UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty Working Papers GENERALIZED CONSTRAINED DERIVATIVES Ronald J. Stern #63 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at U r ba n a - C h a m p a i g n FACULTY WORKING PAPERS College of Comtnerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign September 12, 1972 GENERALIZED CONSTRAINED DERIVATIVES Ronald J. Stern #63 To be submitted to the Journal of Operations Research GENERALIZED CONSTRAINED DERIVATIVES by Ronald J. Stem* k ABSTRACT In this paper we deal with a general equality constrained minimi- zation problem. The concept of the constrained derivative as due to Wilde et al. , [5] - [8] is extended by considering more general parti- tions of the vector of unknowns into state and decision components and utilizing the properties of the generalized matrix inverse. The main result is a generalization of a sufficient condition of Wilde, guaran- teeing the existence of a local minimum. ^Department of Business Administration University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 GENERALIZED CONSTRAINED DERIVATIVES In equality constrained rainimization problems , a test for a local minimum is to verify the stationarity of a Lagrangian and the definite- ness of a certain quadratic form. Using the concepts of state and decision variables and constrained derivatives Wilde et al. [5] - [8] showed that stationarity of the Lagrangian and definiteness of a quadratic form of reduced dimension is sufficient. In this paper we introduce the concept of^a generalized constrained derivative and derive a generalization of Wilde's sufficient condition. The result obtained here does not depend on the local existence of a non-singular sub-Jacobian of the constraint Jacobian, but rather a sxib-Jacobian of maximal full celuBtn rank. 1. NOTATION AND PRELIMINARIES Let A be a real mxn matrix. We denote the range of A by R(A) and the nulls pace of A by N(A). The transpose of A is denoted by A*. The generalized inverse of A is denoted by A"*". If A is square and non-singular then A"*" = A~^, the inverse of A. For references on the generalized inverse the reader is referred to e.g. [1] and [2]. A"*" is uniquely defined for any (raxn) ve^l matrix A, and computational methods for determining it may be;-found for example in [23. Some particular properties of A"*" relevant to this paper are now given. (1.1) AA"*"' = P D ( A 1 ' the projection onto R(A) , (1.2) I - A'^'A = Pjj/.x» the projection onto N(A) , Projection maps are discussed in [4], In view of (1.1) and (1.2) we have the following result on linear equations: If yeR(A) then the general solution to Ax = y is given by (1.3) X = A'^'y + (I-A''"A)s for any zeR". We will make lise of the following analytic notation. Let h:R" ■*■ R^. Let I [ I I be the Eucledian norm. Then h(t) = o|I t 11^ means lim J^ = 0. *^ I! t !|k The Jacob ian of h at t^ , if it exists, will be denoted (12.) . Here o and the Jacobian is the (mxn) matrix |~j r jJHi — ^ I inhere (i = 1,2,..., in). 9h,-(to) f ah \ _ / 9hi(t Uj^^ \ 3t, (j = 1,2,... ,n) and to eR"^. If m = 1 we write [— J = V^h(tQ) , the visual gradient notation. to Also, when m = 1, the Hessian of h at t^, if it exists, i;: -.h'-. (nxn) /A matrix r^^'^^oM where (i = 1,2,. ..n) and (j = 1,2, ...,n). I3ti3tjl 2. CONSTRAINED DERIVATIVES In this section a brief review of the concepts to be generalized vril' be presented. The problem which we will consider, denoted P, is given by F- minimize y(x) f^(x) =0 (i = 1,. .. ,m) subject to xeR -2- The fHonctions y, f-,^,. . . jf^^^ are assumed to be twice differentiable on r'^. The constraints are also written f(x) = 0. Partition the vector x = (-g-j , where ser'" is referred to as the state vector and deR ~ is called the decision vector. Assume a feasible " ~ Lf\ "~ — point Xq is such that the Jacobian [.