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S- 43 a .0 o cS S S X >- ‘/J O O 0.+J >. 53 O Ok,k T . '• . . ' •• ■ ’ ■ I Q. P. INDEX ANNUAL FOR 1881 . AN INDEX TO THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, THE POPULAR SCIENCE, THE CENTURY, LIPPINCOTT’S, THE NATION, THE ATLANTIC, THE LIVING AGE, HARPERS, AND THE ECLECTIC, FOR 1880-81. BANGOR, MAINE : Q. P. INDEX, Publisher. 1882. THE Q. P. INDEXES NOW READY : Nation, $2.50 ; Atlantic, (sup.) $1.25; International, $1.00; Lippineott’s, $2.00; Eclectic and Living Age, $3.00; Scribner’s, $2.00; An¬ imal,$100. IN PREPARATION, Index to the N. A. Re¬ view, 1861-1881. “They are simply invaluable.”— T. W. Higginson. “Such indexes are just what 1 want.”— H. A. Tenney, /State of Michigan Librarian. “Brief as it (“Lippincott” Index) is, I am very much pleased with it, and I have an opportunity of comparing it, perhaps, with the best work that is done.”— John Eaton , Commissoner of Education. “Enclosed find check for your capital help to learning.”— R. A. Guild, Librarian Brown Univ. “The indexes which I have received from you have saved me more time and labor than can be imagined. I would not be without them at any price.” M. A. Sanders, Paw- ucket Public, Library. “Certainly, until some machine is devised by which a volume that we want springs from the shelf and takes its place by our side, opened at the desired page, we can hardly ask for more than this.”— Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1888 Free Public Library, Worcester, Mass., March 2d. 1881. Dear Sir: I wish to say to you that I feel very much obliged to you for the indexes you are pub- ishing. We find them very useful in this library, where we have to use megazines and reviews constantly in providing information needed in answering questions. They are a library aid which it has been hard to get along without. It is pleasant to learn that Poole’s Index will be published in a year or so. I do not anticipate, however, that your indexes will be superseded by this publication. Poole’s Index will be indispen¬ sable to large libraries and useful in all. But, even in large libraries, indexes will still be needed that refer in greater detail to the contents of particular periodicals than is possible in a work which indexes in a single, although large, volume a large number of magazines and reviews. Poole’s work will be useful in small libraries in enabling students to find out in what periodicals information is to be found, even although the libraries cannot themselves furnish the books. Still, for smaller libraries, a few indexes, with many references, to sets of periodicals in their possession or taken by citizens of towns where they are sit¬ uated, must be much more useful than one volume which makes comparatively scanty references to a great number ot magazines and reviews, most of them not readily accessi¬ ble to inquirers. Your indexes may be compared in this respect to the admirable In- dexto Harper’s Magazine, which, on account of its fulness, will still be in constant use after Mr. Poole has got out his general index. The appearance of this latter work I am awaiting anxiously, but, when it comes out, I expect to put it by the side of yours and to profit largely from the labors of both in¬ dexers. Very truly yours. Samuel S. Green, Librarian. 0 So Q.T Q. P. Judex Annual1881. wegian, 33.27(5, 435; LT. S. 15.557; 32.304; 33.208, 245, 264, 326, 346 Ardennes, 28.539a* Argyll, duke of. 33.262 Arithmetic, 16.206a; nota- tation, 13.420a A rkansas, pronunciation, 32.351 Armenia, 33.30,187 Army, U. S., 33.366 drunk¬ enness, 32.149, 240, 32.- 296; rations, 32.243; sick¬ ness, 33.386;—and navy, 61.118a Arnold, B 32.352; E. 64.- 31*; w 31.312f; 47.428; M. q 31.393 Arnoth,N ps 10.100* Aronson 31.274 Arran islands 62.506a* Art [see Pictures] w 32.186; 33.9a; artists’ personality 150.149a; exhibitions, N. Y. 27.417; 32 80a, 229, 250, 285, 335; 48.193a; 63.143; journals, 27.312; 48.715; museums, 27.208; TST. Y., 32.335;— ancient, w 32.- 279; Dutch, 61.52a*, 845a*; 63.177a*; Ital. 150.149a; popular, 28.418; relig. 62.- 321a*; —originality, 18.- 697; monstrous, 14.731a “Art, 1’” 32.120; 33.35: “Review,” 33.333 Arthur, C. A. 31.245; 32.359, 397; 33.4,21, 22, 148, 226, 242, 244, 247, 261, 323; q 32.122 Aryans, 47.224a, 478a Asfalt,19.539a Asia, central, Russians in, 32.181a; 33.129 Assassins 63.440 Assos 32.12 Assyriologv, 32.300a, 353, 405 Astor, W. W. 33.323, 392 Astronomy, w 33.76, 416; cont. 33.94; almanacs, 32.- 12; music sferes, 63.286;— Soc. medals, 32.261 Athene statue 32.92 Athens, 62.819a* mediaeval, 151.685a; archse - school, 32.403a Athletics, 16.677a; 19.7a Atkinson, E: q 31.316; w 11.339a; 32.132 Atlanta exhib. 33.197, 245, 284, 366, 386, 426,485 Atlantic coast, U. S. 61.835; steamer routes, 23.91a; tel. 33.65, 485 Atlantis, 15.759a Atlases, 31.411; 33.472; hist. 33.274 Atmosfere, “transfig.” 32.186 Aubrey, mrs 47.433 Aucassin & Nicolette, 27.- 216 Audubon, 31.341; 61.665a* Auerbach 47.577 “Auf der Hohe” 33.434 Austen, J.. 62.308. Australia, bush life, 10.87a; soc. 32.44; tarifs, 33.243: aborigines, 19.680a* Austria, fi. 33.387; forein rel. 33.325; hist., cont. 32.- 232 Autograf col. 86.383 Auton, C 33.498 Autumn 61.857a* Ayres , A 32.157. B abcock, E. W 33.361 Babies, ps 10.39a 17.629a; food, 19.598a, language, 13.587a; 14.591a Figures to the left of the period indicate the vol. as follows : 10-11, Int. Rev.; 12-20, Pop. Sci.; 23, Century; 27-8, Lip.; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atl.; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. i Bacon, F 97.611; 151.69: L. 33.513 Bagehot, ps 11.110 Bailey, S. M 33.205 Bain, A 32.243 Baird, S. F. 62.549* Baker pasha 63.786; C A 33.- 387; W: M. 33.98 Bakunin 33.119 Baldwin, J. 32.340 Balfour, F. M. 33.221 Baltimore, P. ly. 33.221,112 Balzac , 32.114 Bamford, S. 149.750 Bandelier, A. F. 32.94; 33.- 8; 63.793 Bangor collectorsliip, 33.2, 103 Bankers Asso., 33.128 Bankrupt law, U. S. 32.464; 33.104,126, 326 Banks, nat. 11.297a; 33.126, 304, 484; and govt. 32.144; mismanagement, 33.403: supervision 33.441; taxa¬ tion, 33.226, savings, 12.- 239 Baptism, w 33.238a Baptists, 7th day, 23.214a Bar Asso., N. Y. 33.245; U. S. 33.146 Baragiola , 33.474 Barbauld, mrs. 151.579a Barbizon, 23.268 Barbou, A. 32.249H; 63.313 Bardeen, C. W. 33.115 Barine, A., q 33.255 Baring-Gould, 32.414 Barker, G: F. 15.693a* W. 32.326; q 33.247 Barlow. G. 33.14f Barnard, F. A. P. ps 11.100* Barrett, L. 33.298 Bartli, A. 33.435 Bartholdi, statue 33.327 Bartlett, J: 33.331: W: F. 31.305; W. O. 33.245 Bastian, A. 32.280; H. C. 61.953 Bathybius, ps 11.641aH Bats, 28.236a* Bavaria, hist. 33.407 Bayard, J. 31.245; 32.92: 33.- 284; q 31.433 Baynes, T. S. q 33.115 Beaconsfield, 27.624; 32.270, 327, 331a; 33.278a, 459; 63.- 308; 97.1a, 143; 150.29a; w 31.413a: 47.445, 715|; 62.466; 150.55a Beard, W. H. 62.i**; G. M. 33.100; 63.631 Beauty, nat. appreciation of 147.192; personal 33.292a Beck, 33.445 Becker B. H. 32.188 Bedford park, 62.481a Bee culture, 61.777a Beecher, T: K. 31.357 Beer-drinking, 48.573, 855 Beeseau, 32.340 Beissel, C. 23.216a Belgium, schools, 32.279 Belgioso, 48.644 Belgrade, 88.255 Beljame, A. 33.416 Bells, Burma, 150.502 Belot, A 32.227H Benedict, J. 33.139 Benevolence, 13.735a Benfey,T. 33.117 : w 32.133: ly. 33.354 Benjamin, iS. G. W. 32.- 193 Benton, J. G. 33.167 Bernard, C 13.742* Bergen, 47.770a, T. G. 33.- 354 Bergstrom, 33.153 Berkeley, 33.19 Figures to the left of the period indicate the vol. as follows : 10-11, Int. Rev.; 12-20, Pop. Sci.; 23, Century; 27-8, Lip.; 31-3, Nation ; 47-8, Atl.; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 8 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. Berlioz, 48.740a; 97.531a; 150.478a; w 32.13; 62.806 Bernadottes, 64.1a* Bernhardt, 8. 27.97, 180a; 31.348a, 367, 383, 399; 33.- 351; 47.95a, 297, 580, 827; 61.636: 62.306 Bert, P. 33.272, 385, 405, 425, 427 Berthelot, 33.45 Besant, W. 63.475 Bible, [seeN.T.] English, w 33.219a; criticism, 19.- 408 Bibliografy, w 33.94 Bicycles, 63.281* Biddle, G: W. 33.334H Bidwell, W. H. 97.720 Bigamy case 33.167 Bigelow, M. T. 33.102 Bikelas, D. 32.22511 Billee Taylor, 32.133 Billiards, 33.415,426 Billings, dr. 33.238 Bimetalism, see Silver Biografies, venal 33.196 Biology, 33.233 Bird, I. L. 27.211; 31.466; 62.635 Birds, 17.3S6a, 651a; 48.429; 63.25a*; 64.65a*; 97.643a; destruction, 150.506 Birdsall, E. q 33.253 Birnev, J. G. w 33.254 Bismarck, 33.190,291 BjOrnson, 31.275; q 32.44; w 28.318; 33.54, 294; 48.569 Black, W: 27.526; 31.346; 33.137; 48.572 Black Hills, w 33.340 Blackie, J. 8. 31.430; 47.- 858f Black-mail, 33.387*** “Blackwood ,” 32.113 Blaine, 32.19, 52, 67, 214,289; 33.284**; 301, 406,484 Blake, W: 47.289,717 Blanc, mrs. 33.85 Blanchard, T. 63.254a* Blanqui 17.273 Blauvelt, A ps 11.494 Bleichroder, 33.135*** Bliss, G: 31.419; 32.288; 33.- 287; q 33.82, 284 Blood cir, discov. ps 11.294a Blowitz, 63.845* Blue Glass, ps 11.109 Blum, 11. 48.196ft Boar hunting, 61.870a* Bock, A.., 31.359, 377 Bodensee, w 33.56 Bodenstedt, q 33.135; w 32.- 25J, 96§ Bodley, B. L. 32.716 Bodysnatching, 33.445 Boers, see Transvaal Boisgobey, 32.3021T Baits, 31.394 Bonaparte, J. (Patterson) 11.120a; N. 32.76; 97.396a; 150.629a; 1ST. J. 33.85; S May, 33.227 Books, 33.448a; w 32.219; 47.- 586; binding, w 31.469; buying (fancy prices) 33.- 134; “illustrated,” w 32.- 406; love of, 97.407a Book-trade, cheap libraries, 47.585 Bookwalter, q 33.82 Boole, G: 17.840a Booth, E. 33.265; 63.61a*, 466 Borneo, w 33.96 Borrow, G: 150.817; 151.- 114a, 560a Borthwick, A. 64.43* Boscobel 33.337 Boston, Banks, Pacific, 33.- 406; woman’s 31.249a, 280, Figures to the left of the period indicate the 'vo 1. as follows : 10-11, Int. Rev.; 12-20, Pop. 8ci.; 23, Century; 27-8, Lip.; 31-3, Nation ; 47-8, Atl.; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 9 306; 4S.llla, 121a; 1st church, 33.9; meeh. fair, 33.146, 304; hist, w 31.329, 417; 32.265 (records) 32.- 206; Society 62.331a* Boulger, D. C. 33.335 Boutwell, G: S. q 33.261 Boxford, Mass., 32.305 Boycott, 31.350 Boyd , C. E. 33.78 Boyesen, 32.303}:; 33.436 Bradlaugh, 32.327; 33.65,107, 108a, 129, 187, 465 Bradley, G: G. 33.167, 347 Brady, 32.287, 290, 307, 325; 33.62 Bralimo Somaj, see India, church Brahms, 32.13 Brain, overwork, ps 10.326a; 20.102a; 97.704a; reflex action, 1.544a; size, 16.829 Bramwell, sir G: 33.468a Braudes, 32.114 Brandy, ps 10.428a Brassey, T: q 33.387 Brauwer, 61.845a* Brazil, hist. 33.427, 443; soc. 27.82a Bread, 97.6S3a Bread-stuffs, crops, 31.409; 33.65; export, 11.450a; 33.- 185; ‘‘corner” 33.144 Brehm , 33.374 Bremen, 33.285 Brewster, A.. II. 27.619a; B. H. 33.482 Bridgman, F. B 32.95; 63.- 694*; w 33.232 Brigandage, 33.176 Bright, J: 33.407 Brinley ly. 32.205, 259 -Bristol, riot, 151.703; R. I. w 32.227 Broca, P. 20.261a* Brockett, L. P. 33.240 Brockliaus lexikon, 33.316 Broglie, C. Y. de 28.462a* Bronsart, 32.27 Brook, S.. 33.456; farm, 61.- 634; 62.147 Brooke, S. B. 47.441 Brooklyn, art, 31.445; repub. club, 32.343 Brougham, J: w 32.305 Brown, B. W. 31.382; J. E. 31.386; P. 32.229; AY 33.504 Browning, O. H. 33.128; R. 23.190*; w 23.189a; 33.415 Brownlow J: 150‘190** Brucke, E. 32.114 Brugsch, 32.313; w 31.314H Brunetiere, 47.418 Brush, G: J. 20.117a* Buchanan, “dr,” 32.215; J. 23.289a; 33.433 Buck, D. 62.811* Buckley, B. 32.249 Buckner, col. 32.52 Buddism, w 32.261: 33.234; 48.840; lit. 33.117 Buchner, G: 32.224 Burger, 47.161 Buffaloes, 17.40a Bugge, 33.153 Buildings, safety, 61.305 Bulgaria, 32.381, 399; 33.3, 25, 43, 45, 63; 150.347 Bull, O. 61.308; 62.241* Bunce, O. B. 97.712 Bunsen, R. W. 19.550* Bunyan, 97.45** Burano, 151.635a Burbridgc, 33.96 Burch, col. 33.81 Burial, 4.592a; law, 8.322a; places, 16.673a; 19.657a; premature, 16.67a; 317.527 Burke, 33.135 Burnand, F. C. 63.661* Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Keview; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-ol, Living Age. 10 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. Burnett, 47.861 Burney, miss 33.217 Burns, 47.518; 61.320* Burroughs, 33.16 Burton, J: H. 151.161; w 33.- 413 Busbecq, w 32.211a Bushnell, H. 10.13a; 33.49; 47.126 Butler, B. F. 31.279; q 33.