5 \ STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OP REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANK G. THOMPSON, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS— NO. 117 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NOVACULITE AND NOVACULITE GRAVEL FOR MAKING SILICA REFRACTORIES C. W. Parmelee and C. G. Harman Department of Ceramic Engineering University of Illinois ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY SEP 21 1946 PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1946 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00005 7343 STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANK G. THLOMPSON, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS— NO. 117 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NOVACULITE AND NOVACULITE GRAVEL FOR MAKING SILICA REFRACTORIES C. W. Parmelee and C. G. Harman Department of Ceramic Engineering University of Illinois PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1946 ORGANIZATION STATE OF ILLINOIS HON. DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HON. FRANK G. THOMPSON, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION HON. FRANK G. THOMPSON, Chairman NORMAN L. BOWEN, D.Sc, LL.D., Geology ROGER ADAMS, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemistry LOUIS R. HOWSON, C.E., Engineering CARL G. HARTMAN, Ph.D., Biology EZRA JACOB KRAUS, Ph.D., D.Sc, Forestry ARTHUR CUTTS WILLARD, D.Engr., L.L.D. President of the University of Illinois GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief (14239—2500—3-46) SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION 100 Natural Resources Building, Urbana M. M. LEIGHTON, Ph.D. Enid Townley, M.S., Assistant to the Chief Velda A. Millard, Junior Asst. to the Chief Chief Helen E. McMorris, Secretary to the Chief Effie Hetishee, B.S., Geological Assistant GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Ralph E. Grim, Ph.D., Petrographer and Principal Geologist in Charge Coal G. H. Cady, Ph.D., Senior Geologist and Head R. J. Helfinstine, M.S., Mech. Engineer Charles C. Boley, M.S., Assoc. Mining Eng. Robert M. Kosanke, M.A., Asst. Geologist Robert W. Ellingwood, B.S., Asst. Geologist Jack A. Simon, B.A., Asst. Geologist Arnold Eddings, B.A., Asst. Geologist Raymond Siever, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) John A. Harrison, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) Mary E. Barnes, B.S., Research Assistant Margaret Parker, B.S., Research Assistant Oil and Gas A. H. Bell, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Frederick Squires, B.S., Petroleum Engineer David H. Swann, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Virginia Kline, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Paul G. Luckhardt, M.S., Asst. Geologist Wayne F. Meents, Asst. Geologist James S. Yolton, M.S., Asst. Geologist Sue R. Anderson. B.S., Research Assistant Industrial Minerals J. E. Lamar, B.S., Geologist and Head Robert M. Grogan, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Robert R. Reynolds, M.S., Asst. Geologist Mary R. Hill, A.B., Research Assistant Clay Resources and Clay Mineral Technology Ralph E. Grim, Ph.D., Petrographer and Head Henry M. Putman, B.A.Sc, Asst. Geologist William A. White, B.S., Research Assistant Groundwater Geology and Geophysical Exploration Carl A. Bays, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer, and Head Robert R. Storm, A.B. Arnold C. Mason, B.S. (on leave) Merlyn B. Buhle, M.S., Asst. Geologist M. W. Pullen, Jr., M.S., Asst. Geologist Charles G. Johnson, A.B., Asst. Geologist (on leave) Margaret J. Castle, Asst. Geologic Draftsman Robert N. M. Urash, B.S., Research Assistant George H. Davis, Research Assistant Engineering Geology and Topographic Mapping George E. Ekblaw, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Richard F. Fisher, M.S., Asst. Geologist Areal Geology and Paleontology H. B. Willman, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Chalmer L. Cooper, Ph.D., Geologist C. Leland Horberg, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Heinz A. Lowenstam, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Subsurface Geology L. E. Workman, M.S., Geologist and Head Paul Herbert, Jr., B.S., Asst. Geologist Marvin P. Meyer, B.S., Asst. Geologist Elizabeth Pretzer, M.A., Research Assistant Assoc. Geologist Assoc. Geologist Physics R. J. Piersol, Ph.D., Physicist Mineral Resources Records Vivian Gordon, Head Ruth E. Warden, B.S., Research Assistant GEOCHEMISTRY Frank H. Reed, Ph.D., Chief Chemist Carol J. Adams, B.S., Research Assistant Chemist and Head Coal G. R. Yohe, Ph.D. Industrial Minerals J. S. Machin, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Tin Boo Yee, M.S., Research Assistant Fluorspar G. C. Finger, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Oren F. Williams, B.Engr., Asst. Chemist Chemical Engineering H. W. Jackman, M.S.E., Chemical Engineer and Head P. W. Henline, M.S., Assoc. Chemical Engineer James C. McCullough, Research Associate James H. Hanes, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) Leroy S. Miller, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) X-ray and Spectrography W. F. Bradley, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Analytical Chemistry O. W. Rees, Ph.D., Chemist and Head L. D. McVicker, B.S., Chemist Howard S. Clark, A.B., Assoc. Chemist Cameron, D. Lewis, M.A., Asst. Chemist William T. Abel, B.A., Research Assistant John C. Gogley, B.S., Research Assistant Phyllis K. Brown, B.A., Research Assistant MINERAL ECONOMICS W. H. Voskuil, Ph.D., Mineral Economist Douglas F. Stevens, M.E., Research Associate Nina Hamrick, A.B., Research Assistant Ethel M. King, Research Assistant LIBRARY Regina Lewis, B.A., B.L.S., Librarian Ruby D. Frison, Technical Assistant PUBLICATIONS Dorothy E. Rose, B.S., Technical Editor Meredith M. Calkins, Geologic Draftsman Beulah F. Hopper, B.F.A., Asst. Geologic Draftsman Willis L. Busch, Principal Technical Assistant Leslie D. Vaughan, Asst. Photographer Consultants: Ceramics, Cullen W. Parmelee, M.S., D.Sc, and Ralph K. Hursh, B.S., University of Illinois Mechanical Engineering, Seichi Konzo, M.S., University of Illinois Topographic Mapping in Cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. May 10, 1946 CONTENTS PAGE Abstract 7 Part I— PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE AND NOVACULITE GRAVEL Introduction 9 Resources and samples 9 Previous work on silica refractories 9 Raw materials for silica refractories 10 Program of work 10 Acknowledgments 1 1 Crushing characteristics 1 1 Screen analysis of novaculite reduced in laboratory smooth rolls 11 Screen analysis of novaculite reduced in a wet pan 13 Experiments with packing crushed novaculite 13 Packing characteristics of three grain-size mixtures 13 Methods 13 Results 13 Packing of many sizes under various pressures 14 Inversions of silica 20 Rates of inversion of novaculite 21 Experimental details 21 Method 21 Specimen 21 Expansion measurements 23 Measurements on specimens after heating 23 Results 23 Method