, [ 1883 .] 8 °. 11762. bbb. 2. - To Be, or Not To Be ... A handy scrap-book for marriage records. Arranged by W. Gre 3 '-Wilson. [With passages extracted from Shakespeare’s plays.] 1883 . 16°. See Wilson (w. grey) 12357. a. 19. - An Introduction to the study of Shakespeare and Milton, etc. [By J. A. M. With selections from their works.] pp. 140. G. Philip & Son : London. [ 1884 .] 8 °. 11765. bbb. 18. - The Plant-Lore and Garden-Craft of Shakespeare. By the Rev. H. N. Ellacombe. Second edition, pp. 488. Satchell rf- Co.: London, 1884 . 8 °. 2300. e. First edition 1878 . - Select readings from Shakespeare and Milton. With introductory remarks and explanatory .. . notes. pp. 123. [1884.] See Collins (w.) Publisher, etc. Collins’School Series. 1873 , etc. 8 °. 12204. ccc. - The Shakespeare Diary and Almanack for 1885; con¬ taining a quotation from Shakespeare for every day in the year. [ 1884 .] 8 °. See Ephemekides. P.P. 2496. ca. - Shakspeare on Temperance: with brief annotations, selected by F. Sherlock, pp. 210 . “ Home Words ” Office: London, [ 1884 .] 8 °. 11765. b. 1. - Medical Thoughts of Shakespeare. By B. R. Field. Second edition .!. enlarged, pp. 86 . Andreivs & Clifton: Easton, Pa., 1885 . 8 °. 11761. f. 4. - [Another copy.] 11765. e. 16. -Shakespeare Forget-me-nots. A text book of Shake¬ speare Quotations. [With a preface signed E. K. H.] Griffith, Farran & Co.: London, [ 1885 .] 16°. 11764. a. 3. - Shakespeare on Golf. With special reference to St. Andrews Links, pp. 24. D. Douglas : Edinburgh, 1885 . 24°. Pam. 80. - Birthday Chimes from Shakespeare. A text-book of choic i extracts ... for every day in the year. pp. 248. W. P. Nimmo & Co.: Edinburgh, 1886 . 16°. 11766. a. 21. - The Shakespeare Reciter, pp. 128. [1886.] See Miles (a. h.) Aldine Reciter Series. [ 1886 , etc.] 8 °. 12205. k. - Songs from Shakespeare. [With music.] Illustrated. pp. 45. Cassell opii3MH. CocTaBtuT. A. H. CajibHMKOB’b. pp. 162. ii. C.-lIemep6ypi%, 1889 . 8 °. 11763. e. 55. Spanish. - Pensamientos maximas, aforismos y definiciones entre- sacados de todos los poemas, sonetos, comedias, historias y tragedias de W. Shakspeare. Con adicion de los trozos mas seleetos contenidos en sus diversas obras. Tra- duccion ... por D. M. de Velasco y Rojas, pp. 85. Madrid, 1879 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 6 . Swedish. - Bibliska Sanningar med Shakespeare’s Paralleler .. . Ofversattning fran Engelskan af F. M. 186 $. 8 °. See Bible. 11765. aaa. WORKS ATTRIBUTED TO SHAKESPEARE. [ This heading includes all the plays, with the exception of “ Pericles, Prince of Tyre ” (see supia), which have at any time appeared under Shakespeare's name but were not printed in the folio 0 / 1623 . It includes also “ The Passionate Pilgrim .”] - A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakspeare: comprising the seven dramas, which have been ascribed to his pen, but which are not included with his writings in modern editions, namely : The Two Noble Kinsmen ; The London Prodigal; Thomas, Lord Cromwell; Sir John Oldcastle; The Puritan, or the Widow of Watling Street; The Yorkshire Tragedy; The Tragedy of Locrine. Edited, with notes, and an introduction to each play, by W. G. Simms. First American edition, pp. 178. G. F. Cooledge & Brothers: New York, 1848 . 8 °. 11761. f. 6. - The Supplementary Works of William Shakspeare, comprising his Poems and Doubtful Plays, with ... notes. A new edition by W. Hazlitt. 1852 . 8 °. See supra: Collected Poems. — English. 1155. k. - Pseudo-Sliakspere’sche Dramen. (Edward 111 ., an historical play.—Arden of Feversham, a tragedy.—The Birth of Merlin, a comedy.) Herausgegeben von Dr. N. Delius. 3 Helte. R. L. Friderichs: Elberfeld, 1854 - 56 . 8 °. 11765. b. 37. - Doubtful Plays. [Edited by M. Moltke.] pp. vi. 352. 1869. See British Authors. Collection of British Authors, etc. vol. 1041. 1841 , etc. 16°. 12267. n. - Pseudo-Shakespearian Plays edited by Iv. Warnke and L. Proescholdt. 5 pt. M. Niemeyer : Halle, 1883 - 88 . 8 °. 11764. i. 1. - The Doubtful Plays of William Shakspeare, with glossarial and other notes by W. Hazlitt. pp. 375. Routledge & Sons: London, 1887 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 31. 11766. f. 18. - [Another copy.] Part of the “ Excelsior Series.” - Shakespeare’s Doubtful Plays. Edited ... by A. F. Hopkinson. 11 pts. M. E. Sims & Co.: London, 1890 - 95 . 8 °. 11762. aa. Printed by the editor for private circulation; the above imprint is fictitious. - Shakespearean Extracts from “Edward Pudsey’s Booke,” ... which include some from an unknown play by William Shakespeare [or rather, from George Chap¬ man’s “ Blind Beggar of Alexandria ”] .. . Collected by R. Savage. [1888.] See Stratford-upon-Avon Note Books. Stratford-upon- Avon Note Books, no. 1 . [ 1888 , etc.] 8 °. 11763. e. SHAKESPEARE 178 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works attributed to Shakespeare.] - Meesterstukken onder Shakespeare’s pseudo-dramas [i.e. Arden of Feversham and A Yorkshire Tragedy], vertaald en toegelicht door G. B. Kuitert. pp. 226. Leiden, 1882 . 8 °. 11766. c. 13. - Vier Schauspiele von Shakspeare. (Eduard der dritte. —Leben und Tod des Thomas Cromwell.—Sir John Old¬ castle.—Der Londoner verloi ne Sohn.) Uebersetzt von L. Tieek. pp. 366. Stuttgart und Tubingen , 1836 . 8 °. 11762. e. 18. - Nachtrage zu Shakspeare’s Werke von Schlegel und Tieck ... Uebersetzt von E. Ortlepp. [A translation, in verse, of the poems, supposititious plays, etc.] 1840 . 8 °. See supra: Works. — German.—Schlegel and Tieck’s translation, 1825. 11762. c. ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM. - [For the anonymous tragedy entitled: “Arden of Feversham,” sometimes attributed to Shakespeare:] See Arden (thomas) of Faversham. birth of merlin. - The Birth of Merlin; or, The Childe hath found his Father. As it hath been several times Acted with great Applause. Written by William Shakespear and William Rowley. [Probably by Rowley.] Tho. Johnson, for Francis Kirkman: London, 1662. 4°. C. 34. 1. 7. 28 leaves, without pagination; sig. a—g, in fours. - [Another copy.] C. 12. f. 1. ( 6 .) German. - Die Geburt des Merlin, oder, das Kind hat seinen Vater gefunden. [Translated by L. Tieck.] 1829. See Tieck (l.) Shakspeare’s Vorschule. Bd. 2. 1823 , etc. 8 °. 1346. d. 1. A COMPENDIOUS EXAMINATION, ETC. - A Compendious or Briefe Examination of Certayne ordinary Complaints of diners of our Countrymen in these our dayes . .. By way of dialogue debated and discussed by William Shakespeare, Gentleman. [By William Stafford.] pp. 120. Imprinted at London.. .by T. Mar she, 1581 ; reprinted by C. Marsh: London, 1751 . 8 °. T. 1858. (5. ) The title of the original edition of 1581 reads: “A Compendious or Briefe Examination ... By W. S., Gentleman.” [Another copy.] 288. b. 6 . DOUBLE FALSEHOOD. - Double Falsehood; or, the Distrest Lovers. A play, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written originally by William Shakespeare; and now revised and adapted to the stage by Mr. Theobald, etc. [Probably written by Shirley.] pp. 64. J. Watts : London, 1728 . 8 °. 841. d. 32. (7.) - [Another copy.] 163. h. 67. - [Another copy, with a new titlepage bearing the words : “ Second edition.”] 1346. f. 45. - [Another edition.] pp. 58. Dublin, 1728 . 12°. - Third edition, pp. xv. 64. London, 1767 . 8 °. J. Hyde : 11774. aaa. 28. ( 6 .) T. Lowndes: 11763. e. 20. SHAKESPEARE 180 179 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works attributed to Shakespeare.] KING EDWARD III. - The Raigne of King Edward the third: as it hath hin sundrie times plaied about the Citie of London. [Anonymous. Attributed to Shakespeare.] 1596 . 4°. See Edward iii.. King of England. C. 21. c. 50. - [Another edition.] 1599 . 4°. C. 21. b. 40. (3.) - Edward the Third; a play thought to be writ by Shakespeare, pp. 93. 1760. See Prolusions. Pro¬ lusions; or, Select Pieces of Antient Poetry, etc,. 1760 . 8°. 678. b. 20. German. - Konig Eduard der Dritte. . . . Uebersetzt und mit einem Nachwort begleitet von M. Moltke. pp. 80. Leipzig, [ 1875 .] 16°. 11762. de. 3. (1.) No. 685 of the “ Universal Bibliothek.” \ - Eduard der Dritte. Trauerspiel . . . Nach der Ueber- setzung von L. Tieck frei bearbeitet von A. Hagen, pp. iv. 136. Leipzig, 1879 . 8 °. 11766. f. 11. (2.) Appendix. - See Collier (j. p.) King Edward the Third : a his¬ torical play by William Shakespeare. [ 1874 .] 4°. 