- 301, S. A. 19.843 Butterfield, C. W. 33.421 Butter worth, II. 33.160 Buxton, B. H. 33.338 Byerly, W. E. 33.353 Byron, 47.521; w 31.344; w 62.145; ed. 33.122 C able [see At. Tel.] G. W. 31.415; 33.54 Caddy, 33.357 Cailleux, T. q 33.276 Caird, J. q 33.407 Cairns, 32.367 Calamary, 149.768 Calculus, w 33.255 Calderwood , H. 63.471 Caldwell riot 33.443, 445, 485 Califate, 150.707a; 151.172a California, survey, 32.27; trav. w 33.450; Tulu ilands 27-628; ranch, 27.366a; fi¬ nance, 32.372; labor ques¬ tion, 17.433a; ry. monopo¬ ly ,33.22, 452a Calvert, G: H. 31.450 Campanini, 62.807*; w 48.- 281 $$ Campbell, lord, w 32.222a; C. 33.65; H.. 32.339 Campbellites, 33.8, 49, 73 Campello, count, 33.263 Canada, hist. cont. 33.285, 427; w 31.340 ;pop. 33.107; French, 48.771a; society, court, 63.213a*; sport, 28.- 399; 63.823a Canals, 1ST. Y. 32.160; 33.186 Canoes, 61.395a* Canterbury, 48.813a Caoutchouc mfg 17.802 Cape Colony diamonds, 27.- 217a; hist. 31.435 Capponi, w 32.321 Cardiff giant, 13.197a Caricature, w 3 2.390 Carleton , W. 33.14f Carlisle, Pa., school, 62.- 669a* Carll, L. B. 33.255 Carlos, don, see Madrid Carlyle, 32.94, 109a, 186**, 201a,206,243,327**,33.116; 47.721***, 863*-*; 62.888a* 944**a; 97.289a; 150.85a**, 259a, 499; w 32.278; 33.38; w 27.413, 525; 32.291a; 33.- 18, 199||; infiuence, 62.- 787; humorist, 4S.463a; library 32.316 Carlyle, 149.643 Carpenter, M. 32.142; W: B., 1.745a*; W. H., 32.244 Carpenters, hist. 17.233a Carpio, 47.63 Carr, gen. 33TS6; L 32.259 Carrington, H: B. 33.332 Carrying trade, see Shipping Carter, B. B. 151.451; S. N. 32.186 Carthage, w 33.160 Cary, A. L. 62.808* Casey, A. 33.235 Catholic church [see Papacy] 149.650; hist. 31.334; 33.3; 151.387a; and schools,8.495; 32.279 “Catholic World” 32.10 Catons, 61.4S9a* Cattle, 61.93a; driving, 27.. Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippiucott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 11 565a; 28.61S; raising, 19.- 835; w 32.190 Caucus, 33.261, 368a, 388a, 431, 468a, 4S3, 486a Caux, G. do 33.326 Cecilia, St. 61.809a* Cellier, A. 47.363 “Century” 23.143 Cervantes, 47.61; iv 32.73H Cesnola 32.74, 95; 33.85 Chadwick, sir A. w 33.458 “Challenger” 31.394, 427 Challoner, B 47.431 Chalmers, dr. 150.499; H. H. q 32.132 Chamberlain, B H 32.98; J. L., 32.2 Chambrun, q 33.72 Chamisso, 32.107U Champlin, J D 31.462; 33.122 Chandler, C: F. 16.833a* Chandler , P. W 33.77||; W: E. 32,231, 353; 33.62 Clianning 61.141 Chapin, dr 62.628 Character study 47.724 Charities, admin. 32.345a Charleston, 28.49a; schools, 32.308 Charms, 64.97a* Chasles, M. 18.840* Chemistry, molecules, 97.- 115a Cheney, E D 33.9 Chess-playing 33.227 Chet wyrid, H W 31.417$ Cherbuliez 32.301 Cherokees, 27.195a Cherubino, 97.665 Chicago, 61.711a*; hist. 32.- 252 Child, L. M. 31.309 Children, [see Babies] di¬ seases, 17.249a Chili, hist. 33.305, 327, 461, 464 Cliillicotlie, 63.855a* Chimborazo, 32.133 China, w 31.293, 32.245a; hist, w 33.335a; 1862, 11.- 518; cout., 33.445; liussia, 33.187; edn, sci. 149.633; lit.\ 47.725; soc. 16.270a; 19.843; tel. 33.305 Chinese abroad, 27.404a; in U. S. 10.51; Brooklyn, 32.- 8; Cal. 32.134a; servants, 27.261a; students, 33.45 Chinon 61.820a* Chios, 32.253 Chloral, 15.491a Chordal 32.79 “Christian Intelligencer,” 32.74 Christian religion, 97.433a; 149.649a Christie, E 31.255; W. H. M. 33.117 Christmas cards, 32.150 Chronicle of 1880 32.167 Chronology, 18.760a Church F. J 31.375 Church in U. S. [see Mor¬ mons] anglican, 31.317; 33.64, 326, " 346; w 32.65; [hist] 10.314a; congreg, w 47.277; Sci. edu., 6.735 Cibber 97.51** Cicero w 33.75 Cinchona, 17.507a Cincinnati, hist. 32.252; mu¬ sic 33.274; S. rv. 33.186 Cissev, 31.387 Cities [see Towns] 62.122a; govts, (Mass.) 33.169a, 196; refuse, 18.585a Civil Service, Eng., exams. 12.152a; U. 8. (Eaton) 27.530a; 28.203; 31.316 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9,20-21, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper;97. Eclectic; 149-51, Living age. 12 Q. P. Index Annual 1881. 336a, 392, 404a, 436a, 458; 32.5a; 10.54a, 25S***, 328a, 362a, 371; w 32.316; 33.- 472; before 1776, 32.258; agitation , 31.402, 408, 410, 420, 433, 451; 32.68, 122, 149, 162,180a, 196, 204, 252,270, 272, 307, 350; 33.- 25, 26a, 42, 46a, 64, 65, 66a, 72, 84, 86a, 93, 163, 164, 224,242,261,284,343, 346, 248,386,404,406,441, 444, assessments,32.400a; 33.323 369a; bills, 32.19; burden, 33.183; exams. 33.42, 61; pressure, 33.130a; tenure in N. Y. 33.154 C. S. pub. soc. 31.340,357; reform asso. 31.371; 33.- 126,128 Civiletti, 15 63.S2a Clapp, H C 64.151 Claremont, 61.224* Claretie 32.319 Clarke, J: S 28.497a Clay, C M 33.196 Clayton 47.546 C16menceau, 31.351, 32.21 Clergymen, want of elo¬ quence, 48.282; sci. edu., 6.735 Cleaveland, H. W. S. q 33.- 432 Clifford, N. 33.62 ; 33.65; W. R., 15.258a* Clyde, lord, w 32.353 Coal, 14.337a; ind., U. S. 33.- 116; supply, 33.135 Coast-service, U. S. 15.182a*; 32.334,406 Cobb, J. S. 32.463 Cobbe , F.. P. 32.174 Cobden club, 32.21; 33.285 Cockburn, A. 10.397a CODMAN, J. 61.ii** Coe, G: S. q 33.126 Coffee-house co., N. Y. 32.- 407 Coinage, debasement, 12.- 581 Coincidences, 15.628a Colds, 18.801a Coleridge, 47.520 Coles case, 33.62, 64; E. w 33.495a Collins, W. q 61.469 Collyer, R. q 31.403 “Colonel,” author, see Bruce “Colonels,” 32.244 Colonization, 11.88a Color, 28.417; blindness, 19.- 91a; 32.11; w 31.360; in sexes, 33.214 Colorado, archae. 16.666a; trav. 47.46a; cattle, 28.618; floods, 33.128; indians, 32.- 73; mining life, 10.518a; ranch cure, 28.90a Colt, J. D. 33.128 Columbus, 151.643a Combe, G: 15.109a Combs, L. 33.147 Comets, 32.260; 33.75; 79.- 256; 150.760a Complexion and climate, 17.- la Coney iland, 33.84 Confederate bonds, 33.327, 346, 364, 366, 384, 427 Congdon, C. T. 32.47; 47.- 565 Conger, O. D. 32.19 Congo expl. 33.198 Conkling, 11.375a; 31.280, 419; 32.19, 83, 104,121,142, 214, 232, 341, 359, 362a, 379, 382a, 397; 33.1,22, 66a, 242, 244, 261, 281; q 31.246, 451; 33.32 Connecticut, 33.284; courts, 33.326; prison, 27.200a Conscience, 13.513a; 14.647a; in beasts, 9.80a; H: 33.112 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’a; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 13 Consolations, 150.248a Constant, B. 33.427 Constantinople, 33.427 Conversations-Lexikon, 33.- 317 t Conway, 31. D. 33.299 Cook , C. 32.413; D,33.516; J. 12.495a 18.556; 32.327, 350, lo 63.471 Cooke, C. W. 33.396; J. P. ps. 10.746; B. T. 33.257 Cookery, 28.417; w 27.528; schools, 13.625: 97.124a; 149.689a Cooley, T. 31. 61.794 Coolidge, 8. 31.431; 47.429 Cooper, E: 32.2 Co-operation, Eng. 17.742a; dress asso. 33.265 Cope, E:D. 19.110 Coppee, H: 02.282 Copper product, U. S. 33.- 232 Copyriht, 13.618; 14.166a, 296a, 440a, 530; 19.372; 33.257 int. 10.746; 15.265; 16.697; 17.121, 554; 31.420, 442a, 459a; 32.33,226a; 33.- 229, 245, 366; 61.469; 62.- 946 (dramatic) 33.224 Coquelin, 32.189H,407 Cordova, 28.844a* Corea, hist. 33.427 Corfield, W. H. 32.193 Corinth canal, 33-35 Corneille, 47.64 Cornell univ. crew, 33.85, 129, 145, 147, 185, 186, 207, 208, 285 Corners, 33.210a; and law, 33.302,307a; in Eng. 33.- 227 Cornwall, trav. 63.801a* Corwin, B. Ii. 31.453; 32.42; O. von 31. 425 Cossa, L. 32.21211; P. 43.187 Costume col. 48.428 Cotton crop, U. S. 33.34, 284; cult. 11.350, 63.719a*; w 33.232; ind. Eng. (cor¬ ner) 33.227, 263; French, 33.327 Courts, English, 33.468a; U. S., criminal, w 33.175; federal, supreme, 28.423a; 31.441a, 459; 32.8a, 26; 33.- 441,481,504; dist. attorneys, 33.491; bar, 32.370; edu., 33.144 Cowley, E: 33.64 Cox, sir G: W. 33.491 Coxe, E. B. 32.20 Craddock, C: E. 32.372 Crailc, D. 31. 32.319f; 47.- 858 Cramer case, 33.186,208, 245, 265, 304, 326, 426 Crane, W. 33.15f Crawfurd, O. 31.343; 63. 470 Credit mobilier, 33.387 Cremation, 150.640 Cricket, 33.285 Crime, 15.656a; 33.414; 150.- 753; origin,2.589a; 4S.452a; and sex, 8.727a Crimean war, 150.170***a; w 31.370 Criticism, 97.420*** Cromwell, w 33.474a Crookes, W.. ps 10.739 Crops, [see Breadstufs] abroad, 33.45; Canada, 33.- 265; U. S. 33.S36 Crosby, H. q 33.105 Cruel, B. 31.464 Cuba, trav. 32.312a; ti. 33.- 245; hist. 33.285, 305, 347, 367, 407 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 14 Q. P. Index Annual* 1881. Cuclieval-Clarigny, q 33.- 211a Culture, 48.284; hist. 149.- 643a Cumberland, tray. 28.ii* Gumming , G. 33.318 Curchod, S. 97.453a Curleis, A. M. 32.156 Curzola, 151.59a Custom-houses, U. S., useless 32.132; 33.423, 426 Cuyp, A. 61.61a* Cyprus, 33.30, 425; archse. w 32.259; in 1395, 150.126; lan, 32.95 D akota 33.496 Dale, R. W. q 31.393 Dali, C. II. q 33.450; w? 33.- 400$ Dalmatia, trav, 150.824; hist. 151.59a; cont. 33.25 Daly, A 31.378$$ Damrosch 33.454 Dances, 27.330a* Danford, 33.445 Dante, 47.59; w 31.39711; w 149.651; soc, 32.112, 205 Dantzig meeting, 33.209, 325 Dare, J 63.91a Darmesteter , J 33.438 Dartmouth college, 33.44, 84 Darwin, C: 32.17; 33.519; 64.149; 151.433 Daudet, A 33.305, 331, 379a Davenport. F.. 47.363; J: 31.265; J. I. 32.355 Davids, T. W. R 32.261; 33.234 Davidson, T: q 32.403 Davin, N. F. 32.370; q 32.- 332 Davis, D. 32.178, 213, 270; 33.302, 304; J. 33.10, 216; 48.405; J. C. B., 33.483; W : R 13.625 Davitt 32.85 Davy, sir H. 14.813a* Dawes, 32.51, 103, 232, 287, 314; q 33.65, 84,86, 130 Dawson, J: W. 8.231* Deaf, edu 11.503a; 19.84a. 394a Death, 3.270aH; 8.617 ap¬ parent, 18.401a Deception, see Lying Deems, C. F 33.24 De Forest, J. B. 33.381; J. W. 32.376 Deffner, M 32.208 Degrees, bogus, 32.215 De Jarnette, 33.167 De Kay, C: 32.319; 47.856 Delane, J: 63.846* Delibes, L 32.293a Delmonieo, L 33.186 Deming, P 47.281 Dem. party, 31.248a, 252a; 32.92: 33.403a Dengremont, M. 32.95 Denmark, agric. 150.323 a hist. 33.25 Denslow, 47.442 Denton J. B. 32.357 Des Cars 32.33911 Deutsche Rundschau, 32.- 114 Deville, IT. S. 33.25 Devonshire, 61.1a* DeWitt, J: w 33.37 Diamonds, art. 17.259 Dicey, A. V. q 33.251a Dickens, 36.467***; w 33.- 418**a Dike, S. W. q 33.133 Dillon, J: 32.85; 33.187 Diman, J. L. 32.94; mem. 33.50; w 33.57tt; 48.696 Dingley, gov. 33.226 Disease, 4.569a1I; 14.639a; 19.- 721a; germs, 20.244a; 151.- 323a; heredity, ps 11.332; Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Ceutuiy; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. / Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. 15 15.433a; and emotions, 8.60a;—mind, 15.71a; strengthening, 150.752 Divination by birds, 32.148 Divorce, 11.139a; France, ^ 32.123; U. S., 33.22, 49, * 91a, 114a, 134,424; (N. Y.) 33.282 Dixie, F 32.284 Doddridge, P w 32.340 Dodge, T. A 33.18 Dogs, ps 10.202a; 27.347*; 28.473; 48.430; 151.507; in lit. 97.174a Dolet, w 32.267 Domestic economy, 14.395; w 14.239; instruction in 150.510 Donaldson, T: w 33.50 Donne, J: 47.3S5 Dorsey, S. W. 31.442**; 32.- 103,122, 287, 307, 342; q 32.21 Dostoievsky, 48.423a; w 27.- 630; 32.303 “Doterel,” 33.187 Dotterels, 97.643a Doudan 47.420 Douglas, F: 23.125a**; q 33.44 Douw, G. 63.177* Dove, H: W: 16.261a* Dowden, E 27.419; 32.135 Doyle, dr. w 47.562; J. T. q 33.113, 452 Drake 8: A 63.955 Draper, J: W., 4.361a*; w 7.230; 9.112 Draper , L. C. 33.435a Dreams, 61.97a, 781a; 97.-, 249a; 150.95a Dress and helth, 17.182a; 19.145a; women’s, 28.311; 62.589a; economy 64.123a Drew, C. 33.336 Drowning, 13.93a; 19.369a Dryden, 33.417; 47.389; w 32.337 Du Bois Reymond, 13. iii; 14.409 Du Bois Reymond, 13.361a* Du Chaillu, 33.445 ; 63.951 Duels, 33.306a; S. C. 32.143; Va,, 33.245, 302, 304, 503, 4 Dufaure, 150.445 Dufty, C. G. 31.464 Dulcigno, 31.387 Dulles, J: W 33.378 Dumas A. 2d, 10.530a; 31.- 398; 32.127; 48.383; J. B. A. 18.257a* Dunkers, 23.214a Duteher, S. B. 33.41 Dwight H: O 32.338; J. S. 63.947 “Dwight’s Journal,” 33.- 217 Dye, W: M 32.77|| Dyer, T. F. T. 33.221 arl, J: 32.101 Earth, 97.275; hist, w 16.- 816a; early ideas of, ps 10.- 542a*; age, 9.649a; int. 17.- 289a; quakes, U. S. 32.279 Eastern, q 31.365a East Granby prison, 27.290a Eating, over, 97.131 Eaton, D. B. q 32.371 Ebers, 31.255,39311; 32.22511: 33.98, 37311; 47.589 Eckhardt, 33.16; 61.148 Edes, B. L. 33.166 Edgefield, S. C. 33.346 Edinburgh, duke, attentat, 28.310 Ed is, li. W. 32.175 Edison, 13.487a* Edmunds, 32.35; q 32.36; 33.163 Education, [Bain] ps 10.- 418 etc., 14.111; 16.197a; w Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 16 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 17.560; and govt. 17.5S5a; 18.664a; 19.635a, 703;— heltli 6.57a 13.217a;—love- affairs, 33.352a;—manual labor, 18.26a; classical, 4.- 371, 13.531a; 14.819; 15.