of representing results 23 Comparison of data from interferometer and differential apparatus 25 Influence of grain size 27 Effect of various fluxes 29 Comparison of volume changes in specimens with and without bond 29 Particle grading used 30 Influence of the amount of bond 31 Calcium phosphate 32 Sodium tungstate 32 Calcium borate 34 Borax 34 Iron oxide 36 Mixed fluxes 36 Expansion-temperature curves of unfired novaculite bodies 39 Preliminary small-scale tests on fabricated samples 40 Preparation of test samples 40 Grain size 40 Mixing of the bond with silica 41 Forming the test pieces 41 Bonding agents used 41 Firing the samples 41 Testing the fired samples 41 Compressive strength tests 41 Density measurements 41 Results of firing tests 43 Summary 44 Part II— PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF SILICA BRICK MADE FROM ILLINOIS NOVACULITE AND QUARTZITIC SANDSTONE PAGE Introduction 45 Preparation of material for testing 45 Novaculite gravel 45 Novaculite at the pit 45 Purification of novaculite gravel by washing 45 Sampling for tests 45 Proper grain-size distribution 45 Preparation of the material 45 Additional packing experiments 46 Method 46 Grain-sizes studied 46 Results of packing tests 46 Characteristics of unfired novaculite briquets 47 Effect of amount of tempering water on the modulus of rupture 47 Grain-size gradings 47 Testing procedure 47 Effect of particle grading on the modulus of rupture 47 Testing procedure 47 Grain sizes 47 Results of modulus of rupture tests 47 Rate of inversion of novaculite and other silica materials 49 Method of study 49 Results 49 Experiments with standard 9-inch shapes 50 General method 50 Details of procedure 50 Preparation of the bonding agents 50 Lime bonds 50 Special bond 50 Preparation of specimens 50 Grinding and mixing 50 Making the brick 51 Properties of the test brick 51 Modulus of rupture 51 Deformation under load at high temperatures 53 Porosity changes during firing 53 Microstructure 54 Thermal expansion 55 Conclusions 55 TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Screen analysis of novaculite reduced in smooth rolls 11 2. Screen analysis of mine-run novaculite gravel ground dry in a wet pan 13 3. Packing of different percentages of three grain sizes 14 4. Grain-size distributions used in pressure packing tests 16 5. Results of pressure packing 18 6. Densities and percentage porosities of samples 1 to 5 and 10 27 7. Percentage porosities and densities of expansion samples 29 8. Compresive strengths of novaculite briquets 134 by 134 by V/% inches 41 9. True densities of fired briquets 43 10, Screen analysis of novaculite gravel, "as received" 45 TABLE PAGE 11. Screen analysis of "as received" novaculite gravel after washing through 20-mesh and 28- mesh screens 45 12. Screen analysis of the ground washed mine-run novaculite gravel divided into three fractions 47 13. Grain-size distribution of the minimum void mixture determined by packing experiments. . 49 14. Modulus of rupture of unfired silica brick 49 15. Kind of raw material, grain sizes, and particle grading of experimental brick 51 16. Data on 9-inch novaculite brick fired in commercial kiln 52 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 1. Low-temperature inversions of silica: C, cristobalite; T, tridymite; Q, quartz 10 2. Rate of grinding of novaculite; 125-pound charge in 5-foot wet pan. Curves represent per- centage of material on the sieve indicated 12 3. Packing of novaculite grains of three sizes 15 4. Graph illustrating the type of grain-size variation for packing experiments 17 5. Packing of crushed mine-run novaculite by pressure 19 6. Packing of crushed washed novaculite by pressure 20 7. Thermal expansion apparatus 22 8. Mold for pressing samples 23 9. Graph illustrating the effect of the apparatus constant on the expansion-time curve of novaculite 24 10. Comparison of data from interferometer and differential apparatus 25 11. Effect of grain sizes on the rate of inversion of novaculite 26 12. Effect of the use of bond on the rate of inversion of novaculite 28 13. Effect of the use of tripoli on the rate of inversion of novaculite 30 14. Effect of varying the amount of lime bond on the rate of inversion of novaculite 31 15. Effect of calcium phosphate on the rate of inversion of novaculite 32 16. Effect of use of sodium tungstate on the rate of inversion of novaculite 33 17. Effect of use of calcium borate on the rate of inversion of novaculite 34 18. Effect of the use of borax on the rate of inversion of novaculite 35 19. Effect of the use of ferric oxide on the rate of inversion of novaculite 36 20. Effect of the use of mixed fluxes on the rate of inversion of novaculite 37 21 . Effect of other fluxes on the rate of inversion of novaculite 38 22. Graphs of expansion-temperature changes during firing of novaculite bodies 39 23. Distribution of particle size on grinding mine-run novaculite. 140 pounds ground 40 min- utes in wet pan (dry); tailings (on 6-mesh) 8.7 percent 40 24. Heating schedules for firing novaculite brick samples 42 25. Packing of many grain sizes 46 26. Effect of amount of tempering water used on the modulus of rupture of unfired novaculite briquets, CaO constant 48 27. Firing schedule and rates of inversion 48 28. Porosity of unfired brick versus modulus of rupture of fired brick 52 29. Thermal expansion, percent length versus temperature • 54 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NOVACULITE AND NOVACULITE GRAVEL FOR MAKING SILICA REFRACTORIES BY C. VV. Parmelee and C. G. Harman Department of Ceramic Engineering University of Illinois ABSTRACT Extensive deposits of massive chert known as novaculite and of novaculite gravel are found in Alexander and Union counties in southern Illinois. The novacu- lite is a cryptocrystalline material, mine- run samples of which contain approximately 97 percent silica; selected samples have a slightly higher silica content. The novacu lite gravel contains a small amount of clay. Other highly siliceous materials found in the general area are ganister, a naturally granular material, and tripoli or silica, a material consisting mostly of minute parti- cles. The ganister has been used successfully in the manufacture of refractories, but efforts to use the novaculite for this pur- pose have encountered difficulties that have raised doubts as to its suitability. The object of this investigation was to determine whether or not the novaculite and the novac- ulite gravel have value for the manufacture of silica bricks and shapes for lining fur- naces that are operated at high temperatures. The very large tonnages of silica refracto- ries manufactured in Illinois from ganister shipped in from other states indicates the desirability of finding in Illinois a supply of an equally useful material. Because of their importance in the manu- facture and use of silica refractories, the fol- lowing properties of novaculite and novac- ulite gravel and of silica refractories made from them were given particular attention : (1) Nature and rate of inversion; and (2) mechanical strength in relation to particle size, packing, and fluxes. Both the novaculite and the novaculite gravel, which contained a small amount of clay, were separately crushed and screened to grade them according to size. Trial mix- tures of different proportions of each size grade were made. The minimum amount of voids obtained in the crushed novaculite subjected to a packing pressure of 7000 pounds per square inch was 8.2 percent. Under similar conditions the novaculite gravel tests gave a minimum of 2.5 percent voids. Washed crushed novaculite mixed in the proportions : 35 percent coarse fraction, 15 percent medium fraction, and 50 percent fine fraction, when moistened with 4 percent water and packed under a pressure of 3000 pounds per square inch, gave a product hav- ing a porosity of 19 percent. In the study of the influence of various amounts of several kinds of fluxes on the southern Illinois materials, calcium oxide, which is the flux usually employed in the manufacture of silica brick, was used as a standard of reference. Thirteen other oxides, compounds, and mixtures were tried as a flux and accelerator. Sodium tung- state proved to be the most vigorous accel- erator and borax was a close second. In- teresting results were observed with iron oxide, both alone and in a combination with other fluxes. The calcium oxide was some- what less effective than these three. The work on the effect of particle size of novaculite and novaculite gravel on inver- sion in the presence of lime showed that the finer sizes of the material reached a stable state of inversion more quickly than the coarser material, and that the coarse mate- rial showed greater swelling and cracking. Cristobalite w T as the product of the inver- sion. A comparison of the inversion rates of the novaculite, tripoli, and ganister from Baraboo, Wisconsin (a quartzite largely [7] SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NOVACULITE used in the manufacture of silica brick) proved the Illinois materials to be identical in conduct and to have much faster rates of inversion than the Baraboo quartzite and to have a significant development of tridy- mite at a lower temperature, which is a distinct advantage. The foregoing data were applied to the preparation and forming of standard size 9-inch brick from the crushed sized novacu- lite. The results confirmed the earlier findings that the grain size determines the percentage of voids, hence the strength. The strength is also influenced by the amount and kind of bond and the manner of firing. Illinois novaculite — crushed, graded, and bonded with lime — gave a product correspondingly close in its charac- ter and properties to the commercial silica brick. These brick were fired in the kilns of the Department of Ceramic Engineer- ing at the University of Illinois and in a commercial kiln. It was further found that better brick can be made by mixing with the Illinois novaculite a certain proportion of the extremely fine-grained silica or tripoli obtainable in the same area of southern Illinois as the novaculite and novaculite gravel. In summary, the results of this investiga- tion indicate that Illinois novaculite, when crushed, properly graded, bonded, and fired furnishes a silica refractory similar in appearance and properties to the commer- cial silica brick made from quartzite gan- ister. PART 1— PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE AND NOVACULITE GRAVEL Introduction resources and samples A variety of high-silica materials, among them novaculite, novaculite gravel, ganis- ter, and tripoli, also known as "amorphous" silica, are found in Alexander and Union counties of extreme southern Illinois. Although the gravel is used in some quan- tity as road metal, the other materials find only limited commercial use. The first two materials are chert, the term novaculite being commonly applied in southern Illinois to deposits that consist of solid layers of chert, and the term novaculite gravel to a gravel that consists of angular chert frag- ments with which is associated usually a small amount of red or yellow clay and varying amounts of tripoli. The ganister of southern Illinois is a highly siliceous material which has naturally a loose tex- ture somewhat similar to that of cornmeal. The tripoli or silica consists principally of a microcrystalline form of silica so small that the material has been referred to as amorphous or cryptocrystalline. The natural deposits have varying degrees of coherency and the material is ground and sized for use. There are large deposits of each of these materials, although the size and number of ganister deposits is believed to be less than that of novaculite and novaculite gravel. The novaculite gravel deposits are known to be as much as 120 feet thick, the novac- ulite deposits are known to be at least 50 feet thick, and the ganister deposits have been worked ordinarily to a thickness of 10 to 15 feet but the total thickness may be considerably greater. The ganister ordi- narily is mined underground whereas the novaculite and novaculite gravel are obtained from open pits. 1 The samples used in this study were all obtained from fresh exposures in deposits x For a discussion of the distribution and character of the cherty formations of Alexander and Union counties, see Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. No. 70. which were being operated or had been operated recently. Because of the amount of work involved in testing, only a limited number of samples could be included in this investigation. The samples examined do not represent necessarily all the variation? existing in the novaculite, novaculite gravel, and ganister deposits in southern Illinois. However, it is believed that the results of the tests do provide a basic picture of the nature and possible use of these materials in the making of silica brick, and that from the data the effects of variations in the character of the materials can be evaluated. The samples studied were as follows: Novaculite — from a 7-foot exposure of white novaculite with a few scattered light yellow spots, in the NE. \ NW. \ sec. 36, T. 14 S., R. 1 W., near Tamms, Illinois. Novaculite gravel — pit-run gravel from a 120-foot exposure of reddish gravel in the NE. \ NW. i sec. 36, T. 14 S., R. 1 W., near Tamms, Illinois. Washed novaculite gravel — same as sam- ple above but washed in the laboratory to remove clay and particles finer than 28 mesh. Illinois ganister — mine-run material from a 12-foot exposure in a mine at the W. \ NW. i NE. i sec. 18, T. 14 S., R. 1 W., near Elco, Illinois. Ganister — standard commercial material already ground, from Baraboo, Wisconsin. Used for purposes of comparison. Quartzitic sandstone — pit-run material from a 40-foot exposure in a pit in the SW. J sec. 12, T. 14 S., R. 6 E., near Tansil, Illinois. Tripoli — a commercial product of the Illinois Mineral Company at Elco, Illinois. PREVIOUS WORK ON SILICA REFRACTORIES Many reports on silica and its use in man- ufacturing refractories have been published. The earliest extensive study of the tempo- rary and permanent volume changes which silica undergoes upon heating (see fig. 1) [9] 10 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE was made by Fenner. 