11766. g. 6 . - See Teetgen (a. t.) Shakespeare’s “King Edward the Third” absurdly called.. .a “ doubtful play,” etc. 1875 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 47. ( 8 .) LIFE AND DEATH OF THOMAS, LORD CROMWELL. - The true Chronicle Historie of the whole life and death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. As it hath beene sundry times Acted bv the Kings Maiesties Seruants. Written by W. S. [i.e. Wentworth Smith ? Attributed to Shake¬ speare.] 1613 . 4°. See S., w. C. 34. b. 14. - The Life and Death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. A tragedy. By Shakespear. pp. 48. R. Walker: London, 1734 . 12°. 11764. bb. 45. (3.) - The Life and Death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. See British Drama. The Ancient British Drama, vol. 1 . 1810 . 8 °. 2046. h. LOCRINE. - The Lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus, discoursing the warres of the Britaines, and Hunnes, with their discomfiture: The Britaines victorie with their Accidents, and the death of Albanact. No lesse pleasant than profitable. Newly set foorth, ouerseeue and corrected. By W. S. [Attributed to Shakespeare.] 1595 . 4°. See S., w. C. 34. b. 28. - The Tragedy of Locrine, the eldest son of King Brutus. By Shakespear. pp. 58. R. Walker: London, 1734 . 12°. 11763. a. 7. - The Tragedy of Locrine, the eldest son of King Brutus. By Mr. William Shakespear. pp. 59. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12°. 11764. bb. 45. (7.) LONDON PRODIGAL. - The London Prodigal!. As it was plaide by the Kings Maiesties seruants. By William Shakespeare. Printed hy T. C., for Nathaniel Butter: London, 1605 . 4°. C. 34. 1. 3. 28 leaves, without pagination ; sig. a-g, in fours. - The London Prodigal, a comedy. [Anonymous.] 1709 . 8°. See London Prodigal. 161. c. 71. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works attributed to Shakespeare.—London Prodigal.] - The London Prodigal. A comedy. By Mr. William Shakespear. pp. 130. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12°. 11764. bb. 45. (2.) - [Another copy.] 11763. e. 22. Imperfect; wanting pp. 9-16. MUCEDORUS. - [For the anonymous comedy entitled “Mucedorus,” sometimes attributed to Shakespeare :] See Mucedorus. THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM. - The Passionate Pilgrime, a collection of fugitive poetry published under the name of Shakespeare. New edition .. . reprinted from the original impression of 1599 ... With a preface, in which the claims of R. Barnfield to the authorship of two of the pieces are vindicated from the objections of Mr. J. P. Collier. By C. Edmonds. 1870. See Edmonds (c.) Editor of The Poetry of the Anti- Jacobin. The Isham Reprints. 1870 , etc. 12 °. 12205. cc. - The Passionate Pilgrim. By Shakspere, Marlowe, Barnfield, Griffin, and other writers unknown. The First Quarto, 1599, a facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs ... with an introduction by E. Dowden. W. Griggs: London, [ 1883 .] 4°. 11764. k. 13. Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, no. 10. - The Passionate Pilgrim (1599). Reprinted, with a note about the book, by A. L. Humphreys, pp. xvi. 32. Privately printed: London, 1894 . 16°. 11766. a. 35. - [End.] Here ends this edition of the Passionate Pilgrim and the Songs in Shakespeare’s Plays, edited by T. S. Moore and decorated ... by C. Ricketts, etc. pp. 79. Hacon and Ricketts: London, 1896 . 8 °. 011765. gg. 8 . Appendix. - See Hoehnen (a.) Shakspere’s Passionate Pilgrim. Inaugural-Dissertation, etc. 1867 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. (3.) THE PURITAN. - The Puritaine, or the Widdow of Watling-streete. Acted by the Children of Paules. Written by W. S. [Attributed to Shakespeare. Probably written by Wentworth Smith.] 1607 . 4°. See S., w. C. 34. 1. 4. - The Puritan : or, the Widow of Watling Street. By M r William Shakespear. [By Wentworth Smith.] pp. 60. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 12°. 11764. bb. 45. (5.) SIR JOHN OLDCASTLE. - The first part of the true & honorable history, of the Life of Sir John Old-castle, the good Lord Cobharn. As it hath bene lately acted by the Right honorable the Earle of Nottingham, Lord High Admirall of England, his Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. [Pro¬ bably by A. Munday, M. Drayton, R. Wilson, and R. Hathwaye?] Printed for T. P.: London, 1600 . 4°. C. 34. 1. 1. 40 leaves, without pagination ; sig. A-K, in fours. - [Another copy.] / ' C. 12. g. 23. - [Another edition.] The History of Sir John Oldcastle, the good Lord Cobharn. By Mr. William Shakespear. pp. 72. J. Tonson: London, 1734 . 8 °. 11763. e. 29. - The History of Sir John Oldcastle, the good Lord Cobharn. By Shakespeare, pp. 72. [London,] 1735 . 12°. 11764. bb. 45. (4.) 181 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works attributed to Shakespeare.] TROUBLESOME RAIGNE OF JOHN, KING OF ENGLAND. - The First and second Part of the troublesome Eaigne of John, King of England. With the discouerie of King Richard Cordelion’s Base sonne (vulgarly named, the Bastard Fauconbridge). Also the death of King John at Swinstead Abbey. Written by W. Shakespeare 2 pt. , Printed by Aug. Mathewes, for Thomas Deice : London, 1622 . 4°. C. 34. k. 16. Without pagination. For the edition of 1611 : see under -S'//., W. [Another copy.] C. 12. g. 12. - The first and second part of the troublesome Eaigne of John, King of England, etc. See English Poetry. Mis¬ cellaneous pieces of antient English Poesie, etc. 1764 . 12°. • 1076. f. 25. - The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England. The First Quarto, 1591, which Shakspere rewrote, about 1595, as his “Life and Death of King John.” A fac¬ simile, etc. 1888 . 4°. See John, King of England. 11764. k. 36. two noble kinsmen. - The Two Noble Kinsmen : Presented at the Blackfriers by the Kings Maiesties servants, with great applause : Written by the memorable Worthies of their time: I Mr. John Fletcher, and I r , , ^ j lMr.WillwmShatopes.rei Gent ' ,S M- 4 °- See Fletcher (j.) Dramatist, and Shakespeare (w.) C. 34. g. 23. - The Two Noble Kinsmen. By Shakespeare and Fletcher. See British Drama. The Modern British Drama. vul. 1. Tragedies. 1811 . 8 °. 2046. g- - Shakespeare and Fletcher. The two Noble Kinsmen. Edited by the Rev. W. W. Skeat. pp. xxiv. 159. 1875. (See Pitt Press Series. Pitt Press Series. 1875 ', etc. 8 °. 2322. b. 14. - The Two Noble Kinsmen. Reprint of Quarto, 1634. Edited by H. Littledale. pp. xiii. 107. 1876 . 4°. See Academies, etc.— London.— New Shak¬ spere Society. Ac. 9487/7. - The Two Noble Kinsmen. See Fitzgibbon (h. m.) Famous Elizabethan Plays, etc. 1890 . 8 °. 11771. e. 3. Appendix. - See Bierfreund (t.) Palemon og Arcite, etc. [A comparative criticism of Boccaccio’s Teseide, Chaucer’s Knightes Tale, James 1 . of Scotland’s Kings Quair and Fletcher and Shakspere’s Two Noble Kinsmen.] 1891 . 8 °. 011850. h. 14. (2.) SHAKESPEARE 182 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Works attributed to Shakespeare.] YORKSHIRE TRAGEDY. - A Yorkshire Tragedy. Not so New as Lamentable and true. Acted by his Maiesties Players at the Globe. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed by R. B., for Thomas Pauier: London, 1608 . 4°. C. 34. 1. 5. 15 leaves, without pagination; sig. A—D. The head-title reads : “ All’s One. or, One of the foure Plaies in one, called a. Yorkshire Tragedy, etc.” - A Yorkshire Tragedie. Not so New, as Lamentable and True. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed for T. P.: [London,] 1619 . 4°. C. 34. 1. 6 . 15 leaves, without pagination; titlepage, sig. a-d 2 . The head-title reads: “ All’s One, or. One of the foure Plaies in one, called a Yorkshire Tragedy,” etc. [Another copy.] [Another cop} 7 .] C. 12. g. 17. C. 12. g. 26. - A Yorkshire Tragedy. By Mr. William Shakespear. pp. 22. J. Tonson : London, 1735. 12°. 11764. bb. 45. ( 6 .) - A Yorkshire Tragedy. See British Drama. The Ancient British Drama, vol. 1. 1810 . 8 °. 2046. h. CONCORDANCES AND DICTIONARIES. - See Adams (w. h. d.) A Concordance to the Plays of Shakespeare. 1886 [ 1885 ]. 8 °. 11766. i. 18. - See Ayscough (s.) An Index to the remarkable passages and words made use of by Shakspeare, etc. 1827 . 8 °. 11763. h. 21. - See Bartlett (j.) A New and Complete Concordance or verbal index to words, phrases and passages in the dramatic works of Shakespeare, with a supplementary concordance to the poems. 1894 . 4°. 2044. g. - See Clarke (c. c.) and (m. c.) The Shakespeare Key : unlocking the treasures of his stjde, elucidating the peculiarities of his construction, and displaying the beauties of his expression, forming a companion to : “ The Complete Concordance to Shakespeare,” etc. 1879 . 