- 631a, 33.4S7a; competition, ps 11.105a; cram, 11.239a; discipline, 7.699a; incenti¬ ves, 6.74S; industrial, 12.- 571a; 18.202a; languages, 12.152a; lib. 4.1a; 31.309; pressure, 16.645a; Quincy system, 61.941; sci. 7.513, 746, 13.187a, 537; 14.674; 16.849; 18.159a, 638 Edward, T: ps 10.594a* Edwards, H. S. 33.101, 139; J 62.251 Egypt, army , Americans in, 32.77; forein relations, U. S. influ. 33.195a;—con¬ sular juris. 33.152a; hist, cont., 33.30a, 207, 209, 227, 245, 263, 285, 291a, 305, 31.- la, 327, 347, 367, 387, 407, 411a, 490a Egyptology, 32.313a; 151.123, 189; w 33.155a; 61.637; stone age, 32.28, 59, 74; mummies, 33.132a Ehrenberg, C. G. 14.66Sa* Eidlitz, dj. o3.oloa Election sermons, 32.149 Electric girl, 6.588a1i Electricity, 151.121a; exliib. 33.305 therapeutics, 151.- 319 Eliot, C: W. q 17.553; G: 23.57a*; 63.912a*; w lO.ii; 27.204; 31.456a; 32.202; 62.629; 149.791a Elliot, H. W. q 33.471 Ellis, G: H. q 33.413 Elm 33.407 Elton, W: 47.371 Ely, R. T. q 33.67 Elze, K 32.353 Elzevir, D* 32.75 Emhacher F 31.428 Embroiderv, art. 62.693a* Embryology, w 33.221 Emerson, 62.388a*; io 33.- 396a Emmette, R 32.230 Emotions, 4.552a1I in prim. man 6.331a; expr. 97.67 6a Enander, J: A 33.154 Encyclopaedia Brit. 32.333; 33.115 Engineering, 8.33a England, trav. 58.ii;* 47.- 401a; 61.1a*; 62.1a ;* baths, 63.434a*; lakes, 62.1a*; (S) 62.211a*, 650a*; 63.801a*; foot, 150.607a; agricul¬ ture, 31.335; 33.163, 209, 407; future, 31.405a; land 33.5a, 263a;—bill, 33.265; army, 33.25, 45, 445; church, 47.405; cath., 97.- 37a; con. 62.114a; w 32.- 100; courts, 33.468a; bar 47.407; chancery estates & U. S., 33.329a; educa¬ tion, denom, 10.1a; sci. 8.- 281; ps 10.23a; 13.558; finance, nat. welth, 151.- 760; forein relations, hist. 33.323; 1840, 61.- 202; refugees, 149.823; Turkey, 33.29a; U. S., 1781, 64.62; history, w 33.- 377; clans, 151.95a; 18th cent. 47.567; w 33.417; re¬ cent, 33.97; cont., 32.40a, 53, 233, 235a, 271, 274a, 329a, 366a; 33.165,167, 187, 192a, 247, 407; navy, 149.- 753a; politics. Commons, Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-S, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 17 27.453a; w 33.157a; ob¬ struction, 32.72a, 85, 87, 123, 164a; procedure, 32.- 53: 33.165; society, 33.- 23; press, 63.ii*; society, 47.409, 444; 18th century 61.471; 150.188;—filistin- ism, 47.548a; flunkeys, 63.- 628; snobbery, 61.631; women, 150.13a; sport, Americans, 33.25; tariff, 33.305; fair-trade, 33.109a, 129, 144, 165, 185, 225, 227, 249a, 263, 270, 367; free—, 32.323 English channel tunnel, 33.- 285 English language in U. S., 48.849; die. 97.236a; 150.- 239a; dialects, w 32.12, 298; elements, 47.479; frases, w 32.263; words, Americanisms, 47.698a; in¬ dex expur., 32.183; bliz¬ zard, 32.184,208, 220, 260; had rather, 31.323; 33.394; jack, 47.584; then, 47.728 English literature, early, w 32.167; essayists, 97.610a; 151.69a fiction, Ameri¬ cans in, 47.140; letters, 151.131a; poetry, w 32.- 209a; anglo-gallic, 47.720; Lancashire, 149.747; son¬ nets, w 32.262a; study, 8.- 221a; 14.81a; 17.145a, 553; style, 12.341a Engraving, wood, w 33.- 394 Enseignment, revue de 32.- 242 Ephesos, archae 7.223a Erie canal, 63.415 Ernst, C. W. 32.25 Esposito, see Randazzo Etching, 27.313; 32.93; 33.- 374 Etheredge, w 32.219 Ethics, sci [see morals] 17.- 324a Ethnology, 33.253*** Etiquet, w 32.283; 33.279a Eucalyptus, 7.344a; 12.662a ;* 19.94a Euphrata, Pa 23.209a Euripides 47.57 Europe, traveling, 61.302; armies, 11.1a; hist. 1840, 61.197a*; society, 97.257a; 150.3a; med. 49.1a Euthanasia, 3.90a Evans, J 33.437 Evarts, q 31.245; 33.183 Evidence, 8.570a; 13.53a Evolution, ps 10.60a, 86a, 236; 12.175a; 14.266a, 320a, 409a; 16.101a; w 6.745; 11.51a; 82.393a; and char¬ acter, 47.371a;—hair, 15.- 250a; —immortality, 7.- 46a;—morality, 15.124;— revelation, 1.18Sa; 97.577a Ewart, J. A. 32.299** Ewing E. P 31.450 Examinations, public, 33.- 184 Explosives, 33.346 Exhibitions, int. 32.21 Express cos. & rys. 33.62 Extradition, U. 8., forein, 33.243, 266a, 283, 344; in¬ terstate, 31.350 Eyes, 12.74a; 149.703; 151.- 451a; siht, 1.457a; 17.711; w 32.191a; in dark, 1.735a; and print, 19.54a1f aces, abnormal, 8.73a Fair Trade, see England, tariff Fairbairn, 19.846 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 18 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. Fcilke, 83.394 Family, evolution, ps 11.- 129a; future, ps 11.513a Fargo, W. G. 33.100 Farragut statue, 32.389 Farrar, C: S. 33.479 Farrer, J. A. 32.377 Fashions, barbarous, 17.- 711a Faulmann , K 32.221 Fausset, A. 11 81.277 Faust, w 32.242 Fawcett, F 81.353$$; 32.- 1095$; 47.304$$; 48.501; 97.713; H. 31.247 Fay, A 32.395 Feathers, 15.307a Federlein, G 32.00 Felix, 11. w 47.835 Fels zum Meer 33.331 Fenton, J: 33.203 Feuarclent, 32.74, 90, 334 Feurbach, 33.294 Feuillet , 11.428a; 33.54 Fever, 14.143a; tree [see Eu¬ calyptus] Fiction, 47.585; 97.78a; in libraries, 33.33, 153, 370a, 512; plots, 03.140; writing, 48.570 Fiction 33.197 Field, 0. W, 33.202; q 33.41; D. D., 33.144; K., 33.205 Fields, J. T. 32.298 ; 33.514a; 48.253a; 02.391*; 03.305 Fiji, w 33.318a Fillmore, M. 47.538a; wife, 33.128 Filology [see Language] comp. 47.478a Filosofy, anc. w 33.338 Filtration, 10.495a Finance [see America, etc. Finance'] public dets, 10.- 210a Fink, A., q 82.100 Fire [see Heating] places, w32.149 Fires inU. S. 33.208; causes, 14.653a Fiske, J:q 32.10, 00; W 6.- 307; 47.583 Fishing* 28.208a, 529a*; 47.- 844a; w 83.18,100 Fitch, A lO.llOa*; J. G 32.- 340 Fleming, G: 27.215; 32.16: 47.587, 707 Flint, A 9.103* Flipper, 33.164,106,184, 186, 248a, 209, 300, 385, 464 Florence, hist. 150.043a; w 32.00; schools, 151.341a Floriculture, 22.219a* Florida, liist. 31.297; land co., 33.485; life, 27.508a Flowers, 151.436; use, 47.- 579; wild, 2.356a Flying machines 8.453a Foley, J: 33.24 Folger, 33.343 Folklore, 27.523; w 32.201a, 280; diffusion, 48.310a; negro, 18.824a; 7 sleepers, 61.547a*; water, 150.809 etc Fontes Comparationis 32.- 299 Food, 1.309a1f; 3.441a; 14.- 721a; 15.30***a, 347, 377a; 28.281a; 97.688a; adultera¬ tion (legislation,) 32.52; condiments, 1.701a1T; Greek, 150.493a; school- children’s, 1.590a; use, 14.- 799a Forbes, A 03.009; A 82.268; J. M. q 31.300, 316 Forney, J: W. 31.279; q 32.- 85; w 32.155** Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 19 Forestry, 19.830a; 33.432; w 32.339; U. S., 33.42(5; 48.- 6S2a; w 32.389; schools, 19.311a; 33.370a. Forests, 19.17(!a; tires, 32.- 364; livg. value, ps 11.385a; and rain, 7.207 Forrest, E. vv 33.298 Forrester, A 43.226 Fortune hay, 31.421; 32.- 399 Fortuny, 23.15a* Fosforesence, 16.804a Foster, gov, 33.65; J: W. 33.366; S. G. 62.66*; S. S., 33.216; W 33.472 Fothergill, J. 31.346; J. M. 33.294 Fowler, T: 31.396; W: H: 33.321 Fox, C: J. 10.274a; 62.419a; w 31.412a; 47.567; hunt¬ ing, U. S., 31.287a; 33.28 Foxton, E. 47.428 “Fraugais, le,” 31.253 France, travels, (C) 61.381, 820a*; (X E) 28.539a*; arm//, 33.271; bank, 33.- 407; church, 33.427, 62.- 573a; and govt, 31.387, 406a; 33.271; constitution, 10.468a; 62.573a; reform, 33.107; courts , 31.371 education, bill, 33.25; schools, 97.413a; women, 31.439; finance, 33.21 la, 429a; assignats, 9.615a; forein relations 31.287; Italy, 33.65; history, w 33.198a, 497; 1848, 151.53; cont., 31.247, 251, 281. 320a, 351, 387; 32.6a, 21; 33.265, 305, 307a, 366, 385, 387, 407, 409a, 427, 483; 150.347; politics, 61.790; legitimists, 33.65; scrutin de liste, 32.197, 346a, 361; women, 31.439a; press, 27.177; 31.378; law, 33.45; society, 33.255; domestic, 48.164a; riding, 33.434; women 150.7; 151.671a; stage, 27.383a; w 33.376; amateur, w 33.94; mo¬ nolog, 28.312; tragedy, 47.- 289a; tar if, 33.145; and Eng. 32.381; 33.189a, 225, 227, 265, 367, 407 French language, names, 62.469a; lit, chansons de geste, 32.28; obscene, 31.- 355a; sentimentality, 47.- 729 Francillon, 32.302 Frankland, E: 15.838 Franklin, B. w 33.373; Mss. 32.60, 389, as scientist, 31.- 463; 61.265a;—J: w 33.- 300 Fraser, A C 33.19 Fraunhofer, J 6.739* Frazer, H. L. q 32.219 Freeman, E: A: q 33.493; w 31.295,342 ; 33.256,454; 47.83 Free Trade [see England, etc., tar if] 33.205; Austra¬ lia, 33.243 Frelinghuvsen, 33.461 Fremont, 33.304 French II. W. 32.172; 47.- 713 Frenology, 14.475a; 18.599aU; w 32.174 Frere, B 31.435 “Fresh,” 32.146a Freytag 47.575 Friederici, C. 32.353 Friedrich Wilhelm III, wife, 61.197*; IY, 61.199* Frost, H. F. 33.139 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International iteview; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 20 Q. P. Index Annual 1881. Froude, q 31.247; w 10.116a; 97.159a , Fruit and forests,2.194a; Cal. 33.471 Fuel, see Heating Furness, Ii. H. 31.327 Furniture, easy chairs, 14. 186a Furs, 4.143a* Fyffe, A. C. 32.76 Fysiologv, instruction, ps 11.669a G aboriau, 33.99 Gaelic lan. 33.192 Gagneur, 33.99TI; 48.568 Galiani, 33.230** Galileo, ps 10.385aH Gambetta, 31.351; 33.29a, 147, 165, 167, 187, 193a, 251, 307a, 347; 97.345a; 150.345; q 33.107 Games, 28.629; 31.131a; 33.- 173; hist., 15.225a Gamgee, A 31.432 Ganette, 33.436 Gannet, H: q, 33-415 Gardens, 62.515a*; w 33.- 420 Gardiner, S: R 33.377 Garfield, 23.168a*; 28.520; 33.4a, 228a, 241, 214a, 293, 357a; 48.707; 63.949; 97.- 544; 150.571a; w 31.257; 33.294f; q 31.402; w 23.- 316; 33.326, 331, 426, 455; abroad, 33.71a, 223, 241, 244, 264, 285, 289, 291, 305, 327, 347, 407; eagle, 32.69; dog, 32.161; wife, 32.167; murder, 33.1, 24, 41, 44, 48, 64, 81,84, 103,106,125,128, 143, 146,163, 166, 183,186, 208, 210a, 223, 226, 241, 244 ; 48.395a; 63.624; (abroad) 33.71a, 223, 241, 244, 264; treatment, 33.- 244,264,284,493; funeral, 33.386; monument, 33.346, 406; fund, 33.26a, 41, 244, 284, 326 Garrison, w 47.558 Gartenlaube 33.276 Gas, ps 10.478a Gascoigne, 33.360 Gasparin, w 33.159U Gay, S. H., 10.494||; 32.- 247 Geddie, J 33.458 Gegenwart, 32.221 Gem books, 32.390 Genealogy, 13.583a Genesis, 33.253 Geneva award, 10 436a Geneve, hist. 151.3S0 Genius, 150.752; heredity, 32.131; 47.371a Geografy, w 33.295; exhib. 33.187; history, 16.236a; study, 3.389; continents, 97.58; Royal Society, 33.- 374 George III, family, 61.511a*; IV, w 33.52a; 63.145; H. 16.721a Georgia, hist. 31.280 Geraldine, 33.473 Germania theater, 33.227 Germany, [see Rheinland, Thuringen] travels, 28.- 228a*; 61.38a*; 150.703; agriculture, 16.467a; 150.373; army, 11.1a; church, med., w 31.464; cath. 31.286a; 33.250a, 508a; and govt. 33.187, 189a, 194a, 245, 200 consti¬ tution, 63.591a; finance, 31.374a; credit unions, 47.- 207a; mortgages, w, 31.- 277; history, cont, 32.179, Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 21 383; 33.7a, 105, 129, 187, 227, 346, 349a, 365, 392, 405, 407, 409,425, 443, 445, 470a, 485; 150.348; library , nat., 33.51; politics , Jews, 81.- 371, 403, 438a; 33.165; population , pesants, 48.- 807; press and U. S., 31.375, 459; 32.25; belles-lettres, 33.275,434; railways, 33.- 67; society, 150.489a; hist. 150.16; character cf with French, 33.255; cook school, 97.124a; 149.689a; marriage, 48.286; (law) 47.36***;};a; out door life, 27.43a; village, 16.467a; women, 48.141; tar if, 31.- 409; 33.265; timber, 31.292 German language, w 31.342; spelling, 32.29 Gerster, E., 62.806*; w 31.- 291, 326 Gibbon, 97.57. 453a; 150.- 579a; w 97.57** Gibbons, W. G.,q, 32 130 Gibraltar 33.427 Gibson, W 32.319; W. H., 31.427 Gift, T. 28.112; 33.54 Gilbert, W. 8. 33.298; 47.- 363 Gilder, J. B. 31.357; II. W., 31.431 Gill, D 33.94; W: 31.293 Gipsies, 16.540a; w 33.358 Girton college, 97.134 Glaciers, 151.447 Gladden, W 23.318U Gladstone, 33.345, 347; q, 33.283, 285 Glass, 7.554a; mfg, U. S., 32.334; blue [q. v.] 33.272 God and nature, 17.27a Godefroy museum, 8.699a Godkin, 48.395 Goeler von Bavensburg, 32.14 Goethe, 47.161; w 32.285, 408; 33.101; w 33.181**; 149.657; 151.246**a; mu¬ sic, 32.200a; science, 17.- 215a Goff; N. 32.20 Gold coin 33.267 Goldoni, 151.259a Goldschmidt, J 31.277 Goodale, 31.431; 33.32 Goody 2 shoes, 33.374 Gordon, col., w 33.97, 213; J. E. H. 32.33 Gorridge q 32.330a Got, 33.107 Gottschalk, 28.630H Gould, J. 31.434 ; 32.84; 33.- 424; q 32.142 Gounod, 62.468 Gowen 32.1 Grace, W. R. 31.281 Grady, H: W. q 33.232 Graham, T., see Lynedoch Grant, D. q 33.387; O. L. 33.106; U. S., 31.297; 32.- 51, 103, 215; q 31.245; 33.- 22; fund, 31.369 ; 32.196 Gray, E., 14.523a*; H. 3o.