2 The significance to the industry of the fundamental research by LeChatelier, Sosman, McDowell, and oth- ers appears in any serious discussion of the material and its uses at high temperatures. The manner of the changes has been dis- closed but the rates of change are not so well known, although we recognize that they are dependent upon the specific raw material used, its grain size, and the nature and the amount of impurities or additions of chemical agents used. 500 1000 TEMPERATURE- DEGREES C Fig. 1. — Low temperature inversions of silica: C, cristobalite ; T, tridymite ; Q, quartz. RAW MATERIALS FOR SILICA REFRACTORIES In the choice of raw materials for silica refractories, the main points considered are chemical purity, size of grain obtainable, and the magnitude of increase in volume upon heating. For the manufacture of silica brick, the natural rock should contain at least 97 per- cent of silica and should not yield too fine a powder upon crushing. According to many writers, the order of merit of the natural forms of silica is given as chalcedony, old quartzites, and vein quartz. Quartz schists, sandstone, and sand are considered unsuit- able, the first two on account of their struc- ture and the presence of many impurities in the form of inclusions, and the latter two on account of their variability in composition and their excessive fineness after grinding. The Illinois novaculite, which was the material under investigation, is a type of rock composed of a form of silica some- times described as chalcedony. It has a cryptocrystalline structure and the individ- ual crystals have mean diameters of 0.05 to 0.10 microns. 3 It is possible that a small amount of opaline is present. Minute quartz crystals are admixed with the chal- cedony. It is well known to technologists familiar with the silica minerals that the cryptocrystalline variety, when heated at high temperature, is readily transformed, that is inverted, into the more useful cris- tobalite or tridymite. The Findling's "quartzite" of continental Europe, which has been a very important raw material for the silica brick industry of that area, is a cryptocrystalline silica. Ross 4 found that chert from Indiana, when strongly heated, showed density changes due to inversion which were regarded by him as favorable indications of the value of the material for silica brick. Program of Work The objective of this investigation was to discover whether Illinois novaculite could be used satisfactorily for the manufacture of silica brick and similar refractories. As the chemical and petrographic characteris- tics indicated that it should be suitable, and possibly superior to the siliceous rock ordi- narily employed, it was necessary to study certain physical properties such as the crush- ing characteristics, the packing of the crushed rock, and the rates and complete- ness of the inversions which accompanied the use of several bonding agents or fluxes. The crushing characteristics are impor- tant because they influence the mechanical strength and porosity of the finished brick or other forms. Silica refractories are unlike the clay refractories in several particulars. Clay undergoes progressive vitrification and therefore the porosity decreases with in- creased firing temperature, but silica brick does not show such a change until it has reached and passed its maximum safe-firing 2 Fenner, C. N., Stability relations of the silica minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 36, p. 339, 1913. 3 The micron is 10 -4 millimeter or 0.000,001 m. 4 Ross, Donald W., Silica refractories: U. S. Bur. Stand- ards Tech. Paper No. 116, 1919. CRUSHING CHARACTERISTICS 11 temperature, then it collapses rather quickly. The maximum mechanical strength and minimum porosity of a refractory depend largely upon the relative proportions of the several sizes and shapes of the crushed rock used. The crushed rock was screened into "coarse", "medium", and "fine" fractions, and experiments were made to determine what proportions of the various sizes or fractions should be used to obtain a mixture that would yield brick having the maximum mechanical strength and minimum porosity. The "packing" experiments are described in detail on pages 13-20. The bonding agent also referred to as flux, is more important for its reaction in promoting the inversion of the chert to the most useful type of crystalline silica rather than for its actual bonding effect, and the amount is strictly limited to the minimum percentage required, usually two or three percent. Larger amounts react to diminish the refractoriness of the product. Clay, which is a most useful bonding material, cannot be used for this reason. The few agents which are practicable as accelerators are chosen because of their low cost and efficiency. The research having defined the condi- tions of crushing to yield the desired grain sizes, the most suitable proportions of these sizes to furnish the minimum voids when the grains were packed together, the mechanical strengths of such mixtures, and the effects of various bonds or accelerators, the final phase of the work consisted of making samples of standard 9-inch brick, firing them, and comparing their physical properties with those of commercial silica brick. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The investigation was done under the supervision of Professor Cullen W. Parme- lee of the Department of Ceramic Engineer- ing of the University of Illinois, with the assistance of Dr. Cameron G. Harman of the Survey staff. Crushing Characteristics screen analysis of novaculite reduced in laboratory smooth rolls The rock was reduced to 1]4 inches and finer in a jaw crusher and then put through small laboratory smooth rolls, adjusted as follows : (g-2) — rolls about 1/8 inch apart. (g-3) — rolls touching. (g-4) — rolls about 3/32 inch apart. (g-5) — rolls about 1/16 inch apart. (g-6) — midway between g-4 and g-5. The screen analysis of these grinds is shown in table 1. Table 1. — Screen Analysis of Novaculite Reduced in Smooth Rolls Grind Number Sieve mesh a g- -2 g- -3 g-4 g- -5 g-6 % Cum. % % Cum. % % Cum. % % Cum. % % Cum. % Plus 8 . . . . 40.6 40.6 4.4 4.4 37.9 37.9 24.9 29.4 8 to 10. . 8.0 48.6 2.5 6.9 9.7 47.6 4.5 4.5 13.0 42.4 10 to 14. . 18.2 66.8 16.8 23.7 20.9 68.5 17.3 21.8 21.5 63.9 14 to 28.. 13.6 80.4 33.1 56.8 14.4 82.9 36.7 58.5 16.1 80.0 28 to 48.. 6.5 86.9 16.7 73.5 6.3 89.2 11.9 70.4 6.8 86.8 48 to 100. 3.0 89.9 8.9 82.4 3.3 92.5 10.4 80.8 3.6 90.4 100 to 200. 2.8 92.7 5.6 88.0 2.3 94.7 6.7 87.5 4.0 94.4 Minus 200. 9.3 100.0 12.0 100.0 5.2 99.9 12.6 100.1 6.0 100.4 a All screening analyses were made with Tyler Standard Screen Scale Sieves. 