8 °. 2046. c. - See Clarke (m. c.) The Complete Concordance to Shakspere, etc. 1845 . 8 °. 1344. n. 42. 1847. 8°. ■ [ 1855 .] 80 . 2046. f. 2300. g. - See Dyce (a.) Glossary to the Works of William Shakespeare. [1894.] 8°. 011765. h. 1. - See Boyle (r.) B.A. Shakespeare und die beiden edlen Yettern. 1880 . 8 °. 11766. i. 9. (5.) - See S., w. A Letter on Shakespeare’s authorship of “ The Two Noble Kinsmen,” etc. [By W. S., i.e. W. Spalding.] 1833 . 8 °. T. 1485. (11.) - 1876 . 8 °. Ac. 9489. d/1. - See Spalding (w.) A Letter on Shakspere’s author¬ ship of.. .the Two Noble Kinsmen, etc. 1876 . 8 °. [New Shakspere Society, ser. viii. no. 1 .] Ac. 9489. d/1. VORTIGERN. - Yortigern; an historical play ... by W. H. Ireland. Represented at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane ... as a supposed newly-discovered drama of Shakspeare. 1832 . 8 °. See Ireland (w. h.) T. 1604. (5.) - See Delius (n.) Shakspere-Lexikon, etc. 1852. 8°. 2300. h. - See Furness (h. k.) Mrs. A Concordance to Shake¬ speare’s Poems, etc. 1875 . 8 °. 2046. f. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) A Hand-book Index to the Works of Shakespeare, etc. 1866. 8°. 2300. d. - See Jervis (s.) A Dictionary of the Language of Shakspeare. 1868 . 4°. 2300. h. - See Jost (1. m.) Erklarendes Worterbuch zu Shak- speare’s Plays, etc. 1830 . 8 °. 11765. b. 48. - See Mackay (c.) LL.d. A Glossary of Obscure Words and Phrases in the writings of Shakespeare, etc. 1887 . 8 °. 12981. g. 28. SHAKESPEABE 184 183 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE (William) [Concordances and Dic¬ tionaries.] - See Nares (r.) A Glossary; or, collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc. which have been thought to require illustration, in the works of English authors, particularly Shakespeare, etc. 1822 . 4°. 2112. f. - 1825 . 8 °. 829. i. 9. - 1888 . 8 °. 2112. e. - See O’Connor (e. m.) An Index to the Works of Shakspere, etc. 1887 . 8 °. 11765. c. 1. - See Schmidt (Alexander) of Konigsberg. Lexicon zu Shakespeare’s Werken. 1874 , etc. 8 °. 11766. i. 23. - 1886 . 8 °. 2046. g. - See Selby (h. m.) The Shakespeare Classical Dic¬ tionary, or mythological allusions in the plays of Shakespeare. [ 1888 .] 8 °. 11763. aa. 4. - See Twiss (f.) A Complete Verbal Index to the Plays of Shakspeare, etc. 1805 . 8 °. 642. g. 21. - A Concordance to select quotations from the Plays of Shakespeare, alphabetically arranged with full references; .. .by C. Lyndon, pt. 1 . London, [ 1850 .] 12 °. 11762. c. 10. (1.) - A Concordance to Shakespeare; suited to all the editions; in which the distinguished and parallel passages in the plays.. .are methodically arranged. To which are added,.. .notes and illustrations, entirely new. [By A. Becket.] pp. viii. 470. G. G. J. & J. Robinson: London, 1787 . 8 °. 81. d. 7. - A Dictionary of Quotations from Shakspeare. Second edition, pp. xi. 298. H. G. Bohn : London, 1843 . 12 °. 11764. bbb. 23. - A Dictionary of Quotations from the British Poets. Part the first, Shakspeare. 1824 . 12 °. See Dictionaries. [ Quotations and Proverbs. ] 1162. c. 3. - A Dictionary of Shakspere Quotations; being a collec¬ tion of the maxims, proverbs and most remarkable passages in the plays and poems of Shakspere; arranged in alphabetical order by C. J. Walbran. pp. iii. 218. Simphin, Marshall & Go.: London, 1 849 . 8 °. 11762. d. 8 . - A Hand-book of Reference and Quotation. Mottoes and aphorisms from Shakspeare: arranged alphabetically, with a copious index of words and ideas. [Edited by T. E. J.] pp. 245. J. Hogg & Son : London, [ 1869 .] 16°. 11764. bb. 40. - Second edition, pp. 245. London, 1877 . 8 °. J. Hogg: 11766. aaa. 4. SHAKESPEARE (William) TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE. - See Alias (c.) Scenes from Shakespeare, for the Young, etc. 1885 . °W- fol. 1871. e. 4. - See Graves (joseph) Dramatic Tales founded on Shakespeare’s Plays. [ 1850 ?] 16°. [ Dramatic Tales. nos. 23, 25, 28, 30, 36, 43, 47, 55, 58, 63, 72, 76, 82, 86 , 96, 100, 105, 112, 115, 116.] 12601. aa. 2. - [For editions and translations of “ Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare: ”] See Lamb (charles) and (mary ann) - See Liebau (g.) Erzahlungen aus der Shakespeare- Welt. Fur die deutsche Jugend, etc. 1876 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 1. - See Macfarland (a. s.) and Sage (a.) Stories from Shakespeare. [ 1882 .] 8 °. 11765. aa. 2. - See Macauley (e. w.) Miss. Tales of the Drama. Founded on the tragedies of Shakspeare, Massinger, etc. 1822 . 8 °. 12613. b. 11. - See Maxwell (c.) The Juvenile Edition of Shak¬ speare ; adapted to the capacities of youth. [Tales founded upon Shakespeare’s plays.] 1828 . 12 °. 840. b. 15. - See Perrin (j. b.) Teacher of French, etc. Contes moraux, amusans et instructifs, a l’usage de la jeunesse, tires des tragedies de Shakespeare. 1783 . 12 °. 1031. c. 1. - See Ricci (mauro) Saggio di novelle di Guglielmo Shakespeare trovate e narrate da M. Ricci. (Pericle Principe di Tiro.—La Novella d’Inverno.) 1874 . 8 °. 11766. b. 25. (9.) - See Seamer, afterwards Seymour (m.) Shakespeare’s Stories simply told, etc. [ 1880 .] 8 °. 11766. bb. 18. -! 883 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 21. - 1890 . 8 °. 11763. e. 50. - See Shakspeare ii. Shakspeare’s Romances; collected and arranged by Shakspeare 11 . (Romance 1 . : King Henry iv.) 2 vol. 1825 . 8 °. 840. f. 12. No more published. - See Sim (a. c. g.) Phoebe’s Shakespeare. [Stories from the plays] arranged for children by A. C. G. Sim. 1894 . 8 °- 13.763. cc. 17. - See Somers (Alexander) Shakspearean Ballads. [Being the stories of Shakspere’s tragedies in ballad form.] 1890 . 16°. 11764. aa. 20. - See Stephens (g.) The Shakespear Story Teller, etc. 1855 , etc. 8 °. 11763. e. - The New Shaksperian Dictionary of Quotations. ... By G. S. Bellamy, pp. xxv. 272. Charing Cross Publishing Co.: London, 1875 . 8 °. 11765. e. 39. - [Another copy.] 11765. f. 24. - The Shakespeare Phrase-Book, by John Bartlett. pp. 1034. Macmillan & Co.: London; Cambridge [Mass., printed], 1881 . 8 °. 2300. d. - The Shakespearian Dictionary, forming a general index to all the popular expressions, and most striking passages ia the works of Shakespeare, from a few words to fifty or more lines. . .By T. Dolby, pp. vi. 367. Smith, Elder & Co.: London, 1832 . 8 °. 840. f. 13. - Tales from Shakespeare in verse. [With coloured illustrations.] 4 pt. Warne d: Co. : London, [ 1881 .] 4°. 12809. n. 48. SHAKESPEARE’S WILL. - Shakspeare’s Will, faithfully copied from the original in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury: with fac¬ similes of the three original autographs annexed. T. Rodd: London, 1830 . 8 °. 11824. dd. 35. (1.) - Shakespeare’s Will, copied from the original in the Prerogative Court, preserving the interlineations and facsimiles of the three autographs of the poet. With a few preliminary observations by J. O. Halliwell. J. R. Smith: London, 1851 . 4°. 1344. n. 30. 185 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 186 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Shakespeare’s Will.] - A Photographic Reproduction of Shakspeare’s Will... With descriptive letter-press by J. H. Friswell. Sampson Low & Co.: London, 1864 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 14. - The Probate Copy of the Will of Shakespeare, now first printed from a manuscript copy of it made by the Rev. J. Greene, of Stratford-on-Avon, in the year 1747. pp. 14. Privately printed: London, 1872 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 39. - Fac-simile [and transcript] of Shakespeare’s Will, from the original in the Probate Registry, etc. [London? 1894 ?] 4°. 1890. e. 3. (98.) APPENDIX. BIOGRAPHY. - See Bekk (a.) Wilhelm Shakespeare. Eine biogra- phische Studie, etc. 1864 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 49. (3.) - See Biography. Select Biography, vol. 10 . 1821 , etc. 12°. 10804. aa. 6 . - See Blades (w.) Shakspere and Typography; being an attempt to shew Shakspere’s personal connection with, and technical knowledge of, the art of Printing, etc. 1872 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Bodenstedt (f. m.) William Shakespeare. Een blik op zijn leven en werken, etc. 187 ?. 8 °. 11766. f. 9. (3.) - See Bodenstedt (f. m.) Shakespeare elete es muvei... Forditotta W. L. 1879 . 16°. [Olcso Konyvtdr. Sz. 79.] 12215. a. - See Bohn (h. g.) The Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare. [ 1863 .] 