- 482; mrs. R. 47.543 Grayling, 28.268a Greece, ancient, survey, 33.233; archce, 32.278; w 31.499; and govt, 31.289a; society, w, 32.137; cul¬ ture, 149.644; dinners, 150.493a; modern, brig¬ andage, 33.303; edu., 31.- 255; history, 1823, 151.- 493; cont., 33.313a, 367; and Turkey, 31..453; 32.3, 53, 105, 161, 215, 271, 274, 289 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47 - 8 , Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 22 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. Greek language , stutlv, IS.- Halery , L. 412; modeiui, 32.208: lit. Hall, F. E: 32.94; 33.394; 149.646; w 47.288; moil- G. S. 32.184 asteries Mss., 31.411 ; play Halliwell, 32.151 [see Sophoklcs] ; poetry, Hoisted, G. B. 33.321 modern. 151.482a Hamburg, hist. 33.427 Green J. M. 33.208; S. A. Hamilton, A. 31.445; G., 33.174 31.317 ; w 32.323||; IF: 33.- Greenbackers, 33.104, 166 19 Greene , F. Ik 31.383 Hamley. E. J>. 28.527j Greenland, 8.431a Hammond, J. II. 11.352; IF. Green mts. 62.641a* A. 63.631 Greenwich meridian, 32.- Hampden, J : 33.231 317 ; obser. reports, 32.12 Hampton school, 32.185; 61.- Greenwood, F. 64.44* ; — 627a ; 62.659a* ; W. 31.280** lake school, 33.24 Hancock, W. S., 31.245, 263; Greey, E: 33.456 33.224 Gregorovius, q, 47.722 Hanging, 13.349a Griffin, 31.363 Hannibal & St. Jo. ry., 33- Grote, A : It. q 33.254 205 Groton, Conn. 33.208; Mass., Hanson, W : L 33.187 w, 31.376 Harcourt, sir W: Y. 63.844* Grove, G:q 33.295; W. R. Hardcastle, 33.314 7.363 Hardy, A. 8 33.393; lady D Gunther, C. L. G ; w 33.220 33.519; T: 27.213; 32.16; Guerrier 31.313 47.712 Guiraud, P. q 33.494 Harlow, R. P., q 32.295 Guiteau, 32.463, 464; 33.24, Harmony, 16.508a 48, 146, 106, 208, 223, 226, Haroun Alraschid, w 32.412 244, 253, 264, 272, 281, 284, Harpers vs Scribners 32.205; 301, 304, 326, 328a, 344, 346, mag., 31.325 ; 61.303 ; *62.- 384, 386, 406, 408a, 423, 303; 63.789; (index) 32.130 432a, 441, 444, 446a, 484, Harris, J. C. 31.398; S. T. 502, 504 q 17.695 Guizot, w 48.413 Harrison, G. J. q 33.105 ; J. Gunn, F:W 33.147 A. 33.498|| Gunpowder, 0.729a Hartig, q 32.3 Gymnastics, 13.129a; 19.7a Hartmann , E: von, 2.- TT albert-on, 31.330 152all ; L. 33.83, 84, 104, -^-Haeckel, E. H: 31.108* 106, 146,184, 187 Haeckel, 11.641a Ilartt, C. F. 13.231 Haldeman, 8. S. w 33.115; w Hart wig, 32.65 33.334; ly. 32.259 Harvard, univ., 32.75, 112; Hale, E: E. 62.394; w 33.454, annex, 31.377; 62.101a; 47S|| ; N. 61.53a* divinity school, 48.377a; Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q . P . Index Annual , 1881. 23 Greek play, (see Sopliok- l<3s) print, 33.253; religion, 32.259; [agnosticism] 19.- 267; study, 3.769; 17.482a; Yale race, 33.6a Harvard Register, 32.242 Harvey, 13.396 Hase, B. 31.34711 Hatherly, Id 33.25 Hatton, J. 33.2(32§ Hauff, 33.477 Hauk , M. 33.317 Havana, 32.312a Hawaiian ilands, w 32.193; trav. 28.361a; liist. 33.43, 206; natives, 33.243 Hawker, 11. w 48.571 Hawthorne, 63.260; w 61.- 945 Hay, M. C. 32.411 Hayes, I. II., 33.453; I. I., 33.485; R. B. 31.315, 401; 32.68; mrs. 32.167; admin. 31.282; 32.144 Haynes, H. W. q 32.59 Hazen, W. B. 31.402 Hazlitt, 97.623; 151.79 Heard, F. F. 33.439 Heartlessness, 150.753 Heat, 33.45***; and helth, 3.- 497a; solar, engines, 9.- 550a Heath, C: 32.287; B: 33.- 176 Heating, 2.472a; 3.193a Hedges claim, 33.329 Heilprin, 61.636 Heine, 47.163, 97.641; w 32.- 64; mem. 32.76 ;w 33.15911 Heinzen, K: 32.13 Hell, 12.627a Hellenic Studies, 32.137 Helmholtz, 32.411H; 151.- 45111 Helper, H. R. 33.47 Henderson, F. C. 33.99 Henry VIII., 10.116a; J. 2.- 741*; 13.365; 32.406; 1\ 33.- 49, 91 Henschel, G: 31.342; 77 31.- 394 Henshall, > T. j\. 33.160 Henslow, J : S. 3.159*a Hep worth, G: II. 33.99J Herbert of Cherbury, 97.50** Ilerbst, ]V. 32.168 Herculaneum, 2.232a Herculesbad, 33.270a Herder, 31.415 Heredity, [see Evolution] 4.55a11; 14.356a; 19.663; 32.131, 463; 47.377a Hero-worship, 47.75a Herring, 19.433a Hersehel, C. 8.736a* Hershon, P. T. 32.156 Herrey, A. B. 33.159; 64.- 153 Herzen, 33.119 Hewett, A. S. 31.391a II. II. 32.152H Higginson, T: W. q 31.281, 317; 32.51, 71; 33.314 Hilgard, J. E. 7.617*; 33.501 Hill, F. H. 63.668; R., w 32.- 138 Hi i.leij ran i), 97.257; 150.3; w 18.272; 31.414a; 47.421 Hiller, F., q 31.291 Hiller n, 31.382 Hippopotamos, 149.637 Hirth, G. 32.333 History, primitive (see Pa¬ laeontology) 16.545; 17.- 495a; eollec. documents, 33.511; pop. 31.450 Hiscock, 33.429 Hitchcock, sen. 33.25 Hoar, D. B. q 32.371; G: R., q 32.251 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 24 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. Hobrecht, 33.305 Hocking valley coal, 33.134 Hodge, C. w 31.381; 47.500; 62.310 Hodgkin, T: 32.29 Holden, E: 8. 32.118; 63.- 312|| Holladav, B. 32.35 Holland, trav. 32.170a; crown, heir, 31.428; hist., 33.407 Holland, J. G. 23.161a*, 311a; 33.305, 315 ; 63.509*; 64.- 147 Holmes, O. W. 31.312; 2 d 32.286 Holst, 32.280a Hohyoake, G. J., 33.182 Home study Soc., y. m., 31.- 444 Homer, birthplace. 33.276; W* 32.80 Hommel, F. 33.355 Hood, J. 33.34* Hooft, 32.259 Hooker, J. D. 4.237* Hooper, C. L. 32.304 Hope, A. B. 32.194 Hopkins, M. 63.545* Horace, 32.79U Horn, F. W. 32.32 Horses, feet, 18.468; races, 32.398; 33.285, 304, 327; [Eng.] 28.72a, 33.227, 265, 410a; riding, 23.146 Horstmann, 33.117 House, E: H. 33.360 Household, [see Domestic Economy] art, w 32.413; 33.357 Housekeeping, co-op., 9.- 733a; 48.331a Houses, [see Heating, Venti¬ lation] 4.69a; w 32.268 Houssaye, A. 32.220 Howard, B. W. w 33.436; C: H. 31.453; O. O. 33.95|| Howe, J. W. 62.398*; T. O., 31.304 ; 33.482 Howells, W: D., 62.381*; w 32.11$§1T; 33.54, 154, 254, 332; 48.402; 63.627 Howgate, 33.143, 147, 166, 186, 326 Hubard, 32.16 Hubbard, J. 31. q 33.370, 861 Huber, F., 6.486a*; V. A. 32.445a Hubert, st. 61.692a* Hudson, H. N. 32.338 Hueffer, F, 6.486a* Huger, F. K., w 33.492 Hughes, T: q, 31.247; w 33.- 59, 288 Hugo, w 33.249; w [Laugel] ll.ii; 31.407a, 457a; 32.7a Huguenots, w 31.366 Hume, 149.655 Humming birds, 63.25a Hungary, travels, 33.230, 270a; hist. 33.43; Germans, 31.446 Hunt, A. TV. 27.527; 32.302; £.,97.550t; T. S. 8.486*; q 31.1; 33.134; W: q 33.- 493; W. M., 61.161a* Huntington, G: P., q, 33.413 Hurlbut, 33.325, 364, 405, 461 Huxley, T: H: 4.739a*; q 31.309; w 11.527a; 33.175 Hydrofobia, 6.174 Hygiene [see Disease, Food] 2.665a; ps 10.198a; and cold ps 10.654aU; 97.511; falla¬ cies, 20.156a; instruction, 4.421; precautions, 20.56a; —soil, 33.295 Hypnotism, 3.618al; 9.211a; 18.108a Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9,20-21, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper;97, Eclectic; 149-61, Living age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 25 I celand, con., 31.342; lit. w 32.244 Ichthyology, w 33.120a Idols, 8.158 Ihne, 32.151 Hands, water supply, 6.440 Iliohan, mrs. q 33.282 Illinois, hist, early, w 33.- 495a; univ. 10.512a Imagery, 18.64a Imagination, psll 455a Imitation, 15.656a Imola, B. da., w 33.354 Inama Sternegg, w 32.45 Income tax, U. S. 32.84 Indexes, Q. P. 47.295; An¬ nual, 33.373 India, travels , 2.614a; church , theistic, 31.464; 32.150; 151.423a; history , 1857, w 32.299; eont., 33.- 187,265; w 32.31; society, native, 150.227a; mental seclusion, 151.438; sport, 61.870 Indiana, hist., 31.279, 289a, 298 Indians, 27.195a; 32.67; 33.- 406; w 33.320; cranium, w 32.259; education, 32.464; 62.659a*; and govt., 10.- 380a; 31.401; 32.83, w 152a; 47.572; hist, eont., 33.65, 128, 147, 167; (war) 33.186, 208, 245, 265, 346; w 33.- 95; lan. w 31.353 Indian Ter., 31.421; 32.380 Indigestion, 1.75a; and mind, 18.226 Infernal machines, 33.85, 87a, 104,143 Ingelow. J. 27.424; 32.173, 183 Ingersoll, E. w 32.119; R., 31.315; 32.74 Insanity, 12.432a; in law, 1.- 440a; 11.440a; 33.328, 446, 490; 48.780a Insects, fossel, w 32.150 Institutions, early, 19.197a; 32.94; w 33.203; parlia¬ ments, 19.342a, 577a; Eng¬ lish, 33.375; w 33.373; Germanic, w 32.45; 33.- 135, 23S|;Ja Insurance, life, 19.732a; 62.- 273a, 754a; hist., 19.482a; IJ. S. 33.51; graveyard, 33.- 265, 387 Interior dept, 32.269, 307, 326; 33.501 Inventions, 16.755a Iowa, hist., 33.44, 304 Ireland, [see Kelts,] travels [N] 27.321a*; [W] 62.- 506a*; question, 10.ii; 11.- 185a; 27.203; 31.247, 265, 319a; 62.148; w 33.135a; h istory , Eng., i 111 reatment, 32.204; 16 th cent., 151.603a; recent, w 31.464a; eont., 32.52, 105, 123, 127a, 143, 161,179,309,399; 33.23, 63, 65, 107, 128, 145, 164, 187, 206, 209, 225, 227, 243, 265, 267a, 283, 285, 293, 303,305, 309a, 325, 345, 347, 367, 369, 371a, 405,407, 425, 427, 445, 448a, 465, 485, 505; w 32.- 188a; industry, 151.187; land q 32.21, 39a, 69; w 32.132; U. S. aid, 33.65; bill, 32-253, 355a, 288,292a, 361, 381; 33.3, 23, 25,43, 65, 83,84, 89a, 105, 106, 167, 171a, 193, 249,265, 347, 365, 387; “boycotted,” 97.- 209a ; 150.113a; league, 33.- 147, 302, 327, 329a, 365, Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 26 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 445; language, 33.192; lit. +w, 33.477 “Iroquois,” 32.398 Iron, 1.340a; founding, 62.- 64*; industry, U. S., 32.- 260; 33.233 ’ Irving, 63.144 Irwin , H. C. 32.31 Isherwood, B. F. 32.317 Isle rovale mines, 19.601a Italy, travels, (C) 151.361a; map. 33.233; church, meth. 33.324; education, 151.341a; finance, paper, 31.440a foreign relations, 33.3, 248a, 327, 347, 367; history, cont., 33.407; 97.- 328a, 150.387a; industry, 32.369a; politics, suffrage, 33.111a; press , trial, 33.- 509a; society, 150.256; Renas., 150.3a; 15th cent., 48.672a; holidays, 150.359a; rural, 151.736a; woman’s edu., 47.722 Italian language, w 32.261; 33.474; Abruzzi dialect,33.- 35; lit., early J, 33.10 Ithaka, archie., 32.278 J ackson, C. 31.450; C: T. 19. 404a*; H. E. 32.68; J. 33.294 Jacobi, M.. P. q 32.3S7 James, E. J. q 33.353; H: 27.214; 31.358; 33.332; 47.- 709, 871; 61.474; 63.627; T: L., 32.178, 342; W: 31.444; 32.131; judge, q 33-302 Janauschek, 32.208 Janney, L. N. 31.382 Janson, C. 33.355; K 47.286 Japan, vv, 32.281a; 33.317; travels, 31.466a, 649a*; archce. 14.257a*; 16.593a*; history, 10.477a; 33.347, 387; industry, silk, 33.- ±65; population, English, 33.73a; 47.610a; literature, +U, 47.731; learned soc’s., 151.632a; society, food, 33.514 Jaubert,21A9Sa,; 32.89; 97.- 637a; “Jeannette,” 33.485, 505 Jefferson, J. w 33.516 Jeffrey, 11. V. 32.98 Jennings, Gt: H: 33.157, 498; L. 150.611$ Jerez, M. 33.128 Jessup, A. D. 33.25 Jevons, W. S., ps 11.745; w 32.227 Jewell, M. 31.297 Jewels, 28.105; French crown, 33.465 Jewett, S. O. 33.479 Jews, 32.148; 33.325, 494; religion, 9.589a; hist, early w 33.203;—U. S., 32.327; Germany, 33.147, 213,227, 347, 367; Russia, 32.327, 347; Servia, 33.445; Spain, 150.447; Syria, 33.187 Johnson, E 32.229; H: P: 33.295; O., 33.413; S: w 32.12; V. F. 33.235 Johnstone, mr. 64.40* Jones, T: 61.798; W. B., 32.188 Jonquiere w, 33.240 Josefty, 62.812* Journalism, 31.403 ; 62.144a; anon, 61.142; interviews, 61.306; 63.785 * Judd, L. F. 32.193 Jullien, A. 32.79 Jumpers of Maine, 18.178a Junius, 64.145 Jurisprudence, (see Institu¬ tions) comp. 17.577a Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International tleview; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. — Q. P. Index Annual , 1881 27 K aden, W 32.351; Kairwan, 33.366 Kalakaua, 33.206, 245 Kalas, 33.317 Kalloch, I. M. 32.214 Kangaroos, 8.409a* Kansas, hist., 32.327, 443 Kant, 33.309a; cel., 33.24; w 11.3o j a Kapp, F: q 31.342, 409 Kasson, q 33.384 Katcher, L. 32.32§ Kayser, prof., 33.410a Keeley motor, 33.4S5 Keifer, 33.444 Kelley, W. D. 33.501 Kelly, J: 31.336, 419, 422a Keltic languages, 33.191a. 216 Kelts, pol. incapacity, 11.- 185a Kentucky farms, 63.124; hist. 32.52, 33.106 Kerfoot, bp., 33.25 Keyes, E. W. 32.2 Kiddle, PI: 15.408 Kielland , A. L. 32.225 Kiepert, 33.234 Kilpatrick, 33.405, 465 King, E: 31.3 Ilf; J. W. 31.- 293; S. A., 33.227 Kinglake, 31.379 Kipp, L. 31.172; 47.714+ Kirkman, q 33.415 Kirkwood, 32.269 Klaczko , J. 32.155 Kleinpaul, 32.333 Kletke , H. 32.377f Kluckholn, 33.393H Knox, It. 7.542a; T. W- 32.396, 405 Koerner, G. q 32.276 Korum, F. 33.194 Kossuth, 47.541 Kotzebue, 97.388a; 150.438a Krapotkin, 33.167 Kraft', J. L. 33.505 Kwong, 32.263 abiclie,*** 47.729 Labor question, ps 11.- 605a; 16.723a; w ps. 10.- 109; asso’s., 8.586a Labouchere, 63.849* Lace, 8.521a* Lacour, 31.428 Lafayette fam., 150.749a Lafontaine, 47.155 Lakes, 9.539a; great, canal communication, 63.415a*; fishing, 33.217 Lalanne, M. 32.266 Lamar, 33.206 Lamartine, 61.201*; w 33.