12 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE 15 20 25 30 TIME OF GRINDING - MINUTES Fig. 2. — Rate of grinding of novaculite ; 125-lb. charge in 5-foot wet pan. Curves represent per- centage of material on the sieve indicated. PACKING CHARACTERISTICS 13 Table 2. — Screen Analysis of Mine-run Novaculite Gravel Ground Dry in a Wet Pan Grindir ig Time Sieve mesh 10 Min. 15 Min. 20 Min. 27 Min. 35 Min. % Cum. % % Cum. % % Cum. % % Cum. % % Cum. % Plus 6 . . . . 6 to 8... 8 to 10.. 10 to 14.. 14 to 28.. 28 to 48.. 48 to 100. 100 to 200. Minus 200. 39.6 10.5 26.6 5.5 5.0 2.7 1.8 1.8 6.5 39.6 50.1 76.7 82.2 87.2 89.9 91.7 93.5 100.0 35.1 9.4 3.9 10.7 10.3 6.4 4.7 8.7 10.5 35.1 44.5 48.7 59.1 69.4 75.8 80.5 89.2 99.7 26.5 10.2 3.7 11.7 11.7 7.7 6.2 111 11.3 26.5 36.7 40.4 52.1 68.3 71.5 77.7 88.8 100.1 19.0 11.8 4.3 11.4 12.8 8.8 7.3 16.0 8.1 19.0 30.8 35.6 47.0 59.8 68.6 75.9 91.9 100.0 15.7 10.1 5.3 11.3 12.9 9.9 8.5 16.6 9.8 15.7 25.8 31.1 42.4 55.3 65.2 73.7 90.3 100.1 SCREEN ANALYSIS OF NOVACULITE REDUCED IN A WET PAN Novaculite was broken in a large jaw crusher, then 125-pound charges were put into a 5-foot wet pan and ground dry. Samples were taken for screen analysis at the end of 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 min- utes, 27 minutes, and 35 minutes. The results of this test are shown in table 2 and figure 2. EXPERIMENTS WITH PACKING CRUSHED NOVACULITE The particle-size distribution has a very marked influence upon the physical proper- ties of the brick. In general, the denser the packing, the stronger the final product. For maximum resistance to spalling, the balance between elasticity and mechanical strength must be correct, and these properties are both largely dependent upon the particle- size grading. It was therefore important to learn the manner in which the packed density varied with grain-size distribution. Packing Characteristics of Three Grain-Size Mixtures method A preliminary study of the packing char- acteristics of crushed novaculite was deter- mined by a method similar to that used by Westman and Hugill. 5 Briefly it consisted of a capsule for holding a known weight of the sized grains whose volume could be cal- culated at any time during the test from the known internal dimensions of the container and the measured height of the sample there- in. This capsule containing the sample was placed in an apparatus where it could be sub- jected to any desired number of impacts of a controlled magnitude. Measurements of the volume of the grains in the capsule were taken after each series of 500 impacts, and the minimum volume and closest packing were considered to be reached when there was no further reduction on repeated shak- ing. RESULTS The results of packing these fractions are shown in table 3 and figure 3 where the values plotted are the ratios of the bulk volumes to the true volumes. The lines on the diagram represent mixtures which pack with the same volume of voids. From the plotted data it may be seen that the sample containing 50 percent coarse fraction, 25 percent medium fraction and 25 percent fine fraction represents the densest packing mix- ture of this system. In silica brick, particle-size distributions must be made which yield the most satisfac- tory balance of properties. This may be done only by trial. These grain-size studies were made in order to simplify practice for studies where control of grain size was nec- essary. 5 Westman, A. E. R., and Hugill, H. R., The packing of particles: Jour. Am. Ceramic Soc, vol. 13. pp. 767-779, 1930. 14 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE Tabi -Packing of Different Precentages of Three Grain Size: Grain size — Screen mesh (percent) Packed Vol. Percent True Vol. voids Through Through Through 8 on 10 28 on 48 200 50 50 1.43 37.5 25 75 1.49 32.8 75 25 1.40 28.2 25 75 1.54 35.2 •• 75 25 1.52 33.3 50 50 1.42 29.5 75 25 1.62 38.2 50 50 1.60 37.5 25 75 1.63 38.9 100 1.77 43.7 100 1.77 43.8 100 1.63 38.8 70 15 15 1.44 30.5 50 25 25 1.29 22.5 40 30 30 1.34 25.6 60 20 20 1.39 27.9 50 20 30 1.32 24.3 50 15 35 1.33 24.8 50 30 20 1.33 24.7 45 30 25 1.31 23.9 45 25 30 1.30 23.1 55 20 25 1.33 24.8 55 25 20 1.34 25.7 Packing of Many Sizes Under Various Pressures Data obtained from packing of these sizes gives information for proportioning grains to yield well packed bodies, but in practice such "gap gradings"" are not desir- able. Instead "continuous" gradings are preferred. In addition the brick are formed by applying force, in some manner, to the mass being molded, which may influence the choice of grading. The packing of three sizes just described is useful by way of fur- nishing a starting point for a study of more detailed distributions. To make these tests, samples of well mixed mine-run novaculite gravel and selected novaculite w r ere placed in a mold and pressed. The mold was the same one used in preparing thermal expansion speci- mens, and is described below. (See fig. 8.) The volumes of the specimens were deter- mined by measuring the height of the pis- ton with a 1/1000 inch gage after applica- tion of pressure. The grain-size gradings studied are shown in table 4. The percentage of voids in the samples after packing are tabulated in table 5. These samples were packed with 2\/i cc. water per 25-gram sample. PACKING OF MANY SIZES 15 FINE (1.63; COARSE - THROUGH 8 ON 10 MESH MEDIUM - THROUGH 28 ON 48 MESH FINE - THROUGH 200 MESH FIGURES ON CHART ARE THE RATIO OF BULK VOLUME TO TRUE VOLUME . .3Z\/\30\/L34\ COARSE (1.77) MEDIUM (1.77 ) Fig. 3. — Packing of novaculite grains of three sizes. P-l is the mix that packed to maximum density in the three-sieve size mixture as shown in figure 3. Another test was made in which the novaculite finer than 200-mesh was replaced by an equal quantity of com- mercial tripoli. This tripoli is much finer in average grain size than the novaculite, averaging 200-mesh or finer in size. The results are given under P-2 in table 5. At 1000 pounds per square inch, P-l packed to 28.4 percent voids, while at the same pressure, P-2 packed to 18.6 percent voids. At pressures of 2000 to 2500 pounds per square inch there was little difference in the degree to which these two mixtures packed. Further increase of pressure increased the density of P-2 at a greater rate than that of P-l. 16 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE Table 4. — Grain-size Distributions Used in Pressure Packing Tests In weight percent Made from Mine-run Novaculite Gravel Screen mesh Weight percent by mix number P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-9 6 to 8 23 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 23 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 io 15 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 8 7 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 16 "l 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 23 27.6 8 to 10 10 to 14 10.6 14 to 20 11.8 20 to 28 9 28 to 48 10.5 48 to 100 5.5 100 to 200 3.5 Minus 200 (novaculite) 7.5 Minus 200 (tripoli) 15.0 P-10 P-ll P-12 P-14 P-15 P-16 6 to 8 41.8 10.6 7.1 14.1 7.1 3.8 2.3 5.1 17.4 4.4 2.5 16.8 33.1 16.1 8.9 5.6 12.0 3.9 2.2 14.8 21.2 16~3 8.7 5.5 11.7 7.8 13.1 8.8 17.9 16.2 14.1 7.8- 5.4 11.6 5.3 30.2 19.8 14.8 7.0 3.3 3.1 7.4 14.4 28.1 8 to 