8 °. Ac. 9120/4. - See Brandes (g. m. c.) William Shakespeare. 1896 . 8 °. 011765. f. 5. - See Brandes (g. m. c.) William Shakespeare. [Trans¬ lated into German.] 1895 , etc. 8 °. 011765. h. - See Brandl (a.) Shakspere. 1894 . 8 °. [ BETTEL - HEIM . Fuhrende Geister. Bd. 8 .J 12253. h. - See Britton (j.) Remarks on the life and writings of William Shakspeare, etc. 1814 . 16°. G. 18700. -- 1818 . 12 °. 11763. d. - See C., J. Annals of the Life and Works of William Shakespeare. 1886 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 27. - See Calmour (a. c.) Fact and Fiction about Shake¬ speare, etc. [ 1894 .] 4°. 11763. i. 13. - See Calvert (g. h.) Shakespeare. A biographic aesthetic study. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 15. - See Chalmers (a.) F.S.A. Supplement zu Shakspeare, enthaltend: Shakspeare’s Leben von A. Chalmers, etc. [ 1838 .] 8 °. 11762. f. 11. - See Chuiko (v. v.) IUeKcnnp'B, ero jeii3iib ii npoii3Be- AeHiii. 1889 . 8 °. 11763. h. 30. - See Clelia, pseud. The long desiderated knowledge of the Life and Personality of Shakspeare, etc. [ 1892 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Collier (j. p.) New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare, etc. 1835 . 8 °. T. 1895. (12.) - See Cooper (Stanley) Nine Fancy Pictures of events in Shakspere’s country, town, and court life. 1893 . 16°. 11764. aa. 27. - See Oorney (b.) An Argument on the assumed Birth¬ day of Shakspere, etc. [ 1864 .] 8 °. 11765. cc. 34. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Biography.] - See Cox (Frederick) Esq. A Lecture on the genius, life, and character of William Shakspere, etc. 1853 . 8 °. 11765. c. - See Dall (c. h.) Mrs. What we really know about Shakespeare. 1886 . 8 °. 11765. e. 11. - See Darmesteter (james) Shakespeare, etc. 1889 . 8 °. 11763. f. 1. - See Delius (n.) Der Mythus von William Shakspere. Eine Kritik der Shakspere’schen Biographie. 1851 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 13. (1.) - See De Quincey (t.) Shakspeare, a biography. 1864 . 8 °. 11765. b. 26. - See Devrient ( 0 .) Zwei Shakespeare-Vortrage. (Shak¬ speare’s Privatleben. Frauengestalten, etc.) 1869 . 8 °. 11765. aa. 18. - See Dobrowolsky (j.) Zycie i liryzm Szekspira. 1875 . 8 °. 11766. e. 4. - See Dowdall (j.) Traditionary Anecdotes of Shake¬ speare, etc. 1838 . 8 °. 11824. dd. 35. (3.) - See Dowden (e.) Introduction to Shakespeare. 1893 . 8 °. 11763. e. 59. - See Drake (n.) Shakspeare and his times, etc. 1843 . 8 °. 11766. i. 10. - See Elze (c.) William Shakespeare. 1876 . 8°. 2300. g. - See Elze (k.) William Shakespeare.. .Translated by L. D. Schmits. 1888 . 8 °. 2300. a. - See Friesen (h. von) Baron. D r K. Elze’s William Shakespeare, etc. 1876 . 8 °. 11840. g. 9. (12.) - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) A Letter to Prof. K. Elze, respecting.. .his Literary Biography of Shakspeare. 1888 . 16°. 11763. aa. 6 . - See Eschenburg (j. j.) Ueber W. Shakspeare. 1787 . 8 °. 640. e. 27. - 1806 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 18. - See Fleay (f. g.) A Chronicle History of the life and work of William Shakespeare, etc. 1886 . 8 °. 2407. f. 3. - See French (g. r.) Shakspeareana Genealogica, etc. 1869 . 8 °. 2300. d. - See Fulda (c.) William Shakespeare. Eine neue Studie liber sein Leben und sein Dichten, etc. 1875 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 1. - See Fullom (s. w.) History of William Shakespeare, etc. 1862 . 8 °. 11765. f. 27. - See Gen£e (r.) Shakespeare. Sein Leben und seine Werke. 1872 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 23. - See Genee (r.) IUeKcniipT, ero jkii3hl, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. i. 11. - See Gilchrist (0. g.) An Examination of the charges maintained by Messrs. Malone, Chalmers, and others, of Ben Jonson’s enmity, &c. towards Shakspeare. 1808 . 8 °. 11765. c. 20. - See Graves (joseph) The Life of William Shakspeare, etc. [ 1830 ?] 12°. 1344. a. 18. - See Green (c. t.) Shakspeare’s Crab Tree, with its legend .. . Shewing its relation to the Poet’s traditional history, etc. 1862 . 4°. 11765. h. 14. 187 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 188 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix. —Biography.] -- See Greene (t.) Town Clerk , etc. Shakespeare and the enclosure of Common Fields at Welcombe. Being a fragment of the Private Diary of Thomas Greene, etc. 1885 . 4°. 11765. k. 1. - See Greguss (a. l. m. p.) Shakspere... ELo'kotet: Shak- spere palyaja. 1880 , etc. 8°. 11765. bbb. - See Guizot (f. p. j.) Shakspeare et son temps, etc. 1852. 8°. 11762. f. 15. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) A budget of notes and memoranda on the life and works of Shakespeaie, etc. 1880 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 12. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Extracts of entries respecting Shakespeare, his family and connexions, .. . taken from the ... registers pre¬ served in the Church of the Holy Trinity, at Stratford- upon-Avon. 1864 . 4°. 11765. bb. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare, etc. 1874 , etc. 4°. 1876. e. - See Halliwell. afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) The Last Days of William Shakespeare, etc. [ 1863 .] 16°. 11764. a. 9. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) The Life of William Shakespeare, etc. 1848 . 8 °. 11766. h. 23. -- See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) A new Boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon. 1850 . 4°. 11765. h. 12. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Outlines of the life of Shakespeare, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11766. h. 11. ■ - 1882 . 8 °. 11766. i. 5. 1883 . 8 °. 11766. k. 11. • - 1884 . 8 °. 11765. g. 7. 1885 . 8 °. 11765. h. 4. 1886 . 8 °. 2300. h. 1887 . 8 °. 2046. d. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) Shakespearian Facsimiles; a collection of curious and interesting documents.. .illustrative of the biography of Shakespeare... From the originals chiefly preserved at Stratford-on-Avon. 1863 . fol. 1754. c. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) The Visits of Shakespeare’s' Company of Actors to the provincial cities and towns of England, etc. 1887 . 8 °. 11765. f. 9. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0 .) Was Nicholas ap Roberts that butcher’s son of Stratford- upon-Avon who is recorded by Aubrey as having been an acquaintance of Shakespeare in the early days of that great Poet ? And was Shakespeare an apprentice to GrifSn ap Roberts ? etc. 1864 . 16°. 11765. a. 11. - See Hermann (e.) Erganzungen und Berichtigungen der hergebrachten Shakespeare-Biographie, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11765. f. 4. - See Hirst (s.) Old and New Lines... in the life of William Shakespeare, etc. [ 1884 .] 8 °. 11766. i. 19. (2.) - See Histrionicus (a. s.) pseud. An Answer to M r Pope’s Preface to Shakespear.. .Some memoirs of Shakespear and Stage-History of his time are inserted, etc. 1729 . 8 °. 1344. f. 39. - See Hudson (h. n.) Shakespeare: his life, art, and characters, etc. 1872 . 8 °. 2300. b. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Biography.] - See Hunter (j.) New Illustrations of the life, studies and writings of Shakespeare. 1845 . 8 °. 1344. f. 42. - See Jeremiah (j.) Notes on Shakespeare.. .Comprising a succinct account of the life and times of the great dramatist, etc. 1876 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 37. - See Jephson (j. m.) Shakspere: his birthplace, home and grave. 1864 . 4°. 11765. f. 25. - See Jones (george) M.R.S. Tecumseh and the Prophet of the West, an historical Israel-Indian tragedy, in flve acts.. .With.. .the first Oration upon the life, character and genius of Shakspeare. 1844 . 8 °. 841. k. 29. - See Kenny (t.) The Life and Genius of Shakespeare. 1864 . 8 °. 11764. e. 12. - See Koch (m.) Shakespeare, etc. [ 1886 .] 8 °. 11765. b. 11. - See Koch (m.) IIIeKcniip'B, etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11763. e. 51. - See Kozhevnikova (n.) IIIeKcimpT. Kpaxuifi oHepitt iKH3Hii ii jt'kfixeJiLHOCTii B. Llleiicniipa, etc. 1894 . 8 °. 011765. k. 2. - See Kreyssig (f. a. j.) Vorlesungen liber Shakespeare, seine Zeit und seine Werke. 1858 . 8 °. 11765. c. 24. - 1874 , etc. 8 °. 11765. bb. 58. - See Ivriebitzsch (c. t.) William Shakespeare, sein Leben und seine Werke, etc. 1887 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 10. - See Kurz (h.) Streifziige in Literatur und Geschichte. (Bdchn. 