- 355 Lamb, C: 32.187; w 97.621; 151.77; M. J. 32.117 Lampros, S. 31.411 Landor, 47.521; w 28.422; 33.179a; 63.790 Landstad, M. B. 31.395 Laufrey, 97.641 Lang, A. 33.39,134 Lange, 33.294 Langlet, A. 33.94 Language (see Filology) 14.- 191a; common, 33.176; origin, 4S.655a; w 33.332; (imitative) 32.88; original 32.261; study, 6.322aH; 7.- 142a Lanier, J. F. D., 31.370, 385, 408; 33.167; S., 33.- 208, 216,394; w 31.310; 61.- 796 Lanlcester, E . B. 31.446, 467; 32.414 Lanza, 31.382 Lapliam, E. G., 33.61; q 33.- 64 Lappenberg, J. M. 32.2851! Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 28 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881 Larcom, 47.429 Larkin, H. q 33.116 Larned, 33.449 La Roche, K: 31.463 Lasaulz, A von, w 27.422; 32.412 Latin language, pronun, 11.- 66a; lit., +, w 33.842a; 48.- 701 Laughter, 57.256 Law [see Crime, Institu¬ tions] administration, juries, 32.45; [civil suits] 48.9a; profession, [see Courts] cases on specula¬ tion, 33.33;— criminal, origin, 16.433a; int. asso., 33.147; military, 32.10; Homan, 149.672a Law Review, Am. 32.74;— H., 33.367; W : w, 32.412 Lawns, winter, 47.690 Lawrence, W: B., 32.243 Leader, J. D. 33.200 Le Conte, J. 12.358*; w 32.- 190 Lee, V. 32.33|| Lefroy, 33.25, 367 Legends, w 33.117 Leiden univ., 62.491a Leidy, J., 17.685a Leigh, A., 32.267; 33.480 Leo XIII, 151.387a Le Page *32.250; 48.283 Leslie. T. E. C., 18.101a Lesseps [see Panama Canal] 33.25 Lessing, 47.159 Letournou, w 31.469 Letters, 151.445 Libel law, 33.315; suits, 32.- 269, 463; 33.324, 350 Liberty statue, 33.504 Libraries, public, 33.448a; aids, 33.448a, 454; and publishers, 33.474; fiction in, 10.168a; 33.370a;—U. S. conference, 32.112a; Eng.—, 31.326; 33.314; Ital., 32.151 Lick obser., 33.430a Liddell, G., 149.749 Lieber, F., 10.333a; w 32.189 Liebig, 3.232*; 9.49a Life, human, 20.95a; statis¬ tics, ps. 10.697a; profes¬ sional: bribery, 63.946; social, industrial ideal, 149.701; money, 61.922; discipline of poverty, 23.- 310 Light, 16.517; houses, U. S., 33.346 Lillie, A., w 33.340; 48.840 Lincoln, A., mask, 23.223a*; pen, 33.112; R., 32.177 Lindau, P., 33.275, 316 Linde, A von der, w 32.221 Linton, E. L, 151.127**; w 32.411; W. J.,q 32.204 Liquor question, 32.93; coffee-houses, 14.108; legis¬ lation (German), 32.165a; (X. Y.) 33.105; moral effect, 14.379a Lisbon, 63.36a* Liszt, q 33.494 Literature, [see American, etc. lit.] art, 47.730; sham admiration, 17.48a; auto- biografy, 97.44a; biog., 48.- 281; cont., 32.78a; profes¬ sion, 97.423; authors, 7.93a (and editor), 62.789; re¬ putations, 47.582; morality 97.119a; strain, 16.93a; style, 47.443; study, 1.396a Lift A>, 32.407 “Livadia,” 33.209 Liverpool, 33.243; plot, 33.107 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 29 Livingstone, D., 2.327a*; w 27.318; 32.63; 4S.411; 62.- 632 Livre, 32.75; 33.94 Lloyd, C., 62.164 Lobedanz, E., 32.184 Loclce, w 31.396 Loekroy, E., w 33.497 Lockyer, J. N., 4.109* Locomotion, 4.528a*; human, 6.48a* Lodge, H: C.,28.110; 32.373; 48.415 Logarithms, w 32.149 London, 47.252a; areliae., w 32.352; press, 31.250a, 270a Long, gov., 33.84 Long iland, early hist., w, 33.354; sound, 61.206a* Longfellow, 31.212; *47.109 Longman, F. W.. w 32.376 Long Sault, 33.216 Loring, G:B., 32.360 Lome, q., 33.327; and wife, 63.216* Lotze, II., 33.95 Louis XI, 61.694* Louisiana, hist., 31.370; 32.35 Lovejoy, E. P., w., 32.264 Lovell, S: w., 32.388 Lover, S: w., 31.259 Lowe, II. see Sherbrooke Lowell mill girls, 48.593a; J. R., 62.252a* Lowery, S: 33.241 Lowther, J., 32.53 Lubbock, q., 33.233 Lucas, fl., 6.301 Lucretius, 18.333a; 47.58 Ludlow, T. W., q., 32.92; 33.413, 451 Lumby , >J. 1L, 33.219 Luther, 61.3S*; w 33.421 Luxury, 18.669a11 Lydus, J., 149.672a Lyell, sir € : 1.231* Lying, invol., 14.611a Lynedoeh, Id., w. 31.361 Lyman, II. M., w 33.354 Lytton 1st, home, 28.9a*; 2d, 33.473; plagiarism, 47.136, 577 accabasus, w 32.356 McCalman, A. H. w 32.65 McCarthy, J. 63.669* Macinghi, A. w 48.672**a McClellan, w 33.200a McCook, H: C., w 33,478 McCrary, q., 33.62, 92 McCrea, E. P., 33.305 McCulloch, J: w 47.368§§ McCurdy, J. F. q 32.405; w 33.458 Macdonald, F. 61.676a*; G. 33.54, 336; J. 31.313 Mac JDougal, P., 33.387 Macgeorge, w 32.376 Mac Gillivray, 31.341 McGrath, T. w 32.358 Mcllvane, C. P., w 33.339 Mackensie, H. D. S., w 33.- 358 Maclean, IL: S. 32.98; 8: B. 33.235, 350 McPherson statue, 33.65 Macquoid, K. S. w 33.479$ Mac Veagh, 32.177; 33.241, 366, 386, 404 “Madge”, 33.146 Madison, J. 63.446*** Madrid, duke of, 33.45, 65 Magazin fur die Lit., 33.- 434 Magellan, str. 33.167 Mahaffy, w 31.294 Malione, 31.298; 32.178, 195. 234; 33.281, 302 Main, D. M., w 32.262 Maine, travels, summering. Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 30 Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. 28.103; coast, 61.ii*; (W) 63.523a*; forest, 47.844a; history , 32.2, 19; 33.106, 226 Maintenon, w 32.368**a Maistre, cle, 47.67a Malaria, 9.416a; 33.34, 374; w 33.366, 494 Malays, 33.443 Malherbe, 32.407*** Malley case, see Cramer Mattock, 16.417; 33.79]:; 47.- 65; 48.560]; Malot, w 31.382U Mammoth cave, 33.374 Man, [see Babies, Socio¬ logy,] antiquity, 1.208a*; degeneracy, 1.482a; migra¬ tions, 1.299a; 16.322a1f; races, 19.289a*; (crossing,) 17.166a; (unity,) 1.61a; study, 1.327a Manchester, earl, w 33.239 Manitoba, travels, 27.113a* Manners, see Etiquet Manzanillo, 33.407 Maps, 16.478a* Marbles, ancient, ps 11.67a Marcus Aurelius, ps 11.461a; 33.489, 510 Mario case, 33.509 Marlitt, 33.99 Marriage, 2.1a: 6.466a; prim. ps 10.272a; 17.203 Marsh, G: 1*. q, 32.8Sa; O. C., 13.612a* Marshall, G: W. q 33.94 Martiis, w 33.222 Martin, st. 61.383; H. N. 32.- 303; W. A. P. 32.245a Martineau, H. 32.187; J 8.- 129a Martyn, H: 151.707 Marvin case, 33.167 Mary, st. w 33.200a Maryland, hist., 32.350 ; 33.- 493; records, 33.493 Mason, E. P. 10.585a Massachusetts, travels, coast 23.49a; (W.) 61.873a*; 63.- 643a*; history, colonial, 63.535a*; cont. 32.51; 33.- 242,244, 284; militia, 9th reg. 33.366; politics, city, 33.169a, 196 Mass. Ins. Technology, 23.- 286a Matches, ps 11.413a Materialism, 3.645; 8.129a; 13.354a; 15.667a Mathematics, teaching, 33.- 273a Mathews, W. S. B., 32.154; Matthews. S., 32.67,195, 251 Maudsley, 6.612* Maurer, K., w, 31.342; 33.- 238 Maxwell, J. C., 17.116* May, T: P., w 33.336 Mayer, A. M., ps 10.230*; J. R. 15.397* Mayor. J. B., 33.338 Mead, E. D., w 33.18 Measures, 19.652a Meat, canned, 33.326 Medical prof’on, 2.422***a*; bibliog., 33.116; history, cont., ps 10-330a; 33.174, 5; laws regulating, 10.367a; (in N. Y.) 33.116; liability, 18.769a; quacks, 1.95a; study, 19.795a Mediterranean canal, 33.445 Menstruation, w, 12.341 Meredith, G: ic 31.411 Merim6e, w, 32.202**a, 256a Merrill, G: E, 33.454; 64.- 149; S, 33.378; 48.832 Merv, 33.129, 367 Meslier, J: w, 14.241H Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9,20-21, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 31 Mesmerism, ps 11.12a Mesnervi, 33.13Sa1I Messolonghi, 33.367 Metalie arts exh., 33.473 Metcalfe, F., w, 31.324 Meteorology [see Storms, Weather Bureau], 15.6S4; 31.308; 33.233; w 33.335; yellow day, 63.948; inti, moon, ps 10.56aH Methodists [see Church] oec council, 33.209, 227, 245, 270 Metric system, 13.82a; 14.- 757a Metternich, w., 33.201**a Metzu, G., 63.181* Mexico, travels, 23.1a*; archae., 32.94; lan., w., 32.61; railways, 33.367; 63.276a Mexico, gulf, fish, 150.512 Michel, L., 31.439; 32.114; 33.45; M., 31.469 Michigan, travels, 28.321a*; fires, 33.208, 227, 264, 326, univ., 18.123; 32.168 Midhat, 33.25, 45, 65 Mieris, F., 63.184* Milan, ind. exli., 32.369a Milk, 28.416; use, 19.482a; condensed, 3.466 Mill, J: S., 3.367a*; 14.698a; 16.25a; 97.53**; infl., 62.- 787 Miller, Joa., 33.274; M, 33.- 435; W., 33.41, 44, 462; q 33.81 Millet, F. D., 32.229; J: F, w., 32.116 Millocker, w, 33.375$§ Mills, C., 17.563; S. B., 62.- 814* Milner, G., w 33.440 Milton, 47.387 Milwaukee, 62.702a* Mind [see Brain, Emotions] and disease, 6.562a; read¬ ing, ps 10.459a; ps. 11.362; overwork, 151.229 Mines, explosions, 15.200a; 33.4S5; ancient, 33.232; U. S., 27.86a Minnesota finance, 32.197; 33.44, 84, 208, 226, 302, 304, 364; hist., 33.264, 284, 326 Miracles, 9.21a; modern, (Hammond) 10,225a; 12.- 724; 32.132; 33.84 Mirzan case, 33.152 Mischief in middle age, 48.1a Mississippi, hist., 31.386; 33.- 106, 206, 386; laud, 33.504 Miss, river, 33.346; jetties, w, 32.30 Mitchell, A., 31.467; 62.949; F W, 33.100; 47.284 Mivart, w, 32.393; 63.310 Moller, A., w , 32.260 Mohammedanism, hist., [see Calif ate] 150.707a; 151.- 172a; lit., 33.138a; orders, 151.566a Mohr, F., 17.402* Moliere 47.157 Molina, w, 32.61 Molinari, q, 31.265 Mollett, J: W., w 32.352 Mommsen sub., 31.439; w 32.6 Monaco, 33.85 Monastery, Baptist, 23.214a* Monck, W. H. S., w 33.19 Money, (see Finance, Silver, etc.) rate interest, 11.22a Mongredien, A, w 32.322 Monkeys, [see Apes,] 27.- 544a*; 28.22a*, 380a Monograph , 32.297 Monstrosities, human, 64.- 105 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 32 Q. P. Index Annual . 1881. Montagu, M. W. 10.549a Montague, C : W., w 33.298 Monteil, w 33.298 Monumerfta Germaniae, 33.- 492 Moody & Sankey, 33.387 Moon, ps 10.508a Moore, C: H. w 33.93 Moo.se, 27.231a* Morals, history, 16.267a; in beasts, 16.346a; and civili¬ zation, ps 11.549a Morey letter, 31.297, 316a, 349, 352a, 385, 390a,402 Morgan, D., w 33.519 Morgan, E. B. 33.305, 346; E. D. 33.326; L. H. 18.- 114a*; 33.493 Morlev, H: w 33.159; J: 64.- 44*; S: q 33.344, 445 Mormons, 9.479a; ps 10.156a: 11.221a; 32.463,467a; 33.- 386, 405, 424, 502; hist. 63.- 756a Morocco, w, [trav.] 32.64 Morris, C: 32.46; C, §§31.- 326; 32.18,131; 47.365 Morse, E: S. 13.102*; S: F. B., 1.115* Morton, L. P. 32.19; 33.107 Moscow tire, 33.265 Mott, L. 31.358 Mowbray, J: II. q 33.327 Mozart, 62.945 Mud ford, W. H. 64.39* Muller, F. M. q 33.176; w 23.150; 33.13 Munchen, art study, 28.211 Mulford, E. w 48.699 Mulhall, M. G., w 31.331 Munger, T. T., w 23.154 Muntz, E. w 32.208; 33.- 41311 Murray, E. C. G., 33.505 Murray, 149.658j Murders, 33.45; U. S., 33.- 62; (cal.) 32.214; political 48.780a; rht. asylum, 33.- 148a; infernal machines, ( q . v.) 33.63 Murdoch, J. E. w, 47.565 Museums, sci. Eur. ps 11.- 472a Music, 97.189a; w, 32.154a; 33.217; and elections, 33.- 416; influence, 31.292; journals, 33.217; notation 4 28.315;—in U. S. 63.947; Brooklyn, 33.495; England (fests) 33.275; Leipzig, 33.- 488a; N. Y. 31.308, 326, 342, 359, 394, 410, 427, 445; 32.11, 27, 44, 75, 95, 114, 133, 150, 169, 186, 207, 241, 260, 298, 318, 335, 33.395, 416, 435, 454, 474, 513, 61.- 144; 62.803a*; 63.304, 307; [opera] 33.317; 62.305; Norwegian, 33.513; orien¬ tal, 18.237a; Vienna, 32.- 293a Musical Eeview, 33.217 Musset, 61.200* Myer, A. J., 18.408a* Myers, F. W. II., w, 32.153 Mykenai finds, 33.132a Mythology, 18.43a; comp., 48.85a a dal, q, 32.56 Names, 33.198; 97.- 355a: anatomical, 32.278; family, (IJ. S.) 32.114; ac¬ cent, 47.299; (Indian,) 48.- 716 Nantucket, 28.303a Naples, bay, 149.812a NapohSon III, 61.197; 151.57 Narcotics, 7.611a; 13.483a; 15.491a Nation Index, 31.325 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 12-20, Popular 31-3, Nation; Q. P. Index Annucd, 1881. 33 Natural history, curiosities, G4.97a*; study, 32.277;— Soc., (Boston) 32.334 Naumann, E., 31.330 Navies, w, 31.292; 32.66; 47.- 423 Navagation, ocean, 3.717a Navy, U. S., 33.346, 366, 335, 426 Needlework, art, 27.626; 61.655a Negroes, U. S., 19.665a; 32.- 2)6; exodus, 32.314; nos., 32.122, 185; soc. relations, 32.132 Nerves and morals, 2.416a Netoleszha, q, 31.360 Neutnarck, G: w, 33.338t Newark bank, 33.344, 346, 366 Newberry, J. S., 9.490* Newcomb, S., ps 11.612*; 62.550*; w, 33.254 Newell, C. M. 33.336; W. W. 32.35lH New England pesants, 27.418 Newfoundland, French claims, 32.113 New Guinea, 14.742a; 15.- 57a; w 32.223a New Jersey, courts, 33.104; hist. 33.106, 304 New London, 27.17a* Newman, mrs. 33.336 ;rev., q, 33.22; J : H: 97.37a New Mexico, travels, 61.- 185a* Newnham college, 97.134 New Orleans riot, 33.208, 227 Newport, 61.630; in Rev. 63.- 463; casino, 63.944 New Testament, Mss. 33.- 413; revision, 32.371a; 32.- 380, 401a, 63.465, 472; 97.- 223, 631a; 150.67a; in prac¬ tice, 33.25, 68a Newton, C: T: 31.449 ; 32.