^j is non-singular. By Taylor's l9slx^ theorem ' ' (2.1) 3y = 7^y(xQ)3d + Vgy(xo)9s + oI|3x|I If Xq is a feasible point then by Taylor's theorem the feasibility of x + 9x is equivalent to (2.2) (lii 9s +[lf| 3d + oM9x| 9s /x^ »9d/x^ Since f—\ is invertible (2.2) yields ''-'' ^^ = -(C te)x/^-°"^'^"" The constrained derivative of y at x with respect to the partition i---| is defined by (2 ,.) (U) ^^ = ,,.(.„) - v. (fi '^*(i) ''i^] (sr°ii-ii=° '^O '^o -5- Since all three terms in this equation are in R i — ^1 we can solve for 3s and obtain ^o '^o The generalized constrained derivative of y at x^ with respecf to the partition |-|-| is defined by (3.., (|.) - v,y(x„, - V(. x is a local minimum O Xq o solution of P Thus a sufficient condition for x,^ to be a local miniraini of P is O V ^O sufficient condition for P as well. Such a condition will now be derived. Let X be a feasible point for problem P. It is clearly then feasible for P„ . Again assume that ( — | is a maximal full column rank submatrix of ^o V^sL /8f\ ° l~~-] . AI90, assume now that the functions y, f, , ..., fj„ are three times ^'O differentiable. Assume (3,7) Vy(x ) G R fM^ o This implies the existence of a (not necessarily unique) vector of Lagrange multipliers ( A-, , . . . , A ) . ' Following the development from (2.6) - (2.10), using (3.3) in place of (2.3), and (3,6), we see that a sufficient condition for x„ to he a local ■ ■ I > - 1 ■ . o III rainimuiTi of P is that (3.7) holds and S* is positive definite. Here Si, is the square matrix ^dd ~ ^dd " ^ds (i): (M) \ft p fMV /9i\ ss \3sl \^^] Xq/ x^ x^ m where P = H - Z A.H. is appropriately partitioned . 1=1 CONCLUDING REMARKS /9f\ Upon locating a non-singular sub-Jacobian of (-— 1 and verifying _ ■^o that the Lagrangian of problem P is stationary at x for a Lagrange multiplier A, Wilde has defined a matrix of "constrained second derivatives," B^,... vrhose definition involves a. S,, is of dimension (n-m x n-m) , where rn is the nuirher of constraints. The definiteness of Sj, guarantees that X is a local sxtremum of problem P. In this paper we have treated the case where a non-singular sub- Jacobijan may not exist , but we considered maximal full column-rank sub- Jacobians. • By 5-ntroducing an "artificial" problem, P^ , and using the Xq properties of the genereilized matrix inverse, vre defined SI,, which is an -8- (n-p X n-p) analog of S^^. Here p <_ m. Under stationarity of the Lagrangian of F the definiteness of S^^ guarantees a local extremura. It can be seen, by following the arguments of section 3, that if p = m, then our result is precisely that of Wilde. ACKJIOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to thank Professor Adi Ben-Israel for discussions on this subject. Comments and corrections made by the preliminary referee were very helpful. The example in section 3 is due to his report. ~9- REFERENCES [1] A, Ben-Israel and A. Chsjnnes , "Contributions to the Theory of Generalized Inverses," J. SIAM , 11, (1963), 667-699. [2] A. Ben-Israel and D. Cohen, "Oi. Iterative Computation of Generalized Inverses and Associated Projections," J. SIAH-Num. An. , 3_ (1966, 410-1+19. [3] S. Gass, Linear Programming , McGraw-Hill, Nevj York, 1954- . [4] P. Halmos , Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces , Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1958. [5] D. Wilde, "Differential Calculus in Nonlinear Programming," Operation^ Research , 10 (1952), 764-773. [6] D. Wilde, "Jacobians in Constrained Nonlinear Optimiaat'.on," Operations Research , 13 (1965), 848-856. • ' [7] D. Wilde 5 C. Beightler, Foundations of Optimization , Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1967. [8] D. Wilde £ G. Reklaitis , "A Computationally Compact Sufficient Condition for Constrained Minima," Operations Research , 17 (1969), 425-235.