1 . Zu Shakspeare’s Leben und Schaffen. Altes undNeues.) 1868 . 8 °. 11766. c. 6 . - See Leighton (w.) Author of “ The Sons of Godwin.” A Sketch of Shakespeare. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. h. 7. - See Liebau (g.) William Shakespeare’s Leben und Dichten. 1873 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 15. (1.) - Nee Lindner (a.) Der Schwan vom Avon, etc. (Shake¬ speare’s Leben und Wirken in Form einer Litterar- Novelle.) 1881 . 8 °. 12555. ccc. 11. - Nee Lloyd (w. w.) Essays on the life and plays of Shakespeare, etc. 1858 . 8 °. 11762. bbb. 8 . - See Malone (e.) The Correspondence of E. Malone ...with the Rev. J. Devonport, etc. [on topics con¬ nected with the life of Shakespeare]. 1864 . 4°. 11765. bb. 28. - See Malone (e.) The Life of William Shakspeare, etc. 1821 . 8 °. G. 18639. - See Malone (e.) Original Letters [on topics connected with the life of Shakespeare], from E. Malone, ... to J. Jordan, etc. 1864 . 4°. 11765. bb. 24. - See Marshall (emma) Shakespeare and his Birth¬ place. [ 1890 .] obi. 4°. 11763. df. 32. - See Meijer (j. h.) William Shakespeare, eene kritische Levensschets, etc. 1864 , etc. 4°. 11766. 1. 1. - See Meurer (c.) Synchronistische Zusaminenstellung der wichtigsten Notizen fiber Shakespeares Leben und Werke, etc. [ 1882 .] 4°. 11763. g. 2. (5.) - See Meyer (joseph) Publisher. Das Leben Shakspeare’s nebst einer Literargeschichte und Beurtheilung seiner dramatischen Werke, etc. 1824 . 12 °. 11765. a. 40. (1.) - See Neil (s.) Shakespere : a critical biography, etc. 1861 . 8 °. 2300. a. - See P., j. Shakspere, his life and writings, etc. [ 1855 .] 12°. 11762. c. 10. (2.) - See Page (t.) Schoolmaster. Spenser and Shakespeare ; their lives and literary work. [ 1894 .] 8 °. 011824. e. 63. (9.) 189 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 190 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Biography.] - See Pichot (p. a.) Shakspeare, etc. [ 1889 .] 8 °. \ 11765. h. 6 . - See Rijnenberg (l.) Shakspeare, etc. 1865 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 44. (2.) - See Rio (a. f.) Professeur, etc. Shakespeare. 1864 . 12 °. 11765. aaa. 28. - See Rio (a. f.) Professeur, etc. Shakespeare ... tlber- setzt von K. Zell. 1864 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 23. - See Robinson (william clarke) Shakspere, the man and his mind. 1890 . 8 °. 11764 • till cl. 17. - See Roobol (c. j.) William Shakspeare, of de Roeping, historisch tooneelspel, etc. (Korte levensschets van... William Shakspeare.) 1840 . 8 °. 11755. e. - See Ryland (w.) The Life of William Shakspere, etc. [ 1890 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Saupe (e. j.) Shakespeare’s Lebens- und Entwick- lungsgang, etc. 1867 . 8 °. 11764. bb. 50. (2.) - See ScHiicK (j. h. e.) William Shakspere, etc. 1883 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 10. - See Sievers (e. w.) William Shakspeare. Sein Leben und Dichten. 1866 . 8 °. 11764. cc. 16. - See Skottowe (a.) The Life of Shakspeare : enquiries into the originality of his dramatic plots and characters, etc. 1824 . 8 °. 2300. d. - See Skottowe (a.) W. Shakspeare’s Leben.. .Teutsch bearbeitet von A. Wagner. 1825 . 16°. 1344. a. 2. - See Slavin (a.) 3Kii3hi> B. lIIeKCiiirpa, etc. 1844 . 8 °. 10856. i. 9. - See Smith (charles roach) Remarks on Shakspeare, his birthplace, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. e. 7. - See Tegg (w.) Shakspeare and his contemporaries, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. e. 3. - See Thoms (w. j.) Was Shakspeare ever a soldier? [ 1849 .] 12 °. 11762. bbb. 4. (3.) - See Tvveddell (g. m.) Shakspere: his times and con¬ temporaries. 1852 . 12°. 11762. b. 19. - See Viles (e.) and Furnivall (f. j.) The Rogues and Vagabonds of Shakspere’s Youth, etc. 1880 . 8 °. [New Shakspere Society, ser. vi. no. 7.] Ac. 9489/5. - See Walter (james) Major, etc. Shakespeare’s Home and Rural life, etc. 1874 . 4 °. 1876. d. - See Walter (james) Major, etc. Shakespeare’s True Life, etc. 1890 [ 1889 ]. 8 °. 11766. 1. 9. - See White (r. g.) Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare, etc. 1865 . 8 °. 2300. c. - See Wilder (d. w.) The Life of Shakespeare, etc. 1893 . 8 °. 11763. df. 44. - See Williams (s. fletcher) The Times and Associates of Shakespeare, etc. [ 1886 .] 8 °. 11763. cc. 5. ( 6 .) - See Winterfeld (a. von) Shakespeare, etc. [ 1864 .] 16°. 11765. aa. 43. (3.) - See Yeatman (j. p.) The Gentle Shakspere: a vin¬ dication. [ 1896 .] 8 °. 011765. k. 1. - Levensberigt van den Engelschen dichter William Shakespeare, en algemeen overzigt omtrent het eigen- airdige van zijn genie. Naar het Fransch. [Trans¬ lated by D.] pp. 35. Zutphen, 1824 . 8 °. 10804. a. 42. (1.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Biography.] *—— Life and Times of Shakespeare, etc. pp. 16. H. Vickers: London, [ 1864 .] 12 °. 11762. bb. 32. - A Shakspeare Memorial, pp. 48. S. O.Beeton: London, [ 1865 .] fol. 11765. k. 5. - See Bellew (j. c. m.) Shakespere’s Home at New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, etc. 1863 . 8 °. 2300. d. - See Boaden (j.) An Inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints... of Shakspeare. 1824. 4 °. 841. m. 2 . - See Bracebridge (c. h.) Shakespeare no deerstealer ; or, a short account of Fulbroke Park, near Stratford-on- Avon. 1862 . 8 °. 11763. cc. 11. - See Craig (e. t.) The Portraits, Bust, and Monuments of Shakspere, etc. [ 1886 .] 8 °. 11765. b. 10. - See Craig (e. t.) Shakespeare’s Portraits phreno- logically considered, etc. 1875 . 8 °. 11766. f. 14. (3.) — See Fairholt (f. w.) The Home of Shakspere illus¬ trated and described, etc. 1847 . 16°. 1344. d. 24. - See Friswell (j. h.) Life Portraits of William Shak¬ speare, etc. 1864 . 8 °. 11763. h. 24. - See Hall (w.) of Queen's College, Oxford. Shake¬ speare’s Grave. Notes of traditions that were current at Stratford-on-Avon in the latter part of the seventeenth century, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11765. d. 3. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Abstracts.. .which illustrate the topography and history of the birth-place of Shakespeare. 1866 . 4°. 11765. bb. 13. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) A Catalogue of a small portion of the Engravings and Drawings illustrative of the life of Shakespeare, pre¬ served in the collection formed by J. O. Halliwell. 1868 . 8 °. 11765. e. 36. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) An Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford- upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare. 1864. 4 °. ~ 1871 . e. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) New Evidences in confirmation of the traditional recog¬ nition oi Shakspeare’s Birth-Room, etc. 1888 . 16°. 11763. aa. 5. - See Harrison (g.) The Stratford bust of William Shakspeare, and a critical inquiry into its authenticity and artistic merits, etc. 1865 . 4°. 11763. m. 4. - See Hoyer (m. a.) Shakespeare’s Country, etc. [ 1894 .] obi. 8 °. 11762. de. 12. - See Irving (w.) Shakespeare’s Home; visited and described, etc. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 11. - See Neil (s.) The Home of Shakespeare, described by S. Neil, etc. [ 1871 .] 8 °. 11765. aaa. 11. - See Norris (j. p.) A Bibliography of works on the portraits of Shakespeare, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. f. 14. (4.) - See Norris (j. p.) The Death Mask of Shakespeare, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11765. g. 8 . - See Norris (j. p.) The Portraits of Shakespeare, etc. 1885 . 4°. 11766. I. 2. - See Page (william) N.A., Ex-President of the Academy of Design, N. Y. A Study of Shakespeare’s Portraits, etc. [ 1877 .] 8 °. 11766. g. 3. 191 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 192 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Biography.] - See Rider (w.) Views in Stratford-upon-Avon and its vicinity, illustrative of the biography of Shakspeare, etc. 1828. fol. 642. m. 2. - See Rodd (h.) The Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare etc. [1849.] 8°. 11765. e. 31’ - See Scharf ( Sir g.) K.C.B. National Portrait Gallery.. . A few observations connected with the Chandos Portrait of Shakspeare. [1864.] s. sh. 12°. 11761. h. (4.) - See Scharf (Sir g.) K.C.B. On the principal Portraits of Shakspeare. 1864. 12°. 11765. aa. - See Stratford-upon-Avon. A Brief Account of Strat¬ ford-upon-Avon ; with a . . . description ... of the Mausoleum of Shakspeare, etc. [1800?] 12°. 291. b. 34. - Nee Stratford-upon-Avon. Views in Stratford-on-Avon. (Descriptive letterpress. Shakespeare and Stratford- upon-Avon.) [1859.] 