- 137; H: 33.340 New Virginians , 32.248 New York city, w 33.134; 7th reg. armory, 32.390; art, [see Exhibitions.] 31.- 309, 377, 445; museum, 61.- 142; casino, 33.289a; charities, 32.68, 345; fresh air, 28.186a; cus¬ tom-house. 32.104, 143; 33.84, 146; rules, 33.206; Dclmonico’s 33.191a; edu¬ cation,coWege, 13.106; schools, 16.695; [niht,] 17.- 681; (trades) 23.286; fires, 33.285; dept, old, 62.191a* liarhor , Montauk, 28.- 425a*; immigration fees, 33.126,128; pilots, 23.177a*; sharks, 33.106; library, free, 31.462; park, obelisk, 32.52; 61.792; police com., 32.231; politics, 31.281, 298, 315, 333, 337a, 419, 451, 454a; 32.2, 23a, 270; 33.82, 84, 146, 166,186, 205, 224, 227 , 244, 286a, 287a, 363; 63.147, 307; C. S. tenure, 33.154; election frauds, w 32.355a; popula¬ tion, Italian, 62.676a*; squatters, 61.562a*; work¬ ing women, 61.25a*; post- office, 32.232; el. railways, 32.288, 308; 33.24, 44, 64, 84, 166, 185, 186, 262, 265, 285, 503; society, 62.624; new years, 32.1; stock-exchange, 33.407; street cleaning, 32.196, 198a, 231, 252, 269, 288, 309, 330a, 360, 379; tliea- Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 74-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 34 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. tres , 31.254, 446; 32.207; 33.227, 503; 47.362a; Ger¬ man, 33.375; trade, 33.108a; and rys. 33.128; water supply, 33.326 N. Y. state, code, 32.169, 197, 217a; 33.184; hist. 31.- 350, 370 ; 32.1,19; 33.24, 44, 61, 64, 226, 244, 261, 264, 284,304,383,388,403; taxa¬ tion, 32.36 Niagara, 1.564a*; 3.210a; 33.- 170a, 215 Nicolay, J: G, w, 33.398 Nichol, J. w, 31.344 Nihilists, lO.ii; 32.253, 271, 289; 33.45, 119a, 167, 305, 347, 424,427; 63.443 Niko, 33.303 Nohl, L: w, 32.19211 No Name novels, 31.382; 32.303, 411; 48.564 Norris, W. E. 28.111; 33.- 137 Norse lit. 33.513 North Carolina, hist. 32.308, 398; 33.103, 106, 125, 133a Nortlicote, S. 32.367; q, 33.- 263 Norton, C: E., 62.389*; w 27.- 105; 31.345 Norway, w 33.334; travels, 47.770a; 48.39a, 366a, etc.; 63.882a*; women, 48.854 Norwood, 31.280 Nova Scotia, hist., 1710, 11.- 493a; sport, 27.231a* Noyes, gen., 33.195; C: J., 31.305; S. B. 32.73 Nubians, 17.512* Numerals, ps. 10.736 Nursing, 9.173a; 27.521 O akey, miss 63.632; A. F. 33.59; 63.792; 8. W. 32.- 131** Oates, F. 33.439 Obeissances, 13.146a Oberammergau play, (see Passion Plays,) actors, 33.- 25 Oberhofen, 147.190 Obesity, 1.545a; 17.60a Ocean messengers, 151.127 O’Connell, D. 61.204 O’Connor, T. P., q 33.302 Odes, 150.195a O’Donnovan, 33.505 Odors, 6.142a Odvlism, ps 11.13 Offenbach, 10.286a; 31.254 Ohio, finance,32.278; history, 33.106, 264, 304; w 31.325 Oil industry, U. S. 33.166; 47.320a Old Testament, w 33.118a Oliphant, L. 32.326; 63.468; M. O. W. 32.193||; 33.99 Omens, 97.129 Oncken, W. 31.425; 32.168 Opera, [see Music] w 33.- 101; boufle, 31.275 Opium, 12.555 Opossums, 8,149a* Orange, W: of, 62.493* Ordeals, 9.307a Oregon war bonds, 32.251 O’Reilly, J. B. 62.397*; w, 47.859 Oriental Soc., U. S. 31.326; 33.275 Orientals, 3.493 Ornament, evo. in, 6.266a Orpheon societies, 33.275 Oscar I., 64.13*; II., 64.1* Ostade, A. van, 61.899a* Oswald, F. L. 27.110; 32.- 228$ Otis, C. P., w, 33.182 Ouida, 32.173; 33.394 Owls, ps 11.143a* Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9,20-21, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper;97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 35 Oxenford, J: 63.845* Oybin, 150.351 Oysters, 6.1a; beds, 20.29a; 27.479 aeific states, archoe, ps 10.353a; ry. discrimina¬ tion, 33.113a Paddock, A. G., w, 33.137 Piilitext soe., 33.117 Pailleron, E: w, 33.449a Pain, fvsical uses, 27.302a Paine, T: 18.563 Painting, (see Art) color blindness, 1.174a Palaeontology, 16.219a; 17.- 350a; 20.165a Palatine Notebook , 33.51 Palfrey, J: G., 32.318 Pall Mall Gazette, 31 250 Palmer family, 33.33; E: H. 32.62; F. A. 33.504 Palustre, w, 32.280 ; 47.866 Panama, 33.367; canal, 16.- 380a, 842a; 31.434; co., 33.- 327; andU. S., 20.273; 33.- 326, 327, 317, 348a, 367, 384, 441, 445, 481, 484, 485 Pancrates, 33.51 Panizzi, w, 32.62; 33.275 Papacy, hist. 33.45, 127, 303, 305, 505; income, 97.718 Paper, taxation, 33.135 Paralysis, 15.40a Paris art schools, 23.259a*; 27.269a; life, 2S.435a; models, 28 522; 6cole des sciences politiques, 31.- 378; life, 28.571a; politics, 32.57a Parker , F. J. 31.261|| Parliaments, [see England, etc.] procedure, 32.87a Parnell, 32.123, 161; 33.265, 285, 303, 305, 347; 62.307 Parr, 32.161 Parry, H. 31.269 Parsons murder, 33.465; W. 28.186 Parton, J. q 33.292; w 23.- 151; 33.276; 48.260a; 63.- 473; 97.474a Pascal, 31.251 Passion plays, w 32.29; Am- mergau, 61.472; in N. Y., 31.386 Passions, see Emotions Pasteur, 151.323a Paston, 151.135** Patent law, 15.612a Patriotism, 2.708a Patterson, C. P., 33.128; R., 33.106 Patti, A., 33.3S7, 395 Pauperism and hospitals, 9.- 738a Pavements, 7.80a; 23.154 Peabody bequest, 33.327; museum, 33.232; 63.670a* Peace society, 33.347 Pearce, J. A. q 32.239 Peard, 31.382; 47.711 Peirce, R., 18.691a*; 31.268a; 33.452 Pekin, college, 31.326 Pemberton, J. C. 1 33.45 Penazzi , L. 33.115 Penn, W: grave, 33.64, 105; 64.83a*; 150.637; pictures, 62.1a* Pennsylvania, travels, [E] 23.209a*; 64.88a; coal, 33.- 116;history, 32.105; 33.205, 261,264,282,333, 403, 504 Pensions, U. S. 33.363, 426; office, 28.200a; 33.44, 281. 301 Pepys, 150.408a; w 31.417 Perinchief, O., w, 16.561 Perry, N, 33.98; 47.284; S: 31.350 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 36 Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. Persecution, 32.10 Peru, archae., w 32.13Ta; 33.33; art , anc. 33.374; history, 32.53 ; 33.45, 85, 167, 209, 245, 305, 325, 327, 364, 367, 384, 425, 427, 485; and U. S., 33.390, 405, 441; Co., 33.484,486a Perugino , 150.149 Pessimism, ps 11.682a Petermann, A: H: 14.231* Petroleum, 9.140a; German, 33.147 Pettenkofer, q 33.295 Pewter, old. 48.846 Ph. .. . see F. Phear , J: B. 32.223 Phelps, Dodge case, 31.419; A. 33.433; W: W. 33.265 Philadelphia, history, 31.334, 339; 32.122, 148 ; 33.426; frauds, 33.445 Phillips, solic. 32.359; W, q 33.365; 63.625; W. II., q, 33.114 Phoinikians, 47.375 Pianos, ps 11.691a; 33.416 Piatt , J. J. 32.319 Picture buying, 27.104; fram¬ ing and hanging, 63.552* Pierce case, 33.347; E. L. 32.246a Pierson, H. W. 33.359 Pikes in civil war, 32.259; W: B., 63.260 Pinchard, 151.509 Pinto, S., 33.74; w 28.213; 33.53; 48.835 ; 63.791 Pittsburg, 62.49a* Pius-Verein, 81.236a Plagiarism, cases, 31.411; 33.491 Plaisted, gov., q, 32.84 Plants, 97.500a; history, w, 31.342; climing, 17.635a; and liht, 33.272 Platt, T: C. 32.35, 38a, 51, 397; 33.2, q, 205 Plowed Under, 32.226 Plutarch, w 31.395||H; 33.- 41511 Poe, E. A. 47.523; 61.788; w 10.26a; 31.360; w 31.408 Poetry, 33.197; morality, 149.731a; theories, 150.- 682a Poets’ wives, 47.iv Police types, 33.88a Political Economy, 16.601a; w, 32 212; in U. S., ps 10.- 866; Germany, 31.409; payt. pub. dets., 11.246a; produce and consumption, ps 11.306a Political Education soc., 31.- 342 Politics [see Institutions, Parliaments,] 3.172a; cere¬ mony, 12.385a; discipline, 2.129a; gifts, 13.25a; inter¬ national, infl. telegraf, 19.- 101a; lit. men, 61.143; military system, 19.750a; monarchy, 15.545a; nat. morality, 61.788; parties, ps 11.734a; stupidity of politicians, 12.163a; primi¬ tive, 18.1a; rihts, 11.152a Pollock , F. 32.376 Poncas, 32.3, 67, 83, 90, 103, 125a. 141, 159 Ponies, wild, 2S.476 Poole, D. C. 33.320; 11. L. 31.366 Poor, L. E. 32.66 Porcelain, painting, 61.903a; old, 33.94 Pork, disease, 32.186; trade, 33.427, 435, 445 Porpoises, 149.638*** Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Keview; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippineott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881 37 Porter, F. J: 31.420, 433 Portfolio, 31.341; 33.34 Portland, duke of, 151.758 Portraits, composit, 13.461a*; generic, 15.532a Portugal, travels, 63.iii; w 31.343; history, 33.387 Post-Office, U. 8. [see Star- routes,] 32.230a; 33.285, 326 , 346, 406, 432; forein, 32.104; rules, 33.464; Eng¬ lish, 151.636; w 32.138; parcels, 143.704; Swiss, orders, 33.444 Potter, O. B. 33.332; q 32.240 Pottery, 4.59a*; U. S. 62.- 357a*; Cincinnati, 62.834a* Pourtales, 18.549* Powell, B. q, 33.243 Power, new, 32.318; wasted, 15.289a Poynter, E. J. 31.365 ; 33.9, 99 Praxiteles, w 32.75 Preece, W. H. q 31.463 Pregnancy, ps. 10.38a Presbyterian council, 31.245 Preston, W: C. 11.354 Prince, J. C. 149.752 Princeton college, 18.122 Priestley, J. 6.90a Prisons, 10.306a; 11.234a; 97.316a Private Sec. 28.527; 33.- 436 Proctor, R: A. 4.486*; w 32.- 191 Prolfs, B., 33.376 Profesy, 3.732a Progress, 18.553 Prohibition in N. C. 32.308, 133a: 33.104 Protoplasm, 8.67a1I; ps 11.- 422a; 15.729a Proverbs, 151.699; Scotch, w 32.221; Sicilian, 31.411 Providence ly. lists, 32.277 Prussia, admin., cities, 33.- 353; volkswirthschaftsrath 32.128; hist. 33.305 Pullan, B. P., 31.440 Pulling, F. S., 32.185 Pulman car co., 33.505 Pumpelly, 33.198 Punch, 97.558a Punishment [see Prisons] 33.414; w, 33.37 Puritans, U. S., 61.947 Pyle, H., w, 33.496 uackenbos, G. P., 33.65 Quakers, U.S., 47.440; in N. E., 32.259; 33.330a, 372a, 412a Qualtrough, 33.122 Quilter, 33.9 Quincy, Ill., floods, 33.326, 346 Quinet, w, 33.176a Quotations, hist., 63.787 abelais, 61.820a* Racine, 47.158 Bacinet, 31.309; 32.298 llae, W. F., q, 32.183; w , 33.320 Rafaelle, w, 32.208 Railways, 32.322; accidents, 16.414; 33.128; beautify¬ ing, 33.334; ship, 63.905a*; U. S., 32.160, 199a, 203a, 273a, 333, 386; 47.317a; law, 32.246a; prices and courts, 33.82, 92a; robber¬ ies, 33.42, 44, 206, 208, 245, 265, 285,; stock-watering, 32.241a,254a,258,273,276a, 294a; war, 33.106,128,130a, 146, 243,326,506a Ralegh, 151.603a Randall, q, 33.345 Randazzo, 33.227, 243, 245, Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 38 Q. P. Index Annual . 1881 264, 266a, 283, 285, 344, 346, 445, 503 Ranke, 31.424 Rankin, M., 33.274, 315; W. J. M., 12.236* Rats, 4.344a* Raurn, q, 33.226 Rawlinson, G., 33.118,155a Raymond, J: H., w, 32.356 Reading, 8.212a; w, 31.274; rv., 32.1, 21 Rebello, see Randazzo R6camier, 32.89; 48.137 RSclus, w, 33.142 ; 63.309 Reereation, 14.780a; 15.- 772a; 16.640a; 19.450; sum¬ mer, 28.209 Redell, M. C., q, 33.404 Redfield, H. V., 31.465 Redhouse, J. W., 33.13811a Reformation, 149.653 Reed, E. J., 32.281; T: B., 33.367 Reference index, 32.205 Regnault, 23.15a Reichenbach, w, 33.99 Rein, J. J., w, 33.317 Religion, 47.68; 151.763a; and epilepsy, 2.605a; God, 48.532a; origin, 97.86a, 358a; 150.131a; primitive, 15.795a; 16.56a; science of, 32.407 Religions, revue des, 33.494 Remenyi, 62.817* “Remus,” see Harris, J. C. R6musat, 33.110** Renan, psll.216||; w, 31.- 271; 33.389a; 32.198 Renouf, 47.130 Rent, 33.365 Repub. league, 32.326 Reumont, 32.321 Rhein, songs, 61.201 Rhode Island, name, 33.74,92 Ricasoli, B., 11.268a Richardson, A. 8., 150.214a Richmond, duke, 32.367 Richter, 33.427 Rideing, IF. II., 32.351 Ridings, E., 149.749 Riggs, G. W., 33.167 Ripley, G., 61.633 Risano, 150.824 Ritchie, A. T., 33.137 Ritter, C: 16.689a* Roach, q, 33.447 Robbins, D. C., q, 33.104 Robertson, col. 32.214, 216a, 231, 253, 272a, 325; 33.81 Robeson, q, 33.183 Robinson, J. R., 63.667*; W: 33.420 Rocca, della, 32.64 Rocliambeau papers, 32.3 Rochefort, 32.3; 33.265; w, 32.410 Rochester obser., 31.325 Roe, E.P., 31.382 Rogerson, J. B., 149.749 Rogers, J. E. T., q, 31.371; w, 33.360; IF: B., 9.606* Rome, ancient, aqueducts, 32.147a; con. w, 33.494; sanitory arrangements, 32.- 221; society, 149.647; later empire, w, 32.29; mod¬ ern, campagna drainage, 151.505a; art study, 27.1a*; malaria, 151.639; Ameri¬ cans in, 27.617a; riot, 150.- 639 Rood, 16.274 Rosas, 61.205* Rose, R., 149.753 Rosenthal, I., 33.19H Rosmini, 151.771a Ross, D. IF., 31.341; 32.260 Rossa, O., q, 33.143 Rosse, 33.354 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper;97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual 1881. 39 Rossetti, C. G., 97.708 Rossini, w, 33.140; w, 33.- 375; miss, 33.454 Roubaucl, 33.332 Roulier, 33.107 Roumania, forein relations, 33.445,465 Round, AV. F. R., w, 33.98 Round Robin novels, 32.- 411; 33.54, 99, 337, 436 Rousseau, 97.47** Roustan, 33.485 Roy, T. B., w , 31.341 Royal Society, 6.655a Royet, O., w, 32.279 Rubber, see Caoutchouc Rubbish, 16.97 Rubinstein, to, 31.394; 33.