10 10 to 14 14 to 20 20 to 48 28 to 48 48 to 100 100 to 200 21.9 15.1 6.5 3.4 2.3 Minus 200 (novaculite) 5.5 Minus 200 (tripoli) 17.2 Made from Selected Novaculite P-l P-2 P-17 P-19 P-20 P-21 6 to 8 50 25 25 50 25 25 23 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 15 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 8 7 7 7 6 7 13 13 14 10 16 8 to 10 7 10 to 14 7 14 to 20 20 to 28 28 to 48 48 to 100 100 to 200 6 7 13 13 14 Minus 200 (novaculite) 10 Minus 200 (tripoli) 23 The mixtures shown in table 4 as P-9 to P-16 are of rocks crushed in the rolls as described above. P-ll (tables 4 and 5) is the same as g-3 in table 1. P-10 was pro- duced from this by adding enough coarse to bring this fraction to about 50 percent and by adding sufficient tripoli to bring the fines to 25 percent. The result was a decided decrease in the volume of the voids. At 1000 pounds per square inch, P-ll had 24.8 percent voids, and at the same pressure the adjusted mix, P-10, had 16.0 percent voids. Other mixes, P-9 to P-16, showed the variations that might be expected from a variety of different grain-size mixtures. Novaculite may be ground in a wet pan so that the cumulative percent of particles coarser than any screen is a linear function of the logarithm of the width of the screen opening (fig. 4). In order to test the PACKING OF MANY SIZES 17 120 Fig. 4. — Graph illustrating the type of grain-size variation for packing experiments. effect of the finest and coarsest fractions of grain sizes for this type of distribution, mixes P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, and P-7 were made. The distribution of the sizes used are shown in table 4 and figure 4. These mixes were made from mine-run novacu- lite gravel which contains about 2 percent clay. P-3 may be considered as the base mix, in which the 6- to 8-mesh material was replaced by Illinois tripoli to produce P-5, P-6 and P-7. The results of packing this material are shown in table 5 and figure 5. These data showed that for this type of par- ticle-size distribution, the conditions for minimum voids at pressures of less than 4000 pounds per square inch was about 19 per- cent through 200-mesh. This also implied about 14 percent 6- to 8-mesh material. The series P-17, P-19, P-20, and P-21 were made of clear white novaculite which was free from clay. The purpose of this series was to determine the effect of clay upon the wet packing of grains. This series had the same screen analysis as the P-3 to P-7 series. The data on this series of mixes has been plotted in figure 6. A com- 18 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE Ih a c X CN Oh ^o om» ih «vo co co n ^- 1 os oovinno^oor^'vO-* tL oor^cOCN— iOOsOsl^>sO Oh ^O'O'OMrt^O^H to i-H 00 1^. \D >o to CO rt O cs O'HOOCNXin^cNOI^ COON^"tCOCNrHOK) (MCSrHrtHHriHH OS ^CJOoovOwrtco-HO CNtNCNMrtHHrHHrt os^OTfco~HOsr^*>o-'fcN rSCNtNCNCNrHrtrHrHrt GO oL osi-Hi^cNOsosoor-Hr-~r^ >^1 •* CN rH o\ 00 r^ ^0 ■+ CO _3 "o > Osr-CN\0-JO ^ 't-tONN^i'CNr- 1 OS OO Oh OO • CN CN uo OS vO CN •<*< OO ■<*< •OO^O'^CN.-hOS^OIO > O 1 O • CN ■* O ^O ^ CN O VO vo ■Tt'CN^Ooor^vO'o os OS •.— iVDCOi-HOOVOOCO 1— 1 ^UTtCOcN-HOC^ CN ■ t— 1 r-t »— 1 t-i i-H 1— 1 1— 1 Oh CO CN ■* x t^ ^ ■* rH CO ^ ^osr^^-^cocN^HOoo C^,—!,— 1,-Ht— 1,-H,— 1,— 1,— 1 ol Os^DOOCOOOOs^OvOvO r-u->cocN— iooor^^Dio Oh O^oovoosososr^osr— iocNOoor^\ow->TticocN Oh LOCXSOSO-fCNvOTfcor^ ooN»o'*cNr- iosoor^vo CO Oh CN CO CO •* CN r^- ■* C^ On CN OO v O-^CNi-HOSOOW~>TfTfri c £— 1400 °c Ip— 1400 • c F-l 3 r -l3 MD (1 1280° C p— 1100° < BOTH 5 3% S F- 13 Rl PECIMENS ODIUM TU [PRESENT. CONTAIN NGSTATE 5 THE FIRST FIRING F-13 MD HAS BEEN PRE- VIOUSLY FIRED 12 HOURS AT 920 ° C r ■> 50 250 3 0-. 100 150 200 TIME - MINUTES Fig. 16. — Effect of the use of sodium tungstate on the rate of inversion of novaculite. 920° C. for 12 hours. A similar sample after the same heat treatment had a density of 2.52, showing that some inversion had already taken place. This curve shows how the inversion decreases with time of heating at a given temperature. The sam- ple was held at 1 100° C. for about 125 min- utes, then raised to 1280° C. At each tem- perature the expansion was rapid at first and gradually became progressively slower. 34 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE I .5 I O z U 0.5 z 2-0.5 z < 0_ X -I .0 I .5 A A r i F-3 f-3, : 3% CALCIL JM BORAT E 1400° C 50 100 150 200 TIME - MINUTES 350 Fig. 17.— Effect of use of calcium borate on the rate of inversion of novaculite. CALCIUM BORATE When the flux used was 3 percent crys- tallised calcium borate an excessive shrink- age occurred above 700° C, an example of which is shown in figure 17. This speci- men showed a net increase in length during firing of less than 0.4 percent. BORAX The effects of 3 percent borax on the rate of inversion to cristobalite at 1400° C, at 1300° C, and at 1200° C. is shown in fig- ure 18. The borax was added to sample F-8 in solution. F-8A contained 80-mesh fused borax, and sample F-8B, 240-mesh fused borax. A comparison of the curves in figure 18 with those in figure 16 show that borax produced greater acceleration of the inversion than sodium tungstate. Sample F-8 was almost completely inverted before the temperature had reached 1400° C. Afterwards at a constant temperature of 1400° a small continuous shrinkage occurred. F-8B was held at a constant tem- perature of 1300° C, and the inversion proceeded about as rapidly as at 1400° C. EFFECT OF VARIOUS FLUXES 35 5.5 Fig. 1 150 200 250 TIME - MINUTES Effect of the use of borax on the rate of inversion of novaculite. 300 There was also a small shrinkage at con- stant temperature. Sample F-8A was held at 1200° C. and the specimen ceased to expand at the end of about one hour at this temperature. The inversion must have been complete, as no further expansion was observed when the temperature was raised to 1400° C. The density of this sample was found to be 2.29, showing lower density than any of the other samples in table 8. 36 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE 150 200 TIME - MINUTES Fig. 19. — Effect of the use of ferric oxide on the rate of inversion of novaculite. IRON OXIDE Figure 19 shows the effect of the iron oxide upon the rate of inversion. Sample F-4 contained 3 percent pulverized c.p. Fe 2 3 . Sample F-4A was prepared by add- ing the 3 percent Fe 2 0, as precipitated Fe(OH) 3 . The precipitated iron was much more effective. MIXED FLUXES Sample F-21 (fig. 20) was composed of 1.5 percent fused borax, 0.6 percent CaO as Ca(OH) 2 in solution, and 0.6 percent Fe.,0 3 as c.p. iron oxide, making a total of 2.7 percent fluxes. The rate of inversion was very great but not equal to that when borax alone was used (fig. 18). EFFECT OF VARIOUS FLUXES 37 150 200 TIME - MINUTES Fig. 20. — Effect of the use of mixed fluxes on the rate of inversion of novaculite. 350 The fluxes in samples F-24 and F-25 were prepared according to Salmang. 7 Sample F-24 contained 2 percent CaO as Ca ( OH ) 2 + 1.5 percent Fe 2 O s as precipitated Fe (OH) 3 + 1.5 percent Na 2 as Na 2 CO a . Salmang added the flux in an insoluble form, which is to be preferred. F-25 was the same as F-24, except the amount of the flux was 3 percent instead of 5 percent. 