8°. 10351. b. - See Ward (h. s.) and (c. w.) Shakespeare’s Town and Times. [1896.] 8°. 11764. h. 23. - See Wheler (r. b.) Collectanea respecting the birth¬ place of Shakespeare, etc. 1865. 4°. 11765. bb. 32. - See Wheler (r. b.) An Historical Account of the Birth-place of Shakespeare, etc. 1863. 12°. 11765. cc. 40. (6.) - See Wheler (r. b.) History and Antiquities of Strat¬ ford-upon-Avon, etc. [1806.] 8°. 290. a. 39. - See Williams (james leon) The Home and Haunts of Shakespeare, etc. 1892. fol. K.T.C. 2. a. 7. - See Winter (w.) Poet. Shakespeare’s England. 1886. 8°. 10349. aaa. 53. -1893. 8°. 10349. d. 24. - See Wivell (a.) An Inquiry into the history, authen¬ ticity and characteristics of the Shakespeare portraits, etc. 1827. 8°. 642. d. 23. - See Wise (j. r.) Shakspere: his birthplace and its neighbourhood, etc. 1861. 8°. 2300. b. - See Wright (c.) The Stratford Portrait of Shakespeare and the Athenaeum, etc. [1861.] 8°. 11765. c. 38. - See Wright (c.) The Stratford Portrait of Shake¬ speare. Copies of communications to the Times. [1861.] 8°. 11765. cc. 32. - Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon and the life of Shakspeare, from original drawings. [With descriptive letterpress.] F. & E. Ward : Stratford-upon-Avon, 1851. fol. 1787. c. 24. - Memorials of Shakspere and his birth place at Stratford- on-Avon. London, 1847. s. sh. fol. 1881. c. 6. (4.) - Particulars of Shakspeare’s House at Stratford-on- Avon, for sale. . .Sept. 16. pp. 16. A. Robins: [London, 1847.] 4°. 11765. h. 19. - The Particulars of the sale of Shakespeare’s House, and a variety of interesting and recondite lore relative to Shakespeare, his Family and his Fellows, very curiously and copiously illustrated. [A collection of engravings, newspaper cuttings, etc., made by G. Daniel.] [1820, etc.] fol. 1889. b. The above title is prefixed in MS. to the collection. bibliography. - See Academies, etc. — Cambridge, Massachusetts. — Harvard University. Winsor (j.) Library of Harvard University Bibliographical Contributions, etc. (No. 2. Shakespeare’s Poems. A bibliography of the earlier editions. By J. Winsor.) 1879, etc. 8°. 11905. i. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Bibliography.] - See Academies, etc. —New York.— New York Shakespeare Society. Papers, etc. (No. 4, pt. 1, & No. 7, pt. 2. Digesta Shakqspeareana. Being a topical index of printed matter, other than literary or esthetic com¬ mentary or criticism, relating to William Shakespeare, or the Shakespearean Plays and Poems, printed in the English language to the year 1886.) 1885, etc. 8°. Ac. 9509. - See Arnold (t. j. i.) Shakespeare-Bibliography in the Netherlands, etc. 1879. 8°. BB.G. - See Bohn (h. g.) A Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare, etc. [1864.] 8°. BB.G. - See Cohn (a.) Bookseller. Shakespeare-Bibliographie 1873 und 1874, etc. [1875, etc -1 8°. BB.G. - See G., A. Shakespeareiana. Verzeichniss von Schriften von und iiber Shakespeare, etc. [1864.] 8°. 11765. cc. 40. (8.) - See Halliwf.ll, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. q.) A brief hand-list of books, manuscripts, etc., illustrative of the life and writings of Shakespeare, etc. 1859. 8°. 11765. c. - See Halluvell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) A Brief Hand-List of the early Quarto editions of the Plays of Shakespeare; with notices of the old impres¬ sions of the Poems. i860. 8°. 11765. f. 22. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Early Editions of Shakespeare. [1857.] 8°. 11765. d. 7. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell Phillipps (j. 0.) A hand-list of upwards of a thousand volumes of Shake- speriana, added to the... collections of... J. O. Halliwell, etc. 1862. 4°.. 11765. c. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) An Inventory of ... manuscripts and printed books, chiefly relating to Shakespeare,.. .in the Library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, etc. 1883. 4°. 11765. bb. 1. - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (,t. 0.) Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of the early editions of Shakespeare’s plays, etc. 1841. 8°. 840. f. 21. - See Hubbard (j. m.) Catalogue of the Works of William Shakespeare ... Barton Collection. Boston Public Library. 1878, etc. 4°. 2050. g. - See Knortz (c.) An American Shakespeare-Biblio¬ graphy. [1876.] 8°. 820. d. 9. (5.) - See L. Shakespeare’s Plays in folio. [1861.] 4°. 322. b. 2. - See Morgan (h. h.) Topical Shakespeariana, etc. 1879. 8°. 11766. k. 9. - See Moulin (j.) Omtrekken eener algemeene Littera- tuur over William Shakspeare, etc. 1845. 8°. 11765. f. 28. (1.) - See Sillig (p. h.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur.. .Ein bibliographischer Versuch, etc. 1854. 8°. 11765. f. - See Stratford-upon-Avon. — Shakespeare Memorial Library. Interesting and important Donation from the Indian Government. [List of translations of works of Shakspere into the languages of India.] [1890.] s. sh. fob 1240. k. (7.) - See Stratford - upon - Avon. — Shakespeare Memorial Library. The Librarian’s Report, etc. 1888, etc. 8°. 011903. k. 33. - See Stratford - upon - Avon. — Shakespeare Memorial Library. A List of the editions of Shakespeare’s Works published in America, etc. [1890.] 8°. Pam. 80. 193 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 194 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Bibliography.] - See Thimm (f.) Shakspeare in the British Museum. [ 1887 .] 8 °. 11765. g. 26. (3.) - See Thimm (f.) Shakspeariana, from 1564 to 1864, etc. 1865 . 8 °. BB.G. - See Timmins (s.) Books on Shakespeare. [ 1885 .] 8 °. [ Birmingham Reference Library Lectures, no. 4.] 11902. aa. 2. - See Unflad (l.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur in Deutsch¬ land. Versuch einer bibliographischen Zusammenstel- lung der in Deutschland erschienenen . . . Ausgaben Shakespeares, etc. 1880 . 8 °. 11905. 1. 25. - See W., J. Shaksperiana. Catalogue of all the books, pamphlets, &c. relating to Shakspeare, etc. 1827 . 8 °. 642. e. 26. - Shakespeare and his Commentators ; from Lowndes’ Bibliographer’s Manual. [London,] 1831 . 8 °. G. 18628. One of 52 copies printed. With an engraved portrait of Shalcespeare inserted. - Die Shakspeare - Literatur in Deutschland. Yoll- stiindiger Catalog sammtlicher in Deutschland erschie¬ nenen Uebeisetzungen W. Shakspeare’s.. ., aller beziig- lichen Erlauterungs- und Erganzungsschriften ... Yon 1762 bis Ende 1851. pp. 44. Cassel, 1832 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 33. (3.) - [Another copy.] 824. e. 14 CRITICISM. - See Academif,s, etc. —Winchester.— Winchester College Shalcspere Society. Noctes Shaksperianae; a series of papers. . .Edited by C. H. Hawkins, etc. 1887 . 8 °. Ac. 9492. - See Adolph (c.) Yoltaire et le theatre de Shakespeare, etc. 1883 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (10.) - See Aubert (h.) Shakespeare als Mediciner, etc. 1873 . 8 °. ' 11766. cc. 14. (2.) - See Aveling (e. b.) Works of Shakspere. [Hall of Science Thursday Lectures, ser. 1 .] 1882 . 8 °. 12204. bbb. - See B., c. Remarks on the differences in Shakespeare’s versification in different periods of his life, etc. 1857 . 8 °. 11763. e. 41. - See Baacke (f.) Yorstudien zur Einfiihrung in das Verstandniss Shakespeare’s, etc. [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11766. h. 5. - See Bacon (delia s.) The Philosophy of the plays of Shakspere unfolded, etc. 1857 . 8 °. 11762. g. 6 . - See Badham (c.) D.D. Criticism applied to Shakspere: a series of essays, published originally in the Surplice. 1846 . 8 °. 11764. bbb. 33. (2.) - See Bailey (s.) of Sheffield. On the received Text of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Writings. 1862 . 8 °. 11765. d. 8 . - See Baretti (g.) Discours sur Shakespeare, etc. 1777 . 8 °. 82. e. 3. - See Basse (m.) Stijlaffectatie bij Shakespeare. 1895 . 8 °. [Universite de Gand: Recueil de travaux. fasc. 14.] Ac. 2647/3. - See Baynes (t. s.) LL.D. Shakespeare Studies, etc. 1894 . 8 °. 11764. c. 14. - See Baynham (g. w.) Swedenborgian. Swedenborg and Shakespeare, etc. 1894 . 8 °. Pam. 84. - See Becket (a.) Shakspeare’s himself again; or the language of the Poet asserted : being a full but dispas¬ sionate examenof the readings and interpretations of the several editors, etc. 1815 . 8 °. 11761. e. 2. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Bell (James) Author of “ George Eliot as a Novelist.” Biblical and Shakespearian characters compared, etc. 1894 . 