- 90a; 435 Rugby, Tenn., 31.246; 33.127, 288 * 62.147; w, 33.59 Ruggles, S. B., 33.167 Rumford, 9.231* Rummel, F., 62.813* Ruskin, 33.220a Russell, C: 32.188; W. C., 32.17; W: G., 33.504; W: H., 63.846*; W. S., 47.445 Russia, travels, 151.183a; courts, 33.445; finance, 33.407; forein relations, extradition, 33.305; Ger¬ many, 33.207; history, 32.- 177, 233, 399, 361; 33.63, 127, 167,187, 305, 327, 367, 387,485; w, 33.16; society, country, 27.252a Rutherford, w, 23.631; 32.- 392** Ryssakoff, 32.271 S abine, sir E: 2.238 Sadi, 32.339H Sahara, flooding, 8.665a; ry., 32.318; wells, 16.530a Saint Beuve, index, 33.274 St. Lawrence, 27.529a*; camping, 150.767; canals, 63.415a; 1000 iles, 63.501a* St. Louis pol. 32.252 Saintsbury , G: 31.468; 32.- 337 St. Simon, w, 31.366 St. Victor, P. de, 33.25; w, 47.288 Sala, G: A. 64.36* Salisbury, marquis of, 32.- 367; cathedral, 62.650a* Salmagundi club, 31.445 Salmon, 19.1a Salt, 1.405a; ind., U. S. 33.- 154 Salvini, 23.110a Salzburg conf., 33.295 Sanders, D. 33.115 San Francisco, Chinese, 27.- 123a*; 62.70a*; vigilance com. 11.78a Sanscrit, w, 32.152; 33.10; lit. 31.359H; 33.275; study, 32.261 Saratoga springs, 19.24a Sardou, A. 33.332; V, 31.- 377; 47.369$ Sargent , E. 32.395 Sauveur, 33.153 Savage, M. J. 17.565 Savannah riot, 33.245 Sayce, A. H. 23.148; 32.95 Scandinavia, arch*. 33.380; lit. w, 32.95 Scenery and imag., 151.383 Scent, 17.359a Schaffer, C: q, 33.215 Schell, 31.281 Schorr, J: w, 32.157H Schiller, 47.163; w, 149.657; 151.823** Schleswig, coast, 2S.228a* Schliemann, 27.316; 32.96a; 62.630; 150.771a Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows : 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 40 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. Schlozer, 33.185, 290 Schonhof, J., ic, 33.376 Schofield, q, 31.349 School Herald , 32.168 Schools, U. S., ps 11.713***; 16.663a; supervision [Adams] 61.934a Schopenhauer, infl., 31.447a; w, 28.317H; 33.15811 Scliouler, J., w , 10.495|| Schubert, w, 33.140; w, 33.' 295, 354, 474 Schumann , B , 32.13H; 33.- 495 Schurz, 10.380a; 31.279 ; 32.- 3, 125a, 159, 178, 196; q, 31.245, 280 Schutt, O, w, 33.198} Schwatka, w, 33.420 Science,1.697a; 2.93a; 3.105a; dreclof, 13.411a; history, 8.385a; 13.257a11; anc. 9.- 438aU; martvs of, 17.71a; early Eng., 17.669a; cont., 33.233; 151.195a; German, 8.309; and lit. 15.166a; re- ligion, 2.79a; 6.227a, 362, 599a; 7.66a; 8.434a; 9.690a; ps 10.72a; ps, 11.367, 620; 12.1a: 14.621a; immortality 1.26a; study, 1.451a; use , 2.641a; 7.354a Science, Am. Asso., 33.115, 136: Brit.—33.269 Science, 33.93; Primers , 17.269 Scotch Sermons. 18.559 Scotland, land q, 33.262, 265. 285, 443, 445 Scott, C. 32.463; 64.38*; L, 32.185; W, mother, 150.- 317; W. S. 47.604 Scoville, G: 32.464; q, 33.- 483, 4S5 Scribe, 47.678a Scribner’s Magazine, 23.- 160a: *31.426 * Scrofula 19.599 Scudder, H. E., 31.346; 47.- 280; 8: II, 32.150; 33.339 Seabury, S: 10.314a Sealsfield, C: 31.342 Searle, W. S., 33.100 Secchi, P. A., 12.742* Sekles, >., w, 31.331 Sellar, W. Y., w, 33.140 Semites, w, 33.355 Semler, II: q, 33.414 Sen, K. C., 31.464 Senate ofiieers, 32.195, 213, 234a, 251, 270, 287, 325, 344a; 33.226 Senior, N\ W., 151.48**a Sense, evo. of new, 16.66a Sensier , A., 32.116 Sergeant, L„ 31.251 Servetus, 12.91a* Servia & Austria, 33.305 Sessions, F. C., 32.305}; L. 33.24, 166, 227 SevignS, w, 33.381 Seward. G: F: 32.134; 62.- 951 Sewell, gen., 32.51 Sewerage, 18.806a Sewing machines, use, ps 11.- 481a Sex [see Women] differ¬ ences, 20.184a; genesis, 16.- 167 a Shakspere, 47.383; w, 27.- 419; 32.135; 33.43S; Bacon theory, 32.219; io,(Salvini) 23.117a; 47.362}}; 149.653; ballads illustrating, 63.- 52a*; provincialisms, 48.- 850; rimes, 47.438, 581; Hamlet, 48.467a; Iago, 48.- 203a, 421 Slialer. N. S., 33.39 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual, 1881 41 Sharks, ps 10.348a Sharpe, 32.2 Sheep-shooting, 151.535a; mt. 27.342a* Shelley, 47.521; w, 47.441 Sherbrooke, lord, q, 31.351 Sherman, J: 31.280**, 298, 309, 385, 33.3(56; q, 32.251; I., 32.61; W: T., q, 32.10 Shervashidze, 33.445 Shetland iles, trav., 151.155a Sli'pbikling, anc*., 151.572 Shipping, U. S., 10.184a; 31.204; 32.106a, 129a; 33.- 404, 447a, 460a, 471, 491; 47.166a; French , 32.319; German , 32.349 Shiptou, mother, 64.102*; w, 33.141 Shirlaw , W., 47.295 Shinier, E: J. q, 32.314 Shooting, 27.231a*; 61.870a*; 63.823a*; 151.535a Shore, II: /V., 32.139 Sibley, J. L., 33.58 Sicilian legends, w, 33.118 Siemens, q, 33.272 Signal service, see Weather Bureau. Signorelli, w, 31.329 Silk culture, Burma, 151.253; mfg., U. S., 16.419; trade, Japan, 33.427 Silliman, B., 16.550a* Silver question, 97.8a; U. S., 31.266a, 370, 401, 434, 452; 32.123, 163a, 179, 195, 233, 270, 271, 238, 3.10a, 326, 343; 33.22, 25, 27a, 44, 71, 183, 423, 505 Simmons, J. F., w, 32.319 Sitting Bull, 33.65, 344 Slavery and Jews, 149.707; U. S. 11.409; struggle, w, 32.264, 280a Sleep [see Dreams,] 1.411a; 19.334 Sloths. 27.436a* Small pox, 151.329a Smith college, 33.493; C:P, 33.128; E: 33.381 ; G, 32.- 399; q, 32.148; 33.325, 445; vs, 16.267; 23.148; 32.184; H. li. w, 31.381; J. L. 6.- 233*; J. R: q, 32.243; R, 31.350; 32.381; w, 19.413; S. I. q, 33.450; W. H., 63.- 853*; W. R. 63.473 Smithsonian Ins., 33.232 Smyth, J. F. 33.44; W: H. 33.76 Snakes, 4.257a*; charming, 15.606a, 841 Snell ing, W: J. 33.373 Soap bubbles, 9.575a Socialism, 14.389, 577a; agi¬ tation, 33.45, 147; U. S., 33.283; German, 48.801a; [govt.] 32.128, 348a Social Science, 1.159a; Am. asso., 33.208 Social Subjects, lrendship, 151.125; decayed gentility, 63.788; hobbies, 149.698; mrs. Grundy, 61.304; over¬ estimated peple, 150.756; stupid—, 47.587; admira¬ tion, 151.822 Society, 9.1a; dinners, 27.206; industrial, 20.1a; romance modern life, 48.640a Sociology, l.vii; 47.75a ;w, 31,467a, 469 Soil, w, 33.295 Solomon, w, 33.94 Songs, collec, 32.11; 33.334 Sophokl£s, w, 32.48H; at Harvard, 23.65a*, 32.347a, 364a; 48.10a; 63.464 Sothern, 62.790 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 42 Q. P. Index Annual 1881. Soudan, 32.31S South Carolina, census, 31.- 264, 370; 32.83; duels, 31.- 452; 32.37; 33.164; negroes, 32.37 Southern States, w, 33.234a; travels , 61.165a*; agric., 11.349; census, 10.439a; 32.37; education, 11.309a, 405; 32.309; history , 10.- 197a; 31.297,316,318a,322a, 333, 339a, 356a; 32.240, 257a; 33.461; 47.391a; 63.- 784; society, 28.205a; be¬ fore war, 11.405a; carpet¬ baggers, 31.316; homicide, 31.463, 465 ; 32.287; small towns, 47.648a Southey, w, 61.146 Spain, travels, 28.334 etc.*; church, 33.85; finance, 33.- 327; history, moorish do¬ minion, 27.425a*; 180S-14, 31.362; cont., 11.209a; 32.- 85, 96; 33.129, 147, 167, 209, 245, 305, 367, 387, 427, 445; 150.348; railways, 33.285 Sparhawk, F. 32.302; 47.- 861' Sparrows, 15.412 Speculation, ps. 10.371 Speech, [see Deaf-Mutes] in¬ firmities, 7.463a; tungless, 3.627a Speir, G. M. 32.269; 33.166 Spelling Reform, [see Eng¬ lish language,] 32.28; 33.- 176 Spencer, H. 6.20a*; 8.235a, 620; 9.24311; 11.60; 15.705; 16.409a; 17.795a; 19.846a; 31.344 ; 32.24a; 47.77, 381 Spenser, 47.3S2 Spiders, 1.674a* Spielhagen, q, 31.327; w, 31.- 313; 32.302; 33.235 Spies, 16.122 Spinoza, ps 11.216a11 Spiritism, ps 11.12a, 750; 12.- 745; 15.577a11, 700; w, 48.- 417; mediaeval, 16.354a Spofford, A. B. 32.219; H. P. 32.229 Sponges, 3.529a* Sottiswoode, w: 14.105* Sprague estate, 33.106 Spring, 47.764a; 61.65a*; P. B. q, 33.293 Springer, B. B., 32.227 Spurzheim, 32.174 Squid, 28.124a* Stacke, L., w, 33.355, 472 Stael, mrs. de 27.62a; 150.- 515a Stage, 27.522; w, 33.298; ac¬ tors, 97.337a; applause, 48.280; authors, 33.274; gestures, 97.624a; French, w, 32.220|| Stamps, hand, 23.157 Stanley, A. P., 33.45, 51, 65, 150a, 302, 445, 465, 547a; 63.911a*; 97.593a; 151.3a Star routes, 32.287, 307, 314, 325, 360, 464; 33.61, 262, 264, 285, 304, 364, 366, 384, 386, 406, 426, 444, 464, 484, 504 Statham, 33.346, 343 Statius, w, 149.771a Steamers, accidents, 33.23, 166, 146, 187, 203, 262, 327, 346, 347, 366; large, 33.326; U. S. 33.504; taxation, 32.- 463; forein, 33.465 Stearns, W. A., 33.203; 64.- 153 Steel industry,U. S., 19.808a; 32.296,350,404a; German, Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881 43 33.205 Steen, J. 61.852* Stephens, F. 32.185 Stern, S. M. 33.376 Sternberg, C. 31.291 Sterne, S., q, 31.350 Steuben, 33.304; family, 33.- 291 Stevens Ins., 23.287; A 32.- 228||; C: W., 33.18; H. 32.- 389 Stewart, A. T. body, 33.146; B., ps 11.359* Stickney, A. q 33.74; w, 18.- 129; 33.153 Stigand, 32.220 Stillman, W. J. 32.278; q 32.132, 316a Stirling, E. 32.267 Stock-market, 33.210a Stockholm ly. pubs., 31.292 Stockton, F. j R. 33.477 Stockhardt, J. A. 19.261* Stokes, G: G. 7.742* Stokley, W. S., 32.123 Stone, age. 2.343a* Storm, J. 32.220 Stoughton, W: 32.119 Stoves, 16.124 Stoive. E. 33.9 Strcilian, E.. 33.496 Stratford de Redcliffe, 150.- 170a; 151.348*** a Strikes, Eng., 33.367 Struve, O. W: 17.263* * Stuart, C. E. 61.678*; “des¬ cendants,” 150.768 Stuart, G. 10.64a Stuttgart, Am. library, 32.- 276 Sudan, 33.213a Sugar, La., 11.597a; maple, 62.641a* Suicide, 8.88a; 16.798; w, 33.- 517a; and religion, 20.220a Sullivan, A. M.,q, 33.325; A. S. 62.809* Sully , J: 33.457 Summer in poetry, 150.757 Sun, eclipse, w, 32.171a; rays, 32.89 Sunday observance, 9.365a; 18.246a; 47.526a Sunderland ly. 33.215 Sunstroke, 19.171 Superstition, 6.513a: 12.- 232; 15.268***; 64.97a*; w, 33.221 Surgery, 28.595a; 33.434 Suricates, 16.318a* Swallows, 7.315a Swarthmore col. 33.245, 294 Sweden, travels, ps 10.450a; royal farm. 64.1a; lit. w, 33.153 Swinburne, w, 32.98; 47.856 Swindles, 62.788 Switzerland, agric. 62.6S5a*; 147.190; criminals, 33.327, 465; history, cont. 33.129, 347, 445; future, 31.395 Sword, 97.145a; 149.707a Sylt, 28.228a* Symonds, 31.311f; 61.308 Syria, w, (travels) 32.336; 33.378; Jews in, 151.631 acitus, ed., 31.260 Tagliche Rundschau, 33.332 Tahoe, lake, 20.225 Taine, 33.19S; 63.950 Tait 32.24a Talleyrand, 32.386**; 63.- 629** Talmage, 31.435,452 Tammany, 32.270 Tangier, 63.ii* Tanner case, 61.792 Tarif, U. S., 10 131a; 31.267a, 279, 283a, 454; 32.93; 33.- Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 44 Q. P. Index Annual, 1881 205, 247a, 344, 345, 428a, 501; conf., 33.3S3,403, 406, 442 Taswell-Langmead, 33.331 Tauehnitz, 47.141 Taxation, theory, 33.67; U. S. , evasion, 48.285; inter¬ state commerce, 10.428a; personal, 32.86a Taylor, baron, 33.3D3; H.. 33.369; Z, 47.234a Tchaikoffsky, 33.395 Tchernyslievski, 33.120 Tchihatchef, 31.259 Teaching, w, 32.340 Tearle, O., 47.362 Tehauntepec canal, 63.905a Telefone, invention, 33.366; Eng. decision, 31.452 Telegraf, 63.705a; subterran¬ ean, 33.265; U. S., [see W. U.] consol., 32.55a, 84; and courts, 31.434;—govt., 19.- 400a Temperaments, 12.306a Templars, hist., \v, 31.428 Tennessee finance, 32.253 Tennis, 150.734a; w, 33.473; costume, 28.521 Tennyson, 10.178a; 31.430; 47.425; 150.451a Teredo, 13.400a* Thackeray, A.. I., [see Rit¬ chie, A.. T] W: M., 32.- 56a; ***47.133, 725; w, 97.- 96fa Thames, 62.211a* Thayer, A., q, 33.36S, 388, 431 Theatre frangais, 33.351 Theology, 3.340a Thomas, G: H., w, 32.338; T. , 31.275 ; 62.803* Thompson, J: q, 33.125; L. O., 33.400; S. D., 32.45, 192 Thoms, W: H., 97.489**a; 151.813** Thomson,./., 33.156a; 48.839; sir W: ps 10.357* Thoreau , 32.322; 64.152 Thornet, 32.16 Thornton, sir E: 33.24 Thtiringen, travels, 61.38a*; soc., 150.371 Thugs, 33.442 Thurber, F. B., q, 32.203, 241, 276; 33.166 Three Americas ry., 33.47a Thunder showers, 7.340a Thursby, E. G., 62.817* Tichborne claimant, 33.62 Tidemand*, 33.334 Tilden, q, 33.284 Tilton, J. R., 47.290* Timayenis, T. T., w, 32.339 Timber, 2.582a; dry rot, 15.- 52oa Tune, reckoning, 11.179a; standard, ps 11.174; 32.317, 332; 48.710 Times, 63.839a Tincker, 31.. A., 27.631; 32.- 410; 47.860 Tingle, q, 33.423 Tissot, V., 33.119,137 Titles, hist., 14.17a Toadstools. 7.129a; ps 11.93a Tobacco cult., U. S., 33.10; taxation,Germany,33.212a; use. 2.167; 6.76a; (women) 33.275 Toedt, 32.11 Toland, M. B. M., w, 32.98 Tomes, B, 33.59**; 61.949** Tompson, B., 33.116 Tools, ps 10.173a* Tornoe, w, 33.276 Torrey, J: 3.63a* Tourgee, q, 32.196; w, 31.- 347; 32.314; 47.120 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9,20-21, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper;97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 45 Tours, 61.3S5* Towle, G. M., 33,456 Town, model suburban, 62.