'Salmang, H. and Wentz, B. f Ber. Deut. Keram. Ges., 12, 1, 1, 1931. 38 PROPERTIES OF NOVACULITE 4 .0 3 .0 Z z o z X Ld I 5 f- ; -JL~-*r—~—< F-23 F-26 1 1 J' — 1150 < >-H400 ( F-22 F- 23 F- 26 3% FUSED (1^2. Ba +lj/ 2 B 2 3 1 l / z % Fe z 3 AS PRECIPITATED Fe (OH) 3 + l>2% BaO AS PRECIPITATED Ba(0H) 2 1/4% BaO AS BaCO 3 +09% Fe z 3 AS PRECIPITATED F _l D S- = 4.oe -c . 04 4 P S= SCREEN OPENING IN MM P= CUMULATIVE PERCENT COARSER THAN S / ■)/ o / 50% 6-32MESH 25% 32-100 MESH O 24 / > 25% - IUU 1\ icon O to 8 10 14 28 48 100 2 00 325 SCREEN OPENING - MM. (TYLER MESH) Fig. 23. — Distribution of particle size on grinding mine-run novaculite. 140 lbs. ground 40 minutes in wet pan (dry) ; tailings (on 6-mesh) 8.7 percent. Preliminary Small-Scale Tests on Fabricated Samples preparation of test samples Grain size. — The rock was ground in a wet pan until the distribution of sizes was that shown in figure 23. The same grad- ing was obtained from both the mine-run novaculite gravel and selected novaculite. Fine clay was present in the mine-run novac- ulite gravel but not in the selected novacu- lite. This grain sizing was chosen because it produced a good dense brick and because it could be easily duplicated. The correct grading for commercial use would have to be obtained by trial, in additional experi- ments. PRELIMINARY TESTS 41 Table 8. — Compressive Strengths of Novaculite Briquets \}/i by 134 BY ^-Vi Inches Number Material Bond Compressive strengths — lb. per sq. in. Test 1 Test 2 Fired in No. 1 re- fired in No. 2 Test 3 OM OP P-ll P-12 P-l 1-3M M-4 P-5 M-6 P-7 P-8 M-15 M-16 P-l 7 M-19 X Mine-run**. Selected f. . . Selected. . . . Selected. . . . Selected. . . . Mine-run. . . Mine-run. . . Selected. . Mine-run. Selected. . Selected. . Mine-run. Mine-run Selected Mine-run From Commercial brick None None l%CaO 2%CaO 3%CaO 3% CaO 2M% CaO+^ 8 % BaO+^% Fe 2 3 \y 2 % BaO+13^% Fe 2 3 2%CaO+l%FB10* 2%CaO+l%FB10* 2% CaO+13^% Fe 2 Oa+lM% Na 2 3% Feldspar... 3% Anna Kaolin l%CaO+l%FB10* !K%BaO+l^%B 2 3 1100 590 1260 1570 2020 1750 1890 1970 1770 1360 870 1030 2600 1300 610 1840 2040 2680 2650 2980 3450 2500 1930 1420 1280 640 1900 2100 2660 2230 2700 3570 2380 1000 1400 2710 1960 820 950 1200 1600 1120 2860 2350 1930 2020 1670 1750 1910 *FB10 was prepared by fusing the following mixture: 130 grams BaC03, 177 grams H3BO3, and 100 grams Fe 2 03. **Mine-run novaculite gravel. fNovaculite. Mixing of the bond with silica. — Ten pounds of batch was put in a bucket and the bond (in aqueous suspension) was poured on the same. The whole was made to a good slop-mold consistency by stirring for twenty minutes. Forming the test pieces. — A wooden mold was used in which six I14 by l 1 /^ by 21/2- inch test specimens could be formed by throwing the wet mix into the mold with considerable force. The excess was then struck off with a spatula and the briquets were removed by inverting the mold and taking it apart. Bonding agents used. — Various bonds, shown in table 8, were used in order to determine their effect on the cold compres- sive strength of the fired briquets. Each bonding material (table 8) was mixed as a slurry and added in the proper quan- tity. Since it was not believed possible to obtain as good mixing in the small quanti- ties used as would be obtained in a wet pan, 3 percent of the flux was used instead of the customary 2 percent. Firing the samples. — The samples were fired in the laboratory test kilns according to heating schedules shown in figure 24. From inspection of samples after ther- mal expansion tests it was evident that the greatest cause of weakness in novaculite bricks was the too rapid inversion to cristobalite. Trials were made to deter- mine the temperature limits at which this inversion should take place. The rather rapid increases in temperature to cone 14 in firings Nos. 1 and 2 were made with the idea that if inversion were substantially complete, it would not weaken the brick. If much uninverted quartz remained, the brick would have been "punky" and weak. TESTING THE FIRED SAMPLES Compressive strength tests. — Cold com- pressive strengths were determined on the 1 14 by 1 14 by 2j/£ inch samples. The ends were set in plaster and the samples were broken in a hydraulic press. Density measurements. — The densities of many of the samples were determined in order to obtain an index of the amount of 42 PROPERTIES OF N OVA CU LITE \\ 1/ sj LL Z c 1 > (f)\ / \_ o o ^"v. o \ 28 29 30 31 POROSITY OF UNFIRED BRICK - PERCENT Fig. 28. — Porosity of unfired brick versus modulus of rupture of fired brick. 'I able 16.— Data on 9-inch Novaculite Brick Fired in Commercial Kiln Change during firing Porosity Modulus Brick No. Bond Density after of Material rupture Length Volume Unfired Fired firing lb. per % % % % sq. in. Novaculite crude gravel CM-0 None 4.1 13.2 25.6 339 Novaculite crude gravel CM-2 2.0% CaO 2.7 33.5 2.33 271 Massive novaculite. . CP-2 2.0% CaO 3.1 9.4 28.3 27.2 2.32 779 Massive novaculite. . CP-3 3.0% CaO 3.5 9.5 28.0 26.9 2.30 754 Massive novaculite. . CP-7 2.0% CaO + 1% FB 3.1 9.1 10 27.6 27.6 2.30 829 Quartzite sandstone. QS 3% CaO 5.0 15.0 724 Washed novaculite gravel WN-I 2% CaO 2.6 8.0 26.5 24.5 839 Washed novaculite gravel WN-II 3% CaO 2.8 8.4 26.9 25.8 732 Washed novaculite gravel WN-III 3% CaO 3.0 9.0 26.4 25.3 664 Washed novaculite gravel 485 3% CaO 1.6 4.9 25.1 24.8 2.29 1037 Commercial brick made from quartzite 791 POROSITY CHANGES 53 tween these two extremes in porosity, are likewise intermediate in their modulus of rupture values. There is a rough relationship between the modulus of rupture and the correspond- ing porosities (unfired) of all the 9-inch experimental bonded novaculite brick. The porosity of the unfired brick has been plot- ted against the modulus of rupture of the fired brick in figure 28. In these brick, the CaO varied between 2.0 and 3.0 percent. They were all given the same heat treat- ment during firing. These data show that the raw porosity, or factors which influence the porosity of unfired silica brick, will, under the influence of the same firing treat- ment, exert a predominating influence on the strength of the brick. The effect of the amount of CaO used as a bond may be ob- served by comparing CP-2 with CP-3 and WN-I with W-II. The only difference between CP-2 and CP-3 and between WN-I and WN-I I, in the raw state, was the amount of CaO, as may be seen from tables 15 and 16. CP-2 with 2 percent CaO was stronger than CP-3 which had 3 percent CaO, and WN-I with 2 percent CaO was stronger than WN-II containing 3 percent CaO. It is evident from these data that increasing the lime from 2 to 3 percent decreased the strength under the given firing conditions. A similar compar- ison may be made between brick WN-II and brick WN-III. The only difference between these brick is that the maximum grain of brick was 8-mesh, whereas in brick WN-II it was 6-mesh. The lime content was 3 percent in