8 °. 011765. f. 1. - See Bellamy (g. s.) Essays from Shakspere. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. bb. 14. - See Bey t ersdorff (r.) Giordano Bruno und Shake¬ speare. [ 1889 .] 4°. 11840. h. 52. - See Beyle (m. h.) Racine et Shakspeare. Etudes sur le romantisme, etc. 1854 . 12°. 11764. bbb. 15. - See Biaute ( ) Etude medico-psychologique sur Shakespeare et ses oeuvres, etc. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 14. ( 8 .) - See Birch (w. j.) An Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere. 1848 . 8 °. 11762. d. 5. - See Blaze de Bury ( ) Mile. Profils Sbakspeariens, ...Conferences. 1891 . 8 °. 11763. df. 40. - See Boas (f. s.) Shakspere and his Predecessors. 1896 . 8 °. 011765. i. 2. - See Bodenstedt (f. m.) Shakespeare’s Frauen-Charak- tere. 1874 . 8 °. 12249. c. 12. - See Bowdler (t.) F.E.S. A Letter to the Editor of the British Critic, etc. [A defence of Bowdler’s “ Family Shakspeare.”] 1823 . 8 °. T. 1166. (15.) - See Brankovics (gy.) Shakespeare Jellemkepei. 1878 . 16°. 11766. a. 11. - See Brink (t. ten) Shakspere : fiinf Yorlesungen, etc. 1893 . 8 °. 11764. c. 13. - See Brink (b. ten) Five lectures on Shakespeare... Translated by Julia Franklin. 1893 . 8 °. [Bohn’s Standard Library.'] 2504. k. - See Brincker (f.) Poetik Shakespeare’s in den Romer- dramen Coriolanus, Julius Caesar und Antony and Cleopatra, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11763. bbb. 4. - See Brown (j.) Author of the “ Repertoire de Shalcespeare.” Repertoire de Shakespeare. Lectures et commentaires, etc. 1885 . 18°. 11765. b. 7. - See Browne (george h.) Notes on Shakspere’s versifi¬ cation, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. f. 11. ( 6 .) - See Bucknill (j. c.) The Mad Folk of Shakespeare. Psychological Essays. 1867 . 8 °. 2300. c. - See Bucknill (j. c.) The Medical Knowledge of Shake¬ speare. i 860 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Bucknill (j. c.) The Psychology of Shakespeare. 1859 . 8 °. 2300. d. - See Buechler (h.) Shakspeare’s Dramen in ihrein Yerhaltnisse zur griechischen Tragodie, etc. 1856 . 8 °. 11765. f. 30. (1) - See Buechner (a.) Les Comedies de Shakspeare, etc. 1863 . 8 °. 11765. g. 9. - See Buechner (a.) Les derniers critiques de Shak¬ speare. 1876 . 8 °. 11761. f. 2. ( 6 .) - See Bullock (c.) Shakspeare’s Debt to the Bible, etc. [ 1879 .] 8 °. 11766. bb. 13. - See Bullock (j.) Studies on the text of Shakespeare, etc. 1878 . 8 °. 11763. e. 3. - See C., E. Notes and various readings to Shakespeare, etc. [By E. C., i.e. E. Capell.] [ 1775 -] 4°. 644. k. 10. - 1779 . 4°. 79. k. 2-4. - See Caldecott (h. s.) Spoils. Studies in Shakespeare, etc. [ 1891 .] 8 °. Pam. 80. 195 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 196 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Campbell (john) Baron Campbell. Shakespeare’s legal acquirements considered. 1859 . 8 °. 11763. e. 42. - See Canning (Hon. a. s. g.) Thoughts on Shakespeare’s historical plays. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. h. 19. - See Carlandi (e.) I drammi romani di G. Shake¬ speare, etc. 1881 . 8 °. 11761. f. 2. (9.) - See Cartwright (r.) M.D. New Readings in Shakspere; or, proposed emendations of the text. 1866 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 40. (12.) - See Cartwright (r.) M.D. Papers on Shakspere. 1877 . 8 °. 11840. f. 2. (18.) - See Chalmers (g.) F.R.S.A.S. An Appendix to the supplemental apology for the believers in the sup¬ posititious Shakspeare-papers, etc. 1800 . 8 °. B. 688 . (3.) - See Chasles (v. e. p.) Etudes sur W. Shakspeare, Marie Stuart, et l’Aretin, etc. [ 1851 .] 8 °. 9005. c. 32. - See Chesney (j. p.) Shakespeare as a Physician, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11761. f. 5. - See Clarke (c. c.) Shakespeare-Characters; chiefly those subordinate. 1863 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Clarke (m. c.) The Girlhood of Shakespeare’s Heroines, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 2300. d. -[ 1892 .] 8 °. 11764. 1. 1. - See Claus (w.), Ueber die Menachmen des Plantus und ihre Nachbildung, besonders durch Shakspere, etc. 1861 . 4°. 11762. g. 7. (2.) - See Clelia, pseud. God in Shakspeare. 1890 . 8 °. 11763. df. 23. - See Colbert (s. m.) and (e.) Washington, Shakespeare, etc. [Short papers.] 1893 . 8 °. 11764. c. 15. - See Coleridge (s. t.) Notes and lectures upon Shak¬ spere, etc. 1849 . 16°. 11762. e. 3. - See Coleridge (s. t.) Lectures and notes on Shakspere, etc. 1883 . 8 °. (Bohn's Standard Library.'] 2504. a. - See Coleridge (s. t.) Seven lectures on Shakspere, etc. 1856 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Collier (j. p.) New particulars regarding the works of Shakespeare, etc. 1836 . 8 °. T. 1895. (11*.) - See Collier (j. p.) Farther particulars regarding Shakespeare and his works, etc. 1839 . 8 °. 1344. f. 27. - See Conrad (h.) Metrische Untersuchungen zur Feststellung der Abfassungszeit von Shakespeare’s Dramen. 1895 . 8 °. [ Jahrbuch der deutschen Shake- spear e-Gesellschaft. 31.] 2300. f. - See Corson (h.) An Introduction to the study of Shakespeare. 1889 . 8 °. 11766. c. 43. - See Cosmopolite. Shakspeare : was he a Christian ? 1862 . 8 °. 4377. bbb. 1. - See Courtenay ( Right Hon. t. p.) Commentaries on the historical plays of Shakspeare. 1840 . 12 °. 840. f. 18. - See Croft (j.) F.S.A. Annotations on Plavs of Shake- spear. 1810 . 8 °. '1344. f. 17. - See Dahlem (w.) Germanische Mythe bei Shake¬ speare. 1875 . 8 °. 11766. k. 15. (1.) - See Dante Alighieri. [Appendix. — Miscellaneous.] Dante e il suo secolo. (vol. 2. Dante e Shakespeare, discorso). 1865 , etc. 4°. 1871. d. SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Davis (c. k.) The Law in Shakespeare, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 31. - See Davies (t.) Bookseller. Dramatic Miscellanies: consisting of ... observations on several plays of Shak- peare : with a review of his principal characters, ... as represented by M r Garrick, etc. 1784 . 8 °. 2300. b. - See Daumlehner (0.) Ueber Epen und Yolkslieder bei Shakespeare. [ 1880 ?] 8 °. 11761. f. 2. ( 8 .) - See Dawson (g.) Minister of the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham. Shakespeare and other lectures, etc. 1888 . 8 °. 12356. h. 37. - See Delius (n.) Abhandlnngen zu Shakspere. 1878 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 4. - 1888 . 8 °. 11766. i. 25. - See Delius (n.) Die Tieck’sche Shaksperekritik be- leuchtet, etc. 1846 . 8 °. 1344. d. 23. - See Dennis (j.) the Critic. An Essay on the genius and writings of Shakespear, etc. 1712 . 8 °. 1344. f. 40. - See Disselhoff (j.) Shakespeare’s Tragodien—ein Wegweiser zum Glauben, etc. [ 1858 .] 8 °. 11764. f. 6 . (1.) - See Dittrich (e.) Itltude sur Shakspeare, etc. 1872 . 4°. 11763. g. 2. (3.) - See Douce (f.) Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of ancient manners, etc. 1807 . 8 ° . 2300. e. - See Dowden (e.) Shakspere. 1877 . 16°. [Green’s Literature Primers.] 2322. a. - See Dowden (e.) Shakespeare ... Tradotto da A. Bal- zani. 1895 . 8 °. 012200. i. 25. - See Dowden (e.) Shakspere : a critical study of his Mind and Art. 1875 . 8 °. 2300. c. - See Dowden (e.) Shakspere, sein Entwickelungsgang in seinen Werken, etc. 1879 . 8 °. 11766. cc. 8. - See Drake (n.) Memorials of Shakspeare, etc. 1828 . 8 °. 642. h. 20. - See Dubois (e.) Deputy Judge, etc. The Wreath.. .To which are added remarks on Shakespere, etc. 1799 . 8 °. 11335. e. 13. - See Duport (p.) Essais litteraires sur Shakspeare, etc. 1828 . 8 °. 840. f. 14. - See Dyce (a.) A Few Notes on Shakespeare, etc. 1853 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Mitford (j.) Vicar of Bexhall. Cursory Notes on various passages in the text of Beaumont and Fletcher, as edited by ... A. Dyce; and on his “Few Notes on Shakespeare.” 18565 8 °. 1344. e. 12. - See Dyer (t. f. t.) Folk Lore of Shakespeare. [ 1883 .] 8 °. 2300. e. - See Eaton (t. r.) Shakespeare and the Bible. 1858 . 8 °. 11765. e. 32. -[i 860 .] 12 °. 11765. b. 41. - See Ebrard (j. h. a.) Das Verhaltnis Shakspear’s zum Christenthum. Vortrag, etc. 1850 . 8 °. 11765. bbb. 48. (3.) - See Ehrlich (j. r.) Der Humor Shakespeares, etc. 1878 . 8 °. 11766. k. 7. - See Ellacombe (h. n.) Shakespeare as an Angler. 1883 . 8 °. 11766. bbb. 30. 197 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 198 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Elze (c.) Abhandlungen zu Shakespeare. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. k. 1. - See Elze (c.) Essays on Shakespeare, etc. 1874 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Emerson (r. w.) R. W. Emerson iiber Goethe und Shakespeare. 1857 . 8 °. 11826. cc. 42. (1.) - See F., E. Shakspere : some notes on his character and writings, etc. 1867 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 27. - See Farmer (r.) D.D. An Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare, etc. 1767 . 8 ° 641. e. 27. (5.) -! 800 . 8 °. 11765. b. - 1821 . 8 °. 11765. cc. 43. - See Felix (m.) pseud. The Essence of Malone, etc. (Another Essence of Malone; or, the Beauties of Shak- speare’s editor.) 1800 , etc. 8 °. 81. d. 13. - See Fennell (j. h.) The Shakespeare Cyclopaedia ; or, a ... summary of Shakespeare’s knowledge of the works and phenomena of nature. Pt. 1 .—Zoology.—Man. 1862 . 8 °. 11765. c. 30. - See Fielder (r. r.) Shakspeare! Lines written for the Tercentenary Anniversary Festival, etc. 1871 . 8 °. 11652. c. 1. - See Finegan (j. t.) An Attempt to illustrate a few passages in Shakespeare’s works. 1802 . 8 °. 82. e. 7. - See Flathe (j. l. f.) keit. 1863 , etc. 8 °. Shakspeare in seiner Wirklich- 11765. bb. 54. - See Fleay (f. g.) Introduction to Shakespearian Study. 1877 . 8 °. [ Collins's School and College Classics.] 12204. cc. 33. - See Fleay (f. g.) Shakespeare Manual. 1876 . 8°. 2300. a. - See Fletcher (george) Studies of Shakespeare, in the plays of King John, Cymbeline. Macbeth, As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo and Juliet, etc. 1847 . 12 °. 11762. d. 4. - See Forlani (f.) La Lotta per il Diritto. .. Variazioni filosofico-giuridiche sopra il Mercante di Venezia e altri drammi di Shakespeare. 1874 . 8 °. 11765. ff. 1. - See Fraenkel (j. d.) etc. 1893 . 8 °. Shakespeare und das Tagelierl, 11766. i. 41. - See Francke (c. l. w.) Bemerkungen iiber den Sprach- gebrauch des Shakspeare, etc. 1837 . 8 °. 11762. d. 13. - See Frey (a. r.) William Shakespeare and alleged Spanish prototypes. 1886 . 8 °. [ New York Shake¬ speare Society. Papers, no. 3.] Ac. 9509. - See Freymann (j.) Kritik der Schiller-, Shakespeare- und Gothe’schen Frauencharaktere. 1869 . 16°. 11824. aa. 20. - See Fliesen (h. von) Baron. Shakspere-Studien. 1874 , etc. 8 °. 11766. bb. 4. - See Fritzart (f.) War Shakspeare ein Christ? etc. 1832 . 12 °. 11765. b. 56. (1.) - See Furnivall (f. j.) Modem Shakespearean Criti¬ cism, as exhibited in a letter [from F. J. Furnivall], etc. 1888 . 8 °. 11766. a. 25. - See Furnivall (f. j.) The Succession of Shakespeare’s Works, and the use of the metrical tests in settling it, etc. 1874 . 8 °. 11766. g. - See Gellerstedt (p. e.) Shakspeare och Skalderna, etc. 1848 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (1.) SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Genee (r.) Klassische Frauenbilder. Ausdrama- tischen Diclitungen von Shakespeare, etc. 1884 . 8 °. 11850. cc. 50. - See Gerioke (r.) Eine Shakespeare-Frage. 1868 . 8 °. 11761. f. 3. (4.) - See Gervinus (g. g.) Handel und Shakespeare. (Eine Parallele.) 1868. 8°. 7895. aaa. 39. - See Gervinus (g. g.) Shakespeare. 1849, etc. 8°. 11762. d. 7. 11764. f. 14. 1862 . 8 °. 1872 . 8 °. 11766. i. 37. - See Gervinus (g. g.) Shakespeare, commentaries by G. G. Gervinus, etc. 1863 . 8 °. 11765. e. 34. 1875 . 8 °. 1877 . 8 °. 11766. i. 38. 2300. e. - See Friesen (h. von) Baron. Das Buch : Shak¬ spere, von Gervinus, etc. 1 869 . 8 °. 11761. f. 1. (4.) - See Giles (h.) Unitarian Minister. Human Life in Shakespeare. 1868 . 12 °. 11764. bb. 32. - See Goltz (b.) Shakespeare’s Genius, etc. [ 1870 .] 16°. 11765. aa. 19. - See Gordon (john Thomson) Shakespeare et nous- memes, etc. 1864 . 8 °. Pam. 80. - See Gould (g.) of Bermondsey. Corrigenda and ex¬ planations of the text of Shakspere. 1881 . 8 °. 11763. e. 7. (13.) - See Graves (h. m.) An Essay on the Genius of Shake¬ speare, etc. 1826 . 8 °. 11764. cc. 7. - See Green (h.) m.a. Frontispiece, Vignette, etc. and Photo-Lithographic Plates, in Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers. 1870 . 8 °. 11765. i. 11. - See Green (h.) M.A. Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers; an exposition of their similarities of thought and expression, etc. 1870 . 8 °. 11764. h. 21. - See Grey (z.) Critical, historical, and explanatory notes on Shakespeare ; with emendations of the text and metre. 1754 . 8 °. 642. d. 4. - See Griffith (e.) Mrs. The Morality of Shakespeare’s drama illustrated. 1775 . 8 °. 81. d. 18. I 777* «°- 11764. bb. 24. - See Griffiths (l. m.) Evenings with Shakspere. A handbook to the study of his works, etc. 1889 . 4 °. 11763. h. 7. - See Gumlich (g. a.) Ueber Shakespeare, etc. 1864 . 4°. 11763. i. 4. (1.) - See Hackett (j. h.) Notes and Comments upon certain plays and actors of Shakespeare, etc. 1864 . 12 °. 11765. aaa. 22. - See Hagena (c.) Die Shakspeare-Studien auf dem oldenburgi.-chen Gymnasium, etc. [ 1847 .] 8 °. 11765. bb. 46. - See Hager (a.) Die Grdsse Shakspeare’s, etc. 1873 . 12 °. 11766. b. 5. - See Hales (j. w.) Notes and Essays on Shakespeare. 1884 . 8 °. 11762. e. 23. 1892 . 8 °. 2300. a. - See Hall (h. t.) Shaksperean Fly-Leaves and Jottings, etc. 1871 . 8°. 11765. bb. 52. 199 SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE 200 SHAKESPEARE (William) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Hall (h. t.) Shakspere’s Plays: the separate editions of, with the alterations done by various hands. 1880 . 8 °. 11766. h. 8. - See Hall (john g.) Shakespeare versus Ingersoll. 1888 . 8 °. 11762. df. 9. (2.) - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps (j. 0.) Curiosities of modern Shaksperian criticism. 1853. 8°. 11762. f. 23. (7.) - See Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell-Philups (j. 0.) A Discovery that Shakespeare wrote one or more Ballads ... on the Spanish Armada. 1866 . 4°. 11765. bb. 16. - See Halpin (n. j.) The Dramatic Unities of Shake¬ speare, etc. 1849 . 8 °. 11763. aa. 12. - See Harting (j. e.) The Ornithology of Shakespeare, etc. 1871 . 8 °. 2300. e. - See Hayn (a.) Ueber Shakespeare’s Narren, etc. 1880 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (7.) - See Hazlitt (w.) the Elder. plays, etc. 1817 . 8 °. Characters of Shakespear’s 642. d. 11. (2.) 1818 . 8 °. 1848 . 8 °. 11765. c. 21. 11764. bb. 28. 1854 . 8 °. 2300. a. - See Hazlitt (w.) the Elder. Die naupt-Charactere der Shakspeare’schen Dramen ... Ubersetzt von A. Jager. [ 1838 .] 8 °. [CHALMERS. Supplement zu Shakspeare.^ 11762. f. 11. - See Hazlitt (w.) the Elder. Mai 1829. Revue Britan- niqne ... Des drarnes historiques de Shakspeare. [A critical essay.] [ 1829 .] 8 °. 11765. bb. 47. - See Head (f. h.) Shakespeare’s Insomnia, etc. 1886 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. 8. - See Hebler (c.) Aufsiitze iiber Shakespeare. 1865 . 8 °. 11765. bb. 40. 1874 . 8 °. 11766. aaa. - See Heine (h.) [ Shakespeare's Madchen und Frauen .] Shakespeare’s Maedchen und Frauen, etc. 1839 . 4°. 11762. h. - i 860 . 8 °. 11762. de. 7. - See Heine(heinrich) [Shakespeare's Madchen und Frauen.'] Heine on Shakespeare. A translation of his Notes on Shakespeare Heroines by I. Benecke. 1895 . 8 °. 011765. gg. 1. - See Heine (h.) De l’Angleterre. [A translation of “ Shakespeare’s Madchen und Frauen.”] 1867 . 12°. 11765. b. —— See Helms (g.) The English Adjective in the language of Shakespere, etc. 1868 . 8 °. 11765. c. - See IIf.nse (c. c.) Beseelende Personification in griech- ischen Dichtungen mit Beriicksichtignng lateinischer Dichter und Shakspere’s. 1874 , etc. 4°. 11766. k. 13. (5.) - See Hense (c. c.) Poetische Personification in griech- ischen Dichtungen mit Beriicksichtignng lateinischer Dichter und Shakspere’s etc. 1 864 . 4°. 11312. i. 43. - See Hense (c. c.) Shakespeare. Untersuchungen und Studien. 1884 . 8 °. 11766. h. 20. - See Hense (c. c.) Vortrage iiber ausgewahlte drama- tische Dichtungen Shakspeare’s, etc. 1844 . 8 °. 1343. m. - See Heraud (j. a.) Shakspere, his inner life as inti¬ mated in his works. 1865 . 8 °. 11762. f. 23. SHAKESPEARE (AVilliam) [Appendix.—Criticism.] - See Hering (c.) Zum Festeinlauten. Schiller— Shakspeare, etc. [ 1859 .] 8 °- 11765. e. 4. (2.) - See Hermann (e.) Drei Shakespeare-Studien. 1877 , etc. 8 °. 11766. bbb. 13. - See Hermann (e.) Urbeberschaft und Urquell von Shakespeares Dichtungen. 1886 . 8 °. 11763. e. 14. (4.) - See Hermann (ernst) Weitere quellenmassige Beitriige zu Shakespeares literarischen Kampfen. 1881 , etc. 8 °. 11766. bbb. - See Hilgers (t. j.) Der dramatische Vers Shakspeare’s. 1868 . 4°. 11764. i. 18. (2.) - See Hilgers (j. l.) Sind ni<-ht in Shakspere noch manche Verse wie