- 481a* Townsend, G: A., 32.226; L. T. , 32.49 Trade, “travelers,” 28.420; U. 8. foreign, 11.566.i; 33.- 444; (Brazil) 33.471 Trades, instruction, 23.235a; Unions, (Eng.) 33.239 Transvaal, 32.3, 23, 69, 105, 143, 161,215, 233; 33.45, 65, 85, 233, 235, 305, 327, 345; 150.424***a; 151.163 Va Trautz, G., 31.410 Traveling, w, 31.42S Treasury, U. S., 33.346, 406: frauds, 33.366 Trees, age, 3.321a* Trelawny, E: J: 151.486a Tremain, gen., 33.46S Trevelyan, 27.109|| Trier, bp. of, 33.187 Trinidad, 151.701 Tripoli & France, 33.25, 85 Troglodytes, 2.699aU Troitzkoi legend, 64.105 Trollope , A., 28.527; 32.172; 33.75||, 257 Troy, site, 32.166, 219, 315a; 33.451a; 150.771a; w, 32.- 96a Trumbull, w*, 33.254; L., q, 33.206 Tuckey, J.. 31.278|| Tufts, \V. W., q. 33.293 Tunis, history, 150.308a; French in, 32.253, 289, 309, 311a, 343, 363a; 33.45, 46a, 63, 65, 70a, 85,107,185,187, 209, 227, 228a, 245, 265; 33.- 262, 285, 305, 327, 317, 366, 387, 407, 427, 445, 465, 474, 483, 485; 150.349; and England, 32.402a Turgexiev, 97.440; 150.- 692a Turkey [see Mohammedan¬ ism], w, 32.333; travels med., 32.211a \ finance, 31.- 335; 33.327, 317, 425; for¬ ein relations, Austria, 150.319; history, w, 33.240; cont., 31.247,265, 231, 320a, 337; 33.407; 61.745a; at¬ tentats, 33.167; murders, 31.335; post-office, 33.415; society, 62.603a Turner, w*,.32.8; C: T., 32.8 Turpin, 32403 Tuson, R: V., 15.129 Twain, 40.843 Twins, 8.345a Tyfoid, 14.514a; 16.460a Tyler, K. E., 23.632; 33.455; M. (7., 33.373 Tylor, E. B., 33.181 Tyndall, 1.751; 2.103a*; 6.- 500; w, 8.489; 11.63; fund, 32.316 Tyner, 33.301, 324, 326, 336 Type-writer, 23.155 Typografy, 33.174 nderwood, A. B. 32.32 Unclset, I. 32.93 Union League decoration, 32.169;—Pacific monopoly, 33.113 Universal ins. co., 33.44 Universities, U.S. 33.173 ;61.- 253a; 62.627; comp, attend¬ ance, 3.235a; degrees, 32.- 132; finance, 33.2; [endow¬ ments,] 11.253a; [expen¬ ses] 8.243a; govt, (self) 10.- 510a; 19.555, 697; gradu¬ ates (clergymen,) 11.114a; studies, evo., 16.556a; ora¬ tory, 6.622; science, 7.- 402a; 9.467a; ps 10.313a; Figures to the left of the period indicate the 1 volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic;^ 149-51, Living Age. 46 Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. 17.693; national, 3.6S9; German, 31.302a; 61.253; 151.749a; professors, 33.- 410; socialists, 48.891a Upton, G: P. 32.118 aceination, 16.330a; 151.- 329a Vachot, w, 33.375$§ Vail, H: F., 33.245 Van Buren, T: B. 33.514 Vance, W. J. 47.714J Vanderbilt univ., 13.492; 14.- 237; C. 32.335; W: H., 33.- 130 Vane, sir H. 11.537a Van Schaick, 33.64 Van Wyck, q, 33.224 Vassar, M. 33.128 Vaughan, D, 15.127, 556 Vedder, E. 32.150 Vega, see Carpio Vegetables, 28.281a Venice, 33.367; 151.635a; med. 151.312a; st. Marks. 31.321 Vennor, H: G. 32.12, 316, 350 ; 32.317, 473a Ventilation, 1.356a; 7.596a; ps 11.198aU; 18.577; 12.37a, 216a; 19-531; nht. air, 13.- 105; hart disease, 2.183a Venus, transit, 32.373; of Melos, 23.94a*; 33.333; w, 32.14a Vergilius, w, 32.391H; 149.- 648 Vermont taxation, 33.44, 66a Verne , 31.469||; 32.17, 173; 33.361 Vernon T: 33.197** Verrue, mrs de, 32.182a Vessels, anc., 19.80a Vetch, S., 11.462a Victoria, hist., 33.25 Victoria, 61.221a*; husband, w, 31.365 Vienna, 32.237a; theatre tire, 33.465,485, 505 Village communities, w, 32.- 228, 260; 33.375, 492 Villari, w, 32.352 Villars, w**, 32.368 Vincent, C. E. H. q, 33.88a; F, 63.794; w, 23.632; 33.- 455; 48.837; H: 61.203* Violins, 62.238a* Viollet le Due, 31.431 Virchow, q, 33.445; w, 14.- 266a, 320a; 33.175 Virginia, (S. W.) w, 33.78; finance, 32.3, 68; 33.103, 106; history, early, w, 33.- 93; records, 33.492; font., 31.298, 322a, 331, 421; 32.- 218, 239, 379, 398; 33.125, 128, 166, 225, 264, 304, 326, 383, 426, 461, 485; society, 20.271; 28.107; vv, 32.218a; sport, 28.529a; nniv. 33.- 454 Vise her, It: 31.328 Vision, [see Eyes] 16.785a Visions, [see Dreams] 17.- 86a; 19.519a Vivisection, 4.672a; 8.751; ps 10.363; 17.711; 19.409 Vizetelly, 32.139 Vogt, C. 13.20**aH Voice, 9.385all Voltaire, 48.260a; youth, 47.- 507a; vv, 33.276a; 97.474a Voorhees, q, 33.481 W agner, P. 33.376f; P:, 33.217^,234^, 317; w, 31.330 Waltz, 33.135 Waldo, q, 32.332 Waldstein, C: q, 32.75 Wales, women, 27.143a; Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 47 Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. Charlotte of, (marriage,) 150.377 Walker, F. A. 33.323; J. B. 33.258** Walking, see Locomotion Wallace, A. R. ps 11.235; w 32.47; 62.G34; L, 33.209; w, 47.710*; G2.152 Wallis, G: 14.386* Walter, J: 63.845; q, 33.207, 324; Walton, G: A. q, 61.934; I, 33.410; ed. 31.376 Wandering Jew, w, 32.221; 33.299 War, 2.457a; 32.4; 47.69 Ward museum, 8.460; F: T., 11.520; G., w, 33.517; H: A., 16.612; T: H., 32.209a; 48.273a W aring, G : W., q, 32.297; 33.304 Warner. C. D., 33.458||, 498||; S., 33.336 Warren, gen., 33.63, 84; F. E. 33.19 Washington, w. 33.74; helth- fulners, 33.366, 386, 406, 445; library, 31.460a; soci¬ ety, history, 47.iii; 62.- 541a*; etiquet, 62.626 Washington and Lee univ. 33.134 Washington territory, wo¬ man suffrage, 33.366 Water, 4S.691a; drinking, 14.47a; fuel, 16.654a; odors, ps 11.469a; tales, 150.809,etc Water color exh., IS". Y. 32.80 Waterloo, 47.785a Watson, J. C., 19.693*; 31.- 393; S., q, 32.240 Weather service, U. S., 16.- 289a; 31.3S9a; 33.366; w, 33.335 Weaver, 31.245; q, 31.451 Weber, w, 33.139 Webb, R: q, 33.293; T. W., 33.453 Webster, A., 33.477; D., 47.- 539 Weed, q, 33.404 Weeks, R. K., 32.319 Weir, J. A .,* 32.250 Weisse, J. A., 14.678 Welbeck, 151.758 Welch lan., 33.192 Welles, J. H. 33.387 Wells, 16.71a, 397a Werner, F. von, 33.413 Wesley, 11.320a West, L. S., 33.305, 366 West, territories, surveys, 33.198, 512; travels, 61.185; sport, 151.535a Weseott , B. F., 63.950 Western Union tel., 32.20,35, 142; 33.64 Westminster abbey, 150.504 West Point, 31.349,370; 32.2, 36,58; 33.226,484 West Virginia, travels, 61.ii* Whales, 15.237a Wheat [see Breadstufs] cul¬ ture, U. S., 63.572a Wheatstone, C: 8.363 Wheeler. A. C., 33.315; L. N., 20.279; 33.239; W: A., 33.374 Wheildon, W. W., 31.417 Whewell, W: 7.105* Whipple, E. P., 62.384* White House, 33.304; mts., 63.ii*; w, 33.413; R: G., q 62.625; w, 28.214$, 31.275; 31.291$; 63.633$ Whitebait, 97.563a Whitman, W., 33.476 Whitney, M. W., 31.254; W: Figures to tbe left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 74-8 Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 48 Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. D., 15.121*; w, 32.407; 33.- 275 Whitridge, F. W., 33.242 Whittaker case, 32.2 Whittier, 32.319; 33.330||, 393 ; 47.855 Whymper, E., 32.133 Wickham, W: C., q, 33.166 Wilhrandt, A., 33.334 Wilde, 0.33.28; w 23.152; 28.- 423; 32.15; 33.101; 63.793 Wilder, D. G., 32.278 Wilhelm I, 33.107 Wilhelmj, 62.815* Willard, S: q, 32.260 Willem II, 61.198* Willis, G:P., 01.787 Williams vs. Briefly, 32.2; college, 63.538a* Williamson. A., 31.347$ Will o’ the wisp, 19.57a Wilmington, Del., hist., 62.- I78a* Wilson, A., 149.751; 150.383; J: 62.18*; w, 31.295; J. F., 32.397; mrs. I. L., 33.- 285 Wilt a, 33.305 Winched, A., 13.492; 14.238 Windhorst, 33.465 Windmills, 18.217a Windom, 32.159, 177; 33.264, 304, 326; q 32.160; 33.44, 316 Wines, French, price, 32.399; 33.82; 33.308a Winsor, J., 23.153; 31.378; 32.265 Wisconsin, hist., 32.2; 33.244 Wis. Hist, Soe., 33.434 Wise, P., 33.245* Wissenschaftlich e Woch- enblatler, 33.376 Winter, 33.27611 Wolfe, C; S., 33.205,282, 383, 403 Wolseley, 33.445 Woltmann , 31.427 ; 47.112 Women, [see Sex] 4.30a; q, 6.292; 14.201a; at 50, 150.- 829a; blonde, and vice, 47.- 136; bribery, 63.946; com¬ posers, 27.625; and crime, 8.1a; education, 4.748; 17.- 823a; 62.101a, 947; w, 32.- 356, (and helth) 16.521a; (co-op.,) 6.365; (financial) 31.249a ; 47.138a; [Boston bank, q. v., 19.698; [Mad¬ rid—] ps 10.371; equa’itv, 2.552a; fysicians, 32.316; fysical history, 18.191a; fy- siology, 15.145a; girls, 23.- 147; married (law), 18.- 643a; (husband’s liability) 31.452; and politics, 1.82a; position, hist., ps 11.433a; prairie, 27.415; and pro¬ fessions, 6.454a; in society, 33.214a; suffrage, 31.317; 32.387a; agitation, U. S., 33.282; w, 33.177a; and family, 6.87a Wood college,33.505; F., 32.- 105; W: 1\, see Hatlierley Woodhull, Y., 33.65 Woolf, 31.255 Woolsey, q, 33.22 Worcester, Mass. Ins., 23.- 285; dictionary, 32.184 Wordsworth, 47.520; 62.26*, 171*, 342* ; w, 32.153a Worms, 151.433a Worry, 151.229 Worsane, 33.380 Wright, II. B., 33.186 Writing, hand, 16.795a; 19.- 620a Wohler, F., 17.539a Wurtz, 32.284 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International tieview; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. Q. P. Index Annual , 1881. 49 Wylde, see Wilde. Wylie, J. A., 31.314 Wyman, J., 6.355*; 63.- 672*; T: B., 32.156 Y acht races, 33.265, 304, 387 Yale college, 17.265; 33.72a; finance, 33.2; N. Y. jubilee 33.431, 450; numismatics, W, 31.260; study, 33.49 Yates, E: 63.847* Yeast, 1.573a Yellow day, 33.208 Yonge, C. M. 32.173 York town campaign, 33.- 306a, 317; 63.323a*; w, 33.- 295a; cel., 20.269; 33.264, 281, 284, 304, 323, 326, 346, 347,386; 64.143 Young, C. A., 19.840a Yvoire, 151.380 Z ittell , 31.427 Zola, q, 33.316; w, 10.- 144a; 31.382m; 32.406; 33.- 134; 47.116 Zollner, J. C. F. 48.417 Zulus, 10.564a; 33.435 ADDENDA. Agassiz, 4.494, 608a*; and evo., 3.692a Airy, sir G. B., 3.101a* Alabama case: see, also, Eel. & Living Age and Na¬ tion Indexes Alchemy, 4.602a Alcohol, l*219a; 8.103a Alps: see Eel. and L. Age Index America, climate, 1.665a; U. 8., finance. Rev., 33.491; bonds, 33.482; forein re¬ lations, 33.502; literature, [see also Nation Index] politics, 17.557 Animals: see also Eel. and L. Age Index Apes, 7.665a Apoplexy, 6.705a Appletons’ cyclop., 33.512 Architecture: see, also, Ecb & L. Age Index Arctic exploration [see Jean¬ nette : also, Eel. & Living Age Index], 7.320a, 468a Art, see, also, Eel. & Living Age, International, Nation. Lippincott, and Scribner Indexes] Asfalt, 2.609a Australia: see, also, Eel. and L. Age Index Babies, sci. considered, 97.- 44a; and language, 9.129a11 Bain, A. 9.360* Bastian, H: C. 8.108 Baths, see, also, Eel. & L. Age Index Bats, 7.641a*; 9.523a* Bears, 6.281a* Beauty, see, also, Eel. & L. Age Index Bible [see, also, Eel. & L. Age, International and Nation Indexes] soc., U. S. 33.504 Birds, [see, also, Eel. & L. Age and Scribner Indexes] migration, 7.183a; U. S. 9.343a Black deth in N. E., 3.28a Blindness: see, also, Eel. & L. Age Index Bonapartes, see, also, Eel. & L. Age, Lippincott and Scribner Indexes Books, see, also, Eel. &I. Age and Lippincott In¬ dexes Booth’s Theater, 33.505 Figures to the left of the period indicate the volume as follows: 1-9, 12-20, Popular Science; 10-11, International Review; 23, Century; 27-8, Lippincott’s; 31-3, Nation; 47-8, Atlantic; 62-4, Harper; 97, Eclectic; 149-51, Living Age. 50 Q. P. Index Annual, 1881. Boston, see, also, Lippincott and Nation Indexes Brain, see, also, Eel. & L. Age Index Buddism, see, also, Eel. & L. Age Index Burial: see, also, Eel. & L. Age and Lippincott In¬ dexes Burns: see Eel. & L. Age Index Byron, see Eel. & L. Age Index Calmueks, 1.419a* Canada, see also, Eel. and L. Age Index Carlyle, see, also, Eel. & L. Age Index Cary, 11. N. 33.257 Catholic church, see also, Eel. —-i i-fj _. —11_i VW 'vV •J* vv <-t •-* >-s 2 . = v# ^ ; i—^ |-s - e+v* C- lx •'< © ~* 5 - - r s° & O'* - g,cr2:§Jlr Sr'S : ^8'* ■ cs kW®, 5 * EVi o o ~ p k j-h e Sxv-. b.b^hs o s - 5 s -s® 2 I? 2 ^ EL 2/3 St _ ® O g ^ 2 . tts o ■ I ■/ X ^ bj (v p «> H—'-' k_j Vl ~ tPjfli bi 0. a * K w S' tu ? s' " o *b< s# 1 Sr k ^5tu a - a k* bjk^k ^bs N* W S Go a o 2 p p“ k '—~—' 1 " ii. k k " > v g-3S'^ ba bd :r " w hn bat'W. ~ .bi b O' 3 kC a > 05 vj fc*s a --c bj oq *t*bf You are doing :i good work for every library or professional man who has for years accumu¬ lated any of the leading periodicals in anything like completeness. In my own case, you have not only removed all temptation to dispose of a large collection of periodicals to the second-hand dealers, because there was so much labor in making them available, but you have placed in my way the temptation to complete some sets to which I have been a subscriber for years.— liev. E. ;S. Frisbee, President Wells College.