each case. Under the same firing conditions, the effect of increasing the flux content was the same as reducing the maximum grain size. The rate of inversion of silica was hastened by increasing the flux content and also increased by decreasing the grain size. Too fast inversion of silica caused weakening of the structure of the brick. This suggests that brick such as CP-3, WN-II and WN-III, could be im- proved by a slower rate of temperature in- crease in the early part of the inversion period (about 1100° to 1150° C). Brick No. 485 apparently does not follow these rules, since it is the finest grained mixture and is also composed of 3 percent CaO. No batch of this grain size grading was made using 2 percent CaO, so it cannot be said whether the higher strength in this case would result from the 2 percent or 3 percent lime bond. It probably would be decreased by decreasing the amount of bond, because the great decrease in the grain size had no adverse influence on the strength of the brick. In former experi- ments it was noted that rapid inversion caused pronounced swelling and cracking in specimens which contained coarse grains, but this did not happen when the speci- mens contained no coarse grains. DEFORMATION UNDER LOAD AT HIGH TEMPERATURES Bricks CP-2 and CP-3 were heated to 1500°C under a load of 25 pounds per square inch, according to the A.S.T.M. method. After this treatment the brick had increased in length 0.03 percent. POROSITY CHANGES DURING FIRING The porosity, both in the fired and un- fired brick, was computed from the true densities and the exterior volumes of the specimens. In every case there was a decrease in porosity due to firing. The porosity was usually about one percent less atter firing than before. The difference in bulk volumes before and after firing was less than theoretical. The volume changes of the various specimens varied between 8 and 9 percent of the per- manent exterior volume expansion from un- fired to fired condition. The true-volume expansion was about 15 percent. This means that there was some sort of shrink- age taking place which counteracted part of the expansion due to inversion. It is interesting to compare the volume changes shown in table 16 of brick WN-I, WN-II, and WN-III. No. WN-I with 2.0 percent CaO, had a bulk volume expan- sion of 8.0 percent and a transverse strength of 839 pounds per square inch. WN-11, differing from WN-I only in its CaO con- tent, had an exterior expansion of 8.4 per- cent and a modulus of 732. WN-III, simi- 54 PROPERTIES OF SILICA BRICK l_ 10 o z o ? 0.6 a. x 0.2 CP-2 NOVACULI COARSE GR CM- ^ \ A TE 5-*l NOVACUL MINE R NO BOI ^ "^ x COMMERCIAL BAR ABOO JN / f" 485 X NOVACULITE FINE GRAIN \ WN- NO\ INT " ST - 1 'ACULITE ERMEDIATE ANDARD" GRAIN SL IE ' * I 1 600 800 I0O0 TEMPERATURE - DEGREES C Fig. 29. — Thermal expansion, percent length versus temperature. lar to WN-II but of smaller maximum grain size, had still higher volume expan- sion and lower strength. This is in accord with the conclusion that reduction in strength is caused by rapid inversion pro- moted by increasing the flux content or de- creasing the grain size. Brick 485 increased only 4.9 percent by volume during firing. This small volume increase remains unaccounted for, unless it be assumed to be characteristic of the material. MICROSTRUCTURE The coarse grains are composed of very small crystals of cristobalite. Only rarely was any quartz observed. Some quartz was found in the center of grains that were larger than J inch in diameter. In cross- sections made from WN-I, WN-II, WN- III, and 485, no quartz was found. The coarse grains were all cristobalite, while in the groundmass, where the fine silica was in contact with lime, good tridymite development was noted. The tridymite crystals were developed much better in brick 485 than in any other, and much better in the WN brick than in the CP brick. Novaculite brick were consistently lower in quartz content than quartzite brick. The CP brick were rather coarse grained, with a high percentage of very coarse grains and a deficiency of fines. These brick were rather poor in tridymite and rich in cristobalite, and almost free of quartz. A peculiarity noted in the microstructure of the novaculite brick was the presence of THERMAL EXPANSION 55 fine spherical specks in the larger grains which had inverted to cristobalite. These specks appeared to be small pores which presumably are related to the slightly porous nature of the raw novaculite. THERMAL EXPANSION The thermal expansion of some experi- mental novaculite brick and a commercial quartzite brick are shown in figure 29. Brick CP-2 was a coarse-grained brick composed almost entirely of cristobalite. CM-O was an unbonded brick made from crushed mine-run novaculite gravel. Brick WN-I has a thermal expansion very simi- lar to that of a typical commercial brick. No. 485 had a definitely lower thermal ex- pansion than the commercial quartzite brick used for comparison. Under the same firing treatment, the thermal expansion decreases with decreasing grain size. Conclusions The compact massive novaculite is of sufficient purity to make a high grade silica brick, and may be crushed to yield desirable distribution of grain sizes. The novaculite gravel may easily be washed to remove the associated clay, after which it has proper- ties similar to the massive pure rock. The strength of fired silica brick depend largely upon the manner in which the brick is made. The grain-size distribution of the siliceous material determines the density to which the mass can be packed, has an important influence upon the strength of the resulting fired brick, and influences the thermal expansion by fixing the ratio of cristobalite to tridymite. The transverse strengths of fired silica brick are roughly proportional to their corresponding poros- ites in the unfired state. Too rapid inver- sion of novaculite causes a weakening of the brick. This may be influenced by the grain size, the amount of bond, or the manner of firing. Novaculite with the same particle grading and same CaO content as commercial quartzite brick yield about the same type of brick as the commercial quart- zite. Novaculite should be fired a little more slowly than the quartzite in the early stages of the inversion. High quality brick were obtained when novaculite was fired according to standard commercial silica brick practice. Novaculite brick have a smaller exterior overall expansion than quartzite brick. When made with a maximum grain size of 6-mesh and with 2 percent CaO, the over-all expansion was 8.0 by volume. With a maximum grain size of 10-mesh and 3 percent CaO the over-all expansion was 4.9 percent by volume. This small expan- sion has been ascribed to a shrinkage of the novaculite itself. Better brick were made when fine grained material was used. The extremely fine fraction may be added as Illinois tripoli. For best results with novaculite, it is recommended that a mix similar to the one designated as No. 485 be used. Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 117 1946